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[ Location: Sky Box ]
Clarke (thoughts): I feel the sun on my face. I see trees all around me, scent of wildflowers on a breeze. It's so beautiful. In this moment, I'm not stranded in space. It's been 97 years since a nuclear apocalypse k*lled everyone on Earth, leaving the planet simmering in radiation. Fortunately, there were survivors. 12 nations had operational space stations at the time of the b*mb. There is now only The Ark, one station forged from the many. We're told the Earth needs another 100 years to become survivable again. 4 more space-locked generations, and man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream. This is reality.
Guard: Prisoner 319, face the wall.
Clarke (thoughts): Reality sucks.
Clarke: What is this?
Guard: Quiet. Hold out your right arm.
Clarke: No. No. It's not my time. I don't turn 18 for another month.
Guard: Hold out your arm.
Clarke (thoughts): On The Ark, every crime, no matter how small, is punishable by death - unless you're under 18.
Guard: Your watch.
Clarke: No. It was my father's.
Guard: Take it off.
Clarke: No.
Guard: Hey!
Clarke: No.
Clarke (thoughts): Juvenile offenders get put here -- lockup. We call it the Sky Box.
Guard: Prisoner 319.
Abigail Griffin (Clarke's Mother): Clarke, stop. Wait here.
Clarke: Mom? Mom, what's going on? What is this?
Guard (to another prisoner): Come on. Let's go.
Clarke: They're k*lling us all, aren't they, reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?
Abigail Griffin: Clarke, you are not being ex*cuted. You're being sent to the ground, all 100 of you.
Clarke: What? But it's not safe. No. No. We get reviewed at 18.
Abigail Griffin: The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first, just like your father, but be careful. I can't lose you, too. I love you so much.
(Guard uses tranquilizing g*n on Clarke)
Abigail Griffin: Earth, Clarke. You get to go to Earth.
[ Location: Drop Ship ]
Wells: Welcome back. Look.
Clarke: Wells, why the hell are you here?
Wells: When I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested. I came for you.
Clarke: What was that?
Wells: That was the atmosphere.
Chancellor Jaha (via TV screen): Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable.
Random Prisoner: Your dad is a dick, Wells.
Chancellor Jaha: If, however, you do survive, those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean.
[ Location: The Ark ]
Parents: I saw a ship launch not more than 20 minutes ago. Who was on it? Was it the prisoners? They're just kids. Are they going to Earth? Has something changed?
Callie Cartwig: Folks, as I said, at this time, we cannot confirm or deny anything.
Parents: Come on, lady! Is my son on that ship.
[ Location: Drop Ship ]
Chancellor Jaha: The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last w*r, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years. No one ever made it there. Because we spare you no food, or water, or medicine, I cannot stress strongly enough, that Mount Weather is life.
Prisoners: Spacewalk bandit strikes again. Go, Finn! Check it out.
Finn (to Wells): Your dad floated me, after all.
Wells: You should strap in before the parachutes deploy.
Clarke: Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live.
Chancellor Jaha: You must locate those supplies immediately.
Finn (to Clarke): Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year.
Clarke: You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk.
Finn: But it was fun. I'm Finn.
Chancellor Jaha: Your one responsibility is stay alive.
Clarke: Stay in your seats. Finn, are you okay?
Male: Whoa!
[ Exodus ship ]
Kane: ( to CALLIE ) Not now.
Jackson: Total system failure, that’s what we’re looking at. All we know for sure is that they were off course when we lost contact, so…
Kane: Tell me about communications.
Jackson: Other than the telemetry from their wristbands, we got nothing… No audio, no video, no computer link. Everything that we programmed in to help them is gone. They’re on their own.
[ Exodus ship ]
Wells: Retrorockets ought to have fired by now.
Clarke: Okay. Everything on this ship is a hundred years old, right? Just give it a second.
Wells: Clarke, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m sorry I got your father arrested.
Clarke: Don’t you talk about my father.
Wells: Please, I can’t die knowing that you hate me.
Clarke: They didn’t arrest my father, Wells. They ex*cuted him. I do hate you.
( People shouting )
( Crash )
( Machines stop )
Monty: Listen. No machine hum.
Jasper: Whoa. That’s a first.
( Buckles clicking )
Clarke: Finn, is he breathing?
Male: The outer door is on the lower level. Let’s go.
Clarke: No. We can’t just open the doors.
Bellamy: Hey, just back it up, guys.
Clarke: Stop. The air could be toxic.
Bellamy: If the air is toxic, we’re all d*ad, anyway.
Octavia: Bellamy?
Male: That's the girl they hid under the floor.
Bellamy: My God, look how big you are.
Octavia: What the hell are you wearing, a guard’s uniform?
Bellamy: I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha!
Clarke: Where’s your wristband?
Octavia: Do you mind? I haven’t seen my brother in a year.
Male: No one has a brother.
Female: That’s Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor.
Bellamy: Octavia, Octavia, no. Let’s give them something else to remember you by.
Octavia: Yeah? Like what?
Bellamy: Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years.
Octavia: ( Exhales ) Ah… ( Steps onto Earth ) Uh! We’re back, bitches!
( All cheering )
( Music playing] “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons )
♪ I'm waking up to ash and dust ♪
♪ I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust ♪
♪ I'm breathing in the chemicals ♪
♪ I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus ♪
♪ This is it, the apocalypse ♪
♪ Whoa ♪
♪ I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones ♪
♪ Enough to make my systems blow ♪
♪ Welcome to the new age, to the new age ♪
♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive ♪
♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh... ♪
Finn: Why so serious, Princess? It’s not like we died in a fiery expl*si*n.
Clarke: Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats.
Finn: You don’t like being called Princess, do you, Princess?
Clarke: Do you see that peak over there?
Finn: Yeah.
Clarke: Mount Weather. There’s a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain.
[ The Ark ]
Kane: There it is. We know they’ve landed, but communications are down, which means we’re still blind to conditions on the ground. Thanks to Abby’s wristbands, at least we know how those conditions affect the human body, which is more than we’ve had for a hundred years. So nice work. Now, what are they telling us?
Abby: Two d*ad kids, dark tiles. Dr. Jackson, please share our theory with Councilor Kane.
Jackson: Of course. Granted, they’ve only been on the ground for seven minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not radiation levels.
Abby: Both boys died at the same time that we lost contact with the drop ship.
Kane: Rough landing? That’s your theory?
Abby: The dots connect.
Kane: Would you agree that if it was radiation, we’d see fatalities climb fairly quickly now? Because I’m noticing a lot of red on that board.
Abby: Spiking vital signs, two possibilities, one, injuries sustained during landing.
Kane: And the other?
Abby: They’re excited to be there.
[ The Ground ]
Wells: We got problems. The communications system is d*ad. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires.
Clarke: Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See? Look. This is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive.
Wells: Where’d you learn to do that? Your father.
Jasper: Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I’ll buy you a beer.
Wells: You mind?
Jasper: Whoa.
Male: Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him. He’s with us.
Wells: Relax. We’re just trying to figure out where we are.
Bellamy: We’re on the ground. That not good enough for you?
Wells: We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father’s message. That has to be our first priority.
Octavia: Screw your father. What, you think you’re in charge here, you and your little Princess?
Clarke: Do you think we care who’s in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this’ll be. How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies? We’re looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.
Bellamy: I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change.
Delinquents: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Wells: You’re not listening. We all need to go.
Murphy: Look at this, everybody… The Chancellor of Earth.
Wells: Think that’s funny? Uh!
Clarke: Wells.
Male: Yeah. Come on. Get him.
Wells: No, but that was. All right.
Male: What you gonna do now, Wells?
Murphy: Come on. Come on.
Male: Whoo! Whoo!
Delinquents: Aw. Aw.
Finn: Kid’s got one leg. How about you wait until it’s a fair fight?
Octavia: ( to FINN ) Hey, spacewalker, rescue me next. ( to BELLAMY ) What? He’s cute.
Bellamy: He’s a criminal.
Octavia: They’re all criminals.
Bellamy: Look, O. I came down here to protect you.
Octavia: I don’t need protecting. I have been locked up one way or another all my life. I am done following orders. I need to have fun, Bell. I need to just do something crazy just because I can, and no one, including you, is gonna stop me.
Bellamy: I can’t stay with them, O.
Octavia: Now what are you talking about?
Female: Go find something.
Bellamy: I did something, okay, to get on the drop ship, something that they will k*ll me for when they come down. I can’t say what it is just yet, but you have to trust me. You do still trust me, don’t you?
Octavia: Yeah.
Finn: ( to CLARKE ) So Mount Weather. When do we leave?
Clarke: Right now. We’ll be back tomorrow with food.
Wells: How are the two of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?
Finn: ( Grabs MONTY and JASPER ) Four of us. Can we go now?
Octavia: Sounds like a party. Make it five.
Bellamy: Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Octavia: Going for a walk.
Clarke: ( to FINN ) Hey, were you trying to take this off?
Finn: Yeah. So?
Clarke: So this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they’ll think you’re d*ad.
Finn: Should I care?
Clarke: Well, I don’t know. Do you want the people you love to think you’re d*ad? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won’t if they think we’re dying.
Clarke: Okay! Now let’s go.
Bellamy: Go on.
Octavia: Mwah!
( Sighs )
Clarke: You shouldn’t have come here, Wells.
Octavia: Before you get any ideas, Finn is mine.
Clarke: Before you get any ideas, I don’t care.
[ the Ark: Earth Monitoring Station ]
Callie: Hey, darling, how’s Clarke?
Abby: Her vital signs are strong, blood sugar is low. She hasn’t eaten.
( Telephone rings )
Abby: This is Dr. Griffin. On my way. Jackson, put it out there we need blood… A neg. And a lot of it, and then get your ass to the O.R.
Callie: Abby, what’s wrong?
Abby: The Chancellor has been sh*t.
[ The Ground ]
Jasper: Now, that, my friend, is game.
Monty: That, my friend, is poison sumac.
Octavia: What? It is?
Monty: The flowers aren’t poisonous. They’re medicinal, calming, actually.
Jasper: His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark.
Clarke: Hey, guys, would you try to keep up?
Finn: Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out?
Clarke: Well, it’s simple. I wonder, ‘why haven’t we seen any animals?’ Maybe it’s because there are none. Maybe we’ve already been exposed to enough radiation to k*ll us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on.
Octavia: Someone should slip her some poison sumac.
Jasper: ( Snorts )
Finn: I got to know what you two did to get busted.
Monty: Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean.
Jasper: Someone forget to replace what we took.
Monty: Someone has apologized, like, a thousand times.
Jasper: How about you, Octavia? What'd they get you for?
Octavia: Being born.
Monty: That is so not game.
Finn: No animals, huh?
( Snap )
All: Uh!
[ The Ark ]
Abby: Chancellor has lost a lot of blood. If only they found him sooner, damn it.
Jackson: Abby, he’s waking up.
Abby: Increase the anesthesia.
Jackson: We used way too much blood and anesthesia.. We’re way over the line.
Abby: Your Chancellor is going into shock.
Jackson: You’re asking me to break the law.
Abby: Fine. I’ll do it myself. Let them come after me.
Shumway: Excuse me, sir. You asked to be notified if there was news. The Chancellor is still in surgery, but we have I.D.ed the sh**t. Bellamy Blake is the only person on The Ark unaccounted for.
Kane: Who is he?
Shumway: He’s no one, a janitor. We’re still working up a profile, but his motive for going to Earth is clear.
Kane: Sister. I remember. Her mother kept her hidden for almost sixteen years, nearly a record. What is it, Commander Shumway. Spit it out.
Shumway: We could start now. As Chancellor pro tempore, you can give the order to start reducing the population.
Kane: Not yet.
Shumway: Sir, we’re wasting time. Removing the hundred from the population only buys us another month. Engineering needs more than that to fix those systems, if they can fix them at all.
Kane: You have my answer, Commander. Enough. If we’re gonna k*ll hundreds of innocent people, we’re gonna do it by the book. Is that clear? In the meantime, I want to know who helped this janitor get on that drop ship because he sure as hell didn’t do it by himself. Seems we have a traitor in our midst, Commander, and the hundred have an assassin in theirs.
[ The Ground ]
Male: Find any water yet?
Wells: No, not yet, but, I’m going back out if you want to come.
( Chuckles )
( Sniffles )
Murphy: You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him.
Wells: You spelled “die” wrong, geniuses.
Bellamy: If you're gonna k*ll someone, it's probably best not to announce it.
Murphy: You’re not really a member of the guard, are you?
Bellamy: No. The real guard will be here soon unless we stop it. You don’t actually think they’re gonna forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what? Guys like us, we’re gonna become model citizens now, get jobs, if we’re lucky, maybe pick up their trash?
Mbege: You got a point?
Bellamy: No. I got a question. They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them?
Mbege: The hell we are.
Bellamy:You’re wearing those bracelets, aren’t you? Right now, those things are telling them whether or not it’s safe to follow us down.
Murphy: Okay. You said we could stop it. How?
Bellamy: Take them off. The Ark will think you’re d*ad, that it’s not safe to follow. You follow?
Murphy: Right, and if we do, I mean, what’s in it for us?
Bellamy: Someone has got to help me run things.
[ The Ark ]
Callie: Hey, Ab. How’s the Chancellor doing?
Abby: Ask me again if he makes it through the night. Who else did we lose?
Apprentice: Murphy and Mbege, both named John.
Kane: Neither was injured during landing.
Apprentice: I concur. Something else k*lled these two. One second, they were fine, and the next, bang.
Abby:Then it isn’t radiation.
Kane: Come on, Abby. Wishful thinking isn’t good science.
Abby: It’s not wishful thinking. One second, fine, the next, bang isn’t how exposure to radiation presents.
Kane: Well, it could be if there was enough of it.
Abby: If there was enough of it, they would all be d*ad. Please let me be right.
[ The Ground ]
Finn: Hey, you know what I’d like to know? Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed?
Octavia: Who cares? I’m just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I’m spinning in a forest.
Monty: Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or...
Clarke: It wasn't a satellite. The Ark is dying. At the current population level, there’s roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we’re gone.
Finn: So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?
Clarke: My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells…
Monty: What, turned in your dad?
Clarke: Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That’s why today. That’s why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time.
Monty: They’re gonna k*ll more people, aren’t they?
Octavia: Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all.
Jasper: You don’t mean that.
Finn: We have to warn them.
Clarke: That’s what my father said.
Jasper: Oh, damn, I love Earth. Oh! Holy…
Finn: Ha ha!
Jasper: Hoo hoo hoo.
Clarke: Octavia, what the hell are you doing?
( Splash )
Clarke: Octavia…
Monty: I can’t swim.
Octavia: I know, but we can stand. Ha ha ha!
Clarke: Wait. There’s not supposed to be a river here.
Finn: Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes.
Jasper: Oh… Octavia, get out of the water.
Clarke: Get out of the water now!
Octavia: Aah!
Clarke: Octavia!
Octavia: Aah!
Jasper: No.
Octavia: Aah! Aah!
Monty: What the hell is that?
Finn: We have to help her.
Clarke: What are you gonna do?
Finn: Try not to get eaten.
Clarke: No. Wait. If we distract it, it might let her go. Help me.
Octavia: Aah! No! Uh!
Monty: It worked. It let her go.
Jasper: Octavia, get to the shore, now!
( OCTAVIA gasping )
Jasper: I got you.
Monty: It’s coming back. It’s headed right for you, guys.
jasper: Come on. Come on. Keep moving.
Clarke: Okay.
Octavia: Thank you. Thank you.
Clarke: You’re gonna be okay.
Monty: Note to self, next time, save the girl.
( Laughter )
( People whooping )
Female: Yeah. Go on, baby.
Male: Yeah. Keep going.
Fox: Ah, ah… ah!
( All whooping )
Bellamy: Who’s next?
Wells: What the hell are you doing?
Bellamy: We’re liberating ourselves. What does it look like?
Wells: It looks like you’re trying to get us all k*lled. The communication system is d*ad. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think we’re dying, that it’s not safe for them to follow.
Bellamy: That’s the point, Chancellor. We can take care of ourselves, can’t we?
Delinquents: Yeah!
Wells: You think this is a game? Those aren’t just our friends and our parents up there. They’re our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don’t care what he tells you. We won’t survive here on our own, and besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want the rest of our people to come down?
Bellamy: My people already are down. Those people locked my people up. Those people k*lled my mother for the crime of having a second child. Your father did that.
Wells: My father didn’t write the laws.
Bellamy: No. He enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws.
Delinquents: Yeah. Yeah.
Delinquents: Cool.
Bellamy: Here, we do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want. Now, you don’t have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, k*ll me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want.
Murphy: Whatever the hell we want!
Male: Whatever the hell we want!
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
♪ whatever the hell we want ♪
( Thunder )
Female: Rain! Real rain!
Male: Check it out!
Female: It’s water!
Wells: We need to collect this.
Bellamy: Whatever the hell you want.
( All cheering )
( Thunder )
[ The Ark ]
Jackson: Ten more, one after the next. Abby, look at plasma osmolarity. It’s going up across the board.
Abby: They found water.
Kane: Councilor Abigail Griffin, you’re under arrest for exceeding the maximum medical supplies allowed for a patient. Sorry this has to be public. The policy in these matters is very clear, no special treatment. How much blood did you use, Abby?
Jackson:Don’t answer that.
Abby: I used whatever it took. Breaking the law to keep you from becoming Chancellor was the easiest decision I’ve ever made.
Kane: In that case, given your confession, in my role as Chancellor pro tempore, you leave me no choice but to find you guilty.
Abby: We always have a choice, Kane. You chose to press charges against my husband, your friend, even though you knew he would get floated for it. You chose to include my daughter in those charges, and now you’re choosing this. Hiding behind the law absolves you of nothing.
Kane: Be that as it may, in accordance with penal code one, because all crimes committed by those above the age of maturity are capital crimes, you are hereby sentenced to death. Execution is set for the morning, and I choose at every turn and at any cost to make sure that the human race stays alive.
Abby: That’s the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive.
( Door closes )
( Whimpers )
[ The Ground ]
( Birds chirping )
( Music playing )
Finn: Pretty cool, huh?
Clarke: Did you go to the river?
Finn: Figured it was worth losing a finger or two. Here. You call that a sip? You think this means we’re all gonna grow two heads?
Clarke: Ha ha!
Finn: What do you know? She can laugh. Come on. You have to see this. That’s a toe. Plus, near as I can tell, whatever it is, it’s walking on two feet. My guess… Monkeys.
Clarke: Pbbt! Ha! I’m sorry. It’s just, according to everything I’ve read, there were no bipedal animals anywhere near here, certainly not monkeys.
Finn: Right. You read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes?
[ The Ark ]
( Door opens )
Callie: Are you out of your mind? You can’t just k*ll everyone who disagrees with you.
Kane: Now, you all think I’m a bad guy, but I’m the only one who’s willing to do what it takes to save us.
Callie: She’s my best friend.
Kane: So what do you want me to say, I’m sorry? I’m not. Friendship is a luxury we can’t afford, and if I have to take us down to a cosmic Adam and Eve, I will do it.
Callie: Please, show mercy, if not for Abby, then for me.
Kane: We can’t afford mercy, either.
[ The Ground ]
Wells: Mmph…
Bellamy: Shh. Shh. That’s far enough. I don’t want to sh**t you, Wells, hell, I like you, but I do need them to think that you’re d*ad.
Wells: Why? Why are you doing this, for real, not some crap about getting to do what you want to do?
Bellamy: I have my reasons. I also have the g*n. So I ask the questions, and the question is, why aren’t you helping me? Your dad banished you, Wells, and yet here you are, still doing his bidding, following the rules. Aren’t you tired of always doing what’s expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband, and you’ll be amazed at how good it feels.
Wells: No. Never. Not gonna happen. Is that clear enough for you?
Bellamy: Yeah. It is. I’m sorry it had to be this way.
Wells: No! No! Get off of me! No!
Bellamy: Get him down. Put him down.
Wells: No! Come on, man. Let me go.
Bellamy: Get it. Do it.
Wells: No! Don’t do this! Don’t do this! No. No! Come on, man. Aah!
[ The Ark ]
( Door opens )
Male: Dr. Griffin, it’s time.
Abby: Callie.
( Sobbing )
Guard: That’s enough.
Abby: Watch out for Clarke for me.
Callie: Okay.
Abby: Jackson, use the wristbands. There may be a way to reverse-engineer them for communication. Talk to Sinclair in engineering. Nod if you understand.
Jaha: Stop. Dr. Griffin is pardoned. ( to KANE ) I’ll deal with you later. Open the door. Open the door.
Abby: I spent twelve hours putting those intestines back together. Get him back to bed now.
Jaha: Tell me about the one hundred. Did they make it?
[ The Ground ]
( Music playing )
Clarke: You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling.
Finn: Mount Weather awaits.
Jasper: Just hang on till the apogee, and you’ll be fine.
Finn: The apogee like the Indians, right?
Jasper: Apogee, not apache.
Clarke: He knows. Today, Finn.
Finn: Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side.
Jasper: Wait.
Finn: What?
Jasper: Let me. I can do it.
Finn: Knew there was a badass in there somewhere.
Jasper: Heh heh.
Finn: Hey, it’s okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it.
Jasper: See you on the other side. Ha ha! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah!
Clarke: Yeah!
Finn: Yes! Whoo!
Octavia: Yeah! Whoo!
Clarke: You did it, Jasper!
Jasper: Whoo! Yeah! Ha ha ha!
Finn: Let’s go, Princess. You’re up.
Jasper: Come on, Clarke! You got this! Whoo! Apogee! We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!
Octavia: Yes!
Monty: Whoo!
Finn: Yeah, Jasper!
Clarke: Jasper.
Finn: Come on. Come on. Come on. Jasper!
Clarke: Jasper! No. Come on.
Finn: Get down. Get down.
Octavia: Come on.
( Fluttering )
Clarke: We’re not alone. | {"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x01 - Pilot"} | foreverdreaming |
Clarke: I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face, or breathed real air, or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. A hundred prisoners sent on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive. But we will be tested, by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all, by each other.
Bellamy: Previously on The 100…
Guard: Prisoner three nineteen, take off the watch.
Clarke: No. It was my father's. Mom?
Abby: You're being sent to the ground.
Wells: Clarke, I'm sorry I got your father arrested.
Clarke: They didn't arrest my father, Wells. They ex*cuted him.
Bellamy: Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp. Anyone who touches her, they answer to me. Atom.
Clarke: Jasper was h*t. They took him. He's alive.
[ Flashback - the Ark, “One year ago” ]
( Crowd cheers and the announcer speaking indistinctly on TV )
Jake: There we go. There we go! Feel that? Feel that? See that? Here comes the momentum change.
Wells: Defense.
Jaha: The defense is there.
Jake: Serve it up. Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Ho! Right here, kid. They're unbeatable.
Clarke: Prepare for crushing defeat.
Wells: It's not over yet.
Clarke: Actually, it was over a hundred and forty seven years ago.
Jaha: A technicality.
Jake: Give it up. You're going down.
Abby: What'd I miss?
Jaha: Your husband and daughter being obnoxious.
Abby: Jake, you better play nice.
Wells: Come on, get down the field, f*re.
Jake: Waste of time. Waste… hey, baby.
Abby: Hi. So, I ran into Bennett when I was leaving the clinic and he has that systems analysis that you asked for.
Wells: Ho-ho-ho-ho!
Clarke: This isn't gonna last.
Wells: What was that about momentum? Oh, oh, I feel the momentum.
Jake: Okay.
Abby: What? You're going now?
Jake: Just for a few minutes.
Jaha: Everything okay?
Jake: Oh, yeah. You know this old boat. It's always something.
[ Flashback Ends ]
[ Inside the Dropship ]
( JASPER moans in pain )
Clarke: His pulse is three eighty.
( JASPER continues moaning )
( Camp starts to grow restless as JASPER continues moaning )
Delinquent: Go back to sleep!
Delinquent: Quiet!
Clarke: Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise.
Delinquent: Can he just die already?
Clarke: I'm gonna get clean water. Keep an eye on him.
( JASPER continues moaning )
[ Outside of the Dropship ]
( JASPER continues moaning )
( CLARKE hears a girl screaming and goes to find her )
Charlotte: No! No! No!
( CLARKE approaches girl and gently tries to wake her )
Clarke: Hey, wake up. It's okay. It's okay. It's just a dream. You're Charlotte, right? I'm Clarke. It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it?
Charlotte: It's… my parents. They were floated and they… and I see it in my dreams and I just…
Clarke: I understand. My dad was floated, too. So, how did you end up here?
Charlotte: Well… we were taking my parents' things to the redistribution center and… I kind of lost it. They said I as*ault a guard.
Clarke: I can't say I blame you. See that bright star up there? That's The Ark orbiting above us. I think whatever happened up there, you know, the pain… maybe we can move past that now. Maybe being on the ground is our second chance.
Charlotte: Do you really believe that?
Clarke: I'm trying to.
( CLARKE holds CHARLOTTE close and tries to comfort her; CLARKE stares up at the Ark )
[ In the woods at night ]
Trina: I think this is north. Come on.
Pascal: Really? Because we just came from that way, Miss I-Can-Navigate-With-The-Stars.
Trina: It's your fault we've been lost for two days. Never should've gone off by ourselves.
Pascal: Come on. We'll find the dropship tomorrow.
Trina: That's what you said last night. And I'm hungry.
Pascal: Trina, relax. We're fine.
Trina: Did you feel that?
( The two turn and see a large yellow fog coming at them )
Trina: What is that?
Pascal: I don't know. I don't know.
( The two back away from the coming fog )
( The fog is upon them )
Trina: Oh! I can't see!
Pascal: Let's get out of here.
Trina: Oh, my God, it burns! Aah! Aah!
( Both scream )
( Screen Fades to black, the 100 logo is shown )
[ The next morning with BELLAMY ]
( JASPER moans in the background as MURPHY tries to throw a Kn*fe and stick it in a tree )
Murphy: That damn kid, always messing with my head.
Bellamy: He's not gonna last much longer. Better think of a new excuse.
( BELLAMY shows off by throwing his axe into the tree and it sticks )
Bellamy: That's how it's done.
( ATOM and other members of BELLAMY's group approach )
Atom: We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal.
Murphy: Visit your special tree when you were out there?
Bellamy: Atom took his punishment. Let it go.
Atom: Could be Grounders.
Murphy: Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going around recently.
( JASPER continues to moan )
Atom: Look, Bellamy, people are scared, and that dying kid, he's not helping the morale around here.
Bellamy: Morale will go up when I find them more food.
Delinquent: And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?
Bellamy: Now? Nothing. It's possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later.
Murphy: Let's go k*ll something.
Bellamy: You're not going.
( BELLAMY stops MURPHY from following )
Bellamy: I need you to stay here. If the Grounders are circling, we can't leave this place unprotected.
Murphy: Fine. Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut.
[ Inside the Dropship ]
Clarke: The Grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life.
Finn: Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait. Garden of Eden this ain't.
Clarke: This is infected. He could be septic. Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty?
Monty: That would be a firm no.
Clarke: My mother would know what to do.
Wells: How's he doing?
Clarke: How does it look like he's doing, Wells?
Wells: Hey, I'm just trying to help.
( JASPER continues moaning )
Clarke: Right. You want to help? Hold him down.
Monty: I'm not gonna like this, am I?
( JASPER continues moaning )
[ OCTAVIA approaches ATOM in the Dropship ]
Octavia: Hey. I could really use a break from this place. What do you say you and me take a trip to the butterfly field? Huh? Am I being too subtle?
( ATOM ignores OCTAVIA's advances and sharpens his w*apon )
Octavia: Atom.
( ATOM continues to ignore OCTAVIA and sharpens his w*apon )
( OCTAVIA leaves )
[ BELLAMY talks with MURPHY ]
Bellamy: With w*apon…
Octavia: What did you do to Atom?
( BELLAMY motions for MURPHY to leave so he does )
Bellamy: Atom's fine.
Octavia: Then why did he blow me off?
Bellamy: Maybe he's just not interested.
Octavia: You can't keep everyone away from me.
Bellamy: Atom had to learn. You disobey me, you pay the price. He paid the price. Now we're good.
Octavia: Now I'm paying the price. So, next time you decide to go on a power trip, leave me out of it.
Bellamy: Atom's fine.
Octavia: Then why did he blow me off?
( JASPER lets out a loud shout, which scares OCTAVIA )
( OCTAVIA leaves BELLAMY's tent, rushing for the Dropship )
[ Inside the Dropship ]
( JASPER screams louder )
Clarke: Hold him still. I need to cut away the infected flesh.
( OCTAVIA comes running in )
Octavia: Stop it! You're k*lling him.
Finn: She's trying to save his life.
( BELLAMY joins the group )
Bellamy: She can't.
( WELLS stands up to BELLAMY )
Wells: Back off.
Clarke: We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die.
Bellamy: Kid's a goner. If you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy.
Clarke: Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters.
Bellamy: Take a look at him. He's a lost cause.
Clarke: Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope.
Bellamy: This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll k*ll him myself.
( BELLAMY turns to leave )
Bellamy: Octavia, let's go.
Octavia: I'm staying here.
( BELLAMY leaves )
Monty: Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offense.
Finn: Yeah. Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right.
[ Flashback - the Ark, in ABBY and JAKE's home ]
( ABBY stares out a window at Earth, a door opens, JAKE walks in and sits down )
Abby: How'd it go?
Jake: Hey. Well, I told Jaha it's definitive. The Ark's got a year of oxygen left, maybe two.
Abby: You'll fix it.
Jake: Not this time. I've tried, Abby. This isn't a glitch. It's a system failure. People need to know.
Abby: No. They'll panic.
Jake: You sound like Kane.
Abby: Because he's right.
Jake: No. We can't avoid the truth. We have to let everyone on the Ark put their minds to a solution.
Abby: What, and risk anarchy? No. It's too dangerous. Promise me that you'll obey the council's orders, that you'll keep it quiet. Promise me.
Jake: I can't.
Abby: For Clarke. Do it for Clarke.
Jake: I am doing this for Clarke.
Abby: They'll float you, Jake.
Jake: If you do this, I won't be able to stop it.
( CLARKE is shown listening in on her parents' conversation )
[ Flashback ends ]
[ Camp ]
Finn: You're mad.
Clarke: I'm not mad. You want to think Jasper's a lost cause, go ahead. You're wrong.
Finn: I hope I am.
( CLARKE plays with the red substance on JASPER's poultice )
Clarke: Whatever this stuff is, it has to have had antibiotic properties.
( WELLS approaches )
Wells: Let me take a look. Before you refuse my help, remember who aced botany in Earth Skills.
Clarke: The Grounders used it as a poultice. I'm thinking a tea might be even more effective if we can figure out what it is.
Wells: I know what it is. Seaweed. Look… no root structure.
Clarke: Right. Well, then there must be a water source nearby.
Wells: Yeah, it would have to have a slow current, lots of rocks. The water would probably be more red than green.
Finn: I know just the place.
Clarke: All right. Let's go.
Wells: Hey. I know what this stuff looks like. Do you?
( CLARKE, WELLS, and FINN walk through the woods to find the red seaweed )
Wells: You know, you should, uh, really rethink this whole hating me thing. It's not just the Grounders. We're surrounded by criminals. We need each other. We're gonna be friends again.
Clarke: You got my dad k*lled. Not possible.
Wells: This is Earth, Clarke. Anything's possible.
Finn: I'd let it go.
Wells: Yeah. Well, I've known Clarke her whole life better than you ever will, so, I'll decide when to let it go.
Finn: Yeah, I can tell you guys are close.
( FINN steps on something that makes a loud bang )
( FINN steps on it again and gets a loud bang, he then starts to uncover the object )
Clarke: What is it?
Finn: Uhh… Ha! It's an automobile.
Clarke: Come on, guys. This thing's been here a hundred years. All right? It can wait. Jasper can't.
( CLARKE turns away from the automobile and the boys, continuing on )
[ In the woods with BELLAMY and the hunting party ]
( The boar oinks oblivious to the boys )
Bellamy: Shh.... She's mine.
( A twig snaps behind BELLAMY and the hunting party )
( BELLAMY throws his axe behind him, hitting a tree, narrowly missing a little girl who had stepped on the twig )
Delinquent: Get him!
( BELLAMY's hunting party goes after the boar, while BELLAMY looks at the little girl with ATOM at his side )
Bellamy: Who the hell are you?
Charlotte: Charlotte.
Bellamy: I almost k*lled you. Why aren't you back at camp?
Charlotte: Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just… I couldn't listen anymore.
Atom: There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl.
Charlotte: I'm not little.
Bellamy: Okay, then…
( BELLAMY pulls out a Kn*fe and hands it to CHARLOTTE )
Bellamy: But you can't hunt without a w*apon. Ever k*lled something before?
( CHARLOTTE shakes her head, “no” in response )
Bellamy: Who knows? Maybe you're good at it.
[ By the river ]
Clarke: So, what does this seaweed look like?
Wells: Like that. Hey, that thing that bit Octavia, how big was it?
Finn: Big. We could rig this into some kind of a net. Find something to lower it into the water.
( CLARKE walks straight into the water )
Finn: Or we could just do that.
( CLARKE starts grabbing the red seaweed and then walks back to shore with it )
( A large flock of birds squawk in the distance and comes flying right for the group, they duck to avoid injury )
Wells: Let's get out of here.
( A horn bellows in the distance )
Clarke: Grounders?
Wells: It could be a w*r cry.
Finn: Or a warning.
( The group sees a large cloud of yellow fog )
Finn: What the hell is that?
Clarke: Run. Run!
[ Flashback - the Ark, WELLS and CLARKE ]
Wells: You're up. Clarke.
Clarke: Sorry.
Wells: Well, if your strategy is to lose really fast, that was a great move. What's going on?
Clarke: Nothing.
Wells: You can talk to me.
Clarke: My dad found a problem with the oxygen system. I'm not supposed to know.
Wells: They've had other malfunctions. They always figure out a way to deal with it.
Clarke: No. This one might not be fixable. The council doesn't want anyone to know.
Wells: The council meaning my dad?
Clarke: Yeah. And my mom and others. I think he's gonna go public anyway.
Wells: Clarke, he can't. He'll get floated.
Clarke: I know. But what if he's right? Don't people deserve to know the truth? You can't tell your dad I told you. You can't tell anyone.
Wells: Your secret's safe with me. I promise.
[ Flashback ends ]
[ Running through the woods with CLARKE, FINN, and WELLS ]
( A horn bellows in the distance )
Finn: Clarke, run!
( The horn continues to bellow in the distance )
( WELLS and FINN start coughing )
( FINN opens up the automobile and everyone climbs inside )
Clarke: It's getting inside.
Finn: Seal any openings.
( FINN continues to cough as they seal the automobile )
( A horn continues to bellow in the distance )
[ BELLAMY and the hunting party running in the woods ]
( BELLAMY and the hunting party run through the woods )
Bellamy: Come on! There are caves this way.
( A horn continues to bellow in the distance )
( BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE get separated from the others )
( BELLAMY reaches for CHARLOTTE )
( ATOM follows close behind but trips )
( A horn continues to bellow in the distance )
( The fog engulfs ATOM )
( A horn continues to bellow in the distance )
( BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE manage to find one of the caves )
Atom: Bellamy!
( BELLAMY starts coughing )
Atom: Bellamy!
( The fog forces BELLAMY into the cave, leaving ATOM outside )
[ Delinquents start filing into the Dropship ]
( Delinquents start coughing )
Monty: What's going on?
Delinquent: Air got thick, everybody's skin started burning.
Octavia: Monty, my brother's out there.
Monty: He'll be fine. We'll all be fine.
[ Inside the automobile ]
( FINN cleans off the window and sees the fog outside )
Finn: It's still out there.
Clarke: Look, we should just make a run for it. Jasper can't wait much longer.
Finn: Us dying in a cloud of acid fog isn't gonna help Jasper.
( FINN jimmies the glove compartment on the automobile, it opens )
( FINN looks down to see his prize )
Clarke: Is that…
Finn: Booze. Hooch. Rotgut.
( FINN opens the bottle and drinks )
Clarke: Well, careful. Finn, it could be…
Finn: Whiskey, I think. Better than the moonshine on agro station.
( FINN offers the Whiskey to WELLS )
Wells: Alcohol's toxic.
Finn: This is Earth. Everything's toxic. Plus, it's a time-honored rite of passage.
Wells: We'll pass.
( CLARKE looks over at WELLS, angry that he spoke for her )
( CLARKE reaches over and grabs the bottle from FINN )
Clarke: Far be it for me to stand in the way of tradition.
( CLARKE drinks the Whiskey and coughs )
( CLARKE sighs )
[ Inside the cave with BELLAMY and CHARLOTTE ]
( BELLAMY lies on the ground sleeping while CHARLOTTE sleeps and has a nightmare )
Charlotte: No!
( BELLAMY awakes and tries to wake CHARLOTTE )
Bellamy: Charlotte, wake up.
Charlotte: I'm sorry.
Bellamy: Does it happen often?
( CHARLOTTE sighs, giving BELLAMY his answer )
Bellamy: What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it.
Charlotte: But… I'm asleep.
Bellamy: Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep.
Charlotte: Yeah, but… How?
Bellamy: You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death. Let me see that Kn*fe I gave you.
( CHARLOTTE hands over the Kn*fe )
( BELLAMY grips the Kn*fe tightly )
Bellamy: Now, when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that Kn*fe and you say, ‘screw you. I'm not afraid.'
( BELLAMY hands the Kn*fe back to CHARLOTTE )
( CHARLOTTE grips it tightly with both hands )
( CHARLOTTE timidly repeats BELLAMY's words )
Charlotte: Screw you. I'm not afraid.
( BELLAMY gives CHARLOTTE a look, telling her she can do better )
( CHARLOTTE, with a little more confidence, repeats BELLAMY's words )
Charlotte: Screw you. I'm not afraid.
( BELLAMY smiles and gently pats CHARLOTTE )
Bellamy: Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep.
[ In the automobile ]
( CLARKE drinks the Whiskey )
Clarke: It's been hours. Jasper…
Finn: Is in good hands. Octavia will take care of him.
Clarke: While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting Jasper to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer. I can be fun. Yeah. You think I'm fun. Right?
Finn: Oh, yeah. Among other things.
Wells: You're fun. You remember that time…
( A drunk and upset CLARKE looks over at WELLS )
Clarke: Remember that time you betrayed me and got my father ex*cuted? Yeah, I remember. Where were we? Fun.
Finn: Yeah.
( CLARKE focuses her attention back on WELLS )
Clarke: Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't, because I don't want to talk about it, what were you thinking?
Wells: I made a mistake, Clarke.
( CLARKE's not satisfied with his answer )
Clarke: I made a mistake, Clarke.”“
( CLARKE's close to tears )
Clarke: Not good enough.
( CLARKE grows angry at WELLS )
Clarke: You know, I bet you couldn't wait to run to daddy. Tell him everything so that he'd finally believe you were the perfect son he always wanted.
( WELLS gets angry with CLARKE )
Wells: What do you want me to say?!
Clarke: I want an explanation.
Wells: I can't give you one. I thought I could trust him.
Clarke: Well, I thought I could trust my best friend. Guess we were both wrong.
Wells: I'm still your friend.
Clarke: No, you're not. If you were my friend, you would walk out into that fog and never come back.
( FINN tries to calm things down )
Finn: Okay, how about we just… take it easy.
( FINN takes the Whiskey from CLARKE )
Clarke: I have no idea how to do that.
( WELLS takes the bottle from FINN, sniffs and then drinks )
Finn: So, we having fun yet?
( Silence befalls the three )
[ Inside the Dropship ]
( JASPER continues to moan in pain )
Delinquent: That kid's driving me crazy.
Delinquent: Can't take this much longer.
Delinquent: Someone needs to shut that kid up.
( JASPER continues to moan in pain )
( MURPHY, unable to sleep or take any more of JASPER's cries, decides to end JASPER himself )
Murphy: That's it. I'm ending this.
Delinquent: I heard Bellamy gave him till tomorrow.
Murphy: Yeah, well, Bellamy isn't here, is he? The kid's dying anyway. I'm just getting it over with.
( MURPHY gets up )
( MONTY races to and up the ladder first )
Monty: Murphy's going to k*ll Jasper!
( MONTY tries to close the hatch as MURPHY tries to enter )
( OCTAVIA runs over to help and begins kicking at MURPHY )
( MURPHY is forced back down, allowing them to close the hatch )
( MURPHY continues to try and force his way in while MONTY holds the hatch down )
Monty: The lock's on the other side.
Octavia: Don't let him in!
( OCTAVIA looks for something to lock the door )
Murphy: I'm gonna k*ll him, okay? Let me in! Let me in, Monty! Uhh!
( MONTY sits down on the hatch as MURPHY tries to open it )
( OCTAVIA tries to pull a pipe from the Dropship loose )
Monty: No rush. I'm fine here.
( The pipe comes loose )
Octavia: I got it! Move it!
Murphy: Both of you better open up this hatch right now!
( Screen Fades to black )
[ Flashback - The Ark, JAKE and ABBY's home ]
( JAKE GRIFFIN records a message )
Jake: In this time of uncertainty, we will come together as a people. I'm telling you this because you must know the truth and because I want a future for my child and yours. Be strong.
Clarke: You're gonna disobey the council?
( CLARKE walks into the room )
( JAKE tries to hide the truth from CLARKE )
Clarke: Dad, I know. I heard you and mom.
Jake: Okay, you know. I've been thinking about this a long time. The people have a right to know. Your mother doesn't understand.
Clarke: What's the plan?
Jake: You don't need to know the plan.
Clarke: You're making a video, so, what? You're gonna break into the communications mainframe? Making you either suicidal or incredibly dumb.
Jake: Wow. You are picking a fine moment to start behaving like a typical teenager.
Clarke: I'm gonna help you.
Jake: No. No, Clarke, you're not.
( JAKE gets up from his chair and walks over to CLARKE )
Clarke: But I can…
Jake: Absolutely not. No. No, baby.
( JAKE hugs and comforts CLARKE )
( JAKE kisses CLARKE's cheek )
Jake: You get that stubborn streak from your mother, you know. One of many things I love about both of you.
( The door to the Griffin home is opened )
Guard: Jake Griffin, you're under arrest for treason.
Clarke: Dad? Dad?
( The guards arrest JAKE and pull him away from CLARKE )
Clarke: No, no, no, no.
( The guards restrain CLARKE )
Jake: Get your hands off of her.
Clarke: Let me go!
( The two guards let go of CLARKE and she hugs her father )
Jake: Ohh.
Clarke: I'll warn them. I'll find a way.
Jake: No, Clarke, no, listen to me. Do not… do not do that.
( Two guards restrain CLARKE as JAKE is pulled away )
Clarke: Get off of me! Let me go! Let me go! Dad! Dad!
[ Flashback ends ]
[ The automobile ]
( CLARKE opens up the automobile door )
Clarke: The fog's cleared. Come on. Let's go. Jasper's waiting.
( CLARKE, FINN, and WELLS walk through the forest )
( FINN approaches WELLS )
Finn: Last night was pretty intense. You and Clarke ever…
Wells: No. Not like that.
Finn: So, help me out. Your best friend tells you something fairly expl*sive. You seem like the type of guy that'd keep it to yourself.
Wells: You don't know me.
Finn: Why'd you do it?
Wells: I don't know. Why do you care?
Finn: You knew what the rules were on The Ark. You had to know her dad would get floated.
Wells: I made a choice. If she hates me for the rest of my life, I made the right choice, and that's all you have to know.
( WELLS walks away )
( BELLAMY walks out of the cave with CHARLOTTE close behind )
Bellamy: It's all clear. Anybody out here? Jones?
Jones: We're here!
( BELLAMY and the others meet up )
Bellamy: Lost you in the stew. Where'd you go?
Jones: Made it to a cave down there.
Bellamy: The hell was that?
Jones: I don't know.
( BELLAMY looks over the group )
Bellamy: Where's Atom?
( JONES shrugs )
( FINN walks beside CLARKE )
Finn: Trapped in a hundred-year-old car by toxic fog. Whew. Last night was pretty… What's the word? Fun.
Clarke: It wasn't fun. It was irresponsible. We should've left the second the fog cleared.
Finn: Even if the fog cleared, we'd never make it back through these woods at night. You were kind of rough on Wells.
Clarke: Hardly.
Finn: He's a pretty straight-up guy. And he loves you. You know that, right? But every time your dad comes up, he won't give you a straight answer. Makes me think he's hiding something. So, I gotta ask you. How sure are you that Wells is the one who turned in your dad?
Clarke: A hundred percent. All right? He's the only one I told.
Finn: Is he the only one who knew?
( CHARLOTTE screams in the distance )
Clarke: Who was that?
[ CHARLOTTE screaming ]
Charlotte: Aah! Aah!
( ATOM lies on the ground seriously injured )
( BELLAMY comes running and finds CHARLOTTE staring at ATOM )
Bellamy: Son of a bitch. Atom.
( BELLAMY rushes to ATOM )
( BELLAMY looks over ATOM's wounds, unsure of how to help him )
Atom: k*ll me. k*ll me. k*ll... me.
( ATOM gasps from pain and lack of oxygen )
( The others show up behind CHARLOTTE )
( BELLAMY stands back up )
( CHARLOTTE walks towards BELLAMY )
( ATOM begins to choke )
Atom: I… can't… breathe.
( CHARLOTTE reaches for the Kn*fe BELLAMY gave her )
( CHARLOTTE gives BELLAMY the Kn*fe )
Charlotte: Don't be afraid.
( BELLAMY looks up at the hunting party )
Bellamy: Go back to camp.
( The hunting party leaves )
Bellamy: Charlotte, you too.
( CHARLOTTE leaves )
( BELLAMY bends back down )
Atom: k*ll... me. Bell...a...my... pl...ea..se.
( CLARKE approaches from behind )
( ATOM continues to choke )
( CLARKE walks over and kneels next to ATOM )
( ATOM notices CLARKE )
Atom: Plea...se.
Clarke: I heard screams.
Bellamy: Charlotte found him. I sent her back to camp.
( CLARKE inspects ATOM )
( CLARKE looks up at BELLAMY and shakes her head )
( BELLAMY looks down and nods )
( CLARKE takes a deep breath )
Clarke: Okay. I'm gonna help you, all right?
( CLARKE reaches over and runs her fingers through ATOM's hair and begins humming )
( BELLAMY looks over at CLARKE )
( CLARKE takes the Kn*fe from BELLAMY's hand )
( BELLAMY realizes CLARKE is going to do what he couldn't )
( CLARKE pierces ATOM's neck with the Kn*fe )
( BELLAMY looks up at CLARKE )
( CLARKE continues to hum )
( ATOM chokes on blood )
( BELLAMY doesn't take his eyes off CLARKE )
( ATOM dies )
( CLARKE continues to hum while BELLAMY watches )
( CHARLOTTE is shown to be watching in the distance )
[ Night time, Camp ]
( Indistinct camp chatter )
( Camp gate opens, FINN, WELLS, CLARKE, and BELLAMY return )
Clarke: We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine.
( CLARKE and FINN leave )
( BELLAMY hauls ATOM's body into camp on a gurney )
Bellamy: Get Clarke whatever she needs.
Wells: I better go get this grave dug.
( WELLS leaves to dig ATOM's grave )
( OCTAVIA exits the Dropship and approaches CLARKE )
Octavia: It's about time. They're gonna k*ll Jasper. Did you get the medicine?
Clarke: Yeah. I… I got it. Come on. Let's go talk.
( CLARKE tries to pull OCTAVIA towards the Dropship )
( OCTAVIA ignores CLARKE and heads for BELLAMY )
Bellamy: Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back.
( BELLAMY tries to stop OCTAVIA from seeing ATOM's body )
Octavia: Why?
( The siblings scuffle )
Octavia: Stop.
( OCTAVIA pushes BELLAMY's arm away and approaches ATOM )
( OCTAVIA lifts the jacket off of the body, revealing ATOM )
Octavia: Atom.
Bellamy: There's nothing I could do.
Octavia: Don't.
( OCTAVIA cries )
( OCTAVIA covers ATOM's face with the jacket )
( OCTAVIA gets up to leave )
( BELLAMY tries to explain )
Bellamy: O... O... please.
Octavia: Don't.
( OCTAVIA leaves )
( MURPHY approaches BELLAMY )
( BELLAMY sniffles )
Bellamy: Lose anyone here?
Murphy: No.
Bellamy: Jasper?
Murphy: Still breathing. Barely. I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sister…
( BELLAMY lunges at MURPHY and shoves him )
Murphy: Bellamy…
( BELLAMY pulls MURPHY, by the collar, to him )
Bellamy: My what? My what?
Murphy: Your little sister.
( MURPHY shoves BELLAMY off of him )
Bellamy: Yeah, that's right. My little sister. Got anything else you want to say about her?
( MURPHY, impassively, studies BELLAMY's face )
Murphy: Nothing. Sorry.
( BELLAMY, still angry, sizes up MURPHY )
( BELLAMY turns to JONES )
Bellamy: Get him out of here.
( BELLAMY gives one last glare at MURPHY before he leaves )
( ATOM's body is taken away )
( MURPHY, still angry with BELLAMY, flings his Kn*fe at a tree, finally getting it to stick )
[ Flashback - The Ark, JAKE ]
Jake: Hey, baby. You have to warn them, Abby.
Abigail: Oh, Jake, stop.
Jake: Oh, the Ark's dying. There's no choice.
Abby: Yes, there is. There's Earth. We'll at least have a chance.
Jake: Here. Hang on to that. And… give this to Clarke and tell her that I…
Clarke: Dad!
Jake: Clarke, you shouldn't be here, honey. You don't want to see this. It's okay.
( Crying )
Jake: It's okay. It's okay. Here. Keep that for me.
Abby: Jake, it's time.
( Kiss )
Jake: I love you, kid.
Clarke: I love you.
Jake: Okay.
Clarke: Oh, my God. [Crying] I'm so sorry.
Abby: Sweetheart, it's not your fault.
( Swallows )
Clarke: I'm really sorry about Atom.
Octavia: I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die.
Clarke: Wells? I know I probably don't deserve it, but I need to know the truth. It was my mom. Wasn't it? She's the one who told your dad. I didn't want to believe it. I… I couldn't. I blamed you because my father's d*ad and it's my mother's fault. Isn't it? Wells… Please. I knew how you would feel. I wanted to… to protect me. So, you let me hate you.
Wells: What are friends for?
Clarke: How can you forgive me?
Wells: This is already done.
( Crying )
Finn: Smooth. [Coughing]
Octavia: [Swallows] “Disgusting. Love it.
Jasper: Can I, uh, get a h*t of that?
Octavia: Jasper!
Monty: Let's start with the soft stuff.
Finn: Welcome back, buddy.
Jasper: Was that a dream or did I get speared?
Clarke: You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it.
Jasper: My savior.
Clarke: Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could've taken that today.
Jasper: I'll try not to die tomorrow, too, if that's cool. Oh, hello.
( Crickets chirping )
Charlotte: Hi.
Wells: Couldn't sleep?
Charlotte: I never can. You on watch?
Wells: Join me.
Charlotte: I had a nightmare.
Wells: Hmm.
Charlotte: I… I have them every night. But… I think I found a way to make them stop. I'm sorry.
Wells: No! [Groaning] [Coughing] [Choking]
Charlotte: Every night, I see him. Your father. He kills my parents and… and I see his face and… and I wake up and I see yours. And the nightmare never ends. The only way to make it end was… was to slay my demons. I had to.
( CHARLOTTE humming ) | {"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x03 - Earth Kills"} | foreverdreaming |
Clarke: I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face, or breathed real air, or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, The Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. A hundred prisoners sent on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive. But we will be tested, by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all, by each other.
Previously on The 100…
Abby: The Ark is dying, Raven. I have to prove that earth is survivable. We have nine days to get this ready, so I can survive a drop.
Murphy: You know, my father, he begged for mercy, when your father floated him. This is for my father.
Clarke: You're Charlotte, right? It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it?
Charlotte: It's my parents. They were floated, and I see it in my dreams.
Bellamy: No! Wake up, Charlotte. Does it happen often? Slay your demons, kid. Then you'll be able to sleep. You shouldn't be out here alone. What if I was a Grounder?
Finn: They got Wells just outside the wall.
Clarke: Says the guy who just spent another night exploring the woods all by himself.
Finn: But I'm reckless. And irresponsible. I got you something.
Clarke: Where did you get this?
finn: The art supply store.
Clarke: I know when we were kids… Wells was always giving me ink, charcoal, just anything I could draw with, really. I found out later that he was trading his own stuff to give it to me. He didn't want me to know that, either. He let me hate him so that I wouldn't hate my mother.
Finn: I know.
Clarke: My mother k*lled my father. Just wish there was something I could do. To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm…
Finn: Where are you going?
Clarke: To make her feel it.
Abby: No! No. No. Hell no. No. No. Th… this isn't right.
Jackson: Abby.
Abby: No.
Jackson: Abby.
Abby: Okay. It's not conclusive. Just because her wristband went out doesn't mean… okay. It's the first terminated signal in over a week. We can still assume that things are s*ab on Earth. We should assume that. I need an analysis of Clarke's vital signs for the past two days.
Jackson: Abby…
Abby: Just have it ready for me when I get back.
Monty: Yes! I did it. It's still operational.
Clarke: What? Monty needed a working wristband.
Finn: And you needed to punish your mother.
Clarke: Look, they're running out of air, and we need their help. My mother thinking I'm d*ad is only temporary.
Monty: Not if I can't patch it through the dropship mainframe. I can do it. We'll be talking to The Ark by nightfall.
Murphy: This section should be finished by tomorrow. Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around, and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?
Connor: I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine.
Bellamy: Murphy, get this guy some water. Hey, you got this? I'm just kidding.
Connor: Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy?
Murphy: Look at you! You wanted a water break. Get back to work.
Octavia: Look, we're already there. Just a few steps, okay? One foot in front of the other. Hey. What's wrong?
Jasper: Hmm? Oh, nothing. I'm good.
Octavia: Jasper, it's been a week, okay? You've been given a second chance. You gotta use it.
Jasper: Octavia? Octavia? Octavia! Octavia, are you okay?
Octavia: Hey, jerk! Get the hell out of here. Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Kane: Councillor. Councillor. Are you headed to Mecha Station?
Abby: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.
Kane: You've been down there nine times in the past week. Is there something I should be made aware of?
Abby: Are you tracking me, Kane?
Kane: I'm tracking everybody, Abby. Mind if I join you?
Abby: Not at all. But you're gonna have to be inoculated.
Kane: Inoculated?
Abby: A mechanic came down with strep last week. She's fine now, but I'm still checking the bacterial levels in the station. We don't want another outbreak. We can stop by sick bay on the way.
Kane: That's all right. I don't want to slow you down. Just… keep me informed.
Abby: Absolutely. How soon can you get this thing ready to drop?
Raven: I'm still scraping up parts to fabricate a pressure regulator. We got two more days, right?
Abby: Can we launch without that part?
Raven: We could launch, but we'll be d*ad before we get to the ground. And I mean bad d*ad. Ruptured lungs, air bubbles in the brain. We need that part. Why? What's wrong? Did something change?
Abby: Clarke's wristband signal went out.
Raven: Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything, right? She took it off like the rest of them. Okay. I can get a pressure regulator. Today.
Abby: How?
Raven: The less you know, the better.
Clarke: This Kn*fe was made of metal from the dropship.
Octavia: What do you mean?
Clarke: Who else knows about this?
Octavia: No one. We brought it straight here.
Bellamy: Clarke?
Clarke: It means the Grounders didn't k*ll Wells. It was one of us.
Octavia: So, there's a m*rder in the camp?
Bellamy: There's more than one m*rder in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet.
Clarke: Get out of my way, Bellamy.
Bellamy: Clarke, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved… the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders k*lled Wells is good for us.
Clarke: Oh, good for you, you mean. What… keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?
Bellamy: Yeah. That's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do… just walk out there and ask the k*ller to step forward? You don't even know whose Kn*fe that is.
Clarke: Oh, really? J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know.
Murphy: No water till this section is up! What? What are you staring at, huh?
Clarke: You son of a bitch!
Murphy: What's your problem?
Clarke: Recognize this?
Murphy: It's my Kn*fe. Where'd you find it?
Clarke: Where you dropped it after you k*lled Wells.
Murphy: Where I what? The Grounders k*lled Wells, not me.
Clarke: I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it.
Murphy: Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?
Clarke: You thr*at to k*ll him. We all heard you. You hated Wells.
Murphy: Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up.
Clarke: Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a Kn*fe fight with him.
Murphy: Yeah, I didn't k*ll him then, either.
Octavia: Tried to k*ll Jasper, too.
Murphy: Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone.
Bellamy: Come again?
Murphy: Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this.
Bellamy: They found his fingers on the ground with your Kn*fe.
Clarke: Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can k*ll each other without… without punishment?
Murphy: I already told you. I didn't k*ll anyone.
Octavia: I say we float him.
Delinquents: Yeah.
Clarke: That's not what I'm saying.
Octavia: Why not? He deserves to float. It's justice.
Clarke: Revenge isn't justice.
Octavia: It's justice. Float him!
Clarke: No! Get off him! Get off of him! Let him go! You can't do this! Get off me. No! No! You can stop this! They'll listen to you!
Myles-: Bellamy! You should do it.
Delinquents: Bel-la-my!
Clarke: I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a k*ller.
Murphy: Bellamy, don't do this. Don't…
Clarke: Don't. Bellamy. You can't do this, Bellamy. No, Bellamy, no!
Bellamy: This is on you, princess. You should've kept your mouth shut.
Clarke: What the hell are you doing? Cut him down! Charlotte, get out of here now! Cut him down! Get out of my way.
Charlotte: Stop! Okay? Murphy didn't k*ll Wells! I did!
Clarke: Oh, my God.
Guard: It's not meal time yet.
Raven: I'm not hungry. I'm here to trade. Before you tell me I'm in the wrong place, just let Nygel know it's her little bird.
Nygel: Well, well, well. How long has it been, little bird?
Raven: I need a pressure regulator.
Nygel: What for?
Raven: Regulating pressure.
Nygel: That's good. I see you got your mom's sense of humor.
Raven: What do you want for it?
Nygel: Oh, I don't move machine parts anymore. It's too dangerous. How about settling for some herb and moonshine like everybody else?
Raven: Save the act for someone who doesn't know better. Just tell me what it's gonna take.
Nygel: I owe a favor to the chief of electrical, and he's got a thing for tough, pretty girls like you.
Raven: You're joking, right?
Nygel: I never joke about business, Raven. Kane's watching my every move, so, if I'm gonna do this, you're gonna need to make it worth my while.
Raven: By screwing the chief of electrical? I can't do that.
Nygel: Then I guess you don't need to regulate pressure as badly as you thought you did.
Raven: Go float yourself, Nygel.
Nygel: You know, your mother would've taken that deal. In fact, she did. Many times.
Raven: Don't you dare talk about my mother that way!
Nygel: Little girl.
Raven: No! I'll float you, Nygel! Get off me!
Nygel: Bye, little bird!
Murphy: Bring out the girl, Bellamy!
Bellamy: Why, Charlotte?
Charlotte: I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me.
Clarke: What the hell is she talking about?
Bellamy: She misunderstood me. Charlotte, that is not what I meant.
Murphy: Bring the girl out now!
Charlotte: Please don't let them hurt me.
Bellamy: If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up. Now you stay quiet.
Clarke: Those are your boys out there.
Bellamy: This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall.
Murphy: You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out.
Charlotte: No! Please, Bellamy.
Bellamy: Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them.
Murphy: Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us.
Bellamy: Dial it down and back off.
Murphy: Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?
Bellamy: I was just giving the people what they wanted.
Murphy: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now? So, who here wants to see the real m*rder hung up? All in favor?? I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!
Bellamy: Hey, Murphy! Murphy. It's over.
Murphy: Whatever you say, boss. Son of a bitch! Hey! Come on. Let's get the girl. Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay! Come on.
Abby: I'll be right back.
Raven: All those people out there?
Abby: Oxygen deprivation. It's just the beginning. Why are you here?
Raven: I messed up. I can't get the part. Nygel wants me to…
Abby: You went to Nygel?
Raven: Yeah.
Abby: Kane's been trying to get her for years. Did anybody see you?
Raven: I don't know. No. Abby, I'm trying to tell you. We can't launch today.
Abby: Are you sure Nygel has the part?
Raven: She can get one, yeah.
Abby: Okay. I'll take care of it.
Raven: What are you gonna do?
Abby: The less you know, the better.
Nygel: Hello, Dr. Griffin.
Abby: Nygel.
Nygel: Morphine. What do you want for it?
Abby: Pressure regulator.
Nygel: I underestimated Raven. How does a girl like that get such a well-connected benefactor?
Abby: You have three seconds to decide. Do we have a deal or not?
Female Voice: Attention. The mess hall will be closed tomorrow from 1100 hours to 1200 hours.
Clarke: It's gonna be night soon, Finn. Where are we going? At least tell me you have a plan and we're not just wandering aimlessly through the woods.
Finn: I have a plan.
Clarke: What the hell do you think you're doing? Just because we saved you doesn't mean you're forgiven. Got it?
Finn: Clarke.
Clarke: What?
Finn: She's just a kid.
Clarke: She's a k*ller. You k*lled someone, Charlotte. Ended his life. Did you stop to think about that for even one second? Look at me! You can't just k*ll someone to make yourself feel better.
Murphy: Charlotte! Clarke and Finn can't save you.
Clarke: We should run.
Finn: Yeah, that's one way to go. I like my plan better. Get in. Get in.
Clarke: Finn, what is this place?
Finn: For now, it's home.
Clarke: I can't believe you kept this place quiet.
Finn: Come on, Clarke. What would be the point of telling anybody?
Clarke: Some of this stuff could be useful.
Finn: Like what? There's no w*apon. All the food expired, like, ninety years ago.
Clarke: Yeah, but we could repurpose. Share with the group. You can share this with the group if you'd like.
Finn: What'd you find?
Clarke: Well… Looks like they never made it here. No. I figure the b*mb took them by surprise.
Finn: All this preparation. What a waste.
Clarke: I don't know. Maybe they were lucky. They couldn't have lived more than a few years down here, then when they ran out of food or lost their minds, they would've opened the doors and been d*ad within a few days. Back then, maybe sooner. Anyway. What are we gonna do about her? If I hadn't confronted Murphy, none of this would have happened.
Finn: How could you know it'd go down like that?
Clarke: Bellamy knew. We think the Grounders are a thr*at. Now we're k*lling each other. There have to be consequences. We can't just let them hang people.
Finn: No. Hopefully, we figure it out before Murphy kills us for helping her.
Clarke: He's not the forgive and forget type.
Raven: How did you…
Abby: Don't worry about it. How fast can you install it?
Raven: I don't know. A few hours, maybe.
Abby: We may not have that much time.
Raven: I'm on it.
Vera: Our ancestors built this Ark to be our salvation, but it's also our test. But we endure because we have faith. Faith that one day, generations from now, our people will return to the ground. Are you here to join us?
Nygel: He's here to see me, Vera. Go on with your mumbo-jumbo. Your mother's inspired today, Marcus. I remember when you were the tender of the tree. You were a cute kid.
Vera: Let's begin the offering.
Kane: Why did you bring me down here, Nygel? What do you want?
Nygel: It's about what you want. I have something for you.
Kane: Unless it's a signed confession, I'm not interested.
Nygel: Not even if it involves your friend Abby Griffin?
Kane: What about Abby?
Nygel: She and a girl named Raven Reyes asked me to get them a pressure regulator. As a lowly culinary tech, I didn't feel I had a choice when one of your fellow Councilors asked me to help her break the law.
Kane: And since when do you give up your customers?
Nygel: I don't have customers, Marcus. I am a citizen of The Ark, and I don't believe anyone should be above the law. Do you?
Kane: You're a plague on this ship, Nygel. And even if what you said is true, it's your word against a member of the Council, and who do you think the people will believe?
Nygel: You know… you should thank me. With Abby out the way, your agenda should sail right through.
Kane: I don't know what you're talking about.
Nygel: You're almost as convincing as your mother.
Vera: As the Earth will one day provide for us, so we provide for the Earth.
Nygel: Waste of water if you ask me.
Kane: Not to them.
Clarke: Finn. Finn, wake up. She's gone.
Murphy: Charlotte! You can't hide forever. Don't worry. We won't hurt you.
Charlotte: Let me go!
Bellamy: I'm trying… hey, hey. I'm trying to help you.
Charlotte: I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me! I'm over here!
Bellamy: Are you trying to get us both k*lled?
Charlotte: Just go, okay? I'm the one they want.
Bellamy: Okay, Charlotte, listen to me. I won't leave you.
Charlotte: Please, Bellamy. Aah! Murphy! I'm over here!
Murphy: Come on out, Charlotte! Come on out.
Finn: Someone else was here.
Clarke: No, no! Murphy!
Finn: Murphy has her.
Raven: Abby, how about I pace in the operating room next time you're working?
Jackson: Abby, did you take morphine from the clinic?
Abby: They inventoried already?
Jackson: No. Kane was just here. He's on his way to Mecha to arrest both of you right now. You gave Nygel morphine?
Abby: She turned me in. How much longer?
Raven: Twenty minutes.
Abby: They're gonna be here in five. No matter what happens, you launch that pod. Do you understand?
Raven: I'm not going without you.
Abby: Only one of us needs to get to the ground, Raven. The second you find those kids, you radio back. Three hundred innocent people will die if you don't.
Raven: Abby, they'll float you.
Abby: Then they'll float me. Tell Clarke I love her.
Murphy: Charlotte!
Charlotte: Put me down!
Murphy: Charlotte! Damn it. Bellamy! You cannot fight all of us. Give her up.
Bellamy: Maybe not, but I guarantee I'll take a few of you with me.
Clarke: Bellamy! Stop! This has gone too far. Just calm down. We'll talk about this.
Murphy: I'm sick of listening to you talk.
Bellamy: Let her go.
Murphy: I will slit her throat.
Charlotte: No, please. Please don't hurt her.
Murphy: Don't hurt her? Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go.
Bellamy: Don't do it, Charlotte. Don't do it, Charlotte!
Charlotte: No! No, I have to! Murphy, this is not happening. I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.
Clarke: Charlotte! No! No, no, no! No! Bellamy. Bellamy. Bellamy, stop! You'll k*ll him!
Bellamy: Get off me! Uhh! He deserves to die.
Clarke: No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here.
Bellamy: So help me God, if you say the people have a right to decide…
Clarke: No, I was wrong before, okay? You were right. Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules.
Bellamy: And who makes those rules, huh? You?
Clarke: For now, we make the rules. Okay?
Bellamy: So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?
Clarke: No! We banish him.
Bellamy: Get up.
Clarke: Bellamy! Stop!
Bellamy: If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand? As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice.
Raven: Come on, come on! No! Damn it! She gave us a bad part.
Kane: I'm hoping… there's a logical explanation for all this.
Abby: My daughter.
Kane: I know. I'm sorry. We all knew it was a long sh*t.
Abby: I still believe.
Kane: What's the pressure regulator for, Abby? There's no bacteria, is there? Your infected mechanic… Raven Reyes. What's she up to? Did you know that her boyfriend Finn Collins… was one of the hundred? Your obsession… is now gonna get her floated, too. If you don't tell me what you're up to… I won't be able to save her.
Abby: You still don't understand. I'm trying to save all of us.
Kane: Arrest her. Continue to search for Raven Reyes.
Guard: Sir. What was that? Sir, a pod launched.
Kane: Abby… what have you done?
Clarke: We have to know the truth. That's why we've decided to banish… Anybody got a problem with that?
Jasper: Will we be able to talk to them?
Monty: No. More like morse code. You want to do the honors?? That port right there.
Octavia: What the hell?
Jasper: What happened?
Monty: It didn't work. I think we fried all the wristbands.
Jasper: Sit there at your own risk. I think I might be cursed.
Octavia: Then call me a risk taker. And Jasper, you're not cursed.
Jasper: I'm unlucky then.
Octavia: No. Brave.
Jasper: Brave? For getting my face bashed in or for ruining any chance to contact The Ark?
Octavia: No, for standing up to a bully and trying to help everyone.
Jasper: Yeah. And failing. Both times.
Octavia: I didn't see anyone else step up. Did you? And I don't care how things turned out. You were brave to try. And bravery is always rewarded.
Clarke: Finn! Finn, stop it! Calm down!
Finn: We're d*ad to them! Don't you get that?
Clarke: No, there's still hope.
Finn: Even you don't believe that. It's over, Clarke. They're gonna die up there, and we're alone.
Clarke: You're not alone. | {"type": "series", "show": "The 100", "episode": "01x04 - Murphy's Law"} | foreverdreaming |
**March 3rd 1946 Crescent City, California**
A car is parked. Inside are seated a man and woman, and in the back is a young girl. The song 'I'm In Heaven' is playing on the radio.
Mrs Rutledge: Ethan, I don't think it's going to clear up anytime soon.
Ethan: I don't think it's gonna last that long. It's not raining that hard.
Mrs Rutledge: It was so nice this morning.
Ethan: Yeah. It'll clear up, and if it doesn't, we'll just have a picnic in the car.
Maia: No Daddy. I want to play.
Ethan: Oh no. You're gonna get all wet sweety. Maybe later.
Maia: Please! It's a very light shower. Please! I won't get wet.
Mrs Rutledge: Ok.
Maia: Yay!
Mrs Rutledge: But for just a minute. I want you to come right back.
Maia: I promise.
Ethan: Have fun.
Maia: I will.
Maia leaves the car and walks through a woodland area. A light appears from above, and the girl drops the flowers she's been picking, and disappears.
**May 11th 1951 South Korea**
A black soldier is being held by a group of white ones, while the repeatedly h*t him.
Soldier: We treated you as an equal, but that wasn't good enough for you. You had to cross the line. I'd put in for a transfer if I were you.
He throws some pictures on the floor of Richard kissing a white girl. They others leave in disgust and suddenly a bright light appears from above. Richard looks up as the light get's brighter and engulfs him.
**June 11th 1979 Tacoma, Washington**
Two men are walking through a large ornate hallway.
Man: So where are you two going for dinner?
Orson: Chez Michael.
Man: That's gonna set you back.
Orson: Elizabeth has been married to me for 35 years. She deserves a nice meal.
Man: Have a good evening, Orson.
Orson: God bless.
Orson walks outside to his car. He places his briefcase on the bonnet and a bright light appears.
**April 22nd 2001 Highland Beach, Washington**
Two young men are sat on the beach at night, drinking.
Shawn: You need to slow down Cous! I'm not driving back into town, for another six pack.
Kyle: You're just afraid my Dad will kick your ass if I come home smelling like beer.
Shawn: Evil cousin Shawn, that's me. Corruptor of the innocent.
They clink their beer bottles together.
Kyle: That next door neighbour of yours, what's her name? She seem's ready for some corruption.
Shawn: You mean Nikki? She's 14, Kyle.
Kyle: 14?
Shawn: Yeah.
Kyle: Mmmm.
Shawn: Mmmm.
A bright light appears from above. Shawn disappears. Kyle screams and falls to the ground, unconscious.
Present Day
Kyle is in a hospital bed, in a coma. His father is sat at his bedside watching a tv. He stands up and moves over to the bed.
Tom: Hey kiddo! You're missing your show. It's a big comet. NASA say's we'll never see one closer in our lifetime. Yeah, I didn't think that would work.
Kyle's mother enters the room
Linda: Hi, how is he?
Tom: Same, same as always.
Linda: Some of your mail is still coming to the house.
Tom: I'll call the post office.
She moves over to the bed and brushes his hair back from his forehead.
Linda: Hi baby.
She kisses him
Tom: I haven't seen you around here for the last couple of day's.
Linda: I can't make it every day. Not anymore. Not after three years.
Tom: So what are we supposed to do? Just give up on him?
Linda: I better go.
Tom: Linda, just wait. Linda! Linda!
He rushes after her.
Linda: It's not a competition, Tom! It's not about who can sit by his side the longest. I still love him, I just can't live here like you do.
Tom: I know. I wasn't accusing you.
Linda: I saw you got a bill, from Olympia investigations. More private detectives?
Tom: I thought we were onto something. Someone matching Shawns description, living down in Monteray.
Linda: But it wasn't him, was it? Shawn could be anywhere. Even if you found him, it wouldn't wake Kyle up.
Tom: At least I'd have some answers.
Linda: I'm worried about you Tom.
Tom: Finding Shawn, and figuring out what happened to our son, is my job. How can you not know that?
Linda: You look tired. Try and get some rest.
She leaves the hospital
Shawn's younger brother is outside with his girlfriend.
Nikki: I thought we were supposed to be watching the comet.
Danny: Oh yeah, the comet.
She looks up into the sky.
Nikki: Is it supposed to be that bright?
Agent Diana Skouris of Homeland Security- Seattle Branch,is running on a treadmill.
Diana: Skouris here.
Ryland: Get over here, now!
Department Of Homeland Security, Seattle
Diana is rushing down a hallway. She rushes into a large room.
Diana: This cannot be good.
Ryland: Alright, listen up everyone. We're at Defcon 1. These envelopes are orders from home sect. Our first priority is to secure Seatac airport and ground all the planes. Gather up all the foreign dignitaries in the greater metropolitan area. Get them, the local elected officials and take them all to the shelters in those orders.
Diana: Someone bring me up to speed. Sid.
Sid: It's a Comet. It's not a fly by anymore. It's headed right at us.
Chen: Sir, it just changed course. It's headed right at us, again.
Diana: Comet's cannot change course.
Ryland: This one has.
Diana: Then it's not a comet.
Chen: It's estimated velocity is...
Sid: 3000km's a second.
Ryland: How much time do we have?
Chen: Impact in 28 minutes.
Another man comes up behind Ryland and hands him a phone.
Agent: Sir.
Ryland (Into phone): Ryland. Understood.
He puts the phone down and addresses the people in the room.
Ryland: China just launched it's m*ssile at it. Get ready guys, we're going next.
Kyle's hospital room
Tom is watching the news.
News: There has been a launch. The US military has launched a volley of 24 type 2 m*ssile.
People are out in the street, watching the m*ssile head for the comet.
Nikki: Kenny, what's going on?
Department of Homeland Security
Diana: Alright, our m*ssile are in the air.
Chen: England has launched too.
Sid: France and Russia.
Diana: Norad's saying the first lot of m*ssile will intercept in fifteen seconds. 9, 8,7,6,5,4..
Kyle's room
News: 3,2,1
The m*ssile h*t the target.
With Danny and the others
Susan (Danny's mom): We should get inside.
Homeland Security
Diana: Multiple hits. I think they got it.
Kyle's hospital room
News: Norad is reporting that at least nine of the Titan 2 m*ssile have h*t their target. It appears the comet has...
Homeland Security
Chen: No effect. The comet's still headed right for us.
Ryland: How hard will it h*t?
Diana: Something that big, that fast? You don't wanna know. You don't wanna know.
With Danny and Nikki
Nikki: I'm scared. I'm going to go find my parents, ok?
They kiss and she leaves.
Homeland Security
Diana phones her father.
Diana: Hey Dad. If you're there, can you pick up the phone? It's Diana. You know, your daughter.
Sid and the others are also phoning home.
Sid: Just tell my brother that I love him.
Chen: You tell mommy that I love her, ok?
Ryland: Nancy it's Dad. I just wanted to tell you, I love you.Danny's house
News: A catastrophic impact with Earth, now appears unavoidable.
Susan: Tom it's Susan. What is going on? Well Tom, isn't there a shelter that we can go to? I mean technically you still work for Homeland Security, don't you?
Kyle's hospital room
Tom: Susan, it doesn't matter. Those shelter's aren't going to make a damn bit of difference. I'm sorry. I love you sis. Just hug Danny close and pray for the best.
Homeland Security
Chen: Sir, British m*ssile just h*t the object, but it's still coming.
Sid: It's entered the atmosphere.
Diana: I got it on Seatac radar. It's slowing down.
Ryland: What?
Diana: It's at mach 7. Mach 2. It's going subsonic. It's levelling off and continuing to lose speed. It's as if it's coming in for a landing.
Ryland: Landing?
Sid: What, like a plane?
Chen: No, more like a mothership.
Ryland: Give me some coordinates. Where is it going?
Diana: 47 North, Longtitude. 122, maybe 123, west, latitude.
Ryland: That's by Mount Rainier. That's our backyard.
Members of Homeland Security and the press arrive on the mountain.
Reporter: Come on, get the sh*t! Get the sh*t!
A ball of light comes out of the sky and begins to move along the lake. The onlookers stand silently and watch.
Reporter: We're close to the base of mount Rainier. The ball of light is massive. 100, 200ft in diameter. Hard to tell. We're going to try to get closer. I can tell you, that this is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible sights I've ever seen.
The public are watching the broadcast on their televisions.
The ball of light continues to hover and then begins to change shape.
Reporter: We're still looking for something official from the government.
The light get's smaller and suddenly explodes, sending out a large wave of energy, bl*wing people to the floor.
News: What's going on?
Reporter: We're not sure what's just happened. The ball of light is gone.
The mist begins to clear and as Diana looks on, thousands of people begin to emerge. Shawn is one of them, along with Orson, Richard and Maia.
Susan: I think I just... I saw your brother!
Danny: You sure?
Susan: Yeah!
Maia appears out of the mist.
Later at Homeland Security
Ryland: Pull me all the files from the Northern Counties.
He walks into another room where Tom is waiting.
Tom: I want back in.
Ryland: Tom, do you have any idea what I'm wading through here? I have over 4000 people, that stepped out of a ball of light and landed in my lap. Some of them have been gone 60 years. None of them have any memory of what happened to them. Now you want me to drop everything, because you want back in.
Tom: I can help.
Ryland: I needed help from you before. When Home Sec asked me who I wanted to bring over from the bureau, your name was at the top of the list. What did I get from you?
Tom: Five months.
Ryland: Five months, and then an indefinite leave of absence. You made fools out of both of us.
Tom: I needed to find the truth about what happened to my son!
Ryland: And you still do. And that's the reason you want back in, because your nephew is one of the returnee's.
Tom: Look I admit, I have a personal stake in this. That's why I'll come through for you. I need answers too.
Ryland takes Tom in to see Diana.
Ryland: Diana Skouris
Diana: Yes.
Ryland: Tom Baldwin. You two will be one of the teams that's responsible for investigating what happened to the returnee's.
Tom: Scouris! Ex CDC right?
Diana: Yes. I heard of you, too.
She turns to Ryland.
Diana: You gotta be kidding me, right?
Ryland: Is there a problem?
Diana: He went MIA once, who's to say he won't do it again?
Tom: Me.
Diana: Is this where you give me the 'Be a good soldier' speech?
Ryland: No, this is where I give you the speech, about how you're my best field scientist and Tom is my best lead investigator, and how together you're gonna make a good team.
Diana: Well, it should be interesting.
Tom: Nice to meet you, too.
Ryland: Beautiful. The sooner we find out what's going on, the better for us.
Tom walks over to a monitor, which is showing the returnee's milling around in a large room.
Ryland: The better for them.
The returnee's are logged.
Guard: What's your name again, sir?
A montage of faces and names appear.
Julia: Julius
Anita: Anita
Amanda: Amanda
Clips from various interviews with the people returned.
Amanda: I want to see my family.
Other people talk, in various languages.
Diana: So for them, no time has past.
Tom: So between you and me. What do you think happened to them? Where do you think they've been?
Diana: I don't know. There had to have been some kind of intelligence behind it.
Tom: Was it the hand of God? Or little grey men?
Diana: I'm not discounting anything. Here look, here's an interesting one.
Maia appears on the screen.
Maia: They're d*ad aren't they?
Diana: This is Maia Rutledge. She was the first one to disappear, as far as we can tell. She was eight years old, only she was born in 1938.
Maia: I'll be ok. Mostly.
Diana: She's a tough little kid.
Tom: Look, there's one returnee I'd like to interview myself.
Diana: Yeah, so I've been told. Returnee 1217, Shawn Farrell. He's all yours.
The Barbara Yates Show on TV
Interviewee: All we're asking for is access. These people deserve to see their families and to receive legal representation. They're private citizens who've done nothing wrong.
Yates: We don't know that. It's been less than a week. For all we know, these people could be walking time b*mb.
Maia and Orsen are watching the show.
Maia: She doesn't like us much.
Orson: The feeling's mutual.
Shawn is pacing, while Richard sits reading the National Geographic.
Richard: The Secretary of State is coloured?
Shawn: Black. I'll take your word for it.
Richard: And the National Security Advisor, too. Lord, the world sure has changed, since we've been gone. You should try and relax son. You're not going to get out of here any quicker, by wearing a groove in the floor.
Shawn: You some kind of jailhouse philosopher?
Richard: Barracks philosopher actually. I was a combat pilot in Korea.
Shawn: Nice tattoo. Who's Lily?
Richard: A girl I used to know.
Tannoy: Shawn Farrell, report to interview room one.
Shawn: I'll see you.
He walks over to a side room.
Orson is sat at one of the hatches.
Interviewer: What's your name again, sir?
Orson: Orson Bailey. I wanna speak to someone in charge. I mean, why can't I just make a call.
Shawn arrives in the room to find Tom waiting for him. They are separated by glass.
Shawn: Uncle Tommy, hi! It's good to see you! Look, what's going on, nobody will tell us anything.
Tom appears to be in shock.
Tom: We'll let you know as soon as we find out. I still can't believe it's you.
Shawn: How do you think I feel? Listen, do you know how long they're gonna keep us, because I really want to go home.
Tom gestures for Shawn to sit.
Tom: Shawn, do you remember anything? Anything at all about what happened that night?
Shawn: See, nothing! Nothing. One minute I'm sitting there with Kyle, on the beach, the next, it's three years later, and I'm standing next to some mountain with a couple thousand strangers around me. Listen Uncle Tommy, some people are saying that we were abducted by aliens.
Tom: We can't rule anything out yet.
Shawn: Well can you give me anything? How's my Mom? How's Danny?
Tom: Fine, they're all fine. They miss you.
Shawn: Hey, what about Kyle? He must have seen something the night I disappeared. Did he tell you anything?
Tom stands up.
Tom: He hasn't said a word.
Shawn: He's ok, isn't he? Isn't he?
Tom: Kyle's in a coma, Shawn.
Shawn: What are you talking about?
Tom: What I'm talking about, is Kyle, lying in a bed, with a ventilator down his throat. Being fed down one tube and pissing out of another. He's been like that ever since the night you left.
Shawn: He was fine last time I saw him. We were having a couple of beers...
He sit's back down.
Tom: Look, don't you lie to me Shawn!
Shawn: I'm not.
Tom: Don't you lie to me! I've been waiting three years to hear the truth from you, so please don't lie to me.
Shawn is upset.
Shawn: I just told you the truth! Is that what you've been thinking, this whole time? That I gave Kyle something that messed him up and then I just took off? Screw you Uncle Tommy! I just told you everything I know!
He picks up a chair and throws it.
Shawn: Dammit!!
Richard is sat on a chair, playing with a zippo lighter A woman walks up to him.
Lily: You look as bored as I feel. I wish there were windows in this place. I'd like to see the stars, wouldn't you?
Richard stands up and seems to be confused.
Lily: Do I look that bad?
Richard: No, it's just that you remind me of someone I used to know.
Lily: How long you been gone?
Richard: Since '51.
Lily: Wouldn't be me then, '93.
Richard: My friend, her name was Lily, too. Lily Bonham.
Lily: That's my Grandmother's name.
Richard: Lily Bonham from St Louis?
Lily: You knew my Grandmother.
Richard: Is she still alive?
Lily: I'm sorry. She died before I was born.
Richard sit's in a chair, clearly upset. Lily kneels beside him.
Lily: Are you alright?
Richard: Lily's d*ad, and I'm sitting here with her Granddaughter. It doesn't make any sense. No g*dd*mn sense at all.
Lily: I know how you feel. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up from this dream and tell my husband all about it.
Richard: You have a family?
Lily: Yeah. Brian and I and our daughter Heidi. She was six months when I...So what was she like, my Grandmother? Everyone say's I look a lot like her.
Richard: They were right.
Orson is still at one of the windows.
Interviewer: I'm sorry. That's not possible right now.
Orson: This is ridiculous. You have no right to hold us here like this. We haven't done anything wrong!
Interviewer: I'm sorry.
Maia approaches him and hands him a serviette.
Maia: This is for you
His nose is bleeding.
Later in Diana's office
Diana: We're letting them go? They've only been back six weeks. It's too soon.
Ryland: Well the ninth circuit court of appeal has upheld the lawsuit by the ACLU on behalf of the families. We don't have a legal right to hold them.
Chen: Ok, but some of these people have no place to go. No families left.
Sid: The word is, Egypt and China are refusing to repatriate it's citizens. India's on the fence.
Ryland: Well, wait a minute. We're not kicking anybody out. Whoever wants to stay, can stay. As far as American citizens, whoever leaves will get whatever assistance is required, to get their life back on track. Medicare, unemployment, rent vouchers, vocational training.
Diana: Vocational training? We need to isolate these people.
Tom: They're not virus samples, they're human beings.
Ryland: The orders been given. We're letting them go. I wouldn't book your vacations, just yet.
The doors are opened and the people are released. Maia sits on a chair, alone.
Ryland: Each regional Homeland Security Office, will be responsible for the returnee's who settle in their region. So we'll be monitoring 79 people. Plus, another 135 have chosen to remain in quarantine for the time being.
Maia is all alone now.
Ryland: Each of our returnee's, will check in once a week. Any difficulties faced by the returnee's in our district, will be handled by this office. Finally, we'll continue with our ongoing investigation. They'll all sleep better, once we know what the hell's going on. Thankyou.
The returnee's are queueing up and receiving numbers on cards.
Lily walks up to Richard.
Lily: You look so lonely standing there without an ID number.
Richard: I'm supposed to be 82 years old. There's no-one here waiting for me.
Lily: So what are you gonna do, now that you're out?
Richard: Head back to the old neighbourhood, I suppose. What about you? Wait, let me guess. Take your daughter to Woodland Park.
Lily: We used to love that place.Of course, Heidi was barely crawling then and now she's 12.
Richard: You've been a good friend.
Lily is crying, and they hug.
Kenny and Susan are waiting outside as Shawn walks up the stairs.
Orson speaks with one of the guards.
Orson: They told me there would be a bus to the city.
Guard: Yes sir, over there.
Lot's of families are waiting for their loved ones, each holding an ID number to enable the returnee's to recognise them.
Shawn: Hey Mom! Danny!
Shawn rushes over to his mother and brother.
Lily thinks she recognises her husband and walks over to a man.
Lily: Brian! Brian!
He turns, but it's not him.
Lily: I'm sorry.
Shawn has his arms around his family.
Shawn: Let's go!
A lot of reunions are happening, but Lily's husband isn't there. She decides to make her own way home, and arrives at her house. Nervously making her way to the door, she prepares to knock, just as two young girls open the door.
Heidi: Can I help you?
Lily: Heidi?
Heidi: Yeah.
Lily: Heidi, it's Mommy.
Heidi: Who?
A man comes rushing out.
Brian: Heidi! That's ok sweetie, I got it.
Lily: Brian.
Brian: Lily.
She begins to cry and rushes into his arms.
Brian: Look at you, you haven't aged a day.
Lily: Why didn't you come pick me up Didn't they contact you?
Brian: Yeah. You have to try to understand, Lil. I didn't think I was ever going to see you again. I'm married, Lily. Carole has been a really good mother to Heidi. We have a son now,too. A little boy. I'm sorry. Lily.
Lily turns and walks back down the steps, crying.
Orson is walking through what seems to be an old people's home. He approaches an elderly woman sat on a bed.
Orson: Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Orson? Where have you been? I've been waiting for you.
He kisses her hand.
Orson: I know.
Elizabeth: Where's the car. We're going to be late for dinner.
Orson: I'm sorry honey. Things got a little out of control. But it won't happen again.
He begins to cry.
There's a welcome home party at Shawns house. He's walking through, welcoming people, whilst his arm remains around Danny's shoulder.
Shawn: Hey mom. Hey guys, it's good to see you.
Danny: I'm sorry your buddies didn't show up. I guess most of them are away at college.
Shawn: They're just jealous that I get to enjoy two more years of high school.
Nikki approaches them.
Nikki: High School's not that bad. Hi Shawn. Remember me?
Shawn: Nikki? No! Last time I saw you, you were just a little kid. Now look at you.
Danny has his arm around her.
Danny: Look at me, huh?
Shawn: Yeah, I guess so.
St. Louis, Missouri
Richard is walking amongst some homeless people, who are living in an abandoned building.
Chen: What the hell are you looking at?
Richard: I used to live here.
Chen: Yeah? Well, I live here now. Get the hell outta here!
Shawns house
Diana and Tom are in the kitchen.
Diana: Why did you bring me here?
Tom: I thought it would put a Human face on the returnee's, for you.Remind you they're people not virus'.
Linda walks in.
Linda: Tom, are you gonna introduce me to your new friend?
Tom: Ah, Linda. This is my partner. My work partner, Diana Scouriz. Diana this is my wife, Linda.
Linda: We're separated. Call me. We need to talk.
Diana: Well that was awkward.
Tom: Really?
Diana: Yeah.
Tom: I hadn't noticed. Give me a second.
He heads outside, to find Shawn sitting on the porch.
Tom: You look thirsty.
Shawn: Thankyou.
Tom: I just wanted you to know, I really am glad you're back.
Shawn: Whatever, Uncle Tom, I mean...
A bird flies into the side of the house, k*lling itself. Shawn picks it up and cradles it in his hands.
Shawn: Geez
Tom: Neck's broken.
Shawn: Reflection must have confused him, huh?
Tom: Why don't you come back inside. You're missing your own party.
Shawn: I know, it's just weird being in there.
The birds eyes open and it flies away.
Maia: I have to come to see the Doctor, every week?
Diana: I know, it doesn't sound like much fun to me either, but hey, you know, you get to live with these lovely people, and that beats a bunk in quarantine, right?
Foster Mother: Besides, there's nothing we can't handle, right Maia?
Maia: That would be nice.
Kenneth: Well we should get going. It's a bit of a drive to Everett.
Diana: Yeah, terrific. Good luck Maia.
Maia: You'll see me again.
Diana: Yeah, next week.
Maia: Sooner than that.
Diana looks confused and Maia walks away.
Orson is walking with his business partners son at the offices of Kensington and Bailey.
Adam: Can I get you anything?
Orson: Uh, water, that'll be fine.
Adam: Mary, could you get Mr Bailey some water? Just down here. You know, I can't get over it. You look exactly the same as the last time I saw you.
Orson: And you were what, thirteen. Your father asked me to show you the ropes.
Adam: Yes.
Orson: It looks like I succeeded.
Adam: Please have a seat.
Orson: Thank you.
Adam: So, what can I do for you Mr Bailey.
Orson: My old corner office, for starters. Thankyou. A secretary, some business cards. I should be able to start seeing clients within a week or so.
Adam: You're looking for a job?
Orson: This is still Kensington and Bailey, isn't it?
Adam: I'm embarrassed. Times are tight. I just had to lay off three of my actuaries. I don't have any openings right now, Mr Bailey.
Orson: Openings? I'm a partner here.
Adam: Mr Bailey, your interest in the company, was bought out, when you were declared d*ad.
Orson: I'm not d*ad.
Adam: Well, your wife accepted the settlement. It is all legal.
Orson: Don't be too sure of that. What happened to me, there's no precedent.
Adam: You are right about that, but it might be years until precedent is established. Until that happens, all of you returnee's are gonna have to get in line and plead your case in front of a judge. Do you have the kind of resources to...
Orson: Have you seen the kind of place my wife is in? I have to get her out of there!
Adam: I don't have permission to discuss this any further.
Orson: I need money, now!
He squeezes a glass until it shatters.
Maia arrives at her new home.
Foster Mother: This is the living room and there's the kitchen. Do you wanna see your room?
Maia: Ok.
Foster Mother: I think it's really nice. It's the one over here.
Kenneth: We just had it redone.
Maia: It's a very nice room.
Foster Mother: I got you a few things to start. Tomorrow we can go shopping and you can pick out a few bits, yourself.
Maia: Ok
She hops up onto the bed and takes her trainers off, putting them on the chair.
Kenneth: Maia honey, we have a rule. No shoes on the furniture.
Maia: I didn't want them to get wet.
Foster Mother: Wet? Why would they get wet?
Kenneth: Why don't you get cleaned up. We're going to eat soon.
They leave the room. Maia picks up the shoes and places them back on the chair.
Richard is walking through a diner, looking at the various people in the booths.
Maia is asleep in bed.
Shawn is outside in his garden.
Orson is sat at his wife's side.
Shawn sits on a bench and waves to Nikki, who's standing at her window.
Richard lights up a cigarette as he sit's in a booth at the diner. Some punk rockers point to a no smoking sign and he puts his cigarette out.
Lily is walking through the streets.
Shawns family car is covered in grafitti.
Water spills out of a hosepipe into Maia's bedroom. Her foster mother walks in and Maia stares at her.
Richard is looking at some old photo's of Lily.
Orson arrives in a taxi at the gate's of Adam's house. He begins to press the bell.
Orson: Adam, it's Orson. Let me in, I wanna talk.
He continues to press the buzzer, but Adam's ignoring it.
Orson: I know you can hear me. Let me in! You want me to wake the whole neighbourhood?
Orson begins to shake the gate and as he does so, the house begins to shake, smashing things inside. The windows blow out and Adam grabs his head as Orson begins to yell. Adam falls to the ground, d*ad, with some glass embedded in his chest.
Kyle's hospital room.
Diana turns up to find Tom asleep in the chair.
Diana: Tom?
Tom: What are you doing here?
Diana: Your phone is off. Ryland wants us to come in.
Tom: What's up?
Diana: There's been a m*rder. The police are holding one of the 4400.
Homeland Security
A picture of Orson is brought up on a monitor.
Ryland: That's him. That's Orson Bailey.
Tom: Bailey? Some kind of businessman, right?
Ryland: Right.
Tom: Life insurance?
Ryland: Yeah.
Diana: Disappeared in the 70's.
Ryland: '79. Declared d*ad in '86. Seattle police are holding him in connection with a h*m* in Madison Park, last night.
Tom: Do they know he's one of the 4400?
Ryland: Bailey told them. That's why they called us.
Diana: Well, I thought the returnee's were told not to discuss their status?
Ryland: Well we counsel them to avoid it, if they possibly can, but we were talking job interviews and housing applications. There's not really a protocol for being questioned about a m*rder.
Tom: He said holding, not charging.
Ryland: That's right. There are some conflicting reports about what actually went on at the crime scene.
Tom: We'll check it out.
Ryland: Quietly. I don't want to be dodging microphones at the six 'o'clock news.
Tom: Quietly it is.
Ryland: Diana!
He hands her a folder, and they leave.
Tom leaves the building with Diana and uses his mobile to call his wife. He reaches her answerphone.
Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't come to the phone right now, but just leave a message and I'll call you back.
Tom: Linda it's me again. You said we needed to talk, so pick up the phone. Linda, come on. Alright, call me.
Diana: Everything alright?
Tom: Same old, same old. Call me, don't call me. I wish she'd make up her mind.
Diana: You know, I had a boyfriend once. Every time...
Tom: Boyfriend?
Diana: Well, don't look so surprised. God! Yeah, anyway, the thing about this guy thing...
Tom: You can stop!
Diana: I barely got started.
Tom: All I'm saying is, you don't have to try to make me feel better.
Diana: Well, it was more of an attempt at bonding, via a shared similar experience. Can you open the door?
Tom: How long did you go out with this guy?
Diana: Nine months.
Tom: Nine months. So you're equating your nine months of dating, with my nineteen years of marriage.
Diana: You're right, ok, forget it. You want me to drive?
Tom: What for?
Diana: I don't know. So you can brood?
Tom: Just get in.
He get's into the car and leaves her standing. She taps on the window as her door is still locked.
Shawn's first day back at High School. He walks up to find his locker. The halls are filled with people, all staring at him. Someone rushes up and pushes him against the locker. Kenny and Nikki are watching.
Brad: Look who floated in on a ball of light. Remember me?
Shawn: Rossi. Hi. It looks like the steroids finally kicked in.
Brad: Funny man, funny. I always did appreciate your sense of humour. But that time you sold me those concert tickets, right before you disappeared.
Shawn: To see the Foo Fighters? How was the show?
Brad: The police were waiting for me when I showed up. The tickets were stolen man. You got me arrested.
Shawn: You got arrested for stolen tickets?
Brad: Yeah, I had 5 tabs of ect's on me. I had to pee into a cup, once a week, for two years, because of you.
Shawn is being h*t up against the locker. Nikki and Kenny rush over.
Nikki: Stop it!
Danny: Come on, get off of him!
Brad: It's between me and your brother.
Danny: Yeah? Well I'm making it between you and me.
Brad: See you around, freak. Oh by the way. I like the new paint job on your ride.
Brad walks away.
Nikki: You ok?
Shawn: Fine
Diana and Tom are looking at the surveillance video of Orson.
Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself.
Tom: You've been through all the footage?
Officer: Every scrap. He never made it past the gate.
Tom: Hold on a second. Did you see that?
They watch as Orson shakes the gate so violently that it comes away from the concrete posts.
Tom: That's glass.
Diana: Yeah, something blew out the windows, but from the inside.
Officer: Yeah, we're still trying to figure that one out. There was no seismic activity. No evidence of a b*mb or gas leak.
Tom: And Bailey's not talking?
Officer: We've sent half a dozen guys in there, but he hasn't given us anything.
Orson in interviewed.
Orson: Look, I've been over and over this, with you people.
Tom: We're not the police, we're Homeland Security.
Orson: Well tell the bozo's out there, that I had nothing to do with what happened to Adam.
Tom: Let's just go over your day again. You went to see Adam Kensington about a job, and even though your name is still on the company letterhead, he brushed you off. I know how that would make me feel.
Orson: I admit I was angry. I went to Adam's house to...I don't know why I went. But I didn't k*ll him.
Diana: Let me read you an e-mail Kensington sent to his attorney, after your visit.
Tom: It's not important.
Diana: Just a sec. Bailey is making desperate claims regarding his financial stake in the company. He actually thr*at to sue. I don't think he realises, there are going to be hundreds of law suits involving the 4400. It'll take years. The poor bastard, he really is rather....
The coffee pots are shaking.
Diana: ...a pathetic case.
The coffee pots shatter. Orson's nose is bleeding.
Orson: Now I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not an idiot either. You've had me here for twelve hours. Either you charge me with something, or let me go.
Diana and Tom make their way out of the station.
Diana: So we're just gonna let him walk, after what happened in there?
Tom: Yeah, looks like it. But for future reference, if I ever wanna play good cop, bad cop, I'll let you know.
Diana: Which one do I get to be?
Tom: This isn't a joke. There's a time to lean in on a guy, and that wasn't it. You shut him down.
Diana: Look, I'm sorry. Bailey admitted he was angry with Kensington. He was at his house.
Tom: I didn't say it was over, did I?
Maia lays flowers on the graves of her parents.
Maia: Do you think they ever thought about me?
Foster Mother: Oh sweetie, they were your parents. I am sure that they thought about you every day.
Maia: Thanks for bringing me here.
Kenneth: This place used to be so nice. Now the kids leave their garbage everywhere.
Foster Mother: It's a shame.
Maia: You don't have to worry. Cranridge is nice.
Kenneth: Cranridge cemetary?
Maia: Yes, that's where you will be.
Kenneth: Be? Be what?
Maia: Buried.
Tom and Diana go to the morgue.
Medical Examiner : Kensington's a popular guy around here today. The whole staffs been through here for the post mortem.
Tom: Why's that?
Medical Examiner : Well, he may have been a boring old suit when he was alive? But in death, he's a rock star.
Diana: God, look at that. Those were his parietal bones?
They're looking at x-rays of his skull.
Medical Examiner : We've seen bleeding deaths in here, as bad as you can imagine. Even a guy who jumped off the space needle and had to be brought to us in a garbage bag, but I have never seen a skull in this kind of shape before. Thousands of tiny little bone fragments that...
Tom: Kensington was impaled. Are you saying that's not how he died?
Medical Examiner :Oh, that would have k*lled him, but he was already d*ad, from a shattered skull.
Richard is in a phonebox. He phones Lily's house.
Heidi: Hello?
Richard: Hello, is Lily there?
Heidi: Who?
Richard: Is this Heidi?
Heidi: Yes.
Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of your mothers.
Heidi: My mother's name is Carole. Are you sure you have the right number?
Richard: This is the Moore residence, isn't it?
Heidi: Yeah, but there's no-one named Lily here, sorry.
Lily is with a Doctor.
Doctor: Well I can't give you any medicine for the nausea.
Lily: Why not?
Doctor: Because it wouldn't work. You're not sick Lily, you're pregnant.
Lily: That's impossible. The quarantine Doctors would have told me.
Doctor: You said they gave you a full screening seven weeks ago. If you'd just conceived, it wouldn't have shown up in their tests.
Lily: Conceived? When?
Doctor: I assume it happened right before you disappeared. But there's no mistake, you're definitely pregnant. There's nothing to worry about. I'd like to see you next week....
Her voice fades out. Lily is in shock.
Seacrest Senior High School
Shawn is walking down the stairs.
Nikki: Shawn!
Shawn: Hey, how you doing? What's up?
Nikki: Good. Did you get your car fixed?
Shawn: It's gonna be in the shop for about a week.
Nikki: Yeah. You know, Danny and I are going to a party tonight at Irvin Chobey's house. You should come.
Shawn: I don't think so.
Nikki: Why not?
Shawn: Um, well, they're gonna be listening to music I've never listened to. Talking about movies I've never seen. School is bad enough. Partying with a bunch of runts from...
Nikki: Is that how you saw me? A runt?
Shawn: You were fourteen, Nikki.
Nikki: And now?
The bell rings.
Shawn: I'm late for class.
Orson goes to visit his wife. He finds her cubicle empty.
Orson: Where's my wife?
Manager: Mr Bailey, you have our deepest condolences.
Orson: What?
Manager: We called your hotel room, there was no answer.
Orson: Elizabeth?
Manager: It was a pulmonary embolism, about one 'o'clock this morning. We tried to revive her.
Orson: No!! She's all I have!!
He has the man hold by the collar.
Manager: Please just calm down.
Orson: She's all I have!!
He begins to lose control. Things begin to explode and his nose is bleeding again.
Homeland Security
Diana: So, the red dots mark the spots where the American members of the 4400 originally lived.
Tom: You mean, the returnee's.
Diana: Not according to the press. It's the 4400. Now you have to admit, it's a bit strange. A nice, round number, like that. I wonder if it has any significance.
Tom: So you're saying that if 3781 people, had suddenly shown up that night, it wouldn't have been as strange.
Diana: I'd say, slightly less strange. This however, is downright weird. Here's where the 4400 are right now, two weeks after their release.
Tom: 65% are still in Seattle.
Diana: They're just not going home, and none of them can come up with a good reason as to why.
Tom: You think it means something?
Diana: In the CDC, we'd call this a statistically significant, disease cluster.
Tom: Yeah well, in the FBI, we'd call it a freaky coincidence.
Diana: I don't believe in coincidences. Disease clusters. I believe in those.
Lily meet's with Brian in a restaurant.
Brian: What do you mean, you're pregnant?
Lily: I just found out a few day's ago.
Brian: I don't understand. When you disappeared, I'd been in New York for weeks, studying for the bar.
Lily: I can't explain it. I haven't been with anyone else.
Brian: So what are we talking, immaculate conception?
Lily: I don't know what we're talking about. I wish I did.
Brian: You know, when you disappeared, I'd have given anything in the world to talk to you again. I had whole conversations with you, in my head. I missed you so much, Lil. But we can't do this. I have another family now, and I'm sorry, I know that's not fair to you, but...
Lily: I am still part of your life, whether you want me to be or not.
Brian: Lil, you haven't been part of my life for eleven years.
Lily: I wanna see Heidi.
Brian: I'm sorry, that's impossible.
Lily: She's my daughter.
Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother.
Lily: You never told her about me?
Brian: She was a baby when you left. Hell, we were babies when you left.
Lily: You can't stop me from seeing her.
Brian: I already have.
He hands her an envelope.
Lily: What's this?
Brian: It's a temporary restraining order.
Lily: But I haven't done anything wrong.
Brian: Lily, I'm a lawyer, I know how to work the system. Now I don't wanna use this, but I will if you force me to. My first priority has to be to protect my family.
Lily: I am your family!
Brian: I wish you were, but you're not. Not anymore. I'm sorry lil, I'm asking you. Please stay away from Heidi and from me. I'm sorry Lil.
He stands up and leaves.
The residential home
Manager: At first I thought it was an earthquake. Everything was shaking, falling off the walls, but then, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... things started to fly around the room. Papers, chairs.
Tom: What do you mean, fly?
Manager: I mean fly. Like it was a tornado. Except there was no wind. Everybody was screaming. Mr Bailey Was shouting.My head felt like it was gonna burst, and then suddenly it was over.
Tom: What about Bailey?
Manager: Oh, he looked scared, like the rest of us. That's when he ran away. The staff, everyone's saying he's one of these people. The 4400? Is that true?
Tom: Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to talk about this to the press or anyone else, and the same goes for your staff. If I pick up a paper and see a word of this, or I see it reported on the news, I'm gonna take an interest in this place.
Tom, Diana and Ryland take a walk outside the Homeland Security building.
Ryland: Things flying around the room.
Tom: I know, but we got a half a dozen witnesses, all saying the same thing.
Ryland: Yeah, flying. I gotta do a briefing for Home Sect DC in the morning and I'm gonna tell them what?
Diana: Well I'd go with, the incident is under investigation.
Tom: Bailey checked out of his hotel, after he left the nursing home. He could be on the run, we're not sure.
Ryland: Find him. You bought us some time, but this story is gonna leak and I want Bailey in our hands before it does.
On campus
Nikki: Is this campus, everything you remember it to be?
Danny: You heard about Williams and Miss Sinclair, right?
Shawn: No.
Danny: No? They found them in the janitors closet.
Shawn: What is that?
Danny: Making out. Not bad.
Rossi watches them as they walk past.
Shawn: What?
Danny: Everybody in school's been talking about it.
Brad: Yo, freak! Still hiding behind your little brother?
Shawn: You know what Brad? You need to shut it down.
Brad: You wanna shut me down? You know, the only thing I'm shutting down, is you, bitch!
Shawn drops his bag, as Brad stands up.
Shawn: You're really starting to piss me off, now.
Brad: Come on, bring it! Knock me down.
They begin to fight on the grass. Shawn gets him on the floor and holds him there. Brad begins to turn blue and Kenny runs over shouting.
Danny: Hey, come on! Let him go! Shawn!
Shawn get's up.
Danny: What did you do to him?
Shawn is bleeding from the mouth, and walks away.
Maia's foster father has a brochure from a cemetary.
Kenneth: I don't wanna hear anymore.
Foster Mother: Keep your voice down, she'll hear you.
Kenneth: It's bad enough she tells us we're gonna be buried in Crown Ridge cemetary, but then the next day, we get a brochure from the place, in the mail?
Foster Mother: It's a coincidence. Look, she's not what we expected, so let's just talk to her.
Kenneth: Yeah.
The woman goes to Maia's room and finds her standing there with her bag packed.
Maia: It's ok. I knew I wasn't going to be here very long.
Shawn is playing basketball in the street with Kenny.
Danny: Come on, come on let's go.
Shawn: Give me the ball.
Danny: Your sh*t space boy.
Shawn: What is your problem
Danny: What's my problem?
Shawn: Yeah, what's your problem
Danny: Come on Danny, not you too. Come on!
Danny: The way he went down? That's not normal. You know it, I know it, everybody saw it!
Shawn: What are you saying?
Danny: You tell me.
Shawn: I didn't do anything to him, alright, Danny? Not a thing!
Tom and Diana are going through some of Elizabeth's belongings.
Diana: Is this all that's left, when you're done? Poor Mrs Bailey. A box of trinkets.
Tom: They're not trinkets. They're memories. The kind you leave behind, you know, for family and friends?
Diana: Hmmm. I should get to work on that.
Tom: I'm not going there.
Diana: Well, believe it or not, some of us are happier alone.
Tom: No-one's happy alone. If they think that, they're kidding themselves.
Diana: I thought you weren't going there?
Tom: Did you see this? This looks promising.
He finds a photo of Orson and Elizabeth.
Diana: Wyler summer cabin. Wyler was Elizabeth's maiden name.
Tom: Orson's panicking, he needs a place to run.
Diana: Well there's no address.
Tom: Then we'll have to find one.
Maia is taken back to Homeland Security.
Kenneth: It's better this way, for everyone.
Foster Mother: Everyone? Or just you | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x01 - The Pilot"} | foreverdreaming |
Adam's House
Orson begins to shake the gate and as he does so, the house begins to shake, smashing things inside. The windows blow out and Adam grabs his head as Orson begins to yell. Adam falls to the ground, d*ad, with some glass embedded in his chest.
Kyle's hospital room.
Diana turns up to find Tom asleep in the chair.
Diana: Tom?
Tom: What are you doing here?
Diana: Your phone is off. Ryland wants us to come in.
Tom: What's up?
Diana: There's been a m*rder. The police are holding one of the 4400.
Homeland Security
A picture of Orson is brought up on a monitor.
Ryland: That's him. That's Orson Bailey.
Tom: Bailey? Some kind of businessman, right?
Ryland: Right.
Tom: Life insurance?
Ryland: Yeah.
Diana: Disappeared in the 70's.
Ryland: '79. Declared d*ad in '86. Seattle police are holding him in connection with a h*m* in Madison Park, last night.
Tom: Do they know he's one of the 4400?
Ryland: Bailey told them. That's why they called us.
Diana: Well, I thought the returnee's were told not to discuss their status?
Ryland: Well we counsel them to avoid it, if they possibly can, but we were talking job interviews and housing applications. There's not really a protocol for being questioned about a m*rder.
Tom: He said holding, not charging.
Ryland: That's right. There are some conflicting reports about what actually went on at the crime scene.
Tom: We'll check it out.
Ryland: Quietly. I don't want to be dodging microphones at the six 'o'clock news.
Tom: Quietly it is.
Ryland: Diana!
He hands her a folder, and they leave.
Tom leaves the building with Diana and uses his mobile to call his wife. He reaches her answerphone.
Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't come to the phone right now, but just leave a message and I'll call you back.
Tom: Linda it's me again. You said we needed to talk, so pick up the phone. Linda, come on. Alright, call me.
Diana: Everything alright?
Tom: Same old, same old. Call me, don't call me. I wish she'd make up her mind.
Diana: You know, I had a boyfriend once. Every time...
Tom: Boyfriend?
Diana: Well, don't look so surprised. God! Yeah, anyway, the thing about this guy thing...
Tom: You can stop!
Diana: I barely got started.
Tom: All I'm saying is, you don't have to try to make me feel better.
Diana: Well, it was more of an attempt at bonding, via a shared similar experience. Can you open the door?
Tom: How long did you go out with this guy?
Diana: Nine months.
Tom: Nine months. So you're equating your nine months of dating, with my nineteen years of marriage.
Diana: You're right, ok, forget it. You want me to drive?
Tom: What for?
Diana: I don't know. So you can brood?
Tom: Just get in.
He get's into the car and leaves her standing. She taps on the window as her door is still locked.
Shawn's first day back at High School. He walks up to find his locker. The halls are filled with people, all staring at him. Someone rushes up and pushes him against the locker. Kenny and Nikki are watching.
Brad: Look who floated in on a ball of light. Remember me?
Shawn: Rossi. Hi. It looks like the steroids finally kicked in.
Brad: Funny man, funny. I always did appreciate your sense of humour. But that time you sold me those concert tickets, right before you disappeared.
Shawn: To see the Foo Fighters? How was the show?
Brad: The police were waiting for me when I showed up. The tickets were stolen man. You got me arrested.
Shawn: You got arrested for stolen tickets?
Brad: Yeah, I had 5 tabs of ect's on me. I had to pee into a cup, once a week, for two years, because of you.
Shawn is being h*t up against the locker. Nikki and Kenny rush over.
Nikki: Stop it!
Danny: Come on, get off of him!
Brad: It's between me and your brother.
Danny: Yeah? Well I'm making it between you and me.
Brad: See you around, freak. Oh by the way. I like the new paint job on your ride.
Brad walks away.
Nikki: You ok?
Shawn: Fine
Diana and Tom are looking at the surveillance video of Orson.
Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself.
Tom: You've been through all the footage?
Officer: Every scrap. He never made it past the gate.
Tom: Hold on a second. Did you see that?
They watch as Orson shakes the gate so violently that it comes away from the concrete posts.
Tom: That's glass.
Diana: Yeah, something blew out the windows, but from the inside.
Officer: Yeah, we're still trying to figure that one out. There was no seismic activity. No evidence of a b*mb or gas leak.
Tom: And Bailey's not talking?
Officer: We've sent half a dozen guys in there, but he hasn't given us anything.
Orson in interviewed.
Orson: Look, I've been over and over this, with you people.
Tom: We're not the police, we're Homeland Security.
Orson: Well tell the bozo's out there, that I had nothing to do with what happened to Adam.
Tom: Let's just go over your day again. You went to see Adam Kensington about a job, and even though your name is still on the company letterhead, he brushed you off. I know how that would make me feel.
Orson: I admit I was angry. I went to Adam's house to...I don't know why I went. But I didn't k*ll him.
Diana: Let me read you an e-mail Kensington sent to his attorney, after your visit.
Tom: It's not important.
Diana: Just a sec. Bailey is making desperate claims regarding his financial stake in the company. He actually thr*at to sue. I don't think he realises, there are going to be hundreds of law suits involving the 4400. It'll take years. The poor bastard, he really is rather....
The coffee pots are shaking.
Diana: ...a pathetic case.
The coffee pots shatter. Orson's nose is bleeding.
Orson: Now I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not an idiot either. You've had me here for twelve hours. Either you charge me with something, or let me go.
Diana and Tom make their way out of the station.
Diana: So we're just gonna let him walk, after what happened in there?
Tom: Yeah, looks like it. But for future reference, if I ever wanna play good cop, bad cop, I'll let you know.
Diana: Which one do I get to be?
Tom: This isn't a joke. There's a time to lean in on a guy, and that wasn't it. You shut him down.
Diana: Look, I'm sorry. Bailey admitted he was angry with Kensington. He was at his house.
Tom: I didn't say it was over, did I?
Maia lays flowers on the graves of her parents.
Maia: Do you think they ever thought about me?
Foster Mother: Oh sweetie, they were your parents. I am sure that they thought about you every day.
Maia: Thanks for bringing me here.
Kenneth: This place used to be so nice. Now the kids leave their garbage everywhere.
Foster Mother: It's a shame.
Maia: You don't have to worry. Cranridge is nice.
Kenneth: Cranridge cemetary?
Maia: Yes, that's where you will be.
Kenneth: Be? Be what?
Maia: Buried.
Tom and Diana go to the morgue.
Medical Examiner : Kensington's a popular guy around here today. The whole staffs been through here for the post mortem.
Tom: Why's that?
Medical Examiner : Well, he may have been a boring old suit when he was alive? But in death, he's a rock star.
Diana: God, look at that. Those were his parietal bones?
They're looking at x-rays of his skull.
Medical Examiner : We've seen bleeding deaths in here, as bad as you can imagine. Even a guy who jumped off the space needle and had to be brought to us in a garbage bag, but I have never seen a skull in this kind of shape before. Thousands of tiny little bone fragments that...
Tom: Kensington was impaled. Are you saying that's not how he died?
Medical Examiner :Oh, that would have k*lled him, but he was already d*ad, from a shattered skull.
Richard is in a phonebox. He phones Lily's house.
Heidi: Hello?
Richard: Hello, is Lily there?
Heidi: Who?
Richard: Is this Heidi?
Heidi: Yes.
Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of your mothers.
Heidi: My mother's name is Carole. Are you sure you have the right number?
Richard: This is the Moore residence, isn't it?
Heidi: Yeah, but there's no-one named Lily here, sorry.
Lily is with a Doctor.
Doctor: Well I can't give you any medicine for the nausea.
Lily: Why not?
Doctor: Because it wouldn't work. You're not sick Lily, you're pregnant.
Lily: That's impossible. The quarantine Doctors would have told me.
Doctor: You said they gave you a full screening seven weeks ago. If you'd just conceived, it wouldn't have shown up in their tests.
Lily: Conceived? When?
Doctor: I assume it happened right before you disappeared. But there's no mistake, you're definitely pregnant. There's nothing to worry about. I'd like to see you next week....
Her voice fades out. Lily is in shock.
Seacrest Senior High School
Shawn is walking down the stairs.
Nikki: Shawn!
Shawn: Hey, how you doing? What's up?
Nikki: Good. Did you get your car fixed?
Shawn: It's gonna be in the shop for about a week.
Nikki: Yeah. You know, Danny and I are going to a party tonight at Irvin Chobey's house. You should come.
Shawn: I don't think so.
Nikki: Why not?
Shawn: Um, well, they're gonna be listening to music I've never listened to. Talking about movies I've never seen. School is bad enough. Partying with a bunch of runts from...
Nikki: Is that how you saw me? A runt?
Shawn: You were fourteen, Nikki.
Nikki: And now?
The bell rings.
Shawn: I'm late for class.
Orson goes to visit his wife. He finds her cubicle empty.
Orson: Where's my wife?
Manager: Mr Bailey, you have our deepest condolences.
Orson: What?
Manager: We called your hotel room, there was no answer.
Orson: Elizabeth?
Manager: It was a pulmonary embolism, about one 'o'clock this morning. We tried to revive her.
Orson: No!! She's all I have!!
He has the man hold by the collar.
Manager: Please just calm down.
Orson: She's all I have!!
He begins to lose control. Things begin to explode and his nose is bleeding again.
Homeland Security
Diana: So, the red dots mark the spots where the American members of the 4400 originally lived.
Tom: You mean, the returnee's.
Diana: Not according to the press. It's the 4400. Now you have to admit, it's a bit strange. A nice, round number, like that. I wonder if it has any significance.
Tom: So you're saying that if 3781 people, had suddenly shown up that night, it wouldn't have been as strange.
Diana: I'd say, slightly less strange. This however, is downright weird. Here's where the 4400 are right now, two weeks after their release.
Tom: 65% are still in Seattle.
Diana: They're just not going home, and none of them can come up with a good reason as to why.
Tom: You think it means something?
Diana: In the CDC, we'd call this a statistically significant, disease cluster.
Tom: Yeah well, in the FBI, we'd call it a freaky coincidence.
Diana: I don't believe in coincidences. Disease clusters. I believe in those.
Lily meet's with Brian in a restaurant.
Brian: What do you mean, you're pregnant?
Lily: I just found out a few day's ago.
Brian: I don't understand. When you disappeared, I'd been in New York for weeks, studying for the bar.
Lily: I can't explain it. I haven't been with anyone else.
Brian: So what are we talking, immaculate conception?
Lily: I don't know what we're talking about. I wish I did.
Brian: You know, when you disappeared, I'd have given anything in the world to talk to you again. I had whole conversations with you, in my head. I missed you so much, Lil. But we can't do this. I have another family now, and I'm sorry, I know that's not fair to you, but...
Lily: I am still part of your life, whether you want me to be or not.
Brian: Lil, you haven't been part of my life for eleven years.
Lily: I wanna see Heidi.
Brian: I'm sorry, that's impossible.
Lily: She's my daughter.
Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother.
Lily: You never told her about me?
Brian: She was a baby when you left. Hell, we were babies when you left.
Lily: You can't stop me from seeing her.
Brian: I already have.
He hands her an envelope.
Lily: What's this?
Brian: It's a temporary restraining order.
Lily: But I haven't done anything wrong.
Brian: Lily, I'm a lawyer, I know how to work the system. Now I don't wanna use this, but I will if you force me to. My first priority has to be to protect my family.
Lily: I am your family!
Brian: I wish you were, but you're not. Not anymore. I'm sorry lil, I'm asking you. Please stay away from Heidi and from me. I'm sorry Lil.
He stands up and leaves.
The residential home
Manager: At first I thought it was an earthquake. Everything was shaking, falling off the walls, but then, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... things started to fly around the room. Papers, chairs.
Tom: What do you mean, fly?
Manager: I mean fly. Like it was a tornado. Except there was no wind. Everybody was screaming. Mr Bailey Was shouting.My head felt like it was gonna burst, and then suddenly it was over.
Tom: What about Bailey?
Manager: Oh, he looked scared, like the rest of us. That's when he ran away. The staff, everyone's saying he's one of these people. The 4400? Is that true?
Tom: Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to talk about this to the press or anyone else, and the same goes for your staff. If I pick up a paper and see a word of this, or I see it reported on the news, I'm gonna take an interest in this place.
Tom, Diana and Ryland take a walk outside the Homeland Security building.
Ryland: Things flying around the room.
Tom: I know, but we got a half a dozen witnesses, all saying the same thing.
Ryland: Yeah, flying. I gotta do a briefing for Home Sect DC in the morning and I'm gonna tell them what?
Diana: Well I'd go with, the incident is under investigation.
Tom: Bailey checked out of his hotel, after he left the nursing home. He could be on the run, we're not sure.
Ryland: Find him. You bought us some time, but this story is gonna leak and I want Bailey in our hands before it does.
On campus
Nikki: Is this campus, everything you remember it to be?
Danny: You heard about Williams and Miss Sinclair, right?
Shawn: No.
Danny: No? They found them in the janitors closet.
Shawn: What is that?
Danny: Making out. Not bad.
Rossi watches them as they walk past.
Shawn: What?
Danny: Everybody in school's been talking about it.
Brad: Yo, freak! Still hiding behind your little brother?
Shawn: You know what Brad? You need to shut it down.
Brad: You wanna shut me down? You know, the only thing I'm shutting down, is you, bitch!
Shawn drops his bag, as Brad stands up.
Shawn: You're really starting to piss me off, now.
Brad: Come on, bring it! Knock me down.
They begin to fight on the grass. Shawn gets him on the floor and holds him there. Brad begins to turn blue and Kenny runs over shouting.
Danny: Hey, come on! Let him go! Shawn!
Shawn get's up.
Danny: What did you do to him?
Shawn is bleeding from the mouth, and walks away.
Maia's foster father has a brochure from a cemetary.
Kenneth: I don't wanna hear anymore.
Foster Mother: Keep your voice down, she'll hear you.
Kenneth: It's bad enough she tells us we're gonna be buried in Crown Ridge cemetary, but then the next day, we get a brochure from the place, in the mail?
Foster Mother: It's a coincidence. Look, she's not what we expected, so let's just talk to her.
Kenneth: Yeah.
The woman goes to Maia's room and finds her standing there with her bag packed.
Maia: It's ok. I knew I wasn't going to be here very long.
Shawn is playing basketball in the street with Kenny.
Danny: Come on, come on let's go.
Shawn: Give me the ball.
Danny: Your sh*t space boy.
Shawn: What is your problem
Danny: What's my problem?
Shawn: Yeah, what's your problem
Danny: Come on Danny, not you too. Come on!
Danny: The way he went down? That's not normal. You know it, I know it, everybody saw it!
Shawn: What are you saying?
Danny: You tell me.
Shawn: I didn't do anything to him, alright, Danny? Not a thing!
Tom and Diana are going through some of Elizabeth's belongings.
Diana: Is this all that's left, when you're done? Poor Mrs Bailey. A box of trinkets.
Tom: They're not trinkets. They're memories. The kind you leave behind, you know, for family and friends?
Diana: Hmmm. I should get to work on that.
Tom: I'm not going there.
Diana: Well, believe it or not, some of us are happier alone.
Tom: No-one's happy alone. If they think that, they're kidding themselves.
Diana: I thought you weren't going there?
Tom: Did you see this? This looks promising.
He finds a photo of Orson and Elizabeth.
Diana: Wyler summer cabin. Wyler was Elizabeth's maiden name.
Tom: Orson's panicking, he needs a place to run.
Diana: Well there's no address.
Tom: Then we'll have to find one.
Maia is taken back to Homeland Security.
Kenneth: It's better this way, for everyone.
Foster Mother: Everyone? Or just you
They say goodbye to her.
Foster Mother: Maia honey? You know this isn't about you. You are a wonderful girl. It's just, Kenneth and I, we just made a mistake. We are not ready to be parents yet.
Maia: It's ok.
Foster Mother: No, it's not. But sweetie? Those things you say? They can scare people, if you're not careful. Do you understand?
She nods.
Foster Mother: Good
Seacrest High School
Shawn is sat on a wall. Nikki approaches, with a CD in her hands.
Nikki: For you. Come on, take it.
Shawn: What is it?
Nikki: A CD that I b*rned. Think of it as a crash course in all things new and cool. The Darkness, Handsome Boy Modeling School, k*lling Joke, all the bands you've never heard of.
Shawn: Thankyou. But Nikki, I could listen to all the music, and watch all the shows, but it wouldn't matter, cos they're still gonna look at me like I'm different.
Nikki: At least you'll be listening to some good music.
Shawn: I don't understand, see, because everybody has been looking at me like I'm some kind of monster since the fight, but you, aren't you afraid to be seen with me?
Nikki: No! What do I care what those creeps think? If you like the CD, I'll bring you another one.
Shawn: Sounds great.
Nikki: Alright.
Shawn: Ok.
Nikki: Ok. See ya.
Shawn: Talk to you later.
Nikki: Ok.
Lily is walking in the park. She watches a family, down by the lake.
Homeland Security
Tom: Ok, bring up the sattellite charts.
Diana: So we're looking for a small house, with a north facing exposure, somewhere within the vicinity of Appleton Lake.
Tom: If it's still standing.
Diana: No structures within grids 1,2,3 and 9. 4 and 7 each have one, but they're the wrong shape.
Tom: Let's eliminate all those.
Diana: That leaves us with five, six and eight. That's too small. Wrong orientation. That's too small, that's too big. Nothing but tree's and air, it's not there anymore.
Tom: Hang on a second. Get a little tighter on this.
Diana: It looks like it could be a house.
Tom: This [Picture] was taken fifty years ago. These tree's would be huge by now. Enlarge again.
Diana: Bingo! There's your house.
Tom: Bingo.
They leave the building
Diana: Appleton's what? About seventy miles?
Tom: Yeah. Look, when we get up there, I'll handle Bailey.
Diana: Alright. Are we leaning on him?
Tom: No leaning.
Diana: No problem.
A man approaches them.
Court Officer : Excuse me. Are you Tom Baldwin?
Tom: Yeah, who are you?
Court Officer : You've been served. Sorry man.
He leaves, and Tom opens the envelope.
Diana: You're getting sued?
Tom: Linda's filed for divorce.
Lily is sat in the middle of a playpark, watching the children play. Richard turns up.
Richard: Lily.
Lily: Richard!
She jumps up and hugs him, beginning to cry.
Lily: I don't understand. I thought you went home.
Richard: I did, but there was nothing there for me.
Lily: How did you find me here?
Richard: The park, right? This is where you used to bring Heidi.
Lily: Richard, it was terrible. Brian's married. Heidi doesn't know I exist.
Maia is sat on the grass, outside Homeland Security. Ryland approaches and sit's down next to her.
Ryland: Hello Maia.
Maia: Hello.
Ryland: Oh, I like it out here. It's much better than my stuffy office.
Maia: But you didn't bring me out here to talk about the weather.
Ryland: You're a very smart little girl.
Maia: Thankyou. The thing is that the Griffins didn't really give a reason, why they brought you back.
Maia: Maybe they didn't have a reason.
Ryland: Could be. Were they mean to you?
Maia: No.
Ryland: Were you mean to them?
Maia: No.
Ryland: Why do you think you're back here?
Maia: I don't think they like kid's, much.
Ryland: Why do you say that?
Maia: They brought me back, and I'm a kid.
Ryland: You don't really wanna tell me the reason, do you? It's ok. Maybe you'll change your mind one day.
Maia: Maybe.
Tom reaches Linda's answerphone, as he's driving to Orson's cabin.
Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't take your call right now, but please leave me a message and I'll call you back.
Diana: What, she's still not answering?
Tom: Nope.
Diana: Can I ask you a question?
Tom: No.
Diana: Well I'm gonna ask you anyway. So your son, how long has he been in a coma?
Tom: Three years.
Diana: That's a long time.
Tom: You have no idea.
Diana: Maybe you and your wife can work things out.
Tom: Yeah, one day Kyle's gonna wake up and I'll have to tell him his whole family's fallen apart. I go to that hospital every day, and I tell myself that makes me a good father.
Diana: Oh you are a good father. Kyle's lucky to have a Dad like you. Cos, not everyone does. You can trust me, cos I know.
Richard and Lily are sat drinking coffee.
Richard: A baby? Are you sure?
Lily: I had the Doctors do the test three times. The thing is that, Brian was out of town when I disappeared and I haven't been with anyone since I've been back.
Richard: I don't understand. How did you...
Lily: I don't know. I'm sorry to be dumping this on you. It's not really fair.
Richard: It's ok, I wanna help.
Lily: There's some sort of connection between us, isn't there? I feel it.
Richard: I can feel it too. That's why I came back. But it's more complicated than that. Your Grandmother and I, we weren't just friends, it was more than that. We were gonna start a family.
Lily: I think part of me already knew that. The way you talk about her. The look in your eye.
Richard: I thought I was playing it so safe.
Lily: It must have been difficult for the two of you. A white woman and black man, in the fifties
Richard: Black. Back then I was n*gro, or coloured, or worse. We didn't care. We figured, after the w*r, we'd take off to some big city like Chicago, New York, Paris.
Lily: But you never made it home.
Richard: No. I never did.
She takes his hand
Lily: I'm glad you found me.
Richard: Me too.
Shawn is listening to the CD that Nikki gave him. He looks over at a picture of him and Kyle
Orson is sat in the cabin. Tom and Diana turn up and get out of the car. Orson hears them and hides. Tom makes his way up the steps and approach the door.
Tom: Mr Bailey, it's Tom Baldwin, Homeland Security. We met at the police station, remember?
Diana points and makes her way around the house
Tom: Mr Bailey, we're here to help, but you've gotta talk to us.
Orson: Go away!
Tom: I'm afraid we can't do that.
Orson: I just wanna be left alone. I don't wanna hurt anyone.
Tom: That's good, because we don't want anyone else hurt.
Orson: If you leave, I promise, no-one will ever see me again. I'll just stay here, away from everybody.
Tom: Listen to me. We both know that's not going to work, Mr Bailey. Now please, open the door. We can figure this out together. I'm on your side!
Orson: No you're not! No-one is.
Tom: My nephew, he's one of the 4400, just like you. I've seen how hard it is for him. I know it's even harder for you.
Orson: You don't know anything. My wife, she was everything to me.
Tom: Believe me, I'm sorry for your loss.
Orson: I don't need pity out of you! Go away! I just wanna be left alone.
Tom: We can't do that.
Orson: I said get away from me.
The house begins to shake.
Orson: Please stay away. Please.
His nose is bleeding. Things are falling down. Tom's nose is bleeding, as is Diana's ears.
Diana: Tom, your nose.
Tom kicks the door in and get's out his g*n. As he get's inside he falls to his knee's.
Orson: I can't control it. I can't control it.
Tom is on the floor, screaming.
Diana is standing in the doorway and is pointing her g*n at Orson.
Diana: Whatever it is you're doing, Mr Bailey, stop it!
Orson: I can't control it.
Diana: Stop it now!
She sh**t him in the shoulder and he falls to the ground. The shaking stops and Tom get's up.
Diana: Are you alright?
Tom: Yeah, I'll call for an ambulance.
Diana: Ok. We're gonna get you some help Mr Bailey. Just don't die on me.
Homeland Security
Ryland: Bailey's alive, but it doesn't look like he's gonna be talking to us anytime soon. As far at the general public's concerned? We're gonna deny it ever happened.
Diana: Yeah well,we know better. The question is, will it happen again?
Tom: So what do you suggest we do? Round them all up and put them all back in quarantine?
Diana: You saw what Bailey could do. You felt it, the same as me. Who know's what the rest of them are capable of.
Ryland: I sure as hell don't. But then again, it's not my job to find out. It's yours. Aren't you glad you wanted back in.
He leaves the room.
Tom: I haven't thanked you for saving my life.
Diana: I never sh*t anyone before. Just seeing him lying there like that.
Tom: Are you gonna be ok?
Diana: Yeah, I'll get there. You know, I mean't what I said to Ryland back there. If Orson can do those things, who knows where all this is going?
Tom: So far we've got one case, and maybe that's all that will ever happen.
Diana: You ever noticed anything unusual with Shawn? Cos I just need to know, if you had, you'd tell me.
He thinks back to the bird hitting the wal.
Tom: There's nothing to tell.
Danny and Nikki are online, finding sites about The 4400. Shawn is walking up the stairs.
Danny: That's good. There's three other sites.
Shawn: What are you guys doing?
Danny: Research.
Shawn: On the 4400 scoop.com?
Nikki: It's just...You know the web. There's a site for everything.
Shawn: The 4400 menace? I know this guy. I was in quarantine with him.
Danny: They're saying he k*lled someone, just by thinking about it.
Shawn: So that makes me some kind of freak?
Nikki: No, we were just...
Danny: We wanna fast. Come on, he did something to him, you saw it!
Shawn: Danny, you have no idea what you're talking about. Neither do you.
He leaves the room.
Nikki: Shawn!
Danny: What? You were thinking the same thing.
Shawn arrives in Kyle's hospital room. He stands over him and touches his chest. Kyle begins to drag in a breath and opens his eyes. Sitting up, he then falls back to the bed and closes his eyes. Shawn backs out of the room. | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x02 - Pilot - Part 2"} | foreverdreaming |
(1x03 : The New & Improved Carl Morrissey)
Directed by HELEN SHAVER
**Previously on The 4400**
Flashbacks to the pilot episode. Introductions of the characters and their sudden arrival
Carl, one of the 4400, is working in the fishmongers section of a supermarket. A woman enters
Mrs Martino: What looks good today, Carl?
Carl: I have a white fish with your name on it, Mrs Martino.
Mrs Martino: When you were gone, in 18 months,I haven't got a decent piece of fish. You...you take care of me. You are such a sweetheart.
Carl: Oh, it's easy being nice to you.
Mrs Martino: Tell me, how does it feel to be back?
Carl: It's OK. It's good It's like I never left.
Boss: What do you think you're doing out there?
Carl: I was helping a customer.
Boss: Rosie can help a customer. Derek can help a customer. I told you to stock the display cases.
Carl: But I've known Mrs Martino since I was a kid.
Boss: And I'm supposed to care? Now, get that flounder on ice.
Carl picks up his wife from outside a cinema.
Grace: So how'd it go today?
Grace: Slow as usual.It's the neighbourhood. It's not like it used to be.
Carl: It's not that bad.
Grace: It's gotten worse since you were away.
Carl: I don't see it.
Grace: You don't want to see it.
Carl: OK, I admit it. It's not like when we were kids.
Grace: No one cares about the place any more.There's no pride.There's no sense of community.
Carl: I didn't know you were so unhappy.
Grace: I'm not unhappy.I got you back, didn't I? I got nothing to complain about.
Carl: Yeah.
She smells the fish on him
Grace: Oh.
Carl: Oh, I'm sorry. Fish smell.
Grace: I don't mind.
Carl: I'll hop in the shower as soon as we get back. Hey. Let's cut across the park.
Grace: The park? Nobody goes into Bradley Park. No.
Carl: Yeah? Sure they do. How do you think I got here?
Grace: It's not safe. There's nothing but lowlifes and junkies in there.
Carl: Grace, I5 years ago I proposed to you in this park.
Grace: I5 years ago I was a size 2 and you had your hair down to your shoulders.Things change. From now on, you take the long way around.
Carl: Grace, I just wish that you'd...
Some boys are playing baseball in the street behind him. They bat the ball and it flies through the air at great speed. He can't see it, but his hand comes out and stops it, anyway.
Carl: ... Stop worrying. Marry me, Gracie.
Grace: Of course I will.
One night Carl takes a short cut through the park. Some youths stop him
Youth 1: Yo, what are you doing in our park, man?
Carl: Your park?
Youth 2: Just give up your wallet.
Carl: You're mugging me?
Youth I: Now you're catching on. Seven bucks!
Carl: It's all I have.
They att*ck him and he fights them easily, knocking both to the ground with great speed
Ryland, Tom and Diana are at Homeland Security watching Maia on tape
Ryland: The complaints started after her foster parents brought her back to quarantine last week.
Diana: What kind of complaints?
Ryland: Well, for instance, yesterday, Maia spoke to an employee in the cafeteria. She told her that her daughter would be in the hospital soon, but would be Ok.Then the little girl was in a car accident.
Diana: So you're saying what,she's got some kind of second sight?
Ryland: I have five stories just like that one.
Tom: Why hold a little girl for 60 years and then send her back able to predict the future?What were they thinking?
Diana: We don't know if there is a they.
Tom: He, she it, take your pick.
Ryland: Let's leave that for the team in the theory room.
Tom: When they're not playing video games.
Diana: That's why they're intimidated.They feel your hostility.
Tom: Good.
Ryland: I wouldn't worry too much about the big brains.Just talk to that girl.
Tom and Diana leave Ryland's office
Maia is drawing in an interview room, when Tom and Diana enter. Tom sit's at the table with her, while Diana stands by the window.
Tom: Thanks.
Maia: I never meant to scare anyone.
Tom: We know that, sweetie.But why did you say those things to Mrs Krause about her daughter?
Maia: Because they're true.
Tom: But how did you know?
Maia: I just do.
Tom: lf I asked you if it was going to rain next Sunday, would you know the answer?
Maia: Maybe.I don't know What's going to happen to me now?
Tom: The doctors here are going to take another look at you. Don't worry. lt won't hurt.
Maia: I don't believe you. It's gonna hurt, isn't it?
Diana: You might be uncomfortable some of the time, but mostly it's going to be boring.
Maia: Will you look in on me now and then?
Diana: Me?
Maia: To see that I'm all right.
Diana: Sure.
Richard and Lily are looking at an apartment
Lily: It's expensive though.
Richard: Rental vouchers will cover it.
Landlord: So...do you have any questions?
Lily: The small bedroom, do you think it'll get too much light for a nursery?
Landlord: It's a northern exposure, so you should be all right.
She turns to Richard
Lily: So, what do you think?
Richard: I like it.
Lily: Me, too.
Landlord: Is this your first baby?
Lily: Oh...we're not actually a couple.
Landlord: Oh, so it's just you and the baby.
Lily: No, it'll be the three of us.
Richard looks at her in shock. He's from the I950's and a white woman and a black man living together was virtually unheard of and definitely not accepted.
Lily: Why not? You can't stay in that hotel forever. We can share this place. Unless you don't want to.
Richard: No. No, I'd like that.
Landlord: Great. I'll go do the paperwork.
The landlord leaves the apartment.
Lily: I hope I didn't embarrass you.
Richard: No. It's..It's not that. I figure he wouldn't rent you the place if I was part of the deal.I know, Iknow. lt's not 1951 any more.Times have changed, but... Sometimes I'm just surprised at how much.
Lily: Good. It's settled, then?
Lily looks around the room, which begins to warp and move
Lily: Oh, God.
Richard: Lily? Lily, what is it?
Lily: Oh.
Richard: Lily?
Lily: I don't feel so good.
Richard: You need to sit down. Shall I call a doctor?
Lily: No, no. No, let's just leave.
Richard: And go where?
Lily: Anywhere but here.
Carl arrives home to find Grace waiting for him.
Grace: Carl, where have you been?
Carl: I got mugged.
Grace: Oh, God. Are you all right? Did they hurt you?
Carl: I didn't get hurt. They got hurt.
Grace: Who did?
Carl: I learned something important tonight.I'm a different man. Those aliens, or whoever took me, they did something.They took me. They changed me.They made me better.
Grace: First thing in the morning call the counsellor and make an appointment.
Carl: I don't have time for that. I've got things to do.
Grace: What kind of things?
Carl: The park, Gracie! I want to make it like it was before. People will bring their kids again.You and me, we can have our picnics at the old spot.
Grace: Carl, you're scaring me.
Carl: Wh.. There's nothing to be scared of, not any more.
Tom and Linda have been called to the hospital. Linda is at Kyle's bedside holding his hand, when Tom enters the room.
Tom: Linda, any idea why Dr Mayhew wants to see us?
Linda: He didn't say.
Tom: So how have you been?
Linda: Good! My lawyer was asking if you'd signed those divorce papers yet.
Tom: I thought maybe if we had dinner one night...we could sign them together.
Linda: You mean make plans that you cancel at the last minute?
Tom: I'll bring the papers, we'll have a good meal, a couple of glasses of wine...
Linda: And a good cry.
Tom: That, too.
Linda: Stefano's?
Tom: Yeah. Where else?
Dr Mayhew enters the room.
Dr Mayhew: Tom, Linda, thanks for coming in. I was reviewing Kyle's EEG read out and noticed something peculiar.
Tom: What now?
Dr Mayhew: Last Thursday he had a burst of increased brain activity. It was brief, no more than a few seconds.
Tom: That's good, isn't it?
Dr Mayhew: Technically, yes. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm gonna run some tests, see if I can find out what happened.
Linda: Tests!We've had three years of tests.
Dr Mayhew: I understand your frustration Linda, but we need to look into this.
He leaves the room.
Linda: lt's a roller coaster, isn't it?
Tom: Never ends. Linda.So Stefano's, right? How does Thursday night sound, 730?
Linda: I'll be there.
Tom goes outside and speaks to the someone at the nurse's station.
Tom: Dorothy.
Dorothy: Yeah.
Tom: Did anyone visit last Thursday night, besides his mother and me?
Dorothy: Let me check. Yes. He had one other visitor. Your nephew Shawn.
Tom: Shawn!
Tom goes to Shawns school to confront him. He catches up with him outside.
Shawn: Yeah, I went and saw Kyle on Thursday night. He's my cousin.I wanted to see him. What about it?
Tom: Nothing happened there?
Shawn: I was only there for a couple of minutes.
Tom: So you saw nothing, did nothing?
Shawn: What could I have done?
Tom: At your welcome home party, a bird smacked into the window, remember?
Shawn: It was stunned. What about it?
Tom: No, it was more than that. And then...you picked it up. Suddenly, it was alive and well. What the hell did you do to Kyle?
Shawn: Argh! I didn't do anything to him. Look, I really like these little chats we have, Uncle Tommy, but I gotta go to class.
Tom: Shawn. We'll talk again.
Shawn: Oh, I can't wait.
He begins to walk up the steps. Nikki and Danny run to catch up with him.
Nikki: A bunch of us are going to see Fountains Of Wayne this weekend.
Shawn: Have fun.
Nikki: You know, this whole loner thing is so tired.
Shawn: Well, it works for me.
Shawn walks away and Danny turns to Nikki angrily.
Nikki: Fountains of Wayne...Friday night!
Danny: What is with you?Why do you keep pushing him?
Nikki: Someone has to. I don't see you doing anything.
Danny: I 'm giving him his space, let him figure things out for himself. You should try it sometime.
Nikki: Ugh!
Diana and Tom go to the theory room at Homeland Security.
Diana: Marco.
Marco: Skouris. Good. I checked out your idea.
Tom: What idea?
Diana: So am I a genius or am I crazy?
Marco: We don't make that distinction in here. Anyway's, I visited a sampling of disappearance sites on the west coast, like you suggested. Turns out you were right. The gravity at those sites is weaker. But only by five parts per billion.
Diana: That's barely measurable.
Tom: Not to mention barely understandable. English, please.
Diana: The gravity changed at some of the places where people disappeared.The question is, was it natural or was it manipulated?
Marco: If it was manipulated, the question is, by who?
Diana: So back to the possibility of alien abductions?
Marco: I wouldn't rule out little green men, but obviously, I'm going to need to take more measurements.
Tom: So in other words,you've made no progress.
Marco: Er...you explain it to him. Oh, hold on! You remember Adam Kensington? The insurance guy Orson Bailey k*lled.
Tom: Yeah, what about him?
Marco: Not one of the good guys as it turns out. He was point man in an insurance scheme to defraud policy holders.Bailey saved Washington state a billion-dollar buy-out. Could have been Enron all over again.
Diana: God! That's interesting. Brings up all kinds of possibilities.
Marco: Well, er...don't be a stranger.
They leave the room.
Tom: So this thing about Bailey. You're trying to say, whoever sent him back meant him to go after Kensington?
Diana: It's a theory. That's why they call it the theory room.
Shawn is sitting on the garage floor playing guitar. Danny walks over to him.
Danny: That's tight.
Shawn: Oh, no. I suck.Hey, is this about the concert thing?
Danny: No, no, it's got nothing to do with that. I just want to know what's going on with you and Nikki.
Shawn: Me and Nikki what?
Danny: I just want to know what's going on between you two.
Shawn: What do you think's going on?
Danny: Something. She's always talking about you. Can't go anywhere without her wanting to bring you along.
Shawn: How's that my problem, Danny?
Danny: Just do me a favour. Leave her alone, ok?
Shawn: I thought that's what I'd been doing. Look, you got a problem with your girlfriend, go talk to her about it, ok?.
Danny: Yeah. We're the same age. I'm not your little brother now.
Shawn: Then stop acting like a two-year-old. You're my brother. She's your girlfriend. It's all good...right?
Danny: Yeah, right.
Back at Lily and Richard's new apartment.
Lily: Richard, I am so glad I found this place. Now we have a new apartment, we can get you a computer.
Richard: Forget about the computer. Let's get you to a doctor.
Lily: I'm fine. I know this is going to sound strange, but that other place we looked at....the baby didn't like it.
Richard: Maternal instincts kicking in already, huh?
Lily: No, it's not that. It's that somehow. I know what the baby's thinking.
Richard: Lily, the baby's barely two months along.It's not thinking anything.
Lily: I can't explain it any more than you can explain where you've been for 50 years, or what's happened to us during the time we've been gone. I don't sound too strange, do I?
Richard: Of course not.
She reaches up and kisses him. As she turns, she see's a couple. The woman has a baby in her arms and his rocking her.
Richard: Lily?
Lily: I used to rock Heidi like that when she was a baby. It feels like yesterday, but it wasn't, was it?
Richard: No.It was what...11 years ago?
Lily: I want to see Heidi. I miss her.
Richard: Lily, give it some time. Once Brian's used to you being back, he'll drop the restraining order.
Carl is in bed with his wife, who is sleeping. He get's up and goes to the park. Kneeling down by a bench covered in graffiti, he begins to paint it, then moving onto graffiti covered walls.
He hears a woman screaming. Some men are attempting to r*pe her.
Man: Don't move!
Woman: Stop it! Cut it out! lt isn't funny!
Man: Shut up! Just shut up! Grab her legs.
Carl arrives.
Carl: Hey, guys, why don't you leave her alone?
Man: Get lost!
Carl: No! You get lost.
Man: Go get him, man! Come on!
Two of the men rush at him, while a third runs away. The sounds of a fight can be heard offscreen.
Diana walks into the examination room, to find Maia curled up on a table, alone.
Diana: Hey, Maia. How long have they left you like this?
Maia: A while. I think they all went on their coffee break.
Diana: Oh! Well! You know, that's pretty dumb of them, isn't it?
Maia: Will you stay until they come back?
Diana: Of course. When they show up, your doctors and I are going to have a little talk.
Maia: And then can l go home?
Diana: Home?
Maia: With you. I don't like being here alone.
Diana: You want to stay with me?
Maia: You don't like being alone either. I can always come back for my checkups. Please.
Diana: Look, Maia, l'm not even sure I'm the kind of person I want to live with. No, I...eat cold pizza for breakfast and...
Maia: That sounds all right to me.
Diana: Yeah. You know, Maia, just let me think about it, OK?
She returns to her office, where she finds Tom waiting.
Tom: Where have you been?
Diana: I was looking in on Maia.
Tom: Really?
Diana: I promised her, didn't I? So what have you got?
Tom: Sid lent us his research clippings. I think I found something worth checking out.
They go to see the female attempted r*pe victim, who is working behind the counter of a cafe.
Tom: One guy taking on three attackers doesn't sound that far-fetched. :
Female Victim: But if you saw him, you'd think it was impossible. He was...35, 40, maybe five-foot-six, weighed 150 pounds.
Diana: So not exactly the Rock, huh?
Female Victim: lt was the way that he moved.
Tom: Could he have been on drug, maybe PCP?
Female Victim: He didn't act like he was on drugs. You know, most guys would have walked away. Or, er...maybe called the cops later, after it was too late. But, er...this guy, he saved me.
Tom's phone rings.
Tom: I'm sorry. [Into phone] Baldwin. Linda. Dinner. Yeah, no... Linda, l'm s... Don't hang up, Linda. Just...
Linda has put the phone down. Tom turns back to the woman.
Diana: Anything else you can remember?
Female Victim: Just one thing. This guy...I don't mean to be rude or anything, but...he smelled funny. Like day-old fish.
They walk outside the diner.
Diana: So that was your wife on the phone?
Tom: I don't wanna talk about it.
Diana: Fair enough.
Tom: So what, are we in Orson Bailey territory here?
Diana: I wouldn't rule it out, which would give us what? A telekinetic insurance salesman, a clairvoyant eight-year-old, and now some kind of sad sack super vigilante.
Tom: Hell of a trio.
Diana: They're only the ones we know about. Unless you can think of anyone else.
Tom: Just take it one case at a time.
Lily is hiding outside her husbands home, watching through the window as Heidi does her homework.
Brian: Heidi, can you remember the formula for an isosceles triangle? Hey. I'm probably not the best at this, but...
As Lily watches her daughter, the baby causes her some distress.
Lily: Oh!
She knocks over a plant pot and Brian looks up. At some point she is arrested as in the next scene she phones Richard from the police station.
Lily: Richard?
Richard: Lily. Thank God. Are you all right? I was worried sick. Where are you?
Lily: I've been arrested.
Later at the fishmongers.
Mrs Martino: Carl, I have my grandchildren coming for dinner. How about some nice swordfish?
Carl: You can't go wrong with swordfish.
Burt: Carl!
Carl: Give me a second, Burt. You got like...
Burt: What did I tell you about chatting when work has to be done?
He's poking him in the chest.
Carl: Please stop with the finger.
Burt: Stop?
Carl grabs his hand and bends it.
Carl: I asked you not to do that.
Burt: Let go!
Carl: I mean it. I show up on time. l do my work. Now just leave me alone. Ok?
Burt: OK, OK.
He turns to the woman.
Carl: So...how much swordfish are we talking here?
Tom and Ryland are out having a coffee.
Ryland: I'm telling you Tom, there's a lot of chatter in DC about putting the 4400 back in quarantine. Not that I agree. I mean, if they're so dangerous, how is cramming them into one space going to be safer?
He can see that Tom isn't listening.
Ryland: ...so l took my p*stol and I sh*t her in the forehead.
Tom: sh*t who?
Ryland: Do us a favour, Tom, sign the divorce papers.
Tom: Do me a favour, Dennis, stay out of it.
Ryland: I spoke to her.
Tom: What are you doing talking to Linda?
Ryland: I danced with her at your wedding, now I'm not supposed to talk to her?
Tom: I was in the middle of an investigation.
Ryland: Tom. You asked her for dinner and you stood her up.
Tom: It slipped my mind.
Ryland: Maybe.Maybe you just don't want to admit the truth to yourself.
Richard approaches Brian as he leaves his house.
Richard: Brian Moore?
Brian: Yeah.
Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of Lily's.
Brian: You another one of those 4400?
Richard: Is that a problem?
Brian: Look, Itold her to stay away, but she wouldn't listen.
Richard: I understand you're upset, but Lily's in jail. You don't want that.
Brian: What l want is a normal life for my daughter, for my family.
Richard: It won't happen again.
Brian: I'm supposed to take your word for it?
Richard: I promise, if you drop the charges, she'll never bother you or Heidi ever again. You used to love her once, remember?
Brian: Yeah, I remember.
Grace and Carl are arguing in their living room.
Grace: I want you to stop!
Carl: I can't!
Grace: What do you mean, can't? What you're doing is dangerous, not to mention illegal. You can't just go around beating people up.
Carl: I've been given an opportunity and l'm going to take it. I'll clean up that park and then I'll clean up the neighbourhood.
Grace: Oh, God, you sound like a crazy man. You promised me you'd call your counsellor.
Carl: I never said that. You said it.
Grace: Tomorrow, I'm going to call him.
Brian: You'd call Homeland Security on me?
Grace: The way you're acting, can you blame me?
Carl: What I'm doing here, I'm doing for us, Grace. This is where we live. I just want us to be happy and not be afraid any more, and it starts with Bradley Park! I don't want it to end there. It won't. I won't let it. They can't hurt me. No one can.
Grace: You're just one man. I lost you once and I don't want to lose you again.
Carl: I can do it. I can make this neighbourhood safe again. For you, for Mrs Martino...even Burt. So please stop worrying.
This is what I was meant to do. This is my destiny.
Lily is released and finds Richard waiting for her outside. They hug and later dance to 'Mona Lisa' that's playing in the background.
Richard: This was brand new when l disappeared. And it's a... What do you call it?
Lily: Golden oldie.
Richard: I guess I'm a golden oldie, too.
Lily: No, not to me.
Richard: Hey, we have to talk about what happened last night.
Lily: No, there's nothing to talk about. Do you know what I saw when I looked through Brian's window? A happy family. I realised Heidi doesn't need me.
Richard: Maybe one day...
Lily: I'll be there for her if she does. But until then I'll stay away. This is where I want to be now, here with you. Where I'm happy. And the baby's happy.
Richard: Well, that makes three happy people.
Lily: All you've done for me....it's not because I remind you of the other Lily, is it?
Richard: Maybe at first. Now all I see is you.
They kiss.
Shawn is working on his car in the garage, when Nikki enters.
Shawn: Danny's inside.
Nikki: I'm not here to see Danny.
She turns off the engine.
Shawn: Cute. Can you turn it back on, please?
Nikki: Did Danny say something to you? Is that why you're acting like his? Our friendship has nothing to do with him.
Shawn: Nikki, we don't have a friendship, OK?
Nikki: Shawn, listen to me...
She touches the hot engine.
Nikki: Ah! Ah! Ah!
Shawn: Hey, hey, come here. Let me see it. Let me see.
He rubs her hand and the burn disappears.
Nikki: It's gone. It doesn't hurt any more.
Shawn: It mustn't been that bad of a burn.
Nikki: Yes, it was. You did something to it, didn't you?
They kiss.
Tom signs the divorce petition whilst at work. Diana walks in.
Diana: Tom. See, the thing about vigilantes is that they're not very common, except in Charles Bronson movies, so l have to create my own profile. Now, we know he's a white male,slender, somewhere between 30 and 50. He works a blue-collar job, has low self-esteem, lives in a high-crime area.
Tom: I'm with you so far.
Diana: I cross-checked my profile with the members of the 4400 in and around the Seattle area and I came up with 37 names.
Tom: You're not taking me through all 37.
Diana: Of those 37, I was able to eliminate 24. I 'm sure you don't care how. And that left me with 13.
Tom: l'm on the edge of my seat.
Diana: Here are my two favourites - Robert Lorenzano and Carl Morrissey. They both fit the profile, but Carl, he's our guy. Check out his occupation.
Tom: Supermarket employee.
Diana: Yeah, I called the store. Carl works in the seafood section.
Tom: And our guy smelled like day-old fish.
Diana: Oh, yeah. l'm good.
It's night and Carl is walking through the park when he spots a man spraying graffiti.
Carl: Hey! What the hell are you doing? I just cleaned that!
The man throws the can of paint and att*cks him. Carl easily fells him to the ground. He turns to some others.
Carl: Come on!
Meanwhile, Tom and Diana go to his home.
Tom: We'd like to talk to your husband.
Grace: Why?
Tom: Any idea where he was Tuesday night?
Grace: He was here.
Tom: You sure about that?
Grace: I just told you.
Diana: Have you heard of the 'Bradley Park vigilante'?
Grace: What does that have to do with Carl?
Tom: You tell us, Mrs Morrissey.
Grace: You're not going to throw him back into quarantine, are you?
Tom: We want to help him.
Grace: That's funny. That's all Carl wants to do is help. People grumble but nobody does anything, nobody tries to make anything better, except Carl.
Tom: Where is he, Mrs Morrissey?
She takes them to the park, where they find him sat on a bench with a large bleeding wound in his abdomen.
Grace: Carl.
Carl: Grace. I got rid of all the graffiti.
Grace: Oh, my God, Carl.
Carl: You should have seen it. They were falling like bowling pins. I didn't see the Kn*fe. I don't know why l didn't see the Kn*fe.
Tom get's on the phone.
Tom: This is Agent Baldwin... Get an ambulance to Bradley Park right away.
Carl: I thought I could clean the whole neighbourhood up myself.I thought that's why they sent me back, but I guess I was wrong.
Grace: No, no, no, no! No, don't leave me, Carl. Please.
He's dying.
Grace: No! No! I just want you. I just...want you.
Carl is d*ad.
Grace: No.
The next morning, Tom and Diana sit by a statue in the park.
Tom: Why take this guy, give him extra juice to think he can make a difference, send him back...
Diana: Only to get himself k*lled. What's the point?
Tom: I wish to hell l knew.
New's Reporter: The wife of slain Bradley Park vigilante, Carl Morrissey, revealed that her husband was one of the controversial 4400. Mrs Morrissey stated that her husband was a true neighbourhood hero, a sentiment echoed by many area residents. Law enforcement officials and a spokesperson for the National thr*at Assessment Command refused to confirm or deny Mrs Morrissey's statement.
People from the neighbourhood take action and begin to clean up the park in honour of Carl.
Diana decides to let Maia live with her.
Doctor: That paperwork. OK. I need you to sign there. And there.And initial here. And sign there.
Diana: That's it?
Doctor: You got Mr Ryland to sign the approvals, that simplifies things.
She enters the room.
Maia: l thought you were one of the doctors.
Diana: Yeah. I thought you were asleep. So you sure fooled me. How would you like to get out of here?
Maia: Now?
Diana: Right now.
Maia's case is already packed and she's dressed. It appears she already knew that Diana was on her way.
Tom rushes through the corridor at the hospital.
Tom: Look out, look out, look out!
He enters Kyle's room and finds Linda sat by the bed, which is empty.
Tom: Where's Kyle?
Linda: Surgery. Dr Mayhew said he's got some kind of fluid building up in his skull. They're trying to relieve the pressure.
Tom: What do you mean 'trying'?
Linda: They said that draining the fluid might not be enough. That more might build up and if it does, then Kyle could suffer permanent brain damage within a week.
Danny and Shawn appear in the doorway
Danny: Uncle Tommy, Mom's on the way.
Tom raises his head and he and Shawn look at each other.
To be continued | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x03 - New & Improved Carl Morrissey"} | foreverdreaming |
Modus Operandi
(1x04 : Becoming)
**Previously on 'The 4400'**
Flashbacks to the ball of light approaching Earth, and the 4400 appearing on Mount Rainer. Danny and Shawn discussing Nikki. Diana agreeing to take Maia home to live with her. Tom accusing Shawn of having something to do with Kyle's condition and Kyle having to undergo surgery.
A Sherriff Conrad receives a printed letter.
"The time I lost is gone. I'll never get it back, but my years in the dark didn't k*ll me. And my work remains. And even though l might not understand what's happening to me, I have faith in the final outcome. After all, l'm doing what l was intended to do, becoming what I was meant to be. I look forward to corresponding with you again, I know it's been a long time.I tell you this as a courtesy - you can observe my work, but there's no point in trying to interfere with it. I'm now in full command of my talents. I hope the world is read."
A picture of a young woman has been enclosed. The womans eyes are crossed out.
There are riots in the street as people panic over the 4400. The Barbara Yates Tv Show is on. Diana watches while Maia get's breakfast.
Yates: Despite protests, Homeland Security refuses to divulge the names or whereabouts of the 4400 living here in the US.Confirmed reports of unusual abilities have the public panicked. And yet this man sitting beside me says we have nothing to worry about. I'm sure most of you recognise him even though he's been away for the past 28 months. I'm talking about Mr Jordan Collier, who recently breached the government's wall of silence and chose to out himself as one of the notorious 4400. Jordan... Why? Why now? Why here? What's your agenda?
Collier: I have no agenda. But someone had to put a human face on the 4400. We've been demonised enoughby people like you.
Yates: Well, if you're implying this is a witch-hunt, I disagree.
Collier: You're not the one burnt at the stake.
Maia enters the room.
Maia: Breakfast is ready.
Diana: Shouldn't I be saying that to you? Maia! Thank you very much! This beats a can of coke and a slice of cold pizza. I'll get better at being the grown-up.
Maia: It's OK. I like being the grown-up.
Diana: I think you'll have a good time with Mrs Benke. I hear she's a very cool babysitter. I talked to Mr Ryland about permission to get you enrolled in school. Cos, that would be nice, right?
Maia: Yeah, school might be fun.
Diana begins to open a sealed newspaper. The headlines read 'Friday Harbor k*ller Back After 21 Years. Latest m*rder fits pattern of unsolved crimes'
Maia: Diana...You're not going to like what's in there.
Homeland Security
Tom: Oliver Knox disappeared August 22nd 1983, five nights after the last body turned up.
Ryland: And he moved back to Friday Harbor, when?
Tom: About three weeks ago. Nineteen days before the latest body turned up.
Diana: It could be a coincidence. The letter seems genuine but the latest victim wasn't a prost*tute. The other original ones, were.
Ryland: Coincidence. That's the kind of positive thinking we like to encourage in this department. Because, if it is Knox, then it means that we've got a 4400 serial k*ller on our hands. And if that's not a worst-case scenario, it'll sure as hell do for one. It's the kind of hot button issue Barbara Yates lives for.
Diana: So I guess we're taking a trip up to Friday Harbor.
Ryland: Bring me back a t-shirt. Alex...
Friday Harbor Police Department.
Tom and Diana meet with Sherriff Jim Conrad.
Conrad: National thr*at Assessment Command, NTAC. Are you here about Knox?
Tom: Got it in one.
Conrad: It's a small town. Oliver reappeared after 21 years and he doesn't look a day older. We connected the dots. Are you gonna take over my investigation?
Tom: We'll be cooperating until we establish Knox's guilt or innocence.
Conrad: I could use some fresh air. And some cooperation. His alibi's airtight.
Tom: Alibi or not, we still want to talk to him. Anything else you can tell us?
They take a walk along the harbor front.
Conrad: You want to know about Knox? When he was 15, he was bow hunting with his cousin. There was an accident, Knox ended up with an arrow in his chest. His cousin panicked and ran. Knox woke up in a pool of blood, with an arrow in his chest. So he pulled it out and cauterised the wound? Even better. He stood up and walked four miles into town, strolled into the emergency room and checked himself in. All this with an arrow in his chest. Years later, I asked him if it happened that way. He said every word was true.I told him, 'That must have been the walk from hell.' 'Not at all', he said. 'It was exhilarating.' He felt like he could have walked forever. That's Oliver Knox.
Oliver Knox is watering the plants in his garden when Diana, Tom and the Sherriff arrive.
Tom: Mr Knox... Mr Knox. We've a few questions about the death of Theresa Baron.
Knox: Sheriff Conrad call you or you jumped to the same conclusion?
Tom: Not exactly a big jump. You were on the police radar back in '83.
Knox: Along with a number of other people.
Tom: Did you know Ms Baron?
Knox: No. She was born after I was abducted. Look, I know how tempting the math is on this m*rder. I disappear in '83, the killings stop. Here I am, and the poor girl's d*ad.
Tom: We noticed.
Knox: In your shoes, I'd probably want me to be guilty too. It would be so convenient, but... I almost feel bad l can't oblige you. I did not k*ll that woman. Listen, can I get you some water? If we're going to talk we might as well be civilised.
Tom: No. We've taken up enough of your time.
Diana: Conrad told me about how you got sh*t in the chest that day.
Knox: Jim does love to talk. You'd like to see the arrow? I have it inside.
Tom: That won't be necessary.
Shawn is still at the hospital. He's leaning up against a wall in the hallway, when Nikki appears.
Nikki: How's Kyle?
Shawn: We don't know yet.
Nikki: About last night...
Shawn: The kiss.
Nikki: That. And other things. We have a lot to talk about.
Shawn: No, we don't.
Nikki: Shawn. You have a gift.
Danny: Nikki. When did you get here?
Shawn: How's Kyle?
Danny: Still in intensive care but Uncle Tommy says he's s*ab. Guess whatever they've been doing to him worked. For now, anyway.Listen, l'm starving. You wanna come with us to the cafeteria?
Shawn leans back against the wall and doesn't answer.
Danny: Yeah. l'll bring you a burrito.
Members of the 4400 undergo therapy. The scene flicks in between the therapist talking with various people.
Therapist: Why don't we start with something easy. Tell me about your parents.
Lily: My parents? They used to argue about money a lot. That was before they split up.
Therapist: They divorced?
Lily: Yeah, I was 14.
Therapist: Do you remember how that made you feel?
Shawn: Depressed. Angry, maybe.
Therapist: Why don't you tell me about the rest of your family?
Richard: They're gone.Got a few cousins outside of St Louis who remember me as a...picture in an old photo album.
Lily: My husband married another woman.
Shawn: My brother hates that l'm back.What's the point of this?
Richard: Look, you wanna help me? Help me find a job. Tell me what to say when they ask me how old l am. Or about my work experience or how to explain tha 50 year gap in my résumé. Everyone says the world has changed for the better, that people don't judge you by your skin.Well let me tell you something, I'm still being judged. You're asking me about my relationship with my parents?
Therapist: Let's talk about this hostility that you're manifesting towards me.
Danny arrives at Homeland Security and is met in the hallway by Tom.
Tom: Danny, you wanted to see me? Thanks, Peter.
Danny: So this is where you work?
Tom: Yeah. What's up?
Danny: I want to talk to you about something, uncle Tommy.
Tom: Is it about Shawn?
Danny: How did you know?
Tom: I'm listening.
Danny: He had a fight at school a few weeks ago. He might've k*lled the guy if I didn't step in.
Tom: What did he do to him?
Danny: It sounds crazy but... It was like Shawn was draining the life out of him, somehow. I'm not the only one who saw it.
Tom: What made you decide to tell me now?
Danny: Just thought you should know.
Shawn decides to go to Mount Rainier one evening and finds many other members of the 4400 sat on the mountain top.
Female: Beautiful, aren't they? I wonder if that's where we were.
Shawn: What's everybody doing here?
Female: What are you doing here?
Shawn: I don't know. I wanted to see it, where we came back. I figured it would be a good place to come and think, to clear my head.
Female: Most people come for the conversation.
Shawn: There's not a lot of that going on.
Female: Give it time. Around 11 o'clock, this place becomes one big group therapy session.
A car pulls up and Jordan Collier get's out, along with another man.
Collier: I'm sorry to interrupt but l just had to see this myself. My name's Jordan Collier. Some of you may recognise me. If you do, you know I'm one of the 4400, just like you. I'm impressed that you've found each other. And I'm glad that you've come in support of each other. And... I'm cold!And I have to guess that you guys are cold too. I suggest that we continue these get-togethers indoors. I have a place nearby. It's warm, it's spacious. I want to invite all of you to meet me there next Thursday afternoon. You listen to the news, you read the paper, you hear the talk. It seems like the entire world is turning against us. Well, what are we going to do about it? Are we gonna give up? Run and hide? Maybe. Or maybe, just maybe, we build a world of our own.
Tom and Diana accompany Sherriff Conrad into the woods.
Conrad: This is the spot where we found Theresa Baron's body. We went over everything pretty good.
Diana: Yeah, well...We have the toys. We like to take them out of the box.
Tom: The k*ller posed her after she was d*ad? There should have beenblood hand-prints all over.
Conrad: It rained that day. The scene was washed clean.
Tom: Yeah, but if he dragged her over here,he had to grab onto something.
Diana: Tom.
Diana has found a fingerprint on a nearby leaf.
Tom: I'll be damned.
Later that evening they all arrive outside Lopez' house and prepare to enter.
Conrad: His name is Philip Lopez. He did 18 years for r*pe. He was paroled six months ago.
Diana: We just got confirmation his prints were found at the scene of Theresa Baron's m*rder.
Tom: Everyone set? Go.
They kick the door in and enter.
Tom: Lopez!
Diana: Tom.
They find Lopez hanging from the stairwell.
The body is later bagged.
Tom: The su1c1de note says he k*lled all nine women. Only his time away kept him from doing more. The dates makes sense?
Conrad nods.
Conrad: Lopez was up here working as seasonal labour during the first round of killings. I guess we owe Oliver Knox an apology.
The next day, Knox is secretly taking pictures of a young woman in a video store. He goes into a bar across the street. The barmaid, Felicia, is practising speaking Italian.
Knox: Excuse me, can I get a cranberry juice and Seltzer? And...give me another of what he's having.
Felicia: Excuse me? Sorry, I'm going to Florence in four days and I didn't want to seem like a tourist when I get there.Ice?
Knox: Yeah, a little.
Felicia: I studied Italian in college.
Knox: Really?
He recites in Italian.
Felicia: "Beautiful as a sunset over Duomo."
Knox: That is very good. You get an A Plus.
Felicia: And you get a free round.
Staley: Hey Felicia, can I get a beer?
Knox: Grazie.
He moves to the other end of the bar where Charlie Staley is sitting.
Knox: Need a refill, friend?
Staley: Thanks.
Knox: Listen, I... Listen, I know we don't know each other but I've something to show you.
He pulls out a picture of the girl he photographed earlier.
Staley: So, what's her name?
Knox: I don't know. But...l can tell you something about her.
Later that night, the girl can be seen leaving work. The man from the bar whistles as he follows her.
Diana returns home from work. The childminder is waiting for her in the living room.
Diana: Hello? So sorry I'm late! Hey, Iris, how did we do today?
Iris: I can't come back here.
Diana: What? Why?
Iris: That child. I'm sorry. You'll find someone.
Iris leaves and Diana talks with Maia.
Maia: I told her we wouldn't be seeing each other for a couple of weeks.
Diana: Why did you tell her that?
Maia: Because she was gonna be called for jury duty. She thought I was kidding. A few hours later, her husband called.
Diana: And she got a summons for jury duty? Well, hey, come here. It's OK, all right? It's OK.
Linda walks into Kyle's hospital room and finds Shawn sitting by his bedside.
Linda: What are you doing here so late?
Shawn: My mom said he was getting worse.
Linda: The fluid's building inside his skull again.
Shawn: Why did they take me and leave him like this? We were both on the beach that night, I don't understand. I wish I could remember something 'cause I keep thinking, I think it would help.
Linda: Tom said you were here the night Kyle had that... jump in his brain activity. He was getting better. And now he's dying. Shawn, did you do something to him? Shawn, tell me. Just talk to me. Please!
Shawn: You know I didn't do anything. I told Uncle Tommy. I told you, OK? I gotta go.
Richard and Lily are walking in the park, holding hands.
Richard: I wish we could talk to a doctor.
Lily: And say what? 'My baby may be some kind of alien and, by the way, I know what it's thinking'? That will just get me thrown right back in to quarantine.
Richard: I was there today to register our address.
Lily: Thanks, I can't stand going back there.
Richard: I ran into Gary Branscombe. He had the bed next to mine. He told me about Jordan Collier's get-togethers.
Lily: Joe Collier.He's the hotel guy?
Richard: Yeah, turns out he's one of us.We should go.
Lily: Richard, come on! You can't tell me teenagers didn't make out in 1951 .
Richard: Yeah, in a parked car by the lake.
Lily: Oh, in a parked car by the lake? That's very cute.
Staley from the bar is walking down the main street. His white shirt is covered in blood and he's hearing voices in his head.
"Let me tell you somethin' about her... Let me tell you somethin'... I can tell you somethin'... Let me tell you somethin'... Let me tell you somethin'..".
He is distressed and jumps out in front of an approaching lorry. The lorry stops just in time.
Driver: Are you crazy? Get outta the road!
Staley: I k*lled them. I k*lled them all. I k*lled them all.
A police officer get's out his g*n.
Officer: Hands up! Keep your hands up!
Tom and Diana are behind a two way mirror talking to the arresting officer as they watch Staley in the other room.
Conrad: Gail Keating. She worked at a video store. They found her body in the park this morning. Her blood was all over him.He spoke for five minutes straight, when we brought him in. Confessed to Gail's death and the other nine m*rder. Not a word since.
Diana: George Lopez k*lled Theresa Baron. He said so in his su1c1de note, her shirt was in his apartment...
Conrad: This morning, Charlie Staley confessed to the same m*rder.
Diana: And they both claim to be behind the original killings?
Conrad: Yeah. Only Charlie's 39. He was five years old when the first death happened.
Tom: We can eliminate Lopez as a suspect as well.
Conrad: How d'you figure that?
Tom: Check Lopez's prison records. He was left-handed. The autopsy reports in the 80's show the Friday Harbor k*ller was right-handed.
Diana: So Lopez kills one girl, Staley kills the other, and neither one of them committed the original crimes.
Conrad: Why would they confess to m*rder they couldn't possibly have committed?
Conrad leaves.
Tom: The pieces don't quite fit together, do they?
Diana: Until you add Knox into the puzzle.
Tom: He disappears, the killings stop. He came back, they started again.
Diana: Let's say Knox is involved somehow. That means what? He's forcing these men to do his m*rder for him?
Tom: Could be. The question is, how? Why have more than one person admit the crimes? One, we'd stop digging. Two gets our attention.
Diana: Maybe he can't control everything they do. What if Knox can force people to k*ll? But only by convincing them they really are the Friday Harbor K*llers?
Tom: In for one m*rder, in for them all.
Members of the 4400 meet at Collier's residence. All have badges on which show their date of abduction.
Collier: Hi, welcome. 1969, huh? The good news is, your bell-bottoms are back in style.
Collier: Hi. Pleased to meet you.
Shawn: There's this guy l was just talking to, he was gone for 40 years. He picked everything up without missing a b*at. Then there's me, I'm gone for three years. And it's like my life's fallen apart...everythings different.
Collier: I know, Shawn.Remember that most of us feel the same way you do.
Shawn: Some of us are more different than others, if you know what l mean.
Collier: I'm not sure I do.
Shawn: OK. I had this fight with a guy at school, I know it's gonna sound crazy...
Collier: I really can't hear the specifics right now. Not yet, anyway. I've a lot of interviews over the next few weeks. I have to be able to deny what I need to. I know you're feeling confused, and I can't blame you. But it sounds to me like you've been given a gift.
Shawn: That's what Nikki called it.
Collier: Well, Nikki's right, whoever she is. And this gift, don't let it scare you. You will find the right way to use it.
Shawn: Ok
Collier takes a walk in the gardens and finds Lily standing by a wall.
Collier: Well, what can l do for you this afternoon, Lily '93? Don't worry, it's not a line. Though you're the most attractive abductee l've met all afternoon. I'm Jordan Collier. l'm throwing this party.
Lily: Oh, nice to meet you.
Richard appears with a plate of food.
Richard: Here you go.
Lily: Thank you.
Collier: Do I detect a little romance brewing among the 4400?
Richard: You have a good eye.
Collier: I'm happy you're getting something positive out of all this.
Richard: You're Jordan Collier.
Collier: Yes. See? He's not afraid of me.
Lily: I'm a little light-headed. It's hot. I should sit down.
Collier: Why don't Ifind you a seat?
Richard: I'll get some water.
Lily: Thank you.
Collier: Do you want me to call a doctor?
Lily: No, l'm not sick. It'll pass.
Richard: Here you go.
Lily: That's good.
Collier: If you're not sick, then what's...?
Lily: It's just morning sickness.
Collier: You're pregnant.
Lily: First trimester.
Collier: Well, that explains it. Congratulations to both of you. Did I say something wrong?
Richard: It's a little more complicated...
Lily: Richard's not the father. I wasn't pregnant when I was abducted but I was when I got back. Strange, huh?
Collier: I interesting, is more like it.Kind of makes you wonder what they had in mind. Whoever took us, I mean. You haven't told your counsellor about this, have you?
Lily: We haven't told anyone.
Collier: I'd keep it that way for now. Look, how are you guys managing? Have everything you need?
Richard: Everything except a job. I was a pilot in the air force, supposed to be drawing a pension. That hasn't come through yet. I've applied for flight instructor jobs, even for Seattle PD. Every time they find out I'm one of the 4400, the job suddenly goes away.
Collier: Look. I may have something you'd be interested in. It doesn't involve flying but given your background in the military... My foundation has an opening in the security department.
Richard: Foundation?
Collier: For the 4400. If you're interested, come by tomorrow and see me.
Richard: I'll be there.
Collier: Good.
Ryland is watching the Barbara Yates show on TV at Homeland Security.
Yates: The rash of v*olence involving the 4400 continues. Sources tell us Homeland Security is investigating a possible connection between the Friday Harbor m*rder and an undisclosed returnee.
Ryland: That hypocritical, self-righteous, irresponsible bitch...
Diana: I take it he doesn't like her show.
Tom: He doesn't like her. When we were with the FBl, she disclosed the name of a juror in a prosecution. Judge declared a mistrial, three years of work down the drain.
Ryland: You know, she blindsided me once. That is not going to happen again.
Tom's phone rings.
Tom: Tom Baldwin...Yes, Sheriff..... I see....We'll be there.
He put's down the phone.
Tom: That was Conrad. He got another letter.
They go back to Friday Harbor.
Conrad: 'I decide who lives and who dies. My judgement is final and more verdicts are coming.' mThe date's clipped from this morning's paper. Couldn't have been composed by Charlie Staley. Not from jail.
Tom: Are you telling us, this letter's from the Friday Harbor k*ller?
Conrad: It's genuine. lt describes wound patterns on the original victims. We kept that private. If you believe Knox is involved, why's he out there walking around? Let's pick him up, right now.
Tom: We can't. The bottom line is, we need to know exactly how he's linked to these m*rder to bring him in.
Conrad: So what do we do? Wait for another girl to turn up d*ad?
Tom: I think we can do better than that.
Knox drives into a garage.
Mitchell: $27.75, your change.
Knox: Thank you.
He hands him a picture of Felicia.
Mitchell: What's this?
Knox: Let me tell you something about her. Her name's Felicia. She works over at the bar...
TV Reporter Barbara Yates is called to Homeland Security for a meeting with Ryland.
Yates: Well, I was expecting a scolding on the phone. Maybe a tax audit. Not an invitation into the belly of the beast.
Ryland: Consider it a tribute to your bully pulpit.
Yates: I'm flattered.
Ryland: Don't be. DC is calling for your head. I want you to dial back on the 4400.
Yates: Not gonna happen. l'm a journalist, I answer to my viewers.
Ryland: Don't hide behind freedom of the press. You shout 'f*re!' in a crowded theatre. And you're gonna stop before the stampede begins.
Yates: Yeah, you have a really strong face. Seriously Dennis, you should come on my show.
Ryland: You're getting in the way of my job. And if you're gonna continue interfering with Homeland Security, I'd advise you to tread lightly.
Yates: And what are you gonna do? Disappear me?
Ryland: I asked for your cooperation.
Yates: I've chosen not to give it.
Ryland: Fair enough. Don't forget to get your parking validated on the way out.
Richard meets with Collier in the grounds of the Collier mansion.
Richard: This healthcare plan is incredible.
Collier: The cover should provide for all your doctor's visits and hospital care once the baby's born.
Richard: Mr Collier, I don't know what to say.
Collier: Say you'll take the job?
The phone rings.
Collier: I'm sorry, I have to take this... Len?......Good, good...The whole property?..... Excellent. 26 million......Yes, I want you to close. Don't worry about the board of directors. They voted me back in as CEO when I returned. I'll handle them. Call me when it's done. OK.
He put's the phone down.
Collier: Real estate deals.They're never over till they're over. So, are you going to come to work for me or not?
Richard: I can start tomorrow.
Ryland meets with the head of the TV company, in a park.
Gibson: Mr Ryland, Phil Gibson. This is an honour. Barbara will be very disappointed she wasn't able to meet with you herself.
Ryland: Actually, I prefer to speak to you.
Gibson: Great. First, just let me say, sir, any information you give us about the 4400 will never be traced back to you.
Ryland: I'm glad to hear that. I've something important to pass on.
Gibson: Mind if I tape this?
Ryland: Quick and simple. I want Barbara Yates's coverage of the 4400 to stop.
Gibson: What do you mean stop?
Ryland: I mean it ends. She stops covering the story, period.
Gibson: Listen, Mr Ryland, Barbara has sole authority over her editorial content. Barbara says what Barbara wants. There's nothing I can do about it.
Ryland: You're her producer. Produce.
Gibson: I don't think you don't know what it's like in this business these days. We're not Walter Cronkite you know.
Ryland: You want to talk about the old days? In the old days, I would need a warrant to tap all your phones, to freeze all your assets, and to prevent you from ever being a passenger on any airline in the world. But like you say, it's not the old days any more. You've worked for Barbara Yates since the beginning. I'm guessing you knowwhere the bodies are buried. Draw me a map.
Shawn is walking alone at night and remembering back to the night he was taken.
Kyle: I bet my Dad will kick your ass if I come home smelling of beer.
Shawn: Evil cousin Shawn, corruptor of the innocent.
For the first time we see what happened to Kyle. Bright tendricles ensnare his head and he is screaming. Shawn stands back looking on, unable to help.
Kyle: Help! Help me, Shawn!
Shawn rushes to help and pushes Kyle away. Grabbed then himself by the tendricles he begins to scream.
**End Flashback**
Shawn: Oh, my God!
The next morning, Felicia is out for a run in the woods, when Mitchell stops her.
Mitchell: Excuse me.I lost my dog. Can you help me find him?
Felicia: I haven't seen him.
Mitchell: A wire-haired terrier named Boss.
Felicia: I haven't seen him.
He stops her from getting past him.
Felicia: Would you let me by? This isn't funny. I'll scream.
Mitchell: Yes, you will.
As she screams and tries to run, the man get's out a Kn*fe. Tom and Conrad appear with g*n.
Tom: Don't move!
Mitchell: Felicia has to die! She has to!
Mitchell is taken back to Homeland Security where he is interviewed. Tom holds up a picture of Mitchell and Knox on the garage forecourt.
Tom: This man. What did he say to you, Mr Mitchell?
Mitchell: You've been following me?
Tom: No. Actually, we were following Knox.
Diana: I really like the composition of this sh*t, its nice, cosy symmetry.
Tom: Now, what did he say to you?
Mitchell doesn't answer, so Tom turns to the others.
Tom: You keep at him. We'll bring in Knox, sit him next to his friend. See what they have to say to each other.
Tom and Diana leave as Conrad takes a seat opposite Mitchel.
Knox's house.
Tom: Knox! Open up!
Diana: Tom!
Tom: Knox!
They go around the back of the house and enter. Mitchell isn't there, but they find the house full of lit candles. On the wall, scrawled in blood, are the words, 'Felicia Must Die'.
Tom: Are the police at the girl's house?
Diana: She refused an escort.
Felicia enters her house. The phone is ringing and she answers it.
Felicia: Hello. Hello?
She put's down the phone. As she turns she see's Knox standing beside her.
Knox: Excuse me. I lost my dog. Can you help me find him? He's awire-haired terrier, his name's Boss.
She runs to another room and slams the door. He get's in another door and grabs her, but she smashes a vase over his head and runs. She gets out onto the balcony and he follows her. As police cars draw up below, he grabs her by the throat and has a Kn*fe in his hand.
Felicia: Somebody help me!
Diana: Let her go, Knox!
Conrad: Knox! Get away from her or l'll sh**t.
Knox drags Felicia back through the house. Tom bursts in and h*t's him in the face.
Knox: l think you broke my nose.
Tom: Stay down!
Knox: You got me wrong. Let me tell you...
Tom: Not a word, not a word. Now, I'm warning you.
Later at Homeland Security. Tom and Diana speak with Marco from the theory room.
Tom: g*dd*mn serial k*ller. This guy m*rder eight people before he's abducted. They send him back, he picks up where he left off.
Marco: In '83, Knox was your garden variety psychopath. They sent him back enhanced. Big difference.
Diana: Well, it makes whoever took him sound pretty nasty.
Tom: They also sent back Shawn. And Maia.
Diana: Yes, I know. For that, l'd like to thank them. But it all seems so random.
Marco: Maybe. Until you start to look at the bigger picture. Orson Bailey kills Adam Kensington. Revenge m*rder. Open and shut. Carl Morrissey's a well-intentioned but hapless vigilante who ends up d*ad.
Diana: Like I said, random.
Marco: Yeah, but we know Kensington's company was perpetrating a massive fraud. We've learned that since Morrissey's death, his neighbours formed a committee protecting the park. Anyone starting to see a pattern?
Diana: What? You're talking about some kind of ripple effect?
Marco: Diana skouris, to the head of the class.
Diana: The incidents themselves are just catalysts for change. Positive change in these two cases.
Tom: What? Wait a minute. Whoever sent them back planned for these changes to take place? What about the Knox killings There's nothing positive with them.
Diana: Or maybe we haven't seen the ripples yet.
Knox is being held in a glass cage in the centre of the room. A cleaner is nearby washing the floors.
Knox: Excuse me. Hey...I have something I wanna tell you. Hey... I have something I wanna tell you!
He doesn't realise that the cage has been soundproofed.
Diana is at home watching television. Maia is asleep on the sofa.
Reporter: Police aren't saying who released this closely-guarded secret. A document containing the names and addresses of all the 4400 has appeared on the internet and is now posted on more than 20 sites. Authorities won't confirm the leak but efforts to shut down the sites, with an emergency injunction, suggest the list is genuine. We'll have more on this breaking story as it develops.
Tom arrives at the hospital to find Shawn in Kyle's room.
Tom: What are you doing here, Shawn?
As Shawn moves away from the bed, Kyle can be seen sitting up, awake.
Tom: Kyle?
Kyle: How long......have I been in the dark?
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x04 - Becoming"} | foreverdreaming |
(1x05 : Trial By f*re)
Directed by NICK GOMEZ
**Previously on 'The 4400'**
Flashbacks to previous episode.
Dr Mayhew: The results are inconclusive but we must be missing something. People don't regain consciousness after a three year coma for no reason.
Linda: Honestly, we don't care why this happened. Right, Tom? We're just glad to have Kyle back.
Tom: You've been poking and prodding him for a week. When can we take him home?
Dr Mayhew: I don't see why you can't do it now.
Linda: That's wonderful.
Dr Mayhew: But there is something else.Patients like Kyle often have difficulty adjusting to their awakenings. They do best in environments similar to those they were in before their comas. In every detail. Places, the people...
Kyle arrives home. Tom helps him into the house.
Tom: All right, come on.
Kyle: Why are we here?
Linda: We thought you'd be happier at home.
Kyle: Then, why take me here?
Tom: Kyle, this is your home.
Linda: And this is your room, Kyle. It's just the way you left it.
Kyle: OK.
Kyle stumbles.
Tom: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got you. I got you.
He grabs some books and looks through them.
Kyle: This isn't my room. And this isn't my house.
Tom: Kyle.
Linda: Kyle.
He's frantically searching through the bookshelves.
Tom: What are looking for, buddy? What are you looking for? We can help.
Linda: Kyle, Kyle, talk to us. What is he doing?
Tom: Whatever it is, I say we just let him work it out.
Linda: But he hasn't recognised his room.
Tom: Linda, the doctor told us he'd be disoriented.
Linda: I'm glad you're moving back in.
Tom: I'll try to stay out of your way as much as I can.
Jordan Collier appears on the Barbara Yates show.
Yates: Come on, Jordan, aren't you overreacting?
Collier: No, I'm not at all. Publishing the names and addresses of the 4400 is a crime, Barbara. It's a violation of the privacy
of over 4,000 people, and whoever did it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Yates: So, warning people they may be living next to a public menace is a crime...
The tv is in on Shawns house and he switches it off. The doorbell rings.
Shawn: We don't want any!
Tom: Shawn, it's your uncle. Let me in.
He opens the door.
Shawn: Uncle Tommy.
Tom: Hey, Shawn.
Shawn: Come to take the tour?
Tom: Quite a procession out there.
Shawn: Yep. They started driving by the house the day my name showed up on the Net. They haven't stopped since. Yay for us!
Tom: Well, I know this is hard for you, Shawn. I just stopped by to say thank you. We took Kyle home yesterday and...I'm grateful.
Shawn: He's doing good, right?
Tom: Yeah. He's got a lot of work to do but......he's awake.
Shawn: Aunt Linda, does she know? About what I did, I mean?
Tom: No, I figured you wouldn't want that.
Shawn: Truth is, Uncle Tommy... I don't know what happened. I put my hands on him. That's it. He woke up. He woke up and I don't know why.
Tom: You see, Shawn. This thing that you can do. Whatever it is, we need to learn more.
Shawn: Well how? How? I could go into quarantine again. They could study me some more. No! I'm done with all that. With the hypnosis and the dream journals and the counselling.
Tom: I hear you. But I can be an ally. Maybe I can help you.
Shawn: I don't think so, Uncle Tommy.
Richard and Lily walk back home after seeing a movie.
Richard: That was some movie. Biggest screen I ever saw. And the sound and all those, er...
Lily: Special effects.
Richard: Yes.
Lily: So, did you like it?
Richard: Not really. But it sure did look good.
They get back to their apartment, and as Richard unlocks the door, Lily's baby becomes unhappy and Lily doubles over. Richard opens the door a tiny bit and realises that it's booby trapped.
Lily: Something's wrong.
Richard: Down.
He pushes her to the ground and a b*mb explodes.
Diana and Tom take a look around the apartment.
Diana: The genie is definitely out of the bottle.
Tom: Three different b*mb in one day.
Diana: Each targeting the 4400s whose addresses were made public.
Tom: Wait a second.
Diana: It's a pipe b*mb, tripwire trigger.
Tom: It's about as basic as you can get.
Diana: Amateur.
Tom: Diana, I just found part of the casing.
Diana: Mm-hm. It's beautiful.
Tom: Shawn's name is on that list. I had my sister upgrade her security system, but...
Diana: Yeah, I'm worried about Maia, too.
Tom: Did you ever think about putting her back into quarantine?
Diana: Yeah, l've thought about it.I've even talked it over with her. She started crying. She wants to stay with me, Tom.
Tom: I'm glad it's working out.
Diana: Who would have thought? How's Kyle adjusting to being back home?
Tom: Still weak, his memory's a mess but he's out of that damn hospital.
Diana: What does his doctor think?
Tom: He's stunned, just like us. lt's a miracle. I don't have any other way of putting it.
Diana: What about Shawn?
Tom: What about him?
Diana: Where was he when Kyle woke up?
Tom: I have no idea.
Back at Homeland Security.
Tom: All three b*mb so far were identical in design and composition. Pipe casings, tripwire triggers.
Diana: I did a chemical analysis of the expl*sive. It's homemade plastique, basically boiled down from bleach. You can get the recipe's on the internet.
Tom: Just like the list of victims. I'd like to get my hands on whoever leaked those names.
Ryland: Come on, Tom. Who do you think leaked them?
Tom: Barbara Yates.
Ryland: You're g*dd*mn right. lt's just her style. Cheap, inflammatory and dangerously irresponsible. I'll handle Yates. Meanwhile I want you two back-trace hits on every website that published these b*mb recipes.
Tom: We'll have the results soon.
Ryland: So will I.
Collier, Lily and Richard take a walk and look at some houses he has bought.
Lily: You own this entire complex?
Collier: C80 homes. Once we have this place off the ground, I'm planning developments in Chicago and Los Angeles. I intend to provide a safe haven for any 4400 in this country who needs one. We're opening sooner than I planned but the b*mb make that necessary.
Richard: You do think big, don't you?
Collier: I'm a business man. I've been given a second chance to do something with my life, besides make money. Cos right now, that's just not enough. Or maybe l'm having a mid-life crisis.
They stop outside one of the houses.
Collier: 93 Tomberra Lane, what do you think?
Lily: Oh, they're beautiful. They're all beautiful.
Collier: Well, it's yours. You'll be our first official residents.
Richard: Oh, we can't afford a house right now.
Collier: Consider it a gift for the two of you and your new baby.
Shawn leaves a store and finds Nikki waiting outside.
Nikki: It's a small world. You did it, didn't you?
Shawn: Kyle waking up?
Nikki: That was you. You fixed him, just like you fixed my hand. Have you told Danny?
Shawn: No, and I don't want you to.
Nikki: But maybe if he knew what you did, he'd stop thinking of you as...
Shawn: A monster.
Nikki: I've been doing some thinking. This thing between Danny and me. Maybe it was a mistake.
Shawn: I don't want to hear this.
Nikki: It's not your fault. I mean that. Danny's sweet. I like him, but......that's all.
Shawn: He more than likes you.
Nikki: I know.
Ryland get's a visit from a Homeland Security agent based in Washington.
Lyttel: Dennis Ryland?
Ryland: Yeah.
Lyttel: I'm Warren Lyttel. I believe HomeSec in D.C. mentioned I was coming.
Ryland: Oh yeah, they warned me.
Lyttel: Well, they're never happy. They seem to think you need to be more aggressive investigating the 4400. I'm here to nudge things along.
Ryland: Authority to review all 4400 case files. Access to all meetings and briefing sessions. Permission to ride with field agents at your discretion. That's a pretty broad mandate.
Lyttel: Well, they're looking at five m*rder. Three unsolved b*mb. Barbara Yates bashing us all over the airwaves. Seems to them you could use help.
Ryland: I suppose it could look that way from a conference room in D.C.
Lyttel: It looks that way from everywhere except this glass tower of yours.
Ryland: I have 1,000 returnees within 75 miles of Seattle. I've got two dozen agents to ride herd on all of them.You wanna help me? Get me some more personnel.You wanna help me? Get D.C. off my back. But you're not really here to help me, are you?
Lyttel: No. We're here to clean up your mess.
Ryland: Where did they recruit you from? FBl? NSA?
Lyttel: Doesn't matter where I came from.
Ryland: How long have you been in public service? 15, 16 years? And suddenly you got a sh*t at a command of your own.Well, you come and take it from me.If you can.
Kyle is in his bedroom ripping up all his photographs. The bed is strewn with them. Tom enters the room.
Tom: Kyle, what's going on?
Kyle: They're lies.
Tom: What do you mean?
Kyle: These pictures, I don't belong in them. These people, Idon't know them.
Tom: No, no, no. Of course, you do. Look. This is you at the zoo with Grandma Fran when you were eight. Remember? And this is your birthday party when you turned ten. You remember George?
Kyle: He was my friend.
Tom: That's right. That's right. And Freddy, you have to remember Freddy. He was over here all the time when you were little. Remember?
Kyle: Bugs Bunny.
Tom: That's right. Exactly. He was crazy about cartoons.
Tom touches him arm.
Kyle: Don't touch me!
Tom: I'm sorry. I'm, I'm...trying to help.
Kyle: It's not my memory.You're my father. I recognise you, but I don't know who you are. It's like you're a stranger.
Tom: Kyle, Kyle. Kyle, just look at me. Just look at me.
Kyle: I need help.
Tom: I want to help you.
Kyle: Why can't you help me?
Tom: I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying.
Homeland Security.
Tom: The ripple effect. What about it? Every time we stop by the theory room, you and Marco always talk about how every case we work on has a ripple effect.
Diana: Yeah, every case but the Friday Harbor m*rder.
Tom: What if these b*mb are that ripple? Knox went from k*lling prost*tute before his disappearance to k*lling random women once he came back. What if they weren't random?
Diana: That's interesting.
Tom: We should look into Knox's victims. See if we can find a connection there.
Gail Keating's brother's (Victim that worked in the video store and was m*rder after suggestion from Knox, in Becoming) are working in a room. Putting together something a homemade b*mb. The Barbara Yates Show is on TV in the background.
Yates: I can't condone these b*mb, but I understand the fear behind them.The easiest way to stop the v*olence is to put the 4400 out of harm's way. Someplace safe for them and for us. Now, I know to some of you that that may sound harsh, heartless even. And I assure you, I don't mean it to be. Just as I assure you that there are those among the 4400 who...
Dean Keating: Truck's ready to go. I won't be happy till we torch them all. They can all burn in hell.
He turns the television off.
Glen Keating: Hey, I was listening to that.
Dean Keating: I'm sick of listening to it.
Glen Keating: She's on our side.
Dean Keating: That woman is a parasite. She doesn't give a damn about us or that our sister was m*rder by one of those 4400 bastards. OK? Why don't you unload the fertiliser, eh? Leave the air filter on. Those damn fumes are k*lling me.
Kyle is sat in the garden in the pouring rain. Shawn enters and seems really happy to see him.
Shawn: Kyle! Kyle Hey!
Shawn grabs him and happily hugs him to his chest. Kyle just seems bewildered.
Shawn: Hey! It's good to see you, man. What are you doing sitting out here in the rain? What are you staring at? Listen, you're looking pretty good. The way your folks were talking I thought you'd be some kind of zombie.
Kyle: They won't leave me alone. Asking me questions, staring at me all the time.
Shawn: They're just glad to have you back. My mom did the same thing to me.
Kyle: My parents had you come here, didn't they? To try to make me remember.
Shawn: No, Kyle. Hey!
Kyle: I'm going inside. I've got reading to do.
Kyle stands up.
Shawn: You've got reading to do! Kyle! Come on! I just got here.
Richard and Lily have moved into their new house. Richard has on a suit.
Lily: Look at you!
Richard: I could have bought a car in my day for the price of this suit.
Lily: How's it going?
Richard: We've got a lot of work to do. Five families moved in today. Seven more by the end of the week. Got half a mile of property line to shore up. The fences are too short. Overhanging trees along the perimeter.
Lily: Along the perimeter? Well, as long as you're on the job, I feel safe and so does the baby. Two happy residents. That's a start.
Barbara Yates leaves the TV Building and is speaking on her mobile phone.
Yates: It has been a crazy day. No, my assistant's out. My phone sheet is a mile long. I never got to the end of it. Anyway...
A man grabs her arm and points to a limousine across the street.
Man: Miss Yates, Dennis Ryland would like to speak with you.
She get's into the car.
Yates: Dennis. What a pleasant surprise! Well, this is a bit theatrical, don't you think?
Ryland: Read this.
Yates: What is it?
Ryland: It's a story. A good one.
Yates: About the 4400?
He hands her some paperwork.
Ryland: No, about a TV talking head that was involved in a car accident last year. A h*t and run, actually. It was really ugly. The pedestrian she h*t died instantly. It was a shame. He was 40 years old, father of three. No wonder she spent so much money covering it up.
Yates: So... Are you blackmailing me, Dennis? I shut up about the 4400 and this envelope goes in a vault somewhere?
Ryland: Not good enough, Barbara.
Yates: What do you want me to do?
Ryland: It's too late for you to do anything. I gave you a chance and you refused. Steve Smizick from the D.A.'s office wants to talk to you. He's going to charge you with vehicular manslaughter, among other things.
Yates: Look, face it. Shutting me up is not going to make the 4400 disappear from the headlines. And eventually, they will cost you your job.
Ryland: We'll see. Goodbye, Barbara.
Tom and Diana speak with Collier at the gates of the 4400 community.
Tom: Is this wisest move under the circumstances, Mr Collier? All these 4400s in the same place is a target.
Collier: There are always dangers. That's why I hired the security team.
Tom: Mr Tyler, I know you're trying to protect your family, but you must realise that by staying here, you could be in serious danger.
Richard: Maybe. But you know l was born in 1922, in Missouri. And my skin was as black, then, as it is now. So, I've had to worry about f*re b*mb and beatings my entire life. And if there's anything I learned, it's this. Eventually a man's got to take a stand. I'm making mine right here.
Shawn walks out of school and watches Danny and Nikki arguing. She seem's to be ending their relationship.
Diana arrives to pick Maia up from school and finds her outside with her teacher.
Teacher: ...a sprained ankle.
Maia: To the other side.
Diana: Maia, how did you do today?
Teacher: Miss Skouris, can we talk?
Diana: Well, give us a sec. Can you? Sorry I'm late again.
Teacher: Please understand... I'm afraid you can't bring Maia back to school anymore. We have to consider the safety of the other students.
Diana: Has Maia been a problem?
Teacher: Not at all. She's lovely. But it's the b*mb. With Maia's name on that list we can't risk having her here at school. l'm sorry.
Diana: I understand.
The teacher leaves.
Diana: I'm sorry, Maia. We'll find someplace else, l promise.
Maia: It'll be OK.
Diana: No, it's not OK. It's wrong.
Maia: No, I mean, someone's coming who will make everything better. We just have to wait a little longer.
One of the 4400, Mary Deneville, carries some flowers across the street into a waiting van. One of the flowers is wilting.
Mary: Oh, you got too warm. Come on. Let's look pretty. Don't you want to look pretty?
She stares at it and the flower begins to regenerate.
Mary: That's better.
She get's into the van and starts the engine. A b*mb explodes and the van is destroye.
Tom and Diana arrive at the scene.
Diana: Is that a blasting cap?
Tom: It's a commercial detonator. Which means it'll be easier to trace than a bottle of bleach.
Diana: We'll send it to the lab. lt needs serial numbers, lot numbers, a purchaser would be nice.
Tom: What do you have on the victim?
Diana: Mary Denneville. 27-years-old. The flower shop was her father's. She disappeared in 1999 but picked up her life right where she left off.
Tom: Until today.
Diana: Are the 4400 that frightening to people? Are we too close, so we don't see it?
Tom: Something like this isn't fear. This is hate, pure and simple.
His phone rings.
Tom: Baldwin...Right now!
He put's the phone down.
Diana: What?
Tom: We have to go in.
Shawn see's Nikki at school.
Shawn: Nikki.
Nikki: Shawn. There's something I need to tell you.
Shawn: I know. I saw you and Danny talking yesterday.
Nikki: I just...want to make one thing clear. Me breaking up with Danny has nothing to do with you. OK?
Shawn: OK.
Nikki: Do you ever feel like you just......wanted to get away from your life for a while?
Shawn: I did that for three years. Don't recommend it.
Nikki: You know what I mean.
Shawn: Yeah.
Nikki: Find a quiet place where you can pretend that...things are simple. That nobody's angry at you, or hurt or sad.
Shawn: I know just the spot. Come on. I'll take you.
Nikki: Yeah?
Shawn: Yeah.
Nikki: OK.
Lyttel speaks with Diana and Tom.
Lyttel: I've been studying your case files. You're the first investigative team I've talked to, but it seems like you're the right place to begin.
Tom: Where shall we start, Orson Bailey, Oliver Knox?
Lyttel: How about Maia Rutledge? Age eight. Disappeared in '46.
Diana: Well, what about her?
Lyttel: It says here her foster parents returned her to quarantine, no reason given. Then there's all these reports of her making predictions that come true. Next thing, she's been removed from quarantine by one of our field agents.
Diana: I believe it goes on to say, 'For further study'.
Lyttel: But you haven't filed any other reports though, have you?
Diana: All of this was approved by Ryland. I don't see what the problem is.
Lyttel: Next case, Shawn Farrell, aged 17. Disappeared in April of 2001 . It's a little thin. Isn't it, Tom?
Tom: Why don't you accuse us of whatever it is and let us get back to work.
Lyttel: You two are good field agents. But it was a mistake to let two people with such obvious conflicts of interest to remain on the 4400 investigation.
Diana: This is not a conflict of interest, it is a unique perspective. It is a window into these people's lives.
Tom: You have a g*ng task force, you want people on it who know gangs. Same thing here, we know the 4400 better than any other agents in the country, that's why we're on these cases.
Lyttel: Nice spin. Is this what Ryland thinks?
Tom: Is that who your after? Ryland?
Lyttel: You know it's ironic. The North-West Division used to be a backwater. It was given to Ryland like a pat on the back for a career of good service. A quiet place where he could ride out his last years before retirement. But his free ride ended the night the 4400 showed up by that lake. Now there's going to be a change around here, whether you like it or not. You can either be part of it or you can get swept aside.
Collier is in his office. His secretary buzzes in.
Secretary: Lily Moore to see you.
Collier: Uh, send her in.
Lily enters the room.
Collier: Lily, what can l do for you?
Lily: Um... Yeah, Chilean sea bass? Tenderloin medallions? Lobster sushi? Jordan, I just asked if I could use the common area for our support group, I didn't mean for you to cater it like a black tie dinner.
Collier: People want to eat whether they're wearing tuxedos or not. It's going to be a really emotional night. These people are like me. Their family reunions didn't turn out as planned. It's all paid for.
Lily: Anyone ever tell you you're a control freak?
Collier: Once or twice.
Lily: Or that throwing money at people might make them question what you want in return?
Collier: That sounds awfully serious. If I've made you uncomfortable...
Lily: It's just...you go so far out of your way to make sure I'm taken care of. You give me far than I've thought about, or asked for or needed. You know I'm in love with Richard, right?
Collier: Lily Moore, you are a blunt woman and I find that attractive, which I know was not your intent. Look, why would I try to break up you and Richard? One, I'm smart enough to know I'd fail. Two, I just would never do that. Lily, thanks for coming by and I hope your support group enjoys the lobster.
Diana's at home, on the phone with Tom.
Diana: The William Wayne Construction Company bought the blasting caps.
Tom: Ok, good. Check their employee list with the names from the Knox case.
Diana: I'm already onto it. I'll call you back if I find your ripple. Thanks.
Tom checks in on Kyle.
Tom: How is he?
Linda: You better see for yourself.
Tom: What are you doing, buddy?
Kyle is drawing dots on a map.
Kyle: I'm looking.
Tom: For what?
Kyle: For me.
Shawn takes Nikki to Mount Rainier.
Nikki: This is the spot?
Shawn: Yep. Me and 4,399 of my closest friends popped out of a ball of light right here.
Nikki: It's so pretty. I wonder why they sent you back here? Why not on the White House lawn? Or in the middle of Times Square?
Shawn: I dunno, maybe they just appreciate a good view.
Nikki: You think?
Shawn: I have no idea.
Nikki: You're such a jerk.
Shawn: You're just figuring that out now? Hey, let me see this.
He takes her hand.
Nikki: What are you doing?
Shawn: Doctor's follow-up. Just... It looks good. I keep thinking you're still fourteen.
Nikki: I'm not.
Shawn: I know.
They kiss, which leads to them having sex on top of the mountain.
Diana is at home working on her laptop. She's going through a list of names.
Diana: Tom? I've found something.
The Keatings base is found.
Officer: What do you got?
Tom: Gone.
Diana: We've got fertiliser.
Tom: And tyre tracks.
Diana: They've got a truck b*mb.
They brief Ryland at Homeland Security.
Tom: The tyre prints matched the phone company's service trucks. So, we pulled their personnel records and found one Dean Keating.
Ryland: As in Gail Keating - Friday Harbor m*rder victim?
Tom: Dean's her older brother.
Diana: Not only that. Gail's younger brother, Glenn works construction and on his last job the company was short two dozen blasting caps.
Ryland: So, one of the returnee's kills their sister and these guys get their revenge.
Tom: And the 4400 go from being a thr*at to being sympathetic victims.
Ryland: Your ripple effect. All right, put out an APB on Keating's truck, and you'd better not let that truck get to where it's going.
Diana and Tom are looking at CCTV camera's, watching various roads, looking for the truck.
Diana: Come on. Where are you?
Tom phones Richard.
Tom: Mr Tyler, we're looking for a truck b*mb. Be on high alert.
Richard: Understood. Thanks.
Diana: We're running out of time. There! Truck number 85. That vehicle's assigned to Dean Keating. And it's heading north on...
Tom: Aurora. Heading into Richmond Highlands.
Tom run's out.
Sid: We need a list of all the 4400s in Richmond Highlands.
Diana: There's only one 4400 in that area. It's Tom's nephew. Tom, hold up!
They run to the roof of the building and get into a helicopter. Tom put's on a headset.
Tom: Operations. Patch me through to that phone number again.
Answerphone: Farrell residence.We're not in. You know the drill.
Tom: Susan, Shawn, Danny. If you can here this, get out of the house! Is anyone there?
Danny's there, but he has on headphones and can't hear.
Tom: There it is. Number 85. Get us down. Now!
The helicopter lands on the road in front of the lorry.
Tom: Put your hands where I can see them!
Diana: Out of the truck. Keep your hands where we can see them.
Driver: What the hell...
Tom: Shut up! Stay down.
Tom: You're not Keating. Where's Dean Keating?
Driver: He didn't come in.
Diana: No expl*sives. The truck's clean, Tom. They switched vans.
Tom: It's not Keating. Come on! Let's go.
They get back in the helicopter.
Tom: We got the wrong van. Re-check all principle targets. Report anything suspicious.
The Keatings are outside Collier's housing development.
Sid: We've got a 12ft step van parked near Collier's housing complex. No plates, new paint job.
Tom: That's what the phone company uses. Patch us through to Collier's. Use any line you can find.
Sid: The phones are d*ad.
Richard see's the truck pull up.
Richard: Code Red. Main gate.
Lily's baby senses the danger.
Back in the helicopter, which is hovering over the house.
Tom: There they are. Get me over there.
Richard and other armed security guards point r*fles at the brothers. Meanwhile, the Keatings are preparing the b*mb.
Tom sh**t's one of them, as he hovers overhead. They still manage to set the b*mb.
Glen: Go!
Dean: I've set it. Go!
Both brothers are h*t and fall from the van, but the code has been set and the van heads for the gate's. Richard and the guards continue to f*re and at the last minute, Richard sh**t's out one of the tyres, which set's the van into a spin. It eventually lands on it's side, short of the gate, and explodes. No-one is harmed.
The helicopter lands and Tom runs over to the brothers.
Tom: Hands over your head! Down! Down! Down! Down!
Diana: On your stomach now!
Tom: You are being arrested as a t*rror1st. You will be treated as an enemy combatant. You do not have the right to remain silent. You do not have the right to an attorney. Whatever you say will damn sure be used against you!
Lily runs down to the gate and hug's Richard.
Lyttel goes to the hospital and finds Dr Mayhew in a cubicle.
Tannoy: Doctor MacMillan to...
Lyttel: Doctor Mayhew. I'm Warren Lyttel from Homeland Security. I need to ask a few questions about Kyle Baldwin.
Tom arrives home that night and Linda rushes out to meet him.
Linda: Tom, you have to come quick!
Tom: What?
Linda: Just come on!
They rush out into the garden. Kyle is sitting naked, with the garden sprinklers spraying him with water.
Tom: Kyle! What are you doing?
Kyle: I know what's wrong with me. I finally understand.
Tom: What is it, Kyle? Tell me!
Kyle: There's only one explanation. Why I remember everything, but can't feel anything. Why all the people in my life seem like strangers. They're not strangers. I am. I'm not Kyle Baldwin.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x05 - Trial By f*re"} | foreverdreaming |
Ici Commence l'Obscurité
(1x06 : White Light)
Directed by TIM HUNTER
**Previously on 'The 4400'**
Flashbacks to previous episodes
Reporter: We're not sure what happened. Something's out there. The light has gone and thousands of people have appeared.
Ryland: Diana Skouris, Tom Baldwin. You'll be one of the teams investigating what happened to the returnees. We're letting them go. We have no right to hold them.
Lyttel: I'm Warren Lytell. HomeSec mentioned I was coming. I'm here to clean up your mess.There's gonna be a change around here. Be part of it or get swept aside.
Collier: I'll provide a safe haven for any 4400.You'll be our first residents
Lily: I'm in love with Richard.
Collier: Why would I break you up?
Lily: If you're on the job, I feel safe. So does the baby.
Richard: Two happy residents. That's a start.
Lyttel: Maia Rutledge, aged eight. Disappeared in '46. She makes predictions. Once they come true, next thing you know, she's removed from quarantine by one of our field agents.
Teacher: You can't bring Maia back to school any more. We have to consider the other students.
Maia: It'll be OK.
Diana: I's not OK.
Maia: Somebody will make everything better.
Lyttel: Next case, Shawn Farrell, aged 17. Disappeared in April of 2001 . It's a little thin.
Nikki: Me breaking up with Danny is not about you.
Shawn: OK.
Lyttel: I need to ask you a few questions about Kyle Baldwin.
Shawn: I don't know what happened. I put my hands on him, that's it. Woke up...
Kyle: Don't touch me.I recognise you but I don't know who you are.
Tom: What are you doing?
Kyle: I'm looking.
Tom: For what?
Kyle: For me. I finally understand. They're not the strangers. I am. I'm not Kyle Baldwin.
Kyle is in a hospital room with his mother. He's using the remote to flick through TV channels.
Linda: Kyle.
Kyle: I'm not Kyle.
Linda: Then who are you?
Kyle: I don't know. I need more screens.
Linda: OK.
Tom is out in the hallway with Dr Mayhew.
Dr Mayhew: Your son is experiencing a dissociative disorder. That's not uncommon for newly awakened coma patients. He feels disconnected from his personality.
Tom: We knew he'd need to adjust but he doesn't know who he is.
Dr Mayhew: This is frustrating but you did the right thing bringing him back here.
Tom: Yeah. So what now?
Dr Mayhew: We need to do another cranial MRI. They'll be here in an hour to take him downstairs. I know this is difficult, Tom. But Kyle's come this far. We can't give up now.
Diana and Maia are buying some soda from a cart.
Diana: I think I've got the exact change.
Tony: Hello, cutie.
Diana: Thanks.
They walk away.
Maia: How long have you known that man?
Diana: Tony? About two years. He's nice.
Maia: He's very nice.
Diana: Why do you say that?
Maia: He's going to fall in love today.
Diana: Tony? My God. Good for him. It's not with me, is it?
Maia: Nope.
Diana: I didn't think so. Is there something else, Maia?
Maia: How long am l going to be like this?
Diana: Like what?
Maia: I don't want to know things before they happen. I want to be normal, like I used to be.
Diana: It's gonna be OK, sweetie. Besides, who's normal anyway?
Maia: You are.
Diana: Huh! You want to know a secret? Normal people like me... ...they just wish they were special, like you.
Back in Kyle's hospital room.
Kyle: Put the television back on.
Tom: Kyle, when you came home you spent all that time looking through your books. Then the maps, now the TV. What are you looking for? Maybe we can help you look, too.
Kyle looks past him at the TV screen. Tom turns to Linda.
Tom: Come here. You should go and get some rest.
Linda: I'm not leaving him.
Tom: All right. l'll go and grab some stuff. Be back in a half hour, OK?
Linda gets some soda and as she turns she see's a group of men walk into Kyle's room, including Lyttel She rushes forward and grabs Kyle as he is taken out.
Linda: What are you doing? Leave him alone! Who are you people? I'm calling Security.
Lyttel: I'm Agent Lytell. I work with your husband.
Linda: I don't care who you work with.
She grabs Kyle and he turns and whispers into her neck.
Kyle: Tell Tom I figured it out. I know where I have to be.
Lyttel: Don't worry. He's gonna be safe. The government's gonna be supervising his medical care from now on.
Homeland Security. Lyttel is in Ryland's office.
Ryland: You snatched that kid from a hospital? What were you thinking?
Lyttel: He's the only witness to an abduction.
Ryland: Kyle Baldwin can't remember his own name.
Lyttel: Then we'll help him remember. His mother's upset. lt's understandable. But DC sent me here to get some results...
Tom rushes in and pushes Lyttel up against the wall.
Ryland: Tom!
Tom: Where's my son?
Lyttel: Whoa! Get your hands off me Baldwin.
Tom get's out a g*n.
Tom: I swear to God! I'll ask you one more time.
Lyttel: Ryland? You wanna give me somehelp?
Ryland: It's a tough call.
Tom: Where's Kyle?
Ryland: All right, Tom. You made your point. Put the g*n away.
Lyttel: Dennis...Dennis.
Ryland: Tom, put the g*n away.
He puts the g*n away and takes a walk in the hallway with Ryland.
Tom: You should have let me pull the trigger.
Ryland: I was tempted. But sh**ting Lytell won't get Kyle back.
Tom: I t'd make me feel a hell of a lot better. Why Kyle? Why didn't he go after Shawn?
Ryland: Our doctors went over Shawn dozens of times. Kyle's new territory for them.
Tom: New territory? That's my son.
Ryland: I know that.
Tom: Can't you call DC?
Ryland: What good would that do? DC put Lytell here in the first place. They're backing his play.
Tom: So we do nothing?
Ryland: I didn't say that. We'll get Kyle back.
Tom: When?
Ryland: For Christ's sake, l don't know. I just heard an hour ago. I don't know where Lytell put him.
Tom: Not good enough, Dennis. I'm not gonna sit around around while you play phone tag with some beauracrat. I'm getting my son.
Tom begins to walk away and Ryland grabs him.
Tom: Get your hands off.
Ryland: Tom! We go back a long way. If you try to go around me on this, none of it matters.
Tom: I know.
He bumps into Diana, but keeps on walking.
Diana: Tom, what happened between you and Lytell?
Tom: Ask Ryland.
Diana: Tom! Tom!
Tom: What?
Diana: If you're in trouble, I need to know.
She follows him out to the car.
Tom: Why?
Diana: Cos I might be able to help.
Tom: Diana, just stay out of it, all right?
Diana: Drive the car.
Lily is at Doctor's Kern's office.
Dr Kern: Blood work looks fine, the RH factor levels are normal and your calcium's OK. So how do you feel, Lily?
Lily: It's hard sometimes.
Dr Kern: That's to be expected. Now, where was I? Oh, right. l'll have to draw some more amniotic fluid.
Lily: Why? ls something wrong?
Richard and Lily sit on a park bench in the 4400 complex.
Richard: What kind of genetic anomaly?
Lily: All I know is she wants to grow one of the baby's chromosomes in a lab.
Richard: It'll be OK.
Collier passes by in a golf cart.
Collier: It's gonna be a beautiful 18 holes. Either of you play golf?
Richard: I'm afraid not.
Collier: That's too bad.
Richard: Listen, about that doctor you sent us to.
Collier: Roxanne Kern. She's the best OBGYN in the Pacific northwest. You're in good hands. So how did that support group meeting go?
Lily: It went well, thank you.
Collier: Nobody complain about the catering?
Lily: I have to admit, the lobster sushi was a great idea.
Collier: You see? You just have to trust me. Your girlfriend has quite an imagination. She thought I was trying to steal her away from you. Can you believe that?
Richard: Er...not really. I like your confidence. See? You were worried about nothing.
Lily: I wasn't worried.
Shawn and Nikki are sat in his car watching Danny across the street.
Nikki: We've gotta tell him.
Shawn: I'll do it. lt should be me.
Nikki: When?
Shawn: Soon. I can't take all this sneaking around. Besides, I miss seeing you.
Nikki: I miss you, too.
Tom and Diana are arguing in the park.
Diana: You suspected that Shawn had these abilities since his coming home party and you never told me. Thanks for sharing.
Tom: I never told Linda either.
Diana: Yeah, but you're divorcing her. I'm your partner.
Tom: Yeah, I know. When we were first assigned to the 4400, you were calling them disease vectors and viruses.
Diana: I know what I was calling them. But have you noticed any change in me lately? Maybe because, I dunno, I have one of them living in my apartment?
Tom: Alright. Point taken.
Diana: Because if the situation were reversed, I would have told you.
Tom: I heard you, all right? Can we continue the reprimand later?
Diana: Fine. What are we going to do about Kyle?
Tom: 'We'?
Diana: Of course 'we'.
Tom: We are gonna go find him and bring him home.
Diana: Then we better get to work.
Collier's office. His secretary is on the phone.
Secretary: I'm sorry. Mr Collier is not available right now. I'll have him return your call..... Thank you, Dr Kern.
Richard enters.
Richard: Dr Kern, the OBGYN?
Secretary: Mm-hm.
Richard: Jordan about to have a baby?
Secretary: I wouldn't know.
Richard: Huh. Here's the security logs he asked to see.
Secretary: I'll put them on his desk.
Richard: Can l see Jordan's phone logs for the last couple of weeks?
Secretary: What for?
Richard: He's been receiving some thr*at mail. I want to crosscheck it with his incoming calls.
Secretary: It doesn't leave this office.
Richard arrives at Dr Kerns office.
Richard: I need to see Dr Kern right now.
Nurse: Mr Tyler, she can't be disturbed. Mr Tyler!
Richard rushes into the office.
Richard: This won't take long. Dr Kern.
Nurse: I told him you were busy.
Kern: Does Lily have an appointment?
Richard: No. Why do you call Jordan Collier every time she comes to see you?
Kern: My phone habits don't concern you.
Richard: I think they do. What does Collier know about Lily's baby that she doesn't?
He returns home.
Lily: Sickle cell anaemia? How can my baby have the trait for sickle cell anaemia? Unless the father's black.
Richard: Maybe he is.
Lily: What are you saying, Richard?
Richard: I don't know. Maybe whoever took us used me as some kind of donor. The question is, why would Jordan have Dr Kern keep this from us?
Lily: The baby's carrying the sickle cell trait. That brings us closer. Maybe he doesn't want that to happen.
Richard: Maybe. I think it's time me and him had a talk.
Homeland Security
Lyttell is working on a laptop.
Lyttel: Michelle Hickock, returnee number 938. She's coming in at 4:00 for counselling and I want to see her afterwards, OK?
Tom walks past and phones Marco who is with Diana in the theory room.
Tom: He's logged on.
Marco: Lytell's on the network. You good to go?
Diana: Tom really appreciates you helping him.
Marco: I'm not doing it for Tom.
Lyttel notices Tom standing in a doorway staring at him.
Tom enters the theory room.
Diana: Come on. So, Kyle's being held at the quarantine Centre, building 9, sub-basement 3.
Tom: That's great. l owe you.
Diana: OK. Well...
Tom: Marco, thanks for your help.
Marco: No worries.
Tom: You ready to roll?
Diana: I think we should wait for the nightshift.At least they're half staffed.
Tom: OK. I'll pick you up at 4:00.
Diana: See you.
Tom's house.
Linda: Here, this is the place. lt's just outside of the city in West Belleview.
Tom: How do you know the seller isn't going to be there?
Linda: He's in Spain for three months. Another realtor told me. It'll be a perfect safe house.
Tom: Set it up. Make sure you're not followed on the way there.
Linda: You think I'm being watched?
Tom: If was Lytell, I'd keep an eye on you. Just remember to check your rearview mirror and stay cool.
Linda: I remember what you taught me. I just never thought I'd have to use it.
Tom: You'll do fine. I'll get Kyle and I'll meet you up there.
Linda: I'll be waiting.
They kiss.
Linda: You be careful.
Tom: I will.
Danny is at Nikki's house. He's bought her some earrings.
Danny: They're nice, huh? I remember how much you told me you liked moonstones.
Nikki: I do. But I can't accept these.
Danny: Why not? I mean, I got them for you. Come on, Nikki. Look, I know I messed up.
Nikki: Didn't Shawn talk to you?
Danny: Shawn: What does he have to do with anything? Nikki?
Diana arrvies to pick Maia up from daycare.
Teacher: Hey.
Diana: Maia ready?
Teacher: Maia's over by the playground, talking with one of your colleagues.
Maia: Some of the clothes look funny. And the cars. But I don't know. Video games are kind of fun.
Lyttel: Did you like the video games in the rec room at quarantine?
Maia: I hardly ever got a chance to play.
Diana: Lytell, what are you doing here?
Lyttel: Just talking with Maia. I thought it was time we met.
Diana: Stay away from her.
Lyttel: That's not really your call, is it? Maia, it was nice talking with you. We'll do it again soon.
He leaves.
Maia: I don't like him. And he doesn't really like me either.
Diana: Well, don't you worry about him.
Maia: Are you sure?
Diana: Oh! You listen to me, Maia. l am absolutely sure. I am not gonna let anything bad happen to you. Hear me? All right?
Maia: OK.
Collier is in the hot tub at his home. Richard arrives.
Richard: Jordan, do you have a minute?
Collier: I know why you're here. Roxanne Kern called me as soon as you left her office. I hope you and Lily aren't bl*wing this up into something bigger than it is, cos a doctor's trying to get on my good side.
Richard: We appreciate everything you've done, from the house to my job. Our lives have been a lot more comfortable since we met.
Collier: You're gonna hurt me now, aren't you?
Richard: It's time you back off. Let us run our own lives.
Collier: Whatever you want. Tell Lily I said hi, will you?
Richard: I'll do that.
Tom knocks on Diana's door.
Tom: You good to go?
Diana: Just give me a sec.
She walks over to speak with the babysitter.
Diana: Gloria, just remember what I told you. Don't answer the door to anyone you don't know, OK? Cool.
Maia: Are you leaving now?
Diana: Yeah. I'll be back before you wake up.
Maia: OK.
Diana: Better go. Bye.
Tom: Diana.
Maia: Don't worry. You'll find him.
Tom: Find who?
Maia: Your son, Kyle. He's the answer.
Tom: The answer to what?
Maia: Everything.
Diana walks up to a guard at the building where Kyle is being held.
Diana: I want to see Kyle Baldwin, please.
Guard: You're not on the list.
Diana: I'm a friend of the family. I want to know that he's all right. He's not even one of the 4400 and his father works with me and if you could just give me something I could tell him cos... Come on, we're both supposed to be on the same side, right?
Guard: I'll see what I can find out.
Diana: Great. Thank you so much. That's great.
As he turns she injects him in the back and he falls to the ground.
Diana: You won't even have a headache when you wake up. Well, maybe a little headache.
She uses the phone.
Diana: Come on in.
Tom and Diana rush into Kyle's room.
Tom: Kyle. Hey, buddy. lt's me, buddy.
Kyle: Highland Beach.
Tom: What about it?
Kyle: That's where I have to go.
Diana: Highland Beach.
Tom: Let's get you out of here first, ok? Come on. Up.
Tom phones Linda from the car.
Tom: We got him Linda. He's sitting right here next to me. He's about the same. No worse, anyway. See you in a little while.
Diana: How far away is this safe house?
Tom: It's about 30 miles.
Tom: Your mom's waiting for you, buddy.
Kyle: No. Highland Beach.
Kyle grabs the wheel.
Tom: Hey! Kyle! Let go! Kyle!
Kyle: Highland Beach!
Tom: Let go! Let go!
Diana: Calm down!
Kyle: We have to go there now.
Diana: What's at Highland Beach?
Tom: That's where Shawn disappeared.
Kyle: I have to go back there, now!
Tom: Just calm down, buddy. Just... If that's what you want, we'll take you.
Diana: Are you sure about that?
Tom: Kyle's the answer, right?
Lyttel walks up to Ryland at Homeland Security.
Lyttel: Two agents of your agents are operating outside of the ten.
Ryland: I noticed. You know why? Because you pulled the Baldwin kid out of the hospital.
Lyttel: DC wouldn't see it that way.
Ryland: DC thought it was a good move to send you here.
Lyttel: Are we gonna bring him in or not?
Ryland whispers to Sid.
Ryland: Find him.
Lily walks into Colliers outer office and hands some paperwork to Sally.
Lily: Sal, these people are coming to the next meeting. It's a little bigger than the last so we may need a couple more tables.
Sally: I'll take care of it.
Lily: Thank you.
Collier comes out of his office.
Collier: Lily. Can I see you for a minute?
Lily: I have a few errands to run.
Collier: This won't take long.
He show's her a newspaper from years before that has the headline 'Trial Date Set For n*gro In as*ault Case'.
Lily: Where did you get this?
Collier: I've been doing security checks on everyone who's moved into the complex. Don't look shocked, Lily. A lot of people would love to see me fall on my face here. A scandal like this would allow them to force me out of the company.
Lily: Richard wouldn't do this.
Collier: I'd have thought so, too. I guess we were both wrong.
Lily: Do you really think this is going to change the way I feel about him?
Collier: That's up to you. But Lily... you really have to ask yourself... Is this the man you want raising your baby?
Later at home, she shows the paper to Richard.
Lily: Aren't you gonna say something?
Richard: It was my 23rd birthday. A bunch of guys from the barracks invited me out to a bar.
Lily: You don't drink.
Richard: Didn't then either. But these guys....It was a big deal them asking me to come along. In those days, Negroes and whites didn't do much socialising. So I went. It was kind of nice, you know? Then this woman started coming onto me. People started staring. So I figured it was time for me to get out of there. She followed me outside and asked me to go home with her. I declined respectfully. That's when she started screaming.
Lily: That's it? That's all that happened?
Richard: That's all it took in 1945.
Lily: But the statement the woman made to the police. I mean... It's so detailed.
Richard: But Lily, none of it's true. If I hadn't been exonerated of those charges, do you think the air force have sent me to flight school? Made me a pilot? The woman lied. The charges got dropped.
Lily: Why would Jordan bring this up?
Richard: He wants you doubt me. Doubt us. Do you?
Lily: We've gotta pack whatever we can in five minutes. We're getting out of here.
Homeland Security is tracking Tom's car.
Sid: They're heading west on Sandburg.
Lyttel: There are no freeways in that direction.
Ryland: Highland Beach. That's where they're going. Have my car brought around.
Lyttel: I'm coming.
Ryland: I don't care what you do, just keep your mouth shut and stay out of my way.
Shawn is at home, sat at a table with his mother.
Shawn: Come on, Mom. Are you serious? The movies? Like, you and me?
Susan: Is that so weird? We used to go to the movies all the time.
Shawn: When I was six.
Danny rushes in.
Danny: Shawn! You prick!
Danny punches him.
Shawn: Danny!
Susan: Danny!
Shawn throws him into a chair.
Shawn: Listen to me...
Danny: You g*dd*mn freak!
Susan: Danny, stop this! Boys, please! Danny, Shawn, stop!
Danny is punching Shawn who is on the floor. Suddenly, Shawn places his hand on Shawn's chest.
Shawn: Stop blaming me for Nikki! Don't you see it's over between you two?
The life is being drained out of him. Susan pulls Danny away.
Susan: That's enough! Shawn, stop it! You're k*lling him!
Susan: What did you do?
Shawn: I don't know. I didn't mean to do anything!
Shawn: Danny!
Susan: Get away from him!
Shawn leaves the house and Nikki approaches him
Nikki: Shawn? I heard you guys shouting.
Shawn: Don't touch me.
Nikki: What?
Shawn: Don't touch me. You're the only good thing that's happened to me since I've been back. But I can't stay here and you can't come where I'm going.
Nikki: Shawn...
Shawn: I love you, Nikki.
Nikki: I love you. What are you doing? Shawn! No! Stay here and talk about this. Shawn! Shawn, what are you doing? Shawn!
Lily and Richard are putting suitcases in the boot of their car, when Collier and another man pull up.
Collier: What's all this?
Richard: What's it look like?
Collier: Have you two thought about what you're doing.I mean really thought about it. Because let me remind you, it is dangerous outside those gates.
Richard: We'll risk it.
Collier: Lily, think about the baby.
Lily: What has the baby to do with this?
Collier: Everything. That baby could be the key to the future and I can protect it better than Richard or anyone.
Richard: Lily, get in the car.
Collier: I can't let you do that.
Richard pulls out a g*n.
Richard: Stay away from her.
Lily: Argh!
Lily is in pain. Collier grabs her. As Richard fights off the others, Collier has his hand on Lily's stomach. The baby is not happy and appears to be causing him great pain. He falls to the ground and Richard and Lily get into the car
Collier: Go ahead! Run! It won't do you any good. I will find you. That baby belongs with me.
Highland Beach
Tom: Kyle! Kyle, we've been walking for ten minutes. What are you looking for? Maybe we can help you, Kyle. This is where we found him.
Diana: We're running out of time.
Tom: Kyle, I brought you here like you asked. But if there's something you need to do, you better do it fast.
Kyle: I belong here.
Shawn arrives at Collier's complex.
Shawn: I tried really hard and.... no matter what I've done, which way I've turned, it just... It sucks. I need to clear my head and get away for a while. I guess what l'm asking is if I could stay here for a while.
Collier: Shawn, you're one of the 4400. As far as I'm concerned,you can stay here as long as you want.
Shawn: That's great, man. Thanks. Thank you.
Collier: So, erm...tell me a little bit more about this ability of yours.
Lily and Richard are in the car.
Lily: Any idea where we're headed?
Richard: I'll know it when I see it.
Lily: He's gonna come after us. The baby likes that. You know...it really wouldn't be so bad, would it? If you were the father?
Richard: No, it wouldn't be bad at all.
Highland Beach. Ryland and Lyttel arrive with other agents.
Lyttel: That's their car. Let's go.
Ryland: Now, listen, these are not criminals. They're two of our own. Keep your g*n holstered. There's no cause for anybody to get hurt.
Tom: Kyle, they're coming for you. They're gonna want to take you away.
Kyle: They're too late.
Kyle looks upwards and begins to gasp. A blue light starts to emanate from his chest. Tom rushes forward.
Tom: Kyle!
Diana: No! Tom, don't!
They are both enveloped in a white light. The next moment they are standing by the water in the daylight.
Tom: Kyle?
Kyle: Tom.
Tom: You're not my son, are you?
Alter Kyle: No. Kyle was meant to be a channel, a way to communicate.
Tom: Communicate with who?
Alter Kyle: With you. To guide you in your dealings with the returnees. But something went wrong. Shawn interrupted the process.
Tom: That's what put him in a coma. He was like that for three years, because of you.
While the conversation is taking place, we see the scene from Diana's point of view. Tom and the being inside Kyle's body are turning slowly within the white light.
Diana: Tom! Tom. Tom.
Ryland and the others arrive.
Back with Tom.
Tom: Who are you? What are you?
Alter Kyle: I'm human. Like you.
Tom: No. You're nothing like me.
Alter Kyle: I come from a different time. That is all. Your future.
Tom: Is that where you took them? My nephew and all the others?
Alter Kyle: We needed them.
Tom: For what?
Alter Kyle: To survive.
Ryland approaches Diana
Ryland: Skouris. Skouris
Back with Tom.
Alter Kyle: In my time, humanity is dying out.
Tom: You mean it's all going to end? Everything?
Diana explains events to Ryland.
Ryland: What the hell is going on?
Diana: Kyle brought us out here. It's like he knew it was going to happen.
Lyttel: Did you ever think that maybe he's not Kyle Baldwin. He kept claiming he wasn't. Maybe he's telling the truth.
Ryland: Tom? Tom, are you all right?
Lyttel: We can't just stand around, we've got to do something. He could take Baldwin with him. Or k*ll him.
Ryland: Hey! Nobody is gonna do anything until we know what's going on in there.
Back with Tom and the person from the future.
Alter Kyle: Only those we took could prevent the catastrophe from happening. That's why they've been altered and seeded back into the timeline.
Tom: Why here? Why now?
Alter Kyle: Because history tells us this is where the path to oblivion began.
Tom: And the people you took are gonna stop that from happening? How?
Alter Kyle: They've already g*n their work. And you have g*n yours.
Lyttel and the others are getting more desperate.
Diana: Tom, come on.
Lyttel: Do something or I will.
Diana doesn't want to wait anymore.
Diana: That's it. I need you out of there.
Tom doesn't know what to do.
Tom: I don't understand. What is their work? What are we supposed to do?
Alter Kyle: You have to help them.
Tom: Help them? How?
Diana touches the light and is thrown back. Lyttel sh**t at i.
Lyttel: Go!
Tom is getting closer to the answer.
Tom: How?
The b*llet from Lyttel's g*n has entered Kyles chest.
Tom: You're bleeding.
The light vanishes and Kyle's body falls to the floor. Ryland grabs Lyttel's g*n.
Diana: Oh, God. Get an ambulance. Now!
Tom: Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Stay with me, Kyle! Stay with me! Stay with me! Look at me! Look at me! Stay! Stay! No! No! Kyle! Kyle! Look at me! Look at me! Stay with me, Kyle! Stay with me! Stay with me! Come on! Come on! No!
Kyle dies.
Diana: Tom...
Kyle suddenly takes in a breath. A bright light envelops him. He opens his eyes and it appears that the human from the future inhabiting his body is gone.
Kyle: Dad?
Tom: Kyle!
Kyle: What are you doing here? Where's Shawn?
Tom: Kyle?
Kyle: Dad? I can explain about the beer.
Tom: No! Forget the beer. You don't have to explain anything.
Diana: What's going on?
Ryland: Tom. Tom. What did you see?
Tom: I got you, Kyle.
Six months later, Lily and Richard are living in a cabin. Richard is tending the f*re, while Lily sit's on a bed. She seem's to be in pain.
Lily: The baby.
Richard: It's time? I'll get the car.
As they drive down a road, the tree's that are lining it, bow down to them as though in deference.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "01x06 - White Light"} | foreverdreaming |
L'heure du Réveil
(2x01 et 2x02: Wake Up Call)
**Previously On The 4400**
Flashbacks to season one
Six Months Later
Richard is running through some woodland. The sound of a baby can be heard in the background.
Richard: Isabelle! Isabelle!
A loud scream is heard, followed by a g*n. Richard see's blood on his hands and begins to scream.
He suddenly wakes up and sits up in bed, waking Lily.
Lily: What is it baby? It's a bad dream.
Richard: It's the same one.
She puts her arms around him
Lily: She's fine Richard. We're all fine. Come back to bed.
They hear footsteps outside.
Lily: It's just a racoon
Richard get's out of bed and picks up a stick. Opening the door he looks around and see's the taillights of a car. He returns inside and closes the door.
Lily: Who was it?
Richard: They took off before I could ask.
Lily: They left something behind.
A note has been pushed under the door. On the top in large red letters, are the words 'YOU ARE WARNED' The rest of the piece of paper is fulled with passages from the bible.
Lily: Someone tracked us down.
Richard: Who? NTAC? Collier? This look like their calling card, to you?
Lily: I don't know who it is, but someone knows we're 4400's.
Richard: Start packing. I'll drive into town tomorrow, pick up my last paycheck and then we're out of here.
Lily: Can't we just go now?
Richard: We're gonna need that money, Lily.
A car pulls up outside the 4400 centre. Devon comes out to meet it.
Devon: Mr and Mrs Sumlin. Peter? If you'll follow me.
They enter the lobby, which is in the middle of being decorated.
Devon: Forgive our appearance. As you know, the centre doesn't officially open until tomorrow.
Mrs Sumlin: Peter doesn't have time to wait.
Collier appears.
Collier: That's where you're wrong Mrs Sumlin. Peter has all the time in the world.
He bends down to look the young boy in the eye. The boy is connected to an oxygen tube.
Collier: Hi Peter. My name is Jordan Collier.
They step out of an elevator.
Collier: Just this way. Our medical lab isn't quite ready, so we thought Peter would be more comfortable up here.
They enter Shawns room.
Shawn: Hello Peter. I'm Shawn. What do you say we get started. Yeah?
The little boy nods and the two of them sit opposite each other.
Shawn: Ok buddy, I want you to take my hands and try to relax, ok?
Peter begins to shake.
Shawn: You're ok. You're doing good. You're doing so good. It's ok.
Mrs Sumlin: Oh my God, is he ok?
Collier: He's fine. Just watch.
Shawn continues to hold the boys hands.
Shawn: You're doing fine. You're ok. You're ok.
Peter suddenly stops shaking and his mother kneels on the floor beside him
Mrs Sumlin: Peter? How do you feel honey?
Mr Sumlin: How are you doing son?
Peter rips the oxygen tube from his face.
He takes some breaths without it and smiles.
Later the Sumlins hand Collier a cheque.
Collier: Thankyou for your generous donation.
Mr Sumlin: We tried everything. Radiation. Bone marrow transplants. Is he really cured?
Collier: Take him back to his Doctor. Run some tests. Peter's leukaemia is gone.
Mrs Sumlin: This is a miracle.
Collier: For now it has to remain a private miracle. May I remind you that the confidentiality agreement you have signed, is strictly binding.
Mrs Sumlin: But people should know about that young man.
Collier: And they will. In time, they'll know everything.
Diana and Maia walk hand in hand up to a court building.
Diana: Are you nervous?
Maia: Aren't you?
Diana: No, not at all.....Well maybe a little bit. Ok, a lot. Now you really wanna do this right?
Maia: Right.
Diana: Ok, let's go.
Inside the Judge's office.
Judge Biederman: Says here she registered an ability under the Densman-Lenhoff bill. Some kind of precognitive insight?
Diana: Her visions stopped about four months ago. We're not sure why.
Judge Biederman: Huh, too bad. I was going to ask if teledex would h*t it's quarterly projection.
Diana: Well, we'd like to get started if that's alright.
Judge Biederman: Certainly. Just sign where indicated. Diana Skouris, your adoption of Maia Rutledge is hereby complete, legal and binding. So witnessed by me, Henry Biederman, tenth circuit family court of Seattle. You know, some of us have to look far and wide to find people to call family. You two had to look clear across time. Diana, let me introduce you to your daughter, Maia. Maia, say hello to mommy.
Maia flings her arms around Diana.
National thr*at Assessment Command Seattle, Washington.
Kyle is in a room pacing angrily.
Kyle: I'm not doing it. I mean it this time, no way!
Tom: It's just a catscan Kyle, you've had them before.
Kyle: This one's gonna tell them the same thing the last 150 told them. Nothing!
He points to his head.
Kyle: There's nobody in here but me.
Tom: I know that. And sooner or later they're gonna stop looking.
Kyle: When? When?
Tom: I wish I knew. But with NTAC, the Government, they've got bigger issues than you or me ok? Just...Kyle, they're still trying to make sense about what happened that night at Highland Beach, that's all.
Kyle: Are they afraid if they let me out I'm going to spill the beans about their big secret? Well they can relax. I just want to get out of here and be normal again, and normal people don't go around sounding off about future humans and the end of the world. Besides, I don't even remember what happened.
Tom: I know.
Kyle looks up at the camera.
Kyle: You listening? I don't remember!!
Tom: Just calm down. Just calm down.
Kyle: Talk to someone, anyone, please, cos....
Tom: Ok, ok, ok, ok
Tom is in the gym hitting a punching bag. Diana walks in.
Diana:Tom! Been a while, huh?
Tom: Yeah, you know how it is. Us desk jockey's don't have much cause to mix with you hotshot field agents.
Diana: Someone feeling a little sorry for himself today?
Tom: The 4400 was sent back to save humanity and I'm supposed to help them.
Diana: I was there, on the beach, remember?
Tom: They gave me a mission, and what's my biggest accomplishment of the week? I convinced my son to take another catscan. Though somehow I don't think that's what they had in mind.
Diana's new partner enters the room.
Agent: Diana, you ready to roll?
Diana: In a minute.
Hubbard: Because we have to check in on three returnee's in a row. I wanna make sure we get our reports in by five.
Diana: Ok, why don't you keep the car warmed up and I'll be right there.
He leaves the room.
Tom: Vic Hubbard's the best lead investigator you could find?
Diana: Oh no, he's the fourth one this year. Two more, I break a record. We gotta get you out from behind that desk.
Tom: I'm lucky to have a job here. I put a g*n to another Agents head, remember?
Diana: Yeah well, I never said it was gonna be easy.
He begins to h*t the bag again.
Intel Room 3
Brady: It's obvious what really happened.
Marco: Whoa, are you gonna start in with your negative energy again?
Brady: White holes. See, they're the answer. That's how they took them and that's how they brought them back.
Diana enters the room.
Diana: Guys. Guys! Am I interrupting?
Marco: Brady's back on his white hole kick again.
Diana: One day you'll explain to me the difference between the white one's and the black one's, right?
Marco: Well, how about tonight?
Diana: How about you just give me that thing that we discussed.
Marco: Can't.
Diana: Why not?
Marco: I already sent it upstairs.
Diana: Ah. Wonder if anyone's read it yet.
Marco: When they do, I'm sure you're gonna hear about it.
Diana: I owe you one, handsome.
Abendson Psychiatric Care Facility
Tess Doerner, abductetd on April 3rd, 1955, sits in the communal area drawing a picture. Another man approaches and takes a book from under his jumper.
Tess: H P Lovecrafts.The Mountains Of Madness. Are you trying to tell me something? Which orderly did you steal it from.
Matt picks up her drawing and stares at it.
Tess: Matt? You're so sweet. You're the only person here, who doesn't want me d*ad. I wish I could take you with me when I go, but I can't. They only want me. I'll be leaving soon. Very soon.
The exact same scene she has drawn is being enacted outside. Two inmates are putting pieces of scrap metal together whilst Arlo and Matt, two orderlys, look on.
Arlo: Joanne, Paul? What are you doing?
Joanne: Sex maniac. Don't go flashing those bedroom eyes at me.
Arlo: Joanne, I'm serious. Put that stuff down before you hurt yourself.
Joanne: We're building something.
Arlo: I can see that!
Joanne: Can you really? It's gonna be gigantic.
Arlo: Humungous. Rival the pyramids. But some things are better left to the imagination, Joanne. Besides, you two have physical therapy now. Let's go!
The two move inside.
Arlo: Building something. Building nothing. Help me get rid of this junk.
Richard is in town to collect his wages. He finds flyers scattered around, identical to the warning note from earlier. Looking up, he sees a man dressed in black.
Shawn is at the centre having a massage.
Shawn: Ow
Masseuse: I'm sorry, too hard?
Shawn: No it's ok. Give it your best sh*t.
Masseuse: Whatever you do, you must be pretty good at it.
Shawn: Yeah, I work with my hands, same as you.
Masseuse: My apartment doesn't look anything like this.
Shawn: Well, it helps to have friends in high places.
Masseuse: I'm always open to making new friends.
Someone knocks on the door.
Shawn: Come in!
Collier enters.
Shawn: Speak of the devil
Collier: Give us a moment.
The girl leaves the room
Shawn: Has anyone ever told you, your timing sucks?
Collier: If they did I'd probably f*re them.
He hands Shawn his book. 'The 4400 And Counting'.
Collier: For you
Shawn: Oh.
Collier: It's in book stores tomorrow.
Shawn: Jordan. This is going to sell a million copies. People are gonna freak out when they read this.
Collier: Big ideas make a loud noise when the land, Shawn.
Diana enters the office of Nina Jarvis, Director NTAC Pacific Northwest Division.
Diana: You wanted to see me, Nina?
Nina: Are you sleeping with Tom Baldwin?
Diana: Should I come back in? Maybe we could start over.
Nina: Answer the question.
Diana: Never even held hands.
Nina: Do you owe him money?
Diana: What game are we playing here, because if I knew the rules....
Nina: I am playing the theory room paper game.
Diana: I don't know that one.
Nina: Well let me give you a hint.
She begins to read a report sent up from Marco.
Nina: The necessity for the immediate reassignment of Thomas Baldwin to active field duty.
Diana: Catchy title.
Nina: Did you come up with it yourself, or did the big brains of the basement pitch in?
Diana: Let's just say that I agree with the sentiment. Tom's the best agent I've ever worked with. Maybe the best you've got in this division. In the three months that Baldwin was investigating the 4400, this department learned more, far more than in the entire year he's been shuffling paper.
Nina: He thr*at another agents life.
Diana: He was trying to protect his son, who these future people or whoever they are, chose as their spokesman. Not to mention that his nephew, Shawn, is one of the 4400.
Nina: All of which sound like major conflicts of interest to me.
Diana: That's not what Dennis Ryland believed.
Nina: Dennis Ryland is no longer in charge here.
Diana: Maybe you should call Washington, talk to him.
Nina: I don't have to call Washington. They've got me on speed dial. Congressmen, Senators, Committee Chairs, Sub Committee Chairs. All of them are looking to this department, to me, for answers.
Diana: Which is why you can't keep an agent like Tom Baldwin on the shelf. He's a major player in this case. He's maybe, the major player.
Nina: See, funny, that's exactly what it say's in this paper.
Diana: Maybe Marco had me check it for typo's.
Nina: Alright, the next time that you want to send me a message, put your name on it.
Diana stands up straight, turns and leaves the room.
Later, back at the sanitarium.
Clayton: Mr Woolcock! Get down there.
Matt: Arlo!
Clayton: Mr Woolcock, get down from there!
Matt: Arlo! You heard the man!
Clayton: Woolcock, get down from there this instant.
Arlo, the orderly from earlier, is clambering across the roof, on his stomach. He reaches the weather vane and pulls it loose.
Clayton: I've called security! This is your last chance!
Matt: What the hell you doing up there? Arlo!
Arlo: I've got it!
He hugs the weather vane to his chest.
Clayton: Arlo, this is your last warning!
Matt: Arlo, please!
He makes his way backwards towards the ladder.
Matt: Arlo, be careful!
Arlo: I'm coming down!
Matt: Arnold, be careful! Watch what you're doing!
He places one foot on the ladder.
Arlo: I got it! I got it!
He starts to make his way down the ladder, but it begins to fall, taking the man with it. He falls to the ground, screaming.
Clayton: Oh my God!
We're shown one of Tess' drawings, which includes a picture of the weather vane, which is perched on top of the device she is drawing. Pictures cover the wall of her room.
Richard returns home to find Lily has packed their bags.
Richard: Lily I'm home. Lily relax, we don't have to leave. Some nut papered the entire town with these things. He wasn't singling us out.
Lily: Well I still think we should go.
Richard: I was scared last night too, but did you read this? It's a rant, not a witchhunt.
Lily: Maybe, but Richard, we still don't feel safe here anymore.
Richard: You mean Isabelle doesn't feel safe.
Lily: Richard, we've gone over this a dozen times. I don't know why she talks to me and not to you.
Richard: Talks?
Lily: Communicates. Whatever.
Richard: Did she happen to mention where we should go? Does she have a place picked out, or will she know when she see's it?
Lily: We can find a town.
Richard: We already did. Right here. Isabelle is six months old. I know she's a special kid, but we're still her parents. We make decisions for her, she doesn't make them for us.
Isabelle begins to cry and Lily rushes into the bedroom, picking her up. Richard picks up the bags and takes them back into the room.
Richard: We're staying put.
At Diana's apartment, Maia is sat on her bed, writing in her journal.
Diana: Maia!
As she hears Diana call, she quickly hides the journal under her pillow. Diana opens the door and is wearing a party hat.
Diana: Party time.
Balloons decorate the apartment. Diana brings some food to the table.
Diana: Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and white bread.
Maia: Everything I like.
Diana: They're the only things you'll eat. You gotta promise me that you'll outgrow this phase soon.
Maia: Mommy, how do you make this taste so good?
Diana: It's a hidden talent I guess. You just called me Mommy.
Maia: You're my Mom now, right?
Diana: Now and forever.
Maia: I like that.
Diana: Me too.
Maia: Do you think I'll ever go back to school?
Diana: Weren't you just telling me that you got a 97 on your math test?
Maia: Not home school, real school with a playground and recess.
Diana: Well sure you will, you know, when you get a bit older.
Maia: How much older? I'm not seeing things that are going to happen, anymore. So it should be ok for me to be around other kids. I think I'd be happy at school.
Diana: Aren't you happy now?
Maia: I'm glad you're my mom for real, but I could still use a friend or two. More mac and cheese please.
Diana: Just a little.
Tom and Diana are in Nina's office. She hands him a piece of paper.
Nina: Sign this.
Tom: What is it?
Nina: Your letter of resignation.
Tom: I thought I was being reassigned to field duty.
Nina: You are, effective immediately. I need results. We have a high priced collection of sheepskin in the basement that tells me you're the best way to get them, so I'm willing to take a risk. But I need some insurance. This. I left the date blank. You cross the line, I fill it in.
Tom: Fair enough.
He picks up a pen and signs.
Nina: Good! Here, look at this.
She turns a screen around to face them bringing up details on Tess.
Diana: Tess Doerner. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 15. Disappeared from Abbotson psychiatric hospital on April of 1955.
Tom: Well maybe they sent her back without bothering to cure her.
Diana: Curing people was not part of their agenda.
Nina: We just got a call from the CA over at the hospital. One of the orderly's is d*ad and he claims that there's some kind of connection.
Diana stands up to leave
Diana: We'll check it out.
Tom: Hold on. There's still one piece of business we need to get straight.
Nina: You're setting conditions?
Tom brings Kyle home.
Kyle: This is your new house?
Tom: It's yours too.
Kyle takes a look around while Tom stands watching him. They make their way into Kyle's new bedroom.
Tom: All your stuff is here. Kind of looks like our old place, huh? Well try it, anyway.
Kyle: Only one thing missing. Mom.
Tom: Yeah I know. Sometimes I can't believe she's not here either. But we tried Kyle. We really tried to make it work.
Kyle: I wish you both would have tried a little harder.
Tom: I'm sorry. You know, when something terrible happens to a family, when you were in the hospital, it can bring people closer together or it can drive them apart. Your Mom and me....
Kyle: Well I'll have to call her. Let her know I'm out of quarantine.
Tom: Yeah, you should do that. It would make her really happy.
Kyle: Shawn's gonna freak out too.
Tom: Well....
Kyle: I'm going to see him, right?
Tom: You're a good cousin. Just don't expect too much. You know, people change in four years. I can't believe you're standing here. I've been looking forward to this moment for too long. Hey, you remember how we used to love to go to the batting cages?
Kyle: You never could h*t that curve ball.
Tom: That was you. I've got plenty of quarters saved up.
Kyle: Maybe we should stop off at the driving range, too.
Tom: You wanna learn how to play golf? I used to beg to teach you.
Kyle: There are a lot of things I wanna try now, Dad.
Tom: You make a list. You want it, we'll do it. Anything. You can show me tonight, okay?
Tom makes his way out of the room.
Kyle: You're leaving? I just got here.
Tom: It's my job, buddy. Now get started on that list.
Tom and Diana arrive at the sanitarium, to find building of Tess' device in progress.
Diana: You people really take your arts and crafts seriously, don't you.
Tom: You sure Tess drew this before they started building?
Clayton: She made her first sketch two weeks ago. That thing started going up yesterday.
Diana: And you think that the orderly who died is connected to all of this.
Clayton: He was on the ledge of B building, prying off a weather vane. I believe it was this weather vane.
He shows them one of Tess' drawings.
They make their way inside.
Tom: So why don't you just confine all of the other patients to their rooms.
Clayton: Well I intend to, but this kind of cooperative behaviour is unheard of with these illnessess. Besides I wanted you to take a look at that thing before we tore it down again.
One of the patients comes out of a room.
Clayton: It's alright Kevin. They're just here to talk to Tess.
He turns to Tom and Diana
Clayton: He's very protective of her. She's his only friend in here. Really, it's ok.
He opens the door to her room.
Clayton: I'll just let her know you're coming.
Tom: Great.
Inside Tess' room
Diana: We saw some of the pictures you did, Tess. They're really good.
Tess: Shhhh! They'll hear you. There's microphones in the walls. They broadcast by satellite to the submarines.
Diana: Who does?
Tess: The Doctors.
Tom: The Doctors here in the hospital?
Tess: Some of them are here in the hospital. Some of them are stationed on a submarine.
Diana: We'll just talk really softly.
Tess: They take my crayons away, but they're too late.
Tom: Yeah? Why's that?
Tess: Because it's gonna get built anyway. They want me to get in touch with them. That's why they put the plans in my head.
Tom: Um, now, are we talking about the Doctors here in the hospital, or the Doctors under the sea.
Tess: Neither. We're talking about the people who took me. Stupid.
Diana: So, the people who took you. They want the patients here to build that tower?
Tess: They'll do anything to get me back. They like me.
Tom: Did you ask the other patients for help, Tess?
Tess: I don't like talking to them. They're crazy.
Diana: Was Arlo crazy?
Tess: I never thought he was. Maybe crazy is catching.
Diana and Tom leave the building and walk towards their car.
Tom: So, my first day back. What's going on? Not much. Just a bunch of mental patients building a machine to contact the future.
Diana: Well that's what Tess thinks, anyway. She also thinks there are Doctors stationed under the Pacific Ocean, listening to a radio broadcast of her private conversations.
Tom: Could be some kind of collective hysteria. Doesn't explain this guy Arlo, though.
Diana: He's a middle aged hospital orderly, who's wife just left him. He could have been suicidal.
Tom: Lost his nerve at the last minute and tried to grab the weather vane?
Diana: I wonder how long it is since Marco got some sun. I was thinking we could bring him down to have a look at that thing they're building.
Tom: A lone trip for Marco.
Diana: He goes outside Tom. We could have some sunblock handy.
Tom: It would be something though, huh? If she could actually do it? Contact the future?
Diana: Tess is right. Maybe crazy is catching.
The 4400 Centre at night
Collier is on the floor of his office, crying out in pain. Shawn and a secretary rush in.
Secretary: He was dictating a letter. He just grabbed his head and started screaming.
Shawn: Wait outside. Now!
She leaves and Shawn grabs Colliers head and begins to try and take the pain away.
Shawn: Hold still.
Eventually he succeeds and they both remain exhausted on the floor.
Collier: Thanks. Thankyou.
Shawn: They're getting worse. Jordan, they're coming more often, too.
Collier: You ok?
Shawn: I'm fine. I don't get it. I don't get why these att*cks keep coming back. I cured emphysema, leukaimia. That baby really kicked your ass.
Collier: Well you just remember that when we find Richard and Lily.
Shawn: You sound pretty confident Jordan, but it's been a year. Sometimes I forget they're still out there.
Collier: I never forget and neither do the men I'm paying to find them.
Shawn: Ok, but if I were you, I wouldn't want to be in the same timezone as that kid. If you two meet up again, it might just finish you off.
Collier: I have my reasons.
He helps Shawn to his feet.
Collier: You get some rest.
Shawn: Alright.
Collier: Big day tomorrow.
Shawn: Yeah.
Newscaster: In breaking news, a revelation about the origins of the 4400. In his newly published autobiography former real estate agent, Jordan Collier, claims that the 4400 were abducted by Human Beings from the future. The book contains copies of classified government memoranda, that Collier say's prove his claims. The documents are said to come from an anonymous source within the National thr*at Assessment Command. According to Collier, the 4400 were returned to avert a catastrophe that thr*at the survival of mankind.
Diana and Maia are watching the broadcast.
Maia: Why didn't you tell me?
Newscaster: Collier charges that the government has had this information for more than a year, but has kept it secret in an effort to avert a public panic.
Richard is at work watching the broadcast.
Newscaster: The government claims that the documents are purely speculative and have been quoted out of context.
Back in Richards workplace.
Mechanic: I don't care who took them. I don't care who sent them back. The government should have kept them behind bars.
Mechanic 2: You heard what the man said. They're here to save the world.
Mechanic: Well what do you expect him to say. He's one of them. You're awful quiet.
Richard: I deal in facts. The fact is, I gotta flush this radiator before lunch.
He begins to work on a car.
Nina holds a meeting.
Nina: Did everybody hear that Mr Collier's source, is anonymous no more. Agent Hubbard will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Diana: So what about Collier?
Tom: Can't buy national secrets on the black market.
Nina: I'm sure we'd all like to see Collier charged with treason, but it's unlikely. I doubt we'll be able to trace the payments directly to him. Now, as for the so called 4400 center. Around the clock surveillance is in effect until further notice. I want pictures of everyone who comes within a hundred yards of that place.
Agent: Is it true that Collier is filing for tax exempt status?
Nina: Apparently.
Tom: What, he's turned the 4400 into some kind of religion?
Agent: More like a cult.
Tom: A cult is what the big congregation calls a little congregation.
Agent 2: Cult, religion, whatever. What's he basing it on?
Diana: Have you read this thing? Collier claims that he can unlock the 4400 within anybody.
Agent 3: So he expects a guy punching a clock in Pittsburgh, to believe he has some kind of latent superpower?
Agent 2: Most of the 4400 don't even have those kinds of abilities. Not yet anyway.
Diana: No, but if you thought there was a chance that you had an ability locked away inside you.
Nina: You sound like you're ready to sign up.
Diana: No. But I wouldn't blame anyone for being curious.
Tom: Now we keep telling the public, that biologically, the 4400 aren't any different than the rest of us. They haven't been altered genetically, neurologically.
Agent 3: As far as we can tell. But if Collier thinks that people are just gonna sign up their lives and their life savings over to some metaphysical pyramid scheme, then he's in for a rude awakening.
Kyle arrives at the 4400 center which is open to the public for a book signing. He walks among the crowd and is greeted by Devon.
Devon: Welcome to the 4400 center. My name is Devon. What's your name?
Kyle: Kyle
Devon: Nice to meet you Kyle. Can I sign you up for a tour?
Kyle: Thanks. I'm just looking for my cousin? Shawn Farrell?
Devon: I'm sorry. Mr Farrell's not available right now.
Kyle: Can you tell him Kyle's looking for him? He does live here, right?
Devon: I'm afraid policy prohibits me from discussing our membership.
Kyle: I'm not looking for a discussion. I just want to say hi to my cousin.
She blocks his way.
Devon: If you want to leave your name and number.
Kyle: I'm not leaving anything. What is the problem here?
Devon: There's no problem.
Kyle: Then tell Shawn I'm here. If he doesn't want to see me, fine! But that's up to him, right?
Devon: Would you lower your voice please?
Kyle: Look, I've got nothing against you personally. I hope the pod people return your body to you someday. If it's all the same, I'll find Shawn myself.
Three security guards come up to him and begin to drag him out.
Guard: This way sir.
Kyle: Get your hands off me!
Back at the sanitarium, the building continues.
Marco: You guys didn't tell me this thing was so big.
Tom: It wasn't.
Diana: Not yesterday.
Marco: Those don't look like patients to me.
Diana:They're not.
Tom: Dr Clayton.
Clayton: I know what you're gonna say. We're falling behind. We'll make up the time this afternoon.
Diana: So is the entire hospital working on this thing?
Clayton: It's the only way to get it done. Excuse me. Randy? Winston? We're gonna need a little help here with the satellite dish.
Diana turns to Marco.
Diana: Ok, so first the patients, now the staff. If this is some kind of mass hysteria, it's spreading.
Back at Richard and Lily's house. Richard is holding Isabelle.
Richard: Who does Daddy love? Mom, Elizabeth. Yes he does. You know what he see's when he looks at you? A beautiful baby, yes he does. But Mommy see's much more than that. You know why? You communicate with Mommy, but you never talk to daddy. So how about it. Anything you want to say to Daddy? Huh? Cos I'm listening. Ok then. Guess I'm left to muddle along, all alone.
Lily enters the room.
Lily: Richard. We've gotta get a copy of that book, I wanna read it.
Richard: You and me both, but I've checked in town. They won't have any copies till tomorrow.
Lily: I don't know about you, but I kinda got used to the idea that we'd never know where she came from.
Richard: Well, if we went to the future. At least we came back with a souvenier.
Lily: The people who took us. They made all this happen, right? They saw to it that we got Isabelle. They must have something in mind for her.
Richard: I have something in mind for us, too. A normal life.
Lily: Sounds good, but we left normal behind a long time ago now.
Back at the sanitarium, Agents are pulling people away from the device.
Clayton: This is outrageous. We have work to finish here. Important work.
Tom: Doctors are allowed to make their rounds. No-ones stopping them from taking care of their patients. From now on, the tower and the court area are off limits. You got it?
Agent: I've got it.
Marco walks up to the tower device.
Marco: Man, look at the size of that thing. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my backyard, huh?
Tom: Road trips over. Wait in the car.
Marco leaves and Diana walks over to stand by Tom's side.
Diana: So yesterday, a few patients were compelled to work on this thing, and today it's the entire hospital.
Tom: If we get Tess out of here, you think this compulsion will fade?
Diana: I don't know.
Tom: It's worth a try, isn't it?
Diana and Tom take Tess from her room and lead her into the corridor. She's upset and crying.
Tom: Alright, I got you.
Tess: I'm not a bad person. I'm not.
Diana: No-one's saying that you are, Tess.
Tess: Then why are you gonna stick wires in my brain?
Tom: I promise Tess. Nobody's gonna hurt you.
Tess: That's what everybody say's right before they hurt you. Why am I being punished? I'm a good person really. I'm only doing what they want.
Kevin comes rushing up the corridor yelling and rushes at Tom.
Tom: Guards! Guards! Get over here.
He is dragged off and walks down the corridor, yelling. Tess is sobbing and is taken through the doors.
Tess: Kevin! Kevin!
Tom: It's alright.
Maia and a friend are playing go fish in Diana's apartment. The babysitter is setting the table for dinner.
Maia: Do you have a seven?
Kerry: Go fish.
Diana enters.
Diana: I am so sorry I'm late. Oh, who do we have here?
Maia: This is Kerry. She lives downstairs. The UPS man left a package for us by mistake, and when her Mom came to get it, Kerry was with her, and now I'm invited to her birthday party. And it's a sleepover. I can go, right?
Diana: Hi Kerry, I'm Diana.
Kerry: It's nice to meet you.
Diana: It's nice to meet you.
Maia: I already said it's ok.
Diana: Well I think we should probably talk to Kerry's Mom, don't you? Oh look, you know what? It sounds fine to me.
Maia rushes up to hug her.
Maia: Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Jordan Colliers office.
Shawn: You never told me I was a prisoner.
Collier: Have you ever seen a prison cell Shawn? It looks nothing like your apartment.
Shawn: Goddammit Jordan! Since when do you decide who I see and talk to.
Collier: This is about your cousin, isn't it?
Shawn: So you did know he was here?
Collier: I know he was rude and aggressive and had to be escorted from the premises.
Shawn: You mean thrown out!
Collier: It might have been handled more smoothly Shawn, but all in all I have to say it was for the best.
Shawn: Kyle is my friend.
Collier: He was your friend. Look, a year ago you came to me looking for a new life. Your old one in shambles. Kyle, friend or not, is part of that old life.
Shawn: So what do you want me to do? You just want me to cut him loose and forget he exists?
Collier: He's no different than your Mother, your brother or your friend Nikki.
Shawn: Don't.
Collier: They do not understand what it is we're trying to accomplish here.
Shawn: Maybe I don't either.
Collier: Well then I suggest you pack your bags and leave.
Shawn sits down.
Shawn: So what happens next time you start screaming out in pain?
Collier: Do what's right for you Shawn. I'll take care of myself.
Tom is sat in the office when Diana enters
Diana: I got the full physical work up on Tess.
Tom: Let me guess. Physically normal across the board.
Diana: I'll say this for the 4400. They're consistent.
Tom: Tess draws a picture of a tower or a monument.
Diana: Or a beacon.
Tom: The the people around her drop everything and start building it.
Diana: Well, they can't help themselves. They have to work.
Tom: It's like ants. Come here.
He beckons her over and she takes a look at this laptop screen.
Tom: The Queen secretes a chemical telling the other ants what to do.
Diana: The drones don't stop working until the job is done. Doesn't matter if one of them dies or if a storm comes and washes away the ant hill.
Tom: They just keep working, unless you take the Queen away. I just hope our drones respond the same way.
Diana: So the future sent back a schizophrenic Queen ant with a blueprint to an interstellar walkie talkie?
Tom: Let's see what Tess can tell us.
Diana: You know, we'd better not get too close, because if your theory's right, anyone who get's too close to her, could be vulnerable.
Tom: Alright I'll talk to Tess. You check with Garrity over at the hospital.
Tom goes to see Tess. He speaks to her through a glass window.
Tom: These friends of yours. The one's who took you. What do you think they want to talk about?
Tess: They're so much smarter than you, it isn't even funny.
Tom: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. They figured out how to take you and how to send you back.
Tess: Sending me back was a mistake and you know it. I'm supposed to be there.
Tom: Where exactly is there?
Tess: There were Doctors there too. They were nice. All of them.
Tom: Do you remember where you were taken?
Tess: We slept a lot, but not all the time. We wore grey clothes. There's a giant building. The Doctors wore shiny jackets. I miss it so much.
She approaches the dividing screen.
Tom: Go on. I really like hearing you talk about it.
Tess: Our rooms had round windows. Our doorways with arches in them. The stones had writing in them. Math symbols or something. Inscriptions. Jars of purplish metals and rods with stained tips.
Tom: These symbols. Tess, what did they look like? Tess? Tess, do you remember what the inscriptions said?
Tess: They're waiting to hear from me. I need to get in touch with them.
She moves away.
Tom: Tess, Tess. Tess, wait!
Diana is in the office, trying to get hold of Garrity.
Diana: Garitty, why haven't you been picking up your cell phone?
Garrity: I'm sorry, it's been kind of crazy down here.
Diana: So is everything alright?
Garrity: Yeah, fine. Just about done here.
Diana: Done?
Garrity: Well, the satellite dish is a bitch to hook up, but we'll get em.
Down at the sanitarium
Garrity: Come on people, let's get those dishes secured. We don't have all day.
Tom appears in the office
Tom: I just had the most unbelievable conversation with Tess.
Diana: Well it couldn't be any more unbelievable than the one I just had with Garitty.
Lily is walking down a street pushing Isabelle in a pushchair. She walks past a cinema and into a gift shop, where she picks up a copy of Collier's book. The man Richard saw earlier placing warning leaflets is talking to the owner.
Shopkeeper: Can't say I see it that way.
Josiah: No other way to see it. That book is blasphemy.
Shopkeeper: Well don't buy it, if that's how you feel.
Josiah: The third angel blew his trumpet and a great sorrow fell from heaven, burning like a torch. Revelations 8:10.
Shopkeeper: I'll take your word for it.
Josiah: The day they came back was the beginning of the end times.
Shopkeeper: Sounds like you've done a little more thinking on it than I have.
Josiah: Either remove the book from the store or my boy here will remove it for you.
Shopkeeper: Like hell he will.
Lily accidentally knocks over a table, gaining the attention of the man. He walks over, seeing the book in her hands.
Josiah: Do you know what you're carrying there, woman?
Lily: It's just a book.
Josiah: It's the doorway to hell.
Isabelle is watching him. He turns to her and Lily rushes over.
Josiah: That child yours?
Lily: It's my daughter.
Josiah: Abomination begets abomination.
Lily picks up the baby. Isabelle looks at the man over her mother's shoulders and as she does so, the windows of the store blow out and goods fly everywhere. She rushes out and quickly makes her way to Richard who is working on a car.
Lily: Richard!
Richard: What's going on?
Lily: We gotta get out of here, now!
He follows her over to their car.
Back at the sanitarium, the tower is on f*re. Agents hold back those wishing to save it.
Tom: What the hell happened here.
Clayton: These new guys you sent us are no good.
Garrity: Park told me he had experience with a welding torch, so....
Clayton: Experience in what? Starting fires? Now our schedule's in the toilet.
Diana: Did either of you call the f*re department?
Tom looks up at the f*re. Kevin falls to his knees, while in her room, Tess begins to scream.
Richard and Lily hurriedly pack, as a car pulls up outside.
Richard: Time to go.
Josiah kicks the door open, while Richard and Lily try to get away in the car.
Lily: Hurry Richard. Hurry
Josiah goes into the bedroom, where the cot mobile is still playing. He looks around and see's the open window. Opening the door, he fires his r*fle at the car bl*wing out the windows. Lily screams as Richard starts the engine and drives away.
Nina holds a meeting.
Nina: As of tonight, Abottson state hospital is officially under quarantine. The patients will remain locked down. Hospital staff and affected NTAC personnel will be confined to the site, until we've isolated the source of the compulsion.
Tom: That sounds like a good plan, but who's gonna watch over them? The last group we sent was compromised within hours.
Diana: Which is quite frankly, a little disturbing. I mean, if you think of this like an epidemic. I the CDC, we'd call Tess the sole disease factor. You remove her, you remove the urge to build. Except, as far as we know....
Tom: None of those agents had any contact with Tess.
Diana: So it's like the flu, or any other airborne virus. If you catch it you can pass it on.
Nina looks at one of the drawings.
Nina: What is this thing supposed to be anyway?
Marco: My guess, and I cannot emphasise the word guess strongly enough, is that Tess is telling us the truth. It's some kind of communication device.
Nina: To contact who? The future?
Tom: The only way to find out is to let the patients finish building it. That night on Highland Beach, they were trying to tell us something. The conversation was cut short.
Diana: Which is why we've been stumbling around in the dark this last year.
Tom: Tess is the ony 4400 who remembers where she was taken.
Nina: No, claims to remember where she was taken. She's also the only paranoid schizophrenic, and it sounds to me like you too have been spending a little too much time around her.
Marco: Well, maybe I caught the bug too, but I agree with them.
Nina: The quarantine orders for the hospital will remain in effect until further notice. The guards will rotate shifts to minimise their exposure.
Tom: So where does that leave us?
Nina: Until we're sure the compulsion is not spreading anymore, you two aren't going anywhere near that facility.
Richard and Lily have pulled up at a gas station.
Lily: Isabelle is asleep. The rainy day came sooner than expected. Do you think we lost them?
Richard: I'm not ready to stop for pies just yet. I've got 1200 here. Another 300 in my pocket.
Lily: I'm carrying too.
Richard: I'm gonna have to get those back windows replaced in the morning. That should be enough to carry us through to Montana.
Lily: What did Eric say when you called him?
Richard: He was a little surprised to hear from me. Back in quarantine he used to say that us 4400's should stick together.
Lily: Yeah well, we didn't have much choice back then though, did we.
He takes her hand.
Richard: We'll have to get by on our savings when we get there.
Lily: If things get really bad, we can sell these.
Richard: I put that ring on your finger forever. Guess you and Isabelle were right. We should have taken off when we had the chance.
They kiss.
Lily: It's gonna be a long night. You want me to drive a shift?
Richard: Get some sleep.
Diana's sitting on her bed, when there's a knock at the door. Maia is with the woman from downstairs
Diana: Maia, what's wrong?
Woman: I'm sorry, I know it's late, but Maia really wanted to come home.
Diana: Well why's that sweetie?
Maia: I don't want to talk about it.
Woman: Some of the girls, not my daughter, but some of the other girls, were teasing Maia because she say's she has a crush on Frank Sinatra.
Diana: Old blue eyes. Do you blame her?
Woman: Most nine year old's don't even know who Frank Sinatra was.
Maia: I want to go to bed.
She runs off into her room.
Woman: I guess it got pretty nasty. I feel terrible. Maybe Maia can come back another time. Just her and Kerry?
Diana: Yeah, we'll talk about it. Thankyou. Goodnight.
Woman: Goodnight.
Diana walks into Maia's bedroom to find her lying in bed with her eyes closed.
Diana: Maia! I know you didn't fall asleep that fast.
Maia: It was awful, you were right.
Diana: I didn't want to be right.
Maia: I don't need any friends.
Diana: Everyone needs friends Maia. Maia, I really think we should talk about this.
Maia: Well I don't.
Josiah and his sons pull up at the petrol station and find that Richard and Lily have been through there. The attendant shows them the direction they went in.
Tom is at home looking through Tess' drawings. Kyle walks into the room.
Kyle: A Bucks burger is as good as I remember.
Tom: That's kind of a strange thing to have on top of your list, but hey, you know what? I think we can make your dreams come true!
Kyle begins playing his guitar.
Tom: Kyle, shouldn't you be in bed?
Kyle: Dad, I'm 21
Tom: Yeah, that's what I have to keep reminding myself.
Kyle: I'm making some popcorn, you want some?
Tom: You're kidding me. You could eat more?
Kyle: I've been eating quarantine food for a year. You guys may be keeping the country safe, but your cafeteria sucks!
The phone rings.
Kyle: Hello? Hello?
Shawn is on the other end and pauses before answering.
Shawn: Kyle
Richard and Lily continue to drive.
Lily: We've gotta get the baby out of the cold.
Richard: I don't think there's any motels on this road. I'm thinking we should head south. Catch the 35.
They see a truck behind them.
Lily: This is the first car we've seen in what, like, fifty miles?
Josiah's truck closes in on them.
Richard: Get your head down!
The truck tries to drive them off the road.
Lily: Richard, it's them! Hurry!
Richard: Hold on, hold on!
The car swerves down into the woods and hits a tree.
Richard: Is everybody ok?
Lily: I think so.
Richard: Ok, let's go.
The truck pulls up behind the car. Lily and Richard make their way on foot into the woods. Josiah and his son's walk up to the car with r*fles in their hands.
Josiah: Spread out.
Diana goes into Maia's bedroom
Diana: Hey Maia sweetie. It's wake up time.
Maia: I'm tired.
Diana: Huh? A late night huh? Alright, fifteen more minutes. You know what? Frank Sinatra is the coolest and don't you let anyone ever tell you different.
She finds Maia's diary in her drawer. On the first page are written the words. 'Things I See.
Later that morning she walks with Marco through a hallway, at work.
Marco: So you didn't read any of it?
Diana: Well no. I wouldn't want my daughter reading my diary.
Marco: You keep a diary? Am I in it?
Diana: Oh come on. Don't flatter yourself.
Marco: So really, you don't even know if, what she see's, means things during the day. TV shows, ponies, whatknot. Or it could be,what she see's a week, a month, a year down the line.
Diana: No, no. She hasn't had one of those visions in like, four months.
Marco: Well that's what she tells you, anyway.
Diana: Well why would she lie?
Marco: She wants to be normal, right? Everytime she makes a prediction, someone calls her a freak. Look, I understand, you're her Mom now, there are certain protocols. Next time I'm over, why don't I take a peek.
Diana: Oh come on, you think that would be any less of a betrayal?
Marco: Respecting Maia's privacy is no small thing, but you gotta weigh that against the information that could be in that diary.
Diana: You know what? When you stop trusting a parent, it's really hard to start again, and yes, I'm speaking from experience.
Marco: Hey, I'm glad it's not my decision. But if Maia's having visions, you should know about it and you should know what they are.
Richard and Lily are hiding in the woods. Richard is sat by a stream and seems to have injured his foot.
Lily: Is it bad?
Richard: I just jammed it when we spun out. I just need to walk it off a little more. Follow the stream south. Hike through the water a bit. Throw them off our trail.
Lily: We'll be cold.
Richard: It'll keep us awake. After a mile we'll double back west and head straight for the highway.
Lily: Sounds easy when you say it.
Richard: You can do it. You can do it, right?
Isabelle begins to cry.
Richard: Keep her quiet. She's going to bring them right to us.
He takes his shoe and sock off and we see that he has a large gash on his ankle.
Meanwhile, Tom is in the office when Diana enters.
Diana: Does the name Gene Vecruso ring a bell?
Tom: Yeah, returnee 927. Oh, let me guess, he still has the ability to turn 20 bucks into a crushing hangover.
Diana:And a night in the drunk t*nk downtown. Come on. We'll go ferry him back to his halfway house.
Tom: Give it to Mortimer or Felcowan.
Diana: We got something else on our plates? Everything's been quiet at Abbotsun. Nobody's been allowed near the tower.
Tom: That's the problem isn't it?
Diana: Tom, Tom no. You do remember that Jarvis has still got your letter of resignation.
Tom: She wants results. I'm gonna give them to her. Besides, you wanna know what that thing is as badly as I do.
Diana: I'm trying not to think about it.
Tom: Yeah well, I can't think of anything else.
Diana: It sounds like Tess has got her hooks in you.
Tom: I don't have the urge to pick up a tool belt.
He picks up Tess' drawings and leaves the room.
Diana: I'm coming with you.
They go and get Tess from her room.
Diana: It's alright Tess, we're taking you back to Abbotsun.
Tom: We've signed you out Tess. No-one from NTAC is coming after you.
Tess: Not you people. The Doctors in their submarines. They're watching us.
Diana: Are you having second thoughts?
Tom: No, just get in.
Kyle is sat on some steps as Shawn approaches him from behind.
Shawn: So you still owe me four/five dollars for those two six packs? Something like that?
Kyle: I've got it right here, if you think you can take it from me.
They hug.
Shawn: Look at you man, back among the living. You look great.
Kyle: I walk and talk. Seem to have full control of my limbs.
Shawn: You still h*t like a girl. Nothings changed.
Kyle: Four years. Plenty's changed.
Shawn:What are you talking about? We saw each other right after you got out of the hospital.
Kyle: I don't remember any of that.
Shawn: You don't? So you don't remember sitting naked in the sprinklers.
Kyle: No. Sounds like something you'd do.
Shawn: Well....
Kyle: Thankyou. I never got a chance to say that. For getting me out of the coma, thankyou.
Shawn: You know, if it hadn't of been for me, you wouldn't have been in that stupid hospital, anyway, so....
Kyle: Then I'd have been the one who'd have disappeared into 4400 bootcamp. Maybe I'd of come back with the magic hands.
Shawn: Alright, alright.
Kyle: Speaking of disappearing you jerk.
Shawn: Oh Kyle, don't go there yet!
Kyle: Don't go there? Your Mom is so freaked out. You haven't seen her in a year. You haven't seen anybody. Your brother. My Dad. What was going on with you and Nikki?
Shawn: Kyle, I don't want to talk about it.
Kyle: We're all really worried about you, man.
Shawn: You don't need to be. I mean, I'm fine.
Kyle: I've been to that place where you're living. There's some serious Stepford Wives vibes going on there. You know that, right? All that stuff about unlocking the 4400 inside everybody.
Shawn: Yeah?
Kyle: You don't really believe Collier can do that, do you?
Shawn: Kyle, look around us man. The world is in a total freefall. These centres, they're a chance to bring people together. Maybe our last chance. I don't just believe that he can do it. I believe that he has to do it.
Kyle: It's all that stuff they've got inside your head.
Kyle walks away and Shawn follows him.
Shawn: He said you wouldn't understand.
Kyle: Collier?
Shawn: Yeah.
Kyle: I gotta tell you man, he was right.
Richard, Lily and the baby continue to make their way through the woods. Richard has another flash of events to come. He falls to the floor and Lily runs back to him.
Lily: Richard! Are you alright?
Richard: Guess I wasn't looking where I was going.
Lily: Ok. You just need to rest.
Richard: You think they're stopping for a rest?
He tries to get up, but his foot is hurting too much
Richard: Five minutes.
Tom is back at the sanitarium and is rallying the patients. Banging on doors with Tess happily following him.
Tom: Ok, come everyone! Back to the tower! Come on! We've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, so let's go. Come on! Go, go! You heard, let's go!
He makes his way to another door.
Tess: This one's mine. Stand over there!
Kevin comes out of his room and Tess throws her arms around him.
Tess: Hey Kevin! Look! I escaped.
He gives her back her book.
Tess: Always thinking of me. Kevin's a genius you know, but he doesn't brag about it.
Blood is seeping through Richard's shoe.
Lily: I bet in a couple of days all these berries will be ripe.
Richard: Don't eat em now. The last thing we need is to start cramping up.
Close up of Isabelle staring at the berries, which suddenly ripen. Lily picks some. and takes them over to Richard.
Lily: Look.
Richard: I thought you said they weren't ripe.
Lily: They weren't.
Richard: Well.... Isabelle?
Lily: Had to be.
Richard: Way to go, little girl.
Diana and Tom watch the patients rebuild the tower.
Tom: They're gonna have to work faster.
Diana: I'm gonna help them.
Tom: That's not funny Diana.
Diana: I really wanna do this.
Tom: No, you'll only be in the way.
Diana: You don't understand. I really need to do this.
She leaves, while Tom continues to look out of the window.
Josiah is catching up to Richard and Lily. He comes across the stalks from some eaten berries.
Shawn returns to the 4400 centre to find Collier looking at some photographs in the foyer.
Collier: Shawn, I've been looking for you.
Shawn: Yeah, I took a walk.
Collier: We have a special visitor tonight. She has pancreatic cancer. Her husband is willing to donate real estate for a 4400 centre in Los Angeles.
Shawn: Well tonight doesn't really work for me Jordan.
He begins to walk up the stairs.
Collier: Well, you have five, no six hours, to get in the mood.
Shawn: Mood's got nothing to do with it. I'm just not working tonight.
Josiah's sons find some of Richards blood. They begin whistling to attract Josiah's attention. Richard and Lily can hear the noises.
Lily: Richard please. Don't do this.
Richard: We don't have another choice.
Lily: There's three of them. They're gonna k*ll you.
Richard: No. Not if I get my hands on one of those g*n.
Lily: You can barely walk.
Richard: It's our only chance. I gotta do it now. If I'm not back by sundown, take the baby and walk due west. It's that way. Just keep going in a straight line. You understand?
She leans over and kisses him.
Richard: I'd give up another fifty years if it mean't finding you again.
They kiss again. Lily is crying. Richard gets to his feet with the aid of a crutch and makes his way into the woods.
Nina has found out about Tom's plans.
Nina: You knew about this, didn't you?
Marco: About what?
Nina: Baldwin and Skouris signed Tess Doerner out of here and took her back to Evenson.
Marco: They're rebuilding the tower.
Nina: That would be one theory.
Josiah and his sons are closing in on Richard and Lily. Richard jumps out on one of the sons and hits him with a stick, knocking him to the floor. As he does so his g*n goes off and Isabelle begins crying. The mans brother appears, but Richard has picked up the g*n and points it at him.
Richard: Drop it, or I'll cut you in half.
The man put's down the g*n.
Richard: Ok, turn around.
As Richard advances, Josiah appears behind him and knocks him out with the butt of his r*fle.
Josiah: I taught you boy's better than this.
He looks down at Richard.
Josiah: Get up!!
Nina and Marco arrive at the sanitarium accompanied by armed men. Tom approaches Diana who's working on the tower.
Tom: Diana, how's it going?
Diana: It turns out we're in better shape than I thought. The f*re missed most of the wiring.
Tom: So how soon till it's ready to go?
Diana: Well, we've gotta finish triangulating the dishes, then we're good.
His phone rings.
Tom: Just get it done. [Into phone] Baldwin.
Lily his hiding in the woods and hears Josiah shouting out to her.
Josiah: We've got your man! Either you come out, or the next sound you hear is him being blown straight to hell!
Richard: I told you she's miles away by now.
One of the men kicks him back to the ground.
Richard: Aaghh!
Gabriel: Open your mouth again, I'll cut your tongue out.
Isabelle begins to cry and Josiah hears it.
Josiah: Watch him.
Josiah walks towards the sound.
Richard: Lily! Run!!
The tower is almost finished and everyone is gathered. Tess has her arm around Kevin.
Tess: Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to me? I'm gonna miss you most of all.
Tom looks out of the locked door and see's Nina advancing. One of the armed men smashes the glass.
Nina: Last time Baldwin. Unlock the door.
Tom: I can't do that. You said you wanted results.
Nina: Listen to me Baldwin. You are not in your right mind. I was talking about. These are not the results that I was talking about. Now step away before you get hurt.
She turns to the men
Nina: Take it.
They begin to batter down the door.
Tom: Wait! Wait! Just wait, just wait! We need answers. That tower might provide them. Just listen. Listen. Listen to me. It's a risk, I know. But sometimes when you want to get to the truth, you have to take a leap of faith. Just listen to me.
Nina: You want the truth?
She turns to Marco, who approaches the door.
Marco: Tess Doerner's memories of the future? They're not memories. She read them in a short story by H P Lovecraft. Shadow At A Time. I have it right here. I underlined some of the passages that show up verbatim in your report. They're just another delusion.
Tom: No.
Marco: I'm sorry Tom.
Nina: Let's go. Okay, you guys, take it.
She grabs Marco and the men begin to batter down the door.
They rush into the courtyard and Diana frantically tries to finish what she's doing.
Nina: Step away from that tower!
Diana moves away, but seconds later dives back and switches it on. The tower powers up and everyone gazes up at it. The weather vane begins to point in the opposite direction and the tower emits a high pitched noise which throws everyone to the floor.
Back in the woods, Richard is being kicked by Josiah's son. A g*n is heard and Lily screams. Richard hits the man and runs towards the sound.
Richard: Isabelle. Isabelle.
Lily is standing looking at Josiah. His son is lying on the ground, d*ad.
Josiah: My son! What did you make me do? Gabriel! My God! My son! No, no, Gabriel!
Richard appears and grabs Lily.
Lily: Richard!
Josiah: It wasn't me. That creature made me pull the trigger. You've unleashed a devil into this world! And we're all going to burn.
Isabelle is staring at him and he suddenly clutches at his chest, falling to the ground, d*ad.
Josiah's other son appears, pointing a r*fle. Isabelle stares at him and he takes the r*fle and puts it under his chin. He pulls the trigger and falls d*ad to the ground.
Back at the sanitarium, the people begin to get to their feet.
Tess: Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
Clayton: Let's get everybody back inside. I need a full head count before the next round of medications.
Tess: Where are you? I did what you wanted, right? Talk to me.
Dr Clayton approaches her.
Clayton: Come on Tess. We all could use some rest.
Tess: They lied to me. Or did I lie to you?
She's taken away.
Diana: Well, somehow I wanted more.
Tom: I don't know what I expected. A big ball of light. A booming voice from the sky. Something. Maybe we built it wrong.
Diana: Maybe. All I know is, I don't feel like picking up a hammer anymore. Ten minutes ago, that was all I could think of.
Nina appears.
Nina: Norad said the pulse disappeared before it left the atmosphere. Could be, all that sound and fury was for absolutely nothing. Now our first priority is to help the hospital personnel restore order here. The I want all of you who were infected with this thing, to be checked out by NTAC medical.
Tom: Are you including me in that order, cos I'm not sure....
Nina: You were infected. Because if you're standing here telling me you weren't, I'm putting a date on that letter of resignation.
Tom: I was definitely infected.
Nina: I thought so.
Clayton: We could use a little help, policing the area here. We need to get rid of these tools before one of the patients hurts themselves.
Nina turns to Diana and Tom.
Nina: You heard the man.
Kevin is standing in the middle of the courtyard.
Kevin: Excuse me, Dr Clayton!
Clayton: Kevin? Did you just speak to me?
Kevin: Yes I did. I haven't said anything for a long time.
Clayton: Try six years.
Kevin: I can think again, too. I don't know what happened. I feel better!
Shawn and Collier are in the foyer of the 4400 center.
Shawn: You had me followed?
Collier: I could have had your conversation recorded. I just thought that might be pushing it.
Shawn: Kyle was right. I'm some kind of prisoner.
Collier: Shawn I've told you, you can leave here anytime you want, and I mean't it. But until you do, I will not allow these shadows from your past, to alter your perceptions of what it is we're trying to accomplish here. You're too important.
Shawn: No, no. You mean, you need help bringing the big checks.
Collier: Shawn, the money is a means to an end. The goal is what matters. Ensure the future. Save the planet. I can't do that without you.
He walks away.
Back at NTAC.
Marco: You want proof that the future works in mysterious ways? Look no further than Mr Kevin Burkoff.
Tom: Yeah, instead of contacting the future, we got him.
Marco: Not as disappointing as it might seem at first flush. Burkoff was a tenured Professor of neuro-chemistry at Stanford University.
Diana: Neuro-Science. Only class I ever got a B in.
Marco: Yeah, you're not alone. Only a handful of people work at the top of the field at any given time. Our Mr Burkoff was the heir apparent. Until he suffered his first delusion at the age of 30. He was institutionalised two years later.
Tom: What was he working on?
Marco: You want a ripple effect? How's this? Burkoff specialised in dormant neural pathways. He was trying to wake up parts of the brain that we can't use.
Nina: Parts that would do what?
Diana: Parts that could lead to all kinds of special new abilities, like precognition. Right Marco?
Marco: Precognition. Telekinesis. Stop me if any of this sounds familiar.
Tom: Maia Rutledge. Orson Bailey. You're saying that Burkoff is the father of the 4400 technology.
Marco: It's possible.
Diana: And we just woke him up.
Kevin has his bag packed and walks into Tess's room. She's sat on the bed. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves a book on the bed.
An sick woman is taken to Shawns room.
Tom and Kyle practise their golf swings at night, outside their house.
Richard and Lily hitch a lift.
Diana enters Maia's bedroom. She leans over and kisses her goodnight. Taking her journal out of the room. She sits and begins to read it.
Maia Voiceover: Next door is going to get a kitten. Hope she let's me play with it.....There's going to be a book on how we all came back....We get to be a real family.....A computer for Christmas.....I hope Tom get's his job back....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished for betraying us...
Diana is shocked by the words and closes the journal.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x01 - Wake-Up Call - Part 1"} | foreverdreaming |
L'heure du Réveil
(2x01 et 2x02: Wake Up Call)
**Previously On The 4400**
Flashbacks to season one
Six Months Later
Richard is running through some woodland. The sound of a baby can be heard in the background.
Richard: Isabelle! Isabelle!
A loud scream is heard, followed by a g*n. Richard see's blood on his hands and begins to scream.
He suddenly wakes up and sits up in bed, waking Lily.
Lily: What is it baby? It's a bad dream.
Richard: It's the same one.
She puts her arms around him
Lily: She's fine Richard. We're all fine. Come back to bed.
They hear footsteps outside.
Lily: It's just a racoon
Richard get's out of bed and picks up a stick. Opening the door he looks around and see's the taillights of a car. He returns inside and closes the door.
Lily: Who was it?
Richard: They took off before I could ask.
Lily: They left something behind.
A note has been pushed under the door. On the top in large red letters, are the words 'YOU ARE WARNED' The rest of the piece of paper is fulled with passages from the bible.
Lily: Someone tracked us down.
Richard: Who? NTAC? Collier? This look like their calling card, to you?
Lily: I don't know who it is, but someone knows we're 4400's.
Richard: Start packing. I'll drive into town tomorrow, pick up my last paycheck and then we're out of here.
Lily: Can't we just go now?
Richard: We're gonna need that money, Lily.
A car pulls up outside the 4400 centre. Devon comes out to meet it.
Devon: Mr and Mrs Sumlin. Peter? If you'll follow me.
They enter the lobby, which is in the middle of being decorated.
Devon: Forgive our appearance. As you know, the centre doesn't officially open until tomorrow.
Mrs Sumlin: Peter doesn't have time to wait.
Collier appears.
Collier: That's where you're wrong Mrs Sumlin. Peter has all the time in the world.
He bends down to look the young boy in the eye. The boy is connected to an oxygen tube.
Collier: Hi Peter. My name is Jordan Collier.
They step out of an elevator.
Collier: Just this way. Our medical lab isn't quite ready, so we thought Peter would be more comfortable up here.
They enter Shawns room.
Shawn: Hello Peter. I'm Shawn. What do you say we get started. Yeah?
The little boy nods and the two of them sit opposite each other.
Shawn: Ok buddy, I want you to take my hands and try to relax, ok?
Peter begins to shake.
Shawn: You're ok. You're doing good. You're doing so good. It's ok.
Mrs Sumlin: Oh my God, is he ok?
Collier: He's fine. Just watch.
Shawn continues to hold the boys hands.
Shawn: You're doing fine. You're ok. You're ok.
Peter suddenly stops shaking and his mother kneels on the floor beside him
Mrs Sumlin: Peter? How do you feel honey?
Mr Sumlin: How are you doing son?
Peter rips the oxygen tube from his face.
He takes some breaths without it and smiles.
Later the Sumlins hand Collier a cheque.
Collier: Thankyou for your generous donation.
Mr Sumlin: We tried everything. Radiation. Bone marrow transplants. Is he really cured?
Collier: Take him back to his Doctor. Run some tests. Peter's leukaemia is gone.
Mrs Sumlin: This is a miracle.
Collier: For now it has to remain a private miracle. May I remind you that the confidentiality agreement you have signed, is strictly binding.
Mrs Sumlin: But people should know about that young man.
Collier: And they will. In time, they'll know everything.
Diana and Maia walk hand in hand up to a court building.
Diana: Are you nervous?
Maia: Aren't you?
Diana: No, not at all.....Well maybe a little bit. Ok, a lot. Now you really wanna do this right?
Maia: Right.
Diana: Ok, let's go.
Inside the Judge's office.
Judge Biederman: Says here she registered an ability under the Densman-Lenhoff bill. Some kind of precognitive insight?
Diana: Her visions stopped about four months ago. We're not sure why.
Judge Biederman: Huh, too bad. I was going to ask if teledex would h*t it's quarterly projection.
Diana: Well, we'd like to get started if that's alright.
Judge Biederman: Certainly. Just sign where indicated. Diana Skouris, your adoption of Maia Rutledge is hereby complete, legal and binding. So witnessed by me, Henry Biederman, tenth circuit family court of Seattle. You know, some of us have to look far and wide to find people to call family. You two had to look clear across time. Diana, let me introduce you to your daughter, Maia. Maia, say hello to mommy.
Maia flings her arms around Diana.
National thr*at Assessment Command Seattle, Washington.
Kyle is in a room pacing angrily.
Kyle: I'm not doing it. I mean it this time, no way!
Tom: It's just a catscan Kyle, you've had them before.
Kyle: This one's gonna tell them the same thing the last 150 told them. Nothing!
He points to his head.
Kyle: There's nobody in here but me.
Tom: I know that. And sooner or later they're gonna stop looking.
Kyle: When? When?
Tom: I wish I knew. But with NTAC, the Government, they've got bigger issues than you or me ok? Just...Kyle, they're still trying to make sense about what happened that night at Highland Beach, that's all.
Kyle: Are they afraid if they let me out I'm going to spill the beans about their big secret? Well they can relax. I just want to get out of here and be normal again, and normal people don't go around sounding off about future humans and the end of the world. Besides, I don't even remember what happened.
Tom: I know.
Kyle looks up at the camera.
Kyle: You listening? I don't remember!!
Tom: Just calm down. Just calm down.
Kyle: Talk to someone, anyone, please, cos....
Tom: Ok, ok, ok, ok
Tom is in the gym hitting a punching bag. Diana walks in.
Diana:Tom! Been a while, huh?
Tom: Yeah, you know how it is. Us desk jockey's don't have much cause to mix with you hotshot field agents.
Diana: Someone feeling a little sorry for himself today?
Tom: The 4400 was sent back to save humanity and I'm supposed to help them.
Diana: I was there, on the beach, remember?
Tom: They gave me a mission, and what's my biggest accomplishment of the week? I convinced my son to take another catscan. Though somehow I don't think that's what they had in mind.
Diana's new partner enters the room.
Agent: Diana, you ready to roll?
Diana: In a minute.
Hubbard: Because we have to check in on three returnee's in a row. I wanna make sure we get our reports in by five.
Diana: Ok, why don't you keep the car warmed up and I'll be right there.
He leaves the room.
Tom: Vic Hubbard's the best lead investigator you could find?
Diana: Oh no, he's the fourth one this year. Two more, I break a record. We gotta get you out from behind that desk.
Tom: I'm lucky to have a job here. I put a g*n to another Agents head, remember?
Diana: Yeah well, I never said it was gonna be easy.
He begins to h*t the bag again.
Intel Room 3
Brady: It's obvious what really happened.
Marco: Whoa, are you gonna start in with your negative energy again?
Brady: White holes. See, they're the answer. That's how they took them and that's how they brought them back.
Diana enters the room.
Diana: Guys. Guys! Am I interrupting?
Marco: Brady's back on his white hole kick again.
Diana: One day you'll explain to me the difference between the white one's and the black one's, right?
Marco: Well, how about tonight?
Diana: How about you just give me that thing that we discussed.
Marco: Can't.
Diana: Why not?
Marco: I already sent it upstairs.
Diana: Ah. Wonder if anyone's read it yet.
Marco: When they do, I'm sure you're gonna hear about it.
Diana: I owe you one, handsome.
Abendson Psychiatric Care Facility
Tess Doerner, abductetd on April 3rd, 1955, sits in the communal area drawing a picture. Another man approaches and takes a book from under his jumper.
Tess: H P Lovecrafts.The Mountains Of Madness. Are you trying to tell me something? Which orderly did you steal it from.
Matt picks up her drawing and stares at it.
Tess: Matt? You're so sweet. You're the only person here, who doesn't want me d*ad. I wish I could take you with me when I go, but I can't. They only want me. I'll be leaving soon. Very soon.
The exact same scene she has drawn is being enacted outside. Two inmates are putting pieces of scrap metal together whilst Arlo and Matt, two orderlys, look on.
Arlo: Joanne, Paul? What are you doing?
Joanne: Sex maniac. Don't go flashing those bedroom eyes at me.
Arlo: Joanne, I'm serious. Put that stuff down before you hurt yourself.
Joanne: We're building something.
Arlo: I can see that!
Joanne: Can you really? It's gonna be gigantic.
Arlo: Humungous. Rival the pyramids. But some things are better left to the imagination, Joanne. Besides, you two have physical therapy now. Let's go!
The two move inside.
Arlo: Building something. Building nothing. Help me get rid of this junk.
Richard is in town to collect his wages. He finds flyers scattered around, identical to the warning note from earlier. Looking up, he sees a man dressed in black.
Shawn is at the centre having a massage.
Shawn: Ow
Masseuse: I'm sorry, too hard?
Shawn: No it's ok. Give it your best sh*t.
Masseuse: Whatever you do, you must be pretty good at it.
Shawn: Yeah, I work with my hands, same as you.
Masseuse: My apartment doesn't look anything like this.
Shawn: Well, it helps to have friends in high places.
Masseuse: I'm always open to making new friends.
Someone knocks on the door.
Shawn: Come in!
Collier enters.
Shawn: Speak of the devil
Collier: Give us a moment.
The girl leaves the room
Shawn: Has anyone ever told you, your timing sucks?
Collier: If they did I'd probably f*re them.
He hands Shawn his book. 'The 4400 And Counting'.
Collier: For you
Shawn: Oh.
Collier: It's in book stores tomorrow.
Shawn: Jordan. This is going to sell a million copies. People are gonna freak out when they read this.
Collier: Big ideas make a loud noise when the land, Shawn.
Diana enters the office of Nina Jarvis, Director NTAC Pacific Northwest Division.
Diana: You wanted to see me, Nina?
Nina: Are you sleeping with Tom Baldwin?
Diana: Should I come back in? Maybe we could start over.
Nina: Answer the question.
Diana: Never even held hands.
Nina: Do you owe him money?
Diana: What game are we playing here, because if I knew the rules....
Nina: I am playing the theory room paper game.
Diana: I don't know that one.
Nina: Well let me give you a hint.
She begins to read a report sent up from Marco.
Nina: The necessity for the immediate reassignment of Thomas Baldwin to active field duty.
Diana: Catchy title.
Nina: Did you come up with it yourself, or did the big brains of the basement pitch in?
Diana: Let's just say that I agree with the sentiment. Tom's the best agent I've ever worked with. Maybe the best you've got in this division. In the three months that Baldwin was investigating the 4400, this department learned more, far more than in the entire year he's been shuffling paper.
Nina: He thr*at another agents life.
Diana: He was trying to protect his son, who these future people or whoever they are, chose as their spokesman. Not to mention that his nephew, Shawn, is one of the 4400.
Nina: All of which sound like major conflicts of interest to me.
Diana: That's not what Dennis Ryland believed.
Nina: Dennis Ryland is no longer in charge here.
Diana: Maybe you should call Washington, talk to him.
Nina: I don't have to call Washington. They've got me on speed dial. Congressmen, Senators, Committee Chairs, Sub Committee Chairs. All of them are looking to this department, to me, for answers.
Diana: Which is why you can't keep an agent like Tom Baldwin on the shelf. He's a major player in this case. He's maybe, the major player.
Nina: See, funny, that's exactly what it say's in this paper.
Diana: Maybe Marco had me check it for typo's.
Nina: Alright, the next time that you want to send me a message, put your name on it.
Diana stands up straight, turns and leaves the room.
Later, back at the sanitarium.
Clayton: Mr Woolcock! Get down there.
Matt: Arlo!
Clayton: Mr Woolcock, get down from there!
Matt: Arlo! You heard the man!
Clayton: Woolcock, get down from there this instant.
Arlo, the orderly from earlier, is clambering across the roof, on his stomach. He reaches the weather vane and pulls it loose.
Clayton: I've called security! This is your last chance!
Matt: What the hell you doing up there? Arlo!
Arlo: I've got it!
He hugs the weather vane to his chest.
Clayton: Arlo, this is your last warning!
Matt: Arlo, please!
He makes his way backwards towards the ladder.
Matt: Arlo, be careful!
Arlo: I'm coming down!
Matt: Arnold, be careful! Watch what you're doing!
He places one foot on the ladder.
Arlo: I got it! I got it!
He starts to make his way down the ladder, but it begins to fall, taking the man with it. He falls to the ground, screaming.
Clayton: Oh my God!
We're shown one of Tess' drawings, which includes a picture of the weather vane, which is perched on top of the device she is drawing. Pictures cover the wall of her room.
Richard returns home to find Lily has packed their bags.
Richard: Lily I'm home. Lily relax, we don't have to leave. Some nut papered the entire town with these things. He wasn't singling us out.
Lily: Well I still think we should go.
Richard: I was scared last night too, but did you read this? It's a rant, not a witchhunt.
Lily: Maybe, but Richard, we still don't feel safe here anymore.
Richard: You mean Isabelle doesn't feel safe.
Lily: Richard, we've gone over this a dozen times. I don't know why she talks to me and not to you.
Richard: Talks?
Lily: Communicates. Whatever.
Richard: Did she happen to mention where we should go? Does she have a place picked out, or will she know when she see's it?
Lily: We can find a town.
Richard: We already did. Right here. Isabelle is six months old. I know she's a special kid, but we're still her parents. We make decisions for her, she doesn't make them for us.
Isabelle begins to cry and Lily rushes into the bedroom, picking her up. Richard picks up the bags and takes them back into the room.
Richard: We're staying put.
At Diana's apartment, Maia is sat on her bed, writing in her journal.
Diana: Maia!
As she hears Diana call, she quickly hides the journal under her pillow. Diana opens the door and is wearing a party hat.
Diana: Party time.
Balloons decorate the apartment. Diana brings some food to the table.
Diana: Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and white bread.
Maia: Everything I like.
Diana: They're the only things you'll eat. You gotta promise me that you'll outgrow this phase soon.
Maia: Mommy, how do you make this taste so good?
Diana: It's a hidden talent I guess. You just called me Mommy.
Maia: You're my Mom now, right?
Diana: Now and forever.
Maia: I like that.
Diana: Me too.
Maia: Do you think I'll ever go back to school?
Diana: Weren't you just telling me that you got a 97 on your math test?
Maia: Not home school, real school with a playground and recess.
Diana: Well sure you will, you know, when you get a bit older.
Maia: How much older? I'm not seeing things that are going to happen, anymore. So it should be ok for me to be around other kids. I think I'd be happy at school.
Diana: Aren't you happy now?
Maia: I'm glad you're my mom for real, but I could still use a friend or two. More mac and cheese please.
Diana: Just a little.
Tom and Diana are in Nina's office. She hands him a piece of paper.
Nina: Sign this.
Tom: What is it?
Nina: Your letter of resignation.
Tom: I thought I was being reassigned to field duty.
Nina: You are, effective immediately. I need results. We have a high priced collection of sheepskin in the basement that tells me you're the best way to get them, so I'm willing to take a risk. But I need some insurance. This. I left the date blank. You cross the line, I fill it in.
Tom: Fair enough.
He picks up a pen and signs.
Nina: Good! Here, look at this.
She turns a screen around to face them bringing up details on Tess.
Diana: Tess Doerner. Diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia at the age of 15. Disappeared from Abbotson psychiatric hospital on April of 1955.
Tom: Well maybe they sent her back without bothering to cure her.
Diana: Curing people was not part of their agenda.
Nina: We just got a call from the CA over at the hospital. One of the orderly's is d*ad and he claims that there's some kind of connection.
Diana stands up to leave
Diana: We'll check it out.
Tom: Hold on. There's still one piece of business we need to get straight.
Nina: You're setting conditions?
Tom brings Kyle home.
Kyle: This is your new house?
Tom: It's yours too.
Kyle takes a look around while Tom stands watching him. They make their way into Kyle's new bedroom.
Tom: All your stuff is here. Kind of looks like our old place, huh? Well try it, anyway.
Kyle: Only one thing missing. Mom.
Tom: Yeah I know. Sometimes I can't believe she's not here either. But we tried Kyle. We really tried to make it work.
Kyle: I wish you both would have tried a little harder.
Tom: I'm sorry. You know, when something terrible happens to a family, when you were in the hospital, it can bring people closer together or it can drive them apart. Your Mom and me....
Kyle: Well I'll have to call her. Let her know I'm out of quarantine.
Tom: Yeah, you should do that. It would make her really happy.
Kyle: Shawn's gonna freak out too.
Tom: Well....
Kyle: I'm going to see him, right?
Tom: You're a good cousin. Just don't expect too much. You know, people change in four years. I can't believe you're standing here. I've been looking forward to this moment for too long. Hey, you remember how we used to love to go to the batting cages?
Kyle: You never could h*t that curve ball.
Tom: That was you. I've got plenty of quarters saved up.
Kyle: Maybe we should stop off at the driving range, too.
Tom: You wanna learn how to play golf? I used to beg to teach you.
Kyle: There are a lot of things I wanna try now, Dad.
Tom: You make a list. You want it, we'll do it. Anything. You can show me tonight, okay?
Tom makes his way out of the room.
Kyle: You're leaving? I just got here.
Tom: It's my job, buddy. Now get started on that list.
Tom and Diana arrive at the sanitarium, to find building of Tess' device in progress.
Diana: You people really take your arts and crafts seriously, don't you.
Tom: You sure Tess drew this before they started building?
Clayton: She made her first sketch two weeks ago. That thing started going up yesterday.
Diana: And you think that the orderly who died is connected to all of this.
Clayton: He was on the ledge of B building, prying off a weather vane. I believe it was this weather vane.
He shows them one of Tess' drawings.
They make their way inside.
Tom: So why don't you just confine all of the other patients to their rooms.
Clayton: Well I intend to, but this kind of cooperative behaviour is unheard of with these illnessess. Besides I wanted you to take a look at that thing before we tore it down again.
One of the patients comes out of a room.
Clayton: It's alright Kevin. They're just here to talk to Tess.
He turns to Tom and Diana
Clayton: He's very protective of her. She's his only friend in here. Really, it's ok.
He opens the door to her room.
Clayton: I'll just let her know you're coming.
Tom: Great.
Inside Tess' room
Diana: We saw some of the pictures you did, Tess. They're really good.
Tess: Shhhh! They'll hear you. There's microphones in the walls. They broadcast by satellite to the submarines.
Diana: Who does?
Tess: The Doctors.
Tom: The Doctors here in the hospital?
Tess: Some of them are here in the hospital. Some of them are stationed on a submarine.
Diana: We'll just talk really softly.
Tess: They take my crayons away, but they're too late.
Tom: Yeah? Why's that?
Tess: Because it's gonna get built anyway. They want me to get in touch with them. That's why they put the plans in my head.
Tom: Um, now, are we talking about the Doctors here in the hospital, or the Doctors under the sea.
Tess: Neither. We're talking about the people who took me. Stupid.
Diana: So, the people who took you. They want the patients here to build that tower?
Tess: They'll do anything to get me back. They like me.
Tom: Did you ask the other patients for help, Tess?
Tess: I don't like talking to them. They're crazy.
Diana: Was Arlo crazy?
Tess: I never thought he was. Maybe crazy is catching.
Diana and Tom leave the building and walk towards their car.
Tom: So, my first day back. What's going on? Not much. Just a bunch of mental patients building a machine to contact the future.
Diana: Well that's what Tess thinks, anyway. She also thinks there are Doctors stationed under the Pacific Ocean, listening to a radio broadcast of her private conversations.
Tom: Could be some kind of collective hysteria. Doesn't explain this guy Arlo, though.
Diana: He's a middle aged hospital orderly, who's wife just left him. He could have been suicidal.
Tom: Lost his nerve at the last minute and tried to grab the weather vane?
Diana: I wonder how long it is since Marco got some sun. I was thinking we could bring him down to have a look at that thing they're building.
Tom: A lone trip for Marco.
Diana: He goes outside Tom. We could have some sunblock handy.
Tom: It would be something though, huh? If she could actually do it? Contact the future?
Diana: Tess is right. Maybe crazy is catching.
The 4400 Centre at night
Collier is on the floor of his office, crying out in pain. Shawn and a secretary rush in.
Secretary: He was dictating a letter. He just grabbed his head and started screaming.
Shawn: Wait outside. Now!
She leaves and Shawn grabs Colliers head and begins to try and take the pain away.
Shawn: Hold still.
Eventually he succeeds and they both remain exhausted on the floor.
Collier: Thanks. Thankyou.
Shawn: They're getting worse. Jordan, they're coming more often, too.
Collier: You ok?
Shawn: I'm fine. I don't get it. I don't get why these att*cks keep coming back. I cured emphysema, leukaimia. That baby really kicked your ass.
Collier: Well you just remember that when we find Richard and Lily.
Shawn: You sound pretty confident Jordan, but it's been a year. Sometimes I forget they're still out there.
Collier: I never forget and neither do the men I'm paying to find them.
Shawn: Ok, but if I were you, I wouldn't want to be in the same timezone as that kid. If you two meet up again, it might just finish you off.
Collier: I have my reasons.
He helps Shawn to his feet.
Collier: You get some rest.
Shawn: Alright.
Collier: Big day tomorrow.
Shawn: Yeah.
Newscaster: In breaking news, a revelation about the origins of the 4400. In his newly published autobiography former real estate agent, Jordan Collier, claims that the 4400 were abducted by Human Beings from the future. The book contains copies of classified government memoranda, that Collier say's prove his claims. The documents are said to come from an anonymous source within the National thr*at Assessment Command. According to Collier, the 4400 were returned to avert a catastrophe that thr*at the survival of mankind.
Diana and Maia are watching the broadcast.
Maia: Why didn't you tell me?
Newscaster: Collier charges that the government has had this information for more than a year, but has kept it secret in an effort to avert a public panic.
Richard is at work watching the broadcast.
Newscaster: The government claims that the documents are purely speculative and have been quoted out of context.
Back in Richards workplace.
Mechanic: I don't care who took them. I don't care who sent them back. The government should have kept them behind bars.
Mechanic 2: You heard what the man said. They're here to save the world.
Mechanic: Well what do you expect him to say. He's one of them. You're awful quiet.
Richard: I deal in facts. The fact is, I gotta flush this radiator before lunch.
He begins to work on a car.
Nina holds a meeting.
Nina: Did everybody hear that Mr Collier's source, is anonymous no more. Agent Hubbard will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Diana: So what about Collier?
Tom: Can't buy national secrets on the black market.
Nina: I'm sure we'd all like to see Collier charged with treason, but it's unlikely. I doubt we'll be able to trace the payments directly to him. Now, as for the so called 4400 center. Around the clock surveillance is in effect until further notice. I want pictures of everyone who comes within a hundred yards of that place.
Agent: Is it true that Collier is filing for tax exempt status?
Nina: Apparently.
Tom: What, he's turned the 4400 into some kind of religion?
Agent: More like a cult.
Tom: A cult is what the big congregation calls a little congregation.
Agent 2: Cult, religion, whatever. What's he basing it on?
Diana: Have you read this thing? Collier claims that he can unlock the 4400 within anybody.
Agent 3: So he expects a guy punching a clock in Pittsburgh, to believe he has some kind of latent superpower?
Agent 2: Most of the 4400 don't even have those kinds of abilities. Not yet anyway.
Diana: No, but if you thought there was a chance that you had an ability locked away inside you.
Nina: You sound like you're ready to sign up.
Diana: No. But I wouldn't blame anyone for being curious.
Tom: Now we keep telling the public, that biologically, the 4400 aren't any different than the rest of us. They haven't been altered genetically, neurologically.
Agent 3: As far as we can tell. But if Collier thinks that people are just gonna sign up their lives and their life savings over to some metaphysical pyramid scheme, then he's in for a rude awakening.
Kyle arrives at the 4400 center which is open to the public for a book signing. He walks among the crowd and is greeted by Devon.
Devon: Welcome to the 4400 center. My name is Devon. What's your name?
Kyle: Kyle
Devon: Nice to meet you Kyle. Can I sign you up for a tour?
Kyle: Thanks. I'm just looking for my cousin? Shawn Farrell?
Devon: I'm sorry. Mr Farrell's not available right now.
Kyle: Can you tell him Kyle's looking for him? He does live here, right?
Devon: I'm afraid policy prohibits me from discussing our membership.
Kyle: I'm not looking for a discussion. I just want to say hi to my cousin.
She blocks his way.
Devon: If you want to leave your name and number.
Kyle: I'm not leaving anything. What is the problem here?
Devon: There's no problem.
Kyle: Then tell Shawn I'm here. If he doesn't want to see me, fine! But that's up to him, right?
Devon: Would you lower your voice please?
Kyle: Look, I've got nothing against you personally. I hope the pod people return your body to you someday. If it's all the same, I'll find Shawn myself.
Three security guards come up to him and begin to drag him out.
Guard: This way sir.
Kyle: Get your hands off me!
Back at the sanitarium, the building continues.
Marco: You guys didn't tell me this thing was so big.
Tom: It wasn't.
Diana: Not yesterday.
Marco: Those don't look like patients to me.
Diana:They're not.
Tom: Dr Clayton.
Clayton: I know what you're gonna say. We're falling behind. We'll make up the time this afternoon.
Diana: So is the entire hospital working on this thing?
Clayton: It's the only way to get it done. Excuse me. Randy? Winston? We're gonna need a little help here with the satellite dish.
Diana turns to Marco.
Diana: Ok, so first the patients, now the staff. If this is some kind of mass hysteria, it's spreading.
Back at Richard and Lily's house. Richard is holding Isabelle.
Richard: Who does Daddy love? Mom, Elizabeth. Yes he does. You know what he see's when he looks at you? A beautiful baby, yes he does. But Mommy see's much more than that. You know why? You communicate with Mommy, but you never talk to daddy. So how about it. Anything you want to say to Daddy? Huh? Cos I'm listening. Ok then. Guess I'm left to muddle along, all alone.
Lily enters the room.
Lily: Richard. We've gotta get a copy of that book, I wanna read it.
Richard: You and me both, but I've checked in town. They won't have any copies till tomorrow.
Lily: I don't know about you, but I kinda got used to the idea that we'd never know where she came from.
Richard: Well, if we went to the future. At least we came back with a souvenier.
Lily: The people who took us. They made all this happen, right? They saw to it that we got Isabelle. They must have something in mind for her.
Richard: I have something in mind for us, too. A normal life.
Lily: Sounds good, but we left normal behind a long time ago now.
Back at the sanitarium, Agents are pulling people away from the device.
Clayton: This is outrageous. We have work to finish here. Important work.
Tom: Doctors are allowed to make their rounds. No-ones stopping them from taking care of their patients. From now on, the tower and the court area are off limits. You got it?
Agent: I've got it.
Marco walks up to the tower device.
Marco: Man, look at the size of that thing. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my backyard, huh?
Tom: Road trips over. Wait in the car.
Marco leaves and Diana walks over to stand by Tom's side.
Diana: So yesterday, a few patients were compelled to work on this thing, and today it's the entire hospital.
Tom: If we get Tess out of here, you think this compulsion will fade?
Diana: I don't know.
Tom: It's worth a try, isn't it?
Diana and Tom take Tess from her room and lead her into the corridor. She's upset and crying.
Tom: Alright, I got you.
Tess: I'm not a bad person. I'm not.
Diana: No-one's saying that you are, Tess.
Tess: Then why are you gonna stick wires in my brain?
Tom: I promise Tess. Nobody's gonna hurt you.
Tess: That's what everybody say's right before they hurt you. Why am I being punished? I'm a good person really. I'm only doing what they want.
Kevin comes rushing up the corridor yelling and rushes at Tom.
Tom: Guards! Guards! Get over here.
He is dragged off and walks down the corridor, yelling. Tess is sobbing and is taken through the doors.
Tess: Kevin! Kevin!
Tom: It's alright.
Maia and a friend are playing go fish in Diana's apartment. The babysitter is setting the table for dinner.
Maia: Do you have a seven?
Kerry: Go fish.
Diana enters.
Diana: I am so sorry I'm late. Oh, who do we have here?
Maia: This is Kerry. She lives downstairs. The UPS man left a package for us by mistake, and when her Mom came to get it, Kerry was with her, and now I'm invited to her birthday party. And it's a sleepover. I can go, right?
Diana: Hi Kerry, I'm Diana.
Kerry: It's nice to meet you.
Diana: It's nice to meet you.
Maia: I already said it's ok.
Diana: Well I think we should probably talk to Kerry's Mom, don't you? Oh look, you know what? It sounds fine to me.
Maia rushes up to hug her.
Maia: Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Jordan Colliers office.
Shawn: You never told me I was a prisoner.
Collier: Have you ever seen a prison cell Shawn? It looks nothing like your apartment.
Shawn: Goddammit Jordan! Since when do you decide who I see and talk to.
Collier: This is about your cousin, isn't it?
Shawn: So you did know he was here?
Collier: I know he was rude and aggressive and had to be escorted from the premises.
Shawn: You mean thrown out!
Collier: It might have been handled more smoothly Shawn, but all in all I have to say it was for the best.
Shawn: Kyle is my friend.
Collier: He was your friend. Look, a year ago you came to me looking for a new life. Your old one in shambles. Kyle, friend or not, is part of that old life.
Shawn: So what do you want me to do? You just want me to cut him loose and forget he exists?
Collier: He's no different than your Mother, your brother or your friend Nikki.
Shawn: Don't.
Collier: They do not understand what it is we're trying to accomplish here.
Shawn: Maybe I don't either.
Collier: Well then I suggest you pack your bags and leave.
Shawn sits down.
Shawn: So what happens next time you start screaming out in pain?
Collier: Do what's right for you Shawn. I'll take care of myself.
Tom is sat in the office when Diana enters
Diana: I got the full physical work up on Tess.
Tom: Let me guess. Physically normal across the board.
Diana: I'll say this for the 4400. They're consistent.
Tom: Tess draws a picture of a tower or a monument.
Diana: Or a beacon.
Tom: The the people around her drop everything and start building it.
Diana: Well, they can't help themselves. They have to work.
Tom: It's like ants. Come here.
He beckons her over and she takes a look at this laptop screen.
Tom: The Queen secretes a chemical telling the other ants what to do.
Diana: The drones don't stop working until the job is done. Doesn't matter if one of them dies or if a storm comes and washes away the ant hill.
Tom: They just keep working, unless you take the Queen away. I just hope our drones respond the same way.
Diana: So the future sent back a schizophrenic Queen ant with a blueprint to an interstellar walkie talkie?
Tom: Let's see what Tess can tell us.
Diana: You know, we'd better not get too close, because if your theory's right, anyone who get's too close to her, could be vulnerable.
Tom: Alright I'll talk to Tess. You check with Garrity over at the hospital.
Tom goes to see Tess. He speaks to her through a glass window.
Tom: These friends of yours. The one's who took you. What do you think they want to talk about?
Tess: They're so much smarter than you, it isn't even funny.
Tom: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. They figured out how to take you and how to send you back.
Tess: Sending me back was a mistake and you know it. I'm supposed to be there.
Tom: Where exactly is there?
Tess: There were Doctors there too. They were nice. All of them.
Tom: Do you remember where you were taken?
Tess: We slept a lot, but not all the time. We wore grey clothes. There's a giant building. The Doctors wore shiny jackets. I miss it so much.
She approaches the dividing screen.
Tom: Go on. I really like hearing you talk about it.
Tess: Our rooms had round windows. Our doorways with arches in them. The stones had writing in them. Math symbols or something. Inscriptions. Jars of purplish metals and rods with stained tips.
Tom: These symbols. Tess, what did they look like? Tess? Tess, do you remember what the inscriptions said?
Tess: They're waiting to hear from me. I need to get in touch with them.
She moves away.
Tom: Tess, Tess. Tess, wait!
Diana is in the office, trying to get hold of Garrity.
Diana: Garitty, why haven't you been picking up your cell phone?
Garrity: I'm sorry, it's been kind of crazy down here.
Diana: So is everything alright?
Garrity: Yeah, fine. Just about done here.
Diana: Done?
Garrity: Well, the satellite dish is a bitch to hook up, but we'll get em.
Down at the sanitarium
Garrity: Come on people, let's get those dishes secured. We don't have all day.
Tom appears in the office
Tom: I just had the most unbelievable conversation with Tess.
Diana: Well it couldn't be any more unbelievable than the one I just had with Garitty.
Lily is walking down a street pushing Isabelle in a pushchair. She walks past a cinema and into a gift shop, where she picks up a copy of Collier's book. The man Richard saw earlier placing warning leaflets is talking to the owner.
Shopkeeper: Can't say I see it that way.
Josiah: No other way to see it. That book is blasphemy.
Shopkeeper: Well don't buy it, if that's how you feel.
Josiah: The third angel blew his trumpet and a great sorrow fell from heaven, burning like a torch. Revelations 8:10.
Shopkeeper: I'll take your word for it.
Josiah: The day they came back was the beginning of the end times.
Shopkeeper: Sounds like you've done a little more thinking on it than I have.
Josiah: Either remove the book from the store or my boy here will remove it for you.
Shopkeeper: Like hell he will.
Lily accidentally knocks over a table, gaining the attention of the man. He walks over, seeing the book in her hands.
Josiah: Do you know what you're carrying there, woman?
Lily: It's just a book.
Josiah: It's the doorway to hell.
Isabelle is watching him. He turns to her and Lily rushes over.
Josiah: That child yours?
Lily: It's my daughter.
Josiah: Abomination begets abomination.
Lily picks up the baby. Isabelle looks at the man over her mother's shoulders and as she does so, the windows of the store blow out and goods fly everywhere. She rushes out and quickly makes her way to Richard who is working on a car.
Lily: Richard!
Richard: What's going on?
Lily: We gotta get out of here, now!
He follows her over to their car.
Back at the sanitarium, the tower is on f*re. Agents hold back those wishing to save it.
Tom: What the hell happened here.
Clayton: These new guys you sent us are no good.
Garrity: Park told me he had experience with a welding torch, so....
Clayton: Experience in what? Starting fires? Now our schedule's in the toilet.
Diana: Did either of you call the f*re department?
Tom looks up at the f*re. Kevin falls to his knees, while in her room, Tess begins to scream.
Richard and Lily hurriedly pack, as a car pulls up outside.
Richard: Time to go.
Josiah kicks the door open, while Richard and Lily try to get away in the car.
Lily: Hurry Richard. Hurry
Josiah goes into the bedroom, where the cot mobile is still playing. He looks around and see's the open window. Opening the door, he fires his r*fle at the car bl*wing out the windows. Lily screams as Richard starts the engine and drives away.
Nina holds a meeting.
Nina: As of tonight, Abottson state hospital is officially under quarantine. The patients will remain locked down. Hospital staff and affected NTAC personnel will be confined to the site, until we've isolated the source of the compulsion.
Tom: That sounds like a good plan, but who's gonna watch over them? The last group we sent was compromised within hours.
Diana: Which is quite frankly, a little disturbing. I mean, if you think of this like an epidemic. I the CDC, we'd call Tess the sole disease factor. You remove her, you remove the urge to build. Except, as far as we know....
Tom: None of those agents had any contact with Tess.
Diana: So it's like the flu, or any other airborne virus. If you catch it you can pass it on.
Nina looks at one of the drawings.
Nina: What is this thing supposed to be anyway?
Marco: My guess, and I cannot emphasise the word guess strongly enough, is that Tess is telling us the truth. It's some kind of communication device.
Nina: To contact who? The future?
Tom: The only way to find out is to let the patients finish building it. That night on Highland Beach, they were trying to tell us something. The conversation was cut short.
Diana: Which is why we've been stumbling around in the dark this last year.
Tom: Tess is the ony 4400 who remembers where she was taken.
Nina: No, claims to remember where she was taken. She's also the only paranoid schizophrenic, and it sounds to me like you too have been spending a little too much time around her.
Marco: Well, maybe I caught the bug too, but I agree with them.
Nina: The quarantine orders for the hospital will remain in effect until further notice. The guards will rotate shifts to minimise their exposure.
Tom: So where does that leave us?
Nina: Until we're sure the compulsion is not spreading anymore, you two aren't going anywhere near that facility.
Richard and Lily have pulled up at a gas station.
Lily: Isabelle is asleep. The rainy day came sooner than expected. Do you think we lost them?
Richard: I'm not ready to stop for pies just yet. I've got 1200 here. Another 300 in my pocket.
Lily: I'm carrying too.
Richard: I'm gonna have to get those back windows replaced in the morning. That should be enough to carry us through to Montana.
Lily: What did Eric say when you called him?
Richard: He was a little surprised to hear from me. Back in quarantine he used to say that us 4400's should stick together.
Lily: Yeah well, we didn't have much choice back then though, did we.
He takes her hand.
Richard: We'll have to get by on our savings when we get there.
Lily: If things get really bad, we can sell these.
Richard: I put that ring on your finger forever. Guess you and Isabelle were right. We should have taken off when we had the chance.
They kiss.
Lily: It's gonna be a long night. You want me to drive a shift?
Richard: Get some sleep.
Diana's sitting on her bed, when there's a knock at the door. Maia is with the woman from downstairs
Diana: Maia, what's wrong?
Woman: I'm sorry, I know it's late, but Maia really wanted to come home.
Diana: Well why's that sweetie?
Maia: I don't want to talk about it.
Woman: Some of the girls, not my daughter, but some of the other girls, were teasing Maia because she say's she has a crush on Frank Sinatra.
Diana: Old blue eyes. Do you blame her?
Woman: Most nine year old's don't even know who Frank Sinatra was.
Maia: I want to go to bed.
She runs off into her room.
Woman: I guess it got pretty nasty. I feel terrible. Maybe Maia can come back another time. Just her and Kerry?
Diana: Yeah, we'll talk about it. Thankyou. Goodnight.
Woman: Goodnight.
Diana walks into Maia's bedroom to find her lying in bed with her eyes closed.
Diana: Maia! I know you didn't fall asleep that fast.
Maia: It was awful, you were right.
Diana: I didn't want to be right.
Maia: I don't need any friends.
Diana: Everyone needs friends Maia. Maia, I really think we should talk about this.
Maia: Well I don't.
Josiah and his sons pull up at the petrol station and find that Richard and Lily have been through there. The attendant shows them the direction they went in.
Tom is at home looking through Tess' drawings. Kyle walks into the room.
Kyle: A Bucks burger is as good as I remember.
Tom: That's kind of a strange thing to have on top of your list, but hey, you know what? I think we can make your dreams come true!
Kyle begins playing his guitar.
Tom: Kyle, shouldn't you be in bed?
Kyle: Dad, I'm 21
Tom: Yeah, that's what I have to keep reminding myself.
Kyle: I'm making some popcorn, you want some?
Tom: You're kidding me. You could eat more?
Kyle: I've been eating quarantine food for a year. You guys may be keeping the country safe, but your cafeteria sucks!
The phone rings.
Kyle: Hello? Hello?
Shawn is on the other end and pauses before answering.
Shawn: Kyle
Richard and Lily continue to drive.
Lily: We've gotta get the baby out of the cold.
Richard: I don't think there's any motels on this road. I'm thinking we should head south. Catch the 35.
They see a truck behind them.
Lily: This is the first car we've seen in what, like, fifty miles?
Josiah's truck closes in on them.
Richard: Get your head down!
The truck tries to drive them off the road.
Lily: Richard, it's them! Hurry!
Richard: Hold on, hold on!
The car swerves down into the woods and hits a tree.
Richard: Is everybody ok?
Lily: I think so.
Richard: Ok, let's go.
The truck pulls up behind the car. Lily and Richard make their way on foot into the woods. Josiah and his son's walk up to the car with r*fles in their hands.
Josiah: Spread out.
Diana goes into Maia's bedroom
Diana: Hey Maia sweetie. It's wake up time.
Maia: I'm tired.
Diana: Huh? A late night huh? Alright, fifteen more minutes. You know what? Frank Sinatra is the coolest and don't you let anyone ever tell you different.
She finds Maia's diary in her drawer. On the first page are written the words. 'Things I See.
Later that morning she walks with Marco through a hallway, at work.
Marco: So you didn't read any of it?
Diana: Well no. I wouldn't want my daughter reading my diary.
Marco: You keep a diary? Am I in it?
Diana: Oh come on. Don't flatter yourself.
Marco: So really, you don't even know if, what she see's, means things during the day. TV shows, ponies, whatknot. Or it could be,what she see's a week, a month, a year down the line.
Diana: No, no. She hasn't had one of those visions in like, four months.
Marco: Well that's what she tells you, anyway.
Diana: Well why would she lie?
Marco: She wants to be normal, right? Everytime she makes a prediction, someone calls her a freak. Look, I understand, you're her Mom now, there are certain protocols. Next time I'm over, why don't I take a peek.
Diana: Oh come on, you think that would be any less of a betrayal?
Marco: Respecting Maia's privacy is no small thing, but you gotta weigh that against the information that could be in that diary.
Diana: You know what? When you stop trusting a parent, it's really hard to start again, and yes, I'm speaking from experience.
Marco: Hey, I'm glad it's not my decision. But if Maia's having visions, you should know about it and you should know what they are.
Richard and Lily are hiding in the woods. Richard is sat by a stream and seems to have injured his foot.
Lily: Is it bad?
Richard: I just jammed it when we spun out. I just need to walk it off a little more. Follow the stream south. Hike through the water a bit. Throw them off our trail.
Lily: We'll be cold.
Richard: It'll keep us awake. After a mile we'll double back west and head straight for the highway.
Lily: Sounds easy when you say it.
Richard: You can do it. You can do it, right?
Isabelle begins to cry.
Richard: Keep her quiet. She's going to bring them right to us.
He takes his shoe and sock off and we see that he has a large gash on his ankle.
Meanwhile, Tom is in the office when Diana enters.
Diana: Does the name Gene Vecruso ring a bell?
Tom: Yeah, returnee 927. Oh, let me guess, he still has the ability to turn 20 bucks into a crushing hangover.
Diana:And a night in the drunk t*nk downtown. Come on. We'll go ferry him back to his halfway house.
Tom: Give it to Mortimer or Felcowan.
Diana: We got something else on our plates? Everything's been quiet at Abbotsun. Nobody's been allowed near the tower.
Tom: That's the problem isn't it?
Diana: Tom, Tom no. You do remember that Jarvis has still got your letter of resignation.
Tom: She wants results. I'm gonna give them to her. Besides, you wanna know what that thing is as badly as I do.
Diana: I'm trying not to think about it.
Tom: Yeah well, I can't think of anything else.
Diana: It sounds like Tess has got her hooks in you.
Tom: I don't have the urge to pick up a tool belt.
He picks up Tess' drawings and leaves the room.
Diana: I'm coming with you.
They go and get Tess from her room.
Diana: It's alright Tess, we're taking you back to Abbotsun.
Tom: We've signed you out Tess. No-one from NTAC is coming after you.
Tess: Not you people. The Doctors in their submarines. They're watching us.
Diana: Are you having second thoughts?
Tom: No, just get in.
Kyle is sat on some steps as Shawn approaches him from behind.
Shawn: So you still owe me four/five dollars for those two six packs? Something like that?
Kyle: I've got it right here, if you think you can take it from me.
They hug.
Shawn: Look at you man, back among the living. You look great.
Kyle: I walk and talk. Seem to have full control of my limbs.
Shawn: You still h*t like a girl. Nothings changed.
Kyle: Four years. Plenty's changed.
Shawn:What are you talking about? We saw each other right after you got out of the hospital.
Kyle: I don't remember any of that.
Shawn: You don't? So you don't remember sitting naked in the sprinklers.
Kyle: No. Sounds like something you'd do.
Shawn: Well....
Kyle: Thankyou. I never got a chance to say that. For getting me out of the coma, thankyou.
Shawn: You know, if it hadn't of been for me, you wouldn't have been in that stupid hospital, anyway, so....
Kyle: Then I'd have been the one who'd have disappeared into 4400 bootcamp. Maybe I'd of come back with the magic hands.
Shawn: Alright, alright.
Kyle: Speaking of disappearing you jerk.
Shawn: Oh Kyle, don't go there yet!
Kyle: Don't go there? Your Mom is so freaked out. You haven't seen her in a year. You haven't seen anybody. Your brother. My Dad. What was going on with you and Nikki?
Shawn: Kyle, I don't want to talk about it.
Kyle: We're all really worried about you, man.
Shawn: You don't need to be. I mean, I'm fine.
Kyle: I've been to that place where you're living. There's some serious Stepford Wives vibes going on there. You know that, right? All that stuff about unlocking the 4400 inside everybody.
Shawn: Yeah?
Kyle: You don't really believe Collier can do that, do you?
Shawn: Kyle, look around us man. The world is in a total freefall. These centres, they're a chance to bring people together. Maybe our last chance. I don't just believe that he can do it. I believe that he has to do it.
Kyle: It's all that stuff they've got inside your head.
Kyle walks away and Shawn follows him.
Shawn: He said you wouldn't understand.
Kyle: Collier?
Shawn: Yeah.
Kyle: I gotta tell you man, he was right.
Richard, Lily and the baby continue to make their way through the woods. Richard has another flash of events to come. He falls to the floor and Lily runs back to him.
Lily: Richard! Are you alright?
Richard: Guess I wasn't looking where I was going.
Lily: Ok. You just need to rest.
Richard: You think they're stopping for a rest?
He tries to get up, but his foot is hurting too much
Richard: Five minutes.
Tom is back at the sanitarium and is rallying the patients. Banging on doors with Tess happily following him.
Tom: Ok, come everyone! Back to the tower! Come on! We've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, so let's go. Come on! Go, go! You heard, let's go!
He makes his way to another door.
Tess: This one's mine. Stand over there!
Kevin comes out of his room and Tess throws her arms around him.
Tess: Hey Kevin! Look! I escaped.
He gives her back her book.
Tess: Always thinking of me. Kevin's a genius you know, but he doesn't brag about it.
Blood is seeping through Richard's shoe.
Lily: I bet in a couple of days all these berries will be ripe.
Richard: Don't eat em now. The last thing we need is to start cramping up.
Close up of Isabelle staring at the berries, which suddenly ripen. Lily picks some. and takes them over to Richard.
Lily: Look.
Richard: I thought you said they weren't ripe.
Lily: They weren't.
Richard: Well.... Isabelle?
Lily: Had to be.
Richard: Way to go, little girl.
Diana and Tom watch the patients rebuild the tower.
Tom: They're gonna have to work faster.
Diana: I'm gonna help them.
Tom: That's not funny Diana.
Diana: I really wanna do this.
Tom: No, you'll only be in the way.
Diana: You don't understand. I really need to do this.
She leaves, while Tom continues to look out of the window.
Josiah is catching up to Richard and Lily. He comes across the stalks from some eaten berries.
Shawn returns to the 4400 centre to find Collier looking at some photographs in the foyer.
Collier: Shawn, I've been looking for you.
Shawn: Yeah, I took a walk.
Collier: We have a special visitor tonight. She has pancreatic cancer. Her husband is willing to donate real estate for a 4400 centre in Los Angeles.
Shawn: Well tonight doesn't really work for me Jordan.
He begins to walk up the stairs.
Collier: Well, you have five, no six hours, to get in the mood.
Shawn: Mood's got nothing to do with it. I'm just not working tonight.
Josiah's sons find some of Richards blood. They begin whistling to attract Josiah's attention. Richard and Lily can hear the noises.
Lily: Richard please. Don't do this.
Richard: We don't have another choice.
Lily: There's three of them. They're gonna k*ll you.
Richard: No. Not if I get my hands on one of those g*n.
Lily: You can barely walk.
Richard: It's our only chance. I gotta do it now. If I'm not back by sundown, take the baby and walk due west. It's that way. Just keep going in a straight line. You understand?
She leans over and kisses him.
Richard: I'd give up another fifty years if it mean't finding you again.
They kiss again. Lily is crying. Richard gets to his feet with the aid of a crutch and makes his way into the woods.
Nina has found out about Tom's plans.
Nina: You knew about this, didn't you?
Marco: About what?
Nina: Baldwin and Skouris signed Tess Doerner out of here and took her back to Evenson.
Marco: They're rebuilding the tower.
Nina: That would be one theory.
Josiah and his sons are closing in on Richard and Lily. Richard jumps out on one of the sons and hits him with a stick, knocking him to the floor. As he does so his g*n goes off and Isabelle begins crying. The mans brother appears, but Richard has picked up the g*n and points it at him.
Richard: Drop it, or I'll cut you in half.
The man put's down the g*n.
Richard: Ok, turn around.
As Richard advances, Josiah appears behind him and knocks him out with the butt of his r*fle.
Josiah: I taught you boy's better than this.
He looks down at Richard.
Josiah: Get up!!
Nina and Marco arrive at the sanitarium accompanied by armed men. Tom approaches Diana who's working on the tower.
Tom: Diana, how's it going?
Diana: It turns out we're in better shape than I thought. The f*re missed most of the wiring.
Tom: So how soon till it's ready to go?
Diana: Well, we've gotta finish triangulating the dishes, then we're good.
His phone rings.
Tom: Just get it done. [Into phone] Baldwin.
Lily his hiding in the woods and hears Josiah shouting out to her.
Josiah: We've got your man! Either you come out, or the next sound you hear is him being blown straight to hell!
Richard: I told you she's miles away by now.
One of the men kicks him back to the ground.
Richard: Aaghh!
Gabriel: Open your mouth again, I'll cut your tongue out.
Isabelle begins to cry and Josiah hears it.
Josiah: Watch him.
Josiah walks towards the sound.
Richard: Lily! Run!!
The tower is almost finished and everyone is gathered. Tess has her arm around Kevin.
Tess: Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye to me? I'm gonna miss you most of all.
Tom looks out of the locked door and see's Nina advancing. One of the armed men smashes the glass.
Nina: Last time Baldwin. Unlock the door.
Tom: I can't do that. You said you wanted results.
Nina: Listen to me Baldwin. You are not in your right mind. I was talking about. These are not the results that I was talking about. Now step away before you get hurt.
She turns to the men
Nina: Take it.
They begin to batter down the door.
Tom: Wait! Wait! Just wait, just wait! We need answers. That tower might provide them. Just listen. Listen. Listen to me. It's a risk, I know. But sometimes when you want to get to the truth, you have to take a leap of faith. Just listen to me.
Nina: You want the truth?
She turns to Marco, who approaches the door.
Marco: Tess Doerner's memories of the future? They're not memories. She read them in a short story by H P Lovecraft. Shadow At A Time. I have it right here. I underlined some of the passages that show up verbatim in your report. They're just another delusion.
Tom: No.
Marco: I'm sorry Tom.
Nina: Let's go. Okay, you guys, take it.
She grabs Marco and the men begin to batter down the door.
They rush into the courtyard and Diana frantically tries to finish what she's doing.
Nina: Step away from that tower!
Diana moves away, but seconds later dives back and switches it on. The tower powers up and everyone gazes up at it. The weather vane begins to point in the opposite direction and the tower emits a high pitched noise which throws everyone to the floor.
Back in the woods, Richard is being kicked by Josiah's son. A g*n is heard and Lily screams. Richard hits the man and runs towards the sound.
Richard: Isabelle. Isabelle.
Lily is standing looking at Josiah. His son is lying on the ground, d*ad.
Josiah: My son! What did you make me do? Gabriel! My God! My son! No, no, Gabriel!
Richard appears and grabs Lily.
Lily: Richard!
Josiah: It wasn't me. That creature made me pull the trigger. You've unleashed a devil into this world! And we're all going to burn.
Isabelle is staring at him and he suddenly clutches at his chest, falling to the ground, d*ad.
Josiah's other son appears, pointing a r*fle. Isabelle stares at him and he takes the r*fle and puts it under his chin. He pulls the trigger and falls d*ad to the ground.
Back at the sanitarium, the people begin to get to their feet.
Tess: Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
Clayton: Let's get everybody back inside. I need a full head count before the next round of medications.
Tess: Where are you? I did what you wanted, right? Talk to me.
Dr Clayton approaches her.
Clayton: Come on Tess. We all could use some rest.
Tess: They lied to me. Or did I lie to you?
She's taken away.
Diana: Well, somehow I wanted more.
Tom: I don't know what I expected. A big ball of light. A booming voice from the sky. Something. Maybe we built it wrong.
Diana: Maybe. All I know is, I don't feel like picking up a hammer anymore. Ten minutes ago, that was all I could think of.
Nina appears.
Nina: Norad said the pulse disappeared before it left the atmosphere. Could be, all that sound and fury was for absolutely nothing. Now our first priority is to help the hospital personnel restore order here. The I want all of you who were infected with this thing, to be checked out by NTAC medical.
Tom: Are you including me in that order, cos I'm not sure....
Nina: You were infected. Because if you're standing here telling me you weren't, I'm putting a date on that letter of resignation.
Tom: I was definitely infected.
Nina: I thought so.
Clayton: We could use a little help, policing the area here. We need to get rid of these tools before one of the patients hurts themselves.
Nina turns to Diana and Tom.
Nina: You heard the man.
Kevin is standing in the middle of the courtyard.
Kevin: Excuse me, Dr Clayton!
Clayton: Kevin? Did you just speak to me?
Kevin: Yes I did. I haven't said anything for a long time.
Clayton: Try six years.
Kevin: I can think again, too. I don't know what happened. I feel better!
Shawn and Collier are in the foyer of the 4400 center.
Shawn: You had me followed?
Collier: I could have had your conversation recorded. I just thought that might be pushing it.
Shawn: Kyle was right. I'm some kind of prisoner.
Collier: Shawn I've told you, you can leave here anytime you want, and I mean't it. But until you do, I will not allow these shadows from your past, to alter your perceptions of what it is we're trying to accomplish here. You're too important.
Shawn: No, no. You mean, you need help bringing the big checks.
Collier: Shawn, the money is a means to an end. The goal is what matters. Ensure the future. Save the planet. I can't do that without you.
He walks away.
Back at NTAC.
Marco: You want proof that the future works in mysterious ways? Look no further than Mr Kevin Burkoff.
Tom: Yeah, instead of contacting the future, we got him.
Marco: Not as disappointing as it might seem at first flush. Burkoff was a tenured Professor of neuro-chemistry at Stanford University.
Diana: Neuro-Science. Only class I ever got a B in.
Marco: Yeah, you're not alone. Only a handful of people work at the top of the field at any given time. Our Mr Burkoff was the heir apparent. Until he suffered his first delusion at the age of 30. He was institutionalised two years later.
Tom: What was he working on?
Marco: You want a ripple effect? How's this? Burkoff specialised in dormant neural pathways. He was trying to wake up parts of the brain that we can't use.
Nina: Parts that would do what?
Diana: Parts that could lead to all kinds of special new abilities, like precognition. Right Marco?
Marco: Precognition. Telekinesis. Stop me if any of this sounds familiar.
Tom: Maia Rutledge. Orson Bailey. You're saying that Burkoff is the father of the 4400 technology.
Marco: It's possible.
Diana: And we just woke him up.
Kevin has his bag packed and walks into Tess's room. She's sat on the bed. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves a book on the bed.
An sick woman is taken to Shawns room.
Tom and Kyle practise their golf swings at night, outside their house.
Richard and Lily hitch a lift.
Diana enters Maia's bedroom. She leans over and kisses her goodnight. Taking her journal out of the room. She sits and begins to read it.
Maia Voiceover: Next door is going to get a kitten. Hope she let's me play with it.....There's going to be a book on how we all came back....We get to be a real family.....A computer for Christmas.....I hope Tom get's his job back....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished....Mommy's bosses will be punished for betraying us...
Diana is shocked by the words and closes the journal.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x02 - Wake-Up Call - Part 2"} | foreverdreaming |
Voix intérieures
(2x03 : Voices Carry)
Flashbacks to season one and the season two opener 'Wake Up Call'
One of the 4400, Gary Navarro, is in a locker room with other baseball players. Gary was abducted on January 5th 1973. He sits on a bench wearing boxers and a baseball hat.
Player 1: Getting dressed from the top now? The the way they do it on the Mariners?
Player 2: Mariners? Gary's got his eye on the Sox.
Player 3: You mean the Sox got their eyes on him.
Player 2: How's it feel? All those scouts in the stands. You bend over to tie a shoelace, they making note.
Player 3: How about a little respect huh? You're in the presence of the new Jackie Robinson. Those 4400 make big news. Don't worry about the scouts, man. I'll float you some right down the middle. You just get into your rythmm and forget they're even out there, alright?
Player three's thoughts are clearly heard by Gary.
Player 3: Can't blame him. Six scouts. I'd be afraid I was gonna choke.
Gary: I'm not gonna choke.
Player three looks at him in confusion.
The rest of the team begin to leave the room. Gary holds his head as a myriad of voices are heard, bringing him great pain.
Out on the baseball pitch, Gary is hearing a multitude of thoughts from the players around him. A ball is thrown and he misses it.
Catcher: Laurence can't serve any better than that.
Gary: Just give me a second
Gary hears the thoughts of those around him. Loser, what was up with that etc.
He misses another ball.
Crowd: Come on!
Catcher: This time try taking the bat off your shoulder.
Gary: Why don't you try kissing my ass.
Catcher: What's your problem Gary.
Coach: Navarro, get your head in the game! Focus! I wanna see some contact. Majors. Kid doesn't look like he's ready for rookie ball.
Gary: Just shut up! Would all of you just shut the hell up and let me concentrate!
Catcher: Whoa gary! Take it down a notch. [You're a flake aren't you. Go ahead, take a swing at me. I'll fight you where you stand
Gary: I do not wanna h*t you!
Catcher: Who said anything about hitting, man?
Coach: That's it Navarro, you're done for the day. I wanna see you in my office after practise.
Gary: There's nothing wrong with me.
Coach: Keep walking.
Gary: There's nothing wrong with me!!
Coach: Keep walking man.
Gary: Don't touch me!
Gary begins to walk past the scouts and hears their thoughts.
Scout 1: This kid isn't ready.
Scout 2: This is a complete waste of time. Ready for the bigs, my ass. What is wrong with that?
Gary: You shut up. You shut up!
He jumps at one of the scouts and hits him to the ground.
Gary: There's nothing wrong with me! There's nothing wrong with me!
He's dragged away.
Richard walks into a motel and pays money for a room.
Lily: It beats that ditch in the woods. Not by much.
Richard: It's just a day or two. Let Isabelle get rested up. Push all the rest of the way.
Lily: You got enough to make it to Whitebird?
Richard: New car, trip to the emergency room? It's gonna be close.
Lily: All this running and hiding. Sometimes I forget. We haven't done anything wrong.
Richard: Three d*ad men in the woods might disagree.
Lily: You want a shower first, or should I?
Richard: You go ahead.
Lily: Give Isabelle her bottle, ok?
He takes the baby and sit's her on his lap.
Richard: It was you wasn't it? Stopping those men in the woods. Daddy sure would like to know. But you're not gonna tell me are you.
Diana's apartment. Diana and Maia are sitting working. Maia laughs.
Diana: What's funny?
Maia: Marmaduke. Can we get a dog?
Diana: Smooth how you slid that in there. No.
The phone rings.
Diana: Skouris. April, wow! No, no, no, no. I'm glad to hear from you, it's been a while that's all. No we're here, just having breakfast.
There's a knock at the door.
Diana: Mrs Lennox must have forgotten her key.
Maia: I'll get it.
Diana: No, no. I'll get it. You just keep eating. I just have to let Maia's teacher in. Coming! One more sec.
She opens the door to find her sister standing outside.
April: Surprise!
Diana: April!
April: How's it going, sibling?
April flings herself into Diana's arms.
Diana: Good.
April: You look good.
Diana: Yeah, you too.
April: Thanks!
Diana: What are you doing here?
April: Pacific North West Body Art Expo. I have a booth. Don't tell me you haven't gotten your tickets yet.
Diana: Ah, no.
Maia: Hello.
April: Oh my God, you must be Maia! April Skouris. Black sheep of the family. Di you are so lucky. Look at this fabulous kid you got. No labour, no stretch marks, no diapers. No crappy husband. Oh wait, that was me.
Maia: How come I never met you before?
April: It's complicated.
Diana: We've been busy.
April: Ok, we'll stick with busy. Whatever. I'm here now.
Diana: So where are you staying while you're in town?
April: This couch looks comfortable.
Shawn prepares to walk out on stage in front of thousands of people.
Collier: It's not an execution Shawn.
Shawn walks out.
Shawn: Hello, my name is Shawn Farrell and I am one of the 4400.
A huge round of applause with cheering.
Shawn: Wow! Uh, a few months ago I never thought anyone would clap when I said that. But we didn't know then, what we know now. The future of mankind is in jeopardy and right here with your help is where we start to set things straight.
Offstage, Devon approaches Collier.
Devon: Mr Collier, Mr Dravitt's here for you.
Collier: Thankyou.
He walks away and meets with Ian Dravitt, an Englishman.
Collier: Ian, thanks for fitting me in.
Dravitt: Interesting place you've got here. Not going to be abducted by aliens, am I?
Collier: Now Ian, they weren't aliens, they were from the future.
Dravitt: I know, so you told me ad nauseum. But it's all the same sideshow to me. So, here I am, here you are. What say we get down to business.
Back at NTAC.
Tom: Ian Dravitt. Founder and CEO of Executive Projections. A multinational corporation based in Zimbabwe.
Diana:If a company wants to do business in a third world country, they'll show you the lay of the land. It's all perfectly legitimate.
Tom: Yeah, on the surface, but Dravitt's real money comes from mercenary activity arms dealing. Sold grenade launchers to the IRA. White phospherous landmines to the shiny path gorilla's in Peru.
Nina: So what's he selling to Collier?
Tom: Good question. Our observation teams can't even tell you what time Collier takes lunch.
Diana: Beyond the lobby, that place is a mystery. We've sent our Agents in disguised as air conditioning guys, fibreoptics repair men.
Tom: If we get a bug in, it's yanked before the day's over. Probably sweeping the place every few hours. As far as Collier's pow wows with Dravitt? All we can do is guess.
Nina: You think he's stockpiling w*apon?
Diana: Arms, anthr*x, nothing would surprise me. I mean, Collier's all but said he's at w*r with the US Government.
Tom: Could be laying down a defence perimeter around the center. That way, if we ever have to go in there, he'll be ready.
Diana: Think Waco. Jonestown.
The phone rings and Nina picks it up.
Nina: Jarvis! I'll send them down.
Gary is in a waiting area at NTAC. Tom and Diana enter.
Diana: Mr Navarro. I'm Agent Skouris, this is Agent Tom....
Gary: Please, please, don't talk. It's too noisy. Your voices and your thoughts just all bleed together.
Tom: Our report said that you were going on about....
Gary: No voices. Just concentrate on what you wanna ask me. The I'll hear you. A couple of weeks ago. It was during the game. I could hear everyone's thoughts. At first it was just the pitchers, pretty good actually. Cos I knew everything he was gonna throw before he threw it. He threw them five for five. Two homers, two singles and a double.
Tom: That is exact.....
Diana: Shhhh!
Diana takes a seat.
Gary: So yeah. Yeah, it was great when it started. But I can't control it. At first it was everyone on the team and then everyone in the stand, and then, I don't know, just everyone. It's like this ocean of noise crashing around in my head. I want someone to make it go away. That's what I want. I was this close to making it into the majors, when I got snatched.This time I'm going to make it. I have to make it.
Diana and Tom report back to Nina.
Nina: What, so Navarro is some kind of mind reader?
Diana: I believe, telepath is the word you're looking for.
Tom: Well call it something else if it makes you uncomfortable, but the guy definitely knew what we were thinking.
Nina: Interesting gift. I could think of a few practical applications for it.
Diana: Dr Rossman gave him some holiparodol. Calmed him down. Quietened the noise some.
Nina: So he can function as long as he's on anti-psychotic medicine.
Tom: Well, we don't have to fit him for any straitjacket but he's not going to be hitting any knuckle balls either, which is all he wants to do.
Nina: Well put NTAC medical on him. If they can help him they will.
Tom: Great.
Kyle heads into the university to sign up for courses.
Kyle: Kyle Baldwin?
Woman: Social Security number?
Kyle: There it is.
Woman: Baldwin....Nope. You're not eligible to register.
Kyle: Sure I am. I got in last semester. I just took deferred admission.
Woman: Except your tuition hasnt been paid.
Kyle: What are you talking about, my dad sent a cheque.
Woman: Nope.
She turns the screen towards him, which shows that Tom never made the payment.
Nina goes to Tom's office.
Nina: Baldwin! Got a question.
Tom: I've got Navarro's transfer forms right here. You just need to sign them.
Nina: Yeah I will, but not just yet.
Tom: Why not?
Nina: We wanna know what Collier and Dravitt are up to. A 4400 who can read minds, just walked through the front door.
Tom: You wanna use Navarro as a mole? Is that even legal?
Nina: DC cleared it.
Tom: Well how about ethical? The guy's asking us for help. Hell, he's even begging us.
Nina: And we'll help him. But he's gotta help us first.
Tom: And what if he say's no?
Nina: Then you'll get him to say yes.
Lily goes to see the motel manager.
Lily: Excuse me. Could we get one more blanket? The one we've got is kind of thin.
Manager: Yeah well, they're all kinda thin, but if you wanna bring it down, I'll switch it.
Lily: Oh, I think we might need both.
Manager: You might think you need them but you aren't gonna get them. See there's only so many rooms and so many blankets and you have your allotment.
Lily: My baby is cold. Can I please have a warm blanket, so she doesn't get sick? I'll give you five dollars.
He takes the money.
Manager: I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
She turns to Isabelle.
Lily: He wasn't very nice to us, was he?
Isabelle stares at the cash register and it opens. Lily quickly grabs some cash and closes it. The manager returns with a blanket.
Manager: Here.
Lily: Thankyou.
The plan to spy on Collier is put to Gary.
Gary: What if they catch me?
Tom: We'll be monitoring you every step of the way.
Diana: We plant a tiny transmitter receiver behind your ear under the skin. Takes ten minutes, no scar.
Tom: If things go south, we'll be in there like the cavalry.
Gary: When I was a kid, my favourite show was The Man From Uncle. Thirty years just gone in a snap. My little brother is retiring from the Tacoma police force at the end of the year. He's 53. Guys I played ball with, the one's that made it to the Majors, are signing autographs at card shows now. The game is all I have.
Tom: Yeah, I get that.
Gary: What, you play ball?
Tom: Senior year in college. I blew my knee out. Tried to slide under a tag.
Gary: What position?
Tom: Third base.
Gary: Yeah, another endfield, huh? You miss it?
Tom: All the time. But what we do here, Gary. What we're asking you to do for us. It's not the worlds series, but it's uh, it's pretty damn important.
Gary: I'll do this for you guys. But you gotta fix me, right?
Tom: You have my word.
Gary: Ok
Tom returns home to find Kyle in the kitchen making something to eat.
Tom: Sorry about dinner. New case. I'm glad you didn't wait for me.
Kyle: That's what you're sorry about? Dinner? Ask me how my first day at college was.
Tom: How was your first day at college?
Kyle: I didn't have one! Nobody paid my tuition!
Tom: What are you talking about. Of course I did! That's ridiculous.
Kyle: I tried calling you a bunch of times. You didn't answer your phone.
Tom: I was in meetings all day. I know I wrote that cheque.
He get's his chequebook out and realises he's wrong.
Kyle: That's great Dad.
Tom: I'm sorry Kyle, I must have forgot.
Kyle: You've been talking about this for a month. How could you forget?
Tom: Here, bring it in tomorrow. I'll send a note. Or I'll talk to the registrar myself. Whatever you want.
Kyle grabs the cheque and walks away.
Tom: Kyle, don't walk away from me. Just, look, I admit it. I'm not denying it. I screwed up. But works been a little crazy lately....
Kyle: The job? I've been waiting for that one. Finally feels like old times around here.
Back with Richard and Lily in the motel room. Lily has ordered in food.
Richard: What's this? Lily. What is it? Did you spend all the cash, buying this stuff? What? Talk to me.
Lily: The cash register at the front desk was open, and we needed food and Isabelle needed diapers.
Richard: You stole money?
Lily: It's not like I planned it. I had to beg for a blanket and the drawer was open, so....
Richard: He left you standing there with the cash register open?
Lily: No, no, he closed it. At least I think he did. It wasn't open and then it was open.
Richard: That still doesn't make it right. It's not how I live my life.
Lily: Have you looked around? Because this isn't how I planned to live my life, either. Look, I know it was wrong. I don't need you to tell me it was wrong. Stop shaking your head. Just eat something, ok? It's silly for all this food to go to waste.
Richard: Go ahead. I'm not hungry.
April and Maia return home.
April: How much fun was that?
Maia: I liked it.
Diana: So where have you two been? Your note just said, out.
Maia: Lot's of places. The pier, pikestreet and even the ferry.
Maia has a tattoo on her arm.
Diana: What have you done? You didn't!
April: I told you she'd freak. Relax, they're rub ons.
Maia: As in fake. But they're pretty, aren't they?
Diana: Yeah, they're very pretty. Now why don't you go get started on your homework.
Maia: I'm in trouble.
April: Did you at least like the shirt? And by the way. You live in Seattle and your kids never heard of Kurt Cobain? What's wrong with you, Di?
Diana:Thank goodness you're here to teach her all about tattoo's and suicidal rock stars. And by the way. Who gave you permission to take her out of school?
April: I'm her Aunt. I didn't know I needed permission.
Diana: Well if you're gonna send her teacher home for the day, you do.
April: Sitting at your kitchen table all day long? Yeah, that's a big loss. What are you keeping this kid locked away for?
Diana: If I wanted your opinion on how I'm raising my daughter, I'd ask.
Maia comes out clutching her stomach.
Maia: Mommy!
Diana: What's wrong sweetheart?
Maia: I think I have to throw up.
Diana: What did you give her to eat?
April: Anything she wanted.
Diana: Oh, good going Aunt April.
Tom and Diana are in a surveillance van. Gary prepares to enter the center.
Gary: Ok guys, I'm going in.
Tom [Via comm]: Colliers gonna want to meet you. You're one of the 4400.
Diana: Anything you can learn about him is great, but our main target is Ian Dravitt. See what you can find out about him and why he's there.
Tom: You have a two weeks supply of haliperol. It should keep you clear, but hopefully you'll be done in a couple of day's.
Devon spots Gary.
Devon: [*Cute. Nice shoes. Steer him over to the brochures.*] My names Devon.
Gary: I'm Gary Navarro. Kind of interested in finding out what you guys do here.
Devon: Well I'd be happy to show you around. Have you read Mr Collier's book.
Gary: I didn't have to, I lived it. I'm one of the 4400.
Devon: Well, welcome home.
Gary meets Collier.
Collier: Gary Navarro, Jordan Collier. It's nice to meet you. Well, that's a nice firm grip. I'd expect nothing less of a promising second baseman.
Gary: How did you know I played ball?
Collier: Well it's my business to know everything about the 4400. So has anything shown up yet? An ability or....
Gary: No not me. I've got a hard enough time hitting a split fingered fast ball.
Collier: It's kind of disappointing, isn't it? All those years lost....No ability. Pass it along to Devon. Get back to Dravitt
Shawn enters.
Shawn: Jordan, we need to talk.
Collier: Absolutely Shawn. First I'd like you to meet a fellow returnee. Gary Navarro? Shawn Farrell.
Gary: Hi.
Shawn: How you doing.
Collier: Shawn here's a little luckier than you and I. He came back with quite a remarkable ability.
Shawn: I'm blessed alright. See the halo round my head? I really need to talk to you.
Collier: Give us a second.
Shawn and Collier move away from Gary.
Shawn: Look, I've been doing some poking around on the internet. I found some stuff that you need to know, because let me tell you, I really hope that you don't know already.
Collier: If it can be found on a search engine, believe me I know it.
Shawn: You're ok with this Dravitt guy?
Collier: Eyes on the prize, remember? Doing business with our friend does not make us our friend.
Shawn: [*Dravitt's not my friend, he's a dangerous prick*]
Collier: I'll meet you outside in ten minutes. As soon as I get squared away, we'll talk about it.
Shawn leaves.
Collier: Here you go?
Kyle stands on campus as a woman walks past.
Wendy: Hello? Hello? Are you alright?
Kyle:Wow, where was I?
Wendy: Far away, I think. First day meltdown?
Kyle: Just lost and late. Making my way to classes I don't even wanna take.
Wendy: Not such a good day then.
Kyle: Introductory survey of 19th century Norvella's coming now.
Wendy: Maybe it'll enlighten you in way's you never could have imagined.
Kyle: Not likely. There isn't anything up in this period.
Wendy: Well this is Olwyn Hall. Take the stairs and slide to your left.
She walks away.
Kyle: Thanks. Maybe I'll see you around.
Wendy: You never know.
Kyle enters the lecture room. Wendy enters the front of the room and stands at the desk.
Wendy: Hello everybody. I'm Wendy Paulson. Welcome to ninteenth century Norvella's. Is everyone in the right place?
Kyle holds up his hand.
Wendy: I will speak to you after class.
Shawn and Collier are having an arguement in the grounds. Gary is hiding behind some tree's. Tom and Diana are still in the van
Gary[Into comm]: I can't hear anything. I'm gonna try and get closer.
Tom [Into comm]: Gary, what are you doing?
Gary [Into comm]: Collier and that kid. Your nephew? I think they're argueing about that guy, Dravitt.
Tom [Into Comm]: Gary, go inside.
Dravitt comes up behind Gary.
Dravitt: Getting a good eyeful?
Gary: Look, I'm just....
Two of Dravitt's men grab him.
Diana: We should pull him out.
Tom: No, not yet. Maybe he can talk his way out of it.
Gary is dragged over to Collier and Shawn.
Shawn: What the hell do you think you're doing? Let him go.
Dravitt: You should be more careful who you let in your manor, my son. We detained him as a professional courtesay.
Shawn: Jordan, these guys are thugs.
Dravitt: No need for name calling. We merely happened upon this gentleman in the process of spying on the two of you.
Gary: I had a couple of questions for you, that's all. I saw you guys were having an arguement or something. What am I supposed to do, interrupt?
Shawn: Wanna know what we were talking about, because it's no big secret. I'll tell you exactly what we were talking about.
Collier: Shawn. Enough! You're gonna find out I'm tied up a lot of the time, Gary. If you have questions, any of my staff will be happy to help.
Gary: I'm sorry. Next time I'll know better.
Collier: Alright. Go on back inside.
They let him go.
Dravitt: [**Careful where he wanders. No-ones getting between me and thirty million dollars**]
Richard, Lily and the baby are in bed. Richard is still awake, staring at the ceiling. He hears a car pull up outside. Going to the window, he see's a police car.
Lily: Richard, what is it? What's wrong?
Richard: Police.
She get's up and goes over to the window.
Lily: Oh my God! I'm so sorry.
Richard: I'll tell them I took the money. You didn't have anything to do with it.
The police bang on a door.
Police Officer: Police! Open up!
Male: Give us a minute!
Police Officer: Open up now!
They realise that the police aren't after them.
Lily: They're not after us. We're ok.
They hug.
Gary goes back inside his room at the center.
Gary [Via comm]: Guys, are you there?
Tom: Go ahead Gary.
Gary: Sorry I've been so out of touch. They've had me in these classes all morning. I haven't even seen Collier all morning, or that other guy.
Diana: Well, that's ok. You just go where they tell you.
Gary: Yeah but I thought you said you wanted to know more about that money that Collier's shelling out. Where are my meds?
Diana: Gary, what's wrong.
Gary: My meds, they're gone. I don't....
He hears someone outside the room and opens the door to find Devon and another man.
Gary: Uh, excuse me, I uh, I had a prescription of some tranquillisers in my room and now they're gone.
Devon: You don't need those. You've been conditioned to think you need them. Taking anything that supresses your natural openness is counter intuitive to our programme. Maybe you should sit through the nutrition and purification lecture again.
Devon get's into an elevator and the door closes. Gary goes back into his room, obviously distressed.
Gary: Did you hear that Baldwin? They took the haloparadol.
Tom: Yes Gary I heard it. You wanna abort? You wanna walk outta there?
Gary: The voices are getting louder in my head already. It's already getting worse. The voices are starting to bleed through the walls.
Tom: Just calm down Gary. We'll come and get you if we need to. It's your call. Gary talk to me.
Gary: Ok. You guys are gonna hold up your end of this deal, right?
Tom: Yes, of course.
Gary: Ok, ok. I'll hold up my end and hang in as long as I can.
Tom: We'll hang in with you. Listen Gary, someone's gonna be on this channel 24/7 remember?
Gary: Yeah right.
Richard and Lily leave the motel and get back in the truck. Isabelle is crying. Richard has a flashback to Josiah and his son's k*lling themselves in the woods.
Kyle speaks to Wendy after class.
Kyle: I read the Secret Sharer
Wendy: Just like your syllabus said. That's a good start.
Kyle: Not just the first 20 pages. I got really into it, read the whole thing.
Wendy: Ninteenth century Norvella's not quite the hell on Earth you expected?
Kyle: It definitely wasn't boring. I got a lot of questions though.
Wendy: Ok, well I have office hours. Wednesday one to four.
Kyle: Ok, yeah. I'll try to stop by.
Wendy: Or we could run by the Cook the and grab some coffee.
Kyle: What, right now?
Wendy: I like talking about Joseph Conrad. That's why I picked this for a living.
April cooks dinner for Diana and Maia.
Diana: Where did you learn to do all this, cos Mom never taught us to cook.
April: I don't know. I just learned how. Had to be better than you at something.
Maia: Aunt April, do you have any kids?
April: Nope, no kids.
Maia: Are you married?
April: I used to be. Ask your Mom what she thought of my ex-husband.
Diana: Don't start.
Maia: You didn't like him?
Diana: Neither did April apparently. She only stayed with Trevor for what, seven months?
April: You were hostile from day one. You never gave him a chance.
Diana: I don't think he deserved much of a chance. He was kind of a moron.
April: He was 22. Show me one guy who isn't a moron at 22. He knew you hated him and that didn't make it any easier for us to stay together.
Diana: Come on! You can't keep blaming that on me. Just grow up!
April: Ok, this was a mistake. I thought it was a good idea to come here, but obviously I was wrong. I'll go pack. There's a little hotel up the street.
Maia: No!
April: It's ok honey, we'll still see each other.
Maia: But the power's going to go out there tonight and you won't have any lights.
April: What is she talking about?
Maia: Can I please be excused?
Maia jumps up and leaves.
Gary is taking a class and the sounds of everyone's thoughts are filling his head. He is obviously distressed.
Tutor: Mr Navarro is something wrong?
Gary: This is no good, I need my haliparodol. Where's Collier.
Tutor: Mr Collier's in a meeting.
Gary get's to his feet and walks from the room.
Tutor: Mr Navarro!
Diana and Tom are in the surveillance van
Diana: Gary what's wrong?
Gary: I gotta talk to Collier.
Diana: That's not a good idea Gary.
Gary enters Colliers outer office.
Secretary: Mr Navarro, he's in a meeting!!
Gary carries on through to Collier's office and finds him sat with Dravitt.
Gary: Make it stop. Please make it stop. I need my medication.
Dravitt: Whatever's eating you old son, we'll make it stop. Count on that.
A man holds a g*n to Gary's head.
Collier: A 4400 who can read minds. You shouldn't have lied to me Gary.
Dravitt: You mean to tell me that this guy knows what I'm thinking? Because I do not like anyone inside my head but me.
Shawn: Jordan, this guy's one of us, we can't just stand here and let him get k*lled.
Collier: Nobody's k*lling anyone.
Dravitt: First, we find out what our man here knows and then we discuss his fate. There are things I know that could get you k*lled!! That could get all of you k*lled.
Tom and Diana race out of the van.
Diana: Call Jarvis. Tell her we're going in!
Collier: Look Ian....
Dravitt: Shut up! Shut up now!
Shawn makes a move towards Dravitt. One of Dravitts henchmen grab him but Shawn uses his powers to force him to his knees.
Tom and Diana race through the foyer.
Evan: Hi I'm Evan, welcome to the 4400
The race past him.
Guard: Upper levels are not open to visitors
Tom: We're not visitors
Guard: Hey look buddy, I got a badge too and this is private property.
Tom hits him to the floor.
Shawn is continuing to use his ability on the man.
Dravitt: What the hell's he doing to him? Let him go or so help me I'll splatter your brains all over your highly polished floor.
Collier: Now that is enough.
Collier is h*t. Gary begins yelling, whilst clutching his head. Tom and Diana rush into the room.
Tom: Everyone down now!
Collier: How the hell did you get in here?
Diana: Don't sound so happy to see us.
Dravitt: What in the hell is this?
Collier: NTAC Agents. I don't appreciate the government interfering in my business.
Tom: Well maybe you should be more careful who you do business with.
Gary: They're not buying w*apon, they're planning a coup overseas. Some tiny country
Shawn: You sent a spy in here, Uncle Tommy? Good job, you almost got us all k*lled.
Diana: You too Mr Dravitt.
Dravitt: It'll be interesting to see if your friends impressions will stand up in court. I guess I'm the one who should be more careful who I do business with.
Tom: Shawn, you can come with us if you want.
Shawn looks at the floor.
Tom: Great. I'll tell your mother you said hello.
Collier: Gary, you should have come to me first. I'd have treated you better than they ever will. [*We're at w*r here. Don't pick the losing side*]
Lily is sitting with Isabelle outside a store. A woman and young boy walk out.
Woman: Look at the cute little baby. I think someone wants to try your toy, Walt.
Lily: I think you're right.
Richard appears.
Richard: Hi.
Woman: Hi.
Richard [To Lily]: Get back in the car.
Lily: Why?
Richard: Please.
They walk away.
Lily: What is your problem. That little boy was being sweet with her.
Richard: I just didn't want anybody getting hurt.
Lily: Hurt? Whose gonna get hurt?
Richard: What if she doesn't wanna give the toy back. What's gonna happen then? Don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about. Those three men in the woods.
Lily: They wanted us d*ad!
Richard: You saw what happened to them, that was Isabelle. We both know and there's no reason in pretending otherwise.
Lily: Whatever Isabelle does, she does it out of love for us. She's our daughter, Richard.
Richard: I know she is and I love her right back. But she's something else too and I wish to God I knew what that was.
Isabelle uses her powers on Richard and he falls to the ground in pain.
Lily: What is it? What's wrong?
Richard: I'm fine.
Nina holds a meeting with Tom and Diana at NTAC.
Nina: So what, so Collier planned to spend 30 million dollars funding mercenary activity in Sal Tomey?
Tom: They've had three coups since their independance in1975. My guess? Collier was trying to buy them before.
Nina: Did Gary happen to hear while Collier's so interested in an island of the west coast of Africa?
Diana: Without his medication, we're lucky to have got that much out of him.
Tom: But we do know that Collier thinks he's heading towards a conflict with someone. NTAC, the entire government, I don't know. He installs a friendly government in Sal Tomey. It could have been a place to go when things heat up.
Diana: What, like a homeland for the 4400.
Nina: Too bad you can't prosecute a man for delusions of grandeur.
Tom: They're not delusions if you can make them come true. We're always one step behind Collier because we keep seeing him as some kind of cult nut. What we should be asking ourselves is, before Collier was abducted, did he ever set his mind to something and not get it done.
Diana: They didn't make him any dumber in that ball of light.
Tom: Yeah whatever. We wanted to know what Collier was thinking. Gary found out for us. Time to turn him over to NTAC medical, right?
Nina: Soon.
Diana: Soon?
Nina: The NSAECC know anytime we register a new 4400 ability. They have been leaning on. They've been leaning on DC to borrow Gary for an op they've got planned. No more cloak and dagger stuff. He'll sit in on a few conferences. You know how it is with diplomats. They don't always say what they think.
Tom: That wasn't the agreement I made with him.
Nina: The terms have changed. Gary's too valuable.
Tom: I gave him my word. You turning me into a liar?
Nina: You've been in the game almost 20 years. My guess is you've committed all the seven deadly sins, just like the rest of us.
Tom: I should have let him stay with Collier. He might have used him, but he would have helped him too. Don't you ever use me again!
He storms out of the room and Diana follows him. Later he walks alongside Gary as he's escorted out of the building by some men.
Gary: All I wanted was to play ball. You guys promised to help, but you can't do that, can you?
He walks away, but at the last minute turns to face Tom and Diana. He turns and walks out the door.
Diana: We're worried about the 4400. It's seems more and more like they should be worried about us.
Tom: You know that bar at Mel's. Corner of Lancaster and Third. You feel like joining me?
Diana: We don't go to bars.
Tom: I'm going tonight, with you or without you.
He walks away leaving her standing in the parking lot.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x03 - Voices Carry"} | foreverdreaming |
Le poids du monde
(2x04 : Weignt Of The World)
Flashbacks to the season opener, Wake Up Call.
Trent Applebaum [Abducted May 18th 1989] walks into a diner and sits with his head in his hands, as the waitress leans over and kisses him on the top of the head.
Elyse: How did it go today, Daddy? That bad, huh?
Applebaum: Nobody wants to buy time shares in Wilmington Idaho. Baha California, maybe.
Elyse: If I were you, I'd go in and tell them 'Either you let me have the good listings, or I quit'.
Applebaum: The whole staff wants Baha, honey and I don't have the seniority.
Elyse: How is that fair? You've been a salesman longer than any of them.
Applebaum: Salesman, not telemarketer! It's different.
Another man enters the diner.
Man: Hey, hey! Applebaum! Payday!
Applebaum makes a run for it but is blocked by another man.
Elyse: Leave him alone, he's trying to get it back!
His head is forced down onto a plateful of food.
Demetri: This your beer, Applebaum? You don't mind if I quench my thirst, do you?
Applebaum: Honey, stay back. Stay back!
Demetri sits on a stool next to him.
Applebaum: I just need a couple more weeks. Something will turn around.
Demetri: In my business, we hear every sobstory in the book. But I gotta tell you, yours is a new one. Disappeared 15 years ago, came back and my wife died. Daughter dropped out of school. You got a bad break, but you borrowed the money, now you have to pay me back.
Applebaum: I'll figure something out.
Demetri: Do it quickly, cos you and I are going to talk again in 48 hours. I thought you 4400's got special powers. How come you're such a big nothing.
Applebaum: Just lucky I guess.
Demetri drinks the rest of Applebaum's beer.
Demetri: Ah, that's cold. Thanks for the beer.
They let him go and start to walk out.
Richard and Lily are driving along.
Richard: We should reach Eric's place by tomorrow. It'll be nice to see a friendly face and be able to sleep in for a change.
Lily: Sounds good.
Richard: You like Eric, right? You guys got along in quarantine.
Lily: Richard I'm late. Like, I might be pregnant, late.
Richard: You sure?
Lily: No I'm not sure. I'm late.
Richard: Well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Lily: Wait and see?
Richard: Go to the drug store and maybe get one of those test things.
Lily: And what would you like it to say?
Richard: I'd like it to say congratulations. You have a job, a house and a future, you're ready for another child. But I don't think it's gonna say that.
Lily: No, probably not.
Two day's later.
Applebaum and his daughter are in their home counting money.
Applebaum: 31, 32, 33, 3400.
Louise: Well that should keep the creeps happy for a while.
Applebaum: I'm sorry about your car.
Louise: I'll ride a bus to work.
Applebaum: I'm sorry about the television.
Louise: I'll read a book.
Demetri is at the door. The man appears to be half the weight he was before.
Demetri: Applebaum the miracle man huh?. You notice anything different about me?
Applebaum: My God!
Demetri: 75 pounds in two days. At first I thought the termites had gotten me. I was sick. Cancer doctors ran all the tests. Turns out I'm fine, but how could I lose all that weight? Then I thought of you. Me and you, we share a bottle of beer and you're one of those 4400's.
Applebaum: What does that prove?
Demetri: Nothing yet, but let's find out.
Demetri's wife is holding a bottle of water.
Demetri: I want you to take a sip, because if I'm right, and you made me lose all this weight, then the same thing should happen to my wife. Who though I love very much, I do, could stand to lose maybe 20 pounds.
Wife: 30. Go ahead. Drink up.
Demetri takes the money Applebaum has in his hand and puts it back in his pocket
Demetri: Applebaum. These people who took you, they set you up for life. They snatched up a bum salesman. They sent you back, the human diet.
Applebaum: The human diet. I like that.
He takes a drink from the bottle and hands it back to the woman, who takes a drink.
A crowd of photographers is gathered outside the 4400 centre. Jordan Collier is standing beside the pop diva, Chloe Granger.
Chloe: Thankyou. Thankyou. Reading Jordan's book was an absolute revelation. I bought copies for all my backup dancers and we discuss it every night after the show.
Collier: She cut her tour short.
Chloe: Yes, because I felt like I had to be here. Obviously, I am not one of the 4400, but I expect to be treated just like any other student here. If I am lucky enough to tap into an ability, I will use it to ensure the world a brighter future.
Collier: Congratulations Chloe Granger, you have achieved first key.
Everyone begins to clap as the key is held up. Shawn is also clapping and smiling.
Devon is standing beside Shawn.
Devon: Last year she was into Kabala.
Demetri and his wife are in their bathroom. She is standing on the scales.
Woman: That's amazing. I lost 23 pounds. I haven't weighed less than 130 since college.
Demetri: I told you Applebaum was a real hero, right?
Woman: You better not be harrassing him anymore.
Demetri: Honey, what we got from him was worth way more than what he owes me. Turn around.
Nina: Question of the day. Who is Trent Applebaum and why is the Drandex corporation calling me about him.
Tom: Applebaum disappeared in the late 80's.
Diana: He's in phone sales, right?
Nina: Well now he's selling himself. He claims that his saliva is a catalyst for weight loss.
Tom: Can Applebaum back his claim up?
Nina: He's got two satisfied customers. Married couple. One dropped 75 pounds, the other 23. Practically overnight.
Diana: My God! You've really got to hand it to the future on this one. If they really gave him this ability there could be a cure for obesity.
Tom: Yeah, or change the world.
Nina: It's about to change Trent Applebaum's world. He hired a lawyer, an agent. They were asking 20 million dollars but Durandex is in a bidding w*r with three other companies, so who knows where the final number will end up.
Diana: A 4400 selling exclusive rights to his ability. Is it legal?
Nina: Our lawyers are looking into an injunction, but at the moment no legislation specifically prevents it.
Tom: Then our guy stands to be a very rich man.
Diana: Maybe we should go see him.
Tom: Yeah, find out if he's really worth 20 million dollars.
Richard and Lily arrive at the home of Eric Papequash who was abducted on August 5th 1955.
Eric: Hey! Jet pilot!
Richard answers him in Native American.
Richard: Did I get it right?
Eric: Close enough.
They hug.
Eric: Hey, so you sounded a little freaked out on the phone. Anything I should know about?
Lily get's out of the car with Isabelle in her arms.
Richard: It's better that you don't.
Eric kisses Lily on the cheek.
Eric: Hey! Look at you two. Lovebirds from quarantine building B. This little cutie must be Isabelle. Your Daddy told me all about you.
Lily: I bet he did.
Eric: Well come on in. I'll show you guys the guest room, and maybe somebody's sleeping on the couch?
Lily rolls her eyes.
Kyle and Wendy walk on campus.
Kyle: A-. Not too shabby for my first college essay.
Wendy: It was a good paper. Well thought out.
Kyle: So what's the minus for?
Wendy: Well, I always like to leave a little bit of room for improvement.
Someone hands him a flyer for a party.
Kyle: Last day's of Pompeii.
Wendy: Yeah, they throw that party every year. You should go. Blow off some steam. You've earned it.
Kyle: I hate to go alone. You up for it?
Wendy: I probably flunked half the members of that frat. Not my scene. But don't let me stop you.
Tom and Diana are at Applebaum's house.
Applebaum: I don't know how it works. They put something inside me. One of those enzymes or whatever.
Tom: So someone drinks from the same glass you do, and they lose weight.
Elyse: Maybe we should give them a demonstration.
Applebaum: Cut it out Louise! She thinks she needs to lose eight pounds.
Elyse: Try ten.
Applebaum: Sweetie, you're beautiful. You don't need to lose anything.
Diana: He's right about that. You don't.
Applebaum: A lot of kids go to college when they're eighteen. Elyse had to take a job at the diner. We were apart for sixteen years, but while I was gone they gave me a way to make it up to her.
Diana: Mr Applebaum, no-one is telling you not to provide for your daughter.
Tom: But a 4400 putting his gift on the open market, is a first. Wanna make sure nobody get's taken advantage of. Not you, not the buyer, other 4400's.
Applebaum: You don't have to teach me about selling! I've been a salesman my whole life. Most of the stuff I pedal? Junk! But now I've got a product that everybody wants and only I can provide. I am the damn product! Nobody's putting Trent Applebaum back in the bottle!
Lily and Richard are joining Erics family and some guests at a barbecue in his garden.
Tara: My father fought in Korea. Infantry.
Richard: I flew an F36.
Tara: Eric told me. Daddy admired you guys. He said there were only 25 black pilots in the whole Airforce who were allowed to fly with everybody else.
Richard: There weren't a lot of us, that's true. You're the first person in a long time that's even mentioned the Korean w*r.
Tara: It was a big deal at our house. Veterans day, I'd be off from school. We'd always go to the parade.
Richard: Yeah, my Grandfather on my Mom's side, he'd take me too. Except it was called armistice day back then, for world w*r 1. He'd put on his full dress. Go march with his buddies.
Tara: Daddy looked so handsome in his uniform. I bet you did too.
Lily looks up and doesn't look happy.
Richard: Yeah well, too late.
Tara: He passed away two years ago this August.
Richard: I'm sorry to hear that.
Tara: Thankyou. He would have really loved to have met you too.
Eric is cooking on the barbecue.
Eric: The guy was 81. He was born 4 years after I was.
Mrs Papequash: Well luckily, I like older men.
David: So Richard. We know what you were up to in 1951. How about lately?
Richard: Well I've been working as an auto mechanic.
David: Oh really? So what brings you to this part of the country? It's kind of remote for a vacation.
Lily is looking more and more uncomfortable and unhappy.
Eric: They came to see me. Us 4400's, we gotta stick together. We have a bond that you mere humans will never understand.
David: Eric, you freak me out when you talk that 4400 unity crap.
There's an awkward silence.
Mrs Papesquash: Not really much of a talker, are you Lily.
Lily: I'm not really used to being in social situations these days.
David: Now you are a lucky man. This one here. Well its yap, yap, yap.
He heads over to his wife.
David: But I guessed you already noticed that, didn't you?
Mrs Papsquash: I have to pee for about the 75th time today.
Lily: I have to change Isabelle.
Diana and Maia are looking through a book of tatoo's, while April leans over the back of the sofa.
Maia: I like this one.
Diana: Oh they're all beautiful. I just like them better when they're in this book than I do on someone's shoulder.
April: You don't get it Di. These drawings, they're not mean't to live on the page. They're mean't to live on the skin.
Diana: That's very deep. But you're right, I don't get it.
Maia: I do.
April: Ok, you've got to let this brilliant little girl swing by ink tomorrow.
Diana: It's a tattoo shop.
April: A body art emporium. And for five hours tomorrow, I'm the featured artist.
Maia: You must be pretty good. Can't we go? Just for a little while?
Diana: One hour.
Back at the 4400 center. Shawn is walking in a corridor as Devon passes by.
Devon: Oh Shawn, have you seen Chloe's schedule?
Shawn: Why would I have seen Chloe's schedule, Devon?
Devon: She has an interview with Us Weekly at 3 'o'clock tomorrow.
Shawn: Ok. Well hopefully she'll mention the center.
Devon: But her nutrition and purification class is at 3 'o'clock.
Shawn: Yep, I think I heard Jordan say she was excused from that. She's been on a macrobiotic diet for three years.
Devon: Or so she say's.
Shawn: Look, I'm sure Jordan plans on treating Chloe like any other student. Ok?
Cut to Jordan and Chloe in bed together.
Applebaum is at the diner, pacing frantically whilst talking into a phone.
Applebaum: No! I don't wanna wait. I want to close. Just tell them it's done and I'll be in tomorrow. Alright, thanks Len.
Elyse: How much?
Applebaum: 40 million dollars.
Elyse screams with joy and hugs him.
Demetri is at a restaurant with his wife, eating dinner. Food is piled high on the table and he motions to a waiter.
Demetri: Hey, where's the next round. Come on!
Waiter: It's on it's way. But sir, this'll be your fourth steak.
Wife: Hey, we're hungry!
Waiter: Ok. Ok. I'd just hate to see you make yourself sick.
Demetri: No-one is sick, ok? We're hungry. We're starving. Now go! Go! Take your hands of the plates. Go! I'm starving.
Collier opens the door of his room to find Shawn standing outside.
Shawn: Morning....you're not dressed. Those guys from Arkan films are here to pitch us.
Collier: Ah, the recruitment video. Yeah well, you can handle that meeting, can't you?
Shawn: Well yeah, sure, if you're too busy, yeah.
Chloe comes out of the bedroom.
Chloe: Hey! I guess Jordan's getting a late start this morning. My bad! I'm just gonna jump in the shower, ok?
Collier: A shower sounds good, Chloe. Close your mouth, Shawn. You'll draw flies.
Shawn: One on one tutoring with a first key. That's new.
Collier: First key or not, Chloe demands, deserves, a different level of attention. She's our entree, Shawn, into the entertainment community.
Shawn: Jordan you have an entire chapter in your book that rips celebrity culture. It's a cancer that seperates people, that helps define the haves and have nots?
Collier: 4400 culture is all about unity. Please Shawn, do not quote me back to myself. The fact is, celebrities have deep pockets and deeper insecurities. We can use both to our advantage.
Shawn: You can be a manipulative prick, you know that?
Collier: Yeah well, it helps to use your entire skills set, when you're trying to change the world.
Richard is in Erics workshop.
Eric: You and Lily should think about putting down some roots here. I think all this running is fraying you both around the edges.
Richard: You've noticed that.
Eric: Hard not to. You can do a lot worse than White Bird. It's quiet. Everyone minds their own business. Eventually, you're gonna have to stop criss crossing the highways. Might as well do it here before you run out of road.
Richard: Thankyou by the way, for not asking what we're running from.
Eric: I figured if you wanted me to know, you'd tell me. Look Richard, I got all the work I can handle up in Livingston, keeping up these movie stars second homes. We could use a hand.
Richard: You offering me a job?
Eric: They used to call us handymen. Now we're property managers. Either way you'd be working with me, not for me.
Applebaum is at Drandix Laboratories signing the contract
Employee: And if you'd just sign right here.
He signs and passes the paperwork back.
Employee: As agreed. Your signing bonus.
He's given a cheque for 1 million dollars.
Applebaum: When do I start?
Chloe is undergoing some therapy at the center. Shawn and Devon look in from a window above.
Therapist: You're making breakfast. As you pour the milk over your cereal, you notice that there's a photo of a missing child on the side of the carton. Takes you a moment to realise it's a picture of you at ten years old.
Chloe: This is giving me chills. Whose making this stuff up?
Devon turns to Shawn.
Devon: What a moron.
Shawn: Devon, do not let Jordan hear you say that. The two of them hooked up last night, Yeah, and by the looks of it, probably this morning too.
Back with Chloe and the therapist.
Therapist: There's a telephone number on a missing person's report. It's the number of your childhood home.
Devon can later be seen sitting on a stairwell, crying.
Lily and Richard are on Erics porch.
Lily: Stay here? You mean permanently?
Richard: It's a nice town. Eric say's I can start work tomorrow. Look Lily. We gotta get you off the road. Especially if you're pregnant again.
Lily: I'm not.
Richard: You sure?
Lily: Positive. Please don't try and pretend you're not relieved.
Richard: Relieved? Lily, I was trying to wrap my head around it, that's all. Especially if we're not going to be running anymore.
Lily: I don't like this place, Richard. Isabelle thinks it's....
Richard: Oh!! Let me guess. We should move on.
Lily: I was hoping we could go to Salem Oreon. I have some relatives there. I think they may be willing to help us out and keep quiet about it.
Richard: Salem? That's a city.
Lily: Maybe we could get lost in a crowd for a change.
Richard: This place, this life, feels right to me.
Lily: This is Eric's life. This is not yours. It's not ours.
She takes his hand, but he brushes her away and walks away.
Diana is in the office on the phone. Tom is standing in the background listening.
Diana: No, this is not my negotiating stance. This is my answer. No! Goodbye!
She puts down the phone.
Tom: So let me guess. The answers no?
Diana: That was a rep from the yoyotron corp. They wanna sign Maia to a three hundred thousand dollar a year holding contract.
Tom: But Maia doesn't have any ability anymore.
Diana: Well you don't need any to make these deals. They're signing 4400's up on spec. They want them in their pocket in case something develops down the line.
Tom: Well you did the right thing by saying no.
Diana: Tom, about Maia...
Tom: What, she's ok isn't she?
Diana: She's fine. I've been trying to figure out the right time to tell you this. I probably should have done it right away but....You know those visions that Maia used to have? It turns out she was only pretending that they stopped.
Tom: How long have you known?
Diana: Not long. I only found out because I read her diary. It was an eyeful.
Tom: Are you gonna tell Jarvis?
Diana: I'd rather not turn my daughter's diary over to the government. Don't give me that look Tom. You kept Shawn's ability to yourself for quite some time.
Tom: I guess we're even now.
April is tattooing someone.
Billy: See how cool that looks? You're right, she's a real artist.
April: Oh, say it again Billy Boy. I don't think my sister heard you.
Diana: Wrong, I heard him. You're a star.
Billy: Believe it. As soon as I heard April was appearing here, I booked my time right away. So did pretty much all of my buddies.
Diana: It's impressive. I'm proud of you.
April: Wait a minute. You didn't actually just say that you were proud of me?
Diana: Cut it out, of course I am.
April: I always thought you thought I was a loser.
Diana: Did you really think that?
April: Yeah I really did.
Diana: April!
Billy: All I said was that I liked the tattoo.
Maia: You don't always wear a helmet, do you? You should wear one tonight.
Billy: Why's that?
Maia: You won't make it over to Monica's house if you don't. Does that hurt.
Billy: How do you know about my girlfriend?
Maia: I really think you should wear your helmet.
Kyle is at the Last Day's Of Pompeii party. Lot's of people, lot's of alcohol. Things suddenly shift and he finds himself alone outside. A shop window is smashed and a police car pulls up beside him. He has no idea what's happened and seems to have lost some time.
Applebaum get's out of a car and Demetri walks up to him, apparently ill.
Demetri: You k*lled her.
Applebaum: Demetri, what happened to you?
Demetri: My wife, she's gone. Doctors say she starved to death. I'm next. You k*lled us both.
He falls the ground.
Tom storms into his house followed by Kyle.
Kyle: How many times am I supposed to tell you. I don't know how I got to that store and I sure as hell don't remember breaking any windows.
Tom: Not remembering is no excuse. And stop telling me somebody spiked your drink! The police ran tests Kyle, there was no GHB in your system.
Kyle: What else could it be?
Tom: You spent three years in a coma, you have no business drinking anything!!
Kyle: Ok, so I screwed up, I'm sorry. What more do you want?
Tom: How about acknowledging that this was serious. Do you know how close they were to charging you with breaking and entering. Which by the way is a felony. If I didn't play the NTAC card, you'd be sitting in a jail cell right now!
Kyle: Can I go to bed.
Tom: No! You wanna make up for lost time, Kyle. I get it, I get it. But we need to talk about some ground rules for you.
Kyle: I'm not a kid. I don't need ground rules.
Tom: I wouldn't know that from tonight.
The phone is ringing.
Kyle: Answer it.
Tom [Into Phone]: What? You're kidding me. Yeah, I'll be right in.
He get's his coat
Tom: We'll finish this later.
Kyle: What happened to laying down the law? Oh right, something more important came up.
Tom: Just go upstairs Kyle. Just go upstairs.
Richard is walking down a street at night. Tara pulls up beside him in a car.
Tara: Richard, what are you doing out here?
Richard: Oh, just getting some air.
Tara: Hop in, we'll give you a ride back.
He get's into the car. The Tara's husband David is sat in front beside her.
Tara: I was reading about your Air Force Unit on the internet yesterday.
Richard: No kidding. I looked at it a couple of times too.
Tara: You guys were the most decorated....
David: Tara! Will you stop pestering the man about his past?
Richard: It's ok. I don't mind
David: Well as long as we're gonna talk it, I gotta question for ya. What did a brother have to do back in the 50's, before they let you fly a plane, huh? Polish the officers boots on the weekends?
Tara: David!
David: No, no, I'm serious. I'm wondering. You all must have done some serious bowing and scraping before they handed you them keys, right?
Tara: That is enough! I'm so sorry, Richard.
Richard: No problem. With some people, the less they know, the more they talk.
David: Oh I know some things. A lot more than you realise.
Tara: What's that supposed to mean?
David: You need to quit fawning over the man and keep your mouth closed.
Richard: Why don't you just let me out right here.
David: Hey! You sit back and relax, huh? Cos this here? It's called marriage. That's all. You know what I'm talking about.
Applebaum goes to see Tom at NTAC.
Applebaum: Demetri's d*ad?
Tom: Organ failure resulting from malnutrition, just like his wife.
Applebaum: They were supposed to lose 20 or 30 pounds, not starve to death!
Tom: Are you sure there isn't anyone else? Family, friends.
Applebaum: No.
Tom: Did you kiss anyone? Share a drinking glass?
Applebaum: No, there's no-one else.
Diana enters the room.
Diana: We think we know what happened with the Kazarrs. There's a protein in your saliva that hyper accelerated their metabolism. It's a cagey one, too. It stimulates the brain to release ebonefron and it breaks down fat cells at the same time.
Tom: No wonder they b*rned off calories faster than their bodies could take them in.
Diana: Well they could eat anything and everything and still starve to death.
Applebaum: That doesn't make any sense. We're supposed to be helping people, right? That's why we were sent back? All I wanted was to make good for my daughter. Now I'm a m*rder.
Tom: You didn't mean to do it, Trent.
Applebaum: That's supposed to make me feel better?
Diana: We're going to have to keep you here and try to find a way to remove the protein from your system.
Tom: Look, the good news is, we caught it early. A lot more people could have been infected.
Applebaum: Oh no, I was at Drandix this morning. I spent two hours in their lab giving tissue samples.
Tom goes to Drandix.
Employee: Look, this isn't my fault and I have the documents to prove it.
Tom: How many people did you test.
Employee: Look, my bosses, they wanted a clinical trial up and running by the end of the day. They said make it your top priority.
Tom: How many!!
Employee: A hundred.
Back at the 4400 center, medics rush past Shawn.
Shawn: Hey, hey, hey, what's going ont? What's going on?
Devon is taken out on a stretcher.
Later Shawn and Collier get out of an elevator.
Shawn: Why would Devon try to k*ll herself?
Collier: Obviously, she's a very troubled young girl.
Shawn: But she's going to be ok, though?
Collier: They were able to pump her stomach out at the emergency room. She's at home recovering. But I think, what we need to do right now is to continue our work.
Shawn walks off.
Kyle talks to Wendy on campus.
Wendy: Kyle, if the cops say you didn't get G'd, you have to believe them, right?
Kyle: They could have screwed up the test. I didn't drink that much.
Wendy: Well maybe your Dad's right. Maybe you shouldn't drink at all.
Kyle: If it was just the booze.
Wendy: Well what else could it have been?
Kyle: When I first came out of my coma, I wasn't quite myself. I hope it's not happening again.
Wendy: I don't know exactly what you mean, but if you're losing chunks of time, you should talk to your Dad about it.
Kyle: What's he gonna do? Turn me over to NTAC medical? I'm not going back into quarantine. No way.
Richard is working on his car in front of Eric's house. David pulls up in his car and storms over.
Richard: If you're looking for Eric....
David punches him in the face.
David: Now there's your g*dd*mn apology.
Richard: What are you talking about?
David: She was at me all morning. Richard this, Richard that. I should go apologize. From here on in, you stay the hell away from my wife.
Richard: You're crazy right? I've got nothing going on with your wife. You'd better step away or take a deep breath or something.
David: Man I step where I please.
He swings another punch, but Richard blocks it and throws him over the hood of his car, wrenching his arm up behind his back.
Richard: Now listen to me. You're gonna go home and you're gonna apologise to Tara. If you've got any brains at all, you're gonna start treating her better. Cos if you don't, one day someone's going to take her away from you. Now get your ass outta here!
David get's back into his car.
Applebaum and Tom are wandering among the Drandix test subjects.
Tom: Trent, this isn't helping.
Applebaum:I had to see what I did.
Tom: You want to do something, get back to the lab. Help them work on a way to counter this.
Applebaum: Just let me call Elyse first. She'll be wondering where I was all night.
Tom hands him his phone. The phone rings at his house and we see Elyse lying on the kitchen floor gasping for breath. Around her there are many plates full of food.
Elyse [into phone]: Help me!
Applebaum: Elyse?
Elyse: Daddy? Help me.
Applebaum sits at Elyse's bedside.
Elyse: Sorry. I just wanted to lose ten pounds.
Applebaum: Baby, I told you, you were perfect.
Elyse: I used one of your water glasses.
Applebaum: We're gonna get you help. We're gonna get everybody help.
Tom is watching from a window above. Diana walks in.
Diana: Tom, we got something.
Tom: What? Tell me.
Diana: Well I asked the guys downstairs if we could approach this like a smallpox vaccine. Use trace amounts of the adogen to build resistance and counter the effects of the disease.
Tom: People are starving to death.
Diana: Yes, because of a chemical reaction. Now they biopsied Trents liver. That's where the protein is coming from.
Tom: So if we can extract this protein.
Diana: They can make a serum that will stimulate antibody production of the victims. But they're gonna have to harvest tissue to do it.
Tom: How much of his liver would you have to use?
Diana: How much time do we have? They wanna take all of it.
Lily is standing at Erics gate at night. Richard walks up behind her and kisses her on the forehead.
Lily: I've never seen a sunset like that. You know, when it takes forever to go down? It's like it doesn't wanna give up the sky.
Richard: It's a pretty sky. Worth holding onto. I'm sorry.
Lily: What for?
Richard: Letting you believe for a second that I wouldn't wanna have another child with you. I wanna build a future for us. I just need to get my feet under me first.
Lily: Maybe if we stay here, you can. I mean it Richard. You love it here. I don't wanna stand in the way of that.
Richard: Sure hate to give up that sky.
Lily: Me too.
Tom, Diana and Applebaum are walking through a corridor.
Applebaum: Are you sure this will work?
Diana: Oh, it's Elyse's only sh*t. Her and all the others.
Tom: We've got a matching donor lined up. It's still a big risk, but say the word and the liver's on it's way.
Applebaum:Ok then. You wanna close this deal? Here's the fine print.
Tom: You want Elyse to go to school? It's already done. We talked to Drandix and they've agreed to open up a college fund in her name.
Applebaum: Sold.
Tom: Great.
Later at Devons house. Shawn has brought a vase of flowers.
Shawn: Your Mom put them in a vase for me. She's a very nice lady.
Devon: They're very pretty, Shawn, but you didn't have to.
Shawn: Well I wanted to.
Devon: I hope Jordan's not too upset.
Shawn: No, no. Hey.
Devon: He's probably too busy with his pet superstar.
Shawn: Devon. What are you doing thinking about Jordan and Chloe, right now? Hey
She begins to cry.
Devon: You have no idea how I feel about him. How deep it runs. I worship Jordan, for everything he's given me. For allowing me to be so close to him. He took me to a place I never thought possible.
Shawn: Devon, are you telling me that you and Jordan??
Devon: Jordan's heart is full of love. He shares that love with me as an honour. An honour that Chloe doesn't deserve. She's not a real student of Jordans.
Billy knocks on Diana's door. His arm is in a sling.
April: Hey! God, what happened to you?
Billy: I left the shop the other night and got h*t by a car on my way out of the parking lot.
Maia: But you were wearing your helmet, weren't you?
Billy: Yeah. The Doctor said it saved my life. How did you know that was gonna happen to me.
April: Childrens intuition.
Maia: I'm glad you're ok.
Billy: Yeah, me too.
He takes her hand.
Chloe is leaving the center.
Collier: It's a shame to lose you so soon.
Chloe: It sucks, huh? I thought my Atlanta dates were pushed. Now they thr*at to sue if I don't show.
Collier: You've made such progress in such a short period of time. Believe me, that doesn't happen very often.
Chloe: Well, I sure as hell hope not. You know me Jordan. I like feeling special.
Collier: You are.
Chloe: This was amazing. I can't wait to get back here. Bye.
She leaves. Shawn walks up behind Jordan.
Shawn: Talk about a quick study. Third key status in less than a week, huh?
Collier: Noblesse oblige, Shawn. She benefits and so do we.
Shawn: It's too bad all of the women that you screw, don't share the same benefits.
Collier: That's cheap and childish. I expect more of you.
Shawn: I know the feeling.
Tara rushes into Eric's house.
Tara: I'm so sorry you two.
Richard: What's wrong?
Tara: It's David. He just looked on the website for the 4400's. It said that you two were missing. That you hadn't reported in the way that you were supposed to. I heard him on the phone just now. He's reporting you guys to the government.
Richard and Lily say their goodbyes.
Eric: Sorry about that idiot David, man. I'd love to have you two around.
Richard: Thanks.
Eric gives him some money
Richard: Oh, I can't....
Eric: Take it man. Call it a downpayment on your next house, wherever that may be.
Mrs Papesquash: Hope you find a safe place.
Lily: Thought it was here.
They get into the car and drive away.
Tom and Diana are pushing Elyse in her wheelchair.
Elyse: Is my Dad gonna be ok?
Diana: He's gonna be in intensive care for a while, but the transplant, it went well.
Tom: Your Dad's a hero.
She looks in through the window of her father's room.
Elyse: I'm gonna tell him that when he wakes up.
Back at the 4400 center.
Collier: If you have something to say, now would be a good time.
Shawn: Oh, you know what? You want to hand out keys like they're junk mail, you be my guest.
Collier: That woman will play to 20,000 people every night, wearing our insignia, promoting our image.
Shawn: Image? How does nailing your secretary help our image, Jordan?
Collier: I'm not perfect. I never intended to be.
Shawn: I don't need perfection. I just want you to stop giving me reason to think of you as some kind of hypocrite.
Collier: When you're running this place Shawn. You can behave as nobly as you'd like.
Shawn: Meaning what?
Collier: Meaning, one day all of this will be yours. The paperworks been drawn up. The lawyers know what to do. Everything's in place.
Shawn: But you're not going anywhere.
Collier: Nevertheless. I sleep better, knowing my life's work is in the hands of the saintly, the unsullied, Shawn Farrell.
Nina: So we thought we had a cure for the world's obesity problems.
Tom: Yeah, it's good, we've got two d*ad bodies. A hundred other people in recovery and one corporation scrambling to cover it's ass.
Diana: It looks like the great 4400 gold rush is over.
Nina: Making the point of this little excercise, what exactly?
Diana: Maybe they got it wrong. They thought they had a cure, but they didn't. I mean, they're from the future but they're still Human Beings, right?
Marco: Let's not rush to judgement. We know rapid weight loss has an effect on the Human body, but if the purpose of this protein is to provoke metabolic chemical change, it could have other applications. Like uh, I don't know, breaking down toxic waste.
Diana: It could rid the ocean of pollutants. Maybe even repair the ozone layer.
Tom: So in other words, the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Marco: That's all they are right now though, possibilities. We're years away from practical use.
Nina: With his new liver, Applebaum won't be able to produce the chemical anymore.
Marco: He doesn't have to. Now that we've got it isolated, we could reproduce it and find out what we've really got here.
Tom: So Trent earned his golden parachute after all? Maybe his daughter could study chemistry in college.
Tom returns home to find Kyle in the kitchen.
Kyle: Hey.
Tom: Alright, there won't be any interruptions at my end.
He switches his phone off.
Tom: This a good time to talk?
Kyle: Yeah. Um, I never said thanks for getting me off the hook with the cops.
Tom: Look Kyle, I know you're gonna make mistakes. I did when I was your age. The only thing I ask is that you let me help you learn from them.
Kyle: Makes sense.
Tom: So I just need to know. You told me everything that happened that night, right?
Kyle looks at him for a moment.
Kyle: Yeah.
Kyle is in his bedroom and he looks in the mirror which begins to warp his image. He see's himself grabbing his head in pain and then see's back to the night of the party and the shop front. He stares at himself in horror
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x04 - Weight Of The World"} | foreverdreaming |
Génération perdue
(2x05 : Suffer The Children)
**Previously on The 4400**
Flashbacks to previous episodes.
Diana tells Tom that Maia is still having visions.
Lily turns up at her home for the first time after being abducted.
Shawn warns Collier about going near Isabelle.
Wendy tells Kyle that he should seek help regarding his blackouts.
Shawn is racing down the stairs at the center.
Male: Shawn, we need you!
Jordan is on the floor in the foyer, writhing in pain. Shawn rushes to him and holds his head in his hands.
Shawn: Jordan?
He uses his power to heal him.Later they sit and talk.
Collier: You don't have to keep visual, Shawn.
Shawn: Are you going to cancel the appearance at River Front Park?
Collier: No. That would be a mistake. They're not just honouring me, they're honouring the center and all the work we've done.
Shawn: A new neurological clinic just opened in Atlanta.
Collier: Now look, look....
Shawn: Shhh!
Collier: I've been to all the specialists Shawn. There's no name for what I have.
Shawn: We can't just give up. There's gotta be a way to figure out what that baby did to you.
Collier: I know what that baby did to me. It saved my life.
Shawn: What? What are you talking about?
Collier: When I touched Lily's pregnant belly and was h*t with that pain, I realised I'd been judged and found wanting.
Shawn: By a baby that wasn't even born yet?
Collier: In that moment, I was forced to see the truth about myself. About my motives towards the 4400. And they were....not pure.
Shawn: That baby tried to k*ll you.
Collier: And it succeeded. It k*lled the old Jordan Collier and I was reborn. Pure of purpose. All I've done since, everything I've built, I owe to Richard, to Lily and to that child.
Richard and Lily are in a room. There's a knock at the doo.
Richard: I'll get it.
He answers the door to find Heidi and her father standing there.
Richard: Hey!
Brian: Hi!
Richard: Come in!
They enter the room.
Richard: Lily! Look who's here!
Lily get's to her feet holding Isabelle
Brian: We would have called but Heidi wanted to surprise you.
Lily: Heidi.
Heidi: Hi Mom. She's so cute.
Brian: Now that you guys are living on the block, I figured it was time for Heidi to meet her real mom.
Heidi turns to Richard.
Heidi: And that makes you my second Dad.
Richard laughs.
Richard: I guess so.
Sounds of Lily crying can be heard, although Lily is not crying in the scene.
Heidi: Mom, why are you crying?
Brian: Lily are you alright?
Richard and Brian: Lily?
Lily wakes up from the dream. They're still in the car.
Richard: Lily. Lily. Sweetheart, wake up!
Lily: It was a dream.
Richard: More like a nightmare.
Lily: Oh no. We were living next door to Heidi and Brian. We were all getting along and the house, Richard, it was so pretty.
Richard: Well why were you crying?
Lily: Guess I knew it wasn't real. How long can we keep going before someone catches up to us?
Richard: We just gotta keep moving. Stay ahead of Collier and NTAC.
Lily: I'm just so tired of running.
Richard: We're gonna find a place to stop running. It's out there. Gotta be.
Fairview, Washington
A young boy is playing the violin while a girl accompanies him on the piano. Their teacher is Heather Tobey, one of the 4400 who disappeared on March 2nd 1974. She watches their performance and smiles. She then wanders through the classroom where many children are concentrating on different things. Painting, music etc. She bends down to a young girl who is painting.
Heather: You've come so far. That's so good.
She walks up to another boy who is also painting.
Heather: Nice use of colour.
Another boy is sitting at a table drawing a comic strip.
Heather: It's shaping up great, but I think it could use some work.
Greg: That's as good as it gets.
He show's no interest and continues to read his magazine. Heather kneels beside him and looks into his eyes, whilst placing her hand on his shoulder.
Greg: Don't waste your time.
The Head Teacher [Herman] walks into the room accompanied by a sheriff.
Herman: Miss Tobey? Would you come with us please?
Child: What's the sheriff doing here?
They walk out into the hallway.
Heather: Herman! Herman! Sam! What's this all about.
Sam [Sheriff]: Miss Tobey, I'm placing you under arrest.
The other officer places her in handcuffs while the children look on.
Heather: Arrest? For what?
Sam: Child abuse.
Heather: Oh my God!
Susan is at Toms house. She sits at a table while Tom walks in from the kitchen and pours her some coffee.
Tom: Look, you know the kids birth certificate say's that he's 21. But emotionally, Kyle is still a teenager. We gotta accept the fact that he's gonna screw up and be a teenager.
Susan: He'll learn from his mistakes. Get it out of his system. But Shawn....It's been a year. How could he cut us out like that?
Tom: Danny, he's eating himself up inside. He used to be such a sweet boy.
Tom: Yeah, I remember what Pop used to say. If you think you've got problems, wait till you become a parent.
Susan: Little did we know.
Kyle and Danny are in Kyle's bedroom playing videogames.
Kyle: You know, I bet they're talking about us downstairs.
Danny: That's what they live for. If they didn't have us to worry about, they'd die of boredom. Seen you around campus.
Kyle: Saw you too. Why didn't you say something?
Danny: It's been like, four years. I mean, what was I supposed to say? Welcome back from coma world? I don't know, I guess seeing you reminded me of Shawn. You two were always so tight.
Kyle: And you were like our shadow. Where you going? Can I come too?
Danny: I thought you guys were so cool. I was 14, what did I know? Mom say's you talked to him?
Kyle: I don't think he heard me.
Danny: Yeah. I used to blame Shawn for everything. Stealing Nikki, running out on us the way he did. Breaking Mom's heart. But it wasn't his fault. The bastard's who took him, sent him back a freak. They're the one's.
Kyle: Guess they screwed us all up.
Collier is making a speech, in a park.
Collier: Well I want to thank Councilman Lowe on behalf of the 4400 center, for this wonderful offer. In funding this clean up project, I wanted to pay tribute not only to the glories of the past, but to the promise of the future. I believe that the actions we take and the choices we make, will create the kind of future that we and our children and their children, will live in.
A large banner hangs above his head, saying the words 'Protect The Future'.
Collier: Thankyou.
The audience applauds.
Two teenagers [possibly early twenties] are taking food from the table, when they're grabbed by security guards.
Liv: Hey! Come on! Get your hands off of me! You want to break it? Stop it!
Shawn walks over.
Shawn: Hey! What's the deal?
Guard: These people don't belong here.
Liv: No, you're the one's who don't belong here! This used to be our home before you scumbags decided to make everything beautiful and kicked us out!
Shawn: It's ok, you can let them go.
Guard: They were stealing food.
Shawn: Well last time I checked, the food was free. Don't make me pull rank. Come on.
Guard: Yes sir, Mr Farrell.
Shawn: Thankyou.
The guard walks away.
Liv: Big sh*t, huh? I'm impressed.
Shawn: I'm really sorry that we trashed your home. I am.
Male: You should be. It's a hell of a lot warmer here than crashing near the Arnheim [sp] Bridge.
Liv: So this stuff's free, right?
Shawn: Yes, absolutely. Please be my guests.
Liv: Yeah, we will. Protect the future huh? Gotta have one first.
Shawn walks away.
Diana and Tom make their way to the car park to head off to Fairview, to meet with Heather.
Diana: Even on the map, the area seems far away.
Tom: It's four hours, tops.
Diana: This is my first time spending the night away from Maia.
Tom: Isn't your sister with her? The one with all the tattoo's? Sorry.
Diana: Those beer kegs Kyle ordered should be showing up right about now.
Tom: Have you read these charges? Teacher accused of reckless endangerment. Placing the students health, safety and welfare at risk. Could that be any more vague?
Diana: Well that could be anything from grabbing them on the arms to touching them on the privates, or maybe she did nothing.
Tom: Nothing would be my vote. A 4400 serial k*ller is bad enough. A 4400 child molester?
Angry parents arrive at the school.
Venner: Damn right we don't want her back! Not now, not ever!
Herman: Look! I don't know what's gonna happen with Miss Tobey!
Male: She's out on bail, right?
Herman: That's right and her bond was paid by parents from this school.
Venner: If they're not worried about their kids then we'll worry for them. Ask Saller [SP], he'll tell them. His kid was abused. Same as Melinda and Kay.
Tom and Diana enter.
Tom: What about your child, Mr uh...
Venner: Venner! Frank Venner. It's not like she didn't try with my boy. Greg just happened to be one of the lucky ones.
Diana: Tried what?
Venner: Now who the hell are you two?
Diana: I'm agent Skouris, this is agent Baldwin. We're with NTAC.
Male: Great! You got here just in time.
Venner: Yeah, the cops let her go. You can take her to quarantine or stick her back in jail!
Crowd: Put her away. Lock her up.
Tom: She hasn't been found guilty of anything yet.
Venner: She's a 4400 isn't she? She should never have been allowed back in this school in the first place.
Tom and Diana walk down the school hallway with Herman.
Diana: According to the preliminary exams, none of the kids showed any signs of abuse.
Tom: No marks, no bruises?
Herman: No physical signs at any rate.
Diana: So what are we talking about. Some kind of mental abuse?
Herman: Personally, I'm not convinced it's abuse at all, but there's no denying that some of the students have been changed.
Tom: Changed? In what way?
They get to see some of Heathers students demonstrate their individual talents. A boy plays a violin for them.
Diana: That was beautiful
Violinist: I guess.
Tom: You're telling me, two weeks ago you'd never played a violin?
Violinist: Never even touched one.
Another boy sits in front of them with his paintings on display.
Artist: Hey, I only took this class cos art appreciation's supposed to be a guaranteed A. You're supposed to learn about d*ad painters and stuff.
A girl excitedly tells them about her work.
Sculptor: It's so cool. I look at a bunch of clay and see the figure I wanna mould. I just carve away the pieces I don't need and there it is.
Gregs turn. He sits there sullenly.
Greg: You should see the way she stares at you. Like she's drilling a hole. Trying to get in there, rearrange your brain.
Back with the violinist.
Violinist: One minute she was touching my shoulder. The next thing I remember, she was handing me a violin.
The boy with the paintings continues.
Artist: Man, I'm standing there wondering, 'What the hell am I doing with a paintbrush in my hand?'
The sculptor.
Sculptor: And then I see this block of clay and it was like, 'Where have you been all my life?'
Artist: My Dad's big dream was to get me a football scholarship. It used to be my dream too, but this painting stuff, I'm really into it now.
Violinist: Miss Tobey's the best teacher I've ever had in my life.
Greg: My Dad say's, these kids may seem normal now, but in like, two years, they may develop like, brain tumours, go blind, crazy, who knows? You guys should throw her back in jail.
Tom has his head in his hands.
Diana: Your Dad. He wouldn't be Frank Venner by any chance, would he?
Greg: How did you know?
Tom: Oh just, wild guess.
They later visit Heather at her home and all three sit around the table talking.
Heather: Hurt my students? That's so ridiculous.
Diana: Well it's not ridiculous to these parents. People get scared when they don't recognise their kids.
Heather: But they're still the same kids. I just find what's already inside them and help bring it out.
Tom: How do you do that?
Heather: I study them. Sometimes there's a light in their eyes, like a tiny flame. And while I'm watching, it get's brighter. That's when I know there's something in them. Something beautiful.
Diana: So this light. Have you seen it in anyone else?
Heather: It doesn't seem to work with grown-ups. It doesn't work with every kid, either. Like this one boy, Greg Venner? I keep looking but so far....
Diana: I think his Father's pretty adamant that you stop looking.
Heather: Frank? I taught Frank. He was one of my first students back in '72. The fact is, I probably taught have the parents that are out to get me. This is crazy! I haven't done anything wrong! I need to get back to my kids. The people who took me....it can't be an accident they gave me t his wonderful gift. That's why they sent me back. To use it.
Lily is behind the wheel of the car, waiting for Richard who has gone into a store. A police car pulls up beside her. Two officers get out and walk into the store. Richard looks up worriedly, grabs something from the shelf and walks to the checkout. One of the policemen watches him as he leaves.
Officer: Tyler? Richard Tyler. Richard Tyler.
Richard looks out at Lily and signals her to drive off, which she does.
Richard: Yes, I'm Richard Tyler.
Liv and Wayne arrive at their makeshift home under the bridge.
Liv: Wayne coughed up a lung for ten hours. What have we got to show for it? Less than twenty bucks.
The others are sat eating pizza.
Wayne: What have I gotta do? Die to make a living?
Liv: Who scored the feast?
Male: No-one. It's your friend's treat.
Woman: Hey Shawn! Look who showed.
Shawn: I was in the mood for pizza. Didn't feel like eating alone, so....
Liv: My very own fairy Godfather. Or are you just some rich boy looking to rent some down and dirty for the night.
Shawn: I'm not here for that.
Liv: What's the matter, am I not good enough for you?
Shawn: Maybe I'm not good enough for you.
Liv: I can get behind that.
She turns to her friends.
Liv: Yo Wayne! Pepperoni!
She turns to Shawn.
Liv: You gonna stand there and watch or you gonna sit down and eat?
Lily phones Brian from her car.
Brian: Hello?
Lily: Brian, it's me, Lily.
Brian: Lily, where are you? You know, NTAC's been calling me all summer, trying to find you.
Lily: Brian look, I need your help. Richard, he's been arrested. You're a lawyer. I need you to call the Sheriff's office in Weldon, Idaho. See what you can find out.
Brian: Well look, I don't know what I can do for the guy, I'm not a criminal lawyer.
Lily: Brian, if you don't wanna help.
Brian: I swear to God Lily! You disappear for over a year and then you call me up with stories about the police arresting your boyfriend.
Lily: Richard's my husband. We have a child. A six month old girl. How's Heidi?
Brian: She's good. Started seventh grade. It's her first semester.
Lily: That's wonderful. Brian, I'm sorry to be bothering you with this but I have nowhere else to turn.
Brian: Ok, I'll make a few calls and do whatever I can.
Tom and Diana go to visit the violinist's father at work.
Father: I gotta admit. When Mike first came home with that violin and started playing, his Mom and me, we were both a little spooked.
Diana: So why did you help pay Heather's bail.
Father: I would have paid the whole thing if I could have afforded it. My wife, uh, she sh*t a video of Mike playing, sent it over to the conservatory? Next day they called back. Said our son was a prodigy.
Tom: Did you tell them he'd been playing for only two weeks?
Father: They thought I was putting them on. Talked about how his playing was worthy of scholarship. You know, I thought this kid was going to end up working on the assembly line, like his old man. Now he's got a way out.
Tom: Miss Tobey's at NTAC today for a physical. We're asking the parents of the students she's gifted, to come in to be interviewed.
Father: No problem, I'll call his Mom. We'll do anything we need to, to get Heather back in that classroom.
Tom: Great.
Diana: Thanks.
Shawn is back at the center telling Collier about his evening.
Shawn: You should have seen them chowing down on the pizza. Just getting enough to eat, you know? It's such a struggle.
Collier: And you made that struggle a little easier. I'm proud of you, Shawn.
Shawn: I'm thinking of going back down there. There's so much they need. Jackets, sleeping bags, maybe a couple of first aid kits? Just basic stuff to survive, you know?
Collier: You give them all the supplies they need.
Shawn: Alright.
Collier: But look, whatever you do Shawn, don't reveal your healing ability.
Shawn: Why? Cos they can't pay?
Collier: No. Because, if you heal one of them, you'll have to heal them all.
The phone rings.
Collier: I mean it. Not even you can do that.
Shawn leaves and Collier speaks into the phone.
Collier: Yeah! I'm listening. When was this?
Shawn is in a store with Wayne and Liv. They both begin to play guitars.
Liv: Sweet!
Shawn: I'm a little rusty.
Liv: One of these day's I'm gonna write a concept album. Put my talent on the street.
Shawn: Oh.
Liv: Gonna win a grammy. Get the bling bling. Get a a private jet. One of those big old gated houses. Enough room for Wayne, Kimmy and Shadow.
Shawn: Sounds like a plan.
Later, Shawn leaves the store to find her talking with friends. Wayne has bought a coat.
Liv: Yeah, matches the dress.
Shawn: Hey
Liv: First time in months I haven't seen him shivering.
Shawn: It's amazing what a warm coat will do.
Wayne: Yeah.
Liv: Got yourself that guitar, huh?
Shawn: No actually, you know what? I got you a guitar.
Woman: What's the matter baby girl? You act like you never had a present before.
Liv: It's been a while.
She picks up the guitar and looks at Wayne before walking away.
Liv: You touch this, you die
Wayne: Touch it, you die?
Shawn: I guess so.
Kyle and Danny take a walk through campus.
Kyle: I hate lies. I hate waiting, you know?
Danny: Trust me, there'll be no waiting tonight. I've been to this club plenty of times. I know the bouncer. He'll let us walk right in.
Kyle: I hope you're right. I hate waiting in line.
They pass a girl sitting on a bench, reading Collier's book.
Danny: Hey, that book you're reading is nothing but lies. Excuse me, I'm talking to you! That trash is gonna rot your mind.
Kyle: Danny.
Two guys appear. One hands the girl a coffee.
Male: What's going on?
Danny: She outta be careful. That book's a load of bull.
Male: I bought it for her.
Danny: Big mistake.
Male: I didn't ask your opinion.
Kyle: Danny. Come on man.
Danny: Just watch my back, ok? Listen pal, let me tell you a little something about cults.
He walks forwards towards the men.
Kyle experiences another blackout and finds himself standing in his kitchen pouring out a glass of juice. He jumps back in shock.
Richard is lying on a bed in a cell. The door is opened.
Richard: What's going on? You letting me go?
The guard stands to one side and Collier walks in.
Collier: Hello Richard.
Back under the bridge. Shawn is sat listening to Liv play the guitar.
Liv: What's with the filthy grin?
Shawn: Just the way that you bite your tongue when you're trying to concentrate.
Liv: I've been doing that since I was a kid.
Shawn: How long have you been in Seattle?
Liv: Two years. Left my Mom and her new boyfriend. Came out here for the music. Somehow my life took a weird turn.
Shawn: I've had a few of those myself.
Liv: What, you ran away from home too?
Shawn: Um, sort of. Except I lucked out and found a place to run to. Otherwise....
Liv: You would have wound up like the rest of us rejects?
Shawn: Something like that.
Liv: You're one of those 4400 guys huh? Can you make my eyes turn green? What, you able to walk on water?
Shawn: I like your eyes the way that they are. And I can hardly swim.
He hugs her.
Another man walks up.
Dewie: Well, what the hell is this?
Liv: Dewie.
She get's up and goes over to him.
Dewie: I see you've been keeping busy.
Liv: No baby, it's just some guy. He brought us some food and blankets.
Shawn: Look, who is this guy?
Liv: Shawn, you gotta go.
Dewie: I'd listen to her.
Shawn: What are you doing?
Dewie: Listen, she does whatever I tell her to do. Do you have a problem with that?
Shawn: Yeah, yeah I do.
Liv: Shawn please! You've done your good deed. Just go home, ok? Please?
Shawn: Come with me. Come with me.
Liv: And then what? Are you gonna rescue me? I don't wanna be saved. Get the hell outta here!
Dewie begins kissing her neck.
Liv: Go, I mean it! Go!!
He leaves.
Greg is getting ready for school when his father walks in.
Venner: Hey! You're not going back to that school. Not till that woman is gone!
Greg: But what about my other classes? I've got homework.
Venner: Since when do you care about school?
Greg: What, you want me to end up like you?
Venner: You watch your mouth!
Greg: I don't wanna fall behind!
Venner: Fall behind?With the grades you've been bringing home? You've been behind since your first report card.
Danny is angry at Kyle.
Tom: What, you just going to sit there, or are you going to talk to me. Cos I really think you owe me an explanation. You know those guys wanted to k*ll me and I turn around and my cousin's nowhere in sight.
Kyle: I don't know what happened.
Danny: Yeah, I know what happened. You ran out on me! It's a good thing that security guard was there.
Kyle: The other time I could blame it on the beer. You drink too much, you can black out, alright? But today, I didn't drink anything. I'm blacking out. Losing chunks of time. It's like they did something to my wiring.
Danny: They? Kyle, who you talking about?
Kyle: Same ones who took Shawn and put me in a coma. They left me messed up inside.
Danny: Hey man, you're scaring me.
Kyle: How do you think I feel?
Brian phones Lily.
Lily: Brian, any news?
Brian: Yes, I got hold of the Weldon authorities and Richard's been released from custody.
Lily: Oh thank God! When?
Brian: About an hour ago.
Lily: Why hasn't he called me?
Richard is sat in an interview room. Collier enters and sits opposite him at the table.
Collier: You sure you don't wanna call Lily? Let her know you're alright?
Richard: Am I?
Collier: You're in no danger from me, Richard. All I want is to make you an offer and if it's not to your liking, then you can walk out of here, you'll never see me again.
Richard: How much did you pay those cops to call you instead of NTAC? To get my picture into their hands?
Collier: My money, Richard.
Richard: Look, you said I was free to go after I heard your offer. You got one for me, make it.
Collier: I want you to come home. You and your family. To the 4400 center.
Richard: I don't think so.
Collier: You said you read my book. Which means you know why we were taken and what we're mean't to do. The future, the future rests in our hands, Richard. You, me, Lily. We are the chosen one's.
Richard: Come on Jordan. We both know this has got nothing to do with me or Lily. This is all about Isabelle.
Collier: Isabelle. Well that's a lovely name.
Richard: For once, why don't you say what you really want? To take her from us. Control us.
Collier: Your daughter is the future. I believed that then and I believe that now.
Richard: So what's changed?
Collier: I have.
Richard: I need more than your word.
Collier: Of course. Bring me to Isabelle. Let her judge me.
Richard: Isabelle's not coming anywhere near you.
Collier: What are you afraid of Richard? I'm the one at risk. I'm still suffering the after effects of our last encounter. Richard, it's simple. If I'm lying. If my motives are not pure, Isabelle will punish me accordingly. You'll be free of me once and for all. But if I'm sincere. If Isabelle accepts me, well then I can offer you and Lily and the child a new life. Stop running Richard.
Richard meets with Lily.
Lily: Forget it. It's not gonna happen. There's no way I'm gonna let Isabelle anywhere near that man.
Richard: But think about it. If Collier really has changed, it means we can get off the road. Stop running.
Lily: That's a big if.
Richard: He offered to act as a middle man between us and NTAC. Say's he can get them to back off.
Lily: And you believe him?
Richard: He's got lawyers. A whole organisation behind him. We can barely even pay for gas.
Lily: He's lied to us before. The man tried to destroy our relationship.
Richard: Ok, say he is lying. Maybe all of this is kind sort of trap.
Lily: To get his hands on our daughter.
Richard: He wants a face to face with Isabelle, I say we give it to him. You've seen what she's capable of. What she can do if she feels thr*at.
Lily: It still feels like an awfully big risk.
Richard: For Collier.
Diana and Tom take Heather back to the school. A group of angry parents begin shouting.
Crowd: Get out of here!
Herman: Welcome back Heather.
Heather: I'm sorry about all this.
Diana: Once the media loses interest, things will die down.
Tom: Until it does, we need to discuss how you intend to handle security.
Herman: Let me get Heather situated, then I'll meet you in my office.
Venner: Don't get comfortable, cos you're not staying!
Later, Greg walks into Heather's classroom.
Heather: Greg! Does your Father know that you're here?
He pulls out a g*n.
Greg: It's all your fault. Everything was ok until you showed up.
Heather: Greg, please put the g*n down.
Greg: No. You made me do this! I have no choice!
Heather: Yes you do. But only if you put the g*n away.
Greg: I can't be here anymore. My Dad won't let me. This is my last chance!
Heather: Greg, calm down. We....
Greg: No! Not until you change me. Like you did them! You have to. There's nothing to discuss.
Greg is losing control.
Greg: I'll take anything. Violin, painting, photography, I don't care!
Heather: Greg, your problem is with me, not your classmates. Let them go and you and I will deal with this, alone.
Greg: Yeah sure. That works for me.
Heather: Ok. I'd like you all to leave now. Quietly. Don't run.
Girl: Miss Tobey, will you be ok?
Greg: Move!
The children leave and Heather turns on the intercom while Greg isn't looking.
Tom discusses security issues with Herman.
Herman: For an entire week? Is that really necessary?
Tom: To and from school. Strictly as a precaution.
Diana: A continued police presence will send a clear message to anyone who thinks they can....
Heathers voice comes over the intercom.
Heather: Ok. So now we're alone. Now do what you promised. Would you put the g*n down.
Greg: No!
Heather: Greg please, put the g*n down. It scares me.
Diana and Tom are listening.
Greg: Well good, it's supposed to scare you.
Heather: Greg...
Tom hurries outside to find Venner who is still ranting to the press.
Venner: DA say's we don't have a criminal case? Fine, we'll take it to civil court. Once way or another, this woman....
Tom grabs him and pulls him away.
Tom: Excuse me.
Venner: Hey buddy, what's your problem?
Tom: You're needed inside.
Back in the classroom, Heather places her hands on Greg's shoulders and desperately tries to find something within him.
Greg: I don't feel any different.
Heather: Greg, I'm trying.
Greg: Well try harder! You found it in Mike and Rita, you can find it in me!
Venner speaks with Tom in the hallway.
Venner: I told you. I told you she was dangerous and none of you would listen.
Tom: She's not the one holding the g*n.
Venner: Greg is a kid. He doesn't know what he's doing. She's got his mind all twisted.
Tom grabs him.
Tom: I got news for you. I knew everything I needed to know the first time I talked to Greg. You're the one who twisted his mind. You put that g*n in his pocket.
Venner: That is not true. Now you're the only one who's going to get your son out of this alive.
Venner is crying.
Back in the classroom.
Heather: Whatever talents we're talking about, where there to begin with. I'm only talking about a handful of students.
Venner is listening in.
Greg: You found it in them, you can find it in me! You have to! Before I wind up like him! Like my Dad!
Heather: Is that what you're afraid of?
Tom turns to Venner.
Tom: And you were worried she was going to damage your son.
Greg is distressed.
Greg: You know what my Dad's like. He's nothing! He's a big angry nothing and that's exactly what he wants me to be! And I can't let that happen.
He points the g*n at her head.
Greg: Now Godammit, do something!
He's crying.
Greg: It's no good is it? There's nothing there.
Heather: I'm sorry. Greg, not everybody's mean't to be an artist or a musician. You will find a place.
Greg: Sure I will. I have a talent for failure, just like him.
Heather: You don't have to become like your Father. Somewhere along the line he made a choice. You can make a different one. A better one.
Venner speaks to him via the intercom.
Venner: She's right Greg.
Greg: Dad?
Venner: The mistakes I made, are mine. They're not yours. Just because I failed, it doesn't mean that you have to. Please put down the g*n, Greg. Don't let my mistakes get you k*lled.
He hands Heather the g*n and begins sobbing in her arms.
Wayne runs into the 4400 center
Wayne: Yo Shawn! You gotta do something man, he's knocking the crap out of her.
Shawn: What are you talking about?
Wayne: Dewie sold that guitar you got for Liv. Now he's all screwed up, cranked up or whatknot. She needs you!
Shawn: Come on. Come on.
They drive to the bridge and race over. Shawn finds Dewie lying on the floor with Liv crying over him.
Liv: I begged him. I told him he'd taken too much.
Wayne: Dewie's dying.
Liv:No! No!
Shawn kneels by his head and presses on his chest. Everyone looks on as he shouts out whilst healing him. Dewie sits up, whilst Shawn gasps for breath.
Wayne: What did you do.
Liv: He brought him back.
Dewie: What the hell happened?
Liv: What happened? This guy just saved your life. Thankyou.
Another man walks up to him.
Man: My leg. Please fix it.
Shawn: I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that.
Man: Why not? You helped him
Everyone begins to shout out.
Crowd: Save us!
Shawn: I can't. I can't help everyone, I'm sorry.
Crowd: Help me. Have mercy.
Shawn: I'm sorry. I can't help everyone. I can't help everyone.
The crowd presses in on him and he tries to push his way through.
Shawn: I can't help everyone.
He runs to his car.
Liv: No! We need you!
He drives away and pulls up around the corner, obviously shaken by the experience.
Collier pulls up beside Richards car.
Richard: You sure about this?
Collier: Yeah, I'm sure.
Lily brings out the baby and walks over to Collier.
Collier: Lily. Good to see you. And this is Isabelle. Hi.
Isabelle stares at him and he touches her head. Nothing happens and she smiles.
Collier: Yes.
He kisses her hand.
Collier: Yes.
Diana and Tom help Heather put her belongings into the boot of her car.
Tom: How's that?
Heather: Guess that's it. Goodbye Fairview.
Tom: At least this time, it's your call.
Heather: I'll find another town. Another school. Maybe work as a private tutor for a while. I just have to figure out a way to use this gift of mine without causing so much pain.
Diana: Well the world could always use a little more beauty.
Heather: I hope so.
Tom: Good luck.
Heather: Thanks.
She get's into her car and drives away.
Diana: I was thinking of getting Maia piano lessons.
Tom: Oh yeah? Bet she'd like that.
Diana: Or maybe even study painting, cos she's always colouring. Unless you could call that a ripple effect.
Tom: A positive one.
The violinist plays his violin in an empty classroom .
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x05 - Suffer The Children"} | foreverdreaming |
Face au destin
(2x06 : As Fate Would Have It)
Directed by NICK GOMEZ
**Previously on The 4400**
Inside Maia's diary are written the words 'Things I see'.
Diana: You know those visions that Maia used to have? Turns out she was only pretending that they stopped.
Tom: How long have you known?
Diana: Not long. I only found out because I read.
Liv and Shawn under the bridge.
Liv: You're one of those 4400 guys, right?
Collier's office.
Collier: One day, all of this will be yours.
Shawn: But you're not going anywhere.
Collier: Whatever you do Shawn, don't reveal your healing ability, because if you heal one of them, you'll have to heal them all.
Shawn heals Dewie .
On campus
Wendy: If you're losing chunks of time you should talk to your Dad about it.
Kyle: What's he gonna do? Turn me over to NTAC medical?
Lily first turns up on her doorstep. Heidi answers the door.
Heidi: Can I help you?
Lily: Heidi, it's Mommy.
Heidi: Who?
Brian: That's ok sweetheart, I got it.
Lily and Brian have dinner.
Lily: She's my daughter.
Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother.
Richard is sitting in a cell and Lily phones Brian.
Lily: I need your help. Richard. He's been arrested.
Brian: OK, I'll make a few calls and do whatever I can.
Collier turns up in Richards cell.
Collier: Hello Richard.
They talk.
Collier: I want you to come home. If I'm wrong, Isabelle will punish me accordingly.
Flashbacks to the men pursuing Richard and Lily in the woods and k*lling themselves.
Collier: If Isabelle accepts me, well then I can offer you and Lily and the child a new life. Let her judge me.
Collier meets with Isabelle.
**Present time**
The 4400 Center
Banners are being erected on a stage saying 'Welcome 4400. Reunion Weekend 2005' In the background Collier can be heard singing gently.
Collier: Hush a bye Go to sleep little baby. When you wake I'll give you cake and all the pretty little horses.
Collier is kneeling in front of Isabelle's pram.
Collier: And go to sleep little baby. And who's a special girl? Is Isabelle a special baby, is she? Come here.
Richard and Lily watch from inside.
Lily: Look at him with Isabelle.
Richard: If this keeps up, we're gonna have to start calling him Uncle Jordan.
Lily: There's something so wrong about that, isn't there? A week ago, he was the one guy we were trying to keep away from her and now it's like....
Richard: They've bonded. She's really taken to him.
Shawn comes into the room laughing.
Shawn: The couple of the hour! Hi! Richard, what's up man?
They hug.
Shawn: It's good to see you.
Richard: Nice to see you.
He looks at Lily and whistles.
Shawn: Look at you!
Lily: Ah!
Shawn: You look great!
They all take a seat.
Shawn: So how long you guys think you're gonna be staying?
Richard: We're not sure. Collier said we can stay at the center until we get back on our feet.
Shawn: Did he get you squared away with NTAC?
Richard: He's started to. His lawyers took our statements. I guess we're looking at back fines for not reporting in.
Shawn: Well hey, I'm sure Jordan will take care of it.
Lily: He offered to, but I think we're gonna try and swing it ourselves.
Shawn: Well hey, you picked the right week to come.
Richard: This reunion thing's gonna be big, huh?
Shawn: We've got 4400's coming in from 27 different countries. Three more maybe's. There haven't been this many of us in the same place since quarantine.
Lily: What's happened since we left town. I mean, suddenly it seems that everyone's dying to meet a real life 4400.
Shawn: Uh well, what happened? Jordan happened.
They look out at him and see him holding the baby.
Collier: Welcome to the revolution little lady. Huh? Yeah.
Maia runs out of her bedroom screaming.
Maia: Aagghh! He's gonna die. I saw it! He's gonna die!
Diana and April run out. Diana throws her arms around her. Maia is sobbing.
Diana: Sweetheart. Are you ok? Did you have a nightmare?
Maia: No! I was awake, and I saw it!
Diana: Tell us what you saw.
Maia: That man we watched on TV once.
April: What man?
She points to Colliers book.
Maia: Him.
Diana: Jordan Collier?
Maia: Someone's gonna k*ll him!
She puts her arms around Diana, sobbing.
Diana reports to Nina Jarvis.
Nina:As far as this department knew, Maia wasn't having visions anymore. Right?
Diana: Well she was keeping them secret from me and writing everything down in a diary. But I'm not here to talk about my daughter. We're here to talk about Collier.
Marco: We can talk about him all you want, but if I was Collier I'd be bringing all my books back to the library, if you know what I mean. The kid's never wrong, right?
Diana: Look, as far as I can tell, Maia has two kinds of visions. If she can see an event clearly enough in her head, she can sometimes influence the course of the future. But mostly her visions are abstract. They're more like....certainties. Prophecies I guess you could call them. Now this is one of those, and as far as I can tell, they're never wrong.
Tom: Well not yet, anyway. But nobody's made a concerted effort to stop one of them from happening.
Diana: So we could always offer Collier a suite in the basement, 24 hours surveillance and a food taster.
Nina: Yeah sure. We just tell the guy he needs to stay isolated for what, a week? A year?
Marco: When it comes to the prevention of future crime, there are no time limits and everyone's a suspect. I mean, literally everyone.
Nina: So how to stop the inevitable from happening.
Tom: Stopping the inevitable? Isn't that what we deal with everyday? I mean, that's why the 4400 were sent back, right?
Marco: I like the can do attitude but, I have to ask, do we even want to save Colllier.
Diana laughs.
Marco: Well he is kind of a bad guy.
Nina: Maybe that's the way the future wants it.
Tom: Nice. They gave us this message as a way to stop Collier's death.
Tom and Diana go to see Collier at the center.
Collier: Fascinating. What an extraordinary gift.
Tom: You are clear in what we're telling you?
Collier: Your daughter has quite a track record when it comes to seeing the future. Her latest vision involves my death. I leave anything out?
Diana: No, that about covers it.
Tom: NTAC is offering you all it's resources. That means round the clock protection, thr*at assessment....
Collier: And I'm mean't of course, to isolate myself.
Diana: Well, that would be the safest move.
Collier: Let's say I'm willing to assume good faith on your part, which given your exploitation, of the 4400 to get to me, is rather generous.
Diana: What, you actually think we made this up?
Collier: I'm not sure you're that creative, but your plan does call for my total withdrawal from the public eye. And cancellation of the celebration of the public interest in the 4400, that's been months in the planning.
Tom: Our history with each other is what it is, but this is real and denial is not a luxury you can afford.
Collier: Thankyou for the information, I'll keep it in mind.
Tom and Diana stand up.
Diana: Maia is never wrong.
Collier: Whatever protection you can afford me, I can afford myself. Pick up some of the reunion literature on your way out. The foreign returnee stories are particularly inspirational.
They leave
Brian is standing in a store selling fruit and vegetables. Lily walks up to him.
Lily: Still come here every thursday huh? Thought I might get lucky.
Brian: Lily, what are you doing here?
Lily: I'm back....in Seattle. I just wanted to thank you for helping Richard.
Brian: Just a couple of phone calls. No big deal.
Lily: We were in a bad spot. You did what you could. It really mean't a lot.
Lily is holding a gift bag.
Brian: Well you really didn't have to get me....
Lily: It's actually for Heidi. Her birthday's coming up.
Brian: Oh, Lily.
Lily: It's just a cool little handbag. You don't have to tell her it's from me.
He takes the bag.
Lily: I don't wanna mess with your life, Brian. I'm just trying to say thankyou.
Brian: Ok. You're looking well though. I'm glad things are working out.
Shawn is walking through the center with Lucy.
Shawn: I can't talk to first keys today. There's too much going on with this party.
Lucy: Look, class starts in ten minutes.
Shawn: I can't do it, Lucy. You're just gonna have to tell them to think of it as a study hall.
Liv and Wayne enter the foyer. Wayne appears to be ill and is coughing.
Shawn hands over some letters to the man on the desk.
Shawn: Um, this is outgoing. Thank you.
He walks over to them.
Shawn: Ah, Liv!
Liv: They were too embarrassed to come inside.
Shawn: I can't. I can't!
Liv: I saw what you can do.
Wayne: We all did!
Liv: You can heal people.
Shawn: Listen, it's not that simple. I can't heal everyone!
Liv: I'm not asking you to heal everyone. Just them.
Shawn: You don't understand. It's like it drains me. I could do it for maybe one, maybe.
Wayne: One is better than none!
Shawn: Who chooses that one, Wayne? You? Me? I can't heal the world. I'm sorry.
Wayne: What I tell you? Waste of time.
Liv remains looking at Shawn.
Shawn: Don't look at me like that.
They run out .
Kyle and Danny are on campus. Kyle is reading some posters while Danny clicks his fingers in front of his face.
Danny: Kyle. Hey, you with us buddy?
Kyle: What?
Danny: Thought you were uh, elsewhere.
Kyle: No, I'm right here with you. I was just thinking....Relax, I haven't had one of those blackouts in a couple of day's. I think that's all done.
Danny: Yeah, I do too. I still think you should tell your Dad about it and get yourself checked out.
Kyle: You wanna go with me to see the Kills?
He's looking at a poster that say's: Performing at the campus pub. 8pm The Kills.
Danny: Ok, so we're ignoring the whole blackout thing or...
Kyle: Pretty much. They go on at eight. You should come.
Tom and Diana are in their office.
Tom: TSA is putting a flag on Ian Dravitt and his known associates. They're gonna call us if anyone show's up in Seattle.
Diana: This whole Dravitt thing is just Collier's latest deal gone south.
Tom: Collier had his name on the side of a skyscraper by the time he was 30. You pursue power that ruthlessly, you pick up some enemies along the way.
Diana: So we find the one who seem's most like John Hinkley or surhan surhan.
Tom: And then do what? Follow him around for the rest of his natural life? We could spend the next year looking at Collier's moves since he founded the center. The guy had a whole career before he got abducted.
Diana: Well maybe it is coming from someone who Collier's never met. I mean, if you hate The 4400, k*lling their figurehead is a good way to make them suffer. But, what are we supposed to do? The potential victim's refused our help. No-one said stopping the future was going to be easy.
Tom: Diana, look at this.
She get's up to take a look at his monitor. A mans photo appears along with some information.
'My name is Miles Quinlan. I was kicked out of the 4400 center after Jordan Collier bankrupted me by selling me lies and false promises. This blog is dedicated to exposing Jordan Collier as the liar and cheat that he most certainly is.'
Tom: His name is Miles Quinlan. He claims Collier bankrupted him, then kicked him out of the center
Diana: He lives with his parents. What? Nursing a persecution complex?
Tom: Pretty much the poster boy for the lone g*n theory.
April is watching Maia.
April: Come on Maia, I've named every guy I've dated for like, the last five years. Are you telling me that I don't have a future with any of them?
Maia: I wouldn't worry about it. Seem's like you meet a lot of boys.
April: Yeah well, that's the trouble. I'm tired of meeting boys. I wanna meet a man.
Maia: You will.
April: When??
Maia: Aunt April. Just because I don't see it, doesn't mean it's not gonna happen.
There's a knock at the door.
April: Oh, that's probably Mrs Bradshaw from upstairs. She's gonna watch you tonight while I go to work.
Maia opens the door to find Collier standing outside. She drops her glass, which smashes on the floor.
Maia: I'm sorry. It's not my fault.
Collier: You recognise me.
She turns and runs.
April: You're Jordan Collier.
Collier: I didn't mean to frighten her. I just wanted to talk to her for a minute.
April: Yeah well, it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.
Collier: She believes I'm going to die. Please give her my apologies. I brought this for her. I hope she doesn't already have one.
He hands her a Sony PSP.
April: Thanks.
He leaves.
Lily walks to the center's foyer and approaches the man at the desk.
Lily: Hi, I'm Lily Tyler. I believe someone's asking for me?
Heidi is sitting on a chair. She stands.
Heidi: Excuse me.
Lily: Heidi.
Heidi: Are you my Mother?
They sit
Heidi: I heard them fighting about you. My Mom and Dad? Carol. It's ok if I still call her Mom, right?
Lily: I know, it's confusing, baby.
Heidi: Just because they're talking in the other room, doesn't mean I can't hear them. They said you were one of the 4400.
Lily nods
Lily: That's why I was gone. That's why we don't know each other.
Heidi: Didn't you come to our house once?
Lily: It's the first thing I did when I got back. I wanted to see you. But your Dad and I, we weren't sure it was a good idea. Sweetie, does your Father know you came down here?
Heidi: No. I didn't tell him I heard. I didn't go to school today. I came here instead.
Lily: I'm glad you did.
Heidi: Is it hard for you not to see me?
Lily: It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I think about you every single day.
She get's out her purse and shows a photo of Heidi inside.
Lily: Look at this.
Heidi: Is that me?
Lily: It's the day we brought you back from the hospital.
Heidi: You look the same as you do now.
Lily: I was gone so long, but to me, this feels like yesterday.
Lily hugs her.
Diana and Tom go to Quinlan's house.
Quinlan: You wanna talk about Collier? He uses people up and leaves them on the kerb.
Tom: Is that why you left the center?
Quinlan: I didn't leave, they threw me out. That's what happens when you run out of money. They have all these different levels. They call them keys, right? You make seventh key, you're unlocked.
Tom: Unlocked? Meaning you've got your own 4400 ability?
Quinlan: Well that's the big prize. Only they set it up so that no-one ever get's there. There's mid levels and side seminars you have to pass. If you're not one of the 4400, each one costs. First I ate up my savings, then I cashed out the equity in my house.
Tom: And they didn't deliver.
Quinlan: As soon as the first cheque bounced, they told me I'd reached maximum potential and sent me on my way.
Tom: Is that why you applied for a g*n permit? We ran a BCAP check on you this morning.
Quinlan: So I bought a g*n, so what? I need to protect myself from Collier.
Tom: Yeah well, I hope that self defence is all you have in mind. Because if you're planning anything else, we will be all over you the minute you approach the 4400 center. You want something to be paranoid about? Think about that.
Shawn and Collier talk in his office.
Collier: You're simplifying the issue. Cancelling the gala is no guarantee of my safety.
Shawn: It's a start. Jordan, you just told me there's a little girl out there who can see the future and she saw you d*ad. It's time to make yourself scarce.
Collier: And where does it stop? I stay away from the center? I cut myself off from our work?
Shawn: Yeah, if it means staying alive, yeah!
Collier: I am not going to become a hermit! That is not a win for us! Look, the center is significantly safer than it seems. Half the people you see in workmate's uniforms are bodyguards.
Shawn: Are you looking to die in public?
Collier: You're developing a real flare for drama, you know that? This is hanging over my head, not yours!
Shawn: I'm sorry Jordan, I'm just....
Collier: I am not ready to become a martyr.
Shawn: You don't have to be! I know you've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time. Bringing all the 4400 together is like a validation of everything you've done so far. But if something happens to you? It could undo everything we've started. The movements not ready for you to be a martyr either.
Collier: Just go. Go.
Richard is sitting by Isabelle in their room. Lily walks in.
Richard: Where did you go, I was about to page you.
Heidi is beside her.
Lily: Richard, there's someone who I want to introduce to you. This is my daughter, Heidi. She came to the center to meet me. We've been talking.
He walks over and shakes her hand.
Richard: Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm Richard Tyler. I'm married to Lily. Your mother.
He laughs.
Heidi: She told me. It's nice to meet you too. Is that....
Lily: Isabelle. This is your half sister.
As Lily moves closer to her, Isabelle begins to cry.
Heidi: Don't be scared.
Lily: I'm sorry. She must be hungry.
Heidi: It's ok. I should probably get home anyway.
Lily: I hope I can see you again.
Heidi: I hope so too. maybe next time I can hold Isabelle.
Lily: I know I can make that happen. I'll walk you out. No more cutting school, ok?
They leave the room. Isabelle is upset.
Richard: What's the matter?
Collier storms out.
Diana arrives home from work. April is cooking dinner.
April: All I'm saying is that he was taller than I pictured him.
Diana: Tall or short. Collier had no business showing up here!
April: I totally agree. Di, I didn't let him in!
Maia: Aunt April likes tall boys.
Diana: Ah. So, you're talking about men to my daughter? She's a child!
April: It might have come up in passing.
Maia: Hey Mom, how come you never go out on dates?
Diana: Well, I wouldn't say never.
Maia: But Aunt April goes out all the time.
Diana: Well I think your Aunt's an extreme example.
Maia: How do I know which one is right? Not many or lots?
Diana: I think that you should probably sh**t for somewhere in the middle.
Maia: I'll try. But do dates always have to be with boys? So gross.
April and Diana laugh.
April: You get used to them.
Diana: Can we have this conversation like, in two or three, maybe ten, years?
A letter is lying on the table.
Diana: What's that?
Maia: Oh, a lady dropped it off today.
Diana: Oh.
She opens it.
Diana: It's a suppoeana.
Maia: What's that?
Diana: Oh, it's when someone wants you to give them something.
April: Who's it from?
Diana: It's from my bosses.
Maia: What do they want?
Diana: Your diary.
Later at the campus pub.
Kyle is in a corridor leaning his head against the wall. He seems unwell.
Danny: Kyle! You ok man? You didn't have a drink did you?
Kyle is having flashbacks of something, but its fleeting.
Kyle: Just diet coke. It's really loud in here, huh?
Danny: Yeah, but they're great, huh? You wanna go back in? Alright, come on. My buddy's saving us a spot by the stage.
Danny leaves and Kyle has more flashbacks of himself. He wakes up up on the floor and get's to his feet. As things clear it appears he's in the hallway outside Wendy's apartment.
Wendy: Do you know what time it is? What are you doing here? Kyle! Do you know what time it is? What are you doing outside my apartment?
Kyle: I don't know. I was at the pub.
Wendy: You're scaring me. How long have you been out here?
Kyle: I don't know. I think I was digging or something.
Wendy: Look Kyle, I think you should go. We can talk about this tomorrow.
Kyle: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. This won't happen again.
He stumbles out.
That night, Liv tries to get into the center. Guards grab her.
Shawn comes down the stairs.
Liv: Let me in! Let me in! Get your hands off of me! You don't understand. He's a fraud! All of you, do you hear me? Your golden boy is a big fraud!!
She's screaming and crying.
Shawn: Liv, you need to calm down. It's ok guys, I got it.
Liv: My whole life I have been looking for just one thing. Just one thing to believe in. I thought it was you.
She runs at him and begins to h*t him, collapsing sobbing on the floor.
Shawn: How long ago did you get high?
Liv: I only had one.
Shawn: Are you going to stop yelling at me?
Liv: I am done with you, altogether! Go back to your penthouse! Pretend we don't exist! Everyone else does. Why not you?
Shawn: Easy. I'm not going to send you off into the night like this. You can sleep on my couch. I got you. It's ok. It's ok
He helps her up and they head to his room .
Lily and Richard are outside watching Collier spend some time with Isabelle.
Collier: You started all this, you know. Everything around you took shape after you showed me where to go. Yeah. I don't know what to do though. I could count the number of times I've said that in my life, on one hand. But right now it's true. That's right. If you knew anything, now would be a good time to tell Uncle Jordan, huh?
She grabs his hands and he's given a vision. He see's himself at the gala, walking through a crowd of people who are all happy to see him. He then see's many of the people at the centre receiving the seventh key. A portrait of him is unveiled.
Back to the present.
Collier: Oh. Thankyou. Thankyou.
He walks over to Lily, Richard and Shawn
Collier: The reunion goes forward.
Shawn shakes his head and Collier walks away.
Later, someone is in a darkened room. Only their hands are shown, which are gloved. They are assembling a g*n.
Tom enters his office. Diana is already there.
Tom: Diana! One of Dravitt's hired g*n flew into town last night. His name is Laurence Ganning. TSA have his alias flagged.
Diana: Well do we have a present whereabouts?
Tom: Just checked into a motel on First Hill under the name Laurence Gawain.
They burst into the motel room.
Agent: It's clear!
Diana: Tom
Diana has found a passport. Tom opens it. Date of birth 15th November 1967. Age 38. Address 320 Rue Saint Jacques, Paris.
Tom: He's on the move
Boxes are being taken into the center. Gawain is one of the men.
Kyle runs up to Wendy on campus.
Kyle: Wendy wait! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
Wendy: You were waiting in the hallway outside my apartment last night. Do you know how weird that is?
Kyle: I don't know how I got there! Please believe me. I had another blackout last night.
Wendy: Look Kyle, this is getting bad and I can't give you the kind of help that you need.
Kyle: So you want me to just go away?
He starts backing away from her and she moves towards him.
Wendy: No I want you to talk to someone. Someone qualified. I'm scared for you.
Kyle: Scared for me or scared of me?
He runs away.
Collier is practising his opening speech on stage. Gawain is watching from backstage. He say's a few words that are unrecognisable due to mic feedback
Collier: You know what? I'm getting some nasty echo. Can we adjust the levels to the speakers at the back there? Testing, testing. You know what? That's lovely.
NTAC agents including Tom and Diana arrive outside the center. Collier begins to walk offstage as Gawain watches. He points the g*n...
Diana: Nobody move! Everyone, stay right where you are!
Tom rushes backstage and see's Gawain.
Tom: Don't move! Don't move!! Get your hands on your head! Get them up! Turn around! Turn around!! Get down! Down!
Gawain get's to his knees.
Tom: Down!
Tom pushes him on his front. Collier stands and watches.
Later Tom briefs Collier.
Tom: Gawain's p*stol was made from synthetic polymer's. The b*llet's too. He walked right through your metal detector's without so much as a peep.
Collier: You were bound to get him. He never would have k*lled me.
Tom: He was standing two feet away from you with a loaded firearm.
Collier: The whole thing was put in motion by Maia. Your daughter's vision was a gift to me. A prescription, if you will, to changing the future. In one chain of events, Ganning's b*llet k*lled me. I can only assume that somebody has a different plan for me.
Diana: Well I wouldn't be putting my feet up by the f*re just yet.
Collier: I have no intention of cancelling the extra security measures.
Tom: The same extra measures that just allowed an assassin to walk right up to you.
Collier: Would NTAC like a presence at the gate tomorrow?
Diana: Yes!
Tom: Mr Collier, we don't stand off to the side and watch, we take command.
Collier: I'll issue credentials. That was a rather dramatic demonstration of competence just now.
Shawn is in his room taking off his jacket. Liv is lying on the couch.
Liv: What time is it?
Shawn: It's about 2 '0'clock.
Liv: How did I end up here, anyway?
Shawn: Liv, you were pretty far gone last night, but are you really trying to tell me that you don't remember?
Liv: I remember. You don't have to hover over me. I'm not gonna steal anything. Your maid can come and clean the couch as soon as I'm gone.
He sit's opposite her.
Shawn: How many of these nights do you think you have left in you?
Liv: Hopefully not too many. You've seen my life. When I OD, it's not gonna be a big loss, right?
Shawn: That is not true.
Liv: How's it gonna change?
Shawn: I used to feel the same way. I mean't what I told you. I can't save the whole world and I can't even save your friends. I'm sorry, but if you're serious about wanting to change, maybe I can save you.
Liv: How?
Shawn: By giving you the same thing that saved me.
He shows her a 4400 key.
The day of the gala arrives and crowds of people are in the center. Collier appears and the photographers go crazy as do the crowd. Tom is mingling. The crowd is shouting out to Jordan. 'Jordan!' 'Oh, thankyou'
Tom [Into earpiece]: He's here.
Shawn walks up to Lily and Richard. He brushes past a woman
Shawn: Excuse me.
He touches Isabelle's hand.
Shawn: Hello there Here we go.
Collier is being greeted by everyone
Woman: Nice to meet you.
Collier: It's good to see you.
Collier has a beaming smile on his face. Diana brushes past some people
Diana: Excuse me sir.
She walks up to Tom.
Diana: All the guests check out so far.
Tom: Yeah, we've secured the surrounding rooftop. Did a b*mb sweep.
Diana: Now it's cross your fingers time.
Tom: Yeah.
Collier touches Isabelle's hand. Lily is looking uncomfortable .
Shawn picks up the mic and speaks to everyone.
Shawn: Good afternoon. Thankyou for coming to the center. We have a great day planned for you, but before we get started, I'd like to thank the man who made this all possible. I mean that literally. He didn't just pay for the food. He built this place and this movement. So I'd like you to please welcome, a mentor, a friend, Mr Jordan Collier.
They hug and Shawn hands Collier the mic and walks over to Lily and Richard. Lily looks sullen as he approaches them.
Collier: Thankyou! And thankyou Shawn for that introduction.
Quinlan appears in the crowd.
Collier: Um, we are humbled by the bravery of our foreign guests. Many of whom risked so much to be here today.
Tom see's Quinlan and makes his way over to him. Tom and Diana grab him.
Tom: Let's go.
Quinlan: I want to hear what the man has to say for himself!
As they begin to pull him out, someone else is using a scope to target Collier. sh*t's ring out and people begin screaming. Collier is sh*t through the right hand side of his chest and Shawn looks on in horror. Tom see's the sn*per on the roof opposite.
Shawn: Jordan?
Tom: He's up there!!
Diana: Go!
Tom begins running.
Diana: Everybody stay down!
Male: Stay away from the window!
Diana: Everyone just calm down! Just stay down! Stay down! Stay down.
She begins running. Isabelle is crying as Lily hugs her tightly. Shawn get's to the stage and is grabbed by guards.
Shawn: Let me go! Let me go! Jordan. Oh God!
Medic: Get that stretcher ready.
They push him back.
Medic: Please let us do our job guys.
Shawn: Noooo!
Collier isn't breathing.
Tom makes his way outside as pedestrians run out of the way. He see's the man who's dressed in black. The man runs off.
Tom: Hey!
Back with Shawn and Collier.
Shawn: Please let me go. Please.
He get's to Collier and begins to try and heal him. Jordan arches up and takes a deep breath.
Medic: Pulse is weak and thready.
Medic: Pressure! Come on, let's go. Hurry up!
Tom chases after the g*n who get's onto the roof.
Tom: Freeze!
Tom can't get up to the roof and shouts out in frustration.
Tom: Aagghh!
The medics battle to save Collier.
Medic: Breathing's stopped, we're losing him again. Come on.
Shawn: No! You're not going anywhere's yet.
He shouts out as he tries once more to heal him. Collier takes another deep breath and looks at him.
Collier: Shawn. Shawn. She told me to go through with it.
Shawn: Who did? Who did?
Collier: She lies, Shawn.
Collier stops breathing.
Shawn: No don't go anywhere. Don't! No!! Nooo!!
Lily carries Isabelle to meet with Brian who is sat drinking coffee.
Brian: Lily.
Lily: Brian, I don't have much time. I did not violate our agreement. Heidi found me.
Brian: Lily, Heidi's sick. She's in the hospital. It happened yesterday. Something with her spleen. They had to operate right away.
Lily: Is she ok? Can I see her?
Brian: She's ok. She's still recovering from the anesthesia. She's been asking for you. She's still in recovery now but Carole thinks it's alright if you wanna go in there tomorrow.
Lily: Brian, what happened. Her spleen? She's twelve years old.
Brian: It just ruptured. Her doctors said they've never seen anything like it. Even they can't tell us why.
Lily looks down at Isabelle.
Later, back at the center.
Richard: Where've you been? The funerals about to start. Lily what's wrong, what is it?
Lily: Heidi's sick and I think Isabelle's responsible.
Shawn is standing alone beside Colliers open casket. Lucy walks in behind him.
Lucy: I think they're ready for you.
A large amount of people are sat in front of the stage as Shawn walks out.
Shawn: You are uh, going to read a lot about Jordan Collier in the next few weeks. Uh, some of it good, a lot of it bad. I will be ignoring all of it, just like Jordan would have.
Tom and Diana are sat watching.
Shawn: Because Jordan may have used the media, but he never allowed himself to be seduced by it. I could tell you how much I owe the man. He took me in when I was feeling lost and alone, confused. I'm sure many of you have similar stories. The fact is that everyone alive today, whether they know it or not, owes Jordan Collier. He had a vision to save the future and he gave us that vision and now he won't be here to see us achieve it. But we will achieve it!
Shawn is crying.
Shawn: I promise you, we will achieve it. We have all suffered a tremendous loss. We are heartbroken and bleeding on the inside, but we will not let that stop us and I will not let that stop me. We will honour Jordan Collier and we will create the better future, that he died building.
People shake Shawn's hand as they leave. Tom looks on.
Shawn: Thanks for coming. Bye
Tom approaches him.
Tom: Nice words Shawn. I think Collier would have approved.
Shawn: Yeah, I hope so. He would have liked that you came.
Tom: Oh, I don't think that I was that high on his radar.
Shawn: Don't be too sure. You guys bumped heads but you believed the same thing. That the 4400 are the key to the future. Your goals were identical.
Tom: But our methods were different.
Shawn: Not as different as you think.
Tom: You see, that's where your view of Jordan Collier splits from mine.
Shawn: Well, at least we have some common ground. Maybe your side and my side could work together, now that I'm assuming new duties around here.
Shawn has tears in his eyes.
Tom: Becoming quite the little politician, Shawn. Now I know Collier would have been proud of you.
Someone screams and Lucy runs out of the room housing Collier's casket.
Lucy: He's gone! His body, it's not there!
Tom runs into the room and Shawn follows him.
Lucy: Someone stole the body.
Tom: There's only one way out. I was standing right in front of it. Stole it how?
Lucy: Then what happened?
Isabelle is sleeping and Lily looks down at her.
Meanwhile Diana is at home with Maia on her lap, looking at the court documents. She rips them up.
The Seattle Advance newspaper has a picture of Shawn trying to heal Collier on it's front page with the heading, 'Jordan Collier m*rder. Who is The 4400 Healer?'
Liv is nicely dressed and walks past some guards towards Shawns office. She wears a 4400 key around her neck. She stops just before the door and looks in, smiling. Shawn is at his desk surrounded by others. She waves as he looks up, but he looks back down and the doors are closed.
Tom is looking through Colliers file.
The sn*per is placing the g*n back in the bag and throwing it in the lake. It's Kyle. He walks away.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x06 - As Fate Would Have It"} | foreverdreaming |
Une vie meilleure
(2x07 : Life Interrupted)
Directed by NICK GOMEZ
**Previously on the 4400**
Danny: I'm not your little brother anymore.
Shawn: Then stop acting like a two year old. You're my brother, she's your girlfriend. It's all good.
Danny and Shawn fight.
Danny: g*dd*mn freak!
Susan: Danny stop!
Shawn: Don't blame me for Nikki!
Diana adopts Maia.
Judge: Your adoption of Maia Rutledge is hereby complete
Maia comes screaming to Diana.
Maia: He's gonna die! I saw it. He's gonna die!
Diana: Jordan Collier?
Maia: Someone's gonna k*ll him.
Collier is sh*t
Shawn: No, nooooo!!
His body disappears
Lucy: His body, it's not there.
Kyle returns home.
Kyle: This is your new house?
Tom: It's yours too. I've been looking forward to this moment for too long.
Kyle: There's only one thing missing. Mom.
Tom: I really tried to make it work.
Tom: How was your first day at college?
Kyle: I didn't have one! Nobody paid my tuition.
Tom: I'm sorry Kyle, I must have forgot.
Kyle: We've been talking about this for months. How could you forget?
Kyle has a blackout.
Tom: You spent three years in a coma, you have no business drinking anything! You told me everything that happened that night, right?
Kyle: Yeah.
Kyle throws a g*n into the lake
**Present time**
Tom comes down into the kitchen to find Kyle sitting at the table. Kyle's wearing a shirt and tie and his hair is different.
Tom: Any coffee left?
Kyle: On the shelf.
Tom: Couldn't find a clean T-Shirt?
Kyle: It's what I'm wearing to school.
Tom: I like it. It looks sharp.
Kyle seems to be a bit hyperactive.
Kyle: So, how you doing, Dad?
Tom: Good. Fine. Why?
Kyle: No reason, you know, just uh, good luck. I'll be thinking about ya.
He throws his arms around him.
Kyle: I'll call you. See how it goes. Ok?
Tom: Yeah
Tom walks into NTAC to a round of applause.
Tom: What's all this?
Nina: Welcome back. The prodigal son returns.
Tom: Returns from where?
Agent: Hey, get your gear on, we gotta roll.
Diana: I am so glad to see you
Tom: Yeah, you and everyone else.
Diana: As soon as we take Dorrity down we're gonna pop the champagne.
Tom: Dorian? Whose Dorrity. Diana, stop! Fill me in here, who's Doritty? Does he have something to do with Collier's death?
Diana: Governor Collier? What are you talking about, he's not d*ad.
Tom: This is Garritty's idea, right? I gotta admit, it's creative. But screw with Tom Baldwin day is over.
Diana: Hey listen, Tom, don't do this. The Doctors gave you a clean bill of health.
Tom: Doctors? What Doctors? Where's everybody headed? And what the hell's going on around here everyday?
Diana: I think you should probably just stay here. We'll talk when I get back.
She rushes out.
Tom: Diana, just....
Tom follows her outside.
Tom: So this guy Doritty, is he a 4400?
Diana: What's a 4400?
Tom: Please stop this. I don't know, four thousand four hundred people. The future sent them back in a ball of light. Any of this sound familiar?
She walks away to another car and he follows her.
Tom: Diana, I'm not laughing, so whatever game you're playing, stop it, stop it right now.
Diana: Tom, whatever you've been through these past few months, I can't even imagine it and everyone here is pulling for your recovery, but you gotta listen to yourself. You sound delusional. I mean, the future? I never heard of the 4400 and I can promise you that nobody ever came back in a ball of light.
They get into the car.
Diana and Tom's car is heading along the road in a convoy.
Tom: Tell me one thing. According to you, what have we been doing for the last year?
Diana: Your serious?
Tom: Humour me.
Diana: It's your case Tom. Dirty b*mb, remember? You went undercover and infiltrated an Aum Shinrikyo t*rror1st cell. None of this means anything to you, does it?
Tom: Of course not, why should it?
Diana: Your cover was compromised. They held you for three weeks. Sleep deprivation, t*rture. They'd have k*lled you if you didn't escape.
Tom: So how does Doritty fit in?
Diana: Aum Shinrikyo's been planning an att*ck in the US. They've been sneaking radioactive material into the country in museum pouches. Doritty's the curator. He's been in bed with them all along. Tom, he sold you out. You spent three weeks in hell because of this guy. You've been on medical leave for two months recovering and obviously it should have been three.
The cars pull up outside the Jordan Collier museum of Contemporary Art. Armed NTAC Agents rush in.
Tom: Jordan Collier museum of Contemporary Art?
Diana: Tell me you recognise this place.
Tom: I recognise it alright
It's in the same location as the 4400 center.
Diana: Well that's a start.
They enter the building.
Tom: This is the spot. This is where Collier got sh*t.
Diana: Ok, do me a favour. Don't let anyone else hear you say that.
She runs up the stairs. Tom stay's where he is and Diana turns and quietly calls to him.
Diana: Tom!
He follows her and as she goes one way he bursts through a door into another corridor, checking out doors as he moves along. Another Agent appears and a man runs out of one of the doorways. Tom follows him and finds a door with a glass window. Diana appears.
Diana: Tom! Is he in there?
The door turns into an ordinary wooden one with no window. Tom is confused.
Tom: Yeah, I think so
Diana: Ok.
The door is opened and they head in. Tom pauses for a moment and we see the man from earlier hiding in the room.
Diana: You wanna do the honours?
Tom heads over to the man who is sitting on the floor. He handcuffs him.
Back at NTAC.
Tom is working on his laptop. He stands up in frustration.
Diana: Did you find anything?
Tom: Someone's been messing with my computer. All my case files are gone. I typed 4400 into a search engine and nothing. How could there not be a single mention of them?
Diana: Maybe, because none of it ever happened.
Tom: Something has obviously changed. This is not the same world it was yesterday. But I'm uh, I'm still Tom Baldwin and you're still Diana Skouris, which means that the people they took, they exist too, right? Gary Navarro, we worked with him last month. He could read thoughts.
Diana: Read thoughts? Tom, come on.
He finds Gary's profile on the net. It say's that he's a baseball hero of the 1970's.
Tom: Played for Cincinnati? Lifetime 317. 1973-1984.
Diana: Easy to h*t 300 when they know what the pitcher's hitting.
Tom: But he was never taken. Richard Tyler.
Diana: What did he have? Heat vision?
Tom: No, some of them can do things. Some of them can't.
Richards profile is found on the net. Tom is beginning to panic. Tom reads the information.
Captain Richard Tyler, 334th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. 5th Fighter Interceptor Group was officially credited with destruction of 3 enemy MIG-15 type aircraft in arial combat air patrol near Sinarju Korea at 09412 on 18th October 1951. Captain Tyler led his flight in an att*ck on tow MIG-15's. Captain Tyler fired strikes into the fuselageg and observed the enemy canopy shatter. An enemy aircraft engaged Captain Tyler f*ring into his fuselage hitting Captain Tyler. Tyler's plane was observed hitting the ground and exploding. He is presumed d*ad. December 8th, 1951.
Tom: He's d*ad His plane was sh*t down over Sinarju, 1951.
Diana: So that's two down. We going to go through all 4,398 more? I'll take my boots off if we are.
Tom: Diana, your daughter! Your daughter! You're daughter, Maia Rutledge, right? You adopted her. She's one of them.
Diana: Who? Tom. don't include me in your fantasy life. You know I don't have a daughter.
Tom is in a full panic.
Tom: Yes, right here. It's a Seattle address for Maia Rutledge. It's right here. right here.
Tom goes to Maia's home. She answers the door and appears as she is in reality and is still a child.
Tom: Oh, thank God! Maia, it's me.
He's almost crying as he get's to his knee's.
Tom: It's me, it's me. Tom Baldwin.
Zella: I don't know you.
Tom: Don't say that, please. Don't say that.
Zella: My name is Zella. Maia's my grandmother.
Maia: Zella? Who is it?
Zella: Oh, here she is. This is my Grandmother.
An elderly woman comes to the door. Tom get's to his feet and has tears in his eyes.
Tom: You're Maia Rutledge
Maia: Can I help you?
He returns home to find Kyle in the kitchen. Kyle's getting some beer from the fridge and Tom throws his arms around him.
Kyle: Hey! I didn't expect you home so soon. How did you do out there today? Glad to see you too. Everything ok?
Tom: Just tell me one thing. You were in a coma for three years, right?
Kyle grabs the beer.
Kyle: If I have one more of these, I could wind up in a coma right now. Come on, I wanna show you something. Come on!
He pulls him out of the room and pulls back a door to reveal Shawn, Danny and Nikki.
Shawn: Hey, Uncle Tommy. We can eat finally! How you doing?
Tom: Shawn. What are you doing here?
Shawn: Ah, well the band got delayed. We're not going to start recording until Tuesday. Besides, we couldn't miss your big day, or Danny's! Tell him, go on and tell him.
Danny grabs Tom by the shoulders.
Danny: Believe it or not, she actually said yes! We're getting married.
Nikki show's him the ring.
Nikki: Look, he bought me this! Oh! I told him I didn't even want one till he's got a boss.
Kyle: I like that.
Danny: You like that?
Tom is upset and walks away
Nikki: Are you alright Mr Baldwin?
Kyle: Dad, do you need to sit?
Tom: It can't be a joke, there's too many people in on it.
Kyle: Sit, sit down.
Kyle helps Tom to sit.
Tom: So either I'm cracking up or the whole world is.
Kyle: Dad. Doctor's say you're ok.
Tom: I don't wanna scare you, but something's wrong. I don't recognise this place. I mean, I sorta do, but everything's been tweaked.
Tom is losing it.
Kyle: Dad, Dad, look at me.
He takes his face in his hands and tries to get Tom to focus on him.
Kyle: You're not making any sense. You know that, right?
Susan returns home.
Susan: You guys started without us? That's just as well. The airport traffic was insane. Hi Kyle. Hi Nikki. Can you believe my kid, my youngest kid, is getting married? How did we get so old? So, you're back in the saddle. How did it go?
Kyle: I don't think it went too good.
Susan: Really? I was just telling your wife that you were gonna be fine.
Tom: My wife? I'm still married to Linda?
Susan: I said wife, not ex-wife.
A woman with long dark hair walks into the room.
Susan: Alana, you're here.
Tom: I've never seen this woman before.
Alana: I think we need to be alone. Go upstairs? Talk?
Tom: No, I don't know who you are!
Kyle: Dad! Alana's your wife. You've been married to her for two years. She lives here, Dad.
Tom: I don't know what you're talking about, but it's over. It's over ok? It's over. Over.
He leaves and makes his way to NTAC. Entering an unused room, he lay's down to go to sleep. Diana arrives.
Tom: How'd you find me?
Diana: The guy's downstairs called. They said you've been here four hours.
Tom: Yeah, sad, isn't it? The only place I feel normal, is hiding in a storage closet. Guess this is what it must feel like to be insane.
Diana: You're not insane, Tom. You just need a rest.
Tom: Maybe when Keith was telling me I was tortured, maybe they, maybe they broke my mind.
Diana: You're gonna come back from this Tom. It's just gonna take some time. And I'm gonna help you. I promise.
She injects him with something, in the neck and he collapses.
Later, Tom is strapped down in a bed with a therapist sitting on a chair.
Therapist: So tell me again about this ball of light. When did you first come to believe it happened?
Tom: August 14th 2004. That's when they came back. Maybe not in the world you know, but it happened in mine.
Diana enters the room.
Tom: Get her outta here!
Diana: No-one's plotting against you Tom. I did what I had to do, to get you better. His wife's here. She's asking to see him.
Tom: I am not married. I am not married.
Tom is taken to a small room to talk with Alana.
Tom: Look lady, I don't know who you are and I don't care what you have to say.
Alana: You have to play along. I need you to get out of here, so we can figure out what's going on.
Tom: What are you talking about?
Alana: None of this is real to me either. Look, I know we're not married. I've never seen you before yesterday. The things you talk about. The ball of light? The 4400?
Tom: You know about the 4400?
Alana: Know of them? I am a 4400.
Seventy-two hours later
Tom has obviously decided to play along and is back in his room, sitting on the bed. Diana, the therapist and Nina Jarvis are also in the room.
Tom: I know my behaviour is totally out of line and I wanna apologise. I got fixated on getting back to work, and obviously the strain, the excitement, it was just too much.
Nina: We're gonna extend your medical leave by another six weeks and then we will see about getting you back out into the field.
Tom: I'll circle a date.
Nina: Ok.
Tom: So I can go now?
Therapist: Your psych hold is over.
Nina and the therapist leave as Tom begins to put on his shoes. Diana pauses by the door.
Diana: I'm sorry for the ambush.
Tom: Desperate times. Desperate measures. See you in six weeks.
He leaves the building and finds Alana waiting for him outside in the rain. He walks over and shakes her hand.
Tom: Tom Baldwin.
Alana: Alana Mareva. So I guess we're married?
Tom: So I'm told.
Alana: Let's go home.
She gives him the car keys.
Alana: See if we can figure out what the hell is going on. Where do you think we are?
They arrive home.
Tom: I don't know. Maybe we crossed into some kind of alternate reality. A different dimension. I know, it sounds insane.
Alana: It sounds impossible.
Tom: Impossible isn't what it used to be and..... you're a 4400.
Alana: You think I'm doing this?
Tom: It's an explanation. A pretty simple one, actually.
Alana: Simple, but wrong! If I were making this up, how would I put myself in the middle of YOUR life.
Tom: I'm sorry. This can't be easy for you, either.
Alana: Yeah, easy. My friends, my family. Everything I know is gone. Erased. I'm trapped in the middle of your life. How do I know it's not you making this up?
Tom: Erased? What do you mean, your life has been erased?
Tom and Alana arrive at the Aion Art Gallery.
Alana: I used to own this place. I bought it four years ago, a few months before I was abducted.
Tom: And none of this looks familiar now?
Alana: I was my own buyer. I flew all over the world and bought mostly sculptures, primitive art.
Tom see's a woman on a ladder.
Tom: Excuse me! Can I talk to the owner?
Female: He's not here today.
Tom: Any idea when he opened this place?
Female: A long time ago. 15, maybe 20, years?
Alana: It only get's worse.
They arrive in a park. Alana stands in front of a bench that has a plaque saying 'For Angus. 1996 - 2005. A good walking companion and a better dog'.
Tom: You sure that's the right bench?
Alana: I used to come here every week. Believe me, I know which bench I dedicated to my husband and son.
Tom: So back in the world we came from....
Alana: They died. In a car accident.
She sit's on the bench.
Alana: Shortly before I was abducted.
Tom: There's a way back home and we're gonna find it.
He holds his hand out to her and she takes it.
They arrive back home that night. Tom and Alana are in the bedroom. He takes some bedding.
Tom: If you need anything, I'll be right down the hall.
Alana: What, you're sleeping in the guestroom?
Tom: Under the circumstances? Yeah.
Alana: I don't think that's a good idea. We have to play along. We're supposed to be happily married. You don't want your son asking questions.
Tom hesitates for a moment in the doorway and re-enters the room.
Tom: Um, I'll uh, find a spot on the floor.
Alana: Are you sure you won't be more comfortable in the bath tub?
He looks into the bathroom.
Alana: I'm kidding Thomas. It's a big bed. I'm sure we can keep in our own sectors.
Later, they lie in bed. Both are as close to the edge as they can get.
Alana: Do you think we're the only ones? Are there other people out there like us? Wondering how they got here?
Tom: If there are, well find them. We'll take out classified ads in every single major paper.
Alana: Remember the 4400? Drop us a line.
Tom: Well, we'll check out every returnee we can find. Tell me something about yourself.
Alana: What do you want to know? Favourite records? Where I went to school?
Tom: About your husband and son. What were they like?
Alana: Paul was a radiologist. We met while he was on vacation in Tahiti. That's where I'm from.
Tom: Linda and I thought about going there for a honeymoon. We uh, we picked Haiti instead.
Alana: Two years later, after we were married, we had Billy. He was so quiet, sweet.
Two weeks later. Kyle and Alana chat in the kitchen.
Kyle: This is unbelievable. I think this was the interview where I said I wanted to go into medicine because nurses are sexy.
Alana: You did not say that!
Tom arrives home.
Kyle: I got into medical school! Stanford, baby!
Tom: Congratulations.
Kyle leaves and goes to his room.
Tom: The real Kyle used to talk about being a Doctor all the time. Right up until he went into a coma.
Alana: The real Kyle? I know that's not exactly your son, but he seems pretty real to me. He get's happy when he hears good news, cranky when he get's tired and he forgets to put the toilet seat down.
Tom: He's a good kid.
Alana: He was raised well.
Tom: I got a response from our ad in the post.
Alana: Phillip Kendrick. He wants to meet us.
The Collier Museum Of Contemporary Art.
Kendrick: Phillip Kendrick. Tom Baldwin.
Tom: What do you remember about the 4400?
Kendrick: It was the best Sedan Citroen ever put out. Hydraulic's came standard on every model.
Tom: You're talking about a car?
Kendrick: Yeah! Mine's parked outside. Where's yours?
Tom: It's in the shop. I'll send you a picture.
Tom leaves.
Kendrick: Tom! I don't have your address.
Alana: Well that was productive.
Tom: Yeah.
Alana: Shall we check out the Blake exhibit while we're here?
Tom: Uh, why don't you uh, why don't you go ahead. I'll catch up with you in a minute.
Alana heads off to look at the painting's while Tom heads to another room. Walking in he looks around and the door slams behind him. Something is in the center of the room and he walks towards it. He reaches the object and pulls back the cover. As he does so the glass roof explodes and shards of glass fall down. Alana's voice can be heard.
Alana: Thomas. Thomas. Thomas? Thomas!
Alana shakes Tom by the shoulders and he snaps out of what seems to have been a vision.
Tom: It's gone.
Alana: What's gone?
Tom: A door. It was back and I opened it this time. It was some kind of operating room, I think.
Alana: I didn't see anything like that. You were just standing there like a statue.
He grabs her head.
Tom: That rooms the answer. It has to be. It's the only thing that doesn't fit! It's not part of this reality.
Alana: If it even exists. You're the only one who can see it.
Tom: I have to get back there. I have to get back there.
One month later
Diana: Hey partner. Black, two sugars.
Tom is sitting on the floor at Museum, staring at the door.. Diana tries to hand him the coffee, but he doesn't take it. She places it on the floor.
Diana: So the guards tell me that you spent five hours here yesterday. Three, the day before that and one Saturday. You logged up 12.
Tom: Yeah, so I like art.
Diana: It's a nice functional door Tom, but I wouldn't call it a work of art. Now maybe if it were made of black obsidian. I read your psych file.
Diana: You planning on having me locked up again, Diana?
Tom has tears in his eyes.
Diana: You know, this other reality that you're anxious to get back to. I mean, even if you could get back to it. It doesn't sound that great, Tom. Back there, you're divorced, here you have a beautiful wife. Back there, your son, Kyle, spent four years in a coma. Here, he's about to spend four in medical school. Back there, your sister's family is completely dysfunctional. Your nephew is in a cult and the future of the world is in jeopardy.
Tom: You make it sound so.....bleak. It's just uh, just life.
He's crying.
Diana: This is life and it's a better life for you and everyone you care about. Just accept what you have. Cos if you don't, well, you're gonna spend the rest of your life just sitting in this hallway.
Tom returns home to find Alana sitting on the sofa looking at photographs.
Tom: Alana? What's the matter?
Alana: Have you seen these pictures? Look at all the things we've done together. You know, you would think if we're trapped here, they would give us these memories.
Tom looks at photo's of their time together, which include visits to various countries.
Alana: No? Look, we've been to China. I've wanted to go my entire life to China.
She's crying.
Tom: Look, look, Alana. I don't know how long it's gonna take for us to get outta here. I don't know.
Alana: Who say's we will? You keep talking about that door. It's been a month already. What if it never comes back?
Tom: Then we're trapped, ok? Then we're trapped. But if we are Alana, I promise you we will make new memories just as good as these. Better than those.
She takes his hand and they hug.
Alana: I believe we could, Thomas.
Tom: I like it when you call me that. Thomas.
They kiss.
Later that night, we see them naked in bed.
Eight years later.
Tom is standing in front of a mirror wearing a tuxedo. He's having difficulty with the tie.
Tom: And this goes up and then...uh, I can never get these things right.
Kyle: Let me take a sh*t. Come here. Hold still. Gotta remember to make big loops. Leave yourself a little something to work with.
Kyle helps him with the tie.
Tom: Hands of a surgeon.
Kyle: Hands of a resident more like.
Tom: Nah, you'll get there. So how do you like it over at St Pete's.
Kyle: The hours are a k*ller. Doctors treat me like a glorified candy striper, a good nights sleep is a distant memory, I love it!
Tom: Well, I look like I belong on the top of a wedding cake.
Kyle: Well you brought this on yourself. Some people go to Fiji for their tenth anniversary. You two wanted to renew your vows.
Tom: Yeah well, the first time just felt like pictures in a book. This one, this one is for me and Alana.
Kyle: Ready to go, champ?
The ceremony takes place. All their friends and family attend.
Priest: And do you, Alana Baldwin, also renew your commitments to honour, obey and love your husband, Thomas. until death do you part?
Alana: I do. I do.
Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you STILL man and wife. Go ahead. You may kiss your beautiful bride!
They kiss and everyone claps.
Kyle and Shawn hug Tom.
Shawn: Ah, I love you guys!
Later, Tom and Alana dance.
Tom: So how do you feel, Mrs Baldwin?
Alana: Married finally.
Tom: It feels real now, huh?
Alana: Well it felt real for a long time. It's hard to believe we resisted it.
Tom: Yeah.
Alana: Do you miss it? Your old life?
Tom: Ah, I still think about it. After all these years, that life, that world, that feels like the de;usion.
Alana: I now have to concentrate to even remember a life without you.
Tom: See, I'm good now. A self owner tivo? Once you've got me, you can't imagine not having me?
Alana: I love you Thomas
Tom: It still kills me when you call me that. Come here. Hold me.
Back at NTAC.
Tom: You're resigning.
Nina: I'm moving on, Tom. I've been here for eleven years. The private sector beckons. Dennis Ryland offered me a partnership in his consulting firm.
Tom: Nice gig. So you're moving to Virginia?
Nina: Three weeks. Look, DC has asked me to submit a list of names as potential replacements. I'm giving them one. Yours.
Tom is surprised and Nina laughs.
Tom: Um, I'm flattered, but you might need a backup or two. I mean, somewhere in my personnel file are measurements for my straitjacket.
Nina: Nah! You were convalescing from injuries received in the line of duty. Your service in that case was heroic. I think you can talk your way around the fallout. That is if you want the job.
Tom: Oh, chance to sit in the big chair? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want it alright.
Nina: Good. Then practise saying 'nice to meet you too, Senator' Best way to prep for your confirmation hearing.
Tom: I'll spring for a new suit.
Nina: Mmmm hmmm. My last act as head of this division will be to make sure that this happens. Congratulations Tom. You've earned this.
Tom: Thankyou.
He returns to his office.
Tom: Guess what?
Diana: Don't tell me. You just spoke to Jarvis.
Tom: You knew!
Diana: She might have mentioned something.
Tom: And you didn't tell me? I'm transferring you to Greenland.
Diana: Ah, look. He's not even confirmed yet and he's mad with power.
The phone rings and Tom picks it up.
Tom: Baldwin!
Alana: You are not going to believe this. They've just asked me to join the board of directors at the Collier Museum.
Tom: Wow! That's quite an honour.
Alana: You think I should take it?
Tom: Best museum on the West Coast. You gotta take it.
Alana: There's a benefit at the Seattle intercity art's council on Friday night. They wanna introduce me around.
Tom: I'm glad I didn't put my tux back into storage. So it looks like we both got a little surprise at the office today.
Alana: What do you mean?
Tom: Are you sitting down?
Alana: Just tell me Thomas.
Tom: Not here. I'll see you at home tonight.
The night of the benefit and Tom and Alana stand watching the crowd of guests.
Alana: London Ritter. CEO of Stradovik pharmaceuticals
Tom: Isn't he President of the Art's Council? Why don't you go say hello.
Alana: Come with.
Tom: No, no, no. You go. I'm all out of small talk. Go ahead.
Alana walks to Ritter and shakes his hand.
Alana: Mr Ritter. I'm so happy you could make it.
Tom walks out to the room he has been watching over the years. The door is once again black and as he looks through the glass he see's men inside. He touches the glass.
Alana: Thomas?
Tom: Do you see it?
The door has changed back again.
Alana: No. Why, you do?
Tom: It's been gone for eight years. Why now?
Alana: Come back downstairs with me.
Tom: It's the way out. It has to be.
Alana: And if it is and you walk through it, what happens to all this? To us?
Tom: I don't know.
Alana: Then I don't wanna find out. I want to go to Washington next month and I wanna watch you get promoted. I wanna see who Kyle marries.
Tom: So do I. But this door is back for a reason. It's like it wants me to walk through it.
Alana: But do you want to walk through it?
He shakes his head.
Alana: I don't want you to, either. Come on Thomas. Let's go home.
They walk away from the door, with Alana leading Tom by the arm.
It's night and Tom is walking towards his home. Police cars race by with flashing lights. He runs towards the house and finds Kyle being pushed up against a police car. His face is covered in blood.
Tom: Kyle! That's Kyle, he's my son!
The officers hold him back.
Tom: Leave me alone! He's my son!
Kyle is in the back of the car, looking out at Tom.
Tom: Kyle! Let go of me!
Tom suddenly wakes up in bed. He returns to the door in the museum and looks inside. He see's the table in the middle of the room which is covered. Opening the door, he walks towards the middle of the room and removes the sheet. It's Alana. Her eyes are open.
Alana: Congratulations. You made it.
Alana sit's up.
Tom: Where are we?
Alana: I think you know.
Tom: This is where they brought you and the rest of the 4400.
Alana: Yes this is where they altered us. Gave me the ability to create the world we've been living in for the last eight years.
Tom: So it is you. You've been doing this the whole time.
Alana: We've been living in my mind. But the instructions for your reality, came from them. They created a sanctuary for you. An easier, less complicated world.
Tom: But none of it's real.
Alana: You are. I am. The feeling's we have for each other are as real as anything we have experienced.
Tom: Is that why they did this? Kept us here for eight years because they wanted us to fall in love?
Alana: Moments. That's all that's passed. But in those few seconds, we've accumulated years of memories that will bond us in the real world.
Tom: Thought they were worried about saving the world, not playing matchmaker.
Alana: They're worried about you. Your life is about to plunge into crisis. Your mission will be thr*at. They can't allow this to happen. They gave you this relationship as a source of strength. To sustain you in the trials that lay ahead.
Tom: What crisis? What? What is it? Why can't they just tell me what it is? I could stop it from happening.
Alana: It's already g*n. But now you won't have to face it alone.
Tom: No, if it's started, I have to get back there.
Alana: Only your wife can get you home.
Tom: You are my wife.
Alana: No. I'm part of the program they placed in her mind. She has no idea she's creating this. If she did, it would interfere with the bonding.
Tom: So what, I'm supposed to just fill her in and tell her what?
Alana: Whether she knows or not, she's willing this world into existence. She can will it out of existence.
Tom: And what if she doesn't want to?
Alana: You'll have to convince her. That will be the first test of your relationship.
Tom: They've created a damn near perfect world for me. What if I don't want it to end. Huh?
Alana: Then the future picked the wrong man.
Tom: No, no.
The real Alana and Tom talk at home.
Alana: What about Kyle? He spent nine years becoming a Doctor. What, I'm supposed to get rid of him? Wish him away?
Tom: It's not really Kyle.
Alana: Ah! I don't see that! If it's not Kyle, who's moving downstairs in the kitchen?
Tom: Kyle, Shawn, Danny, none of them are real. They're just projections.
Alana: You've spent eight years with these people. They're as real to you as they are to me.
Tom: I love my family. I really do love them. It's not that I wanna do this, it's that we HAVE to do it.
Alana: But they're my family, too. Back there, I'm just a stranger to them.
Tom sits on the bed with her.
Alana: What about you and me? Our life? Is that a projection, too?
Tom: No! What we have, our memories, they'll carry over into the real world.
Alana: It won't be the same. It can't be.
Tom: Maybe not! But whatever we have, it'll be real.
Tom stands up and places a chair in the middle of the room.
Alana: What are you doing?
Tom: Make it go away.
Alana: And what do I do? Stare at it until it disappears?
Tom: No. Just believe it's not there.
Alana stares at the chair and it disappears.
Tom hugs her.
Later, Tom and Alana invite the family and Diana over. They stand in the living room.
Tom and Alana leave the house.
Tom: No, don't look back.
The house disappears.
Tom is back in his office
Diana: Tom. Tom! Are you with me Tom?
Diana throws a pen in his face
Diana: Can you e-mail me the Mareva file?
Tom: Alana Mareva?
Diana: AKA returnee 2155? She was just here doing her med eval. It's my week to do reports, remember?
Tom rushes out of the room and rushes back in.
Tom: Diana. The 4400 ball of light. It happened, right?
Diana: Should I be worried about you?
Tom: Just tell me it happened!
Diana: Yes, yes! Of course it happened! What else have we been doing here the last year?
He leaves the room and comes back in.
Tom: That's right!
He kisses her on the head.
Tom: Thankyou. Thankyou.
Tom searches the building for Alana and see's her get into an elevator. He chases her outside.
Tom: Alana, wait!
She turns.
Alana: Thomas.
He takes her face in his hands and hugs her. Placing his arms around her shoulder, he gently leads her away.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x07 - Life Interrupted"} | foreverdreaming |
(2x08 : Carrier)
Directed by NICK GOMEZ
**Previously on the 4400**
Diana reads Maia's journal and reports to NTAC.
Nina: As far as this department knew, Maia wasn't having visions anymore.
Diana: She was keeping them secret from me. Writing everything down in a diary.
Diana receives some mail.
Diana: It's a subpoeana
Maia: What do they want?
Diana: Your diary
Collier warns Shawn away from liv.
Collier: Don't reveal your healing ability, because if you heal one of them, you'll have to heal them all.
Shawn heals Livs boyfriend.
Collier: One day, all of this will be yours. The paperwork's been drawn up. The lawyers know what to do.
The sn*per prepares to sh**t Collier.
Collier: Everything's in place.
Collier is sh*t.
Shawn: He had a vision to save the future and now he won't be here to see us achieve it. But we will achieve it.
Shawn stands by Collier's casket.
Tom enters the room at the museum.
Alana: None of this is real to me either. This is where they altered us. Gave me the ability to create the world we've been living in.
Alana and Tom renew their marriage vows.
Alana: Thomas
**Present Time**
Tom and Alana return home and speak with Kyle as they eat dinner.
Kyle: So let me see if I've got this straight. You two met, fell in love and spent eight years together in some kind of alternate reality. And now you're here with eight years of love and marriage under your belts in what to us was no time at all.
Tom: Yeah, that, that, that about sums it up, yeah.
Kyle laughs.
Kyle: I'll play along. If you two start calling each other honey bunny, I'm SO outta here.
Alana: I told you he'd try, Thomas.
Kyle: How'd you know that?
Alana: Well you might be meeting me for the first time, but I know all about you. Your smart, your favourite writer is Alan Moore and your favourite meal is meatloaf.
Kyle: Well I can't be exactly the same. You said there was no 4400, so that means no coma. No time lost.
Tom: No major problems, that's right. You were happy. Successful.
Kyle: Meaning what?
Tom: Nothing. We used to talk about medical school, remember? Over there, you went to Stanford.
Kyle: How'd I do?
Tom: You graduated with honours. You became a neurologist.
Kyle: Must have made you proud.
Tom: I'm always proud of you.
Kyle: Right. But Doctor Kyle Baldwin in that world you were vacationing in, came from your mind, right?
Alana: Uh, actually it was my mind.
Kyle: Right, but you created it using his memories.
Tom: Kyle! I'm just as proud of what you've accomplished here! Prouder.
Diana is in the office when Marco enters.
Marco: Hey.
Diana: You wanna know why all lawyers are jerks? Cos they spend a lifetime reading this crap.
He sits on her desk.
Marco: What kind of crap specifically? I'm a pretty good interpreter.
Diana: I have 24 hours to turn Maia's diary over to NTAC and not one legal option to get out of it.
Marco: What are you going to do?
Diana: Well, what NTAC wants, NTAC gets. But I have a nine year old daughter at home who's counting on me to protect her.
Marco: Is there any way I can help?
Diana: Yeah, you can slap me upside the head for mentioning the diary in the first place. It didn't save Collier's life and now it's making mine hell.
Marco: How about I just make some fresh coffee instead.
Diana: Thanks.
Marco: Yeah.
He leaves the office.
Back at the Baldwin house and Kyle is sat on the sofa reading the newspaper which has a story on Collier's m*rder. Alana enters the room.
Alana: Do you think they'll find the man who did it?
Kyle: By they, you mean, Thomas? Yeah, probably. Dad always gets his man. You heading out?
Alana: Yes, I have to keep reminding myself I don't live here anymore.
Kyle looks at her and then turns his head away.
Alana: Look Kyle. Your father and I love each other.
Kyle: That's great. There's not enough love in the world. But I just met you. Give me a few day's before I start calling you Mom, ok?
Alana: Uh, you've got one of those already. I'd settle for being a good friend. And I'll keep bribing you with meatloaf until you give in.
She leaves the room.
The scene shifts to a diner. All the customers and staff lie d*ad. Outside, people lie on the pavement and in cars. A woman, Jean Delynn Baker, an abductee who disappeared on Oct 27th 1999, stands among the d*ad and is visibly upset. She walks through the many bodies littering the street.
A limo arrives at the 4400 centre. A few men rush to greet the man who steps out of the car.
Man: Hello Mr Ross. Did you have a good flight?
Matthew: Yeah, thanks.
Man: Now would you like me to show you around, or do you wanna get some rest.
Matthew: Neither. Take me to Mr Farrell.
Man: Yes sir. Right this way.
Shawn and Lucy are in his office.
Lucy: They've been waiting three day's.
Shawn: Tell publicity I'm not sure yet.
Lucy: They're saying we're past our deadline. We have to release this press statement.
He reads the statement.
Shawn: This is supposed to be coming from me? I don't even understand half of what it say's. It doesn't sound like me, Lucy.
Lucy: So change it. You're the boss. Oh, and legal needs signatures now or no-one get's paid. Including legal.
Shawn: I can only do one thing at a time.
Lucy: So let's start with the statement.
Matthew enters the office.
Lucy: Why don't you dictate something to me?
Matthew: No press statement! If the press wants to know what Mr Farrell is thinking, they can watch 60 minutes along with the rest of America. I've already booked an exclusive interview with our new face at the 4400. That's all for now.
He hands Lucy back the file.
Matthew: Thanks.
Lucy looks at Shawn and leaves.
Matthew: I'm sorry to just jump in like that. I thought you could use a hand. Matthew Ross.
Shawn: Yes. Yeah. What are you doing in Seattle?
Matthew: I go where I'm needed.
Shawn: You've come to the right place.
Matthew: It's no coincidence, Shawn. Jordan made it clear that in the event of his death, I was to step up front and center to help you out.
Shawn: Well, another in a long line of plans that Jordan neglected to share with me. But I'm glad you're here. Jordan talked about you a lot.
Matthew: You're gonna have to hire yourself a new lobbyist. I'm moving to the home office for the time being.
Shawn: Pick any office you want. You start right away. Uh, these letters. Everyone knows I can heal, now.
Matthew: Jordan had every intention of revealing your healing ability to the public, but he was planning on doing it in stages. We don't have that luxury anymore. We'll deal with it.
Shawn: I can't go outside anymore. There's sick people, press, they follow me everywhere!
Matthew: And they will for the rest of your life. The ground just shifted under your feet. You either find your balance or you fall on your ass. This center's the new Lourdes. Nobody's gonna be calling us a cult, anymore. We're turning away people faster than we can sign them up. In ten years, this movements gonna be one of the most dominant faiths on the planet
Shawn: Stop. I'm glad things are going so well, I am, but a week ago I was just some guy trying to b*at the last level of Doom. I wasn't the Pope then and I'm not the Pope now.
Matthew: Yes you are and you need to start getting used to it.
Back at NTAC.
Nina: The FBI is spearheading the hunt for the man who k*lled Jordan Collier. Oh, but we are still in the game and NTAC is making this collar. I'm not having someone else clear up are mess for us.
Agent: Then we'd better get moving. We all know there's an expiration day on these manhunts. Trail starts getting cold after 48 hours.
Tom: I wanna have a look at employee sign in sheets for every office building and parking garage within a ten block radius of the center.
Agent: We've already cross examined everyone on those books.
Diana: Well then we have to look OFF the books. This guy sh*t a public figure in broad daylight. There has to be an eyewitness.
Nina: And so far Tom, the only one who has seen this k*ller, is you.
April and Maia are at a newstand. April is scratching lottery cards.
April: Loser. Pathetic loser! Sweetie, whatever you do, never, ever gamble. It's wrong and it's stupid.
Maia: Then why do you do it?
April: Because unlike your Mommy, your Aunt April doesn't have a steady income. She's an artist and artists always need cash. Which is where the stupid part comes in, because I always lose. So, this whole see the future thing? It doesn't just apply to Earth shattering events, huh?
Maia: Not always.
April: So, if I were to ask you which card I....
Maia: That one!
Maia points to a card.
April: I'll take this one right here. Thanks.
She scratches the card and is a winner.
April: Baby girl. You are my new lucky charm.
Tom and Diana go into Nina's office.
Nina: I'm pulling you off the Collier case.
Tom: What are you talking about? We still have half that neighbourhood to canvas.
Nina: Well, it's gonna have to wait.
She runs a tape.
Nina: 10.37am Pacific Standard. The Federal Emergency Management Agency sent in a task force to the town of Granite Pass Oregon, population 273, where there's been an outbreak of a lethal, highly contagious and as yet unidentified virus.
Diana: Airborne?
Nina: Yeah, likely.
Tom: Man made?
Nina: Unknown. All we do know is, if you went to sleep in Granite Pass last night, chances are, you're filling out a body bag this morning. There's only one resident that FEMA hasn't accounted for yet. Jean Delynn Baker, aged 30. Returnee 0188. Disappeared in '99.
Tom: Divorced, no kids. Psych profile say's she's a loner.
Diana: Looks like things have been pretty grim for her since she got back. Hasn't been able to hold down a job. Unemployed four times in the last year.
Nina: And now she's the only resident of Granite Pass Oregon, who can't be accounted for. So we've got two possibilities.
Diana: Either she's immune to this virus, in which case we could study her. Look for a cure.
Tom: Or else, she's the carrier.
Nina: Either way, your job is the same. Use whatever resources you need and find her.
Jean get's a lift in a truck.
Truck Driver: So, you gonna tell me where you're headed?
Jean is crying and doesn't answer.
Truck Driver: I never could stand the sight of a woman in tears. I guess that's why I never got married. You in some kind of trouble? Run off from your family? Law on your tail?
Jean: Seattle. I'm going to Seattle.
Truck Driver: It's a big city. You want me to just drop you on the edge of town?
Jean: I'm going to the 4400 center. I gotta get there.
Jean's hands are covered in blisters.
Truck Driver: What the hell for? You joining up?
Jean: Just get me as close as you can, please!
Truck Driver: If you're looking for salvation, you're not gonna find it there. What you wanna do is give yourself over to your true Lord and saviour. Purification day is coming. The signs are everywhere. Pestilence, plague's.
Jean: Tell me about it. I woke up in a town full of d*ad people this morning. My mother, my father, everyone.
Truck Driver: Yeah? How come you survived?
Jean: I think maybe I caused it.
Truck Driver: You? Now I know you're messing with me. Ok, go ahead. Laugh at the Jesus freak! But I'm telling you. The whole world will be wiped clean soon enough.
Jean: Look, I don't think you're a freak at all, Mr. Matter of fact, I believe everything you're saying.
Diana and Tom arrive in Granite Pass. They both are wearing hazmat suits. Diana takes a look at one of the bodies lying in the street.
Diana: The eyes and fingernails show only slight discolouration.Rigormortis has barely set in. What do the autopsy's show?
Agent: Nothing we have a name for. Their internal organs are pretty much liquified. This thing works fast.
Diana: So you just took your helmet off. You got a death wish?
Agent: This virus get's released, dissipates and then disappears within a half hour. Seen enough?
Diana: Plenty.
Diana and Tom take their helmets off.
Tom: So everyone died this morning, because they were within the virus' original radius.
Diana: Right. and if you'd drove through town an hour later, you would have been fine.
Tom: That's something, anyway. But Orson Bailey and Trent Applebaum. When a 4400 manifests an ability, they get more intense, quickly.
Diana: Which means, if Jean Delynn Baker, is transmitting the virus.
Tom: Yeah, she might be just warming up.
Shawn is reading some letters from people begging for his help.
Letter 1: Doctors say they can't stop my cancer from spreading...
Letter 2: I'veworked hard all my life. Tuberculosis is eating up my life savings. My beloved wife of 40 years...
Letter 3: Grandma told me to pray, so when I saw you on TV, I knew....
Letter 4: Help me.
Shawn is upset and throws the letters onto the floor. Someone knocks on the door.
Lucy: Shawn, it's Lucy. You're scheduled for the new key's address. Everybody's waiting. Shawn?
Lily is pushing Isabelle through a hallway at the center. Matthew walks alongside her.
Lily: I'm flattered. I'm just not sure I can take a job, right about now.
Matthew: Richard's going to be travelling quite a bit. The daycare here is first rate and completely free.
Lily: Well for one thing, I'm not sure I'm qualified. I mean, Assistant Director of Human Resources. I had my first daughter right out of college. You could fit my entire resume on half a page.
Matthew: You're a 4400. It's like an advanced graduate degree, around here. Besides, Jordan talked about you.
Lily: Oh, I'm sure he did.
Matthew: He said you had the gift of empathy. That you were a natural born organiser and that you had a knack for bringing out the best in people.
Lily: Jordan said that about me?
Matthew: You're a returnee. You're smart. We empower people like you around here.
Tom and Diana go to Jean's house and find Marco there.
Marco: Wipe your feet.
Tom: A k*ller airborne virus has been released and you're worried about muddy footprints.
He waves his finger at him.
Marco: It's still somebody's home.
Diana: So this is where Jean Delynn Baker, lived.
Marco: Until she h*t the road, yeah.
Tom: Did she keep a schedule or any kind of daily planner?
Scientist: Yeah, but I think it went out the window when she realised her entire home town had been wiped out.
Diana: Anyone get in touch with her parents?
Scientist: This was her house. They were sleeping upstairs when the virus h*t.
Tom: Ok, you guy's aren't leaving this house, until you've gone through everything. Letter's, phone bills, grocery lists. Marco, listen to me. Find me a pattern. The way she thinks. She's on the run, I want to b*at her to wherever she's headed.
Marco takes a picture of Diana as she leaves the room.
Scientist: Flirt!
Marco: You heard the man.
The 4400 center switchboard room.
Operator: 4400 center. How may I direct your call.
Jean: I didn't mean to do it. I didn't mean to k*ll them. I, these, these blisters.
Jean is calling from a motel room.
Jean: They itch so bad.
Operator: k*lled who?
Jean: I need you to help me, please!
Operator: Who is this?
Jean: I'm a 4400 and there's something wrong with me. Everybody that I'm around dies and I don't know how to stop it. I don't know how to stop it.
The operator calls for a supervisor.
Operator: Tell me your name and where you are.
Matthew arrives when the call ends.
Matthew: How many people d*ad?
Operator: She said, hundreds. But there's nothing about it on the news.
Matthew: Could be they're trying to keep it quiet. And there is a 4400 named Jean Baker?
Operator: She said she's staying at a motel near the squirrel hill exit on the 64.
Matthew turns to Lucy.
Matthew: Get me NTAC on the phone.
Maia is sat in front of a mirror putting on make-up. April comes in carrying a laptop.
April: Yes! You were right! Philadelphia creamed them!
Maia: How much did you win?
April: $200 for Aunt April. All because of you. My little genius. Now, I'm looking at Chicago versus New York, even up. Chicago's the home team, which gives them some advantage, but New York is coming off a three game winning streak. So who's your pick?
Maia: How much are you betting?
April: The whole 200 bucks. Which won't win me enough to retire on, but a girls gotta start somewhere. So, you getting anything?
Maia: Do you like me?
April: What kind of question is that?
Maia: I mean, like me for myself. Or because I tell you stuff that's gonna happen.
April: Honey, listen. I love you for who you are, not what you can do. Always. Ok?
Maia nods and smiles
Maia: I'd go with Chicago.
April: Chicago it is. Now come on! Aunt April is gonna take you out for pizza. Go wash up and take your Mom's stuff off. You know she get's kind of uptight about....
April takes Maia's hand and looks at some rings on her fingers.
April: Oh yeah. This is my Mother's engagement ring. Where did you get this?
Maia: I always play with it.
April: This is a very valuable ring. Which means it is not for little girl's to play with. Now wash good or I'll order anchovies. Go!
Maia leaves and April looks at the ring.
Alana is in the kitchen preparing dinner. Kyle runs in.
Kyle: Hey!
Alana: Hey!
Kyle: Don't take this the wrong way, but how did you get in here?
Alana: Ah, your Dad gave me a key.
Kyle: A little early for dinner, isn't it?
Alana: A little early for eating. Not for preparing. Can you cook?
Kyle: Sorry, I'm a world class brain surgeon, not a chef. But I can empty a grocery bag with the best of them though. But I have to warn you. You're ignoring the number one rule of Dad.
Alana: Which is?
Kyle: The longer and more carefully you prepare for a family event...
Alana: The more likely it is he won't show.
Kyle: Guess you do know the man. Which means, I guess, you also know me, which I'm sorry, is really weird.
Alana: You have to admit, it's a little strange for me too. We have this eight year relationship and I have to keep reminding myself that it doesn't really exist.
Kyle: So tell me. Was I like number one in my class at medical school?
Alana: Does it matter Kyle? You're not in competition with yourself.
Kyle: I'm just curious!
Alana: Well you keep bringing it up. It's more than curiosity.
Kyle: So what if it is? If you knew that there was some parallel universe, where a better, smarter version of yourself was walking around. How would you feel?
Alana: He wasn't better and he wasn't smarter. He was you.
Kyle: He just had options I'll never have. No 4400, no coma. He got to go to medical school.
Alana: Who say's you don't have that option?
Kyle: I'm 21. I'm a freshman in college.
Alana: So you started a little late. You keep thinking I know two Kyle's. I don't. I just know you. You wanna be a Doctor? I know for a fact that you can pass your MCAS
Tom and Diana make their way in the car to Jean's motel.
Diana: Jean Baker is in a motel about 10 miles ahead.
Tom: Right now, half of NTAC is headed for that place. Mortimer and Felconi should be there already.
Diana: It's weird huh? Responding to a tip that came from inside the 4400 center.
Tom: Well Shawn did tell me he wanted to cooperate with us. Guess he mean't it.
They arrive at the motel to find many cars already there. Tom show's his ID to a sheriff manning a roadblock.
Tom: Excuse me. We're NTAC. We need to get through here.
Sheriff: I'll open it for you.
Diana: So what's going on down there?
Sheriff: A d*ad trucker. Look's like it came on sudden.
They make their way over to the truck which has veered off the road. The trucker is lying over the steering wheel, d*ad. It's the same man that gave Jean a lift. They return to the car and head to the motel.
Jean is sat on the bed reading, when tear gas is thrown through the window. Men in hazmat suits burst in and grab her.
Man: Jean Delynn Baker!
Jean: No, no, no! What are you doing? I called you for help!
Man: We know! Come with us!
Jean: No, you're scaring me! Please stop, they start to itch when I get scared! Please! Get away from me!
The two men fall to the ground.
Jean: God!
She runs out of the room. Her hands are bleeding and the sores are weeping. As she runs outside, other men fall to the ground. She get's into a car and drives away.
Back in the car with Tom and Diana.
Diana: That trucker died not more than three hours ago.
Tom: He couldn't have picked up Jean more than two hours before that.
Diana: Which means he was exposed, infected and k*lled in like what, 20 minutes. That's faster than any virus I've ever seen.
Tom's phone rings.
Tom: Mortimer and Falcone. Look's like we're playing backup.[Into the phone] Baldwin!
Jean: It's not my fault.
Tom: Who is this?
Jean is in the car.
Jean: I called you for help! You tossed tear gas into my room!
Tom: Jean Baker. How did you get Mortimer's phone?
Jean: How do you think I got it? They scared me. They came barging into my room!
Tom: What did you do to them?
Jean: I guess you thought those suits they had on would keep them safe, huh? Well you were wrong, ok? Nobody's safe! That's why I'm warning you. You stay away from me, ok? Just keep everyone away!
Tom: Where are you?
Jean: I'm driving.
Tom [To Diana]: I think she took their car. Call Jarvis. Get a b*at on it. [To Jean] Jean, where are you? Where you're going. We wanna help you.
Jean: No, I tried that! No-one can help me. No-one ever could! Why should it be any different now!!
Tom: I know you don't wanna k*ll anyone, but listen to me. There's a virus that's growing inside you. It's incredibly lethal.
Jean: I've always been toxic. I've poisoned every relationship I've ever had!
Tom: This is different.
Jean: Yes! They made it real! My parents always thought I was a walking disaster. They never got to see how right they were.
Tom: Jean, it doesn't have to be like that. You want this to be over? It can be. Just find a deserted spot, pull over and wait for us to come to you.
Jean: I don't need you. I'm taking care of it myself.
Tom: What are you gonna do?
Jean: I'm gonna end this before I k*ll anyone else!
Tom: End what?
Jean: This phonecall, this day, everything!
Tom: Look Jean, just, just wait, hold on, just....
Jean: Goodbye.
The call ends.
Tom: She say's she going to k*ll herself.
Diana: Well I'm not sure that's a solution. It could trigger another release of the virus.
Tom: Do we have a fix on her?
Diana: Yeah. She's travelling west on the 99. Jarvis has got three helicopters in the air. If she doesn't pull over, there's orders to incinerate.
Shawn talks with Matthew.
Matthew: Vacation? For how long?
Shawn: A month, maybe two, I don't know.
Matthew: You think that's what the center, the movement, needs right now?
Shawn: I don't know Matthew, but I'm damned sure it's what I need right now.
Matthew: I think you're going to have to settle for a long weekend. I hear Future Sound [SP] is nice.
Shawn: You're not hearing me.
Matthew: I'm ignoring you. There's a difference.
Shawn: Listen! I'm not saying I can't do this. I will lead this movement. But Jordan just died and I need some time to get my head around that.
Matthew: You're gonna have to grieve on the run, like the rest of us. It's called being a grown up.
Shawn: Don't lecture me about my responsibilities! You just got here. And if this place needs me the way that you keep saying that it does. Then it's gonna have to work around me sometimes.
Matthew: Look around you. We can do that. Mary O'Connell, taken 1972. Very promising empath. Robert Fields, 1987. Genius with numbers and pattern recognition. John Gerten...
Shawn: Who are these people?
Matthew: Replacements. Potentially. None of them make the slam dunk you would, but I'm ready to move this center forward, with you or otherwise.
Shawn: Jordan used to talk to me that way, sometimes. He was great at getting me to see things his way. You? You're not quite there yet.
Matthew: Your healing power makes you unique. Jordan knew it. I believed it. I came here to work with you, but you're asking me to work around you and that I can't do.
Shawn: Then you are going to have to spend some quality time with that list, because I'm leaving. I'm sure you won't miss a b*at though. I know there's a huge demand for pattern recognition!
Shawn leaves the room.
Marco is still at Jean's house and is on the phone with Tom.
Marco: That's, that's, that's impossible. Mortimer and Falcone were wearing state of the art biohazard gear. That stuff's engineered to withstand an anthr*x att*ck.
Tom: They're d*ad, Marco! Obviously, whatever she's releasing is a little crafter than the anthr*x virus.
Marco: If it got through those suits, that means the antigen's operating on a sub atomic level.
Diana: Which basically makes it unstoppable.
Marco: Yeah, pretty much.
Tom: Jean told me Mortimer and Falcone scared her when they came into her room. Is it possible the release of this virus is connected to her emotional state?
Marco: Yeah, more than possible, it's likely. Her medicine cabinet is basically a neon sign flashing, borderline personality disorder. She's got cortisone creams for stress rashes. An assortment of your finer phsyco pharmaceutical's. Xanax, Prozac.
Tom: We get it, Marco. She's a wreck.
Marco: A wreck who's body acts as a delivery system for the virus she's producing. The same way flowers release pollen.
Diana: What, she's emitting spores?
Marco: Something like that. Look, spores are just reproductive bodies released by her vascular system. Now the human body is one big vascular system, you know, it runs on blood flow.
Diana: Yeah, which can speed up or slow down. depending on moods, feelings...
Marco: Right. So when Jean's blood get's going. When she's angry, confused, upset, whatever, a k*ller virus goes airborne.
Tom: We're not far from her car now, Marco. Any advice on how to deal with her?
Marco: Uh, don't piss her off?
Shawn is in his office attempting to write a letter. Many screwed up pieces of paper lay scattered around him. Lily enters the room, carrying Isabelle.
Shawn: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Shawn: How are you Lily?
Lily: Good. I heard um, you're leaving for a while.
Shawn: Huh, that was fast. Anyway I uh, I don't know how long I'm gonna be gone.
Lily: What are you gonna do?
Shawn: Ah, for starters, I'm gonna disappear for a while. Then um, I don't know, who know's? I mean, I don't have to work here to make people healthy, so I guess I could go anywhere.
Lily: So you're just gonna kind of roam the Earth, Kung Fu style?
Shawn: Like I'd shave my head or wear a robe, but something like that I guess.
Lily: Well you could take these with you. Check out the return address. Stop of in Gloucester, Massachusetts . Do a quick healing and then go on your way.
She looks at the begging letters.
Shawn: You know about the letters?
Lily: Oh Shawn, they're everywhere. Each one sadder than the next. It's too much to take, almost. It did give me an idea though. But your leaving so we'll talk it over when you get back.
Shawn: No Lily! Like I said, I don't know when that's gonna be, so please. I would love to hear what you have to say.
Lily: Alright, well I was thinking. I mean, we're not a hospital and we're not a charity and still thousands of these requests keep pouring in every day. I mean, no wonder you feel overwhelmed. We're not set up to handle this.
Shawn: Yes exactly! That's why I gotta get outta here.
Lily: What if we set up a foundation. Part of this place, but seperate. Hire a staff who's only job is to open these letters and find the neediest cases. People that we can help that no-one else can.
Shawn: But that is still saying no to thousands of people.
Lily: That's right Shawn. But what if we can say yes to one? You heal one person a day, every day.
Shawn: That's a big job though. Deciding who deserves it most.
Lily: Well, so you form a committee and you load it up with Doctors, social workers...
Shawn: And you?
Lily: Oh, well...
Shawn: Come on, it's your idea. You should at least be there to help make it happen.
Lily: Yeah, I just took a job at human resources. I think I could probably get you transferred.
She smiles
Tom and Diana arrive to find Jean's car on f*re. Tom makes his way over to one of the firefighters.
Tom: Did you find a body in there?
Firefighter: Can't get close enough yet.
Tom: As soon as you can, we need to retrieve it.
Diana: She said she wanted to end it.
Tom: I guess we could send Marco and his boy's back down to the basement. We might find a ripple effect on this one.
His phone rings.
Tom: Excuse me. Baldwin!
Jean: I came close, but, I don't know.
Tom: Jean.
Jean: I couldn't go through with it.
Tom: That's good. Nobody wants you d*ad. Just tell me where you are.
Jean: No, you can't help me. The 4400 Center can't help me, but it doesn't matter. I finally know where I'm supposed to go.
Tom: Tell me where. I'll meet you there.
Jean: You ever read the bible, Baldwin?
Tom: I went to Sunday School.
Jean: Spent some time with it back at the motel. The time is at hand.
Tom: That's Revelations, right?
Jean: But do you know what it means? I bet you don't. See, these blisters, they form on my hands. You get it.
Tom: Not sure I do, Jean.
Jean: They're talking about me in that book. You got family?
Tom: Jean, what are you talking about?
Jean: Go to 'em. Hug 'em real tight. I finally figured it out. Why they sent me back. I'm part of their plan. They want me to do this.
Tom: Do what?
Jean: Purify Humanity.
She puts the phone down and leaves the booth.
Diana: She was quoting Revelations? Never a good sign, Tom.
Tom: She's gone from wanting to help, wanting to stop all this, to believing she's the end of the world. So what does she mean?
Diana: She said they wanted her to do this, right? Well that implies it's out of her hands.
Tom: Destiny.
Diana: Well she's giving up responsibility.
Tom: Yeah, that's one way to deal with being a walking plague. Pretend the decision's out of your hands.
Diana: I don't think she even wants to think about it anymore. I think she just wants it over.
Tom: Well that's her mindset. It still doesn't tell us where she's going.
Diana: She's on auto pilot, Tom. My best guess? She does whatever she planned on doing before the bodies started rolling.
Marco is looking through a notebook, and phones Tom.
Tom: Marco.
Marco: Today's Tuesday, right?
Tom: It's Wednesday, Marco.
Marco: My bad. Uh, she's only got one thing written down for the day. She's filing her unemployment claim...in downtown Portland.
Maia is reading in her room and hears April shouting out.
April: Son of a bitch! I don't believe it!
April bursts through the door.
April: Am I dreaming, or did you not tell me that Chicago would win? Do you know what I bet?
Maia: $200?
Maia is lying on her front, still reading a book.
April: Try my Mother's diamond engagement ring and now it's gone! All because I believed in you! Trusted you! And you let me down!
Maia: You lied to me! You said winning didn't matter. You said you liked me anyway.
She begins to cry.
April: Ah, so you knew Chicago could lose, didn't you. Right from the jump, this was all just a test!
April sits on the bed.
Shawn and Matthew walk through the center.
Matthew: A foundation? Don't you think we have our hands full already?
Shawn: It's one person a day. Once it's up and running, it's not really gonna eat into my time.
Matthew: I thought you were looking for privacy. If you do this, you're stepping into a whitehouse spotlight.
Shawn: Yes, but it's on my terms.
Matthew: It would be good publicity. Not too hard to get off the ground. You could get some huge names for that filtering committee. I think it's a good idea.
Shawn: Well I'm glad that you approve, but I wasn't really asking for your permission.
Shawn walks away.
Matthew: I would hope not.
Jean stands on the pavement outside the Portland Employment Division. Diana and Tom approach her.
Tom: Jean.
Jean turns and looks at them.
Jean: Baldwin.
Tom: That's right.
Jean: You should have stayed away.
Diana: Look around you. All these people, they haven't done anything to hurt you.
Jean: They haven't done anything to help me, either. Besides, it doesn't matter. I don't have a choice. I am doing what they wanted me to do.
Tom: You don't have to accept that. You have a choice.
Jean: Yeah, like I had a choice when I was abducted. I never had a choice. Ever! They got the right girl for the job. What are you doing here, anyway? You should have gone back to your family, like I said.
Tom: No I'm, I'm right where I wanna be.
Jean: You must have some kind of death wish.
Tom: You think your here to k*ll people? I think I'm here to stop you. They infected you Jean, and that was wrong. But you don't have to let them make you into a mass m*rder.
Jean: I'm already a k*ller!
Tom: No, you haven't decided to k*ll anyone. That's what you're doing right now! Whatever you're thinking about, destiny or fate, whatever, you're wrong. You don't have to do this. You don't.
He holds his hand out to her.
Jean: Wanna hear something funny? I believe you. But it's too late.
Blisters have appeared on her hands.
Jean: Oh, they're so white! I can't stop it now. I itch so bad! I don't....
Diana sh**t her through the heart and as she begins to fall, Tom catches her, gently lowering her to the ground. Medics run over and spray her hands.
Later, Diana is back in the office. Marco walks in.
Marco: Hell of a day. How you holding up?
Diana: Well, I'm scheduled for physichiatric counselling on Monday. Saved thousands of innocent people. Had to sh**t a woman, to do it.
Marco: Hey, you did what you had to do. Anyway, uh, I'm not sure if this is a good time, but I made you a little something.
He hands her a black book with the word's Maia's Diary written on the front.
Marco: It's kind of a, well a fake version of Maia's diary. It should fool just about anybody.
Diana: You forged this to get NTAC off my back?
Marco: I know it's a big thing, but you were kind of over a barrel, so...
Diana: This could get me into a lot of trouble. This could get YOU in a lot of trouble.
Marco: Yeah uh, you don't have to use it if you don't want to. I'm just giving you an option.
Diana: This is insane. It's also, maybe one of the nicest things anybody's ever done for me.
Matthew and Lily are in the grounds of the 4400 Center.
Matthew: I wanna thank you for a job well done. You must have been very persuasive.
Lily: I just said what I thought. Your idea for a foundation was terrific.
Matthew: You mean your idea, don't you?
Lily: Do we have to be all cloak and dagger about it? Now you and Shawn both got what you wanted and a lot of sick people are gonna get help.
Matthew: Well you did a lot of good for the center today and I'm not gonna forget it.
Lily: Hey Matthew! You know what the center means to me?
Matthew: What?
Lily: Free rent and daycare for my daughter. I'm not 63. I'm not an 18 year old kid. I don't need you to discover the magic power inside of me.
Matthew: So in other words, you're not a true believer.
Lily: Is that a problem?
Matthew: Not at all. Neither am I.
He walks away.
Tom arrives home that night and heads to the kitchen. Alana enters.
Alana: You look wiped.
Tom: Don't ask. You didn't have to do this.
Alana: I didn't. Your son's the cook.
Tom: Kyle! I bet he had a little help.
Alana: Well you know, we got to talking. It was nice.
Tom: How was your day Alana?
Alana: Well I bought these pieces from this young artist girl from Benstein, self taught. And she painted this little scrap of garden in her backyard. And it's light and....
Tom kisses her and she carries on telling him about her day.
Diana enters Nina's office.
Nina: You ok?
Diana: More or less. But you almost forgot.
She places the fake diary on Nina's desk.
Nina: No I didn't. But I thought in line of today's events that I would give you a little extension.
Diana: Well that's not necessary. It's a hot read. Lot's of good stuff about Spongebob.
Nina: Thankyou.
Diana leaves the office and Nina begins to read the diary.
Kyle is on his laptop looking at pre med courses. He turns to the television, which is showing Collier's m*rder. He has a flashback to smashing in the shop window and then suddenly the memories of the m*rder race through his head. Flashes of him burying a bag and sh**ting Collier. He turns from the television and bends over as though in pain.
A witness is at NTAC helping an artist sketch the k*ller.
Witness: His eyes were more narrow. Yes that's him. His mouth was more flat, not smiling. That's him!
The sketch is given to all NTAC members and posted on boards. It is quite a good likeness of Kyle, although not exact.
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x08 - Carrier"} | foreverdreaming |
Les Cicatrices du Passé
(2x09 : Rebirth)
**Previously on The 4400**
A welcome home party is held for Shawn.
Nikki:Remember me?
Shawn: Nikki?
They kiss.
Shawn: You're the only good thing that's happened to me since I've been back.
Danny fights with Shawn.
Susan: Danny!
Shawn: Danny, stop blaming me for Nikki!
Susan: Shawn, stop it, you're k*lling him!
April stands at a newstand with Maia, scratching lottery cards.
April: So, this whole see the future thing? It doesn't just apply to Earth shattering events, huh?
Maia: Not always.
Maia picks out a winning card.
Maia: That one.
April: Baby girl. You are my new lucky charm.
Later, at home.
April: Do you know what I bet? Try my Mother's diamond engagement ring. And not it's gone.
Maia: You said winning didn't matter. You said you liked me.
April: This was all just a test.
Maia: And you failed.
Shawn is in his office with Lucy, looking over a press statement.
Shawn: It doesn't sound like me, Lucy.
Lucy: So change it. You're the boss.
Matthew enters the office.
Matthew: Matthew Ross.
Shawn: Yes.
Matthew: Jordan made it clear, that in the event of his death, I was to step up front and center to help you out. The ground just shifted under your feet. You either find your balance, or fall on your ass.
Shawn makes a speech at Collier's memorial.
Shawn: The fact is, that everyone alive today, owes Jordan Collier. He had a vision to save the future.
Kyle bumps into Wendy on campus.
Wendy: You were waiting in the hallway outside my apartment last night.
Kyle: I don't know how I got there, please believe me. I had another blackout last night.
Kyle has a flashback and remembers k*lling Collier.
**Present time**
It's morning and Kyle is sleeping in bed. Tom knocks on the door.
Richard is in the foyer of the 4400 center. He see's a man that he seem's to recognise and approaches him.
Richard: Ben?
Ben: Tyler? My God, you haven't changed.
Richard: 50 year vacation will do that for you. You look...
Ben: I look old. Especially next to you. I had you b*at by eight months. Last time I saw you was in a tent.
Richard: Outside of St Andrew, Korea.
Ben: May 11th 1951.
Richard: You remember the date?
Ben: Sometimes I have trouble remembering my grandkids birthday, but that's a date, I'll never forget. I mean, Lee h*t you and you uh, well you disappeared.
Richard has a flashback to his abduction.
Richard: So uh, what you doing here, Ben?
Ben: You remember Milton Weinburg, your old uh, wingman.
Richard: Milt was the first guy who invited me over to sit at his table in the officer's mess.
Ben: He passed on. Parkinson's disease. I'm sorry, I keow you guy's were close and I'm sure he would want you at the funeral.
Richard: Is uh, Lee gonna be there?
Richard has another flashback to the beating before the abduction.
Lee: We treated you as an equal. That was good enough for you. You crossed the line.
Back to the present.
Ben: None of us have spoken to Lee in years.
Richard: I'll be there out of respect for Milt.
A couple are in a hospital. The woman sits in bed looking very worried. A male Nurse brings in a baby to her.
Mrs Ward: Is he ok?
Edwin: Better than ok. Heartrate, respiration, reflexes, all above average. Say hello to your healthy child.
Mr Ward: I mean, I can't even find the words. Doc, we don't know how to find you.
Mrs Ward: And he's gonna know all about you. The Nurse that changed his life.
Edwin: Enjoy your son, Mr and Mrs Watt Keep him safe.
The nurse is Edwin Mayuya who disappeared on February 24th, 1996.
Edwin leaves the room and walks out into the busy hallway.
Doctor: Edwin, do you have a second?
Edwin: I'm sorry Doctor, I'm due in the nursery.
Doctor: It can wait. I wanna know what you did to the Ward baby. We did amnio in the first trimester. That baby was diagnosed with Prado Rey syndrome.
Edwin: Perhaps there was some mistake in the tests.
Doctor: You saw those results Edwin. The 15th chromosome was damaged. That indicates severe mental ret*rd at birth, but their kid just scored nine on the apgar test.
Edwin: A miracle is traditionally cause for celebration, not an inquisition.
Doctor: This is the fourth time this has happened in the last six months. In every one of those cases Edwin, you are the attending nurse and you're one of the 4400.
Edwin: I'm not sure I see the connection.
Doctor: Everyone's read about that kid who's running the 4400 center now. They say he's cured diseases like ALS. Diseases no hospital in the world can put a dent in. He's a healer. So are you.
Edwin: For me, it only works in utero. I can feel the damage to their chromosomes. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but somehow I'm able to repair them.
Doctor: That's incredible.
Edwin: Dr Ordler. If it's all the same to you, I prefer to work anonymously.
Doctor: There are already rumours in this hospital ofmiracle births there have been. And people talk. I don't think you're gonna have that option.
She walks away.
Kyle has another flashback to the sh**ting. He is standing outside the buiding opposite the center, at night. The witness who helped out the NTAC artist see's him and runs off.
Diana and Tom are in the office.
Diana: Wait a minute. It's Gavin Mar, I read his statement yesterday. Why are they sending us these again?
Tom: Maybe we missed something.
Diana: There were a thousand people at the party where Collier got assassinated. Wouldn't you think that they could at least send us a new set of completely useless files?
Nina arrives.
Nina: Anymore leads in there? Didn't think so. I'm pulling you off the Collier case. Just for the moment.
Tom: Something important I hope.
Nina: One of the thousand in the research report caught my eye. There's an internet chatroom for pregnant women. Yesterday, someone started a thread about some unexplained reverses of birth defects at Mercy Hospital.
Tom: So you're yanking us off Collier to check out internet chat.
Nina: Uh huh
Diana: There's a 4400 works at the hospital.
Nina: Bingo!
Edwins file is opened by Shawn.
Matthew: Edwin Mayuya. He was born in Rwanda.
Shawn: This guy's some kind of healer.
Matthew: According to the internet. Don't worry, you're still the alpha dog.
Shawn: It's not like I mind. It's great if he is, of course. Should we invite him to the center?
Matthew: At the very least. I think Mr Mayuya merits a sit down.
Shawn: Alright, set it up. I'll be there.
Matthew: Why don't you let me handle the meet and greet. I'll figure out if there's anything to these stories. In the meantime, there's a move I'd like you to consider making. Call it the next phase in your development as a leader.
Shawn: Matthew, I told you I would read The Art Of w*r, ok?
Matthew: I want you to call your Mom. I know Jordan counselled you to distance yourself from your family.
Shawn: Before Jordan was telling me anything, my family had already distanced themselves from me.
Matthew: Family dynamics are complex.
Shawn: I don't think that a phone call is gonna lead straight into some kind of group hug.
Matthew: Even if it just leads to dinner, you're heading in the right direction.
Shawn: But Matthew. What is it to you?
Matthew: Right now, every news desk in the country is taking a long hard look at you. They're looking for a weakness.
Shawn: And because I'm not speaking to my family, that implies what? Everybody here's supposed to do likewise?
Matthew: The press will spin it that way. That's how they smear us with the cult label.
Shawn: You want me to stir up all of this old business, as a publicity ploy?
Matthew: You take care of it now, or wait. See it splashed all over the newspapers. Here's your Mom's phone number. In case you forgot.
Matthew walks out.
People gather around a casket at the cemetary. The last post is being played. Richard is standing among other men, who all salute. Afterwards, Richard walks up to a group of men.
Man 1: How do you think I rang the bell?
Ben: Uh, we were just saying what a nice ceremony this was. Old Milty left a great family behind.
Richard: He had a lot of love to spread around, huh?
Man 2: We thought you got k*lled. Or captured maybe.
Ben: There was some talk you went AWOL.
Man 2: None of us put any stock in that.
Richard: Disappearing in a beam of light. Nobody thought of that, huh?
They all laugh
Ben: Hey uh, you in town tonight?
Richard nods.
Ben: Good. We're gonna have our own private wake for Milt, down at Shaugnessy's. You know, he loved his buds, so we're gonna hoist a few in his memory.
Man 2: You should come. We'll kick around old times.
Richard: Old times was hardly more than a year ago for me.
Ben: You can fill in the gaps then. There's a lot of stuff we don't remember any more.
Richard: Chance to swap tall tales with you old duffers? Wouldn't miss it.
Diana and Tom go to the hospital to speak with Edwin.
Edwin: NTAC has examined me several times already this year. I don't think I'm due for another, for three months I believe.
Tom: You've never missed an appointment. We appreciate that.
Diana: You just admitted to us that you've developed this ability. It's a kind of Earth shaking one, I have to say.
Edwin: Forgive me, but I don't see how submitting me to another round of tests, helps anyone.
Tom: These mutations you can induce....
Edwin: I believe they are not mutations sir, I believe they are repairs.
Diana: Either way, our Doctors need to take a look at you. If they can figure out the way your ability works, it could help a lot of people.
Edwin: Alright then. I will let your Doctor's poke and prod me to their hearts content. But I ask one thing. That you allow me my privacy. I do not want to become a public figure.
Tom: Well that works for us. Whenever a new ability leaks to the press, good, bad or whatever, it stirs a lot of people up.
Edwin: Precisely what I hope to avoid. I've seen firsthand the type of behaviour that irrational fears can provoke.
Diana: You left Rwanda in April of 1994. That was the beginning of the Tutsi's genocide.
Edwin: The beginning. Believe me, I saw my fill of horrors during those two weeks. If I hadn't been granted asylum here in America, I'd be d*ad.
Tom: You were probably just getting used to the place, when you got abducted, I'm sure.
Edwin: There were nights in Kagali when I would have welcomed the chance to disappear from the face of this Earth.
Diana returns home that night.
Diana: So uh, just let me get this straight. You used Maia's predictions, so that you can gamble?
April: I didn't use her to gamble. I used her to win.
Diana: You mean that you used her to cheat. You exploited a nine year old girl who loves you.
April: She was having a good time. We both were!
Diana: But only one of you is an adult. I can't believe that you're standing there defending it.
April: Well this part of it. I can kind of mount a credible defense.
Diana: What, so you haven't got to the part that you're ashamed of yet?
April: These bets? They were sure things. But I needed money to make them. You know Mom's engagement ring?
Diana: You mean the one that she left to me.
April: The one I should have worn to my wedding. I pawned it.
Diana: I just can't believe that I let Maia anywhere near you. I want you out of here.
Diana walks away and Maia stands in her bedroom doorway.
Matthew walks into Shawn's outer office to find Lucy sat at her desk.
Matthew: Lucy! If I watch the news tonight, am I gonna be a happy man?
Lucy: The stations I called all seemed very interested.
Matthew: A 4400 who cures birth defects. I'd cover it. I suppose the tip was anonymous.
Lucy: Believe me, I didn't wanna leave my name. The center outing a 4400 to the media? Seem's wrong somehow.
Matthew: Well it's not business as usual, I grant you. But we leak it, we control the story. And it beats letting him rot in the basement at NTAC. Did Shawn go upstairs for the night?
Lucy: He went out. Personal business he said.
Matthew turns and smiles.
Matthew: Goodnight Lucy
Shawn turns up at his Mother's house and knocks on the door.
Susan: Who is it? Hello?
Shawn: Mom, you gonna open the door, or should I use my key?
She opens the door.
Susan: Shawn!
She launches herself into his arms.
Shawn: I would have called ahead, but I, surprise!
A news bulletin is on TV with the headlines 'Another 4400 Healer?' A black woman sits in a chair, watching.
Newscaster: Will the 4400 be the cure for all Human disease? That's the question on everyone's lips as it appears a member of the 4400 has manifested the ability to reverse certain genetic birth defects in utero. Anonymous sources claim that Edwin Mayuya, a 38 year old nurse at Mercy Hospital is responsible for a series of miraculous healings over the lpast five months.
The woman jumps out of her chair and begins shouting at the television.
Woman: m*rder! m*rder!
A younger woman bursts into the room.
Woman: That's the one. The one who k*lled your parents!
Richard and his old friends sit in the bar reminiscing over old times.
Ben: Wait, there's more. I'm bouncing around the g*n and Tyler here has got the gas pedal all the way through the floor.
Richard: We had two hundred bucks on that race.
Ben: Now Davis is 30 feet behind me and I can barely hear him screaming, 'Not that way! That's where the landmines are!'
Richard: If I knew he was serious, maybe I'd have paid attention.
Ben:Well no-one was gonna follow us that way, so we came in two minutes before the pack, split the money.
Richard: Bought like, five kegs of budweisser for the officers club.
Ben holds up a can
Ben: Get a load of this. Look's just like it did back in the day.
Man 2: Like you Tyler.
Ben: Hard to believe. 50 years go by,. We got the same guys, same beer.
Man 2: It's great to see you guy's. It's a shame it took Milt dying, to make it happen.
Ben: It's hard to find excuses to get the whole g*ng together.
Richard: It's not exactly the whole g*ng, is it? There's always uh, Lee. So when are you guy's gonna tell me where he is.
Ben: Come on, does it matter?
Richard: It matters to me.
Ben: Well, the last I heard, he was in a VA hospital outside of Baker street. The guy's been in bad shape for a long time. Look, everyone here feels terrible about what we did to you. Isn't that enough? You're not gonna get anything out of talking to Lee. Do yourself a favour. Just let it go.
The black woman from earlier is in Nina's office. Tom arrives outside and approaches Diana.
Tom: What's up?
Agent: You know your miracle healer? Turns out his name is Edwin Musinga.
Diana: All his papers have been forged. He's been wanted by the Rwandan Government since 1995.
Tom: Wanted for what?
Agent: Atrocities. He was a Doctor during the uprisings. He's k*lled a whole bunch of people.
Edwin is interviewed.
Edwin: I was a paediatrician at a clinic in Kadari.I'm a Hutus, but most of my patients were Tutsi. Many of my friends as well. They called my loyalty into question when the killings began.Some men from the military came to my clinic and said they wanted to broadcast it as a safehouse. A place Tutsi could come to be safe from the slaughter.
Diana: And they came.
Edwin: By 3 'o'clock, the clinic was full. Every room, every corridor, all filled with frightened Tutsi looking to me as their protector. The same soldiers came back with militia at their side.
Tom: It was a set-up. Did you at least try to stop them?
Edwin: The radio reports were claiming the Tutsi's had k*lled our President. The anger spread like fires. I got infected too.
Tom: So basically you stood by and did nothing.
Edwin: All over the city, it was organised m*rder. We never would have made it to safety.
Tom: You could have tried.
Diana: Easy Tom. Let the man finish his story.
Edwin: Yes, I could have tried. That's true, I know that now. They made me watch. They k*lled them all. I allowed them to turn my clinic into a slaughterhouse.
Diana: But you didn't m*rder anyone, personally.
Edwin: True. But not much about this thing shone. I knew what was going to happen. I let it take place. I am guilty. My wife left me. I haven't seen her or my children since. Perhaps they will come to my execution.
Diana: Your government's pushing for extradition.
Tom: You should be on a plane right now!
Diana: But your ability complicates things.
Edwin: It would give me the chance to make amends, but I could save an infant a day for the rest of my life and I'd still deserve every one of my nightmares.
Tom and Diana leave the room.
Diana: What was going on in there, Tom? Because if you were looking to shut him down before he got his story out, all that glaring was a great way to go about it.
Tom: That guy should be on his way to a tribunal! Instead, we're serving him lunch downstairs.
Diana: So what? Would you prefer it if we starved him?
Tom: I don't believe you're defending him.
Diana: I would never defend what he did! But I would make an arguement for what he can do now. I mean, there's a reason the future sent him back with this amazing ability, but forgive me if I sound like, I don't know, you.
Tom: No, no, not this time! We're not talking about a criminal. We're not even talking about a m*rder. We're talking about genocide, Diana! Maybe the future doesn't have a problem with that, but I do.
Diana: So if I don't think the world is better off with a b*llet in this guy's head, I'm advocating genocide?
Tom: No, but there are people in Rwanda, right now, who have lost Mother's, brother's and children in that clinic and he stood by and he let it happen.
Diana: It's just like our government. Just like governments all over the world. They all knew what was happening Tom, but nobody lifted a finger to stop it.
Tom: Yeah, that was wrong too and so is this. We've been working on blind faith for a year and a half, assuming these people knew what they were doing, but enough is enough. Yeah, we're saving the future, but we're leaving justice behind. Is it something that you wanna be a part of, Diana?
Danny and Kyle are walking on campus.
Danny: So Shawn just shows out of nowhere, and all of a sudden I'm just supposed to drop all my plans and get with some peace dinner. I mean, we both know why he's turned up now, right? You don't have to be a shrink to piece it together. His mentor Daddy figure get's k*lled and he comes crawling back to Mommy.
Kyle: Danny, why don't you quit whining about Shawn alright? He's your brother. It's been a year, let it go.
Danny: Hey, you're the guy who talked to him and told me how brainwashed he is.
Kyle: So he's coming to dinner, that's a good thing, right? At least pretend it is for your Mom's sake.
Danny: What's with the attitude, man?
Kyle: I just don't wanna hear you bitch anymore, ok?
Kyle walks away
April is packing and Maia stands watching her
Maia: I don't understand. Why do you have to go? Can't you just say you're sorry?
April: It doesn't alway's work that way with grown ups. Sometimes things get so messed up that sorry doesn't cut it. It happens a lot when I'm involved, actually.
Maia: But if you only just leave, nothing get's better.
April walks over and kneels in front of her.
April: Sweetie. I'm sorry, I used you. It was wrong.
Maia: But I forgive you.
April: I still have to go.
They hug and April takes her bag and leaves.
Shawn, Danny and Susan sit down to dinner. Both Danny and Shawn look uncomfortable.
Susan: Well, I know I cooked all day, but is my lasagne really that great you're both just stunned into silence?
Shawn: I haven't had this stuff in like, a year?
Susan: Good, you said something. Danny, why don't you give it a try.
Danny doesn't say anything.
Shawn: Alright, you know what, that's it! Danny, this entire night is about you and me. That's why Mom did this.
Danny: Yeah? What do you want me to do, say we're all fine and dandy? It's not that easy!
Shawn: I don't expect it to be, but you and I obviously have some stuff we need to get into the open.
Danny: Ok, so you're gonna apologise to me now. Is that it? Or was I just imagining it when you screwed my girlfriend!
Shawn: The thing with Nikki. I wish it wouldn't have happened that way!
Danny: What about almost stopping my heart, or whatever it is that you did. You feel bad about that too?
Shawn: You know what? You wanna hate me forever, you be my guest! But you're my brother and I came here to make things right by you! What do you want me to do? You need to punch me in the face or something? I mean, be my guest.
Danny stands.
Susan: Danny, don't you dare!
Danny: Just one sh*t Ma, he deserves it. Look, he's even asking for it.
A long silence follows.
Shawn: Are we ok? Are we done?
Tom and Diana are in Nina's office.
Tom: We're letting him walk. He's responsible for hundreds of deaths.
Nina: His degree of culpability is not for us to determine. Ok look, I can't ship him off to Rwanda. Not yet anyway. In the meantime, his 48 hour hold is up and the 4400 center has hired lawyers who are pressing for his release.
Diana: The press are all over this story. Is he even gonna be safe on the streets?
Tom: Yeah, a w*r criminal's safety, that's my big concern.
Nina: Oh, it better be! In exchange for protection, Edwin Mayuya has agreed to continue coming into our labs.
Tom: We're babysitting him?
Diana: In a chance to study what he can do. This guy could advance genetic research by a hundred years. It sounds like a fair trade to me.
Nina: Mmmm Hmmm!
A hostile crowd has gathered outside Edwin's home. Tom and Diana are inside with him.
Diana: How long have you been feeling faint?
Edwin: On and off , perhaps a month.
Diana: You should have told your Doctors.
Edwin: Don't forget Miss Skouris, I am a doctor, I've been anaemic since I was fifteen. I'm certain.....
A b*llet smashes through the window.
Tom: You ok?
Diana: Yeah
Tom: Stay with him, I'm going out.
Tom runs out of the room. Edwin stands up.
Diana: Stay down! Stay down! Stay down!
Tom walks outside and strides through the crowd. A police car pulls up and Tom walks over and shows his ID card.
Tom: Get these people outta here! I want a patrol car passing by every 20 minutes!
Female: Help! Somebody call an ambulance!
The elderly black woman from earlier is lying on the ground. Her granddaughter is by her side.
Tom: I think she's having a heart att*ck.
Female: He did this to her! Why are you protecting him. He's a m*rder!
An ambulance later takes the woman away. Diana remains in the apartment with Edwin.
Edwin: How did this become public?
Diana: Well I assure you, it wasn't NTAC.
Edwin: Perhaps if I had gone out and spoken to them earlier, this could have been avoided.
Diana: Oh yeah, that would have calmed them down. They could have torn you apart.
Edwin: I think I have already demonstrated the lengths I am willing to go in order to live.
Tom storms into the room.
Tom: You can add another name victim to your list. That woman is d*ad.
Diana: Ok Tom. Why don't you just go back outside, take a walk around the block.
Tom: You know why she was out there, huh? Cos this son of a bitch let her son, her daughter in law and about eight of her nephew's and nieces, die.
He grabs Edwin and pushes him against the wall.
Tom: Isn't that right, Doctor! Isn't that right?
Diana: Tom, stop! Stop.
Edwin: I regret her death. Same as I regret them all.
Tom: Yeah well, I'm sorry you feel bad, but it doesn't change anything, does it?
Diana: Tom, enough! Let him go, now! Let him go!
Tom backs away.
The 4400 Center
Matthew is on the phone as Shawn looks on.
Matthew: Look Benjamin, I don't see what the problem is. Edwin Masinga never k*lled anybody. Not personally, anyway. I already told you which Senators to call. Get face time if you can. Do I have to fly out there and do this myself? I thought not. Black bear me when things start to tip
The call ends.
Shawn: Full court press is on.
Matthew: I kinda wish I was out there. Cash in a few favours. Watch the hill fall in line.
Shawn: You really wanna be cashing in favours for this guy? He say's himself, he's dirty.
Matthew: Oh he's worse than dirty. He's practically a mass m*rder.
Shawn: So why are we wasting our time with him? Somebody might come along who actually deserves our help, Matthew.
Matthew: He's a 4400. Guilty or not, he's a part of what we're doing. They gave him that ability for a reason and I doubt it has anything to do with being ex*cuted in Rwanda.
Shawn: So let's say he didn't come back with an ability. Would we still be fighting the good fight on his behalf?
Matthew: You're the boss. You tell me.
Shawn looks down at his desk and doesn't seem to have an answer.
Diana and Maia are in their apartment. Diana is making breakfast and Maia is sitting on the couch.
Diana: Breakfast is ready! You know you're gonna have to start talking to me eventually, right? I seriously doubt that you can hold out till you're 18.
She walks into the living room. Maia refuses to look up at her, so she's sits opposite her.
Diana: She used you, Maia.
Maia: She said she was sorry.
Diana: Well, there still has to be consequences. Now your ability is a gift, but it makes you a target too and I have to protect you from people who want to exploit you. Besides, you're not the only one your Aunt April hurt this week.
Maia: But I showed her the ring. She wouldn't even have known about it if it weren't for me.
Diana: Well, you should never have been playing with it, which is why you don't get any TV this week. What your Aunt did was completely different and she knows it.
Maia: She made a bad mistake. Isn't that what having a family's about? Forgiving someone when they make a bad mistake?
Diana: It doesn't matter if I forgive her. I just can't have her around you.
Maia: But we don't have such a big family. We can't just kick someone out. EVEN if they mess up.
Diana: Maia, do me a favour. Stop being more grown up than your Mom. Now just, come one, come on, your cereal's getting mushy. Let's go.
Diana returns to the kitchen and Maia follows her.
Danny and Kyle are sat on the steps on campus.
Danny: I am not kidding you. It was like, the most intense lecture I think I've ever given. He took it like a man, I'll give him that. After that, we ate and we talked a little bit. I'm surprised. It was pretty much ok.
Kyle: Good to hear.
Danny: I'm glad I went. Ah, you know what that makes you. Right!
Kyle isn't really paying attention and is staring into the distance.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm a genius.
Danny: I don't get it Kyle. Look, you're pissed at me when I tell you that I don't wanna see Shawn. Then I do it and I tell you it went pretty good and all I get is a big shrug.
Kyle jumps up.
Kyle: Nobody asked you to sit here, Danny.
Danny chases after him.
Danny: What's going on Kyle? Are you blacking out again?
Kyle: Just forget it.
Danny: Look, if you don't tell me what's going on, I'll talk to your Dad.
Kyle turns around in anger.
Kyle: I'm not blacking out, alright? I feel fine. You're not saying a word to my Dad!
He pushes Danny hard in the chest.
Danny: Yeah? Then tell me why you're walking around like a zombie.
Kyle: I can remember now. Some of the things I was doing during those blackouts. I can remember.
Danny: Like what?
Kyle: I'm in trouble, that's all I can tell you. I'm in big trouble.
Danny: Is there anything I can do?
Kyle: Help yourself. Stay away from me.
Richard visits Lee. He sits in a chair beside the man who is attached to an oxygen t*nk. Lee notices him.
Lee: Got a cigarette?
Richard: You have emphysema.
Lee: I know I have emphysema. But what I don't have, is a cigarette.
Richard: Do you know who I am?
Lee: For a second I thought you were the angel of death Richard Tyler.
Richard nods.
Lee: How was Weinburg's funeral?
Richard: Simple. Dignified. Kind of like Milt.
Lee: Never did like his politics much. You know, after you disappeared, he blamed me. Fought me once or twice. Course he was wrong. So, what are you here for? Slap me around a little bit? Shut off my oxygen t*nk?
Richard: Nah. You don't make a very appealing target these day's, Lee.
Lee: What then? Looking for an apology?
Richard: When I first got back, I used to lie awake in quarantine thinking about you. All the things I would do to you if I ever saw you again.
Lee: Oh! You want vengeance! Well, sorry to disappoint you. That's not gonna work out either. Time has kicked my ass worse than you ever could.
Richard: Time kicks everybody's ass, Lee.
Lee: Get you too, eventually. Caught up with old uh, Milt, didn't it, for sure?
Richard: At the funeral,those guys were tripping over themselves to say sorry. But you had fifty years to dwell on what you did.
Lee: I didn't like hitting a fellow officer, but you gave me cause! I ate beside you, I fought beside you, but when you took up with a white woman, you crossed the line.
Richard: That's what you said back then.
Lee: I'm saying it again now.
Richard: The world's changed Lee, or haven't you noticed?
Lee:The world maybe, not me.
Richard: And how's that working out for you? Stopped by your room. No cards, no flowers. Lady at the front desk couldn't believe you had a visitor.
Lee: You know, I really wish you'd brought some cigarettes.
Richard: You always did stick to your habits, Lee. Even after they started to k*ll you. So long.
Richard gets up and walks away.
Diana and Tom are looking at some pictures of the atrocities in Rwanda.
Tom: They're not just statistics, Diana. He let that happen.
Diana: I know what he did and I don't need you to rub my nose in it.
Tom: It's worth putting the faces to the numbers.
Nina walks in.
Nina: We've got a problem.
She walks past them and they follow her towards the elevator.
Nina: The State Department has decided to fight extradition. They're gonna argue special circumstances.
Tom: So Edwin gets a pass?
Nina: Who knows how many kids will get a sh*t at a normal life.
Nina: No, not as many as we hoped. Our labs can't even figure out how his ability works. Forget about replicating it. And I just got his med eval. Turns out he's in bad shape.
Diana: Well he told me he's anaemic and he couldn't sleep.
Nina: No, no, it's worse than that. This ability. Every time he rearranges a foetal chromosome he's damaging his own.
Tom: So if he keeps healing...
Nina: It's gonna k*ll him.
She gets into the elevator.
Danny and Shawn arrive at Kyle's house and sit with him in the living room.
Shawn: Listen, if you don't wanna talk about what you did, I'm not gonna try to force you to. But I guarantee you, whatever it is, there's a way out of it.
Kyle: That's easy to say. You don't know what it is.
Danny: So tell us. How can we help you if we don't know what's going on.
Kyle: I didn't ask for help. In fact, I told you not to mention it to anyone, Danny.
Shawn: And I'm not anyone. I'm your friend.
Kyle: Stop saying that ok? I know you two mean well, but you don't have a g*dd*mn clue what you're talking about, alright? I have to deal with this on my own!
Danny: We get it! On your own. Absolutely! We're gonna help you do that!
Shawn: I think what he's trying to say is, if you need some time to clear your head and get away from everything so you can figure stuff out, I can make that happen. Come to the center with me, Kyle.
Kyle: You're turning this into a recruiting drive?
Shawn: That's not what I'm talking about. You'll have the space you need. No-one will bother you. Kyle, if you ever get to the point where you feel like you wanna talk to somebody, we have counsellors, therapists, lawyers.
Danny: It's worth a try, man. Cos, whatever you're doing right now, it's not working.
Shawn: My car's outside. You can come with me right now, if you want.
Kyle: Ok. Just let me...I've got a couple of things to take care of. Get a leave of absence from school. Stuff like that. I'll meet you there tonight.
Shawn: And I'll be waiting.
Kyle: Ok. Thankyou guys.
Tom and Diana visit Edwin at his home.
Edwin: How much time do I have left?
Diana: Well that's difficult to say. I mean, your genes are mutating every time you heal a foetus. There's an indication of heart disease developing. You have spinal irregularities on your MRI. If you keep healing, maybe a year, maybe less.
Edwin: And if I stop?
Diana: Oh well, if you stop healing, then there's no reason for the state department to stop the extradition. You'll be handed back to the Rwandan government.
Edwin: Who'll have me tried and sentenced without dispatch. So, either choice I make leads to my death. Yes, that's right. It would seem my abductors have quite a perverse sense of humour. I will of course, continue to heal for as long as my body allows. At least then, my death will have a purpose other than vengeance.
Diana: You'll have to be monitored by doctors from here on in. They'll try and slow your decline. But you really should come with us, because we have some of the best physicians in the world on the payroll.
Edwin: Miss Skouris, if you're offering me a bed at NTAC, I'm afraid I'll have to refuse. I did not pass up one prison so I could die in another.
Diana: There is one place you could go.
Edwin arrives at the 4400 center. Shawn and the rest of the staff are waiting for him. He walks through the doors with Diana.
Diana: NTAC medical's gonna need you five days a week, so I'll get you the schedule.
Matthew: I'll make sure he's there on time. Every time. Edwin Musinga, this is Shawn Farrell. He runs the center. You two have a lot in common.
Edwin: Not a lot. Just one thing.
Shawn: One very important thing.
Shawn holds out his hand and Edwin takes it.
Diana arrives back at NTAC and finds Tom waiting for her by the elevator.
Tom: Did you tell him?
Diana: Yeah, he's gonna keep healing. Not that that surprises me. I took him over to the 4400 center. I think he's probably better of there, than he is at home. How does it feel, Tom? Some babies will get saved and you'll get your pound of flesh.
Tom: You really wanna know?
Diana: I asked you, didn't I?
Tom: It feels like justice.
He walks away.
Richard is in his room, knocking a nail into the wall He picks up a photo of himself and his friends back in the 50's.
Diana rushes along a street at night. She walks to a bus shelter and finds April sat on a seat
Diana: Hi
April: How'd you find me?
Diana: Sometimes it's good to have a kid who knows things. What's in Berkley?
April: A tattoo shop that likes my work.
Diana: Oh.
April: Some friends I can force myself on for a while. Listen Di, I said this to Maia, but, I'm so sorry.
Diana: Well it's nice to hear, but it doesn't change anything. You are so deceitful and you're so untrustworthy and, well you're not seeing Maia until you've proven otherwise.
April: I wish I knew how to make things right.
Diana: I wish I did, too. But I do know it's gonna take a long time. But you're still my sister and you're the only one I've got. And I'm uh, well, I'm not giving up on you
Diana hands her the engagement ring.
April: You bought it back from the pawn shop.
Diana: I know you always felt that Mom should have left it to you and to tell you the truth, I thought she only gave it to me because she, well, she figured that was the only way I was ever going to get one of those things. Hmmm. That's a whole other therapy session.
April: Di, I don't deserve this.
Diana: No you don't, but you're gonna take it anyway. One day, Maia's gonna wear that ring to her wedding and I hope, well, I hope you know each other again by then.
April: Yeah.
The bus arrives and Diana leaves. April sits on the seat and cries.
Tom returns home to find a note from Kyle.
Tom: Kyle.
Kyle: Dad, I had to leave. I'm sorry.
Shawn tries to phone Kyle who hasn't turned up at the center.
Shawn: Kyle, it's me. Uh, where are you, man? It's 2am. You're not here yet. Listen, just, when you get this, call me or just show up, ok? Show up. Alright.
He puts the phone down and remembers the conversation with Kyle he had earlier in the day.
Kyle: I know you two mean well, but you don't have a g*dd*mn clue what you're talking about, alright? I have to deal with this on my own!
The End | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x09 - Rebirth"} | foreverdreaming |
La Cinquième Page
(2x12: The Fifth Page)
Directed by SCOTT PETERS
**Previously on The 4400**
When Tom first meets Diana.
Ryland: This is where I give you the speech about how you’re my best field scientist, and Tom is my best lead investigator, and how together you’re gonna make a good team.
Tom’s home, around the dinner table, after meeting Alana.
Kyle : Let me see if I’ve got this straight: you two met, fell in love, and spent eight years together in some kind of alternate reality.
Tom: Yeah.
Tom to Alana, as she prepares to take Kyle abroad
Tom: What time is the flight?
Alana: Uh, noon.
Kyle: Say goodbye to Mom for me.
Diana to Tom at the bus terminal
Diana: They arrested a suspect forty minutes ago. Claim he’s our guy.
In a car garage.
Nina: Roy Keith Marsden.
In Tom's office; to Alana on the phone
Tom: Forget about the flight. Bring Kyle home. They just arrested a suspect in the Collier k*lling.
In Shawn's office; to Olivia who is blind
Shawn: It’s gonna feel a little weird, but when we’re done, you’ll be able to see again.
Olivia: When does it start? When do I see again?
Shawn has lost the ability to heal.
Shawn: Just give me one moment, okay?
At the Abendson Mental Facility.
Tess: Kevin’s a genius, you know.
A scene after Kevin att*cks Tom when he and Diana take Tess from the facility.
Tom: You’re saying that Burkhoff is the father of the 4400 technology.
Kevin to Dr. Clayton
Kevin: I can think again, too.
In Diana's home; to Maia
Diana: You’ve got a real fever, young lady.
In the NTAC Medical.
Diana to Dr. Hudson, referring to Maia’s rash
Diana: I’ve worked at the CDC for seven years, and I never saw anything like it.
Lily to Richard in their apartment
Lily: I was changing her. She has these marks on her skin.
Richard: Marks? Bruises?
Lily: No. Like irritations. Like someone had her hooked up to something.
Nina to the rioting male agents
Nina: What did I just tell you?
Park sh**t her.
After the situation ends, to Tom as she is placed in an ambulance
Nina: You’re in charge until I’m relieved. Whatever manpower is still up walking, start picking up the pieces.
Tom: I’ll handle it. Don’t worry about it.
Opening scene: Tom’s home.
Moving boxes, Tom to Kyle
Tom: Okay. Seriously. My back is about to call it a day. Okay? Just come on.
Kyle: You’re not helping.
Tom: Where’s this going?
Alana moves to help.
Alana: Right there.
Alana is Putting down the box, laughing.
Tom: Please say that was the last box.
Alana: That’s it.
Tom is breathless.
Tom: Okay.
Alana: We’re officially living in sin.
Tom: Oh, really. Well, I prefer to call it: “resuming our eight-year marriage.”
He kisses her.
Kyle: Call it whatever you want, just don’t kiss in front of me again, okay? That’s disgusting.
He breaks into a smile.
Alana: Oh, your father thinks this is so romantic, but what he doesn’t know is the reason I’m moving in is to take down his tacky golf stuff.
Tom: What? And replace it with what? Oh, oh! Paint splatters? Maybe a picture of a triangle that sells for three grand?
Kyle: Kids!
Alana: It’s art.
Kyle: Kids! Work out these decorating issues amongst yourselves. But I’m d*ad serious about this kissing rule, okay? It’s non-negotiable.
Tom kisses her, and they both laugh.
Alana: Oh, Kyle, my allergies are bothering me again. Could you write me another prescription before you go?
Tom: Uh, Alana. Kyle’s only a doctor in the world you created for me, remember?
Alana double-takes.
Alana: I’m sorry. Ah! I had a brain freeze.
She laughs it off.
Alana: Right.
She leaves.
Scene change: hospital room.
Diana tries to decipher Maia’s medical writeup.
Hudson: Trying to decipher my handwriting?
Diana: I was just on the verge of giving up, actually.
Hudson: Good. Bad penmanship is the best way for a doctor to keep his mystique.
He takes the paperwork from Diana.
Diana: There’s a page missing in there. It goes from page four to page six.
Hudson: Sorry. I’m breaking in a new nurse.
Diana murmurs.
Dr Hudson: So, listen. I think we finally know what’s wrong with your daughter. Maia’s suffering from a type of pneumonia called pneumocystis jiroveci; it’s “PJP” for short.
Diana: I’ve never heard of it.
Hudson: It’s rare, but we can treat it.
Diana is relieved.
Diana: Well, thank God!
Hudson: But this kind of pneumonia could be a symptom for something more serious. Now, we’ve tested her for every virus: all negative.
Diana: So, where is it coming from?
Hudson: We don’t know, but we’re running more tests. We’ll figure it out.
Scene change: 4400 Center.
Shawn to Lily
Shawn: It’s not that big of a deal. You know. I’ve just—I’ve been working real hard lately. I think I got the flue or something. Everybody gets that, right?
Lily: Sure. It’s just—Shawn—you can’t heal.
Shawn: For now.
Lily: I think you should get it checked out.
Shawn: If I can’t kick it in a day or two, I will. But—uh—until then, can you reschedule all my foundation appointments? Tell them that it’s temporary.
Lily murmurs.
Shawn: Make sure they know that.
As she starts to leave
Shawn: Lily, don’t tell anyone I can’t heal.
Lily: Sure.
She starts to leave.
Shawn: Thank you.
Shawn: Lily, I mean it. Nobody.
After she exits, he rises.
Shawn: Oh, God!
He examines himself in a mirror. He is covered with the rash.
Shawn: Ah!
Scene change: San Antonio, Texas.
Rose Woodard [disappeared December 1, 1991] examines her arm with the same rash.
Utica, New York: Matthew Lombard, a homeless man [disappeared May 30, 1977], coughs as he sits on a street.
Frankfurt, Germany: Werner Loecher [disappeared April 19, 1973] is wheeled into an ambulance.
Scene change: NTAC.
looking at a screen in the operations room showing a depiction of hundreds of people becoming sick.
Tom: How many are sick?
Marco: Three hundred—that we know of. Medical says more calls keep coming in.
Tom: So, what is it?
Diana: Well, it’s some kind of immune system disorder, and it’s leaving the 4400 vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.
Scene change: NTAC helipad.
Agent to a female agent
Agent: His plane landed at Seatac on schedule. Chopper should be here any minute.
He takes a folder from her; he looks at a Styrofoam cup.
Agent: What’s that?
Woman: They told me he likes green tea.
In the operations room.
Tom: Is it contagious?
Diana: We don’t know.
Marco: Were they infected while they were gone? Maybe they brought this back with them.
Diana: Well, maybe, we just don’t know.
Agent to Ryland
Agent: The situation is fluid.
Agent hands Ryland a folder.
Agent: But here’s a summary of what we know so far.
Woman: Uh, sir?
She hands Ryland the green tea.
Woman: They told me you’d want this.
Diana: The numbers just keep getting bigger.
Marco: So, we’re recovering from an att*ck on this building, the Division commander’s still in the hospital, what are we supposed to do?
Ryland addressing the room
Ryland: We take to the field.
Garrity: Ryland? Where did he come from?
Ryland: We’re gonna have every 4400 in this jurisdiction tested for this sickness by day’s end.
Tom: Dennis! Is it good to see you!
Ryland shaking his hand.
Ryland: Tom. Diana.
Diana: What brings you to Seattle, Ryland?
Ryland: I’m assuming temporary command of this division. My orders are to do something about the spread of this epidemic. I’m gonna figure out a way to do just that.
In Nina’s office, referring to Nina’s nameplate.
Tom: You might want to move that, unless you want people calling you “Nina.”
Tom picks up the nameplate.
Ryland chuckles.
Ryland: How’s Jarvis doing?
Tom: They set her collarbone. Doctors said she should be back in two weeks.
Ryland: My guess: she makes it in one.
Tom sitting down.
Tom: Yeah. So, how’s DC?
Ryland: Oh, it’s a lot of networking. Lots of dinner parties. Patty loves it.
Tom: And you?
Ryland: Well, the Pacific Northwest is the flashpoint. I kind of feel like I was promoted out of the game.
Tom: A lot of guys here would trade places with you.
Ryland: I wouldn’t blame them. A woman releases plague into the air; a t*rror1st att*ck on the building: some people I work for think you’re in the middle of a w*r.
Tom: I’m sure it looks that way on paper.
Ryland: Well, don’t get defensive. I’m still preaching the gospel of Highland Beach. I still believe the 4400 came back here to change things for the better.
Tom: Yeah. And the people you work for?
Ryland: Don’t worry about them. One day, this’ll be over. We’ll go out for a beer. We’ll kick back. We’ll trade w*r stories.
Tom: Yeah.
Scene change: 4400 Center; Daycare Facility.
Ruth to Richard and Lily, referring to Isabelle
Ruth: She was a little cranky this morning. I think she’s cutting another tooth.
Lily: They come in fast, huh.
Ruth: She’s at that age.
Lily: Bye-bye, Sweetie.
Ruth: We’ll see you tomorrow.
Richard: Thank you, Ruth.
Ruth leaves.
Lily checks Isabelle for a rash.
Richard: Lily, what are you doing? I thought we agreed nobody was doing science experiments on our baby.
Lily: Just making sure.
Scene change: in Shawn’s office.
Matthew entering.
Matthew: Shawn, we need to rearrange your healing schedule. There’s something going on: some sort of illness spreading among the 4400.
Shawn feeling and looking very ill.
Shawn: I know all about it.
Scene change: at home, Kyle reads about Marsden’s home being vandalized in the paper.
He visits the home. Alison exits and sees the flat tires on her car.
Alison to Kyle
Alison: You. Did you do this?
Kyle: No, no. It wasn’t me.
Alison: Then what are you doing here?
Kyle: I read about this place in the paper. I just—I was curious.
Alison: Yeah, well be curious somewhere else, because people still live here, okay?
She kneels down next to her car.
Kyle: Need some help?
Alison: What, are you a mechanic now?
Kyle: Well, I can change a tire. | {"type": "series", "show": "The 4400", "episode": "02x12 - The Fifth Page"} | foreverdreaming |
Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.
Diana: Matthew.
Matthew: Are you off to the library?
Diana: Yes.
Matthew: Well, you should know that it's absolutely full to the brim with creatures. Waiting to see if you can call the book up again. I thought we'd... Would you let me take you out for the day instead?
Gillian: Diana? Erm... Do you mind if we just...? I, er... I just wanted to explain about Peter Knox being at my house.
Diana: It was you who told him about the book.
Gillian: I told Sylvia. She asked. I... I couldn't lie to another witch.
Diana: I trusted you.
Gillian: You haven't exactly been honest with me. You've used magic for your own gain.
Diana: Did Knox tell you that?
Gillian: He's a good man. He's in the Congregation. He's worried about you and so am I.
Diana: Well, you don't need to be.
Gillian: Look, I know that you're angry with me. I understand. But that does not mean that you need to spend time with that.
Diana: I can open my own door.
Diana: Where are we going, anyway?
Matthew: My house.
Matthew: I spend most of my time at All Souls, but... I come back here very occasionally.
Diana: This whole place... It's like a time capsule.
Matthew: Mm. Can't stay in the same place for too long. Humans tend to get suspicious, so... I closed it up and left. But I've dropped by over the years. Updated the plumbing. Put in the electricity.
Diana: Who's she?
Matthew: My sister, Louisa.
Diana: Did you have to change your name?
Matthew: I always keep my Christian name. Otherwise, yes.
Diana: What is your real name?
Matthew: De Clermont.
Diana: You're French?
Matthew: Don't you ask a lot of questions.
Diana: Yeah. It's the historian in me.
Matthew: I took my mother's name when she sired me. She lived in France with my step-father, Philippe. He's no longer with us.
Diana: He died?
Matthew: Mm. Yes. We can be k*lled... If you try hard enough.
Rico: Rico Jean.
Satu: Satu Järvinen.
Rico: Welcome to the Congregation.
Satu: You're human.
Rico: The job of administrating the Congregation has been passed down to the oldest male in my family for centuries.
Satu: Have you got siblings?
Rico: An elder sister.
Satu: Well, she must be pleased.
Rico: Oh, we're also tasked to help keep all this secret from humans… The Congregation chamber.
Satu: I want to see inside.
Rico: I'm afraid you can't. Not unless we're in session… The demons are to the north of the building. The vampires over there. And this... Is the witches' archives.
Diana: Were you an alchemist?
Matthew: No, no. I inherited those from my brother. He was fascinated by it. Science with magic, magic with science. He never knew which way round it was.
Diana: I'm not sure either, to be honest. That's why I'm drawn to it.
Matthew: Did you... Cast a spell to call the book up?
Diana: No. No. No, I've never been very good at spell casting.
Matthew: Well, then... Perhaps... There was a spell on it and you just happened to meet its conditions.
Diana: What are you doing?
Matthew: I thought so. Your magic's instinctive. It just comes out of you when you need it. You needed... Ashmole 782 for your research.
Diana: It's not that simple.
Matthew: Well, no, of course not. There's something else, some kind of link between you and the book.
Sarah: Em?
Emily: I thought I was getting something there.
Sarah: How was I to know you were scrummying?
Emily: I couldn't sleep. Dreams about Diana.
Sarah: What?
Emily: Odd things. I thought I'd try to peep.
Sarah: Did you see anything?
Emily: A man... In the shadows. With her, following her.
Sarah: It was Knox.
Emily: No, he wasn't a witch.
Diana: Maybe you're right. Maybe my magic is connected to need.
Matthew: Don't you have any memories of it having surfaced before?
Diana: No. I don't remember much about my childhood. My parents died when I was young.
Matthew: Yes, I know.
Diana: Living without magic isn't... Bad. I've survived without it.
Matthew: Well, that's not quite true. You use it all the time. You can feel me when I'm looking at you.
Diana: That feels cold. Like ice growing under my skin.
Matthew: Witch power is in your blood and it's in your bones. You were born to be a witch, just as you were born to have blonde hair. Or those blue eyes.
Diana: And you?
Matthew: Well, I was born a human… We didn't keep track of birthdays back then. But I'd estimate it was in 500 and then I was reborn as a vampire in... The year 537.
Diana: The things you must have seen.
Matthew: Mm… And done.
Diana: Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?
Owner: New stock's arrived.
Sophie: Oh, what's come in?
Owner: Ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night.
Sophie: Hey!
Nathaniel: Hey, look at this.
Sophie: Oh.
Nathaniel: The story's been up since this morning and already it's got over 100 messages.
Sophie: I knew this was gonna work.
Nathaniel: The stories they're telling. Demons born to humans who had no idea why they were different. They've spent half their lives thinking they were freaks.
Sophie: And now you've got them talking to each other.
Nathaniel: Someone's gonna want to meet face to face. What do you reckon?
Sophie: Stay online for now. It's risky enough.
Nathaniel: What's this?
Sophie: I got them from the library. Look. Does this remind you of something?
Nathaniel: That's your statue.
Diana: Hey, Sarah.
Sarah: What are you doing... Hanging around with a vampire?
Diana: Has Em been spying on me? Anyway... Most of the things we've been told about them aren't true.
Sarah: He could feed off you, take your memories.
Diana: I'm sure that's not true.
Sarah: That's what they do, Diana. He could have fed off you already. Seen everything you saw when you opened that book. You wouldn't remember.
Diana: He wouldn't do anything like that. I'm not in any danger with him.
Emily: Diana, do you remember the stories your mum told you when you were little? The Shadow Prince that lived between sunset and moonrise?
Diana: Yeah. Yeah, I used to love those stories.
Emily: What if it's him?
Sarah: We are putting two and two together and making five. We have no idea who this vampire is or what he wants!
Diana: Well, he's coming to dinner tonight... So I can just ask him.
Marcus: Morning.
Diana: I presume it's not a coincidence you're outside my college.
Marcus: Matthew's away at a conference. Molecular biology techniques. He asked me to keep an eye on you.
Diana: Is he always this controlling?
Marcus: With us, yes. But with a witch... It's a first.
Diana: Okay, then, I may as well utilize you. I'm feeding Matthew tonight. Talk me through it.
Marcus: Look, I'll tell you what Matthew likes if you come to the lab and get your bloods done… We're taking DNA from witch remains clans.
Diana: Thanks.
Marcus: Don't you want to find out which one the Bishops belonged to?
Satu: This is our archive. It's not for vampires.
Dominico: "Test of Diana Bishop's powers." Who is Diana Bishop?
Miriam: Surely, you've wondered about the Bishop blood? I certainly have.
Diana: What will this tell us?
Marcus: Your inherited traits and powers and where you come from. Through your DNA we can trace descent back to one of four witches who...
Matthew: What the hell are you doing? Stop now. If any vampire is going to take her blood, it's going to be me… Are you all right?
Gerbert: Grazie.
Dominico: A strange story came to me today. Apparently, Matthew de Clermont's harassing a witch in Oxford.
Gerbert: What?
Dominico: If it's true, we should capitalise on it. Bring him in front of the Congregation, punish him.
Gerbert: It sounds unlikely to me. Did your source tell you who this witch is?
Dominico: Her name's Diana Bishop. I couldn't get more than that. My source was a witch herself.
Gerbert: Probably lying to you like they all do. Why would Matthew leave himself... So… So vulnerable.
Dominico: There might not be any truth in it, but if there is, we can't afford to miss this opportunity. Someone should go over there and find out.
Gerbert: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.
Agatha: Don't you ever close your door? Anyone could walk in. Oh, darling!
Sophie: Are these for us?
Agatha: You need to eat when you're pregnant. Has the baby moved yet?
Sophie: Oh, she's lazy, I reckon.
Agatha: What's all this?
Sophie: I've been reading up on alchemy. Nat, your mum's here.
Agatha: "Alchemy exits to transform mortals from a state of suffering to enlightenment." I didn't know you were into all this. Hey!
Nathaniel: They've given me a day to close the chatroom. Did you tell them?
Agatha: Of course not. I might not approve, I'd never report you.
Nathaniel: Demons need to communicate with each other.
Agatha: You know it's against Congregation...
Nathaniel: Well, it shouldn't be. It... If we were allowed to come together, there'd be fewer problems.
Agatha: Not necessarily. Think of the risks. Demons aren't good at doing things quietly.
Nathaniel: So we just get told to shut up and hide away?
Agatha: Nat, don't fight it.
Nathaniel: So you fight it for me. You're on the Congregation. You have a voice!
Sophie: It's gonna get better. This has been in my family for generations.
Agatha: How will that make it better?
Sophie: Well, it's the White Queen, from alchemy.
Agatha: I don't think that's what that is. She's got a bow and arrow.
Sophie: She's like her, anyway. My... My dad told me when the time comes that I must give her to the person who needs her.
Agatha: How will you know who that is?
Sophie: I don't know... Yet. Just have to wait for a sign.
Florist: You like something maybe?
Matthew: They're lovely.
Florist: Thank you.
Matthew: Hello, Miriam.
Miriam: You're craving her.
Matthew: Miriam, how I feel about Diana Bishop has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Miriam: She's a witch. You're a vampire. You know the rules. It's forbidden by the terms of the Covenant.
Matthew: The Congregation isn't about to enforce a thousand-year-old rule.
Miriam: Does Diana even know about it? Because Marcus doesn't seem to think so.
Matthew: Bye, Miriam.
Diana: Coming. Okay… Sorry, I'm running...
Peter: Expecting someone?
Diana: Get out of my rooms!
Peter: Feeding him? You shy away from us and yet you seek out vampire company.
Diana: I'm not a bigot like you.
Peter: Yes, just like your father. So open-minded that he put himself and your mother in mortal danger.
Diana: Mr Knox was just leaving.
Matthew: Red deer. A young Highland stag from the taste of it.
Diana: How could you possibly know that?
Matthew: Our senses are heightened.
Diana: Oh, so some of the stories are true. Can you fly?
Matthew: No. But we can run and jump very well, which makes humans think that we can fly. And we're efficient, too. Our bodies don't use up much energy, so we have an awful lot to draw upon when we need to.
Diana: You don't breathe much.
Matthew: Well... Our hearts don't b*at... Very often. I thought you knew about vampires. That's why you invited me to dinner.
Diana: I probably know a little less than most humans do.
Matthew: Most legends about us were... Dreamed up by humans.
Diana: Black hats and bats and brooms.
Matthew: Yes. Somewhere in all those stories there's a speck of truth. Something that frightened humans and... Helped them to deny that we were real. What do you taste?
Diana: Flowers and spice. You?
Matthew: Oh, there's violets in there. Purple sugared ones. Elizabeth Tudor absolutely adored them. Ruined her teeth. Also blackberries from hedgerows. Cigar smoke, redcurrants in brandy. I could go on.
Diana: What would I taste like?
Matthew: Don't ever... Say that to me.
Diana: I only asked to understand.
Matthew: It would take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
Diana: I'm safe with you.
Matthew: The smell of you... Willow sap. Camomile honey. Frankincense. Lady's mantle. Ancient things I thought I'd forgotten. It's not only your scent. I can hear your witch's blood... Moving in your veins. When I touch your skin... And it rushes to the surface… Thank you for dinner.
Gerbert: Go and find Matthew.
Juliette: Thank you, Father.
Diana: You knew about this!
Gillian: What? Who are they?
Diana: My parents.
Gillian: Oh, I... I'm so sorry.
Diana: Knox sent these to me.
Gillian: Why would he do something like that?
Diana: Where is he?
Gillian: I... I have no idea.
Diana: This is sick.
Gillian: Please, can we just a talk about the... Are you going to give the book to the vampire?
Diana: I will understand that book. I'm gonna deal with this myself.
Matthew: Diana?
Diana: Hey, Sean. Hey. Sorry, I know you're closing. I need to get a book. Ashmole 782.
Sean: People have been asking for that all week. It's missing. Last one who had it out was you.
Diana: I returned it to the stacks.
Sean: Yeah, I remember. It's odd. Well then, it's got to be there.
Diana: Can you check again? Just for me, please.
Sean: I'll go and have a look. Give me a few minutes.
Diana: Thank you.
Peter: We'll wait together, shall we? Gillian thought you might take the book out. You see, she understands its importance to us.
Diana: You sent me those photographs.
Peter: I don't want you to end up like Rebecca. Your father made her turn her back on her own kind. Just as you are.
Sean: Sorry, Diana, it's just not there.
Diana: Don't worry about it. It's fine.
Sean: What's going on?
Diana: It's okay.
Peter: Diana. Ask him to look again.
Sean: All of you, get out!
Peter: With this binding knot...
Diana: Stop! Sean! Sean!
Matthew: Hold on, Diana! Don't hold your breath. Just breathe, Diana... I've got you... You're safe.
Diana: Sean, are you okay?
Marcus: Is she okay?
Matthew: No, she's exhausted.
Marcus: Not surprising. Witch wind… I've checked on Sean. He's fine. And I've sorted out the Bodleian.
Matthew: If she wakes up, tell her I'll return soon.
Marcus: Where are you going?
Matthew: I'm going to fight Peter Knox.
Marcus: If you make a move on him, it'll be seen as a direct challenge to the Congregation.
Matthew: He sent her those photographs. His scent was all over them.
Marcus: Are you seriously considering endangering our family just to avenge a witch?
Matthew: Are you questioning my loyalty?
Marcus: I'm questioning your judgment. Think before you do this… Get Diana out of Oxford, fine, but don't take on Knox. If you do, it'll be w*r.
Matthew: I've never felt so protective over anyone.
Marcus: You can protect her without causing a shit storm… Drop her off with Hamish in Scotland. Leave her at Woodstock.
Matthew: No. I'll take her to Sept-Tours.
Marcus: What? You can't put Ysabeau through that. You can't leave a witch at her house.
Matthew: It's my house too. And I'm not leaving her there… I'm going with her.
Diana: Matthew. What time is it?
Matthew: Five o'clock. You've been asleep for ten hours. You were exhausted from the witch wind.
Diana: Witch wind?
Matthew: Mm. No witch has summoned it for centuries. You have to leave Oxford.
Diana: No, I... I can't leave.
Matthew: Peter Knox will come after you.
Diana: I can deal with Peter Knox.
Matthew: Not yet, you can't. Your power is extraordinary, but it's undisciplined. You have to come to terms with it somewhere safe.
Diana: I could go to my aunt's.
Matthew: No. No, I'm taking you home with me to France. No witch would dare trespass on vampire land… You'll be safe there. | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x03 - Episode 3"} | foreverdreaming |
Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.
Diana: Do the villagers know about you?
Matthew: Yes. Like witches, vampires are always safer when they're in a community.
Diana: Is your mother expecting us?
Matthew: Yeah.
Matthew: Diana. This is my mother. Ysabeau de Clermont. Well? Shall we go inside or continue the greetings out here? After you.
Ysabeau: You might have shown some consideration, Matthew.
Matthew: I thought you prided yourself on being a radical.
Ysabeau: I have never been a radical. Change is overrated.
Diana: Thank you for having me in your home.
Ysabeau: Incantada.
Matthew: She's pleased to meet you.
Ysabeau: Of course, she speaks only English and New French. Modern warmbloods are so poorly educated.
Marthe: Matthew!
Matthew: Ah, Marthe.
Marthe: Cos ivas?
Matthew: Va plan, mercès. E tu?
Marthe: Aital, aital.
Matthew: This is my friend, Diana.
Marthe: Welcome.
Matthew: Marthe has been with our family for centuries.
Diana: Thank you.
Matthew: She needs some rest. It's been a long journey.
Marthe: I'll make up her room.
Matthew: No, I'll do it. She'll be sleeping in my tower.
Matthew: You need to get some sleep.
Diana: You must be tired to.
Matthew: Oh, vampires don't sleep often. Not in the same way you warmbloods do.
Diana: Your mother doesn't want me here.
Matthew: It's been a long time since anyone other than family has visited Sept-Tours. Not since my step-father Philippe's death.
Diana: What happened to him?
Matthew: He was k*lled. During World w*r Two. I'll be downstairs. Just... Call me if you need anything.
Marcus: At least they got there safely.
Miriam: And witches won't mess with Ysabeau.
Marcus: Ysabeau's more likely to rip off Diana Bishop's head than they are.
Miriam: Marcus? Marcus? Marcus, are you there?
Juliette: Hello, Marcus.
Marcus: Juliette. What are you doing here?
Juliette: Where is he? Is he chasing after that witch?
Marcus: What witch?
Juliette: If you don't tell me, Gerbert will be very angry with me.
Marcus: Do you really think I care?
Juliette: Does he miss me?
Marcus: He's moved on. He doesn't think of you, ever!
Juliette: Can't do anything on your own, can you? Always need someone to take care of you. Tell Matthew I called.
Miriam: Eternity's a long time to be chasing a man who doesn't want you, Juliette.
Ysabeau: I don't want that room open while she's here.
Matthew: I have some work to do. I'd like to use Philippe's office… Maman, I need the key… I don't want to fight.
Ysabeau: I'm not fighting.
Matthew: Diana didn't k*ll Philippe… Thank you.
Ysabeau: Her kind k*lled him, nobody else… Do you truly understand what you're exposing us to?
Diana: Mum? Mum?
Rebecca: Diana.
Diana: Mum?
Rebecca: Diana!
Diana: Hello.
Sarah: Diana, your ringtone's changed. Where are you?
Diana: Oh, I had to leave Oxford.
Sarah: What? Why?
Diana: Peter Knox thr*at me.
Emily: I think it was right for you to leave. He harassed your parents too. Honey, where are you?
Diana: I'm with Matthew.
Sarah: Where's he taken you?
Diana: To his mother's house. In France.
Sarah: His mother? Ysabeau de Clermont?
Diana: Yeah. You know her?
Sarah: Listen to me very carefully. You need to get out of there... Now. She has destroyed entire covens. In the '50s and '60s, South America... Dozens of witches lost their lives, many of them elderly.
Diana: Why would she do that?
Sarah: Why? Because she's a witch k*ller. Come home now, Diana.
Satu: Demons.
Peter: Yes. That's Agatha Wilson. Their leader.
Satu: You won't tell them about the book?
Peter: No, of course not, but we need their support. Agatha. Please meet Satu Järvinen. Our new witch on the Congregation.
Agatha: Nice to meet you.
Peter: Agatha's always telling us how we need to up our women count. Which doesn't go down well with the vampire colleagues.
Satu: Why?
Agatha: It seems to me that every vampire appointed over the last 900 years has been a white male.
Baldwin: Finished, Agatha?
Agatha: Actually, Baldwin, I'd only just started.
Baldwin: Gentlemen. Now we're all gathered...
Matthew: Merde!
Baldwin: I bring this meeting to order. Peter Knox has called this emergency session.
Peter: Thank you. On behalf of the witches... I formerly request the assistance of this chamber. Congregation rules have been broken.
Baldwin: By whom?
Peter: Matthew de Clermont… Your brother has abducted a witch.
Diana: Does your mother use the whole house?
Matthew: Well, she used to. Now most of it's closed up… That used to be Philippe's office.
Diana: I know you told me he died in the Second World w*r. Then Ysabeau spent the next few decades wiping out covens in South America… I remember my aunts telling me that some witches worked with the n*zi… They played a part in his death.
Matthew: Yes. But that has nothing to do with you.
Diana: For her it does.
Miriam: Take that out. It's been in there long enough… What's wrong?
Marcus: I know my results are back. Why aren't you telling me what's in them?
Miriam: No one hands out results without the appropriate tests being run. And I need a second opinion from Matthew.
Marcus: For f*ck's sake, Miriam! Stop buying time. I need to know what happened with James.
Miriam: There are markers in there that we've seen before in other cases of failed sirings.
Marcus: It's Baldwin.
Miriam: Here we go. Defcon 1.
Marcus: Baldwin.
Baldwin: Does Matthew want to cause a w*r?
Marcus: No.
Baldwin: Then explain what the hell he's doing. What was he thinking?
Marcus: Why don't you ask him yourself?
Baldwin: I've tried. He's not picking up. Does he have the witch? He may be your father... But unfortunately for me he's also a De Clermont. As head of your family, you can't refuse me. Where is he?
Matthew: Her name's Rakasa. My mother used to ride her, but, er... She has a quieter horse now.
Ysabeau: Well?
Diana: She's nice.
Marthe: I haven't smelt such power for centuries. Sweet and green. Like the spring.
Matthew: Mind your head.
Ysabeau: She's bewitched him.
Diana: What's her name mean?
Matthew: Nar Rakasa's Arabic. It means "f*re dancer".
Diana: Let's see you dance then. Yah! Come on!
Matthew: Yah! Slow down!
Peter: As you can see, he's been stalking her. And now she's disappeared from her rooms. No doubt abducted by Matthew de Clermont. Your father set up the Congregation to avoid drawing human attention to us and to keep peace amongst the species. Your brother has broken that peace.
Gerbert: If this is true, then I'm afraid Matthew must be brought to account.
Agatha: What I don't understand is why he'd want to do it.
Baldwin: The lineage is distinguished, isn't that right? Is she powerful?
Satu: No. She was tested as a child. So if she did have the power, it would have come up then.
Peter: No, we're straying from the point, which is, where is she and how are you going to get her back?
Baldwin: Yes, but she is the only creature who has found The Book of Life.
Agatha: Is that true?
Baldwin: Peter has failed to provide us with the full facts, as usual.
Peter: Take that back!
Dominico: Oh, come on, we all know you lie like thieves.
Agatha: If she's found the book, she must bring it here to us.
Peter: She doesn't have The Book of Life. But she does know how to retrieve it.
Gerbert: And you were going to keep that information to yourself?
Peter: At least I haven't snatched her like Matthew de Clermont.
Agatha: It belongs to all of us, Peter!
Baldwin: Enough! My brother does have the witch. He's taken her to Sept-Tours. We will send a Congregation representative and he will hand her over for investigation.
Diana: You know, your mother's right, I should go home. I don't want you to feel responsible for me and your mother does not want me here.
Matthew: Her bark's worse than her bite.
Diana: Well, maybe, but Sarah's right. I... I should be with them. And the Madison coven, they can protect me.
Matthew: You can't go back to Madison. It's not safe amongst the witches.
Diana: I'm not going to go into hiding my whole life. I have to face Knox at some point, Matthew.
Matthew: It's not just about Knox… The photographs of your parents. They were staged... To make it look like a fear of devil worship, but I examined them… Underneath the debris there was a chalk circle. A witches' circle… Your parents weren't k*lled by humans. Your parents were k*lled... By witches. I'm sorry… Diana.
Satu: Why didn't you tell me you tested Diana Bishop? You missed her power. How could you have?
Peter: Stirred to motion. Rest what is and what shall be. Rest all things that be. I brought you here to serve as my ally. Not to look up information and use it against me… In the Salem trials... When a witch refused to plead... Humans crushed them to death with weights. Shall I treat you as a human would? We can only protect ourselves against humans and other creatures... If we work together.
Nathaniel: Hey, Mum.
Agatha: How's Sophie?
Nathaniel: Yeah, good, yeah. The baby's started moving.
Agatha: Great. Can I talk to her?
Nathaniel: Did you speak to them about the rules?
Agatha: I didn't get a chance. It's been chaos here. Put Sophie on, will you?
Nathaniel: It's Mum.
Sophie: Oh? Hi!
Agatha: That statue of the huntress that you were given by your family. Why do you link it to alchemy?
Sophie: Because the moon in her hair reminds me of the White Queen in the books. And the person I have to give it to, she's in alchemy, too.
Agatha: How do you know?
Sophie: Well, I've had visions of her. She's in this castle with seven towers. Seven's the big number in alchemy. Seven planets, seven metals. Even the transformation process... Has seven stages. It hasn't started yet though. It must be beginning. She's with her Dark King.
Agatha: And you dreamt about him, too?
Sophie: He's distant. I can see her face. I can't see his.
Agatha: Sophie...
Rico: The session will recommence in ten minutes.
Agatha: You mustn't talk to anybody about this.
Sophie: Why would I? Do you know who she is?
Agatha: I might.
Sophie: Then you need to get me to meet her.
Agatha: No. She's in trouble with the Congregation. She's broken God knows how many rules. I don't want you getting mixed up with her.
Sophie: She knows who she is.
Rebecca: Diana.
Ysabeau: Does she know?
Matthew: Yes. Yes, I just told her.
Ysabeau: And?
Matthew: Well, she's not falling apart, if that's what you were hoping… One of the reasons I'm drawn to her is her bravery. She reminds me of you. You were open-minded once. Loved everyone for who they were. Why can't you at least try?
Baldwin: Matthew won't keep the book for himself. If he gets hold of it, he'll bring it to me.
Gerbert: Are you sure? He does what he wants. Always has.
Baldwin: I have him under control.
Gerbert: Doesn't seem like it. The witches on the Congregation are plotting for more power. Even the demons have become unruly. We used to rule with an iron fist.
Baldwin: It's the 21st century, Gerbert. We must at least show a semblance of democracy.
Gerbert: And Matthew's behaviour has weakened us further. Your family affairs are compromising all of us. After eight centuries of rule. Do you know what I think? I think... The De Clermonts are finally losing their grip.
Ysabeau: Didn't my son warn you not to move from his tower?
Diana: Yes.
Ysabeau: You should listen to him.
Diana: This was your husband's office.
Ysabeau: It's still his office. It always will be.
Diana: How exactly did he die?
Ysabeau: How dare you ask me that?
Diana: My parents were m*rder. By witches.
Ysabeau: Who are capable of anything.
Diana: There is good and evil in every species. My parents were the best. And I'm a witch... Who's willing to make up my own mind, despite the stories I've heard about you.
Ysabeau: Why were they k*lled?
Diana: I don't know.
Ysabeau: Whoever did it, make them pay. It doesn't take the pain away. But it helps.
Diana: Do all vampires love red wine like you do?
Matthew: Actually, most vampires drink a lot more than we do. Our family's known for its restraint.
Marthe: With regard to wine perhaps.
Ysabeau: It doesn't have the same effect on us as it does on warmbloods.
Diana: Thank you for letting me ride Rakasa.
Ysabeau: She's too willful for my liking. Fiddat's more biddable. As I get older, I find that quality admirable in horses.
Matthew: And in sons.
Diana: You didn't need to light that for me.
Ysabeau: It's good to have a f*re. We haven't had one in that grate for too long.
Diana: This is a wonderful room for a party.
Ysabeau: We used to celebrate Christmas in here. We'd invite all the villagers, the family would come too. Do you remember, Matthew?
Matthew: Mm.
Ysabeau: Louisa would dance with anyone and everyone.
Matthew: You didn't exactly hold back… Maman. Dansons ensemble voulez-vous ?
Matthew: I'm not sure you'd like this one. Come on. Your turn.
Diana: I'm not a dancer.
Matthew: Neither am I. Come on, just give it a try. I am not exactly a great dancer either but it could be fun.
Diana: That's not true.
Matthew: All right. The secret is, go back on this one to start off with. Pretty good.
Ysabeau: Let him lead! Your dance, at least.
Matthew: Come on, spin. To me… To me… Yes! My God… Diana… Extraordinary.
Matthew: That's the first time I've seen you enjoying your magic.
Diana: I'm glad it's happening when I'm with you.
Matthew: What spell have you put on me?
Sylvia: Goodbye.
Witch 1: Goodnight, Gillian.
Gillian: See you at the next coven meeting. Thanks for coming. Bye!
Witch 2: Goodnight.
Witch 3: Goodnight.
Gillian: Bye. Bye!
Sylvia: Diana is with Matthew Clairmont at his family home.
Gillian: Oh, no.
Sylvia: Do you think he forced her or she went willingly?
Gillian: I can't believe she'd do that.
Sylvia: Why? She half k*lled us all with witch wind. She's capable...
Witch 4: Thank you so much.
Gillian: Oh, it's pleasure. Bye-bye. Bye!
Witch 4: À bientôt.
Gillian: À la prochaine.
Sylvia: Gillian, she is capable of anything.
Gillian: Maybe she doesn't understand. I don't think she knows much about Congregations.
Sylvia: Because she willingly kept herself ignorant.
Gillian: What will they do to her?
Sylvia: They'll interrogate her. She has a lot to answer for.
Gillian: What about Matthew Clairmont?
Sylvia: He'll be punished too. Of course, the more information we have on him, the better. Peter Knox wants us to find out exactly what he was doing in Oxford. Mm?
Diana: Will you please tell me about William Harvey?
Matthew: Well... It's not a particularly interesting story.
Diana: Well, maybe not to you, but to this historian, it is the closest thing I'll get to meeting the man that discovered that the heart is a pump.
Domenico: Matthew.
Matthew: Domenico. It's been years.
Domenico: When was the last time? In Ferrara? We were both fighting the Pope. I was trying to save Venice. You, the Knights Templar.
Matthew: Why are you here?
Domenico: Ah! And this must be the witch I've heard so much about.
Matthew: Diana, go back to the house… Go.
Diana: I'm not going anywhere.
Ysabeau: Domenico. What an unexpected visit.
Domenico: Ysabeau, it's a pleasure to see you. How did you know I was here?
Ysabeau: I smelled you.
Matthew: Maman. Take Diana back to the house.
Domenico: I think she should stay until I deliver my message. Diana Bishop, you must come before the Congregation for questioning and to hand over The Book of Life.
Diana: You tell the Congregation that I don't have it. If they want it, they can get it themselves.
Domenico: But you must come and tell us how to.
Matthew: Diana will not be going anywhere with you.
Domenico: Are you refusing to let me carry out Congregation orders?
Matthew: I am.
Domenico: You do know the consequences?
Matthew: Yes, I do!
Ysabeau: Matthew, please, don't do this.
Domenico: Ah, it's not about the book, is it? No. It's about her. You're breaking the Covenant.
Diana: What is the Covenant? What is he talking about?
Domenico: She doesn't even know, Matthew. You've lost your mind.
Ysabeau: Take her back now!
Matthew: One twitch and I will rip your head off! You've delivered your message and you've been answered. Now, leave!
Domenico: We'll hunt you down. I'll k*ll you both. Even De Clermonts can die.
Ysabeau: The Book of Life? Why didn't you say?
Matthew: It was what drew me to her. And then it became about something else. Maman, l'aimi.
Ysabeau: I can see that. And so can Domenico. Give her to them. They won't k*ll her if you do. They will if you don't.
Diana: What is the Covenant?
Marthe: You really don't know? It forbids interspecies relationships.
Diana: That's insane. Why would anyone ever agree to that?
Marthe: There were a lot more of us creatures back then. And we'd grown accustomed to taking what we wanted. Philippe decided that if creatures from different species mated, it might upset the balance of power. So... The Covenant was drawn up.
Diana: What happens when creatures break it?
Marthe: To my knowledge, it never has been broken.
Matthew: He's gone. There'll be no more visits from the Congregation.
Diana: How do you know that?
Matthew: Because we're not going to break the Covenant.
Diana: You're giving in?
Matthew: Domenico's visit was a diplomatic mission. The next one will not be. Even if we stood up to them, what then? Hmm? We'd be opening up old animosities that would spiral out of control and expose us to humans. I won't let that happen.
Diana: So that's it? We're just going to abide by some ancient, narrow-minded agreement that was made a thousand years ago?
Matthew: Yes.
Diana: No. We are bound together. My magic started coming out when I met you.
Matthew: Three weeks ago, you'd never even heard of me. You don't know me! You have no idea what I'm capable of… You don't even know yourself.
Diana: Stop. Stop it. Why are you being like this?
Matthew: Yes? Is there damage? I'll get there as soon as I can. Someone broke into the lab. I have to get back to Oxford.
Diana: I'll get my things.
Matthew: You're not coming.
Ysabeau: Diana should go back to her aunts.
Matthew: She's staying here. Maman...
Diana: Stop making decisions for me.
Matthew: Guard her with your life.
Ysabeau: Yes, Matthew.
Diana: Leaving me isn't the answer… I love you… Tell me how you feel. Forget the Covenant, forget the Congregation. How do you feel?
Matthew: You know how I feel.
Diana: Say it!
Ysabeau: Let him go.
Marthe: Look!
Ysabeau: My God! She's doing this. | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x04 - Episode 4"} | foreverdreaming |
Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.
Marthe: Witch water. Power like that is rarely seen nowadays. What you did I've not seen for many centuries.
Diana: I didn't mean for it to happen. Witch water, witch wind... It's just more magic that my body can't control.
Marthe: Give it time.
Diana: I should go to Madison. See if my aunts can help me.
Ysabeau: You're not going anywhere for now. And I made my son a promise… Get dressed, we're going hunting.
Miriam: The lab's secured. We've accounted for everything.
Marcus: It was witches. Their scent was everywhere. They tried hacking into the computers.
Miriam: They failed, of course. Our servers are impenetrable.
Matthew: I need to see it for myself.
Matthew: This is Peter Knox's doing.
Miriam: It's because of you, Matthew. We've run this lab for years without being noticed. Flown under the radar of humans and creatures. Then suddenly, it's all jeopardized because you decide to mate with a witch.
Matthew: That is enough, Miriam.
Miriam: Don't even begin to deny it. I'm the only one of us who's mated before. I know the signs.
Marcus: Dominico knows, too. Ysabeau phoned me.
Matthew: Dominico can go to hell… You're absolutely positive nothing was stolen? Diana's DNA samples, her bloods?
Miriam: They're secure.
Marcus: You think this was about Diana?
Matthew: Of course this is about Diana… I know that scent.
Miriam: Where are you going? Matthew, don't go there! Call Baldwin. It's time we told him the truth.
Baldwin: What do you mean, they're mating?
Marcus: He's fighting it. He's gone back to Oxford and she's at Sept-Tours. Ysabeau says he will respect the Covenant. He just needs to get his head straight.
Baldwin: I thought this was about The Book of Life.
Marcus: It was. It still is. But there's more to it than that. Someone broke into the lab, witches. Matthew thinks they were looking for information about Diana. I was just thinking, with you being a member of the Congregation and the head of our family that...
Baldwin: That I could save him? Matthew never destroys only himself, Marcus. He always drags the rest of us down with him. Well, I can't help him this time. If he breaks the rules... He pays the price.
Ysabeau: I thought I'd take you hunting. Have you ever seen a vampire hunt? It's not as romantic as humans believe. It's relentless and it's brutal.
Ysabeau: Do not come anywhere near me when I'm hunting, do you understand?
Diana: Yes.
Ysabeau: If the animal scent gets confused with yours, I can't promise I won't att*ck you instead.
Gillian: What do you want?
Matthew: Still marking undergraduate essays. Is that why you're jealous of Diana?
Gillian: I'm not jealous of her.
Matthew: Or is this about preferment? Has Knox told you you're going to rise in the ranks? Why did you break into my lab? I smelt your scent… What were you looking for, I wonder? Tell me.
Gillian: Makes me sick that she'd debase herself with a vampire… He was right. The sooner your kind are wiped from the face of the Earth the better.
Ysabeau: This is the nature of vampires. Could you be with my son knowing that he kills? That hunting like this is the only way for him to survive?
Diana: If you're trying to frighten me away from your son... You've failed.
Ysabeau: Marthe said this wouldn't be enough to make you reconsider.
Diana: Well, she was right. Can we go home now?
Sylvia: Gillian. Gillian.
Sigismund: Sylvia reports that Miss Chamberlain took photos when she was inside the laboratory, but De Clermont took her phone.
Peter: Can Sylvia tell us anything that Gillian saw?
Sigismund: It appears the vampires are studying witches' DNA.
Peter: What's Clermont up to? Testing witches?
Sigismund: It's good Miss Chamberlain discovered it.
Peter: But why did she break into a vampire laboratory in the first place?
Sigismund: She could have been k*lled.
Peter: Matthew de Clermont abducted her friend. She must have been acting out of concern for Diana.
Sigismund: Will one of us need to go to Oxford?
Peter: Sylvia will handle Oxford and Gillian Chamberlain. We'll be needed here.
Diana: Hey, Sarah. I'm sorry I haven't called.
Sarah: Oh, no matter. Just talk to us now.
Emily: Honey, is everything okay?
Diana: This Venetian vampire came. He's on the Congregation. He told me about the Covenant. How come I didn't know about this?
Sarah: Well... You... You turned your back on being a witch. You... You refused to talk about magic. We didn't tell you because... It wasn't relevant to your life.
Diana: Well, it is now. I love Matthew… I can't help myself.
Sarah: That's impossible. Witches and vampires can't be together.
Diana: Yeah, everyone keeps telling me that. But for me there... There is no choice.
Sarah: You cannot put yourself in that danger.
Diana: I thought you two might understand.
Emily: Honey, it's just the Congregation is going to do everything in their power to stop a mixed species relationship.
Diana: They don't get to choose who I love, no matter the consequences.
Emily: Honey, what does Matthew have to say about all this?
Diana: He... He hasn't told me how he feels yet.
Hamish: You've left her with Ysabeau? A twisted idea of culture.
Matthew: She loves me. Or she says she does.
Hamish: And you love her? Oh, Christ, Matthew.
Matthew: I know. I've been fooling myself that the Congregation would no longer care. And somehow she didn't even know about the Covenant.
Hamish: Why should they tell us who to love? They haven't stopped me.
Matthew: A relationship between a demon and a human doesn't thr*at them, but a vampire and a witch. This vampire, a De Clermont no less, and this witch. Honestly, Hamish, she... She is astonishingly powerful. And she's clever and funny. She's full of courage.
Hamish: Then don't fall in the trap of thinking for her. This isn't just about the Congregation, is it?
Matthew: She's an historian. I am her latest research subject.
Hamish: Ah! And you fear she'll come to know your past? I know about it and I love you… There are many things in this life one can control… Love is not one of them. If you love her, then don't let anything get in your way.
Ysabeau: Matthew has been living for 1,500 years. You've been with him a few days. You know nothing about him. It's time you began to understand. Matthew was born in the village. He'd drive his father mad, following him around, picking up his work tools. He became a craftsman, just like his father… This is what I wanted you to see. Matthew built it.
Diana: "Peace. Perfect peace. Blanca and Lucas." Who were Blanca and Lucas?
Ysabeau: When Matthew was human, he had a wife and son.
Diana: What happened to them?
Ysabeau: Fever spread through the village. Lucas was just a small boy. He'd not long turned five. He and Blanca were both struck with the sickness and died. He laid this stone in their memory… Matthew's true love will always be Blanca. She gave him a son. You'll never be able to bear a child by him. In 1,500 years, Matthew has never mated. And I don't think he ever will. It's forever.
Diana: I will never leave him.
Ysabeau: Of course you will. Your life is fleeting compared with a vampire's. When you are long gone... Matthew will have to carry on living without you, just as he did with Blanca.
Villager: Madame De Clermont.
Ysabeau: Ah! Bon jour, madame. Comment allez-vous?
Ysabeau: I sired Matthew in the church… No one knew whether he slipped or if he jumped. His body lay here on the ground. His legs and back broken. Dying man. I told him I could take his suffering away and make him live forever. He was so out of his mind with pain, I don't think he completely understood what he'd agreed to.
Diana: If I could use my blood to save him, I would.
Ysabeau: I felt the gods were giving me an opportunity to make a child.
Diana: And afterwards? How did he adapt?
Ysabeau: Matthew was in a rage at being sired. His need to feed was... Endless.
Diana: I can't imagine him like that. He's always... So controlled.
Ysabeau: He would go away for periods of time. Philippe forbade me asking where he'd been. Matthew was in a dark place, doing things Philippe didn't want my eyes to see.
Peter: I demand that Diana be removed from the clutches of the De Clermont family and be brought back to the witches. Last night, the equilibrium between the species was further thr*at when Matthew de Clermont brutally att*cked a witch.
Baldwin: Gillian Chamberlain was att*cked because she was trespassing on vampire territory. Rules are rules.
Agatha: We won't survive if the vampires continue to abuse their power in the Congregation.
Baldwin: Careful, Agatha.
Peter: We must question Diana Bishop. And bring Matthew de Clermont to account.
Gerbert: I offer my services to retrieve the witch. Be assured, I can be a little more persuasive than Dominico.
Agatha: We can't leave the responsibility of her retrieval in the hands of just one creature. A representative from each species should go to Sept-Tours.
Baldwin: Sept-Tours is my property. I will not have a swarm of creatures invading my home. I will go and get Diana Bishop myself.
Satu: We must find a way to look inside Diana, see how she's hiding her power.
Peter: An opening spell. You can't put a living witch through that. They rarely survive the trauma. That sort of dark magic's unreliable and highly dangerous. It's almost impossible to master, anyway. It affects the spell-caster greatly.
Satu: What if Baldwin wants her for himself?
Peter: She's on his land. We have no choice but to let him go.
Satu: Have you ever considered working with other vampires against him?
Peter: Have you been talking with them?
Satu: No, of course not.
Peter: Dominico's a sneak. And Gerbert... Gerbert is unspeakable. It's long been rumoured that he's kept a witch c*ptive for centuries in his drawer. You keep away from them both.
Nathaniel: Humans, they should be given the choice to either accept us or not.
Reese: A couple of witches at uni know what I am.
Demon woman: There's a big difference between a couple of witches knowing what you are and all humans knowing.
Nathaniel: The Congregation are running scared. The vampires and witches want to shut us up, keep us on the outside. They're afraid of us. They're afraid of what we might do if we come together, which is only natural, it's how we're supposed to be.
Reese: And the thing is, not all humans are ignorant when it comes to us.
Demon woman: Really?! What humans are we talking about?
Reese: I have mates at uni who are fine...
Nathaniel: Hold on a sec.
Reese: All right. Cool, nice one.
Nathaniel: Hey. Where have you been?
Sophie: Sorry, I, erm... I... I fell asleep and I had this really weird dream. Agatha and the witch were in it and my dad saying over and over I have to tell the truth.
Nathaniel: Can we talk about this later? People are actually here, Soph. They came. Look, the forum actually worked.
Sophie: I know, Nat, but I figured it out. The dream. I, erm... I need to speak to your mum. I have to tell her about my family and what I am.
Nathaniel: Soph, you can't.
Sophie: I know, but...
Nathaniel: She's a Congregation member, okay? Think of the baby. It's not safe.
Sophie: But she'll understand. And I can't pass the statue on without her. The witch needs it.
Nathaniel: Okay. Let's do it. Yeah.
Diana: The Knights... Of Lazarus... Of Bethany. M, D, Cl. Matthew de Clermont.
Matthew: How are you?
Diana: Ysabeau has been keeping me entertained. Telling me stories about you.
Matthew: Yes, I was afraid of that.
Diana: According to her you're a mix between Superman and Lancelot.
Matthew: Well, I try.
Diana: Is everything okay?
Matthew: Yes. Yes, it doesn't look like anything's been taken.
Diana: Was it witches? Peter Knox?
Matthew: I don't want you to worry about that.
Diana: Okay. It's late. I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, Matthew.
Matthew: Goodnight, Diana.
Miriam: Matthew? What are you doing?
Matthew: Comparing Diana's DNA to pre-11th-century witches.
Miriam: I already did that. The program didn't recognize her markers.
Matthew: Genetic mutations over the centuries made an exact match impossible, but... I compared the actual physical data. The similarities were unmistakable. Take a look. Go on.
Miriam: How is this possible? Everything before pointed to species decline.
Matthew: This changes everything, everything… Help me run them again. I need to get back and tell Diana what we've discovered.
Marthe: Good morning, Diana. Matthew called for you. He's on his way.
Diana: Tell me.
Matthew: If I do... There's no turning back. You have to understand what that means.
Diana: Ysabeau made me understand. Tell me.
Matthew: From this moment... We will always be one. Diana... I love you.
Ysabeau: Do you know what you have just done?
Matthew: If we're not welcome here, Diana and I will leave.
Ysabeau: Have I ever deserted you?
Matthew: No, Maman.
Ysabeau: Then why would I now? You are my beloved son. And you are now my daughter. Your fight is now my fight… If you have the courage to love my son, you have no need to fear your power. The women of the De Clermont family defend themselves. And you will be no different.
Gerbert: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti… What is it? What can you see? Is Diana Bishop the witch from the prophesy?
Meridiana: Beware of the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf, for with it she shall destroy the children of the night.
Gerbert: I know that. I know. Speak to me or you'll get no more of this.
Meridiana: Two. Light, dark.
Gerbert: There are two witches?
Meridiana: One... Close.
Gerbert: Who is she? Where can I find her?
Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood... Of the lion and the wolf, for with it she shall destroy the children of the night. Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf, for with it she...
Groom: Buonasera, signorina. Prego.
Ysabeau: You think that lighting a f*re and pouring some wine will help them?
Marthe: He loves her, Ysabeau.
Ysabeau: They'll need more than love. The witches will think that Diana has turned her back on her own kind and they will come. And when they come, her weakness will put us all at risk.
Marthe: She will find a way to use her magic to protect herself.
Ysabeau: Then she'd better stop behaving like some human and find a way fast.
Matthew: I need to show you something.
Diana: What is this?
Matthew: When I was in Oxford I worked on your DNA samples. These are the results. You ready? We don't understand everything yet, but so far we've discovered that you have every genetic marker we've ever seen in a witch. You have the elemental markers of air and water.
Diana: Witch wind and witch water.
Matthew: Mm. You also have earth, which means you're likely, more than likely, to be able to cast spells.
Diana: It's bizarre. I've never felt connected to magic, like Sarah or Em… Or... Even Gillian.
Matthew: Mm.
Diana: Does this test tell us why this is happening now?
Matthew: Well, your magic's behaving as though it's waking up from a long sleep. It's restless. It wants to get out.
Diana: My parents were persecuted because of their powers.
Matthew: Hey. We will face this together. Otherwise, you'll always be running… I need to talk to you about Oxford, Diana.
Diana: I don't want to hear about Oxford, Matthew.
Matthew: So... What does the distinguished historian know about... Bundling?
Diana: Bundling?
Matthew: Mm.
Diana: Well, I'm familiar with the custom, but it is 2018.
Matthew: Diana… You may not like what you see.
Diana: Oh, Matthew.
Matthew: That one was made by the tip of a broadsword during the 100 Years w*r. Think of them as, er... A map of my life.
Diana: I want to hunt down everyone who hurt you.
Matthew: With you my life has a beginning, a middle and an end. When you're gone my life will be over.
Diana: I don't think that's bundling.
Matthew: Well... It is in France.
Dominico: I wouldn't bother going home. Gerbert's very disappointed in you.
Juliette: Matthew wasn't even in Oxford. It wasn't my fault.
Dominico: I know where he is. You see, unlike you, he's been able to move on. He has a new woman. A witch. Diana Bishop.
Juliette: He only wants her for her powers. That's all. Matthew hates witches.
Dominico: Not this one. He's in love with her.
Juliette: He's in love with me! Matthew's mine. He belongs to me.
Dominico: What are you waiting for? She's at Sept-Tours.
Juliette: I can't go without Gerbert's permission.
Dominico: Really? | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x05 - Episode 5"} | foreverdreaming |
Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.
Diana: Please! Enough!
Gerbert: A witch in flight! I haven't seen that for many, many years. It's difficult to know when she's been with De Clermont, where... Her scents begin and his... End… Is it lust... As well as the book that attracted... Matthew to you. Women, after all... Are his weakness.
Satu: Take your hands off her.
Gerbert: I want to examine her.
Satu: Stick to what we agreed, Gerbert. I got her out from Sept-Tours. You couldn't. You'll have your time with her after I've had mine.
Gerbert: She's all yours.
Diana: What do you want from me?
Satu: Relax. We are both witches, Diana. I'm not your enemy.
Diana: No! No!
Satu: Now, no one can listen in and there is no way out. I want to know how powerful you really are. Would you show me?
Diana: I don't have any power.
Satu: Why didn't you fly when I dropped you, I wonder?
Diana: Because I can't fly.
Satu: Can't or won't? Your family never teached you how to use your magic? It was their duty as your guardians.
Diana: Not every witch shows magical aptitude.
Satu: You're not just any witch, Diana. You're a Bishop. It did not escape their notice that you were powerful. They've done you a great disservice, Diana. My mummo taught me how to fly when I was a girl. She was the one who helped me understand my magic and embrace my power… Let me be the one to help you… Show me the power inside you... And I can teach you how to control it. You don't need to go through this alone.
Diana: I am not alone.
Satu: The vampire. It's vital that I help you control your power so you can protect yourself from Clairmont. We don't have much time. Gerbert will be back for you soon. And if you want to make it out of here alive... Then you need to start co-operating with me.
Diana: Matthew isn't the one I need protecting from. He isn't the one holding me against my will. I'm not going to tell you anything.
Satu: So there is something you're hiding? Matthew deceived you. He only ever wanted the lost manuscript.
Diana: That's not true.
Satu: He'll take what he wants and he'll dispose of you, just like he did with Gillian.
Diana: Gillian?
Satu: She broke into Clairmont's lab.
Diana: She's just like you. Working for Knox. Doing anything he says just to please him. Everyone follows him blindly.
Satu: Gillian's d*ad. Clairmont k*lled her. The Oxford coven leader found her d*ad body.
Diana: No. No, Matthew wouldn't do that.
Satu: Bite marks all over her neck. The body drained of blood. Such a brutal att*ck. Stop fighting your true nature.
Diana: Stop!
Satu: Good… Let's see what other power you have besides the ability to protect your mind.
Gerbert: There are two powerful witches here. One light... The other dark.
Meridiana: Beware of the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.
Gerbert: Tell me... Which one is it?
Satu: You're a traitor, Diana. A traitor and a disgrace. You betrayed your own kind for a vampire. Think of your parents. What that would do to them.
Diana: How dare you talk about my parents! You didn't know them! I was the one that was betrayed! I grew up believing that humans in their ignorance k*lled my parents. But it was witches!
Satu: This pathetic witch wind doesn't work on me. You're a liar, Diana. Don't you think I did research? I know what happened.
Diana: Witches m*rder my parents and they covered it up. Ask Knox. Ask him!
Satu: But then it must be because they were keeping secrets. Like you are doing now.
Diana: What are you going to do? Are you going to k*ll me? Like the witches did to them.
Satu: I'm going to do whatever it takes.
Matthew: Diana?
Satu: I call upon the elements.
Diana: Satu!
Satu: I call upon the dark and the light to illuminate what is hidden. Power, power, I open thy. Power, power, let thy power tie with I… Tell me your secrets.
Diana: I don't have any secrets!
Satu: Avata!
Diana: No! Please! No! No! Please! Please!
Emily: Sarah!
Sarah: What is it? What did you see?
Emily: Diana. She's in pain.
Diana: Please! No!
Satu: Show me your secrets. Avata! I call upon the dark and the light to reveal your powers, Diana.
Diana: Oh, please!
Satu: Show me what you're hiding inside of you.
Matthew: Diana?
Diana: No! Please!
Satu: Stop fighting me and show me what you're hiding inside of you.
Matthew: What's the Congregation done with her? Where is she? I'll k*ll you if you've harmed her. Where is she?!
Baldwin: If I knew where she was, I'd have taken her back to Venice already!
Marthe: It's Diana. I caught her scent in the garden. Mixed with another. Someone else was here. She's gone.
Diana: No!
Satu: Avata! It's no victory, Diana.
Matthew: This is where the scent ends. How can that be?
Ysabeau: That would take a rare witch.
Baldwin: It's possible.
Matthew: They flew.
Baldwin: No witch has ever violated De Clermont territory before. They wouldn't dare. This will start a w*r between species.
Matthew: Vampires and witches. I should never have let Gillian go. Just must be involved in it.
Baldwin: Knox was eager for the witch to be interrogated by the Congregation. But he couldn't have taken her, not directly.
Matthew: How can you be so sure?
Baldwin: Peter Knox doesn't have that kind of power. Doesn't have the ability to fly.
Matthew: Who does?
Knox: Baldwin.
Baldwin: Where are you?
Knox: Sat here in the archives waiting for you.
Baldwin: Don't f*ck with me, Peter! A witch has taken Diana from Sept-Tours. Now where is she?
Knox: I assure you, this has nothing to do with me.
Baldwin: You're the most powerful witch on the Congregation. You are clearly involved in this. Now, where is Sigismund and the new witch?
Knox: Sigismund is stood in front of me and Satu... Satu's here too.
Baldwin: God help you if you're lying to me, Peter.
Knox: Where is Satu?
Diana: You don't have to do this, Satu!
Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.
Matthew: We need to start thinking like witches. How they would have... Taken her outside of vampire territory. We need to split up. Widen our search area. Limousin. Rhône-Alpes. Bourgogne.
Marthe: She's nearby, Matthew. A thousand years ago, even the most powerful witches were only capable of flying short distances. This witch would have been slowed down by having to carry Diana.
Ysabeau: She most still be in the Auvergne.
Baldwin: If that's true, then one of our neighbours could be harbouring them. Is this witch really worth going to w*r against our own for?
Matthew: Yes! Now help me!
Gerbert: What happened? Where's the witch?
Satu: Down the hole.
Gerbert: Get her out.
Satu: I need more time.
Gerbert: You had your time. She belongs to me now. Get her out!
Satu: I can't. My powers have gone.
Gerbert: What has she done to you?
Matthew: Couldn't have taken her south, it's too mountainous, too barren.
Baldwin: That's exactly why they've taken her there. It's difficult to get to, they wouldn't be disturbed.
Ysabeau: South. That's Gerbert's territory.
Baldwin: It's possible Gerbert aligned himself with whoever took your witch. He's tried to bring the De Clermonts down for centuries.
Matthew: If Gerbert took her, then I know what he's capable of. He will destroy her so he can destroy me. Christ! Sarah.
Sarah: Matthew, where have you been? What's happened to Diana? Em sees her in darkness.
Matthew: She's been taken... By a witch.
Sarah: She what?!
Matthew: Emily, tell me anything... Everything that you may have seen that could possibly help us find her.
Emily: I saw a... I think it was a castle or used to be a castle. And I saw two figures with her. That's all I can make out.
Matthew: Thank you. We'll phone when we have more news.
Emily: Matthew, wait! Matthew!
Ysabeau: Gerbert. He had a castle hidden high in the mountains. It's in ruins now. Centuries ago... He kept a witch enthralled there.
Matthew: La Pierre.
Baldwin: Quickest by helicopter.
Matthew: How long till we get there?
Pilot: ETA's 16 minutes, sir.
Rebecca: It's time to wake up.
Diana: You said you'd tell me a story. But no bad parts.
Rebecca: It doesn't work that way, Diana. I can't skip the bad parts of the story. You have to face them… Diana was locked in the dark room, all alone.
Diana: A witch trapped me inside.
Rebecca: She wondered how she would ever get out. But then, she heard a knocking at the door… It was the Prince. He used all of his strength to open the locked door, but he still couldn't get to her.
Diana: Then how did she get out?
Rebecca: Diana spied a hole in the roof, just big enough for her to squeeze through. So she called up to him.
Diana: Fly down and lift me out.
Rebecca: But the Prince couldn't fly, so Diana had to help herself.
Diana: Mum?
Pilot: We're over the castle, sir. There's nowhere nearby to land.
Matthew: We'll have to jump. Land the helicopter as near as you can. Why don't you try to the right of those trees down there?
Baldwin: Once you've landed, don't move till we come back.
Pilot: Copy that, sir.
Gerbert: What did you find out about Diana Bishop's powers?
Satu: Nothing that I would share with you… What have you done to her?
Gerbert: This is what happens to witches who don't co-operate.
Baldwin: On my mark. Jump!
Matthew: Diana? This way.
Satu: I can feel your power. Whoever you are, help me help both of us.
Baldwin: Matthew!
Matthew: Oh, no! Diana!
Diana: Matthew! I can't get out!
Matthew: I'm coming down.
Baldwin: No, Matthew! You'll get down but you won't be able to get her back out.
Rebecca: It's time. Remember the story… Fly.
Diana: Fly!
Stephen: Magic is in the heart. Don't forget.
Matthew: We will always be one.
Diana: Magic's in the heart.
Matthew: I can't get down to you, Diana!
Diana: Fly.
Matthew: You can do it! You're doing it, Diana. That's it! Gently, gently.
Diana: Matthew.
Matthew: That's it, Diana. I've got you.
Baldwin: Let's get her out of here.
Ysabeau: I'm glad you're safe.
Diana: I should call Sarah and Em.
Matthew: Ysabeau will call them and let them know you're safe. I'll never let you go again. Come on.
Diana: My face h*t the floor. Is the bone broken?
Matthew: No, no, it's just badly bruised. I'll examine you properly when we get you cleaned up a little. You showed such strength. My lionne… How did this actually happen?
Diana: Oh, Satu wanted to see my power. She tried to rip me apart.
Matthew: All right. I think you'd be more comfortable in bed. Shall we? Put your arm round me. What is it, your back?
Diana: Yeah. It's tender. Satu used her magic on me.
Matthew: Would it be all right if I take a quick look? We need to take this off… Scissors. I'm going to have to cut your top off, Diana.
Diana: What is it?
Marthe: Maria, Deu maire!
Matthew: It's my insignia.
Ysabeau: She's branded you.
Matthew: Do you want to see what she did to you?
Diana: Yes, show me.
Ysabeau: Matthew, no, she's been through enough.
Matthew: She survived the doing of it. The seeing of it can't possibly be worse… I've got you… Are you ready?
Diana: Yes. Satu said she was going to open me up. But she didn't.
Diana: Thank you.
Matthew: You should really try and eat something.
Diana: Did you k*ll Gillian?
Matthew: No, I didn't. But I should have k*lled her, for betraying you. I spared her life. And I will not... Make the same mistake again. And I will hunt down anyone who wishes to harm you and I will k*ll them. I told you.
Diana: I know you told me… Promise me one thing.
Matthew: Name it.
Diana: You won't go after Satu. I want to deal with her myself.
Baldwin: How's the witch?
Matthew: Her name is Diana, and she's resting. Thank you.
Baldwin: No need to thank me, Matthew. I'll be taking her back to the Congregation with me.
Matthew: You would have her face Gerbert and the other witches, knowing full well what they would do to her?
Baldwin: I've made my decision. I won't discuss it further.
Matthew: Diana is staying here.
Baldwin: I'm the head of this family! To protect the De Clermonts, I will disown you.
Matthew: This is no longer a family matter. The Knights of Lazarus will see to Diana Bishop's protection.
Baldwin: After all these years defunct, you're going to rally the Knights of Lazarus to protect a f*cking witch?!
Matthew: You are a Knight and you are my brother.
Baldwin: We fought at the Battle of Acre. Helped the Albigensian heretics resist the Northerners. We do not come to the aid of our master to protect a forbidden love affair!
Matthew: Diana is in need of our protection from her own people and I will see to it that she gets it.
Baldwin: Philippe should never have passed the order on to you when he died.
Matthew: Baldwin de Clermont, I call upon you to fulfill your sworn oath and enter the b*ttlefield, where you will obey my commands until I release you. As for the Congregation pursuing Diana?
Baldwin: I'll try and make punishment for Knox's new witch their priority.
Matthew: Thank you.
Baldwin: You've both shown that you have some fight in you. Hold on to that because you're going to need it. Do whatever it is you must to survive. You can't hold the Congregation off forever. It's imperative that you make your next move before they make theirs. Do you understand? Diana. Till we meet again.
Satu: Who are you? What did he do to you? I know that you're old. Very old. I felt that in your magic.
Meridiana: Meridiana.
Satu: Are you the Meridiana?
Meridiana: Yes. Helvetti!
Satu: He kept you all of this time.
Meridiana: Help me. Release me.
Satu: You'll join the mothers on the other side, as you. Only you. None of him.
Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf. For with it she shall destroy the children of the night.
Satu: The lion and the wolf?
Agatha: Is it the baby? Are you taking care of yourself, eating right?
Sophie: No, no. I'm fine and so is the baby.
Nathaniel: Just listen, Mum.
Sophie: Would you like some tea?
Agatha: No, no, no. I want to know what's going on.
Nathaniel: Soph.
Sophie: You said you might know who the witch is that I need to give my statue to...
Agatha: I shouldn't have told you anything. I'm sorry if I got you excited. She's not someone for you to be getting involved with. She's trouble.
Sophie: She's in trouble, Agatha. I... I see her in my dreams. And I think that our connection is so strong because... She's a witch and... Well... I was born of witches.
Agatha: You're a witch?
Sophie: No. No. I'm... I'm a demon, but... But my parents were witches and my grandparents and theirs before them and...
Agatha: It can't be possible. Does that mean the baby could be a witch?
Sophie: I've got a pretty strong feeling that she is.
Agatha: And you didn't think to tell me?
Nathaniel: If our baby is a witch born of demons, she'll be everything the Congregation fears and wants to destroy.
Agatha: You didn't trust me. My God, Nathaniel!
Nathaniel: We didn't want to put you in a difficult position.
Agatha: I'm your mother. You come first. Both of you do. I'm this child's grandmother. My loyalty and love are to you.
Sophie: We... Didn't mean to upset you. Everything's more complicated now. The witch is important, Agatha, for me and the baby. I just know she is.
Agatha: Her name is Diana Bishop.
Meridiana: Thank you, weaver.
Satu: Weaver?
Diana: I feel so different. The air in my lungs.
Ysabeau: It's no wonder. You've been liberated, inside and out. Unbound.
Marthe: Trop tôt.
Ysabeau: I think we've established she doesn't need coddling.
Diana: I'm... I'm sorry. Am I... Am I missing something?
Matthew: We believe that you may have been spellbound. Do you know what that is?
Diana: Yes, but...
Matthew: And what happened to you at La Pierre freed your magic.
Marthe: Diana. Do you know who could have done such a thing to you?
Diana: No, but I don't understand. Only witches who were mad were ever spellbound… Witches who hurt people… What am I? | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x06 - Episode 6"} | foreverdreaming |
Diana: Thank you for everything. I'm sorry to have brought trouble to your home.
Ysabeau: This house has seen worse… Be careful in Madison. Baldwin will stall the Congregation as long as he can, although it will be no more than a couple of days. But this isn't his battle, it's yours.
Matthew: I know, Maman.
Marthe: Take care, now.
Ysabeau: Whatever you need of me, I'm ready.
Matthew: I thank you, Maman. Shall we?
Matthew: Home.
Diana: Madison in the fall is the best Madison there is.
Matthew: There's nobody here. I told them when we were arriving.
Diana: They wanted to give us a few minutes alone with the house… The house has been known to misbehave with new people. They're letting it get used to you.
Matthew: So it's haunted?
Diana: We're witches. Of course, it's haunted. Okay.
Matthew: What's it capable of?
Diana: Slamming doors, flickering lights. One time, the whole second floor disappeared for a week. Well, nice to see you too, Tabitha. Don't worry. It's not you I need to interrogate. We won't be staying long.
Agatha: Domenico fails to retrieve her. You fail to retrieve her. And now what? Are you saying that we've lost her altogether? You expect us to believe that?
Baldwin: You seem extraordinarily interested in Diana Bishop, Agatha. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
Agatha: My interest is in The Book of Life. You promised that Diana would answer our questions.
Baldwin: And she will. Once we find Satu and bring her and Diana home.
Agatha: Satu has Diana?
Baldwin: I'm afraid it looks that way… Gentlemen?
Peter: Our team repeated the spell work and got exactly the same result. There are two distinct magical signatures. Satu's with another witch.
Baldwin: Do we think that Diana is an ally or a prisoner?
Peter: Unclear, I'm afraid.
Baldwin: Let us keep the search going round the clock. I want her found. Why isn't Gerbert here? Do you know where he is? Pay Miss Durand a visit, find out. The rest of you can go home. For now, let us each take care of our own.
Agatha: I intend to.
Emily: Diana! Honey! Oh, my God! Did the house lock you out?
Sarah: What did I say? I said the house wouldn't like him.
Diana: The house likes him fine. Tell me the truth. All this time, did you know what was wrong with me?
Emily: Why don't we just, erm... just go inside?
Diana: No, tell me now.
Sarah: What's going on?
Diana: Did you know that I was spellbound?
Sarah: What?
Emily: I, erm... I guessed that you might be, yes.
Diana: Who was it?
Emily: Diana, you have to understand...
Diana: Who? Who was it?
Emily: Rebecca and Stephen. Honey, your parents.
Sarah: No, Em! No, I don't believe it! Rebecca? She would never put...
Diana: Just tell me why! What is wrong with me?
Emily: Oh, sweetie. Honey, there's nothing wrong with you.
Diana: No, you do not do that for no reason. Not to your child! Not to anyone.
Emily: Believe me, Diana, you did nothing wrong. Look. The Congregation would have tested your powers when you came of age, just like with any other kid, but Knox, he wouldn't wait. He was obsessed with the idea that you would inherit your mum's powers. Rebecca and Stephen didn't want him to see you. I mean, that's why they came here, honey, to get away from him. Look. Whatever Rebecca's reasons were, honey, she only meant to protect you. You were everything to her. Stephen too. They loved you, Diana, they loved you.
Diana: I was half myself for years and you didn't say a thing.
Emily: I had to trust that she wanted me to keep this secret for a reason. I had to trust that what she thought was best.
Diana: And that's it? That's all you know?
Emily: I promise. I said I promise.
Matthew: Let her go.
Sarah: Excuse me?! What the hell?
Stephen: What's wrong with the house?
Rebecca: It's... It's Peter Knox. He's found us. The house is trying to protect us.
Stephen: We're out of time.
Diana: Mum, why are you sad?
Rebecca: I'm not sad, pumpkin. I'm here for a story. Your favourite story, The Magic Ribbons And The Shadow Prince.
Stephen: You have to stay very still if you want to hear it, okay, sweetheart?
Rebecca: Once upon a time, there was a young witch... A very brave young witch who was covered in invisible ribbons...
Stephen: Guardians of the elements, I call you.
Rebecca:... In all the colours of the rainbow.
Stephen: Guardians of the elements...
Rebecca: Lie down, sweetheart. You need to stay very still, remember?
Stephen: Shield you from your power. We bind you.
Rebecca: The ribbons that wrapped around the witch were special ribbons.
Stephen:… We bind you.
Diana: Mum, I don't like it.
Stephen: Guardians of the elements, I call you.
Rebecca: It's okay, baby. Look at me, look at me.
Diana: Mum.
Rebecca: The ribbons would protect the girl from witches who were jealous of her power. Then one day, when she was all grown up, she met the Shadow Prince.
Diana: Mum.
Rebecca: What have we done? Our magic is who we are.
Stephen: She's safe, she's alive. We had no other option. One day, if she really needs it, she'll find it again.
Diana: Mum, finish the story.
Rebecca: He'll put his hand on your head for a few minutes, that's all. You don't have to do anything and it won't hurt, I promise.
Stephen: We'll be right out here, sweetheart, okay?
Peter: Hello, Diana. I'm Peter. Come here. There's nothing to be afraid of. We just need to take a little look at what's inside.
Sarah: Here we go on an adventure! This bag is so heavy!
Emily: Rebecca, you have every book known to man in this suitcase!
Stephen: Come here, give me a hug. We'll be back in a couple of weeks, okay? You be a good girl.
Rebecca: If Peter comes back, it's us he'll be looking for, not Diana.
Stephen: Look after your Aunt Sarah.
Emily: Rebecca, what is going on?
Rebecca: Please don't ask me that.
Emily: Okay. Ah, here we go!
Rebecca: Yeah? Hey, sweetie, can I have my bag? Can I have a hug? We'll be back before you know it, pumpkin. Be good.
Sarah: Bye!
Diana: Bye!
Sarah: Bye!
Emily: Bye!
Sarah: Come on! Hot chocolate and marshmallows.
Diana: Definitely.
Sarah: Diana.
Diana: Mum.
Matthew: There's nothing wrong with you, Diana. There never was.
Diana: Normally, when you're spellbound... That's it. You're bound for life. Until that person sets you free.
Matthew: But not you.
Diana: No, I think they tied it to need. If I was ever in trouble, I could... Still call upon my magic and I wouldn't be alone. Matthew, you were in their stories.
Matthew: The spell was somehow tied to me too.
Diana: To my need for you… They knew I'd fall in love with you.
Emily: Coffee, Sarah? You know, I thought she'd come home and tell you herself. But then, you know... We buried them... And it just didn't seem to matter. We were only holding ourselves together. I suspected that Diana's magic just wasn't right. I mean, you saw it. Honey, it came and went. And it's not like those old stories about spellbound witches that are left with nothing. The thought of saying those words out loud, to you, telling you that I thought Rebecca spellbound her daughter. I just didn't want to break your heart again.
Sarah: She didn't trust me, Em.
Emily: Oh. Darling, it wasn't like that.
Sarah: It was. It was and it's okay. She knew too well... She knew you'd be careful... And patient. And I'd just rant and rage and... Go after Knox with a carving Kn*fe.
Emily: Well, maybe you should have.
Sarah: Well, there's still time.
Emily: Sarah, look at me, please. Please, please, please, look at me. She trusted you, she did. Honey, she trusted you to be the carer, the warrior. To keep her safe while she was gone. And that is exactly what you did, my love. Oh, honey, don't cry, please!
Peter: Who is it? Who is there? Who is it? Who's there?
Satu: You k*lled Rebecca Bishop and Stephen Proctor.
Peter: Where's Diana?
Satu: You told me... Opening someone up would affect the spell caster too. And you knew it because you cast a spell yourself. Twice. You opened them up to get to the power you couldn't find in their daughter. Am I right?
Peter: No.
Satu: Did you find what you were looking for? That's because the power was never theirs. It was Diana's.
Peter: No! I tested her!
Satu: Yes, you did. And you couldn't find it because she was spellbound. She must be. Diana doesn't even know her own power, what she is. You should have seen it, Peter.
Peter: It could only have been them. They did it.
Satu: The parents? Are you sure?
Peter: Rebecca could have led the Congregation. That's where she was headed. And then we could have really, finally challenged the De Clermonts. But Stephen... I've never met a witch so secretive, so selfish. He got into her ear and that was it. Our great hope... Gone.
Satu: You loved her.
Peter: I never intended to k*ll him, if that's what you mean.
Satu: You loved her. But the power you sensed... You loved that more. I wanted it too. That's why I betrayed you. That's why I had to open up Diana, even though it drained my power… It will come back. Won't it?
Peter: Give it time. And rest.
Satu: Peter. There's a prophesy about the end of the vampires. I think it has to do with Diana. Which means that creature... We need to get her away from him, whatever the cost.
Matthew: Curing a fever. How to fix a leaky roof. This is child's play. Where are the spells for self-defense? For setting up a shieldaround a property?
Sarah: That's just not possible. Those spells haven't worked in generations. Look... I know you're worried about Knox finding you. I'm worried about Diana's power. She needs to learn control. Now you may think these spells are quaint, but that's what they teach.
Matthew: With respect, Sarah...
Sarah: They teach control!
Matthew: That witch came to k*ll her. When she comes back, she will not be alone. This is not enough by a tenth let alone by a half!
Sarah: I know you're trying to scare me, but I'm already scared.
Matthew: Yes.
Sarah: And I am doing the very best that I can.
Diana: You're right, Sarah, I do need control. I'll go back to the basics. Start my magical training over again. And you can teach me how to defend myself, Matthew, so I can use my magic against our enemies.
Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the dark.
Sarah: Look, you don't just say the words, okay? You have to concentrate on what you desire. You feel it. Set your power alight… It'll come, honey. Try it again.
Diana: Okay.
Matthew: I could have sworn this box was from the 17th century, but for the condition.
Emily: Lovely, isn't it? It was a present from Diana's father.
Matthew: He was a timewalker.
Emily: Wow! Look at you. Stephen might have been a little bit more discreet with his souvenirs had he known a vampire was gonna come a-calling.
Matthew: Did he go to the past often?
Emily: Mm, far less after Diana was born, but he would still take Rebecca someone special for her birthday.
Matthew: It's that easy to do?
Emily: I don't know about "easy". I mean... You know, jumping a few minutes forward and back, that's one thing, but going further back in the past, you know.He said he had to find three objects from the right time.
Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the...
Sarah: That's it! That's it! Once more.
Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the dark! So much for my control.
Sarah: Don't worry, I'll deal with it. No air for f*re, extinguish the light of the f*re. Okay. One more time.
Diana: Okay.
Juliette: You need to go.
Domenico: Why? He's not here. Why do you never run? He's out of the city, you have the keys. Is it really just the promise of Matthew keeping you here?
Juliette: You don't understand me or Matthew.
Domenico: Gerbert does, does he? You know Baldwin's telling people Satu has Diana. I think he's lying.
Juliette: Why would he do that?
Domenico: That's a good question.
Juliette: You think Diana's still with Matthew.
Domenico: I once got my hands on Diana's personal file. I could again if you'd like to explore your options.
Juliette: Why would you do that? What's in it for you?
Domenico: I was born here, in Venice, did you know that? It's the only home I know, so I keep Baldwin happy. Or Gerbert, or whoever's pulling the strings that day, but you... You could go anywhere.
Juliette: I... Don't remember my home.
Domenico: When did you last see Matthew? It's been decades, hasn't it? Gerbert doesn't control you. He does. I'll get you the file. The way I see it, you either go after Matthew or you burn it, prove I'm wrong, walk away from all this. Either way... You'd be free.
Sarah: Diana, this one's easy. Trust me!
Diana: Easy for you, easy for Em, not for me!
Sarah: Look... We're both just too worked up. We just...
Diana: Your magic works differently from my magic, Sarah. You can't help me with this.
Sarah: We'll take a break, I think.
Diana: Oh, come on! I'm sorry.
Sarah: No. No! What?
Matthew: Diana? Diana?
Sarah: What if it was Satu? We don't know how powerful she is.
Matthew: Quiet…
Diana: What?
Matthew: I can hear her. She's all right.
Matthew: What just happened?
Diana: I don't know. I... I needed to step outside to get some air and then, bam, I was... Here.
Matthew: Do you think that you might have just timewalked? I mean it, I mean it. You weren't there. You certainly weren't here. Otherwise I'd have heard your heart beating.
Diana: But timewalking? I mean, even if I could, I wouldn't know how I did it.
Matthew: Well, you do realize that your father was a timewalker, don't you?
Agatha: Hamish, thanks for agreeing to see me.
Hamish: You said this was about Sophie.
Agatha: She wants to speak to the witch, Matthew's witch, Diana Bishop… Sophie was born to witches. I know it sounds mad, but it's true. You know what I'm risking even by telling you this. Right now, Nathaniel and Sophie are safe. They're anonymous.
Hamish: You really think that Diana's... What? Saviour of the demons?
Agatha: Sophie does. There's so much that we don't understand. If demons can be born to witches, if cross-species families are possible, then... Everything that we know about our kind is... Well, it's all up for grabs. Think what this could mean for us. Demons can finally have the status and understanding that we deserve.
Baldwin: Come to make confession, Gerbert?
Gerbert: My conscience is clear. I trust your family are well?
Baldwin: No. Why would you speak of France? I assumed that topic would be a zero-sum game.
Gerbert: Far from it. It was Juliette here who offered Satu the use of... La Pierre. I found out about the outrage... Far too late to intervene.
Baldwin: Miss Durand does very little without you telling her to.
Gerbert: Not when it comes to your brother. My dear, tell him of your meeting with Satu… You told me you... Offered Satu the castle. You wanted Diana dealt with. Don't you recall?
Juliette: No. I don't.
Gerbert: Juliette!
Domenico: Juliette.
Matthew: You need to sense where the danger is more quickly… What's the one constant when your powers worked, mm? Need, simple, instinctive need. You weren't thinking, you were feeling.
Diana: Agh! Shit!
Matthew: I'm sorry. Are you all right?
Diana: No!
Matthew: You're bleeding.
Diana: I'm fine.
Matthew: I won't harm you.
Diana: Look at you!
Matthew: Don't, Diana!
Diana: No, look, I've had an idea. Do you remember that night at the riverbank? When you said to me, "Move past me slowly." You said, "Do not... Run."
Matthew: f*ck!
Diana: I guess I just need a little more danger.
Matthew: That was your first time in trouble.
Diana: What's wrong?
Matthew: There were two women, two human women. Not like...This, not like us. But I did love them. And I told... Each of them that they were... Safe with me. I even believed it. If I ever harmed you...
Diana: Matthew... You will never harm me. I'm not human. I'm powerful. And you won't hurt me because you don't want to. You can't. I won't let you.
Marcus: Be nice, Miriam.
Miriam: Surely, if we're here to just guard the place, it's not essential we go inside?
Marcus: Yeah, but it's not very sociable, is it?
Emily: Hello! You must be our Miriam and Marcus. I'm Emily. This is Sarah. And we're delighted to have you. Please, come on in. Come on.
Miriam: After you.
Emily: Mi casa, su casa.
Sarah: How on earth could anyone think that you're... That you're human?
Diana: Sarah, you're hardly inconspicuous yourself. The smell of henbane is coming off you in waves.
Sarah: You got a problem, Junior?
Marcus: Oh, no. No, no. It's just, erm... You look so much like your namesake. Sarah Bishop, your ancestor. She taught me how to set a broken leg at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Emily: That is so fascinating, Marcus. Did you know her well?
Sarah: Em, enough already! Can we please not pretend this is a social call? Vampires protecting Bishop land? It isn't gonna work.
Miriam: What the hell?
Sarah: Look at you. People will talk. We might as well send a flare up for the Congregation.
Matthew: With respect, Sarah...
Sarah: With respect, Matthew... I've had about enough of you saying "with respect" and then doing or saying whatever you damn please.
Miriam: What is going on?
Matthew: Magic house.
Diana: The house doesn't like it when we argue.
Miriam: It smells strange. I can't quite place it.
Matthew: Do you want to be alone?
Diana: No.
Matthew: Is that what I think it is?
Diana: Ashmole 782. This is one of the missing pages.
Matthew: Someone just posted it to your parents?
Emily: What does it mean?
Marcus: She's wearing Matthew's insignia.
Sarah: Here, let me...
Miriam: May I?
Emily: Didn't you say that the pages in Oxford had a hidden text?
Diana: The words were moving so fast I couldn't read it.
Sarah: If it was torn from the book, it's no wonder that the magic was damaged.
Miriam: We need to get it to a lab.
Sarah: No need. I have a still room and I know just the spell.
Domenico: You! Oh, dear. Technical difficulties? Why don't you come with me? Venice is no place for a witch without magic.
Diana: My God! I know this writing. He wrote in the manuscript.
Matthew: Who, your father? In The Book of Life?
Diana: There were two inscriptions on the first page. One in ink by Ashmole and another in pencil. "In two parts, the first Anatomical, the second Psychological."
Matthew: Well, there was no such thing as psychology in Ashmole's day.
Diana: No, I know. I wrote it down as a late addition at the time. What an earth is my dad doing writing in The Book of Life?
Matthew: Well, you did see him outside the Bodleian. Perhaps he meant for you to recognize his hand. That would explain the anachronistic language. What if... He's the reason that you and only you can summon the manuscript?
Diana: I still can't believe he's a timewalker. Maybe he meant for all of this to happen.
Matthew: I think that he wants you to have The Book of Life. Every last page of it.
Baldwin: Well done, Dominico. Where is she? What have you done with Satu?
Domenico: What happens now? Will you recall the Congregation?
Baldwin: Not just yet. Let's have some wine. And bring her to the back of the palazzo, would you?
Domenico: It's funny. I always thought you hated Matthew. But it actually suits him, doesn't it? Having everyone focus on our errant witch instead of his one.
Baldwin: Satu trespassed on my land, my ancestral home. I want to see her suffer before the Congregation decide her fate.
Domenico: You know, I think I'll hold on to her. Just for now.
Baldwin: What do you want, Domenico?
Domenico: Nothing. Today, but tomorrow, the day after... Who knows? I'll be in touch.
Matthew: That's it, Diana. Open your mind. Don't think, just let your powers sense me.
Diana: Wouldn't this be more fun if you just came out here and kissed me? Okay. Okay. I sense a vampiric presence. No cheating, okay? Stay exactly... Where you are.
Juliette: You must be Diana. | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x07 - Episode 7"} | foreverdreaming |
Diana: Now I've got you.
Juliette: You must be Diana?
Matthew: Juliette!
Juliette: Hello, Matthew.
Matthew: Is Gerbert here, with you?
Juliette: I've left him. You abandoned me. And now you're mating with her!
Matthew: If you hurt her...
Juliette: I have to know how she did it. Kiss her. Or I'll make her bleed.
Matthew: It's going to be all right. It's going to be alright.
Juliette: You like how she responds to you. Gerbert sired me, groomed me to be the object of your desire. I had no value.
Matthew: I'm sorry.
Juliette: Your magic can't save him!
Diana: Ok...
Matthew: I've searched for you my whole life.
Diana: You're not gonna die. Do you hear me? I won't let you… Maiden mother, crone, I call you. Goddess, help me… I will do anything to save him.
Goddess: If I help you, there will be a price.
Diana: I will give anything, anything that you want. Anything, just save him.
Goddess: Give him life.
Miriam: Matthew!
Sarah: Em!
Miriam: Marcus!
Marcus: Diana, you need to let me help him!
Miriam: Don't!
Diana: Get away from him!
Sarah: Don't!
Diana: Drink. Drink.
Marcus: Your blood can't heal both of his wounds. He's dying.
Diana: Drink.
Sarah: Diana, you need to let him go.
Diana: I will pay your price! Whatever it is!
Goddess: Very well.
Diana: What would I taste like?
Matthew: Don't ever say that to me. It would take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
Diana: I'm safe with you.
Matthew: I love you.
Matthew: What took you so long?
Marcus: I had to go to Oneida.
Matthew: Use the left arm, it's already open.
Marcus: It's useless. The tissue's full of your saliva so it won't absorb anything… Right, there's gonna be a line going into your right arm, Diana. You may feel a sharp scratch.
Gerbert: Any news of Juliette?
Domenico: Afraid not. Unlike her to run away.
Gerbert: Have you heard anything more about Matthew?
Domenico: He's not at Sept-Tours.
Gerbert: He's hiding with Diana Bishop. We must find them. Well. What?
Domenico: I have other news. If I shared it with you, I'd be taking a certain risk which, I hope you agree, deserves some reward?
Gerbert: You've had enough handouts, you greedy little shit. Tell me what you know. The stench of a frightened witch... How I love it.
Gerbert: What did you do with Meridiana?
Satu: I let her go. She'd been in thrall to you for long enough. No-one should have to suffer centuries of sl*very.
Gerbert: Is Diana Bishop as powerful as her?
Satu: She may be more powerful.
Gerbert: And you held me back from her. You let Matthew get his hands on her.
Satu: I didn't want that to happen.
Gerbert: She really did defeat you. Your power still hasn't returned.
Satu: Baldwin's kept me here, because I'm dangerous to him. Don't you want to know why?
Miriam: What she did was unspeakably courageous. You might not have been able to stop.
Matthew: I know.
Miriam: She's certainly full of surprises. Witch f*re. It wasn't in her DNA markers… I'd like to do more tests on her.
Matthew: No. She's been through enough.
Miriam: Matthew, she's the most powerful witch we've ever encountered. And she doesn't descend from the ancient clans… If we were to trace her genetic lineage, understand how powers we thought were extinct have survived?
Matthew: Alright, alright, yes, I'll ask her.
Diana: You craved me, all this time and you resisted. Did you love her?
Matthew: Once. She was Gerbert's creature. He trained her to infiltrate my heart and my family.
Diana: And I took her life.
Matthew: You saved me.
Diana: I don't regret it.
Matthew: We can't yet protect ourselves, and if Juliette could find us, then Knox can, The Congregation can. We can't just sit here, waiting for that to happen. Diana, what if we time walked? What if we hide somewhere, in time?
Baldwin: Send out the order. The Congregation will convene to decide the fate of Satu Jarvinen.
Sarah: In the divine name of the Goddess, help to...
Matthew: Baldwin.
Baldwin: Knox knows Satu Jarvinen is in Venice and is demanding we convene. If the Congregation gets back together it may be impossible to stop further investigation.
Matthew: You must stop them.
Baldwin: Your time is running out!
Matthew: What's this?
Diana: It's a poppet. Witches use these to cast spells. I've never seen one so old before.
Matthew: Didn't your ancestor, Bridget Bishop, have a problem with one of those?
Diana: Yeah, they used it as evidence to convict her at Salem… What is this? An earring?
Matthew: It's Ysabeau's. My father, Philippe, gave that to her. But she lost it hundreds of years ago. How on earth... What is this house trying to tell us?
Marthe: Matthew will need this too.
Hamish: I'll be sure he gets it.
Ysabeau: Send him and Diana all our love.
Marcus: You could land in the middle of a w*r, or an epidemic, or...
Matthew: But what's the alternative? When she found the Book, she became a target.
Emily: What do you think, Diana?
Diana: Well, it depends on where we go. Wherever it is, or whenever it is, I should be able to learn about my magic.
Matthew: Agreed. Em, you explained that to Time Walk, you need three objects from a particular time and place.
Emily: That's what Stephen told me.
Matthew: I have items coming my past lives. But, the thing that really concerns me right now, is once we arrive there, how do we return from the past?
Emily: If it's a short way, it's not that difficult. Stephen said the further you go back into time, the harder it is to return. You're gonna need some powerful spells for that.
Sarah: And that'll require proper training.
Sarah: Open your mind. Think about the still room. You have to want to be there more than here.
Diana: Where will you be?
Sarah: Depends when you arrive. If it's before you left, we'll be there. If not, we'll be here.
Emily: It's time we take a big step into the mysterious. Pick up one foot, we travel.
Sarah: Focus, Diana, focus!
Diana: Why didn't it work?
Emily: Honey, you're focusing way too much on the details of the room. Honey, you need to think about Matthew. You want to be with him. Magic's in the heart not the mind. Try again.
Diana: Ok.
Miriam: Matthew, relax.
Matthew: Relax... She could be stuck somewhere in time. Then how would we get her back?
Diana: I did it!
Matthew: I knew you could.
Gerbert: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf for with it, she shall destroy the children of the night. I've been trying to decipher that prophecy for longer than you can imagine. I thought it might be Satu but, the state of her, it must be Diana Bishop.
Peter: What have you done with Satu?
Gerbert: Domenico has her with Baldwin's approval. It's a delaying tactic. Baldwin is protecting his brother and the Bishop witch.
Peter: He's gone too far!
Gerbert: I agree. And if we can prove it, we could remove him from The Congregation. It would throw the de Clermonts into chaos and give us the... Opportunity to find... Diana.
Matthew: Hamish.
Hamish: Hello, Matthew. Marcus, Miriam. And you must be Diana.
Diana: I've heard so much about you.
Hamish: Likewise.
Matthew: I see you brought everything?
Hamish: Yes. And some added extras. They're demons. I can vouch for them. And they have something for Diana.
Sophie: I wanted to get to you earlier but we didn't know where you were until Agatha told us.
Hamish: Agatha Wilson. She's a demon on The Congregation.
Matthew: You have links to The Congregation?
Hamish: Agatha's trustworthy.
Matthew: And we know that, how?
Nathaniel: Because she's my mother!
Sophie: This has been passed down through the Norman family. My father told me, when the time comes, to give this to the one who has need of it.
Diana: What is it?
Emily: Diana. The Goddess of the hunt.
Matthew: It's a chess piece. The white queen. I lost that in a wager, on All Souls Night, a very long time ago.
Sophie: But how did it end up in my family?
Matthew: I have no idea.
Nathaniel: Soph, let's go.
Sophie: No. Nathaniel. Look at these people! Vampires, witches and daemons, all together, under the same roof. If we can't tell them, who can we tell?
Diana: Tell them what?
Nathaniel: Soph, stop.
Sophie: My parents were witches.
Miriam: Cross species? But that's impossible.
Emily: Just to let you know, the house has a mind of its own, so don't be scared. You're gonna try it up here.
Hamish: If The Congregation finds out about Sophie's family history, she'll be in trouble.
Matthew: All I know for sure is that that chess piece was in the same place as this, on the same night.
Diana: Witches always say there's not much keeping the living from the d*ad between Halloween and All Souls. I don't know, maybe, maybe it might help us to time walk.
Matthew: All Hallows Eve is in six days. Will you be ready?
Diana: We'll have to be.
Sophie: How many do we need?
Sarah: Usually, two, for the porch. But this is great. We can put them up the driveway.
Marcus: The problem is, those rules haven't changed since their establishment. During the Crusades...
Nathaniel: That's what I mean. The Congregation are using ancient texts to corroborate modern prejudices.
Emily: Well, they're getting along.
Sophie: It's good he has someone to talk to. He wants to change the world, but it's hard to do that on your own.
Emily: And you, honey? Who do you have to talk to?
Sophie: Me? Oh, I'm fine.
Emily: I couldn't sleep last night. And I heard you crying in the bathroom. Bad dreams?
Sophie: I don't want to worry Nat.
Sarah: Tell us.
Sophie: I'm in a room with my baby. There are footsteps outside. I know The Congregation are coming for me. I don't care about that, but I'm scared, because they're coming for my baby too.
Emily: Oh, honey. You're among witches now, we'll do everything we possibly can.
Nathaniel: How do you do that?
Marcus: Couple hundreds years' practice. Do you want a go?
Nathaniel: I'll stick to computers… Hey. Mum.
Agatha: Are you all right?
Nathaniel: Yeah. Everyone's good. There's three vampires here and three witches, along with the three of us. No one's k*lled anyone… Yet.
Agatha: Well, be careful. I'm heading back to Venice. The Congregation's reconvening. Tell Diana to be careful. I love you.
Diana: Am I really ready to take us back twenty-five days?
Matthew: Well, we have to practice. If we can't do this, we don't stand a chance crossing the centuries.
Diana: And you're sure we're not going to bump into our past selves?
Matthew: I think it's a different kind of past. You haven't bumped into your past self whilst you've been time walking here.
Diana: No.
Matthew: I guess we'll soon find out.
Diana: Don't let go. Close your eyes. Now pick up your foot... When I tell you... Now.
Diana: How do we know it's the right night?
Matthew: We don't.
Matthew: Well, don't you look lovely tonight, Maman.
Ysabeau: No better than I did this morning. Shall we eat?
Matthew: Why not?
Matthew: Would you like to dance with me? I love you.
Gerbert: I was present when Philippe set up The Congregation. He weighed the scales in his favour.
Peter: A de Clermont must be one of the nine creatures who sit in the chamber.
Gerbert: It's a problem but it's not insurmountable.
Peter: Who would take the seat?
Gerbert: After Baldwin and Matthew? Marcus, but we wouldn't have any trouble with him.
Peter: Baldwin won't go easily.
Gerbert: He'll put up a fight. But... We can match him.
Emily: He doesn't find it funny. So you said goodbye to Ysabeau?
Matthew: We did, yes.
Diana: And we made it back just in time for supper.
Sarah: Your last one, with us, for a while anyway.
Marcus: Come on, Nat!
Nathaniel: No, I'm not letting you two anywhere near my baby's DNA.
Miriam: Don't you want to know if your child's a witch or a demon?
Sophie: I do!
Hamish: I think it's a great idea.
Sarah: I'd like to propose a toast: to unusual friendships.
All: Unusual friendships!
Hamish: I presume you still want me to be a Knight?
Matthew: Of course. It's because of you the order runs so smoothly. But I am going to give up my post as Grand Master.
Hamish: Matt, no!
Matthew: The brotherhood could do with new energy. There was more than enough of it around that table tonight.
Hamish: Almost a shadow Congregation.
Matthew: And if Sophie's claim to being a cross species is true, then there'll be more like her in need of protection. It might just be that the Knights have to take on The Congregation.
Hamish: Which is why you must lead us.
Matthew: I might not be able to. If Diana doesn't master the spells that are required to leave the past, then we may never come back.
Hamish: Matthew's playing his cards close to his chest. Don't you want to know where you're going?
Diana: No. No. I just, I want to be here, present, for the time that we have left.
Hamish: Traveling back in time, you'll be totally reliant on him. You do realize where you are going, he won't be the same man?
Peter: Baldwin has ordered Satu to be put on trial. No matter what she's done, we must stand united. How are you?
Satu: My power is coming back.
Peter: Good. We may need it today.
Matthew: Nathaniel. If you become at all concerned, when you're home, take Sophie here.
Nathaniel: France?
Matthew: My mother's expecting you. Sarah and Em will be there. I don't want them here when Congregation calls. You do understand we have a hell of a fight ahead of us?
Nathaniel: I've been fighting all my life.
Matthew: Good luck.
Diana: Thank you for bringing me the statue.
Sophie: I'm glad that I did and that I met you. It feels like it'll be important.
Diana: Yeah.
Hamish: What about the Book of Life? When you're away, the witches could get their hands on it.
Matthew: Well, in the present, the book isn't whole. Pages are missing. But, where we're going, we might find it in its entirety. Think of that.
Hamish: Come back and bring it with you.
Matthew: Goodbye, my friend.
Diana: Bye.
Baldwin: You abducted Diana Bishop against the permission of this chamber. Do you deny this?
Satu: No.
Baldwin: You will therefore be stripped of your status as a Congregation member. The witches will decide the punishment you deserve. They will also need to nominate a new member. Until then, this Chamber is adjourned.
Satu: I did it because I believed you were working with your brother to keep Diana from us. And I was proven right.
Baldwin: Keep her under control, Peter.
Gerbert: I'd like to hear what she has to say. How were you proven right?
Satu: I took the witch somewhere we'd be safe, but Matthew Clairmont followed us there with his brother. He's helping them.
Peter: Working against The Congregation is a treasonous offense.
Baldwin: One that I deny! Your witch has no proof. And my brother has always been a thorn in my side. Why would I help him?
Gerbert: Has anyone in this chamber heard of The Knights of Lazarus? The Knights run a parallel organization since the covenant was signed. They were established by Philippe de Clermont and his sons. The aim of the order is to further... The vampire cause.
Baldwin: The brotherhood is philanthropic. We protect those who can't protect themselves.
Peter: Like Diana Bishop? You are a Knight of Lazarus and your brother is its Grand Master, right? He's ordered you to protect her, hasn't he?
Baldwin: No.
Gerbert: Your heart is beating at double its usual speed, Baldwin, your pupils are dilated. You're lying.
Sigismund: Where are they? What's your brother done with her?
Timur: Does she have the Book of Life?
Peter: You want the Book and Diana Bishop for yourself. This is a vampire conspiracy.
Gerbert: I am as shocked as you, Peter, and to prove that I have no allegiance with Baldwin, I demand that he step down from The Congregation, with immediate effect.
Baldwin: I have no intention of stepping down!
Gerbert: Then we must make you.
Agatha: We don't use force in this chamber!
Gerbert: Baldwin de Clermont, you have committed treason against The Congregation. Your punishment is death by beheading and f*re.
Baldwin: That is a punishment suited for the 14th century, not the twenty-first!
Gerbert: It comes from our ancient Testimony and there is no newer one to replace it.
Agatha: There is one Congregation rule we mustn't overlook! Each of us has one vote on every decision in this chamber.
Satu: Does that include me?
Peter: You're still on The Congregation.
Baldwin: As am I. I also have a vote.
Gerbert: All those who accuse Baldwin of...
Agatha: Wait! Unlike the vampires, demons give everyone a voice. We will recess and discuss this further.
Gerbert: Make it quick.
Gerbert: All those who accuse Baldwin of treason, raise their left hands… Domenico?
Baldwin: All those against...
Agatha: The motion is dismissed.
Peter: You kept your head on your shoulders for now. But you will tell us. Where are Matthew Clairmont and Diana Bishop?
Domenico: You'll be hearing from me.
Baldwin: Thank you.
Agatha: I had my reasons to want to protect Diana Bishop. But you owe us a debt.
Matthew: Oh, before I forget. There's a card with the numbers to get in contact with my mother.
Sarah: I never thought I'd be staying under Ysabeau de Clermont's roof.
Emily: A diet of nuts and berries, at least we'll lose weight, right? Diana. I love you.
Diana: Goodbye, Em.
Emily: Goodbye my darling. Take care, you.
Diana: Yeah, you too.
Emily: Yes, I will.
Sarah: Listen to your teachers. Absorb all the knowledge you can.
Diana: Yeah.
Sarah: You have more talent than any witch could ever dream of possessing. And I am so glad you're not going to waste it.
Diana: Thank you. I won't let you down.
Sarah: Stay safe… Good luck.
Miriam: Right. All done. We'll continue our research while Matthew's away.
Diana: Thank you.
Matthew: You're leaving now? Not staying for Halloween?
Miriam: We thought you two should have some time here alone. And as you know, I hate goodbyes… I'll see you outside, Marcus.
Marcus: So...
Matthew: I have something for you… Open it.
Marcus: Grand Master of The Knights of Lazarus? I can't do this. I don't want to.
Matthew: You think I did? But Philippe wanted to keep The Congregation and the Knights separate. So he made me promise him that the brotherhood would never be run by Baldwin. And I'm asking you to do the same.
Marcus: I can't follow in your footsteps.
Matthew: My son... You are the only one that I trust to do the job... I am at your command, Lord.
Matthew: It's time...
Diana: In the suitcase of clothes your mother added this. It's engraved. "A ma vie de cœur entier". My whole heart for my whole life.
Matthew: Please leave a message and I'll get back to you...
Baldwin: Your time's run out Matthew. Go now. They know where you are. Gerbert has the witches so be prepared for magic. Be prepared for anything. I just hope I'm not too late!
Matthew: This should help us find our way.
Diana: 'Settle thy studies and begin, to sound the depth of that thou wilt profess.' Doctor Faustus. Christopher Marlowe?
Matthew: I remember the night he inscribed it. Kit was a close friend of mine, in a dangerous time when there were very few creatures one could trust. It was to him I lost that chess piece to, on a wager on All Souls Night… Every year, a group of us would meet at the Old Lodge, for the Catholic holy days of All Saints and All Souls.
Diana: So, we're going to London?
Matthew: To 1590.
Gerbert: Top room of the house. They're alone. Matthew's slipping.
Satu: There's some kind of spell on it.
Diana: Now remember, do not let go, no matter what.
Matthew: Never.
Diana: Lift up your foot. And now, put it down when I tell you… It's time. | {"type": "series", "show": "A Discovery of Witches", "episode": "01x08 - Episode 8"} | foreverdreaming |
SKYE (in voiceover, while a montage of city life plays): The secret is out. For decades, your organization stayed in the shadows. Hiding the truth. But now we know— they're among us. Heroes... and monsters. The world is full of wonders.
East Los Angeles, CA. Exterior of a store. A little kid is looking at superhero action figures.
[indistinct conversations]
MIKE: Thanks, Bernie.
BERNIE: You bet.
MIKE: Ace, come and get it. [Mike hands Ace a hot dog.] What do you say we go out to your Aunt Mindy's this weekend? You and Kisha can swim in the pond.
ACE: Sure.
MIKE: You know, you got a birthday coming up in a couple of months. Who's your favorite?
ACE: I'm okay.
MIKE: Hey. Things are tight right now, but I'm gonna find something. Not back at the factory, but I got prospects. You and me... what are we?
ACE: We're a team.
MIKE: [chuckles] that's right. So, who do you...
[expl*si*n; people screaming; indistinct shouting; car alarms blaring]
MIKE: Are you okay? All right, Ace, look at me. I need you to stay here with Bernie, okay? People might be hurt, and I'm gonna see if they need my help. Stay with Bernie. (to Bernie) Watch my boy!
[indistinct shouting]
[Mike runs towards site of expl*si*n]
DEBBIE: Help me! Help me!!
[indistinct shouting]
WOMAN: Come on! Come on!
[Mike punches fist into side of building and begins to scale it]
WOMAN: Come on! Get out! Get out! Come on!
MAN: Anybody in the building still?!
MIKE: [grunting, grabbing onto window sill] Aah!
[coughs; grunts; Mike throws himself into building and glass shatters]
DEBBIE: [whimpers] Help me! Help me!
[Mike grunts, searching around for Debbie]
(outside building) MAN: Keep going.
[indistinct shouting. Skye films building on phone.]
[Mike jumps out of window, expl*si*n behind him; he lands with Debbie; people gasp; Skye continues filming]
[siren wails in distance]
[Debbie coughing]
[Mike dashes off]
[as Skye speaks in VO, Skye in real time checks on Debbie. Mike disappears into the crowd and gets back to Ace.]
SKYE (V.O.): We can't explain everything we see. But our eyes are open. So what now? There are no more shadows for you to hide in. Something impossible just happened. What are you going to do about it?
[BOOM. AoS title card.]
Outside. Paris, France.
[tires screech; cars pull to a halt]
DUMONT: (into walkie-talkie): Agent Ward, there's been a development.
DUMONT (V.O. now): It's the Rising Tide. They've pinned down the location of the package. We need to abort.
[Ward drives a motorcycle. When SHIELD Agent is in VO, we're looking at Ward.]
WARD: I'm five minutes away from retrieving it.
DUMONT: So is everyone else. They posted the coordinates online.
WARD: If the job was easy... [parks motorcycle]
DUMONT: Yeah, it wouldn't be any fun. Watch your six.
[siren wailing; conversations in French. Ward takes off his helmet and heads into restaurant, wearing waiter disguise.]
DUMONT: Red tie, by the window.
WARD (in French): May I take your glass, sir?
MAN IN RED TIE: [says something of the affirmative in French]
[Ward walks up the stairs and waves the glass over his tray. Some high-tech shit happens with blue lights on the tray.]
[Ward enters an apartment]
[Woman singing in french]
[door creaks]
[Ward uses his tray (which is clearly more than just a tray) as an x-ray to search around]
[Woman singing in French]
[beeping as Ward finds a keypad and scans his cloth-covered hand]
[secret door opens in the fireplace area. Ward looks around. There's money in there.]
[Ward turns around to see a woman standing and looking at him]
WARD: Your fireplace is broken.
[door closes]
[man shouts in French]
[Ward jumps at man (and his buddy, backup man). They fight. The woman leaves.]
DUMONT: Ward, just a heads-up. We've got possible hostiles in your vicinity.
WARD (being choked by the aforementioned hostiles; sarcastically): Really?
[more fighting, still to the sound of French singing on the V.O. Ward wins, knocking his assailants unconscious, and leaves.]
Outside. Ward is climbing up to a rooftop. A helicopter is approaching.
[Ward grabs a rope dangling from the helicopter, and they're off.]
INT: Agent Hill's field office. The location card reads "Location: classified."
HILL: What does "S.H.I.E.L.D." stand for, Agent Ward?
WARD: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
HILL: And what does that mean to you?
WARD: It means someone really wanted our initials to spell out "SHIELD."
[Hill gives him A Look]
WARD: [sighs] It means we're the line... between the world and the much weirder world. We protect people from news they aren't ready to hear. And when we can't do that, we keep them safe. Something turns up... [takes thing out of suitjacket pocket] like this Chitauri neural link... [slides it across table to Hill] we get to it before someone bad does.
HILL: Any idea who Vanchat was planning to sell it to?
[Hill gets up and starts to walk around]
WARD: I'm more interested in how this Rising Tide group found out about it. I thought they were just hackers. What changed?
HILL: A little while ago, most people went to bed thinking that the craziest thing in the world was a billionaire in a flying metal suit. Then aliens inv*de New York and were beaten back by, among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the '40s, and a god.
WARD: I don't think Thor's technically a god.
HILL: Well, you haven't been near his arms. The battle of New York was the end of the world. This... now... is the new world. People are different. They have access to tech, to formulas, secrets they're not ready for.
WARD: Why was I pulled out of Paris?
HILL: That, you'll have to ask Agent Coulson.
COULSON: Uh, yeah. I'm clearance level six. I know that... Agent Coulson was k*lled in action before the battle of New York. Got the full report.
[Coulson, clearly not d*ad, steps out of the shadows]
COULSON: Welcome to level seven. [b*at] Sorry, that corner was really dark, and I couldn't help myself. I think there's a bulb out.
Outside, on the streets of L.A.
[horn honks]
[Skye, clearly trying to be covert, is trailing Mike]
INT: Hill's field office. Hill, Ward, and Coulson step out of an elevator and walk to a room.
WARD: Director Fury faked your death to motivate the Avengers.
HILL: Well, the death of a common ally is a particularly effective team-builder.
[they stop at a door]
[I.D.s and clearance flash across a screen. They're granted entrance to the room, and they go in.]
COULSON: Plus, it wasn't that much of a stretch. I stopped breathing for about 40 seconds.
HILL: Eight. It gets longer every time you tell it.
[they walk into an office space full of people
COULSON: Yeah, well, you get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini, you can tell it your way. I was looking at the big white light, and it felt like a lot longer than eight seconds.
WARD: Do they know? The Avengers... that Fury played them?
HILL: They're not level seven.
COULSON: I got out of the I.C.U., Fury stuck me in a grass shack in Tahiti. Rough gig. Mai tais, Travis McGee novels, and a physical therapist Whose command of English was... irrelevant.
WARD: But something put you back in the game.
[they stop in front of a screen playing the footage Skye captured of Mike]
WARD: What is that?
COULSON: That's a superhero, Agent Ward.
HILL: An unregistered gifted. Identity... unknown.
SKYE: The secret's out. For decades, your organization...
[woman speaking french]
MAN: On May 2nd, an unidentified object...
COULSON: Another little present from The Rising Tide.
WARD: How are they getting this stuff before us?
COULSON: Same way they cracked our RSA implementation. They're good. So I need better.
HILL: Agent Coulson has requisitioned a mobile command unit, to which you are assigned.
COULSON: Rising Tide is trying to draw us out. I think it's time they succeeded.
WARD: You want me to cross them off?
COULSON: Wow. No. I want to use them to get to him. [nods towards Mike on screen] This man's world is about to get very weird. He's gonna need some help.
WARD: I'm sorry. I was trained from day one as a specialist. I go in alone. I get it done. Defusing a nuclear b*mb... I'm your guy. A welcoming committee? [inhales sharply] Not my speed.
COULSON: I know it's not what you want. Agent Hill did a very detailed assessment of your last three missions. Combat— top grades. Espionage— she gave you the highest marks since Romanoff. Under "people skills," she drew a– I think it's a little poop. With knives sticking out of it.
HILL: What? It...
COULSON: That's bad, right? And given your family history, I'm surprised it's not worse. But... I think you're the guy for this. If I'm wrong, you go straight back to your b*mb.
[Dr. Streiten enters with some files that he hands out]
DR. STREITEN: Team's approved. Physicals are all fine. Fitz-Simmons is not cleared for combat. I'm told that won't be an issue. Agent Ward here... he's almost too fit.
WARD: That's an issue. That should be an issue. Maybe I can't join the team–
HILL: God, are you dismissed.
WARD: –because my...
[Ward walks away in frustration and through a door]
HILL: It was a porcupine. It was not a poop. It just means that he–
COULSON: No, I'm pretty sure.
HILL: And it's not just Ward. Your whole roster is sketchy.
COULSON: Well, they're cleared.
DR. STREITEN: I would have been very happy not to clear you, Phil. I'd love for you to rest up some more.
COULSON: I've had plenty of that. Thanks.
HILL: You sure?
COULSON: You should go sometime.
HILL: Where?
COULSON: Tahiti. It's a magical place.
HILL: [chuckles] Three days in, I'd be begging for an assignment.
COULSON: Exactly.
[Coulson walks out of the room]
DR. STREITEN: Tahiti. He really doesn't know, does he?
HILL: He can never know.
INT: a diner in L.A. Mike is sitting at a booth.
DEBBIE (on the T.V.): I-is there any way I can thank him?
[background noises of city and restaurant goings-on]
DEBBIE (on the T.V.): Are you sure nobody saw him?
MALE REPORTER (on the T.V.): So, the identity of the hooded hero still remains unknown.
FEMALE REPORTER (on the T.V.): Researchers at UCLA Medical Center released a study today which shows that supplemental...
[Skye slides into the booth across from Mike]
SKYE: Just act natural.
MIKE: What?
SKYE: Just pretend that we're talking.
MIKE: We are.
SKYE: Good. 'Cause you never know who's listening.
MIKE: I don't even know who's talking.
SKYE: I'm Skye. And you're the hooded hero. [chuckles] Please tell me that you're not staying with that name.
MIKE: Wait. What? I'm not... I'm a factory worker.
SKYE: [scoffs] Sure, by day. I saw you. You're a hero. Like, a for-real superhero, which is– I'm not, like, a groupie, stalker type, but– [laughs] Oh, my God! That is so cool! [calms herself the hell down] Okay, okay, chill. Just don't... don't draw attention. [sighs] You're in danger.
MIKE: You got the wrong guy, lady.
SKYE: No, you've got the wrong approach. The cute girl from the hospital is dying to thank you—and possibly "thank you"—[clears throat in a way that means She Would Totally f*ck You, Dude] And you're hiding. The clip of you rescuing her has had the most hits since that puppy with vertigo. And you can't even find a job.
MIKE: What do you mean about danger?
MIKE: Shield, what? I should carry a shield?
SKYE: S.H.I.E.L.D. Government. Scary men in dark suits who come after guys like you. They knew about the battle of New York before it even happened and then cleaned it up before anyone could ask any real questions. Overnight. How long do you think it'll take for them to clean you up?
MIKE: And you want to know why I'm hiding.
SKYE: What if you didn't hide? What if you got in front of this and let people know that you're a hero?
MIKE: I'm just a guy.
SKYE: Well, a guy like that gets work, gets perks. I can help. I'm great with computers– like, weirdly great. I mean, I could help you create a whole new identity or [gasps] a mask.
MIKE: Okay. [gets up]
SKYE: Uh, ok– well, you could just– also, we could just stick with the– [stops him] hood. Listen, you cannot walk away from this. With great power comes... a ton of weird crap that you are not prepared to deal with. Now, my office is–
MIKE: You have an office?
SKYE: Yes, I have an office. It's a mobile... office. It's a... van. I live in a van... by choice. But it's always in the alley around the corner... free wi-fi... and you can come by anytime!
MIKE: Thank you. [he leaves]
SKYE (calling after him): They're coming for you. [she looks at the I.D. she snatched from his pocket] Mike.
INT: the same S.H.I.E.L.D. facility as before, except now we're in an individual office, and a woman is dealing with papers.
COULSON: Agent May.
MAY: No.
COULSON: So you've been briefed.
MAY: I'm not going back in the field.
COULSON: Yeah. You've got such a nice setup here. You ever thought about adding a moat? [b*at, wherein May glares at him] I just need you to drive the bus, liaise ground transpo, some on-site supervision. This isn't a combat op.
MAY: Then you don't need me.
[stapler clicks]
COULSON: I do. 'Cause we'll be running ourselves. Picking the ops... Making the calls... No red tape. This is where they actually make the red tape, isn't it? I always wondered. [b*at] Melinda.
MAY: You're really just asking me to drive the bus?
COULSON: I'm not asking. But it's a really nice bus.
A hangar. There's a sick-ass plane.
[indistinct conversations]
MAN: You need to know?
MAN 2: Yeah. ASAP, please.
[indistinct shouting]
[Ward strides into the hangar, taking off his sunglasses.]
MAN 3: That's gonna be on a secondary.
MAN 4: Yeah, got it!
[Ward walks onto the plane (the door to the cargo hold is down)]
FITZ (while rushing over to Simmons): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch it! That's the night-night g*n.
SIMMONS: Well, it's on my stuff, and it doesn't work, and there's no way we're calling it the night-night g*n.
[Fitz-Simmons gather their things and head into a small lab a few steps further into the plane]
FITZ: The b*ll*ts work. Nonlethal, heavy stopping power, Break up under the subcutaneous tissue–
SIMMONS: Oh, with a dose of only .1 microliters of dendrotoxin. I'm not Hermione. I can't create instant paralysis with that. [they unload their things as they talk] You should have run the specs by me before building the molds.
FITZ (talking over her): The b*ll*ts are hollow! It's a marvel I can keep them from breaking apart in the chamber!
SIMMONS (talking over him): Or used a higher-caliber round. Or read a book.
FITZ (talking over her): Have you ever heard of physics or– What's the other one? Inertia?
SIMMONS (talking over him): It's not particularly difficult!
[loud thud as Ward drops a duffle bag to the ground. Fitz-Simmons falls silent.]
WARD: Fitz-Simmons?
SIMMONS: [points to Fitz] Fitz.
FITZ: [points to Simmons]. Simmons. I'm engineering. She's biochem. Agent Ward?
WARD: Coulson said I'd need my comm receiver encoded. [gives Fitz the comm receiver] Don't know if you've worked with that model before. It's—
[Fitz beats the everloving hell out of the receiver, smashing it to bits]
WARD: ...brand-new.
SIMMONS: He'll repurpose the I.D.I.S. chip.
FITZ: Don't need the external receiver for the inner-ear comms anymore.
WARD: So, uh, how does it–
[Simmons sticks a swab into Ward's mouth, around which he makes noises of general displeasure]
SIMMONS: Embedded sensorineural silicone matched to your DNA. It's very posh. [she removes the swab] So, are you excited to be coming on our journey into mystery?
WARD (sarcastically): It's like Christmas.
[Simmons gives him a cheeky little grin like the absolute angel that she is]
[a vintage-looking red car pulls up into the belly of the plane]
[tires screech]
FITZ: One of Coulson's old S.H.I.E.L.D. collectibles. Flamethrowers, world's first GPS. He's mad for this crap.
[Coulson gets out of the car and walks past]
COULSON: Don't touch Lola.
FITZ: And he calls it a girl's name.
[Fitz slaps Ward on the... look I honestly can't tell if he slaps Ward's back or Ward's ass]
[Fitz chuckles. Ward looks unamused]
[Coulson, with Ward behind him, climbs up small spiral staircase to the upper level of the plane (the plane is the "bus" in question that May and Coulson were talking about previously. From here on out, the plane will be referred to as the Bus.)]
COULSON: Lola's not just a collectible, you know. People tend to confuse the words "new" and "improved."
[they walk through the upper level of the Bus]
COULSON: This mobile command, they were in heavy rotation back in the '90s, but then we got a heli-carrier. Hey. Did you hear the one about the guy who's afraid of flying?
WARD: I've done a night jump into a drop zone under heavy f*re, sir. I can handle it.
COULSON: That was a... joke. The first part of a... I'm not gonna tell it now.
[May, who was already on the Bus, steps towards them]
MAY: If you plan to unpack, make it quick. Wheels are up in five. We may have a h*t on one of The Rising Tide's routing points.
COULSON: Good. We need to do some catching up.
[May nods, walks away]
WARD: Is that... who I think it is?
COULSON: She's just the pilot.
WARD: Melinda May is "just the pilot." Come on, sir. What game are you really playing?
COULSON: Better stow your gear.
[engines whirring]
[Coulson goes up another tiny spiral staircase, this one leading to his own little office space]
[the cargo hold door closes as the Bus prepares for takeoff]
[May does some pilot-y stuff in the cockpit. Radio chatter.]
[the plane starts to taxi as the V.O. starts]
SKYE (V.O.): How will you come at us? From the air?
[In L.A., we see Skye's van in an alley]
SKYE (V.O.): From the ground?
[we see the interior of the van]
SKYE (V.O.): How will you silence us this time? How can you?
[the Bus achieves liftoff]
SKYE (V.O.): The truth is in the wind.
[int van]
SKYE (V.O., until it isn't): It's everywhere. You cannot stop The Rising Tide.
SKYE (V.O.): You will not find us.
[Coulson on the Bus]
[back to Skye]
SKYE: You will never see our faces. But rest assured... We will rise against those who shield us from the truth. And nothing... nothing can stop us in the–
[van door opens. Coulson is on the other side with Ward next to him]
SKYE: Hey. What up?
[Ward puts a bag over her head. Blackout.]
[Ward and Coulson lead a bag-headded Skye onto the Bus]
INT: Bus's interogation room.
[Ward manhandles Skye, head free of bag, into a chair]
[Coulson closes door behind him]
SKYE: You guys are making a big mistake.
WARD: You don't look that big.
COULSON: Sorry for the lack of finesse. Agent Ward here has had a little history with your group... The Rising Tide.
SKYE: I don't know... what you're–
WARD: Okay, there are two ways we can do this.
SKYE: Oh. Is one of them the easy way?
WARD: What's your name?
SKYE: Skye.
WARD: What's your real name?
COULSON: That can wait. It's another name we need... a certain hero.
SKYE: What makes you think I know that?
COULSON: Well, you made a little mistake. The phone you filmed the hooded hero with had the same cryptographic signature as a few of The Rising Tide posts.
SKYE: Wow. Yeah. Was that a mistake? Or am I now sitting in the center of your secret headquarters? What is this? A plane? I got inside. And by now, you've discovered you can't b*at the encryption on my equipment, so you got nothing.
COULSON: We have a fairly strong coincidence... you being on the scene right before it went up in flames?
[In L.A., a S.H.I.E.L.D. van pulls up outside the building at which the events of the start of this episode took place]
COULSON: Want to tell me what my team is gonna find out?
[Simmons gets out of the van. Fitz does, too, and she grabs his shoulders playfully. May gets out from the driver's seat. They all look up at the building.]
[May walks to examine the dent in the ground left from Mike jumping and landing]
COULSON: How did you know the hooded man was in the building?
WARD: Did you blow it up to draw him out?
SKYE: Did you?
COULSON: That's not our style.
SKYE: I was just kidnapped by your "style." S.H.I.E.L.D. covered up New Mexico, Project Pegasus. Of course you'd be covering up Centipede.
[Ward looks at Coulson like "what the fuuuuuck is she talking about"]
SKYE: Holy no way. [laughs] You don't know what that is. Billions of dollars of equipment at your disposal, and I b*at you with a laptop that I won in a bet?
COULSON: You need to think about your friend. We're not the only ones interested in people with powers. We'd like to contain him, yeah. The next guy will want to exploit him, and the guy after that will want to dissect him.
WARD: What is Centipede?
Inside Mike's home
[Mike is on the phone. Ace is sitting nearby, tossing a basketball up and down.]
MIKE: [sighs] Yeah, I get it, but... Listen, doctor, people saw me. They saw what I can do. If I went public, that might be good. I mean, your product works. It works amazingly, and... [he scratches at a mechanical, bug-shaped device attached to his forearm] yeah, yeah, I-I-I know what I signed, but if we got out in front of this, maybe [the person on the other end says something] Then what? You want me to go crawling back to the factory? I couldn't even get workmen's comp from those crooks. I don't think– [person on other end] Yeah, ye– Doctor, I just thought... [collects himself; nods] Okay.
[hangs up phone]
[punches photo of himself and a woman (probably his wife?)]
INT: now-destroyed building in L.A.
SIMMONS: This was a lab. Was this leased as a lab?
MAY: Mnh-mnh. Self-empowerment center. [ha] With a top-of-the-line motion-sensor security system.
SIMMONS: Ah. So a secret lab.
MAY: And a superhero. Not a coincidence. So, was this expl*si*n sabotage? Was it meant for him? Or were they just in over their heads?
FITZ [approaching]: Yeah, working the problem. Ladies, if you'll just– [walks around Simmons] Sorry.
MAY: If you're gonna be in the field, agent Fitz, you have to get your hands dirty.
[beeping as Fitz sets some drones up]
FITZ: No, I don't.
[drones whirring as they go into the air]
FITZ: ♪ Heigh-ho, off to work you go ♪
INT: Bus interogation room
SKYE: Centipede– it was chatter on the web And then gone. I traced the access-point MAC address to that building.
COULSON: What were you after?
SKYE: The truth. What are you after?
COULSON: World peace.
WARD: You pseudo-anarchist hacker types love to stir things up. [approaches Skye] But you're never around for the fallout. People keep secrets for a reason, Skye.
SKYE: Well, just because you're reasonable and... [pushes his chest] firm... doesn't mean that you're not an evil, faceless government tool bag.
WARD: Just give us your guy's name.
SKYE: He's not my guy!
COULSON: You understand he's in danger.
SKYE: Then let me go. Let me talk to him. Me, not the T-1000 here.
WARD: You want to be alone with him. Of course. (to Coulson) She's a groupie. All this hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D., tracking powers... she might as well be one of those sweaty cosplay girls crowding around Stark Tower.
SKYE: What?! I would... It was one time.
COULSON: [opens door] Ward.
[the men step outside and walk through the Bus]
COULSON: Is it the girl? She getting under your skin?
WARD: Sir?
COULSON: Or is it the assignment? Are you so anxious to get out of this that you'd deliberately blow an interrogation?
WARD: Give me a minute alone with her, you'll have your answers.
COULSON: She's an asset. [gets a case]
WARD: She is such an a... wait... "asset"?
COULSON: We don't know anything about her. Do you appreciate how often that happens? That never happens. We need... [opens case to reveal a g*n] what she knows.
INT: destroyed building in L.A.
[Fitz's drones are flying about]
SIMMONS: See, we designed each with their own capabilities, so, um, some recording the dimensions and textures of the room, and then some testing the matter density, radiation. I mean, one is basically just smelling.
FITZ: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I've got something in something.
SIMMONS: Who's got it?
FITZ: Uh... Bashful.
[May goes over to check what the drone is looking at]
MAY: Surveillance camera. Deep-fried.
FITZ: Yes, but that model has flash memory in case of [walks into something; clang] brownouts. Now, I could sync that with data from the motion detectors and, with a little luck, get some images from before the blast. And by "luck," I mean "unappreciated genius."
SIMMONS: Yeah, we'll need it. Snow's reading some compounds that are... [she notices something] Whoa. My god. [she rushes over to the something]
MAY: expl*sive?
SIMMONS: [holds up metal] Not of this earth.
INT: Interogation room
COULSON: [holding up vial] This is QNB-T16. [sticks it into g*n] It's the top-shelf Martini of Sodium Pentothal derivatives. It's a brand-new and extremely potent truth drug. Don't worry. The effects only last about an hour.
WARD: And you'll have a nice little nap. And we'll have all the answers to our...
[Coulson jabs Ward with the serum g*n]
WARD: Hey! What the hell?!
COULSON: I'm sorry. Did that hurt?
WARD: No. But you've lost your mind. You should never do that to a member of your team. And, yes, it did hurt a little bit. But I always try and mask my pain in front of beautiful women 'cause I think it makes me seem more masculine. My god, this stuff works fast.
COULSON: Don't trust us? Ask him whatever you'd like.
WARD: Wait a minute. Wait. You can't just...
[Coulson leaves the room]
WARD: [calling after him] This is definitely not protoco–
[door slams shut]
SKYE: [takes off her jacket seductively] You seem nervous, Agent Ward. [she leans over the table]
WARD: I'm calling to mind my training.
[Skye gets up]
WARD: There's no way I'm gonna reveal classified secrets to a girl who's hell-bent on taking us down.
[Skye leans over next to him]
SKYE: Have you ever k*lled anyone?
WARD: Yes, a few. High-risk targets. But they were terrible people... [Skye moves to the other side of him] Who were trying to m*rder nice people. And I didn't feel good afterwards.
SKYE: And does your grandmother know about these things?
WARD: [voice breaking] Gramzy?
INT: factory at which Mike works. Mike and his boss are walking on the factory floor.
[indistinct shouting]
GARY: My hands are tied, Mike. It's company policy. You didn't meet quota. I had to let you go.
MIKE: Gary, look, I got no choice. It's just me and my boy now.
GARY: There's no openings, Mike, and even if there were, I got a hundred guys standing in line that are just like you, only they won't bitch when their back hurts.
MIKE: I was injured, but I'm stronger now. I can handle twice the load I used to.
GARY: What are you not hearing? You don't cut it. When I say I need things moved, I need–
[Mike, with superhuman strength, pushes a nearby load super far]
MAN: Oh, hey! Hey!
MIKE: Like that?
GARY: Are you out of your mind?!
[Mike pushes Gary violently away by the face. He goes flying into a stack of metal tubes]
MIKE: These are people, Gary. Men! Not parts you replace when they break.
GARY: [shakily] it's not me, man. It's the company. I'm not the bad guy. I'm not the bad guy, man.
MIKE: Yes, you are. It's simple now, just like we used to read about. You're the bad guy.
[Gary grunts]
MIKE: And I'm the hero.
[Mike swings a metal tube down at Gary (and at the camera). Blackout.]
INT: Bus. They're in what looks like a briefing room.
COULSON: Did Agent Ward give you anything?
SKYE: He told me he's been to Paris, but he's never really seen it and that he wishes you had stayed in Tahiti.
COULSON: It's a magical place.
SKYE: Ward doesn't like your style. Kind of think I do.
COULSON: What about his?
FEMALE REPORTER (on T.V.): ...remains in critical condition. [TV is playing footage from the factory] Employees could not identify the attacker, but security footage confirms that this man as*ault the factory foreman before damaging thousands of dollars' worth of company property.
SKYE: This is wrong. This is not... the guy I met. He was...
FEMALE REPORTER (on T.V.): With us here on KZQM25.
SKYE: He just needs a break.
COULSON: Then give him one. What have you got?
Briefing room. Everyone is there (except Ward). Skye is pacing.
[beeping as the briefing table scans Mike's I.D. and starts to lay out information]
COULSON: Michael Peterson... factory worker, married, one kid. Gets injured, gets laid off. [Skye stops pacing] Wife jumps ship. Good guy, bad breaks. Best guess is, somebody tells him they can make him strong again, make him super.
MAY: Who has the tech to do that? And why would they want to?
COULSON: Fitz, what do we have from the security footage before the blast?
[beeping as Fitz pulls things up]
MAY: What are we seeing?
FITZ: Well, the man is angry at the other man.
[long (and long-suffering) b*at]
SIMMONS: The data is very corrupt.
FITZ: Yeah, like cold w*r Russia corrupt.
FITZ: I-I can't sync the timecode without–
SKYE: What if you had the audio?
[b*at as they all turn to her]
SKYE (a bit defensively): I was... running surveillance on the lab. I had my g*n mic pointed at the window before the blast. The digital file's in my van. There's too much background noise for me, But you could probably–
SIMMONS (to Fitz): You can clean that up, can't you? Find a sync point and use cross-field validation to find–
FITZ: But I can't scrub for expression patterns when the vit-c is all–
SIMMONS: Well, is there a chrominance subcarrier?
FITZ: Yeah, attached to the back porch. Brilliant. (to Skye; at the same time as Simmon) Um, that audio would be great. Thank you very, very much.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): We will take that audio, please.
COULSON: Your van's here, but you were right. We couldn't decrypt the files.
SKYE: The encryption's coupled to the GPS. Get my van back to that alley, and then I'm in business.
COULSON: Agent May will escort you. (to May) And on your way out, wake up Ward.
INT: hospital in L.A. Debbie is lying in bed. Mike stands outside her room with flowers.
WOMAN ON P.A.: Volunteer services to Oncology 1. Volunteer services to Oncology 1.
[Mike opens door and steps into Debbie's room]
DEBBIE: You're... Oh, wow. You're... him.
MIKE: [chuckles] I'm glad you're doing okay. [hands her the flowers]
DEBBIE: Oh, yeah. Thank you. They're beautiful.
[nurse leaves the room and closes door behind her]
DEBBIE [dropping the charade]: What the hell are you doing here?
MIKE: I don't know where to go, doctor. Everything's getting... I-I know what's right. I do. But no one will listen to me. I volunteered because you said things would change.
DEBBIE: [gets up out of bed] And... you said you could keep it together. Our first subject lost it... walked into the lab with a fricking b*mb.
MIKE: I'm not like him.
DEBBIE: Well, tell that to your foreman in the I.C.U.
MIKE: [grabs her] I saved you.
DEBBIE: [wrenches free from grasp] You exposed me! You exposed the program. [checks out window; exhales sharply; turns back to Mike] The people who gave me this technology... they are very serious, and they do not want to be revealed. Mike Peterson needs to disappear.
MIKE: You're right. I'm not him anymore. I'm someone else now.
DEBBIE: Oh, please. You're juiced, Mike. And you're losing it, just like the last guy. [sighs] This is a disaster.
MIKE: No. [goes to open window] It's an origin story.
[city noise in the background]
[Mike jumps out the window]
INT: Skye's van. When Skye or May is speaking, unless their line is in italics, we're seeing in here.
SKYE: Audio file should be coming through. It's not compressed, so it might take a minute.
INT: the Bus lab. When Fitz, Simmons, Ward, or Coulson are speaking, unless their line is in italics, we're seeing in here.
FITZ: Uh, yeah.
[machinery beeping]
FITZ: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm getting it.
[Fitz runs over to a keyboard and clacks around on it]
FITZ: So, uh, uh, when... when you get back, I'll show you my thing. A thing. It's not... I-it's my hardware. My equipment. Let's... hang up.
[nearby, Coulson is watching over Simmons' shoulder as she toys with her find from the building]
COULSON: So, the alien metal wasn't the expl*sive?
SIMMONS: Well, I assumed from the break pattern and dispersion that it was, but it's just dripping with gamma radiation and...
[the thing starts dripping yellow goo]
SIMMONS: Oh! Now it's actually dripping. [chuckles] Fun.
[Ward walks in]
WARD: So, what did that get us?
FITZ: Skye's sending us the rest of her decrypted files on Centipede. But we have her audio. I've loaded it up.
COULSON: Nice work.
[keyboard clacking; Fitz rushing about. He ends on the stairs.]
FITZ: Now, using motion estimation, Bayesian inference, a beam splitter, and a little diffraction theory, Our mystery man... [presses some buttons; machine generates an image] appears. It's like magic. But it's– it's science.
WARD (about the scene going on in the generated image, soon to be a video): expl*sives in the case?
[Fitz presses play]
DOCTOR (in video): ...to please calm down. Just let me check your vitals.
MAN (in vid) I feel fine. I want to feel more. Where's the doctor? Where is she?!
DOC (in vid): I-if you don't settle down, I-I'll have you sedated.
MAN (in vid): Where is she?!
[Fitz pauses the generated video]
FITZ: Wait. Did you... did you see that on his arm?
[beeping, rewinding]
COULSON: What does that look like to you?
WARD: A centipede.
SIMMONS: It's an intravenous filter for his blood. This goo, sir... very similar to the serum Dr. Erskine developed in the '40s for the–
COULSONL: Super soldiers.
SIMMONS: I'm reading alien metal, gamma radiation, the serum... every known source of superpower thrown in a blender.
COULSON: We need to see the origin of the blast. Run it back from the last point recorded.
[Skye slips a memory card or something into her bra while May isn't watching]
SKYE: That should do it. [closes computer]
MAY: Let's head back. All right, let me just–
[Mike shows up and att*cks May. They fight. Mike knocks May down.]
SKYE: Mike. What are you doing?
MIKE: Saving you. From the scary men in dark suits. And you're gonna help save us.
SKYE: "Us"?
[Mike pulls out Ace]
[Ace whimpers]
MIKE: Don't cry. Okay? Stay strong for me, Ace. What are we?
ACE: We're a team.
MIKE: That's right. (to Skye) Now drive.
[the generated image rewinds; we can see the blast originating from the man in it himself]
COULSON: Extremis. It's new. Completely unstable.
SIMMONS: Poor man didn't bring an expl*sive. And Mike has the same stuff in his system.
WARD: And judging by his strength level, a lot more.
FITZ: So any minute now, Mike is gonna–
SIMMONS: He'll take out anyone within a two-block radius.
COULSON (to Ward) Well... you wanted a b*mb.
[close up of Mike's face. Blackout.]
[Ward fiddles with a g*n]
[Coulson examines a screen]
SIMMONS [walking up to Coulson, Fitz behind her]: Sir? He didn't explode because he was angry. The two are connected. It... it's kind of a chemical surge. But calming him down will buy him a minute at most. He will detonate within the next few hours.
COULSON: Solution?
SIMMONS: Isolate him, get him away from people.
FITZ: Put a b*llet through his brain.
SIMMONS: If he's d*ad, this irradiated metabolic process will stop.
COULSON: We need to come up with a third option... one that doesn't involve Mike's son losing a father.
SIMMONS: We have a couple of hours at most. There's no way that we could possibly–
COULSON: Don't ever tell me there's no way! It's on you. Get it done.
[Ward shoulders the g*n and looks really hot while doing so]
COULSON (on the phone): May?
MAY (on the phone): He took Skye.
COULSON: You all right?
MAY: We'll deal with that later... at length.
[Coulson looks concerned]
MAY: Right now, we need to figure out where they went.
EXTERIOR: A train station in L.A.
[indistinct conversations]
INT: Skye's van
[keyboard clacking]
[info on Mike running across the screen]
MIKE: How long is this gonna take?
SKYE: This is top speed. Trust me. It's not like I'm deleting a Facebook page. I'm bypassing the license bureau's A.E.S.-protected data stream. So chill.
MIKE: How do I know you can really do this?
SKYE: I've done it before.
[on the screen, it says "all files deleted"]
FITZ [standing in front of a screen running simulations]: Come on. Give me more paralysis.
FITZ: Less rigor mortis! Oh, come on!
[screen reads "simulation fail"]
FITZ [running over to computer]: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
SIMMONS [fiddling with night-night g*n serum]: Just pretend it's an exam. We're taking an exam.
FITZ: An exam... yeah.
FITZ: Okay. I don't want an "F."
[Simmons puts vial of serum into a machine]
FITZ: "F" equals a m*ssacre.
[Fitz breathing heavily]
[computer beeping; screen reads "security breach"]
FITZ: Whoa.
SIMMONS [running over to Fitz]: Oh, no! What is this nonsense? Why are you making nonsense?!
FITZ: This isn't me! It's noise. Someone's hacking our secure channel.
COULSON [walking in]: It's longitude and latitude. Mike took Skye.
[engine turns over]
COULSON: She's telling us where.
MIKE: We'll take the nice lady with us. We... we... we can't go to the airport, So we'll... we'll take a train. And there, she'll... she'll help us start over, Make a new life... A better life, like I always said.
EXT: train station. A car with Coulson and Ward pulls up.
[indistinct conversations]
[they get out and start walking]
WARD: Look at this place. You're gonna risk thousands of lives over some nobody.
COULSON: Nobody's nobody, Ward. Fitz-Simmons will come through. [through megaphone, at Skye's van] Mr. Peterson, good morning. We're not a thr*at. We're here to help. But you're in danger, and we need to take you in.
MIKE (to Skye): What did you do?!
[police radio chatter]
[Skye's van door goes flying off its hinges; everyone ducks/scatters]
MAN: Whoa! Get down!
[ people screaming ]
MIKE [pulling Skye out, running for train station]: Come on. Come on.
[Ward rushes after them]
[Mike leads Skye through station]
WOMAN ON P.A.: Please return to check-in counter.
[ speaking spanish ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
MAN [passing by]: Yeah, we won't.
[Skye whirls around and kicks man in the dick]
SKYE (to Mike): You're right... he is a little bitch.
MAN'S FRIENDS [charging Mike]: Yo, get him! Get him!
MIKE [putting Ace behind him]: Ace, get back!
[Skye runs away]
MAN AND FRIENDS: Get out the way, man! Come on! Come on, now!
[Mike fights man and friends]
[ Screams ]
[ man's bones crack ]
MIKE: Ace!
[man's friend hits Mike over the back with something metal; it clangs; it bends]
[Mike turns to face him]
[wide sh*t of man flying up in the air, yelling]
EXT: train station. Debbie is in a car.
POLICE: Tell dispatch we'll need backup!
[ siren wailing ]
MAN 2: I don't know. Just go. Just keep going to the other side.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[Debbie's buddy gets out of the car]
[ Engine turns over ]
MAN 2: You need to get inside.
INT: train station
COULSON [bringing Ace over to a police officer]: Hey. Let's get him out of here.
ACE: I want my daddy. I promise.
MIKE: Ace! Ace!
[Ward grabs Mike from behind and begins choking him]
MIKE: Ohh!
[ Chokes ]
WARD: Look... the stuff inside you is unstable. It'll k*ll you and everyone in here.
MIKE: Who's gonna miss us?!
[Mike throws him off]
[ Groans ]
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[Skye tries to escape; Mike grabs her]
[Debbie's buddy sh**t at Mike]
[Mike and Skye run outside]
[ People screaming ]
[ Alarm ringing ]
[ siren wails ]
[May pulls up]
COULSON (into earpiece): We're at the north entrance, May.
[Coulson picks Ward up off the ground]
WARD: You told them to hold f*re.
COULSON: I don't think that's us. We may have a third party here. He's gonna head down to the tracks. You stay high. I'll go low. Only take the sh*t if you have to, Ward.
[Ward starts walking off]
[Ward looks back]
WARD: If I have to.
[ Train whistle blows ]
[ Skye breathing heavily ]
SKYE: You got to stop! These people can help you.
MIKE: The men in suits? They're your buddies now? Where did they take my son?!
[Mike pulls Skye to the balcony of an upper second level of the station overlooking the ground floor]
[ Police radio chatter ]
[Debbie's buddy sh**t at Mike]
MIKE: Get down!
[Mike throws Skye to the floor]
[ g*n cocks ]
[Mike is sh*t]
[Mike goes flying over the balcony]
[Mike lands. Hard.]
[g*n cocks]
[May appears and kicks Debbie's buddy's legs out from under him]
[They fight. May summarily kicks his ass.]
[Mike, glowing red, pulls himself up]
[Coulson approaches]
[Coulson puts his g*n down]
MIKE: Think that means anything? I know you got men everywhere waiting to put me down. I know how this plays out.
COULSON: I don't. I know you got poison in your system. I know it's burning you up. Mike, the last guy who wore that exploded.
MIKE: I'm not like that other guy. I'm... It matters who I am... inside, if I'm a good person, if I'm strong.
WARD (through earpiece) [sn*per g*n trained on Mike from afar]: I have a clear sh*t. Do you copy?
COULSON: I know you're strong. Your boy knows it. He needs you to let us help.
MIKE: You took him! [ Voice breaking ] You took my wife, my job, my house. You think this [gestures to Centipede on arm] is k*lling me?!
[Skye and May run up]
MIKE: All over, there's people being pushed down, being robbed. One of them tries to stand up, you got to make an example out of him.
COULSON: You bring this building down on us, will that help them?
MIKE: That's a lie! [grabs some heavy looking debris] All you do is lie! [throws down debris] You said if we worked hard... if we did right...
[Ward's finger tightens on the trigger]
MIKE: ...we'd have a place. You said it was enough to be a man. But there's better than man. There's gods. And the rest of us... What are we? They're giants. We're what they step on.
COULSON: I know. I've seen giants... up close. And that privilege cost me... nearly everything. But the good ones... the real deal... they're not heroes because of what they have that we don't. It's what they do with it. You're right, Mike. It matters who you are.
MIKE: I could, you know? Be a hero.
COULSON: I'm counting on it.
[ Silenced g*n as b*llet hits Mike in the head]
[Simmons rushes over to him]
[Ward, from afar, shoulders night-night g*n, Fitz next to him]
[Simmons quickly checks Mike over (he is turning a little bit blue but no big deal) and smiles up at Coulson. Mike's okay.]
[Skye sighs in relief]
[Fitz, from afar, gives Simmons a thumbs-up and a wink. It's really cute.]
[Simmons sighs in relief]
INT: S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q.
COULSON'S VOICE: Subject is in s*ab condition. All clear at Union Station.
[ Beep ]
[Hill smiles, walks out of room]
EXT: a cute looking house somewhere
[ Dog barking ]
[ laughter ]
[ Skye sighs ]
[Skye and Coulson walk away from the home]
SKYE: I told him his father was coming home.
COULSON: He will. We have some experience with this.
SKYE: He almost blew. We almost died.
COULSON: We have some experience with that, too.
SKYE: Don't have it all mapped out.
COULSON: True. We didn't cut off the head of the Centipede. Whoever sponsored that little experiment is still out there, among other things.
SKYE: It's a brave new world.
[they stop at Lola]
SKYE: And a really old car.
COULSON: [chuckles] Lola can keep up.
[they get into Lola]
COULSON: What about you? Have you thought about the offer?
SKYE: Hitching a ride on the crazy plane? I'm not exactly a team player.
COULSON: We're not exactly a team. But we're in a position to do some good. You'd be a great help. And you'd be front row center at the strangest show on earth, Which is, after all, what you wanted.
SKYE: I was able to hack S.H.I.E.L.D. from my van. You're gonna show me something new?
[ Coulson's cellphone rings ]
COULSON (into phone): Go.
INT: Bus lounge area. Fitz is eating Chinese takeout. Ward has a beer next to him, just in case we all forgot he's the epitome of manliness. Simmons is there too.
WARD: Sir, we've got an 0-8-4.
COULSON: Is that confirmed?
WARD: They want us to go in and confirm it.
[Fitz gives him a Bro Slap on the shoulder. Ward is not happy with this.]
SKYE: What's an 0-8-4?
[ Engine turns over ]
COULSON: You've got exactly 10 minutes to decide if you really want to know.
SKYE: There's no way we can make it to the airfield in–
[Coulson flips some switches]
[ whirring ]
[Lola starts to levitate]
SKYE: ...10 minutes.
COULSON: The tide is rising.
[Lola takes off]
[BOOM. S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.] | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x01 - Pilot"} | foreverdreaming |
In the air. The Bus is flying through the sky.
H.Q. (on walkie-talkie): S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the Slingshot. Agent Coulson, everything all right up there? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.[/o]
COULSON (on walkie-talkie): Yeah, we're all good. It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.
[ something at the back of the Bus f*ck up; an engine goes out, maybe ]
[expl*si*n noise]
INT: the Bus. We see a crisis screen that reads "hull breach".
[ Alarms blaring ]
[Coulson is hanging on for dear life, trying to not get sucked out of the hole]
COULSON: Aah! Aaaaah!
SIMMONS: Coulson! Hang on!
[BOOM. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. title card.]
Outside. Safely on the ground.
[on the screen, it reads "19 hours earlier"]
[Skye is loading things out of her van, ready to move into the Bus]
[she gathers her things and steps onto the cargo hold ramp door]
SKYE (to guy coming to take her van): Hey, no joy rides, okay? That's my house.
[guy puts something on car that causes it to start up]
[ Engine turns over ]
SKYE: [ Scoffs ] Where do they think of this stuff?
[she walks onto the Bus. The cargo hold door closes behind her.]
INT: Bus briefing room
WARD: Skye? Girl's not qualified to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
COULSON: Agreed. That's why I've invited her on as a consultant.
[ fancy techy table beeps ]
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D. does it all the time. Technically, Stark's a consultant.
WARD: And technically, Skye's a member of the Rising Tide. She hacked our RSA implementation --
COULSON: Twice. From a laptop. Imagine what she'll do with our resources.
WARD: I am. That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown. You brought me on for risk assessment. She's a risk. She doesn't think like us.
COULSON: Exactly.
INT: Bus lab. Skye is walking in.
SIMMONS: Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news. What a wonderful surprise. Isn't it, Fitz?
FITZ: Yeah.
SIMMONS: No, it's wonderful.
FITZ (talking over her): Yeah, a surprise.
SIMMONS (talking over him): You must be very excited.
SKYE: Yep, first day of school.
[Skye hands Fitz her boxes]
[ Fitz grunts ]
SIMMONS: Okay, so... just -- [walking past Skye to get to the stairs] sorry. Yeah.
[Fitz follows her]
INT: Bus briefing room
MAY: We have two kids on this bus who aren't cleared for combat. You're adding a third.
WARD: At least Fitz-Simmons are trained S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. But Skye? You said this was a select team. Assembled to work new cases, to protect people. I don't see how letting some hacker tag along --
COULSON: I'm looking for an objection I haven't already anticipated. I'm calling this. But your frown will be on record.
WARD: We've been called in to investigate an 0-8-4. We all know what that means.
COULSON: Yes, we do. It means we don't know what that means.
INT: the lounge area of the Bus, which is on the same level/connected to the briefing room. Fitz, Simmons, and Skye are walking through.
FITZ: Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station. But we call it the Bus. We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger.
SKYE: Yeah, I've been up here before, but I didn't see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head.
SIMMONS: Yes, so sorry about that. [grabs a water] Water?
MAY (over the P.A.): Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it.
SKYE: What's that mean?
SIMMONS: No backing out now. Let's find a bunk for our guest.
[Simmons heads towards the sleeping areas]
FITZ [following her]: Oh, oh, yeah, there's only one left, and it's right next to mine.
[he deposits Skye's things into an empty cubicle-type small bedroom]
FITZ: Sorry. You can...
[he splits, posthaste]
[Skye starts to unload]
[Ward walks up and knocks on Skye's room's open sliding door]
SKYE: Hey. I know we didn't really --
WARD [handing her a safety manual pamphlet]: Might want to read that. This isn't like other planes.
[he walks away]
[she looks through the pamphlet]
SKYE: You can say that again.
COULSON [walking up]: Say what again?
SKYE: Sweet ride.
COULSON: I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury when I got h*t right before the battle of New York.
SKYE: You took a b*llet?
COULSON: Ish. An Asgardian s*ab me through the heart with a Chitauri scepter. The effect was similar. Got a few weeks' R&R and this plane. Had it completely refurbished. Studs up -- spared no expense.
SKYE: Yeah, Agent Ward told me they sent you to Tahiti.
COULSON: It's a magical place.
SKYE: You mentioned that.
[Skye starts to set her waterbottle down on a table]
COULSON: Here. [grabs a coaster] Use a coaster. Buckle up.
[they sit]
SKYE: I don't even know where we're going.
[ airplane beep ]
[they start buckling up]
COULSON: Peru. That's where the 0-8-4 was reported.
SKYE: And an 0-8-4 is...?
COULSON: An object of unknown origin. Kind of like you. Team goes in, determines if it's useful or if it poses a thr*at. Last one turned out to be pretty interesting.
SKYE: And what was the last one?
COULSON: A hammer.
EXT: Bus. We see lush green land and Skye's face in the Bus window.
[May does some pilot stuff and looks great while doing it]
[Bus lands]
[ Tires screech ]
In the jungle. Cars are going down a dirt road.
[cars pull into a what the text on the screen notes as "Incan archaeological site. Llactapata, Peru".
[cars halt]
[the team gets out of the cars]
WARD: Tire tracks 40 meters back. I'll check them against the site's trucks -- make sure we're alone.
MAY: Too much exposure here. I'm gonna find a place to park.
[May gets back in the car]
[engine turns over]
[ Animal chatters ]
FITZ [walking, Simmons besides him]: I would love to see a capuchin in the wild. Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. You know, um, Peru has 32 different species of monkey.
SIMMONS: Yeah, and close to 200 species of snakes. The shushupe has a
[Fitz stumbles into a car]
SIMMONS: fascinating ven-- [Simmons gives him a look to make sure he's okay. He is.] venom. It's neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic. Ha!
FITZ: [ Chuckles nervously ] That's fascinating.
SIMMONS: Yeah. [realizes Fitz is nervous] Oh. No, I'd be much more concerned with earthquakes, mala--
[ Insect buzzes ]
[Simmons slaps Fitz's neck]
SIMMONS: Ah. There's no vaccine for dengue fever.
[ Simmons gasps ]
[Fitz-Simmons halt]
SIMMONS: Oh, look at this.
[there is a big fantastic looking pyramid structure]
Starting back at where the cars originally parked, Skye and Coulson make their way through the brush
SKYE: We should warn the people who live around here if the 0-8-4 is dangerous. They're already dealing with anti-mining rebels and the shining path guerillas. I could post something.
COULSON: Remember the panic when that anti-matter meteor splashed down just off the coast of Miami, nearly devoured the city?
COULSON: Precisely. Because we kept it quiet and contained.
SKYE: So, what am I doing?
COULSON: Well, if it gets out, I might need you to create some kind of diversion, put the public on the wrong scent.
SKYE: So everything that I'm against.
[Coulson climbs up pyramid steps to get to Fitz-Simmons and the Professor who is now with them]
[ Camera shutter clicks ]
COULSON: Good morning, Professor. I'm Agent Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D. I understand you've made an interesting discovery.
PROFESSOR: [ Sighs ] I-I'm not sure how to explain it. This temple dates back at least 500 years. It's filled with pre-Incan artifacts. One of them is impossible and looks like it might be dangerous.
COULSON: Well, that's why we're here.
[they enter the temple]
PROFESSOR: Watch out.
[there is a bit of modern looking metal/tech attached to the wall]
PROFESSOR: Exactly as we found it.
COULSON: Who else knows about this?
PROFESSOR: Just the ministry. I believe they are the ones who contacted you.
COULSON: Sir, I need you and your team to evacuate the site until we determine the risk associated with this object.
[Fitz fires up the drones]
[ Simmons' device beeping ]
SIMMONS (to drone): Leave the man alone.
COULSON: Now -- for your own safety.
SKYE [checking her phone]: Nothing about this anywhere. It's amazing. I searched every data stream. What do you got here, guys?
[Skye approaches the metal, reaches out as if to touch it]
FITZ: Whoa, car-- uh, careful. I-I -- no, wouldn't do that.
[Skye stops]
SIMMONS: The object's placement in fossiliferous rock formations suggests it's been here for at least 1,500 years. That pre-dates this temple by a millennium. Ah! Maybe it's alien.
FITZ: Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship -- it's almost German.
EXT: Temple. May is there. The professor exits and walks past her.
[ Birds chirping ]
WARD [approaching]: Tires match the prof's truck. Where's your sidearm?
MAY: If I need a g*n, I'll take one.
WARD: Right. Forgot I was working with "the cavalry."
MAY: Don't ever call me that.
WARD: Apologies. I've heard the stories -- what went down in Bahrain, about you in action. You know, it was smart of Coulson to pull you out of retirement. It's nice to have a trusted friend who has your back.
[man jumps out of the brush and att*cks Ward]
[ Grunts ]
[Ward, May, and multiple assailants fight]
[g*n that May stole from assailants cock]
[ Vehicle approaches ]
[men rush out of vehicles, armed, and surround May and Ward]
[ Men shouting in Spanish ]
WARD: Should have taken more g*n.
[Camilla gets out of vehicle]
[ Men shouting in Spanish ]
INT: Temple
WARD (still outside, over walkie-talkie): Sir?
WARD: We have a situation.
SKYE: Lots of rebels in this area.
COULSON: Not enough g*n. Keep working. (into walkie-talkie) I'm on my way.
[he walks out past a still working Fitz-Simmons]
EXT: Temple
COULSON (in Spanish): Good morning. I'm Agent Coulson. We are here on a matter of international security.
CAMILLA: Phillip?
COULSON: Camilla? [gestures at armed men] Do you mind?
CAMILLA: After you.
[Ward and May stand down]
CAMILLA (in Spanish): Lower w*apon.
[her men comply]
[Camilla approaches Coulson]
CAMILLA: And now for a proper hello.
[she kisses his cheeks]
COULSON: Comandante -- a promotion. Congratulations.
CAMILLA: Three years ago. But thank you.
COULSON: Agent Melinda May, Agent Grant Ward, this is comandante Camilla Reyes. She's with the Policía Militar del Perú. We used to work together back in the day.
[ May scoffs lightly ]
COULSON: Let the team know everything's okay.
CAMILLA: I know you've found a strange object on Peruvian soil. We should have a conversation about how to proceed.
COULSON: Of course. But an 0-8-4 supercedes all national claims.
CAMILLA: You look good.
COULSON: Yeah, I work out.
CAMILLA: Come, let me show you something.
INT: Temple
[ Device beeping ]
FITZ: Are you seeing this? It's alive.
SKYE: Wha-- alive alive?
FITZ: It has a functioning power source.
SIMMONS: Sleepy's reading radionuclides, but they don't match any known isotope.
FITZ: I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. Is that even possible?
SKYE: Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff, so...
[Fitz-Simmons stare blankly at Skye]
SKYE: It's totally weird, right? I'm gonna go check on Coulson.
[Ward enters]
WARD: We've got company. National police.
FITZ: Why are they here?
WARD: They heard about this object. They're probably here to protect it. This area has lots of rebel uprisings.
SKYE: Yeah, people are fighting back against the government's mining policies. It's pretty kick-ass.
WARD: Yeah, it's kick-ass, all the v*olence.
SKYE: That's not what I'm saying.
WARD: No, it's what you're typing. In your van, alone -- where it's safe. (to Fitz-Simmons) How much longer?
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): What's the hurry?
FITZ (talking over Simmons): Are we in danger?
WARD (answering Fitz): Not if everyone does their job. (to Skye) What is yours, exactly?
Outside. Camilla and Coulson are walking.
CAMILLA: The cacao is from a secret valley in Peru. Very special. The best chocolate in the world.
[Coulson takes the chocolate from her and bites it]
COULSON: Could use some sugar.
CAMILLA: [ Chuckles ] Americans.
COULSON: You know me, Camilla. I'm a pretty simple guy.
CAMILLA: There was nothing simple about your last mission here.
COULSON: I had some great help.
CAMILLA: There isn't any chance we get to keep the device, is there?
COULSON: It's not mine to give, but I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this respectfully in a way that gives your coun--
[expl*si*n in the background]
[Coulson and Camilla get out their g*n]
CAMILLA: Rebels.
COULSON: Stay close. On my six.
[ g*n, indistinct shouting ]
INT: Temple
[ Rumbling ]
WARD: Sounds like they're engaging with rebels. Let's go. They're coming for it. Let's move!
[they start packing things up]
FITZ (upset about someone packing something wrong): No. No, no, no, no, no.
SIMMONS: It doesn't matter.
FITZ: It does to me!
SIMMONS: Please, let us do this. We need a containment case for the 0-8-4.
WARD: There's no time.
FITZ: But it has a fluctuating power core -- frequencies way above 10 exahertz.
[ expl*si*n outside ]
WARD: Sorry. Science class is over.
[Ward starts to pry the 0-8-4 from the wall]
[ Ward grunts ]
FITZ: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait. You did not just pull that out of the wall. What is the matter with you?! Do you realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions coming out of this -- [Ward gives him the 0-8-4] okay. We don't know what will happen if it gets excited!
WARD: Stay close.
SIMMONS: Fitz! Come on!
[they all exit]
[ g*n ]
[ Indistinct shouting ]
COULSON (to Camilla): Come on!
[ Shouts in Spanish ]
COULSON: Your men need to fall back now, or we'll never make the runway. Now -- your truck. Let's go!
[they make their way towards the truck, sh**ting at people in their way]
EXT: Temple. Ward, Fitz-Simmons, and Skye are standing right outside it.
[Simmons screams]
WARD: Get back!
[Fitz-Simmons and Skye get back, holing inside the temple entrance]
[Ward whips out his staff]
Tell your men to get down.
[Camilla, in Spanish, tells her men to get down]
[her men get down]
[Ward plunges staff into ground]
[Ward gets down]
[staff sends out wave of energy, knocking everyone who is standing way back]
CAMILLA: Watch out. Vámanos!
[Ward motions the Not Cleared For Combat team forward]
[ Enemy g*n cocks ]
[car drives in front of Fitz-Simmons, Skye, and Ward, protecting them from the g*n that is unleashed]
MAY (in driver's seat of car): Get in! Get in! Move! Now!
FITZ: Yeah, that's a good idea.
[they head towards May's car]
Outside, at a different car
COULSON: After you.
CAMILLA: After you.
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[Coulson gets in]
[cars drive down dirt road; enemies chase/f*re after them]
[indistinct shouting]
WARD: Coulson's secure in PMP's truck. Take the south route to the airfield.
MAY: Gotcha.
FITZ: Slow down!
SKYE: You're joking, right?
FITZ: Ward, listen! We have to be careful. There's a binding energy structure that could overheat.
SIMMONS: I could roll down a window!
[ b*ll*ts ricochet ]
SKYE: Do not roll down a window!
WARD: Stay quiet and keep your heads down. (to May) Head left. The ravine empties.
FITZ: But, Ward!
MAY and WARD: Quiet!
[ GPS beeping ]
WARD: How fast can you have the wheels up?
MAY: Fast.
[ Tires screech ]
[Fitz-Simmons, Skye, Ward, and May car pulls up on ramp of Bus]
[they get out]
MAY: Ramp!
WARD: On it.
SKYE: What are you doing?! Coulson is still out there!
WARD: Get off the ramp. You're in the line of f*re.
[ g*n, indistinct shouting ]
[Camilla, Coulson, and a few of Camilla's men make it on board]
WARD: Cut it pretty close, sir.
[the ramp closes]
COULSON: Didn't want to leave anyone behind.
SKYE: I got to say it. I miss my van.
WARD (to Fitz): Now, what was the problem?
FITZ: As I said before, this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating, sub-material compression --
WARD: Fitz, in English.
FITZ: The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology. Hydra. World w*r II. Captain America. It's full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.
WARD: Gamma -- you're saying it's nuclear?
COULSON: No. He's saying it's much, much worse.
[they all scoot back from the case containing the 0-8-4]
Bus flies through the air
INT: Bus cockpit. May is flying. Coulson stands behind her.
H.Q. (over comms device): And the 0-8-4 is in your possession?
COULSON: It's on board and contains a tesseract fuel cell, so...there's that.
H.Q.: Copy. You are a go for check-in guidance through restricted airspace. Safe travels.
COULSON: [ Sighs ] Top speed's a priority, May. Obviously. I know you didn't want to see combat. I apologize for that. [b*at] Do you need anything else before I go check on the device fueled by evil that's sitting in our cargo hold?
[May aggressively flicks a switch]
COULSON: This was fun.
INT: Bus lab. Simmons is handling the 0-8-4. Skye is looking nervous.
SIMMONS: Not to worry. The device is s*ab. Not that it couldn't explode at any minute, especially if h*t with machine-g*n f*re. But things like this happen from time to time when in the field, and at first, it's very unpleasant, and you regret your decision to leave the lab at all.
[ Door opens ]
[Fitz and Ward walk in]
FITZ: Are you mental? I did explain in great detail exactly what I meant, using the queen's bloody English!
WARD: I use normal English -- words like "duck" and "run" and "might blow us to pieces."
FITZ: Oh. Oh! Well, congratulations, Agent Ward. You managed to string three words together in a sentence.
INT: Bus cargo hold
COULSON [coming down stairs]: Is everyone all right?
MAN 1: Banged up but alive. Thank you for the extraction.
CAMILLA: But we lost a lot of men.
COULSON: We'll make sure the rest of you get home safe.
CAMILLA [looking through glass into the lab]: Are we safe? On a plane with that? [b*at] There's a PMP airfield in Iquitos. It's a short distance --
COULSON: We'll burn as fast as we can for a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility. There's no safer place for us to go.
MAN 2: Sir, if I may? You got anything to drink around here?
COULSON: Upstairs. I think you'll find it quite comfortable up there.
[men get up and start to amble about]
CAMILLA: I expect the grand tour.
COULSON: I know you do.
[Coulson and Camilla walk into the lab to the dulcet sounds of the boys getting pissed at each other]
FITZ (talking over Ward): I'm trying to tell you --
WARD (talking over Fitz): ...don't understand anything you are saying!
COULSON: Do we have a problem in here?
WARD: No, sir. Just working on our communication. Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.
COULSON: We got out, didn't lose anyone, saved a few of theirs -- I'd say we did all right. Anything else?
[Skye raises her hand]
SKYE: Uh, yeah. I have a small question. Because I've been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn't know which one's Simmons and which one's Fitz, and they've seen even less g*n than me, and I'm no rocket scientist, but is this your first mission together?
SIMMONS: No. Of course not. [b*at] It's our second.
SKYE (flirtatiously, to Simmons): I was your first? That's sweet.
WARD: You're amused?
SKYE: I'm terrified. I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. I might as well be team captain.
[ Simmons scoffs ]
SKYE (to Coulson): I was joking, but maybe that's not a bad idea, because these guys do not like each other much.
WARD: This isn't about that. I'm a specialist. Today, I could have eliminated the enemy thr*at myself if I was working alone, but I had non-combat-ready agents --
FITZ: Whoa, whoa. Wait. You work alone?
SIMMONS: So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment?
FITZ: Or the polymers for your w*apon.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): People like us do it.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Try going into the field with just your bare bum.
SKYE (to Coulson): See them proving the point I just made?
COULSON: You're not wrong. We still need to iron out the kinks. But, Ward, you can speak six languages. Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can't pronounce, and, Fitz, you are a rocket scientist. So work it out.
[Coulson exits the lab]
SKYE (calling to Coulson): I-I'm -- I'm good at stuff, too. [ Sighs ]
INT: Bus cockpit. May's flying stoically.
INT: Skye's bunk. She plays with a bobblehead that's part of her belongings.
INT: Bus lounge area. Camilla's men are eating
[ Indistinct conversation ]
[ Laughs ]
[Camilla and Coulson go up the stairs towards Coulson's quarters]
INT: Bus lab. Fitz-Simmons are working over a big table screen.
[device beeps]
SIMMONS: So, should we work or just continue to --
FITZ: I'm saying I said there would come a moment when we would regret the decision to go in the field. I didn't think that would happen in week one.
SIMMONS: [ Scoffing ] Oh, God.
[she pulls up something significant-looking on the 3-D holographic projector whatever the hell fancy tech table it is they have]
SIMMONS: This seam in the sedimentary layers suggests some sort of molten cave-in a few decades back.
FITZ [sliding a holographic image towards Simmons]: Yeah, well, this here -- it's optical amplification. Now, I think -- well, I'm most likely d*ad-on -- that the tesseratic energy excites plasma with an inverse population of energy levels.
SIMMONS: A laser.
FITZ: A ray of...pure energy -- two terajoules. See the amplifier? We're lucky the drones didn't trigger it while we were taking electromagnetic readings. This is a w*apon, powerful enough to --
SIMMONS: Enough to melt through 50 feet of solid rock to bury itself. Imagine what it could do to a person.
FITZ: Yeah, or an airplane. [b*at] For example.
INT: Bus lounge area. Camilla's men have largely cleared out, and the few that remain are subdued and chatting on the side; Ward sits alone, reading.
[Skye approaches, bottle of liquor in hand]
SKYE: "Hunger Games"?
WARD: "Matterhorn." One of a hundred books my S.O. gave me that I'm just getting around to. [b*at] S.O. -- supervising officer.
SKYE: Got it. Hackers have lingo, too, but I'll pick yours up. I feel like you and me -- wrong foot. Can I... [shakes liquor bottle] buy you a drink?
[ Ward chuckles lightly and gestures for her to join him on the couch ]
[she does]
SKYE: What I said before -- when I said the uprising was -- whatever I said -- a good thing. I don't want you to think I'm oblivious. What I was talking about was the tweets.
WARD: Tweets. You trying to make things better or worse?
SKYE: Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. Thousands of suffering people who have never met uniting over a common idea? It's mind-bl*wing. And I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to see your hate face, but...that's what the Rising Tide is all about.
WARD: Okay.
SKYE: Usually, one person doesn't have the solution. But 100 people with 1% of the solution -- that'll get it done. I think that's beautiful -- pieces solving a puzzle.
WARD: You and I see the world differently is all.
SKYE: I've never been in a w*r zone during a w*r until today. That was crazy. I take it you've seen that a lot?
[ Ward sighs, drinks ]
[Ward sets his glass down. His side is bleeding. Skye notices.]
SKYE: Wh-- did you get sh*t?
WARD: Skin deep. Nothing to worry about.
SKYE: You got sh*t. Did that happen protecting us?
WARD: Said don't worry about it.
SKYE: Well, no wonder you were so pissed.
WARD: I wasn't pissed. I was trained to be the whole solution -- to eliminate variables. And today [he glances Significantly at Camilla's men nearby] they keep adding up.
SKYE: We're turning.
WARD: We've entered restricted airspace, so we have to follow certain flight paths -- regulation. This plane is capable of fully automated flight, but May has to be on the stick herself tonight.
WARD: You've got an S.O. May's got to be on the stick. Lots of good lingo on this plane.
WARD: Yeah. We just can't seem to understand each other.
INT: Coulson's cabin on the Bus. Coulson is showing his gear to Camilla.
COULSON: First walkie-talkie wristwatch -- 1936, Poland. They only made 20, I think. [hands it to her] Still works.
CAMILLA: I forgot you're such a sentimentalist, Phillip.
[ Coulson chuckles ]
CAMILLA: Romanticizing history.
[she goes over to his tchotchkes shelf]
COULSON: Yeah, most of it's glued down. There was an elegance to things back then.
CAMILLA: There we agree.
COULSON: With everything around us changing so quickly, it doesn't hurt to have a few touchstones to the past. Reminds me what's important.
CAMILLA: The last thing I want to do is relive days gone by. A few nights, maybe.
[ she closes the door ]
COULSON: I see what you're doing.
CAMILLA: I'm reminiscing. This plane is such a step up from the R.V. we used to work out of when you were stationed in Cusco.
COULSON: I don't remember much working.
[ Camilla chuckles lightly ]
COULSON: I also don't remember you being this direct.
INT: Bus lounge area
[Camilla's men are giving each other Meaningful Looks and Ward notices]
WARD: Skye, hand me the bottle.
SKYE: Okay, Turbo, but you're still nursing the one you got.
WARD: I'm not the only one.
[a shadow stands menacingly outside the lab, looking in at Fitz-Simmons]
INT: Coulson's cabin on the Bus
CAMILLA: We're stuck above the clouds for the next few hours. We might as well enjoy ourselves. We could make a few more memories to add to your collection. What do you think?
COULSON: I think... Ward already knows you'll have to eliminate May from the equation to have a chance... which gives him about 20 seconds to get to her first.
INT: Bus lounge area
[Ward att*cks Camilla's men]
EXT: cockpit
[man puts device on cockpit door]
[ Device beeps, drill whirs ]
INT: Bus lounge area
[ Air hisses through cockpit door hole ]
INT: cockpit
[May starts to fall unconscious]
INT: Coulson's cabin on the bus
[Coulson and Camilla fight]
[Coulson rushes downstairs to Bus lounge area, Camilla close behind, where Ward punches down one of Camilla's men]
[everyone pauses]
[on a screen showing the inside of the lab, one of Camilla's men holds a scalpel to Fitz's throat]
[another one grapples Skye]
COULSON: We were allies. We had history. When did you decide to throw that away?
CAMILLA: As soon as I saw your team.
INT: cockpit. One of Camilla's men is flying the Bus.
INT: Bus briefing room. Coulson is tied to a table leg.
[Man punches Coulson]
COULSON: The reason I'm still alive is because you need me to verify the change of routes for your pilot when H.Q. calls in any minute now.
CAMILLA: I'd appreciate that.
COULSON: But if I don't, S.H.I.E.L.D. will sh**t this aircraft out of the sky. That'll take the 0-8-4 out of your hands. Maybe I should let them.
CAMILLA: Oh, no, I think you'll make the calls. You already handed me your plane for the life of one of your little lab rats. If I open the cargo hold, you'll lose them all. And you are such a sentimentality.
INT: cargo hold. Fitz-Simmons, Skye, Ward, and May are tied up. May is passed out.
FITZ: This is my fault. Should have learned kung fu.
SIMMONS: Oh, yeah, but I shouldn't have pushed you into the field in the first place. You weren't ready.
WARD: It was my job to make a proper thr*at assessment.
FITZ (to Simmons, over Ward): Uh, we -- We weren't ready.
SKYE: This wouldn't have happened if Agent May wasn't on the stick. She would have busted out some of her ninja know-how.
FITZ: Agent May? No. No, no. She transferred from administration.
SKYE: Well, I've seen her destroy a guy, so...
[b*at. Fitz-Simmons looks to Ward]
WARD: You've heard of the cavalry?
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Yeah.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): Yeah. Wh-- everyone at the academy talks about st--
FITZ-SIMMONS: She's the cavalry?
MAY, clearly not so passed out: I told you never to call me that.
SIMMONS: I can't believe it. Oh, we're sure to get out of here now. (to May) Um, how do we get out of here?
MAY: [ Grunts ] Can't go through the doors. They're bolted, tied to the pressurization lines. You two geniuses have nothing?
FITZ: Yeah, well, it's hard to concentrate in these intense situations.
WARD: Hey. Don't freeze up. Take a breath. You don't need to come up with the whole solution. Just part of it. Right?
SKYE: Yeah. Pieces solving a puzzle.
INT: Bus briefing room
COULSON: You knew this was a w*apon all along.
CAMILLA: But you got to it first. I had to play nice. Yes, Coulson. For once, I'm actually ahead of you. My country commissioned that w*apon decades ago. After the fall of Hydra, many scientists followed their n*zi friends to hide on this side of the world.
COULSON: German engineering.
[out of Camilla's view, he starts fiddling with the ties on his hands]
CAMILLA: The w*apon was lost during a clash in the jungle until today. With it, we'll end the rebel uprising and finally s*ab my country.
COULSON: You mean rule your country.
CAMILLA: You stay in your borders. I'll stay in mine.
COULSON: Those borders are disappearing. Aliens descended on New York, remember? They don't care whose colors you wear. They just care who's in the way. We should be working together, not fighting.
INT: Bus cargo hold
SIMMONS: Well, that's clearly the worst idea we've heard yet.
SKYE: But it could work.
WARD: Reyes is gonna k*ll us the minute we land, regardless, and blame it on rebels. This way, we have a fighting chance. I'll take it. What's first?
FITZ: We can't get upstairs without going in the lab.
SIMMONS: And the only way to release the lab doors is from upstairs.
SKYE: The first thing is, we're tied to the cargo door, so unless you can --
[ Crack from May's body ]
FITZ: What the hell was that?
WARD: Her wrist.
[above, one of Camilla's men walks by, patrolling]
[there are only four people tied up]
[May jumps man from behind, tackling him down]
[ Crack as May resets her wrist ]
MAY: What's next?
INT: Bus briefing room
CAMILLA: Was it 11 years ago, now? You swooped in with S.H.I.E.L.D. with so much confidence, so much mystery. You had 100 men at your disposal. And now --
COULSON: A hand-picked team. And, yes, they're that good.
CAMILLA: Oh, Phil. You're not even aware. Your renewed idealism, your collectibles, your airborne man cave, surrounding yourself with young, attractive agents -- you're having a mid-life crisis.
COULSON: More an afterlife thing, really.
CAMILLA: And I'm not going to even mention the red Corvette.
COULSON: Her name's Lola.
CAMILLA: [ Laughs ] Of course it is. It's textbook. You built this team so you could feel relevant, to feel needed.
COULSON: They don't need me. They need time.
CAMILLA: Well, time is not on their side.
COULSON: No, but you gave them something better -- a common enemy.
INT: Bus cargo hold. The g*ng is now untied and standing in a circle.
SKYE: Okay, we're sure, right? Everyone's sure?
SIMMONS: We're all on board.
FITZ: Yeah, let's do this fast.
WARD: No turning back. No freezing up.
FITZ: Because if we do, then...
WARD: All of us die.
SIMMONS: We know.
FITZ: Yeah.
WARD: All right.
[ Engine revs ]
MAY: You guys talk a lot.
[ Vehicle door closes, engine revs ]
[Ward pushes Skye and Fitz-Simmons to the side]
[May drives the car straight through the f*ck wall]
INT: Bus top floor
CAMILLA [rushing out to open lounge area] (to her men, who are moving): No, no, no! (in Spanish) That's exactly what they want.
INT: Bus lab
[ Drill whirs ]
[Simmons unscrews a vent cover]
[Fitz sets up his drones]
[ Device beeps ]
[May bodies open the lab door and rushes out]
[Fitz sends his drones into the vents]
[Skye and Ward attach rappelling gear to Skye]
H.Q. (over P.A.): S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, we have radar contact. Requesting confirmation on a change in course. Over.
[ Camilla's g*n cocks ]
CAMILLA: Answer it, or they all learn what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.
H.Q.: Agent Coulson, are you there? You have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.
[Coulson unties his hands, catches sight of a drone, and then rewraps his hands to the pole]
H.Q.: Agent Coulson? Everything all right up there? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.
COULSON: Yeah, we're all good. It's gonna be blue skies from here on out.
INT: Bus. Catwalk over cargo hold.
FITZ: Simmons, forget what I said before. This is the moment that we'll regret.
INT: Bus lounge area. Drone hovers above 0-8-4.
[ Device beeps as drone fires at 0-8-4 ]
[0-8-4 goes off]
[Camilla's man goes flying out the hull breach]
COULSON [hanging on for dear life]: Aah! Aaaaah!
INT: Bus. Catwalk above cargo hold.
[door device pings green[
SKYE: It worked.
SIMMONS: The drop in cabin pressure released the doors.
WARD: I'll take care of the soldiers. You guys get to the 0-8-4.
FITZ: And Coulson?
WARD: Let's hope he can handle himself.
INT: Bus lounge area. Things are flying everywhere. Coulson and Camilla are trying not to be sucked out of the hull breach. Coulson is still attached to the table leg with his hand bindings.
[ Alarms blaring ]
CAMILLA: Aah! Aah!
[ Wind howling ]
[Ward muscles his way into the lounge area]
WARD (to Skye): Get back!
[Ward and Camilla's men fight]
WARD (to Skye and Fitz-Simmons): Go now! Find the 0-8-4!
[Ward and Camilla's men fight]
[ Grunts ]
[Skye inches towards the 0-8-4, held steady by Fitz-Simmons and the three of them being linked by rappelling gear]
FITZ: Help!
INT: cockpit
[May and man fight]
[plane starts to nosedive]
INT: Bus lounge area
CAMILLA: Coulson!
[he grabs her arm]
COULSON: Got you! Camilla! Hold on! It's okay.
[Ward and men fight]
[Simmons grabs the 0-8-4]
SIMMONS: I've got it! Fitz!
SKYE: We got it! Reel us back in!
FITZ: I've got you!
[safety manual goes flying; hits Skye in the face]
[Skye undoes her gear buckle; it clicks]
SIMMONS: What are you doing!? We need your help!
SKYE: Trust me!
[Coulson ties Camilla to a furniture leg]
COULSON: Don't want you to know what a 30,000-foot drop feels like.
INT: Bus cockpit
[May fights a guy and beats him off]
[May grabs the plane wheel, starts to s*ab the Bus]
[guy jumps May from behind]
MAY: Aah!
[they fight]
[ Bell chimes ]
[ Both grunting ]
[May summarily kicks his ass]
INT: Bus lounge area
[Ward and man fight]
[Skye grabs folded-up emergency raft]
SIMMONS: Aaah! Fitz!
[Fitz-Simmons move towards each other; Camilla's man grabs the rappelling gear and tries to drag them towards him]
SIMMONS (to Fitz): Cut him loose!
[Fitz undoes his gear]
[Fitz-Simmons fall onto floor together]
[Man goes flying past Ward; Ward grabs him]
FITZ: Sorry!
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Sorry, Ward!
WARD: Hold on!
[ Fabric rips ]
[man yells, flies out breach]
[Skye releases the emergency raft; it seals the breach. Pressure settles.]
[Coulson punches out last guy reaching for his g*n]
[everyone is relieved]
INT: Cockpit. May is back and flying and happy!
INT: Bus lounge area.
[Fitz-Simmons pull themselves up]
[Skye pulls Ward up]
SKYE: I read the safety pamphlet.
WARD: I think you might be the first.
COULSON: No other way in, huh? [puts half-shattered glass on table] Was just starting to warm up to this place.
[Skye puts a coaster under the glass]
FITZ: The 0-8-4 is cooling and s*ab. But we should call H.Q. and get it to the Slingshot as soon as possible.
COULSON (to Camilla, still tied up): Told you they were good.
EXT: The Slingshot. Location: Classified.
[ Hammers pounding, tools whirring ]
INT: Bus cargo hold
[Coulson examines Lola. She's okay.]
SKYE: Not a scratch. But your plane's totaled. I hope S.H.I.E.L.D. insurance covers hijackings.
COULSON: Sure. Under "incidentals."
SKYE: [ Chuckles lightly ] What exactly am I signing up for?
COULSON: Like I said -- front-row seat to the craziest show on earth.
SKYE: Yeah, but I didn't expect the show to get this crazy this fast all for an object you're just gonna destroy.
COULSON: Slingshot is protocol. A w*apon like the 0-8-4 is too dangerous for any person or country to have. People like Reyes would always be after it.
SKYE: What happened with Reyes, anyway?
COULSON: She's being held at a S.H.I.E.L.D. detainment facility. I expect the Peruvian government will negotiate for her release. She probably won't spend much time in jail.
SKYE: No, I mean what happened with you and Reyes? You guys totally did it back in the day, right?
COULSON: That's classified.
[ Skye laughs ]
[Ward and May are sitting nearby]
WARD: Looks like Skye might end up as more than just a consultant, despite our reservations. She could turn into a solid asset... with some serious work.
MAY: Well, if she wants to be a field agent, she'll need a supervising officer -- someone disciplined, someone good.
WARD: All right. I'll do it. [b*at] Just to clarify, you were, uh, talking about me, right?
[Fitz-Simmons come down the stairs to the cargo hold with a cooler and beers]
FITZ: We blew up a plane.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): I had a new experience.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): Eat that, Professor Vaughn.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): You had a new experience. But it was new for all of us.
MAY (to Ward, about Fitz-Simmons): They're happy.
FITZ (to May): Hey, come on. You guys don't want to miss this.
[May, Fitz-Simmons, and Ward sit on the edge of the cargo hold ramp, drinking]
[Skye stands behind them]
FITZ: So, it'll take about 180 days to reach the sun. Now, yes, of course, it would have been faster if they'd used hydrogen-fueled APUs, but they're having fun.
SKYE: How many of those have you guys had?
SIMMONS: [ Laughing ] Sk-- Skye. It's important when in the field to unwind from time to time.
FITZ: Yeah, yeah, especially after a hard day of everyone almost dying.
SIMMONS: Which doesn't happen every day, right? It's an anomaly -- an irregularity. [Coulson walks up] Not...the norm.
COULSON: Speaking of "not the norm," whose idea was it to blow a hole in the plane?
SKYE: May said that the doors were tied to the pressurization, so I thought --
SIMMONS: So we thought it was the only way to release them.
WARD: It was everyone's idea, sir.
FITZ: Yes, quite genius, really.
COULSON: Nice work.
MAN (over P.A.): All clear for liftoff.
FITZ: Oh, time for blastoff. [ Nasally ] Launching... In three...
[Simmons laughs]
FITZ: ...two...
[we watch them watching a rocket sh**t into space]
FITZ: The trajectory will take it beyond the Lagrange point so that it doesn't h*t Herschel.
SIMMONS: And there haven't been any coronal mass ejections, so it shouldn't lose telemetry.
WARD: Guys, English.
[they watch. It's really, really sweet.]
[Ward slaps Fitz on the shoulder, bro-style]
[ Sky's cellphone vibrates ]
[Skye's cellphone reads: Rising Tide in a holding pattern. Planning to go dark. What is your status?]
[Skye responds: I'm in.]
[BOOM. S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.]
INT: Bus. People are repairing it from the inside.
FURY: Really? Really, Coulson? Six days? It only took you six days to take a completely renovated piece of state-of-the-art machinery and turn it into scrap?!
COULSON: My team acted with my authority.
FURY: Don't talk to me about authority. Do you know how much this plane cost? It's got a bar. A really nice one. Talking to me about authority. You know, I have the authority to downgrade your ass to a Winnebago.
COULSON: I'm aware of that, sir.
FURY: Well, I want it fixed just like you found it.
COULSON: So don't have Fitz-Simmons going making modifications, like a-a-a-a... damn fish t*nk.
COULSON: Yes, sir.
FURY: And the new girl -- she's a risk.
COULSON: I know, sir.
FURY: You know, sir? How's Lola?
COULSON: She's fine, sir. Thanks for asking.
FURY: Talking to me about authority.
[Fury walks out]
COULSON (into earpiece): Yeah, we're gonna have to k*ll the fish t*nk. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x02 - 0-8-4"} | foreverdreaming |
A truck with "Rocky Mountain Office Supplies" written on the side of it drives down the road. We then go inside the truck to see the trucker, Mack, singing.
[ music ]
MACK: ♪ High and low I've traveled ♪
♪ Far and wide I'd go ♪
♪ From the desert tracks to the mountainside ♪
♪ I'll bring you this traveling show ♪
MAN (over walkie-talkie/radio): Big boy, this is little boy. How'd things go down at the chicken coop?
MACK (into walkie-talkie/radio): Weigh-station inspector needs to learn some adult words and a bit of hygiene, but he waved us through. The cargo is secure. Looks like a clean sh*t from here.
MAN: Roger that. Little girl will take point on your front door. See you at the drop stop, Mack. I'm clear.
[Car drives next to truck. Woman in car and Mack nod at each other.]
[Car drives in front of truck]
[car is flung violently into the air and lands on the road in front of truck]
MACK [swerving]: Son of a bitch. (into walkie-talkie/radio) You see that?
MAN: Little girl is down. Repeat, escort two is down.
MACK: I know, Sherlock. What the hell h*t us?
[he pulls up some very high-tech looking GPS system projected in front of him]
MACK: We need to go to alt two, alt two.
MAN: Nothing over our shoulder. Back door's clear. Protect the cargo at all costs.
MACK: S.H.I.E.L.D. region CT, this is Agent Mack. We are under att*ck from an unseen I-don't-know-what.
WOMAN: Agent Mack, advise nature of thr*at, over.
MACK: What in the holy name of...
[the truck starts to fly upwards]
MACK: S.H.I.E.L.D. region CT ... oh, hell, I can't explain.
[he starts to drop]
MACK: Oh no!
[crashing sound]
[truck is shattered, on f*re]
[excavator and men in military fatigues pull apart truck]
[men unload truck]
[man takes torch to locked door with S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it]
[hissing, sparking]
[circle in door falls in, we see a man sitting there]
DR. HALL: Are we there yet?
[BOOM. AoS title card.]
INT: Bus training room aka the cargo hold area with a punching bag set up. Ward is making the punching bag his bitch.
[grunting, punching]
WARD: You know you're late.
SKYE [entering, coming down the stairs: I'm tired from the morning's workout. I thought I was joining S.H.I.E.L.D., not 24 hour fitness.
WARD: It's called relative strength training, starting with the basics. And next time, you do 15 push-ups for every minute you're late.
SKYE: Fine, Mr. Fun machine. Better than pull-ups. I don't ever want to do another pull-up again.
WARD: You find yourself hanging off the edge of a building 20 stories up, you're gonna want to do at least one.
WARD: Stand here. Jab cross, like this. 10 minutes. [Skye starts punching, quite pathetically] You know the hardest part about boxing?
SKYE: Getting punched in the face?
WARD: Keeping your hands up.
SKYE: Why do I even have to do this? I'm sure Fitz-Simmons' supervising officer didn't make them do this muscle stuff.
WARD: You said you wanted to be a field Agent, like Coulson. Well, if you'd like to switch disciplines... [calls to Simmons, who is in the lab a few feet away with Fitz] Hey, Simmons. What did your S.O. give you guys for morning drills?
[spraying sounds as Fitz uses a lysol can]
SIMMONS: Oh, atomistic attribute drills. Yeah, we'd name the mechanical, chemical, thermal ...
FITZ (jumping in): Electrical properties of materials.
SKYE (talking over Fitz, to Ward): Okay, okay. They made your point.
WARD: There will come a moment when you have to commit to this or bail. [he holds the punching bag for her] Every field Agent has a defining moment. Ask Coulson. When you have to make the hard call to either dedicate yourself to this or to curl up in a ball and run.
SKYE: How can you run if you're curled up in a ball?
WARD: It's my job as your S.O. to make sure you don't die before then. Come on.
SKYE: So what was yours, Agent Ward?
WARD: 10 minutes.
SKYE: Your defining moment? Come on, tell me. I want to know. I could get Coulson to give you some of that truth serum. You could spill your little heart out to me again.
WARD: You mean my level one overshare that miraculously got you to cooperate? I hate to tell you this, rookie, but we don't have a truth serum.
MAY (over intercom): Changing course, briefing in three.
FITZ: Ah, looks like we're on the move.
MAY: S.H.I.E.L.D. 616 with new orders. Set for Colorado air field North.
INT: Bus lounge area/briefing room.
COULSON: A few minutes ago, a S.H.I.E.L.D. transport was att*cked while carrying a priority red protected asset off route 76 near Sterling.
SIMMONS: Priority red? [ whistles ]
COULSON: The asset was Canadian physicist Dr. Franklin Hall, known for his work—
SIMMONS (talking over Coulson): Oh, no, not Frank.
FITZ (talking over Coulson and Simmons): Dr. Hall? He was our chemical kinetics adviser our second year.
SIMMONS: Yeah, he's so enthusiastic about science, we just adored him. We can rescue him, can't we?
COULSON: He's one of ours. We're gonna try.
WARD: And the attackers?
COULSON: Invisible.
SKYE: Wait, invisible? [ laughs ] Cool.
[Ward gives Skye A Look]
SKYE: But terrible.
Outside, the Bus crew walks down a road in the dark in what the screen tells us is Sterling, Colorado.
SKYE: Dr. Hall was an asset?
COULSON: One of a few select scientists S.H.I.E.L.D. has been protecting, people our enemies would love to get their hands on. We keep them hidden, keep them on the move.
SIMMONS: Which is why Fitz and I were so lucky to have him.
COULSON: We don't have him anymore.
SKYE: And what does priority red mean?
COULSON: It means security should have been... [he sees the truck carcass] heavy.
Outside by the wreck of the truck. Mack is sitting in the open back of a car. Coulson and May are by him. The rest of the crew is ambling around.
MACK: It was pretty damn scary, and I don't spook easily, boss.
MAY: Nothing in the air from above?
MACK: Nothing over our shoulder, but what's scary is they knew our route. They were waiting for us.
COULSON: Are you saying they were working with somebody inside S.H.I.E.L.D.?
MACK: Sorry to say... it had to be.
SIMMONS (calling from far-ish off): Fitz, what am I seeing here?
FITZ [walking to her with Skye]: Well, I'm not wearing the full-spectrum goggles I designed, so [chuckles] no clue.
[ Skye chuckles ]
FITZ (to Simmons): Let me have a look. Come on.
SIMMONS: No, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! Don't move. Wait a second.
[she throws some dust in the air and it moves around in funky patterns]
[the rest of the crew walks up]
SKYE: What the hell?
SIMMONS: I think the electro-static field scanner activated some...thing.
[the dust gets mildly violent]
[clanging sound as gravel/dust hits metal behind them]
COULSON: Okay, can we deactivate it? Now?
[dust/gravel gets more violent]
FITZ: You have to increase the density!
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): I tried, Fitz, but ...
[beeping as Fitz fiddles with it]
MAY: Fitz!
[zap sound as the thing fries]
[dust calms down]
FITZ: Whoa. [ sighs ]
[Simmons picks a small glowy blue thing off the ground with tweezers]
SIMMONS: That did all this.
SKYE: What is that?
COULSON: Something big.
INT: Bus lab
[whirring as a machine manned by Fitz examines the thing Simmons picked up previously]
COULSON: Either someone cracked our comm system, or Dr. Hall's movements leaked from inside S.H.I.E.L.D.
MAY: You really think we have a mole?
COULSON: I think you should go through the communication logs, rule it out. We'll work the tractor tread that we found on the scene.
SKYE: I can do that instead of pull-ups. I can upload an image of the tread pattern, check to see if there's any sort of—
WARD: Already done. Matched it to a 2010 model. Found a list of purchasers within a 500-mile radius, narrowed down to those with priors, financial troubles, or propensity for risk-taking. Three suspects.
[beep. screen displays three suspects]
COULSON: Who may have sold their construction equipment to the kidnappers. We'll ask.
[Ward walks off]
SKYE: Hey, so, Ward said a funny thing. He said that you guys don't have a truth serum.
COULSON: Did he? Ward said that?
SKYE: Yeah.
COULSON: Interesting.
SKYE: Yeah.
[Coulson walks off]
SKYE: Hey, wait ...
MAY [handing Skye a stack of files]: Hey.
SKYE: Do you want me to bench press this?
MAY: Read it. Every communication out of HQ since they decided to transfer Dr. Hall.
SKYE: Hang in there, Doc. It's gonna be a while.
Outside, in what the screen tells us is Barnroof Point, Colorado.
[man rides a horse]
COULSON: Excuse me.
[horse neighs, stops]
MAN: Who the hell are you?
COULSON: A concerned citizen who happens to be a member of a giant bureaucratic organization that's tracking your every move.
MAN: I haven't done anything wrong.
COULSON: Of course not, but you sold your excavator to some people who did. And you're hiding out here until things cool down because you know it. I just want to know who paid you.
[man pulls a g*n]
MAN: Paid me enough not to answer any questions like that.
[Ward, coming up from behind, knocks him off horse and grabs g*n]
[ Man grunts ]
[g*n cocks]
WARD: Feels like the old west.
MAN: They gave me money for my equipment. That's all. I never saw a face. I never heard a name.
COULSON: And how did you receive this money? They write you a check?
[man points to satchel. Ward shakes it. Gold falls out.]
[clanging noises]
WARD: Paid you in gold? Now it really feels like the old west.
INT: Bus lab
[scanner noises]
SIMMONS: It looks like this because it's a doré bar. It means it was made at the mine rather than in a refinery. It's only about 92% pure. The cowboy got cheated a bit.
COULSON: Can you determine the mine based on the impurities?
FITZ: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We've done that already. It's from the Dacey mine in Tanzania, which is owned by—
COULSON: Quinn Worldwide. I'm sure you studied the C.E.O. in your chemical engineering classes or saw him on the cover of Forbes ... Ian Quinn.
Overhead sh*t of the Republic of Malta
EXT: Quinn's place
QUINN (into phone): We can't just pluck it from the ground like a potato. It needs to be extracted from the ore and enriched. I know. You know, tell him this investment paid for that ridiculous yacht of his and that he'll thank me at the shareholders meeting.
INT: Some room in Quinn's place
QUINN (to guard) : Why is he tied up?
DR. HALL: Quinn.
QUINN: Does he look like a thr*at?
[handcuff unlocking sound]
QUINN (to Hall): I'm sorry about these guys. [ laughs ] Welcome to Malta, Frank. [ chuckles ]
HALL: You know, it's one thing to steal my ideas, Ian, but stealing me?
QUINN: First of all, I never stole your ideas. We've always agreed information should be free.
HALL: It's amazing how much money you made off free information.
QUINN: Secondly, think of this as a rescue mission, Frank. In fact, in a moment, I think you'll be thanking me. My staff intercepted a communication about the movement of a certain asset, and when I deduced that asset was you, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity. It's a little out of my comfort zone, sure.
[Quinn gets up, goes to cabinet]
[cabinet opening sound]
[liquor in bottle sloshing]
HALL: Malta. You're not stupid. S.H.I.E.L.D. can't come after you here.
[glass clinking]
QUINN: Not just S.H.I.E.L.D.
[uncorking sound]
QUINN: I am now a naturalized citizen of this fair country. Stunning beaches, beautiful tax laws, and a deep-seated hatred of outside forces telling them what to do.
[pouring sounds]
HALL: Sounds like your dating profile.
QUINN: [ laughs ] Right. I moved my entire operation down here. Bought the old prime minister's estate. It's not really my style, but it had this huge underground facility, so I figured, hey.
HALL: Always been a stubborn bastard. Now you've finally found a place where the watchdogs can't touch you.
QUINN: Not without [their two glasses clink in a cheers] breaking international law. (after taking a sip) Ahh. But more importantly, old friend, they can't touch you.
[pulls out a thingie that looks like the thingie Simmons found earlier]
QUINN: Recognize the design? We were barely old enough to drink when you sketched the blueprint. That's just a miniature prototype. A theoretical machine powered by a theoretical substance. Frank, you were right.
HALL: You found it?
INT: Bus lab
FITZ: Gravitonium. It's an extremely rare high-atomic numbered element.
SIMMONS: That powers the device. It's so extremely rare that most people didn't believe it existed, much less the theory that an isolated positive charge—
FITZ: Would turn the flow from isotropic—
SKYE: Guys, high-school dropout here. How does the device work again?
SIMMONS: Well, Gravitonium distorts gravity fields within itself, causing an undulating, amorphous shape.
FITZ: Which causes these, um... [gestures to screen] wiggly bits here, but when an electric current is applied, the Gravitonium solidifies. And those gravity fields erupt, randomly changing the rules of gravity around it. Well, so, now you can imagine what would happen to a big rig at 100 kilometers per hour. Or, uh, well, you could just remember, 'cause we saw it already, didn't we?
SIMMONS: Yeah, and guess which genius published every theory about Gravitonium and possible applications ... years go?
SKYE: Dr. Franklin Hall.
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): Correct. And Dr. Hall attended the University of Cambridge at the same time as Ian Quinn.
SKYE: Coulson may be off on this. Quinn is a notoriously good guy. His charity endowment's something like $8 billion.
SIMMONS: Yes, with money made from leeching the earth of its resources. Looks like he's dug up another.
INT: Quinn's place
QUINN: 20 years, 12 mines, 6 continents, but, yes, I finally found it. And now [laughs] we get to play with it. [ chuckles ]
HALL: Do you remember in all our talks on Orchard Street the part where it's very, very dangerous?
QUINN: Everything powerful is dangerous. But I'm not gonna convince you with more talk ... talk of 50% shares, talk of Nobel prizes. No, not you. You... will just have to see it.
[door whirring open sound]
[we see a big version of the thing]
QUINN: I built a full-size generator, but I need you to tell me how to control the gravity fields. You can complete your life's work. I plan to do this with or without you, but I know you. I know you'd want it done right. Now's the moment when you thank me.
INT: Bus briefing room
COULSON: The man's a prisoner, and it's up to us to get him out.
WARD: We've checked the specs. There's no way into Quinn's compound without a large S.H.I.E.L.D. strike force or a man inside. He's got neodymium laser fencing surrounding the property.
COULSON: They'll never allow a strike force into Malta. Plus, this weekend, Quinn worldwide's got its annual shareholders gathering. We'd risk global outrage, but ...
MAY: If we go in alone ...
COULSON: S.H.I.E.L.D. can disavow us, claim ignorance.
MAY: Without a man inside, it's impossible, unless you're immune to pulse laser emissions.
FITZ: If we had a monkey, we could get in.
SIMMONS: Ugh, Fitz!
FITZ: If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence's power source with his adorable little hands.
SKYE: I could go in.
WARD: Drop me in the hills outside of Valletta. I'll spend a few weeks establishing a cover, gathering intel—
COULSON: Hall doesn't have a few weeks.
SIMMONS: And to restate, any Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. caught on Maltese soil can be sh*t to death with b*ll*ts—
FITZ: Yeah.
SIMMONS: —legally.
[phone tapping sounds continue through scene as Skye types on her phone while the scene goes on, even while she's talking]
SKYE: Not me. I could go in.
WARD: Skye, this is serious.
COULSON: Wait. What are you saying?
SKYE: Well, I'm not an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., so I can go in without breaking all these stupid rules.
SIMMONS: International laws.
WARD: This isn't something the Rising Tide can hack, Skye.
FITZ: Did you hear the deadly lasers part? Without a brave monkey—
SKYE: You said you could go in with a man inside.
MAY: And you want to be that man?
SKYE: Fitz-Simmons loved the guy, and he needs help. They could be torturing him, or worse, making him do strength-training.
[typing stops]
WARD: But you don't have the background or clearance or experience with any of this.
SKYE: I know. [shows phone] But I've got an invitation. Well, technically, it's an e-vite.
Bus flies through the sky. Plane sounds.
INT: Coulson's quarters on the Bus
COULSON: I understand your concern, but we don't have a lot of options.
WARD: Hey, I'm impressed. She just wrangled an invitation on her phone using insider back-channel voodoo in minutes. But sending her in with no training, you're taking a huge risk. I know Director Fury felt he owed you after you sacrificed yourself.
COULSON: And my card collection.
WARD: He gave you some autonomy, but Skye on a covert op?
COULSON: Are you worried about her safety or her loyalty?
WARD: Both. The Rising Tide is the reason she got an invite. Who knows how many protocols she violated?
COULSON: That's her job ... ignore protocol, find connections and back doors that nobody else can see. Something else is bothering you.
WARD: [ sighs ] She's holding back, sir. She says she wants to be an Agent, but she won't commit. She doesn't listen, makes jokes.
COULSON: Were you hard on her?
WARD: Sure. I tried playing nice, too. I need a new strategy.
COULSON: Try no strategy. Stop thinking like an operative, start thinking like a person. Maybe Skye will let that person help her.
WARD: Help her what?
COULSON: Help her think like an operative.
INT: Bus training room
[Ward points a g*n at Skye]
WARD: Now, again, slowly, what's first?
[Skye does a move, ends up pressed against Ward]
WARD: And then?
SKYE: Then things are moving too quickly. I'm a proper southern girl. [ southern accent ] You'll make me untidy.
WARD: Twist the thumb, palm the barrel. [twists out away from her]
WARD: You're gonna die and leave us hanging out to dry, you know that? You're going in with no self-defense skills—
SKYE: I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
WARD: You need muscle memory, fundamentals, the tools to turn yourself—
SKYE: Into a whole bag of tools?
WARD: How did you learn computer science without committing yourself to it?
SKYE: C.S. comes naturally to me. I'm sorry I'm not naturally whatever you are.
WARD: You think this came naturally? I had a brother who b*at the crap out of me ... me and my little brother ... for nothing, for eating a piece of his birthday cake. I had to learn to protect us the way I am trying to protect you. That was my moment. You asked.
SKYE: Sorry. I didn't mean to push. [b*at] [holds up g*n] But I did manage to take this.
WARD [taking g*n back]: Getting the g*n is one thing. Pulling the trigger ... that is another. [points g*n at her] Now, again, slowly, what's first?
INT: Bus briefing room
COULSON: Skye will walk in the front door. The only external access point to Quinn's underground facility is from a beach cove. A two-man extraction team could slip in there, but it's not easy. Fitz-Simmons.
FITZ: The perimeter is surrounded by a 20-foot-high neodymium laser grid. Touch it and you're toast.
COULSON: d*ad toast. The only way to disable the grid is to crack the system and trigger a reboot. This would give the team three seconds to cross. Of course, Quinn's too smart to allow any wireless access on his property.
SKYE: That's where I come in.
SIMMONS [holding up compact] Yes, working compact — holds up under x-ray.
FITZ: Desert rose to match your complexion. But ... oh, what's this? A readout, okay? Turns green if you're in close enough proximity to a computer to gain wireless access.
SIMMONS: When it does, you just drop this nearby and walk out. We'll do the rest. Easy as pie.
WARD: Or it will be if you stick to the plan.
[g*n cocks]
SKYE: Got it. Plan, green, drop, walk... pie.
MAY (aside, to Coulson): I don't want to question your orders, sir.
MAY: But I've already seen far more combat than I bargained for. This two-man extraction team? It's exactly the kind of action I was hoping to avoid.
COULSON: That's why you're not on it.
MAY: Specialist work is different from field work, believe me. When was the last time you—
COULSON: Hall's one of ours, and he's in trouble. I need two men to get him out. Ward makes one. So that's why I'm going in. You forget ... I saw plenty of action with the Avengers.
[he walks back towards main group]
MAY: And you died.
COULSON: All right, team, suit up.
Establishing sh*t of the Republic of Malta
EXT: Quinn's place. Skye gets out of a car. She looks fabulous!
[heels clicking on stone]
Outside, on maybe a patio? Lawn? General exterior of Quinn's place?
[indistinct conversation throughout outside party scene]
SKYE [taking flute of champagne]: Thank you. [sighs]
WAITER: Hors d'oeuvre, madame?
SKYE: Mmm.
QASIM (to Skye): Who are you?
MAN: Oh, apologies for his manners. He knows very little English.
SKYE: Oh, that, uh, that's... what... whatever. Skye.
QASIM: Qasim Zaghlul.
SKYE: Big fan. You built half of Dubai, including the Arabian blade. I love that building. It's super sci-fi. Where's your wife...
INT: Bus briefing room. May stands over lots of holo information.
MAY (into comms device): Wife's name's Nadrah.
Back at Quinn's place. All of Skye's stuff is here. All of May + Fitz-Simmons's stuff is in the briefing room, unless in italics, in which case it's over comms device.
SKYE: ...Nadrah?
MAY: Twin sons.
SKYE: She staying at home with the boys?
FITZ: How's she doing?
MAY and SIMMONS: She's good.
SKYE: The pleasure is mine. [ chuckles ] [walks away from Qasim] (into comms device) I could get used to this, people. It's like Siri, if it worked. Skipper to Bravo. I got eyes on top dog. The Eagle is landing on it.
SIMMONS: What are you doing?
SKYE: Uh, sorry, I ... I don't know. I see Quinn. I'm gonna go talk to him.
QUINN (to companions): ...I mean, that and its effect on the industrial average. That was good.
SKYE: [ laughs ] Yeah, right? Ian Quinn. I'm your last-minute party crasher. Skye.
QUINN: Oh. [ chuckles ] Wow. [ chuckles ] Great to meet you. Um, this is Skye, a member of the Rising Tide. They're a group of hackers. They've gotten some pretty big secrets out to the public.
SKYE: I prefer "hacktivist." I'm glad you've heard of our site.
QUINN: I read it. We think very much alike ... more freedom of information, less government infringing on everyone's rights ... I'm a fan.
SKYE: That explains the invite. This is a tough party to get into.
QUINN: Not as hard to get into as the encrypted back channel you contacted us through to request the invite.
SKYE: [ chuckles ] That's sort of where I live.
QUINN: You've got to show me how you did that ... I mean, if you sign on.
SKYE: Sign what, now?
QUINN: I've been known to turn a few black hats into white hats, not just for vulnerability analysis, but for very creative thinking.
SKYE: A-are you offering me a job?
QUINN: Well, I didn't invite you here for your pretty face. I didn't know you had a pretty face. Yes, I want to hire you before someone else snatches you up.
MAY: That seemed to go well.
SKYE: Yeah. It did.
[ applause ]
QUINN [up at a podium]: Many of you shareholders have been with us for years, and I see a few new names here, but I want to thank you all for traveling so far to this beautiful country and, well, for slumming it at Shaba Tal-Banar.
[ laughter ]
QUINN: This country where we are allowed to pursue progress and profit without the stranglehold of regulations that are now choking our world. The United States government, the R.U., the DRTC, S.H.I.E.L.D. ... these are just a few of the institutions that are guilty of halting the development of new technology for anyone ... except themselves.
The beach. Ward and Coulson, panting, are dragging a raft ashore. Quinn's dialogue in italics is over the other scenes, and the stuff not in italics is back at the party tableau.
QUINN: We dare defy them with a new idea, they steal in and sweep it out from under us. But not today. You're all aware of what Quinn worldwide has been able to do with basic minerals, let alone uranium or plutonium, despite these unjust restrictions that weigh the scales in the other guy's favor.
[Skye starts to walk off]
QUINN: Well, today, I'm announcing something new ... an element that could balance those scales, and I mean that quite literally.
INT: Gravity generator room. A machine, controlled by Hall, puts a roiling mass of gravitonium into the generator.
QUINN: Imagine if you could control gravity, if instead of drilling for oil, it rose up to greet you. Imagine if you could move a super t*nk's worth of cargo with a swipe of your hand. Well, we will do this and more.
COULSON: This could have been a traumatic experience for Dr. Hall. He may not be the same when we find him, Ward. I'll talk him down. We don't want your personality to set him on edge.
WARD: Great time for humor, sir. My people skills are the least of our problems if Skye can't get us in.
INT: The corridors in Quinn's place
SKYE (into comms): It's locked, but there's no lock.
FITZ: Eh, check for a keypad.
SKYE: Nothing. What, you can hack a keypad?
FITZ: No, not over the phone.
MAY: Is there a reception desk?
SKYE: Okay, yeah. Well, now what do I do?
QUINN: What are you trying to do?
SKYE: Just [chuckles] looking for a pen. Here we go. [ chuckles ] Got to write down all those good ideas, you know what I mean? Of course you know what I mean. Probably have like 10 pens for all your ideas.
QUINN: What are you really doing?
SKYE: All right. I'm busted. I was trying to get a glimpse behind your office doors, see how things really operate.
QUINN: I invite you here as a guest, you treat me like another corrupt institution, looking for trade secrets to leak online. (into phone) Security.
SKYE: No, no, no, wait. It's just, with all these la-di-da people, you have to be so guarded, so careful ... [writing sounds as Skye writes something] What you say, what secrets you reveal. And... I was hoping that you and I... [she slaps pen down on table] could be honest with one another. If you know what I mean.
[she holds up a piece of paper to him that says "SHIELD IS LISTENING"]
INT: Bus briefing room
SKYE (heard over comms): My office had less space, more wheels. Wow, a view of the ocean and the pool.
QUINN: Not a bad place to do business.
MAY: Got the dispatch leaking Hall's location. User's an alias.
FITZ: Oh, can you trace the DHCP server—
MAY: Trace is running, but it'll take time. Our girl?
SIMMONS: I thought she was done for, but she's just sweet-talked her way into Quinn's office.
MAY: How'd she manage that?
FITZ: Pbht! She probably just used her, um... [holds cupped hands up to chest] uh...uh... her, uh... ah, boobs.
SIMMONS: Ugh. That's the only explana—
[ static ]
SIMMONS: Oh my gosh. The signal's d*ad. Fitz!
FITZ: What ... I didn't. She must've ... Oh, lord.
INT: Quinn's room
[hiss as comms device shorts out in flute of champagne]
SKYE: [ sighs ] Much better. Haven't felt that "someone's watching my every move" feeling since I failed my driver's test.
QUINN: You want to tell me what the hell's going on? S.H.I.E.L.D. got to you?
SKYE: They picked me up in L.A., I helped them in a crisis, and now they want to recruit me.
QUINN: Of course they did.
SKYE: So I played along. Talk about inside info ... I have a bunk on their plane. I've been gathering intel, biding my time until I could become useful. I thought this qualified.
QUINN: Why would they trust you with a covert operation like this?
SKYE: Something about S.H.I.E.L.D. not breaking international laws. They had no other options, whereas I like to keep mine open.
EXT: Fence outside Quinn's property. Sign says "DO NOT CROSS. LETHAL RADIATION." in Maltese and then English.
WARD: [ sighs ] Next patrol any minute now.
MAY: Skye's offline. Repeat, we've lost audio and vitals.
WARD: Abort is not an option, but if she's compromised—
COULSON: She's still our only way in to get to Dr. Hall.
WARD: And we're their only way out.
MAN (from afar): Beach is all clear. Let's move up the ridge.
INT: Quinn's room
SKYE: You're saying they wanted to rope me in because I pose a genuine thr*at.
QUINN: Yes, and fit their profile.
SKYE: Profile.
QUINN: Sure. You're a criminal. You have a warrant somewhere.
SKYE: [ chuckles ] Probably.
QUINN: Specialized skill set.
SKYE: I try to stay humble but fail.
QUINN: No family. [b*at] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to h*t a nerve, but that is what these people do. S.H.I.E.L.D. ... they prey on fear and loneliness and desperation, and then they offer a home to those who have no one else to turn to. I can offer you something better.
EXT: Electric fence
[Coulson and Ward fight guards]
[ grunts ]
[Coulson and Ward win]
COULSON: Damn. A little rusty, I guess.
[Ward tosses guard's g*n into fence]
[sounds of it frying]
COULSON (into comms): Guys, clock's ticking. Where's Skye?
INT: Quinn's room
QUINN: You stay with us, there's no secrets, no lies, and no agenda. You're free to do what you do without big brother watching over you. But first, you have to tell me exactly what agenda S.H.I.E.L.D. sent you in here with.
SKYE: Well, they wanted me to do whatever it takes to get in here.
[purse unlatching sound]
[Skye pulls out and opens up the compact]
QUINN: [ chuckles ] Get in here and...?
SKYE: Bat my eyes. Get you talking.
MAY: We're in!
SIMMONS: She's done it!
MAY: Fitz, you're up.
FITZ (talking over May): Oh, mother of all things. Move, move, move! Uh...
Outside fence
MAN (over guard's walkie-talkie): We have a man down. Hostiles on the east ridge!
[ g*n ]
COULSON: Aah! We need a reset here, Fitz! [ g*n ] Fitz!
SIMMONS: Saying his name repeatedly does not increase productivity!
FITZ: Okay, go!
SIMMONS: Oh, maybe it does.
FITZ: System rebooting in two, one, now!
[ grunts as Coulson and Ward throw themselves past temporarily down fence ]
[g*n fizz out against fence]
COULSON: I'll look for Dr. Hall down in the lab.
WARD: I'll get Skye.
INT: Quinn's room
QUINN: No, you can't be the only angle. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s thorough enough to know about me and my exploits. It takes more than a pretty face to disarm me.
[door opens]
MAN: Sir, we have a security breach.
SKYE: Oh, the timing on that was perfect.
[ Quinn sighs, shatters compact, pulls g*n on Skye ]
INT: Basement of Quinn's place
[door opens]
COULSON: Dr. Hall. Agent Coulson. We have an exit strategy.
COULSON: Yes, sir. Let's get you out of here.
HALL: I'm sorry, Mr. Coulson. I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
COULSON: I'll be honest, our strategy did not take into consideration you saying that.
INT: Bus briefing room
[beeping as May taps around on computer and computer screen shows a pic of Hall]
MAY: [ sighs ] Oh, no.
INT: Quinn's basement
COULSON: Look, I don't know what Quinn is promising you, but—
HALL: An opportunity.
COULSON: We can't let Quinn have control of this. It's too dangerous.
HALL: We can't let anyone have control of this. That's why I'm here ... To bury it at the bottom of the ocean, with him.
MAY: Coulson. The leak came from ...
COULSON: Dr. Hall. Yeah, I'm getting that.
HALL: All petitions, embargoes in the world couldn't stop Ian. He grows more powerful every day. And then I get word he's found this.
[generator crackling]
HALL: I'm sorry, Mr. Coulson. I had to make a choice.
[generator crackling]
[clatter as shelves open, things fall around, etc]
COULSON: Something tells me that wasn't the "off" button!
[slam as he goes flying into a wall]
INT: Quinn's basement. Coulson comes to.
COULSON (into comms): Guys, we need to talk.
INT: Bus lab
MAY: Lost you for a minute. We're aware of the problem, sir. Hall wanted Quinn to kidnap him?
FITZ: Yeah, why would he do that?
SIMMONS: What is wrong with him?
COULSON: Quinn built a gravity generator, like the one we found but bigger. Hall knew Quinn would need him to control its raw power, but Hall just wanted to unleash it.
SIMMONS: The one we found was 2.5 centimeters in diameter. It stopped a semi. How big are we talking?
COULSON: 12 feet. It'll definitely take down the entire compound.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): It'll sink the place.
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): No, it'll do more than that.
COULSON: Work a solution. I'll disconnect the power before things get...
[he realizes he's standing on the ceiling]
COULSON: ...crazy.
HALL: They can't help you. Soon, it'll reach an exponential acceleration state. I'm sorry.
[generator whirring, crackling]
COULSON: My team's here ... good people.
HALL: Sworn to protect all mankind? That's what I'm doing, I promise ... making things right. [chuckles]
[pouring sound as he pours liquor into a glass]
[clatter as shelves open, things fall around, etc]
[generator whirring, crackling]
INT: Quinn's room
[Quinn slams Skye against a wall and pulls a g*n on her]
QUINN: Don't you get it? S.H.I.E.L.D.'s against everything you stand for. They're big brother.
SKYE: Maybe, but they're the nice big brother who stands up for his helpless little brother when he's getting b*at up because he ate a piece of cake that he wasn't— you know, you kidnapped a person!
QUINN: I set him free! I saved him! And I could've saved you.
INT: Corridors of Quinn's place
WARD: This place is massive. Where am I heading?
MAY: Southwest corner. Ward, tell me you've got things covered on the ground. I can't do a damn thing from out here.
WARD: I'm working on it.
INT: Quinn's room
QUINN: Tell me what they're doing! Tell me what they're doing. You have to talk. You have no other way out of this. [ laughs ] You're expendable to S.H.I.E.L.D. They sent you in here with nothing.
[Skye pulls the g*n maneuver Ward taught her earlier]
SKYE: They taught me a few things.
MAN: Kid's got balls.
SKYE: Thanks, but... yuck.
QUINN: But do you have what it takes to pull the trigger?
SKYE: Nope.
[jumps out the open window]
[splash as she hits the pool]
QUINN: Get her.
[something hits floor, shatters]
QUINN: Hall. We have to evacuate. Get the chopper. Now!
INT: Quinn's basement
[generator whirring]
[g*n cocks]
HALL: All I had to do to get access to Quinn's lab was drop little clues, create a puzzle for him to solve. Quinn likes to feel smart.
COULSON: So you leaked your location. Why not try reasoning with him?
QUINN: You can't reason with an addict, and he's addicted to exploiting opportunities. He never gives a thought to the friends, ecosystems, future generations left ruined in his wake.
COULSON: Like Agents Fitz and Simmons, your former students? I've got them in my ear right now, telling me you're not a bad guy. We could've worked with you on this.
[generator whirring]
[grunt as gravity shifts, Coulson bangs against wall]
HALL: S.H.I.E.L.D.? S.H.I.E.L.D. is just as guilty of the same thing! Experimentation without thought of consequence! Your search for an unlimited power source brought an alien invasion.
COULSON: Fair point.
HALL: T-this element is far too powerful for you, for him, for anyone! I don't have to tell you that. You're feeling it now.
[ panting ]
EXT: Quinn's place
[chopper noises]
[indistinct conversation, shouting]
[Skye runs, panting]
[Guards grab her]
SKYE: No, no. No, no! Please, please!
[Ward att*cks guards]
[ grunting ]
[splash as one gets punched into pool]
[Ward wins]
[ panting ]
WARD: Are you hurt?
[Skye shakes her head]
WARD: Just follow my orders. I'll get us out of here.
INT: Basement
[Coulson grabs the g*n]
HALL I see the future, Mr. Coulson, and it's a catastrophe.
COULSON: I just see a lot of people in trouble.
[he pulls a wire. Nothing happens]
COULSON Nothing. Fitz-Simmons? I tried to cut the power. It's still going.
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): You need to find a catalyst.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): Find some sort of catalyst. Something to create a chemical reaction in the core.
COULSON: It's not too late to do the right thing. Help me find a catalyst—
HALL I am doing the right thing ... a completely selfless act. I know that history never celebrates what didn't happen. They'll call this a-a tragedy. They won't understand the good I did here.
COULSON: k*lling innocent people?
HALL: Saving millions. We have to live with the choices we make, but sometimes we have to die with them, too.
COULSON: I understand. You made a hard call.
HALL: Yes.
COULSON: And now I have to make mine.
[glass shatters]
[Coulson grunts, grabbing hold of something so he doesn't fall through the broken glass]
[ Hall screams, falls into generator ]
[generator whirrs]
[Skye and Ward barge in]
[generator is still]
INT: Coulson's quarters on the Bus. Coulson is talking to S.H.I.E.L.D. agent through a screen.
COULSON: Say it back to me.
AGENT: Deepest level of the Fridge, unmarked vault, no access granted.
COULSON: And no recorded entry. I don't want it listed. I don't want it flagged for the slingshot. Anyone finds out, you're responsible ... and suffering. Understood?
AGENT: Yes, sir.
COULSON: That's what Hall would've wanted.
[turns off screen]
COULSON: [ sighs ] Used to have this down. [g*n clicks as he tries to disassemble/reassemble it] Should be just muscle memory.
MAY [in doorway]: You're making a habit of it, sir.
COULSON: Trying. Guess I'm a little rusty.
MAY: Of these close calls, I mean. I don't enjoy running back end.
COULSON: You want off the plane? Go ahead.
MAY: I want in. Reporting for combat next time it's up.
COULSON: You committed to the cause or just watching my back?
MAY: Same thing. And you are a little rusty.
INT: Bus training room. Skye is punching, a lot better than she was before. Ward watches from the catwalk above before walking down to her.
[punching noises]
SKYE: You and your brothers... where'd you grow up?
WARD: Massachusetts, mostly.
SKYE: A house?
WARD: You didn't?
[stops punching]
SKYE: One house. The Brodys. [ panting ] [drinks water] I was 9. Sent me back to St. Agnes after a month. Said I wasn't a good fit.
WARD: Foster parents. Your first?
SKYE: My third. I had heard it before, but... this one was different.
WARD: 'Cause you wanted them to like you.
SKYE: Bad. I called her "mom" once... tried it out. [ sighs ] Guess it wasn't a good fit. [punching resumes] Hoping for something and losing it hurts more than never hoping for anything.
[Ward holds the punching bag. Punching stops.]
WARD: We won't turn our back.
SKYE: Doesn't matter. [punching resumes] I made my choice. I want this. Bad. And I know there's a truth serum.
WARD: Whatever you say, rookie.
[BOOM. S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.]
INT: The Fridge, ostensibly.
[gravitonium gets locked up.]
[a hand pushes out from it before disappearing back in it] | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x03 - The Asset"} | foreverdreaming |
1x04 - Eye Spy
Outside, in what the screen tells us is Sergel's Square in Stockholm.
[indistinct chatter]
We see the busy goings-on of a public place, including a small group of people drumming. Men walk into the square. They are all wearing a bright red mask over their face and are carrying a suitcase. They walk through the square and past a woman with headphones in. Her eyes are closed.
[drumming continues in background]
[whispering sounds]
INT: subway station
[brakes squeal]
The woman follows the men into the station.
[camera shutter clicks] as someone waiting for the train snaps a pic of the men on her phone.
The woman follows the men onto the crowded subway.
INT: subway car
[doors sliding]
[beeping, indistinct overhead announcement in Swedish]
[indistinct conversations]
The woman watches the men; they notice her. We see that the briefcases are actually handcuffed to their wrists. The woman closes her eyes and then smashes her elbow into the firebox.
[glass shattering]
The lights go out.
[indistinct shouting]
INT: next subway station
[brakes squeal]
[door sliding]
INT: subway car
People pour out of the subway. A police officer enters the train. All the men are apparently unconscious. Their hands are severed, and the briefcases are gone.
INT: subway tunnels
The woman enters a combination into the lock of the bloody case.
Inside are diamonds. The woman is sitting on a rafter in a subway tunnel.
[train approaching]
And then she isn't.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. intro logo card.
We see the Bus flying through the sky before zooming in to INT: Bus cockpit
COULSON (to May): Maybe I should learn to fly. It's not too late, right? I could learn.
COULSON: What do you like best... the freedom? The view?
MAY: The solitude.
Coulson nods.
COULSON: Got it. See you in Sweden.
[door closing]
May smiles.
INT: Bus lab. Ward is holding up a capsule of some sort.
WARD: I only get one sh*t. And it has to knock a person back, as well as out.
FITZ (holding a g*n): Which is why we're perfecting this little beauty. .45-caliber cartridges, semi-a*t*matic. Each mag...
[clicking of magazine being loaded into g*n]
FITZ: ...contains eight therapeutic rounds of dendrotoxin.
SIMMONS: In case you miss!
Ward gives her A Look.
SIMMONS: Or have multiple assailants.
FITZ: Yeah, w-we're gonna have this new night-night p*stol working in no time. Okay?
WARD: Great. One thing... we're not calling it that.
SIMMONS: [gasps] Ah, told you.
FITZ: Yes, we... yes, we are.
INT: cargo hold/makeshift training area (which, as we know, is literally five inches away from the lab, which honestly seems kind of dangerous? Whatever. There's glass dividing the lab from the non-lab parts. Can't wait for this to come into play in a few episodes.)
Coulson comes down the stairs and Ward goes to meet him.
COULSON: Have you seen Skye?
WARD: Not since w*apon training.
COULSON: Has she stopped saying "bang" when she pulls the trigger?
WARD (going up the stairs): Mostly. Now, if she can just learn the difference between the safety release and the magazine release, we'll be making real progress.
Coulson goes over to one of the cars in the hold.
[knocking on car]
[window rolling down]
SKYE (inside car): What's up, Phil?
COULSON: I'd prefer you not call me "Phil."
SKYE: Okay, you're the boss... A.C. Just missing my van a bit, taking a little me time.
COULSON: I want your help with something.
SKYE: [inhales sharply] h*t me with it.
COULSON: You ever rob a bank?
COULSON: An armored car?
SKYE: Nope.
COULSON: How about a casino?
SKYE: Should I be offended?
COULSON: Somebody's stealing millions of dollars in diamonds. They've found a way to crack the security systems. I want you to figure out their exploit.
SKYE [intrigued]: Hmmm.
INT: Swedish subway station. May, Coulson, and Skye are walking down the station.
COULSON: Yesterday, 55 men, all military, were hired by one of the largest gem brokers in the world. They dressed the men in identical outfits, gave each one a randomly assigned briefcase, and sent them along 25 different routes here in Stockholm. No one knew which briefcase contained the diamonds, but they were still stolen.
Coulson signs something given to him by a Swedish police officer.
COULSON (to officer) [in Swedish]: Thanks.
MAY: Why the Kabuki theater?
The trio enters the docked subway car.
COULSON [back in English]: They were afraid because somebody's targeting diamonds ... an armored car in Milan, a safe in Monte Carlo, and now this — over $30 mil total. Each theft occurred despite heavy security.
Coulson crouches and examines blood splatters.
MAY: They sound like inside jobs.
COULSON: A lot of people share that opinion.
SKYE: You don't.
Coulson gives her an approving, affirmative look.
SKYE: CCTV cameras catch any of the action?
COULSON: Fitz-Simmons is checking. The system went dark for an hour. They think it was hacked.
Coulson gets back up.
MAY: It was the same thieves each time?
COULSON: Yes, but it was just one thief — a woman. And she did it all with her eyes closed.
MAY: Eyewitnesses I.D. her?
COULSON: Black, athletic build, late 20s, early 30s.
SKYE: So, you asked how she could have cracked the system. I have a pitch, but it's way outside the box.
COULSON: I live outside the box.
SKYE: There are people in the world with superpowers, right? What if this woman has ESP or something?
MAY: There are no credible studies that support precognition, telepathy, or extrasensory perception.
SKYE: Okay, so science says "no". But this woman knew impossible things. And why did she close her eyes? That's either random or totally important. Was she listening...
Skye taps her temple and gives the team parents a wildly undeservedly smug look (I am in love with her).
SKYE: ... or was she reading minds?
SKYE: ... I'm gonna go ... play with my phone now.
She sits down and plays with her phone.
MAY (to Coulson): Why does H.Q. want us to investigate these heists?
COULSON: They don't. I picked this op. (to Skye) Any luck?
SKYE: Yep, I'm getting full bars, which means if I was down here and 55 guys were in scary red masks, you know what I would do? Instagram.
She shows the two of them her phone screen. On it (and clearly on someone's Insta), we can see a guy in a red mask.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. May, Skye, and Coulson stand in front of a screen that is flicking through the Insta pix and doing some sort of scan on the images.
[screen beeping]
COULSON: It's amazing. Every year, this part of our job gets easier. Between Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, people are surveilling themselves.
SKYE: With many filters to choose from. I could do this pretty well when I was hacking for the Rising Tide, but you guys tag and search in ways the rest of us never dreamed of.
MAY: I can run facial-recognition software on the photos, cross-reference them with our criminal databases.
COUSLON: You don't have to.
He pulls up an image of the woman we saw at the start of the episode who fits the description of the eyewitness I.D.
COULSON: That's the thief. Her name's Akela Amador.
MAY: You're certain?
COULSON: I should be. I trained her.
INT: Bus. Coulson, Skye, and May are walking out of Coulson's office and down the stairs through the lounge and to right outside the briefing room.
COULSON: Akela Amador was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. Seven years ago, she led a raid on one of Vanchat's gulags. Everyone believed that she and the two other agents on the mission were k*lled. I had my doubts. So I sent in a second team, just in case. They found a lot of carnage but couldn't confirm that any of it was Amador ... left the possibility open.
MAY: That's why you chose this op — when you heard about the heists.
COULSON: There are only a few women in the world who could pull off something so impossible. Since you're on the bus, I thought it had to be her.
Skye gives May a look that says 'damn! nice!'. The three of them enter the briefing room, which Ward is already inside.
WARD: Swedish customs confirmed that Amador left the country using an alias on a Swedish passport.
He points details out on a screen that shows Amador's old S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D.
WARD: She flew into Belarus, bought a train ticket to a town called Zloda. I've also put together a list of individuals who could fence that many diamonds.
[beep] as the screen pulls up a map.
WARD: There's been no contact or activity.
COULSON: Maybe she's saving them for a rainy day, buying something special. Let's focus on finding Amador.
MAY: I'll let H.Q. know she's alive so they can assist with the manhunt.
COULSON: I'd like to hold off on that.
b*at as Skye and May give him a 'wtf' look.
COULSON: Until we know more. Contact Belarus authorities. Find us a place to park the bus. (to Ward) Put together a list of inns, hotels, and pensions near Zloda. There can't be that many of them. We'll find her.
May and Ward leave.
SKYE (to Coulson): I'm not so special after all. I'm not your first protégée. Relax. I'm teasing. I know I'm not a protégée. Hell, I'm not even a real, live S.H.I.E.L.D. agent yet.
COULSON: You two couldn't be more different. Amador was smart, talented, fearless.
SKYE [dude, what the hell]: Wow, there's nothing in common.
COULSON: Let me finish. She didn't play well with others, found little value in teamwork. I thought I could instill those qualities in her, so I pushed her ... maybe too hard.
SKYE: Don't blame yourself because this chick went to the dark side. Whatever path she went down, whatever weird stuff she got into, it's on her.
INT: Hotel room in Zloda. Amador is there. She closes her eyes.
[whispering sounds]
Her eyes snap open. She grabs a golf club and opens the door and seizes the man standing behind it.
[man gasps]
She throws him onto the bed, pinning him down with the club across his chest.
AMADOR: The agreement was to come alone.
MAN: I did!
AMADOR: What about the man in the next room? Or the one by the stairs?
MAN: They're here to protect me ... for when I leave ...with the merchandise! Please. [breathing heavily]
She lets up. The man gets up.
MAN: I'm sorry. I've never done this before. May I see them?
She sheathes her club and pulls out a three-pack of golf balls. She puts one in his hand and pours water over it.
Golf ball melts to reveal ... diamonds!!!
MAN: The rest– they are—
AMADOR: In the bag. You can carry it through customs. No one will know. Now... it's your turn.
He pulls out a keycard.
MAN: When I said 30 million dollars, I never thought anybody would—
She takes the keycard.
AMADOR: If it fails, I will find you.
MAN: It will access all the levels, as promised.
[Amador sighs]
MAN: But once you're inside, do you have a plan?
AMADOR: It'll come to me.
Establishing sh*ts of Zloda, Belarus
[music] [birds chirping]
INT: innocuous-looking white van. Ward is at the helm, with Coulson riding g*n. The Bus kids are in the back, all clutching various packs of gear.
SIMMONS: How exciting. I've dreamed of visiting Zloda since I was a schoolgirl.
FITZ: Zloda, Belarus? A dream come true? Really?
SIMMONS: It's the birthplace of Nobel physicist Zhores Alferov! I mean, technically, he's from Vitebsk, but that's less than an hour from here, and I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't know that.
FITZ: Well, no, of course I know who that is, father of heterostructure transistors, thank you very much. We're all well aware of that.
Ward and Skye were very clearly not even a little bit aware of that.
FITZ: I'm just a little bit preoccupied. Our first and only other time in the field wasn't exactly a picnic, was it?
COULSON: You guys are only here to search for Amador electronically. You won't even need to leave the van.
MAY (over radio): Bus to short bus.
WARD: Go for short bus.
COULSON: Next time, I'll decide what we call ourselves, okay?
Ward makes a gesture, wordlessly asking Coulson what's wrong with the name.
MAY: H.Q. has requested a status update.
INT: Bus briefing room. You know the drill. When May's lines are italicized, we're somewhere else. When they're solid, we're in here. Same with everyone else and their respective locations.
COULSON (over radio): What'd you tell them?
MAY: That we're tracking a potential suspect — nothing more.
COULSON: I owe you one.
MAY: More like three.
The van pulls to a stop.
COULSON (to the Bus kids): If Amador's here, she'll have to contact her buyer. Scan for cellphone transmissions, encrypted e-mails, anomalous broadcast signatures. Call us if you find anything that indicates her presence.
WARD (to the Bus kids): Maintain radio silence unless you really need help.
FITZ: Well, what exactly defines needing help?!
[door slams]
Outside. Ward and Coulson walk through a street.
WARD: I can only imagine how painful this must be for you, sir — betrayed by someone you trained and believed in.
COULSON: We don't have all the facts yet.
WARD: True, but I have to assume the worst: that Amador sold out the other two agents on her mission. Wonder what she got in exchange.
COULSON: I don't know, but until we do, I'm not gonna assume anything.
INT: Van. All the Bus kids are fiddling with their equipment. That is not a euphemism.
SIMMONS: There's barely electricity in this town. Can't be too hard to find our mystery woman.
SKYE: Unless she already knows we're here.
SIMMONS: No, you're not suggesting some sort of precognition or telepathy because—
SKYE: I know, it doesn't exist. And not long ago, I would have dumped ESP in the "aliens and portals are for crazy people" pile. But now...
SKYE: Found a server.
In town
[Ward's cellphone ringing]
COULSON (to man he's talking to) [in Russian]: Thanks.
MAN: Da.
WARD (into phone): Did you locate Amador?
SKYE (over phone): What? No, not yet. But we've found a broadcast with some weird signal encrypted into it.
[laughter, background chatter from town]
WARD: You think Amador might be communicating on that signal?
SKYE: Maybe, but I called with an equally pressing question for you, my S.O. what are we supposed to do if we have to pee?
WARD: You broke protocol because you need a bathroom break?
SKYE: It was a really, really long drive, and everyone's nervous.
WARD: There's a container in the bottom of the blue chest.
SKYE (to Simmons): Bottom of the blue chest.
[background chatter and laughter from the town continues]
Simmons holds up a water bottle. All three Bus kids look as if they have died inside. Just a little bit.
SKYE: Not the water bottle?
WARD: That's the one.
SKYE: Did you never learn the thing that boy parts and girl parts are different, and our parts aren't penises?
WARD: Agent Coulson and I are trying to find a dangerous criminal. If there's nothing else pressing—
SKYE: Well, one second, Fitz wants to know if you packed any snacks.
FITZ: Yeah, I'm feeling a bit peckish.
SKYE; Uh... hello?
SKYE: He— he hung up.
INT: Hotel lobby
COULSON [in Russian]: Good day.
RECEPTIONIST [in English]: Good afternoon.
COULSON: I'm Agent Coulson. This is Agent Ward. We're looking for this young woman.
Coulson shows a picture of Amador.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, she's my angel.
WARD: Why do you say that?
RECEPTIONIST: She has gift... knows things. She told me to go to doctor. He found a tumor. I'm having surgery next week. This girl saved me.
Inside the van, the screen of the feed is showing chaotic static and colors.
[static, chatter]
FITZ: I can't s*ab it. There's an encrypted local signal competing.
SKYE: Mirror it over. I have a couple of Rising Tide exploits that might work.
[static, chatter, laughter continues]
[keys clacking]
SKYE: One last thing.
[chatter clears up]
SKYE: Ta-da, and you're welcome.
INT: Hotel lobby
COULSON: It's very important that we talk with her.
WOMAN: With her gift, I'm sure she knows you're coming.
INT: Van
On the cleared-up screen, we see a view of an innocuous-looking white van.
SKYE: Russian TV's kind of boring.
FITZ: That looks a bit like our van.
The screen switches to backscatter.
SKYE: What are we looking at?
Fitz stands up and waves his hands around. As he does this, one of the images in the backscatter vision of the van does the same.
The view on the screen gets closer.
We see another van h*t the van housing the Bus kids.
SKYE: Let's get out of here!
[car roaring] as car that h*t van backs up.
Skye gets to the driver's seat and turns the key in the ignition.
[engine sputters]
Her feet do not exactly "reach" the "pedals".
SKYE (to a Ward who drove the car and is not actually there): Oh, stupid tall person. (to Fitz-Simmons) Call Coulson. Get the g*n.
Simmons, from the floor, hands Skye a g*n.
SKYE: It's her. (to herself) Safety off.
Amador starts to drive forward.
[g*n clicks] as the magazine falls into her lap.
SKYE: Bang?
[car crash sounds]
INT: Bus
[footsteps approach] as everyone sans May, who is standing on the mez above the bottom floor of the Bus, enters the Bus. May and Coulson share A Look. A Meaningful Look.
INT: Bus briefing room
WARD: Sir, Amador att*cked you and your people. Whatever regard you hold for her isn't reciprocated. She just kicked us in the teeth.
COULSON: How's the team?
WARD: Rattled. No broken bones. We're lucky she just knocked the van over so she could get away. Probably take a while for our folks to refocus.
SKYE: I think I can recover the data signature of that encrypted broadcast. I don't understand it yet, but that's how she was watching us. Give me an hour. Maybe we can start watching back.
INT: Bus lab
SKYE: Something's wrong. It's the same feed that was watching us in the van. Uh, put it on the big monitor.
SIMMONS: M-maybe the lens broke when the van rammed us.
SKYE: I hope she broke more than that.
[beep] as the screen fires up. We see Amador's hand wipe away condensation from a mirror.
COULSON: It's a mirror. Are we recording this?
SKYE: Uh...
SKYE: We are now.
FITZ: Whoa.
COULSON: How are we seeing this? Where's the camera?
On the screen, Amador reaches for a set of tools in front of a hand mirror. She pokes one into her eye. Everyone winces to some degree except for Simmons and May.
MAY: It's her eye. She's the camera.
Amador closes her eyes, and the view goes to backscatter.
FITZ: It switches to backscatter when she closes her eyes.
SKYE (to Ward): You're a robot. Can you do that?
WARD (to Fitz): Who has tech like this?
FITZ: We don't — not like this. That's not small and internal. That's at least a decade ahead of anything I've seen.
Amador tightens up some screws in her eye.
FITZ: Though, now that I've seen it, I could maybe approximate it... the backscatter x-ray, a micro-transceiver that somehow doesn't fry her brain, an internal power source—
SIMMONS: All miniaturized. Honestly, it's...
FITZ (talking over Simmons): That's genius.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): ...Genius.
Amador opens her eyes and the view goes back to normal.
COULSON: We have to bring her in.
MAY: We have to take her out. She's a w*apon. I'll call H.Q., see if we can bring a task force in to help us.
COULSON: Our team can handle this.
MAY: I get it. You feel responsible ... maybe you pushed her too hard. But she tried to k*ll three members of our team.
COULSON: If she wanted us d*ad, we'd be d*ad.
MAY: We got lucky. You want to risk our lives again?
COULSON: You told me you were ready for combat, that you had my back.
MAY: Don't ever doubt it. But you are defending this girl at the expense of the team.
COULSON: Because we protect our own.
WARD: With all due respect, sir, she's not one of our own.
SKYE: Guys.
On the screen, Amador writes, on a piece of paper: CAN I SLEEP?
SIMMONS: Why does she have to ask for permission?
On the screen, words are typed into the bottom of Amador's eye feed. They say: STAND BY
COULSON: She's not being watched. She's being controlled. We have to find her. We'll take shifts watching the feed. Sooner or later, she'll look at something that will clue us into her location.
MAY: I'll take the first watch.
EXT: Hangar where the Bus is parked
[insects chirping]
[knock on door]
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus
[door slides open]
SKYE: I just wanted to give you a quick update. She's still at the hotel, so... and that's the update. It's a pretty weird day, huh? It's like we were trapped in a van-shaped pinata.
COULSON: That should never have happened.
SKYE: It's okay. It wasn't nearly as terrible as watching mom and dad fight downstairs.
COULSON: That shouldn't have happened, either. You regret coming along?
SKYE: It was pretty impulsive, even for me. I still don't know much about you... Except for you value really old stuff. And you value me. First person to do that in a long time. So I happen to believe you're an excellent judge of character. If you think this woman deserves a second chance, we should give it to her ... even though she tried to k*ll me and I kind of hate her guts.
[door closes]
INT: Bus lab. Fitz is passed out in front of a set of glasses with a ton of wires attached to it.
COULSON (tapping Fitz): Fitz.
Fitz hurries awake.
FITZ: What?
COULSON: What happened? Where's May?
FITZ: Uh, I don't know. She was watching the transmission. Amador must be sleeping.
COULSON: Play it back.
It plays back. On the screen, the message says: TODOROV BLDG. PROX CARD TO DELTA S. 9:00.
COULSON: There. She got another message — Todorov building.
In Amador's view, she's looking at some room service, complete with a receipt.
COULSON: Wait. Stop.
COULSON: Can you get closer on that receipt?
Fitz gets closer on that receipt. It shows the name of the hotel she's at (the Crown Regent hotel in Minsk, Belarus).
COULSON: Damn it, May. (to Fitz) Wake the others.
INT: Room where Amador is sleeping
[light switch clicks]
Amador wakes up and sits up with a [gasp]. She looks at the floor, and not at May, who is in the room with her.
MAY: Whoever's monitoring you, do they have audio?
AMADOR: No. But they'll use facial recognition to determine you're a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
MAY: So I don't have to introduce myself.
AMADOR: Did Coulson send you?
MAY: No. He feels sorry for you. I don't. I'm bringing you into S.H.I.E.L.D., you'll get a fair trial, and no one else gets hurt.
AMADOR: You have no idea, do you?
MAY: We know that you receive orders.
AMADOR: Then you know that once they see you, only one of us gets to walk out of here. They built in a fail-safe.
Amador looks up at May.
AMADOR: Either I k*ll you... or they k*ll me.
MAY: You should have stayed in bed.
They fight.
[plates clattering against floor]
[Kn*fe whistles through air; Kn*fe sticks in door]
Amador smashes the lamp and her view switches to backscatter. She grabs a g*n on the ground. Just as she's about to f*re, her room door flies open, and Coulson enters.
[sound of night-night g*n going off]
INT: The Cage on the Bus
Amador wakes up.
COULSON: Hello, Akela. You're safe now. Give it a minute. I h*t you with a powerful dendrotoxin.
AMADOR: [breathing deeply] There's a k*ll switch in my eye. Why hasn't my handler blown it yet?
COULSON: As far as your handler knows, you fought Agent May, you both went down, then you got up and left the building to complete your mission.
COULSON: We hijacked your feed.
INT: Car. Ward is driving, wearing the pair of glasses we saw Fitz passed out at earlier. Skye is in the backseat, doing her Skye computer thing.
COULSON (heard as voice only, we're still looking at Ward): One of my Agents is wearing a set of glasses mimicking your implant. Right now, it's transmitting his point of view as if it was yours. It even has backscatter imaging.
AMADOR: I get messages from my handler.
COULSON: We're receiving those, as well.
INT: Bus briefing room. May stands in front of the video feed of the Cage.
COULSON: My agent's on his way to the Todorov building completing your mission while we disable the fail-safe in your eye. I promise. They can't see you. You're okay, Akela. Look at me.
Slowly, emotionally, she does.
COULSON: How long have they been monitoring you?
AMADOR: Years. Why are you doing this, Coulson?
COULSON: I need to know why a prox card is worth $30 million—
AMADOR: No. Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? Where's the "I told you so"?
COULSON: [sighs] That's not me anymore. I'm just glad you're alive.
AMADOR: Vanchat would have never caught us if I'd just done my job. I should have listened to you...
May, as she watches, is visibly emotional and moved.
AMADOR: trusted my team the way you insisted. [voice breaking] If I had ... they might still be alive.
EXT: Todorov building.
[engine shuts off]
INT: Car
SKYE: Where are we?
WARD: Todorov building. I think it's research, not military.
SKYE: Looks like a prison.
WARD: We wireless yet?
[keys clacking]
SKYE: Yep. Ready to detach.
Skye reaches forward to detach his glasses from the wires connecting it to his computer. Ward flinches, big time.
SKYE: Don't look at me! They need to think you're her.
As Skye works, Ward makes noises. Many a noise.
SKYE: And, oh, my god, super spy is ticklish.
INT: the Cage on the Bus
COULSON: How did you manage to escape?
AMADOR: I didn't. Got caught in a crossfire, went down. Woke up in some half-assed triage bay, blind in this eye. Spent the next four years alone in a cage at the bottom of a copper mine.
COULSON: We looked for you. Heard rumors you'd been taken to ShanXi province.
AMADOR: When a team finally came, I thought it was S.H.I.E.L.D. at first, but—
COULSON: Who were they?
AMADOR: Don't know, even to this day, but they were organized. They took me to a clinic. I had multiple surgeries. Until one day, I could see out of both eyes again. I was so grateful... until I realized what they'd done.
COULSON: Somebody was watching.
AMADOR: My every move. I had no idea until they sent the first message. Then the assignments started. Mostly, it was "steal this," "follow him," "break into there." I just tried to ignore them. But when I did, I'd get this pain, like an electric migraine.
COULSON: The fail-safe.
AMADOR: Polite way of putting it. Now, when I think about my years in the cage... I miss it. I wish I could go back, be alone, sleep in peace.
COULSON: I know you're tired, but I need your help.
AMADOR: If you want information on the prox card, you're out of luck.
COULSON: You can't go on missions without intel.
AMADOR: It comes in pieces — a name, an address.
INT: car outside Tolodov building
On Skye's computer, the feed says: LOCATION CONFIRMED. PROCEED TO DELTA S.
SKYE: It would suck to live like this, wondering if someone's watching.
WARD: Testing backscatter.
He presses glasses.
[glasses beep]
[glasses beep]
SKYE: Good to go.
WARD: Remember, I can't look at you, much less help you.
SKYE: Got it. Don't count on you for help.
[door opens, closes]
SKYE: I'll be watching.
INT: Bus Cage
COULSON: Come on, Akela. You've never spoken to or met anyone in person?
AMADOR: No. Only contacts are the messages I receive from the Englishman.
COULSON: The Englishman... your handler? How do you know he's English?
As Amador talks, we see flashes of fingers typing and examples she gives being written as info that showed up on her feed.
AMADOR: The way he refers to certain things. He uses "lift" instead of "elevator," "boot" instead of "trunk."
COULSON: Think about the messages. What else do you know about him?
AMADOR: He's late 30s, early 40s. Uses dated references — "Disk drive" instead of "flash drive," "Burma" instead of "Myanmar."
COULSON: How's his typing?
AMADOR: Clumsy. Makes a lot of mistakes.
COULSON: Thick fingers, maybe heavyset.
AMADOR: I forgot how good you are.
SIMMONS (over intercom): Sir, we're ready down here.
INT: Tolodov building. Ward is walking in.
[mid-tempo music plays]
SKYE (over comms): Fitz and Simmons are prepped for surgery. It should be any minute now. Hey! Remember, you have man hands, so don't look when you scan the card.
WARD: I know.
INT: Bus lab
COULSON: Ward's on-site, so we don't have much time.
FITZ: To remove her eyeball.
SIMMONS: Yeah, ocular surgery is not really my field of expertise.
COULSON: We've got no other choice. There's a k*ll switch inside Akela. Could be a poison, could be an expl*sive. Either way, if Ward's caught, they'll k*ll her instantly.
He starts to walk out.
FITZ: Where are you going, sir?
COULSON: To find out whose finger's on the trigger.
[lab door opening]
INT: Tolodov building
[general sounds of hustle and bustle as people walk about the building]
WARD (into comms): Approaching Delta 3.
[scanner beeps]
INT: Car. We know the drill. Italics when our view is on a diff character than the one speaking in comms, solid when showing a character is in the room they've been pre-established to be in.
SKYE: Careful! Mirror.
Ward turns his head away from the mirror.
WARD: Don't need your help.
INT: Bus briefing room
MAY: Handler's definitely local.
COULSON: Any idea where he's transmitting from?
May waves at the projected map on the holocom table.
MAY: Somewhere here. Every time he sends a message, we get closer.
COULSON: Keep me updated on comm 3. I'm headed out now.
MAY: I'll track him down if you want to stay here and oversee the op.
COULSON: Thank you. This one's mine. And about earlier—
MAY: Go. Find the guy.
INT: Bus lab
[monitor beeping]
[snap] as Simmons pulls on latex gloves.
SIMMONS (to Amador, who is lying out on a table): I may need your feedback during the operation, which means I have to inject a local anesthetic into your eye rather than putting you under.
AMADOR: Whatever's necessary.
SIMMONS: Right. Let's begin, then.
She holds a syringe over Amador's eye. Fitz cringes, hardcore. Amador grabs Simmons' arm.
AMADOR: [chuckles] Let me.
Fitz cringes way, way harder core.
INT: Tolodov building
On Skye's feed, it says: TARGET CONFIRMED>
SKYE: What do they mean, "target"?
WARD: It's never good, especially for the target. Let's hope it's a knockout and not a k*ll.
SKYE: You should get out of there.
WARD: I've come this far. I'll finish, whatever it takes.
Ward receives instructions over his eyeball-cam feed that are in his glasses. The instructions read: SEDUCE HIM.
Ward looks so, so, so pained.
WARD: Help.
SKYE: I'm sorry. Did you say "help"? Because a minute ago, you said you didn't want or need my help.
WARD: That was before they asked me to go all Mata Hari on this guy. [sighs] I'm just gonna knock him out.
SKYE: Ward, wait. We may need them to get through the next door. Remember, it said seduce, not k*ll.
WARD: [sigh] I don't think I'm his type.
SKYE: Let me see. Cheap haircut. 5:00 shadow. Nope. Odds are you guys play for the same team. You're gonna have to bromance him. Talk sports, Vodka, the Victorianov secret catalog. Be friendly, Agent Ward. Can you be friendly?
[Ward sighs]
SKYE: Please don't die.
[Ward sighs again]
[scanner beeps] as Ward enters the room and goes up to the guard.
There's some Russian that the subtitles do not translate and that I don't understand, but I'm just going to assume it's pleasantries, until we get:
WARD [in Russian]: How about that game last night?
GUARD [in Russian]: Your I.D.
Ward makes a show of patting himself down. [patpatpat]
WARD: [groans] I think I left it at home. Had a wild night. Met these two Ukrainian girls... [chuckles] didn't sleep much. You know how it is, right? Yeah? Yeah?
The guard does not react.
WARD [in English]: Guess not.
They fight.
Ward wins.
[scanner beeps]
Ward enters a room with two men at typewriters. On the chalkboard walls, many mathematical equations are written.
SKYE: What now? Are you supposed to grab one of these guys?
[keys clacking]
Ward examines the chalkboard closer. There is a sprawling array of lines and circles drawn in an almost circuitboard-like pattern, albeit solely straight, perpendicular lines
New message on the feed reads: MISSION COMPLETE. GOOD LUCK.
MAY: [i[They just sent another message.[/i] Coulson, he's close — only a few blocks from you.
Outside, on the street, Coulson runs
MAY: He's somewhere in Victory Square. One more message should lock in his precise location.
Ward goes back to the knocked-out guard and sees a countdown on the screen.
WARD: Figured out what I needed the guard for — his password.
SKYE: Maybe I can talk you through a hack. Just give me a minute.
[beeping] as the timer hits zero.
[alarm blaring]
WARD: No more minutes. Meet me on the south side of the building, A.S.A.P.
SKYE: Gotcha.
[car door opening]
SKYE: Which way is South?
[car door closing]
Ward walks down a hallway with increasing speed. He passes a guard.
[guard's walkie-talkie makes noises]
GUARD [in Russian]: Stop!
[racing footsteps]
Fitz continues cringing so very hard. Fitz is clearly a proxy for the audience in this episode. Eye trauma absolutely sucks.
[squishy squish squish]
FITZ: Please tell me it's out already.
SIMMONS: It's ... mostly out.
AMADOR: What's wrong?
SIMMONS: Nothing.
She pulls up the eyeball with tweezers.
SIMMONS: But Dr. Fitzy needs to step in now.
Fitz looks as if someone just sh*t his puppy in front of him.
SIMMONS: This is his area of expertise, not mine.
Fitz stares at the eyeball, looking royally grossed out.
SIMMONS [sharply]: Fitz!
Fitz drags himself over to the eyeball and takes the tweezers from Simmons.
FITZ: [inhales sharply] All right, then. Most likely, both the power source and k*ll switch are located within the eye itself. So, how to disconnect without triggering the k*ll switch? Oh. I know what to do. Um... [clears throat] I just need to clarify one thing.
Ward races down the hall, g*n out.
[telephone rings]
[glasses beep]
Backscatter shows figures inside in the next room over.
The figures are no longer a problem
FITZ: Ward.
WARD: What?
FITZ: You sound winded. Is this a bad time?
WARD: Little bit.
FITZ: Well, not so good for me, either, considering I'm holding a still-attached prosthetic eye that could explode at any second.
WARD: Are the wires exposed or shielded?
He walks in front of a mirror and sees his very white, very male, very not Akela Amador reflection.
WARD: Cut it now. Cut the wires now!
AMADOR: What's happening?
FITZ: Oh, no problem. Ward explained the sitch.
[wire snip]
[thunk of top of container closing down]
[small expl*si*n]
WARD: Coming your way.
SKYE (in the car that is now driving): I don't know what that means.
[shoes squeak]
[g*n f*re]
[glass shatters] as Ward leaps through a window.
[tires screech] as Skye pulls to a halt in front of him.
WARD: Let's go.
[door closes]
COULSON (into comms): He probably left as soon as he threw the k*ll switch.
MAY: He's there, 20 meters from you.
We see a heavyset, British kinda looking guy exit from a door just across the way from Coulson.
COULSON: I think I've got him. (to man) Excuse me, sir.
MAN [with a British accent]: I'm sorry, but I'm very late.
COULSON: I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D.
MAN: Oh, god.
[small fizzing noise]
[small expl*si*n]
The man's eyeball goes bloody, and he drops d*ad.
INT: Bus lab. Amador has a patch over her eye, and she and Coulson are walking into the cargo hold where a group of agents are waiting.
COULSON (to Amador): He was a former M.I.6 officer who fell off the grid a few years ago.
INT: the Bus
AMADOR: My handler was as trapped as I was.
COULSON: Which means the real thr*at's still out there. Big S.H.I.E.L.D.'s still trying to decipher what was written on that chalkboard. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Couple of people think it might be alien — possibly an equation. Must be important if it's worth $30 million. We'll figure it out. (to Amador, about how she's being taken in by these agents) You'll get a fair trial. I plan on testifying. I know people. You deserve a second chance.
AMADOR: You already gave me one. Doesn't matter how it plays out from here. I'm free. Thank you.
COULSON: Good luck.
Coulson goes upstairs. May nods to him as she passes.
AMADOR (to May): What happened to Agent Coulson? He's different.
MAY: Well, he's loosened up a bit. He nearly died before the battle of New York.
AMADOR: But what did they do to him?
MAY: I'm sorry?
AMADOR: Never mind.
Exterior sh*t of the Bus in the night sky.
[engines roar]
INT: Cargo hold
[car door opens]
COULSON: Are you still needing your you time?
SKYE: There's always room for A.C. Slide on in.
COULSON: What's wrong with...
[door closes]
COUSON: ... "Agent Coulson" or just "Coulson"?
SKYE: Nothing, I guess. A.C.'s just way cooler.
[both chuckles]
SKYE: 'Cause you are. Cool. Not many people would have made that call to give Amador a second chance.
COULSON: I got one. Seems only fair I extend the same opportunity to others. [sighs] I see why you like it in here.
SKYE: Yeah. It's kind of like my van. [chuckles] Without all the bums trying to break in.
[Coulson chuckles]
SKYE: I don't miss that. It's more peaceful here.
Amador, in a prison cell, patch over her eye, lies down to go to bed.
SKYE: It's also cool knowing that someone has my back... no matter what.
COULSON: Peaceful's good.
S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.
INT: Bus lounge area. Fitz and Ward are playing cards. Fitz is eating pretzels in an inhumanly annoying way. (I am in love with him).
[slow, obnoxious crunching]
[finger tapping against cards]
WARD: I call. And raise 100.
[poker chips clatter]
FITZ: Hmm. You know how I know I'm gonna b*at you?
WARD: By losing?
[cards h*t table]
FITZ: You have a tell, a psychological tic that lets me know you're bluffing. If I watch you carefully... [louder] If I watch you carefully...
INT: Skye's sleeping quarters
SKYE (into comms): Oh, sorry. Hang on. You know if I do this, that not only will I see Ward's cards, but I'll see you without any clothes on?
FITZ: I fold. You win.
He gets up from the table and scurries away. Skye, in her room, puts on and presses the backscatter imaging button on the glasses.
[glasses beep]
SKYE [satisfied]: Hmm. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x04 - Eye Spy"} | foreverdreaming |
1x05 - Girl in the Flower Dress
Outside on a bay area with boats, and then busy street, and then into a night market. The screen tells us that we are in Hong Kong, China.
A man stands with a small crowd around him.
[indistinct talking]
MAN [in Cantonese]: My grandfather often said that every man is a mystery. Some men harbor beautiful secrets.
He does the whole "there's nothing up my sleeve" thing.
MAN: Others hide darker ones.
He blows into his hands. When he opens them, an egg is there.
MAN: He believed the only way to know a man’s true nature is to pierce his outer shell.
He takes the egg into his right hand and closes a fist around it.
MAN: And gaze within.
He makes a move as if he’s going to throw the egg. The woman in the path of his toss moves aside. However, instead of the egg, silver streamers come flying out from his hand.
[audience laughing, clapping]
YOUNG MAN IN AUDIENCE [in Cantonese]: Lame trick
YOUNG WOMAN IN AUDIENCE [in Cantonese]: They were in the egg.
[indistinct chatter in Cantonese]
The man doing magic looks at his nearly empty tip jar with worry. He looks up into the audience to see a beautiful woman (Ruth Negga!) in a flower dress smiling at him.
He opens his palm and a small ball of f*re appears in it. The girl in the flower dress gasps lightly.
MAN: This is not a trick.
He throws the ball at the couple who disparaged him previously. The flames burn out right before reaching them. The crowd reacts quite favorably to this trick.
[coins clattering against each other in tip jar]
The girl in the flower dress approaches the man.
FLOWER DRESS [in English]: How did you do that?
MAN [in English]: A magician never reveals his secrets.
FLOWER DRESS: Then I'll have to pierce your shell and gaze within?
MAN: You understood.
They shake hands.
MAN: Chan Ho Yin.
FLOWER DRESS: Raina. I would love to see that f*re trick again.
CHAN: I don't think that's a good idea.
RAINA: Of course not. It's a great idea.
INT: Chan's place
[keys jingling]
[door opening]
[lightswitch flicking on]
CHAN: I am sorry for the clutter. I'm in between places.
[door closes]
RAINA: How long have you been here?
CHAN: Six years. Beer?
She nods. He goes into the kitchen to get beer as she looks around.
[bottles clinking]
He hands her a beer.
RAINA: You seem to have an appreciation for the greats.
On the wall are two posters for Houdini
CHAN: I idolized him for many years.
RAINA: And now?
CHAN: There's no real magic there, just tricks.
RAINA: And what you do ... those aren't tricks?
They share a little smile.
RAINA: Show me.
CHAN: I'm sorry. [chuckles] I really shouldn't.
RAINA: Says who? What are you afraid of?
CHAN: It's not me who's afraid.
He opens his hand. f*re appears once more
RAINA: [gasps] That can't be real.
CHAN: See for yourself.
Raina reaches out to touch it, and, yep, it's real.
RAINA: [gasps] How long have you been able to—
CHAN: First time was a few years ago. A dish towel caught f*re in my hands. I almost b*rned down my entire apartment.
RAINA: [breathes sharply] And it doesn't hurt?
CHAN: Not even a little.
He closes his fist and puts out the flame.
RAINA: You have a gift. I've never seen anything like it. Why not show the world?
CHAN: I ask that same question every day. There are people who... Never mind. It's just — for years, I did illusions, tricks, like the rest. And then this happens. It's real — real magic. If I believed in such things, I would say it was a miracle, that this happened for a reason.
RAINA: I believe you've been chosen.
CHAN: You do?
She steps closer.
RAINA: Close your eyes...
He does, smiling.
RAINA: ...and I'll show you.
RAINA: That'll do.
Chan opens his eyes. Raina is flanked by men in flame-resistant hazmat suits.
[action music]
Chan runs. They follow. A fight ensues.
[thunk] as Chan gets knocked out.
[Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. title card]
Your classic The Bus Is In The Air, The Episode Is Starting, We Are On A Mission Now establishing sh*t.
[engines roaring]
Ward: Every decision you make from here on out has consequences. So be warned ...
INT: Bus lounge area
WARD: ... the kiddie gloves are off.
Ward looks like he's just been told someone's grandmother passed away.
WARD: h*t.
SKYE: Yes! Ha!
They're playing Battleship. It's really cute.
SKYE: So, explain to me again what this has to do with my training.
WARD: It's important for every S.O. to evaluate their student's thought process.
SKYE [incredulously]: Mm-hmm.
WARD: And I like board games. B10.
SKYE: Nope. This isn't thinking. This is s*ab in the dark, but it's nice to take a break from the workouts.
WARD: Well. You deserve a break.
This is shocking to Skye. Praise! From Ward! What!
WARD: I got to give Coulson credit. I would have never pegged an Ex-Rising Tide hacker as a good fit, but... you're picking things up pretty fast.
SKYE: Did you just give me a compliment?
WARD: I ... no, I made a comment.
SKYE: A kind one.
He shrugs.
SKYE: Did it physically hurt to do that? Do you need an ice pack?
[both laugh]
SKYE: Wow! A compliment and a smile!
WARD: Comment.
SKYE: I don't want to ruin the moment, but I'm gonna have to respond with ... G4.
Ward returns to his oh-my-goodness-a-sad-death-has-occurred look. Skye looks positively chuffed.
SKYE: Say it, Ward.
[he sighs]
SKYE (leaning closer): Say it.
WARD [low, mumbling]: You sank my battleship.
SKYE: [laughs] Yes!
Ward starts to reset his board.
WARD: All right, best 2 out of 3.
SKYE: I b*at you.
WARD: Best 2 out of 3.
We see Coulson and May in the doorway, watching them.
SKYE: Best I just won out of nothing.
COULSON: She's fitting in nicely.
Skye and Ward are arguing playfully (slash flirting? ~Flirting?~)
MAY: Gloating?
COULSON: A little.
MAY: You were up early this morning. Heard you puttering around even before I started Tai Chi. Having trouble sleeping?
COULSON: No, I feel great. Just have a little extra energy to burn.
MAY (smiling a little): If you want, I could lay out the mats downstairs. We could go a few rounds, like the old days?
[they chuckle softly]
[alert on a nearby screen beeping]
MAY: Saved by the bell.
INT: Bus briefing room. The team stands around the holotable, on which there is a picture of Chan.
COULSON: Chan Ho Yin. Just a struggling street performer until a few years ago, when Mr. Chan began to exhibit moderate pyrokinetic abilities.
FITZ: So what gave him powers?
CHAN: It's still under investigation, but Chan did live near the decommissioned Wan Tai nuclear plant when it caught f*re. To our knowledge, no other nearby residents have exhibited similar traits.
SIMMONS: So how did we find out about him?
MAY: Informant saw him lighting torches in a street show ... with his pinkie.
COULSON: Brought it to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention. We told him to keep his abilities under wraps. He's been on the Index ever since.
SKYE: The Index?
SIMMONS: It's a list S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps of people and objects with powers.
SKYE: Wait. What? How many are there? Are you saying there are more people—
MAY (shaking her head): Not many.
SKYE: Well, enough to keep a list.
COULSON: A short list, meant to protect them.
WARD: Though, in rare cases, S.H.I.E.L.D. has had to take action.
SKYE: Action against objects or people?
She gets back a Look that tells her the answer is a little more putting-down-the-sick-dog than baby-proofing-the-house.
SKYE: Well, that's drastic with a side of creepy. How are they monitored ... Tapped phones, satellite surveillance, body probes in dark, unpleasant places?
Simmons grimaces.
FITZ (shaking his head): Body probes? Now, that's ridiculous. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't do that. We don't do that. (to Coulson) Do we?
COULSON: The methods vary.
Skye's face screams "are you kidding me".
COULSON: Mr. Chan was low-risk. He was assigned a case agent who checked in with him every few days.
May pulls up a FaceTime-type communication on the big monitor.
COULSON: That's how we discovered him missing.
MAY [in Cantonese]: Hello, Agent Kwan. How are you?
The feed shows him inside Chan's house, the scene of the incident.
KWAN [in Cantonese]: Not as good as I could be.
MAY (to the team) [in English]: Everyone, this is agent Kwan, Chan Ho Yin's case agent.
Fitz-Simmons and Skye (the Bus kids) wave.
MAY (to Kwan): What can you tell us?
KWAN [in English]: Not much, I'm afraid. Chan is a magician, so at first, I thought he'd made himself disappeared.
COULSON: The file says you'd caught him violating his Index agreement before.
KWAN: On two separate occasions ... claimed we were "hampering his artistic expression." But late last night, he was taken by professionals. The only thing they left behind was this scrap of aluminized material.
He holds it up. Simmons leans in towards the screen to peer at it.
SIMMONS: Fireproof clothing.
WARD: So whoever took him knew about his power.
KWAN: Yes, and we think we know why. Over the last few days, tech division discovered a crack into our data stream. It's the same cyber punks who hacked us before. Somehow, they got in again. It's the Rising Tide.
Heads turn. Skye is the focal point.
KWAN: Hello? It got real quiet. [tapping at his tablet] You guys still there?
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. Skye defends herself to Coulson and Ward.
SKYE: The Rising Tide is a huge organization of hacktivists from all around the world. Any of them could have done this! It wasn't me.
WARD: No one's saying it was.
SKYE: But you're thinking it. I can see your faces thinking it.
COULSON: We're assessing the situation.
SKYE: Then I'm sure you're taking into account that I have been living on a plane with you this whole time. It would be impossible for me to hack S.H.I.E.L.D.
COULSON: Or easier. We're gonna need more than that.
SKYE: Fine. Let me trace the hack, and I'll prove it.
WARD: I believe her, sir. And if she's telling the truth, we need to track down the person responsible.
COULSON: Dig up something, and fast. The longer Mr. Chan's missing, the more danger he's in.
INT: ??? hotel bedroom ??? we don't know
Chan wakes up lying on a bed. We see a flower dress in the mirror.
RAINA: Good morning, Chan.
Chan gets up swiftly.
CHAN: What the hell?
RAINA: I apologize for last night. It was important I bring you in under the radar.
CHAN: Oh. S.H.I.E.L.D. Tell Agent Kwan I don't need to be read the power protocols again. It was just a street performance — it's not like I set anyone on f*re.
RAINA: I don't work for S.H.I.E.L.D. I come as a friend.
CHAN: English isn't my first language, but that word means something different than you think.
RAINA: I understand your frustration, but I believe you have a gift. And if you let me, I'd like to help you nurture it. I can increase it. You'll get people's attention then.
CHAN: Increase my power? Why? What's the catch?
RAINA: I'd like to run some tests.
CHAN: There it is. Now, will you let me go, or must I fight my way out?
RAINA: Leave now, and I'll forget you, I promise, but so will everyone else.
This causes Chan to pause. Who among us doesn't want to be known?
RAINA: Stay, and you can be remembered, known the world over.
CHAN: You want to make Chan Ho Yin a famous name?
RAINA: No. You need a simpler name, a — a more powerful name, a name like... Scorch.
CHAN: Scorch? Are you joking?
RAINA: Have you ever heard of Steve Rogers? No. But Captain America ... now, he's on the news, on a lunchbox, on a poster on the wall.
CHAN: I don't want to be a superhero.
RAINA: You want to be recognized. For your gift. And who is more recognizable than them?
CHAN: I was given this power for a reason. I just want people to see what I can do.
RAINA: They will. All I want is what you want: for you to be remembered, to be seen for what you're meant to be ...
She moves closer.
RAINA: ...a star. [she laughs lightly]
CHAN: Scorch. (he nods) It's growing on me.
[Raina chuckles]
INT: Bus briefing room. Skye is busy with his computers. Fitz has either a crush on her or the computers — or both, knowing him. Simmons is watching Skye as well. Coulson walks in.
[table beeping]
COULSON: How close are we?
SKYE: Almost there.
May and Ward are standing on the other side of the room.
FITZ: She's identified the remote-access Trojan and the infected endpoint—
SIMMONS: And is searching for a TCP to correlate the hypertext with signature information and then—
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): Bob's your uncle.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): Voilá!
COULSON (to Ward): You get any of that?
WARD: Only the uncle part.
SKYE: We got our origin: Austin, Texas.
Skye pulls it up on the map on the table monitor.
COULSON: You got a name?
SKYE: Just the café our hacker worked out of, but I'm in the system. I'm gonna check to see if any credit card charges from that day match up with any known hackers.
SKYE: We got a h*t.
A picture of the culprit is brought up on the holotable.
FITZ: Miles Lydon, not Skye ... that's to all of our relief.
COULSON (to Skye): You know him?
SKYE: Every hacker in the world knows him.
SIMMONS: Not just the hacker world. He infiltrated the Kremlin.
FITZ: Yeah, the picture of, uh, Putin shirtless on horseback — that was his hack.
[Fitz-Simmons laugh]
WARD: It was also his hack that got Chan kidnapped.
May taps at her tablet.
COULSON: May, set a course for Austin.
MAY: Just did.
SKYE: What about Chan?
COULSON: Kwan's got a S.H.I.E.L.D. team on the ground. Our best bet is to chase this thing from the other end. Find Mr. Lydon, bring him in. See what he knows.
Everyone but Skye starts to exit, Fitz bringing up the rear and sh**ting Skye a painfully cute smile.
[engines roaring]
Outside. Austin, Texas. Skye walks down the street, talking into her earpiece
SKYE: Just left the café where Miles logged in. Cashier says she hasn't seen him in over a week.
WARD (over comms): I may have eyes on him.
We cut to Ward. He's outside as well, standing on a street corner. He sees Miles. Miles also sees him. A chase begins.
WARD: I've been made. Heading East on 5th street.
Miles gets into a car.
WARD: Target is now in a silver Jetta.
[tires screeching]
COULSON (over comms): I got him.
[tires screeching]
Car chase time!
MILES (in car): All right, suit. You asked for it.
He hits something on his phone that says "gridlock.mp4".
MILES: Gridlock protocol.
Computer code comes up on his phone, running a program. All the lights everywhere turn green. Car chaos ensues.
[horns honking]
[tires screech]
[Coulson sighs] as his [car is h*t] from the back.
COULSON: I lost him.
INT: Miles's place
[door locking]
SKYE: You sure they're not following you?
MILES: Yeah. Had to pull out all the stops, though. Thanks for the text. Wait, are you mad?
SKYE: Are you kidding me? I don't have much time. Who did you leak those files to?
MILES: Wait a second. What? "Good to see you, too, Miles." I released them into the world, where they belong.
SKYE: They'll keep hunting you unless they have someone else to look for. And why the hell would you hack S.H.I.E.L.D.?
MILES: Because that's what we do.
SKYE: Not when I'm on the inside. You could have ruined everything, you dumbass.
MILES: Seems like you handled it.
SKYE: [scoffs] I've come too far for you to —
She trails off. Miles is looking at her, smiling.
SKYE: Why are looking at me like that?
MILES: Did you just call me "dumbass"?
SKYE (also smiling): Stop smiling. I'm serious.
MILES: Because I taught you everything you know, so what does that make you?
SKYE (talking over him): No, you didn't.
MILES: I'm sorry. I can't help it. I've been missing you like crazy.
Clothing starts to come off before we go to a tastefully timed commercial break. We come back to Skye pulling her bra strap back over her shoulder. She takes the small SD card she took from her van in 1x01 out of her bra and looks at it for a second before tucking it back into her bra.
MILES: That's where you keep that, huh?
SKYE: Better safe than busted.
MILES: Making any progress on that?
SKYE: I'm digging, but your little stunt is gonna make it harder. [sighs] Where's my top?
MILES: You know, I could be helping you. If you send me ciphertext, I could be working on algorithms —
SKYE: No, I can't contact you. I never should have. There's a S.H.I.E.L.D. team looking for you right now — my team. And if they suspect something, I'm screwed.
MILES: There's a joke here that I'm resisting that involves the word "screwed."
SKYE: [laughs] Shut up. There's a guy in trouble because of you, and I got to get back. So if you want to help me, help me find my clothes.
She gets out of bed. He grabs her arm.
MILES: Hey. I'm sorry, Skye. Really, I am, if I messed anything up.
SKYE: I've missed you. Me, too. But we talked about this when I left for L.A. I've got a chance here. So S.H.I.E.L.D.'s off-limits, okay?
MILES: Okay.
Miles lets go of Skye's arm. She looks for her clothes. He starts to help out.
MILES: At least tell me what it's like. Come on, the belly of the beast.
SKYE: Surprisingly... unbeastly. I've got good people I'm working with.
MILES: Some good stories, though, I hope?
Miles throws Skye her pants. She catches them.
SKYE: [chuckles] Miles. You have no idea. But that's classified.
MILES: You did not just say that to me!
[Skye laughs]
MILES: Come on, you got to tell me something.
SKYE: Someday.
MILES: Well, if they ever let you go on leave or whatever, let me know, and I'll get us a suite at the ... fancy hotel that has suites, and you can regale me with stories while naked.
SKYE: A suite? You? That's funny. But they're never gonna let me go on anything if I don't find my stupid ...
She opens the door to the bedroom. May is there. She's holding both Skye's shirt and her rage in.
SKYE: ...top.
MAY: Get. Dressed.
We cut to a little later on. Everyone is in Miles' place.
SKYE: I know how this looks—
Coulson cuts her off by raising a finger. He finishes reading the folder he has with him.
[paper flipping]
COULSON: How long have you two been in contact?
SKYE: I contacted him once the day I joined to tell him I was okay and once earlier today.
COULSON: When you tipped off an active suspect?
SKYE: No, it's not like that. Miles and I ... we met when we were both a little screwed up. Scratch that — he was a little screwed up, I was a lot. But we looked after one another. That's why I warned him, not because we're working together on this, but because we're... friends.
SKYE: I'm really sorry.
COULSON: Noted. If not you, then who is Mr. Lydon working with?
SKYE: No one. He's an idealist, believes in freedom of information.
COULSON: That information cost a man his freedom, and you sabotaged our attempts to remedy that.
SKYE: No, I came here to find out what Miles knows about Chan.
SKYE: Nothing. Miles is a d*ad end. He's harmless.
COULSON: We'll see.
SKYE: Really, I was gonna find out everything I could to try to help. I just — I felt like I couldn't tell you guys everything.
COULSON: I know. That's why I asked May to follow you. Seems that wasn't a d*ad end.
FITZ (whispered, to Simmons): Why would Skye do this to us for him? I thought she was our friend.
SIMMONS (whispered, to Fitz): I think she is, Fitz. But he's just obviously more than that.
FITZ (whispered, to Simmons) Yeah, but we've been through so much together, and she didn't even tell us that she has a guy.
SIMMONS (whispered, to Fitz): Well, who knows what they've been through together?
Fitz gives her a look and then returns to fiddling with his computer.
MAY: The classified information you stole from us — who did you give it to?
MILES: It's information. It has a life of its own.
MAY: What happened to Mr. Chan?
MILES: I don't know who that is, so why don't you tell me?
[glass shatters, clattering outside bedroom door]
MILES: So, are you guys just gonna destroy all my stuff?
MAY: Yes.
[door opens] and Coulson comes in.
COULSON: Anything?
May shakes her head.
MILES: I don't have to talk to you.
COULSON (to May): Take him in.
She pulls him into the living room.
COULSON (to the rest of the crew): Gather all the evidence and secure the prisoners. We got what we were looking for here. We're going to Hong Kong.
Fitz-Simmons gather up their things. Ward goes over to Skye.
SKYE: I'm so sorry, Ward. This is not what it looks like.
WARD (talking over Skye): Hands.
Ward cuffs Skye.
WARD: Now get up.
[Skye sighs] and follows him to the door, passing Fitz-Simmons as they go.
SIMMONS (leaning over, quietly, to Skye): Uh, you missed a button.
[Skye sighs again] as she looks down at her shirt.
EXT: ??? building in Hong Kong, and then we cut to INT: building. Lab of some sort.
CHAN: What is this big place, Raina? And who are these guys?
RAINA: They'll assist you with anything you need.
He looks at a monitor set up nearby.
RAINA: We're here to monitor your vitals while we observe your powers. And it's big because we'll need the space.
Raina points to someone in the lab who is pulling some liquid out of a vial and into a syringe.
RAINA: This serum strengthens the cytoskeleton within each cell of your body. One dose, and you'll feel incredible ... until it wears off.
CHAN: And it will wear off?
RAINA: Yes. But the effects in average subjects have been impressive. In you, I'm excited to see.
CHAN (to man w/ needle): What do you think of the name "scorch"?
The man injects the serum.
[Chan gasps]. He seems to be in pain
RAINA: Breathe.
[breathes deeply]
RAINA: Feel it? Now let's see what you can do.
He opens his hand. The ball of f*re that appears is much bigger than before.
CHAN: Whoa.
[f*re crackling]
He plays with f*re and even throws it at someone in the distance.
CHAN: [chuckling] Oh, sorry! You almost got scorched. [laughs] This is incredible. Whoo! (to Raina) You are a beautiful angel, you know that?
RAINA: Your power is an amazing gift.
CHAN: And S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't let me use it. But thanks to you, the whole world can finally see what I can do. From now on, nobody holds me back.
[deep breath] as he makes f*re and throws it with a [grunt].
[engines roaring]
Bus Establishing sh*t, and then the Cage. Skye and Miles are both in there. Miles tugs on his cuffs.
MILES: [grunts] So, I guess due process isn't really S.H.I.E.L.D. protocol.
SKYE: They don't have time for it.
MILES: Whoa, are you defending them? These people are denying our basic rights.
SKYE: This isn't about us. They're trying to save someone's life.
MILES: Listen to yourself. That's what they always say to justify invading privacy, Skye. These people stand for everything we despise — secrets, censorship —
SKYE: Enough with the manifesto, Miles.
MILES: We can't let them get away with it!
INT: briefing room. Ward watches the monitor of the Cage.
MILES: Manning, Snowden, Aaron Swartz ... these are modern-day revolutionaries.
SKYE: This has nothing to do with that. You leaked —
Ward hits a button on the table.
[computer beeps]
The feed goes out. We see Fitz-Simmons in the room as well.
WARD: Guy's hiding behind platitudes. He's dirty. I can feel it.
SIMMONS: [sighs] Scrubbed clean, actually — nothing much on him. He's got no family records. His apartment's under an alias. And he plays a lot of Minecraft, where he runs a rather nasty mob.
FITZ: Is it — is it zombie?
SIMMONS: Zombie pigmen.
They share the look of two Minecraft players who think that this is Serious Minecraft Business.
WARD (clearly not a gamer): Keep looking.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. He and May are watching the feed of the Cage
COULSON: Go ahead. Say it.
MAY: I don't do petty.
COULSON: But you called it. I trusted my gut, even though you said she was a risk.
MAY: When someone breaks into my house, I usually don't invite them to stay, but that's me.
COULSON: That was me, too. Then that alien staff went through my heart.
MAY: Sure it didn't go through the brain?
COULSON: You really don't do comforting, either, do you?
MAY: What is your gut telling you now?
Coulson glances a video feed of the Cage.
COULSON: That she's still hiding something.
Simmons rushes in.
SIMMONS: Sir, we found some evidence.
INT: Cage. Ward enters. Skye sits up straighter when he does.
WARD (to Miles): She's been defending you, saying you're a stand-up guy.
He shows them an envelope he's holding.
WARD: So I'm going to give you a chance. Do you want to tell her, or should I?
He puts the envelope down on the table with a [thwup].
MILES: I don't have to listen to you —
WARD: There goes your chance. (to Skye) Your boyfriend here made a few deposits in the days following the leak.
Ward starts laying out receipts from the envelope (like, literal physical receipts).
WARD: All said, it's about a million dollars.
SKYE: What?
WARD: Real stand-up guy.
MILES: I can explain —
SKYE: Did you sell information?
SKYE: Miles? Yes or no?
[double silence]
Did you?!
MILES: Yes, but —
[restraints rattle] as Skye tries to jump him.
SKYE: Ohh! You are so d*ad. What the hell were you thinking?!
MILES: It was a million dollars. A million dollars. It would change my life — our lives. And that woman was harmless. I looked into it.
SKYE: No one with good intentions pays that kind of money for information! Did you ever think about that?!
MILES: Of course I did. I would never have done it if I thought —
WARD: Who is the woman you referred to?
RAINA: A fan of the Rising Tide, some rich girl in a flower dress. She knew all about me, said I had a gift. She thought people like us deserved more.
SKYE: Oh, you deserve more.
MILES: She pointed me to a Chinese S.H.I.E.L.D. feed ... wanted me to crack it.
WARD: You thought that was harmless?
SKYE: I checked the data stream. It didn't seem like anything you and I hadn't already put out there, Skye. And I traced the account where the money came from to make sure it wasn't some evil corporation. It was just an eco-research lab. Otherwise, I would never—
WAD: Ecological research?
MILES: Yeah, insects, some study with centipedes.
Skye and Ward have a full-on conversation with the looks they give each other.
MILES: What's more harmless than that?
INT: Centipede lab. Chan is running on a treadmill. Outside the room, Raina watches him and speaks to someone.
RAINA: It appears the volatility in the serum has been neutralized.
WOMAN: I'm surprised you got him to cooperate.
RAINA: He has dreams. I told him they'd come true.
We see that the woman is the doctor, Debbie, from the whole Mike situation in 1x01.
DEBBIE: [sighs] You gave him a name, didn't you?
RAINA: Everyone wants to be remembered.
Debbie picks up a tablet with data about Chan. It now includes that his codename is Scorch.
DEBBIE: Mm. Well, thank god no one's gonna have to actually call him that.
RAINA: You were right. The platelets in his blood prevent the extremis in the serum from combusting.
DEBBIE: That's fantastic. The others will be pleased. Good work, Raina. Now drain him.
She walks out.
[door closes]
Raina hits a button that pumps gas into the room that Chan is in. He passes out.
[Raina sighs]
INT: Bus briefing room. The g*ng (sans Skye) gathers.
COULSON: It appears Centipede is responsible for Mr. Chan's kidnapping.
WARD: First L.A., now Hong Kong. What kind of organization are we dealing with?
COULSON: International, well-financed, interested in creating a super soldier. Let's hope finding Mr. Chan will provide some answers. Using the account information Mr. Lydon gave us, S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ believes he's being held here.
He points to a place on the map showing up on the table monitor.
MAY: Any ideas what Centipede wants with Chan?
FITZ: Hard to say, but Simmons thinks that considering he's pyrokinetic—
SIMMONS: There's a good chance his genetics could s*ab the Extremis element of the Centipede serum.
Fitz pushes his hands together as if holding an imaginary squeezy stress ball.
FITZ: Keep their test subjects from going—
Fitz moves his hands as if creating a miniature expl*si*n.
COULSON: If Mr. Chan is Centipede's lab rat, we need to get there before the experiment's over.
INT: Centipede lab. Chan is strapped to a chair.
CHAN: This is no test. This is t*rture.
[whirring] as his seat raises.
DEBBIE: Thank you for your participation. Our group really owes you one.
She removes a syringe from a machine.
CHAN: I won't let you.
[screaming] as he conjures some f*re.
His hand is burnt.
CHAN: What have you done?
DEBBIE: We don't understand what gave you this ability, but the reason you don't burn is because your blood platelets are f*re-resistant.
RAINA: Which is why we're removing them.
Debbie puts the syringe into some sort of canister.
DEBBIE (to Raina): Take this upstairs.
Debbie and Raina start to exit.
CHAN: Raina, you said I have a gift.
RAINA: And you're giving it.
CHAN: Raina! Raina!!!
INT: Bus cargo hold. Ward is playing with his g*n.
[g*n cocks]
COULSON: Agent May and I will be handling the field work. You stay and oversee the prisoners.
WARD: Sir? I was Skye's S.O. It was my responsibility —
COULSON: It was my call to bring Skye onto the plane, and you warned me against it. My problem. I fix it.
INT: Cage
MILES: I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know.
SKYE: All our talks ... did you mean none of it? I risked everything to help you, and it turns out every word out of your mouth since we met is total crap!
MILES: That's not true.
SKYE: Democratization of knowledge, "the truth will set you free." The truth sure as hell came out.
MILES: I believe in all those things. I just don't know why they have to go hand in hand with barely scraping by. Come on, Skye. You lived in your van for the last two years.
SKYE: Now you're making fun of my van?
MILES: I could have funded us for years ... us. So you wouldn't have to sacrifice your principles, joining this corrupt institution to find what you're looking for. And what's wrong with me trying to do that?
SKYE: I'll tell you what's wrong with that. An innocent guy might die — for money.
MILES: You know I'd never intentionally hurt anyone. I'm just trying to get my life together. At least you know what you're looking for. Me? I don't have that. For a long time, I thought it was you. I guess I was wrong.
SKYE: I guess so.
EXT: Centipede lab building. May, Coulson, and Kwan are there, as well as some soldiers/agents.
COULSON: Building has five floors. The first four are research. Fifth is listed as maintenance but uses half the building's energy.
KWAN: Either they're guarding the world's largest vacuum...
COULSON: Or that's where Chan's being held. Send your "B" and "C" teams in through the tunnels to secure the lower floors. Warn them that the Centipede serum's highly expl*sive.
KWAN: Understood. Where do we go in?
May sh**t a grappling hook up.
COULSON: The roof.
INT: Centipede building
May goes down a hallway with another soldier. Coulson and Kwan follow. May has a machine in her hand that she seems to be following.
[beeps, whirrs]
MAY: There. Heat signature confirmed.
They go down the hallway. May hands him a device.
COULSON: I love these things.
He presses the device against the door.
[small expl*si*n]
Lock breaks. May kicks down the door (very badass, very hot). May rushes into the lab where Chan is. Guards are there. They fight.
[grunting, impact noises]
May wins.
CHAN: Agent Kwan... it's you.
KWAN: We're here to get you out.
[monitor beeping]
A Centipede lab tech in a hazmat suit hits a red button.
[alarm blaring]
The readout on the wall says: LOCKDOWN. Doors start to shut all over the building. The lab member who initiated the lockdown gets ready to swing a piece of pipe at Coulson, but Coulson knocks him out.
COULSON (into comms): Strike team needs a security override, stat. Kwan, can you arrange —
Coulson turns around to see Kwan with smoke coming out of his mouth and a massive hole in his chest. Chan stands behind him, a syringe of serum stuck into his arm, which he pulls out with a smug smile.
COULSON: Chan, what have you done?
CHAN: I've set myself free.
He sh**t flames towards Coulson, and we black out.
INT: Bus Cage. Ward comes in.
WARD: Coulson's in trouble.
Ward undoes Skye's handcuffs.
INT: Centipede lab
CHAN: Aaaah!
Chan's arms are scorched up to his elbows. Coulson and May are hiding behind shelving units.
COULSON: Mr. Chan, I know you're in pain.
CHAN: This is nothing. You were the ones k*lling me, forcing me to keep this gift locked up inside.
MAY [in Cantonese]: Chan, I'm sorry you lived a life you didn't want, but v*olence will solve nothing.
CHAN [in Cantonese]: It will keep me from being kept a prisoner. By you, by them, there’s no difference. I was given this gift for a reason. To burn bright.
MAY: There’s no turning back.
CHAN: I don’t want to go back!
May gives Coulson a disappointed look.
COULSON [in English]: So we're good, right?
INT: Bus briefing room. Fitz-Simmons, Ward, and Skye stand around the tabletop monitor. Simmons looks like she's having a minor-league panic-att*ck-cum-migraine. Skye is tapping on the table. Miles is there, too, cuffed.
SKYE: The entire facility's been locked down.
FITZ: Are you sure about this?
MILES (to Skye): This is pretty cool.
She rolls her eyes, summarily ignoring him.
SKYE: The alarms disconnected the system from all exterior servers.
WARD: Can you fix it or not?
SKYE: Yes, but you've got to get me on-site.
Both Ward and Miles pull a face.
MILES (at the same time as Ward): No way.
WARD (at the same time as Miles): Not a chance.
The two men stare at each other, engaged in a battle of eyeball dominance. Think Spike and Angel re: Drusilla.
MILES: You're a hacker, Skye, not Seal team 6.
SKYE: No. (incling her head towards Ward) But he is.
INT: Centipede lab
Chan is [screaming in pain] while hurling f*re at May and Coulson.
MAY: His file say anything about him being homicidal?
COULSON: Just said he was kind of a tool. [louder] Mr. Chan, believe it or not, this can still get worse.
CHAN: You bend someone long enough and they break. Poor little Chan Ho Yin may have believed your lies, but not Scorch.
MAY: Who?
COULSON: Oh, crap. They gave him a name.
Coulson whips out a night-night g*n.
COULSON: Get me a clean look. I'll make sure he wakes up in a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility.
MAY: Waking is optional at this point.
May jumps in front of Chan, getting his attention. Just as he's about to throw f*re and as Coulson is about to sh**t, he notices Coulson.
[wall of f*re burns into existence]
[night-night g*n f*ring]
The b*ll*ts incinerate on impact.
COULSON: I'm out.
Chan drops the flame shield and runs at Coulson, who makes haste away from him.
CHAN: Nothing can stop me!
MAY (into comms): Where are we on the doors?
INT: Centipede building. Ward is fighting guards. Skye is next to him, trying her very best not to get k*lled d*ad in the face.
WARD (into comms): Almost there.
Fighting. Ward saves Skye from an assailant. They run off together.
INT: yet another hallway in the Centipede building. Debbie the doctor is talking to someone on her cellphone.
DEBBIE (into phone): S.H.I.E.L.D. has infiltrated the building. No, it's under control.
Raina, pushing a dolly, walks up behind Debbie as Debbie hangs up.
RAINA: Didn't want to tell them? Chan's true nature has revealed itself.
DEBBIE: Without his platelets, the serum will combust.
RAINA: Wouldn't be the first one to blow up on you. I'm beginning to think you're bad luck.
INT: computer server area of the Centipede building. Skye is at a terminal and Ward is helicopter-S.O.'ing her.
[rapid typing]
WARD: How long is this gonna take?
SKYE: Done.
COULSON (over radio, and then on him in the Centipede lab): Doors are unlocked. (to May) Where's Chan?
MAY: He's gone.
COULSON: Damn it.
[night-night g*n f*ring down and being holstered]
MAY: That tranquilizer was his last chance. You know that.
COULSON: I know. It's time to minimize the damage.
He walks further into the lab and stops in front of a case holding the serum.
COULSON (into comms): Simmons... are the building's computers back online?
[computer beeps]
COULSON: Uncuff Miles. We're gonna need his help.
Miles smirks smarmily and holds up his cuffed hands. Fitz-Simmons share a "f*ck my life" look.
Back in the building, Raina gets into an elevator. Debbie follows. Chan shows up behind her.
CHAN: You!!!
Chan is violently burnt. Debbie rushes towards the elevator.
[elevator bell dings]
RAINA: I wish you all the best.
The elevator doors close. Debbie is left outside.
DEBBIE: [panting] Please, look, we can fix you... make you stronger, take the name Scorch and make it mean something.
CHAN (kneeling): It already does.
He sends f*re sh**ting across the floor towards her.
She is b*rned alive, and his burns get even worse. Then, Coulson shows up at the end of the hallway behind Chan.
COULSON Mr. Chan, we don't want to hurt you...
Chan turns to face him.
COULSON: ...but we have to.
May comes up behind Chan and shoves two syringes into his back. He collapses to the ground.
COULSON: We gotta move!
They leave Chan on the floor and take off. Chan starts to shake as f*re breaks open his skin.
Back in the Bus briefing room, Miles stands over the table monitor.
[computer beeping]
SIMMONS: You need to drive the blast into the main ventilation shaft.
FITZ: Yeah, and on up to the roof.
[beeping continues]
Doors and windows close both on the monitor and in the building. Chan glows brighter. Coulson, May, Ward, and Skye all rush out of the building and cross the street.
WARD: Skye managed to extract some files from the building's mainframe. It's not much, but could get us a fix on Centipede.
WARD: You can't save someone from themselves, sir.
COULSON: You can if you get to them early enough.
Skye looks away from him, ashamed.
EXT: Bus at an airport, and then INT: Bus cargo hold. Coulson is holding a small box out to Miles.
COULSON: You've got two choices ... take what's in this box, or we put you in a slightly bigger one.
MILES: You want to give me a hint?
Coulson clearly does not. Miles opens the box. Inside is a small silver bracelet.
MILES: What's it do?
COULSON: Whatever we tell it to do.
He puts it onto Miles' wrist.
[bracelet clicks and then fires up]
COULSON: I'd try to avoid any unlawful activity, and I think you'll find it hard to use electronic devices for a while.
[box closes]
COULSON: You can go now.
MILES: Cool, but we're still in Hong Kong.
COULSON: [laughs a little] Yep.
MILES: I live in Austin, Texas.
COULSON: I know. Oh, and Agent Kwan's family thanks you for the anonymous donation. (to Skye) My office.
Coulson goes upstairs. Skye goes over to Miles.
MILES: So, you plan to stay?
SKYE: If they let me.
MILES: You've changed.
SKYE: Good.
MILES: I mean, you're not who you used to be.
SKYE: And you're not who I thought you were.
MILES: I hope you find what you're looking for.
[footsteps] as Miles exits the Bus and Skye goes upstairs.
INT: lounge area on the Bus. May is at the bar, pouring a drink.
[drink being poured]
WARD: Make it a double.
MAY: Is there any other kind?
Skye walks up behind them.
SKYE: So, I'm going to Coulson's office now. (to Ward) I figured you might want to be there, being my S.O. and all.
WARD: I'm off the clock.
SKYE: Right. Okay, then.
Ward nods at her, and she goes.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus
Skye comes in and sits down.
SKYE: I didn't want anything to —
COULSON: Stop lying. Since the moment you stepped foot on this plane, you've been lying to my face, to all of us.
SKYE: No, I haven't —
COULSON: You're lying now! I stood up for you to my team down there. And some of us started to believe in you, risked our lives for you.
SKYE: I ... [she sighs]
COULSON: Why are you here?! You've been keeping something from us... this whole time. And it wasn't just a boyfriend. You have a secret, Skye, and one chance to come out with it. That's now, or I'm done with you.
There's a pause. Skye reaches into her bra and pulls out the card she's had since we first saw her put it in there in 1x01. She sets it on Coulson's desk.
COULSON: What is this?
SKYE: It's everything I have.
Skye looks up, tearful.
SKYE: On me. [deep breath] [voice breaking] That's why I learned to crack systems, why I joined the Rising Tide ...
Coulson puts the card into his computer, which [beeps]
SKYE: ... to find any details I could about my parents.
[computer beeps]
On Coulson's monitor, the contents of the SD card pop up. There are pictures without faces and a letter to St. Agnes Orphanage (largely blacked out) with a S.H.I.E.L.D. stamp on it that says "CLASSIFIED: [REDACTED] 04-23-89". What we can read says: “Medical examination results regarding female infant [REDACTED] dropped off at St. Agnes Orphanage on [REDACTED]. The infant was found to have [REDACTED] expressing minimal [REDACTED]. No [REDACTED]. Notes filed by the resident pediatrician indicate [REDACTED]. Blood pressure: Normal Nutrition: Normal. Indication of Hearth Disease: None. Heart Rate: Normal. Checked for injuries or indications of [REDACTED] no malnutrition. To see the records regarding the situations discussed in this document, please contact [REDACTED].
SKYE [nearly crying]: There's nothing. No records. There's no trace of them. My lifelong search has led to a single document — redacted.
SKYE: No matter what you do, I'll never stop looking.
COULSON: You might not like what you find.
SKYE: It can't be worse than what I've imagined.
COULSON: Maybe I can help.
[Skye inhales shakily]
But this is, of course, a disciplinary meeting, and discipline must be exacted. He pulls out another box with another bracelet in it. Skye takes it as he walks out of the office.
[bracelet beeps, clicks]
AoS logo end card.
INT: A jail. Raina is visiting, speaking over the phone/through glass to a prisoner.
PRISONER: Well, you know I'm not going to do the talking.
RAINA: The doctor is d*ad.
PRISONER: About time.
RAINA: Well, she did find a solution to our... combustion problem. We believe we'll soon have s*ab subjects. On to stage two.
PRISONER: That mean my situation's going to improve any?
RAINA: Well, other problems have surfaced — resurfaced, I should say. The S.H.I.E.L.D. unit in Hong Kong — we've encountered them before. They... took our subject off the map in Los Angeles.
PRISONER: Not much I can do about that in here. So that's not why I'm getting the visit.
RAINA: We would like you to touch base with the Clairvoyant. See if any insights can be given... on stage three.
PRISONER: The Clairvoyant doesn't like to be touched.
RAINA: We all have to do things that make us uncomfortable if we are ever to get our toy soldiers off the shelf. (she smiles) You know that better than any of us.
She stands.
PRISONER: I like your dress.
RAINA: I know.
Raina puts down the phone and walks away. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x05 - Girl in the Flower Dress"} | foreverdreaming |
1x06 — FZZT
Welcome to what the screen tells us is WRIGLEY, PENNSYLVANIA. The full moon shines overhead. We hear a young man (named in the subtitles as Justin speaking.
JUSTIN: Thing is, no one exactly knows what happened to the crying man that summer.
Justin is sitting around a campfire with a group of younger boys (not sure if they're legally allowed to be boy scouts, but, like, they're boy scouts). They all look very nervous at his ghost story.
JUSTIN: Some say that he drowned in the lake, but others say that they've seen his ghost, wandering these woods, in search for his lost sister.
Another man is behind the group near some cooking. He has plates in his hands.
OTHER MAN: Actually, they say if you're quiet and listen real hard... you can still hear him crying. [ wails weakly ]
[ laughter from the boys ]
JUSTIN: Mr. Cross, that was, like, the worst crying man ever.
MR. CROSS: Really? I thought it was pretty good.
The boy scouts visibly disagree.
BOY: Nah.
JUSTIN (to boys): You guys think we're kidding. Just remember to stick close to the campfire tonight, okay?
MR. CROSS: Hey, guys. Do you hear that?
JUSTIN: Hear what?
MR. CROSS: That humming sound. Stay here. I'm gonna take a look around the campground.
He walks off. The boys exchange furtive glances.
BOY 1: What humming?
BOY 2: W-where's Mr. Cross going?
JUSTIN: He's just trying to scare us. [ chuckling ] So lame.
No one really believes him.
JUSTIN: [ hands clap ] Come on, guys. Grab a s'more. (as he's tossing s'mores stuff to the boys) Well, that's for you.
BOY 1: Ooh, I want the marsh...
BOY 2: Ooh, marshmallows!
JUSTIN: Now, I know ... Tommy, I know you like chocolates. Here.
He bends to get chocolate. Behind him, we see a cup levitating.
JUSTIN: Don't hog the marshmallows, okay?
BOY: Mm-hmm.
One of the boys notices the floating cup. His expression causes the young man to look over his shoulder and see the cup as well. An arc of electricity runs along the handle of the cup.
[ electricity crackles ]
The cup drops to the ground. Justin moves away from it.
[ Cross screams in distance ]
JUSTIN: Everyone to the truck now!
[ wind rushing ]
JUSTIN: Go, go! Go!
The boys throw down their things and pile into the truck. The campground is overrun with stray electricity.
[ electricity pulses ]
An arc of it hits the engine of the truck.
[ screams ]
[ all screaming ]
A part of the truck hits the ground, sparking.
[ everyone panting ]
Everything seems to be calm now. Justin gets out of the truck.
[the boys check on each other in the background]
JUSTIN: Mr. Cross? Mr. Cross!
[ the only sound is insects chirping ]
JUSTIN (to boys): Come on, guys. Let's go look for him.
He opens the truck door to invite them out with him.
BOY 3: Whoa. Is he nuts?
JUSTIN: Stay close.
Justin grabs a lamp. The troop goes into the woods searching.
JUSTIN: Mr. Cross, are you okay?
BOY 4: Mr. Cross! We should just go back.
[ electricity humming ]
Justin sees something, and we do, too. It's Mr. Cross's body floating on his back in midair. His eyes are closed as if he's either d*ad or sleeping. Electricity courses over his body.
[ boys screaming ]
They run away. Justin lowers his lantern in shock.
AoS title card.
[engines roaring]
Classic Bus In The Air Establishing sh*t, and then we go INT: the Bus cargo hold aka makeshift workout area. Coulson is running on a treadmill. Simmons is next to him, monitoring vitals
[treadmill noises, footsteps]
SIMMONS: Working up a good sweat there, sir?
COULSON: I don't sweat. I glisten.
SIMMONS: Blood pressure, heart rate, biochems ... all normal. All that's left is the blood sample.
[ treadmill beeps ] as Coulson turns it off and stops running.
COULSON: You should know ... I'm not a fan of getting poked.
SIMMONS: Tell me, sir, have you been feeling under the weather lately?
Coulson takes off the monitoring equipment.
SIMMONS: I just noticed from your chart that you're not due for a general physical for another three months.
COULSON: I made a mistake ... took a call from my physical therapist. Asked how I was feeling. I said, "a little rusty." Next thing you know, I'm wired to this hamster wheel.
SIMMONS: Well, you can officially tell your physical therapist that you're fit as the proverbial fiddle, especially for a man of your age.
COULSON: A man of my age? That's something you say to an old person.
SIMMONS [painfully awkwardly]: Is it? [ chuckles ] Well, let's get you some electrolytes, shall we?
INT: Bus lab. Ward goes through the motions of prepping and holding up the night-night g*n. Fitz watches. Ward sets it back down.
WARD: Sorry, Fitz. It's close, but it's just not right.
FITZ: Really? 'Cause agent Coulson had no problems.
WARD: It's an ounce too heavy.
Skye, who is also in the lab, and is busy with some computers, looks up at Ward.
SKYE: An ounce? Seriously?
Fitz picks up the g*n to test the weight.
WARD: It's the difference between success and failure. When you're on a rooftop with a 15-mile-an-hour wind, your target is 500 yards away—
FITZ: Yeah, but we do have a r*fle.
Ward gives him an "I'm combat, you're just annoying" look.
WARD: Lose the ounce.
FITZ: Yeah, okay. On it.
Ward walks out.
FITZ [mockingly]: "Lose the ounce."
Fitz takes up the night-night g*n and does a bit of a cowboy swagger.
FITZ [ as Ward, with an over-the-top Western-movie-type American accent ]: I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I can sh**t the legs off a flea from 500 yards, as long as it's not windy.
[ Skye laughs ]
Fitz looks over at her and smiles, big and bright.
[ Fitz laughs ] and sets the night-night g*n back down.
FITZ [ back to being a Scot ]: Hey. That's a sound I haven't heard in a bit.
SKYE: Yeah, well, you wouldn't be laughing a whole lot if you were living in Ward's doghouse.
FITZ: You made the rounds, apologized to us all. What more can he ask?
SKYE: I don't know. I have been busting my ass, memorizing every S.H.I.E.L.D. protocol manual, following every order. "Yes, sir." "No, sir." I even let them tag me like a stray dog.
She holds up her wrist. She's still wearing the bracelet from 1x05.
SKYE: I mean, I know I lied to you guys, but I was trying to protect my boyfriend.
FITZ: You know, we all make mistakes.
Fitz steps towards Skye, Very Overly Nonchalant, Very Totally Not A Little Bit Into Her.
FITZ: And who ca— I don't care — who cares about your ex-boyfriend?
SKYE: It's not like I'm comparing Ward to Miles, but at least with Miles, I didn't have to worry about passive-aggressive stuff. There was no mind games.
FITZ: Mmm.
SKYE: We spoke the same language, you know?
FITZ: Yeah. Yeah, a bit like we do.
Fitz motions with his finger back and forth between himself and Skye.
SKYE: Totally. You and Simmons are so tight, it's like you're psychically linked.
Yikes. Fitz just got friendzoned. He makes a face indicating that that wasn't at all what he meant.
FITZ: No, you ... no. Actually, no. I don't think so.
And, speak of the charmingly adorable devil, Simmons shows up.
SIMMONS: So, Ward was here? Let me guess... the night-night p*stol again?
FITZ: Yeah. Oh, yeah, and he said it was off by an ounce.
SIMMONS: [ scoffs ] Of course he did.
Simmons puts her hands on her hips, doing a little bit of the cowboy swagger herself.
SIMMONS [ as Ward, in a deeply pissy-sounding American accent ]: I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I could rupture your spleen with my left pinky ... blindfolded!
Skye gives Fitz a look that screams "sure, buddy, you two TOTALLY aren't at ALL two halves of one whole person. Mhm."
SKYE: [ laughs ] That is d*ad on.
[door opens] as Ward enters.
WARD: Hey. Hustle up and grab your gear. We're on a mission.
The Bus kids are all holding in giggles.
WARD: Something funny?
The Bus kids shake their heads emphatically. Simmons holds out the night-night g*n (unaltered) to Ward.
SIMMONS [ back to being a Brit ]: Poor, silly Fitz. He mistakenly left a dummy round in the p*stol. Should be proper now.
Ward takes it in his hand, weighing it. He pulls it up to look through the sights and then relaxes.
WARD: Great. Thanks.
[ stifled laughter ] from the Bus kids as Ward walks away.
Outside, at the remnants of the campsite from earlier.
COULSON: Troop leader's name was Adam Cross. Apparently, he said he heard something in the woods, went to check it out. That's where the electrostatic anomaly occurred.
FITZ: What I don't understand is, usually, they're caused by a massive electrical storm.
SIMMONS: But there wasn't a storm within a thousand miles of here last night.
COULSON: This anomaly's different — it has a side effect we've never seen before.
May opens the hood of the truck and looks in.
MAY: The battery blew straight up through the hood.
WARD: Landed over here.
He's kneeling by the battery. Skye kneels next to him.
WARD: Hell of a force to create that kind of trajectory.
Skye pokes at the battery with a branch. [ leaves rustle ] Ward stands up and looks around; so does Skye.
WARD: Huh.
Skye copies his position—hands on hips—and gets close enough to him that she bumps into his back.
WARD: What are you doing?
SKYE: I'm shadowing my supervising officer.
WARD: Shadowing, not smothering.
He starts walking. She follows.
WARD: There's scorch marks all over that tree. Lucky the whole forest didn't burn down.
SKYEL I don't get it. Seems to me like this electroshock thingy was some freak lightning strike. I mean, why call us? What's the big— [ chuckling ] Oh. Never mind.
We can see that she's entered a clearing where the rest of the team is. A super d*ad Mr. Cross remains floating in midair there.
SIMMONS: So sad a man died this way... and yet, so amazing.
Fitz is doing science-y readings-y things on his tablet.
COULSON: Fitz-Simmons, any idea what could cause an effect like this?
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): There's the soliton hypothesis.
FITZ (talking over Simmons) Well, okay, judging by the horizontal...
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Perhaps, nanobatteries —
FITZ (talking over Simmons): ...electrical discharge, it could be —
Coulson signals for a time out.
COULSON: Time. Let's try that again. Any idea what could cause an effect like this?
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): The hell if I know.
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): Uh, no, no clue.
WARD: Seems to me like we're either dealing with some freak natural event or a new high-tech w*apon.
SKYE: Or could it be someone from your uber-secret Index?
MAY: There's no one on the Index with this type of power.
COULSON: That we know of. I'll contact agent Blake at S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ, have him check it out. Whoever or whatever's responsible, we can't let this happen again.
SIMMONS: Fitz, see his forehead? Look at that endothelial discoloration.
She walks closer to the body.
FITZ: Yeah, same dispersal pattern as the strike on the truck.
SIMMONS: Could be an entry wound cauterized immediately.
She gets even closer. A small arc of electricity sparks from the wound on Cross' head.
His body drops to the ground.
FITZ: Freaky.
SIMMONS: Freaaaky.
INT: Bus briefing room. Skye stands at the table with info pulled up. Coulson and Ward enter.
COULSON: You found something on Cross?
SKYE: Many things, actually, but you already knew that, thanks to my fancy S.H.I.E.L.D. house-arrest gizmo tracking my every key swipe, my online activity, my cholesterol. Just wish it came in another color... or came off.
WARD: The victim?
SKYE: Adam Cross — single, no kids, originally from Wrigley, Pennsylvania, not far from here.
COULSON: Been there. They have a nice little strawberry festival in the spring. Occupation?
SKYE: Phys-ed teacher at the local high school and Varsity baseball coach and troop leader and volunteer firefighter. This guy makes Captain America look like "the dude."
[ she chuckles ]. Coulson and Ward do not.
SKYE: "The Big Lebowski."
SKYE: Seriously?
WARD: What about a criminal record, restraining order, something that might give us a suspect?
[ beeping ] as Skye hits some buttons on the table monitor.
SKYE: Nada. Not even a parking ticket. I skimmed all his posts, anyone linked to his pages, hoping for a crazy ex or a superpowered stalker, and he's clean.
WARD: Everybody looks clean on their first go-round.
Skye looks appropriately like a puppy that has been kicked.
COULSON: Ward's right. We're missing something. Dig deeper.
Skye nods and exits.
COULSON: You've been pretty tough on her.
WARD: She lied to us — contacted the Rising Tide while we were on mission. If she wants our trust back, she's got to earn it.
COULSON: The background she ran on Cross is a good start. Put it up on the server. I want May to have a look when she's done with her interrogation.
INT: the Cage on the Bus. The young man (Justin) from the campfire site is there. So is May. So is a plate of cookies.
May pushes the cookies forward.
MAY [thr*at]: Have a cookie.
Justin gulps.
INT: Bus lab. Cross' body is on a table with a sheet over most of him. Simmons is nearby, taking notes.
[ door opens ] as Coulson comes in.
SIMMONS: Excellent timing, sir. I've been analyzing sagittal and coronal images of the victim's brain.
COULSON: What's Fitz doing out there?
Over Simmons' shoulder and outside of the lab in the cargo bay area, Fitz is doing things that are Not Being In The Same Room As The d*ad Guy.
SIMMONS: He detected a strange energy coming off the body.
COULSON: He's afraid of it, isn't he?
FITZ [muffled thru the door]: It's the smell!
SIMMONS: There's no shame in it, Fitz. It's perfectly natural to be afraid.
FITZ: No, the only thing I'm afraid of is putrid, decaying flesh corrupting my pristine workspace.
[ Simmons groans ] and rolls her eyes.
FITZ: Do you remember the last time you brought a d*ad thing into the lab?
SIMMONS: Oh, not the stupid cat again.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): The cat —
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): And it's our lab, Fitz.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): — tell him about the cat!
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Not your lab.
FITZ: You left his liver next to my lunch!
COULSON: Guys! Can we please —
He gestures at Cross.
SIMMONS: Yes, sir. Um, as I was saying, this is the victim's brain.
[ beeping ] as she pulls up info from her tablet onto the monitor behind Coulson.
COULSON: Looks like a burnt baked potato.
SIMMONS: That's what happens when it's h*t with close to 2,000 megajoules of electrostatic energy. That's almost double the power of a lightning bolt.
May enters.
MAY: Kid's clean. You figure out why the body was floating?
SIMMONS: Not yet. The molecular density of the victim was temporarily altered by an unknown energy source. I'm hoping to shed some light on its effects once I extract a brain-tissue sample.
FITZ: It's happening again!
SIMMONS: It's science, Fitz! I have to dissect something.
FITZ: No, the satellite's picking up another electrostatic event not 20 kilometers from here.
He shows them on his tablet.
INT: SUV as May and Coulson drive to the destination with Ward in the back seat. They're talking to the Bus kids (who are in the lab) via the comms devices. As always, italics means we're being shown elsewhere, and normal means we're being shown on the character speaking.
COULSON: Fitz, what's the latest reading?
FITZ: Uh, we're at 324 megajoules and growing stronger — dangerous territory, sir.
SKYE: There's a farmhouse a mile North of you, right at the center of the signal. That's got to be it.
COULSON: Skye, dig up everything you can on whoever lives at that farm. We need to know who we're dealing with.
[ beeping ] from the monitor in the lab as it shows electrostatic signatures growing, then fizzing out.
FITZ: Hold on, now. What just happened? Um, it's gone.
COULSON: What's gone?
FITZ: The electrostatic signal ... it seemed to pulse, then disappear.
COULSON (to May, who is driving): We need a shortcut.
May turns them into a field. They arrive at a farmhouse.
[ engine shuts off ]
[ car doors close ]
The three of them go up to the farmhouse, g*n out.
COULSON: Door's barred from the inside.
WARD: Hayloft's open.
COULSON: We could ram it with the truck.
May kicks the door open with ease.
They go inside. They find another floating body.
COULSON (to Ward): Scan the perimeter. Whoever did this couldn't have gotten far.
Ward goes outside to scan the perimeter. May makes it up a ladder to the hayloft to get on eye level with the floating body.
COULSON: Barricaded himself inside. Went for his g*n.
MAY: He was scared, trying to protect himself.
COULSON: From who? How did they get to him?
MAY: Another burn mark on the forehead.
WARD (re-entering): No sign of anyone ... no tracks, no vehicles down the road.
COULSON (into comms): Skye, we need real-time SAT surveillance on this area right now.
SKYE: Hang on.
[keys clacking]
[ computer beeping ]
She pulls up a pic of some firefighters.
SKYE: I think I found something you might want to see first. Sending it over now.
Skye pulls up two names across the pictures: Adam Cross and Frank Whalen.
SKYE: The guy who owns the farm's name is Frank Whalen. He's a volunteer firefighter at the same station house as our first victim, Adam Cross.
WARD: Our two victims knew each other.
SKYE: They were both responders when the aliens crashed New York.
WARD: Two victims from the same firehouse found in the same weird way.
SKYE: We're looking for a k*ller.
INT: ??? A man, sweating heavily, polishes something metal
[ blows on it ]
He sets it down carefully. It's a helmet, and it looks a lot like one of the helmets those aliens from Avengers wore when they inv*de NYC. Electricity courses over it, and we go to commercial with a [fzzt].
INT: the barn. The Bus kids have arrived.
One of Fitz's drones investigates the body.
[ beeping, whirring ]
Static electricity [fzzt]s off of Whalen's body and zaps the drone. Whalen falls to the ground. Fitz manages to catch the drone before it follows.
FITZ: Gotcha! Hey, um, anyone else notice all the metal scattered around the body, like an electromagnetic field was present? The question is, what created it?
SIMMONS: We need to get this body back to the lab as soon as possible. Something about these wounds...
COULSON (over comms): Skye, what did you find out about the firehouse?
SKYE: It turns out they sent an engine to New York with a dozen volunteers after the Chitauri invasion, including Cross and Whalen.
INT: SUV. The grown-ups are in the car in the same setup as before.
SKYE: Maybe it has something to do with why they were targeted?
WARD: Or how they were k*lled.
SKYE: You mean like... an alien w*apon?
COULSON: We don't know that. Let's just make sure we get to those firefighters before anyone else does.
EXT: firehouse. The SUV pulls up.
[ engine shuts off ]
[ car door closes ]
Ward, May, and Coulson enter the firehouse.
COULSON: Evening, gentlemen. Agent Phil Coulson with S.H.I.E.L.D. we were on the ground with you in New York.
FIREMAN 1: S.H.I.E.L.D., right. What's this all about?
COULSON: We'd like to ask you a few questions, take a look around.
May and Ward split off. The fireman from earlier comes up to Coulson and the table of firefighters he's with.
FIREMAN 2: Hey, guys. What's, uh... what's going on?
He is sweating profusely. The same guy who was sweating earlier.
INT: Bus lab. Simmons is examining Whalen's body. Fitz is examining the innards of a cabinet.
SKYE: What are you looking for?
FITZ: A scented candle.
SKYE: Not you.
SIMMONS: This wound — something doesn't quite make sense. Initially, I thought these were entry wounds, as if from a g*n. But they're not — they're exit wounds.
INT: firehouse
FIREMAN 1: What do you mean? Frankie's d*ad?
COULSON: I'm very sorry.
FIREMAN 2: You know how it happened?
COULSON: The same way your other friend, Mr. Cross, died the day before.
FIREMAN 2: Which was how, exactly?
COULSON: I'm sorry. Your name is...?
FIREMAN 2: Tony. Tony Diaz.
COULSON: You okay, Mr. Diaz?
DIAZ: Actually, uh... I'm actually not feeling so hot.
He exits. Coulson touches his earpiece to speak into it as he follows after Diaz.
COULSON: Ward, cover the back door. Nobody comes in or out.
INT: Bus lab
FITZ: What if this w*apon overloaded the brain past the threshold of its electrical capacity, causing it to discharge, like an E.M.P.?
SIMMONS: You're assuming we're dealing with an external source. I'm saying it was something from inside him.
SKYE: Something's happening — the satellite's picking up another reading. It's coming from the firehouse.
INT: kitchen of firehouse. It's just Diaz and Coulson in there.
DIAZ: That humming noise ... you hear that?
COULSON: No. I don't. Were you in New York with Mr. Cross and Mr. Whalen after the Chitauri invasion?
DIAZ: Come on. You don't hear that? [ sighs ] It's driving me nuts.
COULSON: Mr. Diaz, are you with me?
[ electricity crackling ] as a pan floats in mid-air in front of Diaz. Coulson pulls out his g*n.
COULSON: Whatever you're doing, make it stop.
DIAZ: I-I'm not doing anything!
COULSON: Where's the w*apon?
DIAZ: The what?
MAY (over comms): Coulson, I found it. It's a Chitauri helmet.
She's looking at it in a display case. She starts recording it with her phone.
MAY: Fitz-Simmons, are you seeing this?
SIMMONS: It's not a w*apon, yet it caused a cranial discharge.
COULSON: What are you doing with the helmet?
DIAZ: What, the — the alien thing? I-it's a souvenir.
Electricity [fzzt]s off of Diaz's hand, hitting the frying pan floating in the air.
[thud] as it falls
DIAZ: Aah! Not again!
COULSON: Answer the question, Mr. Diaz ... what are you doing with the helmet?
DIAZ: The first time anyone's touched it since New York was a couple nights ago.
The Bus kids listen intently to what they're hearing.
DIAZ: It had rust all over it. We were cleaning it.
Realization dawns on Simmons.
SIMMONS: That wasn't rust. (and just in time, she adds) May, don't touch it!
May backs away.
SIMMONS: Sir, he's not using a w*apon ... he's infected. I think the helmet was the source of an alien virus.
DIAZ: All we did was clean it — I swear.
DIAZ: Me, Frankie, and Adam — we- we were bored on the third shift, so- so we decided to clean it.
Behind him, Ward, May, and Fireman 1 appear.
DIAZ: Adam and Frankie...
COULSON: Mr. Diaz, I'm putting the g*n away now, okay?
SIMMONS: Sir, he's at 600 megajoules and climbing. Sir?
COULSON (to May): Clear everybody out. Clear everybody out... now!
They do as he says.
[door closes]
DIAZ: I-I'm gonna wind up like them, aren't I?
COULSON: [ sighs deeply ] Why don't you have a seat?
Diaz does. He looks distraught and in shock.
COULSON: You have any family — wife, kids?
Diaz shakes his head.
COULSON: Is there anyone you want to talk to? Anything I can do?
FITZ: Sir, you have to get out of there right now! He's going to —
Coulson removes his earpiece.
COULSON: Listen to me. I've been where you are right now. So please believe me when I tell you you don't have to be afraid.
DIAZ: What are you — what are you talking about?
COULSON: Your job ...
Outside the firehouse, May is listening in.
COULSON: gets pretty dangerous, doesn't it? Mine, too. I got hurt once ... pretty bad. And I– I died. Some say it was only for 8 seconds, but I know it was more than that. I know I wasn't here anymore. I was there.
DIAZ: What's it like?
Coulson gives him a small smile.
COULSON: It's beautiful.
This seems to give Diaz a little peace. Outside, May looks emotionally wounded.
[ electricity pulsing ] as a Kn*fe raises in the air.
DIAZ: You better get going, buddy.
There's a b*at where Coulson seems determined to stay.
Coulson goes.
[ electricity pulsing ]
[ electricity crackles ]
From outside, we see the firehouse glow with blue light.
[ FZZT ]
Back inside, people in hazmat suits walk about.
[ radio chatter ]
[ sirens wail in distance ]
May gets scanned by one of Fitz's devices. When she proves clear, he moves onto Coulson, and then Ward.
[ beeping ]
FITZ: All clean — no traces of electrostatic energy.
SKYE: What about the other firefighters?
SIMMONS: They'll be quarantined and observed at a S.H.I.E.L.D. biohazard facility.
Two hazmat-suited men holding a large metal box walk out the back room. Skye and Simmons meet up with the rest of the team in the middle of the firehouse.
SKYE: Um, anyone else notice they're putting the infected alien thing on our truck?
COULSON: We're flying it to the Sandbox.
SKYE: Sandbox?
SIMMONS: It's a S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility across the Atlantic. They specialize in hazardous materials.
The box is loaded into the team's SUV.
COULSON: If what you suspect is true, that this is a virus, then those firefighters could be infected, and they're gonna need a cure. Find one.
SIMMONS. Yes, sir.
The rest of the team walks off. We see Simmons, and because no one else is around, she allows herself to indulge in looking terrified.
INT: Bus cargo hold. Hazmat suit guys pull in the box and then leave. Then we cut to INT: Bus cockpit, where we see May. Coulson enters.
COULSON: What's our E.T.A.?
MAY: 3:37 West Africa time.
Coulson checks his watch.
COULSON: Gonna be a long 4 hours and 26 minutes.
He starts to go, but May's voice stops him.
MAY: You okay?
COULSON: Fine. I just want this alien thing off our plane as soon as humanly possible.
MAY: You want to talk about your physical?
COULSON: Nothing to tell. My physical therapist requested it. He's updating his files or something.
MAY: You'd tell me if something was wrong.
COULSON: [ scoffs ] Of course.
[ intercom crackles on ]
SIMMONS (over intercom): Sir, I think I've discovered something. Could you come down to the lab?
COULSON: I'll be right there.
MAY: Phil. The fireman ... you did everything you could for him.
He smiles, nods, and leaves.
INT: Bus lab. On a monitor, we can see red blood cells. It's a view of what's under Simmons' microscope.
COULSON: So, what am I looking for exactly?
SIMMONS: Wait for it.
[ electricity crackles ] as blue energy sparks between two cells.
[ Simmons laughs delighted ]
COULSON: What was that?
SIMMON: A groundbreaking discovery! I believe the firefighters initially contracted the virus when they cleaned the helmet, the friction activating some long-decaying Chitauri organism—
COULSON: Hang on. These cells are from the bodies of the firefighters?
Simmons' smile grows to near-superhuman width as she talks.
SIMMONS: Brain cells, yes — the last vestiges of the infection. Some viruses "sleep" inside host cells for years before reproducing, as they did inside the helmet — the initial source. But what those cells tell us is that we're dealing with a propagating virus, which means —
COULSON: The virus can move from person to person.
[ electricity humming ]
SIMMONS: Exactly!
Something raises up in the air behind her. She doesn't notice; she's too busy smiling.
SIMMONS: And that's the most exciting part — how it spreads; not through the air or through direct fluid transfer, but through electric static shock.
Coulson notices the object levitating behind Simmons.
SIMMONS: [ chuckling ] It's like nothing we've ever seen on Earth. I didn't think it possible a virus could alter its host's molecular density and polarity.
Coulson slowly starts to back out of the lab. Simmons is preoccupied with a microscope, so she doesn't notice.
SIMMONS: That explains the floating. I can't wait till the virologists at the CDC and S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. see this.
She finally realizes he's no longer in front of her.
SIMMONS: Sir, is something wrong?
COULSON: I'm so sorry, Jemma.
He hits a button.
[ beep ]
[ alarm blares ]
The doors to the lab close, trapping Simmons, alone, inside. She turns and sees the object levitating behind her.
[ electricity crackles ]
[clatter as object hits floor]
SIMMONS: [ gasps ] Oh, no.
And we cut to commercial.
INT: bottom floor of the Bus. Simmons sits on the floor of the lab, her back pressed to the glass door. Fitz sits on the other side of the door in the cargo bay, his back pressed to hers, albeit with a pane of glass in the way. Simmons looks contemplative. Fitz is toying with a piece of equipment. When he finishes, he taps the glass to get Simmons' attention. He shows it to her, and they both smile weakly, each for the other's benefit. When they turn back around and away from each other, we can see how deeply in pain they appear to be. Fitz looks close to tears. Behind Fitz in the cargo bay, Coulson, Ward, Skye, and May are talking.
COULSON: Simmons believes she contracted the virus approximately 36 hours ago when she received an electrostatic shock from the first victim.
SKYE: How much time does she have?
COULSON: Based on when the firemen were infected, how quickly their symptoms manifested... two hours at most.
SKYE: That's enough time, right? I mean, S.H.I.E.L.D. has dozens of labs and scientists working on this thing, don't they?
COULSON: They do. (to May) How soon can you get us on the ground?
MAY: Three hours.
Skye covers her mouth in shock.
MAY: Our path to the Sandbox has us right in the middle of the Atlantic.
WARD: Sir, correct me if I'm wrong, but if we can't land in time...
COULSON: Simmons will release a pulse that will blow this plane right out of the sky.
SKYE: We can't just sit here and watch her die. We have to do something.
COULSON: There's only one person on this plane capable of finding a solution for this, and I'm willing to bet my life that she will.
He looks at Simmons (or, really, at Simmons' back, pressed as close as it can safely be to Fitz's).
MAY: She's just a kid.
Fitz has finished whatever he's working on. He puts it in a box that transports it in a safe, hands-free way to Simmons inside the lab.
FITZ: I believe we have a winner. Fast and efficient — the perfect delivery mechanism.
Simmons takes it out of the box and hurries over to her lab table. Fitz [raps on the glass] to get her attention.
FITZ: Uh, hey, um, not that it was easy to find a mineralized solution that could suspend the vaccine and conduct electricity.
He's trying to keep things normal. She gives him a weak smile.
SIMMONS: I wish you wouldn't use the word "vaccine." It's really more of an antiserum. [chuckles]
She finishes checking out the device and turns to a white rat inside a cage.
SIMMONS: [deep breath] Okay, so... these antibodies should be able to target the virus' antigens, if this bloody alien virus even has antigens.
[ electricity crackles ] as she zaps the rat with the device and then puts it back inside its cage.
SIMMONS: [breathing heavily] Come on, now. Come on.
[ electricity crackles ]
Simmons looks up, tears in her eyes. Inside the cage are three white rats. One is d*ad and floating. The second one—the one she just tested on—is rising up into the air. The third and final rat is okay.
FITZ: Well... that wasn't very cooperative of him, now, was it?
Simmons gives him another smile, all "everything's okay!". [ Simmons inhales deeply ], turns away, and fights to hold tears back. Fitz, with Simmons' back turned, looks terrified.
INT: Bus briefing room. Ward and Skye are watching a feed of the lab.
SKYE: Why aren't you down there?
WARD: They don't need an audience. You can stay... if you want.
SKYE: I hate this. I just feel so—
WARD: Helpless.
SKYE: Yeah.
WARD: [sighs] I wanted it to be a person, some superpowered psychopath, someone I could hurt, someone I could... punish. That I could do. [deep breath] What I can't do is protect you guys from stuff I can't even see... or understand.
SKYE: [ inhales sharply ] So, what do we do?
WARD: [ breathes deeply ] We wait... and get ready.
SKYE: Ready for what?
WARD: For whatever it is we're called upon to do.
Skye nods. She understands.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. He's talking to some S.H.I.E.L.D. agent over his screen.
AGENT: Coulson, nice to see you're not d*ad.
COULSON: Did you get our analysis of the virus?
AGENT: We did, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has no record of anything like it. No one does. So it's imperative it reach the Sandbox without incident. In case of a pandemic, we're going to need it.
COULSON: I'm aware of that, but I don't need more orders or ultimatums. I need answers.
AGENT: I wish I had some for you. I'm sorry, Coulson ... I've been ordered to inform you that if you have infected cargo, you need to dump it.
Coulson's face turns to stone.
AGENT: Do you copy me, Coulson? These orders are coming from up top.
COULSON: I'm sorry ... bad connection. Didn't get that last part.
[ beeping ]
[static] as the feed goes out.
COULSON (to May, who has appeared in the doorway behind him): Don't even think it.
MAY: I don't have to. That's your job.
INT: Bus lab. Simmons, with gloves on, works, works, works. Something that had been levitating drops, and it startles her.
[Simmons sighs]
FITZ: It's all right. Everything's gonna be fine.
SIMMONS: Please stop saying that. I see you looking at your watch.
Fitz lowers his watch arm.
FITZ: Are you sure you don't need my help just to —
She gives him a look that shuts him up quick.
SIMMONS: Are you sure this thing even works?
FITZ: Yeah, well, you know it does. My device isn't the issue— it's the vaccine.
SIMMONS [on the edge]: Antiserum! And all I'm wondering is whether you calibrated it correctly.
FITZZ: Hey, it's not the device. Hey, don't put this on me. I was doing just fine, tucked away in a safe, indoor, non-mobile lab at the academy!
Simmons gives Fitz a humorless, sarcastic smile.
FITZ: Then you had to go and drag us into this flying circus! [ panting ] Didn't even pass our field assessments, for god's sake!
SIMMONS: Oh, please, as if I forced you to follow me anywhere.
FITZ: You said, and I quote... [ high-pitched voice ] "Oh, Fitz, "it's the most perfect opportunity for us to see the world! We'd be fools to pass this one up!"
SIMMONS: I hate it when you use that voice. That's not even how I sound. And you were just afraid of going into the field.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): [ normal voice ] I was not afraid.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): And don't you dare act like these last months haven't been the highlight of your entire pasty life!
FITZ: Pasty? Oh, really?
It's obviously easier for them to bicker than to let the other see how deeply worried they are.
FITZ: Well, when did you become so sun-kissed?
[ Simmons scoffs ]
FITZ: Because I'm pretty sure that every minute of every day, you've been stuck in a lab right beside me. At the academy, at sci-ops, this plane — you've been beside me the whole damn time!
This rings far too painfully true. They're silent, and they're teary, and they're very afraid. After a long moment:
FITZ: You have to fix this.
SIMMONS [admitting a horrible defeat]: I don't know how, Fitz. [ voice breaking ] The antibodies from the three firefighters aren't strong enough to fight this virus. It's born from alien DNA. There's no one... [ breaths shaky, on the verge of tears ] to create an antiserum from because no one's actually survived this except... [inspiration striking] the Chitauri.
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): The Chitauri. Well, the minky bastard who actually wore the helmet had the virus...
SIMMONS: Yeah, and managed to survive without ever emitting an electrostatic pulse because...
FITZ: It was immune.
SIMMONS: Yes! She — she was just the carrier, like Typhoid Mary.
FITZ: Uh, "she"? Well, no, wait. That — you don't really think that — okay, doesn't matter. Um, so if — if I can scrape some epithelial cells from the inside of the helmet, we can create a vaccine?
SIMMONS: Yes! Antiserum, but yes.
Fitz rushes off to the Cage to grab the helmet. As he runs back to the lab, he passes Skye and Coulson.
SKYE: Isn't that...
They hurry after him.
Fitz arrives at the lab. He breaks the seal and goes in towards Simmons, danger be damned. Simmons looks at him with shock.
SIMMONS! No! That — You can't be in here!
The door seals them in. Besides each other, like always.
FITZ: Too late. It's done. Just try and do your best to keep your hands off me, yeah?
SIMMONS: Fitz, I don't know what you think you're doing, but —
FITZ: I'm doing what we always do. We're gonna fix this — together.
Simmons has a small smile and tears in her eyes by his gesture and belief. He sets the helmet on the lab table and scraps some stuff out of the inside of it. Behind the two of them, we also see May and Ward walk down the stairs to see what’s going on. Fitz runs the swab onto a culture disc Simmons is holding. As the two work, the others watch nervously from outside the lab. Simmons looks outside the door and sees everyone pacing and looking worried. They continue working. Eventually, they run a small vial through a whirring centrifugal force machine, and when Simmons opens the machine, the vial floats up in the air. Simmons goes to grab it, but an arc of electricity races through it, and it drops into Fitz’s waiting hand.
FITZ: Third time's a charm.
He loads it into the antiserum-administering device.
FITZ: May I do the honors?
She nods. He smiles, and he approaches the third and final rat. Everyone outside steps closer to watch.
[ electricity crackles ] as he zaps the rat.
SKYE: I can't breathe.
Fitz-Simmons watch the rat. Nothing happens. Simmons smiles.
SIMMONS: We did it.
[ electricity crackles ], interrupting Fitz's growing smile.
The rat rises. Fitz's face falls.
FITZ: No...
Simmons walks towards the glass doors and looks at Coulson. She gives him a smile, because even on the brink of death, she's keeping it together and staying composed.
SIMMONS: Sir, I know the protocol in these circumstances, but could you please tell my dad first? [ voice breaking ] I just think my Mum would take it better if it comes from him.
COULSON: We're not there yet. There's still time.
Simmons tears up.
SIMMONS: Sir, please.
He nods. She starts to cry in earnest now. She still keeps it together, though. She does not sob.
SIMMONS: Would you mind if I had a brief moment alone with Fitz?
Everyone outside nods sadly and drifts away. May has to all but drag Skye, crying, out.
MAY: Come on. Let's go.
[ Skye sniffles ] and leaves.
Simmons wipes her tears and turns back to Fitz. He is abjectly refusing to look at her, as if that'll somehow make her okay. He busies himself with the device.
FITZ: We'll try again. The electrostatic pulse from the third rat seemed much less, so we're making progress. If we can calibrate the antiserum...
As he's talking, Simmons goes up behind him and picks something up. She smiles, tears in her eyes.
SIMMONS: Antiserum, yes. You finally got it right, Fitz. [ deep breath ] I'm so sorry.
She hits him over the head with a f*re extinguisher and knocks him out.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus.
MAY: Agent Blake is on the line. He wants to know what's going on. If you won't answer, he asked for Ward.
WARD: Sir... what are our orders?
COULSON: They're unchanged.
[ alarm blaring ]
SKYE: What is that?
[ beeping ] as May pushes buttons on the monitor.
MAY: Someone's lowering the cargo-hold ramp.
Ward's eyes go big as he realizes what's happening.
INT: Bus lab. Fitz comes to.
FITZ: Bloody hell. [ groans ]
He uses the table that the rats are on as a leverage point to push himself up. As he does, he notices that the third rat is actually alive and well.
FITZ: Hey. It worked. The pulse just knocked the rat uncon...
He seems to feel that something's off. Simmons isn't beside him.
FITZ: ... scious. Jemma?
He walks up to the glass doors.
FITZ: Jemma!
Outside, Simmons is standing with the wind bl*wing in her hair. The cargo hold is opening.
[wind blows]
FITZ [extremely muffled, through the door]: Jemma, it worked!!
Simmons turns and looks at him.
FITZ: Please, don't! No! Jemma, don't!
He screams and pounds at the door, trying to pry it open.
FITZ: Jemma!
She smiles sadly and for one final time before falling backward, through the open cargo hold door, and into the empty sky.
FITZ: Jemma!
He hurries over to a machine and works frantically. He puts a vial into his device and hurries back to the opening door of the lab. He grabs a parachute and hurries to put it on.
[wind rushing]
FITZ [nearly inaudible over the wind]: Need to find Jemma. I need to find Jemma.
Ward jumps down onto the first floor, landing behind Fitz.
FITZ: The antiserum worked, but she jumped!
Ward takes the parachute and device from Fitz. Ward jumps out of the plane. In the air, he pulls the pack and steadies himself, searching for Simmons. Finding her, he streamlines his body and rushes towards her. When he gets close, he spreads out his body to slow his fall.
[ electricity crackles ] as he jabs her with the device.
He pulls his chute. They float down towards the surface of the ocean. They're okay.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. He's lecturing Simmons and Ward.
COULSON: Don't get me wrong! I'm happy you're both alive — truly. And I realize you were trying to save the team, but what you did today? That was not your call. Just getting you out of the water ... do you have any idea what a pain it is dealing with the Moroccan office? Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!
Simmons looks deeply apologetic.
COULSON [softer]: We'd hate to lose you, Jemma.
SIMMONS: Thank you, sir.
Coulson sits. Ward starts to leave.
SIMMONS: Oh, does that mean we're to leave now?
Coulson stares. After a b*at, she walks out with Ward and goes down the stairs with him.
WARD: So, what did you think of your first time skydiving?
SIMMONS: [sighs] Honestly, I'd rather not think about it anymore.
WARD: I thought what you did was incredibly brave.
Simmons stops in the lounge area in flattered surprise to process that. Ward stops to continue talking to her.
SIMMONS: Oh. Well, I-I suppose now's as good a time as any to tell you that, um... I may have misled you earlier.
Ward looks like he knows what she's going to say. He smiles a little.
SIMMONS: You see, when I gave you back the night-night p*stol, I lied ... it's still an ounce off.
WARD: I know.
SIMMONS: You do?
WARD: Of course. After all... [ deep voice, similar to the one Fitz-Simmons did at the top of the episode when things were simple and happy ] I'm Agent Grant Ward. I just jumped out of a plane without a parachute on and saved your life!
SIMMONS: Actually, that's not quite it. It's a bit more nasally than that.
[ Ward chuckles ] and Skye peeks out from behind a corner.
SIMMONS: Oh. Hello, Skye.
Skye wraps Simmons up in a big, tearful, loving hug.
SIMMONS [a little taken aback, but very happy]: Ohh!
Simmons melts into Skye's arms.
INT: Coulson's office. He's looking over a file. May stands in the doorway.
MAY: How was Simmons?
He closes the file.
COULSON: Amazingly resilient. You'd never know she almost died.
MAY: Experience like that ... it takes a while to sink in. (about the file) That her medical report?
COULSON: Mine, actually. Blood work finally came back. I'm perfectly normal. Little heavy on the iron, but don't worry. You don't have to start calling me "Iron Man."
MAY (smirking): Wasn't planning on it.
[a b*at]
COULSON: My doctors never requested any tests. I ordered them for myself, but you knew that.
She nods.
COULSON: This piece of paper is telling me that everything's fine, but... I don't feel fine. I feel different.
A moment of silence.
MAY: Take off your shirt.
COULSON: Excuse me?
May gets closer.
MAY: Your shirt... unbutton it.
He obliges. May looks at the scar on his chest.
MAY: Whether it was 8 seconds or 40, you died. There's no way you can go through a trauma like that and not come out of it changed. You know how long it's taken me to —
COULSON: I know.
MAY: The point of these things (she looks at his scar) is to remind us that... there is no going back. There's only moving forward. You feel different... because you are different.
INT: Fitz's bunk. Fitz-Simmons are sitting on Fitz's bed. Fitz is cuddling a pillow and fidgeting, twisting his hands about. Simmons is looking at Fitz with pure adoration written plain as day across her face.
FITZ: ... And I was going to do it.
SIMMONS: I know you were.
FITZ: I had the antiserum, the chute ... everything. I just couldn't get the straps on.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Fitz, please.
FITZ: And, you know, maybe I couldn't have done the whole "James Bond in midair" ...
Simmons waves her hands around in affectionate exasperation.
SIMMONS (talking over Fitz): Fitz, shut up.
FITZ: ... type ... thing.
SIMMONS: Please, just... Ward did an amazing thing, yes, but it wasn't Ward by my side in that lab, searching for a cure. It wasn't Ward giving me hope when I had none. It was you.
She nudges him. He makes a noncommittal noise.
SIMMONS: You're the hero.
He looks up at her. They smile.
FITZ: Yeah?
SIMMONS: Yeah. Thank you.
Fitz nods, smiling. Simmons leans over and kisses Fitz on the cheek before getting up and walking out of the bunk. Fitz scratches at his neck, and then, when the full weight of his emotions dawns on him, his face drops into an "oh, no, I really truly am feeling something fierce right now" face. h*t over the head with love like a f*re extinguisher! Fitz hugs the pillow tighter.
AoS logo end card.
We see the Bus sitting in the desert in what the screen tells us is THE SANDBOX. LOCATION: CLASSIFIED. Inside the cargo hold, Coulson stands there as the Agent—agent Blake—walks on with a few soldiers.
BLAKE: Coulson.
He nods to the box. The soldiers pick it up and take it off.
BLAKE: That's the best you could come up with ... "we've got a bad connection"?
COULSON: I was pressed for time.
BLAKE: It's a bold move. You know our chat wasn't exactly private.
COULSON: They never are.
BLAKE: I don't know what happened to you in New York, if you really flatlined or if that's just what they tell us when we reach level seven, but whatever did happen doesn't give you license to disobey a direct order from HQ. You keep pulling stunts like that, someone might decide to take this little dream team away from you.
COULSON: I'd like to see them try.
BLAKE: That doesn't sound like the Phil Coulson I used to know.
COULSON: No, I suppose it doesn't. Get used to it.
Blake nods and then leaves. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x06 - FZZT"} | foreverdreaming |
1x07 - The Hub
INT: ???. A person with a bag over their head is being led down a hallway by two soldiers. They take the person into a room that looks t*rture-room-adjacent. They sit the person in a chair and take off the bag. Coulson is underneath.
COULSON: [sighs] I don't mean to alarm you, but I think you may have a mold problem. That sink with the standing water seems especially concerning.
A soldier punches Coulson in the face.
SOLIDER 1 [in Russian] (to his comrade): Just wait until the Interrogator gets here. He won't be smiling then.
[soldiers laugh]
COULSON [in English]: Looking forward to it.
Another figure—clearly the interrogator—enters. He stops in front of Coulson. He toys with some pain-inducing-looking tools on a tray.
COULSON (to interrogator): You have the intel on you?
The interrogator looks confused.
COULSON: They know.
COULSON: We have three minutes, Agent Shaw.
May enters the scene. She fights the soldiers. Coulson's handcuffs spark and fall off. Coulson, May, and Shaw take out the soldiers around them. Ward enters.
WARD: Time to go, agents.
MAY: Follow me.
COULSON: I was wondering what you guys had been up to.
They run through the hallway, passing by knocked-out soldiers. May jumps up and grabs a wheel on the ceiling and turns it. It drops open like a port on a ship.
WARD: All right.
He climbs up the ladder to the top. At the top, we see that he's in an area covered in snow.
[wind whistling]
Everyone else gets to the top and they all get on a sled.
SHAW: Um, where are the dogs?
COULSON: Don't be ridiculous.
A cable under the sled is snapped tight and it moves forward. We see the cables are attached to something inside the Bus and they are being pulled directly towards the Bus.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. logo title card.
INT: Bus lab. Shaw is looking at some sort of tool with worry on his face as the end of it opens and closes.
COULSON: I bet you're usually the one holding something like this.
We see that Simmons is the person holding the tool.
COULSON: Don't worry. She knows what she's doing.
SIMMONS: Whatever you do, don't breathe.
[Shaw inhales deeply]
SIMMONS: That was a joke. You should, of course, feel comfortable breathing if you need to, just not through your nose. And very minimally through your mouth.
On the monitor behind Simmons, we can see the tool is going up into Shaw's nose and nasal cavity.
[Shaw groans]
Simmons grabs a pill-looking capsule and extracts it.
SIMMONS: Ah. There we are.
[Shaw grunts]
[Shaw exhales sharply]
COULSON: That's all the intel you recovered?
SHAW: Ah. [sniffs] I certainly hope so.
Simmons opens the capsule and pulls out a microchip with a set of tweezers, which she gives to Coulson as he speaks.
COULSON: Well, thank you, Agent Shaw, for keeping it safe up there. We'll push this through to the Hub. In fact, we're headed there now to drop you off. Get you a change of clothes, a proper meal ... you'll be good as new.
Coulson heads out.
SIMMONS: The Hub? Really? How exciting. It's been ages.
Simmons follows Coulson out into the lounge area of the Bus. Fitz is there, as well as Skye. Fitz gets up out of his seat and sets down his coffee mug. Skye gets up too.
FITZ: Ah. Good. Done with that paranasal extraction nonsense. Do you need me to analyze the data?
COULSON: That won't be necessary.
SKYE: If it's encrypted, I can mine the chip for him.
COULSON: I'm afraid this mission's classified. Clearance level 8.
May and Ward have also walked in.
SKYE [confused] (at the same time as Simmons): Uh...
SIMMONS [understanding] (at the same time as Skye): Ah.
Coulson turns and walks away.
SKYE: Wait. What? He can just shut us out of the process like that?
FITZ: Well, he did say the mission is level 8.
SIMMONS: And we're not, so we can't know about it.
SKYE: Right, but this is normally the part where we all stand around the holocom and we learn about stuff. I mean, aren't we all on the same team?
FITZ: No need to get started on one of your socialist riffs.
SIMMONS: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy and compartmentalization of intelligence.
Fitz-Simmons head out.
WARD: Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. Makes the entire organization vulnerable.
SKYE: Okay, fine, but if I just fought my way out of an underground Siberian prison, I'd kind of want to know what for.
MAY: Coulson's got you used to the plane, the way we do missions here. The Hub is different.
SKYE: The Hub? What's the Hub?
We see the Bus parked in what looks like a large building. The screen tells us that we are in THE HUB. LOCATION: CLASSIFIED. We go into some sort of entryway and see people walking around, doing their job, etc. The team walks down the hallway.
[indistinct conversations]
SKYE: Wow. Didn't realize Big Brother was this big.
SIMMONS: Oh, this is nothing. Wait until you see the Triskelion.
SKYE: Everyone's wearing the same suit. Someone tell me why, please.
The group passes a reception desk and grabs something—a pass, likely—from the table. Everyone sans Skye, that is.
SKYE: Do I get one?
Coulson points to her bracelet.
COULSON: That's your badge, which means you've got a long way to go to even make level 1.
SKYE: Copy that. Does that also mean no access to any computers here whatsoever? I could run a search on the redacted S.H.I.E.L.D. file on my parents.
SKYE: But it just — It seems like the place they'd keep them, right?
COULSON: I'll look into it. But right now, we've got more pressing matters at hand.
The group comes to a stop as a man comes up.
COULSON: Agent Sitwell.
SITWELL: Agent Coulson. Good to see you feeling better.
They shake hands and the team continues walking.
SITWELL: Agent Hand's waiting for you in the situation room.
COULSON: And she doesn't like to wait.
SITWELL: So you know her?
COULSON: Only her reputation. After you.
SITWELL: Your level 7s can join us in the briefing.
They're in front of a door which has a terminal on the wall next to it.
COMPUTER: Say cheese.
The computer scans their faces, and Coulson and Sitwell are allowed to pass.
SIMMONS: Victoria Hand...
FITZ: Is here.
Skye approaches the door.
[computer warbling]
Her bracelet [snaps] magnetically to a plate outside door.
FITZ: Ouch.
SKYE: Is this your subtle way of saying I can't come with?
COULSON: We'll be back.
SKYE: Wha... [scoffs]
The doors close, separating the Bus kids from everyone who went inside.
FITZ: We should probably head over to the tech corridor.
SIMMONS: Oh, I can't wait to see the new chem-kit.
FITZ: Yeah.
Fitz-Simmons heads off.
SKYE: [sighs] I don't think it likes me here.
INT: another hallway.Sitwell, Coulson, May, and Ward are walking down it. We see a woman standing with her back to them inside a room with glass doors. As they approach, the doors open automatically, and the woman turns around. She has a red streak in her hair in order to let us all know that she's Badass! Hardcore! Etc!
COULSON: Agent Hand.
HAND: Agent Coulson.
They shake hands (no pun intended).
HAND: Nice to finally put a face to the name.
COULSON: Likewise. These are agents May and Ward.
HAND: Well, now that we've gotten that over with, here's what you can know.
[computer beeps] as the screens behind Hand change.
HAND: The intel you recovered from Agent Shaw tells us that a separatist group from South Ossetia has built a w*apon called "Ezbittometer."
WARD (translating): The Overkill Device?
HAND: A little dramatic for my taste. I imagine something was lost in translation. We've intercepted chatter that tells us they plan to use the w*apon in the next 24 hours to declare their independence from Russia and Georgia.
[computer beeps] as the screen changes again, showing a mess of wires likely powering some device.
HAND: We believe it creates sonic vibrations powerful enough to trigger w*apon from a great distance — anything from the m*ssile on a helicopter to a nuclear warhead sitting in its silo.
COULSON: So if we move on them, they could use our own w*apon against us.
HAND: Exactly. That's why I need a two-man team to sneak across the disputed border undetected, break into the separatist stronghold, and disable the w*apon in the next 24 hours. And you have two people who fit my bill.
MAY: Not a problem.
WARD: I was in Georgia during the incursion in '08. I still have contacts on the South Ossetian border.
HAND: And you'll have to use them. But we don't have specs on the device, so I need someone on the team who can identify and dismantle it on-site.
The group takes a moment to unpack this. Ward looks as if this is the worst day of his life.
WARD: Do you mean...
COULSON: I think she does.
INT: hallway. Fitz is pushing a cart down it towards a set of doors. He stops at the doors as they open for him automatically.
FITZ: I found a localized E.M.P., plus a few other party favors.
Just as the cart is going through the doors, the doors close on the cart. The doors continue to try to close (hitting the cart each time) as Fitz looks at the doors with exasperation.
FITZ: Oh, come on. What the— Open.
We can see Simmons and Skye waiting for him.
FITZ: It's stuck!
Coulson, May and Ward also arrive at the scene and see what’s happening. The whole g*ng is here to witness Fitz's extreme competence!
FITZ: The cart's stuck.
Fitz has his hands on the door, trying to pry it open.
They open a little bit. He turns to push the cart through.
FITZ: That's unbelievable.
The doors instantly start to close on the cart, still halfway through the doors.
FITZ: What the hell?! Who designed this?! In the Hub, of all places!
Fitz strains with difficulty as he tries to move the cart. Coulson looks at Ward with sympathy.
Fitz is finally able to push the cart out from between the doors. He loses his balance in the process, though, and when he rights himself, the doors are already nearly shut.
FITZ: Oh, that's—
The doors close, and we can't hear him any longer. We can see from his pissed-off mouthing that the end of his sentence was going to be "fantastic".
WARD: Seriously?
Fitz, still trapped behind the door, continues to struggle.
[Ward sighs]
INT: Fitz's bunk. Fitz-Simmons are on Fitz's bed. Next to them are a whole host of supplies, including walkie-talkies, water, a watch, tape, and a flashlight. Fitz is packing up. Simmons is fretting.
SIMMONS: I just can't believe you're going in dark, in hostile territory, without comms, lacking any real physical strength.
FITZ (talking over Simmons): I'll be fine.
SIMMONS: Did I give you an antivenin pack?
She picks one up and holds it out to him.
SIMMONS: The Caucasus have a plethora of highly endemic spider species—
FITZ: Jemma, stop. Stop worrying about me. I can do this.
He takes the pack out of her hand and puts it into his bag.
FITZ: Thank you. And don't you do anything rash while I'm gone...
Simmons looks at Fitz inquisitively.
FITZ: ...like jump out of an airplane.
Simmons gives Fitz a small smile and looks away. Fitz reaches to pick up the flashlight. Simmons puts her hand on top of Fitz's, stopping him. There are 18th century We Musn't Be Improper levels of tension in this touch. They stare at their joined hands.
SIMMONS: Well, you'll be careful.
FITZ: Yeah, I've handled worse.
Fitz tests the flashlight and then puts it into his bag.
SIMMONS! Oh, I almost forgot! I made you this.
[bag rustles] as she pulls out something wrapped in white paper and plastic with 'Fitz' written on it.
SIMMONS: Your favorite sandwich. Prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella.
FITZ: With your homemade pesto Aioli?
SIMMONS: Just a hint. [chuckles]
Skye appears at the door, holding a small black bag.
SKYE: Hey, is this what you wanted? Also, uh, w-what is this?
SIMMONS: Oh, Fitz. A full-sized mag pouch?
FITZ: Just one of the many tactical decisions I've had to make already.
FITZ: And Ward said we needed it.
Fitz looks challengingly at Skye and Simmons. They look away.
INT: Bus briefing room. May is working the holocom as Coulson and Ward watch on.
[computer beeps]
MAY: You need to disable the overkill device by 0600 tomorrow in order to prevent the separatist att*ck.
COULSON: Once you signal S.H.I.E.L.D., the extraction team will get you both out. Take care of him.
WARD: Of course, sir.
Fitz enters.
FITZ: More moving, less talking, Agent Ward. Time's not on our side.
Fitz walks past the holocom. When he gets to the end of the room, he turns and smiles back at Simmons, who returns the smile. Ward, May, and Coulson all exchange looks. Ward follows Fitz. Once Fitz is gone, Simmons' smile drops, and she exits out the other way that the boys went. May follows.
SKYE: Does this feel okay to you? Shouldn't we be going with them?
COULSON: The people who put these ops together are the best of the best. They know what they're doing.
Coulson exits out the way the women went.
[Skye sighs]
A Jeep drives down a rocky road in what we're told is the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS. Ward is driving the Jeep. Fitz is in the passenger's seat. As the Jeep rolls into a parking area, we can hear Fitz laughing at the story he's in the middle of telling.
FITZ: So Simmons, by this point, does not have a bloody clue. You know, we're in the back, trying to contain our laughter. So Simmons goes into the vacuum chamber wearing ... wearing a-a bunny suit. Um, we just call it that because it [chuckles] it covers your whole body. Um, so she's in the vacuum chamber, but when she takes her mask off to speak to me...
Fitz and Ward get out of the Jeep.
FITZ: ... she sneezes all over the Faraday cup...
[vehicle door closes]
Ward looks deeply unimpressed and deeply not in the mood. He takes off his sunglasses and shows Fitz how deeply unimpressed and deeply not in the mood he is, and starts to walk away.
[vehicle door closes]
FITZ: ...which is funny.
Fitz removes his sunglasses and hurries to catch up with Ward.
WARD: Do you have the beacon?
Fitz takes the beacon out of his pocket.
FITZ: Yeah. But it's funny because vacuum chambers are so dry...
Fitz is so into his story that he doesn't see that Ward is holding out his hand, waiting for Fitz to place the beacon in it.
FITZ: ... and this instrument was actually supposed to go into space. [chuckles]
Ward walks over and takes the beacon out of Fitz's hand.
FITZ: It had sensitive chemical components. [chuckles]
They're near some sort of decrepit building. Ward kneels and puts the beacon down.
FITZ: Simmons actually tells it a lot better than I do.
Ward walks away from the beacon and Fitz hurries to catch up with him.
WARD: Listen. My contact's Uri Dubrovsky. We'll pay him to get us across the border. We go back, but he doesn't like new people, so keep your mouth shut and your head down.
Ward enters the building followed by Fitz. The outside looks like a gas station but the inside look more like a bar. There is a soccer game on the television as the men sit around a bar and at tables drinking. Ward gets quite a few looks from the locals when he enters. He finds an empty space at the bar and leans in to speak to the bartender.
[crowd chanting "Rossiya" on the television]
[indistinct conversations]
WARD [in Russian]: Evening. Two vodkas, straight. One for me. And one for my friend, Uri.
There is another man sitting at the bar in front of the bartender. The bartender looks at this man, and the man finishes his drink and stands up. Ward seems to prepare for some sort of att*ck as Fitz walks up to him.
FITZ [in English]: Um, can you ask what beers that they have on tap?
BAR MAN [in English]: Uri's your friend?
WARD: Yeah.
BAR MAN: Uri's d*ad.
[g*n cocks]
BAR MAN: You have no friends here.
INT: Bus lab. The night-night g*n is sitting on a table, and it gets pushed to the side when a big box with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it gets set on the table.
SIMMONS: Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no.
She grabs the g*n.
SIMMONS: Please be careful. [chuckles] Can you imagine what Fitz would do if the night-night g*n was broken when he came back? [sighs] Surely he'll be okay out there, right?
Men are walking back and forth between Simmons and Skye, loading things onto the Bus.
SKYE: Well, Agent May is level 7. Maybe she can give us an update on their mission.
May looks up from her tablet and stares.
SKYE: Does that mean that you do know something and you can't tell us, or that you don't know anything? Which non-expression is this?
MAY: We know what we're supposed to. When we have more information, we'll react. (to everyone) All right, clear out. I need to run some diagnostics, then reboot.
She walks past Skye and Simmons and towards the exit.
MAY: That means you two. Off.
Skye closes her laptop and Simmons gathers her things. They exit together.
[indistinct talking]
SKYE: [sighs] You guys may be okay with being in the dark, but I'm not into it. I need answers. And I know just the person who has them.
SKYE: Coulson. I'm obviously talking about Coulson.
INT: room in the Hub where Coulson met Hand. They're standing in front of a large screen that shows various locations.
HAND: I'm going to need three more chalks queued up at the border.
COULSON: And a fourth standing by in Armenia?
HAND: Great minds.
[Coulson chuckles]
HAND: It must be nice to be off that plane. I understand you're almost through your recovery.
COULSON: The plane has nothing to do with my recovery.
HAND: I only know what I've read. Seems Fury has a soft spot for his favorites. Not everyone gets sent to Tahiti.
COULSON: It's a magical... place.
HAND: All I meant was it must feel good to be back in the big leagues.
COULSON: Two of my agents are the key to this operation. I never left the bigs.
HAND: Let's hope they're as good as you think they are.
INT: bar in Russia. Fitz and Ward are all tied up in a back room and I am not going to make any bad jokes about that.
[indistinct talking in Russian]
FITZ [whispers]: What's happening? Why haven't they k*lled us yet? I mean, I'm glad that they haven't k*lled us yet.
WARD: They're waiting for their boss, so before he gets here, we need a plan. How long can you hold your breath underwater?
FITZ: I don't know.
WARD: You familiar with the term "slam and cram"?
FITZ: No, and I d— I don't think I want to be.
WARD: How attached are you to your pinky?
FITZ: Very, very attached, and before you ask another terrifyingly vague question, let me be clear. Any plan that involves even one of those scenarios isn't going to work for me. As a matter of fact, I've —
A woman enters and stops right in front of them.
WOMAN: I heard you were looking for your friend Uri. And Uri was friends with separatists. Are you separatists?
WARD: No. We're here to stop them.
FITZ: Definitely here to stop them.
WARD: Trust me. If you could just help us get across the border —
[loud cheer of crowd chanting "Rossiya"]
WOMAN [in Russian]: Ah, I'm missing the game! [in English] You're wasting my time, so let me be clear. You've given me no reason to trust you. And trust is everything to me.
The bar man is next to her.
[g*n cocks]
[beep, electricity crackles]
All the lights go out.
[crowd booing]
INT: another Hub hallway. Skye rushes to catch up with Coulson.
SKYE: Hey. Fancy seeing you here.
COULSON: Skye, I told you I'd look into the file about your parents. No, I know. That's not why I'm here. I wanted to know more about Ward and Fitz's mission. Simmons is seriously starting to unravel without Fitz.
We see Simmons (who, yes, has seemed VERY unraveled without Fitz so far this episode) hurrying to catch up with them.
COULSON: I know it's hard to hear, but you don't have the clearance.
SKYE: But I have eyes.
They stop walking.
SKYE: I saw six squads in full tactical gear, three crates of RPGs, and a full crew of analysts headin' to operations. Are you really telling me that has nothing to do with ward and Fitz's mission? If I'm right, give me a signal by not saying anything.
COULSON: Trust the system.
Coulson walks off. Skye watches him go, shocked.
[Skye sighs]
Simmons pulls up next to her with a small smile.
SIMMONS: How did it go?
SKYE: Nothing. He's acting like a robot version of himself right now. If we want the truth, we've got to get it ourselves.
SIMMONS: Okay. How would you suggest ...
Skye is nodding conspiratorially.
SIMMONS: Oh, wait. No. No!
SKYE: Yes.
SIMMONS: No! I can't be a part of your bad-girl shenanigans. I like following the rules and doing what's expected of me. It makes me feel nice.
SKYE: Simmons, wake up! Ward and Fitz went on a top-secret, two-man operation, and look. There are more men. And either it's a bigger deal and they're not telling us, or something went wrong out there. And maybe there's nothing we can to do help, but we got to know if there is. What if they're injured or being tortured somewhere right now?
SIMMONS: Fitz. Tortured. ... What exactly do you have in mind?
INT: bar in Russia. Fitz is hanging upside down.
FITZ: Okay! Enough! Okay. A little to the left, Vladimir.
Vladimir, who is holding Fitz by the ankles, complies.
FITZ: Gentle! Gentle. That's it. Okay.
Fitz seems to be messing with something in the floorboards. We see Ward watching on with concern. Men are holding Ward's shoulders.
FITZ: Can I get a little more light down here, Marta?
MARTA: Of course, Mishka.
The woman from earlier (Marta) waves her hand at another man, who shines a flashlight at the area Fitz is working at.
FITZ: Thank you, sweetheart.
WARD: Little bear?
MARTA: I like watching him work, that little bear.
FITZ: Okay.
He hits a button. The lights come on, as does the television.
[cheers and applause]
Ward gives a small smile of appreciation. Vladimir sets Fitz back on his feet. Ward gives Fitz a look of respect, and Fitz smiles.
FITZ: It's nothing. Really. I'm just a man.
MARTA: [laughs] Get this man a drink.
FITZ: Oh, no. Here we go.
A sh*t glass is set down in front of him.
He downs it.
[indistinct talking]
FITZ: Mmm. Salty. So... let's talk business.
Outside, we see a big army truck driving down a dirt road. It reaches a checkpoint and goes through the gate. We hear Ward's voice before we see him, but once we do see him, we see that he and Fitz are inside the back of the truck with the cargo.
WARD: Two million rubles? We need to work on your negotiation skills.
FITZ: I thought they were like pesos. And anyway, you should be thanking me.
Fitz pulls something out of his pocket.
FITZ: I shorted the fuse box with my localized E.M.P. when we were tied up.
WARD: Really?
FITZ: Yes, and my plan worked because we're over the border now, aren't we?
[brakes squeak]
Fitz pulls on a baseball cap, as if that's a super high-tech disguise, or something.
[indistinct shouting]
FITZ: We're stopping. Why are we stopping?
[indistinct shouting]
WARD: Quiet. Stay here. I'll check it out.
Ward stands up and starts go get out.
Ward sits back down.
WARD: Okay. Maybe we'll both stay here.
[indistinct shouting]
Two guards approach the truck. Two barrels come flying out of it. Ward sh**t them, and they explode with some liquid, knocking the guards back. Ward jumps out and beats a guard down with his own g*n it's all very hot. A Jeep rolls up in the distance.
WARD: Fitz! More border patrol.
Fitz is already out of the truck and running away. Ward follows.
FITZ: Already moving! Hurry up!
INT: Bus lounge area. May is doing what looks like Tai Chi and boy does she look good doing it. Coulson sits down next to her. She continues doing Tai Chi.
COULSON: [sighs] Sorry. Am I disturbing you?
She says nothing.
COULSON: [sighs] You know, I like this plane. I like the way we do things here. Everyone's on the same page, no red tape. So far, it's working for us.
May gives him a look.
COULSON: Most of us. And maybe I'm getting soft, but I don't like keeping things from our team. If you knew —
May gives Coulson another look.
COULSON: No. You're right. Level 8. But —
Once again, May gives Coulson a look.
COULSON: [sighs] I know. Trust the system. [chuckles] May? Thanks.
Once Coulson is gone, May rolls her eyes and [sighs].
INT: hallway in the Hub. Simmons is outside another robo clearance terminal thing.
COMPUTER: Say cheese.
[computer beeps]
Simmons' I.D. pops up on the screen as she gets scanned . She's level 5. A door opens, and Skye is standing right next to Simmons.
SKYE: Okay, you have the flash drive. Go.
Simmons goes through the door. Skye continues to talk, which we soon realize is into an earpiece. We focus on both her and Simmons (italics for when we're not focused on the person speaking) as the scene goes on.
SKYE: I programmed it with a decoy crawler. It'll use my browser history to simulate my usual online activity, so while S.H.I.E.L.D. thinks I'm trolling reddit and facebook with the laptop you gave me.
SIMMONS: You'll be hacking the files for Ward and Fitz's mission.
SKYE: Right. And remember, once you plug it in, you'll only have about—
SIMMONS: Three minutes before S.H.I.E.L.D. catches on.
SKYE: Do you realize that you keep finishing my sent—
SIMMONS: Your sentences. I know. I'm sorry. Bad habit.
She gives two people she passes by an awkward smile.
SIMMONS: This is actually a bit thrilling.
SKYE: Ah, good. I'm glad. Now we've just got to figure out a way to get the panel open.
SIMMONS: Don't worry. I made a special something. It's what we do.
She holds up a device to the wall and [laughs]. She moves it in a circle. A handprint appears.
[whirring] as a panel opens up on the wall.
SIMMONS: All done.
SKYE: Really? Wow. Okay. Uh, now just find a USB port.
Simmons is busy studying the panel and doesn't notice that someone is standing next to her until he speaks.
SITWELL: Agent Simmons?
Simmons looks as panicked as a person can be.
SKYE: It's fine. Just play it cool.
Simmons' idea of playing it cool apparently involves her eyes going way too big, her smile going even bigger, and talking as if being strangled.
SIMMONS: [clicks tongue] Hello, Mr. Agent Sitwell, sir. May I help you? [chuckles nervously]
Outside, Ward and Fitz head towards a drainage pipe.
WARD: Drainage pipe. We'll wait them out over there.
FITZ: [panting] [sighs] We can't wait too long. If they use the overkill device, everyone on the border's in danger.
WARD: I'm aware.
FITZ: And that includes Marta and Vlad.
WARD: Oh, you're on a first-name basis now?
FITZ: [panting] Yeah, well, I'm just saying, their lives are on the line, too, so let's not get too comfortable. [panting continues]
INT: the Hub
SITWELL: Call me Jasper.
SIMMONS: Um, what brings you to this restricted hallway so late at night?
SITWELL: I could ask you the same thing.
SIMMONS: No. Don't. [chuckles]
SKYE: Simmons, focus. Just make up an excuse.
SIMMON: [clicks tongue] I was just on my way to the loo. [chuckles] I could swear it was two rights and a left, but is that it here?
Simmons points at the open wall panel, which could maybe be a bathroom door for a small woodland fairy, or something.
SITWELL: That's a wall panel. Why are you accessing it?
SKYE: Don't spiral. Just say something. Anything.
SIMMONS: [exhales sharply] You certainly have a gorgeous head, don't you?
Simmons twirls her hair awkwardly. Clearly, flirting is not her forte. We cut quickly to Skye, who mouths "what?!?" incredulously. Sitwell seems taken aback.
SIMMONS: I like men that are about my height, but heavier than me.
SKYE: Stop talking. Stop.
SITWELL: Agent Simmons, do you have authorization to access that panel?
SKYE: Say yes. Say you do.
SIMMONS: Oh! Y— of course.
SKYE: Great. Yeah.
SIMMONS: Of course. Um, I certainly have it right here in my bag.
Simmons unzips part of her bag.
SIMMONS (low, into comms): He's onto me.
SKYE: Stop talking to me! He can hear you!
SITWELL: Are you on comms with someone?
Sitwell pulls out a walkie-talkie.
SITWELL (into walkie-talkie): This is Agent Sitwell. I need an escort.
Simmons sh**t him with the night-night g*n.
SIMMONS: Aah! I'm sorry!
SKYE: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
Simmons turns back to the panel and plugs in the flash drive. She looks down at Sitwell, grabs his feet, and moves him.
SIMMONS: [grunts] Okay. Okay. Oof.
She gets him out of sight and walks over to the door where Skye is still waiting.
SIMMONS: I've sh*t agent Sitwell. Good, good, good.
She exits the hallway and stands in front of Skye.
SIMMONS: Was that all right?
SKYE: That was terrible! You are terrible at this. That was a total meltdown.
SIMMONS: The night-night g*n was right there, and I — [takes in a deep, deep breath]
SKYE: We need help. You need to go get May.
SIMMONS: May?! No!
SKYE: Listen. That flash drive will only give me a few minutes of access to the Hub's mainframe to find out what happened to our boys...
[Simmons groans]
SKYE: ...so just go get May, okay? Just tell her it was an accident.
SIMMONS: [sighs] I'm going to be court-martialed.
SKYE: [sighs] I hope this works.
INT: drainage pipe in Russia. yeah it's large enough for me to say we're in the interior of it whatever we are. Ward and Fitz are waiting in there. Night has fallen.
FITZ: Why do you think S.H.I.E.L.D. sent in just the two of us?
WARD: I don't know. They said they needed a guy like you and a guy like me.
Fitz reaches into his bag to get something out.
[plastic rustling]
FITZ: [sniffs] Mmm.
WARD: Is that a sandwich?
FITZ: Simmons made it. My favorite. Prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella with a hint of pesto aioli. Here. You can have half.
Ward takes the entire thing and throws it.
[water splashes]
FITZ: What the hell?
WARD: There are dogs tracking us, and you bring a prosciutto sandwich.
FITZ: I can't believe you just did that.
WARD: This is a mission, not a picnic!
FITZ: Oh, I'm well aware it's not a picnic, Mr. Save the Day.
WARD: What's that supposed to mean?
FITZ: Oh, come on. You obviously get off on being the guy who always gets to throw the last punch, who always swoops in to save the girl. And now you've destroyed the world's most dangerous sandwich. Congratulations.
[indistinct shouting in distance]
FITZ: Well, I'll tell you something. I don't need to be rescued by anyone, Grant Ward.
Ward puts a hand over his mouth. Fitz tries to move away but Ward holds tight and puts a finger to his lips asking for quiet.
[dogs barking, shouting continues]
Once Fitz stops struggling, he can hear the voices and dogs barking. Ward points his finger up, letting Fitz know they are above them. Fitz angrily shoves off Ward’s hand. They both begin to relax as the noises become fainter.
FITZ: Yeah. And—
WARD: Listen. Before we left, Coulson told me to take care of you. That is what I am doing. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ward takes something out of a pocket on his shoulder and holds it out to Fitz.
WARD: Here. If you're hungry, eat this. It's odorless.
[wrapper crinkling]
INT: a room inside the Hub. Skye opens her laptop.
SKYE: [sighs] All right, boys. Let's find out where you really are.
[keys clacking]
[computer beeps]
Numbers and letters roll on her screen then a menu page pops up. The options are: Current Missions; Ops Analysis; Tech; Classified Data L5; Classified Data L4; Redacted Documents; Facility Systems; and Mission Archive. (Really handy menu, gives you all the options you could possibly need if you hack into their systems, way to be covert, S.H.I.E.L.D.) Skye clicks on the Current Missions tab. This brings up new options, what I see are a bunch of files titled “Tatical_Com Field Data” with various numbers following them. The camera, and presumably Skye’s eyes, track over to another option.
SKYE: "Redacted documents."
[computer beeps]
She hits that tab and more options appear on her screen. The file names here all appear to be as generic as the ones for the missions. Skye exhales a deep breath and looks over at her phone which shows a countdown. She’s got 1 minute and 11 seconds left.
SKYE: [exhales sharply] Okay.
A new box appears on her laptop. This one says “Enter Search Parms”.
SKYE: 0, 4, 26, 89.
Skye enters 04/26/89. Something new pops up on her screen and files begin to light in blue.
[keyboard clacking]
SKYE: [sighs] Okay.
More files are lighting in blue and she looks to her phone, 46 seconds left. The files that meet her parameters begin to open on her screen. Finally the redacted letter she showed Coulson appears on screen.
SKYE: There it is... if I could just access the raw file. [sighs].
There are 34 seconds left.
SKYE: Oh, crap. I don't have any time.
[keyboard clacks, computer beeping]
She returns to the mainframe menu screen, and once again hits on “Current Missions”. Once again a search engine pops up, in this one she puts “South Ossetia”. The computer scans through three files and pulls up one. At the corner of the screen is says OP_OVERKILL. As she sees this she types in “TROOP LOCATIONS”. There is some beeping noises coming over her computer and the map on her screen lights areas in green with red triangles inside the green areas. Small yellow dots also appear then blue circles seem to zero into a couple of places. One of the blue areas lights up and a pop up appears over it. It says: 2 MAN INFIL TEAM; TIMETABLE: 08:00; EXTRACTION: - -
SKYE: Oh, my god. No extraction?
Coulson appears.
[laptop closes]
COULSON: What did I tell you?
They both look pissed as hell.
SKYE: You told me to trust the system. And the system sent Ward and Fitz in there to die.
Outside, somewhere. Ward and Fitz are on their back on some sort of a tarp.
FITZ: Good day to be a rat.
Ward [sighs], deep and long-suffering.
FITZ: I mean, there you are, minding your own business, spreading filth and disease, scavenging for grub worms or rotten fruit, When lo and behold, you see it ... a prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella sandwich.
WARD: Fitz.
FITZ: With just a hint of pesto Aioli.
WARD: Quiet.
[wind whistling]
[rumbling in distance]
WARD: Feel that? A truck. It's coming. Zip up the mag pouch!
They do. The mag pouch blends in with the ground underneath them. A truck rolls up over them.
[metallic thud]
The boys are no longer on the road. The truck continues towards a building in the distance.
INT: yet ANOTHER hallway in the Hub! They're a big fan of their hallways here.
COULSON: I told you I'd get answers about your family.
SKYE: That's not what I was looking for! I was trying to find out what was happening with Ward and Fitz.
COULSON: That's a classified operation.
SKYE: It's a su1c1de mission! I saw it all — the troop placements, the aerial as*ault. Once Ward and Fitz disable that device, there's going to be a huge att*ck on that compound, with no extraction plan, and you hid that from us!
Coulson grabs Skye's arm and pushes her into an open room.
COULSON: I didn't hide anything from you. You don't have the clearance to know that.
SKYE: Is that really what S.H.I.E.L.D.'s all about? Level 5s are more expendable than level 8? Is that all we are, just a number to you?
COULSON: Are you done?
SKYE: I don't know. Am I?
COULSON: If S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps a secret from you, it's for a good reason.
SKYE: So they can hold all the secrets.
COULSON (talking over Skye): Don't interrupt! You just hacked a level-8 secure server, saw operational plans that you have no context for. If details get out, the whole operation could be compromised, lives could be lost, Ward and Fitz among them.
SKYE: I know. Those are two people we care about. On the plane, you're always telling me to think outside the box, so I went off book 'cause I was trying to watch their backs.
COULSON: Our team can go off book because there is a book. A Hub. An organization watching our backs. You claim that you want to be a part of that, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Do you?
SKYE: Because someday, I may have to trust you with a secret, and I need to know that you can keep it.
SKYE: Can I ask you one question?
SKYE: Did you know there was no extraction plan for Ward and Fitz?
COULSON: That's classified.
He turns and walks out.
EXT: a building in Russia. The truck enters the compound. Armed guards are moving about. The truck stops, and Ward and Fitz roll out from under it and start to move.
WARD: Okay. Go. Go. Go.
Fitz hurries forward with Ward right behind him. When Ward reaches him he puts his arm out and around Fitz’s waist, pushing him back more.
WARD: Shh, shh, shh.
Ward looks around and then waves Fitz forward.
WARD: Go, go, go.
Fitz gets to a door and takes his backpack off.
WARD: I'll signal extraction.
FITZ: Okay.
Fitz is holding a device in his hands.
FITZ: Simmons calls it "the magic window." You'd probably guess, "is that X-ray technology?"
As Fitz rambles, Ward clicks on the device he has in his own hands. It's a flashlight. He waves his hand in front of it to signal for extraction. He gets no response, so he does it again.
FITZ: There are actually s-band microwave antennae embedded in this sheet. But it's more like a radar system really.
Ward looks resigned and lowers his flashlight.
FITZ: [sighs] Okay. Let's see.
Fitz puts the magic window up against the wall.
[device beeps]
We can see some sort of infrared imaging of what's going on in the next room through the device.
FITZ: Okay. Okay, we have two guards on the West wall. Both carrying a*t*matic w*apon.
A new figure (Ward (who we can see is not behind Fitz anymore), though Fitz doesn't realize this) enters.
FITZ: Correction. Make that three guards. We have three guards now.
Ward att*cks the guards.
FITZ: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Ward. He's attacking the others! He's coming straight for us. Ward. Ward?!
The door next to Fitz opens. Ward is there.
WARD: Hurry. Inside.
FITZ: Ah. That makes sense now.
INT: building. Ward and Fitz move among a lot of smoking pipes. They stop in front of the device.
WARD: [sighs] This must be it.
FITZ: Weird.
[metallic clinking] as Fitz taps on the device.
Fitz closes one eye and looks through a tiny hole on the end of the device.
FITZ: Core must be inside here. That's what's important. The piping around it just serves to amplify and direct the sound, to trigger munitions from a distance.
WARD: Doesn't look like it could take a jet out of the sky.
FITZ: Well, you should know by now, Agent Ward, that looks can be deceiving.
Fitz takes a tool out of his backpack and holds it up to the bolts on the outside of the device.
[tool whirring]
WARD: Good?
FITZ: Yeah.
[both grunt] as they move the cover off of the device. Fitz looks at the inside of it in awe.
[device whirring]
FITZ: This is gonna take a while.
WARD: You have 10 minutes.
FITZ: I thought you'd say five.
Fitz looks at his watch and hits a button.
INT: the Hub's control room. Hand is there. Coulson enters. They both look not so happy.
HAND: Agent Sitwell is in the infirmary. Apparently, a member of your team rendered him unconscious.
COULSON: A misunderstanding. I'll handle the matter internally.
HAND: Tranquilizing an agent does not qualify as a misunderstanding.
COULSON: You're right. But being told there's an extraction team in place when, in fact, there isn't? That does. I'm level 8. I'm entitled to information regarding the welfare of my team. You should have told me.
HAND: Seemed I didn't have to. And what would that have changed, Agent Coulson? You yourself have designed dozens of operations like this. You know how this works.
COULSON: Usually with an extraction plan.
HAND: Barton, Romanoff — they never have an extraction plan.
COULSON: They know that going in!
HAND: Agent Fitz is unproven in the field, and knowing would have caused him to lose focus or courage.
COULSON: That should have been my call.
HAND: I wasn't sure you'd comply. Your team includes an electronically tagged non-agent who is notorious for leaking secrets, which reminds me — How did you get this information again?
COULSON: I know what the safety of a thousand men is worth. I know the importance of taking the overkill device out of play. But I also know my men, and what they're worth! The decision to go in should have been theirs to make.
HAND: Perhaps. But you need to trust the system, Agent Coulson.
Hand turns and walks away, leaving Coulson seething.
INT: Russian factory. Fitz cuts something in the device.
WARD: All right. Show me the final steps to disable this thing. I'll get it done.
FITZ: No, we stick to the extraction plan. I'll be done in a minute.
[device whirring]
WARD: The extraction plan's a bust.
FITZ: What?
WARD: Exfil team didn't make contact. Once you take that thing apart and I set off the remote beacon, we're on our own. You should go.
FITZ: I'm not leaving.
Ward grabs Fitz's hand to stop him from working.
WARD: Fitz, there's no time to argue.
FITZ (talking over Ward): You don't think I can't handle this?
WARD: No, I am trying to protect you!
FITZ (talking over Ward): Ah, you think I'm a coward. Is that it?
WARD: What? No.
FITZ: I am every bit the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that you are.
Fitz goes back to working on the device.
WARD: Whoa! You don't have anything to prove. What you said about me always needing to swoop in ... I know you would have jumped out of the plane to save Simmons. And she knows that, too.
FITZ: I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. Okay? Before we left, you're not the only one that Coulson talked to, okay? He told me to take care of you, too. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm not going anywhere. You understand?
Ward nods.
[electricity buzzes]
FITZ: And I'm bloody starving.
INT: the Hub. The Bus is being lifted out of the building. We cut to the cargo bay of the Bus and we see May, Simmons, and Skye walking in.
MAY: You got the information. Now we react.
SKYE: We're gonna get our guys.
MAY: Somebody has to.
SIMMONS: What about the S.H.I.E.L.D. as*ault?
MAY: We won't interfere. You don't need a battalion for an extraction. Three can pull it off.
COULSON: Four's better.
Skye, Simmons, and May look up to see Coulson standing on the walkway area above the cargo hold. He grins.
SKYE: You're in? I thought we all had to be level 8 to discuss this.
COULSON: We're not discussing anything.
INT: Russian factory. Fitz removes a glowing yellow rod out of the device. He takes a hold of one of the wires and begins to twist.
[device whirring]
WARD: Ah-ah. Last chance, Fitz. Are you sure you don't want a head start? Because the second you pull that final wire —
Fitz pulls that final wire.
[whirring stops]
FITZ: Your turn.
Ward holds up something he has in his hand and presses a button, causing a red light to go off and for it to [beep]. We cut to the bar/gas station. We see the rock-like beacon that Ward placed on the ground right outside the building. It also begins to [beep].
INT: Command area of the Hub. The map that Hand has been staring at lights up.
HAND: Beacon's hot. The device is disabled. Mission's a go.
[indistinct chatter]
INT: Russian factory
WARD: Okay Fitz. Let's go. We need to slip out of here before they notice the device is powered down.
Fitz takes a piece off the device and holds it out to Ward.
FITZ: Got it.
[alarm blares]
[Ward sighs]
FITZ and WARD: We need a new plan.
Cut to commercial. When we come back, the setup is the same.
WARD: Are you sure this is gonna work?
FITZ: Yes. Theoretically.
[alarm blaring]
WARD: [sighs] Hurry.
FITZ: Okay. Finished.
[air whistling] as something—a m*ssile—whizzes through the air and then [explodes]. Our boys duck and cover. After things seem clear, they get back up.
FITZ: What was that?
WARD: [exhales sharply] S.H.I.E.L.D. They've started their att*ck, which means we don't have much time before they crush the compound. Get up there and take out as many of their w*apon as you can with that thing.
Guards come down the stairs for Ward.
WARD: Fitz!
Fitz fires up the device in his hands and sh**t it at the guards, knocking their w*apon out. Ward and the guards fight hand-to-hand, except Ward has a pipe, so really it's pipe-to-hand, and for the second time this transcript I am decidedly Not Making A Dirty Joke About Grant Ward.
FITZ: Behind you!
Ward sh**t him a "yeah, no kidding" look. Ward and the guard fight.
[expl*si*n in distance]
Ward wins. Fitz comes down the ladder and stands looking at the knocked-out guards.
FITZ: I just did that.
WARD: Yeah.
FITZ: Okay. Let's go.
The two of them run out of the building.
[expl*si*n continue]
[indistinct shouting]
Multiple armed guards surround Ward and Fitz.
FITZ: You said they needed a guy like me and a guy like you, right?
WARD: Right.
[jet engines roaring]
FITZ: It's the extraction team!
WARD: Better. It's the cavalry.
We see that May is, indeed, in the cockpit of the Bus. She's wearing sunglasses and looking hot as hell. The guards turn their g*n up towards the Bus.
WARD: Never get tired of seeing that.
The hover engines rotate and the wash from them hits the guards, knocking them off their feet. Ward and Fitz have large smiles as they watch it happen.
INT: the Hub. Sitwell opens a door and enters the command center and walks over to Hand.
HAND: Are Coulson's people clear?
SITWELL: They are. I thought there wasn't gonna be an extraction.
HAND: All our resources were needed elsewhere. And it's Agent Coulson's team. They didn't need one. Okay. Let's mop up.
INT: Bus cargo hold. Fitz and Ward are there. Coulson walks down the staircase to them. Ward shakes Coulson's hand.
WARD: Thanks for coming to get us, sir.
COULSON: We take care of our own.
Coulson shakes Fitz's hand and then walks off. Fitz takes off his backpack and heads over to Simmons, who is standing right outside of the lab. Ward picks up the discarded backpack with a small [grunt].
SIMMONS: Well done, Fitz. So glad you're all right.
Ward looks up after picking up the backpack to see May. She smiles at him and walks off.
FITZ: Yep. Good to see you, too.
There's a bit of an awkward pause as if they're at a loss for words.
SIMMONS: Oh! The sandwich — how was it?
Fitz just stares. Simmons' face drops.
SIMMONS: Too much Aioli?
FITZ: It was delicious.
Simmons' bright smile returns. They both bend down to pick up a metal box on the floor between them. Skye enters the cargo hold and walks over to Ward with a smile. When she gets close enough, she punches him affectionately on the arm.
SKYE: You know, for a second there, I thought I'd have to find a new supervising officer.
WARD: Sorry to disappoint.
He looks over at Fitz-Simmons, who are now inside the lab.
WARD: Truth is, I was in good hands.
Ward walks away from Skye. As he passes the lab, he and Fitz share a look of respect.
FITZ: I had Ward's back the whole time.
Simmons scoffs in an "of course you did" way.
FITZ: [chuckles] Yeah. Pretty much saved him from a g*ng of Russian mobsters and kicked a few guys' heads in. [sighs] But enough mission talk already. Um, anything exciting happen at the Hub?
SIMMONS [delightedly]: I sh*t a superior officer in the chest.
Fitz's grin slips.
INT: Skye's quarters. She sits on her bed, lost in thought.
[footsteps approaching]
When Skye looks up, Coulson is in the doorway.
SKYE: Hey. I was thinking about today, and I'm really sorry —
COULSON: I just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget about what you asked me. Back at the Hub.
SKYE: Uh, what do you mean?
COULSON: The un-redacted file about your past. I found it.
SKYE: [shaky breath] Oh. Uh, w-what did it say?
COULSON: The document wasn't about you directly. It was about the person who dropped you off at the orphanage. Turns out, it was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
SKYE: A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent? Why? I mean, who? What does that mean? I —
COULSON: The agent was unidentified. We don't know if she was your mother or if she just found you on a doorstep.
SKYE: Mother? It was a woman?
COULSON: I put in a request to dig further into the files for any related materials, but right now, that's all I have. I'm sorry.
SKYE: Sorry? Thank you.
Skye wraps Coulson up in a big hug.
SKYE: Thank you so much.
[Coulson sighs]
Skye breaks the hug and gives Coulson a hopeful smile. He gives her a small smile in return and then leaves. Skye sits back on her bed, looking once again lost in her thoughts — this time, though, they're of a different nature.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. May is looking over some papers. She looks up at the sound of [Coulson's footsteps].
COULSON: You finish reading it yet?
MAY: Mm. What did you tell her?
COULSON: The truth. I told her a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent dropped her off at the orphanage.
MAY: But you didn't tell her why.
COULSON: I can't. Some secrets are meant to stay secret. Will you help me find out what really happened?
MAY: Dangerous waters. [sighs] But I can try.
COULSON: Thank you.
May looks down at the desk and spreads her arms apart, showing us a picture of a d*ad woman in the file (presumably on Skye) that May was looking at. She’s lying on the ground with a large pool of blood under her head. Next to that photo appears to be some sort of S.H.I.E.L.D. identification picture.
MAY: [sighs] Poor girl.
AoS logo end card.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. Coulson walks over to his desk and picks up his phone. He punches in some numbers and puts it to his ear.
[phone ringing]
MAN: Company.
COULSON: Yes, I need access to a restricted file. Bravo Charlie Yankee 307604.
MAN: Authorization code?
COULSON: X-ray 2896.
MAN: You're looking for a death and recovery report, sir?
COULSON: Yes, for a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Mostly interested in his recovery. It took place in Tahiti.
MAN: I'm sorry, but you don't have access to that document, sir.
COULSON: There must be some mistake. I'm level 8. I have clearance for that file.
MAN: The system indicates that you don't. Would you like me to submit a formal request to Director Fury, sir?
COULSON: No. Thank you.
[phone clicks off] | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x07 - The Hub"} | foreverdreaming |
1x08 - The Well
Outer space. We hear a voice over.
SIMMONS: In ancient times, people believed the heavens were filled with gods and monsters and magical worlds. Then, as time passed, those beliefs faded into myth and folklore.
We see what is apparently the area that the ??? elves ??? inv*de in Thor: The Dark World (I have not seen Thor: The Dark World).
SIMMONS: But now we know the stories were true.
As she speaks, we see Asgard, other worlds, the Rainbow Bridge being used, an elf ship entering Earth, etc.
SIMMONS Other worlds, with names like Asgard, do exist. And beings once revered as gods, like Thor, have returned, leaving us with more questions and...
INT: a room somewhere.
SIMMONS: ... an enormous mess to clean up.
A box drops, spilling out metal. Ward is emptying it.
WARD: Don't say I never gave you anything.
We're inside, in what the screen tells us is GREENWICH UNIVERSITY, LONDON, ENGLAND.
FITZ: Checking for alien spectrographic signatures one teeny rock at a time.
Fitz is screening the parts that Ward dropped off with a tablet.
WARD: Necessary precaution. We don't want anything alien getting in the wrong hands.
FITZ: Still, this is definitely the type of work a monkey could easily do.
WARD: You're our little monkey.
[cellphone rings]
Simmons pulls out her phone. "Mum & Dad" are calling. She mutes the ringer.
[cellphone beeps]
Fitz gives Simmons a look.
SIMMONS: Don't give me that look. I'll talk to them when I talk to them.
WARD: Talk to who?
SIMMONS: Mum and Dad. They want explanations and answers for... well, all this. But I don't have any answers. And, more importantly, I haven't talked to them since I was ill. And if they knew that, they'd be even more terrified. So, you know...
[cellphone beeps] and Simmons declines again.
SIMMONS: ...why waste any of our time, really?
INT: another part of the university. Skye and Coulson are walking.
SKYE: You guys may think it's old news, but it's new... news to everybody else. So, Asgardians are aliens from another planet that visited us thousands of years ago?
COULSON: Or more.
He deposits a piece of debris into the box of pieces of debris that Skye is holding.
SKYE: And because we couldn't understand aliens, we thought they were gods?
They pass by May, testing an artifact on the floor.
COULSON: That's where our Norse mythology comes from.
SKYE: [sighs] That's too crazy. Do you think other deities are aliens, too? Vishnu for sure, right?
Coulson continues gathering debris and putting it into the crate Skye is holding.
COULSON: You know, it'd be nice if, for once, Thor and his people sent down the god of cleaning up after yourself. They probably have a magic broom for this kind of thing.
SKYE: I just wish they'd left their alien ship behind.
MAY: So we can clean that up, too?
SKYE: So we could go inside, take a peek under the hood, maybe take it for a spin. Come on, you're telling me piloting an alien ship isn't on your bucket list?
COULSON: I can't think of a single time when anything alien in human hands ended well.
SKYE: Wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor. He's so dreamy.
COULSON: Sure, he's handsome, but—
MAY: No. He's dreamy.
[device beeps]
SIMMONS: Fitz, is that, um —
FITZ: Definitely not from here. Another piece of the ship. (to Ward) What are you doing?
Ward is spraying the piece in question with an aerosol can.
WARD: Out of sight...
Ward puts the piece in a case and closes the lid.
WARD : ...out of mind. That's why we're here. Keep everything under control.
Outside, in what we're told is TRILLMARKA NATIONAL PARK, NORWAY. A Jeep enters. Two rangers are inside. They get out and stare at the sign for the park, which has a red symbol—kind of like an X with a triangle on top—painted over it.
RANGER 1: Now, who would do something like that?
RANGER 2: Ah, who knows.
[vehicle doors close]
Outside, in another part of the woods. We see a couple backpacking, holding hands. They come into a clearing.
WOMAN: Baby, look.
They're looking at a large tree ringed by blue bolders. The man looks down at a notebook he's holding.
MAN: "South of the water, North of the hill..." "...a halo of stones ..."
WOMAN: "protect the tree still." Jakob, is this it?
He nods. We cut to a chainsaw starting up.
[engine turns over]
[chainsaw revs]
He approaches the tree and starts to cut.
We cut back to the rangers.
[chainsaw whirring in distance]
[wood splinters]
RANGER 1: We should check that out.
Back with the couple, the tree has been felled. Jakob dissects it a bit and, with gloved hands, pulls out a piece of a broken metal rod and comes back to the woman.
JAKOB: Finally, after all this time.
They kiss.
WOMAN: I can't wait to tell the others.
JAKOB: I told you it was real... and that I would find it. Are you ready?
He hands her the rod. She grabs it with her bare hands. A red glow comes from inside the rod and symbols appear on the rod and on her hands.
[she gasps]
The glowing and symbols fade out. She falls to her knees.
JAKOB: What you're feeling, don't fight it. That rage, it's already inside of you. Don't be afraid of it. Don't hide from its power. Embrace it. Embrace it!
[woman screams]
The rangers enter.
RANGER 2: God! What have you done?
The woman looks up at the rangers angrily.
[she screams]
She punches Ranger 1 in the chest and sends him flying an unnatural distance away.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. logo title card.
In the woods, but our team is there now! Simmons and Ward stand at the base of the felled tree. Simmons is hooked up to a belay contraption.
WARD: I can climb it if you want. Just talk me through what to do with the... doodads. Yeah, it's only about 15 feet.
SIMMONS: I'll be fine. I'm — I'm just a bit more wary about the height thing since falling to certain death.
WARD: You're afraid. Hmm? Shaken up? It's normal. But some feelings will take over if you dwell on them. Especially fear.
As Ward is talking, he takes Simmons by the hand and leads her onto the tree.
WARD: Now, keep your eyes ahead. Focus on what you like to do best.
SIMMONS: Yep. Not falling.
Simmons starts to inch her way up the tree.
WARD: No, research. You're a scientist. You like to figure things out.
SIMMONS: Yes. With my doodads.
WARD: I'm curious. Whatever was up in these trees had to be there for centuries, right?
SIMMONS: At least a millennium. Radiocarbon-14 dates some of these trees at 9,000 years old.
WARD: That sounds impossible. Think the tree grew around it?
SIMMONS: I'd have to check the dendrochronology first to know for certain.
Simmons starts to walk up the tree faster. Ward, on the ground, tracks behind her with a hand up as if to catch her if she falls.
WARD: Uh-huh.
SIMMONS: But, I mean, the Norway spruce is a rather fast-growing coniferous, and I know you're trying to trick me into going up, but I'm going up anyway, so—
WARD: I'll catch you if you fall.
We cut over to see Coulson talking to Ranger 1.
RANGER: Screaming, and so much hate in her eyes.
COULSON: And you said she had a silver stick?
RANGER: Steel, maybe. I-I don't know. It, uh, had decorations on it.
COULSON: Could you describe or draw them?
RANGER: I didn't get a good look. I [sniffles] I just ran. [sniffles] [crying] Who would do something so evil?
COULSON: I'm sorry for your loss.
Back with Simmons, she's scanning the hole in the tree with her tablet.
[device beeping]
SIMMONS: Oh, um, whatever was in here was definitely not from this world. Fitz, you getting this? It's not Chitauri, is it?
FITZ: No, no, no. Don't worry.
INT: the lab on the Bus
FITZ: This isn't another viral thr*at. Um, hang on.
[device beeps]
FITZ: Spectrographic signatures match readings from... Thor's hammer. Simmons, whatever was in that tree is Asgardian.
SIMMONS: I-I can see an imprint of what was embedded. [sighs]
Simmons takes out another device that scans the innards of the tree with a red laser.
SIMMONS: Scanning for three-dimensional restoration. Tell me when.
[beeping from the lab holocom]
FITZ: When.
What Simmons scanned in starts to show up.
FITZ: Um, looks like a staff or a rod. Well crafted. Engraved. I'll convert it, print a 3-D model.
Cut to Coulson and the Ranger.
RANGER: This forest is a protected reserve. I mean, who do they think they are?
COULSON: Anything else? Details? Anything that might help us to find these people or where they might be hiding?
SKYE (over comms): Sir, doesn't look like they're hiding.
INT: Bus briefing room. Skye is watching a news broadcast of what looks like a riot. We're told it's in Oslo.
[indistinct shouting]
MAY: Sending to your devices now.
FEMALE REPORTER: ... raiding has left 20 injured, 3 in critical condition. Reports indicate that the group of about a dozen was led by this man and woman, and though their motive was unclear, their message was hauntingly spelled out on the streets of Oslo.
On the screen, we see the couple.
Coulson walks up to Ward and shows him his phone.
COULSON: Well, I guess we know who they think they are.
[indistinct shouting, f*re crackles]
On the news feed, a f*re on the street spells out: We are Gods.
INT: the lab on the Bus. Ward is in front of a screen looking at info on the couple. According to the data on the screen, they're part of something called the Norse Paganist Hate Group.
WARD: Jakob Nystrom, 30. Girlfriend, Petra Larsen. Leaders of a Norse Paganist hate group.
SKYE: And their numbers are growing, thanks to what happened in Greenwich and thanks to the internet. Yay, internet, she said sarcastically.
SIMMONS: Norse Paganist?
SKYE: Obsessed with anything derived from Norse mythology ... stories of Asgard.
Ward picks up the 3-D model of the rod that Fitz had printed out.
WARD: And now a w*apon.
FITZ: The scan only accounted for one side. Too much damage to the tree for complete reproduction.
SIMMONS: But see here ... it's clearly broken on both ends.
WARD: So there are more pieces?
FITZ: Yeah. Two at least.
WARD: Which means Sid and Nancy may be looking for a complete set. And markings?
[door opens] as the team parents walk in.
COULSON: Asgardian symbolism. Hard to translate with our limited knowledge.
SKYE: You should give your buddy the god of thunder a shout. He gets his power from his hammer, right? What if this is his nail to the hammer?
COULSON: I already did. Director Fury told me he's off the grid. And if he has a cellphone, we don't have the number.
MAY: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigations are on the trail of Nystrom and his followers.
COULSON: We're charged with identifying the object and finding any other pieces before they do.
WARD: They seem to have some advantage. They found this thing in 150 square kilometers of Norwegian forest.
SKYE: Guys. What if it called to them with magic?
MAY: Called to them.
SKYE: We know it's Asgardian, so the rules are a little bendy here.
SIMMONS: Just because we don't understand something yet doesn't mean we should regress back to the dark ages, talking of magic and fairy tales.
COULSON: Actually, that's exactly what we're going to do.
SIMMONS: Excuse me?
SKYE: Really?
COULSON: When we first found the hammer in New Mexico, I consulted one of the world's leading experts on Norse mythology — Elliot Randolph, a Professor at a university in Seville. We'll leave immediately. Maybe he can tell us more about these markings.
SEVILLE, SPAIN. INT: an office at a university. Randolph is scrawling on a paper. A student is in front of him.
RANDOLPH: Well, one must adapt, Elena. Recent events have thrown us all for a loop. I thought I was teaching Norse mythology. No, turns out I'm a history Professor.
ELENA: So, you're not going to change my grade?
RANDOLPH: No. I will give you a week to rewrite it. I think, in general, little more history, less lit crit. But I do hope we're still on for dinner tonight. I've included a list of books there that might help you. I'll see you later.
She exits. Coulson enters.
COULSON: Professor Randolph.
RANDOLPH: Agent Coulson. Come in, come in.
He does. They shake hands. Fitz walks in, too. Coulson points to the pen in Randolph's hand.
COULSON: Waterfield 44. 14-karat-gold nib with mother-of-pearl inlay.
RANDOLPH: [chuckles] That's quite an eye you've got. I didn't know you were a collector.
COULSON: On a government salary, not quite.
RANDOLPH: Well, I'm assuming you found something on the ground in London.
COULSON: In a tree in Norway. And, unfortunately, we weren't the ones who found it.
We can see that Simmons is there, too. Coulson opens up a case and pulls out Fitz's rod (not making a joke not making a joke).
FITZ: It's a 3-D model.
Fitz hands the rod to Randolph.
RANDOLPH: Oh, that is amazing. Now, based on these runes, I'd say I'm looking at a piece of the Berserker staff. Let's have a look.
[grunts] as he gets a book and starts flipping through it.
RANDOLPH: Yeah, the myth dates back to the late 12th century. It's all about a powerful warrior from Asgard. Here. A soldier in the Berserker army.
We see on the page a drawing of a man holding up the rod, albeit considerably longer.
FITZ: Berserker army?
RANDOLPH: Oh, yeah. A powerful army. Fierce army, it was. Berserkers battled like raging beasts, destroying everything in their path. A single Berserker had the strength of 20 warriors.
COULSON: So whoever wielded the staff got superhuman strength?
RANDOLPH: Fighting with it put the warrior into a state of uncontrollable rage. The staff contained a very powerful magic.
SIMMONS: Or a scientific attribute we've yet to discover.
RANDOLPH: Analytically minded and pretty as a peach.
FITZ: The warrior in the story?
RANDOLPH: Well, in the story, he came to Earth to fight, but he ended up falling in love.
SIMMONS: With whom?
RANDOLPH: With life on Earth. Humanity. He fell so much in love that when his army returned to Asgard, he stayed behind.
FITZ: What happened to the staff?
RANDOLPH: Well, he didn't want its dark magic falling into the wrong hands, so he broke it into three pieces and hid each one in a different location.
COULSON: The manuscript wouldn't happen to say where he hid them, would it?
RANDOLPH: Actually, it does.
Randolph picks up the book and walks around to the other side of his desk.
RANDOLPH: In three verses. Now, let's all bear in mind these are poetic abstracts from long-lost ancient texts. So, there is one about a tree, which they've found, it seems. Another is, "East of the river, sun overhead, buried in Earth with the bones of the d*ad." That's a bit macabre, isn't it? There's another here. Well, this one doesn't even have a rhyme. But the gist of it is "close to god." That could be anything, then.
SIMMONS: It could also mean nothing.
COULSON: I was hoping for less metaphor, more longitude and latitude.
RANDOLPH: Well, I mean, it does stand to reason to search near Viking raid routes, doesn't it? Now, there have been some recent interesting findings of Norse relics on Baffin island off the coast of Canada. Yeah, virtual treasure trove of new artifacts.
COULSON: We'll start there, then. Thank you, Professor.
INT: the lounge area of the Bus. Coulson and Ward are walking towards the briefing room.
COULSON: Did you know there's mount Thor on Baffin island?
WARD: I did not.
COULSON: Do you know what's not on mount Thor? Anything Asgardian at all. Our agents on the ground haven't found a thing.
They enter the briefing room. Skye is inside.
COULSON: What about you?
SKYE: Nystrom's deep-web message boards are just abuzz with psychos.
On the holocom, we can see the message boards. The messages on these boards include things like "We must start an army of super warriors to combat the oppression that has haunted the Master Race since the dawn of time!! All those who choose to oppose us must YIELD!" and also messages such as "I rode a horse today. :]"
SKYE: They believe they're gonna ascend to be the gods of destruction and death. People suck, sir.
WARD: That's your progress? "People suck"?
SKYE: These people do. And there's also chatter about going underground.
WARD: Could mean going incognito or ...
COULSON: Or searching for the next piece.
WARD: Randolph said to check Viking routes. Find any others?
SKYE: There's some sites along the Volga river in Russia, some in Kiev, and weirdly, here.
Skye taps a location on the map on the holocom.
COULSON: In Seville, Spain?
SKYE: It's a long sh*t, but Vikings sacked Seville twice.
May enters.
MAY: We found one promising location with Viking relics — El Divino Niño. A church built on the ruins of an 8th-century crypt built on Roman ruins from 206 B.C.
WARD: East of a river.
COULSON: And lots of bones. Let's see what we can dig up. See what I did there?
Seville. INT: an SUV. Coulson and Fitz are sitting there.
FITZ: Must be nice ... have a mandatory nap time.
COULSON: Siesta isn't mandatory. Just very pleasant.
Underground somewhere. Ward is walking. The ceiling is very close to his head.
COULSON: How you doing, Agent Ward?
WARD: Wishing I was shorter. Nothing yet. All my readings are normal.
COULSON: What about you, Skye? Any luck?
Underground, but in a slightly different part.
SKYE: I'm lucky my S.O. volunteered to take the super-creepy hallway instead of the slightly less-creepy dungeon-room place. I got nothing. Sorry — nada.
FITZ: Ward, your spectrograph is reading something near you.
We see Fitz is looking at a tablet. On it, we can see the locations of Ward and Skye, labelled "AGENT WARD" and "SKYE" and marked with a little S.H.I.E.L.D. eagle. A small red dot is approaching Ward.
WARD: I don't see anything.
FITZ: Well, it's right in front of you. Oh, wait. No. Uh, okay, hold on. It's moving. Northwest.
Ward sees someone starting away from him. He chases.
WARD: Visual contact.
FITZ: Okay Ward, turn left.
Ward catches up to the person. It's Randolph.
RANDOLPH: I have a wonderful explanation.
WARD: Ran into some unexpected com...
[Ward gasps]
As Ward reaches out to grab Randolph, he actually grabs a part of the rod that Randolph had been holding. It's glowing like before. Ward is in pain and falls to his knees.
Flashback/vision sequence: a little boy in the bottom of a well struggles to keep his head above water.
[Ward groans]
COULSON: Ward, what's happening?
Fitz shows Coulson his tablet.
FITZ: His device just went down.
COULSON: Skye, can you get —
SKYE: Already on it.
Skye turns a corner and rushes forward.
SKYE: Ward. Are you all right?
Skye reaches towards Ward and he scrambles away.
[Ward gasping]
SKYE: Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Grant, calm down. Calm down, please. Calm down. [sighs]
[Ward breathing heavily]
WARD: [shakily] The staff ... he has it.
SKYE (into comms): Something's wrong with Ward. The staff's gone. Someone took it.
Outside, Randolph walks down the sidewalk, glancing over his shoulder. His part of the staff is sticking out of a bag. He walks by a group of people and jostles them in the process. They turn — it's the couple from earlier (Jakob and Petra) as well as two other men. Randolph makes it to his car and fumbles to unlock it. He looks up to see the little group.
JAKOB: I have one, too.
He holds up his piece of the staff.
Outside, Fitz and Coulson exit their SUV
COULSON: He can't just disappear. He'll have to turn up some...
[whoosh, scream]
COULSON: ... where.
A car is tossed into the street.
[metal crunches]
COULSON: There we go. A block south of the church.
Coulson runs off in that direction. He gets to Randolph, who is picking up his things off the pavement and putting them in his bag.
COULSON: Professor.
RANDOLPH: I screwed up.
INT: the lab on the Bus. Ward, shirtless (nice), is being monitored by Fitz-Simmons. Skye hovers nearby.
WARD: This is ridiculous.
SKYE: It's anything but. Ward, you passed out. And you were acting not right.
SIMMONS: Coulson ordered me to give you a full work-up, and that's exactly what I'm doing. Um, before you lost consciousness, were you feeling claustrophobic?
WARD: Why?
FITZ: She's ruling out a panic att*ck.
WARD: I don't panic. Ever.
SIMMONS: There we go. Ruled out.
SKYE: Touching the staff caused it, right?
Ward nods.
SIMMONS: Any residual effects? Are you exhibiting any extra s-strength?
Ward looks at a feed on a nearby screen of the Cage, within which are Coulson and Randolph.
WARD: Why don't I find out on that guy?
SKYE: Why don't we not do that?
FITZ: What's the last thing you remember before you lost consciousness?
WARD: This is a waste of time.
Ward pulls off his blood pressure cuff and gets up out of his chair, characteristically broody and ready for business.
SIMMONS [softly]: Um, uh...
WARD: We need to find the staff.
FITZ: What exactly did you remember?
WARD: Something I hadn't thought about in a long time.
SKYE: Why don't we leave it alone?
SIMMONS: Well, I mean, he just pulled his arm out of this...
[Fitz-Simmons dissolve into whispering indistinctly]
WARD: Quiet!
They fall silent.
WARD: I want to hear this.
[beeping] as he turns up the volume on the feed of the Cage, which the camera then goes inside.
COULSON: One of my men is hurt. The staff is gone.
RANDOLPH: I didn't want any of that to happen.
COULSON: What did you want? The staff's power for yourself?
RANDOLPH: Nothing like that. [sighs] You know, I just wanted to be the first to study it, to prove that the Berserkers were actually here, a part of history. You think about that.
COULSON: Oh, I'm thinking about it.
Back inside the lab, the feed cuts off suddenly.
WARD: What are you doing?
SIMMONS: Your heart rate's rising. Adrenaline's spiking. You need to calm down, not get worked up.
[Ward sighs, breathes deeply]
SKYE (quietly, aside): The memory ... was it about your brother?
WARD: Drop it.
SKYE: Ward, if you need to get it out, I am here —
WARD: Right. To talk. Because that's what you do ... talk... and talk. Don't you ever get tired of hearing your own voice?
By the time he's at the end of his sentence, his voice has risen from a whisper to above normal volumes.
FITZ: Ward, stop.
Fitz pulls Ward away from Skye, whom he'd been advancing towards. Ward shakes off Fitz's hand.
SIMMONS: Well! This makes more sense. Ward, what you're experiencing, this feeling — it's chemistry.
SKYE: Hope so.
SIMMONS: Yeah, spikes in his adrenocorticotropic hormone. It's like those stories you hear when a mother is able to lift a car to save her baby. An adrenaline surge can create a massive —
WARD: Stop talking! Just fix it!
SIMMONS: I wish I could. We can relieve some of the symptoms. I'm going to give you 10cc of benzodiazepine.
[Fitz makes sounds of agreement; Ward makes sounds of disagreement.\]
SKYE: Chill pill. Good idea.
WARD: A sedative? Not gonna happen.
FITZ: Yeah, well, be reasonable. Look how you're behaving.
As Ward talks to Fitz, he gets closer to him, invading his personal space in a (very successful) attempt to freak him out.
WARD: And if I'm sedated and we cross paths with those juiced freaks, the ones who flip cars and smash people up, are you gonna take them on? Keep us safe? Or am I gonna have to save Simmons' ass... again?
Ward snatches his shirt off a table and exits the lab. The Bus kids look at each other in scared silence. When Simmons finally breaks the silence, she's a little teary.
SIMMONS: That was just a biochemical reaction. He didn't mean all that.
SKYE: No, I know.
FITZ: No explanation necessary.
The Bus kids break apart to do their own things and distract themselves from their feelings.
INT: Cage
COULSON: How'd they find it?
RANDOLPH: I have no idea how they found it. They may have the original texts. I wasn't involved. You know, it was just a chance to uncover something that the gods brought down from the heavens.
COULSON: Aliens brought it. From space. I've spent some one-on-one time with aliens before. Didn't work out too well. So cases like this are personal to me.
RANDOLPH: That's all I know.
Coulson gets up to leave and then pauses by the door.
COULSON: Get comfortable.
INT: cargo hold. Ward, earbuds in, is beating the hell out of a punching bag. As he does so, we see more cuts of the flashback to the well scene. These memories are obviously enraging him, causing him to get more violent.
BOY: Help me!
The boy is bobbing up and down in the water. Another boy stands outside the well, looking down, doing nothing.
BOY: Please! Help me! Help me!
The cutting back and forth between Ward destroying a punching bag and the well increases to a very rapid pace.
MAY: Ward!
BOY: Please!
MAY: Hey, Ward!
May touches Ward on the shoulder, breaking him out of his flashbacks. He turns and swings at her. She easily sidesteps it.
WARD: You should be more careful.
MAY: I'm fine. You?
WARD: I'm working it out.
[grunts] as he hits the bag.
MAY: You're punching things. The last thing you need is to punch things.
WARD: You got a better idea?
MAY: Let me help you.
WARD: The only help I need is to stop those guys before they hurt somebody else.
Ward goes back to doing v*olence therapy.
INT: a tunnel somewhere. Petra and co are moving around. They enter a larger portion of the tunnels. We see Jakob in the center of a crowd.
[crowd cheers]
JAKOB: We are the new order! Our world is being taken by gods! We will become gods and take it back! This is the new order!
Jakob goes to stand beside Petra. He's holding two pieces of the staff. He holds them forth to two men.
JAKOB: Are you ready to take back the power?
Both men take a portion of the staff, which glows. They [grunt and groan in pain] and fall to their knees.
[cheering continues]
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. He's watching the feed of Randolph in the Cage.
[knock on door]
WARD: A moment, sir?
COULSON: Come on in.
Ward comes on in.
WARD: I'm concerned that my exposure to that w*apon has compromised my ability to do my job.
WARD: You're familiar with my family history.
Coulson nods.
WARD: So, for obvious reasons, I don't think back to childhood. Ever. There are things I put away a long time ago. On lockdown. Because to do this, I have to be focused, tactical. I can't be distracted. Especially by things that happened a lifetime ago.
COULSON: You're saying touching the staff unlocked certain memories.
WARD: My worst memory. [voice breaking] The first time I felt... hate. And it won't go away. I don't trust myself. The way I went off at Skye and Fitz-Simmons in the lab —
COULSON: Grant... you telling me this makes me feel I can trust you. (about Randolph) Him, on the other hand... I can't get the Professor to talk. (to Ward) You've got some rage built up. Maybe it's time to let it out.
INT: Cage. Ward enters.
WARD: You need to start talking.
RANDOLPH: I told Agent Coulson everything I know.
WARD: You're lying. Tell me what that thing did to me and how fix it.
RANDOLPH: I swear I don't know.
Ward produces a blade.
WARD: Okay, then.
Ward goes to s*ab Randolph in the shoulder. At the last second, Randolph grabs the blade and bends it. Ward pulls the blade back and examines it in awe.
[door opens]
WARD (to Coulson): You were right. He's Asgardian.
COULSON: Good thing. Otherwise, that would have been awfully embarrassing.
Cut to commercial. When we come back, the setup is the same. Randolph easily snaps the handcuffs holding him.
RANDOLPH: Okay, I have to know. How did you figure me out?
COULSON: Did the math. One, you're not the first Asgardian I've had in custody. You guys don't flinch or panic in captivity. Two, a Waterfield 44? On a lit Professor's salary? I don't think so. And lastly, when I tell someone I've had some one-on-one time with an alien, they tend to be a little curious.
RANDOLPH: Well, you're certainly more observant than most, Agent Coulson.
COULSON: So, you're the Asgardian warrior who stayed.
RANDOLPH: Please don't tell anyone.
INT: the Bus briefing room. Fitz-Simmons and Skye, the Bus kids, are watching the feed of the Cage.
FITZ: I had no clue. Did you?
He looks over at Simmons, naturally. She shakes her head.
FITZ: Hidden in plain sight — an actual Asgardian. Brilliant.
SKYE: How long do you suppose he's been on our planet?
SIMMONS: A thousand years. Maybe more. If we could just cut him open a little bit, get some tissue samples, maybe some bodily fluids, we could find out.
Fitz nods along with his other half in happy mad scientist agreement.
SKYE: Or we could just ask him, weirdo. This is way, way better than the History channel. I mean, this guy has lived through all the scary stuff — the crusades, the black death, disco.
May enters, holding a tablet.
[device beeps]
SKYE (to May_: What are you doing?
MAY: Sealing the interrogation-room door. Coulson's orders.
INT: Cage
[lock engages]
RANDOLPH: Ah, locking me in. Well, I've been in tighter spots.
WARD: This room is made of a silicon carbide-coated vibranium alloy. Meant for prisoners like yourself.
RANDOLPH: But you're in here, too. And eventually, somebody will open that door.
COULSON: Not if I tell them not to. So, the myth is your autobiography.
RANDOLPH: I didn't write it. I didn't want anyone to know about me. Then I had to open my big mouth.
WARD: Were you captured? Tortured?
RANDOLPH: Horny. I met a French girl in 1546. Ah, she loved stories. So... I told her a great one, all about the peaceful Asgardian warrior who stayed. Now, how was I to know her brother the priest would write it all down and turn it into, I don't know, a thing?
COULSON: Do you know Thor?
RANDOLPH: Oh, sure, I spent all my days palling around with the future King of Asgard. No, I don't know Thor. I was a mason. I broke rocks. Mmmhmm. [chuckling] For thousands of years. If you can imagine that. So when they came, asking for people to fight, yes, of course I signed up. I think, really, I just wanted to travel.
WARD: But you had the staff.
RANDOLPH: I hated that thing. Other guys loved all the power that comes with the rage. No, I didn't like it at all. And you don't, either, it seems.
WARD: What did it do to me?
RANDOLPH: It shines a light into your dark places. Doesn't matter if you're human, Asgardian. The effect is the same — unpleasant.
INT: Bus briefing room. The g*ng continues to watch the feed of the Cage.
SIMMONS: "Shines a light." That's no explanation.
RANDOLPH: It was forged from a rare metal and reacts to whoever is holding it. Or interacts.
As he speaks, we see Jakob looking at the pieces of the staff, then a bunch of people from his crew in a bunker pouring over books to locate the third piece.
RANDOLPH: I went to such great lengths to make sure that the staff wasn't found. Unfortunately, since the myth was written down, people have been searching for it for centuries.
We cut back to the Cage.
COULSON: I need your help to stop them before they get the last piece of your staff.
RANDOLPH: Oh, I am a pacifist now.
COULSON: And you don't want to risk your identity being discovered.
RANDOLPH: Listen, I wouldn't worry too much about these angry youths.
Cut to Jakob's crew all screaming and carrying on, then back to the Cage.
RANDOLPH: They always calm down, and eventually, they die of old age. And that is one of the pleasant aspects of life here. [taps table] Everything changes.
COULSON: I'll tell you what's gonna change — your anonymity... unless you help up find the final piece of your staff. You may not know Thor. But I do.
There's a pause.
RANDOLPH: My first love on this planet was Ireland. There was a monastery, and the monks gave me a nice, warm place to sleep, some soup, and some mulled wine.
COULSON: "Near god."
Randolph points at him in affirmation. Bingo.
The Bus lands on a runway, and then we cut INT: Bus cargo hold. Randolph stands there. May passes him. Ward walks up to Randolph and opens a small case. Randolph starts taking things out as Ward speaks to him quietly.
WARD: The effects of the staff... are they permanent?
RANDOLPH: The strength wears off. You will feel exhausted afterwards. You'll need sleep.
WARD: What about... [voice lowers further] the other effects?
RANDOLPH: Oh, that dark, nasty ache in the pit of your stomach, the rage in your chest that makes you feel as if your heart's about to explode? It's worse on humans. But give it a few decades, and it'll wear off, too.
WARD: Great.
[case slams]
The noise causes Skye to jump. She's standing with Coulson, and they watch Ward stalk over to the SUV.
SKYE: Are you sure Ward's okay to go into the field?
[vehicle door slams]
SKYE: He's not exactly acting like himself.
COULSON: But he knows it. He'll be fine.
Coulson walks off. Skye looks to May.
MAY: I'm with Coulson.
EXT: monastery, and then INT: monastery as the group walks inside.
RANDOLPH: Well, it's been a while. I wonder ... Ah, yes. There it is. Still here.
He walks to the front where a book is set up on a stand. The rest follow.
RANDOLPH: Well, the nose isn't quite right, but —
There's a drawing of a man holding long robes and holding the full staff.
FITZ: That's you?
RANDOLPH: Yeah. They venerated me a bit as a saint.
WARD: They're idiots. Where's the staff?
RANDOLPH: It's upstairs.
Randolph leads the way and the others follow. Skye and Coulson trail in the back.
SKYE: Is that the normal Ward or the new, angrier Ward? I can't tell.
MAY: It's quiet.
RANDOLPH: Why do you think I trusted them with my secret? They take a vow of silence.
Randolph is standing in front of some sort of cabinet and is working on getting it open. Jakob appears from behind one of the walls. He's holding the staff.
JAKOB: But when you get them talking... they squeal.
He s*ab Randolph in the chest with a piece of the staff. Randolph goes to the ground.
JAKOB: If you want to defeat a god, you must become one.
Ward bends down to pull the piece of the staff out of Randolph's chest. It glows again. There's a brief flash to the well.
Flashes of the well. Ward throws himself at Jakob and they both go over the baniester to the floor below. They fight.
[both grunt]
[both grunt]
[both scream]
SKYE: We need to help him!
Skye runs off.
MAY: I'll get her.
We cut to Fitz-Simmons standing over Randolph trying to save his life. Simmons does chest compressions. Fitz looks on. Coulson walks up.
COULSON: How is he?
SIMMONS: I don't know what to do. He's not human.
COULSON: He's dying.
FITZ: Yeah. We know, but she doesn't understand his anatomy. And I'm even w—
Coulson shoves his hand into Randolph's chest.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): What in god's name?
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): Oh, my god.
COULSON: Sometimes, you have to just jump in and figure things out. Now, Asgardians regenerate faster than we do. Maybe we can keep him alive long enough —
SIMMONS: For his body to heal itself.
COULSON: Okay, what am I looking for?
SIMMONS: His heart.
Downstairs, Ward is getting the crap pretty summarily kicked outta him.
Flashes of the well.
BOY: Help me!
Ward starts to put up more of a fight and eventually sends Jakob into a wall, ostensibly knocking him out cold.
We cut back to Coulson and Fitz-Simmons.
COULSON: Oh, okay. I think I got it. Heart.
SIMMONS: Oh, yeah.
FITZ: Can you feel a tear or rupture?
SIMMONS: Clamp down hard on his heart. Try to slow the bleeding.
Downstairs, Ward is panting hard.
SKYE: Grant, drop the staff.
WARD: Get away from me.
MAY: Agent Ward!
SKYE: This isn't you.
[door opens]
The rest of Jakob's group enters.
WARD: Get back.
Ward bends down and gets the section of the staff that Jakob dropped. He's now holding two parts. The memories of the well increase in strength.
More men fill the room and start to fight Ward, who pretty easily beats them.
[indistinct shouting]
BOY: Please! Help me!
The flashbacks and fighting continue. And then we suddenly snap to fully being immersed in the flashback.
BOY: Please! Please! Help me! Please, help me!
[boy gasping]
The boy goes under for a second. He resurfaces and sees the other boy at the top of the well and reaches out for him.
BOY: Grant! Help me!
BOY: Grant! Please! Help me!
Young Ward disappears from the edge of the well. When he comes back, he's holding a rope.
BOY: Please! Grant!
An older boy walks up behind young Ward.
OLDER BOY: Not yet, Grant.
BOY: Help me!
YOUNG WARD: But he's gonna —
OLDER BOY: Not yet! Throw him the rope, and I'll throw you in there, too.
[Boy cries]
[young Ward sniffles]
BOY: Please!
The older boy walks away.
BOY: Grant!
Young Ward looks around and then throws the rope down. The boy goes under a few times as young Ward looks around.
In the present, Ward is kneeling, holding two pieces of the staff. Men are in a heap around him. Ward drops the staff and collapses to the floor. Skye hurries over to him.
[breathing heavily]
SKYE: Oh, my god. Are you okay?
Skye puts Ward's arm over her shoulders and helps him up. May comes over. Behind her, the doors open. Petra is there with the third piece.
SKYE: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
[Ward sighs] and moves to grab a piece of the staff. May stops him.
MAY: This time, let me help.
WARD: Okay.
SKYE: Come on.
Skye helps Ward away. Petra discovers Jakob's body.
May goes to the two pieces and grabs them. They glow. The man who entered with Petra comes up to May.
[May screams]
May easily kicks his and Petra's asses. Petra's piece joins with the piece in May's left hand. It glows. May tops off the staff with the piece in her right hand. Petra gets to her feet.
PETRA: I am not afraid of you.
Petra starts towards May.
[May roars]
May hits Petra in the face with the staff.
Once Petra is taken care of, May kneels and drops the staff. Her hands are shaking. She looks over to Ward and Skye. Ward nods at May, and May nods back.
Cut back to Fitz-Simmons, Coulson, and Randolph.
RANDOLPH: [gasps] Am I d*ad?
Coulson takes his very gross-looking, gore-coated hand out of Randolph's chest.
COULSON: Apparently not.
[Fitz-Simmons laughs]
RANDOLPH (to Simmons): You are easily the most beautiful thing I've seen in a thousand years.
[Simmons sighs]
INT: monastery, but it's the next morning. Skye and Fitz-Simmons stand together (yay, Bus kids!). This isn't relevant but Fitz is wearing a super gay coat.
[birds chirping]
SKYE: Coulson did that? He just shoved his hand inside?
SIMMONS: Well, he had to. I froze, didn't know what to do.
FITZ: Hey, you didn't freeze. You just weren't up for the ...
[Simmons scoffs]
FITZ: ...idea of putting your ...
[Simmons' cellphone rings]
FITZ: ... hand inside somebody else's chest.
Simmons pulls out her phone and looks at the display. It's her parents.
SIMMONS: Maybe I should jump in.
FITZ: Yeah.
[cellphone beeps]
Simmons puts the phone up to her ear and ambles away from Fitz and Skye.
SIMMONS: Hi, Dad. Yeah, it's great to hear your voice, too. I've been meaning to call you for a couple of days. It's been a difficult few weeks.
Simmons walks past May and Ward, both looking drained from their ordeal.
WARD: When you held it, did you see anything?
May nods.
WARD: Then how? How did you hold all three?
MAY: Because I see it every day.
May walks away.
Coulson is kneeling over the completed staff. It hasn't moved from where May left it last night. Coulson hovers a hand over the staff as Randolph walks up behind him.
RANDOLPH: I know that look. You tempted? Now, what is it you want to see?
COULSON: You and I have a lot in common. We've both been s*ab in the heart.
Coulson stands up.
COULSON: I was k*lled. Well, almost. I'm hazy on that. Afterwards... it's kind of a blank. I have no memory of being revived, of being in a hospital. Just... woke up a few months later.
RANDOLPH: And are you haunted by it, Mr. Coulson?
COULSON: No. Not exactly.
RANDOLPH: Then what's the problem?
Coulson looks at Randolph and then back down at the staff.
COULSON: I suppose you're right.
Coulson steps away from the staff as others come to contain it.
COULSON: Can we give you a lift back to the university?
RANDOLPH: Well, you know, with Europe's new fascination with all things Asgardian, I'm wondering if it's time to start over somewhere else.
COULSON: Nice beach? Life of tropical drinks and massages?
RANDOLPH: Mm, oh, I'd get bored.
COULSON: You should consider the American Northwest. Maybe Portland. Good food scene. Great philharmonic.
RANDOLPH: Well, if you would, come and visit. It's not everyone I get to share my stories with.
COULSON: Sure. And if Thor's in town, I'll introduce you.
They walk out of the monastery
[insects chirping]
Establishing sh*t of a street at night, and then INT: a bar inside a motel. Ward sits, broodily contemplating instead of drinking his alcohol.
[mid-tempo Celtic music playing]
Skye walks up to the bar and stands next to Ward.
SKYE: Hey. I could get used to turndown service and little mints on my pillow.
WARD: Overnights aren't standard.
SKEY: We deserve a nice night. You especially.
Ward shrugs. Skye looks Ward over.
SKYE: How you feeling?
WARD: Not great.
A b*at.
WARD: I'm sorry. For before. I'm... I'm not that guy.
SKYE: When you're a guy who saves lives, I can overlook a little Hulk rage. No harm, no foul.
WARD: Does everything just roll off your back?
SKYE: No. If it helped, I'd rage all the time, but it doesn't.
WARD: What I saw... [voice breaking] it was about my brother.
SKYE: I figured.
Skye puts a hand on Ward's arm.
SKYE: I know you're not one to talk, but, like I said, I'm here. My shoulder's free.
WARD: [inhales deeply] I'm b*at. Another time, maybe.
SKYE: Well, you know where I live.
They smile at each other. Ward downs his drink and then walks away from the bar. Skye turns and watches him go.
INT: motel hallway. Ward stands outside his room. He puts the key against the lock and it [beeps]. He looks down the hallway and sees May going to her room. May turns and looks at Ward for a long moment. May opens the door to her room and walks in, bottle of liquor in hand. She leaves the door and the possibility of having sex with a co-worker open. Ward looks at his closed door for a moment. And then, because this show is awful and also sucks, we see him enter May's room.
[door closes]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.
We're on a bright, tropical beach, and then we pull INT: some sort of bungalow on the beach. Coulson is laying on a massage table getting his back rubbed. His eyes slowly open.
[soft music playing]
COULSON: Did I fall asleep?
MASSEUSE: For a little while. But, uh, that's good. It means you are relaxed.
COULSON: That's precisely how I'm feeling — relaxed. Honestly, Tahiti's too good to be true.
MASSEUSE: I know. [echoing] It's a magical place.
We cut to Coulson waking up in his bed.
[gasps; breathing heavily]
Despite the fact that his dream was quite tranquil, you'd think he was nightmaring something fierce from how terrified he looks. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x08 - The Well"} | foreverdreaming |
1x09 - Repairs
[country music playing]
♪ Well, I'm sitting at this bar, drinking whiskey ♪
♪ holding tight to a photograph of you ♪
INT: small gas station store. We open on a newspaper article that reads "Laboratory Accident Kills 4. Lone survivor questioned after particle accelerator expl*si*n." We see the man reading it, probably a worker at the store.
[bell rings]
The man looks up to see a young woman walking between the aisles. The screen tells us that we're in BATESVILLE, UTAH. The woman grabs paper towels and then milk and then deposits her things on the counter in front of the man.
A b*at.
WOMAN: Is there a problem?
MAN: Jack Benson was a friend of mine.
WOMAN: I'm ... I'm so sorry.
MAN: You were the one in charge, right? Some kind of manager?
WOMAN: Uh, he ... he was my friend, too.
MAN (talking over her): Jack's wife said it was your fault. That true?
WOMAN: You know what? Um, never mind. I think I'm just gonna go somewhere else.
She walks away from the counter. The man quickly walks out from behind it to block her path.
MAN: Hey! I asked you a question.
WOMAN: Stay away from me.
Suddenly, things start flying off the shelf next to the man, hitting him.
MAN: Oh, man! What the hell?
It stops.
MAN: You did that?
WOMAN: No, I — I swear.
The shelving unit falls on top of the man, knocking him to the ground. The woman starts to cry in fear. The man crawls out from under the shelves.
MAN: Get away from me!
The woman lowers herself to her knees. The man runs out of the store, cell phone in hand. He stops running when he sees the gas pumps on the ground leaking gasoline onto the pavement. He runs away from the pumps. The gas spreads to a newspaper stand that's on f*re. The woman from the picture on the paper is the one inside the store.
WOMAN: [crying] No. Lord, please, not again.
There's a large expl*si*n that blows the windows in.
[car alarm blaring]
The woman ducks behind the counter and begins to sob.
BOOM. AoS logo title card.
INT: a hotel room.
[shower running]
May puts her shirt on.
[cellphone chimes]
May checks the phone. She buttons up her shirt and looks at the readout on the phone.
[shower stops]
MAY: We have a mission.
Ward comes out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his waist.
WARD: Any specifics?
MAY: No.
WARD: Well, we should follow the same plan as before ... take separate routes back, stagger our timing so no one suspects —
[door closes]
May's already gone.
[Ward chuckles]
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. The woman from the store's picture is up on the monitor. From the information pulled up alongside the photo, we see that her name is Hannah Hutchins.
SKYE: Wait, a telekinetic? I thought they didn't exist.
We see that Skye's sitting in a char in front of Coulson's desk.
COULSON: We never verified one. That's why we're going to Batesville ... to conduct an index asset evaluation and intake.
SKYE: Does that mean we talk to her and see if she has powers?
COULSON: Basically.
SKYE: Well, that needs a better name ... less I.R.S., more... better. Something like the welcome wagon.
COULSON: I want you to pay close attention on this one, Skye. It's an opportunity to learn how to deal with someone with newfound abilities.
Coulson gets up and hands Skye a file.
SKYE: It's not like I've never done this before.
Skye begins to read through the file.
SKYE: I found Mike Peterson before you did.
COULSON: Remember how that went?
Skye makes a "f*ck you, but fair point" face.
COULSON: This is a chance to see how it's done when it's done right.
Coulson walks out of his office and starts out. Skye stands to join him in walking. As they talk, they head down the spiral stairs, walk through the lounge area, walk down the other spiral stairs, and land in the cargo hold.
SKYE: How many people like this have you encountered?
COULSON: A handful. There's not that many people on the index.
SKYE: They must wig out when they see the S.H.I.E.L.D. trucks roll up.
COULSON: Each case is different. Some people are in complete denial that there's anything unusual about them. It's a delicate process, and from all reports, this sounds like a particularly sensitive situation.
SKYE: "Particle accelerator explodes." Hannah Hutchins, one of the quality-control engineers. Was it her fault?
COULSON: The town blames her. Four technicians died in that blast ... on her watch.
SKYE: That's terrible ... all those families.
Skye scrolls to another screen on her tablet and shows the four people who were k*lled.
COULSON: Small church community... they're pretty rattled.
SKYE: She must be, too. Friends, co-workers d*ad, and on top of all that, she might have some crazy power she can't understand.
They've just about landed in the cargo hold.
COULSON: Or control.
We hear Simmons before we see her.
SIIMMONS: Sir, the department of energy's declared the particle acceleration lab too dangerous to enter.
Fitz-Simmons are waiting at the base of the stairs.
FITZ: But the good news is, we still think we can retrieve the disaster-event data from the instruments.
SIMMONS: We'll determine the cause and see if there's any correlation between telekinesis spontaneously forming and a particle accelerator exploding.
COULSON: Well, it does use giant magnets to f*re billions of subatomic particles into their anti-particles at the speed of light to create miniature big bangs, so... seems like a good place to start.
Fitz-Simmons stare at him in awe at the fact that they didn't have to explain that to him.
COULSON: I read.
SKYE: I'll try not to mention big bangs when we talk to Hutchins about the expl*si*n.
COULSON: You'll stay in the car. This is a delicate situation. We don't know what kind of danger this woman poses, so I'll make initial contact with Agents Ward and May.
MAY: Wheels up in five. Better strap in.
May is standing on the walkway over the cargo hold.
SKYE: It's a delicate situation, so you're bringing along warm and fuzzy?
[May scoffs]
Ward enters the cargo hold.
WARD: Hey, guys.
MAY: You're late.
INT: SUV. May's driving. They drive by EXT: house, where a lot of people are standing and yelling.
[indistinct shouting]
PERSON 1: We know what you did.
PERSON 2: She blew up that gas station. Why aren't you arresting her?
[shouting continues]
Hannah is on her porch, arms crossed over her chest, clearly trying not to cry. Coulson walks up, shows a badge to a police officer, and walks past the crowd with Ward following. May stays behind near the police officer and turns to look at the crowd.
COULSON: Officer, is there anything you can do to get these people to disperse?
There's another officer on the porch next to Hannah.
OFFICER: Been trying, but it's a free country.
COULSON: Miss Hutchins, I'm Agent Coulson. We specialize in strange occurrences like the ones you've encountered.
HANNAH: You've come to lock me up?
WARD: To talk.
HANNAH: Well, what good will that do?
Someone throws an egg at Hannah. She moves out of the way, and it hits her front door.
PERSON 3: Get out of here! We don't want you here anymore.
WARD: Officers, get those people back.
PERSON 4: m*rder!
[tires screech]
A police car drives down the road very fast. No one is driving the car.
PERSON 5: Move it! Move out of the way! Go!
PERSON 6: It's her! That freak just tried to k*ll us!
Skye gets out of the SUV and hurries over to person 6.
SKYE: Hey, calm down.
The officer next to Hannah draws a g*n on her. Ward puts up a hand to stop him.
WARD: Easy, officer. Put the g*n down.
HANNAH: [crying] Leave me alone.
Coulson has walked back over to Hannah as she makes her way down the steps.
COULSON: Miss Hutchins, please calm down.
HANNAH: It wasn't me.
COULSON: Please calm down. We're not gonna let anyone hurt you.
Hannah nods.
[night-night g*n goes off]
Hannah hits the floor. May stands behind her, night-night g*n raised.
MAY: Time to go.
Ward bends down to check on Hannah.
COULSON: So much for the welcome wagon.
EXT: a building with a sign on the fence that reads: Particle Accelerator Complex; Authorized Personnel Only. One of Fitz's dwarfs flies overhead.
SIMMONS: We don't believe that people have telekinetic powers, do we?
Fitz reaches up and grabs the dwarf.
FITZ: Well. May was forced to sedate her. The woman made a police car move ... with her mind.
SIMMONS: There's no principle that would support —
FITZ: Telekinesis. Not yet. We did believe for a bit, though, remember? Freshman year? When Sally Webber made the books fall off the table in neurobiology?
SIMMONS: Oh, well, that was a particularly cruel prank.
FITZ: [scoffs] You screamed like a girl.
SIMMONS: I am a girl!
FITZ: You know, that's the one drawback of graduating three years early ... we never to pull any freshman pranks on anyone else.
A contemplative, anticipatory pause.
SIMMONS: Fitz... Skye never went to the academy. She's a freshman.
FITZ: A wide-eyed little freshman.
SIMMONS: And being pranked is an integral part of becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
FITZ: Well, mandatory, really.
Fitz leans over to the side as another dwarf flies around him.
SIMMONS: Why not give her the full S.H.I.E.L.D. academy experience?
The dwarf lowers itself into its case. Simmons puts away her tablet.
FITZ: It would be unjust to deny her such a thing.
An agent walks up to them.
FITZ: Information data uploaded. Let's get going.
AGENT: Yes, sir.
Establishing sh*t of the Bus in the air. Then we go INT: briefing room. We're watching Hannah in the Cage on one of the monitors in the briefing room.
[jet engines roaring]
WARD: Just a mattress, sir? It's a six-hour-long ride to the fridge.
COULSON: Fitz added magnetic shielding to the cage after Simmons had her scare. If miss Hutchins has this power, then that room should keep it from getting out, but in there, she'll be just as dangerous.
May walks in.
MAY: How is she?
COULSON: The dendrotoxin's wearing off. She'll be awake soon, scared, in a strange room. Our next interaction with her is crucial to gaining her trust, which is why I want you there.
MAY: Are you sure that's a good idea?
COULSON: If miss Hutchins is gonna believe anything we say, she needs to know we're not hiding things from her, which means you explaining the situation.
WARD: What if that doesn't calm her down? What if that makes her more agitated?
MAY: Then he definitely wants me in there.
COULSON: Pretty much.
WARD: I'll observe from out here.
COULSON: And I'll lose the tie. If she is telekinetic, I don't want to have a noose around my neck.
[May sighs]
INT: Cage.
[Hannah mutters, crying,] as she holds onto a cross necklace.
[door opens]
Hannah sits up quickly and presses her back to the wall. Coulson and May are in the room.
COULSON: Brought you some water.
Coulson walks slowly to Hannah and sets the bottle at her feet.
COULSON: It's okay. I'm Phil. This is Melinda May.
HANNAH: How did I get here?
MAY: I sedated you.
COULSON: I apologize for bringing you in that way. Things were escalating. It was for everyone's safety.
HANNAH: Everyone's safety. Good. Okay. Oh, lord, what have I done?
COULSON: I promise you, Miss Hutchins — nobody was hurt back there.
HANNAH: Wherever I go, things turn bad.
MAY: Were you angry at those people, back at the house?
HANNAH: Um, angry? No. I know most of them. They were angry. I understand. Oh, god. Frank's wife ... the way she was looking at me.
COULSON: Frank Delacort. He died in the accident.
HANNAH: Because of me, they're gone. I k*lled them.
INT: the lab on the Bus. Skye stands in front of the monitor, watching what's going on in the Cage. Fitz-Simmons are at a computer terminal behind Skye, working.
SKYE: So sad.
SIMMONS: And normal. These readings are entirely within average ranges. Of course, it's hard to find something when you don't know what you're looking for. All I can tell from these brain waves is she's upset.
SKYE: You need a computer for that? May's in there ... the woman who sh*t her.
SIMMONS: Sedated her.
FITZ: Things got out of hand. May sorted it out. She's the Cavalry.
SKYE: Where does that name come from, anyway?
Fitz-Simmons give Skye a surprised look.
SIMMONS (at the same time as Fitz): Didn't Ward tell you?
FITZ (at the same time as Simmons): You don't know?
SIMMONS: Of course not. You spent no time at the academy.
Fitz-Simmons share a look.
SIMMONS: It's quite a story.
SKYE: Yeah, well, Ward isn't exactly a chatty S.O.
Fitz-Simmons approach Skye.
FITZ: Well, imagine if you will... a heavily secured compound. Manama, Bahrain. Multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are taken hostage, tortured for information. May's mission ... eliminate the thr*at.
SKYE: You mean k*ll people.
SIMMONS: Not people ... entire squads of mercenaries, almost 100.
FITZ: More than 100.
SIMMONS: More than 100 men, heavily armed. Her vehicle got totaled, so she rode in—
FITZ: And, um, she had a M249 in each hand.
SIMMONS: Right. In each hand. And she rode in on a horse.
FITZ: Hence the name ... the Cavalry.
SKYE: Is this real?
SIMMONS: She eliminated the enemy thr*at single-handedly.
Simmons turns away, and when her back is to Skye, Simmons' face splits into a grin. Simmons picks something up. Skye turns back to the monitor.
FITZ: She saw a lot of hurt that day.
SKYE: Is that why she's so —
Simmons, who had picked up one of Fitz's dwarfs, hands it to him. He puts it on a sort of docking station.
FITZ: Particle accelerator data loading.
Fitz hits a few buttons on the holocom that's set up in the lab
[computer beeping]
Fitz moves the file into the middle of the table and then sweeps his hand up, pulling it up into a 3D holographically projected model. He pulls something away from the model and passes it over towards Simmons. Fitz sees that Skye is also pulling at part of the model.
Fitz smacks Skye's hand away. Skye gives him a hurt look.
FITZ: You do not touch that! Two semesters minimum of holographic engineering before you get to touch this!
SKYE (talking over Fitz): All right, all right.
Fitz puts the part Skye pulled out back where it was.
SKYE: I get it. I didn't go to your stupid S.H.I.E.L.D. Hogwarts or whatever. I'm gonna go upstairs. And I'm gonna do my own research on my computer ... my boring, old, flat computer.
Skye exits. Fitz-Simmons, without having to take their eyes off of their work, give each other a high give.
SIMMONS: Can you believe she bought that?
FITZ: A horse ... brilliant.
SIMMONS: You think you have the next prank?
FITZ: We must carry on the tradition.
INT: Cage
HANNAH: For weeks, I was getting reports from section two complaining that the coupling assembly was coming loose at the bolts. Tobias is the... He was the technician down there. We replaced the part, and we triple-checked it for damage. Seems like I went down there every few days.
COULSON: Did you find a problem?
HANNAH: No. But clearly, I missed something.
COULSON: My team is working to determine what really did happen and what might have happened to you.
HANNAH: To me? What do you mean?
COULSON: We believe that somehow, as a result of the accident, you acquired some form of telekinetic ability.
HANNAH: You think it's me? The police car, the gas sta — you think I did that?
COULSON: We're not sure, and this can be a hard thing to hear, but all these events have one thing in common.
HANNAH: Me, but I'm not causing it. It's not me. I wish it were because then maybe I could make it stop.
MAY: But if it's not you, then what is it?
HANNAH: You people won't believe me.
May lowers herself to eye level with Hannah.
MAY: Try me.
HANNAH: God's punishing me. He abandoned me. He doesn't protect me anymore. That's why this is happening.
COULSON: Protect you from what?
HANNAH: Demons, sir. I'm being haunted by demons.
INT: Bus briefing room. The team stands around the holocom.
SIMMONS: Delusions of being persecuted aren't uncommon after trauma.
WARD: She's certainly been through her fair share.
SKYE: She's blaming herself. It's guilt.
COULSON: It's all of it. She's broken. Pore over the accident site. If that tragedy gave her powers, we need to shut them down. If it wasn't her fault, even better, but until then, she's a danger to all of us.
Coulson walks away. For a moment, we can see the flash of an entity or person or something behind him. It's gone before we can get a clear look at it.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. Skye is pleading with Coulson. May is also present.
SKYE: Just let me go in and talk to her, sir, as a friend.
COULSON: I can't let you do that. It's too dangerous.
SKYE: She's not dangerous. She's nice ... like, overly nice.
Skye pulls up her tablet and starts going over data.
SKYE: She never misses a birthday post to her friends, runs the youth program at her church, rescues dogs. Hannah's a safety inspector not just because she's detail-oriented but because she —
COULSON: She genuinely cares.
SKYE: Right. And someone with that much empathy being responsible for that much loss of life, she's devastated, spouting nonsense about God punishing her for —
MAY: People believe what they need to believe to justify their actions.
SKYE: Is that how you justify your sh**t-first policy?
May cocks her head, irritated.
SKYE: At least let me try to repair that damage.
MAY: Until we figure out what's going on with her, she stays locked up and you stay away.
A sphere has fallen to the floor.
COULSON: Thought that was glued down.
Coulson gets up and picks up the item that fell.
COULSON: You're asking the right questions, Skye, but for now, that's all you get to do. I'm sorry.
Skye gapes at him before sh**ting a look to May, rolling her eyes, and leaving Coulson's office.
Establishing sh*t of the Bus flying through the night sky, and then INT: a little kitchenette in the lounge area of the Bus. Ward is cutting something up. Skye sits on the counter.
SKYE: I just don't understand her at all. Everything to her is just... [robotic voice] Target acquired. thr*at eliminated.
WARD: Well, she's a specialist.
SKYE: In one thing. You can catch a lot more flies with honey than with napalm ... just saying.
WARD: Hand me the lettuce.
Ward holds out a hand. Skye gets off the counter and hands Ward a bowl of lettuce.
SKYE: And she says I need to stay away, but you know what I think? I think she needs to get laid.
WARD: [inhales sharply] [deep breath] Might want to be less confrontational with Agent May.
SKYE: I'm not scared of her. Well, I am, but just because the Cavalry sh*t 100 guys on horseback doesn't mean she knows how people work.
WARD (talking over Skye): Wait, horseback? Where'd you hear that?
SKYE: Fitz-Simmons.
WARD: Were they messing with you?
Skye opens her mouth as if to protest, but ultimately doesn't.
WARD: Story gets bigger every year. It wasn't 100 guys ... it was 20. Trained assassins. May crossed them off with one p*stol, no support.
SKYE: She rescued a bunch of agents?
WARD: Mm-hmm. There definitely wasn't a horse.
SKYE: Well, if it went so well, why's she so squirrelly about the name?
Ward finishes making his sandwich.
WARD: I don't know, May's not in it for the glory. She got the job done. End of story.
Ward turns back to his sandwich and looks around.
WARD: What'd I do with that Kn*fe?
INT: Cage. Hannah is sad and scared.
[doorknob rattling]
HANNAH: [breathing heavily] Leave me alone!
[pounding continues]
A pound comes from behind her. She scoots into the middle of the room.
HANNAH: Oh, God. Please forgive me!
A pound comes from beneath her. She jumps up.
[pounding continues]
INT: the lab on the Bus. Simmons is still working with the 3D holograph of the accelerator. A long pipe is outlined in red in front of her.
[computer humming]
SIMMONS: Oh. This must be the coupling from the reports.
Simmons waves her hand. A mini holographic expl*si*n occurs.
SIMMONS: Oh, dear. The technicians were right.
Simmons looks over her shoulder to find Fitz in a gas mask.
SIMMONS: Were you even listening?
FITZ: You weren't even a wee bit scared?
SIMMONS: More disappointed, really.
Simmons takes down the hologram. Fitz takes off his mask.
FITZ: It's fine. It's fine. I'm just workshopping here, and, yes, I was listening. I was about to go fetch our own magnetic couplings to run simulations.
SIMMONS: Oh, well, while you're in there, grab some more diazepam for Hannah. She may need to be more heavily sedated. And the prank needs more work, as well.
FITZ: I know. I'm trying different things. It's the timing that matters, Simmons. Skye can't suspect a thing.
INT: lounge area of the Bus. Skye is sitting with her feet up. She's looking, on her tablet, at an article about the expl*si*n. She pulls up the employee record for Tobias Ford.
SKYE: Ward, come look at this.
Ward walks over to her, finishing up eating his sandwich. He looks over her shoulder.
WARD: Tobias Ford. Oh, isn't he one of the, uh, technicians who died at the plant?
SKYE: Yeah, and he filed three safety complaints in the past month, each one in Hannah's department.
WARD: She thought he was a friend. But he had it out for her.
SKYE: Sad part is... he was right.
INT: a hallway on the Bus. Fitz is carrying the gas mask. He opens a door.
FITZ (to himself): Oh. Couplings. Couplings, couplings. Yes.
Fitz enters the room and sets down the mask. He opens up a drawer and looks through things.
FITZ (to himself): That'll do, actually ... Oh.
Fitz looks at a mop.
FITZ: Now, this I could use.
Fitz grabs the mop.
FITZ: All I need now is a little bit of twine and an unsuspecting victim.
As Fitz is talking, we can see the figure from before behind Fitz. When Fitz turns around to leave the closet, the figure is gone, and the hallway is empty.
FITZ: Oh, that's fantastic, that is.
INT: the lab on the Bus. Simmons is looking at the 3D model on the holocom.
SIMMONS: Well, that's odd.
Simmons spins the model around and zooms in on one particular area of the expl*si*n. Her eyes widen.
SIMMONS: My god. Fitz, look at this. What are we seeing here?
Now we get a better view of what she’s looking at. It appears to be some sort of alien landscape complete with some sort of large moon or sun above it.
SIMMONS: It's as if the expl*si*n tore open some sort of window to —
When a male voice—not Fitz, Ward, or Coulson—speaks, Simmons turns around. We know, from Skye's looking at the article, that Simmons is facing the deceased Tobias Ford.
TOBIAS: To hell.
Tobias swings a wrench down at Simmons.
[Tobias grunts]
Simmons ducks out of the way; the wrench smashes into the holocom.
[Simmons screaming]
Simmons falls to the ground and tries to scurry away from Tobias. Her back hits some drawers on a desk. When she looks around, Tobias is gone. Coulson rushes in.
[Simmons panting]
COULSON: Simmons! Are you okay?
SIMMONS: Sir, Hannah's telling the truth. She's not telekinetic. There's someone else on this plane.
INT: Bus. We see a power box with different colored wires inside.
A ghostly hand materializes and grabs some of the wires. Slowly, the rest of Tobias materializes. When he's fully there, he pulls the wires.
[electricity powers down]
INT: lab on the Bus.
SIMMONS: What was that?
COULSON: Plane's lost power.
[lab doors close]
COULSON: We're going down.
The Bus, dark, descends towards the ground, and then we go INT: cockpit.
MAY: Ward, you certified?
WARD: What about engine-driven generators?
Ward is in the co-pilot seat; May is in the pilot seat. Skye is also in the cockpit with them.
MAY: Those are d*ad, too. Switch batteries to maintain flight controls. The rest will be needed to keep the cage shielded. Flaps 10.
Ward hits buttons and switches, doing what May's telling him to do.
MAY: Lower landing gear.
SKYE: What can I do?
MAY: Buckle up. (to Ward) There's a decent-sized field up ahead, but it's gonna be rough. Vertical landing's out.
INT: cargo area. Simmons and Coulson strap themselves into seats.
Back in the cockpit, we can see out the front window that the ground is coming up fast.
WARD: Coming in a little hot.
MAY: I got it.
The plane's wings begin to h*t trees as it lands. May and Ward are thrown forward when the plane hits the ground. It slides to a stop.
[breathing heavily]
Cut to Coulson and Simmons walking through the powerless plane.
COULSON: Our ear comms are usually relayed through the plane, so here's some hardware.
Coulson grabs a walkie-talkie. The cockpit g*ng joins Coulson and Simmons.
WARD: Did the girl do this to us, sir?
COULSON: We believe miss Hutchins is the victim here. Our theories about her powers have been disproved.
WARD: By who?
SIMMONS: I saw a ghost.
Ward gives her a skeptical look.
SIMMONS: I ... I know how it sounds, but a man att*cked me, and then he disappeared.
MAY: Did you get a good look at him?
SIMMONS: He dematerialized!
COULSON: May, run your systems checks. Is the cage still shielded?
MAY: Most of the power dedicated to it.
COUSLON: This man, or whatever he is, has been tormenting Miss Hutchins. The Cage might be the one thing protecting her now. We'll inform her.
SKYE: Sir, can it be me to talk to Hannah? Her life has been turned upside down, and we stuck her in a nightmare box. She thinks she's being punished. Can I please be the one to deliver the good news?
WARD: That a non-corporeal madman is hunting her?
SKYE: Again, I think it'd be better coming from anyone else, really.
COULSON: All right. I'll head upstairs, activate the emergency transceiver, and radio HQ. Ward, take a firearm. Escort Fitz-Simmons downstairs, assess the damage, get us up and running.
SIMMONS: Wait. Guys, um... where's Fitz?
EXT: a closet with a closed door. We can hear Fitz's voice through the door, and then, when we're not in italics, we're inside with him. He has a flashlight.
FITZ: [muffled] Hello? Can anybody hear me? What the hell's happening? Did we crash? Who was screaming? This is not funny, Jemma, if this is a prank. This is a prank.
Fitz tries the handle a few times, to no avail. He shoves his shoulder into the door, but it doesn't budge. He looks down at the bottom of the door and sees something lodged there.
FITZ: Clever.
Fitz uses the thing to push the door open. He bends down to pick it up and we see that it's the Kn*fe Ward had been looking for earlier. Fitz looks up from the Kn*fe into the hallway.
FITZ: Simmons? Come on. Turn on the lights.
Fitz walks down a hallway. At one turn, he runs into Simmons and Ward, and holds up the Kn*fe in a defensive position.
[Fitz screams]
SIMMONS: Thank God. Where have you been?!
FITZ: I have been locked in a closet freaking out, thanks to you two geniuses.
SIMMONS: That wasn't us.
FITZ: Well, then, who was it?
WARD (into walkie-talkie): We found Fitz.
MAY (in the cockpit, into walkie-talkie): Good, we'll need him. Looks like the main problem is in avionics bay two. But he took out all our systems.
FITZ: Who's she talking about?
Ward shushes Fitz.
MAY: Grab your equipment and get in there. I'm going to power down flight controls to conserve energy and then go defend the cage door in case this ghost comes knocking.
FITZ: Did she just say "ghost"?
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus.
Coulson takes a large picture down from the wall behind his desk. There's a safe there that Coulson opens. An antenna comes up, and Coulson speaks into it.
COULSON: Mayday, mayday, mayday. Region North, this is S.H.I.E.L.D. 616. We've lost electrical and are grounded. Calculating coordinates, requesting supp—
Tobias appears next to the antenna and smashes it with a wrench.
[electricity powers down]
COULSON: [scoffs] 1990s technology at its best.
EXT: Cage.
[knock on door]
SKYE: Hannah?
INT: Cage. When Hannah's talking, we're inside the Cage, and when Skye's talking, we're outside of it. When we're in italics, we're focused on the other person.
Hannah gets up from the floor and walks over to the door.
HANNAH: Who's there?
Skye sits outside with her back to the door of the Cage.
SKYE: My name is Skye. We haven't met yet.
HANNAH: We crashed, didn't we? Are you all hurt? I'm so sorry.
SKYE: No. No, no, no. We're okay. Whatever's happening, it's not your fault. We were wrong. But you need to stay in that room so that you're safe. Something... bad is out here.
HANNAH: Demons.
SKYE: I don't know what it is.
Hannah sinks to the floor with her back to the door, sitting the same way Skye is, only she's inside the Cage and Skye is outside of it. We can see both of them sitting this way in profile, the door to the Cage dividing them.
HANNAH: Do you believe in God?
SKYE: Honestly? Not really.
HANNAH: Well, I do. And I know that He's punishing me, and I deserve it.
SKYE: No. No, you don't. No one does. I had a few nuns around me growing up, and they would talk like that, scaring kids with stories of God's wrath. It made me not want to believe. The only words that stuck with me were something that sister McKenna said from the Bible, I think.
May walks up but stays out of sight, listening.
SKYE: She said, "God is love." It's simple and it's a little sappy, but that's the version I like. God is love... the thing that holds us together. And if that's true, I don't think He would punish you for making a mistake. I think He'd forgive a mistake.
HANNAH: I want to believe that. I do.
May walks into view of Skye.
MAY: I'll stand guard now. Coulson needs help with the emergency transceiver.
SKYE: I would rather stay here for a while—
MAY: It needs to get done, not discussed. That's an order.
SKYE (to Hannah): I'll be nearby if you need me, okay? (to May) Try not to hurt her any more than you already have, Agent May.
Skye walks off. May looks after her.
INT: hallways of the Bus. Fitz-Simmons and Ward are making their way. Ward has a g*n and a flashlight. Fitz-Simmons have each other.
SIMMONS: He thinks it's hell, but I think it's an alien world. Fitz, it was stunning.
FITZ: Well, there were reports in London after the spaceship landed of multiple portals opening, Thor passing between worlds.
WARD: You think that's what they were researching at that lab?
SIMMONS: Trying to create another portal, yes.
FITZ: Failing until a malfunction produced a burst of energy.
SIMMONS: This "ghost" is a man trapped between our universe and another. Perhaps that's how all ghosts are. It's a simple explanation, really.
WARD: Simple would be a relative term in this case.
Ward opens a door to a panel and moves so Fitz-Simmons can get a look. It's the panel that Tobias ruined. It's a mess.
FITZ: Bloody hell.
SIMMONS: He was thorough.
[clang from behind them]
Fitz-Simmons jump, terrified, and Ward turns and points his g*n at the noise.
WARD: Plane's on uneven ground. Could just be settling.
FITZ: Or the other thing.
WARD: Get to work.
Ward goes off in the direction of the sound and leaves Fitz-Simmons behind. He walks down the hallways, checking intersections, g*n held high. Seeing nothing, he lowers it and calls out to Fitz-Simmons.
WARD: Clear.
[Fitz-Simmons sigh]
Fitz-Simmons assess the damage. We can see Tobias standing behind them. They turn around.
[Simmons screaming]
Tobias shoves Fitz-Simmons into the room and closes the door behind them. Ward runs towards them. When he gets to where they were, Tobias att*cks him with the wrench. Ward tries to bodyslam Tobias but Tobias dematerializes and Ward ends up throwing himself against the wall of the plane.
SIMMONS: Ward, help!
Ward hears a [clank] from further on.
[Fitz shouts and yelps indistinctly]
WARD: Quiet.
Ward starts towards the clank. He gets to an intersection. Tobias strikes at him. He and Tobias fight.
When Ward's starting to get the upper hand, Tobias dematerializes.
INT: little room into which Fitz-Simmons have been shoved.
Tobias materializes and holds the wrench to Simmons' neck.
[Simmons screams]
In the halls, Ward looks around for Tobias.
Ward grab his g*n and runs to where Fitz-Simmons are stashed. He opens the door. They jump. Tobias bonks Ward over the head and knocks him out. Tobias looks at his hand, which begins to glow blue and then disappears.
[Tobias screams] and shuts the door.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus. Coulson and Skye are attempting to fix the transceiver.
SKYE: Seems like a hardware issue, not firmware. I should be with Hannah, anyway. No wonder she keeps screaming in there. You keep sending in the Cavalry, you're bound to get a reaction like that.
COULSON: Don't ... don't call her that.
SKYE: Why not? No normal person can sh**t 100 Bahraini—
COULSON: That's not how it went down.
SKYE: Whatever, 20. I just— I don't understand—
COULSON: She didn't have a g*n. None of us did. And it wasn't a rescue or an as*ault, whatever they say at the academy these days. We were the welcome wagon. And it went south.
SKYE: How many—
COULSON: Plenty. A civilian girl and a few of our guys were stuck inside a building, being held by the followers of this gifted individual ... or worshippers. We never found out.
SKYE: May did.
COULSON: She took it upon herself to get them out. Said she could fix the problem. So she went in, crossed off the enemy force.
Coulson walks around and sits down close to Skye.
COULSON: Didn't say how.
SKYE: Did she lose anyone in there?
COULSON: Herself. May used to be different. She was always quiet, she just... she was warm. Fearless in a different way, getting in trouble, pulling pranks, thought rules were meant to be broken. Sound familiar?
Skye smiles, nods.
COULSON: But when she walked out of that building... it was like that part of her was gone. I tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't tell me what went down in there.
SKYE: What did you say?
COULSON: I said the words I thought she needed to hear.
SKYE: It's why you want her on the plane ... to see if that person is still in there somewhere.
[door slams]
Coulson and Skye jump. Coulson goes to the door and tries it.
COULSON: The lock is jammed.
The lights in the room go dark. Coulson turns on his flashlight and looks around. The beam lands on Tobias.
[Coulson and Skye gasp]
Tobias busts up the transceiver with his wrench. Tobias grabs Skye by the throat.
[Skye screams]
Coulson swings the flashlight and finds Tobias holding Skye with his wrench pressed up to her throat.
TOBIAS: Let me in or let her out.
COULSON: That's not up to us.
TOBIAS: Let her out!
[Skye whimpers]
EXT: hallway and INT: little room with Fitz-Simmons. They're communicating on walkie-talkie.
MAY: Talk to me. What's happening?
FITZ: May, he's disappearing. He's passing between worlds. It seems a little less of him is returning every time he appears.
MAY: But why is he after you guys?
Fitz holds the walkie-talkie up for Simmons.
SIMMONS: Because he can't get to Hannah in there. She's safe. If we wait it out, maybe he'll disappear fully.
May stops. The lights flash, leaving her periodically in darkness. As they go on and off, we see Tobias appear, disappear, and appear again right behind May with the wrench prepared to stride. They go out; when they're on again, Tobias is standing up. He runs into a bunk and begins throwing things around. He pauses and runs in the opposite direction. He makes it to the Cage. The door is ajar. It's empty.
Outside. May is leading Hannah by the arm away from the Bus.
HANNAH: What are you going to do?
MAY: Fix the problem.
INT: Coulson's office on the Bus.
[Coulson grunts] as he tries to open the door again.
COULSON: We got to find a way out of here.
SKYE (about his spy gear collection): Any of this crap still work?
INT: little room with Fitz-Simmons and Ward. Ward, his head on Simmons' lap, comes to.
SIMMONS: [gasps] There he is.
WARD: What happened?
SIMMONS: Well, we lost communication. And you were h*t with a very large plumber's wrench.
WARD: A wrench?
WARD: That guy's traveling back and forth between alien worlds with a wrench?
FITZ: Must have been in his hand when the blast h*t.
WARD: Not the kind of wrench you would use to loosen a coupling, is it?
Fitz-Simmons share a look over Ward's head. Coulson's voice starts to come in, staticy, over the walkie-talkie.
COULSON: [static] ... there? Maybe it doesn't work after all.
Fitz and Ward both go for the walkie-talkie. Fitz hands it to Ward.
WARD: Uh, yes, yes, we're here, sir. Where'd you go?
Coulson, we can see, is using a wristwatch to contact them.
COULSON: Nowhere. We were att*cked, locked in, then the guy disappeared.
FITZ: Hey, that's our story.
SKYE: Is May with you guys?
SIMMONS: She isn't with you?
Outside. May leads Hannah into a farmhouse.
MAY: I don't mean to scare you, I just need to use you as bait.
HANNAH: [crying] Well, that's comforting.
MAY: To draw him out, away from my people.
HANNAH: Then what will you do?
MAY: Whatever I have to.
The Bus
COULSON: You're sure this is how to do it?
FITZ: Yes. I'll max the signal, and the transceiver will act as a trigger.
COULSON: Okay, fine.
Coulson and Skye back away from the door. Coulson's watch is rigged to the door handle.
COULSON: They only made 20, I think.
[high-pitched buzzing]
[watch explodes; lock opens]
INT: hallway. Fitz-Simmons and Ward, now free, walk with Coulson and Skye.
FITZ: So, we believe that this man is responsible for the blast?
COULSON: Skye said she thinks he's the worker who filed all the reports.
SKYE: Tobias Ford. It looks like him.
SIMMONS: It makes no sense for a man to complain about safety issues whilst causing them. Another theory is—
WARD: Theories don't matter. Only facts, and the fact is, a b*llet will take you out of whatever world you're in. Any idea which direction may could've taken her?
SIMMONS: We'll deploy the golden retrievers. They're in here.
Simmons opens a door. The mop that Fitz rigged pops out, scaring everyone.
SIMMONS: Fitz! This is no time for childish nonsense like this!
FITZZ: Pranking was your idea. And obviously, I rigged this little beauty before I knew there was a dimension-jumping psychopath in the mix.
SIMMONS: Wait, childish. This guy is childish.
COULSON: What are you getting at?
INT: barn. Hannah stands alone in the center. Tobias materializes in front of her.
HANNAH: [gasps] Tobias. Is that you?
May runs into him from behind. They fight.
SKYE: He wanted her to notice him. Why would he file a complaint to her office when there was nothing wrong and then cause an actual safety issue himself?
SIMMONS: To get her fired?
SKYE: To get her attention, to spend time with her. Think about it ... he scared the guy who was harassing her at the airport. He tried to h*t you with a cop car.
COULSON: When we took her into custody.
WARD: Yeah, he's not trying to hurt her.
COULSON: He's trying to protect her.
SKYE: He likes her.
The cargo bay doors open. They head out. Fitz gets to the ground first and opens a case. Inside is a yellow glowing disk. He hits a button and it starts to spin really fast. Yellow spheres sh**t out of it and into the sky. They meet up in the sky and go in various different directions.
In the barn, Tobias has Hannah and is dragging her away.
[Hannah screaming]
May kicks out Tobias' legs from under him and knocks him down. May gathers Hannah, leads her past Tobias, and pushes her down to the ground.
MAY: Stay here.
Tobias slams May into the gate of a horse stall. A beam from the ceiling breaks and heads for Hannah.
[Hannah screams]
Tobias appears in front of Hannah and takes the brunt of the impact. Hannah and May get to their feet. Hannah hugs May.
MAY: It's okay. It's okay.
May sees Tobias heading for them and she gets behind Hannah.
MAY: Tell him I won't hurt you.
HANNAH: Tobias, wait, she's a friend.
TOBIAS: Hannah.
HANNAH: You have to stop. Please.
MAY: Listen, we believe you're trapped between two worlds— this world ...
TOBIAS: And hell.
May nods. Tobias sinks to his knees.
TOBIAS: I'm being dragged to hell for what I did.
HANNAH: What did you do?
TOBIAS: Just loosen a few bolts, and then you'd visit. It was the best part of my day. I'm sorry. I ... I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.
HANNAH: Oh, no. Tobias. How could you?
TOBIAS: I k*lled them. I know. And even worse, everyone started blaming you. I tr— I tried to stop them.
HANNAH: [crying] But you hurt more people.
TOBIAS: I was trying to protect you from them, trying to atone from my sin. Hannah, please, maybe if you forgive me, I won't go to hell.
HANNAH: Only God can forgive you.
MAY: And He won't. You can't undo what's been done. That will be with you forever. But trying to hold on to this life, clinging to the person you thought you could be, that's hell. And you're dragging her down with you.
Golden light fills the barn. Outside, a small probe flies around.
MAY: You have to let go before my people come and make you do it. If you care about her, and I know you do, let her go.
The rest of the group enters the barn. Ward keeps his g*n trained on Tobias. Coulson holds Skye back from going in deeper.
MAY: Let the girl go, Tobias. Let the girl go.
[Tobias inhales sharply] and dissipates. The last thing that disappears is his thumb. He was holding Hannah's hands. She drops her hands.
[Hannah sighs]
Skye rushes forward and hugs Hannah.
SKYE: Are you okay?
SKYE: Let's get out. It's over.
May walks towards Coulson. Coulson meets her halfway.
COULSON: What did you say to him?
May looks up into Coulson's eyes. She's almost crying.
MAY: Same words you said to me in Bahrain.
May pushes past Coulson and walks away.
INT: the Bus.
[electricity humming] as the lights come back on.
Skye walks into a bunk with a blanket and puts it over a sleeping Hannah. She closes the door behind her as she leaves. Ward rounds the corner and walks over to Skye.
WARD: She all right?
SKYE: Much better.
WARD: Let me know if she needs anything.
Ward walks one way; Skye walks the other. Skye sees Coulson leaning against the holocom in the briefing room. We move into the Bus briefing room along with Skye. Coulson is looking at his destroyed watch.
[Coulson sighs]
SKYE: Can Fitz repair it?
COULSON: No. This one's a lost cause.
SKYE: But May isn't. If anyone can bring her around, it's you. You know what makes people tick. Pun intended. [chuckles]
COULSON: So do you. You see the good in them. You were a friend to Hannah, you can't wait to get inside May's head, and you figured out Tobias without even trying.
SKYE: Guess I'm full of surprises.
COULSON: But this isn't one of them. I wanted you paying close attention to the index asset evaluation and intake process because someday, you'll be really good at it. Even the best.
Skye smiles.
SKYE: Thanks, A.C.
COULSON: Maybe you'll get to rename it.
SKYE: Good, because that name is super stupid.
COULSON: I know.
They smile at each other. Coulson exits.
INT: cockpit. May is in there, flipping switches and flying the Bus.
[knock on door]
Skye enters.
SKYE: Mind if I keep you company?
May says nothing. She continues flipping switches and doing pilot stuff.
SKYE: Cool.
Skye sits in the chair and looks around. May glances sidelong at her and smiles, just a bit. The Bus lifts off.
S.H.I.E.L.D. logo end card.
INT: lounge area of the Bus. Simmons, Ward, Coulson, and Skye are sitting around a Scrabble board. Some words on the board are: "espionage", "on", "zodiac", and "tales". The word that's currently being completed is "aglet".
WARD: That isn't a word in our language.
[Simmons scoffs]
COULSON: I've never heard of it.
SKYE: I'm checking.
SIMMONS: Our language? You mean the English language, first spoken in England?
SKYE (reading from her tablet): "Aglet ... a plastic or metal tube covering the end of a shoelace."
COULSON: Oh, come on.
WARD: She used her Britishness against us.
SIMMONS: It's a word.
Someone enters that causes the g*ng to look up.
It's Fitz. He has shaving cream covering his hand and in the shape of a hand over the side of his face.
FITZ: It's not funny. I was sleeping peacefully.
[Simmons and Skye laugh harder]
FITZ: Very clever, Simmons.
SIMMONS: I didn't— I didn't do it.
FITZ: Well, Ward, I don't appreciate—
Ward holds his hands up, the picture of innocence.
WARD: Don't look at me!
[laughter from the group]
Fitz considers Coulson for a second, then shakes his head.
FITZ: Okay, well, Skye—
Like S.O., like trainee. Skye holds her hands up in defense, too.
SKYE: [laughing] No.
INT: cockpit. May has the radio open and is listening in on their conversation.
FITZ: Well, who, then? Look, the bunks should be off-limits, okay?
[laughter]. May smirks.
FITZ: Don't laugh! Because I know it was one of you.
May smiles wide. She looks very pleased with her prank. | {"type": "series", "show": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", "episode": "01x09 - Repairs"} | foreverdreaming |
"Truth Be Told" episode #1.01
(Dark. Sydney, with red hair and heavy eye make-up, has her head forced under water. We see her eyes bulging, silently screaming underwater. Someone pulls her up. Two armed men throw her on the ground. Sydney coughs, soaked. They walk up to her and yell at her in Chinese. She answers back, still coughing, her head pressed to the ground. She speaks Chinese. They pick her up by her flaming red hair and throw her on a chair. They speak to her in Chinese again. They slap her. They take her arms and handcuff her to the back of the chair. She stares at the door ahead, knowing someone's coming. She breathes heavily, soaking wet.)
(Cut to the same door... but an elderly professor enters. He looks at the crowd of students. Three are left, among them is Sydney. Dressed normally, brown hair. She's quickly writing. The professor walks down the aisle as the two other students give him their papers. He walks up to Sydney. She's still writing.)
PROFESSOR: Sydney. Time's up.
SYDNEY: Okay, then. (still writing) I'll... just... finish... my little... essay. Thank you.
(She finishes and gives it to him.)
(Outside. Afternoon, sunny out. Sydney and a guy - Danny, dressed in a doctor/lab coat - walk together across campus.)
SYDNEY: So, I'm pretty sure I got a "D."
DANNY: You didn't get a "D."
SYDNEY: I think I got, like, a sixty-four.
DANNY: You've never gotten a "D."
SYDNEY: I've gotten a "D"!
DANNY: (amused) When?
SYDNEY: High school. Home ec.
DANNY: What did you do? Oh, did you embroider something on a T-shirt...?
SYDNEY: Sweatshirt. It was the assignment.
DANNY: What, it was obscene? Something with the teacher.
SYDNEY: He was a sexist pig. I deserved a scholarship for that.
DANNY: (rifling through his bag) Hold on a sec.
(They stop walking.)
SYDNEY: This time I deserved a "D." I didn't prepare. I didn't have enough time.
(Danny is crouched on the ground, going through his bag.)
DANNY: We've had this conversation. Quit the bank, the part time thing isn't working.
SYDNEY: What are you doing?
DANNY: I've got a double shift again...
SYDNEY: (crouches beside him) Did you get the Dave Matthews Band tickets?
DANNY: (smiling) Would you stand up, please?
(She does.)
DANNY: I wanted to wait. Maybe do it on the weekend, but I couldn't.
SYDNEY: What's going on?
DANNY: Remember our first date? The bowling alley? The loud guy?
SYDNEY: Oh, God...
DANNY: (starts singing) Build me up buttercup baby, then you bring me down! And mess me around, and then worst of all! You never call, baby, when you say you will! But I love you still, I need you! More than anyone, darling! I know I'm yours from the start... so build me up buttercup, don't break my heart!
(The bells ring in the background.)
DANNY: (to bells) Shut up! (he takes out a black box) Sydney... I can't tell you how much I hope you marry me. Despite what I just did.
SYDNEY: (crouches beside him) Yes.
(They kiss.)
SYDNEY: Yes...
DANNY: I love you.
(Sydney's house.)
FRANCIE: I know, I cry at every damn thing! Hold on. Oh, let me see it again. Oh, honey, it's beautiful!
SYDNEY: I know. I'm getting married!
FRANCIE: You're getting married!
(They hug.)
(Inside the house. Francie gets something to eat while Sydney sits down.)
FRANCIE: So, did you tell Will yet?
SYDNEY: Meeting him at the track after the bank. Do you want to come?
FRANCIE: No thanks. I've got three hundred orthopedic surgeons to feed and no desire to exercise. What about your dad?
SYDNEY: Haven't told him yet. I don't want him to ruin this... not this. You know?
FRANCIE: Yes, I know. Your mother would be so happy for you.
SYDNEY: (smiles) She would. Maybe I should call my dad... I mean, he is my dad.
FRANCIE: You are schizophrenic! Just remind yourself, unless you're talking about importing airplane parts, that man's got nothing to say. Let him find out when he gets the invitation.
SYDNEY: It's exporting airplane parts. (pause) He already knows. Danny called him to ask permission.
FRANCIE: Danny called your dad?
SYDNEY: Mmm hmm.
FRANCIE: And how did that go?
(At a hospital, Danny goes to a payphone and dials. In a posh looking office, Jack Bristow answers the phone.)
DANNY: Mr. Bristow?
DANNY: Hi. It's Danny Hecht. (no response) Sydney's boyfriend.
MR. BRISTOW: Is Sydney all right?
DANNY: Oh, yes, she's fine. Nothing to worry about. I'm calling because I'm planning on asking Sydney to marry me and... I was hoping to get your approval.
MR. BRISTOW: Danny, let me ask you a question.
DANNY: Sure.
MR. BRISTOW: How well do you know my daughter?
DANNY: Um, we've been dating for two years...
MR. BRISTOW: Because if you feel the need to ask me about this scenario, I have a sense you don't know Sydney at all.
DANNY: Sir, I love your daughter and I want to marry her. That's why I'm calling.
MR. BRISTOW: First of all, Danny, the truth is this is just a courtesy call. Like when you say to your neighbor, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night if that's all right with you." What you really mean is, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night."
DANNY: Mr. Bristow--
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney doesn't give a damn what my opinion is. What interests me is that you do.
DANNY: It's just a custom to call the father, that's all this is--
MR. BRISTOW: Well, then, I'll tell you what. I may become your father-in-law, that's just fine. But I will not be used as part of a charming little anecdote you tell your friends at cocktail parties so they can see what a quaint, old-fashioned guy Danny really is. Are we clear?
DANNY: Yes, sir...
MR. BRISTOW: Good. Then welcome to the family.
(He hangs up. Dazed, Danny walks away from the payphone, shaking his head slightly.)
(Sydney walks down a street, dressed in a black suit. She goes into a building called Credit Dauphin. Inside she gets in an elevator where a man is waiting.)
AGENT: You're late.
(A delivery boy runs up to take the elevator too.)
AGENT: Sorry. Executive elevator.
BOY: Oh, come on, man. Drop me off at twelve.
(The agent moves his coat, showing the holster of a g*n.)
BOY: All right, damn.
(The boy leaves. The elevator doors close.)
SYDNEY: Zachary feeling better?
AGENT: Much, yeah. Thanks.
(With her hands folded behind her back, Sydney takes off her engagement ring.)
(The elevator dings. Sydney gets off and enters a completely white room.)
SYDNEY: See ya.
(The elevator doors close. Sydney stands in the center of the white room. A flash of red illuminates the room. She waits for it to return to white and goes through the door. She continues on. She walks in a room, where men in black suits are everywhere. She keeps walking through, enters a room where phones and desks are scattered. Men in suits are on the phones. She stops at a desk where Dixon and some nearby agents are all on the phones. Dixon speaks in the headset while Sydney looks through a file. He hangs up.)
DIXON: God, I hate this.
SYDNEY: I was just saying it's only Ramadan.
DIXON: No, not my case work. These new headsets, keep pinching my ear.
SYDNEY: Oh, give it to me. Any word from Decklin? (fixes it)
DIXON: Not since Teheran. I keep telling myself he's juust fine. You know, he's done this before. Disappeared for days like this. What's going on with you?
SYDNEY: Nothing. Why?
DIXON: You're, like... you've got a glow.
SYDNEY: I don't have a glow.
DIXON: Yeah, look at that!
SYDNEY: Here. (gives the headset back) Come on. Sloane's waiting. There's no glow!
(Sydney starts to walk away.)
DIXON: (to nearby agent) Is she glowing?
YOUNG AGENT: Big time.
DIXON: You hear that? (Sydney throws her arms up in the air, he puts his headset on) Yes, better. Good.
(Inside a conference room Sloane, Marshall, Dixon and Sydney sit at a long table. In front of each chair there's a slanted computer screen where the dossier is shown. Sloane paces and talks.)
SLOANE: Vascar Mueller was k*lled last month. He was riding a moped through Berlin and was h*t by an ambulance of all things. We've kept our eye on this guy for quite some time. He fancied himself as a modern day Alcamist. His IQ was recorded as one of the highest on the planet.
DIXON: Then again, he was riding a moped.
SLOANE: Between the multi-nationals, there was a frenzy to recover Mueller's notebook and experiment, but none were found. At least not by the west. Cultural affairs, building type A, north road, section two. This building is also an FTL cover station. We received word two weeks ago that one of Mueller's plans surfaced here.
SYDNEY: Who is the mole?
SLOANE: Antonio Quintero. This is his last transmission. Uplink was on the fifteenth. Brush past was scheduled for Tuesday. Quintero did not show.
(A diagram pops up on their screens.)
SYDNEY: What is that, hiredic?
SLOANE: That's what I thought. It's demonic. Taking notes in ancient languages is just one of Mueller's quirks, apparently he had a few.
DIXON: So, Quintero's been b*rned?
SLOANE: We don't know. There's a race at a building sannes next Tuesday. You're flying to Taiwan on Monday. You're employed by Modear Plastics.
(He gives Dixon and Sydney their new passports and plane tickets.)
DIXON: Working for a manufacturing plant.
SLOANE: Based on the notes, you'll case the building's east wing measurements, locks, IO, the whole nine. Locate the lab where the plans are being held and come home. That's all. No retreival. We can't risk it. Okay, Marshall, you go.
(Marshall stands, excited.)
MARSHALL: Yeah, thank you. How's everyone? Good. All right. The first thing I have here (pulls out a lighter) is a well, looks like a lighter. Right? It's something that you would light your cigarettes with, or cigar. But actually it's an RF scrambler. It disrupts any video for a four hundred and twenty yard radius. So, if I were to h*t this switch right here the whole block would be in a complete panic. So, what the hell, right? (hits the switch, the screens scramble) See? Everyone's totally freaking out. What's going on with my computer, it's not... My DVD is not working! (hits the switch) And we're back. Okay. Now, I got a twenty volt shell in here, so you only get four minutes of a charge. So, you want to get in and do your thing and get out. Four minutes and two seconds and you're screwed. Okay. The other thing I got is... you're going to like this... something that I'm really excited about. (takes out a lipstick) Looks like a lipstick. You know, something that you would be for your lips, in a woman's refresh... but this is the amazing thing. It actually takes pictures, and it measures space in three axis from one vantage point. It assembles images based on GPS and creates a centimeter accurate blue print of a building. It's got a camera and a short pulse laser, plus a grid analyzer and I got it to forty-two snaps right now. But I want to get it to forty-seven because... that's a prime number. Heh. (sits)
SLOANE: Well. You might think this is a simple reconnaissance op, but until we find out what happened to Quintero, we need to assume that the enemy is waiting so I want you to do us one favor. Come back.
(Track. Sydney runs, breathing hard. She comes to a stop with Will behind her.)
WILL: Good run.
SYDNEY: Thanks. So, where were you last night? I called you.
WILL: Oh, yeah. I don't want to talk about it. (b*at) My sister set me up on a blind date.
SYDNEY: Was it good?
WILL: For the date, it was. Yes.
SYDNEY: You didn't like her?
WILL: I didn't mind her so much. I don't like my sister anymore. That's the problem, having siblings live with you. They try to get you to meet people that you aren't supposed to meet in real life.
SYDNEY: Why was the date so bad?
WILL: Her favorite movie of all time. You ready for this? "Pretty Woman."
SYDNEY: So? I'm sure that's a lot of people's favorite movie.
WILL: Yeah, that's probably true. Congratulations. But of all time?
(He gives her a bottle of water.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
WILL: That includes, like, well, any other movie ever made. All of them! Did you see "Lawrence of Arabia" is playing at The Gypsim tonight?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I did.
WILL: You want to go?
SYDNEY: I would love to, but...
WILL: Well, Danny's working late tonight, right?
SYDNEY: I'm taking him to dinner at the hospital.
WILL: Take him to a late one. How about on Thursday?
SYDNEY: We're getting married.
(Will stops. He's stunned.)
WILL: Wait a minute. You're wearing a--you're wearing a ring. I didn't even see it. That's... congratulations.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
WILL: You want to get a couple more laps?
SYDNEY: I don't think so...
WILL: Okay. Because I'm going to get a couple.
(He starts running again, bothered.)
(Danny's apartment. Sydney is studying on the couch while Danny is at the table behind. She looks up at him, smiles. He gets up, puts her book on the ground, crawls over the back of the couch so he's on top of her. She giggles. They kiss.)
DANNY: I called Todd. They haven't rented that place yet, if you want to go look at it.
(He moves down, unbuttons her shirt and starts kissing her stomach.)
DANNY: It's impossible, isn't it? One day there's going to be a baby in there. My patients would love that, knowing that their doctor still can't believe women can get pregnant.
(Sydney's face freezes. She sits up, takes his hand and starts walking. She stops at the stereo and turns up the music really loud.)
(In the bathroom, Sydney takes off her shirt.)
SYDNEY: Get undressed.
(He strips.)
(In the shower, Sydney waits. He enters. He smiles at her and moves in for a kiss but she stops him.)
SYDNEY: I work for the C.I.A.
(He laughs. She stares at him, serious.)
DANNY: (laughing) Sydney...
(He stops laughing when he sees she's serious.)
SYDNEY: I'm an operations officer for the C.I.A.
(Outside the shower, muffled shouting. Danny shouts at Sydney, she shouts back. He leaves the shower.)
(From earlier, the scene continues. Sydney, in her red hair, sits on the chair staring at the door. A man enters. She breathes heavily. He fills a syringe full of brown liquid while walking up to her. He squirts the syringe. Sydney whimpers. The door slams. They're trying to get the needle in her. The two armed men hold her down while the man tries to insert the needle in her arm. Sydney moves around, not staying still. Finally, the man gets it in. She whimpers and stares at him. Her eyes are getting droopy.)
SYDNEY: Augh...
(She closes her eyes. Her head falls back.)
(Flashback. Sydney, with really long hair, is sitting outside on campus doing school work. A man in a suit gives her a business card.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) During the fall of my freshman year, a man approached me. He told me that the U.S. government might be interested in talking to me about a job.
(In a library, Sydney is studying and takes out the card, looks at it.)
(At a phone booth, Sydney is holding the card and calls.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) When I asked why me, all he told me is that I fit a profile. I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. Even in college. And I needed the money anyway, so I met with him and they offered me a job.
(Present. Danny and Sydney are outside, in the middle of nowhere. Planes take off in the distance.)
DANNY: A job with the C.I.A.?
SYDNEY: Not exactly. It's a job with a covert branch.
DANNY: This is crazy! Okay, okay, so covert branch. Then what?
SYDNEY: After the first month, I asked if I could test for agent training.
(Flashback to Sydney filling out the application and kickboxing with someone.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) The test was easy. They said I was a natural. Maybe I was, because... I advanced too quickly.
(Flashback of Sydney sh**ting a g*n at a practice target.)
(Back to present.)
SYDNEY: It was exciting.
DANNY: This isn't real.
SYDNEY: Danny... since my mother died, I always hoped I would find someone to give my life meaning. That person is you. I just met the agency first. I can't quit.
DANNY: Sydney, I love you. But this... I just, I got to figure out what I'm thinking.
SYDNEY: You can't tell anyone about this. About what I do. No one. Danny, I'm not kidding.
DANNY: I got it. I need--I need to walk. I'll call you tonight.
(He turns.)
SYDNEY: I've got my trip.
DANNY: San Diego.
SYDNEY: I'll call you when I get back.
DANNY: Be careful.
(He leaves.)
(On a plane, Sydney and Dixon sit together.)
DIXON: You know, Sloane doesn't like it. That you're still in grad school.
SYDNEY: I know. He'd rather none of us have a life outside. I'm not giving it up.
DIXON: You all right?
SYDNEY: How long have you and Diane been married?
DIXON: Eleven, no, twelve years. Damn. (laughs)
SYDNEY: You love her?
DIXON: Of course I do.
SYDNEY: And you've never said a thing?
DIXON: About what?
SYDNEY: About what we do.
DIXON: Diane's married to an investment analyst who loves his job.
SYDNEY: And you don't... you don't feel like you're lying to her?
DIXON: If there's one rule you don't break, that's the rule you don't break.
SYDNEY: It must just get easier.
(In Taiwan. People get out of limos as photographers take pictures. Inside, people mingle while waiters roam. Orchestra plays. Dixon speaks Japanese to someone, smiles and moves across the room to find Sydney. She's wearing an elegant gown and talking Japanese to someonhe. Dixon joins them, she smiles and leaves. She puts her glass of champagne on the table and walks out. The man from the flashbacks of Sydney with red hair, watches as she leaves.)
(Cut to a bar. Danny is drunk and calling Sydney.)
ANSWERING MACHINE: (Sydney) Hey, this is Sydney! (Danny) And this is Danny. I don't live here. (Sydney giggles) Leave me a message and I'll call you back! (Danny) Thank you. She meant to say "Thank you." (Beep.)
DANNY: You're not there... I know you're not there. Or in San Diego.
(At the party, Dixon pretends to pass out, falling to the ground. Everyone crowds around him.)
DANNY: You could be anywhere, doing anything...
(At the party, Sydney runs in the hall and finds a guard. Pointing back to the party room she tells them about Dixon.)
(At the bar.)
DANNY: Which is the crux of the issue...
(At the party, Sydney sets her watch for four minutes and moves past the velvet rope. Dixon, in the party room, hits the lighter switch. Inside the control room, the video screens scramble.)
(At the bar.)
DANNY: Can I live like this, not knowing where or why, when?
(Running throughout the building, Sydney takes a picture and runs. Inside, Dixon drinks some champagne given to him.)
(At the bar.)
DANNY: Can I live in the dark? And the answer is... the only answer I came up with, Sydney, was... was yes. Sid, I don't care. The whole world's a nightmare anywhere. It's all dangerous. No matter what we do.
(Sydney runs down a hall and stops, sees two guards.)
(At the bar.)
DANNY: I couldn't live with myself, saying goodbye to you because of risk. All the risk.
(The answering machine at Sydney's records. Satellites outside, picking up everything Danny says.)
DANNY: The kids... that's something we have to talk about because I want kids. I love kids. But maybe there is a way out because people aren't spies forever.
(At a computer, a program records the phone call. Comparing voice print... a picture of Danny comes up on the screen. The man behind the computer picks up the phone and calls someone.)
DANNY: But sometimes people have to say they used to be spies. I miss you, Sid. Come home.
(Sydney runs down some stairs and tries to unlock a door. She takes the end off the heel of her shoe and it's a lock picking device. She looks at her watch.)
(Sloane's office. The phone rings.)
SLOANE: Yeah? Who? What else? Yeah, well, get me the audio right away. Yeah. (hangs up)
(Sydney picks the lock and opens the door. She walks in the lab and opens the cage. She takes a picture of it. She goes to run back to the party but she goes back in further to the lab to get better ones. She sees the instrument from the diagrams in Sloane's office. She takes a picture.)
(A doctor shines a light in Dixon's eyes. He looks at the watch. Eight seconds left.)
(Sydney runs up the stairs. Time's up. Video's back up. In the control room, a guard sees Sydney running and alerts the Man from earlier via walkie talkie. Sydney comes up the stairs. The man is there.)
SYDNEY: I'm so lost. Oh, my God. I was looking for the bathroom. You know, there really should be signs in English. I don't know if you're in charge of that, but...
(He grabs her arm.)
MAN: This area is restricted.
SYDNEY: Please. I was just going to the bathroom. Look, you don't know my boss, Ron, but if he found out that I'd been drinking and that I'd gotten in trouble, I swear to you, I will lose my job. I swear it. (fake crying)
(He lets her go.)
MAN: Rest room is this way.
SYDNEY: Thank you. Bless your heart. I like your tie.
(Sloane's office. He has a file open on his desk. He closes it.)
SLOANE: We have a breach. It appears that Daniel Hecht has become aware of Sydney's affiliation with the agency.
(He slides the folder across the desk.)
SLOANE: You understand what that means?
(Sydney's father, sitting across from Sloane, opens the file.)
MR. BRISTOW: Yes. I understand. I appreciate you telling me yourself.
SLOANE: I'm sorry, Jack.
MR. BRISTOW: Don't be. You know me well enough. You know where my loyalty lies.
(Airport. Two agents walk up to Dixon.)
DIXON: Mr. Gonzales.
AGENT GONZALES: Mr. Dixon. Where is Bristow?
DIXON: Looking for this? (holds up camera)
AGENT GONZALES: (takes it) Looking for her. Where is she?
DIXON: She left me at the gate.
AGENT GONZALES: Left you at the gate.
DIXON: Said she was grabbing a taxi. Why, what's the problem?
(Sydney comes home. She opens the door.)
SYDNEY: Hey, I'm back, I--
(She stops. The entire apartment has been ransacked. Chairs are tipped over, books are on the floor. Paintings are tilted on the wall. It's a mess. Sydney stops. Her keys fall to the ground from her hand. She drops her bags and moves to the bathroom. She opens the door, peers inside... and sees Danny in the bathtub. d*ad. Blood is splattered on the white porcelain. Sydney gasps and runs to the bathtub. She covers her mouth, leans in. She screams. She screams again. Covers her mouth, screams louder.)
(Out in the street, Sydney drives. She's crying, she's hysterical. She's covered in blood. She drives faster and comes to a screeching halt in front of the Credit Dauphin building. She climbs out of her vehicle and marches in. Inside the building, she has blood all over her shirt and face. She marches toward Sloane's office. She barges in and goes up to his desk.)
SYDNEY: What did you do?
SLOANE: I might ask you the same question. Securty section became aware of the breach and performed their function. You're familiar with the codes of conduct, Agent Bristow. You knew these codes apply to you, even if you put to risk the lives of every man and woman working in the agency.
(Sydney sits down and cries.)
SYDNEY: Danny wasn't a risk... he was--he was just a man. He was--he was a doctor, he was just--
SLOANE: You listen to me. Information about this agency must be treated like a virus. There is only one response to a virus, and that response is containment. You put us in a compromised situation, and even though I despise the countermeasure, we have--
(Sydney lunges at him. Grabbing him by the throat, she pushes him back on his desk.)
SYDNEY: Stop saying "we." Stop talking about the agency. You k*lled the man I love!
SLOANE: No, Agent Bristow. You did.
(She stops, lets him go while choking down tears. She turns to the door.)
SYDNEY: Let me out.
SLOANE: Sydney, I can't imagine how difficult this is for you.
SYDNEY: Let... me... out.
SLOANE: However, before you go anywhere, McCullough needs to see you. You see, you're a risk now, too.
(Interrogation room. Sydney has electrodes on her head. Montage.)
AGENT MCCULLOUGH: Are you an operative of SD-6?
AGENT MCCULLOUGH: How long have you been an operative of SD-6?
SYDNEY: Seven years.
AGENT MCCULLOUGH: What is your identification and classification numbers with SD-6?
SYDNEY: My identification and classifcation numbers are...
AGENT MCCULLOUGH: Have you ever been so entertained by the cleverness of a crook that you thought he'd get away with it? Did you reveal information regarding SD-6 to Daniel Hecht? Did you ever lie? What is your relationship to Daniel Hecht? Do you believe that a person is a risk...
(He leaves.)
(Sydney goes up to the door and looks out the window. She watches Sloane speak to someone. She watches intently. He looks at her.)
(In the morning, Sydney finally leaves Credit Dauphin. She's tired and still has blood on her shirt. She sees her vehicle being towed.)
(Taiwan flashback. Sydney has red hair, the Man is in front of her.)
SYDNEY: Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. I don't know what you put in that stuff. Wow. Wooo.
MAN: I'd rather not make this too painful.
SYDNEY: Me, too. Thanks. Glad we're on the same page. It's good.
(He comes closer.)
SYDNEY: Woahhhhhh...
MAN: Who are you working for? I'll not ask you again.
SYDNEY: Okay. Get a pen.
(He sits down and does so, taking out a pad of paper.)
SYDNEY: Write this down. E-M-E-T-I-B. You got that?
MAN: Yes.
SYDNEY: Okay. Now reverse it.
(He does. BITE ME. She laughs, he puts the pad away.)
SYDNEY: I've got bad news for you, man. I'm your worst enemy. I've got nothing to lose.
(One of the guards gives the man a black kit. He unzips it, showing the dentistry utensils.)
MAN: That's not exactly true. You have teeth.
(Danny's funeral. Francie holds Sydney's hand. She holds a flower in her hand. The people stand. Sydney hugs everyone. She cries. Sydney's father watches from a distance from his car. At the house, Sydney is crying. She looks at everyone talk. A little kid eats. Will's sister, who has flaming red hair comes up to Sydney, hugs. Will talks to a little kid on the sofa. His sister Amy comes up to them and kisses Will on the cheek. Francie and Sydney hug. Sydney cries.)
(In Sydney's bedroom, photos cover the top of her bed. She sits on the floor with a glass of wine, crying. She hits play on her answering machine.)
ANSWERING MACHINE: (Sydney) Hey, this is Sydney! (Danny) And this is Danny. I don't live here. (Sydney giggles) Leave me a message and I'll call you back! (Danny) Thank you. She meant to say "Thank you." (Beep.)
(She listens to Danny and swallows her tears. She hits record.)
SYDNEY: Hey, this is Sydney. Leave me a message... Thank you.
PROFESSOR: She loved a man and she lost him. This isn't a new theme in literature, but it seems to be one of the favorites. For instance... what does Tennyson contribute to this subject?
(Sydney gets a page. She looks at it. It says "Sloane - 911." She puts the pager back in her bag.)
PROFESSOR: Although his work is mildly out of fashion, at this time I'd like you to consider the exploration of this theme. It seems to be...
(Cut to outside. Sydney walks across campus. A car slows to a stop and Dixon gets out.)
DIXON: Sydney. Need a lift?
(She turns, and smiles.)
SYDNEY: No, thanks. I'm just going to the library.
(She hugs him warmly.)
SYDNEY: How've you been?
DIXON: Okay. You?
SYDNEY: Good. Better. Thanks for the flowers. It was nice.
DIXON: (nods) Look... Sloane's getting impatient. They gave you a month off. It's been three.
SYDNEY: I've talked to Sloane.
DIXON: Apparently not to their satisfaction.
SYDNEY: I know they sent you here to bring me back. I'm sorry. I just can't yet.
DIXON: They got word. FTL is finished building the Mueller device. Sloane wants it.
SYDNEY: They don't need me for that op.
DIXON: Yes, they do.
SYDNEY: Tell them to call Quintero.
DIXON: Quintero is d*ad. They got confirmation Thursday. They need you active, and if they don't have confidence in someone who is in as deep as you are... they will fix that problem.
(Sydney kisses his cheek.)
SYDNEY: I really am sorry. I'll see you.
DIXON: Sid...
(She keeps walking.)
(At a restaurant, Sydney sits alone and drinks coffee. She looks across the way and sees a couple holding hands. She smiles faintly.)
(Parking garage. Sydney walks to her truck. She takes her keys out and hits the alarm. She gets in and is about to clip her seat belt when she sees a red laser light pointed at her. She turns and sees two men in a car with a machine g*n carrying a laser pointed right at her. She ducks, laying her body across the seat. g*n busts out the window. She fumbles with the keys and sticks them in the ignition with her head still on the seat, she throws the truck in reverse but the other car with the assassins blocks the way. Her trucks smashes into them. Sydney opens the passenger door and flies out, flopping down to the ground. She picks up her bag and starts running. The man with the g*n gets out of the car, runs up to the truck with his g*n pointed... to see she's not there.)
(Sydney running fast. The men following her with a g*n. His partner in a car. She gets to the tower elevator, can't open it. She runs around a car and slides down, hiding behind it. Breathing heavily. Tires screech in the distance. She takes her cell phone out and dials.)
(Francie's house. Music plays in the background. She answers.)
(Sydney behind the car.)
SYDNEY: Francie, hi.
FRANCIE: Oh, hi. You want to hear the worst day ever?
SYDNEY: (whispering) Could you call my cell phone? I think the ringer is broken.
FRANCIE: Sid, I can barely hear you.
SYDNEY: Just call me right back!
FRANCIE: Okay...
(In the garage, the man with the g*n walks around, looking. Suddenly, Sydney's cell phone rings loudly. Thinking he has her, he follows the sound. The cell phone sits on the ground, alone. Sydney comes from behind and kicks the g*n, hard. Punches him. The g*n goes flying. He tries kicking her, she moves. He kicks her in the stomach, she gasps. She roundhouse kicks him. He tries kicking her in the head. She kicks him. She flings him on the hood of the car. Roundhouse kick once again. He pushes her on the car hood with one arm twisted behind her back. She takes the antennae off the car and flings it back, it hits the man in the face. He stumbles back. She takes this opportunity to kick him to the ground. He's slumped against a car. She kicks him once more, so hard that his head busts the window in the side door of the car. In the distance she hears the tires screeching, more people coming to get her. She bends down, grabs the man's g*n with the laser on it, stands up, points the g*n at the car coming at her... and stops.)
MR. BRISTOW: Get in!
SYDNEY: Daddy?!
(More tires screech.)
(She grabs her phone and the g*n and gets in her dad's car. Another car is right behind them. Inside the car, Sydney's father cocks a g*n.)
SYDNEY: Dad, you have a g*n!
(Her cell phone rings.)
FRANCIE: Hello...
SYDNEY: Yeah, it's working, I'll call you later.
FRANCIE: Just call me back. You are not going to believe the day I had.
SYDNEY: (looking at her dad) Me, too.
(She hangs up.)
MR. BRISTOW: Hang on.
(He starts going backwards while the car comes towards them. He sh**t at the car.)
SYDNEY: Dad, what are you doing?!
(He makes a sharp turn so the car smashes into another car. Sydney and her dad drive away.)
MR. BRISTOW: There might be others. Put your seatbelt on.
(She does.)
MR. BRISTOW: You're going to have to accept that there are many things you won't understand tonight. The one thing you must understand is that the agency doesn't trust you anymore. And they're going to k*ll you unless you do as I say. I work for SD-6, just like you. Undercover at Genis Aerospace. You leave tonight. I've arraged a flight to France with a connection to Switzerland. You'll be red flagged at customs. I've given you new papers.
SYDNEY: I thought you sold airplane parts!
MR. BRISTOW: I don't sell airplane parts. I never sold airplane parts.
(They stop in a parking lot. A nearby car is parked with its headlights on.)
MR. BRISTOW: That car is taking you to the airport. I have to get back so they're not going to know.
SYDNEY: Who are you?
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney, get in that car! They're only waiting two minutes, then they leave. With or without you!
(She pinches at his face, making sure he's real.)
MR. BRISTOW: There is no time for you not to trust me! You don't know who you're dealing with!
SYDNEY: What does that mean? Who the hell am I dealing with?
MR. BRISTOW: About a decade ago, a pool of agents went free-lance. Russian, Libyan, Chinese, Ethopian--
SYDNEY: The alliance of twelve.
MR. BRISTOW: What do you know about them?
SYDNEY: They're an enemy of the United States. They're mercenaries. They're dangerous.
MR. BRISTOW: I'm one of them. SD-6 is not a black ops division of the C.I.A. SD-6 is a branch of the alliance. You work for the very enemy you thought you were fighting.
SYDNEY: That's impossible...
MR. BRISTOW: Then tell me why you've never been to Langley. You've been lied to! All lower level agents have been lied to. I am trying to help you here!
SYDNEY: So, you're saying I'm working for the enemy and that you are the enemy.
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney, this is your last chance. You have to go.
(The car leaves.)
SYDNEY: Who are you to come to me and act like a father? If you want to help me, stay away from me.
(She gets out of the car.)
(Sydney running down a street, slow motion, crying.)
(In the flashforward scenes. Sydney, red hair, sits on a chair with her mouth pried open with a device. The Man has a tooth pulling utensil in his hand.)
MAN: Okay. Let's try one more time. Who do you work for?
SYDNEY: Ahhh... ahhh...
(They remove it off her mouth.)
SYDNEY: Ah... I just want to say... start with the teeth in the back. If you don't mind.
(They put it back on her mouth. The man pulls her tooth out, without medication. Sydney squirms and screams.)
(Newspaper office. A girl gets the mail and walks to the back of the room to find Will at his desk.)
WILL: (on phone) Wait, wait, wait. No, let me just--well, the newspaper is doing YOU a favor. Yeah. (hangs up)
GIRL: I'm doing a pantry run. You want anything?
WILL: No, thanks. Is Lucy back in her office?
GIRL: (walking away) What do you think?
WILL: Does she even work here anymore?
GIRL: (off screen) I hope not.
(Will opens his mail and finds a letter. All it says is "I'm on the roof. -S" He smiles.)
(On the roof, Sydney waits, wearing the same clothes as the night before.)
WILL: Meet me on the roof. That's perfect, though. Some guy just totally hung up on me. I got an hour to k*ll, want to get some lunch? (sees the bruises) What happened to your face?
SYDNEY: I need your help. I can't explain this. You've just got to trust me.
WILL: Of course.
SYDNEY: I need to borrow one of your sister's credit cards with at least a three thousand dollar limit. I'll pay her back. Can you get it?
WILL: Sid, what is this? You owe somebody some money?
SYDNEY: There's something else. Do you know where Amy keeps her passport?
(Bathroom. Sydney has red dye on her head. She lifts up the passport of Amy's, adds a mole. She puts the same mole on her face.)
(Airport. Sydney, dressed in a red sleeveless shirt and a kilt with a choker, walks to the check in counter.)
AIRPORT EMPLOYEE: Okay. How many bags are you checking through to Taipei?
SYDNEY: Just this one. What lipstick do you use? I love it.
AIRPORT EMPLOYEE: Alex Jane lips. Concord Grape.
SYDNEY: It totally pops.
AIRPORT EMPLOYEE: Thanks. Can I see your passport?
SYDNEY: You ever try this one? I think it's too light for me. What do you think?
AIRPORT EMPLOYEE: It's pretty on you.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
AIRPORT EMPLOYEE: Window or aisle?
(On the plane, Sydney has her arms crossed, thinking.)
(In Taiwan, she walks down the street. In a bathroom, she strips and dresses all in black. Once outside, she tries breaking into a van. When a man pulls up behind her, gets out and blows smoke in her face as he walks by her, Sydney stares at his car. Later, driving the car, Sydney comes to a stop outside the building before where the party was. She gets some rope from her bag and gets out of the vehicle. Outside the building, Sydney spots two armed guards. She climbs up the side of the building. On the roof, she goes down an air vent. She climbs down some stairs and has a flashlight in her hand. She looks around, then runs. She goes down the same stairs she went down before. She tries breaking the lock. Finally unlocking it, she turns and sees a guy who hits her on the head with his g*n. Sydney falls to the ground.)
(Flashforward. Sydney, blood coming from her mouth after getting her tooth pulled, comes to. The man enters and pulls a chair up next to her.)
MAN: The pill I gave you helps the pain. I could tell because you stopped screaming so loudly. That medication, however, only lasts for two hours. And it's been two hours almost. So, (he gets up) you have a choice. Which way to go next?
(He holds out the bottle of pills and the tooth remover.)
MAN: Tell me, and you get one more.
(Sydney mumbles.)
MAN: Louder!
SYDNEY: I can't...
MAN: Who do you work for, you pretty little girl?
(Sydney head bunts him. He falls to the ground. She flips her chair over so the back of the chair chokes him across his throat. She gets the handcuffs undone, grabs the man and the chair, sits him down on it and handcuffs him. Sydney breaks a broom over her knee, snapping it in two and comes near him with the tooth remover.)
MAN: No... no...
(She jabs it in his crotch. He screams. Two guards enter. She hits the first guy with the broom. Hits the second guy. She kicks the first man, hits the second with the piece of broom and roundhouse kicks the first. She grabs the two g*n from the men and leaves.)
(Control room sees her running. Alerts someone with walkie talkie.)
(The door of the lab, that she tried to pick the lock of. Sydney sh**t the lock with her g*n and kicks the door down. In the lab, she finds the instrument that is now working in a case. A small ball is floating above it. She sprays the lock with the f*re extinguisher and smashes the lock. Sydney's hand goes inside and unlatches it. The ball explodes. She stares. Outside, two men run down the hall toward her. Sydney takes the device and covers it with a cloth. The men enter, yell, sh**t. She ducks. They sh**t. She screams and sh**t. No more b*ll*ts. Sydney spots the gas line for the experiment and spots a nearby screwdriver. She kicks the screwdriver in the air, catches it, and prys the gas line up. The gas starts hissing. The men move over through the lab while Sydney inches away. Once they're near the gas line, Sydney stands up to get their attention.)
SYDNEY: Hey, guys.
(They sh**t. The f*re from their g*n ignites the gas and explodes the lab. Sydney runs down the hall with the instrument in her arms. Guards run to the building but Sydney goes down the wall using her rope. She breaks the window of the car and climbs in, driving away.)
(Credit Dauphin.)
SLOANE: (on phone) Yeah. Send her in. Now. Make sure everybody knows.
(Sydney walks through the building, blood coming from her mouth, flaming red hair, black clothes, device in her arms. She walks by Dixon, who stands up and watches her. Sydney marches into Sloane's office and puts it down on his desk. He moves the sheet away, admires it.)
SYDNEY: I'm back.
SLOANE: All right.
SYDNEY: I'm taking a week off. I've got mid-terms.
(She walks out.)
(Down the street in broad daylight, Sydney walks down the street. She enters a business building and talks to a receptionist.)
RECEPTIONIST: May I help you?
SYDNEY: I need to speak to the director. Mr. Devlin.
RECEPTIONIST: I'm sorry, Mr. Devlin is not available. May I leave a message?
SYDNEY: Tell him he has a walk-in.
RECEPTIONIST: (on phone) We have a walk-in for Mr. Devlin. Yes.
(She comes around the counter.)
RECEPTIONIST: Come with me, please.
(They walk across the floor. We see that a large emblem for the C.I.A. is on the floor.)
(Inside, Vaughn walks through the busy room holding a paper cup of coffee and a sandwich on a plate.)
VAUGHN: I know, uh, I'll get to it. I swear.
(He keeps walking and enters a room. Sydney is furiously writing at the table while another agent - Mr. Weiss - stands.)
VAUGHN: Some more coffee. And something to eat.
(She doesn't even look up.)
VAUGHN: I'm just, uh, let Mr. Weiss know if you need anything else.
SYDNEY: (still writing) New pen. This one's dying.
(Weiss hands a pen over. Sydney uncaps it and keeps writing.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(Vaughn gives Weiss a look and leaves.)
(Inside Vaughn's office. Sydney sits in the chair in front of the desk. She sees a picture of a dressed down Vaughn embracing a cute blonde girl. He comes in and moves the picture away.)
VAUGHN: Well, this could be very interesting.
SYDNEY: Does that mean I'm in?
VAUGHN: No, not yet. They're reviewing your statement. You wrote a lot.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: I mean, it's like Tolstoy long. Devlin says it could take weeks to verify. But I know we could use another double agent in SD-6.
(Sydney shakes her head.)
VAUGHN: So I'll be in contact. I'm going to get you out of here, keep you concealed. Why are you shaking your head?
SYDNEY: Because you said "another."
SYDNEY: So, if you really had one already you most likely wouldn't tell me until I was authenticated.
VAUGHN: Unless I had an instinct about you.
SYDNEY: My bet is you don't. Have another double.
VAUGHN: We might.
SYDNEY: But you want me to believe that you do so that on the off chance that I'm looking to be a triple agent, I'll report back there was an existing mole to upset the balance of my agency.
VAUGHN: I'm not trying to play you.
SYDNEY: Yeah. We'll see.
VAUGHN: I have an instinct. (stares at her) You need a dentist. Do you have one? Because I can get you a name.
SYDNEY: I'm all right.
VAUGHN: I'll be right back.
(He leaves.)
(Graveyard. Sydney, now with her brown hair, puts flowers on Danny's grave. She turns to see her dad.)
MR. BRISTOW: I wanted to say I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: You don't have to. I'm back at work, I guess you know that.
MR. BRISTOW: And I'm sorry about Danny. There was nothing I could do.
SYDNEY: I'd like to be alone, if you don't mind.
MR. BRISTOW: I know what it's like to lose someone--
SYDNEY: Listen, I don't know what you expect. Just because we're working on the same side, just because I know the truth about you now, that doesn't change a thing between us. I accept what I'm doing now because I have to. That doesn't mean I have to accept you.
MR. BRISTOW: (takes out a phone) I asked Devlin if I could come tell you myself. They verified your statement. You're in. I read what you wrote. I appreciate you not naming me. That was... kind.
SYDNEY: You're a C.I.A.
MR. BRISTOW: You don't know how dangerous this is, Sydney. Doing what I do. I wish you would have taken me up on Switzerland.
SYDNEY: How do I know what you're telling me is the truth?
MR. BRISTOW: I guess we'll just have to learn to trust each other.
(He gives her the phone and walks away. It rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello? | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x01 - Truth Be Told"} | foreverdreaming |
"So It Begins" episode #1.02
(Sydney, wearing a long black wig and black clothes, runs down a hall. Panting. She's being chased by two men.)
MAN 1: Arretez!
MAN 2: Arretez!
(They shout at her in French. Sydney flies behind a corner, flings open a door and runs down a flight of stairs. The men are right on her tail. She runs down a hall, g*n fly. She dives in an elevator as b*ll*ts riddle the insides. The doors close. She hits floor twenty-eight. Men shout in French. Inside the elevator, Sydney slaps a device on the wall of the elevator that makes the video of her in the control room scramble. She stares at the video camera in the upper corner of the elevator for a minute, climbs up to the ceiling of the elevator and pops out. On top of the elevator, Sydney takes out a metal object, clamps it on the cable next to the elevator, jumps across and slides down as the elevator goes up. The elevator dings at floor twenty-eight, with the two men waiting for her to come out... only to find the elevator empty.)
(In the basement, Sydney runs. She runs into a guard, beats him. Outside, a stretch limo screeches to a halt. Door opens, Sydney jumps in. As the limo pulls away, we see the Eiffel Tower in the background. Inside the limo, Sydney pants and gives a small box to a large man smoking a cigar across from her.)
(Cut to inside a van. Sydney and Vaughn sit at a table. He takes notes.)
SYDNEY: That was three years ago when I met him for the first time. Leonard Dreyfus -- he helps bankroll SD-6 operations. This guy is very hands-on. Not just in his business. He's a real slime. He runs a division in Geneva. Go-to guy for transport. He'll get anything, anywhere, fast. Sloane relies on him. He's a big target.
VAUGHN: Okay, good, listen--
SYDNEY: Also, there's a crew just outside Memphis. They provide firearms. Custom stuff -- graphite, titanium, plastics.
VAUGHN: Memphis?
SYDNEY: Memphis, Egypt.
(Cut to Memphis, flashback. Inside a warehouse, Sydney and Dixon sit in front of a desk while two men stand behind it.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I know I just started working with you guys at the C.I.A., but listen to me. If we're gonna bring down SD-6, we have to eliminate their source of arms -- Anini Hassan.
HASSAN: Three of her majesty's favorites.
(He gives a large g*n to Dixon; he admires it.)
HASSAN: (gestures to other man to get other g*n) And now, the new design, as I promised. I named it "Abenni." That's my son's name. It holds twelve rounds and it's semi-automatic.
(He tries loading it; looks to man.)
HASSAN: What the hell is this?
(They begin to speak in Arabic, then shouting. Sydney tries speaking to them in Arabic to calm them down. Dixon looks nervous. Hassan pulls a g*n on the guy.)
(Too late. Hassan sh**t his worker a few times in the chest. Sydney turns her head so she won't see. Hassan turns to them; his cheek splattered with the man's blood.)
HASSAN: That was -- uh, sorry. I'm sorry you had to see that.
SYDNEY: (voice over) That was six months ago. I have friends from the Middle East. Hassan's not one of them.
(In the van.)
VAUGHN: I don't blame you. Listen--
SYDNEY: There's more. We need to go after a geneticist in Kuala Lumpur. He's involved in--
VAUGHN: Okay, stop. You have to listen to me, okay?
SYDNEY: You said you wanted to talk about the plan. I'm giving you the plan.
VAUGHN: It's not your job to give me the plan. I'm giving you the plan. Tomorrow's your first day back at SD-6. Now, nothing should change. When you get your assignment, you'll detail your mission on a paper bag. (picks one up, showing her) Bag. Then you'll call this number. (gives her card) Memorize it. After three tones, press the appropriate digit -- one through six. Each corresponds to a trash can in a specific location. Now we'll review your information, create a countermission, and we'll contact you posing as a wrong number. Joey's Pizza. Any questions, so far?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Can you show me what a bag looks like again?
(Vaughn rolls his eyes.)
SYDNEY: Now, you listen to me, Mr. Vaughn. I appreciate what your job is here, even though I think you're a little young to be doing it, to establish a protocol between the C.I.A. and their latest double agent. But I'm not sitting here to pick up the ins and outs of Langley procedure. I am sitting here for one reason only, and that is to destroy SD-6!
VAUGHN: Hey!--
SYDNEY: After which I am out! I want no more of this spy crap, that's why I went to you in the first place. So, listen to me and I will hand you, in record time, the people who will render SD-6 useless.
VAUGHN: Record time.
SYDNEY: Two months. Tops. And then I am out. I walk.
(Pause. Vaughn takes a pad of paper and gives it to her.)
VAUGHN: Draw me a map. Draw me a map of SD-6 and all it's allies. How far you think it reaches.
SYDNEY: Do I look like I'm in Junior High?
VAUGHN: (raising voice) Just draw me a SD-6 family tree!
SYDNEY: Braces on my teeth...
VAUGHN: (overlapping; shouting) How far you think it goes!
SYDNEY: ...Headgear? Do you see a retainer?!
(She stares at him and takes the pen and paper. Within ten seconds, she has a simple map with about a dozen names.)
SYDNEY: I don't know what your problem is with me. Maybe it's that I'm a woman, or maybe you just don't like my attitude, or something, and I'm sorry about that. But I really dont feel like wasting time here. Three's only one way we can immobilize SD-6, and that's MY way. So, forgive me for being forthright or... female, but this is how it's gonna be.
(He nods slowly, stands and gets a map. He spreads it out in front of them. Hundreds, perhaps a thousand, names are affiliated with SD-6 on the map. Sydney looks amazed at how deep this goes and how little she knew.)
VAUGHN: Since I've been at the C.I.A., I've only seen this map grow. This is what you're in the middle of, Sydney. If shutting down the Los Angeles cell was all we were after, we would have raided that office three years ago. This is not about cutting off an arm of the monster. This is about k*lling the monster. And the work you have ahead of you -- the work your father has been doing -- it's complicated, it's political, and it is long term.
(Sydney's shocked.)
VAUGHN: (shows card) Here, memorize this.
SYDNEY: I did.
VAUGHN: Okay. I guess we'll wait to hear from you.
(She stands, gets ready to leave.)
VAUGHN: Hey, wait.
(He gets a bright yellow sticker from the above counter and sticks it on the inside of Sydney's arm. She puts on her bookbag; he smiles.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
VAUGHN: You're welcome.
(Sydney leaves the van. Outside, we see that the van has "L.A. County Blood Donor Drive" on it. It's parked at the university. A guy walks past Sydney, who still looks stunned.)
GUY: Hey, see you in class.
SYDNEY: For sure.
(She starts walking to her class.)
(Francie and Charlie -- Francie's boyfriend -- are helping Sydney move into her new house. Francie unwraps a plate.)
FRANCIE: Oh, look. This one's chipped.
SYDNEY: Oh, that's okay. Those were my mom's.
CHARLIE: (entering, carrying a box) Okay, these are heavy.
SYDNEY: Oh. (laughs) Put that down right... right here.
CHARLIE: No problem.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
CHARLIE: Como si. (to Francie) I need a massage later.
FRANCIE: Okay, good to know.
(Will enters with a bag of food.)
SYDNEY: Hey, finally.
WILL: I know, I'm sorry. Litvack called; I had to rewrite a whole piece in the parking lot. (to Charlie) They didn't have any horseradish.
CHARLIE: No, that's cool.
SYDNEY: That's annoying.
WILL: Yeah, no kidding. There's a woman in Marina Del Ray who's eating newspapers.
FRANCIE: She's eating it?
WILL: She's pregnant and apparently it's a condition some women get before they-- (motions to stomach)
SYDNEY: Eating newspaper's a condition?
WILL: Yeah, yeah. This is what I write about. This is how I make a living. And Lintback says my writing's too judgemental and I'm like, "Well, who cares? She's not gonna read it anyway, she's gonna swallow it."
(They chuckle.)
FRANCIE: Hey, what are you doing on Thursday?
WILL: Probably rewriting this piece again.
SYDNEY: Charlie got an offer.
WILL: Hey, that's great! Where?
CHARLIE: Leming Letterman. That's corporate law. Downtown office.
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard of that.
FRANCIE: We're doing a dinner thing on Thursday and you are required.
WILL: Totally, totally there. Congratulations!
(They shake hands. Will pauses and follows Sydney into her bedroom with a sandwich and drink in his hand. She hangs up some clothes.)
WILL: Do you want your-your food?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I just want to get the closets done first so I feel like I live here.
WILL: Well, here.
(He takes some clothes from a box and helps her hang some up.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
WILL: Syd, I'm sorry. I can't take it.
SYDNEY: Will, please. Let's not do this again.
WILL: C'mon, you know me. You know I can't let this go!
SYDNEY: Will, come on!
WILL: You took Amy's passport!
SYDNEY: I know!
WILL: You took her credit card!
SYDNEY: I know what happened!
WILL: You disappeared!
SYDNEY: I know!
WILL: Syd, I can't--
(Her pager goes off. Sydney looks at it.)
SYDNEY: It's the bank.
WILL: What was going on with Danny? Because he must've been in some kind of trouble--
SYDNEY: I need you to do something.
WILL: You need me to shut up, I know!
SYDNEY: I need you to accept what I've already told you.
WILL: You haven't told me anything, you're being so vague!
SYDNEY: I lost my mind a little. I started imagining things.
WILL: Whatever the hell you're talking about, maybe you're not imagining it. Syd, this is what I do. I might be able to find something that the police overlooked!
SYDNEY: Stop it! Please. I'm trying to move on here. I need your help to do that. Okay?
(Credit Dauphine. Sydney gets off the elevator, enters the white room. It lights up red. She enters the room, but it's different now. All these people she sees every day, and now she's lying. Marshall comes up to her.)
MARSHALL: Oh, hey, Miss Bristow.
SYDNEY: Hey, Marshall.
MARSHALL: Hey, listen, I don't normally get overly personal. I don't like to cross that line. You probably don't know this about me, but I'm really not much of a social peson. I don't like--I like myself, I mean, I enjoy myself, I just don't feel that kind of pressure when I'm by my--you ever feel that?
SYDNEY: You can say anything you want to me.
MARSHALL: Okay. I just wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about your fiance, and it's nice to have you back.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(He smiles and walks away.)
(Meeting. Dixon, Sloane, Marshall and Sydney sit in the board room.)
SLOANE: Let's start with what we know. We've received two pieces of intel. The first is this internal memo from G.R.A. headquarters. It seems that certain files were reported missing last week from the seventh floor of The Aquarium.
DIXON: Seventh floor? That's foreign intelligence.
SLOANE: And we acquired the second piece. Abul Hassein Navour. Military attache from Sudan whom you'll fondly remember from last year. He's on his way to Moscow to meet these two gentlemen. Kazimits Chebekov and Luri Kapochev. Both ID'd as members of the Russian mafia. We think these are the men who stole the documents because the codes identified that these lost documents pertained to the Soviet-American nuclear arsenal during the Cold w*r.
SYDNEY: Navour's buying twenty year old intel records. Why?
SLOANE: That's the part we don't know. So, you are leaving tomorrow morning.
(He gives black envelopes to Dixon and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Your job is to prevent the transaction and retrieve the stolen files. Marshall, tell us what you got.
MARSHALL: (stands) Okay. Who here has trouble falling asleep at night, hmm? (raises hand) No one else does? OKay. Well, anyway, myself, on occasion, I find it difficult to nod off -- mind racing, ideas, et cetera. So, this kind of pertains to the whole sleeping thing. Now, I created this just for Navour.
(He puts on really big, black gloves and takes out a blue dot from a container with the help of a pair of pincers.)
MARSHALL: Now, you just take this kind of little round thing here. Pretty cool. You just touch it, just with your finger, your hand, you know, just barely touch it and you're knocked out completely. It's like freebasing Thorazine. Boom. Now, you only get two times on this thing. It only works twice, so you don't want to use it three times 'cause...
DIXON: Do we need to use those gloves?
MARSHALL: Oh, no, we can make a nice ring, or-or perhaps an attractive cuff-cuff link. The reason why I'm wearing the gloves, I accidentally touched this the other day and I fell and kncked my head on the desk and was out cold for twenty minutes. You guys should see this.
(He turns to show a Band-Aid that is on his neck. Sydney and Dixon try not to laugh. Sydney, smiling, makes eye contact with Sloane who is staring at her intently.)
MARSHALL: That's not, um, I'm trying to be kind of Pavlovian about these puppies. No pun intended.
(Outside the board room, Dixon and Sydney walk to their desks.)
DIXON: They keep coming back, don't they?
SYDNEY: Who? You mean Navour?
DIXON: How is that man still able to walk after our apparel?
SYDNEY: If it weren't him, it'd be someone else.
DIXON: Then let it be someone else. We k*ll ourselves to do the right thing, meanwhile the bad people keep coming back.
(Sydney stares at him.)
SLOANE: Sydney, do you have a minute?
SYDNEY: Yes, of course.
DIXON: I'll be in Tech Ops. (leaves)
SLOANE: I know it's gonna take you some time to adjust to being back. I just want to make sure you're all right.
SYDNEY: I'm fine. Thanks.
SLOANE: Good. I need to show you something.
(Sloane opens an office door; Sydney looks surprised.)
SLOANE: I'll leave you two alone. (leaves)
MR. BRISTOW: It's all right, the room's clean. No one's listening. Hello, Sydney.
SYDNEY: What is this?
MR. BRISTOW: I'm here to tell you what you already know. That I work for SD-6, or so they think. I asked Sloane to do this.
MR. BRISTOW: Because it'll facilitate what we're doing if they know that you know. It wouldn't hurt if you acted surprised when you left the office.
SYDNEY: Since I've known the truth about you, I've asked myself questions. Thousands of questions. But this one I have to ask you now. When Danny was k*lled... Dad... did you know? Did you know that's what they ewre going to do?
(She slaps him.)
SYDNEY: Don't you ever speak to me again.
(She leaves.)
(In a mall food court, Sydney writes on a paper bag.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Abul Hassein Navour is attempting to purchase files stolen from the Russian government. Sloane is sending us to Moscow to prevent Navour from getting the files.
(Cut to a phone booth. Sydney presses a button and hangs up.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) Dixon will impersoonate Navour. My job is to break into Navour's hotel room and take the money for the buy. So, what's next?
(Sydney walks by a garbage bag and throws the crumpled up bag in the can.)
(In Sydney's new place, she unpacks a box and stacks books on a shelf. She takes out a framed picture and smiles. The phone rings. She puts the picture on the shelf -- it's of her and Danny, both are smiling.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
VOICE: Joey's Pizza?
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong number.
(Convenience store. Sydney enters, wrapping her cardigan sweater tighter around her body. Vaughn stands nearby, looking at cereal. She goes behind him and opens the cooler door, looking at a bottle of V8 Splash.)
SYDNEY: It's me.
VAUGHN: How you doing?
SYDNEY: How I'm doing? I'd say things have been better. I'm working with friends who have no idea who they're really working for.
VAUGHN: I heard Sloane had you meet your father.
SYDNEY: Yes, he did. So, what's my counter-mission?
VAUGHN: Navour's been on our short list for the past six months. In August, he attempted to purchase a nuke from Libya.
SYDNEY: You already knew about Moscow?
VAUGHN: No, we didn't. So, thank you for that.
(Sydney closes the cooler door and moves beside him in the cereal aisle.)
SYDNEY: Don't mention it. (shivers) That was cold. So, what's my move?
VAUGHN: Carry out your assignment. Get the documents. When you get back, make sure YOU are holding the stolen files. We'll execute two brush passes at the airport terminal.
(He gets a slushie.)
VAUGHN: First, one will take place at the gate. We'll intercept the materials and make a duplicate copy and then return them to you in a second pass to be ex*cuted at the airport curb.
SYDNEY: That's it?
VAUGHN: That's it. Want a Slusho?
SYDNEY: No, thank you.
VAUGHN: They're delicious.
SYDNEY: No, thanks. I said I was cold.
VAUGHN: (looks at her) Good luck.
(Newspaper office. Will is at his desk, on the phone.)
WILL: I can imagine, that must've been devastating. Did he say anything to you after he drove over your cat?
(A pretty girl, Jenny, stands at his desk and smiles. He looks at her in recognition.)
WILL: Uh huh. Did he ever make any thr*at to you, or your cat? Sure. No, I--okay. You have my number at the paper. All right. Bye-bye. (hangs up) A man ran over his cat.
JENNY: I understand.
WILL: We're in a world where people drive over people's cats.
JENNY: You didn't answer my question.
WILL: Which-which one?
JENNY: What are you doing for dinner?
WILL: Jenny, you're nineteen years old.
JENNY: I'm twenty. You know I turned twenty--
WILL: We're not having this conversation. I'm ancient compared to you. Look. Look at me. Look how red my eyes are.
JENNY: (smiles) You don't look too bad.
WILL: Do me a favor. Can you pull me that file on Daniel Hecht?
JENNY: What, that m*rder? Your friend?
WILL: Yeah. Do you mind?
JENNY: No, no.
WILL: Thanks.
(She starts to walk away, turns.)
JENNY: You don't take me seriously, do you?
WILL: No, I don't.
(Moscow. In a hotel lobby, Sydney walks in wearing a long blonde wig that's braided. She wears glasses and speaks to Dixon who stands near the counter via an earpiece.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, do yo copy?
DIXON: Wow. That's loud.
SYDNEY: (walking to elevator) You told Marshall you wanted it louder. I was there.
DIXON: Okay. My headache and I are 1017.
SYDNEY: (in elevator) Break a leg.
DIXON: You, too.
(Upstairs, the elevator dings and Sydney gets off. She wears a maid's uniform and carries towels.)
(At a bar, Dixon -- impersonating Navour -- looks around.)
SYDNEY: I'm on fifteen.
DIXON: Get the cash quickly.
(Upstairs, outside the hotel room.)
SYDNEY: That is the plan.
(She knocks. A man inside speaks Russian, she speaks Russian back. He opens the door and lets her in.)
(At the bar, Dixon walks around and sees two Russians. They wave at him.)
DIXON: Chebekov and Kapochev just showed up.
(Upstairs, in the hotel room. Men speak Russian.)
DIXON: Stand by on the call.
(Sydney makes the bed. The men leave. She goes to the suitcase, removes the case on her ring to show the blue sleeping dot. She turns the ring so it's on the inside of her hand. She goes to the bodyguard who is sitting down and shakes his hand, speaking Russian. He knocks out immediately.)
SYDNEY: Wow. Bodyguard's out. Navour's in the shower, I'm going in for the money.
(Downstairs at the bar. The men wave at Dixon.)
DIXON: Move fast. They spotted me.
(Upstairs, Sydney takes off her glasses and uses the arms as a lock picking device. She starts on the suitcase.)
(Downstairs at the bar.)
KAPOCHEV: Are you my Sundanese friend?
DIXON: Uh, Mr. Chebekov? (shakes hand)
KAPOCHEV: Kapochev. I am the handsome one.
(They chuckle.)
CHEBEKOV: No protection with you?
DIXON: Why, should I not feel safe here?
KAPOCHEV: Here, here you feel very safe, yes.
(They get a table.)
(Upstairs, Sydney picks the lock. An elevator dings. A man gets off and walks to Sydney's room.)
(At the club.)
KAPOCHEV: I know the guy who owns this club. (gestures to Chebekov) He thinks I brag too much. It's true, I do... I brag too much.
(They chuckle. Dixon takes a drink.)
(The man from the hallway speaks Russian; Sydney keeps picking the lock.)
(At the bar.)
KAPOCHEV: That's the problem with Sudan. There's no place for fun.
DIXON: It's a nice change, being out of the Sudan.
CHEBEKOV: I thought you said you travel often.
DIXON: Yes. Not often enough. (laughs)
CHEBEKOV: So, I can see you don't have the money with you, is that correct?
DIXON: No, not at the moment. But the money's very close.
(The man from the hallway walks in, sees Sydney at the briefcase. He shouts in Russian, pulls a g*n. She throws the suitcase at him, the money empties across the floor. She punches and kicks him. He throws her across the room, twice, the second time she lands on top of a dresser. On her back, she kicks him hard. Pushes himm. Kicks him. Elbows him in the head. Navour comes out of the shower, she puts him to sleep while speaking Russian with her ring. She turns and sees the money -- all blank sheets spread out on the floor.)
SYDNEY: (to Dixon) I got bad news. This wasn't a buy. This was a hold-up. They were going to steal the files. There's no money here.
DIXON: Fantastic!
DIXON: ...Vodka. (downs it)
(In the hotel room, she takes out her braid and rips off the maid uniform. Underneath, is a light blue latex dress. She goes to a mirror and applies dark red lipstick.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, don't panic. I'll be there in two minutes.
(In his office, Vaughn twirls a half dollar coin between his fingers, looking worried and impatient. Agent Weiss walks in. Vaughn sighs.)
WEISS: Any word from her yet?
VAUGHN: No. I don't expect to hear anything 'til she gets back.
WEISS: Your girlfriend's name is Alice, right?
VAUGHN: Would you shut up?
WEISS: I'm just checking to see--
VAUGHN: (good-naturedly) Get out of my office!
(At the bar, Sydney enters wearing her blue dress.)
SYDNEY: I'm in the bar. I can see you.
(The Russians give Dixon an envelope.)
SYDNEY: Are those the files? If they are, cough.
(He coughs.)
SYDNEY: Are they documents? Are they on disk?
(He coughs.)
SYDNEY: How many?
(He puts two fingers up against his cheek, pretending to think.)
SYDNEY: Get ready to make the switch.
(She walks to a table and takes some playing cards. She smiles at a man sitting there, takes his drink from him. She starts to walk over to the table.)
KAPOCHEV: Just like a drug deal. Would you like to taste the coke?
(Sydney walks over, holding the drink.)
DIXON: How do I know you haven't made copies?
CHEBEKOV: Those disks are encrypted.
(Sydney pretends to fall and spills her drink. The Russians stand, she makes the switch. She apologizes to the men in Russian and walks away with the disk.)
CHEBEKOV: Okay, enough! Now where's the money?
DIXON: You'll stay here. I'll go get it. (gets up)
KAPOCHEV: Sounds good.
(Dixon stands, Chebekov stands and points a g*n at his stomach.)
CHEBEKOV: At first, I thought maybe Navour sent you. But now I don't even think that.
(Sydney, walking away, looks over her shoulder to see the g*n stuck in Dixon's chest. She walks over to help. She kicks the chair that Kapochev's sitting on, he falls. Dixon beats Chebekov up, elbowing him on the back. She beats up the other guy. Kicks him several times.)
(Los Angeles. At the gate, Sydney walks with Dixon behind her. Vaughn, posing as a janitor, walks by Sydney. She drops the disk into his tray of cleaning supplies. Continuing on, he goes into a room filled with C.I.A. agents, strips off the uniform and gives the disk to an agent sitting at a computer.)
VAUGHN: Okay! We got two three-and-a-halfers here. We gotta move fast!
AGENT: Let's use the third and fourth copies. Take about ninety seconds.
VAUGHN: They're moving into customs, we're talking seconds, not minutes!
AGENT: I hope they're not corrupted.
(Sydney and Dixon walk through customs. She looks around nervously.)
(In the C.I.A. room.)
VAUGHN: They're moving to the main terminal! How long is this gonna take?!
AGENT: Relax! We know these disks aren't normal, we're moving as fast as we can!
(Outside, Dixon and Sydney get to a black car waiting for them at the curb. She looks around for Vaughn. The dirver puts their bags in the trunk.)
(C.I.A. room, mass hysteria. People talk over reach other.)
AGENT: Let me see that data as soon as it comes up! I'm not seeing it! I'm not seeing it!
(At the curb. Sydney looks for Vaughn.)
(In the room.)
AGENT: Get me the other one! I'm not seeing it!
(At the curb, Vaughn comes out. She stares at him. He walks quickly to her, almost jogging. Drops the disk in her bag as Dixon moves to let her in the car.)
(Sydney's new home. She rushes in, moves to her bedroom, opens a drawer and takes out her engagement ring from Danny. She puts it on her finger and sighs. Later, Sydney sits in a bathtub, staring at the ring. She's on the verge of tears.)
(Restaurant. Francie, Charlie, Will and another girl -- possibly Will's date? -- sit together at a table.)
FRANCIE: So, he says to me, "Hey, honey? I asked for butter, like, an hour ago." And I'm sitting there thinking, "Uh, no, you asked the other black girl for buter, you rich entitled son of a bitch."
GIRL: Some people go out to eat -- and this is just my theory -- in order to abuse waiters.
FRANCIE: No question.
GIRL: Creepy, isn't it? There are some bad people in this world.
(Sydney enters carrying a bottle of wine. She puts it in front of Charlie.)
SYDNEY: Hello!
SYDNEY: Sorry I'm late. This is for the offer, and for helping me move.
CHARLIE: Thank you. Wow. Look at this.
FRANCIE: Well, now we'll have something to drink when you guys come over.
WILL: (to Sydney) Hey, can I talk to you for a second?
SYDNEY: Sure. I'll be right back.
(Will gets up and they leave for privacy.)
(Near the bar...)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
WILL: We've known each other for three years. Just confirm that.
SYDNEY: Yes. Three years.
WILL: But it feels like a lot longer than that, right? I mean, we know each other pretty well.
SYDNEY: Yeah, we do.
WILL: And you know I would never do anything to hurt you and you know I'm a curious guy.
SYDNEY: Will, what did you do?
WILL: You never gave me any information on Danny--
SYDNEY: Oh, God, Will...
WILL: So, I looked around a bit and I found out one piece of information which you might not know but maybe you do.
WILL: The night Danny was k*lled, did you know he was booked on a flight from L.A.X. to Singapore?
(Sydney furrows her bow, confused, then recovers.)
SYDNEY: Yeah. I know that.
WILL: You did? You knew that?
SYDNEY: Danny had a conference. A medical conference. He wanted me to fly out and meet him afterwards. Have a week in Bali. (starts to fake cry) I spend all day, every day, trying not to see him the way I found him. And I know you mean well, and I love you for that, but please, please, let this go. Please.
(Will has tears in his eyes.)
WILL: Syd, I'm sorry--
SYDNEY: It's okay.
WILL: I get it. I won't bring it up again.
SYDNEY: Okay. I just need a minute.
WILL: (crying) Syd, I feel horrible.
SYDNEY: I'm okay. I swear to God. I'm okay. I'll be right there, okay?
WILL: (sniffles) Okay.
(He leaves her. Sydney recovers and stares ahead, having no idea about the ticket.)
(Sloane's office at SD-6.)
SLOANE: Doomsday Six. That's the name of the operation. It seems that during the Cold w*r, six fully armed nuclear w*apon were smuggled into and buried within the United States. December '89 that information was disclosed to the U.S. government. Needless to say, the b*mb were quickly recovered and disarmed.
SYDNEY: And that was the information on those disks.
SLOANE: No. They realized a seventh nuke buried still right now somewhere in the United States.
SYDNEY: Where?
SLOANE: We don't know yet. Those disks were encoded with a sectional encryption. Analysis is still working on it. This is what we got so far.
SYDNEY: (reads) "Milovich Ivanov. Buckingham, Virginia." Who's he?
SLOANE: We assume he's the man Navour was looking for. We have no file on him.
SYDNEY: You think he's babysitting the nuke.
SLOANE: Yes. I do. I want you to go to that address, report back on Ivanov any aliases, where he lives, where he works, the type of coffee he drinks. The whole deal.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(She leaves.)
(Vaughn's office. The phone rings.)
SYDNEY: I'm going to see Ivanov.
(She hangs up.)
VAUGHN: Sydney! Sydney!
(Later, Vaughn and his boss walk to Vaughn's office.)
BOSS: We have a name, and an address. We are not gonna sit on our hands here!
VAUGHN: Sir, I know, I understand that but we cannot move on that information!
BOSS: We can and we will!
VAUGHN: Then we are risking Sydney Bristow's placement in SD-6 and perhaps her life!
BOSS: That maybe the case and yes, we might lose a double in the process--
VAUGHN: Sir, she's going to see him! She's on her way!
BOSS: We are talking about a nuclear w*apon here. What do you expect me to do? Wait until Bristow contacts us?
VAUGHN: Read her file, sir! Have you read her file?
BOSS: Bristow's--
VAUGHN: Do it! Then you will learn what I have! She's an asset! She's doing our work!
BOSS: She was supposed to contact you, and--
VAUGHN: There was a good reason she couldn't! She is on her way to Virginia right now. If we send a team, we risk bl*wing her cover! We cannot afford to do that! Read her file!
BOSS: I've read it! What do you want?
VAUGHN: Five hours. Give her five hours.
BOSS: Five hours.
VAUGHN: Thank you.
(Boss leaves. Weiss, from the adjoining office, comes in, having overheard everything.)
WEISS: Whooo. Impressive.
VAUGHN: (scoffs) Yeah.
WEISS: Balls of steel!
(Vaughn laughs.)
WEISS: No, that's what I'm gonna call you from now on. (to agent walking by) Hey. Have you met Balls of Steel?
(Virginia. Sydney drives up in a car. She looks at the address -- 1936 Lake Road. She verifies it in her notepad. The address is a cemetary. Curious, she walks around in between the tombstones and notices a grave that has d*ad grass on it. She inches closer. Milovich Ivanov 1927-1974.)
(Shed. Sydney kicks down the door and grabs a shovel. Hours later, Sydney's digging the grave. She hits something and brushes away the ground on a coffin. She opens the lid. The nuclear b*mb, wired to the lid, activates and starts ticking. She has two minutes left.)
(Later, Sydney is on her cell phone talking to Marshall.)
SYDNEY: We've got a red wire, a yellow, a blue, a blue-white! There's a white wire, a yellow-red, and orange-red. A black, a white-black, an orange, a purple, a purple-white, a green, a green-white, red-white, green, blue, a light blue--
MARSHALL: Okay! Okay! Cut the blue-white wire!
SYDNEY: Okay, cutting the blue-white wire!
MARSHALL: Oh, hold the phone! (fumbles with sheets)
MARSHALL: Are there two timer panels, or one?
SYDNEY: Just--I only see one!
MARSHALL: All right! Try the blue wire!
MARSHALL: No, cut it! Cut it!
(She does. The timer stops at eleven seconds left. She cries out, sighs and drops the phone.)
(Inside the van.)
VAUGHN: You called SD-6 instead of the C.I.A.! That is unacceptable! You should've called me!
SYDNEY: YOU! What would you have done?
VAUGHN: The C.I.A., Sydney! You know it has access to nuclear sciences!
SYDNEY: Give me a break, I had two minutes!
VAUGHN: And going to Virginia without contacting us?!
SYDNEY: I DID contact you!
VAUGHN: You are over-eager, you are being irresponsible!
SYDNEY: You know what? Yes, SD-6 happens to have a nuclear w*apon and yes, that happens to be my fault. After I called Marshall, SD-6 knew I'd found the b*mb, but you know what? We're going to track it and steal it back!
VAUGHN: It's in Cairo.
VAUGHN: When SD-6 picked up our nuke, they put it on a plane bound for Egypt. And are you ready for this? They sold the thing to Anini Hassan.
(They sit down.)
SYDNEY: Hassan...
VAUGHN: Yeah. Reflected on both our records, FYI.
(She looks at him.)
SYDNEY: I told you I've been there. Hassan's. I can go back.
VAUGHN: No. Can't do it.
SYDNEY: Why not?!
VAUGHN: Hassan knows you. If you're spotted, it'll get back to Sloane.
SYDNEY: Then we'll just have to make sure they never see me.
(Middle of nowhere. Sydney's father drives up.)
SYDNEY: Thanks for meeting me here. I'm sorry about hitting you.
MR. BRISTOW: You're going to Cairo. Devlin told me.
SYDNEY: Yeah, that's why I had them call you. I need your help. SD-6 can't know that's where I'm going.
MR. BRISTOW: I'll take care of it.
SYDNEY: Dad... it was you, wasn't it? Who bought the ticket to Singapore?
MR. BRISTOW: You were in Taipei. I had arranged a flight for you as well, from Singapore. You cold have gone anywhere. I went to Danny's apartment except it was too late. Just minutes too late.
SYDNEY: Thank you. I have to go, obviously. (smiles)
(Sydney drives off.)
(Vaughn's office. He talks to a secretary.)
VAUGHN: Tell Weiss I'm in operations and if Alice calls, just--
(Boss stands in the doorway.)
BOSS: I need you.
VAUGHN: Yeah, I know. (to secretary) Just call me if there's anything. (to Boss) Let me just say this, about Bristow--
BOSS: Don't bother. Don't apologize. You're not in any trouble. Virginia was my call.
VAUGHN: She's intimately familiar with Hassan's base, she's going to get in, disable the weappon. We are all over it.
BOSS: Well, you don't have to be. That's what I'm here to tell you. You're being pulled off the Bristow case.
VAUGHN: What? Why?
BOSS: Devlin wants a more senior officer. Apparently you were right; this girl is pretty important to us.
VAUGHN: Yeah, I know...
BOSS: He wants you to oversee the office presentation at the D.C.I. non-proliferation meeting, which under the circumstances is pretty ironic.
(Sloane's office. Telephone rings.)
SLOANE: Yeah. Yeah. Send him in.
(He walks to the door.)
MR. BRISTOW: You hear from Sydney?
SLOANE: Yeah. What's wrong with her?
MR. BRISTOW: She went up north. I think she just needed to get away.
SLOANE: Is she okay?
MR. BRISTOW: She will be. I think it's hard for her, that's all. Accepting the news about what I do.
SLOANE: Are you all right?
MR. BRISTOW: Yeah, of course. Why?
SLOANE: I don't know. You seem a little...
SLOANE: Nothing, nothing.
MR. BRISTOW: I'll see you tomorrow.
SLOANE: Yeah, okay.
(He closes the door.)
(Cairo. Sydney peers down the hall, wearing a black burnoose. She talks to the C.I.A. operative over an earpiece.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
(Sydney takes down a guard in the hallway. Throws him to the ground. Another one comes out of a room. She elbows him in the stomach with the g*n, throws him back in the room and tosses the g*n in there. She enters a bigger storage room and eyes a rectangular box.)
SYDNEY: I think I found it.
(She opens the lid. It's a nuke.)
SYDNEY: Yeah, I found it.
OPERATIVE: Copy. Commence disabling.
(Sydney unzips a package of tools and a diagram; unscrews timer panel.)
SYDNEY: I've got it open. I'm going in for the core.
OPERATIVE: Copy. Radio silence until task complete.
SYDNEY: (unscrewing it) Listen, I know we just met on the flight over, but do you have to talk like such a robotron?
OPERATIVE: Radio silence requested.
SYDNEY: I guess you do.
(She opens the casing and takes out a gold ball -- the core. A g*n is pointed at her head. Her eyes glance tpo the right... it's Hassan.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x02 - So It Begins"} | foreverdreaming |
"Parity" episode #1.03
(Continuing from last episode: Sydney is in Cairo, g*n to her head, holding the plutonium core of the nuke.)
HASSAN: (speaks Arabic)
SYDNEY: I am holding enough plutonium here to liquefy our insides in forty-eight hours.
HASSAN: Put it down.
SYDNEY: If I put it down, you k*ll me.
HASSAN: Now. I'm going to count to one.
(She throws the core in the air, takes the g*n from Hassan and kicks him three times. She knocks him out with the last kick to the stomach, catches the core, and runs. She runs down the hall.)
(After class, Sydney corners her professor.)
PROFESSOR: You're falling behind, Sydney. And I don't accept late papers.
SYDNEY: Wait, okay. You know what? Good point. You shouldn't. But I do have a real good excuse, okay? I was on a business trip and my flight was delayed.
(Cairo. Guards sh**t at Sydney, she flops behind a wall and speaks to the C.I.A. operative via her watch while b*ll*ts fly.)
SYDNEY: I have the b*mb and I'm ready for extraction!
OPERATIVE: ETA, two minutes!
SYDNEY: I might not have two minutes!
(Classroom, continuous.)
PROFESSOR: If you recall, I made it clear in my syllabus that I was happy to accept your papers via e-mail, if you can't get them to me directly. You do have e-mail, don't you?
SYDNEY: Yes, see, you're not going to believe this, you're not, but, there was a blackout where I was staying.
(He looks at her dubiously.)
SYDNEY: Honestly.
(Cairo. expl*si*n in the distance. Sydney runs up the stairs, on her way to the exit but hears something fall. A slight "ping" noise. She turns, horrified, and sees the core roll down the floor to the stairs.)
PROFESSOR: Okay, stop. I can appreciate the complexities of pursuing a grad degree with a full-time job, but it seems to me that your work is taking precedence over your education. Now, admit it, Sydney. You're dropping the ball.
(Cairo. Sydney throws herself to the ground, grabbing the core before it rolls down the stairs. Breathing heavily, she takes a grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it at the guards. expl*si*n. Outside the warehouse, sand flies everywhere as a spotlight of a helicopter shines down on her, its propellors whirring.)
SYDNEY: The truth... my job is a means to an end. And your class makes me feel like maybe, someday, I'll be able to do more with my life.
(Cairo. Inside the helicopter, Sydney sits, still panting. She hands the core over to a C.I.A. operative sitting next to her. He puts the core in a padded briefcase. She looks out the helicopter gratefully.)
PROFESSOR: All right. Next paper's due Thursday. I assume that won't be a problem.
SYDNEY: No, not at all. Okay. Thank you so much.
(Her pager goes off. She looks at it. "SLOANE - 911.")
PROFESSOR: Are you sure about that?
SYDNEY: How's Friday?
(Sydney's new house. She gets cups of coffee for Francie and herself.)
FRANCIE: What's crazy is Charlie has an amazing offer from Fleming Letterman. It's like, the most prestigious law firm in L.A.
SYDNEY: But Charlie's not excited?
FRANCIE: He's just kind of weird. He never wants to talk about it. He doesn't brag. Wouldn't you brag? I would. I would be non-stop talking about myself if a firm like that wanted me.
SYDNEY: Just remember you and Charlie are coming from very different places. I mean, in his whole family, he's first-generation college.
FRANCIE: That's true.
SYDNEY: Not to mention law school. He's probably nervous. He's probably terrified.
FRANCIE: That's kind of what my dad said. I called him last night to ask him what he thought. He said, "Listen, missy, give it a rest. You're making something out of nothing. Charlie is one of the good ones."
SYDNEY: Your dad is right.
FRANCIE: It's just weird, having that feeling that someone you love isn't telling you everything.
SYDNEY: I can't believe you can call your dad for advice. I... I just can't imagine.
FRANCIE: You know, the worst thing is having a dad that is always right.
SYDNEY: No, it's not the worst thing. I ran into my father last week.
SYDNYE: Just-just out... shopping. It was-it was so empty. It wasn't empty, it was full, actually. Full of awkwardness and lame pauses and... I don't know.
FRANCIE: Your dad, you know, he's just... he's just your dad.
SYDNEY: I don't want it to be like that anymore, I'm just sick of it. I mean, I always had this feeling that maybe someday, I don't know, my dad and I would connect. That things could start to get better.
FRANCIE: Well, you know my opinion of your dad.
SYDNEY: I know.
FRANCIE: But listen. If you can find it in your heart to forgive him for being the kind of guy he's been all your life, which I would find impossible and could never do, then you should make a real effort.
SYDNEY: How do you even start something like that? I have so many questions, I just...
FRANCIE: You can call the man.
SYDNEY: I'm not going to reconnect with my father over the phone.
FRANCIE: Fine. Go to his work. Go to the airplane factory or whatever, and just start talking. You're really good at talking.
(Parking lot. Mr. Bristow gets out of his car, walks.)
MR. BRISTOW: (turns) Sydney, what are you doing here?
SYDNEY: I would have called, I just didn't know if that was--
MR. BRISTOW: You shouldn't be here.
SYDNEY: I told you I have a thousand questions. They're keeping me awake at night.
MR. BRISTOW: Then take something.
SYDNEY: Dad, did you know SD-6 was going to recruit me? I mean, did you help?
MR. BRISTOW: This isn't the time.
SYDNEY: Then I need to ask you about mom.
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney--
SYDNEY: Was it just an accident? Or-or did you tell her about what you were doing, like I told Danny?
MR. BRISTOW: Look where you are! You're exposed.
SYDNEY: Dad, please--
MR. BRISTOW: Don't come here again. Not again.
(He walks away.)
(Credit Dauphine. Meeting with Sloane, Marshall, Sydney and Dixon.)
SLOANE: That device that you withdrew from Taepei last month remains in Analysis. They're still trying to figure out exactly what it does and how it does it. At the time, I told you that Vascar Mueller was the designer. In truth, Mueller was just an academic, a scientiest who took another man's sketches, translated them into practical construction plans and put it all together.
SYDNEY: So then, who designed it?
SLOANE: A man named Milo Rambaldi.
DIXON: Never heard of him.
SLOANE: That doesn't surprise me. He died in 1496. Rambaldi was Pope Alexander VI's chief architect, ex-communicated for heresy, sentenced to death for suggesting that someday, science could allow us to know God. After Rambaldi's death, his workshop was torn apart, his plans and sketches were traded and sold for next to nothing. For the next five centuries, his work was scattered throughout the world. No one is exactly sure what's left, which is unfortunate because last March, a Russian historian happened upon one of Rambaldi's early designs. She recognized something that looked a lot like a transistor.
SYDNEY: I don't understand. (to Dixon) Do you understand?
SLOANE: It seems that Rambaldi was a prophet. We acquired one of his notebooks from San Lazaro. This is the analysis report.
(He gives it to Sydney. She reads.)
SYDNEY: "Rudementary schematic for a transportable vocal communicator."
SLOANE: The guy was drawing up plans for a cell phone around the time of the Ottoman empire.
DIXON: Come on!
SLOANE: Ridiculous, right? You know me. I am not a New Age kind of guy. I don't believe in the power of the pyramid. I'm not a big granola fan. This sort of thing makes me roll my eyes. And then my eyes came across this.
(He puts up another slide on the screens in front of them. Binary code flashes across the screen.)
SLOANE: Written in 1489.
DIXON: Rambaldi wrote machine code?
MARSHALL: Actually, if-if I could... it's probably not machine code. I mean, the concept of zero's been around, well, it precedes Christ, and the numeral one has been around even longer than that. Actually, you know, Ptolemy used zero as punctuation marks and in Indian texts, zero is more of a spiritual concept than an actual number. Of course, I don't mean--when I say "Indian," I don't mean the kind with bow and arrows--
SLOANE: Thank you, Marshall. We don't know what it is. Rambaldi has become a priority for us. We want to learn what it is before anyone else does.
SYDNEY: Have you tried running the sequence?
SLOANE: It's incomplete. The entire sequence was written on the back of two Rambaldi sketches. We possess one, and the other one is in this man's private collection.
(He puts a surveillance photo up on the screens of a man.)
SLOANE: Eduardo Benegas. Spanish. V.C. Auto enthusiast.
MARSHALL: He also happens to own the largest collection of p*rn art in all of Madrid. Which... I thought was an interesting fact. Sorry.
SLOANE: We negotiated with him to buy one of the sketches, but suddenly he withdrew the piece. We believe that somebody tipped him off of its real vaule. We think it's K-Directorate. Unfortunately, they're on to Rambaldi, too.
(Sydney stares ahead. Suddenly, we see Benegas having sex with someone. A chain around his neck slams against his chest. He flings the chain so it lands on his back.)
SLOANE: (voice over) It's possible K-Directorate stole the key from Benegas. Our data reconnassaince division thinks, although it hasn't been confirmed yet, that he's surrounded with a half-dozen bodyguards. We're talking about guys trained under the U.E.I. special forces. We also have reason to believe that Benegas keeps the key on him at all times. So, the big question is, how did K-Directorate swipe the key?
(Benegas keeps having sex with someone we can't see, until a hand belonging to a woman slithers up his back. She has a tattoo on her hand by her thumb. She takes the key. Back at SD-6...)
SYDNEY: Ana. It was Ana, wasn't it?
(Outside. A man picks up the litter. Sydney is on campus. She's writing at a picnic table.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Eduardo Benegas has a sketch drawn by Milo Rambaldi.
(She scrunches up the brown paper bag.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) There's a code written on the back.
(She dials a number on her cell phone, punches the appropriate number.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) SD-6 wants that code. The sketch is in a case. The case is in a vault. The vault is on the top floor of a car museum owned by Benegas.
(Other part of campus. Sydney walks with Francie and tosses the bag in the garbage. The man collecting the garbage from earlier takes the bag and keeps walking.)
SYDNEY: (V.O.) So, I'm going to Madrid. What's my counter mission?
(Sydney's house. Will brings in a box for her; she unpacks.)
WILL: So, it's two thousand words or less on gene sequencing in virus-resistant cabbages, all right? And I'm realizing slowly that I might not have a real handle on the situation.
SYDNEY: Which part?
WILL: Uh, just the part about the gene sequencing in the virus-resistant cabbage.
(They both smile; Sydney's cell phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Doesn't your paper have a science correspondent? (in phone) Hello? Hi...
(The landline phone rings. Will motions to Sydney if she wants him to answer. He does.)
SYNDEY: Okay, uh, yeah...
WILL: Hello?
SYDNEY: Okay, thanks, I will come by.
WILL: Sorry, you have the wrong number.
SYDNEY: Thanks so much.
WILL: Okay, bye.
(They both hang up.)
WILL: So, you're busy.
SYDNEY: What was--
WILL: You okay? When you were on the phone, it looked like--
SYDNEY: It was Danny's landlord. They found some of his stuff in the garage.
WILL: Oh, you all right?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Yeah.
WILL: Do you want me to go--I can get that stuff for you. Bring it back.
SYDNEY: Would you mind? It's just, I have to go to San Diego for the bank tonight...
WILL: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it, it's done. It's done.
(He pats her arm and goes back to moving boxes. Sydney looks.)
SYDNEY: So, who called?
WILL: Oh, it was a wrong number. They were looking for a pizza place.
SYDNEY: You know what? I think I'm going to go for a quick run before my cab comes.
(Outside in a park. Sydney runs and stops at a bench where Vaughn and his dog stand, stretching. She stands on the other side of the bench and stretches.)
VAUGHN: Devlin wants you to follow through on Sloane's orders. Apparently, we're both after the same piece of missing code.
SYDNEY: You're kidding me.
SYDNEY: You already knew about Rambaldi?
VAUGHN: I didn't. The agency did. Davinci meets Nostradamus -- personally, I don't buy it.
SYDNEY: Tell the C.I.A. station clerk in Barcelona to prep for a d*ad drop. Worst case, I'll encrypt the code on a Radiohead MP3 and leave it on Audiogalaxy.
VAUGHN: How did Russian underground find out about Rambaldi?
SYDNEY: Hey, you're the intel guy.
VAUGHN: (smiles) What can you tell me about this woman? Ana Espinosa?
SYDNEY: She was born in Cuba, raised in Russia. One of the last Cold w*r babies, go-to officer at K-Directorate for wet work and active measures. About a year ago, I had a meeting with an informant in Yugoslavia. Low level; just a guy with intel who needed the money. Ana recorded the entire conversation with a parabolic mic from the building next door.
VAUGHN: How do you know?
SYDNEY: Because as I was shaking his hand to leave, she blew out the back of his skull with a sn*per r*fle, even though she got what she came for. Her way of telling me I was out of my league.
VAUGHN: Be careful out there.
SYDNEY: See you when I get back.
VAUGHN: No, actually, you won't. Uh, I'm being replaced by a senior officer. It seems I wasn't experienced enough to be your handler.
(Sydney and Vaughn suddenly both look sad and disappointed; Sydney looks shocked.)
VAUGHN: It was really good to meet you. Good luck in Madrid.
(He walks away, giving a side look Sydney's way. She watches him leave.)
(Weiss' office. Weiss sits behind his desk; Vaughn paces and rants.)
VAUGHN: He's an IDIOT! I mean, that's the problem. So is Davenport. I mean, they're so involved in their own bureaucratic--
WEISS: Protocol, I know.
VAUGHN: You know who's replacing me?
WEISS: Yes. Lambert.
WEISS: Can I say something, and-and not just as a fellow officer, but as a very smart man?
WEISS: You're starting to get a little too emotional about this.
VAUGHN: Not this again...
WEISS: You are. You are obviously attached to this woman--
VAUGHN: This is your answer for everything!
WEISS: If you were paying me to analyze you--
VAUGHN: Shut up! Stop it!
WEISS: I gotta tell you, I'd actually say that maybe you're a little jealous.
VAUGHN: Of Lambert?! Give me a break! I mean, the guy may be senior (points to brain) but he's junior. Trust me.
WEISS: And now he gets to see Sydney every week, and it's making you crazy.
VAUGHN: This is not about me!
WEISS: Yes, it is!
VAUGHN: No, it's not! (pauses; sits) She's going to Madrid. There's this other agent with K-Directorate. She could not sound more dangerous. I'm scared for Sydney. I know I'm off the case. (sighs) But, I want her to come back.
WEISS: Well, look, there's nothing you can do about it, and you don't even know if this K-Directorate woman will be in Madrid. So, why worry?
(Madrid. Airport. We think it's Sydney in Madrid, but then we see the same hand Sydney saw. The hand with the tattoo. Ana walks, carrying a briefcase, through the airport in Madrid. She smiles.)
(Vaughn's office. Lambert reads Vaughn's file on Sydney.)
LAMBERT: You sure wrote a hell of a lot about this Bristow girl. Anything else I need to know about her?
VAUGHN: I think you'll find that Sydney is quite capable of speaking for herself.
LAMBERT: (sees a picture of her) Look at her. Wouldn't kick that out of bed.
(SD-6. Marshall meets with Dixon and Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Okay, so, you're going to Madrid tonight, and the fundraiser's going to be at this Vieta Auto Museum, and you'll probably want to dress nice, you know, dress to thrill. So, I thought maybe you'd like to wear this necklace, huh? Now, the pearls are actually fiberglass. That's better to, uh, transmit the vibrations from your larynx to the mic right inside the pendant. Uh, you maybe you want to try it on? Or, I-I could sample it? Probably wouldn't match my...
(At the auto museum, Sydney enters wearing a red dress and a red wig. A man at the door compliments her on the necklace. In Spanish, she thanks him and walks inside.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
DIXON: Roger that.
MARSHALL: Last year, Benegas lent some money to the paramilitary down in Colombia, which well, uh, it didn't fly real well with the guerillas, and so everyone's going to be a bit jumpy tonight. But, see, that's okay. We can use that because we've got a normal-looking Spanish peseta, right? Wrong. Sonic wave emitter.
(At the party, Sydney walks and takes the coin out of her purse.)
MARSHALL: (voice over) Just make sure you drop it near a window.
(She does so. She looks around, walks, mingles in the crowd. Sydney feels someone's eyes on her, looks up, and sees Ana posing as a waitress. They make eye contact. Ana winks at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Ana just crashed the party.
(Dixon's inside a van with camera screens up everywhere.)
DIXON: Careful, Syd.
MARSHALL: Now, look, you guys. I don't even want to tell you when you're out in the field or like that, but the unveiling of the prototype would probably be a good time to, y'know, activate the coin because as hot as you look, they'd be looking at the car, and not at you.
ANNOUNCER: Benegas Racing is proud to present it's new 627-110 prototype!
(A sheet raises over the car, everyone applaudes.)
MARSHALL: (v.o.) You take this pen right here, normal looking pen that you write with.
(Sydney takes out the pen.)
MARSHALL: (v.o.) Click that like that, and boom.
(She clicks the pen and the window shatters. Everyone yells and runs. Sydney runs to the stairs.)
MARSHALL: Now, the vault is on the top floor, so you're going to have to bypass all the security camers and everything, so I got a remote modem. Remote modem. What you do is you wire it in the central junction box, which is located on the first floor, then Dixon can loop the video signal.
(Sydney is at the security boxes, unlocks it. Dixon sits in his van outside the museum.)
DIXON: Central panel, junction box "A."
(At the security panel, Sydney opens box "A.")
SYDNEY: Damn it.
DIXON: What?
SYDNEY: Ana's already been here. She's tapped into the alarm system.
DIXON: Remote modem?
SYDNEY: Yes. Which means she's got back-up.
DIXON: All right, Sydney, leave it there, we'll piggyback off their signal. We don't want to trigger the central alarm.
(Sydney hooks a wire into the remote modem that's already there, thanks to Ana.)
SYDNEY: Do you see Ana on any of the monitors?
DIXON: Not on any of these feeds.
(Sydney hears metal banging from above.)
SYDNEY: She's in the ducts. I'm heading for the elevator! Did you rig the camera?
(She runs to the elevator, hits a button, and glances at the camera above her. Inside the van, Dixon looks at the same camera angle where nothing is shown. Sydney is hidden. In the control room, guards speak Spanish. Sydney arrives at the top floor. There's a glass door that prevents anyone from getting to the case with the sketch in it.)
SYDNEY: I'm running the lock descrambler.
(Her eyes get wide as she sees someone welding the metal floor from underneath. Someone cuts a small circle of the floor out, and Ana comes up. She's on the other side; the glass door divides them. She sees Sydney, barricaded on the other side, and smirks.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, Ana's in the vault.
(Ana easily takes the case, gets ready to leave.)
DIXON: The vault will unlock in five seconds.
(Suddenly, the descrambler stops at 75%.)
SYDNEY: What's wrong with the descrambler?
DIXON: They're jamming your frequency. I'll try and find them!
(Ana speaks into her watch, to the other K-Directorate operative, I'm assuming. She goes up to the glass door, case in hand, and stares at Sydney. Ana kisses the door, leaving a red lipstick imprint on it. She drops the case through the hole she made, and jumps down, escaping. Alarm blares. Guards start running for the top floor. Sydney tries the elevator, nothing happens.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, the elevator's locked down! The descrambler's still jammed!
(She's trapped. Dixon is in the driver's seat of the van now, comes closer to a white parked van. Inside, two K-Directorate men just like Dixon look at monitors with ear pieces in them.)
DIXON: Hold on, Sydney, I see them.
SYDNEY: Hurry! Hurry, they're coming up!
(Inside, Ana is walking away, speaks into her earpiece. Dixon puts on his seatbelt and crashes into the van, sending it tumbling away on its roof. Sydney sees the lock descrambler begin to move again.)
SYDNEY: We're back online!
(In the museum, Ana walks confidently. A guard stops her and asks her in Spanish to show him the case. She tells him to calm down, then elbows him in the throat. She kicks him, sending him to the ground. Party guests gasp. At the vault, the descrambler reaches a 100% and unlocks the glass door. Sydney moves behind the door, and jumps down the hole made by Ana. Guards arrive and call on their walkie-talkies. Sydney runs in the museum and sees the fallen guard. She runs down some stairs, throws her high heels off. She runs barefoot.
SYDNEY: I think she's taking the north corridor! I'm going to try to head her off!
(Ana runs down the north corridor. Sydney runs. Ana runs.)
ANA: I'm headed to the chopper now.
(Sydney and Ana are running parallel to one another. Sydney reaches to a stairway up above. She sees Ana running her way, and notices a chain wrapped around the bannister, hooked from up above. Sydney takes the chain and swings down, kicking Ana in the gut. Ana goes flying, so does the bag. Sydney tries running for the bag while Ana is on the ground, but Ana kicks her. Sydney falls. Sydney kicks her in the neck, Ana grabs a sledghammer and tries hitting Sydney a few times, but Sydney moves out of the way. Sydney kicks her. Ana grabs her arm, throws her back. Sydney dodges her punch. Ana tosses Sydney down the nearby flight of stairs and pauses to smirk at Sydney who groans in pain. Ana runs.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, she's going out back...
(Outside, Ana exits and runs. Sydney exits.)
DIXON: Sydney! Sydney, up there!
(He points up and shows Ana climbing the stairs to the roof.)
SYDNEY: Give me your g*n!
DIXON: Sydney--
SYDNEY: Give me the g*n!
(Dixon hands it over. Sydney takes the g*n, aims, and sh**t the strap of the bag off of Ana's shoulder. The bag falls to the ground, in front of Sydney and Dixon. Ana turns and stares at her.)
(At Danny's apartment building, the door opens.)
WILL: Hi, I'm Will Tippin, I'm a friend of Sydney's. She asked me to come and pick up some of her stuff?
(Minutes later, the landlord comes out holding a box. Will is staring out the window.)
LANDLORD: This is all of it. They arrest anyone yet?
WILL: (turns) Uh, for the m*rder? No, no, no, not yet. Excuse me, do you have any idea how long that traffic camera's been there?
LANDLORD: No, I don't.
(Will's office, he's on the phone.)
WILL: But, do the traffic cameras take a picture at every red light, or just when a car's in the intersection? Really? Can we get a hold of every picture taken on June 8th between midnight and six a.m. at the corner of Alavis and Sunset? Okay, great. Call me back.
BOSS: Fighting a traffic ticket?
WILL: I swear to God, the genectics piece is practically arriving on your desk as we speak.
BOSS: Practically.
WILL: Very nearly practically. Almost concurrent with this conversation.
BOSS: So, out of two thousand words, how many have you "practically" typed?
WILL: Counting the headline?
BOSS: Will, don't make me regret hiring people in their twenties.
(Credit Dauphine. Sydney's cell phone rings.)
WILL: Hi, um, I don't know if I'm talking to the right person, but I need to borrow a million bucks. The Olsen twins went public, and I'm looking to invest.
SYDNEY: (smiles) You'll need some collateral. I don't think you've got any.
WILL: Well, have you seen my aqua blue Chevy?
SYDNEY: You mean, with the hula girl on the dash? Yes, sadly, we've seen that.
WILL: (big smile) Welcome home.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
WILL: How was San Diego?
SYDNEY: Boring. How'd the article turn out?
WILL: Boring. Listen, I don't know, uh, you might be too wiped out, but some of us are going to have dinner tonight.
SYDNEY: Love to. I could use some fun. Hey, you want to do it at my place? I'll order in.
WILL: Great. Um, seven?
SYDNEY: How about seven-thirty?
WILL: Okay. I better get going before I get fired. Which is inevitable.
SYDNEY: Will...
WILL: Yeah?
SYDNEY: Nothing. It's just... it's nice to be home.
WILL: Yeah. Um, I'll see you tonight.
SYDNEY: (smiles) Okay.
(Night time. Plain white van parked in an alley. Inside, Lambert and Sydney sit and talk.)
LAMBERT: I want you to know that you're going to like working with me.
SYDNEY: Really?
LAMBERT: Must have been, uh, oh, I almost don't know how to say it, uh, devastating when Kenny was k*lled. But I want you to know that you can trust me. I understand you. I empathize.
SYDNEY: His name was Danny.
LAMBERT: Danny? Yes, of course, well, what happened to Danny was a tragedy and yet, uh, you didn't give up.
SYDNEY: Mr. Lambert, I got your message. Is there a reason I'm here?
LAMBERT: I just wanted to introduce myself, grab a little face time with my girl. I just wanted to make sure you don't have any queries I might be able to--
SYDNEY: I've got a query.
LAMBERT: Yeah? sh**t.
SYDNEY: Are you insane? Calling me in here for a social event? SD-6 has a division whose sole responsibility it is to track their agents and report back suspect activity. "Your girl" is risking her life, and you yours, every time we lay eyes on each other. So, do me a favor. Don't be so friendly.
LAMBERT: I-I just love your spirit.
SYDNEY: That's heartening. Are we done here?
LAMBERT: Yeah, honey. We're all done.
SYDNEY: Great.
(Sydney's. Will, Sydney, Francie and Charlie sit on the floor drinking margaritas and playing poker.)
WILL: No, I'm telling you, I'm completely-I'm legally blind without my conctacts in.
FRANCIE: Great, another eye story.
WILL: First day I went in my apartment, right?
FRANCIE: Give me two.
WILL: And I'm in the kitchen, and I'm eating cereal for like, five minutes. And I hear someone coughing. I put on my glasses and there's three men painting my walls. I totally forgot they were coming.
CHARLIE: That's bad.
SYDNEY: No, the bad thing was, he was naked.
WILL: I was, yeah.
SYDNEY: Naked.
CHARLIE: I naked clean.
FRANCIE: Ohhh, he loves to embarrass me...
WILL: Wait, wait, wait, wait, define "naked clean" for us.
CHARLIE: I clean naked...
FRANCIE: Please don't tell this story!
CHARLIE: I clean our apartment naked. I like it.
FRANCIE: He loves to embarrass me.
WILL: You know, I'm going to see that. I'm going to raise it five.
SYDNEY: Will, you're bluffing.
CHARLIE: You hve the most obvious tell on the planet.
WILL: Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, not even in the hardcorest of ways do I ever bluff.
SYDNEY: You only raise when you're bluffing!
WILL: (tries to be serious) No, I don't.
SYDNEY: Full house.
CHARLIE: Oh, man.
(Will's cell phone rings.)
WILL: Dammit!
FRANCIE: When Will bluffs, you can tell.
WILL: (gets up) I'll be right back.
FRANCIE: How come I can never tell with you?
(Sydney shrugs knowingly. Will goes for some privacy.)
WILL: Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait. What are you saying, all of the traffic cameras were out that night? Okay, hold on. Within a mile of Danny's apartment? Now, is that-is that a normal thing? No, no, that doesn't sound like a normal thing to me.
(Back at the casino...)
CHARLIE: Look, I got a law review at six a.m., maybe we should go while we're ahead.
FRANCIE: We should go, sure, sure, sure. Thank you, Sydney.
(Charlie and Francie kiss Sydney's cheek.)
SYDNEY: Good night.
CHARLIE: Hey, see you later, Will.
FRANCIE: Bye, Will!
(Will's still talking.)
WILL: Thank you, Jenny. Thanks. That is weird, isn't it? Yeah, okay.
SYDNEY: What's weird?
(Will turns, caught.)
WILL: Huh? Oh, a stupid article I gotta write.
(She smiles.)
(Later in the kitchen. Sydney gets a jug of ice cream out of the freezer, Will is sitting on the counter.)
SYDNEY: Look at this.
WILL: Oooh.
SYDNEY: I don't know what it is about tequila. It's like a trigger. I always get this craving.
WILL: Yeah.
SYDNEY: No, it's more than a craving. When I drink tequila, ice cream becomes...
WILL: Like a chaser?
SYDNEY: Like oxygen. Like a requirement. Freshman year, I didn't go to many parties. I couldn't even say "parties." But I did go to this one...
WILL: Uh huh.
SYDNEY: I remember, I had some punch. It was mostly tequila and I got so wasted.
(They laugh.)
SYDNEY: It was pathetic. I went to this twenty-four hour market, I bought three pints of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream.
WILL: My God, is this story going to end?
SYDNEY: Shut up! (slaps him)
(Will squirts chocolate sauce on his ice cream sundae.)
WILL: Ohhh...
SYDNEY: Mmm hmm.
WILL: Oh, my God. This is excellent.
SYDNEY: So much better.
WILL: Shhh, you gotta try this. It's a super combination of chocolate, and chips, and it's genius.
(He feeds her some.)
SYDNEY: Mmm...
WILL: Isn't it?
SYDNEY: Uh huh. Here.
(She tries feeding him a spoonful of hers, but some of it falls on his shirt. They laugh, Will stands up. Sydney gets a paper towel.)
WILL: Thanks. No, thank you.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, oh my God... (laughing)
WILL: It's good, no, this is good. My shirt didn't have enough ice cream on it.
SYDNEY: (wiping, laughing) Ooops...
(They stop. Will looks down at Sydney. She kisses him. They break away.)
SYDNEY: I should... listen, I... Will...
WILL: I left that box in my car. It's Danny's. I'm going to go get it before I forget it.
WILL: Okay.
(SD-6. Sloane walks with Sydney, Marshall trails in front of them.)
SLOANE: Marshall couldn't open the lock box.
MARSHALL: Uh, in my defense, it was rigged with a brand-new tech, an internal device that will destroy anything inside if opened without the key.
SLOANE: Marshall, would you please go back to work?
MARSHALL: Just to clarify, I'm not being fired?
SLOANE: Back to work means not fired.
(Marshall goes to his desk, Sloane leads Sydney inside a boardroom.)
SLOANE: So, we needed a constigency plan. So, we brought in our best game theorist.
(Mr. Bristow turns around.)
MR. BRISTOW: Hello, Sydney.
SLOANE: Have a seat.
(She sits near her father.)
SLOANE: We mapped out a scenario where you would infiltrate the K-Directorate lab where we believe the key is being held. Jack thought -- your father thought it could be too big of a risk.
SYDNEY: Why? It sounds like the right move.
MR. BRISTOW: Obviously, we need the key. Obviously, they need the box. Six hours ago I contacted K-Directorate and we settled on an arrangement. You and Ana will meet at a neutral location, undercover on both agencies' security forces. Together, you'll open the lock box.
SYDNEY: Is this a joke?
SLOANE: As far as we know, the Directorate doesn't know the code was divided into two sketches. We have nothing to lose by letting them see what's inside the box.
MR. BRISTOW: This is a symmetric scenario. It complies both sides to adopt a mutually reinforcing course of action and close cooperation is one of the most s*ab strategic paradigms.
SYDNEY: Assuming all players are rational. Plus, I'm supposed to trust Ana Espinosa?
SLOANE: I need to brief the advance team.
(He leaves them alone.)
MR. BRISTOW: Their first plan was su1c1de.
SYDNEY: I could have handled myself.
MR. BRISTOW: Then we disagree. At least my way, you have a fighting chance.
SYDNEY: Then I guess I should thank you.
MR. BRISTOW: Never crossed my mind.
(He gets up to leave.)
(He turns.)
SYDNEY: Before I go, just answer my question about Mom.
MR. BRISTOW: Your mother knew I was C.I.A., it was no secret between us. She died in the accident. I never lied to you about that.
(News stand, outside. Sydney stands near Lambert, looking though magazines. He puts down a copy of "Pipe Collector's Monthly," she picks it up. Inside, a baggie is taped to one of the pages.)
SYDNEY: What is this?
LAMBERT: Two-way earpiece and tracking chip. We want you to tag Ana. We've got a surveillance team on alert in Berlin.
SYDNEY: No, no, no, whose idea was this?
LAMBERT: This is my op, Agent Bristow.
SYDNEY: This only works if everyone's on their best behavior. And I'm not going to be the one to break those rules, especially when there will be a dozen sn*pers waiting for me to look the wrong way.
LAMBERT: I hate to pull rank, but time is a factor here.
SYDNEY: Time is a factor here. You know how much time? Seven years. That's how long I worked for SD-6 before I found out who they really are. And now that I know, my days of blindly following orders are over.
LAMBERT: Who the hell do you think you're talking to?
SYDNEY: I know exactly who I'm talking to. Tell Devlin if Agent Vaughn isn't on the other end of this earpiece when I turn it on, the C.I.A. gets nothing.
LAMBERT: Vaughn is a junior officer.
SYDNEY: Then promote him.
(Office at the newspaper. Will has a map of L.A., and is showing his boss.)
WILL: Daniel Hecht's apartment was here, the cameras were off to here. He was roughly in the center of a one-mile video blackout the night he was k*lled. So, unless this is a coincidence, which seems highly doubtful, there's just no way this is straight B&E.
BOSS: Maybe, but Eisenberg is on the crime desk, and you are a staff reporter who's way passed deadline.
WILL: Don't make me regret working for people in their fifties.
(She stares at him.)
WILL: Forties.
BOSS: One week.
(Berlin. In a van, Dixon drives while Sydney is being wired by another agent. She talks on her cell phone.)
SYDNEY: Francie, sweetie, you're overreacting.
FRANCIE: Charlie's cheating on me. I have the proof. Found something in his pocket. It's a matchbook with some girl's name and phone number written in it.
DIXON: Copy that. We're five minutes out.
SYDNEY: You can't be paranoid. That could mean anything.
FRANCIE: It says, "I truly loved tonight. Rachel." The matchbook is from a hotel.
SYDNEY: Oh, Fran, just don't assume the worst yet. I mean, you won't know until you know and the truth isn't always what it looks like.
(The agent touches her breast, she slaps his hand and says something in German.)
FRANCIE: Syd, where are you?
SYDNEY: I'm actually with a German client, let me call you right back.
(Inside a stadium, an agent walks through.)
AGENT: All right, hey, listen up. Per agreement with the Directorate, we're going to divide the stadium straight down the middle. They get the west side, we get the east side. Alpha team, you're on rear over watch just in case they try to surprise us. Bravo and Charlie teams, you're on counter sn*pers. Now the rules of engagement are: you're authorized to f*re only if our assets are fired upon.
(A lot of sn*pers march up the steps to take position.)
AGENT: Everyone hold your position, we're waiting for Bristow to go hot mic.
(Sydney walks in with the lock box. Down the stadium steps. A sn*per is pointed at her.)
SYDNEY: Who am I talking to?
VAUGHN: Your invisible friend.
(Vaughn sits behind a computer and zooms in on Sydney walking in the stadium.)
SYDNEY: Good. Where are you?
VAUGHN: Satellite relay station back in L.A., watching you from a two-hundred mile orbit.
SYDNEY: (looks up at the sky) My guardian angel.
VAUGHN: I was going to say the same thing to you. Thanks for the promotion.
SYDNEY: You're welcome.
VAUGHN: Hey, heads up.
(A car drives in. Sydney looks at her watch.)
DIXON: Team leader, we're hot.
VOICE: Copy that.
SYDNEY: She's coming.
(Back at SD-6, Sloane and Mr. Bristow watch on a computer screen.)
SLOANE: Have you two spoken about her mother?
MR. BRISTOW: Yes. She asked me about her death.
SLOANE: Did you tell her the truth?
(Mr. Bristow shakes his head.)
(In the stadium, Sydney stands and waits. The car slows to a stop, and Ana gets out. Vaughn watches from his desk, worried. The car drives away, and Ana walks on the field. A sn*per is pointed at her. She walks, calm and aloof. They meet on center field, sn*pers all pointed.)
ANA: (speaks Russian) How's your Russian these days?
(Sydney speaks Russian, then switches to Spanish. Ana answers in Spanish.)
ANA: I heard about your fiance. Very sad. I thought perhaps it was a security execution sanctioned by your employer. Maybe you said something in your sleep you shouldn't have.
(Sloane and Mr. Bristow watch. Vaughn from his desk.)
ANA: But then why would you be here in service for the men that k*lled your true love?
(Sydney wants to fight her, but looks at all the sn*pers.)
SYDNEY: I take it you brought the key.
ANA: I take it you brought the box.
SYDNEY: Once we see what's inside, we go our separate ways.
(Sydney nods toward Ana. She takes out the key. Vaughn looks really nervous. Slone watches with Bristow. Sydney puts the box down on the ground, Ana takes the key and inserts it. They open it. A crackling sound is heard. Sydney's eyes get wide; Ana looks equally surprised at its contents.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x03 - Parity"} | foreverdreaming |
"A Broken Heart" episode #1.04
(Continuing from last week. Sydney and Ana kneel in front of the case, staring at its contents. It starts to beep. Acid starts bubbling up through two tubes at either side of a piece of paper which is centered inside. It has binary digits written on it -- 0s and 1s. Ana and Sydney start memorizing it, saying out loud. The acid starts covering the piece of paper. The sheet disintegrates. They stand.)
SYDNEY: Did you get it?
ANA: Did you?
(They take off, running in opposite directions.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I'm ending transmission!
(Inside the SD-6 van, an agent sits with Dixon.)
AGENT: She turned off her mic, I've lost her signal.
(Sydney runs through the alley of the field.)
SYDNEY: 0-0-1-0. Did you get that?
(Vaughn is still in L.A.)
VAUGHN: Got it.
SYDNEY: I'm giving SD-6 the wrong number!
VAUGHN: What? No, no, no, no, you give them exactly what--
SYDNEY: I'm not giving them the right sequence! There is no way, forget it!
VAUGHN: Sydney, listen to me! This is critical! Sydney, you give them the number. That's an order.
SYDNEY: An order?
SYDNEY: We have to have a long talk when I get back to Los Angeles!
(Sydney runs up to the SD-6 van and crawls in.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I've got the code! 0-1-0-0-0-1-1-0-0--
(In the K-Directorate van, Ana tells the code to her agents.)
ANA: Null, adin, null, adin--
(Sydney and the agents in the van, Dixon takes it down.)
SYDNEY: 1-0-0-0-1-1-0-0-1-1-1. Just two ones. Then--
(In the K-Directorate van.)
ANA: Null, adin, null, adin, null, null, adin, null--
(SD-6 van.)
SYDNEY: 1-1-0-1. That's it. 1-1-0-1.
DIXON: You did good.
(In Los Angeles, inside a yellow parked van. Sydney, Vaughn and Weiss.)
SYDNEY: You do NOT give me orders!
VAUGHN: Maybe I do--
SYDNEY: I could have easily misled SD-6--
VAUGHN: You're not thinking this through!
SYDNEY: ...That's what I'm here for!
VAUGHN: Just stop talking for a second! If you'd given SD-6 a bogus code, what would have happened when Ana gave K-Directorate the correct sequence?
SYDNEY: Who cares? They would have thought I made a mistake!
VAUGHN: Oh, and what, that Ana didn't? She would've given them the correct code, they would have seen the code indicate at Athens, K-Directorate would head there, SD-6 would have nothing. They would suspect you. Sydney, we have to be very careful here. We have to be wildly, crazy careful. If SD-6 suspects you in the least, it's over.
SYDNEY: Ana's been the enemy for three years. In Berlin I realized she wants SD-6 to burn almost as much as I do.
VAUGHN: As far as the C.I.A.'s concerned, the only thing worse than SD-6 getting its hands on critical information is if K-Directorate gets it first. Ana is still your enemy.
(Credit Dauphine. Sloane and Russett walk together.)
SLOANE: You're not into mysticism, are you?
RUSSETT: Mysticism.
SLOANE: Neither am I. But keep an open mind, it'll help. The code was written in 1489. The guy who wrote it was some sort of Nostradamus. His name was Milo Rambaldi.
RUSSETT: This binary was witten by a fifteenth century fortuneteller. How come I've never heard of him?
SLOANE: His designs were so advanced, they just assumed he was insane. On some of his drawings, he made lists of part numbers. I.D. numbers of actual technology not manufactured until now. This year. It's real, it's a hunt. This man spent the last ten years of his life working on one project. We don't know whether it's a w*apon, a fuel source, a transportation system. Based on the little we do know, its technology is beyond anything we have ever seen. How's your wife? I forgot to ask.
RUSSETT: Uh, good. Yours?
SLOANE: Actually, Emily's a bit under the weather. Thanks for asking. Come on.
(They enter the board room where Marshall and Sydney sit.)
SLOANE: Did you read the report?
SYDNEY: They found nothing.
SLOANE: This is Anthony Russett, he's transferring here from Jennings. He's working on the UCO file. You've already met Marshall. This is Sydney Bristow.
RUSSETT: I know your father.
SLOANE: We read the code you recovered. Accordingly, we sent a team to Athens. So, I just got a phone call from SD-3, he said there was no evidence to anything pertaining to Rambaldi. And we were there first. Turns out, we made a giant mistake. But so did K-Directorate.
MARSHALL: In our rush to decipher the Rambaldi enigma, we misinterpreted the code. It left us with two series of digits. We assumed longitude and latitude. But he was using a compression scheme. I should have seen that. Instead of sending a team to Athens, we should have been headed to Malaga, Spain.
SLOANE: Which is where you're going. There's a five-hundred-year-old church sitting on the exact site of Rambaldi's coordinates.
SYDNEY: What am I looking for?
SLOANE: We don't know. The only clue we have, if it is indeed a clue, are two words that were part of a code: Sol d'oro.
RUSSETT: Golden sun.
(Malaga, Spain. Sydney shines a flashlight in the church, she looks over the pews for the clue. She looks around, turns to see the painted glass window at the back of the church. In the center is a golden sun. Sydney takes a desk and stands on top if it. She touches the golden sun and unscrews its center. The golden circle is the clue. She looks at it in her hands, and jumps down. Ana, from behind her, takes her by the throat and snatches the golden sun away from her.)
ANA: I was hoping you'd come.
(Sydney kicks Ana and Ana's g*n goes sliding down the floor. Sydney punches her, roundhouse kicks. Ana drops the sun. Sydney flips Ana and dives behind a pew while Ana fires her g*n at the pews, destroying many of them. Sydney flinches while on the floor, covering her head. She sees the sun lying nearby. Ana slinks closer with her g*n in hand. She sees the sun, bends down and gets it. Sydney comes up from behind and hits her on the head with a wooden post with religious markings on it. The g*n flies. Ana grabs a long candle stick holder and slaps Sydney in the head with it. Sydney lands on her back on a table. Sydney grabs Ana's hand and holds it above all the candles that are lit. Ana snatches her hand away, yelping in pain. Sydney quickly moves and handcuffs Ana's hand to the table post. She struggles like a caged animal. Sydney takes the sun, and walks out.)
(In Sydney's house, Sydney and Francie sit on the sofa eating Chinese food. Sydney holds the matchbook, looking at it.)
SYDNEY: You haven't said anything to Charlie?
FRANCIE: I needed to talk to you first.
SYDNEY: It's just a matchbook with someone's number.
FRANCIE: Yeah, someone named Rachel who "truly loved tonight."
SYDNEY: You have to ask Charlie about it.
SYDNEY: I mean, what else are you going to do?
FRANCIE: Have you ever spied on anyone? Okay, I know it's totally beneath me, but Charlie has been so distant lately, and every time I ask him what's wrong, he's like, "Nothing, baby. Everything's cool. It's all fine."
SYDNEY: You don't believe him.
FRANCIE: He has law review in an hour.
SYDNEY: You want to follow hm.
FRANCIE: So much, I cannot even tell you.
SYDNEY: I think spying on your boyfriend generally sets a bad relationship precedent.
FRANCIE: What if he's cheating on me?
(Across the street from Francie and Charlie's house, Sydney and Francie sit in Sydney's vehicle. Francie eats some candy.)
FRANCIE: You're a really good friend, you know that?
SYDNEY: Yes, I do. (smiles) So, this thing happened with Will the other night.
FRANCIE: What, did he come on to you?
SYDNEY: No, no. I kissed him.
FRANCIE: What? You kissed Will Tippin? Are you kidding me?
SYDNEY: I know. Stop it. We were in the apartment by ourselves after you and Charlie left and we had all those drinks...
FRANCIE: I don't believe it. You must have been really drunk. Hey, there he is. Start the car, start the car.
SYDNEY: No, you wait 'til he's a block away.
FRANCIE: Look at you getting all into it.
SYDNEY: Everyone knows you wait.
FRANCIE: I don't know you wait.
SYDNEY: You wait.
FRANCIE: What's he doing?
(A car pulls up beside Charlie, its horn honking. Charlie walks over to the driver's side. A blonde woman gets out, and hugs him. They kiss briefly. Sydney looks at Francie. Charlie puts his duffel bag in the girl's trunk. Francie looks devastated.)
FRANCIE: Okay. I guess he's not going to law review.
(Will's office. He's on the phone, sitting at his desk. Jenny stands nearby.)
WILL: H-E-C-H-T. You're certain? Okay. Thank you. I promise, I won't call again. (hangs up) Danny was supposed to be registered at a medical conference in Singapore.
JENNY: You already told me. Litvack wants the baptist church copy.
WILL: But I checked all the conferences twice. He's not registered at any of them.
JENNY: I know...
(His phone rings.)
WILL: Will Tippin.
(Sydney's at her house, watering plants.)
SYDNEY: Hey, it's me.
WILL: Hey. Hi. Uh, how'd your trip go?
SYDNEY: Okay. How are you?
WILL: Good. Uh, uh, busy. Listen, you don't feel weird about what happened, right?
SYDNEY: A little.
WILL: Me too. What is that?
SYDNEY: We'll talk about that later. Listen, Francie and I saw Charlie last night with another woman.
WILL: What? You're kidding.
SYDNEY: Yeah. She spent the night at my place. She's here now, she's sort of a mess.
WILL: Oh, God...
SYDNEY: And the bank called. Uh, I might have another trip.
WILL: You take an insane amount of trips.
SYDNEY: Would you mind dropping by later? Just check on her and make sure she's okay.
WILL: No, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
SYDNEY: Thank you. I should go.
WILL: Okay. Go. I'll talk to you later. Bye.
(He hangs up. Jenny stands there, watching.)
JENNY: That was Sydney. You're different when you talk to Sydney.
WILL: Don't analyze me. Go. Can you get me the number of, uh, the guy who works for the airport? What's his name? Luis Scourza? What?
JENNY: If you want me to do something for you, you say please.
WILL: Please. Scourza, okay? You know, "please" is implicit, Jenny!
(Credit Dauphine. Sydney is at her desk, filing something. She sees her dad walking through. She gets up.)
SYDNEY: Dad. You have a meeting with Sloane?
MR. BRISTOW: McCullough.
SYDNEY: Psych evaluation?
MR. BRISTOW: Routine. It's nothing I'm not used to, nothing I look forward to, but, uh, such is the nature of the job.
SYDNEY: So, Berlin. It worked out. My meeting with K-Directorate. We got the code. That was smart.
MR. BRISTOW: Well, I should go. I'll see you later.
SYDNEY: Dad... could we have dinner? How about Thursday, do you have plans?
MR. BRISTOW: No. Thursday. Dinner. That'll be fine.
(Board meeting. Sloane, Russett, Dixon, Sydney, Marshall.)
SLOANE: Analysis is working full-time on the piece you brought back from Spain. This is not glass. They know that. It's a synthetic polymer. They believe it was made at least five hundred years ago.
DIXON: Before there were synthetic polymers.
SLOANE: And so the mystery continues. Meanwhile, we have another situation. This is last year's United Commerce Organization. Administerial conference. A number of groups led planned att*cks against the proceedings. Zero defense among them. Word is they're planning to attend the conference this year in Sao Paulo.
RUSSETT: Luc Jacqnoud should be landing in Morocco within the next forty-eight hours.
SYDNEY: I thought he was in Le Sante for s*ab a police officer.
RUSSETT: Released twenty-six months early. He's obviously got ties to French justice. Intel reports he'll be in Morocco to meet a client.
DIXON: I.D. on the client?
SLOANE: None. That's your job. You're Kate Jones, and Justin Bernell. You're traveling with Mindspring Learning Tours. You arrive on Wednesday. Your objective is to monitor the meeting, I.D. the client, and make sure whatever Jacqnoud is up to, doesn't happen.
SYDNEY: Is Mochtar the contact?
SLOANE: He's meeting you at the airport. (to Russett) This is an Egyptian commando. We recruited him two years ago. Marshall.
MARSHALL: (standing) Okay. Ahem. How is, uh, everyone? Hi, or -- right. Okay. You're going in with the usual tech -- camera, comm gear, and sat relay, but this-this is new. (holds up a purse) Now, this looks just like a normal purse that you would wear out with going out with your lady friends. Put your feminine things in there, but, a parabolic microphone. (points to center of the design) Has a laser transmitter that works in a three hundred yard radius, and oh, and I also added a low frequency tantalum wind filter that will eliminate any unwanted sounds below a hundred and fifty hertz. Not that you're going to be in any wind. I mean, you're probably not going to be in any wind, but let's say that you were in some wind, you know, like a light breeze, like a (whistles). Or even a strong wind, like, a gust, like a (bl*wing air). This? Nothing. Silent. Wind filter. (sits)
(Inside psych evaluation room. Mr. Bristow has pads over his face for monitoring purposes. Machines beep around him. McCullough sits nearby.)
MCCULLOUGH: You feel light, thin air, and as you continue moving downward, you feel more and more relaxed. The escalator continues down and the closer you get to the light, the more relaxed you feel.
(We see inside Jack's mind. An escalator.)
MCCULLOUGH: (voice over) The escalator seems to continue forever, and you feel safe and relaxed.
(White light. In Jack's mind, we're transported to a baby's room. A crib sits in the corner with a stuffed teddy bear.)
MCCULLOUGH: (V.O.) Still listening to my voice, you keep going and the farther you go, the more comfortable you feel.
(A woman is holding a baby gently in her arms. We're assuming it's Jack's wife, Sydney's mom. Suddenly, the woman turns and it's... Sydney. Holding the baby.)
SYDNEY: It's only a matter of time before I find out the truth.
(In the evaluation room, Mr. Bristow snaps to attention, looking terrified.)
MR. BRISTOW: Just give me a minute, will you?
(He pulls the pads off his face and exits. Outside the room, he desperately tries to control himself. He calmly buttons his jacket.)
(Car wash. Sydney is inside the waiting area while her car gets a washing. Vaughn approaches, looking disheveled. Well, more than usual.)
VAUGHN: Sorry I'm late.
SYDNEY: That's all right. You okay?
VAUGHN: Yeah. Turns out we knew Jacqnoud was traveling, but we thought he was going to Bahrain. But what we don't know is why SD-6 is so interested in the U.C.O.
SYDNEY: You sure you're okay?
VAUGHN: Yeah. I just, uh--
SYDNEY: Did you have a fight with your wife?
VAUGHN: My what?
SYDNEY: Your wife.
VAUGHN: What wife? I have no wife.
SYDNEY: No, there was a picture in your office. You and that woman. I thought you were married.
VAUGHN: No. She and I are not remotely m-- You thought I was married this whole time?
SYDNEY: I guess so. What's the big deal?
VAUGHN: Nothing. So when you get an idea on who he's meeting and/or details of that meeting, just call the usual number. h*t the eight key. We'll dead-drop in the trash can. Why did you ask me if I had a fight with my girlfriend?
SYDNEY: I don't know. Did you?
VAUGHN: Huge. Good luck in Morocco.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(He leaves, looking more stressed than before.)
(Morocco. At the airport, Sydney and Dixon walk to the curb. They see a man, Mochtar, who waves to them. They approach.)
MOCHTAR: Look at you!
SYDNEY: It's been a while!
(She kisses him on both cheeks.)
MOCHTAR: Ah, hello!
DIXON: How have you been?
MOCHTAR: Lately, too busy. Too many people with dangerous toys.
SYDNEY: Any news on Jacqnoud?
M0CHTAR: Yes. A friend tells me he's meeting a client today in the local marketplace. I've got a good spot for us.
DIXON: Any word on the client?
MOCHTAR: Big mystery. We still don't know. Come, I'm parked right over there.
(Sydney's house. Francie talks on the phone to Sydney.)
FRANCIE: Charlie has called my cell phone six times.
SYDNEY: You still haven't seen him?
FRANCIE: No. I want him to suffer. I'm not even going to tell him where I am. How is Chicago, did you get there okay?
(Cut to Sydney, in Morocco, putting on her disguise.)
SYDNEY: Yeah. Chicago's fine. Look, let me just sy one thing, just so someone's saying it. There might be an explanation.
FRANCIE: He got into a car with a woman I have never met.
SYDNEY: Just talk to him. Tell Charlie what you saw. You owe him that.
FRANCIE: Maybe after he calls me a few more times.
SYDNEY: Call me if you need me, okay? Love you.
FRANCIE: Love you.
(Sydney, complete in her disguise, goes out to the balcony to see Mochtar and Dixon setting up video cameras and cameras for the op.)
SYDNEY: How's the view? (takes purse) You want to give this a test run? Can you hear me?
DIXON: Loud and clear.
MOCHTAR: Jacqnoud just walked in.
DIXON: Who's he with?
M0CHTAR: Uh, looks like he's solo.
DIXON: (to Sydney) You're ready.
SYDNEY: I'm going shoppin'!
DIXON: Bring us back something, would you?
SYDNEY: That's the plan!
(She leaves and walks down to the market, looking around. She gets closer. Jacqnoud sits alone.)
SYDNEY: Are you picking this up?
DIXON: Yeah. The mic's hot.
SYDNEY: He's still alone.
(A man tries to sell her something.)
SYDNEY: No, no, no, I don't understand. Don't understand. Sorry.
(Jacqnoud greets a man at his table.)
SYDNEY: The meet just got here.
(In the balcony, Mochtar and Dixon looks. Dixon takes pictures.)
DIXON: Got him! Mochtar, you know this guy?
MOCHTAR: No, but I'm going to try and get an I.D. right now.
(Mochtar runs to another set up around the hallway. The laptop connects, scanning the picture for identification of the man meeting with Jacqnoud.)
(Downstairs, the men meet.)
SUARI: Nice to finally meet you in person. Everything worked getting here?
JACQNOUD: Yes, thank you. Merci beaucoup.
SUARI: So, how are we doing?
JACQNOUD: You mean phase three?
SUARI: What were the results?
JACQNOUD: You will be very happy. If Patel's going to be our delivery man, I'll need the piece by tomorrow.
SUARI: As long as the financial arrangements can be made, that shouldn't be a problem.
JACQNOUD: Bon. Salut.
(The bodyguard stares at Sydney. She looks away.)
SYDNEY: Dammit! The litle guy's bodyguard. I know him.
DIXON: What?
SYDNEY: From Corisca, two years ago. The son of a bitch broke my arm.
(She starts walking away. The bodyguard looks up, and sees the camera lens in the balcony.)
DIXON: Mochtar, pack up! We've got to get out of here!
(The bodyguard sees shadows scurrying along up on the balcony.)
SYDNEY: (walking) We have somebody.
(Sydney tries to leave.)
DIXON: Syd, get out of there!
(The bodyguard stops her.)
BODYGUARD: You. I know you.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. You're talking to me?
BODYGUARD: I think you remember me, too.
(He throws her in a small part of the market, she falls to the ground behind the curtain. He advances.)
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. I don't know who you are.
BODYGUARD: Tell me why you're here, or this time I do more than just break you arm.
(Sydney kicks a table in the air, catches it, throws it at him, smashes his head in twice. He pushes her up against the wall, she flips off of it. Kicks him in the back. Hits him with an empty pot three times. He falls. The curtain opens, and an elderly couple -- tourists -- walk in, shocked.)
SYDNEY: He wanted to charge me fifty dollars. That's too much.
(Upstairs, Dixon frantically packs up. g*n are heard. Dixon freezes. Sydney runs up the stairs.)
SYDNEY: Dixon! Dixon! Dixon, do you copy!
(Sydney stops running when she sees Mochtar's lifeless body. She takes off her glasses. Down the hall, punches are being thrown as more bodyguards try beating up Dixon and Sydney. She fights one of the men. Another guy manages to pin Dixon down on a table, but he jumps up, kicking the man.)
DIXON: Are you okay?
SYDNEY: I'm fine!
(Helicopter whirring overhead. Sydney gets some of the gear and stops at Mochtar. Touches his head. When she takes her hand away, she sees his blood on her palm. Dixon stops behind her.)
DIXON: We have to go.
(Sydney stares at Mochtar, and leaves.)
(At Sydney's house, she arrives home from her trip. She puts her bag down.)
FRANCIE: How was your trip?
SYDNEY: It was awful.
FRANCIE: Syd, I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: What's going on with Charlie?
FRANCIE: I'm meeting him for coffee. He knows something's up. If he doesn't have an explanation, if he can't exactly explain why he was kissing some whore instead of going to law review, I'm going to k*ll him.
SYDNEY: Don't say that.
(Will appears behind them.)
WILL: She's on a rampage. She wasn't even going to go out with him, I had to force her to go out with him. (smiles sweetly at Sydney) Hi.
FRANCIE: Let me ask you something. You think it's going to go all right?
(The girls hug. Only this time, Sydney hugs a little longer, needing that comfort after the day she's had.)
FRANCIE: Love you.
SYDNEY: Love you.
FRANCIE: See you, Will!
WILL: Good luck. Let me get that for you.
(He gestures to Sydney's luggage. Francie leaves.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
WILL: You look exhausted.
SYDNEY: Pretty good assessment.
(Inside Sydney's bedroom, Will sits down on her bed with the luggage at his feet.)
WILL: So, hey, I was thinking about what happened. You know, that, uh, you know, that kiss. Yeah. And, uh, I think I've figured out why it was so weird.
WILL: Well, because, how often do you, you know, do you kiss someone that you're that close to? I mean, never.
(He flips the luggage tag that reads "Kate Jones" in his hand as a nervous habit, not realizing the name that's written there.)
WILL: Anyway, I, uh, I know that it's awkward between us now, but...
(Sydney sits beside him, seeing what he's doing, and takes the luggage from him.)
WILL: I think that I've figured out a way for it to not be so awkward anymore.
(Will kisses her, holding her face gently. Their eyes slowly open. It's awkward. He pulls away.)
WILL: Okay. That didn't work, did it?
SYDNEY: I have to go have dinner with my father.
WILL: Ooooh, now I feel like an idiot.
SYDNEY: No, don't, don't.
WILL: (embarrassed) Oh, my God. I have that feeling. Oh, my God.
(Restaurant. Sydney sits alone.)
WAITER: Would you like to order, ma'am?
SYDNEY: I'll wait, thanks. I'm meeting someone.
(Sydney looks at her watch.)
(Different restaurant. Francie and Charlie.)
CHARLIE: (to waiter) Thank you. (sighs) So, you gonna tell me what's up? Do I have to start guessing?
FRANCIE: I saw you.
CHARLIE: Saw me what?
FRANCIE: I saw you outside our house with a woman.
CHARLIE: What are you doing watching me?
FRANCIE: I don't have to answer that question, you do! What were you doing?
CHARLIE: She's a friend.
FRANCIE: A friend you went out with instead of going to a law review. Her name's Rachel, right?
CHARLIE: (to waiter) No, thanks. (to Francie) You know I trust you.
FRANCIE: I give you reason to! I am not going to let you lie to me, Charlie! Now, explain yourself.
CHARLIE: Francie, I love you, and I'm not playing around. We're just hanging out, that's all.
FRANCIE: All right. Hang out. Hang out with Rachel.
(She leaves.)
(Sydney waits at the restaurant. Looks around. Looks at the menu, puts it down. Still waiting. She's getting more worried. She looks at her watch. Her cell phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney. Sorry to call so late.
SYDNEY: No, it's all right.
MR. BRISTOW: Uh, look, uh, I won't be able to make dinner. Work is, uh, just, um, I can't get away. You understand.
SYDNEY: Of course. Don't worry about it.
(We see that Mr. Bristow is actually in his car, at the restaurant, watching Sydney.)
SYDNEY: I'll just see you at... I'll just see you.
MR. BRISTOW: Okay. Bye. (hangs up)
(Sydney hangs up, choking down tears. She covers her mouth. She then picks up her phone, and dials.)
(Pier, night. Sydney and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: (sobbing) I'm sorry to call you, I just didn't know who else to call. My father and I were supposed to have dinner tonight. The first time since I was a kid. I can't even remember the last time. (sobs) He just didn't show. He said he had work. He didn't have work. This isn't just about my dad. When I was in Morocco, the man who died... he was a friend of mine. He was a good man, who thought he was fighting for the right side, that he was working for the C.I.A.! He was lied to, and now he's d*ad. I had his blood on my hands!
VAUGHN: Sydney...
SYDNEY: I feel like I'm losing my mind! Like I don't even know who I am anymore, or what I'm doing, or why I'm doing it!
(Her pager suddenly beeps. Sydney grabs it, and throws it in the water below them. It splashes.)
VAUGHN: You just threw your beeper in the Pacific.
SYDNEY: (laughs through tears) I know...
VAUGHN: Okay, listen to me. There's something you need to know. When you first walked into my office with that stupid Bozo hair, I thought you were crazy. I thought you might actually be a crazy person. But I watched you, and I read your statement, and I've seen... I've seen how you think, I've seen how you work, I've seen how you are in this job. In this job, you see darkness. You see the worst in people and though the jobs are different and the missions change, and the enemies have a thousand names, the one crucial thing, the one real responsibility you have is to not let your rage, and your resentment, and your disgust, darken you. When you're at your absolute lowest, at your most depressed, just remember that you can always... you know. You got my number.
(A few seconds pass. Sydney grabs Vaughn's hand, and holds on tight.)
(Credit Dauphine, the next day.)
SLOANE: I put the recording you made through voice print. The man that Jacqnoud is meeting with is Malik Suari. He specializes in industrial demolition. This is his latest innovation. It's called the Blu-250. Commissioned by a Swiss corporation to blow out mountain ranges for the production of high speed trains. There's a third piece. You will be very happy.
(They play the recording Sydney took.)
SLOANE: Now, of course, the man they're referring to is Dhiren Patel.
DIXON: You think the winner of the Edgar Peace Prize is working with Luc Jacqnoud?
SLOANE: Dhiren Patel is India's delegate to the U.N., he's a former president of the southern hemisphere. Human rights commission. There's no way in the world he's working with Jacqnoud.
SYDNEY: So, then, what's the connection?
SLOANE: Irony. Jacqnoud is using Mr. Patel without his knowledge to send a message to the U.C.O.
DIXON: Which is what?
SLOANE: To abolish the organization. We've traced at least a half a dozen thr*at to Jacqnoud. This has it that this last act will be his most violent.
SYDNEY: You think Jacqnoud is going to plant an expl*sive on Patel?
SLOANE: Yes, I do. And I want you two to stop it. That's why you're leaving for Sao Paulo tonight. The job is to find Patel, recover the w*apon, and safeguard the U.C.O. Any questions?
(Sao Paulo. At a party, Dixon looks around, wearing a tux.)
DIXON: Any luck?
(Pan over to Sydney, dressed in disguise.)
SYDNEY: I don't see Patel anywhere.
(At Will's office, he's on the phone. Jenny stands nearby.)
WILL: Oh, and that's unusual, buying an international flight with cash. Uh-huh. But he was traveling alone, right? Excuse me? Daniel Hecht was not traveling alone?
(Sydney mingles, looks around. Patel enters.)
SYDNEY: I have a twenty on Patel.
DIXON: Let's get him out of here.
(Patel wipes sweat from his head, motions to his bodyguards that he's suddenly ill.)
SYDNEY: Wait. Something's wrong. He looks sick.
DIXON: Sick?
(Patel collapses.)
SYDNEY: He just went down.
DIXON: Does he have a drink?
DIXON: Get the glass.
(Sydney walks over to where Patel has collapsed. Some people surround him, checking if he's okay. She crouches down near Patel's fallen hand, where he's holding his drink.)
SYDNEY: Is he okay? Did somebody call a doctor?
(She takes the glass, stands, and drops it into Dixon's hand, who walks by.)
MAN: Excuse me, I'm a doctor. Can I help?
(The man kneels down. Suari stands in the background, takes a drink, watching with interest.)
SYDNEY: Guess who's here?
(Dixon exits the party, and goes into the stairwell, still holding Patel's drink.)
DIXON: Suari.
(He puts something in the drink, shakes the glass a little.)
DIXON: I'm telling you, if they're b*mb this place, it's going to be tomorrow. Opening ceremonies.
(Dixon holds the glass up to the light. Patel's drink turns blue.)
DIXON: They fed Patel some kind of powdered sedative compound. Looks like a designer drug.
(Out at the party near the curb, people stand around, watching Patel enter an ambulance.)
DIXON: Keep an eye on Suari.
(The ambulance drives away. Sydney sees a brand new motorcycle parked.)
SYDNEY: I'm following Patel.
(Will's office, continuing.)
WILL: Just confirm something for me. The person traveling with Daniel Hecht, the name was Sydney Bristow, right? No? Are you sure? Okay, man, you gotta tell me who it was. Just give me the name. Oh, come on, what about you owe me one? All right. Hey, you remember my assistant Jenny? No, no, no, no, the other one.
JENNY: What are you doing? What are you doing?
WILL: Yes, yes, yes. You give me the name, and she'll go out with you.
JENNY: No, she won't!
WILL: Yeah, she's psyched to go out with you, man.
(Will presses a button on the phone and gives the receiver to Jenny.)
JENNY: I'm not going to talk to him!
WILL: (whispering) You don't ahve to go out with him, just say that you are. Please?
JENNY: Fine! (picks it up) Hi. Yeah. Okay. I'd love to go out with you. Uh-huh.
(She gives Will a dirty look and hangs up. He takes over on his headset.)
WILL: Okay, so, give me the name of the person who was traveling with Daniel Hecht. Yeah, I know.
(Will types "Kate Jones" on his computer, frowning.)
WILL: Kate Jones. Kate Jones.
(He types "Kate Jones?".)
(In Sao Paulo, the ambulance races down the street. Sydney rides behind it with the motorcycle she eyed. The ambulance pulls up to a building, enters a gate. She comes up behind. The ambulance enters the building. She stops and takes off her helmet, wtaching. She spots a way to get into the building. Inside, the ambulance driver takes off his tuxedo coat. Talks to Suari. They're getting Patel out of the ambulance. To the side, is a marked off area with hospital gear set out.)
AMBULANCE DRIVER: There was any problems?
SUARI: No problem. He's ready to go.
(Sydney runs and climbs up a stairwell outside. Inside, a few doctors gather around Patel.)
DOCTOR: Scalpel.
(Patel lays, unconscious. Sydney breaks a cage outside and climbs inside. At the operation, a doctor makes an incision on Patel's chest. Someone else wipes the blood away. Sydney, climbing above where the operation is taking place, moves through an entryway and gasps as her legs dangle below through a giant hole in the walkway. She pulls herself up, grunting. On her hands and knees, she looks down. Coming up to another hole in the ceiling above where the doctors are currently cutting Patel open, she gets a better look with a small telescope that is about the size of a pencil. She seees Suari below, observing the operation. And Jacqnoud. She gets a better look. She sees Patel's face. They're making the incision deeper. One of the doctors holdds a small metal casing that is formed into a half moon.)
SUARI: Uh, careful with that. That's the equivalent to three hundred pounds of TNT.
JACQNOUD: Yes. Don't k*ll him.
(Sydney watches in horror as the doctors put the b*mb inside Patel's chest.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x04 - A Broken Heart"} | foreverdreaming |
"Doppelganger" episode #1.05
(Continuing from last week's episode. Sydney is staring down at the operation in progress, when the bodyguard she recognized from earlier hauls her up by the hair.)
BODYGUARD: Recognize me now?
(He punches her. Sydney blacks out.)
(Bodyguard walks down a hall in the boiler room, dragging Sydney beside him by the strap of her shirt. He speaks in a walkie-talkie.)
BODYGUARD: Anyone else? Keep looking.
(He slams Sydney up against a wall.)
SYDNEY: Uhhh! Uhh.
BODYGUARD: I never did find out what you were doing in Corsica. Are you working for Dimitri?
(She doesn't respond, so he bangs her against the opposite wall, then chokes her.)
BODYGUARD: Tell me now, or you're going in the f*re.
(He opens a heavy door that leads into the f*re pit. Flames lick the top of that room.)
SYDNEY: Ahhh...
BODYGUARD: Who sent you here? Are you here alone? Who sent you here?
(While getting ready to toss her over to the f*re, Sydney slips his pen out of his shirt pocket.)
BODYGUARD: Answer me, you little bitch!
(Sydney s*ab him in the neck with the pen, kicks him. She takes the poker for the f*re, and hits his g*n away. It flies into the f*re. She slams the door shut with the poker, and hits the bodyguard three times with it. He falls to the ground. She runs.)
BODYGUARD: Get to level "C" now... she got away...
(Sydney runs down the hall, turns a corner, running. Two armed men come behind her, chasing her. She stops, sees two men coming from ahead and behind. She's trapped. Sydney runs down the stairs nearby, while g*n fly around her. She sees more men coming behind her, and sees a tunnel on the wall above her. She jumps up, grabs the bar ahead, and kicks the cover of the tunnel in. Sydney slides down the tunnel, and grabs a hold of the little ledges inside. Holding on with her fingers, looking down the tunnel in fear, g*n bounce off the sides of the tunnel, all around her. Finally, one b*llet hits the ledge she was holding on to, and breaks off. Sydney slides down the tunnel.)
(Suddenly, it's daylight. We see Sydney, wet and sprawled out on a rock at the end of the tunnel. She's unconscious. A young boy pokes her several times, and she comes to. He speaks Spanish to her, asking if she's d*ad.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God... what time is it?
(She catches herself, and asks in Spanish. The young boy answers her.)
(At the UCO, Dixon is inside the lobby. His cell phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, it's me.
(Sydney is on a bus with other people. The young boy stands beside her.)
DIXON: Thank God. Where've you been? I didn't sleep last night.
SYDNEY: That doesn't matter. Listen to me. Have you spotted Patel?
DIXON: (looks outside) He just showed up. News agencies are reporting he had an arrhythmia. Where did they take him?
SYDNEY: What I'm about to say, Dixon, you just have to believe me.
DIXON: Of course.
SYDNEY: The b*mb we're looking for... it's inside of him.
DIXON: What!?
SYDNEY: Inside Patel! They implanted the b*mb into his chest, like it was a pacemaker. A simple outpatient procedure. Jacqnoud just turned an Edgar Peace Prize winner into a human b*mb! Which is not good.
(At the UCO, Dixon watches as Patel goes through the metal detector. It goes off. He opens his shirt a little and shows the guard his bandage.)
DIXON: Did you see the device?
SYDNEY: Yeah. It's small, which means it's probably on a wireless remote. Look, get Patel and I'll meet you directly behind the auditorium.
DIXON: I'll get there as soon as I can.
(On the bus, Sydney hangs up and gives the cell phone back to the boy.)
(In the lobby, Dixon follows Patel and his guards. He watches from outside the conference room as they take Patel into a back room. He sees Patel's name on the poster outside the room, and glances at his watch. Outside, protestors yell and have anti-UCO signs. Horns honk. People yell. Sydney comes in the g*ng of protestors and looks around. Inside, people converge inside the room.)
SPEAKER: Ladies and gentlemen... it is my honor to officially open the 2001 ministerial conference of the United Commerce Organization.
(Outside, Sydney walks up to an ambulance. She speaks in Spanish, tells the driver she isn't feeling well, and "faints." The driver, alarmed, gets out and goes to see if he can help her. Sydney sneaks around the side of the ambulance and jumps in the driver side. She starts up the van.)
(And she takes off.)
(In the back room, Dixon walks in, speaking foreign language. The guard stops him, but Dixon tries pleading. Finally, he turns to leave but punches the guard three times. The guard's out. Patel looks at him, alarmed. Dixon tries speaking to him that he has to come with him, Patel refuses. Dixon apologizes, Patel looks confused, and then Dixon punches Patel in the face. Outside the auditorium, Sydney pulls up in the ambulance. Dixon comes out, carrying Patel over his shoulders. Sydney opens the back doors and lets them in.)
(Inside the auditorium...)
SPEAKER: Please welcome our keynote speaker... ladies and gentlemen... Dhiren Patel!
(Inside the ambulance, Patel is on a stretcher.)
DIXON: I just punched Dhiren Patel in the face!
SYDNEY: Any luck with the trigger?
DIXON: I worship this man!
SYDNEY: Dixon, when you were in the building, did you I.D. the trigger?!
DIXON: No, no! I didn't see anyone!
(Sydney takes off the bandage, revealing the incision.)
DIXON: Oh, God.
(Inside the auditorium, applause. Everyone looks to the backroom, expecting Patel to enter. He doesn't.)
SPEAKER: Please, wait one moment. I will be right back.
(In the back, Jacqnoud speaks french into his communicator, and looks at the remote. The signal is faint, meaning Patel isn't around.)
(Inside the ambulance, Dixon fills a needle while Sydney puts a gas mask over Patel's face, prepping the anesthesia.)
SYDNEY: Look, I know you've been field-trained, basic medical, but can you really do this? Pull a b*mb out of a man's chest?
DIXON: Yeah.
(They hear tires screeching. Dixon gets up, looks out the back window and sees a car coming.)
DIXON: It's Jacqnoud.
(Sydney jumps to the front and starts up the ambulance.)
(In the car...)
JACQNOUD: There, in the ambulance!
(Sydney screenches ahead while Dixon begins taking the staples out of the incision.)
DIXON: Don't forget this thing's on a remote. You can't let them get within range!
(She screeches around a corner, Jacqnoud behind her. In his car, Jacqnoud looks at the remote and sees the signal is getting stronger.)
JACQNOUD: Get me closer! Get me closer!
(Sydney rounds another corner sharply, making Dixon fall against the wall of the ambulance, his latex gloves covered in Patel's blood. He finally sits down again, and puts his hand in the cut.)
DIXON: I can feel it!
SYDNEY: Oh, God!
(She screeches around another corner, but slows down when she sees that...)
SYDNEY: The police have a roadblock!
DIXON: Get around it!
SYDNEY: Oh, God!
(She crashes through a metal gate, Jacqnoud is right behind her.)
JACQNOUD: (to driver) S'il vous plait! Get me CLOSER!
(Inside the ambulance...)
SYDNEY: You've got to hurry!
DIXON: They put an adhesive on the incision, it must have bled through! It's stuck!
(Patel is coming to. He mumbles something, still drugged. Dixon's eyes get wide. He puts more gas. Jacqnoud's car is coming closer.)
JACQNOUD: Closer! Bon, bon...
(The signal is getting stronger. Dixon takes the b*mb out of Patel's chest.)
SYDNEY: Oh, God...
(The b*mb begins to beep.)
SYDNEY: What's that?!
DIXON: It's on a remote! Just keep driving!
(Dixon stands up, b*mb in hand. Jacqnoud's car is approaching fast.)
(He's about to h*t the button to set off the b*mb, when Dixon opens the back door and throws the b*mb at the car. Too late. Jacqnoud hits the button... and blows himself, and the car, up. The force of the expl*si*n sends the car flying up and then down on its roof. The ambulance rides safely away.)
SYDNEY: Nicely done!
DIXON: Patel... you're going to be okay.
(Sydney breathes heavily, in relief.)
(In a room somewhere, Vaughn and Sydney sit across from each other.)
VAUGHN: That's insane!
SYDNEY: No kidding.
VAUGHN: Dixon just pulled it out of him.
VAUGHN: Pulled a b*mb out of Dhiren Patel.
SYDNEY: The very one.
VAUGHN: Any luck with the alliance member?
SYDNEY: The what?
VAUGHN: You were supposed to I.D. the minister SD-6's been trying to protect.
SYDNEY: Thanks, I remember. No, I didn't get it.
VAUGHN: Sydney, if we're going to take down SD-6--
SYDNEY: Stop. No.
VAUGHN: Look, I'm juust saying that identifying--
SYDNEY: Look, I was busy trying to keep one of the most important humanitarians on the planet--
VAUGHN: ...All the alliance members is kind of critical--
SYDNEY: ...From bl*wing UP!
SYDNEY: Anyway. I have a paper to finish.
(She gets up. Vaughn watches her walk to the door.)
(She turns.)
VAUGHN: I have something for you.
(He gets a thick file folder from his briefcase, walks over to her.)
VAUGHN: I know you have a lot of questions about your father. I don't know if you want this, but I copied his file.
(Sydney, stunned, takes it.)
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(He nods. She walks out, holding the file. He watches her.)
(In a library on campus, Sydney reads her father's file. Case numbers. Her father's picture. "Confidential" and "Copy" are written on the sheets in big, bold letters.)
FRANCIE: Sorry I'm late.
(Sydney quickly closes the file.)
SYDNEY: Hey. It's after one already?
FRANCIE: It's one thirty.
SYDNEY: Oh, God. You got to be kidding...
FRANCIE: Okay, so I'm in my Operations and Technology Management class, and I realize two things. One, I prepared the wrong chapter.
FRANCIE: I don't want to talk about it. And two, you and I are going to have a Hallowe'en party.
SYDNEY: We are?
FRANCIE: Guest list!
(She gives Sydney a piece of paper, and they walk out together.)
(Outside, Sydney and Francie walk together, Sydney looks at the list.)
FRANCIE: What, is it too big?
SYDNEY: I think you put down everyone we've met since seventh grade. You invited Kenny.
FRANCIE: So? He's a kid. It's Hallowe'en.
SYDNEY: Francie, if you want to see Charlie again, you don't have to throw a massive Hallowe'en party and invite his nephew.
FRANCIE: I love Kenny.
SYDNEY: I know you do, but just admit you're hoping, just a little, that Charlie will bring him.
(Sydney stops, staring at something off-camera.)
SYDNEY: Is that Will?
(Sure enough, Will is seen coming out of a campus building, talking on his cell phone.)
FRANCIE: Maybe he's here to talk to you about the humiliating kiss.
SYDNEY: Stop calling it that.
FRANCIE: That's what it was.
(Will walks, and then sees Sydney and Francie, and stops. He waves. Sydney smiles brightly.)
WILL: (on cell) Uh, you know, I got to call you back. I got to go. I'll call you back. Bye.
(He walks up to them.)
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: What are you doing here?
WILL: Oh, I got this, uh, I'm writing a story on S.A.T.'s. About how, like, the university is... what are you guys doing?
SYDNEY: Just getting some lunch.
FRANCIE: Oh, we're having a Hallowe'en party on Wednesday night.
WILL: Oh, excellent. I don't have to wear a costume, do I?
(They stare at each other.)
WILL: Really. That's... confusing.
(Sydney's pager beeps.)
WILL: Let me guess -- the bank.
SYDNEY: It's a meeting with the higher-ups on these bad loans.
WILL: Okay, seriously, your job?
FRANCIE: It's a problem, right?
SYDNEY: I should go.
FRANCIE: We know.
SYDNEY: I'll call you guys later, okay?
WILL: See ya.
(Will watches Sydney walk away, with interest.)
(SD-6. Briefing meeting. Sloane, Dixon, Sydney and Marshall sit in the board room.)
SLOANE: This is Hensel Corporation. A Germany-based chemical conglomerate. They make ibuprofen, hand lotion, toothpaste. They also have a multi-million dollar research and development fund with ties going back to World w*r II and the third reich. They don't list the last part in their annual stock report. This is Jeroen Schiller. He's one of Hensel's leading biotech engineers. He lives in Berlin. We've been in communication with him since August. Now, the news is that Hensel has perfected a vaccine against biological w*apon. Schiller has access to that information. He wants to make a trade.
SYDNEY: What does he want in exchange?
SLOANE: Safe passage to the United States.
DIXON: He lives in Berlin. Why can't he just take a cab to the airport?
SLOANE: Germany's not the problem, Hensel is. Anyone who has top level clearance is closely surveilled. Your job is to I.D. Schiller, get him away from Hensel and into the United States.
SYDNEY: What kind of extraction?
SLOANE: Shipment. Hensel is upgrading their intranet with fiber optics. You go in as a Rhine Com net supervisor. Now, unfortunately, this is the last documented photo of Schiller. University of Hamburg, 1975. We had Tech do an age processing to give you some idea of what he might look like today. You'll find it in there. Marshall, go.
MARSHALL: (stands) Right. Thank you. How is, uh, everyone? Hello. Hope everyone's planning on having an enjoyable All Hallow's Eve.
SLOANE: Marshall.
MARSHALL: Sorry. Okay. This is pretty incredible. Business card. Something you might, you know, hand out. Like, for instance, "Hello, I'm a Rhine Com net supervisor, how are you?" In German, of course. Because English would probably give you away. But the genius, the achievement, is this. Even Sony would be like, "Well, Marshall, this is pretty cool."
DIXON: What does it do?
MARSHALL: Now, what you do is, you place the card on top of this computer monitor. Now, there's a tiny transmitter inside. This transmitter will override the CPU and make the network think that you are the sys admin. The system administrator.
MARSHALL: Oh, yeah. You'll manually override the company's firewall, and then Schiller will transfer the vaccine formula from his office to a Canadian-served web site, and then we'll get the password once he's on American soil.
(Sydney and Dixon walk out of the meeting together.)
DIXON: So, I got your voice mail...
SYDNEY: Seriously, please, don't feel obligated.
DIXON: No, no, no. I asked Diane. We're coming. All of us.
SYDNEY: You don't have to wear a costume.
DIXON: You didn't need to say that.
SYDNEY: (laughs) Good!
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney.
(Sydney and Dixon stop; Sydney's face immediately falls.)
MR. BRISTOW: Could I have a minute?
DIXON: Oh, of course. (to Syd) I'll see you at Op Tech.
(Dixon leaves.)
MR. BRISTOW: I, um, we were closing a deal last Thursday. I just couldn't get away.
SYDNEY: You said that when you called. That's fine.
MR. BRISTOW: This is an especially busy time for me, Sydney. There are six different cases I'm overseeing.
SYDNEY: Mmm-hmm.
MR. BRISTOW: So, until things slow down, we probably shouldn't make any plans.
SYDNEY: I wasn't going to pursue it.
MR. BRISTOW: I just wanted to clarify.
(He walks away.)
(Night. Sydney drives up to a self-storage facility. One other car is parked there. She parks, gets out. Inside, Vaughn opens a cage door.)
VAUGHN: (gestures to other man) This is Paul Kelvin. Sydney Bristow.
KELVIN: I know your father.
(They shake hands.)
SYDNEY: Really. I hear that a lot.
VAUGHN: Okay, we got to move fast. Let me jump in here. The C.I.A.'s been watching Hensel Corp for years.
SYDNEY: They're not really creating a vaccine, are they?
VAUGHN: Yes, they are, but the U.S. army has been doing parallel research that we thought was years ahead of the Germans. Until we got your intel.
SYDNEY: SO, what are we afraid of?
VAUGHN: Schiller and his team have developed what we call micro-encapsulated cytocines. They activate the immune cells in your respiratory tract. Do you know anything about this?
SYDNEY: A little. You?
VAUGHN: A little. Enough to know that SD-6 could sell this vaccine to a radical leader who wants to protect his own people... and start an all-out biological w*r.
SYDNEY: What am I supposed to do in Berlin?
VAUGHN: Well, instead of shipping Schiller, who we'll get out through Bamberg, we'll ship Kelvin. He's already been prepped to impersonate Schiller. Now, based on available photographs, we think he's a pretty god match. You'll make the switch in the building's garage.
SYDNEY: You sure you're up for this?
KELVIN: I'm not looking forward to it, if that's what you mean.
SYDNEY: What about when Sloane wants you to give him the vaccine?
VAUGHN: He'll give them false information. Kelvin's got a plane waiting.
KELVIN: I'll see you in Berlin.
(Vaughn lets him out. He turns back to Sydney.)
SYDNEY: I've got to tell Dixon.
VAUGHN: No. Absolutely not.
SYDNEY: How am I supposed to make a double switch invisible to my partner? He'll be there.
VAUGHN: You cannot tell him the truth. I mean, he might already know who he's working for.
SYDNEY: You don't know him.
VAUGHN: That's my point.
SYDNEY: But I do.
VAUGHN: Look, you might be right about Dixon, but you can't volunteer a man for double agent duty if he hasn't asked for it. I mean, his whole life, his family? You'd be putting all that at risk. You. Is that a decision you want to make for him?
(In Berlin, Sydney, in disguise, marches up to Hensel Corporation. She goes to the desk, speaking German, and gives them the business card. He lets her in after checking the sign-in sheets. At the elevator, the guard holds the door open for Sydney. She pushes a button, and the doors close.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
(Outside the building, Dixon stands.)
DIXON: Copy that. All's quiet out front.
(Inside, Sydney gets off the elevator and walks down a hall. She enters Schiller's office, and speaks German.)
SCHILLER: You are the agent?
(Sydney puts the business card on the monitor and sits down. They speak German. Outisde, Dixon gets a box and a pipe leading into the building. On the computer, a pop up box reads "Cracked. Access granted.")
SYDNEY: Dixon, I think someone might be following me. meet me at Einsetzung instead of behind the building.
DIXON: Copy that. I'm starting the gas now. You'll have two minutes until people regain consciousness.
(Sydney speaks German, and gives Schiller a gas mask.)
SCHILLER: What's this?
(She tells him to put it on in German, she puts one on herself. The gas starts pilfering in. In the control room, error messages blink on the computers. The guard is passed out, his face on the keyboard, unconscious. The computer in Schiller's office is uploading the files to the FTP server.)
SCHILLER: Copy! We got it!
SYDNEY: Come on.
(They leave, gas masks on. They step over unconsious people. Dixon pulls up in a van. Sydney and Schiller walk in the building's garage, gas masks now off. A C.I.A. man hids behind a pillar. When they get close, the man pushes Schiller into a waiting black van. Sydney keeps walking. Paul Kelvin, now wearing glasses and a suit, comes out of another van and falls into step beside Sydney. They walk out together.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I'm on Koenig Strasse.
DIXON: I'm on my way.
(He takes off. Sydney and Kelvin/Schiller run out together, and hop inside the van. The van pulls away.)
(Will and Francie decorate Sydney's place for the party.)
WILL: When you asked me to help you set up, you didn't say, "Will you help me set up all day?", did you?
FRANCIE: We're almost done.
WILL: Almost done? What's left to cover that we haven't already covered with corn?
FRANCIE: I work with a professional party planner, this is what I do. So, what's going on with work? You always talk about work and you haven't even mentioned it today.
WILL: You want the truth?
(Francie turns.)
WILL: I wasn't working on a S.A.T. story. When I bumped into you guys? There is no S.A.T. story. I was trying to track down a woman named Kate Jones. She was supposed to be seated next to Danny on a flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.
FRANCIE: Oh, Will, you can't do this!
WILL: What was Danny doing on a flight to Hong Kong, if Sydney was supposed to meet him in Singapore? Now, Kate Jones and Danny were the only two people to miss that flight. The ONLY two. I was at the medical school because I thought that maybe they'd have her name on file. Francie, there's too many things about Danny's death that don't make any sense. One of them is this woman. Now I looked up every Kate, Kathy, Katherine, Kathleen Jones in L.A. county, plus I have a contact at the airport who said that--
FRANCIE: Will, you can't do this. Nothing is going to bring Danny back. And when Sydney finds out what you've been up to, which you know she will... just think about that.
(C.I.A. safehouse. The real Schiller is being interrogated by Vaughn.)
SCHILLER: I want to see Mr. Sloane.
VAUGHN: Mr. Schiller, I've explained this. Sloane is not here. You tell us the password to the web site, and we will--
SCHILLER: I only talk to Sloane. That was the agreement. If you were who you say you are, you would know that.
VAUGHN: Mr. Schiller, I swear to you. Sloane is a liar. He has nothing to do with the C.I.A.
SCHILLER: So you say Sloane is a fraud? How do I know it's not you who is the fraud?
VAUGHN: You don't... but you will.
(He goes into the next room where Sydney, Weiss and a hacker have been watching.)
VAUGHN: How fast can we get a plane to Langley?
VAUGHN: He wants proof that we're C.I.A. and I don't think he's going to believe us unless we walk him in the front door.
HACKER: Hey, Vaughn, we're in.
SYDNEY: What's this?
VAUGHN: This is the main reason we made the switch in Berlin.
HACKER: We had Kelvin give Sloane access to a bogus web site with just enough real information about the vaccine to keep them occupied for months.
SYDNEY: Is that really worth risking a man's life?
WEISS: No, there's more. Once SD-6 downloads and runs the bogus program, it'll give us a back door into their computer systems.
SYDNEY: In other words, we have access to their entire network, files, contacts, accounts?
VAUGHN: This is a huge step in shutting down SD-6.
HACKER: It was Agent Vaughn's idea.
VAUGHN: You look so surprised.
SYDNEY: No, I...
VAUGHN: Yes, it was my idea.
SYDNEY: Amazing idea.
VAUGHN: Thank you. I know.
(Credit Dauphine. Kelvin, posing as Schiller, takes a drink of water. Sloane paces, observes. Marshall sits behind a computer.)
MARSHALL: This is very exciting.
SLOANE: Go tell Analysis.
(He does.)
SLOANE: It's good to finally meet you.
KELVIN/SCHILLER: You see, the travles was not so easy, so forgive me for being so...
SLOANE: No,no, no, not at all. So, we have two hundred thousand dollars in cash, waiting for you.
SLOANE: You're welcome. It's yours, as soon as you tell us and we confirm, the location of the plant.
KELVIN/SCHILLER: Plant? Which plant?
SLOANE: Where the prototypes are being made. The vaccine inhaler. You do know the location of the plant?
KELVIN/SCHILLER: You see, I didn't get the information about any prototypes. I was never privileged to such information.
SLOANE: I have reason to believe you were. So, why don't you think about it? Why don't you think about everything?
(He walks out.)
(Outside the room, Dixon sits at a computer. Sloane approaches. Dixon turns.)
DIXON: How's Schiller?
SLOANE: I want to talk to you about your report.
DIXON: Is something wrong?
SLOANE: You wrote that Sydney changed the pick up from Einsetzung to the rear exit.
DIXON: I met them on Koenig Strasse.
SLOANE: Was this decided upon before the extraction?
DIXON: During.
DIXON: She thought someone was following her.
SLOANE: Did you see someone following her?
DIXON: No, but I was outside the whole time.
SLOANE: I see.
DIXON: If Sydney said there was someone following her, there was someone following her.
(The party. Sydney, dressed up as Alice in Wonderland, walks up to Francie -- dressed up as a cheerleader -- and Will -- dressed up as Richard Nixon -- who are dancing with a little boy.)
SYDNEY: Hey, Kenny!
(Doorbell rings. Sydney takes the pail of candy, and answers. Dixon, his wife Diane, and two kids in costumes stand there.)
KIDS: Trick or treat!
SYDNEY: Hey, guys! There's more candy in there. Come on in!
DIANE: Good to see you.
SYDNEY: Good to see you.
DIXON: Syd, can I talk to you for a second?
(They go in anothe room, close the door.)
SYDNEY: What's up?
DIXON: Syd, we've been working together a lot of years. I trust you. I trust you, and I love you.
SYDNEY: I know.
DIXON: So, if somethng's up, you'd tell me.
SYDNEY: What are you talking about?
DIXON: Sloane is asking about Berlin. He thinks someone might have gotten to Schiller. He thinks he might be a plant. He wanted to know why you had me change the pick up to Koenig Strasse.
SYDNEY: I told you, I thought I was being followed.
DIXON: Syd, is there something I should know?
(Dixon almost smiles in relief, and nods as if he knew Sydney wouldn't keep things from him.)
DIXON: Listen, uh, Sloane says there's a prototype -- an inhaler for the vaccine. He wnats us to go get it, but Schiller won't give up the location, which makes no sense. That man should know where it is, and has everything to lose by not telling us.
SYDNEY: What's going to happen to him?
DIXON: Oh, I think Schiller is in trouble, but, Syd, I think you are, too.
(At the food and drinks, Francie stands, alone. Looking sad. Will walks up to her and takes off his Nixon mask, takes a bowl of snacks.)
WILL: Okay, now, here's my question. Who eats this crap? I mean, it's like Marzipan, but it's worse. If it's a question between this or, like, dirt, I would be all over the dirt.
FRANCIE: Would you shut up about the candy corn?
WILL: Okay. You're bummed the kid came, and Charlie didn't.
WILL: What? You gave me some advice, and I took it. Now it's my turn to give you some.
FRANCIE: What advice did I give you?
WILL: About the Kate Jones thing. I'm giving it up, you're right. It can only end badly. So, it's my turn to give you some. You love Charlie. You don't want to lose him, so don't be an idiot, okay? You got to talk to him, and don't deny it. Don't wait. Don't piss me off. That's exactly what I did when I first met Sydney, okay? So, use me as a cautionary tale and call Charlie.
(He gives her the phone. She takes it, and kisses him on the cheek. His cell phone rings.)
WILL: Yeah. Will Tippin.
VOICE: Hi, this is Kate Jones. You called me?
WILL: Yeah. Um, yeah. Did you know a guy named Daniel Hecht?
VOICE: Yes... I did. Very well.
(At the C.I.A. safehouse, Sydney bursts in the backroom. Weiss and Vaughn are there.)
SYDNEY: You can't go to Langley!
VAUGHN: What are you talking about? The plane leaves in an hour.
SYDNEY: Kelvin could be d*ad by then. Sloane's looking for more than just the password. Information Schiller would have. I mean, this could be it. If this goes badly, they'll know I'm a double.
VAUGHN: So, what the hell are we going to do?
SYDNEY: That's why I came here. I need to talk to Schiller right now.
(She enters the room. Schiller looks up.)
(Outside, she walks up to a parked car where Mr. Bristow sits.)
SYDNEY: I wouldn't have called unless I had no choice.
MR. BRISTOW: It's all right. What is it?
SYDNEY: There's a C.I.A. officer named Paul Kevlin--
MR. BRISTOW: Yes, I know about Berlin. Paul's a friend.
SYDNEY: Then you should know his life's in danger. He's in custody, and Sloane wants intel Kevlin doesn't have. I have the information Kevlin needs, but I can't get it to him. Sloane's already too suspicious of me, but since he trusts you...
MR. BRISTOW: Sloane put a call in to me. That must be why.
SYDNEY: Why would he call you?
(SD-6. Mr. Bristow walks to Sloane's office.)
MR. BRISTOW: (voice over) He finds me useful in difficult situations.
(He enters the office.)
MR. BRISTOW: I'm surprised you're not home with Emily.
SLOANE: I would be, but we have a problem.
SLOANE: Schiller won't talk. I don't trust that man, so I want proof.
SLOANE: That he's telling us everything. That he is who he says he is.
MR. BRISTOW: I understand.
(At the safehouse, Sydney and Schiller.)
SYDNEY: Arvin Sloane is not affiliated with the United States government. He is just a man who used me... the same as he was going to use you.
(Sloane watches via video, Jack enter the interrogation room and see his friend. Kelvin stands, looking at Jack in recognition. Jack punches him.)
SYDNEY: He made me think I was giving myself to God and country, but it was all a lie... a lie that cost my fiance his life. If I go back to SD-6 without the location of that plant, they will take the life of another innocent man.
(Interrogation room. Jack throws Paul up against the wall.)
(Jack throws him against another wall.)
MR. BRISTOW: I need to prove you're Schiller, and I'm SD-6. Paul, I have to hurt you.
(At the safehouse.)
SYDNEY: There's only one person who can stop that, and I'm talking to him right now. Mr. Schiller... please.
SCHILLER: It's Badenweiler. The plant is in Badenweiler.
(Mr. Bristow throws Kevlin/Schiller up on a table, twisting his arm back.)
MR. BRISTOW: The plant is located in Badenweiler, near the Black Forest.
(He breaks Kevlin's arm. Sound of a bone cracking.)
KEVLIN/SCHILLER: AAAAH! Badenweiler! It's in Badenweiler!
(SD-6. Meeting.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Sloane called us in this morning. Our mission is to go to Badenweiler tonight, steal the vaccine inhaler and blow up the plant. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Sit in these meetings with Sloane. Look at him as if I don't despise him, as if I don't want to leap across the table and use the skills I've learned, against him. So, what the hell do I do next? What's my counter mission?
(Gas bar. Sydney climbs out. Next to her car is Vaughn, filling up his own car.)
SYDNEY: He practically apologized.
VAUGHN: Sloane did?
SYDNEY: For thinking maybe I'd mailied him the wrong guy. Imagine that.
VAUGHN: And your reward for a job well done is destroying the Badenweiler plant.
SYDNEY: Sloane says Hensel's producing supplies for a n*zi t*rror1st faction.
VAUGHN: That is such a load. Sloane wants the vaccine tech.
SYDNEY: Why? He thinks he has the formula already.
VAUGHN: It took Hensel five years to go form formula to prototype. Sloane wants to skip that step.
SYDNEY: How's Kelvin?
VAUGHN: Home with his family. Arm in a cast. He'll be fine.
SYDNEY: What about Schiller?
VAUGHN: On his way to the midwest somewhere with two hundred grand of Sloane's money in his pocket. Of all of us, I'd say he's the luckiest.
SYDNEY: That's for sure. What's my counter?
VAUGHN: All right. You'll break into the building as planned. Now, while Dixon sets the expl*sives, you'll retrieve the inhaler and rendez-vous with the C.I.A. team, which will already be inside the building. They will switch the inhaler. By this time, Dixon should have exited the building. You'll disable the expl*sive while the C.I.A. team searches the rest of the lab's main computer system.
SYDNEY: So, what, you're just going to steal their files?
VAUGHN: This isn't sanctioned research, and based on this vaccine, Langley wants to know what else Hensel's up to.
SYDNEY: So, I get out with the switched inhalers. Dixon tries to blow the charge.
VAUGHN: Nothing happens.
SYDNEY: By this time, security's on their way and we can't get back in.
VAUGHN: That's the plan.
(Sydney appears to be deep in thought.)
VAUGHN: You all right?
SYDNEY: What do you know about case 332L? There's some missing pages in my father's personnel file, and references to case 332L.
VAUGHN: And Agent Calder.
SYDNEY: You read that, too.
VAUGHN: Yeah. Actually, it sparked my curiousity, too. I went to Records to retrieve the case file, but it was missing. There's no record of it anywhere. There's one more thing. Calder wasn't C.I.A., he was F.B.I.
SYDNEY: Why would the F.B.I. be working with my father?
VAUGHN: They wouldn't.
SYDNEY: Unless they suspected him of selling secrets.
(Vaughn looks down, silently confirming.)
(Newspaper. Will is on a landline phone in an office, packing his things, getting ready to leave.)
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I'm going to Hancock Park Home Association's meeting. No, no, after county records. Yeah. Wait, you know what? I'm on my cell. (fakes phone problems) I... an't... you're... aking... up... an't... ear...
(He hangs up. His cell phone rings as he walks out of the office.)
WILL: Yeah. Will Tippin. Hey, Scourza. What's up, man? Um, no, I didn't get a fax. (checks the fax machine) Are you sure it was Kate Jones? Yeah. Where was she headed? Sao Paulo? Her social security number, yeah, give me her social security number. (pause) What?
(Badenweiler. Sydney and Dixon climb over a wall, jump down. They walk to the plant together, both dressed in black from head to toe. They lift the cover of an entry way.)
DIXON: Let's go.
(Sydney jumps, then Dixon jumps. They land in between walls, and walk in, crawling under. Sydney climbs up a ladder with Dixon behind. They're now inside the lab. They run across a hallway, inside the lab. Dixon crouches down, unzips his back and takes out the expl*sive. Sydney changes the wires around so that the alarm goes off.)
SYDNEY: I'm going for the inhaler.
DIXON: I'll see you outside in ten.
(The alarms go off in the main room. People leave the room to find the problem. Sydney runs down a hall.)
(At a restaurant, Will sits.)
KATE JONES: Mr. Tippin?
WILL: (looks up) Yes.
KATE JONES: I'm Kate Jones.
(Will shakes hands with the attractive, young, blonde woman.)
(Sydney runs while the guards run to find the problem on the floor below her. She watches them leave, and looks. Dixon sets up the expl*sives in the lab. It starts to beep. Dixon leaves. He runs and climbs down the ladder, runs in between the walls, climbs out, successfully exiting the building. Sydney runs in the lab where the alarms are going off and where the people left from. She sees the cabinet full of inhalers. She opens the door and steals them all. She closes the door and runs out.)
(At the restaurant.)
WILL: Forgive me if I ask you anything that's too intrusive. That's just sort of my job.
KATE JONES: It's okay.
WILL: Can you start by telling me what your relationship was with Daniel Hecht?
(She doesn't answer.)
WILL: Miss Jones?
KATE JONES: Danny and I were having an affair.
(Will stares, shocked.)
(Sydney runs down some stairs, where four C.I.A. men wait.)
SYDNEY: Sorry I'm late.
C.I.A. MAN: Not at all. Let's see what you got.
(She gives them the inhalers.)
C.I.A. MAN: These are 45s? (she nods) I need three of them.
(The agent beside him hands them over.)
C.I.A. MAN: So, you're Bristow.
C.I.A. MAN: Vaughn's told me about you. He likes you.
C.I.A. MAN: Respects you.
(Sydney tries to stop herself from smiling. He gives her the inhalers.)
SYDNEY: I've got a b*mb to disengage.
C.I.A. MAN: Yeah, please. We'd appreciate it. Be about ten more minutes. Good luck.
SYDNEY: Thanks!
(She runs back upstairs.)
(The restaurant.)
KATE JONES: I twisted my ankle, and went to university hospital. Danny treated me. And he asked me out.
WILL: Danny asked you out.
KATE JONES: Yeah. I knew that he had been seeing someone, but I wasn't really thinking so much about her.
(Sydney scrambles her way to the b*mb that Dixon just set up. Outside, Dixon waits nervously. He looks around, then at his watch.)
DIXON: Syd, come on!
(Inside, she successfully disengages the b*mb and runs out. The C.I.A. men work in the computer lab, taking pictures.)
(At the restaurant.)
KATE JONES: We had talked about going to Hong Kong, but at the last minute, he just broke it off. That's all it was, really. I guess it was one of those relationships that just kind of happen, until they don't.
WILL: (seething) I see.
KATE JONES: Is there anything else that you want to know?
WILL: Yeah, actually, there is one more thing. I have a contact who tracked your credit card from another one of your flights out of L.A.X. From that, they got your social security number. I did a trace on it. See, here's what doesn't make any sense, Kate Jones... you DIED in 1973.
(She looks suddenly upset.)
KATE JONES: I have to go.
(She gets up and walks out.)
(Outside the plant, Sydney runs up to Dixon in the bushes.)
SYDNEY: Got them.
DIXON: Is everyone out of the building?
SYDNEY: We're good.
(Dixon hits the detonator, but nothing happens. He tries again... nothing.)
SYDNEY: Come on, we've got to go.
(Dixon doesn't move.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, we don't have time to go back. Dixon, what are you doing?
(He takes out a second device from his bag.)
DIXON: I brought a secondary detonator, in case there was a frequency jam like in Peru, remember? Did you get the inhalers?
(Inside the plant...)
C.I.A. MAN: You good to go?
(Outside, Dixon hits the button, and the plant explodes. The C.I.A. men, the intel they found, the inhalers... are blown up. Sydney stares, horrified. Bits of the expl*si*n h*t them.)
DIXON: All right, let's go.
(He's casual about it, but Sydney stays.)
DIXON: Sydney? We've got to run. Sydney! We've got to move! NOW! Sydney! | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x05 - Doppelganger"} | foreverdreaming |
"Reckoning" episode #1.06
(Continuing from last week's episode. Badenweiler. Dixon stands, Sydney kneels in the bushes, staring at the building that just exploded, horrified.)
DIXON: Sydney, we've got to run! Sydney, we've got to move! Sydney, we've got to move, now! What's the matter, are you hurt?
(Three guards run to them, speaking in German.)
DIXON: Let's go! RUN!
(Dixon and Sydney take off, and the chase is on. They run through the trees, the three guards behind them.)
DIXON: Go, go, go, go! GO!
(The guards begin sh**ting. Sydney's running, tears streaming down her cheeks.)
DIXON: Don't stop!
(More g*n. Dixon stops running and hides behind a tree. Sydney keeps running and jumps behind a fallen tree, laying on the ground. Wracked with tears and guilt, she stays there, hiding. One of the guards with a flashlight in hand comes closer. Suddenly, Dixon takes him and kicks him. Punches him. In the background, Dixon and the guard grunt and punch, Sydney sits there in almost a catatonic state, crying. Dixon punches the guard one last time, and he falls.)
DIXON: Come on, Sydney. We've got to go.
(In the self-storage facility, Vaughn and Sydney meet.)
SYDNEY: I couldn't move. Dixon had to drag me to my feet, just to get to the van. When he asked me what was wrong, why I had just frozen... I made up something about having a flashback to Danny.
VAUGHN: You did everything you could.
SYDNEY: I was supposed to stop the detonation. I didn't. And because of that, four C.I.A. agents were k*lled.
VAUGHN: You had no way of knowing Dixon had a second trigger. There was nothing you could do.
SYDNEY: I could've told him the truth. Dixon needs to know who he's really working for.
VAUGHN: Sydney--
SYDNEY: I know, I can't pu his family at risk.
VAUGHN: Or yourself.
SYDNEY: I know all of that, but it's the right thing to do. Those men died for no reason.
VAUGHN: No. Those men died for their country.
(Sydney looks away, turning her back to him.)
SYDNEY: Sydney, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
(At Sydney's house, she sits in front of the coffee table, going through pictures. Candles are lit. She gingerly picks a framed picture up. It's of her mother. She smiles sadly. The door opens, and Francie enters.)
SYDNEY: You worked late.
FRANCIE: Bar association dinner. One of the lawyers wnated to sue me because his chicken was undercooked. Can you believe that -- an obnoxious lawyer?
SYDNEY: What about your obnoxious lawyer? Have you talked to him?
FRANCIE: I'm meeting Charlie for lunch this week.
SYDNEY: That's good.
FRANCIE: Syd, he's going to break up with me.
SYDNEY: Did he say that? He didn't say that.
FRANCIE: He didn't have to. He was sneaking around on me. He was with that girl, Rachel. And there's stuff he's doing that he can't tell me about? Please.
SYDNEY: I don't think he'd be meeting with you just to break up with you. Guys don't do that. If they want to end things, they just vanish. Right?
(Francie spots the picture of Mrs. Bristow that Sydney was looking at.)
FRANCIE: Your mom was so pretty.
SYDNEY: Yeah, she was. Thanks.
FRANCIE: I got to go change. I feel a binge coming on.
(Sydney smiles at her.)
FRANCIE: Hey, how was your trip?
SYDNEY: Oh. Not good. I was working with these people who... they were terminated.
FRANCIE: Oh, man. The economy sucks.
(Later, in bed, Sydney reads. The phone rings beside her; she answers.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
HELEN: This is Helen Calder, you left me a message? Something about my husband having worked with your father?
(The next day, Sydney is meeting with Mrs. Calder at her house. They drink tea.)
SYDNEY: I know that your husband worked with the F.B.I. and that his job was to investigate C.I.A. agents that were suspected of spying for Russia. My dad was one of the agents that your husband investigated. I know that much. Did he ever mention the name Jack Bristow?
HELEN: I'm sorry. Bentley didn't talk much about his work.
(Sydney looks up and sees a picture on the mantle of a smiling man.)
SYDNEY: He looks kind.
HELEN: Oh, he is.
SYDNEY: I thought Bentley was d*ad?
HELEN: Oh, oh, dear, no. That isn't Bentley. That's my boyfriend, Gary.
(Sydney smiles sheepishly. Mrs. Calder gets up and moves to the drawer of a cabinet, gets out a framed picture. She shows Sydney.)
HELEN: This is Bentley. He wasn't so nice.
(Sydney looks shocked as she holds the picture.)
SYDNEY: When did Bentley pass away?
HELEN: 1981, in a car accident.
(The breath catches in Sydney's throat.)
SYDNEY: Do you have a copy of this?
HELEN: I think so.
(At Sydney's house, she enters and runs to her bedroom. She finds a hat box on one of her shelves, and puts it on her bed. Frantically, she rips off the lid and starts flying through the gathered pictures and little pieces of paper. Finally, she finds purchase -- a newspaper clipping. The headline reads "Two Die In Icy Collision." There's a picture of Bentley, and a picture of Sydney's mother. Not believing it, and needing confirmation without a doubt in her mind, Sydney grabs her purse and takes the picture of Bentley Calder that she got from Helen. She holds the picture from Helen up to the newspaper. It's the same man. Bentley Calder, the agent that was investigating her father, died in the same car accident as her mother.)
(Self-storage facility.)
SYDNEY: For the last twenty yers, I thought I knew how my mom died. She and my dad had been out at the movies, tehyw ere coming home late and a man -- some postal worker -- was driving, coming from the other direction. The police said alcohol wasn't a factor. This man must've lalen asleep. His car drifted over the white line. My dad swerved, and they went of the Canyon Creek bridge. I always told myself that my mom didn't have time to know what was happening. Now I know that Calder was hunting down a KGB agent -- myf ather. So what happened that night was no accident. Calder was probably chasing them, they probably lost control and the cars crashed. Whatever it was, it brings me back to the same conclusion. If my father hadn't been a double agent, my mom would still be alive today. I'm sorry to lay all this on you, it's just that I have no one to talk to about this.
VAUGHN: It's okay.
SYDNEY: I want to report him.
SYDNEY: I want to turn him in.
VAUGHN: For what? For being under suspicion twenty years ago? The Agency knows that.
SYDNEY: What about the file -- the one you pulled for me? There were pages missing. Maybe it didn't end twenty years ago, maybe he's still working for Russia!
VAUGHN: Stop. Okay? Stop. What matters, what is important, is taking down SD-6. Jack -- your father -- is helping us do that!
SYDNEY: So, you're suggesting, once again, that I do nothing?
VAUGHN: Not about this! We have too much work to do, and your relationship with him--
SYDNEY: I wasn't supposed to do anything about Dixon, either. Let me ask you this -- is anything EVER unacceptable to you?!
VAUGHN: I understand that we're talking about your dad here, and that if he did sell secrets, or is selling secrets, that would be hard.
SYDNEY: I would hope that would be hard on you, too!
VAUGHN: Before you do anything, let me find out if he's under suspicion, if he's being tracked. Just give me two days, all right?
(University campus. Francie and Charlie sit on a bench together.)
FRANCIE: I get it. You wanted to do it in person, but instead of coming right out with it, you're making all kinds of small talk. Which I think is really pathetic.
CHARLIE: Francie--
FRANCIE: I've always supported you, no matter what. And the ide athat you would sneak around behind my back and lie to me about it, is just the worst part. I can't--
CHARLIE: Francie--
FRANCIE: After all that we have been through.
CHARLIE: I want to be a singer.
FRANCIE: A singer.
CHARLIE: I wasn't going to say anything until I had everything set up. That woman -- Rachel -- she plays piano. When you saw us that night, we were rehearsing. We have our first gig this Friday night.
(He gives her tickets.)
FRANCIE: A singer?
CHARLIE: Sweetheart, I'm sorry I wasn't up-front about this before, but being a lawyer, it's been my goal -- my family's goal -- forever, and the thought of me doing something else... I've been wanting to do something else. Fran, I've been to afraid to admit that.
FRANCIE: You're not breaking up with me?
CHARLIE: Are you kidding? You're my baby.
(They kiss.)
(Will's newspaper office. He walks down the hall, talking on his cell.)
WILL: Charlie singing? I wouldn't miss it.
(He pats someone on the back with a newspaper.)
GUY: Hey, Will.
WILL: (keeps walking) Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will be there. Yes. Yes. Best behavior, I got it.
(He's at his desk, and sees Jenny sitting in his chair behind it. He hangs up.)
WILL: Get off my chair.
JENNY: How's Sydney? That was Sydney, right?
WILL: Okay, you got to stop doing that. Anybody call when I was out?
JENNY: Yep. A guy from the DMV. He ran the license plate you copied off of Kate Jones' car.
WILL: The woman pretending to be Kate Jones. According to her social security number, the real Kate Jones died in 1973.
(He dials the phone.)
WILL: Hello, Hank? Hello, it's Will. Hey, you come up with anything? Did that match the license plate number for 663, Sam, Tango, Frank? Oh, you're the best. Bye. (hangs up) Okay...
(He writes on a pad of paper. Jenny reads over his shoulder.)
JENNY: "Eloise Kurtz."
WILL: Eloise Kurtz is living proof that someone's covering up Danny's m*rder. And she was definitely lying about having an affair with him. 223 Whitley Place, Hollywood.
(Credit Dauphine. Sydney walks in the white room, it illuminates red. Inside, she walks in between the phone banks. Sloane approaches.)
SLOANE: Good work in Germany, Sydney. The inhaler prototype's safely in Analysis. The Badenweiler factory was demolished without any casualties.
SYDNEY: Thanks. Dixon deserves the credit. Not me.
(They walk into a meeting room. Jack, Marshall, Dixon, Sloane, Sydney.)
SLOANE: Jack will no longer be working out of Jennings Aerospace. His assignment there is complete. As of today, he will be working here with a cover as portfolio manager for Credit Dauphine. This way, he can more actively participate in the planning and execution of missions.
(Everyone expects a reaction from Sydney.)
SYDNEY: (forced smile) Good.
MR. BRISTOW: Two months ago, FTL vacated their forward base at Roubaix and their support station at Chaniers. All the heavy equipment was moved, including the T-47s. At the time, recovery team found this at Robaix.
(He passes a greeting card over to Sydney. The front has a big yellow smiley face. She opens it. A MIDI-type jingle plays and inside the card says "Happy Birthday!".)
MR. BRISTOW: Last week, we learned that FTL also abandoned their transfer facility at Kenilwork. Our recovery team did a sweep, they returned with this.
(He passes another card down. It's the same as the one before. Dixon opens one, hears the jingle, and immediately closes it.)
DIXON: Is the ink encoded?
(Marshall's eating something, quite loudly.)
MARSHALL: Oh, that was my first thought as well. (b*at) You want some fritter? It's apple.
(He holds out the fritter to Dixon.)
SLOANE: Analysis studied the music sample. They foudn an identical pattern of numbers buried in the higher frequencies. It's not noise. It is where they hide the code.
SYDNEY: Have we deciphered it?
(He clicks a remote, a picture of a large ship pops up.)
SLOANE: "Barrage" -- it's a converted salvage tug. FTL uses it as a floating lab. w*apon design, data storage, crypto. An SD-6 commando team stormed the ship last night as it was passing through the Panama Canal. They brought back this.
(He clicks a button, something else comes up. Drawings.)
SYDNEY: What is it?
MR. BRISTOW: FTL's latest code machine. Without this device, we're unable to read any of their communications.
DIXON: How does it work?
MARSHALL: Very well. Heh. Uh, we don't--we don't know yet.
SLOANE: The team gathered what they could. Unfortunately, there was a self-destruct on the ship. Needless to say, they left fairly quickly.
MR. BRISTOW: From what they gathered, only eight of these decoders have been produced. One of them is currently in the possession of this man.
(A picture of the man in question pops up.)
SLOANE: John Smythe... owner of the Hobbes End photo gallery in London. He's also an FTL operative. One of the code machines is being held in the gallery, awaiting pickup next Tuesday. You leave for London tonight.
MR. BRISTOW: We want to find out where FTL relocated, and what they're up to. Your job is to bring back the encoding machine.
(Sydney is leaving. The door to the white room opens. Mr. Bristow is following her.)
MR. BRISTOW: I would have told you about the realignment, but you were in Badenweiler. (lower voice) I heard about what happened. It's tragic.
SYDNEY: I know about you! That you were hunted by the F.B.I.! And I know that mom died because they went after you.
MR. BRISTOW: Sydney...
SYDNEY: Every time I think I know just how awful you are, I learn something worse.
(She gets inside the elevator.)
SYDNEY: But this time, I'm going to make sure you pay.
(The doors close.)
(Golf driving range. Vaughn walks up, holding a container of balls. He walks up beside Sydney, puts a small box down. She tkes it, opens it. It's a child's plastic bug that little kids use to frighten people.)
SYDNEY: What's this?
VAUGHN: A bug.
SYDNEY: What are you, twelve-years-old?
VAUGHN: No, a bug. We didn't know about Smythe.
SYDNEY: After we get the code machine, they'll scan for listening devices.
VAUGHN: Technology on this thing is totally passive. The guys at Langley actually cribbed the design from a Russian device they pulled from the American embassy. The thing only works when we h*t it with a microwave beam off an orbital satellite. Then it acts as a microphone. It's completely undetectable.
SYDNEY: And if they find it, they'll just think it's a bug.
VAUGHN: Exactly.
SYDNEY: What about the code machine?
VAUGHN: Chances are, we won't have time to pull a switch, so deliver it to SD-6. When they break the code, they'll inform their affiliate offices through the computer network. Thanks to you, we're still downloading from their mainframe.
SYDNEY: How much have you gotten so far?
VAUGHN: Almost two per cent.
SYDNEY: In all this time, that's all you got?
VAUGHN: If we take too much, too quickly, they'll notice the leak. But we're patient. We can get all their internal files and then we can do some real damage.
VAUGHN: Oh, I checked around about your dad. He's clena. No internal investigations that--
SYDNEY: I told him.
VAUGHN: Told him what?
SYDNEY: That I know everything -- about Calder, his spying for the KGB, the accident.
VAUGHN: Damn it! I told you not to say anything.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, but I don't care. If you'd been in my position, you probably wouldn't have been able to control yourself, either.
VAUGHN: You're just going to have to learn how to do that.
SYDNEY: Don't lecture me about my father. Because of the spy trade, my mother is d*ad. You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to have a parent die that way.
(Vaughn's silent. He looks down.)
VAUGHN: There's a book back at Langley. They keep it locked up under glass, and behind it is a marble wall with stars carved in it. It's a memorial to the agents the company lost in action. Families are never told how they died, or even where. Only that they won't be coming home. I was eight when my father became one of those stars. At the funeral, there's a protocol the Agency representative has to follow. What to say, whose hands to shake. You're admonished -- that is actually the word they used, "admonished" -- not to be conspiculously emotional.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I'm so sorry...
VAUGHN: The agents that died in Badenweiler. I've been asked to represent the Agency at their funearls.
(He casually, distractedly, hits one of the golf balls.)
(In an apartment building, Will wlaks donw the hallway. He finds apartment 2 and knocks.)
WILL: Delivery. Got a package for Eloise Kurtz.
(She opens the door.)
WILL: I just need five minutes.
KATE/ELOISE: How did you know my name?
WILL: I won't use it, if that's what you're afraid of.
KATE/ELOISE: Just leave me alone! I don't know anything!
WILL: See, it's people woh say that that always know much more than they think they do. Do you know how they kiled him? Danny Hecht? They broke into his apartment, and they sh*t him in his bathtub!
KATE/ELOISE: I don't know anything!
WILL: It was three b*ll*ts. It was two here (gestures) and one straight through the heart.
(Eloise/Kate Jones moves into her apartment and gets her purse.)
KATE/ELOISE: I'm warning you!
WILL: Come on, I just want five minutes.
KATE/ELOISE: Okay, I have pepper spray!
(She sprays it in his eyes. Will falls back in the hallway, clutching his face.)
WILL: OWWW! Oh, God, my eyes!
KATE/ELOISE: I told you! Okay, I warned you! Now, just go away!
WILL: My eyes... okay!
(She slams the door.)
(London. Inside the art gallery, dance music plays. Sydney and Dixon are there, in disguise.)
SYDNEY: You ready?
(He nods.)
SYDNEY: It should take me about twenty seconds to get down the hall.
(Sydney makes her way over to the exit where a guard stands. She eats something off of a tray a waiter holds. Dixon, looking at the pieces, takes out a cigar and lights up. People stare, once they smell the smoke. A man gestures to the guard. The guard goes to Dixon. While he's away, Sydney slips past the railing and goes down the hall.)
OFFICIAL: Excuse me, sir. Hello. Actually, this is a non-smoking gallery.
DIXON: (French accent) Not anymore.
OFFICIAL: Well, I'm afraid if you don't put that thing out, we're going to have to escort yu out the door.
DIXON: What kind of a deal you think I can get if I take the entire collection?
OFFICIAL: I'll go call the owner.
(Down the hall, Sydney walks down the hall. Around the corner is the office. Smythe is inside. The phone rings.)
SMYTHE: Yeah? I'll be right there.
(He hangs up. On his way out, he hits the numbers for the alarm to set. The motion sensor arms. He leaves. He walks past Sydney who was hiding around the corner in the otherwise deserted hallway. She throws her purse and it stops the door from closing, wedging itself between the door and the wall. She enters the office, picking up her purse. She sees the motion senor arming. She takes a hat off of the desk and throws it on top of the motion sensor alarm, enabling her to move without setting it off. She looks around, and puts on her green sunglasses that match her lime green dress. She sees where the vault is hidden behind the wall with the x-ray glasses and takes off her watch.)
(Smythe, Official, and Dixon walk around.)
SMYTHE: Chester Conlon is an award winning artist.
DIXON: It is almost Keeferesque.
SMYTHE: I said the same thing.
(A man coughs from the cigar smoke.)
DIXON: This bothering you, by the way?
SMYTHE: Not at all.
(Sydney has her watch strapped onto the vault's door. As she moves the dial, the watch will beep twice whenever she comes to the right digit. It beeps, she turns the dial for the other number. It beeps. She opens the vault and finds the code machine, puts it in her green purse. She closes the vault door and tkes her watch, puts it back on. She finds the plastic bug that was hidden in between her breasts and sticks it under the counter in the office. Just then, the hat falls off of the motion sensor and she moves -- the alarm goes off.)
(Inside the gallery...)
DIXON: I'm tempted, but I don't know.
SMYTHE: Sir, I've already offered to come down ten per cent.
DIXON: Ten per cent is not twenty per cent.
(Dixon spots the guard over Smythe's shoulder getting notified of the alarm going off.)
(Sydney is walking down the hall, out of the office. She hears someone coming closer. She panicks, and goes back to the office. She tries opening the door but the door is locked. She has nowhere to go. The guard comes around the corner... Sydney isn't there. She's in the open ceiling, straddling a pipe above the guard's head. He looks around, goes to the office door to open it. Suddenly, steam starts bl*wing through the pipes. Sydney's mouth is gaping open -- she touches the pipe, and a sign that says "Extreme Heat -- Danger of Scalding" is shown. She holds herself up above the pipe, wincing in pain as the pipe she's laying her body on top of, gets hotter. The guard drops the keys, tries again. He goes inside. Sydney winces, trying not to yell out in pain. Metal clanks. The man hears it, and goes to see what that was. He moves down the hallway. Sydney climbs over to the other pipes parallel to her, swings over the one smaller pipe that is not scalding hot with her green purse in her mouth. She moves like a gymnast. The guard comes back, goes inside the office. She hangs down off the pipe, and runs.)
(Inside the gallery.)
SMYTHE: I'll eat the tax, but that is it.
(Sydney walks over to them.)
SYDNEY: (French accent) Cherie, I think I prefer the Lamborghini.
DIXON: You are the birthday girl. (turning to Smythe) Could you do something with this?
(He gives the cigar to Smythe; Dixon and Sydney walk out together.)
(Los Angeles. Sydney sits on her bed, dressed for work. Francie stands in front of the full length mirror, trying on a top that would go over her t*nk.)
FRANCIE: He doesn't sing in the car. He doesn't sing in the shower. He doesn't even sing at the national anthem at baseball games. I mean, he doesn't even hum.
SYDNEY: (re: the top) To, like, "I'm with the band." Kind of.
FRANCIE: If he had a good voice, he would have used it somewhere once. I would have heard it. You're going to be there, right? I mean, I need you there.
SYDNEY: Of course I'm going to be there.
FRANCIE: When he's not -- if he's not good -- he's going to be so devastated. You know that.
SYDNEY: Or it could be the start of something great.
(She gets up, walking out.)
SYDNEY: Raid my closet!
FRANCIE: Thanks, but, I got boobs.
(At the club, Francie, Sydney, Will and Amy sit. Charlie and Rachel stand in front of them.)
RACHEL: Hi, I'm Rachel.
RACHEL: Charlie has told me so much about you.
FRANCIE: Really?
RACHEL: Going for your MBA, best cook ever. You're like this mythic person.
FRANCIE: Okay, I like her!
CHARLIE: This is Will.
WILL: You know anything about me?
CHARLIE: And Sydney.
WILL: (gestures) This is my sister, Amy.
AMY: Hi.
(Will's cell phone rings.)
WILL: Will Tippin.
VOICE: It's Eloise Kurtz.
WILL: Sorry, I can't hear you. Hold on.
(He moves away so the others won't hear, namely Sydney.)
SYDNEY: This is so exciting!
CHARLIE: A little terrifying.
RACHEL: We've got to get ready.
FRANCIE: You guys are going to be great.
(They walk away. Francie turns to Sydney.)
FRANCIE: This is going to be a disaster.
SYDNEY: Stop it!
(At another corner of the bar, Will talks in his cell phone.)
KATE/ELOISE: Are you all right?
WILL: You mean can I see again?
KATE/ELOISE: I feel horrible.
WILL: No, it's okay. I was wearing my glasses.
KATE/ELOISE: I'm really not a bad person.
WILL: No, I never said you were a bad person. You just got to tell me. Help me out here, please.
KATE/ELOISE: They gave me two thousand dollars cash to say that I was having an affair with Danny Hecht.
WILL: Well, who did? Who gave you the money?
KATE/ELOISE: I was in between jobs, my car was broken. It's still broken. Anybody in my position would have done the same thing.
WILL: Can I buy you a cup of coffee, huh? Meet you in person?
KATE/ELOISE: Why don't you come by my apartment tomorrow afternoon?
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about three o'clock? I have a great car mechanic, if you need one, too.
(In her apartment, Eloise stares straight ahead, listening to all the commotion at the bar, depressed and afraid that maybe her life is in danger. That she might not ever hear all that again.)
WILL: Hello? Hello?
KATE/ELOISE: Yeah, I'm here...
WILL: Listen, everything's going to be okay.
(She hangs up. Applause. Charlie takes the stage. Will moves over to the bar with Sydney, Francie and Amy.)
WILL: (to Sydney) It was a fact-checker. How's Francie?
SYDNEY: A wreck.
(The microphone whines with feedback. Charlie stands in the back, looking really nervous. Everyone is quiet. Francie looks scared for him. Charlie doesn't move.)
(Sydney shouts this while pumping her fist in the air. Everyone laughs, including Sydney. Charlie smiles, the nervous tension effectively broken. He moves to the microphone. Rachel starts playing on the keyboard. Francie closes her eyes, maybe the song has special meaning?)
CHARLIE: (singing) When the road gets dark, and you can no longer see. Just let my love throw a spark. And have a little faith in me.
(Francie looks blown away at his talent.)
CHARLIE: (singing) When the tears you cry are all you can believe. Just give these loving arms a try, and have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me...
(Francie is beaming with pride.)
FRANCIE: That's my boyfriend.
CHARLIE: (singing) Have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me.
(Perhaps the next day or Monday, Sydney walks into SD-6, slow motion.)
CHARLIE: (voice over, singing) When your secret heart cannot speak so easily... come here, darlin', from a whisper start. To have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me.
(She puts her things down at her desk. Starts to take off her coat. Dixon comes up behind her and takes it off of her. She brightly smiles at him.)
CHARLIE: (voice over, singing) Have a little faith in me, have a little faith in me. Have a little faith in me...
(In a meeting with Sydney, Marshall, Sloane, Dixon and Mr. Bristow. Sydney puts her thumb on the coding machine she stole from the gallery. It makes a noise.)
SYDNEY: It tickles. What just happened?
MARSHALL: It took a piece of your thumb. A speck. A cell. And this is, like, true genius. It created a code based on your DNA.
SLOANE: That's how the code from those greeting cards worked. The encoding was DNA based.
SYDNEY: Whose?
MR. BRISTOW: We know he was the recepient of one of the cards. (A picture comes up.) Gareth Parkishoff, leader of the FTL cell in Rabat.
SLOANE: That's the good news. We know it's Parkishoff.
(Marshall types on his laptop, quickly and loudly.)
SLOANE: The bad news is Parkishoff is d*ad. We need a sample of his DNA, and we don't know where he's buried. Marshall. Marshall.
MARSHALL: (perplexed) The system's... a little sluggish.
SLOANE: Marshall, get Fisher.
(Marshall takes his laptop and runs out.)
SLOANE: Last month we received intel that Parkishoff was assassinated by Martin Shephard.
(A picture of Shephard comes up.)
MR. BRISTOW: Shephard's an interesting case. His subconscious is programmed to react to a simple phrase. Say it to him, and he'd do what you'd asked. Even k*ll. Say it again, and those acts would be erased from his conscious mind. He'd have no recollection of the acts he'd committed.
SLOANE: Now, we have known for some time what that phrase is.
(Sloane places a folder in front of Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Oh, it's by John Donne.
SLOANE: Right. And we want you to get close enough to Shephard, recite the poem, and get him to tell you where Parkishoff is buried.
SYDNEY: Where is he?
SLOANE: Shephard checked himself in a mental institution in Bucharest, southern Romania.
(Marshall and Fisher enter. Marshall goes to Sloane.)
MARSHALL: Umm, if you don't mind, there's something kind of weird going on with the computer network.
SLOANE: Marshall.
MARSHALL: There's kind of a bandwith leak...
SLOANE: Why don't you get me a report by the end of the day?
(Marshall leaves.)
SLOANE: Agent Fisher will be your support on this one. His alias is Dr. Carlos Fontanetta.
SYDNEY: Hello. Nice to meet you.
FISHER: Nice to meet you.
SLOANE: The Mangalov clinic is expecting Dr. Fontanetta to check a patient in the day after tomorrow. You are that patient.
(Sydney walks down a street outside Credit Dauphine. Mr. Bristow jogs up to her.)
MR. BRISTOW: Your handler's unavailable. Once you locate Parkishoff, he wants you to relay the coordinates--
SYDNEY: Vaughns' at a funeral. Four heroes who died because of people like you.
MR. BRISTOW: You are to relay the correct coordinates to SD-6. Once they have decoded the message, you are to inform--
SYDNEY: Go to hell!
MR. BRISTOW: (grabs her arm) People's lives are at stake! Your life!
(Sydney tries walking away.)
MR. BRISTOW: What you think you know, you don't know.
SYDNEY: Then explain it to me!
MR. BRISTOW: You don't have clearance.
SYDNEY: (furious) Clearance?
SYDNEY: To be told how my mother died.
MR. BRISTOW: There are rules, Sydney.
SYDNEY: Then you break them!
MR. BRISTOW: Just think about what you're saying. Acting cavalier about breaking the rules. Think about the last time you did something like that. I'm not a perfect man, I know that. But I am smart enough not to draw simple conclusions and then act upon them. I would think if anyone had learned that lesson, it would have been you.
(He walks away. Sydney looks like she's fighting back the urge to h*t him.)
(Romania. Maganlov clinic. It's dirty. The walls are covered in splatters on old, dingy paint. Sydney is being wheeled in a wheelchair down the hall by an orderly. A doctor -- Krushnik -- and Fisher walk with them.)
FISHER: Miss Dicamila is bipolar. We were doing some, uh, relief work up in the north when she suffered a psychotic break. She's suffering from auditory hallucinations. She thinks that her government wants to k*ll her.
(As they wheel her by, Sydney sees Shephard. They make eye contact.)
FISHER: Her previous doctor submitted her for some rather experimental treatment. Lithium substitutes, neurolinguistic reprogramming. All of which had no effect on her condition. I'm still trying to find her parents, but until then, I need a place for her.
(They come to a stop in front of Sydney's new room.)
DR. KRUSHNIK: Is she taking any antipsychotics?
FISHER: Olanzapine, twenty milligrams. QPM.
(The orderly unlocks the door. Sydney grunts, eyes wide, and flies into Fisher's arms, pretending to be her condition.)
FISHER: Shhh...
SYDNEY: Auuuhhhhh!
(The orderly takes her.)
SYDNEY: Aughhhh! UGH!
(He puts her in the dirty room. She claws at the doorframe, tries to get away.)
DR. KRUSHNIK: There are other institutions in Bucharest, how is it you honor us?
FISHER: Uh, the consulate. They directed me here.
(They lock the door on Sydney.)
DR. KRUSHNIK: This way. We'll get her admitted.
(Panting, Sydney stares. They walk away. She immediately stops the facade, and goes back to being Sydney. She stares in the hallway. A man screams in the distance.)
(Will walks in the hallway outside Eloise's apartment. He knocks on apartment two, but the door opens a little.)
WILL: Miss Kurtz? I'm coming in. Easy on the pepper spray.
(Will enters, looking around. The entire apartment is cleaned out. Everything's gone. She's gone. His lead is gone. He touches the wall. Fresh paint, still wet.)
(Funeral for one of the C.I.A. agents. An American flag is draped over the casket. Vaughn's eyes fall on a little blond eight-year-old boy, sitting down beside the grieving widow. Vaughn brings a medal to the widow. She takes it. Vaughn moves down to the little boy, who is crying softly. He kneels down, eye contact with him. The boy whimpers.)
VAUGHN: Your dad was a hero.
(The boy lunges at Vaughn, hugs him tight. Vaughn hugs him back.)
(In a room at Credit Dauphine, Marshall types. He sees a graph of what I'm assuming is download times and what files are being downloaded.)
MARSHALL: Oh, no. Oh, no.
(He stumbles out of the room, running. Outside, he runs into someone, goes up to Sloane.)
MARSHALL: That leak! The glitch! There's a worm! There's a hacker in our network! They're downloading all the files off the server!
(He runs into the main control room.)
MARSHALL: Got to cut the hard line!
(He flips a switch. The computers power down. "Internet connection lost" is the signal behind on the monitor. Marshall leans against the machine, gasping.)
(Sloane walks into his office, picks up a phone, dials.)
SLOANE: Hello, Allan. We need to meet. I think we have a mole.
(In the cafeteria at the institution, Sydney walks in line and gets a goopy mess on her tray. She sees Martin sitting alone at a table. She stares at him, sits down.)
(In the doctor's main office, Krushnik walks around where Fisher sits.)
KRUSHNIK: Sorry to keep you waiting.
FISHER: Oh, this is not a problem.
KRUSHNIK: Two more forms and her admission is complete.
(He sits down. Behind Fisher, a TV sits where it spots all the video camers. He watches.)
KRUSHNIK: By the way, while you were waiting, I called the consulate. Yes, I am speaking at the U.N. conference on refugees in New York next month. I called them about a visa. Naturally, I thinked them for having referred our institution and I was surprised to hear that they were unaware of any such recommendation.
(In the cafeteria, Martin stares at Sydney, panting.)
MARTIN: (whispering) Do I... know you?
SYDNEY: No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a peice of the continent.
(Martin jumps up and chokes her, throwing her against the table.)
MARTIN: Who... are... you?
(She punches him once. She goes to punch him again, but he grabs her fist, stopping her. He throws her down against the table where they were eating.)
MARTIN: Who... are... you?
(He chokes her.)
(The doctor's office.)
FISHER: Oh yes, of course. That is because the consulate referred me to the local health department. They made a recommendation.
KRUSHNIK: Well, that explains it.
(He sees the camera over Fisher's shoulder. He sees Sydney being choked.)
(Sydney is coughing. An orderly gets Martin off of Sydney. They stun him an electric prod and struggle with him, carrying him away.)
(They push him away. Sydney coughs, and gets up. Martin tears himself away from the orderlies, and tries to get at Sydney again. He's stunned again. An orderly takes Sydney away.)
ORDERLY: We know what you're doing, Miss Bristow.
(She tries kicking him. Two other men come and drag her away. She kicks in the air, trying to get away.)
(Agent Weiss walks down a hall in the C.I.A. office, reading something from a file folder. Another agent comes up to Weiss.)
AGENT: Hey, where's Vaughn?
WEISS: He's covering the funerals. Badenweiler? Why, did you finally get a date?
AGENT: You know that assignment Bristow's been sent to?
WEISS: Yeah.
AGENT: The doctor who's running the place -- Krushnik?
WEISS: Mmm-hmm.
AGENT: He's with K-Directorate.
(Weiss stops d*ad in his tracks.)
(Three orderlies take Sydney down some stairs, in a straight jacket. She speaks Romanian to them. She struggles. Grunting. She suddenly head bunts one guy, kicks the other two. They go down. She runs down the hallway with the jacket still on, goes around a corner, and ducks ina room. They run past her. Inside the room she's in, Sydney sees that a piece of the cage that covers the windows is broken. She puts her back to th window, backs in and the ledge of the broken cage unlatches the jacket as she moves down. Her arms are free. She takes the ties on the arms, stands on them, bends down, and pulls the jacket off. She stands up, completely free, and stops. She sees Fisher sitting in a chair -- she's in the office. His back is turned to her and he's not moving. Sydney moves closer to him.)
SYDNEY: Fisher?
(She inches closer, almost too scared to see. She hesitantly turns Fisher around, and sees that his throat is slit. He's d*ad. Blood covers his white shirt. Sydney gasps.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x06 - Reckoning"} | foreverdreaming |
"Color Blind" episode #1.07
(Sydney stares at Fisher's d*ad body. She looks around frantically, and runs out of the office. She runs down a hall, tries a door.)
(She turns to see an orderly headed her way. She runs down a hall, he's following right behind. Sydney goes into a room, closes the door behind her and runs for the back door. It's locked. She tries a window nearby, slams on it. The orderly enters. Advancing on him, Sydney gets into a fighting stance. He comes closer, tries hitting her. She hits him. He slams her knees with the shocking wand. Sydney falls to the ground, and on her back, kicks him in the chin/neck. The orderly stumbles back and she takes his keys, grabbing the wire/string on it, and tries strangling him with it. Another orderly comes in with a tranquilizer. Sydney holds the first orderly that she was strangling in front of her, the second orderly sh**t the first orderly with a dart instead of her. She drops him. Suddenly, Sydney arches up, in shock. She turns to see Dr. Kreshnik standing with a tranquilizer g*n behind her. She's sh*t in the back with a dart. Woozy, Sydney teeters from side to side and then falls in a heap on the floor.)
(SD-6, Sloane and Jack are in a meeting room together.)
SLOANE: Jack, I thought you should know Sydney and Fisher missed their scheduled contact. What are you thinking?
MR. BRISTOW: Worst case is they're not alone in there. Maybe someone posing as a patient, or a doctor.
SLOANE: Come on, Jack. Sydney's a smart kid, we've seen her through worse than this.
MR. BRISTOW: Maybe not.
SLOANE: Maybe not. But, I believe in her. I believe in her as if she were my own daughter.
(Mr. Bristow freezes. Sloane's saying this in a way that he's almost thr*at, getting his point across.)
MR. BRISTOW: That's nice to hear. (gets up) When's her next scheduled contact?
SLOANE: Ten hours. Then we'll know how hot the water is.
(Asylum. Sydney lays in a t*nk of water with electrodes on her head. Dr. Kreshnik and an orderly stands above her. She gasps.)
DR. KRESHNIK: Let us not waste time. I know that you work for SD-6, I know that you are here to find out where Martin Shepard buried Perkashov. That you need Perkashov's DNA to read FTL code. What I do not know is whether you have succeeded.
SYDNEY: Since we're not playing games, which is refreshing, I'd like to know who's asking.
DR. KRESHNIK: My affiliation is unimportant.
(He nods to the orderly. The orderly switches a dial up, a slight buzzing can be heard.)
DR. KRESHNIK: You have until the machine charges. Answer my question.
SYDNEY: Wait, this can't be the best version of this conversation! Look, Shepard didn't talk! I don't know where Perkashov is buried! Wait, I'm telling you, I don't know anything! Wait!
(The electric charge crackles. Sydney flops in the water, electrocuted.)
(Mr. Bristow enters a Chinese restaurant.)
JOEY: Ah, Mr. Bristow, your usual table is waiting for you, sir.
MR. BRISTOW: Thank you, Joey.
(He enters a tea room in the back where Vaughn waits. Upon entering, Vaughn stands.)
VAUGHN: Mr. Bristow, I'm sorry about the--
(Mr. Bristow grabs Vaughn, twists his right arm back and slams him against the wall. Vaughn cringes and faces the wall, his head turned back. Mr. Bristow takes out a g*n and aims it high enough so Vaughn can see.)
MR. BRISTOW: Who are you?
VAUGHN: Uh, I'm CIA operations officer Vaughn. I'm Sydney's handler. I cleared this meeting with Devlin. Cretchmer walked me through your S.O.P., we're safe.
(Mr. Bristow lets him go, puts his g*n away.)
MR. BRISTOW: Are Sydney and I switching handlers, or is this a special occasion?
VAUGHN: No. We have a problem.
MR. BRISTOW: Fisher hasn't made contact. I know.
VAUGHN: No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.
MR. BRISTOW: SD-6 doesn't have confirmation of that.
(Mr. Bristow sits.)
VAUGHN: C.I.A. does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there.
(Mr. Bristow stares at the standing Vaughn with much contempt and maybe a little disgust on his face. He looks at the empty chair, as if it's impolite that Vaughn isn't sitting. Vaughn notices and takes a seat like he's a schoolboy waiting to be punished by the principal.)
VAUGHN: I was hoping that maybe we could coordinate this together.
MR. BRISTOW: Mr. Vaughn, you're young and you're eager, and I understand that. But one thing you're not, and this is something only time can provide, really... is wise.
(He casually pours tea and takes a drink.)
VAUGHN: You don't think this is the right move.
MR. BRISTOW: Listen carefully, Mr. Vaughn. Even with a minimal extraction team, you can't guarantee containment. And if Sloane finds out, Sydney's d*ad anyway.
VAUGHN: Retire her early. Pull her out of service!
MR. BRISTOW: And in the process, expose her operations at SD-6.
VAUGHN: Sydney's life is worth the risk!
MR. BRISTOW: Not to Sydney! Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning. Or... did you think it was those meetings she has with you?
VAUGHN: Hey! What is your problem with me?
MR. BRISTOW: You pulled my file last week, that's my problem, Mr. Vaughn. Now, did curiousity get the better of you, or were you trying to impress my daughter?
VAUGHN: (sighs) She thinks you were KGB. But, I'm sure you already knew that. So, what I'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you?
MR. BRISTOW: This meeting is over.
(He leaves Vaughn sitting at the table alone.)
(In the interrogation room. Sydney lays in the t*nk, her body limp.)
DR. KRESHNIK: Shepard told her nothing. She would've talked by now. k*ll her.
SYDNEY: You can't t*rture Shepard for information... Electroshock won't work. FTL trained him to forget everything you did. That's why you're here posing as a shrink. You're K-Directorate... aren't you?
DR. KRESHNIK: What makes you think I work with K-Directorate?
SYDNEY: Your accent's Georgian. Georgia, former Soviet Union -- their main recruiting ground. Shepard thinks I'm a patient. He's more likely to tust me than you.
DR. KRESHNIK: Except he has already att*cked you.
SYDNEY: Which I could use to seal his transference by bringing his guilt to the surface and then forgiving him.
DR. KRESHNIK: I suppose you'd like your life in return. If you'll get Shepard to recall the location of Perkashov, you might just live out your life in a Chechnyan internment camp. You have until lockdown tonight.
(The orderly takes off the wrist braces that hold Sydney's arms above her head. She breathes heavily and rubs her wrists gratefully.)
(Outside the asylum on a terrace, Shepard sits alone, crouched down. Sydney, dressed in the clothes she had on before, steps out the window onto the terrace. She approaches.)
MARTIN: Stay away from me...
SYDNEY: I'm here to help you.
MARTIN: I don't want your help. I'm not open to your help.
SYDNEY: I think I know what's happening to you.
MARTIN: I'm sure you do, because you're one of them. You know the words that are going on in my head! I know I've seen you somewhere before... I've seen you before...
SYDNEY: (confused) No, you haven't.
MARTIN: I thought I was safe here. I thought I was safe here. I thought I was safe here.
SYDNEY: What I'm about to say to you is the truth, so you got to listen to me.
(She touches him on the arm but he flinches and jerks away.)
SYDNEY: They're going to k*ll us both if we don't help each other to get out of here.
MARTIN: Then you've got a real problem, because I'm not leaving here. I would rather die than leave the way I am now.
(He leaves and goes back inside. From up above, Dr. Kreshnik looks.)
(A patient is wheeled by. Sydney is taken down the hall with an orderly, who is grabbing her arm.)
ORDERLY: Do you have the chart Dr. Kreshnik asked for?
(She sees two orderlies behind her. One takes a key and puts it in one lock. The other orderly takes a similar key, puts it in the other lock on the other side of the door. The red light above the door turns green, the security buzzer goes off, and it opens the exit door.)
(In a solarium, the orderly pushes Sydney in. She gives him a dirty look, but sees Shepard sitting at a table by himself, drawing. He's drawing a bare tree bl*wing in the wind, with a yellow sky.)
SYDNEY: Yellow sky. Interesting choice.
MARTIN: I told you, stay away from me.
SYDNEY: I know that you're starting to remember some things, and I know you think that I had something to do with them, but I didn't.
MARTIN: Piss off.
SYDNEY: You can't see colors, can you?
MARTIN: Who are you? If you're not one of the people that did this to me, then how do you know that?
SYDNEY: I'll tell you what you need to know, but first you have to help me. I was sent here to get some information from you, but I don't even care about that anymore. All I care about is that the main exit door has a duel-key lock. That means it takes two people using two keys at the same time to open the door.
MARTIN: I told you, I'm not leaving here.
SYDNEY: No, please believe me. There are other people here who want to find out what's in your head, and when they don't, they will k*ll us both.
MARTIN: You want me to believe you, but you don't tell me anything! I know I've seen you somewhere.
SYDNEY: Okay, okay, look... you were trained. You were programmed to follow orders.
MARTIN: Whose orders? Whose orders? To do what? To do--
SYDNEY: To k*ll.
SYDNEY: The things you're remembering, they're real. Look, I know it's hard to hear. Listen--
MARTIN: No... no... no...
(He stands, taking his drawing.)
SYDNEY: You just have to accept that you did these things! When you're following orders--
(Martin bolts. Sydney contronts him, he backs against the window.)
SYDNEY: When you're following orders, you're trained to see everything in black and white! To keep you detached from what you have to do! Look, you're not supposed to remember everything, but you are! Your training must be short-circuiting. Look, what you did--
MARTIN: (whimpering) Yeah, yeah... stop... stop...
SYDNEY: (frantic) It's so painful to remember that you're seeing in black and white all the time, it's a defense mechanism! But it's good! It means you're starting to heal! You're starting to get better and better!
MARTIN: STOP IT, PLEASE! GUARD! Take me to my room...
GUARD: (to other) Take him. (to Sydney) Lockdown!
SYDNEY: Tell Dr. Kreshnik I have the information he needs.
(At the newspaper, Will sits at his desk. Jenny comes by.)
JENNY: A memo from legal about reporters quoting other reporters.
WILL: What's it say?
JENNY: Cut it out. Happy Thanksgiving!
WILL: Thanks, Jenny!
(He sees a computer on a colleague's desk. A picture of Eloise/Kate is shown, with a headline underneath. The reporter's working on the layout.)
WILL: (standing) Hey, can you scroll back down for a second?
REPORTER: Did you get the memo?
WILL: Can you just show me the damn picture?
REPORTER: All right, jeez. Her name was Eloise Kurtz. Local girl. Found sh*t to death in Echo Park. Did you know her?
(In another room, Will and his boss.)
WILL: She said her name was Kate Jones, but it was really Eloise Kurtz. She was my source in the Danny Hecht investigation. That means she was more than a source, she was involved somehow! She was trying to tell me something, and now she's d*ad!
BOSS: You're not hearing me, Will. I am not saying there is nothing here.
WILL: You won't even publish this even though I was investigating one m*rder, and now thare are two? I mean, isn't that enough?
BOSS: The fastest way to be discredited is to author a conspiracy theory without background. Believe me, I have seen this. You might as well publish your own homepage.
WILL: Will you at least just take a look at my notes?
BOSS: Leave them on my desk when you go. I'm not telling you to drop this, I'm not being a monster. I'm telling you to bring it back to me when it's more developed.
(Asylum. Shepard is in bed, alone, on his back. He's whimpering in his sleep, his head rolling back and forth. He hears voices murmuring, a bird flying by. Black and white flashes of a person, for a second. Martin whimpers. Another flash. It's a back of someone's head. Martin's eyes flicker, he moans in his sleep. We see that the person is Danny. Black and white flash of a framed picture. It slowly comes into focus, and it slowly comes into color. It's a framed picture of Sydney, sitting in front of a birthday cake with a banner behind her that says "Happy Birthday Sydney." Martin's eyes pop open in fear.)
MARTIN: Oh, my God.
(In another part of the asylum, Sydney is being ushered down some stairs by an orderly.)
ORDERLY: We are coming to you now, Doctor.
SYDNEY: What is that tattoo on your arm? Spitznas Special Forces? I almost got a tattoo once. I was on the guy's chair--
(She punches him, kicks him. He tumbles down the stairs, and falls to the ground, unconscious. Sydney takes the keys from his belt.)
(Sydney walks down the hallway in the asylum, nearing the security door, dressed in a janitor's uniform. She has a hat on, her hair tucked underneath. An orderly meets her with a platter of pills. He stops, stares at her. She keeps walking, trying to go unnoticed. In front of the security door, she takes out her mop and mops the floor, waiting for everyone to pass. She's now alone. She whips off the head of the mop and attaches the key from the other orderly on to the head of the mop. Standing, she holds the mop out in one hand and tries to put the key in the lock on the other side of the door. She misses, and then it slides in. Stretching, Sydney takes another key and puts it in the lock on the other side of the door nearest to her. Both keys are in. She's about to turn them and is about to escape, when she's zapped from behind by the orderly she met in the hallway. She falls.)
DR. KRESHNIK: Take her.
(The doctor and the orderly both take Sydney down the hallway. She struggles. They take her down a hall, but suddenly Shepard comes out of a room with a f*re extinguisher and hits Dr. Kreshnik on the back of the head. He falls. Sydney punches the orderly, kicks him. She jumps and kicks him. He falls to the ground. She takes the orderly's electric shocker and zaps Kreshnik. He falls back to the floor.)
SYDNEY: Hurts, doesn't it?
(She takes his keys.)
MARTIN: You're right, I don't want to die in here.
SYDNEY: How did you get out of your room?
MARTIN: Oh, I've got good at it. I pretended--I pretended to swallow my tongue, and I lifted the keys. (shows them)
(Sydney stares at him. She takes the keys and runs to the door. She goes to one lock, Martin goes to the other. He puts the key in, and stops. He's scared. He looks at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Hey, look at me. You can do this.
(He stares at her, shaking slightly.)
SYDNEY: You think I'd help you get out of here if I thought you'd k*ll someone?
MARTIN: Unless you're planning on k*lling me.
SYDNEY: (sincere) Why would I do that?
(He stares at her intently. She gives him an encouraging nod, and squeezes his shoulder gently. He nods. She nods. Together, they slide the keys in and they run out. A car drives down the street in front of them and stops when the driver sees Sydney and Martin come out of the asylum. Sydney runs to the driver's side, the man steps out. She punches him, taking him down, and takes the g*n.)
SYDNEY: Sorry. (to Martin) Get in!
(He climbs in the passenger side, and they peel out.)
(At SD-6, Marshall is listening to music in his office on some headphones, typing on a keyboard. He bops along to the music. Sloane enters. He takes them off, startled.)
MARSHALL: Whoa. Hey, company. (jumps up) Uh, here. I'm totally a mess in here. Sorry. Let me just--I wasn't really expecting anyone!
(He clears off a jacket that was on a big red inflatable chair. It should belong in a college dorm, really. Sloane stares at him.)
MARSHALL: Want to have a seat? I got a minor form of scoliosis, so the air ergonimically hugs me. (hugs himself) Oh, you want to stretch out? I can inflate the couch.
(He holds up an inflatable couch that's not inflated yet.)
SLOANE: I'll stand.
MARSHALL: Oh, by the way, I scanned every byte of the computer network. You'll be happy to know no more virus. That leak is plugged. Even better news, since it was exporting files at such a low bandwith. Only three per cent--
SLOANE: Marshall, the virus was a security section drill.
MARSHALL: A drill? Like a test?
SLOANE: You were the only one who caught it, and much faster than anyone anticipated. So, good work.
MARSHALL: Um, I--I--I mean, that leak was transferred over an unsecure net connection. Isn't that a little risky?
SLOANE: Security section was surveilling it the whole time. I just wanted to let you know.
MARSHALL: Okay, thanks...
(Sloane leaves.)
(Cabin in the woods. Shepard sits in front of the f*re, staring at nothing. Sydney flips over a mat, and takes out a panel of a false floor. There's a kit in there. Sydney opens the lid and finds packaged food and a cell phone. She dials.)
(Mr. Bristow drives down a street in Los Angeles and answers his phone.)
SYDNEY: Dad? Where's Vaughn?
MR. BRISTOW: I had his number forwarded. Are you all right?
SYDNEY: I'm at the safe house.
MR. BRISTOW: Any trouble finding it?
SYDNEY: It only took six hours of driving through the forest in the dark.
MR. BRISTOW: Is Shepard with you?
MR. BRISTOW: Get to Rinas airport in Tirana. There's a charter flight waiting for you under Kraja Petrol Corp. The hardest part's over, Sydney. We'll talk when you get back.
(Sydney hangs up, and goes to Shepard with some food. They sit in front of the f*re.)
MARTIN: Why me? Why did you ever come talk to me?
SYDNEY: I was looking for a man.
SYDNEY: A man who you k*lled and buried. His name was Gareth Perkashov. That's what I was sent in to find.
MARTIN: The man I k*lled? The first time I had the images in my head, it was like a seizure. Flashes of people, places. A street sign. I thought I was remembering bad dreams because it was in black and white, but it was so vivid. It was so vivid! I didn't know how much of it was real. I found the street. I heard there had been a m*rder. A shopkeeper recognized me. I was convinced I had to be delusional. I couldn't be a k*ller. I couldn't be a k*ller.
(He starts to cry. Sydney has tears in her eyes.)
MARTIN: Where you found me was as remote a place as I could find to lock myself away in case... in case I was wrong.
SYDNEY: (crying) It's not your fault.
(He breaks down, crying softly.)
MARTIN: I feel like I've been stolen from myself... I don't know if there was ever a me... I don't know who... Please, tell me who you are, Sydney. Maybe that will help me to understand--
SYDNEY: How did you know my name?
MARTIN: I don't...
SYDNEY: How did you know my name?
MARTIN: (crying) The banner.
(Sydney sucks in a breath.)
SYDNEY: What... banner?
MARTIN: It said "Happy Birthday, Sydney."
(Fade into, black and white, the picture of Sydney.)
MARTIN: I heard the water running.
(Black and white. Danny stumbles around a corner, drunk. He goes into the bathroom. Martin follows. Danny goes in the other room, and when he's about to come back into the bathroom, Martin hides behind the corner. Danny comes in, wipes at his face. He goes to the sink, splashes his face. Martin is seen behind Danny, wearing a black ski cap over his head, baring his face. Danny turns, and trembles upon seeing the g*n. Martin sh**t him.)
(Sydney gasps, shaking a little.)
MARTIN: I'm... so sorry...
(Sydney jumps up, crying, and runs out of the cabin. She flies down the stairs, rounding a corner. Running, crying, running where? She finally stops behind a tree, sobbing. She looks back at the cabin, and collapses. She sobs, covering her face with her hands, crying out to no one.)
(Sydney comes back inside, crying. Shepard sits in front of the f*re, a blank stare on his face.)
SYDNEY: The man you were ordered to k*ll was my fiance. His name was Danny.
(Martin closes his eyes, wincing. They're both openly crying. She sits down.)
SYDNEY: I told Danny I'm a spy because he was the one part of my life I couldn't stand to be a lie. So when SD-6 found out, they called in one of their h*t men. Someone they'd alreayd enlisted. They called on you. I think the man who programmed you is named McCullough. He's their neuro tech.
MARTIN: McCullough... yeah, yeah... he's in here... (points to his mind)
SYDNEY: The irony is they never lied to me about what would happen if I told someone. It was the one thing they said that turned out to be true. Now I'm a double agent for the C.I.A. and I will be until SD-6 is gone.
MARTIN: Will... finding where Perkashov is buried help you to take down the people that did this to us?
MARTIN: I left his body in marshland on the Louisana/Texas border off the I-10.
(SD-6. Sloane and Sydney in a meeting.)
SLOANE: So, what's the deal?
SYDNEY: Shepard wote down the location of Perkashov's body. In exchange, I helped him escape the asylum.
SLOANE: I see. Where is Shepard now?
SYDNEY: He committed su1c1de. Something went wrong with his programming. He started remembering what he'd done. Snapped. When we were crossing over the border into Bulgaria, he jumped. Threw himself off of the bridge into Lake Scutari. There's no way he could have survived.
SLOANE: Well, if by some miracle, he did survive, I'm sure we'll hear about it sooner or later.
(Self-storage facility, meeting with Sydney and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: I told SD-6 Shepard was d*ad. I was going to lie to you about it, too, but the truth is I can't stand lying to anyone else.
VAUGHN: Well, I appreciate that. I will be honest with you, too. There are people at the Agency who will want him found.
SYDNEY: He's as much a victim of SD-6 as I am. Shepard buried Perkashov's body in a Louisana marshland. Sloane sent out a forensics team to get a DNA sample. They should be able to use it to decode the FTL message by tonight.
VAUGHN: We were worried.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I know. The C.I.A. hates to lose its assets.
VAUGHN: No, I mean, I was worried for you. In fact, I, uh, I contacted your father. Just so you know, he, um, he knows I pulled his file and he suspects you've seen it.
SYDNEY: It's... okay.
(Pager beeps. They both look at their respective pagers.)
VAUGHN: It's me. That's what I thought. looks like our SD-6 computer virus is turning out to be a gold mine.
SYDNEY: Good. Maybe we can get head of them for once.
VAUGHN: Why don't you go home, get some rest? Happy Thanksgiving.
SYDNEY: (remembering) Oh, God...
(Sydney runs in her house. Smoke billows out from the oven where Francie stands.)
SYDNEY: Francie?
FRANCIE: Okay, were you ever going to call me back?
SYDNEY: I'm sorry.
(Francie starts opening windows to let out the smoke.)
FRANCIE: I mean, where the hell have you been? I left, like, three messages!
SYDNEY: I know, my trip was extended...
FRANCIE: You can't just disappear on me like that!
SYDNEY: What's burning?
FRANCIE: It's just a little oven f*re.
SYDNEY: Francie, I just moved in here!
FRANCIE: I fricasseed the turkey.
(Sydney laughs a little.)
FRANCIE: You okay?
(Sydney hugs her tight.)
SYDNEY: I'm glad to be home.
FRANCIE: Okay, but the turkey is really burning. I mean, it's burning.
(Sydney and Francie start swatting at the black smoke with oven mitts.)
SYDNEY: Oh, great, Francie... what'd you do?
(Montage of them cooking, laughing, tasting the food. Sydney takes a drink, smiling. Charlie comes in with a bouquet of flowers. Francie kisses him. Sydney hugs Charlie, he swings her around.)
(Later, Sydney is dressed up. She opens the door to find Will and Jenny. Jenny holds a bottle in her hands.)
WILL: Hey.
WILL: Uh, Sydney, this is Jenny. She works with me.
JENNY: Hi! (laughs) Thanks for letting me crash your party. I would have totally brought some wine, but I got carded. So, cider.
SYDNEY: Cider's perfect, thank you. Okay, come in.
WILL: (to Sydney) Wow, you look great.
SYDNEY: Is that the sweater I got you for Christmas?
(Her hand lingers on him.)
WILL: Uh, yeah. That's not why I wore it.
JENNY: (laughs) I'm going to go put that on ice.
WILL: Okay.
(They watch her walk away.)
SYDNEY: She's cute.
WILL: Hmm? Yeah. That's the new intern. She's, uh, her parents are in Europe. So, I felt bad.
SYDNEY: That's Jenny.
WILL: Mmm-hmm. It's strictly professional.
SYDNEY: Really?
WILL: What are you saying?
SYDNEY: Hmm? Nothing.
WILL: (smiling) Oooooh...
(At the table, everyone sits.)
EVERYONE: Happy Thanksgiving!
(They all eat and laugh, drinking wine.)
WILL: (quietly to Jenny) Are you turning twenty-one?
(She grins.)
WILL: Jenny!
(She laughs. Charlie clinks his glass.)
CHARLIE: Um, somebody's always got to bang the glass. This year, it's me. I wanted all of you to be here for what I'm about to do, which is probably going to be one of the most embarrassing moments ever. This thing's burning a hole in my pocket.
(He takes out a ring box. He gets down on a knee.)
CHARLIE: Francie... you're my last stop. Baby, will you marry me?
FRANCIE: Ohhh... yes. Yes, Charlie, I will.
(They kiss. Sydney and everyone claps. Sydney has tears in her eyes. Jenny, caught up in the moment, kisses Will.)
WILL: Okay, watch the tongue.
(Sydney hugs Francie. Will hugs Charlie.)
SYDNEY: (whispering) Glad you're taking it slow.
(Knock on the door. Mr. Bristow stands, holding a newspaper. Sydney opens the door.)
(She closes the door and comes out.)
MR. BRISTOW: (re: the newspaper) This was on your lawn.
SYDNEY: It's my neighbor's. I'll give it to him.
SYDNEY: Do you want to come inside?
MR. BRISTOW: Shepard k*lled Danny. I'm assuming you know that.
SYDNEY: If I hadn't, thank you for breaking it to me so gently.
MR. BRISTOW: I'm telling you because I don't want you to think it's my mission in life to keep things from you.
SYDNEY: Then why do you?
(He takes out a piece of paper.)
MR. BRISTOW: F.B.I. report signed by the deputy director under Carter, clearing me of having any involvment with the KGB. Sydney, you have to understand it was the height of the Cold w*r. After they caught Boyce and Lee in '77, everybody was under suspicion. I suppose, in a way... your mother's accident was my fault since the F.B.I. was after me. If I could give her back to you, I would. (re: the report) Take it.
SYDNEY: I don't need to. You should stay.
SYDNEY: I'm glad your trip went well.
MR. BRISTOW: Happy Thanksgiving.
SYDNEY: You, too.
(He leaves.)
(Sloane and Sydney in a meeting.)
SLOANE: We found Perkashov's body and ran a DNA sample through the genetic decoder you obtained last week. It decoded the FTL communique. Here's the full text.
SYDNEY: "Possible location of Rambaldi artifact discovered in Tunisia. Dig proceeding."
SLOANE: Well, now we know where all those FTL agents went off in such a hurry.
SYDNEY: So, I'm off to Tunisia.
SLOANE: Actually, no. We sent an advance team there on a recon mission and by the time they got there, the dig had been evacuated. FTL must have found what was buried there. We then traced the shipment out of El Kef to the department of engineering science at Oxford. FTL has no idea what they've uncovered or else they wouldn't risk sending it to civilians for analysis. But whatever it is, some of the best minds in the word are studying it as we speak. The university is holding a reception for visiting professors tomorrow night. You're going as a scout for the Marissa Foundation, looking for grant candidates. Now, Sydney, keep in mind that FTL is likely to have a large presence there to make sure that we don't try what we are about to try.
(Newspaper office. Will and his boss walk together.)
BOSS: In the interest of fairness, I reread your notes last night.
WILL: No, I know. You know what? There wasn't much there anyway.
BOSS: Well, you just need a lot more shoe leather if you want to go with the story you're looking for.
WILL: No, you're right, actually. I think it's better if we drop the whole thing.
BOSS: No, you've got enough, Will, for an initial piece on why the police are not more curious. So, you take it from that angle. We go to press on Tuesday.
WILL: Well, wait, wait, I'm not, I mean... wow. Thank you. Tuesday, though. Is that, like, set?
BOSS: Will, are you on dope?
WILL: Huh?
BOSS: Just twenty-four hours ago, you were begging me to publish this.
WILL: I know. Here's the thing. Danny Hecht, the m*rder that started this whole thing, he is my friend's... he was my friend's fiance. I just... after seeing her last night, I'm having second thoughts. She doesn't know that I was doing the story.
BOSS: Well, why didn't you tell her? I'd think she'd want someone to investigate it.
WILL: I did tell her, a while ago, and she asked me as a favor to drop it. I just don't want to hurt her, that's all.
BOSS: Oh, I'm genuinely sorry to hear that, Will, because this is now a legitimate piece and if you don't want it, I will give it to somebody else. Don't chicken out on me now.
(Self-storage building. Vaughn and Sydney.)
VAUGHN: Whatever the Rambaldi artifact turns out to be, the C.I.A. wants photographs of it. You'll do it in your hotel room, we'll plant a submini camera in the Bible. There's one more thing. One of our Romanian assets spotted Ana Espinosa leaving the psychiatric hospital after you escaped. Be careful. She's on this.
(Sydney stands, nodding.)
VAUGHN: Oh, how was your Thanksgiving?
SYDNEY: Good. My friend got engaged.
VAUGHN: What's her name?
SYDNEY: Francie.
(He nods, smiling. Maybe because the CIA monitors her friends, too?)
SYDNEY: How was yours?
VAUGHN: Uh, typical. Spent it with my mom.
SYDNEY: What about -- is it Alice?
VAUGHN: Yeah. We broke up.
(He looks down. She smiles, and leaves.)
(Sydney comes home, talking on her cell. She goes through her mail and finds a postcard. The drawing that Shepard was doing is on the front, but this time with a blue sky. She turns it over. From Shepard, it says "Blue skies again. I owe you." She smiles.)
(Sloane sits in his office. Alain talks over the speaker phone.)
ALAIN: Security section has made us aware of the concern that you may have a mole in your department.
SLOANE: It would appear so.
(Sydney walks in SD-6. Jack is at his desk, nods to an agent.)
ALAIN: There are some in the alliance who believe you may have more than one.
SLOANE: Well, if that's true, McCullough will draw them out.
(Sydney walks to Mr. Bristow and puts a Tupperware dish down with Thanksgiving meal inside. He smiles a little. She smiles back.)
ALAIN: It is our intention to make an example of them.
SLOANE: I know. I'm taking care of it. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x07 - Color Blind"} | foreverdreaming |
"Time Will Tell" episode #1.08
SYDNEY: (voice over) I'm leaving for England tonight. SD-6 has traced the Rambaldi artifact to the engineering science department at Oxford. K-Directorate's on this. I need to act fast, so that Ana doesn't get there first.
(Oxford, night. A van pulls up outside the university. Inside, Dixon sits behind a computer and there are monitors everywhere. Sydney dresses, wearing a red wig.)
DIXON: So, FTL found the Rambaldi artifact in Tunisia. Why'd they send it here?
SYDNEY: Analysis. The engineering department is among the best in the world.
DIXON: Remember, the lens has to be within two feet of the key card to get a reading.
SYDNEY: Got it. How do I look?
DIXON: For the record, that's a question you never have to ask.
SYDNEY: (smiles) FTL agents are here posing as campus security. Watch your back.
DIXON: You, too.
(She gets out.)
(Inside the party -- a waiter mingles with a tray of drinks. Classical music plays.)
PROFESSOR BLUME: For a journalist, you have quite a remarkable grasp of engineering principles. What is your background?
ANA: My family was in demolition.
(She smiles.)
ANA: So, is it true that your department's just received ancient technology from Tunisia?
PROFESSOR BLUME: Who told you that?
ANA: Well, you just did. Ha ha ha! I'd love to see your lab.
(Sydney enters. Dixon talks to her from the van via a transmitter in her ear.)
DIXON: See anybody, Syd?
SYDNEY: I've spotted Professor Hoyt. Do you see anything?
DIXON: Get closer. I can't tell if he's got the card on him.
(Sydney moves closer.)
SYDNEY: Anything?
DIXON: Yeah, the key card's in his breast pocket. But you're too far away, get him to turn towards you.
SYDNEY: (British accent) Excuse me, Professor Hoyt? PROFESSOR HOYT: Yes?
(A device on Sydney's purse scans his pocket. Dixon sees it from the van's monitor, it's like x-ray vision.)
DIXON: Hold that... for thirty seconds.
SYDNEY: I'm Molly Zertan, with the Marissa Foundation. We're very interested in your current study.
PROFESSOR HOYT: Really? Which one?
(In the van, Dixon opens a file folder and glances through it.)
DIXON: Hoyt is currently studying the crashworthiness of transportation vehicles.
SYDNEY: Your study on crashworthiness of transportation vehicles.
PROFESSOR HOYT: Oh, wonderful. Yes, yes. Well, of course, getting funding is very difficult, particularly in today's economic climate.
DIXON: The duplicate key card's printing!
(Sydney sees Ana walk by with Professor Blume. Ana raises her glass to Sydney and smirks.)
SYDNEY: That is so true...
DIXON: Got it, Syd. I'm on my way.
(Dixon takes the new duplicate key card and leaves the van.)
SYDNEY: (to Hoyt) Excuse me.
(Dixon approaches, posing as a waiter, with a tray of drinks. He gives Sydney a napkin that has the duplicate card inside and a drink.)
SYDNEY: Contact university security, tell them someone's trying to break into the engineering lab.
DIXON: Then the FTL guards will know.
SYDNEY: Ana's here.
DIXON: Got it. Calling the guards now.
(In the corridor outside the party near the lab, Professor Blume lays unconscious -- possibly d*ad. Ana stands over him. She takes his wallet, gets the key card, and walks down some stairs. She's stopped by two guards.)
GUARD 1: Freeze, right there!
ANA: Oh, thank God! Someone's done something terrible to Professor Blume!
(Ana kicks him, slams the guard against the wall. She blocks a punch, kicks one in the stomach and kicks the other guard. One guard gets her from behind and tries strangling her. She struggles. Just then, Sydney walks by on her way to the lab. Ana and Sydney make eye contact. Sydney raises her glass to Ana and smirks. Sydney gets to the door of the lab. She swipes the key card Dixon made, and takes her glass of champagne and empties it over the keypad. It crackles and fizzles, shorting out. Ana runs up, but Sydney is inside. The door is locked, and Ana can't use her key card because Sydney shorted it out. Sydney smirks from inside the lab, and kisses the door leaving her lipstick imprint like Ana did to her before. Ana is seething. Sydney runs inside the lab.)
SYDNEY: I'm in the lab. I don't see anything.
(She runs down the lab and sees an ancient clock sitting on the counter. She takes it.)
SYDNEY: Okay, I got it!
(Outside, Ana tries her card but it doesn't work. She takes her g*n and sh**t the window in the door several times. Sydney takes the clock and kicks a window out. She climbs through. Ana finally enters, runs, sees the clock's already gone. She runs to the window just in time to see the SD-6 van drive away, tires squealing.)
(Credit Dauphine. Sloane's office. Jack enters.)
JACK: Got a minute?
SLOANE: Of course.
(Jack drops a newspaper in front of Sloane.)
JACK: Eloise Kurtz. She was found d*ad two days ago in Echo Park. She was a new promotion at SD-6.
SLOANE: Yes, I know.
JACK: You retired her, didn't you?
SLOANE: I think the more pressing question is, why did you send her to talk to a reporter without running it by me first?
JACK: I wasn't keeping it from you, but this reporter--
SLOANE: Will Tippin.
JACK: Yes. He's a friend of Sydney's. He was looking into the name Kate Jones, one of her aliases. I tasked Eloise Kurtz to lead him down a d*ad end so he'd drop it.
SLOANE: You underestimated Tippin and Agent Kurtz's lack of field experience. Put us all at risk. What are you doing using a junior agent, Jack?
JACK: Talk to McCullough. I used Eloise Kurtz based on his assessment of her field ability. He gave her his highest rating. In any case, I had contingencies, all of which are now irrelevant.
SLOANE: Tell me something. How did Tippin get a lead on the Kate Jones alias in the first place?
JACK: I don't know yet, but I'm looking into it.
SLOANE: Well, your efforts notwithstanding, that reporter may be a casualty of his own curiosity.
JACK: I'd consider that a last resort. I know you want what's best for Sydney, and if at all possible, we should spare her the pain of losing someone else.
SLOANE: Well, how do you suggest we proceed?
JACK: Leave it to me. I'll get Tippin off the story.
SLOANE: And if you can't?
JACK: Then I'll k*ll him myself.
(Sydney walks her professor.)
PROFESSOR: This is unacceptable. You've missed classes--
SYDNEY: I know, but when I--
PROFESSOR: ...Turned in papers late...
SYDNEY: Yeah, listen, my job--
PROFESSOR: Sydney, enough about your job. This has only been getting worse since we spoke about this last. Now, if you want to be a banker, be a banker.
SYDNEY: I understand, and look, this probably isn't the best written analysis of Fitzergald you've ever read, but come on. This is not a D paper.
PROFESSOR: There's no spirit in this paper, no soul. Now, you fix it by Friday, or I'll have to re-evaluate your placement in this program.
(After, Sydney enters a parking garage. As she walks to her vehicle, she becomes aware of a man standing nearby, apparently talking on his cell phone.)
MAN: (on phone) Dr. Wilkinson. Yes, I'll hold. Hello, Dr. Wilkinson here. How are you?
(Sydney walks slowly.)
MAN: (on phone) Of course, yes. I'd like to discuss about the meeting last n ight.
(Sydney takes out her cell phone, still walking away from the man. She sees that there is no service... the man's pretending to talk on his phone.)
MAN: (on phone) A late lunch...
(Sydney, while walking, turns behind a car. The man, watching Sydney, begins walking to see where she went.)
MAN: (on phone) Yes...
(He puts the phone down temporarily, walking. He goes behind the car where Sydney went.)
MAN: (on phone) Yes, yes. Let's talk about that meeting, yes. That's what we talked about. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Hold on a second...
(He turns around, looking. Sydney grabs a pipe from up above, and swings down, kicking the man. He falls, spread eagle on the ground. Sydney straddles him and takes his g*n, pointing it at his waist.)
SYDNEY: Who are you? WHO ARE YOU?!
(Credit Dauphine. Sydney and Sloane.)
SLOANE: Security section said you as*ault one of its officers.
SYDNEY: This wasn't security section. It wasn't standard procedure. This was a tracker and he has been constant. I have seen him three times in the past two days and I found this under my car.
(She unveils a small device used for tracking, I guess.)
SYDNEY: If there is something you want to know about me, then you ask me!
SLOANE: The sanctity of this agency requires the sacrifice of some personal freedoms. SD-6 is stepping up security. McCullough assigned the tracker, that's his province. Now, we have a briefing. Do you think you can focus?
SYDNEY: Yeah. I think I can.
(Briefing with Sloane, Marshall, and Sydney.)
SLOANE: The clock you retreived was designed by Giovanni Donato. He died in 1503, his initials are engraved on the bottom. Now, Donato was a master clock-maker, but more importantly, he was the only man Milo Rambaldi ever collaborated with. There is a single reference to Donato in our Rambaldi archive. Apparently, Rambaldi commissioned the clock himself.
SYDNEY: And because of Rambaldi's involvment, you think it's more than just a clock.
SLOANE: That was Rambaldi's style. Hiding codes in designs within his artwork. Go, Marshall.
MARSHALL: (stands) Um, now, I know we're all a bit hungry for lunch, so I'll try to use the maximum amount of brevity possible. And, okay, now, as a clock, this piece was far ahead of its time. Margin of error less than one second per decade, and the weirdest part about it is this gear assembly. I mean, part of it is that it doesn't seem to have any real purpose.
SYDNEY: This number on the back... what is it, a date?
MARSHALL: Well, we're analyzing that. You know what we found so far? Nothing happened that day. Literally. It's the one day in history that basically zero things occurred.
SLOANE: We have a very good reason to believe that this clock will reveal another piece of the Rambaldi puzzle. The problem is, the clock doesn't work. Without specific instructions, we can't risk damaging it. We've located a direct descendant of Donato in Positano. Luckily, he went into the family business. Your mission, Agent Bristow, is quite simple. Take the clock to Donato, get him to fix it, and bring it back.
SYDNEY: That's it?
SLOANE: That's it.
(Out in the main room at SD-6, Sydney walks up to Jack.)
SYDNEY: Dad. Do you have a few minutes?
JACK: Yes, of course. Could you just--
SYDNEY: Somewhere quiet. Somewhere else.
(They enter a room.)
JACK: In here.
(Sydney closes the door with a remote. They sit down. Jack takes out a thing that's about the size of a pen. He flips the lid.)
JACK: Signal jammer. We're okay for sixty seconds, they'll think it's radio interference. Talk quickly.
SYDNEY: Sloane's having me followed. I confronted the guy last night, I thought it might be K-Directorate looking for revenge after Oxford. I talked to Sloane, he insists it's all routine. Should I be worried?
JACK: I'm one of only five agents in this office who knows the truth about SD-6. I've had Sloane's trust, but lately, I haven't been informed of much at all.
SYDNEY: So, what does that mean?
JACK: Two things concern me. While you were in Romania, Marshall noticed some computer abnormalities. I assumed it was just a system error, but it's possible he's realized that the SD-6's network's been compromised.
SYDNEY: Could Sloane trace it to C.I.A.?
JACK: I don't know. The second thing, Carl Dreyer is coming in from op comm to upgrade the biometric scanners. But if Sloane suspects a double agent, Dreyer is the one he'd turn to. If that's the case, the first thing Dreyer would do is give each of us a functional imaging test.
SYDNEY: What's that?
JACK: Lie detector test.
SYDNEY: I studied the C.I.A. instruction book on how to take a successful LDT.
JACK: This isn't like that. This test monitors variations in blood flow in the brain. It's very difficult to deceive. Tell your handler Vaughn he needs to prepare you for this. If he can't, he'll get someone who can.
SYDNEY: Dad, you seem nervous.
(The signal jammer beeps.)
JACK: Well, I think that should be fine. Thanks for coming to me.
SYDNEY: Of course...
(Jack leaves.)
(Will's office. He eats lunch while talking on the phone. His boss walks down the hall next to his office.)
WILL: No, I think that's nice. Yeah, of course. No, I think he's going to love it, yeah. Yeah. I'm sure. Mmm-hmm.
(His boss comes closer and enters the office.)
WILL: Okay, Mom, I got to go. Mmm. I got to go. My boss is standing right here, I got to go. I love you, too!
(He hangs up, looks up sheepishly at his boss.)
WILL: I'm sorry.
BOSS: There's still no quote in here from Daniel Hecht's fiancee.
WILL: Yeah, I know, I didn't get the quote yet.
BOSS: Will, we can't keep having this conversation.
WILL: June, listen to me, this is very difficult for me.
BOSS: We have quotes from deceased relatives.
WILL: Can you just stop for a second? No, no, I'm not going to do this story.
BOSS: Excuse me?
WILL: I'm not going to run this story. I'm not going to do the piece.
BOSS: You pushed me to let you pursue this.
WILL: I know.
BOSS: And then you convinced me that there was a connection between these two deaths!
WILL: I know, I know! I still think something terrible happened. June, I told you this before, if running this story's going to hurt my friend, I don't want to do it.
BOSS: You still haven't told her you're working on this, have you?
(He looks away.)
BOSS: Like I said, you either finish this, or I will put another writer on it. You tell her and get the quote. This goes to bed tomorrow, ten o'clock.
(Sydney's house. Will knocks.)
WILL: It's me.
SYDNEY: It's open.
(She sits at the counter, typing on a laptop. Will walks in.)
SYDNEY: Hey, Will.
WILL: Hey. (rubs her arm)
WILL: What's the paper on?
(He picks up a book that was sitting near Sydney and opens it.)
SYDNEY: It's a redo. Professor said it didn't have any soul, so I'm writing a paper with soul. It's got lots of soul!
WILL: (reading from book) "Laura, all my love forever and a day, Jack." That's not, like, your dad Jack, is it?
WILL: Wow. That's uncharateristically sweet of him.
SYDNEY: I know. He actually has a heart, which I'm learning little by little. He bought all these for my mom.
WILL: Oh. Oh, I got your message. You're going on another trip? That's, like, what's that? Seven this month? The bank ever going to let up?
(He gets himself something to drink. Sydney thinks.)
WILL: What's up?
SYDNEY: There's this situation at work. Just... some money is missing from petty cash, and it looks like there might be a formal inquiry.
WILL: They don't suspect you, do they?
SYDNEY: No, but it looks like they're going to give us all lie detector tests, which is just...
WILL: Can I make a suggestion, just for, like, the eight millionth time? Why don't you just quit your job? I mean, you can get a job anywhere. I don't know, I just... I just think it's weird.
SYDNEY: I know...
(She starts playing with her engagement ring. Will notices. She shows him.)
SYDNEY: I still wear this...
WILL: (quietly) I know.
(Her phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
VOICE: Joey's Pizza?
SYDNEY: Wrong number.
(She hangs up and smiles at Will.)
SYDNEY: What are you doing here?
WILL: I just, uh, came by to say hi.
WILL: (quietly) Hi.
(Self-storage facility. Vaughn sits at a table where a computer is hooked up. Sydney has a few electrodes on her head.)
VAUGHN: Have you ever had unauthorized contact with members of any intelligence agency besides SD-6?
(The computer starts beeping and reads fifty-one.)
VAUGHN: Okay, um, again, you have to stay under thirty. This test measures the blood flow to the emotional part of your brain. Now, if you want to divert the blood, you have to engage the reasoning center--
SYDNEY: I'm trying!
VAUGHN: You're reacting emotionally!
SYDNEY: It's not like there's a switch you can flick!
VAUGHN: You just have to split your focus.
SYDNEY: Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I've split my focus already. C.I.A., SD-6, and school, my friends...
VAUGHN: Sydney, you can do this. You have to. Have you ever had unauthorized contact with members of any intelligence agency besides SD-6?
(Twenty-eight and descending.)
VAUGHN: Better.
(She takes a deep breath.)
VAUGHN: Are you romantically interested in anyone?
(Sydney gives him a look.)
VAUGHN: Could be a question.
SYDNEY: No, I'm not.
VAUGHN: Interesting.
SYDNEY: Wait, ask me that again.
VAUGHN: No, I don't have to. We have our answer right here. That's very good. Moving on.
(He looks.)
SYDNEY: If this were for real, I'd be d*ad by now, wouldn't I?
VAUGHN: Hey, we're just getting started here, okay?
(Positano. Sydney, wearing a backpack and carrying a suitcase, walks into a building. She goes to the elevator and goes up. She steps off and walks down a hall, knocks at a door. An old man opens the peephole.)
SYDNEY: Signor Donato? (speaking Italian)
DONATO: (speaking Italian)
SYDNEY: Signor Donato, per favore.
(Sydney talks to him and mentions Rambaldi and puts the case down. He opens the door. She shows him the clock. He can't believe his eyes, and lets her in.)
DONATO: You are American?
DONATO: Only an American would come to my door without telephoning.
(SD-6. Jack walks up to a young man sitting at the phones.)
JACK: Seth, can you get in touch with my contact at the airlines? I need to put a back trace on a passenger manifest. I'll be in my office.
(Seth nods and picks up the phone, starts dialing.)
(Will's newspaper. He meets with his boss.)
BOSS: You ever seen the passenger manifest for Flight 816?
WILL: No, my guy at the airport told me over the phone. He was going to fax it to me.
BOSS: Seat 11A -- Daniel Hecht. Look up seat 11B.
WILL: Yeah, it was Kate Jones, I know.
BOSS: Look at it.
(Will looks at the manifest.)
WILL: Zachary Cohen?
BOSS: There was no Kate Jones booked on that flight.
WILL: Wait, I don't understand.
BOSS: I don't understand either, but it seems there's no longer a single fact to support your theory that someone's covering up Daniel Hecht's m*rder.
WILL: What about Eloise Kurtz?
BOSS: A woman who someone hires to tell you that she's Kate Jones so you will stop looking for the real Kate Jones.
WILL: Yeah, that's right.
BOSS: Well, I hate to be insensitive, but she's d*ad.
WILL: Well, I had my notes from my interview with her.
BOSS: You have no recording.
WILL: Oh, hey, what about the video blackout the night of Danny's m*rder?
BOSS: You really want to try to build a case on lack of photographic evidence? And you put Jenny down as your fact-checker, and when we asked her, she said she didn't make a single call!
WILL: No, that's right. That's because she didn't. I was doing her a favor. She does a lot of work for me, and I was just giving her a research credit! It was like a gift.
BOSS: It was like a lie!
WILL: Yes, it was a lie! It was a kind lie!
BOSS: And on the eve of your first front-page story, you suddenly get cold feet.
WILL: What are you saying? What are you saying? I made this whole thing up? Look, I swear to God, the only reason I didn't want this story to run is 'cause I don't want to hurt Sydney Bristow. That's it.
BOSS: You're a talented writer, Will. But I promise you, if anything like this happens again, the only thing you'll be inventing are facts on your resume.
(Positano. Sydney sits facing the window, across from Donato. He looks at the clock.)
DONATO: The first Giovanni Donato. His timepieces were miracles of precision. Kings and queens offered him vast riches if only he would design clocks for them. He refused. But, he did tmake one exception.
SYDNEY: For Rambaldi.
DONATO: Rambaldi made him a promise.
SYDNEY: What did he promise?
DONATO: Rambaldi promised him he would live an impossibly long life. He even revealed to him when he would die.
SYDNEY: Was he right?
DONATO: Of course.
(Sydney notices the symbol on the clock.)
SYDNEY: This symbol on the front. What does it mean?
DONATO: The magnific order of Rambaldi. Rambaldi's most loyal followers entrusted with safeguarding his creations. Sadly, like miost things that once were pure, criminals now use this symbol to infiltrate the order.
(Downstairs, Ana and two men enter the building. The two men run up the stairs. A sn*per sh**t goes up to the roof on an adjacent building. He points the r*fle right at Sydney. Ana hits the button on the elevator to go up, and we see her tattoo on her hand -- .)
SYDNEY: What about this date?
DONATO: It must have meant something to Rambaldi. The clock was built from one of his designs. He never did tell me what it meant.
SYDNEY: What did you say?
DONATO: Oh, uh, my mother. My mother never told me. I don't think she knew. There's still one piece missing I don't have.
SYDNEY: So, it won't work?
DONATO: It will tell time, if that's what you mean.
(He starts the clock, and stares at her. The sn*per from the building next door looks.)
sn*per: The clock is finished. I've got Bristow in my sight.
(Ana is on the elevator.)
ANA: The the sh*t whenever you have it.
(In Donato's place.)
SYDNEY: Mr. Donato, what was Rambaldi working on?
DONATO: The clock is fixed now. It's over.
(The sn*per points at Sydney, but Donato stands and blocks the sh*t. He is sh*t instead of Sydney, and his body falls to the ground. b*ll*ts riddle the office. Sydney, with blood on her face, falls to the ground as well and sees Donato is d*ad. She grabs the clock and runs out. She goes to the elevator, but sees Ana getting off. She runs downstairs to see the two g*ons are there. She runs upstairs. Ana gets back in the elevator and hits the up button. Sydney runs up the stairs. Ana is going upstairs right alongside. The g*ons are on Sydney's tail. She runs up the stirs and gets to the roof. She takes a hook out of her backpack, clasps it onto the railing. Ana and her g*ons sh**t at Sydney. The hook is connected to a rope. Sydney jumps off the building and lands on the ground. She unhooks the rope from her backpack with the clock in her hand and starts running. They sh**t at her.)
(At Sydney's house, she flops down on the couch and sighs.)
SYDNEY: Ahhh yeah...
FRANCIE: Hey, welcome back.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(Sydney lifts her legs so Francie can sit. Sydney puts her legs on her, stretching out.)
FRANCIE: Okay, so, the good news is, I went by your professor's office to drop off the paper but he wasn't in, so the secretary wanted me to leave it with her, only remember h*m* year? So, I waited around and handed it to him personally.
SYDNEY: Thank you, Francie. Was there bad news?
FRANCIE: Yeah. I was making lemonade and I spilled it all over your mom's book.
(She takes it out and gives it to Sydney.)
FRANCIE: And I am so sorry, and I think it's going to be fine, it's all dry...
SYDNEY: It's okay, don't worry. It doesn't matter. Thank you for handing in the paper.
FRANCIE: You're welcome.
(That night, in bed, Sydney drinks wine and reads her mother's book that Francie spilled the lemonade on. She turns a page and sees something. At the edge of the page, there are some faint writing. She puts it up to the light, then up to a candle.)
(Self-storage. More fun testing.)
VAUGHN: Have you ever leaked information about SD-6 to other intelligence agencies?
VAUGHN: Are you a double agent?
SYDNEY: No. But my father is.
VAUGHN: I'm sure he'd be thrilled if you gave Dreyer that answer.
SYDNEY: Not now for the C.I.A.; twenty years ago for the KGB. My mother was a teacher, my father used to buy her books--
VAUGHN: Sydney--
SYDNEY: First editions, one a month, shipped from a book store they discovered on a trip to Prague.
VAUGHN: Sydney, but we really need to--
SYDNEY: Listen to me! Look, I thought it was the sweetest thing -- romantic, a side of him that died when she did. But last night, I discovered codes hidden inside those books! It's obviously how the KGB was sending him messages.
VAUGHN: No, what kind of codes?
SYDNEY: One-time pads. Blocks of cipher-text written in sets of five cyrillic letters.
VAUGHN: Staple of the KGB.
VAUGHN: All right, we'll deal with that, and I want to see those books. But right now, you still have Dreyer's test coming up and your life still depends on how well you do.
(Will sits at his desk, and goes through the file on Danny. He closes it and puts it away in his desk drawer. His phone rings.)
WILL: Hello, this is Will.
MIKE: Hey, Will. It's Mike.
WILL: Hey, Mike, how you doing?
MIKE: Okay. Your friend Eloise brought her car in.
WILL: Eloise Kurtz?
MIKE: Yeah, that's her. She never picked it up, but she told me she needed it right away.
WILL: She did?
MIKE: Yeah. So, do you know where she is?
WILL: Hey, you mind if I come down there and take a look at her car?
MIKE: No, no, come down to the shop. You know where we are.
(Auto shop. Will sits inside Eloise's car. He looks around, picks up a bottle of pills, examines it. His cell rings.)
WILL: Will Tippin.
BOSS: How kiss-ass of you.
(Will leans over to the glove compartment, and sticks his hand in the Kleenex box. Inside is a flower lapel pin.)
WILL: What?
BOSS: The stargazer lilies and the card. "I didn't make up a single fact."
WILL: Well, I didn't. I thought you knew me well enough to know I didn't by now.
BOSS: I am calling to clarify that you are on the soil erosion story, and I don't want you to waste another minute on Kate Jones. Are we clear?
(Will puts the pin up to the mouthpiece on his phone. He gets an electronic feedback sound.)
WILL: Yeah. We're clear.
(Briefing with Sloane, Marshall, Sydney and Dixon at SD-6.)
SLOANE: As you know for some time now, we have been operating under the assumption that the sume of Rambaldi's inventions are greater than the parts. This clock is evidence of that.
(He motions to Marshall. Very excited -- more so than usual, Marshall stands.)
MARSHALL: Thank you. Hi. All right, now, who here remembers this?
(He holds up the golden circle.)
SYDNEY: The golden sun I got from the church in Malaga.
MARSHALL: That's right, the polymer. If you look at it closely, hundreds of tiny imperfections. Air bubbles. Nothing unusual, right? But what is unusual is this.
(He slides the sun into the ancient clock. The polymer acts like a background for the arms of the clock.)
MARSHALL: Now, I realized if you set this to exactly 12:22, and 1/22... then this happens.
(Dixon, more than intrigued, stands up and comes closer. The clock stops ticking. Marshall holds a giant magnifying glass and hands it to Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Ms. Bristow, ladies first.
(She holds up the glass and sees little sparkles of light in the golden polymer.)
SYDNEY: What is that?
MARSHALL: It's a star chart. A snapshot of the sky taken from one specific place on earth at one specific moment in time.
(Jack enters.)
JACK: Sorry I'm late.
DIXON: Sort of like an ancient GPS system.
MARSHALL: Well, yeah, if you have the date and the time that the snapshot was taken. See, that's the genius. See, these two things separately? Nothing, nothing at all. But you put them together and... that sound that you're--you know that boom? That's my mind bl*wing.
SLOANE: Now, if we assume that star chart refers to the date on the back of the clock: August 16, 1523 at 12:22AM GMT, then the only spot on earth with that exact view of the stars is the southern slope of Mt. Aconcagua on the Chile/Argentina border.
DIXON: "X" marks the spot. So, we think Rambaldi stored something there.
SLOANE: Possibly. Your mission is to find out. Marshall will fill you in on the op tech. Oh, and Sydney? Before you head off, I want you to go down to Psych and see Carl Dreyer.
(Sloane leaves. Sydney makes eye contact with her father.)
(Psych room. Dreyer sits at a desk, Sydney sits in a high-back chair that has a cover over her ears and temples.)
DREYER: What is your name?
SYDNEY: Sydney Bristow.
DREYER: What color are your eyes?
SYDNEY: Brown.
DREYER: Are you sitting down?
DREYER: Are you an agent of SD-6?
DREYER: Are you a double agent?
(Blood clinic van. Inside, Sydney sits up on the counter with her legs crossed under her. She stares at nothing and twists her engagement ring on her finger. Vaughn stands nearby.)
VAUGHN: This is a still camera with a digital signal uplinked to a geosynchronous keyhole satellite. So, whatever's in Argentina, we won't have to wait for the pictures.
SYDNEY: Is there a transmission window?
VAUGHN: Uh, no, it's geosynchronous orbit. Just point and click.
SYDNEY: Yeah...
VAUGHN: You seem a little distracted. What, is it the test?
SYDNEY: I'm not sure I passed. And they're still watching me. It took me twenty minutes to shake the guy they had tailing me.
VAUGHN: Well, they wouldn't be sending you on a mission if you failed.
SYDNEY: I don't think they know the results yet.
VAUGHN: Look, I know how much you want to do this -- take down SD-6 -- but your life is more important. So, if you really think you failed the test, we have a plan in place to take you out. A protection program.
SYDNEY: No. I can't do it. Live in hiding. Not a chance.
VAUGHN: Good luck in Argentina.
(Argentina. In the Andes, a Hummer comes to a stop and Sydney and Dixon climb out.)
SYDNEY: Six-mile trek and we should be there.
DIXON: There are easier jobs than this.
SYDNEY: God, no kidding!
DIXON: You know, I've been meaning to tell you something. I'm proud of you.
SYDNEY: What? Of me?
DIXON: Yeah.
DIXON: Well, I've worked with a lot of people. You make it look easy. The thing I admire most is your courage.
(They put their backpacks on.)
SYDNEY: My courage?
DIXON: After what happened with Danny, the way you came back. Your commitment to the job. And I know what we do isn't for ourselves, it's for the good of the country. Still, uh... thanks.
(In a room at the newspaper, Will draws the window blinds. A geeky guy, heretofore known as GEEK, inspects the flower pin.)
WILL: So, you're saying it's a bug?
GEEK: No, no, no, I'm saying it's a tarantula. This thing hops channels so fast, you could never intercept a transmission. My guess is it's encrypted to boot.
WILL: Where can you buy this?
GEEK: Buy this? You can't. This is government issue.
WILL: Government?
GEEK: My sister's husband is Secret Service. His transmitter couldn't touch this. If you ask me, I'd say it's intelligence. What's the frequency, Kenneth? Ha ha ha!
(Dixon and Sydney hike, trying to find the Rambaldi spot.)
DIXON: What do you think this Rambaldi guy is all about?
SYDNEY: I wish we knew already. I can think of about a thousand places I'd rather be right now.
(Dixon laughs.)
SYDNEY: Hey, I think we're almost at our waypoint. 32.42 by 70.01.
DIXON: What the hell are we doing here?
SYDNEY: I don't know. It feels like a wild goose chase.
DIXON: Aw, damn it. I can't get a line of sight to the satellite. It's a low-earth orbit. We're blocked by the mountains.
SYDNEY: Hey, give me a hand here.
(Her handheld monitor starts beeping. They start to dig. They move the ground to see a lid with the Rambaldi symbol . Sydney lifts the lid with Dixon's help and almost falls in. He helps her up. They look and see that it's a big black hole.)
SYDNEY: I'm going in.
DIXON: All right. I'll hike out until I can acquire the satellite. I'll call for support. Syd, be careful.
(She nods, takes a flashlight and starts climbing down. She goes down the ladder that never seems to end. She finally reaches the bottom of this underground cave. She looks around with the help of her flashlight and sees nothing, until she notices a lid imbedded into the rock. It has the symbol on it. After much grunting, she gets it open and reaches inside. A leather journal is found, with the symbol on the cover. Sydney opens it and sees designs and writing. She picks up her walkie-talkie.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I found it! It's Rambaldi's journal, I found it!
(She starts taking pictures for the C.I.A. -- turning the page and clicking pictures. Suddenly, Dixon's hushed voice crackles over the walkie-talkie.)
DIXON: Sydney, I don't know how they found us... K-Directorate...
SYDNEY: Dixon?
DIXON: They're here! Ana's here! Sydney, get out of there! Now!
(sh*ts are heard.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, do you copy? Dixon, do you copy? Do you copy?
(SD-6. Psych room. Sloane enters.)
SLOANE: Have you finished with Sydney's results?
DREYER: I think we've found our mole.
(Sydney, with the journal, runs down the cave to go back to the ladder to find Dixon. About a foot away from the ladder, she stops d*ad in her tracks to see Ana, just having finished climbing down the ladder, pointing a g*n at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: What did you do to Dixon?
ANA: Put the book down.
(Sydney throws the book at her. She kicks the g*n away and kicks Ana in the back. Ana punches her three times. Sydney runs and kicks Ana. Ana grabs the g*n and sh**t Sydney three times. Sydney is sprawled out on the floor, not moving. Ana takes the journal, puts it in her canvas bag, and starts up the ladder. She takes one last look at Sydney, and moves up the ladder quickly. Sydney rolls over. She unbuttons her shirt to see the b*ll*ts lodged into a bulletproof vest. She sees Ana making her way up the ladder and starts up herself. Ana climbs the ladder, Sydney behind her. Ana falls a little, but keeps going. The bag gets caught on one of the ropes, giving Sydney a few moments to catch up. They start kicking each other. Sydney tries grabbing the bag off her shoulder. Ana kicks her in the face. Sydney grabs the bag again, but Ana elbows Sydney in the face. Sydney grabs for Ana's foot, but Ana kicks her off the ladder. Sydney falls, and falls, and falls... right down to the bottom of the cave.)
SYDNEY: AAAAHHHHHHH! | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x08 - Time Will Tell"} | foreverdreaming |
"Mea Culpa" episode #1.09
(In the cave, Sydney hangs upside down on a rung of the ladder a few feet from the ground. She gasps, looks around and starts climbing up the ladder. Above, she comes out, breathing heavily. She starts looking for Dixon and picks up her walkie talkie.)
SYDNEY: Dixon? Dixon, do you copy? Dixon?
(No answer.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, please tell me...
(She gets up and gets her pack, and starts walking around. Radio static can be heard. She sees Dixon's fallen walkie talkie on the ground, and she spots some blood. She runs to a clearing and finds Dixon laying on his side. Sydney runs to him and kneels down.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, Dixon, oh, no, no, no, no! Oh, no, no...
(She opens his shirt to see a white undershirt drenched in blood.)
SYDNEY: You weren't wearing your vest! Oh, why weren't you wearing your vest?
DIXON: S-Syd...
SYDNEY: You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay. Dixon, just hang in!
(Sydney takes out a large phone and starts dialing, pausing briefly.)
(Flashback. In the self-storage facility, Vaughn gives Sydney the phone.)
VAUGHN: Take this with you. It's a satcom phone. It'll let you contact the C.I.A. from anywhere.
SYDNEY: And what happens when SD-6 sees me lugging around a C.I.A.-issue phone?
VAUGHN: Just don't let them see it.
SYDNEY: This thing's like a brick. I can't take this.
VAUGHN: Take it. Worse case scenario -- you might need it.
(Back to the clearing. Sydney talks into it.)
SYDNEY: Base ops, base ops, this is Freelancer. How copy? Over.
C.I.A. OPERATIVE: B-ops reads you, L.C., Freelancer go ahead.
DIXON: Freelancer...
SYDNEY: This code six. I repeat, code six. Emergency medivac. Over.
C.I.A. OPERATIVE: Copy. Launching extraction team. Lancer ping nabcom transponder in 3, 2, 1. Mark.
DIXON: Freelancer...
(She puts the phone down.)
SYDNEY: Just hang in there buddy, just hang in there. Just hang in there. Oh, come on, come on, come on... just hang in there, buddy. Just hang in. I got you. Come on, come on...
(Self-storage. Present day. Vaughn and Sydney.)
VAUGHN: Are you okay?
SYDNEY: I'm fine.
VAUGHN: So, what happened when the chopper came?
(Back to Argentina. Helicopter whirs above Sydney and the fallen Dixon.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) The C.I.A. helicopter airlifted us to a hospital in Beunos Aires. The whole flight, I was thinking about Sloane. What he might do when he found out -- learning that I was betraying SD-6 this whole time.
(Back to self-storage.)
SYDNEY: And then I thought of a way out. I called Sloane, told him that I'd dragged Dixon back to the Humvee. That I drove him to the hospital myself. I couldn't tell in his voice if he believed me, but I-I think he did. They airlifted us back to Los Angeles. When we got there, they took us to Angel of Mercy hospital.
(Hospital. Dixon is being brought in on a stretcher, Sydney trailing behind. Doctors gather around as they take him in.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) It's an SD-6 hospital.
DOCTOR: Three g*n wounds, fourteen hours old. We've got internal bleeding here! Agent Bristow, have you been briefed on your cover story?
SYDNEY: Is he going to be okay?
DOCTOR: Mrs. Dixon's waiting to talk to you. Sloane wanted me to confirm that you've been briefed on your cover story.
SYDNEY: Yes! I know my cover story! Is my partner going to live?
DOCTOR: We don't know.
SYDNEY: (voice over) And then I had to lie to Dixon's wife.
(In the hospital, Sydney talks to Mrs. Dixon.)
SYDNEY: We were just standing there outside the bank's office in Rome. This car pulled up. I didn't even see it. These men stepped out, they had g*n. They wanted the bank's computer codes. I had them in my briefcase. Your husband grabbed me, pulled me to the ground. I heard g*n. You should have seen him. I didn't even know he had been h*t.
MRS. DIXON: You just never think something like this...
SYDNEY: He's strong. He's going to make it.
VAUGHN: He will make it?
SYDNEY: We don't know that. Dixon was bleeding so much, I was afraid if I took my hand off his wound, he'd lose too much blood. So I used the satcom phone right in front of him.
VAUGHN: You said he was barely conscious.
SYDNEY: But he heard me. He repeated my code name twice. I'd suggest that you put operatives there just to be there when he regains consciousness.
VAUGHN: But it's an SD-6 hospital. He will make it.
(Sloane's office. He looks through some papers on his desk. Dreyer sits across from him.)
SLOANE: You're in a very difficult position, Mr. Dreyer. You've been sent to SD-6 to find a mole. The alliance must be pressuring you to deliver.
DREYER: I'm just doing my job.
SLOANE: We both are. We're both doing our job. And I look at Sydney Bristow's test results -- I don't see a single spike. She didn't falter once.
DREYER: She's guilty. She's the one.
SLOANE: I think that's a dangerous accusation made by a desperate man.
DREYER: I'm not desperate, Mr. Sloane. But I am curious why you feel the need to defend Miss Bristow?
SLOANE: I don't. I don't need to defend her. The results defend her.
DREYER: The results are too perfect. We all have our speciality. This is mine. With all due respect, uh, Mr. Sloane. You're ignoring the facts. Sydney Bristow has made numerous mistakes, not the least of which was her most recent mission. Her partner was almost k*lled. She could have retrieved the Rambaldi book, which is now in K-Directorate's hands. Sydney Bristow is the mole. If you don't follow protocol on this, I'm going to the alliance.
(He gets up to walk out.)
SLOANE: Dreyer... don't you do a damn thing. I'll take care of Bristow.
(Francie, Will and Sydney sit at an outdoor restaurant together.)
WILL: Is Dixon going to be okay?
SYDNEY: He's still in ICU. They don't know.
WILL: So, guys with g*n jumped out of a car?
SYDNEY: It was over so quickly, I--
WILL: I mean, what for? For computer codes, bank stuff? What did the cops say?
FRANCIE: Can you not be a reporter for, like, two minutes?
WILL: I'm asking because I care. I just think it's weird for something else like this to happen to you. I mean, first it's Danny, now it's this.
FRANCIE: Leave her alone, or I will kick your ass. I'm not kidding.
WILL: Thank God you're okay.
(Sydney smiles at him.)
(A bank. Several men wearing black ski masks and carrying r*fles and g*n run in.)
ROBBER2: Down on the floor! Down! Down on the floor! STAY DOWN!
(Fade out to reveal that this is actually video footage that Sloane, Rusik and Sydney are watching in a conference room at SD-6.)
SLOANE: We've seen hundreds of bank robberies at first glance. There's nothing out of the ordinary here, but these men have skills. They have materials. The robbery was a distraction. (points) While those men were accessing the registers, these two men hacked into the bank's mainframe and rerouted funds. They work for Anini Hassan.
SYDNEY: I don't understand. Why would Hassan be robbing a bank in the States?
SLOANE: Because that bank controlled his assets recently frozen by the US government. He used those men to transfer his money so he could access it.
(Jack enters and sits down.)
SLOANE: We put up with Hassan for years, mostly because he provided us with good intel. Now he's closing shop. Relocating. And we don't know where. He's been missing for two weeks.
JACK: Hassan is too dangerous to trust as a free agent. Now it's our job to bring him to justice.
RUSIK: Where did he reroute the money?
SLOANE: That's what we need to find out. If we don't steal back his fortune, he could use that money to buy protection in the Middle East. If he does that, he could partner with a hostile country and provide them with all the arms they will ever need.
JACK: Logan Gerace. He's an accountant. He has one client: Anini Hassan. Gerace's known for his parties at his villa in Tuscany -- entertains dignitaries, diplomats. He's having an event Friday night. You'll be there. While Dixon's in recovery, you'll go at it alone. We have no in at the party. You won't be on the guest list.
SYDNEY: Shouldn't be a problem.
SLOANE: Your mission is to retrieve Hassan's offshore account number from Gerace's computer. d*ad drop the info at Dinatti Park, which is five miles from the party.
SYDNEY: When do I leave?
SLOANE: Tonight.
(Electronic store. In the back room, Will sits in a chair while a geek -- Neville -- tears apart the pin carefully. He picks at it with tweezers.)
WILL: So, this guy I know was k*lled. Danny Hecht. Nicest guy in the world, k*lled in his bathroom. The police say there was no motive, there was no suspects. But then I stumbled upon this: There's a video blackout the night that he was k*lled.
WILL: That's weird, right? Well, there's more. There's a woman named Kate Jones who was supposed to travel to Singapore with Danny that night. So what do I do? I call around. I find this woman. Winds up she's lying to me -- her real name is Eloise Kurtz and somebody paid her to talk to me.
WILL: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, well, it gets weirder. This woman, the woman that said that she was Kate Jones... she's d*ad. k*lled.
NEVILLE: Who kiled her?
WILL: I don't know, Neville, that's why I'm here. I mean, who k*lled Eloise Kurtz? Who k*lled Daniel Hecht? And then somebody covered up the passenger manifest, and I think whoever did that gave Eloise Kurtz that pin.
NEVILLE: Here we go.
(Neville has taken off the center decoration of the flower and has taken off the plastic that gave color to the petals. In the center of the pin is the core of the bug.)
WILL: What?
NEVILLE: Damn. This mama's gorgeous.
WILL: Why is she gorgeous? Why, why? Why is she so gorgeous?
NEVILLE: It's MEMS. Microelectromechanical Systems technology. This is like, this is like the next gen's next gen.
WILL: So what are you saying? This is government? You're saying this is government issue? Because the guy at the science lab, see, that's what--
(He puts two electric prongs by the bug and recieves feedback.)
WILL: The guy--
NEVILLE: SHHHHH! (whispers) It's on.
WILL: (whispers) What do you mean, like, right now?
(He does it again and gets feedback.)
WILL: Who is it?
NEVILLE: I don't know.
(Sydney's bedroom. She packs while Francie sits on the bed, looking at a bridal magazine.)
FRANCIE: You should report your boss to the corporate office.
SYDNEY: No kidding.
FRANCIE: Making you go to Boston after everything you just went through? Please. You deserve a month off, with pay. What do you think of this wedding dress?
(She shows Sydney a page in the magazine. Sydney makes a face.)
SYDNEY: No. You can't go shopping for a wedding dress in a magazine. Let's go to that boutique on Beverly.
FRANCIE: I have always wanted a reason to go there, and now I have a reason!
SYDNEY: Yeah. You're getting married.
FRANCIE: I am. I'm getting married. (big smile) How about Saturday?
(The phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
VOICE: Joey's Pizza?
SYDNEY: Wrong number.
FRANCIE: So, Saturday? Noon?
SYDNEY: Yes. For sure.
(At some outdoor tables, Sydney sits at one, by herself. At the adjacent table, Vaughn sits.)
VAUGHN: SD-6 doesn't want to bring Hassan to justice. They just want revenge.
SYDNEY: Revenge for what?
VAUGHN: Something you did. When Hassan bought the nuclear w*apon from SD-6 and you snuck into Hassan's base and stole the core back, he thought he was being double-crossed. That only SD-6 would have known he had the b*mb and where it was.
SYDNEY: Oh, God.
VAUGHN: So, last week he sold SD-6 ten Stinger anti-aircraft m*ssile. They want him to fortify their base in Oman. Hassan had a good laugh. He took the money and ran. He didn't deliver.
SYDNEY: So, SD-6 wants to send a message to everyone else they do business with.
VAUGHN: "Don't mess with SD-6." The C.I.A. actually wants to bring Hassan to justice. We want SD-6 to have that money.
VAUGHN: That way we can tag the accounts and see where they take it, what they spend it on. It will give us a profile into how SD-6 does their banking. Here, take this.
(He takes a small box device and drops his hand. Sydney takes it from him.)
VAUGHN: Attach it to the top of the SD-6 retrieval device. It'll copy whatever you get from Gerace's computer.
VAUGHN: Are you okay?
SYDNEY: I was getting briefed by Marshall...
(Flashback. In Marshall's office, Sydney gets briefed.)
MARSHALL: Okay, now, this thing sucks -- literally. Sucks all the information from the computer hard drive right into the internal flash ram. Now, just place it on or near the computer hard drive and when this light is green, it's reading.
SYDNEY: How long does it take?
MARSHALL: It should suck up to forty gigs in under two minutes. Oh, do you want some candy? (picks up a big jar) I just put this jar of candy in here, trying to make the place a little more inviting. And, oh, you want to take a seat in the inflatable chair? It's...
(Marshall's face falls. Sydney turns to see Sloane standing behind them.)
SLOANE: Come see me when you're done.
(In Sloane's office, Sydney sits.)
SLOANE: I should start with your test results. You passed just fine. The numbers were normal.
SYDNEY: I'd hope so.
SLOANE: I know what a difficult time this is. I understand, with Dixon in the hospital...
SYDNEY: Have you heard anything?
SLOANE: Yes. He's still unconscious. They're not sure how bad it is. Look, Sydney... I don't blame you for not talking to me the way you used to, for hating me... since what happened with Danny. Please believe me when I tell you it was the last thing I wanted. The last thing. I begged security section not to take that action.
SYDNEY: No, you didn't.
SLOANE: Well, you don't have to believe me.
SYDNEY: Why would you try and stop what you had ordered?
SLOANE: Because of you. I always knew there was something about you, from the first time I saw you.
SYDNEY: A lot can change in seven years.
SLOANE: It's been a lot longer than seven years. I've known your father since 1971. I met him at Langley. I knew your mother. I went to your parents' wedding. Sydney, I've known you since you were a baby. I was out of the country for most of your childhood, various operations, but I kept tabs on you. I checked in on you in my own way. I always thought of you as my daughter, even from the beginning. Well, I just wanted to let you know... before you went away.
(Back to Sydney and Vaughn at the tables.)
SYDNEY: It was almost like he was saying good-bye. Like he knew that I'm not coming back.
VAUGHN: You're going to be okay. We'll get through this. Just contact me as soon as you get back.
SYDNEY: I know, with his account numbers.
SLOANE: No, I mean, with or without the account. Just as soon as you get back.
SYDNEY: (quietly) Okay...
(Sloane's office. An agent enters.)
AGENT: You wanted to see me?
(Sloane stares off.)
SLOANE: Yes. I need to send a communique to SD-4 office in Rome. Attention: Spinelli. Put it out through server five.
AGENT: Yes, sir.
SLOANE: I'm ordering, with security section full knowledge, the assassination of an SD-6 officer. Method -- close-range h*t. This officer is scheduled to make a d*ad drop at Dinatti Park, ten pm tomorrow. That's when the k*ll should take place.
AGENT: Yes, sir.
SLOANE: The target's name is Bristow... Sydney Bristow.
(Tuscany. Sydney parachutes in, and lands on the driveway of the villa. She rips off her suit, revealing her dress. She walks in, takes a martini. She smiles at people. She spots Gerace talking to two women near the pool.)
(Flashback briefing with Marshall.)
MARSHALL: Okay. Step one is to find Gerace and get a hold of something he touched.
(He holds up a small cell phone.)
MARSHALL: Looks like a normal phone that you'd call. (puts it up to his ear) "Hi, you want to go out on Friday? No? Okay. That's fine." But it's actually a biometric sensor. Now, it lifts the print off of any smooth surface, digitizes it, and then creates a liquid latex duplicate you can use to get into Gerace's study. Now, there's only enough liquid latex in here for one copy, so make sure you get the right fingerprint.
(At the party, Gerace sets his glass down on a table and leaves with the two women. Sydney watches them go, walks up to the glass and takes out the phone. She scans the fingerprint. Putting the phone back in her purse, she leaves and goes inside the villa. She walks down some stairs and stops when she sees a painting of a woman in a wedding dress.)
SYDNEY: Damn it.
(Wedding boutique. Francie, wearing a wedding dress, sits alone and looks around. She looks really sad.)
(Will's newspaper. In the bathroom, Will sits in one of the stalls, talking to the pin.)
WILL: Okay, I don't know who you are but Eloise Kurtz was wearing this the day that she met me, so I assume that you heard at least that conversation, and you know who I am which means that you know that I'm a reporter, and that I've been trying to find out what happened to Danny Hecht, and now to Eloise Kurtz. So, if you k*lled her, well, then you would've already known that I'm a thr*at to you and you would've already k*lled me, too. So, unless you didn't k*ll her, in which case I need to talk to you. My cell number is 310-555-0153. Please... call me.
(He stares at his phone. Stares at the pin.)
WILL: Please. I need to talk to you.
(Suddenly, the cell phone rings. Will jumps, staring at it. He hesitantly answers.)
WILL: Hello? Francie, yeah. Hi. No, I don't know where she is. No, I don't think she got back yet.
(Sydney walks down the hall of Gerace's villa. She gets to the security system and takes off the back of the phone. Where the latex duplicate now sits, ready for her, she places her finger. The latex duplicate covers her finger and she puts it up to the pad. She gets access, and walks in. Sydney puts the SD-6 sucker and the CIA copier up on the hard drive.)
(CIA office. Agent Weiss walks up to Vaughn, a sheet in his hand.)
WEISS: Hey. Agent Bristow's been made. We just unlocked this communique off of the SD-6 server.
VAUGHN: What?!
WEISS: Ten pm, Dinatti Park. They're going to k*ll her. SD-6 is going to k*ll her. We have to tell Davenport, but he's not in his office.
(Vaughn immediately picks up the phone, and starts dialing.)
VAUGHN: Yeah, it's Vaughn. We need an extraction team assembled in Italy. No, Tuscany. We only have two hours!
(He hangs up and starts walking briskly out of the office.)
VAUGHN: I'll go tell Davenport!
WEISS: I just told you, he's not in his office!
VAUGHN: I'm going to go find him! Get me Jack Bristow on the phone!
WEISS: Jack Bristow. Right.
(He starts dialing.)
(Sydney takes the copiers off of the computer and puts them in her purse. She walks out and into the hallway. Turning a corner, she's caught by a guard.)
GUARD: (speaking Italian)
SYDNEY: (leans against wall) I don't speak Italian, but I love everything about this house. Except the spinning... Can you do something about the spinning?
GUARD: This floor is not for guests.
SYDNEY: (covers her mouth) Can you tell me where the bathroom is?
GUARD: Uh, it's upstairs. Watch your step.
(Sydney runs out, pretending she's going to vomit.)
(Vaughn's walking down a hallway, when his cell phone rings.)
(Jack is at SD-6.)
JACK: I got your message. I'm on a secure line.
VAUGHN: There's been a h*t put out on Sydney. I'm getting her out of there.
JACK: Not yet. You could be making a mistake.
VAUGHN: I don't think so!
JACK: Do nothing until you hear from me.
VAUGHN: We already have a team en route--
(Jack hangs up on him.)
(Marshall's office. Standing at this computer, wearing earphones, Marshall's jamming out, moving to the music. Jack taps him on the shoulder and he flinches, jumping a bit.)
MARSHALL: Aahhh! Yeah?
JACK: I sent a communique to SD-4, but they never recieved it.
MARSHALL: Oh, uh, you want some candy?
JACK: No. I need you to check the server logs right away.
MARSHALL: Over here.
(They move over to another computer. Marshall types something and a list of messages scrolls on by.)
MARSHALL: This here is, uh, a list of all outgoing messages in the last seventy-two hours.
JACK: This includes every server?
MARSHALL: Yeah, well, except server five. Since security section ran that drill, it's not connected to the main network. But the communique wouldn't go that route.
JACK: Let's look there anyway.
(He types something, and server five logs come up. Jack sees a message "Sloane to Spinelli.")
(In the field ops room at the CIA offices, Weiss and Vaughn talk to an agent. Video screens are behind them.)
AGENT: Okay, team's in place in Dinatti Park. I've got six armed officers stationed and waiting. One by the fountain. Two at the southern entrance. One at the western gate. Our sn*pers are at the north end, standing by. Awaiting Bristow's arrival. First arrival, I take her to safety.
VAUGHN: All right. Are they still scanning for g*n?
AGENT: Yes, sir. Scan's complete. No sh**t have been 20'd. I've got three operatives surrounding the park on lookout.
(In the hall at the CIA office, Jack walks. He sees an agent, Lloyd.)
LLOYD: Jack. You should--
JACK: Take me to field ops.
(Jack and Lloyd enter the room.)
VAUGHN: Mr. Bristow.
JACK: Call them off.
VAUGHN: Did you read Sloane's transmission? She'll be in the park any minute.
JACK: No execution has been ordered. This is a set-up.
VAUGHN: What are you talking about?
JACK: Sloane's transmission was sent out on SD-6 server five. It was only sent to you. Vaughn, they know someone's listening. This is a test.
VAUGHN: I'll tell you what. We'll take that chance, get Sydney out of there, and argue about this later.
JACK: You go in like this, you pull her out, it'll only prove that you've intercepted Sloane's communique and Sydney will be exposed.
VAUGHN: You don't know that for a fact!
JACK: Why am I even talking to you? Lloyd, abort this mission.
VAUGHN: Hey, wait a minute!
LLOYD: We verified this order, Jack. We pull back, you could be k*lling your daughter.
JACK: You're k*lling her if you don't!
VAUGHN: How could you be willing to risk something like this?!
JACK: If Sydney makes her scheduled dead-drop, does it successfully, and leaves the park, she will have proven herself loyal to SD-6.
LLOYD: Have them hold 'til we give an order.
VAUGHN: No, no, no, hold it!
WEISS: Hold 'til further notice...
VAUGHN: This is Sydney's LIFE!
JACK: You were meant to see that transmission! You're the only ones who saw it!
VAUGHN: Someone in that park is going to k*ll her if we don't do anything!
JACK: I know how Sloane works! He's BLUFFING!
RADIO: Alpha two, come in.
AGENT: Bristow's entering the park.
RADIO: We have two vehicles that are not on our list.
(Sydney walks in the park, blissfully unaware. A guy wearing a red jacket suddenly starts walking towards her.)
AGENT: Who's this guy in the jacket?
RADIO: Position three, we have an approaching hostile. Acquire male target, seventy-five meters.
(Sydney walks. In his office, Sloane watches.)
WEISS: This could be our guy. This could be the h*t. What are we doing here?
VAUGHN: Jack, promise me you're not wrong about this!
JACK: Hold your position...
(Sloane watches. Sydney walks. Red Jacket puts his hand in his pocket, reaching for something.)
AGENT: He could be going for a g*n! Prepare to take him out!
VAUGHN: Stand by.
(Sydney walks, passing Red Jacket... nothing happens. She makes the d*ad drop.)
RADIO: Copy that.
VAUGHN: That's her d*ad drop.
AGENT: Okay, she's out. She's out of the park. She's clear.
(Sloane smiles in his office.)
LLOYD: Good work, Jack.
(Jack walks out.)
WEISS: Oy. I just lost thirty pounds. Okay, I'm not kidding.
(Will and Francie are drinking -- many empty beer bottles on the table -- and are watching a movie. It ends, and Will shuts it off.)
WILL: Oh, God, this is exactly why I became a reporter. It's like--it's like, the best movie ever made!
FRANCIE: "His Girl Friday"?
WILL: Yeah! What's a better movie than that?
FRANCIE: "Godfather," "On The Waterfront," "Citizen Kane"...
WILL: Okay, okay, you're right.
FRANCIE: "Raging Bull," "Empire Strikes Back"...
(Will gets up and gets them more beer from the fridge.)
WILL: Okay, okay, whatever, it sucks, all right? But it's why I wanted to become a reporter. I saw this when I was a kid and I loved it. And I was just like, I don't know, all the quick...
FRANCIE: Repartee.
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it just looked fun. You know, being a reporter looked fun. But it's not. It's not fun. It's a pain in the ass.
FRANCIE: What's your problem? Will?
(He gets his bag and sits down next to her on the sofa.)
FRANCIE: What are you doing? Will...
WILL: Scoot over.
(He unzips his bag and gets out a wad of toilet paper. He starts unraveling it.)
FRANCIE: (laughing) Is something even in there?
(Will shows her the bug.)
FRANCIE: Oh, it's so ugly.
WILL: It's a bug. It's a microphone.
FRANCIE: No, it's not! What are you talking about?
WILL: Yeah, yeah, it's a story I'm working on. I'm like... I'm like living in a puzzle. I can't figure anything out. I don't know who's doing what. I'm a mess. Literally. You're looking at a mess. And whoever's listening can go to hell! You hear that?
FRANCIE: Do you really think somebody's listening?
WILL: Yeah. I don't even care anymore. I just want to watch old movies and go to sleep.
(Francie picks it up and yells into it.)
FRANCIE: Do you think I will find a good wedding dress?
WILL: Fran, it's not a Magic 8 Ball.
FRANCIE: Hellooooooo...
WILL: Tell them to stop torturing me!
FRANCIE: Stop torturing Will Tippin! He's my friend!
(His cell phone rings.)
FRANCIE: Bad people!
WILL: Hello?
DISGUISED VOICE: Stop talking about the bug. Tell the person you're with this is a wrong number.
(Will hangs up, terrified.)
FRANCIE: Hellloooo... who was that?
WILL: It was... a wrong number.
(He takes the bug.)
(Sloane's office. He meets with Dreyer.)
DREYER: You sent the communique on server five. High-level intel could deduce that your directive was bogus.
SLOANE: Whoever's hacked into our computer network has no reason to believe we're setting them up. The point is, they recieved the intel. If Bristow had been their agent, they would have prevented her from going into the park last night.
DREYER: Let's say she had been the mole.
SLOANE: So, you're convinced she's not.
DREYER: Well, whether she is or not, if your plan had worked, if she had been revealed as the mole, she would have been saved by her people and you would have effectively let her go.
SLOANE: You have your answer regarding Sydney Bristow.
DREYER: What are you protecting?
SLOANE: Mr. Dreyer, I still believe we have a situation here at SD-6. I strongly suggest you keep looking for the mole, and stop questioning every decision I make.
(Bathtub at Sydney's. She takes a relaxing bath. Knock on the door, Francie peeks in.)
SYDNEY: Oh, Fran--
FRANCIE: Hey, when'd you get back?
SYDNEY: Oh, my God. Your wedding dress.
FRANCIE: Oh, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.
SYDNEY: I am so sorry!
FRANCIE: How was Boston?
SYDNEY: Did you get my message?
FRANCIE: I did. It's okay, seriously. I mean, it was probably insensitive of me to ask you to go wedding dress shopping.
FRANCIE: Well, becuase you were supposed to be going through this, and I understand if you feel weird. I'll do whatever you need. It's okay.
(She closes the door and begins to walk down the hallway. Sydney runs out in a robe.)
SYDNEY: Francie, this wasn't about me losing Danny. This wasn't about me at all. The only reason I didn't show up was because of work, I promise. Let's go next week, okay?
FRANCIE: Okay. Hey, any news about Dixon? Is he okay?
SYDNEY: He still hasn't woken up.
FRANCIE: I'm really sorry.
(Will's office. His cell phone rings.)
WILL: Hello?
DISGUISED VOICE: Hello, Will Tippin.
WILL: Who is this?
DISGUISED VOICE: Go to 7th and Spring.
(Dial tone.)
(SD-6 -- briefing with Sydney, Rusik and Sloane.)
SLOANE: Analysis has reviewed the information that you obtained from Gerace's computer. Apparently, Hassan is more paranoid than we predicted.
SYDNEY: His bank account information wasn't there?
SLOANE: Yes and no. We know the bank, but not the account numbers. Those numbers, according to the files on the hard drive, are not stored in any computer because a computer can be hacked.
RUSIK: If they're not in a computer, where are the numbers?
SLOANE: A safety deposit box in this bank -- Omnico, Inc. Geneva, Switzerland. You're going in with Rusik. You'll be Christiana Stevens, you represent Dreiberg Diamonds. You're looking for a bank to recommend to your clients for high-volume storage. You leave tonight.
(Sloane leans in and puts his hand on Sydney's shoulder.)
SLOANE: Great job in Tuscany.
(Self-storage -- Vaughn and Sydney.)
SYDNEY: So, it was a trap.
VAUGHN: Yes, it was.
SYDNEY: If you had pulled me out, Sloane would have known I was the mole. But I would have been safe. I mean, he gave me an out.
VAUGHN: He considers you a daughter.
SYDNEY: Don't remind me. How did you know not to step in?
VAUGHN: It was your dad. He figured the truth -- that Sloane was setting us up.
SYDNEY: It's going to take forever to bring them down.
VAUGHN: Well, this might help a little.
SYDNEY: What is it?
VAUGHN: The new transmitter. We'll be able to hear everything you're saying when you're in Switzerland. So, when you open the safety deposit box, read Hassan's bank account numbers aloud.
SYDNEY: SD-6 will get the numbers at the same time.
VAUGHN: It doesn't matter. We'll tag the accounts right here and track every move SD-6 makes with that money. Yeah, I know, it's not exactly a crushing blow, but...
SYDNEY: Every bit helps.
(At the corner of 7th and Spring, Will stands on the sidewalk. The pay phone rings.)
WILL: Yes? Hello?
DISGUISED VOICE: Tell me you weren't followed.
WILL: No, not a chance. C'mon, man, who is this?
DISGUISED VOICE: You have questions about Kate Jones. How far are you willing to go, Mr. Tippin? I need to hear the words "I'm ready."
WILL: Why? Why, could my life be in danger?
DISGUISED VOICE: Say the words.
WILL: Yeah, I'm in. I'm ready.
(Dial tone.)
(Geneva. Sydney walks into the bank and goes to the teller.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me. Can you tell me where Mr. Franco is, please?
TELLER: Could you wait here a moment, please?
(She goes over and gets Mr. Franco.)
SYDNEY: Mr. Franco. Christiana Stevens, Dreiberg Diamonds. I have an appointment to tour the facility.
(Franco and Sydney walk downstairs to the vault in the bank.)
FRANCO: Now, our security system is powered by an on-site, underground generator which means we're unaffected by the city blackouts.
SYDNEY: How high does your insurance cover?
FRANCO: Well, we have no pre-set limit, although if your clients wish to store their diamonds here, we would have an independent appraiser to value the merchandise.
SYDNEY: How has the current political climate affected your privacy laws?
FRANCO: Well, our first duty is always to the customer, that we-- (He faints when Sydney takes a bottle out of her purse and sprays something at him. She moves over to the safety deposit boxes. She speaks to her watch/transmitter.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Rusik. I'm in.
RUSIK: Remember, Gerace's box is 22364. I'm accessing the bank's online server. I'll stay on station, waiting for your relay.
SYDNEY: Got it.
(She takes out a box and slaps it on the safety deposit box. It burns the lock. Sydney opens the box and slides it open. In the main part of the bank, the teller, speaking French and looking at the monitors, tells the guards there is an emergency. The guard gets up. Inside the vault, Sydney finds the card with the numbers.)
SYDNEY: Rusik, I got it. Are you ready?
SYDNEY: Delta, 6, 1, 3, 5, Charlie, Echo. That's it.
(In the field ops room at the CIA, Vaughn and Weiss have been listening. Vaughn writes down the number and gives it to Weiss.)
VAUGHN: Okay, get this to our guys in treasury. I don't want to lose track of a single penny.
WEISS: No kidding.
(Weiss runs off.)
RUSIK: Okay, money's transferred.
(Sydney tries sliding the box inside, but it's jammed. Guard walks. Sydney tries again, grunting.)
RUSIK: You out of there yet, Sydney?
SYDNEY: Not just yet!
(Guard turns the corner to see Sydney kneeling over Franco.)
SYDNEY: Help! He just fainted, I'll call an ambulance!
(She runs out.)
(Will, reading a newspaper and walking to his car, suddenly stops. He sees "GLOVE BOX" written in the dust on his car window. Peering inside, he unlocks the door and gets in. He pops open the glove box and finds an envelope. A cassette is inside. He digs out his tape recorder, puts the tape in, and plays it. It's full of static and the voices are garbled.)
KATE/ELOISE: Hey, what are you doing?
MAN'S VOICE: What did you tell that reporter?
KATE/ELOISE: I told him exactly what I was supposed to tell him!
MAN'S VOICE: Did you mention... (garbled)
KATE/ELOISE: Of course not!
MAN'S VOICE: Did you tell him about... (garbled)
(g*n. One, two, three sh*ts.)
(SD-6. Marshall hands over a piece of paper to someone.)
MARSHALL: It's an anomaly, sir. While Sydney was in the bank vault, there was definitely an additional transmission out of Geneva. Not one of ours. I picked it up in signals intelligence. It's just... you wanted me to tell you if there was anything unusual. I didn't just get someone in trouble, did I?
(Dreyer looks up.)
(Dreyer walks into Sloane's office, the proof that Sydney is the mole in his hands -- the piece of paper that Marshall gave him. He hands it over to Sloane. Sloane reads it, and reluctantly nods.)
(Sydney's bedroom. Night. The phone rings, she answers.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
MRS. DIXON: Sydney? It's Diane. He's woken up.
(In the hospital, Sydney walks down the hall with Mrs. Dixon. She meets Sloane coming from the other way. He doesn't look at her, and keeps walking. Sydney turns around to see him continue walking.)
(Dixon's hospital room. Diane opens the door and lets Sydney inside.)
MRS. DIXON: It's okay, go on in. I'm going to go get some coffee.
SYDNEY: Okay, thanks.
(Dixon's eyes open.)
SYDNEY: It's so good to see you.
DIXON: You, too.
(Sydney sits down.)
SYDNEY: Dixon... do you know what... do you remember what happened?
DIXON: The last thing I remember... I was walking out and trying to link to the satellite... and that sweet smile of yours.
(Sydney can't help it. She laughs, smiling widely.)
DIXON: Yup. And there it is.
(Later, Sydney walks out of the hospital and enters the parking garage. She sees a black car pull up in front of her, slow. She sees two men approach her. Sydney turns and starts walking briskly the other way. The car follows. The men start running to her. Sydney starts running, but another car comes the other way and slams into her. Sydney flies on top of the hood and rolls off, onto the pave. She grunts. The men get out of the car and approach. One of them has a small tranquilizer g*n, filled with white liquid. They hold Sydney down and sh**t the tranquilizer g*n in her neck. She passes out, unconscious. The men grab her and take her in the car. The two cars drive off.)
(SD-6, Sloane's office. The phone rings.)
MAN: We got her.
(Sloane hangs up, slowly, and looks around at his empty office.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x09 - Mea Culpa"} | foreverdreaming |
"Spirit" episode #1.10
(Sydney comes to in a dark room without any windows. She's sitting on a cot with a bare mattress. She touches her neck where the g*n was sh*t. She sits up, looks around and sees a door. Standing up, she starts to walk towards it but her foot is chained to the wall. She looks around and sits down, defeated.)
(Sloane's office. Rusik sits in front of his desk.)
SLOANE: We've known for some time that we had a mole, that someone was working against us. When you were in Geneva with Agent Bristow, we picked up a transmission. A third party. It confirmed what some in security section thought for weeks -- that Agent Bristow was that mole. When you were in the field with Bristow, there was no indication?
RUSIK: Nothing.
SLOANE: Hmm. Well, we need to determine the extent of damange done to us.
RUSIK: What can I do?
SLOANE: You have to convince Bristow that we believe the two of you were working together and that if she doesn't reveal to us the work that she's done against us, we'll t*rture you... to death.
RUSIK: Are you sure that will work?
SLOANE: thr*at to colleague is a fundamental interrogation technique. Sydney in particular...
(He trails off, looking down.)
SLOANE: Yes. I think that she will respond.
(Rusik stands, preparing to leave.)
SLOANE: Mr. Rusik, you understand that we need to make it appear that you were questioned.
(He nods reluctantly.)
(In the room, Sydney looks up when the door opens and two agents holding Rusik walk in. Rusik is beaten and bloody. They throw him down on the bed, chain him to the wall, and walk out.)
RUSIK: They think I'm part of this...
SYDNEY: What do you mean?
RUSIK: Don't play games with me! You know what I'm talking about. A transmission was sent from our position in Geneva. At the bank. They know it was one of us. They want to know how much damage has been done to them. There's only one person in this room that can answer that question, Sydney. I don't know who you're working for, but I need you to tell them what you know. They said they're going to k*ll me, Sydney... slowly.
(Sydney steps closer and stares intently at him.)
SYDNEY: Do you believe them?
RUSIK: They're not bluffing.
SYDNEY: Do you believe them?
RUSIK: (blinking rapidly) Yes.
(Sydney stares.)
(At SD-6, Jack walks up to Sydney's desk and sees that it's spotless. Her computer's been removed.)
JACK: Has Sydney Bristow moved her desk?
AGENT: Nah. Security section cleared it out about an hour ago.
(Two agents with g*n walk in.)
AGENT1: Get on your knees! Put your heads down on the floor! NOW!
(Sydney and Rusik do so immediately.)
AGENT1: Sloane wants to know if you're ready to talk to him.
(Rusik stares over at Sydney. She looks at him then stares at the ground.)
SYDNEY: No. Tell him I have nothing to say.
(Jack walks in to Steven's office -- security section operative.)
JACK: Steven, what's going on? Talk to me.
STEVEN: What do you know?
JACK: What do I know?
STEVEN: Have you talked to Sloane?
JACK: I came to you first.
STEVEN: You should talk to Sloane.
JACK: Steven, please--
STEVEN: Jack, just do me a favor--
JACK: I need you to tell me what's happening!
STEVEN: You didn't hear this from me. (pause) While Sydney and Rusik were in Geneva, a transmission was recorded from her location and it was not one of ours.
JACK: You think it was Sydney?
STEVEN: This is not the first indication that she... might be working for someone else.
JACK: What exactly do they know?
(Steven hands over a report on the situation. Jack starts reading it right away, his eyes searching through the page.)
STEVEN: Jack, I'm sorry.
(In the interrogation room, Sydney is belted into a chair. When that agent leaves, she tries to undo them but someone comes in wearing a lab coat. He puts rubber gloves on. He takes out a tape recorder and puts it on a tray near Sydney were some doctor's tools are resting. She breathes heavily.)
(Jack enters an empty room at SD-6, puts down his briefcase, and looks around.)
(The doctor holds up a stun g*n, letting it flare. Sydney looks away.)
SYDNEY: My name is Sydney Bristow. I've seen you in the office. I always wondered what you did.
(He puts a band around her arm.)
SYDNEY: Aah! I guess this is what you do...
(The doctor takes out a large needle.)
(Marshall types on his computer. His face scrunches up.)
(In Sloane's office, he stares off in the distance. Marshall stands in front of him, holding a piece of paper.)
MARSHALL: Sir, I-I think you should see this.
(Sloane takes it. Marshall looks down. Sloane looks at him, shocked.)
(The doctor fills up the syringe with a pinkish liquid.)
SYDNEY: All I'm saying is, maybe you and I should talk before we get started...
(He's about to put the needle in her arm. He feels for a vein, is about to put the needle in... when the door opens and an agent walks in.)
AGENT1: Change of plans.
(Sloane's office. Sydney was brought there right from the interrogation room. She stands in front of his desk, looking like crap.)
SLOANE: For the past few weeks, you've been under suspicion. We knew we had a mole and there were signs that indicated that it was you. And then when you were in Geneva, we picked up a third-party transmission and it seemed to confirm that you betrayed SD-6. And what I just learned is that it wasn't your transmission. It was Rusik's.
SYDNEY: Rusik...
(Interrogation room. Rusik is thrown into the now vacated chair and is belted down.)
RUSIK: What is this? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I want to talk to Sloane!
(The agents hold him down as the doctor gets out the same needle he was about to use on Sydney.)
RUSIK: I want to TALK TO SLOANE! No, no, no!
(They put the needle in.)
(Back in Sloane's office. Sloane smiles and gets up, walks to her.)
SLOANE: Sydney... I never believed that you would betray us, and when I realized that it was Rusik who was the mole... I felt vindicated.
(He puts his arms out for a hug. Sydney stares at his smiling face. She puts her hands in his and smiles tightly.)
(Flower stand, day. Sydney stands, looking at the variety of flowers on display, smelling a few. Vaughn sits at the table next to the stand, pretending to read the paper.)
VAUGHN: That's impossible.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: You're telling me that in Geneva, Rusik was transmitting to K-Directorate at the exact same time you were transmitting to the C.I.A.?
SYDNEY: And that SD-6 picke dup his transmission and not mine.
VAUGHN: You should know that the C.I.A. has no record of contact between him and Russian intelligence.
SYDNEY: In the cell, when Rusik was trying to get me to talk, I asked him questions about his interrogation. When he told me that they thr*at to k*ll him, he was blinking at erratic intervals -- a classic indication that he was lying. So, I didn't talk only because I knew he wasn't in any real danger. Either Sloane still thinks I'm the mole and is using me somehow...
VAUGHN: No. If Sloane still suspected you, he wouldn't run the risk of letting you go free.
SYDNEY: Or two, Rusik actually is K-Directorate.
VAUGHN: Or three...
SYDNEY: Rusik was a sacrificial lamb. That he was innocent, was set up to get me out.
(She looks at Vaughn, peering at him suspiciously.)
SYDNEY: At first I thought maybe it was the C.I.A.
VAUGHN: No, it wasn't. The truth is, Rusik could very well have been working for the K-Directorate so let's just assume for the moment that you're the luckiest girl in town.
(He gets up and picks up a bag that was at his feet. It's a gift bag, with little snowmen on it. He stands next to Sydney and puts the bag down on the ground.)
SYDNEY: Sorry that I called you on the weekend. It's juust that I needed to talk to you.
VAUGHN: You don't ever have to apologize for calling me. Speaking of which, I got you something.
SYDNEY: What? No, you didn't.
VAUGHN: (embarrassed) I don't know. I was in this store, you know, um... this little antique place.
SYDNEY: (big smile) What were you doing in an antique store?
VAUGHN: I don't know. (laughs nervously) Whatever. Um, look, if you don't like it just... don't tell me.
VAUGHN: Merry Christmas.
SYDNEY: Merry Christmas.
(He walks away.)
(Sydney and Francie's. Amy and Will are playing "Boggle" with Sydney and Fran.)
FRANCIE: Is "harn" a word?
SYDNEY: It's crazy, Will.
FRANCIE: Time's up, time's up!
WILL: Hold on, hold on. (still writing)
FRANCIE: Stop, stop!
WILL: Okay, okay.
SYDNEY: Who's going to go first? Okay, Amy?
AMY: No. Will?
WILL: Okay. "Numpce."
FRANCIE: Numpce? That's not a word. I challenge.
SYDNEY: I think numpce is a word.
(She gets out the dictionary next to her and starts flipping through the pages.)
WILL: Numpce is totally a word.
FRANCIE: So not a word.
WILL: I can't believe you're even questioning this.
SYDNEY: Here it is. (reading) "Numpce"--
WILL: Thank you.
SYDNEY: "A fool; a blockhead."
FRANCIE: All right, your brother's so annoying.
AMY: I got "numpce," too.
WILL: What? Dammit! Dammit!
FRANCIE: Dude! (laughs)
(Sydney's beeper goes off.)
SYDNEY: I got to go to work. I'm sorry.
(She gets up.)
WILL: Okay, this is ridiculous. Can we all have a talk about what you do for a living?
SYDNEY: I know. There are these bankruptcies...
WILL: Okay, you know what? It doesn't even make sense anymore. No one works as hard as you do. It's not like you're a brain surgeon, getting a call in the middle of the night to save a life. I mean, there are bankruptcies. How much are they paying you to live like this?
SYDNEY: Not enough.
WILL: I'm going to actually call them and quit for you right now.
SYDNEY: Will, I can't quit my job.
(Will gets up and walks to her.)
WILL: Why? Why? Because, like, you just have to be, like, the greatest banker?
SYDNEY: Will, it's my job. I want to do it well.
WILL: Okay, congratulations, me too. But at what cost? Syd, I think... I think you're acting like a numpce.
SYDNEY: Look, to you, my job might seem pointless and stupid but it's not. It's far from pointless and if you knew what I delt with every day, you might even thank me for doing my job so well!
WILL: (confused) What the hell are you talking about?
SYDNEY: Nothing. I'm going to work. I'll see you guys.
(She leaves.)
(SD-6. Meeting in the conference room with Jack, Sloane and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Anini Hassan is a wanted man. He's been selling arms to K-Directorate and is now, we believe, looking to partner up with one of a number of rogue nations. This is the last documented photograph of Hassan, taken almost a month ago in Madrid. Since then, we've put a lot of manpower into finding him. We've come up with nothing. Last week, thanks to Agent Bristow, we were able to seize a majority fo Mr. Hassan's assets. We were hoping that would help us to smoke him out. We think it has.
JACK: Sig int picked up a burst of communications originating from this private island.
SYDNEY: What's there?
JACK: Private resort. More hideout than hideaway. It's a fugitive's paradise -- extradition's notoriously lax. This entire place is heavily secure, but anyone can buy entry for a price.
SYDNEY: You think Hassan's there?
SLOANE: No, it's not likely. But he gave us a lead. Severin Driscoll. Former resident of the U.K., master forger, military advisor. And now self-employed. Semba Island has been his home over the past twelve years.
SYDNEY: You think Driscoll made Hassan new identity papers?
SLOANE: It's our best bet. You go in as Victoria King, daughter of industrialist Martin King. Your assignment is to locate Driscoll and ascertain the new identity of Anini Hassan.
(Later, Jack walks up to Sydney near her desk.)
JACK: Sydney. I heard about what happened. Are you all right?
SYDNEY: I'm fine.
JACK: Rusik. It was a shock.
SYDNEY: You didn't--
JACK: What?
SYDNEY: Have anything to do with that?
JACK: What? Do you mean did I engineer it somehow? No, Sydney, of course not.
(Self-storage facility; meeting with Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: He was k*lled. Rusik. Last night. In Kenya, if you do find Driscoll, and Hassan's new identity, if he has one--
SYDNEY: I'll keep it away from SD-6 and give it to you.
(In the electronics store, Neville and Will listen to the tape. The g*n can be heard.)
NEVILLE: Hear that?
WILL: What?
NEVILLE: That pitch. Definitely nine-millimeter. That was a close-range h*t. (g*n) Twice in the chest. Once in the head.
WILL: Yeah. That's exactly how Eloise Kurtz was k*lled. Whoever sent me this tape wanted me to hear her getting k*lled. Why in the hell would he want that?
NEVILLE: You don't know if it's a he. You hear that? That delay before the last one? That's the one in the head.
WILL: Can we isolate that?
NEVILLE: Yeah, I can definitely improve on it.
(He starts clicking around his computer, making changes, playing it over and over again.)
WILL: See, this tape was made from that pin I gave you. It was from the bug.
NEVILLE: So, whoever paid that girl to say she was Kate Jones is the same person who gave her the pin, who is the same person who sent you the tape.
WILL: No, not necessarily. Someone else could have given her the pin, or replaced the one she had with a bug, and even if that was the same person, this thing was on a wireless transmitter so someone else could ahve made this tape.
NEVILLE: Hey, hey, we're getting somewhere.
WILL: Why would someone send the fake Kate Jones and want me to hear this?
NEVILLE: Wait, wait, shh.
WILL: What was that?
NEVILLE: Hold on.
(He plays the tape over again. This time the voices are much clearer and not garbled at all.)
MAN: Did you tell him about SD-6? About SD-6?!
WILL: "SD-6." "SD-6"? Play that back.
MAN: Did you tell him about SD-6?
WILL: What the--what the hell is SD-6?
(At Will's, Sydney drives up and knocks on his door. Will peers through the blinds and opens the door.)
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry that I was, like, snippy with you about my job.
WILL: Oh, you know, it's your job. You're allowed to be.
SYDNEY: I was a jerk. I'm sorry I was a jerk.
WILL: You don't have to apologize to me. I was just--I've just seen you working so hard lately, so I...
SYDNEY: Yeah, I know. That's why I'm here. I was talking to Francie and I need to do something that isn't job-related. So maybe the four of us could go to Lake Arrowhead or something for a few days next week. I mean, I've got a trip tonight--
WILL: (smiles) Of course you do.
SYDNEY: But I'm off all next week.
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm in.
(A door closes somewhere in his house.)
SYDNEY: You're not here alone, are you?
(Jenny comes out wearing one of Will's shirts.)
SYDNEY: Hi, Jenny.
WILL: Do you, uh, do you want to come in?
SYDNEY: No, thanks. I'm going to go.
JENNY: Okay! It was good to see you though!
SYDNEY: You, too. Bye.
WILL: Bye.
(Will closes the door. Sydney starts walking to her car and stops.)
(Kenya. Sydney waltzes in the lobby of the resort, wearing a long blonde curly wig and pink sunglasses. She approaches the counter.)
EMPLOYEE: May I help you?
SYDNEY: I'm Victoria King. You're expecting me.
EMPLOYEE: Welcome to Semba Island, Ms. King. Let me check on your suite. One moment please.
(Flashback to Marshall at SD-6.)
MARSHALL: Okay, um, this place you're going to is swank. I mean, it's, like, super-swank. Which is why I made you these puppies.
(He picks up the pink sunglasses.)
MARSHALL: Now, not only do they take pictures silently and have a telephoto lens, but...
(He puts them on and looks quite silly.)
MARSHALL: They're super-swank.
(Back on Semba, Sydney walks by the pool and looks around. She sees Driscoll and touches the arm of her glasses. They zoom in an take pictures of him and a bodyguard he has who stands nearby. Sydney turns to go back into the lobby and bumps into someone.)
SYDNEY: Oh, excuse me.
MAN: I'm sorry.
EMPLOYEE: Ms. King, your suite is ready. Enjoy your stay.
SYDNEY: I'll try.
(Later, Sydney sits on a lounge chair, wearing a black bikini and drinking. She walks over to where Driscoll sits and takes the chair next to him. Driscoll doesn't hide the fact that he's checking her out.)
SYDNEY: I'm very sorry about the music.
DRISCOLL: Excuse me?
SYDNEY: When I drink too much, I play my music too loudly. Last night, I drank too much.
(They smile flirtatiously.)
DRISCOLL: I didn't hear any music last night.
SYDNEY: That's impossible! You are the man from suite forty-seven?
DRISCOLL: No, I wish I were. Severin Driscoll.
SYDNEY: Victoria King. You look so familiar. Where are you staying?
DRISCOLL: I'm a resident here. Suite three-fifty. You, um, have... a standing invitation.
SYDNEY: I'm so embarrassed.
DRISCOLL: I like loud music.
SYDNEY: I'll see you around.
(She gets up and walks away.)
(In a parking garage, Will jogs up to a man.)
WILL: Mr. Stoller! Hi. Hi. I'm Will Tippin, I left you a message?
WILL: How you doing? I'm a reporter and I'm doing research on something called SD-6. And I did a search for it, it came up with one match. It was a deposition from a case that you had tried, The People vs. David McNeil.
MR. STOLLER: Yeah. David McNeil's an old friend of mine.
WILL: Great. Do you recall a reference to SD-6?
MR. STOLLER: No, I'm sorry. I don't. Discovery lasted years.
WILL: Well, you know, I'm really trying to figure out what exactly SD-6 is. Do you think maybe Mr. McNeil was a part of it?
MR. STOLLER: David McNeil is a regular guy. A computer programmer. He started a business that people wanted to buy. One company in particular wouldn't take no for an answer and when David said no, that same day, the government started an investigation. He was charged with larceny after trust and eventually was sentenced to sixteen years.
WILL: If he's such an innocent, why'd he plea bargain?
MR. STOLLER: His wife k*lled herself. His daughter -- my goddaughter -- now lives with my wife and I. David wantd to be sure nothing happened to her.
WILL: So you think Mrs. McNeil was m*rder?
(Sydney walks down the hallway of the resort, pulls out a cell phone.)
(Flashback to Marshall.)
MARSHALL: Cell phone, right? Obviously a cell phone. But observe.
(He presses down and a card slides out from the phone.)
MARSHALL: This unscrambles any standard jeri-code key card system, which is what they use on Semba Island.
(Back at the resort, Sydney looks at the phone and takes out the card. She inserts it into the lock on door 350. Inside, she shuts the door behind her and quickly starts looking around Driscoll's room. Outside, the bodyguard walks down the hall to the room. Sydney goes to the desk and r*fles through the papers and finds several passports. The bodyguard walks down the hall, coming closer. Sydney moves to the computer and starts typing. The bodyguard enters and she looks up. He takes out a g*n and points it at her.)
BODYGUARD: Who the hell are you?
SYDNEY: Where the HELL is Severin? He was supposed to meet me here twenty minutes ago! You are pointing that g*n at me! Put that down!
BODYGUARD: Who are you?
SYDNEY: Who am I?! Well, look at me closely. You don't know this face? You don't know who I am?
(Sydney grabs his arm and elbows him in the stomach. He grunts she kicks his arm and then kicks him in the stomach. The force of the kick sends him tumbling backwards against the glass wall dividing the room. The wall shatters and the bodyguard is sprawled out on the floor. Sydney stares. Behind the wall is a doctor's chair, an IV bag and a monitor. She inches closer, looking at the pictures on the monitor. She clicks a button. A picture of the old Hassan and the new Hassan. Sydney remembers bumping into the man downstairs...)
MAN: I'm sorry.
(It's him -- Hassan. With a new face. She remembers seeing him sh**t his colleague in front of her.)
HASSAN: I'm sorry you had to see that.
(Same voice. Same guy.)
(Sloane's office. He talks to Jack.)
SLOANE: Anini Hassan doesn't just have a new name; he has a new face, and is living in Havana. He's now using the alias Nebseni Sahd, and as you know, he broke an agreement with SD-6. He has stolen from us. The whole community is watching. We need to set an example with Hassan.
JACK: Any intel about where in Havana he might be?
SLOANE: No, we don't know. That's why I'm sending you to Cuba. I need you to rendezvous with the usual contacts. Locate Hassan and take care of it. Thank you.
JACK: I heard about Rusik. And now with Hassan... I understand it's been a difficult week.
SLOANE: One night... God, this is years ago... maybe two years before you and I met, I'd just finished my first far east briefing at the White House. I was new to the C.I.A. After the meting, everyone got into a limousine to head back to Langley but I didn't. I told them I was going to walk for a while. They all looke at me sort of funny. I mean, it was a cold night so I said I needed to get some air, but the truth is... I was overcome. It had occurred to me, as I was walking down the White House steps that I was living in a perfect moment. Everything was filled with promise. My role at the C.I.A., my relationship with a wife that I had not yet met. Still, I could feel a darkness coming so I wandered around for a while. Ended up at the Jefferson Memorial. It's always my favorite one. Looked out across the basin. Lincoln right there. I didn't know how it would finally materialize -- the darkness. I had nothing to base it on. It wasn't as if the C.I.A. had just betrayed me, that my wife had just been diagnosed with lymphoma. None of that had happened yet. So, whenever life takes an unfortunate turn, as it has this week, I just remind myself that I could see it coming all along. I want Hassan... d*ad. Before the weekend.
(Self-storage. Sydney takes out some files for Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: Hassan's new identity if Nebseni Sahd and uh, this is his passport number. I got back to Los Angeles and met with Sloane. I told him that Kenya was a failure, that I was unable to find out Hassan's new identity.
VAUGHN: Sloane found out last night, that Hassan... or whatever his name is now... is in Cuba. Sloane sent your father to Cuba to k*ll Hassan. After your father mete with Sloane, he met with me.
(Said meeting, in a van parked in an alley.)
JACK: I'm leaving for Cuba in thirty minutes. What's the countermission?
VAUGHN: Sloane might want Hassan d*ad, but the C.I.A. needs him alive. We need his client list. It'll tell us what w*apon he sold. Who's got them. It's invaluable.
JACK: Mr. Vaughn, I don't need a lesson in the international arms trade.
VAUGHN: Fine. Go to Cuba, use your contacts, get to Hassan. But instead of taking him out, you'll tell him the truth. That SD-6 sent you to k*ll him. You'll then convince him that you're turning on SD-6, that you're planning on leaving them, and that you're willing to fake his death in exchange for his client list.
JACK: You're making a huge mistake.
VAUGHN: (pissed) Am I?
JACK: Trusting a man like Hassan.
VAUGHN: There will be a C.I.A. team waiting there where his death is to be faked. Hassan will never be a free man again.
(Back in the self-storage.)
SYDNEY: And that's all that happened?
VAUGHN: That's it. Your father's getting Hassan for the C.I.A.
(Sydney stares at him intently. She suspects he's lying.)
SYDNEY: Nothing. I got to go, I've got friends coming.
VAUGHN: Francie, right?
SYDNEY: Yeah, and Will.
(He nods like he knows who Will is.)
SYDNEY: I'll see you.
(She leaves and Vaughn sighs.)
(Back to the meeting with Jack... what Vaughn lied about.)
VAUGHN: Hassan will never be a free man again.
JACK: I'll make contact by six pm tomorrow.
(Jack stands up to leave.)
VAUGN: I got a copy of Rusik's transmission. The one SD-6 intercepted.
(Jack turns.)
VAUGHN: I also went through the C.I.A. logs and compared the two. They don't match. You fixed the transmission. Made it look like it was Rusik by altering the signal's point of origin and changing the message contact.
(Jack is seething with anger.)
JACK: Whoever the hell you think you are -- checking up on me, pulling my file, second-guessing my choices -- let's just both face the facts. You're not that person. Neither your experience, nor your intelligence has earned you the right to question a thing that I do. Now, I'm going to make two suggestions. One, that you stop it. And two, that the next time they assign you to be my handler, you kindly decline.
VAUGHN: Rusik never transmitted a thing, did he?
JACK: Of course he didn't. If you got the SD-6 transmission, why the hell are you asking me?
VAUGHN: I never got the SD-6 transmission. It was just a hunch.
JACK: I'd just learned that my daughter was about to be tortured, Mr. Vaughn. Most likely, ex*cuted. I had no time to go for help.
(From earlier, Jack walks in the empty room, puts his briefcase down on the table and looks around. He opens the briefcase, moves the false bottom and finds a small circular object that looks about the size of a smoke detector next to his laptop. He walks into the computer room where a guy stands around.)
JACK: Some of the monitors went out int he op tech room. I want you to check every connection. NOW!
(The guy runs out, terrified of Jack. Now that he's alone, Jack slaps the object on the side of the server and walks out. In the room where he was before, he starts typing on his laptop.)
JACK: (voice over) I knew that altering the transmission was a dangerous gamble. Thye could have detected a disruption, but it was all I could do.
(Later, Jack walks outside Sloane's office and sees that moment when Sloane outstretched his arms and Sydney put her hands in his. Jack watches them and walks away. Back in the van with Vaughn...)
JACK: And now, you can judge what I've done. I don't give a damn what you do.
(He leaves.)
(At Sydney and Francie's, Will walks in Sydney's bedroom with snowshoes on. He carries a glass of red wine. Sydney comes out of her adjoining bathroom, brushing her wet hair.)
WILL: Syd?
SYDNEY: Thank you!
(She takes the glass of wine and takes a drink.)
SYDNEY: Still got the shoes on?
WILL: Yeah, have you ever worn snowhoes before?
SYDNEY: Nuh uh.
WILL: Oh, you gotta get with the program. There's, like, an artform to this.
(He sees Vaughn's present sitting on her bed.)
WILL: What's that?
SYDNEY: Oh, nothing. That's... some guy at work gave it to me.
WILL: Oh, yeah? Not Dixon.
SYDNEY: No, he's still recovering. Just... some other guy.
WILL: Some guy? Do I know him?
(He picks up the bag, leaving it dangle off his finger.)
SYDNEY: No, he's no one.
WILL: Really?
(You can tell Will's jealous.)
WILL: He's just... some guy. That's nice. That's nice. No, that he, you know, that he... that he gave you that.
(He takes her glass of wine from her, takes a drink.)
SYDNEY: I don't know. It was weird.
WILL: Why? How come?
SYDNEY: I don't know.
(She takes the glass back.)
WILL: Maybe he likes you.
WILL: Maybe he does.
SYDNEY: No, he doesn't like me.
WILL: If he knows you, Syd, chances are he likes you.
SYDNEY: He doesn't like me the way Jenny likes you.
WILL: The way Jenny? Oh, come on.
SYDNEY: She looked nice in your shirt, by the way.
WILL: It's a nice shirt.
SYDNEY: Nice and snug.
WILL: Okay, easy with the cheap sh*ts.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, it was very flattering. (takes a drink)
WILL: Whatever. I was just saying that I think that--
FRANCIE: (off screen) WILL!
WILL: (shouts back) Okay! Iron Chef in there needs me.
(They smile goofily at each other. Will clambers out of the room, still wearing the snowshoes.)
(Out in the kitchen...)
WILL: So, this guy gave her a Christmas present in there. You know, some guy from the office. Some guy.
WILL: You didn't know about it?
FRANCIE: Know what? What's to know? I did hear about you, though.
WILL: About what?
FRANCIE: About you and the cheerleader.
WILL: Okay, first of all, she's not a cheerleader anymore and second, the relationship doesn't mean anything.
FRANCIE: Mmm-hmm.
(In her bedroom, Sydney looks at the gift bag from Vaughn and opens it. She takes off the pink tissue paper and finds an antique picture frame. She smiles. You can tell she loves it. Right away, she pulls down her hat box and starts going through the pictures, finding the perfect one for it. She sees one of her and her mom. She's about to put it in when she sees a picture of little Sydney and Jack. She's on his shoulders, and Jack has a smile on his face for once. She stares at it.)
SYDNEY: I found this old picture. Me and my father. I was just staring at it and for some reason, I remember asking him about Santa Claus.
VAUGHN: Santa Claus.
SYDNEY: Yeah. If he was real. If Santa Claus was real. My father would answer me in this... flat, factual way. "Yes, of course he's real." Every time I asked. The thing is, I knew he was lying. That's why I'd ask him again. When I questioned him about Rusik, he was the same way. I wanted to believe him, but looking at that stupid picture, I realized Rusik wasn't K-Directorate. He wan't the guilty one. I was.
VAUGHN: Sydney--
SYDNEY: Rusik did nothing wrong. But because of what my father did, he was k*lled.
VAUGHN: Rusik wasn't such an innocent. You want to know about Rusik? He was an early member of SD-6. He knew he was working for the bad guys. He was the leader of at least a dozen operations that stole w*apon and chemicals and intel and sold them to the enemies of the United States for cash to fund more SD-6 operations. Just like the one that k*lled your fiance. He got what he deserved!
SYDNEY: If you know so much about Rusik, then you knew he wasn't K-Directorate.
VAUGHN: It seems he was sacrificed, yes.
SYDNEY: Well, see, that's not a choice my dad can just make!
VAUGHN: What would you have done, if it had been your daughter? Or son? ...Or Danny?
(Vaughn stops, knowing he went too far. Sydney tears up. He turns his back to her and sighs, rubbing his forehead.)
VAUGHN: Listen, there's something else.
(In Cuba. Jack sits at a table at a cafe, reading a newspaper and looking up and down the street, waiting to meet someone.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) In Cuba, your father made contact with an old informant. A Havana insider who set up the meeting between your father and Hassan's men.
SYDNEY: (voice over) What happened?
(Jack waits at the table. The informant walks to him, a g*n at his side. He points the g*n at Jack. Jack bolts to his feet, throws the table at the man. The man goes down, but two other g*ons come to Jack. One flips him to the ground. They shove their g*n in Jack's face.)
(Self-storage, continuing.)
VAUGHN: Sydney... Hassan has your father.
SYDNEY: What's being done?
VAUGHN: We have a team in place in Havana, but Devlin doesn't want to move yet. He says sending a C.I.A. team to scour the countryside will only attract the kind of attention we cant afford.
(She steps closer to Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: You said you understood what my father did for me. That he couldn't just wait and do nothing.
(He nods.)
SYDNEY: Then you'll understand that I'm going to need your help to get to Cuba.
(Lomboc federal penitentiary. Will sits behind the glass at the desk of phones, waiting. David McNeil walks in and sits down. They pick up the phones and start talking to each other through the glass.)
WILL: Hi. I'm Will Tippin.
DAVID: David McNeil.
WILL: Thank you for meeting with me. Do you mind if I...?
(He gestures to a notepad in front of him and puts on his glasses.)
DAVID: No, that's all right.
WILL: Great.
DAVID: So, in the letter you sent, you weren't real specific. You're doing an article on encryption software?
WILL: Yeah, um... no. Not really. I mean, I think that's an interesting topic. It's timely and, you know, we can't do that.
DAVID: So why are we sitting here?
WILL: I'm researching something. It's called SD-6.
(David looks away.)
DAVID: I don't have anything to say about that.
WILL: Why don't you just tell me what you know? I mean, just--
DAVID: I don't know anything.
WILL: Why don't you tell me what you suspect?
DAVID: I don't suspect anything.
WILL: I met with Robert Stoller.
(David freezes.)
WILL: He told me about your wife.
DAVID: Listen to me. Stay away from him! Do you understand? Don't talk to him again!
(He shoves the phone at the glass. Will is startled and watches him go.)
(Havana. Sydney shows a picture of Jack to a few people. One guy nods and points to where Jack was as*ault.)
(In Hassan's mansion, Jack sits in a chair with his arms tied behind his back. A few g*ons stand around with g*n. Jack's face is bruised and bleeding. Hassan enters.)
HASSAN: My men, they told me that you have contacted them. How?
JACK: I knew how to ask and who to ask for, Nebseni Sahd. That's your new name. I know it. SD-6 knows it.
HASSAN: SD-6 is your employer?
JACK: Yes.
(Hassan punches him. Blood starts pouring out from Jack's lip. He grunts in pain.)
HASSAN: They will learn what happens when they send someone after me.
JACK: Wait... I have an offer to make. That's why I'm here...
(Outside the house, a guard stands around. Sydney kicks him in the head and punches him. He goes down.)
(Inside the room, continuing...)
JACK: You think SD-6 ripped you off, so you stole from them and you disappeared. Now they've stolen a good deal of your money and they want you d*ad.
HASSAN: SD-6 will never k*ll me.
JACK: You're too smart to bleieve that. Think about Isaac Lochan or Ulee Shroeder. They will find you. They have a photograph of you from Semba Island.
JACK: That's the same question you'll be asking yourself the moment before they k*ll you.
HASSAN: What's your offer?
JACK: You have something of value to me. Your client list. I want it. Not for SD-6. For me. For my own personal use.
(Hassan laughs.)
JACK: You give me your client list and I'll give you your freedom.
JACK: We'll fake your death, you and I, together. And I'll return to SD-6 and show them the photographs. They'll think you're no longer a problem. You'll be free.
(Sydney runs outside the house and looks around. A guard comes up from behind her. She punches him. He takes her down by sweeping her legs out from under her. He then hits her with the but of his g*n.)
(They take Jack and and throw him into a chair outside.)
HASSAN: How do I know that you are not setting me up and how do I know that if I give you my list that I worked decades to assemble, you're not simply going to sh**t me anyway?
JACK: Because you can trust me. Think about it. I'm the one who contacted your men. If I really wanted to k*ll you, all I'd have to do is wait. Keep my mouth shut. You didn't know that you'd been ID'd with your new face. You would've walked into town. I could've popped you in the head like a deer. If you say yes to this, we both win -- big. If you say no, we both die. It's your call.
(Hassan's men walks in and speaks in Spanish to Hassan. They tell them about finding Sydney.)
HASSAN: Gracias. Interesting!
JACK: What?
HASSAN: Well... I think you make a good offer, but I still don't know if I can trust you completely. So, prove to me that you are willing to go against SD-6.
JACK: Anything.
HASSAN: You say you came alone?
JACK: Yes.
HASSAN: Well then, there is someone else here...
(Jack turns, frantically, and sees two men carrying an unconscious Sydney. They throw her down on the floor and she comes to.)
HASSAN: Someone who works for SD-6.
(He slaps her. Jack looks away, pained. Sydney sits up, groggy, and looks at them. They point their g*n at Jack. Hassan unties his hands and gives him a g*n.)
HASSAN: Here. k*ll her.
(Jack takes the g*n.)
HASSAN: Aim the g*n at this woman if you are who you say you are, and k*ll her.
(Sydney stares. The guards all have their g*n pointed at Jack. He raises the g*n and points it at his own daughter...) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x10 - Spirit"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Confession" episode #1.11
(Continuing from last week...)
HASSAN: Aim the g*n at this woman if you are who you say you are, and k*ll her.
(He raises the g*n, blinking rapidly. Sydney watches and waits. Hassan watches. The guards all point their g*n at him. Jack keeps his g*n on Sydney, blinking.)
JACK: sh**ting this agent proves nothing.
HASSAN: To me, it proves everything. You come to me and you make me an offer. You tell me you are willing to work against SD-6 and that you are working alone. And then she shows up.
JACK: Obviously, SD-6 sent her here without my knowledge.
HASSAN: Well then, you should have no problem whatsoever proving your loyalty to me. k*ll this agent and I'll believe you. And accept your offer. And if you choose not to, then I'll just have to say good-bye to both of you.
(Jack sh**t one of the guards. The guard sh**t at Jack. Sydney takes out the guard next to her. Hassan reaches for a g*n, but Jack is quicker. He's up on his feet and pointing a g*n at him.)
JACK: Don't do it! Hands in the air! Now!
SYDNEY: It took me a second to realize what you were doing.
JACK: I was blinking as fast as I could.
SYDNEY: I know. I was like, "Hard on your light"?
JACK: Guard on your right.
SYDNEY: Well, I figured it out. I was just never very good at morse code.
(She sees he has a wound on his upper arm.)
SYDNEY: Dad, you were sh*t.
JACK: It's nothing. (to Hassan) Call you guards. Have them meet you out back. We're going out the front. We're fluent in Arabic, so just do as I say.
HASSAN: (speaks Arabic)
JACK: (speaks Arabic right back)
(Hassan takes a walkie talkie and talks to the guards in Arabic. They all run towards the back exit. Jack snatches the walkie talkie away and pushes him out. Jack and Sydney put him in a car. Jack drives out of there with Sydney in the backseat, keeping a g*n on Hassan. Along the countryside, they drive along.)
HASSAN: So, now what? Take me to the mountains and k*ll me?
JACK: The plan doesn't change. You're still going to give me your client list and I'm still going to make sure SD-6 thinks you're d*ad.
HASSAN: (laughs) I don't care who you work for as long as you let me go.
(C.I.A. safehouse in Havana. Hassan poses in a pool of blood. Jack takes pictures.)
JACK: Okay, get up.
(He does and has a look at his bloody shirt and suit jacket.)
HASSAN: Do you know how much this suit cost me? It's not cheap, you know.
JACK: Give me your client list.
(He brings it up on a Palm Pilot sort of thing.)
HASSAN: There you are. You said you had a way for me to get out of Cuba.
JACK: Oh, yes, I do.
(He elbows him in the face. Hassan falls to the floor, knocked out. Jack starts tying up his hands.)
JACK: (to Sydney) Two years ago, of course I knew you were working for SD-6, I heard you'd been sent to Memphis, Egypt to meet with this jackass. It turned my stomach that you were in this business.
SYDNEY: Come here.
(When Hassan is tied, Jack sits at the table where Sydney has a first aid kit out. She tears his shirt and begins dressing his arm wound.)
SYDNEY: I think you've got a lacerated blood vessel.
JACK: I'm all right.
SYDNEY: Dad, can I ask you something? When you started with SD-6, you knew that they were a mercenary group and that they had no connection with the C.I.A. But I didn't. When I joined, I thought I was going to be saving the world and not making it more dangerous.
JACK: What's the question?
SYDNEY: Why didn't you say something? I mean, you could have told me what I was really doing - damage instead of good - but you kept quiet.
JACK: (sighs) Revealing the truth about what you were doing would have required revealing the truth about what I was doing.
(Outside in the middle of nowhere, a helicopter whirs and lands. Their car pulls up. Sydney and Jack tug Hassan out of the car, his hands still tied, and lead him to the chopper. Sydney gets in with Hassan and the other C.I.A. operatives.)
JACK: I'll see you.
(He backs up and watches them leave. He's left alone by his car.)
(Self-storage. Sydney meets with Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: As Hassan and I were heading to the mainland, my dad contacted SD-6 and told them that Hassan was d*ad and his mission was successful. So it all wored. SD-6 has no idea I was gone, the C.I.A. has Hassan, and my dad's okay. So, thank you.
VAUGHN: I didn't do anything.
SYDNEY: You got me into Cuba.
(Vaughn looks down.)
SYDNEY: And you know what? You were right.
VAUGHN: What about?
SYDNEY: What hapepens when someone you care about is in trouble. What you said, that nothing else matters. It all just goes away. Last week when I learned what my father did for me, sacrificing Rusik, it made me sick. But now, I know I would hav eodne the exact same thing. You should have seen him.
VAUGHN: Your father?
SYDNEY: Yeah, he was like... he was like a pro. He was good. I mean, the way you talked about him once, what his reputation was, I could see it in action. He was... impressive.
VAUGHN: I got those codes deciphered. Those books your father used to buy for your mother. The ones she had imported twenty-five years ago, those cyrillic codes you found and gave to me. I had N.S.A. look at them.
(He gets up and opens a briefcase. He pulls out some files and gives them to her.)
SYDNEY: What is this?
VAUGHN: Directives. Confirmed KGB orders.
SYDNEY: What kind of orders? What do they mean?
VAUGHN: It's a list of aliases, of handles... people.
VAUGHN: Those are official code names given by the C.I.A. to over a dozen of our officers. All of whom were k*lled.
VAUGHN: Twenty-five years ago, all k*lled by an unknown foreign agent. The C.I.A. suspected was KGB. Your suspicions about your father havine once worked for the KGB... they're accurate.
SYDNEY: We don't know that for sure.
VAUGHN: We know your father was being tracked by an FBI counterintelligence--
SYDNEY: You said that it was routine.
VAUGHN: There's nothing routine about that list. There's something very specific about it. It's been a mystery within the agency for over two decades. Who m*rder those C.I.A. officers? I'm sorry, but we have our answer now. It was your father. And I'm going to report him.
(Jack, who is bandaged and bruised, speaks to Sloane in Sloane's office.)
SLOANE: I'm glad you're back safely. To tell you the truth, I was a little nervous.
JACK: You know I've been through far worse than Havana. We both have.
SLOANE: Yeah, when I didn't hear from you I thought maybe Hassan had gotten a lead. Maybe he knew you were coming.
JACK: I was unsure of that myself. But it all worked out.
SLOANE: Not for all of us.
JACK: No, not for him.
SLOANE: Thank you.
JACK: It's my job.
(Conference room. Jack, Sloane, Dixon, Marshall, Sydney. A picture of Hassan's "m*rder" that Jack took is up on the screen.)
SLOANE: A viscious m*rder. Anini Hassan has been ex*cuted. We may never know who's responsible for this k*lling, but what we do know is that after word of his death spread, this man was unusually busy. This is Minos Sakulos. He worked very closely with Hassan. Some considered him to be Hassan's second. For the past two days, Sakulos has been scrambling to make contact with Hassan's old clients. Seems he's looking to take over Hassan's work.
DIXON: You think Sakulos had Hassan k*lled?
SLOANE: Perhaps. Or maybe he's just taking advantage of an opportunity. We intercepted this call last night.
SAKULOS: I know that before his death, you were interested in speaking with Mr. Hassan.
MAN: Yes, it was a discussion of a certain... package.
SAKULOS: I'm in possession of this package myself. I'm taking bids right now.
SYDNEY: The package?
SLOANE: Yes, a package. For months we've been hearing rumors about a new device that Hassan had commissioned. We don't know what it is but Hassan was an arms dealer with access to nuclear w*apon. We need to know. This is Club Panthera. It's Sakulos's cover. He keeps an office there. Sakulos has set up a meeting with potential clients Thursday night at this club. Your job is to go to Greece, break into Sakulos's office, and retrieve the specs on this mysterious package. Marshall?
MARSHALL: Thank you. Um... actually, did anyone see that documentary on-on monkeys last night? Oh, it was great. They did this... sign... I guess... no one saw that. Okay. What we've learned so far is that Sakulos has a biometric scan on his office door which requires a retinal scan in order to open. So, you have the high-resolution retina scanner.
(He takes out a pair of funky rose colored glasses.)
MARSHALL: They work from up to about thirty feet. Now, Miss Bristow, you'll put these on like so...
(He puts them on and once again, looks quite silly.)
MARSHALL: And you find the person whose retinas you want. In this case, Sakulos. And you want to make direct, you know, solid eye contact. Look him right--and then uh, Mr. Dixon, you will lock on and h*t the scan key. Now, it should take about ten seconds, which I know is kind of a long time but check this out.
(From the briefcase that Dixon must use to h*t the scan key, a small box is opened to reveal contacts.)
MARSHALL: This is a silicone and fluoropolymer compound, creates a set of contact lenses that the retina reader will accept. And... you guys really, you got to check out that documentary on monkeys. It's... I got a copy at home if...
(C.I.A. safehouse in L.A. Agents watch Anini Hassan behind the mirror in the room. Vaughn enters.)
VAUGHN: It's not so bad here, is it?
HASSAN: This is not the deal I agreed to.
VAUGHN: So, what can you tell me about the package?
(Hassan looks smug and looks away.)
VAUGHN: Oh, come on. You're going to have to help me out because under the Patriot Act of 2001, you're not going anywhere. So what I recommend is that you and I work together and I'll make sure you stay comfortable. You wouldn't believe, but there are some nice prisons in this country. Either that, or you don't cooperate, in which case, let's just say you're not going to like your cellmates so much. Now, you don't have to trust me but it might save you some misery. What's the package?
HASSAN: Listen, I have a wife and a son. They are a target. Not just SD-6. I've made many enemies in the past. Now, you bring them to the United States, give them protection. You do that for me, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Everything.
VAUGHN: Let me make one thing very clear, Mr. Hassan. The extent to which I am willing to service you is when I offer you a soda. There is no room for negotations. There are no perks coming your way. You have nothing to gain here!
HASSAN: And neither do you!
VAUGHN: Think about that!
HASSAN: I don't have to!
VAUGHN: I'll give you some time to think about that.
(In SD-6, Jack walks up to Sydney.)
JACK: Sydney...
(He takes out his pen descrambler and switches it on.)
JACK: In Cuba... I should have said that, uh... I wanted to say thank you for coming. I know that was something that you... that you certainly didn't have to do.
SYDNEY: It's okay, Dad.
(She starts to walk away.)
JACK: Wait. There's something else. There are... um... there are so many things that... that I should probably do. I mean, as a father. Things I should ask... and say.
SYDNEY: Dad... it's all right. Really.
(She walks away. Jack puts the pen away.)
(In the middle of nowhere, Vaughn and Sydney meet. They lean against their respective vehicles.)
VAUGHN: Whatever the package is, Hassan's not talking so here's the plan. You'll put on the contact lenses, get into Sakulos' office and record the specs. You, not Dixon.
(He gives her a make-up case.)
VAUGHN: The compact's a camera, the lipstick's a voice recorder, the lighter's a USB flash RAM drive. Whatever intel you can get, get it for us. (gives her a file) There are some designs for various w*apon. You'll photograph these with whatever camera SD-6 gives you. That's what you'll give them when you get back.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
VAUGHN: Listen, about your father. I know you're reluctant to do anything.
SYDNEY: I've been thinking a lot about that...
VAUGHN: You know what we have to do. We have to report him to Langley. Now, I could do it myself but those are your books. They'll need your testimony to make a case against him.
SYDNEY: He might have been a part of the KGB, but we don't know what role he played in those m*rder.
VAUGHN: You're kidding yourself and you know that.
SYDNEY: Let's just say he was guilty. Those directives are twenty-five years old.
VAUGHN: There's no statute of limitations against m*rder.
SYDNEY: We need him right now. We will never destroy SD-6 without my father.
(Vaughn looks away. He gets something from his car -- files and files of agents.)
VAUGHN: Those code names in your father's book... they were people. And they risked their lives - all of them - for this country. And yes, it might have been twenty-five years ago but for each of those lives lost, others were destroyed.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: No, you don't know because you're not thinking about them, you're only thinking about yourself! You made a connection with your father for the first time in your life and turning him in would mean sacrificing that. I understand. But Sydney, we have proof. We know who the victims are. You're holding them in your hands and we know who the k*ller was and we both know the right thing to do.
SYDNEY: Yes, my father probably got those orders from the books and yes, it looks like my father was responsible for those deaths but what youre asking me to do... I just need some time. Not a lot of time. Not forever. Just... please. You wont do anything about this without me?
(Vaughn nods a little. She gets in her car and drives away. Vaughn watches her leave and when she's out of sight, he takes out a tape recorder from his jacket pocket and rewinds it. He presses play.)
SYDNEY'S VOICE: Yes, my father probably got those orders from the books and yes, it looks like my father was responsible for those deaths--
(He shuts the tape off.)
(Athens. At the club, dance music plays and half-naked dancers prance around. Sydney walks in, in disguise, wearing the Marshall glasses.)
SYDNEY: I'm going to need another set of eyes.
(Dixon is in the building, walking to control room.)
DIXON: I'm working on it.
(He walks down the stairs and knocks, speaking Greek. A guy answers the door. Dixon presses a cloth to his mouth and the guy goes down.)
DIXON: I'm in. Give me a second to locate Sakulos.
(He sits behind the desk and looks at all the monitors.)
DIXON: Okay, found him. He's through the glass door to your left.
(Sydney smiles at the bouncer by the door to her left. She squeezes her way through and gives him a look in thanks. She sees a half-naked girl dancing on the glass ceiling above her head. Inside the private room, she sees Sakulos sitting at a booth with a bunch of women. He sees her and blatantly checks her out. Pure sleaze. She smiles seductively.)
SYDNEY: (mutters) He's looking right at me. You got anything yet?
DIXON: I'm not getting a lock on the retinas. The lights in the club - they must be disrupting the signal. You'll have to get closer.
SYDNEY: (mutters) How much closer?
DIXON: In this lighting? How's two inches?
SYDNEY: Greeeeeeat.
(She waggles her finger at him. Like a drooling puppy, Sakulos gets up and walks to her, inching closer.)
SYDNEY: I understand you're the owner of the club.
SAKULOS: Well, you are American.
SYDNEY: That's right. God bless America.
DIXON: I'm getting it Sydney, hold for ten seconds.
(She puts an arm around his neck.)
SYDNEY: Your dancers... suck.
SAKULOS: (imitating her) Suck? (laughs) You think you could do a better job?
BODYGUARD: Sir, your eleven o'clock just arrived. He's waiting by the poolside bar.
DIXON: No good, we didn't get a read yet.
SAKULOS: I have a very important meeting with a client but, um, follow me.
(He leads her into a separate room with a bodgyard. When he's about to leave, Sydney grabs him by the arm, inching up to him.)
SAKULOS: I'll be back in ten minutes.
SYDNEY: I can't wait.
(They are so close, they could kiss.)
DIXON: Got it!
(Sakulos leaves and speaks Greek to the bodyguard. He locks the door.)
DIXON: Okay, the contacts are ready. Syd, meet me by the restrooms.
(He gets the contacts out.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me, I have to go.
BODYGUARD: Mr. Sakulos has invited you to stay.
SYDNEY: I need a drink.
BODYGUARD: We will be happy to ahve whatever you like, brought here.
SYDNEY: I'd rather get it myself.
BODYGUARD: I think you'd be much more comfortable if you stayed here.
SYDNEY: Oh, really? You do?
(She kicks his ass, kicking him several times. He's conked out. Sydney steals his keys and scrambles for the lock, trying all the keys.)
DIXON: You okay?
SYDNEY: Yeah, except that I'm locked in this pervert's room.
DIXON: I'm closer to Sakulos' room and I have the contacts.
SYDNEY: No, Dixon, really, I want to do this myself.
DIXON: I'll download the blueprints of the package off of Sakulos' computer!
(Sydney scrambles to unlock the door.)
SYDNEY: No, Dixon!
DIXON: Just get out of there in one piece! I'll meet you outside when I'm done!
SYDNEY: Damn it!
(Dixon has the contacts in and runs to the office door. He passes the scan and goes inside. Sydney, meanwhile, finally unlocks the door. She sees a guard and runs the other way. Dixon starts downloading the contents of the computer. Sydney, running away from the pervert's room, comes in to another room where half-naked women with sleazy men are everywhere in the private lounge. Suddenly, a guy grabs her from behind. Sakulos comes closer, cackling.)
SAKULOS: Are you auditioning to be a dancer, eh? Or a bouncer, eh?
(The download is complete. Dixon starts to leave. Sakulos inches closer to Sydney.)
SAKULOS: Hmm. I can't quite decide if you are... my taste.
(He licks her face from the chin up to her eye. Sydney closes her eyes, seething. Dixon bursts in.)
DIXON: Sydney!
(Sydney head bunts Sakulos and kicks him in the stomach. He flies backwards. Dixon takes out the guard who was holding Sydney back.)
DIXON: Syd, let's go!
(They run out.)
(Back in Los Angeles at the C.I.A. safehouse, Hassan has a plate of food in front of him. He stares at a green been, disgusted. Vaughn enters.)
VAUGHN: How's the food? So, Mr. Hassan, you've had some time to think about it. You want to help me out?
HASSAN: Screw you.
VAUGHN: Screw me?
HASSAN: Screw you. I don't talk to you until you show me some respect.
VAUGHN: Let's be honest here. In twenty minutes, you're going to be shipped off to a maximum-security prison outside Los Angeles. By five pm, you're going to be someone's after-dinner mint. So unless you start cooperating with me real fast, respect is going to be the least of your problems.
(Hassan doesn't comply. Vaughn shrugs and starts to walk out.)
HASSAN: Wait. You still refuse to help get my family out of Argentina?
VAUGHN: I told you, that's not part of the deal. But if you help me out, I'll make sure you stay comfortable.
HASSAN: Okay. I have a stockpile of w*apon. Not in Egypt; I knew that's where my enemies would look. The package, and other w*apon, are in a silo in Greece, on the island of Crete.
(Blood donor van on campus.)
SYDNEY: He licked my face.
VAUGHN: I understand.
SYDNEY: You don't really. He licked my face. You want to know the worst part? Because of him, I didn't succeed. Because of him, Dixon accessed the information, the C.I.A. got nothing, and SD-6 ended up with what they wanted. I want to go to Crete myself. I want to find the stockpile Hassan told you about, get the package, and bring it back.
VAUGHN: I just don't feel it's the right time for the C.I.A. to send you anywhere without SD-6's knowledge. We just did that with Cuba. I think it's too dangerous.
SYDNEY: Then we can use my father.
(Vaughn gets uncomfortable.)
SYDNEY: He can give Sloane the intel and we'll make it an SD-6 mission.
VAUGHN: Okay. (looks down) That's not why I called you.
SYDNEY: I know. Listen, if we turn in my father, that'll jeopordize what you and I are doing here. It might even--
SYDNEY'S VOICE: Yes, my father probably got those orders from the books and yes, it looks like my father was responsible for those deaths--
(Sydney turns around and stares at Vaughn. He shuts off the tape.)
VAUGHN: (sighs) I figured turning in your father would be too difficult for you so I mde this tape the last time we were together. I was going to play it for Devlin. Maybe use it in court someday. But I couldn't bring myself to do that.
(He pops out the tape and gives it to her.)
VAUGHN: I'm only telling you this because I thought I owed you that much. For some reason. I know this is a personal thing for you. The idea of reporting your father is a horrible position to be in. But it's a personal thing for me too, Sydney. Those files I showed you of the C.I.A. officers who were k*lled...
(He turns around and gets a file out.)
VAUGHN: I left one out.
(Vaughn gives her the hseet. She looks. A picture of a man is shown and his name is William C. Vaughn. Michael's father.)
VAUGHN: I made an appointment to meet with Devlin on Monday to report your father. Are you with me?
(Staring at the profile on Michael's d*ad father, she slightly nods.)
(Will's house. Sydney pulls up and climbs out of her vehicle. She climbs the steps, slowly, and knocks. Will peers at her through his blinds and sees her tear-streaked face. He opens the door right away.)
WILL: Hi. What's the matter?
SYDNEY: Is Jenny here?
WILL: What? Oh. No. No. Come on in, come in.
(Inside his house, Sydney sits down on his couch. He sits on the coffee table across from her.)
WILL: (quietly) What's wrong?
(She cries. He rubs her shoulder.)
WILL: Hey, hey...
(He sits next to her, rubbing her shoulder softly.)
WILL: Hey, come here.
(She rests her head on his shoulder. He keeps rubbing her shoulder. She gingerly takes his hand in hers, crying softly. Will puts his arm around her. Sydney lays back on the couch and takes Will down with her, never leaving go of his hand. He spoons behind her on the couch while she continues to cry.)
WILL: Can you tell me what's wrong?
SYDNEY: I just want to stay here for a while, if that's okay.
WILL: Of course.
(He watches her close her eyes with his arm still around her, Sydney still holding his hand.)
(Sydney walks into SD-6. She drops a note in front of Jack. He looks up.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Dad, I know you've made mistakes. We both have. I know, given the chance, you'd go back and take a different path. And that you'd right the things you did wrong. My point is, something went wrong last week and I have a chance to correct it. But I need your help. Please. You have to make Sloane believe that you've recieved intenl about Hassan's w*apon stockpile.
(Sydney looks back and nods at him.)
(Jack walks in Sloane's office.)
JACK: Arvin, we just recieved some intel. I think we have the location of Hassan's w*apon stockpile.
(Conference room with Sloane, Sydney and Jack.)
SLOANE: You're looking at an E.M. refractor used to cloak m*ssile. It's being stored on the island of Crete. Thanks to your father's middle eastern contacts, we know where to go.
SYDNEY: Good work.
SLOANE: You go to Marshall, he'll review the op tech. You'll leave in the morning.
(Crete. Sydney looks through a pair of binoculars as Sakulos closes the silo doors and walks to his vehicle. He turns over the engine and drives away.)
SYDNEY: Sakulos is leaving the bunker.
(Back in Los Angeles at the C.I.A., Agent Weiss and Vaughn are sitting in a control room watching.)
VAUGHN: We've got him on satellite relay, Syd.
SYDNEY: See any guards?
VAUGHN: Hassan says there won't be any. The bunker was designed to look abandoned. The E.M. refractor is in a secure department underground.
SYDNEY: Copy that.
(She goes in. Climbing a fence, she drops the ground and runs to the silo. She opens the door and goes in. Back at the C.I.A...)
VAUGHN: Go infrared.
(Weiss does so.)
WEISS: It's clear.
VAUGHN: Syd, you're clear.
(She looks around and starts going down the sairs.)
SYDNEY: Okay. I'm in. Where to?
VAUGHN: There's a stairwell on the left. Go down to the lower level.
(With a flashlight, she goes down.)
SYDNEY: It's a d*ad end.
(At the C.I.A., we pan over to reveal Hassan sitting next to Vaughn.)
HASSAN: There is a valve halfway up on the left. She needs to turn it clockwise.
VAUGHN: Syd, turn to your left. There's a valve. Turn it clockwise.
HASSAN: A panel will open. She'll find a keypad behind it.
VAUGHN: You should find a keypad.
(Sydney does.)
SYDNEY: What's the code?
VAUGHN: The code.
HASSAN: Pi to six digits.
VAUGHN: The code is 314159.
(Sydney punches it in. The doors slide open. She goes inside and looks around. The silo is more like a warehouse; it's huge.)
SYDNEY: Where do I look?
VAUGHN: Hassan says to look for black shipping cases.
(She sees them and starts pulling them open and throwing them aside until she gets it.)
SYDNEY: I found the refractor.
(Suddenly, the doors start to close. Sydney tries running to it with the refractor in hand, but doesn't get there in time.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I think this is a set-up!
(The lights go out and then emergency lights come on.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, what's going on? The room just went into lockdown!
(Back at the C.I.A...)
VAUGHN: What the hell did you just do?
HASSAN: I gave you the wrong code. Your agent has activated an anti-intruder device.
(Sakulos is driving in his Jeep along the road when he listens to the radio and hears the message about the intruder back at the silo.)
(Back at the C.I.A...)
HASSAN: In a few seconds, the room will be filled with gasoline. Exactly one minute afte rthat, a flame will ignite.
(In the silo, nozzles start coming down from the ceiling. Sydney looks up.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, talk to me...
(At the C.I.A., Vaughn takes out his g*n and points it at Hassan.)
VAUGHN: Give me the deactivation code.
(In the silo, gas starts spraying on Sydney. She covers her face.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn...
(At the C.I.A., Vaughn still has his g*n pointed at Hassan.)
HASSAN: Not until I have an agreement, in writing, signed by your superiors, guaranteeing that my family will be allowed entry in your witness protection program.
VAUGHN: Give me the code, you son of a bitch, or I'll pull the trigger!
HASSAN: I have no doubt that's true.
(Hassan sits back smugly. Vaughn, not taking his g*n or his eyes off Hassan, pulls off his headset with which he was communicating with Sydney.)
VAUGHN: (to Weiss) Start typing.
(Vaughn runs out.)
(In the silo, Sydney runs for cover, trying to get out of the way of the gasoline spray. In the C.I.A. building, Vaughn starts climbing the stairs two at a time, going floor to floor. Sydney coughs, covering her mouth with her hand, getting soaked with gasoline. Vaughn keeps climbing the stairs. Sydney coughs.)
(In the control room, Weiss quickly types on a computer.)
HASSAN: You misspelled "Enali."
WEISS: Shut up!
(Vaughn bursts through Director Devlin's office, panting.)
VAUGHN: Sorry, Mr. Devlin--
DEVLIN: What are you doing?!
VAUGHN: If I don't get your signature on a protection order for Anini Hassan's family in the next forty seconds, Sydney Bristow will die.
(Sydney coughs, completely covered in gasoline. Devlin and Vaughn walk into the control room just as Weiss prints off the agreement.)
WEISS: Here.
(Devlin takes a pen from his shirt pocket and starts to sign it.)
DEVLIN: My pen.
(It ran out of ink. Vaughn gives him one from his shirt pocket. He signs it.)
VAUGHN: Give me the code!
(Hassan looks over the agreement.)
HASSAN: 766153.
(Vaughn gets back on the headset.)
VAUGHN: The code is 766153!
(Sydney punches it in on a keypad on the wall. The gasoline stops. She coughs, gasping for breath, covering her mouth.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn... thank you...
(Everyone in the C.I.A. room takes a deep breath. In the silo, Sakulos walks in with a g*n raised.)
SYDNEY: Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t! The room is full of gasoline!
SAKULOS: What the hell are you doing here?
(He takes out a Kn*fe instead of a g*n and tries attacking her. He makes a move to s*ab her, but she kicks him. They fight. He has the Kn*fe raised and is about to s*ab her when Sydney moves out of the way and the Kn*fe drives into the security keypad on the wall. Sydney runs out. He sees the panel spark from his Kn*fe that went into it.)
(Sydney flops down on the ground outside the silo, refractor in her arms, as the silo explodes beneath her.)
(Los Angeles. Vaughn and Sydney meet on a sidewalk, both of them looking in a store window.)
VAUGHN: You're amazing.
SYDNEY: I am not amazing.
VAUGHN: You did a great job. (pause) You sure you're ready to meet with Devlin?
(You can tell she's not really sure.)
VAUGHN: Okay. A taxi will pick you up at three o'clock. Northwest corner of Westwood and Wilshire. They'll get you into the agency through the underground garage.
(She leaves.)
(C.I.A. Vaughn and Sydney sit at a long table. Sydney's books are in front of her. They both look nervous.)
VAUGHN: You sure you're all right?
(The doors open and various agents begin to filter in.)
SYDNEY: It's a big meeting.
VAUGHN: I know, I don't get it...
(Devlin is the last one to walk in... with Jack. Sydney looks at him, confused, and watches as he comes to the head of the table and sits down next to Devlin.)
JACK: This is C.I.A. director Devlin, deputy director Tucker, executive director Gerstner, and these are senior officers Haleys, Stafford and Collum. I knew weeks ago that my file had been pulled and that you were suspicious of my activities twenty-five years ago regarding the KGB. When I learned that you had scheduled a meeting with Mr. Devlin regarding my... history, I knew that it was time. Let me say that, in advance, I'm sorry to make this such a public display but I felt it was important to do this in front of these people because they already know the truth and because I didn't think that you would believe me otherwise. Those cyrillic codes you found in those books - yes, they were orders from the KGB and yes, they were orders to k*ll. An agent recieved those orders and carried them out, m*rder officers of the C.I.A., including your father, Mr. Vaughn. All this is true. But, Sydney, I was not that agent. Your mother was. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x11 - The Confession"} | foreverdreaming |
Episodes : Transcripts : "The Box, Part One" episode #1.12
(Continuing. Sydney walks out of the meeting, goes down a hallway. Jack comes out and runs after her.)
JACK: Sydney! Wait!
(She turns around. They stand in the hallway.)
JACK: You can't lose control over this.
SYDNEY: You know what, Dad? This is not the best time to start lecturing me.
JACK: I know how this feels.
SYDNEY: Not exactly. You've had a lot longer to make sense of this than I have.
JACK: There was a time when this was news to me, too. Your mother was sent to the United States to steal secrets from a ranking officer of the C.I.A. How she and I happened to meet, how she supposedly fell in love, I thought it was all true. But it was just a set-up.
SYDNEY: Even her wanting to have a family? Was that just part of the plan, too?
(Jack doesn't say anything. Sydney leaves.)
(In her house, Sydney looks through her hat box full of pictures and memories. She sees the newspaper article about her mother and the FBI agent dying in the car accident. Takes out a framed picture. She finally finds the picture of Sydney as a little girl and her mother.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) There's something that happens when you discover the truth about someone. I know a little about this.
(She wads up the picture in a little ball.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) The truth changes everything.
(She throws it in the f*re.)
(In the self-storage facility, Sydney talks to Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: There's this woman, her personality like a collage I've put tlogether from the photographs, the few memories I have, scraps of stories I've heard, the clothes of hers I've got... her books. And none of it's real. She wasn't that woman at all. She was... she was a horrible person... who k*lled your father.
(She stands in front of him, crying.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I just wanted to say... that I'm so sorry.
(He hugs her and cradles her head against his shoulder while she cries.)
(Credit Dauphine parking garage. A van with 'McTiernan Air Conditioning' written on the side drives up. The driver stops at the security gate and wires it up to a machine he has that unlocks the gate. The gate doors open and the van goes inside. They stop once they're inside and cut the wires of a surveillance camera.)
(Inside the control room, two agents sit and watch the various camera angles.)
AGENT1: We've lost coverage on the off-site garage.
AGENT2: Any signs of forced entry?
AGENT1: Negative from gate control. I'll check it out.
AGENT2: Hey, while you're at it, grab me a black coffee, will you? Two sugars.
(Agent1 leaves.)
(In the parking garage, McTiernan g*ng starts welding off the air vent. Inside the van, the rest of the g*ons start packing their g*n and loading them. Agent1 walks in the garage and sees the van. He talks on his transmitter to his buddy from control.)
AGENT1: You know about any AC repairs?
AGENT2: Negative.
(The g*ons have already started to make their way inside the building using the air conditioning vents. Agent1 pulls his g*n out. Near the van, one of the g*ons comes behind him and hits him over the head. Agent1 falls to the ground.)
(Back in the self-storage facility.)
SYDNEY: I don't want this job anymore.
VAUGHN: Sydney, that's why you're doing what you do. You're helping to bring an end to SD-6.
SYDNEY: Not anymore.
VAUGHN: Sydney--
SYDNEY: I need someone in my life to be real.
VAUGHN: This right here. What we do is real.
SYDNEY: Look where we are. I mean, this isn't real. This isn't what we should be doing. I want out.
(Sydney nods.)
VAUGHN: You want to enter the protection program.
SYDNEY: No. I'm not going into hiding.
VAUGHN: If you don't, Sloane will k*ll you.
SYDNEY: I don't think he will.
(She stands up, hesitant.)
SYDNEY: You like hockey, right? The Kings?
VAUGHN: Yeah, how'd you--
SYDNEY: The pen you keep in your briefcase. It's a Kings pen.
VAUGHN: Yeah, I got that--
SYDNEY: They're playing the Islanders next week. We should go.
(Vaughn brightens with hope. Then his face falls as he realizes what she's doing.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, you can't do this.
(Will's desk at the newspaper. He has his headphones on. Jenny stops at his desk.)
JENNY: Okay, here's the appeal filed by McNeils' lawyer last year and I found out that SD-6 is an ingredient in artificial sweetener, but that's probably not the SD-6 you're talking about.
WILL: Is my voice annoying?
JENNY: Your voice?
WILL: Yeah. I was just going over this interview with Eloise Kurtz and I started thinking about McNeil. How he had this look in his eyes when I was interviewing him. His lawyer the same thing. Just... trying to get away from me.
JENNY: Will, you're a journalist for God's sake. You get paid to be annoying.
WILL: So you're saying I'm annoying?
JENNY: Not to Danny or Eloise Kurtz.
WILL: Oh, so I don't annoy d*ad people?
JENNY: Will, you're their champion.
WILL: What am I doing if I'm hurting the people I'm writing about? Look, if I could bring back Danny Hecht and Eloise Kurtz, I would, but I just... I can't. And if championing them is going to cause David McNeil's daughter to be in danger, I can't live with that. I don't think I can do this anymore. This SD-6 story. I'm out.
(The g*ons burst through the vent and make it to a hallway off of another hallway where red security beams are illuminated. The female goon - FGOON - has a heart b*at detector in her hands. It beeps, and an agent comes into view.)
FGOON: We're right on time.
(He checks the corridor. The security red beams go off. They bust in. One of them breaks the agent's neck. They run through the hallway while the beams aren't there. The lead goon - Cole - motions for one of the last g*ons to hurry up as the red beams start appearing from the back, coming up. Not enough time left, the last goon slides down the rest of the hallway and makes it. Cole strips off his jumpsuit while FGOON pours him a cup of coffee from a thermos. Underneath the jumpsuit, Cole is wearing a suit. He takes a swig of coffee and spreads his arms out.)
COLE: How do I look?
(In the parking garage, Sydney drives up in her SUV. She takes out a card and slides it into the security panel that the g*ons had unlocked with their machine earlier. She passes through and the gate doors buzz and then open. She drives through.)
(In SD-6, Cole walks through. Nobody recognizes because, since he's wearing a suit, he blends right in. Cole walks by Sloane's office. Inside the office, Sloane is on the phone, rubbing his temples.)
SLOANE: Yes, will you get me my wife's doctor on the phone please?
(He looks at monitor on his desk. It's a security camera monitor. He sees Cole walk by. The monitor scans for facial recognition. Sloane's face freezes because he knows who he is.)
VOICE: Dr. Medlesohn is on line one.
(Sloane stares as the security monitor scans through the files, trying to identify Cole.)
(Sloane isn't paying attention. He stares at the monitor.)
(In the garage, Sydney parks her SUV and gets out. She sees the McTiernan van. The driver leers at her.)
DRIVER: Hey there, beautiful! Why don't you turn that frown upside down?
(She doesn't run over there and kick his ass. She keeps walking. Pissed, the driver takes out his g*n and puts the sil*ncer and laser on. He points the g*n at Sydney while she walks away, into SD-6. The red beam of light is aimed right on her head. She walks, having no idea. Suddenly, tires screech and he puts the g*n away. Sydney turns. Jack pulls up and gets out of his car, running after her.)
JACK: Sydney! Sydney!
(He catches up to her. She keeps walking to the elevator.)
JACK: This is su1c1de!
SYDNEY: I don't think it is.
JACK: What exactly is your exit strategy? Politely asking Sloane to let you out of SD-6?
SYDNEY: Based on Sloane's behavior toward me -- protecting me at Donatti Park, asking Rusik to get me to talk--
JACK: Sloane answers to people. People who don't know you or care about you. If he lets you go, those people will k*ll him and you.
(She goes inside the elevator. He follows.)
(Sloane still has the phone up to his ear as he waits for the security panel to indentify Cole. A picture flashes up on the screen: McKenas Cole.)
(He presses a button on his desk with his finger. The monitor flashes "FAILSAFE ACTIVATED".)
(In the elevator.)
JACK: Those people Sloane works for - the alliance - if they believe you've abandoned them, they will k*ll anyone they think you have talked to. Your roommate Francie. That reporter friend. Anyone.
(Control room. Agent2 is still by the monitors, waiting for his coffee. Cole enters behind him, holding a g*n.)
AGENT2: Let me guess. You forgot the two sugars.
(He turns around. Cole sh**t him twice. In his office, Sloane scrambles for the phone and calls the control room. Cole answers the phone.)
SLOANE: We have a physical breach! Start lockdown procedures now!
COLE: Sure thing, Arvin. Whatever you say.
(Cole hangs up.)
SYDNEY: I felt this way before I found out about my mother. This life has to stop.
(Instead, the elevator stops and the lights go out.)
(Inside SD-6, Dixon looks up as gas starts hissing down from the ceiling vents. Agents start to pass out around him. In his office, Marshall sees the gas coming down and covers his mouth with his sweater vest. Making two or three steps, he falls to the ground beside his inflatable chair. Out in the main part of SD-6, more agents fall to the ground. Dixon falls. In Sloane's office, a vent of gas is pouring down right on top of Sloane. He's slumped over his desk, his head down.)
(In the elevator, the lights come back on. Jack tries the phone.)
JACK: d*ad. But a blackout wouldn't shut down security.
(At the newspaper, specifically in the bathroom, Will flushes a urinal, takes off his glasses, and washes his hands at the sink. His cell phone rings.)
WILL: Tippin.
DISTORTED VOICE: Go to your desk.
WILL: I'm off the story.
DISTORTED VOICE: Leave the bathroom and then go to your desk.
(Will looks around all, "How the hell did they know I was in the bathroom?" He comes out near his desk and looks around for anyone suspicious lurking about. A yellow manila envelope sits on his desk chair. The telephone rings at his desk, but Jenny rushes in and answers it.)
JENNY: Will Tippin's office. Um, yeah, he's right here.
(She passes the phone to him.)
JENNY: Some guy. Totally nasal. Clips on the housing story, Litvack wants two thousand words by noon tomorrow.
(She walks out.)
WILL: Hello?
DISTORTED VOICE: There is something inside the envelope that will make McNeil talk.
WILL: I don't want to make him talk.
DISTORTED VOICE: You said you didn't scare easily.
WILL: Well, if you're so brave, why don't you lose the voice box and tell me your name?
WILL: Don't call me again.
(He hangs up, and throws out the envelope in his nearby garbage can.)
(Cole and his g*ons, wearing gas masks, walk in SD-6 with various g*n. The gas stops. Cole takes off his mask and looks around.)
COLE: Five minutes ahead. Get 'em wrapped up, baby!
(FGOON starts tying up everyone's hands while they're unconscious. Cole looks to another guy with a g*n.)
COLE: Chopper, secure the elevator. You got the scanning room door code?
CHOPPER: Got it!
(Cole approaches FGOON who is at a computer typing.)
COLE: You jammin'?
FGOON: I'm jammin'.
(He kisses her head.)
(Vaughn's office. He's twirling a silver dollar in between his fingers over and over again. Weiss enters.)
WEISS: Want to get a pizza? That new place?
VAUGHN: Ah, no thanks.
(Weiss comes in and looks at Vaughn, silently telling him to just tell him what's up.)
VAUGHN: Sydney wants to quit SD-6... which she knows she just can't do.
(Weiss nods.)
VAUGHN: It's a weird thing. You know, when you're learning how your father died. I... it's always been this intellectual idea I had, knowing he died, just not having any details.
WEISS: You really want some space, or are you and I going to go get drunk? 'Cause there's this bar, you won't even remember it tomorrow.
(They laugh. Vaughn's face falls when Haladki enters.)
HALADKI: Hey, what a day, huh?
VAUGHN: Why do you say that?
HALADKI: Come on. Bristow's mom, your dad. It's not like a secret around here. Vaughn, that really sucks.
WEISS: Well put.
HALADKI: You know what? I think Barnett's gonna be good for you.
VAUGHN: I'm not seeing Barnett.
HALADKI: Oh, yeah you are! She wants to see you. I mean, come on. You're Bristow's handler. You find out her mom k*lled your dad? She's a shrink, she lives for crisis management! I think she'll be good for you. I like thick crust, in case you wanted me to come.
WEISS: Oh, hey, we don't.
(He leaves.)
VAUGHN: Did you know about Barnett?
(Weiss shakes his head. Vaughn sighs.)
(In the elevator.)
SYDNEY: Still can't get a signal.
JACK: Whoever's doing that could be jamming the frequencies.
(Elevator starts.)
JACK: Emergency lockdown procedures.
(He hits a button.)
JACK: The elevator is returning to SD-6. The doors will automatically open.
(He gives Sydney a knowing look.)
(Out in the white area where the agents stand to get cleared by security outside the elevator, Chopper stands in front of the elevator with a g*n pointed, ready to sh**t whoever's inside the elevator. The bell dings. No one's there. Sydney and Jack are on top of the elevator, looking down.)
CHOPPER: Elevator secure.
(Jack and Sydney climb down the stairs from the elevator shaft and jump down. Jack takes out his g*n. They walk down the hallway, getting to a door. Jack comes out, g*n in hand. Sydney next. She closes the door. Jack comes around a corner with Sydney and sees the agent that was punching in the code in the red beam hallway, d*ad. The red beams are up. Jack and Sydney go in the hallway and he punches in a code. The red beams disappear.)
JACK: The advantages of high-level clearance. Let's go.
(Jack and Sydney enter an underground control room. There are cables and monitors and some sheets up on a wall. Jack starts tearing off the outside on the wires, getting to the core of them.)
SYDNEY: How could K-Directorate overpower fifty trained agents?
JACK: If K-Directorate att*cks SD-6, they know SD-6 will return the favor. This team that's inv*de SD-6, isn't working with any organization we know. My guess is they're working for a group, clearly unpredictable and dangerous. Hand me that cable.
(She does.)
JACK: Now plug it in.
(They hook up a nearby monitor to the camera wires. Jack starts flicking through the wires, going from camera angle to camera angle. The conference room is empty, various rooms are empty.)
JACK: There are six hundred cameras hidden through SD-6.
(They finally spot the group of agents, everyone at SD-6, gathered together on the floor outside Sloane's office. They all have their arms tied behind their backs. A couple of men with g*n watch them.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God. Look at that hardware.
JACK: Latest military specs.
SYDNEY: Extended magazines, compensators, laser sights...
JACK: I see four.
SYDNEY: There's a fifth.
(Cole walks in. Dixon stares. Marshall looks scared. Sloane sits with everyone else, his back against the wall. Cole swaggers in, coming closer to Sloane.)
COLE: I want to talk to you. That's the sick part. Catch up and stuff. You know, so much has happened in the last five years. This place... it hasn't changed. But you. You look... older. But that's good. Your hair... looks good. You know what the worst part is? Being left for d*ad in Grozny, Arvin? Well, you're going to learn the worst part. But another part that sucks is seeing guys you worked with, guys you thought were tougher than deer jerky, tortured to death. That's no good. The most ironical part for me is... we did the damn job. We blew that pipeline to hell first night we landed. But you know me, Arvin...
(In the control room, Sydney and Jack still watch.)
SYDNEY: Do you know this guy?
JACK: I know the operation. Sloane in '96 sent a team to Chechnya to destroy the Shelhemil pipeline. There were complications. The team was captured by the Russians.
(Back to Cole.)
COLE: And if that chopper had have been where the hell you know it should have been--
(He kicks an agent out of the way and sits down.)
COLE: My whole life would have taken a different direction.
SLOANE: What do you want?
COLE: I got this really kick ass new job. See, I'm working for this gentleman they call The Man. And you will learn about The Man. What The Man wants is a certain little sumthin'-sumthin' you got in the SD-6 vault.
SLOANE: Well, you initiated lockdown. Not only is the vault secure, the vault access room is locked now, too.
COLE: Well, don't worry about the vault access room, we're taking care of that. What I need is the combination to the vault.
(Sloane laughs. Cole laughs.)
SLOANE: Not a chance.
(Cole sits back and claps his hands a couple of times.)
COLE: That's cool.
(He stands up and kicks his chair he was sitting on. It slides across the room.)
COLE: You still got that room downstairs, right? The "conversation room"? That's what you used to call it, right? The t*rture room's like you really got to admit what the hell you do down there. So, Arvin. Let's go to the conversation room!
(Will's newspaper. He talks to Jenny.)
WILL: Check this out.
JENNY: Yeah?
WILL: People victimized by the developer who's using his political connections to have their homes condemned by the city. Now we go in, shed a little light on this, protect the little guy and no one gets hurt. I'm going to go interview the developer right now.
JENNY: No more McNeil?
WILL: Nope.
JENNY: Hmmm. Interesting.
(She walks away. Will turns around and sees the envelope in his trash can. He shakes his head no and walks away.)
(Dr. Barnett's office. Vaughn knocks and enters.)
VAUGHN: Michael Vaughn. We've met.
BARNETT: I remember. Judy Barnett. Have a seat.
VAUGHN: Thanks.
(He sits down on the couch. She sits in her chair.)
BARNETT: You got my voice mail?
VAUGHN: Yeah, yeah. (pause) I just want you to know, I've got nothing against shrinks.
BARNETT: Well, good.
VAUGHN: But, I-I think this might be a waste of time. You wanted to see me because we've learned that Sydney Bristow's mother was a KGB operative who k*lled my father, among others.
VAUGHN: Which is not ideal news, obviously, and yes, it's emotional, but I already knew he was k*lled and it happened almost twenty years ago. You know? So I really don't think I require crisis management. There's-there's no crisis.
BARNETT: Everything you say to me I will keep confidential.
(Vaughn seems to relax a little.)
VAUGHN: Okay. (smiles)
BARNETT: I wanted to talk to you about your relationship with Ms. Bristow. How often do you meet with Sydney?
VAUGHN: Uh, a couple of times a week. Three or four sometimes.
BARNETT: Only about operations?
VAUGHN: Uh... we have met on occasion when Sydney wanted to talk to me about what was happening within SD-6 or regarding her father, when she believed he was a KGB agent and not her mother.
BARNETT: You and Sydney... have a friendship?
VAUGHN: She needs someone to talk to. I think you'd appreciate that. I'm the only person she can confide in.
BARNETT: So you feel that your relationship with Ms. Bristow is fully appropriate, that it falls within the guidelines of agent and handler?
VAUGHN: What are you asking me?
BARNETT: I have gotten some reports about your behavior recently.
VAUGHN: Reports from who?
BARNETT: After the incident in Tuscany when you sent in an extraction team--
VAUGHN: Hey, hey, SD-6 issued an order to have Sydney k*lled!
BARNETT: --to protect Sydney, I've been following your work. Mostly very good.
VAUGHN: Thank you. That's very nice.
BARNETT: Did you purchase a Christmas gift for Agent Bristow?
(Pause. Vaughn looks around.)
VAUGHN: Uh, I'm not familiar, Dr. Barnett, with the regulations preventing officers from celebrating with their co-workers, a fairly widely recognized holiday such as Christmas.
BARNETT: May I ask you what the gift was?
VAUGHN: I'd like you to tell me who's been reporting me.
BARNETT: I can't tell you that.
VAUGHN: Then I'm just going to have to guess.
(Two guys, one who is called Endo, drill through the vault access room. Cole talks to them through a transmitter.)
COLE: Endo! What's up? Where are we? I need status!
ENDO: Almost done drilling. Then we'll start packing expl*sives.
(Jack flicks from cam to cam.)
JACK: Those other two. Where the hell did they go?
(They see them in the vault room.)
(Vault room.)
ENDO: We should be in the vault within ten minutes!
(Jack and Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Ten minutes? What are they going for in the vault?
JACK: Could be anything. Sloane was planning on sending you to Taiwan, did you know about that?
SYDNEY: FTL acquired some scud launchers. He wanted me to scramble their launch codes.
JACK: Marshall's working on a scrambling device for that op. Have you seen it?
SYDNEY: He showed it to me last week.
JACK: What does it look like?
JACK: Sloane must have activated the emergency failsafe. There are five hundred pounds of C-4 strategically placed within the substructure of this building. Opening the vault will trigger that C-4. All underground levels will collapse, burying any evidence that the Los Angeles cell of SD-6 ever existed.
SYDNEY: You want to scramble the vault codes.
(Jack goes from camera to camera until he gets Marshall's office.)
JACK: Can you see the scrambler in Marshall's office?
SYDNEY: There it is. That compact on his desk.
JACK: It's not far from his air vent. But getting into his office is too much of a risk.
(Sydney sees a magnet on the wall in a shape of a fish. She gets it.)
SYDNEY: So then... we fish for it.
(Interrogation room where Sydney was when they thought she was the mole and where they k*lled Rusik. Sloane is strapped in. Cole puts on some Chapstick.)
COLE: They took us to their base in Hankala. And after thirty-eight straight days of beatings, they finally got around to interrogating me. They took me into a room. They tied me to a chair. And they asked me questions about Islamic Rebels. They wanted to know where they were keeping Russian P.O.W.s and I told them, "I'm just a kid from Redondo Beach running black ops for Uncle Sam! Get it? I'm an American citizen." Well, that senior Russian officer - he didn't want any piece of that action. He had the KGB contact Langley through both front and back channels. And they never heard of me. They didn't know of any operative by the name of McKenas Cole.
(Sloane smiles and looks away.)
COLE: So when that Russian got off the phone, he was so pissed. He was so insane with rage. That was when he showed me this. Baby?
(FGOON gets a long box from the bag on the counter and gives it to Cole.)
(Jack is preparing to go in the air vent.)
JACK: Watch the security feeds. If I'm caught, get out of the building through the elevator shaft as fast as you can.
SYDNEY: Dad, wait. You're not doing this.
JACK: Of course I am. What are you talking about?
SYDNEY: No, you're not. You're going to have to crawl through a maze of air shafts, get to Marshall's office, get the scrambler, get to the vault room and scramble the code all in under ten minutes. I mean, no offense, but, Dad, I am doing this.
(Pause. Jack relents.)
JACK: You'll have to find your way to the vault.
SYDNEY: I know.
JACK: And use the scrambler. And stay low!
SYDNEY: Dad, I know how to use the scrambler. I can't believe, of all things, we're saving SD-6.
(She crawls in. He watches her go, listening as she bumps along the air vents. Jack puts his hand up the vent, looking worried for Sydney.)
(Interrogation room. Cole holds the box.)
COLE: Want to see what's inside? I know you do. I'll open it. Want me to?
(Sloane looks away, bored.)
COLE: You're going to give me the combination to the SD-6 vault and if you don't, I'm going to open this box. And Arvin, trust me when I tell you, you do not want me to open this box.
(Restaurant. Will sits at a table, going over his notes when a girl about seventeen years old comes up to him. Her name's Kelly.)
KELLY: Will Tippin?
WILL: Yeah?
KELLY: Oh, thank God. You're, like, the third guy I've introduced myself to. The maitre d's starting to give me an evil look.
WILL: I'm sorry. Are you-are you with Carla D'Angelo's office?
WILL: Car--the developer. The woman I'm supposed to meet here.
KELLY: On my voice mail you said you were working on a story about my dad.
WILL: Your dad?
KELLY: Yeah. David McNeil?
(Will's face falls. He blinks a few times.)
WILL: I, uh... I never called you. You know, I don't know what you know--
KELLY: What happened with my father? I know everything.
WILL: Yeah, well, we never talked.
(He starts to get his things, scared.)
KELLY: Okay, maybe. But we're talking now.
WILL: No, no, this right here. This never happened. Look, your dad... I-I don't know him, but he seems like a good guy.
KELLY: He is. He's the best.
WILL: Yeah, well, I think he knows best, too. And believe me when I tell you this. He doesn't want you and I talking.
KELLY: Well then who does?
WILL: Good-bye.
(He leaves.)
(C.I.A. Haladki walks down a hall. Vaughn is on his tail and he's not happy.)
VAUGHN: Haladki! What the hell is your problem, Haladki? Reporting me to Barnett?
HALADKI: I don't have a problem. I told you, you have the problem.
VAUGHN: You know what? This might shock you, but my business is not your business.
HALADKI: I'm looking out for the good of the agency!
VAUGHN: Yeah? Then you should quit!
HALADKI: Stay out of my way!
(He starts to walk away but Vaughn grabs him by the shoulder, pulling him back.)
VAUGHN: Did it make you feel better about yourself, telling Barnett I got Sydney a Christmas gift?
HALADKI: You're too emotionally attached to that woman!
VAUGHN: Oh, like you would know anything about being emotionally attached to a woman!
HALADKI: I think your judgement's impaired!
VAUGHN: I think I'm gonna kick your ass!
HALADKI: You're out of line!
VAUGHN: No! You know what? You're out of line!
(Vaughn grabs him by the lapels of his coat and throws him against the wall.)
VAUGHN: You stay the hell away from my operations!
(Weiss runs up and breaks them apart.)
WEISS: Hey, hey, calm down!
HALADKI: Who's out of control, Vaughn? ME?
(He takes Vaughn away.)
HALADKI: Did you see that? Did everyone see that? That's what I'm talking about.
(Chopper and another goon watches everyone, g*n pointed. Dixon look worried.)
(Sydney pulls herself up in the vent and climbs on all fours. When she's above Marshall's office and the compact, she gets the fish magnet which is tied to a string and starts lowering it through the slot on the vent. Jack, in the control room, flicks from camera to camera until he finds the one for Marshall's office. He sees the string being lowered. Sydney lowers it down but gets a ring instead. She sighs and brings it up anyway. Jack watches.)
JACK: No... come on...
(Sydney brings the ring up, looks at it, and pockets it. She goes down again.)
(At the vault access room, Endo and another goon.)
ENDO: expl*sives in place. Activating detonator.
(Sydney is finally at the compact, drops it. She gets it again and starts raising it up. Endo and the goon run away from the vault access room and take cover. Sydney is almost there, she has the compact... when the expl*sives go off. The building shakes and the desk in Marshall's office breaks. Everything falls to the floor, including the compact. Sydney brings the magnet back up and watches below. She starts moving.)
(In the interrogation room, Endo enters.)
ENDO: We're in.
COLE: Excellent! All right, Arvin, here's the deal. We are in the vault room. Two things. One - you don't give us the codes. We got the tech to get it anyway, it'll just take a while. And two - you give us the codes, and I don't have to open the box which will be really excellent for you.
SLOANE: I can't be the first person having difficulty taking you seriously, can I?
COLE: Well, while that was a moderately clever retort... I'm the man holding the box.
(He opens it and takes out a cloth rolled up.)
COLE: Have you ever regretted being born? That's a pretty... heavy thing to experience.
(He unravels it. A series of pins are on the cloth.)
COLE: Regretting having emerged from your mother's womb. I mean, I've had some dark days but nothing close to regretting the day I was born, until I met [foreign language]. Needles of f*re.
(Marshall's office. Sydney looks down through the vent and opens the vent door. Jack watches. She starts motioning with her hands.)
JACK: No, Sydney. Don't, don't...
(She motions to him what she's going to do. He flicks to another camera and sees Marshall and Dixon. He starts flicking the camera, making the red light under the camera flash on and off. In the office, the door opens just as a goon looks in. Jack keeps flicking until Marshall sees it.)
JACK: Good, good...
(He motions to Dixon and then motions to the camera. Dixon sees the red light going on and off, like morse code. In the office, Sydney lowers herself down, hanging on the ledge of the vent. The goon looks in... Dixon starts violently shaking on the floor, gasping for breath. Jack watches.)
MARSHALL: Hey! We need some help here, this guy's having a seizure!
(Sydney lowers herself into the office and gets the compact and starts to lift herself up back in the vent. The g*ons kick Dixon and tie him in a chair.)
GOON: I heard something back there. I'm going to go check it out.
(Marshall stands up.)
MARSHALL: Um, excuse me? As luck would have it, I'm feeling kind of a Stockholm Syndrome thing happening right now--
(The goon hits him in the head with the but of his g*n. Marshall falls and rolls across the floor. Sydney flips herself back up in the vent, closes the door. Jack watches.)
(In the interrogation room.)
COLE: There's this little cajun food place in Abita Springs, Louisiana. It's called Rockamore's. You know what they're famous for? Making people cry. You know what makes them cry? The hot sauce. No one knows how they get that crap so hot. Legend has it that the devil comes by once a month and spits in their frying pan. Point being, the hot sauce at Rockamore's is like a fluffly vanilla ice cream cone when compared to what's in these. Each one is like you took a bag of red jalapenos, threw them in a blender, and used them for an enema. And Arvin, you're about to get to know them.
(Will's office. Here, my tape goofed. Sorry.)
KELLY: I want to talk to you for just a second.
WILL: I want to. I just don't think we should.
KELLY: Fine, whatever. Then just listen, please. What I said before about know everything. That's not true, okay? I don't know what SD-6 is, and I don't know why the people who are a part of it destroyed my life. All I do know is that they k*lled my mother, and framed my father. Every time I say that, it's like, do people really exist who do things like that? And if they do, isn't it our obligation to do something about it?
WILL: Yeah, well, not if doing it is going to make more innocent people get hurt.
KELLY: Which is why I'm here. See, I know my dad won't talk because he's afraid that something bad will happen to me if he does.
WILL: Yeah.
KELLY: Rob Stoller - my godfather - he knows some people who can send me away where they're never gonna find me. And I'll be safe so my dad won't be afraid anymore. I'm going to go away. Now, tomorrow, whenever I know that someone is fighting for my father. So please. If you can, just help my father. Please.
(Will gets the envelope from the garbage and looks around. He opens it. A key is inside.)
(Interrogation room. FGOON writes down the numbers.)
SLOANE: Eight, five, nine and three.
COLE: And three.
(He smiles and sticks a pin in Sloane's open palm. He gasps.)
COLE: Now, it takes the powder a few minutes to kick in. I can always take it out. So, Arvin, why don't you give us the real combination?
(Cole and two g*ons with g*n walk down the hallway. Cole has a piece of paper with the numbers on it. Jack sees them and flicks through the cameras, looking for Sydney and trying to see if she scrambled it yet.)
JACK: Where are you...
(He flicks and flicks and sees Sydney. She walks in and sees the expl*si*n from the vault access room. Jack watches Cole coming closer to Sydney with the two huge guys with huge g*n. Sydney takes out the scambler and puts it on the panel. It starts. Jack watches. She looks around. Cole is still walking. It finishes. Sydney takes the compact, slips it in her bag and moves over to the vent. She escapes. Cole walks in just as Sydney is putting the air vent cover back on. He moves to the panel and punches in the code. Jack watches. A buzzer sounds.)
VOICE: Access denied.
(He slams his hand against the panel and hears something in the air vent. He takes the g*n from oen of the g*ons. Sydney moves through the vent on all fours, unaware. One of the g*ons has the heartbeat detector from before and sees that someone's in the vent. Cole fires his g*n and sh**t the vent. Sydney yelps and moves up in the vent, out of harm's way.)
VOICE: Target out of range.
COLE: Go get 'em!
(He gives one of the g*ons the g*n back. The two g*ons take off. Sydney hides in the vent in the corner, barely hanging on. She hears someone coming. Panting, she tries holding on to the edge.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x12 - The Box (part 1)"} | foreverdreaming |
Episodes : Transcripts : "The Box, Part Two" episode #1.13
(Sydney hears banging around in the vents. Thinking it's one of Cole's g*ons, she braces herself... until she sees Jack.)
SYDNEY: Dad! What are you doing here?
JACK: Just stay there.
SYDNEY: No, Dad, don't!
JACK: Hold your f*re! I'm coming through! I'm coming out!
(Jack gets out. Sydney hears him getting punched.)
(In SD-6's main part, the g*ons hold their g*n on the agents. Dixon looks over at Marshall, who has blood running down the side of his head.)
DIXON: You okay?
MARSHALL: Except for my head injury, yeah.
(Cole and two g*ons bring Jack in, his hands behind his back.)
COLE: Mr. Cool Customer here was caught crawling around the vents. Sit his butt down.
(They put Jack in a chair next to Dixon. Cole talks to FGOON.)
COLE: So, how long is it going to take to open the vault?
FGOON: The sooner I get started, the sooner I'll know.
(They kiss.)
COLE: I need, like, awesome good news, baby.
FGOON: I know.
COLE: Endo, Chen, I'll be in the conversation room.
(Jack looks up to the vents, knowing Sydney's somewhere up there.)
(In their control room, Sydney comes out of the vents and sees a note left by Jack on top of the monitor.)
JACK: (voice over) Follow this map to the three locations where the C-4 expl*sives are set. You must deactivate all three C-4 packages before the vault door opens. Good luck.
(She takes the map and a flashlight and starts.)
(FGOON runs in to the vault and sets up her laptop. She starts working on opening it.)
(Dixon and Jack whisper to each other.)
DIXON: I think I can get to the PDA and e-mail Langley.
JACK: You know that's not an option.
DIXON: Look, I understand the need for plausible deniability here.
JACK: The C.I.A. cannot acknowledge its affiliation with SD-6.
DIXON: I know that, but they can't afford to let these people get whatever it is they're here for.
JACK: Do nothing.
DIXON: The man running this group claims to be a former SD-6 freelancer. He says Sloane left him for d*ad in Chechnya. He's interrogating Sloane now... maybe k*lling him. And we're next.
JACK: Sydney's in the ducts.
DIXON: What?
JACK: Failsafe's been activated. If the vault's opened, it'll detonate C-4 charges hidden throughout the building's sublevel. Sydney has a chance to disarm them but only if there are no surprises.
DIXON: All the more reason we need to call Langley. Jack, under normal circumstances, you can pull rank. These are not normal circumstances.
(Sydney moves down a dark hallway underground, map in her hand. She sees a steel door up ahead.)
JACK: (voice over) Each set of C-4 charges are located behind the steel plate at the end of the corridor marked on the map.
(She knocks on the steel plate to see if it's hollow or if something's behind it. She sees there are large bolts holding the steel door in place around its perimeter. She sees a f*re extinguisher nearby and takes it.)
(FGOON is working on the vault. The laptop is hooked up to determine the numbers in the vault. She gets on her radio.)
FGOON: Two numbers down, ten to go.
(Conversation room, Cole and Sloane.)
COLE: Copy that, baby.
(He looks at Sloane who is sweating and shaking slightly.)
COLE: You know, as bad as you feel right now, with all that pain, that is just the puddin' next to the pie.
SLOANE: Mmm... So easy for you to blame me, huh? When you know the truth. You got your own men k*lled. That helicopter was waiting for you...
COLE: I had a man down! I was saving Whitney's life. You know that!
SLOANE: Yeah, at the expense of all the other men. Those men counted on you to lead them to safety. They trusted their life to you and you led them to slaughter.
(Cole takes a needle from the box and calmly inserts it into Sloane's upper arm. He grunts in pain.)
(Sydney sprays the bolt with the f*re extinguiser and then knocks it off with the bottom of it. She gets another one sprayed.)
(g*ons with g*n murmur to themselves. Dixon sees his messenger on his desk next to him. He slides it closer to him with the plastic tie on his hands. He hides the messenger under his tie. Jack watches. Dixon turns it on under his tie and starts typing by pressing the buttons on the screen with the plastic tie holding his hands. He types, "I am Marcus Dixon. Agent of SD-6. Employee ID 8736B. We are under att*ck. Help us.")
(Sydney gets another bolt off. Sprays it. Gets it off. She goes to spray another one but runs out of juice in the extinguisher.)
SYDNEY: No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
(She kicks a shelf next to her, takes two of the steel legs. She then cuts the wire for the security camers above her.)
(Control room. A goon walks by and sees the cameras are out.)
GOON: Three of the security cameras just lost picture.
COLE: Check it out.
GOON: Yes, sir.
(Sydney uses the wire from the cameras to join the two steel legs together. She makes pliers and starts to turn the last bolt.)
(Vaughn's office. Weiss walks in with a sheet of paper in his hand.)
WEISS: Okay, you ready for this? Langley general POP server just received an incoming e-mail from SD-6.
VAUGHN: From who? Jack?
WEISS: No. Not Jack. Dixon.
VAUGHN: Why is Dixon sending me e-mail? He doesn't know me.
WEISS: He's calling the C.I.A. for help. They're forwarding this message to you.
(Vaughn takes it and reads.)
VAUGHN: "I am Marcus Dixon. Agent of SD-6... We are under att*ck, help us"?
WEISS: What do you think is going on down there?
(In the hallway outside Devlin's office, Vaughn sees Haladki.)
HALADKI: Vaughn, hey--
VAUGHN: No, not now!
(He walks in Devlin's office with the e-mail.)
VAUGHN: Sir, we have a situation.
DEVLIN: Mr. Vaughn--
VAUGHN: I really think you should look at this.
(He gives him the e-mail.)
DEVLIN: You've had a bad day. You better hope this doesn't make it worse.
(He reads.)
VAUGHN: Look, I know I've been suspended as Sydney Bristow's handler--
(Haladki enters behind them.)
VAUGHN: But this message was routed to me.
HALADKI: Sir, if you don't mind, may I see the communication please? It is my province, and Vaughn is off the Bristow case.
(Devlin hands over the sheet. Haladki looks at Vaughn.)
HALADKI: Do we have any independent confirmation?
VAUGHN: What, like a d*ad body? No.
DEVLIN: It's a fair question.
VAUGHN: No, sir.
HALADKI: Any local authorities? f*re, police?
HALADKI: Any irregularities at all?
VAUGHN: What, you mean other than a desperate message from an agent begging for help?
HALADKI: Let me guess. You want to send in an extraction team.
VAUGHN: Well, we have to do something!
HALADKI: What, like we had to do something at Donatti Park? I think this is Sloane.
VAUGHN: What?!
HALADKI: I think he's bluffing again, trying to compromise our operation.
VAUGHN: By sending C.I.A. into the SD-6 offices? What, are you nuts?
HALADKI: Sloane is bold like that, and you are reactive!
VAUGHN: Sir, why is he even in this office?
DEVLIN: We wait for now.
VAUGHN: But, sir--
DEVLIN: We wait. Is that understood?
(Sydney unscrews the bolt with the help of her new pliers.)
(Vaughn walks down a hallway in the C.I.A., walking to his locker. Weiss trails behind.)
WEISS: Go back to Devlin's office without Haladki and convince him on your own.
VAUGHN: There's no convincing Devlin.
WEISS: You can't go down there by yourself!
VAUGHN: Look, I have a friend who's a cop. He went down to the lobby. The guard told him the bank closed early.
WEISS: And maybe it did.
VAUGHN: I would've known about it!
WEISS: And what if there has been a takeover?
(Vaughn gets his g*n out of his locker and loads it. He takes it with him.)
VAUGHN: If I'm not back in a couple of hours, I'm probably d*ad.
WEISS: Good to know.
(Sydney takes off the last bolt and removes the steel door, putting it aside. She enters and sees the C-4.)
(FGOON is at work in the vault.)
FGOON: That's five.
(In the conversation room.)
COLE: Copy that, baby. Well... it's almost over.
(Sydney inspects the C-4. It's enormous, formed like pillars. She takes a look at the deactivation panel on the package and cuts through the plastic that's covering it. She hears radio static and looks up. Down the hall, the goon from the control room is walking with his g*n cocked and his flashlight. Sydney hides behind a corner, waiting 'til he gets closer. She kicks him twice. She punches him. He blocks her punch. She grabs his arm with the g*n, twists it over his head and elbows him in the back. He blocks her punch. She does a roundhouse kick in the gut, and he falls back to the ground.)
(Vaughn enters the Credit Dauphine parking garage and sees the gate doors are closed. He gets a splicer card out from his jacket pocket, inserts it in the security stand. The gate doors open. Vaughn hesitantly walks through, all alone. He spots Sydney's SUV. When he comes up behind it, the driver in the McTiernan van spots him. He puts out his cigarette and cocks his g*n. Vaughn puts his hand on the hood of Sydney's vehicle to feel if it's warm and sees the driver in the van watching him. Vaughn sees the vent that they welded off, and realizes that's how they entered the building. He walks towards the van and pulls out his badge/ID.)
VAUGHN: I'm a federal officer! Step out of the car, please. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
DRIVER: No problem.
(Once he opens the door and slides out of his seat, Vaughn sees his g*n and kicks the van door. The van door hits the driver. He stumbles back against the van. Vaughn pulls out his g*n and points it at him but the driver kicks it away, then punches Vaughn in the stomach. He grunts and doubles over. The driver grabs Vaughn and pushes him up against the side of the van. They struggle. Vaughn has the driver by the throat. Driver takes out a g*n but Vaughn flips them and has the driver against the van. They struggle for the g*n. It goes off and the driver slumps to the ground. Vaughn looks around, making sure no one saw.)
(Haladki's office. A secretary enters.)
SECRETARY: Have you seen Mr. Weiss? I have Mr. Vaughn calling for him.
HALADKI: (smiles) I'll take the call.
(He picks up the receiver.)
HALADKI: Extraction Teams "R" Us?
(Vaughn is in the garage on his cell phone.)
VAUGHN: Haladki, where's Weiss?
HALADKI: Probably out getting another pizza.
VAUGHN: The confirmation you wanted. I got it. I'm at SD-6 right now.
HALADKI: You're at SD-6?!
VAUGHN: Did you hear what I said?
HALADKI: That's a massive breach of protocol!
VAUGHN: Screw protocol!
HALADKI: Devlin specifically told you to wait!
VAUGHN: The break-in is confirmed. Check with the duty officer. It's probably Bendis. Tell him to send in a team. They can get in the garage using a standard card splicer.
HALADKI: You're finished, you know that?
(Vaughn hangs up.)
(Sydney is staring at the C-4, trying to work on it. The goon she took down's walkie talkie is at her feet. Suddenly Cole's voice can be heard from it.)
COLE: Chen, hey, what's up? Where are we? I need status.
(Sydney grabs it and runs down the hall where she tied up the goon. She rips off the tape from his mouth and twists his crotch.)
SYDNEY: Tell him everything's cool. You're still checking it out.
COLE: Chen, where the hell are you, man?
SYDNEY: Do it!
GOON: Screw you.
(She grabs him by the shirt and throws him against the wall.)
SYDNEY: I'm disappointed!
(She punches him.)
(Francie and Sydney's. Francie sits at the table figuring out the seating plan for the wedding. Mini-tables are sitting on sheets of paper. Knock on the door. She opens it. Will stumbles in.)
WILL: Being a reporter sucks. Can I just establish that?
FRANCIE: Okay...
FRANCIE: Hi, and what have you been drinking?
WILL: Uh, I don't know...
(Opens the fridge, looking for alcohol.)
WILL: There was a little horse on the label. A dog. I don't know. A doghorse. I think. Some kind of mythical creature condemned to live in a bottle for eternity. It's a doghorse. A doghorse.
(He stumbles over to the table, sits next to Francie and picks up one of the mini-tables.)
WILL: Oh, did I mention that my life sucks? Did I mention that?
(Francie takes the table back.)
FRANCIE: The Rileys forgive you. It's the seating arrangement for the wedding.
WILL: My God, that's so normal. Your life is so normal, Fran. Sydney's life is normal. I mean, kind of. Outside from her obsession with the bank. But my life is just not normal. This story I'm working on is about this guy and he's in jail and his wife committed su1c1de. And it's just... it's just very suspicious. This guy's been totally set-up. I mean, he's a good guy, apparently. He's got, like, no criminal record. Well, he's got two speeding tickets in his life. In his life! I mean, he's been in jail for, like, eight years already. And he's got another eight years to go. So I went to see him. 'Cause I thougth that maybe I could shed some light on the thing, maybe I could research and write an article that might, you know, do some justice but... he was so scared, man. He had this look in his eyes. It was like... horror. I stopped doing the story. I figured, it's his life, he wants to make his own decisions, you know?
FRANCIE: Yeah...
WILL: And then his kid comes to see me.
FRANCIE: His kid?
WILL: His kid. And she begged me to help her and she was so desperate. And then I got this key.
(Takes it out of his pocket and puts it on the table.)
WILL: Pier 19, number 305. I don't know.
FRANCIE: What's there?
WILL: I... I don't know.
FRANCIE: How'd you get it?
WILL: I don't want to tell you.
WILL: Francie, it's very dangerous.
FRANCIE: (laughs) Okay.
WILL: Francie, I'm serious.
FRANCIE: Well, if I were you and I thought I might be able to help somebody, I would.
(Cole walks in the area outside the vault where FGOON is still working on cracking the code.)
COLE: Have you seen Chen?
FGOON: Not lately.
COLE: I feel like I'm a mom at the mall! He said he was going down to the sub-basement. I don't know if his walkie's not working, if he's on a coffee break--
FGOON: Five numbers down, seven to go. The code program's working. I'll go get him.
COLE: Who is more tought-assed than you, huh? Who? Nobody, baby!
(A very tough-assed Sydney walks down the hall. She's about to come to a door to go back to the C-4 when she sees someone on the other side is opening it. She hides behind the door, sees that this someone is entering with his g*n pointed. Seeing the g*n, she grabs this stranger's arm and flips him. Vaughn rolls on the ground, gets into a sh**ting stance with his g*n pointed. Sydney flops over against the wall and points her g*n at him. Then they both realize.)
SYDNEY: What the hell are you doing here?
VAUGHN: Dixon contacted us. What the hell's going on?
SYDNEY: Dixon contacted you?
VAUGHN: Not directly. Through Langley. Said SD-6 was under att*ck. Are you okay?
SYDNEY: It's true. There's a team of six, maybe seven. They've got the latest military specs. They're after something in the vault.
VAUGHN: I know. I took one of them out in the garage.
SYDNEY: Russian accent?
VAUGHN: Yeah. I was thinking K-Directorate.
SYDNEY: I don't think so. I don't think they'd do something as wild as this.
VAUGHN: Then who?
SYDNEY: I don't know. But right now, what do you know about deactivating C-4?
(At the C-4 pillar, Vaughn and Sydney are both looking at the deactivation panel.)
VAUGHN: There's got to be two hundred pounds in here. Damn. That's enough to level the building.
SYDNEY: It's a failsafe. Sloane has three of these--
VAUGHN: Three?!
SYDNEY: --rigged to the vault. If the vault doors open, they all blow.
VAUGHN: Maybe they shouldn't open the vault.
SYDNEY: "They" being the six men with machine g*n?
VAUGHN: How long before they hack the code?
SYDNEY: Soon. Did you study b*mb defusion at Langley?
VAUGHN: Just seminars, though. Nothing field-specific.
SYDNEY: Does anyone ever learn anything in seminars?
VAUGHN: Let's just take this one step at a time. This is a charge of C-4. I can tell, 'cause it says "C-4" everywhere.
SYDNEY: There are eight black and yellow wires and six red, blue and black. Which of these fourteen wires do we cut?
VAUGHN: Maybe none. What are those prisms?
SYDNEY: I don't know. But there might be more than one lead spliced to the f*ring mechanism.
VAUGHN: That pin...
SYDNEY: Where?
VAUGHN: Right there in the back.
SYDNEY: What is it?
VAUGHN: It's a crystal. That thing is a radio receiver. That's probably how opening the vault triggers the C-4.
SYDNEY: So all we have to do is pull out the crystal?
(Vaughn takes a pair of pliers - not homemade this time - and tries to do it.)
SYDNEY: Wait. No, it can't be this easy.
VAUGHN: What, you think there's a tamper alarm?
SYDNEY: Or a second trigger.
(Vaughn takes something out and sprays the area. Red lasers criss-cross around the pin they have to take out.)
SYDNEY: Now we know what the prisms are for. Spray it again.
(He does.)
VAUGHN: You know, I think I can pull out the crystal without touching the lasers.
SYDNEY: You want me to do it? My hands are pretty skinny.
VAUGHN: Well, so are mine.
(Embarrassed smile. b*at. He gives the pliers to her.)
SYDNEY: One more spray on three.
VAUGHN: One...
SYDNEY: Two...
VAUGHN: Three.
(He sprays it. Sydney takes it out.)
VAUGHN: (deep breath) One down.
SYDNEY: We better get going.
(A g*n cocks behind them. Vaughn and Sydney turn to see FGOON with a g*n pointed at them.)
(Down a hall, Vaughn and Sydney have their hands up behind their head. FGOON walks behind them with a g*n pointed at their backs. They come to a room.)
FGOON: Inside! Over there!
(Sydney and Vaughn head over to one side. FGOON gives Sydney a plastic tie.)
FGOON: Tie his hands!
(Vaughn puts his wrists together. Sydney gives him a look, and then a slight nod. Sydney whirls around and throws the plastic tie in FGOOn's face. When she turns her head, Vaughn grabs her g*n and Sydney takes out her own g*n. They point both g*n at FGOON. She goes for a g*n on her leg.)
VAUGHN: Don't! (to Sydney) Why don't you tie her up?
(Sydney moves to do so.)
FGOON: Wait!
SYDNEY: Shut up.
FGOON: (British accent) I'm British SIS! For the past year, I've been on covert duty trying to penetrate Cole's intelligence network!
SYDNEY: McKenas Cole. Former SD-6. Now he works for a third-party. A new player on the scene. Someone he calls The Man.
FGOON: SIS has been trying to identify The Man for the past three years!
SYDNEY: Give me your tie.
VAUGHN: My tie?
(He starts taking it off. Sydney has FGOON's arms tied behind her back and takes Vaughn's tie for FGOON's mouth.)
FGOON: And if this mission's a success, Cole will trust me enough to tell me who The Man is.
VAUGHN: So what's in the vault?
FGOON: I don't know. None of us do. But it has to do with someone named Rambaldi. Look, if you don't let me go, Cole will send someone looking for me! He'll know there's someone else here and they'll find you.
VAUGHN: And if we let you go and you're lying, you'll make sure that happens.
FGOON: When they find me I'll tell them there's only one of you.
(Sydney puts it over her mouth and ties it tight.)
(Pier 19. Will walks around until he sees the lockers. He opens locker 305 with the key. A plain white envelope is inside the locker. He takes it out -- "Pathology Report" is written on it. He looks through it. It's an autopsy report for Karen McNeil, including graphic autopsy photos.)
(Sydney and Vaughn walk down a hall. Sydney points to the map.)
SYDNEY: The other packages are here and here.
VAUGHN: All right. We'll split up and each take one.
SYDNEY: The expl*sives are located behind steel plats that are bolted to the walls.
VAUGHN: Which you opened by yourself?
SYDNEY: There are f*re extinguishers at regulation points. Find one. Use the C02 to freeze the bolts. But go easy or you'll run out.
(He gives her the spray. She waves him off and rips the map in two.)
SYDNEY: I memorized the laser grid. Here. (gives him the map) Your C-4 is located along this corridor. You cross through engineering sublevel over to electrical. It's far, so run.
VAUGHN: The storage room where I got in. That's where we'll meet.
SYDNEY: Then maybe we can go to that hockey game.
VAUGHN: (small smile) Maybe. Be careful.
SYDNEY: You, too.
(They both run off in different directions.)
(Weiss enters Haladki's office.)
WEISS: I understand you took a call from Vaughn.
HALADKI: Uh, yeah, now that you mention it...
WEISS: A call he made to me. What did he say?
HALADKI: I don't know. It was a bad connection.
WEISS: Did he confirm the att*ck?
HALADKI: He was hysterical, per usual.
(Weiss starts to leave.)
HALADKI: I wouldn't read much into it!
(Vaughn sprays the bolt. Hits it. Sprays. Hits it. Sprays. Hits it.)
(Endo doing patrol. Walkie-talkie.)
COLE: Chen, Tony, does anyone copy?
ENDO: Cole, this is Endo.
COLE: Endo! This has got to stop. Look, you find Tony, you find Chen, you find the problem and you FIX IT!
(Syd freezes the bolt. Vaughn sprays, hits, sprays, hits. Syd sprays, hits, sprays, hits. Endo finds FGOON and runs to take the tie off her mouth. Vaughn takes off the steel door and goes inside. Endo starts untying FGOON's hands.)
ENDO: How many were there?
FGOON: One. Only one.
(Vaughn sprays the prisms, sees the lasers, takes a deep breath, and starts going in with the pliers. He sprays and sprays. Gets closer... he has the pin... and takes it out. He sighs. Sydney sprays and just as she's about to h*t the bolt off, she hears a thud somewhere. She stops. Down the hall, Endo has a heartbeat detector in his hands and it beeps. He comes closer. The heartbeat is standing still. He spots a tall closet with its doors closed -- someone's inside. He takes out his g*n and fires a half a dozen times. In SD-6, Jack and Marshall hear the g*n. Endo opens the door and the goon who Sydney took down earlier who caught her via the security camers with tape over his mouth falls out of the closet, d*ad. Cole's in the conversation room. He gets on his walkie-talkie.)
COLE: Endo? Endo, Chen? Somebody, come in! Who the hell's sh**ting?
ENDO: Cole... Chen's d*ad.
COLE: Well, who the hell k*lled him?
ENDO: ...I did.
(Sydney comes from behind and kicks him. Cole can hear the punches and kicks through his walkie.)
COLE: Endo? Endo? ENDO?
(Cole gets up and leaves. Sloane slowly smiles.)
(Sydney is running back to her C-4. Vaughn is running. They both stop when they hear Cole. He flicks on the intercom switch on Sloane's phone and begins talking.)
COLE: Dear person beating up my men: I assume that you're an employee here. I am now standing in Sloane's... tastefully minimilastic office and if you are not here standing in front of me in the next twenty seconds, I am going to start executing your friends. Starting with the man that I assume to be your partner...
(He reads a piece of ID.)
COLE: ...Mr. Jack Bristow.
(Jack stands in the office, staring at Cole coldly. Sydney leans against the wall.)
(Vaughn enters the control room where Sydney and Jack once were. He sees the monitor and the wires, puts two and two together. He starts flicking through the camera angles.)
(In Sloane's office, a goon has a g*n pointed to Jack's head. Sydney walks in, her hands up.)
SYDNEY: I'm here.
COLE: You're the bad ass that's been k*lling my men? I don't know, I just kind of thought you'd be an ugly guy. Step in, girlie.
(Vaughn clicks from camera to camera and sees Sydney with her arms up.)
VAUGHN: Damn it!
(Vaughn sprints down a hall.)
(Out by everyone else who is still tied up, Chopper has a g*n pointed at Sydney.)
COLE: Get her bag. Search her good and tight.
(Chopper empties her bag on the ground. FGOON talks on a walkie-talkie to Cole.)
FGOON: Seven numbers locked, five to go!
COLE: If she moves a muscle, you drill her!
(Sydney looks at Jack. He mouths, "Did you get it?" She shakes her head.)
(At the C.I.A., Weiss walks down a hallway with a couple of agents.)
WEISS: I want LAPD notified, roadblocks at appropriate intersections and an ambulance standing by.
SECRETARY: Weiss, you've got a call.
WEISS: Not now!
SECRETARY: It's Vaughn. Line three.
(Weiss picks it up.)
WEISS: Talk to me.
VAUGHN: Where the hell are you?
(Vaughn's underground somewhere, on his cell.)
WEISS: We're on our way.
VAUGHN: The place is wired to blow. Three packages of C-4. We deactivated two. Sydney was supposed to deactivate the third. I don't know if she did.
WEISS: Okay. Can you get to it?
VAUGHN: I don't know where it is! They've got everyone. Including Sydney. As soon as they open the vault, the C-4 is going to go off.
WEISS: How soon is that?
VAUGHN: Soon. Hurry up.
(Weiss hangs up. Haladki walks up.)
HALADKI: What the HELL is going on?
WEISS: If I find out that you screwed Vaughn, you do understand that your ass is mine.
HALADKI: I'm not scared of you.
WEISS: Well, you should start being scared of me.
(Cole is walking alone. He stops and smiles. Then he turns back. In Sloane's office, Sydney is sitting on a chair, her arms tied behind her. A goon has a g*n pointed at her head. Cole comes in with a bottle of champagne.)
COLE: You know, a lot of guys... it's their socks. Or their piece. Their g*n, b*ll*ts, custom hollow tips. But for me, I have always sucked my luck from a bottle of champagne. I bring one with me every job.
(He pops it and takes a swig.)
COLE: Mmm mmm mmm mmm! Would you care for some?
(She looks away. Cole yanks her back by her hair and shoves the bottle in her mouth. Some dribbles out. She gives him a dirty look and swallows.)
COLE: You don't remember, do you? I didn't at first either. We've met before. It was about five years ago, here at SD-6. Which was really rare for me, 'cause I was a freelancer but I was here. And I saw you in the coffee room. You were wearing pigtails and I asked you out. Now, I know I'm not the subtlest guy when it comes to women and I probably said something insanely inappropriate because you told me if I ever talked to you again, you'd break my kneecaps. (b*at) Which just made me love you. I've thought about you these last five years. I have. Uh, just every once in a while I'd think, "I wonder whatever happened to Pigtails." And, um, what I took away from that encounter in the coffee room was the fact that you didn't want to go see some mediocre romantic comedy with me, sit in my Pontiac in the parking lot, while we talked for an hour before I made my move. You didn't want to kiss me. Remember?
SYDNEY: No, I don't. But I can see not wanting to kiss you.
COLE: Well, you make bad choices. Yeah, you didn't wnat to kiss me but working for a scumbag like Sloane, that's all right by you, huh? Let me tell you something about that weasel boss of yours. He will disappoint you. And one day, and I hope to God I'm here when that day happens, you will hate him.
(She looks away. Little does he know, she already does hate Sloane. He takes another swig of champagne.)
COLE: It was good to see you in the office again, Pigtails. I know you didn't want to kiss me, but when I was taking a h*t off that bottle before? I backwashed in it. I mean, like, really big-time. See ya!
(Restaurant. In the kitchen, Will meets up with Kelly who works there.)
KELLY: I didn't think you'd come.
WILL: I know. I know. Me neither. Yeah, well, look. I made sure I wasn't followed. I took, like, two cabs and a bus just to get here and I wore this thing the whole time... I looked like Gabe Caplan.
KELLY: Who's that?
WILL: Doesn't matter. Are you sure you still want to do this?
KELLY: You know I do.
WILL: Okay. You've got to give this to your dad, then.
KELLY: What is it?
WILL: I don't want you to look at it.
KELLY: At least tell me what it is.
WILL: It's an autopsy. Your mother's autopsy. I mean, there are some photographs in there that you're not going to want to see, okay?
KELLY: Okay.
WILL: Do you understand?
KELLY: Yeah.
WILL: Okay. What you said to me about going away... if your father's going to pursue this, you have got to do that.
(She nods. He pats her shoulder and walks away.)
(Conversation room. Cole enters.)
COLE: Hey, do you remember Griff? That big guy? Well, the MVDs, they worked him over really hard. They had straps with blades in them. These tricky glass syringes. Acid. They were really creative. But he didn't go down. Not until the opened the box. It took him about three needles and his heart gave out.
SLOANE: How many did you take?
COLE: I want to hear you scream.
(He takes a needle out and calmly puts it in Sloane's neck. He gasps in pain.)
COLE: Just the way Griff did. Scream for me.
(Sloane looks at him.)
SLOANE: They broke you, didn't they? They made you beg!
COLE: Don't you wish.
(FGOON walks in.)
FGOON: Only one number left.
SLOANE: "Please, sir, I can't take anymore!" Isn't that what you said to them?
COLE: Do you know how many more needles I have here, huh?
SLOANE: Isn't that what you said to them? You cried for mercy!
FGOON: Let's go!
COLE: That is NOT what happened!
FGOON: The vault's almost open!
SLOANE: You wept like a baby!
SLOANE: Like a little baby!
FGOON: We have to go!
COLE: That is NOT! WHAT! HAPPENED! Shut up!
FGOON: Come on!
COLE: Shut up!
FGOON: Cole, come on!
COLE: Shut UP!
(He turns and sh**t her twice. FGOON gasps and twitches, sliding down to the ground. Cole runs over to her.)
COLE: Baby? Baby?
(She's d*ad. Cole fixes his tie.)
COLE: I have to go to the vault.
(Chopper and another goon have their g*n pointed at everyone. Sydney now sits right where Chopper emptied her bag on the ground. Marshall looks and sees the ring she lifted in the last episode from his office right by her. He gets her attention with his eyes and motions over to the ring, then at chopper. She looks down at the ring.)
(Cole walks to the vault.)
COLE: Chopper? I want you to k*ll 'em all.
(Chopper and his other goon start ushering everyone to one side.)
CHOPPER: Back up! All of you, up against the wall! NOW! All of you!
(Marshall is trying to get Sydney's attention, trying to tell her what to do with the ring.)
MARSHALL: Last July!
(He's pushed against the wall with everyone else. Sydney grabs the ring just as Chopper grabs her, stands her up with everyone else.)
GOON1: NOW! Get up against the wall, come on!
CHOPPER: Don't look at me like that! You heard him, against the wall now!
(Sydney takes the ring, unhooks it, and throws it at the goon. A small expl*si*n goes off. One of the g*ons falls, d*ad. Sydney starts fighting, her hands still tied behind her back, with Chopper. She kicks him high in the gut. Dixon takes his g*n behind his back and sh**t him. Chopper falls. Everyone starts gathering around, untying each other.)
SYDNEY: Can you shut off the failsafe?
JACK: No, only Sloane can do that!
SYDNEY: (untying Jack) I'm going to the vault!
DIXON: I'm going with you.
SYDNEY: Dixon, you just had surgery!
DIXON: I'll meet you there!
(He runs.)
(Conversation room. Jack runs in and starts plucking the needles out of Sloane.)
JACK: Arvin! Did you execute the failsafe?
JACK: We need to deactivate it.
SLOANE: Are they still in the building?
JACK: Only one left. (takes out needle)
SLOANE: I won't let anyone in the vault...
JACK: Sydney's going to stop them.
SLOANE: Is Sydney here?
JACK: How do I shut off the failsafe?
SLOANE: The override is a keypad in my office but it's biometric. It won't deactivate without my fingerprint.
(Jack tries prying off the steel bars around Sloane's wrists with a bar from the table.)
SLOANE: Oh, come on, Jack! It's going to take hours to get my hands out of here!
JACK: Ugh!
SLOANE: Marshall has a device that can duplicate fingerprints but we haven't got the time! You could take my fingerprint. Jack, take my right index fingerprint.
(Jack stares at him.)
SLOANE: Just take it!
(Jack gets a rubber hose and ties it around Sloane's wrist so no major blood is lost.)
SLOANE: Right... index...
(Jack takes a pair of pinchers. Sloane looks away. Snap. Sloane gasps and shakes in pain.)
(Cole applies Chapstick and waits for the laptop to hack the code. The code is finished. He stands up, claps his hands together.)
COLE: Yes!
(Dixon is behind him. He punches Cole. Cole punches Dixon three times in the gut, and he falls. Sydney comes in.)
COLE: Lookin' for me?
(She kicks and misses. He blocks her punches. He punches her in the stomach. She grunts.)
COLE: Oooh! Felt that one, didn't ya? Kickboxer, eh? I love me some kickboxers!
(They fight. She punches him. He throws her against the wall.)
COLE: I got your kicks! And I got your moves. Bring it on!
(She kicks and misses. She hits him. He punches her twice. She kicks him. He punches her.)
COLE: See, the problem with you kickboxers, ain't none of y'all can take a punch!
(He punches her one final time. She falls to the floor. The panel to the vault behind him reads "Access Granted.")
COLE: Oooohhh yessiree!
(Jack runs through SD-6 with the finger in a cloth. He runs in Sloane's office and starts typing. He takes out the finger. Down in the vault, Cole gets ready to enter. Jack presses the finger to the keypad. "Failsafe Deactivated." Cole goes in the vault and looks around. He pries off a panel and reaches in for a silver box, about the size of a ring box. On the top is the Rambaldi sign . He walks out as Sydney comes to. In the parking garage, Cole jumps in the McTiernan van and sees the d*ad driver that Vaughn sh*t. He takes over the driving. He climbs in the front seat and takes off. Up ahead, a van is parked and four agents, two of which are Weiss and Vaughn, have their g*n pointed at the van wearing bullet-proof vests. They sh**t several times at the windshield. Sydney comes in the parking garage and sees Cole running out the back of the van. He runs. Sydney runs after him. Sydney kicks and punches him twice. She elbows him in the neck. Roundhouse kick. He falls to the ground on his stomach.)
SYDNEY: I think you're right. Taking a punch is something I got to learn how to do.
(She kicks him in the head. Blood comes out of his mouth. Vaughn and Weiss run up. Vaughn takes her aside.)
VAUGHN: What's happening downstairs?
SYDNEY: I think everything's taken care of. We got lucky.
VAUGHN: Get my guys out of here. SD-6 will never know we were here.
SYDNEY: Then you should go.
VAUGHN: Are you okay?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Thanks for coming.
(Weiss walks up with the silver box.)
WEISS: He had this.
(He gives it to Vaughn then looks at Sydney.)
(Vaughn opens it. A vile of liquid is inside.)
SYDNEY: What is that, perfume?
VAUGHN: Whatever it is, we have it now and they don't. Because of you.
SYDNEY: Not just me.
VAUGHN: Because of you.
SYDNEY: Well, it'd better be good perfume.
VAUGHN: I'm not kidding. Think about it. What you do. Hockey can wait. I don't think what you're doing here can.
WEISS: Let's go, let's go.
VAUGHN: Okay. (to Sydney) Bye.
(Inside SD-6, everyone gathers around. Hugs. They pick up fallen chairs. Sydney shakes hands and hugs someone. Sloane stands against the wall, a bloody cloth around his hand, and watches everyone. Dixon hugs Sydney. She sees Sloane and goes to him.)
SYDNEY: Are you all right?
SLOANE: None of us are. What happened here tonight is... this is unacceptable. The people who did this... we're going to find them and retrieve what they've taken. Even then... this has changed everything.
(Marshall walks up with a thermos.)
MARSHALL: Sir, I, uh, I got the digit right here and the medics are on their way.
SLOANE: Thanks, Marshall.
MARSHALL: (to Sydney) Hey, Sloane gave me the finger.
(He chuckles and walks off. A man comes and gets Sloane.)
SLOANE: Yeah...
(He leaves. Jack goes to Dixon.)
JACK: You okay?
DIXON: I sent the e-mail to Langley... but I guess it didn't go through.
JACK: It's okay. You did a good job.
(Sydney goes to Jack.)
JACK: This morning, before all this, you wanted to talk to Sloane. What did you tell him?
SYDNEY: I told him that I'd see him tomorrow. Thank you. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x13 - The Box (part 2)"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Coup" episode #1.14
(Hong Kong. Outside Tyno-Chem Engineering, a man runs out, covered in blood, yelling in Chinese. He's been sh*t. A young blond man carrying a massive g*n calmly walks out behind him. People scream and run. The young man pauses and stares at the man. He falls to the ground. The young man sh**t him twice. He falls to the ground.)
(SD-6 conference room with Sloane, Jack, Dixon, Sydney and Marshall.)
SLOANE: You're looking at surveillance footage taken from outside Tyno-Chem Engineering, which, as you know, is the front company for FTL headquarters. You may recognize the man on the ground as Quan Li--
SYDNEY: Wait, wait, wait. Quan Li was assassinated?
DIXON: The head of FTL?
SLOANE: Yes. His entire security detail was ambushed inside the building, leaving Li utterly defenseless.
SYDNEY: Have you I.D.d the sh**t?
SLOANE: His face didn't appear in any of our databases.
DIXON: He doesn't seem to mind being photographed.
SLOANE: This young man led a commando unit into FTL headquarters at precisely the same time we were att*cked here. The objective was the same. They were there to steal a Rambaldi artifact.
JACK: Their agent roster was compromised. Their entire network crumbled within hours of the att*ck.
DIXON: What you're saying is... FTL no longer exists?
(Jack nods.)
MARSHALL: Um... sorry, stupid question, but, uh, since FTL is--sorry, was an enemy for, like, ever, shouldn't we be drinking champagne?
JACK: Someone had the means to launch a unilateral att*ck on us and FTL. And we haven't got a clue who's responsible.
SLOANE: In addition, they now have what seems to be the most significant collection of Rambaldi artifacts in the world. They may, in fact, have enough to uncover what Rambaldi was ultimately working on before we do.
MARSHALL: Oh. Yeah, that does suck.
JACK: This new enemy isn't stopping there. Our assets in Vladivostock intercepted a communique last night. A group claiming responsibility for the two att*cks has contacted K-Directorate. They've proposed a meeting later this week to disucss the sharing of Rambaldi technology.
SLOANE: This man's name is Brandon Dahlgren. He lives year-round in a penthouse at the Regal Casino. He's a go-between for K-Directorate. Dahlgren is expecting to receive a phone call detailing the time and location of this meeting. This is information that we need. Dixon, you're on point for this one. Sydney, you're on comms.
JACK: (to Dixon) You're going in as Darian Buchanan. He's a delegate for the Jamaican parliament who plans to visit Las Vegas next week. As soon as we know that he's actually en route, you'll go in posing as Buchanan. You'll be flagged as a VIP so you can gamble in the casino's private gaming suite where Dahlgren regularly plays. That's where you'll plant the bug. Marshall's making one that matches a ring Dahlgren wears.
SLOANE: Be prepared to leave as soon as we get word that Buchanan's plane is in the air. That's it.
(Everyone gets up to leave.)
SLOANE: Sydney, stay a minute.
(Everyone else leaves.)
SYDNEY: Everything okay?
SLOANE: That's funny. I was about to ask you the same question. Listen... I don't mean to pry, but I had a conversation with your father about your mother. He told you that she was KGB. I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: It's okay.
SLOANE: I want to tell you again how much I appreciate your service to SD-6 during the incident last week. Every person here owes you their life.
SYDNEY: How's the finger?
SLOANE: Um... well... I'm told it's going to heal nicely. Thank you. Shall we?
(They walk out. Everyone is gathered around, clapping and smiling in honor of Sydney. She looks at them. Dixon and everyone is beaming with pride. Sloane smiles at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I felt sick. All those people standing there, patriots, believing they work for the U.S. government. None of them realizing the information they gather is only being used by heartless men like Arvin Sloane for an organization that would trade their lives for a profit in a heartbeat.
(Bus. Sydney and Vaughn in an empty car.)
SYDNEY: I just wanted to rip his finger right off again.
(Vaughn chuckles.)
SYDNEY: Does that make me a bad person?
VAUGHN: No. That might have blown your cover.
SYDNEY: You think?
VAUGHN: Yeah. Look, you'll tag Dahlgren in Vegahs. When SD-6 gets more specifics about the meeting, we'll figure out what our next move is.
SYDNEY: Did the guy from your offic end up reporting you?
VAUGHN: Haladki? Yeah, he did. But Devlin only slapped me on the wrist. Even though going into SD-6 without clearance wasn't exactly constitutional.
(Sydney rubs her jaw and winces.)
VAUGHN: I was kind of hoping he'd get nailed for snitching but I guess we kind of broke even on this one. Are you okay?
SYDNEY: It's nothing. I'm just a little bruised.
VAUGHN: Oh. You can't really tell.
SYDNEY: That's because I'm wearing, like, a pound of cover-up.
(They lock eyes and then look away.)
(SD-6. Sydney walks with Jack.)
JACK: We just heard from our surveillance team in Jamaica. Buchanan's pilot's been called to the airstrip. It could indicate he'll be off the ground by the end of the day. You should be ready to leave late this afternoon.
SYDNEY: That's fine. I just have to swing by school.
JACK: How uh... how's that going?
SYDNEY: School? Good.
JACK: Okay.
(He starts to leave.)
SYDNEY: Actually... um, since you're asking... I've gone from thinking that my mother was a literature professor to finding out that she was KGB. I'm sure when you found that out, you must have felt as lost as I do.
(Jack looks around.)
SYDNEY: Last week, I was ready to leave SD-6 but maybe I was focused on the wrong place. I think maybe I only went to grad school because Mom did. She was a teacher, so I always thought that was something I wanted to do. But now that I know it was just her cover, and thta it didn't mean anything to her... I'm thinking I should just drop it.
(He looks down.)
JACK: Yes. Um... I understand. I just, um... I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask.
SYDNEY: Oh. Okay. I should go.
(She gets her things and leaves.)
(Sydney's house. Knock on the door. She puts down her suitcase and opens it.)
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: Hey. So, I actually have two tape recorders.
WILL: Oh, you are the best. Let me tell you something. I don't know, mine just died.
(He picks one of them up. Sydney stares at his neck, shocked.)
WILL: Oh, this is great.
SYDNEY: What is that?
WILL: What?
SYDNEY: Is that a hickey?
WILL: No, is it--
(He looks in a nearby mirror.)
WILL: Oh, my God. I have to go to a meeting--
SYDNEY: Wait, you know what? I actually have cover-up.
(She starts looking for it.)
WILL: Do you have enough?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I've got enough.
(She starts dabbing it on Will's neck.)
WILL: It's very embarrassing.
SYDNEY: What, the fact that I saw it or just that it's there at all?
WILL: Look at it. I feel like I'm 15 years old.
SYDNEY: That's about the age of your intern.
WILL: When I said 15, I knew you were going--
SYDNEY: Did the Clinton administration teach you nothing?
WILL: Whoa. I'm not married, I can date--
SYDNEY: Don't start defending your thing with Jenny. She's not in your league and you know it.
WILL: Who's in my league? What league? Show me a league and I'll buy a ticket, I'll go to the meetings and I will try and find those people. Where are they?
(They stop and laugh.)
WILL: Is it good?
(She stares at him.)
WILL: What?
SYDNEY: Nothing.
(Francie and Charlie enter.)
FRANCIE: Okay, the next time Charlie and I go to breakfast with our parents, remind me that mimosas are verboten.
SYDNEY: Oh, God, today was the big brunch.
WILL: They didn't get along?
FRANCIE: Oh, we wish. They got along so well, they're going on vacation together!
WILL: What's wrong with that? That's nice.
FRANCIE: Nice? That is the makings of a disaster. They're going away without us and they're going to plan the whole wedding. What's in the bag and where are you off to this time?
SYDNEY: Vegas.
FRANCIE: Vegas! What was I just saying? Where should we go?
CHARLIE: After that brunch, Vegas isn't far enough.
FRANCIE: I'm serious. Baby, that's our cue. We could just go tonight.
SYDNEY: W-w-wait. This is not a vacation for me. There's this public relations conference and--
FRANCIE: Sydney, we don't need you to babysit.
SYDNEY: What I mean is I'd want to hang out with you guys. Just wait a week. We'll all go together.
FRANCIE: All right, I guess. Ugh, that breakfast blew.
SYDNEY: You'll tell me about it later, okay? I got to go to school.
WILL: You know what? I got to go, too.
CHARLIE: Oh, hey. Hey, I got a gig Thursday and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind putting up some fliers on campus for me?
SYDNEY: Yeah, do I get ten per cent?
CHARLIE: Sure, I'll just give you that dollar now. Hey, do you want to help put some up, too?
WILL: Uh, my meeting's at a prison.
CHARLIE: You never know.
WILL: Take care, man.
CHARLIE: All right, Will.
WILL: I'm surprised you wanted to meet with me, especially so soon.
DAVID: Look, I spent eight years in this place, living in fear of what these people might do to my daughter, to Kelly, so... you know, you come in here and you start asking me questions about SD-6... I just wasn't prepared.
WILL: I understand.
DAVID: But Kelly came to me. She told me she met you, about her conversation with Robert, about her going away. And I can't spend another eight years like this. I need to talk.
WILL: Is Kelly safe? 'Cause I'm not going to do the story otherwise.
DAVID: Hey, I'm her father. Neither would I. Yeah, she's been sent away, she's out of the country. Cost me nearly everything I have left but, uh... but she's safe.
WILL: Okay, so who are they? I mean... what do they do? What the hell is SD-6?
DAVID: All right. I'm going to tell you what I know but first there's something you have to do.
(Lobby of a building. Will stands in front of a receptionist's desk. He smiles.)
WILL: Hey.
WILL: Hi, I'm Will Tippin. I'm here to interview Mr. Glasner.
DAVID: (voice over) You have to contact a company called O.T. Technologies and tell them you want to interview their CEO. His name is Larry Glasner.
WILL: Why would I want to interview Mr. Glasner?
DAVID: You don't. But you got to get into the building. See, I used to work there and before my trial I did something illegal but really smart. See, I knew there were people that wanted to use my encryption software and that someone was going to use it for no good. So I wrote a subroutine in the program that would send a tag to a dedicated server.
WILL: I don't really know the technical jargon, you're going to have to--
DAVID: It's like a digital guestbook. Anybody that uses the program would unknowingly sign n. You see, I wanted to make sure there was a trail in case I ever wanted to pursue the people that were setting me up.
WILL: So there's a list of people that used your program, right?
DAVID: Right. And it should be on a server in the computer room at O.T. Tech.
(Lobby at O.T. Tech. Will gets up and walks to the receptionist.)
DAVID: (voice over) Once you get into the building, you're going to tell them that you want to use the restroom.
WILL: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the restroom is, please?
DAVID: (voice over) Three doors past the bathroom in the first floor is the door to the computer room.
(Will walks down a hall, looking over his shoulder. He gets to a door that's marked Server 3.)
DAVID: (voice over) The pass code is 4747.
(Will punches it in and goes inside. He sets up his laptop and starts typing.)
DAVID: (voice over) Once you're in, you're going to log on to the system. I'll give you all the system codes. You're going to search for a file called Dolphin. Download it.
(Will finds it and starts downloading.)
DAVID: (voice over) That's the one. That's our road map. That's going to lead us to SD-6.
(Sydney meets with her professor in his office. He sorts through a stack of graded papers for hers.)
PROFESSOR: Your paper had the unlucky distinction of being the last one I graded.
SYDNEY: I didn't come here for the paper. I've decided to leave the program and I need your signature to drop the course.
SYDNEY: I've been just wearing myself too thin, trying to finish the program and do my job. And you were so right when you said that work was getting in the way here. But the fact is... I'm not sure I want to be a teacher anymore.
PROFESSOR: Sydney... you're one of the best students I've ever had. That's it. That's my pep talk. But I urge you, think about it a little more before you make your final decision.
(He gives her her paper and walks out. She got an A.)
(Sydney is putting up fliers for Charlie's gig. A pretty young girl stops and looks.)
STELLA: Oh, my God!
STELLA: I didn't know Charlie was a singer.
SYDNEY: You know Charlie?
STELLA: Yeah, unfortunately. You were in British Authors Before 1800.
SYDNEY: Oh. Yeah.
STELLA: That was a good class. Stella Campbell.
SYDNEY: Sydney Bristow. Why do you say "unfortunately"?
STELLA: Oh, I don't know, it was nothing. We went out for a few months and he was just a jerk when he ended it. Nothing. He's just a guy.
SYDNEY: How long ago?
STELLA: Just, like, a few months ago.
SYDNEY: A few months?!
STELLA: Yeah. Why?
SYDNEY: Because he's... he's engaged to a friend of mine! Charlie Bernard - are you sure it's him?
STELLA: How long has he been engaged?
SYDNEY: How long did you two go out?
STELLA: Just a few months.
SYDNEY: A few months!
STELLA: What a pig. God, it figures. Who's your friend? Rachel, that blond girl? 'Cause I thought something was going on with her.
SYDNEY: No, my friend is someone else.
STELLA: Oh. Listen, you know what? I just really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut. I'll see you around.
(Vegas. Sydney and Dixon are walking to the casino, Dixon is wearing a dreadlocked wig. Sydney talks on her cell to Will.)
SYDNEY: Will, I don't know what to do.
WILL: Are you sure it's the same Charlie?
SYDNEY: Yes, and Francie is going to be devastated.
WILL: This just... this just doesn't make any sense. I mean, I don't understand. Who the hell lives a double life like that? Seriously.
SYDNEY: There are people.
WILL: Yeah, I guess.
SYDNEY: How am I going to tell her?
WILL: Um, okay, okay, okay. Let me make a suggestion. Yeah. Make sure she's sitting down and make sure she is very drunk. Yeah, you got to get her sauced because this is really going to hurt.
SYDNEY: It is going to hurt. I'll call you later.
WILL: Okay.
(She hangs up.)
DIXON: Can you focus?
SYDNEY: We're traied to see the details, to read people in situations, to look at clues and red flags... I started to think I was getting pretty good at it and turns out my best friend's fiance is a cheat.
DIXON: Out of the blue?
SYDNEY: I guess, in retrospect, there were signs. But he could be so sweet to her, you know?
DIXON: I don't have to lecture to you about people's capacity to keep secrets.
SYDNEY: I'll be in touch as soon as I'm in the casino's database. The transmitter's hot. Marshall says this is an exact replica of Dahlgren's ring.
DIXON: Exact will be nice. Thanks and good luck.
SYDNEY: You, too.
(Casino entrance. Sydney walks up the stairs but a guard stops her.)
GUARD: Miss, this entrance is for employees only.
SYDNEY: Oh, sorry. I just started on Friday.
(She shows them a badge and opens up her coat to reveal her costume.)
GUARD: My mistake.
(She goes inside. On the casino floor, she comes out dressed in the waitress's slinky silver outfit.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
(Casino. Sydney walks through the casino floor and spots Charlie and Francie, arm and arm.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God.
DIXON: Syd, what's wrong?
SYDNEY: You're not going to believe it. Francie and Charlie are here.
DIXON: Did they see you?
DIXON: Just make sure they don't.
(Sydney walks to an employees only door, slides a card through, and walks in. She runs down a hall.)
DIXON: How far off are you?
SYDNEY: Give me two minutes.
(She puts something on the door that unlocks it. A guard is walking down the hall. She quickly goes inside the surveillance room.)
(Flashback to Marshall briefing Sydney.)
MARSHALL: So, you want to hack into a casino. Well, do you remember how tight security was in that Siberian silo a couple of years ago? Cakewalk compared to Vegas. I mean, casino security is like an onion. It's layer after layer after layer and the more that you peel back, the more you want to cry. Face recognition, video surveillance. The only way to get inside the system is to splice directly into one of the fiber optic cables but any interruption in the feed will alert security. Except the one thing nobody has but you is me and I... have this. Now this is a razor prism. It will cut directly into any fiber optic cable. Plus it will allow you total access without interrupting the data system.
(She clamps the prism on a cable and starts typing on her latpop. Subject search for Darian Buchanan. She accesses the file and uploads the new image. She replaces the real Buchanan's picture with a pcutre of Dixon.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dixon, go.
(Dixon walks in the casino. In the control room, the security camera spots him and does a scan. They ID him as Buchanan - VIP recognized, parliamentary delegate, republic of Jamaica.)
CONTROL GUY: Sir, Mr. Buchanan has arrived.
(The manager and Dixon walk through the casino and pass Francie and Charlie.)
MANAGER: Mr. Buchanan, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
DIXON: Likewise.
MANAGER: We weren't expecting you until tomorrow.
DIXON: Yes, I know. I came ahead of the delegates to win back the money I lost last year. Do I suspect the U.S. senate hosts these conferences so that we will lose our shirts?
MANAGER: Well, perhaps you will be more comfortable in our private gaming suite.
DIXON: Oh, how kind. Yes, thank you.
(Francie and Charlie are at a table. Francie's on her cell phone.)
FRANCIE: Syd, hey, we're in Vegas, we're here! What hotel are you in? Give me a call on my cell phone as soon as you get this message. Where the hell are you? I'll talk to you soon!
CASINO: Number nine! We have a winner!
CHARLIE: Ha! We just got here and we're up a hundred bucks! All right, all right!
FRANCIE: Was coming to Vegas the greatest idea or what? Hey, check it out. There's a wedding chapel.
CHARLIE: Aw, come on.
FRANCIE: Why not? I mean, just think about it. Just us. No parents. No hassle.
(Manager and Dixon are walking to the suite.)
MANAGER: I understand you have a line of credit with us. Would you like to draw down on it?
DIXON: Yes, man. I usually start out with a half a million. I feel lucky today.
(Sydney watches on her laptop.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dahlgren is at the back poker table.
(Dixon walks up to the back poker table.)
DIXON: May I join you?
DAHLGREN: Yeah, sure.
MANAGER: Good luck, sir.
DIXON: Thank you.
DEALER: The card is 5-card draw, sir. Pot limit. The minimum bet is five thousand.
(They take their cards. Sydney watches and spots Dahlgren's hand.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dahlgren's got a pair of jacks and an ace kicker.
DIXON: I always start off modestly. It leaves me room to get out of hand. Fifty thousand.
(He throws down fifty thousand dollars in chips. The other two men who were playing chuckle.)
MAN1: I'm out.
MAN2: Too much.
(Dixon takes a card.)
DEALER: Bets, please.
DIXON: In case you're wondering, I draw an inside straight. A hundred and twenty thousand.
(He throws donw the chips. Dahlgren puts down his cards.)
DAHLGREN: Not my hand.
DIXON: Hmmm.
(He turns over his cards. He had nothing. Dixon chuckles.)
DIXON: Americans. Them really gullible.
(The other two men leave.)
DIXON: Good evening.
(Sydney scans the various camers and sees that at the wedding chapel, Francie and Charlie are there.)
SYDNEY: Francie, what are you doing? Oh, no, no, no, no. Please, no. Dixon, listen. Hold on the switch. Play a few more hands, let him get to know your poker face. If this is okay, if I can go radio silent for two minutes, clear your throat.
(Pause. Dixon clears his throat.)
SYDNEY: Going radio silent.
(She runs out.)
MINISTER: Thank you kindly. Now, if you'll just sign the bride and groom's registry.
(Sydney walks up.)
SYDNEY: I was just finishing my meeting across the casino and I saw you guys. What are you doing here?
FRANCIE: Oh, I know we made a deal but I bought the tickets anyway--
SYDNEY: No, I mean, what are you doing here? Are you... are you guys getting married?
FRANCIE: I know it sounds crazy, but--
SYDNEY: No, no, I totally get it.
FRANCIE: I called you. Will you be our witness?
SYDNEY: I just need to talk to Charlie privately for two seconds.
FRANCIE: Okay...
(Down the hall.)
CHARLIE: What's up?
SYDNEY: I met a friend of yours today.
SYDNEY: Stella Campbell.
(Charlie stops.)
CHARLIE: So... how's Stella doing?
SYDNEY: Does Francie know anything about your relationship with her?
(He doesn't say anything.)
SYDNEY: You and I are friends, Charlie, so you know I have nothing against you goin ginto this, but I swear to God, if you marry Francie without telling her what you've been up to, I will k*ll you.
CHARLIE: Sydney--
SYDNEY: No discussion. You don't tell her, and I will. Got it?
CHARLIE: Yeah. Yeah, I got it.
SYDNEY: Tell Francie I had to get back to work. I'll call her later.
(In the gaming suite.)
DEALER: Number of cards, please.
DIXON: Give me two cards, man.
DAHLGREN: What the hell? I'm out ofhere after this. I'll take three.
DIXON: My friend, the night's still young.
DAHLGREN: The night began eighty-six thousand ago, my friend.
(Chapel. Charlie gets back from his talk.)
FRANCIE: Hey, what's wrong? Where's Sydney?
CHARLIE: Fran, we got to talk.
(In the casino, Sydney walks in between the slot machines and tears off her coat. The manager is standing nearby and gets a call.)
VOICE: Sir, we have a problem.
(Chapel, continuing.)
CHARLIE: We can't get married like this.
FRANCIE: Why not?
CHARLIE: 'Cause I want to do it write with all our friends and family there. Don't you?
(Gaming suite.)
DAHLGREN: I'll see your ten and raise fifteen which is all the chips I have left.
DIXON: I see your raise and to show you that I'm not a greedy man, I will raise you something personal.
(He gets out a diamond lighter from his jacket pocket.)
DIXON: This is a gift from King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.
DAHLGREN: I got this watch.
DIXON: I have a watch. But I don't have no ring.
(Sydney runs down the hallway, trying to make it back to the surveillance room.)
DAHLGREN: My fraternity ring? It's not worth anything.
DIXON: If it's worth something to you, it's worth something to me.
(Sydney sits behind the laptop.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I'm back!
(Dahlgren takes off the ring and throws it down.)
DAHLGREN: Screw it. This is my last hand anyway.
(Sydney watches.)
SYDNEY: Oh, no. Dahlgren's got a flush. You're going to lose. You got to make the switch now.
(Dixon takes out the transmitter copy of the ring and hides it between his fingers. He puts down his cards and starts to take the chips.)
DIXON: Three wise men.
(Dahlgren stops him.)
DAHLGREN: A flush.
(With his hand over the pot, Dixon switches the fraternity rings.)
DIXON: Thanks for a good game, man.
(Dahlgren puts the transmitter ring on, oblivious. Sydney spots the manager coming with two security guards.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, something's wrong. The floor manager's coming to your suite with security.
(The manager approaches Dixon.)
MANAGER: Sir, I have an urgent message for you. Will you follow me outside please?
DIXON: Yes, of course.
(In the hallway, the guards throw Dixon up against the wall.)
DIXON: Hold on! What is the meaning of this?
MANAGER: Your attache just called. Apparently, you're stuck in Jamaica.
DIXON: I suppose there are worse places to be stuck.
(Sydney runs in.)
SYDNEY: Dixon!
(Dixon knees the manager in the stomach, he falls. Sydney takes a platter from a nearby cart and smashes it against the head of a security guard and then punches him. Dixon punches one of the guards and snaps his chin back. They run out.)
(Los Angeles, back at Sydney's house, Sydney and Francie sit on the sofa to chat.)
FRANCIE: Okay, so we're down three hundred dollars and I kept looking around for you, hoping you'd show up and give us some luck.
SYDNEY: Uh-huh.
FRANCIE: Thank God you didn't because this huge lady with yellow hair sits right next to me, like, from heaven. And all of a sudden, we're on a huge streak!
SYDNEY: How much did you win?
FRANCIE: Two thousand dollars.
FRANCIE: And look what he bought me! Isn't it pretty?
(She shows off a gold bracelet.)
SYDNEY: Yeah, it's really sweet.
FRANCIE: What did you say to Charlie about not getting married?
SYDNEY: What did he tell you that I said?
FRANCIE: He didn't. I mean, I just wanted to thank you. You know me, Miss Spontaneous. I totally would've regretted getting married there. It was stupid.
SYDNEY: I don't know how to say this without it being horrible... but I ran into this girl on campus who said that she had an affair with Charlie two months ago. Francie, I am so sorry.
FRANCIE: What are you talking about? Who is this girl?
SYDNEY: Her name was Stella. I don't know.
FRANCIE: So you don't even know her.
SYDNEY: No, I don't.
FRANCIE: Well, that's so like you to believe what a stranger has to say about Charlie.
SYDNEY: Wait. I like Charlie.
FRANCIE: No, you don't! Not really!
SYDNEY: Francie, when have I ever said or done anything--
FRANCIE: You have NOT been supportive of us getting married AT ALL!
SYDNEY: I think I have been very--
FRANCIE: You don't even know this girl!
SYDNEY: I'm not making this up.
FRANCIE: Is this what you told Charlie in Vegas?
SYDNEY: Yes. And he didn't deny it.
FRANCIE: He didn't admit it though, did he?
SYDNEY: No. He didn't.
FRANCIE: You know, Sydney, there are lots of things that we haven't said to each other.
SYDNEY: Like what?
FRANCIE: Like I knew you didn't like Charlie when you didn't show up that day to look at wedding dresses!
SYDNEY: Francie, that was only about work and you know it.
FRANCIE: I'm so sick of your stupid bank job! God! Ever since you started working there you've been elitist and private and distant!
SYDNEY: Francie...
FRANCIE: God! Yeah, you've let me live here and that's fine but you and I were closer when I lived with Charlie which is probably where I should have stayed! I don't even know who you are anymore and I don't want to.
(She walks out.)
(Will's newspaper office. Sydney and Will talk.)
WILL: That is tough.
SYDNEY: It was more than tough, it was revealing. Not just about Charlie but about us.
WILL: What do you mean? I'ts more than just Francie and Charlie?
SYDNEY: I don't know if she's going to be my friend after that.
WILL: Syd, look, you just gave her, like, the worst news of her life. I mean, how do you expect her to react?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I guess. (pause) How many more hickeys have you got?
WILL: (whispers) Shut up.
SYDNEY: Just asking.
(Her cell phone rings.)
WILL: You know, I got to do an interview, anyway. Listen, it's going to be fine. I'll call you later. You know your way out?
(Will smiles and walks out.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
JACK: It's me. Your trip to Vegas was a success, I just thought you should know.
SYDNEY: Well, that's good.
JACK: We intercepted the phone call to Dahlgren off the transmitter you planted. Linguistics is translating it now.
SYDNEY: Well, is there anything I can do?
JACK: If you have the time I'd like you to meet me somewhere.
(Carousel. Jack and Sydney walk up.)
SYDNEY: So, why are we at a carousel?
JACK: You always loved this spot. Your mother and I used to bring you here. I had just been transferred to the Los Angeles field office. You were two years old. We'd watch you go around on the carousel and talk about our day, the future. And sometimes, foolishly, my work at the C.I.A. I never imagined that our conversations were being passed along to the KGB. I haven't been back to this park in twenty years.
SYDNEY: Why did you bring me here now?
JACK: When you asked me the other day about school, I couldn't help you. I... I'm out of practice when it comes to, uh... personal matters.
SYDNEY: Dad, I'm in no rush.
JACK: Believing your mother was a professor may have influenced you somewhat but the decision to go back to school was yours. And I'd trust that. I think that, uh, if you stick with it... you could become the kind of teacher your students will always remember.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(They turn and watch the carousel go round and round.)
(SD-6 with Jack, Sloane, Dixon and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Linguistics successfully decoded the phone call but we still don't know the mystery agency or who's behind it. Learning that information and getting a visual I.D. of The Man is our top priority. I'm tired of referring to him as The Man. I want to know who he is.
JACK: The meeting with K-Directorate is scheduled to take place twenty hours from now in an office building in Moscow. Your mission is to surveill the meeting in hopes of obtaining information that leads us to The Man.
(Observatory. Sydney and Vaughn stand near the railing, looking straight ahead.)
VAUGHN: This is a flash memory card. It's compatible with the fiber optic camera you'll be using in the K-Directorate meeting. On your flight home, just leave it on the plane. Seat pocket 15C. One of our agents will pick it up.
VAUGHN: Yeah. Last week, when you talked about quitting SD-6--
SYDNEY: I was being naive.
VAUGHN: No, but, um, what you said about wanting to go to a hockey game... wanting me to be part of your life... I, uh, I think I wasn't clear about something. (pause) That it would be nice to be in public with you, to actually get to look at you. Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game. I-I just... I wasn't clear that I would really like that, too.
(Pause. He smiles shyly.)
VAUGHN: Good luck in Russia.
(Sydney drinks wine in front of the fireplace, staring at the drop/add form for American Literature. The door opens and in walks Francie.)
SYDNEY: Where have you been?
FRANCIE: Three movies. Charlie told me everything. I think... everything. You were right.
(Sobbing, she sits down.)
SYDNEY: Oh... sweetie. I'm so sorry.
FRANCIE: I feel so stupid, and I'm so sorry that I said all of those things to you.
SYDNEY: It's okay.
(She hugs her.)
SYDNEY: You know I'm on your side, right?
FRANCIE: Thank God...
(Francie spots the form on the table.)
FRANCIE: You're dropping a class?
(She throws it in the f*re.)
(Moscow. Two vans drive up. A guard smokes at the door of the building. Up above, Sydney is up above him, sliding across a wire that's connected from the two buildings. She gets closer tothe building where the K-Directorate people will be meeting. Dixon sits in a van down below.)
DIXON: How's it hanging, Syd?
SYDNEY: Very funny.
(She keeps sliding until she gets closer. Tires screech. Dixon watches from the van.)
DIXON: We're on. They're heading toward the building now.
(Two vans pull up to a stop. Sydney presses a button and the wire loosens. She's lowered to the side of the building and hangs outside the window, pressing her heels against the building.)
SYDNEY: The fiber optic camera is hot.
DIXON: Okay, Syd, we're live.
SYDNEY: Okay, going for audio.
(She clamps on the microphone to the windowsill and watches. The sh**t from Hong Kong enters - Mr. Sark. A few g*ons walk in and sit across the table from Sark.)
SARK: Gentlemen, welcome. I'm Mr. Sark, director of operations.
(He motions for them to sit down.)
SARK: On behalf of my employer--
IVANKOV: Who is your employer? Certainly, he doesn't expect us to continue referring to him as The Man.
SARK: I'm afraid my employer's identity will have to remain confidential for now.
IVANKOV: This is no way to being a negotiation.
SARK: My employer sends his apologies, comrade Ivankov, and has authorized me to detail our proposal, with your approval.
IVANKOV: You seem young for such responsibility.
SARK: My employer's officer is simple. We will transfer one hundred million dollars into your Caymen Shell account, number A6112B.
(Dixon watches Sydney's camera angle from the van.)
DIXON: Sydney, that isn't a K-Directorate representative. It's Ilyich Ivankov, the head of K-Directorate.
IVANKOV: How did you know that number?
SARK: In exchange, will give us the Rambaldi manuscript you recently acquired in Argentina and whatever analysis you amde of its content.
IVANKOV: A hundred million. That's quite an opening offer.
SARK: It is a final offer.
IVANKOV: We both know the Rambaldi manuscript is priceless, therefore it is not for sale.
SARK: I've been authorized to tell you that this offer expires in sixty seconds.
IVANKOV: (laughs) Is this a joke?
SARK: Fifty-five seconds.
IVANKOV: You tell your employer, if he ever wastes my time like this again, our next meeting will not be so cordial.
(He starts to get up. Sark nods at his goon. The goon sh**t Ivankov twice and then sh**t one of their g*ons. Two of K-Directorate's men are left alive, their hands up in protest.)
SARK: Congratulations, comrade Kessar. You have just inherited control of the indestructible K-Directorate. You've also inherited what I hope is, by now, a very siimple decision. The offer still stands. Unfortunately you only have twenty seconds left to decide.
KESSAR: We... we have an agreement.
SARK: My employer will be so pleased.
(Sydney hangs on and grabs at the building with her feet. A piece of the building falls off and lands by the guard down below. He shouts at her and starts sh**ting.)
DIXON: Sydney!
(Everyone inside the meeting hears the g*n and sees Sydney thrashing about on the wire. They start sh**ting. The guard down below tries to get a sh*t, sh**ting constantly as Sydney moves around on the wire.)
DIXON: Sydney! | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x14 - The Coup"} | foreverdreaming |
"Page 47" episode #1.15
DIXON: Sydney!
(More sh**ting. Sydney cuts the wire with her Kn*fe and flies backwards, hanging on to the rope, and crashes through the adjacent building's window. The guard from down below runs over to the building and starts to climb up the stairs. Sydney runs through the building, trying to leave. She opens the door and sees the guard running up the stairs. She runs back inside, passing by several mannequins. The guard runs up the stairs and runs to the elevator. He sees the tip of her hat going down. He runs back down to catch her, loading his g*n. He points it at the elevator as it comes down. He sees a woman's body and begins sh**ting. The elevator stops and the "woman's body" is on the floor of the elevator. He comes closer and sees that it's a mannequin wearing Sydney's hat. He turns. Sydney punches him and roundhouse kicks him. He falls into the elevator. She runs and meets another guard.)
(The guard cocks the hammer and is sh*t from behind. Dixon drives up in the van, a g*n in his hand. Sydney climbs in.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
DIXON: Anytime.
(They drive off.)
(Jenny's place. Will is sitting up in her bed, shirtless. Jenny walks in with a cup of coffee.)
JENNY: Hey, do you want some?
WILL: No, thanks. I got to go interview David McNeil today.
JENNY: Mmmm...
(She leans over and kisses him.)
WILL: Mm. I better go. Oooh, I better go. Just... I'm going to be late.
(He gets out of bed and starts dressing.)
JENNY: Hey, so what are you going to wear?
WILL: I'm just going to wear this, I think. You know. I'm just going to a prison, who cares?
JENNY: No, next week.
WILL: What am I going to wear next week?
JENNY: To the dinner.
WILL: What dinner?
JENNY: You didn't get my letter?
WILL: (smiles) What letter?
JENNY: The one I left on your desk.
WILL: What are you talking about?
JENNY: Okay, you know what? You really have to start reading the things I give to you, Will.
(She gets a copy of the letter out of her bag and gives it to him.)
WILL: What's this?
JENNY: You're getting the Kaplan Award for the Luis Maroma article.
WILL: What?
JENNY: Yes. The readers voted it one of the most ten most inspirational stories of the year.
WILL: I can't believe anyone read that article.
JENNY: It says "black tie" which means tux. Do you have one?
WILL: Well, I have an old one. I can't believe I won a Kaplan Award.
JENNY: Do you want to go celebrate, maybe Friday?
WILL: Um... I can't. I can't. I'm sup--I got to go do something on Friday. I'm sorry.
JENNY: Oh. Okay.
(Later, Jenny's in the shower and Will's on the phone.)
WILL: Yeah, well, thanks. Yeah. I just wanted to-I just wanted to tell you.
(Sydney's sitting in the van in Moscow, talking on her cell with a big smile on her face.)
SYDNEY: Will, that is so amazing!
WILL: Oh, uh, "North by Northwest" is playing at the Fairfax Friday night. I thought maybe we could, I don't know, get some dinner and celebrate it?
SYDNEY: Definitely. I'm so proud of you.
WILL: Oh, well, it's not that big of a deal.
SYDNEY: Okay, so Friday night. It's a date.
WILL: It's a date.
(Sloane's office. Sloane and Jack watch footage of Will talking to David McNeil at the prison.)
SLOANE: Lompoc prison, about two hours ago. The man talking to Tippin is David McNeil, software designer. About eight years ago, he created an encryption system that we wanted to acquire but he wouldn't sell. We don't have audio, but we got hold of the prison log. This is Tippin's third visit to McNeil in the last two weeks. You and I talked about Tippin some time ago. You convinced me that he was just a harmless metro reporter, far from a credible thr*at.
(He takes a pill from his pillbox and pours some water.)
SLOANE: But now he's found McNeil.
JACK: What are you suggesting?
SLOANE: You know what I'm suggesting.
JACK: The decision to eliminate Tippin is premature. He's a friend of Sydney's who, as far as we know, knows nothing.
SLOANE: I told you this first as a courtesy. Look Jack, I understand your reluctance - what this would mean to Sydney - but McNeil is not a benign element. He knows about SD-6. The division's name was mentioned in Koenig's testimony.
JACK: Just the name. Nothing else.
SLOANE: A name is all Tippin needs. What concerns me is this doesn't seem to concern you.
JACK: There's a difference between concern and assassination.
SLOANE: What are you suggesting?
JACK: That we get audio. That we find out what those conversations are.
SLONAE: Jack... we should take care of this immediately. I'm sure you agree there are some truths that Sydney must never learn.
(At Sydney and Francie's, Francie is sitting on the sofa staring at some gifts and crying quietly. Sydney comes in.)
SYDNEY: How's it going?
FRANCIE: Fine. I went to the stationary store today. Same place I got the wedding invitation. I had to buy some thank-you cards for these engagement gifts to send back to people. The woman in the store asked if I wanted the card stock to match the invitations. I burst into tears in the middle of the store.
SYDNEY: Francie?
FRANCIE: I don't know how to do this. I haven't even been able to take this off.
(She shows her ring. Sydney holds up her hand to show that she's still wearing her ring from Danny.)
FRANCIE: I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: Nah, don't be. The truth is, I should have taken it off a long time ago. Here's an idea.
(She shows her hand again and raises her eyebrow. Francie takes off her ring and so does Sydney. They put them on the coffee table and stare at them.)
(Will's newspaper. He's walking to his desk and talking to another guy.)
WILL: So, Wilshire court, 7:30. And I got my ball in my car so... oh, oh, call Mitch!
GUY: You got it.
(The guy walks away. Will walks up to his desk just as Abby walks up with a small cake and a lit candle on it.)
ABBY: Well, well, look who it is!
WILL: Abby, what is this?
ABBY: Oh, false modesty. Hideous. It doesn't suit you.
WILL: This isn't for the most inspirational article thing, is it?
ABBY: Pretty dense for the man who wrote the most inspirational article. You don't deserve to win any awards.
WILL: I know.
ABBY: Congratulations.
WILL: Thank you.
ABBY: You make me sick, FYI.
WILL: I know. I make myself sick.
ABBY: Ten years I've been at this, and what do I win?
WILL: I know...
ABBY: Tickets to "The Lion King" on the radio.
WILL: You never invited me to that.
ABBY: Oh, imagine that!
WILL: Thank you for the cake. I'm going to go get us some plates.
ABBY: I expect a piece, yes. It's chocolate. Maybe you can write an article about this cake and win something else.
(She blows out the candle.)
(Will walks in their kitchen and starts to look for paper plates. A delivery guy walks up.)
DELIVERY GUY: Excuse me. June Litvack's office?
WILL: Yeah, that's the next floor up. Huge office.
(He pats him on the back and leaves.)
(Outside, the delivery guy gets in a van. He puts some earphones on and turns some dials on a machine. When he patted Will's back, he put a bug on him. Delivery guy starts listening in.)
WILL: Okay, seriously, if I didn't have to go, I'd eat the whole cake.
ABBY: Where are you going?
WILL: Lompoc. I got an interview.
(SD-6 conference room with Sloane, Dixon, Sydney and Marshall.)
SLOANE: Your surveillance footage of Moscow is remarkable. Of course, we won't know for quite some time the full implication of Ivankov's m*rder. But here is what we do know. Ivankov's body was delivered last night to K-Directorate headquarters in St. Petersburg.
DIXON: Delivered how?
SLOANE: Commercial freight carrier, packed inside a crate of frozen Atlantic cod fish. Lavro Kessar - K-Directorate second in command. He hasn't been seen since that night. We believe he's being held by Mr. Sark as a c*ptive unless K-Directorate delivers Rambaldi's manuscript to Sark's employer, The Man. They should be expecting more fish in St. Petersburg.
DIXON: Have we learned anything more about The Man?
SYDNEY: We have got to get a name for this guy already.
SLOANE: Well, we don't know anything concrete, at least not yet. We have learned something about Sark. Marshall?
MARSHALL: Yes. Um, actually, I'm sure we have all seen the classic movie "My Fair Lady." You remember... (in cockney accent) Professah 'enry 'iggins, educatin' Eliza Dolittle. "You talk propah!" Of course, my favorite Rex Harrison film is "Dr. Dolittle," which always kind of threw me because Eliza Dolittle, Dr. Dolittle. Dolittle, Dolittle. Was that on purpose, conspiracy--
SLOANE: Marshall.
MARSHALL: Right. Uh, well we've analyzed Sark's speech pattern, lilt, stress rhythm, what have you. And he is very clever. His grammar and syntax, they give away nothing. But his lengthened vowels indicate that he spends considerable time in Ireland, most likely Galway.
SLOANE: Our assets in Tunis spotted a K-Directorate boat passing through into port. It's now moored off Es-Sekhira. Tomorrow at ten a.m. local time a plane is scheduled to leave nearby Hafsa airport to fly to Gawly, Ireland.
SYDNEY: So they're handing over Rambaldi's manuscript in Tunisia?
SLOANE: The mission is to intercept the book and bring it back home. Review the mission details, go over op tech with Marshall. You leave tonight.
(Self-storage with Vaughn and Sydney.)
VAUGHN: This look familiar?
SYDNEY: The same kind of camera I left behind in Argentina.
VAUGHN: It is that camera. The C.I.A. sent a team and retreived it last week. You only took a few sh*ts of the Rambaldi book.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: But we did learn a lot from those pictures.
SYDNEY: Like what?
VAUGHN: I've... I've got this aunt. Um, Aunt Trish. She's the insane one in the family. She, uh, speaks to the d*ad, she does the readings, she's a crop circle worshipper.
SYDNEY: (big goofy smile) Aunt Trish.
VAUGHN: Yeah. This whole story reminds me of something she'd tell me about. Anyway, we know that Rambaldi was a 16th century inventor who seemed to have an almost psychic vision of technology. This book, based on the images you took, seems to be some sort of instruction manual. Now, to what, we don't know. This was written in Italian on the second page. There, at the bottom. Refers to the 100 segments.
SYDNEY: Meaning what?
VAUGHN: Well, it continues on a page we don't have yet. So, your countermission is the same as in Argentina. When you get the Rambaldi book, photograph the pages and deliver the original to SD-6 and the photographs to us.
SYDNEY: Just don't screw it up this time. Got it. (smile)
VAUGHN: Your father's been reporting that Sloane has been spending a lot of time at home.
SYDNEY: Yeah, his wife Emily. She's sick.
VAUGHN: You two used to be close, right?
SYDNEY: We still are. Less so since she's been diagnosed. She's been a little reclusive. Actually, I haven't seen her since before I learned the truth about her husband.
VAUGHN: I think this is a real opportunity. We'd like you to call Emily. Tell her you'd like to see her again and get invited to their house.
SYDNEY: You want me to plant a bug. Vaughn, she's dying of cancer!
VAUGHN: Yes. I know.
SYDNEY: So you're asking me to use this woman.
VAUGHN: She'll never know.
SYDNEY: But I will!
VAUGHN: We've been trying to plant a listening device in SD-6. It's pointless. That office uses every possible countersurveilance technique. Sloane's house might be more vulnerable.
SYDNEY: This isn't a logistical question. This is a moral one.
VAUGHN: A moral one? Sydney, you're a spy. This is hardly the darkest decision you've had to make!
SYDNEY: But what you're not hearing is Emily is my friend. Despite her husband, she is my friend who is dying. I mean, does this not seem at all wrong to you?
VAUGHN: Why does this seem wrong to you?
SYDNEY: Because she's innocent! Because she is a good person!
VAUGHN: Then what she doesn't know, what she will never know, is that this is one of the last opportunities she has to do something good.
(Sydney's bedroom. She dials the phone.)
SYDNEY: Emily, hi. It's Sydney... Bristow. Hi. I know, I know. It has. Are you busy, or sleeping? Good. Okay. Yeah, yeah, I'm doing fine. How are you? That's why I called. I just-I miss you.
(Prison. McNeil and Will.)
WILL: Have you heard from your daughter?
DAVID: No, no, my lawyer says she's safe. That's all I wanted to know. All right, so what do you got?
WILL: Okay, based on the file at O.T. Technologies, forty-two companies currently use your encryption software.
DAVID: Forty-two.
WILL: Yeah, so far I've had time to look into about eighteen of these companies. Listen to this. Six of them have a common board member: A guy by the name of Alain Christophe. This is the best part. Twelve years ago Alain decides to retire... from the C.I.A. Before that, from '82 to '89 he ran counterintelligence at Langley.
(David nods and smiles.)
WILL: Why are you smiling?
DAVID: Because for the first time in eight years, SD-6 should be afraid of me.
(Will is driving in his car at night, talking into his tape recorder.)
WILL: Do a lexis/nexis for everything on Alain Christophe. And call the IRS, see if the Freedom of Information Act covers access to his private holdings. Oh, uh, "North by Northwest" tickets, Friday night. Call Mercantile, see if you can get a reservation.
(A van driving behind him comes ahead, tires screeching. They block Will off, coming to a halt.)
WILL: Son of a bitch.
(A masked man comes out of the van and runs up to Will's car, shining a flashlight in his eyes. They open the car door and haul Will out.)
MAN: (distorted voice) Resist and you die! Get out!
(They throw Will against the hood and cover his head. They throw him in the back of the van and the van drives off, tires screeching in the night.)
(Tunisia. Harbor. Boat is in the middle of the water. One of the g*ons spots a boat drive up. Sydney, wearing a short blonde wig, is driving. He watches her with binoculars and speaks via transmitter to another large goon up above. They speak in Russian.)
GOON: No. Definitely not Sark.
(Sydney is driving the boat and talks to Dixon who is back on land.)
SYDNEY: Okay, so tell me the truth. Who do you like better - Mary Ann or Ginger?
DIXON: Listen, while you're grabbing Rambaldi's manuscript, if you happen to see a sandwich...
SYDNEY: You got it.
DIXON: Okay. I'll radio if Sark arrives. Good luck.
(Sydney stands up in the boat and waves to the goon on K-Directorate's boat. The guy smiles. She drives up and motions to a gas can, laughing. Dixon watches. She stops and speaks Russian.)
GOON: Gasoline?
SYDNEY: Gasoline!
(She thanks him, comes aboard, and sprays him in the face with something. He goes down. Sydney walks on the boat, looking around. A man comes around. She sprays him, he goes down. She climbs the stairs and goes up on the dock and sees the large goon drinking. She comes behind him and tries to spray him, but he swats her hand away. She punches him. He swipes at her. She kicks him. He hits her with the briefcase attached to his arm. She jumps up and kicks him in the chest. He falls flat on his back.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dixon. The boat's secure. I'm opening the case here, the guy's handcuffed to it. Picking the lock. Looks like it's electromagnetic.
DIXON: Okay. Still no sign of Sark.
(She opens it and takes out the journal. She starts quickly taking pictures of all the pages with the C.I.A. camera. A man walks around the boat down below, and calls out for the large goon.)
GUY: Yuri?
(He comes up and sees Sydney pretending to kiss and make out with the big guy. She opens her eyes and motions for the guy to join them. He comes closer. She drops the still unconscious large goon and sprays the guy. She grabs the journal and goes down below.)
SYDNEY: Okay, I've got the book.
DIXON: Sydney, Sark's here.
(Sure enough, Sark and two g*ons walk down the dock.)
SYDNEY: I'm taking the boat.
DIXON: Okay. I'll meet you at the airport dock. We'll be there in thirty minutes.
(Sark watches as the boat drives away with the manuscript.)
(Two men in black push Will in a large and dark room. Will's hands are handcuffed and his head is still covered. They sit him down and take the cover off his head.)
WILL: Okay, look guys, I--
(They kick him. He falls to the ground, groaning and coughing in pain. They sit him up again. A masked man in front of him clicks on a tape recorder.)
WILL: Six of them have a common board member: A guy by the name of Alain Christophe. This is the best part. Twelve years ago Alain decides to retire... from the C.I.A.
(He clicks it off. When the masked man speaks, it's a distorted voice.)
MAN: Do you value your life, Mr. Tippin?
WILL: Of course I value my life.
MAN: Do you? Your actions would indicate otherwise. I'm going to tell you what it is you are apparently dying to know. Your friend Daniel Hecht, David McNeil's wife Susan, Eloise Kurtz... they were all innocent victims. Their deaths were unfortunate. A matter of circumstance. Now, the only remaining question is whether the story ends there or whether it includes other innocent victims.
(He takes out three pictures to show Will. The first is of Amy.)
MAN: Amy Tippin. 3723 East Conestoga Way.
(He takes out another picture of Will's parents, smiling for the camera.)
MAN: Robert and Patsy Tippin. 63064 Shulman Way.
(Will lowers his head. The man takes out one final picture. This one is of Sydney.)
MAN: Sydney Bristow. 4260 Cochran Street.
(Will, his head still lowered, apparently can't take it anymore.)
WILL: Stop. Stop, stop, stop. I understand.
MAN: This will be your only warning.
(They h*t him across the face. Will falls to the floor. He's knocked out. They unlock his handcuffs and walk away. The masked man is walking briskly and rips off his mask. It's Jack.)
(Los Angeles. An operative enters Sloane's office.)
OPERATIVE: Mr. Sloane.
OPERATIVE: I've questioned everyone from the boat. The captain is a civilian. He doesn't know anything.
SLOANE: k*ll him.
OPERATIVE: Yes, sir.
(Sydney's. Phone rings. She answers.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
EMILY: Sydney, it's Emily.
EMILY: Listen, I wanted to thank you for calling. You have no idea how much that meant.
SYDNEY: You don't have to thank me.
EMILY: I do. I woke up this morning feeling strong. I was curious if you were free for dinner. Bring a friend, please.
VAUGHN: And you accepted?
SYDNEY: Not at first, but Emily's sick. I couldn't say no. I knew you wanted me to anyway.
(He gives her a small box. She opens it to reveal a paperclip.)
SYDNEY: This is a bug?
VAUGHN: It's good, huh? You should see the guys who make it, it's like they've never seen sunlight.
SYDNEY: You should meet Marshall. Where do you want this?
VAUGHN: Sloane's got an office in his home.
SYDNEY: Mm-hmm.
VAUGHN: That's where we want it. Especially now that SD-6 has the Rambaldi book. The C.I.A.'s been studying those photos you took.
SYDNEY: Then they turned out all right?
VAUGHN: There's one blank page. Well, C.I.A. sci-tech says that of the few Rambaldi documents they've recovered, the forty-seventh page is always particularly significant. This blank page was number forty-seven. Your father's strategizing on how to get it out of SD-6 and replace it with a counterfeit. But in the meantime, we're just hoping we learn something with that bug.
VAUGHN: You said Emily invited you and a friend.
SYDNEY: Mm-hmm.
VAUGHN: You taking anyone?
(Will's cell phone rings. Sunlight streams in. He grunts and wakes up, rolling over to find his cell phone.)
WILL: Hello?
(Sydney is at SD-6 on her cell.)
SYDNEY: What are you doing?
WILL: Syd?
(His voice is rough and tired.)
SYDNEY: Are you sleeping?
WILL: No, no, I'm... uh... I'm working.
SYDNEY: Are you all right? 'Cause you sound like hell.
WILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
(He touches his face where a large bruise can be found under his eye. He looks around the room, trying to figure out where he is.)
WILL: How you doing?
SYDNEY: You're going to k*ll me.
WILL: Why?
SYDNEY: I know we talked about going to "North by Northwest," but there's this dinner at my boss's house. I can't get out of it.
(Will looks around, inspecting the place.)
SYDNEY: You're mad.
WILL: Uh, no, no. I got to, uh, go to a meeting, though.
SYDNEY: Will you come with me? They said I could bring a guest. Will you be my guest?
(Will walks around outside, looking around. A horn honks and Jenny pulls up. Later, they're driving along the road. Will stares out the windshield.)
JENNY: WIll you please tell me what happened?
WILL: Listen, I told you. I don't want to talk about it.
JENNY: Your bruise looks pretty bad. Well, you know what? You're just going to have to come over to my place and I'll make you a big bowl of ashishta. It's a noodle soup that my grandmother used to make. You know what, you have to meet her! You're going to love her.
WILL: Jenny, listen. I think you're great. You're smart and you're beautiful and I think we've had a lot of fun. But you and I... I just don't think that we...
(As Will struggles with the words, Jenny stomps on the brake. The car screeches to a halt in the middle of the road.)
JENNY: Are you breaking up with me? I drive ALL the way out here--
WILL: Jenny...
JENNY: With a BROKEN RADIO, by the way--
WILL: I know, I know--
JENNY: And you're going to break up with me!
WILL: That's not really fair.
JENNY: Why don't you call SYDNEY?
WILL: Sydney's not my assistant. You work for me.
JENNY: Not anymore! GET OUT!
WILL: (chuckles) "Get out"?
JENNY: I am NOT kidding!
WILL: Where the hell are we? We're nowhere!
JENNY: No, no, no! YOU'RE nowhere. Get out!
WILL: Fine.
(He gets out. She drives away, leaving him in the middle of nowhere.)
(Sydney's bedroom. Sydney gets dressed for dinner at the Sloane's, her hair all done. Francie sits on the bed, reading a note to Sydney.)
FRANCIE: "Dear Aunt Stephanie. Unfortunately, as my mother has informed you, the wedding is off so I am returning your kind gift of a coffee maker because, as it turns out, the man to whom I was engaged is a deceitful, two-faced, sex-crazed jackass. All my love, Francie."
SYDNEY: It's not too harsh.
FRANCIE: I want to read you one more. This is the restrained one.
(The phone rings.)
VOICE: Joey's Pizza?
FRANCIE: You know, this is Joey's Pizza. You want to hear our specials?
(They hang up.)
FRANCIE: Hello? Seriously, we need to think about changing our number.
SYDNEY: I know!
FRANCIE: Thank you.
SYDNEY: I'm going to go get a bottle of wine for tonight. Do you need anything while I'm out.
FRANCIE: No thanks.
(Self-storage. Sydney walks in, dressed up and looking fantastic. She finds Jack and Vaughn talking.)
VAUGHN: Sloane brought the Rambaldi book home.
JACK: I met with him earlier. He showed me the book. He was so taken by what he had seen, he wanted to show you the book himself.
SYDNEY: So he brought it to his house?
(Vaughn discreetly checks out Sydney, his eyes going up and down.)
JACK: Yes, it'll be there tonight.
SYDNEY: Why didn't he just wait until I was at SD-6 on Monday?
JACK: An Alliance courier is en route to Los Angeles. They're taking the book to Germany. They have a cluster of labs in Munich, advanced analysis they can't perform here.
SYDNEY: Wait a minute. The blank page. You want me to make a switch.
VAUGHN: Yeah, if we don't do it tonight the courier will arrive in the morning and we'll lose our sh*t at getting that page anytime soon.
SYDNEY: Doesn't this seem a little risky to you? Making a move like this, at Sloane's house while he's there without back-up?
VAUGHN: Oh, you will have back-up. Your father's going, too.
JACK: I can help you tonight. Emily believes her husband is C.O.O. at the bank. If he wants to show you the book, he'll have to do it in private, most likely in his office.
SYDNEY: Where you want me to plant the bug.
VAUGHN: That's right.
JACK: If we assume that's where the book is being kept, it could be an ideal scenario. During dinner, Vaughn will call your cell phone, posing as a friend in need. You'll excuse yourself, go to Sloane's office, get into his safe and make the switch.
VAUGHN: Now, Sloane's vault is an advanced cushion model. The guys who made the paperclip bug came up with this. It overrides the circuitry, tricks the safe into believing you entered the correct combination. Now, they say it's bitchin', so I'm assuming it's bitchin'.
SYDNEY: I don't know about this plan. I mean, not only does it put me in danger and you, but I'm taking Will tonight.
JACK: You're doing what?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Emily told me to bring someone. Why?
JACK: Nothing. I should leave. I'll see you there.
(Jack walks out. Vaughn looks at Sydney.)
VAUGHN: Look, if you feel you can make the switch, do it. Just use your discretion.
VAUGHN: So, you're taking Will.
(Vaughn nods and looks down. He finally meets Sydney's gaze.)
VAUGHN: (softly) You look really pretty.
SYDNEY: (smiles) Thank you.
(Big, big smile. She leaves.)
(Sloane's house. Doorbell rings. Emily opens the door.)
EMILY: Oh, Sydney.
EMILY: I'm so glad you're here.
SYDNEY: Hey. These are for you.
(She gives Emily a bouquet of flowers.)
EMILY: Oh, good, good.
SYDNEY: You look beautiful.
EMILY: Oh, thank you. You look fantastic.
SYDNEY: I want you to meet my friend Will Tippin. And this is Emily.
EMILY: How do you do? Pleased to meet you. Please come in.
(Will smiles at Emily and walks in with Sydney. The mansion is beautiful.)
WILL: Wow...
(Jack comes out, holding a glass of wine.)
EMILY: I believe you two know each other.
JACK: Sure. We met.
WILL: Hey! How you doing? Good to see you.
(Will shakes Jack's hand, smiles at him.)
JACK: You, too.
WILL: Sydney tells me you're doing analysis for the bank.
JACK: Strategy. Investment strategy. Arvin made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
EMILY: Oh, that sounds like my husband!
(Sloane comes down the stairs.)
SLOANE: Sydney. So glad you came.
SYDNEY: Me, too. This is my friend Will Tippin. Arvin Sloane.
(Sloane's eyes get even smaller when he realizes who, in fact, Will is. Will, oblivious, smiles and shakes Sloane's hand.)
WILL: Hey.
SLOANE: Hey, nice to meet you.
WILL: Yeah. Nice to meet you, too.
SLOANE: Sydney, I want to show you something. And Emily, this is the only business we'll do this evening.
(He kisses her cheek lovingly. Emily is pratically beaming. Sloane and Sydney leave the room.)
EMILY: Can I get you anything to drink?
WILL: Yes, yes. Anything would be great.
EMILY: Okay, good. Come in.
(Sloane's personal office. Sydney looks around as Sloane enters the combination of his safe.)
SLOANE: I didn't get a chance to tell you how proud I am of the work you did in Tunisia.
SYDNEY: I was just doing my job.
SLOANE: Well, you will find, as you get older, how difficult it is to find people who just do their job.
(Sydney drops the paper clip bug into a pencil holder on his desk. Sloane gets out the journal. They move over to the sofa.)
SLOANE: A courier is picking this up tomorrow mornig for analysis.
SYDNEY: Taking it where?
SLOANE: England.
(Sydney stares at him for a moment, knowing he just lied to her with ease.)
SLOANE: I just wanted you to see it. I don't know if you had a chance to look at it, to really examine it.
SYDNEY: No, I didn't open it.
SLOANE: Some of the text is Italian, but most of it is in code. Code we haven't been able to break. Who was this man, Sydney? What did he see? What did Rambaldi see?
(Sloane goes through the pages. They come to page forty-seven, the blank one.)
SLOANE: Those who know about him - various agencies, a few in the private sector - they're spending millions to answer these questions. Millions. Men would die for this book. Men have died. You know, Sydney, the work we're doing here, trying to figure out who Rambaldi was, what he was working on, is becoming an obsession for me.
SYDNEY: I am still not sure I am a believer.
SLOANE: Neither was I. Neither was I.
(Later, everyone is sitting around the dinner table.)
EMILY: Wait a minute. You wrote the article about the fruit picker from La Venta?
WILL: Yeah, yeah, I did.
(He looks at Sydney, embarrassed. She smiles, very proud of him.)
WILL: I can't believe you read that.
EMILY: This is so funny! (to Sloane) I told you about this. There was a poll, in the newspaper. I voted for you.
WILL: You're kidding me. I just won that.
EMILY: You did? You deserved it. That story made me cry. It just... stayed with me.
WILL: Yeah, well, that guy was amazing.
EMILY: The story was about this man... Luis Maroma?
WILL: Mm-hmm.
EMILY: He was a fruit picker from Mexico. An immigrant. Illegal immigrant living in Los Angeles and he worked for a man who was... basically a sl*ve driver.
WILL: No, he was a sl*ve driver.
EMILY: The conditions these poor people lived in. Eighteen sleeping in every room, one bathroom. They were all undernourished. Of course, if anyone got sick, there was no health care. Anyway, Maroma was one of these workers smuggled in from Mexico. Their boss was a monster.
WILL: He was the devil. He was literally the devil.
SLOANE: How's that?
EMILY: Well, if you spoke out against him, if you tried to leave, he'd have you k*lled. Now the other workers, they didn't know what they could do, but Luis Maroma could read. And he started to teach the others to read and he would find articles in the newspaper that they were wrapping the fruit in. Articles that taught them about their rights and what was right and wrong. Eventually, he led a revolt against this guy. I'm going to cry again, just talking about it.
WILL: What was amazing was this man had no future. I mean, he was caught in a horrible position, working for the worst person in the world. But he was resourceful and he was smart and today he's going to college.
EMILY: And the monster he worked for is in prison, rotting where he belongs.
SLOANE: Wow. That's an incredible story.
(Emily suddenly winces in pain, looking down.)
SLOANE: Emily?
(Sloane gets up and runs to his wife's side.)
SLOANE: Emily, are you all right?
EMILY: Mmm. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm sorry.
(He kisses the top of her head.)
EMILY: I'm still adjusting to this new medication. It's nothing.
(Sydney looks horrified. Her cell rings.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me. Sorry. Hello?
(Vaughn sits in his office at the C.I.A. He smiles.)
VAUGHN: Hi. It's Francie.
SYDNEY: (to Will) Francie.
SYDNEY: Excuse me. I have to take this call, I'm sorry. Hey, sweetie...
(She runs off.)
(Sydney walks in Sloane's office, still on the phone.)
SYDNEY: Okay, I'm in. I'll see you at the d*ad drop.
(She shuts off her phone and opens the door to the safe. She puts on Vaughn's magic device that will open the safe. Back at the dinner table.)
SLOANE: So, Will, what story are you working on?
WILL: I have a few irons in the f*re.
SLOANE: Really? What kind of irons?
(The magic device beeps. Sydney opens the safe door and starts going through the journal, looking for page forty-seven. Back at the dinner table.)
EMILY: Jack, could I get you some more wine?
SLOANE: Please, let me get it.
(Sloane starts to stand. Jack stops him.)
JACK: You stay there. I'll get it. I know where the wine cellar is.
WILL: Mmm, this lamb's fantastic.
(Sydney r*fles through the journal and finds the blank page. She lifts her leg and takes the counterfeit blank page which was wrapped around her upper thigh with the help of a garter, and replaces it. She takes the authentic page forty-seven and wraps it around her thigh with the garter again. Door opens. She looks up to see Jack at the doorway. He nods and leaves. She closes the journal. Back at the dinner table.)
WILL: This? I got h*t by a basketball.
JACK: (holds the bottle) How's this?
SLOANE: Jack, that's a very nice wine, but I have something special. A '78 Litsvage.
JACK: I'll get it.
SLOANE: No, please, I know where it is. You sit down this time, please.
(Sydney puts the journal back inside, closes the door, takes off the magic device, closes the safe door and grabs her phone and purse. She sees Sloane standing in the doorway.)
SLOANE: You look pale.
SYDNEY: My friend... she's really having a rough time.
SLOANE: I see. Is there anything I can do?
SYDNEY: No, but thanks.
(She walks out. Sloane's smile fades.)
(Sydney walks down a street, carrying the page forty-seven in a tube. She throws in a garbage can for a d*ad drop.)
(Sloane's office.)
JACK: I should have told you last night about Tippin. He and McNeil traced the use of McNeil's program to some of the Alliance's shell companies. But I've dealt with Tippin. He won't be a problem for us anymore.
SLOANE: Security section told me what you did.
JACK: You had me followed by security section?
SLOANE: They intercepted a phone call that Tippin made to McNeil this morning. The two have a scheduled meeting for this afternoon.
JACK: I'm sure he's just going there to tell McNeil, in person, that he's off the story.
SLOANE: I'm not convinced of that so I sent someone.
(Prison. Will gets out of his car and walks to the gate.)
SLOANE: (voice over) Now, if by their conversation it becomes clear that Tippin has given up his investigation, then yes, I think we should let him live. If, on the other hand, you haven't done the job this time...
(Will bumps into a man in a suit.)
SUIT: Sorry...
SLOANE: (voice over) ...then no one can and I'm sure you will agree that Tippin will need to be taken care of.
(The man in the suit gets in a car and listens in on earphones. He planted a bug on Will when he bumped into him. Inside the prison, at the phones.)
DAVID: So, I talked to Stoller. He's going to check on those companies. What happened to your face?
WILL: We have to talk.
(In the car, suit man listens.)
WILL: When I first came here, and I asked you about SD-6, you told me not to pursue it.
(Suit man gets a g*n and sil*ncer out. Back in the prison.)
WILL: You said it was too dangerous. David, I think you were right.
DAVID: So, why are you saying this to me now? Did you talk to Christophe? What did he say?
WILL: No, I didn't talk to Christophe.
DAVID: So what the hell's going on?
WILL: I was kidnpaped yesterday.
(Cut to Jack listening in in his office with headphones.)
WILL: By... I don't know who they were but... I'm assuming they work for SD-6.
(In the car, the suit man puts on the sil*ncer.)
WILL: David, they thr*at me. They told me to drop the story.
DAVID: And what makes you think if you do, they're not going to k*ll you anyway?
WILL: What choice do I have?
DAVID: You see it through. Understand this - the only way you can truly be safe is to publish this story. Expose them in print. That's your life insurance policy!
(Jack listens, worrying that Will might cave because David is convincing.)
DAVID: Come on, Will. We're close. You just give it a week. A week!
DAVID: And we'll have something for you to write about. One more week and they can't touch you.
(In the car, the man in the suit loads the g*n and waits. Jack listens, even more worried. Will pauses, hurt and regret on his face.)
WILL: I can't. I'm sorry.
(David's face falls. He looks like he might cry.)
DAVID: Kelly went away because of you. Because you convinced her that you were going to help me get out of here. Now you don't have the choice to back out on me.
WILL: David, I hate myself for letting you down, okay? But right now, I'm you. I'm exactly where you were before your wife was k*lled. Now, if I do what you suggest... David, they're going to k*ll my family... my friends. If you could go back, if you could change it, you wouldn't hesitate, would you?
(David shakes his head a little, watching his last chance back out on him.)
WILL: I'm sorry.
(Will hangs up the phone. David helplessly watches him go away. The man in the suit puts the g*n away. Jack takes out the headphones, relieved.)
(Vaughn is in his office, dictating to his assistant.)
VAUGHN: Call Driscoll, tell him I got his e-mail, that he's a sick man and that we have the rink for tomorrow night.
(A guy, Cohen, enters.)
COHEN: Mr. Vaughn?
VAUGHN: Yeah? I'm late for a meeting.
COHEN: You're going to want to cancel that meeting. I'm officer Cohen with sci-tech. We, uh, we figured out how to read the Rambaldi document.
COHEN: Yeah.
(He gives a folder to him. Vaughn reads it.)
VAUGHN: Cancel my meeting.
(Self-storage. Sydney walks up to Vaughn, who is holding the file folder and looking like he might be sick with worry.)
SYDNEY: I came as fast as I could. Vaughn, what's up?
VAUGHN: Remember that vial of liquid Cole was after in the SD-6 vault?
SYDNEY: Yeah, of course.
VAUGHN: We used it on the blank page to get the ink to show up.
SYDNEY: So it worked.
SYDNEY: So, what is it?
VAUGHN: Look, we're not sure, uh... we don't know what it means. That's sort of the problem.
SYDNEY: (big smile) Okay, so you're acting really freaky.
VAUGHN: I have the page with me and I'd like you to see it.
(He gives it to her. She opens it up. It's a sketch of Sydney, surrounded by text.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x15 - Page 47"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Prophecy" episode #1.16
(Washington, DC. White House. Inside, meeting with the Senate Select Committee of Intelligence. Many senators have gathered around a table. One senator in particular, Sen. Townsend, reads several pages and looks up.)
TOWNSEND: Exactly who is this Sydney Bristow and why should this committee's time be spent on her?
EVANS: She's a double agent, Senator. A CIA asset, working undercover as an operative of SD-6.
(Sydney runs through a forest, constantly looking back over her shoulder.)
EVANS: Last week we came into possession of that drawing from a manuscript belonging to Milo Rambaldi.
TOWNSEND: Rambaldi. Ms. Evans, we've been all over this.
(Sydney runs. Dogs barking, men shouting behind her. Coming closer. She runs faster.)
EVANS: Look at the partially decoded text, Senator. It's written by Rambaldi in reference to that woman in the drawing.
(Townsend reads it.)
(Man shouting, dogs barking, Sydney running. She scrambles over a fallen tree as they sh**t at her. She runs and runs. At the edge of the cliff, she yanks on a rope on her backpack and jumps off. A parachute inflates. Sydney floats above the Cristo Redentor.)
EVANS: Sir, I understand your reluctance to invest our resources in this matter but I strongly suggest--
(Townsend looks up from the text he was reading, his face serious.)
TOWNSEND: Dr. Evans. What do you need?
(Los Angeles. Sydney sits in a park, writing on a paper bag to Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Vaughn, I'm back from Brazil. I did what SD-6 wanted - got surveillance photos of someone they think might be The Man.
(She walks and throws the paper bag in a garbage can.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I'll forward them to you as usual and wait for further instructions.
(Vaughn walks in his office to see various people, including Dr. Evans, rifling through his desk and file cabinets.)
VAUGHN: Who the hell are you?
EVANS: Carson Evans, DSR. We have authorization.
(She shows him a piece of paper.)
(Devlins' office. Vaughn shows him the same piece of paper.)
VAUGHN: The National Security Agency's investigating Bristow?
DEVLIN: The Department of Special Research, yes.
VAUGHN: Off the book, paranormal guys, because her picture was in a manuscript?
DEVLIN: That's special access only.
VAUGHN: I'm Sydney's case officer!
DEVLIN: The loop is closed on this on orders from the DCI himself.
VAUGHN: I don't care who issued the order. If the NSA knows something, I should, too. (corrects himself) We should, sir.
(Devlin looks at him.)
VAUGHN: Unless you already do.
DEVLIN: Close the door.
(Sydney drives up to the self-storage facility and walks in to see Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: I got your message. If this is about the surveillance photos, I encoded them onto jpegs.
VAUGHN: Forget the surveillance photos.
SYDNEY: The ones that might identify The Man? The ones I nearly got eaten by a pack of dogs, trying to get?
VAUGHN: You're being investigated by the DSR.
VAUGHN: Department of Special Research. And it was created during World w*r II to investigate n*zi interest in the occult. After the w*r, an executive order was signed, empowering them to investigate fringe science, uh, parapsychology, remote viewing--
SYDNEY: What do they want with me?
VAUGHN: They want to know why your picture is in the Rambaldi book. No, I know it seems ridiculous.
SYDNEY: It is ridiculous.
VAUGHN: But your picture--
SYDNEY: A picture. Not mine.
VAUGHN: Yeah, well, they don't think so.
SYDNEY: They're wrong.
VAUGHN: Look, they took my files. Everything I have concerning you. Now, at our next scheduled debriefing, they're going to bring you in for questioning. I just wanted to give you a heads-up.
SYDNEY: This drawing is five hundred years old. Millions of women have looked like that. My mom looked like that. Maybe it's a picture of my mother.
VAUGHN: Well, they don't think so. Your mother is d*ad and they have reason to believe the woman in this picture is still alive.
SYDNEY: I don't understand.
VAUGHN: DSR partially decoded text from that page.
SYDNEY: And? What did it say?
VAUGHN: Well, they didn't tell me, but apparently Rambaldi refers to future dates indicating this woman is still alive. The DSR is referring to this text by name. They're calling it "The Prophecy."
(In a room with three doctors, Sydney sits at a table.)
EVANS: I want to stress, at the outset, that this is not an interrogation. You are not the subject of a criminal inquiry. Our purpose is siimply to gather background information and I'd like to note for the record how much we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Do you have any questions?
SYDNEY: Yes. Just one. Are you really not going to tell me what this prophecy says?
EVANS: I think we've been over that.
SYDNEY: Yes, we have. Just not to my satisfaction.
EVANS: Dr. Waterson?
WATERSON: Yes. Agent Bristow...
SYDNEY: Sydney's fine.
WATERSON: Question one: What would be the next picture in this series?
(She has a laptop in front of her. Various diagrams are shown.)
WATERSON: Study this figure.
(Sydney watches them write on notepads in front of them at her answer. Dr. Evans is leaning over the table, writing furiously.)
WATERSON: If it was rotated a hundred and eighty degrees, it would look like which of the following?
WATERSON: What is the next image in this series?
(Behind the mirror, Vaughn stands, watching Sydney. Various monitors - one showing only Sydney's eyes - are around. An agent sits at a desk, monitoring the interrogation. Haladki enters.)
HALADKI: Mmm. Love this tech stuff.
VAUGHN: Haladki?
(Haladki motions to the monitor showing Sydney's eyes.)
HALADKI: It's like a thermometer. Heat form their eyes tracks brain patterns.
VAUGHN: Hey, what are you doing here?
HALADKI: My department got tapped to facilitate interagency cooperation.
SYDNEY: "Q" and "7".
WATERSON: You're in a forest. You come to a river. Do you cross it?
(She watches them write. Evans crosses something out and writes something else.)
WATERSON: Agent Bristow? Would you cross it?
SYDNEY: I don't know. It depends.
(Behind the mirror, Vaughn sighs, worried.)
HALADKI: Gentlemen, if you need anything, I'll be in my office.
(Ink blots. Sydney answers their questions, her chin propped up in her hand. Waterson asks another question. Dr. Evans watches and writes. Dr. Waterson lights another cigarette. Sydney answers more questions. They write. Vaughn watches anxiously. A picture is up on the monitor from the '50s, of a woman and younger girl in a kitchen with a mixing bowl and pie crusts around them.)
WATERSON: What is going on in this picture?
SYDNEY: The mother is teaching the girl how to bake.
WATERSON: And what feeling does this picture invoke?
SYDNEY: The girl doesn't like it. She wants to go out and play.
(Evans writes. Vaughn takes off his jacket and throws it down. Haladki enters with a file.)
HALADKI: We need to cut this short.
VAUGHN: What is it?
HALADKI: Sorry. "Need to know" only.
(He whispers to the agent sitting at the desk. In the interrogation room, a large agent enters with the file and shows Waterson and Evans. Haladki watches.)
EVANS: Would you be willing to come with us, please?
EVANS: We have some physical examination we need to do.
SYDNEY: Excuse me?
DOCTOR: General tests. An MRI, lumbar puncture, blood work--
VAUGHN: (to Haladki) What the hell's going on?
SYDNEY: No, no, I don't think so.
EVANS: Agent Bristow.
DOCTOR: It would be better for you to submit now.
SYDNEY: I have been nothing but cooperative! I have answered every question you've asked, no matter how ridiculous. But that's as far as this goes! You want to touch me, you have to tell me everything starting with what this prophecy says.
EVANS: I'm sorry. You don't have clearance for that information.
SYDNEY: You are wasting your time taking this Rambaldi thing so seriously. There are real thr*at in this world. I have work to do.
(She makes a move to leave but the large agent blocks her way.)
SYDNEY: You move out of my way or I will make you move out of my way.
(He looks at Evans over Sydney's shoulder. She nods. He moves.)
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(She walks out.)
HALADKI: But... they're just letting her leave?
(The door closes.)
(At Sydney and Francie's, Will sits at the counter eating a bowl of cereal and reading the paper.)
FRANCIE: Third row seats?
WILL: Yep. Behind the Lakers bench.
FRANCIE: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Near Kobe?
WILL: Yeah. A friend of mine in sports has a contact in the front office so he scored them, free of charge.
FRANCIE: I'm going to be sitting near Kobe Bryant?
WILL: Yes.
FRANCIE: Are you sure you're asking the right roommate?
(Francie nods her head toward Sydney's bedroom. Sydney opens the door and walks out to them.)
WILL: Look, as is sometimes painfully obvious, I know a little something about wanting something you can't have.
(Sydney comes out, takes Will's spoon and eats some of his cereal.)
WILL: So, for a couple of hours, you come with me and you forget about hating Charlie.
FRANCIE: Sounds good.
SYDNEY: Can I ask you guys something?
WILL: Yes.
SYDNEY: I had a dream last night about a fortune teller. He said he had a prophecy about me.
FRANCIE: What was it?
SYDNEY: I don't know, but that's the word he used -- prophecy. Does that sound good or bad?
WILL: Prophecy?
WILL: Definitely bad.
FRANCIE: Yeah. Bad.
(Sydney looks worried.)
FRANCIE: Syd, who cares? It's just a dream.
SYDNEY: I know.
(She turns to Will.)
SYDNEY: Thanks for breakfast.
WILL: Mmm.
SYDNEY: See you, guys.
(She leaves.)
(SD-6 conference room with Sloane, Jack and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Using all available resources, we have finally tracked down the enemy who we no longer have to refer to as The Man. Thanks to the surveillance photos you obtained in Brazil, we have confirmed his identity. He is Alexander Khasinau.
JACK: Khasinau was the recepient of the Sark communique reporting on the loss of the Rambaldi manuscript.
SLOANE: Highly decorated former lieutenant colonel for the KGB, Khasinau went underground. He's long rumored to be a power broker for the Russian mafia in its affairs with rogue states in the international arms bazaar.
SYDNEY: So, we're up against the Russian mafia?
JACK: As a source of financing, maybe, but in terms of tactics, reach and sophistication, Khasinau's organization operates on an entirely different order of magnitude.
SYDNEY: So, what's next?
SLOANE: Nothing. After being identified, he moved his base of operations to an undisclosed location. He knows he's a target. The next move we make must be made with extreme caution.
SYDNEY: So, no mission?
SLOANE: Actually, I do have to ask you something. It's a personal favor. These last few days haven't been very good for Emily. When you came to the house, I hadn't seen her spirits that high in a long time. So, if you wouldn't mind calling her or perhaps paying a visit, saying hello...
SYDNEY: Of course.
SLOANE: Thank you. And when we know the right move to make with Mr. Khasinau, we'll make it.
(Jack and Sloane leave. They enter Sloane's office alone.)
SLOANE: I want Khasinau d*ad. The Alliance doesn't know what the hell it wants. They're having a meeting in London on Tuesday to resolve whether or not the Alliance should invest all the necessary resources to find and k*ll Khasinau.
JACK: It makes sense. Members from the old Soviet bloc still control five of the twelve votes. They're cold warriors who prefer the paradigm of detente. They'll likely reject going to w*r with Khasinau.
SLOANE: Those five men are cowards. All of them. Of the seven remaining members, there are only four that I know for certain who will vote in favor of aggressive action.
JACK: Essentially then, three men control the outcome of this vote.
SLOANE: Khasinau sent men into this facility. They stole from us. They k*lled some of us. There should be no vote in the first place.
JACK: What's your strategy?
SLOANE: Edward Poole oversees SD-9. He's one of the three swing votes. I'll start with him.
(Cell phone rings in Europe. Poole, Edward Poole answers the phone while sitting in a gazebo drinking tea.)
POOLE: Hello?
SLOANE: Edward.
POOLE: Arvin. Good to hear your voice.
SLOANE: Yes, Edward. You, too. You, too. How have you been?
POOLE: I think we've all been better. I'm seeing you on Tuesday?
SLOANE: As a matter of fact, Edward, that's why I'm calling you. Your position on Khasinau... am I right in assuming that you'll be supporting a declaration of w*r against him?
POOLE: I'm flattered you would think me so forgiving. But Khasinau must pay for what he's done, even if I have to take care of it myself.
SLOANE: Good. Glad to hear that. Unfortunately, the Alliance is nearly split on this issue. Now, as far as I'm aware, there are two swing votes left: Oscar Dunst and Jean Briault. So, Edward, it's up to you and me to take the appropriate action.
POOLE: What are you suggesting?
SLOANE: I have personally seen what Khasinau is capable of and I will not let his aggression go unanswered. So what I'm suggesting, Edward, is that we do whatever must be done to ensure that this declaration of w*r be ratified.
POOLE: Yes. I was going to wait and present this at the meeting...
SLOANE: What's that?
POOLE: Under the circumstances, I think I should come to Los Angeles. I have intel you should see.
POOLE: I'll be there in the morning.
(At Sloane's, Emily and Sydney sit out in their garden. Flowers are everywhere. Sydney pours them some tea.)
EMILY: Arvin's such a sweetheart, asking you to look in like this.
SYDNEY: Well, I would've come anyway but I didn't want to bother you.
EMILY: Not at all. You know, I really liked meeting your friend, by the way. Will?
SYDNEY: (smiles) Yeah, he's a great guy.
EMILY: I think he thinks you're pretty great, too.
SYDNEY: He and I are just friends.
EMILY: He's cute.
SYDNEY: He is cute. I know it's been a while but I still feel guilty even talking about dating again.
EMILY: It must be especially hard, doing what you do.
(Sydney looks up, alarmed.)
SYDNEY: It... is. It's difficult sometimes.
EMILY: I mean working for my husband.
SYDNEY: Oh. Well... EMILY: I know this has been difficult for Arvin. My illness. I look just like everyone else and I usually feel that way. The fact is, I won't be alive next Christmas.
SYDNEY: Don't say that. You don't know that.
EMILY: I do. For a long time, I ignored the pain but then one morning, over there, I... I collapsed. Woke up in the hospital. The doctor told me. Cancer. He said if I had seen him in the beginning, I probably could've survived. But there's a fear like nothing I've ever felt before. It comes over you when you know that there's something really wrong.
(Sydney gets a flash of the Rambaldi drawing.)
EMILY: For four months, I did nothing. I was so terrified of what I did not know. I was so terrified that I was paralyzed.
(Sydney gets a flash of Evans, Waterson.)
EMILY: And the longer that went on, the more terrified I got. Wanting to know the truth but being too afraid to find the answers.
(CIA building. Sydney walks in and opens the door to the private meeting with Devlin and the other DSR agents.)
SYDNEY: Go ahead. Run all the tests you want.
(Sloane's office. Edward Poole sits in front of his desk.)
POOLE: What I'm about to tell you, you may find difficult to believe. Arvin, I know that, uh, Jean Briault is a friend.
SLOANE: Yes. He is a friend.
POOLE: A friend of yours, but not of the Alliance.
(He shows Sloane a surveillance photo of Briault and Khasinau walking together.)
POOLE: The other man in the photo is your friend Jean Briault.
SLOANE: This only menas that Khasinau and Briault know each other. There's nothing more.
(Poole opens a laptop and shows Sloane.)
POOLE: On the lef tis a brokerage account in the name of Briault's wife. On the right, a holding company that Khasinau uses to launder money. As you will see, five deposits in excess of forty-five million were made into the brokerage account in the past three months. Arvin, I would not hav emade this trip if I did not truly believe that Khasinau had infiltrated the Alliance and that Briault was in his pocket.
SLOANE: (stares at picture) No. I was in Chile with this man under Aliende. He recruited me.
POOLE: Yes, well, on the other hand Briault's always seemed a good man and he has served the Alliance well so maybe we should just... gamble, do nothing, just play it out and see what happens.
SLOANE: If this vote goes the wrong way because one of our members has been bought, it would mean the end of the Alliance.
POOLE: But Briault, as you know, is a famously cautious man.
SLOANE: A h*t would have to be carried by someone who had access so that Briault would agree to meet alone. A friend.
POOLE: If a h*t occurs, yes.
SLOANE: No. No. No. This can't be right. There's another explanation for this intel. So, I appreciate you coming here, this long way, with this information but... I can't believe that Jean Briault is a traitor.
POOLE: Ah. No one hopes you are right more than I.
(Meeting at the CIA. DSR and CIA agents gather around a long table.)
DEVLIN: I'd like to formally welcome to Los Angeles, our friends from Washington. I have always had a fascination with the work of the DSR and although, uh, interagency cooperation is notoriously problematic, I don't forsee any difficulties while you're wroking here in our office.
EVANS: I speak for everyone on our side when I say how much we appareciate your help in this matter. That said, let me pay you the courtesy of being blunt. To date, our request for files considerably more comprehensive than these have not been processed.
DEVLIN: Those requests, Miss Evans, are being assessed.
EVANS: The directive doesn't provide for assessments.
DEVLIN: I don't mind you coming here and working with us but to--
EVANS: Let's just be clear. You don't work with us. You work for us.
DEVLIN: To presume that you're in charge--we have protocols!
EVANS: The directive specifies--
DEVLIN: This is my office! Yes, the directive gives you the authority to take her into custody, but Sydney Bristow is well placed.
(Sydney is on her back, taking an MRI. She looks scared.)
DEVLIN: (voice over) And she has provided us with valuable intelligence!
(Back in the meeting.)
DEVLIN: Now, I understand this so-called "prophecy" is interesting.
(Sydney gets bloodwork done.)
DEVLIN: (voice over) And that these times require us to be vigilant against any perceived thr*at to our national security.
(Back in the meeting.)
DEVLIN: But let's take a step back for a second. This is a five-hundred year old text. And based on that text, we are treating Agent Bristow like a lab rat. Now, I am all for being prudent.
(Sydney rolls over on a hospital bed, on her stomach. A doctor wipes a spot on her lower back and inserts a very long needle. She gasps in pain.)
DEVLIN: (voice over) But what you are doing, the way we are doing it, is absurd! We should investigate, yes, but not persecute.
(Back in the meeding.)
HALADKI: Excuse me. I understand that dissenting right now might not be the right move for my career track, but I need to say something. Steven Haladki, ma'am, Domestic Resources division. For months, I've been worried about Bristow. At first, my concern was simply that her handler, Michael Vaughn, was too emotionally involved, to which I still contest. But then I started getting concerned about Bristow herself. Look through her file. There are discrepancies. There are some significant questions. As an example, Bristow met with a Rambaldi disciple on the Alamfi coast at the exact time his death was prophesised. Now, after reading what Rambaldi's written about Bristow, excuse me, but I am terrified!
DEVLIN: Haladki, you are assuming that prophecy is accurate and that he was referring to Bristow in the first place.
HALADKI: Sir, let's say Rambaldi was wrong or that he was right, and it wasn't Bristow he was talking about. Fantastic! But that's why we're testing her, to see if she's got the phsyical anomalies that Rambaldi mentioned in the prophecy. It's like "666," guys. You see the writing on the kid's scalp, you know there's some problems at home.
(At night, Sydney and Jack meet.)
SYDNEY: Thanks for coming.
JACK: Are you all right? I heard about the testing.
SYDNEY: This prophecy. Do you know anything about it? What it says?
JACK: No. But the DSR was close to a panic when they had only half of it deciphered. They cracked the rest of it this morning.
SYDNEY: That's what I wanted to ask. They need a code key. Do they have the right one?
JACK: The DSR spent years trying to decipher Rambaldi's work. The key they're using is one they reverse engineered.
SYDNEY: If the DSR is misreading the text, they're going to take me into custody. Which would blow my cover with SD-6. And probably yours.
JACK: You want Rambaldi's original code key.
SYDNEY: If it exists.
JACK: It does. But the agency won't go after it... for political reasons.
SYDNEY: Dad, what does that mean?
JACK: The code key is in the Vatican.
(Jack and Devlin in Devlin's office.)
JACK: Think about what this means for Sydney!
DEVLIN: I understand that!
JACK: Then doing nothing shouldn't be an option!
DEVLIN: You're asking me to authorize an op that goes deliberately against the DSR's work!
JACK: Then clasify it as recon!
DEVLIN: Langley won't approve that!
JACK: The DSR is being irresponsible and overreactive!
DEVLIN: One thing you don't have to do is att*ck the DSR. Those bastards have just about taken over this office.
JACK: Then this is the chance to prove them wrong!
DEVLIN: Langley is watching us closely.
JACK: Ben, it's a discretionary op. You're arguing semantics with me!
(He softens a little.)
JACK: If she weren't my daughter, Ben, I probably wouldn't be fighting for this. I understand this prophecy is special access but those who have it might be misreading that text. I'd go myself, but Sloane's headed to London and I'm overseeing operations at SD-6 while he's away. I don't have to tell you what an opportunity that is. So, Ben, I need your help on this.
(Sloane's house. In their bedroom, at night. Sloane and Emily are in bed. Emily's arm is thrown across Sloane's body. She's sleeping peacefully, but he's wide awake, staring straight ahead. Moving Emily's arm off of him, Sloane gets out of bed and moves downstairs into a study. He picks up the phone and dials.)
POOLE: Hello?
SLOANE: Edward. It's Arvin.
POOLE: Any news?
SLOANE: We can't risk Briault. Please don't talk about this with anyone. Don't share your intel.
POOLE: All right.
SLOANE: I've decided to take care of our problem myself.
POOLE: I understand.
(Sloane hangs up. He rests his head on top of his arms, looking sad and alone.)
VAUGHN: You're going to break into the Vatican?
SYDNEY: The last thing I'm going to do while DSR is waiting for test results to prove I'm guilty of something I don't even understand is sit on my ass.
VAUGHN: But the Vatican?
SYDNEY: The secret archives. All I have is an inventory number. They don't know the form the code key is in and it's Rambaldi, so it could be anything. I called you because I need a parnter for this op. Someone I can trust.
VAUGHN: We'd have to fly out separately, undercover...
SYDNEY: Different airports in Italy.
VAUGHN: Meet up in Rome.
SYDNEY: We'd have to leave tonight. You in?
VAUGHN: (shy smile) Yeah. I'll break into the Vatican with you.
(Francie and Sydney's. Francie applies some make-up.)
FRANCIE: Did you know his parents named him after steak? Kobe. They saw it on a Japanese menu.
SYDNEY: No, I didn't know that.
FRANCIE: He's the perfect guy for someone like me. Plays ball, and is named after food.
(Will pokes his head in the bedroom door.)
WILL: You know what would be excellent about leaving tonight? Is that we might actually get to see some of the game.
FRANCIE: I'm not going half-done.
WILL: She's obsessed.
SYDNEY: (smiles) You think?
WILL: So, um, did that thing come true? The dream?
FRANCIE: The prophecy?
SYDNEY: Not yet. I got to go. I got to make my plane. Have a great time at the game and I'll see you guys when I get back.
WILL: Where's the world of international corporate banking take you to this time?
SYDNEY: Boston.
(In Rome, a van pulls up and Vaughn and Sydney climb out, wearing matching jumpsuits. They're posing as repairmen... repairwomen. Repairpeople. They go inside where a woman is singing opera in Italian and an old woman is instructing her. Vaughn and Sydney walk in but the old woman stops them and talk to them in Italian. Sydney talks back to her in Italian about the repairs. They start walking again but the woman stops them. Vaughn talks to her in Italian and she lets them go inside. They go down some stairs quickly.)
VAUGHN: So, I was thinking, we're in Rome which is the same city as Trattoria de Nardi.
SYDNEY: What's that?
VAUGHN: Well, it's my favorite restaurant in the world.
(Vaughn welds open a piece of the wall and removes it. They crawl inside and go down some stairs. They're walking down a tunnel with flashlights.)
SYDNEY: So why is Trattoria de Nardi so good?
VAUGHN: Well, it's only good if you like food.
SYDNEY: Hey, did you know Kobe Bryant was named for a steak?
VAUGHN: Yeah, actually, I did. Hey, you said the expl*si*n will trigger the alarm...
SYDNEY: Which is on a fifteen second delay.
VAUGHN: And you said you could disarm it under twenty seconds. How far under twenty?
SYDNEY: I work better under pressure.
(They get out the expl*sives. Sydney sets it up.)
VAUGHN: So, I was thinking, later tonight when we get the code key, maybe we can check it out?
SYDNEY: What, the restaurant?
VAUGHN: Yeah. Well, it's almost too good not to.
SYDNEY: Unless SD-6 spots us there and has us k*lled.
VAUGHN: Well, the food's so good it's almost worth the risk.
(Sydney punches in some numbers on the expl*sives.)
SYDNEY: Okay, it's set. Let's go.
(They run a little way down, behind a wall and hide. Sydney clicks a button on the trigger.)
SYDNEY: Ready?
(Vaughn wraps his arm around her and shields her head from the blast. The expl*si*n goes off. They move inside and move through the archives. They open a panel and Sydney disarms the alarm by cutting a couple of wires. They run through the room, looking through the various boxes. She sees the door with the right inventory number on it and they start taking off the door with the screws. When they remove it, they see it's a painting.)
SYDNEY: This is Pope Alexander VI. Rambaldi was his chief architect. Rambaldi made habit of hiding his real work in ordinary things. The code is hidden in this painting.
VAUGHN: We don't have time. We'll take it with us.
(He takes out a Kn*fe and is about to cut it. Sydney's eyes get wide.)
SYDNEY: Wait a minute. Give me the flashlight.
(She inspects the painting closer and sees some writing on the frame.)
SYDNEY: (reading) "Beginning with the eleventh letter, three rows of sixteen along the x axis and then another..." This is it. This is the code key.
VAUGHN: All right. I got it.
(He takes out a camera and starts taking pictures of the frame. They hear the door opening. Vaughn walks out and the guard stops him with a g*n. The guard radios for help. Vaughn puts his hands up. Sydney comes from behind him and kicks him. She elbows him in the head.)
SYDNEY: He was sending for back-up. We gotta move.
(SD-6. Sloane's office with Jack.)
JACK: I understand Poole was here. Is he with us?
SLOANE: Where the hell is Sydney?
JACK: I believe she's at the university.
SLOANE: We just got word from Kleinhoff in Munich. There's a counterfeit page in Rambaldi's manuscript.
JACK: Counterfeit?
SLOANE: That's right. Page forty-seven. There's nothing on it. We had it tested. Doesn't match any of the other pages in the manuscript. Now, the number forty-seven had special significance for Rambaldi. In all his writings, page forty-seven had critical information on it. And I want to know why we don't have that page.
JACK: I'll tell Sydney when she comes in.
SLOANE: Her school is a liability, Jack.
JACK: She's familiar with your opinion. Her education is important to her.
SLOANE: Your daughter needs to re-examine her priorities.
JACK: You're leaving for London a day earlier than expected.
SLOANE: I believe we have the necessary votes. When I get back the Alliance will officially be at w*r with Khasinau. I want you to follow u with Kleinhoff while I'm gone. I want to know what happened to that page.
JACK: Done.
SLOANE: Tell Sydney that she and I need to talk.
(In a Montreal park, Briault waits by a fountain. Sloane watches from behind some bushes with a g*n and sil*ncer in his hand. He hides the g*n in his coat and walks out to greet him. The men hug and speak in French for a bit.)
SLOANE: Look at us, Jean. Two old men.
BRIAULT: I feel younger now than I ever felt when I was eighteen. With age, I've become more comfortable.
SLOANE: Listen Jean, I want to apologize to you for asking you to keep this so secret but this business that we have to do is extremely sensitive.
BRIAULT: Look, while I am intrigued, right now I am more interested in my new grandson.
(He shows Sloane a picture.)
BRIAULT: Eight pounds, nine ounces. He's big. (laughs) He has my chin. But he's better looking than me. Je l'adore.
(Sloane stares.)
BRIAULT: What is it?
(Sloane gets up and sh**t him twice in the chest. He throws the picture on his d*ad friend and leaves.)
(London. Sloane walks into the Alliance meeting.)
MAN: As you know, we have suffered another tragedy in what is already a difficult time. I would like to begin by observing a moment of silence for our friend and colleague, Jean Briault.
(The men lower their heads. Poole and Sloane exchange looks.)
MAN: We come together today to make a decision. Alexander Khasinau is our enemy. He and his operatives are a powerful force. Aggressive and brutal. But we have managed to co-exist with our opposition for years so the choice is clear. Either we choose to respond with force, equally sharing the burden of cost, manpower and equipment. Or, we choose to seek a diplomatic detente. So let us now vote.
(The men vote. Sloane watches.)
MAN: Six votes to five. We have resolved to reject aggressive action.
(Sloane looks at Poole. Poole slowly smiles.)
MAN: We will now seek, through our diplomatic channels, contact with Mr. Khasinau. Once those contacts have been established we will enter in discussions with him. And may I say that we shall keep our fingers crossed.
(Outside on the steps, the men leave. Sloane catches up with Poole.)
SLOANE: It wasn't Briault getting paid off by Khasinau, was it? It was you. You doctored the photos and you manipulated those accounts.
POOLE: Arvin. You're upset. You lost a friend.
SLOANE: Our conversations were never recorded. We talked on secure lines. I made sure I met Briault in secret. You used me.
POOLE: I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about.
SLOANE: I will repay the favor.
POOLE: Give my regards to Emily.
(Poole walks to a car and climbs in. Inside, Khasinau sits, smoking a cigar. Poole speaks in Russian to him.)
(At a dock in LA, Vaughn drives up and gets out of his car.)
VAUGHN: How was your flight?
SYDNEY: It was okay. Have you sent in the pictures yet?
VAUGHN: Yeah. And in a couple of hours we'll know exactly what Rambaldi wrote. The truth. Which is the only defense you need.
SYDNEY: I need.
VAUGHN: And they agreed to wait on decryption before taking any action. So why don't you go home and relax. This insanity's almost over. Next time we're in Rome, Trattoria de Nardi.
SYDNEY: I'd like that.
(He smiles, gets in his car, and leaves.)
(Sydney's house. She walks in and sighs, and then sees a note on the fridge. "Syd, Will and I are at Zebu Lounge! You must come! No excuses! ~F")
(Zebu Lounge. Everyone's dancing and having fun. Sydney walks in and smiles. She runs over to Francie and Will, who are dancing.)
WILL: All right!
(Hugs and kisses all around.)
WILL: How was your trip?
SYDNEY: It was great! Hey, how did your date with Kobe go?
FRANCIE: Kobe was so purposely ignoring me, don't you think?
WILL: I'm not going to be part of your delusions, okay?
FRANCIE: Kobe so loves me!
(They hug and dance some more. Sydney is dancing.)
FRANCIE: I love this song!
(Sydney dances around and smiles happily... until she sees three men standing in the background watching her. The doctors from the interrogation. Her face falls.)
SYDNEY: You know what? I just remembered, I have a phone call to make to Hong Kong. I totally forgot. It's going to take me a while.
FRANCIE: We might go to The Pantry! We'll wait for you!
SYDNEY: No, no, no, you guys go on ahead. I'll catch up with you!
WILL: You gotta come because she's really driving me nuts!
FRANCIE: Shut up!
WILL: I'm serious!
(She walks away and meets up with the three agents. They escort her out of the dance club.)
(Outside, Sydney climbs into the back of the van and they sit her down. An agent starts chaining her ankles.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
(He's sitting across from her, next to Dr. Evans and some others.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, listen--
EVANS: Pursuant to national security, directive 18A, you are now in the custody of the federal government.
SYDNEY: What the hell is gong on?
VAUGHN: I promise we'll figure this out.
(The agents handcuff her hands.)
SYDNEY: What about the code key we found? What happened?
VAUGHN: The CIA had the same key. They broke the Rambaldi code correctly.
VAUGHN: Those medical tests you took, they were looking to match three specific anomalies Rambaldi mentioned: DNA sequencing, platelet levels, and the size of your heart. You match all three.
SYDNEY: So what does the prophecy say?
EVANS: "This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. Bind them with fury, a burning anger unless prevented at vulgar cost this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation." | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x16 - The Prophecy"} | foreverdreaming |
(Sirens wail. Sydney, wearing a wig and sunglasses, drives an old Buick while about five othe cop cars chase behind her. She swerves and makes a turn. Cops are on her tail. She comes to a stop on a pier. The cops stop behind her, jump out of their cars and point their g*n at her. She sits in the car and takes her sunglasses off. She looks at the water in front of her. A bird flies by. A boat is docked in the distance. She suddenly floors it, and the car lurches ahead, its tires screeching. The car goes through the railing at the pier and flies in the air until it hits the surface of the water with a mightly splash.)
(In a room somewhere, Sydney sits in a chair, handcuffed to the armrest. A door opens and an agent walks in with a styrofoam cup. He sets it down in front of Sydney.)
AGENT: It's vanilla. Milkshake.
SYDNEY: Will you do me a favor? Will you remind them that I cooperated, that I didn't resist? I don't need these restraints.
AGENT: I'll tell them.
(He leaves. Sydney leans forward and sips from the milkshake's straw.)
(In the CIA building, Vaughn follows Haladki and they stop near Weiss.)
VAUGHN: DSR met with the FBI. I want to know what they told them.
HALADKI: The DSR didn't tell me anything.
VAUGHN: Which makes no sense. You're interagency liason.
HALADKI: Interagency liason doesn't exactly put me smack dab in the inner circle!
VAUGHN: All right. Look, you and I don't work well together historically. We've got this juvenile animosity thing going on. That's got to change. Let's just start over.
(They shake hands.)
HALADKI: Hi! How are you? (b*at) I don't know what they're planning to do to Bristow! If I were you, I'd let it go.
(Vaughn forcefully grabs his hand a bit and roughly lets it go. Haladki leaves.)
WEISS: This buddy of mine at Princeton, she actually knows Haladki and says she used to see him all the time eating lunch at the Webster Rotunda. Apparently, the guy's got the table manners of a six month old.
VAUGHN: I'm going to ask you a question. I need you to be honest.
WEISS: Sure.
VAUGHN: Do you believe this thing? This prophecy?
(Weiss hesitates.)
VAUGHN: You do, don't you?
WEISS: No, no, it's ridiculous.
VAUGHN: It's ridiculous, but that picture looks just like her.
WEISS: Come on. Sydney Bristow's going to take down the world?
VAUGHN: I know, but the DNA sequencing, the heart size. I mean, they both match with what Rambaldi wrote. Either this thing is completely insane... or it isn't.
WEISS: Okay, what happened? The FBI's involved?
VAUGHN: Yeah. There's an FBI tribunal flying in from DC. They're going to question her and decide what the next move is.
(The three-person tribunal walks in the room. Sydney sits up.)
KENDALL: Ms. Bristow, I'm special officer Kendall, FBI. Ms. Baker, Mr. Dunn. You're being held under national security directive 81A. Per the directive, we can legally file formal charges against you based on current evidence. We would appreciate your cooperation in answering a series of questions. If you choose legal counsel, then this meeting is canceled and we'll determine the charges based on current evidence. It's your decision.
SYDNEY: I have nothing to hide.
(Kendall nods slightly and opens a folder.)
KENDALL: Please state your name and occupation.
SYDNEY: Sydney Bristow. I'm an intelligence officer for the United States government.
KENDALL: Under which agency?
KENDALL: How did you come to work with the CIA?
SYDNEY: Don't you already have a file on me?
KENDALL: We would like this in your words.
SYDNEY: I came to work with the CIA through my involvement with SD-6.
KENDALL: And how did you get involved with SD-6?
SYDNEY: I was a student, a freshman at college.
(Pilot: Sydney sits at a table outside and a man comes up to her, gives her a card.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) One day, a man came to me. He said that he worked with US intelligence and that they wanted to interview me.
KENDALL: And you agreed?
SYDNEY: No. No, not at first.
(Pilot: Sydney sits in a library. She takes out the card and looks at it.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) It was actually the last thing that I was interested in, working for the US government. Despite that, I found myself wondering if I could actually become a spy.
KENDALL: And you believed that you could?
SYDNEY: Sort of. Which is crazy. I didn't even realize what being a spy meant.
(Pilot: Sydney's at a phone booth, calling SD-6 for the first time.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) The truth is, I didn't love any of the subjects I was studying. My father and I weren't speaking, my mother had died when I was six and the highlight of my social life was my dorm's salad bar. So, I called them.
SYDNEY: They didn't use that name. These men led me to believe they were CIA. They were very convincing. They are very convincing.
KENDALL: So, you met with an organization you believed was the CIA.
(Pilot: Sydney signs a bunch of sheets.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) They had me sign about five hundred non-disclosure agreements and they offered me a job.
KENDALL: Just like that.
SYDNEY: They had me take a job as an office assistant on the twentieth floor of a corporate bank downtown.
(Sydney, with long hair, walks in the office and puts a piece of paper on a desk. She walks down a hall.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I just assumed that the bank was somehow affiliated with the CIA.
(A man stops her in the hallway.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) They told me I was ready for the transition.
KENDALL: Transition?
SYDNEY: Eight months of training, tests, and propganda.
(Pilot: Sydney fires a g*n at a sh**ting range and kicks someone in a practice fight.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Before that, I had never fired a g*n. I had never thrown a punch.
SYDNEY: It was during the training that I first heard the term SD-6.
KENDALL: And at this time, you believed that SD-6 was affiliated with the CIA?
SYDNEY: Yes, that's right. That it was a black ops division of the CIA.
KENDALL: Meaning...
SYDNEY: You mean what is black ops? A division that is funded by the CIA's black budget. Operations that are highly classified, even hidden from congressional oversight. They led me to believe that SD-6 was one of these divisions and that that was why they didn't operate through Langley.
KENDALL: And you never questioned that logic?
SYDNEY: As I said before, Mr. Kendall, they were very convincing. Now, I might not have been a genius at nineteen years old, but I was smart enough to know what qustions to ask. They had all the right answers.
KENDALL: Says here you were a genius. And how did the transition end?
(Sydney and another agent approach the elevator and she goes inside, looking around nervously.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) They made reference to SD-6 headquarters. They told me they'd take me there. What I didn't realize is that gettting there would only require a ride in the elevator. The office of SD-6 is located on sublevel six of the Credit Dauphine building.
(The doors open and Sydney winces as she sees the entire white room in front of her. She gets off the elevator with the agent and walks in. The room flashes red. She looks around. The doors open and she walks inside.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I walked through there surrounded by strangers who thought they were working for the good of the country. I felt wildly patriotic.
(The agent who brought her up in the elevator is walking her to Sloane's office. Sydney bumps into Dixon, who smiles apologetically and keeps walking.)
SYDNEY: And then I met Arvin Sloane.
(Continuing from the above flashbacks, Sydney enters his office and sees a clean-shaven Sloane. He smiles and greets her.)
SLOANE: So you're Sydney Bristow.
SYDNEY: Yes, sir.
SLOANE: Nice to meet you. I'm Arvin Sloane. Welcome to SD-6.
SYDNEY: What happens if I need to go to the bathroom?
KENDALL: I think we can arrange that.
(Jack drives up and climbs out of his car. Vaughn's there.)
VAUGHN: Anything?
JACK: My FBI contacts don't have access to Sydney's case. It's been classified omega seventeen. What about Devlin?
VAUGHN: They're not giving him clearance either. All we know is Sydney's being held locally, being questioned by the FBI but we've got to find out where she is.
JACK: Where she is is irrelevant. It's how long she's in custody that concerns me. Sloane wants a meeting with Sydney Tuesday morning.
VAUGHN: Well, maybe the FBI won't put as much credence in Rambaldi's prophecy as DSR.
JACK: That's a miscalculation. In the current climate, the FBI's being wildly vigilant. If another government agency red-flags someone as a potential security thret, the FBI won't be so quick to let them go.
VAUGHN: You're saying that Sydney could be held long enough to blow her cover with SD-6?
JACK: Under directive 81A, they could conceivably hold her without trial or charges for the rest of her life.
KENDALL: Describe your role within SD-6.
SYDNEY: Desk work, at first. But I advanced quickly. Within the first year, I was being sent out on reconnaissance missions.
KENDALL: The whole time believing that you were working for the CIA?
SYDNEY: Mr. Kendall, with the exception of half a dozen high-level officers, the entire office believes they work for the CIA.
KENDALL: And you remained in school during all of this? Why? Did SD-6 want you to?
SYDNEY: No. No. Actually, they didn't wnat me to. It was something I wanted to do. Become a teacher. I didn't wnt to give that up.
KENDALL: Who is Daniel Hecht?
SYDNEY: Danny was my fiancé.
KENDALL: Could you tell us what happened to him, please?
DANNY: (voice over) Build me up, buttercup baby! Then you bring me down! And mess me around...
(Pilot: Sydney laughs and Danny is on one knee, with a ring box open. He's singing loudly to her.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) We had been together for two years when Danny proposed. I had never told anyone about my involvement with SD-6.
SYDNEY: But I knew that if I was going to marry Danny, he had to know the truth. So I told him that I was a spy.
(Pilot: Sydney walks in the bathroom and finds Danny d*ad in the bathtub. She cries out.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) While I was in Taepei on an operation, SD-6 had him k*lled.
KENDALL: So SD-6 m*rder your fiancé.
SYDNEY: Yes. They did.
KENDALL: And that didn't seem extreme to you?
SYDNEY: I don't understand your question.
KENDALL: We're just trying to determine how a girl as brilliant as yourself could believe that an agency that could order the assassination of an innocent civilian could actually be affiliated with the US government.
SYDNEY: You're suggesting that I knew what SD-6 really was all along.
KENDALL: You claim to have learned the truth about SD-6 when?
SYDNEY: Wait a minute! It wasn't a claim! It was the truth! (pause) After Danny, I refused to return to SD-6 which they saw as a betrayal. That's when they came after me.
(Pilot: Sydney is in her truck when she sees two agents in a car down point the laser and sh**t at her.)
SYDNEY: It was that night that I learned that my father, who I ws never close to, was also an officer with SD-6.
(Pilot: Sydney kicks an agent, elbows him, kicks him. He has her arm twisted by and she flings the antennae off a car in his face. She kicks him in the head.)
(And hears a car approaching. She grabs for the agent's fallen g*n and stands up. She points the g*n at her dad.)
JACK: Get in!
SYDNEY: Daddy?
SYDNEY: And I learned who I was really working for.
(Pilot: Jack and Sydney sit in his car.)
JACK: About a decade ago, a pool of agents went free-lance.
SYDNEY: The Alliance of Twelve.
JACK: What do you know about them?
SYDNEY: They're an enemy of the United States. They're mercenaries. They're dangerous.
JACK: I'm one of them. SD-6 is not a black ops division of the C.I.A. SD-6 is a branch of the alliance. You work for the very enemy you thought you were fighting.
SYDNEY: That's impossible...
SYDNEY: (voice over) That was the first time I heard the truth about SD-6.
SYDNEY: The first time.
(CIA. Vaughn dictates to his assistant.)
VAUGHN: Make sure Susan gets Donaldson's briefing on homeland security. And you know what? Call Josh, tell him I'm going to have to cancel lunch.
(Vaughn stops, and remembers something. He walks up to Weiss.)
VAUGHN: Hey, what did you say before about Haladki?
WEISS: I don't think he showers?
VAUGHN: No, that thing about your friend.
WEISS: She used to see him at lunch.
VAUGHN: At the Webster Rotunda. That's what you said.
WEISS: Yeah.
VAUGHN: You're sure the Webster Rotunda at the Adams federal building?
WEISS: Yeah, that's what I said. Why?
VAUGHN: You're not allowed in the Rotunda unless you're a ranking FBI officer.
WEISS: No way.
(Bathroom. Vaughn bursts in as Haladki dries his hands.)
HALADKI: Hey, you know what? Excuse me!
VAUGHN: You were FBI before you joined the agency. You were with the bureau.
HALADKI: My history with the FBI is right on my resumé. I'll give you a copy!
VAUGHN: You know what FBI protocal is and you know where Sydney's being held and what they're planning on doing with her.
HALADKI: You have lost your mind, you know that?
VAUGHN: Oh, I've lost my mind? You're the one on a witch hunt!
HALADKI: Look, we decoded forty-seven distinct and verifiable Rambaldi predictions. The guy hasn't been wrong once!
VAUGHN: Where is she?
HALADKI: What if he's not wrong about this one either? What if Sydney Bristow is a thr*at? What if Rambaldi got it right?
KENDALL: What did they tell you was the objective of SD-6?
SYDNEY: "The retrieval and study of intelligence, both military and industrial, throughout the world that is critical to the superiority and survival of the United States of America." It's the company line.
KENDALL: What does "SD" stand for?
SYDNEY: Section Disparu - the section that doesn't exist. Alain Christophe, one of the Alliance founders. The term was his.
KENDALL: Explain to us about the Alliance of Twelve?
SYDNEY: The Alliance is like a board of directors.
(The Prophecy: Sloane walks into the Alliance meeting.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Some are from the private sector, but most are former intelligence officers. All wealthy. They started a company together, except this company - the Alliance - trades intelligence.
KENDALL: So you're saying they're after...
SYDNEY: w*apon, military secrets, industrial intel, medical tech, computer advances, political agendas. I mean, anything the other guy wants.
KENDALL: The other guy being...
SYDNEY: Governments, corporations, wealthy citizens, families. It's all black market. It's organized crime.
KENDALL: Could you give me an example?
(When Sydney describes these events, news footage is shown.)
SYDNEY: Do you remember the carbon proxy disaster in '92? An accidental methyl isocyanate leak at the manufacturer plant in Bangalore, India. k*lled three thousand people. Another thousand disabled. In 1996, near Kyotoa, Japan. b*llet train accidentally switched tracks and derailed. A hundred and fifty people were k*lled. Last year in Germany a transport plane suffered mecahnical failures outside Munich. Twelve lives were lost. None of them were accidents. Some were acts of revenge, others were personal favors to those who helped fund the Alliance. Some where distractions so that local resources were occupied so that SD-4 or SD-7 could infiltrate a building somewhere and retrieve sensitive data.
SYDNEY: After what they did to Danny, what they tried to do to me, I swore I'd destroy them.
(Pilot: Sydney, with pink hair, walks in Sloane's office and puts down the Mueller device on his desk.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) But first I had to win back their confidence, so I stole something that I knew Arvin Sloane wanted. A device based on the designs of Milo Rambaldi.
SYDNEY: I'm back.
(Pilot: Sydney walks across the CIA emblem on the floor of the building with the secretary.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Then I went to the people that I thought I'd been working for all along. That's where I met my handler, Michael Vaughn.
(So It Begins: Vaughn shows Sydney the large map of SD-6 and how far their connections reach.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I thought the job would be over by Christmas. It was Vaughn who made it clear to me what I was really up against. So that's how I became a double agent.
KENDALL: And a few days later, your father came to see you.
(Pilot: Jack goes to see Sydney at Danny's grave.)
KENDALL: (voice over) And revealed to you that he was a double agent working for the CIA. That his job at SD-6 was cover, too.
SYDNEY: (voice over) Yes. That's right.
KENDALL: Father and daughter, double agents.
KENDALL: Now, see, this is what doesn't make sense. Why would he recruit his daughter to that environment?
SYDNEY: He wouldn't. He didn't.
(Spirit: Sloane smiles and outstretches his arms to Sydney. She looks at him.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Arvin Sloane was a friend of my parents years before they were married. It was Sloane's idea to bring me in.
SYDNEY: He didn't tell my father until after I was active.
KENDALL: And why did Sloane go after you.
SYDNEY: I don't know.
KENDALL: And you're sure that Sloane brought you into SD-6 and not your father?
SYDNEY: Why do you ask?
KENDALL: As far as you've seen, your father's allegiance has always been with the CIA?
SYDNEY: Now, listen to me. I have been very patient with you. I've even put up with your implications that I'm not to be trusted!
KENDALL: Ms. Bristow- SYDNEY: But I will not accept you insulting my father! That is unacceptable!
KENDALL: It was just a question.
SYDNEY: No! It was an accusation! Not to mention the fact that you are questioning my honor, my loyalty, based on a prophecy written in a book that you wouldn't even have if it weren't for me!
KENDALL: I think we should take a break.
SYDNEY: No! Wait! I want to finish this! I want to get out of here! I want to go home! No, SIT DOWN! Listen to me, I want to go HOME!
KENDALL: We'll take five.
SYDNEY: I just-wait a minute!
(Vaughn's office. Weiss plays with a yo-yo beside the desk, doing various tricks. Vaughn is reading the prophecy, looking distressed.)
WEISS Okay, here we go. Look at this. Rocking the cradle, yes.
VAUGHN: "Unless prevented at vulgar cost this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation..."
WEISS: Come on, you know what? You got to stop reading that. Seriously. You're making yourself crazy.
VAUGHN: "Vulgar cost." What's vulgar cost?
WEISS: Michael, I'm telling you. I don't know.
VAUGHN: "This woman, without pretense, will have had her effect, never having seen the beauty of my sky behind Mt. Sebacio. Perhaps a single glance would have quelled her f*re."
WEISS: Shh, shh, shh. Yo-yo sleeping.
VAUGHN: "Never having seen the beauty of my sky behind Mt. Sebacio." I think that's where Rambaldi was born... (starts looking)
WEISS: I got an idea. Why don't we all go to Mt. Sebacio, huh? All right, here we go. Around the world.
(He does the yo-yo trick. Vaughn stops and stares straight ahead.)
WEISS: What? What just happened?
(Vaughn gets up.)
(Jack walks in their meeting place.)
VAUGHN: Thanks for coming.
JACK: I checked out SD-6 security section. They have nothing on Sydney.
VAUGHN: Well, look at this. There.
(He points at the type-written prophecy, one of the paragraphs.)
VAUGHN: "This woman will have had her effect never having seen the beauty of Mt. Sebacio." Now, if the FBI is going to take this prophecy so literally, then every phrase must have equal veracity.
JACK: That's right.
VAUGHN: According to Rambaldi, the woman in question, the subject of this prophecy, will have never seen Mt. Sebacio. Meaning if Sydney were to go there and see it herself--
JACK: She couldn't possibly be the woman Rambaldi was talking about.
VAUGHN: That makes sense, doesn't it? I thought that made sense.
JACK: It's good. It's good.
VAUGHN: I talked to Devlin about this. He put three calls into the FBI directive. He was stonewalled.
JACK: The FBI is not in the most cooperative mood. We'll have to extract her. Get her to Italy ourselves.
VAUGHN: I know Devlin would sanction transit. I mean, we could have a jet ready in an hour.
JACK: Question is how to find her.
VAUGHN: Steven Haladki, he's CIA. He works in the LA office. Former FBI. I know he still has ties.
JACK: Haladki. I'll talk to him.
VAUGHN: Oh, no, the problem is... he's not talking.
JACK: He'll talk to me.
KENDALL: When we left off, we were chatting about your father. What can you tell me about your mother?
SYDNEY: For most of my life, I thought that she was a literature professor at UCLA. I thought that she was a loving mother and an adoring wife. Apparently, I couldn't have been more wrong.
KENDALL: Could you elborate?
SYDNEY: A few months ago, I noticed something unusual.
(Time Will Tell: Sydney looks at the codes written in the books her father gave her mother.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I found cyrillic codes in old books that my father had purchased. I began to suspect him of having collaborated with the KGB.
KENDALL: But that wasn't the case, was it?
(The Confession: Meeting at the CIA.)
JACK: Those cyrillic codes you found in those books - yes, they were orders from the KGB and yes, they were orders to k*ll. An agent recieved those orders and carried them out, but, Sydney, I was not that agent. Your mother was.
KENDALL: Your mother was a traitor.
KENDALL: A woman who appeared to be one thing but actually was another. Your mother. Tell me how she died?
SYDNEY: I... I used to think my mother and father were driving together. I was wrong. My mother was actually alone. She was being pursued by an FBI counterintelligence officer. The roads were slippery. There was an accident. The cars went into a river.
KENDALL: And after she died, your father raised you? Is that right?
SYDNEY: No. He hired a nanny. Like I said, he and I didn't have much of a relationship until recently.
KENDALL: So... like your father, you're a double agent. Tell us how that works?
SYDNEY: It always begins with something that SD-6 wants. Information, technology, classified data. Typically, Sloane outlines the mission objective then Marshall reviews the tech.
KENDALL: Marshall?
SYDNEY: He's our tech guy.
(Mea Culpa: Marshall holds up a phone.)
MARSHALL: This? Looks just like a normal phone that you'd use to call someone so, "Hi, I'm going to be late for dinner, Dad. Don't wait up for me or anything." Biometric censor. Now what it does is--
(So It Begins: Marshall, wearing big rubber gloves, gives the demonstration.)
MARSHALL: --Just barely touch it and you're knocked out completely. It's like freebasing Thorazine. Boom. You're out.
(A Broken Heart: Marshall holds up a purse.)
MARSHALL: Now, this looks just like a normal purse that you would wear out with going out with your lady friends. Put your feminine things in there, but... a parabolic microphone.
(Spirit: Marshall puts on the big pink sunglasses.)
MARSHALL: Now, not only do they take pictures silently and have a telephoto lens, but... they're super-swank.
SYDNEY: Once I have the mission laid out, I contact the CIA. I detail the SD-6 operation on a brown paper bag. I wait for the CIA to contact me.
KENDALL: And after the CIA reviews the mission, what happens then?
SYDNEY: I meet with Vaughn to get my countermission.
KENDALL: And could you give us an example of a countermission?
SYDNEY: SD-6 sends me to Moscow to get computer disks. The CIA wants copies.
(So It Begins: Sydney, wearing the blue latex dress, stands in the club.)
SYDNEY: I'm in the bar. I can see you. Are those the files? If they are, cough. (Dixon coughs) Get ready to make the switch.
(She takes some playing cards, drink in hand, and walks over to the table. She falls, makes the switch and apologizes in Russian.)
SYDNEY: After I get back to Los Angeles, I have to complete a brush pass.
(So It Begins: Sydney walks in the airport. Vaughn meets here, posing a janitor. She drops the disk in his cleaning tray.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I give the stolen disks to Vaughn so that the CIA can make copies. Then before I leave the airport, Vaughn has to pass the originals back to me so I can deliver them to Sloane.
(So It Begins: Vaughn hurriedly walks to Sydney and drops the disks in her bag just as she gets in the car with Dixon.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) All without my SD-6 partner ever knowing.
KENDALL: Your SD-6 partner.
SYDNEY: Dixon.
KENDALL: Dixon believes that SD-6 is affiliated with the CIA. He doesn't know that you're a double.
SYDNEY: That's right.
KENDALL: Does that ever, uh... cause problems?
(Doppelganger: Sydney and Dixon sneak into the Badenweiler plant.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) SD-6 sent us to retrieve a vaccine from a plant in Badenweiler and destroy the empty building. While I was in the laboratory, Dixon was setting the expl*sive charge.
(Sydney grabs the inhalers and Dixon sets up the b*mb.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) What Dixon didn't know, what I couldn't tell him, was that the CIA also had a team in the building.
(Sydney meets up with them.)
SYDNEY: I've got a b*mb to disengage.
CIA MAN: Yeah, please. We'd appreciate it.
(Sydney runs up the stairs and starts to disengage the b*mb.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) My CIA countermission included disarming Dixon's b*mb.
(Sydney runs out and meets up with Dixon in the bushes.)
DIXON: Did you get the inhalers?
SYDNEY: We're good.
(Dixon hits the detonator. Nothing happens.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I knew Dixon's detonator wouldn't work. That was the plan.
SYDNEY: Come on. We got to go.
DIXON: I brought a second detonator in case there was a frequency jam.
(He hits the button and the plant explodes.)
DIXON: Let's go.
SYDNEY: Can we... can we take a break please? Just for a minute.
(Haladki walks to his car and punches in the code on the door to unlock it. Jack comes up from behind, throws him face-first on the hood of his car, flips him over on his back and shoves a g*n in his face.)
JACK: I have no desire to blow your head off, or ruin your paint job, but I will do both unless you tell me where the hell Sydney Bristow is.
HALADKI: Moorpark! Thrall federal building on Moorpark. I have the address in my pocket!
JACK: They won't keep her there overnight. What's the plan?
HALADKI: There's a safehouse a half mile away.
JACK: When are they transferring her?
HALADKI: At what time? 5:30!
JACK: 5:30.
HALADKI: That was the plan, I swear to God!
JACK: Just so we're clear: you report this conversation, you'll never wear a hat again.
HALADKI: I got it! No worries! I got it!
(Jack walks away. Haladki gasps for air.)
KENDALL: We need a list of people who are aware of your double agent status.
SYDNEY: It's a short list. Besides the CIA, only my father knows.
KENDALL: You've never told anyone else?
SYDNEY: No. After what happened with Danny, I thought it might b a good idea to keep my mouth shut.
(Spirit: Sydney and Will argue as she walks out the door for yet another mission, ending the group's Boggle game.)
WILL: I'm going to actually call them and quit for you right now.
SYDNEY: Look, to you, my job might seem pointless and stupid but it's not. It's far from pointless and if you knew what I delt with every day, you might even thank me for doing my job so well!
WILL: (confused) What the hell are you talking about?
SYDNEY: Nothing. I'm going to work.
KENDALL: So you have a hard time keeping secrets.
SYDNEY: No, I don't have a hard time keeping a secret. What I don't enjoy is lying to my friends or being in a constant state of jetlag from flying to the far corners of the world for a man that I wish were d*ad.
KENDALL: Sloane.
SYDNEY: Yes. Sloane.
KENDALL: How often does SD-6 send you on operations?
(So It Begins: Sydney in a black wig runs down a hallway, dodging b*ll*ts. She dives in the elevator, climbs on top of it and then slides down the elevator shaft wire next to it. Parity: Sydney, wearing a red wavy wig and a red dress, swings down on a chain and kicks Ana in the stomach. A Broken Heart: Sydney, in a braided orange wig and green clothes, kicks the bodyguard. So It Begins: Sydney, dressed as a maid with a long blond wig, kicks one of the g*ons. Doppelganger: Sydney drives the ambulance; the car behind them blows up. Doppelganger: Sydney grabs the f*re poker, hits the bodyguard's g*n away. Reckoning: Sydney fights off one of the orderlies in the mental institution. Page 47: Sydney, on the boat, jumps up and swings down, kicking the large goon with the briefcase handcuffed to his hand, in the chest. Spirit: Sydney, in the blond curly wig, kicks Driscoll's bodyguard and he breaks the glass wall, falling through. So It Begins: As the maid, Sydney kicks one of the g*ons and jumps up to kick him again. A Broken Heart: Sydney flips off the wall and kicks the bodyguard. Time Will Tell: Sydney and Ana fight in the cave in Argentina. The Confession: Sydney walks into the club in the auburn wig and red dress. The Coup: In Vegas, Sydney walks in with the silver showgirl/waitress outfit. Spirit: By the pool, Sydney stands in the black bikini. Reckoning: In London, Sydney wears the long black wig and green dress. Page 47: Sydney flails around on the wire as she is being sh*t from the guards below. She cuts the wire, slides down, and crashes through the window in the building. Time Will Tell: With the clock safely in her bag, Sydney runs from Ana and the K-Directorate agents who just sh*t Donato. She runs to the building, slides on a clip on the railing, and jumps off the building. The Prophecy: Sydney jumps off a cliff and her parachute opens. She floats by the Cristo Redentor. Mea Culpa: Sydney parachutes down to the party, unzips her suit to reveal a dress and heals. She walks into the party.)
SYDNEY: I keep busy.
KENDALL: What does SD-6 want? What is their priority?
SYDNEY: At the moment, it's Rambaldi.
KENDALL: What can you tell me about him?
SYDNEY: Milo Rambaldi was Pope Alexander VI's chief architect.
(An old man with a long white beard, Rambaldi, sits down and begins to write. Back to present.)
SYDNEY: He was an artist, an inventor. His designs were so technologically advanced, at the time, they thought he was heretic. And he was ex*cuted. Now, five hundred years later, many believe he was a prophet. And SD-6, CIA, GRU, K-Directorate, the entire intelligence world, is on a Rambaldi scavenger hunt.
SYDNEY: They assume that Rambaldi had some sort of master plan.
(Time Will Tell: Sydney and Dixon see the Rambaldi sign on the lid in Argentina.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Which was recently confirmed following my trip to Argentina.
(They open the lid and Sydney goes down. She climbs down the ladder and walks down the cave with a flashlight. She sees the Rambaldi door and opens it. She takes out the journal.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) in that book, Rambaldi refers to a single construction. The agencies don't know what it is yet, but they're all afraid the other guy's going to get it first.
KENDALL: I just have one more question. Do you believe Rambaldi was a prophet?
SYDNEY: Do you? You're not going to let me go... are you?
KENDALL: We're done for today.
(Sydney is handcuffed behind her back and is led out of the building with two FBI agents. Once they make it outside, a silver van pulls up and screeches to a halt. Two masked men with g*n run out of the van.)
MAN1: Don't move! Get down, now!
MAN2: You-- come with us! Let's go! GO, GO!
(The agents are on their stomachs on the ground and watch as Sydney is taken by the two masked men into the van. The van drives off.)
AGENT1: (on radio) We've got a silver van, license plate 4...
(Inside the van, Sydney falls over when the van makes a short turn. Weiss and Vaughn pull off their masks.)
VAUGHN: You're going to be okay.
SYDNEY: What the hell are you doing?
VAUGHN: Proving this prophecy is not about you.
(From the front seat, the driver speaks up. It's Jack.)
JACK: Sydney, we'll explain everything when we get there.
JACK: Hey, honey.
(The doors at a garage open and the van drives in. Everyone gets out.)
VAUGHN: If the FBI takes this prophecy seriously, the key to your innocence will be the second paragraph.
(Weiss takes their g*n.)
JACK: Rambaldi wrote that the woman in that picture will never have seen Mt. Sebacio.
VAUGHN: That's where you're going.
SYDNEY: Wait a minute--
JACK: At the very least, the FBI would have kept you in custody for months.
VAUGHN: SD-6 would have investigated your disappearance, would have found out the truth. You would have been exposed.
JACK: Your going to Mt. Sebacio should give them the proof they need.
SYDNEY: The FBI might let me go! All this does is make them certain I'm guilty of something!
JACK: Sydney--
SYDNEY: Escaping from federal custody and crossing the border into another country proves that I willingly acted in opposition to the American government!
JACK: It was either do nothing and get k*lled by SD-6, or take a risk to protect your cover!
SYDNEY: Well, now I'm a fugitive from justice!
JACK: Not for long. Once you get to Italy, we'll alert all agencies of our actions and your location. They'll extract you and you'll no longer be a thr*at.
SYDNEY: You don't know that!
(Sirens in the background.)
JACK: We will have protected a vital CIA asset. You. Your cover will have been maintained. The FBI's not going to want to make a big deal about this. They can't afford the bad press!
WEISS: We got to go.
(Vaughn has opened the trunk of his car.)
VAUGHN: I'm going to take you to the jet. You're going to have to get in the trunk.
SYDNEY: What if the FBI was right? What if Rambaldi was right? What if he was talking about me?
JACK: Then everything is predetermined and nothing we do makes any difference if Rambaldi's right. There's nothing to lose.
WEISS: Seriously, guys, cops everywhere. Come on.
JACK: When you get to Italy, contact me.
(They put a bag of clothes in the trunk. Sydney starts to climb in. Vaughn holds up a transmitter for Sydney to use.)
VAUGHN: So we can talk.
(She climbs in, he slams the trunk and peels out.)
(Haladki's office. He's on the phone.)
HALADKI: Alan, it's Steven. Listen, I need to tell you something that happened today. No, I'm not okay. Actually, I did a stupid thing and I'll take full responsibility for it. Jack Bristow came to see me earlier today. I told him about Sydney's transfer time. (pause) When?
(Vaughn drives down the road. He puts his transmitter in so he can talk to Sydney, who is in the trunk, stripping out of her clothes and putting on the ones they gave her.)
VAUGHN: Are you all right?
SYDNEY: You didn't think about it. Not once. The possibility that Rambaldi could be right about me.
VAUGHN: No. I didn't.
SYDNEY: Why not?
VAUGHN: Because I believe in you. Do you think I'd just throw anyone in my trunk?
(She laughs and smiles.)
(Haladki's office. On the phone.)
HALADKI: I just checked with transportation. Four vehicles were taken out today. I have their makes and license plates. Ready?
(Vaughn comes to a stop and gets out. He opens the trunk. Sydney's wearing the wig and clothes she was wearing at the first.)
VAUGHN: All right. You're going to take that car over there to Dozer Field. There's a jet waiting to take you to Italy. Be careful.
SYDNEY: You too.
(She runs to the Buick. Vaughn gets in his car and leaves. Sydney gets in her car and leaves. She's driving down the road when she meets a cop who has his siren and lights on. She ducks, but the cop makes a U-turn in the middle of the street and starts following her.)
SYDNEY: No, no, no, no, no...
(More cops. They're all following her now. She presses on, looking in her rearview mirror. She swerves, they swerve with her. She makes another turn, but the cops are on her tail. Sirens wailing. She drives down the street, changing lanes, driving fast. She barely makes another turn. Horns blaze as other innocent cars are in the way.)
(At Francie and Sydney's the car chase is on TV and Francie and Will are watching.)
WILL: Every day, there's another one of these.
FRANCIE: They're so stupid.
WILL: I know. Why doesn't the guy just give up?
FRANCIE: Totally. It's not like he can escape.
WILL: Stupid.
(Sydney turns in at the pier. Three cops behind her, more coming. She makes another turn, barely. Cops on her. She comes to the pier and stops. The cops stop. She looks at the water. The cops get out of their cars and point their g*n at Sydney.)
COP: Cut your engine off now!
(Francie and Sydney's.)
FRANCIE: Look at that guy!
WILL: This is the part where he gets out of his car and surrenders, every time.
(Sydney stares straight ahead.)
COP: Turn off the engine and step away from the vehicle now! Keep your hands up! Keep your hands were we can see them!
(She looks at all the cops behind her. And then floors it. Smoke from the tires billows out as she drives straight ahead. The cops scramble to get in their cars and start after her. She breaks through the railing.)
(Francie and Sydney's, they're still watching.)
WILL: Oh, my God.
(Splash. Sydney in the car blinks a few times, seemingly surprised that she just did that. The car teeters underwater and begins to sink. The cops stop and get out. Sydney watches the water level rise as she's being submerged. The cops run to the edge and watch as the car goes down. The car sinks and sinks. Sydney looks around underwater, looking at what she's become. The cops stare from up on the dock, waiting for a body to surface. Sydney gets out of her seat belt and rolls down the window. She swims out, remaining low and moves to the tire. She yanks at the hubcap, swatting at some seaweed. She tears it off and takes the nozzle on the tire to her mouth and begins to suck at the air. The cops radio for help up above. Sydney takes a breath of air from the tires, looking up. The cops wait for someone to surface. She takes another breath from the tires. A boat passes by. She takes another breath.)
(Later that night, Jack's phone rings.)
JACK: Yeah?
SYDNEY: It's me.
JACK: Sydney, where are you?
SYDNEY: I need to see you now.
(Harbor. In front of a payphone, Sydney waits and sits. Her dad drives up and gets out of his car.)
JACK: What happened to you? The plane is ready to take you to Italy. You need to go now.
SYDNEY: I know. But I needed to see you first. Dad, I just drove a car into the ocean. I knew the police were waiting for me. I used the air from the tires... I was breathing underwater for ten minutes before I started to swim. And as that car started to fill with water, I knew what my mother had done in the same situation. Dad, she could have planned that accident.
JACK: Sydney...
SYDNEY: It makes sense. She was deceitful. She was cruel, ruthless, and in Rambaldi's prophecy he used details like that DNA sequencing. Dad, I inherited that. I mean, it's either mom or me. I know it's not me.
(She swallows some tears. Jack looks like he might cry.)
SYDNEY: Mom's alive. I know it. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x17 - Q&A"} | foreverdreaming |
"Masquerade" episode #1.18
(Open to Mt. Sebacio in Italy. Sydney rock climbs her way up the side of the mountain. She moves up, and stumbles a bit, but makes her way to the top of the mountain just as the sun is setting. She sits down, panting, to see the sun disappear behind a mountain. She takes off her sunglasses and wipes the sweat from her face. Looks around. Yanks out a sat comm phone and dials.)
VOICE: Agent King.
SYDNEY: Agent Utley, please.
VOICE: Who's speaking?
SYDNEY: Tell him it's about a fugitive the FBI has been looking for. The fugitive is me.
(She looks out at the sunset.)
(Los Angeles. Thunder rumbles. Inside a parked car in the middle of a rainstorm, Sydney and Jack sit.)
SYDNEY: I don't know how to thank you for helping me.
JACK: Don't thank me. Devlin said the FBI's focusing their investigation where it should have been all along. Instead of persecuting you, they should have been searching for your mother.
SYDNEY: But they were convinced she was d*ad.
JACK: No. While you were in Italy, I did something I've never done before.
(Cut to a room with aisles and aisles of filing cabinets. Jack frantically looks through one of them.)
JACK: (voice over) I violated the CIA's trust. I broke into Langley's classified archives.
(Back in the car.)
JACK: I pulled the operational file on your mother to see if I could find anything that might prove your intuition correct. Apparently, after the accident, an internal commission was formed to assess the damage she'd done to United States intelligence.
(In the room, Jack flips through the report and looks up, astonished.)
JACK: (voice over) The commission was comprised of people I'd worked with since I'd joined the Agency, but one name stood out in particular.
(Sloane's office. Jack stands before Sloane.)
JACK: Twenty years ago, back at the CIA, you were on a commission that investigated Laura's death. When I heard that, I couldn't imagine why you never told me. Unless the commission discovered something it didn't want me to know about. Laura didn't die in the accident, did she?
(Back in the car.)
JACK: Given my state at the time, they thought it was best that I wasn't told. They don't know what happened to her. Where she went. She could still be in this country, for all they know.
SYDNEY: Dad... I'm going to find her. I have to.
(Jack explodes.)
JACK: Searching for that woman will accomplish nothing! No good can come from it!
SYDNEY: I need to know where she is.
JACK: Sydney, we don't even know if she's still alive!
SYDNEY: I know.
JACK: Even if she is, it doesn't change what she did!
SYDNEY: Dad, I know!
JACK: Do you expect her just to say... "I'm sorry"?
SYDNEY: I don't know what to expect!
JACK: Well, you better know exactly what to expect!
(He pauses, breathing deeply.)
JACK: What could she ever say... that would satisfy you?
(When he says this, his voice breaks a little. Sydney watches him.)
(In her bed that night, Sydney stares at the ceiling, wide awake.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I have this memory of my father. I was maybe five-years-old. We were camping with my mother. I broke my leg.
(She sits up at the edge of her bed.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) And he picked me up, and carried me miles back to the car. And I remember looking up at him and thinking he was the strongest man in the world.
(She dials the phone.)
(Self-storage. In the middle of the night, Sydney and Vaughn sit across from each other.)
SYDNEY: Seeing him there in the car, looking so damaged... I've never seen him like that. The idea that I want to find my mother... it scares him.
VAUGHN: (sighs) Well, I don't exactly have a neutral point of view on the subject of your mother, but your father's got a point.
SYDNEY: I know, and maybe I'm being reckless or selfish... or masochistic. But if my mother is alive, then I just have to know that. Can you help me get everything the CIA's got on her?
VAUGHN: Actually, I can't. All information concerning her has been classified omega 17 by the FBI, including her connections to the Rambaldi prophecy.
SYDNEY: Dozens of agents must be looking for her, maybe hundreds. And they're not going to let me be a part of the operation, are they?
VAUGHN: Sydney, I know you need help but this time... I just don't have it to give. I'm sorry.
(Sloane's house, that night.)
SYDNEY: Please apologize to Emily for me if I woke her.
SLOANE: No, it's all right. It's not necessary. Emily is used to the phone ringing in the middle of the night. You've been avoiding me.
SYDNEY: When I found out that my mother might still be alive, I just needed some time to sort it out.
SLOANE: I understand. Now you want to know how I could have hidden the truth from you.
SYDNEY: No. I don't want an explanation. I came here because I need you to help me find her.
SLOANE: Mmm. Sydney... how much do you remember about the year after you were told that your mother died?
SYDNEY: I remember... just feeling disconnected from everything. My father was away on business for most of that year.
SLOANE: No. Your father spent six months in solitary in a federal prison. He was suspected of being in collusion with Laura. The FBI almost tried him for treason and even though he was vindicated, the damage was done. And he began to unravel.
SYDNEY: Unravel...
SLOANE: He drank. He started taking unnecessary risks. Come on, Sydney, you know the father he was to you all those years. He took a long time to fully recover and I was under direct orders from the DCI not to let him know that Laura survived the accident. Unfortunately, that also required lying to you.
SYDNEY: Well... now that I know the truth, I am removing myself from active duty until I find out what happened to her.
SLOANE: And I am in no position to allow you to go off on what appears to be a rogue operation that would compromise the Agency.
SYDNEY: Every day you send me out on operations that could compromise this Agency, but as long as it's for SD-6, the risk is acceptable. It is time that SD-6 took a risk for me.
(Sloane gets up and moves closer to her. He rubs her shoulder.)
SLOANE: A daughter has a right to know her mother. I'll help you find her.
(Sydney and Francie's house, that morning. Will eats chocolate chips out of a jar. Francie fries up some pancakes.)
FRANCIE: Okay, seriously, we are not putting chocolate chips in the pancakes.
WILL: I got news for you. Oh yes we are.
(Sydney walks in, wearing her jammies.)
SYDNEY: Hey, guys.
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: Good morning.
FRANCIE: Oh, you still live here?
SYDNEY: I know.
WILL: Hey, did that finance seminar take a whole week?
SYDNEY: If you have any questions about offshore tax shelters, I'm your girl. What are you guys doing today?
WILL: Francie's going to take me to look for a new tuxedo.
(Sitting at the table, she pours herself something to drink.)
WILL: For the, um, the awards thing.
SYDNEY: Can we come?
WILL: Not a chance in hell.
FRANCIE: He's too embarrassed.
SYDNEY: We're definitely coming.
(Francie comes over to Sydney with the pancakes and spots a large bruise on Sydney's arm.)
FRANCIE: Oh, my God. What happened to your arm?
SYDNEY: Oh. Oh. On the flight back from Seattle, this guy h*t me with his carryon, pulling it from the overhead.
FRANCIE: (not convinced) Oh.
SYDNEY: Are these chocolate chips?
WILL: Thank you. Thank you very much.
(Conference room at SD-6 with Dixon, Sydney, Jack and Sloane.)
SLOANE: As you know, we've identified Alexander Khasinau as the person referred to in underground intelligence circles as The Man.
JACK: He controls more assets than the Russian mafia, and thanks to his old Cold w*r connections with foreign intelligence, he has the legitimacy of a fledgling government.
(Marshall bursts in, his face covered in welts.)
MARSHALL: Hi. Sorry I'm late. And sorry that I have hives. I'm developing a dermal pigment capsule and, you know... not quite right. It reacted... you know, just nevermind. And, y'know, it'll be gone in a couple hours so... excuse me.
(He sits down sheepishly.)
JACK: For the last five years we've had two deep cover agents in the Russian embassy in Vienna. One of them is this man. Kyle Wexler. We recently received a priority one communique from Wexler, indicating that Khasinau has just converted two hundred and fifty million dollars worht of assets into cash.
SLOANE: We need to know what he's spending that money on.
JACK: He did manage to include that he's acquired evidence of Khasinau's transactions, which he's encoded onto a microchip. He's scheduled a brush pass Saturday night at the embassy. They're holding their annual Maslyanitsa celebration, and we've arranged for you to attend.
(Sloane's office.)
SYDNEY: I told you, I can't focus on active duty when I'm looking for--
SLOANE: Khasinau has become this Agency's top priority, and I promise you, he'll become yours as well.
SYDNEY: What I have to do can't wait!
SLOANE: Sydney, I understand how you feel. I want you to listen to me.
SYDNEY: I don't understand what Khasinau has to do with my mother!
SLOANE: He has everything to do with your mother. He was her superior. When you first identified Khasinau as The Man, I recognized his name from your mother's investigations. I thought, "This has to be a coincidence." I did some checking. He was her superior back in his days at the KGB. This is the only clue I have to offer you. Get the microchip. The more we find out about Khasinau, the closer you get to your mother.
(In the garage, Sydney hits a button and her car alarm chirps. Jack runs out, following her.)
JACK: Sydney! I saw you leave Sloane's office.
SYDNEY: I was planning on telling you...
JACK: You've asked Sloane to help you find your mother, haven't you?
JACK: I thought by now you'd know not to ask Sloane for a favor. You'll spend more time than you care to paying it back!
SYDNEY: What choice do I have?
JACK: You can choose not to go!
SYDNEY: Dad... Khasinau was Mom's superior.
(In Vienna, it's a masquerade ball and it's very glamorous. Balloons are in a net on the ceiling. People with masks on dance around. A small orchestra plays. Dixon and Sydney, with masks on, enter the room.)
DIXON: May I have this dance?
SYDNEY: With pleasure.
(They bow and walk to the cneter of the room, and start dancing.)
(Jack enters Sloane's office. Sloane's on the phone, speaking French, and hangs up.)
JACK: I'd like to talk to you.
SLOANE: Of course, Jack. What's on your mind?
JACK: Interesting development about Khasinau.
SLOANE: I see. So, you spoke to Sydney. Well, you have every right to be angry, but I was under orders to keep the commission's findings confidential.
JACK: That I understand. What I don't understand is why you agreed to help Sydney find her mother without consulting me.
SLOANE: Well, she's a grown woman. She was going to pursue this with or without our blessing.
JACK: She'll only find disappointment, whatever the outcome.
SLOANE: Well, that depends on what she's expecting. You are different people, Jack. Are you sure this isn't affecting you more than you would like to admit?
JACK: I assure you, my concern is only for Sydney.
SLOANE: Yeah. Well, your assurances notwithstanding, I think it would be best if you took a break from active duty. Just, what, a few days... to clear your head.
JACK: I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Sydney alone right now. If she were your daughter, I'm sure you'd understand.
SLOANE: You should know by now that my interest is in protecting Sydney. It's always been my pleasure to fill in for you when you were... indisposed.
(Back at the masquerade ball, Dixon and Sydney are dancing.)
DIXON: You ready?
SYDNEY: Ready.
(She flicks her earring. Flashback to Marshall briefing.)
MARSHALL: Okay, these are going to make you look radiant. And I mean that literally because once you activate them, they will emit an infrared pulse that is invisible to the naked eye. But thanks to our SOP for high-visibility brush passes, the agent you're meeting will know to wear IRC-capable contacts and, uh, that's how he'll identify you.
(Back at the ball, Dixon twirls Sydney while an agent walks in, wearing a tuxedo and a mask. He spots the red glow from the earrings that no one else sees. He watches Sydney for a moment, a flicker of recognition in his eyes but he kind of shakes it off and approaches Dixon and Sydney.)
AGENT: Excuse me. May I cut in?
DIXON: Of course. But I should warn you... she likes to lead.
AGENT: Oh, that's good. Maybe I'll learn something new.
(Dixon leaves. Agent and Sydney bow and start dancing.)
AGENT: Listen to me carefully. Wexler's d*ad.
AGENT: We can't stay here. It's only a matter of time before my cover's blown, too.
SYDNEY: Who are you?
AGENT: Wexler's partner.
SYDNEY: That's my ring you feel on your neck. It's a jet injector for a neurotoxin.
AGENT: I can give you the old bona fides.
SYDNEY: How do I know this isn't a set-up?
AGENT: Credit Dauphine is SD-6's front company. Marshall runs the op tech division. And Sloane... is a humorless son of a bitch.
(He nods. She nods. He takes her hand in his and they jog out. Sydney talks to Dixon, who's getting a drink, via her transmitter.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, change of plans. Wexler's d*ad. He may have talked. I'm going for the microchip.
DIXON: Copy that. I'll have the car brought around front.
(Dixon leaves to fetch the car. Sydney and the agent are walking down a hall to find the microchip.)
AGENT: Is that ring you're wearing one of Marshall's new toys?
SYDNEY: I was bluffing. Were you recruited right out of college?
SYDNEY: Which?
AGENT: Berkley.
(Sydney stops, frozen. She takes off her mask. He takes off his. Agent's name is Noah. Sydney is shocked.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God.
NOAH: Oh, my God.
(Two guards are about to come in. Sydney grabs Noah and kisses him.)
GUARD: This is a restricted area.
(They continue kissing.)
(Sydney and Noah take the two guards down. Noah looks at her.)
NOAH: How you been?
(Noah enters a storage room. Sydney follows.)
SYDNEY: I can't believe it's you.
NOAH: Yeah.
SYDNEY: What are you doing here?
NOAH: Wexler was undercover as executive secretary when he was compromised. The ambassador's on Khasinau's payroll. So is embassy security.
SYDNEY: What are we looking for?
NOAH: This.
(He walks up to a chamber and punches in a code.)
NOAH: Khasinau ships everything through the embassy so he doesn't have to deal with police, or customs inspections.
(He opens the door of the chamber. Inside, is Wexler's frozen body.)
SYDNEY: God, it's Wexler.
NOAH: The ambassador did not know he had a chip, so I'm guessing he stashed it someplace.
SYDNEY: Or he swallowed it.
(Noah tears open Wexler's shirt and takes out a Kn*fe. He cuts open Wexler's chest without thinking twice.)
(Outside, Dixon approaches the driver of their limo.)
DIXON: Okay, what--
(He touches him and the driver slumps over, d*ad. Dixon stands up and a man from behind him cocks a g*n pointed at Dixon's head. Dixon takes him in a choke hold, punches him in the throat, and has him backed up against the car. He takes the man's g*n and sh**t him twice in the gut with the help of the sil*ncer. Dixon puts him down on the ground and speaks to Sydney.)
DIXON: Sydney, abort! They knew we were coming. They'll be looking for you. I'll meet you out front.
SYDNEY: We need another minute. We almost have the microchip.
(Noah is going through the contents of Wexler's stomach. Dixon turns and sees that the front tires of the limo are slashed. Noah r*fles through Wexler's stomach.)
NOAH: Aw, dammit. His stomach's empty.
SYDNEY: It could be lodged in his esophogas.
(Noah takes his Kn*fe and points it to Wexler's adam's apple. He slices it open. Sydney looks a little squeamish, but Noah doesn't seem to be bothered by it.)
NOAH: You want to give me a hand here and spread?
(Sydney does so, hesitantly.)
NOAH: Little bit wider.
NOAH: You been good, generally?
SYDNEY: Yeah, you know the work.
NOAH: Yeah. There it is. You see it?
(Sydney reaches in.)
SYDNEY: Got it.
(Out at the ball, the orchestra plays. Sydney and Noah try to exit. They stop when they see two burly men coming their way. Noah stops at the wire holding up the net of balloons on the ceiling and takes out his Kn*fe yet again. He slashes the rope and he keeps walking with Sydney as all the balloons fall on the guests, obstructing the view of the two men. The party guests gasp and oooh and ahh. Sydney and Noah run out as Dixon pulls up with a horse and carriage outside. The horses neigh.)
DIXON: Woahhhh. Get in!
SYDNEY: I'm not going to ask...
NOAH: Dixon.
DIXON: Noah?!
SYDNEY: Let's go, let's go.
(They ride away from the party as fireworks go off in the sky above.)
(On the plane, Sydney and Dixon sit.)
DIXON: I'm not real anxious to see Sloane's face when he hears we had to pull Noah out.
SYDNEY: What choice did we have?
DIXON: Do me a favor, Syd. Tread carefully here. Until he goes through debriefing, I wouldn't get too friendly.
SYDNEY: It's ancient history. It was five years ago.
(Speaking of the devil, Noah walks up.)
NOAH: Anybody have change for a hundred rubels? There's a lady back in coach who's about to k*ll me.
DIXON: I was about to stretch my legs anyway.
NOAH: Really?
DIXON: Yeah.
NOAH: Thanks.
(Noah sits down next to Sydney, Dixon leaves.)
NOAH: Ah. Hi.
(Noah watches her intently. Sydney tries to read, biting her lip. Noah watches. She feels him watching her.)
SYDNEY: I should get some sleep.
(She leans her head against the plane window.)
NOAH: Syd, if you're mad, that's fine. I understand. But, really, you don't want to talk, it's okay. You don't have to be polite. I just--I just want you to know that I'm not mad anymore and I don't think you should be, either.
SYDNEY: You're not mad?
NOAH: Mm mm.
SYDNEY: What do you ever have to be mad about?
NOAH: Listen, I understand it must have been hard for you, personally, when I left. But come on, you didn't even put up a fight!
SYDNEY: What kind of fight was I supposed to put up?
NOAH: I waited for you for six hours.
SYDNEY: What are you talking about?
NOAH: You didn't show up. You didn't even call.
(Here is where they start to talk over one another.)
SYDNEY: I didn't even know where you were going--
NOAH: --Any effort, whatsoever!
SYDNEY: I showed up for work and Sloane said you'd been transferred abroad--
NOAH: I wrote to you! I wrote.
NOAH: I told you to meet me in San Pedro.
SYDNEY: I never got a letter.
NOAH: I didn't send you a letter. I wasn't allowed to discuss my reassignment. I encoded a message in a junk e-mail. You should've been able to pick it up from the subject line.
(Sydney stops.)
SYDNEY: I always set my computer to filter out junk e-mail.
(Back in Los Angeles, in front of an unhappy Sloane in Sloane's office, Dixon, Noah and Sydney stand.)
SLOANE: This constitutes a major set-back. By extracting Agent Hicks, you've squandered a five-year investment.
SYDNEY: We didn't have a choice.
NOAH: C'mon, Sloane. It's not her fault. Your investment was b*rned. If they didn't get me out of there, the exact same thing that happened to Wexler, would've happened to me. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that we even got the microchip means he didn't die in vain.
SLOANE: I'll listen to your report after you've been evaluated by security section. Dixon, will you escort Agent Hicks to McCullough, please?
(Dixon and Noah leave.)
SLOANE: Now, I have done you a favor, Sydney. So, should the need ever arise... I'm sure that I can count on you to return it.
(Interrogation room. Noah wears monitors and censors on his forehead, while McCullough watches the results from behind a computer.)
NOAH: In '97, I was admitted as a graduate student to the Moscow Institute for Intellgence Relations. Worked as a courier for the Russian embassy in Baghdad. On the visa desk at the consulate in Capetown. In November of 2001, I was put on as an attache at the Viennese embassy and given a low-level clearance.
MCCULLOUGH: While you were under alias as a member of the Russian diplomatic corps, were you approached by any othe agencies for recruitment?
NOAH: Yes.
MCCULLOUGH: Which agency?
NOAH: K-Directorate.
MCCULLOUGH: Did you accept their offer?
NOAH: Yes, I did. They're listening to this conversation right now.
(The meters go wild.)
MCCULLOUGH: Please answer the question truthfully.
NOAH: Of course not.
MCCULLOUGH: Why did you volunteer for prolonged undercover assignment to begin with?
NOAH: I fail to see how my motive are relevant. My reasons are my own.
MCCULLOUGH: Unfortunately, Agent Hicks, they are not.
(Noah nods a little.)
NOAH: Okay. Um... ahem. Because I was in love. And I was afraid to admit that to myself. I saw that as a sign of weakness in this work. So, I left.
(Sydney is watching behind the two-way mirror, her arms folded across her chest.)
NOAH: The only reason that I am able to speak with any kind of perspective about that now, is that I've had five years to regret that mistake.
MCCULLOUGH: May I have the name of the person to whom you are referring?
NOAH: Absolutely not.
MCCULLOUGH: You are aware that I have the authority to take steps that will compel you to answer.
NOAH: Yes, I am. And I am also aware that the only other deep cover agent anywhere near Khasinau is d*ad, which makes me somewhat of a valued commodity. So, I suggest we keep the questions limited to subjects that SD-6 really needs to know about. Besides, where I come from, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.
(Meeting with Vaughn and Sydney, in the middle of a clearing.)
VAUGHN: Our station chief in Vienna got your d*ad drop. I read your debrief, I'm sorry you had a rough time at the embassy.
SYDNEY: Thanks. If anything turns up on the microchip, I'll let you know.
VAUGHN: The agent you extracted -- Noah Hicks -- you mentioned him in the initial background report you wrote when you first made contact with the CIA.
SYDNEY: We met when I was a trainee.
SYDNEY: We actually dated for a while.
VAUGHN: Really.
SYDNEY: We kept it under the radar. SD-6 discourages, you know, fraternization among agents.
VAUGHN: (pointedly) So does the CIA. There's one more thing. Do you know where your father's been lately?
SYDNEY: I talked to him an hour ago. Why?
VAUGHN: Kretchmer's left two call signals for a meeting, but we haven't received confirmation yet. Is he okay?
(At a bar, Jack sits at the counter and takes a drink from his glass of what looks like scotch. Sydney enters and sits beside him.)
SYDNEY: Club soda, please.
JACK: How'd you find me?
SYDNEY: Your car was still parked in your garage. I thought you might've walked somewhere close. This is the fifth place I've looked.
JACK: Mike, can I get the check?
MIKE: Yeah, sure.
(Sydney takes a drink from her club soda.)
SYDNEY: Dad... it's two o'clock in the afternoon. What are you doing here?
(He says nothing.)
SYDNEY: I think you might want to talk to someone.
JACK: Noted.
SYDNEY: Six months ago, I wasn't... I didn't even know how to talk to you, but now I feel like at least I feel like I can come to you and say--
JACK: What's happening between us, Sydney, is temporary.
SYDNEY: I'm not suggesting the person you talk to should be me. It shouldn't be. But the CIA has counselors. I think you should see one of them.
JACK: Sydney, you are responsible for no one but yourself.
SYDNEY: (loud) It's not irrational for me to be worried about you!
JACK: Please... keep... your voice... down.
(He takes another drink.)
SYDNEY: I didn't think you'd listen to my advice. So I made it official.
(Jack looks at her, alarmed.)
SYDNEY: I came here to pass along an order from Devlin. You're going to see a counselor for trauma evaluation.
(She throws some money on the bar and leaves.)
(Noah types on a laptop. Sydney enters.)
NOAH: Hey, Syd. I'm sorry you had to come down. It's my fault, really. We're uploading the microchip. There's ten thousand files in fourteen different languages. Linguistics needs all the help they can get.
SYDNEY: So, you're cleared.
NOAH: Yeah.
SYDNEY: You survived the debriefing.
NOAH: (laughs) Yes. I did. You know, and I forgot how much I missed McCullough.
SYDNEY: Let's get started.
(They sit together and go through some of the files, translating them. A file is up on the screen. Later, Noah has his jacket off with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. They translate a grid document. Noah laughs at something. Sydney smiles and takes off her glasses, rubbing her eyes.)
SYDNEY: So, how long are you planning on staying?
NOAH: I'm not exactly sure. It's somewhat complicated.
NOAH: Long story. Remember when you just got back from endurance training? Before you were sent out as a field op, and you came back... and you had this incredible glow. And I remember--
(Sydney smiles, embarrassed.)
NOAH: Yeah, you did. I remember thinking, "Man, this girl's really having fun." And I remember getting worried about that, because I knew, inevitably, one day you would not feel that way. That you were not aware of what you were getting yourself into.
SYDNEY: You thought I'd get myself k*lled.
NOAH: Maybe.
SYDNEY: Is that why you left?
NOAH: No. No.
SYDNEY: Well, you were right about one thing. I'm not having fun anymore.
(At Francie and Sydney's, Will waits out near the door, holding his tuxedo on a hanger.)
WILL: Come on, we're going to be late!
FRANCIE: I can't find my jacket!
WILL: I know, I just don't want to miss the previews, though. They're, like, my favorite part.
FRANCIE: I'm just going to borrow one of Syd's.
(Francie comes out, putting on one of Sydney's jackets.)
WILL: Hey, do you think I bought the right tuxedo?
FRANCIE: Yeah, for the amount of money you wanted to spend.
WILL: What's that supposed to mean?
(Francie empties the pockets of Sydney's jacket and finds something.)
WILL: What?
FRANCIE: Didn't Syd say she went to Seattle?
WILL: Yeah. So?
FRANCIE: Well, why is there a return ticket from Italy in her pocket?
WILL: Probably from another trip.
FRANCIE: It's dated for last week.
WILL: Why wouldn't she tell us about a trip to Italy?
(Conference room with Marshall, Noah, Sydney, Dixon and Sloane.)
SLOANE: What you are looking at are schematics of a Westbury 23 supercomputer. It's capable of making five hundred trillion calculations per second. Khasinau bought two of them.
SYDNEY: What for?
SLOANE: These computers are ideal for simulating theortical engineering designs for someone. For example, if Khasinau has acquired enough Rambaldi artifacts, he may be able to assemble these artifacts correctly and extrapolate what missing piece remains from the overall design.
MARSHALL: And that's why you need to steal the datacore. Heh. How are you? May I?
MARSHALL: Thank you. Thanks to the microchip we have an image of the datacore and trust me. This core? Hardcore. I mean, it's a photorefractive crystal cube. It acts like a sponge. I mean, this has got enough capability to serve as a backup archive for both computers. But you see, the problem is, in order for this little puppy to work, it's got to be kept in a cyrogenic chamber halfway to absolute zero. Which is cold. I mean, it is cold enough to freeze your skin to stone in under a minute. Even if, like, a millimeter is exposed.
SLOANE: In addition, Khasinau's computer complex in Arkhangelsk is a mile underground. The surrounding forest are protected by private security forces. I'd like to point out that given this high-level of security surrounding this computer network, it is likely that Khasinau is using it as his primary archive. Account numbers, old contacts. Every agent who's ever worked for him. This is a two-person operation.
DIXON: (to Noah) You've been on assignment a long time. I'll go.
NOAH: Actually, I know the area pretty well. I did a lot of recon there when I was a courier.
SLOANE: Well, Noah's right. We need every advantage on this one. You leave in an hour.
(Dixon looks upset.)
(In Arkhangelsk, Sydney and Noah walk in the woods, pretending to be tourists.)
SYDNEY: Mah feet hurt.
NOAH: Yup.
SYDNEY: Can we stop?
NOAH: Nope.
SYDNEY: I gotta take my boots off!
NOAH: No. Leave 'em on. You take 'em off and your foot will swell up.
(Guards come out of the woods with g*n, yelling in Russian.)
NOAH: Hey, hey, hey!
SYDNEY: We're Americans! We're Americans!
NOAH: Whoa!
SYDNEY: We're Americans!
(Therapy session with Dr. Barnett.)
BARNETT: You were speculating that perhaps Sydney's desire to find her mother could be interpreted as criticism of you as a father.
JACK: I suppose it's understandable. Much like a normal family after a divorce, when parental jealousy is stirred over a child's affections.
BARNETT: And how would you define a "normal" family?
JACK: I suppose it's one in which the family members aren't under order to lie to each other. I see what you're getting at. Maybe there's no such thing as a "normal" family.
BARNETT: (smiles) Well, okay, Mr. Bristow, I guess we can call it a day.
JACK: I prefer Jack.
BARNETT: One more thing, Jack. I don't believe a single word that you've said to me over this past hour. Don't get me wrong, I think you are a master. You have all your subconscious tells under control. You're smart enough to struggle with words. But I think you told me wha tI wanted to hear so you could get out of my office as quickly as possible. I also think that someone so skilled at deception is in danger of deceiving himself. I am going to recommend that you see me once a week.
JACK: You haven't got a clue what's required to lead the kind of life I lead. To maintain a balance between two lives and protect my daughter in the process. The kind of person who does that, the kind of person I have to be, is not the kind of person who would come in and talk to you.
BARNETT: Well, then, I guess we're making some progress. See you next week.
(At the archive, the guards drive up with Sydney and Noah in the backseat. She climbs out the back with her hands up.)
SYDNEY: Is there any chance we can contact the American embassy?
(She's pushed inside with Noah. Inside the cabin, the guard comes up to them.)
GUARD: What were you taking pictures of?
SYDNEY: Just the scenery. Just the scenery, I swear.
NOAH: Why don't you just take the film, sir, and give her back her camera.
(The guard takes the camera from around Sydney's neck.)
SYDNEY: Just the scenery.
(Noah and Sydney slip on sunglasses. The guard hits a button on the camera and a bright blue flash blinds the guards. They fall to the ground. Noah and Sydney move to the cabinets, looking for the button to get into the archive. Noah finds a set of keys as Sydney finds the lock in a cabinet.)
NOAH: Keys, hey.
(She inserts the key and turns. A door opens. Noah and Sydney take the guard's r*fles and their backpacks. They get in an elevator and go down. They enter the room outside the frozen chamber. A guy sits behind a computer. Noah and Sydney come in wearing suits and carrying the r*fles. Noah yells in Russian to the computer guy.)
NOAH: Move, move, move, move!
(Sydney types on the computer while Noah points a g*n at the guy from the computer. She types in her mother's name, but the name Irina Derekov pops up. She stares. Noah's been watching her the whole time.)
NOAH: Let's go, Syd.
SYDNEY: I'm disengaging the core.
(She types on the computer and the core is taken out of the vat in the room in front of the glass ahead of them. Sydney takes the case and enters the room.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
(She opens the case.)
NOAH: All right, Syd, don't forget to keep the core temperature constant. You must keep the core temperature constant.
SYDNEY: Got it!
(She takes the controller and moves the arm to get the core out.)
NOAH: How we doing?
SYDNEY: Almost there.
(The core drops in the case. Outside, a car drives up and yet another guard comes out.)
SYDNEY: Got it!
(She closes the case. Upstairs, the guard walks in and sees the other fallen guards. He hits a button for the lockdown procedures. The computer guy that Noah was watching starts to quickly type on the computer to lock it down. Noah hits the guy with the end of the g*n. The electronic arm that was taking out the core hits Sydney and she falls to the ground. The glass on her helmet begins to crack. She gasps.)
SYDNEY: Noah, I'm freezing...
NOAH: Syd, hang on! The system's in lockdown!
(She tries to get up, but falls again. He sh**t the glass with the r*fle and moves the glass out of the way. He sh**t the glass of the second entrance and moves more glass away. He picks Sydney up and takes the case. He takes her out of there and takes off his helmet and then hers.)
NOAH: Come on, wake up, Syd. Wake up. Come on...
(He gives mouth-to-mouth. She coughs.)
NOAH: Good girl. Come on. Good, good. Come on. Up, up, up, up, up.
(Coughing, she gets up with Noah's help. The guard comes down the elevator. Noah buts him in the stomach with the g*n and then takes him by the neck and flips him. Noah takes Sydney into the elevator.)
NOAH: Come on, Syd. Come on. Come on, babe. Move, move, move.
(Restaurant after the movie. Will and Francie sit across from one another at a table.)
WILL: It's just weird. I don't know. Italy.
FRANCIE: Okay, okay, what if she met somebody on one of her business trips?
WILL: Yeah, but why would she keep that a secret?
FRANCIE: Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it. She's embarrassed by it.
WILL: Oh, come on, why?
(Francie thinks of something.)
WILL: What?
FRANCIE: The bruise. What if he's beating her?
WILL: Are you kidding me? Sydney would never put up with that.
FRANCIE: Maybe she's sleeping with her boss.
WILL: (coughs) Sloane? No. No.
FRANCIE: Should we just forget that we even found the ticket?
WILL: You really think she's in trouble.
FRANCIE: When she gets back from... where did she say she went?
WILL: San Francisco.
FRANCIE: Which I'm sure she did. I think we're just bl*wing this out of proportion.
WILL: There's an explanation.
FRANCIE: So we'll ask her when she gets back from... San Francisco.
(At a safehouse in the middle of nowhere, Sydney sits on the sofa drinking something hot and curled up in a ball. Noah enters.)
SYDNEY: Did you get through?
NOAH: Yeah. It was almost impossible to get a signal, but we got an extraction set for 0800.
SYDNEY: That's, what, six hours.
NOAH: Yeah.
SYDNEY: We should prepare in case Khasinau's men show up.
NOAH: (loads g*n) The floorboards in the corner over there lift up. This safehouse has saved me a couple of times.
SYDNEY: You know what would be great right about now? A f*re in that fireplace.
(Noah takes off his jacket, walks to her, and puts it around her shoulders. He takes a spot across the room and sits down.)
NOAH: I heard a chopper making rounds. If it's thermal equipped it'll pick up the heat signatures. What were you looking for in that database, anyway?
SYDNEY: It's, um, it's a long story.
NOAH: Well, we got six hours, so that's good.
SYDNEY: I was looking for information about my mother.
NOAH: Your mother?
SYDNEY: A lot's happened since you left. And I want to fill you in but... I don't know if I feel comfortable doing that yet.
NOAH: Right. You're still mad.
SYDNEY: No. When you left and you just disappeared, it was a kick in the stomach, and I carried that around for a long time.
NOAH: You were the last person that I ever wanted to see again... ever. And you were the only person that I ever wanted to see again.
(She looks up. Eye contact. He nods. She gets up and walks to him, slowly. He takes her by the waist and he moves in for a kiss.)
(But then they kiss. She unbuttons his shirt. He takes off her shirt. They continue to kiss.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x18 - Masquerade"} | foreverdreaming |
"Snowman" episode #1.19
(Sydney is sleeping on the floor of the cabin, naked. Someone covers her mouth with their hand and she wakes up, gasping.)
NOAH: (whispers) They found us. We got to go.
(Outside, Khasinau's men run up, cocking their g*n. They inch closer to the porch and then storm in. They sh**t everywhere with their r*fles just as Sydney and Noah escape through the trapdoor hidden in the floorboards. They come up in a barn next to the house with the case. They find a motorcycle hidden and put on their helmets.)
SYDNEY: Skyhook, this is White Rabbit.
AGENT: Copy, White Rabbit.
SYDNEY: Change of plans. Tell me you can get us out of here thirty minutes early.
AGENT: Affirmative.
(They jump on the motorcycle as one of Khasinau's men creeps in the barn. The door creaks. Sydney turns on the headlight in the man's eyes. They sh**t him and drive away. Khasinau's men try to sh**t at them, but Sydney bends her head down and Noah sh**t at them in return. Khasinau's men jump in a Hummer to follow them.)
SYDNEY: Skyhook, we are being pursued! We're not going to make it to the meeting point! We need extraction here! Now!
AGENT: Copy that. We're locked on your signal. Prepare for extraction. Skyhook, wilco. Turning final approach from the south.
NOAH: Syd, we got a hostile, six o'clock!
AGENT: Reverse course 1-8-0 degrees for recovering in ten...
SYDNEY: Noah, hold on!
(Sydney makes a 180 turn on the bike and starts approaching Khasinau's men now in order to make the extraction.)
AGENT: Nine... eight...
SYDNEY: Drive for me!
NOAH: This is su1c1de!
AGENT: Seven...six...
(He sh**t at them while she climbs over him to the back. Noah's now driving while Sydney attaches something to the back.)
AGENT: Five...
(Men sh**t at them.)
AGENT: Four...
SYDNEY: I'm pulling the cord!
AGENT: Three...
(Sydney pulls a cord and a parachute-like object flies up, up, up and attaches to the wing of the extraction plane in the sky above.)
AGENT: Two... one.
SYDNEY: Hold on!
(Sydney and Noah hug as they are pulled from the bike and hang from a cord attached to the parachute-like object which is attached to the plane. Sydney and Noah fly through the air. Down below, the bike keeps going and smashes head-on with the Hummer. The bike and the Hummer explodes.)
(Back in Los Angeles at the self-storage facility, Vaughn and Sydney meet.)
VAUGHN: The CIA has a new lead on Khasinau. Apparently, K-Directorate is looking for revenge, too. We received intel last night that they've hired a fairly prestigious freelance assassin to find Khasinau and dismember him. The Snowman is his code name. Are you familiar with him?
SYDNEY: The Snowman.
VAUGHN: He's been on the CIA's most wanted list for the last twelve years, presumed d*ad since '97, but it seems we're not so lucky. I'm looking for contacts. I'm thinking that maybe we can find Khasinau by following The Snowman. I just want to make sure that you get to Khasinau first. I know how important this is to you.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(He nods. She walks away to leave. Vaughn rubs his head wearily, working up the courage.)
VAUGHN: Hey, um, so the, uh, the operation went all right in Arkhangelsk with Noah?
SYDNEY: (smiles) Yeah.
(She waves a little and leaves. Vaughn looks heartbroken, but silently watches her go.)
(Francie and Sydney's house. Will and Francie drink some beer in the kitchen.)
WILL: Are you sure she's coming back tonight?
FRANCIE: That's what she said on the machine. She was at the airport in San Francisco waiting for a plane.
WILL: So, what, are we going to strategize this?
FRANCIE: Strategize how?
WILL: I want to be gentle with her because we're accusing Sydney of lying.
FRANCIE: You know what? I was thinking, what if she wants us to ask her?
WILL: Like she wanted you to find the plane ticket because it's some sort of cry for help or something?
FRANCIE: Well, maybe--
(Sydney comes in.)
SYDNEY: Hey, guys.
WILL: Hey.
FRANCIE: So, how was San Francisco?
SYDNEY: Two days of due diligence. If I never see another financial statement, it'll be fine with me.
(Francie looks at Will.)
SYDNEY: I'm just going to crash if you don't mind.
WILL: Of course not.
SYDNEY: Okay. Hi.
WILL: Hey.
(Sydney goes to her room.)
FRANCIE: I can't believe you didn't say anything!
WILL: That's why I wanted to strategize!
(Sydney and Noah enter the elevator to go up to SD-6.)
NOAH: Syd, you think I'm kidding? I'm not kidding. I want you to go away with me.
SYDNEY: My point is, what happened the other night... it was just too soon.
NOAH: Russia's got a hell of a bootleg software industry. When I was there, I figured out a way of skimming money off the Russian mob.
SYDNEY: What are you talking about?
NOAH: I got a lot of money hidden in several offshore accounts. Syd, I'm getting out. I'm sick of lying to everyone I know. I'm at the point where the idea of just walking away from all these people that are supposed to be my good friends - my best friends - is a relief. Now you tell me you've never felt that way.
(They enter the white room for clearance.)
NOAH: I'm just saying that I've got someone helping me out. I'm not kidding, Syd. I want you to come with me.
(The room flashes red.)
NOAH: I can't tell you where, but I can tell you that we won't need locks on the doors and you will learn how to surf.
SYDNEY: You know I can't do that.
(They walk inside.)
NOAH: Why?
SYDNEY: Well, for about a million reasons.
NOAH: I highly doubt there are a million reasons. There might be fifty, and I'd like the opportunity to refute all of them.
SYDNEY: One of the biggest reasons that comes to mind is my mother. Khasinau was her superior. My mother was a spy for the KGB and those files that we recovered may help me find her. I'm not going anywhere until I know where she is.
NOAH: What if I wait? Will you ever do it?
(Sydney smiles.)
(Sloane's office. An agent approaches the desk.)
AGENT: Sir, as you requested, we followed up on Agent Noah Hicks.
(They slide a file across the desk. Sloane looks through it.)
SLOANE: Is Hicks in the building?
AGENT: Yes, sir. He arrived twelve minutes ago.
SLOANE: Tell McCullough that I need to see him and don't let Hicks leave.
(Jack's office. Jack types on a computer when Sydney walks in and closes the door behind her.)
JACK: Sydney.
SYDNEY: Last time we spoke, you said that you were going to talk to someone.
JACK: I did. Thank you. I took care of it.
SYDNEY: Marshall said he unlocked Khasinau's computer core.
JACK: If I'd been consulted about your last operation, I wouldn't have allowed it. Those types of computers are primarily used for theoretical analyses, w*r games. Of the recovered files, none bear relevance to Khasinau's operation, his plans, or his cache of Rambaldi artifacts. Nor do they give any hint of his whereabouts.
SYDNEY: But when I was there, I saw that there were some files on Mom.
JACK: Yes, I know. Also recovered on the core were some equally unhelpful archival files. In the case of your mother, video footage.
SYDNEY: Was she in the video?
JACK: Yes.
SYDNEY: I mean, after the accident? They show her alive after the accident?
JACK: Yes. I have no interest in watching the video myself. Analysis is reviewing it. So far, there's nothing to help in the hunt for Khasinau, so the risk was all for nothing.
(Noah and Dixon are working across from one another on their respective computers. Noah looks up.)
NOAH: Hey, Dixon.
NOAH: I just keep trying to think of some kind of opening line. You know, something to start off with to talk to you.
DIXON: Noah, I'll be straight with you. I don't trust you. Which wouldn't be such a problem, except that I'm an intelligence officer and if you stick around, sooner or later, my life is going to be in your hands and yours in mine. And in that scenario, the only person truly safe will be you.
(Two agents walk up to Noah.)
AGENT1: Mr. Hicks, would you come with us, please?
NOAH: Is there a problem?
AGENT1: Mr. Sloane asked for you to come with us.
NOAH: (to Dixon) Well, that's never a good thing. Excuse me.
(He leaves with the two agents. Dixon watches them go, kind of surprised that he might be right.)
(Interrogation room. Yet again, Noah has censors on his head and McCullough is testing him.)
MCCULLOUGH: And on March sixteenth of this year, you opened an account with Bank Africana.
NOAH: Yes, sir.
NOAH: Well, it was exactly like the account we were just talking about. It was opened under an alias as part of an SVR operation. Mr. McCullough, I was working undercover and I was required to do a whole bunch of things which probably seem very suspcious when viewed from the outside.
MCCULLOUGH: Forty-seven million dollars was transferred, then withdrawn, within twenty-four hours.
NOAH: Yes.
MCCULLOUGH: To an untraceable account. Who was the recepient of that money?
NOAH: I don't know.
(McCullough watches the meter with a slightly raised eyebrow.)
NOAH: You don't seem real thrilled with these responses.
MCCULLOUGH: Have you ever conducted business with the GL Bank of Austria?
NOAH: Yes.
(In Sloane's office, he watches the interrogation as the doctor who almost injected Sydney when she was captured as the mole way back when stands nearby.)
MCCULLOUGH: (on video) Please provide details.
(Sloane gestures to Noah answering on the video.)
SLOANE: This man is hiding something. I'm curious to know what it is.
DOCTOR: Would you like me to have a word with him?
(In a room, Sydney watches the video footage of her mother on a laptop. Her mother sits at a table across from two men who have their backs to the camera. One of them is Khasinau.)
KHASINAU: (speaking Russian)
LAURA: My Russian or American name?
KHASINAU: Uh, why not both?
LAURA: Irina Derevko and Laura Bristow.
KHASINAU: When were you recruited for special duties?
LAURA: In 1970, I was recruited to the KGB by you, Alexander Khasinau.
KHASINAU: Describe the objective of your operation.
LAURA: Phase one: I was to pose as an American, a student of literature. Phase two: I was to make the acquaintance of a particular officer in the Central Intellgence Agency, to insinuate myself in his life, to become his confidant, earn his trust.
KHASINAU: (speaks Russian) Please state the officer by name.
LAURA: Officer Jonathan Donahue Bristow.
KHASINAU: Phase three?
LAURA: Phase three: I was to begin to acquire through various means, details of the CIA operation to which Bristow was assigned - Project Christmas.
KHASINAU: You have no reason to believe that anyone else was suspicious of you?
LAURA: Nyet.
(The other man turns around to see someone behind the camera. Sydney, crying from what her mother has said, pauses the video on the man's face. She recognizes him.)
(At the CIA, Vaughn walks up to Weiss who is sitting at a desk. Vaughn tosses him his keys.)
VAUGHN: I need you to feed Donovan.
VAUGHN: What do you mean, who? My dog Donovan. Come here.
(They go in Vaughn's office.)
WEISS: Oh, right. Hey, wait. Which key is to the front--where are you going?
VAUGHN: That's the top lock, that's the bottom lock. I'm going to Bogota. Give him a can of the dog food that's on the floor of the cupboard and half a can of the dry stuff.
WEISS: What's in Bogota?
VAUGHN: But only a half of a can. There's a bag of the dry stuff next to the can stuff.
WEISS: Right. What the hell is in Bogota?
VAUGHN: I just got off the phone with the Interpol liason officer. Eight years ago, a guy named Kishell was att*cked by The Snowman. Punctured heart, collapsed lung, he lost an eye--
WEISS: Okay, I got it. It was bad.
VAUGHN: This guy, Kishell, used to work with Snowman.
WEISS: Really?
VAUGHN: Who we know is after Khasinau.
WEISS: Right. So, we get Kishell, we get to The Snowman, we can get Khasinau.
VAUGHN: Exactly. Half a can only. I don't want to come back to a fat dog.
WEISS: All right.
(The picture of the man in the video footage.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) There were two men in Mom's video. One was Khasinau, the other one... I recognized him.
(Flashback: Sydney yanks down the hat box in her bedroom and r*fles through it. She takes out the article about the accident and looks at the picture of the man.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I knew I'd seen his face before. It was the man from the article. The FBI agent who supposedly died in the accident with Mom.
(A computer searches for recognition of the picture from the article, slowly deciphering another picture of the man. It comes up with the FBI agent's real name underneath it.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Calder's real name is Igor Sergei Velanko. The man who was pursuing Mom. The FBI spy hunter.
(Cut to Sydney and Jack standing outside, talking.)
SYDNEY: Dad, he was KGB. It wasn't just Mom's death they faked. It was Calder's, too. If we can get to Calder, maybe we can find Khasinau.
JACK: You're assuming Calder and Khasinau still have ties.
SYDNEY: But we know that Khasinau recently liquidated over two hundred million dollars in assets. On that memo were initials I.S.V. Also, six months ago, a man matching Calder's description was caught on an SD-4 surveillance camera entering a financial office in Cape Town. A known money-laundering operation. I'm going to suggest to Sloane that we get to the Cape Town office, seize their records and find Calder. Noah spent years undercover in South Africa. He'll be an asset.
JACK: SD-6 has run an additional profile on Noah. There were anomalies, including recent bank activity which suggested he may have ties to K-Directorate. Noah's been taken into custody by security section.
SYDNEY: What?! No, that's--wait, I know what that's about. It has nothing to do with another agency!
JACK: Sydney, you have no perspective on who that man is! You're as lost now as I was years ago!
SYDNEY: Wait, Dad, you don't know him!
JACK: And you don't know him either! That's the lesson in all this!
SYDNEY: Dad, Noah Hicks is not a perfect man, but he is also not a traitor. He's a loyal officer who believes that he is working for the CIA and has no idea that SD-6... that they would k*ll him if they thought he was a double agent. Please, Dad, talk to Sloane.
(In Bogota, Vaughn sits in Kishell's house. Kishell serves him tea. His face is very scarred and he stands in the darkness to hide it.)
KISHELL: I never actually met The Snowman. He always contacted me by telephone. His name - The Snowman - it comes from his method. He prefers an icepick. But he uses knives, too. I helped arrange travel across difficult borders. It was my specialty. One operation, he was ambushed, att*cked. He fought off and k*lled eight men that night. He thought it was me, thought I tipped someone off. That was when he came after me. He came to this house. He att*cked me while I slept. k*lling is his job. He likes his job.
VAUGHN: Mr. Kishell, I appreciate you talking to me. I know this must be very difficult.
KISHELL: I know difficult. Talk is easy.
VAUGHN: I know the CIA has spoken to you before, years ago, but we recently learned that an organization has hired The Snowman for a job. Now, I read the transcripts. Last time you said you had no leads. I was hoping maybe that this time you had some.
KISHELL: You have come too far to go home with nothing. For years I was afraid to do anything, to seek revenge. But enough time has passed, Mr. Vaughn.
(A bookcase moves to reveal a fake wall. Inside is a separate room. Kishell goes in there.)
KISHELL: I have no more fear. Yes, I have some leads.
VAUGHN: And you'd be willing to share them?
KISHELL: I will contact them myself, see if I can find out where The Snowman is, what his plans are.
VAUGHN: I'd appreciate that.
KISHELL: You must promise me one thing. That when you find him, he will suffer, too.
(In his office, Sloane talks to his wife on the phone.)
SLOANE: Oh, come on, sweetheart. You're in pain. He can get you a stronger--okay. Yeah. Yeah. Just--right. Just promise me that you'll call me after you talk to him, okay? Good. Okay. Me, too. Bye.
(He hangs up just as Jack enters.)
JACK: I need a minute.
JACK: This is about Noah Hicks.
SLOANE: There's something he's not telling us. I think he might have been turned.
JACK: If you have Hicks k*lled, I think you'd be throwing away an asset.
SLOANE: How so?
JACK: You want Khasinau. You're closer than you think. Were you aware that Calder, FBI, was working with the KGB since 1973? Sydney's designed an operation that will lead us to Calder, wat which point, we'll be one step away from Khasinau.
SLOANE: And she wants Mr. Hicks involved. This is becoming familiar, Jack. Your coming to me, requesting special consideration for the men in Sydney's life.
JACK: Tippin didn't turn out to be a problem, did he?
SLOANE: Sydney wasn't intimate with Tippin. She is with Hicks.
JACK: I'm not sure that's my business, and I know it isn't yours.
(Sydney walks in the main room and makes eye contact with Jack, who is standing across the room, speaking on the phone. She raises her eyebrows. He looks over to Marshall's office. Sydney looks. Marshall and Noah are standing in the office, laughing at something. Sydney smiles and looks at Jack, thanking him. She walks to the office. Jack watches her intently, watches her go into Marshall's office. He watches her stand close to Noah, looking worried. In the conference room Sloane gives Noah and Sydney the folders with their new identifications. Jack looks sad.)
(Sydney walks down a street.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Sloane accepted the mission I proposed. Noah and I are going to Cape Town. Calder's done some business at a financial office there.
(She throws the paper bag in a garbage can.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) We're going to break into that office, get their records and hopefully find out where Calder is. What's my counter mission?
(Self-storage. Vaughn isn't happy.)
VAUGHN: There shouldn't be a counter mission! When you realized that Calder was really KGB, you should've come to me!
SYDNEY: Did you just think that this was an accident, that I just wasn't thinking?
VAUGHN: I don't know what the hell you were thinking!
SYDNEY: I was thinking about the thirty-six hours the FBI kept me in chains! If I turned over the Calder information to you, you would be required, unless you want to break federal law, to forward it to the FBI and we both know what they would do!
VAUGHN: Classify it.
SYDNEY: Omega seventeen. We wouldn't be allowed anywhere near that investigation.
VAUGHN: I was supposed to give you this.
(He hands her a lipstick.)
VAUGHN: Tell you to write down what information you recover from Calder, stick it in the waterproof chamber, activate the beacon, and throw it in the trash can. And we'll retrieve it. But I'm guessing you're not going to use it.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I promise you Khasinau will not walk and I won't let SD-6 get to him first. But I refuse to let the FBI get in my way again.
(Cape Town. Two guards stand outside the building. Noah sh**t one, then the other.)
SYDNEY: Nice sh*t.
NOAH: Thanks. Easier to sh**t tranqs. No anxiety of k*lling somebody.
(Flashback to Marshall's office, when Sydney and Noah were in there.)
MARSHALL: The floor around the server room is alarmed with highly sensitive motion detectors.
SYDNEY: So we stay off the floor.
MARSHALL: Well, of course, but it also has audio sensors that can detect any sound above 0.05DBs. In other words, this right here...
(He turns on a nearby stereo and plays music really softly.)
MARSHALL: 2DBs. 0.05DBs is closer to, like, a sound of a cockroach rubbing his legs together. You know... (makes squeaking noise) reeeeer, reeeeeer--
NOAH: Okay, so what do we do?
MARSHALL: Well, active noise control.
(He points to a band around his arm with a button on it.)
MARSHALL: It emits an out of phase audio signal that cancels out any sound within a two hundred foot radius. Check it out.
(He turns up the stereo really loudly.)
(He hits the button on the arm band, and there's no audio. Sydney and Noah are mouthing "Wow!" Marshall turns up the stereo even more, which we don't hear, and Sydney and Noah are impressed yet again. Marshall flicks the button on the arm band again, and the loud music resumes. Sydney and Noah wince. Marshall scrambles to shut it off. In the hanger in Cape Town, Sydney hits the switch ont he arm band, cancelling any audio. Noah and Sydney sink down and land on a catwalk hanging high above the server. They take out their equipment, which includes some rope. Noah sh**t a g*n across the way so Sydney has a way to scale across the room high above [think Batman]. She starts scaling the rope to get across. She lands over there. Noah gives her some rope to lower herself. She moves inbetween some beams and is lowered with Noah's help. He ties the rope to the part of the catwalk. Flashback to Marshall again.)
MARSHALL: The server case is alarmed, so don't let anything touch it. You're going to want to get a wireless modem within three inches of the server.
(Sydney flips around and gets out the modem. Noah gets out a laptop. Flashback.)
MARSHALL: Now, Mr. Hicks, you'll hack into the server and then download all the data into your laptop. Am I boring you?
(Sydnye hangs the wireless remote. He downloads the files. Behind him, the rope is loosening. Sydney drops a little, her eyes getting wide. She screams out for Noah, but because the audio has been canceled, he can't hear her. He keeps downloading the files, oblivious, as the rope slips some more and Sydney is lowered even more. She screams out his name. She's getting even closer. The files finish downloading just as the rope lets go. Noah jumps and catchs it, but he's straining to reattach it. Sydney starts climbing up the rope while Noah hangs on to the end of it. She gets to the top. Now that he has some slack on the rope, he reties it. She nods. He nods.)
(In a room at SD-6, Jack watches the video of his wife, but he watches what Sydney didn't, once she recognized Calder.)
KHASINAU: You have no reason to believe that anyone else became suspicious of you?
LAURA: Nyet. Of course I would've told you.
KHASINAU: (speaks Russian) Uh, how did you acquire your intel?
LAURA: Every night for ten years I went through his briefcase. I eavesdropped on all of his private conversations. I planted listening devices on his clothing. He was blinded by his emotions. He knew nothing. I can tell you one thing: Jack Bristow was a fool.
(Having heard enough, Jack shuts it off.)
(In the CIA, Jack turns a corner and sees Dr. Barnett talking to two agents down the hall. He stops, chickens out, and goes back. But then Dr. Barnett finishes talking to them and walks toward him down the hall.)
JACK: Dr. Barnett.
BARNETT: Mr. Bristow.
JACK: Yes. I was, um, I was... wondering if you might have some time this afternoon.
BARNETT: I'll make some time.
(Francie and Sydney's. Francie and Will sit on the sofa playing a video game. Sydney walks in.)
FRANCIE: Hey, I didn't pick that play!
WILL: No, the computer picked it for you. You didn't do it.
FRANCIE: Yeah, but, no. But I don't--reset it!
WILL: Touchdown!
FRANCIE: You cheated!
WILL: Score!
SYDNEY: Hey, guys.
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: What is going on?
(They turn and look at her. Uncomfortable.)
SYDNEY: Why are you looking at me like that? Did you guys break something of mine?
FRANCIE: No. It's, uh... I found this in the pocket of your jacket last week. You said you were in Seattle.
(She gives Sydney the plane ticket. Sydney stares at it.)
WILL: Syd, you can tell us if it's none of our business but... we just care about you, that's all.
(She comes around and sits down in front of them.)
SYDNEY: This is serious.
WILL: Yeah.
SYDNEY: Um... okay. I've signed, like, a dozen non-disclosure agreements, so this is just between us.
WILL: Of course.
SYDNEY: Six months ago, my job at the bank changed. We have a handful of clients, most of them are international, who don't want thier business to go through the postal service. They don't want a paper trail. So, I fly to them as the bank's reprsentative. I'm so sorry I had to keep this from you guys, I just had no choice.
FRANCIE: Is that legal?
SYDNEY: Oh, yeah, it's totally legit. It's just... it's just secret.
(Will and Francie laugh a little.)
WILL: Francie thought you were having an affair.
FRANCIE: No, I didn't!
WILL: Yes, you did!
FRANCIE: I just said that if you were having an affair, I would know about it.
SYDNEY: Well, this is all there is. So, I'm going to go change and then I'm going to kick your ass at that game.
WILL: Oh, bring it on. Seriously. I am so bored playing with Francie, it's rid--
(She whacks him across the back of the head.)
(Sydney walks to the bathroom and sits down on the edge of the tub. She maybe thinks that leaving could be a good thing because lying to her friends is getting harder.)
(Next day. Sydney enters Marshall's office.)
SYDNEY: Hey, Marshall.
MARSHALL: Hey, Miss Bristow.
SYDNEY: Anything yet? Any word on where Calder is?
MARSHALL: Mr. Sloane didn't tell you? There was no data recovered from Noah's laptop. That sever room must have had active countermeasures. Some sor tof EMS generators. So, basically, when you ran out, your laptop got pulsed and everything's empty.
(Conference room. Sydney walks in and sits down beside Noah.)
SYDNEY: You heard about the computers?
NOAH: Yes. Syd, if your mom is out there, you will find her. It's going to happen.
SYDNEY: I just feel like I'm at a d*ad end. How's the arm?
(On Noah's left arm, he's bandaged from his elbow to his wrist.)
NOAH: Well, it's, uh, it feels great. The lidocaine hasn't worn off. Twenty-six stitches - a new personal record.
(Sloane enters.)
SLOANE: Hello, Sydney.
SYDNEY: Hello.
SLOANE: I was disappointed when I heard Marshall's news, but I'm confident that we'll pick up Calder's trail. Noah, flight to Baku leaves at six. In two weeks, you'll enter the doctoral program on petrol geoscience at Gazar University. Inside this folder, there's information on d*ad drop procedures. See ID services for your passport and travel visas. Good luck, Noah.
SYDNEY: Noah just got home from a five-year deep cover assignment! He's been home for two weeks. Do you think it's wise to send him under again so soon?
NOAH: Syd, I volunteered.
(Sydney's shocked. He stands up to shake Sloane's hand.)
NOAH: Thank you.
(Beach. Sydney and Noah stand on the shore, talking.)
SYDNEY: You're not really going to Banku, are you?
NOAH: No. Tuvalu. It's an island in the South Pacific. I, uh, talked to my contact. He says now's my window. I'm leaving tonight and we could go together.
SYDNEY: Sometimes, all I want to do is disappear. Just let all this go. And just start over again.
(He nods.)
SYDNEY: But I have my personal reasons for staying.
NOAH: Syd, this life is not worth it and you know it. There's too many secrets, there's too much lying to everyone in your life that's supposed to be--
SYDNEY: I know. I know.
NOAH: Then come with me. Here's what we're going to do. I booked you on a flight for tomorrow night. Syd, you come with me for one week to Tuvalu and let me prove to you that it cna work.
(He gives her a plane ticket.)
SYDNEY: Noah...
NOAH: If it's about your mother, you and I can find your mother. We don't need the CIA for that. It'll be our last mission. And after that, we'll just start... completely new. Can you imagine that? Be on that plane and give me one week. Just one week.
(He kisses her.)
NOAH: One week.
(In the main room of SD-6, Marshall comes running out, searching for Sloane.)
MARSHALL: Mr. Sloane! Mr. Sloane!
(He finally sees Sloane standing near someone's desk.)
MARSHALL: Listen, I know I've been somewhat impressed with myself in the past, but this time I am, like, freaking out about it.
SLOANE: Marshall, could you just tell me what?
MARSHALL: I used a signal lost recovery procedure to examine the low-level data sector. I created a raw image--
SLOANE: Marshall! What did you do?
MARSHALL: I found Valenko. I mean Calder. Well, it's the same guy, right? Well, I found him!
(Conference room with Sydney, Dixon and Sloane.)
SLOANE: Marshall has impressively reconstructed the data that you downloaded from the server in Cape Town. The financial routing information directed us to Mackay, Australia, and Bentley Calder's private residence. Now this one is straightforward: a daylight snatch operation. You lead a recovery team, greab Calder from his house and bring him here for questioning. Plane leaves in two hours. Dixon, could you give us a minute.
(Dixon nods and leaves them alone.)
SLOANE: Sydney, I told you I'd get you closer to your mother. I'm always here for you. You know that.
(Sydney smiles awkwardly.)
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(Sydney's house. She packs her bag in the bedroom and picks up the plane ticket. The phone rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
NOAH: Hey, it's me. I am thirty-five thousand feet over the Pacific and you just missed the most beautiful sunset that I've ever seen in my life. You're coming, right? Tell me that you are coming to meet me.
SYDNEY: Noah...
NOAH: (whispers) Come on.
SYDNEY: If things were different.
NOAH: Any word on Calder?
SYDNEY: No. Noah, it was great to see you again, but--
NOAH: Syd, whatever you're about to say, it's not good-bye, okay?
NOAH: All right. I'll see you.
SYDNEY: I'll see you, too.
(She hangs up, some regret in her expression. The phone rings. She picks it up, smiling.)
SYDNEY: Okay, I believe this isn't good-bye.
VOICE: Joey's Pizza?
SYDNEY: Wrong number.
(Self-storage. Sydney sits down while Vaughn paces behind her.)
VAUGHN: Devlin knows you're going to Australia. You understand he'll be expecting a full report.
SYDNEY: Yeah...
VAUGHN: Syd, I know how important it is for you to find your mother and I'll help you however I can.
SYDNEY: Thanks. Any word on The Snowman?
VAUGHN: That guy I met in Bogota, I'm waiting for him to call me back. You want to tell me what's going on?
(He sits down in front of her and can tell that she's a little down.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, you can talk to me. Off the record.
SYDNEY: I'm all right.
(Mackay, Australia. Sydney opens the door to the van. Dixon sits in the driver seat.)
SYDNEY: Wait until I open the main gate before you come in.
DIXON: All right. "B" team will secure the perimeter in case Calder tries to take off.
(Vaughn's office. Phone rings.)
VAUGHN: This is Vaughn.
KISHELL: Mr. Vaughn, I have spoken to my friends. I have some information for you.
(Sydney skulks through the bushes outside the home of Calder.)
SYDNEY: Dixon?
DIXON: Are you at the junction box?
SYDNEY: No, not yet. This is weird. I don't see any guards.
(She comes closer to the house and walks in. A guard is on the floor, a pool of blood around him. She feels his pulse.)
(CIA. Vaughn runs up to Weiss.)
VAUGHN: Weiss!
WEISS: Yeah?
VAUGHN: The Snowman. He's been spotted in Mackay. Sydney's there, too. He's going after Calder to get to Khasinau. Can you think of a way to contact Sydney, put out a warning?
WEISS: We don't have her on comm?
(Sydney walks through the house, talking on the transmitter.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I just saw two... I just saw three guards. They're d*ad. Dixon?
(She's getting static on her transmitter. A crash can be heard coming from the kitchen. Sydney goes to investigate. She walks in the kitchen and finds Calder sitting up in a chair. The Snowman is wearing a black mask over his face and pulls out an icepick from Calder's chest. He's d*ad.)
SYDNEY: Oh, no, Calder!
(She runs to The Snowman and kicks him. She punches him and bangs his head down on the counter. She grabs his arm and bangs his wrist against the counter so he drops the icepick. She rolls on the counte rand kicks him. The Snowman takes a cutting board and tries to h*t her, but she ducks. He takes a Kn*fe from the counter, but changes and takes the meat tenderizer. They shrae kicks. Sydney grabs a pot/frying pan and smashes him twice. He kicks her. This time, Sydney grabs the Kn*fe and swipes at him. She roundhouse kicks him. She runs and kicks. He grabs her and throws her on the counter. The Snowman has the meat tenderizer pressed against her throat. Sydney gasps. The Snowman grabs the Kn*fe from Sydney and holds it above her, poised to s*ab her, but he stops. Sydney takes this opportunity to kick him in the gut. He stumbles back and rolls on the ground... right on the Kn*fe. He groans. Sydney gets up and sees that he's on his side and that there's some blood underneath him. Sydney bends down and rolls him over on his back. A Kn*fe is in his chest. Sydney sees a white bandage peeking out from The Snowman's black sleeve on his left arm. She freezes. Sydney pushes up his sleeve a little bit and then stares at his face, into his eyes. She starts crying. Sydney tears off The Snowman's mask to reveal Noah, gasping in pain. She starts to cry harder.)
NOAH: I tried to keep you from this... I want you to know that...
(He dies. Sydney cradles his head. Dixon barges in, his g*n raised.)
DIXON: Sydney!
(He stops when he sees Noah on the ground, d*ad. He looks at Sydney, then at Noah. Sydney looks up at Dixon, crying.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x19 - Snowman"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Solution" episode #1.20
(Flashback: Sydney sits on a stool, tears in her eyes, staring numbly at nothing while a trainer wraps her hands with gauze. He slaps at her hands to feel if they're wrapped.)
(SD-6. Sydney sits at her desk. Jack approaches.)
JACK: I heard about Noah... I'm sorry.
(She just sits there, staring at nothing.)
(In the weight room, Sydney hits the punching bag.)
TRAINER: Come on, come on. h*t the bag!
(In the blood donor van parked on campus, Sydney and Vaughn chit chat.)
SYDNEY: I k*lled a man... someone I cared about.
VAUGHN: Noah Hicks was an assassin. If you hadn't k*lled him, he would have k*lled you.
SYDNEY: Maybe. But I was the one who forced the fight.
VAUGHN: Hicks was a bad guy.
(Sydney works out, hitting the bag even harder.)
TRAINER: Work that jab! Work it! That's it, work that thing! That's it! Nice combination! Work that jab!
(Sydney kicks the bag and the trainer stumbles back from the force.)
(Blood donor van.)
SYDNEY: But the truth is, it affects me. Never knowing who to trust, learning to expect betrayal, plotting in secrecy and hatred and anger.
TRAINER: That's it!
SYDNEY: (voice over) It's becoming a part of me. I am becoming what I despise.
(Blood donor van.)
SYDNEY: I tell myself I got into this to bring Danny's K*llers to justice. The truth is, I'm more interested in revenge.
(Sydney is starting to lose it; punching the bag without much control.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I thought I could stay in control. It's just gotten so twisted.
(Blood donor.)
SYDNEY: Like with Khasinau. The one tangible goal is to find him so that I can find my mother. But if I do that, if I can find his trail and track him down, it'll strengthen SD-6.
(In the training room, Sydney is now breathing hard and sweaty. Hair is stuck to her face with sweat. She takes off her glove to see that blood has seeped through the bandage. Bright red blood soaks through the white bandage.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I got into this to bring them down and now I feel like I'm on their side.
(In the blood donor van, Vaughn looks at Sydney for a moment, not knowing how to explain. He suddenly gets up and moves to the counter. He gets out the map he revealed to her in episode two and spreads it out in front of her once again.)
VAUGHN: This is the world of SD-6 when we started. Remember?
(Sydney can only nod with tears in her eyes. Vaughn flips over a transparent cover that reveals who's been taken out since he first showed it to her. Little red circles with a slice through it are over the map.)
VAUGHN: And here is what it looks like today. And this doesn't even take into account things like Badenweiler or stealing page forty-seven from Sloane's vault. Or the way you kept Khasinau from getting his hands on that ampule. Sydney, these are incredible accomplishments.
SYDNEY: Khasinau is out there somewhere.
SYDNEY: My mom is out there.
VAUGHN: (sighs) We will find them.
SYDNEY: I have to go to class.
(She smiles helplessly and gets up to leave. When she walks by him, he stops her by taking her hand.)
(He gets up and takes out a first aid kit from one of the cupboards. He takes out an ice pack, breaks it up to react it, and places it on her bruised and bloody knuckles.)
VAUGHN: Take care of yourself.
SYDNEY: Thanks...
(Francie and Sydney's house. Will is on his hands and knees in the kitchen while Francie stands back at the counter.)
WILL: Where was it?
FRANCIE: Behind the fridge.
WILL: You say you saw it?
FRANCIE: No, I didn't see it. I heard it. Scratching.
WILL: Okay, I'm going to go to the hardware store. I'll go get some traps.
FRANCIE: No, no, no. We need a professional. We need a h*t man. If there's one, there are a thousand. Rats breed hourly.
(Will's cell rings.)
WILL: Hello?
DEEP THROAT: You disappoint me, Mr. Tippin.
WILL: (to Francie) It's Litvack. Uhh...
(He walks outside through the patio doors for some privacy.)
DEEP THROAT: You have enough to publish. You have nothing to fear.
WILL: I was kidnapped! The lives of the people I care about were thr*at!
DEEP THROAT: It's a bluff to scare you off the story.
WILL: Well, you know what? It worked. I'm off it.
(Will hangs up and looks in at Francie, who is flipping through a phone book innocently. The cell rings again.)
WILL: Just go away! Don't call me again!
DEEP THROAT: Mr. Tippin--
WILL: Don't call anyone else again unless you want more people to die!
DEEP THROAT: It was Jack Bristow.
WILL: What? What? Wait, what's Jack Bristow? Hello? Hello?
(Sydney comes home after her classes.)
FRANCIE: We have rats.
(Tape screwed up.)
SYDNEY: Hi. Mice are better than rats.
FRANCIE: There's no way that they're mice. They're rats, and they're huge. The exterminator is coming between noon and three. Think you can be here?
SYDNEY: No, I've got work.
FRANCIE: Well, I have to cater a lunch for thirty.
(They both look at Will.)
WILL: I don't live here.
SYDNEY: Then why are you always here?
FRANCIE: Yeah, I mean, it's not like you pay any rent.
WILL: What is this, att*ck on Will? My God.
SYDNEY: Please, just do this for us.
(She smiles at him.)
WILL: Okay, fine, I'll do it.
FRANCIE: See, the thing about rats is they're clever. You have to out think them. You can't really just leave out cheese. You have to leave the good stuff. The heavy-duty stuff. The stuff that they want. It's the only way they're going to come out. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time.
(Self-storage. Sydney and Vaughn have a pow-wow.)
SYDNEY: I can't believe I didn't think of this before. We can make Khasinau come to us.
VAUGHN: What are you thinking?
SYDNEY: The vial of liquid. The Rambaldi solution.
VAUGHN: The one the CIA now has?
SYDNEY: That's why Khasinau had a team to break into SD-6. He wants that solution.
(Director Devlin's office at the CIA. Vaughn enters.)
VAUGHN: Sir, with respect to Alexander Khasinau, I'd like to suggest a course of action.
DEVLIN: Quickly. I've got a meeting with the senior review team from NIC.
VAUGHN: Remember the ampule? The vial of liquid we got from SD-6 that allowed us to read page forty-seven of the Rambaldi manuscript?
DEVLIN: Uh-huh.
(Back to self-storage.)
SYDNEY: What I'm suggesting is a black market sale. Third party.
VAUGHN: Hold on. Khasinau still thinks that vial is in the SD-6 vault.
SYDNEY: Yes. So we say there's another one.
VAUGHN: What? You think we can make Khasinau believe that?
VAUGHN: You're going to have to make it sound pretty legit.
SYDNEY: I think I know how to do that.
(Flashback: Sydney, Dixon, Sloane, and two unidentified agents sit in the conference room. Sloane gives the two unknown agents folders for a mission.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Last year, Sloane sent a team of agents into the Carafu Art Museum in Algiers after an Opec minister donated a collection that Sloane believed might contain Rambaldi artifacts.
(Self storage.)
VAUGHN: Wait. Why don't I know about this?
SYDNEY: Because the mission failed. The agents were caught.
(Flashback: The two agents are being dragged, handcuffed, to another van for transport. A car drives by and a masked man -- who, IMO looks kind of like Jack -- leans out the passenger side with a machine g*n and blasts away.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Before they could even be questioned, SD-6 had them k*lled.
SYDNEY: Say there was a break-in at that museum this week. It would be widely publicized. Khasinau would start to hear rumors of what was taken.
VAUGHN: Including rumors of an existing second ampule.
(Devlin's office.)
DEVLIN: Are you suggesting that I approve the theft of priceless works of art?
VAUGHN: You see, sir, we would just be borrowing them.
(Self-storage, continuing.)
SYDNEY: We'd return everything we steal through back channels, but not until after we've made contact with Khasinau. The whole point is to get noticed.
(Devlin's office.)
DEVLIN: "We"? You're proposing to go with her?
VAUGHN: I-I know I'm not a field agent, but SD-6 isn't in on this and Agent Bristow will need backup. She trusts me. Now, the plan is to go in as insurance agents offering to lower their premium. Naturally, we would have to inspect their security system thoroughly before we commit any coverage.
(SD-6 archives. Sydney sits a laptop, typing.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I downloaded the mission specs from the SD-6 archives. Alarm types at the museum, action point, blueprints...
SYDNEY: ...Everything.
(Devlin's office.)
VAUGHN: Sir, this is our best sh*t at Khasinau.
DEVLIN: Do it.
SYDNEY: You'll deal with the op tech.
VAUGHN: I'll take care of it.
SYDNEY: I have to stop by the hospital. Emily. She's not doing well.
VAUGHN: Yeah, she's sick from the chemo.
(Sydney looks at him.)
VAUGHN: We heard that from the bug in Sloane's study. I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: Yeah. Thanks.
(Francie and Sydney's. Will's alone and on the phone.)
WILL: Can I get the number for Druzinsky's Pest Control? Sure, yeah. D-R-U--Yeah. Hold--let me just get a pen.
(He opens a drawer, looking for a pen.)
WILL: Hold on. Yeah, hold on just a sec.
(He pulls out a black marker.)
WILL: Okay, got it. Yeah. 323--
WILL: Naturally the guy shows up. Right, sorry.
(He hangs up and answers the door.)
PEST CONTROL: How you doing?
WILL: Good. Good.
PEST CONTROL: Where's the problem?
WILL: Uh, well, we got rats over here. Behind the refrigerator.
PEST CONTROL: Let me see your rats.
(In the kitchen, he bends down and takes out a flashlight.)
PEST CONTROL: Not wood... droppings...
(Will looks at the open drawer and sees a picture of Jack in there. It's an old picture.)
PEST CONTROL: Yeah, these are rat droppings.
WILL: Well, uh, k*ll 'em. Please.
PEST CONTROL: You got kids?
(Will opens another drawer to find the aluminum foil and plastic wrap. He opens the wrap and rips off a sheet.)
WILL: No...
PEST CONTROL: Household pets? Dogs, cats? Hello?
(Will's busy. He puts the sheet of plastic wrap over Jack's picture and then takes the black marker he had. He draws a mask with the marker over Jack's face.)
WILL: What? No. I don't have any pets.
PEST CONTROL: Then I'd skip traps and go right to bait.
(Will stares at the finished product -- and has a flashback of his kidnapper.)
MAN: This will be your only warning.
(Will looks at Jack's covered face, and the eyes. They're the same as his kidnapper.)
WILL: Holy...
(Emily's hospital room.)
EMILY: Sydney...
SYDNEY: I don't know if you feel well enough to eat these but... total contraband.
(She shows a box of chocolates and sits down.)
EMILY: Thank you.
SYDNEY: I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
EMILY: Oh, Sydney, tell me something happy.
SYDNEY: Happy.
EMILY: Yeah.
SYDNEY: Well... I've got the week off from work. Which is nothing, considering your husband owes me, like fifty comp days. But I've been working really hard lately, so...
(Emily covers Sydney's hands with her own.)
EMILY: Can I give you some advice?
SYDNEY: Please.
EMILY: When you look back... family, your friends... that's what matters. Work, your job. It wouldn't seem that important.
(Sydney nods a little, curious.)
EMILY: Even your job... even working for SD-6.
(Sydney's shocked.)
(In a control room at the hospital -- clearly this is the SD-6 hospital Dixon was admitted to -- an agent sits behind a counter with monitors everywhere. He watches the monitor on Emily's room.)
EMILY: Sydney, I know you can't talk about it and I wouldn't have mentioned it except I know how easy it is to lose perspective on things...
(Back in the hospital room.)
EMILY: And I don't want to see that happen to you.
SYDNEY: When... when did Arvin tell you?
EMILY: He didn't. Over the years, I'd overhear things. Find clues that he never really left the world of intelligence. And I know he... he keeps me from the truth to protect me. To keep me from worrying. My only regret is not being able to tell him how... how proud I am.
(In the control room, the agent starts typing.)
(Conference room at SD-6. Jack sits alone. Sydney walks in and sits down next to him. Jack takes out his magic pen -- the frequency jammer -- and flips the lid.)
JACK: We're good for two minutes.
SYDNEY: Dad, it's Emily. She knows about SD-6. I'm just worried about her.
JACK: I know. It's too late. Your coversation was recorded.
SYDNEY: The Alliance knows?
JACK: Yes.
(Sloane's office. He sits behind his desk when the phone rings. He answers.)
JACK: (voice over) Information about SD-6 must be treated like a virus.
SLOANE: (on phone) Who?
JACK: (voice over) There is only one response: containment.
SLOANE: (on phone) What did you say?
(Conference room.)
SYDNEY: Sloane won't let this happen. They won't k*ll Emily.
JACK: The final decision will not be made until after Sloane has met with the head of Alliance security. He is the only one who can save her now.
(Sydney walks out of the conference room and looks in at Sloane's office. He looks depressed. She walks in.)
SYDNEY: The time off I asked for last week... I'd still like to take it. Would that be all right?
SLOANE: Where are you going?
SYDNEY: The desert.
SLOANE: Yeah. Yes. Of course.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
SLOANE: The desert... (sighs) Hmm.
(She turns and leaves.)
(Algeria. Sydney and Vaughn who both harbor French accents, walk with two museum officials and a translator.)
SYDNEY: To make a risk analysis, we will need to test your security system.
(He translates into Arabic.)
SYDNEY: ...See how it operates during a shutdown of your primary generator, heating, electircal, and ventilation system.
(He translates.)
(Flashback. On the plane to Algeria, Sydney and Vaughn go over the plans.)
VAUGHN: Once we're in, we'll need to separate. You'll go inspect the alarm grid in the exhibition space. I'll handle the shutdown from the control room with this frequency jammer. It'll keep the security cameras off for three minutes. A hundred and eighty seconds is all you got.
(In the control room, Vaughn is with the translator and one of the museum heads.)
VAUGHN: Please shut down the primary generator.
(Translates into Arabic. They shut it down. Vaughn takes out the jammer. The cameras go down as well. He starts timing it on a digital watch he wears while the men start questioning why the cameras went down.)
TRANSLATOR: He says he can't understand what happened. The second generator has always kept the security monitors online before.
VAUGHN: And when I close out the ventilation system--
SYDNEY: The turbine in the shaft will shut down, allowing me to gain access to the vault room on "E" level.
(Control room.)
VAUGHN: Now shut down the ventilation.
(In a hallway somewhere in the museum, Sydney is walking with the other museum head. She throws her briefcase at his neck and he stumbles back. She kicks him twice. The man goes down. Sydney runs. She takes off her jacket and pulls out a power screwdriver from the briefcase and starts taking off the vent cover.)
(Vaughn checks his watch nervously -- twenty seconds has gone by.)
(Sydney takes off the vent cover. She takes out a sh**t, arms it, and points it skyward. The sh**t's wire flies up. At the end of the wire, it has a series of prongs on it. The wire attachs itself to the fan blades high above. Sydney, down below, feels the tension, knows it's tight, and attaches it to her belt. She looks down. It's a long way down the shaft. She jumps out into the shaft and hangs on as the cord attached to the fan blades lets her dangle way below. She hits a switch on her belt and starts dropping down.)
(In the control room.)
VAUGHN: And now keep the heating system offline.
(Translates. Vaughn looks at his watch -- forty-nine seconds.)
(Sydney drops down, looking at a meter on the wire in front of her that tells her how many feet she's going down.)
VAUGHN: The vault room is located through a shaft on the east wall, sixty-seven feet below the main level.
(The meter beeps at sixty-seven. Sydney stops dropping and kicks the vent cover in. She stands in the hallway outside the vault room, loosens the wire to get some slack so she can walk in the vault room and still remain tied up to the fan.)
VAUGHN: According to the document you gave me, the vault is a third-generation Handvalova.
(Sydney reaches across him and picks up a cell phone.)
VAUGHN: Careful with that. It's full of plastique expl*sives in case this doesn't work.
(He picks up a silver bracelet and puts it around Sydney's wrist.)
VAUGHN: Now, in theory, not only should this crack the safe...
(Sydney puts it on the vault door.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) It should short the circuitry for two minutes, giving you enough time to get back to the main level before the alarm goes off.
(Sydney opens the vault door and starts taking stuff and putting it in her bag.)
(In the control room, Vaughn looks at his watch -- a hundred and twenty seconds.)
VAUGHN: And electrical.
(Translates. All of a sudden, a man bursts into the room shouting in Arabic.)
VAUGHN: What is going on?
PRESIDENT: I agreed to a system analysis...
TRANSLATOR: Mr. Algazabia is the president of the museum.
PRESIDENT: ...Not to a shutdown.
VAUGHN: We are testing the security system. So far, everything is okay.
TRANSLATOR: He has ordered the power restored.
VAUGHN: No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. My partner and I flew in from Paris because we were assured the possibility to make a complete offer! Now, to do that, we must run a thorough analysis! Si vous alliez pas nous laisser faire notre travail, il fallait nous le dire avant qu'on fasse tous les préparatifs pour venir venir, hein!
PRESIDENT: When the system is offline, essential services go down, including f*re protection. That is a risk I cannot take!
(In the vault, Sydney takes a few more things.)
(Control room. Vaughn is panicked.)
VAUGHN: I'm warning you, I will file a formal complaint with the legal department!
PRESIDENT: (speaks Arabic) Take him. Find his partner. Show them the way out.
(Angrily, Vaughn grabs his things and is escorted out. The president orders the man sitting at the desk to restore the power. In the shaft, the fan blades start to whir. Sydney, in the vault, turns when she feels tension. As the fan starts up, the cord that was attached starts tightening around the blades and Sydney is pulled in the shaft by her waist because she is still attached as well. She flies in the shaft and bangs against the shaft wall. She looks up, terrified, to see that she'll be heading toward the fan blades because she can't stop it when the power is on. She sees the opening is coming up where she entered the shaft. As she is pulled up, she grabs on to the edge of the entryway while she is still being pulled up. She hits a button and the belt lets go. Sydney bangs into the wall, still hanging on to the ledge. Her hip hits the wall of the shaft and the phone riddled with expl*sives falls from her belt and falls to the bottom of the shaft. It explodes. The f*re is hurdling up the shaft with Sydney still hanging on inside. She finally gets inside and falls into the hallway of the museum as the f*re goes up the shaft. She grabs her jacket and her things and leaves.)
(In the lobby of the museum, Vaughn is being escorted out as Sydney meets up with them, back in her costume.)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
VAUGHN: We're being kicked out. I didn't have time to finish my system analysis. Did you?
(The alarms go off.)
SYDNEY: Barely.
(In the newspaper offices, Will's friend Abby types on her laptop while listening to some music from her stereo next to her. Will walks up, and turns up the music.)
ABBY: Excuse me!
WILL: (whispers) Listen to me, listen to me. I really need your help, okay?
(Outside the newspaper, Will holds a manilla envelope.)
ABBY: Wait a minute. You've got to give me more details than that!
WILL: No, no, no, no details.
ABBY: You were kidnapped?
WILL: Here, just--
ABBY: By a man who turns out to be someone you know's father?
WILL: Yes, yes--
ABBY: What is this?
(She takes the envelope.)
WILL: This is an article I've written. Abby, you've got to do this for me. Make sure you keep it sealed, and don't mention this to anyone. And you got to promise me you're not going to open it, unless something happens to me. And if something happens to me, you got to publish it.
ABBY: Why would something happen?
WILL: Because I'm going to see my kidnapper.
ABBY: Oh, Will, you've become insane!
WILL: I have enough information that maybe I can write a story that might raise some questions, but I don't have anything that's going to put this guy away!
ABBY: Well, publish the story now. That's your insurance policy!
WILL: Yeah, but then I'll never get his cooperation! I mean, there's got to be a bigger story here. I want to find out what it is. Abby... you got to promise me you're not going to open it.
ABBY: Promise me I won't have to.
(That night, Jack comes out of Credit Dauphine and walks to his car. Will starts up his truck.)
(At a fancy bar, Jack sits and takes a drink. Will sits down next to him.)
WILL: (sighs) There are a few things we need to talk about and, quite frankly, you scare me, so I'd rather talk about them in a public place. Can I have a beer, please?
JACK: You want to talk to me? About what?
WILL: Let's start with Sydney. Does she know?
JACK: I don't know what you're talking about.
WILL: Does she know that you kidnapped me?
JACK: (laughs) I think you have me confused with someone else.
(The bartender sets a beer down in front of Will.)
WILL: Thanks. (looks at Jack) No, I don't. I wrote a story. No one's seen it yet, but if I die, it's going to get published. It's a story I don't even want to work on anymore.
JACK: Will, you seem very upset.
WILL: Yeah, I am, 'cause it just won't go away! This source who told me about you, won't let it. I don't even know where he lives. I don't know where he works, so you can't b*at it out of me. But he knows. He knows everything. I mean, he gives me hints and clues and he's never wrong. Now, I don't... I don't know if you work for SD-6, or if you're responsible for the deaths of Daniel Hecht and Eloise Kurtz. I don't even know if you're protecting Sydney, or if she needs to be protected from you, but just tell me what you know. Convince me that you put Sydney's interests first. That in some sick, bizarre twist of fate, you and I are on the same side.
JACK: My concern for Sydney is not yours to judge.
WILL: Convince me by helping me put a stop to what's going on and uh, in return, I'll... uh, I'll help you find out who my source is because I got a feeling that he's somebody that you'd like to meet.
(He lays down his card and walks out. Jack takes a big drink.)
(That night, a man brings Jack to the back door of Devlin's home. Devlin wraps a robe around himself and opens the door.)
DEVLIN: Thanks, Ethan.
(Ethan leaves.)
JACK: There's been a breach. Without containment, our entire operation could be compromised.
DEVLIN: What's the source?
JACK: Best guess, a whistle-blower well placed within the Agency with access to omega seventeen files. He's been talking to a reporter. You should put counterintelligence on it right away. They should start with Steven Haladki.
DEVLIN: Haladki?
JACK: He fits the profile. Agent rising in rank. Opposed to company policy regarding SD-6. Internal efforts to change policy thwarted. So he takes it out on the building.
DEVLIN: That's a pretty big charge, Jack.
JACK: The source is putting Sydney's life at risk.
DEVLIN: Haladki filed a report on the prophecy. He said you thr*at him at g*n to get information on where the bureau was holding Sydney.
JACK: Yes. And then I used that information to hold other FBI agents at g*n in order to free my daughter from a witch hunt. You need to get CI on this tonight.
DEVLIN: I want you to stop. I hear your concerns and I will choose how to respond to them myself. You're a good agent, Jack, but lately, I find your methods reprehensible. If I hear of one more instance of you acting off book, you're done.
(He closes the door in Jack's face.)
(At Francie and Sydney's, Francie sits at the counter while Sydney sits on the sofa, thinking.)
FRANCIE: I'm gonna send flowers to Will for babysitting our rodents. What do you think the card should say?
SYDNEY: I had sex with someone.
FRANCIE: (laughs) Seriously.
(Sydney looks at her. Francie realizes she's serious.)
FRANCIE: What? When?
(She comes around and sits next to Sydney.)
SYDNEY: About a week ago.
FRANCIE: When were you going to tell me?
SYDNEY: I know, I just... it was Noah Hicks.
SYDNEY: I know how you feel about Noah.
FRANCIE: So, what, did he just call you up?
SYDNEY: No. It was a trip. It was a business trip. We just sort of picked up where we left off.
FRANCIE: Well, how is he?
SYDNEY: He is... it didn't end well.
FRANCIE: Well, I'm not surprised. He was never good enough for you. I mean, anybody who would just dump you like that and walk away? He doesn't deserve a second chance.
SYDNEY: People change.
FRANCIE: No, they don't. I mean, what if I started dating Charlie again?
SYDNEY: No, I know...
FRANCIE: Hey, you're really down about this, aren't you?
SYDNEY: A little. There's nothing to be done about it. I mean... it's over. I just wanted to let you know.
FRANCIE: Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I am being a little too tough on Noah. Hey, if he calls, I'll try and be nice, okay?
(Marshall's office. Marshall is at his desk, drawing an intricate pattern on an paper house. Sloane enters.)
SLOANE: Marshall, get me the last bioscan profile on Edward Poole.
(Marshall closes the book and the house. Sloane stares at it for a second.)
MARSHALL: Sure, right away. That's a pop-up book. Making them clears my mind. It helps me--feel free to dock me any amount you feel is... oh, here you go. This is interesting. When he came through the scanning room, he was carrying two phones.
SLOANE: Can you locate them?
MARSHALL: Yeah. (types) There.
SLOANE: Good. I have one phone number on Poole. I ran a tap on it but I couldn't find...
(He looks out the window of the office and sees the head of security for the Alliance walk through and enter his office.)
SLOANE: ...Any leads on Khasinau.
MARSHALL: Well, I can probably track down the second one.
SLOANE: Just get me the other number right now.
(Sloane walks out and enters his office.)
SECURITY: Let me begin by saying I know how difficult this is and that if there was any other way--
SLOANE: My wife is dying.
SECURITY: I understand.
SLOANE: She has lymphoma.
SECURITY: Yes. We have both video and audio. This isn't an issue of confirmation.
SLOANE: No. No, this is an issue of decency.
SECURITY: The time and date have been set--
SLOANE: She is my wife! I am not just going to sit back and allow you to eliminate her!
SECURITY: When I first came into the Alliance, my closest friend was Jean Briault. He took me into his confidence. He guided me. He was my mentor. But when Briault was m*rder at point-blank range, I didn't ask any questions. I didn't talk of decency.
SLOANE: Jean Briault was my friend, too. His m*rder was a tragedy. I'm just trying to prevent another.
SECURITY: The Alliance knows you disregarded their policy and pursued Khasinau. They're going to want to see evidence that your priorities are in order.
SLOANE: (stands) Are you suggesting that I allow you to k*ll my wife to enhance my standing within the Alliance?
(Newspaper. Mail call. The mail guy drops an envelope on Will's desk. He looks at it. Written on the front is only his name, and no address. He pulls out a sheet of paper.)
(At a clearing, Will drives up where Jack is already there in front of his own car, waiting. Will gets out, looking a little wary and scared.)
JACK: I work in intelligence. That is all you need to know.
WILL: So, the bank, Credit Dauphine, that's, like a front company?
JACK: You and I meet only when and where I decide. Never contact me.
WILL: Okay, when you say intelligence, you mean SD-6, right? It's like some off-the-books division--
JACK: We go after the source first. Everything else comes later. Are we clear?
WILL: (sighs) Does Sydney know?
WILL: Jack? Is your daughter a part of this?
JACK: No, she's not. Now... are we clear?
(Will breathes a huge sigh of relief.)
WILL: Yes.
JACK: Do you have a way of contacting your source?
WILL: Yeah, yeah. I have a transmitter. It's a pin. I found it in a box of stuff belonging to Eloise Kurtz.
(Jack bristles.)
WILL: What?
JACK: I planted that pin on Eloise Kurtz.
WILL: Of course, that's right! Neville said it was government issue. So... you hired her to play Kate Jones so she could lie to me and when she said too much... you had her k*lled!
(Horrified, Will backs up against his truck.)
JACK: I did not k*ll her. But I bear some responsibility for her death, as do you. Focus, Mr. Tippin! Do as I insist or more people will die!
WILL: Okay, why don't I contact Deep Throat and I'll insist upon a meeting, and then--
JACK: He told you about me. If you ask for a meeting, he'll know it's a set-up. You will contact him. Tell him you know I was the one who kidnapped you and that you are terrified. Then tell him you are back on the story. This meeting never took place.
(Jack gets in his car and drives away, tires squealing.)
(Conference room with Dixon, Marshall and Sloane.)
SLOANE: Edward Poole was a friend, a visitor to this office, a former operative with MI-6. Recently, I was shocked to learn he has become an ally of Khasinau. So, I asked Marshall to examine his scanning room profile to see if he can come up with any leads. Marshall?
MARSHALL: Thanks. Now, this is really good.
(Self-storage. Sydney walks in.)
VAUGHN: I take it you've seen the news?
SYDNEY: It's sort of perfect, right?
VAUGHN: So far, so good.
SYDNEY: Have you contacted the broker?
VAUGHN: Yeah. I stopped in Lisbon on my way back. I told him I was hired by the men who pulled off the robbery.
VAUGHN: A splinter group of the Raslak jihad.
SYDNEY: How much did you say you wanted for the solution?
VAUGHN: Ten million. And I gave him the sat phone and said we would only field offers during that agreed upon window.
SYDNEY: Good. My father disabled the SD-6 satcon intercept so there's no way Sloane can find out about this transmission.
(Conference room.)
MARSHALL: Okay, based on RF transmissions, we were able to intercept the signal between Pool's cell and the com tower. From that, we were able to set up a wire tap on his STU -- secure telephone unit.
(Marshall hits a button on a remote to play the sound of the phone dialing.)
MARSHALL: See, then we were able to get Khasinau's number, and run a tap on him.
VAUGHN: We heard from the broker this morning. Apparently, Khasinau is willing to pay double our asking price in diamonds.
SYDNEY: Is Khasinau going to meet us?
VAUGHN: No. He's sending Sark.
(Conference room.)
SLOANE: This is a text of a conversation our tap picked up this morning between Khasinau and Mr. Sark. You will recall the ampule that McKenas Cole stole from us on behalf of Khasinau. At the time, we believed there was only one ampule in existence. This conversation indicates the existence of two.
DIXON: It says here that Sark and a splinter group of the Raslak jihad have agreed on the number of men and materiel each side can bring to the meeting.
VAUGHN: The deal allows for each side to have only one principal and two backups located in the marketplace.
(Conference room.)
SLOANE: If they bring two, we bring four.
VAUGHN: Now, when you and Sark meet, you will actually be able to test each other's merchandise, which is why we need to give him the real Rambaldi solution. After he confirms thta the liquid is authentic, you'll make the deal, then switch the vial with an identical one containing colored water and a radioactive isotope we can track via satellite.
SYDNEY: So when Sark brings the solution to Khasinau, he'll be bringing us along as well.
(Conference room.)
SLOANE: Our pursuit of Rambaldi is incomplete without that ampule so in order to recover it, you are authorized to use all necessary force. Is that understood?
SLOANE: Good. You leave tonight.
VAUGHN: Now this guy Sark might've seen you in Moscow--
SYDNEY: He didn't. And even if he did, he won't recognize me this time.
VAUGHN: You saw what he did there and in Hong Kong, too.
SYDNEY: If you're suggesting we bring someone else in, no way. This is my op.
VAUGHN: Okay. We leave for Denpasar tonight.
(Denpasar. A plane lands and Dixon walks through the airport, carrying his luggage.)
(Will's desk at the newspaper. He stares at the flower pin which is sitting next to his cell phone.)
WILL: Hi. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I've thought about it... I'm back on the story.
(Emily's hospital room. Sloane enters and watches her for a moment.)
EMILY: Hi...
(He walks to her and sits on the bed. She puts a hand up to his face.)
SLOANE: (whispers) How do you feel?
EMILY: Better... now that you're here.
(He kisses her palm lovingly.)
EMILY: Dr. Levin stopped by earlier. He said the biopsy is scheduled for next week.
(Sloane lets out a little sob. He breaks down.)
EMILY: Sweetheart... it's going to be okay. We have to believe that.
SLOANE: Yeah. You are so beautiful.
EMILY: I know, I must look wonderful.
(She laughs a little, crying.)
EMILY: Hold me?
(Crying, Sloane takes her in his arms.)
EMILY: I am so proud of you.
(He cries and buries his head on her shoulder.)
(Marketplace. Sydney is sitting down wearing full make-up and wearing a costume that covers her face except her eyes, is being carried into the meeting room. Vaughn sits on top of a building nearby, watching with binoculars.)
SYDNEY: What have you got?
VAUGHN: Sark's already in place.
SYDNEY: How many men?
VAUGHN: One inside, and one at the gate next to one of ours.
SYDNEY: He stuck to the plan.
VAUGHN: So far. If anything changes, we're ready.
(At the entrance, they come to a stop. Sydney puts her hand up. They nod. Vaughn watches as she goes inside.)
VAUGHN: After you both test the merchandise, and make the switch, you'll go your separate ways.
(Sark stands. They both speak Indonesian to each other and take their seats.)
SARK: I thought we had an agreement that neither side would have the advantage.
SYDNEY: That is the agreement.
SARK: Then you have not lived up to it. You can see me, I cannot see you.
SYDNEY: You know who I represent.
SARK: Well, according to the broker, you are affiliated with the Raslak jihad.
(Sydney nods.)
SARK: A noble cause, to be sure. And a group I respect for its dedication to the principles of ancient Kunta. When I heard of this, I volunteered for the assignment because as it turns out, I'm quite familiar with the Kunta use of the latajang. If you are who you claim to e, your skills with latajang should be unsurpassed.
VAUGHN: A latajang? Sydney, stick to the plan!
(Sark screws his latajang together.)
SYDNEY: The agreement was clear. We meet and trade.
SARK: And we will, if you are who you say you are.
VAUGHN: Sydney, is he asking you to fight him?!
SARK: I've already instructed my guard to stand down. If you want the diamonds, you'll do the same.
VAUGHN: Sydney, don't do this! Sydney!
(She stands and takes the latajang. They step aside.)
VAUGHN: Sydney!
(They bow. And they fight. He kicks her and tries to h*t her with his latajang. She holds up hers and blocks him. He kicks her. She gasps in pain, her eyes tearing up. He holds the latajang close to her face, the blade about to cut her. She pushes him and kicks him. She protects herself by blocking him again. She flips him by sweeping his feet out from under him with her latajang and points the blade at his throat.)
SARK: Excellent.
SYDNEY: Let's test the merchandise.
SARK: Let's.
(He gets up and they sit down, open the cases. She looks at the diamonds. He looks at the vial and tests it. She takes the duplicate vial and hides it in her hand. She covers it with a green material and puts a diamond on top of it, looking at him. He tests the liquid. Vaughn scans the crowd.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, it's Dixon! He's here!
(Silenced g*n can be heard as Dixon and his men approach the gate to the meeting room. Sark's guard and Sydney's guard fall to the ground.)
VAUGHN: Both guards are down! I repeat, both guards are down!
SYDNEY: I am satisfied. Do we have a deal?
VAUGHN: He's at the gate! Make the switch! I repeat, make the switch!
SYDNEY: Enough. Either we have a deal, or--
SARK: Yes. We have a deal.
(He puts the real vial on the table and extends his hand. Sydney is about to shake his hand and is about to make the switch when Dixon enters, his g*n pointed at them.)
DIXON: Hands in the air!
(Sark takes the REAL vial and puts it in his jacket. Sydney didn't have time to make the switch. He raises his hands. Sydney does the same.)
DIXON: Where's the vial? I said, where's the vial?
(He looks at Sydney, a flicker of recognition comes across his face. Sydney looks away, hoping he didn't recognize her.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x20 - The Solution"} | foreverdreaming |
"Rendez-vous" episode #1.21
(Denpasar. Dixon looks at Sydney. Up on the balcony, Vaughn orders the CIA sh**t standing next to him.)
VAUGHN: Take position over there! But cover f*re only! I don't want Bristow hurt!
(Vaughn runs toward the meeting room. The guard takes position on a grassy hill behind them, g*n aimed. Inside the room, Dixon aims his g*n at Sydney who tries to look away. From up above, Vaughn runs up and throws a grenade/expl*sive down. It explodes. Dixon takes cover behind a chair. Sark and Sydney fall to the ground. The CIA sh**t starts sh**ting. Dixon's man starts sh**ting back.)
SYDNEY: I couldn't make the switch! Sark's got the real ampule!
(Sark runs out. Vaughn is already on his tail.)
VAUGHN: I'm on him! Head to the extraction point!
(Sydney runs out. Dixon is sh**ting at the CIA guy in the bushes. He looks at his guard.)
DIXON: Cover me!
(Dixon runs after her. Sark runs through the crowd, pushing people out of his way. Vaughn is running parallel to him from up above in the stands. Sydney runs. Dixon runs after her. She gets to the gate.)
DIXON: Freeze! Turn around! Hands on your head!
(Sark runs and gets to a gate. Vaughn runs and jumps down to ground level. He grabs Sark and smacks his head against the gate, knocking him out. Back at the other exit, Sydney has her hands up.)
DIXON: I don't want to hurt you.
(Sydney kicks his g*n away and kicks him in the stomach. At the other exit, Vaughn handcuffs an unconscious Sark to the gate.)
VAUGHN: Freelancer, are you at the extraction point yet?
(Sydney kicks Dixon. He grabs her leg and flips her to the ground. Vaughn goes through Sark's jacket and finds the ampule.)
VAUGHN: Eagle Eye, I got the ampule!
(Back in LA in a field ops office, Weiss watches on a monitor.)
WEISS: I got you five by--
VAUGHN: I need a twenty on Freelancer!
WEISS: You cannot leave Sark until he's secured!
VAUGHN: Dammit, where is she!
(Sydney jumps up and kicks Dixon in the stomach. They exchange punches and then Sydney grabs Dixon's arm and twists it back. With his other hand he takes a Kn*fe from his sock and reaches back. He cuts Sydney's right upper arm. He pushes her back against the gate. She falls. He grabs his g*n and points it at her. She looks at the blood on her arm. He sees it. Vaughn come up from behind and knocks Dixon on his head. He falls to the ground.)
(Sydney appears to be in shock.)
(She runs in one direction to the extraction point while Vaughn takes off in the other. He runs up to the Sark gate. The handcuffs are dangling from the gate door. Sark's gone.)
(In Los Angeles, a payphone rings. Will picks it up.)
WILL: Hello?
DEEP THROAT: You said you were back on the story. Why haven't you published?
WILL: I need something from you.
(In a garage, Will sits in Jack's car, talking.)
JACK: You're going to tell your contact you want a meeting. A meeting to take place at your contact's discretion.
WILL: Why would he lead me to you knowing that you'd want to flush him out?
JACK: He only told you my name so you would realize that my thr*at to you was a bluff. That I would never hurt Sydney, even if you continue your investigation. I didn't expect you'd have the guts to contact me.
WILL: Oh, well, I'll assume that's a compliment.
JACK: When you ask for the meeting, your contact will refuse.
WILL: What do I say?
JACK: You'll say...
WILL: I know something you'll be interested in... I know about the circumference.
WILL: Okay, what the hell's the circumference?
JACK: It's not your concern.
WILL: I gotta know what I'm talking about.
JACK: No, you don't. Just tell him if he wants to know more, he'll have to meet.
WILL: Look, just meet with me or find somebody else because I tell ya, I'm just sick of all this cloak and dagger crap.
DEEP THROAT: Very well, Mr. Tippin. You'll be contacted with instructions.
(The line goes d*ad.)
(In London, the Alliance meets.)
RAMOND: I'm sure I speak for our distinguished friend from Los Angeles when I say how much we appreciate your coming on such short notice. I know it reflects your understanding that the business before us today is as difficult as it is vital to the very survival of our organization. I understand you have some prepared remarks. Please.
SLOANE: Thank you, Ramond. Before I begin, should we wait until all the other members have arrived?
RAMOND: That won't be necessary.
SLOANE: I feel rather awkward sitting here asking you to allow my wife to die of cancer.
CHRISTOPHE: Arvin, the agreement is simple. People with any unauthorized information regarding SD-6, or any SD cell, must be eliminated.
SLOANE: My wife is being eliminated. By cancer. And the pending bone marrow biopsy report will merely inform us as to the number of days she has left. Days she will spend in an SD-6 hospital where information can be contained. Should you choose to intervene, naturally I'll be forced to resign. Something I believe you should factor into your decision. Now... in the past twelve years, SD-6 has made for the Alliance over four hundred million dollars in arms sales alone. Plus another three hundred million from various transactions with Anini Hassan. In addition, we have acquired more Rambaldi artifacts than all the other SD cells combined.
RAMOND: Your service to the Alliance is unquestioned. With one exception. We know you had our colleague Jean Briault assassinated.
SLOANE: You know about Poole, don't you? That's why he's not here. You know that Khasinau had him in his pocket!
RAMOND: Our former colleague has, under duress, acknowledged his connection with Mr. Khasinau and his manipulation of you that led to Briault's unfortunate passing. Faced with a breach of this magnitude, we have reevaulated our position regarding peaceful coexistence with Khasinau.
SLOANE: I am relieved. And gratified. He is an enemy worthy of our combined resources.
CHRISTOPHE: You must have a vision of how all this is supposed to play out. I am assuming that your plan ends in assassination?
SLOANE: Yes, that's right. Assassination of Khasinau.
CHRISTOPHE: Then your plan must change. If we abduct Khasinau or worst yet k*ll him, most certainly we will never have an opportunity to learn what it is he is after, or how he works, or with whom. Put away your need for revenge. Find out what you can. Bring us substantial intel and we will take your wife's situation under advisement.
(SD-6. Sydney walks in and slowly approaches Dixon who is at his desk.)
SYDNEY: Hey. You miss me?
DIXON: So, how was uh...
SYDNEY: Palm Springs. Perfect.
DIXON: Right, right. The desert.
SYDNEY: I actually read a book.
DIXON: You didn't go with anyone?
SYDNEY: I asked Will and Francie but they both had work. It was good, actually, being alone. I needed time to decompress.
DIXON: Mmm. We've reacquired Khasinau's trail.
SYDNEY: We have?
DIXON: Mm-hmm. We apprehended Sark in Denpasar. Turns out there was a second ampule. We intercepted a communique detailing Sark's plan to buy it from a splinter group of the Raslak jihad.
SYDNEY: Did you get the ampule?
DIXON: No. Sark didn't have it on him.
(Dixon stares at her suspciously.)
SYDNEY: I'm going to read the op tech report. Catch up on what I missed.
(She starts walking away.)
DIXON: Sydney.
(She turns.)
DIXON: For the record, I did miss you.
(Sydney smiles widely. Another agent walks by and bumps into her right side. Because of the cut on her arm, Sydney gasps in pain and keeps walking. Dixon watches her and seems to realize that he was the one who cut her arm in Denpasar.)
(Morning. Francie is about to leave the house. She opens the door and sees Jack standing there.)
FRANCIE: Oh. Mr. Bristow.
JACK: Good morning, Francie. I'm just here to give Sydney a ride to work.
FRANCIE: Sure, come on in. I've got to go. Bye.
SYDNEY: Bye, Francie!
(Francie leaves. In the kitchen...)
JACK: Kretchmer briefed me on Denpasar. It was a sloppy operation. Your pursuit of your mother is clouding your judgement. You can't afford to continue and at the moment, I can't protect you. I haven't regained Sloane's trust. He still hasn't reinstated me to active duty. I'm not even privy to his briefings.
SYDNEY: Then you haven't heard that SD-6 got Sark.
(Interrogation room at SD-6. Sark sits behind a table, handcuffed to a chair. Sloane enters.)
SLOANE: While this might not seem like a particularly good day for you, you'd be surprised. We have people here trained in t*rture and they are so good at what they do, I sometimes take them for granted. But I'm not in the mood for t*rture. No. There's been enough t*rture lately. (sits down) We've been somewhat curious about your employer... Alexander Khasinau.
SARK: Well... you're in good company.
SLOANE: Yes. But we have you.
SARK: Indeed.
SLOANE: I need to find your employer.
SARK: You raise an interesting point. Given my current state of affairs, it doesn't seem as if my affiliation with Mr. Khasinau is long for this earth.
SLOANE: We both know you're a very clever young man so we don't need to play games. You're valuable to me. You can help me find Khasinau. I'm valuable to you... obviously.
SARK: I understand I am in no position to demand anything, but for the record, I'm far more comfortable talking over a glass of Chateau Petreuse... '82.
(Sydney, Francie and Will watch a soap opera and eat lunch at Sydney and Francie's. Will is off in his own world while Sydney and Francie face the television.)
SYDNEY: Why does that guy have such a guilty look on his face?
FRANCIE: Yesterday Ginger told Rod that Gavin was Ruby's pimp but Rod didn't even know that Ruby was a prost*tute.
SYDNEY: Who's Gavin?
FRANCIE: Ruby's father.
WILL: Huh? Hi. Oh, what's, uh, what happened to Ruby's dad?
FRANCIE: Where are you?
(Will's cell rings.)
WILL: I'm sorry. I just got this work thing... hello?
(He walks away to have some privacy.)
DEEP THROAT: Listen carefully, Mr. Tippin. I'm about to give you instructions on where to meet. They must be followed to the letter.
(Vaughn's office at the CIA. Weiss enters and closes the door behind him.)
WEISS: Guess who just tore me a new one. Devlin. Now ask me why.
WEISS: Because I took a b*llet for you today. They want to know why you left Sark when he wasn't secured yet. I said I told you I misread the feed from the satellite. I thought the recovery team was nearby.
VAUGHN: Thank you.
WEISS: I lied to save your ass.
VAUGHN: You didn't have to do that.
WEISS: No, that's what partners do for each other.
VAUGHN: I said thanks.
WEISS: I don't want your thanks. I want it to stop.
VAUGHN: Look, Sydney's my responsibility--
WEISS: Mike, I'm not going to trivialize your relationship with her by calling it a crush--
VAUGHN: A crush?
WEISS: But whatever it is, it's starting to affect me and if that sounds selfish to you, I was hoping to retire fully vested. I know you genuinely care for her. I do, too. But there is a line that we have been sworn not to cross. We're about a mile past that.
VAUGHN: I don't know how to be Sydney's handler without making it personal.
WEISS: Figure out a way.
(In the interrogation room, Sloane still sits across from Sark. An agent pours wine into a second glass and then leaves.)
SARK: I must admit, I was only half-serious when I asked for the Petreuse. I just assumed after what Khasinau has done -- sending men into this facility, m*rder some of your men -- that, regardless of what I said, you'd split my belly with a hunting Kn*fe.
SLOANE: Do you think that's the kind of activity the CIA engages in?
SARK: Not the CIA.
SLOANE: Khasinau sent you to Moscow to negotiate with K-Directorate. He trusts you. You know things.
SARK: I suppose I better know things. However, to be clear, my employer hardly tells me everything.
(Sloane picks up his wine glass and swirls the liquid around. He brings it up to his face and sniffs it.)
(Then he takes a long drink. Sark watches in envy. Sloane slurps it down.)
SLOANE: We will collaborate, you and I. You will lead me to Khasinau. Understood?
SARK: May I?
(Sloane stands up with the other glass and holds it in front of Sark.)
SLOANE: Understood?
SARK: Understood.
(Sloane brings it up to Sark's lips and lets him drink all of it.)
(Conference room with Sloane, Sydney, Dixon and Marshall.)
SLOANE: As it turns out, our Mr. Sark is a very cooperative young man. We have received independent confirmation for the intel he's provided thus far. It seems that Mr. Sark's loyalty to Khasinau disappeared the moment he was kidnapped.
DIXON: So, what's the move?
SLOANE: Sark wasn't scheduled to make contact with Khasinau until Thursday night. They've arranged to meet at a dinner club in Paris that Khasinau owns. That's where you're going.
SYDNEY: Is this an abduction?
SLOANE: No. Khasinau is expecting the ampule. According to Sark, Khasinau needs it -- the solution in it -- in order to read a Rambaldi document that they believe contains text written in Rambaldi's now famous invisible ink. This Rambaldi page will be at the Paris location. Sark will be provided with a conterfeit ampule which he will pass on to Khasinau. Your job is to steal this Rambaldi page from his office and replace it with a counterfeit.
SYDNEY: Wait a minute. I don't understand. We've been hunting Khasinau for months--
SLOANE: Sydney, I know you have a personal stake in this--
SYDNEY: We're going to be in the same room as the guy and you want us to go after a document? This is ridiculous. Let's just go after the son of a bitch.
SLOANE: Sydney, no one wants Khasinau more than I do. No one. Sark has provided us with detailed plans of the club -- its operation and location and the vault. Luckily, an employee of the club is about to call in sick. It's been arranged for you to take her place. Marshall will provide you with the op tech.
(Sloane leaves. Marshall stands and looks at Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Um... uh, how's your... your voice?
(Under a bridge, Will drives up where Jack is waiting by his car. Will gets out.)
WILL: I was contacted.
JACK: Were you followed?
JACK: Tell me exactly what precautions you took.
WILL: I did what you told me. I didn't use my blinkers, I avoided the inner lanes, I circled the block every three miles.
JACK: What did your contact say?
WILL: He wants to meet.
JACK: Good. You'll be picked up by men in a van. They'll be armed.
(Will swallows. He looks like he's really not ready for this, and kinda like he might be sick on Jack's shoes.)
WILL: Okay.
JACK: You'll be blindfolded and taken to another location.
WILL: Okay. I know what that feels like.
JACK: But they will not hurt you. They need you.
WILL: And they're going to take me to Deep Throat.
JACK: Or someone who works for him.
(Jack reaches inside his car and gives Will a leather jacket.)
JACK: There's a miniature transmitter sewn in the lining.
WILL: What if they frisk me?
JACK: It's too small to be detected. What are the terms?
WILL: Terms?
JACK: Time, place, oral or visual tell?
WILL: There's a street corner. I'm supposed to be reading the business section of a local paper.
JACK: When?
WILL: Tomorrow. Seven o'clock.
JACK: Where?
WILL: Paris.
(Self-storage. Vaughn waits. Sydney walks in.)
SYDNEY: Please tell me that my countermission is to grab Khasinau.
VAUGHN: It's not.
SYDNEY: Well, it should be. I'm going to be this close to him and nobody wants me to take him into custody.
VAUGHN: SD-6 must not ge the Rambaldi document. Now, in transit to your extraction point, you'll replace what Dixon took from the vault with this.
SYDNEY: That's it? Just switch the pages?
VAUGHN: Yes. These are counterfeit. Do you have any questions about the mission?
(Sydney looks at him, surprised at how serious he's being.)
SYDNEY: No, I do not. Vaughn... what's going on?
VAUGHN: Nothing. Do you have any questions?
SYDNEY: Yes. I want to know what's going on with you. You're acting not like yourself.
VAUGHN: I'm fine. But I should go. Good luck.
SYDNEY: Thanks...
(He leaves.)
(In Emily's hospital room, Sloane wrings out a cloth from a basin.)
EMILY: I couldn't go through this without you...
(Sloane sits on the edge of her bed and dabs her forehead with the cloth.)
SLOANE: Dr. Levin and I discussed your pain management.
(She covers his hand with hers.)
EMILY: Arvin... I don't want to be here in the hospital when--
(Sloane tries to get up, to not talk about it, but she holds him down.)
EMILY: I want to be home. Promise me.
SLOANE: I promise.
(In Paris, at the club, Dixon and Sydney walk up to the guard. Sydney's wearing a shoulder-length red wig while Dixon's in a suit.)
DIXON: Bonsoir.
GUARD: Bonsoir.
(Dixon talks to the guard in French. He tells the guard that at eight o'clock Sydney's due to give a performance inside and that he's her manager. He raises his arms for the metal detector. It squeals. Dixon takes out a cell from his pocket.)
DIXON: C'est mon telephone.
GUARD: Tres bien. Madame?
(She raises her arms. The detector squeals. Sydney dramatically shows a ring that's on her finger.)
(Flashback to the conference room. Marshall holds up the ring.)
MARSHALL: Or you could say it's a friendship ring. Something to signify platonic intimacy between two girls, or a guy and a girl. Which a lot of people say is impossible, that a guy and a girl can--but we're friends.
(Sydney looks up.)
MARSHALL: Right? Okay, this actually is a cardiac event recorder. Now Khasinau's vault uses biometric access control. No code, no key, nothing. So this will detect heartbeat signatures. In Khasinau's case, a very unique one because this guy suffers from atrial fibrillation. Now what you want to do is kind of put this on or, you know, on top of his thorax or anywhere that you might be a pulse and then it will transfer the ECG data to Dixon's cell phone who will use that to fool the biometric sensor and uh, voila! Open sesame.
(The guard lets Sydney and Dixon through. They thank him.)
(In the club, Sark sits at a table in front of the stage and orders a bottle of wine from the waiter. My knowledge of French numbers is limited but I think it was an 1870 bottle. Or 1970. Or 1860.)
(In Jack's car in Paris, Jack gives Will a bottle of red liquid.)
JACK: Take this.
WILL: What's this?
JACK: A time-release methampethamine to counteract the effect of sodium pentothal.
WILL: Sodium pentothal. Like a truth serum. They're going to give me that?
JACK: I would.
WILL: Great.
JACK: Don't worry. I'll be monitoring you the whole time.
(Will downs the entire vial.)
JACK: You have your cover story straight?
WILL: They're going to k*ll me, aren't they?
JACK: If they wanted that, you would have been d*ad long ago. They need you because you can publish the story and because you know someone who knows about the circumference. I wouldn't let you do this if I thought the odds were in favor of your m*rder.
WILL: Great.
JACK: After tonight, I'll have a recording of your interrogator's voice. Possibly even of your contact's. If he's foolish enough to make an appearance. Either way, we have a lead to trace.
(Will gets out of the car.)
(Khasinau walks in the club with a few of his men. He goes to Sark's table.)
KHASINAU: Ah, Mr. Sark.
SARK: Mr. Khasinau.
(They hug.)
KHASINAU: Ah. I heard you have some trouble in Denpasar. It's good to have you back safe.
SARK: Thank you.
(They sit.)
KHASINAU: Can I see the ampule?
(Sark takes it out of his jacket and puts it on the table.)
KHASINAU: Shall we proceed to my office?
(Flashback to the interrogation room and the wine.)
SLOANE: Make sure you keep Khasinau at his table. And in case you have any thoughts of warning him, I would advise against it. We'll be taking precautions.
(At the table.)
SARK: I took the liberty of ordering.
(The waiter comes with the wine.)
KHASINAU: Yes. Okay, good idea. We celebrate your success first.
(They pour the wine. The piano starts playing. Sark and Khasinau clink glasses and settle in to watch the lounge singer... who is Sydney. She sits on top of the piano and sings.)
SYDNEY: You made me leave my happy home / You took my love and now you're gone /
(Khasinau, pleased with the "scenery" raises his glass to Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Since I fell for you / My life brings such misery and pain /
(She starts walking off the stage, microphone in her hand.)
SYDNEY: I know I'll never be the same / Since I fell for you /
(Sydney walks to their table and runs her hand up Sark's chest and up his neck. He looks down. She moves to Khasinau.)
SYDNEY: It's too bad and it's too sad /
(She runs her ring along his chest where Khasinau's heart is. She smiles at him.)
SYDNEY: But I'm in love with you...
(Dixon's in the club near the office. He watches his cell phone face which reads 60%.)
DIXON: Almost got it, Syd. A couple more seconds.
(On the street corner, Will reads his paper. A man comes up to him from behind with a g*n pointed at him. A van pulls up.)
MAN: Get in the van, Mr. Tippin!
(Will gets in.)
DIXON: All right, I got it. I'm heading to the vault, Syd!
(Inside the club, Sydney keeps singing.)
SYDNEY: I / Well I-I-I guess I'll never see the light /
(Khasinau smiles at Sark sheepishly as Sydney walks back to the stage. Sark smiles at him.)
SYDNEY: I get the blues almost every night / Since I fell for you.
(She sits back on the piano. Khasinau raises his glass to her again and everyone claps.)
(Dixon enters the office. The guard protests but Dixon stops him and punches and kicks him. The guard falls. He enters the office.)
(In the club, Sydney bows a little. A man comes up to Khasinau.)
GUY: We have the young man from Los Angeles.
KHASINAU: Mm-hmm. Proceed.
(In the back of the club, Sydney sees Will standing next to a guy who is holding his arm. They yank Will away. Sydney panics.)
(Dixon enters the vault.)
(Sydney talks on the microphone and apologizes, in French, to the audience. She says that there's some technical difficulties and asks for their patience and a couple of a minutes. She thanks them and leaves the stage.)
(Signature confirmed, Dixon opens the vault and switches the pages.)
DIXON: We're good, Syd. I'll meet you out back in two minutes.
(In a room in the club, Will sits in a chair looking nervous. Three men are there with him. The lead guy takes a syringe.)
LEAD: Your arm, please.
WILL: So are you the person I've been talking to?
(He rolls up his sleeve.)
LEAD: He will be along shortly. First, we have questions.
(Will watches as a needle is inserted into his arm.)
WILL: What's that, like, sodium pentothal?
LEAD: Yes. So that our conversation will go smoothly.
(Jack listens from his car.)
LEAD: Tell me, Mr. Tippin, how did you find out about the circumference?
(Will's head sort of lolls a bit. He's reacting from the drugs.)
WILL: I heard about it...
LEAD: From who?
(Jack listens.)
LEAD: A name, Mr. Tippin!
WILL: The name...? Oh-kayy...
(His big eyes rest on the g*n that one of the other guys is holding. Sydney then bursts in and takes down one guy. She runs to the other guy and kicks his hand. The g*n flies in the air. She catches it and hits him with it. She takes down the third and stops. She looks at Will. He focuses on Sydney for a second and only then does it register.)
WILL: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Oh, my God. What the hell is going on?!
(Sydney runs up to him.)
SYDNEY: How did you get here? Will! Listen to me, how did you get here?!
WILL: What the hell is happening here?
WILL: I was following a story...
(In his car, Jack rips out his earphones angrily and drives off to extract them. In the room, Sydney hears a man yelling outside. She grabs Will.)
SYDNEY: We have to go! Come on, come on!
(In the club, Sydney and Will run up the stairs together.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I can't get to you! I'll see you at the extraction point!
DIXON: Copy that. I'll meet you in thirty minutes.
(Khasinau and Sark enter his office and see the guard down.)
KHASINAU: Vitroly!
(Syd and Will walk through the club. One of Khasinau's men see Will and points his g*n at them.)
(He starts sh**ting. Will and Sydney take cover behind the bar. The glass behind them shatters. Khasinau turns. Sydney covers Will's head. She sits up and sh**t the goon with her g*n. Will's eyes become the size of saucers as he not only sees Sydney sh**t a g*n with a pink wig no less, but he's being sh*t at.)
SYDNEY: We're going out the front!
(She stands up, Will at her side. The goon comes closer. She pushes a table at him which hits his knees. She throws a chair at him and kicks him. Another goon comes from behind and points a g*n at Will's head.)
GOON2: Get down!
WILL: Okay, okay!
(Will gets down on his knees. Sydney turns and sees this. She starts running. She jumps on the chair seat, then jumps on a table top. She flies in the air, turning and does a spinning kick at the goon's neck. The goon falls. Will just watches in shock.)
SYDNEY: Come on! Let's go!
(She takes Will and runs out. They climb the stairs. Another goon comes down the stairs. Sydney kicks his arm and throws him, head-first, into the railing on the opposite side. Sydney keeps running. Will stands there, staring at the fallen goon, horrified. Sydney runs back and yanks him by the lapels on his jacket.)
(She yanks him out the club. Outside, Jack pulls up in his car.)
JACK: Get in!
WILL: Oh, Jack, thank God!
JACK: Get down!
(He sees a goon behind them. Will and Sydney get down while Jack sh**t the goon behind them. Will and Sydney climb in the car and they drive off. In the car, Will sits in the back. Jack talks on his transmitter.)
JACK: It's Bristow. I need a full identity switch and cover escort, ETA, three minutes.
SYDNEY: How could you bring him here!
JACK: For his protection, we should not discuss this.
JACK: There are superceding considerations you do not understand here!
WILL: Who the hell are you people?
(They enter the safehouse. Jack walks up to another agent there.)
JACK: This one has no field experience. He needs a makeover.
(Will looks dazed.)
SYDNEY: Go with him, it's okay!
(The French agent starts taking Will up the stairs.)
WILL: Which part of this is "okay"?
(They get to the upstairs. Sydney stands down below at the foot of the flight, watching Will.)
FRENCH AGENT: Take off your clothes!
WILL: What?
(Sydney stares. French agent closes the door.)
FRENCH AGENT: Pay attention!
(The agent turns to the other agents there and tells them, in French, that they don't have a lot of time and must hurry. Will starts stripping.)
FRENCH AGENT: Your name is Patrice Lafont. You were born in Nantes. Where you lived until you were five.
WILL: Okay.
(At the foot of the steps, Sydney and Jack.)
SYDNEY: How could you bring him into this?
JACK: I didn't. He was looking into Danny's death. Sloane found out. I had to step in to keep security section from executing him.
SYDNEY: Why didn't you tell me?
JACK: Someone, possibly in intelligence, contacted him. Very highly placed. They've been steering him toward SD-6. They told him about me. That's why we're here. Pursuing a lead to track his source.
SYDNEY: Well, no one from intelligence was in that club. The people who were interrogating Will, they work for Khasinau!
JACK: (realizing) He wants to bring down SD-6. He tried and failed with Cole... articles in the press would be less painful but equally effective...
SYDNEY: None of this changes the fact that you were using Will!
JACK: He was already being used! It's no coincidence that out of all the reporters in the world, he was chosen.
SYDNEY: What are you saying?
JACK: For some reason, Khasinau is trying to expose us.
(Will comes down the stairs in a black wig and different clothes. Sydney starts crying when seeing that her two worlds are coming together. Will looks at her for a moment. Both of them in ridiculous wigs. Sydney hugs him, crying.)
SYDNEY: You cannot tell anyone about this. Not anyone. Do you promise me?
WILL: Okay.
(The French agents pull him away.)
SYDNEY: I'll see you at home.
(Back in LA, Sloane is getting some work done in his office and talking to Emily on speaker phone from her hospital bed.)
EMILY: The Daniels are planning to fly out to visit next week.
SLOANE: I think that's a very good idea, sweetheart.
EMILY: Bold of me to make plans for next week, don't you think?
SLOANE: Come on, honey.
EMILY: Arvin, you have to keep your sense of humor.
SLOANE: I suppose I do.
(His phone beeps and shows that on the other line he has an incoming call from Alain Christophe.)
EMILY: Honey, are you there?
SLOANE: Yes, I am. Listen, darling, I need to take this phone call, all right?
EMILY: See you soon, my love.
SLOANE: Yes. Yes, I will.
(Sloane hangs up with Emily and picks up the line.)
SLOANE: Alain.
CHRISTOPHE: Nice work in Paris. You have deprived Khasinau of a very valuable prize.
SLOANE: Yes. Thank you.
CHRISTOPHE: The Alliance has decided, due to your wife's illness, her condition... your request has been approved. Your wife will be spared.
(At night, Dixon is in bed with his wife. She's sleeping, but he's wide awake. He stares at the ceiling and has a flashback to when he was sh*t in Argentina.)
SYDNEY: Base ops, this is Freelancer!
DIXON: Freelancer...? (Dixon rolls over in bed.)
(The next day in the office, Dixon turns.)
(Sydney turns.)
DIXON: I want to ask you something and I need you to give me a straight answer.
SYDNEY: Of course.
DIXON: I know your arm is hurt. How'd it happen?
SYDNEY: I was hiking in the San Jacinto mountains above Palm Springs and I lost my footing on a scree. I suddenly found myself in this rock slide. I gashed it pretty bad.
DIXON: Well, you should have told me. We're supposed to let each other know about our injuries. Full disclosure.
SYDNEY: Full disclosure.
(She smiles and turns. Sydney looks worried.)
(Sloane's office. Sydney and Dixon stand before him.)
SYDNEY: Sark must have tipped off Khasinau. It's the only way to explain why his men came after me.
SLOANE: Well, that complication notwithstanding, the mission was a success.
DIXON: But... we lost Sark.
SLOANE: When Sark arrived at the club and Khasinau's team failed to detect a tracking device, he must have thought I was bluffing. Now, the truth is that I was prepared for such a possibility.
(Flashback when Sloane gave Sark the glass of wine.)
SLOANE: (voice over) When he asked for a bottle of wine, I had security section lace it with a nonlethal dose of a radioactive isotope.
(Sark drinks up. Back in the office.)
SLOANE: We have a geosynchronous satellite in orbit designed to detect particle decay. We have been tracking Sark since he left the club.
DIXON: Where is he?
SLOANE: He's on a transatlantic flight. Hopefully with Khasinau. It's too soon to project his destination but when he lands we'll vector a team to his position. That's all. You can go. Sydney, stay for a minute, would you?
(Dixon leaves.)
SLOANE: Emily told me that you visited her at the hospital last week and that you had a nice conversation.
SYDNEY: Yes, we did.
SLOANE: I know that some of the things she said indicated her awareness of what we do here and that usually such a breach would proscribe a deliberate course of action. You know that better than anyone. Because she's not likely to last a week...
(His voice breaks. He's close to tears.)
SLOANE: I was able to sustain a reprieve.
SYDNEY: I'm glad.
SLOANE: Yes, I knew you would be, that's why I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend to Emily... and to me. It was your duty to report Emily to security section. You didn't. And that's more than I did for you.
(Self-storage. Vaughn and Sydney.)
VAUGHN: Please tell me you're not actually feeling sympathy for Arvin Sloane?
SYDNEY: No. No. It's just the first time I've seen him express regret for what he did to Danny.
VAUGHN: He wouldn't hesitate to k*ll you if he knew we were having this conversation.
SYDNEY: You're right.
VAUGHN: Anyway, I read your debrief. So did Devlin. We'll deal with the loss of the Rambaldi document later but first you should know that, uh, offices of security is drawing up a constigency plan to keep Will Tippin safe.
SYDNEY: What kind of constigencies?
VAUGHN: Witness protection. Worst-case scenario, recruitment.
SYDNEY: Absolutely not!
VAUGHN: Sydney, we have to cover everything--
SYDNEY: I can't believe I'm hearing this!
VAUGHN: Hopefully it won't come to this!
SYDNEY: You're NOT bringing him into this life!
VAUGHN: He is in this life now. Whether you like it or not.
SYDNEY: He is my friend. He is, like, one of my best friends.
VAUGHN: I understand that.
SYDNEY: No, you don't. You get to tell your friends that you work for the CIA while I go home and look desperately for a tiny moment that I can be honest with anyone about anything. Now that Will knows the truth... he's never going to trust me again. You should have seen his face in Paris. It was like he was looking at a stranger.
VAUGHN: But he wasn't. He was looking at you. Maybe for the first time. He was looking at you.
(Will walks around a room, looking bored. Sydney walks in. He looks away.)
WILL: What is this place? We're like in the middle of LA. Do you have a place like this everywhere?
SYDNEY: I told you not to pursue this story.
WILL: I know you did.
SYDNEY: Danny was k*lled because he knew. Because I told him. They were going to k*ll me, too.
WILL: (realizing) That's why you asked for my sister's passport.
SYDNEY: (sits) I know that you have questions, and... look, I would like to answer them, but I can't. I am so afraid that you know anything about me at all.
WILL: I only went after this story because of Danny. You didn't have any answers as to who k*lled the man you loved and I just couldn't stand that. It broke my heart. I wanted to help. But you gotta know this. I'm not going to ask you a thing. I am not going to ask anyone a thing. You never have to worry about that.
SYDNEY: You promise me. Because Danny just left a message on the machine, he didn't--
WILL: Syd, Syd. I promise. Never.
(He sits down next to her.)
WILL: I was thinking on the way back, what your life's like. What you have to go through. What you have to keep from your friends. How hard that must be. Syd... I don't love you because of what you do, or what you don't do. I just love you.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
WILL: Thank you. You saved my life.
(In the hall outside Emily's hospital room, Sloane talks on his phone.)
OPERATIVE: Sir, Mr. Sark has landed in Geneva.
SLOANE: How long before you can have a team in position?
OPERATIVE: One hour. Do we have authorization to apprehend Sark?
SLOANE: Yeah. You have it.
(Will walks up to a mirror and talks to it. We pull back to reveal that he's in the CIA safehouse in LA. A few CIA agents sit behind the mirror, watching Will.)
WILL: Hey, guys. Is there a food situation? Is there any chance I can get something to eat? Like a burger or something? I'm easy. (shrugs)
(Hospital room. Sloane stands by Emily's bed. Dr. Levin enters.)
LEVIN: I am sorry to keep you both waiting.
EMILY: It's okay, Dr.
LEVIN: And I apologize for being underprepared, I just got the tests back. I thought you'd want to know. Hmm. The pain we suspected that might indicate a recurrence of the lymphoma appears to be due to the rapid regrowth of your bone marrow element.
EMILY: That's wonderful... isn't it?
LEVIN: In fact, the lymphoma cells appear to be decreasing significantly. Emily, you're entering remission. Now, these are only preliminary tests. Your blood panels will tell us more, but...
EMILY: Arvin! (laughs)
(She hugs him. Sloane is stunned.)
EMILY: Oh, God! (sobs) Ohhh!
(In Geneva, an SD-6 team sh**t down a door and runs in.)
OPERATIVE: Alpha team, position!
(Will sits in the safehouse room, looking bored. The CIA agents sit behind the mirror.)
(The team's about to enter the room where Sark will be.)
OPERATIVE: Sloane wants Sark alive.
(They barrel down the door and enter. They push curtains out of the way. An empty bed sits there.)
OPERATIVE: There's nothing here but medical equipment! Blood bags, pumps... the son of a bitch had a transfusion!
(Will walks around, then sits down on the couch. The CIA agents are no longer keeping watch. They all lay on the ground and slumped over on their desks. A man walks over the bodies and exits. He knocks on Will's door. Will jumps up to answer it.)
WILL: Oh, yeah. Thirty minutes or less.
(He opens the door. Sark is standing there with a g*n pointed at him. He sh**t Will. Will falls to the ground.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x21 - Rendez-vous"} | foreverdreaming |
"Almost Thirty Years" episode #1.22
(In Taipei, Will is dragged into a room by two guards. The doors to the room are very similiar to the ones in he t*rture room in the pilot, so it could be he same room Sydney was in. They throw Will down on a chair and handcuff his ankles to the legs and handcuff his wrists. His face is swollen and bruised. His left eye is swollen shut and blue. Sark follows them in and nods to the guards. They leave Sark and Will alone.)
SARK: My employer instructed me to keep you alive... but not comfortable. So, I'll ask you once. What is the circumference? And how do you know about it?
WILL: Listen to me, man. There's been a major misunderstanding here. I don't know what the circumference is. Do you understand me? I don't know.
(Sark nods and turns. He leaves. Just like in the pilot, we get closer on those doors. They suddenly burst open and the gentleman from that episode walks in. A guard comes in with him and grabs Will by his hair. He yanks his head back.)
WILL: Aahh!
(They pry open his mouth with a clamp. The man leans in close. Will's eyes get wide.)
(Back home, Sydney is just waking up. She sits up in bed. Francie comes in with some sheets in a folder and sits down next to her bed.)
FRANCIE: I'm opening a restaurant.
FRANCIE: Screw it. I have to open a restaurant. I just decided.
SYDNEY: How--what are you talking about?
FRANCIE: I feel like I've been sitting around, waiting for my life to start. My ass is on that couch, like, twelve hours a day.
SYDNEY: Francie, you're about to graduate from business school...
FRANCIE: Yeah, but then what? I don't have a plan. Here's a plan.
SYDNEY: Where is it? Do you already have a place?
FRANCIE: Yeah. It's in Silver Lake. I'm not even sure what it's going to be yet, but--
(Syndey's cell phone rings. She gets up out of bed and answers it.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
SARK: Sydney Bristow.
SARK: I'm calling on this line because I know it's untraceable. Listen to me very carefully. We have your friend and we plan to k*ll him... unless you do the following. There's a document recently stolen from a nightclub in Paris. It belongs to my employer. Now, it appears to be a blank page and it has a great value to him. He wants it back, along with a certain container of liquid. I believe you are familiar with the items to which I am referring?
(Sydney is crying. She tries to answer firmly, as if she isn't.)
SYDNEY: Yes. I am.
WILL: SYD! Don't listen to him! Don't do anything for me!
SARK: You have forty-eight hours. There's an alleyway in Taipei at Ho Ping and Ryuian. Be there Tuesday at midnight.
(On the pier, Sydney and Jack meet. She's crying.)
SYDNEY: The CIA has the page Khasinau wants. SD-6 has the ampule. You and I could get them both and just turn them over.
JACK: We can't afford to blindly hand the enemy something he wants so desperately.
SYDNEY: I don't know much about you. Do you have any close friends? I mean, people that you love?
JACK: I don't need a lecture on friendships to understand what's at stake here. And while I might look at scenarios more strategically than emotionally, you could learn something from my experience. The Rambaldi document Khasinau wants -- he can't make the ink on that page visible without the vial of liquid, the ampule. Reading that page is so important to Khasinau that he risked sending a team into SD-6 to try and steal it.
SYDNEY: You want to get the page and the ampule and see for ourselves what that page is?
JACK: We can't strategize our next move without that information.
(A few minutes later, Jack has his laptop out and he's typing.)
JACK: Getting the ampule from he CIA storage facility should be straightforward. It's recovering the page that I'm concerned about. It was moved to the SD-6 off-site lab for analysis. The lab is on a former military site near Santa Barbara. It's surrounded by water. You'll have to get in through the drainage system and access requires Sloane's voice ID and fingerprints.
(Her pager goes off.)
SYDNEY: It's Vaughn.
JACK: Khasinau knew about the safehouse. He must have someone on the inside.
SYDNEY: I know.
JACK: As long as there's a mole at the CIA, you can't tell Vaughn a thing. Not that you've been contacted, or that you and I have spoken.
(In the self-storage, Sydney sits on a chair with her head in her hands. Vaughn paces.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, I'm so sorry about this but there's no reason to assume the worst. They used tranquilizers on the security team, which means they weren't out for blood. If this is a kidnapping, they'll contact us.
(He sits down in the chair across from her and she looks up.)
SYDNEY: I'm just so scared for him. You'll contact me if you hear anything?
(He looks in her eyes.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
VAUGHN: What's going on?
SYDNEY: What do you mean?
(At the CIA, in Weiss' office, Vaughn paces again while Weiss sits behind his desk.)
VAUGHN: I haven't known Sydney that long, but I feel like I have. Like I know her well enough to know that she doesn't just accept problems. She tries to fix them.
WEISS: So, you think she'll try and get her friend back by using back channels?
VAUGHN: Maybe.
WEISS: And why wouldn't she tell you?
VAUGHN: The safehouse was compromised. She doesn't exactly trust the CIA right now. Would you?
WEISS: Trust is a tricky thing.
VAUGHN: What does that mean?
WEISS: I think you need to fill Devlin in on what you've been thinking about Sydney.
VAUGHN: Not a chance.
WEISS: Michael--
VAUGHN: What, fill him in on conjecture?
WEISS: I know this is a difficult time for you--
VAUGHN: What are you saying?
WEISS: Do not let your concern for Sydney get ahead--
VAUGHN: Eric, that's not--
WEISS: --GET AHEAD of your responsibility to the Agency!
VAUGHN: That's not what I'm doing here!
(Haladki pops his head in.)
HALADKI: Hey, my investigation is on a schedule. You have an appointment with me. You're late.
WEISS: Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind.
HALADKI: Hey, guess what? I do!
(Weiss leaves. When he passes by Haladki, he gives him a little shoulder check.)
(At a beach house somwhere near the ocean, Sloane leads Emily outside where two chairs are placed.)
EMILY: Arvin, this is beautiful... what did you do, did you rent this place for me to recover in?
(He doesn't say anything and guides her over to the chairs.)
EMILY: Stop. You've been quiet since we left the hospital.
(They sit down across from one another.)
EMILY: Arvin, you're scaring me.
(He looks out at the water for a few moments.)
SLOANE: SD-6 is not part of the CIA.
(He leans forward and tells her everything. Her eyes tear up and she looks frightened of him. He gets closer, pleading. She begins to cry, staring at him as he talks. She doesn't say a thing but she begins shaking slightly and crying. He pleads. She shakes and yells something. Sloane gets up and moves away from her. Then he walks away and goes back inside. Emily is shaking and crying. She closes her eyes.)
(In a van, Jack and Sydney debrief.)
JACK: This shirt is made of a heat sensitive material. Get Sloane to touch it. It'll transmit a digital copy of his prints and I'll create a latex duplicate.
(He gives her a watch.)
JACK: This is a wireless relay. It'll log me into Sloane's computer once you're in range of the terminal. I'll acquire the passwords then you'll lead the conversation. He doesn't need to say the actual words. Every word in the English language is comprised of forty-four basic phonemes. He's likely to say most of them in casual conversation. I'll shape them into the words we need. Once you'll leave Sloane's office, you'll have less than an hour to get to the facility before the passwords change.
SYDNEY: Dad... thanks.
(Marshall's office. He's working on something -- not a pop-up book -- when Dixon enters.)
DIXON: Marshall, can you remember back to the Aconcagua operation? Sydney's code name?
MARSHALL: Miss Bristow? It was, uh, Bluebird.
DIXON: Bluebird. So it wasn't Freelancer?
MARSHALL: Freelancer? No, no, it was Bluebird. Definitely.
(Sloane's office. He sits behind his desk looking depressed. Sydney enters.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me. Do you have a minute?
SLOANE: Yeah. Yeah, of course.
SYDNEY: I feel so selfish coming to you like this...
(In the van, Jack sits behind a few monitors and watches Sydney's view on Sloane from the camera she's wearing. He's listening in on the conversation.)
SYDNEY: ...Especially knowing what you and Emily must be going through right now. I'm sorry.
SLOANE: Sydney...
(He gets up and leaves his computer, comes around to talk to her.)
JACK: Okay, Sydney, keep him away from his computer.
(Sydney clicks the watch and pretends to look upset.)
SLOANE: What is it, Sydney? You can tell me.
(He touches her shoulder.)
SLOANE: Come on. You can tell me.
(The transmit from Sloane's touch comes up on Jack's monitor. He tears out the latex duplicate.
JACK: Got his prints. Still accessing central security.
SYDNEY: I don't remember much about my mother. When I think of the things that I miss, the experiences I wish I had with someone... sitting in a garden, talking... look, I think I had those things with Emily and the thought of losing that connection...
(His phone rings on his desk, right by his computer.)
SLOANE: Excuse me.
(It still shows on his computer monitor that Jack is accessing the security. Jack types quickly. He's in. He puts the screen back up. Sloane answers the phone.)
SLOANE: Yeah? I'll be right there.
(He hangs up and comes closer to Sydney.)
SLOANE: When Emily was diagnosed with cancer, the doctors predicted she had six months. That was three years ago.
(Jack, in the van, starts configuring the sounds and manipulating them for the passwords.)
SLOANE: And you know, in a way, we're lucky. Thinking every day may be her last has reminded us how priveleged we are to have her in our lives.
JACK: We still need the consonant "ch," Sydney. As in "choose."
SLOANE: I have to get ready for this meeting--
SYDNEY: Did you and Emily ever think of having children?
SLOANE: What we do here Sydney, is more than just a career. I didn't think it would be fair to bring someone into the world who couldn't really know their father. Seeing the kind of woman you've become, knowing that I had something to do with it... that's as rewarding as if I had a child of my own.
JACK: Bastard.
(He configures the last sound for "choose." Sydney walks out of the office and sees Dixon sitting at his desk.)
JACK: You have exactly fifty-seven minutes before the passwords change.
(She smiles. Dixon smiles back and watches her walk out.)
(In the t*rture room, a drill whirs in Will's mouth. He gasps and screams. Suit and Glasses takes the drill away and wipes it off.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: You had a cavity. Talk to me about the circumference.
WILL: I don't know anything about the circumference... I swear to God... I swear to God... Please...
(He gets out the pliers.)
WILL: No, no... no, no, no, no...
(He comes closer.)
WILL: NOO! Arghhhhhhhhhhh! AHHHHHH!
(Suit and Glasses yanks out a tooth. Will squirms and screams.)
(Sloane's office. The Alliance leader Ramond sits across from Sloane at his desk.)
RAMOND: As you know, the Alliance granted your request to spare your wife. Your argument at the time was that she was suffering from a terminal illness. But that is no longer the case.
SLOANE: Well... I propose we bring Emily in. Emily spent eight years in the state department, she was a senior partner at--
RAMOND: Arvin.
SLOANE: Emily will be an asset here.
RAMOND: If I were in your position, I might try to do the ame but it won't work. I am truly sorry but these are the prescripts of the Alliance.
SLOANE: You don't know the kind of mistake that you are making here.
RAMOND: As I said before, thr*at will do no good.
SLOANE: This thr*at might. It's not what I'll do if you have Emily k*lled, it's what I won't do. The Alliance is falling apart, Ramond. This organization is crumbling under the weight of corruption, bureaucracy, infighting, fear. With enemies like Khasinau, we live in a new world. Do you tell me that you think the Alliance is going to survive under its current state? We need new leadership. With Briault and Poole gone, there are two empty chairs around the partners' table.
RAMOND: And you want one of them.
SLOANE: I demand one of them.
RAMOND: Arvin, I came here today not only to hear your appeal for your wife but because the Alliance has already voted and they agreement was unanimous. We agree that you should be admitted to full partner.
RAMOND: However... this offer is contingent on your fulfilling the other matter.
(Sydney drives up, alone, to the water's edge and gets out. She zips up her scuba outfit and puts her mask on. Looks at her watch. Gets her pack on. And dives in. Dixon sits in his car nearby and watches her. Sydney swims, flashlight in hand. She gets to the drainage cover and takes out a torch, removing the grid. She enters.)
(The CIA conference room with Vaughn, Weiss, Haladki and Devlin.)
VAUGHN: So, I'm confused. Why was I called in here?
DEVLIN: Mr. Weiss mentioned that you were suspicious of Sydney Bristow.
(Vaughn looks at Weiss, who is sitting next to him..)
(Sydney enters the building and takes off her mask.)
(At the CIA storage building, Jack drives up and shows his badge to the security officer. She nods and clears him in.)
(Conference room.)
VAUGHN: When I mentioned I was suspicious, I simply meant that Sydney seemed troubled.
HALADKI: But that isn't the word you used, is it?
(Sydney runs in her scuba gear to the security panel. She checks her watch. She has eight seconds left before the passwords change. She takes out the latex duplicate and covers her finger. She takes out a tape recorder and plays the manipulated passwords.)
SLOANE'S VOICE: Rule. Dear. Choose.
(She presses her finger with his fingerprint up to the panel and enters. She runs in the lab and sees the page. She rolls it up and puts it in a can. She runs out.)
(Jack walks in the storage room. He punches in a code and opens the doors.)
(Conference room.)
VAUGHN: What I said was I feel I have an understanding of Sydney Bristow and that she doesn't just accept problems, she tries to fix them.
HALADKI: And that perhaps Ms. Bristow and her father are trying to secure release of Mr. Tippin on their own?
VAUGHN: It was just a conversation. I have--
DEVLIN: Is it your opinion, Mr. Vaughn, that Ms. Bristow is hiding something from you? Hiding something from the Central Intelligence Agency?
(Vaughn looks at Weiss all, "How could you?")
VAUGHN: Yes, sir.
(Jack takes out the ampule and closes the box up.)
(Devlin's office. He's alone and speaking on the phone to the female guard who let Jack through.)
DEVLIN: Yeah, it's Devlin. Records say Jack Bristow checked into your location.
GUARD: Yeah, like, twenty minutes ago.
DEVLIN: Keep him there!
GUARD: Sir... he already left.
(On the shore, Sydney takes off the headgear and shakes out her wet hair. Dixon walks up.)
DIXON: In Aconcagua, when I was sh*t, you radioed for help. You used the call sign Freelancer. Sydney, your SD-6 call sign was Bluebird. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I even made excuses for you in my head. Trouble is, I don't believe any of those excuses. Who are you working for? And do not play games with me!
SYDNEY: Dixon, you know that I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that I would never do anything to betray what we believe in!
DIXON: How am I supposed to know what you believe when you've been lying to me? I'm your partner!
SYDNEY: Just think about this for a minute. Just think about everything we've been through. Just think about who I am. Now, what I am going to ask you to do is just accept the fact that I cannot tell you what this is about. What I am doing is classified but Dixon... I swear to you that I am not betraying this country. I could never do that. You know that!
DIXON: I don't need rhetoric, Sydney. Right now, I need a reason not to report you to security section.
(Devlin's office. His telephone rings.)
(Jack's driving in his car, talking on his cell.)
JACK: It's me.
DEVLIN: Jack? What the hell are you doing?
JACK: I'm saving someone's life.
DEVLIN: Really? Well, you may be destroying another one! You just stole classified property of the United States government!
JACK: You'll get the solution back plus a copy of the Rambaldi page.
DEVLIN: Jack, I have accepted your methodds for a lot of years now but there's a mole hunt going on here.
JACK: Any leads on the mole?
DEVLIN: Well, so far... I'm talking to the guy. I gave Haladki authority to start an inquiry. He's got some good questions. Why you were willing to risk Tippin's life, in the first place, how come you came to know about the circumference? Jack, this doesn't look good. Come back to the office.
JACK: We're friends, you and I.
JACK: You'd consider us friends?
DEVLIN: Well, I used to. What the hell are you talking about?
JACK: I'll see you when the job's done.
(He hangs up. Devlin covers his mouth with his hand.)
(In the Taipei t*rture room, Suit and Glasses picks up a jar of yellow liquid and a very large syringe.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: A gentleman I know makes this... truth serum. I would have used it earlier except that one in five men who receive it has an unfortunate reaction.
(He injects the syringe with the serum. Will's head is hanging low and blood drips down from his mouth onto his sweatshirt.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Results in... paralysis, among other things.
(He finishes loading up the syringe and grabs Will by the neck.)
WILL: Aahh...
(Suit and Glasses injects the serum into Will's neck.)
WILL: Owww... oohhhh...
(Will breaks down. He starts shaking a little. Suit leans in close. Will starts sobbing.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Tell me about the circumference.
WILL: (sobbing) I don't know... I don't know...
(Litvack's office at Will's newspaper. Abby stands before her desk while Litvack reads the article.)
ABBY: It's been six days. Will warned me something might happen. He didn't even turn up to his own awards dinner. Called his friends, they haven't heard from him either. Are you going to publish his story?
LITVACK: Yeah. In the "A" section. I have to tell Deitrick that this is coming in. Call Orsay in graphics, get a photo of Will!
(In a garage, Sydney wipes the solution on the page and the ink slowly appears.)
SYDNEY: Then Dixon just turned and walked away. I think he's going to report me.
JACK: If we have to dela with that crisis, we'll deal with that crisis.
(All of the ink appears and it shows the designs and instructions for the Mueller device from the pilot. The U-shaped base with a red floating ball. Sydney gets a flashback.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God...
(She remembers how when she unlatched the sides, the ball exploded and liquid came out.)
SYDNEY: This device... I took it from Taipei last year.
JACK: Two weeks ago an unsubstantiated report came in through CIA claiming Khasinau's been looking for something called the circumference. Instructions describing a method of applying technology Khasinau had acquired. This must be the circumference.
SYDNEY: So if Khasinau built one of these devices this page would tell him how to use it.
JACK: (nods slowly) Keep this safe...
SYDNEY: Wait, Dad, what are you doing? We have to be in Taipei in sixteen hours.
JACK: Keep your phone with you. I'll call you when the plane's ready. Don't go home.
(That night Haladki walks to his car. His car alarm chirps. He climbs in and is about to start the engine when he's grabbed from behind. His attacker drags him to the back seat. Haladki kicks and tries to scream. Jack presses a g*n to his throat.)
JACK: How the hell did you know about the circumference?
HALADKI: You are out of your mind, you know that?
(Jack calmly slams his g*n into Haladki, knocking him out.)
(Garage. Jack walks and picks up a spray bottle filled with a liquid. He calmly walks over to Haladki who is spread out on a table on his back. His hands are in two wood vices. Jack sprays it on his face to make him wake up.)
HALADKI: Aughhh... dammit, my eyes! Ahhh! Oh, God!
(He sees that his hands are in the vice.)
JACK: How long have you worked for Khasinau?
JACK: Devlin said you mentioned the circumference.
HALADKI: I want to see you BURN IN HELL, you HEAR me?
JACK: You don't have the clearance to know what that is.
JACK: You must have learned about it from the outside.
(Jack twirls the vice and tightens it. Haladki's fingers crack and break.)
JACK: Do you work for Khasinau?
(He tightens it some more. Crunch.)
HALADKI: Ahhhhhhh!
JACK: Do you work for Khasinau?
HALADKI: You son of a bitch!
(Jack tightens it even more. Haladki's hand crunches under the pressure, breaking.)
HALADKI: YES! I work for Khasinau, yes!
(Jack presses his g*n to Haladki's throat.)
JACK: How long?
HALADKI: Two years!
JACK: Why does Khasinau want the circumference?
HALADKI: It's the key to something he's had built!
JACK: Something he's built. Tell me about it.
HALADKI: It's a battery! All I know is it's just a battery!
JACK: For what?
HALADKI: I swear I don't know! Jack, Khasinau's the future!
JACK: Where is this thing? This battery?
HALADKI: It's in Taipei! The Fu Sing district, at a warehouse! Pang Pharmaceuticals! In an underground lab, in room forty-seven!
JACK: You gave Khasinau the information about the safehouse.
HALADKI: Jack, this is a gift I'm giving you! Khasinau can save you! You should be with him!
JACK: You told him that my daughter is a double agent with SD-6.
HALADKI: Jack, look at yourself--
JACK: You exposed Sydney!
HALADKI: Come with me! I can save you! I can save you!
(Jack looks in Haladki's pleading eyes. Jack stares. sh**t him.)
(Train station. Sydney sits curled up in a chair.)
ANNOUNCER: Attention, passengers. "Pacific Surfliner" to San Diego departing from platform five in fifteen minutes...
(Vaughn sits down on the other side of the seats. Their backs are to each other.)
(She looks and then looks away.)
SYDNEY: Hi. How did you find me?
VAUGHN: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
SYDNEY: You didn't really go to all those places.
VAUGHN: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
SYDNEY: I can't believe you remember that.
VAUGHN: He's contacted you, hasn't he? Khasinau? And he wants the page. You're going to give it to him.
SYDNEY: (crying) You came here to stop me.
VAUGHN: My father used to keep a diary and when I was a kid I used to say, "Hey, Dad, only girls keep diaries," and he'd just laugh. He was a really good guy, my dad. Yeah. But he was too hard on himself. I mean, he was such a company guy that whenever he slipped up even in the slightest way he took it so personally. There were a few operations -- his last one among them -- that he questioned. Operations he refused to participate in. But only in his diary. He'd write out what he wanted to say to the CIA director. I mean, things he could never say in real life. He was a company man, and I loved him very much. But it k*lled him, never questioning orders. His blind devotion to the job. If you're doing what I think you're doing, I'm in if you need me.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(On the plane, Jack, Sydney and Vaughn sit together and go over the mission. Jack has several surveillance photos of Taipei in front of him.)
SYDNEY: Who told you about this?
JACK: I found a source. Khasina's already built one of these devices and it's in this warehouse. In an underground lab, room forty-seven. The meeting with Sark is scheduled to take place in two hours from now. That means by the time I hand over the page in exchange for Tippin, you must have destroyed not ony the device they've built but the lab itself.
SYDNEY: Destroying the device should be easy. It's the size of a shoe. What about the lab?
(Jack gives her a bag.)
JACK: Here. It's a red mercury charge with a mechanical fuse.
(A red light flashes over their head and a buzzer goes off.)
SYDNEY: I'll see what they need.
(She leaves them alone.)
JACK: I understand the risks you've taken here and you have my respect for that.
(Vaughn nods.)
(t*rture room. Suit and Glasses talks to Sark.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: If he knew anything about the circumference, we would have heard it.
SARK: I suspected as much. Prepare Mr. Tippin for the exchange.
(Will watches, looking completely dazed from the serum. His shoulders are hunched over and he stares at the ground, twitching slightly. The two guards and Suit and Glasses walk in. S&G snaps his fingers. The guards take off the handcuffs. As soon as they're off, Will leaps to his feet and knocks down the guards. He takes the needle from the tray beside him and lunges at Suit and Glasses. He s*ab him in the neck with the needle.)
WILL: One in five, you little bitch! ONE IN FIVE!
(The guards scramble and get up. They come after him but Will elbows them in the face.)
WILL: One in FIVE!
(Will crazy laughs as the guards get up again and drag him out of the room. As Will passes Suit and Glasses, he kicks him hard, still laughing. Suit and Glasses gasps for air.)
WILL: (high pitched laughter) ONE IN FIVE!
(Sloane's mansion. In the dining room, an operatic aria plays. Dinner is on the table. Emily sits in front of her plate. Sloane puts his back to her and opens a small package of powder. He sprinkles the substance in her wine glass and puts it in front of her. He takes his seat across from her.)
EMILY: Arvin... I can't judge you for what you do. I was never there, I was never faced with the choices you had to make and I have never... What I'm trying to say is... I forgive you.
(He tries not to break down. He looks at her wine for a second. She picks it up and he tries to smile, but can't. He picks up his own glass. She takes a big drink. With tears in his eyes, he takes a drink from his own glass. He looks at her and smiles weakly.)
(Taipei club. Sydney is wearing a blue chin-length wig and a black bra with black netting over it. Dog collar. Vaughn's in a long leather jacket with his hair spikey. They walk in the club together and weave through the dancing people. A guy comes up and leers at Sydney. Vaughn stares for a second and shoves the guy away. She smiles. They take hands and walk off together. They walk through the club and go to the back. She breaks open the lock and they go inside. They drill out a panel and climb through to the underground level.)
(In an alley, Jack drives up and gets out of his car. A limo drives up. Jack stands by his vehicle, waiting. Sark gets out of his white limo.)
SARK: Jack Bristow doing his daughter's work. There was speculation that you might make an appearance tonight.
JACK: If you're not comfortable with me, we can waive our business for the night and say good-bye.
SARK: Are you comfortable? Do you feel comfortable trading priceless documents for a low-grade reporter?
JACK: You should read Tippin's stuff. It's not so bad.
SARK: Let's see the artifact.
JACK: Let's see Tippin.
(Sark turns and nods. The door opens and Will is being held up by another goon. He's covered in blood and his head wobbles a bit. Jack blinks at how bloody Will looks. Then he focuses again.)
SARK: Shall we?
(Jack opens the suitcase on the hood.)
SARK: You've exposed the page.
JACK: You would have done the same thing.
(In the underground level of the club.)
VAUGHN: When I activate the surge inducer, you'll have ten seconds to cross the hall before the system resets.
SYDNEY: I'll go radio silent until I'm in the lab!
VAUGHN: Good luck!
SYDNEY: You, too.
(They run off.)
(In the alley, Sark examins the page closely.)
SARK: The parchment fibers are consistent with the other Rambaldi documents. Yes. We have a deal.
(He nods again. The goon brings Will forward. Sark closes up the suitcase.)
SARK: Please pass along to your daughter how much I enjoyed her stage show in Paris. She has a marvelous singing voice.
(He walks away, smirking. The goon pushes Will forward. They get in their limo and drive away. Jack looks at Will. For a moment it looks like Will might fall to the ground like a sack of exhausted flour. Will stumbles closer to Jack... and hugs him.)
WILL: Thank you.
(Jack looks uncomfortable, not used to this.)
WILL: (sobbing) Thank you...
(Jack puts a hand on Will's back and pats him gently.)
(Vaughn makes the cameras in the control room go down. Sydney runs down the hallway and opens the door. She runs down another hallway. Two guards come her way. She kicks one in the stomach and he bangs in to the one behind him. She elbows the first one. He bends over in pain. Sydney rolls over on his back and kicks the other guard in the face. She kicks the one behind and roundhouse kicks the other one. The guards go down. Sydney grabs her bag and runs down the hallway to room forty-seven. She hits the red button and the door slides open. She walks inside and turns a corner, looking around. Then she looks up, up, up, up. She gets closer. The red ball is definitely not the size of a shoe. It looks ten stories high.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn... it's bigger than I thought.
VAUGHN: Syd, I can't hear you!
(The feed on Vaughn's end is crackling.)
SYDNEY: If I turn this thing off, I'm going to have to swim out of here.
VAUGHN: You're breaking up! Syd? Syd, I'm coming down!
(Vaughn starts running. In room forty-seven, Sydney looks at the prongs that she unlatched in the first episode. They're the size of large pillars now. Two guards run up to her and yell, their g*n pointed. She runs from them and ducks behind some boxes. She runs around and finally attaches the expl*sive to the Mueller device and runs out. One of the guards run up, sees the expl*sive beeping and he yells. The expl*sive goes off and the guards fly in the air. Sydney runs from it all. The f*re gets closer to the red ball and it bursts. The liquid starts rushing out. Sydney runs. Vaughn is also running, but towards the water and Sydney. They meet at the end of a hall. He watches as the liquid starts rushing toward them. Sydney is running fast and motions for him to go. She runs up to him and grabs him by the chest, getting him out of there. They turn another corner and run down the hallway to get out of there. Sydney's ahead of him. She scrambles for the door where she punched the red button to get inside. The door's sliding closed. She runs in, tries to hold on to the door to keep it open for Vaughn to escape, but the door closes. Vaughn looks at her through the window in the door. The water's creeping up behind him. The force of it all slams Vaughn against the door. Sydney grabs the f*re extinguisher and starts banging it against the window to get him out but it doesn't work. She hits it again. And again. And again. Vaughn stares at her, engulfed in the liquid. He motions behind her and to get out of there, but she won't stop. She bangs the f*re extinguisher against the window again. His eyes close. She keeps on, frantic now. Vaughn disappears. A guard from behind takes Sydney down. She elbows him in the face and gets up. Vaughn's gone. Someone hits Sydney across the face.)
(In another t*rture room, Sydney is handcuffed to the chair. Just like in the pilot, she has blood dripping down from the corner of her mouth. She wakes up and sees Khasinau standing before her with a tray of food. He sits down.)
SYDNEY: You're Alexander Khasinau.
KHASINAU: You should eat something.
(He takes a spoonful of food and offers it to her.)
SYDNEY: I'm not hungry.
(He nods and puts it back down. He gets up to walk out.)
SYDNEY: Wait. I have questions for you.
KHASINAU: You can ask my boss.
SYDNEY: Your boss? I thought The Man was the boss.
KHASINAU: Yes. Yes, but I am not The Man.
(Sydney watches as a woman walks in. Sydney's eyes get big as the woman stands in front of Sydney.)
THE MAN: I have waited almost thirty years for this.
SYDNEY: Mom? | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "01x22 - Almost Thirty Years"} | foreverdreaming |
"Enemy Walks In" episode #2.01
(To avoid confusion and many messages that will no doubt be sent to me, Sydney's mother will be known as IRINA in the transcripts. Not Laura, The Man, Mrs. Bristow, Derevko. Irina Derevko is her real Russian name anyway and Sloane refers to her as that later in the episode.)
(The last part of the finale. Sydney wakes up in her blue wig, handcuffed to a chair. Khasinau stands in front of her with a tray of food. He sits down.)
SYDNEY: You're Alexander Khasinau.
KHASINAU: You should eat something.
SYDNEY: I'm not hungry.
(He nods and puts it down. He gets up.)
SYDNEY: Wait. I have questions for you.
KHASINAU: You can ask my boss.
SYDNEY: Your boss? I thought "The Man" was the boss.
KHASINAU: Yes. Yes, but I am not "The Man."
(He leaves and a woman enters. Sydney's eyes get wide.)
THE MAN: I've waited almost thirty years for this.
(She steps into the light.)
IRINA: You must have known this day would come. I could have prevented all this, of course. You were so small when you were born. It would have been so easy.
(Sydney sees that her mother is holding a g*n against her thigh.)
IRINA: Tell me... Sydney... who sent you here? You must tell me.
SYDNEY: What? I'm grounded?
(Irina raises her g*n and sh**t Sydney in the left shoulder.)
(She falls, still handcuffed to the chair, down to the ground. Gasping, she looks up at her mom.)
IRINA: Tell you what -- think about it. I'll come back and ask you again.
(Sydney cries and gasps.)
DR. BARNETT: (vo) You were sh*t by your mother?
(Therapy session in Barrett's office at the CIA. Sydney's arm is in a sling.)
DR. BARNETT: And you don't have a problem?
SYDNEY: No, what I meant by that -- yes, of course I have problems. The problems I have, I can handle.
DR. BARNETT: How did you escape?
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, but Agent Vaughn is missing and my sitting here telling Houdini stories to a CIA shrink -- no offence -- is pointless. No one should be worrying about me. It's him. We should all be looking for him.
DR. BARNETT: You're frustrated because you're not part of the search team but Sydney, they're looking and you've been ordered to come and talk to me.
SYDNEY: I knew I couldn't get out of the room until I got out of the chair.
(Back in the room. Sydney is still on the ground with the chair.)
SYDNEY: (vo) It was an unreinforced aluminum chair.
(Panting, grunting, she tries to get up on her knees without using her hands since they're behind her back. With much grunting, she stands up and looks around for something.)
SYDNEY: (vo) I wedged it against a water valve to put stress on the weld points.
(She cries out, grunting and pushing the chair against the valve. She breaks it, the legs of the chair still dangling from her handcuffs. She runs against the door.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Getting past the door was a little more complicated.
(She takes out various things -- a wrench, the cover off of a valve on a compressed air t*nk, a cement block -- and uses the wrench to bang at the valve. She hits it a few times and the valve itself falls off. The t*nk flies across the room and smashes through the door. Sydney runs out and up the stairs. A guard comes out of a room and sees her. She uses the legs of the chair on her handcuffs as numchucks and kicks the guard. He tries to fight back but she smashes the leg of chair into his face. He falls down the stairs.)
DR. BARNETT: And you did all this with a b*llet in your shoulder?
SYDNEY: Do you not believe me?
DR. BARNETT: It's impressive.
SYDNEY: Not really. One thing I have learned doing this -- there's no drug like adrenaline.
(She runs through the building. Two guards come out of a room. She takes out her g*n and fires. Sydney rolls across a large crate and another guard comes out. She kicks him and runs out of the building and uses her dog collar, which is apparently a transmitter, to call her dad who's on a plane sitting in the airport. Will's in the background.)
JACK: Where the hell are you?
SYDNEY: I'm in the middle of Taipei. I just got free. Is Vaughn with you?
JACK: No, we haven't heard from him. Sydney, you have to get to the plane now.
SYDNEY: Dad, I have to go back for him.
JACK: No, there's no time! The Taiwanese authorities will check this airstrip.
SYDNEY: I can't leave him behind. Hold the plane, I have to back to the lab.
JACK: Sydney, wait!
(She's gone.)
WILL: Who's Vaughn?
DR. BARNETT: Tell me about Vaughn.
SYDNEY: He's my CIA handler. For a long time, he was the only person I could trust. I think that still might be the case. Anyway, a good friend of mine -- a civilian, Will Tippin -- was kidnapped. Vaughn came to me, he offered to help. So the two of us and my father went to Taipei to get my friend back.
DR. BARNETT: How did Vaughn go missing?
SYDNEY: The last time I saw Vaughn was the night before my mother sh*t me.
(From the finale, the club. Sydney and Vaughn walk together.)
SYDNEY: (vo) When my father was paying a ransom in exchange for my friend, Vaughn and I went in to destroy one of the kidnapper's research facilities.
(Sydney breaks in.)
SYDNEY: (vo) We broke in through a club in the building next door. Along the way, we split up.
(From the finale, Vaughn and Sydney split up.)
VAUGHN: Good luck.
SYDNEY: You, too.
SYDNEY: (vo) When I got to the lab I was supposed to destory, I found something... unusual.
(The big red floating ball from the finale.)
DR. BARNETT: What was it?
SYDNEY: The short answer is, I have no idea. But there was no time and I did my job.
(Finale. expl*si*n. Guards fall.)
SYDNEY: (vo) By destroying the lab, I flooded the building.
(Finale. Vaughn runs. Sees Sydney running towards him, yelling "Go! Go!" and watching the water come but not running like hell. He stares. She motions for him to run. He stares. She grabs his chest to make him run. He's finally running behind her, the door's closing, we've all seen this. Sydney makes it, tries to hold the door open. Vaughn stares. She stares. We all stare. Water slams him up against the door. Sydney hits it with the f*re extinguisher over and over.)
DR. BARNETT: Mmm. And when you woke up, you were handcuffed to an aluminum chair.
SYDNEY: After I escaped, I went back to the last place I had seen him.
(The soaked lab that held the big floating red ball. There are several men in biohazard suits walking around.)
SYDNEY: (vo) There was a hazmat team cleaning up the mess, testing the water. I stole a suit and went in.
(Sydney in her blue wig -- not suspicious at all -- walks around in one of the suits. She sees a man whom I'll refer to as THE TESTER take a sample. Water damage everywhere. The base of the floating red ball is in the background, the U-shaped object.)
SYDNEY: I found Vaughn's coat. When I finally made it back to the plane, Vaughn still hadn't shown up.
(Plane is in the air. Jack takes a syringe and taps it.)
JACK: Okay, easy.
(He inserts it into Sydney.)
JACK: What happened to the guy who sh*t you?
SYDNEY: There was no guy. It was Mom. And it didn't seem like she worked for Khasinau. It seems that Khasinau works for her.
(Jack looks down.)
WILL: Um, excuse me, did you say you were sh*t by your mother?
JACK: Sit down!
(Sydney's cell rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
(Francie is at home, watching the news. A newscaster is talking, to his left is a small picture of Will with "SD-6?" written under his picture and "MISSING REPORTER" on the bottom of the screen.)
FRANCIE: Hey, where are you?
SYDNEY: Just coming home from San Francisco. What's up?
FRANCIE: Have you heard from Will?
SYDNEY: Have I heard from Will? No.
(Sydney gives Will a look.)
FRANCIE: Well, me neither and there's this story on the news right now. Will wrote a story in today's paper that wasn't supposed to get printed unless he went missing.
SYDNEY: What was Will's story about?
FRANCIE: It's about... the m*rder of your fiance, and some conspiracy, and some group called SD-6.
(Time lapse.)
JACK: What did you write about SD-6?!
WILL: Nothing! Just the name! I don't even know what it is! I just heard the name! Why?! Do you know what it is? Is it a group? Are they good? Are they bad? I mean, do you work with them?
SYDNEY: Will was asking all the questions I would have asked.
DR. BARNETT: What did you say to him?
SYDNEY: Without going into details we told him the truth: that my father and I work for the CIA, that we're working undercover at SD-6, one of a number of private agencies based in various countries that trade in w*apon, drugs, intelligence that use covert means to undermine governments and industries in their attempt to take over the world.
DR. BARNETT: So what was his reaction?
(On the plane. Will looks back and forth. b*at.)
WILL: Seriously?
SYDNEY: He thought it sounded preposterous. Which is appropriate.
DR. BARNETT: Did Will's article put you in danger at SD-6?
SYDNEY: My problem at SD-6 came from a different source.
(Dixon sits in Sloane's office.)
DIXON: As you're aware, I was sh*t last year while on a mission with Agent Bristow. I was left with few memories of that day. The doctor said that type of memory loss was typical. But then last week I remembered something. I remembered Agent Bristow trying to save my life using a satcomm radio. What was unusual was that she ID'd herself with a call sign not issued by SD-6. Call sign Freelancer. Last Thursday night I followed Agent Bristow. I watched as she illegally gained access to an SD-6 facility in Santa Barbara. I prayed, sir, that there was an explanation but when I confonted Sydney she had none. As a servant of this country, despite the fact it breaks my heart to do so, I must report that I believe Sydney Bristow to be a double agent.
SYDNEY: (vo) My father, of course, anticipated this.
(On the plane.)
JACK: You and I need to assume Dixon's reported you. The best move for us is for me to take full responsibility.
SYDNEY: What about Will?
JACK: (to Will) You're... going to have a hard time.
SYDNEY: Then we landed and went back to SD-6. As my father predicted, they took me into custody. That's when he went to Sloane.
(Sloane's office.)
SLOANE: You gave Sydney the call sign Freelancer?
JACK: Yes, that's right.
JACK: Because I didn't trust you. Consider it a paternal instinct. I'm only telling you because of Tippin's article.
SLOANE: I should have had Tippin k*lled months ago.
JACK: Tippin's kidnapping led us directly to Khasinau. Sydney destroyed their facility, now Khasinau's organization is fractured. Those who didn't lose their lives are on the run. This is an opportunity. I broke protocol, the Alliance would have me k*lled for what I've done but if I weren't loyal to you, Arvin, to SD-6, I would not have returned.
SLOANE: What about Tippin?
JACK: He's insignificant. He doesn't know anything. And you can't k*ll him now, it'll only call attention. I will see to it that he never writes another article again.
(Sydney is in custody, chained up and sitting on a cot. Dixon enters. He walks to her and unbuckles the chain, setting her free.)
DIXON: Sloane just talked to him. There are times in life when we don't listen to our heart, to what we know to be true. In those moments, we've lost who we are. We've betrayed ourselves. Questioning your loyalty, your virtue, was one of those lost times for me.
(She puts her head on his shoulder.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Dixon is a good man.
SYDNEY: He still believes, as I once did, that SD-6 is a classified division of the CIA. That's the hardest part about working undercover.
DR. BARNETT: Having to lie to the people that you care about?
(Sydney walks determinedly into the self-storage building, but this time she's meeting with Weiss.)
SYDNEY: Anything from Vaughn?
WEISS: Nothing.
SYDNEY: What the hell's being done?
WEISS: We've got a team in Taipei.
SYDNEY: I was in Taipei! Where's this team going?
WEISS: They searched the warehouse--
SYDNEY: I searched the damn warehouse!
WEISS: We're tracking every lead possible.
SYDNEY: Don't do that! Don't give me the company line!
WEISS: Sydney, this is the best that we can do!
SYDNEY: Vaughn might not be in Taipei!
WEISS: I UNDERSTAND THAT! He's my friend, too! Sydney, I promise you, we're looking as hard as we can. I know this is tough for you but you have to focus. We have a job to do.
SYDNEY: I know. SD-6 wants to send me on a mission to Cap Ferrat, France.
WEISS: Why? What's there?
(SD-6 conference room with Sloane, Marshall, Sydney, and Dixon.)
SLOANE: La Petite Rose -- the estate of Jean Marc Ravais, a member of the French National Assembly. Since the destruction of Khasinau and Derevko's headquarters in Taipei -- thank you, Sydney -- some members of their organization have been exposed. Ravais is one of those men. We believe he helped finance their operation and is the key to finding Khasinau, your mother, others who have worked with them and bringing them to justice.
WEISS: "Bringing them to justice." I love that -- Arvin Sloane talking about justice. So what does Sloane want you to do?
(Conference room.)
SLOANE: Your mission is to gain entrance into Ravais' house and plant a bug in his office. Assuming that you're feeling up to it.
SYDNEY: I'll be fine.
SLOANE: Marshall.
MARSHALL: (stands) Thank you. Ahem. Anyway, okay. What we have here is a phone you might find, you know, it's--talking to (picks it up) "Hello, Mom. Yeah, Mom. No, I will be there. Listen is Aunt Ruthie going to be there?" Ubiquitous object with infinite designs: color, wiring, components. A guy like me, you know, designing a bug for a phone like this, first I have to, you know, find out what type of model the phone is that I'm bugging and then I have to design it so it's invisible. No more bugging the phone. All right? Welcome to the new age in wiretapping. This bug... (whispers) it's in the wire. All right? This universal design works on any phone. Adjust frequency, all you got to know is what country the phone is in. In this case, la France. How you doin'?
WEISS: Bug's in the wire. That's good. Great. We'll get a CIA tech to make you a delay transmitter. That way we can control what SD-6 gets to hear, meanwhile CIA hears it all.
(Sydney nods.)
WEISS: Listen, about Vaughn... I'm praying too.
(He leaves.)
SYDNEY: (vo) So now instead of going back to Taipei, instead of helping in the search for Vaughn...
SYDNEY: ...I'm leaving for France in half an hour.
DR. BARNETT: One more thing. You haven't said anything about your mother.
SYDNEY: What, am I supposed to say something insightful? The first time I see my mother in twenty years, and she almost kills me. Which would have made me the thirteenth CIA officer she's k*lled. She's former KGB. She's betrayed my father. She's betrayed me. She's betrayed this country. All anyone needs to know about that woman is that she's a bad guy.
DR. BARNETT: I think this was a good beginning.
SYDNEY: Like I said, I can handle the problems I've got.
(In a lab somewhere, Khasinau makes an incision across a man's forehead. The victim's eyes flicker open and closed. Khasinau is in scrubs. The Tester comes up to him.)
THE TESTER: Dr. Khasinau, Mr. Ravais is calling.
(Khasinau walks to the nearby phone and picks it up. He speaks French. Two men dressed in scrubs wheel in a gurney and put the patient next to the other bodies on gurneys. It's Vaughn.)
(Cap Ferrat, France. Dixon's van is parked.)
DIXON: Bluebird, you close?
SYDNEY: Almost there!
(She parachutes onto the yard and lands with a grunt.)
SYDNEY: Damn it!
DIXON: You all right?
SYDNEY: Just my shoulder. I'm good.
(She strips off to show her dress. She walks in.)
(Inside the party, people are dancing.)
SYDNEY: Okay. We go to stage one. Hors d'oeuvres are tasty.
DIXON: Don't forget now, you can always bring me back a few. Can you get upstairs?
SYDNEY: I think so.
(She runs upstairs. Up there she walks down the hall.)
SYDNEY: Second door on the right?
DIXON: Yes. Second door on the right.
(Sydney enters the Ravais office and takes out the wire from her dress. She hooks it up and picks up the phone. In the CIA surveillance room back in Los Angeles, Weiss walks around.)
WEISS: What's that? We got a signal?
AGENT: Yeah, we got a signal.
(Sydney picks up the phone for a test.)
SYDNEY: Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six...
(CIA surveillance.)
AGENT: Let's let SD-6 hear that...
(Dixon listens.)
SYDNEY: Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six...
DIXON: I got you, Bluebird. Get out of there.
(Sydney walks down the stairs and sees The Tester weaving through the party people. She remembers him from the water damaged lab in Taipei. He goes downstairs through a door. She follows. Downstairs in the lab, Vaughn's on the gurney. Khasinau's spreading iodine down his chest all the way down. Sydney creeps down the stairs.)
KHASINAU: I'll be finished in twenty minutes.
THE TESTER: Yes, sir.
(Khasinau takes out a saw and turns it on. The Tester leaves. Sydney hides and turns a corner to get a better look. Khasinau takes the saw and brings it closer to Vaughn's chest. Suddenly, a victim with a huge bruise croaks and pops up in front of Sydney. She gasps. Khasinau stops and shuts the saw off when he hears the noise. Sydney walks in and sees Vaughn. Khasinau comes in behind her and tries to knock her out with something on a cloth over her mouth. She struggles out of his hold and they exchange punches and kicks. Khasinau gives a big upper cut and knocks her to the ground.)
KHASINAU: Orci, Yatsko, come quickly! We have an intruder!
(Sydney groans and stands up. She turns and sees Vaughn, runs to him.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, you have to get up! We have to get out of here! Come on!
(She unbuckles the restraints and slaps his face. He mumbles through the shmooshy-face she's given him.)
SYDNEY: Come on! They're going to be back in a second! Okay...
(She runs for the nearby cabinet and finds a very big syringe and small bottle.)
SYDNEY: I'm so sorry. I'm going to sh**t you with adrenaline. We have got to run.
(She fills up the big syringe.)
VAUGHN: Uh... don't do that.
(Too late. She pounds the needle down into his bare chest.)
VAUGHN: Aghhhhh! Arghhhhh!
(He sits up, most of his body is all red and bruised.)
SYDNEY: Come on, come on, come on!
(Holding hands, they run out together. Seconds later, Khasinau and his g*n carrying men come in.)
(Outside, Sydney and Vaughn run down a grassy hill to hide under a tree for a second. Vaughn got a shirt from somewhere and is buttoning it up.)
VAUGHN: Ow. That hurt. (smiles)
SYDNEY: I'm sorry.
VAUGHN: Don't be. Where are we?
SYDNEY: France.
VAUGHN: France? Really! France!
SYDNEY: There's too much to explain. I have to get back before Dixon comes after me. You can get back to Los Angeles, right?
(Vaughn's smiling in kind of a weird way. He's acting strange.)
VAUGHN: You saved my life.
SYDNEY: (smiles) See you back in LA.
(Vaughn smiles. She smiles. We all smile. He wants to kiss her. She smiles. Walks away. Vaughn's smiling and watching her walk away.)
(Sunny LA. Therapy.)
DR. BARNETT: So the operation in France must have gone well. Your spirits seem lifted.
SYDNEY: The doctor said Vaughn's going to be all right, so... Okay. I see what you're thinking and the answer is no. There's no line being crossed. He's my handler. Vaughn and I have a professional relationship. That's it.
DR. BARNETT: Well, actually, I was thinking about your reporter friend.
SYDNEY: Oh. Will isn't doing so well.
(Jack and Will meet in a dark building, Jack fusses with a syringe.)
SYDNEY: (vo) In Taipei he was tortured but I think in some ways things have gotten even worse for him.
JACK: The only way SD-6 will let you live is if you destroy the life you've got.
WILL: I understand that, but you can't think of another way than this?
JACK: Yes, I can think of a number of other ways. But they all involve your burial.
WILL: Is that your idea of a joke? You're morbid, Jack.
(Jack taps the syringe.)
JACK: You'll be taken to a drug house in South Central. An hour later, there will be a raid. Remember, the most critical thing is that you face the press yourself. If you don't go public with this, you're a d*ad man.
WILL: I'm scared.
JACK: I know. You ready?
(He injects Will with the needle.)
(Cops slam into a drug house, g*n raised. A baby cries. A couple of cops throw druggies against the wall, arresting them. On the floor, on a dirty mattress, Will rolls over onto his back looking like a druggie.)
(Police station. Will is being escorted out by a police officer. Francie, who is crying, stands up.)
FRANCIE: Heroin?
WILL: Francie, I'll explain everything later, okay?
FRANCIE: I think we should go out the back because there's a bunch of reporters waiting for you.
WILL: No. I want to go out the front.
(Outside the police station, a group of waiting reporters go nuts.)
REPORTER1: There he is, there he is!
REPORTER 2: Will, did SD-6 do this to you?
REPORTER 3: Is it true you were found with heroin in your blood?
REPORTER 4: --Some sort of a statement?
REPORTER 5: Are you staying at the "Register"?
WILL: My problem with heroin goes back three years. I'm embarrassed for myself and for my family when I tell you that most of what I've written in that time has been complete fiction including my most recent report about an organization that I called SD-6. These were desperate attempts--
(We are in Sloane's office, watching Will on the news. Sloane zaps off the TV.)
SLOANE: As hard as that is to watch, your friend is very lucky. It could have ended up much worse. You know how much I care about you, Sydney. I did it for you, I spared Will's life. I didn't want to see you lose someone else to SD-6.
SYDNEY: (fake smile) Thank you.
SLOANE: And there's something else. Something I want to ask you. It would mean a great deal to me if you would speak at Emily's service.
(Will, in Sydney and Francie's bathroom, vomits in the toilet. He pants and sits back. Francie knocks on the door and peeks in.)
FRANCIE: You okay?
WILL: Fantastic.
(He wipes his mouth. The front door opens so Francie leaves and shuts the door to see who's there. Will sits back against the wall. Out in the living room, Sydney walks in.)
FRANCIE: He's in the bathroom.
(The girls hug.)
SYDNEY: How bad?
FRANCIE: It's just, uh... bad. Look, I have to meet with my realtor. I'll be back in an hour, can you watch him?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Francie... he's going to be okay.
WILL: (vo) I was just sitting there, putting my stuff from my desk into this cardboard box...
(Cut to later, Will is dressed now and sitting on the sofa next to Sydney.)
WILL: ...And I look up and everybody from the office is just staring at me. So I left my office this afternoon for, like, the last time. I got a lot of, like, "Take care, man." I got a lot of that.
SYDNEY: I'm so sorry, Will.
WILL: Hey, I'm sitting here. I'm on a couch. I'm alive. (sighs) Is anybody listening to us right now?
SYDNEY: No. That lamp has a bug k*ller in it. So we're safe here.
(Will looks slightly freaked. She puts her hand on the back of his head and turns him to her.)
SYDNEY: Hey... how's your mouth?
WILL: I think it'll be fine. Of course I lose my health insurance the same day I need a root canal.
(They both chuckle.)
WILL: (in pain) Ohh... oww...
(Sydney's phone rings. She touches the back of his head again and looks at her phone.)
WILL: Who is it? Just say good guys or bad guys. I'll understand.
SYDNEY: Good guys. (smiles)
(Flashback to the finale. Vaughn swims underwater.)
VAUGHN: (vo) When I was a kid, I was a swimmer. I could swim the hundred meter in sixty-eight seconds.
(He takes off that long jacket he was wearing that Sydney found.)
VAUGHN: (vo) I can't tell you how irrelevant that was the night we were in Taipei. There have been some pretty incredible inventions over the last two thousand years. But none more incredible than the screwdriver. None.
(Vaughn unscrews the panel on the ceiling of the hallway and pokes his head up out from the surface and gasps. Later, he jumps down into the basement, soaked with water.)
VAUGHN: (vo) I thought I was home free.
(He turns a corner and backs out, his arms raised. A guard stands before him with a g*n.)
VAUGHN: (vo) But they knocked me out. Next thing I knew, I was in France.
(Self-storage. He's been telling this to Sydney.)
SYDNEY: When I saw you behind that window, I swear to God I thought you were d*ad.
(Jack and Weiss enter.)
JACK: We just intercepted a call from one of Khasinau's operatives. They made reference to something called "The Bible."
SYDNEY: What is it?
JACK: A book. An operations manual for their whole cartel: contacts, w*apon and tech inventory, objectives. It's information Khasinau and your mother need to rebuild their operation. If we retrieve this book we can prevent that.
VAUGHN: Any idea where The Bible is?
JACK: It was Taipei. Apparently when the lab was being destroyed this operative who called Khasinau grabbed the book, kept it safe. He's planning on handing it to Khasinau tomorrow afternoon at the port of Barcelona, pier 347.
SYDNEY: Does SD-6 know about this?
WEISS: That's what's so genius. That delay transmitter you planted lets us control the signal SD-6 receives. We didn't let them hear the call.
JACK: You're going to Spain to intercept the book. You leave in thirty minutes.
(At the port of Barcelona, Weiss, Vaughn, Sydney and CIA Agent are stationed at various spots on the dock with binoculars and speak to each other via transmitters.)
SYDNEY: Anything?
VAUGHN: Not yet. So, hey, you know there's some really good restaurants in Barcelona.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I know.
VAUGHN: You know what I was thinking?
SYDNEY: I think I do.
VAUGHN: If we could actually be seen in public together we'd get The Bible and get a bite.
WEISS: Yeah, can the whole team come? 'Cause I'm starving.
(Khasinau drives up, alone, in his car.)
SYDNEY: Okay, we've got Khasinau.
(A Humvee pulls up.)
CIA AGENT: Everyone hold post! Get ready to move!
(Someone loads a g*n and points it across the way. It's Irina, hiding out. She squints and looks at the target.)
CIA AGENT: The courier's got the briefcase. It's got to be The Bible.
(The courier gets out and walks to Khasinau's car. He shows the briefcase. Khasinau rolls down the window to take it.)
CIA AGENT: We move in three! Everybody into position!
(Sydney cocks her g*n. Khasinau takes the briefcase. Sydney runs down the stairs from her hideout, ready to go. Vaughn runs down the stairs getting ready.)
CIA AGENT: One... two...
(Everyone points their g*n.)
VARIOUS AGENTS: Out of the car, now! Out of the car! Drop the case! Get down on the ground! Drop the case! Out of the car! Let me see your hands! Cover him! Right now, right now!
(Suddenly, sh*ts are fired and the windows in Khasinau's car explode in g*n. Everyone takes cover. Khasinau gets out of his car and runs with the briefcase. Sydney runs after him.)
CIA AGENT: Who the hell is f*ring?!
VAUGHN: Weiss, I'm going after the sh**t, cover me!
(All he can see are Weiss' legs sticking out from the side of the car.)
CIA AGENT: Bravo team, you take the dry dock to the east! Charlie team take it to the west!
VAUGHN: Weiss!
(He runs over to the car to see that Weiss is sh*t in the neck and bleeding profusely. He's choking on his own blood.)
VAUGHN: It's okay, it's okay. Just relax.
(Weiss shakes and chokes.)
(Sydney runs through the dock, Khasinau ahead of her. A CIA agent climbs the steps to go to the roof of the building to find the sh**t. Only there is no sh**t. Irina made an apparatus to keep the g*n always f*ring so she could run. There's a rope duct taped to a banister that adjusts the tension. A screwdriver is taped to the trigger and fires whenever the rope is tightened.)
(Khasinau enters the dock building and runs.)
SYDNEY: Freeze!
(He stops. Sydney points her g*n at him.)
SYDNEY: Drop the suitcase.
(He obeys.)
SYDNEY: Hands behind your head. On your knees.
(He laughs and gets down. But he's not going without a fight. Quickly he sweeps Sydney's legs out from underneath her and her g*n goes flying. Khasinau gets on top of her and starts choking her. Sydney kicks his leg and spins him to the ground. They both get up. He tries punching her but she moves. She runs and kicks him. She roundhouse kicks him. She gets her g*n and points it at him until someone walks in.)
IRINA: Drop it.
(Syd stops and turns to face her mom, with Khasinau behind Sydney. Irina has her g*n pointed at Sydney yet again. Sydney drops her g*n. Khasinau gets up. Sydney stares at her mother. Irina sh**t her g*n, Sydney jumps, and Khasinau stares at his chest where a b*llet has entered. Irina smirks at Sydney. Khasinau falls back to the ground, d*ad.)
IRINA: Hands behind your head. Get on your knees. Head to the ground.
(Sydney does all this. Irina kicks her g*n away and picks up the briefcase.)
IRINA: Truth takes time.
(Sydney gets up. Her mother's gone.)
(Dr. Barnett's office. Sydney peeks in and knocks.)
SYDNEY: Do you have a minute?
DR. BARNETT: You all right?
SYDNEY: Have you heard?
DR. BARNETT: What? Sit down.
(Sydney sits down and dabs her nose with a Kleenex.)
SYDNEY: I had Emily's funeral this morning. Sloane's wife.
(Before the funeral, Sydney puts make-up on while Will sits on her bed.)
WILL: You're eulogizing the bastard's wife?
WILL: The devil's wife? The wife of the guy who had Danny k*lled? The guy who wanted to k*ll me?
SYDNEY: Despite being married to a truly horrible man, Emily was a good person and if the people who cared about her don't speak at her funeral because of him, there's no justice in that. It just makes him stronger. You can't see this bruise, right?
(Will takes the cover up and starts putting some on her cheek.)
WILL: So this is what your life is? Lying to people all the time? I've only been doing it for a few days and it's k*lling me.
SYDNEY: When you found out about me, I was just terrified because I saw what happened when Danny learned the truth but I was also selfishly so relieved because it meant that you knew and I didn't have to think every time we spoke. I could just be me.
FRANCIE: (off camera) Hello?
SYDNEY: Back here!
WILL: (whispers) No bruises.
(They exchange a smile.)
WILL: Hey.
FRANCIE: I got space. I'm opening a restaurant!
WILL: That's great!
SYDNEY: Congratulations!
FRANCIE: Thank you!
(Funeral. Sydney, Jack, Sloane and others have gathered.)
SYDNEY: I met Emily shortly after I started working at Credit Dauphine. Like many young women, I was intimidated... by the world. I was sort of desperate for a little guidance. As he had been for most of my life, my father was busy working. I had lost my mother when I was six so I didn't have anyone to go to. No role model. Arvin invited me for dinner one night. I remember after dinner was over, Emily walked me out to the car. I didn'tknow her at all and she said in this simple, reassuring voice... "You're going to be okay." Thinking of Emily, I often wondered about my own mother and what she would have been like, had she lived.
(A figure walks down a hallway. Coming closer.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Would she have been as strong as Emily? As kind, as good? I always told myself that she would have had those qualities even though I couldn't see them, I simply believed them.
(The figure is coming closer, coming into focus.)
SYDNEY: (vo) But Emily wasn'tjust the mother I never had. She was the mother all of us wish we had.
(It's Irina. She says something to a secretary. The secretary looks shocked and plops back down in her seat.)
(At the funeral, Sloane hugs Sydney. She sees Jack on his cell, standing alone. He hangs up.)
JACK: Devlin just called. CIA had a walk-in. She just... surrendered. She said... she wants to cooperate.
JACK: Your mother.
(In therapy, Sydney cries and tucks a strand of hair behind her right ear.)
SYDNEY: I'm not sure this is a problem I know how to handle.
(Irina, at the secretary's desk, tucks a strand of hair behind her right ear, the same way Sydney did.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x01 - Enemy Walks In"} | foreverdreaming |
(Middle of a rainy night. Numerous cars drive up. We are at the Operations Center, US Joint Task Force Intelligence. Officers aim their g*n as more cars drive up, including one van. The van comes to a stop and the officers point their g*n at the back door. They open the doors and climb in. They remove the handcuffs and chains holding Irina down. She has a smug smile on her face as they lead her to her cell, handcuffed with ankle irons, underground.)
(Upstairs, Kendall picks up the phone.)
KENDALL: Yeah. On my way.
(At her cell, Kendall approaches.)
KENDALL: I'm Assistant Director Kendall. I'm told you want to cooperate.
(The next morning, the doorbell rings at Francie and Sydney's.)
FRANCIE: Hey, Mr. Bristow, come on in.
(He does, looking around a bit.)
FRANCIE: Let me ask you a question. Let's say you're hanging out at your favorite restaurant, with your friends--
(She stops and he kind of gives her a look because everyone knows he has no friends, only enemies.)
FRANCIE: ...Or whatever. You like to go there, you like the food, what color are the walls?
(She shows him three color samples: an array of yellows, reds, and blues.)
JACK: I'm... not really into interior decorating.
FRANCIE: I'll get Syd.
(In the bathroom, Sydney bandages her shoulder.)
FRANCIE: (knocks) Syd, your dad's here!
SYDNEY: Okay, I'll be right out.
(Back in the kitchen/living room.)
JACK: You know, to the Vietnamese and Chinese, the color white means death and bad fortune. (pause) Try red.
FRANCIE: Really.
(Jack nods.)
SYDNEY: Will's sentencing is at two, I'll meet you there?
FRANCIE: Yeah. (to Jack) Did you hear about Will? The story he made up, he was high the whole time.
JACK: Yes. I saw it on the news. Unfortunate.
FRANCIE: You know what I want to do to the guys who introduced Will to heroin? I want to k*ll him. With my hands. I just want to k*ll him.
JACK: I can imagine.
FRANCIE: See you at the courthouse. (to Jack) And I'm going to go buy some red paint.
(She leaves.)
JACK: I thought you'd want to know... Your mother's transfer is complete. She's being held at a joint task force facility downtown.
SYDNEY: The idea that the CIA is willing to work with Irina Derevko is insane.
JACK: Worse, it's naive. Your mother didn't just conveniently turn herself in. This is all part of the manipulation.
SYDNEY: Well, she's their problem now. She's not yours. And she's not mine.
(When putting on her jacket, she winces a little bit.)
JACK: You... okay?
SYDNEY: My shoulder's healing, if that's what you mean.
JACK: It's not, actually.
SYDNEY: Thanks for asking. I'm fine. I don't support the death penalty, but I hope she dies for all that she's done. I really do.
(London, Alliance headquarters. All the important faces are there.)
RAMOND: Arvin Sloane is a man of integrity and courage. As the head of SD-6 he brilliantly ex*cuted Alliance policy, helping to slowly and invisibly seize control of world markets, governments and technology. Now, as the newest full partner of the Alliance, I feel confident that he will play a major part in shaping that policy for years to come. I speak for everyone when I offer you my condolences on the passing of your wife.
SLOANE: Thank you.
RAMOND: We respect and admire your willingness to do what was necessary inthat matter.
CHRISTOPHE: You have been made aware of the initiation procedure?
SLOANE: I have.
CHRISTOPHE: And the reasons for it?
(The head of security takes a syringe, a yellowish liquid and loads the syringe into a sh**t. Could be truth serum, could be something entirely different. He injects Sloane in the neck.)
RAMOND: Welcome to the Alliance.
(Everyone claps.)
(Self-storage facility with Vaughn and Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Sloane got back from London last night. A full partner in the Alliance. Emily knew the truth. Her death, his immediately being let in, I'm confident he k*lled his wife to get that seat.
VAUGHN: k*lling his wife wouldn't surprise me. Eating his wife wouldn't surprise me.
SYDNEY: SD-6 and the Alliance believe that my mother's in hiding. And they know that Khasinau is d*ad, and they're correct to assume that what's left of her organization is vulnerable. The Alliance wants whatever assets they can get their hands on.
VAUGHN: So where are they starting?
SYDNEY: My mother used blackmail. Extensively. In running her operation, she would get dirt on people - powerful and important people - and coerce them into doing whatever she needed. p*rn photographs, illegally obtained audio files, names, dates, they're all on one computer disk.
VAUGHN: So what does the Alliance want? The dirt?
SYDNEY: To hear Sloane tell it, it's all about God and country.
(Flachback to briefing in the conference room.)
SLOANE: It is our obligation to do whatever we can to retrieve the disk. Now, what you're looking at is the El Sebka hotel in Rabat.
JACK: A Derevko operative named Mohammed Naj lives and works out of the fourth floor.
SLOANE: Early last week the blackmail disk in question was taken to a vault at that location. The operation is simple: break into the vault, retrieve the disk.
(Back at self-storage.)
SYDNEY: My flight's at six.
VAUGHN: We'll make contact with a countermission no later than three.
SYDNEY: Okay. How's Weiss?
(Vaughn's cell rings.)
VAUGHN: He's still in the hospital, but the doctors say he's going to be okay. And until then, I've got to feed his fish. (answers phone) Yeah. Yes, let him through. (hangs up) It's Kendall.
SYDNEY: What does he want?
VAUGHN: I don't know.
SYDNEY: I don't trust him.
VAUGHN: We have to hear him out.
SYDNEY: Hear him out? He arrested me.
VAUGHN: He's in control of the operation.
SYDNEY: He thought I was the devil!
(Kendall walks in.)
KENDALL: Mr. Vaughn. Agent Bristow.
VAUGHN: Did you clear this meeting through Devlin?
KENDALL: No, I'm sorry. I don't have time to go through channels. There's been an interesting development regarding your mother. As you know, she surrendered to the CIA and claims to want to cooperate.
SYDNEY: So she's handed over her agency's operations manual? The Bible?
KENDALL: No. And she won't talk about it. She won't talk to us about anything.
SYDNEY: Then as far as I'm concerned, that's the end of the story.
KENDALL: Well, that's the interesting development. It seems that the only person she's willing to talk to is you.
SYDNEY: Then you're out of luck.
KENDALL: I'm afraid you're going to have to talk to--
VAUGHN: Excuse me, you can't compel Agent Bristow--
KENDALL: That's exactly what I can do!
SYDNEY: (to Vaughn) Are we through?
KENDALL: Miss Bristow, I don't have to remind you that this is a matter of national security, do I?
VAUGHN: (to Sydney, smiling) Yeah. We're through.
SYDNEY: (to Vaughn) I'll wait to hear from you.
(She walks out.)
KENDALL: Just so we're clear, Mr. Vaughn, I know all about your participation in busting Agent Bristow out of federal custody. Convince her to talk to her mother, or face charges of obstructing justice and harboring a fugitive.
(He starts to walk out.)
VAUGHN: Guess it's two-for-one day on blackmail.
(Courthouse hearing. Sydney and Francie are sitting back behind where Will is standing before the judge, dressed in a suit.)
JUDGE: So, Mr. uhh... Tippin. Do you understand what you're being accused of here today?
WILL: Yes, Your Honor. I do.
JUDGE: Felony charge of heroin possession, misdemeanor count of being under the influence of a controlled substance. How are you pleading?
WILL: Guilty.
JUDGE: Under proposition thirty-six, you are to receive probation and are hereby ordered to complete a certified drug treatment program. In addition, you must complete one hundred hours of community service. Fail to meet any of these requirements, and you will serve time.
(Self-storage. Sydney and Vaughn meet about the countermission. He gives her a necklace to wear.)
VAUGHN: It's a subvocal mike, with it, we can hear what's going on between you and Dixon at all times. And as soon as you can, I want you to go radio silent with him so you and I can talk.
SYDNEY: Call waiting for spies.
VAUGHN: Yeah. Now, the blackmail disk is in Naj's suite on the fourth floor. As soon as you get it, you'll deliver it to this man. (shows a picture) Richard Schmidt, he's working under a diplomatic cover at the Rabat embassy. He'll be waiting for you on the third floor. Now, Sloane is obviously looking for something specific. We don't know what. Schmidt will scan the disk, analyze what's on it, and spit up a bogus copy that's close enough to the original to fool Sloane. That's the disk you'll deliver to SD-6.
VAUGHN: Or... you could ask your mother about the contents of the disk.
SYDNEY: Kendall must really be putting on the pressure for you to ask me that.
VAUGHN: Yeah, he is. But I've been thinking about it myself. Syd, you're good atthis. I mean, this is what you're trained for -- compartmentalizing your emotions. You do it on every mission. You do it with Sloane.
SYDNEY: This isn't the same.
VAUGHN: Syd, I would never force you to do this. I would never make this an official request, but I also know what you want more than anything is to destroy SD-6 and bring an end to the Alliance. And if she can help us, then why not use her?
SYDNEY: Because I can't. Because I won't. Maybe you could shut down with her. I couldn't. I'll talk to you from Rabat.
(Hurt that he asked, she leaves.)
(At the joint task force building, Vaughn and Kendall talk in front of a monitor that shows the camera in Irina's cell.)
VAUGHN: I spoke with Agent Bristow and she has no intention of speaking with her mother.
KENDALL: Mr. Vaughn--
VAUGHN: Yes, sir, it's unacceptable, but let me remind you you're asking a woman to go face-to-face--
KENDALL: You don't need to remind me of anything.
VAUGHN: --With the woman who abandoned Sydney as a girl.
KENDALL: I know the story. And I know you have your own issues.
VAUGHN: Yes, I have my own issues with her--
KENDALL: I read the report.
VAUGHN: Mr. Kendall, Irina Derevko sh*t Syd.
KENDALL: Yes, she sh*t Syd.
VAUGHN: Point blank range. She could've k*lled her!
KENDALL: But didn't k*ll her. Did not.
(Vaughn sighs. They look at the monitor where Irina walks around her cell, bored.)
KENDALL: That woman, forty-eight hours ago, was one hundred per cent bad news. But now she's ours and there is just a chance, Mr. Vaughn, that she has turned.
VAUGHN: When she got done with my father, he could only be identified by his dental records.
KENDALL: Yes. Nevertheless, she headed up an organization that controlled people who influenced policy decisions at NATO, the U.N., the World Bank. Even with all our resources, the CIA doesn't know the full scope of her operation. The key players, their methods, acquisitions, ambitions...
VAUGHN: If I can get her to talk, I don't want you to ask Sydney to see her ever again.
KENDALL: Well, I'm not going to make that promise.
VAUGHN: You're not the easiest guy to work with, are you?
KENDALL: No. No, definitely not.
(In Rabat, at the hotel, Dixon sits in the lobby and waits. The telephone rings and he goes into the phone booth to answer it. Once he's inside, he talks to Sydney and gets out a laptop.)
DIXON: I have a twenty on Naj and his bodyguard.
SYDNEY: (off camera) Okay, I'm coming in.
DIXON: Okay, Syd. We're on. Syd, you close?
SYDNEY: (off camera) I'm right behind you.
(He smiles and looks out the booth. She walks in all glamorous and tucks her hair behind her ear.)
DIXON: You know, you always do that.
DIXON: What you just did with your hair. It's your thing.
SYDNEY: I don't have a thing!
DIXON: It is. It's your thing.
(Sydney approaches the desk of the hotel and Dixon starts typing.)
SYDNEY: (heavy Italian accent) If the rest of the hotel is like this, sara perfecto!
HOTEL GUY: And how may I help you?
SYDNEY: My name is Betricia Cunelli. Mio marito Silvio and I are in town for three months while I recover from a ridiculo jet skiing accident off the coast of Mallorca. Precendente travel agent book us into the Daram which turns out to be total (speaks Italian that I couldn't make out). Now that I see this, I call Silvio and tell him bring the bags right over.
HOTEL GUY: Your... bags.
SYDNEY: We were at a cocktail party lastnight and the Consul General said that he simply raves about this place. Naturally I called and booked a suite immediante.
(Dixon takes out someone's name from the reservation database and types in Silvio Cunelli.)
HOTEL GUY: There must be some mistake made. We are completely full.
SYDNEY: Do me a favor, darling. Check for me? Betricia Cunelli.
HOTEL GUY: Yes, of course, but I'm pretty sure it's--
(He looks and thanks to Dixon...)
HOTEL GUY: (confused) ...Reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Cunelli.
SYDNEY: I hope it's a room with a view.
(The hotel guy leads Sydney into the elevator to bring her to her room. The doors close and we hear a punching sound.)
SYDNEY: (off camera) All right, I've got the key to Naj's suite. I'm on my way.
(Vaughn is led underground, Clarice meeting Hannibal style, to Irina's cell. He walks slowly to the end of the hallway and approaches. As soon as she sees him, she comes close to the glass like a cat waiting for its next treat. She makes eye contact and never breaks it, staring right at him. He looks at her and then quickly looks away, down at the ground.)
VAUGHN: I'm interested in a computer disk containing information used for blackmail. We believe you're familiar with this item.
(She says nothing. Keeps looking right at him.)
VAUGHN: That's an implied question, I'll make it clear for you. Are you familiar with this item?
(She says nothing. Keeps looking right at him. Vaughn takes out the trump card.)
VAUGHN: I know you want to see your daughter. I can guarantee you that is never going to happen unless she knows you're cooperating. Prove yourself. Give Sydney a reason to see you.
IRINA: "Sydney"? Interesting.
VAUGHN: Agent Bristow is in Rabat now seeking to recover the list. Is there anything she should know?
IRINA: Next to the safe there's a f*re alarm. If you want to protect her, tell her to pull it first then open the safe.
IRINA: I've given you a gift and all you get from me... is one.
(Vaughn walks away, down the hall. He doesn't get too far before Irina speaks to his back.)
IRINA: You look just like him.
(He stops d*ad in his tracks and then talks to the guard.)
VAUGHN: I'm... through with the prisoner.
(She stares at him as he leaves. He glances over his shoulder back at her and then runs away with his tail between his legs.)
(Sydney walks in the suite and looks around. She starts waving something in the air and it crackles.)
MARSHALL: (VO) To find the safe, you're going to need this.
(Flashback to meeting with Dixon and Sydney in Marshall's office. He shows them the device.)
MARSHALL: Now, it looks like just a normal metal detector. Well, it is. That's right, we're going old school on this one.
(In the suite, the metal detector beeps. She's found it.)
(Back at the meeting.)
MARSHALL: Now, the safe is a Waldrasen. It's an original. I mean, the craftmanship is incredible, which, lucky for you, the same can be said about this. Now you know the stethoscopes that outlaws would use to rob banks back in the horses and the g*n and the carri--? Well, I studied how those work, being a bit of an outlaw myself. Uh, basically, this is a superamplified version of that.
(The new stethoscope he's designed looks like a cone collar you'd put on your dog, only much smaller, and metal. Sydney slips it over the dial of the safe.)
MARSHALL: (VO) Now you just place this over the dial.
(Back at the meeting, he holds up a cell phone.)
MARSHALL: This part right there... and you type in 793 793. That spells "Syd" in case you forget. 793 'cause on the phone and the numbers and the letters. You know that.
(In the suite, Sydney types it in.)
MARSHALL: And basically, this will do the rest for you.
(At the CIA offices, Vaughn walks down the hall and enters the communications base for the operation. Kendall stands around with his headset on, listening in and supervising.)
VAUGHN: I need to talk to Agent Bristow.
AGENT: She's not radio silent. If we try to communicate, her SD-6 partner could hear us.
VAUGHN: Yeah, and if we don't, she could trigger the alarm.
(In the suite, Sydney activates the cell and waits as the numbers change, getting the combination for the lock.)
(Back in Marshall's office.)
MARSHALL: The locking mechanism is a set of wheels. The trick is to line up each notch with contact points. Now, once each notch is lined up, part of the combination will appear. Now when they all line up, the lock will open.
(He makes an opening gesture with his fingers.)
(In the suite, most of the numbers have been identified on the screen of the phone.)
SYDNEY: We're almost there. Going radio silent.
DIXON: Just be careful.
(At the comm base.)
AGENT: Freelancer, this is boot camp. Do you copy?
SYDNEY: Go ahead, boot camp.
VAUGHN: Sydney, do not open the safe!
VAUGHN: Is there a f*re alarm on the wall?
(Sydney looks around and finds it.)
VAUGHN: Okay, listen to me. It's a failsafe. Do not open the safe until after you pull the alarm.
SYDNEY: We had no intel on a failsafe. Where'd you get this information?
KENDALL: Vaughn spoke with your mother. The intel came from her. It's her disk. She's familiar with the vault. If there's a failsafe on it, she's gonna know.
SYDNEY: And what if there's not? I'm just supposed to pull the f*re alarm?
VAUGHN: No, Sydney, I know this sounds crazy but I think it's for real.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, she wants me d*ad.
KENDALL: If that were true, Agent Bristow, she would have k*lled you in Barcelona.
SYDNEY: Did you talk to my father about this?
VAUGHN: Two minutes ago on the phone while we were waiting for you to go radio silent.
SYDNEY: What did he say?
VAUGHN: Your dad?
(Jack is sitting in his car talking on his cell with Vaughn at the base talking on a phone.)
JACK: The answer is NO!
VAUGHN: All I am asking is that you consider it!
VAUGHN: I don't need to be lectured on what we're dealing with!
JACK: This woman is NOT to be trusted!
VAUGHN: Jack, listen to me--
JACK: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES dicuss this with my daughter!
(Back to the present.)
VAUGHN: Respectfully Syd, I don't think your father can think clearly where your mother is concerned.
SYDNEY: And you can?
VAUGHN: I'm trying and she has nothing to gain by lying.
KENDALL: Miss Bristow, I want you to pull that f*re alarm.
(She looks at it. The numbers are almost all changed, the lock is soon opened.)
VAUGHN: Sydney... I'd do it.
(She puts her finger on the alarm, ready to pull it.)
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, pull that alarm!
(She's about to. Kendall and Vaughn exchange glances. Sydney doesn't do it. The lock is finished and she opens the safe. Nothing.)
SYDNEY: See what I mean?
(An alarm starts to wail loudly. Kendall and Vaughn listen until Sydney switches back to Dixon.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I've tripped some kind of alarm. What do you see?
(Dixon peeks out the door of the telephone booth as Naj and another man go into the elevator.)
DIXON: Naj and his bodyguard are on their way up. You just look for the disk, I'll handle Naj.
(On his laptop, he initiates the system lockdown. Naj and his bodyguard are on the elevator when it suddenly stops. Inside the suite, Sydney gets the disk when a man enters and shouts something. She turns and beats him up with the cane she was carrying as part of her costume. She hits him in the knees with it to make him fall to the ground. Another man comes in and they exchange blows with Sydney elbowing him in the face. With the two men on the ground, Sydney starts to leave. She clicks over to the CIA.)
SYDNEY: This is Freelancer, I've got the blackmail disk.
RICHARD SCHMIDT: What's your position, Freelancer?
SYDNEY: Leaving the suite, heading for the stairs.
KENDALL: They got it.
(Schmidt walks towards Sydney. She smiles in relief. He puts out his hand when Dixon comes down the stairs and walks in front of Schmidt.)
DIXON: Do you have it?
(Sydney watches as Schmidt turns and goes up the stairs instead.)
DIXON: Syd, do you have the disk?
DIXON: Okay.
(They take the elevator.)
KENDALL: What happened? Did you get it?
SCHMIDT: Negative.
SCHMIDT: I repeat, the disk was not transferred.
(Down in the lobby.)
DIXON: Satellite feed is up. Sloane wants the information ASAP. Good job, Syd.
(Back in Los Angeles, in Sloane's office, he speaks on the phone.)
SLOANE: Alain, Arvin. Yeah, I thought you shouldknow that SD-6 is in possession of the blackmail disk. Thank you. And more good news. You know the gentleman we discussed, Peter Fordson. Well we now have information on him. Photographs. No... of his daughter. Apparently, he's willing to pay a high price to keep them private. Well, if you saw them you'd know why. I leave for Helsinki tonight. I'm seeing Fordson myself. (hangs up)
SYDNEY: I want to talk to my mother. I hate her. I don't understand her. I think she's a monster. But if she can help us bring an end to SD-6 then what I think is irrelevant.
VAUGHN: I'm not so sure.
VAUGHN: I-I've been thinking about it. I'm not certain that's a good idea.
SYDNEY: Is this about my father?
VAUGHN: He has a point.
SYDNEY: You said yourself he can't think clearly where she is concerned.
VAUGHN: That woman has an agenda.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I screwed up!
VAUGHN: I wouldn't be so quick to trust her.
SYDNEY: If I'd listened to her--
VAUGHN: We don't know what she's after.
SYDNEY: --We'd have the disk right now. All I know is she offered good intel and I didn't choose to use it. Now SD-6 has the blackmail disk. We don't know what they want with it, but they've got it, we don't, and it's my fault.
VAUGHN: I know I'm the one who tried to convince you to see your mother. To be unemotional with her. I thought I could do it, see her and be as cold-blooded as she is. It's hard to explain, what it feels like, sitting across from her--what she did to my family, to my father. But she's your mother, Sydney. With all she's done, she is your mother.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, if you're worried about me... you don't need to be.
(At SD-6, the elevator doors open and Sydney enters the white room. She pauses in the center of the room and it illuminates red. She blinks a few times at the bright flash. Inside Sloane's office, she sits in front of his desk.)
SLOANE: I called you in to say thank you. We now have the disk and it's because of you.
SYDNEY: What was on it?
SLOANE: Horrible things. Private moments. The disk is a collection of physical manifestations, of human weaknesses, a took that some people - that your mother - used to extract favors from those in power. Which, Sydney, is something that I wanted to talk to you about.
(He gets up and sits next to her.)
SLOANE: Your mother.
SYDNEY: What about her?
SLOANE: You saw her in Taipei.
SLOANE: Well... (takes her hand) I just wanted to remind you that I am here for you if you ever need to talk.
SYDNEY: (smiles tightly) Thank you.
(He kisses her hand lovingly.)
SYDNEY: (VO) I wanted to cut off my hand.
(Sydney and her father are sitting in his car in the middle of nowhere.)
JACK: Did he say anything else about the blackmail disk? Why the Alliance wanted it?
SYDNEY: No, I thought you'd have seen it.
JACK: No. Sloane sent the disk to Alliance headquarters in London.
SYDNEY: I'll see if I can find out whatever is on that disk and why it was so important.
JACK: How are you going to do that?
SYDNEY: I'll ask Mom.
JACK: You've... agreed to see her.
JACK: Sydney, she is the enemy.
SYDNEY: And so is Sloane. And if the devil herself wants to help me bring him down, fine by me.
JACK: She has never been interested in helping you.
SYDNEY: She told me to pull the alarm.
JACK: Yes, and for all you know, that could've made things worse. Sydney, you're smarter than this. Your mother wants you to think she's your ally. That she can help you get what you want. Her intel might even be accurate once, twice, but the minute you start depending on her, she will gut you.
(On the side of the road, Will wears a bright orange jumpsuit and picks up garbage with other jumpsuit clad people.)
(Later at Francie and Sydney's, Will sits down with Francie at the table for a drink. Will's face is a giant tomato.)
FRANCIE: Will, what happened to your face?
WILL: You know the one thing they don't tell you about doing community service? Sunblock.
FRANCIE: Ohhh, buddy. How'd it go?
WILL: Oh, hanging out with a bunch of fellow drug addicts picking up copies of the newspaper I used to write for with a stick? It is not good. Oh, I saw you at the gas station over on National with some guy. Dark suit, fifty.
FRANCIE: Oh, um... that was the liquor license guy.
WILL: Well, wait a minute, like a mafia guy?
FRANCIE: Yeah, kind of.
WILL: Francie.
FRANCIE: It's just going to take me six months to get a legitimate liquor license!
WILL: So you're hanging out with the Gambino crime family and you're giving me grief about doing drugs?
FRANCIE: Oh, it's so not the same thing.
WILL: No, it's not. You're involved with organized crime. It's totally different.
FRANCIE: You have no idea what it takes to start a restaurant. I have to deal with contractors and sub contractors and--
WILL: I know, I know, I used to write at the metro desk. I wrote, like, two dozen pieces on restaurants. Healh departments, ratings, code requirements...
FRANCIE: I just need a liquor license.
WILL: No, no, no, what you need is someone who knows how the system works. Someone who can help you navigate. What you need is me. You know, former drug addict reporter... and sometimes lobster impersonator.
(They laugh.)
WILL: I'll help you out.
(On a bright and sunny afternoon, Sydney jogs through a park.)
VAUGHN: (VO) To get to the facility where your mother is being held, you'll go through a secret entrance. Start at the southwest corner of Riverside Park. Head east until you pass a homeless man sitting in front of a statue. He'll have a sign indicating he's a Vietnam vet. He'll have a cup. Drop a coin in it.
(Sydney does so.)
HOMELESS MAN: Freelancer requesting covert entry.
(Sydney jogs on.)
(In a control room, various monitors are set up.)
AGENT1: Copy that. Routing her in.
(Sydney jogs down a sidwalk.)
VAUGHN: (VO) At Riverside, turn left. The traffic camera will identify if you're being visually or electronically tracked.
(Sydney looks up at the traffic camera briefly and continues on.)
(In the control room, Sydney jogs on their monitors. Tracking for surveillance.)
AGENT1: She's clean.
(Sydney approaches an underpass.)
VAUGHN: (VO) In the underpass beneath the 134, there's an emergency phone. It's out of order. If it's ringing you've been cleared of all surveillance.
(It's ringing. Sydney stops in front of it.)
(Flashback to a meeting at the self-storage building with Vaughn. At this point of the directions, he gives her a small card.)
VAUGHN: This is a series of three-digit codes. Memorize them. They rotate weekly.
(Sydney starts punching in numbers on the phonepad.)
VAUGHN: (VO) After the phonerings, enter the appropriate code. In front of you there's an industrial shipping container. On the back side, a door will unlock. You'll go down a steep set of stairs through a series of checkpoints.
(Sydney goes inside and then opens another door once down there. She walks in.)
VAUGHN: (VO) And a quarter mile later you'll be at the operations center.
(Sydney walks in and looks around at everything. A short redhead comes up to her.)
VICKI: Agent Bristow, Vicki Crane. Right this way.
(She takes her over to Kendall.)
VICKI: Mr. Kendall.
KENDALL: I'm glad you changed your mind.
(Downstairs, Sydney begins the Clarice walk past guards. The guard escorting her presses his hand against a print sensitive control panel. Sydney walks down the hall and approaches her mom's cell. She stands in front of the glass. Her mom is at the back of the cell, turns and sees Sydney.)
IRINA: You didn't pull the alarm.
(Sydney looks down. Irina walks up to the glass.)
IRINA: I wouldn't have pulled it either.
SYDNEY: We need to know who and what is on the disk.
(Sydney watches, wide eyed, as Irina tucks her hair behind her ear, doing Sydney's "thing.")
IRINA: How's your shoulder?
SYDNEY: The disk.
IRINA: Peter Fordson.
IRINA: Peter Fordson.
(Sydney writes it down.)
IRINA: He has a file on the disk. He's the man SD-6 will go after first.
IRINA: One step at a time.
SYDNEY: I need to know why.
IRINA: No, you want to know why. There's a differnece. Go after Fordson. Trust me.
SYDNEY: Why should I do that?
IRINA: Because I'm your mother.
(Sydney's leaving with tears in her eyes. She nods to the guards on the way out, letting them know she's done. Sydney turns a corner and by herself, she breaks down and cries.)
(Upstairs at the control center, everyone -- Kendall, Vaughn, Sydney, Vicki, an agent named Phillips and one of the agents from earlier -- is crowded around a computer looking at a surveillance picture of Peter Fordson.)
KENDALL: Here is what we know about Fordson. He's based in Helsinki. A year ago his company contracted with the Pentagon to manufacture a terahertz wave camera.
VICKI: Put in a satellite they can see into Norad undetected.
KENDALL: Last month Fordson failed to make delivery, complained production problems.
VAUGHN: Or produced the camera just fine but planned on delivering it to your mother.
SYDNEY: So SD-6 wanted the disk to blackmail Fordson into giving them the camera.
KENDALL: Phillips, get the floor plan for the Lasgrove building, any intel we've got. Crane, I want a meeting on op tech in one hour. (to Sydney) You're going to Helsinki. You're going to get that camera.
(Everyone walks away. b*at.)
VAUGHN: He's got a great bedside manner, huh?
(In Helsinki, Sydney walks into a restaurant with a cigarette in her hand and sporting a black wig. Vaughn sits at the bar. Sydney walks past him.)
VAUGHN: (via transmitter) The guards will be changing shifts in two minutes. You should be in the lab by the time they leave and have five minutes before they get back.
(She walks through the restaurant and goes out on the balcony. She rips off her jacket and starts prepping the cord and slider. Inside, Sloane walks in.)
VAUGHN: Syd... Sloane's here.
SYDNEY: He's after the camera, too?
VAUGHN: Do you want to call off the op?
SYDNEY: No, we go for it.
VAUGHN: Are you sure?
SYDNEY: I just need a minute.
(She throws the cord over the side. Inside the restaurant...)
SLOANE: Mr. Fordson, Arvin Sloane.
FORDSON: You Americans are persistent. I'm telling you on the phone our company is not looking for new partners and still you come all this way.
VAUGHN: Syd, you ready?
SYDNEY: The handbrake won't lock into place!
SLOANE: Why don't we talk about it on the balcony? Shall we?
VAUGHN: Syd, he's headed right towards you.
SYDNEY: I'm not ready yet!
(She's squeezing the brake into place but it's not budging.)
VAUGHN: You better get ready.
(Sloane and Fordson walk through the restaurant and are about to go on the balcony.)
VAUGHN: Syd, he's going to see you.
(A waiter walks by Vaughn with a tray of food. Thinking quick, he sticks out his leg and the waiter trips, falling to the ground and spilling everything on the floor. The dishes clatter and Sloane and Fordson, about the enter the balcony, look up to see the commotion. Sydney finally locks the handbrake.)
SYDNEY: I'm good, thanks!
(She falls over the side of the balcony and starts zooming down the side of the building on a cord. She uses the handbrake to stop, mid-air, at the right floor.)
SYDNEY: I'm at fourteen!
(Hanging midair, she gets closer to the fourteenth floor window.)
SYDNEY: Where's Sloane?
VAUGHN: With Fordson, putting on the squeeze.
(Out on the balcony, Sloane gives Fordson a large envelope.)
FORDSON: This is your proposal?
SLOANE: No. My proposal is that we go downstairs. That you give me your T-wave camera and that I keep your daughter's deprevations our secret. Derevko's gone. You work for me now. Let's not waste time.
(He opens the envelope and takes a look at the photographs. His face falls.)
(On the side of the building, Sydney suction cups to the window and takes out a laser g*n. She draws a circle with the laser. Sloane and Fordson walk back into the restaurant. Vaughn watches. Sydney takes out the circle of glass she cut out. The men walk to the elevator. Sydney swings herself into the building.)
VAUGHN: Sloane just left. I repeat, he is on his way.
(Vaughn follows down the hall to see where they're going. Downstairs on fourteen, Sydney gets to the lock on the lab and starts picking at it. Vaughn watches the elevator numbers change. In the elevator, Fordson takes a look at Sloane's bodyguard who's watching him intently. Sydney gets the lock open and goes inside the lab, starts looking for it.)
SYDNEY: Found it!
(She puts the camera in her bag. Meanwhile, Vaughn is watching the numbers above the elevator. They're on the eighteenth floor and descending.)
VAUGHN: Syd, only four more floors to go.
SYDNEY: Got it. Meet me at the extraction point.
(Sydney runs out of the lab with the camera. She gets out of the lab and looks as Sloane is walking down the hall toward her. She gulps and runs to hide. Sloane approaches and they go inside the lab. Behind them, Sydney is hiding in a small part high on the wall. The lab door closes and Sydney jumps down and runs to the window where her circle is cut out. She climbs on, joins the rope to her harness and slides down to the ground. Vaughn drives up in his car.)
VAUGHN: Let's go!
(She climbs in and they drive off. Inside the lab, Sloane and the others see that nothing is there.)
FORDSON: This is where it was, I'm telling you!
SLOANE: Well if it's not here... it's somewhere.
FORDSON: I don't know, I swear to God, I don't know!
(The bodyguard takes out a g*n with a sil*ncer attached and sh**t Fordson in the leg. He yelps and falls down, blood coming out.)
SLOANE: Just think about it. Where could it be?
(Back in Los Angeles, Sydney walks in the task force command center with the camera. She puts it down in front of Kendall.)
SYDNEY: We're on the same side. It's time you started acting like it.
(She starts to leave when Vicki runs up to her.)
VICKI: Agent Bristow, hi. We had a briefing with Derevko about wave technology, what she konws about it, how it works. Two hours and your mother didn't say a single word.
SYDNEY: It's Vicki, right?
VICKI: Yeah. With an "i" at the end.
SYDNEY: Vicki. I'm tired and I want to go home. I don't mean to be rude but if there's nothing else...
VICKI: Oh, no, I'm sorry, there's nothing else, no. Except... the one thing she did ask is if someone would pass along her congratulations to you. She seemed really proud. I hope you get some rest.
(Sydney tucks her hair behind her ear, doing her "thing," and goes down to the cell. She shows her pass to the guard.)
SYDNEY: I want to see the prisoner.
(He takes her in. Sydney walks down the corridor and comes to her mother's cell. Irina has her back turned but turns around to see her.)
SYDNEY: Let's get something clear. You are not my mother. My mother was Laura Bristow. Laura Bristow died in a car accident twenty-one years ago. You are a traitor and a prisoner of the United States government.
(Irina looks away, smug.)
SYDNEY: Look at me! We will interact only when necessary. You will address me as "Agent Bristow" and answer only the questions I ask. There will be no personal anecdotes, no comments about my job performance, no condolences or congratulations. Do you understand me?
(Her mother, as always, remains emotionless.)
SYDNEY: Do you understand?
IRINA: Yes... Agent Bristow.
(Satisfied, Sydney turns and walks out. Irina smiles.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x02 - Trust Me"} | foreverdreaming |
"Cipher" episode #2.03
(Sydney jogs through the park one afternoon and, following the instructions given to her last week, drops a coin in a homeless Vietnam vet's cup.)
HOMELESS VET: Freelancer requests covert entry.
(Control room at the joint task force.)
AGENT: That's a copy. We'll notify Agent Vaughn.
(Sydney jogs along the street and glances up at the traffic camera. Back in the control room, the agent watches her and an alert reading "NO SURVEILLANCE DETECTED" flashes across the screen.)
AGENT: No one's following her. Ident confirmed. Freelancer is approved quadrant four. Sig int reporting clear. No suspect signs.
(At the ringing phone under the overpass, Sydney punches in the code and the door opens.)
(Inside the task force building, Vaughn and Sydney talk to Kendall.)
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, thank you for coming in. I know you weren't wild about talking with your mother last week but I hope we can agree that the information she gave us made it worth your discomfort.
SYDNEY: I thought so. Until an hour ago.
KENDALL: How is that?
SYDNEY: I just came from a meeting with Sloane. The camera I took from Fordson's vault, the camera we tried to keep from SD-6, was an early prototype. The real camera is scheduled to be launched into orbit seventy-two hours from now.
KENDALL: By whom?
(Flashback: conference meeting with Sloane, Dixon, Sydney, Marshall, and Jack.)
SLOANE: The Asiatic Space Agency. Founded after the fall of the iron curtain, the ASA consists mainly of displaced Russian scientists. Their latest client is an old friend of ours.
(He clicks a button on the remote and a picture of Sark comes up on their screens.)
DIXON: What's his interest in launching a satellite?
SLOANE: That's the question.
MARSHALL: The satellite is equipped with a terahertz imaging camera. Now, this camera's capable of seeing through solid matter up to a depth of a hundred meters.
SLOANE: It is imperative that we find out what Mr. Sark is looking for.
(Back at the task force.)
SYDNEY: The launch site's in Sri Lanka. Sloane wants us to infiltrate it posing as corporate buyers. Our mission is to hack into the satellite so SD-6 can tap into Sark's feed and see what he sees.
VAUGHN: I'll get technical services on that. We'll want to hack into that feed, too.
KENDALL: That's a fine preliminary step, Agent Vaughn, but I will want to know what we're looking for before the satellite is launched.
(He looks at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: You want me to talk to her again.
KENDALL: Mr. Sark has assumed control of your mother's operation--
SYDNEY: Please stop referring to her as my mother.
KENDALL: Therefore, Ms. Derevko must know what he's looking for and she's made it clear she will only speak with you.
SYDNEY: Look, I talked to her before because I had to. I have no intention of making this into a habit.
KENDALL: I assume you have an opinion on this, Agent Vaughn.
VAUGHN: Uh, I don't have an easy answer on that.
KENDALL: I'll take a complicated one.
VAUGHN: I can't pretend to hide my bias here. Irina Derevko betrayed this country and k*lled my father in the process. On the other hand, she is a certifiable Rambaldi expert and probably knows more about the inner workings of global organized crime than any other person in U.S. custody. Having said that, I believe Agent Bristow and I were effectively countering SD-6 before Derevko turned herself in and I stand behind whatever she decides.
KENDALL: I do understand that you're caught in the middle of all this, Agent Bristow. I can only offer my word. The sooner we know what she knows, the sooner you'll never have to speak to her again.
(Barnett's office. Jack sits across from her.)
BARNETT: We weren't scheduled to meet until Wednesday. Is everything all right?
JACK: I'm here to talk about Sydney.
BARNETT: Good. What's on your mind?
JACK: I want your help in devising a strategy to persude Sydney not to interact with her mother.
JACK: Because Irina Derevko is an opportunistic sociopath who'll use whatever inroads she can make with my daughter to get what she wants.
BARNETT: But have you considered that the more you'll keep her from her mother, the more you're going to spark her interest?
JACK: Of course I have! Which is why I'm hoping to devise a strategy with the necessary subtlety.
BARNETT: Well, I'm sorry, but I am not in the habit of helping a father manipulate his daughter. No matter how good his intentions may be.
JACK: I see. And is your opinion here based on what's best for Sydney, or for the agency? Because the fact is if Sydney doesn't talk to Laura, the CIA learns nothing.
BARNETT: So you still think of her as Laura, even though that was her alias.
(Sydney walks down the hall and reaches the Hannibal cell. Her mom is sitting cross-legged on the floor, with her back to Sydney, facing the small window she has. She breathes deeply.)
IRINA: Autocircadian meditation. All the benefits of sleeping in a fraction of the time.
(She turns around, still sitting on the floor.)
IRINA: I can teach it to you, Sydney.
SYDNEY: I told you. When we speak, you are to address me as Agent Bristow. Mr. Sark was one of your top operatives. He's now assumed control of your assets. He's luanching a satellite with ground-penetrating surveillance capabilities but I doubt this is news to you. What's he looking for?
(Pause. She gets up and walks to the glass.)
IRINA: Do you remember when you were six years old? I sent you to piano lessons. Your teacher was Ms. Adams.
SYDNEY: We're not having this conversation.
IRINA: You asked me a question, I'm giving you an answer. Do you remember the first thing Ms. Adams taught you about music?
SYDNEY: She said music is like math. If you can count, you can play.
IRINA: Every musical note has a corresponding frequency. Middle C, for example, vibrates at two hundred and sixty-one hertz. Which means any piece of music can be expressed as a series of numbers. Sark is looking for a music box designed by Rambaldi. The box plays a unique tune. Encoded within the tune there's an equation.
SYDNEY: For what?
IRINA: Zero-point energy - a fuel source. The military applications alone would be unlimited.
SYDNEY: From a music box.
IRINA: Of course the music can't play without the proper combination. Sark was working on deciphering it but I don't know whether he was successful.
SYDNEY: Fine. Thank you.
IRINA: Speaking of Ms. Adams... just before I left I remember her encouraging you to try out for your school's Thanksgiving play. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but in the twenty years since I last saw you I often wondered... what part did you play?
SYDNEY: I don't remember. It was around the time I was told my mother had died. Everything else is a blur.
(Sydney walks out.)
(Outside Sydney and her dad meet.)
JACK: I read Vaughn's debrief. I know you saw your mother. You okay?
SYDNEY: Seeing her again, I'm realizing there are these gaps in my memory from around the time she left. Dad... do you remember the Thanksgiving play I was in that year in school? Because I sort of do. I mean, I have an impression of it, but I can't remember... was I a pilgrim or an indian...
(Her dad stares off.)
JACK: You were neither. You were a turkey. You were the only turkey that was spared to celebrate the harvest.
(She laughs, smiles, and then turns serious.)
SYDNEY: I know you think it's dangerous for me to see Mom. But she's a means to an end. I don't take anything she says at face value.
JACK: She won't expect you to. Sydney... I trust your judgment. You're doing fine.
(Marshall's office. He has a briefcase on his desk and is showing Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Okay, once you get through the launch site to the exhaust ducts, just press this button here and... voila!
(He does so. Ordinary briefcase inside.)
SYDNEY: It's empty.
MARSHALL: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Totally forgot to tell you. Real deal - not done yet. But tomorrow when you open up this briefcase you will be looking at a high-performance hydraulic luge.
SYDNEY: How fast can I go?
MARSHALL: About one fifty, which should get you through the launch facility's two-mile ducts in about, oooh, twelve seconds. Oh, you wnat to make sure you get out of there as fast as you can after you're done wiring the circuit board into the satellite because if you're stuck in the ducts when the rocket launches, then, well, boom. And I'd miss you.
(Sloane's office. Sydney knocks and enters.)
SYDNEY: You wanted to see me?
SLOANE: Come in. I have something to give you.
(He hands over a medium sized wooden box with carvings on the lid.)
SLOANE: It's Emily's seed box. The lithography's original, circa 1910. Her mother gave it to her. Emily would want you to have it.
SYDNEY: Thank you. I can't think of Emily without thinking of her garden.
SLOANE: Well, neither can I.
SYDNEY: I miss her, too.
SLOANE: This office is where I feel most at home these days. At the house, I don't know, I seem to be paralyzed. If a stranger were to come to the house for the first time, they would think that Emily still lived there. Her clothes are in the closet. Her makeup on the vanity. The only thing that betrays this pretense of normalcy is her garden. Where roses once grew, they're gone now. Her garden seems to have died with her.
SYDNEY: It's not your fault.
(He looks up suddenly. Sydney watches for a reaction to confirm her suspicions.)
SLOANE: Good luck in Sri Lanka.
(Self-storage meeting with Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Attach this circuit board to the satellite instead of the one you got from SD-6. Now it's an exact duplicate, they'll still be able to intercept Sark's feed, but we've modified it so we can access the signal, too. See what everyone else is seeing. One more thing... we'd like to bring Will Tippin in for a follow-up on his debrief.
VAUGHN: Derevko told us that Sark has been working on cracking a combination that would activate the music box.
VAUGHN: And we've been reviewing Tippin's statement and he reported falling in and out of consciousness on the flight to Taipei and vaguely remembers seeing Sark working at a laptop.
SYDNEY: You're thinking, what, induced regression?
VAUGHN: (nods) We have someone coming in from Langley.
SYDNEY: So he can relive everything he went through!
VAUGHN: If there were another option, Sydney, believe me, I'd take it.
(At Francie and Sydney's, Will holds a beer and talks to Sydney near the kitchen.)
SYDNEY: Listen, Will, the CIA wants to meet with you again.
WILL: Why?
SYDNEY: They can tell you better than I can, but here's your S.O.P.
SYDNEY: Standard operating procedure for a meet. You're meeting with my handler.
WILL: Vaughn.
SYDNEY: He's... smart. Professional. Won't waste your time.
(Will shakes his head a little bit.)
SYDNEY: Look, I'm sorry. You deserve to move on from this.
(Francie suddenly comes home.)
FRANCIE: Hey, guys!
(Sydney, moving quick, takes Will's beer from him and takes a sip.)
FRANCIE: What are you doing?
FRANCIE: Will just went to his first N.A. meeting and you're waving a beer in his face?
SYDNEY: You're right, you're right, you're right.
(She pours it down the sink.)
WILL: It's okay...
FRANCIE: Oh, hey, can you come down to the restaurant tomorrow? I could really use you.
WILL: Sure.
FRANCIE: All the flatware came in and the dishwasher's not hooked up so we have to wash everything by hand before the opening. You're coming, right?
SYDNEY: Are you kidding?
WILL: What time do you need me?
FRANCIE: Two, two-thirty?
SYDNEY: I got to go. I'm going to miss my flight.
FRANCIE: Fancy client or boring seminar?
SYDNEY: Boring client. And he's in Sri Lanka so I get to fly fifteen hours both directions for a one-hour meeting.
WILL: Hey, thanks for letting me stay here until I can afford a cheaper place.
(Sydney kisses him and leaves.)
(Sloane's house. It's after work and that calls for a drink. He pours himself one and sees something. He walks over and opens the door, a quizical look on his face, and walks outside to see that Emily's roses are back in full bloom like she never left.)
(In Sri Lanka, at the space agency, Dixon hides out and watches from some bushes with his laptop nearby as Sark climbs out of a vehicle and walks to the building.)
DIXON: Okay, Syd, Sark's confirmed inside. You're a go.
(Sydney, in a red wig and business suit, drives up to the security gate in a convertible.)
DIXON: (VO) Remember the sooner you get on the phone the more time I have to hack into their system.
SYDNEY: Joanna Kelly from Euro Teledyne. I have an appointment with Mr. Vashko.
(Sark walks into the control room.)
ASA MAN: Mr. Sark! Welcome to our control center. Will you be the only observer from your company today?
SARK: I'm afraid my associates have a plan to lobby Opec for drilling rights.
ASA MAN: We are about to begin the final system checks.
SARK: Excellent.
(Sydney walks in the building with her briefcase.)
VASHKO: Miss Kelly! Welcome to the ASA's launch facility.
SYDNEY: Thank you. I look forward to the tour. Would you mind if I make a call before we start?
(She pulls out her cell.)
VASHKO: Oh, I'm sorry, we do not allow mobile phone use during the launch. It interferes with the radio signal. But you are more than welcome to use one of our landlines.
(He gestures to the front desk phone.)
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(She calls Dixon, who uses the phone line to connect to the modem.)
SYDNEY: Hi, darling! Just checking in.
DIXON: Okay, I'm into their local area network. It'll take me a minute to access the security surveillance feed. Okay, I'm in it.
SYDNEY: Miss you too! Kisses!
(Vashko takes Sydney on the tour through the building.)
VASHKO: And in compliance with Kyoto environmental accords, during launch we filter the rocket's exhaust through two-mile ducts.
SYDNEY: I understand that these ducts are capable of channeling over a million pounds of thrust?
VASHKO: You have done your homework. I will take you to the VIP observation deck. The view is spectacular.
(He swishes a card through the control panel and they go in the elevator.)
SYDNEY: My watch seems to have stopped. Do you have the time?
VASHKO: Oh, sure.
(She sprays something from her watch and Vashko faints, falling to the floor.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dixon, I'll be in the canal in two minutes.
DIXON: Copy that, Syd. Ready to cut the surveillance feed on your signal.
(In the control center, Sark supervises as the techs do the system check.)
TECH 1: Radio frequency system, check.
TECH 2: Activation vehicle telemetry, check.
TECH 1: Onboard power test, check.
TECH 2: Data transponder and launch vehicle remote control, check.
(Sydney walks down to the ducts in a red jumpsuit. She walks on the launch deck and into the entrance of the ducts. She opens her Marshall briefcase and the entire thing is a luge apparatus. She puts her body down on the briefcase, holds on to the handle and hits a switch. She flies through the ducts. Sydney's now at the base of the rocket, right underneath it.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dixon, I'm in position.
DIXON: Copy that, Syd. The ground crew's left the launch deck. I'm shutting down surveillance for five minutes starting... now.
(In the control center, all the screens go static.)
TECH: I lost the TV feed to the launch deck!
(Sark watches with interest.)
(Sydney looks way up and starts climbing the ladder on the side of the rocket.)
(Control center. Sark's not happy.)
SARK: What's the problem?
ASA MAN: I'll know shortly.
(He suspects Sydney.)
(Sydney climbs the ladder and walks out to the rocket. She removes a panel on the side.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, how am I doing?
DIXON: Three minutes, ten seconds until surveillance is restored, Syd.
(Control center.)
ASA MAN: Power surge. We'll be back online in three minutes. We assure you, this in no way indicates there is a problem with the launch.
SARK: Is there anywhere on the launch zone that is not visible from here?
ASA MAN: Just the exhaust ducts but our ground crew doesn't go anywhere near there during the countdown.
SARK: Move up the launch.
ASA MAN: Pardon?
(On the rocket, Sydney is into the wires in the panel.)
SYDNEY: I'm splicing into the internal supply system now. Almost there.
(Control center.)
SARK: You said yourself the cameras don't affect the launch.
ASA MAN: Technically, they don't, but if something were to go wrong we would want to study the--
SARK: Then begin the final countdown. Or should we abort altogether and I can spread the word amongst my colleagues that the Asiatic Space Agency is nothing but the poor man's version of NASA.
ASA MAN: Initiate the final countdown! We're advancing our timetable!
(Dixon sees on his laptop that the countdown has restarted and it's quickly approaching.)
DIXON: Syd, get out of there! They've moved up the launch!
(Sydney hauls ass.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, I'm still wiring the circuit board! How much time do I have?
DIXON: Forty-eight seconds and counting!
(In the control center, they prep for the launch.)
TECH 1: Switch to internal power.
TECH 2: Tranmitter code...
TECH 1: Transmitter shows engine to launch.
(Back at the rocket.)
DIXON: Sydney, it's too dangerous! Abort! We're at forty-four seconds and counting. Syd, get out of there!
SYDNEY: No, I got it!
(She finishes and runs down.)
(Control center.)
TECH 1: All systems green for launch in thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven...
(Sydney runs down, jumps on the luge briefcase and hits the switch.)
TECH 1: Three... two...
(The rocket launches and propells a massive f*re and smoke ball into the exhaust ducts, right on Sydney's tail. She flies out and onto the launch deck.)
DIXON: Sydney!
(Sydney covers her face as the expl*si*n reaches the end of the ducts.)
SYDNEY: I'm all right. I'll meet you at the rendezvous in ten minutes.
(She looks up to see the rocket in the sky. In the control room, Sark watches on the monitor.)
(At the front desk, Sydney is back in her business suit/red wig combo and gives her visitor pass to the secretary.)
SECRETARY: Did you enjoy the launch?
SYDNEY: It was a thrill!
(Back in Los Angeles, Will walks to his old Jeep and finds a parking ticket under his wiper. He opens it up and there's a handwritten note inside that says "Parking garage behind bar the elevator". Inside, he walks to the elevator and hits the button. The doors open and there's Vaughn. Will steps in. Vaughn hits the button to close the doors. He stops the elevator.)
VAUGHN: Will, I'm Michael Vaughn.
WILL: Hey.
VAUGHN: Sorry about the cloak-and-dagger routine but SD-6 may monitor you from time to time and we had to make sure you weren't followed.
WILL: Sure, I get it. So you're Vaughn.
VAUGHN: You sound surprised.
WILL: No, I just thought you'd be, uh... older.
VAUGHN: Ah. Listen, we want to bring you in for a hypnotherapy session. From your statement we think you might be able to recall details from your capture that could help us.
WILL: When?
VAUGHN: There's a car waiting for us upstairs.
WILL: Now?
(Vaughn nods.)
WILL: You know, I can't. I'm helping my friend get her restaurant ready.
VAUGHN: Francie.
WILL: (freaked) Right...
VAUGHN: So tomorrow then?
WILL: Sure, okay.
VAUGHN: Okay, you'll get a call on your cell phone from a telemarketer asking if you're interested in consolidating your debt. That will be your signal to meet back here. We'll have a car take you to our office.
WILL: So every time that Sydney ran out the door after she got a wrong number, she was going to meet you?
VAUGHN: It's standard procedure in case the line's tapped. It's a low-risk wayto set up a meet.
WILL: Did you ever give her a picture frame? It was, like, an antique. She said it was from somebody at work and it was probably just another way to contact her... right?
VAUGHN: No, actually, that was just a gift.
(Vaughn hits the button.)
VAUGHN: It's nice to meet you, Will.
(They shake hands.)
WILL: You, too.
(Vaughn walks out. The elevator doors close and Will probably tries to calculate how long it would take for him to kick Vaughn's ass all in the name of lurrrve.)
(SD-6 conference room with Sloane, Marshall, Jack, Dixon and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Congratulations are in order to both of you. Thanks to your efforts in Sri Lanka we were able to intercept the feed from the satellite launched by Mr. Sark yesterday. He's looking at a twenty-square-mile area of Siberia. Marshall?
MARSHALL: Right, now, I know, I know, this looks like twenty miles of frozen tundrocity, right? Well, take a look at it through the terahertz imaging camera.
(They all see on their screens a grid over the area. Among the smaller, lighter lines is the dark, meaning deep, lines that form this: )
SYDNEY: The symbol of Rambaldi.
MARSHALL: Yeah. Now what the satellite's looking at are subglacial caverns under the ice.
DIXON: Are you saying it's a natural formation?
MARSHALL: Well, beats me. I'm really--without actual ice core samples I can't say anything except, you know, wow.
SLOANE: We are now looking at an image with a ten-centimeter resolution. And as you can see in the center of the cavern there seems to be an object notably composed of metal. We must acquire this object before Mr. Sark does. So you will be accompanied by a support team. They will establish a perimeter with Agent Dixon to guard every possible entrance of the cave. Sydney, you're on point. Flight leaves in four hours. That's all. You can go.
(Everyone gets up to leave.)
SLOANE: Jack, would you stay a minute please?
(Sydney and Jack exchange a look. Once everyone's gone, Sloane closes the doors.)
SLOANE: I want to ask you for a favor, Jack. I think I may have underestimated the effect that Emily's death would have on me.
JACK: You're entitled to your grief.
SLOANE: Not when it undermines my authority here, my standing within the Alliance.
(They sit down.)
SLOANE: I need you to monitor me, Jack. I need you to pull me aside if you think that I'm letting my cards show.
JACK: Of course.
SLOANE: The day before she--the day before she passed, Emily reserved us a suite at our favorite bed and breakfast in Sonoma. Even in her last moments she was planning our future. I'm not a spiritual man, but I feel lately her presence... everywhere around me.
JACK: Trauma can bring about feelings of metaphysical familiarity. Waking dreams, as it were. On the other hand, who's to say she isn't with you?
(At the CIA exam room, Will sits in a chair with electrodes on his head. He's slumped over. Sydney, Vaughn and the CIA hypnotherapy lady are in the adjoining room, looking at him through the glass. Hypnotheraphy lady speaks to him through the microphone.)
HYPNO LADY: I'm going to count backwards from three and when I reach one I want you to lift your head and tell me where you are. Three... two... one.
(Will lifts his head slowly. When he does, we're with Will in his mind, on the plane. His handcuffed hands feel his bruised face. When he's on the plane throughout this sequence, he literally speaks and is not a voice over. It's done really well.)
HYPNO LADY: (VO) Where are you?
(Will looks around. Two g*ons stare at him.)
WILL: I'm in a cargo plane... on the way to Taipei.
HYPNO LADY: Will, how are you feeling?
WILL: I'm afraid they're going to k*ll me.
(Back in the exam room. Will starts to cry a little.)
WILL: I'm afraid they're going to get to Sydney.
HYPNO LADY: They can't, Will. You're revisiting what's already happened. This is just a memory. Now tell me what you see.
(Back on the plane. Will looks around.)
WILL: Sark...
(Back in the exam room.)
WILL: Working on his laptop.
(Sydney and Vaughn exchange a look.)
HYPNO LADY: Can you see the screen?
(Back on the plane, Will's on the other side of the plane and Sark has his back to him.)
(Back in the exam room, Will's eyes are closed and he keeps talking.)
WILL: It's too far away.
(Vaughn moves closer and whispers to the Hypno Lady.)
VAUGHN: (whispers) In his statement he said that he was picked up and carried off the plane so maybe he got closer.
HYPNO LADY: Will, listen to me. I want you to think ahead to when the plane landed, when you were getting off the plane. Can you do that?
WILL: Yes.
(We're back on the plane. Sark is standing up and shakes hands with the two g*ons.)
HYPNO LADY: What do you see?
(The g*ons come closer to Will. They take his arms to carry him off. Will shrinks back in his seat, afraid.)
WILL: Oh, God, please, please, please don't k*ll me!
(In the exam room, Will is back in his seat, afraid.)
WILL: Please don't k*ll me! Please!
SYDNEY: Wake him up!
HYPNO LADY: It's all right.
WILL: Don't k*ll me! Please don't k*ll me!
HYPNO LADY: Will, tell me what's happening.
(Back on the plane, Will is being shuffled out of the plane by the g*ons.)
WILL: They're carrying me off the plane.
HYPNO LADY: (VO) Can you see Sark's computer?
WILL: No. No, I'm passing too fast.
HYPNO LADY: Go back and try again. This time, when you pass the computer, I want you to stop.
(In his mind, Will backs up again. The light's shining on the screen, making it hard for Will to see. We get closer.)
WILL: Names. I-I see names.
HYPNO LADY: Read them to me.
WILL: Dostoyevsky... Nabokov... Tolstoy... Chekov.
(Sydney nods.)
HYPNO LADY: That's good, Will. Now, when you hear the tone I want you to open your eyes and as soon as you do you will feel rested and refreshed.
(Tone. Will's eyes slowly open and he looks around.)
HYPNO LADY: I need to check his vitals. Just give me a minute.
(Sydney smiles as she looks at Will through the glass and turns to Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: You okay?
SYDNEY: I doubt the code that activates Rambaldi's music box is a list of Russian authors. It must be some kind of cipher text.
VAUGHN: Look, under normal circumstances I would never ask this but your mother is the only person who can translate those names for us by the time you leave. If your mother will give us the code to activate the music box we want you to activate the box on site. You'll get it to play and we'll record the music through your comm link and you'll destroy it.
HYPNO LADY: Agent Bristow.
(She waves her in. Sydney leaves Vaughn without another word and goes to the next room to see Will. She puts her hand on his shoulder as Vaughn watches.)
(At Irina's cell, Sydney has her pad of paper in front of her reading the names off of it.)
SYDNEY: Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, Tolstoy, Chekov. We took these code words from Sark's computer. I want you to translate them for me.
IRINA: Give me a pencil and paper.
IRINA: I can't decipher it without pencil and paper.
(Sydney breaks the pencil and passes the stub through the net. She rips the paper out of her pad, rolls it up, and passes that through. Irina immediately starts writing on it, figuring it out.)
IRINA: Mmm... You know, you haven't asked me how I could sh**t my own daughter.
SYDNEY: No, I haven't.
(Irina folds up the paper and slides it through, solving the text in fifteen seconds.)
IRINA: I assume you wouldn't need this combination so urgently if you didn't know where the music box was. Sark won't hesitate to k*ll you. I don't want to lose the chance to explain myself someday.
(Sydney turns to walk out, not wanting to hear it. She stops.)
SYDNEY: About the Thanksgiving play... I was a turkey.
(Irina, in a very human moment, closes her eyes and looks down.)
IRINA: (whispers) Thank you.
(Sydney walks out. Upstairs on the monitor, Jack has been watching and he's not happy.)
(Siberia. It's snowing. Dixon, Sydney and two other agents -- Cooper and Novak -- approach the cave.)
DIXON: I'm not reading any inbound contacts. Looks good. We're all alone out here, but keep your motion trackers on. Novak, you guard the southeast entrace. Cooper, you're guarding the north. Stay on stations.
(They leave.)
DIXON: Watch your step. If you fall through the ice, it'll freeze over in four seconds.
SYDNEY: Good to know.
(She walks in.)
(Sloane, at his house, is doing work. He sighs, stretches a little, and looks at a framed picture of Emily he has on his desk. The phone rings.)
(All he hears is static.)
SLOANE: Hello? Hello?
(The static continues. He hangs up, gets dial tone, and punches a button on his phone.)
AGENT: Yes, sir?
SLOANE: Can you get me security section? I need a backtrace on a call I just received.
AGENT: Just a moment. Sir, the call came from the Baranca Bed and Breakfast in Sonoma county, California.
DIXON: Report contacts!
NOVAK: Post one, holding negative on contacts!
COOPER: Post two, no contact! I'm all alone out here.
DIXON: Sydney, how do you copy in there?
SYDNEY: Got you five by, Dixon.
(She walks around the caves for a bit and finally sees it.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, the ice in this tunnel looks a little shaky, I'm going to go radio silent until I pass through.
DIXON: Copy that. Standing by.
(In her cell, Irina does some push-ups facing the window. The buzzer goes off, letting her know she has a visitor. She turns to see Jack standing there, emotionless as ever. She gets up.)
IRINA: I've had this picture of your face in my mind for twenty years. I remember a loving husband, generous man, patriot. I may have been under orders to fabricate a life with you, but there were times when the illusion of our marriage was as powerful to me as it was for you, especially when Sydney was born. Looking at you now I see that illusion is finally gone.
JACK: I want to make something very clear to you. There are people here who believe you can repay the debt you owe this country through your continued cooperation. I am not one of them. And if Sydney in any way becomes victim to your endgame, I will k*ll you. She spent most of her life believing you were d*ad, she'll get used to it again. No matter what bond you try to forge with her.
(He walks away.)
IRINA: You haven't told her what you did to her after I disappeared... have you?
(Jack walks out.)
(In Siberia, Sydney hits the lock off with her pick axe and breaks the music box open.)
SYDNEY: Base ops, this is Freelancer, do you copy?
VAUGHN: Read you loud and clear, Freelancer.
SYDNEY: I found the music box. It looks intact. Stand by, I'm going to enter the code my mother gave me.
(Outside the cave.)
DIXON: Cooper, Novak, I've got an inbound contact! Northwest, one hundred meters, can you confirm?
COOPER: Got 'em on my radar!
NOVAK: Ditto! But I don't see anyone!
DIXON: The target has stopped! Correction, reading four! Four tangos! Approaching from all directions, they're heading for the entrance!
NOVAK: I still don't see anyone!
DIXON: Sydney, do you copy? Sydney!
(But Sydney doesn't copy because she's talking to Vaughn and Kendall.)
SYDNEY: Three, one, one, two, five, four.
(The music starts to play.)
AGENT: We've got audio.
(Vaughn listens.)
DIXON: Talk to me, Cooper, your tango is ten meters away!
COOPER: I don't see anything!
DIXON: It's right on top of you!
COOPER: I'm telling you, I'm all over it--
(Suddenly he's sh*t from underneath the ice and falls.)
DIXON: Cooper, do you copy? Talk to me, Cooper!
NOVAK: My contact's at two meters. It's got to be an equipment malfunction!
DIXON: Novak... they're under the ice!
(Novak's sh*t. Dixon starts sh**ting at the ice underneath him.)
DIXON: Do you copy, Sydney?!
(Sydney plays the music.)
SYDNEY: Okay, that's it. Confirm you've got the recording, I'm ready to destroy the music box.
VAUGHN: Affirmative. We've got the recording.
SYDNEY: It's affirmative on ten-seven.
(She sprays a solution on it that makes everything dissolve and rust. She closes the lid and puts it in her case, clicks over to Dixon.)
DIXON: ---Sydney, DO YOU COPY?
SYDNEY: I read you, Dixon, what's wrong?
DIXON: Get out of there! Sark's here!
(She turns and Sark's already there with his g*n pointed.)
SARK: Put the case down.
(She does.)
SARK: Slide it over.
(Sydney kicks it across the ice. Sark stops it with his boot.)
SARK: It was you giving us problems at the launch. I'd offer you passage back to civilization but my submersible only seats four.
SYDNEY: It's the thought that counts.
(Sydney whips around and throws the pick axe at him. It gets Sark in the left thigh. He screams out and falls backwards, letting his g*n sh**t everywhere just at the same moment that Sydney tries to run out. As soon as she runs, the sh*t ice breaks underneath her and she falls through. She goes back to the surface, thinking it's a way out, but it's frozen over. Sydney bangs at the ice, submerged in the icy water.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x03 - Cipher"} | foreverdreaming |
(Continuing from last week. Sydney bangs on the ice but it has frozen over. Under water, she looks around and sees the d*ad marksman who was sh**ting at Cooper and Novak under the ice. One of them must've sh*t him and k*lled him during the g*n. Sydney swims over and takes his breathing apparatus. She takes a swig. He's still holding onto his r*fle. Sydney takes it from him, swims closer to the top, and sh**t at the ice. Panting and shivering, she reaches the ice on the side of the water but can't lift herself up. She sinks back into the water until Dixon reaches in and pulls her out. They fall back onto the ice, hugging each other.)
DIXON: Sydney.
SYDNEY: (shivering) Hi.
(Sydney sits in front of Sloane's desk with a cup of coffee.)
SLOANE: The music box that you were sent to retrieve. Mr. Sark got away with it.
SYDNEY: Yes. But after five hundred years buried in the Siberian ice, the music box was corroded. It practically fell apart in my hands.
SLOANE: That's odd.
SYDNEY: What's that?
SLOANE: Milo Rambaldi. He's done this before, many times. Hiding information inside works of art. The clock, sculpture. Hmm. This time he chose to bury one of his most important innovations -- the formula for zero-point energy -- inside a music box.
SYDNEY: You're talking about an inventor who lived five hundred years ago. Anything regarding Milo Rambaldi seems odd to me.
SLOANE: Well, what's unusual isn't how he hid the information, Sydney, it's where. Why would Milo Rambaldi go to the unimaginable length of having catacombs built in Siberia only to leave his music box exposed to corrosive elements?
(Flashback: Sydney spraying something on the music box to make it dissolve and rust.)
SYDNEY: Another Rambaldi mystery.
(Self-storage building. Sydney and Vaughn meeting.)
VAUGHN: So do you think Sloane suspects you?
SYDNEY: That I used the inhaler to corrode the music box? No, I don't think so.
(Flashback: Sydney and Sloane hugging, Sloane with a big smile on his face.)
SYDNEY: (VO) Sloane made sure I knew how relieved he was that I made it back safely.
(Back to the self-storage.)
SYDNEY: I went home, took a shower, and came here.
VAUGHN: Good. By the way, you should know Siberia was a complete success. When you activated the music box, we recorded it. It's at Langley for analysis. So we got the intel and Sloane didn't.
SYDNEY: Neither did Sark.
(She looks down.)
SYDNEY: The information my mother gave us helped us again, that's all.
VAUGHN: You know you can talk to me about your mother.
SYDNEY: I know that doing that is harder for you than you make it seem.
VAUGHN: Well, it's my job.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, she k*lled your father.
VAUGHN: Yes, thank you.
SYDNEY: You don't have to pretend with me.
VAUGHN: And you don't have to withhold.
SYDNEY: All I'm saying is that it's unfair.
VAUGHN: Well, maybe so, but I certainly didn't join the CIA looking for fairness! After everything she's done to you, are those things you could ever forgive?
SYDNEY: I don't know.
VAUGHN: Yeah, well, your father doesn't share that ambiguity. He's meeting with Assistant Director Kendall right now and he is lobbying to have your mother taken away.
(Sydney marches into the joint task force offices and finds Kendall and Jack talking.)
KENDALL: As long as she's helping us in the w*r against SD-6 and the Alliance, she stays!
SYDNEY: Did you even read my report?
JACK: Yes, of course.
SYDNEY: Well, why are you completely disregarding what I wrote?
KENDALL: Great job in Siberia, Agent Bristow.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
KENDALL: Excuse me.
(He leaves them alone.)
JACK: I agreed with what you wrote, that on more than one occasion, your mother has provided crucial intel to the CIA and to the detriment of SD-6. It would even appear that her actions have kept you out of harms way.
SYDNEY: Dad, that's a fact!
JACK: There's another fact! Nothing that woman says or does can be taken at face value. Her motivations are strictly her own and now that your dealings with your mother have taken on an emotional component, I'm concerned.
SYDNEY: Well, don't be. I'm more professional than that. Every one of our discussions has been specific and mission-related.
JACK: You told her about your school play.
SYDNEY: You heard me tell her I was a turkey.
JACK: Yes.
SYDNEY: You were watching me. Dad, I have enough spying in my life to worry about.
JACK: What I've been watching is you make the same mistakes with that woman that I did. Sydney, she's someone that you've idealized for almost twenty years. You didn't learn about her history with the KGB until recently.
SYDNEY: What does that matter?
JACK: That you've wanted a mother -- your mother -- all your life and now here she is.
SYDNEY: Dad... you don't have to worry about me. I'm not that naive.
JACK: I'm sure that's something we both hope is true.
(He leaves.)
(Sloane's alone in his office. Jack knocks and Sloane punches a few buttons that unlocks the door. Jack enters.)
JACK: You wanted to see me?
(Jack sits.)
SLOANE: Several nights ago, I received a phone call at my home. There was no one at the other end, just some high-pitched static, but something about the call left me unsettled.
JACK: Did security section run a trace?
SLOANE: Yeah. The call originated in Sonoma, California. The Baranca Bed and Breakfast Inn. Emily and I spent some time there. It was our favorite getaway.
JACK: Simple. It was a wrong number.
SLOANE: I'm not so sure.
JACK: I don't understand what you're suggesting.
SLOANE: I'm suggesting that someone may be trying to leave me unsettled. I would like you to send someone to Sonoma, Jack. I need to know who made that call.
JACK: Sure, I'll get security section--
SLOANE: Jack, I don't want this to get back to the Alliance. They can't know that I'm taking measures.
JACK: I understand.
JACK: I'll send Dixon.
SLOANE: Jack, there's something else. After Sark recovered Rambaldi's music box, we tracked him to a safehouse in the Falkland Islands. Sent in a team.
JACK: And did we retrieve it?
SLOANE: Yes. It was destroyed with age as Sydney said. Worthless. But we found something else.
(Sydney and Francie are eating cereal and laughing.)
SYDNEY: He was like eighty years old?
FRANCIE: At least. Syd, I'm serious.
(Phone rings in the background.)
FRANCIE: I expected like a delivery guy to be buffed out. I mean, he sounded hot on the phone...
SYDNEY: Was he a cute eighty?
FRANCIE: Shut up!
(Will walks in.)
WILL: Francie, there's a woman on the phone from the health department.
FRANCIE: Ooh, I'm getting graded today.
(She leaves to get the phone.)
WILL: How's it going?
WILL: (lower voice) How's your mom?
SYDNEY: Oooh... How are you?
WILL: Well, I've got four weeks left of community service and then I'm done. Hey, um, you remember last week when I cooperated and let the CIA hypnotize me?
WILL: What happened with that? I mean, was I helpful at all? And I'm only asking because about five minutes ago I was doing pretty well as a reporter, you know, and now I'm a dishwasher living in denial. That's all.
SYDNEY: The information you provided was huge.
WILL: Huge? Really?
SYDNEY: Because of you, the CIA scored a real victory. I should have told you that before, I'm sorry.
WILL: No, no, no, don't worry about it. That's so good to know.
(Sydney's pager goes off. She looks at it.)
WILL: Good guys or bad guys?
SYDNEY: Neither. My father.
(Middle of nowhere, the two Bristows drive up and get out of their vehicles.)
SYDNEY: Everything okay?
JACK: I talked with Sloane this morning. He sent a team after Sark. He wanted to recover the music box.
SYDNEY: I told him it was ruined.
JACK: Yes, but he wanted it anyway. He tracked down Sark to a location in the Falklans.
(Flashback: Several SD-6 men storm a small shack, g*n aimed. Sark is standing at the back of the room and starts f*ring his g*n.)
JACK: (VO) Sark fought back. He got away.
(Sark dives through a boarded up window and escapes.)
JACK: (VO) They did, however, find a man at that location who was being held and tortured. His name is Klaus Richter. Three weeks ago Richter was in Barcelona.
(The men find Richter tied to a chair, sweating and panting.)
(Back to meeting.)
SYDNEY: When I was there.
JACK: Yes, along with your mother. The operations manual of the organization your mother used to run -- The Bible. Anyone who gets their hands on that book will gain access to all the contacts, technology, and w*apon they amassed over the last ten years. Sloane believes your mother gave the book to Richter, that he was the man who hid the book.
SYDNEY: Do you think that's true?
JACK: I know it is. They brought Richter into an SD-6 holding cell and I interrogated him.
(SD-6 holding cell. It's a small and dark room and Richter is on his back, arms spread open. He's panting and sweating profusely. Jack slowly walks in.)
JACK: (VO) Before being brought into SD-6, Richter was screened for every type of possible infection -- ebola, HIV, retroviruses. They didn't finda thing, yet this man was clearly dying. Medtech believes he may have been suffering from an allergic reaction to something Sark used on him. Apparently the first sign of illness was bleeding from the fingernails.
(Richter's fingers are all bandaged, with blood seeping through the white gauze.)
(Back to the meeting.)
JACK: Sloane wanted me to t*rture him but that man was tortured as it was.
(Back to the interrogation, Jack gets out a syringe.)
JACK: (VO) So I gave him morphine.
(Jack injects him and takes off the rubber band around his arm.)
JACK: Irina Derevko gave you the operations manual for her syndicate. I would like you to tell me where you've hidden it.
RICHTER: Derevko is a great woman.
JACK: Morphine's not bad, either. Let me be clear. I've only given you enough to last five minutes. Cooperate and get all you want. Resist and you get none.
(Richter winces.)
JACK: Where did you hide that manual?
(Meeting with Sydney outside.)
JACK: The location was too remote to describe. It turns out Richter had designed a map to lead your mother back to the book's location.
SYDNEY: So where's the map?
JACK: Inside a first edition of w*r and Peace located at the technical services library at Fapsi headquarters in Moscow.
SYDNEY: Fapsi headquarters.
JACK: Sloane is preparing to send you to Moscow to retrieve Richter's map. I've had the CIA fabricate a bogus map. You go to Moscow, retrieve the real one, which you'll return to the CIA. You'll give SD-6 this map which will lead them to the middle of the Sunken Forest.
SYDNEY: Why have you come to me like this? Before my SD-6 briefing? You giving me the CIA countermission instead of Vaughn?
JACK: Because this is the best way to respond to your responsibilities.
SYDNEY: No. I know what this is. You don't want me to take this to Mom.
JACK: There's no benefit in seeing her. You have all the information you need.
SYDNEY: We don't know that!
JACK: Sydney, we've been doing this long enough to know that our system works.
SYDNEY: Our system was stagnant until Mom turned herself in! Dad, we've covered this. We've both been betrayed by this woman. The difference between you and me is that I'm willing to squeeze her for everything she's got to take down the enemy and to get me the hell out of this life as soon as possible! Anything.
(NA meeting. Will sits in front of everyone.)
WILL: I'm Will, and I'm an addict.
WILL: I never thought bout my reputation until I lost it. It all happened very publicly so people actually look at me at the market and stuff. "Okay, there's the drug addict from the newspaper." Well, actually... there has been one happy byproduct from all this. I have a good friend who, it turns out, I, uh... I didn't know at all before. And now she and I can talk in a way that we never did before and uh... and I don't think I would trade that for anything.
(Later, Will inspects the box of donuts.)
REBECCA: The same thing happened to me.
WILL: What?
REBECCA: I learned who my true friends were when everyone found out about my habit. Uh, I'm Rebecca Martinez.
WILL: Hi. I'm Will Tippin, nice to--
REBECCA: I know who you are, Will Tippin. I read your articles. The reporter with the big imagination who fell in love with the heroin chic lifestyle.
WILL: Yeah. Yeah, that's me.
REBECCA: My theory? I don't think you ever really were a drug addict.
WILL: Why would you say that?
REBECCA: Well, I believe what you wrote about SD-6 was true. I think you got too close to some kind of secret conspiracy and they had to shut you down. They probably came after you, told you not to talk. I mean, they couldn't k*ll you, could they? No. That would expose them. So they thr*at you and then to ruin your reputation they sh*t you up.
WILL: No. Uh, no. I-I made up all that stuff about SD-6. That was me. That was me, being an idiot. What?
REBECCA: Sorry. I'm sort of a conspiracy theorist. I have a web page, conspiracychick.com Here. (gives him her card) I want to prove your story about SD-6 was real.
(The prison doors buzz as Sydney walks to her mother's cell. She comes up close to see Irina reading a book, sitting on her bed. Sydney gets a chair and sits down.)
SYDNEY: Klaus Richter is in SD-6 custody. I'm aware that you refused to give the CIA details about this operations manual you had Richter hide away and I understand why. The knowledge contained in that manual is your only leverage. But now, having spoken with Richter, SD-6 is after it. Richter was found in the custody of Mr. Sark. We don't know what Sark knows. He might already have the map in his possession. I'm here because SD-6 is sending me to Moscow. I'm going to retrieve the map at Fapsi headquarters. So if you want to help the CIA, as you claim to, you'll give us any information you have that will facilitate the recovery of Richter's map.
IRINA: When I turned myself over to CIA, a pair of earrings were taken from me. They have sentimental value. I'd like them back.
SYDNEY: I'll see what I can do.
IRINA: And in good faith, tell me how you plan on breaking into the library.
(Jack is in therapy with Dr. Barnett. His arms are folded across his chest and he taps his fingers against his forearm distractedly.)
JACK: She went to see her mother. I tried... I tried to stop her. I made it clear.
BARNETT: Made what clear?
JACK: Trusting her mother. She's playing with f*re.
BARNETT: We've had this discussion.
JACK: There's no one else to do this job.
BARNETT: Sydney went to see her mother.
JACK: Yes. She's there now... looking for help.
(Sydney and Irina are bonding.)
IRINA: The east wing stairwell is an option, I can see why SD-6 chose that route. But there's a better way to get to the sixth floor library. Write this down. Once you're inside the building, don't take the main stairs. You just look to your left and there's a door...
(Back in therapy.)
JACK: No one wants a happy ending to this story more than I do but I know this woman. I know her charms. I know her tricks. The way she presents herself, she disarms you. Some people have that talent. Compared to all of them, Irina Derevko is extraordinary.
BARNETT: Is there any chance that all she wants is forgiveness?
BARNETT: Be specific about your concerns.
JACK: I don't know what it is Derevko wants. Maybe something within the CIA, maybe to recruit Sydney to her side. I can tell you I know this -- Derevko is using this agency and my daughter to get whatever it is that she wants and everywhere I look people are complacent and cooperative! Listening to--!
(He stops and tries to calm down.)
JACK: Listening to a woman who k*lled operatives of the CIA. Who destroyed countless lives.
(Sydney closes her notepad and smiles but tries to hide it.)
SYDNEY: We'll take your suggestions into consideration.
IRINA: Be careful.
(Sydney looks up and smiles a little. Irina smiles as Sydney gets up to leave. She starts walking out.)
JACK: (VO) You asked me what I was afraid of. I can tell you, it's obvious.
(Sydney smiles and leaves the prison.)
JACK: I'm afraid of losing my daughter.
(Vaughn walks in the self-storage meeting place but Sydney's already there waiting.)
VAUGHN: Hey. So I heard your father came to see you and he tried to preempt my involvement.
SYDNEY: He was just trying to keep me away from my mother.
VAUGHN: I know.
SYDNEY: She actually had some intel for this mission that could help.
VAUGHN: Good. Listen, as far as your mother's concerned, it's ridiculous for you to worry about me. I mean, I'm fine. What she did to my father, I can handle. But when I heard what your father did, coming to see you like that, I realized how insane it must be for him, having your mother back in his life. Which only concerned me because that means he's not making it any easier for you. So before you leave for Moscow I just wanted to say that you might feel alone in all this, like you don't have an ally. (pause) I'm your ally. Never question that.
(Sydney gets tears in her eyes. An agent walks in.)
AGENT: Miss Bristow, your plane's standing by.
SYDNEY: I'll see you when I get back.
(They smile at each other. Sydney leaves.)
(In Moscow, Sydney walks in wearing an army outfit with medals on her chest. She comes to two guards standing in front of the metal detector.)
GUARD: (in Russian) Credentials please, Major.
SYDNEY: (in Russian) I see you're wearing the order of the Red Star, first class.
GUARD: (in Russian) Yes, ma'am. I was in Grozny.
SYDNEY: (in Russian) We lost a lot of good people in Chechnya.
(He waves her through. When she walks through the metal detector, the alarm goes. She comes back and puts her arms out to be scanned. The other guard waves the metal detector in front of her and it goes off when he puts it near her chest.)
GUARD: (in Russian) Sorry for the delay.
(They salute her. She nods and walks through, gets to the elevator. She takes a medal off of her chest.)
(Flashback: Marshall's workplace. He holds the cluster of medals.)
MARSHALL: Okay, these medals that you won? Well, you didn't really win them and they're not really medals. This one right here is the Order of Bravery, right? Not a medal, right? No. It's an electronic skeleton key.
(Sydney puts the medal into the pad and the elevator goes up.)
MARSHALL: (VO) It'll get you access to the sixth floor.
(Sydney takes the medal out and runs down the hall. She gets to the library door but it's locked.)
(Back to Marshall's office.)
MARSHALL: This one -- the Order of Zukov, first class -- this will get you into the technical library.
(Sydney walks around the stacks of books and goes to a computer. She sits down and takes another medal off.)
(Marshall's still holding up all the medals.)
MARSHALL: Now this one is the Order of Merit, it'll get you into the A.S.R.S.
SYDNEY: What's the A.S.R.S.?
MARSHALL: Okay, the majority of the books are kept in a secure area underneath the building. Now, in order to get them you're going to need to get to the selection terminal.
(Sydney's at the computer, in the system.)
MARSHALL: (VO) What you'll do is type in the name of the book you want then there's going to be this, like, a*t*matic crane thing that retrieves the book that you've requested and then deposits it over on the sixth floor, okay?
(Sydney types the title in and watches the video footage on the computer as the mechanical crane selects the book and brings the drawer over to the opening to slide it down a chute to the sixth floor library.)
(Marshall's office.)
MARSHALL: Now, just make sure you don't remove the medal until after you've logged off the system or you'll probably set off the alarm, okay?
(He tries to put the medals on his shirt but it pierces his skin.)
MARSHALL: Owww! Actually, it felt kind of good.
(Library. The crane brings it over. Beep. The book slides down right behind Sydney. But a g*n cocks in her face. Sydney looks up to see Sark, dressed in a similiar outfit to Sydney's, minus the skirt of course.)
SARK: Whatever Arvin Sloane pays you, it can't be enough. Would you consider coming to work for me if it meant I'd let you walk out of here? I believe if you took the time to hear the comprehensive offer, you might actually say yes.
(Sydney checks him out, looking him up and down.)
SYDNEY: You're cute, but I'll pass.
(She removes the medal which makes the alarm go off. Sydney jumps up from her seat and delivers an uppercut to Sark's face, making his Russian army hat fly off. They both block each other's punches for a bit until Sark kicks Sydney hard and makes her fall into a bookshelf. He runs over to the book, finds the map, but the Russian guards come in and see him. Sark rolls behind a desk and aims his g*n. The guards and Sark sh**t at each while Sydney sneaks over from her hiding place and picks up the fallen map. She runs up the stairs to the seventh floor as the guards throw Sark on the ground. Sydney runs out but the guards see her and start yelling. Up on the seventh, she runs down a hall. The guards are following. She runs into an office, hides behind a desk and removes her belt buckle which is a phone. Back in LA, Vaughn's cell rings.)
VAUGHN: Go ahead.
SYDNEY: It's me! I am trapped in the technical services building. I need a way out! My mother said something about secret passages. Get her on the phone!
(Meanwhile the guards are checking every room for her, kicking in doors with their g*n ready.)
(Vaughn runs down the hall to Irina's cell, ducking under the bars to get there. He slaps the glass of her cell to get her attention, his phone up to his ear.)
VAUGHN: Sydney's trapped in the Fapsi building in Moscow! She needs a way out, now!
IRINA: Where is she, exactly?
VAUGHN: (on phone) Where are you exactly?
SYDNEY: An office on the seventh floor!
VAUGHN: An office on the seventh floor.
(The guards are coming closer, entering another office.)
IRINA: Whose office?
VAUGHN: (on phone) Whose office?
(Sydney turns around and looks at the nameplate on the desk.)
SYDNEY: General Vitali Siminov.
VAUGHN: General Vitali Siminov.
IRINA: Ask her if there's an abstract painting behind the desk.
VAUGHN: (on phone) Is there an abstract painting behind the desk?
SYDNEY: Yes, yes, yes!
VAUGHN: Behind it, there's an activation switch for a private security door.
(Sydney gets up and moves the painting. She hits the switch and the desk moves away from the wall. Vaughn waits. The guards storm the office just as the desk moves back into place. Shouting in Russian, they check the office but Sydney's gone. Outside the building she calmly walks by a line of tourists waiting to get in.)
TOURIST: What time does this place open?
SYDNEY: (in Russian accent) Not for another hour!
(She keeps walking.)
SYDNEY: I'm out and I've got the map.
(Back at the cell, Vaughn sighs with relief.)
VAUGHN: Copy, Freelancer, see you at home.
(He hangs up and looks at Irina.)
IRINA: How do you say "thank you" to the woman who k*lled your father?
VAUGHN: You don't.
(Later, Sydney and Vaughn sit down at the joint task force offices.)
VAUGHN: Sark asked you to come work with him?
SYDNEY: Like it wasn't even a question, like it was a done deal. Sark is like the good-looking guy in high school who knows how cute he is and won't take no for an answer.
VAUGHN: Any suspicious reaction to the map you gave SD-6?
SYDNEY: No. They're analyzing it now.
VAUGHN: Good. We have a CIA tech trying to decode the real map. They're having trouble with it.
SYDNEY: Do you think Richter used cipher text only they could read?
VAUGHN: Maybe. Your mother might be able to help us with this.
SYDNEY: If you're aking me to go see her again, she did have a request.
(Irina's cell. The drawer opens and she takes out her earrings.)
SYDNEY: They've been checked for hidden compartments, transmitters, passive sensors. Every sharp edge has been dulled.
IRINA: I was twenty-one years old when I was given these at the graduation from the academy. My mother -- your grandmother -- put these in my hands. I cried. She said, "Sweetheart, wear them well." You would have liked her. Had things... been different.
(Sydney puts the map in the drawer. Irina takes it.)
SYDNEY: We need you to decode the map.
(SD-6 offices. Jack walks in and sits on Dixon's desk.)
JACK: I have a request.
DIXON: Sure.
JACK: Mr. Sloane is concerned about a phone call he received at home last Thursday night. The call was traced at the Baranca Bed & Breakfast in Sonoma, California. He's asked me to send someone to Sonoma to find out who was staying there, who might have made the call, whatever information you can get.
DIXON: Sounds easy enough.
JACK: No one's to know about this.
DIXON: Understood.
(They nod in agreement.)
(Irina, with a pad of paper and a pen, decodes the map.)
IRINA: Madagascar... close to Sambaba... latitude, minus fourteen degrees. Twenty-six minutes. Longitude forty-nine degrees. Fifty-seven minutes and twenty-seconds.
(She flips the pad over to show Sydney.)
(Upstairs, Vaughn, Sydney, Jack and Kendall stand around.)
SYDNEY: She says the building is clean. There are no expl*sives, or anti-intrusion systems.
JACK: You obviously can't trust this information.
SYDNEY: Dad, come on. If she wanted me d*ad she could have left me stuck at Fapsi headquarters.
JACK: Your mother knows that the only leverage she has is the information about her agency. As soon as we get that manual, she's got nothing.
SYDNEY: Unless she wants to prove herself.
JACK: That's the kind of hopeful thinking that will get you k*lled!
SYDNEY: I'm going in.
JACK: No, you're not.
VAUGHN: Irina Derevko has proved her value.
JACK: DO NOT TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT WOMAN'S VALUE! Of all people, you should know better!
KENDALL: We're sending you to Madagascar to retreive The Bible. (to Vaughn) You, too. Prepare to leave tonight. (to Jack) I want you to deal with Sydney's cover at SD-6. Let's move it!
(Everyone leaves. Jack stands alone, losing control. Appropriately, thunder rumbles as we cut to...)
(Night. Raining outside. Jack, in his car, meets up with a source of his in his own vehicle. Jack passes him an envelope through their open windows.)
JACK: The team will be in Madagascar in twelve hours. I'll need you to have everything in place by then.
SOURCE: On that timeframe? I have to parachute in.
(The source inspects the map.)
SOURCE: Jack, I owe you, but why thirty pounds of semtex? I could do the same job with five pounds of C-4.
JACK: I need you to make sure that if anyone enters that building, no one will survive.
(NA meeting. Everyone holds hands and forms a circle.)
LEADER: God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. Don't forget, next week, Patty's bringing the donuts!
(Light laughter. Will gets his coat from his chair and starts to leave. Rebecca catches up with him.)
REBECCA: Hey, I had a thought. You and I could do this together.
WILL: Do what together?
REBECCA: You tell me what to do, who to contact, what to write, I could publish it all on my web page. Totally anonymous.
WILL: Rebecca--
REBECCA: And... we could hang out. Which could be kind of nice. Do you like frozen yogurt?
WILL: I already told you that the whole thing about SD-6, it was all fictional.
REBECCA: Will, come on. Now why would anyone, especially you, make up a story like that?
(Will sighs.)
REBECCA: Okay, just tell me this. Did they do this to you?
WILL: A friend of mine, her fiance was k*lled. The police, they thought it was just a random sh**ting and some guy had broken in his apartment. And I was worried about her. I decided to play hero. I was going to find out who k*lled him. And after that, I was gonna, I don't know, maybe, uh... our relationship would be different. But the more that I looked into it, the less I found. Then I had to make it up because to me, it was more important not to let her down than it was just to be honest with her. So you want to look into SD-6, hey... good luck.
(Rebecca, which probably isn't her real name, sits in front of Sloane's desk.)
REBECCA: Will Tippin shouldn't be a problem. I gave him a number of opportunities, all recorded on audio files, to restart his SD-6 investigation. Tippin never took the bait.
SLOANE: Has security section seen that?
REBECCA: Yes, and they're classifying Tippin as a non-threat.
(Dixon stands at the doorway. Sloane gets up and he and Dixon go to another room.)
SLOANE: Did you talk to the desk clerk?
DIXON: Yes, I did, sir. The Baranca Inn has no way of linking a back trace from an outside line to an individual room so we don't know which room it was that called your home. But we do know who was staying at the inn that night.
(Dixon hands over the list. Sloane flips through the page and stops. "Emily Sloane" is written down.)
DIXON: Is that your wife's signature?
(Madagascar, night. Sydney, Vaughn, and two other agents get out of their vehicle and start walking. Their g*n are cocked.)
SYDNEY: Freelancer has reached the target and is headed toward position.
(At the joint task force, a young agent sits in front of the monitor as Kendall and Jack watch.)
KENDALL: We have you on screen, Freelancer.
(Vaughn's monitor beeps as they get closer.)
SYDNEY: There's the house. Freelancer's going in.
(They get closer and climb the step.)
SYDNEY: We're at the door.
(Jack points at the screen.)
JACK: Can you switch from the real-time sat radar scan to infrared?
(The agent does so.)
AGENT: Switching to infrared...
(Sydney's about to go in. She flashes her flashlight inside to see if anyone's in there. Jack quickly puts on a headset.)
JACK: Sydney, hold your entry!
SYDNEY: What is it, Dad?
JACK: The building is wired to explode. (points at the screen) See how these areas don't give off the same amount of heat as the surrounding structure? That's because they're not made of wood.
KENDALL: Well, what are they made of?
JACK: Sydney... I need you to take a look under the house. Is there a crawl space?
(Of course there is. Sydney and Vaughn get down on their bellies and peek under the house. There are several beeping expl*sives set up all around the crawlspace. Sydney gets tears in her eyes. She stares, horrified.)
SYDNEY: She lied to me.
VAUGHN: Sydney, come on. We're pulling back.
(Sydney rips off her light and starts walking with Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: If she was counting on my trust, that I would just walk in there and set off the expl*sives, then why would she help us get this far?
VAUGHN: There are enough expl*sives in there to blow this entire place, operations manual included. Your mother was using us to destroy it for her.
(Ahead of Vaughn, someone is walking toward them. Sydney doesn't see because she's still facing the house, walking backwards, staring at it.)
VAUGHN: Secure the perimeter until--
(He's whacked in the face with either a g*n or a plain old fist. Vaughn falls to the ground and Sark comes into view, having disguised himself as one of them.)
SARK: Your efficient reconnaisance work saved us the trouble of using our GPS. Thank you.
(Vaughn slowly stands up.)
SARK: (to his men) Go inside and recover the operations manual.
(Two men go to the house.)
SARK: You escaped tactical directorate after lockdown. Clearly, you had no trouble decoding the map. I'm surprised Klaus Richter was so willing to reveal his secrets. If I didn't know any better, I'd guess you had another source.
(The two men enter the house behind them and they don't have time to take two steps before the expl*sives go off and everything blows. Back in LA, Kendall and Jack watch on the screen.)
(Vaughn looks up as everything explodes.)
VAUGHN: Where's Sark?
SYDNEY: He's gone.
(Sydney and Vaughn stand up. She clicks on her comm link.)
JACK: Sydney, are you okay?
SYDNEY: We're okay, Dad. We're coming home.
(Vaughn puts his arm around Sydney and guides her out. Kendall rips off his headset and picks up the phone.)
KENDALL: This is Assistand Director Kendall. I want Irina Derevko removed from this facility. I want her transferred to Camp Harris for unrestricted interrogation.
(He hangs up and looks at Jack.)
KENDALL: She'll be gone within the hour. You were right about her, Jack. You were right.
(Irina meditates on her bed with her eyes closed. However, she snaps them open when she hears the buzzer go off. Suddenly, three US Marshals are in her cell, grabbing her and forcing her to stand. They put shackles on her. She looks around, not understanding.)
(Upstairs, Jack watches the monitor as Irina is led away, handcuffed.)
(Self-storage building. Sydney has her back to whomever she's talking to, and she's crying.)
SYDNEY: I thought there might have been a chance to believe. To believe that she had no hidden agenda.
(She turns around, trying not to cry. And there's Jack, standing before her, looking uncomfortable and guilty.)
SYDNEY: (crying) Everything you said was right. And I was so stupid.
(Sydney breaks down, crying. Jack takes two big steps and suddenly hugs Sydney. She puts her head on his chest and sobs.)
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, Dad. I am sorry that I doubted you. I'm sorry, Dad...
(Jack hugs his daughter, looking very guilty.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x04 - d*ad Drop"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Indicator" episode #2.05
(Sydney walks to her mother's empty cell and goes inside. She looks around.)
(Flashback to earlier. A guard stands outside a boardroom. Taking place inside is the joint intelligence committee, special session. Sydney sits at a table by herself talking into the microphone with a bunch of sentators sitting across from her at the other end of the room.)
SYDNEY: Five weeks ago, Irina Derevko surrendered herself to the CIA. She claimed that she wanted to cooperate to seek restitution for the criems she committed against the United States. During the next several weeks, Irina Derevko provided meaningful intelligence to the CIA on several occasions--
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Pardon the interruption, Agent Bristow. Let's talk about last week, the incident in Madagascar.
SYDNEY: Before Derevko turned herself into the CIA, as leverage, she concealed her organization's operations manual. Last week the CIA discovered where it was hidden. When I told Derevko I was going in to retrieve the manual, she informed us that the building was safe to enter. In truth, it was a trap. Derevko had rigged it with expl*sives. Just as we were about to enter the building, an agent spotted something on the satellite imagery.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: That agent was your father.
SYDNEY: Yes. He saved my life.
(Continuing now, Sydney is still in the cell, looking around. She finds something on the window sill. It's one of her mother's earrings. She's looking at it when Jack enters.)
SYDNEY: I wanted to stand in this cell, just once. You tried to warn me about her so many times. I'm so sorry that I didn't listen to you.
JACK: Some things you need to experience for yourself. I imagine every parent wants to protect their children from that truth.
SYDNEY: I never said thank you for saving my life.
JACK: We're due for a briefing at SD-6. We should go.
(Sydney smiles and nods. She walks out with Jack following her. Outside the cell, they walk down the hallway side-by-side. Sydney links her arm through his. Jack looks at her.)
(In Vienna, a car comes to a stop at a red light. A few cars are in line ahead of him. The light turns green but the cars don't move. The guy honks, impatient. Then he honks again, getting even more impatient. Someone gets out of the car behind him, wearing a mask and holding a massive g*n. He racks the g*n and points it at the impatient fellow. He and another masked g*n start sh**ting. The impatient guy's horn is now blaring because he's slumped over against the steering wheel, sh*t to death. The g*n go back to their car. They drive away. As they're passing the sh*t car they throw a grenade or an expl*sive of some sort into the shattered window. The cars that were ahead of him are gone. The car blows up. Bystanders scream.)
(SD-6 briefing with Dixon, Sydney, Jack, Sloane and Marshall.)
SLOANE: Niels Hater. The so-called Austrian connection was m*rder yesterday morning in Viena. The bold nature of the h*t, the complete disregard for civilian collateral damage, indicates the work of the triad.
DIXON: Hater was triad. They k*lled one of their own?
SLOANE: Yes, we believe so.
(Briefing with Vaughn at the self-storage building.)
VAUGHN: The triad? You never mentioned them before.
SYDNEY: It's a loose coalition of organized crime entities. They deal in mainly drugs and prostitution, but over the past couple of years they've made a significant foray into w*apon.
VAUGHN: Okay. So why did they k*ll Hater?
SYDNEY: Because he was selling intel to SD-6.
(The SD-6 briefing, continuing.)
SLOANE: In his last communique to our source in Viena, Hater informed us that the triad was engaged in a plot to deploy and develop sixteen Next Generation w*apon.
DIXON: Any idea what Next Generation refers to?
SLOANE: No, which is a major source for concern. According to the communique, testing of the w*apon is ahead of schedule which means they may soon be put into the field.
SYDNEY: Do we know where these w*apon are now?
JACK: Budapest. During the Cold w*r, the Russians bulit a massive b*mb shelter under the magistrate's bureau. The triad has been using that shelter as a testing facility.
(No one says anything. Sloane is thinking about something, his mind elsewhere. Jack looks at him. Sloane snaps back to attention but Jack and Sydney exchange a "Did you see that? What was that about?" look.)
SLOANE: Your mission is to gain access to that facility, identify the nature of the w*apon, retrieve the specs and test data off the central server and then proceed to the R&D lab and photograph the w*apon.
(Vaughn briefing.)
VAUGHN: So that SD-6 can engineer the w*apon for themselves.
SYDNEY: Which we won't let happen.
VAUGHN: Okay. I'll confer with your father about your countermission.
SYDNEY: My father?
VAUGHN: He didn't tell you? Based on your father's instincts in the Madagascar incident, Devlin gave him operational approval.
VAUGHN: When you and I were approaching that building, ops was monitoring our process via sat radar scan. Now, at the last moment, your father switched to infrared which is how he saw the expl*sives. We don't have routine satellite coverage over Madagascar, one had to be retasked. Now the closest one was over the Indian Ocean, yet your father specifically requested the one over the South Atlantic. Which, of the two, is the only one that has infrared capabilities.
SYDNEY: He wanted to account for every possibility.
VAUGHN: Probably. Or it's posible that he already knew there'd be expl*sives at that entrance.
SYDNEY: I don't see how, he never truested my mother's motives but he... You think my father wired that entrance... to set up my mother. We were nearly k*lled!
VAUGHN: I know.
SYDNEY: If there had been interference on our comms--
VAUGHN: You have to admit it wouldn't be the first time.
SYDNEY: Meaning what?!
VAUGHN: Rusik.
SYDNEY: Rusik!
VAUGHN: Your father set up Rusik!
SYDNEY: I was a prisoner! Sloane was about to have me ex*cuted!
VAUGHN: I don't see why you're denying this possibility!
SYDNEY: I understand that your authority has been superceded by my father and maybe you feel irrelevant. But he saved our lives. Remember that! I won't wait to hear from you.
(She walks out.)
(Francie's unnamed restaurant. Music plays as Sydney walks in. She looks around at all the people talking and laughing and spots Francie and Will.)
WILL: Hey.
FRANCIE: Hi, you look fabulous!
SYDNEY: Oh, so do you. I am--I am so proud of you.
FRANCIE: Thank you.
SYDNEY: Where did you get all these people?
FRANCIE: Can you believe it? I invited a hundred people, thinking maybe seventy would show up.
WILL: You said you were worried.
FRANCIE: He tells his NA meeting.
WILL: And they're good people.
FRANCIE: I'm sure they're fantastic people but we make ninety per cent of our profits from the bar and they don't drink.
(They all giggle. Later, dance music plays. Jack walks in. Sydney is dancing with Will. She gets twirled around by him, with a big smile on her face. Jack stands near the door, looking uncomfortable. Sydney is laughing and gives Will a little hug. Over her shoulder she sees him. Francie sees Jack and waves at him. He waves back awkwardly. He motions outside to Sydney, she tells Will and walks out to join her dad. Outside, on the sidewalk, Jack waits.)
JACK: The plane leaves for Budapest in an hour. You'll meet Dixon at the airport. When you get into the triad's test facility, you'll log onto their computer. Sloane expects you to disable the firewall so that SD-6 can hack in and directly download the specs for the Next Gen w*apon. Once you've accessed the computer you'll contact the CIA and give us the IP address. We'll download the specs. Here, memorize this number. This is the IP address you'll give Dixon. He'll think he's accessing the triad's computer but he'll be on a CIA server. We've set up some dummy files for him to download.
SYDNEY: Anything else?
JACK: Sydney, Washington has made a decision regarding your mother. What she did to you invalidated her agreement with the CIA. The government is pressing charges. They're going to seek the death penalty.
(At the CIA, Vaughn walks and is suddenly stopped by Craig, another agent.)
CRAIG: Hey, Daddy.
VAUGHN: Hey, Craig, what are you doing in LA?
CRAIG: Madagascar customs picked up a US national transporting expl*sives. They brought him to LA, I'm babysitting him to New York. Listen, I heard about Weiss. How's he doing?
VAUGHN: It was--it was rough but they say he's going to be okay. Which is more than I can say about the nursing staff.
CRAIG: Wait till he gets home, he's going to be insufferable.
VAUGHN: Listen, I have to--
CRAIG: Yeah, yeah, go, go. I'll be back next month. I want to play some ball.
VAUGHN: Well, you think you're ready for this?
CRAIG: That's cute, that's cute.
(They part ways. Vaughn has a lightbulb moment and catches up with Craig.)
VAUGHN: Craig! The guy with the expl*sives, was it semtex?
CRAIG: Yeah.
VAUGHN: Vintage Russian stuff.
CRAIG: Yeah, that's right. How'd you know that?
VAUGHN: And he's here in LA.
CRAIG: Yeah, for the next two hours.
VAUGHN: I have to talk to him.
(Craig leads Vaughn to a parking garage underground. A few guards stand around.)
CRAIG: He's with me.
GUARD: Badge.
(Vaughn flips open his wallet to show the badge. The back door to a large van opens and Vaughn climbs in. He sits across from the guy who appeared in last week's episode: Jack's contact.)
VAUGHN: Manola de Souza, I'm Agent Vaughn. Has anyone offered you a drink? I'm sure I could find a soda.
(de Souza says nothing.)
VAUGHN: (nods) This is not a good time to be a t*rror1st, Manola. A couple of years ago, and you would have had some civil rights. Now we just throw you in a cell, no attorney, no due process. So who were you working for?
(de Souza says nothing.)
VAUGHN: Okay. (nods) In that case, we'll just let the pictures tell the story. Satellite photos from four days ago showing you rigging a plantation building in the jungle near Sambava. Those photos are all we need to put you away for the rest of your life. So I'm going to ask you one more time: do you want that soda?
(de Souza says nothing. Vaughn starts to leave. He gets up, but de Souza grabs at his arm.)
DE SOUZA: I was working for you, you son of a bitch. CIA.
(Vaughn sits back down.)
VAUGHN: Through what office?
DE SOUZA: My contact was Jack Bristow. You tell that bastard I'm not taking the fall on this.
(In Budapest, Sydney and Dixon are sitting in their surveillance van. Sydney's sporting a short blonde wig and glasses.)
SYDNEY: Testing 1-2-3...
DIXON: Good. Once you disable the network firewall I'll download the database while you access the viewing room and take photos of the w*apon. The guards change shifts at noon. That gives you ten minutes to take place.
SYDNEY: How do I look?
DIXON: Lip gloss.
(He holds out the tube for her. Flashback to Marshall, holding the same tube in the conference room.)
MARSHALL: What I have here is an ordinary tube of lip gloss. Let's say you're at the beach and your lips are feeling a little -- "My lips are chapped!" -- or you're possibly on a date, it's the end of the night and some smooching. You want your lips to be supple. (He puts some on.) Pistachio. That's my favorite flavor. But you flip it over and it's a miniature camera with compressed air injector. Take a look and go ahead and smile 'cause you're on TV.
(All their screens show Sydney and Dixon from the camera's point of view. They smile a little. Marshall flips it over and has himself on screen, extremem close up. He looks in the camera then at the screen to see himself. Back and forth.)
MARSHALL: Uh, and uh, anyway, this, there's three cameras inside the tube. I mean, I wanted to make four but then there wouldn't be any room for the actual lip gloss. I'll make you a fresh one.
(In Budapest, Sydney takes the tube from Dixon with a smile. She gets out of the van and walks into the building. Cut to the building, where Sydney walks down the hall with an employee, an older man.)
EMPLOYEE: So you're making a family tree?
SYDNEY: It's a present for my grandparents. They're both from Budapest but they lost everything in the w*r. (takes out lip gloss)
EMPLOYEE: Well, I'm certain you'll find the documentation of their marriage and you should be able to find their registration of birth. Our records are very complete, dating back to 1895. Older than that, unfortunately, not so thorough.
(They turn a corner and Sydney points the camera up to the ceiling and sh**t it. One of the cameras gets embedded into the ceiling tile. They keep walking. From Dixon's perspective, with the camera in the ceiling, he can now see the security keypad.)
DIXON: Good work, Syd.
(The employee leads Sydney into the document room.)
EMPLOYEE: Birth records are here. Over there, documents of marriage and death. The correlation is unintended. (chuckles) Please.
(Dixon, with the help of Sydney's camera that she sh*t into the ceiling, watches as another employee punches in a code to get into another room.)
DIXON: 8-2-4...
(Back in the document room.)
EMPLOYEE: One problem. All documents are in Hungarian. How do you expect to know what they're saying?
(Sydney smiles and speaks Hungarian to him. He's impressed, and also sweet on her.)
EMPLOYEE: That's good.
SYDNEY: My grandparents taught me.
(He smiles, all suave. He leaves.)
DIXON: All right, Syd, you're clear.
(She walks down the hall to the security keypad.)
DIXON: Combination is 8-2-4-0-2.
(Sydney punches it in and is cleared. She goes inside, turns a corner, tries a door but it's locked. She takes out a lockpicking stick from the pocket of her jacket. She goes inside to the computer network room.)
SYDNEY: Stand by, Dixon, I'm going radio silent.
DIXON: Okay, Syd, stand by.
(Sydney touches her necklace and clicks it on.)
SYDNEY: Mountaineer, in position. Come in, boot camp.
(Back in LA, Jack and Vaughn are listening with their headsets.)
JACK: Copy that, Mountaineer.
(Sydney folds out a keyboard and clips it in to their computer wall.)
SYDNEY: Stand by for IP address, boot camp. (types) Boot camp, IP address is I have opened port 47.
(Jack, back in LA, logs in using the information.)
JACK: Good work, Mountaineer. Go ahed, give the dummy IP to Dixon. See you at home.
(Vaughn gives Jack the stink-eye.)
SYDNEY: Copy that. (clicks to Dixon) Dixon, I've disconnected the firewall. The IP address is
DIXON: Good work, Syd. Now go get some pictures of the w*apon and we're out of here. The viewing room is around the corner, to the left. The door is marked (speaks Hungarian).
SYDNEY: Copy that.
DIXON: You're clear to exit.
(Sydney looks and then hides behind a partition out in the hallway. She sh**t another the ceiling so Dixon can check for her.)
DIXON: Okay... go.
(She runs, tries the door, but it's locked. She's about to pick it.)
DIXON: Sydney, you've got company. Two guards coming on your left.
(Sydney hides behind a partition until someone comes out and opens the door she was just trying to pick. The open door hides her from the view of the guards. Once they keep walking, Sydney ducks inside the room and goes in. She looks around and takes out her camera. A whistle blows from down below but with the help of the glass window in the viewing room, Sydney can see a makeshift classroom is set up with little children, maybe six-years-old, assembling a g*n with blindfolds on.)
SLOANE: (voice over) Sixteen Next Generation w*apon...
(Sydney starts taking pictures of the kids assembling the w*apon. She takes pictures of the grey-haired instructor, walking down the aisles, observing the kids. Suddenly, he blows his whistle -- time's up. The kids point the g*n to the ceiling and click the trigger.)
(Dr. Kerr, Vaughn and Sydney walk through the CIA together.)
KERR: We had no idea that the sixteen Next Generation w*apon would turn out to be children.
SYDNEY: They were being trained as sleeper agents?
KERR: That appears to be the case. See, the best spies have certain traits -- proficiency with numbers, three dimensional thinking, creative problem solving -- these abilities are all in evidence as early as five years old. This is footage that we downloaded from the triad computer.
(Footage of the kids in the classroom, assembling w*apon.)
VAUGHN: Every first grader in the European union takes a standardized test. A few years ago, the triad acquired the company doing the testing and added a series of questions designed to locate children with these traits. This year, twenty-eight children were indicated. Their parents were sent letters inviting them to participate in a month-long achievement program. Sixteen accepted.
KERR: Six-year-olds acquire knowledge at an incredible rate, so the basic skills of marksmanship, linguistics, visual, verbal cue recognition, it can all be taught in a matter of weeks.
(The gray-haired instructor is on the screen, monitoring the kids.)
SYDNEY: Who's he?
VAUGHN: We're still working on that.
SYDNEY: So what happens to these kids at the end of the month?
VAUGHN: Triad sends them home with the intent that when they're grown they will contact these kids and send them out to the field.
KERR: There was a rumour that the KGB began developing a smiliar program back in the '80s, but we never confirmed it.
SYDNEY: Before these kids are sent home, their memories are reset?
KERR: Yeah. That's right. They remember nothing except that it was extremely satisfying.
(The screen zooms in on a child assembling a g*n puzzle.)
(In Sloane's office, Jack sits in front of the desk. Sloane takes a drink. He pulls out a Xeroxed sheet of paper from a file folder and slides it across to Jack.)
SLOANE: Someone forged my wife's name in the registry at her favorite bed and breakfast... weeks after her death. My concern is that it's intended to be a message.
JACK: You have enemies, Arvin. Clearly, one of them is trying to leverage your grief.
(He slides the paper back to Sloane.)
SLOANE: It's not my grief. It's my guilt. Cancer didn't k*ll Emily, Jack. Emily's doctor told us that her cancer was in remission. That very day the Alliance told me that I was being considered for partner, but that there was a problem. Somehow, Emily had learned that... well, she learned about my association with SD-6. She didn't know the truth, in fact, she assumed the lie. That we're a branch of the CIA. Despite that, the Alliance decided to make my promotion contingent on Emily's death. My choice was an easy one. I wasn't about to k*ll my wife. Emily was not a bargaining chip. Then I talked to her doctor and I was persuaded that despite the temporary remission, that Emily's lymphoma would return and that it would slowly and painfully k*ll her. She had already suffered so much, Jack. The thought of her succumbing to this merciless illness or being k*lled by the Alliance... So, I dissolved sodium morphate in a glass of red wine. The wine put her to sleep, the sodium morphate then caused a heart att*ck. She didn't suffer.
JACK: I will find out who's doing this.
(He gets to leave.)
(He stops and turns.)
SLOANE: See who else was being considered for partnership. I was given a seat at that table. That means someone else was not.
(In a park on a sunny afternoon, Sydney and Will have a picnic lunch on a park bench. Sydney eats a carrot stick.)
WILL: I have this new friend on my work detail, Tommy Marijuana. We call him that because there's Tommy Marijuana and there's Tommy Crystal Meth. Tommy Marijuana thinks that we're always the person that we were in the sixth grade.
SYDNEY: Sixth grade was an awkward phase for me.
WILL: Oh, come on. You, awkward?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Big teeth and little eyes. And I always was a foot taller than everyone else so I sort of hunched over.
WILL: I wish I could have seen that. When I was in sixth grade, I was sort of anonymous. You know, you had the smart kid, and the funny kid, and the good athlete. And I was just Will.
(They both smile and look down.)
SYDNEY: They're putting my mom on trial. They're going to ask for the death penalty. And the only way I'm able to deal with this is to tell myself that that woman was never really my mother. The irony is since she's been back, my father and I are closer than we've ever been.
(Will smiles. Sydney's pager beeps.)
SYDNEY: It's Vaughn. I have to go.
(Will rubs her shoulder and they start packing up their food.)
(CIA. Vaughn walks by an agent who's sitting down at his computer.)
AGENT: Hey, Vaughn, the guy with the semtex -- de Souza -- are we supposed to be looking into that?
VAUGHN: Excuse me?
AGENT: I was just wondering, is that our case or were you pursuing it independently?
VAUGHN: I don't know what you're talking about.
(The agent grabs a sheet of paper from his tray and shows Vaughn.)
AGENT: Daily situation report says the guy was here on a transfer order. You're listed as visiting him.
(Vaughn looks up just in time to see Jack get the report handed to him.)
AGENT: Vaughn?
(Jack looks at Vaughn. He knows that he knows and they both know that Sydney doesn't know. Just then, Sydney walks in.)
VAUGHN: No, it's not our case.
(Sydney walks towards Vaughn but Jack walks up to her.)
JACK: Hello, Sydney.
SYDNEY: Dad, hi.
JACK: Agent Vaughn contacted you?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Have we identified the man from Budapest with the children?
VAUGHN: Yes. Valerie Kholokov.
SYDNEY: It's Kholokov?
VAUGHN: You've heard of him?
SYDNEY: Yeah, he used to run KGB's psych ops division. Mind control experiments, psychoactive drugs. I thought he was d*ad.
VAUGHN: Well, so did we. But apparently, after the KGB dissolved he went over to the triad. A facial recognition scanner at the airport in Buenos Aires indentified him yesteday.
SYDNEY: What's he doing in Buenos Aires?
JACK: He has a house there. The project in Budapest is complete. A team is raiding that facility as we speak.
VAUGHN: The children have all returned home and we have surveillance teams monitoring each of them. If the triad ever makes contact, we'll intercede.
SYDNEY: We'll need to grab Kholokov, see how many other kids he's done this to. Who they are, where they are.
VAUGHN: There's a team prepping now.
SYDNEY: Good. I want to go with them.
JACK: No. Sending you to Buenos Aires would be an unnecessary risk. Kholokov has a private security detail, external and internal alarm systems--
SYDNEY: Dad, when I signed up with SD-6, I wanted to join. When I found out the truth, I mean--these kids... I know what it's like to be used. I'm going to Buenos Aires.
VAUGHN: Team leaves in twelve hours.
SYDNEY: Okay. Anything else?
(Vaughn looks at Jack with a cocky look on his face.)
JACK: That's all.
SYDNEY: I'm going to pack.
(She leaves.)
VAUGHN: I saw de Souza. He told me that you hired him to rig those expl*sives.
JACK: Irina Derevko would eagerly destroy all of our lives.
VAUGHN: I'm not a big fan, either. It still doesn't justify what you did.
JACK: You do good work, Agent Vaughn. But your consistent shortcoming -- you should know this -- is your naive sense of morality. Evil must be eliminated by whatever means necessary.
VAUGHN: I don't think Sydney would agree with that.
JACK: Sydney will never know about what I've done.
VAUGHN: You betrayed her trust. I won't. Now, she should hear it from you, but if you don't tell her, I promise you, I will.
(Vaughn walks away.)
(Opera plays as Sloane takes a shower. He steps out and wraps a towel around his waist while standing in front of the mirror. Sloane sees something. He whips around and sees a glass of red wine sitting on the counter behind him. He opens the bathroom door and four or five screens on his wall all show static. He dials the phone.)
VOICE: Yes, sir?
SLOANE: Why is my security system disabled?
VOICE: It was disengaged on site, sir, ten minutes ago. I'll put the system back online, sir. Sir? Is everything okay?
(Sloane looks at all the surveillance screens. Just sees himself.)
(Buenos Aires. At the compound of Kholokov, Sydney and various other agents prep in the trees. Sydney sh**t one of the guards and he falls to the ground.)
SYDNEY: I'm going in. The guard's been sedated.
AGENT: Copy that, Mountaineer.
(Sydney takes out her infrared binoculars to see if there's any more. She goes around the bushes, gets closer to the building. She takes out a folding platform from her knapsack and hits a button on it. She stands on the platform and is vaulted onto the top of the building. She sh**t a guard with a tranq. Sydney looks around and lenas over the railing to see Kholokov swimming in his pool down below. He gets out of the pool and goes inside.)
SYDNEY: I make four guards in the courtyard, Kholokov just went inside. Get into position, I'm heading to the juncture box.
(Sydney reaches the box.)
SYDNEY: You take the guards, I got Kholokov. On my signal, and that's in 3... 2... 1. Go!
(She takes out the power. The agents and the guards exchange f*re back and forth while Sydney slips inside Kholokov's house. It's dark, so she can barely see. She hears someone running and turns around to see Kholokov running behind her. She tackles him, he kicks her. Sydney and Kholokov both stand up, but Kholokov is brandishing a stun g*n in one hand. He hits her with it once and speaks Russian menacingly. He takes another dive at her but Sydney ducks and throws him in a nearby fountain/pool. He flops around with the stun g*n in the water. Sydney pants as the agents come in.)
AGENT: You good?
SYDNEY: Yes. It's him, it's Kholokov.
AGENT: Nice job.
(They escort him out. Sydney spots a sample g*n puzzle sitting on a table nearby. Sydney looks at the disassembled pieces. In seconds, she puts it all together.)
(Back in Los Angeles, Sydney is in Dr. Kerr's office.)
KERR: You want me to hypnotize you?
SYDNEY: I want you to take me back to whenever it was when I first saw the puzzle.
KERR: But you say you don't remember ever seeing that puzzle.
SYDNEY: I must have.
KERR: Agent Bristow, I've seen your profile. Your spatial intelligence is stellar. It's no surprise that you can solve the puzzle.
SYDNEY: But I wasn't solving it. When I was standing there, staring at the puzzle, it was like I remembered where every piece belonged. There wasn't any thought involved. You said the KGB developed a similar project, it's possible that my mother new the techniques and maybe she--
KERR: Agent Bristow... if you are looking to uncover a trauma then I need to warn you. Hypnotic regression can trigger severe nightmares, flashbacks, acute depression--
SYDNEY: Understand to do what I do, maintain my cover at SD-6, I compartmentalize a lot. But the idea that I might have been programmed to be a spy, I can't tuck that away. I need to know what happened to me.
(A tech expert enters Sloane's office and looks around hesitantly. Sloane is watching surveillance video.)
TECH: Uh, excuse me, sir, I analyzed the wine. Is this a good time?
(Sloane doesn't say anything. He walks to his desk and sits down.)
TECH: There's no fingerprints on the glass. The wine is a '99 Hadley Cabernet Franc, unremarkable vintage. What is remarkable is what I extracted from inside the wine. I was so surprised I redid the test but I'm certain. It's VTX, a calcium-based anitdote. Extremely scarce.
SLOANE: Antidote to what?
TECH: Uh, mainly heart att*ck inducing toxins. Kertotic acid, um, sodium morphate. VTX simulates death, it slows the lungs, nearly stops the heart, which is how it prevents the poisons from causing cardiac arrest. And then the VTX is, uh, is metabolized. The, uh, body, it returns to normal.
SLOANE: So if someone who was poisoned by sodium morphate were given VTX they would appear to die.
TECH: Yes, sir. Well, assuming they had no other heart conditions, in eight to twelve hours, then they would be just fine.
(Kerr's office. Sydney sits in a chair with electrodes on her head. Kerr sits nearby.)
KERR: I'm going to count back from three. When I get to one, I want you to tell me where you are. 3... 2... 1.
(Sydney opens her eyes. We are taken inside her mind and see what she's seeing. Present Sydney climbs the stairs of a house and sees Little Sydney - age six - coloring in her book on her bed.)
SYDNEY: It's me... in my room. When I was little.
(Sydney watches herself, standing in the doorway. In the office, a tear rolls down her cheek.)
KERR: Tell me if you see anything that resembles the puzzle we're looking for.
(Little Sydney goes down some stairs and stops.)
JACK: (off screen) I'm taking care of Christmas... that'll be soon. Christmas is all set...
(Little Sydney hears. Present Sydney, in the dream, sees a copy of that puzzle sitting on a desk.)
SYDNEY: Yes. I see it.
KERR: Nothing can happen to you now, Sydney. You're safe.
(Sydney cries in her chair, whimpering a little.)
KERR: Sydney, I want you to listen to me. Just breathe. Breathe. Focus on the puzzle. Focus on the puzzle.
(Little Sydney is putting the puzzle together.)
KERR: Good, Sydney. Very good.
(Little Sydney now has a g*n in her hand and loads it.)
KERR: Look around you, tell me who else is in the room.
(Little Sydney looks up. An arm comes around her and takes the g*n from her.)
YOUNGER JACK: Good work, Sydney.
(Sydney wakes up, gasping. She wipes at her tear streaked face.)
(Outside at a meeting point, Sydney stands in the rain. Jack's car pulls up.)
JACK: Sydney, get in!
(She doesn't move. Jack gets out of his car and approaches.)
JACK: What is it?
SYDNEY: I have this memory when I was six years old. My mother had just died in a car accident. I felt so scared. You were never home, so who was going to take care of me? Then I overheard you talking. You were in your study on the phone. You were talking about Christmas, about me. You were taking care of my Christmas presents. Suddenly, I-I felt so safe. You were taking care of me. That memory's a lie. You weren't talking about that at all.
JACK: Sydney.
SYDNEY: I've seen the footage. Mom's briefing with her KGB handler. She was sent here for one specific purpose, to steal information from you about a project you were developing for the CIA. An operation to train children to be American spies. Project Christmas. Ever since Mom came back, you were afraid she'd figure out what you did to me. You weren't trying to protect me from her, you were trying to protect your secret. So the first opportunity you had, you set her up... in Madagascar.
JACK: Sydney, understand something--
SYDNEY: No, Dad, you understand something. You took away my choices in life. You programmed me to be a spy. I will never forgive you for this.
(Sydney walks away in the rain, by herself.)
(Wet and soggy, with mascara running down her face, Sydney walks into the CIA joint offices. She stops. Vaughn is sitting in a chair in front of a computer, and idly looks around. He sees her and immediately gets up. They walk to each other. He hugs her. Sydney starts to sob on his shoulder. Vaughn keeps hugging her as she cries.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x05 - The Indicator"} | foreverdreaming |
(Sydney and Vaughn meet on a rooftop of a building, both wearing sunglasses.)
VAUGHN: Your mother's trial starts this morning.
SYDNEY: How long do you think it'll last?
VAUGHN: Could be a while. With eighty-six counts of espionage against her, the prosecution alone could take months just to present their case.
SYDNEY: I want to see the opening arguments.
VAUGHN: I'll arrange for a closed-circuit feed into the ops center.
SYDNEY: Thanks. You know any jokes? 'Cause I could use one.
VAUGHN: This grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!" And the grasshopper says--
SYDNEY: "You have a drink named Doug?"
VAUGHN: Well, I was going to use Phil.
SYDNEY: Well, Phil is certainly no funnier than Doug.
VAUGHN: No, I know, I'm sorry. It's a non-humorous, uh...
(They giggle together.)
(SD-6 briefing with Sloane, Jack, Sydney and Marshall.)
SLOANE: Mr. Sark. As you know, he's proven himself to be a key player in the world of international organized crime. Now he may be developing a w*apon systemized form a virus that we've never seen before. This is Klaus Richter, a former employee of Sark's whom we've recently taken into custody. A routine medical workup revealed that Richter may have been exposed to the virus before we picked him up. Marshall?
MARSHALL: Thank you, sir. Okay, now, take a look on your screen here. These little squiggly things -- that's just a normal flue anti-body, something that you might have if you got a common cold, or cough, something. Now let's take a look at Richter's blood work. Now this shows antibodies one thousand per cent above normal levels. Very similiar to the Ebola virus, most notably massive hemorrhaging. Except that this virus works by breaking down bonds between cells, so basically Richter's body in just a couple of days is gonna look oooh like, well, did you ever see that movie "The Fly"? Do you remember that little poor red-assed baboon when he was, like, turned inside out?
SLOANE: Thank you, Marshall. We recently uncovered a charter agreement indicating that Sark rented a medically equipped 727 to transport three patients presumably suffering from the same virus as Richter to a private hospital in Geneva. This hospital is one of Sark's business fronts. We believe he's assembled a team to study the virus. Your objective is to infiltrate the facility and acquire the research. Jack, you'll be entering the hospital as a patient in need of a kidney transplant. Sydney, you'll be accompanying him as the loving daughter who's agreed to donate one. I trust this one won't be too much of a stretch, hmmm, for either of you?
(Outside the conference room, Jack catches up with Sydney.)
JACK: We should talk.
SYDNEY: We have nothing to talk about.
JACK: I know you have questions. You can either be angry, or you can be informed.
(In another office, Jack uncaps his magic pen which is really a signal jammer.)
JACK: Please try to understand what I'm about to tell you, Sydney. After your mother left, I tested Project Christmas on you because I didn't want you to be a victim. I thought it was my responsibility to teach you how to think strategically, to see through people's lies, to be as strong as you could be in an environment where one mistake could cost you your life.
SYDNEY: Then you should've told me the truth before I ended up here.
JACK: Yes, you're right! I never intended you to lead a double life. I imagined recruiting you into the CIA after you finished college. But Sloane got to you first, and that is a mistake I will never live down.
SYDNEY: I'd like to believe you, but I don't trust anything you say.
(She caps his pen and leaves.)
(At the operations center for the US joint task force on intelligence, a young agent named Rick walks Vaughn and Sydney to a monitor.)
RICK: Closed-circuit's online, the proceeding start in about a minute. And the feed will be right over here.
VAUGHN: Thanks, Rick.
RICK: Sure.
(He leaves. Sydney looks at the monitor.)
SYDNEY: That's Senator Douglas. Where's the judge?
SENATOR DOUGLAS: (on screen) Distiguished witnesses, I know you were expecting opening arguments for the prosecution of Irina Derevko, but as of this morning a plea agreement has been reached with the defendant. In regard to the eighty-six counts of espionage leading to the deaths of twelve United States operatives, Derevko has pled guilty on all counts. A select penalty jury was empanelled early this morning and the decision was predictably swift. Derevko received the maximum sentence under federal statute -- death by lethal injection. Since she's opted to forego all appeals, the execution will be carried out three days from today. Session adjourned.
(At Sydney's house, she sits in bed writing.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Confidential to Deputy Director Devlin.
(Sydney jogs in the park where she can request admittance to the joint task force offices and her mother's cell.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) I'm writing to inform you that my father, Jack Bristow, did willfully deceive the CIA into believing Irina Derevko violated her immunity agreement. I'm committing this statement to paper so it may be used in an officiial capacity to halt my mother's execution.
(She passes the vet and stops.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Despite her past crime, I can't in good conscience allow her sentence to be carried out when she kept her word to cooperate with us. It is not Irina Derevko who should be answering to these charges.
(Sydney drops a folded up piece of paper into the vet's cup instead of the coin.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) It is my father.
VET: We have a d*ad drop. Request pick up. Looks like a letter.
AGENT: Copy that. Sending agent for retrieval.
(Francie's restaurant. Sydney and Will sit at a table together.)
SYDNEY: When my mom first came back, I wanted her d*ad. How the hell did I become the person who's trying to save her?
WILL: That doesn't mean that you have to be her best friend. It means that you did the right thing.
SYDNEY: (smiles) How are you?
WILL: Oh, I got my, uh, thirty days sobriety chip. Even though I wasn't ever a drug addict, I'm kind of proud.
(He shows her. It's attached to his keychain.)
WILL: Oh, by the way, you know anybody who wants a car? I'm hocking mine.
SYDNEY: You're selling your car?
WILL: Yeah, well, it's either that or I quit paying my student loans. I can't afford to have bad credit and a criminal record.
SYDNEY: Well, I know you're going to say no but I can lend you money.
WILL: Yes, I'm gonna say no. But thank you.
(Francie comes over wearing an apron and rubber gloves and starts cleaning a plate sitting on their table.)
FRANCIE: (frantically rubbing) In the morning, I got rear-ended by four frat guys coming home from a party. Two of them threw up while I was getting their insurance information.
SYDNEY: At least they had insurance.
WILL: Why are you cleaning like this? You're acting like Howard Hughes.
FRANCIE: Well, the Zagat guy is coming to give his review today. I want this place spotless.
SYDNEY: There's a hamburger behind you.
(Sure enough, there is. A young skater guy wearing a giant hamburger outfit and carrying a skateboard approaches Francie.)
CLIFF: You know, Francie, I worked up through Los Feliz and Atwater Village.
FRANCIE: Oh, cool, Cliff, thanks. Give me just a second? Okay, I told him I'd give him a couple bucks if he just handed out some fliers, got the word out.
WILL: Hamburgers aren't on the menu, are they?
FRANCIE: Garden burger.
SYDNEY: How much are you paying that guy?
FRANCIE: Twelve bucks an hour.
WILL: Hamburger's making more than I am.
FRANCIE: Keep cleaning, sweetie.
(She leaves. Will looks at Sydney.)
WILL: I gotta clean.
SYDNEY: I gotta catch a plane.
(They stand and hug.)
WILL: Be safe.
(At the joint task force offices, Vaughn follows Devlin, showing him a piece of paper.)
VAUGHN: Sir, if you'll recall Project Christmas was developed by Jack Bristow to train potential CIA recruits at a young age. Now, based on the research Irina Derevko stole from him, the KGB developed their own version of the project.
DEVLIN: Yes, I recall.
VAUGHN: One of our assets in Moscow just sent this over. (gives him the paper) It's a test questionnaire administered to a group of first graders in the early eighties. The test was designed to identify kids who would make good agents in the Soviet secret service. Reading over it, what really struck me is how similiar these questions are to a standard IQ test given to first graders in this country.
DEVLIN: Where are you going with this?
VAUGHN: Remember the rumour going around the agency around the Cold w*r about the Soviets raising sleeper agents as Americans? Now, I know it sounds potentially paranoid, but this is how they would do it if they managed to get their test in circulation here. They could have contacted hundreds of kids.
DEVLIN: Interesting, but unlikely.
VAUGHN: I just think it would be intersting to analyze tests from--
DEVLIN: Stop. We can't spare a single agent right now, much less a team for a project that at best has historical value. The KGB doesn't even exist anymore!
(Plane heading to Geneva. Sydney looks over some papers. Jack sits at the back of the plane, reading a newspaper. He looks over at Sydney, throws down his paper and gets up to sit across from her.)
JACK: I see your mother's latest maneuver had its intended effect on you.
SYDNEY: What maneuver would that be?
JACK: Pleading guilty, accepting the death penalty.
SYDNEY: Yep. She's got us right where she wants us.
JACK: Not us. You. Your mother's no fool. She must have deduced I set her up, so why do you imagine she pled guilty? Because she was struck by a crisis of conscience?
SYDNEY: I think she knew the verdict was a foregone conclusion.
JACK: She pled guilty to keep you from witnessing her trial, Sydney, from having you see photos of the agents she savagely m*rder, including Vaughn's father. She knew if you sat through that, whatever sympathy she'd managed to elicit from you would vanish, so she cast herself as the victim to compel you to save her and guess what? You fell for it.
(He reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket and tosses Sydney's folded up letter on her table.)
JACK: I thought you deserved a second chance to think things over. Here's your letter.
SYDNEY: How'd you get that?
JACK: I spent a decade with this woman and another twenty years analyzing how she could have deceived me for so long. Trust me when I tell you, I am protecting you.
SYDNEY: No, you're not. I think you loved Mom so much that when she left you, you lost your soul. You know what else I think? I think the kind of man who'd use his own daughter to frame her mother, who'd test psych experiments when she was six-years-old is the kind of man who looks at his daughter and sees his greatest mistake.
(Jack's eyes fill up with tears.)
JACK: You can't honestly believe that.
SYDNEY: It's true, isn't it? If Mom hadn't fooled you, if you hadn't been so gullible, I never would have been born. I'm going to finish reviewing the mission now.
(He goes back to his seat.)
(Will has his old Ford Bronco parked with a For Sale sign that says he's only asking $2500. He sits on the hood. Vaughn's fancy Lincoln-esque car drives up. He gets out and walks to Will.)
WILL: Thanks. Thanks for coming.
VAUGHN: Of course. Is everything all right?
WILL: Okay, look, I don't -- I don't know how to say this other than to just say it. I need a job. With all the publicity, no one will hire me. I thought maybe you could help me out. I mean, I don't mean to be an agent. I know the CIA has a ton of front companies -- defense contractors, shipping companies. I'll work at a desk, anywhere, just as long--
VAUGHN: Look, I know this will drive you insane, but we can't employ you because you have a criminal record.
WILL: I have a criminal record because of a drug habit I never had.
(Vaughn nods.)
WILL: You know anybody who wants to buy a car?
VAUGHN: There might be something. I have a discretionary fund used for informants. Totally off the books. I could pay you to do research.
WILL: Seriously? Man, I would so owe you.
(Vaughn gives him the piece of paper he showed Devlin.)
VAUGHN: This is a list of questions, please keep them to yourself. All I need you to do is find out if any of these questions ever appeared on a standardized test in the United States over the last twenty years.
WILL: Okay, the more you tell me the faster I can get you what you want, so--
VAUGHN: I pay by the hour. Take your time.
WILL: Thank you.
VAUGHN: You're welcome.
(They shake on it.)
(In Geneva, Jack and Sydney meet the hospital employee. Sydney's wearing a ridiculously large blonde curly wig. Sydney and Jack are all smiles and have their arms linked.)
SPINNAKER: Mr. Harris, I'm Jan Spinnaker, hospital administrator. Welcome to St. Auburn's.
JACK: (Southern accent) My daughter, and the very twinkle of my eye -- Marion.
SYDNEY: Daddy, stop it! It's so nice to meet you.
SPINNAKER: A pleasure to meet a daughter who'd sacrifice so much for her father.
SYDNEY: I would do anything for my Daddy.
SPINNAKER: This way, please.
(Spinnaker turns. Sydney and Jack both drop their smiles and their arms. They walk behind him.)
(Down the stairs they go. Jack motions to a briefcase handcuffed to his arm.)
JACK: The computer in this satchel provides me a secure link to my money. The satchel cannot be removed from my arm during the operation.
SPINNAKER: All arrangements have been made--
JACK: Now, I chose your hospital for its high security standards.
SPINNAKER: We employ security with training equivalent to the secret service. You won't be disappointed.
JACK: Very good!
(Jack and Sydney, wearing hospital gowns, are wheeled into an operating room on separate gurneys. Jack has his briefcase still handcuffed.)
MARSHALL: (voice over) Okay, you're going to Geneva to get a sample of a top-secret virus. Now, your cover is you're going in for kidney transplants. Well, now, you're probably thinking now, "Hold on a second, Marshall! We need our kidneys!"
(Flashback to the briefing with Marshall, continuing.)
MARSHALL: Well, don't worry. They're not going anywhere because of this. (He holds up the briefcase.) Now, basically, when you are positioned in the OR, press this button lightly twice. It will activate a t*nk of halothane.
(Operating room. A doctor places masks over Sydney and Jack's faces.)
MARSHALL: (voice over) Now, halothane is the same anesthetic they're pumping through your masks.
(Jack hits the button twice.)
DOCTOR: Why don't you both try counting backwards from ten?
JACK AND SYDNEY: Ten... nine... eight...
MARSHALL: (voice over) Which leads us to question number two.
(Flashback to briefing.)
MARSHALL: If they're pumping anesthesia in the room and you're also gulping it down -- what did I do with -- by the maskful, then what's going to prevent us from passing out ourselves?
(He takes out a small vial in a zip-loc bag.)
MARSHALL: The solution is in the solution. It's a mix of anti-anesthetia and I also, for good measure, threw in a time release synthetic caffeine that I use in my decaf every morning. Just take it right before you head into the hospital and trust me, you won't fall asleep.
(He winks.)
(In the operating room, nurses and doctors start passing out.)
JACK AND SYDNEY: Six... five... four... three... two... one...
(Everyone's knocked out.)
(Outside the OR, Sydney and Jack walk out in full doctor garb. They calmly pass the guards and walk to the elevator.)
(They get to the research wing. Jack sh**t the two doctors behind the desk with tranqs.)
JACK: They'll be out for fifteen minutes.
(He gets behind the computer and brings up the files.)
JACK: They've all been sedated for the pain. Patient zero's in there. Get a blood sample, I'll download the viral research.
(Sydney enters the room with patient zero. His bed is closed off and there are gloves inside that she slips on from the outside. The patient's skin color is a nasty green. Sydney stares. He has a slow heartbeat. Sydney looks around when suddenly he grabs her arm. She gasps.)
SYDNEY: I need help!
(Jack stops whatever he was doing and rushes over.)
JACK: Don't struggle. He could tear the gloves off, you could become infected. I'll up his morphine.
(He taps a few buttons on the monitor beside the bed.)
(Jack looks, alarmed.)
(He lets go of Sydney and falls back a little, drugged up. He presses his bloody hand against the glass. Sydney jumps back.)
JACK: His vitals fell below the preset warning levels. The doctors will be alerted. Work fast.
(He goes back to the computer to leave Sydney get the blood sample. Jack speaks into his transmitter.)
JACK: Eagle eye, this is blackbird. Requiring early extraction, LZ Bravo.
(A helicopter takes off nearby.)
AGENT: Copy that, blackbird. ETA -- LZ Bravo, three minutes.
(Sydney gets the blood sample. Jack starts downloading the research.)
JACK: Come on. Come on, come on, come on!
(He finishes and closes up the disc. Sydney and Jack walk down the hall together and pass two doctors. The doctors show up and see the others passed out behind the desk. One of them grabs the phone.)
DOCTOR: This is Dr. Giselle, I need security teams on the research level, now!
(Sydney and Jack hide inside a lab room, the alarm wailing behind them.)
JACK: We need to get to the roof.
SYDNEY: The elevator won't come to this floor!
JACK: Security will flank us from both sides of the hall.
SYDNEY: We can't reload the tranqs fast enough to take out another four people.
(Guards start coming their way, yelling and shouting. Inside the lab, Jack smashes a cabinet door, glass flying everywhere.)
JACK: Find some iodine. Ammonia and iodine form an unstable compound when they're mixed together.
(The guards are down the hall.)
GUARD: Initiate level three lockdown, perimeter and elevators!
(Sydney gets the iodine and they start mixing.)
SYDNEY: I've got this!
(The helicopter lands on the roof.)
AGENT: Blackbird, we're on the roof, we're waiting for you!
(The DNA mixer starts spinning with the iodine and ammonia inside. Jack and Sydney walk out with their arms raised.)
JACK: Don't sh**t!
GUARD: Against the wall!
(They throw Sydney and Jack up against the wall and start frisking. They remove their tranq g*n. The expl*si*n happens with the idione and ammonia, making a few guards fall to the ground. Jack elbows one of the guards in the face and knees them in the chest. Sydney punches the other guard. Jack flings another guard into the wall and punches him in the stomach. Sydney ducks a punch and kicks another guard.)
SYDNEY: Bypass the lockdown, I'll hold them off!
(She kicks another guard. Jack runs down the hall and forces the elevator doors open with his hands. Sydney takes the guards' g*n and runs down the hall, sh**ting at them. They slowly start to get up. She runs to the elevator where Jack removes the panel and starts wiring. Sydney runs. The guards sh**t at her. She hides behind a partition.)
JACK: Buy me ten seconds, I need more time!
(Sydney sh**t back at them. Jack starts wiring the elevator. Sydney sh**t some more and hides.)
SYDNEY: a*mo!
(She drops the empty cartridges from her g*n and goes to Jack. He loads both g*n. She turns over and sh**t at the guards again. They're getting closer. Sydney sh**t at them with two g*n going. Behind her, the elevator starts to move.)
JACK: Sydney!
(The doors close as the guards sh**t. She falls in.)
(Up on the rooftop, Jack and Sydney run to the helicopter and climb in. Sydney looks back at the hospital as they lift off.)
JACK: If you're wondering why that man mistook you for your mother, he worked for her. I skimmed the research as it was downloading. Before she surrendered to the CIA, Irina deliberately ordered Sark to expose some of her own operatives to the virus in order to study it. Ask yourself if that's a person worth saving.
(The helicopter flies away.)
(In Sloane's office at SD-6, Jack and Sloane talk.)
SLOANE: I had toxicology analyze the glass of wine that somehow made its way into my house last week. They found a compound called VTX which counteracts the effects of sodium morphate. Sodium morphate is the poison I used to... end Emily's suffering.
JACK: I see two possibilities. Either Emily predicted your intention to euthanize her, took the necessary countermeasures and is now playing a game with you, or the more likely scenario -- someonewants you to believe Emily's alive or worse, they'll try and make the Alliance believe it, too.
SLOANE: If they think that I failied to carry out the one condition of my admittance, that I have been betraying them the whole time, then they'd be forced to assume that my entire division is rogue. Then we'll all be in danger.
(Self-storage building, meeting with Sydney and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: I don't think I can ever forgive my father for the things he's done, but maybe he's right about what he's been saying all alone. Maybe her cooperation is partof some eleborate strategy he's more equipped to see than I am.
VAUGHN: Look, your father's asking you to let her die for something she might do. I don't think you can live with that. Good work in Geneva.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
VAUGHN: The CIA is analyzing the copy of the disk you brought back. If SD-6 plans on using the virus as a w*apon we might be able to get a jump on the antidote thanks to the blood work you brought back.
SYDNEY: I hope so.
VAUGHN: Oh, listen, there's something else you should know. Will came to me for a job.
SYDNEY: He did?
VAUGHN: Well, he didn't want to bother you so I hired him off the books to do some research.
SYDNEY: On what?
VAUGHN: Just background on the old KGB version of Project Christmas. Of course, I didn't tell him that. He thinks he's comparing IQ tests against the public record. I just figured it was your perogative to tell him more.
SYDNEY: That was really nice of you, thanks.
VAUGHN: You're welcome.
(Jack and Sloane walk down a sidewalk together in the afternoon. They're about to get into their stretch limo.)
SLOANE: There's nothing more boring than a commerce bureau luncheon. Thanks for joining me, Jack.
(He stops. Across the street stands Emily, staring at him coldly. He stares and then she's gone.)
JACK: What is it?
SLOANE: Did you... see that?
JACK: See what?
(Sloane starts walking across the street in the middle of traffic. Emily has started to walk down the street. Horns honk at Sloane as he stumbles across the way. He starts jogging, frantically following her. She picks up the pace and walks briskly down the sidewalk. He breaks out into a run, dodging people and following her. He sees her go inside a building so he enters as well. He flings open the door, breathing heavily, and walks up the aisle. She's nowhere. Sloane looks up and sees a giant cross -- he's inside a church. He starts backing up and bumps into a priest.)
PRIEST: Can I help you?
SLOANE: Aaaah! Did you see someone come in here just now? A woman?
PRIEST: No, I've been alone all morning.
(Jack has entered.)
JACK: Father, would you excuse us, please?
(He leaves them alone.)
JACK: Sit down.
SLOANE: Now you tell me you saw her!
JACK: I saw a woman but it could have been anyone. You may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by intense feelings of guilt. Arvin, you have walked into a church. A place to confess.
SLOANE: She's alive. She knew the alarm code. She could have come into the house undetected.
JACK: There is a clear way to know for certain but I hesitate to suggest it.
(Sydney meets up with Devlin.)
SYDNEY: Sir, there's something I have to report. While it appeared that my mother sent me into a trap in Madagascar, in truth, she was unaware that there was any danger.
DEVLIN: Yes, I know. I have your father's statement right here. He told us himself this morning.
DEVLIN: A hearing has been scheduled with the joint intelligence committee.
SYDNEY: My intention wasn't to punish my father, sir, it was to stop my mother's execution from going forward.
(His cell rings.)
DEVLIN: Yes? I'll send her down right now. They'd like to see you in medical services.
(Sydney walks in where several doctors are gathered.)
SYDNEY: You asked to see me?
DR. NICHOLAS: Agent Bristow, I'm Doctor Nicholas.
SYDNEY: What's going on?
DR. NICHOLAS: Five weeks ago you infiltrated one of your mother's labratories in Taipei where you discovered a Rambaldi device. How long were you in proximity to the device?
SYDNEY: I... it took me about a minute to rig it with expl*sives. I made it to the other side of the door but Vaughn was submerged. I don't know, maybe another minute or two. Will someone please tell me what's going on?
DR. NICHOLAS: We believe the device is the source of the virus that infected the men in Geneva. Unfortunately, you and Agent Vaughn may have been exposed. I'm sorry. We'd like to draw some blood and keep you under observation.
SYDNEY: If Sloane pages me, this is gonna be a problem.
DR. NICHOLAS: Your father's been informed. He's covering for you.
(Sydney walks in the isolation room. Vaughn's sitting in a T-shirt on the side of a bed. He gets up when she enters. She stands there.)
VAUGHN: I know.
(She walks closer and they both sit down, side by side. He puts his arm around her. She then puts her head on his shoulder.)
(Later, Sydney's sleeping in a hospital bed parallel to Vaughn's. He's watching her sleep. She slowly wakes up. He smiles.)
SYDNEY: Did you close your eyes at all?
VAUGHN: On and off. You talk in your sleep.
SYDNEY: No! What did I say?
VAUGHN: "Don't frost the pie!" It seemed really important.
(They laugh.)
SYDNEY: No idea. (pause) You think we're sick?
VAUGHN: I don't know.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, can I tell you something?
(The door opens and Dr. Nicholas enters, interrupting them.)
DR. NICHOLAS: Agent Bristow, your tests came back negative for antibodies, you're free to go. Agent Vaughn, your tests at this point are inconclusive. We did find a heightened level of antibodies in your blood stream but you could simply be fighting off a cold. We won't know for a few more hours. You'll have to stay.
SYDNEY: You said Sark tested patient's blood at the first sign of infection. What was the sign?
DR. NICHOLAS: Hemorrhaging from the fingernails.
(He leaves.)
VAUGHN: It'll be fine. Your dad's hearing's in an hour, you should go.
(She nods and puts on her boots. She gets ready to leave.)
SYDNEY: I'll see you soon.
(Jack's hearing in front of Senator Douglas and the others.)
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Agent Bristow, this hearing's been convened to determine an appropriate punishment for the crimes depicted in your statement. Before we begin our inquiry, do you have anything to say?
JACK: Only that despite my admission of guilt, I still firmly believe Irina Derevko is a thr*at and will prove it at her earliest possible convenience.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Is that how you justify lying to your superiors, endangering other agents?
JACK: Yes.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Why this sudden change of heart?
JACK: Deferentially, Senator, my reasons are my own.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: I see. Reviewing your file, I was shocked to discover how many times you've displayed behavior that at best can be characterized as rogue. You have lost the benefit of the doubt here, sir, and your silence will not suffice. So again, I ask you, why the change of heart?
JACK: My daughter convinced me that I acted unethically.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Isn't it a fact that you knew your daughter intended to turn you in and that you b*at her to the punch only by an hour in order to secure a degree of leniency from this body?
JACK: No, sir, that is not the case. (pause) Sydney Bristow, my daughter... has come to believe that when I look at her, I see the embodiment of all my flaws. And this afternoon when I learned that she may have been exposed to a life-threatening disease, I realized that she might die believing that. But nothing could be further from the truth.
(Fade to Sydney watching the hearing on the monitor in the joint task force building.)
JACK: When I look at her, when I look at the little girl who raised herself to become one of the most extraordinary human beings and one of the finest agents I've ever had the privilege of knowing, I see only the promise of my own redemption. Turning myself in was the only way I could think of to make that clear to her, to prove that despite... my limited abilities as a father, I love her more than I could ever say.
(Sydney sits at a restaurant table alone. A waitress puts down a drink in front of her.)
SYDNEY: I didn't order this.
WAITRESS: It's from the gentleman at the bar.
(Sydney kind of rolls her eyes and looks, only to see Vaughn standing there motioning to his cell. Her own cell phone rings.)
SYDNEY: You okay?
VAUGHN: Yeah, clean bill of health. Apparently, I am fighting a cold.
SYDNEY: I came by to see you after the hearing but they were still running tests.
VAUGHN: I know, they told me you came here.
SYDNEY: (laughs) This is ridiculous, being in the same restaurant on the phone.
VAUGHN: Listen, Syd, I, um, I actually came by to tell you something. They're sending your father to prison.
SYDNEY: You're kidding?
VAUGHN: It gets worse. Douglas decided your mother's immunity agreement was never binding. They're going to carry out her death sentence anyway. Her execution goes ahead tomorrow at eight am.
(A plane lands in Washington, DC. Inside, Senator Douglas sits in his seat, reading over some papers.)
FLIGHT ATTENDANT: Welcome back to Washington, Senator.
(He's in the back of a limo, on the highway. He reads over a file. Looks up.)
SENATOR DOUGLAS: Ed, you missed the exit.
("Ed" puts up the divider window.)
(He tries the door and window latches but everything's locked. The tires screech as the limo makes an abrupt stop in the middle of nowhere.)
SENATOR DOUGLAS: No! No! Hey! You're making a BIG mistake!
(Sydney climbs in, having posed as the driver.)
SYDNEY: Sorry about the detour, Senator...
SENATOR DOUGLAS: What the hell are you doing?!
SYDNEY: ...but I need two minutes of your undivided attention.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: I don't care what point you want to make!
SYDNEY: I'd like you to consider dropping the charges against my father and honor my mother's immunity agreement.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: You can't be serious.
SYDNEY: I recognize how indecisive this sounds--
SENATOR DOUGLAS: That's a full understatement, my dear!
SYDNEY: --I turned her in under false pretenses and I've come to believe my father was protecting me.
SENATOR DOUGLAS: His interest are irrelevant, it's his decisions that matter. I'm sorry, Agent Bristow, but my colleagues and I have zero tolerance for anyone who would lie to their own government, especially in this day and age. And your mother? Well, she's had it coming for twenty years. Now given what you've been through, I'm willing to forgive your little misstep tonight. Would you kindly drop me off at home?
(Sydney looks up. Thunder rumbles.)
(In the rain, four men bring up a casket from the earth. Sloane stands neary, underneath an umbrella. They rest the casket on the ground and look at him.)
SLOANE: Wait in the car.
(He waves them off. The guys leave Sloane alone. He drops the umbrella and wipes away the ground off the casket. He kneels down in the mud and opens the lid. Sloane stands in the rain. The coffin's empty. He looks up at the rain coming down on him.)
(Sydney walks in the ops center for the joint task force. Jack stands there.)
JACK: How did you persuade Douglas to reverse himself?
SYDNEY: I told him I have a secret only you and I know about. A secret that Sloane told you in confidence that poses such a thr*at to national security that we couldn't trust even the CIA to contain it.
JACK: What secret is that?
(Flashback to the limo.)
SYDNEY: One of your colleagues -- a United States senator -- is working for the Alliance. We have evidence of wire transfers totaling 6.3 million.
SYDNEY: That's what we're trying to find out. But without my mother and father, I'll be forced to hand over the investigation to the FBI.
(Back to Sydney and Jack, presently.)
JACK: There's no senator in the Alliance's pocket. You lied.
SYDNEY: I'm not proud of what I did.
JACK: I may not agree with your decision to interact with your mother, Sydney, but I will from now on respect that it is your decision to make. They're bringing in your mother now. I'm sure you'll want to see her.
(Thunder rumbles and the rain pours as a few agents jump down from the back of a van and escort Irina inside. Sydney watches from inside the building.)
(On her bed, in her cell, Irina faces the wall, asleep. Sydney looks at her.)
(Vaughn's bathroom, morning. He stands in front of the sink, doing his morning shaving routine. He looks down, puzzled. There's blood around his fingernails.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x06 - Salvation"} | foreverdreaming |
(Continuing from last week. Vaughn's shaving when he sees blood coming from his fingernails. He reaches over and takes out a box of Band-Aids. He puts them on his fingertips. Buttons up a white shirt. Takes his silver watch and puts it on. He looks in the mirror. Later, he's on his cell phone, still at his home.)
DR. NICHOLAS: This is Dr. Nicholas calling.
VAUGHN: Thanks for getting back to me so soon. Uh, the thing is, I think I have a problem.
DR. NICHOLAS: I know you're worried, but we ran every available diagnostic test for viral infections. Everything that could be related to your exposure to the fluid inside the Rambaldi device. They all came back negative.
VAUGHN: Yes, I know. Under my fingernails, there's blood.
DR. NICHOLAS: Okay, here's what we're going to do. The virus isn't airborne, but as a precaution I'm going to send an isolation unit to bring you in.
VAUGHN: Don't send anyone. I'll come to you. But first, there's someone I need to see.
DR. NICHOLAS: See them later! Right now, you stay put!
(Vaughn hangs up.)
(In his car, he hesitantly looks at his bandaged fingertips.)
(Vaughn is at the entrance to Irina's cell. The bars move aside as he walks down the hall. Inside her cell, Irina sits on the floor reading a book.)
IRINA: I know what you did for me. Proving Sydney's father betrayed her in Madagascar. I would have been ex*cuted for that. Thank you.
VAUGHN: I didn't do it for you.
(Irina gets up and walks to the glass. Vaughn looks down, avoiding eye contact.)
IRINA: While that might be true, I owe you my life.
VAUGHN: You owe me my father's life. In Cap Ferrat, I saw Khasinau experiment on people who had been exposed to the liquid from inside the red ball. I want to know what he learned from doing that.
IRINA: If he found a cure?
VAUGHN: Yes. I know the terms are you only cooperate with Sydney, but this disease, it works quickly. I don't have much time.
IRINA: You're the one who's sick.
IRINA: Tell me how you feel about my daughter.
VAUGHN: That's none of your business.
IRINA: Are you in love with her?
VAUGHN: I don't know why that matters to you.
IRINA: I don't have the advantage of observing casual behavior. I'm curious.
VAUGHN: Help me, and I'll tell you what you want to know.
(At Francie's restaurant, Sydney fixes some flowers in a vase while Will fills up many salt shakers.)
WILL: Okay, tell me if this sounds weird. I mean, can we talk here?
SYDNEY: Hang on.
(She r*fles around in her purse and produces a lipstick. She uncaps it, turns it up, and it beeps. She sets it down on the table.)
SYDNEY: Bug k*ller. In case anyone's listening.
WILL: Seriously? In a lipstick?
SYDNEY: What were you going to say?
WILL: I looked up twenty years of standardized tests to see if any of those IQ-type questions Vaughn's interested in were ever used.
WILL: They weren't. At least in none of the tests I looked up. But there was a year missing and the educational testing service didn't have a hard copy or a disk. I mean, it is like 1982 never existed.
SYDNEY: Maybe someone had a reason to make it disappear.
(Francie comes over with a pot and a mixing spoon.)
FRANCIE: You've got to try this bouillabaisse that I'm making. Here.
(She gives the spoon to Sydney. She tries it.)
FRANCIE: What do you think? Too spicy, too salty?
SYDNEY: Perfect.
WILL: I'll be done in, like, two minutes.
FRANCIE: Okay, great.
(She goes back to the kitchen.)
WILL: So it's weird, right?
SYDNEY: There was an operation called Project Christmas. My father developed it. It used standardized tests, asking specific questions to identify children the agency could later recruit.
WILL: Children?
SYDNEY: It was an experiment. The KGB sent my mother here to steal details about the program. About that time, the CIA stopped the operation. Vaughn thinks maybe Russian intelligence is still running it to recruit Americans.
(Her cell rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
KENDALL: We need you at operations.
(They hang up.)
WILL: I'll tell Francie you said good-bye.
(Sydney walks in the ops center and finds Kendall.)
SYDNEY: Hey, what's up?
KENDALL: It's Vaughn. He's developed symptoms.
SYDNEY: What symptoms? The doctor said we were fine.
KENDALL: Yes, but his exposure was far more extensive. He's developed some kind of a blood coagulation disorder.
SYDNEY: Do we-- are you sure that it--
KENDALL: We're sure.
(Jack walks up to them.)
SYDNEY: Where is he?
JACK: He came to see your mother about an antidote. Shortly after leaving the facility, he collapsed.
(Irina's cell. She sits on her bed reading her book. Sydney walks up to the glass.)
SYDNEY: Is there an antidote?
IRINA: Yes. It can be found in Paldiski. It's a former Soviet training base for nuclear submarine personnel.
SYDNEY: Who operates the base now?
IRINA: When Estonia gained independence, the local authorities graciously accepted our offer to take over the facility. I can tell y8ou were it is in the facility, but even if you can get it, I can't guarantee anything.
(Upstairs at the ops center, Kendall, Sydney, Jack and a specialist stand around in a circle.)
SPECIALIST: This antidote sounds almost as dangerous as the infection. If Derevko is telling us the truth...
JACK: Which is a valid question.
SPECIALIST: Then the serum is a blood derivative. Meaning you just can't get the medecine and inject it into the sick patient.
SYDNEY: How would something like this work?
SPECIALIST: You need blood from the patient. In this case, Vaughn. The equipment that manufactures the serum reads the blood and creates a custom genetic-specific antidote for that particular patient.
SYDNEY: I'll need to take some of Vaughn's blood with me.
(A man enters the circle.)
KENDALL: This is Agent Chapman, he'll be running the op from here while your father leads the team into Paldiski.
CHAPMAN: According to Derevko, the antidote is located at three separate decontamination stations within the former nuclear facility. We'll launch a zodiac a couple miles up the coast and drop you in as close as we can.
KENDALL: The plane's ready. You can spec out the mission in flight. You've got thirty minutes with Vaughn, maybe less.
SYDNEY: How much time does Vaughn have?
SPECIALIST: There doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern, but the virus could act quickly.
SYDNEY: Are we talking weeks, days? Just tell me.
SPECIALIST: Given his level of exposure, three days would be my guess.
JACK: I'll buy time for us with Sloane. Go.
(Helicopter lands outside the US Naval Medical Center. Inside, Sydney walks up to Vaughn's bed where he appears to be sleeping in a hospital gown, tubes and monitors everywhere. Sydney puts on some rubber gloves and sits down beside him. He wakes up and looks at her sleepily.)
SYDNEY: Hi. I talked to my mother, there's an antidote. I'm going to go get it.
VAUGHN: How dangerous?
SYDNEY: Getting the serum? Nah, it'll be easy. But I need to take some of your blood with me, okay?
(He looks away, in pain. She ties a band around his arm and takes the needle. Sydney injects him with it, taking he blood. His head lolls around. She caps the needle.)
SYDNEY: Couple of days, you'll be doing wind sprints.
(Vaughn takes her hand.)
VAUGHN: Be careful. Syd... sorry I'm so tired.
(Still holding her hand, his eyes close. Sydney sniffles a little and suddenly the monitors start beeping and Dr. Nicholas rushes over, pushing Sydney out of the way.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn! Vaughn!
DR. NICHOLAS: He's bleeding internally!
(Out in the hallway, several doctors push Vaughn's bed down the hall to another room.)
FEMALE DOCTOR: Shall we prepare for a lavage?
DR. NICHOLAS: Yes, have you called the blood bank?
FEMALE DOCTOR: They've already typed and crossed for six units of packed RBCs.
DR. NICHOLAS: Have you reached Dr. Simon?
FEMALE DOCTOR: He's not on call, but Dr. Carlson is on his way in--
(They take Vaughn in another room. Sydney, who was trailing behind, approaches a nurse.)
SYDNEY: Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute, what's going on? Is he going to be all right?
NURSE: We don't know, but you have to wait here. Your designated cover -- you're with the state department bureau of arms control. Your name is Rita Stevens, give no details about his illness.
(A blonde haired woman goes to Sydney.)
WOMAN: Excuse me, did they tell you anything?
WOMAN: The paramedics called. "What was his last meal? Is he allergic to any medication?" I got to the hospital as fast as I could... So you work with Michael?
SYDNEY: Yeah. We're in the same bureau at state. I'm Rita.
WOMAN: I'm Alice. I'm listed as his emergency contact. I'm Michael's girlfriend. Excuse me.
(Crying, Alice walks away.)
(Sloane sits in his office, at his desk. He hits the button to open the door when someone knocks. Jack enters.)
JACK: I was contacted by an informant in Baku. He indicated that the triad has set up a listening post near the Armenian border. I took the liberty of assigning the recon op to Sydney. I'll be on the next plane myself.
SLOANE: I went ahead with the exhumation. I opened Emily's grave. It was empty.
JACK: Have you checked with the funeral home? Detailed a forensics unit to the gravesite?
SLOANE: I saw her, Jack.
JACK: Maybe. You can't be sure.
SLOANE: Emily's alive. And she knows what I did. So I am d*ad to her.
JACK: If the Alliance finds out about this from another source--
SLOANE: I just got off the phone with Christophe. I told him that someone was trying to make it look like I faked Emily's death in order to secure my position.
JACK: It was the smart play.
SLOANE: I'm not so sure. Even if they believe me, the timing might make it seem like I was looking for an excuse for my recent performance.
JACK: Are there concerns?
SLOANE: Since I was made a partner in the Alliance, SD-6 has consistently stumbled in its operations. We lost the terahertz wave camera. We failed to retrieve the formula for zero-point energy. We didn't acquire Derevko's operations manual.
JACK: The situation regarding Emily has been a distraction. Informing them puts these setbacks in context.
SLOANE: Christophe wnat sme to meet with him in Tokyo. I need a victory, Jack. I need to bring something tangible to the organization.
JACK: We have an asset in custody downstairs who is familiar with Derevko's operation. I suggest we take advantage of that.
(Klaus Richter is on a table in the conversation room. SD-6's doctor who almost tortured Sydney before Rusik was k*lled last season, stands behind Sloane.)
SLOANE: As the virus progresses, it causes something called ascending paralysis. Your nervous system is being poisoned from your feet up. You see, the paralysis is affecting the nerves that control your ability to breathe. Soon, you will suffocate. Interestingly, you still have feeling, but you're paralyzed. You can still feel both pleasure... and pain. Tell me where is Derevko's base of operations, hmm?
RICHTER: Please...
(Sloane looks at the t*rture doctor. He takes an object out that hisses and then produces a flame like a torch. He presses it down on Richter. Richter screams in pain.)
SLOANE: I want a location.
RICHTER: Aaaah... (sobbing) Smila. Smila.
(On the side of a road, Will waits. A car drives up and Abby -- his British coworker from the newspaper -- climbs out. She walks over to him with a business-sized envelope in her hands.)
WILL: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.
ABBY: So I did the work you asked me to do, but please don't tell me you're chasing some alleged CIA conspiracy again.
WILL: No. I'm just helping out a friend, that's all.
ABBY: Well, you can tell your friend the questions he's interested in weren't on the test in '82.
WILL: Are you sure?
ABBY: Those ridiculously difficult spatial relationship questions? The ones about why rainbows occur and why you have to be standing behind the sun to see them?
WILL: Yeah.
ABBY: Not on there. Sorry.
WILL: Huh.
ABBY: Come on, off the record. What's this all about?
(On the plane to Estonia, Jack gives Sydney the run down.)
JACK: These are propulsion boots. You can do five knots with them. We drop you a hundred yards offshore. You should be at the pier in under two minutes.
(He picks up a g*n with a sil*ncer.)
JACK: Heckler & Koch P-11 underwater p*stol. Holds five rounds of tranq darts. Thing's virtually silent. Good luck.
(In Paldiski, Sydney goes though the water with the propulsion boots. She reaches the side of the building and climbs the ladder up. She takes out two guards with her P-11 and grabs one of their security badges.)
SYDNEY: I'm at stage one, outside the facility.
(Back in LA at the ops center, Chapman and Kendall listen with headsets.)
KENDALL: Copy that, Mountaineer. We're standing by.
(Sydney enters the main part of the building wearing a yellow biohazard protection suit. She sees another worker taking a barrel so she does too. As she walks by, she sees Sark in the control room with a few others.)
SYDNEY: I just spotted Sark.
KENDALL: I don't need to remind you to stay out of sight.
(She goes through the room and enters the decontamination center.)
JACK: (voice over) Our intel indicates that to use the serum generator, you need the security pass code.
(Flashback to on the plane. He gives her a small computer the size of a cordless phone.)
JACK: The jack in this computer, it's got a satellite link that will let us get into the system and provide us with the code you need.
(Back in the center, Sydney takes out the computer and inserts the jack into theirs.)
SYDNEY: I've got sat link. You should be receiving data now.
CHAPMAN: Roger, Mountaineer. Stand by for the pass code. 2664729.
(Sydney enters the numbers as she relays them back.)
SYDNEY: 26647--
CHAPMAN: The generators are peripheral to the main system.
SYDNEY: I don't understand.
CHAPMAN: The machine is connected to their central security systems. If you try to generate the serum, their security system will be alerted.
SYDNEY: Can we circumvent the system?
CHAPMAN: Not from here.
KENDALL: Mountaineer, abort the op and head back. We'll find another way to--
SYDNEY: Abort? We don't have time to find something else!
KENDALL: If you use the machine, they'll know you're there.
SYDNEY: Then I'll run fast.
(She punches in the last of the numbers.)
KENDALL: You've been ordered to abort, Mountaineer, do you copy?
(Sydney finishes the procedure by inserting a drop of blood into the machine. The computer starts analyzing the exposure levels in Vaughn's blood. In the control room, one of the employees takes off his headset and goes to Sark.)
CONTROL GUY: Sir, someone has accessed the decontamination room.
(Inside the room, Sydney hears the alarm wail as the machine synthesizes the dosage. When it's completed, she takes the serum and walks out. A few guards sh**t at her. She army rolls out of the way and takes the f*re extinguisher off the wall. When one of the guards goes to her, she hits him in the head with the extinguisher. She kicks the other guard and hits him with the back of his g*n. He falls to the ground. Sydney, now with the guard's g*n, runs down some stairs on her way out. She opens a door, running and gets to the next door. Locked. She goes back, but that door is now locked. She looks up and above her is the control room windows, with Sark looking down at her.)
SARK: Agent Bristow. Those pipes are rigged to disperse ammonia flurochloride. Wonderful for decontaminating metals and concrete. Not so good on organic materials, such as your suit. Or your skin.
(She cocks her g*n and sh**t at the glass protecting Sark. He closes his eyes as the b*ll*ts bounce off the bulletproof glasses. He doesn't even flinch.)
SARK: You and I, we're destined to work together. I truly believe that.
(He hits a button and the ammonia starts pouring down on her.)
SARK: Of course, any future collaboration requires my turning the sprinkler system off.
(Sydney looks as her suit is being disintegrated, melting away. She looks up.)
SARK: Notice your suit is already being eaten away. I'd give it another forty seconds. I could use your help. I need access to Arvin Sloane.
SARK: Because I intend to k*ll him.
SYDNEY: I can get you to Sloane, but only if you promise to let me keep the antidote.
SARK: No. Sloane first. Then you'll get back your precious antidote.
(Sydney slowly nods in acceptance of the deal.)
(A naked Sydney stands in an industrial shower, hands over her breasts while men in suits scrub her down with large brushes.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Sark had me taken to the decontamination room. He let me go. I came back here to Los Angeles.
KENDALL: And Sark never asked you who the antidote was for?
SYDNEY: No. He didn't seem to care.
KENDALL: What exactly did you promise Sark?
(At the operations center, Sydney and Kendall are talking with Jack standing behind them, observing.)
SYDNEY: That I would render Sloane unconscious, and deliver him to Sark.
KENDALL: So he could k*ll him.
KENDALL: There are just so many problems with this that I don't even know where to begin.
SYDNEY: How about we start with Vaughn?
KENDALL: Do I need to remind you that the American intelligence, Agent Bristow--
SYDNEY: You said yourself that Vaughn is in critical condition!
KENDALL: --Are not in the business of committing m*rder!
SYDNEY: Arvin Sloane k*lled my fiance. I have had plently of opportunities to return the favor, but I have chosen not to because, yes, I know, it's not what we do. It's what he does and it's reprehensible! But we have no choice here! Vaughn could be d*ad in two days!
KENDALL: Well, we'll do our best to prevent that. Agent Bristow, you don't collaborate with the enemy like this!
SYDNEY: What the hell would you have done?! There is NO choice here!
JACK: (quietly) Sydney--
SYDNEY: I am NOT going to do nothing!
JACK: Give us a minute, would you?
(Kendall leaves.)
SYDNEY: Don't try and convince me not to work with Sark!
JACK: That's not what I'm doing. I'm on your side here. We can't lose Vaughn.
SYDNEY: So what do we do?
JACK: We don't go through Kendall. Push him, and he'll run it through channels. This needs to be handled quietly.
(Marshall's office. He's working on a polar bear skin rug, inspecting the fur intently.)
JACK: (voice over) Sloane is scheduled to attend an Alliance meeting in Tokyo. I'll find out the details of his itinerary.
(Jack enters the office.)
JACK: My S.T.U. is not recognizing my crypto-ignition key. I need it fixed.
MARSHALL: Fine. Do you know that polar bears can't be detected by infrared photography? Their fur emits no heat. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
(Jack gives him his trademark cold stare.)
MARSHALL: I guess I thought maybe it would be applicable to something I-- Crypto-ignition key. I got to do that from the server room. Excuse me.
(He clears his throat and runs out. Jack calmly walks over to Marshall's computer and starts typing.)
(At Francie's restaurant, Will looks at the tests. Francie comes over and sits down across from him.)
FRANCIE: What's that?
WILL: Oh, it's one of those standardized tests kids take. A friend from the newspaper is interested in me maybe tutoring his kid.
FRANCIE: (flipping through) "Reading comprehension essay. Based on our invasion of Grenada..."?
WILL: Yeah. You know, it was weird. The only test I could download was from 1982. Sort of the height of the Reagan ear, Cold w*r indoctrination.
FRANCIE: Well, back when I was listening to Duran Duran every single day my uncle was one of the marines Reagan sent into Grenada. The invasion was in 1983.
(Will meets with Abby again.)
WILL: I mean, why would the Department of Education give you a fake test? How can I get a hold of a copy of the original test?
ABBY: For the love of God, Will, have you lost your mind?
WILL: I mean, the whole test is a fake.
ABBY: I got it from the Department of Education.
WILL: Abby, Abby, look, I don't know exactly what this means but it could be important.
(Sloane's office with Jack.)
SLOANE: I spoke to our man in custody. All he gave us was a province in the Ukraine. Smila. I sent a team there to search for Derevko's headquarters. So far they've found nothing.
JACK: When do you leave for Tokyo?
SLOANE: I leave in one hour. I need you to help me, Jack. I need you to get Richter to talk, to tell us exactly where in Smila we could find Derevko's center of operations. If I go to Japan without something tangible, something valuable, I don't know what the Alliance might do.
(In the conversation room, the SD-6 t*rture doctor applies the torch to Richter's legs again. He screams.)
JACK: It doesn't have to end this way. You could be made very comfortable. All you have to do is give us an address.
RICHTER: Smila...
JACK: Yes, in the Ukraine. Where in Smila? All we need is an address.
(Richter starts sobbing. Sloane, who had been standing over to the side, comes up in Richter's face.)
SLOANE: Just tell me where the hell Derevko's operation is! You give me an address now, you son of a bitch! Where in Smila do we look?!
RICHTER: (sobbing) Smila... Smila is my wife.
(He starts laughing and sobbing.)
RICHTER: And I love her. I love her so much.
SLOANE: Just k*ll him.
(Will meets with someone in charge of the tests.)
PROFESSOR: You said 1982, right?
WILL: There's a serial number. FYB55L.
PROFESSOR: Popular test.
WILL: Popular?
PROFESSOR: I got a call once from someone at ETS. Said they were centralizing their files. They wanted my originals.
(He finds the folder and gives it to Will.)
WILL: Can you remember if you put any questions in about spatial reasoning?
PROFESSOR: Why would I do that? There's no statistical utility in asking questions maybe one in ten thousand first graders could answer.
(Will points to the sheet.)
WILL: Well, how would you explain a question like this, then? "How can rainbows be seen? Only when the sun is behind the observer." PROFESSOR: This wasn't in the test I sent to ETS. I designe the questions, I proof the test booklets they print up, and then when they send the final corrected copies, I put them on file.
WILL: About how many first graders took this test?
PROFESSOR: They administered this in thirty-three states. That's over five million children.
(Self-storage building. Jack and Sydney meet.)
JACK: Sloane's on his way to Japan. He plans to stay at a Yakuza-run Ryokan, the Nyoshi Ginza. Use the numbers he gave you and contact Sark. Tell him we will hand him Sloane the night before his Alliance meeting.
SYDNEY: Tell me you agree with me, that we have no choice in this.
JACK: Of course we have a choice, and it's a moment I never wanted you to face. To k*ll someone. I'm not talking about self-defence, I'm talking about premeditated m*rder. To be there when the door closes on him for the last time. Knowing you are responsible. That is something you never came close to considering before getting to know your mother.
(In Tokyo, women walk on the grounds of where Sloane is staying, dressed in full geisha outfits. Sydney, in her own geisha uniform, walks in.)
SYDNEY: I'm on the grounds.
(Sark, in a parked car outside, talks to her via transmitter.)
SARK: Good. My associate just arrived to meet your father.
(In Los Angeles, Jack stands outside the US Naval Medical Center where Vaughn is. A car drives up and the back window comes down.)
JACK: Is that the antidote?
ASSOCIATE: Yes. However, the briefcase is security coded with a secondary system wired to a remote detonator.
JACK: As I expected.
ASSOCIATE: Only Mr. Sark has the security code. Until I receive word from him to release the serum, the case remains closed.
(Back in Tokyo, a geisha prepares towels for a massage and rub down. Sloane enters wearing a robe. They gesture at the bed. He takes it off and sits down, looking a little depressed. Outside, Sydney walks and comes to the building.)
SARK: Good luck, Sydney.
SYDNEY: I don't need you to wish me luck, you son of a bitch.
SARK: That's a wonderful attitude.
(She walks up and nods to a gentleman guarding the outside. He speaks Japanese to her. She answers him, probably telling him that she works there. He asks a question and she flips him over, elbowing him in the face. Someone else comes. She hits him with her fan and he kicks her. She does a back flip and kicks him in the crotch, then in the head. He falls. A geisha rubs Sloane's legs. Sydney walks over a bridge and enters the room. She comes in and speaking Japanese to the geisha, gets her to leave. She's now alone with Sloane. He speaks Japanese to her and she answers. Sydney starts the massage.)
SLOANE: Oh... God, I'm tense. Not a big surprise. I saw a man die yesterday.
(He turns over to look at her.)
SLOANE: Do you understand?
(Sydney speaks Japanese, shaking her head.)
SLOANE: Yeah. He was in incredible pain, but it was the love he had for his wife that sustained him.
(She takes a pin from her wig and pulls the end off with her teeth.)
SLOANE: I loved my wife, too. But I had to take action.
(Sydney jabs him in the back of the neck with the pin.)
(He turns over, in pain, and then falls on the bed, unconscious. Sydney runs out and alerts people in Japanese.)
SARK: You are so good, do you know that? (on walkie talkie) Send the ambulance.
(Sark's paramedics takes Sloane out, wearing a mask on his face. They put him inside their ambulance. Sark walks up to Sydney, who is watching.)
SARK: It went well. Look, when I said "Good luck" before, I wasn't mocking you.
SYDNEY: Call in for your man to release the serum.
SARK: (on phone) Hand over the antidote. The security code is 10-11-92.
(In Los Angeles, in the lobby of the medical center, the associate and Jack sit on a bench together. The associate punches in the numbers and opens the briefcase. Jack takes the vial.)
JACK: You'll stay here until we've tested it.
(He goes inside.)
(In Tokyo, Sark climbs in the ambulance with Sloane and his men. Sark looks at Sydney.)
SARK: It was nice working with you.
(Sydney looks at Sloane on the stretcher. Last chance to stop them. She doesn't. The ambulance drives away.)
(Los Angeles. Vaughn is in bed, without the tubes and monitors but still in his hospital gown. He wakes up slowly and looks around, a bit dazed. Jack sits next to his bed.)
VAUGHN: What's happening?
JACK: You've been asleep for forty hours.
VAUGHN: Am I dying?
JACK: Almost. Sydney got the antidote. The doctors say your blood levels are looking good.
VAUGHN: How did she do it?
JACK: She had Sloane k*lled.
(Sydney walks into the SD-6 offices, heading for her desk. She looks in and sees Sloane's empty office. She removes her jacket at her desk and sees someone in the conference room. Sydney walks over, and nearly runs into Sloane.)
SLOANE: Sydney. Good morning.
SYDNEY: Good morning.
SLOANE: You know Mr. Sark.
(Standing beside him in a suit, is Sark.)
SARK: I don't think we've ever been officially introduced.
SLOANE: Mr. Sark is now cooperating with us in our ongoing search for Derevko and the remains of her company.
SYDNEY: He's cooperating.
SLOANE: This is a strategic alliance, Agent Bristow. Debrief him. Take down everything he knows about Derevko and we'll see and decide about what goes on after that.
(Sloane leaves the two of them alone.)
SARK: Agent Bristow, working with you--
(Sydney cuts him off, gestures with her head.)
SARK: Don't worry. I pulsed the bugs. We can reminisce.
SYDNEY: What are you doing here? How?
SARK: I took the ambulance to a remote location. And then I revived him.
(Flashback to Tokyo and inside the ambulance. Sloane is sitting up.)
SARK: Here's the situation. Rambaldi's true aim is a puzzle. I have certain pieces, you have others. We'll never solve his mystery, but together -- together, we cannot fail.
SLOANE: How do I know you have anything real to offer?
SARK: I can prove myself in two ways. The first is obvious. I intercepted communications indicating that there would be an assassination attempt on your life. Now as this conversation proves, I've prevented that.
SLOANE: How do I know you didn't plan the attempt in the first place?
SARK: Which brings me to my second piece of information.
(He takes out a folded piece of paper from his inside jacket pocket and hands it over. Sloane reads it and looks at Sark.)
(Back to the conference room.)
SYDNEY: What was on the piece of paper?
SARK: I'm afraid that's need-to-know.
(Downstairs at the ops center, Vaughn is pushed by someone in his wheelchair. He stops at the start of the hallway.)
VAUGHN: I got it from here, thanks.
(He gets up and walks down the hallway to Irina's cell.)
VAUGHN: You asked me some questions. I told you I'd answer them if you helped me. You did help me and I thank you for that.
IRINA: I didn't do it for you.
VAUGHN: I'm trying to live a normal life, which was always hard given what I do but it's gotten harder since I met your daughter. It's not that knowing her hasn't made my life better. It has. But it's also made it that much worse. I think I've said enough.
IRINA: The problem, Mr. Vaughn, is that to the one person who matters, you haven't said anything.
VAUGHN: Listen, this may not mean anything to you. This may not be something you can understand or appreciate, but we have rules. Very clear and important rules that govern the relationship between a handler and his asset.
IRINA: And between a man and a woman?
(Upstairs, Sydney waits. Vaughn comes up from visiting Irina and sees Sydney. He looks at her. She walks over, smiling.)
(She hugs him, crying.)
VAUGHN: Thank you.
(They break the hug.)
VAUGHN: I heard about Sark.
SYDNEY: Sloane actually brought Sark to the Alliance and presented him as their new ally.
VAUGHN: How did that go over?
SYDNEY: Apparently, Sark was a big h*t. And thanks to me, Sloane's standing has never been higher.
VAUGHN: I understand you met Alice.
SYDNEY: She seems nice.
VAUGHN: Yeah, she is. She's a good person. We have a lot of history, we're trying to... You know we broke up.
SYDNEY: Yeah, you mentioned that.
VAUGHN: Yeah. A couple of months later, we saw each other at a friend's and--
SYDNEY: You don't have to explain.
VAUGHN: No, I know, but I want to. If things were the other way around...
SYDNEY: Seriously... don't explain. I'll see you tomorrow.
(He nods. She walks away. Vaughn watches her as Kendall rushes over.)
KENDALL: Jack briefed me. He and Sydney broke protocol but I'm glad it worked out.
VAUGHN: Excuse me.
(He starts walking to catch up with Sydney. She rounds a corner. Walking faster, Vaughn tries catching up with her. He turns a corner but she's gone. With a little smile on his face, he turns back.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x07 - Counteragent"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Passage, Part 1"
(Morning. Sark drives his convertible down a winding road. From behind, Sydney drives up. She passes him. Their vehicles are parallel. They look at each other. The two of them continue driving and stop at a clearing up ahead. They both get out of their vehicles.)
SARK: Are you here to wish me luck being my first day on the job or are you convinced I might reveal to Sloane that you conspired to k*ll him?
SYDNEY: I'm here to remind you what I hope is obvious but I don't want to overestimate your intelligence. If you burn me, I burn you.
SARK: Sydney, I couldn't reveal to Sloane that you conspired to k*ll him without also revealing my involvement. Of course, I never had any intention of going through with it. I simply needed to gain his trust.
SYDNEY: You know what I think? You're just a dog looking for a new master.
SARK: No need to worry, Sydney, we're colleagues now.
(She walks back to her vehicle.)
SARK: I'll see you at the office.
(Self-storage building. Sydney and Jack meet.)
SYDNEY: Sloane wouldn't agree to partner with him unless Sark made it worth his while. Do you have any idea what they're after?
JACK: Given the scope of Sark's previous contacts and operations, he could be offering almost anything. What concerns me more is that your mother knew we were double agents before she turned herself in. She may have told Sark.
SYDNEY: I'll find out.
JACK: Before you do, consider this -- two months ago she surrendered to the CIA. Yesterday, Sark made a back-door agreement with Sloane that places him inside SD-6. Do you belive that's just a coincidence?
(SD-6 conference room with Dixon, Sydney, Sloane, Jack and Sark.)
SLOANE: As you know, Mr. Sark surrendered to us last week. After an extensive debriefing with McCullough, we've concluded he can provide us with credible intel. Enough, in fact, to warrant an immunity deal in exchange for his cooperation.
DIXON: Sir, I believe this decision is a critical mistake. This man has m*rder hundreds of people for profit. We should not set the precedent of granting immunity to a t*rror1st no matter what he says he has to offer.
SLOANE: Yes, well, I understand your frustration, Agent Dixon, but I believe that Sark's cooperation will save more lives than he's taken.
SYDNEY: I'm with Dixon on this.
SLOANE: We have developed a strategy to address your concerns. Jack.
JACK: In order to maintain Sark's value as an informant, his contacts must not be aware that he's turned himself in. Beginning today, whenever Sark leaves this office a security section team will double as his private detail to ensure that he doesn't violate his agreement with us.
(Marshall enters.)
MARSHALL: I, uh, I'm sorry I'm late.
SLOANE: Marshall Flinkman, technical operations officer.
(Marshall looks at Sark.)
MARSHALL: Hi. Welcome. Don't k*ll me.
SARK: Look, I understand that none of you are inclined to believe a word I say but I assure you, it's not in my best interest to betray you. You've given me an opportunity of a lifetime, and I don't intend to squander it.
(Irina's cell. Sydney visits her mother.)
IRINA: So that's how Sloane and Sark have presented their new partnership.
SYDNEY: No one at SD-6 likes it but they all believe it. I need to know if you've ever told Sark that I'm a double agent.
IRINA: Sydney, no.
SYDNEY: You saved Vaughn's life. I'm grateful to you for that but I haven't made up my mind yet if I should trust you.
IRINA: And yet here you are. I never told Sark about your status as a double agent, Sydney. That doesn't mean you're safe. Tell me, what intelligence has he provided Sloane?
(Flashback to the conference room.)
SLOANE: Zoran Sokolov. A freelance mercenary who's had extensive dealings with Mr. Sark.
SARK: Yes, he frequently offers me the chance to purchase intelligence before he brings it to the black market. Recently he asked me if I'd be interested in obtaining a set of communication codes used by Uzbekistan's ground forces along the border.
SLOANE: If we don't obtain those codes Sokolov will sell them to extremist rebels hiding in neighboring Tajikistan. With those codes, they can track Uzbek troop movements and plan t*rror1st att*cks. This would gravely destabilize our allies in Asia. Sydney, you and Dixon will make contact with this Sokolov. Posing as Sark's associates, you will purchase the codes and bring them here.
(Back to Sydney's meet with Irina at her cell.)
SYDNEY: We both know Sloane doesn't care about preserving s*ab in Asia so my question is why does he want those communication codes so badly?
IRINA: I'm going to ask you to give me something you have no reason to give. I'm going to ask for your faith. You have to convince your superiors to let me leave this place.
SYDNEY: What?!
IRINA: For forty-eight hours.
SYDNEY: Are you serious?
IRINA: I'll agree to a special forces escort.
IRINA: I cannot tell you that.
SYDNEY: Go where?
IRINA: If you do not trust me, I cannot help you later.
SYDNEY: What are those codes for?
IRINA: I'm trying to help you--
SYDNEY: How am I going to sell this?
IRINA: --but I must be allowed to do it MY way.
SYDNEY: Yeah, well, it's asking too much!
(BANG! Irina bangs against the glass.)
IRINA: I cannot give you details because I don't trust the CIA. They almost had me ex*cuted two weeks ago. The only way for me to maintain my value is to tell you only what you need to know in order to stay ahead of Sloane. And all you need to know now is that if I'm not allowed to leave, everything you've worked to accomplish will be lost.
(Upstairs in the ops center, Kendall, Vaughn, Sydney and Jack.)
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, you're asking me to get Irina Derevko a forty-eight hour--
SYDNEY: I'm asking you to consider it.
KENDALL: But you can't tell me why.
SYDNEY: She won't say why.
KENDALL: Sloane tasked you to acquire Uzbekistan's ground force communication codes. And how does success or failure risk what we've been--
SYDNEY: My mother's clearly worried about something else. Some unintended consequence that we can't predict.
VAUGHN: Sir, thus far, Derevko's intel has been right one hundred percent of the time.
SYDNEY: We didn't catch this woman. She turned herself in.
(Kendall looks at Jack but he doesn't say anything.)
SYDNEY: She's agreed to be escorted by a special forces team and wear a tracking device. She will not get away.
KENDALL: Jack, you've been awfully quiet.
JACK: I'm sorry. When it comes to Irina Derevko, my judgment's proven to be... impaired.
KENDALL: Well, I would like your opinion.
JACK: Perhaps they're right. Perhaps releasing her is worth the risk to satisfy our curiosity.
KENDALL: Well, hell, when you put it that way, the answer's definitely no. If Irina Derevko wants out of here, she's going to have to tell us more. Otherwise, you're to proceed as planned. Agent Vaughn will give you your countermission.
(He leaves.)
SYDNEY: Thanks. You told Kendall your judgment wasn't to be trusted and then agreed with me to reinforce his doubt.
JACK: Kendall's ego predisposes him to favor decisions in which he is overruling others. You argue your way, I'll argue mine.
(He leaves.)
VAUGHN: Your countermission's simple. You'll d*ad drop a copy of the codes when you get back from Uzbekistan so we can figure out what they're really for.
SYDNEY: (nods) I have to go pack.
(Sloane's office. Sark stands with his back to Sloane, watching a surveillance monitor of the other agents walking about.)
SARK: I must admit, this is one of the most impressive operations I've seen. Though it is a touch pathetic how so many of them believe they actually work for the CIA.
SLOANE: Look at me. You've offered me a substantial prize to make our partnership worthwhile, but do not think for a second that gives you the right to insult my people.
SARK: I apologize.
(He turns and sees a monitor focusing on Sydney at her desk, drinking out of a coffee mug.)
SARK: I had a run-in with Sydney Bristow this morning. She may be the only one who suspects I haven't in fact turned myself in.
SLOANE: I've been a presence in Sydney's life since she was born. Sydney will believe whatever I tell her to.
SARK: And her father? He must often battle the temptation to tell her the truth about SD-6. I'd hate to see Jack's paternal instincts compromise our objectives. So, for the time being, I wouldn't tell him what those codes are really for.
(Sloane's phone rings.)
WOMAN: Sir, a call's been routed to you through Credit Dauphine.
SLOANE: Take a message.
WOMAN: He says it's regarding your wife.
SLOANE: (to Sark) That will be all.
(Sark leaves.)
SLOANE: Put him through. I want you to record this call.
(A click.)
SLOANE: Hello?
DISTORTED VOICE: We have your wife, and, yes, she's alive. You will provide us with the account numbers for all SD-6's investments or the Alliance will be informed that you failed to carry out her execution.
SLOANE: Offer me proof that she's alive. Until then, know this: as soon as I hang up the phone I will use every available resource to find out who I'm talking to and when I do, it will be my sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance.
(In Uzbekistan, Sydney and Dixon meet with Sokolov.)
SOKOLOV: So, um... you work for Sark. Tell him I'm insulted he didn't come here personally.
DIXON: We'll make sure he gets the message.
(Sokolov lights a match and takes a h*t off his pipe.)
SYDNEY: Mr. Sokolov, we're on a schedule. Do you have the codes?
SOKOLOV: Do you have the money?
(Dixon drops a briefcase on the table. Sokolov opens it, sees the money, and puts the briefcase by his side. He drops a black briefcase on the table. Dixon goes to open it.)
SOKOLOV: Wait. The codes are on a computer in this case. The case, before I stole it, belonged to a colonel in the Uzbek army. What I didn't realize when I made the offer to Sark is thaT without the colonel's fingerprint the case cannot be opened without detonating a self-destruct mechanism inside. Boom!
SYDNEY: Are you telling us you cannot deliver what you've promised us?
SOKOLOV: Please. I wouldn't have asked you to come all this way without a solution to this little problem. I have arranged for Colonel to be someplace tonight where you can take his prints.
DIXON: How exactly did you do that?
(Sokolov takes another h*t. Deeply inhales.)
SOKOLOV: I had him assassinated.
(He winks and then giggles.)
(At an army morgue, Dixon and Sokolov walk in wearing Uzbek army fatigues pushing a stetcher with a body bag on top. They talk to the two guards. Dixon unzips the body bag to show the guards what they have. Inside is Sydney, wearing her own set of Uzbek army fatigues, with a fake b*llet hole on her forehead and looking very blue and d*ad. Dixon signs some forms and the guard wheels Sydney's d*ad body on the stretcher inside the morgue. Dixon nods and goes to the truck with Sokolov. They drive off. Outside, Dixon comes to a stop in an alley and he and Sokolov climb in the back of the truck. Dixon types on his laptop.)
SOKOLOV: Are you in yet?
DIXON: That microchip you gave me is not exactly state of the art. It's still reading morgue records off the central server.
(The guard writes on a tag inside the morgue. He shuts off the lights and leaves. Sydney opens the body bag and breathes deeply, looking around.)
SYDNEY: Okay, Dixon, I'm in.
DIXON: Me, too, Sydney. Stand by. (to Sokolov) What was Colonel's name?
SOKOLOV: Vasili Kabilov.
DIXON: Sydney, you're looking for Vasili Kabilov. ID tag C16.
(Upstairs, the guard comes back to the main office.)
GUARD1: (speaking Uzbek) Where are the woman's papers? I need to log her into the system.
(Guard2 apologizes and goes back down.)
(Sydney starts looking, grabbing toe tags off nearby d*ad bodies to see if it's the colonel. She opens doors, looking at more tags. She finally opens a larger door and sees an older man on a slab. She looks at the tag, and it's C16. She takes out the keypad for the fingerprint and tries to get his frozen, d*ad hand onto the pad. She can't separate his fingers to do it. She grabs his hand and breaks it, puts it down on the pad. It shines green, authenticating. Guard2 comes in. Sydney looks up. He sees the clipboard that he needs but also sees that the body bag is empty and on the floor. He takes out a g*n and his walkie talkie.)
GUARD2: (speaking Uzbek) David, the body's gone.
(He aims his g*n and starts looking. Guard1 comes in.)
GUARD2: (speaking Uzbek) Check the freezer.
(Guard2 points his g*n and opens the door. Sydney pushes the colonel's slab out and knocks one of them out of the way. She kicks Guard1, punching him. She throws him against the wall. The other guard comes from behind and grabs her. She jumps up, putting her feet on a slab and pushes back, knocking him against the wall. She jumps down, grabs a door to a slab and knocks him out.)
(Out in the hallway, Sydney is now wearing one of the guard's hats to cover her b*llet hole in the head with her hair tucked underneath. Two guards come her way.)
SYDNEY: (speaking Uzbek) Check the morgue!
(She runs out. Dixon drives up and not recognizing her with the hat, aims his g*n at her through his window.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, don't sh**t! It's me!
DIXON: Get in!
(She does and they drive off.)
(In a parking garage in LA, Will and Vaughn meet up.)
WILL: I know. Sydney told me about Project Christmas, about how it was developed to identify future spies and now you're worried because you think the Russians might have used it to recruit American children back in the '80s?
VAUGHN: About that--
WILL: The thing is, I think there might be something to your theory.
VAUGHN: Really?
WILL: Remember those weird test questions you gave me, the ones that the KGB developed? I found them. I found them integrated into a series of standardized tests that were administered here in 1982.
VAUGHN: How many kids took that test?
WILL: Five million.
VAUGHN: Well, look, I didn't think Devlin -- my superior -- would mind me having you research this, but he did and he ordered me to let you go.
WILL: Hold on. Wait a second. There's something here. Okay, look, I'll narrow the test scores down to a small group of kids. Now Devlin won't be able to deny the value of that.
VAUGHN: He thinks since you're a journalist, since you've been trained to report what you know, that you're a security risk.
WILL: Don't sweat it.
VAUGHN: Here's what I owe you. There's seven hundred in there.
(Will looks at the hundred dollar bills in the envelope Vaughn gives him.)
WILL: I didn't work that many hours.
VAUGHN: Seriously, I don't know how you did it so fast. I told you to take your time.
WILL: Thanks, but, um, my time's all I expect to get paid for.
(He gives back some of the cash.)
VAUGHN: All right.
(The next morning, Sydney is in her room going through some papers, sitting on her bed. Will stands at the doorway.)
WILL: Hey.
WILL: What's wrong?
SYDNEY: Nothing.
WILL: Nothing?
(She shakes her head.)
WILL: Nothing's wrong? Syd... if we just met, I would know something's wrong.
(She pauses, wanting to talk. He comes in and sits on her bed. In the distance, their phone rings. Knowing that Francie will be occupied answering it, she talks.)
SYDNEY: Do you remember Mr. Sark?
WILL: Do I remember the guy who sh*t me with a tranquilizer? The guy who had me tortured in Taipei?
SYDNEY: He's working with SD-6. I can't tell you any more than that.
WILL: You've seen him? You're working with him?
SYDNEY: I have to make him think I am.
WILL: That little British cocky son of a bitch is in LA?
(Francie enters, phone up to her ear.)
FRANCIE: Hey, Syd, I'm on-line with the spa. Did you want to get a Swedish or a Shiatsu massage?
FRANCIE: You have to reschedule.
SYDNEY: Believe me, there is nothing I would rather do than spend a day with you at the spa. How about next week?
FRANCIE: Next week's great. But I am still gonna go tomorrow.
(She smiles and walks out.)
WILL: Okay, I want to k*ll that Sark guy.
SYDNEY: I know.
WILL: No, this is gonna drive me insane, you know that.
SYDNEY: Will, you asked me to tell you.
WILL: I know I did. I just didn't know it was going to be a nightmare.
SYDNEY: He's almost k*lled me, too.
WILL: I know, but you get to do something about it, you know? I mean, yeah, you get to go off and be sneaky and ultimately destroy the guy.
SYDNEY: What about your work with Vaughn?
WILL: Vaughn sort of fired me. (nods)
(Self-storage meet with Sydney and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: The CIA's just going to ignore everything Will found out?
VAUGHN: Actually, when Devlin heard that five million American first graders took a standardized test that may have been doctored by the KGB, he sent Will's research to the FBI.
VAUGHN: We're still waiting for the results. That's the second time Will's come through for us, I wish there were more I could do for him, I really do. He's a good guy.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
(She turns to walk out.)
VAUGHN: Syd...
(She stops. He takes off his silver watch.)
VAUGHN: This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said, "You could set your heart by this watch." It stopped October 1st -- the day we met.
(Sydney opens her mouth to respond when her pager goes off. Right away, Vaughn's goes off as well.)
VAUGHN: Kendall.
SYDNEY: Me too.
(At the ops center, Jack and Kendall look at surveillance footage. Sydney and Vaughn walk in.)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
JACK: We just heard from analysis about the codes you acquired in Uzbekistan. Sloane and Sark gave us a half-truth. The codes are Uzbek but they have nothing to do with troop communications.
SYDNEY: What are they for?
KENDALL: They're the control codes for six portable nuclear warheads that the Uzbeks have admitted and defense intelligence has confirmed went missing six months ago.
SYDNEY: SD-6 is in possession of six nuclear w*apon?
JACK: No. This morning Sark electronically messengered the codes to an unknown third party. We couldn't trace the link.
VAUGHN: And all we know about them is that they're working with Sloane and Sark?
KENDALL: Why did Sloane keep you in the dark on this?
JACK: I don't know.
SYDNEY: This is what my mother was talking about. We should have listened to her.
KENDALL: Well, if she was so concerned about helping us stay ahead of SD-6, she could have told us what was at stake.
(Down at Irina's cell, Jack, Sydney, Kendall and Vaughn.)
IRINA: And what would you have done? Given Sydney false control codes to hand over to SD-6? Sark may have known the difference and she would have been exposed as a double agent. I wasn't willing to risk her life that way.
KENDALL: Do you know where the nukes are?
IRINA: Yes, I do.
IRINA: I've spent the last thirty-six nights lying on a steel mattress.
KENDALL: And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
IRINA: It means I would appreciate a pillow and blanket.
KENDALL: Done. Tell us about the warheads.
IRINA: They're in Kashmir, under what used to be a maximum security prison camp. It's now the stronghold for a mercenary group -- The People's Revolutionary Front.
KENDALL: So Sloane and Sark have in fact partnered with this organization?
IRINA: It would appear.
KENDALL: Can you give us the prison camp's exact coordinates?
KENDALL: (to the others) I'm going to recommend to the defense department an immediate air strike. When the smoke clears we can dig the warheads out of the rubble.
IRINA: I wouldn't do that. Now that the PRF has the control codes, they may have set the warheads to detonate in the event of sabotage or a preemptive strike.
VAUGHN: What about sending in a commando unit?
IRINA: If they were familiar with the facility, I'd say it was a good idea.
SYDNEY: That's what you were planning on doing.
JACK: That's impossible to verify.
KENDALL: All right, Miss Derevko. You're going to lead us into that prison.
IRINA: Oh, no, I'm not. My offer expired the moment the detonation codes were acquired.
KENDALL: Do I have to remind you that your immunity deal is contingent upon your continued cooperation?
IRINA: I have cooperated, Agent Kendall. You didn't listen. Now, if you'd bring me my pillow and blanket...
KENDALL: No, you listen to me. I'm authorized to put you in solitary. You're lucky you have a view of this hallway!
SYDNEY: Agent Kendall... may I speak to my mother alone please?
(They leave. Jack lingers for a moment and then reluctantly leaves.)
IRINA: Sydney, I'm sorry.
SYDNEY: You said you didn't tell us the truth because you were trying to protect me, because you didn't want to risk Sark finding out that I was a double agent. The thing is, someone now has the ability to detonate six nuclear w*apon and I am responsible. So I am going to be part of the team that finds and disarms those warheds no matter what you do. But if you were telling the truth when you said you wanted to protect me, then, Mom... I need your help.
(Irina tears up.)
(Upstairs, Sydney types at a computer. Jack approaches.)
JACK: You convinced your mother to go to Kashmir.
SYDNEY: I told her if she didn't lead the team to the warheads, I would. I handed those codes to SD-6.
JACK: Your guilt is unfounded. You were doing your job.
SYDNEY: I'm going, Dad. Defense approved it.
JACK: I am not about to let Irina Derevko near six nuclear w*apon supervised only by you.
SYDNEY: Plane leaves in an hour.
(Jack walks inside Irina's cell holding a small box. She turns around and sees him with his back turned to her. He takes out a pretty silver necklace.)
JACK: Obviously you can't maintain your cover if you're shackled. So there are two things you need to know about this necklace. One, it's layered with C-4. If you remove it while it's armed, you'll break the circuit and it will detonate. And two, if at any moment I believe you're attempting to escape or sabotage us, I'll activate this remote trigger...
(He points to a small button on his watch.)
JACK: ...and blow your head off myself.
(Irina lifts her hair. Jack awkwardly steps forward and puts the necklace on her. Their faces inches apart, they stare at each other. She drops her hair. Sydney, Kendall, Vaughn and two other agents enter the cell. Jack steps away.)
KENDALL: All right, here's how this works. Derevko will detail your infiltration into the facility once you reach it. Until then, you have operational control.
(Jack nods.)
KENDALL: The unrest in Kashmir has caused both Pakistan and India to seal their borders so you'll board a train in New Delhi. There's a three-mile stretch of track that passes through the eastern tip of Kashmir. That's where you'll get off. Your gear will be planted in the baggage car.
VAUGHN: Once you're off the train you'll rendezvous with the CIA contact who will provide you with the op tech you'll need to infiltrate the facility.
SYDNEY: How did you clear this with Sloane?
JACK: I took care of Sloane.
KENDALL: There's a C-5 prepped and waiting at the Van Nuys airport. They'll escort you. Good luck.
(Jack looks at Irina. She looks at him. On their way out of the cell, Vaughn stops by Sydney.)
VAUGHN: I'll talk to you when you reach the contact.
(Jack walks out of the cell with Irina at his side. Sydney catches up. Together, the three of them walk down the hall and out of the cell.)
(On the plane to New Delhi.)
IRINA: Agent Vaughn has trouble sleeping when you're in the field.
SYDNEY: I doubt he told you that.
IRINA: He didn't have to tell me, I could see it in his eyes. I can see it in yours.
SYDNEY: Agent Vaughn is my colleague.
IRINA: You're so willing to take risks for your country. Why aren't you willing to do the same for your own happiness?
JACK: I hardly think you've earned the right to give anyone relationship advice.
IRINA: Jack, Sydney's smart and she's strong, but she's not happy.
SYDNEY: Okay, wait a second, this--
JACK: And after a twenty-year absence you've gleamed that from the cumulative half-hour you've spent in her presence?
IRINA: I knew it the moment I saw her. I'm her mother.
JACK: Your motherhood is a biological fact with no substantive value in Sydney's life!
SYDNEY: Hey! (to Irina) Stop baiting him. (to Jack) And stop being such an easy target. We're going to be traveling together for the next two days, you can't jump down her throat every time she opens her mouth.
(Irina smiles happily. Jack stares at the floor.)
(Park bench. Vaughn sits alone. Will comes up and sits down next to him, puts a magazine down.)
WILL: Hope I didn't pull you away from something too important.
VAUGHN: No, it's all right. What's up?
WILL: Look, except for you, Sydney, and Jack, everybody I know -- and a lot of people I don't -- they think I'm a lying junkie, okay? And helping you, doing something for the CIA, it felt like a chance to do something that mattered again, you know? Like, I don't know, maybe I went through all this crap for a reason.
VAUGHN: (re: the magazine) What is this?
WILL: I know you can't pay me, it doesn't matter. You're looking at forty names. Those are forty kids that got a perfect score on the standardized test that included the Project Christmas questions.
VAUGHN: How did you get this?
WILL: Between '80 and '85, Carnegie Mellon conducted a cultural bias study on standardized testing. Not only did they have the results, but they cross-referenced them by name and ethnicity.
VAUGHN: The FBI has been trying to narrow down a list of kids for as long as you have and so far they haven't come up with a single name.
WILL: That's probably because they don't know that the test records from '82 were missing from the testing service archives.
VAUGHN: What do you mean, they're missing? Who took them?
WILL: I don't know yet.
(At the New Delhi train, Jack, Irina and Sydney are at a counter getting their passports stamped by an official. Jack's wearing a moustache, Irina is in a blonde wig and Sydney is wearing her own curly blonde wig. The official looks at the passports of Andrew, Catherine and Sarah Godson. Jack smiles.)
OFFICIAL: What is the purpose of your visit to India?
JACK: Family vacation. We're touring the Kaziranga national park by train.
(Sydney plays with her hair and looks bored.)
SYDNEY: Not exactly a vacation when you're forced to go. No offense. Cute country.
IRINA: Honey, we agreed we'd spend Thanksgiving together.
SYDNEY: Yeah, before I found out all my friends were going to be in Miami.
JACK: Okay, we're not going to talk about this now. I do apologize.
OFFICIAL: Enjoy your stay.
IRINA: Thank you.
JACK: Thank you.
OFFICIAL: That is a lovely necklace you're wearing.
IRINA: An anniversary gift from my husband.
(She puts a hand on Jack's face and kisses him once, then twice, on the lips. He looks at her, stunned. Sydney looks at them, stunned.)
IRIAN: Thanks!
(She smiles at the official and they leave.)
(Saeed, the CIA contact, sits at a table outside. Cell phone rings.)
VAUGHN: I'm sorry, I was trying to call information.
SAEED: Perhaps I can help.
VAUGHN: Our team is en route. They'll be at the rendezvous at 2200.
SAEED: I understand.
(He walks away. A lady sitting nearby picks up her own cell phone.)
LADY SPY: (speaking Hindi) The CIA contact has been activated.
(On the train, an employee takes the Godson family to their cars for the night.)
EMPLOYEE: You miss, are in sleeper "G" and Mr. and Mrs. Godson, you are right next to her in sleeper "H." (Inside Sydney's room, she unzips her suitcase and takes out a black outfit. In their own sleeper, the employee brings Jack and Irina in their own room.)
EMPLOYEE: The rest of your luggage will be in the cargo hold.
JACK: Thank you.
IRINA: Thanks.
(Jack gives the guy a tip and he leaves. He locks the door behind him. Irina drops her bag. Jack looks at her. He unzips the suitcases and takes out a black outfit for her. Irina takes off her blouse and stands there in her bra. He turns to give her the outfit and stops abruptly. She smiles. He looks down at her lack of clothing and turns back to the other suitcase. Irina continues undressing and Jack takes out his black clothes.)
(In the cargo room, Sydney walks in without her wig, wearing all black, and hits a button on her remote activator. A large suitcase beeps and flashes red. She opens it and takes out three parachute packs. Jack and Irina enter, also without their disguises and wearing black. He opens the train door and leans out. The bridge is just up ahead. Once he's back in, Sydney throws him a pack. He gives it to Irina.)
JACK: That bridge is the point of no return. If you're lying about this, none of us will survive.
IRINA: I'd offer to go first but I don't want to be accused of trying to escape.
JACK: We go at the same time! Sydney, you follow.
IRINA: That's not safe. These winds are too strong, our chutes could get tangled. You go first.
JACK: I'm not letting you out of my sight! You go first.
IRINA: You'll have to trust me sometime!
JACK: Trust is the last thing you're getting from me!
IRINA: The only reason you know about the nukes is because of me. I want some respect.
JACK: We'll miss our window unless you jump!
SYDNEY: Shut up!
(Surprised, they both look at her. Sydney jumps. Jack grabs Irina by the arm and throws her out of the train. He then jumps, going last.)
(Down below on the ground, they pick up their chutes.)
JACK: I told you to follow us once we jumped.
SYDNEY: We were going to miss our window.
JACK: Sydney, I need to know I can count on you whether you agree with me or not.
(Irina walks up and points to a light being flashed at them.)
IRINA: There.
(Jack flashes his flashlight three times. They run up to the CIA contact.)
SAEED: Agent Bristow, so good to see you again.
JACK: It's been a long time, Saeed. This is my daughter, Sydney.
SAEED: Ah, your reputation is beginning to rival your father's.
SYDNEY: Nice to meet you.
JACK: Saeed Akhtar, Irina Derevko. She's assisting us on loan from FBI custody.
IRINA: Your last name's Akhtar, but your accent has a trace of Hindi.
SAEED: My mother is from Jammu.
IRINA: Your parents were brave to marry, knowing the prejudice they'd face.
JACK: Let's get moving.
(At the vehicle, Saeed shows Jack the op tech.)
SAEED: I have everything you need to infiltrate the prison camp undetected. MBGs, kevlar BDUs, encryption sat-comms, three pounds of C-4 charges, and a cryo-3 radiation detector to help you locate the nukes.
SYDNEY: How far away is the PRF stronghold?
SAEED: Nine hours. Outside Muzaffarabad.
(He gives them g*n.)
JACK: None for her.
(Irina smiles and gets in.)
(Sloane's office. He's alone. An agent walks in holding a small box.)
AGENT: Sir, this was sent to the mail room. We scanned it for biological contaminates. It's clean.
(He takes the package and waves the agent away. Once he's alone, he takes off the paper and opens the box. Inside is a small leather box. He opens it. Inside is a woman's finger with a ring on it.)
(Driving down the road. Jack sees a light up ahead and as they get closer, they see that the road is entirely blocked off. Saeed stops the vehicle, confused. Jack, however, sees something.)
JACK: Back up.
SAEED: Jack?
JACK: Back up now!
(He puts it in reverse but it's too late. Men surround the vehicle with their g*n cocked. The Bristows put their hands up. Jack and Saeed are yanked out of the vehicle. They put Jack on his knees on the ground and get Sydney and Irina on their knees next to him.)
SAEED: International aid workers here.
(One of them sh**t Saeed and spits on his d*ad body. Sydney watches.)
PRF MAN: I am disgusted one of my own countrymen would assist the CIA. I assume you speak for your unit?
JACK: Yes.
PRF MAN: We know you're looking for the People Revolutionary Front. We thought we'd make it easy for you. Here we are. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
JACK: We'd like the warheads you've acquired.
PRF MAN: I'm sure.
(He speaks to another guy who is by their truck. He opens the case. Irina and Sydney look over at Jack. Irina looks down at her necklace. He turns back to the men, knowing what she wants to do. He nods.)
PRF MAN: Thank you for the supplies.
(Jack, with his arms up, hits the trigger on his watch. Irina rips off the necklace. He motions to Sydney and she hits the ground. Jack elbows one of the men in the face, punching him. Irina throws the necklace at the men near the truck. Jack hits the watch, and the expl*si*n goes off. Irina grabs a g*n and starts sh**ting at the men. Sydney jumps up, gets a g*n and starts sh**ting as well. Jack has his own machine g*n. Side by side, the three Bristows sh**t at the PRFs. They sh**t back until most of them are d*ad. Sydney grunts, looks down at her arm and drops to her knees in pain. Irina bends down and looks, her g*n still at her side.)
IRINA: Are you okay?
SYDNEY: It's just a scratch.
(Jack, standing behind Irina, cocks his g*n.)
JACK: Drop it.
JACK: Quiet!
(Irina drops it.)
IRINA: Jack, we're in enemy territory and the PRF knows we're here. We need to start trusting each other right now.
JACK: You will not carry a w*apon.
IRINA: Okay.
(Sydney checks her compass on her watch.)
SYDNEY: Looks like we're about twenty miles southwest of Azad.
JACK: We can contact the CIA station chief in Pakistan. He'll patch us through to Langley on a secure line.
IRINA: We should make it by dawn.
(The three of them walk away from the burning car and the d*ad PRFs.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x08 - Passage (part 1)"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Passage, Part 2"
(Back to last week's episode. Jack hits the button on his watch to deactivate the necklace and Irina takes it off. At the joint task force ops center, a nervous agent watches the monitor. It starts beeping. He gets up and runs to Vaughn, who's talking on the phone nearby.)
VAUGHN: Of course. Of course. Absolutely.
VAUGHN: Yes, sir.
VAUGHN: Yes, sir. As soon as we find out.
NERVOUS AGENT: The necklace has been deactivated.
VAUGHN: I'll have to call you back. (hangs up) When?
VAUGHN: You've confirmed this?
NERVOUS AGENT: Yes. Satellite imagery detected combat.
VAUGHN: Combat?
(Meanwhile, Sydney sh**t at the PRF men. Irina throws the necklace and Jack hits the trigger on his watch. Boom. At the ops center, an expl*si*n is seen on the monitor.)
VAUGHN: What just happened?
VAUGHN: Can we tell if there's any survivors?
NERVOUS AGENT: Not with this bird.
VAUGHN: We need new satellites.
(Kendall walks through the center with Vaughn at his heels.)
KENDALL: Even if they survive, sending in a team is out of the question.
VAUGHN: Why? They're on an authorized mission.
KENDALL: A clandestine mission! If we start scouring the countryside, the Indian government is going to figure out that Pakistani-supported rebels in Azad Kashmir have acuired nuclear w*apon. They're going to launch preemptive strikes. The Pakistanis are going to retaliate, and I'm going to get called in front of a half a dozen congressional committees demanding to know why we screwed up! So the only thing we're interested in right now is how to make this problem disappear. I want an options paper from you in two hours.
VAUGHN: And after that I'd like to look quietly for the Bristows myself.
KENDALL: Nuclear w*apon. Nu-cl-ear.
VAUGHN: I understand.
KENDALL: I shouldn't have to define your priorities for you.
VAUGHN: Obviously. I just don't think we should cut them loose.
KENDALL: Listen. Alive or d*ad, the mission failed. So if the Bristows are out there, they're on their own.
(Kendall walks away. Craig walks up to Vaughn with a sheet of paper in his hands.)
CRAIG: Hey, man. Check this out.
(Vaughn reads. It's a top secret document that says "Nuclear w*apon Activation." As the content of the message, it says, "nukes are prepped... 1700 hours.")
CRAIG: Nothing like more bad news, huh?
(The next morning, the Bristows walk through the countryside.)
SYDNEY: Maybe they were just a roving patrol.
JACK: No. PRF rebels would never be this deep into Indian territory without being dispatched.
IRINA: Your father's right. We had one advantage -- surprise. Now that's gone.
SYDNEY: Just a second.
JACK: Can't stop. More patrols could be in the area.
SYDNEY: Oooh, God.
(She stops and sits down on the ground. Her parents turn around.)
IRINA: What happened?
SYDNEY: Nothing, I just scraped my leg.
(She raises her pant leg to show a big gouge on her leg with blood and scrapes all around. Jack and Irina crouch down beside her with Jack taking off his pack so he can help her.)
SYDNEY: Dad, I can do it.
JACK: I got it. You need to stop the bleeding.
(Irina stands up.)
JACK: Where are you going?
(Irina gets something from the bushes nearby.)
IRINA: These bushes, they have communis berries. Their juice soothes the skin, helps healing. You should put this on first.
SYDNEY: Seriously, I'm fine.
JACK: You're not fine.
IRINA: No, you're not fine.
(They press the juice into the leg with a black cloth.)
IRINA: Jack, I know you're determined to get to Srinagar but my contact in Jaipur is much closer. He's completely reliable, he has good equipment--
JACK: This is a CIA mission. I have operation control. You're a prisoner. Your only function -- sole reason you're momentarily breathing fresh air, is to use your knowledge of the rebels' base to help us steal the suitcase nukes and leave. That's why we're using people I know and trust. We're not having this conversation again.
(He stands.)
JACK: You okay?
SYDNEY: Yeah, thanks.
(He walks away.)
IRINA: This is not a power play. The facility we're headed for, security's tighter than the NSA. If I don't have the right equipment, it's pointless.
SYDNEY: We should move.
IRINA: Okay.
(She helps Sydney up and the three of them continue walking with Jack ahead.)
(Time lapse. They walkto the edge of a hill and see below a train going by, its whistle bl*wing.)
(On the train, the three of them sit in a cargo car with various crates around them. They've opened some of them to get food and drink -- Sydney eats something that looks like whole wheat flatbread but could be something else and Jack drinks something straight out of the bottle. He looks at Irina. He passes the bottle to her and she takes a drink. Smiling, she looks away briefly.)
JACK: I know what you're thinking.
IRINA: (smiling) Do you?
JACK: The toaster.
(Irina laughs.)
SYDNEY: What are you guys talking about?
IRINA: Ah...
(She takes another drink and passes it back to Jack, smiling. Jack's smiling a little as well.)
JACK: We used to have this toaster at home. It was broken and using it one night, I started a small f*re.
IRINA: We had something like this to drink and we both had a little too much.
JACK: I forgot about the toast I was making.
(Irina laughs.)
SYDNEY: When was this?
IRINA: You were... four years old.
(Jack nods.)
IRINA: There was so much smoke, we had to move out for a week. We stayed in that hotel.
JACK: (quietly) The Summit.
IRINA: The Summit.
SYDNEY: W-wait was that the hotel with the sundaes?
IRINA: Mm-hmm.
JACK: Yeah. (smiles) I think you had one every night.
(Irina smiles, laughs. She and Jack make eye contact. He looks down.)
JACK: You should get some sleep.
(He gets up and walks to the edge of the car, looking straight ahead. Sydney smiles.)
(In Srinagar, at a marketplace, the Bristows stand in a tent. Jack's friend comes in and stops.)
JACK: I would have called. I need your help.
FRIEND: Yes, yes, of course. No one can see you dressed like this.
(He drops the sari cloths for privacy.)
JACK: That's one of the reasons we're here.
FRIEND: It's good to see you again.
JACK: You, too. You look well.
FRIEND: Well, imagine how bad I looked before, heh heh.
(Sydney smiles politely.)
FRIEND: Are you who I think? Is she yours?
JACK: Yes.
FRIEND: He always brags about you. He showed me a picture once--
JACK: We need to penetrate a class-A target outside Muzaffarabad. We'll need aliases, papers, transpo, a*mo, sat phone, and security penetration.
FRIEND: Yes. Would you like some tea?
IRINA: No, thank you. We also need tactical gear and high-resolution night vision goggles.
FRIEND: Yes. Except no. My main supplier died two months ago.
JACK: Saresh was k*lled?
FRIEND: Heart att*ck. We are old men, Jack. We don't live forever, especially in Kashmir. Of course, um, I can provide aliases, basic w*apon, access to satellite phone and transportation. What kind of security?
IRINA: Biometric sensors, dual infrared passive and microwave sensors, fiber optic on the fence.
FRIEND: What's your timeframe?
IRINA: We have none. We're already behind schedule.
FRIEND: Well I can do what I can do, but it might not be enough for you.
JACK: We'll take whatever you've got. Thank you.
FRIEND: Yes. First thing, you need to be looking not like you.
(At the ops center, Vaughn grabs a headset from an agent.)
VAUGHN: Hello?
(At the marketplace tent, Sydney, in her new clothes, speaks on the sat phone.)
SYDNEY: Hi. I'm on a secure line.
VAUGHN: Sydney, we saw the blast. What happened?
SYDNEY: I'll fill you in later but we were compromised.
VAUGHN: I'm so glad you're okay. What about your parents?
SYDNEY: You know, some people go miniature golfing with their parents. We go to India and look for nukes.
VAUGHN: Listen, Sydney, we intercepted a communication. The rebels say they're planning on activating the nukes tomorrow at 1700 hours.
SYDNEY: Activate how?
VAUGHN: We don't know.
SYDNEY: Deploy? Detonate?
VAUGHN: Activate, that's the word they used. Now, it might mean delivery, maybe detonation, we don't know. But we have to assume the worst since they got the control codes through SD-6.
SYDNEY: And I got the control codes for SD-6 which means I can deactivate the nukes.
VAUGHN: If you get there in time.
(Inside the tent, Sydney hangs up and walks back out to Jack's friend.)
FRIEND: Perfect.
(Jack and Irina come down. Jack's wearing a beard and turban, Irina dressed like Sydney but in red.)
FRIEND: Here. My truck is parked on the other side of the market.
JACK: I owe you.
IRINA: What kind of air filter does it have?
FRIEND: A foam filter.
IRINA: That won't work. It'll clog up in the desert conditions.
JACK: We'll return the truck as soon as we can.
IRINA: We cannot use this truck, it'll never get us there.
JACK: Irina--
IRINA: I know you think I'm always second-guessing you--
JACK: I told you--
IRINA: But if we don't get a car with a--
JACK: This is my decision and it is not negotiable!
SYDNEY: Listen to me, both of you! We have a job to do. Your issues are going to have to be dealt with later. Please excuse us.
(Muttering and shaking his head, Jack's friend gives them some privacy.)
SYDNEY: Right now we have six suitcase nukes that are going to be activated tomorrow.
JACK: Is that confirmed?
SYDNEY: CIA doesn't have any details, they want us to deactivate the nukes and steal them.
JACK: CIA needs to get authorization for a preemptive strike now.
SYDNEY: They need confirmation that the nukes are there.
JACK: It'll be too late by then.
SYDNEY: Not if we work together. This is the way it's going to be. Dad will decide how we get to the base. It's his call. Once we arrive, Mom takes over. You were an officer there, you know your way around. You'll lead us into the facility to the nukes and back out. Then you will resume control and get us home. There will be no objections to and no deviations from this plan.
(Outside, Jack stands in the back of the truck and takes a lid off of a big bin.)
JACK: Three of these bins are filled with grain. Irina, you'll be in the fourth.
SYDNEY: You can't be serious!
JACK: She's the most likely to be recognized. The rebels are looking for a three-person team. So we have a better chance of avoiding detection if we alter our configuration.
(Irina doesn't say a word. She walks to the truck, puts her hand on Jack's shoulder for a boost, and swings her leg inside the bin. She kneels down and Jack puts the lid on the bin.)
SYDNEY: Are you sure she can breathe in there?
(Jack gives her a look.)
(Time lapse. Driving. More driving with the bins in the back. The truck is stopped on the side of the road. Inside, Jack wipes off his make-up, now sans beard. He sits there for a moment.)
SYDNEY: Dad, we need to get moving.
JACK: I know. I'm just... preparing myself to let Irina out.
SYDNEY: It will be fine.
JACK: Sydney, I've been doing this job a long time so when you lectured me about continuing the mission and letting down protocol--
SYDNEY: Dad, my point was--
JACK: I know what your point was, and the truth is, I needed to hear it. I'm proud of you, that's all.
(He climbs out of the truck before Sydney can say anything and closes the door. On the back of the truck, he takes the lid off. Inside, a frazzled Irina looks up. She stands, breathing heavily and tries to get out. Jack offers his hand. She takes it. Sydney tosses her a jug of water.)
IRINA: Thank you.
(She takes a big drink and looks around.)
IRINA: What are we doing here? This is not the drop.
(Jack and Sydney both look down.)
IRINA: The filter got clogged, didn't it?
(She looks at Jack and he looks away. She tosses the water jug back at Sydney while Jack starts taking their mission bags out of the bins.)
IRINA: We're still ten miles away from the base. We need to hike to the field where we'll access a sewage tunnel that'll lead us into the facility.
SYDNEY: I thought you said security was heavy.
IRINA: It is on the other side of the facility. At the entry point we're using, the rebels rely on land mines to keep intruders away.
JACK: We don't have the equipment to detect land mines.
IRINA: We don't have the equipment because your contact didn't come through. I know where the mines are planted.
JACK: You want to walk through a minefield you haven't seen in nineteen years?
SYDNEY: Is there another way?
JACK: And assume no new mines have been planted?
IRINA: I just spent five hours in a grain bin. It's my turn now. Let's get to it.
(Sloane's office with Sark and Sloane.)
SARK: I just spoke with Gerard Cuvee, leader of the PRF. He's quite charming, really -- more like a banker than a rebel leader. But then you're a money man too, aren't you?
SLOANE: Is everything in place?
SARK: The nuclear cores will be activated at 1700 hours. As soon as it's done, they'll upload the results to our servers.
(Phone rings.)
SECRETARY: Sir, I have someone calling regarding your wife. They won't identify themselves.
SLOANE: Record the call. (to Sark) I need some privacy.
(He nods and leaves.)
DIGUISED VOICE: Romantic touch, don't you think? Your wife's ring finger. By now your lab's confirmed that despite your best efforts, you didn't k*ll Emily and now I have her.
SLOANE: What do you want?
DISGUISED VOICE: One hundred million in bearer bonds.
SLOANE: This is about money?
DISGUISED VOICE: Everything is about money. Instructions for the drop have been electronically mailed to you. You have twenty-four hours. Fail to deliver the bonds, and the next delivery will go to the Alliance.
(The Bristows, back in their black spy gear, stop at a field with trees. They start walking with Irina leading, then Sydney, then Jack. They follow Irina's steps.)
SYDNEY: Where did the PRF get all these mines?
IRINA: You Americans have the worst inventory controls in the world. So, Sydney, how is school?
SYDNEY: I'm writing my dissertation... supposedly.
(Jack, g*n in hand, looks and stops walking. Birds chirp.)
JACK: Quiet.
(He aims his g*n when three PRF rebels stand in the distance and start sh**ting. Jack starts sh**ting, as does Sydney.)
IRINA: Behind the tree! To your left, Jack!
(They all hide behind trees with Sydney and Jack exchanging f*re with the three rebels.)
IRINA: Jack, I need a g*n!
(He pauses for a moment and tosses her his g*n after sh**ting one of the rebels. When he throws it, he's sh*t in the chest. Shocked, he falls back on the ground. Sydney looks over and continues sh**ting. The three rebles are d*ad. Jack tries to get up, groaning.)
IRINA: Don't move! You're on a mine.
(Irina carefully walks over as Jack remains still. Sydney tries to move.)
IRINA: Sydney, don't move. Five steps forward. Three to your left. And then straight towards us.
(Sydney does as she says and crouches down beside Irina next to Jack.)
SYDNEY: Are you hurt?
JACK: No. The b*llet h*t my vest.
(Sydney and Irina move the ground out of the way to uncover the mine. It's next to Jack's left thigh.)
IRINA: It's an M-26 anti-personnel mine. We'll need to pry off the panel and remove the blasting cap.
(Sydney removes the panel. Jack watches.)
JACK: You need to cut the detonator core that leads to the blasting cap.
(Sydney takes out her Kn*fe.)
IRINA: Her Kn*fe's not coated. If she cuts the wire with metal, she'll complete the circuit and set it off. I can do it.
(Jack looks at her with an, "Oh, how wonderful" look on his face. Irina pulls the wire.)
IRINA: It's okay.
(He stands up.)
IRINA: Over that hill is the entrance to the sewer tunnel. We should hurry. Follow closely.
(At the ops center, Kendall walks and once again Vaughn is on his heels.)
KENDALL: Contact the Bristows, tell them to pull out immediately.
VAUGHN: I have no way of initiating. Why?
KENDALL: The Indians found out the Pakastani rebels have acquired nukes. They're launching air strikes in twenty-four hours.
VAUGHN: What? We have to get them to back off!
KENDALL: We're trying, but they're angry that we knew about the nukes and keptit from them. They're insisting on going forward.
VAUGHN: Then let me make a personal appeal.
KENDALL: Vaughn, everybody is working on this already -- state, NSC, DOD.
VAUGHN: Look, you're probably going to say no to this but I want to go to India. I was stationed there for two years, I have relationships--
KENDALL: I'll have a military aircraft waiting. This is totally back channel.
VAUGHN: You're just gonna--Are you trying to get rid of me?
(Kendall smiles and pats Vaughn on the shoulder. Vaughn runs off to prepare.)
(Inside the building, Irina pops open a vent cover and enters what looks like an office.)
IRINA: Clear.
(Sydney climbs in, as does Jack. Irina immediately steps to a desk and starts drawing a map on a piece of paper.)
IRINA: We're here. The nukes will either be in a sealed R&D lab or a vault located in the sub-basement. The lab's the better bet because its security system is more sophisticated.
JACK: So we check the vault first.
IRINA: Not if we only get one sh*t. The lab has thermal sensors to detect intruders through their body heat. If we raise the room to body temperature -- 98.6 degrees -- the sensors won't be able to distinguish between us and the thermostat level of the lab. Sydney, you'll get to the central heating control panel here. (draws) It's located in a room near the stairwell in the sub-basement. Find the panel for zone three.
SYDNEY: Got it.
IRINA: Jack, the lab door is controlled by a voice recognition system, only Cuvee's voice is programmed to open it. We need to break into the main computer system here to access his file. You'll erase his voice and substitute your own. I'll be in Cuvee's private office.
JACK: You and I are not separating. Not in here.
IRINA: Jack, listen to me. Unless I deactivate the facility's surveillance system from Cuvee's office, we won't get anywhere near the nukes.
JACK: No. You've done good work getting us here. I'm not blind to that. But I'm also far from trusting you. If you want those nukes for yourself, this is a perfect setup. You were an office here in this facility, you've got friends here willing to work with you.
IRINA: Friends? You know what this place was when I was here, Jack? A prison. Where the KGB interrogated suspected traitors and no, I wasn't an office here. I was a prisoner. Why do you think I learned the sewage tunnels or memorized the mine locations? So I could escape, you idiot. We're out of time. We either separate and meet at the lab in five minutes or we're going back. It's your choice.
SYDNEY: Dad, she's right. We don't have any more time.
(Jack nods once, regret on his face.)
IRINA: I'll be in the lab in five minutes. I promise.
JACK: You better be.
(She throws some clothes from the locker at him, hard. He catches it. She tosses Sydney clothes for her.)
(A worker walks down the hall. Jack takes him, twists his arm behind him and holds him hard. Bone snaps. The guy presses his hand against the sensor pad. Jack drops him and enters the office. Elsewhere, Sydney opens the control panel and programs zone three for 98.6 degrees. She closes the panel door and turns. A worker has a g*n raised. The following conversation is in subtitles.)
GUY: Who are you? I've never seen you before.
SYDNEY: Amenah. I'm new.
GUY: Where's your ID?
SYDNEY: Computers are down. They told me to come back tomorrow.
(He puts down his g*n, smiling.)
GUY: About time they sent us something decent to look at.
(In the room, Jack types on a laptop and brings up Cuvee's file. He plays the sound file.)
CUVEE'S VOICE: Mera naam Gerard Cuvee.
(He clicks on erase and records it again.)
JACK: Mera naam Gerard Cuvee.
(He plays it.)
JACK'S VOICE: Mera naam Gerard Cuvee.
(In London at the Alliance headquarters, Sloane sits with Alain Christophe and Ramond.)
SLOANE: Thank you for agreeing to this emergency meeting. Despite my best efforts to comply with your orders to k*ll my wife after she learned the truth about SD-6, someone interfered. And this person is now extorting me for her return. Last week, the blackmailers sent me Emily's finger -- her ring finger. Lab tests confirmed that Emily was alive when they severed the finger.
RAMOND: Blood coagulation tests are not one hundred per cent accurate.
SLOANE: Yes, but they are reliable. And then two days ago security section obtained those.
(He slides an envelope of pictures across the table.)
SLOANE: Those are photos of airport security in Santiago and London. And we have confirmed that Emily was on flight manifests last week.
CHRISTOPHE: Any idea on the men with her?
SLOANE: No. But the blackmailer wants a hundred million in bearer bonds for her return.
RAMOND: Who else knew about your instruction to k*ll Emily?
SLOANE: Only the people in this room.
CHRISTOPHE: You believe one of us may be behind this?
SLOANE: No. But someone has infiltrated our secure communications.
RAMOND: Well, whoever it is, will get nothing.
SLOANE: No, it's not quite that simple. We have to eliminate this leak before more damaging information about the Alliance gets out. So I propose that we put a tracking device on the bonds, that we make this exchange, that we follow the blackmailer and we assassinate him.
RAMOND: You understand, Arvin, after all this, if you get your wife back she will still have to be eliminated.
SLOANE: I understand.
(In a hallway outside the vault, Jack waits. Sydney walks up.)
SYDNEY: The thermal sensors are neutralized.
JACK: Where's your mother?
SYDNEY: I haven't seen her. We got this far. She must have gotten to Cuvee's office and disabled the surveillance system. She'll be here.
(Jack stops at the control panel.)
JACK: Mera naam Gerard Cuvee.
(The door beeps and opens.)
JACK: We're not waiting.
(They go inside. Jack finds the suitcase and Sydney takes it.)
JACK: Use the control codes to begin the deactivation.
(Sydney punches in the code and unlocks it. Once the suitcase is open, she unscrews the cap to find it empty.)
JACK: The plutonium core is gone.
(g*n cocking, several men enter the room with their g*n pointed at Sydney and Jack. Among them, at the front of the pack, is Gerard Cuvee. Jack and Sydney freeze. Then Irina walks in. She smiles at Cuvee and puts her hand on his shoulder.)
(In Cuvee's office, he pours them a drink. The following conversation is in subtitles.)
CUVEE: I heard you'd been k*lled.
IRINA: Captured and held by the CIA for three months. I got out by convincing them they needed my help to steal the warheads.
(They chuckle.)
CUVEE: You little witch.
(She smiles. He kisses her.)
(Sloane walks down a sidewalk in the afternoon. He carries a briefcase. Marshall, back in his office at SD-6 speaks to him through a headset transmitter. Marshall is at his computer.)
MARSHALL: Hi, Mr. Sloane, it's me. Marshall. Sorry. You probably already know that, we, uh, planned this. Anyway. The tracer on the bonds is working perfectly.
SLOANE: Good. I'm turning off my comm.
(He goes radio silent. Marshall watches the red dot on his screen tracing the bonds. Sloane walks to a bench and sits down. He puts the briefcase next to him. His cell rings.)
MAN: I see you. Leave the briefcase on the bench and keep walking. Proceed toward the corner while we verify the authenticity of the bonds.
(Sloane walks away from it. The briefcase is already gone.)
MARSHALL: Oh yeah! I got you! Right into my wheelhouse! C'mon!
MAN: Go to the row of vending machines. Take the "City View," fifth from the top.
MARSHALL: I told you, ain't nobody gettin' by Magic Marshall's invisible liquid tracer! Know what I'm sayin'? (does a little dance)
(Sloane opens the newspaper machine.)
MARSHALL: I say, c'mon! Unh! C'mon!
(He dances around his office.)
(Sloane takes out the fifth newspaper. Inside is an envelope. He opens it and sees a few Polaroids of Emily with blood on her temple. He winces.)
MARSHALL: Wait a minute.
(An error flashes on his screen: "SIGNAL LOST.")
MARSHALL: Wait! No! Where did-- Oh, God, no. NO!
(Sydney is in a cell, tears in her eyes. She watches across the way as Jack sits on the bed in his own cell, his hands handcuffed. Cuvee and Irina are in the cell with him, both have g*n. Sydney tries to listen in, but it's muffled.)
CUVEE: I think you understand the situation you find yourself in...
(Irina smiles. Sydney cries. Inside the cell, Jack looks up at Cuvee.)
CUVEE: Not to brag, but I'm kind of responsible for matchmaking you and Irina. Didn't she tell you? I was a supervisor at the KGB. I was the one who gave her the assignment to go to the US and marry a CIA officer. Now, you weren't the only prospect, of course. But you had the most potential. Ha! I actually thought it would dawn on you that a woman like this would never go for someone like you.
(Irina laughs.)
CUVEE: Luckily for me, your ego was too big for that.
(Jack lunges at him and hits Cuvee. Irina hits him and he falls on the bed, his hands still handcuffed.)
CUVEE: You're a d*ad man!
(He aims his g*n at Jack but Irina stops him.)
IRINA: No, wait, wait. I want what we came for.
(She aims her g*n at Jack. Sydney watches, horrified.)
IRINA: Sark's made a deal with us. What kind of double cross is he planning?
(Jack doesn't say anything.)
IRINA: Maybe you didn't hear me.
(She steps closer and yanks Jack's head back by his hair. She presses her g*n to his throat.)
JACK: Ugh!
IRINA: We know Sark has a new partner. Who is it?
(A worker enters the cell.)
WORKER: Mr. Sark is on the telephone.
(Cuvee stands close to Irina and kisses her cheek, then near her mouth. He stares at Jack.)
CUVEE: Get the information.
IRINA: Uh-huh.
CUVEE: And meet me in my office.
(He aims his g*n at Jack and imitates a g*n.)
(He laughs and leaves the cell with the worker, leaving Irina and Jack alone. Sydney keeps looking as Irina grabs Jack by the hands and pushes him back.)
IRINA: (whispering) Damn it. I was caught. I had to do this or we'd all be k*lled. They're not detonating the nukes. Here's what you have to do...
(Back in LA, Sark is on the phone.)
SARK: Is everything on target?
CUVEE: We ran into a few problems but, uh...
SARK: What kind of problems?
CUVEE: We've got it under control. We'll proceed as planned.
SARK: Then I'll expect your report on the Rambaldi artifact within the hour.
(Back in the cell, Irina is still holding Jack's hands together, her g*n pointed at him.)
IRINA: Trust me on this. If you don't make it out, I'm sorry this happened.
(She hits him in the mouth with her g*n.)
JACK: Ugh!
(She yells for them to open the door. They do. She flings the door and walks out. Jack groans, sits up. His mouth is swollen and bloody. He opens his hands to see that Irina slipped him the keys to the handcuffs.)
(At an Indian military base, Vaughn speaks to an army general.)
GENERAL: Mr. Vaughn, good to see you again. But I'm afraid you came a long way for nothing.
VAUGHN: General, we have people at the PRF base right now stealing the nukes.
GENERAL: And if they fail, we'll be the Pakistani's first target.
VAUGHN: They won't fail.
GENERAL: You can't guarantee that.
VAUGHN: General, if you launch those strikes now, you'll be k*lling some of our best assets.
GENERAL: Mr. Vaughn, your govnernment knew the rebels acquired the suitcase nukes and still they said nothing. They placed our whole country at risk.
VAUGHN: At least delay a few hours until we get our people out!
GENERAL: I'm sorry. The air strikes go as planned. You look more like your father every time I see you, you know that?
VAUGHN: My father wrote about you in his journal. He wrote that he trusted you and respected you. And that is why I came such a long way.
GENERAL: I cannot call off the strikes but I will give you a headstart.
VAUGHN: Meaning what?
GENERAL: Meaning a chopper and pilot. But if you are going to try to rescue your friends, you are doing so at your own risk.
(Sydney is on the bed in her cell, her wrists handcuffed, her eyes closed. She wakes up when she hears a key in the door. Jack is unlocking her cell.)
JACK: Shhh, shhh!
SYDNEY: How'd you get free?
JACK: Sydney, your mother was helping us.
(He starts unlocking her handcuffs.)
SYDNEY: What? What about Cuvee? She was torturing you!
JACK: She was putting on a show for Cuvee. Before she left, she put these in my hand. She told me they're using the cores to activate a Rambaldi artifact.
SYDNEY: They're not detonating the nukes?
JACK: Among the things Rambaldi experimented with was self-sustaining cell regeneration. This artifact they're opening today is reported to be Rambaldi's proof of endless life.
SYDNEY: Endless life?
JACK: We have no time to make any meaningful assessments. All I know is that your mother claims to have provided us with an opportunity to contact the CIA for extraction and we should act on it.
(Helicopter in mid-flight. Vaughn leans out, looking around.)
VAUGHN: Can't this thing go any faster?
PILOT: This is it! We're going against the wind!
(At the ops center, Nervous Agent answers the phone.)
NERVOUS AGENT: Operations.
(In a room at the base, Sydney is on a sat phone and Jack types on a computer.)
SYDNEY: Boot camp, this is Mountaineer. Voice ID number Alpha, Charlie, 710. I need to speak with Agent Vaughn.
NERVOUS AGENT: Vaughn's not available. Let me give you Kendall.
(Jack types and gets to the surveillance feeds. He clicks to another one and gets to the lab. He zooms in and sees Cuvee and Irina.)
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, do you have the package?
SYDNEY: We're in process. We'll need extraction within the hour.
KENDALL: Abort. The Indians hve launched air strikes against the base.
SYDNEY: Air strikes? We're not finished, you have to get them to hold off!
KENDALL: Listen to me. Fighter planes are in the sky, you have to leave now.
SYDNEY: Not until we get my mother.
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, I'm ordering you to...
(Jack grabs the phone.)
KENDALL: ...pull out and head for the extraction point, immediately!
JACK: This is Jack. You'll either hear from us again, or you won't.
(He hangs up.)
JACK: Our assignment from the CIA is to bring her back. That's our job.
(In the lab, Cuvee monitors things. His workers remove the cores and put them in cylinders surrounding a large egg-like container. They click the switch, closing the cores inside. Sydney and Jack jog in and hide behind one of the large machines at the edge of the room. They insert another core inside. It starts up. Cuvee watches and nods at one of the workers who starts augmenting the power output via his computer. Cuvee leans in. The container opens and a flower is inside. Irina watches. Jack hears the planes overhead. Outside, the planes drop m*ssile into the building and on contact, it shakes the building and people start running around, gathering things and running out. Cuvee takes the flower out. Irina looks at him and spins around, kicking him in the stomach. He aims his g*n at her but Jack grabs him and elbows him. He twists Cuvee's arm around and punches him, hard. Jack looks at Irina. He turns to Sydney, who has picked up the flower off the floor.)
SYDNEY: Flower? That's what this is all about?
JACK: We need to get the cores and get out of here.
(He starts removing them. Outside, more planes fly by as Vaughn's helicopter swoops in, right on time. Sydney, Jack and Irina run out of the building with Sydney holding the flower and Jack carrying the briefcase with the cores inside. Sydney stops and looks at the helicopter, sees Vaughn leaning out.)
SYDNEY: It's Vaughn!
(She smiles as the three of them run to the chopper. Vaughn waves them in and helps Irina inside.)
JACK: Got the cores! Tell them to call off the air strikes!
VAUGHN: This is Agent Vaughn! Abort the air strikes! I repeat, abort the air strikes!
(The helicopter takes off and the fighter planes fly away.)
(Back to Irina's cell. Two US Marshals escort Irina down the hall. They enter the cell. Handcuffed, she smiles a little when she sees that there's now a mattress, pillow, and blanket on her bed waiting for her. They undo the handcuffs and leave her. Sydney stands on the other side of the glass.)
IRINA: You must have a lot of questions.
IRINA: One thing that should not wait any longer is why I sh*t you in Taipei. The rebel leader, Gerard Cuvee... When you were in Taipei, he was in the next room watching to see if I would betray him or you. sh**ting you in the shoulder, giving you time to escape, it was the only way I could think to maintain his trust and keep him from k*lling both of us.
(They smile a little.)
IRINA: We're both tired. You should get some rest.
SYDNEY: You, too...
(Sydney smiles.)
(She leaves. Irina closes her eyes as a tear rolls down her cheek. She opens her eyes and smiles.)
(Upstairs, Sydney walks and sees Vaughn sitting at a desk. She stops.)
(He stands.)
SYDNEY: Any word on the flower?
VAUGHN: Preliminary analysis indicates that it's anywhere from four to six hundred years old.
(Sydney gives him a look.)
VAUGHN: Like I said, preliminary.
(He smiles and gives her something.)
SYDNEY: What's this?
(She looks at the tickets he's given her. Big smile.)
(Sydney, Will and Francie all play mini golf together. Sydney, in pigtails, hits the red golf ball and laughs. She's jogging around, having fun. Vaughn watches from nearby, smiling. Sydney laughs and takes another sh*t. Vaughn leaves.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x09 - Passage (part 2)"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Abduction"
(Open to Irina's cell. She's sitting on the floor. A fly is on the glass. She watches as it takes off and flies around the room. Still sitting, she calmly catches it in her hand. Fade out to the surveillance monitor of her cell upstairs at the ops center. Sydney stands near the monitor.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) When I found out my mother faked her death twenty years ago, after mourning her for most of my life, she was still alive. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to stand in a room with both of my parens again.
(Jack walks in the ops center across the room. Sydney smiles at him.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) It seemed impossible.
(Jack nods once.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) That two people with so much... deceit between them could ever find a way to breathe the same air.
(Cut to Sydney, Will and Francie's house. Sydney and Will are sitting across from each other on the sofa. Continuing the conversation from the voice over.)
SYDNEY: And all of a sudden there we were. Just the three of us... walking down a dirt road in the middle of Kashmir. When we were out there, working as a team, it was comforting.
(Flashback to "Passage, Part 1" when the three Bristows are standing side-by-side, sh**ting the PRF rebels with r*fles.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) We were ambushed and we fought back.
(Back to the sofa.)
SYDNEY: And we survived.
WILL: Yeah, my parents and I sort of went through the same thing.
(Sydney looks at him. He gives her a look. They both start laughing and Sydney hits him with a pillow.)
SYDNEY: Thanks. Thanks a lot. Oh!
(She grabs her bookbag and takes out a book from inside. Wedged in the middle is a business envelope. She gives it to Will.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn told me Devlin approved you to do research if you pass the Moglin-Reich allegiance test. This is your SOP on where to meet for the pick-up. Remember to drop--
WILL: Drop it in the large--yeah.
(They hear Francie enter. They both scramble.)
WILL: What's up?
SYDNEY: Where you been?
FRANCIE: Okay, listen. Every time I walk into the room lately, you guys hush up as if I'm interrupting something. I mean, am I?
WILL: What? No.
SYDNEY: Francie, seriously, we were just talking. Why don't you have a seat?
FRANCIE: I can't. I gotta--I forgot my keys. I gotta open the restaurant.
(She grabs her keys from the counter.)
FRANCIE: I'll see ya.
WILL: Okay.
(Outside in a caged area, about six US Marshals pace the small enclosed area as Irina, out of her cell, walks around. She turns. Sydney enters, briefly looks at all the guards stationed around with their g*n. Irina smiles.)
IRINA: Kendall's allowed me fifteen minutes here, twice a week. You put in the request, didn't you, to give me time out here?
SYDNEY: Yeah. We appreciated your help in Kashmir.
IRINA: I need you to understand... I was eighteen when the KGB recruited me. For a woman to be asked to serve her country, it was a future, it meant... empowerment, independence. I was a fool to think that any ideology could come before my daughter.
(They both start crying a little. Sydney looks down and turns to leave.)
IRINA: Sydney?
(Sydney stops and suddenly, Irina hugs her tight. The US Marshals run up to them.)
US MARSHAL1: Hey, stand down!
US MARSHAL2: Back away NOW!
US MARSHAL3: Let me see your hands!
(They jump apart and raise their arms. The US Marshals cock their g*n. Sydney and Irina back away, tears running down their cheeks.)
(In an interrogation room at SD-6, two men drag Sark into a strapped chair. Sloane stands nearby.)
SARK: What is this?! We have an arrangement!
SLOANE: Yes. One you failed to live up to.
(They strap Sark into the chair. There's a strap on the top of his head and under his chin.)
SLOANE: Our operation in Kashmir was a waste of SD-6 resources.
(The two men pry open Sark's mouth and places a medium-sized glass ball in his mouth. Sark pushes it over to the right side, against his cheek and teeth.)
SLOANE: We acquired nothing.
(Sark gags.)
SLOANE: So my question is, have you betrayed me or are you simply incompetent? This interrogation technique was developed by the Khmer Rouge. Minimize brusing on political prisoners when they were allowing them to be photographed. You see, if I pull this just a little harder...
(He yanks at the strap on Sark's chin.)
SLOANE: ...the glass will break. And I do not want to do that. So tell me, do you think that we were unlucky on our first venture together or do you have another plan that you want to tell me about?
(Sark groans. One of the men grabs a pan and Sark spits the ball out.)
SARK: I didn't betray you. We agreed to combine our efforts. I swear to you, that's still my intent!
SLOANE: Then tell me what went wrong in Kashmir.
SARK: The Indian western command carried out an air strike on the PRF prison. The Rambaldi artifact was destroyed. My contact in the region, Gerard Cuvee, mistakenly believes I tipped the Indian authorities off. With all due respect sir, could the leak have come from this office?
(Self-storage building with Sydney and Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: So Sloane has no idea you sabotaged the operation in Kashmir?
SYDNEY: If he did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
VAUGHN: Since Sark failed to deliver on his promise with Sloane, their partnership may not last for long.
SYDNEY: Unfortunately, it isn't over yet. Sloane is sending me to Paris with Sark tonight.
(Flashback to the SD-6 briefing with Jack, Sark, Sydney, Marshall and Sloane.)
SLOANE: The Echelon satellite system. Phone calls, e-mails, faxes from around the world are filtered through a program capable of flagging key words on an NSA watch list. Echelon has been immeasurably successful in indicating thr*at to our national security. Mr. Sark has provided us with new intelligence indicating that an enemy of this country may have acuired the ability to access this terminal. Gerard Cuvee, former leader of the People's Revolutionary Front -- a crime syndicate whose headquarters were raided by Indian authority last week. Mr. Sark?
SARK: My dealings with Gerard Cuvee go back several years. He once showed me an Echelon access terminal he stole from the NSA that he keeps at a front company in Paris. Recent attention by local authorities have led Cuvee to believe that I betrayed him. Therefore, he is sure to move the terminal to an undisclosed location.
SLOANE: Surveillance team intercepted an operations log indicating that an armored transport has been scheduled for a pick-up tomorrow afternoon. We believe that's when they will be moving the terminal. Sydney, you and Sark will intercept the convoy en route and bring the terminal back here safely.
(Back to the present with Sydney and Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: If Sloane gets a hold of that terminal, well, the Alliance will be able to eavesdrop on corporations, law enforcement, political campaigns... the potential for blackmail and insider trading would be unlimited.
SYDNEY: What's my counter-mission?
VAUGHN: I'll have technical services provide you with a secure deletion program. You'll upload it onto the Echelon terminal. When SD-6 turns it on, it'll wipe the hard drive clean.
SYDNEY: Sloane will think Cuvee installed a fail-safe to prevent...
SYDNEY AND VAUGHN: Unauthorized access.
(They smile.)
SYDNEY: I'll do it on the return flight. Sark and I are traveling separately to make sure no one can connect him to SD-6.
VAUGHN: Oh, by the way, I'm meeting with Will tomorrow to help him prep for his psych evaluation.
SYDNEY: Thank you. And I like it.
SYDNEY: Your new suit.
VAUGHN: Oh. It's not new. I just... don't wear it that often. I came from a funeral. Alice's father died.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. How is she doing?
VAUGHN: Okay. Well, not really, but she'll be fine.
SYDNEY: Let me know if you need anything.
(Vaughn nods.)
(At the SD-6 offices, Sydney walks down the hall. Marshall runs up to her, carrying a camera and a file folder.)
MARSHALL: Uh, Miss Bristow! Uh, I know you have a plane to catch, but you mind doing a little favor for me?
MARSHALL: Uh, okay, will you take some snapshots around Paris with that for me?
(He gives her the camera.)
MARSHALL: Uh, you know, we have to maintain our cover for our loved ones and, well, my mom thinks I run global IT services for the bank so I like to composite myself into photographs for her. Oh, I actually hae an example right here...
(He looks in his file folder and gives her a picture of himself, waving at the camera.)
MARSHALL: There's me and the sphinx! Ha ha ha. Of course, I never actually left southern California but every once and a while I like to show my mom all the places I've never... really been to. Do you mind?
SYDNEY: Not at all.
MARSHALL: Okay, have a safe trip. I don't like to fly, personally. But, uh, that's why I'm here and you're... I've got some stuff to do.
(In Paris, a truck drives past Sark who is sitting in a car.)
SARK: Convoy's on the move. ETA -- five minutes.
(He pulls out and follows the truck. On an overpass, looking down at an intersection, Sydney poses as a road inspector, wearing a hard hat and construction vest. They talk via comm transmitter links.)
SARK: I'm right behind the truck.
SYDNEY: Copy that. I'm in position.
(She takes out a laptop and starts typing. Sark drives.)
SARK: You know, it's a pity we're traveling separately. We could've used the opportunity to get to know each other better.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I'm broken up about that too.
SARK: You're surprisingly adept at keeping your curiosity in check.
SYDNEY: Don't flatter yourself.
SARK: I'm referring to the fact that your mother and I worked together before I arrived here -- before she... went into hiding. I learned a lot from her. In some ways, I think of her as a mother myself.
SYDNEY: Listen to me. You and I have nothing in common. We're not friends, we're not going to become friends, and you certainly won't bait me with stories about a woman I never knew.
SARK: I don't get any consideration at all for the fact that I didn't tell Sloane you conspired to k*ll him?
SYDNEY: We've covered this. You can't expose me without exposing yourself. Now, I'm almost into the city's traffic control network. Get your head into the game.
(Speaking of head into the game, Jack walks to Irina's cell and stands before the glass. She looks up and walks over.)
IRINA: How are your wounds healing?
JACK: You obviously had the chance to betray us in Kashmir, but you didn't.
IRINA: (smiles) I don't imagine that means you've decided to trust me?
JACK: Our previous... dealings would indicate that your strategy here may be long-term. So for now, I trust that your behavior is predictable.
IRINA: By "previous dealings" you mean our marriage? You know, technically, we may still be husband and wife.
(Big smile. He stares at her coldly.)
IRINA: I'm sorry.
JACK: Sydney's on assignment with Sark. It's my belief that he's still working for you, that you've coordinated your efforts to infiltrate both SD-6 and the CIA. Whatever you have in mind, I promise you, it won't work. So I'm going to offer you a deal. I'll see to it that you're relocated to a private residence on Puget Sound, under twenty-four hour surveillance, of course. But the illusion of freedom is better than none at all.
IRINA: In exchange?
JACK: In exchange, you'll confess, tell us what you're really doing here, why you've turned yourself in. I'll give you time to consider my offer.
(He walks away.)
(Back in Paris, Sydney types on the laptop on the overpass.)
SYDNEY: I see you. I'm turning the intersection to red.
(She types and the light turns to yellow, then to red. All the vehicles stop. Sydney packs up her laptop and takes out a pyramid like object.)
(Flashback to briefing with Marshall. He slaps the pyramid down on the table.)
MARSHALL: It is two-for-one day here at Marshall's Tech Emporium. Not only is this magnetic shape charge capable of penetrating two meters of armored steel, but act now, it will also come equipped with a secondary tear gas munition which will disable the guards inside the truck. Operators standing by. Hello!
(In Paris, with all the cars stopped, Sark gets out of his vehicle.)
SARK: I'm moving in to disable the escort car.
SYDNEY: Copy that.
(Three people in the escort car. The driver looks in the rearview at Sark approaching. Sydney drops the pyramid on the roof of the van. It opens and beeps. Sark pushes aside his cape and points his g*n at the car. He sh**t out the back window and the b*llet lands on the floor of the car. It emits tear gas. The pyramid blows a hole into the van and fills it with the gas. Sydney strips off her construction vest and puts on a gas mask. She lowers herself down into the van with a secured rope. Inside the van, she looks around. Outside, a policeman runs up to Sark.)
POLICE: Police! Police!
(Sark sh**t him with possibly a tranq. Sydney opens the back door of the van and jumps out.)
SYDNEY: It's empty. The terminal's not there.
(Sark turns and looks.)
SARK: The truck's a decoy.
(The three people in the escort car run out, one of whom is carrying the briefcase terminal. He starts running, Sydney takes off after him. He pushes random people out of the way. Sydney is after him, with Sark far behind her. Sydney hops on top of the cars and starts running, jumping in between them. She gains some distance on him and jumps, kicking him in the head mid-air. He falls to the ground. Sydney sees the briefcase on the ground and grabs it. Sark pulls up, screeching to a halt.)
SARK: Get in the car!
(Sydney jumps in with the terminal and they drive off together.)
(Jack knocks on the door of Sloane's office.)
JACK: I got your message.
SLOANE: Yes, Jack, come in. I want you to meet someone. Jack Bristow, this is Ariana Kane.
(Jack walks in and stops. He looks at her. Takes a seat.)
SLOANE: Kane is the head of Alliance counterintelligence. She is the one who plugged the leak last year at SD-9.
JACK: Impressive work. Particularly considering the guilty party attempted to frame you as the mole.
KANE: Men always call women crazy when they're caught with their pants down.
SLOANE: Ms. Kane is here to investigate the events leading up to Emily's disappearance and the subsequent attempts to blackmail me.
KANE: How much have you shared with him?
SLOANE: He knows everything I know.
KANE: I'm aware of your reputation as a first-class strategist, Agent Bristow. Tell me, where would you begin this investigation?
JACK: With me. Over the years Arvin's trusted me with everything I'd need to know to be the perpetrator. And if his standing within the Alliance were undermined, I'd be a candidate to inherit his seat. Motive.
KANE: Well, that's a hell of an answer. In addition to being true, it's the only thing you can say to diminish your viability as a suspect.
JACK: Not really. Your obvious awareness of game theory would invalidate my approach. Therefore, the best course ofa ction for me to make as a suspect is to simply tell the truth.
(Sloane smiles at the two of them.)
SLOANE: Well, as soon as you've officially eliminated the possibility of Agent Bristow as a suspect, I'm sure he'll be quite happy to assist you in your investigation.
JACK: Of course. If you'll excuse me. (stands) A pleasure.
KANE: All mine.
(Will and Vaughn meet in a parking lot outdoors.)
WILL: You ever have a dream where you're back at school and they won't let you graduate because you failed a test? I had that last night.
VAUGHN: Well, we don't screen for general knowledge. It's strictly a psych profile.
WILL: So I can't fail but I can find out I'm a sociopath.
VAUGHN: (laughs) Yeah. Listen, some of the questions on the test may seem a little shocking.
WILL: Shocking, how?
VAUGHN: No, like, things you might punch someone out at a bar for asking.
WILL: I don't want to get ahead of myself here, but, um, if things go my way, what's next?
VAUGHN: Well, you're cleared to read classified documents and you get a government salary. Which isn't much.
WILL: Compared to what I make now it's... much.
VAUGHN: Oh, and just be honest because if you're caught in a lie, you're automatically disqualified. And since we don't know how often SD-6 keeps tabs on you, it's too risky to take the test at a federal building. So we've arranged for you to go to one of our operational fronts.
(Cut to Will entering a shipping building.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) Now when you get there, the officer will lead you in the back room where you'll take the test.
(Will speaks to one of the employees who leads him down the hall.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) He'll tell you the shipping manifest was lost in transit and he needs your help to ID the parcel.
(In the back room, a simple desk with a folder and a pencil is against one wall.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) He'll take you in the back room and that's where you'll take the test. Now, there's no time limit but it shouldn't take you more than an hour.
(Will picks up the pencil and begins.)
(Cut to a bar/restaurant that night. People play pool while Sydney and Will sit at a table together, drinking and talking.)
WILL: I can't believe some of the questions they asked. Like, if forced to choose, who would you rather k*ll. A) Your mother. B) Your father. C) Yourself. And "none of the above" wasn't even an option. I mean, what the hell does that measure?
SYDNEY: How you see yourself in relation to authority. Basically whether or not you'd be willing to sacrifice your life for your country.
WILL: Now that makes sense.
SYDNEY: By the way, I got Francie season tickets to The Hollywood Bowl for her birthday from the both of us.
WILL: Oh, great, thank you. You know, she was right about what she said. We used to tell each other everything, now we don't. I can't tell her anything.
SYDNEY: I know. I hate it, too. But after Danny and what happened to you, I've accepted the fact that it's as a gesture of love to deceive the people I care about.
(She takes a drink and looks up as Vaughn and Alice walk in. She stares. Will notices.)
WILL: What?
(Vaughn and Alice come over.)
ALICE: Hey, what are you doing here? Rita, right?
SYDNEY: Alice, hi.
VAUGHN: Hey, Rita.
SYDNEY: Hey. This is Will.
WILL: Hey.
VAUGHN: Hey. Michael. Nice to meet you.
WILL: Michael, nice to meet you.
ALICE: Hi. Alice.
WILL: Hey.
SYDNEY: Michael and I work together at the state department.
WILL: Oh. Great.
SYDNEY: I was so sorry to hear about your dad.
ALICE: Oh, thank you. Michael's been amazing. He's...
SYDNEY: He's an amazing guy.
(Will looks from Vaughn to Sydney, noticing the tension.)
WILL: Oh, Rita, we're going to be late. We got to go meet some friends. I'm sorry.
ALICE: Oh, it's no problem.
SYDNEY: It was nice running in to you guys.
ALICE: You, too.
WILL: See you.
(On their way out, Sydney looks back. On their way to their table, Vaughn looks back.)
(Briefing at SD-6, the next day, with Sydney, Marshall, Jack, Sloane and Sark.)
SLOANE: The Echelon access terminal that you retrieved in Paris was rigged with a boot sector fail-safe. When we turned it on, the hard drive was erased. The good news is that Mr. Cuvee is no longer in possession of the terminal. The bad news is that he may still have a way to access Echelon.
SARK: One of Cuvee's men placed a call to a data storage facility in London. This facility caters to high-end corporate clients. It's likely Cuvee duplicated the Echelon software and had them stored in a secure server there.
JACK: If he did, he could use them to reverse engineer a new terminal there.
SLOANE: Sydney, you'll acquire the files and delete them from Cuvee's back-up server. Mr. Sark has provided Marshall with tech specs on the data storage facility.
MARSHALL: Actually, um, yeah, actually, about that, the, uh, the facility is wired with electronic countermeasures and the computer's secured via military-grade encryption. So any decryption device or radio contact would be detected so the only way the terminal can be accessed is by someone who knows how to crack polymorphic algorithms.
SYDNEY: My math skills may be above average but I can't do advanced calculus in my head.
SLOANE: That's why you're going in with Marshall.
MARSHALL: Marshall who?
(They give him a look.)
MARSHALL: Wait a minute. What?
SLOANE: You're the only one qualified to hack the server without the aid of an electronic device.
MARSHALL: B-But I'm, uh, I can't go because I'm not field rated. So...
SLOANE: You will be by the time you leave. Sark will help you review the operational parameters and I'm sure Sydney will take very good care of you.
(Self-storage with Sydney and Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: We got your debrief. If Marshall succeeds in copying those system files Sloane will be able to reboot the Echelon terminal.
SYDNEY: Marshall has a photographic memory. Once the files flash across the screen, he'll remember them.
VAUGHN: Yes. We know that.
SYDNEY: I can't just give SD-6 a fake Marshall.
VAGUHN: No, but we can pull him out of SD-6.
VAUGHN: Devlin made it clear that we cannot, under any circumstances, allow SD-6 to access Echelon. And sabotaging the mission is too risky after Kashmir. Sloane could start to suspect something. We've considered every option, Syd, there's no othe way to do this. (sighs) When you and Marshall return from London, we'll take him into protective custody. He'll be transported to Langley for an extensive debrief.
SYDNEY: As ridiculous as this sounds, SD-6 is his whole life. It's never easy finding out everything you believe in is a lie.
VAUGHN: We'll do whatever we can to make it easier for him, I promise. And when he adjusts, he'll have the option to come work for us.
SYDNEY: What about his mother? Will they be able to make contact?
VAUGHN: Well, that'll be up to Marshall but we can bring her into protective custody too.
SYDNEY: What's my cover story with Sloane?
VAUGHN: As far as you'll know, the mission went without a hitch and you separated at the airport. We'll intercept Marshall on his way home.
SYDNEY: I should pack.
VAUGHN: Listen, um, about the bar...
SYDNEY: Did you see the security camera?
VAUGHN: Yeah, we sent an agent to pull the tapes so we couldn't be tied together.
SYDNEY: Good. Alice seems really nice.
VAUGHN: She said the same thing about you.
(Sydney touches his arm and walks out.)
(At an SD-6 conference room, Kane and Jack sit across the table from one another. She writes in a notepad.)
KANE: How long have you known Arvin Sloane?
JACK: For thirty years. When we met, he as my superior at the CIA.
KANE: Yes, and once he left the CIA, he invited you to work with him at SD-6?
JACK: Yes. We were both disillusioned with the US government. We'd both come to see it as corrupt and we believed then, as we do now, that the Alliance would ultimately succeed in achieving global dominance.
KANE: You and Sloane have been so close all these years, why do you imagine he recruited your daughter into SD-6 without telling you?
JACK: Because he knew I would've been opposed to it. Trust... doesn't come easily to Arvin Sloane so while at the time, I may not have approved I now accept that he recruited Sydney to ensure that he'd never have to take my loyalty on faith.
KANE: You're asking me to believe that Sloane took your daughter hostage to ensure your friendship?
JACK: In our line of work we can't just cry foul when things don't go our way.
(She writes something down.)
KANE: With whom have you had intimate contact over the past ten years, Agent Bristow?
(Jack blinks, startled.)
JACK: I-I'm curious to know where you're going with this.
KANE: More secrets have been revealed through pillow talk than through t*rture. If there's a prost*tute or a stewardess out there you think may have heard you talking in your sleep, I need to know about it.
JACK: There is one way for you to verify if my nocturnal activities are a security risk, Ms. Kane, but somehow I think we'd both prefer the t*rture.
KANE: Oooh! (drops pen, laughs) What happened to that gentleman I met in Sloane's office this morning?
JACK: He got tired of your baseless accusations.
KANE: Good. I don't trust anyone who doesn't have the sense to know when he's being insulted.
JACK: Are we through?
KANE: Yes. For now.
(Angrily, Jack gets up and leaves.)
(The plane to London is about to take off. Marshall sits by the window, typing frantically. Sydney looks at him.)
MARSHALL: APU -- set. Aft cargo heat -- set. Hydraulic pumps -- set.
SYDNEY: Marshall. What are you doing?
MARSHALL: Oh, I, uh, patched into the inflight phone network and logged into the onboard computer. I just want to make sure the pilots don't miss anything in preflight checklist. What was that! That's the flaps extending... totally routine, totally routine...
SYDNEY: Is this really your first time on a plane?
MARSHALL: Yeah. I couldn't sleep last night so I memorized the FAA 747 flight ops manual. Just, uh, sorry. Sorry. I'm just a little nervous.
SYDNEY: Marshall, you're sweating.
SYDNEY: Maybe you should take your jacket off.
MARSHALL: No! No way. Nooooo waaaaay. I compressed a high glide tactical parachute in the lining of my jacket. Just in case. Don't worry, though. My belt hyperextends into a tandem sling. Just loop it around your waist, it'll hold us both.
SYDNEY: Thanks.
MARSHALL: You don't have to thank me. It's, uh, it's my job to keep you safe.
(Beeping and blooping noises.)
MARSHALL: What was that! That's not a plane sound! That could be bad!
SYDNEY: (laughs) Marshall...
(She gestures to a kid across the aisle playing a Gameboy.)
MARSHALL: Oh. A little kid playing... (imitates video game noises) Dee dee dee dee! Is that all right? Is he allowed? Onboard play--you're not supposed to... Sorry, can I get a ginger ale?
(Sydney, wearing a short auburn wig and black dress escorts Marshall, dressed in a tux with his hair brushed back, up the stairs at the symphony.)
SYDNEY: I don't think I've ever seen you look quite so handsome, my darling.
MARSHALL: And you look lovely, my dear. Shall we?
SYDNEY: We shall.
(Upstairs, Marshall stops to look out at the stage and seats below.)
MARSHALL: Whoa. This is... SO cool.
(Sydney laughs and grabs him. They walk down a hall where the other symphony guests are chatting. Marshall starts nodding at them as they walk past.)
MARSHALL: Hey, how's it going? Good to see you. Hey, how's it going? Hey. How you doing? Hey, uh, nice to see you.
SYDNEY: (whispers) The key to doing this right -- be inconspicuous.
MARSHALL: Right. Sorry. I just, uh, I didn't... Hey, how's it going?
SYDNEY: You don't have to say hi to everybody.
MARSHALL: I'm sorry, I think I know her.
(Flashback to SD-6 briefing with Marshall, Sydney and Sark.)
SARK: Box seats have been reserved for you at Royal Hall behind this man. Thatcher Powell, Cuvee's head of IT security. And the only man with access to his security server.
(Cut to the box seat at the symphony. Powell sits in the seat closest to the edge.)
SARK: (voice over) Powell attends the London philharmonic every third Saturday of the month and takes in the performance with a bottle of Cristal.
(Sydney and Marshall take their seats behind him. Sydney nods at Marshall.)
MARSHALL: (English accent, leans forward) Um, you know, Bach is my favorite composer.
POWELL: Are you speaking to me?
MARSHALL: Yes. I bet you didn't know that the last piece of music that Bach ever composed, he encoded his name into the musical notes.
(Sydney drops a pill into Powell's glass.)
POWELL: He certainly was the most ingenious composers of the Baroque movement.
MARSHALL: You know what I always say -- If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!
SYDNEY: Pardon my husband, he does tend to prattle on.
(Powell takes a drink.)
SARK: (voice over) Once Powell injests the scopolomene, it'll take effect in roughly five minutes.
(Flashback to the briefing, continuing.)
SARK: The idea is to make Powell believe he merely fell asleep.
(Back at the symphony, Powell nods off.)
SARK: (voice over) So the dose will be mild. That means once you steal the access card, get across town to the server facility, download the Echelon software and return the key to the pocket before intermission, there will be a car waiting for you out front.
(Sydney sneaks her hand into the chest pocket of his jacket and gets his wallet. She removes the card and puts the wallet back. She looks over at Marshall, who's enjoying the music, getting into it.)
(She gestures with her head. They get up and leave.)
(At the server building, Sydney and Marshall rush up to the main desk in the lobby.)
SYDNEY: (English accent) Oh, thank goodness you're still open! I'm Marie Robinson, this is my associate Frederick Fields.
MARSHALL: (cockney accent) Hallo.
SYDNEY: We work for Jennings Aerospace. The New York office just paged me at the symphony, our CFO's laptop was stolen, we need to access our backup server right away.
GUARD: May I have your corporate PIN number, please?
SYDNEY: 86119.
GUARD: You're on server thirteen, second floor.
SYDNEY: Oh, thank you. We won't be more than ten minutes.
MARSHALL: Cheerio!
(Back to the briefing.)
SARK: SD-6 has opened an account at the data storage facility under the name Jennings Aerospace. Your client status will get you past the desk guard, and the security staff will be reduced for the nightshift. Since Cuvee is justifiably paranoid, he's leased out the entire third floor as his own. You will need to break into the third floor to access the server.
(On the third floor, Sydney and Marshall walk down the hall together.)
MARSHALL: Syd, you were amazing! You were acting, you're spying...
SYDNEY: Ready to do your magic?
MARSHALL: I'm ready for anything.
(Two guards see them coming down the hall.)
GUARD1: How did you get up here? This area is restricted.
(Marshall starts shouting gibberish, pointing his finger.)
GUARD1: Sir, you're going to have to come with us.
(Sydney twists his arm around, hits him in the throat. She flings him to the ground. She punches the second guard twice, he sh**t at Sydney but misses and gets Marshall in the chest.)
MARSHALL: Syd, I've been sh*t! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
(He falls to his knees. Sydney his the second guard, punches him in the face and then knees him. She rushes over to Marshall.)
MARSHALL: Syd, Syd, I've been sh*t! I'm sh*t! Oh, my God!
SYDNEY: Marshall, Marshall...
(She takes the b*llet out.)
MARSHALL: Oh, my God!
SYDNEY: Wait, it's just a tranq dart. It's okay, I pulled it out before you got a full dose.
MARSHALL: Thank God for the British and their g*n laws, right?
SYDNEY: (laughs) You're okay?
MARSHALL: I'm okay, I'm okay.
(They stand up.)
SYDNEY: What were you saying to those guards?
MARSHALL: I think I said, "I can smell you from here" in Ewok.
MARSHALL: Official language of the indigenous creatures on the planet Endor. I think I... peed myself a little. I mean, not a little just, like, a little... squirt.
(He sways a bit, passing out. Sydney catches him.)
SYDNEY: Mashall, stay with me! Stay with me!
MARSHALL: I'm okay, I'm okay.
SYDNEY: Are you okay?
MARSHALL: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SYDNEY: Are you sure?
MARSHALL: Yeah, I'm okay. I just, I got a little... (thumbs up) Let's walk. I can walk.
(Sydney walks ahead of him. Marshall falls over, passing out. Sydney turns around.)
(At the control access panel to the server room, Sydney holds Marshall up -- his arm around her neck.)
SYDNEY: Okay, okay, hang on, hang on. There. Hang on.
(She takes Powell's card and swipes it through.)
SYDNEY: Okay, stay awake, stay awake, come on, stay awake, stay awake, stay awake, stay awake...
(They go inside.)
(Sydney plops Marshall down in front of a computer. She sits next to him.)
SYDNEY: Marshall, focus.
MARSHALL: I love youuuu.
(Sydney slaps him across the face.)
SYDNEY: The Echelon software is on this computer. You have to access it, I'll do the rest.
MARSHALL: Okay, okay, okay, I got it. I got it.
MARSHALL: I got it. It's all... good.
(As he's typing, his eyes close.)
SYDNEY: Marshall!
MARSHALL: Hmm. Mama?
(Sydney grabs his face and kisses him. His eyes pop open.)
MARSHALL: Accounting for the relevant state during key generation in the crypto compiler combined with a pseudo random generator will give you a password.
SYDNEY: Oh, Marshall, you're a genius!
(She slides a disk in, starts to download the software. Marshall passes out, his face falling on the keyboard.)
(Out in the lobby, Sydney has Marshall's arm around her as they walk out. The guard watches them.)
SYDNEY: (whispering) Left, right, left, right, left right. (to guard) Thank you so much!
(Back at the symphony, the music ends and everyone claps. Powell wakes up, startled.)
POWELL: Ahem. Goodness. I-I must've dozed off.
SYDNEY: (clapping) Well, you certainly weren't the only one!
(Marshall wakes up.)
(Across the way, in the box seats on the other side, someone watches Marshall, Sydney and Powell with opera glasses/binoculars. His wheelchair engine whirs as he leaves.)
(It's raining in Los Angeles when Sydney and Marshall head to the curb where their cars are waiting for them.)
SYDNEY: So, this car will take you home.
MARSHALL: Okay, thanks. Hey, you think the driver will take the scenic route home? I've got this unbelievable filmstrip running in my head. The thing I still can't believe is that we're the stars. I just want to watch it a couple of more times before I go back to my room.
MARSHALL: Hey, oh, at least I got some real pictures of London to show the folks back home now.
(Sydney smiles then hugs him. Smiling, he hugs her back. He goes to get in the car when Sydney stops him.)
SYDNEY: Marshall... see you soon, okay?
MARSHALL: Okay. Hey, you know the best part? I've never been prouder to be one of the good guys.
(He gets in and the car drives away.)
(In the back of the car, Marshall's on his cell.)
MARSHALL: Yeah, Mom, I'll be home in a little while. I'm just getting back from my big business trip to London! And--yeah, Mom, of course they fed me on the plane. I-I don't know, some sort of chicken or squid. Wait, hold on a second. (to driver) Um, actually, can you make a left right here? There's a nightclub I want to drive by and--
(The car comes to an abrupt stop. Marshall bangs his head when he falls forward. Various men come to the car in the middle of the street, their g*n pointed. They open the door. Marshall peeks out.)
MARSHALL: What's going on?
(At their house, Francie walks in and the lights come on.)
EVERYONE: Surprise!
(Will and Sydney come up to her, laughing and smiling.)
FRANCIE: This is why you guys shut up when I walked into the room!
WILL: Gotcha. Happy birthday.
FRANCIE: Oh, I love you so.
SYDNEY: Happy birthday, sweetie.
FRANCIE: Oh, my God!
(Music plays as everyone dances around, drinking wine. Sydney and Will dance together.)
(In Sloane's office, Ariana paces.)
SLOANE: Jack Bristow is not the man responsible for blackmailing me.
KANE: His answers are too perfect. I mean, he even gets angry when it makes strategic sense.
SLOANE: If he had nothing to do with it, I would expect his answers to be perfect. Now, Ariana, unless you have evidence--
KANE: Contrary to what you tell your subordinates, we are not the US government. I don't need probable cause to go after Bristow. All I need is a hunch.
SLOANE: Well, your hunches notwithstanding, you're talking about a man with whom I've been partnered for thirty years.
KANE: Yeah, well, you have a blind spot when it comes to him. Look, he's not the first suspect I interviewed. I talked to all the other heads of the SD cells. People who might've taken issue with your promotion to the Alliance. You know what I found? They're all afraid of you. Except for Jack Bristow, who I promise you, is hiding something.
(Jack walks to Irina's cell. She's already leaning against the glass.)
JACK: Have you thought about my offer?
IRINA: (nods) I have nothing to confess, Jack. I know you find it hard to believe I'd turn myself in to make up for my mistakes but that's the reason... the only reason I'm here.
JACK: If that's the truth, why didn't you simply refuse the offer?
IRINA: I was considering whether or not to fabricate a confession just to get out of this cell.
JACK: You were right. Although our marital contract was founded on fraudulent pretenses, it's still valid until it's annulled. Which means, technically, we are still married.
(He starts to leave.)
IRINA: Jack. Thus far, I've agreed to be debriefed only by Sydney. From now on, I'm willing to talk to you, too.
(Upstairs in the ops center, Vaughn watches Jack leave Irina's cell on a monitor. The phone next to him rings.)
VAUGHN: Vaughn here. What do you mean we didn't pick up Marshall at the intercept point, who did?
(In an interrogation room somewhere, Marshall has chains across him and a blindfold over his eyes. The blindfold is ripped off. Next to him a man gets a syringe ready.)
MARSHALL: Oh, my God... Oh, my God. P-Please don't hurt me, Mister. Mister, please. Please don't hurt me.
(A wheelchair engine whirs.)
MARSHALL: P-Please...
(Suit and Glasses -- the man who interrogated both Sydney and Will -- leans forward.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Tell me, how did you enjoy the symphony? | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x10 - The Abduction"} | foreverdreaming |
(A satellite hovers over Earth.)
SYDNEY: (voice over) Some people think there's a conspiracy. That the government eavesdrops on everyone. It's no conspiracy.
(Rooms full of hard drives, network wires. Satellites are lined up in a field. A computer database flicks through a facial recognition system picture archive.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Right now, satellites and ground stations are listening in.
(Someone speaks on the phone and we zoom through the mouthpiece.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Faxes, e-mail communication, phone calls, are all routed to high-speed voice and optical recognition computers. They can analyze words spoken and written in any common language on Earth.
(Cut to Sydney and Will in their kitchen. Will pours them something from a blender in two glasses. Looks like they just got back from jogging.)
SYDNEY: The system's called Echelon.
WILL: Yeah, I heard about Echelon. I just don't understand how it's legal. So, what, it's just like a computer that listens to and reads everything?
SYDNEY: Yeah, looking for key words. The system scans two million conversations an hour.
WILL: Yeah, while shamelessly violating the Constitution.
SYDNEY: The National Security Agency argues it's one of its most important w*apon against t*rrorists. And that they don't abuse the system.
WILL: Somehow that's... unreassuring.
SYDNEY: Well, there's this man named Gerard Cuvee who figured out how to hack into Echelon. He was able to pick up secure military communications.
(Flashback to a building exploding on the top level.)
SYDNEY: (vo) Because of that, he was able to locate and destroy a US military lab in Dresden.
(Back to the kitchen.)
SYDNEY: In London, we shut down Cuvee's access to Echelon and, thank God, kept it away from SD-6.
WILL: So you get Echelon, you become Big Brother.
SYDNEY: The best thing about this mission, this guy that I work with -- this sweetheart, Marshall -- was pulled out of SD-6 and taken into protective custody. The CIA's gonna give him a life. A real life. I can't tell you what a relief it is to know he's safe.
(The t*rture room where Marshall is being kept. Men pry open his mouth with a dentistry tool. He gasps.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: You took something that doesn't belong to you. My employer would like it back.
(He squeezes something out of a tube into Marshall's wide open mouth.)
MARSHALL: Oh, please, help, oh--
(Marshall gags and coughs. Suit and Glasses address his men in a foreign language and they take off the brace.)
MARSHALL: No, please, no, no--
(They put duct tape over his mouth. Suit and Glasses looks at the tube he just used to pour in Marshall's mouth.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Epoxy... is a binary compound. You have just ingested the resin. Alone, it's not toxic. But a combination with a hardener...
(He squeezes the hardener into a glass with the epoxy.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: ...the epoxy cures, passing from a liquid state to a gel state...
(The liquid froths and becomes a gel in the glass.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: ...to a solid state.
(He picks up the now rock hard glass and taps it against the tray.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: This transformation will puncture your vital organs, block your windpipe, causing you to suffocate.
(They rip off the tape on Marshall's mouth.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: So... let's start over. The Echelon operating system -- where is it?
(At Francie's restaurant, Sydney sits across from Francie at a booth and takes a sip of coffee. Francie looks up.)
SYDNEY: I have a crush on a guy from work.
FRANCIE: Really? Who is he?
SYDNEY: Someone in my department. We've worked together for about a year now.
FRANCIE: You're kidding me. What's his name?
SYDNEY: Michael. And he's... I don't know how to describe him. He's smart... and he's funny. He's so cute.
FRANCIE: Hot cute, not goofy cute.
SYDNEY: Hot cute.
FRANCIE: So why haven't I met this guy?
SYDNEY: He has a girlfriend.
FRANCIE: Of course he does.
SYDNEY: Which is ultimately irrelevant anyway. The-the bank has a policy against coworkers dating.
FRANCIE: You know you could quit.
SYDNEY: Francie--
FRANCIE: Look, I don't know what kind of hold this bank has on you--
SYDNEY: They don't have a hold on me, I just can't quit my job!
FRANCIE: It's not that they treat you poorly, which they do, but the thing is, I haven't heard you talk like this in forever. No one in the free world works as hard as you.
SYDNEY: I know it seems that way--
FRANCIE: Maybe you and Michael are destined. Maybe he can quit.
SYDNEY: I got to go.
(At the task force operations center, Sydney, Vaughn, Kendall and Jack stand around.)
SYDNEY: What's wrong?
VAUGHN: Marshall was abducted.
KENDALL: Our plan was to intercept him on his way home from LAX--
SYDNEY: I know what our plan was.
JACK: The extraction team was about to move in when they saw this.
(They watch footage on a monitor of the abduction.)
VAUGHN: We ran the plates on one of the SUVs. It was rented by Charles Williamson, we put his photo ID through a facial recognition database. It matched a known associate of Gerard Cuvee.
SYDNEY: What steps are being taken?
JACK: CIA's got one team radiating out from the abduction point and another one in London retracing his steps.
SYDNEY: Our steps. The mission in London was my op, Marshall was my responsibility.
VAUGHN: Before being captured, Marshall e-mailed Cuvee's copy of the Echelon access program to SD-6.
SYDNEY: We took away Cuvee's access to Echelon and gave it to SD-6?
JACK: Yes, but when SD-6 downloaded the program, they discovered a problem.
(Meeting in Sloane's office with Sloane and Jack.)
SLOANE: Marshall's e-mail was broken up into packets of data and routed to SD-6 via internet service providers around the world. However, there was a malfunction and several data packets were not transmitted. Without them, we cannot access Echelon.
JACK: Can we fill in the missing pieces?
SLOANE: I'm told it'll take six months and even then there's no guarantee.
JACK: Do we know where the error occurred?
SLOANE: A government-operated facility in Ho Chi Minh City. I'm sending in Sydney and Dixon to retrieve them.
JACK: Who's leading the team to recover Marshall?
SLOANE: We've changed his access codes. There is nothing that Marshall can tell Cuvee that could possibly hurt us.
JACK: He will be tortured. Most likely, k*lled.
SLOANE: Oh yes, I'm sure he will be. I've already contacted SD-4. There'll be a replacement in op tech by morning.
JACK: (vo) That was the extent of his concern.
(Back to the op center.)
JACK: It was as if someone had overcooked his steak.
SYDNEY: Well, you know what Cuvee's going to do. He's going to try and get Marshall to reverse-engineer the software and get it back on-line.
JACK: Yes, but you need two things to get on Echelon. The software and an access point. Software is like a map, it leads you to the doorway of the system. The access point is the door, most likely a satellite. If we can find the door Cuvee went through and lock it, he won't get on, not even with Marshall's help.
KENDALL: The problem is diagnostics has run a comprehensive system analysis and they can't find the breach.
VAUGHN: Your mother thinks Cuvee may have used a Russian network to make contact -- their version of Echelon called Swarm.
SYDNEY: She told you that?
JACK: I spoke to her. She thinks she can find the back door but she has... terms.
(Flashback to Jack meeting with Irina at her cell.)
IRINA: If you want to know where Cuvee breached the system, it'll take time but I could do it if I were given access to Echelon, no restrictions.
JACK: Kendall will never give that to you.
IRINA: Then I would simply ask you to inform Mr. Kendall that the technicians he'll assign to do the job will discover it is like quicksand.
(Back to the op center.)
KENDALL: Your father was correct. I declined the offer. Second to only Arvin Sloane, Irina Derevko is the last person I want having access to the US government's secure network.
SYDNEY: She'd be watched. I mean, if she tried anything unusual, we could just shut the system down--
KENDALL: No. Access to computers and telecommunications equipment is specifically prohibited by your mother's immunity agreement.
SYDNEY: I think we might be wasting time.
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, we hire qualified technicians around here. What do you say we give them a sh*t?
VAUGHN: Your countermission is simple: in Vietnam you'll download the data packets SD-6 is looking for and switch it with this. It's corrupted data. We'll have what SD-6 needs and they'll never be able to access Echelon. And Syd, we'll find Marshall.
(t*rture room.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: I will ask you one more time... where is the Echelon software you took from us?
MARSHALL: I swear on my mother's grave, I don't know.
(A tear falls down his cheek.)
MARSHALL: And though technically Mom's still alive, she has picked out her gravesite, so--
SUIT AND GLASSES: Refusal to cooperate has a price.
MARSHALL: No, no, no, no, no.
(They pry open his mouth. Suit and Glasses takes the tube of hardener and places it near Marshall's wide open mouth.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: We can find your mother.
MARSHALL: Okay. (whimpers) Okay, okay, okay.
(They take the device off.)
MARSHALL: I sent the Echelon software to SD-6. There's nothing I can do about that, I swear. But-but I saw the code. All of it. And I have a photographic memory so I can recreate it. I can rewrite it. Just don't hurt my mother, please. You leave my mother alone.
SUIT AND GLASSES: We're off to a very good start.
(At SD-6, Jack walks to his office and sees a guard standing outside. Kane is at his desk, typing on his computer.)
JACK: What are you doing?
KANE: Downgrading your network privileges. Pending the outcome of my investigation, your security clearance has been revoked.
JACK: Get out of my office!
KANE: When Emily was k*lled, you claim you were in Taipei.
JACK: It is a fact, not a claim.
KANE: When the blackmailers stole a hundred million dollars of the Alliance's money in exchange for pictures of that m*rder, you were--
JACK: On assignment in Istanbul.
KANE: Doing back channel, unsupervised work that you conveniently arranged for yourself.
JACK: I am a senior officer with discretion to arrange and carry out assignments as I see fit. I will not be subject to a witch hunt!
KANE: You have no protections here, no civil rights, no civil liberties or reasonable doubt. See that I'm not disturbed again.
GUARD: Yes, ma'am.
(Jack storms out.)
(At the ops center, Jack walks in and approaches Vaughn and three other agents standing around.)
JACK: Get everyone you can from op tech now. Notify assets in Istanbul, Taipei and Azerbaijan we'll need immediate assistance in forging hard evidence of my being in each of those locations on specific days and times. (to Vaughn) We have a situation. Ariana Kane, head of Alliance counterintelligence, she's investigating me in connection with the m*rder of Emily Sloane.
VAUGHN: She's, what, checking your aliases, places you've been through the agency? You're covered for that.
JACK: Yes, passport stamps, plane tickes, enough to withstand a cursory inquiry. This is anything but cursory. I did not k*ll Emily Sloane but I do have secrets and the last thing I can afford, the last thing Sydney can affod, is someone discovering that my loyalty does not lie with SD-6.
(Ops center. Jack speaks to Vaughn while another female agent brings Jack a steering wheel and a shifter to place his fingerprints on.)
f*g: Got the prints for Istanbul...
(Jack holds the steering wheel like he's driving, touches the shifter like he's shifting.)
f*g: This goes with the car you rented in Taipei.
JACK: We back dated phony charges through my credit card to these locations?
VAUGHN: Restaurants, rental car agencies, hotels...
f*g: Room charges. They'll be on file with the respective concierges by morning.
JACK: Good.
(They leave; Craig approaches Vaughn.)
CRAIG: Bad time?
CRAIG: What else is new? Uh, you left word with analysis when Tippin's psych profile came back you wanted to be informed?
CRAIG: Anything I should know?
VAUGHN: Just run protocol and bring him in.
CRAIG: You got it.
VAUGHN: Thanks.
(Vaughn joins Jack and another agent who sits in front of a computer.)
JACK: What about surveillance?
COMPUTER AGENT: I thought about roto-scaping you out of some other surveillance feed, but if they slow down the frame rate, they'll know it was altered. That's why we went with the green screen. This is the original sureillance feed from the Istanbul intercontinental.
(On one monitor, people walk through a lobby.)
COMPUTER AGENT: And this is the footage that we filmed earlier.
(On another monitor, Jack is dressed in casual clothes and walks past a green screen.)
COMPUTER AGENT: Do some pixel-masking and we get...
(He types a few buttons and the green screen Jack is now super-imposed into the first surveillance feed, walking through the lobby with everyone else.)
COMPUTER AGENT: Look, I even gave you a shadow.
VAUGHN: We've got your fingerprints on rental car keys, seat belt buckles, hair samples stitched into pillow cases...
JACK: Good. I want to review everything.
VAUGHN: Jack, I think you're good--
JACK: Thinking isn't sufficient. I want to know.
VAUGHN: (nods) You're right.
JACK: I want to see the plane tickets.
(At Ho Chi Minh City, Sydney walks in wearing a business suit and goes to the guard sitting in the lobby.)
SYDNEY: Nina Bales from Tech Sky Industries. I'm here to see Mr. Nguyen.
(Dixon sits in a van nearby on comm.)
DIXON: Accessing the system now. Should be in mid-presentation.
(Sydney is now leading a lecture in an auditorium.)
SYDNEY: Thank you for giving Tech Sky the opportunity to talk with you about our micro-satellite technology.
(She speaks in Vietnamese and asks for the lights to be dimmed. They are.)
(Flashback to SD-6 with Dixon and Sydney.)
DIXON: At your direction, the projector will emit a high intensity pulse strobe light that flashes at the same frequency as human brain waves, effectively rendering the targets unconscious.
SYDNEY: I can get the data packets and return and they won't even know I've been gone?
DIXON: For three minutes they'll experience it like a daydream. Any longer and they'll regain consciousness and you'll be found out. Now, make sure you get these glasses on first. They're time synchronized to the pulses, so you'll be unaffected.
(Back to the lecture.)
SYDNEY: A small constellation of satellites in low-earth orbit is cheaper to launch and maintain than a traditional satellite network. And if one micro sat fails, the entire system need not be replaced. What you're looking at is a typical Tech Sky package.
SYDNEY: ...is cheaper to launch and maintain than a traditional satellite network. And if one micro sat fails, the entire system need not be replaced. What you're looking at is a typical Tech Sky package.
DIXON: Okay, Syd, do your thing. I'm almost in.
(She puts on the sunglasses and it flashes.)
DIXON: Okay, Syd, I'm in.
(The men are passed out in the audience.)
SYDNEY: Lan Nguyen, is that right?
DIXON: Right. His ID will give you access to any room in the ministry.
(She runs to the aisles and leans over. She finds Nguyen's badge and yanks it off his chest.)
DIXON: The data packets are in the hard drive which are located in the server room. Two levels down, room 206. You've got three minutes.
(Sydney runs down the stairs and gets to the level. She puts the ID card in and enters. She runs to the wall of hard drives and starts checking.)
DIXON: Syd, you've got two minutes to find the right hard drive.
SYDNEY: I'm not getting a positive signal. Data packets aren't on drive one or two. And drive three is missing.
DIXON: Is there a serial number on the third bay?
SYDNEY: 657-33P-YY2.
(Dixon types on his computer.)
DIXON: That hard drive is in for repairs.
SYDNEY: Where?
DIXON: Level one, room 147.
SYDNEY: I'm on my way.
DIXON: No, the repair room is just off the lobby. I'll go. Meet me at the extraction point.
SYDNEY: Dixon, no!
(He rips off his earpiece and gets ready.)
SYDNEY: I'll make it!
(At the lobby, Dixon walks in and speaks to the guard at the front desk.)
DIXON: Robert Milton, I'm here for the Tech Sky presentation.
GUARD: One moment, please.
DIXON: Yeah, I'm so late already, my boss is gonna k*ll me!
(Dixon is taken down the hall by the guard. When they come to the right spot, Dixon grabs him and throws him inside room 147. Dixon elbows him in the face and punches him. The guard falls. Dixon moves to the table of hard drives and starts looking for the right one. Sydney enters.)
SYDNEY: I told you I could make it!
DIXON: Start over there, work towards me.
(Sydney starts checking, as does Dixon. Dixon gets to it first.)
DIXON: Got it. Okay, let's get out of here.
(He walks out. Disappointed and conflicted, Sydney doesn't move. No opportunity for the switch.)
DIXON: Sydney! The guards will be here any minute!
(She leaves, reluctantly.)
(Back in LA, Sloane speaks to Dixon and Sydney at SD-6.)
SLOANE: This is a great victory. You both should be very proud.
DIXON: Thank you, sir, but our thoughts are with Marshall. Has there been any word?
SLOANE: No, I'm afraid not. But our efforts continue, as do our prayers.
(Self-storage meeting with Vaughn and Sydney.)
SYDNEY: So now SD-6 has everything it needs to access Echelon.
VAUGHN: Any idea on how long before it's up and running?
SYDNEY: Midnight tomorrow at the latest. You should've seen the look on Sloane's face when we got back. I don't think I've ever seen him so happy about a mission. He said he was praying for Marshall.
VAUGHN: Listen, about Marshall -- one of our teams traced Cuvee's unit that abducted Marshall to a safe house outside London.
(Flashback: the guards, fully armed, walk into the safe house.)
VAUGHN: (vo) By the time they got there, it was abandoned. It was wired with four pounds of C-4.
(One of the guards hits a wire that was there for intruders. A key slips out of a b*mb.)
(Back to the self-storage.)
VAUGHN: Never had a chance. And it gets worse. In light of the tragedy, the director has ordered a hlt in the search. So for the moment, Marshall's on his own.
(Speaking of Marshall, he's sitting at a computer. Suit and Glasses sits in his wheelchair nearby and one of his men has a g*n pointed to the back of Marshall's head.)
MARSHALL: You think maybe he could point that somewhere else? All right. Nevermind. It's not.. it's, um...
(At Francie's restaurant, Will has bottles of ketchup stacked up on top of each other, dripping the last remnants of the bottles into new ones. Francie sits across from him.)
FRANCIE: You know, Syd's sleeping off another business trip.
WILL: Yeah. Dublin, I think.
FRANCIE: Glasgow.
WILL: (re: ketchup) Two more, I set a world record.
FRANCIE: Will, I'm serious. Last week it was Buenos Aires, before it was Tokyo. I mean, it never ends.
WILL: Francie, you know how much that used to bug me, right? I mean, I complained about it constantly. But her job, you know, what she does, it's important to her.
FRANCIE: I don't care, I'm still worried about her. Ever since Danny died, all she does is work. Oh, but now there's this new guy.
(Will looks up.)
FRANCIE: You should have heard her talk about him. She sounded so happy.
WILL: She... told you about a guy?
FRANCIE: Yeah. Somebody from work. Michael something. You know him?
FRANCIE: No, of course not, 'cause the jerks at the bank where she slaves won't let them date because it's against the rules.
WILL: So they're not dating?
FRANCIE: No. No, he's actually dating somebody else. She's just pining. Oh, you know what, the mailman left this for you.
(She shows him a little card.)
FRANCIE: Guess there's a package for you at the post office.
(Will walks in the back storage area of a post office and finds Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Hey, Will. I got your psych report back. You did well.
WILL: I'm not a sociopath.
VAUGHN: Well, I didn't say that.
WILL: Do I have a job?
WILL: A paying job?
VAUGHN: Yes. As an analyst. You'll be asked to review classified documents and file reports. Think of it as writing articles only now your source material is classified. In fact, your cover is a journalist.
WILL: What does that mean? Am I an agent?
(Vaughn laughs.)
WILL: What?
VAUGHN: Agents are field-trained. You're an analyst. You're desk-trained. You sit at a desk.
WILL: That's cool.
VAUGHN: The agency operates a monthly travel magazine called "Trade Roads." There's a small LA office. Go there when we page you. The material we'll need analyzed will be there when you arrive but don't remove them from the building. When you're done filling out the paperwork just give it to Bill, he'll make sure it's processed.
WILL: I get health insurance?
VAUGHN: Welcome to the CIA.
WILL: Thank you.
(They shake hands.)
WILL: Listen... obviously, you're a good guy and I can't tell you how much I appreciate this job and what I'm going to say is inappropriate. Sydney cares about you, and what you guys have, or don't have, means a great deal to her. I want to make sure you respect that.
(At the SD-6 offices, Sloane looks over the shoulder of an agent who is at a computer. The Echelon software is 58% recompiled. The satellite hovers over Earth.)
(At the ops center, Kendall addresses a group of agents which include Sydney, Vaughn and Jack.)
KENDALL: I just got off the phone with the director again and he asked me again if I knew we were in the intelligence business. SD-6 is by our best estimates, less than twelve hours away from accessing Echelon which will give them all the intelligence capabilities of the CIA. Our efforts to prevent Gerard Cuvee from reaccessing Echelon ended in tragedy. Four agents k*lled. As far as we know, your SD-6 tech ops officer Marshall Flinkman could already have Cuvee up and running again.
(Cut to Marshall typing at the computer.)
(Continued, the ops center.)
KENDALL: As for Derevko's intel on Swarm, info sec has been unsuccessful in their search for a back door access point.
(All of a sudden, monitors go black and computers go down. Kendall, Jack, Sydney and Vaughn walk to the tech agent whose name is Rick. He is at a computer.)
KENDALL: What the hell just happened?
RICK: I had to shut down the system, Swarm detected I was mapping its network and spit out a virus.
(Sydney looks at the screen. The virus is called quicksand.)
SYDNEY: My mother knew this would happen. That's the word she used: quicksand.
KENDALL: She might have set up the virus!
SYDNEY: Damn it! Why keep her here if you're not going to use her?
KENDALL: (to Jack) You have said Derevko turned herself in as part of a plan, something we can't see. If you were right, then giving her access to Echelon could only help that.
JACK: In this instance I think she would be an asset.
(Sydney visits Irina at the cell.)
SYDNEY: They found it. Quicksand.
IRINA: I told your father my terms. Full access to the network, no restrictions.
SYDNEY: Dad fought for you on this. Don't make him regret it.
(Irina smiles.)
(Upstairs, Irina is led into the ops center with various US Marshals escorting her. Other agents stop walking and stare at her. She calmly looks at them all and walks to a computer where Kendall, Jack and Sydney wait. Rick gets out of his seat and gives Irina his chair. She puts her hands out and Kendall motions for one of the US Marshals to do it. He unlocks the handcuffs. Irina sits at the computer.)
IRINA: I'll need to send an access code.
KENDALL: How will we know you're not signaling your operation?
IRINA: You won't.
(Kendall looks at Jack.)
(She starts typing.)
(Kane watches the surveillance footage of Jack walking.)
AGENT: Looks clean.
KANE: Slow it down, two hundred per cent.
(He does so.)
AGENT: It's still good. If this was faked, it's the best job I've ever seen.
KANE: Is this the last of the surveillance feeds?
AGENT: Karachi, Istanbul, Taipei... yeah, that's it.
(Another agent walks in and hands Kane a piece of paper.)
AGENT2: I think you should see this.
(In Sloane's office, he monitors the recompiling on his desktop. It's at 62%. He talks on the phone.)
SLOANE: Yes, yes, we should have full access to Echelon in a matter of hours.
(Kane enters.)
KANE: Forensic report.
SLOANE: Okay, Alain. Yes, I'll let you know as soon as we're fully operational. Yes, absolutely. Merci, au revoir.
(He hangs up.)
KANE: Brain matter was found in the barrel of one of Jack Bristow's service p*stol. According to the munition log, he checked out a Glock 19 compact for one day, reported a single accidental discharge and no casualties.
SLOANE: I thought you were here to invesigate the events surrounding my wife's death.
KANE: The day Bristow checked out this w*apon, k*lled someone with it, and covered it up, was the day your wife was m*rder.
SLOANE: Do you have enough cells to do a DNA profile?
KANE: Already being done.
SLOANE: Well, if it matches with Emily, I want you to let me know immediately.
KANE: Of course.
(Marshall types at the computer while the two henchmen keep watch with their g*n pointed at him.)
MARSHALL: Hey, you guys like cherry Pez? You know, cherry Pez? The little candy, comes in the little superhero thing? Yeah, I collect the dispensers. I thought I had the largest collection in the world. I actually wrote the Guiness Book of World Records about it. Well, they sid that there was a girl in Australia, nine years old, with a collection larger than me. Which kind of sucked 'cause you know, she's so much younger than me and uh... I'm so much older than her so... I'm kind of hungry, you guys got some snacks? Or your probably...
(They yell at him in foreign language and h*t him on the back.)
MARSHALL: I agree.
(Dixon walks into the server room at SD-6.)
DIXON: Something's wrong with my computer, I can't get online. Can you check it out?
SERVER AGENT: Someone has launched a denial of server att*ck on us. We're getting pinged over and over. It's slowing down the network.
DIXON: That's odd. They didn't spoof the origin IP. How can someone be smart enough to hack in here and forget to cover their tracks?
(Marshall types at the computer as Suit and Glasses comes in on his wheelchair. He yells at the henchmen who grab Marshall and yank him from his seat.)
MARSHALL: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What-what's going on? What?
SUIT AND GLASSES: We have a firewall. You broke through it. I want to know why!
MARSHALL: I was just trying to download an mp3 off of Audiogalaxy. Look, am mp3. You know, a music file? This, I am seventy-five per cent done with, I just thought the rest of it would go a lot faster with some tunes. I'm just going to show you the mp3.
(He types and Sammy Hagar starts playing.)
MARSHALL: You like Sammy Hagar?
(They stare at him.)
MARSHALL: I'll, uh, go bck to the program.
(g*n pointed at his head, he types.)
(Dixon walks in the offices at SD-6 and goes to Sydney's desk.)
DIXON: Come with me.
(In Sloane's office, Dixon and Sydney.)
SLOANE: Marshall's in Mexico City?
DIXON: He signaled us through the computer. We traced him through the IP address he used.
SLOANE: Huh, uh, okay, I'll notify the extraction team at once.
SYDNEY: We'd like your permission to conduct the operation ourselves.
SLOANE: Yes, of course.
(They leave. 78% recompiled.)
(At the ops center, Irina types on her own computer. Vaughn keeps watch. Kendall leans down to her.)
KENDALL: Are you making any progress here?
IRINA: Like Echelon, Swarm has access points. If I can locate the directory we will know if there are any accessable points.
VAUGHN: That way we could keep SD-6 and Cuvee off the system.
IRINA: I'd like a coffee please.
(Kendall looks at Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Cream or sugar?
(Irina turns and gives him a look.)
VAUGHN: Black.
IRINA: Thank you.
(Jack hangs up his cell phone in the ops center and turns to Vaughn.)
JACK: Kane called a meeting.
VAUGHN: Does she know anything?
JACK: Unclear. But I'm told she has two units from security section prepared to take me in. I have to be ready for anything.
(Jack and Ariana are at a restaurant, sitting at a table outdoors. Jack looks at the menu.)
KANE: I have to admit, I'm impressed. I've rarely found a record as well-documented as yours. You couldn't have been more thorough if you tried.
JACK: If I may ask, what is it you're looking for?
KANE: There are only two pieces of evidence I haven't been able to corroborate. Help me with them, and we're finished.
(Not far away, Vaughn and Craig sit in a surveillance van.)
CRAIG: Damn. She's got the place wired.
VAUGHN: Jack, we make six agents from security section.
KANE: Every time you make a phone call on your STU, the SIM card on your cell phone communicates with the local cell tower. Those communications are recorded on the card's memory chip. It's kind of like a mini travelogue.
JACK: Yes, I'm fully aware...
(His voice fades out as Vaughn and Craig scramble in the van.)
VAUGHN: We'll need the cell tower signal codes for Istanbul, Karachi, and Taipei. Jack, listen to me. What pocket is your phone in? If it's the left jacket pocket, hold up one finger. In the right pocket, hold up two.
(Jack pretends to look at the menu and rests his chin in his hand, putting one finger against his cheek.)
WAITER: You two ready to order?
(The waiter reaches in and slips Jack's phone out of his pocket.)
JACK: Not yet. Thanks.
(The waiter leaves. Kane watches suspiciously.)
JACK: You have my phone records.
KANE: Which we both know could easily be forged. So, I'd like your phone.
(She puts out her hand for it.)
JACK: You said there were two things.
KANE: Who is Steven Haladki?
JACK: He was a CIA agent loyal to Irina Derevko.
KANE: Whom you m*rder.
(Vaughn's stunned.)
KANE: We found brain matter in the g*n you fired on the day Emily was m*rder. I admit, I thought DNA tests would prove that you k*lled her but instead they proved you k*lled Haladki.
JACK: We had reliable intel that Derevko was accessing information through the CIA. Her source turned out to be Haladki. He was crucial to her operation and had to be removed.
(In the van, Vaughn is still stunned but it's all business for Craig.)
CRAIG: I got the tower codes, we can't wait for Bristow's phone. Give me yours. Vaughn! Give me your phone.
(Vaughn does so.)
CRAIG: The card's been reprogrammed, I'll stamp Jack's serial number on your SIM card. YOu'll have to switch them out. Here you go.
(Craig puts the stamp and hastily gives it to Vaughn.)
KANE: If Haladki worked with Derevko, why hide is death from Sloane?
(Behind their table, Vaughn walks past the waiter and drops the newly stamped phone to him.)
JACK; The death of a CIA agent draws unwanted attention and focus. When it happens, the safest recourse is to say nothing... ever.
(The waiter drops the new phone into Jack's pocket and pours water for them. He leaves.)
JACK: Are we through?
KANE: As soon as I get your SIM card.
JACK: Yes. Of course.
(He casually gets the phone and hands over the card.)
KANE: I'll be in touch.
(She waves as Jack gets up and walks away. As he's walking he looks down at his hand and sees the ink from the still wet stamp on his finger. He knows he's caught and starts to walk faster. Back at the table, Kane looks at the SIM card and notices the smudge Jack made. She wipes at the ink and sees that it's wet.)
KANE: Move in on the package!
(Several agents start running out of nearby buildings. The look for Jack but he is gone. The surveillance van, with Craig driving, rumbles past. In the back, Jack and Vaughn sit across from each other. Vaughn stares at Jack with pity and disgust. Jack looks back at him.)
(In Mexico City, there's a rooftop party and Dixon's the DJ, wearing dreadlocks and "cool" clothes. Sydney walks through the crowd in a JLo-inspired outfit with a jet black wig and moves through the dancing bodies. She looks up at Dixon.)
DIXON: Are you ready to partaaaay?!?
(His monitors are right beside the DJ equipment.)
DIXON: Syd, I'm ready to receive.
SYDNEY: (smirking) Are we ready to party?
DIXON: I speak nine languages. Techno is not one of them.
(He bops along to the music. At the edge of the roof, Sydney takes off her bag and opens it.)
SYDNEY: I'll need cover... now.
(Dixon increases the volume of the music as Sydney sh**t the trigger across the way. A pronged line lands on the roof of the building next to them.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, wish me luck.
(She zip-lines her way across to the next building and climbs up. She moves to the transmitter door and flicks at it.)
SYDNEY: I've piggybacked into the surveillance feed. Are you getting the signal?
(Dixon watches the monitor next to his DJ stuff.)
DIXON: One second. (types) Okay, Syd, I'm in.
(He looks for Marshall by switching cameras on the monitor.)
DIXON: He's in the storage room on the forty-seventh floor. Take the eastern stairwell. Room should be the second door on your left.
(Sydney apparently doesn't make the 47 connection -- the room with the red virus ball was held in room 47, Rambaldi's page 47...)
SYDNEY: Guards?
DIXON: I make two. I'll lock the elevators, secure all access doors. That should keep everyone else away but Syd, be careful.
(The tech agent walks in Sloane's office.)
AGENT: Program's done. We'll be uplinked to Echelon in two minutes.
SLOANE: Excellent.
(Marshall looks at the two guards.)
MARSHALL: Whew. Tell your, uh, boss or whatever that I'm finished. The program's written.
(The satellite's in the sky.)
(At the ops center, Kendall leans over Irina, who types.)
KENDALL: You said you would find ones that overlap.
IRINA: I said I would find out if they overlapped.
KENDALL: And if they don't?
IRINA: Then I can't help you.
(Marshall watches as Suit and Glasses types on the computer. The Echelon software window pops up. He smiles. But then a game of Pong starts instead. Marshall wrote a program for Pong, not Echelon. Marshall starts laughing crazily. He stands up.)
MARSHALL: You know where you can go, you FREAK? Any idea?!
MARSHALL: Straight to hell, my friend! STRAIGHT TO HELL!
(Sydney sneaks in, just in time to see Marshall being lowered to his knees, his hands behind his head. They point their g*n at him.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: And k*ll his mother.
(Sydney runs in and roundhouse kicks one of the guards. She kicks the other one, twice. Grabs the first guy's g*n and twists his arm around. It cracks. She takes him by the neck and throws him to the ground. Marshall picks up the fallen g*n. Sydney kicks the last guard as Suit and Glasses stares in horror. She looks at him for a moment. And then roundhouse kicks him, sending him backwards, falling off his wheelchair and to the ground.)
(He throws her the g*n.)
SYDNEY: Let's go.
DIXON: Syd, we've got a problem. I've been locked out. Their security system is operational. Get out of there now.
(Sydney runs to the door with Marshall and opens it up. The guards are coming their way, sh**ting at them.)
SYDNEY: Come on, come on.
(They hide behind another wall, Sydney sh**t back at the door.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, we're trapped!
DIXON: I'll get over to you now.
SYDNEY: There's no time!
(She sh**t back at the door again. Marshall runs over and grabs the chair he was sitting in.)
(He throws the office chair out the window.)
MARSHALL: Come on!
(Sydney runs over to the now open window.)
SYDNEY: Marshall, we're on the forty-seventh floor!
MARSHALL: Remember when we flew to London? I compessed a high glide tactical parachute in the lining of my jacket? Well, as luck would have it, this one's got it to. Along with a hyper-extending tandem sling. Come here.
(He pulls Sydney to him and locks the sling around her waist.)
MARSHALL: I got it.
(He looks at Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Hi. My name is Marshall J. Flinkman and I'm here to rescue you!
(Sydney can't help it and nods. Together they jump out the window. Marshall's parachute goes off and they land safely.)
(Kendall looks at Irina.)
KENDALL: If this was some kind of manipulation...
(She types.)
IRINA: The overlapping access points. As promised.
(She stands up. Rick sits down and starts typing.)
RICK: Confirming a match with Echelon right now.
IRINA: Close the access points and SD-6 will be shut out.
(She walks back to her cell with the marshals.)
RICK: We have confirmation. It's a match.
(In Sloane's office, he talks to Alain Christophe yet again on the phone.)
SLOANE: As promised, Alain, we have Ecehlon at our disposal. Oui.
(The tech agent walks in.)
AGENT: I'm afraid something's happened.
(Self-storage facility meeting.)
SYDNEY: So Marshall saved our lives. How did I return the favor? By bringing him back to SD-6.
VAUGHN: We had to, Syd. Bringing Marshall into the CIA didn't make sense anymore, not after Sloane got the Echelon program.
SYDNEY: I know. It's just... Marshall has no idea who he's really working for.
(At SD-6, Marshall is patted on the back by coworkers. He hugs Dixon. Sydney walks by and watches. He talks to Dixon for a moment before nodding at Sloane, who shakes his hand and then gives him a warm hug.)
(Self-storage, continued.)
SYDNEY: It won't always be like this, right?
VAUGHN: It will end.
SYDNEY: I should go.
(After a disappointing day at work, Sloane comes home to his mansion. He walks into a darkened room, his coat still on.)
JACK: Do not turn on the lights.
SLOANE: You shouldn't hve run from her, Jack.
JACK: Kane needs someone to blame since she can't find who really m*rder Emily. She's decided to blame me.
(He takes a step forward.)
JACK: I did not m*rder your wife. But if I don't find the person who did, Kane will frame me for it. I have some leads, I need you to pursue them for me.
(He hands a file over.)
JACK: Can I trust you to do that?
SLOANE: Of course. This will stay between us.
(Jack leaves. Sloane turns on a lamp and picks up the phone once he's gone.)
KANE: Hello?
SLOANE: Agent Kane, Arvin Sloane. Jack Bristow just left my house. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x11 - A Higher Echelon"} | foreverdreaming |
(Movie theater. The lights are dimmed and a black and white movie is playing. Jack enters.)
ON SCREEN MAN: I want to report a m*rder.
ON SCREEN MAN2: Sit down. Where was the m*rder committed?
(Jack takes a seat directly behind a man.)
ON SCREEN MAN: San Francisco, last night.
ON SCREEN MAN2: Who was m*rder?
(Jack leans forward and starts whispering to the man sitting ahead of him.)
JACK: I have five names, Alliance partners.
JACK: I need their whereabouts and phone records for the dates listed. I've included d*ad drop instructions. Assume the usual protocols have been compromised.
(Jack puts his hand on the man's shoulder with the list. No response. He shakes the man a little. He's d*ad, a g*n in his head. Jack slowly takes the list back and puts it in his inside jacket pocket. He stands up but a man is suddenly right next to him, shoving a g*n under Jack's jaw.)
g*n: Take it easy.
(Jack hits the g*n away from his face and they struggle. Jack puts his hand over the g*n's mouth and shoves the g*n to the man's chest. A silenced g*n goes off. The man falls in the seats. Jack starts to walk in the aisle but someone enters, looking right at Jack. He goes the other way but the man climbs over the seats and tackles Jack. He falls over. They stand. He punches Jack once but Jack blocks the next punch. He takes the man by the neck, bangs him into a seat and then punches him hard. In the stairwell, Jack runs down a flight of stairs, trying to escape. He enters the parking garage and hears a car approaching. He whips out his g*n and aims it at the car which comes to a stop.)
SYDNEY: Dad, get in!
(He pauses. Then gets in the car. They drive off, tires squealing.)
(In broad daylight, the middle of the day, Sydney pulls out into a four lane road, passing by a GMC SUV which is parked. Once they spot Sydney's car fly by, they pull out behind her.)
JACK: Sydney, what are you doing here?
SYDNEY: Kendall contacted me. He was worried because you hadn't signaled in since last night.
JACK: Alliance counterintelligence is after me.
SYDNEY: Alliance?! Dad, what the hell is going on?
JACK: Someone extorted them out of a hundred million dollars. They think that person is me.
OPS AGENT: (on comm) Mountaineer, you've got company.
(In the ops center, an agent watches a map monitor that trails Sydney and two other vehicles.)
OPS AGENT: Two vehicles. An outrider paralleling you, one block west. And a pursuit vehicle.
(In the car, Sydney keeps driving.)
OPS AGENT: (on comm) One hundred feet behind.
(Sydney floors it, speeding ahead.)
SYDNEY: How long have you known about this?
JACK: I didn't tell you because it didn't concern you!
SYDNEY: If the Alliance thinks you're lying to them, they'll k*ll you. That concerns me!
JACK: What concerns me is having them suspect that you're my accomplice. That's why I kept you out of it.
(She speeds ahead, changing lanes and passing a car. The SUV is bheind them. She passes another car on a double line. Jack checks behind them as the SUV comes closer and then rams them from behind. They jerk ahead.)
OPS AGENT: Take your next left. Now!
(She does, making a sharp cut into an alley, cutting off several cars. The SUV tries to make the turn as well but cars are in the way. Sydney keeps driving, with Jack looking back.)
OPS AGENT: Take your next right. Your ride's a half a block ahead.
(Sharp turn. She drives into a car transport who has its back door lowered for the car to drive up into. The transport, with Sydney's car hidden in the back, drives away as the SUV flies by.)
(At the ops center, Jack and Sydney walk together.)
JACK: Several months gao, the Alliance offered Sloane a partnership position. In exchange, he had to k*ll his wife.
SYDNEY: Because Emily had learned the truth about SD-6?
JACK: He poisoned her.
(Flashback: season finale. Sloane and Emily take a drink of wine at dinner.)
JACK: (voice over) Or so he thought.
(Back to the ops center.)
JACK: Soon after the funeral, Sloane began receiving odd messages.
(Flashback: "The Indicator" -- Sloane steps out of the shower and sees a glass of red wine on the counter.)
JACK: (voice over) Messages designed to indicate thta his efforts had failed.
(Flashback: "The Passage, Part 1" -- Sloane receives a finger in a box.)
JACK: (voice over) Followed soon after by a terrifying delivery. Proof that she was still alive.
(Back at the ops center.)
SYDNEY: And in exchange for Emily, they demanded money.
JACK: A hundred million, which the Alliance paid.
(Flashback: "The Passage, Part 2" -- Sloane opens the envelope with pictures of Emily.)
JACK: (voice over) And the blackmailer k*lled her anyway.
(At the ops center.)
JACK: The Alliance, obviously, had to find someone to blame for this.
SYDNEY: So why focus on you?
JACK: I was no more a suspect than anyone else but as they examined my conduct, they realized I had secrets. Elements of my alibi that, because of our work for CIA, I can't fully justify.
SYDNEY: And Sloane -- does he think you did this?
JACK: I'm not certain.
SYDNEY: What are you going to do? Stay here?
JACK: For the moment. I'll research what I can.
(Sydney's pager beeps.)
JACK: The man I went to meet at the movie theater, he had information about the Alliance. Intel I'm not sure the CIA can access.
SYDNEY: (re: pager) It's SD-6.
JACK: You have to go in.
SYDNEY: No. I'm calling in sick. I'm helping you.
JACK: No, Sydney, you can't. The agent heading up the investigtion is not interested in you yet but if you don't show up you will arouse her suspicions. You can't allow that to happen.
(SD-6/Credit Dauphine elevator. Sydney steps out, into the white room. She stops in the center and it flashes red. She blinks a few times. White again, she walks inside. Sydney nods at an agent and continues in, noticing Ariana Kane and her helper agent talking. She walks by them and they both make eye contact with her. Ariana watches her walk by with interest.)
(Inside a conference room with Marshall, Dixon, Sydney and Sloane. Marshall holds the biggest bouquet of pink roses -- more appropriate for a funeral or the Rose Bowl parade.)
MARSHALL: Okay, let's be honest. Among life experiences to be avoided, getting kidnapped definitely ranks near the top. E-Except, actually, third grade kind of sucked, too. There was this whole thing -- lunch money thing. That's all right. I kind of overdid it but you saved my bacon. Thank you.
(He passes the huge bouquet of pink roses across the table to Sydney, who smiles and takes it from him.)
SYDNEY: Marshall, thank you.
MARSHALL: Don't worry about it. It's, oh, uh, Mr. Dixon. I really never had an occasion to buy another man a present except my father, Father's Day. Anyway. It's, um, cologne, um.
(He passes the blue box over to Dixon. He seems genuinely touched.)
DIXON: Thank you.
MARSHALL: I think it's really nice and it's going to be nice on you. Not that you need a new scent. Your natural scent's really... very, uh...
SLOANE: Marshall?
MARSHALL: You know, I'll be quiet now.
SLOANE: I appreciate that.
MARSHALL: Actually, um, Mr. Sloane, I noticed you're not wearing the tie I gave you. That's okay.
(Sloane puts a picture on the screens, all business.)
SLOANE: You're looking at a protoype of the triad's most startling achievement to date -- the quantum gyroscope m*ssile guidance system. According to the partial specifications we were able to intercept, not only is this device cheap and easy to manufacture, but it is far more accurate than anything in our current arsenal. It is capable of turning a 70s-era scud into a precision guided munition with range and lethality equivalent to that of a cruise m*ssile.
SYDNEY: How did we get these photos?
SLOANE: Last month, SD-5 tasked a team of agnets to perform a recon op on the triad's R&D lab in Nice, France. Your task is acquisition.
(He puts up a photo of a man on their screens.)
SLOANE: Here we have Karl Schatz, he's a courier for triad and he's transporting the prototype to Berlin for mass production. You will intercept it en route. There is no room for failure on this one. You can imagine the consequences if enemies of the United States acquired this technology.
(Self-storage building with Vaughn and Sydney.)
SYDNEY: There are so many things I hate about Arvin Sloane, but the thing that I hate the most is the way he wraps his criminal activity in a flag.
VAUGHN: Well, we won't let him get away with it. Before you go we'll make a defective copy of that gyroscope for you to give to SD-6. We'll need to see those photographs.
SYDNEY: Dixon hsa them. He's already on his way to Nice.
VAUGHN: Then we'll have to get a team to France. When you're through with the mission make sure you're holding the gyroscope. We'll duplicate it on-site. And, Syd, you should know that, uh, we've been doing everything we can to help your father.
SYDNEY: You've been helping my father.
SYDNEY: You knew the Alliance was investigating my father.
SYDNEY: For how long?
VAUGHN: Two weeks. Syd, I understand you're upset.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I am.
VAUGHN: Your father explained why we hadn't told you.
SYDNEY: Now that I've had time to think about that--
VAUGHN: It was a question of your safety.
SYDNEY: He was almost k*lled! I saved him!
VAUGHN: It hadn't gotten to that--
SYDNEY: Yeah, but it did!
VAUGHN: I didn't want you to have more on your mind.
SYDNEY: Why are you worrying about what's on my mind?
VAUGHN: It was a judgment call.
SYDNEY: It's a judgment call you've been making for the past three months!
VAUGHN: Involving you had no upside.
SYDNEY: There's no upside to keeping me informed? You didn't tell me about Monolo or that you had discussions with my mother! You didn't even tell me that you were seeing Alice again!
VAUGHN: Wait. What is this about?
SYDNEY: This is about me being too old to be coddled!
VAUGHN: Your life is complicated, Sydney! Forgive me for trying to make it any easier!
SYDNEY: I don't need you for that!
(She walks out, leaving Vaughn standing alone.)
(Jack sits at a computer, typing. He receives an e-mail.)
SLOANE: (voice over) Jack, I'm sending this through a secure server. I'm sorry. I informed Ariana Kane that you visited my house last night. Not because I believe you're guilty -- I don't -- but because I had to. This past summer, when I was initiated into the Alliance, a device was implanted into my neck.
(Flashback: Sloane is injected in front of Christophe and the other Alliance heads in London.)
SLOANE: (voice over) It was intended as a means of ensuring loyalty among Alliance partners. Among other things, this device tracks my whereabouts as well as my vital signs.
(Everyone claps.)
SLOANE: (voice over) It also transmits my conversations back to the Alliance.
(Back at the ops center, Jack continues reading.)
SLOANE: (voice over) So, you see, they already knew you'd been to see me. You offered many suspects but all your leads were d*ad ends. Now I offer one of my own.
(Flashback: "The Prophecy". Sloane waits in the bushes in Montreal, watching Jean near the fountain.)
SLOANE: (voice over) Last year, I m*rder a member of the Alliance, Jack. Jean Briault.
(He sh**t him in the chest and walks away.)
SLOANE: (voice over) You can understand why I was reluctant to reveal this.
(In the ops center, Jack walks to Irina's cell, holding a printed off copy of Sloane's e-mail.)
SLOANE: (voice over) It is quite possible that the blackmailer was stirred by revenge. That he -- or she -- was close to Briault. Stay safe, Jack. Good luck.
(Irina is meditating on the floor of her cell.)
(Cut to later. Irina is holding the sheet of paper now, having read it over.)
JACK: Briault has a wife and an adult son but neither would have the necessary insight to blackmail the Alliance and the other partners considered Briault soft. No one was sad to see him go.
IRINA: So you have nothing.
(Jack gives a little, helpless shrug.)
IRINA: Are you considering going into witness protection?
JACK: That would leave Sydney exposed with no one to watch her back.
IRINA: You'd have to take her with you.
JACK: And have her spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder? That's not an option.
IRINA: Then if you're not here to say goodbye, why did you bring this to me?
JACK: I need someone to brainstorm with.
IRINA: Surely the CIA has teams who specialize in these matters. Forensics, profilers...
JACK: Yes. They do.
IRINA: Have information resources pull everything they have on Briault.
(Sloane walks in the halls of SD-6, an angry look on his face. He whips open an office door and confronts Kane, who sits behind a desk.)
SLOANE: I understand you have requested Sydney Bristow's computer.
KANE: Well, three months ago Agent Dixon reported evidence suggesting she's a double agent.
SLOANE: That was a misunderstanding. Dixon came upon Sydney as she was executing an operation that Jack had authorized.
KANE: Yes, I read your report. I think either she was an accomplice to his blackmail or else the two of them have been up to something more... long-term. You must have noticed that Bristow frequently assigns his daughter to operations of his own design.
SLOANE: Sydney Bristow is an excellent agent.
KANE: All the more reason he would enlist her help.
(He rips open the door again and leaves.)
(At the ops center, Vaughn tells Sydney her countermission. They're standing far apart and Sydney's looking anywhere but at Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Once you recover the gyroscope you and Dixon will separate for your flights home. Our team will be set up in this utility room where they'll duplicate the gyroscope. (pissed) Any questions?
SYDNEY: Maybe you should go over it again. It's a pretty complicated plan. Maybe you could make it easier.
VAUGHN: Okay, look, I don't want to be here any more than you do--
WEISS: Hey! Look who's joining you in France!
SYDNEY: (smiles) Hey.
WEISS: "Hey"? Three months in the hospital, I get a "hey"? How about a little sugar?
(She hugs him.)
SYDNEY: I'm glad you're back.
WEISS: Oh, thank you. And thank you for the plant. Amazingly, I've been able to keep it alive. All right, bring me up to speed. What's our plan?
(Sydney and Vaughn exchange angry looks.)
SYDNEY: I should get to my plane.
(She walks away.)
VAUGHN: (pissed) I'll see you in France.
WEISS: Okay...
(In the Nice airport, Dixon wears yellow sunglasses and poses as a priest holding a donation can.)
DIXON: Excusez-moi, monsieur. Une contribution, monsieur?
(Coin clinks in his can.)
DIXON: Ha ha ha! Merci beaucoup! Nothing yet, Syd. No sign of the courier.
(Sydney sits in a different part of the airport, reading a magazine.)
SYDNEY: Copy that. Just let me know when to move.
DIXON: You know what?
DIXON: I've already made forty-seven euros.
(Again with the number forty-seven. Sydney smiles.)
DIXON: Merci!
(In the utility room, Weiss nods at another agent, holding two cups of coffee.)
(He gives one cup to Vaughn and sits down across from him.)
WEISS: You sure you don't want to talk about this?
VAUGHN: There's nothing to talk about.
WEISS: I share my fights with you!
VAUGHN: No you don't.
WEISS: Yeah, I do. Remember when Alan pissed in the living room?
VAUGHN: That was your dog.
WEISS: Yeah, but I was angry about it and I let you know how upset I was.
VAUGHN: I appreciate you trying to cheer me up. You don't have to do that.
WEISS: All right, here's a thought. Tell her how you feel.
(Vaughn gives him a look.)
WEISS: I know, I know, I was the one who said this is a line you don't cross but that was before I nearly died. And you know what they say about the white light and all that? No. They're wrong. It's darkness. Darkness.
VAUGHN: I understand.
(Back out in the airport.)
DIXON: Game time, Syd. Here comes our guy.
(Schatz and two other men are walking towards Dixon. Dixon pushes up his yellow sunglasses which enable him to see through Schatz's jacket. He sees the gyroscope.)
DIXON: Gyroscope is in a shoulder harness, under his left pec. You can use the Artful Dodger.
SYDNEY: Right.
(She takes off her ring.)
MARSHALL: (voice over) Now, if it's not in his briefcase and it's in his pocket...
(Flashback to Marshall at SD-6 with Dixon and Sydney, showing the ring.)
MARSHALL: ...here is a little goody every pickpocket can use. I like to call this baby the Artful Dodger. You know, after that movie. Um...
DIXON: "Oliver!"
MARSHALL: Right. "Please sir, can I have some more?" I love that movie. I'ts a good one. So, basically, you just turn this guy like that, slip it on, turn around and this little guy will cut through anything.
(Wearing the ring, he talks with his hands and passes his tie, which cuts the end off.)
MARSHALL: Damn it. I liked this tie.
(Sydney turns the ring around. Dixon stops Schatz and company.)
DIXON: Excusez-moi, monsieur. Une contribution pour les enfants.
GUY: Non, merci.
DIXON: Monsieur! Pour les enfants, monsieur!
(They keep walking.)
DIXON: Better hurry, Syd.
(Sydney walks, wearing red fishnet stockings and sporting a tattoo on one arm with purple hair and a dog collar around her neck. She swings her hips, walking with much attitude. Approaching the metal detector near Dixon, she passes by Schatz and his men, going ahead of them.)
DIXON: Syd, move!
SYDNEY: (New York accent) How you doin'?
(She passes through and it beeps. The security guy speaks French at her, telling her to go through again.)
SYDNEY: It wasn't me!
(He motions to her bracelets and necklace, to take it off. She starts taking it all off.)
SYDNEY: Damn machine, that happens every time I go through these.
(He tells her it's for security.)
SYDNEY: Whatevah. At JFK I went through five times, they literally had me take off my sirt.
(She takes out the really large earring she was wearing, throws it down in the basket. Giving the guy a look, she passes through the detector again. Dixon watches. Under his donation can is a button. He presses it, which sets off the metal detector.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my gawd!
(He takes her by the arm.)
SYDNEY: Watch the hand. Hey, it's not a date!
(He tells her he's taking her aside when she sees Schatz being escorted through the metal detectors. Now or never.)
SYDNEY: I see, you wanna get your thrills?
(She takes off her shirt, showing off her vinyl/leather bra underneath. She goes through the metal detector at the same time as him, bumping into his chest.)
(Sydney takes the gyroscope out of his harness.)
SYDNEY: (flirting) Excusez-moi.
(On the other side, she stands there in her leather bra and gives the security guy another look. She passes through and Dixon doesn't press the button. No beep.)
SECURITY: Merci, mademoiselle.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(She puts the gyroscope in her skeleton bag.)
DIXON: Good work. I'll see you in LA.
(With her shirt back on, Sydney walks in the utility room. Vaughn's on the phone but Weiss comes up to her.)
WEISS: Good work.
VAUGHN: Base ops, this is Boy Scout. Mountaineer has just delivered the package. We're proceeding with the copy.
(He hangs up and looks at her, still in her purple hair and costume.)
VAUGHN: We're estimating two hours 'til the duplicate is ready.
(Sydney looks at him briefly, still angry. Vaughn looks at Weiss who motions to her. He looks down, working up the courage.)
VAUGHN: Listen, uh, do you want to go to dinner? When we were driving into town I saw this place. Rousseau, I think it's called.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, we... we can't do that.
VAUGHN: Why not?
SYDNEY: Well, for a million reasons. If Alliance security sees us together they'll k*ll us.
VAUGHN: The nearest Alliance cell is in Zurich. The CIA tracks SD-6 security section. There haven't been any signals, no movement.
SYDNEY: You're serious.
VAUGHN: We've been to restaurants and sat near each other. We've met in parks and convenience stores, and all of them in LA where we are much more likely to be seen. Look, two things -- one, I think it's not that great a risk and two, I am hungry. I'm starving. I mean, we're going to be together anyway, why can't we be eating? Aren't you hungry?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I'm hungry.
SYDNEY: Let's do it.
SYDNEY: (nods) I'm going to change.
VAUGHN: (laughs) That's a good idea.
(She walks away. Weiss comes over.)
VAUGHN: We're going to dinner.
WEISS: Ooooh yah!
(He does a little dance.)
VAUGHN: I'm going to keep my comm channel open. I need you to monitor the RF frequency.
WEISS: Got it. Okay. In exchange I'll take an eclair.
VAUGHN: No, I'm serious. Any suspect signal, I want to know about it. Anything.
WEISS: If they're small, bring at least two. How we doing over here?
(Back in LA, there's a knock at Kane's SD-6 office.)
HELPER AGENT: Sydney Bristow just left the airport accompanied by a man. Not Dixon.
KANE: Find out who he is.
(At Rousseau's, Vaughn and Sydney are brought inside by the owner. Vaughn tells him in French that they're from L'Avignon.)
ROUSSEAU: Well, you speak French almost as well as I do. Mademoiselle.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(He takes her jacket and they both sit down.)
ROUSSEAU: See what you like and I'll be right back.
VAUGHN: Merci.
(He smiles at her. She opens the menu and then looks over at him. He looks at her. Awkward pause.)
SYDNEY: I think wine would help the situation.
VAUGHN: I was just thinking the same thing. S'il vous plait?
(It's not wine, but Irina pours water from a bottle, into her glass. Jack is in her cell and they're sitting at a table with Chinese food and papers spread out everywhere.)
IRINA: There must be a dozen ways to blackmail the Alliance, all of them far less elaborate than this one.
JACK: So we can assume a secondary objective to make Arvin suffer. Someone harboring an acute hatred... meaning it could be anyone.
IRINA: Does the Alliance have any permanent operations in Peru?
JACK: Peru? No. Why?
IRINA: Jean Briault, whenever he traveled he would use his credit card. Except here. Six times this past year he went to Lima but not a single transaction.
(She passes the sheet to Jack.)
JACK: I think there's a customs statement...
(He finds it.)
JACK: Six arrivals into Chavez airport, each time he declared seventy thousand in cash.
IRINA: Why? What's he doing with all that money? No investments, he's not buying art. Is it possible he was running his own syndicate?
JACK: One the Alliance wasn't aware of. He can't wire his agents operational money, the Alliance would spot that. So he bankrolls them in Peru. Assume we're right. Why would they want revenge for his m*rder? I'll have customs send over all arrivals and depatures into Peru for one week on either side of Briault's visits.
(He gets up, gathering a few things.)
IRINA: When I was your wife...
(He stops and looks at her.)
IRINA: I would meet my case officer in his hotel room. I suggest you find out where Briault stayed and pull the hotel security footage.
(At the restaurant, Vaughn and Sydney are into the wine.)
SYDNEY: So I heard you on the phone with base ops. Your code name is Boy Scout?
VAUGHN: (laughs) Yeah.
VAUGHN: Um, it goes back to CST -- clandestine service training. You don't want to hear this.
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
VAUGHN: Okay, the Boy Scouts have a motto--
SYDNEY: Always be prepared.
VAUGHN: (nods) On my first day, I showed up and I had forgotten my field manual so the instructor said, "That is your one screwup. And from then on, you'd better be prepared."
WEISS: (on comm) This story is a disaster!
(Vaughn looks humiliated, gestures to his ear where his comm link is.)
WEISS: (on comm) Just tell her she's pretty! Are you an idiot?
VAUGHN: Okay, I'm going to turn you off now. Goodbye.
(He takes out the earpiece.)
VAUGHN: Sorry.
(Outside the restaurant, two men sit in a car.)
MAN1: He's not SD-6.
MAN2: Check his DMV.
MAN1: What makes you think he's American?
MAN2: What makes you think he isn't?
(The computer on MAN1's lap starts flicking through facial recognition pictures, looking to identify Vaughn.)
MAN2: Who's our mystery man?
(Back inside.)
VAUGHN: Tell me about your pets.
VAUGHN: Your pets. I want to know about every pet you ever had.
(Outside, the computer brings up Vaughn's California license.)
MAN1: Look at that. Michael Vaughn. US Department of State.
MAN2: Son of a bitch. He's CIA.
(Inside, more wine is being had.)
SYDNEY: Playing pool. I can see it.
VAUGHN: You should play sometime.
ROUSSEAU: So you liked everything?
SYDNEY: C'etait tres bon, merci.
VAUGHN: Parfait.
ROUSSEAU: So, uh, it is too late for you to set out for L'Avignon and you had much to drink. Upstairs, I have an inn and tonight, you are my guests. Please.
(He places the room key on the table.)
ROUSSEAU: Take your time. Merci.
(Sydney looks at Vaughn. He leans in.)
VAUGHN: Did you ask him to do that?
SYDNEY: (smiles) There are so many issues with this, I don't know where to begin.
VAUGHN: Hold on a second. I think we should have an open mind about this.
SYDNEY: An open mind.
VAUGHN: It'd be rude to overlook such a generous offer without proper consideration.
SYDNEY: I wouldn't dream of it.
SYDNEY: But there are clearly issues.
VAUGHN: Yes. I don't disagree.
(He smiles at her.)
(In the utility room at the airport, the duplicate is almost ready.)
WEISS: Right on time.
(The phone rings.)
WEISS: Go ahead, base ops.
(Rick is back at the ops center in LA.)
RICK: Infosec just called. Interpol reported a network intrusion. Five minutes later someone hacked into US DMV and downloaded Vaughn's info. Both att*cks originated from Nice.
(Weiss scrambles for his headset.)
WEISS: Boy Scout, do you copy? Boy Scout! This is field station, do you respond? What's the name of the restaurant? Where they're having dinner, what's the name of the restaurant!
(At the restaurant.)
ROUSSEAU: Monsieur, vous avez le telephone.
VAUGHN: Merci.
(He takes it. The two men from outside enter the restaurant.)
VAUGHN: Hello?
WEISS: You've been made! Get out of there now!
VAUGHN: Syd, behind you!
(She turns around fast and takes their wine bottle, throwing it at the g*ons. She flies by the counter, hiding. Vaughn takes out his g*n and sh**t at the two men. They sh**t back. Vaughn and Sydney run out the back way, down the hall.)
MAN2: Go, go!
(Vaughn and Sydney escape through the kitchen, running down the stairs in the back of the building. They run side by side down an alleyway when a car comes. They stop and start running back, but MAN1 is there. He sh**t at their feet. Sydney and Vaughn raise their hands, trapped. MAN2 gets out of the car.)
MAN2: Hands up!
MAN1: Your g*n. Toss it over.
(Vaughn does so, sliding it across the pave.)
MAN1: On your knees! Hands behind your head!
MAN2: Down!
MAN1: Down, get down!
(MAN2 gets on the phone while MAN1 handcuffs Sydney.)
MAN2: Potesh, Jon. ID six-tango-five-charlie-david. Patch me through to Los Angeles. Ariana Kane.
(Sydney and Vaughn hear this. As MAN1 is about to handcuff Vaughn, he grabs the Kn*fe strapped to his leg and s*ab the guy in the throat. Using the body as a shield, he takes the goon's g*n and sh**t at MAN2, who falls to the ground. Vaughn grabs the handcuff key off the ground nearby and unlocks Sydney.)
VOICE ON PHONE: This is Kane. Hello? Hello?
(Sydney grabs the phone which is on the ground next to MAN2's body and hangs it up. Vaughn makes sure that MAN1 is d*ad. He puts a key in Sydney's hand.)
VAUGHN: Take the car. I'll have Weiss pick me up.
SYDNEY: I'll pick up the copy of the gyroscope before I get on the plane.
VAUGHN: No! We're aborting the countermission. When these guys don't show up, SD-6 is going to investigate.
SYDNEY: No, no, no...
VAUGHN: Now they can't prove anything but this is the one time we can't deceive them.
SYDNEY: No, no, there have to be other options...
VAUGHN: We have to give SD-6 what they want, as dangerous as that is, you know that.
SYDNEY: We were so stupid.
VAUGHN: It's my fault.
SYDNEY: That's not true.
(A siren wails in the distance.)
VAUGHN: You have to go.
SYDNEY: I'll see you back in LA.
(Sydney runs off in one direction. Vaughn grabs his g*n from the ground and runs in the opposite direction.)
(At the ops center, Vaughn types on a computer. Weiss walks up.)
WEISS: This your uh, debrief for Kendall?
WEISS: (reads) Okay, you can't show him this. No, I'm serious. If Kendall sees this--
VAUGHN: He needs to know why SD-6 has the real gyroscope.
WEISS: I agree. I think so, too. But this requires a little creativity. Look, tell him it was my fault, okay? Tell him that, um, grinding the lenses took a little longer than expected and we weren't ble to make Sydney's plane.
VAUGHN: I won't let you cover for me.
WEISS: I'm not but it's partially my fault too. I'm the one who told you to take her on a date.
VAUGHN: You told me to tell her how I feel.
WEISS: Whatever. I'm three-months past a near death experience, what the hell are you doing listening to my advice for?
VAUGHN: I'm recommending that I be replaced as her case officer.
WEISS: Okay, now you're just being stupid. I'm sorry, but that's ridi--
VAUGHN: I nearly blew our entire operation inside SD-6. Not to mention putting Sydney's life in danger.
WEISS: Hey, she wanted to go to dinner, too. She's a big girl. She knew the risks.
VAUGHN: My point is that my judgment was compromised.
WEISS: Not to mention the fact that all the damage that you and Sydney have done to SD-6 -- have you given any thought to the fact that maybe all that work was done because of the way you feel about each other? (pause) How's that for spin.
VAUGHN: It's not bad.
WEISS: Well, whatever you decide to do, just make sure you discuss this with Sydney first, okay? I mean, this affects her too.
(Jack walks up to Rick, who's at his own computer.)
JACK: Anything?
RICK: When Briault went to Peru, he stayed at Hotel Cerocontidad. We're scanning everyone who passes through the lobby. If he went with any assets they'll show up on the federal databse.
(Jack looks at the security footage.)
JACK: This is Briault?
RICK: That's him last February. That's him 2001, November. 2001, September...
JACK: Stop. Who's that with him? Can we enhance this?
RICK: The shadows are pretty severe, I can boost the gamma.
JACK: Are they together?
RICK: Let me try something here. This won't be perfect.
(He brightens the person behind Briault in the hallway and blows it up. It's Ariana Kane.)
(Jack walks down a hall. Kendall catches up.)
KENDALL: Jack, I just saw McCarthy.
JACK: Did he tell you about Kane?
KENDALL: Yeah, she and Briault were having an affair?
JACK: I can't stand that I didn't put that together myself.
KENDALL: He also says you're going to SD-6.
JACK: To prove Kane blackmailed the Alliance.
KENDALL: And you know this how?
JACK: The very day Sloane handed over a hundred million in bearer bonds, Kane opened an account in Monaco. The contents of that account are protected by privacy laws but SD-6 utilizes their cover as Credit Dauphine to acquire illicit access to that information. If I can get on their network, I can verify her balance.
KENDALL: But this is based on your assumption that Kane just parked a hundred million in the bank. My point is, if you're wrong they'll k*ll you. Let me contact the director, the CIA can verify what's in the account.
JACK: He'd have to get general counsel to sign off. That's minimum forty-eight hours. I may be safe here but if they haven't already they'll soon begin to suspect Sydney. But I appreciate the offer.
(Inside SD-6, Jack walks down a hall, nods at an agent, and looks back and forth before turning a corner. He enters an office.)
(In Kane's office, her helper opens the door.)
HELPER AGENT: Jack Bristow's here. He's in the building. Security lock shows he came in two minutes ago.
KANE: Seal the exits! No one leaves until we find him. Who monitors close-circuit?
(In the server room, Jack types. He punches in the account ID number. Account balance: $0.00 He begins typing again.)
(Jack walks down a hall, turns a corner and finds Helper Agent.)
JACK: Can I help you?
HELPER AGENT: Yes. Come with us, please.
(Jack turns, trying to get away, but he's sh*t in the back and falls.)
(The t*rture/conversation room. The same doctor they always use fills up a syringe. Jack is strapped into the chair and comes to, very groggy.)
KANE: Hello, Jack. There's a plane waiting to take us to London but I thought we should wait for your daughter to return before we left. I came here to investigate a blackmail but... you've proven far more compelling than a simple thief.
JACK: I know... what you did...
KANE: Do you? I'm eager to hear what that may be.
(The doctor injects him.)
KANE: Sodium pentothal. Won't take more than a few minutes. Then we'll talk about Sydney.
(His eyelids flutter. The door is suddenly opened and Jack watches as Sloane and a few other men walk in. Kane is seen telling them to get out of there. They take her by the arms.)
JACK: (voice over) Five minutes longer and I would have told everything. Sydney and I would have been revealed as double agents and k*lled.
(They unbuckle the straps and Jack is taken out of the chair. Sloane talks to the doctor. An arm around Sloane, Jack is being taken out of the room.)
JACK: (voice over) Fortunately, Sloane saw the e-mail that I sent him from the server room, detailing what I discovered.
(Screaming and resisting, Ariana is put into the chair and strapped in.)
JACK: (voice over) Ariana Kane had in fact deposited the bearer bonds into that Monaco account but only long enough to convert them into cash which she then transferred out.
(A syringe is brought to her arm as she screams.)
IRINA: (voice over) And have they recovered the cash?
JACK: (voice over) Not yet.
(Irina's cell. This time Jack's on the other side of the glass.)
IRINA: And Arvin never questioned why you ran?
JACK: No, he realizes Kane was on a witch hunt, that running was a valid option. In fact, he's taking a week off and leaving me in charge while he's gone. Thank you for everything.
(She smiles.)
IRINA: There is one thing that strikes me as odd.
JACK: Yes. Me too.
IRINA: You said Sloane requested Kane to investigate.
JACK: The one person who had an apparent motive for blackmail.
IRINA: Someone easy to frame.
JACK: Interesting theory.
IRINA: Or not.
SYDNEY: Hey. What did Kendall say?
VAUGHN: He told me about your father. He didn't mention anything about our date, if that's what you mean.
SYDNEY: Have you written your mission debrief?
VAUGHN: No, not yet. If I tell the truth, at the least, they'll remove me as your case officer. Despite what we did, how stupid we were, I know we do good work. We need to stay together.
SYDNEY: I agree. We do good work.
(She gives him the gyroscope.)
VAUGHN: I don't understand.
SYDNEY: When I got back to SD-6 and saw my father it was clear no one would be asking questions about Kane's missing agents so I gave SD-6 the counterfeit gyroscope. This is the real one. We win.
VAUGHN: At the airport, you took them both.
SYDNEY: Always be prepared.
(Francie and Sydney sit on their sofa, eating popcorn. Francie flips through a magazine.)
FRANCIE: So I had a blood test today for the health insurance and there was this guy there, giving blood. And he's kinda cute so I look over and I smile at him. And guess what happens?
SYDNEY: He fainted.
FRANCIE: You just guessed that he--?
SYDNEY: It's a blood sugar thing.
FRANCIE: Okay, well, fine, before I realized that I was pretty psyched. I was thinking, "My smile made a man go weak in the knees." Hey, ooh, how was--uh, any news about that guy Michael from work?
SYDNEY: No. There's not going to be. I realized, it's not worth fantasizing about. Nothing's ever going to come of it.
FRANCIE: Right. Okay. Get your coat, we're going for cocktails.
SYDNEY: Oh, no, Francie.
FRANCIE: I'm serious, you need the biggest Cosmopolitan, I can't even tell you. Come on. Up, up, up, up, girl. We're gonna paint this town. Come on, shake this off.
(At Francie's restaurant, the girls drink and laugh together.)
(At the ops center, Vaughn types his debrief on the computer.)
(In an office somewhere, Sloane opens a briefcase full of money. The nerdy guy he's showing it to nods and turns around, presenting a gold wedding band to him. He puts it near Sloane and it buzzes with frequency.)
NERD: Damn. I'm good.
SLOANE: It's working?
NERD: What did I tell you? You asked me if this was possible, I say give me three months. Look at that. Eighty-nine days later.
SLOANE: They can't hear us.
NERD: Nope. The hard part was cracking the spread spectrum algorithm. The transmission in here has to match their receiver exactly. You see that? That's the switch.
SLOANE: What are my associates hearing?
NERD: I programmed in a variety of ambiant sounds. Rain, TV chatter. Right now you're cruising down the 405 listening to Miles Davis.
SLOANE: And biorhythms?
NERD: Piece of cake. EKG readings, breathing patterns. As far as they know, you're as steady as Charlie Watts.
(He looks at the money.)
NERD: Ten mil. Holy God.
(Sloane puts on his new wedding ring and starts to walk out.)
NERD: Must feel good.
SLOANE: What's that?
NERD: Being able to speak freely. Nobody knowing your business.
SLOANE: Yeah. It does.
(He takes out his g*n and sh**t him in the chest once. Sloane steps forward, coming closer, and sh**t him again.)
(The Philippines. On a sandy beach, Sloane is dressed in symbolic white. He walks and then stops, taking off his glasses. He comes to a beach house and steps up on the porch. The door opens.)
SLOANE: We did it.
(Emily steps out on the porch with him.)
EMILY: Are you sure? Are you sure it worked?
SLOANE: Yes, my love. We're free.
(They kiss. Emily puts her hand on his back... with one finger missing.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x12 - The Getaway"} | foreverdreaming |
"Phase One"
(Red door. The door opens and Sydney is standing there wearing a black bra and pantiesr, stockings, and a little lingerie waist-length robe. She sashays down a hallway and stands in the doorway. She poses. A man is sitting in a chair eating shrimp and drinking champagne. A bodyguard stands nearby. They look her over.)
MAN: (in French) No. Put on the red one.
(He looks at his bodyguard and they smirk. The red door opens again, just like before, but now Sydney is wearing a f*re engine red bra and panty set, without the stockings. She poses in the doorway.)
MAN: (in French) Not bad. That's better.
(He stands and motions for the bodyguard to leave. They speak in French. Sydney moves over to the window and looks out. We're on an airplane in the sky. The man looks at her. Sydney is on a bed, on her side, posing. He unzips his sweater and climbs on. He murmurs in French as she gets on top of him. Putting her hands behind his head to get in real close, she grabs a wire on her bracelet and pulls it around his neck, flipping him over on his stomach and climbing on his back.)
SYDNEY: What was wrong with the black one? Do you think it's comfortable wearing clothes like this?
(He struggles and chokes with the wire around his neck, and tries pushing a button near the bed.)
SYDNEY: This isn't my first day on the job, I disconnected your call button! I know who you are. I know what this plane is!
MAN: I don't know what you're talking about!
SYDNEY: Tell me how to access server forty-seven!
(He doesn't give it up so she pulls on the wire to tighten it. He chokes.)
MAN: Over there! Behind the frame, there's a terminal!
(Sydney elbows him in the face and lets go. He falls to the bed. She runs over to a framed picture on the wall and pushes on it. It flips over to reveal a keyboard and a flat computer monitor. She types and gets out a hidden briefcase. In it is a pair of pants, a shirt, a g*n, and a computer transmitting device. She plugs it into the computer.)
SYDNEY: We're transmitting.
(She puts on the pants and buttons up the shirt over her red underwear. She grabs the g*n and opens the door. She cocks her g*n, points. She turns a corner. Nobody is there. She opens a door but it's just hanging parachutes. She looks around and goes to another door. She opens it and sees it's just a mirror but then feels a g*n at her neck.)
BODYGUARD: (French) Don't move. On your knees. Drop your g*n.
(Sydney pauses and then tosses it back on the floor. He looks and she kicks him. He jumps up and she kicks him twice, he punches her. She grabs a serving bowl and hits him with it. He kicks it away and gets a Kn*fe out, jabbing at her, with Sydney moving out of the way. She blocks it with a tray and hits him with it. The bodyguard throws her aside. She takes the champagne bottle and hits him with it, knocking him back. Sydney kicks him hard and he falls to the ground. She hears a g*n cocking. She turns to see the other man pointing a g*n at her. He sh**t.)
(Sunny day in Los Angeles, 24 hours earlier. Sydney jogs through the park. A dog runs with its master and crosses Sydney's path. People throw a Frisbee back and forth. She drops a coin in the homeless man's cup.)
HOMELESS MAN: Mountaineer requests covert entry.
(In the control room at the ops center, the agents watch the monitors.)
AGENT: Roger that. Mountaineer is clear for entry.
(At the broken phone, Sydney pushes the buttons and the door opens. Looking over her shoulder once, she goes inside.)
(In the ops center, she walks with Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: Okay, so what's the new intel?
VAUGHN: Kendall wouldn't say. He wants to wait for the meeting.
SYDNEY: So I just ran by the park and there were, like, millions of people. People just playing Frisbee, having picnics.
VAUGHN: I know, what are people doing in the middle of the work day?
SYDNEY: Right. Just in the middle of the day, hanging out?
(Kendall walks through.)
KENDALL: Let's move. Did you tell her about the transfers?
VAUGHN: Some recruits from Langley are going to be observing. Now wait... before the meeting...
(He takes her through a door into a private hallway. They lean against the wall.)
VAUGHN: I'm going to say something and it will either be obvious to you or seem presumptuous. Either way, I got to say it. This isn't working. I've been thinking about this for a while. I don't know what the hell to do.
VAUGHN: I think you know what.
SYDNEY: I need you to tell me.
VAUGHN: You need me to tell you what? That when you're on operations, I can't sleep at night. That when we're in debrief I have to force myself to remember what the hell we're supposed to be reviewing. When all I want to do is kiss you.
SYDNEY: Sometimes it is hard to remember what we're supposed to be talking about.
VAUGHN: That's what I'm talking about. And the thing that makes me crazy every day is that the people who would k*ll us if we're seen together -- the Alliance, SD-6, Sloane -- are the very forces that brought you into my life to begin with. What kind of a sick joke is that?
SYDNEY: So what are you thinking? That maybe we shouldn't be working together?
VAUGHN: That's what I was thinking but then I thought, we are great together.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: And the more we work together, the sooner the Alliance gets destroyed.
SYDNEY: So what are you suggesting?
(Weiss enters.)
WEISS: What is this, the flirting corner?
VAUGHN: Uh, we're talking.
WEISS: Yeah, I figured that out. Uh, there's a meeting. National security, remember that? It's important... for the people?
SYDNEY: We'll be right there.
(He leaves. They smile at each other and leave as well.)
(In a meeting room, Jack, Sydney, Weiss, Vaughn, Kendall and some others are sitting down.)
KENDALL: Arvin Sloane. As most of you know, Sloane is the acting director of SD-6. For those of you new to the fun and games, SD-6 is an arm of the Alliance, a worldwide organized crime syndicate responsible for w*apon trade, drug traffic, and m*rder. The Alliance keeps a dozen offices or cells, SD-1 through SD-12. We have identified the locations of seven of these cells, the rest is speculation. The agents Bristow -- Jack and Sydney -- have been working undercover at SD-6 tracking their objectives, operations, contacts. Working under Arvin Sloane... until now. We've intercepted communications which reveal that the Alliance has picked someone to be Sloane's replacement. Anthony Geiger. Which is about as much as I can tell you about him. Geiger has no file at CIA, FBI, no police record, no overdue video rentals, nothing.
SYDNEY: Excuse me. Sloane's being replaced?
KENDALL: He's been MIA for five days. With Sloane gone and Geiger coming in, we no longer have access to their inner circle. So, Sydney and Jack, your assignment is to get close to Geiger, earn his trust, get back in that inner circle. That's it.
SYDNEY: Dad, the one person in the world I want brought to justice, he's disappeared.
JACK: I've been doing this a long time, Sydney. There's rarely an end to the story.
(He puts a hand on her shoulder and leaves.)
(SD-6. Sydney walks in and goes to her desk, sees Geiger in Sloane's old office with his back to her.)
DIXON: I don't like it. Whatever's happening here.
(Geiger's office. Sydney knocks and peers in.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me, Mr. Geiger?
SYDNEY: Sydney Bristow.
GEIGER: Come in, sit down.
(She does so. He opens a file on her and looks at it.)
GEIGER: Let's see...
SYDNEY: I just wanted to introduce myself. Say hello.
GEIGER: What can you tell me about Danny?
SYDNEY: What would you like to know?
GEIGER: You were engaged?
GEIGER: Well, tell me something more.
SYDNEY: I assume you mean how Danny died. I told him the truth -- that I worked for SD-6. Security section discovered this, they told Sloane, Sloane had him k*lled.
GEIGER: What kind of doctor was he going to be?
SYDNEY: Pediatric cardiologist.
GEIGER: Really? Well, that's unusual. Did he like kids?
SYDNEY: Danny had a younger brother who was... born with a condition, a heart condition, and they were told there was no treatment.
GEIGER: Mmmm. If the people I work for would assassinate my wife, I would not show up at the office the next day. So why come back? What for?
SYDNEY: The precepts of SD-6 were made clear to me when I was recruited. What happened was my fault. And I am a faithful officer of this agency.
GEIGER: Thanks for coming in.
(Sydney walks to her desk, Sark falls into step beside her.)
SARK: The new boss has a dreadful personality, don't you think?
SYDNEY: I've seen worse.
SARK: Am I supposed to take that personally?
SYDNEY: Sark, what do you want?
SARK: When I met with Geiger this morning, I left his office feeling as unstrung as you look.
SYDNEY: Just so you know, I'm fully strung.
SARK: We all have secrets, Sydney. And from what I've heard about Geiger, he'll discover them.
SYDNEY: What have you heard about Geiger?
SARK: Former German intelligence. Has more enemies than various other Germans we're familiar with. He seems to think Sloane is a traitor. He's already unlocked Sloane's secret files on server forty-seven.
SYDNEY: There are only forty-six servers.
SARK: Really? Well, he announced it to me as if it were a victory. "I've already hacked Sloane's files on server forty-seven."
(Self-storage building, Sydney and Jack walk in.)
SYDNEY: There's only one reason Sloane would keep secret the existence of a computer. Because this computer server forty-seven is a vulnerability.
JACK: Until you tell me what you're suggesting, I have nothing to respond to.
SYDNEY: I think there's a central Alliance computer, I think that's what server forty-seven is. A network that links all the SD cells. It makes sense, doesn't it?
JACK: I'm trying to find a flaw in this line of thought.
SYDNEY: I want to find this computer. If I'm right it could tell us everything -- names of the Alliance partners, locations of their offices--
JACK: Sydney.
SYDNEY: Dad, this could be the silver b*llet.
JACK: I'll get CIA to sanction it.
(At the ops center, Vaughn and Sydney walk to Weiss.)
VAUGHN: We tracked down server forty-seven. The reason you couldn't get a twenty on it is because it doesn't exist on this planet. It's in the sky. It's a 747 purchased by the Alliance in 1998. They retrofitted the interior to contain a secure server and a satellite uplink.
SYDNEY: They keep the computer airborne?
VAUGHN: It only lands for refueling. The Alliance has this man overseeing the operation. Gils Nacor. He's an accomplished computer security expert, he and his bodyguards travel with the server at all times.
SYDNEY: This guy spends his life on a plane with a computer?
WEISS: It's a really nice plane.
VAUGHN: How did they convince an upper-level asset to do that job, right? They provide him with women.
SYDNEY: Oh, you're kidding me.
WEISS: Nope. Twice a week, alternate airports in England and Spain. A high-end escort agency provides a new... friend.
SYDNEY: I have to be his friend.
VAUGHN: No, you just have to get him alone. The computer's in the belly of the plane but apparently there are terminal accesses in the main cabin.
WEISS: We're all going to Barcelona, we have a team set up there already. They'll ambush the drop-off of his latest date.
VAUGHN: But they'll delier you in her place. Just get onto the plane, get Nacor alone, access the server, and transmit the content to us. We'll be in a cargo jet flying at altitude.
WEISS: We have to stay within five thousand feet of you to receive your signal.
(He opens a case to reveal a pen and a pair of earrings.
WEISS: Here's your transmitter, the earrings will give you audio and video and op-tech has the rest of your gear. Guys, we should get to the plane.
(Over the Atlantic. In the cargo jet, Weiss and Vaughn sit and wait for the video to come.)
WEISS: Okay, whenever you want to have that talk...
VAUGHN: What talk?
WEISS: About the cologne or whatever the hell you're wearing.
VAUGHN: I'm not wearing cologne.
WEISS: Well, something's going on. No man naturally smells as good as you do right now.
(Video pops up, Sydney's point of view.)
WEISS: Okay, your camera's on. Here we go, here we go.
(In the sky, the two planes fly parallel. Sydney is in the black lingerie. They watch, eating and drinking.)
NACOR: (in French) No.
(Vaughn and Weiss watch. Nacor tells her to put the red one on.)
VAUGHN: That son of a bitch!
WEISS: Easy. Come on.
(Sydney comes out in the red one.)
VAUGHN: I swear I'm gonna k*ll this guy.
(Sydney is on the bed. He unzips his sweater and climbs on. The guys in the cargo plane get an up close sh*t of Nacor from Sydney's POV.)
WEISS: There's no way that guy smells as good as you.
VAUGHN: It's aftershave. I got a new aftershave.
WEISS: Yeah, well, I'd lighten up on it.
WEISS: Oh, yeah. To the point of non-use.
(Sydney has Nacor on his stomach, almost strangling him.)
SYDNEY: Tell me how to access server forty-seven!
NACOR: Behind the frame, there's a terminal!
(She elbows him in the face. The guys in the cargo plane are giddy, making "Yeah!" faces and gestures. Sydney turns the frame around.)
VAUGHN: All right, get going.
SYDNEY: We're transmitting.
VAUGHN: Got it.
SYDNEY: We should be at Heathrow in an hour.
VAUGHN: Team's already in place.
SYDNEY: I'm going to take out the guard.
(Dressed in her pants and shirt, from the beginning, she turns the corner with her g*n pointed. She opens the parachute closet. Nothing. She opens the other door. The guys in the cargo plane can see through the mirror in that closet that the bodyguard has the g*n pointed to Sydney's neck. The bodyguard tells her in French to drop to her knees.)
VAUGHN: Throw the g*n, make him reach for it!
(Sydney tosses it back. He turns and she kicks him. He jumps up. Vaughn watches Sydney's point of view as the bodyguard tries s*ab her with the Kn*fe. Sydney has the bottle, hits him with it. He falls. g*n cocks. Sydney turns and Nacor comes out with the g*n pointed. He sh**t. Sydney jumps out of the way as Nacor starts sh**ting.)
NACOR: You think you can steal from us, you little bitch?!
(Sydney, hiding from Nacor, turns and sees one of the windows in the plane. She sh**t at it, once, twice.)
VAUGHN: No! No, no, no, no, NO!
(With the window in the plane sh*t out, the air pressure drops and the door of the plane flies off, the bodyguard is sucked out of the plane and is thrown into the engine, causing a huge f*re. Everything starts bl*wing out of the plane, including one of the seats and Nacor. He flies out of the open door. Sydney is hanging on to a ledge inside, her body horizontal. The plane's going down. Sydney holds on to the table and slowly makes her way to the parachute closet she opened before. She manages to get her feet in the doorway and pulls herself in. She gets a parachute on and puts on the goggles. Straps herself in. Then she lets go of the doorway and flies out of the plane.)
VAUGHN: Oh, my God...
(Sydney releases the parachute and starts floating down. Weiss and Vaughn, both nervous wrecks, take off their headsets.)
WEISS: She's all yours.
(Back in Los Angeles, in the kitchen at Sydney, Francie and Will's, Francie and Will are about to cook some live lobsters.)
FRANCIE: Hey, guess what, Sydney's gonna be late again.
WILL: I know, she's missing all the dirty work. Look at these guys.
(He takes two live lobsters out of the bin.)
FRANCIE: Oh, oh no.
WILL: It's gonna be fine.
FRANCIE: I hate this part.
(He drops them into the pot of boiling water.)
WILL: Okay, the suspense is k*lling me. What's the occasion?
FRANCIE: The restaurant is actually making a profit.
WILL: After only six months? Is that even possible?
FRANCIE: Yes. Hence the lobster dinner. Seriously, if anyone would have told me last year that I would be making this work -- my own restaurant... it's just--it's just unbelievable.
WILL: I guess this is a really bad time to tell you I have to quit, right? I got a job working for a travel magazine. I mean, it's not The New York Times, but I am writing for a living.
FRANCIE: Will, that is genius!
WILL: Is it?
FRANCIE: I love that you're writing again, that's fantastic!
WILL: You're okay with it?
FRANCIE: Yeah, like I can't find another waiter in Los Angeles!
WILL: Oh, Francie, you're the best.
FRANCIE: Well, congratulations!
WILL: You, too.
(She kisses him on the lips. They stop. Then they kiss each other again and start making out in the kitchen.)
(Sydney is at the ops center. Vaughn walks up to her and hands over some sheets of paper.)
VAUGHN: Analysis got done with the hard drive.
(She looks through them briefly and looks at him.)
(Self-storage with Sydney, Vaughn, Kendall and Jack who is reading the documents intently.)
SYDNEY: Sir, this is our chance to destroy the Alliance now!
KENDALL: Miss Bristow, I understand what the papers suggest but you don't rush an operation like this!
VAUGHN: Sir, as soon as the Alliance realizes there's a breach in their system this information won't be valid!
KENDALL: You may recall the 150 pounds of C-4 buried in the subbasement of SD-6 and probably every other SD cell! If this itnel is wrong and we move on it, we're talking about the deaths of hundreds of civilians!
JACK: The answer is in the document. According to the information you retrieved, each SD cell uses a code which changes weekly to operate their security system. The current code is listed right here.
VAUGHN: So you're saying w eneed to get into SD-6 and find out what the actual code is right now?
SYDNEY: If it matches the one in the document, then the rest of the intel is real.
KENDALL: In which case I could go to Langley about raiding the Alliance facilities.
VAUGHN: Do we have the current SD-6 code?
JACK: No. But I can get it.
Francie's restaurant. Sydney, Francie and Will sit at a table together. Francie and Will are sitting on one side, talking in hushed tones. Sydney watches them with interest and takes a sip of her wine.)
FRANCIE: Did you like the salmon, Will? Have you tried it?
WILL: I was going to say that, actually.
FRANCIE: Really?
WILL: Yeah, I thought it was great. I thought it was amazing.
FRANCIE: Really?
WILL: Yeah, what was that? A new sauce?
FRANCIE: Yeah, it was, yeah.
WILL: It was great.
FRANCIE: Thank you. I'm glad you noticed it. Thanks.
WILL: Did you know the guy at table forty-five?
FRANCIE: No, I don't know him, no.
WILL: He was totally looking at you.
FRANCIE: He was not looking at me.
SYDNEY: What's going on?
WILL: What? What do you mean?
SYDNEY: You guys are both acting like you're on drugs.
FRANCIE: Uh, well, um... we sort of made out.
SYDNEY: Oh, my God.
WILL: Okay, this is too weird.
(He gets up and leaves. The girls giggle.)
(In Geiger's office, McCullough walks in.)
MCCULLOUGH: You called for me?
GEIGER: I've been reviewing Mr. Sloane's work. I found an e-mail that struck me as curious. Is SD-6 running a program recording keystrokes at each desktop?
MCCULLOUGH: Yes, sir. Of course.
GEIGER: Well, then, why don't you sit down. I'd like you to play back what Arvin Sloane was typing.
(Outside the restaurant, Sydney and Will leave together.)
SYDNEY: Literally. Every detail now.
WILL: We were in the kitchen and all of a sudden we were...
SYDNEY: I can't believe this. I'm like, I'm in shock.
WILL: Good shock?
SYDNEY: No, great shock! I mean, is this a one-time thing?
WILL: I don't know, I don't know. You know the weird part? The really weird part? It wasn't weird.
SYDNEY: I'm going to have so much fun with this!
(Will laughs.)
(McCullough is typing and brings up the keystrokes of an e-mail from Sloane to Alain Christophe.)
MCCULLOUGH: Here we go. This is a playback of Arvin Sloane as he wrote the e-mail in question.
GEIGER: Okay. Wait, he wrote something and then erased it. Play it back slow.
MCCULLOUGH: Certainly.
(The deleted section comes up, line by line. A part of it says "Jack and Sydney Bristow are double agents.")
(At SD-6, Jack walks down a hall and goes into a boardroom. He sits down at a computer and starts typing. Geiger enters.)
GEIGER: Jack Bristow?
(Jack stands up.)
GEIGER: Anthony Geiger.
JACK: I've been looking forward to this.
GEIGER: Me as well.
(The doors close.)
(At the ops center, Sydney's cell rings. Vaughn sits nearby.)
JACK: Sydney, it's me. I'm talking to Mr. Geiger, he'd like you to come in right away. Oh, and take surface streets, they're doing some work on the freeway.
(Sydney is stunned. Tears in her eyes. She can barely talk.)
SYDNEY: Okay... I will...
JACK: See you soon.
(They hang up. Sydney stands up and puts her back to Vaughn. She's panting and crying.)
VAUGHN: Did he get the code? Syd?
SYDNEY: He was compromised.
SYDNEY: He just said "Take the surface streets, they're doing some work on the freeway."
VAUGHN: I don't understand.
SYDNEY: It's a phrase we came up with last year. A code to let one of us know if the other was ever discovered, to warn them to stay away. He's with Geiger now.
(Crying, she covers her mouth with her hands.)
(In the t*rture room, Jack is yet again belted into the chair. He slowly comes to and opens his eyes. Everything is blurry. Geiger is in the cabinet. He looks over at Jack.)
GEIGER: Jack, I know you are disloyal. I know your daughter is, too. Both your files, there were so many red flags, I thought I was in a Russian airport. What I don't know is where your loyalties lie.
(He squeezes out some gel from a bottle and rubs it on Jack's ankle.)
GEIGER: Where are your loyalties, Jack? Who are you working for?
(He rubs it on his other leg.)
JACK: We've met before, you and I. I'm surprised you don't recall. You have such attention to detail.
(Geiger gets a metal bracelet and attaches it around Jack's ankle.)
GEIGER: I can't quite place you.
JACK: Neither could I, but then I remembered. Kanagawa, '87.
GEIGER: Were you with Nagayo?
JACK: We had dinner.
GEIGER: Oh yes, now I remember! What a night that was.
JACK: The woman with the club foot.
GEIGER: That's -- (laughs) That's right!
(Jack smiles a little.)
GEIGER: Come on, Jack, just tell me who you're working for and this will all go away.
(He has both metal bracelets around Jack's ankles now and picks up the jumper cables. He puts them on the bracelets.)
GEIGER: One last chance.
(Jack says nothing. Geiger turns a dial on the nearby machine and the electricity sh**t through the metal bracelets. It crackles. Jack writhes around, struggling. He screams.)
(On a street somewhere, Will uses a payphone.)
WILL: I don't understand. Go where?
(Sydney is at the ops center, talking on one of their phones.)
SYDNEY: Anywhere. Get Francie and leave town. Go to Vegas, drive to San Francisco.
WILL: Wait, wait, wait, what kind of trouble are you in?
SYDNEY: Someone might be looking for me. I just want you safe. Just promise me you and Francie will stay away, that's all I need you to do.
WILL: I promise. Syd, are you going to be okay?
SYDNEY: Yeah. I have to go.
(She hangs up.)
VAUGHN: Kendall's on his way back.
SYDNEY: He's not going to do a thing.
VAUGHN: You don't know that.
SYDNEY: My dad was right. Kendall's not going to make a move on the Alliance until he knows that information is valid. I mean, we have to get that code from SD-6.
VAUGHN: You cannot go back there.
SYDNEY: I know.
(Shipyard. Sydney stands beside her red Jeep and takes off her sunglasses, put them on the hood, when she sees Dixon's car drive up. He gets out and walks to her.)
DIXON: Sydney, I got your message...
SYDNEY: There isn't time for me to explain everything, for me to apologize the way I need to. SD-6 has nothing to do with the CIA. Dixon, you've been lied to. We have all been lied to.
DIXON: What are you... That's... No, Sydney--
SYDNEY: Dixon, you have had suspicions about me!
DIXON: Sydney!
SYDNEY: You had suspicions about me! You were right! I know this is insane but you have to trust me now! I'd take you to CIA headquarters, I'd show you the files, the proof! SD-6 is part of the Alliance! You have been working for the enemy you thought you were fighting. This will take time to understand, time we don't have. I need you to listen to me.
(Dixon slowly nods.)
SYDNEY: They have my dad. Geiger at SD-6. And I'm afraid he's going to k*ll him.
(She starts crying.)
SYDNEY: The CIA... the real CIA...
DIXON: No, no, NO! This is CRAZY, Sydney! Do you HEAR yourself?!
SYDNEY: ...has intel that can change all of this! Wait, Dixon, Dixon, you HAVE to listen to me!
DIXON: No, this does not MAKE ANY SENSE!
SYDNEY: YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME! I can't go back there or they will k*ll me too! We need you to go into SD-6. We need you to hack into the system and make visible a hidden file, one that you would never see, never know was there.
(She takes out a piece of paper with the information and gives it to him.)
SYDNEY: It's a code. A number that we need. If it's a match to one we already have, it will confirm data and the CIA will raid SD-6 and every Alliance office! If you follow these instructions to get the code you will be in the core of the SD-6 computer network and you'll see... it's not CIA. It's Alliance. I'll wait for your e-mail but you need to hurry.
(She starts to cry again. He stares at her for a long moment and then walks away with the paper. He gets into his car and drives away.)
(Dixon walks in SD-6 headquarters and sits at his desk. Glancing at the paper he types on his computer and logs on. A different interface pops up. It says Alliance Secure Network. Then Alliance Network - Cell - SD-6. Dixon realizes, confusion on his face.)
(At the CIA, Sydney and Vaughn and Weiss and Rick and others stand around, staring at Sydney's computer where a "Your mailbox is empty..." prompt is shown on her monitor. They wait.)
(At Dixon's desk, he calls someone.)
MRS. DIXON: Hello?
DIXON: Hi, baby.
MRS. DIXON: Where are you?
DIXON: I'm at work.
MRS. DIXON: What's up?
DIXON: I was just calling... you... to tell you I love you. How much I love you.
MRS. DIXON: Oh, thanks, sweetie. I love you, too. When will you be home?
DIXON: I'm not sure.
MRS. DIXON: Okay. Well, be safe.
DIXON: You, too.
(He hangs up and stares at the e-mail he has typed with the code. He stares at the SEND button.)
(Sydney waits. Stares at the prompt. Suddenly it beeps and she has one new message. They all scramble and come alive as Sydney opens the message and sees Dixon's e-mail with the code. He did it.)
SYDNEY: The code's a match. It's a match!
(Everybody starts running.)
(Moments later in the meeting room, Kendall address the group of agents.)
KENDALL: As many of you may be aware, the CIA recently received intelligence which provides us with vital, previous unavailable details on the inner workings of the Alliance. Thanks to some exceptional work, we've confirmed the validity of this intel. Therefore, tonight at 2200 hours, the CIA in conjunction with the FSB, the BAP, the MI5 and the Shin Bet will conduct simultaneous raids on all Alliance facilities and tomorrow morning, God willing, the Alliance will no longer exist.
(Near the go time, all the agents have their fatigues on. Kendall speaks to them.)
KENDALL: Our tactical team will surround the Credit Dauphine building which houses the target SD-6 office. Team will get as close to the perimeter as possible and disable the security system. On operational leader's call, teams around the globe, including yours, will raid all SD offices, Alliance headquarters, and partners' residences. Now, most SD-6 agents are desk-trained and won't fight back. But their security team will respond with lethal force. And they're the ones you'll want to take down. People, it's a hazardous job. Do it well and come home.
(SUVs drive in the Credit Dauphine underground parking garage and come to a stop. Vaughn jumps out of one of them and cuts the cable for the security camera.)
(In the t*rture room, Jack is barely conscious.)
GEIGER: Jack... you know how this goes. Your heart can only take one more shock, perhaps two. I've never seen anyone go beyond three. Have you?
(The group of agents, including Sydney, Vaughn and Weiss, run in the building to the elevator.)
AGENT: Now, move out! Go, go, go!
(Sydney takes the panel off of the elevator switchboard and yanks at the wire. Vaughn opens the doors.)
(At the ops center, Rick and two other agents are at their monitors.)
FEMALE AGENT: Base station to Congo team leader, security disabled at SD-3...
RICK: All transmissions are clear and received...
AGENT2: Alarms disabled at SD-10, base station to Panda team leader, confirming security alarm disabled at SD-4...
(One of the agents uses a blowtorch to remove a panel to get inside the building. Vaughn looks at Sydney.)
(t*rture room.)
GEIGER: I have given you enough time to reconsider.
(Jack gasps a little as Geiger turns the dial. The electricity hums.)
(Sydney and the g*ng have their g*n pointed, in the hallway outside the offices.)
VAUGHN: You okay?
(Ops center.)
AGENT2: SD-5, stand by.
RICK: SD-4, stand by.
FEMALE AGENT: SD-3, stand by.
(Sydney and the g*ng put ski masks on to cover their faces.)
(Ops center.)
FEMALE AGENT: Sir, all teams in position.
KENDALL: Let's move in.
(At SD-6, they prepare for the raid.)
AGENT: Go, go, go!
(g*n aimed, they begin. They take down two agents, throwing one against the wall. Inside the offices, Marshall wheels over to Dixon's desk, who stares straight ahead at his desk.)
MARSHALL: Hey, you want some, uh, pigs in a blanket?
DIXON: No thanks.
MARSHALL: What? Hey, nobody can resist a little pig in a blanket. They're hot, fresh out of the oven. (eats) Everything all right?
DIXON: Yeah.
(They run in, all the agents sitting at their desks, going about their business. One of them notices the CIA team.)
GUY: Hey, look out!
(Everyone starts sh**ting.)
DIXON: Marshall, get down!
(Dixon and Marshall get down on the floor. The team comes in on full charge now, Sydney sh**ting at her coworkers. Parts of the ceiling fall down, people fall over desks, smashing them. Men fall. Sydney starts running clear across the room, past the desks, and turns a corner, heading down a hallway. She takes off her mask.)
(In the t*rture room, Geiger turns the dial up.)
GEIGER: Your daughter is so beautiful. Imagine what I could do to her.
(More g*n upstairs. Ruining the SD-6 offices. A man is sh*t and falls backwards, smashing through a glass door to an office. Another desk collapses. Sydney runs.)
(t*rture room.)
GEIGER: This is your last chance, Jack, to save yourself. To save Sydney.
(He puts the jumpers next to Jack's sweaty cheek.)
GEIGER: Who are you working for? Hmm?
(He's about to put the other one on Jack's other cheek when the door flies open and Sydney is there, g*n pointed. Geiger attempts to take out his own g*n, but Sydney sh**t him five times in the chest. Geiger falls back, d*ad. She runs over to Jack.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God, Dad...
JACK: I'm... okay, sweetheart... I'm okay...
(More sh**ting upstairs as rafters and people fall, cables everywhere.)
(Ops center.)
FEMALE AGENT: We have two men down at SD-4.
RICK: Three agents k*lled at SD-8.
AGENT2: Three agents down at SD-3.
AGENT3: SD-12 has surrendered.
AGENT4: Two men down at SD-7...
AGENT5: SD-9 has four agents down.
(A medic from the CIA comes into the t*rture room and pushes Sydney out of the way to tend to Jack.)
MEDIC: Miss Bristow, excuse me, I got it.
(Upstairs, the CIA starts handcuffing the agents.)
AGENT: Give me your hand!
(He handcuffs one agent. A woman cries as she's being handcuffed. Another one is escorted out. Marshall and Dixon are handcuffed. Marshall is horrified.)
(Dixon shakes his head. They're both led out. Sydney comes back upstairs and sees everyone. Dixon is escorted out past her. They stop.)
SYDNEY: Look, this will be over soon. I promise. Thank you.
DIXON: Don't talk to me.
(At the ops center, the female agent gives Kendall a file.)
FEMALE AGENT: Details of casualties are still sketchy, sir, but we've gotten reports from all team leaders. We appear to be in control of all Alliance facilities.
(Vaughn takes off his mask and looks around at the completely destroyed offices. He makes eye contact with Sydney from across the room and they both start walking to each other. In the middle of the ruined offices, they kiss. Weiss walks up.)
WEISS: Hey, guys... I just talked to base, we did it. We kicked their asses.
(Sydney and Vaughn keep kissing.)
WEISS: Hey... guys, did you hear what I said? Asses... kicked.
(He leaves them alone, still kissing in the middle of the room.)
SARK: (voice over) It's remarkable, really.
(He's sitting in an office somewhere, at a black desk. He has a drink at his side and is speaking on the phone.)
SARK: Sydney leaked the intel to the CIA and the rest played out exactly as you predicted it would. So congratulations, sir. The Alliance is gone.
(On his beach, Sloane looks out at the ocean and speaks on his cell.)
SLOANE: We shouldn't celebrate yet. As you know, there's much more work to be done.
SARK: I just wanted to let you know that phase one is complete.
SLOANE: Good. Move on to phase two. And Sark?
SARK: Yes, Mr. Sloane.
SLOANE: Check in on our new asset. Make sure we're on schedule.
(He hangs up and stares out at the water. He smiles.)
(A cell phone rings. We're in Francie's restaurant.)
SARK: I've been asked to confirm that you are in position.
FRANCIE: Yes. Everything's in place.
(She hangs up. In the kitchen, there is blood smeared across the wall and Francie is slumped in the corner with a b*llet in her head.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x13 - Phase One"} | foreverdreaming |
(In Berlin, a woman rubs her bare legs together in bed. We pan up to reveal a blonde woman. This is Emma. Next to her in bed is Lennox. She turns over to see him.)
EMMA: Maybe when we're done here we should go back to Fiji.
LENNOX: Yeah, we should. It was so great.
(He kisses her and gets out of bed. Points to the shower.)
LENNOX: I'm gonna take a shower.
(Once he's gone, she rolls her eyes a little. As soon as the water starts, she jumps out of bed and moves to her closed laptop on the desk. She opens it up and starts to type an e-mail. "Abort Operation: Confirmation... Lennox is a" and she doesn't get to finish it because the door behind her creaks. She gets her g*n from her bag and, aiming it, she moves towards the shower. She turns a corner. No one's there. She looks in the shower and sees that no one is in the stall. Lennox is standing behind her. She turns and he punches her in the face.)
(Moments later, Lennox is sitting on the bed talking on his cell phone.)
SLOANE: You're early.
LENNOX: I've been compromised.
(Sloane is seen walking down a hall somewhere, also talking on his cell.)
LENNOX: Something I said. How do you want me to handle it?
SLOANE: Use her to send a message. Make it public.
(Lennox hangs up.)
(At the ruined offices at SD-6, a few agents gather information and walk around. In the middle of it all stands Sydney. Vaughn enters and, once seeing her, approaches.)
VAUGHN: I heard you were here.
(Big smiles. She turns to face him, also smiling.)
SYDNEY: I couldn't sleep. I was afraid I'd wake up and find out this was a dream. I went for a run to clear my mind. I ended up here. Any word on Dixon or Marshall?
VAUGHN: They'll be in debrief for a while. Meanwhile, Sloane's been put on Interpol's most wanted list.
SYDNEY: (nods) About last night...
VAUGHN: Is this going to be about Alice?
SYDNEY: I know it's complicated--
VAUGHN: We're not together anymore.
SYDNEY: Since when?
VAUGHN: Since this morning. The truth is, we've been over for a long time.
(Sydney can't help it and gets a big smile on her face.)
SYDNEY: I was thinking, I can actually go to the CIA through the front door.
VAUGHN: And I can actually give you a ride.
(In Berlin, tires screech and a van pulls up, dumps someone out the side door. People scream and run away. The van drives off and it's Emma. She's strapped with expl*sives.)
(At the CIA ops center, Weiss walks to Kendall and the Bristows with a young blonde at his side.)
WEISS: Folks, this is Christine Phillips, our new clandestine services graduate. Langley's approved her observing our operations over the next few months.
WEISS: FBI Assistant Director Kendall. This is Agent Michael Vaughn. Agents Jack and Sydney Bristow.
PHILLIPS: I've read your operational file. It's a real honor.
(Sydney smiles a little.)
(In the town square in Berlin, cops rush to the scene with their g*n cocked. Emma slowly stands.)
(An agent standing at several monitors, motions to Kendall and the others.)
AGENT: Sir, we've got a situation in Berlin. The networks are carrying it live. I'm putting it through central display.
TV ANNOUNCER: Tihs is all that we know so far. A woman apparently has been shoved out of a van -- a speeding white van, we're told. This is in a public square...
SYDNEY: Oh, my God.
WEISS: Sir, that is Agent Wallace.
PHILLIPS: You know her?
VAUGHN: She's one of ours.
(The police captain gets out and speaks German to Emma. In the ops center, everyone watches the monitor.)
KENDALL: Give me a better look at those expl*sives.
AGENT: Looks like C-4.
JACK: If the C-4 is wired with a remote trigger, any radio communication could cause detonation.
(Close on a remote trigger. Someone presses a button on it, causing a high pitched charge. We're in a phone booth with Lennox who holds the remote. He's on the phone, speaking to Emma, who has an earpiece in.)
LENNOX: You're doing fine, Emma. Just do what I told you and you will be fine.
(Emma cries.)
(At the ops center.)
KENDALL: Patch me through to the federal office in Berlin! (to Sydney) You speak German, right?
(She nods.)
AGENT: We'll have satellite cover in the next thirty seconds.
RICK: KH-11 coming online now!
AGENT: Bump up the resolution.
(The police captain speaks German through a bullhorn, getting closer to Emma.)
AGENT: Sir, I've got the federal office on the line now.
(Kendall gives Sydney the phone, tells her what to say as she nods.)
KENDALL: Tell them to put you through to the ranking officer on site. Tell him the woman is CIA and any random radio communication could detonate the expl*sives.
SYDNEY: (speaking German) I need to speak to the agent on site. I know he's in the middle of a tactical operation. I need to talk to him now.
(The police have surrounded her. Emma is crying and starts to sing.)
EMMA: All around the cobbler's bench, the monkey chased the weasel... the monkey thought it was all for good... pop... goes the weasel...
(Sydney watches in horror.)
EMMA: A--A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle... that's the way the money goes... pop... goes...
(Sydney is on the phone, waiting.)
SYDNEY: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
(The on site agent's cell rings and he picks up.)
SYDNEY: (speaking German) I'm an officer for the Central Intelligence Agency--
ONSITE: I speak English.
EMMA: No patience to wait 'til time goes by...
SYDNEY: We're monitoring the situation. Instruct all of your agents to shut down radio communication. This woman may be wired with a remote detonator. I repeat--
ONSITE: Agent Bristow, I've already ordered radio silence.
EMMA: Pop...
(She blows up. Sydney and the rest watch the expl*si*n go off. Lennox hangs up the phone. Christine runs off.)
(In the ladies' washroom, Sydney takes some water from the sink and splashes it over her face. Christine is crying in one of the stalls.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me... are you all right?
(The door opens and she comes out.)
SYDNEY: Are you okay?
PHILLIPS: Sorry. I just wasn't ready for that.
SYDNEY: Don't be sorry.
(In a conference room with Vaughn, Sydney, Jack and Kendall.)
KENDALL: The CIA lost an exemplary agent today. Those of you who knew Emma Wallace may find it difficult to focus but I'll ask you to try. For the last two months, she was tasked with a deep-cover assignment. Her objective was to gain the trust of this man -- Dr. Renzo Markovic, a former R&D scientist who's been developing a new classified technology under the project heading "Helix." He's already received preliminary bids from several t*rror1st organizations.
SYDNEY: w*apon?
KENDALL: We don't know. That's precisely the question Agent Wallace was trying to answer before she was m*rder. Agent Wallace may not be the only casualty in our effort against Markovic. She was sent undercover with a partner, another CIA operative who we now presume to be captured or d*ad.
JACK: His final satellite transmission indicated he was proceeding to Cayo Concha off the coast of the Dominican Republic. Markovic leases one of the lower floors in the Serena Del Sol resort where he conducts his research. If our operative is still alive, he's being held there.
KENDALL: Agent Bristow, you're on point. Agent Vaughn, you'll be assisting. Conditions for success are twofold: acquire what intel you can on Project Helix and bring our man home.
SYDNEY: Who is he?
KENDALL: He's one of our most decorated agents. Here's his file. James Lennox. You leave tonight.
(At Sydney and Francie's, the doorbell rings. Sydney opens it to reveal Vaughn who smiles.)
VAUGHN: Ready to go?
SYDNEY: Yeah. Come on in, I'll get my stuff.
(He enters and looks around, admiring.)
VAUGHN: Nice place.
SYDNEY: I'm gonna get a new couch.
SYDNEY: Well, I don't know...
VAUGHN: So this is where you live.
SYDNEY: This is where I live.
VAUGHN: I love it.
SYDNEY: I'm ready.
(He kisses her.)
VAUGHN: Okay, we, um... we should go right now.
SYDNEY: Francie, this is Michael... from the bank.
VAUGHN: Hey, Francie. Nice to meet you.
(He shakes her hand.)
FRANCIE: Nice to put a face with the name.
VAUGHN: Same here.
(Sydney, standing behind Vaughn, points to him and mouths "This is him!"; Francie doesn't react.)
SYDNEY: We should get to our plane.
FRANCIE: Another business trip?
SYDNEY: Just a finance conference in New York. Just overnight.
FRANCIE: Well, have a good trip, you guys.
VAUGHN: Thanks. It's nice to meet you.
(He shakes her hand again.)
FRANCIE: You, too.
(Sydney looks at Francie, a little puzzled.)
FRANCIE: I'll see you later.
(Sydney follows Vaughn out. Once they're gone, the little smile on Francie's face immediately fades.)
(Cayo Concha. Sydney, wearing a bikini, comes out of a pool at the resort, dripping wet, and walks to her shoes. She gets a towel, drying off, and looks over at a man sitting nearby who is watching her. He's Arden Jezek.)
(On the plane to Cayo Concha.)
VAUGHN: Arden Jezek. He's Markovic's chief of security at the resort which means he's got access to Project Helix and probably knows where Lennox is being held.
SYDNEY: Why aren't we going after Markovic directly?
VAUGHN: Our surveillance teams say they lost track of him four weeks ago. Jezek's our best sh*t.
(Back at the pool, Sydney smiles at Jezek as he admires the view. She puts on a warp and heads for the changing tents. He decides to follow her just as she slips off her bikini top and goes inside. Jezek enters the tent and sees Vaughn instead.)
(Sydney comes out from behind, her top now on, and pushes Jezek onto the table, twisting his arm back. Vaughn takes a syringe and plunges it in Jezek's neck. He groans.)
VAUGHN: I've injected you with a cardio toxin, you'll have a heart att*ck within the hour unless you do exactly as we say. Then you get the antidote. Are we clear?
JEZEK: Yeah.
SYDNEY: Is Agent Lennox still alive?
SYDNEY: Where is he?
JEZEK: Sublevel, room forty-seven.
SYDNEY: You'll escort us down there and you will help my partner download everything you have on Project Helix.
(In an elevator heading to the sublevel, Sydney is now wearing a blond wig and stands next to Jezek and Vaughn. The doors are about to open when she looks over at Jezek.)
SYDNEY: Smile.
(They walk out of the elevator and head for the guard.)
JEZEK: Uh, they are with me.
(The guard nods. The three of them go down a hallway and Jezek swipes his card, getting clearance. They turn a corner and continue walking.)
SYDNEY: I'll see you at the exit point.
(Vaughn and Jezek go into one room and Sydney continues, heading for room forty-seven. She grabs a labcoat off the wall and enters.)
(Flashback to the plane.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, if Agent Lennox is still alive, he may have undergone psychological reconditioning. You could be walking into a trap.
(She walks in and behind a curtain, she sees someone in a chair with a large machine in front of their face. Another man sits nearby.)
INTERROGATOR: Let's start over from the beginning.
LENNOX: I already told you everything!
(His eyes are forced open by the machine and two needles are extended, centimeters away from his eyeballs. The needles move closer.)
LENNOX: Aaaaaah!
(Sydney enters and kicks one guard, kicks the other. She elbows the first and grabs a tray off of a nearby setup and hits the second guard across the face with it. She moves the machine off of Lennox and moves the white lights that are right in his eyes.)
SYDNEY: My name is Sydney Bristow. I am a CIA agent. I've come to take you home.
LENNOX: I can't see. I can't see. I can't see!
(He rubs at his eyes while Sydney spots a jar on the table where she grabbed the tray. She pops off the cover and takes a whiff.)
SYDNEY: They used metachlorozine on you, it's a photoreactive acid.
(She takes a bandage and starts wrapping it around his head to cover his eyes.)
SYDNEY: I'm covering your eyes with a bandage. Keep this bandage on or you could be permanently blind. You're okay.
(In the computer room, Jezek types as Vaughn stands next to him.)
VAUGHN: You're sweating because the poison is taking effect. Type and you'll be fine.
(He does so.)
JEZEK: Okay, you're in the system.
(Vaughn elbows him in the neck and the guy slumps over. He injects him with the antidote and takes over the computer, downloading the files.)
(Down the hall, Sydney tries leading a bandaged Lennox down the hall.)
SYDNEY: You're doing great, you're almost out.
LENNOX: My partner, Emma Wallace, has she reported in yet?
(Sydney sees the guards coming and places Lennox against the wall.)
SYDNEY: Stay here.
(She turns and fights the first guard and then the next. More guards come. Lennox pushes up his bandage and winces at the light.)
(She kicks another guard but the last one has a Kn*fe and tries to s*ab her. Sydney blocks it but is struggling. She knees him and the guard throws her against the wall, the Kn*fe pointed right above her. Lennox spots one of the guards' g*n on the floor nearby. Half blind, he picks it up and sees the guard with Sydney. He holds the g*n up and sh**t the guard. The guard falls over. Sydney runs to Lennox.)
SYDNEY: Oh... thank you.
(They start running.)
SYDNEY: Shut your eyes, shut your eyes.
(They leave together.)
(On the plane, Sydney puts drops in Lennox's eyes.)
SYDNEY: I know. One more.
(He blinks as she finishes. Vaughn opens a door and enters.)
SYDNEY: Your eyes should normalize in a few minutes. Okay.
LENNOX: Thank you.
(She walks over to Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: You okay?
SYDNEY: What do you think?
VAUGHN: No signs of any post-traumatic stress disorder or symptoms of behavior modification.
SYDNEY: He was holding his won with the interrogators and he risked losing his sight to get us out.
VAUGHN: I don't know.
(She looks back at Lennox.)
SYDNEY: We'll know more after the psych eval.
(Vaughn smiles and goes back through the door. Sydney walks over to Lennox and sits down.)
SYDNEY: How are you doing?
LENNOX: I could have sworn you were a blonde.
SYDNEY: I was. My hair's usually brown. Hard to keep track.
LENNOX: It's nice to... see the face of the person who saved my life. So, um... where is, uh, Emma? Is she, uh... she back in LA?
SYDNEY: Jim... Emma's d*ad. I'm so sorry.
(Conference room. Lennox, Kendall, Jack, Sydney and Vaughn.)
KENDALL: We know that you've been through hell, Agent Lennox, and I apologize that your homecoming had to be celebrated with a psych evaluation but you've been given a clean bill of health even though I'm sure it doesn't feel that way.
JACK: Agent Wallace's death has left several questions unanswered. Can you tell us how you infiltrated Dr. Markovic's organization?
LENNOX: We were hired on as freelance security expoerts at his villa in Berlin. Emma -- Agent Wallace -- gained Markovic's trust enough to become his driver. In that capacity, she was privy to a phone conversation between Markovic and someone she believed to be his superior in which they indicated Project Helix was ready for testing.
KENDALL: Are you saying that Markovic answers to someone else?
LENNOX: That was Agent Wallace's impression based on the conversation. They didn't use names, it was just a voice on the speakerphone.
JACK: And you never heard this voice yourself?
JACK: How's your eyesight?
LENNOX: It's better.
KENDALL: Can you tell us what led to your capture?
LENNOX: When we reported to Langley the project was proceeding, we were ordered to break into the facility in Cayo Concha and hack the central database. I knew there was a good chance we'd be caught. I decided to go in alone so I could transmit the data to Emma in Berlin if I were trapped. They moved in before I could do that.
KENDALL: Do you have any idea how she was compromised?
LENNOX: No, I don't.
KENDALL: Okay. I think we have a pretty comprehensive picture here. There's a driver waiting to take you to a safehouse nearby. Is there anything you'd like to add?
LENNOX: We were engaged.
(At the ops center, Weiss and Phillips watch the footage of Emma bl*wing up.)
WEISS: So, in a case like this, we start by digitizing all the news coverage that covered the b*mb.
WEISS: You, uh, you like Italian food?
PHILLIPS: I have a boyfriend.
WEISS: Yeah, me too.
VAUGHN: Hey, Weiss.
WEISS: Excuse me.
(He walks over to Vaughn.)
WEISS: I think the new girl has a thing for me.
VAUGHN: I was going over Agent Wallace's contact log. She phoned in every two days like clockwork. I mean, the slightest discrepancy in protocol and she contacted us for verification.
WEISS: Your point being?
VAUGHN: The day Lennox says he was captured we have no record of anything from her. No warning. No extraction requestion. Nothing. Why didn't she make contact?
PHILLIPS: Agent Weiss! Roll it back.
(He comes over and Phillips shows him the footage again.)
PHILLIPS: The flash of static right before the blast. An RF transmitter would account for the interference but all radio signals were shut off.
WEISS: Wait, uh, run it back. Slow it down a little bit.
(A flash of static right before the b*mb goes off.)
WEISS: So if the signal interrupted the feed it had to come from our trigger man's detonator.
PHILLIPS: Which would place him within a block of this camera.
WEISS: All right, find out where this news van was parked. Check all ATMs, traffic cams. All right? We may just have this guy's face on video.
(Evening. Sydney parks in front of the CIA safehouse and gets out, carrying a bag of groceries. She enters the house and looks around.)
SYDNEY: Lennox?
(A lamp is overturned and the shade of another lamp is pushed against the window. She walks in.)
(She finally sees him at the kitchen table with a bottle of vodka at his side. Sydney puts down the groceries.)
LENNOX: Beware of the grieving man and his bottle.
(He gets up and makes his way over to her, bottle in hand.)
LENNOX: Emma used to say that she had spent so much of her life pretending to be other people that she was afraid she might disappear. And I have been sitting here trying to remember all her aliases and you're right. It's hard to keep track.
SYDNEY: I lost my fiance last year and I know we're trained to compartmentalize things that hurt too much but I still haven't been able to do that. As hard as it is, I would rather feel it than to not feel anything.
(He tries to take another drink but she stops him.)
(He kisses her but Sydney's not into it. She opens her eyes and he backs away, taking more steps back.)
LENNOX: Oh... I'm sorry. Uh...
(Sydney doesn't say anything. Someone enters.)
AGENT: Agent Bristow? Agent Lennox?
(Lennox and Sydney walk out to the living room and find two agents.)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
AGENT: Back up against the wall.
SYDNEY: Wait, what is this?
(One of the agents tries to take Lennox by the arm.)
LENNOX: Get your hands off me!
(He punches him and throws the agent on the floor. The punches the other agent and twists his arm, throwing him on the ground as well and taking the g*n. Lennox aims the g*n at the agents.)
LENNOX: All right, stay down! Stay down! Sydney, go! GO! Go! Stay down! Go! Go, Sydney, go!
(With her hands still up, Sydney walks by Lennox and goes for the door. Instead she kicks Lennox's legs out from underneath him and he falls to the floor. The two agents finally get up and have Lennox by the arms, pushing him out the door.)
SYDNEY: Okay, take it easy! Take it wasy! What is it?
AGENT: He's gonna be placed in federal custody.
(Sydney walks in the ops center and goes up to Jack and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
JACK: We've decrypted the specs on Project Helix that you and Vaughn obtained. The data describes a breakthrough in next-generation molecular gene therapy. It refers to a new procedure whereby a patient's face and body are reshaped to identically resemble someone else. Agent Lennox was the first test subject to be doubled.
SYDNEY: Doubled how? Like cloning?
JACK: Not exactly.
SYDNEY: So you're saying the man we rescued isn't Agent Lennox.
JACK: It's possible.
SYDNEY: So who is he?
JACK: Based on our intel, the procedure's first recipient was the man who created the technology. Dr. Markovic.
SYDNEY: There is no way the man we have in custody is Dr. Markovic.
VAUGHN: I know it sounds insane but as we were analyzing the news footage, Phillips noticed the interference of an RF signal which helped narrow our search. We got this from a traffic camera.
(On the computer screen behind them, he brings up a photo of Lennox in the phone booth. The database searches and brings up one match -- Agent Lennox's profile comes up.)
(Briefing room.)
JACK: Over the last few years it's become common practice for wanted t*rrorists to employ men who look like them, decoys designed to mislead intelligence agencies. With this new procedure, that would no longer be necessary. Men like Osama bin Laden could simply be made to look like someone else.
KENDALL: And clearly that is not something we can afford to have adversised on the blackmarket.
SYDNEY: How is this possible without obvious scarring?
JACK: The procedure isn't surgical. A patient's genetic code is altered to reshape their physical attributes.
SYDNEY: Is it reversible?
JACK: It's unclear. It only works on people of a certain genetic disposition and the recipient must be induced into a comotose state for several days while their cells regenerate. The data indicates the only way to distinguish the real person from the double is by an ocular scan. A flaw in the iris was deliberately built into the procedure to tell them apart.
KENDALL: Even if Lennox is who he says he is, there is no real way of guaranteeing that he's not the man in that video.
SYDNEY: I'm telling you, the man we rescued just had his life destroyed. He's on our side.
(Lennox takes the ocular scan. His CIA profile comes up on the screen. The person conducting the test leaves the room and speaks to Sydney who waits in the adjoining one.)
TESTER: He is who he says he is.
(In another room, Lennox and Sydney.)
LENNOX: What the hell do you mean, I've been doubled?
SYDNEY: The project you were investigating--
LENNOX: Project Helix. What about it?
SYDNEY: It's a prototype surgical gene resequencer.
LENNOX: All right, meaning what? What does that mean?
SYDNEY: Markovic created a technique that allows people to change their appearance. That's why we gave you the ocular scan, to make sure you were really you.
LENNOX: Do we know who it was? The man who took my identity?
SYDNEY: Dr. Markovic.
LENNOX: Now I know why Emma didn't call for an extraction. She had no idea I was captured. We had a hotel room in Berlin, she thought she was with me.
SYDNEY: Markovic had the Helix prototype taken off of Cayo Concha. We tracked it to a freight yard in Poland.
LENNOX: He's trying to hide it. What's the next move?
SYDNEY: I've been ordered to find the prototype, download the schematics and destroy it.
LENNOX: I'm coming with you.
(Sydney nods.)
(In Poland, at the freight yard, Sydney and Lennox run across the many tracks and approach the various freighters. A guard stands on top of one of them.)
SYDNEY: This is Mountaineer, we're in position in the trainyard.
(Vaughn, Weiss, Jack, Kendall are back at the ops center.)
VAUGHN: Copy, Mountaineer. We've got you on satellite. We're reading five guards.
(In the train yard, a guard lights a cigarette.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) One on the north side of track two.
(Sydney takes the guard down. Another guard walks by.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) One between tracks one and two.
(Lennox grabs the guard, pulling him down. He climbs the ladder on the side of the freighter, going on up.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) Two on the southern perimeter.
(Sydney grabs the men.)
VAUGHN: (voice over) And one on top of the center car.
(Lennox fights the one on top and pushes him off. Another guard walks along.)
VAUGHN: Wait. We just lost the last guard. Hold while we reacquire his signal.
(Lennox walks in between the tracks when a g*n cocks. He sees a guard pointing his g*n at him. The guard is sh*t from behind by Sydney. At the prototype freighter, Lennox takes off his backpack and Sydney starts getting out the things needed to remove the lock. A camera and screen goes up.)
LENNOX: Do you have the drill?
SYDNEY: Drill.
(Lennox drills in to find the appropriate triggers for the combination.)
LENNOX: All right, I'm having trouble seeing the third tumbler.
SYDNEY: Okay, the borescope's jammed, hang on.
LENNOX: Do you have the audio? All right, here we go. All right, all right...
(The lock opens.)
LENNOX: We got it.
(The turn the lock and climb inside the lab. Sydney moves to the back while Lennox makes his way to the computer.)
SYDNEY: I'm gonna rig the expl*sives.
(Lennox sits at the computer and stars typing.)
LENNOX: All right, boot camp, I'm into the data log.
WEISS: Copy that, standing by to receive the schematics.
(Sydney gets out the expl*sives.)
LENNOX: All right, wait a second. According to this, the sequencer's been used twice.
LENNOX: I'm not the only one who's been doubled.
SYDNEY: Who else?
LENNOX: It doesn't say.
(Francie, looking over her shoulder, removes the bottom tray of Sydney's television in her bedroom and places a camera in there. She replaces the cover.)
(Ops center.)
FEMALE AGENT: Agent Vaughn, a call was routed through the PBX that you need to take right away.
(Vaughn hits a button on the phone.)
VAUGHN: Who am I talking to?
(Another Lennox is talking on his cell and is driving in a Jeep.)
LENNOX 2: My name is James Lennox! The man you rescued is Dr. Renzo Markovic! I know that sounds impossible. He's developed some kind of genetic doubling prototype!
VAUGHN: Yes, we know that.
LENNOX 2: I was captured trying to infiltrate his medical lab on Cayo Concha. They knew the CIA would send in a team after me and they set you up! I just escaped twelve hours ago while they were trying to transport me off the island!
VAUGHN: Where are you now?
LENNOX 2: I'm in Poland! I've tracked the prototype to a freightyard here, I'm going to destroy it!
WEISS: I got him, he's two miles away and traveling alone.
(Jack hits the mute button so he can talk freely.)
JACK: It could be Markovic. One of the guards may have alerted him and he's now trying to prevent us from sabotaging the prototype.
KENDALL: There's no way to be certain.
(Vaughn goes back to the second Lennox.)
VAUGHN: I'd like to believe you but we just conducted a test confirming Lennox's identity.
LENNOX 2: The ocular scan? The ocular scan DOESN'T WORK! That was disinformation that he wanted you to download so you would trust him! The ocular scan is a joke!
JACK: Listen carefully. Do not approach the trainyard!
LENNOX 2: I'm losing you! I can't hear you! Hello? I'm losing you! Hello? He--
(Lennox 2 drives up to the freightyard and cocks his g*n. He gets out of the vehicle and runs towards the tracks.)
(In the ops center.)
VAUGHN: Put me through to Sydney on a separate channel. I only want her to hear this.
VAUGHN: Sydney, don't react. Just listen. Do not take your eyes off the man you're with. We just got a call from someone claiming to be the real Agent Lennox.
(Sydney glances over at Lennox.)
VAUGHN: He's on his way to you now. It looks like he's alone. Clear your throat if you copy.
(She clears her throat and stands up. Lennox is right there.)
LENNOX: Backup copy.
(She takes the disc and Lennox goes back to the computer.)
JACK: Sydney, there is no way for us to verify the identity of either man. Disarm the man you're with and take cover so you can do the same with the man heading your way. Once they're both secure, lead them to the extraction point. We'll figure this out when they're in custody.
(Sydney takes out her g*n.)
SYDNEY: Don't move!
(He slowly turns.)
LENNOX: What are you doing, Sydney?
(She reaches down and takes his g*n.)
SYDNEY: Against the wall! On your knees! Hands behind your head!
(He gets up and moves over to the wall.)
SYDNEY: Put your hands behind your head! On your knees!
(He goes down. She tosses him a pair of handcuffs.)
SYDNEY: He's secure. How far away is the other man?
LENNOX: What other man? You think I'm Markovic?
VAUGHN: Cloud cover has moved over your position, we're blind. But he's got to be right there!
LENNOX: Sydney, Sydney, you have to trust me!
SYDNEY: Cuff yourself to the railing!
LENNOX: All right, all right!
(He does so.)
LENNOX: If someone is headed this way claiming to be me, it's Markovic, all right? I'm telling you, he's setting us up!
SYDNEY: Then why is he traveling alone?
LENNOX: Because he knows if our satellite picks up a security team headed this way we won't hesitate to destroy the prototype! All right? It is his only play to get his face back! Sydney, he k*lled Emma, he will k*ll you!
(She jumps out of the freighter. Lennox 2 approaches the tracks with his g*n raised. Lennox tries pulling off the rail. Sydney is out in the tracks and sees Lennox 2.)
SYDNEY: Hold it. Drop the g*n and turn around.
(Meanwhile, Lennox breaks his hand and screams a little, forcing the handcuffs off.)
LENNOX 2: You don't work for Markovic. You're CIA. I'm Jim Lennox, I'm CIA too.
SYDNEY: Drop the g*n! Drop the g*n now!
(Lennox takes off the handcuff and runs out of the freighter. He spots one of the guards on the ground and takes the guard's g*n.)
SYDNEY: Put the g*n down!
LENNOX 2: Markovic's men are on their way here!
SYDNEY: Drop it or I'll sh**t!
LENNOX 2: We have to trust each other. GET DOWN!
(She drops to the ground when Lennox 2 spots the othe Lennox. They sh**t at each other, missing, and Lennox 2 rolls underneath the freighter.)
VAUGHN: Sydney!
(She gets up and looks around. Lennox 2 runs down the tracks. The other Lennox runs, trying to find him. Sydney looks as Lennox 2 turns a corner. She comes up the tracks as Lennox comes onto the tracks as well.)
LENNOX: You k*lled Emma, you son of a bitch!
LENNOX 2: He's LYING! He has to say that!
LENNOX: I was tortured for four weeks. He knows enough to pass himself off as me.
LENNOX 2: Don't listen to him! He took my LIFE!
(Sydney has her g*n pointed at the both of them and the two Lennoxes have their g*n pointed at each other.)
LENNOX: You're not walking out of here.
SYDNEY: Neither of you can drop your g*n.
(She drops hers.)
LENNOX: What are you doing?
SYDNEY: I hope you like your face, Dr. Markovic. You're going to have it for a long time.
(Sydney gets out the trigger.)
(He aims his g*n at Sydney, ready to sh**t her. She hits the button on the trigger and Lennox sh**t Lennox 2. The lab blows up, prototype and all. Sydney and Lennox approach Lennox 2 who is on the ground, sh*t. She puts down his g*n. They leave.)
(At the ops center, Sydney walks in to see Vaughn and Lennox with his bandaged hand, talking.)
LENNOX: Yeah, all right.
(Vaughn goes to shake his hand but he motions to the bandage.)
LENNOX: Yeah, I appreciate it.
(Vaughn walks off. Lennox goes up to Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Four weeks off. The least they could do.
LENNOX: Yeah, well, they offered me counseling but I haven't not worked in eight years.
SYDNEY: Where are you headed?
LENNOX: Fiji. I've never been there before. Emma and I were going to go for our honeymoon. She was from there.
SYDNEY: I know. I knew her.
LENNOX: You knew Emma?
SYDNEY: One thing about my fiance -- I was lucky to have known him for as long as I did.
LENNOX: Thank you.
(Sydney's house. In the kitchen, she takes a sip of white wine and moves to the stove. Vaughn watches her. She turns to him and they smile at each other. Vaughn stares as Sydney stirs the sauce and tries it. She puts the spoon in front of him to try it. Replacing the cover on the pot and turning off the burner, she checks the baked potatoes in the oven, bending over. He takes her arm and she turns around. They kiss.)
VAUGHN: You're so beautiful.
SYDNEY: Dinner's ready.
VAUGHN: You do have an oven, you know. We can reheat it.
(She kicks the oven door closed. On Sydney's bed, they kiss. He raises her shirt and kisses her stomach. Vaughn's without a shirt now and he removes Sydney's. Their reflection is on the TV screen.)
(Somewhere, Francie watches the camera's angle on her laptop computer of Sydney and Vaughn having sex.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x14 - Double Agent"} | foreverdreaming |
Morning after. Sydney and Vaughn face each other in bed, Vaughn with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.)
SYDNEY: How are we going to stay awake today?
VAUGHN: Who cares?
(He runs his hand along her shoulder.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn?
VAUGHN: How come you never call me Michael?
SYDNEY: I do sometimes. Vaughn?
SYDNEY: I'm graduating today.
VAUGHN: What? When the hell did you have time to take a class this year?
SYDNEY: I wasn't even going to go to the ceremony but... And I've been lying here remembering why I never gave school up and why I k*lled myself writing papers instead of... I don't know, accepting that I'd be an agent forever.
VAUGHN: You're going to quit the CIA, aren't you?
(Sydney nods.)
(CIA with Sydney, Kendall, and Jack.)
KENDALL: I'm afraid I can't endorse your resignation.
SYDNEY: Excuse me?
KENDALL: Well, with the Alliance gone, we got a hell of a mess to clean up.
SYDNEY: You don't need me for that.
KENDALL: Well, that's opinion. And what about Arvin Sloane, whom I think you would have a special interest in bringing to justice?
SYDNEY: Sloane is just a cog in a machine that doesn't exist anymore. He's wanted in forty countries. I did everything for the CIA I said I would, and I'm done.
KENDALL: Jack, you want to jump in here?
JACK: For years, I wanted nothing more than to see you live a normal life. However, your value to the CIA is irrefutable. So while this is ultimately your choice, I suggest that given the enormity of the last two weeks, you may not want to make life-altering decisions without a little more perspective.
SYDNEY: I've had two years of perspective! I am through letting Arvin Sloane control my life and I don't need your approval to resign! I told you as a courtesy!
KENDALL: Well, then, I will pay you the courtesy of informing you that if you leave this agency, you forfeit the clearance to see your mother.
SYDNEY: What, are you blackmailing me?
KENDALL: Civilians aren't authorized to be in this facility, let alone have access to a t*rror1st we can't even acknowledge is in our custody! In or out, kiddo? Can't have it both ways.
(Kendall walks away. Jack looks at Sydney.)
JACK: Legally, he's right. Ethically, he's an ass.
(Sydney walks down the long hall to Irina's cell. Irina smiles at her through the glass.)
IRINA: Congratulations. Your father told me about your success. What about your associates at SD-6? You had friends there, yes?
SYDNEY: I haven't seen them yet. I mean, they're still being debriefed. I'm sorry that I haven't been to see you in a while.
IRINA: Well, I understand. I'm sure this has been overwhelming for you.
SYDNEY: I graduate today.
IRINA: I know. I would think you'd be more relieved with SD-6 and the Alliance gone.
SYDNEY: I'm thinking about leaving the CIA. Which would mean giving up my clearance to see you.
IRINA: You're too forgiving, Sydney. Don't pretend I'm something I'm not. I've never been a real mother to you and... you don't owe me a second chance. If you make this decision about me, you're a fool. In fact, if you decide to stay I won't agree to see you anymore. Take care of yourself.
(Sydney takes a long look at Irina and then leaves. Irina puts her head down.)
(Aquarium museum. Large fish t*nk line the walls. People walk around.)
TOUR GUIDE ANNOUNCER: By capturing on video a glimpse of this unique breeding ritual, we've improved our understanding of the reproduction of the weedy sea dragon.
(A little boy runs through, being chased by his mother, Mrs. Caplan.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Aaron! Aaron! Don't run!
AARON: I just want to go back to the jellyfish!
MRS. CAPLAN: Okay. Always make sure we can see you, okay? And hold on to your jacket, Aaron!
TOUR GUIDE ANNOUNCER: It seeks out cavelike areas in the stony walls of the ocean and adheres its eggs to the interior walls.
(Mr. Caplan walks behind them, his mind elsewhere. Mrs. Caplan takes Aaron over to the jellyfish t*nk.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Okay, so you're going to stay here, right?
MRS. CAPLAN: You're gonna stay here?
AARON: Yeah!
AARON: Yeah.
MRS. CAPLAN: I'll be right over there with your daddy, okay?
(She walks over to Mr. Caplan.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Where are you?
MR. CAPLAN: Here. I'm here.
MRS. CAPLAN: Neil, it's Aaron's birthday. Your head's still at the blackboard.
MR. CAPLAN: Honey... I-I just... I need two more months, that's it. I-I am this close.
MRS. CAPLAN: I can't stand any more promises you don't keep!
MR. CAPLAN: I don't know how else to do this!
MRS. CAPLAN: Maybe you don't. There are other fields.
MR. CAPLAN: Once the polytechnic goes public with the design, I'll slow down. I mean, I'll stop. I promise.
MRS. CAPLAN: Think about your father. Aaron's growing up, and you're missing it.
MR. CAPLAN: Where is he?
(They look over to the jellyfish. Aaron's red jacket is on the ground and he's nowhere to be seen.)
TOUR GUIDE ANNOUNCER: Research done here in the museum has improved our understanding of the reproduction of this rare species...
MR. CAPLAN: Aaron!
MRS. CAPLAN: Aaron! Aaron! Excuse me, did you see a little boy? He's five-years-old, he's got a striped shirt on, he's got brown hair, his name is Aaron.
STRANGER: No. I'm sorry.
MR. CAPLAN: I'll check the gift shop.
(Mr. Caplan starts off for the gift shop. He turns a corner and Sark steps forward.)
SARK: Mr. Caplan. I believe I can help you locate your son. And your wife.
(Francie and Sydney and Will's. Francie and Will sit at the table, Will doing a crossword.)
WILL: It's a big day.
FRANCIE: Here she comes.
(Sydney steps out of her bedroom wearing her cap and gown.)
WILL: Oh there she--okay. Seriously? Oh, my God.
SYDNEY: Francie, what? Earrings, necklace? What do I need?
FRANCIE: Let's see...
(She gets up and takes a step closer.)
FRANCIE: You look beautiful.
(She gives Sydney a hug, her smile disappearing.)
FRANCIE: I'm so proud of you.
(Sydney seems to detect weird behavior.)
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(The telephone rings.)
WILL: What's a four-letter word for "ice cream thickener"?
SYDNEY: Agar. A-G-A-R.
FRANCIE: (on phone) Hello? Just a minute.
WILL: How'd you know that?
FRANCIE: Phone for you.
(Francie hands it over.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
SLOANE: Congratulations, Sydney. You have so many things to celebrate today. I, myself, am still coping with the pain and disappointment of learning that you and Jack were double agents. The two people I trusted most in the world.
WILL: How many "S"s in "Massachusetts"? Oh, sorry.
(Sydney leaves the room for privacy.)
SLOANE: Our first honest conversation, Sydney, and you have nothing to say?
SYDNEY: Listen to me, you son of a bitch! You have been a plague on my life. You repulse me! Every time I sat across from you, listening to your lies, all I could do was fantasize about slashing your throat!
SLOANE: Well, I can't pretend to be surprised that you feel that way. My only hope is that you can learn to forgive me. As hurt as I am, I know I can forgive you. After all, Sydney, I helped you.
SYDNEY: What are you talking about?
SLOANE: You don't really think it was a coincidence that I happened to be away these past two weeks, do you? The intel that you acquired that allowed the CIA to take down the Alliance -- I provided that. My involvement with the Alliance is merely a means to an end.
SYDNEY: Why are you telling me this?
SLOANE: Because knowing that I'm alive is going to tempt you to come after me. Don't. We've helped set each other free, Sydney. And as much as I wish you well, I will end your life if you get in my way.
(Briefing room at the CIA. Kendall, Jack, Vaughn, Sydney.)
SYDNEY: He called me at home. To warn me. No matter where he is, I can be gotten to.
JACK: Unfortunately, you're not the only one. Neil Caplan. He's a mathematecian working out of Cal Tech.
KENDALL: The bureau just confirmed that he and his family were kidnapped from the Long Beach Aquarium yesterday. Parking lot surveillance cameras recorded this.
(He starts the video which shows Caplan being ushered into a van by two men. Behind them is Sark.)
JACK: Doubtful he's acting alone. I assume his partnership with Sloane is alive and well.
SYDNEY: What do they want with a mathematician?
JACK: He specializes in a branch of mathematics called knot theory.
VAUGHN: Knot as in tie a knot?
JACK: Simply put, it's the study of geometric objects and how they fit together. All Alliance facilities have been raided yet we haven't found a single Rambaldi artifact. If Sloane was expecting our raid, he could've had everything moved to a secure location. He must be using Caplan to help him assemble a Rambaldi device.
VAUGHN: So what happens when Sloane puts the pieces together?
JACK: Whether or not you believe Rambaldi was a prophet, he did anticipate technological advances, many of which seem most applicable to warfare. It's likely Sloane is building a w*apon.
SYDNEY: He planned for this. He wanted the Alliance gone. And this family that he's taken hostage, they aren't the only people whose lives he'll destroy. This is never going to stop.
(Kendall plops down a stack of papers.)
KENDALL: Your resignation form. Sign it, and you're out.
(Warehouse. Sloane walks in a room where Sark and another man stands with Mr. Caplan, who is seated at a table, handcuffed to the chair. Caplan groans.)
SLOANE: Your glasses.
(He gives them to Caplan.)
SLOANE: Mr. Caplan, my name is Arvin Sloane.
MR. CAPLAN: Where's my family?
SLOANE: They're alive. And if you cooperate, you'll be reunited soon enough.
MR. CAPLAN: Where am I?
SLOANE: Years ago, I was with the army corps of engineering. They wanted me to study this.
(He opens a leather satchel.)
SLOANE: That manuscript is 500-years-old. Those sketches were drawn by a man named Milo Rambaldi. You will see that Rambaldi prophesied scientific principles centuries ahead of his time. Protoypes of his designs have turned up all over the world. For the past thirty years, I've been collecting them.
MR. CAPLAN: I don't understand. Why do you want me? I'm nobody.
SLOANE: You're going to help me put them together because, you see, Mr. Caplan, I know that you feel like you're only a hostage right now. But I assume you became a scientist to discover what secrets the universe has to offer. Believe me, when we're done here, you'll be thanking me for giving you the answer. So why don't you go ahead and take a look?
(Caplan picks up a document.)
(Dixon sits at a table in a room at the CIA. His tie is loosened and he looks very near tears. Sydney enters. She hesitantly sits at the table across from him.)
SYDNEY: I wanted to be the one to come in and tell you officially that you've been cleared. The CIA has concluded that you had no knowledge of what was really going on at SD-6. They want to offer you a place here.
(He says nothing, just staring at her coldly, practically rolling his eyes.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, you have to know that you were my anchor. Your friendship was the only thing that kept me sane.
DIXON: How long have you known?
SYDNEY: Two years. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I was ordered not to. The CIA had no way to verify what I knew in my heart was true -- that you would never consider working for a man like Arvin Sloane.
DIXON: We were partners. You lied to me, then chose to tell me the truth when it was convenient for you. I never want to see you again.
(At the CIA ops center upstairs, Marshall is reacting to his new life in a very different way. He speed walks and talks to another tech officer who takes notes.)
MARSHALL: Okay! I'll need taps into all gov networks -- NSA, DOD, FBI, CIA. Oh, I'll need a red phone to the president.
MARSHALL: That's all right, I just thought I'd ask. I'll need a cryogen air prototype rig. Don't worry, I'll put my own baffles on the heat sync so it won't be too loud.
(He walks into the main area and looks around in complete wonder.)
VAUGHN: Marshall. I'm Michael Vaughn. Welcome to the CIA.
MARSHALL: Heard that one before.
VAUGHN: Well, this time it's for real. We have a desk set up for you.
MARSHALL: Oh, okay. Oh, Syd!
SYDNEY: Marshall.
(They hug.)
SYDNEY: You okay?
MARSHALL: Yeah, I mean, every few minutes I have to fight the urge to weep openly. I'm not really sure where that's coming from yet but I think that's healthy, right?
SYDNEY: Listen, I know you need time to adjust but we could really use your help with something. Look, we're trying to find Sloane but we can't access any information from his computer.
MARSHALL: Well, he probably erased everything from his hard drive before he left and the deletion program I installed last year exceeded DOD sanitizing standards 'cause, you know, I thought I was working for the government! You know the story because you also thought you were working for -- I mean, you actually were working for the government and we didn't really know but that's okay. I'll see what I can do.
(Dixon walks in his house. His wife is doing dishes at the sink.)
MRS. DIXON: Hey, baby. Got your message, sorry your business trip was delayed.
(He gives her a little kiss.)
DIXON: Where are the kids?
MRS. DIXON: At the park with Mandy. Glad the bank at least gave you the rest of the day off.
DIXON: Diane.
DIXON: We need to talk.
(She stops doing dishes and turns to him.)
MRS. DIXON: What is it? Is it your mother?
(He starts to cry a little.)
DIXON: I don't work at a bank. I never have.
(Vaughn, Sydney and Jack are crowded around Marshall's computer.)
MARSHALL: Well, I was able to recover a few fragments from the RAM drive on Sloane's database. One of them was the most recent doc he was working on. It's a digital rolodex. Now, he checked one address in it. Holden Gendler, Van Nuys. Guy's a cybernetic specialist.
JACK: I'll go.
(Jack kicks in the door, flashlight and g*n in hand. He walks in, looking for anything. He sweeps his flashlight over the office and comes around the desk where he finds Holden -- the nerd from "The Getaway" who gave Sloane his new wedding ring and was sh*t. His left eye is emitting a beeping sound and a red light flashes from the eyeball.)
(Briefing with Marshall, Kendall, Jack, Sydney, Vaughn.)
MARSHALL: Okay, um, now, usually redeye is a photographic effect caused by light reflecting in the pupil, but in Holden Gendler's case?
(He shows the eyeball.)
MARSHALL: It was caused by this. It's an intra-ocular retinal implant.
KENDALL: You care to elaborate?
MARSHALL: Yeah, of course, Mr. Ken--Director. 'Cause you're the Director Kendall. Right. Um, that's one L?
MARSHALL: It's two. Of course. Why would it--by the way, sir, this place? So much cooler than SD-6.
KENDALL: How about the point?
MARSHALL: Of course. Sorry. So, basically this guy Gendler, he was blind in his left eye so he used himself a a guinea pig for wetware experiments, interfacing technology with the human brain. Real cutting edge. Basically this implant connects with the optical nerve which sends impulses to the vision center in his brain.
VAUGHN: What did Sloane want with a wetware expert?
JACK: All Alliance members were injected with a tracking device. Sloane must've hired Gendler to deactivate his so he could disappear.
MARSHALL: Right. But there's more. Now, this little baby records everything it sees on an internal memory. Now the LED light was blinking because it was full so I was able to download twelve hours of footage. Now there was no audio so I created a lip reading program. Just whipped it up. No extra charge. And, uh, take a look at what I found. This is the last thing Gendler saw.
(On the video screen, we get a POV sh*t of Sloane sh**ting Gendler. Sloane comes around the desk and sh**t him again.)
MARSHALL: Mr. Sloane...
(Sloane takes out his cell phone. An electronic voice does the lip reading.)
ELECTRONIC VOICE: It's Sloane. I've chartered a C-123 out of Shipman to transport the artifacts. I will be in touch.
JACK: "Shipman" could refer to the airfield in the Mojave desert. We've surveilled it before. It's operated by a transatlantic smuggling cartel. Ex-military, dishonorably discharged after the Gulf w*r. They're well-armed, highly organized. And they do have a C-123 in their fleet.
KENDALL: I could have a tactical team there in three hours. Once these guys understand their legal options, they'll be inclined to tell us where Sloane went.
SYDNEY: Interrogating the employees could take days. And Sloane doesn't just let hostages go when he's done with them.
KENDALL: I'm open to suggestions.
SYDNEY: If we could get into the facility undetected and access the flight data recorder on the plane Sloane chartered, we could track him directly to his last destination.
KENDALL: Spoken like a true volunteer.
(In a bathroom somewhere, Mrs. Caplan and Aaron are huddled on the floor, handcuffed to a pipe on the wall.)
AARON: I'm hungry.
(Sark and another man enter.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Where's my husband?
SARK: Your husband is a gifted individual. And we need his assistance for a short while. Should he choose to cooperate, this will soon be an unpleasant memory.
(He bends down to them and takes out a recorder.)
SARK: We'd like for you to tell your husband that you support his cooperation and if he doesn't, your son will be the first to suffer.
MRS. CAPLAN: Oh, God...
(Aaron cries. Sark holds out the tape recorder.)
(At the Mojave airfield, Vaughn meets with one of the employees and opens a crate that holds some w*apon. A man stands behind Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: So, Mr. Johnson, I need these shipped to Beijing by tomorrow.
MR. JOHNSON: You know what I find most interesting, Mr. Ludlow? Is that for an accomplished arms merchant, I've never heard your name.
(A g*n cocks behind Vaughn, pointed right at his head.)
MR. JOHNSON: Now if you're really an expert, you'll know what kind of g*n is pointed at the back of your head by the sound of the hammer.
VAUGHN: An M19-11. But if he were really going to sh**t me, he would have disengaged the thumb safety.
MR. JOHNSON: I got a charter leaving for Asia in a half an hour. If the money and the delivery instructions are in that briefcase as we discussed, it's been a pleasure doing business with you.
(A forklift takes the large crate and drops it inside a plane. Vaughn's Ford SUV parks nearby. The forklift backs out and leaves the crate there. Sydney rolls out of it, dressed as a workperson with her jumpsuit on.)
SYDNEY: Good call on the g*n. I would'v esaid Baretta M-9.
VAUGHN: Figured I had a 50/50 chance.
(Sydney walks around in the hangar.)
SYDNEY: Found the AFT access plane, I'm looking for the flight data recorder. Found it! Attaching the disk imager.
(On Vaughn's hand-held computer, it starts downloading.)
VAUGHN: Receiving uplink now.
(The plane starts, its propeller whirring to life.)
VAUGHN: Uplink complete, get out of there.
(A cartel employee discovers Sydney.)
EMPLOYEE: What are you doing here? I don't have a work order in this aircraft. Give me your ID, I'm calling this in.
(She hands it over.)
EMPLOYEE: Tower, I need confirmation--
(Sydney knees him in the gut, elbows him and punches him. He falls to the ground.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I've been made! Meet me at the northwest hangar!
VAUGHN: Copy that, I'm on my way!
(Tires screeching, he takes off. Sydney runs out of the plane when another employee, this one holding a g*n, comes around and sees her. She kicks the g*n away and, near the propeller, they start to fight. She blocks several punches and receives a few. She grabs a box of nails from the nearby table and throws it at him, some of the nails hitting the propeller and zinging away. Sydney grabs a wrench and jabs it at him. He kicks her on the back of her neck, sending her forward to the propeller. He flings her to the ground and kicks her. Sydney, on the ground, yanks at a thick cord he was standing on which sends him backwards, landing in the propellor. Blood flies everywhere as Vaughn drives up.)
VAUGHN: Get in!
(She runs to the SUV and jumps in.)
(They drive off.)
(It's raining outside. Night. Dixon sits out on his porch with a drink. Tears in his eyes. A car pulls up and Diane steps out, comes to the porch and sits next to him.)
DIXON: Where did you stay last night?
MRS. DIXON: At my sister's. The kids are there. The time you were sh*t, you told me that you had been mugged. If you had died that day, I would have buried a stranger. Look, I don't know if a single word you have ever said to me was true!
DIXON: My love for you is true. My love for our children is true. As a husband, as a father... I couldn't honestly say I was protecting my family unless I was out there!
MRS. DIXON: Except that you were working for the people that make the world more dangerous.
DIXON: I thought I was serving our country. This man -- Sloane... I will never lie to you again. The CIA's offered me a job.
MRS. DIXON: Marcus, I did not choose a life of wondering whether my husband was coming home every night. You take that job, you take it alone.
(She goes inside, leaving Dixon to sit on the porch alone, in the rain.)
(Caplan drops his glasses on the table, rubs at his head.)
SLOANE: Will you help us?
MR. CAPLAN: You want me to help you? You let my family go. That is the only way!
SLOANE: No. That is not the only way.
(He hits play on the recorder.)
MRS. CAPLAN'S VOICE: Help them, honey. Do what they want, please, or they're going to hurt Aaron...
(He rubs at his eyes.)
MR. CAPLAN: You want me to help you put this thing together. Are you telling me that these pieces exist?
SLOANE: You're sitting in a warehouse full of them.
MR. CAPLAN: According to this, each artifact is generating its own unique magnetic field. These fields determine where in the overall design the pieces go. The problem is, there's no room for error in the calculations and the equipment you gave me isn't sensitive enough for me to measure the fields with perfect accuracy. I need something I don't have!
SLOANE: The magnetometer you're developing for the Swiss polytechnic.
MR. CAPLAN: How do you know about that?
SLOANE: I know about a lot of things.
MR. CAPLAN: You're asking me to do something I cannot do. The magnetometer was designed to measure magnetic fields in space. It would be sensitive enough to do this kind of work but until it's cleared patent, the polytechnics have got it locked up in a vault somewhere.
SLOANE: The Amcorp bank. It's two miles from here.
MR. CAPLAN: We're in Switzerland?
SLOANE: By tomorrow, you'll have what you need.
(Outside the interrogation room, Sloane speaks on his cell.)
SLOANE: Just a few more days, Emily. Well, I'm still waiting for the owner to counter. Yeah, of course it has a garden. As a matter of fact, I'm looking out the window at the garden right now. yes. I miss you too, my love.
(He enters his office and takes a seat behind the desk. Sark sits nearby.)
SARK: What happens when your wife's ready to move to her Tuscan villa?
SLOANE: I purchased it six months ago.
SARK: I made contact with our point man. He's assembling a team for the bank but I must question your decision to lead them in yourself. In spite of your precautions, it's wildly risky, given your new level of notoreity.
SLOANE: I'm approaching the finish line of a thirty-year odyssey. I won't let anyone else take the final steps for me.
(CIA op center.)
JACK: This is the flight plan we retrieved from the plane's data recorders. Sloane left Shimpan for an island off the coast of Bermuda. We're sending in a team but it's doubtful he's still there because the plane then went on to the Zurich airport in Switzerland.
SYDNEY: It's a start, but he could be anywhere by now.
JACK: Unless we assume Sloane went to Switzerland for a reason, that he isn't merely passing through, in that case we can expect him to hire local support, mercenaries.
VAUGHN: I dealt with a guy in Switzerland. A headhunter we once used to put a black ops team together in western Europe. He controls most of the local territory. Sloane would use him if he needed mercs.
KENDALL: Well, assuming he did, if this guy knows your CIA he could tip Sloane off.
VAUGHN: He doesn't. We hired him fronting as a French crime syndicate.
KENDALL: Set up a meet. You two are on a plane.
(In Switzerland, Sloane meets with a prosthetic guy. His face is scanned in 3D on a computer and then is transformed into another face with the help of prosthetics.)
SLOANE: The bank's facial recognition cameras will measure my underlying bone structure.
PROSTHETICS: The cameras target the distance between your cheekbones. The prosthetics I'll apply are lined with a carbon powder. The system's data won't find a match. Even an X-ray would be fooled.
SLOANE: Well, then, let's begin.
(In a bar in Switzerland, a guy sits at a bar as the bartender pours him a drink. The guy takes a sip. Sydney and Vaughn enter, Sydney going over to the pool table. Vaughn sits next to his contact.)
CONTACT: (in French) What's in the briefcase?
VAUGHN: (in French) Five hundred thousand.
CONTACT: (in French) Not nearly enough if you're looking to put together a team.
VAUGHN: (in French) I'm not. I need information.
CONTACT: (in French) I'm not an encyclopedia.
VAUGHN: I'm not French. I'm CIA. We've tolerated your existence because you've been helpful but that tolerance can end now. We have reason to believe one of these men recently approached you to hire some of your contacts. Warm or cold?
(He drops a picture of Sloane and Sark on the bar.)
CONTACT: If you had told me the CIA was simply interested in my client list, I would have told you to go make love... with your mother.
(Vaughn grabs him, bangs his head against the bar and pours the guy's drink over his head. The bartender bends down, getting a g*n. Sydney grabs her g*n and points it at the bartender.)
SYDNEY: Hands!
(Vaughn takes a lighter and flicks it on, putting the flame near the guy's head, which is drenched in the alcohol.)
CONTACT: Ahhh, you broke my--
VAUGHN: Tell me if they came to see you!
CONTACT: You broke my nose!
CONTACT: Okay, okay, they came! They hired some men!
VAUGHN: For what?
CONTACT: I don't know the details!
VAUGHN: Tell me what you know!
CONTACT: The woman and the child -- I know where they are!
VAUGHN: Where?!
CONTACT: In the other room, downstairs!
(Vaughn and Sydney look at each other in shock.)
VAUGHN: They're here?
(Near the bathroom with the Caplan family, two guards play some cards at a table. Knock on a door. One guard gets up.)
VOICE: C'est moi!
(He opens the door a little and Sydney kicks in the door, knocking him back. Mrs. Caplan and Aaron are in the next room, huddled together, as they hear three sh*ts. Sydney comes in, g*n pointed and sees them. They cry. Vaughn comes in. Sydney heads for Mrs. Caplan, Vaughn heads for the little boy.)
SYDNEY: It's okay! We're CIA agents, you're safe.
VAUGHN: It's okay, buddy.
SYDNEY: You're safe, come on.
MRS. CAPLAN: (sobbing) Oh, God!
(She hugs Sydney. The four of them get up, with Vaughn carrying Aaron.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Where's my husband?
SYDNEY: We're still looking for him. We're doing everything we can.
MRS. CAPLAN: What's your name?
SYDNEY: Sydney. Sydney Bristow.
MRS. CAPLAN: Thank you, Sydney.
(She carries Aaron out of there.)
MRS. CAPLAN: Shhh, shhh, shhh...
VAUGHN: Syd, one of the guys had a cell phone. If either Sark or Sloane called directly, we can trace him.
(At the CIA, Marshall is surrounded by a few agents.)
TECH GUY: We still don't get how you detected the tap we put on the SD-6 network last year.
MARSHALL: Yes, that was a noble attempt, gentleman, a noble attempt. But, uh, you see, what happened was it was interfering with my online Dungeon Master game. My gnome kept skipping a frame every time he swung his battle ax, so...
(His phone rings.)
MARSHALL: Oh, my God. My first phone call. Excuse me. (picks up) Yeah, this is Marshall?
SYDNEY: Marshall, it's me. I need you to run a location trace on every incoming call that was made to the phone I'm talking to you on.
MARSHALL: Sure, Syd, no problem.
(He sits down at his computer and changes to a headset.)
MARSHALL: Okay, I need you to scroll to the incoming call menu on the phone and then h*t pound, pound, and then send.
SYDNEY: Okay, hold on.
(She does so.)
MARSHALL: I'm getting fifteen locations.
SYDNEY: Any of them in Zurich?
MARSHALL: Uh, two. The first one was made from a payphone at the Zurich airport.
SYDNEY: No good. Next!
MARSHALL: Made from a cell phone. I can probably triangulate the location if it's on. I got it! It's moving.
SYDNEY: Where is it?
MARSHALL: Looks like the Amcorp bank on Newmarket Street.
SYDNEY: I'll call you right back. (hangs up) We're going to Newmarket Street.
(Sydney and Vaughn are speeding down the streets of Zurich, both speaking on their phones.)
SYDNEY: Marshall, we're heading south on Burgstrasse!
VAUGHN: The robbery is in progress!
SYDNEY: Burgstrasse! Are you copying my signal?
MARSHALL: Yeah, yeah, I got you. Make a right at the next light!
SYDNEY: Hold on!
(She does so, swinging into the lanes.)
(At the bank, in the underground parking lot [which looks like the Credit Dauphine one], a limo drives up with Sark behind the wheel. Three men get out and then Sloane steps out, wearing his prosthetics. Two men greet them.)
SHYER: Mr. Skopic, welcome. I'm Claude Shyer, president of Amcorp bank. We spoke on the phone.
SLOANE: Ah, yes. Thank you for accomodating me on such short notice.
SHYER: Not at all. Fifty million dollars in cash is not the kind of thing one likes to leave under one's pillow for very long. This is our bank manager, Peter Kuntz.
KUNTZ: Hello.
SLOANE: Pleasure.
SHYER: He will take you to our vault while I secure your deposit.
(Sydney zooms through the traffic.)
(Kuntz leads Sloane and his mean down a flight of stairs, heading for the vault.)
KUNTZ: Can I offer you anything? An espresso?
SLOANE: Oh, thank you very much, most kind. But due to a sensitive stomach my physician has prohibited caffeine from my diet.
KUNTZ: Very well. After you.
(The camera high up on the wall is on. In the limo, Sark types on his laptop.)
SARK: I've spliced into the facial registration database.
(No match found.)
SARK: You've cleared their system.
(At the vault, Kuntz enters.)
SARK: I'll need ten seconds. Keep him talking a bit longer.
SLOANE: Herr Kuntz, let me ask you something. This American w*r on terrorism, has it affected your procedure in any way at all?
SARK: Looping the feed... now.
KUNTZ: I assure you, our institution is one of the most safest in the world.
(Sloane takes out a g*n and sh**t him.)
SLOANE: Box 4747!
(The men open the briefcases that held the fifty million deposit -- it's rigged with expl*sives.)
(Sydney speeds through the traffic.)
MARSHALL: Okay, take a left into the alley!
VAUGHN: I guess it's pointless to say we should wait for backup?
(Sydney doesn't answer, just floors it through the alley. A pedestrian is walking by, cars going by on the street in front of them.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, you're going too fast! SYDNEY!
(She almost hits someone, flies into the street and looks back as the cars stop, blaring their horns. She comes to a stop in front of the bank.)
(In the vault, they open box 4747 and take out a briefcase. Sloane opens it and finds the magnetometer. He smiles.)
(Up in the lobby, Sydney and Vaughn march in. Sydney shows her badge to a security guard at the door.)
SYDNEY: Who's in charge?
(Claude Shyer sits at a desk nearby.)
SHYER: What can I do for you?
SYDNEY: We're United States agents. Lockdown your vault, you're being robbed.
SHYER: I think you're mistaken.
(He turns the monitor to face them. The disguised Sloane is seen talking to Kuntz. There's a slight flicker in the feed.)
SYDNEY: It's looped. That's him.
(In his limo, Sark watches the video feed of Sydney and Vaughn at Shyer's desk.)
SARK: Sydney's in the lobby! She's by the entrance!
(Sydney looks up as Sloane and his guards come up in the lobby. She takes out her g*n and points it at him across the way.)
(He looks. The guards point their g*n at Sydney and Vaughn. People scream, run and hide. Vaughn and Sydney have their g*n pointed.)
SLOANE: Hold your f*re!
MERCENARY: Get down!
SLOANE: I warned you, Sydney. I can't guarantee your safety in a situation like this.
SYDNEY: There's no way I'm letting you walk out of here!
SLOANE: Ah... you must be the man that Sark told me about. The man that Sydney was willing to k*ll me for.
VAUGHN: She would have k*lled you for a lot less.
SYDNEY: The police are on their way. We have Caplan's family. Give up!
SLOANE: We've rigged the lower level with enough C-4 to level the entire city block so if we don't walk out of here... nobody does.
SYDNEY: You're bluffing.
(He takes out a remote trigger from his jacket pocket.)
SLOANE: I'm not the only one carrying a remote trigger. The entire bank is monitored via satellite by an off-site team. If they don't see me walk out of here in thirty seconds, they'll detonate. So I suggest that you both lower your g*n. Lower... your g*n.
(She puts hers down. Vaughn reluctantly obeys.)
SLOANE: Toss them on the ground.
(She does. Vaughn follows.)
SLOANE: And you, my dear... you'll be driving me out of here.
(He tosses her a set of keys. Sydney catches them.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x15 - Free Agent"} | foreverdreaming |
(Outside the bank in Switzerland, police sirens wail as several officers approach the entrance of the bank with their g*n raised. Sydney and Sloane step out. Sloane shows the officers the detonator.)
VAUGHN: (V.O.) Stand down!
(The officer speaks to Vaughn via transmitter. Vaughn is in the lower level of the bank with the C-4 and an expl*sives expert.)
VAUGHN: (V.O.) Let Agent Bristow leave with the suspect!
OFFICER: He's holding the detonator and we have a clear sh*t.
VAUGHN: No! You make one move and one of his operatives will detonate the expl*sives. He's got the area under satellite surveillance.
(Nearby, Sark listens in.)
VAUGHN: That means let Sloane go and don't tail him until we get this stuff defused!
(Helicopters whir in the sky as the officer speaks German to the other policemen and they all lower their g*n. Sark watches. Sloane takes Sydney's arm as they start to walk down the sidewalk and she snaps it away out of his grasp. Meanwhile, in the lower level...)
EXPERT: There's a current running through here. If we clip the wires, we'll break the circuit. There's a fail-safe, the only way to take this out is to disrupt the electronics. We need a water cannon.
VAUGHN: The remote detonator operates on a radio frequency. Wouldn't it be faster to find out what that frequency is and just jam it?
EXPERT: Yes but accessing the frequency might ignite an expl*si*n.
VAUGHN: There's got to be a way to block it.
EXPERT: Not unless you have some way to encase a detonator in concrete.
(Lightbulb moment. Vaughn gets on his walkie-talkie again.)
VAUGHN: This is Agent Vaughn. Get me the bank manager now!
(On a deserted road in Switzerland, Sydney drives her Ford Focus with Sloane sitting in the backseat. He rips off his mask.)
SLOANE: I told you not to come after me, Sydney. I warned you that I will k*ll you if you interfere! If you knew what I have in here, if you knew what my plans are... this is bigger than SD-6, Sydney, than the CIA, than you being deceived by me, than me being betrayed by you. If things were different...
(Vaughn's on the phone with Marshall who's back at the CIA.)
VAUGHN: The safe -- it's a Friedlin model 42-C.
(Marshall plops down a huge manual on his desk and starts flipping through the pages.)
MARSHALL: Okay, Friedlin, Friedlin, Friedlin, Friedlin... number nine... Friendlin... Okay, got it! "Constructed with three inches of high-density concrete surrounded by heavy gauge steel."
VAUGHN: Will it block the signal?
MARSHALL: I don't know, that depends on the detonator. How big is the antenna?
VAUGHN: An inch, inch and a half.
MARSHALL: That means it's probably transmitting by, uh, divided by the speed of light times one-fourth...
VAUGHN: Marshall!
MARSHALL: Three gigahertz! Which means you should have enough shielding so the signal can't get through.
VAUGHN: Should have or have?
VAUGHN: Thank you. Tell Kendall to start tracking Sydney in five minutes. She'll be in a Ford Focus.
MARSHALL: Do you know what model?
MARSHALL: What color?
VAUGHN: Blue. Why?
MARSHALL: Uh, no, I was just curious. I was thinking about getting one myself...
(Vaughn hangs up.)
MARSHALL: Lower it a little, get some big tires, rims. Gold rims. Hello?
(The detonator beeps. It's inside the bank's safe. They close the door.)
VAUGHN: Syd! We shielded the detonator -- the b*mb can't be triggered. Sloane can't know this. A team will intercept your car in five minutes.
(On Sark's surveillance laptop, the detonator signal is lost. He speaks to Sloane via transmitter.)
SARK: Change of plans. ETA -- five minutes.
(The car drives along. Sydney looks back at Sloane in the rearview.)
SYDNEY: The CIA has a h*t list. Thirty-five people worldwide its agents are allowed to k*ll. Thirty-five out of six billion. You're one of them. Which means when I k*ll you, I won't even be breaking the law.
(Sloane suddenly opens his back door.)
SYDNEY: You jump, you die!
(But he's not jumping. A van drives up with Sark in the back. They smash the back door off the Focus and Sark opens the back door of the van. The driver has a g*n aimed at Sydney. Sark helps Sloane move out of the car, into the van. They look at Sydney and drive ahead. They sh**t back at her, and the hood on the Focus raises up, blocking Sydney's view. The car spins out of control, stopping on the other side of the road. She bangs the steering wheel a few times.)
(Briefing room with Kendall, Vaughn and Sydney.)
KENDALL: Officials with Amcorp are hiding behind Swiss banking laws to avoid telling us what Sloane stole from the bank. For the moment, his trail's gone cold.
SYDNEY: In other words, we don't have a plan. I mean, it's true, isn't it? We've got nothing.
KENDALL: May I remind you, Miss Bristow, that Sloane was last seen in your custody?
SYDNEY: I was in his custody! He was holding hostages!
KENDALL: You had the option to take him out. You chose not to exercise it.
SYDNEY: I chose not to incinerate three hundred innocent people. Are you telling me you think I made the wrong choice?
VAUGHN: I think we should just stick to what we know. Sloane is holding Neil Caplan hostage for the purpose of building some sort of a w*apon. And presumably, what he took from Amcorp is helping him do that.
SYDNEY: But, see, we don't know that because we lost Sloane. And the reason we lost Sloane is because he had something we didn't -- satellite surveillance! And if we'd tasked one bird to follow him after we defused the b*mb we would have him by now!
KENDALL: Our satellites were tasked elsewhere at the time.
SYDNEY: See, that's my point! We didn't take advantage of the situation.
KENDALL: No, we prioritized!
SYDNEY: What's the point of strategizing if we're not willing to do everything--
KENDALL: We're doing everything we can do!
SYDNEY: No, we're not! Not even close.
(In Switzerland, Sloane enters the warehouse. Sark sits at a table.)
SLOANE: I need a progress report.
SARK: Caplan says he is a day away.
SLOANE: We took the magnetometer from Amcorp to expedite the construction of the Rambaldi device. My flight is the day after tomorrow. It needs to be completed before then.
SARK: I believe Caplan to be a man of his word.
SLOANE: Mr. Caplan is only assisting us because he believes we're holding his family hostage. If what he's put together is as powerful as I believe it to be, I don't want him to be anywhere near it when it's operational.
SARK: I'll conduct a preliminary test myself.
SLOANE: You do that... by tomorrow.
(Night at Sydney's. She and Vaughn come home.)
SYDNEY: I love the zamboni.
VAUGHN: Zamboni's your favorite part?
SYDNEY: No. Coming home with you after the game is my favorite part.
(They kiss. Vaughn takes a few steps, still holding her hand, and gives her hand a kiss.)
SYDNEY: Zamboni was a close second.
(He laughs. His cell rings.)
VAUGHN: Hello?
(Weiss is at the ops center.)
WEISS: Hey. Kendall has something he wants to show you.
(Vaughn mouths "Weiss" to Sydney, she goes in the kitchen.)
VAUGHN: Uh, can it wait?
WEISS: Apparently not. He wants Sydney, too. Are you with her?
VAUGHN: Uh, no, I haven't seen her.
WEISS: You're in bed with her right now, aren't you?
VAUGHN: I'm trying. Just find out what he wants.
SYDNEY: Kendall?
(Vaughn sort of rolls his eyes in confirmation. Suddenly he hears his own voice relaying back to him on his cell.)
VAUGHN'S VOICE: Zamboni's your favorite part?
WEISS: Could you at least try to pay attention? Vaughn, can you hear me?
(Vaughn moves down the hall a bit as feedback and his conversation with Sydney is over the line.)
SYDNEY'S VOICE: No. Coming home with you after the game is my favorite part.
(The sound of them kissing.)
WEISS: Vaughn?
SYDNEY'S VOICE: Zamboni was a close second.
(He leans into the lightswitch which gives off more feedback. Sydney looks at him. Vaughn motions for her.)
VAUGHN: We'll be there soon.
(He hangs up. Later, Sydney takes off the lightswitch and behind the wires is a bug.)
(Ops center. Jack, Vaughn and Sydney walk down the hall together.)
JACK: A cleaning crew is on notice to sweep the apartment, ASAP.
SYDNEY: I don't understand. How can the apartment be bugged? I have countermeasures. Will and I talk there sometimes about work -- he needs to be told.
JACK: Already being handled. We need to know who you've spoken with, what was said, and what intelligence might have been compromised. Plus, you need to compile a list of every person, friend, serviceman, delivery guy, mailman who has been in or out of the apartment. Kendall's waiting for you, I'll take this to analysis.
(Jack speaks to Marshall about the bug.)
JACK: What do you mean, you bugged the apartment?
MARSHALL: It's not like I broke in and planted it myself. I made it.
(He takes a magnifier to the bug.)
MARSHALL: Here. If you take a look right there, I soldered in the circuit board. Can you see that?
JACK: What is that?
MARSHALL: It's a Superman logo. Except this one's got a "M" on it, it's kind of my signature. Um, when I used to work at SD-6, I made it special for Sloane. It operates using an MD-14 data adapter, which cloaks the signal, making it undetectable by bug K*llers. I know, I know, I'm that good. Uh, which is bad.
JACK: Vaughn said he heard it repeat his conversation through his cell phone.
MARSHALL: Right, well, this is a burst transmitter. It periodically transmits what it's recorded to a receiver.
JACK: Can you reverse engineer the signal, find out where the conversations were being transmitted to?
MARSHALL: Uh, well, if the transmitter recorded the phone number that it sends the conversation to, yeah, I guess that it's possible.
JACK: Then do it.
MARSHALL: "Please" would be nice.
(Jack just walks away.)
MARSHALL: That's all right. Never mind.
(Sloane looks at the Rambaldi manuscript with a cut out in it, a piece missing. Sark enters.)
SARK: Caplan finished earlier this morning. The Rambaldi device is complete. I ran the test. I think you'll be pleased with the results.
(Sloane looks at some photos.)
SARK: When we agreed to combine our resources, sir, you promised you'd show me incredible things. But a suitcase neutron b*mb designed in the sixteenth century -- is that even a theoretical possibility?
(In Kandahar, a van comes to a stop. Two men get Sloane out of the back of the van, his head covered with a cloth, and they lead him inside. Inside, he meets with Ahmad Kabir.)
KABIR: Forgive the mode of transportation, but a person in my position cannot be too cautious.
SLOANE: I understand. Our mutual friend, Mr. Dreyfus, he sends his respects.
KABIR: Let me pay you the courtesy of being blunt. I don't do business with Americans.
SLOANE: (nods) I'm a man with no country and few alliances. All I have is a vision of an enterprise that will influence an existing world order that I believe to be corrupt. I'm looking for partners who shares that view.
KABIR: I am but a humble shepherd.
SLOANE: Whose control of the opium trade along the silk road is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
KABIR: In this part of the world, it's better to be practical than visonary. Why should I invest in your enterprise?
SLOANE: Ah, that, my friend, is a long discussion. First, a gift.
(He opens a small case.)
SLOANE: It once belonged to Khushal Khan Khattak, the great seventeenth century warrior-poet.
KABIR: He united our lands and is a hero to my people. This is a treasure. Tell me more about what you have planned.
(Sydney's bedroom. She does some exercises by her bed. Francie stands at the doorway.)
SYDNEY: Hey. So, how's it going?
FRANCIE: I'm good.
SYDNEY: No, I mean about Will. Is this gonna turn into a thing? What's going on? Have you slept with him?
FRANCIE: No, not yet.
SYDNEY: Will hasn't said a thing. He can't even look at me anymore, he's so freaked out.
(Sydney strips off her shorts and puts some pants on.)
FRANCIE: You know, Sydney, you've been acting sort of weird lately.
SYDNEY: Really? I thought you'd been acting weird. I thought maybe it was because of Will.
(She sits down beside her.)
FRANCIE: You don't talk to me anymore.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry, Francie. I just get so caught up in work.
FRANCIE: Don't forget -- we used to be really good friends. You can talk to me.
(The phone rings. Sydney picks up.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
VAUGHN: Get in here now.
(She hangs up.)
FRANCIE: Who was that?
SYDNEY: Someone from the bank. There's a problem with a client in Tokyo, I have to go in.
FRANCIE: See you.
(Minutes later, the shower runs. Francie sneaks down the hall and uses her cell to call Sark.)
SARK: Hello?
FRANCIE: They found the bugs. How should I proceed?
SARK: They'll be looking for our LA asset. Give them someone.
FRANCIE: I'll take care of it.
(Ops center. Sydney walks in.)
VAUGHN: Send a copy of that to Kendall.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, is it Sloane? Did Marshall get a location by reverse engineering the bug?
VAUGHN: It works on an encrypted feed. It was untraceable. But we got a lead on Sloane another way.
(Briefing room.)
KENDALL: An asset outside Kandahar reported seeing someone matching Sloane's description in the company of men loyal to Ahmad Kabir, the Pashtun w*rlord who played footsie with the Taliban. When they ran, so did he, except we don't know exactly where.
JACK: We believe Kabir's men took Sloane somewhere in the Helmand Valley. Last year Sloane assigned an SD-6 agent to infiltrate Kabir's Helmand operation and intercept routing information regarding a shipment of Soviet surface-to-air m*ssile.
VAUGHN: Sloane stole a shipment of m*ssile from Kabir but now they're meeting? What am I missing?
SYDNEY: Kabir has no idea who Sloane is. The agent he assigned got in and out undetected.
VAUGHN: Who was the agent?
SYDNEY: Marcus Dixon.
KENDALL: None of the records we acquired from SD-6 details that mission and everything that Jack knows, now you know. The only person who can help us is Dixon.
SYDNEY: Who has made it clear that he has no intention of cooperating with us.
KENDALL: Well, you're just going to have to change his mind. I want a full briefing on Kabir by our analysts.
SYDNEY: I don't think you appreciate Dixon's sense of betrayal.
KENDALL: Correct me if I'm wrong, Agent Bristow, but only yesterday you were standing here complaining that we're not doing enough to find Sloane. If you do nothing and we lose him this time, you'll have only yourself to blame.
(Dixon's house. Mrs. Dixon is at the door.)
MRS. DIXON: Marcus doesn't want to see you. And for what it's worth, neither do I.
SYDNEY: I know, Diane, I do. I promise you I wouldn't be her eif it wasn't important.
MRS. DIXON: What good are your promises?
SYDNEY: Right.
(Dixon comes out, stands beside his wife.)
DIXON: Hello, Sydney.
SYDNEY: Hi. I need some information.
DIXON: I can't help you.
(Mrs. Dixon starts to close the door but Sydney stops her.)
SYDNEY: Look, five minutes, all I need is a location!
MRS. DIXON: He said no.
SYDNEY: Look, it can mean the end of Sloane!
(Dixon's suddenly interested.)
SYDNEY: Sloane's with Ahmad Kabir. All I need to know is where Kabir operates from. These are bad people, they need to be stopped.
MRS. DIXON: Not by my husband, they don't.
SYDNEY: The agency might try to compel you to tell them what you know.
DIXON: If they do, I'll tell them what I'm telling you. We've made a decision as a family to move on.
(Diane closes the door in Sydney's face.)
(Self-storage building. This time, Vaughn is meeting with Will.)
VAUGHN: Do you own a suit?
WILL: A suit? Yeah, uh, one.
VAUGHN: Put it on.
WILL: Why? Why? What's going on?
VAUGHN: You've only bee doing analysis for a short time but your written briefs are good. One of them on Ahmad Kabir. The director wants an oral presentation.
WILL: Wait, wait, wait. An oral -- like in person?
VAUGHN: Yeah. Just give him talking points.
WILL: I'm a writer.
VAUGHN: It's not really a request...
WILL: I don't talk. I write.
VAUGHN: It's part of your job. Do you know Sammy's Red Hots?
WILL: Sure, Santa Monica and 17th.
VAUGHN: Yeah. Be there in one hour. Order the special, no pickles.
WILL: I like pickles...
VAUGHN: You'll be led out back where a windowless van will be waiting to take you to operations.
WILL: I'm going to be talking to the director? Is that a big deal?
WILL: Oh, God.
(In Kandahar at their meeting, Sloane holds a carved statue.)
KABIR: It's from the sixteenth century.
SLOANE: Mmm. It is a carving of an arhat, a worthy one. In Buddhist tradition, an arhat is the destroyer of the enemy.
KABIR: How is it you know so much?
SLOANE: I'm a collector. This piece is very special.
KABIR: You want a partner, someone to invest in an incredibly ambitious global enterprise which is at best a risky proposition. What you offer in exchange, to be my... to be my arhat, I need some assurance that you can deliver on that promise.
SLOANE: Oh, naturally. And that's why I'm fully prepared to give you a demonstration. I leave it to you to choose the target.
(Vaughn leads Will to the briefing room.)
VAUGHN: No suit, huh?
WILL: Well, it's been a while since I tried it on. Or worked out, apparently. Which makes me overwhelmed and fat.
VAUGHN: Will Tippin, meet Professor Joyce and Fleming. They flew in last night from the Kennedy School. I'll go tell the others we're ready.
WILL: The Kennedy School. Where is that?
FLEMING: Harvard.
WILL: That's right.
(Later, meeting in progress. Jack and Vaughn and Sydney, who sits beside Will, are there.)
KENDALL: Our objective today is simple: to identify a person or persons who can give us the exact location of Ahmad Kabir's Helmand Valley operations.
(Will fidgets with a pencil. Sydney puts her hand over his, steadying him.)
FLEMING: Despite the American-backed government, the geopolitical reality of Afghanistan is that it's still defined by ethnic rivalries. The simplest way to find a Pashtun like Kabir is to first find an enemy willing to sell him out.
JOYCE: Sharif Rabani is on record as accusing Kabir's Pashtun supporters of engaging in ethnic cleansing. I'm sure we'll have no problem getting him to lead us to him.
WILL: Then why hasn't he? Well, the point is, yeah, they hate each other, but they probably hate us more. I mean, since 9/!! haven't we paid guys like this millions of dollars for information and gotten almost nothing in return?
JACK: Are you prepared to make an alternate recommendation?
WILL: Yes, actually, I am. All I have here are these photographs... Sydney?
(He puts on his glasses, stands up, and gestures for Sydney to put the photo on the screen.)
WILL: This woman's name is Alia Gizabi. She's married to an administrator with the Vatican embassy in Mexico City. Alia Gizabi used to be Alia Kabir. She's Kabir's ex-wife. Since the Taliban got booted, a woman can have a marriage annulled if it's determined that she was forced or sold into that marriage against her will. According to court records.
VAUGHN: You found court records?
WILL: Yeah, yeah, they're published on the net. I realize that there's nothing geopolitcally correct about my analysis, but in the "hell hath no fury" department, I figure this woman would pay us to mess with her ex. I mean, she hates him so much she sent their son into hiding with her relatives.
(He sits down and looks over at the Harvard professors.)
WILL: I'll get you that web address. You should check it out.
(Sydney smiles.)
KENDALL: Okay. I'll alert our station chief in Mexico City. Vaughn and Bristow, you leave in an hour. We need to protect this woman, no one can know the CIA's contacted her. You're going in under an alias.
(Sloane, in Kandahar, speaks to Sark over cell phone.)
SLOANE: Kabir's chosen his target. His ex-wife.
SARK: We're using the device on Alia Gizabi?
SLOANE: You'll be briefed en route to Mexico City. You leave at once.
(Mexico City. At the Vatican embassy, people enter the church. Bells chime. A van is parked right by the steps and inside is Sark. The suitcase b*mb beeps in the back, glowing red. He's on the phone and moves back, sitting next to it.)
SARK: Surveillance confirms Gizabi in the adminstrative wing, adjacent to the church. Now, according to Caplan's calculations of the running requirements we'll need twenty million watts to reach that section of the building.
SLOANE: Twenty per cent of its capacity.
SARK: Yes. That should give us coverage of the entire embassy. But, sir, if Caplan's off by even a microtesla, this could go very wrong.
SLOANE: Do it.
SARK: That's easy for you to say, sir, you're eight thousand miles away.
SLOANE: I'll wait to hear from you.
(They hang up. Sark starts the timer: three minutes to go. Sark climbs out of the van, just missing Sydney -- dressed up as a senior citizen. He walks away.)
SYDNEY: I'm approaching the steps.
MAN: Senora.
(He helps her up the steps. Inside, she enters, looking around at the people who take their seats.)
SYDNEY: I'm in.
(Vaughn talks to Sydney from his SUV parked outside.)
VAUGHN: All right, Gizabi works on the first floor.
(Sydney turns a corner, enters an office, looking for the right one. The b*mb in the van reads 2:20 left. She enters the correct office.)
GIZABI: Can I help you?
SYDNEY: I'm not here to hurt you. I work for American intelligence. I need some information about your ex-husband.
(She reaches for the phone but Sydney stops her.)
SYDNEY: I know you're worried about retribution for leaving him and taking your son, that's why I've come in secret. No one knows I'm here, no one will ever know that you've talked with me. I'm searching for a man, a horrible, dangerous man. He is with your ex-husband at his residence in the Helmand Valley. I need to know exactly where that is.
(Weiss is in the ops center.)
WEISS: Vaughn? Can you hear me, Vaughn?
VAUGHN: Yeah, what is it? What's wrong?
WEISS: We just had an Echelon intercept. Key words were picked up -- "t*rror1st," "w*apon of mass destruction." But you ready for this? "Rambaldi."
VAUGHN: Did you get coordinates?
WEISS: Yeah. Yours. We don't know what's happening but you're not waiting for us to find out. Get out now!
(One minute left on the timer.)
(In the office.)
GIZABI: I cannot help you.
VAUGHN: Sydney, we hve to get out of here now. There's going to be some sort of att*ck -- car b*mb, su1c1de b*mb, I don't know, but I'm alerting the embassy, they're going to start an evacuation. There's a door at the end of the adminstrative corridor, meet me there.
SYDNEY: You have to come with me, it's for your own safety.
GIZABI: I told you. I won't help.
(Sydney hits her on the back of the head, temporarily knocking her out.)
(In the church, the priest address the crowd.)
PRIEST: (in Spanish) We must leave this church immediately. It's very important that we leave now. Por favor.
(People start leaving. Outside, Vaughn puts Gizabi in the backseat of the SUV. Sydney gets in and they drive away. In Sark's van, the b*mb whirs and lights illuminate the inside of the van. People run out of the church. Inside, a woman gets up to leave and suddenly bursts into flame. The priest is on f*re. People start running for the exit, on f*re, but fall to the ground, burning alive. Vaughn and Sydney are driving away with Weiss talking to Vaughn, looking at his monitor.)
WEISS: Are you seeing this? We picked up a hot spot.
VAUGHN: Where?
WEISS: It's directly behind you! It's huge.
(Vaughn looks in his rearview. Sydney peels off her mask.)
SYDNEY: What was it?
VAUGHN: Some kind of a f*re. Something burning.
WEISS: No, listen to me, listen to me, it's this inferno! It's right behind you! You don't see it?
VAUGHN: There's nothing.
SYDNEY: Is he seeing people, buildings, what?
WEISS: Wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa. It disappeared, it's gone!
VAUGHN: Gone? What do you mean, gone?
WEISS: I don't know, it just--it disappeared.
SYDNEY: Let's go back.
(They enter the church and see ashes. Burnt bones in the aisle of the church, of people trying to escape. They look at it all in horror. Gizabi enters behind them. She sees.)
GIZABI: I'll tell you where to find my husband.
(In Afghanistan, Sark, Sloane and Kubir watch the news footage on TV.)
TV ANNOUNCER: Sixty-two people are confirmed d*ad in what government officials are calling the worst act of terrorism in Mexico City in a decade. Some people describe it as an act of God, though local officials are still investigating the matter. No confirmation--
(They shut the TV off.)
SARK: All of the victims were incinerated beyond recognition. Absent positive identification, a list of presumed d*ad was published. Your ex is on the list.
(Kabir raises his hand. A follower brings Sloane a wrapped gift.)
SLOANE: What is this?
KABIR: A small token of appreciation.
(He opens the cloth. It's the arhat.)
SLOANE: No. No, this is too much. I cannot accept this.
KABIR: I saw you admire it and deservedly so. You have destroyed my enemy. You are in every way my arhat. I will have forty million wired tomorrow to the account of your choosing.
(Briefing room.)
KENDALL: Video surveillance places Sark at the scene of the att*ck in Mexico City. Subsequent to the att*ck, intel tracked him as far as Kabul. Here's what we can assume. Sloane dispatched Sark to carry out his mission, now that it's complete, Sark has returned to his master and thanks to Ms. Gizabi, we now know where that is.
JACK: The plan is for you to lead a tactical unit into the Helmand. You'll parachute into the compound, affect a roof access, steal the w*apon, and signal for backup.
SYDNEY: You know how people are describing it, don't you? They're calling it a doomsday device, saying it's the first sign of the armageddon, like the devil himself rose up to att*ck that church.
MARSHALL: Um, excuse me, if I may offer a scientific explanation, I think it might, uh, help the, um... Hi, everybody, it's good to, uh... (to Kendall) That's a really nice--
KENDALL: Okay, come on.
MARSHALL: Right. What we're dealing with is a high-energy pulse w*apon. Now thanks to an Echelon intercept we are able to retask a KH-12 satellite over the area and this is what we found.
(He puts surveillance photos up on their screens.)
MARSHALL: Okay, the blue dots -- those are the people in the church before. Now that is what the infrared picked up after. The body temperature of everyone in the affected area increased by over two thousand degrees. They literally melted from the inside out.
SYDNEY: Nothing else in the church was affected.
MARSHALL: Well, that's because it works like a microwave. It excites water and fat molecules which don't exist in inorganic materials and then it converts them into atomic motion or heat.
VAUGHN: You said everyone in the radius was affected, even people who were taking cover?
MARSHALL: Yeah. Well, there's no defense against this kind of energy. It goes through walls, concrete, steel, everything.
KENDALL: There's no shield.
MARSHALL: No. Sorry. Oh, um, I should probably also tell you that, um, this kind of energy knocks out computer circuitry. Which means if it's pointed at the sky, it could take down planes.
(Jack and Sydney in the ops main room.)
JACK: What concerns me is that Sloane knows this kind of use of force is a deliberate provocation that demands a swift response and yet he exercised it on the ex-wife of a petty w*rlord. Why?
(Weiss interrupts them.)
WEISS: I got the inventory back from the cleaners. They found audio and video transmitters, all next gen stuff.
SYDNEY: Video?
WEISS: Yeah. In the TV in your bedroom.
(Sydney looks horribly uncomfortable.)
JACK: We're investigating everyone you listed who's been in your apartment. So far, they're all clean.
(Sydney, still at the CIA, phones Francie.)
SYDNEY: Hey, it's me.
SYDNEY: I know we had plans for tonight, but I have to work.
FRANCIE: What you have to do is quit that job of yours.
SYDNEY: Fran, I'm sorry.
FRANCIE: It's okay. The truth is, I probably wasn't going to be able to make it anyway.
SYDNEY: So you don't want to k*ll me?
FRANCIE: No, of course not. Hey, you know, can we talk about this later? I'm kind of in the middle of something.
(We pan over to a plumber who has a gag in his mouth, tied to his chair in his workplace.)
SYDNEY: Yeah, yeah, I'll call you later. Bye.
(They hang up. Francie raises a g*n and sh**t the plumber. Afterwards she opens the plumber's locker and puts some bugs and electronic equipment inside, then closes it up.)
(Sydney meets with Marshall in front of some video equipment.)
MARSHALL: Okay, um, you remember that movie "Predator" when Schwarzenegger was chased by that crab who could only see in thermal?
(He makes some crab motions with his hands, complete with noises.)
MARSHALL: No? You never saw that? It was a great movie! Schwarzenegger, it was one of his better movies. Because "Twins"... Um, listen, anyway, Kabir's security cameras, they work the same way. They read heat signatures, which is kind of a problem because, well, you're incredibly hot.
(Sydney just stares at him. He puts a camera up in front of her and on the monitor beside them, Sydney is shown in body temperature, her face and skin glowing red.)
MARSHALL: See? Huh? Now, the solution I hae devised is you parachute onto the roof, you rip off your tactical gear and then you slip on this baby.
(He puts on a black skin-tight mask that covers his neck and head, only his eyes peeking out.)
MARSHALL: Now it's part of a cold suit. It's all black, it's form fitting, and it will bring your body back to room temperature. Put these babies on...
(He puts on goggles to complete the outfit. Sydney holds the same camera he had in front of her and puts it in front of Marshall. On the monitor beside them, Marshall's head is completely invisible on screen.)
SYDNEY: So as long as I'm covered the security camera can't see me.
MARSHALL: Yeah. You'll be the invisible woman. See?
(In Kandahar, on the roof, Sydney looks down at the men on the ground. She's wearing the black outfit. Inside, she runs by a few guards and starts descending a flight of stairs. She talks to Vaughn, who's back in LA in the ops center, via transmitter.)
SYDNEY: I'm in the eastern stairs.
VAUGHN: All right. Go right at the bottom. According to his ex, Kabir keeps w*apon and ammunitions in a storage room at the end of the hall.
(Sydney comes to it but there's a brick wall there instead.)
SYDNEY: There's no door.
SYDNEY: Work's been done. Maybe this place was b*mb in the w*r, and had to be reconfigured.
VAUGHN: Meaning our intel is worthless.
SYDNEY: There has to be another way in.
(She turns to go back up the stairs but a man is there. They exchange punches and he grabs her head, ripping off her ski mask. Her head is completely exposed. She throws the guy down, kicking him and turns to see the security camera right in her face.)
SYDNEY: I've been made!
(She runs but meets three men with g*n. They gesture to her to surrender.)
(In the ops center, Vaughn and Kendall.)
VAUGHN: Sydney's been compromised. You have to order the tac unit in after her.
KENDALL: Did she defuse the w*apon?
VAUGHN: What difference does that make?
KENDALL: Kabir's been alerted. If he's got the w*apon, he'll use it.
VAUGHN: Issue the order!
KENDALL: You heard Marshall, there's no defense against it!
VAUGHN: If you don't issue it, I will.
KENDALL: The tac unit wouldn't stand a chance.
VAUGHN: We can't just leave her there!
KENDALL: Unless we find another way in, I'm afraid that's all we can do.
(Vaughn is at Dixon's house, standing on the porch.)
VAUGHN: I don't think we've been formally introduced. My name's Michael Vaughn, I work with Sydney.
DIXON: I'm out.
VAUGHN: Sydney's in trouble.
DIXON: Respect my decision.
VAUGHN: I can't do that. Not when your decision may cost Sydney her life. You wouldn't tell Sydney how you infiltrated Kabir's so she found an alternate way in using what turned out to be faulty intel. She was captured and unless we find another confirmed access point, no one will be sent in to get her out.
DIXON: It's not that simple.
VAUGHN: Yes, it is! You will either help save Sydney's life or you won't.
(Mrs. Dixon comes out, stands next to her husband.)
MRS. DIXON: Please leave.
VAUGHN: I can't do that -- not until I get your answer.
(Interrogation room in Kabir's compound. Sydney is tied to a chair. A bright white lamp is turned on in her face. She squints.)
KABIR: Admit you are CIA, submitting to a video acknowledging you are here in violateion of international law. Condemn the great Satan and maybe I will spare your life.
(She says nothing. He leaves. Black. Time lapse. The light comes back on.)
SLOANE: Sydney, tell him what he wants to hear... or this will not end well.
(He crouches down beside her. She stares straight ahead.)
SLOANE: You know, in many ways, I will always consider you my proudest achievement. Sydney, unfortunately, I can't do anything about this.
(He kisses her head lovingly. Sydney closes her eyes in disgust.)
SLOANE: (whispers) Bye, Sydney...
(Black. Time lapse. The light comes back on, she comes to.)
KABIR: Have you reconsidered? Hmm? Admitting you are CIA? Perhaps you need a little incentive.
(He gestures to a man who comes forward and puts a platter down with a large nail and pick. Black. Time lapse. Light comes back on.)
KABIR: Enough. My houseguests have left, it would seem there is nothing more for us to discuss.
(He bends down and raises her pant leg. He feels her kneecap.)
KABIR: The cartilage that lets the kneecap slide around does not regenerate. Which you should know in advance of this.
(He gets the nail ready. He goes to swing to take off her kneecap. Sydney winces, anticipating it. Kabir is suddenly sh*t inthe chest. She opens her eyes and Vaughn runs in.)
VAUGHN: You okay?
SYDNEY: I don't understand... how... how did you find a way in?
(The lights in the room come on. Dixon is at the doorway. Sydney covers her face with her hand.)
DIXON: Let's go. Let's go, we got the device.
(On their way out, she can't help but ask Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: Sloane?
DIXON: This way!
(Down a hall, Dixon runs into one of Kabir's men. He throws a box at the man, jumps out of the way. He punches him. This time, the guy punches Dixon a few times, throwing him near the wall. Dixon fires back with a kick to the stomach which sends the guy over the railing to the floor below. They run out. Outside the compound, men sit around a f*re, blocking the way to their awaiting truck. Dixon sneaks a peek and then tosses a small can which explodes, stunning the men. Dixon, Sydney and Vaughn run out. A man from a window above them sh**t at them. Sydney does a roll and sits up, f*ring back. They jump in the truck. Sydney ducks as Dixon sh**t at more men who come out with their g*n.)
(In the ops center, Sydney types at a computer. Jack comes up to her.)
JACK: Good work.
SYDNEY: I was lucky.
JACK: You got the w*apon. We've saved countless lives.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I didn't get Sloane. Or find out what the hell he was doing with Kabir.
(Jack shows her a bag of the bugs and electronics that Francie dumped in the plumber's locker.)
JACK: We found these on a plumber whose name you gave us. He was m*rder. He's either repsonsible for the bugs in your apartment or he was set up. For the moment, it's a d*ad end.
(He puts his hand on her shoulder.)
JACK: I'm glad you're home.
(He leaves. Sydney looks across the room where Dixon is seated in front of his own computer, doing some work. She goes over to him.)
SYDNEY: Hi. I know I say this to you a lot. Thank you.
DIXON: (nods) I can't judge you for not telling me about SD-6. If I had been in your position, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same.
SYDNEY: What's going on with Diane?
DIXON: I don't know.
(At Sydney's, in the bathroom, she's in the tub having a bath with candles all around. Vaughn walks in with a glass of red wine. She smiles and takes a drink. She passes it back to him.)
VAUGHN: The Kings are in town on Friday night. You could watch the zamboni.
(He takes a drink.)
SYDNEY: What we saw... at the church... every time we think we've seen the worst...
(She sinks down further into the water. He puts his hand to her cheek.)
(Sark and Sloane.)
SARK: You talk of power and control but when we create an incredibly powerful w*apon you leave it in the hands of a complete stranger. Tell me, how was what happened good for us?
(Sloane looks at the arhat in his hands. He smashes it against the table. Sark watches, shocked. Sloane sifts through the broken pieces of the figurine and finds a piece of paper inside.)
SLOANE: Hand me the top page of the manuscript.
(The manuscript with the hole cut out in it. Sark hands it over. The piece found inside the arhat fits the manuscript page perfectly.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x16 - b*mb"} | foreverdreaming |
(Three men in an elevator. One of them is Luri Karpachev, the other two are his bodyguards. They h*t the button for the forty-seventh floor and the elevator starts to climb, the three of them speaking Russian with Karpachev on his cell. They hear a beeping sound. Above the elevator, in the shaft, is a b*mb attached. One bodyguard hoists the other up to investigate the sound when the expl*si*n goes off, sending the elevator down. They all scream and it stops suddenly at the thirty-eighth floor.)
KARPACHEV: (in Russian) Emergency brakes. Emergency brakes.
(They all laugh nervously but the expl*si*n goes off again and once again they're sent plummeting down the elevator shaft, screaming. The elevator crashes to the ground. The lights flicker as the bodies of the three men remain in the elevator. There's a pounding at the door and the doors open. A crowbar is dropped. A man steps in, wearing a trenchcoat and carrying a flashlight, and calmly takes Karpachev's wallet from his coat. It's Sark.)
(CIA ops center. Kendall shows Jack a photograph of Karpachev, they stand in the hallway.)
KENDALL: Luri Karpachev, he was a high-level arms dealer in Russia with links to the mafia. Your ex-wife mentions--
JACK: I'd appreciate it if you'd refer to Irina Derevko by name.
KENDALL: Derevko listed him among former contacts when she was debriefed by the NSA.
JACK: Yes, I've heard the name myself. Sloane had dealings with him at SD-6. I'll talk to Irina, see what she knows.
KENDALL: Sorry about the...
JACK: Don't be silly.
(At Irina's cell, Jack looks pretty relaxed with his hands on either side of the glass, leaning forward a bit.)
JACK: After you surrendered yourself in to the CIA, you listed Luri Karpachev as one of your contacts.
(Irina nods.)
JACK: He was m*rder yesterday, we believe by Sloane. Karpachev's body was found without his wallet. Presumably Sloane has more insidious ways to pass the time than picking someone's pocket. What might have he been looking for?
IRINA: Why haven't you tried to convince Sydney to leave the CIA?
(Jack's arms drop.)
IRINA: You and I know better than anyone -- she should leave this life while she has the chance.
JACK: Sydney can be stubborn. Where she got that from is anyone's guess. But she refuses to resign as long as Sloane is still free. Which brings me back to my question -- what was in Karpachev's wallet?
IRINA: A key card to his home safe. In '93 Karpachev came into possession of a Rambaldi manuscript. Sloane must believe he kept it in his safe but he's incorrect. Karpachev sold it.
JACK: To whom?
IRINA: Ilya Stuka. A former contact of mine, living in Bangkok.
JACK: What is this manuscript?
IRINA: Rambaldi's study of the human heart. As you know, immortality was one of Rambaldi's obsessions.
JACK: Where does Stuka keep it?
IRINA: I don't know, but I could find out if I were allowed to meet with him.
JACK: Kendall won't risk letting you out again, despite your cooperation in India.
IRINA: What if the price were worth it?
JACK: Sloane doesn't know that you're in CIA custody.
IRINA: He thinks I'm in hiding, as he is.
JACK: If Sloane believes you've surfaced, obtained the manuscript he's after, he'll want to meet with you. Negotiate a purchase.
IRINA: Which I'd be happy to do.
JACK: And we could grab him.
IRINA: And give Sydney her reason to get out.
(Ice rink. Vaughn skates around Sydney, handling a puck. He comes to a stop beside her.)
VAUGHN: Okay. The key, obviously, is balance, right? So don't worry so much about the puck and just make sure your feet are planted on the ice and then...
(He sh**t the puck and gets it into the net.)
VAUGHN: ...Just a nice follow-through.
SYDNEY: Show-off.
VAUGHN: Yeah, a little bit.
(Big smile on his face, he skates over to the net and passes the puck to her. Sydney, a little wobbly, starts skating to the net and over to him. Vaughn narrates, hockey announcer style.)
VAUGHN: Bristow's got the puck! She crosses the blue line! She's at the top of the circle! She sh**t, she scores!
(Sydney gets it in and skates right into Vaughn. He catches her, giving her a hug at the same time.)
VAUGHN: What--oh my God, what was that?
SYDNEY: I didn't say I was completely incompetent.
VAUGHN: You've done this before.
SYDNEY: No, I told you, I haven't skated since I was five.
VAUGHN: No, I don't believe you.
SYDNEY: Swear to God, my mother took me.
(Awkward silence. Vaughn looks down at the ice.)
VAUGHN: Well, you're better than you should be.
(He starts to skate around her again.)
SYDNEY: Sooner or later we're going to have to have a conversation--
VAUGHN: There's nothing to talk about.
SYDNEY: --About my mother.
VAUGHN: Sydney, there's nothing to say. We both know what happened. What is there to say?
SYDNEY: I think a lot.
VAUGHN: Nothing I want to talk about.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry.
VAUGHN: Don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry for her.
(Sydney's cell rings. She answers.)
SYDNEY: Hello? Yeah. Okay.
(She hangs up.)
SYDNEY: I have to go in.
VAUGHN: Of course you do, it's your day off. (sighs) All right, I'll see you later.
(They kiss. Vaughn skates away.)
(Briefing room. A man, Yeager, sits behind a desk covered in files and paper. Another agent stands beside him. Knock on the door and Sydney enters.)
SYDNEY: My name is Sydney Bristow, you asked for me?
YEAGER: Yeah, have-have a seat.
(He gestures to the agent. Sydney sits down and looks at the monitor behind her. She's being videotaped. The agent approaches Sydney with a few sheets of paper.)
AGENT: Miss Bristow, I need your thumbprint here... and here.
YEAGER: These are just confidentiality agreements. They just forbid you from disclosing anything we might talk about today. If you do so, it's a felony.
(Sydney looks up, alarmed. But she does it anyway, pressing her thumb into the blue inkpad and stamping two documents, signing one of them. The agent gathers the papers and inkpad.)
YEAGER: Thank you.
(He waves the agent away.)
YEAGER: Are you familiar with the name Vladimir Pograski?
SYDNEY: No, I'm not.
(He gets up and places a surveillance photograph of Pograski on the desk in front of her.)
YEAGER: Ever see this man?
YEAGER: Last month you were in France with Agent Michael Vaughn. Do you recall seeing him use a pay phone?
YEAGER: Did you see Mr. Vaughn purchase cigarettes?
SYDNEY: Mr. Vaughn doesn't smoke.
YEAGER: I understand.
SYDNEY: No, I didn't see him buy cigarettes.
YEAGER: Are you and Mr. Vaughn intimately involved?
SYDNEY: That's none of your business.
YEAGER: Yeah, I know, it's sort of an awkward question.
SYDNEY: What is this about? I'd appreciate a little context here. You haven't even given me your name.
YEAGER: I'm Mitchell Yeager, I'm counter-intelligence thr*at analyst. That should give you a little context. I've been sent here to investigate Michael Vaughn. It's come to our attention that over the past three months, Mr. Vaughn has been in contact with a number of unapproved foreign operatives. He's also actively pursued contact with Mr. Pograski, who happens to be a former KGB assassin known to have ties with at least three t*rror1st organizations.
SYDNEY: Wait a minute, there absolutely is a reason for this.
YEAGER: Yes, I'm sure that's right. That's why I'm here.
SYDNEY: This is crazy! What are you saying, that Agent Vaughn is working for someone else? Who would--
YEAGER: Miss Bristow, Mr. Vaughn doesn't know an investigation of this magnitude is taking place and I will remind you that speaking to him about this is not only a criminal act, but will force us to consider you a suspect as well so I'll ask you again -- are you and Mr. Vaughn intimate?
(Kendall and Jack in the ops center.)
KENDALL: You suggest that we allow Irina Derevko -- a known t*rror1st -- to make contact with Arvin Sloane?
JACK: Sloane is searching for another Rambaldi manuscript. Irina believes it's now in the possession of an associate living in Bangkok. I'll serve as her escort. We'll recover the manuscript and use it to bait Sloane.
KENDALL: I doubt I'll be able to convince Washington to authorize it. Our intel would have to be convincingly precise and right now all we know about this manuscript and where it might be comes only from Derevko.
JACK: We may never have a better chance to get Sloane. Remember, without Irina's help, the operation in Kashmir would have been an embarrassment.
KENDALL: Jack, when the hell did we switch places? Derevko could be using this operation just to convince us that she's trustworthy.
JACK: I've had twenty years to reflect on that woman's ability to deceive. Trust me. If she lies to me again, I'll know it.
(Jack is inside Irina's cell.)
IRINA: Stuka works out of a nightclub in Bangkok. Why? Did Kendall approve the op?
JACK: Yes. We have a jet standing by.
(Irina smiles a little. There's a knock on the glass. A nervous Marshall stands there, clutching a small box.)
JACK: Oh, this is Marshall Flinkman. He worked with us at SD-6.
MARSHALL: Hey! How you doin'? You're Sydney's mom -- that's really cool! 'Cause, uh, your daughter? Awesome, by the way!
JACK: Kendall insists that you be injected with a sub-dermal tracking device. I'll have a receiver that will allow me to follow your movements on-site.
(Marshall enters. Irina looks at him like he's her next treat.)
MARSHALL: Yeah, you won't even really know it's there unless, you know, we put it under your thigh or somewhere else where you might sit on it and then you'll have, like, a "Princess and the Pea" moment where you feel it, but you don't. Do you know that "Princess and the Pea"? My mother--
JACK: Put it behind her shoulder.
(Marshall looks terrified.)
MARSHALL: Um. Okay, the thing is, it might hurt a little bit 'cause it's small but it's not really that small.
(Irina moves her hair out of the way and the strap of her shit. He gets out the injector and looks at Jack. Jack nods, allowing him to go ahead. Marshall's forehead is covered in sweat as he takes a step closer to Irina with her back to him and injects her with the tracking device. Irina doesn't flinch.)
MARSHALL: Wow... you're tough.
(In the briefing room, Sydney is still being questioned by Yeager.)
YEAGER: Has Mr. Vaughn made any large purchases recently?
SYDNEY: Not that I'm aware of.
YEAGER: Has he changed his cell phone more than once in the past six months?
SYDNEY: I've answered that -- no. Why are you asking me the same question twice?
YEAGER: We've traced four cell phones back to Mr. Vaughn since October. I was hoping you would have noticed that.
SYDNEY: I didn't.
YEAGER: Do you have private access to his laptop computer?
SYDNEY: Excuse me?
YEAGER: You know, while he's sleeping or in the shower or out of the house?
SYDNEY: We don't live together.
YEAGER: Yeah, you know, I understand that.
SYDNEY: What are you asking me?
YEAGER: There's a decryption program called Xenon and we have reason to believe that Mr. Vaughn has downloaded this program to his personal laptop computer and if he has, he's broken the law.
SYDNEY: That's insane.
YEAGER: Well, maybe it is, then we need confirmation either way.
SYDNEY: You want me to check Vaughn's computer.
YEAGER: We simply want you to make a little disk image.
(He drops it on the table in front of her.)
YEAGER: We want you to make a copy of his hard drive and uh, bring it back.
SYDNEY: Listen to me, there is not a chance that he is a traitor, that he would be collaborating with an enemy.
YEAGER: You know, I knew you mother. About twenty years ago, met her with your father. We used to go to a lot of these agency functions, you know. She was, uh, charming. Very disarming woman... who wasn't what she seemed.
SYDNEY: It is a mistake, Mr. Yeager, to confuse Michael Vaughn with anything regarding my mother.
YEAGER: She k*lled his father.
SYDNEY: I will not spy on Michael Vaughn.
YEAGER: Miss Bristow, what is your priority? National security, or your new boyfriend?
(Sydney walks out of the briefing room with determination and meets Weiss heading her way.)
SYDNEY: Weiss. Have you seen Vaughn?
WEISS: That's all I am to you -- just a conduit to Vaughn.
SYDNEY: No, I'm just--
WEISS: Have you ever seen Vaughn and said "Hey, where's Weiss?"
SYDNEY: I'm just looking for him.
WEISS: No, I haven't seen him. I was just called to the briefing room, do you know what this is about?
WEISS: All right.
SYDNEY: See you.
(Bangkok nightclub. Techno music plays as men admire the female dancers. Jack sits at the bar and takes a drink, watching as Irina enters the club wearing a slinky dress and lots of make-up. She saunters through the crowd and makes it back to the bouncer leading into the private room. She speaks Thai to him and he checks her up and down then leaves her in. A man, Stuka, is playing the Kn*fe game to a terrified woman who sits across from him. Her hand is on the table and he jabs his Kn*fe into the tabletop, between her fingers, going fast. She whimpers. Irina talks to him.)
IRINA: Stuka, I see you're still playing with children.
STUKA: This is amazing. I heard you were d*ad... we all did.
IRINA: Let her go. Play with me instead.
(He gestures to the terrified girl and she leaves. Irina sits down and puts both her hands down.)
STUKA: Stop it.
IRINA: Why not? You know me. I love games.
(She puts one hand down on the table. The bodyguard standing nearby takes a drink, admiring the view. Stuka digs his Kn*fe into the table, in between her fingers. Irina gasps a little. He starts going faster. Irina doesn't move, staring at him with a smile on her face, as he goes faster. He finally stops. She grabs the Kn*fe and s*ab his hand. He yells out and she takes the Kn*fe out of his hand and up to his throat. The bodyguard takes out his g*n.)
IRINA: Drop the g*n!
STUKA: Do it!
IRINA: You bought a Rambaldi manuscript from Karpachev!
STUKA: I don't have it anymore!
IRINA: Where is it?
STUKA: In Hong Kong! I traded it for opium rights!
IRINA: To who?
STUKA: To Chang!
(Irina slits his throat anyway and, taking the Kn*fe, s*ab the bodyguard in the chest and then throws the Kn*fe at the bouncer at the door. It pierces his chest. Irina walks out quickly, into the main club where Jack was. Behind her, a fourth man aims his g*n at Irina's back as she walks. He's about to sh**t when he's sh*t himself, and falls to the ground. People scream. Irina turns to see Jack, who sh*t the man, and saved Irina. She runs out of the club.)
(On the plane. Jack and Irina sit across from one another.)
JACK: Once we get the manuscript, how do you intend to let Sloane know it was you?
IRINA: Word will get back to him that I was in Bangkok. He'll know it was me.
(She starts to tear up a little.)
IRINA: I did not see that fourth man. If you hadn't fired... I remember the first time you introduced me to Sloane. You were both working at the CIA, he came to the house for dinner. You were true friends.
JACK: Yes. We shared a similar unsentimental patriotism... and a devotion to our wives. But Sloane changed and... it was Rambaldi that did it. I'm not sure what it is -- he never told me -- but Sloane has a personal connection to Rambaldi.
IRINA: I lived for years with the same obsession, to find a higher meaning in Rambaldi's work. I never understood how you managed to avoid getting caught up in it.
JACK: I had something neither of you did.
IRINA: (nods) Sydney.
(Jack gets up and tries to walk past her, but she grabs his hand. He stops.)
IRINA: I never thanked you for everything that... for raising our daughter.
JACK: We land in four hours. Get some rest.
(At Sydney's with Sydney and Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Did you hear about your mother? The op they sent her on?
SYDNEY: Yeah, with my dad.
VAUGHN: How'd you find out about it?
SYDNEY: My dad told me.
VAUGHN: What, was it courtesy or was it part of--
SYDNEY: No, he just told me.
VAUGHN: Isn't that weird to you? That they wouldn't involve us at all, the decision to reintroduce Irina Derevko to the world and we're not consulted?
SYDNEY: We can't be part of every operation.
VAUGHN: Well, this one we should've been.
SYDNEY: I wouldn't read into it.
(They smile a little, breaking the tension.)
VAUGHN: You mind if I use your shower?
SYDNEY: (smiles) You don't have to ask.
(They kiss and he heads down the hall to the bathroom. A moment later the shower starts up. Sydney looks at his briefcase sitting on the counter but moves over to the fridge instead. She opens the fridge door and closes it immediately, walking over to the counter and opening his briefcase. She slides out his laptop, which is powered on, and opens it. She looks down the hall.)
(Will and Francie are having dinner.)
WILL: What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anybody. Swear to me.
FRANCIE: I swear.
(Will takes a big drink of wine.)
WILL: Okay. Sydney... okay. This is going to sound insane... but she works for the CIA.
FRANCIE: Come on. Seriously...
WILL: Francie, think about it. What bank sends their employees on that many trips? It's a cover job. It's not even a good cover job. It's insane. Those trips? They're top secret CIA missions.
FRANCIE: Come on, Will.
WILL: Oh, I am telling you, I have seen her in action. She's like Schwarzenegger. She's like the old Schwarzenegger. She's amazing!
FRANCIE: So what does that mean? I mean, are you CIA too?
WILL: No. No, I'm an analyst.
FRANCIE: Really.
(Will suddenly bolts upright in bed next to Francie, waking up from his dream. He looks over at her.)
(The next morning, Will comes out of the bedroom and sees Vaughn reading the paper and eating cereal.)
VAUGHN: Morning.
(Will opens the fridge and gets some juice.)
WILL: Where is everybody?
VAUGHN: Sydney just went to work. Francie left about twenty minutes ago.
(Will sighs, pouring himself some juice.)
VAUGHN: You okay?
WILL: No. Actually, I'm not. I had this dream that I told Francie everything I knew about the agency.
VAUGHN: What do they have you working on?
WILL: I'm analyzing drug tr*ffick through the Panama Canal. And I'm reading data and then downloading information off the KH-11 satellite.
VAUGHN: Exciting, right?
WILL: Yeah, I guess. Why?
VAUGHN: Well, 'cause it's common, you know, to dream about work, have anxiety over keeping it secret. Especially in the beginning.
WILL: Really.
VAUGHN: Goes away though.
WILL: What, the excitement?
VAUGHN: No. The dreams.
(Hong Kong. Irina and Jack, wearing matching jumpsuits, stand in front of the gate of a palace. Irina hands over a document to the guard.)
IRINA: You must allow us entry immediately. Our mandate to search this location has been approved by Beijing. Any noncompliance is a breach of your agreements.
(He inspects the document, hands it back, and allows entry. Inside an office, Jack sets up a videocamera and Irina speaks to an official.)
OFFICIAL: I'm sorry for the delay. Only this morning did we learn that an inspection team was coming to the palace.
IRINA: We're investigating reports that precursor chemicals have been stored in several official buildings.
OFFICIAL: If you are suggesting that we are hiding chemicals--
IRINA: That will be fore the inspectors to decide. We are only here to conduct the interview. I'm sorry.
(She attaches a "mic" to his lapel and nods to Jack who pushes a button on the videocamera. The mic sprays something in the official's face which knocks him out. Irina reaches in his jacket and steals the key card, shows Jack. They walk down a hall and get to a gated door. She uses the key card and the move inside to a glass box which holds the manuscript inside a leather satchel. Jack takes out a "pen" which slices a hole in the glass. As soon as the glass is removed, Irina reaches in and takes out the satchel, looks at it adoringly. Jack looks at her.)
JACK: Let's go.
(They walk out with the manuscript.)
(In the ops center, Sydney watches Vaughn. He takes something from a folder. He then puts a small envelope in his jacket pocket. He glances over at her and sees her watching him. She smiles and approaches.)
VAUGHN: Did you speak to Will? He was a little freaked out this morning.
SYDNEY: What was that?
VAUGHN: Oh. Just work stuff.
SYDNEY: Come here.
(She pulls him aside.)
SYDNEY: Are you keeping secrets from me?
SYDNEY: Answer the question.
VAUGHN: I'm sure I am. We just started dating. Of course there are things that I don't feel comfortable--
SYDNEY: No, that's not -- I'm not talking about us.
VAUGHN: What, work then? Yeah. There are certain things, under protocol, that I'm not authorized to talk about with anyone.
SYDNEY: And that's it?
VAUGHN: Look, there is something you don't know about me. I don't like it when people question my loyalty. It makes me insane.
SYDNEY: This isn't about loyalty. I never said anything about loyalty.
VAUGHN: When you ask me if I'm keeping secrets, the suggestion's pretty clear.
SYDNEY: And you know what? Secrets will be a problem between us. After everything we've been through, you should know that.
(He takes out the small envelope from his jacket pocket and opens it. He takes out a key.)
VAUGHN: This is the key to my apartment. I was going to give it to you tonight over dinner. Obviously, an inappropriate move.
SYDNEY: Vaughn...
VAUGHN: Barnett's waiting for me.
(Briefing room with Yeager. Sydney enters. She puts the disk down on the table.)
YEAGER: You made the right decision.
SYDNEY: That disk is blank. I didn't make a copy of Agent Vaughn's hard drive. The fact that I doubted Vaughn's motives makes me sick.
YEAGER: You should be aware that by choosing not to assist, you are implicating yourself in Agent Vaughn's activities.
SYDNEY: Don't thr*at me again.
YEAGER: And you could be prosecuted as an accessory.
SYDNEY: I understand.
YEAGER: Understand that there are consequences to your actions.
SYDNEY: There are consequences, that's my point. Ask youself, would you betray someone you love?
YEAGER: Well, I guess we have an answer to the intimacy question.
(Sloane inspects the manuscript he put together in the last episode. Sark enters.)
SARK: Mr. Sloane.
SARK: It seems Irina Derevko was seen last night in Bangkok.
SLOANE: Where?
SARK: At a club with Ilya Stuka.
(Ops center. Jack walks up to Kendall.)
JACK: Sark made contact through one of Irina's e-mail accounts.
KENDALL: He took the bait?
JACK: He wants a meeting to discuss the purchase of the Rambaldi manuscript.
KENDALL: Can we trace his message?
JACK: No, it was sent through anonymous remailers. I'm going to set up the meeting in Panama, ostensibly between Irina and Sloane.
KENDALL: Jack, you make this happen, you can have my job.
JACK: No thanks. I'll need Delta force.
KENDALL: You'll get whatever you need.
(In Irina's cell, she inspects the Rambaldi manuscript on the heart and writes. Sydney watches her from the other side of the glass. Irina turns, sees her, and walks over.)
SYDNEY: Dad says you're going to Panama.
(Irina nods.)
SYDNEY: Do you think there's a chance you'll get Sloane?
IRINA: I wanted to see you because... it's going to be dangerous, setting this trap. I hope it goes well but there's no guarantee. So whatever happens, there's something I need you to know. Sydney, I love you.
IRINA: You don't have to say anything. I'm pretty sure I haven't earned very much, and that's okay. This was just something I needed to say.
SYDNEY: Mom, you're coming back.
IRINA: I hope so.
(She places her hand on the glass. Sydney places her hand on the glass against Irina's. They smile. Irina drops her hand.)
(Will is in bed with Francie who is sitting up next to him. His eyes are closed.)
FRANCIE: Did you have any trouble accessing the KH-11 satellite images? Was anyone suspicious?
WILL: No. I used them in my report. Nobody was suspicious.
FRANCIE: The first image you saw. See it in your mind. Do you see any markings?
WILL: No. I don't think so.
(We get a flash of the document.)
WILL: Wait. There are two sets of numbers at the bottom right hand corner.
FRANCIE: Read them to me.
WILL: X48471 - GY798623.
FRANCIE: What are they?
WILL: The orbital location of the satellite and its operational control.
FRANCIE: Good. I'm going to count back from five. When you wake up, you'll have no memory of this conversation. All you'll remember is that tonight, you had the best sex of your life. Five... four... three...
(She settles in bed next to him.)
FRANCIE: Two... one.
(Will's eyes open.)
(In a Panama hotel room, Jack and Irina sit at a table going over the plan.)
JACK: Based on our agreement, tomorrow morning you and two Delta force guards will be dropped off here. If Sloane follows the plan, he'll drive north to meet you.
IRINA: Won't he be suspicious if I don't have the Rambaldi manuscript?
JACK: Sloane is smart enough to know that you would never bring it with you at first contact. He'll expect that you have it close by. CIA will be tracking you on satellite back in Los Angeles in contact with me and a chopper waiting ten blocks away. When the call is made, the team will surround the vehicle and ambush Sloane.
IRINA: Pretty straightforward.
(She watches as Jack takes a drink of red wine from his nearby glass.)
JACK: I think we've got a sh*t.
IRINA: There's one thing. The tracker you put in my shoulder.
JACK: You want it removed.
IRINA: If they discover I've been tagged, it's over. We both know that.
(Later. Irina has her bare shoulder exposed to Jack. He cuts her shoulder with a scalpel.)
JACK: Of course, Kendall would have me court-martialed for this.
IRINA: Kendall is not as smart as you are.
JACK: Got it.
(He puts a bandage on her shoulder. She winces a bit.)
JACK: You okay?
IRINA: This is nothing.
(They lock eyes for a moment.)
IRINA: We need to be up early.
JACK: Yes.
IRINA: We should get to bed.
JACK: Yeah, we should.
(Irina leans forward a bit and Jack moves in. They passionately kiss and move back.)
(Sydney walks down the hall at the ops center. Weiss falls into step beside her.)
WEISS: Hey. You know the thing we're both involved in that we can't talk about?
WEISS: Yeah, well, I know a guy from the farm who works with Yeager and he's about to file a formal charge against Vaughn. Mishandling classified intelligence.
SYDNEY: What?!
WEISS: Yeah.
(Sydney takes out her cell.)
SYDNEY: I need to talk to him!
WEISS: No, no, no, no, no, whoa. You do that and you're breaking six different laws.
SYDNEY: He needs to know that this is happening!
WEISS: Fine. But his phone is probably already tapped. Agency cars are equipped with GPS navigators.
SYDNEY: Can you access the system?
WEISS: Yeah.
(In a seedy part of town, Sydney drives up to a rundown bar and watches Porgaski make his way inside. Vaughn's car is parked there. Sydney speaks on the phone to Weiss who is back on his headset at the ops center.)
SYDNEY: I found his car.
WEISS: Roger that. Keep me posted.
(Sydney enters the bar and sees Vaughn talking to Porgaski at the counter. He gives him money and Porgaski hands over an envelope. He takes a drink and walks out by Sydney, who picks up a pay phone to not be detected. She watches as Vaughn, now alone, opens up the envelope and takes out some papers, looking them over. Sydney sits beside him. He stares ahead, clenches his jaw.)
SYDNEY: What are you doing here?
VAUGHN: Sydney...
SYDNEY: I asked you a question.
VAUGHN: What's going on?
SYDNEY: Don't tell me it was nothing.
VAUGHN: Are you following me?
SYDNEY: You just bought something.
VAUGHN: It's research.
SYDNEY: Research? What kind of research?
VAUGHN: It's something private. Something just for me.
SYDNEY: Who do you think you work for? Nothing is private. You're being investigated.
SYDNEY: And when they find out I told you, I'll be a target. So don't lie to me.
VAUGHN: Sydney, I am not disloyal.
SYDNEY: Then why did they say you've been meeting with high-ranking FSB officers, an ex-KGB assassin? They have you in Istanbul, Prague, Krakow without authorization. Vaughn, if there is some explanation for what you've been doing the past four months, I need to hear what it is right now.
(The CIA van drives up to the meeting point in Panama. The Delta force guards climb out, as does Irina. She looks around and turns to Jack, who is seated inside. She smiles at him. He nods. The doors close and Irina and her guards wait for Sloane. Jack speaks to Kendall via headset as the van drives away.)
JACK: They are at the location.
KENDALL: KH-11 has them on screen. There's a limousine approaching from the southwest.
JACK: I see it.
(The limo comes to a stop and Sark gets out.)
JACK: It's Sark.
(He comes around and Irina walks up.)
KENDALL: Delta team stand by.
(Sark opens the back door. She looks in. No Sloane.)
SARK: I realize the plan was for Mr. Sloane to meet you here but for security reasons, I'm afraid that's impossible. If you get in, I'll take you to him. Only you.
KENDALL: Why isn't she getting in?
IRINA: Where's Sloane?
SARK: Close. I assure you.
IRINA: Then bring him to me.
SARK: That's not an option.
IRINA: Then our deal's off.
SARK: So be it.
(He closes the door and makes his way back to the driver's side.)
KENDALL: Tell her to get in the car, damn it! We'll track her to him!
IRINA: It's a big car. I believe there's room for all of us.
SARK: That wasn't the plan. Get in.
(They open the door and start climbing in the limo's back seat. Kendall and Jack watch via the satellite in the sky.)
KENDALL: He's letting her take the guards? How'd she pull that off?
(Before Irina gets in, she looks up at the sky. Jack watches her get in.)
(At the bar.)
VAUGHN: Now I understand why you were asking about secrets. Yes, there is something I haven't told you. It hasn't been easy, accepting the idea that my job requires me to... collaborate with my father's k*ller. And the fact that she happens to be your mother didn't make it easier. So I've been investigating on my own for the past six months. I couldn't wait for the agency's red tape so I contacted everyone I could, anyone who knew her, who ran in the same circles. I-I retraced sat phone records that were logged while your mother was with you in India, Kashmir. Tracked recorded conversations between your mother's former lieutenants to see if she signaled them when Kendall gave her access to Echelon.
SYDNEY: I don't understand. You wanted us to work with her. You encouraged it.
VAUGHN: Because I believed your father was right about her having a secret agenda. I wanted to see what she was going to do. I mean, I did all this on my own. I paid for this myself, I had freelance agents retrace every step of every hour she's taken outside operations since her surrender. I surveilled prison guards who we assigned to her cell block, the kitchen staff who prepares her meals...
SYDNEY: They told me you downloaded Xenon.
VAUGHN: I downloaded that program to read KGB files. I had to find out if she was deceiving us again. I mean, I could not sleep at night knowing I was doing nothing. That somehow, I was helping her.
(Sydney looks at all the files he's poured out of his briefcase. She opens a file.)
(The limo drives along. Sark looks at Irina from the rearview. She looks out the window.)
KENDALL: We are visually tracking a moving target. Delta team, stand by for go code.
(All of a sudden, the satellite signal is lost and everyone -- Jack and the LA ops center -- gets static.)
AGENT: We've lost the downlink.
KENDALL: What the hell? Get back online!
AGENT: Sir, someone's hacked the signal.
(Francie talks on her cell.)
FRANCIE: Are the codes good?
(Sloane is on his cell, standing beside someone using a laptop.)
SLOANE: Yes. Thank you.
(They hang up.)
(Kendall talks to Jack.)
KENDALL: Jack, we're blind! You're gonna have to follow her from your end. Activate the tracking device.
JACK: I can't. Send in the team!
KENDALL: Delta team go, repeat, Delta team go!
(As the limo drives, the helicopter comes behind them.)
DELTA: We've got them in sight!
(The helicopter follows.)
KENDALL: Stay with that car!
(Barely making a turn, Sark looks back at Irina as they come to an overpass. The helicopter follows. The limo disappears under the overpass.)
DELTA: Lost visual. Got them again.
(The limo reappears and continues to drive.)
DELTA: We're going to head them off.
(The limo comes to a stop.)
DETLA: We got them stopped. Stand by!
(The driver of the limo gets out, hands up, and kneels on the ground. Jack's van drives up and he gets out, with his g*n raised, and approaches the driver. He jerks the guy around -- it's not Sark.)
DRIVER: They paid me to drive! They paid me to do it!
(Jack opens the door to the limo -- empty. He slams it shut.)
JACK: Check the Rambaldi manuscript!
KENDALL: Get me the Rambaldi manuscript now!
(The agent runs off to get it. The real Sark/Irina limo, under the overpass, stops. Sark turns around and sh**t the two Delta guards.)
SARK: Step out of the car please.
(At the bar.)
SYDNEY: And did you find anything?
VAUGHN: Nothing. She's clean.
(Back in Panama.)
JACK: Do you have the book?
KENDALL: It's coming, it's coming.
(A van marked Policia drives up to the limo. Irina walks over to it. The agent walks to Kendall carrying the briefcase. He opens it, sees the leather satchel inside. The van comes to a stop and Sark slides open the door. Sloane is inside.)
SLOANE: It's good to see you again, Irina.
IRINA: Thank you for extracting me.
(He extends his hand to her. She takes it, stepping inside the van. Sark gets in as well, closing the door behind them. The van drives away.)
(Kendall opens the satchell and there are stacks of different colored Post-Its. He's furious.)
KENDALL: Jack, it's gone.
(Jack walks away from the driver and the helicopter, putting his back to everyone, with his g*n lowered.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x17 - A Dark Turn"} | foreverdreaming |
Sydney, wearing fatigues and a bulletproof vest, runs down a hall in an underground tunnel. She comes to a stop and sh**t down a hall. Irina, at the other end of the hall, sh**t back. They're both breathing heavily. Irina pauses. Sydney looks down the hall and Irina sh**t at her while Sydney hides. Sydney sh**t. Irina makes a run for it, going to a ladder that leads up to the ground above. She starts climbing. Sydney runs after her and stops, her g*n raised.)
SYDNEY: Freeze!
(Irina pauses, a few steps from making it to the ground above, and turns to Sydney. She looks at her. And then starts to move up the ladder. Sydney sh**t her.)
(Irina falls on the ground, wincing. A helicopter whirs, approaching the ground. Sydney walks up on the ground over and crouches beside the fallen person. Vaughn runs up, also in fatigues.)
VAUGHN: (to comm) We have a casualty. Woman down. We need a medic.
(Dixon walks over to them, looking devastated. Sydney cries, on her knees. She puts her head down beside their body.)
(Los Angeles. Five days earlier. Sydney and Vaughn walk into the ops center together.)
VAUGHN: They'll probably keep me in debrief for a while.
SYDNEY: You'll be okay.
VAUGHN: If you never see me again, it was fun.
SYDNEY: Shut up.
AGENT: Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Yeager would like to--
VAUGHN: Talk to me. Yeah, I know.
(The agent takes off Vaughn's ID badge on his chest. He nervously smiles at Sydney and leaves with the agent, walking away down the hall. Sydney spots her father and walks to him.)
SYDNEY: Dad, I need to talk to you about Vaughn.
JACK: I know he's under investigation.
SYDNEY: He's innocent. He was investigating Mom. It wasn't treason.
JACK: Sydney, the operation in Panama didn't go as planned.
SYDNEY: What happened? Is it--is Mom okay?
JACK: Your mother betrayed us. Betrayed the CIA. Her meeting with Sloane was staged to secure her escape.
SYDNEY: You don't know that. Sloane could've set up the meet to abduct her.
JACK: Before the operation, she swapped the Rambaldi manuscript. She left us with a fake. She and Sloane are now in possession of the original. Sydney, they planned this.
(In the hallway going to Irina's cell. The cell bars raise as Dixon walks in. He looks in the cell at Sydney, who is sitting on Irina's bed. He sits next to her.)
DIXON: I heard about your mother. I'm... so sorry. There's a briefing in ten minutes, they're drawing up a plan to capture Sloane and your mother. I'm supposed to tell you you're not obligated to go.
(Sydney looks over at him and shows him the earrings Irina got from her mother.)
SYDNEY: My mother's earrings. They found a note she left, she wanted me to have them. (looks away) Just now, when my dad was telling me, the first thought I had was that she was d*ad, that she'd been k*lled. I had this whole thing in my head that she died proving herself a hero.
DIXON: No one can be blamed for trusting their own mother.
SYDNEY: I wish she had been k*lled.
(On a private plane Irina, Sloane and Sark sit together. Sark remains silent, looking at his laptop screen.)
IRINA: I still have operatives in St. Petersburg, Madrid and Cairo.
SLOANE: How reliable?
IRINA: Reliable.
SLOANE: Good. You, are you all right?
IRINA: The extraction went well.
SLOANE: I'm asking about you, Irina.
IRINA: I'm happy to see you again.
SLOANE: I was thinking the same thing myself. What about the genetic database?
IRINA: Sark and I will meet you back in Zurich. As soon as they're acquired, you'll have the files.
SLOANE: Good. I'll be in Tuscany with Emily.
IRINA: How is she?
SLOANE: She's in remission. The hard part for her now is missing the people she had to leave behind. Especially Sydney. You know how much we loved her as if she were our own.
IRINA: (to Sark) Excuse us.
(Sark takes his laptop and leaves. Irina leans forward.)
IRINA: I see through you. You must know that.
SLOANE: This is who I am.
IRINA: You may need to think of yourself as an honorable husband, a father figure. But I don't. I will never see that man in you, which frankly is why we have this agreement.
SLOANE: You need to get some rest.
IRINA: Never talk to me about your love for Sydney again.
SLOANE: Get some rest.
(He gets up and leaves her. She sits back in her seat.)
(Briefing with Kendall, Jack, Dixon, Sydney, and Marshall. Kendall stands, addressing the room.)
KENDALL: As many of you know, our attempt to capture Arvin Sloane failed. We believe that Irina Derevko, while in our custody, somehow made contact with Sloane, informed him of our intention to apprehend him, and used it as an opportunity to escape. Due to Jack Bristow's intimate knowledge of the fugitive in question and his longstanding written record of accurate predictions regarding Derevko, Langley has given him operational control of this task force.
(Kendall sits. Jack stands.)
JACK: In all likelihood, Sloane and Derevko have formed a strategic partnership. As of this morning, our single aim will be their apprehension. Derevko has been tagged with a passive tracking device-- MARSHALL: Um, excuse me, sir, sorry to interrupt. Um, by the way, congratulations on the heading the operation task force... thing. The device that we implanted into Derevko isn't passive.
JACK: Yes, it is. I removed the original device in case Derevko was swept for bugs. Without her knowledge, I injected her with a passive transmitter.
MARSHALL: Wow. Actually that's really smart because, well, basically if they do a bug sweep they won't pick up anything until it transmits. Hey, how'd you plant it without her knowing?
JACK: The transmitter is programmed to send a signal twelve hours from now. That allows her enough time to reach Sloane before going active. A tactical team's on standby out of Edwards airforce base. Once we acquire the signal, we'll move in and take them into custody.
(Tuscany. At their villa, Sloane and Emily walk by the pool.)
EMILY: I don't know what to say. This house is... when will we know if they accept our offer?
SLOANE: I closed last week.
EMILY: What?
SLOANE: (laughs) Oh, I wanted to surprise you. Just wanted to make you happy.
EMILY: These past few months have been like a dream. Thank God we got through it.
SLOANE: I love you.
(They kiss.)
(Target practice. Sydney sh**t at a sheet and removes her ear protectors.)
VAUGHN: Nice grouping.
(They kiss. The sheet whirs up.)
SYDNEY: What happened?
VAUGHN: They downgraded my security clearance but only temporarily until counterintelligence clears me officially. Meanwhile your father convinced them to keep me field-rated.
SYDNEY: Then you heard about my mother.
(Sydney puts a new sheet up and it whirs back into place.)
SYDNEY: You were right to investigate her.
VAUGHN: Sydney...
SYDNEY: No, it's okay. It's the truth. I'm not blaming you, it's me. I was so naive about her.
VAUGHN: I don't think you should be a part of this task force. Look, you know how I feel about Irina Derevko but no one should have to hunt down their own mother, no matter what the circumstances are.
SYDNEY: She was never my mother.
VAUGHN: You wanna believe that?
SYDNEY: Don't do this to me again. Don't condescend.
VAUGHN: That's not what I'm doing, you know that. Look, if you corner her and you hesitate to pull the trigger, even for one second, it could cost you your life.
(Sydney puts glasses on and the ear protectors. She aims her g*n at the sheet.)
SYDNEY: I won't hesitate.
(She fires.)
(Kendall and Jack are in the ops center.)
KENDALL: Let me be blunt, Jack. I accepted your recommendation to trust Derevko because you made a strong argument. A personal one. An argument which I now understand you didn't believe, or you would have never gone to the trouble of placing a passive transmitter on that woman without informing me. It was my call to let her out and I stand by that decision but you blindsided me, you son of a bitch! And your pretense of an apology doesn't do either of us any good.
JACK: I'll be equally blunt. From the moment Irina Derevko walked in this door, you ordered Sydney to deal with her, over my objections, with absolute disregard for her emotional well being.
KENDALL: That was my perogative, and I stand by that call.
JACK: With that said, it's not my intention to replace you. As soon as I'm satisfied that Derevko can never harm my daughter again, you'll have your title back.
(Marshall hesitantly approaches.)
MARSHALL: Uh, excuse me... actually, I'm really not sure who I'm supposed to address because, you know, you're both standing here. Who's in charge...?
JACK: What IS IT, Marshall!
KENDALL: What do you WANT?
MARSHALL: Um, the passive transmitter that Mr. Bristow injected into his wife -- ex-wife, sorry -- well, um, it just went active. And we're tracking her.
(Plane. Sydney and Vaughn talk to a group of agents.)
SYDNEY: Base ops, let's track Derevko's signal to Stuttgart. Once on the ground, we will confirm the signal with visual identification but we will not engage until we know the whereabouts of all three.
(They circulate a photograph of Sloane, Irina and Sark.)
VAUGHN: We move in only after Derevko's led us to Sloane.
(Stuttgart. Irina, wearing a business suit, walks with a German businessman.)
IRINA: Like many pharmaceutical companies, the firm I represent has closely monitored your work mapping the human genome. We are interested in licensing that work.
(Outside the building, Sark sits in a van, listening in and looking at his laptop.)
OFFICIAL: We're in the process of fielding many such offers. I'm afraid your firm, Schtat Pharmaceuticals, I'm not familiar.
IRINA: Oh, we are a small Scandinavian consortium, but I will not have come all this way if I did not believe my offer was significant.
(She hands him a card with their price.)
OFFICIAL: I will show you where the data is processed. Right this way.
IRINA: Thank you.
SARK: (on comm) Servers are located in sublevel E. Beyond radio contact. When you're prepared for extraction, I'll be standing by.
(Inside their own van, Sydney and Vaughn are on comm with Kendall, Jack and Marshall back in LA. Sydney and Vaughn have a couple of agents in the van with them.)
SYDNEY: We're two blocks away from the tracking signal. Any intel on that location?
JACK: Brucker Biotech. They're the German equivalent of the human genome project.
KENDALL: We're running a complete analysis of the company, every patent they hold, biographies of the board members, political contributions.
VAUGHN: Sloane and Derevko are getting their hands on genetic research. That can't be good.
MARSHALL: All right, I've hacked into their CCTV system, I'm relaying the feed to you now.
(Their screen is split into four quadrants, showing four security camera angles.)
SYDNEY: Let's see what we've got.
AGENT: Agent Bristow, we're pulling into position.
(From his van across the street, Sark watches out the windshield as the nondescript green CIA van pulls up and a man climbs out. Sark's suspicious.)
(Outside the building, Sark climbs the steps with a cell phone and briefcase.)
SARK: Hello, my name is Peter Garo, I'm Ms. Hertzgar's assistant. I'm just pulling up and running late as it is. Would it be possible to have a pass waiting for me at the front desk? Thank you.
(Sydney watches the CCTV feed as Sark walks in the building, catching himself on the security cameras.)
VAUGHN: We have a visual ID, he's entering the building.
JACK: We see him. Hold your position.
KENDALL: For now. We've confirmed Derevko and Sark, that's good enough for me.
JACK: Noted.
(The official leads Irina inside the server room.)
OFFICIAL: It took fifteen years of analysis, but we finally assembled all the information in a high-resolution DNA map of equal detail.
(Sark comes barging in. Irina looks, surprised, as he calmly sh**t out the camera. The signal goes static. He then sh**t the official in the chest, sending him backwards into a chair, d*ad.)
SYDNEY: Sark's taking out surveillance cameras, we just lost the feed.
KENDALL: They may know we're here.
(Inside the server room.)
SARK: There's a tactical team in a van out front. We've been tracked. I've swept myself, I'm clean.
(He takes out a bug sweeper that acts much like a metal detector. He runs it down and up Irina's body. It beeps when he runs it in front of her breasts.)
IRINA: Jack.
(Back in LA.)
KENDALL: The mission's been compromised.
JACK: It's harder now, obviously, but not impossible.
KENDALL: If we don't go in now, we could lose everything.
JACK: The transmitter is still active, we can track them. Sloane is the objective, remember that.
KENDALL: Sloane may or may not be here. They may or may not be working with Sloane.
(Sark takes out a medical kit.)
SARK: I don't understand, when we extracted you from the CIA, we scanned you for transmitters.
IRINA: It must've been on a time delay.
(She opens her business suit jacket, revealing just her black bra underneath. Sark takes out two electro medical paddles. He looks at her, unsure.)
IRINA: Do it.
(Leaning up against the wall, she braces herself. Sark shocks her chest with the paddles, scrambling the signal. Irina grunts in pain. The signal is lost on Marshall's computer in LA.)
MARSHALL: We lost her!
JACK: How?
MARSHALL: I don't know, flagged somehow. Overloaded, I guess. The signal's gone, there's nothing I can do.
SYDNEY: Look, if we lose her now, we lose her for good!
JACK: Move in.
SYDNEY: (to assembled agents) Call Rutger security, tell them we have two wanted t*rrorists on the premises. Have them seal the building immediately, we will meet them in the lobby.
(At a computer, Irina takes out a disk.)
IRINA: This will get us into the hard drive.
SARK: Is the file on the network?
IRINA: Yes, but it's encrypted. I'll transfer the file and we can cypher it later.
SARK: How long to download?
IRINA: Five minutes. Make sure there is no evidence that we were here.
SARK: All right, I'll take care of it. I'll set the detonation for six minutes. Meet me at the extraction point.
(In the boiler room, Sark leaves a b*mb that is set for six minutes. He leaves.)
(Sydney runs down a hall in the main building, her g*n out. Irina's computer is finished downloading, she removes the disk. Sydney enters the server room and finds the d*ad official. She turns and leaves. In a stairwell leading to the hallways, Vaughn and another agent climb the stairs. The agent opens the door and Sark is there. He hits the man, knocking him out. Vaughn struggles with Sark, punching him once. Sark elbows Vaughn in the face, sending him down a few stairs. They grab at each other, Sark throwing Vaughn against the railing which makes Vaughn drop his g*n. Sark hits Vaughn and he goes tumbling down a few steps, stopping on the landing. Sark grabs Vaughn's fallen g*n and points it at him, coming down the stairs, coming closer. He sh**t Vaughn in the chest. Vaughn gasps in pain, turning away. Sark is about to sh**t him again when his g*n is sh*t out of his hand. He looks up at Sydney, a floor above, with her g*n raised. Sark runs. Sydney runs down the stairs.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn! Vaughn!
(She turns him towards her. She unzips his jacket and sees the b*llet lodged in his vest. She kisses his forehead.)
SYDNEY: You're okay?
VAUGHN: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
SYDNEY: Come on.
(She helps him up.)
(Thirty-five seconds left on the b*mb.)
(In the building, she runs down a hall with Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: What about Derevko?
SYDNEY: She's got to be here.
IRINA: Sydney!
(They stop and turn. Behind them is Irina. She looks at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Dad, I see her!
(Irina turns and runs the other way, down the hall.)
SYDNEY: We're going after her! She's exiting the building!
(Eight seconds left. Vaughn and Sydney run out of the building together with four seconds left. They look around for Irina just as the b*mb goes off, making all the windows explode. Vaughn grabs Sydney and they run for cover.)
(Tuscany. Sloane walks in the kitchen, talking on his cell phone. Emily is at the counter, chopping vegetables.)
SLOANE: Yeah. I'll talk to you later.
(He hangs up and puts his cell on the counter. He smiles at Emily.)
SLOANE: What's for dinner?
EMILY: Riboletta. It's bread and vegetable soup.
(He kisses her.)
SLOANE: Mmm. Well, sounds great. I'll get the rebello.
(He leaves the room. His cell phone rings. Emily glances over at it, continues to chop. It rings again. Again. Again. Finally, she answers it.)
EMILY: Hello?
IRINA: May I speak with your husband?
EMILY: Yes, just a moment.
(Sloane comes into the kitchen with the bottle of wine.)
EMILY: It's for you. It's a woman.
SLOANE: Thanks. (on phone) Yeah?
(Irina is in a vehicle with Sark, who drives.)
IRINA: I've recovered the file. I was tracked.
SLOANE: By whom?
IRINA: CIA. Until we know otherwise, we have to assume you've been exposed as well. You better leave the house until we know for sure.
SLOANE: Yeah. I agree.
IRINA: Meet me at the airfield.
(He hangs up and looks at Emily.)
SLOANE: We have to leave.
EMILY: What? Who was that?
SLOANE: I will explain everything later. But we have to leave the house, it's just a precaution.
EMILY: Against what? What's going on?
SLOANE: Emily, listen to me! We have to leave the house now.
EMILY: I don't understand...
SLOANE: Look at me! You have to trust me, Emily. Please! You have to trust me!
(Briefing. Vaughn, Sydney, Marshall, Jack, Will.)
WILL: Aside from cancer studies, Brucker sponsored genetic research, specifically the mapping of sequencing human chromosomes. But it's rumored that they've catologued the DNA of private citizens. Some say millions.
MARSHALL: Well, if that's true then, for one... um, I'm sorry to interrupt, I just--Is that suede?
WILL: Yes.
MARSHALL: Um, Sloane could develop a gentically targeted virus or he could pollute the entire water supply just to k*ll one specific person when he or she takes a drink of water or takes a shower then the water would permeate the system.
JACK: I'll instruct the NSA to add every derivation of genome and genetics to the Echelon watchlist.
(The meeting over, people stand up, ready to leave. Marshall turns to Sydney.)
MARSHALL: Uh, excuse me, one thing. Did you say that before the expl*si*n, your mother called out your name?
MARSHALL: Well, why'd she do that? Does that seem weird to anyone or is that just me? It's cool if it is just me. It is just me, isn't it?
JACK: Irina may have wanted to save Sydney's life.
SYDNEY: I doubt that's the case.
(A plane is waiting at an airfield. Sloane and Emily board.)
EMILY: What do you mean, you own this?
SLOANE: It's my plane, sweetheart. It's ours.
EMILY: Arvin, I've been more than patient. It's enough.
(Irina stands up from her seat.)
IRINA: Hello.
EMILY: I don't... understand...
(Irina comes closer and gives Emily a hug. Emily is frightened and shocked.)
EMILY: Laura... Laura, I thought...
IRINA: Arvin will tell you. (to Sloane) The disk, as promised.
(She leaves them alone.)
SLOANE: Emily, sit down.
EMILY: How long have you known that she was alive?
SLOANE: A couple of months.
EMILY: And you didn't tell me this? What the hell is going on?
SLOANE: Emily.
EMILY: Tell me. Don't treat me like a fool! Stop telling me that the deception is over!
SLOANE: I had to wait. I wanted to make sure it was going to work.
EMILY: What are we doing here with a woman who died twenty years ago?
SLOANE: What I'm pursuing, this truth...
EMILY: Truth. Good, well, that explains it all. I guess you and I are looking for the same thing!
SLOANE: Emily, what I'm looking for, among other things, will let you live cancer free.
EMILY: I am cancer free.
SLOANE: Forever.
(Francie's restaurant. Will, Francie, Sydney and Vaughn sit at a table together.)
WILL: Wait, wait, wait, wait, you're saying in high school my girlfriend dated a quarterback?
SYDNEY: I mean, it was no big deal. He was just this, like... god.
(They laugh.)
SYDNEY: What was his name? Frank or Hank?
FRANCIE: I forgot all about that guy.
(Sydney looks at her strangely.)
FRANCIE: (to Vaughn) Wow, you know, I went shopping the other day and I saw something that reminded me of you.
(She hands over a gift box to Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: You bought Vaughn a present?
FRANCIE: Why not?
WILL: Because it's the weirdest thing of all time?
FRANCIE: I just saw something and it reminded me of him. I don't know, maybe you can do that for me sometime.
WILL: Nice... thanks.
SYDNEY: Well, see, you're making me look bad. I still haven't bought him anything.
FRANCIE: Sydney was always saying you're wearing suits so I thought...
(He opens it. It's a tie.)
VAUGHN: Oh, wow... it's beautiful, thank you. That's very sweet.
FRANCIE: You're welcome.
(Will looks at her strangely. Sydney and Vaughn's beepers go off in unison.)
SYDNEY: We have to go.
(Ops center. Jack and an agent are seated in front of a computer.)
SYDNEY: What's going on?
JACK: You have to see this.
VAUGHN: What is this?
JACK: Security camera at our consulate in Florence last night.
(Security footage shows Emily walk in, looking uncertain.)
SYDNEY: She's alive?
JACK: She walked through the front door, told the duty guard she is the wife of Arvin Sloane, that she wants to cooperate with the CIA and that she will only talk to you.
(In Florence, Emily sits in a room, alone. Sydney enters and looks at her for a moment.)
SYDNEY: I spoke at your funeral.
EMILY: Arvin told me.
(Sydney sits down.)
EMILY: Yesterday I felt exactly the way you do now, seeing someone I thought was gone.
SYDNEY: My mother.
EMILY: (nods) You know.
EMILY: I never wanted to put you through that but Arvin and I had no choice. The Alliance had to believe I was d*ad.
SYDNEY: You knew about his involvement with the Alliance and you stayed with him?
EMILY: I know this is difficult for you to understand but when I found out I had cancer, Arvin was my tether to hope, to survival. And when I went into remission, he told me the truth. He asked for my forgiveness and promised he would make things right. He's been my whole world for thirty years, he saved my life. I couldn't deny my husband a second chance.
SYDNEY: Except nothing's changed. I'm assuming that's why you're here.
EMILY: He told me his plan, to find out what this man Rambaldi was working on. He rationalizes what he's done. He says he's doing it for us, for me. Even if I believe him, I won't be the excuse for his crimes. I won't live with that on my conscience. I'll help you bring him in but I need you to guarantee me something in return.
EMILY: That he won't get the death penalty. I want it in writing, before I tell you where he is.
(Vaughn, Jack and Kendall at ops center.)
KENDALL: We can't make that kind of deal! For all we know, Sloane sent his wife in to mislead us.
VAUGHN: No, Sydney trusts Emily.
KENDALL: Well, congratulations! But is that enough reason to take that chance? Why not thr*at her with prosecution, compel her to tell us where she's meeting Sloane.
VAUGHN: Prosecution for what?
KENDALL: What, are you kidding me? Conspiracy, fraud, aiding and abetting a t*rror1st...
JACK: We need Emily's cooperation and I believe she will lead us right to Sloane and Irina.
KENDALL: Fine. It's your call anyway, isn't it?
(Kendall stomps away. Jack looks at Vaughn.)
JACK: Go to Florence with Dixon, I'll tell Sydney to make the deal. A tactical team will be ready for you by the time you land.
(He gives a pat to Vaughn's shoulder and they walk away in different directions.)
(Irina is on the phone with Sloane. She stands outside, while he's in a dark office somewhere.)
IRINA: I'm meeting with a man this afternoon who can get us six hours in a KRX1 computer. It should be able to decrypt the genetic database. Are you there?
SLOANE: What if I told you that I wanted you to buy me out? That I'd be willing to sell you the breath of my assets, my contacts, all the Rambaldi artifacts I've acquired over the last thirty years, everything?
IRINA: I'd say that either you're setting me up to k*ll me or I underestimated your love for your wife.
SLOANE: Well, I'm going back to Tuscany to see Emily. The house is safe. Emily's meeting me there. I'll bring the database with me, you can pick it up from me there. I can't blame Emily, she's right. I want out.
(At the consulate, Sydney slides over a thick document to Emily.)
SYDNEY: This document guarantees that the justice department will not pursue the death penalty for your husband. Take a few minutes to read it before you sign.
EMILY: I don't need to.
(She signs it.)
SYDNEY: You understand you're going to have to wear a wire. The operation's being drawn up, the raid will be dangerous but you will be fine. We will protect you.
EMILY: Sydney... I know I've disappointed you, that I chose to stay with Arvin, that I came here to ask you to show mercy for a man who took so much away from you.
SYDNEY: You're in an impossible situation. At your funeral, I said that I've always thought of you as my real mother. I meant it.
(She stands. Emily takes her hand and lets out a breath.)
(At the villa, Emily stands alone, very nervous. She speaks via her wire.)
EMILY: He's going to know. It's odd, I feel like I'm talking to myself. It's comforting to know that you're out there listening.
(Sydney, in her fatigues like the beginning, hides in the trees outside the home. She nods over to Vaughn, also in fatigues. She and Vaughn and the other agents approach.)
EMILY: Oh, God, I think he's here.
(A car drives up and Sloane steps out with a bodyguard. Agents run ahead, hiding behind trees. Dixon among them. Irina gets out of the back of the car with Sloane and the guard. The three of them go inside the house. The CIA agents approach even closer, spotting one of Sloane's guards on the roof. They sh**t him, climbing over the railing, getting in closer. Dixon runs up with Vaughn. Inside the mansion, Sloane walks with Irina.)
SLOANE: The genetic database is in a safe in the study. It's just off to the left. This is the combination.
(He takes out a card from his jacket pocket, hands it over.)
IRINA: Are you certain about this?
SLOANE: Yeah. Yeah.
(Outside, Sydney and the agents wait.)
(Sloane walks in the room where Emily stands. He looks at her.)
SLOANE: I'm sorry. There's no point in my continuing if you're not with me.
SYDNEY: We're on!
EMILY: You said that before.
SLOANE: (shrugs) It's different this time.
EMILY: What changed so much in one day?
SLOANE: Everything.
(Outside with Sydney, Vaughn and the agents.)
SYDNEY: When we hear Emily say she's going to the wine cellar, we move in.
(Back inside the villa.)
EMILY: The things you've done, there's just been too much suffering.
SLOANE: You have every right to not believe me, but it doesn't matter. You will. I will never leave you again.
(She takes a few steps away from him, crying a little.)
EMILY: Arvin, I... I'm here to say goodbye.
SLOANE: Emily... do you remember how it felt when I found you on the beach and I told you that it was over?
EMILY: (crying) Arvin...
SLOANE: All that matters is this.
EMILY: Please...
SLOANE: What we have, between us.
EMILY: Just stop...
SLOANE: That no one else is a part of.
EMILY: (crying) Oh, God, please! Just stop!
(Crying, she looks up at him. He's crying as well. Emily slowly unzips her shirt, showing him the wire taped to her chest. She yanks it off, breaking the connection. His chin quivers. Outside the house, Sydney looks at the agents.)
SYDNEY: We've lost the signal, Sloane may have found the wire.
EMILY: The CIA's been listening. They're here.
(He cups her face.)
SYDNEY: We have to go!
(Sloane is crying.)
SLOANE: Doesn't matter. All I need to know right now is if you want to come with me.
EMILY: Come with you?
SLOANE: If you don't want to, I'll understand, but Emily, please... you have to make your mind up right now.
(They run to the house. Inside, Emily is weeping. She nods her head.)
EMILY: Yes! I will.
(He kisses her. Vaughn comes up to the glass door and tosses something inside. It goes off, causing a small expl*si*n, which blows out the glass. Vaughn and Sydney enter. Sloane and Emily run past the hall.)
VAUGHN: Sloane!
(He looks up but keeps running. Vaughn sh**t one of the guards. Sydney and Vaughn run down the hall together, coming closer. Sloane and Emily, hand in hand, run down a hall. They pass Irina. Sloane hits a button, opening a secret passage.)
SLOANE: Come on.
IRINA: Go! I have the disk, ready for extraction.
SARK: Copy that.
(Irina runs in the secret passage as well. Sydney comes up, g*n raised. Sees it.)
SYDNEY: They're in some kind of tunnel, it starts at the east. Check from the outside to see where it leads.
VAUGHN: Copy. I'm on my way.
(At the beginning now. Sydney and Irina exchange g*n from opposite ends of the hall. Irina runs for the ladder. She's almost at the top.)
SYDNEY: Freeze! Don't move!
(Irina tries to continue going up, but Sydney sh**t her in the shoulder. Irina drops the disk at Sydney's feet and hauls herself up.)
IRIAN: Ugh! Ow... ahhh...
(Irina drops to the ground. Sydney picks up the disk and climbs the ladder. A helicopter hovers near the ground with Sark leaning by the door. He sh**t at Sydney, forcing her to take cover. Dixon has his g*n pointed from the bushes as Sloane and Emily run across the backyard together, just like Irina. A helicopter flies over Dixon's head, distracting him, and his finger hits the trigger. Emily and Sloane fall to the ground. Irina runs up to them, cradling her bloody shoulder. Sloane cries, holding Emily's d*ad body. Dixon sh*t her. Sloane kisses her forehead. Irina grabs him with her good arm, pulling him up. Sydney runs. Sloane gets in the helicopter, staring at Emily's body. Irina climbs in.)
SARK: Go, go, go!
(They get in the air. Sloane looks down as Sydney runs over to Emily. Sloane sits back in his seat, crying.)
SARK: Do you have the disk?
(Irina shakes her head. They look down below as the helicopter flies away. Down on the ground, Sydney holds Emily's body. She has a g*n right where her heart would be. Sydney cries. Dixon and Vaughn approach, Dixon looking devastated. Sydney cries.)
(In LA, at Sydney's house, she's in bed, facing away from Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: Syd? You okay?
SYDNEY: I don't want to talk. Not now.
(She takes his hand and kisses it. He gets in next to her, kissing the back of her neck. There's a ticking, beeping noise.)
SYDNEY: Is that your phone?
VAUGHN: Nuh-uh. Yours?
(They sit up. Sydney looks at her nightstand, opens the jewelry box where the noise is coming from. She takes out the earrings.)
VAUGHN: What is that?
SYDNEY: My mother's earrings. I thought they were checked?
VAUGHN: They were.
(They continue to beep.)
VAUGHN: Wait... it's a repeating pattern.
SYDNEY: Dash dot dash.
VAUGHN: K. Definitely morse code.
(Sydney grabs a piece of paper and pen. She starts writing.)
SYDNEY: An E. That's a T.
VAUGHN: Another T.
(He sits up beside her. She writes the whole thing down: KESTIMETRUTHTA)
VAUGHN: It's encoded.
(She rips the sheet in three.)
VAUGHN: What are you doing?
(She shows him the message: TRUTH TAKES TIME) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x18 - Truth Takes Time"} | foreverdreaming |
(Night. It's raining outside. Sydney and Dixon stand on either side of Emily's coffin. An SUV backs up and two men get out, there to take the coffin.)
DIXON: I didn't have a clean sh*t, and I took it anyway. I'm putting in for reassignment to the directorate of intelligence.
SYDNEY: If I had the sh*t, I might have taken it.
DIXON: I know what Emily meant to you. I'm sorry.
(The SUV is now gone with the coffin. Dixon walks away.)
(Sloane sits behind a desk looking out at nothing. Irina stands beside the desk, a bandage on her arm.)
IRINA: Arvin? Arvin? This plan might not hold up. The CIA knows too much, they could guess why we were after the genetic database.
SLOANE: I'm not interested in the database. I want satellite footage of Tuscany. I want to know who m*rder my wife.
IRINA: We both had to make sacrifices, Arvin. You won't for yourself if you stop now. We're so close to knowing what Rambaldi knew.
SLOANE: I wish I never heard that man's name.
(Irina puts her hand over his. He looks at it.)
(CIA ops center, Sydney holds a file and talks to her father.)
SYDNEY: I don't understand how we don't have a single lead on Sloane or Mom.
JACK: There's a difference between intelligence and actionable intelligence.
SYDNEY: What about the earrings Mom left me?
JACK: Analysis couldn't trace the signal source. Marshall's trying to figure out how they receive anything.
SYDNEY: Dad, we have to get ahead of them. We know they're acquiring Rambaldi artifacts, we know they tried to access a DNA database. So there must be some way to predict what they're going to do.
JACK: Sydney, I understand your frustration, particularly in light of Emily's death, but sometimes there isn't a clear move to make.
SYDNEY: Look at this. (opens the file) Elsa Caplan's debrief transcript. It's barely ten pages long. Sloane kidnapped her husband two months ago and all we have is ten pages?
JACK: Sydney, if you feel Elsa Caplan was improperly debriefed, do it again yourself.
(Outside, afternoon. Sydney and Elsa sit beside each other on a bench, watching Elsa's son Aaron play.)
SYDNEY: How's your son?
ELSA: He's keeping me sane. Even with this security detail, it's hard to feel safe.
SYDNEY: I don't want to make this more difficult for you but I need a little more of your help. I'd like to bring you in for regression therapy session. It's like hypnosis. It's completely safe, I've done it myself.
ELSA: No offense, but I don't feel comfortable with the government poking around in my head.
SYDNEY: I'll be honest with you. We're out of leads.
ELSA: What are you saying? That if something happens to him, it's my fault?
SYDNEY: No, of course not.
ELSA: These people... these people thr*at to k*ll my son! He's still having nightmares about it!
SYDNEY: Elsa, wait...
ELSA: You come here and you tell me that I'm not doing enough?
SYDNEY: That's not what I meant, wait...
ELSA: Aaron, sweetie! Sweetie, come on, it's time to go. (to Sydney) How dare you. Sweetie, honey, it's time to go!
(Neil Caplan is chain handcuffed, sitting behind a desk that has a laptop and other things on it. Irina enters.)
IRINA: We still need your help. I just downloaded this. That's a catalog of over ten million people's DNA. We're looking for someone specific, a man. But it's encrypted. We need you to break it.
NEIL: For the past two months I haven't heard a word about my family or been given any indication whether they're d*ad or alive. So you can just k*ll me. Just k*ll me because there's no way in hell I'm going to help you people anymore.
IRINA: What if I told you that your family's not only alive but we let them go?
(She drops a cell phone on the desk.)
IRINA: Call your house. Call.
(He dials the phone, still handcuffed. It rings.)
NEIL: Elsa, it's me!
NEIL: Elsa! Elsa, I'm alive!
IRINA: She can't hear you. I've modified the cell phone.
IRINA: They're home. They're safe. Now you have something to live for, Mr. Caplan.
(Sydney and Vaughn are sitting up in bed together. Sydney is looking over some papers, including phone records.)
SYDNEY: Elsa Caplan was living under protective custody for the past two months. I was so convinced that we were overlooking something that I went over there and implied that she wasn't doing enough to save her husband. That was stupid.
VAUGHN: No one's harder on themselves than you are.
(They kiss a couple of times. Vaughn gets out of bed in his boxers and grabs a backpack from the floor. He unzips it and takes out a shirt.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I mean, okay, the backpack is getting a little ridiculous.
VAUGHN: What do you mean?
SYDNEY: (points) The middle drawer. It's yours.
SYDNEY: It's just a drawer.
VAUGHN: I'm just saying it's a great idea.
SYDNEY: You sure?
VAUGHN: Uh-huh.
(He takes the backpack over. Sydney goes back to her phone records.)
SYDNEY: There were three calls made from the same number to Caplan's house over the last year. They came exactly four months apart, they were all made on a Monday night at the same time. And they all lasted one minute.
VAUGHN: Where did the calls come from?
(The kitchen in the Caplan house.)
SYDNEY: I need to talk to you.
ELSA: Is it Neil?
SYDNEY: Before Neil's abduction, three calls were made to your house over the last year at odd hours. We traced the number to a reporter named Gregory Ivanov. Does that name mean anything to you?
SYDNEY: We ran a background check. He was a journalist working out of Los Angeles for Itar-Tass, a news service known for giving cover to Russian intelligence agents. This man, Ivanov, we think he's one of them. We put Ivanov under electronic surveillance. An hour ago he received a fax from an unnamed source.
ELSA: I don't understand.
SYDNEY: Your husband might have been working for the Russian SVR. It's their equivalent to the CIA.
ELSA: What did the fax say?
SYDNEY: A single Russian word. "Razvyaska". It means "endgame".
(Elsa puts her back to Sydney, crying.)
ELSA: Neil's gonna die.
SYDNEY: Elsa, we don't know that.
ELSA: No. I do.
SYDNEY: Not you.
ELSA: I didn't want to be hypnotized because I was afraid you'd find out. Ivanov was my handler. Seven years ago I was ordered to seduce and marry Neil. My objective was to keep tabs on his work. I was given a tracking device to implant in his arm. But it has a secondary purpose. It was designed to release fifty milligrams of cyanide into his bloodstream. It's a su1c1de pill. That's what the fax was about, it means it's been activated.
SYDNEY: And you're not authorized to be telling me this.
ELSA: I just committed treason against my government because I want to get him back. I'm telling you because I love him.
(Sydney walks into the ops center, finds Jack.)
SYDNEY: I have a lead on Sloane and Irina, but we have to move immediately.
JACK: Yes, Vaughn briefed me. Elsa Caplan shouldn't be processed as a walk-in, she's an SVR agent.
SYDNEY: Which means we can classify her as a defector.
JACK: Or we can arraign her and try her for espionage. Until we make that determination, I'm holding her here.
SYDNEY: She wants to help. She implanted a tracking chip in her husband. The chip's activated by a code, if we can get a locating device we can enter the code, find him, and remove the device before it releases the cyanide.
JACK: I've already asked Marshall to look into the possibility of reverse-engineering the locator.
SYDNEY: I talked to Marshall, it'll take him three days. Caplan will be d*ad by then. The chip's set to release cyanide into his bloodstream in forty-two hours. There's a black market contact who deals in SVR contreband, I'm going to meet him.
JACK: I'm not willing to risk your life based on speculative intel you acquired from a Russian spy.
SYDNEY: Why would she lie?
JACK: That's precisely the question!
SYDNEY: She turned herself in!
JACK: She's not the first!
SYDNEY: Dad, I realize we're talking about a Russian agent who betrayed her husband but Elsa Caplan and my mother are not the same person. Elsa's first instinct, her first thought, was for her husband's life.
JACK: That's your assessment.
SYDNEY: If we find Neil Caplan, we find Sloane and Derevko. Isn't that worth the risk?
JACK: We'll move on Elsa's statement if, and only if, we can corroborate it.
SYDNEY: When did you start playing it safe? You let Derevko walk out of here because you thought she could lead us to Sloane.
JACK: A mistake I'm not anxious to repeat.
SYDNEY: And if Neil Caplan dies?
JACK: Then he dies.
(The hallway heading to Irina's old cell. The bars raise and Sydney walks through, glancing up at the security camera high on the wall. She approaches the glass. Elsa stands when she sees her.)
ELSA: Who has my son?
SYDNEY: Aaron's fine, he's being taken care of.
ELSA: I thought you believed me.
SYDNEY: I do believe you.
ELSA: Then why am I in this cell?
(Upstairs, Jack watches the security camera feed of Elsa and Sydney.)
ELSA: (on monitor) I risked everything, committed treason against my own government.
SYDNEY: (on monitor) It's not that simple.
(Jack picks up the nearby phone.)
JACK: This is Director Bristow. I want solitary confinement imposed on Elsa Caplan. No unapproved visitors. Understood?
(Back at the cell.)
SYDNEY: We still have forty-two hours.
(Sydney hits a button on her watch. A red light on the face of the watch brightens.)
SYDNEY: I want you to know we're doing everything we can.
(A recording of Sydney's voice starts from her watch. Sydney continues talking, keeping up the cover because she knows they're being watched.)
SYDNEY'S VOICE: Elsa, don't react. You're listening to a recorded message being transmitted to you through a directional sound projector. You're the only one who can hear this. The CIA won't sanction an extraction team to get the locator. I'm going in myself.
(Agents start heading down to the cell to take Sydney away.)
SYDNEY: I know none of this is much of a consolation to you right now, but it's the best I can do.
SYDNEY'S VOICE: I need you to give me the locator codes. Cross your arms and tap them out in Morse Code with your index finger.
(Elsa does so. Sydney watches, memorizing it. The agent approaches.)
AGENT: Back away from the glass please.
SYDNEY: (still watching the tapping) I have authorization.
AGENT: Back up now.
(Elsa's done.)
ELSA: Thank you.
(Sydney nods and leaves. Upstairs, Jack has been watching. He's suspicious.)
(Caplan's still at his desk. Irina looks at him.)
IRINA: It's been twenty-four hours.
NEIL: This database is encoded with an 8192-bit military-grade polymorphic encryption. Unless you want to kidnap a smarter genius than me, it's going to be a little while.
IRINA: Tell me what you need to speed this up.
NEIL: (sighs) I need access to a Cray supercomputer.
IRINA: I hope you're not stalling, Mr. Caplan, because your safe return to your family is no guarantee. Understand?
(Caplan grabs her, throwing her on the desk on her stomach. He takes the chain that connects his handcuffs and puts it around her throat, choking her.)
IRINA: Arghhh!
(Suddenly Neil is sh*t in the leg. He lets Irina go immediately, yelling and groaning in pain. Sloane stands behind them with his g*n. He presses the g*n against Neil's throat.)
SLOANE: A few days ago...
NEIL: My leg! Aghhh!
SLOANE: ...I would have done anything to keep you alive. Now... I don't care!
(He's about to sh**t Neil. Irina, rubbing at her neck, stops him.)
IRINA: Arvin! Arvin! Arvin, don't! We still need him.
NEIL: My leg!
(He falls on the floor.)
(Living room at the Dixon household.)
DIANE: Where would you be transferred to?
DIXON: I'll be reassigned within the agency. Maybe to Texas or DC. I'd be an analyst. I'd be safe.
DIANE: You'd be happy not being in the field?
DIXON: I'd be happy as long as you and the kids are with me.
DIANE: Sloane's the man who ran SD-6, the one who lied to you for years. Marcus... you are not responsible for what happened to his wife. He put her in harm's way.
DIXON: That's not the only reason I'm putting in for the transfer. I'm doing it for us.
DIANE: (smiles) When you first told me the truth, I said I don't know who you were. I was wrong. I just didn't know what you did. I have always known who you are. You are the most decent man I know. Whatever you decide, I'll be with you.
(They kiss.)
(Francie's cell rings. She answers.)
SLOANE: It's me. Is your source still in place?
SLOANE: Good. I need something from him.
(Sydney is driving down the street. She sees a black car behind her, following her every move. In the following car, the agent speaks on comm.)
FOLLOWER: Base ops, this is Trailer. We have a twenty on the target.
JACK: (on comm) Copy. Stay with her.
(Sydney makes a u-turn and drives into a parking lot of a drugstore. She gets out and goes inside. She gets a basket and walks by a few young girls standing in the cosmetics aisle.)
GIRL 1: The Pi Delta exchange! I think Tom's gonna be there!
GIRL 2: Shut up!
GIRL 3: Ooooh, Tommy!
(They giggle. Sydney takes out her cell phone.)
(At the ops center, Vaughn and Weiss.)
WEISS: She gave you a drawer, huh?
VAUGHN: It was a gesture of convenience.
WEISS: And, uh, what did you put in it?
VAUGHN: Why do you care?
WEISS: What do you mean, why do I care? Do you know how spoiled you are? You know, a drawer! I wish I had a girlfriend to say "Hey, do you want a drawer?"
VAUGHN: I'll give you a drawer at my place.
WEISS: I don't want a drawer at your place.
(Vaughn's cell rings.)
VAUGHN: Hello?
SYDNEY: (in store) Hey, it's me.
VAUGHN: You okay? Marshall told me your father shut you down this morning.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I just need to get out. Cool down. Dad was right. Like that's news.
(Trailer, sitting outside in the black car, listens in. Sydney takes a roll of wallpaper.)
SYDNEY: I just wish there was more I could do.
VAUGHN: Well we're working on corroborating Elsa's intel.
(Sydney takes a long blonde wig and pantyhose, puts them in her basket.)
VAUGHN: Where are you?
SYDNEY: At the drugstore. Just picking up some pictures I had developed. I think there's this great one of us, you could hang it in your hall by the coat rack.
SYDNEY: Although the developer said some of the pictures might not come out because I used the wrong film speed or something. Next time... he said to keep in mind I should use a slower roll.
VAUGHN: (whispers to Weiss) Pen.
SYDNEY: I'll probably be another twenty minutes. I'll come over when I'm done.
VAUGHN: Yeah, okay, bye.
SYDNEY: Okay, bye.
(They hang up.)
WEISS: What?
VAUGHN: She said she wanted to hang a picture next to the coat rack.
VAUGHN: Well, she's never been to my place. I don't have a coat rack.
WEISS: Okay, well, maybe it was some kind of message. What did she say exactly?
VAUGHN: She said "Keep in mind I should use a slower roll."
(At the store, Sydney picks up a red tote bag next to the cash as a young clerk rings it all up.)
SYDNEY: Oh, and... this bag, please.
(The young women giggle, still in the cosmetics aisle. Sydney looks over at them.)
SYDNEY: Where's your bathroom?
(In the bathroom, Sydney takes the roll of wallpaper and puts it around her waist. She takes out a roll of tape and tapes it to her waist. Pinning up her hair, she takes out the pantyhose and cuts off the legs, putting the waist part over her head, holding back her hair. She puts on the blonde wig. Out in the store, Sydney walks down the aisle holding the red tote bag, wearing the long blonde wig, and wearing her new skirt with just her shirt on and jacket in the bag. She approaches the young girls who are in line at the cash.)
GIRL 1: But I like it. I like this product and I've used one of these before...
GIRL 2: You have?
SYDNEY: (accent) Sorry, I tried that one and I broke out!
GIRL 1: Oh really? Okay, thanks!
SYDNEY: (accent) Oh my... are you Sigma Gammas?
GIRL 1: Yeah!
SYDNEY: (accent) I was president of my chapter in West Virginia!
GIRL 2: No way!
SYDNEY: (accent) I swear to God!
GIRL 2: President!
SYDNEY: (accent) Yeah! It's Tuesday, you still have a lunch exchange with the Pi Delts?
GIRL 2: You want to come?
SYDNEY: (accent) Can I? Oh my God, I've been so homesick since I graduated! Thank you for inviting me!
(Minutes later, the girls walk out of the store with Sydney amongst them. The following agent watches them from his car but doesn't see Sydney. She talks with one of the girls and puts a pair of sunglasses on, moving past the car.)
(Ops center. Vaughn and Weiss are staring at their notepads.)
VAUGHN: Wait, I got it. She's using skip sequencing cypher text. Take the first letter from every word and rearrange them.
(I Should Use A Slower Roll. He circles the first letter and writes the word down: Russia.)
VAUGHN: She's going to Russia.
(Ops center. Vaughn approaches Jack.)
VAUGHN: You wanted to see me?
JACK: Sydney clearly knew I was listening to your phone convesation. She also knew that by the time I decoded her anagram, she'd be halfway to Russia. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you had every intention of reporting that fact to me. I'm giving you this consideration because when Sydney makes contact with you again, you're going to tell me exactly where she is.
VAUGHN: If I had known what she was doing, I would have tried to stop her but now that she's gone, there's nothing we can do to change her mind. She's got forty hours to find Caplan, why not support her, give her backup?
JACK: If it's not obvious to you by now, everything I do is in the service of protecting Sydney. For all we know, Elsa Caplan's working with Sloane. For all we know, she was a conspirator in her husband's abduction, which means Sydney could be walking into a trap.
VAUGHN: Or she isn't and she is about to save Neil Caplan's life.
JACK: This is not a debate. And just because you've gotten comfortable with my daughter, doesn't mean you should be comfortable with me. If you don't report your next contact with Sydney immediately, I will take action that you will regret.
(Russia. In a club, the crowd cheers and music blares. Sydney, dressed as a rhinestone cowboy including the boots and hat and shirt, enters, looking around.)
CONTACT: Okay, partners, let's get ready to ride! Okay, here you go!
(A man on a mechanical bull is all ready to go. The bull starts moving and the crowd starts cheering. The man falls off and a horn blows. Sydney approaches her contact.)
CONTACT: Get up, get up, you're no cowboy!
SYDNEY: (speaks Russian)
CONTACT: This is cowboy bar. Speak English.
SYDNEY: (Russian accent) I said we have a mutual friend.
CONTACT: I don't care. This is eight-second s*ab. Everybody here has ridden bull for eight seconds. Good-bye!
(He walks away. Sydney looks at the bull and mutters to herself:)
SYDNEY: Oh, God...
(Cut to the horn bl*wing and the crowd cheering with Sydney on the bull, doing her best at riding the thing. Everyone is cheering for her. The bull stops and she climbs off, going up to the bar once again.)
SYDNEY: (accent) Something like that.
CONTACT: Something like that.
(He offers her a drink. She takes it, wincing a little. The guy tosses the empty glass over his shoulder and it smashes.)
CONTACT: Now, champion, who is our mutual friend?
SYDNEY: (accent) Elsa Caplan.
CONTACT: When exactly did you talk to Elsa?
SYDNEY: (accent) Yesterday. We are old friends. Elsa's parents were in Kholokov's class with my parents.
CONTACT: What do you need?
SYDNEY: (accent) I need a tracking device, latest SVR issue.
CONTACT: Fifty thousand cash. US bucks only.
SYDNEY: (accent) Deal.
(He smiles, showing off his gold tooth.)
(Jack walks down the hall, the bars raising. He speaks to the guard.)
JACK: Open the door.
(He does so, letting him inside Irina's old cell. Elsa is sitting on the bed. She looks up.)
ELSA: I want to see my son.
JACK: (speaks Ukranian) There's a slight trace of Ukranian in your voice.
ELSA: (speaks Ukranian) That's where my parents were from, but I've never been there.
JACK: (speaks Ukranian) I'm curious. What was your cover, the story you told Neil Caplan. Were you placed at Caltech? A graduate student, maybe a teaching assistant?
ELSA: Look, my family is all I care about.
JACK: (smirking) Your family? The one you manufactured in order to steal classified information?
ELSA: You don't know anything about me.
JACK: You couldn't be more wrong.
ELSA: You're Sydney's father. Irina Derevko was your wife.
JACK: Which makes me an expert on someone like you. It started as a job, a duty to your country. But it required you to prost*tute yourself. It was a small price to pay for servicing the motherland. At first everything went as planned. Then--surely an accident--you got pregnant. You considered terminating the pregnancy but, selfishly, you didn't. You hoped, somehow, that becoming a mother would redeem you, would absolve your guilt.
ELSA: You're wrong!
JACK: But you continued to lie and deceive both your husband and your son.
ELSA: I am not Irina Derevko!
JACK: I probably care more about your son than you do!
ELSA: That is not true!
JACK: If I have my way, you're never going to see your son again.
ELSA: Don't you dare take my son away from me! Don't you take my son away!
(Bursting into tears, Elsa cries and lowers her head into her hands. Jack looks a bit stunned.)
(Weiss and Vaughn at the ops center. Weiss's cell rings.)
WEISS: Weiss.
(Sydney is walking toward a car at the airport.)
SYDNEY: Weiss, it's me. Sorry to call you, but Vaughn's phone is probably tapped. Is he there?
WEISS: Yeah. (to Vaughn) Guess who.
(He tosses the phone to Vaughn, who catches it.)
SYDNEY: Listen to me. I got the tracker, I input the codes that Elsa gave us. I found Caplan in a building in Saria, Spain. It used to be a software company. I'm on my way now.
VAUGHN: Your father knows what you're doing and thinks you could be walking into a trap. Syd, I'm not sure he's wrong. I'm supposed to convince you to come home.
SYDNEY: I will, when I have Caplan. My father can't see straight when he looks at Elsa, he only sees my mother. And if this ends up being a stupid mistake, so be it. I believe her.
VAUGHN: Then I'm coming with you.
SYDNEY: I can't ask you to do that.
VAUGHN: You don't have to. There's an alley in Saria behind the Gandara Hotel. Meet me there.
(He hangs up and takes his suit jacket off the back of his chair.)
WEISS: Jack is going to sh**t you in the face.
VAUGHN: Just give me a half-hour head start. Tell him that she called your phone and you gave it to me. We only have ten hours to find Caplan.
WEISS: If we end up sharing a cell in federal prison, I'm not giving you a drawer.
(Francie and Will are kissing on the sofa at Sydney's. He reluctantly gets up.)
WILL: Okay, I got to go.
FRANCIE: No, no...
WILL: I got to go. I'm going to be late.
FRANCIE: You work for a travel magazine, just tell them you're traveling.
WILL: I wish I could.
(They kiss one more time and he goes to the bathroom. The shower starts. With him gone, Francie puts her cup of tea down and gets his coat which is on the back of the sofa. She removes his cell from his inside pocket and takes something out, puts something back in. She places it back in the pocket and puts the jacket back.)
(At the ops center, Will is at his desk. He stands up and bangs right into a nervous Marshall.)
MARSHALL: Oooh! I'm sorry. It's Will, right?
WILL: Yeah.
MARSHALL: Hey, I've seen you in the briefing rooms. I'm kind of new around here myself. Marshall Flinkman.
WILL: Nice to meet you.
MARSHALL: Let me ask you. Do they have you parking down in the federal annex? 'Cause I have to walk, like, a half a mile to get here in the morning. I'm exhausted by the time I get to--you know, I shouldn't really complain, it's the only exercise I really get. Although, I did see a gym on the--
(Will's cell rings.)
WILL: Excuse me.
MARSHALL: Oh, uh, yeah.
(Will tries to give him the hint that he would like some privacy.)
WILL: I got, uh...
MARSHALL: That's all right, let's get some lunch or something at the CIA luncheon...
(He wanders away. Will picks up.)
WILL: Hello?
(Francie is at her computer at her house.)
FRANCIE: Hey, honey. Do you got a second?
WILL: Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up?
FRANCIE: Uh, are you near a computer? I was pulling up a recipe on my laptop and it crashed.
WILL: What, you want me to pull up a recipe?
FRANCIE: Do you mind?
WILL: Sure, what's the web site?
FRANCIE: www.bouillabaissecentral.com
WILL: Okay.
(He logs in to his computer, entering his login and password.)
WILL: Okay, what do you need?
(Francie, having fixed his cell phone, can hack into Will's computer login and starts typing quickly, stalling Will while she does it.)
FRANCIE: Will you tell me what kind of fish they list?
WILL: Okay, hold on, let me find it.
(Francie brings up the surveillance feed. She smiles.)
(In Spain, Sydney waits in the alley. A car drives up and Vaughn gets out. Sydney walks up to him and they kiss then hug.)
SYDNEY: Thank you for coming.
VAUGHN: How much time do we have?
SYDNEY: Twelve minutes. Did you bring gear?
VAUGHN: (smiles) Did I bring gear?
(Minutes later, they assemble their g*n.)
VAUGHN: I spoke to Weiss after we landed. Satellite's picked up five figures inside, the building's basement level. North wing.
SYDNEY: Sloane could be a block from here. My mother.
VAUGHN: If they are they won't surrender to us.
SYDNEY: I know.
VAUGHN: What about the perimeter?
SYDNEY: No activity. Roof access will be our best bet.
VAUGHN: Not that I'm a huge fan of you disobeying the CIA but that was pretty good, the way you got away.
(He laughs a little. Sydney's embarrassed.)
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(Sloane is watching footage on his laptop. He stops it, plays again. He closes his eyes and plays it again, watching Emily fall. He backs the footage up and sees the sh**t. Dixon sh**t and conveniently rolls over on his back, looking up at the satellite and giving Sloane a good look at him. Sloane pounds his fist on the table in anger and picks up his cell, dials.)
SLOANE: Yeah. It's me. I need you to do something else for me.
(Caplan is typing, his leg bandaged. Sark sits in front of the desk, calmly reading a magazine.)
NEIL: So, who are you, anyway? What are you, twenty-two, twenty-three? What are you doing working for a guy like Sloane? What do you expect to get out of all this?
SARK: I was sent to school in England at a very young age. Out of necessity, one becomes self-reliant and perhaps prematurely ambitious. I'm like anyone, Mr. Caplan. What I want is that which I never had.
NEIL: You're gonna k*ll me, aren't you? You wouldn't have shared any of that stuff with me if you expected me to live.
SARK: I suggest you keep working.
(On the roof, Sydney and Vaughn have their g*n on the ready as they descend a staircase. Inside the building, they run down the stairs and down a hallway. They stop at a corner.)
SYDNEY: I'll go around.
(Behind her, one of the guards. She fights with him, Vaughn hitting him with his g*n. Sydney knees him in the chest. Behind them, another guard. Sydney sh**t him. Inside the room, Caplan and Sark hear the g*n. Sark addresses the guards in the room in a foreign language. He stands up, gets his g*n out, and looks over at Neil. He removes the disc from the computer Neil was working on. Sydney and Vaughn walk through another room with their g*n. Another man finds Vaughn and yells at him.)
GUARD: Alto!
(Speaks more Spanish. Vaughn raises his hands in surrender. Sydney comes from behind the guard, elbows him and hits him with her g*n. They run into the room with Neil, who is now alone.)
SYDNEY: Is Arvin Sloane in this building? Or Irina Derevko?
NEIL: No, no, no, no, but, uh, a blond guy just took off.
NEIL: That's him, yeah.
VAUGHN: I'll go after him.
(Vaughn leaves. Sydney takes out a medical kit, putting on rubber gloves and taking out a scalpel.)
NEIL: What the hell's that for?
SYDNEY: Mr. Caplan, you have to listen to what I'm going to say. You won't want to believe me, but you have to or you will die in less than sixty seconds.
NEIL: What?!
(In a hallway on the way out, Vaughn spots Sark running away.)
VAUGHN: Freeze!
(Sark turns around and sh**t at Vaughn, and then continues to run. Vaughn sh**t after him and follows.)
(Back in the room.)
SYDNEY: Your wife, Elsa, she works for Russian intelligence.
NEIL: I know. Six years ago the NSA recruited me. They, uh, they told me I was a target. They had intel that I was gonna be approached.
(He sees a guard enter the room behind Sydney. Picking up the g*n off the desk, Neil sh**t the guard d*ad. Sydney is shocked.)
SYDNEY: You're NSA?!
NEIL: They recruited me out of Caltech. Even though, if you ask them, they'll deny any affiliation with me. I knew Elsa was a spy the day we met.
SYDNEY: Okay, look, your wife injected you with a cyanide caplet. We have to remove it right now!
NEIL: What?
SYDNEY: Listen to me!
NEIL: She wouldn't do that!
SYDNEY: I came this far because of this!
NEIL: She wouldn't try and k*ll me!
SYDNEY: She didn't, her handlers did!
(Vaughn enters the staircase leading to the roof. He looks up and sees Sark climbing onto the roof. Vaughn gets up there moments later and looks around at the view. Sirens wail in the distance. Sark is gone.)
VAUGHN: Damn it!
(Back in the room.)
NEIL: When the hell did she implant me with this thing?
SYDNEY: Right after you met. Mr. Caplan, you have less than thirty seconds before you die. We have to remove this right now! Give me your left wrist. Okay, look away.
NEIL: No, I'm okay.
(Sydney slices his arm with the scalpel. Blood oozes out.)
NEIL: Ahhh! Ahhh! Oh, God, come on...
SYDNEY: Hang on, hang on...
NEIL: Ahhh... God, ahhhh...
(Sydney gets it out.)
NEIL: Thanks.
(In LA, Sydney escorts Neil into Irina's old cell. Hobbling along with the help of a cane, he enters the cell and sees Elsa. They stand there for a moment and then hug. They kiss.)
ELSA: I love you.
NEIL: I love you, too.
(Upstairs, Sydney and Jack.)
SYDNEY: I know I'm not in a position to ask you for any favors but whatever you plan on doing to me, just please leave Vaughn out of it.
JACK: Vaughn wil be escorting the Caplans to Bambridge Island. I've granted Elsa defector status. She is not Irina Derevko.
SYDNEY: We downloaded the DNA database Caplan decrypted from the computer he was working on. We finally have a lead on Sloane and Derevko.
JACK: Good. But, Sydney, if you go around me again I'll have you transferred and finding them will no longer be part of your job description.
(Semi-swanky restaurant. Double date evening with Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon and Diane.)
DIANE: I owe you an apology.
SYDNEY: Diane, you don't have to explain anything.
DIANE: Oh, no, let me say this. When Marcus first told me about SD-6, I felt so betrayed and in part I blamed you for that. Your world has these rules that force good people to lie even to those they're closest to. Before I could accept that, I had to understand it.
DIXON: I rescinded the transfer order. Diane rescinded the order.
(They hold hands happily.)
(Jack walks through the ops center. Marshall runs up to him.)
MARSHALL: Uh, Mr. Bristow! Mr. Bristow!
JACK: Yes, Marshall?
MARSHALL: Hi, listen, I was doing some spelunking on the CIA network, mapping it, really, just for kicks, and well, you can relax because the Death Star plans are not in the main computer!
(Jack darts him a look.)
MARSHALL: Anyway, I, uh, did find a bandwidth discrepancy. At first I thought it was a trojan virus someone implanted on the system but unless it was locked into a perpetually renaming RAM cache, then it wouldn't--
JACK: Marshall! Please, English.
MARSHALL: I found a massive information hemorrhage. Someone without authorization accessed the system and downloaded ten gigabytes worth of satellite footage from Tuscany.
JACK: Tuscany?
JACK: We're on a secure system. How did they hack in?
MARSHALL: Well, they didn't. It came from this office.
(Outside the restaurant, the happy couples wait for the valet to get their vehicles.)
DIXON: No, there is no way that the agency has season tickets for the Lakers!
VAUGHN: I'm telling you, four seats, twelve rows back.
DIXON: You know, by this point, I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am.
(The valet gets Diane's SUV to the curb.)
DIANE: I'll see you at home after I get the kids.
DIXON: Mm-hmm.
(They kiss.)
DIANE: Good night.
SYDNEY: Good night, Diane.
VAUGHN: Good night.
DIANE: Good night.
(She gets in her SUV and starts to drive out of the parking lot. Dixon's vehicle is at the curb.)
DIXON: It feels good, having it out in the open. See you tomorrow.
(He gets in and before closing the door, he hops out to tell Sydney something.)
DIXON: Oh... (laughs) By the way--
(An expl*si*n knocks them all to the ground. Diane's SUV blows up with her inside. The vehicle flips over, engulfed in flames.)
(Nearby in her own car, Francie puts her detonator away, having finished the job. She drives off.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x19 - Endgame"} | foreverdreaming |
(Night. Outside. Dixon has a man on the ground and a detonator in his hand with a timer on it.)
DIXON: Where the hell's the device?! Tell me or we're both d*ad!
MAN: Who are you? You're crazy!
(Sydney runs up.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, what are you doing?!
MAN: I don't know what you're talking about!
MAN: No way, you're gonna k*ll yourself!
(Back in LA at the ops center, Jack and another man -- Director Brandon -- are on comm.)
BRANDON: What the hell's your man doing?
JACK: Agent Dixon, disarm your expl*sive immediately!
BRANDON: Vaughn, can you see them from your position?
(Vaughn and his Delta team are nearby.)
VAUGHN: Negative.
SYDNEY: Dixon, think! Don't do this!
DIXON: Sydney, get out of here!
SYDNEY: I'm not leaving without you.
JACK: Dixon, I repeat -- deactivate that w*apon!
DIXON: Tell me where the box is or we die!
(Vaughn is on a balcony overlooking the scene below with Dixon, the man, and Sydney. He aims his g*n.)
VAUGHN: Base camp, I've got a visual.
DIXON: Tell me! What it's gonna be!
BRANDON: Tell Vaughn to take him down!
JACK: Dixon could be holding a manual detonator. f*ring at him could trigger the expl*si*n.
SYDNEY: Dixon, shut it down!
DIXON: Fifteen... fourteen...
BRANDON: Agent Bristow, I'm pulling rank. Agent Vaughn, this is NSA Deputy Director Brandon. I am ordering you to take that sh*t at first possible opportunity!
(Vaughn aims his g*n.)
DIXON: Sydney, get out of here!
SYDNEY: Dixon, you have to disarm now!
(Vaughn's finger's on the trigger...)
(Los Angeles. 72 hours earlier. At the Dixon household, Dixon's daughter holds a Kleenex in her hand, sitting on the sofa. Various people, dressed in black, eat cake and drink tea. Dixon talks to an elderly man. Marshall, Vaughn and Sydney stand together in a circle.)
MARSHALL: Um, should I say something to him?
VAUGHN: If you want.
(Sydney watches Dixon speak to Jack and then sit next to his daughter. She leans against him and he rests his arm around her. Later, Dixon is alone and taking a moment. He leans against a wall.)
DIXON: Okay, come on, come on, come on...
(He moves to a dresser in the bedroom and opens the top drawer, removing a pill bottle. Vaughn, down the hall, stops when he sees him and sort of hides in the doorway. Tapping out a couple of pills, Dixon swallows them. Vaughn leaves him.)
(Later, in Sydney's bedroom, Vaughn unzips the back of Sydney's dress. In her bra, she moves over to her closet to get a shirt.)
VAUGHN: I saw Dixon take something.
SYDNEY: What do you mean?
VAUGHN: Pills. Uh, he just looked like he was barely holding it together.
SYDNEY: It could've been aspirin.
VAUGHN: It wasn't aspirin.
(He takes off his suit jacket and sits on the edge of her bed. She pulls a shirt on over her head.)
SYDNEY: What are you saying?
VAUGHN: I'm saying he's going back to work days after his wife was m*rder and he's self-medicating.
SYDNEY: I think he needs to feel like he's doing everything he can.
VAUGHN: To find Sloane.
SYDNEY: I had the same thing with Danny.
(Sark enters an office somewhere. Sloane is at his desk.)
SARK: I found the man we're looking for. He lives in Panama City. I can be there in seventeen hours.
SLOANE: No. The CIA has a copy of the database Caplan decrypted. They'll deduce who it is we're after if they haven't already done it.
SARK: What do you suggest?
SLOANE: I suggest you call this number.
(He writes it down on a piece of paper.)
SLOANE: A recording will answer for a limousine service. You will leave your cell number only. Within five minutes a man will call you. You tell him exactly what you need.
(He gives the paper to Sark, who takes it.)
SLOANE: Have you heard from Irina?
SARK: She's in Cyprus... inspecting some properties to take the place of the facility in Spain.
SLOANE: I see. (pours drink) I thought I would have some measure of satisfaction with Diane Dixon's death. I k*lled the wrong person.
SARK: Dixon?
SLOANE: I'm taking a leave. I want you to continue without me.
SARK: Sir, not to belittle your grief... but do not deny yourself the victory of a thirty-year pursuit.
SLOANE: If I don't see you again, Mr. Sark, tell Irina that I hope you both succeed where I couldn't.
(Briefing room at the CIA with Marshall, Sydney, Vaughn, Jack and two newcomers.)
JACK: This is Frederick Brandon, NSA Deputy Director. He's coordinating an inter-agency task force to locate and study Rambaldi's work.
BRANDON: Well, first of all, I'd like to say thank you to all of you for welcoming my associate and I.
(He gestures to a young brunette sitting at the table next to him.)
CARRIE: I'm Carrie Bowman, Special Projects. Well, thanks to your technical services specialist--
(She looks at her notes.)
CARRIE: It's a Mr. Flinkman...
(Marshall looks up.)
CARRIE: Uh, we've made an invaluable breakthrough in the Rambaldi investigation.
MARSHALL: Really? Actually, I-I'm Flinkman. Marshall Flinkman.
CARRIE: Hi. (laughs)
CARRIE: So, uh, while the CIA was in possession of Rambaldi's study of the human heart, Mr. Flinkman cataloged and copied it.
(He just stares across the table at her in response.)
CARRIE: D-Do you have the presentation?
MARSHALL: Hmm? Oh, a... presentation. Yeah. I've got--and by the way you can call me Marshall. Everybody calls me... whatever.
(Sydney looks back and forth between Carrie and Marshall, smiling. Marshall stands and starts the presentation. A page from the Rambaldi manuscript of the human heart that Irina later stole is on the screen.)
MARSHALL: Um, okay, uh, take a look right here. Now, these drawings are amazing. Like, Da Vinci-in-his-prime amazing. But the what-could-he-have-possibly-been-smoking element? Well, that is right here. Now, take a look in the corner. You see these little drawings in the corner of the pages? Now, they look just like normal squiggles or doodling, you know, like-like you would do while you're on the phone talking to-- Although... he probably wouldn't be on the phone because, you know, it was the fifteenth century and they didn't actually have phones yet but, um, they are actually specific strands of DNA. Now, I strung them all together and I got a DNA fingerprint.
BRANDON: The DNA of this man. Protero Di Regno, private citizen, living in Panama City. He works as an art restorer.
VAUGHN: You're saying that five hundred years ago Rambaldi drew the DNA profile of a man who's alive today?
CARRIE: It gets even better. Di Regno's DNA profile was a code key. It let us decrypt page 94 of the Rambaldi manuscript.
DIXON: What's on the page?
BRANDON: Times and dates, each marking an apocalyptic event. September the seventh, 1812 -- Napoleon's bloodiest battle with the Russians. June twenty-eighth, 1914 -- the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Started World w*r I. August the sixth, 1945 -- Hiroshima. The list goes on.
SYDNEY: There's a future date listed on the page... isn't there?
BRANDON: Forty-eight hours from now.
SYDNEY: What's the prediction?
CARRIE: The page doesn't say, it just gives the time. It's the equivalent of midnight, eastern standard time.
JACK: We're coordinating with local authorities in Panama City. When you find Di Regno, you'll escort him back here.
BRANDON: Until the moment specified by Rambaldi has come and gone, by national security directive, this operations center is under the jurisdiction of NSA.
(Di Regno's bedroom, night. He's in bed, asleep, until a thudding wakes him up. He looks around and tries to click on the bedside lamp but it doesn't come on. He gets out of bed and looks at his watch on the nightstand. He gets up and walks to another lamp, tries it. It doesn't come on either. He walks over to the window and looks around. A man comes out of the darkness and s*ab him. Di Regno falls to the floor.)
(In Panama City, it looks as if Sydney and Dixon have arrived a bit too late. Di Regno is flat on his back in his bloody bed. An extractor is on his chest, opening it up wide, where his heart used to be. Forensics people are around and the investigating cop is at the bedside with Sydney and Dixon.)
DIXON: We've talked to the neighbors. No one saw the person who might've done this.
COP: So far, forensics haven't found anything. No prints, nothing.
SYDNEY: And you believe this wasn't a burglary?
COP: No, nothing was taken. Besides his heart.
(His cell rings. He walks away to answer it. Sydney puts on a pair of rubber gloves and moves around the bed while Dixon takes pictures. While Sydney is a bit bothered to see a d*ad body whose chest cavity has a huge hole in it, Dixon isn't really bothered at all. Sydney picks up Di Regno's lifeless hand and shows it to Dixon.)
(She shows him a tatoo on the spot above his thumb: )
DIXON: Rambaldi.
(Sydney nods.)
DIXON: So why take his heart?
SYDNEY: I don't know. (to another guy) Perdoneme.
(A guy comes over. Sydney speaks Spanish to him, pointing at something on the extractor. He removes it with tweezers and they begin to dust it. She looks at Dixon.)
SYDNEY: It looks like the fingertip from a latex glove. Must've torn off.
(Sydney speaks to Marshall on phone. He's in front of a computer with a file up. Pictured is the man who s*ab Di Regno.)
MARSHALL: I was able to enhance the partial print you sent me off the latex glove. There was a match. Guy's name is Emilio Vargas, he's a freelance assassin specializing in interrogation and wet work. Clients include Russian mafia, Triad, Japanese Yakuza.
SYDNEY: Any intel on where he operates from?
MARSHALL: Well, there is an address in Guadalajara.
SYDNEY: Forward me everything you've got.
(Vaughn follows Jack, who walks through the ops center.)
VAUGHN: I have a request concerning Agent Dixon.
JACK: What is it.
VAUGHN: I know he's been through a lot and I know he wants to feel useful but until he's had a psychological evaluation and is cleared by medical services, I believe it's in his best interests and ours, to remove him from field duty.
JACK: I've worked with Agent Dixon for nearly a dozen years. You've worked with him for little over a month. If he feels ready to be in the field, I'm going to accord him that respect.
VAUGHN: But given his state of mind, do you really think he's the right person to make that decision?
JACK: Yes.
VAUGHN: Jack, he just lost his wife. I mean, with all due respect, why are you fighting with me on this?
JACK: I'm not required to justify my decisions to you, Agent Vaughn. However, I recruited Agent Dixon into SD-6. I'm the man who sold him the lie he was working for the CIA. I introduced him to the man who k*lled his wife. I will not be the one to tell him he can't assist in Sloane's capture.
(At his desk, Marshall chews at his fingernails and notices Carrie, sitting downwind, crying softly with earphones in her ears. She sobs into her hand.)
MARSHALL: Is... everything okay? Miss Bowman?
(She doesn't hear him. He r*fles through some drawers and comes up with a box of tissues. He approaches her.)
MARSHALL: Excuse me, I--actually...
CARRIE: Thank you.
(She removes the earphones and takes the box.)
MARSHALL: No problem. I just... everything all right? Or...
CARRIE: (motions to earphones) It's Joni Mitchell. Don't tell anyone, okay?
(He goes back to his seat.)
CARRIE: I-I shouldn't bring her to work, it just makes me fatalistic.
MARSHALL: Well, this work we're doing doesn't really help.
CARRIE: No kidding.
MARSHALL: You know, researching this prophecy, trying to predict what sort of disaster's going to h*t thirty-six hours from now, it makes me want to throw up.
(She wheels over in her office chair, coming closer. Marshall sits back.)
CARRIE: Do you believe in this stuff? Rambaldi, his prophecy?
MARSHALL: I don't know, um... I was raised more or less by agnostic parents. They were inordinately emperical. Logical to the point of foolishness. Like, "Marshall, you must wear your sweater. It's fifty-two degrees outside." But I'm like, "Mom, I'm not cold. I don't want--" "Well, in this family, we wear sweaters at fifty-two degrees." I mean, there were really no prophecies growing up. Or even Santa Claus, Tooth Fairies...
CARRIE: So the short answer is no.
MARSHALL: Well that's what I keep telling myself.
CARRIE: To tell you the truth, I'm exhausted by the world. Everything -- the evil and the rage and the darkness. And the last thing I need is some fifteenth century dork telling me I got a day and a half to live.
MARSHALL: I understand. I mean, like, I have so much left to do.
CARRIE: Right. (pause) Are you gay?
MARSHALL: Why, is there someone you wanted to set me up with?
CARRIE: No, it's just every cute guy that I meet turns out to be gay.
CARRIE: I'm not stupid. I mean, I'm in Mensa--
MARSAHLL: Hold on -- not gay. I-I mean, I like men in a kind of manly friendly sort of way--
CARRIE: How about sushi? Because when we're done with this job, after thirty-six hours -- of course, assuming we're all still here -- would you maybe... you wanna get some sushi?
MARSHALL: Yeah, I would love that. Oh, and um, Joni Mitchell?
(He puts an imaginary key in his mouth and locks it.)
(Vaughn is at his desk and picks up the phone.)
VAUGHN: Uh, Dr. Barnett? Uh, this is Michael Vaughn. Do you have a minute? There's something I want to talk to you about.
(In Guadalajara, two masked men fight in a ring with people holding cash in the air, placing bets. It's loud and crowded and crazy. Dixon and Sydney enter and go to a bouncer.)
SYDNEY: (speaking Spanish) Tell Vargas we want a meeting. The Triad has another job for him.
(The bouncer nods and speaks in his transmitter. He points the right way. Sydney smiles and they make their way to the meet point. At the foot of a stairwell, they stop and see Vargas, who stands at the top.)
SYDNEY: Mr. Vargas... we come referred by Gurneyev. He was very pleased with the work you did in Gdansk.
VARGAS: Si. The Copertley job.
SYDNEY: No... n*zi.
(He smiles and nods, speaking Spanish. They go upstairs. Walking through the hallway...)
VARGAS: n*zi was a learning experience. I found if you remove the eye slowly, you could keep it connected to the optic nerve. He saw himself in a whole new light.
(Dixon suddenly slams Vargas against a wall, knocking his head against it.)
SYDNEY: Why did you k*ll Di Regno?
DIXON: Son of a BITCH!
(Vargas pulls a Kn*fe and starts fighting with Dixon. Dixon punches him but Vargas kicks Dixon in the jaw. He takes sword over head and flings it at Dixon. When Dixon jumps back, he reaches for the other sword. Sydney meanwhile grabs two curvy swords from the wall and spins them on either side of her, coming closer. She moves Vargas up the stairs. He jabs at her. Dixon comes up but Vargas jumps off the stairwell, landing on the floor below. Dixon does the same. The three of them fight with Sydney breaking the wooden handle of the sword Vargas was using. Dixon kicks him and Sydney points one of her swords at his throat.)
SYDNEY: Why Di Regno? Why'd you k*ll him? Why'd you take his heart?
(Dixon grabs Vargas's wrist and twists his arm.)
DIXON: Talk!
DIXON: Son of a bitch!
(He twists his arm some more.)
VARGAS: It wasn't his heart, it wasn't his heart! It was a machine! Ahhhh, I don't know!
SYDNEY: Where is it?
(The bone starts to break. Sydney looks at Dixon, a bit alarmed.)
VARGAS: Ahhh! On a truck, on its way to Colombia! Cartagena! Oh God!
DIXON: Is that where Sloane is?
(Dixon kicks him in the face.)
DIXON: Is that where Sloane is?
VARGAS: Ahhh... who...
(Dixon punches him.)
DIXON: Sloane! Where is he?!
VARGAS: I don't know Sloane...
DIXON: The guy who HIRED YOU!
(He hits him.)
VARGAS: I was hired by phone!
DIXON: How'd he pay you?
VARGAS: Wire... wire transfer!
(He hits him.)
DIXON: Tell me... (hits him)... how... (hits him)... to find... (hits him)... SLOANE!
SYDNEY: Dixon!
(He hits him again.)
(Coming to, Dixon looks at Sydney and walks out.)
(Barnett's office with Dixon.)
BARNETT: I asked you to come in because I wanted to know how you were doing during what has to be a most difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss.
DIXON: (nods) Thank you.
BARNETT: Do you mind if we talk about the operation yesterday in Guatalajara?
DIXON: No, of course not.
BARNETT: This was four days after the death of your wife.
DIXON: That's correct.
BARNETT: Were you ordered on this mission?
DIXON: No. I was encouraged not to go. I insisted.
DIXON: Because I have unfinished business.
BARNETT: With Sloane. It says here that you and Agent Bristow interrogated an associate of Sloane's.
DIXON: That's right.
BARNETT: Was that difficult -- being in the same room with someone who might know the whereabouts of the man who k*lled your wife?
DIXON: He didn't know.
BARNETT: Did you ask him?
DIXON: Did Agent Bristow talk to you?
BARNETT: Would she tell me something different?
DIXON: I used necessary force.
BARNETT: There are people at this agency who are working to bring Sloane to justice.
DIXON: Not good enough. I need to be involved.
BARNETT: Agent Dixon, it is my job to determine whether at this time you are fit for duty.
(Ops center. Marshall pours some noodles out of a Thermos into its cup. Sydney sits across from him.)
MARSHALL: Well, I reviewed his medical records and Di Regno never had a heart transplant, nor did he have an artificial heart. I'm sorry, did you--
(He offers her some of his noodles. She shakes her head no.)
MARSHALL: Which leads us to at least two disconcerting questions. What in God's name was keeping him alive and why did Sloane want it so badly? (chews) Mmm, there's more. Now, remember those heart drawings he did? Well, I interpreted the text and Rambaldi referred to conquering tissue degeneration.
SYDNEY: We know Rambaldi was fascinated with immortality.
MARSHALL: Yeah, but even so, what does all this possibly have to do with the doomsday prophecy?
(Sydney looks at the file for a second.)
SYDNEY: Twenty-three hours left. The satellites are tracking the truck. We should get something soon.
MARSHALL: (eating) Mmm, actually, this probably has no connection at all but Di Regno worked as an art restorer. Now, Carrie reminded me -- h*tler was a painter.
SYDNEY: (amused) Carrie?
MARSHALL: What? Oh, did I-- Miss Bowman. I should go.
(Marshall walks away and Dixon comes up, leaning over Marshall's empty chair.)
DIXON: Syd, did you tell Barnett that I wasn't fit for field duty?
SYDNEY: Dixon, no.
DIXON: You didn't put in a request for me to undergo an eval?
SYDNEY: I promise you, no.
DIXON: Somebody did. I've been ordered to report to medical services for a drug test.
SYDNEY: You're worried.
DIXON: I've been taking Vicodin. Now, I stopped, I threw them away, but it doesn't matter, it'll show up on the test. Sydney, they're going to suspend me.
(Vaughn walks in the ops center and goes to Sydney.)
VAUGHN: They've ID'd the truck, it just crossed the border from Panama to Colombia. Your father is developing an op to intercept Di Regno's heart.
SYDNEY: Did you report to Barnett that Dixon was taking pills?
SYDNEY: Come here.
(She takes him down the hall for privacy.)
SYDNEY: You should have called me first.
VAUGHN: Well, I'm sorry I didn't but I don't need your permission to do my job.
SYDNEY: Why would you go out of your way to make things harder for him?
VAUGHN: I'm trying to protect him and you.
SYDNEY: He's handling it!
VAUGHN: If he makes some mistake out there, it could get you k*lled!
SYDNEY: Dixon has saved my life more times than I can count!
VAUGHN: He nearly b*at a man to death.
SYDNEY: He got us our only lead on the Di Regno device.
VAUGHN: Look, I get that you both have a personal stake in catching Sloane. But it can also cloud your judgment.
SYDNEY: It makes me insane when you patronize me.
VAUGHN: Look, this conversation's over. I stand by my decision.
(Nepal. In the wilderness, Sloane is being led up a trail by a young guide. Mountains in the distance. The guide takes a drink from a canteen and offers Sloane some. He waves him off.)
GUIDE: Shall we continue?
SLOANE: I would like to cross the north summit.
GUIDE: You did not tell me this when you hired me.
SLOANE: If I had, you wouldn't have come. I will gladly pay you double the amount we discussed.
GUIDE: No. People that go there do no return the same.
SLOANE: I see. Well, don't worry about me.
(He pats the guide on the shoulder and continues on.)
(Knock on Sydney's front door. She answers to find Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: I wanted to say I'm sorry. You caught me off guard.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. I know you're just looking out for Dixon... and me.
VAUGHN: His test came back negative. You were right, must have been aspirin. Are we okay?
(They hug. Sydney's worried.)
(At Dixon's house, he lets her inside.)
SYDNEY: I hope I didn't wake the kids.
DIXON: They're at Diane's sister's.
SYDNEY: You passed the drug test.
DIXON: I'm in trouble, Syd.
SYDNEY: What did you do, switch the results?
DIXON: As soon as I left the building, I knew it was a mistake.
SYDNEY: Oh, Dixon...
DIXON: But it was too late.
SYDNEY: Oh, my God...
DIXON: The results were already cataloged.
SYDNEY: Oh, Dixon, you shouldn't have done that.
DIXON: Sloane m*rder my wife! I have to make him pay for that.
SYDNEY: I've been called in to talk to Barnett.
DIXON: You can't tell her.
SYDNEY: Dixon...
DIXON: If they find out I doctored my test I'll never work for the government again. How will I take care of my kids? Sydney, I don't know how to do this without Diane!
SYDNEY: I have to go.
DIXON: Syd...
SYDNEY: I have to...
(She leaves.)
(Barnett's office.)
BARNETT: Thanks for coming so late but I was about to finish my evaluation on Marcus Dixon and I didn't feel that it would be comprehensive without getting some input from the person who knows him best.
SYDNEY: What would you like to know?
BARNETT: Your father has argued strongly that Dixon should stay in the field and without any evidence of drug use, I can't countermand him. Is there anything that you think I should know before I give my final decision?
(Cut to a bridge. Dixon drives up in his car, parks it.)
(Barnett's office.)
SYDNEY: Marcus Dixon is one of the strongest people I've ever known. I trust him with my life, without hesitation...
(Cut back to the bridge. Dixon climbs out of his car and takes a few steps forward, not bothering to close the car door behind him.)
(Barnett's office.)
SYDNEY: ...and I am confident that despite the agony he's feeling right now, he will pull through this.
(On the bridge, Dixon stands on the edge, ready to jump. He spreads his arms out wide as the traffic moves below.)
(Sydney walks in the ops center.)
SYDNEY: I got your message.
VAUGHN: The truck left the Pan-American highway towards Cartegena. It looks like its endpoint is the Estrella shipyard. We're going in with Delta force.
SYDNEY: What about Dixon?
VAUGHN: I left word right after I called you. He hasn't called me back.
(Minutes later, with Jack and Brandon. They show Sydney satellite photographs of the area.)
JACK: This is the Estrella, a cargo-freight area with its own security. The perimeter has patrol covering both the north and southeast sectors. Intel indicates that the truck is located here. Sydney, you'll infiltrate the weakest post and secure it. Vaughn and Delta force will join you onboard to determine whether or not this heart is actually a w*apon, an expl*sive.
BRANDON: By the time you'll reach this truck you'll only have twenty minutes until the midnight deadline. If you're unable to locate the Rambaldi device, I've been given authority to initiate secondary protocol to rig the yard with enough C-4 to destroy what the device may be.
(Dixon walks in, buttoning up his suit jacket.)
BRANDON: You're late.
DIXON: Sorry, sir.
JACK: Fill him in on the way. You leave in an hour.
DIXON: (to Vaughn) Uh, could you give us a minute?
VAUGHN: Sure. I'll see you in tech services.
(Vaughn leaves.)
DIXON: Thank you for not saying anything.
SYDNEY: It wasn't just Barnett. I lied to Vaughn.
DIXON: Sydney--
SYDNEY: I need you to look me in the eye and promise me that you can handle this.
DIXON: I promise.
SYDNEY: Okay, let's go.
(Sloane climbs a snowy mountain with the help of ski poles. He sees a palace up ahead on the mountain's edge and takes off his glasses. Inside, he slams open the doors and talks to the various monks walking around.)
SLOANE: I've come to see Conrad.
(He opens another set of doors and barges in. Conrad sits alone.)
SLOANE: Do you know who I am? Do you?
(He takes a g*n and presses it at Conrad's neck.)
CONRAD: Arvin Sloane.
SLOANE: That's right, you son of a bitch.
CONRAD: Your search for Rambaldi... has frustrated you.
SLOANE: Frustrated me? You mean that meaningless quest that you sent me on thirty years ago that made me abandon the CIA and betray everyone I ever loved?
CONRAD: Your wife has been k*lled.
SLOANE: How did you know that?
CONRAD: Put away the g*n. There is something I must show you.
(He lowers the g*n.)
(Cartagena. Two guards are at the weakest point. Sydney takes down one of them by kicking him a few times. Dixon grabs the other and rams his head against the post door. They run into the shipyard and we're back to the first of the episode.)
SYDNEY: We found the truck. No sign of the driver. I'm going to look for the device.
(Vaughn and the Delta force are waiting nearby.)
VAUGHN: Copy, Mountaineer. Base camp, waiting on your signal.
(In LA with Jack and Brandon.)
JACK: Copy that, Boy Scout. Hold your position.
(Sydney's about to go in.)
SYDNEY: Cover me.
(She runs to the truck and opens the door, shining her flashlight inside.)
SYDNEY: It's not here. It's already been moved. Okay, we have to search every container.
BRANDON: You do not have time. Initiate secodary protocol.
JACK: Not yet. We'll give Sydney as much time as we can to find the device.
BRANDON: At least move your team into place.
JACK: Boy Scout, w*apon free. Move out.
(The men approach the area with their g*n aimed. Sydney and Dixon go deeper into the shipyard and see the feet of two men on the other side of one of the trucks.)
MAN: Secure the freight.
MAN 2: Yeah.
(She motions to Dixon to get Man while she'll get Man 2. He nods and they break apart, getting their men. Dixon grabs his guy throws him against the wall and Sydney knocks the other out.)
MAN: Ahh, who are you?
DIXON: CIA! You just took possession of cargo coming from Panama City! Where is it?
MAN: No idea what you're talking about.
(Dixon hits him, hard. He collapses to the ground.)
MAN: Oh, ugh!
DIXON: Where is it!
(He says nothing so Dixon hits him again.)
DIXON: Maybe they didn't tell you what you were transporting but it could be a w*apon of mass destruction.
MAN: Piss off, huh?
(Instead of hitting him again, Dixon backs up, nodding.)
DIXON: Okay, okay...
(He takes out a pack of C-4 with a timer on it. He starts it at thirty seconds.)
DIXON: You see this? There's enough C-4 here to blow us all to hell! Where the hell is the device!
(Sydney runs up.)
SYDNEY: Dixon, what are you doing?!
MAN: I don't know what you're talking about!
MAN: No way, you're gonna k*ll yourself!
(Back in LA at the ops center, Jack and another man -- Director Brandon -- are on comm.)
BRANDON: What the hell's your man doing?
JACK: Agent Dixon, disarm your expl*sive immediately!
BRANDON: Vaughn, can you see them from your position?
(Vaughn and his Delta team are nearby.)
VAUGHN: Negative.
SYDNEY: Dixon, think! Don't do this!
DIXON: Sydney, get out of here!
SYDNEY: I'm not leaving without you.
JACK: Dixon, I repeat -- deactivate that w*apon!
DIXON: Tell me where the box is or we die!
(Vaughn is on a balcony overlooking the scene below with Dixon, the man, and Sydney. He aims his g*n.)
VAUGHN: Base camp, I've got a visual.
DIXON: Tell me! What it's gonna be!
BRANDON: Tell Vaughn to take him down!
JACK: Dixon could be holding a manual detonator. f*ring at him could trigger the expl*si*n.
SYDNEY: Dixon, shut it down!
DIXON: Fifteen... fourteen...
BRANDON: Agent Bristow, I'm pulling rank. Agent Vaughn, this is NSA Deputy Director Brandon. I am ordering you to take that sh*t at first possible opportunity!
(Vaughn aims his g*n.)
DIXON: Sydney, get out of here!
SYDNEY: Dixon, you have to disarm now!
(Vaughn's finger's on the trigger...)
DIXON: Sydney, please -- GO! What's it gonna be? Tell me!
MAN: Okay, container 246-B! Now shut it off! Shut it off! Shut it off!
(Two... one... zero. Beeeeep. Nothing happens. Dixon stands up as Vaughn and the man both exhale deeply. Dixon looks over at Sydney.)
DIXON: I cut the primer cord. I'm not that desperate.
(They open the container.)
DELTA GUY: We've got the device!
BRANDON: Two minutes forty seconds to midnight.
(At the monk palace in Nepal, Conrad removes a panel on the floor and takes out a box that has the Rambaldi symbol on the cover. Inside, he starts taking out the Rambaldi papers.)
CONRAD: Thirty years ago, I could only tell you so much. The information had to come to you over time or you would not have understood. Certain events... need to unfold. According to Rambaldi's writings, your wife's death, although unfortunate, was a necessary step on your journey.
SLOANE: You knew my wife was going to die... and you didn't warn me?
CONRAD: If I had... I could not have given you this.
(He gives him a scroll of paper.)
(The Delta leader sweeps the suitcase with the heart device inside.)
DELTA GUY: No sign of radioactivity... the device is self-contained, not hard-wired to the case. Do I have authorization to open it?
BRANDON: Nineteen seconds.
JACK: Open the box, Delta leader.
(Conrad holds the scroll out to him.)
CONRAD: You can always choose to ignore it.
(Back at the shipyard.)
DELTA GUY: I have opened the box.
BRANDON: Can you deactivate it?
DELTA GUY: Negative. It's not a b*mb.
JACK: What is it?
BRANDON: Don't answer that, Delta leader. You seal the box and bring it home.
(Sloane unrolls the paper and at the same moment, his watch beeps. Church bells ring in the distance. It's midnight, eastern standard time.)
DELTA GUY: Sir, it's Delta leader. It's all clear, we're packing up.
(The timer goes past midnight.)
BRANDON: Ohhh... I guess Rambaldi was wrong.
JACK: Your jurisdiction just expired. I'll have a jet standing by to take you back to Washington.
(Jack rips off his headset and walks away.)
(In Nepal, Sloane is overcome as he reads the passage on the sheet.)
CONRAD: Now you understand... your journey has just g*n.
(Up in the sky, above the mountains in Nepal, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles.)
(Sydney and Dixon get ready to leave.
DIXON: Last night, asking you to lie for me... I'm sorry I ever put you in that position.
SYDNEY: It's okay.
DIXON: (crying) After you left... I got in my car and drove to this bridge I know. I was standing there, looking up at the sky... asking God for forgiveness for what I was about to do. And then I heard something. It was a baby crying. It was a baby crying. I-I didn't know where it was coming from, I was alone... and I started thinking about my babies. I could see them, I could see them in the crib, I saw us sitting up with them at night when they were sick. And so... and so I stepped down from the railing and then I looked up and it wasn't a baby that was crying. It was just a tree branch, bending in the wind.
(Crying, they hug.)
(In La, Sydney and Vaughn are sitting on a bench in a park, each with ice cream in a cub.)
VAUGHN: Can I have a bite?
(She gives him a spoonful.)
VAUGHN: Dixon's going to be okay. He admitted what he did, he turned himself in. That matters to personnel.
(He takes a spoonful of his ice cream.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I knew what he did. I knew that he changed his results and I didn't say anything to Barnett. Or you. You know this, but my parents were absent when I was growing up. I never had anyone to disappoint. That's different now. I'm sorry.
(Pause. He looks at her. And then offers her a spoonful of his ice cream. She takes it. They smile at each other and Vaughn gets up, offering his hand. She takes that too, and together they walk down the path with their arms around each other.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x20 - Countdown"} | foreverdreaming |
"Second Double"
(Vaughn falls back, sitting on the sofa at Sydney's. She's on top of him. They kiss as she works his suit jacket off of him.)
VAUGHN: I couldn't take it.
SYDNEY: Me either.
VAUGHN: Seriously. I thought I was losing my mind.
SYDNEY: Me too.
(She loosens his tie.)
SYDNEY: That was the longest debrief of all time.
VAUGHN: I was staring at you the whole time. Did you notice?
(She takes off her jacket in between kissing him.)
SYDNEY: I think my dad noticed, too.
VAUGHN: No, he didn't notice.
SYDNEY: Why do you think he assigned you the investigation?
(She leans back and pulls her shirt off and over her head. Holding his loosened tie that dangles on either side of his neck, she pulls him to his feet. They kiss.)
VAUGHN: 'Cause it's a big job. It's a big deal.
SYDNEY: (smiling) Really?
VAUGHN: Mm-hmm. Someone unauthorized accessed our computer systems. We're gonna find them.
(He unzips her pants in the back.)
VAUGHN: (smiling) I'm the point guy.
(Sydney flops down on the sofa and looks up at him, smiling.)
SYDNEY: You're the point guy?
VAUGHN: I'm the point guy.
(He takes off his shirt and tie and climbs on top of her. They kiss.)
VAUGHN: Where are Will and Francie?
SYDNEY: They're out. They won't be back for hours.
(Meanwhile, Francie sits in a room somewhere with her laptop. She's listening in on Sydney and Vaughn and speaking on her cell.)
VAUGHN: (off camera, recording) You're so beautiful...
FRANCIE: Will Tippin may be compromised.
(Sark is in a warehouse.)
SARK: Our superiors deal in absolutes. Either he is or he's not.
FRANCIE: The CIA is on a mole hunt to find out who accessed the defense satellite communications system. It's only a matter of time before they trace it back to Tippin, and then to me.
(Sark stands in front of Irina's desk in her office.)
SARK: I assume Sloane will want Tippin k*lled before the CIA interrogates him.
IRINA: Sloane's gone. Perhaps for good. We can't wait for his return.
SARK: If the CIA uses regression therapy to find out who he's been leaking information to, our Los Angeles asset will be compromised.
IRINA: I don't want Tippin k*lled. I've set up a meeting with someone who can help us re-acquire the Di Regno heart. He'll get us the plans to the NSA facility where they keep the Rambaldi artifacts. In the meantime tell our asset Tippin's frame needs to be convincing.
(Francie and Will's bedroom, middle of the night. Will is in bed, under the covers, flat on his back with two separators holding his two eyes wide open. Francie sits at the side of the bed, getting her equipment ready.)
FRANCIE: Starting tomorrow, you'll be asked questions that only Will Tippin can answer -- places you've been, things you've said and done. You'll remember some things and forget others. The more personal the question, the less you will recall.
(She puts some drops in his eyes.)
FRANCIE: In fact, the more you try to recall the details, the more elusive they'll become. Do you understand?
WILL: Yes...
FRANCIE: Now, listen carefully. Do not move.
(She charges a laser and points it straight into his eye. The red laser crackles into his retina.)
(The next morning, Sydney and Will are jogging along a road together.)
SYDNEY: I'm not supposed to tell you this.
WILL: What?
SYDNEY: It's supposed to go through channels.
WILL: What? Oh, it's bad, isn't it? An operation based on my analysis went historically wrong.
SYDNEY: You passed the upper-level analyst test you took last week.
WILL: I did?!
SYDNEY: With one of the highest marks. Congratulations!
WILL: Whoa. You know what this means? I mean, not that it means anything for sure, but I heard that guy Roberts is retiring.
SYDNEY: I know.
WILL: Which means there's a senior spot for an analyst.
SYDNEY: Which you're now qualified to apply for.
(A black SUV drives up and squeals to a stop. Various agents climb out with g*n pointed at Sydney and Will.)
AGENT: Hands up! Hands in the air!
WILL: Whoa, whoa!
(Will and Sydney put their hands up.)
SYDNEY: What's going on? Who are you?
MCCAIN: Special Agent McCain, FBI. Mr. Tippin, you are under arrest.
WILL: Arrest? Arrest for what?!
SYDNEY: Who approved this?
MCCAIN: Agent Bristow, do not interfere with this.
(Will is handcuffed.)
MCCAIN: Tippin's being detained under the patriot act on suspicion of espionage.
(Will is being led into the SUV.)
WILL: Espionage?
SYDNEY: Don't say anything until you hear from me! Who ordered this?
MCCAIN: Your father.
(The SUV drives away, leaving Sydney alone in the road.)
(Debriefing with Sydney, Vaughn, Jack, Marshall and Kendall.)
SYDNEY: This is insane. Will is not a traitor.
JACK: Over the last month we've had two breaches of our defense satellite communication systems. The first disabled our coverage over Panama allowing Derevko to escape. The second was a download of our imaging archives specifically the raid on Sloane's villa in Tuscany.
SYDNEY: There's no way Will's working for Sloane.
MARSHALL: Um, Syd, excuse me, sorry. Um, when I ran a diagnostic on the network I found that Will's user account was active in two places simultaneously. A glitch which has since been corrected. However the satellite footage was accessed from one of those accounts.
SYDNEY: Anyone could have logged on with his user ID.
KENDALL: Or he did it himself.
SYDNEY: I have known Will for years. Trust me on this.
JACK: There's another possibility... that the man we have in custody is not Will Tippin. Project Helix. The doubling prototype that you destroyed in Poland was designed to reshape a person's physical attributes to identically resemble someone else. The prototype's database revealed two scheduled recipients of the procedure: Dr. Markovic who was k*lled, and a second unknown individual.
SYDNEY: You think Will is the double.
KENDALL: We found Provacillian in Will's car. It's a medication usually taken by gene therapy patients to keep the body from rejecting the DNA mutations.
VAUGHN: What about giving him an ocular scan?
MARSHALL: Actually, that's a really good point, Mr. Vaughn--Michael. Um, I probably shouldn't call you Michael. Mr. Vaughn. Uh, an ocular scan is often used--
JACK: Tippin's being transferred to medical services as we speak. They'll scan him and have the results shortly. But there's something else. A digital recording was found among Tippin's things. It was taken by the surveillance equipment you found in your apartment several months ago.
(Jack gives Sydney the remote control. Kendall leaves. Jack follows. Marshall just sits there, oblivious, and then realizes. He leaves Vaughn and Sydney alone. He sits forward and Sydney stands up. She hits play. On the screen plays the footage from "Double Agent" when Sydney and Vaughn had sex while Francie watched nearby with the help of the camera in the TV.)
(Medical services. Will is in front of a large machine which takes the ocular scan of his eye.)
(Irina's old cell. Will is inside, Sydney once again on the other side of the glass.)
WILL: They think I'm not me?
SYDNEY: They don't know what to think. Someone breached the system and they're freaking out. They disabled all WI-FI access points and reset all user accounts and passwords. It's a witch hunt.
WILL: What was that eye scan?
SYDNEY: It's a test. It analyzes your retina. Someone who's been doubled develops proteins. They're like markers. They found proteins.
(Will, shocked, steps away from the glass. Upstairs, watching the video surveillance, is Dixon and Vaughn.)
WILL: Syd, that's impossible. It doesn't make any sense. Wait a second. I was assigned to do research on Markovic. This must be a set-up. Go to my office, everything I've been working on is there. I'm innocent... you know that, right?
SYDNEY: Do you remember that time when we had too much to drink, the night we kissed?
WILL: It was amazing. Of course I remember that night, in your apartment.
SYDNEY: Do you remember where it was in my apartment, what room?
(Sydney has tears in her eyes as Will struggles to remember.)
SYDNEY: It's a small apartment.
WILL: No, I know, of course, it was um...
SYDNEY: We were--we were eating.
WILL: It was in the kitchen.
(Upstairs, Vaughn still watches. Dixon walks away.)
WILL: Syd...
SYDNEY: I spilled something on your sweater. Do you remember what that was?
WILL: Syd... I swear it's me.
(Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and Sydney upstairs in the ops center.)
JACK: Pull Tippin's phone records, read his e-mails, get his financials. If he's the double, going over the records could lead us to his handler.
SYDNEY: Or exonerate him.
DIXON: Sydney, he couldn't answer your questions. Look at the evidence.
SYDNEY: I have reasonable doubt.
DIXON: The information Tippin fed Sloane led directly to Diane's death! Excuse me.
(He leaves.)
SYDNEY: If someone wanted to set Will up, his is exactly what they would do -- plant these clues, condition him. I'd like permission to assign Francie protective detail. If Sloane is targeting my friends, she could be next.
JACK: Done.
SYDNEY: I'd also like to speak to her about Will. She might have information that could help.
JACK: Tell her what you think is necessary, but only what's necessary.
(Francie and Sydney's place.)
SYDNEY: I need to know if he's been acting strangely.
FRANCIE: What's wrong?
SYDNEY: Forgetting things or saying things Will wouldn't normally say.
FRANCIE: Sydney, what are you talking about? Where is he? Is he okay?
SYDNEY: Just think about it.
FRANCIE: (sighs) He has been distant lately.
SYDNEY: For how long?
FRANCIE: I guess since the two weeks he spent in Chicago with his family. Sydney, what's going on?
SYDNEY: There are going to be some men outside in a van. They're security. They're going to be watching the apartment, watching you, protecting you.
FRANCIE: Why? Syd, you're creeping me out.
SYDNEY: I don't work for a bank.
(Briefing room.)
JACK: We downloaded valuable intel from Tippin's computer on the work he was doing to locate the second double. He managed to identify the man who invented the computer imaging equipment used by Dr. Markovic.
KENDALL: This is Dr. Hans Jurgens. He's a chief scientist at Miracorps, the largest hospital supply company in the European union. His equipment was used to monitor the patients during the gene therapy that was required to complete the doubling process.
JACK: A controlling assumption is that he was personally involved in the process.
SYDNEY: So we think he knows the identity of the second double.
KENDALL: If the guy we've got isn't Tippin then we can't trust his intel. At best, it's a d*ad end. At worst, it's a trap.
SYDNEY: I think it's him.
KENDALL: I'm getting bored with your hunches. (to Jack) Pardon me. I say we move the prisoner to Camp Harris for unrestricted interrogation.
SYDNEY: I'm not letting my friend be taken to a place like that.
KENDALL: We can't keep letting your daughter's personal relationships take precedence over everything else in this office!
SYDNEY: Think! If Will's innocent he's not trained to handle t*rture. He'll say anything you want him to say.
KENDALL: If he's not innocent then he may know where your FRIEND is!
JACK: FOR NOW, TIPPIN STAYS HERE! Five hours ago we acquired surveillance of Jurgens in Berlin. Contact in country. We'll meet you at Bendix office building downtown then brief you on the operation. Your plane leaves in a half an hour.
(Will sits in his cell and hears the doors buzz open. He looks over and sees Dixon with a guard. Dixon hands over his g*n to the guard and looks at Will. He enters the cell. Will stands up.)
WILL: Man, I'm so glad--
DIXON: Stop.
(He calmly gives Will a file. Will opens it to see a picture.)
DIXON: That's what they recovered from my wife's car after the b*mb went off.
(Will steps back, horrified, and sits down.)
DIXON: That's why we couldn't have an open-casket funeral for her. Turn the page.
WILL: Ugh...
(He does so. There are two fingerprints.)
DIXON: First fingerprint is your right index finger. The second is the partial they lifted from the remote detonator we found among your things. The prints are a match. You have Sydney fooled but I'm not gonna play games with you. You are not Will Tippin.
WILL: Oh, you can't, Dixon. You can't think that I--
DIXON: Help me find Arvin Sloane and I will do what I can to help you avoid the death penalty.
(Will stands.)
WILL: Dixon, please!
DIXON: If you refuse to cooperate--
WILL: You have to believe me!
DIXON: --then I assure you, you will suffer.
WILL: I swear to God!
DIXON: Now, when you're done with this act--
WILL: This-this is not an act!
DIXON: --you will tell me...
WILL: Dixon! Dixon!
DIXON: --what I want to know.
WILL: I'll prove it to you!
DIXON: How did we meet?
WILL: Sydney introduced us.
DIXON: Where?
WILL: It was um... she had a party and there was a bunch of us together and... and, uh, I remember what we were talking about and uh... Dixon, somebody did this to me. I can't-I can't remember.
DIXON: Mm-hmm.
(Dixon grabs Will by the throat and begins to choke him. Will gasps and his hands go out to hold on to something. He ends up grabbing Dixon's coat by the shoulder and struggles for air. Dixon calmly looks at him with his hand around his throat.)
WILL: Argh!
DIXON: You m*rder my wife.
(Will falls to his knees, choking.)
DIXON: You m*rder my wife.
(Veins are popping out of Will's forehead, his face is blood red. He struggles.)
DIXON: You m*rder...
(He suddenly lets go of Will, who falls on the floor, gasping and coughing.)
WILL: Oh! Oh God... oh God... oh...
(He coughs and gasps for breath. Dixon walks out of the cell like nothing happened. Will sits up and rubs at his throat, still coughing.)
(Dixon walks upstairs.)
KENDALL: Dixon. Tippin's being tranferred to Camp Harris. I want you to supervise.
DIXON: It's my understanding Director Bristow decided he's not to be moved.
KENDALL: He's been overruled by the DOJ. Convoy leaves in ten minutes.
(Sark is on his cell with Francie.)
SARK: She what?
FRANCIE: Bristow broke her cover with me. She told me she's CIA.
SARK: Did she give you an explanation?
FRANCIE: Given what's happening with Tippin, she was concerned with my safety, of all things.
SARK: Bristow's willingness to confide in you is an advantageous development that will be lost if Tippin gives you up.
FRANCIE: I intercepted a DOJ transmission. They're moving Tippin to a more secure location. Once he's there he will be unreachable.
SARK: Organize a team to intercept the transport and extract him. To the CIA, this will confirm his value to us.
FRANCIE: And once we have him?
SARK: k*ll him.
(In Berlin, Sydney and Vaughn enter an elevator. A man stands inside.)
CONTACT: Have you tried the restaurant upstairs?
SYDNEY: Yes, the bratwurst is excellent.
CONTACT: Hello, my friends. We've tracked Jurgens to a local sex club he frequents. Leather, whips, latex, chains. All the good stuff.
VAUGHN: How long's he gonna be there?
CONTACT: Could be a couple of hours.
SYDNEY: I say we move in now.
(Vaughn looks at her and slowly smiles.)
VAUGHN: Nothing.
(Techno music plays in the sex club where women and men are wearing latex and dog collars. And, for a few people, leashes. Jurgens is there. Vaughn sits at the bar, not in costume, thank goodness, and sips a drink. Sydney walks in wearing red leather and a black wig. He watches her as she enters and she sits next to him at the bar.)
VAUGHN: I'm glad I'm not the one in leather.
SYDNEY: You'd look cute in a teddy.
VAUGHN: Jurgens is with the security team against the wall.
(Sydney looks over at him, takes a drink from Vaughn's glass and chews the ice cubes. She walks over, her whip in hand.)
SYDNEY: (German) Which one of you boys has been the most naughty?
(She whips Jurgens.)
SYDNEY: (German) You?
JURGENS: (German) Perhaps...
SYDNEY: (German) Yes, I think you have.
JURGENS: (German) Must I be punished?
SYDNEY: (German) I think so. (whips him) Come with me.
(She takes him by the tie and leads him out. In a room somewhere, Jurgens is clad only in his underwear. He is standing with his ankles cuffed to the wall and his arms above his head, cuffed.)
JURGENS: (German) I like to sing when I'm being punished. Is that okay?
(She whips him on the butt.)
JURGENS: (German) Okay...
SYDNEY: (German) Now, Dr. Jurgens, I have a few questions to ask you.
JURGENS: (German) You'll have to whip it out of me. (pause) How do you know my name?
(Vaughn enters with a briefcase.)
SYDNEY: Hello, honey.
VAUGHN: Hello, dear.
JURGENS: Who is he?
SYDNEY: Your wife's name is Alba, right?
JURGENS: How do you know my wife?
(Vaughn takes out a laptop and digital camera from the briefcase and takes pictures of Sydney draped around Jurgens.)
(Click. Another pose.)
SYDNEY: Hi Alba.
(Click. Another pose.)
JURGENS: Oh, please...
(When several pictures are taken and Jurgens has whimpered enough, Sydney stands before him.)
SYDNEY: We know about Project Helix, that you built it for Markovic.
JURGENS: You do?
SYDNEY: We also know that he used it to double himself and one other person. With Markovic d*ad, you're the only one who knows the identity of the second agent.
JURGENS: I do not know!
VAUGHN: I assume your wife's e-mail address is still the same?
(Vaughn tilts the laptop so Jurgens can see the monitor. He has the pictures from the digital camera up on the screen.)
VAUGHN: She's going to love these pictures.
JURGENS: No, no, no, no, wait! I just built it for Markovic, I was not there for the procedure!
SYDNEY: Your wife is going to love having these new pictures to add to your scrapbook.
JURGENS: I do not konw the name but there is a way you can find it. The computing power required to model a person's entire genome is tremendous so during the doubling process Markovic had to reconnect it to an off-siste computer facility, a server farm.
SYDNEY: Which server farm did he use?
JURGENS: I do not know! I swear to God! Please do not send those pictures! Please let me go! Please! Let me go! (sobs)
(Vaughn and Sydney prepare to leave. Vaughn slaps down the memory card from the camera onto the table.)
VAUGHN: Here's your pictures.
(They leave.)
JURGENS: Please give me back my pants!
(Kendall, in the ops center, types at a computer. Jack walks up to him.)
JACK: Please explain this transfer order.
KENDALL: Tippin is stonewalling. We need to break him before his handler realizes he's been compromised.
JACK: Unrestricted interrogation is premature.
KENDALL: Justice Department didn't agree. Tippin is a credible thr*at to national security which means from now on they want to be consulted on every decision of this investigation. What did you think, Jack? That I just forged a transfer order on CIA letterhead?
JACK: You went behind my back.
KENDALL: That's hardly unheard of in this office.
JACK: So what is this retribution for me taking your parking space?
KENDALL: No, I did what my job compels me to do. Nothing more, nothing less. And if you can't see that I'm trying to protect the lives of everyone in this operations center then I overestimated your intelligence.
(In a prison bus, Will is handcuffed and sits beside a guard who holds a g*n. There's an SUV ahead and one behind them. In the SUV behind them is Dixon and the driver.)
DIXON: (radio) That was Roosevelt Road. ETA twenty minutes.
(In the SUV ahead of the bus...)
MAN: (radio) Copy that.
(Will sits in the bus, looking out the window, when suddenly one of the tires of the bus is sh*t out.)
DIXON: sh*ts fired!
(The bus careens down the road, crossing over to the other side of the road and then coming back, skidding along the pave. It topples over on its side. Inside the bus, Will bangs his head.)
WILL: Ugh!
DIXON: We've got a sn*per!
(The driver in the SUV is sh*t by the sn*per in the hills next to the road. A black van pulls up and various men in fatigues climb out. Dixon sh**t one of them.)
FATIGUE MAN: Move out, move out!
(Fatigue Man climbs on top of the toppled bus.)
(Other men get out and sh**t at the CIA guards. Dixon sh**t one of the fatigued men and looks for the sn*per. Inside the prison bus, the guard with the g*n comes to just to see Fatigue Man sh**t him from above. Will comes to. Above, Fatigue Man sh**t the bus's side and stomps on it, letting him drop down into the bus. Dixon sh**t at the sn*per. Fatigue Man climbs in the bus and gets the keys from the d*ad driver. He goes to Will.)
WILL: Wait a second, no!
(He unlocks the handcuffs and grabs Will.)
(He starts leading Will out the back. A CIA man sneaks in and sh**t Fatigue Man who was right in front of Will. Will stares in shock. Two fatigued men stand behind the CIA man and sh**t him. Will gets the g*n from the d*ad Fatigue Man and jumps out the back of the bus. Dixon is sh**ting outside and sees Will aim the g*n inside the bus. Will sh**t the two fatigued men and runs outside near the bus.)
DIXON: Tippin!
(Will runs across the road and slides down the embankment, not stopping. Dixon finally gets the sn*per in the hills, who rolls down the slope. Will runs away. Dixon looks for him, but he's gone.)
(Sydney marches into the ops center.)
SYDNEY: You son of a bitch! You transferred Will to Camp Harris after we agreed to keep him here!
JACK: Sydney...
KENDALL: Hey, for the time being your father may be my superior but I am yours. Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?
SYDNEY: My friend may be d*ad!
KENDALL: Your friend arranged for an armed as*ault team to facilitate his escape!
SYDNEY: How exactly did he do that from a holding cell? He didn't even get a phone call!
DIXON: Syd, I was there. I saw him with the g*n. He fired into the transport.
SYDNEY: Are you sure it wasn't self-defense?
JACK: Would you excuse us please?
(Dixon and Kendall leave.)
SYDNEY: I know it's not smart to lose my cool with Kendall.
JACK: Sydney, you have to accept the possibility that the man we have in custody is not your friend.
SYDNEY: Dad, I don't believe it.
JACK: I understand.
SYDNEY: 'Cause if it wasn't Will then Will is most likely d*ad and I can't handle that.
JACK: We received your intel from Berlin, we're analyzing the list of server farms now. As soon as we have a lead on a facility, you'll know. Go home, get some rest.
(Irina meets with a contact. He opens a briefcase full of money.)
MAN: I have to admit, I was surprised when I was contacted.
IRINA: The plans, please.
MAN: What surprised me is you want blueprints to a government storage facility, rumor being that you're working with CIA now.
(He hands them over.)
MAN: Do me a favor. Let me know how you plan on doing it.
IRINA: Doing what?
MAN: Getting past the new access control system. Because unless you know how to crack it, these blueprints won't do you any good.
(Sydney and Francie's. Francie is crying.)
FRANCIE: Oh, I just can't believe it. It seems so insane.
SYDNEY: I know.
FRANCIE: I mean, how is it even possible that someone could look like Will and sound like him? I mean, it's just so ridiculous. Does the CIA have any idea where Will might be? I mean, the real Will?
SYDNEY: I'm sorry but I'm not authorized to give you any details.
FRANCIE: Syd, don't do this to me.
SYDNEY: Francie...
FRANCIE: Sydney, you're my best friend. You just told me that you're a spy and that my boyfriend's a double and now you're telling me you're not authorized?
SYDNEY: The answer is we don't know.
(Her cell rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
(At a public phone booth somewhere, Will is sunburned and dirty and scraped.)
WILL: Syd, it's me.
SYDNEY: Will, where are you?
(Francie perks up at that.)
WILL: I didn't escape! An as*ault team h*t the bus, they tried to take me hostage or k*ll me, I don't know! But someone's framing me!
SYDNEY: The FBI and CIA both have you on a sh**t-to-k*ll watch list. You have to tell me where you are.
WILL: Oh, so Kendall can take me to Camp Harris, treat me like a t*rror1st? Not a chance.
SYDNEY: I won't let that happen. If you are Will, you know I will do whatever it takes to make sure that nothing happens to you. Please let me bring you in.
(Pause. Will considers his options and rests his head against the phone booth.)
WILL: Syd, I love you. I can't-I can't trust you. Not anymore. Meeting you-meeting you destroyed my life. You want to help me? Prove I'm innocent.
SYDNEY: There may be a DNA record of the surgical procedure. It could clear you. It's-it's on a server farm somewhere in Europe.
(Francie once again perks up.)
SYDNEY: I'm gonna find it, I promise.
WILL: Okay, okay, this may be nothing but Markovic laundered money through real estate. He had a farm in Marseilles. Maybe it's not a cow/pig farm, maybe it's a server farm.
SYDNEY: Marseilles. Do you remember where?
WILL: No, no. I got to go. I got to go.
(He hangs up. Sydney turns to Francie.)
FRANCIE: Syd, where is he? Is he okay?
SYDNEY: I have to go.
FRANCIE: No, talk to me. Tell me what's happening.
SYDNEY: I can't. I'm sorry.
(She hugs her.)
SYDNEY: Please try to understand.
(Sark and Francie chat on cell phones as he sits down waiting for Irina.)
SARK: Sydney Bristow's headed to Marseilles?
FRANCIE: Should I follow her?
SARK: Stay there. Finding Tippin is your priority.
(He hangs up when Irina walks in.)
SARK: How did it go?
IRINA: The NSA facility uses state-of-the-art locking mechanisms.
SARK: We've bypassed systems like that before.
IRINA: The access codes I downloaded from the CIA Echelon system won't work anymore. The NSA uses a time-synchronized key card.
(Sark stands up.)
SARK: Presumably a CIA agent, under the proper duress, could obtain such a key card. I'm about to confess something that will either delight you -- which I hope is the case, that would be nice -- or it will make you furious. While you were away Will Tippin was ordered to Camp Harris for unrestricted interrogation. They would have found out about our asset.
IRINA: What did you do?
SARK: I instructed that he be extracted and k*lled.
IRINA: I told you I didn't want him k*lled. Your asset could have been pulled from the field.
SARK: Yes, I know, but the situation had changed. Sydney, out of fear for Francie's life, told her she was going to Marseilles to recover evidence that would clear Tippin.
IRINA: Is he d*ad?
SARK: No, he's at large and believed to have escaped which should provide us the leverage we need to get into the NSA. If we recover the evidence in Marseilles before Sydney we can foirce her hand. Proof of Will's innocence in exchange for her aid in securing a key card.
(Outside, night. Jack and Sydney meet at what looks like an observatory.)
JACK: We just got the forensics report back on the detonator we found among Tippin's things. Will's fingerprint was placed on the trigger after it was wiped down.
SYDNEY: This is great, now we have evidence that confirms he was being framed.
JACK: Yes, still it will take hours for Justice approval to infiltrate the server farm. Take Vaughn with you. The two of you will go in tactically. I'll have Marshall prepare your op-tech.
SYDNEY: Kendall's going to report you.
JACK: I'm aware of the consequences.
SYDNEY: When the DOJ hears, you initiated an op without their approval--
JACK: Sydney, I've been doing this longer than you have. I'm not cut out for management anyway.
(She smiles and kisses Jack on the cheek. He watches her leave.)
(Ops center. Kendall walks over to Jack.)
KENDALL: We need to talk.
JACK: Yes, I know. I've been sanctioned by the DOJ. I'm no longer in charge of this operations center. That honor goes to you.
KENDALL: Maybe I'm a slow learner, Jack, because I don't understand you. A month ago you maneuver me out of my job and now here you are, handing it back.
JACK: I belong in the field.
KENDALL: You know, we can help each other. We don't have to be adversaries.
JACK: I appreciate your magnaminity.
KENDALL: (smirks) Now you're just mocking me.
JACK: Yes.
KENDALL: You know, part of the reason I sent Tippin to Camp Harris was to protect Sydney.
JACK: Why do you think you have your job back?
(Restaurant, at a table outside. Jack sits, alone, with a drink. A waitress comes over.)
SARAH: Thanks, Mr. Bristow.
JACK: Thanks, Sarah. Keep the change.
(She leaves. He takes another drink. Behind him, someone walks over to his table and takes the seat across from him. He's shocked, holding his drink midway to his mouth. It's Sloane, who takes off his sunglasses and smiles.)
SLOANE: It's good to see you, Jack.
JACK: I assume that since you're sitting across from me with so little regard for your life I'm in the cross hairs of a sn*per r*fle.
SLOANE: Two of them.
JACK: Of course.
SLOANE: I've missed your poker face.
(Jack just stares at him, same expression as always.)
SLOANE: (nods) So... there's something I want you to know. I forgive you.
JACK: Excuse me?
SLOANE: Your betrayal of SD-6. I'm curious, Jack. When did our friendship end?
JACK: The moment you recruited Sydney over my objections.
SLOANE: Ahh. I thought so. If I had known that decision would cost me our friendship and my relationship with Sydney, I would have done things differently.
JACK: Self-pity doesn't become you.
SLOANE: Oh, Jack, on the contrary. I'm here to make you an offer. I don't expect an answer now.
JACK: What would that be?
SLOANE: Come back to our partnership, Jack. I will tell you everything I've learned about Rambaldi.
JACK: An obsession I've never shared.
SLOANE: Well, now's the time to sign up. For years I collected his artifacts, as if that was the point. I thought Rambaldi's work was that window to the past. Today... I am one move away from proving to you that it is so much more than that. And this time Sydney won't be a pawn in our venture. Jack, sit here for a while, think about it.
JACK: We will never work together again.
SLOANE: The thing of it is, you are going to work with me -- sooner than you think. The men who have you in their sights have been instructed to put a b*llet in your brain if you dial your cell or leave this table within thirty minutes.
(He gets up and puts his glasses on again.)
SLOANE: We'll see each other again, Jack. Trust me on that.
(He walks away. Jack looks over his shoulder.)
(Marseilles. Night. Outside the building, Sydney talks to a few of the agents who all wear black except for Vaughn who sits on the hood of a car, dressed in casual street clothes.)
SYDNEY: The chief of security holds a killswitch that enables him to wipe clean all of their data storage at any sign of att*ck. To prevent the destruction of the information we need, I will proceed to the security room and secure the killswitch.
VAUGHN: After confirmation from Agent Bristow you'll expedite through a facility where you'll consider everyone you encounter as hostile. We'll upload the file on the second double to a CIA server. Any questions?
(No one responds.)
VAUGHN: Agent Bristow...?
(She takes a bottle of champage and shakes it. She pops the cork and sprays it all over Vaughn. She smiles. He licks at the droplets that run down and off his nose.)
(Cut to the streets of Marseilles in front of the building. Hip hop music plays from Vaughn's car stereo as he swerves down the street and comes to a stop before the guards. He climbs out of the car with a bottle in his hand.)
VAUGHN: (playing drunk) H-hey! What is this, a private club? (giggles)
GUARD: Un American?
VAUGHN: Is this Paris? Where is--? Come on, can I...
GUARD: Hey, hey, monsieur...
VAUGHN: (stumbles) Whoa, whoa, whoa... Look, I had a little too much to drink. It's no big deal.
(Sydney sneaks up to the fence and cuts part of it out.)
VAUGHN: Is this the fancy club or is...
GUARD: Non, non, monsieur.
VAUGHN: Oh, I love you, man. I love you. Can I come in? I just want to...
GUARD: Non, non, non.
VAUGHN: Look, look, I know I've had a little too much to drink but I really just want to come in for a little bit. I hear--it's my friend. He told me, told me to come here. No, come on. I love you, man!
(Vaughn tries to hug the guard as Sydney sneaks in successfully.)
VAUGHN: Oh come on, let me just... I just want to go inside the club!
(Sydney waits for a guard to walk by on the roof and then sneaks by.)
VAUGHN: Listen, I love you, man! I do! I just, please, I love you, man.
(The guard pushes him away and tells him to get into his vehicle.)
VAUGHN: Hey, okay, okay,! All right. You're so grumpy, man.
(He gets in the car. Sydney runs to the side of the building and fires her cord up to the top. It tightens at the ledge. She hooks it onto her belt and starts climbing the wall. Vaughn drives around to the side and gets out, taking off his outer shirt and getting his gear. Sydney, at the top, sh**t the guard in the neck with a tranq. He goes down. She climbs over the ledge.)
VAUGHN: What's your status, Mountaineer?
SYDNEY: I'm going in.
VAUGHN: Copy. We'll move in.
(Guards walk by inside. The security guard with the killswitch looks at the monitors. He turns around to see someone. Sydney, meanwhile, slides down a pole and inside. She looks at a security camera up high on the wall and runs by. She runs in the main room, entering the security wing, and sees the back of the killswitch guard. He's not moving. She turns him around and sees that his throat has been cut. She steps back.)
IRINA: Hello, Sydney.
(She jabs at Sydney, shocking her. It crackles. Sydney falls to the ground.)
VAUGHN: Sydney!
(She's shocked again.)
IRINA: I know what you're after. Your friend's suspected of being a double. You believe the information on this server could clear him.
(She holds the killswitch in her hand and is about to h*t the button.)
SYDNEY: No, don't--!
(She does. The power goes off and on.)
VAUGHN: Go, go, go!
(The agents drive up and sh**t the guards. They enter. Alarm wailing. Sydney is gasping on the floor.)
SYDNEY: You erased it...
IRINA: I transferred a copy to a secure location. I'll give it to you. In exchange, I want you to do something.
SYDNEY: Go to hell!
IRINA: If you don't, you'll never clear Will's name. He'll be tried as a traitor and ex*cuted. I'll be calling on you soon, Sydney.
(She runs out.)
(Will hides behind a pillar in the middle of nowhere. A car drives by and he ducks. Then, a horn honks twice and he sneaks a peek at a blue Ford Focus that has arrived. He runs over and climbs in.)
WILL: Thanks for coming.
FRANCIE: You okay?
WILL: Yeah. Yeah, I am now.
(They drive off together.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x21 - Second Double"} | foreverdreaming |
"The Telling"
(Ops center, Sydney and Vaughn. Missed few lines.)
SYDNEY: --told us where he is.
(Elsewhere, Mashall confides in Weiss.)
MARSHALL: So, Carrie and I went out. It was great. We got sushi. When we got there, the guy behind the counter, like, little sushi, they were like, "Heeeeeeeeeeey!" You know, when we got there, like, they knew us.
WEISS: They do that at a lot of sushi places.
MARSHALL: Really? Oh. Anyway, it was great. We had a fantastic meal and...
WEISS: So what's the problem?
MARSHALL: Well, post-fish, when I went to drop her off, this is traditionally, clasically the time where I would -- or a man would -- kiss her. And, well, I just started sweating.
WEISS: How bad?
MARSHALL: Bad. Weird bad. Freak show bad.
WEISS: Did she notice?
MARSHALL: Did she notice? It was like I had just gotten out of a lap pool.
WEISS: Okay, you need help.
MARSHALL: Yeah, with the ladies.
WEISS: The thing is, it's sort of a catch-22.
(His computer beeps.)
MARSHALL: Go ahead, keep going, I'm listening.
(He starts typing as Weiss talks.)
WEISS: Because, you see, to feel comfortable around a woman you have to have experience and to have experience it sounds like you have to not be you. I was almost k*lled last year and the doctors actually didn't think I was going to make it and the thing I did learn from that experience--
(Marshall's eyes get wide and he takes off running.)
WEISS: Thanks. (As Marshall runs through the ops center, he grabs a sheet off of the printer and keeps running up to Sydney and Vaughn at her desk.)
MARSHALL: Syd -- excuse me -- we're receiving intel on a local top-secret server from a source outside the building.
SYDNEY: Who's sending the signal?
MARSHALL: Your mother.
(Marshall and Sydney catch up with Kendall as he walks.)
SYDNEY: We just got an upload.
KENDALL: And I just left you a message.
SYDNEY: It's the DNA string of the person who was doubled. Mr. Kendall, I'm going to ask that as soon as Will Tippin is located we bring him in to compare this to his DNA.
MARSHALL: We're verifying the data now, sir, but it looks legit. Legitimate.
KENDALL: Yeah, I know what legit means.
(At a cheap motel, Will and Francie are in a room together. Will stands by the window, peeking out through the blinds.)
FRANCIE: What else do they know? Did Sydney tell you what the CIA knows, or Jack?
WILL: I didn't say Jack was involved.
FRANCIE: Of course you did. You said, in the car, you mentioned his name.
WILL: God, I'm losing my mind. The CIA doesn't know anything, that's the problem.
(Francie enters the bathroom and shuts the door halfway.)
FRANCIE: It doesn't make sense, does it? The entire CIA and they have no idea who the double is.
(She takes out a tube of lipstick and removes the lipstick. She flips open the face of her ring.)
WILL: It just shows you how wrong they can be. And now they think I'm a k*ller. Which I am, by the way. I k*lled people.
(He stretches out on the bed.)
FRANCIE: People who were trying to k*ll you.
(In the center of the face on her ring is a small point, like a needle. She uses the empty lipstick container to drop a liquid onto the needle in her ring.)
WILL: So what, does that make it easy, or... or... Francie, I ended someone's life. Two people's lives. I'm a k*ller! I shouldn't be yelling this.
(She comes back into the room and gets on the bed next to him, sliding her ring hand behind his neck. She kisses him. When he cups her face, he breaks the kiss.)
WILL: You're warm.
(She flips open the ring out of his line of sight and is about to s*ab him in the neck with it. SWAT team-like guards barge into the room, flashlights and g*n pointed. Francie and Will sit up, hands in the air.)
GUARD: Hold it! Hands where I can see him! Yeah, it's him! It's Tippin!
(Will sits on a bed while doctors tend to him, taking his blood. He looks scared.)
(In the cell, Sydney enters and approaches him.)
WILL: So tell me.
SYDNEY: We received a file, a DNA string, of the person who was doubled.
WILL: And?
SYDNEY: Your DNA didn't match and there was no Provacillium in your blood. You've been cleared.
(Will hugs her.)
WILL: Thank God for you...
SYDNEY: You're okay.
WILL: What about Francie?
SYDNEY: Francie's been questioned, she's at home. She's fine.
WILL: Thank you. Oh, what I said before about not trusting you...
SYDNEY: Will, don't worry about it.
WILL: I was scared to death, I didn't mean any of those things. You know that. I trust you more than I trust anyone.
SYDNEY: Sorry about the cell. They're going to need you to stay here for a while, they've got a lot of questions.
WILL: Okay.
SYDNEY: And there's a therapist who's going to work with you to try to reverse your memory conditioning.
WILL: That file, the DNA string, was there a name attached to it?
SYDNEY: There was but we don't have any leads yet.
WILL: What was the name?
SYDNEY: A.G. Doren.
(Hockey rink. Sydney and Vaughn.)
SYDNEY: I'm just so relieved for him, it's like I can breathe again.
VAUGHN: You know where it's fun to breathe? Santa Barbara. You ever been?
SYDNEY: Yeah, I love it. The zoo, that giraffe with the crooked neck.
VAUGHN: No, I mean, the beach, the Biltmore, the food. La Superica -- you ever been there?
VAUGHN: Okay, we're going this weekend.
SYDNEY: Yeah, come on, as if we can go. There'll be some emergency, some--
(A cell rings. She gives him a look and reaches in her pocket where she's been keeping both their cell phones.)
SYDNEY: Yours.
(She hands it over.)
VAUGHN: Yeah? Yeah, practice is over. Why? No, that wasn't going to be me. What do you mean, Marky's sick? How sick? Weiss, come on, man. Okay, okay, okay. Okay! Goodbye.
(He hangs up.)
VAUGHN: I have to go in.
SYDNEY: I'm gonna stay here and practice so I can kick your ass next time.
VAUGHN: Oh really? Don't forget about Santa Barbara.
SYDNEY: Yeah, someday.
(They kiss. He skates away. Sydney, on wobbly legs, skates to the blue line while handling the puck a bit. She stops and turns. Irina stands near the boards. Sydney skates over.)
IRINA: You received my intel. Your friend was cleared. I told you I'd want a favor. This is it. 266 Kroner Strasse in Zurich. I've just given you the address of Sloane's warehouse where he's hiding the Rambaldi artifacts.
SYDNEY: That's not why you're here.
IRINA: Yes. It's the only reason.
SYDNEY: I know you're lyuing, of course you are, but I don't know why...
IRINA: Sydney, I'm here to help you.
(Sydney, full of anger, boldly skates over to her mother with a hockey stick in hand. Irina grabs the stick and Sydney falls flat on her back, hitting her head on the ice. Irina leans over.)
IRINA: Stop being as stubborn as I am! I knew from the beginning when I turned myself in that I would betray the CIA, but not you.
("Trust Me" : Sydney meets with her mom.)
IRINA: (voice over) I had to be careful. I needed you to trust me but I also couldn't tell you my plan. Sloane had twenty-three Rambaldi artifacts, the CIA had twenty-four.
(Back on the ice.)
IRINA: In order to assemble the device, they all had to be brought together. Those are the pieces in Sloane's warehouse.
SYDNEY: You stole Rambaldi pieces from the US government?
IRINA: Yes... by winning your trust, the CIA's trust.
("Counteragent" : Sark hands a piece of paper to Sloane, in the ambulance.)
IRINA: (voice over) And then as planned I had a proposal delivered to Sloane, a proposal that we work together to take down the ALliance and raid the CIA, all at once.
("A Higher Echelon" : Irina uses the computers.)
IRINA: (voice over) I came up with a scenario where the CIA needed to let me use their computer. I used the opportunity to learn where the US government kept its stash of Rambaldi artifacts.
(Back on the ice.)
IRINA: They were being held at a secure NSA lab in Nevada. One month later Sloane had a team raid the lab.
SYDNEY: I never heard of an NSA raid.
IRINA: Of course not.
("A Dark Turn" : Sydney and Irina place their hands on the glass of the cell.)
IRINA: (voice over) When the time came for my escape, it was painful because my love for you, for your father, was not a contrivance.
(Back on the ice.)
SYDNEY: Suddenly you want us to have Sloane's artifacts?
IRINA: Sydney, I know our relationship is complicated but I'm your mother. I have to believe that would be the case under any circumstance. Go to Zurich.
SYDNEY: You're insane.
IRINA: One more thing I'll need to do and I'm sorry for this, too.
(She elbows her in the face.)
(Empty warehouse. Francie smokes a cigarette and stomps on it when Sark enters holding a pill bottle.)
SARK: Provacillium to the rescue.
FRANCIE: Thanks. The fever's reading bad. So what are we doing with Tippin?
SARK: Nothing... for the moment.
FRANCIE: Then when am I getting extracted? I don't know what new evidence the CIA has all of a sudden but it's going to lead to me.
SARK: Not necessarily. If you disappear now you'll be a suspect for sure.
FRANCIE: What is it?
SARK: Allison... we can't reverse the process. Markovic's lab was destroyed. But we're doing everything we can to retreive the lost data. And I'm hopeful that we will find a way to reverse the process.
FRANCIE: I may have to stay this way?
SARK: No, no. We'll get you back.
(He takes her chin in his hand.)
SARK: Look at me. We'll get you back.
(They kiss. She looks away.)
SARK: You don't... fancy him, do you? Tippin?
FRANCIE: Don't be stupid.
(Briefing room with Kendall, NSA Deputy Director Brandon, Jack, Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon, Weiss.)
KENDALL: And it didn't occur to you, Mr. Brandon, that a raid on NSA facility--
BRANDON: I'm not at liberty to discuss the details of the Nevada raid!
KENDALL: And I'm not at liberty to respect the way that you do business! How many Rambaldi pieces were stolen? (to Sydney) Twenty-four?
SYDNEY: That's what my mother said.
BRANDON: I can't confirm that number.
KENDALL: And we had to find out about this breach from Irina Derevko?!
JACK: The question is, what is the prudent next step?
SYDNEY: She's lying. She has to be. It's a set-up.
VAUGHN: Then why show up in person? It's a big risk.
DIXON: From what I know of Derevko, she's loyal to only one person: herself.
SYDNEY: Dixon's right, obviously. I don't know, maybe this is a valid play for Sloane.
KENDALL: Maybe, but why would she need us to play it?
JACK: Guilt. Her motives may be insidious, her methods loathsome, but she is not unfeeling. I say we send in a team. Proceed with caution, but proceed.
KENDALL: We'll prep to have whatever we find at the Zurich warehouse brought back to the States. (to Brandon) A neutral location. I propose Evans naval base in Ventura.
BRANDON: I'll call my director.
KENDALL: Yeah, you do that.
VAUGHN: Sloane may have most of the pieces to assemble this Rambaldi device, but I don't think he has them all.
SYDNEY: The Di Regno heart.
KENDALL: If the NSA still got it.
BRANDON: All right now, that's enough of your crap!
(He leaves the meeting.)
KENDALL: Jack, you go along with the NSA here, transfer the heart to the naval base and let Marshall know that he's going to Zurich, too. I want him to confirm what we've got or not, ASAP. Weiss, I need you to tell Tippin we're done with him. Escort him to the safehouse.
WEISS: Yes sir.
(Jack walks up to Marshall's desk. Carrie listens to music on her earphones nearby.)
JACK: Marshall! We're sending you to Zurich. It's a research mission.
JACK: We believe we may have gained access to Sloane's Rambaldi artifacts.
MARSHALL: Wow, that's fantastic! I mean, hey, you know who should really go with us on this mission is Carrie. Uh, Miss Bowman. Because she's NSA, she works under Brandon, and she would be very helpful. In the field.
JACK: In the field?
JACK: Miss Bowman!
(Carrie sheepishly slips the earphones out and smiles up at him.)
CARRIE: Yes sir?
JACK: You're going to Zurich. Plane leaves in an hour.
(He stares blankly at Marshall and walks away.)
(Will's cell. He's sorting through a file when Weiss enters.)
WEISS: Mr. Tippin, I'm Agent Weiss. We're all through here, I'm supposed to take you to where you'll be staying.
WILL: Is there a computer I can use here? The name on this DNA file, A.G. Doren, I know that from somewhere. I just want to check it out.
WEISS: Sure.
WILL: Thanks. I'm Will.
WEISS: Uh, Weiss. Eric Weiss.
WILL: Like Houdini.
WEISS: Yeah, yeah, actually, he was a great-great-great uncle of mine.
WILL: Get out of here. Really?
WEISS: Yeah.
WILL: Can you do magic tricks?
(Upstairs, Will is at a computer. Weiss sits behind him.)
WEISS: Okay, check this out, okay, ready?
(Will turns to see. Weiss has a coin in his hand, closes his hand, taps the hand, and the coin disappears. Will, perhaps not impressed, turns back to the computer.)
WILL: A.G. Doren doesn't ring a bell?
WEISS: No, still doesn't.
WILL: Hey, can I access my tradeworks file here?
WEISS: Yeah, what's your password.
(Pause. Weiss looks at him, ready to enter it. Will's embarrassed.)
WILL: "Sydney".
(He types it.)
WILL: Thanks.
WEISS: You know, there was a time I was actually considering becoming a magician. I thought to myself, What the hell am I thinking?
WILL: Oh, my God.
WEISS: What? What is that? What's that list?
(There's a list of names up on Will's monitor.)
WILL: Project Christmas. It's a CIA black ops program from the seventies, train kids as sleeper agents to be used as future spies.
WEISS: What?
WILL: It's a summer camp, there were twenty kids.
(Will highlights the name: Allison Georgia Doren.)
WILL: Allison Doren was supposed to have died in a car accident.
(At the Los Angeles office of the NSA, Brandon and Jack have the briefcase with the heart in it. SUVs line up for the drive. A phone rings.)
KENDALL: (voice over) This is Kendall.
JACK: (voice over) We've got the Di Regno heart. We're en route to the naval base. ETA three hours.
KENDALL: (voice over) Roger that.
(In Zurich, the CIA agents un up to the warehouse with their g*n ready. They weld open the door and slide under. They run inside. One of the agents drills off the top of a crate.)
AGENT: Okay, we're free of expl*sives, you can move in.
(Vaughn and Sydney are there along with Dixon. Sydney brushes away some styrofoam balls in the crate.)
VAUGHN: These could be real.
SYDNEY: Let's get Marshall in here!
KENDALL: (on comm in LA) How's it look?
(Carrie and Marshall are inspecting it with magnifying glasses.)
CARRIE: I don't know, sir, it's not consistent with any of the Rambaldi artifacts I've seen.
MARSHALL: I was thinking the same thing.
KENDALL: (on comm) Well then what the hell is it?
(Sydney reaches in and yanks it out of the crate.)
MARSHALL: Looks like a waffle iron.
(Sydney moves to another crate and drills off the top. She takes out an old ghettoblaster.)
SYDNEY: It's a set-up. There's nothing here.
(Kendall rips off the headset and bangs it down.)
KENDALL: Get me Jack Bristow!
(Jack is in the SUV with Brandon and a driver. A few SUVs drive up and almost ram into them. The SUV comes to a fast stop. Jack looks around. The men in the black SUVs jump out and sh**t the NSA driver.)
JACK: Brandon!
(Brandon steps out with his g*n aimed but is sh*t in the chest. He falls against the open car door, d*ad. Jack gets out of the SUV with his own g*n.)
MAN: Drop the w*apon or you're d*ad!
(Irina stands on the roof of a building, looking out.)
KENDALL: (voice over) Irina Derevko has struck again.
(Briefing room.)
KENDALL: Based on her intel we sent in some of our finest trained agents. We took contol of a storage facility and with the help of a b*mb squad we are now in control of two dozen rusted kitchen appliances. Simultaneously, an enemy team ambushed our caravan, they k*lled two of our men. And along with the Di Regno heart, Jack Bristow is missing.
SYDNEY: What's our next move?
KENDALL: We scour every source of intel, anything halfway concrete and we move on it.
(Jack is strapped to a bed. He has a cut on his forehead. Sloane enters the room.)
SLOANE: He had so many brilliant creations. Rambaldi. But there was one in particular, a machine. He called it "il dire." The telling. The construction consists of forty-seven pieces. Classic Rambaldi. As you know, it took me a long time -- longer than I thought -- but I've acquired them all, including the Di Regno heart with your help. They're in the next room, Jack. I have a team assembling "il dire" right now. They said it shouldn't be more than a day.
JACK: And then what?
SLOANE: I've seen things recently. I've seen what's possible. There's a change coming, Jack. Something even I couldn't imagine.
JACK: I used to feel sorry for you. Could you sense it? That you'd been abandoned, left for d*ad, disgraced. I pitied you -- that you needed to fill the void in your life. It was like a religion for you.
SLOANE: I didn't expect you to understand.
JACK: Then why keep me alive?
SLOANE: Because we're friends, Jack.
(In the ops center, Vaughn's on the phone speaking French while Weiss is on the phone speaking German. Marshall walks by calculating something. He walks over to Carrie, who removes her earphones.)
MARSHALL: Any anomolies?
CARRIE: Mnh-hmm.
MARSHALL: Were you close to him? Brandon?
CARRIE: I hated him. Which is why I feel so bad. If that makes any sense.
MARSHALL: I'm sorry.
(She kisses his cheek and then looks back at the computer with a little smile.)
CARRIE: You're sweet.
(At his own desk, Will's on the phone.)
WILL: I see, I see. No, actually, that helps a lot. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
(He hangs up and Weiss comes over.)
WEISS: What's up?
WILL: This is A.G. Doren. Allison Doren.
(He shows Weiss a picture of a young African-American girl.)
WILL: I just talked with her parents, told them I was with the NTSB. Asked about the accident.
WILL: There was a bus crash and there was a f*re. But at the time the coroner told them that the burns were severe.
WEISS: Hmm. So they never identified the body?
(Sydney's at her desk when her cell rings.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
(Irina is on the rooftop of the building.)
IRINA: I didn't know that Sloane was going to switch the crates, I promise that.
SYDNEY: Where the hell are you?
IRINA: He must've known I was going to double-cross him. Somehow, he knew.
SYDNEY: I am going to find you, I don't care--
IRINA: I don't know where Sloane's gone, but Sark does. It doesn't have to be you, just make sure someone from the CIA goes to Vel Smokander. Vel Smokander. It's a club in Stockholm. Sark's going to be there, ten o'clock tomorrow night.
SYDNEY: How stupid are you to think I would ever believe you again?
IRINA: Ultimately, you will do what you want. That's what free will's all about.
(Irina hangs up. Vaughn comes over.)
VAUGHN: I've got nothing. You?
SYDNEY: We're going to Sweden.
(At the Stockholm club, Sydney and Vaughn walk in. Sydney's in a blonde wig and black dress. Vaughn's in yet another suit. They move through the crowd and take a table.)
VAUGHN: Everyone's blonde in here, I keep thinking I see him.
SYDNEY: Sark's not here. As expected.
VAUGHN: Your dad's going to be okay.
SYDNEY: I know. So when this is over, how do we go on vacation?
VAUGHN: Well, I was thinking about this.
VAUGHN: And I wasthinking that we have to stop talking about it and just book the hotel, just do it.
SYDNEY: You're right. We have to start thinking more positively.
VAUGHN: I mean, we're going to Santa Barbara.
SYDNEY: We're going. We're just going.
VAUGHN: (smiling) That's it.
(His smile drops as he looks over Sydney's shoulder.)
VAUGHN: There he is.
(Sydney looks. Sark shakes hands with a man.)
SYDNEY: I don't get it.
SYDNEY: My mother. Just... nothing. Let's move.
(They approach the men and point their g*n at them.)
SYDNEY: Freeze!
VAUGHN: Freeze!
(Vaughn grabs Sark and bangs his head against the glass table. Sark's nose starts bleeding.)
VAUGHN: See? When I have a g*n trained on you, I don't just pull the trigger!
SARK: Thank you.
(He grabs Sark's head again and bangs it against the table.)
VAUGHN: You're welcome.
SYDNEY: Where the hell is my father?
SARK: Not a problem. My loyalties are flexible. Sloane and your father are in Mexico City.
(In Jack's room, he wakes up when he hears grinding noises coming from the room next door. The lights dim and brighten with the power surge and the door rattles. Jack's eyes get wide. It's assembled.)
(Mexico City. Sydney and Vaughn enter the building and go in the elevator which looks an awful lot like the old SD-6 one. They run through a hallway below.)
SYDNEY: Base camp, we're at sublevel 2!
(Kendall is at Irina's cell which this time houses Sark.)
KENDALL: Copy that, Mountaineer. They're in the basement, now what?
SARK: The alarm system for Sloane's floor is located twenty yards down the north wall. A gray box with a yellow stripe. The deactivation code is 1-1-5-6-6.
KENDALL: If this intel turns out to be wrong, I will pesonally escort you to Camp Harris and I won't leave until you're d*ad and buried.
SARK: Then I certainly hope Mr. Sloane hasn't changed the code.
KENDALL: Mountaineer, there's a gray box with a yellow stripe twenty yards down on the north wall. You will enter 1-1-5-6-6.
(In the basement, they see the box. Vaughn enters the code and it's all green.)
VAUGHN: Alpha team, we've neutralized the central alarm. You're go to enter the building.
(Dozens of agents run in. Sydney and Vaughn catch up with them. They toss Sydney and Vaughn a g*n each.)
(Upstairs, Sloane walks in and leans over Jack.)
SLOANE: Jack, it's been assembled.
(Some of Sloane's men come down the stairs and encounter the agents. They exchange g*n.)
(In the room, a guard enters.)
GUARD: Sir, there's a tactical team heading up the stairs.
SLOANE: Pack everything and go. Go! We'll see each other again, Jack.
(He leaves.)
(The agents enter the hallway, checking various doors. Dixon and Weiss enter Jack's room.)
DIXON: Jack!
(They start getting him out of there.)
DIXON: Tell Agent Bristow I've got her father.
(Sloane and two guards march down a hallway.)
SLOANE: The equipment's being loaded into the truck?
GUARD: Yes, sir.
(Sydney and Vaughn spot them. They start sh**ting, taking cover in the doorway. They sh**t back, going back and forth. When Vaughn and Sydney are taking cover in the doorway, the guard points down the hallway.)
(Sloane takes off. Sydney tries sh**ting at the men when out of nowhere appears Irina from behind them. She sh**t the guards with two g*n. Sydney sees.)
IRINA: Go after Sloane!
(Irina runs the opposite way that Sloane went.)
SYDNEY: You get Sloane!
(Sydney and Vaughn split up, each going a different direction down the hall. Sydney gets to the stairwell and spots Irina. She follows. Up on the roof, Sydney runs up to see Irina on the ledge, crouching down.)
SYDNEY: Freeze! I've sh*t you before, I will do it again! Keep your hands in the air! I'm on the roof, I've got Derevko.
AGENT: Roger that.
(Irina stands up on the ledge.)
SYDNEY: Get OFF the ledge!
IRINA: I'll tell you what you need to know.
SYDNEY: Get off the ledge NOW!
IRINA: Sloane believes he's been chosen to realize the word of Rambaldi. But you, too, have been chosen.
SYDNEY: If you think I'm bluffing...
IRINA: It's you in the prophecy, Sydney, not me. Only you can stop him. (smiles) Good luck, sweetheart.
SYDNEY: Get down now!
IRINA: I love you.
(Irina falls backwards off the building. Sydney gasps and watches as her mother falls. But she has a bungee cord attached to her and as Irina falls, she sh**t the windows out of the building. When the bungee cord bounces her up, she sh**t a g*n that fires a cord into the open level of the building. The dart at the end of the cord pierces the wall and tightens. Irina bangs against the side of the building and starts climbing into the level with the sh*t out windows. Sydney watches from above.)
SYDNEY: Any available agents, get to street level now!
WEISS: I'm on my way!
(He leaves Dixon and Jack and starts running.)
SYDNEY: She just climbed into a floor in the middle of the building!
WEISS: Which floor?!
SYDNEY: I have NO idea! Eighteenth, maybe nineteenth! I CAN'T TELL FROM HERE!
(In LA, Marshall and Kendall listen with headsets.)
MARSHALL: Sir, it's been almost two hours--
AGENT ON COMM: Home base, we just found an elevator shaft pried open on the nineteenth floor. We think Derevko has left the building.
(In a fit of anger, Kendall throws his headset down and storms away. Marshall picks it up.)
MARSHALL: Uh, sir, you're not supposed to throw these like that. You'll break them.
(Sydney and Francie's. Will is on the sofa, looking through the files. Francie enters.)
WILL: Hey.
FRANCIE: Hey. Any news?
WILL: No. I'm just trying to figure it all out.
(He rubs his temples. Francie reaches in the brown grocery bag she's carrying and presents a small carton of ice cream.)
FRANCIE: I got your favorite.
(Will smiles warmly at her.)
WILL: You're the best. I'm gonna get aspirin.
(They kiss.)
WILL: I'll be right back.
(He heads for the bathroom. Francie slides over on the sofa and looks through the file. Inside the bathroom, Will searches through the cabinet for the aspirin. He takes a small black toiletry bag and looks in. He pulls out a bottle of pills that says Provacillium. He realizes. Out in the living room, Francie looks through the file and comes across the picture of A.G. Doren as a child, of her as a child.)
(Will's in the bathroom on his cell.)
SYDNEY'S VOICE: You've reached Sydney's cell phone, leave a message after the beep.
WILL: (whispering) Sydney, it's me. Listen, this is going to sound insane but I just found Provacillium in the bathroom and I think that... I think that... uh, okay, just think about it. I think that the double is Franc--
(Thud. He looks up. Will comes out of the bathroom and looks around hesitantly.)
WILL: Fran?
(He sees the front door is open. Stepping forward, coming down the hall, he looks around but doesn't see Francie who is behind him with a wire in her hands. She pounces and starts to strangle him. He gasps and is thrown against the counter of the kitchen, then against the wall. Will elbows Francie in the face and she's thrown against the fridge. He coughs and grabs a large Kn*fe from the counter.)
WILL: It was always you... Allison?
FRANCIE: It sucks it turned out this way.
WILL: That's it. Get on the ground! Get on the GROUND!
(She kicks him and chokes him with one hand on his throat, backs him up against the wall. He grunts in pain as she forces his hand that's holding the Kn*fe. She works it down, out of camera sh*t. Francie/Allison starts to cry as she s*ab Will in the abdomen. He shakes in pain as she kisses him.)
WILL: Arghh...
(He falls to the ground. Francie sobs.)
(Outside the house, Vaughn's car pulls up. Sydney takes off her seat belt.)
SYDNEY: Sloane's got the device and my mother, she--
(He takes her chin in his hand.)
VAUGHN: Another day.
(He kisses her.)
VAUGHN: So I did it.
SYDNEY: Did what?
VAUGHN: I booked the hotel.
SYDNEY: No you didn't.
VAUGHN: Yes I did.
SYDNEY: You did?
VAUGHN: Mm-hmm.
SYDNEY: Santa Barbara.
VAUGHN: Three nights starting tonight. I mean, it was probably the greatest phone call I've ever made.
SYDNEY: Well, you're a genius.
VAUGHN: Thank you.
(They kiss.)
VAUGHN: So after the debrief I'll come and pick you up.
(Sydney walks in and looks around. Francie's on the sofa like nothing happened.)
SYDNEY: You okay?
FRANCIE: Relatively speaking. You?
SYDNEY: Tired.
(She goes in the kitchen and gets the tub of ice cream that Francie got for Will, along with a spoon. She sits next to Francie on the sofa.)
FRANCIE: What's up?
SYDNEY: I am so burnt.
FRANCIE: I understand.
(Sydney takes out her cell and dials.)
MESSENGER: You have two new messages.
SYDNEY: Where's Will?
FRANCIE: I don't know.
MARY BETH'S VOICE: Hi Miss Bristow, it's Mary Beth from Director Kendall's office. I've got him for you so give us a call. Thanks.
FRANCIE: Will said he had something to do.
WILL'S VOICE: Sydney, it's me. Listen, this is going to sound insane but I just found Provacillium in the bathroom and I think that... I think that... uh, okay, just think about it. I think that the double is Franc--
MESSENGER: End of messages.
(Sydney hangs up the phone, trying to be calm. She takes a big spoonful of the ice cream and plasters on a smile.)
SYDNEY: Want some?
(She feeds it to her and covers the ice cream.)
SYDNEY: I just have to change out of these clothes.
(As soon as Sydney's gone, Francie looks up. She knows that she knows.)
(Sydney walks in her bedroom and looks under the bed. She gets the g*n hidden there and checks that it's loaded.)
FRANCIE: I just remembered. Francie doesn't like coffee ice cream.
(Sydney looks up. Francie has a g*n pointed at her.)
SYDNEY: No, she doesn't.
FRANCIE: Drop the g*n. DROP IT!
(Sydney sh**t at her. Francie ducks out in the hallway. Sydney runs out there and they begin their fight. They both block punches and find themselves in the bathroom. Sydney falls back and trips Francie. She turns around and sees Will's body in the bathtub. Sydney stares in horror and grabs an ornament from nearby, turning to face Francie. She hits her with it, elbowing her in the face. They move into the hallway. Francie whips a roundhouse at Sydney which sends her falling back. Francie grabs her fallen g*n as Sydney jumps over the kitchen counter. Francie is sh**ting up the place as Sydney ducks near the fridge for cover. Francie comes around and Sydney throws a whole cutlery drawer at her. Francie ducks. Sydney punches Francie a few times, gets her against the wall. She kicks her, bangs Francie's hand against the pillar so she will drop the g*n. Sydney elbows her and throws a cutting board at Francie, who again ducks. Sydney grabs the back of Francie's head and throws her into the glass cupboard door, which smashes. Francie grabs Sydney's head and rams it against the dry dishes on the counter, breaking them all. Sydney falls, gets up, and kicks and punches Francie, backing her up to the living room. She throws Francie into the glass coffee table. Sydney spots the g*n in the other room and runs for it, but Francie's right there. They are on the patio. Sydney reaches for the g*n but they struggle for it, with Sydney throwing Francie off of her a couple of times. Sydney jumps to her feet and kicks her, elbows her in the back. She uses the wall for support and jumps off it, kicking her. She tackles Francie and they both smash through the patio doors leading back into Sydney's bedroom. The g*n slides across the floor. Sydney gets up, kicks Francie in the head, punching her. Blocked by Francie. Sydney jumps on the bed and tries to kick Francie but Francie grabs Sydney from around the waist and they both head for the full-length mirror by the bed. Francie smashes Sydney's entire body into it. The mirror smashes and Sydney falls, crumpled, to the floor, leaving a blood trail from her head on the wall behind her. Francie, covered in blood herself, smirks. She leans down to get the g*n that is beside Sydney. Sydney grabs a shard of glass and cuts Francie in the throat. She backs up, shocked. Sydney takes the g*n and sh**t Francie in the arm. Then in the left shoulder. Then in the right shoulder. Francie falls. Sydney drops her arm and, full of blood, collapses on the floor amidst the broken mirror, trashed apartment, and d*ad friend.)
(Sydney, wearing a turtleneck sweater and black pants, wakes up in an alley. A red light goes off and on above her. A cat meows. She tries to get up but falls back on the pavement, too weak to stand. She finally gets up and walks on the sidewalk to see that she's in Hong Kong.)
(Phone booth.)
WOMAN'S VOICE: Dispatch.
SYDNEY: This is officer 2300844, calling for connection. Confirmation: looking glass.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Stand by.
KENDALL: This is Kendall.
SYDNEY: I just woke up in Hong Kong. I don't know how long I've been here or how I got here.
SYDNEY: Hello?
KENDALL: Get to our safehouse at Chwing Chausse Way as quickly as possible. You remember how to get there?
SYDNEY: Of course I do.
KENDALL: I'll make sure they're expecting you.
(Safehouse. Sydney is being led to a room by a man.)
SYDNEY: Have they said...
(She clears her hoarse voice.)
SYDNEY: Have they said anything about how I got here? Do you know any--
MAN: You should wait for information until your contact arrives.
(He unlocks a door and opens it. Nods.)
(Later, Sydney raises her shirt and sees a long scar on her stomach, about three inches long. The door opens and Vaughn enters. Sydney walks over to him and gives him a big hug. He can barely look at her. She cries and hugs him.)
SYDNEY: They doubled Francie.
VAUGHN: I know.
SYDNEY: What happened to Will? To Francie? Are they d*ad?
VAUGHN: Will's okay.
SYDNEY: What? How?
VAUGHN: You... Sit down.
(She does. He sits down across from her. He doesn't know how to begin and looks at the floor.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn?
VAUGHN: We thought you were d*ad. They asked me to come back to... to explain.
SYDNEY: Come back from what? What are you talking about?
(Vaughn rubs at his face with his left hand. On that hand is a wedding ring.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn... why are you wearing that ring?
VAUGHN: Syd... since that night... you were missing. You've been missing for almost two years. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "02x22 - The Telling"} | foreverdreaming |
"Last Season on Alias" recap:
Sydney and Vaughn kissing in ruins of SD-6 office
Sloan saying "I'm approaching the finish line of a 30 year odyssey. I won't let anyone else take the final steps for me."
Sydney to Sloane on telephone: "Listen to me, you son of a bitch, you have been a plague on my life! You repulse me! Every time I sat across from you listening to your lies, all I could fantasize about was slashing your throat!"
Sydney cocking g*n, then Allison Doren surprises her, pointing a g*n at her and yelling, "Drop it!" Small snippets of fight ensues, with Sydney sh**ting Allison twice and then passing out.
Sydney waking up in Hong Kong.
Vaughn arriving at safehouse. Sydney hugs him.
Vaughn shakes his head and says, "Syd..." Sydney asks, shocked, "Why are you wearing that ring?" Vaughn replies, "Since that night...you've been missing for almost two years."
~ ~ ~
(Cut to same scene, Sydney has look of utter shock and disbelief on her face.)
Vaughn: There was a f*re at your apartment. (Cut to flashback as Vaughn's voice continues. Flashback shows a gutted out, smoking shell of what once was Sydney's apartment. We follow Dixon's progress through the ruins until he reaches a room where a police officer is covering what is presumed to be remains with a black tarp. Camera pans across the room, where Vaughn is sitting hunched against the scorched wall. He looks up briefly at Dixon as if to acknowledge his presence and then looks back down at the draped tarp. A close up of his face reveals Vaughn is crying, looking completely devestated.) Will survived...but you... they found remains. The DNA...was a match. You were d*ad. You were d*ad.
Sydney: And...you got married.
Vaughn: I did. They asked me to come to Hong Kong...the Agency. They thought it would be best if you were reintroduced by someone from your life before.
Sydney: They could have sent my father. He's CIA, he's from my life before.
Vaughn: I can't answer that. I chose not to stay with the CIA after your death.
Sydney: You're not with the Agency?
Vaughn: No... I'm a teacher.
(Sydney gets up to stand next to the desk in the room)
Sydney (looking distraught): This is, uh...gonna take me a while.
Vaughn: They want me to bring you back. I mean, you can imagine the kind of investigation that's being called...
(Vaughn gets up to stand in front of Sydney)
Sydney: Hell of a way to wake up. How much time do I have before I have to go?
Vaughn (looking down at watch): They said they want you back...
(Sydney grabs a lamp from the desk and whacks Vaughn on the side of the head with the base. While he's bent over, she wraps the cord of the lamp around his neck, strangling him.)
Sydney: I don't know who the hell you are, but you are not Vaughn, you son of a bitch! Tell me who the hell you're working for... is it Sloane!?
(Sydney throws Vaughn against the wall, still strangling him)
Sydney: Tell me you're working for Sloane!
(Sounds outside the door alert Sydney to the presence of a guard entering. She elbows Vaughn in the temple and drops him to the floor. The door to the room opens and Sydney kicks a chair at the attacker, then roundhouses the door shut on him. Then she punches the guard. She turns around to see Vaughn getting up and she kicks him in the stomach, sending him flying across the room. Sydney runs down the hallway and out into the alley, where she finds herself surrounded by a guard on either side of the alley, both with g*n trained on her. She kneels, as if submitting, but when the guard behind her goes to grab her wrists, she grabs him and flings him at the other guard. She takes on each guard one at a time, first with fists and hands, then with a broomstick and a metal garbage can cover. Just as she takes out the last guard with the can cover, we hear a "pfft" sound. Sydney turns and a dart is revealed sticking out of her shoulder. We see Vaughn at the end of the alley, dart g*n still raised against Sydney. Sydney gives Vaughn a look of utter betrayal as the tranquilizer starts to work. As she sinks to her knees, Vaughn lowers the g*n and walks closer.)
Sydney (as Vaughn comes closer): Don't... (as if she can't stand the look of concern on his face, because she thinks he's not him) Don't do... (Sydney starts to collapse)
(Vaughn rushes over, dropping the g*n and catches Sydney before she can fall, sinking to the ground, holding her)
(A sequence of white lights, faces much too blurry to make out, sounds, ringing bells, a revving engine. All sights and sounds are out of place and make no sense. The scenes yield to Sydney, lying in a hospital bed while a beeping alarm goes off in the room. Sydney waked up, disoriented with her surroundings and afraid. Dixon rushes into the room and turns off the alarm)
Dixon: (sighs) You're safe. You're at the Stafford Naval Hospital. You're home again.
(Cut to Sydney, still looking bewildered and shocked)
Dixon: There are no words to make this easy. It was Vaughn who came for you in Hong Kong. And what he told you was the truth.
(Sydney sits up in bed)
Sydney: Dixon... What happened to me?
Dixon: We don't know.
Sydney: Where's my father? Or...or my mom... Have you heard from her since Mexico City? Vaughn said Will's alive. If there was a f*re in my apartment, if he thought I was d*ad, then how did Will survive? Where is he?
Dixon: Sydney...
Sydney: And Francie...is she d*ad? Did they find her body, too?
Dixon: I know you have a million questions, but...
Sydney: I have a lot more than a million questions! I which I only had a million questions!
Dixon: You're going to have to be patient. I'll talk to the...
Sydney: I can't be patient! I woke up like it was one night! I have a scar on my stomach I have never seen before... You're telling me two years have passed, and I have to be patient!?
Dixon: Listen to me, Sydney... You have to relax.
Sydney: I think I deserve to know what happened to the people in my life! Where the hell is Kendall!? I want some answers!
Dixon: Kendall is not the director of our division anymore. I am; almost six months now.
Sydney (taken aback): Congratulations.
(Door opens to reveal Weiss)
Weiss: How ya feelin'?
Sydney: I'm okay. You look great... You lost weight?
Weiss: Oh, thanks, yeah. I sorta gave up all the foods that I enjoy. I'm miserable, but I look really good. (to Dixon) Uh, we got something.
Dixon: I need just a minute. Excuse me. (Gets up to leave the room)
Weiss: I'm sorry to be all cryptic...
Sydney: It's okay... I get it.
(Weiss leaves room. Both he and Dixon stand outside Sydney's room in full view of her through the glass door)
Weiss: We received a transmission an hour ago from Mr. Kingsley. He got the package and the decoy. He's on schedule, aboard a train to Avignon.
(Cut to Sydney, surreptitously watching them. Mumbled voices, not loud enough to make out. Weiss hands Dixon a file folder and Dixon opens it. Cut back to Weiss and Dixon)
Weiss: We've received an intel that the Covenant may be moving to intercept Kingsley and get the chip.
(Cut back to Sydney, studying Dixon and Weiss intently as they talk. Both are mostly turned toward her. She watches them speak. Cut back to Weiss and Dixon)
Dixon: And we can't reach Kingsley?
Weiss: No, he's radio silent. But we got the new lead: an address outside of Paris; a possible outpost for the Covenant.
Dixon: Contact the NSCF. Have them stop the train at the next station and recheck Kingley's ticket. He'll know to make contact.
Weiss: Okay.
Dixon: And get a team in prep. I want to raid this outpost.
(Weiss walks off, Dixon reenters Sydney's room)
Dixon: I have to get back.
Sydney: Dixon, I want to see my dad. What is the big deal?
(Dixon comes back over and leans over Sydney in the bed)
Dixon: He's in prison. The National Security Council has had him in solitary for almost a year. Their policy, without exception, is that he is to have no visitors.
(Cut scene to a train speeding along in the dark... Lyon, France. We see Kingsley on the train. A young blond woman sits across from him, listening to a CD. She smiles apologetically at him and shows him the CD case. He smiles back and nods. The door to the car opens. Two men step inside and begin systematically sh**ting everyone in the car. The woman across from Kingsley gets sh*t and she gets up in a panic to run and is sh*t again. Kingsley leans over, readying a g*n he has hidden under the seat. Kingsley returns f*re and then flees to the next car. He looks up to see two men enter the new car from the other direction. A large, burly Russian-looking man appears to be in charge. He sh**t Kingsley in the leg, and Kingsley collapses into a seat.)
Man in Charge (leaning over Kingsley and unsheathing a Kn*fe): Mr. Kingsley, you know what I want. Give it to me, and I make your death painless.
(Kingsley refuses to answer, so Man in Charge s*ab him in the stomach. Man in Charge leans over him again, displaying the Kn*fe covered in blood.)
Man in Charge: One more time.
Kingsley: My shoe! My left shoe!
(One of the thugs removes shoe and move sole to reveal a data chip. They remove it and put it into a reader.)
Henchman: Nyet. (Subtitle reads: It's not it.)
Man in Charge: Not what I wanted.
(s*ab Kingsley again.)
Man in Charge (in Russian): Check his pockets.
(Man in Charge sits in a seat opposite, cleaning the blood off his hands. The henchmen bring him the small pile of items from Kingsley's pocket: a pack of European cigarettes, a lighter, some coins. Suddenly, he picks up a specific coin, looks at it, and then pulls on it. It comes apart, revealing another, smaller data chip. He inserts it into the reader machine, confirming it is the chip he is looking for.)
(Cut scene~ LA at night. Back in the hospital room with Sydney. We see a hidden camera black ball on the ceiling, pan to Weiss sleeping in a chair by Sydney's bed, then to Sydney, sleeping fitfully. She gasps, sitting up suddenly.)
Weiss: What? You okay? Syd?
Sydney (flops back on bed): I know... Oh my God...I think I know where I was.
(End of Act One. Cut to Credits)
~ ~ ~
(Aerial View of LA in daytime. Cut to Weiss and Sydney walking into the Joint Task Force Office.)
Sydney: There's so many new people... I don't know anyone here.
Weiss: Ah, just give it time.
Marshall: Excuse me. Excuse me, hello? (Sydney turns to face him.) Hi, uh...Sydney? (raising his voice slightly) I'm Marshall Flinkman. I work here. Tech design and, uh, operations here?
Sydney (hugging him): Marshall... of course I know who you are.
Marshall: Oh my God...Sydney, it's so amazing to see you, I can't even really relate. Actually, I, uh, wrote a poem...uh, um. (clears throat) I've lost my keys...where are they?
Carrie: Sydney...
(Sydney turns to face Carrie.)
Sydney: Carrie!
(They hug.)
Carrie: Ooooh, welcome back!
Sydney (looking down): Hey, you're pregnant!
Carrie: Ooh, yeah, yeah...I am.
Marshall (leaning forward conspiratorially): I, uh, wonder who the father is?
(Sydney turns to face him, shocked, then looks back at Carrie.)
Sydney: Are you guys married too?
Carrie: No.
Marshall: Not yet.
Carrie: No. We're not married.
Marshall: We just haven't set the date yet.
Carrie: We're not even engaged, we're just having a kid.
Marshall: Well, we're talking about getting engaged...
Carrie: Not really.
Marshall: Well, uh, she just has an issue with wedlock.
Weiss: Syd...Dixon's expecting us.
Carrie: If you need anything, just ask, okay?
Sydney: Thanks.
Marshall: (reading poem again) I've lost my keys, where are they? It's...it's uh, a metaphor.
(Cut to Dixon's office)
Dixon: We'd like to hear about what happened last night.
Sydney: I had a memory; a vivid memory of the interior of the building where I was being held. I remember it was in Paris, and I remember the faces of...at least three of my captors.
Lindsay: Mr. Weiss' report says you recall overhearing voices...names, including Mr. Kingsley?
Dixon: This is Robert Lindsay...he's our NSC liaison.
Sydney: Yes. So far, that's all I remember.
Lindsay: Sounds like the group we're looking for is the one that was holding our girl. Last night, there was a mass m*rder on a French passenger train. Among the d*ad was a CIA asset: Scott Kingsley.
(Dixon hands Sydney a file folder. She looks inside.)
Dixon: Kingsley did engineering work for us. He designed an aircraft; a spy drone that could fly undetected by radar.
Lindsay: Kingsley was en route to Avignon to deliver the schematics. They were stolen.
Weiss: And this drone could be converted into a delivery system.
Sydney: Biological w*apon...chemical. I get it.
Dixon: This group, we know almost nothing about them. They refer to themselves as "The Covenant". We have some new intelligence identifying one of their outposts. We believe this is where they've taken the chip. We're sending a team to Paris to raid the building.
Lindsay: Look familiar?
Sydney: Yes.
Lindsay: See, we're going in, with or without you. Without you, we're blind. You might recognize details we might not see otherwise.
Dixon: Personally, I'm of the mind that sending you back into the field so soon after your recovery is asinine.
Lindsay: Well, Mr. Dixon, you might ask yourself just how much you want to apprehend these K*llers...
Dixon (over Lindsay): Do not question my resolve! What you are suggesting is premature...
Lindsay: Perhaps if you'd listen to what I'm suggesting...certainly not that we throw Ms. Bristow back in the field...
Dixon: Look, I've experienced trauma myself. Returning to the field prematurely is as bad as not being trained at all!
Sydney: Okay, excuse me...but I am standing right here! (to Lindsay) I think I might be helpful in Paris. But I will not even consider going unless you help me first. I want to see my father...right now.
Lindsay: Ms. Bristow, just so we're clear... I have no intention of doing your father one single favor...ever. That being said, it's not your fault he's your father...and I'm not without a heart, as you will come to see. I'll get you in this one time.
Sydney: Thanks.
(Cut to Weiss driving Sydney in the car. She sits in front of a small table before a wall of reinforced glass. As the door opens, she stands and approaches the glass. Jack Bristow is brought in. He is wearing a khaki prison suit. His hands are handcuffed before him. His hair is slicked back ala Hannibal Lecter and he has a full beard. He approaches the glass.)
Jack: Sweetheart, you look so beautiful.
Sydney: They told me you were charged with resisting authority. Dad, I don't understand.
Jack: I became obsessed with your death; with finding those responsible. And at a certain point in my pursuit, I needed help. So I contacted the one person I believed I could trust, given the circumstances...your mother.
Sydney: You were working with Mom!?
Jack: At the time, she was nubmer 6 on the CIA's most wanted list. The National Security Council, primarily...Robert Lindsay. You met him?
Sydney: Yes.
Jack: He discovered that I was collaborating with your mother, so he thr*at me, questioned my allegiance to this country. He chose to make an example of me: an NSC power play, and here we are. I was told you have a memory; that you believe you were being held in Paris...
(Sydney presses a button on her watch)
Sydney: It's an anti-eavesdrop device; I got it from Marshall. We have 90 seconds. Dad, I don't remember a thing.
Jack: What?
Sydney: I read Dixon's lips when he was talking outside my hospital room. I just made it up to get leverage...and now they want to send me on a mission!
Jack: Leverage...for what?
Sydney: To see you. They told me I couldn't see you and...I needed to. Dad, I don't know if I can explain what it's like waking up and having everything be different. My friends are gone, I have no job, I have no home, and Vaughn's married, and you're in prison...
Jack: Vaughn what?
Sydney: He got married.
Jack: Michael Vaughn is just a boy who was never good enough for you. Anyway, Sydney, listen to me, my investigation into your death became even more disturbing than I expected...You must continue my work and find the truth about what happened to you... Do you understand me?
Sydney: Yes...
Jack: The only way to do that is by getting your CIA clearance restored, having access to my private files, getting back...
Sydney: Dad, I don't think I can do this without you.
Jack: We both know that's not true, and you have no choice anyway. The CIA, I am certain, is dubious about your return, somehow you must get them to trust you again. If they learn you were bluffing about your memory, it's all over.
Sydney: Dad, what did you mean by the investigation was disturbing?
Jack: Sydney, I knew you were alive. I made a discovery that you...
(Sydney's watch beeps)
Jack: You probably know this, but I love you.
Sydney: I love you, too.
(End of Act Two)
(Black screen. PARIS...push through the A...A sh*t of the Eiffel Tower at night...Sydney stands with arms crossed in black raid gear)
Weiss (addressing raid team): The object of tonight's mission is to find and retrieve the microchip, also to acquire any intel about the organization known as "The Covenant", who we believe is in possession of this chip. We've had the building under satellite surveillance and it appears to be abandoned, but there are no guarantees. You've all met Agent Bristow... She was held prisoner in this building, so while I'll be leading this operation, we will take into consideration any warnings or insights that Agent Bristow has to offer. Any questions? (pauses) Let's go!
(Team loads into a silver van)
(Aside to Sydney) Weiss: You all right?
Sydney: Yeah.
(Van drives up to warehouse. Team unloads and sets up. )
Weiss: Retriever to base...We're in position... Any last minute fun?
(Cut to Dixon and Lindsay on headsets at the JTF)
Dixon: We've got no activity outside the target building and thermal imaging shows the building to be clean.
Weiss: That's good to hear.
Lindsay: Anything from Mountaineer?
Weiss: Any of this look familiar?
Sydney: Not yet.
Weiss: Uh... negative.
Dixon: Retreiver, move on your call.
Weiss: Here we go. Let's watch out for tripwires and watch your backs...
(Raid begins. Team breaks through doors. Building is dark with lots of doors and hallways. The team's g*n are mounted with flashlights. Cut to Dixon watching their progress via heat signatures on the computer screen. Back to raid, the team enters further into building.)
Weiss (over Sydney's shoulder): Hey... Remember any of this?
Dixon: Base to Retriever.
Weiss: Yeah, go base.
Dixon: We're picking up some company, quadrant 16, heading 2 o'clock.
Weiss: Retriever to team, be on the alert for possible hostile, quadrant 16 at door quadrant nine.
Dixon: Retriever, we're seeing activity... I'm counting three, now five additionals.
Weiss: Team, we now have five possible hostiles... Let's get ready to engage.
(Weiss turns corner and is fired upon by hostile with laser sight. He and Sydney pull back.)
Weiss: Base, we're under att*ck! We're under att*ck!
(Lots g*n exchange)
Dixon: Fall back now! Fall back now! There are two more of them in quadrant six. All agents abort! Fall back now!
Weiss (to Sydney): Let's split up. We'll take 'em from behind.
Sydney: Okay.
(Weiss f*re to cover for her.)
Weiss: Go!
(Back in the office, Dixon gives Lindsay a look. Linsday looks exasperated. At the raid, we follow Sydney's progress down a hallway. Cut to Weiss's progress. He enters a room and sees a blood smear on the wall. On the ground, one of his team members, sh*t in the head. A second team member is also sh*t, barely alive.)
Weiss: Come on, Morse... Stay with me!
(Cut to Sydney as she enters another room. It's a labratory of some kind. There she finds another one of their team sh*t. She bends down to feel for a pulse. The door to the room busts open and two hostiles run inside, sh**ting at Sydney as she hides behind some equipment. She returns g*n then huddles as they f*re back. She notices chemical bottles on the table and then returns f*re. Cut to Weiss, still trying to keep Morse alive. Someone is sneaking up behind Weiss. He turns and is whacked upside the head by the attacker. The camera pans up...it is the same Man in Charge from the train. Cut to Sydney, receiving more g*n. She covers her nose with her shirt, grabs two bottles from the counter and mixes them together. She throws the bottle at her attackers. It explodes, knocking one of them over. She charges the other attacker, taking him out with hand to hand combat. Cut to knocked out Weiss. Man in Charge has him in a sitting position and pulls Weiss' head to the side to expose his neck. He pulls out his switchblade, ready to slice his neck. Cut to Sydney running full out down a hallway. Man in Charge looks up, sees Sydney. Sydney stops running, staring at the man. He stares back, almost as if he recognizes her. Sydney's moment of hesitation is gone. As she lifts her g*n to f*re, the Man in Charge drops Weiss and runs. Sydney barely misses sh**ting him. She runs to Weiss, who has come to.)
Sydney (to Weiss): Are you okay?
Weiss: Go get him.
(Sydney runs after Man in Charge, but by the time she gets out of the building, all she sees is a car screeching around a corner, out of sight. Weiss comes out behind her.
Weiss: They're d*ad; all of them.
Sydney: Oh my God, Weiss...If I'd told the truth, this might not have happened...
Weiss: What are you talking about?
Sydney: I've never been here before. The dream I had... I just had to regain the CIA's trust...and now the team's d*ad.
Weiss: Syd, this operation was on, whether you came or not. And if you hadn't, I'd be d*ad, too.
Sydney: I don't know what to do, I...everything's wrong, everything's upside down...
Weiss: Syd, we gotta get home.
Sydney: I can't go back! Robert Lindsay hates my father...he doesn't trust me. He wanted results from this operation; he wanted the chip. If I go back after this, he'll pull my clearance and I'll never be able to help my father.
Weiss: What are you thinking?
Sydney: This was obviously an ambush. Those g*n work for the Covenant...the one that was going to k*ll you, I saw his face. If I can make a positive ID, that could lead to the chip...leverage.
Weiss: To do what?
Sydney: To get my father out of custody! To recover what was stolen from the CIA...to make sure those men didn't die for nothing. I'm going to need a contact; a freelancer. Someone not with the CIA. Someone with resources. All of my names are two years old.
Weiss: You're not gonna like my suggestion. You should go see Arvin Sloane.
Sydney: What?
Weiss: Slaone negotiated a pardon after your...death. He's now a consultant for the CIA. Yeah, he now runs a World Health Organization in Zurich: Omnifam.
Sydney: Listen to me. We never had this conversation. After the g*n, I disappeared, you never saw me again.
Weiss: Syd, what are you gonna do?
(Sydney turns and runs off.)
Weiss: Syd!
(Black screen. Zurich... push through the C. Aerial sh*t of Zurich by day. Cut to Sydney entering an office. She stalks right by the secretary.
Secretary: Excuse me... Miss? Miss, you can't go in there!
(Sydney pushes open the door to yield Slaone's office. Sloane is standing on a small enclosed balcony outside the office, his back to her. He turns to look at her. Fade to black.)
(End of Act Three.)
(Sydney stares at Sloane as he opens the glass door from the balcony and begins to walk inside. A burly man from security enters the room from behind Sydney. Sloane holds up a hand as if to stay the security guy.)
Sloane: It's okay. We're fine.
(Sloane has a "cat who ate the canary" kind of smile on his face.)
Sloane: Hello, Sydney.
Sydney: There's a group the CIA has targeted. They call themselves "The Covenant". They've stolen something I need to get back.
(As Sydney speaks, Sloane walks over to a side desk and picks up a file folder.)
Sydney: I've made a visual ID of one of their members. I need to put a name to his face. You're going to help me find him.
(Sloane walks toward her, holding the folder, looking rather smug.)
Sloane: Well, you must be in real trouble to come to me for assistance.
(He slides the folder across the desk toward Sydney. She picks it up and looks inside. There is a photograph of the very person she is trying to ID.)
Sloane: His name is Gordei Volkov. He's a former Russian MVD; a high class hitman.
(Sloane sits at his desk)
Sydney: You just happened to have his file sitting on your desk...
Sloane: I had it ready because I was expecting you. Sydney, I know you've gone rogue and that your father is being held in solitary, and based on my experience with you, I'd say that you're trying to find a way to win his freedom. Am I right?
(Sloane stands up and closes the distance between himself and Sydney)
Sloane: Sydney, just...try and remember the bond we used to have between us, you and I. I loved you like a daughter; I loved you. And even you would admit there were times, I would see it in your eyes, you looked at me like I was your...
(Sydney grabs Sloane by the lapels of his jacket and slams his head and torso onto the table. She leans over him, holding a letter opener like a dagger at his throat.)
Sydney: Where the hell have I been the last two years!? I know it was you...what the hell did you do to me!?
Sloane: Sydney, do you believe in redemption?
Sydney: Not for you, no.
Sloane: We've helped to feed over 3 1/2 million children worldwide. We do research; our work on cancer has the potential to save millions of lives, Sydney. So much has changed since you've been gone.
(Sydney spots a magazine on Sloane's desk. It has a picture of Sloane on the cover with a headline that reads "Arvin Sloane: Rising Angel" (actually, Sloane is misspelled as Sloan, but who's counting?) She lets him up.)
Sloane: You remember the Rambaldi device? The machine designed 500 years ago by a prophet? All I did was bring all the pieces together and have it assembled. And when I turned it on, it delivered a message, as I suspected it would. I wasn't prepared for what it said. The message was just one word, one simple word: Peace. The epiphany I had at that moment, suddenly I saw all the mistakes I'd made, the pain I had inflicted on the world, the people I loved. So I chose right then and there to give information to the CIA with which they were able to dismantle at least 2 dozen t*rror1st cells.
Sydney: I don't know how you convinced the CIA that you're trustworthy.
Sloane: Why don't you check my files?
Sydney: I know you too well. I don't buy any of it.
(Sydney turns and walks out. She is at a payphone, making phone calls and speaking in different languages, obviously trying all the numbers of her old contacts. Finally, the relief on her face is apparent when she finds one still working.)
Sydney: I tried to reach over two dozen contacts; you're the only one still active.
(Cut to scene of Sydney in a black dress sitting at a restaurant table. Pan to her contact.)
Sydney: Thank you for coming.
Contact (with thick French accent): Of course. Forgive me if I look shocking to you, but I was believing that you were d*ad.
Sydney: I was. But now I'm not.
Contact: This is why I love our business.
Sydney: I need some information.
Contact: I hope I can help you.
Sydney: Gordei Volkov.
(Contact looks up from lighting his cigarette, looking surprised. Cut to the Joint Task Force Center. Pan up to Robert Lindsay walking, carrying a file folder.)
Dixon: Lindsay!
(Lindsay stops, turns around to face an approaching Dixon.)
Dixon: I just got a call from the DOJ. You had Sydney Bristow listed as an enemy of the state!?
Lindsay: Dixon, your operative ran. Sydney Bristow is a fugitive. That was...
Dixon: This is why I did not want to send her out to begin with. In her condition, we should be helping her, not...
Lindsay: I hate to pull rank, but the Department of Justice is my jurisdiction. Blindly trusting Sydney...
Dixon: I've never suggested we should blindly trust anyone, but classifying her in this way makes her a target!
Lindsay: Can you make a suggestion?
Dixon: I suggest we use our resources to locate her.
Lindsay: Oh, she'll be located.
(Lindsay turns and walks off.)
Dixon: I want her back in this office alive!
(Cut back to Sydney and the Contact.)
Contact: Volkov has a meeting scheduled tomorrow night in Prague. I have the address. He's supposed to be delivering something, what it is, I do not know. Perhaps it is your thing.
Sydney: Do you know what he drives?
Contact: A sedan...armored, of course...with a protective detail. If you want to stop that car, you will need...backup.
Sydney: No I don't.
(Cut to the Contact's surprised face.)
Sydney: But I will need clothes.
(Cut to Sydney changing her clothes. As she pulls off her black top, we see a close up of Sydney's scar. She changes into a slinky, calf-length red dress. She braids her hair, puts on makeup. Next, we see her with a chin length red wig with a flip do and reddish tinted "swank" sunglasses on. She struts outside, gets in a red Ferrari and drives off.)
(End Act Four)
(Black screen. PRAGUE, push through the U. Night scene of Prague. Reflection of Sydney strutting in large puddle on street. Pan up to Sydney. She stops in the middle of the street, just before the puddle. She's wearing the dress (no sunglasses at night), a red purse slung crosswise over her shoulder. She has this "I kick serious a$$" expression on her face. Cut to Volkov in his car, checking the time on his watch. Cut back to Sydney, determined expression on her face, waiting in the middle of the street for Volkov's car. Excellent 180 degree pan from Sydney's face to the approaching car. Sydney stares down the car. Volkov instructs the driver (in Russian) to stop the car. It stops about 30 feet from Sydney. Volkov appears to recognize Syndey and smiles at her. She gives a slight nod of her head and has a ghost of a smile on her face. Suddenly, she pulls a grenade launcher g*n from her purse. Cut to Volkov's expression. His smile vanishes. He reaches for the door handle as she fires the g*n. As Volkov jumps out, the car erupts in a fireball and flips over in midair, landing in a fiery heap. Sydney tosses the g*n away in the street and approaches Volkov's body, lying face down in the street. She starts searching his pockets, finding a small metal case holding the chip. She starts to handcuff Volkov, but he flips her. She kicks and punches, but he blocks them all, grabbing her fist and twisting her around so his arm is wrapped around her neck. He unsheaths a Kn*fe, holding it up in front of her face so she can see it. Then he nuzzles at her neck, putting the hand holding the Kn*fe at her waist. We see Sydney's face as she reacts; she's angry. She grabs the vacant handcuff, hanging from Volkov's Kn*fe hand, and connects it to his belt. Then she elbows him in the face, shoving him off, then she kicks him from behind, so that he falls into the wall of a nearby building. The hand holding the Kn*fe gets jammed and he s*ab himself when he falls into the wall. He turns around, Kn*fe still sticking out of his gut and stares at her. She stares back. He appears to be trying (unsuccessfully) to remove the Kn*fe. She stalks off as he slides down the wall. We hear her rev up the engine of her Ferrari and drive past him.
Cut to Sydney, stalking into the Joint Task Force Offices (think Sydney stalking into SD-6 with the Rambaldi device from the pilot and you've got the idea). Cut to Weiss noticing Sydney's approach. Cut back to determined striding Sydney. Cut back to Weiss as he stands, openmouthed, as she walks by (think Dixon doing this in the pilot...same thing). She shoves open the door to Dixon's office. Lindsay and Dixon are there. Dixon stands from behind his desk, Lindsay is already standing in front of it.)
Dixon: Sydney.
(Sydney holds up the chip, held in a pair of long tweezers (like a medical clamp).)
Sydney (to Lindsay): I have the plans for the drone. If you want them back, get the NSC to release my father immediately.
Lindsay: Excuse me! I won't be blackmailed by a fugitive! Did you really think you could come in here and thr*at me!?
(Sydney pulls out a pocket blowtorch and lights it.)
Sydney: Yeah.
Lindsay: What the hell are you doing?
Sydney: I want it in writing that today is the day Jack Bristow is to be released from custody.
(Dixon is standing with his arms crossed. He appears rather impressed with Sydney. He's almost smiling.)
Lindsay (still staring at Sydney): Mr. Dixon, talk to her.
Sydney: I'm addressing you, Mr. Lindsay. I want that 'get out of jail free' card for my father or these (holding up chip) are gone!
Lindsay: This is ridiculous!
Sydney: Mr. Dixon, please provide Mr. Lindsay with a pen.
Lindsay: I've got my own pen, and there's not a chance I'm using it.
(Dixon is starting to look concerned for Sydney and royally ticked off with Lindsay)
Sydney: It's your call. 5...
Lindsay: This is insane!
Sydney: 4...
Dixon: Mr. Lindsay, she will destroy those plans.
Sydney: 3...2...1...
(Sydney moves the chip toward the blowtorch. Lindsay cringes, and then...)
Lindsay: Fine!
(Lindsay gives Sydney an annoyed look. Sydney puts out the blowtorch and puts it away. Dixon, barely holding back a smirk, hands Lindsay a clipboard.)
Lindsay (to Dixon): Thank you.
(Lindsay starts writing.)
Sydney: B..R..I..S..T..O..W..
Lindsay (through clenched teeth): I know how to spell your name!
(Fade to aerial scene of LA by day. Fade to Sydney walking down a white corridor. Cut to the other end of the hallway: Vaughn and Weiss stand talking. Vaughn and Weiss notice Sydney and stop talking, looking at her. Cut to Sydney noticing them standing there. Cut back to Weiss and Vaughn. Vaughn gives Weiss one last look, then takes a few steps toward Sydney. Weiss appears to be standing just to the side of them. Vaughn sighs nervously and attempts a friendly smile.)
Vaughn: I came by to see how you were.
(Vaughn's tone and expression (and probably just his existence at this point) angers Sydney. Her face is expressionless, but her eyes have daggers in them.)
Sydney: Are you kidding me!?
(Vaughn appears to have some trouble maintaining eye contact, but then looks back up, again trying to put up a front of friendly concern.)
Vaughn: No, I...just wanted to make sure that you...
Sydney: You didn't come here to see how I am...you came here to see how you are, because you know in your heart what you did...you want to make sure you're okay.
(Vaughn pauses for a moment as if taken aback by what she's said. Then...)
Vaughn: I buried you. (pause) Consider that for what that's...
Sydney (cutting him off): Don't use rational thought as a defense with me, not after all you and I have seen. Vaughn, you and I live and breathe madness every day on the job...there is no...rational thought! I can't even pretend to have a conversation about anything else with you. What it comes down to is faith!
(Cut to Vaughn's face as she continues. His face shows no obvious emotion, yet his lips are pursed, his eyebrows are furrowed, pain, shock, and a bit of anger are reflected in his eyes.)
Sydney: What I was hoping you would say is, "Sydney I gave up; I gave up on us. I lost faith."
(Cut back to Sydney, looking more hurt, angry and upset.)
Sydney: But what you came here for...was closure...and there is not a chance you are getting that from me!
(Cut back to Vaughn's face, still strained, hurt, and tense. Cut back to Sydney. She's having a harder time keeping her emotions out of her voice now; her voice is strained, hoarse.)
Sydney: I'm not gonna (small gasp) say I understand...I'm not gonna sympathize with you and tell you how hard it must be for you... But.. You wanna know how I am!? (small gasp) I am horrible! (gasp) Vaughn, I am ripped apart! (strained whisper) And not because I lost you... but because...if it had been me... (tears cloud Sydney's eyes) I would have waited...
(Cut to Vaughn's reaction. He blinks several times, swallows painfully. Pain, regret, and loss echo in his eyes. He appears very strained, as if perhaps trying to hold back tears himself.)
Sydney(barely holding back the sobs in her voice now): I would have found the truth...I wouldn't have given up on you!
(Cut back to Sydney's face. Betrayal lights her face. She is bolstering herself with her anger. A hardness gleams in her eyes.)
Sydney (harsh whisper, punctuated by shaky breaths): And now I realize... what an absolute waste that would have been!
(Cut to Vaughn's reaction. He looks wounded by her last remark. Cut back to Sydney as she turns to go, trying to reign in her emotions, refusing to cry in front of him. Cut back to Vaughn as she leaves. An empty sadness fills his eyes as he looks down, as if remembering, brow furrowed, his lips a thin line.)
(Cut to Sydney, sitting at a desk in the JTF. Marshall is standing behind her, as if explaining something they are looking at on the computer screen before them. She gets up and turns. The camera pans 180 degrees and we see Jack Bristow, clean shaven and dressed in his ever present grey 3 piece suit, walking toward her. She rushes toward him, relief on her face. She puts her arms around him, hugging him, laying her cheek against his shoulder. Cut to Jack's reaction. He puts his arm around her, hugging back, closing his eyes for a moment, as if to savor the feeling.)
Jack (to Sydney, still hugging): Thank you.
(Sydney hugs harder, almost in tears, before finally pulling back. Jack smiles slightly and raises his right hand to touch her hair and run it down the side of her face in a loving and protective gesture.)
Jack (leaning closer, in soothing but urgent voice): There's something I need to show you... not here.
(Cut to what appears to be the warehouse where Sydney and Vaughn used to meet. The area is now void of everything except a small table and two chairs. Jack's laptop is open on the table and Jack and Sydney sit in front of it.)
Jack: Almost a year after your apparent death, I was on an operation. One of the men I was tracking was this man.
(Hands Sydney a black and white photograph. The camera pans to it.)
Jack: Andrean Lazarey, Russian diplomat.
Sydney (looking at Jack): I've never seen him before.
(Jack appears troubled. Looks down at the computer, hits a button. What appears to be the beginning of a tape appears on screen.)
Jack: This was from a hidden camera a hidden camera that I placed.
(Jack watches Sydney as Sydney begins watching the feed. We see Lazarey get up from behind his desk to greet a woman with blond hair. We can't see her face. They kiss cheeks and then Lazarey walks behind the woman, as if perhaps to close the door. The woman turns, as if surreptitiously watching him. Her face is turned toward the camera. It's Sydney. Sydney gasps. She is shocked into silence.)
Jack: This is how I knew you were alive. You...don't recall that man at all?
Sydney (shaking her head in shocked disbelief at what she's seeing, whispers): No...
(Cut back to the video. Lazarey walks past blond Sydney, we focus in on her hand... she slips a Kn*fe out of her coat sleeve while Lazarey's back is turned. Blond Sydney grabs Lazarey by the neck from behind and slashes his throat. Sydney gasps, in shock at what she's seeing.)
Sydney: No...
(Cut back to video. Lazarey has his hand at his throat, blood streams down his front as he falls to the floor. Sydney gasps. Cut to black. ALIAS)
(End Act Five) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x01 - The Two"} | foreverdreaming |
(Black screen BERLIN. Push through the R. Berlin skyline at night. A janitor in a hallway is mopping the floor. He is wearing headphones, as if listening to a Walkman. Two men walk up from behind him, speaking to each other in German. Texttype across the screen identifies the building as the LEIZIG AEROSPACE HEADQUARTERS. One of them men says "Good nacht," to the janitor as they pass him. The janitor replies, "Izt morgen," as they get into the elevator. The two men get into the elevator, still speaking to each other in German. The doors to the elevator slide closed. The janitor turns on a comm in his ear.)
Janitor (in Russian): They're in the elevator.
Head of Op (in Russian): The clamp is set. (pushes a button on a device he's sitting next to) Activating the charge.
Voice over Comm (in Russian): Acknowledged. ETA one minute.
(We see the elevator box descending through the shaft, then a view of the digital readout inside the car, clicking down 29, 28, 27. Cut to the two men, still speaking to each other in German. Cut to the device about ready to detonate. it explodes. We see the elevator begin plummeting down the shaft. Cut to reaction of the men in the car and then back to the car descending in the shaft. Cut back to the digital readout as the numbers whiz by 21, 20, 19, 18... The two men in the car are screaming. Suddenly, as the car reaches the 13th floor, it stops. we see a cable attached to one of the broken ones stretching taut. Then suddenly, the car starts rocketing upward. the younger of the two men in the car is screaming again. We see the car as it rockets up the shaft and then right out of the roof, where it is being carried, attached to a heliocopter and flying away into the night. )
(Black Screen. LOS ANGELES. Push through the G. We look through a fence in what appears to be the warehouse. Two figures sit huddled over a small table.)
Jack(voiced over the scene): Okay, Sydney, the test is over.
(cut to Sydney removing two disks that were covering her eyes)
Jack: If you were still under the influence of any valid brainwashing technique, I'd know it. As for your memory loss, some forms of t*rture, electroconvulsive shock therapy for example, can cause amnesia.
Sydney: He was unarmed. Dad, I slit that man's throat.
Jack: Your remorse is premature. Without knowing the circumstances, you can't be sure you didn't have just cause.
Sydney: I know you don't want the CIA to see this tape to protect me, but maybe they should.
Jack: Sydney, they'll detain you indefinitely. If they learn you m*rder Lazarey, you won't be able to participate in finding out what happened to you over the last two years, which, frankly, I need you for.
(Jack stands up from the table. Sydney follows suit.)
Sydney: I don't trust myself right now, Dad. Maybe the CIA shouldn't either.
Jack: Well, I trust you. I'll keep looking into Lazarey. Your mother may be helpful...assuming she's still alive. I haven't spoken to her in a year, but we established a protocol for making contact. I'll try and reach her. You deserve to get on with your life.
(Cut to an aerial sh*t of houses along a beachfront. Cut to Sydney, standing in front of a breakfast bar, wiping it down. The background is littered with moving boxes. Weiss walks in from a side door, carrying a moving box.)
Weiss: Why does moving heavy objects automatically mean, uh, that I need one of those beers? Chop, chop!
(Sydney smiles, grabs a beer bottle from a sixpack on the counter, twists off the top and turns to hand it to him.)
Sydney: Maybe because you're a sl*ve to advertising.
Weiss: Thank you.
(Sydney walks across living room to unpack a box)
Weiss: Is that a smile? It's nice to see that again.
(Sydney looks up a little surprised, gives a cute, embarrassed smile, and looks down again.)
Sydney: Yeah.
Weiss: You're sure you're okay with this? I mean, are you going to be all right? By yourself?
Sydney: I just can't wrap my head around it. I mean, Francie's been d*ad for two years, but I feel like I saw her a few days ago. And...now that Will is in witness protection, I can't even contact him. All my friends are just...gone.
Weiss: Not all your friends...
(Sydney smiles, then looks around and sits on couch.)
Sydney: This place isn't so bad...
Weiss: (laughs) Come on. Two blocks from the beach! Are you kidding me!? And you've got me as a neighbor... trust me, you're set.
Sydney (seriously): Can I ask you something?
(Weiss turns around from taking a swig of his beer.)
Weiss: Yeah.
Sydney: Vaughn's wife...What's she like?
Weiss (looks down uncomfortably, sighs, then sits down): I'm not sure if you really wanna hear this.
(Sydney looks at him expectantly.)
Weiss: When Vaughn heard that you were d*ad? He dropped off the face of the earth. I mean, literally, Syd, he..he was..he was out of the country for, like, six months. You need to know that he was not cavalier about moving on.
(Sydney nods painfully.)
Weiss: I mean, I could barely convince him to consider coming back to the Agency.
Sydney (surprised): He's thinking about coming back?
(Weiss can't seem to maintain eye contact with Sydney now. He looks everywhere but her.)
Weiss (more softly now): Well...you don't have to worry about that, 'cause it's not gonna happen.
Sydney: Because of me...because I came back, right?
(Weiss pauses to consider an answer, then his phone rings. Sydney continues to ponder what Weiss has just said...and not said.)
Weiss: Weiss. Yeah. Got it. We'll be right there.
(Sydney sighs. Cut to black.)
Voiceover of unknown man's voice: At 1300 UTC, two agents of the Central Intelligence Agency were abducted in Berlin. (Scene of the two men sitting in a dark room against a wall, bound and gagged. A door opens and a man walks in. We only see his leg and an arm as he reaches down and drags the younger of the two agents to his feet as he appears to protest from behind his gag.) We claim responsibility for this act of aggression against the world's remaining superpower. (Two men take the younger agent and forcibly throw him backward onto a metal medical table and chain his arms down.) Who we are, is unimportant. What we represent is unimportant. (Cut to a gray-haired man with a scar down the left side of his face and eye, holding a hacksaw. The man on the table is screaming in terror.) What we want it to be heard. (The scene of the "doctor" as he stands over his "patient' while two guards stand by from the doorway of the room. The door swings closed.)
(Cut to the briefing room of the JTF as Sydney, Jack, Dixon, Weiss, and Marshall listen to the audiotaped message.)
Voice: Within this audio file are coordinates leading to a designated location. Go there. Retrieve the package. Follow our demands.
Jack (as photos of the abducted men appear on screen in the middle of the room): The two agents, Klein and Rotter, were working undercover for us at Laszig Aerospace. We believe they were abducted by a group known as "The Covenant," a loose affiliation of Russian Nationalists, comprised of former Central Committee members, and retired KGB; that we know little about them. The Covenant seems to function like an organized crime family.
Marshall: Now the pickup location the Covenant specified is a theater in Munich in the...red light district, actually...it's an adult theater. Now, I checked and um, today's feature, now a rough translation...I don't actually speak German...it's "Penal Code, Part Deux" if anybody...cares...I have the times...
Dixon: I don't like the idea of sending someone in alone to pick up the package.
Jack: It's doubtful they'd betray us at this stage. Breaking their own rules before we even know their demands would result in a loss of negotiating credibliity.
Sydney: I'll go. I want to.
Dixon: Run the optech with Marshall. That's it. (People get up to leave) Syd, stay a minute. (Jack and Syd exchange a look before Jack leaves.)
Dixon: I'd rather send Weiss. You're allowed to give yourself time before you jump back in with both feet.
Sydney: The best way I can think of to start feeling normal is to start acting that way. I need this.
Dixon: I'm allowing you to go, but you should know...you're not the only CIA operative that's experienced lost time. There's a group. Their next meeting's at the end of the week.
(Off Sydney's reaction we, cut to black. MUNICH. Push through the C. Night scene of what is supposedly the red light district Marshall spoke of. A lone man in spectacles sits watching the movie. Sydney pushes the curtain aside and enters the theater.)
Sydney: I'm in the theater.
(Cut to a building schematic lit up in green on a computer screen. Weiss is leaning over it.)
Weiss: We've got you on fly-by, Mountaineer. The perimeter's clear, no suspect signals...we're on standby.
(sh*t widens. Jack and Dixon are standing behind Weiss, listening to comms. Cut back to Sydney in theater. She walks down the aisle and then stops, looking down a row of seats with a flashlight. She holds the flashlight under her arm and pulls out latex gloves, putting them on. She kneels down and pulls a box from under a seat. It's about the size of a large shoe box, maybe slightly larger. It's wrapped in brown paper.)
Sydney: It's a box; I'm sweeping it for expl*sives.
(Sydney uses a device over the box. Cut to Jack's reaction.)
Sydney (voiceover): It's clean. Going to open it up.
(Camera pans to Dixon, also looking concerned.)
Dixon: Proceed with caution, Mountaineer.
(Sydney opens the box and moves aside some bubble wrap, feeling around the edge of the box with one gloved hand. She pulls her hand out of the box; her fingertips are covered in blood.)
Sydney (to herself): Oh, God...
(We see the box as she moves aside the bubble wrap. It's the severed head of the younger agent, Klein, eyes closed, a paper sticking out of his mouth. Sydney breathes hard, reacting to the sight of the severed head. Cut to Dixon on comms.)
Dixon: What is it?
Sydney: One of the agents...Klein... (cut to reaction of Marshall, then Weiss)...it's his head. (Pan up to Jack and Dixon). There's a piece of paper wedged in his mouth. Gimme a sec. (Sydney extracts the paper and opens it). It's written in Russian. I have their list of demands.
(Cut to black. End of Act One)
~ ~ ~
(Aerial scene of LA, daytime. Cut to conference room at the JTF. Dixon is pacing while other meeting members are sitting.)
Dixon: The death of Peter Klein is a great loss to this agency, but keep in mind that his colleague is still alive, and it's our job to bring him home.
(Cut to Lindsay, then Sydney.)
Dixon: National Security Counsel Director Robert Lindsay will be coordinating with us.
(Dixon sits.)
Lindsay: As some of you already know, the Covenant has agreed to return our remaining agent in exchange for the release of Mr. Sark. (Cut to reaction of Jack.) I'm here to inform you, trading Sark for your remaining asset has been approved by the NSC.
Sydney: Wait a minute...we can't just let him go!
Lindsay: To the best of our knowledge, Sark's been bled dry of every piece of intel he knows. The burden of criminal justice not withstanding, he now has a value to us only as a commodity in trade.
Sydney: Without even knowing why these people want Sark, how can we even consider this!?
Lindsay: We think we know why they want him. They want him so they can k*ll him. Intelligence provided by Arvin Sloane (Cut to a look shared by Sydney and Dixon and then back to Lindsay) indicates that Sark may be responsible for the death of a high ranking member within the Covenant. They may want revenge.
Sydney: If your 'revenge' theory is wrong, we're setting a t*rror1st free, to say nothing of the fact that taking Arvin Sloane's intel at face value is insane.
Lindsay: While I'm fully aware of your history with Sloane, if Director Dixon can trust him, I think you can, too.
Dixon: For the record, I don't. I never will. But I can't deny that, despite my feelings for Sloane, he has provided us with accurate intelligence for over a year now. I'm authorizing the trade. You and Weiss will escort Mr. Sark to the exchange point in Mexico. You'll leave in four hours.
(Lindsay gets up from the table and starts to walk off, as he passes by Dixon's chair he speaks.)
Lindsay: I'll come back...
(Jack and Sydney both give Lindsay a dirty look as he leaves. Cut to Jack and Sydney walking in the JTF rotunda.)
Sydney: Since when did the NSC become so eager to negotiate with t*rrorists?
Jack: Bob Linsday has the White House spin machine ready to cover him when his actions prove ill advised. He's nearly untouchable.
Sydney: I'd love to prove that wrong.
Jack: You've come close enough in forcing his hand with my release. While you're in Mexico making the exchange, I'm going to Zurich to see Sloane. He'll be expecting me and we should appear predictable.
(Sydney stops walking, staring at something. Cut to a plaque on the wall with the title "Agents k*lled In Action". Cut to a closeup of Sydney's name on the plaque. )
Jack: I'll have that adjusted.
(Sydney turns to look at Jack.)
Sydney: Where was I buried?
Jack: You were...cremated. Vaughn spread your ashes at sea.
(Cut to a college campus. It does not appear to be the same one Sydney went to school at. Cut to Vaughn standing behind a desk in a classroom, speaking in French.)
Vaughn: N'oubliez pas lundi soir "les 400 coups", on le joue à la Cinémathèque. D'autre part, ce sera une version sans sous-titres. (Translation: Don't forget on Monday evening "Les 400coups" is showing at the film library. Moreover, it will be without subtitles. *Thanks to vaughn ally for the French and the translation*) So, if you guys didn't understand what I just said...good luck on the quiz...
(Students snicker, then get up to leave. Vaughn is looking through some paperwork. Sydney enters the room as the students exit. She looks nervous, anxious. Vaughn looks up, noticing someone there. He's shocked to see her there. His expression turns anxious and tense, as if steeled against another outburst. Vaughn doesn't know what to expect from Sydney. He sighs. Sydney meets his eyes.)
Sydney (softly, sort of wistfully/painfully): You're a French teacher, huh?
Vaughn (pauses, answering cautiously): Yeah.
Sydney: I know that you're thinking about coming back...to the Agency.
(Cut to Vaughn's reaction. He still has the same expression on his face. He's waiting to find out what Sydney wants, why she's there.)
Sydney: On the off chance that your hesitation is out of some courtesy to me...you can forget about it. I...I mean... I can handle you being there. Don't worry about me.
(Cut back to Vaughn's reaction. He looks off, as if in deep, troubled thought, then looks down and away. He takes a step or two closer to Sydney, while Sydney crosses her arms across herself in a self-protective gesture. Vaughn sighs again, then speaks, mildly defensive.)
Vaughn: The other day you said I gave up on us because I didn't have faith; that somehow you didn't mean enough to me.
Sydney (pained): When I said that, I was...
Vaughn (earnestly, in a pained half-whisper): No, let me finish.
(Cut to Sydney, she looks at him, sorrow and pain reflected in her eyes.)
Vaughn: After you died, I used to talk to you...like you were still around. Literally, out loud, whole conversations about...nothing (Vaughn looks lost in memory as he speaks): the weather...Should I get a new car? Should I have another drink?...
(Cut to Sydney. She's clearly hurting for Vaughn. Cut back to Vaughn as he continues to speak.)
Vaughn (meeting her eyes now): Then one day...you started answering. (shakes his head slightly...his voice turns a bit unsteady and hoarse.) I mean, I could hear you in my head...like you were right next to me, Sydney.
(Cut to Sydney. It looks like she wants to cry. Cut back to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: And although rationally I knew I was a guy who...stayed up nights drinking...talking to his d*ad girlfriend... Still, I couldn't stop.
(Cut to Sydney. Her eyes are watery. Cut back to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: So, before you tell me you can handle me coming back to the CIA, there are two things you need to know: First...is that I was so in love with you...that it nearly k*lled me.
(Cut to Sydney, eyes still watery, her face awash in pain and sorrow, and then back to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: And second...(Vaughn shakes his head)...that I don't regret moving on with my life.
(Cut to Sydney. She's devestated by what Vaughn went through. She nods.)
(Cut to scene of Zurich at night. Cut to Sloane's office. His personal assistant is in the room with him.)
Assistant: The president of the World Bank that you stop by his table. We've received word that he's...willing to make a sizable contribution to our cancer research.
(A man walks in with a file folder. Sloane opens it and signs it, still talking to his assistant.)
Sloane: His wife's a vegetarian, so make sure she's attended to. (His phone rings; he answers. He's wearing an earpiece, so we don't hear what is said to him.) Yeah. Send him in. (Sloane hands the folder back to the man and speaks to both of them.) I need you to excuse me. (They leave. He takes his earpiece out. From Sloane's point of view, we see Jack Bristow enter.)
Jack: A world relief organization...the sheer audacity of your alleged turnaround would be laughable, if you weren't so dangerous.
(Sloane smirks.)
Sloane: I was wondering when you'd come to see me, Jack.
Jack: You don't really expect me to believe that you've changed.
Sloane: I expect you to believe in the consistency of my obsessions. Jack, I pursued the Rambaldi puzzle across the world for over 30 years. It never occurred to me that when the artifacts were finally assembled, that they would produce nothing more than a message...of peace.
Jack: Personally, I would have found it anticlimactic...that after expecting to assemble a w*apon of ultimate power, you ended up with a revelation you could have acquired from a fortune cookie.
(Sloane smirks again.)
Sloane: Always the aetheist, Jack. Hmm... I've missed you.
(Jack walks forward menacingly.)
Jack: I'll come to the point. I believe you're responsible for Sydney's disappearance. Tell me why, right now, and give her the peace of mind she deserves. In exchange, I'll halt my efforts to invalidate your pardon agreement.
Sloane: Jack, don't go digging; you won't find anything. I know that you were imprisoned for making contact with your ex-wife. You went to Irina Derevko for help to find Sydney. Now I wouldn't have believed that you would ally yourself with a woman you vowed you'd never trust again. So, if you're capable of having such a change of heart, why is it so hard to believe that I am as well?
Jack: Because every morally questionable thing I have done has been to protect Sydney. You don't have the same excuse.
Sloane: Really?
(Sloane retrieves a mini disc from a davenport and returns to face Jack.)
Sloane: I investigated Sydney's death, too. This file contains all the leads I pursued...mostly d*ad ends. (He slides the disc across the desk toward Jack.) I'm hoping you'll find something in it that's useful. I trust that you will look at it...before you dismiss it outright.
(Jack picks up the disk.)
Jack: Should I take this as your official denial of any involvement in Sydney's disappearance?
(Sloane nods.)
Jack: Then, you've just made the worst mistake of your life. I'm going to bury you.
(They stare each other down, then Jack turns and starts walking away. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
~ ~ ~
(Cut to cell door sliding upward. Sydney walks through to stand before the glass of Irina's old chamber. Sark is sitting on his bunk, head against the wall, knees up, with his arms lying across his knees.)
Sydney: I wanted a word before you get traded.
(Sark looks over at Sydney, clearly shocked. He gets off his bunk and walks to the glass to face Sydney.)
Sark: Dear God, it can't possibly be you...
Sydney: Don't start this conversation by acting surprised that I'm alive.
Sark: Sydney...you know how highly I regard your abilities as an operative, but...even I didn't think you were capable of cheating death once your remains had been identified...which begs the question...if it wasn't your body they removed from the ashes...whose was it?
Sydney: I read the transcripts of your confessions...including the fact that you and a woman named Allison Doren k*lled my friend...Francie.
Sark: If you've read my transcript, you know how cooperative I've been. I'll be glad to pay you the same courtesy if you simply tell me what you're getting at.
Sydney: That expl*si*n in my apartment was a cover up...to make the CIA believe I was d*ad. What I believe is that Sloane abducted me, I think you know why...but you failed to mention that in your confession.
Sark: If I'm to understand what you're saying, you have no idea where you've been for the last two years.
(Sydney doesn't answer.)
Sark: None?
(Sydney gives Sark a dirty look. Sark lets out a short laugh.)
Sark: Unbelievable! (snickers again) I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, it's just...I'm speechless. Sydney, if Sloane had intended to abduct you, I wasn't privy to it.
Sydney: What if I said I still don't believe you?
Sark: I'd say it'd make no difference. In 24 hours I'll be free, and...you'll remain in the dark.
(Sark and Sydney stare each other down, then finally, as Sydney turns to leave...)
Sydney: See you in Mexico.
(Cut to black. MEXICO. Push through the X. A deserted desert plain, hills in the background (filmed with an amber lens...everything looks yellowish). Two vans in the distance drive toward the camera. Cut to Sydney, speaking to other team members in one of the vans.
Sydney: We've agreed to a location in the Sonora desert as the point of exchange. Each side is allowed no more than a five man cover team.
(Cut to the two vans as they stop. The team starts to disembark from one van.)
Sydney (voiceover): Once the exchange is initiated, Sark and Rotter will be released simultaneously.
(Sydney disembarks from van, walks over to the other van. Cut to Sark sitting in the van and then Sydney as she bends down next to him to remove his foot shackles. She looks up at him and they make eye contact.)
Sark: I assure you, this organization, the Covenant, is as much a mystery to me as it is to the CIA. I can't imagine why they'd want to make this trade.
Sydney: You're about to find out.
Sark: My life's in danger, isn't it?
(Sydney makes eye contact, but doesn't answer. Cut to two other vehicles as they drive toward the exchange point. Cut to Sark as he steps out of the van, followed by Sydney. Cut back to two sedans driving closer. Cut back to Sydney and Sark standing, watching their approach. Cut to wide screen view of the two vans on one side, the two sedans on the other side, with plenty of space between them. Cut to the two sedans. Three men climb out of the first sedan. One holds a flare g*n up into the air and sends a flare into the sky. Cut back to Sydney, standing next to Sark.)
Sydney: Space Ops, we've received a call signal. Should I confirm?
Dixon: You're authorized, Mountaineer.
(Sydney points her flare g*n into the air and fires. Close up on Sydney as she waits. People in the other sedan get out. Cut to a close up of Rotter. Cut back to Sydney.)
Sydney: We have a visual on Agent Rotter.
Dixon: Roger, Mountaineer. Release the prisoner.
(Cut to Rotter as he begins to walk toward the CIA side of the exchange. Cut to Sydney unlocking Sark's handcuffs. He looks toward her, clearly uncomfortable.)
Sydney: You're up.
(Cut to wide angle sh*t of Sark and Rotter as they walk toward each other. Cut to close up of Sark walking. Cut to close up of Rotter walking. Cut to Sydney and Weiss as they stand watching. Cut to Sark and Rotter approaching each other in the middle. Cut to Sydney, she's noticed something amiss. Cut to three vehicles approaching the exchange area. As Sark and Rotter meet in the middle, Sark puts up a hand to halt Rotter's progress, nodding toward the group of cars that Sydney's noticed. They both stare in that direction. Cut to the six Covenent men as they turn and look behind them. Cut to the three oncoming vehicles, then back to Sydney and Weiss.)
Sydney: Space Ops, we have incoming vehicles. We need an Iden immediately.
Dixon: They're not ours, Mountaineer. We're trying to get a visual. Stand by.
Sydney: If we don't finish this trade before those vehicles get here, the Covenant will think it's a doublecross.
(The vehicles get closer. They're police cars. Cut back to Sydney and Weiss as we hear heliocopter blades whirring. She and Weiss turn and look behind them as a heliocopter comes over the closest hill toward them.)
Sydney: There's a chopper inbound. It's one of ours!
(The heliocopter flies overhead and emits an announcement.)
Voice: CIA operatives! This is Sgt. Trask of Delta Force! Put down your w*apon! This operation has been countermanded by the National Security Council!
(The Covenant members begin f*ring at the heliocopter and jumping into their vehicles. Cut to Sydney and Weiss as they move around the side of the van.)
Weiss: Take cover!
(Cut to Sark and Rotter, who both lay down on the ground to get out of the f*re exchange. Cut to Covenant members still sh**ting at copter and getting in vehicles. A police car screeches into view. The Covenant members start sh**ting at the police car. Cut back to Sydney and co. using the vans as cover.)
Dixon: Sydney, report!
Sydney (yelling over sounds of g*n): Delta Force just showed up out of nowhere! Lindsay ambushed us! (fires her w*apon)
Dixon (to ops officer on comms at desk he's standing over): Get me Bob Lindsay! Now!
(Back to g*n. A Covenant member is sh*t. A policeman is sh*t. Members of the CIA team f*ring. Cut back to a really ticked off Dixon.)
Dixon: Don't tell me to calm down! You used my agents as bait!
Lindsay: I'm trying to reaquire your missing agent without releasing Mr. Sark. Now, I'm sorry I didn't fill you in, Director Dixon, but I don't trust the CIA to maintain operational secrecy.
Dixon: You son of a bitch!
Lindsay: Yeah...can I get back to you, Director? I'm a little busy...
(Dixon hangs up on Lindsay. Cut back to policemen in the g*n. They sh**t another Covenant operative. Cut to Delta Force members in heliocopter taking aim and f*ring. Cut to Covenant member as he takes out the oil or fuel line on the heliocopter. The heliocopter starts to lose altitiude. The head Covenant operative runs around the side of his car to drag one of his men who has been sh*t out of the way so he can get in the car. Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: Great!
(Head Covenant member drives the car forward as the other car provides his cover, sh**ting another one of the police officers. He pulls up next to Sark and Rotter, still lying on the ground and points a g*n at them.)
Covenant member: Both of you! Get in! Go!
(Both Sark and Rotter get up and scramble toward the car. Sydney sees this and starts bolting toward the car. More g*n between Covenant operatives and the police and CIA agents.)
Weiss: Psycho's getting away with both of 'em!
(Sydney runs toward the car, but they're too far ahead. She yanks off her sunglasses and holsters her g*n. She's ticked. Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
~ ~ ~
(Aerial view looking down over LA in daytime. Cut to Lindsay, standing facing a urinal. He flushes it, then partially turns. Although the screen cuts him off at the waist, it's very clear he's zipping up his zipper. He walks around the corner to the sink and leans over, turning on the water and washing his hands. The frame widens. We see a reflection of Sydney in the mirror, standing behind Lindsay in the men's room, looking very 'hell hath no fury', but controlled, ticked off. Lindsay looks up, sees Sydney's reflection and jumps, getting water all down the front of his pants.)
Lindsay: Son of a bitch!
(He shakes water off his hands and looks down at his wet front.)
Sydney: We should have gotten that last hostage back. We would have if...
Lindsay: Who the hell do you think you are!?
Sydney: I'm the person who's going to hold you accountable if they k*ll him!
Lindsay: Oh, you're going to hold me responsible!?
Sydney: Did I stutter?
Lindsay: What exactly is the purpose of this conversation? (Sydney starts talking over him here) Did you want me to apologize...say I'm never going to do it again?
Sydney: To let you know that I will take you to the mat...every time you pull something like this! I am not impressed by the fact that you play golf with the President...
(Lindsay gives Sydney a condescending smirk)
Sydney: It was moronic, and borderline criminal!
Lindsay: Did it slip your mind that I am the Director of the National Security Council!? I could pick up the phone and have you thrown in the same jail cell your father just vacated...Hell, it's still warm!
Sydney: Do it. Give me an object lesson in the abuse of power! Show me how it's done!
Lindsay: If you're finished...this is the men's room...
Sydney (snidely): Who let you in?
(Sydney turns and walks out. Lindsay mutters under his breath and starts pulling paper towels out of the holder to clean off his front.)
(Cut to black. Then we slide to the left to reveal Sark, sitting at a table under the lone light in the room, leaning both arms on the table. An empty chair sits before him. We hear a door open and Sark looks in that direction. It is the Covenant agent, carrying a wine bottle with a corkscrew sticking out of the top and two wine glasses.)
Agent: Chateau Patreuse, 1982...Your favorite, no?
(Sark looks rather surprised. The Agent sits down in the other seat before him.)
Sark: Have we met?
Agent: No...but you knew my brother. Antonin San'ko.
Sark: And I suppose this is to be my last drink.
(The Agent pulls the cork out of the wine bottle.)
San'ko: Not necessarily. (Begins to pour wine into the wine glasses.) I know the b*mb you placed in that vehicle was not meant for him. On the other hand, it does seem that you owe me... (takes a drink of the wine)
Sark: And what would that price be?
(San'ko finishes his mouthful of wine.)
San'ko: 800 million dollars.
Sark: 800 million dollars? I have nowhere near that amount in my nest egg.
San'ko (smiling): That, Mr. Sark, you do...
(San'ko slides the full wine glass over to Sark. Sark looks up at San'ko. Cut to Sydney walking into the rotunda of the JTF. She rounds a corner and stops. The camera pans 180 degrees so that we can see what she's looking at. It's Vaughn, dressed in a grey suit, talking to Dixon and shaking his hand. Close up of Sydney's reaction. There is pain in her eyes, but also a determination, as if saying 'I can do this.' Vaughn notices her standing there and stares, dropping Dixon's hand. Dixon turns, also sees Sydney, and beckons her over. She walks toward them and stops, standing next to Dixon.)
Dixon: Sydney...Vaughn's qualified for reinstatement. (Dixon's voice continues as voiceover of following scene) Until his field rating's been updated, he'll be on analysis, but he's back...effective immediately. If there are any special considerations either of you would like me to take into account, now's the time to speak up.
(Close up of Sydney's face, then Vaughn's. Vaughn is clearly worried about Sydney's reaction; there's worry etched on his face. He looks at Dixon and then finally meets Sydney's eyes as if asking her, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Cut to include all three of them in sh*t as Dixon continues talking. Vaughn stands with his hands clutched together in front of him, as if awaiting a verdict. Cut to Sydney. She looks away briefly and then back, meeting Vaughn's eyes. For a split second, we see emotion in Sydney's eyes, but then it's gone and she's all polite business.)
Sydney: Welcome back. (She nods slightly.)
Vaughn: Thanks. (He nods back. He looks over Sydney's shoulder toward the sound of footsteps. His mouth drops open slightly, we can tell he's steeling himself for something even worse than seeing Sydney... Slightly breathless, he says) Hello, Jack.
(The look Jack gives Vaughn that is cold and unfriendly. Brings to mind the looks he gave Vaughn during their first meeting at the Chinese restaurant... a "You'd better hope I don't catch you alone in some dark alley, or else I might have to k*ll you for breaking my daughter's heart" look...before completely snubbing him and speaking to Dixon as if Vaughn wasn't even there and hadn't spoken to him.
Jack (to Dixon): I just found out why the Covenant is interested in Mr. Sark.
(Cut to Vaughn's reaction to the snub. He appears as if he was expecting it, but that it still hurt more than he wants to admit. He looks down.)
Jack: At 10 o'clock this morning, Sark walked into the Thornton Bank in the Cayman Islands, accompanied by Ushek San'ko, a known operative of the Covenant.
(Cut to scene of Sark with San'ko and another guard as they enter a hallway leading to a door. Sark puts his thumb on a pad next to the door. The door reads his thumbprint and the door opens, revealing a waisthigh square stack of gold bullion bricks about 8 feet by 8 feet. Sark looks shocked and amazed.)
Sark: He was then led downstairs, where he used his thumbprint to access an executive vault. Inside the vault was a little over 800 million in gold bullion. More surprising is the fact that Sark had no idea he was entitled to that money...
(Cut back to JTF)
Dixon: Entitled?
Jack: Eight months ago, an interagency memorandum reported the m*rder of a Russian diplomat by the name of Andrian Lazarey.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction to this news. She gives a sideways glance at her father.)
Jack: His m*rder has never been found.
(Cut back to Sydney again at the bland way Jack delivers that lie. She's clearly uncomfortable, and looks down.)
Jack: However, a source of mine has provided evidence indicating he was a descendent of the Romanov royal family in Russia. The money was in his trust when he died. It went to Mr. Sark...Lazarey's son... (He looks at Sydney as he says this, she looks back, shocked. Weiss and Marshall walk up. Weiss is holding a file folder. He sees Vaughn standing there.)
Weiss: Hey! Vaughn!
(Vaughn smiles slightly, as if relieved to see a friendly face. Marshall smiles at Vaughn also.)
Weiss: We tasked a satellite to track the enemy sedan once it left the desert. They were tracked to a Frankfurt night club known for selling top of the line synthetic drugs. Analysis thinks its a front for the Covenant. (Hands Dixon the folder)
Dixon: Do we have reason to believe the last hostage is still alive?
Jack: Yes. They're aware he's the team leader and therefore has the highest security clearance. The information they could extract from him would be priceless to our enemies.
(Dixon looks at a photograph of a man inside the folder)
Weiss: His name is Otto Edel. Drug dealer; he runs the club. He'll know where our agent's being held.
Dixon (to Sydney): I want you to accompany the hostage rescue team.
Marshall: Actually, I had an idea... I think Syd should go in as a biochem major, you know, Harvard dropout, totally spoiled, maybe she got kicked out for synthesizing Exstasy in her dormroom, or crystal crank...
Dixon: Fine. Marshall, run the optech.
(Cut to Jack and Sydney outside talking.)
Jack: The CIA would have discovered Lazarey's connection to Sark on their own, so there was no added risk to you in breaking the news myself. Without that tape, the CIA can't link you to his death.
Sydney: This can't be a coincidence. I'm responsible for Lazarey's death and nine months later, the Covenant gets Sark released in exchange for his 800 million dollar inheritance!?
Jack: It's looking more likely they're responsible for your 2 year absence. Be it under duress, or by some...other unknown means, they compelled you to carry out the assassination. I've scheduled to contact your mother tonight; hopefully she'll be some help.
(Cut to Jack's sedan sitting in an underground parking lot. Closeup of computer screen as he types a message in the AudioByts chat room (in red, all caps...his handle is Mozart_182): Distinguished composer looking for music lover. He puts a comm earpiece in that's connected to some voice program in his computer. A pop up box comes up that blinks: Handel_4me wants to chat privately... We hear Jack's audio program read Irina's response when Jack opens the private window: Couldn't believe it when I saw your ad in the London Globe. Jack types back: Glad you're alive. Then he types: Our daughter is alive. Irina's text pops up: My God. How is she? He types: Recovering, though she doesn't remember the last two years. Then he types: I need your help getting background on a man named Andrian Lazarey. Irina's response: Will upload all intel to our FTP dropsite. Then: Miss you. Jack pauses, then types: Miss you, too.)
(Cut to black. FRANKFURT. Push through the U. A waitress with a short spiky blond hairdo dressed in a black top and short skirt walks by with two martini glasses on her tray. The bar is smoky. Some people dance, some are obviously under the influence of the drugs they sell there. In walks Sydney. She has a short black bob hairdo, small black framed glasses. A long black blazer is buttoned and she has a tie knotted around her neck and a long black skirt. She walks through the bar, reaching the entrance to the room where we see Edel on a couch with some young blonde babe. Sydney is stopped by one of the guards, who pats her down. He points to her pocket. She pulls out a Palm Pilot.)
Sydney (pointing at Edel): It's for him.
(Security guard shows the Palm Pilot to Edel. He nods and waves Sydney inside. She approaches Edel.)
Edel: You're very attractive...for a chemist.
(Sydney pretends to be flattered, smiling and looking down.)
Sydney: Thank you for meeting with me.
Edel: I like to keep my options open, although I doubt you can improve on my little...cocktail.
Sydney: I can triple your sales.
Edel: Really? How?
Sydney: By making your drug more addictive.
(She turns on the Palm Pilot. There is a rotating schematic of a chemical compound on it. She hands it to Edel. While he's looking at the schematic, Sydney starts unbuttoning her blazer, revealing a black corset top.)
Sydney: Take a look.
(Edel does look...at her. Sydney smiles. Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
~ ~ ~
(Camera pans from feet of dancing clientele in bar up to Sydney dancing with Edel.)
Edel: Very impressive. Where did you learn your trade?
Sydney: I was a biochem major at Harvard, not that I think they'll be asking me to make any commencement speeches in the near future. (she smiles up at Edel)
Edel: Their loss...my gain.
Sydney: I need one liter of your product.
Edel: Oh! Just like that, hmmm? (playfully, he sounds amused by her)
Sydney: I'll chemically alter it according to the spec you saw and have it back to you within the week. If you don't see demand go up, you owe me nothing.
Edel: Somehow I would not mind being indebted to you.
(Sydney laughs and touches her lips playfully with a finger. Cut to Edel's office as Edel closes the door behind himself. Sydney is already in the room. She slides her fingers sensually along the desktop as she walks around it.)
Edel: Make yourself comfortable. I will only be a moment.
(Edel heads for his wall safe. She checks Edel when he's not looking and playfully fluffs her hair when he is. Edel turns to her and holds up a small vial.)
Edel: This has a street value of 50,000 dollars.
Sydney: Mind if I try it?
Edel: Be my guest.
(Sydney takes the bottle and grabs a syringe from the table, starting to load the drug into the needle.)
Edel: Of course, if I'm going to let you walk out of here with that, I'll need some sort of...collateral. You understand.
Sydney (innocently): I didn't bring any money.
(Edel walks closer to her; stands right behind her)
Edel: I do accept...other forms of payment...
(Sydney holds up the syringe, as if ready to inject it)
Edel: There's an air bubble in there...
(Edel moves as if to help Sydney fix it. Sydney grabs his arm and twists it behind him. Cut to a view of Marshall sitting at a computer, Dixon standing over him. They are listening to the feed from Sydney. Both are wearing comms earpieces. Cut to Vaughn, standing over Marshall's other shoulder, also listening to the feed. The look on his face is hard to describe, almost as if he's worried, but doesn't want to show he is. His mouth drops open slightly as he listens to Sydney with Edel. He doesn't have a comms earpiece. They hear Edel's groans as Sydney twists his arm.)
Sydney (voiceover): Do exactly as I say or I push the plunger.
(Cut back to Sydney. She has forced Edel down into a chair. The syringe has been stuck into his neck.)
Sydney: Where is the alarm terminal that protects the sub-basement?
Edel (spits out): Bitch!
(Cut to Marshall's shocked expression. He looks over his shoulder directly at Vaughn.)
Sydney (voiceover): Tell me where it is or you get an aneurysm!
(Cut to Vaughn. He doesn't notice Marshall's glance. He leans in closer, concern more plainly etched on his face. Cut back to Sydney and Edel.)
Edel: Okay...down the hall, first door. But I only manage the facility, I do not know the codes, I swear!
(Sydney elbows Edel in the side of the head, knocking him out. Slide cut to Sydney in the hallway, rounding a corner. She finds the alarm terminal.)
Sydney: Mountaineer to Space Ops. I've found the alarm terminal.
(Cut to JTF. Sliding pan of Dixon on comms and Vaughn standing beside him, both hands on his hips, listening to Sydney's transmission.)
Sydney (voiceover): I'll need a minute to hack.
Dixon: Copy that, Mountaineer. Blue team, do not breach until advised. Alarm is active.
(Cut to chain link fence. Focus in on Weiss and a small team.)
Weiss: Copy that, Space Ops. We're holding outside rear entrance.
(Cut to closeup of Sydney's hands. She's holding one of her high heeled shoes. She slides the base off, revealing a small electronic device. She removes it and plugs it into a phone jack located on the alarm panel.)
Weiss (voiceover): Once Mountaineer disables the alarm, we'll proceed inside.
Dixon (voiceover): Copy that. Mountaineer, your entrance to the sublevel will be through the last door down on the north hallway.
(Cut to Marshall's computer screen as it displays in green the 3D layout of the building. Vaughn leans closer, looking at the schematic over Marshall's shoulder.)
Vaughn: Marshall, why does all this cabling run to the control room?
Marshall: Looks like...some sort of filtration system...
(Cut to Vaughn, studying the scematics closer, worried. Cut to closeup of the code hacker. The code is beginning to appear on the screen.)
Sydney: I've got the code; I'm entering it now.
(Cut to Vaughn, still studying the layout over Marshall's shoulder.)
Vaughn: What could it be used for?
(Cut to Marshall)
Marshall: It could be a halon based f*re supression system, some alarms...
(Vaughn suddenly picks up a spare comms earpiece from the desk and sticks it in his ear.)
Vaughn: Sydney, stop! You've got the wrong code! The alarm will be triggered by that sequence!
(Cut to Sydney as she was about to type in the code. She stops immediately and pulls her hand away. She listens on her comms to what Vaughn is saying. Cut back and forth between her and Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Remember the security system in Nepal? It's the same system! Those numbers can be converted into a password; that is the real code! Read me the sequence!
(Cut to Vaughn)
Vaughn (aside to Marshall): Give me a pen.
(Marshall swiftly complies while Sydney reads off the code to Vaughn. Dixon watches with concern.)
Sydney (voiceover): 746F70686174.
(Closeup of Vaughn as he studies the number he copied down and translates it into a code. Cut to Weiss' team outside the club.)
Dixon (voiceover): Blue team, stand by.
Weiss: Copy that.
(Cut back to Marshall and Dixon watching Vaughn nervously as he decyphers the code. Vaughn puts down the pen.)
Vaughn: Okay. Tophat...try Tophat!
(Cut to Sydney typing in code. Cut to Marshall's concerned face. Cut to Vaughn's wide eyed concerned face, leaning over the desk, watching the computer screen. The red lights go off. The screen is all green again.)
Marshall: Okay, it worked; the alarm's deactivated.
(Cut to Vaughn, panting a nervous sigh of relief. He stands up, rubbing his forehead. Cut to Dixon, also tense but relieved.)
Dixon: Blue team, the system is disarmed. Move in.
Weiss (voiceover): Copy that.
(Cut to back door of club. One of Weiss' team sets an expl*sive on the door, they step back, it goes off. The team pulls out their p*stol and pull open the back door to go inside. Cut to Sydney hurrying down the hallway. Cut to Weiss' team inside lower basement, g*n drawn.)
Vaughn (voiceover): Blue team, I read two guards at your 3 o'clock.
(Weiss and team head in that direction. Cut to two guards heading toward them. They start f*ring. Weiss' team fires back, sh**ting both guards. Weiss and team move toward the downed guards.)
Weiss: Space Ops...Guards down.
(Sydney comes running from another corridor. She grabs an entry card and a p*stol from one of the guards. Cut to a metal door with a swipe card entry. Sydney swipes the card. The light turns green. She pushes the door open. A man lies on a metal table. A gray haired and bearded man leans over him. As Sydney speaks, the gray haired man starts to reach for a g*n.)
Sydney: CIA, freeze!
(The man is ready to f*re, so Sydney sh**t him. The man falls over backward into a metal storage container. Sydney hurries forward to the man on the table.)
Sydney (In German): I'm CIA. You're going to be okay, Agent Rotter.
(She removes Rotter's gag.)
Rotter: Oh, thank God! Thank God!
(Cut to a very nervous Marshall. Cut to Dixon, who nods to (cut) a very nervous but relieved Vaughn.)
Sydney (voiceover): Space Ops, I have the prisoner. He's okay.
(Cut to Sydney, starting to release Rotter's hands from the table. The evil doctor starts to speak. Sydney picks up her g*n again and aims it at him.)
Doctor: You kept your promise. You said you would k*ll me.
(Cut to Sydney. She's shocked. Cut back to doctor.)
Doctor: You were my favorite...
(Cut back to Sydney. Her mouth drops open. Cut back to doctor.)
Doctor: ...you never broke.
(Sydney suddenly realizes this doctor knows her, has something to do with her lost time. She lowers her g*n and rushes over to him. She grabs him by the lapels, shaking him.)
Sydney: Who the hell are you!? What are you talking about!? Wh...why...why did the Covenant take two years of my life!?
(The doctor makes eye contact with her for a moment before closing his eyes and drooping. We see a b*llet wound in his chest. Sydney puts her hand over her mouth, gasping and sobbing.)
(Cut to black. LOS ANGELES. Push through the O. LA skyline, daytime. Cut and pan to a man's face as he's talking.)
Man#1: The last thing I remember seeing was the m*ssile thr*at warning on my cockpit display. The next thing I know, I'm being lifted by a special forces team out of an Iraqi hospital. I still don't know what happened in those 18 months in between.
Woman#1: The hardest thing is...what I do remember: my life before. I can't seem to let go of it.
Man#2: Even worse than not remembering...are the dreams. And I can't tell if they're part of something that really happened to me, or my mind trying to fill in the blanks so I finally can get some answers.
(Cut to reveal a circle of about 10 or 11 people. Sydney is one of them.)
Group Moderator: Thank you, Tom. Well, we have a new member today. Sydney, welcome. If you have anything to say, we'd be happy to hear it.
Sydney: Right now, it just helps to listen, thanks.
Man#2 (Tom): How long you been back?
Sydney: A little over a week.
Tom: The dreams start yet? Nightmares?
Sydney: Nope.
Tom (resignedly): They will.
(Close up of Sydney's face as she feels distinctly unnerved. Cut to Sydney walking down the hallway to Dixon's office, pushing open the door. Dixon is sitting on the edge of his desk. Dixon looks up and starts to stand when he sees her.)
Dixon: Sydney...
Sydney (cuts him off): I appreciate that you think it's good for me to know that there are other people out there who've experienced what I have, but you cannot put me into that group!
Dixon: Sydney...
Sydney (continues, cutting Dixon off again. Her emotions are leaking out: pain, sorrow): Look, I'm not even gonna pretend that it isn't hard to see Vaughn... Do I still have feelings for him? Of course I do. Finding out that...
Dixon (more firmly this time): Sydney. This is Lauren Reed.
(Cut to Lauren, sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.)
Dixon: She's going to be our new liaison to the National Security Council.
(Cut to Sydney. She glances in Lauren's direction, then closes her eyes and smiles, embarrassed that she had her outburst in front of someone else. She tries to compose herself.)
Sydney (to Dixon): I...I didn't mean to interrupt. (to Lauren) I..I didn't know you were here...I..I..I'm sorry.
(Lauren gets up and walks over to Sydney. Lauren appears moved, respectful. She puts out her hand and shakes Sydney's.)
Lauren: It's okay, really.
(Sydney smiles, embarrassed, and turns to leave, but Dixon starts talking to her and she stops.)
Dixon: Apparently, you had a coversation with Bob Lindsay in the men's room of the federal building in which you made your distaste for him abundantly clear.
(Cut to Lauren. She appears a bit disturbed by Sydney's confrontation with Lindsay and appears to want to hear Sydney's answer. Sydney turns around, gives a sideways glance at Lauren as if she wished she didn't have to discuss it in front of this person from the NSC.)
Sydney: I...guess I did.
Dixon: Well...he got the message, because he decided to return to Washington. He's assigned Agent Reed here in his place (Cut to Lauren again. She seems to be assessing Sydney's character. There appears to be a bit of sorrow in her eyes as well, almost as if she might want to cry. Cut back to Dixon.) to assist our efforts against the Covenant. She'll also be looking into the m*rder of Andrian Lazarey as part of a joint investigation with the Kremlin.
(This makes Sydney nervous. She looks a bit fearfully at Lauren for a split second before saying.)
Sydney: If there's anything I can do to help...
Lauren (in a respectful, almost apologetic tone): You should know, in addition to being the new NSC liaison, I'm also Michael Vaughn's wife.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction. She's stunned. Her eyes widen.)
Sydney (softly, almost a whisper): Hi... | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x02 - Succession"} | foreverdreaming |
(Cut to Black. MOSCOW. Push through the M. A sunny day. Russian sounding piano plays over the sound in the scenes. People are playing dominoes. Cut to a wide angle sh*t of a park with a lake (supposedly Gorky Park). The spires of Red Square is in the near distance. A man and a woman sit on a blanket on the grass. People playing chess. Another man and woman are laughing and talking. Then suddenly, we hear a whooshing sound over take the piano. The man looks over his shoulder toward the sound. Other people turn and look up also. Cut to aerial view of the park as something that looks like a meteor sh**t toward the ground. The man that was playing chess looks up. We see the fireball sh**ting downward reflected in his sunglasses. People get up and start fleeing. The "meteor" lands, a fireball erupts. Screen whites out from the brightness of the flames to: Black screen. LOS ANGELES. Push through the 1st E. Night skyline of LA at a short distance from the air. A Patsy Cline song (She's Got You) starts playing and continues in the background of the next two scenes. Cut to a hand pouring tequila in a sh*t glass. Cut to Weiss, drinking down a sh*t. Sydney giggles.)
Weiss: That's good! (muffled)
(Cut back to Sydney, drinking the sh*t she just poured.)
Sydney: But the truth is...
(Cut to Weiss, sucking on a lime)
Weiss: You are insane!
(Sydney giggles again. It appears that both she and Weiss are partially or completely drunk. They've had many sh*ts, as evidenced by the ten or twelve used lime quarters on the glass coffee table.)
Sydney (still giggling): Wait a minute...the truth is...
Weiss: Oh, the truth is... (Weiss downs another sh*t)
Sydney: The ever evasive truth...
(Cut to a wider angle sh*t. Syd and Weiss are in her new living room, sitting on the floor in front of her coffee table, leaning up against her L shaped sofa. A mostly-empty large bottle of tequila is prominently displayed on the table.)
Sydney: ...is that there are advantages to losing all your stuff in a f*re.
Weiss (sucking on a lime): How's that?
(Sydney pours another drink.)
Sydney: To dying and coming back to life...
(Sydney starts to pour more tequila in Weiss's sh*t. He starts to protest.)
Weiss: No, no, no...I'm good, I'm good...
(Sydney keeps pouring.)
Weiss: Okay, all right... a little one...just a...
Sydney: Think about it... all the paper...
(Cut to Weiss as she continues...then back to Sydney.)
Sydney: Newspaper clippings from high school, yearbooks, and sweaters I was never gonna wear again, ever, and...pictures, and...(there is a definite change of tone when she says this, as if she's just realized...) picture frames...
Weiss (not noticing Sydney's face as he says this): Yeah, but there's gotta be something that you had that...that it just kills you that you don't have anymore...
(Sydney reacts. It's obvious what or, more correctly, who she's thinking about here. Weiss glances at her, realizing belatedly what she must be thinking about.)
Weiss: I mean like a thing...like a thing, like...
Sydney: I know what you mean... (sadly, then, she looks up and replies) I used to have a first edition Alice in Wonderland...my mother gave it to me for my 5th birthday...
(Cut to and from Weiss as he listens.)
Sydney: Despite my roller coaster relationship with her...wherever she is...that was one of the things I sort of loved...
(Weiss sits for a moment, thinking about that, then grabs the tequila bottle, pouring another drink.)
Weiss: Okay, this is it. The bar is closing...(he pours the rest of the bottle into his and Sydney's glass)...last drink. The...elephant in the room...
Sydney (snickering): Which one?
Weiss: Aw, come on...tomorrow...you and Vaughn...working together...
Sydney: With Lauren...
Weiss: With Vaughn's wife, yes. And, let me just...say for the record that I'm gonna be your friend in there, and if you need someone to talk to, or if you need someone, like, a shoulder to cry on...I just want to be there for you.
(Sydney smiles, truly happy and touched.)
Sydney: Oh, tomorrow's going to be fine.
(They clink glasses. Weiss downs his. Sydney waits a b*at, then" src="http://foreverdreaming.org/images/smilies/flash.gif">
Sydney: Hmmm... (under her breath) Damn it... (drinks her drink)
(Weiss gets up, putting his hand on the top of Sydney's head as he climbs over her. It's obvious Sydney is now sad and thinking...)
(Cut to a blurry hallway in the JTF. The screen focuses as it pans to show us Sydney, walking through the office. She's obviously looking around for Vaughn and Lauren. The camera watches a blond woman walking with a man from the back, but it's obvious to us it's not Vaughn, so we cut back to Sydney as she heads toward the briefing room. She rounds the corner... and there are Vaughn and Lauren. They notice her; she puts on a brave face and smiles back. (Song ends here) )
Vaughn: Hi.
Sydney: Hi.
Vaughn (he's tense...everyone is): You've met Lauren?
Sydney: Yes.
Lauren: Hi.
Sydney: Hello, again.
Lauren: Sorry again about yesterday. I should have said something...
Sydney: No, it was my fault. You had no idea; I was the one that stormed in
Lauren: Anyway
Sydney: Sorry.
(There is an uncomfortable silence growing between them. From behind Sydney we hear approaching footsteps. Sydney turns and it's Marshall.)
Marshall: Syd.
Sydney: Marshall
Marshall: Uh, listen, I made you a, um, mixed CD of all of the most popular songs over the past few years. (Sydney looks over at Lauren with an embarrassed smile. We can see that the look on her face when she turns back to Marshall says she so wishes that Marshall wasn't doing this here in front of Lauren and Vaughn.)Not so you can listen to all the impossible boy bands they keeps churning out with
except for J.T..Timberlake
that guy can move
(cut to Vaughn. He doesn't look amused) whatever
But more importantly, because it's scientifically proven that sounds trigger the CA3 region of the Hippocampus in the, you know
long-term memory.
Sydney: Thank you.
(Sydney uncomfortably fingers the CD case while Lauren and Vaughn also look tensely at Marshall. Marshall leans in toward them as if he's telling a secret and says with a singsong voice)
Marshall: Awkward!
Sydney: Marshall
(shakes her head slightly, as if to say "Now is not a good time...")
(Dixon and Weiss enter the conference room. Dixon's talking, signaling the start of the meeting.)
Dixon: Earlier today, 4:47pm Moscow time, Russia's early warning system was activated.
(Dixon crosses to his chair at the conference table and sits. Everyone else moves to sit also. Vaughn sits next to Lauren who sits next to Marshall on one side of the table; Sydney sits between Dixon and Weiss on the other.)
Dixon: They assumed it was an incoming m*ssile att*ck. It wasn't a m*ssile. It was a satellite that had fallen from orbit. As a result of the perceived att*ck, the Russian president activated his nuclear briefcase, initiating a countdown to a prelaunch sequence. With two minutes to spare, they attained visual ID, and scrubbed the launch. Ten minutes later, Echelon picked up a call from a secure line between Sark and this man (cut to photo of a man in a military uniform that was appearing on their computer screens) Colonel Boris Oransky; dishonorably discharged in '96 from Russia's military space command. Since then, he's worked for a privately held French contractor. It was their satellite.
Vaughn: Oransky brought down his own satellite? Do we have any idea why?
Dixon: Not yet
but on the phone call, he and Sark discussed meeting to move on to Phase Two'. We've tracked Sark to Mexico City. We've ordered a team of local agents to surveille him.
Sydney: If we're gonna grab Sark, I'd like to be on that team.
Dixon: It isn't our intention to grab Sark.
(Sydney's eyes widen at this news. She can't believe it.)
Lauren: The NSC believes we may learn more about the Covenant by tracking Sark's movement in the hope he'll lead us to the Covenant's key players.
(Sydney is not thrilled with this plan and it shows on her face.)
Sydney: That's
fine in theory, except that I guarantee that within five minutes of that meeting, we will have lost Sark. It's happened before.
Lauren: You know, within that last two years, our surveillance capabilities have become far more sophisticated.
Sydney: I may have missed a lot in the last two years
I mean, quite a bit
but the fact that Sark is already aligned with an organization outwardly hostile to the United States, and apparently Russia
Lauren (starts to speak over Sydney): As I was going to explain to you, (Cut to Weiss, starting to look uncomfortable with the developments between Sydney and Lauren) our optical satellite resolution has increased dramatically. We have real-time face recognition
Sydney (cutting Lauren off, starting to get angry.): All the technology in the world can't and won't fix our problem. It's the people we need to stop!
(Cut to Vaughn, who looks really uncomfortable now) Sark, for example Now, I'm familiar with the strategy you're suggesting
the CIA employed it against SD-6, and I saw that
(Even Dixon is now looking uncomfortably between the two women.)
Lauren (Cutting Sydney off, she's pretty heated now): The risks you are describing have already been factored into our analysis. And as for SD-6
the Alliance doesn't exist anymore
Sydney (with an okay, that's it!' attitude): Well, the only reason that SD-6 and the Alliance broke down is because Arvin Sloane, a man the White House pardoned by the way, wanted them to! So, do me a favor, and don't revise history that I lived through!
Vaughn: All right, enough! Sark was an inch away from initiating a nuclear exchange
and that was only Phase One. Capturing Sark, while it might put a smile on my face, will do nothing to shut down the Covenant.
(Sydney looks down, not happy, but quiet for the moment. Lauren also is quiet, assessing Sydney unhappily from across the table.)
Dixon: For the moment, Sark remains free. Sydney, Weiss
I want you to track Sark to that meeting with Oransky. (Vaughn and Lauren exchange a look) Standard surveillance operation
let's see if we can get some info on their Phase Two. You leave in an hour.
(Cut to Lauren stalking out of the conference room and around the corner into a hallway, Vaughn following close behind. It's obvious from the look on her face that Lauren is really riled up from her confrontation with Sydney.)
Lauren: I hate her!
Vaughn: Just remember, she's been through a lot.
(Lauren turns and stops. Vaughn stops, facing her. Vaughn's defense of Sydney doesn't make Lauren any happier.)
Lauren: I've been on eggshells for two weeks since Sydney came back: trying not to say the wrong thing, trying to imagine what it's like for her
I am done!
Vaughn: Lauren
Lauren: Sydney Bristow is self-righteous and arrogant!
Vaughn: She just lost two years of her life.
Lauren: Was she any nicer two years ago!? Because she's the most condescending person I have ever met!
Vaughn: I understand why you have a problem with her.
Lauren: No
she's the one with the problem! I'm not going to apologize because I remember the last 24 months, or because I'm married to the man that I love!
Vaughn: You're reacting emotionally.
Lauren: No, I'm reacting intelligently, as I expected Sydney to. She's been gone two years, you'd think she'd listen to someone instead of talking all over them! She's horrible!
Vaughn (moving closer, taking hold of Lauren gently by both forearms): Okay, stop. (letting go) This was Sydney's first briefing. Give her a minute! I mean, the way things are, no one would blame you if the two of you hated each other
But I actually believe that you'll end up respecting her
you might even like her.
(Lauren appears to be considering what Vaughn has said. Her anger has been diffused. Vaughn leans in and kisses her lightly on the mouth.)
Vaughn: Just remember that I love you.
(Lauren smiles.)
(Cut to Sydney leaving the conference room down a different hallway. She's approached by Jack, who falls into step with her.)
Jack: How was the first briefing with Lauren?
Sydney (sarcastically): Wonderful.
Jack: I'm not asking because I'm a fan of interoffice gossip; tell me how it went.
(Sydney looks at Jack, worried, wondering where he's going with this.)
Sydney: Why?
Jack: Did she seem aggressive toward you?
Sydney: Yes
as I'm sure I did to her. What is this about?
Jack: In here
(bringing her into the flirting corner) Now that Lazarey's m*rder has been linked to the Covenant, the NSC has convened their own investigation into his death.
Sydney: You don't think they know?
That you're the m*rder? Not yet. But they've just received some footage, apparently of the crime.
Sydney: How?
Jack: Another camera
security, from across the street. And as our current bad luck would have it, the NSC's assigned this investigation to Vaughn's wife.
Sydney: I know what you're thinking, but the longer we withhold this information from them, the more guilty I seem
The NSC and the CIA are going to learn that I k*lled Lazarey
And when they do, the NSC will not hesitate to subject you to every available procedure in order to capture your memory
Sydney: So let them. Dad, I am losing my mind not knowing what happened to me, and if someone out there, someone has the answer
Jack: The techniques that would be employed to stimulate your memory are invasive surgical, dangerous procedures that could leave you with permanent brain damage. That is not happening to you; not as long as I'm alive. Sydney, we've discussed this. You need to stay focused; you have to do your job. Reintegrating into the CIA is the only way you're going to get the answers you're looking for. I've already talked with Lauren; I told her I might be able to help the investigation. She's agreed to let me see the footage. You'll go to Mexico City; I'll do what I can to ensure this remains our secret.
(Jack turns and walks off. Cut to black. Cut to credits. End of Act One.)
(Flyover of LA by day. Cut to Marshall's gadget room. He's sitting in front of his workbench. He's just reached over and grabbed a coffee cup and drinks from it. Behind him, the door swishes open. The camera pans to it. It's Jack and Lauren.)
Jack: Marshall
any luck?
Marshall: Uh, yeah, actually
(he slides his rolling chair over to a computer terminal) And considering it's from a Russian security camera, you know I was expecting static, instead
it's pretty good.
(Cut to Lauren and then to the monitor. There is a view from the outside of the building into Lazarey's office. The video sharpness is grainy and poor. Blond Sydney has her back to the camera. They watch as Sydney att*cks Lazarey from behind. Then, for a split second, Sydney's face is visible to the camera.)
Lauren: Can you loop that?
Marshall: Yeah.
(He hits a key on the keyboard and the video replays. It gets to a certain point and then
Lauren: Freeze there.
(Marshall freezes the feed at the moment that Sydney's face is visible to the camera.)
Lauren: Blow up that frame, please.
(Marshall hones in on Sydney's face and enlarges it. Her face is just a large mass of enlarged pixels. She is not recognizable.)
Lauren: Not enough to make a positive ID, is it?
(Jack looks apprehensively at Lauren.)
Marshall: Well, not like this. I'm not surprised that the Russians haven't made a match. Their imaging programs generate pixel interpretation using Bayesian analysis.
(Jack gives a worried sideways glance at Marshall. Lauren smiles at what Marshall says and then looks back at Jack.)
Lauren: Really
Marshall (shaking head): Russians
Jack: You can do better? (Jack delivers this as if it's a statement instead of a question.)
Marshall: Me? Please
I, uh, there's a lot of things I can't/I] do in life, you know, um
smoking a cigarette, uh, playing basketball, I never
oh, chin ups
I could never, uh, you know
there were always
kids laughing at me
but this? I was born for this.
Lauren: How long will it take you?
Marshall: These Eigin values are a mess
Give me 72 hours; I think I can ID this woman.
(Close in on Jack. He looks very worried (for Jack).)
Lauren: Good. Thank you.
(Jack and Lauren walk away, leaving a pleased Marshall at his desk. Jack opens the door for Lauren, she walks through. He lets the door close behind him, and then looks back for a long moment, worried.)
(Cut to black. MEXICO CITY. Push through the I in Mexico. A city street with a tan Econoline van. (They are using the same sort of yellow filtering technique on the camera as last week, but this has more orange tint in it.) Cut to the inside of the van. Weiss is sitting in front of the comms, typing on a computer. Sydney is sitting behind him, dressing in her costume: Pigtail braids on either side of her face, a colorful poncho and a cowboy hat
like a female gaucho.)
Sydney: I'm gonna k*ll Marshall. This is the worst disguise yet!
(Weiss turns around to look at her.)
Weiss: Oh! Viva la revolution! I'm serious
look at that! (makes a face)
(Sydney finishes her disguise by putting on the hat and adjusting the chin strap.)
Weiss: Okay, uh
(holding up the arm of a pair of sunglasses) This chip has a gig of memory in it, or as they say here, la memoria. That's enough memory to transmit full resolution photos. (He puts the arm of the sunglasses back together and hands them to Sydney to wear.)
Sydney: What's this?
Weiss: What?
(Weiss turns toward Sydney and she takes his picture with the sunglasses.)
Weiss: Oh, okay, that's bad
that's double chin angle for me
(gesturing with his fingers at his chin) Not good
(Sydney blows on the glasses as if to clean the lenses.)
Weiss: Audio's workin'. Syd, we're here for surveillance only
nothing tricky.
Sydney (sliding open van door): Here we go.
(Sydney climbs out into the street and enters a marketplace. As she's walking by a set of tables, we see Sark, sitting at a table in a small restaurant in the market, in a grey button down dress shirt and sunglasses.
Sydney: Sark's here.
(Sark idly looks Sydney's way and she turns to keep her face out of sight. She looks over again. Sark is shaking the hand of a bald man. It's Oransky.)
Sydney: Oransky just got here.
(She walks, taking pictures as she goes. Cut to Weiss receiving photos.)
Weiss: Retriever to base, I am uploading the photos
(The photos appear on Marshall's computer. Dixon, Lauren, and Vaughn stand over him, looking. Cut back to the market. Our view changes as Sydney continues to circle Sark and Oransky. Oransky opens a briefcase and takes out some photographs and hands them to Sark.)
Sydney: I need to move closer to get a look at those pictures.
Weiss: Don't get too close.
(Sydney continues to walk closer, snapping pictures as she goes. Cut back to JTF. Vaughn is staring at the screen. Lauren looks at him. Cut to Dixon.)
Dixon: Be careful, Mountaineer. They most likely have backup.
(A man with a scar down the side of his face stands at a counter near her smoking a cigarette and reading the newspaper. He pans to our right as Sydney walks past him to a revolving stand of sunglasses behind him. It's quite close to where Sark and Oransky are. She takes more pictures. She walks around to the front of the sunglasses display, idly turning to display, pretending to look at glasses.)
Sark: Well, it appears they've revealed themselves.
Oransky: As I told you they would. Codes are changed twice a week (he hands Sark a piece of paper. Sydney watches them from a mirror mounted on the sunglasses stand.)
These go into effect the day after tomorrow.
(Sark picks up two black and white aerial photographs.)
Sark: This is our target, correct?
Oransky: Correct.
(Sydney snaps pictures of the photographs reflected in the mirror.)
Sark: By the way, I like the name
Medusa. It's clever.
(Cut to Marshall, looking at the images Sydney just sent.)
Marshall: The images are good, sir.
Dixon: Okay, we've got it, Mountaineer. Now, get out of there!
(Oransky removes his glasses, looking at Sydney.)
Oransky: That woman was watching us
(Oransky gestures toward the eyeglass stand, but she's no longer there. Cut to Sydney quickly sneaking off. She hides behind a counter and removes her hat.)
Sydney: Retriever, I think I've been made.
Weiss: Mountaineer, stay put. I'm comin' in.
Dixon: Negative, Retriever. They've got your exits blocked; they'll see you on the way in.
(Cut back to Dixon, Lauren and Vaughn. Vaughn's biting his thumb worriedly.)
Sark: If she's CIA, we should be going.
(Oransky puts an earpiece back in.)
Oransky: She might have seen the photos.
Sark (walking away with the briefcase): Then I suggest you make sure she didn't.
(Cut to JTF. Vaughn picks up a spare headset from the counter and puts them on.)
Vaughn: Mountaineer, there's a freight entrance at the back of the market, northeast corner. You should have a straight sh*t out.
(Lauren watches Vaughn closely. Cut to Sydney, her g*n drawn now, as she makes her way to the back of the market. Cut to Oransky. He grabs a young girl from her mother and wraps his arm around her neck. He waves off the girl's mother.)
Oransky: Get away! Get away! Hey! Gringo in the poncho! Senorita in the poncho! You know who you are! Reveal yourself or the girl dies!
(Mother and daughter are screaming. Sydney runs closer, hiding behind a display, trying to get a look at Oransky and his hostage.)
Oransky: You've got five seconds! Four!
(Cut to Sydney hiding and then to Weiss, listening on comms.)
Oransky: Three! Two!
(Sydney comes out, g*n raised and pointed at Oransky.)
Sydney: Let her go
I'll let you walk out of here.
(Two guards come up behind Sydney, g*n trained on her.)
Oransky: I'll be giving the orders, thank you very much. Drop the g*n. (Oransky tilts the girl's head to the side, aiming the g*n at her temple.) I said, drop it.
(Cut to Lauren, her hands cupped to her face. She's clearly worried about the outcome of this situation. Vaughn breaks into action.)
Vaughn: Marshall, pull up her photos.
(Cut back to the marketplace scene. The mother and daughter are still both crying.)
Oransky: Shut up!
Sydney: Don't hurt her!
Girl's mother (pleading to Sydney): Senora! Senora, por favor!
(Sydney slowly lowers to one knee, placing her g*n on the ground.Cut to Weiss in the van. Cut to Marshall's screen. A picture of Oransky taken moments before is there.)
Vaughn: His earpiece is different that ours. Marshall, we need his RF signal now!
(Marshall shoves away from the desk, his rolling chair zooms across to another computer.)
Vaughn: Sydney, the mission in Thailand, Chai San
Get ready
I'll tell you when.
(Lauren watches Vaughn closely, not sure what to make of this side of her husband. He pulls off his headset and walks over to where Marshall is.)
Vaughn: Marshall, what frequency are those guys transmitting on? Retriever, patch us through to the RF scanner
(Cut back to marketplace. We are focused on Sydney's g*n on the ground.)
Oransky: Kick it over.
(Sydney does, her hands raised over her head. He picks up her g*n and holds it in his other hand.)
Oransky: Okay
your surveillance equipment. Give it to me.
Sydney: Not until you let her go.
Oransky: No! No! No!
(Cut to Marshall.)
Marshall: Got it. 418.5 megahertz.
Vaughn: Can you boost a feedback loop?
Marshall: How loud?
(Cut to Dixon and Lauren.)
Vaughn: 180 dbs.
Marshall: Oh, yeah
Vaughn: Do it.
(Cut back to marketplace. Oransky forces the girl to sit on the ground. He aims the g*n at the top of her head.)
Oransky: Please
trying to negotiate. (Cut to the other two thugs with Oransky. Both have g*n trained on Sydney.)
Sydney: The camera's in my glasses.
Oransky: Give them to me.. Toss them to me.
(Slowly, Sydney removes them from her face.)
Oransky: Now!
(Sydney tosses the glasses to him. They land on the ground in front of him.)
Oransky: Good.
(He steps on them, shattering them.)
Oransky: We're gonna walk out of here
You, me
(Cut to JTF. Vaughn is still over Marshall's shoulder.)
Vaughn: Almost there
and the girl
Vaughn: Now!
(Cut to Oransky as his face registers the blaring sound in his ears. Sydney looks around and sees the guards reacting also. She grabs the guy closest to her and punches him. Oransky has let go of the girl and she runs back to her mother. Sydney uses the g*n still in the thugs hand and sh**t Oransky in the leg. He starts to limp away. The second thug comes over and kicks at Sydney. She kicks him back, hits the first thug in the face, roundhouses the second thug, grabbing his g*n and then turns on the first thug, sh**ting him. The girl and mother are off to the side hugging and crying. She turns back to look at the thug she roundhoused. He's still out.)
Sydney: Oransky got away.
(Cut to Weiss, taking off his earpiece and sighing in relief. Cut to Vaughn from behind, who does the same thing. Cut to Dixon and Lauren, both looking relieved. Vaughn looks over at Lauren, not sure how she'll take what he just did. She smiles at him. He smiles back, nodding his head.)
(Cut to aerial view of LA at night. Cut to Weiss in Sydney's kitchen, making pizza dough.)
Sydney: So, Sark was looking at a satellite photo with a three mile radius centered around the Kremlin. We don't know why.
Weiss: Yeah, but we know it has something to do with Medusa, whatever that means.
Sydney: When I was at SD-6, I think I heard Sloane mention something about a project called Medusa
Weiss: You're kidding me? You know what it is? What Medusa even means?
Sydney: No, all I know is the myth: a woman so ugly that if you looked at her, you'd turn to stone.
Weiss: Sounds like the myth of my college girlfriend. She actually dumped me for a roadie at a Duran Duran concert. How embarrassing is that?
(Sydney starts to look upset again. Weiss turns and looks at her.)
Weiss: Oregano, please
(Sydney turns and walks over to the other counter, but not before Weiss sees the look on her face.)
Weiss: Syd, come on, don't do that
You weren't dumped; you were d*ad!
(Sydney turns back, but doesn't look up or speak right away. When she finally does, she has a sad, wistful look on her face.)
Sydney: I haven't even asked anyone how they met
Weiss: Are you asking me?
(Sydney nods slightly, but she looks almost as if she doesn't really want to hear the answer.)
Weiss: The NSC was wrapping up the case on your mom
uh, we were all deposed
Lauren was the one asking the questions. They h*t it off.
Sydney: Tell me about their wedding
Weiss: It was fine
Her parents' farm in Virginia
You know, she's Senator Reed's daughter, so
Sydney: No, I didn't.
Weiss: Yeah. They have like, 900 acres
it's pretty crazy.
Sydney: Was everyone there? Dixon? Marshall?
Weiss: Syd
She's a good person. I'm not trying to rub it in, but...I
I don't want to be dishonest.
(Cut to helicopter flying over a tall glass building in downtown LA, daytime.)
Marshall (Voiceover): I should've thought of it before
I mean, come on, isn't it obvious?
(Cut to Marshall and Jack in Marshall's techie room.)
Marshall: A prior image model with 3D surface reconstruction. I don't know what I was thinking
Jack: Have you made a positive identification or not?
Marshall: Well, no, not yet. Now, this
is where we started
(the blurry pixel picture of Sydney's face appears on Marshall's computer screen) Okay, now after an application of my 3D reconstruction genius
this is where we are now
(the picture becomes much clearer, yet still not clear enough to identify anyone)
(Lauren walks into the room.)
Lauren: How's it going?
Jack: Marshall's ahead of schedule.
Lauren: When do you think you'll be finished?
Marshall: Oh, I don't know, I'd say what
maybe, uh, noon tomorrow?
Lauren: Good. Thank you.
(She walks toward the door.)
Lauren: I'd like to feed the image into our face recognition database as soon as its complete.
(She pulls open the door to Marshall's office and leaves. Close up on Jack's face as he looks at the clearer image of Sydney on Marshall's screen. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
(sh*t of LA, daytime, from helicopter, but not flying over the buildings. Cut to JTF conference room.)
Dixon: Sydney was right. The Medusa project was flagged in the SD-6 database. It's an anti-satellite pulse w*apon. (Dixon is handing out folders to each person at the table.) Once operational, it can cripple our network of satellites, DOD, NSA, you name it. We'd be blind to a potential att*ck.
Marshall: You see, that's what's so genius about this w*apon
It beams a microwave at one satellite in the chain, which then relays a pulse across the entire network.
Vaughn: You're talking about hundreds of satellites
most with classified orbital rotations
Lauren: How does this tie in with the Covenant?
Dixon: The man Sark met with
Weiss: Oransky.
Dixon: He supervised the development of Medusa for the Russian military; only he was discharged before it was completed. He never knew where it ended up. Until now.
(Cut to big screen and a blown up copy of one of the pictures Sydney took of the aerial view of Moscow. It zooms in on one part of the picture.)
Dixon: This is the satellite photo Sark and Oransky were looking at. According to the time stamp, it was taken by a satellite exactly four minutes after Oransky sent that other satellite of his crashing into Gorky Park.
Marshall (shaking his head, impressed): Hmmm. He sends one bird down so the other can photograph Russia's nuclear reaction protocol in action. (shakes head again) See, what happened was, they thought they were under att*ck, so among other things, they evacuated several high-level government officials to several continuity of government bunkers designed to survive a nuclear att*ck.
(Cut to enlargement of aerial photo again.)
Dixon: This is what Medusa photographed. (A small circle on the picture is lit up; the rest of the picture gets darker. In the circle, there appears to be five cars in a row.) See these motorcades entering the Science Ministry? There must be a bunker underneath. According to the SD-6 database, Medusa is stored in that bunker.
Sydney: And now Oransky and Sark are planning to steal it. (Sydney appears to be staring right at Lauren when she says this, but we never get a reaction sh*t from Lauren to know for sure.)
Weiss: Just a sh*t in the dark but, why don't we call the Kremlin and let them know what's up?
Dixon: The Russians claim to oppose anti-satellite w*apon. They're not about to admit having one. Bottom line
we have to access the bunker and steal it before Sark gets it. I'll have Strategic Services list our options. Meet back here in one hour.
(Cut to a clock shop. Clocks are everywhere. Jack is standing at the counter with Pierre Lagravanese, a computer expert who apparently specializes in creating viruses and worms.)
Lagravanese: No problem; I can corrupt that image, but the terms of my parole prohibit me from using a computer. You should know that, Jack, I believe you wrote them
(Jack takes a white envelope from inside his jacket and holds it out for Lagravanese. He opens it. There's a wad of cash inside. Lagravanese's eyebrows raise a little. Still looking at the money, he asks: )
Lagravanese: How's it rendered?
Jack: 3D surface reconstruction.
Lagravanese: Is the workstation part of a network?
Jack: Yes.
Lagravanese: Okay, well
give me a few days
I'll see what I can cook up.
(Lagravanese sticks the envelope in his back pocket and starts to turn away.)
Jack: I need it by noon, tomorrow.
(Lagravanese turns back, looking a bit shocked.)
Lagravanese: I have an IQ of 170, Jack
I'm not David Copperfield.
(Jack just stares at him with a withering look. Lagravense sobers.)
Lagravenese: I'll do what I can.
Sydney (voiceover): We have to do better than this.
(Cut to the JTF conference room. Sydney is rounding the table to stand inside the half-circle it forms.)
Sydney: An hour running scenarios and the best we can come up with is Sloane!
(Cut to Vaughn, standing on the outside of the table at about 11 o'clock.)
Vaughn: Well, through his cancer research, Sloane has developed a relationship with the Science Ministry.
(Pan to Dixon and Lauren, also standing in the circle inside the table, at about 2 o'clock.)
Lauren: If we can get into the Ministry, we can access the bunker and destroy Medusa before Sark and Oransky can steal it.
Sydney: I don't want to be the voice of dissent every time I walk into this room. I know we're all qualified to make decisions here, but to me
Sloane is still a criminal.
Dixon: As we've discussed, Sloane is a necessary evil.
Lauren: We need access to the bunker; Sloane can get it for us
if we can use him, I don't see why we
Sydney: Maybe you haven't been lucky enough to have first-hand experience with that
Vaughn: She brokered his deal.
(Sydney looks at Vaughn, shocked.)
Sydney: What!?
Lauren: I was part of the team that arranged for Sloane's pardon.
Vaughn: Look, none of us are any illusions about Sloane. The only reason he was given a pardon is because he provided us with intel that led to the destruction of t*rror1st cells
(Sydney is nodding her head, angry
Sydney: Of course he did! He used you to wipe out his competition. Let me guess
so far his intelligence has been accurate
Lauren: Yes
and the first slip he makes, his pardon will be revoked.
(Sydney is still nodding her head, not believing they could be that trusting of this man she knows so well.)
Dixon (to Lauren): When is your next scheduled briefing with Sloane?
Sydney: You have regular meetings with him!?
Dixon: Sydney
(Dixon puts his hand out toward Sydney, asking her to stop.)
Lauren: Twelve days.
Dixon: All right. Move it up. See if Sloane can get us access to the Science Ministry. (turning toward Sydney and Vaughn) I want both of you to go in as well. If Sloane can help us infiltrate the bunker, I don't want to waste a minute
Is that clear?
(Sydney's still not thrilled, but she nods. Vaughn looks pretty unthrilled about the idea of a mission with Syd, but nods also. Dixon starts to walk out of the room. Cut to an opposite angle sh*t. In the background, we see Dixon leaving the conference room. In the foreground are Sydney, Lauren and Vaughn, literally standing in a triangle. Sydney is looking at Vaughn, Vaughn is looking at Dixon's retreating back, and Lauren is looking down.)
(Cut to a small jet flying at night. Cut to Sydney, sitting alone on the plane. Sydney looks up as she realizes someone is standing next to the aisle seat (she's next to the window). It's Lauren.)
Lauren: Do you mind?
Sydney: Of course not.
(Sydney moves a file folder off the seat next to her. Lauren sits. They sit for a second in silence, both looking very uncomfortable.)
Lauren: This is a difficult situation for all of us. I thought
I'm not sure how exactly, but I thought we should at least acknowledge that.
(Sydney makes eye contact and then looks down. Lauren looks down also.)
Lauren: No one would blame us if we hated each other
but I hope that doesn't happen.
Sydney (looks uncomfortable, trying to hold it together): I don't hate you
or Vaughn.
(Lauren gives Sydney a tiny smile.)
Sydney: That's what makes it so difficult. (She sighs heavily, looking at her lap again.)
(Sydney and Lauren look as if they are about to start a conversation when Vaughn comes up the aisle behind them.)
Vaughn: We just got intel from NSA. They tracked Sark onto a plane from Berlin, headed to Frankfurt, only when it landed, he wasn't on board.
(Both women react to this news. Sydney looks resigned; she knew this would happen. Lauren looks shocked, then worried.)
Sydney: Which means, if Sloane doesn't help us today, Sark will get to Medusa before we do.
Sloane (voiceover): I'm sorry.
(Cut to Sloane sitting behind his desk in his office.)
Sloane: I can't help you.
(Cut to Sloane's point of view. Across the round conference table sit Sydney, Vaughn, Lauren.)
Lauren: You work with the Science Ministry all the time. How difficult is it for you to add the names of two of your employees to the guest list of an awards banquet?
Sloane: Actually, it's not difficult at all. It's what you plan to do once you're inside the Ministry that concerns me.
Vaughn: We made it clear that topic is not open to discussion.
Sloane: Pursuant to my pardon agreement, I am under obligation to pass along intel as appropriate. However, I am under no obligation to assist you, or anyone else, to break the law. Now, as you know, millions of people rely on relief that this company provides. I couldn't possibly endanger that by exposing Omnifam, or myself, to criminal charges.. Certainly not with my history
Sydney: You've made your obligations clear; now let me clarify mine
I am obliged to extract immeasurable pain from you the moment you are no longer a valuable source of intel for the CIA. Personally, I hope you don't help us out
Sloane (a bit amused): I've missed you, Sydney. I really have. Well, it shouldn't be too difficult. I'll simply tell the Ministry that you're high-level donors and you're looking for a new investment.
Lauren: You know where to contact us. I'll expect to hear from you within the hour.
(She stands up.)
Sloane: Mr. Vaughn
You know, I remember how close you were with Sydney.
(Sydney gives Sloane a really dirty look.)
Sloane: I'm sure you share my relief in having her back
(Lauren looks down. Sloane's remark has h*t a nerve with Vaughn; it shows on his face, because his expression hardens.)
Vaughn (nastily): Just get us on the list.
(Vaughn shoves himself out of his chair and stalks out of the room, his hand on Lauren's back. Sydney looks disgusted with Sloane. She gets up and leaves. Cut back to a close up of Sloane's face. He looks supremely pleased with himself
very Cheshire catlike
as if he knows something he's not telling.)
(Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
(Black screen. MOSCOW. Push through the C. Scene of Red Square at night. Cut to Vaughn, dressed in a black tuxedo, looking in a full length mirror, trying to tie his bowtie and not being particularly successful. Pan away from Vaughn across the room to an approaching Lauren.)
Vaughn (back still to her): Are we on the list?
Lauren: Under the names Tomas Quintera and Sabina Milan, Omnifam investors.
(Camera follows Lauren's progress toward Vaughn until we see her face reflected behind Vaughn's in the mirror, where he's still trying to tie his tie.)
Vaughn: Got it.
Lauren: Here.
(She places a hand on his arm, signaling for him to turn around. He does, muttering under his breath in frustration at not being able to tie his tie.)
Vaughn (under breath): Ugh. Geez
(Lauren unties what he's done and starts fixing it. As she does, she smiles as if she has a memory.)
Vaughn: What? (There's a hint of a laugh in his voice. He grins at her.)
Lauren (also smiling, amused): I was just thinking of that party
at the embassy in Prague
(Vaughn laughs a little and looks down as if a bit embarrassed, then looks back up.)
Vaughn: God, that was a good third date
(Lauren is very amused now, having fun with the memory.)
Lauren: Yeah, it was
When you spilled your drink on the ambassador?
Vaughn (still grinning): What was I supposed to do? He was staring down your dress all night long
(Lauren finishes tying his tie. She tucks the collar tabs in behind it. As she does, Vaughn's look goes serious, as if he's realized all over again why he loves her. She gives him a little nervous smile.)
Lauren: Look how handsome you are
(Vaughn gets that soft I love you so much' look on his face and puts a hand on the side of Lauren's cheek, staring at her for a long moment before sliding his hand down to her arm. Cut to a wider angle sh*t. Lauren is fiddling with his suit jacket. He's still staring down at her. Behind them, across the room, Sydney moves into view in the gap between them. Cut to a close up of Sydney. Her hair is up with soft spiraling tendrils draping near her face. Her dress is a Grecian-inspired dress, deep red, thin spaghetti straps. She wears a small red bead necklace with a large golden pendant draping from it, and dangling earrings. She's stunningly beautiful.)
Sydney: Ready.
(Cut to Vaughn and Lauren. Lauren acknowledges Sydney's presence and then looks back at Vaughn's chest, not meeting anyone's eyes. Vaughn stares at Sydney.)
Lauren (to Vaughn): Be safe.
(Vaughn looks back at Lauren when she speaks to him. There is a touch of sadness and apology in his eyes.)
Vaughn: You too.
(Lauren and Vaughn lean in for a small kiss. Sydney is smiling at them, but when they kiss, she looks down as if she can't watch. Cut to a closeup of Lauren and Vaughn as they disengage from the kiss and again we see Sydney between them in the gap. Lauren looks a little self-conscious.)
Lauren (appears to be addressing both of them): Dixon's expecting a call from me. I'll see you in Los Angeles.
(She nods to Sydney and walks past her out of the room. Sydney smiles uncomfortably back at her. When she's gone, she raises her eyes to Vaughn's. They both look nervous about the prospect of being alone together, but neither can stop looking at the other. Vaughn walks toward Sydney and she turns to fall into step with him. Vaughn puts up his hand as if he is going to place it on her back to steer her, but doesn't actually touch her. He stops part way and drops his hand as if realizing halfway through the gesture that he doesn't have the right to touch her that way anymore.)
(Cut to Pierre Lagravanese in his clock shop, holding up a CD in a clear plastic case.)
Lagravanese: It's a polymorphic worm.
(Cut to different, wider angle to reveal Jack standing on the other side of the counter.)
Lagravenese: Upload it onto the network; it singles out the files you're interested in and corrupts the data so the image can't be fully rendered. (pause) I know, you can kiss me.
Jack: How long will that take?
Lagravanese: I
can't say
it depends on the size of the network.
(Jack, looking frustrated and impatient, turns to leave.)
Lagravanese: Jack
(Jack turns back to look at him.)
Lagravanese: There is one catch. When you make the upload, it has to be at a terminal with administrative privileges.
(Jack nods once and leaves.)
(Cut to an overhead sh*t of the party at the Science Ministry. Cut to a woman playing the cello. Pan upward to the back of a receiving line. Sydney and Vaughn, arm in arm, pass by a woman in a black evening gown and a man in dress military uniform. They stop in front of two men, both in tuxedos, wearing red sashes and medals around their necks.)
Man: Minister, Tomas Quintera and Sabina Milan.
Vaughn (in Russian): Arvin Sloane sends his regards.
Minister (in Russian): Mr. Sloane is an amazing man. And a great friend of science. Welcome.
(Vaughn smiles and then nods toward Sydney. She wears her most engaging smile and puts out her hand to shake with the Minister.)
Sydney (in Russian): Good evening.
Minister (in Russian, off screen): Good evening.
(Sydney places her other hand over their clasped hands, squeezing them together for a moment before letting go. Vaughn takes her arm and they walk away.)
Sydney (sarcastically, unbelieving): Arvin Sloane is an amazing man'!?
Vaughn (a note of warning in his voice): Sydney
(They stop walking near an exit to a hallway, and turn towards each other.)
Vaughn (aside to Sydney): The guards are about to change shifts; we have about a minute left.
(While Vaughn is looking away, Sydney looks at him, then straightens her shoulder and sighs, as if telling herself Come on, Sydney
you can do this
' She sees a waiter holding a tray of champagne glasses and starts to walk toward it. As she's walking, Vaughn turns his head to watch her. Sydney approaches the waiter, obviously speaking to him, but we don't hear what she's saying. Vaughn turns to watch for the guards, then turns back and finds himself staring at Sydney. She's just procured two glasses of champagne, giving the waiter a brilliant smile. As the waiter walks off, she looks up, meeting Vaughn's eyes. He's staring at her as if he can't take his eyes off her. Sydney's face mirrors this. A slow smile spreads across her face, touching her eyes. This is a real smile, just for him. He's still staring back, their gaze unbroken. A smile starts to grow on his face as well. For a moment, it seems as if time has slipped away for them and nothing has changed. Vaughn rocks on the balls of his feet just slightly as he continues to stare. Sydney approaches him, their eyes still locked on each other. She holds out one of the glasses, he takes it. The attraction and sexual tension between them is thick and palpable. Vaughn takes the glass and then looks down, as if just realizing what he was doing and feels guilty about it. Sydney senses the change in him, her face hardens slightly. Their eyes meet again, resignation on both their faces. Vaughn looks away, checking for the guards again. He's definitely uncomfortable being this close to Sydney at the moment. Sydney takes a drink from her champagne glass, looking off over Vaughn's shoulder. Their body language practically screams denial.)
Vaughn (looking back at Sydney, back in the game): The guards are gone.
(Sydney immediately goes into spy mode.)
Sydney: Let's do it.
(Vaughn hands Sydney his glass; she takes it. He reaches into an interior pocket in his jacket, pulling out a small object. He looks back toward the room to see if anyone is watching them and then casually slips around the corner. Sydney stands semi-blocking his view, holding both glasses and drinking a sip from one. With a last glance over his shoulder, Vaughn bends down and plugs the small device into an electrical outlet and activates it. Lights blink on it as he steps back around the corner. He just reaches Sydney's side when the lights flicker, go out and then come back on. Sydney and Vaughn are gone. Cut to Vaughn and Sydney striding down a hallway. As they approach an elevator, Sydney starts peeling a thin layer of latex from her hand.)
Sydney: I've got the minister's prints
(she examines the latex, holding it up to the light) The thumb's the clearest.
(Vaughn removes a cufflink, which has a cutting device on it. He cuts the print from the piece of latex. He places the latex piece over his own thumb and uses it on the recognition pad by the elevator. It recognizes the fingerprint and the elevator doors slide open.)
Vaughn (gesturing in a gentlemanly fashion): After you.
(Sydney and then Vaughn enter the elevator. Vaughn heaves a sigh of relief as the doors close on them.)
(Cut to Jack, entering the JTF rotunda area, carrying a folder. He notices Dixon standing over Marshall's computer with Marshall in his gadget office. Cut to inside the office.)
Marshall: The NSC's on a real time hookup, so whatever we see, Lindsay sees.
Dixon: And the face recognition database?
Marshall: Ready to kick in
As soon as I get the image rendered, we're ready to roll.
(Dixon nods, waiting. Cut back to Jack, striding toward Dixon's office. As he approaches the office, Dixon's assistant exits, meeting Jack in the hallway.)
Assistant: Mr. Bristow
What can I do for you?
Jack: Is Director Dixon in?
Assistant: No
he's over with Marshall. Is there something I can help you with?
Jack: No, thanks. I'll just drop these off on his desk (gesturing with the file folders).
Assistant: Okay. (She walks away.)
(Jack pushes open the door to Dixon's office and walks inside.)
(Cut to Sydney and Vaughn in the elevator. Vaughn is ripping open a vacuum-sealed bag. Sydney is shaking the wrinkles out of a military jacket. She gets ready to undo her dress to change. Vaughn stares at her. With a pained expression, Sydney turns her back to Vaughn and unzips her dress. Vaughn continues to stare until he hears her zipper, which somehow spurs him into action. He turns his back to her, removing his tuxedo jacket. Sydney peeks over her shoulder at him. Vaughn yanks off his shirt, pulling it off his arms. A bare-backed Sydney peeks over her shoulder at him once more and then we cut to
(Dixon's desk. Jack lays the file folder on the desk and extracts the disk case from it. He removes the disk and puts it in the CD-ROM of Dixon's computer. Jack begins installing the worm.)
(Cut to Sydney and Vaughn walking down a hallway, both dressed in Russian military gear. They pass random soldiers and guards. No one looks twice at them. They reach the end of the hallway that is now deserted. Sydney opens a metal box on the wall and pulls open the access panel. Vaughn starts attaching clamps to wires in the box.)
Vaughn: Okay, lets see how many guards are on the floor.
(Sydney looks back over her shoulder to make sure they're still alone.)
Vaughn: We're almost into their video surveillance feed.
(Vaughn looks at the small screen on his device, frowning.)
Sydney: What?
(Vaughn shows her the screen. Cut to the screen.)
Vaughn: These are the cameras for the control room level
(As Vaughn pans through the cameras, all the guards they see are unconscious/d*ad.)
Sydney: Sark must already be here.
(Vaughn nods, still flipping through cameras. With the next view, we see a g*n sh**ting the guards, followed by Sark and Oransky. Sark sh**t the last guard himself.)
Sydney: Oh God
He's with Oransky.
(Vaughn quickly disengages their security feed and Sydney puts the panel back together and shuts the door. Vaughn wraps the cord around the screen and shoves it back into his pocket and starts to walk down the hallway.)
Vaughn: Come on.
Sydney: Wait a minute
we have no idea how many men Sark brought with him.
Vaughn: Yeah
and he doesn't know we're coming
(They walk to another elevator and push the button. It dings and the door opens. A lone guard stands in the elevator, holding a machine g*n. It's one of the thugs from the Mexico City op that Sydney fought with. She and Vaughn, grimfaced, enter the car on either side of him.)
Vaughn (to guard in Russian): Good evening.
Guard (in Russian): Good evening.
(As the doors close, the guard takes a sideways glance at Sydney as if perhaps he just realizes that he recognizes her. She tries her best not to look at him, as if she doesn't notice his staring. Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
(Panning sh*t of LA by day. Cut to close up of Dixon's computer screen and the worm installing. A running tally of percent installed runs in the bottom
15% complete and counting. Cut to Jack watching the progress. Cut to Marshall.)
Marshall: The program will be ready to render in a minute. Uh
I was curious
Lindsay briefs the President, right?
Dixon: Mmmhmm.
Marshall: You think maybe
you know, assuming this all goes well
that he could, uh, request one of those White House tie clips for me?
(Dixon gives Marshall a droll, yet slightly amused look.)
Marshall: Or uh, peanuts from Air Force One
because I
love peanuts
and you figure they'd get top quality
being as you're
the President. Oh, here we go.
(Cut to view of computer screen with Sydney's blurry face on it. The program zooms in on her face and brings up a blank grid.)
(Cut to an a*t*matic screwdriver removing a screw. Cut to Oransky, removing the screw from a terminal he's sitting in front of. He removes a panel to reveal a Plexiglas plate, and a device beneath it. He begins to remove the Plexiglas.)
Sark (voice over as the scene pans across the control room and then cuts out the window overlooking the rest of the level): Until Mr. Oransky gets the Medusa core, no one enters the control room and this entire level should be locked down.
(Cut to Sark, speaking to a guard.)
Sark: I need you to secure all the access points with
(Sark stops talking and looks toward the elevator bay as the bell dings, signaling the arrival of the elevator car. As the door opens, we see the thug from Mexico City. His body slides down the wall of the car. The guard pushes Sark out of the way as Sydney and Vaughn erupt from the car, sh**ting. Sark flees to the steps leading to the control room as Sydney sh**t at him. Vaughn has the guard's machine g*n and is f*ring at the guards, taking one down. Sydney takes down another with her g*n. Vaughn turns and fires in another direction.)
(Cut to Jack, still watching the progress of the installation, which is now 30% complete. Cut to Marshall's computer screen as the picture of Sydney slowly begins to render, a random grid square at a time. Marshall smiles and grabs a plastic jar off his desk, opening the lid and offering it to Dixon.)
Marshall: Oh, uh, gummybear?
(Dixon shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the computer screen. Marshall reaches his hand in the jar, pulling out a gummybear and eating it. Cut back to closeup of Jack's tense face, watching the installation. It's almost 50 % complete. Jack looks up tensely as he hears the door to Dixon's office open.)
Assistant (voiceover): Find everything you need?
(Cut to Assistant, leaning just inside the door. Cut to Jack, holding up a pen, an innocent expression on his face.)
Jack: Yes, thanks. I'm just leaving him a note. (He smiles at her.)
(The assistant studies him for a moment and then leaves. Jack looks after her, wondering if she believed him.)
(Cut to Sark entering the control room. Oransky is still at work trying to remove the Medusa core. Sark walks over to the window. Cut to him standing in the window, visible from below. Cut to Vaughn and Sydney sneaking along below. Cut back to Sark as he turns on the PA system.)
Sark: I was wondering if you might show up. I looked for you upstairs at the party.
(Sydney takes aim at Sark and fires two rounds at him, but the b*ll*ts glance away harmlessly from the bulletproof glass. Sark looks almost as if he enjoyed her response'.)
Sark: I've taken the liberty of discontinuing the elevator service.
(Sydney glances over at the elevator bank as we hear it being locked down. Sydney grimaces.)
Sark: And unfortunately, Mr. Oransky, Medusa, and myself won't be here when the guards arrive, but I'm certain when they discover you, the Russians will be more than hospitable hosts
(Sydney gives Sark one of her **** you and the horse you rode in on' looks and turns away.)
(Cut to Dixon's computer screen. The program is now 73% installed. Jack waits. Cut to Marshall, putting away his gummy bears, watching his rendering program as little blocks of image continue to appear on the screen.)
Marshall: I think we got it.
(Cut to Vaughn and Sydney running through the lower level.)
Vaughn: There's no way we can steal Medusa.
Sydney: We can't let Sark get it, either. We'll have to destroy it
(They stop running. Both are panting, out of breath.)
Sydney: We could still rig the generator to blow.
(Vaughn looks around.)
Vaughn: We do that, this whole sublevel's going with it, we won't have a way out.
(Then he points with the r*fle up a metal rung ladder to another platform.)
Vaughn: That could be an intake vent. We could crawl inside and get out. We might not make it
(Vaughn's still panting, out of breath, looking worried. Sydney leans toward him.)
Sydney (comforting, hopeful): We might make it.
(They look at each other. He nods almost imperceptively. A wave of determination passes between them.)
Sydney: I'll activate the transfer switch.
(Both of them put their g*n down. Sydney turns a valve while Vaughn opens a door to an electrical box next to it. Cut to Oransky, pulling off one of the pieces holding the Plexiglass keeping Medusa in place.)
Oransky: We'll have the Medusa core in 30 seconds
(Pan to Sark as he looks at a control panel on the opposite wall, studying the readouts. Cut back to Sydney and Vaughn as they short out the electrical box, overloading the system. Cut to Oransky as he pulls his hands away from his work, as if he got a shock. The lights in the control room flicker. He shoves away from his chair over to the wall where Sark is standing and begins checking the readouts.)
Sark: What the hell was that!?
(Oransky pushes buttons on the control panel, still holding his walking stick.)
Oransky: That generator powers the contol system
they've overloaded the voltage
Medusa is fried.
(Cut to Sydney and Vaughn running across a catwalk to the intake vent. Cut to Sark, cocking his p*stol.)
Sark: We have to go.
(He walks to the control room door. Oransky reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a p*stol, also cocking it.)
Oransky: No way. This bitch
sh*t me in my leg
(Oransky heads back out of the control room in the other direction, toward the sublevel floor. Sark continues to leave in his direction to escape.)
(Cut to Dixon's computer screen. The worm is now 83% installed. Cut to Jack looking tense. Cut to Dixon watching as the image slowly renders. Cut to the screen. The photo continues to render. Cut to Dixon's computer. 95%
Cut to Jack, watching with apprehension. Cut back to rendering picture. One more grid fills in and then the computer beeps and the message Render Complete. appears. The photo has just about all of the blond hair rendered, along with Sydney's forehead and one eye. The rest of the face is not there at all, just black grids. Marshall's computer continues to beep. Shock registers on Marshall's face, and he starts typing on the keyboard, as if trying to get the image to continue rendering. Cut to Dixon.)
Dixon: What's happening?
Marshall: I'm not sure
Dixon: It's not rendering
Marshall (can't believe it): According to the program
this is as good as it gets
(Marshall looks up at Dixon, surprised and shocked.)
(Cut to control room panel in Russia, showing power output reaching toward 200%. Sparks start to fly in the sublevel. Cut to Sydney and Vaughn (Sydney in front) crawling through the access vent as smoke fills in behind them. Cut to Oransky, hobbling through the sublevel, looking in vain for Sydney. As the generator starts sparking, he's yelling her name in anger.)
Oransky: Sydney Bristow!
(Cut back to Syd and Vaughn crawling as fast as they can through the access vent. Cut back to Oransky in the smoky sublevel.)
Oransky: Sydney! Sydney Bristow!
(Just then, the generator explodes. A fireball starts sh**ting up the vent. We see it growing behind Sydney and Vaughn. They're close to the exit. The fireball races at them. From the outside, we see the access vent cover fall off and Sydney, then Vaughn jump out, down about a height of two flights a split second before the fireball rages out the opening. They land on the ground hard as the light flashes above them.)
(Cut to Jack entering Marshall's office.)
Jack: Anything yet?
Dixon (seriously not happy at the moment): Not what we hoped.
Marshall: On the picture side
not on the technical side
the picture's not in
Jack (cutting Marshall off): So, no positive identification of Lazarey's k*ller?
Dixon: Unfortunately, no. (Dixon walks out.)
Jack: Too bad. (to Marshall) We'll keep looking.
(Cut to Marshall. He can't believe his program didn't work He runs his hands over his face, not able to believe it.)
(Cut to Vaughn and Sydney, just sitting up after their jump. They look at each other, as if assessing if the other is all right. Something passes between them, not sexual, but more a realization that they saved one another's life
they survived
and now they have to go back to their lives as they are. They get | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x03 - Reunion"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on Alias:
Sark: If I am to understand
what you're saying
you have no idea where you've been for the last two years?
Syd/Jack I'll do what I can to ensure this (her k*lling Lazarey) remains our secret
scene in the flirting corner.
Lauren/Jack/Marshall w/ Russian security tape of Sydney m*rder Lazarey. Lauren: It's not enough to make a positive ID, is it? Marshall: Give me 72 hours
I think I can identify this woman
Sydney sh**ting the evil doctor from the Covenant. Doctor: You kept your promise
you said you would k*ll me. You were my favorite
you never broke
Sydney begs evil doctor to tell her why the Covenant took two years of her life.
(We see the black and white video footage Jack had of Sydney k*lling Lazarey. As he falls to the ground, Lazarey turns to look at her. He appears to say something to her.)
Sydney: There
you see that?
(Cut to Sydney sitting at the breakfast bar in her apartment, watching the footage on Jack's laptop. Jack stands looking over her shoulder.)
Jack: No.
(Sydney backs up the video slowly, replays the part after she's slit Lazarey's throat.)
Sydney: What do you mean? L
look there
he's saying
he's saying Jule
or Julie
Jack: He could be saying any number of things. Sydney, I have already subjected this video to the most intense technological scrutiny available to the CIA.
Sydney (almost whispering
to herself): Maybe Julia
Jack: If you want me to do a reanalysis, fine, but you have to stop punishing yourself.
Sydney: There's gotta be something in there that can lead us to
(Jack slams the lid closed on the laptop.)
Jack: Sydney, no good will come from doing this.
Sydney: I committed a m*rder I have no memory of; this isn't about punishment!
Jack: I understand this haunts you, but you have to stop
Sydney: Yes, it haunts me! I lost two years! I do not have one memory of that time; all I have is this. (She's emotional about this, but not out of control. Her eyes look slightly watery.) I k*lled a man
I k*lled a defenseless man in cold blood. What was I thinking? Did I know it was Sark's father? What would compel me to do something like this!? Did someone condition me? If they did
what else did they have me do?
Jack (being strong and supportive for Sydney): I've been living with these same questions of over a year. We have no answers yet. When you compelled the NSC to release me from prison, you told me you'd done so because
you needed your father; that you needed my strength. Twelve months in solitary would have an effect on anyone; something that allowed me to stay focused was your
strength. Don't lose it now
(Sydney looks at her father, teary but grateful for his support and belief in her. Her cell phone rings. She answers it, wiping a tear from her cheek.)
Sydney: Hello?
Yeah. I'll be right there.
(She hangs up the phone and pauses a minute.)
Sydney: That was Lauren
(She looks up and meets her father's eyes.)
Lauren (voiceover): Twenty hours ago in Cannes
(Cut to Sydney and Lauren walking in step through the JTF Center.)
Lauren: A four man team broke into an epidemiology lab. The place did cutting edge vaccine research into viruses like West Nile, HIV, and Ebola.
Sydney: What were they after?
Lauren: They took four vials containing strains of Ebola. The 5th was damaged during the heist, infecting one of the team members
Sydney: The one we're questioning?
Lauren: Laszlo Bogdan, a Hungarian national. He's an expert at cracking high-end security systems. He's in isolation at the Stafford Naval Hospital.
Sydney: And the French just handed him over to us?
Lauren: Apparently they share our desire to learn more about the Covenant.
Sydney: Why did the NSC want me in on this?
Lauren: I wanted you
(Sydney looks at Lauren with a The what? With the who? look)
Michael said you were the best.
(Lauren walks off. Sydney stops in her tracks, watching her go, still shocked at this new turn of events.)
(Cut to helicopter landing at Stafford Naval Hospital. Cut to Lauren opening a vacuum-sealed door. Sydney walks in behind her. The doors shut as the two woman stare at something. Lauren takes a few steps forward. The camera pans to reveal Bogdan, severely infected with Ebola, close to death, behind a sealed plastic curtain. Sydney walks up to stand next to Lauren.)
Lauren: Mr. Bogdan, can you hear me?
(Bogdan turns his head slightly to look at her. Sydney watches from the side as Lauren speaks.)
Lauren: My name is Lauren Reed; I work for the United States Government. I've been sent here to find out whom you were working for. Who is responsible for putting you in the condition you're in now?
Bogdan: Leave!
(Lauren looks disappointed. She looks over at Sydney, who nods once. They exchange places. Sydney pulls up a rolling stool and sits down next to the curtain.)
Sydney (soft-toned, sincere, convincing): Mr. Bogdan, I don't know what your beliefs are
if you have a faith
if you expect that something follows this life
You might have none. But if there is a chance that there is something else
that we face the consequences of our actions in this lifetime, Mr. Bogdan
This is your last chance
to do what's right.
(Bogdan turns his head to look at Sydney.)
Sydney: There's no one left to be afraid of
(Cut to Lauren, looking from Sydney to Bogdan, not sure if Sydney's tactic is working, but hoping it is
no one to be loyal to. There's only yourself. Whoever it was who stole this virus that's eating through your body needs to be stopped.
(Bogdan is making unbroken eye contact with Sydney. She's reaching him.)
Sydney: Please
Bogdan: I never met
the man who hired us
cannot help you stop
the second job
(Sydney's eyes widen, she turns to look at Lauren in shock. Lauren looks back, just as stunned.)
(Cut to LA by day
flying over a building as if by helicopter. Cut to Lauren, leaning against the Conference room table, talking. The others sit at the table, listening: Dixon, Marshall, Weiss and Vaughn on one side, Sydney and Jack on the other (Lauren's empty seat is on this side, next to Jack.)
Lauren: Agent Bristow got Bogdan to admit there is a second heist in the works. While we believe the stolen samples have already been delivered to the Covenant, Bogdan says they will not be used until after this second job.
Sydney: He said they were planning to modify the virus.
Vaughn: Why is that?
Jack: We can assume what they've stolen is merely a precursor agent requiring further synthesis.
(Lauren sits down.)
Weiss: Okay, does
everyone here speak Science?
Marshall (duh): Yeah
Weiss: No
they don't
Marshall: Oh
I could
Weiss: That'd be great
Marshall: Okay
(he stands up) Okay, well, um
what they nabbed, we'll call that
um, peanut butter
you know
yummy, nutty, creamy deliciousness (this elicits a droll look from Dixon)
on its own, but you, um, mix something else in equally tasty
oh! Perhaps chocolat
Dixon (warning): Marshall
Marshall: Sorry
they're most likely going after the means to mutate the virus to make it even more infectious
Sydney: Ebola is a level 4 pathogen; that's the highest classification
How could it be any worse!?
Marshall: They could
make it
(Sydney reacts to this news.)
Sydney: And we have no idea what the Covenant's endgame is.
Dixon: No. But we do know who the team is they hired for these jobs
Simon Walker
point man on the Damascus armory job in 99
and the 2002 break-in at Vector. Cold-blooded contract guy; only uses other freelancers. This time his team included Javier Perez, former Lieutenant in Cuban Special Forces; munitions expert and tactical advisor to the group. Avery Russet, acquisitions
vehicles, equipment, w*apon. Finally, Laszlo Bogdan, security
deceased as of twenty minutes ago
(Cut to a shared look between Lauren and Sydney)
Dixon: We know there's another heist in the works; Mr. Walker will need a replacement.
(Dixon gives a telling look to Sydney.)
Sydney: You want me to take Bogdan's place on their team.
Lauren: Walker's already been picked up on Echelon. We know he's in the market
Dixon: It's deep cover. The risks are obvious
but this is an opportunity. The Covenant will take possession of whatever the team steals. If you can place a tracking device on that, we believe it will lead us to their center of operations. Walker's in Sevilla; you'll go in as a freelance security expert (hands Sydney a file folder). Vaughn and Weiss, you're on backup. Lauren, I want you to go see Sloane; have him use his contacts
find out what they're after. (Looks back at Sydney.) You leave in two hours.
(Jack looks at Sydney.)
(Cut to Lauren, sitting at her terminal at the JTF, apparently working on some sort of report. Vaughn comes up from behind her, bends over and places a hand on her upper arms from behind. She smiles.)
Vaughn: I'll come by after op-tech.
Lauren: Okay
(Vaughn kisses her on the temple, while Lauren kisses the air at him (this seemed very natural, a very married, couple-ish' thing to do, not at all as obnoxious as it sounds). Vaughn straightens up and turns to leave.)
Lauren: Oh, hey, real quick. The report you wrote on the infiltration of the COG bunker? You didn't give any details on the w*apon that Sark was using
Vaughn: Uh, no I didn't
but that's not really the point of the report.
Lauren (this wasn't the response she'd expected): Well
Vaughn (eyebrows raised, slightly sarcastic): That's the point of the report!?
Lauren: Well, it's not the point
but it's important
(Lauren stands and faces Vaughn now.)
Vaughn: How is it important? We broke into the bunker and destroyed the facility
Lauren: Honey, you know how much I depend on the details
its how I form my questions I need to
Vaughn (cutting her off
He's annoyed imagine the face he made when Sydney asked him what he was hiding (the incident with the key to his apartment
) and that's the face he has now): Who cares about the w*apon!?
Lauren (eyes wide, she can't believe he's being so defensive about this): I care!
Vaughn: I've been doing this for a long time!
Lauren: All I'm asking is that you be more specific
Vaughn (controlled annoyance): I've never gotten notes on my reports before
Lauren (now also controlled annoyance): The better you do your job; the better I'll do mine
(Vaughn looks like he's fighting to control his temper. He's very tense. He looks down; his jaw is tight. Finally, he meets Lauren's eyes again.)
Vaughn (tense pause, then stiffly): It was a CZ 100 9 millimeter.
(Lauren nods, looking slightly apologetic. Vaughn feels badly, too, but appears to still feel he was right
that it was an unimportant detail. He walks off.)
(Cut to CIA jet, flying at night. Cut to Weiss, sound asleep with operation notes spread on his lap. Pan to Sydney in the seat behind him, studying her op notes. Vaughn sits down in the seat opposite Sydney.)
Vaughn: We can't risk them picking up any stray radio transmissions, so I'll be monitoring you with a laser mic; I'll be able to hear you, but you won't be able to communicate with me.
(Vaughn holds out a white tube he's been fingering. Sydney takes it from him.)
Sydney: What's this?
Vaughn: That's the tracking device. Marshall put a transmitter chip there on the back. There's an adhesive. Now, assuming Simon accepts you into the group, you'll use that to tag whatever it is you're gonna be stealing, and we'll track it back to the Covenant.
(Sydney removes the cover and rolls up the lipstick to check its color. She looks at it and then
Sydney (deadpan): You know, peach isn't really in this season.
Vaughn (playing along): I heard peach was the new green.
(Vaughn smiles softly.)
Sydney: I thought beige was the new green
(Sydney smiles even wider.)
Vaughn: No, beige is the new peach.
(Vaughn smiles wider, too Sydney nods, a big grin on her face.)
Sydney: Okay
(They stare at each other, and the smiles slide off their faces, and their looks turn nostalgic. The camaraderie that came so easy to them is replaced by the realization of how different their life is now.)
Vaughn (quietly): You've got a lot of reading to do
(With a polite half-smile, he gets up and leaves her to her work. We focus in on Sydney's face; her eyes show us this pains her.)
(Cut to black. SEVILLA. Push through the I. A club. Men and women flamenco dance to the sound of a man playing upbeat Spanish guitar music. We slide over to the entrance where Sydney, dressed in long wavy brown hair (halfway down her back
think Elektra from Daredevil), a black sleeveless top, leather pants and black high heels, strides in. She struts her stuff as she walks by the camera. We slide to the upstairs, where a private party is going on. People mingle, drink, sitting at small tables. We pull in on a man in black, sitting at the bar with his back to the camera. He's watching a black and white monitor. We see Sydney appear on the screen, speaking to the guard at the bottom of the stairs. The man turns on the audio so he can hear their conversation.)
Guard (in Spanish): You can't go up. Private party.
(Cut to Sydney and the guard.)
Sydney (in Spanish): Let me make it worth your while.
Guard (in Spanish): No, the gentlemen inside already have.
(Slide across a bar to reveal Vaughn and Weiss on surveillance, watching Sydney speak to the man at the bottom of the stairs. Vaughn has his hand up to his ear, as if listening to a headphone.)
Vaughn (irritated): I'm losing the signal!
Weiss: I'm aiming the mic right at her
Vaughn: I should have worn the ring
Weiss: Get over yourself, okay? No one aims the mic like I do
(Close up of Weiss' hand where he aims a ring that obviously contains the mic.)
Guard (voiceover, in Spanish): Please, walk away for your own good
(Cut to guard, who opens his coat to reveal a g*n.)
or I'll have to accompany you.
(Sydney holds up her hand in a Fine, whatever sort of gesture and starts to walk away. Suddenly, the guard puts a hand to his ear, listening on his comms. He grabs Sydney's arm to keep her from leaving.)
Guard (in Spanish): Excuse me, ma'am. Mr. Walker would like to speak to you.
Sydney: Gracias.
(Sydney climbs the stairs to enter the private party. Walker stubs out a cigarette at the bar and starts walking toward Sydney. She walks toward him.)
Sydney: Hello
Walker: Hello
(Walker continues to walk closer and gives Sydney a long kiss. When he pulls back, we momentarily see the surprise in Sydney's eyes.)
Walker: Good to see you, Julia.
(Sydney takes a b*at, letting this sink in. She was right about Lazarey calling her Julia, because this man has also. He obviously knows her from her missing two years.)
Sydney: Good to see you, too.
(Walker smiles at her. Sydney smiles back. Cut to black. Alias theme. End of Act One.)
~ ~ ~
(Slide across the bar to Weiss and Vaughn at the bar downstairs.)
Weiss: Who the hell is Julia!?
Vaughn: Hell if I know
Weiss: It's not an alias she's ever used with us before
Vaughn: There's no mention of a Julia in her SD-6 files
Weiss: Right. Which means, last two years, when she was supposedly being held by the Covenant
Vaughn: What
You think she was operational!?
Weiss: I think this guy just called her Julia
(Cut to Walker and Sydney)
Walker: Where in the bloody hell have you been?
Sydney: Isn't that the question of the day?
Walker: Oh, come on, I know you can do better than that
Sydney: A girl's gotta have some secrets
Walker: All right, look, all right, at least tell me what's with the new look
I barely recognized you
Sydney: I hope you weren't disappointed
Walker: No. No
but I've missed you
(Cut to Weiss and Vaughn. Neither of them look happy. Vaughn looks worried. Cut back to Walker.)
Walker: Uh, you know
I've missed working with you
Sydney: Why do you think I came back?
Walker: (laughs) You're a right nutter, you are
Sydney: I heard about Bogdan
(Walker looks off, wiping his eye. He looks like he actually cared what happened to Bogdan.)
Walker: Yeah
.that was too bad. Now, you never met Bogdan? (this is half question and half a statement)
Sydney: No
Walker: Yeah, you'd have liked him.
Sydney: I wanna take his place.
Walker: Well, as it happens, we do have a job coming up
but Bogdan was security
Sydney: I know.
(Walker takes a drink from his glass and then teases
Walker: What? No future in m*rder?
Sydney: I am
a girl with many talents
Walker (nodding): Yeah
Sydney: And I'm your man.
Walker: Hmm.
(Cut to dusk in Zurich.)
Lauren (voiceover): Tell us what you know about Simon Walker.
(Cut to Lauren and Sloane. It appears as if it could be the same table she, Vaughn and Sydney sat at last week.)
Lauren: We know he's on a job for the Covenant, but we don't know what he's after. This details the first of what we believe to be two related heists. (shoves a file folder across the table at Sloane.) We think that whatever the Covenant has hired Mr. Walker to obtain will in some way augment the virus they stole earlier this week.
(Sloane studies the files with a smirk on his face.)
Sloane: I must admit, I was concerned for you when Sydney resurfaced
(Cut to Lauren. She really doesn't want to discuss this with Sloane.)
Sloane: I remembered seeing her with Vaughn
their relationship reminded me my own with my late wife
It was the kind of
that even death cannot sever. Hmmm. Well, apparently I misjudged.
Lauren (tightly): Whatever information you can uncover will be greatly appreciated
Sloane: Ah, Ms. Reed
you shouldn't doubt yourself. You're very good at what you do
despite how you got the job
Lauren (she doesn't want it to, but this jab affects her.): What does that mean?
(Sloane takes a renewed interest in the files she gave him, studying them as if she hadn't said anything to him.)
Sloane: I'll see what I can do, hmm?
(Cut to Sydney sitting at the bar. Simon walks up with the other two team members.)
Walker: Meet the fellas
Avery, Javier
this is Julia.
Avery: I can see why you wanted her along
Javier: There's no time for small talk.
Walker: Oh, I know
(to Sydney) Are you ready?
Sydney (feigning indifference): For what?
Walker: Look, you used to say you were ready for anything
(Sydney turns to look at him. Cut to the four of them stalking through the bottom level of the club. As they turn the corner to head outside, right past Weiss and Vaughn, we see Walker place his hand on Sydney's behind and squeeze it. Slide over to Weiss and Vaughn for reaction. Vaughn does not look happy.)
Vaughn (to Weiss): Let's go.
(Cut to a black Hummer pulling up in front of a hotel. Cut to Simon and Sydney as he puts the Hummer in park.)
Walker: Princess Demetria is in town on holiday
Sydney: How nice for her
(Cut to Weiss and Vaughn in the van, listening on comms)
Walker: Mmm
The Spanish royal family is throwing a party in her honor tomorrow night
(Cut back to Walker)
Walker (snickering):
and in typical Demetria fashion, she plans on sporting a hundred and fifty carat diamond necklace
(Walker looks at Sydney) Pity really, because it's up in the penthouse with her right now, gathering dust in a safe
Sydney: You want me to steal it
Walker: Well, consider it your interview
(Cut to Vaughn and Weiss in van. Vaughn gives Weiss a look. Worry is etched all over Vaughn's face.)
Walker: I'd like to see you wearing that necklace
(Cut to Sydney in the Hummer)
Sydney: Just the necklace, right?
Walker: Mmmmm.
(Perez hands her a case from the back seat. She opens it. There is only a tranquilizer dart g*n in it. She pulls it out, then gives a sideways glance at Simon.)
Sydney: You want me to steal the necklace with this!?
Perez: We have
something else for you
Russet (speaking on cell phone, in Spanish): Get me the police.
(Sydney looks exasperatedly at Walker.)
Walker: Well, look
they don't trust you yet
and I'm not sure I do, either
(Cut to Weiss and Vaughn in van, exchanging another anxious look.)
Russet (in Spanish,voiceover): There's a robbery in progress at the Hotel Sevilla.
(Cut back to Hummer)
Perez: The police will be here
in about 7 minutes
(Sydney gets out of Hummer. She enters the lobby of the hotel. Cut to her in a hallway. She comes across the maid's closet. She pulls a bobby pin from her hair and picks the lock to the room and steps inside.)
(Cut to Russet in the Hummer, leaning forward to speak to Walker.)
Russet: You really think she's that good?
Walker: Oh yes
well, she used to be
(Cut to an elevator door opening on the 15th floor. Sydney comes out, dressed like a maid, carrying three thick, fluffy folded towels. She turns the corner and reaches the entrance to the Princess's suite. There is a guard next to the door, reading a newspaper.)
Sydney (in Spanish): Turn-down service?
(The guard looks at her for a moment over the top of his paper, then resumes reading.)
Guard: No.
(Sydney slides the tranq g*n out from under two of the towels and sh**t the guard in the neck. He passes out and Sydney reaches out to steady him in his seat. Cut to Weiss and Vaughn, watching the police cars appear on their monitors.)
Weiss (nervous): We should call them off!
Vaughn: We do that, they'll know Syd's got a tail
there's nothing we can do.
(Cut to Sydney accessing the suite. She looks around and then enters the Princess's bedroom. She is asleep in the bed. Sydney finds the safe: an ordinary turn-dial combination safe. Cut to the lobby of the hotel. The police arrive and speak to the front desk clerk.)
Clerk: Una problema?
Police (in Spanish): We received a call that you're being robbed.
Clerk (in Spanish): Please have a look around.
Police(in Spanish): We're going to investigate.
(Cut to Sydney. She takes the telephone off the bedside table. She unscrews the mouthpiece and removes it from the headset, using it as a stethoscope to hear the tumblers in the safe as she cracks it. Cut to the police arriving on the penthouse floor. Cut back to Sydney, cracking the safe. Cut back to the police. They find the guard passed out at the door. Cut to Sydney. She's gotten the safe open and removes the diamond necklace. The door to the suite breaks open as the police enter. The noise wakes the princess.)
Sydney (to princess as she tranqs her): Sorry
(Princess passes out. Sydney locks the door to the bedroom. She opens the slider and gets onto the balcony. She looks around desperately for an escape route and then looks down to see a large pool in the courtyard below the balcony. The police are yelling for the princess to speak to them, then begin breaking down the bedroom door. Realizing she's run out of time, Sydney rips open the maid's outfit, revealing a black bra and matching underwear. Sydney puts herself over the side of the balcony, just standing on the ledge and holding on. The police break down the door and find the tranquilized princess. They start to look toward the curtain billowing in front of the open balcony door
Sydney lets go and dives down into the pool. She climbs out and a man holds out a white terrycloth robe for her. She smiles at him, dries her face with it and puts it on. Cut to Vaughn and Weiss' security feed. They see Sydney, barefoot, in white robe exit the hotel and get back into Walker's Hummer. Pan over to Weiss' face. He's clearly impressed.)
Weiss: Whatever she just did, man
She's good
she is really good
(Cut to Vaughn's face. He lets out a tense breath and his shoulders drop with relief. Intense worry and relief are all over his face. Cut to Sydney, getting into the Hummer. Looking back at the men in the back seat, she says
Sydney: I had time for a swim
(The camera pans from Sydney, still panting with exertion, to the dashboard. Sydney puts her foot up and the diamond necklace is double wrapped around Sydney's ankle.)
Walker: Right
I've got a meeting in Paris tomorrow night; we'll meet at the safehouse on Thursday to spec out the mission
(Walker hands Sydney a folder) Here's the tech you'll need
(Sydney smiles at him and grabs the folder.)
Walker: Well, welcome to the team
(Walker and Sydney look at each other. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
~ ~ ~
(CIA jet, flying, evening. Cut to Sydney and Vaughn facing each other in the seats. Sydney is studying the info about the heist given to her by Walker. Vaughn watches her, looking pensive.)
Sydney: I need to learn how to crack an S305 safe
Vaughn (a bit tense, something's bothering him): Weiss is on with Marshall, approving the specs for you
Sydney (not looking up, still studying mission info): Thanks.
(Sydney looks up and meets Vaughn's eyes. He doesn't look happy. Sydney tries a tiny smile at him, but his expression doesn't change. Finally, she looks aside and sighs.)
Sydney: Okay, I know you think this op is too dangerous for me to continue
Vaughn: Yes, I do
(He looks at Sydney for a long moment)
but that's not what I was gonna say.
(Sydney leans forward, resting her elbow on the desk in front of her and rest her chin in the palm of her hand, fingers curled upward
a very Irina-like pose
Sydney: So
Vaughn: I've never worked with anyone who can improvise better than you can
but when Simon called you Julia
your reaction
you didn't seem surprised.
Sydney: Vaughn
Vaughn: No
tell me what's going on.
(They look at each other for another long moment. Sydney's eyes say she wants to tell him, but she knows she can't. Vaughn takes her hesitation as something else. He leans across the table toward her and says earnestly
Vaughn: Look, I know we're not where we were
but even before then, professionally, we never kept secrets from each other. I'm still on your side
Sydney: You're right
we're not where we were. And trust me when I tell you, I am doing you a favor by keeping you out of it.
Vaughn (annoyed by her answer): No, that is not gonna work with me
Sydney: It's gonna have to
I can't afford to make a distinction between professional and personal; not in my life. I mean, this job took two years from me. Everything is personal.
(Vaughn sits back. He is clearly unhappy and unsatisfied with her answer. Sydney looks down, not meeting his eyes. Her voice isn't quite so hard now.)
Sydney: As much as I wish I could trust you
the responsibilities you have now require me not to.
Vaughn: Responsibilities!? What the hell does that mean!? What
(Sydney gives a hint of a bitter smile for an answer and looks back down. Vaughn takes the hint.)
Vaughn: What, because she's NSC, or because she's my wife!? Or is that distinction irrelevant!?
(Arguing with Vaughn pains her; we see it in her eyes. She shakes her head slightly.)
Sydney: I'm not punishing you
You think I am
I'm not.
(Sydney and Vaughn are giving each other hurt, angry, annoyed looks. The tension between them is thick. Then Weiss comes out from another part of the plane holding a little cup of peanuts, snacking from it. He walks up and sees the two them.)
Weiss: What? Somebody die?
the safehouse. Walker walks into a main room where Perez and Russet are working on specs.)
Walker: He pumped my contact
apparently by disabling the power, we're going to alert off-site security.
(Perez holds up a manila envelope for Walker to take.)
Perez: We have a bigger problem
(Walker takes the envelope.)
Walker: What's that?
Perez: Julia
(Walker takes the photos out of the envelope and looks at them. We can't see what they are of.)
(Cut to overhead sh*t of LA by day.)
Jack (voiceover): Vaughn's been quizzing me about Julia.
(Cut to Jack and Sydney in JTF conference room.)
Jack: I tried shutting down his inquiry, but apparently
something you said has made that impossible.
Sydney: All I said was that I couldn't talk about it.
Jack: Which, of course, has only peaked his interest.
Sydney: What peaked his interest was hearing Simon Walker call me Julia and then kiss me like his prom date! I can't compel Vaughn to stop being curious.
Jack: I don't need to remind you of the consequence if Lauren and the NSC connect you to the assassination of Lazarey. They will subject you to detailed, invasive and painful procedures in the name of extracting your lost memory.
Sydney: Yes, all of that could happen
And you know, at this point, I'm starting to think that might be a good thing
I'm thinking maybe I should have let them hook me up when I first got back
find out what they could
because, however painful that would be
it couldn't be as painful as not knowing.
Jack: Yes, it can.
(Jack gets up and leaves)
Marshall: Okay, now I figured out how to crack that safe
that you have to crack. I got this idea during Carrie's last ultrasound
Check this out. You ready? Okay, now, um
now while the software manipulates the voltage to crack the encryption algorithm
(Cut to Sydney and Carrie watching Marshall, then back to Marshall)
this monitors the locking mechanism by using imaging and audio it hears
Carrie: It's like an x-ray and stethoscope in one.
Sydney: So once I rewire the keypad and attach the probe, the software will do the rest.
Marshall: Yeah, it shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes. Now, I know what you're wondering
boy or girl? Well, she won't tell me
Carrie (exasperated): Marshall, I don't know!
Marshall: She knows. That's okay, though, because I've come up with a solution
to solve
this predicament
(searches through stuff on his desk and finds a piece of paper) Unisex names. Now
this is what I've come up with
so far: (Carrie rolls her eyes and Sydney looks politely amused) Jody, Sam, Alex, Andy, Francis, Frank
(to Carrie) that could be with a ph (Carrie gives Sydney a look that says, Can you believe this!?) Randy, Terry, Jan, Don
(Dixon's Assistant walks in, interrupting Marshall.)
Assistant: Ms. Bristow? (Sydney and Carrie turn to look at her.) Director would like to see you in his office. (She walks away. Sydney smiles at Carrie and Marshall.)
Sydney: Excuse me. (She leaves.)
Marshall (picking up the safe cracking device and holding it toward Carrie's stomach): You know
I could find out right now
Carrie: Touch me with that thing and you die!
(Cut to Vaughn and Sydney, walking in step toward Dixon's office.)
Sydney: Do you know what this is about?
Vaughn: No. (Vaughn is more stiff and curt than he usually is with her, as if he's still upset about their discussion on the plane.)
(Cut to Dixon, and Jack standing next to him in the Director's office.)
Dixon: Your father showed me your videotape.
(Sydney looks over at her father, shocked. Vaughn looks between Jack and Sydney and then asks
Vaughn: What videotape?
Dixon: The videotape that clearly identifies Sydney as the m*rder of a Russian diplomat, Adrian Lazarey. (Vaughn gives Sydney a betrayed look. Sydney can't bring herself to look at him. As Dixon continues speaking, Vaughn gives both Sydney and Jack long glares and crosses his arms in front of him.) Your father has also informed me that since you returned, you've conspired to keep this information from both this CIA and the NSC because you were afraid you'd be pulled off active duty. (Dixon looks disappointed. Sydney's eyes are full of sorrow and regret as she looks at him.) Agent Vaughn, you weren't aware of any of this?
Vaughn: No, sir.
(Dixon nods his understanding.)
Dixon: I agree with Jack that your complicity in Lazarey's m*rder may not have been voluntary. And seeing as you have no memory of the incident, it's premature to pass judgment. (Sydney gives her father a betrayed look here.) Sydney, Jack
if I find out you've concealed any more information from me, you will feel the full weight of this office bearing down on you. That said, we in too deep with the current operation. We can't allow the Covenant to get their hands on bio-w*apon. So, you're going back in as scheduled.
Sydney: Yes, sir.
Dixon: Given my discretion to compartmentalize information during an ongoing operation, I'm withholding this information from the NSC. That means, Agent Vaughn, that you are prohibited from discussing any of this with your wife. Is that understood?
(Vaughn is resigned to this fate, but the burden of lying to his wife is already present.)
Vaughn (in a half-whisper): Yeah. (He gives Sydney another look of betrayal.)
Sydney (voiceover): You wanna tell me what that was about!?
(Cut to Sydney and Jack walking away from Dixon's office.)
Sydney: I thought you said we need to keep this secret!
Jack: Yes, from the NSC
which is what we've done.
(They stop walking, Sydney turns to face Jack.)
Sydney: You knew Dixon would order Vaughn to keep this from Lauren
If the NSC found out, I'd be pulled.
Jack: In time, you would have come to the same conclusion.
Sydney: Maybe, yes, but I wouldn't have acted on it. The last thing I want is to be responsible for driving a wedge between Vaughn and Lauren.
Jack: That is a concern I do not share.
(Sydney turns and walks away, leaving Jack to stare after her.)
(Cut to Vaughn rounding a corner and seeing Lauren.)
Vaughn: Hey!
(Lauren looks up, excuses herself from the person she was speaking to and walks over to Vaughn. They give each other a peck and then walk around the corner.)
Vaughn: How was Sloane?
Lauren: It was okay
Vaughn: Yeah?
Lauren: You're off?
Vaughn: Mmmhmm.
Lauren: Me, too. (pause) Aren't we the jet set couple?
(Vaughn pauses; guilt is already weighing on him.)
Vaughn: You were right about before; those details do matter; I shouldn't leave them out
Lauren: It's okay
Vaughn: Yeah
(pause) I miss you.
(Cut to Walker, looking at the photos Perez gave him. Perez is leaning against a wall. Walker looks at them one by one and then drops them on the seat beside him. He looks a bit dejected.)
Perez: I knew she couldn't be trusted
(Walker puts his head in his hand as if massaging away a headache. The camera pans slowly to the photos as Perez continues talking.)
Perez: She never went to Milan
She was with him
(Focus in on black and white photo on top of stack of Sydney and Vaughn. Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
~ ~ ~
(Black screen. PAMPLONA. Push through the 2nd P. Cut to a deserted Pamplona street at night. Cut to Sydney and Vaughn in the surveillance van getting ready. Sydney puts on her leather jacket and Vaughn puts on his headset. Sydney lets out a big sigh. Vaughn seems very tense. The air is thick between them. Sydney looks at Vaughn, pauses and then says tentatively
Sydney: Vaughn?
(Vaughn takes a split second, and then turns to her. His eyes still hold the pain of his felt betrayal, while still being worried for her on this mission. Cut back to Sydney.)
Sydney: What my dad did
I never wanted you to have to keep secrets from Lauren.
Vaughn nods slightly, looks back at his computer screen, and takes off his headset. He sighs a little and says with a touch of bitterness
Vaughn: Well, now I do
(He meets her eyes and sees the sorrow there. His tone changes to a more normal' mission-stressed Vaughn sound.) And for the record, I still think this is insane
Sydney: I know
that you're going back to a man who
knows you as a different person!
Sydney: If this was just about finding the Covenant, I might agree with you. But Vaughn, I have to know
Where I was
and who Julia is
What I did
(Vaughn hears her, understands what she's saying, but still doesn't like it. As the van door opens he looks away.)
Weiss: Laser mic's in place. We're good to go.
(Weiss sits down and puts his headphones on. Sydney and Vaughn exchange a long look. Sydney is pleading with her eyes for him to understand. It appears he does, although he is still very worried about her and wishes she wouldn't do this.)
Sydney: I'll talk to you when this is over.
(Sydney gets up and leaves. Vaughn heaves a sigh and puts his headset back on. Cut to Sydney inside Simon's safehouse. She walks up to him. He's sitting on his bed barefoot, in black pants and a sleeveless white T-shirt. He's clutching a book to his chest as she approaches.
Walker: Well
how was Milan?
(Walker is studying her closely. There appears to be just a hint of jealousy on his face. Sydney removes her coat, dropping it on the side of the bed.)
Sydney: We're good. I got everything we need.
(She looks around, doesn't see anyone else there.)
Sydney: Just you and me?
(Walker puts down his book and pats the bed next to him.)
Walker: Sit down.
(Sydney sits.)
Walker: So, tell me Julia
and don't be coy
(Cut to a tense Vaughn and Weiss listening to the conversation
Vaughn looks like he's having a hard time not being angry (think his reaction to the guy on the Server 47 plane and you have the idea of what he looks like now)) before
when you disappeared
where the hell'd you go?
(Cut back to Sydney)
Sydney: Why
.did you miss me?
Walker (short laugh, pulling off his T-shirt): I did.
(Sydney starts kissing his neck, giving him funny looks as she does, as if trying to decide where Walker is going with this conversation. They kiss on the mouth a few times.)
Sydney: What did you miss? (She starts kissing his shoulder.)
Walker: Well, ah
(he stares at Sydney's chest) you
(Sydney straddles Walker's legs, pulling her shirt off)
you had certain
specific qualities
(Walker runs his hands up her bare stomach)
(Cut to Vaughn, listening in the van. If looks could k*ll, Simon would be one d*ad boy.)
(Cut to Sydney as she lies on top of Simon.)
Sydney: Like what? The first time you saw me
what did you think? (She starts kissing a path down his chest.)
Walker: What
you mean in Algeria?
(Sydney looks up to assess him, to try and see if he's trying to catch her in a lie. Finally, she answers.)
Sydney: Uh, huh
Walker: Oh, do you remember? We almost died in that godforsaken place
Sydney: We
couldn't keep our hands off each other
(Simon smiles bemusedly, then pulls Sydney back up to his face.)
I thought to myself
now there is a very beautiful woman
who knows how to deceive!
(Walker shoves her down face first on the bed, leans on top of her. Grabbing her hair and pulling it back, he unsheathes a switchblade and holds it to her neck.)
Walker: You never went to Milan!
(Cut to the van with Vaughn and Weiss. Vaughn flings off his headset, ready to go charging out the door to save Sydney. Weiss grabs him by the arm.)
Weiss: No, man
you can't go!
Vaughn: I'm not going to just let her die!
Weiss: Give her a chance!
(Cut back to Simon and Sydney.)
to tell me, who the hell you're working for!
Sydney: I'm working for myself, you son of a bitch!
Walker: Yeah!? Yeah!? Who's this!?
(Walker shows Sydney one of the photographs of her with Vaughn.)
Sydney (whispering): It's my supplier.
(Cut to Weiss and Vaughn in the van. Cut back to Walker and Sydney. Walker grabs Sydney, turns her over so she's lying on her back and holds her down with a hand around her neck.)
Walker: Your supplier? What's his name? You lie to me again and I will k*ll you
(Walker points the Kn*fe in Sydney's face.)
Sydney: That's Michael Vaughn
He's my supplier
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Oh my God, that's a picture of me
(Cut back to Walker and Sydney.)
Sydney: Come on, Simon! What the hell!? What, you don't believe me!?
Walker: No! No, sweetheart, I don't!
(Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
~ ~ ~
(Camera pan across Marshall's tech room. Marshall is sitting in front of his computer. The phone rings; he answers it.)
Marshall: Flinkman residence
(Cut to Vaughn. He has the same intense face he had when Sydney was on the mission in Mexico City.)
Vaughn: Marshall, this is Vaughn. Listen to me very carefully. I need you to upload to Interpol database immediately a criminal record with my name and photograph with at least 20 charges, all of them security based.
(Cut to Marshall.)
Marshall: Got it, got it, got it
Security stocks or security alarm systems?
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Alarm systems
(Cut to Walker and Sydney.)
Walker: Why did you head to the States!?
Sydney: Because the alarm system you're asking me to disable is from Chicago
That's Illinois
That's the United States! Milan wasn't gonna help us, you freak!
(Walker seems slightly taken aback with her answer. He pauses for a second and then gestures to the photograph with his Kn*fe.)
Walker: That's your supplier?
Sydney: Check his records. Security is all he does
(Cut to Marshall. He turns around in his chair and addresses Carrie, who is on the other side of the room.)
Marshall: Do a search for a criminal profile with someone with security-related felons!
(Carrie gives Marshall a dirty look.)
Carrie: Please would be nice
(She walks toward the computer anyway.)
Marshall: Uh, sorry
Please? My love?
(Cut to Walker as he begins to access Interpol. Sydney stands behind Walker, watching, full of attitude. Cut back to Weiss and Vaughn in the van.)
Weiss: Is Marshall gonna be able to do this in time?
Vaughn (to Marshall): We gonna be able to do this in time?
(Cut to Marshall, working furiously at his computer.)
Marshall: We're doing the best we can
Carrie: Got it. Transferring now.
(The record is on Marshall's computer. He superimposes Vaughn's face on top of the one attached to the record and begins changing the name to match Vaughn's.)
Marshall (to himself): That's good
change that
almost there
one second, one second
(Cut to the van; a close up of Weiss's fingers tapping the table nervously. Vaughn looks over at Weiss.)
Vaughn: Stop bouncing!
Weiss: Sorry.
(Cut to Marshall.)
Marshall: Hang on, uploading. Okay, done!
(Cut to Walker's computer. His search is done. Vaughn's face and profile appears on his screen. Walker starts scrolling down, look at his record. Walker half turns to Sydney, very embarrassed and apologetic.)
Walker: Um
(looks over his shoulder at her)
Sydney: Now I remember why I left
(She grabs her coat and stalks off. Cut to Weiss and Vaughn in the van. Vaughn takes off his headset and lays it on the table. He's relieved but still really worried.)
(Cut to the dining room of the safehouse. The other two men are seated at the table along with Sydney. Walker walks into the room. Perez shares a pointed look with Walker.)
Walker: She's good.
(Perez rolls his eyes as if he doesn't quite believe this.)
Walker: Okay. We're hitting a storage facility 35 miles outside of Saragosa run by the Disease Control Ministry. Now, to get in, we have to cut the power, which is gonna trigger an off-site security response. This gives us five minutes to get in, get the package and get out. Our target's a biological agent.
(Walker's cell phone rings.)
Walker: Hello? Good
yeah, come in. (To Perez) Take over
Perez: Inside the box is a small canister the size of a fist, which we'll be transferring to portable cooler. Now, keep in mind, once you've opened the safe, you only have one minute to remove the canister before it self-destructs, which means the transfer should be smooth
and instantaneous.
(Behind them, Walker returns, accompanied by Sark.)
Sark: The shift rotation's been changed. We'll have to adjust our timetables accordingly.
(Sydney reacts to hearing Sark's voice. Slowly, she gets up and walks closer to Perez, bending over the specs to completely obscure her face.)
Sark: But that shouldn't change any of our plans.
(Sark takes a sparing glance in the direction of the team and then back to Walker.)
Sark: Is your team aware of the fragile nature of the item?
Walker: Yeah.
Sark: By my calculations, we'll have to move everything up three hours
Sydney (leaning over Perez): Can I study these?
Perez (quietly, so that no one will overhear): I know you're hiding something
(Sydney doesn't reply, trying to remain stoic, listening to Sark's conversation with Walker.)
Sark: When you recover the item, contact me, and we'll exchange it for the remainder of your fee.
Walker: Now that's sporting
Sark: Good luck.
(Sark walks out. Cut to evening scene, Zurich.)
Sloane (voiceover): I think I have the information you asked for.
(Cut to Lauren, leaning on her elbow as she listens to Sloane.)
Lauren: Good.
(Cut to Sloane, sitting at the conference table, sipping from a glass of water. This scene cuts back and forth between Sloane and Lauren.)
Sloane: The second job
what the Covenant was trying to acquire. It's an artificial pathogen. If they combine this with the virus they stole last week, they will be able to genetically tailor a biological w*apon for specific targets.
Lauren: A designer b*mb that would be effective against only the targets they chose
Sloane: Precisely.
(Lauren makes notes while Sloane pours himself more water.)
Sloane: I suppose I should come clean with you
that thing I said the other day; that comment I made about
how you got the job
I was referring to the Senator
your father.
(Lauren looks up from her writing to stare at Sloane.)
Lauren: What about my father?
Sloane: Well, he knew how badly you wanted to become field rated, and he thought it was too dangerous, so he made sure it didn't happen.
(Cut to Lauren's shocked face. We see pain and a touch of betrayal there, too. This comment clearly affects her. Sloane takes a drink out of his water glass and says, almost gleefully
Sloane: But you knew that
didn't you?
(Lauren seems to pull herself back together, but there is still a touch of the pain and betrayal in her eyes.)
Lauren: I know what you're doing
the way you manipulate people
(Cut to a sh*t of Sloane with another one of his mysterious smiles.)
don't do it to me.
(Cut back to Sloane, still meeting her gaze head on.)
(Cut to a delivery truck pulling up to the entrance of the storage facility at night. They stop as the guard comes out of the shack. Simon is driving, Sydney sits next to him and Perez sits on her other side.)
Guard (in Spanish): You're not on the list.
(Walker hands a clipboard out the window. The guard takes it and starts looking at it.)
Guard (in Spanish): What are the inventory numbers?
(Walker pulls out a p*stol and sh**t the guard in the neck. Sydney pulls out a clipboard like item that has a large touchscreen.)
Sydney: It'll take me a minute to hack into central security
Shutting the power off
We have access to building three.
(Walker restarts the truck.)
Walker: We've got five minutes before their guards show up.
(Walker's group and Sydney enter the facility. They search and find a specific cooler.)
Walker: Julia, you're up.
(Sydney walks forward and sets her stuff up, a laptop and Marshall's device. She cuts two wires on the cooler safe's keypad and attaches them to the device. She attaches the other part of the device to the cooler door and then turns to the computer and types. The readout says Access Denied. )
Walker: Babe, what's the problem?
Sydney: Standard Algorithm Decryption should have worked, I'll need to map their security.
Walker: How long will that take?
Sydney: I don't know.
Walker: You only have thirty seconds left
(Sydney gives a glance at Perez. He looks very unhappy, as if he'd been expecting this. She goes back over to the combination panel and cuts another wire.)
Perez: I knew we couldn't rely on her
Sydney: Keep your mouth shut and maybe we'll walk out of here
(Sydney takes the cut wire and splices it onto the keypad, then rushes back to the computer.)
Walker: Julia
three seconds
(As time almost runs out, Sydney is able to break the code. The safe opens. She looks up at Perez defiantly.)
Sydney (to Perez): They customized the hardware
not exactly factory condition. (to Walker) Nothing I couldn't handle
(She opens the door to the safe, revealing a metal canister. Simon removes the canister and stores it in a special cooler they've brought with them. They pack up their gear.)
Walker: Security will be here in two minutes
let's go.
(Cut to the truck driving down a deserted dirt road. It stops; they get out. Walker carries the cooler.)
Sydney: What's this?
Walker: Switching vehicles
in case we've been followed
(Sydney pulls out Marshall's lipstick and starts applying it. Walker sees this and stands to watch her, amused. She notices him watching her and she smiles. They watch as a jeep rounds the corner toward them and stops. Sydney rubs her lips together and gives Perez a little smirk as he walks toward the jeep. We see that Sydney has palmed the tracking device. She looks up as Russet gets out of the jeep.)
Russet: We've a little surprise for ya
(Sydney is looking down, putting the lipstick back in her pocket. As she looks back up we see two other men pulling a beaten and bloody Vaughn out of the back seat. His hands are handcuffed in front of him.Their eyes meet for a moment before Sydney breaks eye contact, her face a mask.)
(Cut to someone wading through a pile of papers. Weiss grabs a headset and puts it on.)
Weiss: Vaughn's missing!
Dixon: What happened?
Weiss: I was doing an overlook, I planted a mic
I got back and he's gone!
Dixon: You're scheduled to meet Sydney at the extraction point.
Weiss: No, I am not leaving my partner!
Dixon: A tac unit based out of Barcelona has already been deployed; you will meet Sydney at the extraction point!
(Weiss whips off his headset, pissed off and worried for Vaughn.)
(Cut to Perez, standing next to the men holding Vaughn.)
Perez: This is what I meant! He's got CIA issue equipment!
Sydney: Simon, I swear to you this man is my supplier!
Walker: Not anymore
(Walker stalks over to Vaughn, grabs him by the jacket lapel, dragging him forward.) Come here
(He marches Vaughn to the side of the road and forces him to kneel.)
Perez: You've got to get rid of them both!
Walker: That's enough out of you! Julia's with us. It's this one who's the problem, not her
(Walker cocks his p*stol, preparing to sh**t Vaughn in the head execution style.)
Sydney: Wait!
(Walker turns to look at Sydney.)
Sydney: If he's been lying to me all this time
he's put me in danger! I wanna do it. (more fervently) I wanna do it!
(Walker grabs Vaughn by the lapels again, pulling him back up to a stand.)
Walker: Get up
(Sydney looks around and then grabs a switchblade from Perez's waist, flicking it open as she walks back toward Vaughn. Sydney grabs Vaughn's coat lapels roughly, yanking him toward her.)
Sydney (menacingly): You never should have betrayed me
(There is a moment here where they look into each other's eyes as she says this. It's clear that Vaughn knows she's trying to save his life, even though he understands what she's about to do. Sydney's eyes are wide, as if she can't believe she's about to do this
doesn't know if she can, and asking him to understand, trying to draw strength from him. Resignation sets in on Vaughn's face. He closes his mouth and sets his jaw to prepare himself. Sydney s*ab Vaughn in the lower torso, a clean in and out motion. Vaughn gasps and doubles over, his face clearly registering the pain. He groans as he slides to the ground. Sydney purses her lips tightly, struggling to keep her emotions in check. We hear gurgling noises coming from Vaughn. Once Vaughn's on the ground and Sydney steps away from him, Walker comes forward and kicks Vaughn roughly, and Vaughn tumbles end over end into the ravine. Sydney stares down the hill into the ravine, watching Vaughn's body as it tumbles and comes to a rest down near the bottom. The others start to move, but she still stands there staring. Now that they've moved away from her, we can see she's gasping for air, stricken, as she looks down at Vaughn's unmoving body.)
Walker: Julia
let's move.
(She turns and climbs into the jeep with the rest of the crew. She stares out the front window, unseeing as they move and one of the other henchmen drives off in the opposite direction with the truck they used for the heist. Cut and then pan across the brush to Vaughn's prone, unconscious body as it lies in the ravine, his handcuffed hands flung up over his head. The camera pulls up and away and fades to black. ALIAS. End of Act Five.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x04 - A Missing Link"} | foreverdreaming |
Fade to black. THREE HOURS LATER. Cut to a daytime scene of Syd (still in Julia disguise) running full out through what seems to be a park. She reaches a telephone and dials a number. The line rings, then is answered. The camera pans around Syd and keeps cutting to different angles.)
Voice: This line is secure.
Sydney (panting): Mountaineer, day code 87865, requesting patch-thru
Voice: Connected.
Sydney: This is the first time I could call
I just got away
(Cut to the Ops Center
sliding pan to Jack. Scene keeps cutting back and forth between Jack and Sydney, the camera still pans in circles around them in a frantic manner.)
Jack: Sydney
where are you?
Sydney: I'm in Spain. Dad, listen to me
they have to activate the transmitter now! I put it on Vaughn
he's on a road outside of Ibiza
Jack: On Vaughn!? We're supposed to be tracking the biological w*apon
Sydney: Dad, Vaughn is bleeding to death right now! You have to move!
Jack: Hold on
(Jack pushes a button on his phone. Cut to Marshall in his office.)
Marshall: Flinkman!
(Cut to Jack.)
Jack: Trigger Sydney's transmitter now!
(Cut back to Marshall)
Marshall: Yes, sir.
(Marshall types furiously at his keyboard. Cut back to Jack.)
Jack: And send Weiss after the signal
(Cut to Marshall.)
Marshall: Okay, I'm on it
(Cut back to Jack.)
Jack: Marshall's activating it
Tell me what happened.
(Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: They found Vaughn. They grabbed him. They were gonna put a b*llet in his head, so I offered to do it
Dad, I s*ab him myself
(Cut to Jack.)
Jack: Sydney
(Cut to Syd, very distressed.)
Sydney: I had to! I didn't have any choice! They were gonna k*ll him!
(Cut to Jack.)
Jack: I understand. We're tracking the signal now
Tell me what happened with the package.
(Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: The biological w*apon are in a case in Simon's room.
(Cut to Jack.)
Sydney (voiceover): He told me he was going somewhere with Javier to celebrate the job.
(Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: I'm going to break into his room and grab the w*apon
Jack (voiceover): Sweetheart
(Cut to Jack.)
Jack: We'll find Vaughn.
(Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: Thank you
(She hangs up and starts to walk away.)
(Cut to a brown van driving up an alley. The camera pans down and we see Sark waiting for the van to stop. It does, and Simon and Javier exit the van. As Simon and Sark approach Sark, Simon asks
Simon: What's the rush?
Sark: Timetable's moved up. That's all you need to know.
(Sark turns and opens a briefcase full of money.)
Simon: Now, look at that
hmm? Now what's more beautiful than that
Sark: Perhaps what it pays for
(Simon hands Sark a bottle of wine he was carrying.)
Simon: Here. Cheers!
(Sark opens the bottle and takes a long swig of the red wine.)
Sark: Excellent. Biological w*apon, please.
(Simon hands Javier the case full of money, Javier hands Simon another briefcase. Laying it on the hood of Sark's car, he opens it to expose the canister of the agent.)
Sark: You know, it's rare to find people who do their job well.
Simon: Well
even a thief can take pride in his work, Mr. Sark
(Simon closes the suitcase again.)
Simon: Hmmm, here
(Sark takes the handle of the briefcase.)
Sark: Thank you.
(Sark turns and goes toward his car. Simon and Javier turn and go toward theirs.)
(Cut to Sydney, exiting the elevator on the 22nd floor. She hurries to Simon's door and uses a code scanner to break into his room. She looks around and finds a suitcase sitting under a desk. She takes a pick out of her bracelet and begins to pick the lock on the suitcase. Cut to Simon getting off the elevator and starting to walk toward his room. Cut back to Syd as she continues to pick the lock. Cut back to Simon, in the same hallway as his room. Cut back to Syd as she opens the briefcase to find it empty. She slams the case shut, her eyes wide. Simon walks up to his door and inserts the keycard upside down. The door beeps, doesn't open. Cut to Syd, who looks up the door in a panic. Cut back to Simon as he puts the key card in correctly. As he opens the door and enters the room, we hear water running. The camera pans along the tile floor as we see it littered with black clothing and underwear, to reveal Sydney in the shower, behind a clear but frosted shower curtain. Simon appears slightly surprised, but pleased.)
Simon (teasing): You know this is trespassing
(Syd sticks her head out the side of the curtain with a smile.)
Sydney: Surprise
(She sticks her head back inside the shower, turning off the water.)
Simon: I was looking for you before
where'd you go?
(Sydney wraps a towel around herself and exits the shower.)
Sydney: Took a walk
needed some air. It's not every night I k*ll someone in the CIA
Simon: You know, if he was CIA
he certainly wasn't doing his job very well
We already made the exchange.
(Cut to Sydney's face. She's clearly disappointed.)
Sydney: The Covenant already picked up the w*apon?
(Simon puts down the briefcase and pulls out some of the money.)
Simon: And... They made payment
(Simon hands three or four packs of bills to Sydney. She takes them and smiles. Simon looks at her longingly as she stands there dripping wet in only a towel.)
Simon (not looking up from her body): This is horrible
Sydney: What?
Simon (meeting her eyes): Well, we're flying later in the morning
I never wanted to leave a place less, you know that, don't you?
Sydney: I thought the exchange was tomorrow.
Simon: They moved up their schedule.
(Simon relatches the briefcase of money while Sydney, behind him, looks very unhappy. He goes to the closet to grab his bag.)
Sydney: When am I going to see you again? I have so many questions
Simon: Bout what?
Sydney: Everything
(Syd gives Simon a little seductive smile.)
Simon: Oh, yeah
we work well together, and I have your number; there's always going to be another job coming up
I'll call you.
(Simon leans in to kiss her. It takes a split second, and then Sydney smiles back.)
Simon: Feel free to use the room
(As he turns to go.)
Sydney: Thanks
(Off Sydney's look of disappointment and shock, to
Aerial scene of barren mountains. Cut to two Chevy Blazers skidding to a halt on a dirt road.)
Weiss: We're on the signal; we're tracking him now.
(Weiss gets out of the Blazer and starts making his way up a hill. The beeper buzzes quickly.)
Weiss: Vaughn!
(Cut to Vaughn's body, lying motionless a short distance away.)
Weiss: Oh, God
! I got him! I need a medic!
(Weiss races up the hill and skids to his knees beside Vaughn.)
Another Agent: Medic!
Weiss (more urgent now): I need a medic!
(The medic runs toward Weiss and Vaughn. The medic starts cutting away Vaughn's bloody shirt.)
Weiss: We found him. He's in bad shape. They're working on him now
(Cut back to medic applying a bandage to Vaughn's s*ab wound and feeling his jugular for a pulse. The whole side of Vaughn's face is bloody. Cut to Black. End of Act One.)
~ ~ ~
(Scene opens with Vaughn in a hospital bed, breathing tube sticking out of his mouth. Lauren sits on a chair next to him, waiting. Cut to several scenes of her pacing, soothing his brow, holding his hand. Vaughn is still unconscious.)
(Cut to an elevator door opening. It's Sydney. She steps out and starts walking just as Lauren rounds the corner.)
Sydney: How is he?
Lauren: I don't know. No one does. Critical, but s*ab is the official term.
Sydney: Is he awake?
Lauren: No. He was hypoxic. He lost oxygen when the s*ab wound collapsed his lung. They call it tension pneumothorax, which means
they don't know if he's suffered brain damage.
(Lauren looks as if she's holding back tears. Cut to Sydney. She doesn't look much better. A look comes over her face; she knows she has to tell Lauren the truth.)
Sydney: Lauren? I know that you've been generally briefed, but I need to explain the details myself so that
you'll know how this happened.
(Lauren nods, grief evident on her face. Her eyes are watery. Cut back to Sydney, who looks so very sorry for what she is about to tell Lauren.)
Sydney: A member of Walker's team
caught Michael
I still don't know how. Walker ID'd him as CIA
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (cutting Sydney off):
and s*ab him and left him for d*ad
I already know all this; it's in the briefing. Thank you.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Lauren
(almost a whisper now)
that's not
(She shakes her head, pursing her lips to hold back her emotions) Walker had a g*n to Michael's head. He was about to pull the trigger. I took his Kn*fe
(grief is written all over Sydney's face)
I s*ab him myself.
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (her face goes from stunned disbelief to horror): You!?
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney (her eyes begging Lauren to understand): Yes, Walker was gonna m*rder him
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (horrified and disbelieving):
so you s*ab him!?
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney (looks away for a moment and then back): I had no choice. It was the only thing I could do to save Michael's life
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (sarcastically): Really
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney (looks hurt, she thought Lauren would believe her, would understand): You can not think that I would have chosen to hurt him
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (tears still in her eyes, bitter): Michael
might never wake up from this!
(Cut to Sydney. She's trying to hold back her emotion. She can't believe Lauren thinks she hurt Vaughn on purpose. The pain reflects in her eyes. Cut to Lauren. She is shocked, and looks betrayed, also tears cling to her lashes. Before either of them can say anything else, both their beepers go off. We see each of them has gotten the same message: 47911.)
(Cut to JTF Conference Room. We see a close up of a satellite photograph.)
Dixon: At 4:30 GMT, an imaging satellite picked up the heat signature of a small aircraft flying a tactical profile. (Cut to Lauren. She's looking off to the side in thought, apparently about Vaughn, and then sh**t a hurtful, angry look at Sydney. Cut to Sydney. At first, she doesn't realize Lauren's looking at her, but as the stare continues, Sydney makes eye contact. She sees Lauren's expression and gets a closed I don't care what you think' look on her face. Cut back to Dixon talking) The national reconnaissance office tracked it to a maximum security facility in the Ural Mountains, where it flew multiple passes, deploying some kind of a biological w*apon.
Sydney: The w*apon Sark picked up in Spain?
Dixon: Most likely.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction to this news. She's not happy, looks down at her lap.)
Dixon: Echelon intercepts between the responding emergency teams indicate that the entire prison population
300 guards
500 prisoners
died within minutes.
Lauren: There were no survivors?
Weiss: No, there was one.
Sydney: One!?
Weiss: Yeah.
(Dixon puts up a photo of a black man dressed in military garb.)
Lauren (recognizes him): Abasi Bomani.
Weiss: Right. And as we all know, Bomani's become the largest arms dealer in Africa.
Dixon: When authorities realized a biological w*apon had been deployed, they called in the HAZMAT team to secure the facility.
(Dixon shows a photo of two men dressed in HAZMAT suits on either side of Bomani. Dixon focuses in on the face of one of the HAZMAT men. It's Sark.)
Sydney: Sark.
Weiss: Bomani was last seen being escorted to a decontamination unit. That's all we know.
Sydney: How did Bomani survive?
Marshall: Actually
If I may
I could, uh, shed some light on the situation
as usual
Dixon (reproachful): Marshall?
Marshall (gulps): Basically, uh, Sark was able to combine an Ebola strain with the w*apon that he'd had stolen from Spain. Now we believe that the Covenant tailored the w*apon to k*ll everybody except the person whose genetic profile was encoded into the virus.
Sydney: In this case, Bomani.
Marshall (excited and impressed): Yeah. I mean the whole thing's pretty cool
(Dixon gives Marshall a look)
Marshall (abashed):
in a sick
Lauren: Sloane is attending an NPO conference in Mexico City. I have a briefing scheduled with him the day after tomorrow.
Sydney: I'm still catching up
What did Sloane have to do with this?
(She asked the question to Dixon, but Lauren answers.)
Lauren: Sloane gave us the intel that led to Bomani's arrest. The subsequent dismantling of his terror network wasn't simply one of the reasons we agreed to pardon Sloane
it was the predominant reason. He might have a lead.
Dixon: Sydney, you'll accompany Lauren to Mexico. That's it.
(Lauren is still giving Sydney dirty looks. She's very unthrilled about the prospect of spending time alone with her.)
(Cut to Sydney, talking to Jack in a corner of the JTF.)
Sydney: She thinks I s*ab Vaughn by choice
that I could have done something else; that it was payback
Jack: When someone's spouse is critically hurt or k*lled, rational thought takes time.
Sydney: I know
Jack: Tell me about Simon Walker. At the moment, he's the only connection we have to your missing two years. We can't squander this opportunity. Did he say anything else to explain how he knew you as Julia?
Sydney: When he caught me in his room, he just gave me the money and left. He didn't say where he was going, just that he'd call me when another job came up.
Jack: Another job
I'll contact Walker myself, posing as a client. I'll spec out a job. He'll assemble his team
and we'll take them into custody. Once we have them, you and I will have a face to face with Mr. Walker and find out everything he knows about Julia. Sydney
about Vaughn
you know you did the right thing.
Sydney: Thanks.
(Cut jet flying at night. Sydney walks up the aisle to sit across from Lauren. Both are uncomfortable, not wanting to look at the other. Finally, Sydney braves a look and says
Sydney (carefully conciliatory): Dixon told me about Michael
that he's off the ventilator. That's important.
Lauren (still not looking at Sydney, her voice is filled with anguish): They're keeping him in an induced coma for 36 hours to minimize the chance of brain damage.
(Sydney looks aghast. Lauren finally looks at her, still pained, angry, anguished.)
Lauren: Look obviously
it was your intention to save Michael's life. I understand that.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction and then back to Lauren.)
Lauren: But I'm gonna be honest with you
When I heard you were back, I felt thr*at
and I hated myself for that because I sympathize with you
with everything you've gone through. But working together like this
the stakes of this job is just too high and
I don't know about you, but I can't work to the best of my abilities while wondering whether or not I'm being polite enough to my husband's ex-girlfriend.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney (earnestly): You don't need to be polite with me. We're both past formalities
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren (a hardness creeps into her features now
she's allowing more of her anger to show): Then I'll be blunt. I want you to request a transfer to another field office.
(Cut to Sydney. This suggestion wounds her; it shows in her eyes and face.)
Sydney: Lauren, everyone I know
all of the people I have left in my life, my friends, my (it almost looks as if she's thinking of Vaughn here before she says)
work at that office.
(Cut to Lauren. For a moment, it seems as if the appeal has touched her, but then she steels herself. She doesn't want to sympathize with Sydney at the moment. She wants her peace of mind more.)
Lauren (slightly snippy): I thought it best if the request came from you. (she looks away, lips pursed.)
(Cut to Sydney. Her eyes widen. She can't believe what she's hearing.)
Sydney: I know we're being blunt
but was that a thr*at!?
(Lauren turns back to make eye contact, but doesn't answer. Sydney's features harden and her voice hardens, too.)
Sydney: You don't have the authority to have me transferred.
(Cut to Lauren)
Lauren: The NSC will support me
when they learn that our working together is compromising their fight against the Covenant.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction. She raises her chin slightly, defiant. Cut back to an intense looking Lauren.)
Lauren: If you don't make the call; I will.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction
pain, mixed with stubbornness. Cut to black.)
(PARIS. Push through the A. Pan to a walking bridge over a street at night. Simon Walker leans against the handrail, waiting. Jack, dressed in all black, a black peacoat and rimless classes (which make him look studious), approaches. This scene cuts back and forth between the two as they talk.)
Walker: Scuse me, mate
You got the time?
Jack (in a German accent): My watch is broken; never buy American.
Walker: So tell me Mr. Warner, how'd you learn to contact me?
Jack: We have a mutual acquaintance
Julia Thorne.
Walker: Really? Oh, I love her
Jack: Yes.
Walker: So, what's the gig?
Jack: A fuel cell automobile has been designed in Japan. The prototype was placed in a cargo freighter it left Niigata this morning, bound for Hong Kong. I want you to steal it.
Walker: Sexy.
Jack: How long will it take you to put your team together?
Walker: Well
the question is, can you afford for me to put my team together?
Jack: Don't concern yourself with my finances. I wouldn't have come to you if I couldn't overpay
Walker: Nobody ever overpays with me.
Jack: Yes. Julia says you're the best.
Walker: I'll contact you regarding the price and the location of our next meeting. And well, you know, I'll need all the specs regarding the shipment
Jack: Naturally
Walker: Cheers.
Jack: Good night.
(Walker turns and walks off. Jack watches him for a moment before turning to leave also. Suddenly, the screen turns black and white as a still photo is taken of him. Cut to Javier, hidden in the shadows, taking pictures. The first picture has half Jack's face in shadow. Javier watches Jack walk and takes a closer sh*t of his face. Cut to black.)
(MEXICO CITY. Push through the X. A daytime scene of the city. Cut to front desk of an office building.)
Clerk: Sign in please.
(She slides a sign in book across the desk toward Sydney and Lauren, both still looking tense. Sydney signs in, then slides the book to Lauren.)
Lauren: We're here to see Arvin Sloane.
(Signs the book, slides it back to the clerk.)
Clerk: Oh! Perfect timing
he's just arriving.
(Cut to view through the front plate glass window of the building. We see Sloane and bodyguard approaching. Behind Sloane's Mercedes on the other side of the street, a silver van is parked. Cut to Lauren and Sydney. They turn and watch Sloane's approach. Cut back to Sloane. He does this little salute with his hand as he sees them. A man walks into the frame. Cut to the man. He's large, wearing a trenchcoat. He pulls out a r*fle and sh**t out the glass window, then sh**t Sloane's bodyguard. Lauren ducks down while Sydney watches. Sark climbs out of the silver van and sh**t Sloane's driver. The first g*n runs to Sloane.)
g*n: Get in the van!
(Cut to Sydney. She starts running after them. Cut back to Sloane as he's hurried into the van. Cut back to Sydney running toward the blown out window, g*n drawn. Cut to the inside of the van as Sloane is seated. He looks to his right: it's Bomani, and he doesn't look happy. Sloane sighs as he's buckled in. The g*n slides the van's door shut and starts to climb into the front passenger side. Cut to Sydney. She takes aim and sh**t him. The van drives off without him. Sydney runs into the street, sh**ting at the van as it drives away. She bends over, catching her breath, disappointed they're getting away. Suddenly, the black Mercedes screeches to a halt next to her. The passenger door is flung open. It's Lauren in the driver's seat.)
Lauren: Get in!
(Sydney does a double take and then gets in and slams the door shut as Lauren screeches off in pursuit of the van. Cut to street chase. Cut to Lauren's determined face, full of concentration as she weaves through the traffic at a high rate of speed. Cut to Sydney, she doesn't take her eyes off their prey.)
Sydney: Have you done this before?
(Cut to a side sh*t of both of them. Lauren is still fully focused on her task.)
Lauren: I cross-trained at the Farm.
Sydney (looking at her): Are you field-rated?
Lauren (a split second pause, and then): No.
(Sydney gives Lauren a worried glance. Cut to view out of their car at the van they're pursuing as it swerves around traffic in front of them. Cut to Sydney's face the look she's wearing is very reminiscent of the one Vaughn wore during Sydney's high speed drive through Zurich to get to the bank in A Free Agent. Cut back to van and then the car in pursuit. Cut to the interior of the van
to Bomani's face. Pan over to Sloane.)
Sloane: Azari
you're thinking that I'm responsible for your imprisonment, but
(Bomani viciously elbows Sloane in the head and then goes back to sitting as he never moved. Scary-looking look on his face. Cut back to the van and the Mercedes in pursuit. Sydney's cell phone rings. She answers it.)
Walker (voiceover): Julia!
(Sydney is surprised.)
Sydney: Simon!
(Cut to Simon Walker.)
Walker: I've got another job for us
(Cut back to Sydney in the middle of the car chase.)
Sydney: That's great.
(Sydney gives Lauren a sideways glance. Lauren does the same to Sydney. Cut back to Simon.)
Walker (laughing): You sound distracted
(Cut back to Sydney.)
Sydney: I'm kind of in the middle of something
(Cut to the van and the car chasing it, then back to Simon.)
Walker: Look, are you available for another job?
(Cut back to Sydney.)
Sydney: For you, I am always available
Lauren (indignant): Excuse me! Can't that wait!?
Sydney: Simon, can I call you back?
(Cut to Simon.)
Walker: Sure, baby
okay. (He hangs up.)
(Cut back to Sydney and Lauren. Cut to the interior of the van. The driver looks in the rearview mirror.)
Driver: They're gaining on us
Sark: Tell the chase car to take them out.
(Cut to the van screeching around a corner, the Mercedes following them. Another black car is following Lauren and Sydney's car. Cut to interior of Sydney and Lauren's car. Lauren is looking in the rearview mirror.)
Sydney: Don't look in the mirror. All that matters is what's directly in front of us!
Lauren: I think there's somebody back there
(Both women react as the rear window blows out. Both women look back for a moment, and then Lauren has to make a quick swerve around some traffic as they screech around a corner. The tail car is close behind, the man in the passenger's side is f*ring a p*stol out the window at them. Cut to the three cars as they screech onto a side street. The man in the trailing car sh**t at Sydney and Lauren again. They duck. Sitting up, Sydney puts a new clip in her p*stol and says urgently
Sydney: Put on the brakes!
Lauren: What!?
Sydney: h*t the brakes and cut right, now!
(Cut to the car as it swerves in a circle. Sydney sh**t at the trailing car as their car spins, taking out the driver of the other car. The other car crashes into a parked car on the street.)
Sydney (to Lauren as their car stops spinning): Go! Go! Go! Go!
(Cut to Lauren's face. She's getting a huge charge out of this car chase. The excitement shows on her face as she bites her lip. Cut to the van, followed by the Mercedes. Cut back to the driver of the van in the mirror.)
Driver: They're still coming
Bomani: Through the alley
(Cut to the van as it swerves toward the alley. A delivery truck is backing up, partially blocking their way. Cut to Sydney and Lauren.)
Sydney: There's no room
Lauren: We can make it
Sydney: We're blocked off!
Lauren: No.
Sydney: We're blocked
Go around!
(Sydney braces as Lauren squeezes the Mercedes into the alley past the truck. Sydney is flinching, closing her eyes
she can't look. Cut to Lauren. She's pumped up. One could say she was enjoying this. Sydney looks at her like, Holy crap! Cut to in front of the van. It pulls through another tight spot and a Blazer pulls in the other direction, blocking the street. Cut to Sydney and Lauren's reaction as they have to screech to a halt. Sydney lets out a deep breath. Lauren is pissed that they got away.)
Lauren: Damn it!
(Sydney looks at her, a bit surprised at her outburst (personally, I thought it sounded just like something Sydney would do), then looks out the window as the dust swirls around them. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
~ ~ ~
(Black screen.)
Bomani (voiceover): I thought we were partners.
(Cut to Sark as he turns on a lightswitch and the room is bathed in light. Stay on Sark as he crosses his arms and listens.)
Bomani (voiceover): I thought we had an association.
(Cut to Bomani, his face in shadow. He walks forward so that the light cascades over his face.)
Bomani: I was wrong.
(Cut to Sloane shackled to a t*rture chair. He has two cuts on his forehead and one on his cheek from where Bomani cuffed him in the van. He looks wrinkled, but he still has the signature poker face as he listens to Bomani talk. Cut back to Bomani.)
Bomani: One day, when I was a boy in Juha Town, the t*nk came. The soldiers rounded up and k*lled all the men, r*ped the women. My mother, Mr. Sloane, was r*ped
and then she was k*lled
in front of me
in front of my brothers. My oldest brother thr*at me
insisted I do nothing, but he
he couldn't help himself. He tried to fight them. The soldiers, they cut off his arm. Imagine it for me, watching your mother get r*ped, watching her cut
Can you even begin to do that?
(Cut to Sloane, still looking up at Bomani with the same inscrutable look on his face.)
Bomani (voiceover): I swore that I would never be powerless again.
(Behind Sloane, we hear Bomani pick up some kind of sword. Sloane's expression seems to increasingly become one of sorrow, whether for Bomani's story or otherwise, we cannot tell.)
Bomani (voiceover): That I would do anything to protect my family.
(Cut to Sark, still standing against the wall next to the lightswitch, arms crossed, listening. He looks over at Bomani, and the camera pans over to him. He's holding a machete in his hands, fingering the blade.)
Bomani: And that anyone who got in the way of that, would suffer the same fate as my brother.
(A henchman pushes up the sleeve of Sloane's right arm, exposing his forearm. Pan up to Sloane's face.)
Sloane: Yes, I turned you in, as you would have done me.
(Cut to Bomani. He fingers the blade, starts walking in a circle as he listens to what Sloane says.)
Sloane (voiceover): Why? To obtain what you now need: legitimacy.
(Cut to Sloane, making his case.)
Sloane: In a nutshell, Mr. Bomani, I could help you become more powerful than ever.
(Focus on Bomani. His back is to us. He looks over his shoulder at Sloane. Cut to Sloane's poker face. Cut back to Bomani. Suddenly, Bomani viciously swings the machete downward, but before we see it's target
cut to black.)
(Cut to LA by day. Low flyover an office building. Cut to JTF. Dixon stands talking to Lauren and Sydney.)
Dixon: Sloane is responsible for Bomani's imprisonment, Sark breaks Bomani out of jail, and the first thing they do is get Sloane.
Sydney: Hopefully, Bomani's got his revenge and Sloane is either in incredible pain or d*ad.
Dixon (to both Sydney and Lauren): I want a full options briefing in my office
one hour. (He turns and walks away.)
Sydney (to Lauren): You start with your contacts in Washington; I'll check with Strategic Services
(She starts to walk away.)
Lauren: Sydney
(Sydney stops and turns, bracing herself. She isn't sure what Lauren wants.)
Lauren: What I said about requesting you transferred to another field office
it wasn't my place. And it's
it's hard; but I'd really like this to work.
(Sydney's touched.)
Sydney: I appreciate you saying that.
(Sydney gives Lauren a little smile. Lauren returns the smile. Sydney turns to go and Lauren reschools her features to be more businesslike, watching her leave.)
(Cut to Vaughn, lying in his hospital bed, unconscious. We remain focused on him as we see him stir and finally open his eyes. He looks to his right, focusing on something. He lets out a little sigh.)
Vaughn (whispering): Syd
(Cut to Sydney, leaning on her elbow, head in hand, asleep in the chair next to Vaughn's bedside. She stirs and opens her eyes to stare at Vaughn in almost disbelief.)
Vaughn (whispering, voiceover): Hi
Sydney: Oh, my God
(Cut back to Vaughn. He looks happy and relieved to see her. Cut back to Sydney. She gets up from her seat to sit on the bed next to him.)
Sydney (breathless with worry): Vaughn
(Cut to Vaughn. He almost smiles.)
Vaughn (whispering): Where am I?
(Cut to Sydney's stricken face. She shakes her head lightly.)
Sydney: You're home.
(Cut back to Vaughn's face. He nods. A ghost of a smile plays at his mouth. Love radiates from his eyes. With a touch of humor, he raises his eyebrows and says
Vaughn: You s*ab me
(Cut to Sydney. Her face is full of grief and sorrow.)
Sydney: Sorry
I had no choice; Walker would have k*lled you
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: I know.
(He nods. Their eyes meet in understanding. Cut to Sydney. She looks down for a moment and then back to his face. Her eyes are practically brimming with tears.)
Sydney (as if trying to convince herself): You're okay
(Vaughn nods. Cut back to Sydney.)
Sydney: I was so afraid I'd lost you
(Vaughn raises a hand to cup the side of Sydney's face tenderly.)
Vaughn (whispering): I'm right here
(Cut back to Sydney. She is barely holding back tears as his hand caresses her face. She turns her face into his palm. Cut back to Vaughn. He's smiling tenderly and love just radiates from his eyes.)
Sydney (half sobbing, voiceover): Leaving you like that
(Cut to Sydney's face as Vaughn lets his hand drop from her face, sliding through her hair.)
Sydney (sobbing harder):
not knowing if I'd ever see you again made me realize how much I miss you!
(Cut to Vaughn's face. He swallows. Pain mixes in with the love in his eyes.)
Vaughn (whispering): I miss you, too.
(Cut to Sydney's face. She looks as if she can't believe he's said it, still almost crying.)
Sydney: You do?
(Cut to Vaughn. He's staring deeply into Sydney's eyes as he nods. The pain, love, and longing in his eyes is palpable. He raises his head from the pillow towards her as she leans down toward him. They kiss tenderly. Sydney starts trailing kisses down Vaughn's cheek to his neck, and then we hear Sydney's movements as she s*ab Vaughn again. He groans in reaction. Cut to a wider angle from behind Sydney as she stands and removes the Kn*fe from his stomach. It's the same Kn*fe she used to s*ab him with the first time. Blood drips from the Kn*fe and there is a blood spot on his hospital gown where she's s*ab him. Vaughn's face registers his complete disbelief as he looks up at Sydney, now standing above him. Cut to Sydney's face. She's stricken, angry, vengeful.)
Sydney (in a half whisper): How could you do this to me?
(Smash cut to Vaughn waking up with a start. He's breathing hard. He looks to his right. Cut to Lauren, sitting exactly where Sydney was in his dream. She looks immensely relieved and worried. She puts out a hand to him.)
Lauren (breathlessly): Hi
(Cut to Vaughn. He looks disoriented, as if he's shocked to find Lauren at his bedside instead of Sydney. For a moment, he looks as if he has no idea who she is. Lauren sits down on his bedside, holding his hand. His eyes focus on her, but he looks confused. Cut to Lauren.)
Lauren: Sweetheart
You're okay.
(Cut back to Vaughn. He seems to let out a breath he was holding. Cut back to Lauren as tears pool in her eyes.)
Lauren (uncertainly): Do you remember me?
(Cut back to Vaughn. Finally it appears his brain has caught up with what he's seeing and it makes sense. He nods slightly.)
Vaughn (whispering): Of course.
(Cut back to Lauren, looking very relieved.)
Lauren: Thank God!
(Cut to Vaughn. He smiles tenderly at Lauren. There's love in his eyes here too, but the magnitude is not the same as what we just saw when he was with Sydney in his dream. Cut to Lauren as she bends down, laying her head on his chest. Vaughn wraps an arm around her protectively. The camera pans up from Lauren, lying contentedly with her eyes closed on his chest up to Vaughn's face. It's obvious he's not focused on Lauren. Instead, he has a very troubled look on his face, obviously thinking about his dream about Sydney. Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
~ ~ ~
(Aerial sh*t of LA by day. Cut to JTF. Marshall jogs up behind Sydney.)
Marshall: Hey, Syd!
(Sydney looks over her shoulder and then slows down, allowing Marshall to catch up with her.)
Sydney: Marshall! Hey
Marshall: Hi
Sydney: I'm going to the hospital. Vaughn's awake.
Marshall: I know
It's best news ever
Listen, I was hoping you could tell him that the topical application of magnets can influence the electrochemical processes of the human body
Sydney: And he needs to know this now
Marshall: Ooh, sorry
(pokes himself in the head)
duh doi
varied belief
Well, it's for pain relief. Having a collapsed lung really can't be the most comfortable sit
(From another hallway, Weiss approaches them, interrupting, handing Sydney a folder)
Weiss: Syd, you're not going to believe this
They found Sloane; his plane just landed in Van Nuys. They've taken him to our facility in Riverside. He's
asking to speak with you.
(Sydney gives Marshall a look and then starts to leave.)
Marshall (as if he's keeping some big secret): Oh, uh
let's not tell Mr. Sloane about the magnets
(Weiss and Sydney turn to look at Marshall as if he's lost his mind and then continue on. Cut back to Marshall, who looks like he thinks he's just put something big over on Sloane.)
(Cut to the battered Sloane sitting at a black conference table. He looks up as he hears the door to the room open. Cut to Sydney stalking in. She takes several steps into the room before she even gives a passing glance to Sloane. She keeps walking, saying to Lauren as she passes her to sit down
Sydney: What have I missed?
(Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane: I was just thanking Ms. Reed for the attempted rescue. I appreciate your efforts a great deal.
(Cut to Sydney, now sitting next to Lauren across the conference table from Sloane.)
Sydney: Did you escape?
(Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane (slightly amused): No, Mr. Bumani let me go.
(Cut to Sydney and Lauren. Lauren gives Sydney a sideways glance that says, Are you buying this crap?)
Sydney (unbelieving, sarcastic): He let you go
? He just
let you walk right out the door?
(Lauren looks from Sydney to Sloane, as if waiting to assess his response. Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane: Yes.
(Cut to Sydney. She doesn't get it. But then her expression changes slightly
Sydney: What did you offer him?
(Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane: Well, I gave him information that eventually I was going to share with you
(This is directed at Sydney; he's looking right at her.)
(Cut to Lauren. She seems slightly startled and then gives Sydney a sideways glance. Cut to Sydney's face, which is unchanged..disbelieving, skeptical.)
Sloane (voiceover): My contacts within the Japanese mob
(Cut to Sloane.)
the Yakuza, have developed the first AI computer virus. It probes networks, analyzes systems, and then writes itself, creates its own subviruses. In the wrong hands, it can crash markets, destroy banks, shut down transportation, bring military installations to a halt.
(Cut to Sydney.)
Sloane: You're telling us
you gave this information to a man who is working with the Covenant.
(Cut to Sloane)
Sloane: That's right
and now I'm giving it to you. So that you
you can disable it before the Covenant gets it.
(Cut to Sydney and Lauren. The camera first focuses on Sydney and then on Lauren.)
Sloane (voiceover): And I mean disable it, not destroy it
(Cut to Sloane)
Sloane: Because if Bomani comes to the Yakuza facility in Osaka and finds the virus has been destroyed, he will know I tipped you off and have me k*lled. Sydney
my life is in your hands
(Sloane almost looks as if he's playing a game of chess here
like he's already six plays ahead in his head.)
(Cut to Sydney. She looks down. She can't believe Sloane's nerve. Cut to Lauren.)
Lauren: You've told Bomani you'd work for the Covenant?
(Cut to Sloane. He's enjoying this.)
Sloane: Yes
And now I'm telling you that I'm in the position to be a double agent. Working for the Covenant
but loyal to the CIA
What is it, Sydney?
(Cut to Sydney. She has a sarcastic smile on her face.)
Sydney: This is classic
(Cut to Sloane, grinning across the table at Sydney, amused with her response.)
Sloane: Don't take my word for it
Let Marshall analyze the video he's making of me right now
Why don't you
(Cut to a strangely colored, almost heat-signature colored video. Sloane's voice sounds tinny and metallic.)
examine the lie detector that you're running on my voice. I'm telling you
he'll verify that I am telling the God's honest truth.
(Pan from Sloane's weirdly colored image to Marshall, who puts the video on hold. They are in the JTF conference room.)
Marshall: Now as far as our technology can detect
and these are Next Gen tests, as high-end as it gets
not lyin', folks.
Sydney: If there's someone who can fool those tests, it's Sloane.
Marshall: Yeah, well
in theory yes
but in practice, he'd really have to be using the Next Gen's Next Gen lie detector defeating tech, which frankly, even I can't imagine.
Weiss: So, what do we do here? We trust Sloane on this or what?
Lauren: The position of the NSC is that we accept Sloane's proposal and use him as a double agent within the Covenant.
Sydney: Okay
just so someone has said it
In the past two years, Sloane has obtained a pardon based mainly on the capture of a criminal who is now free. In addition, Sloane will be allowed to openly participate in Covenant activities, based on the promise that he will inform us of those activities. One could argue that he's just pulled off the con job of the century.
Lauren: It also appears that Bomani will k*ll Sloane if we interfere with his plans
Sydney: And who here would lose sleep over that!?
Lauren: The US Government would then have lost its most valuable source of underworld intelligence.
Sydney: The fact that Arvin Sloane holds all the cards in this scenario is giving me a migraine.
(Cut to Weiss. He snorts a little at Sydney's response.)
Dixon: According to Sloane, Sark and Bomani are on their way to a Yakuza run casino in Osaka, where they will download the virus from a secure server. (Looking at Sydney) Marshall will provide you with a program that will rewrite the virus, and render it unuseful.
(Cut to Marshall, raising his hand to interrupt.)
Marshall: I
sorry, uh, to interrupt
I did say that I could that
but not if I haven't seen the code, which means I'm
goin' on another mission! (He grins widely at Dixon, then recovers.) Uh, if you
sanction it, that is.
Dixon: I'll have Strategic Services devise a scenario for you both to access the server.
Marshall: Uh, actually
suggestion for the
(imitates putting a slip of paper in a drop box) CIA Suggestion Box
which, I uh
is a great idea
Dixon: Marshall.
Marshall: Sorry. Um
(clears throat) What I was thinking is a sure f*re way to get invited into the back room of a Yakuza casino
? Get caught cheating at gambling
Now I have a little something here
(he pulls a deck of cards out of his blazer pocket)
This'll give us an example
(Dixon is getting impatient.)
of what I mean. Now, (Cut to Lauren, she appears amused with Marshall.)
In high school
(Marshall displays a picture of himself in high school on the monitor sporting a horrifically large mullet haircut)
by applying the methodology of statistical probability (Marshall shuffles the cards and starts laying out blackjack hands on the table), accounting of course for the continuous random variable of luck, to come up with a fairly effective card-counting technique. (Turning to Weiss) Now, you know
how to deal a hand of
Weiss (a bit sarcastically): Yes
Marshall: Go ahead and deal one
for yourself. Okay, (raising hand, joking) can I get a cocktail? Uh
h*t there, h*t me there, stick there, uh, h*t me twice here, double down there (louder in announcement voice) Double down! (back to normal voice), stick
h*t me once there. Okay, now you're gonna have a face card under there
go ahead and turn that over. Yep
that gives you seventeen
Look at that! I've won nine times
Weiss (impressed): Heh
Marshall: I
had a lot of
free time in high school. (Looks around, embarrassed.)
(Cut to Lauren and Sydney exiting the conference room together.)
Lauren: Michael's doctor's expecting he'll be released tomorrow
if there's time before you go, you should go and see him. I know he'd like that.
Sydney: Thank you. I don't know if there will be, but thank you.
Lauren: When you get back then. (She nods and gives Sydney a little smile before walking away. Pan to Sydney, watching her walk away.)
(Cut to Javier Perez rounding a corner, removing his sunglasses.)
Javier: Thank you for meeting me.
(Cut to Sark, his back to Javier, looking out a doorway. Sark turns as Javier addresses him.)
Sark: Please
after your excellent work in Spain, you more than deserve the courtesy. Unfortunately, we have to be brief. I'm catching a plane to Osaka.
Javier: We've taken on a new client. He says his name is Gilbert Warner. Corporate and personal tax returns confirm he's the CEO of Rogers Automotive
(Hands Sark a folder.)
but he knows how to lose a tail. I think he's a pro. I'd like some more detailed background. Would you mind running a check?
(Sark opens the folder to the black and white photograph of Jack.)
Sark: I don't believe I have to
(Sark looks up at Javier. Javier looks back at him, confused. Cut back to Sark.)
Sark: His name is Jack Bristow. He's CIA.
(Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
~ ~ ~
(Open to a night scene with a large building by a river. LE HAVRE, FRANCE. Cut to inside an empty building with square columns and spotlights illuminating the floor here and there. There is a small table in the middle of the room and two men standing on either side of it. Jack turns a small laptop to face Simon Walker on the other side of the table. Jack is back in his German carmaker's alias.)
Jack: Type in your account password and within 90 seconds you will receive confirmation of an electronic transfer in the amount of three million dollars
Simon: Heh.
(Simon bends down and begins to type but then looks back up. Jack is staring at him.)
Simon: You don't mind if I ask you to look away
Jack: Of course not
(He turns his head. We focus in on the computer screen. Simon types in his password to transfer the $3 million and hits enter. The transfer begins. Just then, Simon's phone starts to ring. He looks up at Jack and smiles. Putting a hand inside his jacket, he says
Simon: Excuse me.
(Jack smiles and nods accommodatingly. Simon puts in an earpiece and answers the phone.)
Simon: Yeah.
(Cut and pan to Javier, sitting in a car talking on his cell phone.)
Javier: The man you're standing with is a CIA operative. His name is Jack Bristow, and I hope you appreciate
(Cut to Simon listening. His expression hasn't changed)
Javier (voiceover):
hearing this as much as I do telling you
(Cut to Jack, starting to get nervous but trying not to show it.)
Javier (voiceover):
his daughter Sydney Bristow, also CIA,
(Cut back to Javier in the car.)
goes by an alias
Julia Thorne.
(Cut back to Simon. He's playing along for Jack's benefit.)
Simon: Great news, mate! Mr. Warner will be happy to hear it!
(Simon turns off his phone and takes out his earpiece. Cut to Jack.)
Jack: Hear what?
Simon: The team's been assembled.
Jack: Ah.
Simon: As soon the money's transferred, we're in business.
(Simon smiles at him, Jack smiles back, albeit uncomfortably. He's thinking something is up, but he's not sure what yet.)
Simon: While we're waiting
You haven't told me how you met Julia. Were you like, uh
like lovers or something?
(Jack pauses for a moment. There is just the slightest clenching of his jaw.)
Jack: No, not exactly
Simon: I asked if you were lovers, because if you ever get the chance
I highly recommend it. (Just a touch of hardness drips into his voice here. The look on his face is slightly steelier, as if he's testing Jack.)
Jack: Do you?
Simon (trying to keep his voice light, but still playing with Jack, taunting him): Oh yeah, man
On a scale of one to ten, ten being the most degenerate displays of sexual theater known to man? (sucks in his breath as if savoring the thought) Huh
Julia's like a 17!
(Jack keeps the polite smile on his face, but we see him swallow painfully, as if trying to keep from snapping this guy's neck. His eyes are harder now, though.)
Jack: You have your money.
(He closes the laptop and picks it up. Simon puts out a hand.)
Simon: As soon as the job's done, we'll be in contact.
(They shake hands. Jack turns to walk toward his car, parked about 20 feet away. Simon turns to walk away also. He unbuttons his blazer, pulling a g*n out of his waistband. He turns around to f*re at Jack but finds that Jack was ready for him. Jack sh**t Simon in the chest and he collapses to the ground. Simon writhes on the ground, blood dripping from his mouth and his wound. He looks at his bloody hand in disbelief.)
Simon (in disbelief): You sh*t me
You sh*t me? You bastard!
(Jack puts the laptop back on the desk and walks closer to him.)
Jack: Listen to me very closely. You're dying. Right now, I'm the only one who can get you to a hospital in time. Tell me about Julia
where you met her, how you knew her.
Simon: I wasn't kidding...bout screwing your daughter
She's the wildest girl I ever had
Jack: Tell me about Julia if you want to live.
Simon: You want to know
.how she likes it!?
(Simon turns over suddenly with the intention of sh**ting Jack, but Jack beats him to it, sh**ting him again. Simon's d*ad. Jack stares down at the body, working his jaw furiously. Cut to black.)
(OSAKA. Push through the first A. Aerial night scene of the city. Cut to scenes of slot machines, craps tables, cards, a roulette wheel, an Asian man wearing sunglasses, an Asian woman dealing cards, blackjack, chips. The camera slides along the floor, showing us different tables in a smoky, dimly lit room. Pan to the entrance. Marshall and Sydney make their entrance. Marshall is dressed in black jeans, a black shirt with a bolo tie, a large belt buckle, cowboy boots, a black blazer, a black Stetson and a thick mustache. Sydney is dressed in a knee length black dress with a magenta feather boa wrapped around her elbows. She has shortish spiky black hair and sunglasses on. Cut to several faces across the room as they stare at the newcomers. Sydney stands there cool and aloof, as if she's used to the attention. Marshall nods his head a little and tips his hat slightly.)
Marshall (in Texan drawl): Howdy.
(People in the crowd go back to what they were doing, no longer finding them interesting.)
Marshall (quietly, aside to Sydney): Okay, if I were any more nervous, I'd need new underpants right about now
Sydney (still standing as if she were a decoration for a rich man's arm): Hmmm
(Marshall sneezes violently.)
Marshall (to Sydney): I
think I'm allergic to this
You think it's cat fur
(Sydney turns toward him, playing with his bolo and straightening his shirt collar.)
Sydney: Juuuussst relax, honey
Marshall (half whispering): Okay
I'm just about to cheat at cards in a casino run by gangsters
I just wanna keep my pinky fingers, that's all
Sydney: We talked about this on the plane
(Sydney takes a finger to Marshall's chin and turns his head so that he's looking right into her eyes.)
Sydney: I need to know you can do this.
(Marshall takes a toothpick out of his pocket and puts it into his mouth. His game face slides into place.)
Marshall (determined): Let's play cards.
(Cut to a hand placing four green chips in a betting square. A dealer's hand putting down blackjack hands. Slide up to Sydney, standing over Marshall's shoulder, who is seated at the table. The dealer turns over a seventeen. Marshall rakes in a large stack of chips. The dealer dealing again. Cut to Marshall, chewing on his toothpick, totally in character. More chips being placed down. Marshall raking in more chips. Pan up to Sydney clasping her arms around Marshall's head as if excited about his winnings. Cut to an Asian man watching them surreptitiously. Marshall taps the table to have the dealer h*t him. More chips are placed in front of him. Cut to Sydney, standing behind Marshall put her hands up in victory, her boa in hand. Marshall rakes in more chips. Cut to another Asian man watching them. Cut back to the table. Marshall has a large pile of chips in front of him. It appears he's the only one playing the dealer now, running several hands at once. A large crowd has gathered, watching him. He asks to h*t a hand in front of him by pointing at it. He rakes in more chips. Cut to Marshall taking a sip from (one assumes) a complimentary beer, toothpick still hanging out of the side of his mouth. Sydney stands next to him, giggly and excited at his winnings. Cut to a huge pile of multicolored chips in front of Marshall.)
Marshall: I'll tell you somethin'
Can you get someone to help me with all this? Cause I can't carry all this on my own
Sydney (in semi-West Virginia like accent): Yes we can! (laughs)
(Sydney and Marshall start collecting up the chips.)
Voice (voiceover): You're very lucky.
(Marshall looks over his shoulder. The camera pans to an unsmiling Asian man dressed in a pinstripe suit. Marshall tips his hat to him.)
Marshall: Oh, you talkin' to me? Well, thank you very much. I am lucky
I'm lucky to be born in Texas
and I'm rich enough that a woman this beautiful is willin' ta share my bed! Gawd!
(Marshall slaps Sydney on the butt. She turns her head to give Marshall a death look. He was smiling but sobers after seeing the look on her face.)
Man: Perhaps you might come into the back? I can convert your winnings into
diamonds (he looks at Sydney as he says this and she responds by making an excited ooh! face)
or simply make an electronic transfer to the bank of your choice.
Marshall: That'll be might hospitable of ya
Domo Arigato, Mr. Uh
(Leaning closer to read the man's name badge) Tom-oh-sa-ka.
Tomosaka (waving toward the table of chips): Please
we'll take care of that.
Marshall: Oh, you'll take care of that? Thank ya so much. (Marshall sneezes.)
(Cut to the back room.)
Sydney (in pleading voice): Mr. Tomosaka
we weren't cheating
Marshall: Nah, we weren't cheatin
(Marshall tugs on his hat politely.)
(Tomosaka reaches behind him and pulls down a Samurai sword from its display behind the desk.)
Tomosaka: You were counting cards
(Marshall gives Sydney a nervous sideways glance.)
Marshall: Are you gonna
cut off your own finger with that? Cause that looks mighty big to take off a pinky
(Tomosaka walks toward Marshall menacingly.)
Tomosaka: I thought I would take
your hand!
(He grabs Marshall's hand and holds it down on the desk. Sydney throws her arms around Marshall worriedly.)
Sydney: No! Don't hurt him!
(Marshall grabs his bolo tie with his other hand and pulls, sh**ting two small tranq darts out of the eyes of the bull's head clasp holding the tie together. Tomosaka begins to collapse backward. The guard grabs Sydney and she takes him out with a kick and an elbow to the head. Cut back to Tomosaka sliding down the wall.)
Sydney: Put him in the closet.
(Marshall looks down at Tomasaka worriedly. He grabs a few of his winning chips and stuffs them into his pocket and then bends down to grab Tomosaka. Cut to Marshall sitting in front of the computer behind the desk, typing furiously.)
Marshall: What was the password Sloane gave you?
Sydney: Ravenson 327.
(Marshall types in the password and then the program's code flashes up on the screen. Cut to Sydney watching Marshall's progress. Cut back to Marshall.)
Marshall: Okay, okay
I found the virus. Oh my God
the code on this thing
All right, um
it's gonna take me a second to download a copy before I can render the virus unusable.
(As Marshall works, Sydney looks at the security camera feeds and sees Sark and Bomani enter the club.)
Sydney: You're gonna have to hurry. Sark's here.
(Cut to Marshall glancing at the feed as Bomani takes down a guard. He continues to work furiously as Sydney watches. Cut back to the feed as Sark takes out a guard watching the entrance to the private wing.)
Marshall: Come on! Come on!
(Sark and Bomani are walking toward the door to the suite. The computer beeps.)
Marshall: It's disabled!
(Marshall grabs a device he was using as we watch the computer feed of Sark beginning to open the door. Cut to Sark and Bomani as they enter the suite. It appears empty. Sark sits down at the computer. The camera slowly pans down from the computer screen as he talks.)
Sark: It'll take me a second to transfer a copy to our server.
(Camera pan is complete. We see Sydney and Marshall hiding underneath the desk, inches from Sark's legs. Cut back to Sark typing. Cut back to Sydney and Marshall. Marshall's nose starts to twitch as if he may sneeze. Sydney holds his nose to keep him from doing it. Cut back to Sark. The computer is beeping.)
Sark: Done.
(He stands up and crosses the room to leave with Bomani. Once they leave, Sydney lets go of Marshall's nose. He promptly sneezes.)
(Cut to a night aerial scene of LA. Cut to a heartbeat monitor. A catchy, upbeat rendition of Ooh, Child plays.)
Weiss (voiceover): Vaughn'll back me up on this on this one.
(Camera pans from the monitor across the room to Vaughn, still in bed, to Weiss, sitting in a chair next to Vaughn's head, and then to Sydney and Lauren, in chairs on either side of the foot of the bed.)
Weiss: This is a true story, I swear
h*m* year at college
Her name was April First
Vaughn: Heh. Birth name, by the way
Weiss: Right. And for like a month, I was obsessed with her
I thought this woman had to have my children, okay? Uh, the problem was that she only dated guitar players
(Lauren and Sydney are both amused by this story.)
Lauren (deadpan): A girl should have her standards
(Cut to Vaughn in bed, smiling.)
Vaughn: Since she worked at a coffee house, Eric decided to impress her on open-mike night
(He turns to smile at Weiss. The camera pans over to him.)
Sydney (voiceover): You play the guitar?
Weiss: No
No, not even a little.
(Cut to Sydney as she laughs. Cut back to Weiss (behind him, there's an open bottle of beer on the table))
Weiss: But
I thought, you know, (starts to snicker as he continues) if I got up on that stage
(Cut to Vaughn laying back with his eyes closed, snickering.)
Weiss (voiceover, snickering):
and the spotlight was in my face
(Cut back to Weiss.)
that God would imbue my hands with the power of rock legend, Stevie Ray Vaughan!
(Cut to Sydney and Lauren giggling.)
Lauren: So, what happened?
(Cut to Weiss.)
Weiss: Oh, disaster
I didn't play two notes that went together
(He gets up out of his chair. Cut to Sydney, teasing him gently.)
Sydney: Aww, poor baby
Lauren: And what about April First?
(Cut to Weiss. He turns around with a silly grin on his face.)
Weiss: Oh, we made out in my Gremlin in the parking lot
(Cut to Sydney, laughing, surprised. She and Lauren speak at the same time.)
Lauren (voiceover): What!?
Sydney: You did what?
(Cut to Lauren laughing. Cut to Weiss.)
Weiss: Yeah. She got to work late that night, so all she saw was me coming out with the guitar under my arm
(Cut to Vaughn smiling. He sits up with an effort, reaching forward toward something.)
Vaughn: Ooh.
(Cut to Lauren, amused.)
Lauren: Is that a good idea?
(Cut to Vaughn. He apparently snagged Lauren's beer bottle and is holding it up to his lips.)
Vaughn: If I have to hear that story for the fifth time, I'm gonna need it
(Vaughn takes a small swig from the bottle. Cut to Lauren.)
Lauren: Feeling okay?
Vaughn: Okay
(He hands the bottle back to Lauren. Cut to Sydney, looking pained and uncomfortable at the show of intimacy between Vaughn and Lauren. Cut back to Vaughn, smiling.)
Vaughn (joking): Yeah
unlike this guy, who took six months to sit up after he got sh*t
(Pan to include Weiss in the sh*t.)
Weiss: I was sh*t in the jugular
(he raises his eyebrows at Vaughn like huh? Huh? How do ya like them apples?)
Vaughn (clearly not impressed): Oh
Weiss: I was! I was unconscious for three weeks
(cut to Sydney for a moment, who smiles softly, watching Weiss and Vaughn tease each other. Cut back to Weiss, who's pointing at Vaughn's chest) And, by the way
don't come crying to me if beer starts spraying out of that hole in your chest
(Cut to Vaughn, closing his eyes, laughing.)
Vaughn: Don't you have to get up early?
Weiss (taking the hint): Yes
I do
(He gets up out of his chair. Behind him, we see a paper bag on the coffee table (which we can assume the beer was smuggled in with) and a jacket draped along the top of a couch. As he walks past Sydney's chair, she turns and addresses him.)
Sydney: Can I grab a ride?
Weiss: Yeah.
(Sydney gets out of her chair. She looks at Vaughn and then turns to Lauren, smiling.)
Sydney: Good night. (She turns her head to include Vaughn) See you tomorrow.
(Cut to Vaughn, smiling up at Sydney.)
Vaughn: Good night.
(As Sydney walks out of frame, we focus on Lauren's face. She smiles as she reaches forward. Cut to Vaughn as he reaches back to take her hand. They smile at each other. Cut to Syd and Weiss walking down the hallway of the hospital. They're talking to each other, but we can't hear what they're saying. The upbeat music of Ooh, Child leads into a more sad, soulful version of the song.)
Sydney: Yeah
You know what? I forgot my jacket
Weiss: All right. I'll get the car.
(Sydney turns back towards the room and says over her shoulder
Sydney: All right.
(Cut to Sydney rounding the corner and putting out her hand to open the door to Vaughn's room. She looks up through the window. Her hand drops. Lauren is sitting on the side of Vaughn's bed, leaning close to him. She kisses him tenderly on the forehead, staying there for a moment. Vaughn puts his arm up | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x05 - Repercussions"} | foreverdreaming |
(Fade to black. Cut to rolling coastline of beach houses. Cut to Sydney running through a park. This is not a leisurely run. She looks more as if she's pushing herself, perhaps running from the demons in her life. She slows and stops, removing headphones from her ears and bending over to take a drink from a water fountain.)
Sloane (voiceover): Hello, Sydney.
(Sydney looks up, shocked. Cut to see Sloane standing ten feet away from her.)
Sydney: What do you want?
(She switches off her walkman radio. Sloane walks toward her, clutching a small bottle of water in his hand.)
Sloane: The Covenant is about to make a move.
Sydney: If you have some intel, protocol is you pass it through Lauren Reed. She's your handler.
Sloane: Well, Ms. Reed is very able, but I'm afraid she can't possibly comprehend the intricacies of serving two masters simultaneously. You were brilliant at it. The way you would walk into my office, look me in the eyes
and lie to me. (He nods.) For me to succeed in my new work as a double agent for the Covenant, I'll need your help.
Sydney: Your needs don't concern me.
Sloane: You'll find the details on toureurope.eu. It's encoded in a photo of the Vatican. The password is Credit Dauphine
for old time's sake.
(Sydney looks away slightly, arms crossed impatiently.)
Sydney: Clever.
(Sloane takes a swig from his water bottle, then dries his mouth with the back of his hand.)
Sloane: Hmm
I miss LA. I miss Emily. I miss the friendship with your father. (sighs) I miss your confidence and trust. Perhaps, I can get it back someday?
Sydney: You will never have my confidence and trust
or my father's friendship and respect
(Sloane just studies Sydney and then smirks slightly as if she's just said something funny.)
(Cut to Vaughn dressed in full hockey gear, minus helmet, at the rink, skating hard across the ice surface.)
Weiss (voiceover): You don't want any of Weiss on Ice
Come on, buddy!
(Vaughn takes a sh*t that goes right by Weiss, dressed in full goalie gear.)
Weiss: All right, I wasn't ready! Wait til I say the words, I'm ready.
(Vaughn lines up about 15 feet away from Weiss and sh**t four pucks (wristshots) in quick succession at him. Weiss protests between each one.)
Weiss: Whoa!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
. Dude, what's the matter with you?
(Vaughn, skating backwards, resetting for more sh*ts. His voice is brooding.)
Vaughn: Nothing.
(Vaughn takes another sh*t, which Weiss catches in his catching glove. He tosses it back out on the ice toward Vaughn.)
Weiss: My brother used to do this.
Vaughn (skating about restlessly): Do what?
Weiss: Shut down like you're doin'. Get all quiet and tough guy'.
Vaughn (taking another sh*t): That's not what I'm doing.
(Vaughn goes back to skating restlessly.)
Weiss: Yeah, he'd deny it, too. Then he'd brood and get
mopey, like you're doin'. Finally, it got too much for him
he'd have to come around and tell me what the problem was
(Vaughn stops skating and lets out a large impatient sigh.)
Vaughn: It's been three weeks since I learned that Sydney m*rder Lazarey
I've been lying to my wife for three weeks.
Weiss: Vaughn, I know guys who've lied to their wives for a lot longer than that
(Vaughn gives Weiss a dirty look.)
Vaughn: You understand that the reason your brother didn't like talking to you is because you say stupid things, right?
(Vaughn fires an annoyed slapshot off the boards to the right (from Vaughn's angle) of the goal. It makes a loud noise and skitters away.)
Weiss: Listen
you were ordered not to say anything, right? This isn't your choice!
Vaughn: Yeah, and she was ordered to figure out who m*rder Lazarey
I mean, that's my point. I'm actively engaged in preventing her from doing her job. (He shakes his head and sighs with frustration again.) She's gonna find out, I mean, you know she is
(Weiss nods with a little sigh.)
and that you're protecting Sydney
Vaughn: Yeah
See where I'm going with this?
Weiss: Well
This is why people from the CIA should not get married to people from the NSC, man. Don't poop where you sleep
(This response is not what Vaughn is looking for; it only irritates him more.)
Thanks a lot
(Vaughn fires a wicked slapshot right at Weiss' right pad. It connects
and Weiss collapses to his knees in the net as Vaughn skates off.)
Weiss: Oh!
.You know what? That hurts
(Cut to evening scene of a narrow European street. STRASSBURG. Cut to a dark nondescript van driving down the street. Cut to a Covenant member, not one we've seen before, holding out a manila envelope.)
Member: This is where Lang will be
(Cut to Sark, taking the envelope.)
Sark: I'll take care of it.
Member: It must be done a certain way. There's an
extraction required.
Sark: I assume you've stepped out the details
Member: Yeah, your partner's been briefed.
Sark: My partner!?
I don't think so.
Member: This is not a request
Sark: Look, if you don't trust me by now
perhaps you should be in business with someone else
and you can tell that to San'ko.
(The Member just laughs as an unamused Sark looks on. Cut to an overhead aerial view of downtown LA by day. Cut to the JTF Conference room.)
Dixon: We've logged on to Tour Europe and downloaded Sloane's intel. The Covenant is after a device that will give them access to Russia's strategic arsenal. It was designed by this man (shows a picture on screen), Robert Lang, hardware engineer for a German security firm.
Jack: Lang was approached by someone posing as a Russian defense official. They contracted him to design a test for security flaws in their nuclear command and controls system.
Marshall: This guy Lang created this really
device. Basically, take it to any m*ssile silo in all of Russia and it interfaces with the launch control console, bypasses all security protocols: initiation codes, the commander's launch key
Sydney: It's a skeleton key for Russia's nuclear w*apon?
Marshall: Yeah
and to be honest, I'm just a little bit jealous
Lauren: Did they ever deliver it to the Covenant?
Jack: No. He discovered that the man who hired him wasn't actually Russian defense, at which point, Lang went on the run to prevent the Covenant from getting what he'd invented.
Dixon: This is a picture of what he used to look like. (Nods to picture still up on monitor.)
Jack: According to Sloane's intel, Lang has surgically altered his appearance to hide from the Covenant.
Dixon: We know that tomorrow night Lang is scheduled to meet this man (picture flashes up on screen) Heinrich Strauss at the Club Delphi in Milan. He's picking up new identity papers.
Jack: Remember, Sloane's intel came from the Covenant, so obviously
they're looking to grab Lang
and this skeleton key.
Dixon: Sydney and Vaughn
you need to get to Lang before the Covenant does. You leave tonight. Marshall will go over op tech. Lauren, Sydney
I need a moment. (They wait while the others file from the room. Dixon approaches them.) Given the current situation, I need to make a change. (Dixon looks at Sydney.) I want you to take over as Sloane's handler.
Sydney (speechless for a moment and then): No, I'm sorry that is not a good idea.
Lauren: While it's not my favorite part of the job, can I ask why I'm being replaced?
Dixon: It's not an indictment. It's that Sydney is more familiar with the players
(Sydney gives a confused look at Lauren and then to Dixon.)
Sydney: What players? There's Sloane and Sark
that's it.
Dixon: No. There's another. (pause while realization starts to dawn on Sydney's face) Sydney
Allison Doren is alive.
(Pain and shock appears on Sydney's face. She looks away. Then she looks up and asks in disbelief)
Sydney: She's alive?
(Cut to the back of a van door opening and Sark being shoved out of it by the Covenant member he'd been talking to. Sark turns around to look at the man.)
Member: You can thank me later
(He closes the door. As the van starts to drive away, Sark turns around. Cut to a closeup sh*t of a high heeled shoe as it steps out from an open car door. We watch the door shut and the shoes walk toward Sark. The camera pans up: Black high heels, black stockings, black miniskirt, black jacket. The woman is walking toward Sark (The camera is behind her.) Cut to Sark's reaction. His eyes widen in complete shock. Cut to who he's looking at. It's Allison Doren stopping in front of him. She leans in to kiss him, and then)
Allison: You look like you've seen a ghost.
(Cut to black. Alias theme. End of Act One.)
~ ~
(Cut to an external view of what is apparently a European hotel at night. Cut and pan across a bedside table to Sark and Allison in bed, apparently naked. Sark is spooned behind Allison.)
Sark: I truly thought you were d*ad the last two years. You'll have to start at the beginning
or the end, after the last time I saw you
Allison: Will Tippin discovered what had happened
that his girlfriend had been k*lled and I'd been doubled to take her place.
(Flashback to the beginning of the fight scene between Allison and Will, when she tries to strangle him.)
Allison (voiceover): He had to be eliminated.
(Cut back to Allison and Sark in bed.)
Sark: What happened with Bristow? When the Covenant found you, you were both unconscious.
Allison: I can only remember that in bits and pieces. (Flashback to the scenes from The Telling of the fight as she speaks). She came home
I realized that she knew
she aimed the g*n at me
(cut back to the present) The next thing I remember, it was three weeks later and I woke up in a Covenant run hospital outside of Marseilles. Took me six months to fully recover. I've been working for them ever since.
Sark: Were you behind them extracting me from the CIA?
Allison: I wish I could claim credit for that. I only learned you were working for us recently.
Sark: My tenure began shortly after my father's m*rder. They freed me in exchange for my inheritance.
Allison: Who k*lled your father?
Sark: I don't know
but I intend to find out.
(Allison turns in bed, her back more to Sark now. He fingers her shoulder.)
Sark: Bristow should have to pay for these scars
(Sark leans down and kisses her shoulder, presumably on her scars)
Allison: She will.
(Allison turns and Sark kisses her.)
(Cut to an aerial view of the Observatory.)
Lauren (voiceover): I'm no longer Sloane's handler. Dixon gave that job to Sydney Bristow. (We see on Lauren's face that this still bothers her.)
(Cut to Lauren sitting next to Lindsay on a bench. They aren't looking at each other, almost as if they are meeting secretly.)
Lindsay: Good. That frees you up to focus on the Lazarey m*rder. We have a source working inside the Russian government who's agreed to help us out.
Lauren: They have the assassin's identity?
Lindsay: Not yet. But apparently they hold information that could lead us to it.
Lauren: Then why aren't they using it? Lazarey was a Russian diplomat. You'd think they'd want that answer more than any of us
Lindsay: The Covenant doesn't want anyone to know they're behind the assassination.
Lauren: And your source believes their reach extends so far within the Russian government that they can make that happen.
Lindsay: You leave tonight. Any leak, and our source could be compromised
and k*lled. That means no one at the CIA can know about this, including your husband.
(Lauren reacts to this news. The dread forms in her eyes and she sighs heavily and looks away. She's not looking forward to having to lie to Vaughn.)
(Cut to two open suitcases on a bed. Slowly pan upward to see Vaughn packing. He's dressed in only a dark pair of pants. His boxer shorts peek out the top of the waistband, and what looks like it could be a gauze bandage can barely be seen under that. He puts a shirt inside his suitcase.)
Vaughn: Vienna
Lauren: I know
surprised me, too
(Lauren walks out from presumably the bathroom carrying some clothing, crosses behind Vaughn, around the side of the bed to the opposite side. She's dressed in skimpy black bra and panties and black high heels. She drops a black dress into the other suitcase and starts slipping her legs inside a black skirt.)
Vaughn (continuing to pack): For how long?
Lauren: Oh, you know how they go
it's a NATO security briefing. Two days at the most.
(I must mention here that even though Lauren is barely dressed, Vaughn barely even looks at her. I don't know if that is supposed to mean anything here, but I mentioned it just in case it does.)
(Vaughn looks up at Lauren suspiciously. There's a touch of doubt on his face. He's not sure he believes her.)
Vaughn (pauses, then): I'm surprised Lindsay reassigned you to cover a briefing
(Lauren sits down on the bed. From our angle, we can see she's nervous and bothered about having to lie.)
Lauren (slightly breathless, trying to sound cheerful): I know
but he said he needs me there
couldn't exactly say no, could I?
(Lauren bends forward a little; we see her grimace. She plays with her earring nervously. Vaughn gives her back another look of almost betrayal
as if he knows she's lying.)
Lauren (in a quiet voice): What about Milan?
(Cut to Vaughn slipping on a navy blue button down shirt. His face says he's hurt that she's lying to him, because he knows she is. He plays with the collar of his shirt and starts to button it.)
Vaughn: Should be a quick turnaround. Be back in a day.
(Lauren turns her head to the side and then stands up to face Vaughn.)
Lauren: When we get back
when we're done with this
(Vaughn looks up to meet her eyes. He's tense; we can see it in the way his jaw is set.)
we need to go away.
(Vaughn gives her a tiny knowing smile.)
Vaughn: The desert?
Lauren (shaking her head): Anywhere
(They lock eyes. Vaughn smiles a little and then the smile fades slightly as he continues to stare at her.)
(Cut to a car driving away from us behind a row of warehouses. MOSCOW. Cut to Lauren and the contact inside one of the warehouses talking in hushed tones.)
Lauren: My superior indicated, Mr. Tipucoff, that you have some information for us.
Tipucoff: How does a British woman become an American spy?
Lauren: I'm not a spy. And though I grew up in London, I was born in the United States. Now that you know my life story, I have some questions myself. Your government's running a probe into this. I would think you'd want to bring closure to your own investigation. Why come to us?
Tipucoff: I already explained this to your superiors.
Lauren: I want to hear it for myself.
Tipucoff: Andrean and I were, um
colleagues, since our time together at St. Petersburg University.
Lauren: I'm sorry.
Tipucoff: I have for
some time now, suspected the existence of a mole whom I believe is still loyal to the Covenant. (pulls his hand out of his pocket and hands Lauren a digital recorder) This is a file of digital recordings, which chronicles hundreds of phone calls made or received by our deceased diplomat, Andrean Lazarey. Perhaps the m*rder can be traced to one of these calls. I trust that you'll see that justice is done for my m*rder comrade.
(He starts to walk away.)
Lauren: Where can I contact you?
(Tipucoff turns and looks back.)
Tipucoff: You can't. We never had this conversation.
(Tipucoff walks away. Cut to black.)
(MILAN. Push through the A. An overhead sh*t of a streetcorner at dusk. Cut to Vaughn, in black leather jacket, holding a Palm Pilot in what is apparently their surveillance van. Vaughn speaks louder than normal, as if speaking to someone in another room.)
Vaughn (playful, joking): So that camera that Marshall gave us is a miniaturized X-ray camera
What do you want to bet this thing's leaking radiation?
(Cut to a sliding curtain door as it opens. Sydney emerges in costume: Chin length flip hairdo, blonde on top with dark hair underneath the top layer; 60's style white sequin minidress and calf high white go-go boots, topped with a white suede coat with a fur collar. She steps out. He looks up at her, smile still touching at the corners of his mouth. His eyes widen as the smile slips off his face. His mouth gapes open slightly and he leans back in his chair, unable to stop staring at her. Sydney breaks eye contact first and looks away uncomfortably.)
Sydney: So
we're looking for Lang
(Vaughn takes the subtle hint and gets back in game mode. He looks away momentarily and then back, more in game mode.)
Vaughn: Yeah
the camera's supposed to ID his plastic surgery.
(Sydney walks over and sits next to Vaughn as he continues to explain.)
Vaughn: It'll transmit images back to my PDA that Marshall programmed to identify fractures, scar tissue, implants
anyone who's been under the Kn*fe.
(Sydney looks down at her lap. She appears troubled. This doesn't escape Vaughn's notice.)
Vaughn: You okay?
(Sydney looks up, meets his eyes.)
Sydney: Mmmhmmm.
(Vaughn looks down, playing with the PDA.)
Vaughn (not looking at Sydney): Is it Allison?
(He looks up at her. He knows.)
Sydney: Since I learned that she's alive
I keep wondering
Does she still look like her? Does she look like Francie?
(Vaughn continues to meet her eyes, his understanding and empathy plain.)
Sydney: Because if she does? As much as I know I should keep her alive to maybe try to figure out the last two years of my life? All I'll wanna do
is k*ll her.
(Their eyes meet.)
(Cut to Francie, dressed in black, apparently on the rooftop of the club. Sark walks toward her, handing her an envelope.)
Sark: Heinrich Strauss
he's the man providing Lang with identity papers. As we speak, he's getting drunk in the club.
Allison: I'll keep an eye on him.
(Cut to Vaughn, picking up the necklace that Marshall made for the op.)
Vaughn: The camera's in the stone.
(He holds the necklace out.)
Sydney (quietly): Do you mind?
Vaughn (just as quietly): No.
(Cut to closeup on Sydney's fingers unbuttoning her coat to slip it off her bare shoulders. We see the pendant appear on the front of her dress and then pull up. The camera pans upward to Sydney's face as Vaughn's hand rests against her shoulder as he does up the clasp of the necklace. It brings back memories for her. Slide over to Vaughn's face. He's just as affected by the moment, if not more. He pulls his hands away slowly and just as slowly pulls the fur collar back into place. Sydney looks down sadly.)
Sydney (barely above a whisper): Thank you.
(Cut to Allison pulling on fingerless leather gloves. She opens a soft case, exposing a sn*per r*fle. She locks a sil*ncer in place, lifts the r*fle to look down the telescoping sight. She locks a clip in place and cocks it. She zips up her black leather jacket and says, apparently to Sark
Allison: Let's go.
(Cut to Sydney's go-go boot. She pulls aside her ankle length coat, exposing the calf high boots, wide expanse of leg, and a g*n harness strapped on her upper thigh. She slips a p*stol inside it, saying)
Sydney: Let's go.
(Cut to inside the club, pan down from the ceiling to Sydney as she begins to work the crowd.)
Vaughn (voiceover, on comms): Okay, we're looking for someone with massive facial reconstruction. Lang's about 5' 10, 170 pounds.
(Cut to a closeup of the necklace.)
Sydney (voiceover): How's the camera working?
Vaughn (on comms): Video's linking up now.
(Cut to view of video coming up on Vaughn's PDA. Cut to Vaughn on a balcony above the dance floor, surveying the scene.)
Vaughn: Signal strength's at 100%.
(Cut to view from above of Sydney making her way to the bar counter.)
Sydney (voiceover): I'll start looking for Lang.
Vaughn (on comms): Hey, check out that guy to your left.
(Cut to Sydney as she looks over her shoulder at a young man in black wearing spectacles. She gives him a seductive smile, plays with her necklace and says)
Sydney: Buy me a drink?
(The man puts up a finger to attract the bartender's attention. Sydney looks around as she waits to hear from Vaughn. Cut to Vaughn looking at the PDA, then to the image on the PDA. The program searches the man's face. He's not a match. Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Nothing.
(A new song starts to play. As the man holds out the drink to her, she waves her hand and starts to walk away saying,)
Sydney: I love this song.
Vaughn (on comms as Sydney works the crowd): Okay, nothing there
Keep moving
Oh! Check out that guy with no rhythm
(Sydney grabs both the man's hands and starts dancing with him while Vaughn checks out his face. Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: No, only a nose job
not enough to be Lang.
(Cut back to Sydney. She dances for another moment, then moves on. Cut to a view of the crowd from Sydney's pendant.)
Vaughn (voiceover): Chin implant at 3 o'clock
(Cut to Vaughn looking at his PDA)
Vaughn: Collagen lips straight ahead
(Cut to Vaughn's PDA as he focuses in on a woman in a low cut white satin gown shimmying to the music. An X-ray interpretation of the sh*t reveals
Vaughn (jokingly sarcastic): Okay, those breasts are real
(Cut to Sydney as she smiles at Vaughn's joke. Cut back to Vaughn.)
Vaughn (joking): What do you think? Should I get my nose done?
Sydney (as she surreptitiously turns on her comm.): Maybe a little tapering
Vaughn (on comms): Get the bump removed?
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Whoa, wait, wait, wait
go back. Go back to your left, 2 o'clock.
(Sydney takes a step back, turning her pendant.)
Sydney: Right there?
(Cut to the man the pendant is pointing at.)
Vaughn (voiceover): Yeah, yeah
hold it
just like that.
(Cut to Vaughn as he checks the man's face.)
Vaughn: Okay, nose, chin, cheek lift, eye config
That's Lang!
(Cut to Lang as Strauss approaches him.)
Sydney (on comms): And there's Strauss.
(Strauss hands Lang a small manila envelope. Cut to Sydney.)
Sydney: He just got his identity papers
(Cut back to Lang as a red dot appears, moving around his head.)
Sydney: Someone has a laser sight on him!
(Cut to Allison in the balcony, aiming her sn*per r*fle at Lang's head. Cut back to Sydney as she rushes toward Lang, grabbing him and throwing him to the floor. A b*llet hits Strauss in the chest a split-second later. Sydney pulls her p*stol and sh**t at Allison in the balcony. Allison ducks behind a wall. As Sydney continues to return f*re, she says on comms)
Sydney: Vaughn, Allison's the sh**t; she's up in the balcony.
(Cut to Vaughn, running.)
Vaughn: I'm on my way!
(Cut to Allison as she starts sh**ting into the crowd, presumably at Sydney and/or Lang. People scream and run. Glasses get sh*t on the counter. Sydney returns f*re as Lang starts to crawl off.)
Sydney: Wait! Lang!
(He doesn't stop, runs away.)
Sydney: Don't move!
(She gets up to try and follow, but Allison fires at her and Sydney has to dive over the bar to use it as a shield. Cut to Lang, running pell-mell down the staircase. Cut back to Sydney, hiding behind the bar, shielding her face from the broken glass around her.)
Sydney: Lang ran out; I'm pinned down. Vaughn, where are you?
(Cut to Vaughn, hiding around the corner from where Allison is.)
Vaughn: I'm on the balcony!
(He leans around the corner and fires three sh*ts at Allison and then hides as she fires at him. Cut to Lang, running for the elevator, pushing the down button and getting on. Cut back to Sydney, still behind the bar. She gets up abruptly to f*re, but Allison's gone.)
Sydney (to Vaughn on comms): Do you see her!?
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: No, she took off! I'm goin' after her.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: I'm goin' after Lang.
(Cut to Allison, stalking down the corridor toward the elevator. Cut to the inside of the elevator as we watch the lights flash from 4 to 3 to 2, then pan down to Lang's terrified face. The elevator stops. Lang looks up as Allison crashes through the glass ceiling of the elevator, landing easily on her feet.)
Allison: Hello.
(Allison grabs Lang by the neck and throws him to the floor of the car. She pulls out a tooth extractor and holds it over him as she chokes him with her other hand. She moves forward and then the camera pulls up and away. We are looking down through the hole in the ceiling of the elevator as we hear Lang screaming (as Allison apparently extracts a tooth) The camera pans up the elevator shaft to where Vaughn discovers Allison has wedged the elevator door open with a metallic ash can. Looking down into the shaft he tells Sydney on comms)
Vaughn: Sydney, she went down the elevator shaft. She has Lang.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: What floor is she on?
(Cut to Vaughn)
Vaughn: The basement.
(Cut to Sydney as she pushes open the door leading to the basement. She runs down the hallway and then stops as she reaches the elevator corridor. Sydney walks carefully down the hallway. The door to the elevator is open. A body is lying on the floor of it. She walks forward, turns the corner to look into the elevator. Lang has blood dripping from his mouth. He appears d*ad. Just then, Allison appears from behind Sydney and hits her on the head with the butt end of her p*stol. Sydney collapses. Allison stands over her menacingly. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
~ ~
(Pan across JTF to Weiss and Sydney walking toward Weiss' desk.)
Sydney: Why didn't she k*ll me?
Weiss: Maybe she likes you
Sydney: Weiss, I'm serious.
(Weiss sits in his chair, Sydney sits on the corner of his desk)
Weiss: So am I! Come on
she lived with you for months! She doubled herself as your best friend
maybe in that time, she started to like you. I could see that happening.
Sydney (shaking her head, then looking up at Vaughn, standing over Weiss' shoulder): It was like she needed to keep me alive. I..I know this sounds weird, but it was like she was ordered not to k*ll me.
Weiss: Hmmm. Well, that's lucky.
Vaughn: I wanna know your fight two years ago. You sh*t her three times.
Weiss: So wait
she took this guy's tooth!?
Sydney: She took the guy's tooth.
Weiss: Just when you think the world can't get any weirder
(Lauren walks up to the group with a smile.)
Lauren: Hey.
Weiss (in greeting): Hey. So, have you checked the dental records to find out what's so weird about his teeth?
Sydney: Langley crosschecked all accessible files; they had nothing. But then Lauren was a genius
Lauren (embarrassed): Genius isn't quite what I was
Weiss (to Lauren): What? What'd ya do? I miss all the good briefings
Vaughn: Lauren realized that we already had Lang's X-rays
and we could use them to figure out what was in his tooth.
Weiss: What!?
Sydney: The X-cam
Marshall's necklace. We used it to see who had plastic surgery; I took the pictures myself.
Weiss: Nice!
Lauren: I have a meeting with the NSC
Vaughn: I'll walk you out.
(Lauren and Vaughn walk away. Vaughn places a hand on Lauren's back as they walk. Sydney watches this; it still bothers her.)
Weiss: You know, Vaughn's right; the real question isn't why she didn't k*ll you
it's how come she's still alive at all
Maybe Allison's a werewolf
Maybe the only way to k*ll her is with a silver b*llet
(Sydney takes a preoccupied sip of her tea and then says)
Sydney: Yeah
(Cut to a side view of a head X-ray)
Marshall (voiceover): Okay, if you look right here, this is Lang's jaw before his tooth was removed. Now, if we look closely right here (a pointer points at a specific tooth
then the camera angle widens to include Marshall)
that looks like a normal filling that when you have a
cavity, you have it
from too much sugar and not flossing
which I do every day, twice a day
but, upon further examination
I actually magnified it over a thousand times, and
(focus in on the item in his tooth) it's actually an RFID chip. Now RFID stands for radio frequency identification.
Weiss: Uh
you know what would be great? English
Marshall: Oh, okay, sorry
I forgot
not that astute. What can I
? Oh, are you guys familiar with those quickpass things you use at, um, gas stations? You know, uh, go on, uh, key chains, and uh, actually, I think I, uh, have one
if you
need a visual, uh, demonstration (fumbling with his keys)
you know, this, this little thing right here that lets you pay for your gas at the pump
you don't have to use a credit card
Jack: Marshall
Marshall: Yeah?
Jack: We're familiar with them.
Sydney: Lang has something like that in his tooth?
Marshall: Sort of. Um, uh
it doesn't work at a gas station
although if it did
it'd be wicked cool
Jack: We believe that Lang used this transmitter to open a high security lockup.
Marshall: Yes, and I believe that Lang kept his magic m*ssile launching device locked up, and then used this tooth to open the vault.
Vaughn: Or a briefcase
I mean, this device could be anywhere.
Sydney: We have to assume the Covenant has the location. As far as we know, they could have the device in their possession already. Sloane's our man in the Covenant
so I assume there's a plane waiting.
(Cut to aerial view of LA by day. Cut to Lauren, presumably at the NSC office. She's speaking to a techie.)
Techie: How do I know what I'm looking for?
Lauren: I've supplied you with the time and date of Lazarey's m*rder. Screen any and all calls made in the weeks leading up to it. Based on what we know, we believe the k*ller was someone he expected.
Techie: Lazarey k*lled by a man or a woman?
Lauren: A woman.
Techie: It'll take me a while to filter through all these calls
Lauren: Any calls with a red flag, run them through voiceprint analysis. Maybe we can make a positive ID on one of these callers.
(Cut to black. ZURICH. Push through the U. An aerial sh*t of Zurich by day.)
Sydney (voiceover): Sydney Bristow here to see Arvin Sloane.
(Cut to Sloane's secretary's office.)
Secretary: Yes, he's been expecting you. Right this way
(Cut to Sloane pacing behind his desk, talking on a telephone headset.)
Sloane: Of course, Mr. Secretary
I'd be happy to speak with the delegation from UNESCO. At their convenience
(Sloane looks up to see Sydney standing in the doorway. He silently motions for her to come in.)
Sloane: Just let me know
thank you. Uh, give my regards to Monique
yes. Bye. (he hangs up and takes the headset out of his ear, then addresses Sydney) Sydney, I was very pleased when Dixon said you'd agreed to be my handler
Sydney: It was an assignment, not an agreement
the way a janitor doesn't agree to clean a toilet
But as your handler, you'll do as I say, when I say it. I select your assignments; I design your missions. I control you
not the other way around.
Sloane: Is that what you used to let Vaughn do? Control you?
Sydney (ignoring this): The intel you provided was accurate. The Covenant is in pursuit of a device that would give them access to Russia's strategic w*apon.
Sloane: You failed to get Lang, didn't you?
Sydney: Lang is d*ad. The Covenant has an access code which will open a vault that contains this device.
Sloane: And you know the location of this vault?
Sydney: No. But Sark and Allison do, and you're going to get them to give it to you.
Sloane: Allison
I was wondering when Allison would resurface
I'm sorry, Sydney
I can only imagine that seeing Allison must be very painful for you.
Sydney (hardening, firmly): You will set up a meeting with Sark and Allison. You'll explain to them that their travel plans have been compromised. You'll then offer them assistance in revising their arrangements.
Sloane: And pass the information along to you.
Sydney (condescending): That won't be necessary; you'll be wearing a wire.
Sloane: And if they discover that it's a setup?
Sydney (satisfied smirk): Then I get to hear them k*ll you.
(Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
~ ~
(Aerial sh*t of LA by day.)
NSC Techie: I went through the entire disc. There were 300 calls and about 12 percent of them are encrypted, including this one from the day before the m*rder
(Cut to Lauren, sitting on the edge of Techie's desk. He pushes a button and the camera focuses on a computer program that is playing the recording.)
Lazarey: Hello, this is Andrean.
Woman: Hello, Andrean. It's me.
Lazarey: Hello.
Woman: About the stock transfer
Lazarey: So I trust you've located a safe place to park the assets
Woman: I have.
Lazarey: Well then
when would like to come by to discuss the particulars?
Woman: Can you make time tomorrow at 3?
Lazarey: Of course. I look forward to seeing you then.
Woman: See you then.
Lazarey: Goodbye.
Lauren: That has to be the k*ller. He was m*rder at 3:15.
Techie: Mmm. I ran it through analysis; the woman's voice has been digitally altered.
Lauren: Can you restore the original?
Techie: Mmmm
no. It was altered at the source. But, I was able to access records from the Russian telephone exchange
Lauren (following his line of thinking): So you can do a trace
(Techie smiles triumphantly.)
Techie: I already did
(he pushes a few buttons on the computer and it shows a running graphic as he speaks.) See, whoever placed the call did an amazing job. They routed to Lazarey's PBX via a defunct satellite network, through the Internet, via IP gateway, and out over a land line to what appears to be a secure telephone at this address
(the computer hones in on a place)
Lauren: London
Techie (in British accent): 34 Trenton Place
(in normal voice) Knightsbridge. A company called KNG Microtech.
Lauren: Good job.
(Cut to a sh*t of London. Either sunrise or sunset. Lauren pushes open a set of glass doors and walks through it. She walks to a door, knocks on it. When no one answers, she opens the door with a credit card. Cut to Robert Lindsay, listening on a telephone.)
Lauren (voiceover): I found the office where the call originated. It's been empty for some time.
(Cut to Lauren sitting on a desk in an otherwise empty small office.)
Lauren: I spoke to the leasing agent. According to their records, this office was leased a year ago November 24th: a four-year lease, paid in advance.
Lindsay: Was there a name on the lease?
Lauren: Yes, there was. I believe she is the person who k*lled Lazarey. Her name is Julia Thorne.
(Cut to black. PRAGUE. Push through the G. Evening scene of Prague. Cut to Arvin Sloane, entering an outdoor eating area.)
Sloane (on comms): I feel like a field agent again.
Sydney (over comms): Do you have a 20 on the targets?
Sloane (on comms): Sydney, I've never told you about my time with the Agency, have I?
(Cut to Sydney and Weiss on comms)
Sydney: Yes or no.
(Cut to Sloane)
Sloane (voice singsong): I was very patriotic once
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: No one's asking
(Weiss gives Sydney a look)
Sloane (voiceover): Here they are.
(Cut to Allison and Sark sitting at a table waiting for Sloane. Sark's drinking red wine while Allison smokes a cigarette. Sloane approaches them.)
Sloane: Mr. Sark
(He sits down across from them at the table.) You're looking well.
Allison: I look like someone else. When you hired me to undergo gene therapy, you promised me you could reverse engineer the process.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney listening and then back to Sloane)
Sloane: Ahhh, but Sydney Bristow destroyed the technology that would have allowed us to
return you. I'm sorry for your loss.
Sark: You indicated that it was important we meet.
Sloane: The CIA is on to you.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney listening. Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane: My sources tell me the Agency knows you've extracted an RFID chip from Mr. Lang; the plane that you've chartered is under surveillance. As council to the Covenant, I suggest that you move up your timetable. If you'll let me know where you need to go, I'll have a plane waiting within the hour.
(Cut to Allison. She's been watching Sloane closely.)
Allison (flatly): He's lying.
Sloane: Allison
Sark: No, she's a
wonderful judge of character
Sloane (to Allison): Sydney Bristow found you in Milan. If I were a betting man, I'd say she'd find you again. (more to Sark) I'm simply here to help.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney.)
Weiss (whispering): There's no way Sark's gonna go for this
(Cut to Sark.)
Sark: We're going to Bulgaria. The device is in a vault in Sofia.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney.)
Weiss: What'd I tell ya? This is the best plan ever!
(Cut to Sloane)
Sloane: I can get you there first thing.
Sark: Tomorrow morning.
Sloane: Done.
Sark: Our business here is complete.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney)
Sydney (over comms): Ask them where I've been the last two years
(Weiss gives Sydney a look. Cut to Sloane.)
Sloane: I'll call you as soon as the arrangements are complete.
(Cut to Sydney and Weiss.)
Sydney (over comms): Ask them
or I'll send a feedback signal through your comm so loud they'll hear it and know you're wired
at which point they'll k*ll you. It sucks being a double agent, doesn't it?
(Weiss sighs and rubs his eyes with his hand as if he can't believe Sydney is doing this.)
(Cut to Sloane as he is about to get up, but then settles back into his seat.)
Sloane: You know Allison, I'm thinking
seeing you again
I'm reminded of all the things that have happened over the past two years. I
I'm curious
have you and Sydney Bristow crossed paths?
Allison: Why?
Sloane: Well I heard that you had an opportunity to k*ll her in Milan and that you didn't take it
Allison: The Covenant asked me not to.
(Cut to Weiss and Sydney's shock. Cut back to the table.)
Sloane: Really? Why is that?
Allison: They wanna retrieve something
something in her memory.
(Weiss looks at Sydney, shocked. Sydney is also surprised. Cut back to the table.)
Sloane: What? Something she saw? Something she experienced?
Allison: I'm as curious as you are.
(Cut back to Weiss and Sydney.)
Weiss: Something you saw!? What the hell is that!?
Sydney: I have no idea.
(Cut to Sydney and Jack in the JTF office.)
Jack: Sydney, we've been over this.
Sydney: Yes, I know. The NSC techniques to recapture my memories are invasive
Jack: Invasive!? That's too benign a word. We're talking about surgical procedures that could leave you with permanent brain damage!
Sydney: Allison said the Covenant wants to access something I saw
Jack: And we'll discover what that is in time
Sydney: Dad, I am walking around with a secret in my head; something so fantastic that the Covenant operatives have been ordered not to k*ll me. I need to know what that is!
Jack: I understand, but we're not doing it like that!
Sydney: Then how do you propose we do it!? I am losing my mind!
(Dixon walks up from behind them.)
Dixon: I just got off the phone with our NIS liaison in Sofia. Once Allison's plane lands, you and Vaughn will coordinate with the local authorities and track her to the location of the vault. We'll wait until she retrieves the device, then apprehend her.
Sydney: I understand.
Dixon: You leave at once.
(Sydney looks uncomfortable. Dixon looks at Jack standing behind her and addresses him.)
Dixon: Is there a problem with that?
Jack: No there isn't. I'll go over op tech with Marshall.
(He leaves.)
Dixon: I want you to be clear on the rules of engagement.
Sydney: Yes, I know. Allison is another link we now have into the Covenant. She is part of our larger agenda, and as such, is not to be k*lled.
Dixon: I want her d*ad.
Sydney: What!?
Dixon: The order from Langley is to bring her in
d*ad or alive. She k*lled my wife; she k*lled your best friend
so, I look at this as an opportunity. The only reason why I hesitated before was that I hoped that she might have information for you. But now that we know there's no hope for that? (pause, as his face hardens dangerously) I want that bitch d*ad!
(Cut to Sydney's shocked expression as Dixon stalks away. Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
~ ~
(Aerial sh*t of LA by day. Cut to Marshall's techie room, where he's talking to Vaughn.)
Marshall: I hear, actually, you wanna track Allison, right? Well, I came up with a solution to that problem
The chip inside Lang's tooth; it uses a frequency signature, and that's how it unlocks the vault that contains his m*ssile launching device.
Vaughn: You explained this
the QuickPass.
Marshall (Gesturing to a PDA device on his desk): Now this thing will hone in on the frequency which will lead us to Allison, and she will lead us to the device.
(Vaughn makes a Hmm
okay that sounds good face)
Marshall: However
really sure
exactly the frequency that the chip transmits on, so I, you know, covered a
broader spectrum.
Vaughn: Is that gonna be a problem?
Marshall: No, noooo
not really. All right
kinda. It might be set off by certain microwave ovens
(Vaughn rolls his eyes as if to say Oh great
so I'd steer clear of pancake houses of the
international variety
Vaughn: Got it.
(Vaughn goes to reach for the PDA, but Marshall blocks him.)
Marshall: Whoa! The
uh, EPROM chip isn't finished burning, so it's gonna be a while
Vaughn: All right, then
Just let me know when it's ready.
(Vaughn turns to leave.)
Marshall: Actually, uh
can I ask you a favor?
(Vaughn turns back.)
Vaughn: Uh, sure.
Marshall: I don't know if you've noticed, but, uh
I'm not that smooth around the ladies
(Vaughn frowns as if to say to Marshall Hmmm
I've never noticed that while we know he's trying to make him feel better, since it's blatantly obvious Marshall isn't smooth
well, in fact, I'm a little awkward. Well, I mean, let's face it: You got the looks and I got the brains
(Vaughn registers this comment and doesn't look too pleased about it.)
Marshall: But
look, I wanted to propose to Carrie, so I came up with an idea, and I was hoping you could give me some objective feedback.
Vaughn (slight sarcasm, raised eyebrows, he can't believe Marshall just said this): I got the looks, you got the brains!?
Marshall: Tell me what you think and be brutal okay? Just be honest. Don't uh, hold back or anything
(Marshall climbs in behind a full drum kit in his workshop. Vaughn stands before him, arms crossed, still rather annoyed by the looks and brains comment.)
Marshall (tapping on cymbal and snare drum): You're the micro in my chip; the giga in my byte. I think about you, Carrie, every morning, noon and night
.morning, noon and night
Vaughn: That's
Marshall (cutting Vaughn off. He's not done. Going whole hog on the kit now
.): Kid! We had sushi!
(Vaughn puts his hand over his eyes in embarrassment as if he cannot believe this. Marshall wails on the drums (he's good, by the way). Vaughn crosses his arms again, waiting, then checks his watch as if to say, God, when is this gonna end!? Marshall finishes his drum solo and goes back to the soft snare drum and cymbal.)
Marshall: I'll protect you, can't you see? Carrie, marry me
I love you
(closes his eyes as he slowly trails off the cymbal, then opens them, looking up at Vaughn hopefully.)
(Vaughn smiles encouragingly.)
Marshall: No good?
Vaughn: I
I think she's gonna say yes.
Marshall: Really? Because of the
rock jam song?
Vaughn: Maybe in spite of the rock jam song.
Marshall (relieved): All right!
(Beeping emits from Marshall's desk.)
Marshall: Oh! Hey
your thing's ready
(Vaughn walks over to Marshall's desk and retrieves the PDA.)
Vaughn: Thanks, Marshall.
(He walks out, giving Marshall a little amused smile.)
Marshall: Rock on!
(Cut to black. SOFIA. Push through the F. A helicopter flies over the city at night. Cut to Vaughn and Sydney inside the helicopter, both wearing headsets.)
Vaughn: Sloane put Allison on the ground 20 minutes ago
Voice (over comms): Sir, we have a visual
(Cut in to their monitors following a car down on the street.)
Sydney: There she is. (pause) What is that place?
Vaughn: It looks abandoned, like an old hotel. Do you have an address?
Sydney: Yeah. 14205 Beckerman.
Vaughn: Okay, I'll tell the pilot. (over comms) Put us down near 14205 Beckerman.
(Sydney picks up Marshall's device, looking at it.)
Sydney: What kind of range does this thing have?
Vaughn: Marshall said it should track the signal of the chip Allison's using from about 50 yards. But then he also said that it could be set off by certain microwave ovens
Sydney: Well, that's great.
Vaughn: Yeah.
(Cut to two figures climbing an outdoor back staircase. It's Vaughn and Sydney. Sydney pulls out a portable blowtorch and starts opening the lock as Vaughn watches the progress on the device.)
Sydney: Do you have a signal?
Vaughn: Well, either Allison's in there, or someone's making microwave popcorn
(Sydney gets the lock off and opens the door.)
Sydney: Let's go.
(Syd and Vaughn access the building. Cut to Allison, walking down a hallway. Cut back to Syd and Vaughn, following her signal.)
Sydney: Where is she?
Vaughn (starting to jog): Hold on
(They jog through a lobby and up a staircase. As they reach the top and turn left
Vaughn (slightly out of breath): She's 30 feet down on the left.
(Vaughn and Sydney approach the door with g*n drawn and then enter. The tracker goes bezerk. Then turn the corner. The vault's already open; the device is gone. The tooth has been left behind.)
Vaughn: We can't track her without the chip.
(Sydney and Vaughn turn just as a shadow crosses the wall in the hallway behind them. Sydney and Vaughn start to follow.)
Vaughn: I'll go this way.
Sydney: Okay.
(They split up. Cut to Syd, running down a hallway. Cut to Vaughn running down a different hallway. Cut to someone going down a flight of stairs. Sydney comes barreling down the staircase behind Allison.)
Sydney (over comms): She's in the west stairwell.
(Cut to Vaughn.)
Vaughn: Copy!
(Cut to Allison running through what appears to be the kitchen of the hotel while Sydney sh**t at her. Sydney slides across the metal table to get to the other side. Cut to Sydney entering the lobby. She slows, looking around, when suddenly, Allison comes out from behind a pillar, knocking Sydney to the ground. Allison draws her g*n on Sydney.)
Allison: Well, this is familiar, isn't it? Oh, I was thinking about this all last night; I couldn't sleep. If I follow my orders
If I don't k*ll you; you're gonna k*ll me. Sorry about Francie; I was just following orders. (Allison doesn't look a bit sorry. In fact, she looks as if she's supremely enjoying herself.) Once I'd been doubled, I had to take her place
(Cut to flashback. Francie is in her restaurant, back to the camera. She's talking on the phone.)
Francie: We did, like, 80 dinners. We're like a huge success! (pause. She thinks she hears something
turns around. There's nothing there. Calling out to the empty restaurant.) Hello? (Turns back around) Mom, I'm gonna have to put you on hold for just a second, okay?
(Allison walks up behind Francie. Francie puts the call on hold and turns around, looking at Allison in complete shock. Allison points a g*n at Francie's face.)
Francie (shocked and frightened): What
Allison: Move into the kitchen.
(Francie backs up slowly as Allison inches forward. Francie can't believe what she's seeing.)
Francie (in soft, shocked voice): You're me!
Allison: I am now.
(Francie backs through the kitchen door. Allison sh**t her. Francie falls backward onto the wall and slides down, b*llet hole in her forehead. Blood smears down the wall from the back of her head. Allison picks up the phone that Francie dropped and takes it off hold.)
Allison: Mom, I'm gonna have to call you back.
(End flashback.)
Allison: I had nothing against her; she was just a casualty of circumstance. Don't blame yourself, Syd
there was no way you have known. Just like when you recovered Rambaldi's journal, you had no idea it contained a formula.
Sydney: What are you talking about?
Allison: A formula for a medication that would ultimately be used to help heal my wounds. So yeah
you almost k*lled me
(cocks g*n viciously) but you also saved my life.
(Cut to close up of Allison's finger on the trigger as she starts to pull it. Sydney kicks the g*n out of her hand as it discharges in another direction. Another girl fight ensues, much shorter than the last. It ends with both of them picking up their g*n, but Sydney sh**t first. Allison's body falls backward into the empty water fountain in the middle of the lobby. Cut to slow motion of Sydney breathing a sigh of relief as Vaughn comes running up behind her. He puts a hand on her arm, looks at her as if to assess if she's all right. Close up on Allison's prone body as a pair of hands unzips the top of her jacket and removes the device, then checks for a pulse.)
Sydney (talking on a telephone): I sh*t her and we got the device. I know what you wanted
but she had a pulse.
(Cut to Dixon, reacting to this news.)
Dixon: Where is she now?
(Cut back to Sydney, holding the phone in one hand, an ice pack to the side of her head with the other.)
Sydney: They've taken her to a hospital.
Dixon (voiceover): Civilian ambulance?
Sydney: Yeah
with an armed guard. Why?
(Cut to Dixon. He's not pleased.)
Dixon: I'll call about having her extradited. I want an update on her condition as soon as you get it.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Okay.
(Cut to Dixon)
Dixon: Good work, Sydney.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Thank you.
(Cut back to Dixon in his office, brooding.)
Vaughn (speaking to an officer in a foreign language): What do you mean they never got there?
Officer (in foreign language): The ambulance left twenty minutes ago, but the hospital is only ten minutes away.
Vaughn (in foreign language): Did you try the radio?
Officer (in foreign language): Of course. They don't answer.
(Sydney approaches, saying something to the officer and he walks away.)
Sydney (to Vaughn): The Rambaldi book; do you remember a formula for a medication?
Vaughn: No.
Sydney: (sighs) We've gotta find that ambulance.
(Cut to a police van driving down a dark street. It's pouring. Cut to inside the van.)
Sydney: Are you sure this is the route they would have taken?
Vaughn: That's what he said. This is the only way to the hospital.
Officer: Yes, there is no other.
(Cut to view as they turn a corner. A vehicle is tipped over on its side. A body lays in the street. They get closer and stop. It's the ambulance. Vaughn and Sydney get out of the police van. Both Vaughn and Sydney are instantly drenched in the downpour. Vaughn bends to check for a pulse on the body in the street. Sydney walks over to check inside the ambulance. She looks inside the back of the van. The medic or guard inside appears d*ad. Allison is nowhere in sight. Vaughn approaches the back of the ambulance too, looking inside in disbelief.)
Vaughn: What? This makes no sense! If Allison had backup, they would have been with her at the hotel!
(Sydney looks around into the night and then says)
Sydney: I don't think she needed backup.
(Vaughn's face registers his shock.)
Vaughn: What do you mean?
Sydney: I think she did this herself.
Vaughn: The medic said she barely had a pulse!
Sydney (more certain now): I know! (pause) She did this, Vaughn. She did this.
(Cut to Vaughn's uncertain face. He looks back into the ambulance again. Cut to Sydney's face. Cut to black. ALIAS. End of Act Five.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x06 - The Nemesis"} | foreverdreaming |
(Cut to a strange congomeration of strangely colored winged birds and a strange angel statue, holding a bowl. Bells ring. Then a bright white light flashes and then dims to show a surgical light. We pan down to Sydney, waking on a stretcher in what could be something like an emergency room. She's dressed only in a white hospital gown and underwear. She sits up groggy, then stands up gingerly. She walks over to the door and tries to open it. It's locked. She bangs on the door with her hand.)
Sydney (hoarsely): Hello!
(She turns away from the window and starts to walk, looking around, then stops as a wave of pain hits her. She looks down. There's blood seeping through the hospital gown in the spot where her scar is now. She leans against a counter and lifts the hospital gown to reveal an angry seeping wound. She sticks her fingers inside the wound, pulling out the end of a thin plastic tube (think, the kind of thin plastic tube often used for aerators in aquariums) She holds up the end of the tube, shocked, her hand covered in blood. She starts pulling and more tubing comes out. It's freaking her out. She starts pulling faster and faster, but the tubing doesn't end. Blood is splashing everywhere, covering her, splashing the walls. She holds up a fistful of tubing and screams. We cut to a scene farther out. There is a pile of tubing at Sydney's feet in a puddle of blood. Blood is spattered all down her side, on her hands, her face, the wall behind her.)
(Cut to Sydney, sitting up suddenly in bed, gasping and sweaty. She's had a nightmare. She's really freaked out, can barely breathe. She pulls up her t*nk top to reveal her healed scar. She fingers it, gasping and crying. She lies back on the bed, pulling the covers up to her neck, crying and gasping in anguish.)
(Cut to Sydney walking through a set of double doors. US STAFFORD NAVAL HOSPITAL. She approaches the doctor who runs the lost time peer group. He notices her standing next to him as he hands a nurse a medical chart he's just signed.)
Doctor: Oh, Sydney. (to nurse) Thank you.
Nurse: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Nice to see you.
Sydney: I know that I haven't been to group in a while.
Doctor: That's okay
We have another session here tonight
Sydney: I actually came here to talk to you about something else.
Doctor: Is it your dreams?
(Sydney nods.)
Sydney: I've heard about a procedure used to recover lost memories: neurostimulation therapy.
Doctor: Oh, Sydney
before we discuss this, let's give group a chance
Sydney: Some of those people have been that group for ten years, and none of them seem to be any closer to finding out what happened to them.
Doctor: Well the point is to accept what's happened, that you may never remember, and in so doing, free yourself to move on.
Sydney: With all due respect, the one thing that you don't know is what it feels like. You have clearance, so I can tell you that unlike anyone else in that group, there's a t*rror1st organization trying to find out the one thing that I can't remember. My point being, I don't have the luxury of waiting for acceptance.
Doctor (walking): Come with me.
(Sydney follows. Cut to look into the window of a padded cell. A man with a shaved head wanders around inside in a straitjacket.)
Doctor: This is Kenneth Blake. He joined Central Intelligence in 1981. He was missing for five years
finally turned up in a South Korean hospital with severe injuries and no memory whatsoever. Blake volunteered for the same procedure you're asking for. The procedure was carried out. Blake soon learned that he'd been in custody of the North Koreans all that time, exposed to t*rture so intense, so prolonged, that his conscious mind blacked it out. The invasive nature of the surgery left him with permanent brain damage. You should know, Sydney, that the National Security Council considers Blake a successful test case for neurostimulation therapy. (starting to get choked up) I'd consider death an option before this procedure.
(Off Sydney's look, we cut to
NOGALES, MEXICO. Children play soccer in the dirt street. Suddenly sh**ting breaks up the scene. Cut to a pair of feet running in the street. Pan up to a man's back as he runs by. Cut to reverse angle; we see two police officers chasing the man, sh**ting at him. Police cruisers block off the other direction and the man raises his hands. It's Javier Perez. He kneels while they handcuff him. Cut to Javier, sitting in a jail cell.)
Police Chief (offscreen): You've been a busy man, Javier Perez.
(Cut to Chief leaning against the wall of the cell, accompanied by another armed officer. He is looking in a file folder.)
Chief: Epidemology lab in Cannes; Disease Control Ministry in Spain; Genetic engineering facility in Cuba
(Cut to Javier as he sighs and leans his head wearily against the wall, closing his eyes. Cut back to Chief.)
Chief: Do I turn you over to Cuba, to Spain, to France? To me there is no difference. For you, there is at least one significant difference: France and Spain do not believe in the death penalty.
(Cut to Javier, worried and nervous. Cut back to Chief.)
Chief: So here's where we help each other. You provide me with a bigger fish, say
who commissioned you, for instance
and I allow you to choose to whom I place my call.
(Cut to Javier.)
Javier: What if I told you that I had information that would be very interesting to the Americans? Regarding a Central Intelligence agent
and a m*rder.
(Cut to Chief, who laughs and looks at the other officer also laughing.)
Chief: A CIA agent committing m*rder
Hardly newsworthy.
(Chief starts to walk away.)
Javier: It is when its done on behalf of an international t*rror1st group
and the target is a Russian diplomat.
(Chief stops walking and looks back at Javier.)
(Cut to aerial scene of LA by day. Cut to Dixon walking through the JTF.)
Dixon (loudly): People, listen up! We've got non-cleared personnel en route! Deactivate the wireless network and put all secure servers on lockdown. I don't want to see anything on these screens more revealing than a weather map!
(Cut to armed agents escorting a handcuffed man with a black drape over his head. Cut to an officer inside the JTF.)
Officer: Level three security procedures in effect. All computer monitors and LCDs on safe mode. Routing PDX to administration.
(Cut to hooded man and guards entering elevator. Cut to computer monitors as they all go to safe mode. Cut to the feet of the man and his guards entering the JTF. They're walking and enter the main rotunda area. Dixon stands waiting for them. Other agents gather also. Dixon nods, and the officers remove the man's hood, who's no longer hand cuffed. It's Arvin Sloane. Dixon walks toward him. They spend several moments staring each other down.)
Sloane: I always knew you were destined for great things.
(Dixon's only reaction is a tiny grimace and he swallows.)
Dixon: Follow me.
(They turn and enter the conference room, where everyone but Lauren and Vaughn are seated.)
Sloane: Marshall
(said kindly, smiling, as if happy to see him)
Marshall: Mr. Sloane
hi. It's been a while
and a lot has happened. I mean, at first you were evil, now you're good
so you claim
not that I don't..trust you, it's just
How are you?
Sloane: Very happy to see you, Marshall. (He shakes Marshall's hand and sits down.)
Dixon: Given the sensitive nature that Arvin Sloane is about to present to us, I thought it best if he did so here.
Sloane: So, is everyone here?
Dixon: Agents Vaughn and Reed are prepping a separate assignment under the direction of the NSC.
(Cut to Jack and Sydney as they give each other curious looks.)
Sloane: Ten hours ago, I had a meeting with Mr. Sark
(cut to flashback)
Sloane: I assume we're here because the Covenant requires something of me?
(Sark pulls a mini disc case out of his coat and holds it out to Sloane.)
Sark: Your new assignment
(end flashback)
Sloane: Seems the Covenant is no longer satisfied with using my organization merely as a front for their illegal activities. They've now tasked me an operation.
(cut to Sydney's reaction then back to Sloane)
Sloane: I presume you know what a maser is
Marshall: You mean a microwave laser? Well, yeah
(Both Sloane and Dixon turn to look at him.)
Marshall (looking at Sloane): You, uh
want me to explain
Dixon: Marshall: Sloane has no authority in this room.
Marshall: Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, sir. I know you're definitely the main
do you want me to
Dixon: Yes.
Marshall: It's a microwave that gets focused into a pinpoint beam, very similar to how light gets focused into a laser.
Sloane: Tomorrow night, I'm scheduled to attend a charity function held by the Chinese Government at one of their Ministries
The Covenant has acquired intelligence that China has designed a working maser unit, the prototype of which is held there. China intends to mount a maser array on one of their defense satellites. It is an assassination program.
Weiss: Wait
are you saying this w*apon is capable of k*lling from space!?
Jack: Pulse microwaves are capable of causing tissue damage, heart failure
even brain hemorrhage. This w*apon could make it appear as if the victim died of natural causes. You could imagine the potential thr*at if the Covenant were to acquire this technology.
Sloane: I've been tasked to steal the maser's operating system, which is in the Chinese Defense Minister's office.
Dixon: I want Strategic Services to review your plan, and I'll assign an agent to go along.
Sloane: I'd presumed that would be the case. Therefore, I propose that Sydney accompany me to the function posing as my assistant, and then together we acquire the operating system, corrupt the maser, and pass along the faulty data to the Covenant
That is, assuming the CIA still intends to use me as a double agent.
Sydney: Why me?
Sloane: Because this mission cannot be done alone. I will not risk my life unless I am going in
with the best.
Jack: Do you really imagine, given your history with Sydney, we would ever order
Sydney (cutting Jack off): I'll go. (to Sloane) You know I don't trust you, and that I believe you have an endgame beyond this operation. But I also know that if we're caught, we'll be standing side by side in front of a Chinese f*ring squad, which means
this time our interests are in line
and if you betray me? I will just k*ll you myself.
(Cut to Sloane's satisfied smirk. Cut to Black. End of Act One)
~ ~
(Cut to Vaughn, arranging a file on his desk. Jack approaches him.)
Jack: I understand you've been loaned out to the NSC
Vaughn: Yeah. I leave for Mexico in an hour. Lauren requested me; she's briefing me en route.
(Vaughn and Jack start walking)
Jack: A contact of mine in Nogales informed me that Javier Perez was apprehended by Mexican authorities.
(Vaughn stops walking and turns to face Jack.)
Jack: I'm sure you remember him as part of the freelance team that Sydney infiltrated several weeks ago.
Vaughn: Yeah, sort of
He almost k*lled me.
Jack: He's offered to trade information to the NSC in exchange for leniency. Our problem is this: He knows about Sydney
that she m*rder Andrian Lazarey under the alias Julia Thorne. You can imagine the consequences if he were to share this information with your wife. I think, Agent Vaughn, that you should tell her that you know the identity of the man you've been sent to interview and that conflict of interest requires both of you to remove yourself from this case.
Vaughn: Are you asking me to interfere with my wife's investigation?
Jack: Yes.
Vaughn: No. I've kept the truth about Sydney from Lauren because Dixon ordered me to; a situation you orchestrated.
Jack: You understand the consequences to Sydney if this information leaks out?
Vaughn: Yes, of course I do
Jack: The NSC will subject her to invasive brain surgery.
Vaughn: Okay, stop. I don't need a lecture from you on the risks she faces.
Jack: Then I don't understand your resistance.
Vaughn: Because the NSC will send other operatives! Either way, they're gonna find out.
Jack: It'll provide us the time to plan our next move.
Vaughn: Look, I think it's safe to say that I know my wife a lot better than you do.
Jack (dripping with sarcasm): I would hope
Vaughn: Lauren may be our best chance of keeping this information from the NSC.
Jack: And, Mr. Vaughn
What if you're wrong?
(Cut from Vaughn's reaction to Jack's reaction.)
(Cut to Marshall, holding up what appears to be a retooled Matchbox car.)
Marshall: Okay, it's the latest in cloaking technology. It's called optical camouflage. Now basically, if you take a look right here, it's surface is covered in microfilaments, which interpret the UV waves generated by its surroundings, which means
(places the car on his desktop and starts driving it across the top of his desk using the controls)
once you drop it off in the Chinese Ministry, I will be able to guide it undetected past the security cameras to the central alarm controls, which I'll then deactivate, using the internal modem.
(Cut to Sydney's reaction. She's amazed and impressed.)
Sydney: So, once you disable the alarms, I'll be able to access the Minister's office where the maser is being kept.
Marshall: Right. Once you get to the maser, you will access the motherboard, and then
you will attach this
(Holds up a cellular phone.)
to the EPROM chip. Now, press one and you'll be connected to me, and I will access the maser's operating system and corrupt it and then (taking off the back of the phone's case to show Sydney the inside), a copy of the corrupted version will be stored onto this. (Holds up a small memory card.)
Sydney: Which I will give to Sloane to pass on to the Covenant.
Marshall: Right. (Stops, looks around) Actually
did the car go?
(Puts down the cell phone and starts looking around the desk.)
(Cut to black. BEIJING. Push through the N. A night pan of the city. Cut to Sydney dressed in a long black evening gown (could be a two piece skirt/shirt set, hard to tell) and Sloane in a tux, waiting in line to pass through a metal detector.)
Sloane: By the way
you look beautiful.
Sydney (giving Sloane a dirty look): Spare me!
(Sydney and Sloane walk through the metal detectors. Sydney's goes off. She immediately hands her small black purse to the guard, who opens it to reveal a metal makeup case. He zips it back up and hands it to her.)
Sydney (in Chinese): Thank you.
Guard (in Chinese): Thank you.
Sloane: I would encourage you to take my arm if we are going to bluff our way through this
(Sydney's face says it all. She finds that idea about as appealing as having teeth extracted forcefully. Very reluctantly, she takes his arm and smiles at a passerby. Cut to Sloane and Sydney entering the ballroom. Cut to the orchestra, cut to dancers, cut to Sydney as she surveys the guards in the room. Sloane looks at Sydney and then at a Chinese man wearing a tux and a sash, who waves at Sloane. Sloane and Sydney approach him.)
Minister: Mr. Sloane, we're honored you could attend.
Sloane: The honor is mine, Minister Woo. And this is my Executive Assistant, Christina Myers.
Minister: A pleasure. (nods his head toward her)
Sydney: Pleasure
(she smiles at him)
Minister (to Sloane): Your organization's compassionate work
is the model of humanitarian achievement.
Sloane: Thank you. Thank you. (turns to Sydney) Ms. Myers, would you give us a moment please? I have a private matter to discuss with the Minister?
Sydney: Certainly.
(She flashes the Minister a big smile. He nods and smiles at her and she turns and walks away. The Minister watches her leeringly as she leaves.)
Minister: Your assistant is lovely. I presume she does more for you than type?
Sloane: Oh, our relationship is strictly professional.
Minister (doesn't believe him): Of course.
(Cut to Sydney, entering the bathroom. She takes out the metal makeup case while she waits for another woman to finish primping. The other woman leaves and we see Sydney opening a lipstick tube and rolling it up. The door closes behind the woman, and Sydney pulls the top off the lipstick to reveal the camera lens for the Invisicar. She opens the make up case, removes the top and underneath is the rest of the Invisicar. Cut to Sydney leaving the bathroom. She takes a champagne glass and sits down in a chair on the edge of the room, near the hallway. Surreptitiously, she leans down to place the Invisicar onto the rug next to her chair. She speed dials a number on her phone and waits.)
Marshall (over telephone): Hello!
Sydney: You're on.
(Cut to Marshall and Dixon on comms in Marshall's office.)
Marshall: Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
(Marshall starts moving the joystick. Cut to the car as it starts to move and we see it blend into its surroundings. All we can see are the wheels moving underneath the shield because the camera's at floor level. Cut to Marshall's view from the cam attached to the side of the Invisicar as he steers through the feet of people in the hallway.)
Marshall (steering the car): Okay
Dixon: Promise me again that they won't hear it.
Marshall: The noise output is .04 dbs, which is inaubible to the human ear, sir. A cockroach thinks louder than this car.
(Marshall continues to steer the car, finds a pair of military boots walking and follows behind them.)
Marshall: Looks like a nice party
All right
we'll follow this guy. It looks like he knows where he's goin. Security.
(Cut to Sydney, sitting in a chair with her champagne glass, checks her watch. Sloane approaches her and sits in the seat next to hers.)
Sloane: Are you all right?
Sydney: As long as Marshall can shut down the security system.
Sloane: You know, Sydney
we should dance?
Sydney: Like hell.
Sloane: The minister assumes we're sleeping together. Despite my protests, he remains unconvinced.
Sydney: I could care less.
Sloane: Well, neither would I
if he wasn't constantly looking in my direction
Normally I would suggest we remain discrete. I suggest we feign an argument on the dance floor that will give you sufficient time to slip away. And, Sydney, given the way you feel about me
(he smirks) I doubt it would take much acting on your part.
(He stands and puts his hand out to her.)
Sloane: So, my dear
Shall we?
(Sydney reluctantly puts her hand in his and stands.)
(Cut to the security guard the Invisicar is following as he walks down a hallway.)
Dixon (voiceover): We have to get to the security room.
(Cut to Marshall and Dixon.)
Marshall: All right. Following him.
(Cut to guard, turning a corner. Cut to video from the car as it fails to negotiate the turn and bumps into the wall.)
Marshall: Oooh
sorry, sir.
(Marshall makes the turn. The guard is now several feet ahead of the car.)
Dixon: Hurry up.
(Cut back to Sloane and Sydney as they begin to waltz around the dance floor. Cut back to the view from the Inviscar as the guard turns another corner ahead of it.)
Dixon: Marshall
follow that guard. Turn to the right.
Marshall: Okay, you got it.
(The Invisicar gets to the end of the hallway and turns to see the guard about to access a door.)
Dixon: Good. He's approaching the security control room.
(Dixon sits down next to Marshall, watching the monitor.)
Dixon: Hurry!
Marshall: Petal to the metal, sir.
(The car whizzes forward as we see on the monitor that the door is opened and the guard starts to step inside. The door is starting to close
it looks close, but the car makes it inside before the door shuts.)
Dixon: Eaaaassssyyyy
Marshall (as the car makes it through the door): Piece of cake, sir.
(Dixon nods as Marshall moves the car about the room. Cut to the security guard as he greets the other one who is watching the monitors. The guard sits also. Cut to the Invisicar as it stops near a desk.)
Dixon: Hurry
under the desk!
Marshall: Yeah, yeah, I got it.
(The car backs up and turns and then slides under the desk.)
Dixon: Well done.
Marshall: Okay, now I will activate the RF modem and hack into the security system.
(Screens pop up on the monitor, as Marshall works.)
Marshall: Okay, alarms are down
surveillance is
(Cut to security guards as their monitors show nothing but static.)
Guard: The security is down. Give me a minute.
(Tries to fix the display to no avail.)
Marshall: Should take them weeks to get back online
maybe even months.
(Cut to Sloane and Sydney waltzing. Sydney's cell phone rings. They stop dancing as she answers it.)
Sydney: Hello? (pause, listening) Thank you.
(She turns off her cell phone and puts it away.)
Sydney: Marshall says the security system is shut down.
Sloane: Well, then I propose you make this fight look real.
(Sydney screws up her face and then slaps Sloane hard across the face. Sloane holds his face as Sydney stalks off. The Minister was watching and appears amused.)
(Cut to a jeep driving down a dirt road. MEXICO. Cut to reveal Vaughn driving. Pan to Lauren in the passenger side. They slow and stop the jeep as they see a boy on the side of the road. He appears unconscious, his bicycle lying on top of him.)
Lauren: Oh, God
It's a boy.
(Vaughn and Lauren get out of the jeep and begin to approach the boy. Suddenly the boy jumps up, gets on his bike and starts to ride away. Vaughn realizes suddenly this is a set up.)
Vaughn (urgently): Get back in the car!
(Suddenly men from every direction appear from the brush, brandishing g*n. The leader of the group walks forward.)
Leader (in Spanish): Hands up. Now!
(The members force Vaughn and Lauren to kneel in the street with their hands up.)
Vaughn (in Spanish): We have 500 dollars. Take it!
(One of the group rushes forward and hits Vaughn hard in the head with the butt of his r*fle, giving him a bleeding gash.)
Leader (in Spanish): Keep your mouth shut.
(The members tie Vaughn and Lauren's hands behind their back. The leader steps away from them, places a phone call.)
Leader: We have them.
(Cut to a fan bl*wing. In the background is a blurry figure of a man speaking (with Jack's voice))
Jack: The payment will be left in the confessional of the Sun on the Hill church, as instructed. Hold them for at least two hours, then let them go.
(Leader nods, and turns off his cell phone, turning back to face Vaughn and Lauren.)
Leader: Vamonos, muchachos!
(The other members drag Vaughn and Lauren up, forcing them to move. Cut to Javier Perez, watching as two men speak at the doorway of the police station. He watches as a man with his back to Javier hands a large roll of cash to the police chief. The chief hands Jack the keys and then strolls out of the station, closing the door behind him. Javier watches carefully as the man starts to approach. He backs up, frightened as he sees the man approach him
.It's Jack Bristow
and he doesn't look happy. Cut to black. End of Act Two.)
~ ~
(Cut to Sydney locking the bathroom door. She strips off her long black evening gown to reveal a black catsuit underneath. She hides the evening gown underneath the sink. She turns on her comm. link.)
Sydney: Marshall, I'm goin' in.
(Cut to Dixon.)
Dixon: Copy that. Security systems are off-line. You're cleared for entry. Keep your face covered. You can't afford to be recognized.
(Cut to Sydney putting on a black ski mask that leaves only her eyes visible. (same kind of mask they used in the SD-6 raid) She enters the Minister's office, sets her cell phone on a table in the room. She finds the hidden safe behind some wood paneling. Sydney uses a lock descrambler that appears to be some sort of makeup case. The lock unhitches and she opens the door.)
Sydney: Checking for sensors
we're good.
(Sydney removes a large metal case from the safe and places it on the table. She opens the case. Inside is the prototype maser. She removes it from the case, removes its outer cover, removes the back cover of her cell phone and connects the cell phone to the motherboard of the maser.)
Sydney: Okay, Marshall
uplink established.
(Cut to Marshall and Dixon.)
Marshall: Copy that, Mountaineer
give me two seconds to corrupt the code
(Cut to Chinese guards. One of the security camera feeds flashes to life for a split second and loses picture again, but the feed is from the Minister's office. In that split second we could see Sydney in the room.)
Guard #1 (in Chinese): What was that?
(Cut to Marshall and Dixon)
Marshall: Uh oh
Dixon: What's the matter?
Marshall: Security system's back online. I don't know how they did it, but it's up.
Dixon: Well, can you get it back off-line?
Marshall: Give me two seconds
(Cut back to security room. The security screens remain off, but Guard #1 is convinced he saw something.)
Guard #2 (in Chinese): I didn't see anything.
(Guard #1 gets up with his g*n drawn. Guard #2 follows him. Cut to Dixon.)
Dixon: Sydney, you may have been compromised. Get out of there.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Marshall, how much longer?
(Cut to Dixon)
Dixon: No! Get out of there now!
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: How long!?
Marshall (over comms): Just give me one minute.
(Sydney hears the guards coming. She runs over to the window and grabs a rope tieback from the drape. As the two guards enter the room, she kicks them so they fall back into each other. She uses the rope to knock the first guard's g*n out of his hand. She kicks the g*n out of the other's hand. She uses the rope to wrap around one of their legs to yank him off his feet. She turns to fight the other. He ends up trying to punch her. She grabs his fist and flings him over her shoulder. Cut to Marshall and Dixon listening worriedly on comms. Cut back to Sydney. One guard grabs a ceremonial sword off the wall and tries to att*ck her with it. Sydney evades the sword, knocking a wooden arm off a piece of furniture. He goes to slice her with the sword and she blocks with the wooden armpiece and then hits him in the face with it. The other guard jumps at her, knocking the wood out of her hand and causing her to fall over. She falls next to a small table with a pair of sais on them (the special three pronged long knives that Elektra used in Daredevil). She grabs them and fights off the first guard (the one with the sword). The other guard gets up, also with a sword now. Sydney is in the middle of the two guards, fighting off both of them with a sai in each hand. She does this very cool windmill move with her sais which throws both men off balance so she can kick one and elbow the other. The one she kicks comes back first and she trips him with a sai to the boot. The other guard comes running at her. She takes out his sword, flips the sai in her hand so the butt end of the sai is up and punches him in the face with it, then roundhouse kicks him in the chest when he's down. The other guard gets up and charges her. He takes out both sais so they are fighting hand to hand. She punches him in the face, kicks him and then does this completely awesome kick where she almost runs up his front, kicks him and does a back flip. She lifts her mask and says over comms)
Sydney: Marshall, are you done?
(Cut to Marshall)
Marshall: Yeah, go, go, go!
(Cut to Sydney, her mask up around her forehead. She checks her cell phone and detatches it, pulls her mask back on and takes off.)
(Cut to Lauren, Vaughn and the police chief entering the police station.)
Chief: You are very lucky they let you go. Crime on the highways has become an embarrassment. If you'd like to file a report, I will see that it receives the highest priority
Lauren: No, thank you. We'd like to extradite Mr. Perez as soon as possible.
Chief: Very well. (grabs cell keys) This way
(They walk toward the jail cell. Pan in the cell from feet hanging upward. Perez is hanging from a homemade noose in the cell. Cut to Vaughn and then Lauren's reaction.)
Chief: Aye is me. (does the sign of the cross)
Vaughn: Who else has been to see Mr. Perez since he arrived here?
Chief: No one. I am truly sorry you came this way for nothing.
(Lauren looks at Vaughn. He looks away, looking very upset, as if he believes something is up, and he knows why.)
(Cut to a limousine driving down a Chinese highway. Cut to inside the limo. Sloane sits on one side, Sydney on the other. She removes the backing to her cell phone and removes the memory chip.)
Sydney: You'll give this to the Covenant. It contains the corrupted copy of the operating system. The Covenant will track it back to the Chinese prototype, which has also been corrupted. They won't suspect that you've betrayed them.
(Sydney turns and looks out the window, her hand on her forehead as if she's nursing a headache.)
Sloane (smiling wryly and nodding): I see. I wonder how many times your handler said something like that to you before you were about to give me something like this? A small object of tremendous value that I asked you to steal for SD-6 that you then rendered useless in order to prevent its exploitation by the Alliance.
Sydney (still looking out the window, sarcastically): It happened on occasion.
Sloane: There was a time you trusted me
Sydney: That was before I knew who you were
That was before I knew who I was
Sloane: Oh, no, it was more recent than that. The day you were found in Hong Kong, your
resurrection, as it were
this letter arrived at my office.
(He removes a letter from inside his coat jacket and holds it out for Sydney. She takes it from him to look at it.)
Sloane: My analyst confirmed what I recognized instantly, what I'm sure you'll verify on your own
the handwriting is yours.
(Cut to a close up of the letter addressed to Sloane in Sydney's handwriting. She opens it and finds a small manila key envelope that says For Sydney on it. She opens that and finds a key and a small piece of paper with a set of numbers on it.)
Sloane: I'd never seen that code before. I didn't want to offer it to anyone else. Unfortunately, I couldn't decipher it myself. But since those items were once in your possession, I thought you might want them back.
(Sydney stares at the key in her hand and then at the code.)
(Cut to aerial sh*t of LA by day. Inside the JTF center, Vaughn approaches Jack.)
Vaughn (walking by him as he speaks through gritted teeth, not slowing down, his voice full of repressed anger): Let's talk.
Jack (in falsely innocent voice): Of course.
(Jack follows Vaughn into the conference room and closes the door.)
Vaughn: You k*lled Javier Perez, you son of a bitch!
Jack: You've just returned from a traumatic experience, Mr. Vaughn, you're understandably emotional
which would explain your baseless accusation.
Vaughn (visibly angry): You're right, I am emotional. I get that way when I see a g*n pressed to my wife's temple!
Jack (so completely unimpressed that he's almost amused): Ours is a risky business
(Jack starts to walk away, but turns back when Vaughn starts to speak again.)
Vaughn: Armed rebels take us hostage and then let us go out of the kindness of their hearts? You didn't think I'd see through that!?
Jack (his face still carefully blank, but his voice is slightly more annoyed): Thankfully
you were graced by a stroke of luck.
Vaughn (starting to get up in Jack's face now, very angry): You really expect me to believe that a man on the verge of bartering for his freedom just decided to hang himself!?
Jack (annoyed now): Mr. Perez had a price on his head. He most likely knew his days were numbered
(angry voiced now, almost yelling) What part of this doesn't have a rational explanation!?
(Vaughn grabs Jack by the lapels of his jacket and shoves him roughly up against the wall, snarling at him, eyes flashing)
Vaughn: If you ever put my wife's life in danger again, I will k*ll you!
(Jack and Vaughn stare each other down for a moment before we focus in on Jack's face. He's shaking with controlled anger. Through gritted teeth, he spits out
Jack: Then perhaps
you finally understand the moral compromises you'll make
when someone you love is in danger
(Jack shoves Vaughn away from him roughly. They stare at each other for another second and then Jack turns on his heel and stalks from the room, leaving Vaughn to glare at his receding back. This last comment obviously h*t some kind of nerve with Vaughn. Cut to black. End of Act Three.)
~ ~
(Slide cut to Lauren in a parking garage, getting into her car. She tries to start her car, but it won't start. After trying a couple of times, she sighs, she pops the trunk and gets out. She opens the hood and finds that something's unattached (sorry, not a car buff
I don't know what it is). She reconnects it and starts to close the hood when we hear a clicking noise. Pan out to Sark, holding a g*n to the back of Lauren's neck.)
Sark: Get in the car
(Lauren carefully puts the hood down on her car and gets into the driver's seat. Sark gets into the backseat, still pointing the g*n at her head.)
Sark: I've jammed the feed of the CCTV cameras, so let us speak freely. You know who I am?
Lauren: Yes. (she looks up in the rearview mirror at him)
Sark: I understand your investigation into the Lazarey m*rder has h*t a d*ad end. What a pity
Lauren: How do you know about that?
Sark: I know because I framed Javier Perez, assuming he'd be extradited to the United States, and that once he was in custody, he'd be forced to confess what he knows
namely, the identity of Andrian Lazarey's m*rder.
Lauren: This is the second time I've had a g*n put to my head; I don't particularly like it. Now, I'm going to assume that if you wanted me d*ad, I would be; so if you have something to tell me, do it!
(Sark smirks in admiration of her guts, then grabs a portfolio and hands it to her. Lauren takes it, looking at him questioningly in the rearview mirror.)
Sark: A wedding present. A touch informal, I know, but everything else on your registry was taken. (b*at) Open it.
(Lauren opens the portfolio to a series of black and white photographs. They are photos of Lazarey's m*rder.)
Lauren: Where did you get these?
Sark: Where is not important. What is important is who.
(Lauren begins to slowly look through the photographs as Sark speaks.)
Sark: Her name is Julia Thorne, merely an alias. She goes by another name, a name you're quite familiar with
(Lauren flips to the next picture. It is a close up of Julia's face, clearly proving that she is Sydney Bristow.)
Lauren (shocked, mortified): Oh, my God
Sark: Now you should understand why I'd risk coming to you like this. I recently learned that Sydney Bristow m*rder a father I never had a chance to know.
(Cut to Lauren's face, openmouthed in complete shock at learning Sydney is Julia Thorne.)
Sark: I suspect you have your own reasons for disliking her; therefore I'm confident
that you'll relay this information to the appropriate parties.
(Sark opens the car door, then stops.)
Sark: By the way
I've rigged a weight sensitive charge to the underside of this vehicle. Once I leave you, I'll activate it. If you attempt to get out of the car before thirty minutes has elapsed, the charge will detonate. (pause) It has been a pleasure, Ms. Reed.
(Sark gets out of the car. Lauren's face shows a mixture of apprehension, and anger. Sark stands in front of the hood and uses a device to activate the charge. He nods and walks off.)
(Cut to more of Sydney's dream. Multicolored birds flying, the angel statue with the pitcher and plate. She is awakened from the dream by the ringer of her cell phone. She's on the CIA jet flying back to LA.)
Sydney (slightly out of breath and panting from the aftereffects of her dream): Hello?
(Cut to Jack at JTF Center)
Jack: It's me.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Dad
Jack (voiceover): Are you all right? You sound upset.
Sydney: Yeah
no, I'm fine. Did you receive my transmission?
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: Yes. Sloane gave you a key, which he claims was sent to him some time before you woke up in Hong Kong.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Yeah, his claim was pretty convincing
it was written in my handwriting.
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: The cyphertext as well?
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Yes. Why?
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: Remember when I told you that during the time you were missing, I contacted your mother? That ciphertext was encoded using a method that she devised.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: What does this mean? That I was in contact with Mom during the two years I was gone?
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: If that's true, she failed to mention it during our last communication.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Can you break the code?
Jack (voiceover): Yes, I learned the code from your mother last year.
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: It's an address in Rome: 1124 Piazza Barberini, the penthouse apartment
does that mean anything to you?
(Cut to Sydney, shocked)
Sydney: No.
Jack (voiceover): I had a local contact pull up the property record.
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: The apartment was purchased a year ago. The buyer chose to remain anonymous.
(Cut to Sydney)
Jack (voiceover): Get some rest.
(Cut to Jack)
Jack: When you get back, you and I will go to Rome together.
(Cut to Sydney)
Sydney: Okay.
(Cut to Vaughn, running out into the parking garage. An agent talking on the telephone puts out a hand as to signal he should slow down. He slows, sees Lauren's car lit up with bright lights and yellow caution tape surrounding it. The b*mb squad is there; they are taking pictures of the scene. Pan over to a spot about 30 feet away, where Lauren is standing next to a pillar, her arms crossed, looking out into the darkness of the empty parking garage. As soon as Vaughn spots her, he goes running toward her. As he approaches, Lauren turns slightly. He wraps his arms tightly around her, letting out a sigh of relief. She holds him as well.)
Vaughn (anguished): Are you all right?
Lauren: Yes.
Vaughn (still out of breath and worried): Did he hurt you?
(Lauren shakes her head no. Vaughn pulls back.)
Lauren (looking down, whispers): No
(Vaughn runs a hand down the side of her face.)
Vaughn: I am so sorry
(his face hardens slightly, more determined) We'll find him.
(Lauren looks at him. For a moment she looks uncertain, then she says, bitterness lacing her voice.)
Lauren: He told me that Julia Thorne is really Sydney Bristow
(Instantly a look of guilt and remorse floods Vaughn's face. He swallows hard and takes an infinitesimal step backward. Lauren looks down and shakes her head, almost it tears.)
Lauren (painfully): I wasn't sure if you knew
now I know
(Vaughn turns and walks away from the men working on Lauren's car, pulling her along with him.)
Vaughn (intensely, trying to explain): I was under orders not to say anything, just as you were.
Lauren: Whose orders!?
Vaughn: Dixon's.
Lauren (indignant): Dixon knows!?
Vaughn: Yes.
Lauren: And Jack, Weiss
(They stop walking. Vaughn turns to face Lauren.)
Vaughn: That's not the point!
Lauren: It's exactly the point!
(Cut to Lauren's face. She's angry, hurt, feeling betrayed by everyone.)
Lauren (emotionally): Everyone at that office kept secret from the NSC the one thing I've been desperately trying to learn! How long have you known!?
Vaughn: (pauses and then) Three weeks.
Lauren: For three weeks you've been trying to derail my investigation!
Vaughn: Lauren, Sydney doesn't remember any of it
Lauren (cutting Vaughn off angrily): Do not defend her to me!
Vaughn: I am explaining why Dixon issued the
Lauren (cutting him off again, pain lacing her face and voice): I am your wife! You kept Sydney's secret from me! You protected Sydney over me; something I refuse to do with you!
Vaughn: It's not that simple!
(A look of almost fear passes across Lauren's face.)
Lauren (softer, painfully): Do you still love her?
Vaughn (angrily): Oh, damn it! That's not what this is about! She is [/i]not my wife[/i]!
(Lauren stares at him pain in her eyes. She wants to believe him. She nods just slightly as if saying she understands.)
Vaughn (still upset, less angry, more earnestly): You can't punish her for the fact that she and I had a past. If you report this to Lindsay
Lauren, he's gonna want to know everything she did over those two years
Lauren: As well he should.
Vaughn: Look, the only way to access her memory is through a dangerous, invasive procedure that
Lauren (cutting him off): I'm aware of the procedures, none of which they would force on a US agent.
Vaughn: Lazarey was a Russian diplomat. All Lindsay has to do is form an extradition agreement with the Russians and she will be shipped to Moscow where she has no rights as an American. He'll run the procedure there.
(Lauren shakes her head. She doesn't want to believe what she's hearing could be true.)
Lauren: He can't do that
She's a CIA operative
Vaughn: Think about it! You know better than anyone, Lindsay will not hesitate to break the rules.
(Lauren looks down. What Vaughn is saying is starting to sink in. Worry and fear begins to bloom on her face.)
Vaughn: If he learns about this, Sydn
(Vaughn stops talking when he sees the look on Lauren's face. She looks afraid
and guilty. Realization dawns on Vaughn's face. He stares at her in shocked disbelief.)
Vaughn (hoarsely): Oh God, Lauren
you already reported her.
(Lauren's pain also becomes hard edged.)
Lauren: You followed your orders
I followed mine.
(Panic blossoms on Vaughn's face. He stares at Lauren with a How could you do this? expression and takes off in a run.)
Lauren (calling after him): Michael
(He doesn't stop or look back. Lauren blinks back tears, looking away from his retreating form and then back, pained and shocked that he would just take off like that.)
(Cut to the CIA plane landing in LA. Cut to Sydney, walking inside the airport terminal, carrying a small bag of luggage. Her telephone rings. She retrieves her phone from her coat pocket.)
Sydney: Hello?
Vaughn (voiceover): Sydney, it's me. Don't go home; the NSC knows everything.
(Cut to Vaughn in the JTF on his cell phone.)
Vaughn: Meet me at terminal one. I'll explain everything once I pick you up.
(Cut to a car driving down a road behind a chain link fence.)
Sydney (voiceover, breathless with worry): How the hell did they find out?
Vaughn (voiceover): Sark told Lauren.
(Cut to Sydney and Vaughn inside the car.)
Sydney (gasping): [I[Sark!?[/i]
(She puts a hand to her head nervously.)
Vaughn: I have a plane waiting for you at the Dover airfield. It will take you anywhere, but you have to tell me where you want to go
someplace you know well, so you can disappear
Sydney: If the NSC wants to find me, they will. Look, I was someone else for two years, Vaughn
someone I don't even remember! What am I supposed to do now, just spend the rest of my life in hiding?
Vaughn: Between that and a lobotomy, there isn't a choice!
Sydney: I can't keep running forever
Vaughn: I'll do everything I can to make sure you won't have to.
(Sydney looks at Vaughn with renewed resolve)
Sydney: Rome. I'm going to Rome.
(Vaughn takes out his cell phone and starts dialing a number. Cut to Vaughn's car pulling up in front of the small airfield. Sydney and Vaughn climb out, Vaughn's still talking on his cell phone.)
Vaughn (in Italian): Thank you.
(Vaughn hangs up and meets Sydney on the passenger side of the car.)
Vaughn: There's a café a the corner of Via del Corso and Via Condotti
Café Ruby. There's a payphone with a false bottom; you'll find money and a new passport.
Sydney: Good thing I'm already packed
(She's trying to make this moment easier
lighter, but its not working
the pain shows on her face.)
Vaughn: You should go. (Pain shows on Vaughn's face, too. He's trying to hold it together, be strong for her, but his eyes tell her this is affecting him.)
(Sydney looks down for a moment. Tears gather in her eyes. She looks back up to meet his eyes.)
Sydney (an almost whisper, pained, grieving, baring her inner thoughts with Vaughn for perhaps the first time since she's been back): Vaughn
why are you doing this? My life is already a disaster
now yours is, too. (She's trying not to cry.)
(Vaughn follows suit. His eyes are full of pain, grief, sorrow, and yes, love. His voice is soft, honest, increasingly emotional.)
Vaughn: What happened between us
the way it is
isn't anyone's fault, Sydney.
(Cut to Sydney's face. Tears pool up in her eyes. She looks as if she could break down crying at any moment.)
Vaughn (voiceover): And even though everything's changed
(Cut to Vaughn. He shakes his head slightly. His eyes are so full of his emotions. He looks pained, grief stricken
and loving.)
Vaughn (his voice hoarse from emotion):
some things don't.
(Cut to Sydney. She bites her lip and looks down, tears about to roll down her cheeks. Cut back to Vaughn who has the same intent look on his face.)
Vaughn (choked up): I'm not gonna lose you twice.
(Cut to Sydney. She closes her eyes. Hearing this hurts so much
but it's a good hurt. For the first time, she knows that he still loves her, that she's still important to him
and she needed to hear this. She looks up at him, tears overflowing, and searches his face, as if looking for confirmation there that he's meant what he said. She steps forward and puts her arms around him. Vaughn puts his arms around her, holds her, closing his eyes and burying his face in her hair. Cut to Sydney. As she feels his arms close around her, she closes her eyes. Cut back to Vaughn. His eyes are still closed. He moves his hand from her hair to her shoulder in an almost reverent way, savoring every last moment of her in his arms. Finally, they pull apart, overcome with emotion. Their heads are so close together. Cut to Sydney as she pulls out of his hug. She sighs, looks at his lips and for a fleeting moment, leans slightly toward him before pulling back. Her eyes are so full of love for him, its obvious she's struggling against these emotions, to not give in to what she wants, because she knows he's not hers anymore. Cut to Vaughn. He's full of these same emotions and has a similar reaction. He stares at her lips and leans slightly forward, wanting so badly to kiss her
He waits, doesn't make the final move. Cut to Sydney. Love and pain blend so seamlessly in her face. Then
she swallows, tries to gather up her courage, and she pulls back from him slightly, sobbing, nodding, almost as if in silent acknowledgment
an I wanted to, too
Sydney (in a choked whisper): Thank you
(Vaughn straightens up. Pain blossoms on his face, as if he knows she was right to pull back, but part of him didn't want her to. Also, he realizes he's about to lose her all over again. He nods slightly as if to say, Okay, I understand. Let's do what we have to do. He leans down and picks up her bag for her. She is still trying to get a handle on her emotions, sobbing quietly and blinking back her tears. Vaughn straightens, schooling his features to be strong for her. She sees this, and smiles sadly. She bends her head a little and walks away. The moment Sydney is past him, Vaughn closes his eyes briefly in pain. Cut to a wide-angle sh*t of Sydney walking away, leaving Vaughn to watch her go. Cut to black. End of Act Four.)
~ ~
(ROME. Push through the M. A scene of Rome at night. Cut to Sydney as an antique type elevator stops on a floor and lets her out.)
Sydney (to elevator attendant): Grazie.
(Sydney walks down the hallway toward the apartment, passing an Italian man speaking on a cell phone. He passes her and keeps walking until he gets to the staircase. Then he stops, turns, and looks back at Sydney.)
(Cut to helicopter flyover of LA by day.)
Dixon (voiceover): Sydney didn't check in this morning
(Cut to Dixon in the JTF center, speaking to someone)
and she's not answering her cell phone.
(Cut to Vaughn, trying to remain passive faced. Dixon is obviously speaking to him.)
Dixon (voiceover): Do you know where she is?
Vaughn: I don't know.
(Cut to Jack, who's standing next to him. He gives Vaughn's face an assessing look, as if he knows something is up. Vaughn glances at Jack for a split second. Lauren walks up from behind them, giving Vaughn a hard look, as if saying she knows what he's done, before turning toward Dixon and giving him her full attention. Her arms are crossed and her chin is tilted upward slightly in a gesture of defiance. Cut to Vaughn, meeting her eyes. There's pain and a bit of betrayal in his eyes, as well as a bit of apprehension, as if this is the first time he's had to face her since running away from her in the parking garage the night before.)
Lauren: Director Dixon, I need to speak with you in your office, please.
(Dixon looks from Lauren's face to Vaughn's, slightly taken aback, but answers politely.)
Dixon: Of course.
(Cut to Vaughn, glancing again at Lauren. Now his apprehension is growing, as if his look says, Oh God
now what has she done? Lauren gives him another hard look before stalking off. Vaughn watches her leave, his face a mixture of regret, pain, irritation, anger. He aims a sullen look at Lauren's back. Once Lauren is out of earshot, Jack addresses him. His tone is a bit more civilized and respectful than he usually uses with Vaughn.)
Jack: The NSC knows that Sydney is responsible for Lazarey's m*rder, don't they?
(Vaughn just stares at him, not answering.)
Jack: I presume you're the one who helped her disappear last night
(Vaughn still doesn't answer Jack, but his eyes tell the story. Vaughn's jaw is slightly clenched stubbornly, as if he's expecting to get reamed out by Jack at any moment.)
Jack: Tell me, what else are you willing to do to see Sydney through this?
(At the mention of Sydney's name, Vaughn gets a momentary faraway look in his eyes, blinking rapidly. But just as quickly, the look is gone, completely replaced by a defiant Balls of Steel! Vaughn look. Meeting Jack's eyes head on, he says
Vaughn: What did you have in mind?
(Cut to Dixon and Lauren entering Dixon's office. Lauren still has her arms crossed, but there's less defiance in her stance now. She's still strong, but not looking forward to what she's about to do.)
Dixon (gesturing to the couch): Please, sit.
Lauren: No, thank you. (b*at) Director Dixon
(Dixon stops and turns to face her.)
Lauren: You have always been direct and fair with me, which is why I take no pleasure in what I'm about to say.
(Cut to Dixon's reaction. His face appears carefully, purposefully blank, waiting what he is starting to realize is coming.)
Lauren: Under authority of the National Security Council, Robert Lindsay has instructed me to relieve you of duty as director of this task force until he arrives to assume control.
Dixon (features still carefully schooled): On what grounds?
Lauren: Obstruction of justice. Willingly conspiring to impede an international investigation into the m*rder of Andrian Lazarey.
(Dixon reacts to this news. He looks upward, sighs impatiently and gives Lauren a surly look.)
Lauren: I have photographic evidence Sydney Bristow was his k*ller.
(Dixon turns away and starts walking around his desk.)
Lauren: We've learned you've known about this for some time.
Dixon (leaning across his desk, not in a thr*at way): It is within my purview to compartmentalize information, Lauren. If Bob Lindsay has issue with that, he can take it up with the Director of Central Intelligence.
Lauren: He has. Feel free to call DCI yourself for confirmation
although I suspect your phone will be ringing any moment. These premises are to be locked down until Lindsay arrives with Federal Agents.
(Cut to Dixon's reaction. He's really not pleased with what he's hearing. His face is almost one of defiance, but not quite.)
Lauren (voiceover): That means, until such time, nobody leaves.
Dixon (his stare unwavering): I take it you have Sydney in custody.
Lauren: Not yet
but we know where she is.
(Cut to a close up of Sydney's hand as she inserts the key she got from Sloane into a door lock. It fits. She turns the key and opens the door. She turns on a light just inside the door and lays the key on a table there. She looks around, amazed. The apartment is decorated with expensive paintings and sculptures
a leather sofa. She wanders through the room, touching objects as if hoping they'll give her some clues. She rubs her hand across a black table. A thin layer of dust appears on her fingers. She rubs it off absently. The apartment obviously hasn't been vacant for long. She wanders into another room and turns on the light. Cut to her entering the bedroom and turning on another light. She takes off her coat, lying it absently on the bed. She sits on the bed, fingers the tapestry of a bed pillow, then lays back on the bed with her eyes closed, letting out a long sigh. She looks up to a chilling sight: out of a large skylight over the bed, she sees several white doves flapping around and behind them, is the same statue from her nightmare, atop the spire of what appears to be a church. The church bells ring in the background. Cut to Sydney's wide-eyed reaction to the statue. Focus in on the statue, which appears to be coming every closer
Cut to Sydney splashing water on her face in the bathroom, obviously spooked. She looks up at the mirror over the sink, face still dripping with water, and then, as if a sudden thought crossed her mind; she pulls the medicine cabinet open, searching. She grabs a prescription bottle, pulls it out and closes the cabinet. A close up on the bottle reveals it belongs to Julia Thorne. She opens the cabinet again to see if there are any more clues in there and slowly closes the door again. As it closes, we see a man who appears to be a policeman right behind her. He grabs her from behind and drags her out to the living room where five or six armed police officers stand in a circle around her.)
Officer #1 (en italien): Get down on the floor!
Officer #2 (en italien ): Quick! Handcuff her!
(Sydney is slammed to the carpet as they handcuff her. Close up on Sydney's still wet face as the police officer says
Officer #1 (en italien): In conjunction with the N.S.C of the United States of America, you are under arrest!
(From Sydney's panicked face we
Cut to Black. ALIAS. End of Act Five.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x07 - Prelude"} | foreverdreaming |
Pan over a mountain to a remote compound. A helicopter flies toward it. Inside are four armed guards and a prisoner in blue drab uniform with a black head covering over his/her head. Cut to helicopter flying over barbed wire fence and landing in a courtyard. Guards climb out and bring prisoner, hands and feet chained, with them. They walk into the facility, apparently some kind of jail. One soldier shows his badge and they are buzzed inside. The prisoner is brought through several locking doors. At the end of a hallway of jail cells, the prisoner's hood is released. It's Sydney. She looks at the prisoners in their cells as she is walked to the very end of the hallway and shoved into the end cell. They remove her cuffs and lock her in. Close up on Sydney's face. She looks stricken and lost.
Cut to flyover of LA by day. Cut to Lindsey followed by several NSC officers entering the JTF Center.
Lindsey: (to man on his left) If you find anything, you let me know
Pan across room to Lauren on telephone.
Lauren: I'll call you back.
She hangs up telephone and falls into step with Lindsey.
Lindsey: Dixon spoken with the DCI?
Lauren: Yes.
Lindsey: Good. I want to make sure we have access to all computer accounts, emails, and correspondence seen in this office in the last two years.
Lauren: Yes, sir. I've already put a request in through Langley.
Lindsey: Who'd you talk to over there?
Lauren: Brandon. I'm on it.
Lauren and Linsdey enter Dixon's office. Dixon stands behind his desk. Vaughn and Weiss stand in front of it. All turn toward Lindsey and Lauren as they enter.
Lindsey: I understand the Director of Intelligence has already conveyed his desire to transfer authority over this task force from your agency to mine. I expect you to cooperate fully.
Cut to Vaughn giving Lauren a really upset How could you do this!?' look.
Dixon (voiceover): No. Not exactly.
Cut to Lauren giving Vaughn a stubborn look and then addressing her eyes toward Dixon.
Dixon: I explained to my superiors that the decision was mine
to withhold information from the NSC regarding Sydney Bristow's involvement in the Lazarey m*rder.
Cut to Vaughn and Weiss as they turn to assess Lindsey and Lauren's reaction to this news.
Dixon: And that the members of my staff in question were acting working under direct orders from me.
Lindsey: I see.
Dixon: My staff will remain on active duty and cooperate in any investigation
Lindsey: They're not your staff, Mr. Dixon. Not anymore.
Cut to Dixon's defiant stone face.
Lindsey (voiceover): I'm pulling your clearance until further notice.
Dixon: Mr. Lindsey, I would expect nothing less from you.
Lindsey: One of my men will escort you to a facility for questioning.
Cut to Dixon. He removes his badge and places it in a small manila envelope on his desk and walks toward Lindsey, anticipating his next statement:
Lindsey: In the meantime, you'll need to surrender all credentials and access
Dixon hands Lindsey the envelope and walks out of the room, taking the steam out of Lindsey's sails in his speech. Vaughn gives Lauren another dirty look. She still looks defiantly back, her arms crossed. Lindsey moves to stand behind Dixon's desk to address Vaughn and Weiss.
Lindsey: Well, of course, you'll be questioned as well. Let's not make this any harder than it has to be.
Vaughn: It's too late for that.
Vaughn turns to leave saying to Lauren as he walks out:
Vaughn: I need to talk to you
right now
Cut to Lauren and Vaughn walking down a hallway. Vaughn is in front and Lauren is walking behind him, trying to catch up.
Lauren: Before you start, know that I did what I thought was right, given the information that I
Vaughn turns back toward her and gets right in Lauren's face, obviously agitated.
Vaughn: Sydney is in Lindsey's custody because of you!
Lauren: The Lazarey m*rder was my assignment! Sydney m*rder a Russian diplomat!
Vaughn: Okay, stop! Don't act like this is your first day on the job!
Lauren: Sydney is in NSC custody not
Vaughn (cutting her off): No, she is in Lindsey's custody.
Lauren: You think Lindsey's unaccountable!?
Vaughn: Lauren, his operation is funded by black money. What the White House expects from him is results
Lauren: What you're suggesting is that I willfully participate in an orchestrated cover up!
Vaughn: No, but I would have hoped you'd be a person about this!
Lauren: While you clearly underestimate not only my ability to do my job but also, apparently, my humanity, you should know that not only do I believe I did the right thing, but the more you talk, the more suspicious I get! (b*at) You're the one who got her out of the country, aren't you?
Cut to Vaughn. He doesn't answer, but she reads it on his face.
Lauren (not as angry, more worried for Vaughn): Do you know what would happen to you if it becomes known that you helped a fugitive evade the Federal Government?
Vaughn (very snarky): I'm not concerned about myself right now
Lauren sighs and looks down before looking back up with a bit of new defiance.
Lauren: If what you're suggesting is right, that to learn what happened to Sydney over the past two years Robert Lindsey intends to have surgery performed on her which will render her brain d*ad
why would he have me write the White House brief?
Vaughn looks shocked
and worried by this new development.
Vaughn: What!?
Lauren (more confident she's right now): He's asked me to go with him
as an observer of Sydney's interrogation.
This information disturbs Vaughn. Instead of being relieved, it's clear he's more worried.
Lauren (voiceover): Clearly, he's got nothing to hide
Vaughn looks up to meet her eyes. It's clear he's disbelieving of her outlook on the matter.
Lauren: Michael
for whatever reason, you're overreacting to this.
Cut to Vaughn. He's got that stubborn, annoyed face back in full force.
Lauren: I don't know how long I'll be gone
So I guess I'll see you
Lauren turns and walks away. Stay on Vaughn's face, worried, annoyed, determined. Cut to slo-mo of Jack walking across a hallway entrance leading to the main rotunda. He's staring intently at someone. He stops walking. Cut to Lindsey leaning over another agent at a desk. Pan to closeup of Lindsey's face as he realizes someone's eyes are upon him. He looks up and makes eye contact with Jack. They stare each other down for a long moment. Jack's stare is cold, and downright scary
it says something akin to You mess with my daughter and I will k*ll you
Lindsey tries his best to stare back, but just hint of apprehension is in his expression. Jack coldly dismisses him, turns his head and walks away.
Cut to Jack walking down the hallway. Vaughn hurries behind him to catch up to him.
Vaughn: Jack, I wanna be a part of it.
Vaughn falls into step with Jack.
Jack (with a hint of his classic sarcasm): If I knew what you were talking about, I'd refuse anyway.
Vaughn: Come on
I've thought of a half dozen scenarios to help Sydney
Lindsey has to be shut down! He
Jack suddenly stops and turns toward Vaughn.
Vaughn: Did your scenarios take into account that helping Sydney at this point will require breaking at least a dozen federal laws?
Vaughn (in an intense half-whisper): Just the fact that you're telling me this means you have something planned! Damn it, let me help!
Cut to Jack. He looks like he's undecided as to whether to accept Vaughn's offer. Cut back to Vaughn, looking more determined than ever.
Vaughn (still intense): If anything happens to Sydney
(he shakes his head)
Jack stares at Vaughn for a second, blinks, and then says:
Jack: Meet me in the parking garage in three minutes.
Vaughn nods slightly as Jack walks away.
Cut to pan up of Sydney's cell. She's walking around, feeling for any crack, indent, anything she might be able to use to eventually escape. Another prisoner who can see her from his cell 90 degrees addresses her.
Prisoner: Whatcha doin'?
Sydney looks up at him, surprised.
Prisoner: Were you lookin' for somethin'?
Sydney stares at him for a moment. She's wary of him.
Sydney: Maybe
The prisoner crawls to the end of his bed to speak at her through the bars of his cell.
Prisoner (whispering): Hey
if you find any
I'll have some. If it's candy
God, I'd love
Sydney looks at him almost pityingly for a moment and then gives a hint of a smile.
Prisoner: I'm Campbell.
Sydney: Sydney.
She smiles again.
Campbell seems like he's a bit slow, or else is so broken from t*rture that he's become almost childlike.
Campbell: Syd
(as if trying out the sound of it)
Campbell crawls along the bars to stand close to her.
Campbell: Hey
Don't leave, okay? Please? Been a long time without someone to talk to
Sydney just looks at him.
Cut to an overpass over a drainage canal. Pan to Jack and Vaughn on the side of a road.
Vaughn: So this contact we're meeting
Former NSC?
Jack gives Vaughn a sideways glance, his arms crossed.
Jack: No.
He turns to look at Vaughn and then back at the road.
Vaughn: How are they gonna help us locate Sydney?
Jack looks back at Vaughn.
Jack: We're waiting for Sloane.
Vaughn's surprised and a bit annoyed by this news. He crosses his arms across his chest.
Vaughn: You called Sloane on this!?
Jack doesn't answer, he just turns to look down the road. So does Vaughn. Cut to a black sedan driving toward them. Cut back to Jack and Vaughn.
Jack: You and I will be the prime suspects behind any intent to free Sydney from NSC custody. Sloane has agreed to make it seem as if it were the work of the Covenant. Do I trust him on this? Not necessarily.
They both turn toward Sloane's car as he gets out and walks toward them, hands in his pockets.
Sloane: Gentlemen. According to my sources, Sydney is being held at Camp Williams.
Off Jack's reaction, we cut to Vaughn.
Vaughn: Camp Williams is a Naval training facility, why would Lindsey take her there?
Jack: Because it's home to an unacknowledged NSC detention center used for the interrogation of suspected t*rrorists whose captivity the government won't admit to.
Sloane: So to help her, we'll need a tactical team. At least eight men, transportation, w*apon, specialized backup
I would suggest Brill.
Jack: I thought he was in Freetown?
Sloane: Oh no, not since the government fell. If he's available, Domier would know.
Jack: We'll need to get a hold of blueprints to Camp Williams
Vaughn (cutting in, both men turn to look at him): The FEMA Central Office downtown. They should have a set of blueprints on file.
Jack (impressed): Good. We'll prep infiltration into the FEMA building. Meet back here in three hours.
Cut to Sloane. He suddenly looks amused by something.
Sloane: I told you, Jack
We'd work together again.
This statement seems to really burn Jack. He gives Sloane a look of death, and walks away, Vaughn following him. Pan over to Sloane, still amused.
Cut to a hallway in Camp Williams. Pan to Sydney, being rolled along on a stretcher, bound hand and foot. Cut to another helicopter flying towards Camp Williams. Cut to Lindsey and Lauren inside the copter. Lindsey looks out the window, Lauren surveys Lindsey as if trying to figure out which version of this man is the real truth, hers or Vaughn's.
Lindsey: Just so we're clear
It's in all our best interests to make sure that no one on the Hill questions our ethics, Lauren. That's why I'm counting on you to write a thorough report chronicling our investigation to date, and our fair treatment of Sydney Bristow. Understood?
Lauren stares at him.
Cut to Sydney being wheeled into what appears to be a cross between an emergency room and a t*rture chamber. Cut to the doctor' who looks decidedly creepy. The guards start to remove her restraints and Sydney starts to fight against them, but they keep her overpowered and transfer her to a table in the room and restrain her to it.
Cut to Lauren in the helicopter.
Lauren: But Sydney's made it very clear she doesn't remember anything.
Lindsey: But when we searched her flat in Rome, we found a coded message taped to the underside of her desk. Now, if she can decode that message, it may help us infiltrate or even take down the Covenant.
Lauren: What if she doesn't recognize the code?
Lindsey: As long as she demonstrates a willingness to cooperate, that surgery will be nothing more than a thr*at.
Cut to Sydney in the midst of being given electroshock by the evil doctor. The treatment stops. She takes in deep, gasping breaths. The doctor holds a sheaf of papers in front of her face.
Doctor: Ms. Bristow, we know you know how to read this code
Do you recognize your handwriting?
Sydney (panting): No
draw little
hearts over my Is
smiley faces sometimes
Doctor: What you're feeling now? The pain from shock therapy? It's nothing
There's another procedure
We could use it to find out where you've been the last two years
Cut to Sydney, still panting with pain. His barb does affect her a little.
Doctor: Decypher the text and we won't have to
Sydney: Don't bother negotiating with me! You better make sure I'm a vegetable when you're done with me
The doctor turns his head and looks toward a slatted window where Lindsey stands watching, his arms crossed, not happy. Pushing a button to broadcast his voice into the room, he says:
Lindsey: Try a higher setting
The doctor turns up the setting and shocks her again. Smash cut to black. End of Act One.
Closeup on Sydney's shackled right hand as the evil doctor undoes the cuff after apparently more electroshock.
Doctor: The human body
is an amazing thing. A couple of hours
you'll almost feel human again.
Cut to Sydney's face. Her eyes are closed, her face clammy and sweaty. She's obviously weak, in pain and exhausted. She opens her eyes and then we see a sudden determined look cross her face. The camera follows her gaze to the sheaf of papers the doctor had shoved in her face earlier. It's held together by a large paper clip.
Doctor: You have a strong heart, though. You could survive another five
six sessions.
Sydney takes a sideways glance at the doctor. When his back is turned, she reaches out and palms the paper clip off the sheaf of papers.
Doctor: That'll be a new record
for both of us
The doctor turns and Sydney just gives him as nasty a look as she can currently manage.
Cut to Lindsey exiting the t*rture area. Lauren comes up from behind him.
Lauren: I thought I was supposed to be observing?
Lindsey turns around to face her and plasters a humoring smile on his face.
Lindsey: And you will
as much as possible. But my interrogation of Agent Bristow includes a discussion of classified material.
Lauren: How can I report on an investigation I'm not part of?
Lindsey: We can talk about it
Come on; I'll brief you on what I can
Lindsey reaches out a hand to Lauren's arm as if to invite her to walk with him. She's having none of it.
Lauren: No, I'm sorry
but if I'm going to chronicle our treatment of Sydney Bristow, I need to see how she's being treated.
Lindsey's face immediately loses the patronizing smile and hardens.
Lindsey: How do you suppose it was that Sydney Bristow knew to flee the country before she was even aware the NSC wanted to take her into custody?
Cut to Lauren's reaction. She's definitely afraid of where Lindsey is going with this line of discussion.
Lindsey: With plane tickets? Fake passport? I doubt you want me looking into who it was that aided and abetted the escape of a wanted fugitive.
Lauren looks shocked, betrayed. Her eyes are opened to Lindsey's true character for the first time. She shakes her head slightly, as if she can't believe she didn't see it before.
Lauren: That's
why you asked for me. Legally, you needed a witness
Lindsey: Get to your office. You have a report to write.
Lindsey turns and walks away, leaving Lauren to stare at him, wondering what the heck to do with the mess she's in.
Cut to Sydney being slammed down upon the mattress in her cell. She's gasping and her body twitches involuntarily as an aftereffect of the shock treatments.
Campbell (whispering): Sydney
they didn't give you one
Sydney looks up to see Campbell holding out a wool blanket to her through the bars of his cell.
Campbell: It's cold at night.
Sydney takes the blanket.
Sydney (whispering): Thank you.
She wraps the blanket around herself.
Campbell: This is
not the best place.
Sydney snickers at the extreme understatement. She lies back down, this time on her stomach. Her body still twitches.
Campbell: They wanted to know about
when I was there
assigned. What do they wanna know about you?
Sydney looks at Campbell with almost tears in her eyes but doesn't answer.
Campbell (in a whispering determined voice): Don't give it to them!
Sydney nods and then lies down on her side, facing away from Campbell. She opens the palm of her hand and we see she's still holding the paper clip. Her body still twitches. She touches it with her other hand and then clutches it tightly, as if it were a lifeline.
Cut to a chessboard complete with timer clocks. A black man's hand moves a piece on the board, taking a white piece. Cut up to the man's face. He's probably in his 50's, mustache, wearing a cap and a green army jacket, smoking a cigar.
Man: That's checkmate in three moves. Do you wanna give me my 50 bucks now
or do we go through the motions? I got all day.
Cut to his opponent, a young white man in his early 20's. He looks down at the board, disgusted and then pulls the money out of his pocket and throws it on the table. As the man gets up to walk away the winning man asks:
Man: That's not tuition money, is it?
The man snickers as the young man gets up and leaves. The black man starts to reset the pieces on the board. He's almost finished when we see a 100 dollar bill laid onto the center of the board.
Jack (voiceover): I'll put you in checkmate in ten moves.
The man looks up at him assessingly and then answers:
Man: Yeah
if I play with my eyes closed.
Cut to wider angle. Jack sits down opposite the man; Vaughn sits in a chair to the side of Jack. Jack starts resetting the pieces on his side of the board.
Jack: Long time
Man: Chile, '73. Should've never helped overthrow Allende.
Jack: Thomas Brill, Michael Vaughn.
Vaughn and Brill make eye contact. Vaughn nods once at Brill. Brill leans back in his chair a little, assessing Vaughn.
Brill (a little bit of surprise in his voice): You Bill Vaughn's kid?
Cut to Vaughn's reaction. He's surprised this man apparently knew his father.
Vaughn: Yeah, he was my father.
Brill: He was a good man.
Vaughn: Thank you.
Jack: You interested in a high-risk extraction?
Jack makes a move on the chessboard and clicks the button on his timer.
Brill: Always. Paint me a picture.
Jack: Camp Williams Detention Center.
Brill: Blind?
Jack: Blueprints. Sloane's designing the op.
Brill (amused): Well, look who's putting the band back together?
Vaughn gives Jack an annoyed look.
Brill: Rules of engagement.
Brill makes a move on the chessboard and pushes his timer button.
Jack: The facility is protected by two dozen DoD personnel. Lethal force is not an option.
Brill: Well, if were going to use tranqs, I'm gonna need another 5 freelancers. It's not gonna be cheap, Jack: 250K per hire
another 9 for the chopper
Brill moves a piece on the chessboard and clicks his timer button.
and for the non-lethal g*n? Add another 6.
Jack: Done. Meet me at this address it two hours.
Jack places a business card down onto the table. He moves another piece on the chessboard.
Jack: Checkmate.
Jack smiles at Brill, who looks surprised. Cut to Vaughn and Jack walking away from the table.
Vaughn (apprehensive): You just agreed to pay him 2 million dollars
Jack (unperturbed): Three.
Cut to the inside of a dark room as Jack opens a sliding metal door, shedding light into it. He hits a light switch illuminating the room and enters. Vaughn walks in behind him looking around. There's a large stockpile of a*t*matic w*apon, b*mb, flak jackets, medical supplies, etc.
Vaughn: What the hell is this?
Jack: Storage.
Jack drops an empty black backpack onto the table and then bends down to type in the combination on a safe. Vaughn closes the door behind them. Jack opens the door to the safe to reveal huge stacks of cellophane wrapped cash. Jack starts grabbing the cash bundles and depositing them on the table behind him in front of Vaughn, who picks up the first couple of bundles to look at them and then starts to load the money into the backpack.
Vaughn: The fact that you're letting me see this place means
it's not your only one, is it?
Jack deposits more money on the table and gives Vaughn a glance.
Jack (with the barest hint of amusement): You're smarter than you look
Vaughn half smiles and continues to load money into the backpack.
Cut to an external view of Camp Williams through the fence. Cut to a computer screen as the words I, Lauren Reed are typed onto it and stop. Cut to Lauren. She's still obviously torn and not sure what she should do. She's pretty sure now that Vaughn was right about Sydney's treatment, seeing that she isn't being allowed to view it, and that she's being blackmailed to write a whitewashed report. But at the same time, she doesn't want her husband to get in trouble. She leans her elbows on the desk and leans her mouth into her hands, closing her eyes.
Cut to Sydney's gurney pushing through a set of doors. Again, she's shackled to the gurney. As she's wheeled into the interrogation room, the doctor greets her:
Doctor: Miss Bristow! You look better.
The guards have wheeled the gurney parallel to the table.
Sydney (sarcastic): Yeah, I feel great
Doctor: I hear you're making friends with your cellmate!
Cut to a closeup of Sydney's right hand. She's bent the paper clip out straight and uses the point to unlock the restraint on that hand. The doctor signs the transfer paperwork for the guard.
Doctor: He's a journalist you know
in the Middle East. Story is he died in a car accident. Truth is he was protecting his source. Hee hee
He thought the 1st amendment would protect him
The guard undoes the left shackle on Sydney's hand.
Doctor: He's strong though, like you
Sydney takes the opportunity to swing across and h*t the guard in the nose with her right palm, kicking out with her foot at the other one at the foot of the gurney. She gets up and kicks out the second guard again and then ducks as the doctor swings a long metal pole at her. She kicks the doctor in the stomach, knocking him over. The 1st guard picks up a tranq g*n, but Syd kicks the gurney into him, knocking the g*n out of his hand. It clatters to the floor. The doctor and Sydney both jump for it. They struggle over the g*n and then Sydney sh**t the tranq dart into the doctor's abdomen and makes a run for it.
Cut to Sydney bolting from the room and down a corridor as an announcement blares over the loudspeaker: Code red. Prisoner loose in corridor mark three three. Initiate lockdown procedures.
Cut to Lauren, typing on her laptop. She looks up as two guards run past her window.
Guard: I'm on it!
Cut to Sydney as she bursts through a set of doors. She's immediately brutally clotheslined by a guard with a clubbing stick. Sydney drops to the floor. Other guards come running. Syd flips the first guard, but before she can run again, she's grabbed by each arm by other guards.
Guard #1: Hold her!
Guard #1 viciously shoves his baton into Syd's stomach. Cut to Lauren running from the room into the hallway. Cut back to what she sees at the end of the hallway: The two guards holding Sydney's arms slamming her face first into the wall and then a guard from behind her yells:
Guard: Quiet!
And then he tasers Sydney in the back. Sydney screams as her legs give out from under her. As Lauren watches, the guards drag a limp and whimpering Sydney around the corner out of view. Close up on Lauren's face. She looks down and nods as if to say, Yep I knew it
I've been played
they are torturing her
She looks back up and her face hardens with resolve. Cut to black. End of Act Two.
Cut to Sloane, sitting inside a van in front of a laptop computer. The sliding door to the van opens and Vaughn climbs inside, dressed in a workman's jumpsuit. He sits down next to Jack.
Vaughn: I found the junction box and planted the video scrambler. When you activate this (hands Jack a small item, looks like a remote car starter) it'll lock down the security system for as long as it takes for you to copy the blueprints. Any word from Brill?
Jack: He should have the team hired and equipped in time for tonight as long as we're successful and get the blueprints.
Cut to the computer screen as Sloane works.
Sloane: There we go
Okay, I got us into the trunk exchange. Now every incoming and outgoing call to the FEMA building will be rerouted through this number. (to Jack) You're ready.
Jack hits the button on the scrambler. (This great 70's type funk song What Do I Have To Do To Prove My Love For You? kicks in.) Cut to the front desk as the security guard watches the monitors turn to snow. Guard turns to official looking guy next to him.
Guard: Sir, we lost picture.
Official guy puts down the paper he was reading and picks up the telephone and dials a number.
Cut to Vaughn in the van as his cell phone rings.
Vaughn: Weller Security, can you hold?
Official: No, I can't. This is the LA EOC. All my screens just went blank.
Vaughn: Did you reboot?
Official: We're doing it now.
Vaughn: Well, I've got a man in the area; I'll send him over.
Vaughn turns off the cell phone and nods to Jack. Cut to Jack as he swaggers into the FEMA building. He shows his ID badge. With a very blue-collarish almost New York accent, he says.
Jack: Yeah, I got a call. You guys down?
Official: Where's Stuart?
Jack: Sick. Got a nasal infection
freakin' nightmare!
Cut to Vaughn and Sloane climbing down a ladder inside a manhole. Vaughn is carrying a large briefcase.
Sloane: I've been doing this longer than you. Jack could've taken a camera in there.
Vaughn: If they sweep him a find a camera? This is all over
Vaughn opens the case and pulls out a laptop and a long cable with a tiny camera lens on the end. Cut to inside the FEMA building. The security guard rounds the kiosk toward Jack.
Guard: Federal security measures require that we make a thorough search
Jack: Hey, I'm new, but I'm not new all right? I know the protocol.
Guard uses a handheld metal detector on Jack. He's clean.
Official: Then you know I gotta stay with you at all times.
Jack: Right. Right. Just give me the tools and show me the way.
Official hands Jack a small zippered tool folio. Cut to Vaughn starting up the laptop. Cut to Jack and Official walking toward the computer room.
Official: It's right over here.
Jack: This shouldn't take too long. In the meantime, you might wanna make sure your data files are backed up.
Official: I already did.
Jack: Right.
Jack starts to unscrew a panel on one of the mainframe computers. Official guy sits down to watch. Cut to Vaughn, who has connected the laptop to the camera. We're seeing snow on the screen.
Sloane: Having spent a significant amount of time with your wife over the past year, I think it's safe to say that you're a lucky man.
Vaughn pauses, then says:
Vaughn: Yes I am.
Sloane: I imagine that all of this is something of a
strain on your relationship, hmm?
Vaughn looks very annoyed but refuses to rise to Sloane's bait. He feeds the camera into a hole that wires are coming out of at the junction box.
Vaughn: Terminal twelve will take us up
Vaughn gives Sloane a dirty side glance. Cut to the computer screen as the camera lens climbs higher. He looks up at Sloane.
Vaughn: Make the call.
Cut to the telephone ringing at the main kiosk. The security guard answers.
Guard: Federal Emergency Management.
Sloane: Yeah, this is Director Blackman. I've just been pulled from a meeting with the Secretary of Defense to find out that your branch has been dark for the past thirty minutes.
Guard: Yes, well we're working on it. My supervisor's in with the technician now
Sloane (cutting him off, very pompous sounding): Whoa
son, son
Now I'm sure you're aware that the chances of a t*rror1st att*ck on the city of Los Angeles are extraordinarily high. And if, God forbid, something like that should befall us, I would expect that the central office tasked with the management of such an emergency would be prepared!
Cut to Vaughn as he continues to feed the camera wire up the hole.
Sloane: So, why don't you get your supervisor on the line right now?
Guard picks up a walkie talkie.
Guard: Sir, Director Blackman's on blue. You need to speak with him now
Official looks annoyed and nervous.
Official: I'm on my way
(to Jack) You wait here.
As soon as the Official leaves the room Jack starts hurriedly searching through blueprint drawers. Cut to Vaughn, still feeding the camera. Cut back to Jack still searching drawers. Focus from Jack to the security camera on the wall behind him. Suddenly a small cable comes out the bottom of it and turns in Jack's direction. Cut to the laptop screen as the camera on the cable turns and sees Jack.
Vaughn: There he is.
Cut to Official, picking up telephone. He turns to security guard and says:
Official: Go check on the alarm guy.
Guard: Yes, sir.
As guard gets up and leaves, Official answers phone.
Official: Director Blackman
Cut to Jack searching more drawers. He finds the stack he's looking for. He starts holding them up to the camera while Vaughn snaps pictures of them.
Sloane (on phone to Official): As I'm sure you're aware, the people of Los Angeles face a myriad of disasters
Cut to Jack, holding up blueprints. Cut to guard, walking down the hallway toward where Jack is. Cut back to Jack holding up blueprints. Cut to Vaughn, studying them and taking pictures.
Sloane: No, we're not just talking about terrorism. In case you haven't noticed, we're due for another earthquake
(cut to Official looking flabbergasted and can't get a word in edgewise) Plus, because of the recent forest fires, we're susceptible to mudslides.
Cut to guard, unlocking the door leading to the hallway where the room where Jack is.
Sloane: Not to mention the fact that there seems to be a riot breaking out every time the Lakers win!
Jack holds up the last blueprint and Vaughn gets a copy of it. He looks up and nods at Sloane.
Sloane (with a brush off tone): Just make sure you get it done. (He hangs up.)
Cut to guard as he enters the control room. Jack is just screwing in the last screw in the computer mainframe. He looks up at the guard.
Jack: That'll do it
Should be back online.
Jack zips up the tool case and hands it to the guard.
Guard: Great.
Cut to the main kiosk as the monitors blink back into life. Pan up to Official, nodding with satisfaction. Jack and Guard round corner.
Jack: Take it easy.
Jack starts to walk away.
Official (to guard): Get Blackman. He'll wanna know we're back online right away.
Cut to Jack's look of panic at this announcement. He walks a little swifter toward the door.
Guard: Director Blackman, please. (pause, listening) Out of the country!? I just spoke with him; he said he was in Washington!
Guard looks over at Official with confusion. Official looks up at Jack suddenly with suspicion.
Official (yelling at Jack): Hey!
Jack has just exited the door and keeps walking briskly as the van hastily pulls up into the drive. Official and Guard rush out after Jack. Jack starts to run for the van.
Official: Stop where you are!
Sloane gets out of the van waving Jack toward it frantically.
Official: Stop where you are!
Guard draws a g*n.
Guard: Hands in the air!
Cut to Sloane, still waving Jack on, gives him a hand up into the van just as the guard takes aim and sh**t. Sloane purposefully uses his body to shield Jack's and is sh*t in the chest, falling backward into the van. Jack looks shocked as the van screeches away. Cut to black. End of Act Three.
Opens to black. Suddenly there's light as the door to Jack's Storage facility opens. Jack and Vaughn are supporting a groaning Sloane between them. Jack shoves papers from the metal table.
Jack (to Vaughn): Get him down on the table.
As Vaughn gets Sloane to lie on the table, Jack grabs a wool blanket to prop up his head. Vaughn rushes to the door to close it behind them. Jack goes over to the medical supplies across the room and wheels a rolling chest of drawers up next to him.
Jack (to Vaughn): Get me 4 by 4s.
Vaughn opens a cabinet to grab a handful of gauze pads. Jack opens the top drawer of the dresser to reveal medical scissors and other sterile supplies. Jack pulls out the scissors and starts cutting Sloane's T-shirt away from the g*n wound. Sloane is moaning and grimacing.
Jack (to Sloane): Just breathe! Just breathe!
As Jack moves the shirt aside to reveal the wound, Vaughn hurries over to the other side of the table.
Vaughn: Okay.
Jack: Keep pressure applied to the wound.
Vaughn takes the gauze and places it over the wound and applies pressure with both hands. Jack takes a needle and starts to fill it from a small bottle.
Vaughn: What is that?
Jack: Morphine.
Sloane: No! No morphine! I'll go into anaphylactic shock!
Jack: Arvin
We have to dig the b*llet out.
Sloane: If you give me morphine, I'll be d*ad before you get to the b*llet
(cough) And don't get any ideas
Jack puts down the needle and bottle and grabs a nylon strap that one would use as a r*fle strap and starts to bind Sloane arms down to the table.
Jack: I have to do this
to keep you from thrashing.
Sloane (whispering): Okay
Vaughn and Jack bind Sloane to the table in two places.
Jack (to Vaughn): Gimme your belt to bite down on.
Sloane (groaning): Oh, I don't need a belt
Jack (to Vaughn) Do it!
Vaughn pulls off his belt and puts it between Sloane's teeth.
Jack: I need some light.
Vaughn carries a spotlight over and shines it right down onto Sloane's chest. Jack puts the clamp into the wound and starts digging around for the b*llet. Cut to Sloane grimacing badly and biting hard on the belt until he finally passes out from the pain.
Vaughn: He passed out.
Jack: Good. (pulling on clamp, which is presumably now holding the b*llet) Almost
Jack gives a final tug, and the bloody b*llet is removed. He drops it into a metal container with a clang.
Cut to Sydney, lying in her cell as she starts to wake.
Campbell (off screen): Morning
Sydney (not moving yet): Hi
Sydney moans and then struggles to sit up. Cut to Campbell.
Campbell: Think about the ocean
When I don't feel good, that's what I do. My son liked boats
Maybe he's still six
I think
I think he's older
Sydney (almost in tears): What is your son's name?
Campbell (tears crowding in his eyes): His name was Benjamin
(nods) Benjamin.
Sydney nods and gives him a tiny smile, empathizing with Campbell.
Cut back to passed out Sloane on the table in Jack's storage facility. Cut to Jack, clamp still in gloved hand, using a needle to sew up Sloane's wound.
Vaughn: I can't believe I'm actually going to ask this, but is he gonna be all right?
Cut back to Jack, wearing small oval almost half-moon type spectacles on the end of his nose and continuing to sew.
Jack: He'll recover. The b*llet nearly pierced his axillary artery.
Vaughn studies Jack for a moment and then says:
Vaughn: I didn't know you wore glasses
Jack looks up over the top of his spectacles and gives Vaughn a dry look.
Jack: Only during surgery.
Vaughn: (b*at) Well, I'm gonna go download the blueprints from the digital camera, but we're still gonna need security codes to get into Camp Williams.
Jack: Try Marshall. He should be able to log onto the NSC archive from his station at the rotunda.
Vaughn: That's gonna be a little tricky with all the NSC agents crawling everywhere.
Jack (with a hint of pointed sarcasm): Yes
If only Marshall had a well-trained CIA operative to assist him.
Vaughn stares at Jack for a long moment and then a hint of a smile blooms on his face.
Vaughn: You're starting to like me again.
Jack gives him a short, dry look over the top of his glasses, but says nothing. Vaughn gets up and moves to the door.
Jack: Vaughn.
Vaughn turns around to face him.
Jack: With or without those codes
We'll be infiltrating Camp Williams in five hours.
Cut to Lindsey as a jail gate opens and he walks through it. Lauren walks up behind him from the side and says to his back:
Lauren: Here's your draft
I think you'll like it.
Lindsey opens the file and begins to look it over.
Lindsey: If I was tough on you before, I apologize.
Lauren: I'm not naïve. I understand that under certain circumstances, unorthodox methods may be required
but that doesn't excuse your blackmailing me by thr*at to arrest my husband.
Lindsey (clearly having not listened to a word Lauren has said, instead reading her report): Yeah
Don't mention Vasson
his reputation precedes him. And nothing about Campbell or the other prisoners, just
stick with Bristow. Yeah, the rest is fine. Deliver this to Miller; he has operational control of the Rotunda while I'm here. We'll want you back in, uh
(checks his watch) six hours to report on the results.
Lindsey walks off and Lauren gives his back a significant pissed off look.
Cut to the NSC officers crawling over the Rotunda, peering over people's shoulders, etc. as Vaughn walks in and heads straight to Marshall's office.
Vaughn: Marshall
If I needed you access class
Marshall turns around. He's wearing huge horn-rimmed glasses with really thick lenses that magnify his eyes.
Marshall: Hey, check it out
Telephoto lenses based on an owl's eye. Now, let's say you're
out in the field, doing
and you need to get in
you just press this button and
Whoa! (b*at) Nice pores
You exfoliate?
Vaughn shakes his head.
Vaughn: Look, if I needed you to access classified documents on the NSC's computer network, could you do it?
Marshall: Oh
I don't have access.
Marshall turns away, cleaning the owl-eye glasses on his shirt.
Vaughn (pointedly): I know.
Marshall looks over his shoulder at Vaughn. They exchange a significant look and Vaughn nods slightly.
Marshall (whispering): Forensic guys are monitoring the network
Vaughn: Isn't there any way to bypass that?
Marshall: Of course
it's me, but
Marshall and Vaughn share another look, then Marshall goes to the end of his workbench and unearths an Xbox console.
Marshall (excitement showing in his voice): I give you the codes, you're gonna bust her out, aren't ya
.kick some NSC booty? Can I just say? Love
Marshall grabs a small flatscreen monitor and begins connecting it to the Xbox and then grabs a keyboard down off a shelf.
Cut to Sloane, who is now awake on the same table. Jack is administering a pint of blood intravenously.
Jack: I've been trying to think of a single reason why you saved my life
The only conclusion I've come to is that it would incur some feeling of debt on my part.
Sloane: As usual, Jack, you're in danger or outsmarting yourself. The US Government has pardoned me for my crimes. The international community regards me as a humanitarian. But you and Sydney still believe I am pursuing some hidden agenda. Now, whatever you may perceive that agenda to be, clearly it would be easier to attain if you were both d*ad, given that you're my most vocal detractors, my most capable antagonists.
Jack: Or you need us for something
something you believe only we can provide.
Sloane: Well
.Well, you're right about that. No humanitarian endeavor can ever fill the void left by my past crimes
like the death of my wife. You and Sydney are my absolution, my penance. You're all I have left.
Jack stares at Sloane.
Cut to Marshall and Vaughn in Marshall's office. Marshall is busy working on accessing the NSC network via his Xbox.
Vaughn (looking over his shoulder): Anything?
Marshall: Just about
should be
Cut to screen as Marshall types Find CampWilliams and gets back a negative reply. His face shows his shock.
Vaughn: What?
Marshall: Well, the file that would have the access codes has been deleted.
Cut to Vaughn's reaction; it's grim.
Marshall (in disbelief): All files pertaining to Camp Williams have been
The door to Marshall's office opens and they both look back quickly. It's Lauren, looking frantic.
Lauren (breathless): Michael
Vaughn looks back at her with a Holy Crap, this is Bad look. Marshall is looking very unnerved and isn't sure how to react. Lauren gives a sparing glance at Marshall and then back at Vaughn as if to say to Marshall, :I need to talk to him. Vaughn is still staring at Lauren.
Marshall: Actually
I'm gonna
Uh, take off cause this is definitely something I should not
(b*at) Pardon me
Marshall gets out of his chair and bolts from the room. As Marshall leaves, Lauren says to Vaughn, distressed:
Lauren: You were right about Lindsey. I thought I could exercise some degree of control over the interrogation, but he just wanted me to write a report whitewashing the whole thing.
Vaughn has slowly walked toward her until he's standing right in front of her.
Lauren: I know you're working on something. (b*at) I wanna help.
Cut to MPs walking down a hallway in Camp Williams. Gates open before them as they pass. Cut to Sydney with a resigned look on her face. She assumes they're coming to get her again. She's shocked when they turn and instead open Campbell's door.
Guard #1 (roughly): On your feet, let's go! On your feet!
The guards grab him roughly and yank him to his feet.
Sydney (worried): Hey
The guard elbows Campbell in the stomach and then the other punches him.
Sydney: Hey! What are you doing to him!?
Lindsey (offscreen): That all depends on you
Cut to Lindsey as he walks toward her cell and stands in front of her.
Lindsey: Help me out, Syd.
One of the guards pulls out a hollow bladed Kn*fe and holds it up menacingly.
Sydney: Wait!
Lindsey: There's no time to wait.
Lindsey nods toward the guard and the guard s*ab Campbell in the upper leg. He drops to his knees in pain and screams.
Sydney: You son of a b****! Leave him alone! He's got nothing to do with this! You leave him alone!
Linsday (talking over Sydney): You can stop this by deciphering the code.
Sydney: He has nothing to do with this! I will k*ll you for this!
The guards s*ab Campbell in the stomach.
Sydney: Oh my God! Okay, stop..stop
I'll tell you what it says. (b*at, Lindsey looks at her expectantly) They're coordinates.
Lindsey: To what?
Sydney: I don't know. For the hundredth time, I don't remember anything about those two years. All I can tell you is what they are.
Lindsey: Tell me.
Sydney looks over at Campbell, sobbing with pain.
Sydney (her eyes on Campbell): North 34 degrees, 09 minutes, 55.9 seconds; (her voice rising with distress) West 118 degrees, 17 minutes, 15.3 seconds!
Lindsey looks toward Campbell's cell, and nods.
Lindsey: Get a team prepped.
The guards drop Campbell's arms and walk away. The camera stays on Campbell, then back to Lindsey who is still looking at him.
Lindsey (to Campbell): Well done.
Cut back to Campbell and then to Sydney. Campbell straightens and stands, clearly not in any pain at all. Lindsey turns and gives Sydney a significant look. Sydney suddenly realizes she's been duped.
Sydney: Oh my God
Oh God
Campbell comes out of the cell and faces her.
Campbell: I'm not Campbell; I'm Shaptner. Your personality profile revealed your one major weakness: empathetic suffering is harder for you to sustain than physical t*rture.
Cut to Sydney, crying.
Campbell: So
thanks for carin'.
Campbell turns and walks away.
Lindsey: There's just one procedure left, Agent Bristow. We'll have the neurostimulation prepped in about an hour
and we'll finally know what happened to you in the last two years.
Focus in on Sydney's face through the bars. She's crying and she lets out one gasping sob. Cut to black. End of Act Four.
~ ~
Pan up from a drill-like machine to a man's hand holding a device, to Dr. Vasson's smirking face.
Vasson: This is a cranial shunt. After I drill a hole in your skull, I'll use it to drain the water from your brain panel.
Cut to Sydney, whose head is being affixed with a metal plate across her forehead. She is trying to maintain her composure in the face of this horror. Cut to Lindsey, leaning against the wall, blank faced, watching.
Vasson: Once you're unconscious, we'll remove your skull cap and begin neurostimulation.
Cut to a military type transport truck driving down a road at night. Cut to interior of truck back where Jack, Vaughn, Brill and his team are riding. All are dressed in black.
Jack: We have an operative inside who will gain access to the security room and initiate a reverse lockdown protocol, thereby containing the bulk of the MPs in their patrol areas.
Brill: Once entry is made, we'll proceed to the restricted cellblock where Agent Bristow is being held. (to Jack and Vaughn) Hope your man inside knows what he's doing.
Vaughn: She does.
Cut to Lauren being let into the security room by an MP.
MP: I have Lauren Reed here to see Director Lindsey.
MP#2: Wait here. I'll let him know you're on base.
MP and MP#2 leave room, leaving Lauren alone with a lone MP across the room, watching security cameras. Lauren sits down on the counter right next to the control box and surreptitiously connects a device to the side of it and activates it.
Cut to the exterior entry to Camp Williams, still locked and being guarded by two guards.
Brill: I hate to ask the obvious, but what's taking so long?
Jack: The override program has to be placed within five inches of the central control station. Once that happens, it'll lockdown the internal doors and open that main gate. Then we move.
Cut to the security room where Lauren is still waiting. The back door opens and in walks Shaptner (aka Campbell) now wearing a sharp three piece suit.
Shaptner (to MP#3): I'm gonna need a chopper to Fort Lewis.
MP#3: Yes, Sir. I'll check with the duty officer.
Shaptner approaches Lauren with a knowing smile on his face.
Shaptner: Lauren Reed
Director Lindsey's told me all about you; says you're gonna write a stellar report for us
He shakes Lauren's hand, which she returns reluctantly. Suddenly, the security monitor loses picture. Shaptner turns around to look at the snowy screen as Lauren looks worried.
Cut to the exterior of Camp Williams main gate as the access door begins to open. Brill lifts his r*fle and aims.
Brill: Okay, here we go.
Brill fires tranq darts into the two guards at the gate. They drop to the ground and then the team, with face masks on, climbs down the hill and enters Camp Williams.
Cut back to the control room.
Shaptner (offscreen to MP#3): What is it?
MP#3 taps on the computer keyboard; nothing changes. The picture is still just snow.
MP#3: Something's overriding the system.
Shaptner heads toward the door he came into, but finds it's locked. He turns suddenly and stalks across the room at Lauren.
Shaptner: What did you do!?
Lauren: Nothing.
Shaptner punches Lauren right across the face. She falls into the table she'd just been sitting on and falls to the floor, apparently unconscious.
Cut to the team, entering the restricted cellblock.
Brill: Secure the perimeter. We can't afford to have any hostiles on this floor.
Cut back to Shaptner and the MP#3 in the control room. Shaptner is trying to hotwire the door open. It works, and he enters the hallway.
Cut to Vaughn tranqing a guard as Jack runs down the narrow corridor toward the end cell where Sydney was being held.
Jack: She's not here!
Cut to Lindsey and then pan to Dr. Vasson's hand, holding a facemask. He slowly, almost sickly lovingly starts to place the mask over Sydney's nose and mouth, when the door to the room blasts open. Vaughn takes out the MP in the room, while Jack gets Lindsey right in the chest with his dart. Vaughn gets Dr. Vasson and then bends over and starts undoing the restraint on Sydney's right wrist. Jack starts undoing the restraints on her ankles. Once Sydney's hand is free, she brushes at the clamp that held her head in place, as if eager to get the heck out of there. Jack looks up and then suddenly
Jack: Sydney!
Cut to Dr. Vasson wobbling to his feet, aiming a g*n right at Sydney and about to sh**t. Sydney reaches for a scalpel with her freed right hand from the table beside her and whips it at him. It gets him right in the throat and he falls over. Vaughn and Jack pull Sydney up from the table as she's still coughing from the little effect she'd had from the sedative. Jack pulls his mask up so Sydney can see his face.
Jack: Sydney
Sydney: Dad!
Jack helps her to her feet and puts her arm across his shoulder to help her out.
Jack: Sydney, you're all right, sweetheart. You're all right.
Cut to the team and Sydney running down a cellblock hallway. They turn a corner and suddenly at the end of the hallway appears Shaptner from around the corner, sh**ting at them (with a real g*n as opposed to tranqs, I might add...) Team members take cover and attempt to f*re back. Shaptner appears to have the upper hand when suddenly, he is sh*t from beside him and he collapses to the ground. The camera pans sideways until it rests on Lauren, in shock, the g*n she just used dangling loosely from her fingertips as she lowers it.
Cut to a heliocopter on the landing pad and pan to the team running toward it for their escape. The pilots door swings open and there is Arvin Sloane waving the team toward him. Sydney looks back at her father in confused shock.
Jack: He's with us; get in!
Sydney and the rest of the team gets on the chopper as Sloane gives them a hand up. Brill's team leaves in the same convoy truck they came in. The helicopter takes off as the truck drives away. Sydney stares listlessly out the window. Cut to Lauren sitting with Vaughn. Lauren has both her hands on her chest. She appears to be in total shock over just having k*lled someone. Vaughn looks on worriedly. Cut to Jack, watching Sydney with concern.
Sydney: They wanted a code deciphered
That's what all this was about; a code.
Jack: Well, what was it?
Sydney: Coordinates. I gave Lindsey the wrong coordinates; I didn't know what to do.
Jack puts his arm around Sydney and pulls her to rest her head on his shoulder.
Jack: You made it, Sydney
(b*at) You made it.
Jack turns his head and looking back is Sloane, who appears to be showing true happiness and almost triumphant pride at the reunion of father and daughter. Cut back to Sydney and Jack. Camera pulls in on Sydney's desolate, exhausted face as she closes her eyes wearily. Fade to black. End of Act Five | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x08 - Breaking Point"} | foreverdreaming |
(We see the ending of the last episode, with Sydney in memory regression with Brezzel. She walks through a corridor and comes to a door marked "47" -- as she walks through she looks stunned and only says, "Oh my God..." but we cannot see what she is looking at. Finally, the camera pans around and we see Will Tippin standing there, behind a kitchen counter holding a glass of orange juice. There is a box of cereal in front of him on the counter. Pan back to Sydney, who still looks shocked.)
SYDNEY: Will!? What are you... (her voice trails off)
(Cut back to Will, who just stares at her. He looks rather angry at her. Cut to Sydney who looks down at the cereal box in front of him. We see the front of the box, it reads, "St. Aidan flakes" and there is a picture of a smiling sun. The smiling sun then winks at her and we pan back to Syd's reaction. She looks puzzled and looks back to Will.)
SYDNEY: Will, what does this mean?
(Cut back to Will, who is still standing there, mute. We then cut back over to Sydney and we see white lights start flashing around her head. We hear a strange muffled yell and Syd looks pained. We then cut directly to Sydney waking up from memory regression. There are brainwave monitors on her forehead and she is wearing headphones. She wakes up gasping for breath, and we see Brezzel's hand administering something from a syringe into her arm. She is confused and looks over to Brezzel, Vaughn and Jack who are standing beside her.)
SYDNEY: What happened?!
VAUGHN: We're pulling you out...
BREZZEL: We gave you a sh*t of 10ccs of adrenaline...
SYDNEY: (breathing hard and looking frantic) Why?!
BREZZEL: To wake you up...
SYDNEY: No... I was...
JACK: (interrupting) Syndey, I'm not going to let this k*ll you!
SYDNEY: Dad, I have to go back! I saw something...
VAUGHN: You're just going to flat-line again! You are not going back!
(Brezzel is trying to examine Sydney, removing the headphones and monitors and flashing a small light in her eyes. Jack and Vaughn are standing beside her on the opposite side of the table. Everyone is talking quickly and the camera moves back and forth between them all as they speak.)
SYDNEY: (still lying down) I was in my old apartment... I was there with Will!
JACK: Did Will say anything?
BREZZEL: (under his breath) I don't understand this reaction...
SYDNEY: No, nothing... but there was something... (she sits up)
BREZZEL: The cocktail mixture really needs to be adjusted, you know... and... p... please don't do that... (holding up his hand to halt Vaughn)
(Vaughn helps Sydney down from the table and interrupts Brezzel as he speaks)
VAUGHN: We're outta here!
BREZZEL: Th... those are her...
VAUGHN: (interrupting) You're not going to put her through this again!
BREZZEL: (speaking quickly & mumbling) ... monitors... but I'm sure I can give her something...
SYDNEY: Will knows something... (speaking louder) Will knows something, dad!
(Cut to Jack, who looks concerned)
JACK: Alright Sydney, we'll contact the witness protection program (dials a number on his cellphone)
(Cut back to Sydney, who suddenly looks panicked again)
SYDNEY: Wait... no... dad!
(Cut to an airplane flying through the night sky. We then hear Sydney's voice and we cut to her inside the plane with Vaughn and Jack.)
SYDNEY: Pulling Will out of witness protection... could be dangerous to him.
JACK: I'm not suggesting we pull him out. I'm suggesting you simply contact him. He knew Allison, he was there the night you were abducted.
(Pan over to Vaughn, who is sitting opposite Sydney and Jack, listening to them talk and looking concerned and tense. Cut back to Sydney talking to Jack)
SYDNEY: You'd know if he knew anything. Will must've been debriefed by the CIA before he went into the program.
JACK: Not by you. You'll go see him, recount your dreams, see if we can get another clue to your missing time.
(Cut to Sydney, who is looking at the ground, obviously torn between wanting to protect Will and finding out what happened to her over those missing two years.)
JACK: Contacting Will puts him in no danger.
SYDNEY: Maybe not... I just don't want to pull him back into this. (she gazes out of the plane window)
JACK: Sydney, you have to do this.
(Sydney still looks unconvinced. Pan to Vaughn.)
VAUGHN: You look like you were struggling towards the end. What was happening?
SYDNEY: (not looking at him) While I was under... I... fought myself. (she looks to Jack and then to Vaughn) I k*lled myself...
(Vaughn looks uneasily at Sydney, and then looks to Jack, who is looking directly at Sydney. Jack looks up and exchanges a glance with Vaughn, then looks back at Syd)
SYDNEY: And I heard myself say that it was The Covenant that had me. And that it wasn't an accident that I don't remember...
JACK: Dr. Brezzel commented that based on the data he'd compiled, he believed the memory of your missing time has been... removed.
SYDNEY: (quietly) What...?
JACK: And that however your memories were extracted, the precision with which it was done indicates you may have been a willing participant.
(Cut to Sydney who looks over to Vaughn and then back to Jack, obviously confused)
SYDNEY: I don't understand...
VAUGHN: Yeah, neither did he. (shaking his head slightly)
(Sydney looks alarmed and curious.)
(Cut to next scene. We see an aerial view of Los Angeles during the day and then we move into an alley with a parked car at one end. There is an unknown man, dressed in a black trenchcoat standing in front of the car. We see another car pull up, and the camera pans back to the man in black. It is Sloane. He watches the car approach. The second car stops and we see two men get out. It is Jack and Vaughn, both looking very serious. The three stand together.)
JACK: Lindsey still biting?
SLOANE: Lindsey clearly has his suspicions, but his agreement to go along with the trade seems to confirm that he's accepted the idea that Sydney's being held by The Covenant. (Pause) Where is Sydney?
JACK: Pursuing another lead...
SLOANE: (nodding slightly) Result of meeting the doctor... then he was helpful?
(Cut to Vaughn, who speaks bitterly)
VAUGHN: Despite the fact that he almost k*lled her, yeah, the doctor was great.
(Sloane looks directly at Jack and doesn't respond to Vaughn.)
JACK: The NSC is expecting one more call from The Covenant to set up the time and place for the exchange.
(Cut to Sloane's expressionless face, still staring at Jack)
JACK: Sydney for the Rambaldi device...
SLOANE: And you want me to make the call, representing The Covenant?
JACK: Yes. We're heading back to the CIA to disabuse Lindsey of any suspicion that we've been in contact with Sydney. In the meantime, I've instructed Sydney to contact you when she's ready to return.
(Cut to Sloane. He nods slightly. Jack pauses and then looks at Vaughn, turns around and begins walking back to get in the car. Before Vaughn leaves, he addresses Sloane.)
VAUGHN: I just wanted to say, for the record, concerning this... exchange. Sydney's life is in your hands... if you betray her... I swear to you, no matter what it costs me, I will k*ll you.
SLOANE: (expressionless) No need to worry, Agent Vaughn... I love her, too.
(Cut back to Vaughn who looks slightly angered and guilty)
(We see a large building under construction, with girders and cranes and materials lying about. We hear jackhammers and we zoom onto one of the floors inside to see construction workers milling about.)
CONSTRUCTION WORKER: (talking to another construction worker who we cannot see) Jonah! Hey! C'mon, quit being management, will you? Let's go get a bite to eat.
(The camera pans around and we see that he is talking to Will.)
WILL: You know, I gotta finish this schedule by tomorrow. Where are you guys goin? Sampsons?
CONSTRUCTION WORKER: Yeah. I'll save a seat for you, but you know how the women get around me, right? (smiling)
WILL: (smiles back) Yeah, I do. Yeah. Probably no room for me!
(Will turns and sits down at a table, busying himself with some building plans)
CONSTRUCTION WORKER: (leaving) See you later...
(Will continues to work and the camera pans around to the opposite side of the room. We see Sydney, dressed in flannel, walking in. She looks nervous. She stops when he is finally in full view and gazes at him working. He doesn't look up. She finally works up the courage to speak to him.)
(We cut back to Will, who has stopped working but still hasn't looked up. He slowly turns his head and looks at her, he looks guarded. Cut back to Sydney, who is trying to hold back the tears.)
SYDNEY: I know... (shaking her head and speaking softly)
(Cut back to Will, who is incredulous. He stares at her and slowly stands up, never taking his eyes off her. He looks stunned and he begins walking towards her. Cut back to Syd)
SYDNEY: Listen...
WILL: (interrupting) You're d*ad...
SYDNEY: I want to tell you everything...
(Will swallows and continues to stare at her, not believing what he is seeing.)
SYDNEY: Is there somewhere we can talk?
WILL: (pause) Yeah... sure... lemme just go get my stuff.
(Will turns away from her as if to get some equipment. We see a very relieved Sydney smiling at him. Will leans over and reaches into a gym bag and her expressions changes to one of horror when she realizes he is grabbing a g*n. He turns quickly, the g*n pointed right at her.)
SYDNEY: Will... what the hell are you doing...?!
WILL: Sydney Bristow died in a f*re two years ago...
SYDNEY: (talking over him) Will, I swear to you...
WILL: I know about Project Helix...!
SYDNEY: I swear to you...
WILL: (yelling) I know what you are!
SYDNEY: I'm not a double!
WILL: How the hell did you find me?!
SYDNEY: (speaking quickly) My father knows your case officer...
WILL: What's his name?!
SYDNEY: I dunno...
WILL: (yelling louder) What's my case officer's name?!
SYDNEY: Will, I don't know! I didn't talk to him...
WILL: Down on your knees! Get down on your knees!
(Dropping to her knees)
SYDNEY: Okay...!
(Will turns slightly and picks up his cellphone that is sitting on the table where he is working and begins to dial a number)
WILL: I'm gonna call Langley and tell 'em you're here...
SYDNEY: (now very desperate and pleading with him) Will, you can't do that! I'm a fugitive! That's part of what I'm telling you... if you make that call, you'll burn me!
WILL: (sarcastically) Oh, that's convenient.
SYDNEY: Wa... wait... okay, okay. Listen! Listen... when... when we thought you were a double, you told me to ask you something only Will would know.
(Cut to Will, who still has the g*n pointed at her and has the phone up to his ear.)
SYDNEY: Ask me something! Ask me something obscure!
(Will closes the cellphone and puts it down. He is thinking...)
WILL: When I had my job interview for the newspaper, something happened to me that day. I told you about it... what was it?!
SYDNEY: Someone bumped into you in the elevator, they spilled coffee on your new, white shirt. You were freaked, but Lynn Fack said it made you look like a working reporting... she gave you the job!
(Cut back to Will who looks stunned. He slowly begins lowering the g*n... Sydney then suddenly jumps up and whacks him a little, taking the g*n from his hand. She stands up and points it at him. Will looks terrrified.)
SYDNEY: You know if I wanted to hurt you, I could. (Cut to a stunned Will and then back to Sydney, who speaks as though she is trying to hold back tears). You're my best friend... you're my oldest friend... I love you...
(Will stands there, looking confused and hurt. He looks to the g*n, still pointed at him.)
WILL: Why're you aiming the g*n at me...?
(Sydney immediately drops the g*n and it looks like it finally sinks into Will's head that it is really Sydney.)
WILL: Oh my God...
(Syd rushes towards him and embraces him tightly. Will hugs her back closely -- he looks very happy and relieved and she cries on his shoulder.)
(Cut to a car driving through the rain. As the car passes, an unknown man walks behind it toward an unknown destination. We can only see the bottom half of the man. He reaches a parked car and knocks on the window. The man in the car rolls the electric window down... it is Lindsey. The unknown man walks around to the other side and gets in... we see it is Sloane.)
SLOANE: I've found a marksman.
LINDSEY: How much?
SLOANE: (flatly) 500,000. (He pulls a note out of his pocket and hands it to Lindsey) Wired to this account.
(Lindsey nods slightly)
LINDSEY: Done. (He looks out the window for a moment) There is no margin of error here. If Sydney Bristow somehow survives this, I will turn over the dossier of your extracurricular activities to the Justice Department.
(Cut to Sloane, who turns slightly to gaze at him, yet says nothing.)
(Commerical break)
(We see what appears to be some abandoned warehouses, and then we are cut to a sh*t of Dr. Brezzel sitting inside, typing away on a computer. We are back in Brezzel's lab. There is a loud knock at the door and Brezzel looks up, slightly surprised. He walks to the door and opens it, only to see Sark standing there.)
SARK: Dr. Brezzel...
BREZZEL: Yes...?
(Sark quickly points a g*n at him and sh**t him in the left leg. Brezzel yells and drops to the ground. Sark walks in.)
(Cut to outside view of small diner - we hear Will's voice and then we cut inside to see Sydney and Will sitting inside, eating some food and talking)
WILL: Considering everything, I suppose I was lucky... I woke up in the bathtub... place was on f*re... I crawled out. A few days later I woke up in the hospital.
(Cut to Sydney's face, she is listening intently - then cut back to Will who continues recounting the story of how he survived and went into Witness Protection)
WILL: The fact that I wasn't actually dating Francie, that it was her double, I thought that was like the number one most insane story of all time. But... (shaking his head slightly) yours actually tops it... (grinning at Syndey)
SYDNEY: (looking very serious) She survived... (cut to Will, his smile quickly fades into a look of anger)
SYDNEY: Allison Doren... the woman you thought was Francie. She's working with a group called The Covenant. We think they're the one's responsible for kidnapping me... setting the fires...
(Will looks as though he is choked-up and struggling to contain his emotions)
WILL: You know... I uh... I've always thought of myself as a pacifist. The idea of taking someone's life is just... inconceivable.(slight pause) But if I had the chance to k*ll Allison...
(Cut back to Sydney who looks pained by Will's admission)
SYDNEY: (shaking her head) I never woulda come here if I didn't have to...
WILL: Are you kidding me? (smiling lovingly at Sydney) You're like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...
(Cut back to Sydney, who is now smiling warmly back at Will)
SYDNEY: I went to see a doctor. He had this sort of dream-therapy he thought might help me remember what happened to me. I was hoping you could help me make sense of it... you were sitting in my old apartment, there's a box of cereal on the counter. The box had a name written on it... something I kept seeing in the dream. St. Aidan...
WILL: St. Aidan was a contact of mine... when I was an analyst at the agency.
(Cut to Sydney who looks shocked)
WILL: Yeah... St. Aidan was his codename.
SYDNEY: What was his real name?
WILL: I never knew it... yeah, a uhh... an arms-dealer put me in touch with him.
SYDNEY: Do you remember how to contact him?
WILL: Yeah. He would only meet with me... you know, I can go in there again...
SYDNEY: (interrupting) No...
WILL: ...I can go in there alone...
SYDNEY: (interrupting again) No... you're not...
WILL: ...yeah, well maybe I am. Assuming you can even get ahold of him, he would only meet in person...
SYDNEY: (interrupting again) I didn't come here to pull you back into this...
WILL: (talking over her) I spent the last two years of my life pretending to be somebody that I'm not...
SYDNEY: It's not your fault, I didn't see...
WILL: (cutting her off) You weren't sleeping with her...
(With this Sydney stops trying to talk Will out of it and just gazes at him.)
SYDNEY: When you made contact with St. Aidan, what was the protocol?
(Cut to new scene. We see Will entering a phone-booth and hear his voiceover, explaining the protocol to contact St. Aidan and actually doing what the voiceover says to do.)
WILL: I'd dial a number... an answering machine in Bucharest. When it picked up, I'd dial a confirmation code. I'd hang up and wait for him to call me back.
(The voiceover stops and we're with Will in the phone-booth. The phone rings and Will answers.)
WILL: If you can, we need to meet.
ST. AIDAN: (Russian accent coming through) Tuesday night, 11:00. Same location. (St. Aidan hangs up, Will hangs up, too.)
(Cut to new scene. A man is strapped down to a table -- as the camera pans from his feet up to his head, we see Sark standing next to him. It is Dr. Brezzel. There is an IV-drip next to Sark going into Brezzel's arm. Sark leans over him to speak, Brezzel looks disoriented and scared.)
SARK: Listen to me very carefully, doctor... I need to know what Sydney Bristow told you.
BREZZEL: (Speaking slowly and with much effort. His speech is slurred.) Ssss...Sydney...? Bbb...brunette...she was the brunette... (He mumbles the last few words very softly and seems to be falling asleep - Sark slaps him in the face and he cries out a little.)
SARK: Yes... she was the brunette. You helped her recover her memories. Tell me what she found.
BREZZEL: Uh... the... uh... the morphine was very good. (Sark reaches for the IV-drip and appears turn down the dosage of whatever he is giving Brezzel) Like the old days when I... oh no, don't, don't... turn it off...
SARK: Answer the question. Answer and then you'll get more.
(Cut back to Brezzel's pained face)
BREZZEL: She said she uh... she fought... herself. And that she... saw... uhh... her friend... Will.
SARK: She saw Will in her dream?
BREZZEL: Yes. The father... he said he would... call the um... call the witness... (Brezzel appears momentarily confused and then shakes his head slightly.) No... no... he'd call the Witness Protection...
(Cut to Sark's pleased face and slightly worried face)
BREZZEL: ...Division. Yeah... yeah...
SARK: Do you mean Tippin's still alive?
BREZZEL: Meaning... I really need some more morphine... I've earned it. Dontcha think...?
(Sark reaches over and turns the dosage up very high. Brezzel watches his hand and looks panicked...)
BREZZEL: Not so much! I could... (his face goes into shock and he quits speaking. He has obviously received a fatal dosage of morphine.) I could... uhh...
(Cut to Sark, who is now walking away to leave Brezzel die. Sark walks off and Brezzel continues to object, but it's too late. The camera pans to a monitor with Brezzel's face on it and we watch him draw his last breath.)
(Cut to aerial sh*t of LA in the daytime. Back at CIA we see Lindsey, Vaughn and Jack looking through some folders and talking. Vaughn and Jack are standing in front of a seated Lindsey, presenting him with findings on Sydney's "abduction.")
JACK: As you know, a number of the video cameras were sh*t out. Those that were functional provided us with only marginal images of the men who took Syndey.
VAUGHN: We ran the video through our database and came up with eight possible matches. Now two weeks ago, one of the suspects rented an A-Star helicopter from a dealer in Austin (he hands Lindsey a folder. Lindsey flips through it)
JACK: Where he also recently purchased a warehouse downtown... we went there, but the building was only being used for storage. Boxes of fishing equipment... it was a d*ad-end.
(Cut to Lindsey, who looks suspicious)
LINDSEY: Fishing equipment... (a little sarcastically) Nice detail...
(Camera pans back to Vaughn and Jack, who give each other a slight look. Jack reaches down and picks up an evidence baggie and hands it to Lindsey)
JACK: The b*ll*ts The Covenant used are untraceable. The manufacturer hasn't actually made these shells for 15 years.
(Cut to Lindsey, nonchalantly examining the b*llet shells)
LINDSEY: Oh... I reread your file... (stands up and walks over to his desk) I forgot, you were captured by East German intelligence agents. 1982? Yeah, wasn't your fault, of course. (Sits down on the edge of his desk) They got a tip that the CIA was on their tail, but you were unprepared. (Jack and Vaughn are both standing in front of him now) No back-up, no resources. Still... you convinced them your name was Aiken Osterburg, a history professor from Sweden.
(Lindsey smiles sarcastically again)
LINDSEY: They held you for two weeks and they never identified you as American... that's uh... that's impressive.
(Cut to serious-faced Jack)
JACK: We are talking... about the fate of my daughter.
(Lindsey looks up at Jack, we see Vaughn shifting a little, looking uncomfortable. He looks to Jack. Jack and Lindsey stare at each other cooly.)
LINDSEY: Where do you think she is?
JACK: (shaking his head slightly) Don't... do this.
(Lindsey smiles smugly)
LINDSEY: Where do you think she...?
(Before he can finish, Jack slugs him hard in the face. Lindsey yells and Vaughn immediately rushes to Jack to stop him. Two security guards rush in and break it up, hauling Jack and Vaughn out of the office.)
VAUGHN: Jack... Jack!
LINDSEY: Get him outta here! Take em into custody now! (nursing his hurt lip and looking really angry)
(Cut to sh*t of a pier at night. Voiceover of Will talking to Sydney about St. Aidan impending arrival. The camera cuts to a sh*t of Syd and Will in an old warehouse preparing, Syd gives him a comm unit which he puts into his ear so she can monitor the conversation.)
WILL: If St. Aidan does show... what am I supposed to tell him?
SYDNEY: That you've just been given Code-Six clearance. That you want information about The Covenant. Last chance to bail out.
WILL: What, are you kidding me? I love this stuff.
(Will walks around the corner, leaving Sydney behind. She pulls out a hand-held monitoring device. She looks very concerned.)
(Cut to daytime back in LA.)
MARSHALL: (voiceover) Based on my analysis of the calls The Covenent made about the trading of the Rambaldi device for Sydney, sir...
(We see Marshall and Lindsey walking through the CIA building. Marshall has a folder in his hand.)
MARSHALL: Well... the voice-print analysis was unable to ID the voice, because whoever it was... they were using an anti-speech signal dramatization device...
LINDSEY: (cutting him off) So you're telling me you've got nothing? (they stop walking and face each other)
MARSHALL: Well... um... at the moment? Yeah, I uh... lack everything. Sir...
LINDSEY: (looking ticked off) So we've got no way to verify that it was actually The Covenant making the demand for the trade...?
MARSHALL: Well... you could say that the fact that we can't confirm it was them was confirmation that it was them... because it doesn't look like particularly stealthy Covenant behavior... uh... right (voice trailing off)
(Lindsey turns to walk away)
MARSHALL: Sir... Mr. Lindsey... one more thing... (Lindsey stops walking away and turns around to look at Marshall)
MARSHALL: Alright... um... Listen, I know I'm just the, you know, the tech-guy and I'm no one to you... Sydney Bristow... means a lot to me. I just wanted your opinion if she's gonna be alright...?
(Cut to Lindsey's face. He looks serious, yet slightly smug. He smiles slightly and looks to the ground, obviously acting the part of "concerned" colleague for Marshall.)
LINDSEY: I'm doing everything in my power to bring this to a safe and swift conclusion. You have my word.
MARSHALL: (looks relieved) Thank you... (Lindsey walks off)
(Cut to Will, still standing in the warehouse waiting for St. Aidan. He looks a little nervous and paces while he waits. Will checks his watch, it is 11:11.)
SYDNEY: (over the comm unit) Is he always this late?
WILL: We just might of gotten blown off...
(Cut to Sydney as she checks her watch. Then we hear a Russian voice coming through her comm unit and she looks up)
ST. AIDAN: Mr. Tippin...
(Cut back to Will, he turns around to face St. Aidan. The camera then goes back to Sydney who is watching Will through a small hand-held telescope. She pans her view over to St. Aidan... it is a white-haired gentleman, his hand is bandaged)
WILL: What happened to your hand?
(St. Aidan comes into full view now)
ST. AIDAN: Another time perhaps...
(Cut back to Sydney, still watching through her telescope. A look of recognition comes over her face... incredulously she says...)
SYDNEY: Oh my God... it's Lazarey...
(Cut back to Will, who is now speaking to Lazarey)
WILL: It's good to see you again. I wasn't sure you'd come.
(Cut back to Syd who is still watching them. We hear Lazarey's voice through the comm unit)
LAZAREY: I would not have come at all... except... money is something I could use.
(Cut back to Lazarey. He looks a little desperate as he talks to Will)
WILL: Well, uh, we'll see what we can do about that. You should know I've been given Code-Six clearance... and I need to know about The Covenant.
(Cut to Lazarey -- he looks surprised and a little frightened.)
LAZAREY: Why are you asking me about The Covenant...?
(Cut back to Syd listening through the comm unit)
WILL: I thought that you would...
LAZAREY: How do you think I even know anything about them?
(Cut back to Will & Lazarey)
WILL: Well... well, obviously you know something...
LAZAREY: I cannot talk about Covenant... (turns to walk away)
WILL: Wait a minute... excuse me... lives are at stake!
(Cut back to Syd listening through the comm unit - we see Lazarey through the lens as he turns to leave again)
LAZAREY: Yes, they are! We have nothing further to discuss...
SYDNEY: Tell him Julia Thorne sent you...
WILL: Julia Thorne sent me.
(With this, Lazarey stops walking, and he turns slowly to face Will. We go back to Syd listening through the comm unit)
LAZAREY: No... I don't believe you... (he starts walking away -- we cut back to Syd who gives Will more instructions)
SYDNEY: Yell out the name Lazarey!
WILL: Lazarey...? (he stops walking again)
SYDNEY: Tell him Julia told you his name. That she needs to see him, that she trusts him, but she's in danger...
WILL: It was Julia Thorne... (walking towards him) ...she told me your name.
(Lazarey turns to face Will again - he looks alarmed, but he listens to Will)
WILL: She needs to see you. She trusts you, but she's in danger...
(Lazarey begins walking slowly towards Will)
LAZAREY: Did they find it...?
(Cut to Will, who looks puzzled.)
SYDNEY: I don't know what he's talking about...
LAZAREY: Have they been to Gratz...?
(Cut to Will who looks like he's trying to figure out what to say.)
LAZAREY: (looks panicked) I need to know if...
(Suddenly, we hear screeching car tires. Lazarey and Will look towards the sound -- we see a silver VW van pull up quickly. Sark is in the front seat, he pulls out a tranquilizer g*n and sh**t Lazarey. As Lazarey falls to the ground, a yellow tranq-dart in his neck, we hear Sydney through the comm unit)
SYDNEY: Will, get outta there! He's after Lazarey!
(Sark jumps out of the van and Will runs away. We then see Sydney coming around the corner, g*n drawn and sh**ting at Sark. He sees her and jumps behind the open door of the van)
(Syd continues sh**ting at him, but he evades her. Will successfully hides himself and begins running away. As he starts to run, a blue sedan pulls up in front of him at a rapid speed. He stops, but soon we see it is Sydney coming to his rescue.)
SYDNEY: Will! (Her g*n is drawn right at Will - he suddenly drops to the ground and we see Sark directly behind him. Sydney sh**t at him, narrowly missing him and Will manages to jump into the car and they get away. As they speed away into the night, we see Sark standing there watching them.)
(Commercial break)
(Cut to an outside sh*t of an old brick building at night. It looks like an old apartment complex. Inside we see Will and Sydney sitting at a table, discussing the meeting with Lazarey, drinking vodka and looking over documents together.)
SYDNEY: I can't make sense of it. I mean... how we got to Lazarey, what he meant... what The Covenant wants... But they don't k*ll Lazarey, they tranq him. They abduct him, they wanted him... Lazarey asked if "they got it." So whatever's going on, there's the thing...
WILL: Yeah... and there's someone else who's trying to find it. I mean, things don't really get any more vague than that, do they?
SYDNEY: It's Sloane... it's obviously Sloane.
WILL: (drink still in hand) Syd, you've been going over this since the beginning of time (making a hand gesture towards the documents in front of her on the table. Syd looks up at him)
WILL: You'll figure it out. (taking a huge swig of vodka)
SYDNEY: (going back to work) What makes you say that...?
WILL: Because you're you...
(Syd looks up at him and smiles slightly.)
(Cut to new scene - we see an aerial view of a silver bus speeding over a bridge. We cut to the inside of the bus, it is carrying Jack and Vaughn - both handcuffed.)
VAUGHN: Think that was the best move... punching Lindsey in the face?
JACK: Based on the comments he was making, it was obvious that you and I were going to end up here no matter what we did. Whether I h*t him or not... I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.
VAUGHN: (looking down at the floor and shaking his head slightly) We shouldn't have let Sydney go...
JACK: Vaughn...
JACK: Sydney can no longer be your primary concern.
VAUGHN: What the hell's that supposed to mean?
JACK: I didn't bring his up to start a petty fight. The fact is, you and I have something in common. We've both suffered through the death of the woman we love, only to discover she was still alive. I know it's hard, but this isn't about you... and I will not allow my daughter to become your mistress.
(Vaughn looks up at Jack when he says this with a look of surprise, anger and guilt written on his face.)
VAUGHN: If that's where you think my concern for Sydney is headed, then you are even more cynical than I thought.
JACK: If lightning strikes, Mr. Vaughn, and you and I get to walk free again... if you care about my daughter as you claim to... then push her away. Be cruel if you have to... make her despise you! Because your kindness tortures her... I can see it... what it does to her. And I won't have it...
(Vaughn has a look of guilt and sadness as he looks to the ground again, unable to respond to Jack.)
(We then cut back to Will and Sydney who are still at the safehouse. They have obviously forgotten about the work ahead of them and continued to drink vodka. They are both on the floor, with Will leaning against the bed and Sydney is lying down with her head in his lap. He has a vodka bottle in his hand and she is drinking from a glass. The mood has definitely lightened.)
WILL: You... and Vaughn's wife work together... okay, now how the hell did that happen...?
SYDNEY: Let's talk about you... beautiful painter lives in your building, and you haven't asked her out... why?
WILL: Because Jonah's uh... recovering from a post-tramatic dating syndrome. After his last girlfriend dumped by ramming a bayonet into his lungs.
SYDNEY: Hmmm...
WILL: Let's go back to you... okay, you and Vaughn's wife...
SYDNEY: Yeah... I hate her. I mean, I don't... she's nice...
WILL: Yeah...
SYDNEY: Yeah... (they both laugh at each other's miseries)
(Cut back to Sydney's face, looking more serious)
SYDNEY: But not because of her... (he looks down at her, concerned) It's just... I still love him...
(Pan back up to Will's face, he shakes his head a little)
WILL: (whispering) God... That sucks...
(Sydney sits up and moves in closer to Will)
SYDNEY: You know, Will... considering everything I think I'm pretty normal...
(Her face changes and it looks as though she is about to cry, but she laughs it off a little)
SYDNEY: I'm emotional... you try to be honest, but I've... I've never been a depressed person. (holding back tears again) Until now...
(Will looks very concerned for her)
WILL: I get it...
SYDNEY: I mean, nothing has felt the same this year, and it's... it's... not just Vaughn... it's... you... and Francie (she begins to cry a little at the mention of Francie)
SYDNEY: I dunno...
WILL: What...?
(She looks directly into his eyes)
SYDNEY: I'm just alone.
(Sydney begins crying more, and Will leans in to comfort her. He kisses her on the forehead and pulls her into his arms. She begins crying on her shoulder and he sooths her)
WILL: It's okay, it's okay...
(Sydney holds him tighter and nuzzles her face into his neck. With this, her face leans into his and he begins kissing her full on the lips. As they kiss passionately, the scene cuts fades out)
(Cut to a daytime scene, with a beautiful fountain and lush green grass. There is large brick building behind the fountain, which looks kind of a like some sort of university building. We cut to a black metal bench, there is a newspaper on the bench and a man is picking it up. As the camera pans up, we see a young dark haired man. The camera widens and we see Sloane sitting next to him.)
SLOANE: Your target is a government employee...
(The camera pans to show them both sitting there, appearing like they don't know one another. Sloane is gazing forward and the dark-haired assassin pretends to read the newspaper)
ASSASSIN: When and where?
SLOANE: When I know, you'll know.
ASSASSIN: And just when I was beginning to believe the glowing press about you being such a... humanitarian.
(Expressionless, Sloane turns to face him)
SLOANE: You're a smarter man than that... (he stands up and walks away)
(Cut to a night-time scene. We see some large buildings behind a small bridge on the water. Cut to inside, where we see Lazarey constrained in a chair. There is a large man guarding the door. The door swings open and Sark enters. There is a small table next to Lazarey with some sort of instrument on it. Sark motions to the guard and the guard leaves. Lazarey just watches Sark, who walks over to him and sits next to him.)
LAZAREY: Who are you...?
SARK: (slight pause) You abandoned me as a child... the vague memory I have of you, you were physically abusive.
(Lazarey looks mildly shocked, but doesn't respond.)
SARK: Later in life, you left me 800 million dollars, should I go on...
(Cut to Lazarey, who still looks as though he is unable to speak)
SARK: (sarcastically) Hello... daddy...
LAZAREY: (looking him squarely in the eyes) You were not grateful...? Your inheritance was not enough?
SARK: I know the truth, and therefore I show no remorse seeing you like this...
LAZAREY: I was an aparachick by profession, but a Romanov by blood. So are you... in part, that's why I staged my death... to give you the inheritance that is rightfully yours.
SARK: That's wonderful spin... you should know that the inheritance that you'd hoped would buy back my affection now finances my employer... The Covenant.
LAZAREY: (surprised) Julian... The Covenant... they are... true evil...
SARK: (ignoring him) The man you were meeting with... I want to know exactly what you said to him. Every word.
LAZAREY: (disgusted) Hrmpf... pathetic... (looks away from Sark)
(Cut back to Sark who looks cooly angered. He pauses to watch Lazarey and after a few seconds, he turns to look down at the table next to Lazarey's chair. The camera pans down and we see a mini blowtorch, which Sark picks up and turns on. Lazarey turns to look him.)
SARK: I'll give you a moment... (he holds the flame in front of Lazarey) ...to remember exactly what you said.
(Lazarey can't take his eyes off the blue flame. He doesn't answer, and Sark stands up and approaches.)
SARK: I'll ask you one more time... what exactly did you tell the man you were meeting with?
LAZAREY: You wouldn't do something like this... not to your own father...
(We then see the blue flame move in towards Lazarey's face. The camera cuts to Sark smirking sadistically and we hear Lazarey's screams...)
(Cut back to the safehouse. We see Will & Sydney inside... in bed! They are lying there, looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly Sydney looks up, as though she has remembered something.)
SYDNEY: (whispering) Oh my God...
WILL: I know, it's weird... I've been waiting to do that for like eight years...
SYDNEY: No... what you said before (sitting up in bed) ...about me being me...
WILL: I don't remember...
(She hops out of bed and begins to dress)
SYDNEY: Lazarey asked if "they have it" -- have they been to Gratz... whatever it was that was hidden, whatever he was talking about... I obviously had it... I must've had it in Gratz...
(She sits at the table and opens her laptop)
SYDNEY: Whatever I did, if it was me, the choices I made were my choices.
WILL: Oh... so if you had something to hide today, where would you hide it?
SYDNEY: Exactly.
WILL: Uh, well that depends on what it is, what the contents is...
SYDNEY: Assume for a second that it's... information... data... video... something that can be stored.
WILL: Well if it's something small, it can be hidden anywhere.
(Sydney is typing away on her laptop, Will is still in bed)
SYDNEY: Somewhere safe...
WILL: Well, when Lazarey spoke, it didn't sound like it was someplace protected...
(Sydney has on-screen a listing of banks in Gratz. She looks down the list)
SYDNEY: I know, that's why I'm thinking bank or hotel safety deposit box... (she types in keywords "List of Hotels" and a list comes up)
WILL: Well, how come?
SYDNEY: Because that's where I'd put it... (she looks down at the list of hotels on her laptop) Where would I hide something...?
(She sees a hotel named "Das Hotel Verlustzeit" and she clicks on it)
SYDNEY: Wait a second...
(A website for Das Verlustzeit Hotel pops up on her laptop.)
WILL: What...?
SYDNEY: Hotel Verlustzeit... (she continues to read the website)
(Cut to new scene - we see Allison leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette and looking bored. We hear a door open and close, and we see Sark walking from behind her, cleaning his hands off with a towel. As he walks past her, he says...)
SARK: We're going to Gratz. Hotel Verlustzeit.
(She throws her cigarette on the ground and follows Sark out.)
(Commerical break)
(Aerial view of a German castle-looking building - it is the hotel. In the lobby we see lots of young, hip, beautiful people milling about. There is a guy sitting on a couch with a guitar, and as the camera pans around, we see Sydney and Will. Sydney has a short fuchsia and black dress on, with a matching fuzzy coat and black sunglasses. She has a short black wig that flips out and the ends are tipped in fuchsia also. Will is wearing all black -- a leather jacket, a black stetson hat and sunglasses. He is carrying a guitar case, and is drinking a bottled beer. As they pass one of the hotel workers, he hands him the empty bottle. They arrogantly walk to the front desk.)
FRONT DESK CLERK: Allo! Checking in?
WILL: Yeah, of course (in British accent and looking bored) I'm here... she's here... we made it...
(The front desk clerk pauses and looks at them both)
FRONT DESK CLERK: And you are...?
SYDNEY: We're the next big thing (also with a British accent)...
(Will gives the clerk a cocky smile. We then cut to Syd and Will entering their hotel room.)
BELLHOP: This way please... this is one of our finest suites...
WILL: Yeah, yeah... (mumbling) it's all fine, we're fine...
BELLHOP: The bar is um... over there (points) and the gym is on the sixth floor, open 24 hours. Of course you have a balcony...
(Syd and Will have thrown their stuff on the floor, and Syd has gotten on the bed and start dancing. Will plops down on the coach in front of the bed as the bellhop continues to speak)
BELLHOP: Um... fantastic view... (looking at Sydney) ... that should be it... Is there anything else I can get for you?
(Sydney flops down on the bed)
WILL: Yeah, thank you for asking... you're a lovely little man, isn't he... (points behind him to Syd)
BELLHOP: Thank you...
WILL: Yeah... sweetheart, um... two bottles?
SYDNEY: Of what...?
WILL: Champagne... four... two... two bottles?
SYDNEY: One's good.
WILL: Right... right... (he stands up and walks to the bellhop - he throws his arms over the much-shorter bellhop)
WILL: (speaking quieter, to the bellhop) We're gonna get four bottles of champagne, okay? And I'm going to tip you like I ordered five.
BELLHOP: Yes, sir.
WILL: You know what I mean?
BELLHOP: Yes, sir.
WILL: You do, you cheeky little bastard...
(Sydney hops up out of bed and Will escorts the bellhop to the door)
WILL: Cheers.
(The bellhop leaves and Syd gives Will a funny look and walks to the door to peer out. When she gets to the door she sh**t him a smile.)
WILL: What...? What...? C'mon, if we're gonna do this, we gotta, you know, be legit about it.
(She hangs to the "Do not disturb" sign on the door)
SYDNEY: It's a little over-the-top...
WILL: Over-the-top? I'm wearing seat-covering, there is no "over-the-top." Plus, I like champagne!
(We see Will opening the guitar case. He removes the guitar to reveal Syd's laptop and some hacking devices)
WILL: You keep forgetting, I live in Wisconsin now... I'm not squandering this...
(Sydney grabs some hacking device from the guitar case, and picks up the television remote from the table. As she hands the remote to Will, she plugs the device into the back of the tv)
SYDNEY: Pull up the on-screen check-out...
(The television comes on with the check-out menu. Will uses the remote to select the check out options. Sydney jiggles something behind the television and Will boots up the laptop)
WILL: You have to admit, my accent was pretty good. It was like... early Stones...
SYDNEY: I thought it was Australian... (smiling)
WILL: (chuckling) Shut up... I was like... (in his fake British accent) "yeah, I'm here, she's here, we made it." Okay, that's good. (laughing as he recounts their check-in and still speaking with a fake British accent) "Take a look at it... right, that's a love, carry on..."
SYDNEY: (Sitting down to work) Let's get past these firewalls...
(Will takes off his sunglasses and gets more serious.)
SYDNEY: See if I was ever here... (looking up at the television screen)
SYDNEY: Okay, we're in the system.
WILL: Alright, what're we lookin' for?
SYDNEY: Long-term storage contracts. The names of people who have things in safety deposit boxes, for example.
(Names start popping up on screen, we move down the names until we see... Julia Thorne! Both she and Will look shocked.)
WILL: Unbelievable...
(We see Julia's name and a box number -- 023)
SYDNEY: Box 23. Let's see if they have a floorplan online...
WILL: What if they don't?
(Floorplan pops up on screen)
SYDNEY: Think positively.
(Will looks at her in awe.)
SYDNEY: Here we go... sub-basement. Just past the northeast corridor...
WILL: What about security? (He hops up and grabs something out of the guitar case, Syd is busy studying the floorplan and doesn't even notice)
SYDNEY: I'm almost done looping the surveillance cameras... Let's move!
(They leave the room and start walking down the hall, carefully checking around the corners. They come to a locked green door with a security number-pad - Will applies a hacking device to crack the code and the door opens seconds later. They walk into the sub-basement containing rows & rows of safety deposit boxes. They stop at box 23 and Sydney takes a tube of lipstick from her purse.)
WILL: I see, now you're primping...
SYDNEY: Not exactly...
(She takes the lipstick and draws a large square covering box 23. She then removes a small bottle and begins spraying the lipstick sqaure she just drew with something)
SYDNEY: Stand back...
(The lipstick square begins sizzling and suddenly it catches f*re. It melts right through the metal and Sydney opens the box. Inside there is a small, six-sided metal box.
WILL: What is that?
(As Sydney reaches for the cube, it moves away from her. She looks momentarily puzzled until she realized the other end of the safety deposit box is also open and a magnet is pulling the cube away from her. As the cube clinks to the magnet, we see a hand reach in and remove the cube. Syd & Will look stunned, and we then see Sark's face peering at them from the other end, smirking. Sark winks at Sydney.)
SYDNEY: Sark's got it...! (they turn to run)
(They rush back through the green door and look down the hallway, trying to figure out the best way to pursue Sark. Will moves to one side of the hall and begins to walk away from her)
SYDNEY: Will you can't, you're not trained!
(Will draws a g*n and runs the opposite direction, ignoring Sydney)
(Sydney runs the opposite direction, hoping to cut Sark off. We cut to Will, who is half-running down the hallwas, holding the g*n pointed down towards the ground. As he passes by a doorway, a supply-cart comes gets shoved out in front of him, Will flips over the top of the car and falls to the ground, dropping his g*n. He reaches over for the g*n, but someone kicks it out of his reach... the camera pans up and we see it is Allison.)
ALLISON: I guess we have unfinished business...
(She kicks him in the stomach while he is still on the ground. We then cut to Sark who is running down a different hallway, trying to escape with the cube. In hot pursuit is Sydney. We cut back to Allison and Will who are in the midst of a fist-fight. Somehow, Will has learned some martial arts moves and is keeping his own with Allison. He kicks her backwards and stuns her, flipping her around backwards. Out of his view, she pulls a Kn*fe out and begins lunging at him. Cut back to Sark still running from Syd, she is closing in on him. As he reaches the door at the end of the hallway, she catches up to him and kicks him in the back, sending him headlong through the door and onto the ground. He drops the cube and it clinks to the ground. Sydney peers down at him and as he tries to crawl towards the cube to grab it, she kicks him violently in the face, flinging him back to the ground. We then cut back to Allison and Will -- she kicks him backwards, but he jumps up and rips a long rectangular light from the ceiling and flings it back on her, sending her reeling backwards. He rushes towards her, and pins her against a wall, the Kn*fe still drawn between them. They struggle, both staring into each other's eyes with looks of utter hatred and anger.)
WILL: This is for Francie...
(Allison looks very ticked off and Will s*ab her in the chest. She looks shocked, and as she slides down the wall, he steps backwards and lets her drop. Cut back to Sydney picking up the cube and examining it curiously for a moment. She begins running down the hallway again, and as the camera pans up, we see Sark unconscious on the floor behind her. Cut back to Will, who is bloodied and out of breath, still staring down at Allison. Sydney comes up behind him, she sees Allison's lifeless body on the floor.)
SYDNEY: (out of breath) Will... Will!
(He turns to face her, he looks angry)
SYDNEY: We gotta get outta here!
(He looks back down at Allison for a second and then turns to leave. We hear him drop the Kn*fe and the two of them run out together. As he passes by his g*n, he picks it up and they escape. Fade to black.)
(Cut to Sloane with an earpiece in his ear. We hear Sydney's talking to him. He is drinking a glass a red wine.)
SYDNEY: (through earpiece) Set the time and place with Lindsey, I'm ready to be traded back.
SLOANE: Sydney... Lindsey has taken your father and Vaughn into custody.
(Cut to Sydney. It is night-time and she in traveling in a car, talking into a cellphone. She looks over to Will as he drives and Sloane continues)
SLOANE: Dixon's in custody, as well. But we need to proceed with this trade as planned so that Lindsey believes you were being held by The Covenant. The Rambaldi device is being delivered in San Pedro. They've hired a team to pick it up that'll appear to be working for The Covenant... as soon as they've left the area... you're to drive yourself to Lindsey...
SYDNEY: (looking agitated) You are never ending up with the Rambaldi device. I want it put inside the van and taken directly to the parking lot at Hill Street and 9th... I want the van to remain visible at all times, no one is to enter or exit the vehicle...
(Cut back to Sloane, who is swirling the wine around in its glass)
SLOANE: Sydney... you have my word.
SYDNEY: That's a relief.
(Cut to CIA building where we see Weiss walking into the rotunda. His cellphone rings and he grabs it from his breast-pocket to answer.)
WEISS: (answering) Weiss.
SYDNEY: Listen very carefully, I need a favor.
WEISS: (looks around to make sure he can't be overheard and speaking quietly into his phone) Where are you?
SYDNEY: Just listen to me and tell no one about this call. The Rambaldi device is being traded to The Covenant... it's actually going to Sloane... he needs to be watched from the moment he gets the device. Grab the feed from the satellite that has a view of the trade... track their van. Any suspicious stops, anyone gets on or off, have a team standing by to bring them in.
WEISS: Alright... I got it. Whatever the hell you're up to... good luck. (he closes his phone - fade to black)
(Aerial view of the city during the day. Cut to a pier, it looks like the same pier Sydney drove off of in episode 1x17. There is a black sedan and two men standing outside of it. The driver's side car door opens and Lindsey steps out. Lindsey pulls out a walkie-talkie)
LINDSEY: (into the walkie-talkie) Status?
VOICE: The Covenants representatives have taken possession of the Rambaldi device.
(Cut to scene with two men loading a small wooden crate onto the back of a truck. Cut back to Weiss back at CIA monitoring the device via a satellite feed. He has an earpiece in.)
WEISS: Syd, I'm tracking the van, the package is inside.
SYDNEY: Copy that. (Cut to Sydney sitting in the front of a parked car, talking into a walkie-talkie) You'll follow the van to the rendezvous point, anything unusual you'll let me know.
WEISS: Roger that.
SYDNEY: I'm heading towards Lindsey, wish me luck.
(Cut back to Lindsey.)
VOICE: Sir, we have a twenty on Agent Bristow, she's approaching the dock.
(Sydney's car pulls up and she gets out. As she walks towards Lindsey, the camera pans up to a large ship in the water behind her. We see a sn*per's r*fle and the camera cuts in to the dark-haired assassin Sloane met with earlier. Sydney is in the cross-hairs. )
AGENT NEXT TO LINDSEY: (into walkie-talkie) Bristow has arrived.
(She approaches Lindsey and she in within a few feet of him.)
LINDSEY: (fake smile) On behalf of the U.S. government, I wanna say... how relieved I am at your safe return.
(Cut back to the assassin who is readying himself to pull the trigger. Sydney looks to Lindsey's chest and sees a red-laser dot right over his heart... he looks down and Sydney turns to yell, but before she can do anything a sh*t rings out and Lindsey falls to the ground. The surrounding agents duck behind the car and draw their w*apon, but it is too late. Lindsey is d*ad.)
(Cut to the truck carrying the Rambaldi device. Two men are standing outside the truck and a car pulls up. When the camera turns to face the men, we see that one of them is Sloane. As the car comes to a stop, he approaches. Sydney gets out of the car and rushes towards him, she looks perturbed.)
SYDNEY: You m*rder Robert Lindsey.
SLOANE: I think you already know my response...
SYDNEY: Lemme guess, you don't know what I'm talking about...
SLOANE: (shaking his head) Not a word.
(Sydney walks past him to wooden crate containing the Rambaldi device. She opens the crate to reveal some rusted and worthless metal parts. She holds up one of the pieces and turns to face Sloane with an accusatory look on her face.)
SLOANE: I did everything you asked. I followed your protocol precisely.
(She tosses the part back into the crate)
SYDNEY: This was your endgame the whole time...
SLOANE: Now you can go on blaming me if you like... or you can accept the truth...
SYDNEY: Which is what?
SLOANE: The deceiver was Lindsey... not me. His team might've thought so, but apparently Lindsey never gave us the Rambaldi device. It was a set-up.
(Sydney approaches Sloane so that she is standing just a couple feet from him)
SYDNEY: I don't know how you did this... but you're not gonna get away with it.
SLOANE: I don't know what you're talking about...
(Cut to Sydney who is simply staring at him with hate in her eyes and then back to Sloane who is looking quite innocent.)
(Cut back to CIA building where Sydney is walking. As she rounds a corner, she sees Dixon standing there talking to someone. She turns and continues to walk until she comes upon Vaughn and Jack at a computer.)
SYDNEY: It seems like everything is falling back into place. (She looks down at Vaughn) Thank you... by the way. For everything...
(He looks up at her as if tongue-tied.)
VAUGHN: (Nodding slightly) Yeah... (he looks uncomfortable, and quickly stands up) I gotta go... I'm meeting Lauren. (He leaves and Syd watches him walk away. Jack's eyes follow him as he goes.)
(Cut to sh*t of the cube -- now open. Marshall is pulling something out of it with tongs.)
MARSHALL: I'm not exactly sure what this means... (he pulls out a small vial containing some redish/brown liquid and holds it up in front of Sydney and Jack)
SYDNEY: What is that...?
MARSHALL: What was inside the box. It's human tissue... vital, still active. (The camera zooms in to a small piece of tissue in the bottom of the vial)
MARSHALL: Oh, and uh... there was a name, etched in the side of the box. (Puts the tissue down and picks up the cube).
MARSHALL: Milo Rambaldi...
(Cut to Jack's surprised look and Sydney's look of curiosity. The camera then cuts to Will being escorted by an agent out of the building. As he turns a corner, we hear Sydney behind him.)
SYDNEY: Will... (he stops and turns around. He approaches her and the escort stays behind so they can have a private goodbye.)
SYDNEY: I've been looking for you. You feelin' alright?
WILL: Yeah... (nodding)
(Sydney watches his reactions and imitates his slight nod)
WILL: Seeing Allison again... k*lling her... I musta dreamed about it I dunno how many times... When you told me that she was still alive, I thought if I had the chance, then ending life would be satisfying. You know, there'd be closure. Cathartic. But it's just as empty as the dreams... it's horrible... there's no... satisfaction... there's nothing.
SYDNEY: I know they talked to you. Now that The Covenant knows you're still alive... you might want to move again. Maybe somewhere out of the country...
WILL: Nah... I'm not going to run anymore. I'm gonna stay in Wisconsin. I dunno what I'll do when I get back, maybe I'll ask out that painter. (they look into each others eyes) We're gonna see each other again...
(Sydney smiles warmly and reaches up to hug Will tightly.)
WILL: Love you (pulling away from her and smiling)
SYDNEY: You too (smiling back)
(He turns to walk away back towards the escort waiting for him.)
SYDNEY: Will...
WILL: Yeah...
SYDNEY: We never talked about that...
WILL: Yeah. I kinda like that. (smiling)
(Will begins walking out, but before he goes he turns to take on last look at Sydney. She looks honestly happy as she watchces him leave.) | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x10 - Remnants"} | foreverdreaming |
Fade in on a sh*t of the cube from above. The camera pulls out as a pair of black tongs snap secure around the vial inside and pluck it out. Marshall's corner is cluttered with a team of people, two in white jackets that identity them as lab scientists, the rest in suits. One white-jacketed man is taking photographs while a suited man looks on. The camera pans on to see various other activities of investigation transpire in slow motion. The camera secures on a short haired woman, who closes the cube back up and crosses the room, snuggling the artifact inside a small black case.
Cut to Marshall. He's sitting at his desk, bored, building a pyramid out of playing cards. He balances one on top as he continues to build.
Sydney: (voice over) Marshall, have you analyzed the cube?
Marshall looks up as Sydney approaches with a look that shows he's less than thrilled with this recent development.
Marshall: I wish. (b*at) The jerks are here.
Sydney: What?
Marshall: Pretentious classified division of intelligence. You know the type, conspiracy theorist's wet dream.
Sydney: I don't understand.
Marshall: Oh but that's the point. Who they are exactly is on a need to know basis. Suffice to say their jurisdiction on this supersedes ours so
well they have a convoy here. (lowers voice to a whisper) They're taking the cube away.
Cut to Sydney. She's not too happy with this, either.
Sydney: Wait, wait, taking it where?
Marshall: If I knew, I'd go there. You know, I should probably put a tracer on the cube and track it back to their lab. Imagine how cool that place would be.
Cut to Sydney. She wants answers, and she wants them now. Eyeing the departing convoy, she turns away to leave.
Marshall: (waving) I'm just kidding, you know.
Cut to hallway. The convoy from the DSR is walking down the hall, all business. Sydney comes in from a side and falls in step with the apparent leader of the group.
Sydney: Excuse me, I'm Sydney Bristow, I'm the one who recovered that cube. May I ask what you're doing?
Leader: We've been sent to retrieve the artifact for analysis.
Sydney: Sent by whom?
We follow the group through the hallway into an open area.
Leader: The Department for Special Research.
Sydney: You're DSR.
Leader: We're a division, yes.
Sydney: May I ask where you're taking it?
The leader of the group brushes past Sydney, obviously finished with this conversation.
Leader: No, you may not.
He leaves Sydney in his tracks looking a bit angry and annoyed at his lack of cooperation.
Sydney: (voice over) This is unacceptable.
Cut to Sydney and Jack in an empty office, talking. Sydney's upset, angry at what's happened, her father's council something she needed after being blindsided by the DSR team. We move up close on her as she speaks.
Sydney: Every time we get close to my missing two years, the door gets slammed in my face.
Cut to Jack as Sydney leans up against the desk.
Jack: I know.
We switch back to Sydney.
Sydney: Lazary knew what happened to me. He led me to that cube. And before we just handed it off, I at least wanted Marshall to finish his review. He could have found some clues.
Cut to Jack.
Jack: Sydney, listen to me. We've broken at least a dozen federal laws in pursuit of what happened to you. If necessary, we'll break a dozen more. But for now, there's nothing we can do.
Sydney: We can bring Dixon into the loop
She's reaching, and they both know it.
Jack: This wasn't his call. The order to remove the cube came from Langley.
Sydney: There has to be something we can do.
Jack: We need to revaluate every piece of information we've collected. Start from the beginning. Assume nothing. Do that, and we may find a lead.
Cut to nighttime aerial sh*t of LA. A siren sounds in the background.
Cut to Sydney's bedroom. She's sitting on her bed, files splayed out in front of her as she goes over what information they have. She pauses, picks up a file, and hears a crash somewhere in the house. A dog barks. She gets up, reaches into her drawer, and grabs a g*n. With it held up in front of her, she walks around the house, investigating, looking in every corner. A shadow moves across the wall. She checks the backyard and comes back inside. Suddenly, she's h*t with a tranquilizer dart and goes down. As she falls, we see the yellow dart in her back, then a masked man in black still holding his tranquilizer g*n, standing just inside the front door to her home.
The sound of a jet flying fades in as we cut to a sh*t of a jet taking off.
Cut to a sh*t of Sydney sleeping. Her eyelids flutter as she starts to awaken. Swiftly alert, she gingerly sits up and runs a hand over her hair, smoothing it down. Looking around the jet, trying to figure out where she is, her eyes widen as they take in Kendall sitting in a seat across the plane, obviously having been waiting for her to wake up. She takes in a breath.
Kendall: Good to see you.
Cut back to Sydney. She's surprised.
Sydney: Kendall.
She slowly stands. Cut back to Kendall.
Kendall: I'm sorry we had to do it this way.
Back to Sydney, who's trying to work through everything in her head.
Sydney: You're part of this?
Kendall: Well, that all depends on which part you're referring to.
Sydney: You're Covenant.
Kendall: No, no no, that wouldn't go over too well at home.
Quick cut to Sydney, who doesn't appear to be buying any of this.
Kendall: I'm with Special Research. (b*at) I had a team transporting the Rambaldi cube to our facility, and they were ambushed in transit.
He's upset, but not showing that much. Sydney nods, slightly.
Sydney: The Covenant got the cube.
She sits, dejected as the both of them reflect on this. She thinks a moment longer, then:
Sydney: What does any of this have to do with me?
Kendall gets up from his seat and crosses the distance between them, taking a seat near her.
Kendall: (as he moves) It has everything to do with you. (b*at, he sits) We need to talk about the past two years.
Sydney's surprised he's asking her about it, and cocks her head to the side.
Sydney: (harshly) As you may be aware, Mr. Kendall, I have no recollection of that time.
Kendall: But I do.
There's a long moment as his words sink in, and she lets him continue.
Kendall: I know what happened to you Sydney. I know the whole story. (b*at, offhand) Or most of it.
Sydney: (accusatory) You've known all this time
Kendall: (interjecting, a whisper) Yep.
Sydney: Then
why haven't you said anything?
He knows what he's going to say, but waits a moment as if purposely trying to drive her mad.
Kendall: Because you asked me not to.
It's a b*mb to Sydney, and we move off her shocked expression as we
Cut to opening
End Teaser
Here's the next act!
We fade in on the plane in the sky. Cut to a palm scanner.
Kendall: (VO) Put your hand on the scanner.
Cut to Sydney's hand being placed on a palm scanner. She speaks as it scans her hand.
Sydney: I need clearance to hear about my own life?
Pull back to face Sydney from Kendall's POV. He rattles off the next line dryly, trying to get it out of the way so he can start talking.
Kendall: You understand the information you're about to hear is top secret, and any unauthorized disclosure is a violation of section 23, paragraph 5 of the patriot act?
Sydney: Yes.
Kendall: Before we get started, I'm curious about how you found the cube. What led you to it?
Sydney shakes her head and speaks lightly.
Sydney: You've got to be kidding me. (b*at) Start at the beginning and do it all, I'm all out of patience.
Cut to Kendall. He sighs. During his next line, we switch from Kendall to Sydney several times as the weight of his words h*t their emotions.
Kendall: You died. (long pause) Or at least we believed you did. We found a body in your apartment. The existing DNA matched your own. And I went to your memorial service myself. Watched Vaughn spread your ashes in the sea. Nine months went by. One day, I got a phone call.
Flashback. Kendall walking slow-mo in the JTF answering the phone.
Kendall: (VO) It was your voice.
Cut to exterior sh*t of Rome.
Kendall: (VO) You were calling from Rome.
Cut to Sydney, with long bleached blond hair speaking into a pay phone.
Kendall: (VO) You said you had just escaped from the Covenant and you wanted to come in.
Alternating sh*ts of Sydney speaking animatedly into the phone, then Kendall in the JTF listening to what she's telling him. We then cut back to the plane and come in on Kendall's face.
Kendall: We met in a safe house in Tuscany.
Flashback. Cut to Sydney in the safe house. She's sh**ting questions at Kendall.
Sydney: Does my father know I'm alive? Does Vaughn?
Kendall: You father and Mr. Vaughn will be informed at the earliest possible opportunity.
Sydney is pacing back and forth on the offensive while Kendall, surprised and equally offensive stands across from her. We watch her as she sh**t more inquires at him.
Sydney: So they don't know. What about Will? Did he make it?
Kendall: What you've been through may have national security implications.
Sydney stops her pacing, her hand coming down from her face as she looks at him like he just sprouted an extra head.
Sydney: I need to talk to them. I need you to get them on the phone
She's coming at him now, and they speak over each other in the next few lines.
Kendall: All your questions will be answered
Sydney: (yelling) Right now!
Kendall: - in time, first, we need to know what happened to you!
She's sobered at bit as we cut back to the present and the plane, watching the pair from across the cabin.
Kendall: You looked different. It was an alias of yours I hadn't seen before. I
I had a lot of questions, too. We didn't know much about the Covenant at the time.
Cut closer, to Kendall.
Kendall: So, you took me back to the beginning. You told me the first thing you remembered after your fight with Allison. So this is what happened to you, in your own words
Flashback. Fade to black, then swing over to come back to Sydney in the safe house. Their both sitting now, and she looks away as she starts to recount what happened to her.
Sydney: I sh*t her
Flashback to season finale and Sydney sh**ting Allison/Francie, then falling against the wall.
Sydney: (VO)
three times. Then I passed out. d*ad to the world.
Cut to Sydney in the safe house.
Sydney: When I woke up, it was days later, and I was in the back of a van, strapped down.
Cut to Sydney, still in her outfit from the Telling. We start at her feet and pan up to her face, where her eyes are closed and a strip of duct tape is secured over her mouth. She comes too, breath rushing from her nose as she starts to move. Cut up to the doctor from Succession (referred to as Oleg from hereon out). She wakes up and sees him, shocked, confused.
Oleg: You and I are going to work together. You and I are going to spend lots of time together. But we will get the results that my employers have requested. I always do.
During this, he runs his hand over her head, trying to be reassuring. When he finishes, she straightens, looking up at the ceiling of the van. He sticks a needle into her arm.
Sydney: (VO) He injected me with a neurotoxin. Temporary paralysis. I couldn't move or speak.
Cut to safe house and Sydney.
Sydney: All I could do was watch.
She's upset about this, and we cut back to her in the van as the doctor pushes her gurney upright so she can look out the back windows. It snaps into place.
Oleg: Your roommate was easy. We unearthed her. We left her in your apartment before we b*rned it.
Cut to a view of a cold, overcast beach. Figures in black are gathered near the edge of the water.
Oleg: (VO) But you -- that was more difficult. When a body is b*rned badly enough, the DNA they test for is in the teeth.
Cut to a side view of Jack and Dixon, the van Sydney and the doctor are in is seen past them. Both look saddened yet cold.
Oleg: (VO) We extracted pulp from your teeth.
Cut to a full view. It's Jack, Dixon, Kendall, Marshall, Weiss, and Vaughn on the beach, a minister in front of them. Marshall is crying, and Vaughn holds an urn at his side.
Oleg: (VO) And we injected it into the teeth of the corpse that was to be your replacement.
Cut to Jack, Dixon, then Vaughn. Cut to Vaughn standing at the edge of the water tossing the ashes into the sea. We then cut to Jack, who's actually showing a degree of sorrow.
Oleg: (VO) Of course, they tested the body they found. To them, it was you.
Weiss and Vaughn are walking back up the beach, followed by the others. We cut to Sydney watching them, and he turns her head to look at Vaughn. He goes to unlock his car door, then pauses and turns around, hugging Weiss who was standing behind him, eyes closed in apparent agony.
Oleg: (VO) He will mourn and move on.
Cut to tinted van windows over their shoulders, then Sydney watching them. Then them from the van.
Oleg: (VO) Find someone else, perhaps.
Cut to van interior. The doctor puts a hand on Sydney's chin and turns her face away from Vaughn and Weiss outside to face himself.
Oleg: The sooner you accept that you are no longer who you were, the easier this will be. (whisper) Sydney Bristow
is gone.
We close up on her face as tears stream from her eyes. Cut back to the present; Sydney in the plane. She's taking this all in.
Sydney: I don't remember any of this.
Kendall: I'll get to that. (b*at) From your funeral, you were taken to a Covenant facility in St. Petersburg.
As he's talking, Kendall pulls out a black folder and opens it on the table. Sydney sits across from him, arms crossed on top of the table. Inside is a picture of the doctor.
Kendall: This was the man who took you there. The man from the van. Oleg Matrijik.
Sydney: (re: the picture) I k*lled this man.
Flashback. Sydney, from Sucession. She sh**t Oleg twice in the chest and he falls. Cut back to the plane.
Sydney: It was only a week after I woke up in Hong Kong. He had all the answers. (b*at) He died right in front of me.
Flashback. Oleg is on the ground.
Oleg: You kept your promise. That you would k*ll me. (pause) You were my favorite.
Sydney rushes up to him, hands on the lapels of his lab coat, and she's pulling on them as she frantically asks questions.
Sydney: Who the hell are you? What are you talking about? Why did the Covenant take two years of my life?
He's d*ad. Cut to the plane.
Sydney: What did he do to me?
Kendall: The Covenant believed you were crucial to their operation. They needed your cooperation which you wouldn't offer. So Oleg began a brainwash protocol.
Cut to dark room. It's really dark but we slowly move up what looks like a leg, then up to Sydney's head.
Kendall: (VO) He spent months breaking you down.
A little window opens, bright light waking her up. She flinches, and we turn to see Oleg looking through the small window down at her.
Kendall: (VO) He used sensory deprivation.
The window closes. Cut to Sydney in a chair with spider-like electrode attached to her head. We pull out to see a hand on a switch.
Kendall: (VO) Electroshock.
The hand flips the switch and she starts to shudder. Cut to Sydney strapped to a chair, head bowed and chin almost hitting her chest. There's an IV to her left.
Kendall: (VO) He would put to you to sleep by running an IV in one arm with a barbiturate into one arm. And shock you awake with an amphetamine into the other arm
She's suddenly awake and pulls against the restraints, shouting.
Sydney: I will k*ll you, you son of a b****! I promise you!
Cut to Oleg, watching her with a content look on his face. Cut back to the plane.
Kendall: (VO) Once Oleg believed you'd been broken, he began a conditioning process. (b*at) He stated with hypnosis.
Cut to Oleg standing in front of Sydney.
Oleg: Your name is Julia Thorne. You were born in London on August 2, 1973.
We spin around from him to face Sydney.
Sydney: (deadpan) My name is Sydney Bristow, you ugly bastard.
Cut to Sydney's arm. Oleg is injecting something into it.
Kendall: (VO) He disoriented you with narcotics.
Oleg: Your name is Julia Thorne.
We turn around to see her. She's just as defiant as before.
Sydney: Really? Then why is my name Sydney Bristow?
She turns and spit into Oleg's face. We cut to her lying on the floor.
Kendall: (VO) He withheld food for weeks at a time.
She flinches when light hits her face. Cut to the shelf under the window in the door. Oleg pushes a plate of warm meat and mashed potatoes complete with gravy into it. Sydney gets up and scurries on her hands and knees to grab it, but Oleg pulls it back just as she's about to reach it and shoves a bowl of what looks like grub or old stew to her. She grabs the bowl as the window slides shut and examines it before eating the food quickly with her hands. She starts to cry.
Cut to Sydney sitting in a chair, light from images flashed before her reflecting on her face.
Kendall: (VO) He b*mb you with images, information - classic techniques; tried and true.
We turn to see the images out of focus, then pull back as Oleg walks in front of it, speaking.
Oleg: Julia, your father's name was Kenneth Thorne. Julia is who you are
Cut to another session, where he's speaking again. The words he's saying are flowing over each other in a montage. The images are several things: a girl at her birthday party, a family laughing, all flashing in front of her as the sessions blend into each other.
Oleg: Your brothers, Daniel and Tom. (b*at) The Latin school
(b*at) Your were the only survivor
(b*at) Confirmation at the Old Souls Church
We round to Sydney, the images still flashing on her face, eyes wide open as she appears to be in a trance.
Oleg: You lost your family in a f*re
(b*at) You were the only survivor
(b*at) After that, you became a contract k*ller
(b*at) You showed no pity. You first targets were the men who destroyed your family
Close up on Sydney's face as Oleg continues to speak.
Oleg: You became a contract k*ller
You showed no pity
You first targets were the men who destroyed your family
Julia will eat well
live well
She's wearing headphones now, which is where his voice is coming from. We've been tightening in on her left eye, and by the time the next line is delivered, we can see her pupils.
Oleg: Julia is who you are.
With the echo of Oleg's voice fading, we cut to the plane.
Kendall: This went on over six months. It was about that time that Oleg felt he had a breakthrough; that his therapy was starting to work.
We cut to Sydney sitting behind a table. She's cleaned up, hair pulled back into a pony tail, and she's wearing a clean grey sweater. She's writing in a notebook.
Oleg: (off-screen) Julia.
She looks up and closes the book, shoving it to the side. All her actions are done with measured, precise movements. Oleg appears on screen, carrying a tray.
Sydney: Yes?
Oleg: Lunch.
He places the tray down in front of her and lifts the cover off to reveal a full, nice meal. Off her bemused expression, we cut back to the present day in the plane.
Kendall: Once Oleg believed that you were ready, they gave you a test.
We cut from the plane to a table with several ash trays, a hand flicking the ashes off the end of a cigarette into one.
Kendall: (VO) To prove to them that you were a believer. That you were, in fact, another woman.
We move up from the table to Oleg, who stands before the panel of unseen men.
Oleg: May I present to you
Julia Thorne.
Sydney enters from a side door, now with the blond hair we saw her with in the first flashback to the safe house in Tuscany, wearing a tight yet fashionable grey suit. She slides up to stand at Oleg's side.
Cole (quentin tarantino) : Welcome, Miss Thorne. The work you'll be doing for us requires a certain commitment.
A man in wheeled in the room, dressed in denim. He's in a wheelchair, tied down with duct tape over his mouth. He speaks, but his words are muffled.
Sydney: (coldly, as Julia) Of course.
Cole (quentin tarantino): Who this man is, is not important. What is important is the Kn*fe on the table. Use it. k*ll this unimportant man.
Sydney swoops in and plucks the Kn*fe from the table, then turns to the man in the wheelchair.
Man in Wheelchair: (as she's walking) No. NO! No no. Please! Listen! No! Please don't!
She plunges the Kn*fe into his chest, his cries as voice over as we switch to the unknown men. Cut to Oleg, then to Sydney, who twists the Kn*fe and pulls it out with no reaction. She turns to the table of men, finished, awaiting their response. We fade off her face as we
Sydney : Who was he?
Kendall : I don't know.
Sydney :So I was programmed?
Kendall : Not by the Covenant.
Sydney :Wait, Kendall, I don't understand. I m*rder that man. What do you mean I wasn't programmed by the Covenant.
Kendall : When you were young, your father subjected you to the CIA's experimental program to train and prepare children for intelligence work.
Sydney :Project Christmas.
Kendall : Among other things, that program contained a fail-safe to prevent its subjects from being turned. Jack hard-wired you to stand up to some pretty intense efforts at brainwashing.
Sydney :I traded his life for mine.
Kendall : That man. Whoever he was, he was taken, brought into a Covenant facility. He was d*ad no matter what you did, and you must have known that.
Sydney :That doesn't lessen what I did.
Kendall : But if you hadn't gone through with it, convinced them you'd been programmed, you would have both been k*lled. You could never have contacted me.
Here, Sydney is talking to Kendall after her escape (9 months after the Freplica fight).
Sydney : I want to go home. I want to see my dad.
Kendall : Your father can't be contacted. He's under deep cover. And as it is, you have no home to return to. Agent Bristow, let me be clear. You return home, you're putting in jeopardy the lives of the people you claim to love.
Sydney : You're just trying to scare me.
Kendall : Look at Your friend Will. The Covenant left the son of a b**** for d*ad. Listen to me. If what little intel we have on the Covenant is anywhere near accurate, they have the potential to be far more deadly than the Alliance ever was. Which is why it is imperative that you continue as Julia Thorne. The Covenant believes they have you programmed.
Sydney : If you think I'm going back to them, you're insane.
Kendall : If you don't, they're going to come after you, after your friends, your family, after Vaughn.
Sydney : I have to see him.
Kendall : Sydney, you've been gone nine months.
Sydney : He loves me. Nine months is nothing.
Kendall : So I let you go, and you went home.
Sydney sees Vaughn and Lauren together.
Kendall : As hard as it was to see them together, you couldn't confront Vaughn. You realized your presence was a danger to him, so you did the only thing you could.
Syd sees a lincoln surveilling Vaughn and Lauren as they go inside. The passenger looks like the bartender in 2x15 - A Free Agent. The Lincoln's license plate is 4XDU238 (CA).
phone conversation:
Kendall : This is Kendall.
Sydney : I'll do whatever you want.
Kendall : That's how we started working together.
Sydney : So I became Julia.
Kendall : Yes, you did.
In what could be an advertisement if there were a clothing label visible, Syd's walking somewhere in a tan leather coat, turning heads. Then she's sipping latte in the same tan leather coat (this sh*t is reversed... the coat is obviously reversed, and Syd is sipping something left-handed, but in reality she's right-handed. She's also wearing her watch on her right hand.) All to the tune of No Doubt's cover of "It's My Life".
Kendall : They sent you to Algeria, where you met this man.
Sydney : Simon Walker.
Kendall : He was a thief. You were introduced as a contract k*ller. The two of you started working together for the Covenant. The mission was simple. They wanted you to find the cube. During your time with Simon, you pursued a variety of leads, all the while keeping me informed by passing on the intel to one of our operatives. You informed me that Simon had found Andrian Lazarey, a Russian diplomat, member of the Romanov family. Who, like Sloane, was devoted to studying Rambaldi. You believed that Lazarey would know where to find the cube. It was a crucial acquisition because it contained the DNA of Rambaldi himself. You told me that the Covenant wanted you to get the information from him, and then k*ll him. It turns out you saved his life. You went to Lazarey the night before you were supposed to k*ll him. He's a reasonable man. The two of you struck a deal.
Lazarey: (Russian w/ subtitles) How did you get into my house?
Sydney : I'll make this as simple as possible, Mr. Lazarey. Unless you do exactly as I say, by this time tomorrow you will be d*ad.
Sydney : So that's why I faked Lazarey's death. So the videotape...
Kendall : We presumed there'd be surveillance cameras. The m*rder had to look real. Paramedics were CIA operatives working under my orders. The Kremlin carried out a thorough investigation, and they believed, as did the Covenant, that Andrian Lazarey was assassinated.
Sydney : Assuming everything you're telling me is true, Mr. Kendall, what am I doing here? Why are you telling me all of this now, and where are we going?
Kendall : We're going to my facility in Nevada, Project Blackhole. Four years ago when I was called in to question you, I was never FBI. I was Special Research, overseeing the project.
Sydney : I've never heard of Project Blackhole.
Kendall : Thank you. This is everything the government has collected on or about Milo Rambaldi since the 1940's. A quarter of the artifacts we have were collected by you. You're actually something of a celebrity in-house. Which is also why the Covenant needed you. They believe Rambaldi's prophecies. They believe a lot of things, including the idea that you are... the Chosen One.
Sydney : My mother said that. The night I disappeared
(This is a brief flashback to episode 2x22, The Telling.)
Sydney :: Get off the ledge!
Irina : I'll tell you what you need to know.
Sydney : Get off the ledge right now.
Irina : It's you in the prophecy, Sydney, not me.
Kendall : Four months ago you asked me not to tell you any of this. I honored that request as long as possible. Trust me, when I finish the story you will understand. The Covenant had you; if they could get the cube, they'd have everything they needed to fulfill Rambaldi's prophecy. You continued to feed the Covenant false leads. In truth, you and Lazarey were working for the CIA trying to find that cube. And it took you nine months, but you found it.
Sydney : Where was it?
Kendall : Nothing's ever easy, is it? It was in the Fish River Gorge in Namibia. For five hundred years, the key to Rambaldi's prophecy lay buried in the depths of this cave. To Rambaldi's followers, this was the holy grail. A mile long trek brought you to an elaborate vault that housed the cube. Lazarey had devoted thirty years of his life to acquiring the twelve keys to the vault, the last of which he found only two weeks before your journey. Each one had a name on it that corresponded to a keyhole in the wall.
Lazarey : This lock won't stay open. I need to hold the key in place.
Kendall : Lazarey was trapped, and the cave began to collapse around you.
Sydney : Here, bite down on this.
Kendall : There was only one way you could both get out alive. So you got the cube, and you got Lazarey out alive.
Sydney : Come on, you've got to run. Let's go.
Kendall : Our agreement with Lazarey was that after he helped track down the cube, we would let him disappear, untraced. After you let him go, you were supposed to deliver me the cube.
Sydney : But I didn't show up.
Kendall : No, you didn't. Instead, I got this. You want to know what happened to your memory? You might want to sit down for this.
Syadeny : (tape) Kendall. I'm sorry. I know you're expecting the cube with the DNA, and instead you get this. (tape) You've been great to me. You've been a real friend, and I'm grateful for that. But I can't go along with it, the plan we had. (tape) You know what this is about, and I'm hoping you can understand. What am I talking about? (tape) So I'm taking care of it myself, the DNA. I mean, even if it's with the CIA, it'll never be safe, not really. I've seen too much. Everything gets stolen. Everything. So I've got a plan. I've found someone, someone who can help me, a man who has done advanced research on how the brain stores short and long-term memory. I'm not going to tell you the specifics of what I'm doing with the DNA. In fact, I don't want to know them myself. Which is why I'm going to try and have my memories erased, to keep the Covenant from ever doing what they want with Rambaldi's DNA, I'm going to have everything that's happened in the past two years removed. (tape) If this doesn't work, I mean if this kills me, better I did it than the Covenant. But if this works, if I come back and I don't remember, do me a favor. Don't ever tell me about what I've been through. Why are you doing this, telling me all this.
Kendall : In his prophecy, Rambaldi spoke of a second coming.
Sydney : Those freaks want to clone him, don't they. No. What the Covenant believes is that Rambaldi's work was destined to continue beyond his time. That he was due a second coming by way of a child. (quoting) This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks, signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works... she will render the greatest power unto utter desolation.
Kendall : The fanatical point of view believes that Rambaldi's DNA can be transformed, used to fertilize the egg of a surrogate mother, someone referred to in his prophecy as the Chosen One.
Sydney : That's why they cut me open.
Kendall : Yes.
Sydney : So they could extract my eggs.
Kendall : And that's why you went to such extraordinary lengths, because his child would also be yours. Sydney, that's why I came to you, not because of protocol. There was no official order. Sydney, a couple years ago I got to know you a little bit and what I believed was that despite your protests you would want to know about this. The Covenant has it all now. I got this video two days before you turned up in Hong Kong. And despite my being pissed off, I respected your choice, I opted to let it go, but here we are four months later. And you went straight for the cube. Why, when you nearly k*lled yourself trying to find it?
Sydney : Three weeks ago Arvin Sloane gave me a package that I had sent to him in the mail. It was addressed in my handwriting. Inside was a key and an address to an apartment in Rome that I had rented as Julia Thorne. I found a code there, coordinates that led me to a box buried in the sand. It was a hand, it was Lazarey's hand. Which led me to Lazarey, to the cube. When the Covenant learned I'd hidden the cube, they didn't give up. They kept looking. Eventually they found it, they found the cave, Lazarey's hand. They forged my handwriting. They planted the code. They wanted me to find the hand in the desert. They planted it there. They wanted me to ask these questions to smoke out Lazarey. They tricked me into leading them back to the cube.
Kendall : And why didn't you destroy it?
Sydney : I don't know. Why did I just leave it at the hotel? Maybe there was another step. Maybe there was someone else involved.
Kendall : When we get back to the base, I want you to look at all the artifacts, see if anything jogs your memory.
Sydney : I need a phone. I need a phone right now.
Marshall : This is Marshall.
Sydney : Marshall, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You said that the jerks were taking it away, that you wanted to see their lab, that you wanted to put a tracer on it and track it to their lab because you can imagine how cool it must be.
Sydney : Marshall, I need you to tell me the truth. Did you put a tracer on that cube? Marshall, please. If you did, and if you're afraid that you're going to get disciplined, I swear to God you're going to be okay.
Marshall : I didn't, Syd, I'm sorry. I didn't put a tracer on it.
Sydney : I know you. No one is more curious about technology than you. I need to find that cube.
Marshall : Listen, I didn't put a tracer on it. I swear to you, I didn't, okay?
Sydney : Okay.
Marshall : Okay, I put a tracer on it, but you cannot tell anyone because if they find out, they will f*re me from this job. And I cannot be fired because I'm about to have a baby soon.
Sydney : Marshall, I love you.
I love you too. Syd. Serious, you can't tell anyone, okay? Please?
Sydney : Can you locate the cube?
Marshall : No, not exactly. But I can narrow it down to a ten yard radius.
Sydney : Marshall, that's called locating it. Where is it?
Covenant scientists and Sark are messing with the DNA and Sydney's eggs.
Briefing at the Rotunda...
Kendall : Here's the big picture. At 2100 hours, you'll be dropped from ten thousand feet over Patagonia. You'll h*t the ground a quarter mile from the target building. We have minimal intelligence on this facility, but we believe the fertilization will happen tonight. The chopper will be here in two minutes to take us to the airport. We'll review the operation en route. (phone) This is Kendall. Where is he?
Vaughn and Sydney glance at each other, Vaughn looks away.
Weiss : What's going on with you two?
Vaughn : Nothing. Come on, we've go to prep.
Just afterwards, still in the Rotunda...
Sydney : Dixon. What are you doing?
Dixon : The day you showed up in Rome, when you called in, they put you through to Kendall. I was there that day, in the office. When he hung up, he told me that it was you. Syd, I've known the truth about what was happened to you and I was ordered to say nothing.
Sydney : Dixon, we've been working together for months.
Dixon : It's not easy, is it? Keeping the truth from someone you love. Now I have an idea of what it was like for you at SD-6.
Sydney : You're coming with us.
Dixon : Of course I am. It's personal for me, too.
GOON: Let's do it.
They parachute out of the plane.
At the facility, they sh**t an exterior guard.
Dixon tosses a flash-bang. There's a lot of fighting.
Notable w*apon:
various people with AR-15s
various people with MP5s
Sark is sh**ting John Woo style with either a USP or P99 and something else, maybe a stainless Beretta.
The fighting's over.
Dixon : Kendall wants all this brought back for analysis. Do your thing.
Sydney torches the setup with a flamethrower she brought along.
A few other operatives are carrying Andrian Lazarey
Sark is in a car.
Sark : (on phone) They have my father. Take care of it.
Sydney and Lazarey are in an ambulance.
Sydney : Mr. Lazarey, you're going to be okay.
Lazarey: You know about the passenger?
Sydney : Excuse me?
Lazarey: The passenger.
Sydney : We'll have time to talk at the hospital.
Lazarey is taken out of the ambulance and rolled towards the hospital.
Someone sh**t Lazarey three times.
Sydney : Dixon, it's me. I'm at the Naval Hospital. There's a sn*per. Lazarey's been sh*t; he's d*ad. Get me a team out here now.
A gloved figure partially disassembles a r*fle. It's revealed to be Lauren. She calls someone on a cell phone.
Lauren: The matter's taken care of. Yes sir, I will. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x11 - Full Disclosure"} | foreverdreaming |
Sydney and Vaughn are in a prison, they're taken outside by some Koreans and forced to stand against a wall. Then one of the guards is shown f*ring.
The Rotunda, meeting room.
DIXON: Three days ago, the SEC flagged an off-shore brokerage account for a minor clerical violation. An investigation revealed that the account was not backed by any hard currency.
SYDNEY: A phantom account.
SYDNEY: Yes. And because of its offshore status, it was turned over to Langley, run through channels.
DIXON: Encoded in the names and values of the fictitious stocks within the portfolio, cryptography found a message, something the sender wanted us to find. A Covenant official wants to defect.
JACK: What are the terms?
DIXON: In exchange for his extraction and immunity, he's willing to turn over everything he knows about the Covenant. Considering the means through with he sent us this message, we believe he has top-tier access inside the organization. Sydney, Vaughn, I'm sending you to North Korea, posing as Swiss insurance auditors. You'll meet with the defector in the Gai-Li marketplace. 1200 hours local. The identifying marker will be three sugar cubes placed on the napkin at the edge of the table. We've only got a 15-minute window.
SYDNEY: Fifteen minutes?
DIXON: Those were his terms. And he offered no contingency. If we don't show up at the meet, there's no guarantee that this opportunity will present itself again. If this defector can lead us to the inner workings of the Covenant, we'll finally have them on the ropes.
Outside the meeting room...
LAUREN: Sydney. I was wondering if you have any plans next Tuesday. It's Michael's hockey night, and I thought maybe we could go out and get some dinner.
SYDNEY: Yeah, sure, that'd be nice.
LAUREN: Thanks. See you next Tuesday.
In a cab...
ZISMAN: So, the Covenant is in danger of being compromised. This is of great concern to us. We'll send one of our own in North Korea to intercept the defector. Do you know from which airfield agents Bristow and Vaughn will be departing?
LAUREN: No, it wasn't mentioned.
ZISMAN: I need the name of the airfield in order to eliminate agents Vaughn and Bristow. The Covenant cannot accept even the possibility of the CIA getting their hands on a defector.
Lauren looks worried, for what would have been obvious reasons an episode ago.
ZISMAN: Explain your hesitation.
LAUREN: Give me thirty minutes. I'll get you the information you need.
Back at the Rotunda, Lauren is about to peek at Vaughn's North Korea file.
VAUGHN: Lauren.
LAUREN: Do you have the number for Georgios(?) ?
VAUGHN: What were you doing... asking Sydney to dinner?
Michael, you asked me to give her a chance. I'll drive you to the plane, we can talk about it on the way.
VAUGHN: I have to go get my stuff. Dover's five minutes from the house, I'll drive myself. Lauren, I don't want to start socializing with Sydney. We see her enough as it is.
LAUREN: Yeah, and for three months it was awkward and uncomfortable. At least if we get to know each other we can be civil. And I actually really like her. Is that really such a big problem?
VAUGHN: No, of course not. The number's in my rolodex.
LAUREN: Be safe.
VAUGHN: 'kay.
Lauren calls her Covenant contact.
ZISMAN: Did you get it?
LAUREN: Dover.
At Dover airfield, someone sh**t both pilots of Sydney and Vaughn's plane with some sort of toxin darts. The sh**t types the aircraft registration number into a PDA... NC9746C
In a garage, the Covenant Goon has a PDA and sees the plane's ID on it.
ZISMAN: In the next six hours, a CIA fuselage carrying two CIA operatives will be downed at the Covenant's behest. You are being deployed to North Korean in order to procure a Covenant defector.
SARK: If I may ask, who is our source of intel at the CIA, and how do we know he's reliable?
ZISMAN: Mr. Sark, don't burden yourself with unnecessary details.
SARK: As my liaison to the Covenant, Mr. Zisman, I must say you're a great disappointment to me. You seem to be forgetting one rather large detail. That would be the 800 million dollars of my money, used to fund this organization. An organization that's proven to be ineffective, disorganized, and if you'll allow me to be petty, disrespectful to its benefactors.
ZISMAN: Shall I convey your sentiments to my superiors?
SARK: If you wish.
ZISMAN: You will go to North Korea. Is that understood?
SARK: Yes, sir.
On the plane. The pilots are turning up the AC. One coughs.
Sydney is looking at papers. Vaughn is reading Italo Calvino's Mr. Palomar.
SYDNEY: What are you reading?
VAUGHN: Calvino.
SYDNEY: Have you reviewed the file?
VAUGHN: Of course I've reviewed the file.
The pilots are getting worse.
SYDNEY: Okay, this isn't going to work.
VAUGHN: What isn't?
SYDNEY: What have I done to you?
VAUGHN: Nothing. I don't have a problem with you. I don't have anything with you.
SYDNEY: Have I offended you in some way? By doing what, coming back, disrupting the perfect little life you had going on?
VAUGHN: What are you talking about? I'm just sitting here reading a book. I haven't said anything.
SYDNEY: You haven't said anything in weeks. We're supposed to be working together.
VAUGHN: If you want to work with someone else, we can make a switch. Is that what you want?
SYDNEY: I've done everything that I can to try to make this ridiculous situation work. You, me, and Lauren, working in the same office.
VAUGHN: Yeah, and I have tried to walk around with this fake smile on my face, pretending everything was fine, just the way it used to be. That's not working for me anymore.
SYDNEY: This is it. When we get back, one of us has to go.
The plane starts descending rather quickly. They notice the pilots passed out.
SYDNEY: He's d*ad.
VAUGHN: So is he.
VAUGHN: We're in North Korean airspace, we have to abort.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, we have incoming.
Nifty CGI of m*ssile chasing the plane.
SYDNEY: It's still locked on us. It's turning back.
VAUGHN: There's another one.
SYDNEY: They're both locked on. I'm going to flame us out.
VAUGHN: We're going to need the engines to land.
SYDNEY: They're heat-seekers. That's the only way we can shake them. I'm shutting off the engines.
The m*ssile get confused and h*t each other. Yeah right. Where's the military hardware consultant?
VAUGHN: f*re up the air start ignition.
VAUGHN: It's not working.
SYDNEY: 1500 feet. 1000 feet
VAUGHN: We don't have enough juice to restart. Hang on.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, Vaughn!
On the ground, some North Korean soldiers see a plane fly overhead and crash. They get in a jeep and go after it.
DIXON: Where the hell's the State Department?
WEISS: Sir, I've got DoD on line one.
LAUREN: Marshall, what's happening?
WEISS: Oh, hey, uh, there's been a... Agent Bristow...
LAUREN: What's going on?
JACK: Sydney and Vaughn's jet was intercepted by surface to air m*ssile over North Korea. Their condition is unknown.
LAUREN: Who was responsible?
JACK: Early echelon reports indicate the North Korean government was not responsible, therefore we suspect the Covenant.
LAUREN: If they survived, the North Korean military will no doubt be hunting them.
JACK: We're attempting to monitor through satellite. When information comes in, you'll be the first to know. Lauren, what Vaughn and Sydney need now is our strength.
DIXON: Jack, Lauren, my office.
DIXON: I've just been informed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that we've been ordered to stand down. Given our tenuous relations with North Korea, their official position on Sydney and Vaughn is to disavow.
Jack walks out.
DIXON: Unofficially, I say screw 'em. Pool your resources. We don't rest until Sydney and Vaughn are back in our hands.
Jack is using AIM.
IRENA: Long time Jack. What brings you to my door?
IRENA: Trouble?
IRENA: Alive?
IRENA: How can I help?
IRENA: I may know someone who can help. I'll be in touch.
Sydney's trying to get through to someone on the typical TV-style fake-looking sat phone. (Real sat phones need a parabolic antenna. If you want to see a real one, look for one about 20 minutes into "The Rock". They have a real one, or at least a real-looking prop.) Vaughn is looking for w*apon in the plane.
SYDNEY: Base-ops, this is mountaineer, four-alpha-delta. Do you copy? Base ops, do you copy?
VAUGHN: Anything?
SYDNEY: Comms are d*ad. You?
VAUGHN: No, can't get to the a*tillery. The cargo door was jammed. What's your best guess on our coordinates?
SYDNEY: We can't be more than forty minutes southwest of our LZ. What happened?
VAUGHN: Oh, I'm fine. Okay. We have eight hours until our meet, which means on foot, we're going to miss our window.
They hear vehicles.
VAUGHN: That's military.
They grab a bunch of flares, and using some fuel hoses that happen to be around, they start running the jet fuel out around the plane. They get about 50m away, and find some marginal cover. Two soldiers start poking around after they're 50m away. They toss a flare and blow up the plane and the two N. Korean soldiers, then they continue running away.
Jack is in a car with his laptop, running KDE of all things as a desktop environment. He gets an email:
From: Unable to Determine Sender's Address
Sent: Via Satellite
To: Jack
Subject: Meeting Time
Then he gets a phone call. It's Sloane.
JACK: This is Jack.
SLOANE: I heard about Sydney. Has there been any word?
JACK: Nothing yet.
SLOANE: Well, then let me help. OMNIFAM has strong ties to the Premier of China.
JACK: Thank you. If I need your help, I'll let you know.
Sydney and Vaughn in North Korea...
SYDNEY: I think we're clear.
VAUGHN: Yeah, for now.
SYDNEY: Let me see.
Sydney bandages Vaughn's arm. She intentionally hurts him a bit as she tears the gauze.
SYDNEY: That's for being a jerk on the plane.
VAUGHN: Thanks.
SYDNEY: We've got seven hours to get to the Gai-Li marketplace. We need to find transportation. What?
VAUGHN: Nothing.
Sydney's apartment. Jack is reading Alice in Wonderland. Someone knocks. He opens the door.
KATYA: Jack Bristow. Your daughter is alive. So is agent Vaughn.
JACK: Do you mind if I ask who you are?
KATYA: What you should ask is what I'll need you to do in return for my assistance.
JACK: I was going to get to that.
KATYA: I will do everything in my power to guarantee the safe return of your daughter and her associate. But I need something from you. I need you to k*ll Arvin Sloane.
WEISS: Lauren, Jack just called. Vaughn and Sydney are alive.
LAUREN: Where are they?
WEISS: He didn't say, but he's orchestrating an exit strategy now.
LAUREN: Thank you.
They hug.
Sydney and Vaughn... on the lam in North Korea
SYDNEY: Nothing.
VAUGHN: We'll have a better chance of getting a signal once we get to Gai-Li.
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
They find an abandoned vehicle.
VAUGHN: The tires still have air.
SYDNEY: There's still some gas. How's it look?
VAUGHN: I don't know. Pull me some wiring out of the dashboard.
VAUGHN: Thanks. It could still take a charge. Spin the generator pulley. We've got a heartbeat. Keep it spinning, we have to generate enough charge to spark the engine.
VAUGHN: Listen, earlier, on the plane...
SYDNEY: It's okay.
VAUGHN: It's the only thing I could ever count on, the way it felt to be with you, how easy it was. That's all gone now. How are we supposed to get along and be friends? You're right, it's ridiculous.
SYDNEY: I slept with Will.
SYDNEY: In Warsaw. We got drunk, and we slept together.
VAUGHN: How am I supposed to react to that?
SYDNEY: However you want to.
VAUGHN: Bad enough being a fugitive in North Korea. Now I have to find out that you slept with Will?
They both half snicker.
SYDNEY: I want you to know that I'm moving on. Not with Will, just generally. If it helps.
VAUGHN: Alright, that should be enough.
SYDNEY: You're probably right.
They start the engine.
They get in and drive off.
LAUREN: Your operative in North Korea should be advised that agents Bristow and Vaughn are still in play.
ZISMAN: How is that possible?
LAUREN: That's what I'd like to know, particularly as I jeopardized my standing within the CIA for an offensive that failed.
ZISMAN: I'll pass the news along.
Koreatown (Los Angeles)
Jack and Katya are attempting to visit someone.
KATYA: Mr. Cho please.
GUARD: We're closed.
KATYA: The Black sparrow seeks an audience with Mr. Cho.
GUARD: Yes, I'll let him know.
KATYA: I prefer to remain unannounced. We shall not be disturbed.
They enter.
KATYA: Mr. Cho. I apologize for disturbing your meal.
CHO: An unexpected delight. I was under the impression that you were never returning to United States. Sit. (He says something to his companion/girlfriend, and she presumably leaves.)
KATYA: This is not a social call. You have a debt to pay.
CHO: Yes, I'm aware.
KATYA: I need an extraction from Q-GONG province, two Americans.
CHO: No, I'm sorry. That's more than even I can do.
Things get rough. Katya takes two skewers and drives them through Cho's hands.
KATYA: This is not a negotiation.
Jack has to deal with a guard and gets cut in the side in the process.
CHO: The repercussions, they're too dangerous for me.
KATYA: I am not concerned of the repercussions.
CHO: Yes. Uncle Kwan. Mr. Kwan can help us.
She takes out an envelope and puts it on the table.
KATYA: Everything you need to know. Don't fail me.
JACK: We'll be in touch.
VAUGHN: Never been this on-time in my life.
SYDNEY: There he is.
VAUGHN: Let's go.
They see Sark approach the defector.
SARK: Mr... I'm sorry, you forgot to give us your name.
DEFECTOR: You first.
SARK: I'm Agent Hollier. I'm with the CIA.
SYDNEY: We have to get in there now.
VAUGHN: Any move we make, Sark kills him.
SYDNEY: Not necessarily.
DEFECTOR: Which field office of the CIA did you say you were from, Mr. Hollier?
SARK: Portland office. We have a car waiting, a plane fueled up ready to go. You, sir, are on your way to becoming a God-blessed American citizen.
DEFECTOR: Gloria Estefan.
SARK: What about her?
DEFECTOR: I like her. Four years the Covenant has had me here in North Korea. This culture has no... pep. America, though, lots of pep.
SARK: Well, I assure you, the United States will be happy to have you.
DEFECTOR: Yes, the Covenant must be stopped. What they are planning keeps me awake at night, not sleeping.
SARK: My friend, tonight you'll sleep very soundly.
The camera shows Sark pointing a Walther PPK at the defector under the table.
Sydney and Vaughn arrive. Sydney holds a Kn*fe to Sark's crotch. Sark looks worried.
SYDNEY: Stay calm. Nobody move.
DEFECTOR: What is this?
VAUGHN: Listen very closely. This man is not CIA. He's Covenant.
DEFECTOR: Covenant?
DEFECTOR: This was huge mistake. (he starts to get up to leave...)
VAUGHN: No no, you have to trust us.
SYDNEY: Vaughn... (pointing out that...)
N. Korean soldiers arrive.
SARK: I believe their army is in search of fugitives from a downed airplane, suspected CIA.
VAUGHN: Let's make this easy for each other. Leenid(?) and I are going to walk calmly out of here. Sydney is going to keep the Kn*fe exactly where it is until we are clear. Once we are, she will follow us. If you stick to that plan, you might still have children one day.
SARK: Except the execution of your thr*at would tip off our friends over there. It seems everyone has something to lose.
DEFECTOR: Everyone except for me. Goodbye.
He runs off. Chaos ensues. Sark gets away. The three of them are apprehended.
SOLDIER: Hands up. (the rest is in Korean)
Jack and Katya are back at his apartment.
KATYA: It's not deep. But the liver...
JACK: I know. I'll need you to check if the tissue's intact.
JACK: Tell me, which of Irena's sisters are you, Elena or Yakatarina?
KATYA: I haven't been Yakatarina since I was a child. My sisters call me Katya. Which means Irena wasn't the one who told you about me.
JACK: Learning that your wife is actually a Russian spy drives you to learn all you can about her true identity.
KATYA: The tissue is s*ab.
KATYA: As observant as you are, you were married to my sister for five years without suspecting who she really was. Her love must have been intoxicating.
KATYA: Mr. Kwan will insure that Sydney will return home safely. Now you have something to do for me.
JACK: And what do you possibly have to gain by my executing Arvin Sloane, and why me?
KATYA: I consider the assassination a preventative measure. And why you? It's not for you to ask. We had an agreement. You chose not to deliver, I call off Mr. Kwan.
N. Korean Prison
Guards speak Korean. They start with Vaughn. He doesn't say anything.
SYDNEY: (in Korean, subtitles) Sorry, I only speak English.
The guard turns to the Covenant defector, thr*at him minimally.
DEFECTOR: CIA. They're CIA. I will talk.
GUARD: Thank you.
The defector is taken away. Other guards h*t Sydney and Vaughn.
Alone in the cell.
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
Vaughn: Sydney, come here. Come here, Sydney.
They cuddle. As much as two bloody, exhausted people can.
JACK: Jack Bristow. I have a 3 o'clock with Arvin Sloane.
SEC: Sir, Jack Bristow's here to see you.
Zurich... Katya is watching the OMNIFAM surveillance feed. She calls OMNIFAM.
KATYA: Arvin Sloane please.
SEC: You have a call on line one.
KATYA: Arvin? I assume you know who this is.
ARVIN: I do.
KATYA: I have a message for you. Back off Irena.
ARVIN: I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that.
KATYA: Listen to me carefully. No matter how protected you think you are, you're not, even from your friends. Even the one you're about to see. Your continuing life is a favor from me.
Zurich. Katya calls Jack.
JACK: This is jack.
KATYA: Change of plan. I need you to abort. I'll explain later.
SEC: Mr. Bristow, he'll see you now.
SLOANE: Tell me, Jack. Did you reconsider my offer to help Sydney?
JACK: I just want to let you know, I think we're making progress.
SLOANE: That's good. So you've extracted Sydney from North Korea?
JACK: Working on it. I was able to contact someone on the inside who could help us.
SLOANE: And you came all the way to Zurich to tell me this?
JACK: No. I had a meeting locally, but I wanted to drop in, tell you in person. You've done a lot for Sydney lately; I felt I owed you the courtesy.
SLOANE: I see. Thank you.
SLOANE: I remember... years ago, I was working at SD-6. I was on my way to a meeting in Berlin. It was a typical day. Except K-Directorate made an attempt on my life. As I opened a car door, a sn*per sh*t came out of nowhere. b*llet grazed my neck, actually left a burn mark. You never forget what that feels like, to barely escape with your life.
JACK: I have a plane waiting.
SLOANE: Then you should go.
N. Korean Prison
VAUGHN: We're not going to make it out of here. There's something I need you to know.
SYDNEY: Vaughn...
VAUGHN: In my life, there is only one person.
SYDNEY: Don't do this.
VAUGHN: Look at me.
SYDNEY: Vaughn...
VAUGHN: The only reason I pushed you away...
SYDNEY: Please...
VAUGHN: The only reason, I didn't know how to be around you.
SYDNEY: They're coming.
VAUGHN: Sydney...
SYDNEY: I know. I know.
SYDNEY: (whispering) We'll find each other. We always find each other.
They kiss for few seconds, then the guards take them out before the f*ring squad.
They're taken out before the f*ring squad, with a bunch of AKs. Someone starts f*ring, but that person is f*ring at the other guards...
KWAN: I'm Mr. Kwan. I'm here to help you.
Back in the prison...
DEFECTOR: What is happening? I'm sorry for the things I...
DEFECTOR: Thank you. Before, I... I hope you did not think I was betraying you in any way. What I was trying to do was I...
Sydney hits him.
DEFECTOR: Thank you.
Back at the Rotunda... Everyone...
SYDNEY: How did you find me?
JACK: Your mother found you.
Jack meets Katya in the open.
JACK: You warned him, didn't you? Sloane. Whatever trust I'd established with him over the last three months has been compromised. What I can't figure out is how will this play to Irena's advantage or your own?
KATYA: One day when you least expect it, Irena's intentions will present themself to you. And when that day comes I promise you, it will be unmistakable.
JACK: Thank you for helping Sydney.
KATYA: Isn't that what family is for?
She kisses him.
KATYA: That was from Irena.
She kisses Jack much more passionately. When she pulls back, Jack looks quite shocked, possibly for the first time ever on Alias. He regains his composure a bit, enough to ask...
JACK: And who was that from?
KATYA: Too many questions.
She walks away. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x12 - Crossings"} | foreverdreaming |
Chamonix [France] - chalet
Sydney and Vaughn are installing a wireless camouflaged camera onto a cliff face.
SYDNEY: Hand me the receiver.
SYDNEY: Check the power.
SYDNEY: Antenna.
SYDNEY: Marshall?
MARSHALL: Go, Mountaineer.
SYDNEY: Camera's in position.
MARSHALL: Camera's online; signal strength is good. Testing infrared. Infrared is five by... You're good to go
Sydney to Vaughn:
SYDNEY: Are you ready?
VAUGHN: Let's do it.
They BASE jump off of the cliff.
L.A. [US] - Rotunda
DIXON: According to our Covenant defector, Mr. Lisenker, the chalet you were sent to surveil is owned by one of his former contacts, an arms dealer.
DIXON: Lisenker visited the chalet a number of times on Covenant business. What the Covenant doesn't know is that when Lisenker decided to defect, he hid a microdisc there. On it is a copy of the Doleac agenda.
SYDNEY: The Doleac agenda?
DIXON: The Covenant playbook. It details operational plans for the six Covenant cells including the names and headquarters of the cell leaders.
JACK: Obviously if we can identify and capture any of their leaders, we can hobble the Covenant, in the best case scenario shut them down completely.
VAUGHN: Can't Lisenker tell us what's on the disc?
JACK: Lisenker had neither the time nor the technology to decrypt it.
SYDNEY: Have we identified a point of entry for the chalet?
MARSHALL: Actually, uh, based on what I could pick up from the infrared cameras you placed, perimeter defenses are way too strong, so you can't go in on the ground. And, uh, parachuting in, that's not an option because they've got these turrets that would make that not a very fun day. And those dots... those are landmines. But what really makes this security system unique is its lethal response system. Now, you trip the alarm, you buy the farm.
SYDNEY: The cameras showed you all that?
JACK: Not directly, but they indicate we're most likely dealing with the work of one person, Toni Cummings. She spent six years at a UK prison for breaking and entering. She turned her talents from cracking security systems to designing them. According to British intelligence, Cummings is paid up to eight figures for her services. And if she designed the system for the chalet, you can bet it contains her signature deterrent: lethal response.
Bio on screen says: Toni Cummings, Female, Age 37, Height 5'8", Weight 125, DOB 1-10-66, ID B3487D
SYDNEY: Where is she?
WEISS: I'm already on that. She goes to where the work is, mostly doing jobs for euro-celebrities and children of royalty... the kind of people you want to drop-kick.
DIXON: Once we get a lock on her location, you'll infiltrate posing as clients and obtain specs on the system.
JACK: In the meantime I'll go see Sloane, see if there's any fallout within the Covenant after Lisenker's defection.
DIXON: Sydney, Vaughn, be prepped to leave as soon as we find Cummings.
Zurich [Switzerland] - OmniFam
Sloane is on his cell phone talking to someone.
SLOANE: Look, OmniFam has enough medicine to treat the malaria epidemic in the entire Nasarawa [Nigeria] region. Well then I suggest you reconsider my offer because I cannot promise you it will be on the table next week.
SLOANE: We're only the third largest non-governmental agency in the world; one might think that would make a difference. Hello, Jack.
JACK: I wanted to speak with you regarding the Lisenker defection. Any word on how the Covenant is taking it?
SLOANE: Tell me, Jack, is that why you came to see me?
JACK: About last week... it was a matter of circumstance, Arvin. Whether I would have gone through with it...
SLOANE: Oh, you would've. I would've.
JACK: Perhaps.
SLOANE: And now you feel guilty. Well don't bother, Jack. Sydney's life was at stake. How can I blame a man for doing whatever he can to save his daughter's life?
They stare briefly.
SLOANE: It occurred to me the other night after you left just how lucky you are. What your life has become, how close you and Sydney are now. And I thought about my wife.
SLOANE: I miss Emily, Jack. The work I do here, the research, feeding those who would otherwise go hungry, I thought that somehow it would bring me peace for all that came before. But there's nothing. Nothing can erase the past. Nothing can fill the void of being alone.
JACK: If that's how it seems, there is something. The agency has someone you can talk to in confidence, if you like. Someone who at least today has no intention of ending your life.
Sloane laughs.
JACK: I can arrange a meeting. You have to stay focused, Arvin. Maintain your cover as a double agent within the Covenant.
SLOANE: You're right, Jack. I do. But I don't think my condition can be helped by a psychiatrist.
CIA - Barnett's Office
SYDNEY: Now that I know what happened to me over the last two years, in theory I should finally be able to move on with my life.
BARNETT: In theory.
SYDNEY: The thing is, when I look ahead all I see is Vaughn.
BARNETT: I understand from reading your brief the two of you were imprisoned in North Korea, almost k*lled.
SYDNEY: This might seem trivial, but he kissed me. We kissed. I mean, I kissed him back. Is that distinction irrelevant?
BARNETT: Is it irrelevant to you?
SYDNEY: That moment, what happened in North Korea makes it difficult. We're supposed to go on another operation together. It's sort of hard to deal with.
BARNETT: How would you feel if Vaughn left his wife for you?
SYDNEY: I don't know. I don't think he would ever leave his wife because of me. I mean, I think it would be because he and Lauren don't belong together.
BARNETT: Does he belong with you?
SYDNEY: Have you ever felt that someone's your soul mate?
Somewhere in L.A.
Weiss and Vaughn are playing pool.
WEISS: You know what? You're a good guy, you don't want to hurt anybody, but you're pretty much guaranteed you're going to hurt everybody.
VAUGHN: What are you talking about?
WEISS: I really don't know.
VAUGHN: That's helpful advice.
WEISS: Come on, what do you want me to say? If you think I'm going to tell you to stay in a loveless marriage...
VAUGHN: It's not a loveless marriage.
WEISS: Whatever. And if you're waiting for me to tell you to leave your wife for another woman, you can forget about that, too.
VAUGHN: Do you think you can be in love with two people at the same time?
WEISS: No. I don't. However, I did have the same intense feelings for both Sport and Posh Spice.
VAUGHN: Yeah, who didn't?
Some corner, probably in L.A. The St. Tropez women's dress store.
Lauren's in a dressing room trying stuff on.
LAUREN: Come in.
SALESPERSON: I found your size.
LAUREN: Great. Thank you. Do you have something similar in black, maybe with some lace?
The salesperson leaves. Lauren ends up in garters and a bra. There's another knock.
LAUREN: Come in.
It's Sark.
SARK: I must say, you're quite an impressive actress. When I approached you in the parking garage, even I didn't realize you and I were working for the same organization. Would you like to put something on?
LAUREN: No, I'm rather comfortable like this. Would you like me to put something on?
SARK: Hardly. You and I share a similar predicament. The Covenant. We're expected to carry out orders without knowing how or exactly why we're doing so, hence the death of my father... at your hand.
Lauren turns around, worried.
SARK: You were given and carried out orders without question. Not that my father deserved to live; he didn't. It's just that I'm bankrolling this entire operation; you're being treated like a worthless foot soldier.
LAUREN: Why are you coming to me with this?
SARK: Because since I learned of your true affiliation, I've studied up on you. Your history, your skills, your connections.
Sark breaks off, inhaling the scent of her perfume. Lauren turns her head.
SARK: I also like your perfume.
LAUREN: What do you want?
SARK: To stage a coupe. I know of three cell leaders; I believe you know the other three. I propose we eliminate them all.
The salesperson knocks on the door. Sark gets it. The salesperson isn't looking and starts to hand him the dress.
SALESPERSON: Look at this, it must be your lucky... day..
SARK: Actually, I believe it's my lucky day.
The salesperson leaves.
SARK: Once we eliminate all six cell leaders, we'll travel to St. Petersburg to meet with the head of Covenant Operations.
LAUREN: Why? To make it easier for him to k*ll us?
SARK: On the contrary. Each cell leader wears a watch containing access keys to their respective headquarters. Once we have all six keys, we'll force our ascension within the Covenant. Under thr*at that if they don't comply, the keys will be handed over to the CIA.
LAUREN: Which color do you think my husband would prefer.
SARK: I prefer the black.
LAUREN: Red is his.
--- Intro ---
L.A. [US] - Sydney's Apartment
Sydney's in her apartment with a microwave dinner. The doorbell rings. Sydney gets the door.
JACK: I thought we might talk business... over dinner.
Over dinner...
JACK: We got a lock on Cummings. She's operating out of a high-end club in Athens. You're going in as South African diamond smugglers. You've heard of her work, wanted her to upgrade your Cape Town facility.
SYDNEY: How about we just tell her we're CIA and want to ask her some questions?
JACK: We believe Cummings designed the security system. We're not 100%.
JACK: We need to confirm her work in Chamonix first, then persuade her to detail the countermeasures she put in place at the chalet.
JACK: They're prepping the mission now. Dixon will be contacting you within the hour. I expect Vaughn will be going with you.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I figured.
JACK: You realize it is your prerogative to ask Dixon to send someone else.
SYDNEY: If Dixon sends me on an operation, I'm going.
JACK: What I mean is someone instead of Vaughn.
L.A. [US] - Rotunda
SYDNEY: I'd be more comfortable going with Weiss. The contacts, the ones you used to locate Cummings, Weiss cultivated them while working a pan-African smuggling operation.
Dixon thinks about it and looks troubled, as if he's figured out why she really wants Weiss on the mission.
DIXON: I'll call him in, have him meet you in tac-ops.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
Berlin [Germany] - parking garage
GATHIRD: But the deficit must remain below 3% of GNP. Yes, Robert. Well of course, you shall see the figures.
Sark's watching from a Porsche, license "S UK8415"
SARK: You're on.
GAITHIRD: Well, absolutely. No, there is now no question.
Lauren walks around the corner by the elevators. Gathird sees Lauren.
GATHIRD: Robert, would you mind terribly if I call you later? Thank you.
Gaitherd gets off the phone.
LAUREN: Mr. Gathird. Lauren Reed. We met before in London.
GATHIRD: Of course, Ms. Reed. What are you doing here?
LAUREN: There is something I was hoping we could discuss. And only a man of your position within the Covenant can help me.
GATHIRD: Still, there are protocols.
LAUREN: You didn't worry about protocols the last time we spoke.
Gathird looks at his guards.
GATHIRD: I'll meet you gentlemen upstairs.
LAUREN: Mr. Gathird. I need your counsel. The CIA is aware there's a mole in their organization, and... I'm feeling vulnerable.
GATHIRD: Why come to me?
LAUREN: Well, you said the last time we spoke that if I ever needed anything... I need your help.
Lauren whispers in his ear:
LAUREN: Do you have a minute?
They start making out. Lauren s*ab him at about the liver, acting particularly psychotic in the process. Boo hoo. He dies. Sark gets out of the car. They drag the body behind a pillar, and Lauren removes the bracelet.
SARK: You know, you're unbelievably good.
LAUREN: Come on, our flight to Paris leaves in an hour.
SARK, Yes, yes it does.
Athens [Greece]
SYDNEY: There she is.
BOUNCER: May I help you?
WEISS: Tell Ms. Cummings her clients are here.
Toni motions them over as the bouncer returns.
SYDNEY: You are sweet, darling.
They walk over to Toni.
TONI: Sit down.
Weiss introduces himself and Sydney.
WEISS: John Steadman. This is Rebecca Jacobson.
TONI: Toni Cummings.
SYDNEY: A Pleasure.
Sydney offers her hand.
TONI: I prefer not to shake hands. Sit down. You want to secure a facility in Cape Town?
WEISS: Yes, a diamond processing plant. We've had trouble with break-ins. The political situation there is... unstable.
SYDNEY: They say we're stripping their land of its natural resources, but honestly, do you think God intended this kind of beauty to be wasted in the ground?
While she says this, she flashes a diamond ring. It's terribly swank, perhaps 3 carats?
TONI: Whether we end up working together or not, do me a favor, huh? Don't talk to me about God. What did God intend? Hell if I know. Not a clue. My work is good.
WEISS: Yes, we know. We're very interested in one of your lethal response systems.
TONI: What you're asking me to do is illegal in most countries. So, Mr. Steadman, give me one good reason why I would ever risk my ass for you.
WEISS: I believe we can give you two million reasons.
Sydney dumps a bunch of diamonds from a black pouch onto the table.
TONI: Well... looks like y'all don't need an ATM.
Shortly afterward, as they walk into another room...
TONI: So what did you kids have in mind?
SYDNEY: Something like the system you built in Chamonix.
TONI: And how do two South African rock wranglers hear about Chamonix?
SYDNEY: The owner was a client.
TONI: Yeah, I outdid myself on that one. If you're interested in a job like that, those stones won't even cover the down payment. They barely cover this conversation.
SYDNEY: Well, then I have a counter-offer.
TONI: Really?
Sydney hands her CIA badge to Toni, who looks disgusted.
SYDNEY: Show us the schematics for the system you built in Chamonix. Tell us how to bypass the system. In exchange, we will make sure you're treated well while in custody.
WEISS: You're smart enough to know the CIA has big, wide, comfy cells with hot water, cotton sheets, and TV. We also have cramped, cold, little cells with a bare cot and a hole in the floor. See, either way, you're coming home with us. Where you live is up to you.
TONI: There is no bypassing the system.
L.A. [US] - Rotunda.
Toni Cummings is presumably out of circulation.
MARSHALL: Okay. Cummings told you the chalet is virtually impenetrable. They've got three tiers of tree-mounted security cameras, plus there're military-trained guards that patrol the grounds.
DIXON: Well, we need to find some way in. The Doleac agenda could mean the end of the Covenant.
MARSHALL: I said virtually impenetrable. Now, the lethal response system Toni Cummings built is in a half-mile-long tunnel. And that'll serve as our way into the chalet. According to the schematics she gave us, the lethal response system is comprised of three separate zones. You've got your automated sentry g*n, electrified zone, and the big finish, motion-triggered acid spray.
SYDNEY: So how do we get through?
MARSHALL: Well, what I'm thinking is...
Marshall takes a minute to figure this out.
MARSHALL: Sorry, we, she was very helpful in creating the... in fact, she's always very helpful... um...
He pulls out an indestructible ball.
MARSHALL: Inflatable Kevlar. Now, when you h*t the first tunnel, you toss it in. The g*n will lock onto it and open f*re, but the ball will keep moving. Which means the g*n are going to keep f*ring until... oops... they're out of amm*nit*on. Okay?
MARSHALL: Now you're at the electrified zone. Cummings told us she armed the tunnel with 150000 volts which will be a 15 on this meter. You'll want to double check it when you get there, but don't worry because the rubberized neoprene layer you will be wearing will protect you even if this clocks in at 25.
SYDNEY: And the acid bath?
CARRIE: We're working on that. And we need to figure out a way to get around the alarm diagnostics.
CARRIE: God. I'm sorry, the baby's kicking.
MARSHALL: Really? Because he or she is usually pretty inactive at this time. Yeah, doesn't...
CARRIE: You keep track of when the baby kicks?
MARSHALL: Well, yeah. Maybe it's something you ate.
SYDNEY: Carrie, are you okay?
CARRIE: Yeah, I'm good. It's just, the baby's kicking. I'm good.
Unknown location.
Unidentified hands light a lighter. A spoon is held over it, and a green liquid in the spoon is drawn into a syringe. There's a wider view, and there's an open box on a table that looks like a plain black VHS tape case, a vial like the one Cole tried to steal from SD-6 only this one has a green tint. There's a book behind the tape case with the center cut out. Obviously whoever this is keeps the vial hidden in the case, in the book, on a bookshelf. Who could it be?
And the left wrist has a nice watch. Then... it's Sloane. In Zurich.
He injects whatever it is, then calls Jack.
Zurich [Switzerland] - OmniFam
JACK: Hello.
SLOANE: Jack, it's Arvin. When you suggested I see a therapist, perhaps you were right.
Zurich [Switzerland] - OmniFam
Barnett is sitting across from Sloane. Nobody's talking.
SLOANE: I'm supposed to say something important.
BARNETT: You can say anything.
SLOANE: You're far more attractive than I imagined.
Dr. Barnett doesn't miss a b*at.
BARNETT: What did you imagine?
SLOANE: I checked up on you. Yale, Columbia, prestigious internship at Mass. General. And then you end up as a GS-18 buried in some cubicle at Langley.
BARNETT: I wanted to serve my country, and I found that people who worked in intelligence had to grapple with some serious issues, living duplicitous lives, compartmentalizing the personal and professional. It's a difficult challenge.
SLOANE: I presume that you treated Sydney and Jack Bristow before.
BARNETT: I can't discuss other patients with you.
SLOANE: Then they were your patients?
BARNETT: I am not here to play games with you, Mr. Sloane.
SLOANE: Dr. Barnett, how can we possibly have an honest conversation if we can't talk about the two most important people in my life?
BARNETT: You... can talk about them.
SLOANE: I'm sorry you came so far, Dr. Barnett.
BARNETT: I can stay as long as it takes. We can just sit here until you feel more comfortable talking.
SLOANE: I'm afraid that day will never come.
BARNETT: Well, I will be staying in Zurich for two more days. I urge you to consider that after I return to the States, you'll still be feeling whatever it is that you were compelled to call me here for in the first place. Here's my number if you change your mind.
She hands him her business card.
L.A. [US] - Rotunda
DIXON: We just received intel that 12 hours ago, Johannes Gathird, the executive director of the Dryden Bank, was m*rder in the garage of his Berlin office. Gerhardt Kronish, CFO of ? Telecom, was found d*ad in Paris 40 minutes ago.
JACK: Unconfirmed intel suggests that both were high-ranking members of the Covenant.
SYDNEY: They must know we're after the Doleac Agenda. They're k*lling the names off the list before we can get to them.
JACK: Apparently so.
Marshall rushes in.
MARSHALL: Hi. Uh, sorry. Is it true you're moving up the timetable on the mission to the Alps?
DIXON: Yes, we're discussing that now. Sydney and Vaughn, there's a plane waiting to take you back to Chamonix.
MARSHALL: Uh, the override on the building to bypass the lethal response system. Haven't quite cracked it yet.
DIXON: How long do you need?
MARSHALL: Well, assuming I'm a genius... six hours.
DIXON: Can it work remotely?
MARSHALL: Yeah, I don't see why not, but it would require someone to execute an uplink in Chamonix.
DIXON: Jack, you'll go with them and handle the uplink. The three of you, wheels up in 15 minutes.
Sydney and Vaughn are on a plane. Jack's out of sight.
VAUGHN: Comms and encryption synchronized?
SYDNEY: High band protocol, Marshall tweaked them so there's no delay.
VAUGHN: I know you requested Weiss for the last mission. I understand.
SYDNEY: Every day I wish I could go back in time, but I can't. And as much as I... as much as I still have feelings for you, I won't be the other woman, not ever.
VAUGHN: I know.
Jack walks up.
JACK: According to Lisenker, the Doleac Agenda is hidden in the wine cellar. It's encrypted on a microdot that Lisenker injected into the cork of a bottle of Chateau Margaux, vintage 1953.
He doesn't think Sydney's been paying attention...
JACK: Sydney?
SYDNEY: Chateau Margaux, 1953, got it.
Salzburg [Germany] - Unknown hotel room
Lauren's cell phone rings.
Lauren and Sark are k*lling someone.
LAUREN: Hello?
LAUREN: Michael. Where are you, or can't you say?
VAUGHN: I'll be out of town for a day or so, are you alright?
LAUREN: I just miss you. When you get back I'll make you some dinner. Something delicious.
VAUGHN: It's a date.
LAUREN: Be safe, love.
Lauren walks over to where Sark just finished k*lling someone in a hotel room. She takes the bracelet off of the corpse, and walks away. Sark ogles her.
Chamonix [France] - chalet
JACK: Watchtower's in position.
SYDNEY: Copy that. How's our position?
JACK: You look clear. Establishing uplink.
JACK: Base Camp, I've established a link to the security server. Are you receiving the signal?
MARSHALL: Uplink is five by five. We're tapped into their security network and I'm accessing now.
SYDNEY: We're in position at the tunnel entrance.
JACK: Copy, Mountaineer. You're patched through to Base Camp.
MARSHALL: Okay, you're going to have to take each k*ll zone one at a time, but don't sweat it because you could bet your life on that gear I gave you. Well, maybe not your... my life you can bet, that's fine. What I'm going to do is sever the k*ll zones' diagnostics from the main system so the guards won't know you're there.
SYDNEY: For how long?
MARSHALL: Well, you'll need to get through the lethal response system, into the wine cellar, and back again in five minutes.
SYDNEY: Start the clock, Base Camp.
MARSHALL: And five minute countdown has been activated.
SYDNEY: Initiating phase 1 of lethal response system.
SYDNEY: Inflating decoy.
Sydney throws the decoy. The g*n f*re and run out of a*mo.
SYDNEY: We've cleared the g*n.
JACK: Copy, Mountaineer.
MARSHALL: Four minutes and ten seconds remaining.
The door opens at the Rotunda.
CARRIE: Marshall.
CARRIE: It's time.
MARSHALL: Time for what?
CARRIE: The baby... I'm having a baby.
MARSHALL: Oh, God. Okay, don't panic. Here, just sit down. We should probably get you some hot water, towel, ginger ale, no hospital, we should get her to a...
WEISS: Ambulance is on its way.
CARRIE: I don't want to go until we're married.
MARSHALL: You want to get married to me now?
Marshall points at Weiss and runs for the computer.
MARSHALL: You can do it.
WEISS: What?
MARSHALL: You can be certified online in minutes.
CARRIE: He can?
WEISS: I can?
SYDNEY: Base Camp, Mountaineer and Boyscout are at the electrified zone.
Marshall grabs a printout, hands it to Weiss.
MARSHALL: Sign here.
SYDNEY: Marshall! Marshall!
Weiss reads the printout...
WEISS: "Exalted minister of the Internet Church of Mammals"?
CARRIE: Oh, just sign it for the love of God.
SYDNEY: Initiating voltage reading.
SYDNEY: The reading said 50.
WEISS: Well then you'll have to abort. Your suits are not equipped to handle that much voltage. You need to get out.
VAUGHN: 500,000 volts? That's got to be a mistake.
Sydney drops a glove and electricity arcs to it. It hits the floor burning.
MARSHALL: You've got three minutes.
They tie a rope to a water pipe so they can climb down the center of the zone.
VAUGHN: Stay away from the sides and the ladder. Only go down the center. Okay. As soon as I h*t the ground, go.
MARSHALL: Okay, you have 2 minutes and 30 seconds Mountaineer.
Vaughn gets to the bottom.
MARSHALL: Okay, 2 minutes and 17.
Sydney climbs down.
VAUGHN: Syd, stay to the center.
The pipe partially breaks. Arcs of electricity somehow don't h*t her.
VAUGHN: Sydney, are you okay?
SYDNEY: I'm okay.
SYDNEY: We've cleared the second tunnel.
JACK: Copy, Mountaineer.
MARSHALL: Mountaineer, you've got a minute 45.
MARSHALL: Okay, breathe honey. Breathe.
SYDNEY: Approaching the third countermeasure. Acid k*ll zone. We're f*ring the sealant.
VAUGHN: Okay, let's go.
SYDNEY: Base Camp, the sealant had better hold.
MARSHALL: You're good, Mountaineer.
WEISS: Marshall, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
WEISS: And Carrie, do you, uh, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?
She hesitates. Or maybe she's having labor pains. Who knows.
Marshall, trying to look as charming as possible, attempts to fixes his hair.
WEISS: Take a second...
WEISS: Then by the power invested in me by the Church of Mammals...
CARRIE: Oh, the, okay... I've got to go to the hospital.
WEISS: I now pronounce you man and wife.
Carrie's going out the door.
MARSHALL: I love you Mrs. Flinkman.
CARRIE: I'm keeping my name.
SYDNEY: We're at the wine cellar.
MARSHALL: Copy that. You only have a minute left until the alarm system is back online. Oh, and by the way I just got married.
In the wine cellar...
VAUGHN: Look for the '53 Chateau Margaux.
MARSHALL: 30 seconds.
SYDNEY: '59...
VAUGHN: '40...
SYDNEY: '58...
SYDNEY: Got it.
MARSHALL: 20 seconds. Mountaineer, report.
A Covenant goon shows up, looking for wine.
MARSHALL: Mountaineer, Boyscout, oh God get out!
The alarm goes off. Security guards arrive and ruin a bunch of wine.
Sydney and Vaughn make it out. The guards get showered with acid.
MARSHALL: All security teams have been alerted to your position, Mountaineer.
(I think this is what the soldier says...)
SOLDIER: Averti!
Jack sh**t him. From behind.
JACK: Let's go.
VAUGHN: Boyscout and Mountaineer are clear. Proceeding to the rendezvous point.
MARSHALL: Copy that. Oh, I've got to go. My wife's having a baby.
SYDNEY: Congratulations.
MARSHALL: Thank you.
Zurich [Switzerland] - OmniFam
Sloane pours some water. Barnett walks in.
BARNETT: There's something you should know. I spent three years studying you for my post-doctorate dissertation. The Agency gave me complete access to your files from SD-6. I know the decisions you made, the people you k*lled, I know what happened to your wife, and to some degree I understand you Arvin, and I can help you if you let me try.
Unknown location
Lauren and Sark have just k*lled the sixth cell leader.
LAUREN: I'll go to Los Angeles. You go to St. Petersburg and present our offer to the head of Operations. When he agrees to our terms, contact me.
SARK: You're not worried that I might fail to include your role in this, are you?
LAUREN: Not in the least. Especially since I'll be keeping these.
They kiss for awhile.
Zurich [Switzerland] - OmniFam
Sloane and Barnett are sitting at the table again.
SLOANE: I manipulate people. I'm good at that, and I know it. I lie. I keep secrets. I divulge only what I must in order to elicit the reaction I need. That skill, in part, is why I'm still alive. One of those secrets affects the only two people I care about in the world, Sydney and Jack Bristow. There are many secrets I enjoy keeping. There is power in secrets that you keep. But this one, no. This one wears on me. It has for many years. It's central to my very existence. It's who I am.
BARNETT: You were saying?
Sloane nods.
SLOANE: I appreciate you coming back, I really do. I can't do this.
BARNETT: Arvin, it's important.
SLOANE: I think you should leave, right now.
St. Petersburg [Russia] - Covenant meeting
Sark is waiting in a dining room.
COLE: Mr. Sark!
SARK: McKennas Cole.
COLE: Your hair! That's cool!
SARK: You're the man behind the Covenant.
COLE: I'm the man in front of the man.
COLE: When'd you cut your hair?
SARK: It wasn't a matter of choice. I was in U.S. custody, as I thought you were. When were you released?
Cole laughs.
COLE: That's a good story. To your hair.
They toast. Cole had poured champagne while they were talking.
COLE: I'll be the senior-most Covenant representative that you'll be dealing with. Anything that you can say to the big boss, you can say to me. I assume you have something to say.
SARK: I've come to make an offer.
COLE: Wouldn't by chance have anything to do with the cell leaders that you wiped out? It's amazing the stuff I know, isn't it? So what do you suppose we do about that... the fact that you m*rder our cell leaders?
Sark looks worried, he's trying to figure out how to weasel his way out of this.
SARK: I presume that you're smart enough to know...
Sark pauses, searching for an excuse...
SARK: That I was acting in the Covenant's best interest.
COLE: Julian, don't do that. I can see right now that you're scared. But you don't need to be scared of me. In fact, I have a present for you. Voila. Look familiar? And also, two more. Two after that. And one, last one.
He's just taken out the six cell leaders' bracelets and put them on a table.
COLE: Did I just blow your mind?
Lauren walks in. Sark looks hurt, betrayed, or maybe confused.
COLE: See, when you first pitched your scheme to Ms. Reed, she gave me a call. The truth of the matter is, you two had my double thumbs-up from the get-go. Why? Because the CIA is after the Doleac Agenda. Assume they get it. They will have the names of the cell leaders. You just made my life so much easier, because now those names are irrelevant.
SARK: A woman after my own heart.
COLE: Glad to hear that, because you two are going to continue working together. You're going to be heading up our new North American cell.
SARK: That sounds just about right.
COLE: You're cockier than I am. I love that about you.
Cole takes Lauren aside.
COLE: Of course, this doesn't absolve you of your responsibilities working overtime as an agent of Uncle Sam.
LAUREN: Of course.
COLE: But in the meantime, may I suggest, and this is just a suggestion, that you put the kibosh on your husband's extracurricular sextivities.
He hands her an envelope, the contents of which are not shown.
L.A. [US] - Rotunda
Sydney walks over to her desk. Lauren arrives.
SYDNEY: Lauren, hey. Did you hear about Carrie? She had her baby.
LAUREN: I see what's going on between you and Michael, so let me be clear. Stay the hell away from my husband. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x13 - After Six"} | foreverdreaming |
Lauren's phone vibrates. Lauren turns on a lamp. Vaughn's sitting in a chair messing with a watch.
LAUREN: Michael, what are you doing? (looks at phone) Sometimes I hate my job.
LAUREN: Baby, what's going on?
VAUGHN: You know how doctors always make you wait?
VAUGHN: When you go in for an appointment. My dad hated that. He used to say he'd always kept his appointments, and everyone else should do the same.
LAUREN: You okay?
VAUGHN: Yeah. I just... I was looking for my house keys and I found this (the watch).
LAUREN: Why were you looking for your house keys?
VAUGHN: I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd go for a jog.
LARUEN: What time is it?
VAUGHN: I dunno. It's broken.
LAUREN: Are you sure you're alright?
VAUGHN: Yeah, I'm fine.
They kiss.
VAUGHN: I'll see you later.
Lauren calls Sark back.
LAUREN: This better be good.
SARK: And a good morning to you, too.
LAUREN: You paged me on my NSC cell phone. You know that they track all incoming numbers.
SARK: This cell phone's been cloned, so you have nothing to worry about. We've just learned that a freelance munitions expert has created a cutting edge technology, one that he's since sold to one of our rivals. We need you to filter back any CIA intel that might help us get a lock on it.
LAUREN: You called me to remind me to do my job?
SARK: Darling, it's not like that.
LAUREN: (sarcastically) Yeah.
WEISS: Will he ever open his eyes?
MARSHALL: Babies sleep, Weiss, you know. That's what they do, except when they're screaming. Last night, from midnight to six.
SYDNEY: He's gorgeous, Marshall.
SYDNEY: Isn't he beautiful?
Sydney hands the picture they've been passing around to Vaughn.
VAUGHN: Looks like he has my nose.
LAUREN: Oh, look at him.
MARSHALL: Thanks. You know, last night he looked at me. He barely opened his eyes, but... I swear to God guys, Mitchell's a genius.
MARSHALL: Oh, Mr. Bristow! Take a look. It's Mitchell. He's my guy.
JACK: Cute.
SYDNEY: Your tie's on backwards.
MARSHALL: Oh, I didn't get a lot of sleep...
DIXON: You're familiar with the Shining Sword?
WEISS: Fundamentalist terror network based in the Philippines.
VAUGHN: They've been dormant since the Bali b*mb of '02. Are they operational again?
DIXON: Earlier today, we intercepted a burst transmission which indicates an operative of Shining Sword has acquired a plasma charge.
SYDNEY: Plasma charge? I thought those were only theoretical.
DIXON: According to the burst transmission, the operative is shipping the b*mb to one of their European cells.
MARSHALL: The transmission included specs. Now, believe it or not, these schematics are two times scale, meaning this device is only six inches in diameter, but it packs a wallop. Now this is a conservative interpolation of the damage it would cause if detonated, and this doesn't account for fires or collateral expl*si*n. And...
A picture of Marshall holding his son is next in the slideshow.
MARSHALL: Sorry, I don't know how that got in there. That was at breakfast, Mitchell...
LAUREN: Is the b*mb being shipped trans-Pacific or via the Atlantic?
JACK: We don't know, but we traced the transmission to a digital storage facility in Vancouver where the Shining Sword operative maintains his database.
WEISS: Were we able to hack in?
MARSHALL: Well, DigiStash is basically a self-storage facility for digital files: corporate records, medical databases, that sort of stuff. So their firewall's state of the art. I wouldn't be able to hack the database unless someone on the inside were to open up a port.
DIXON: Sydney, Vaughn. You'll go to the facility looking to lease vault space. Once inside, you'll uplink with Marshall. Now, if we're lucky, the operative will have archived the details of the shipment, and we can intercept the b*mb before it's delivered.
MARSHALL: Should I tell the, uh... I had a great idea what you guys should...
MARSHALL: I think you should pose as radio-astronomers, you know, looking to back up your recordings of interplanetary noise. Now, I came up with a little cheat sheet that should help you, and you can review this en route.
DIXON: And one more thing. The Covenant may have intercepted CIA intelligence regarding our mission in North Korea and our pursuit of the Doleac Agenda. Langley has assigned a counterintelligence team to determine whether someone within the Agency has been leaking information. Jack will run point on their investigation inside this office.
We survey the agent's faces as the news settles. Lauren accepts the news most evenly of all.
JACK: Marshall, Lauren, I've scheduled you in the first round of interviews. You'll be available later this afternoon?
LAUREN: Actually, I'm due in D.C. tonight for an NSC briefing. But I'll call and tell them I can't make it.
JACK: That's okay... as soon as you return, then. Weiss, you'll go instead.
Weiss nods, okay. Vaughn looks to Lauren. Clearly, this trip was news to him. But more than that, his face is tinged with a hint of sadness.
DIXON: Good. Let's get moving.
The meeting is adjourned --
Lauren is first out of the Briefing Room. She quickly crosses the space. Sydney follows, anxious.
SYDNEY: Lauren, we need to talk. Lauren? (Lauren keeps walking)
*22:58 (dup)
*LAUREN: Everything I needed to say, I've already said.
*SYDNEY: Then here's my turn: the implication that somehow I've set out to undermine your marriage is wrong and unfair. I've done nothing but respect the relationship that you and Vaughn have.
*Sydney and Lauren glance over and see Vaughn looking at Sydney.
*LAUREN: You were saying?
*SYDNEY: Vaughn and I have a history, a complicated one. I can't deny that, but I won't apologize for it either. If your marriage is in trouble, if you and Vaughn are having problems, I suggest you leave me out of it and take it up with your husband.
*Lauren on her cell phone.
*LAUREN: Are you ready for our first job as senior management?
*SARK: You're so ambitious, I love it.
*LAUREN: The job's in Vancouver. Requires a breach of a data storage facility.
*SARK: Really? What's the prize?
*LAUREN: A plasma charge. Next generation destructive power.
*SARK: I thought those were just theoretical.
*LAUREN: Apparently not in Vancouver.
*SARK: Alright. I'll meet you there in four hours.
*LAUREN: Three. We have to be first in line. The CIA's sending agents.
*SARK: Who?
*LAUREN: One guess.
*SARK: Sweetheart, this should be fun.
*LAUREN: I'll see you in Vancouver. Don't be late or call me sweetheart.
*SARK: Ambitious and domineering. Fantastic.
INT. ROTUNDA - DAY (matches up with the above duplicated section, at 22:58)
WEISS: How are you doing?
WEISS: Hey, guess what? It's me. Come on, how're you doing?
VAUGHN: I'm hanging in there.
WEISS: How's Lauren about it?
VAUGHN: She didn't remember.
WEISS: And, you didn't say anything?
VAUGHN: No. I mean, she's got a lot on her mind.
WEISS: Yeah, that's probably it.
EXT. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND (no pushthrough) - DAY
Dr. Barnett walks down some steps, gets a call on her cell phone.
SLOANE: Dr. Barnett. This is Arvin Sloane. I'm calling to apologize for my discourteous behavior the other day when we met. I am not accustomed to just simply sitting around talking.
BARNETT: Not everyone is.
SLOANE: Yeah. Actually, it would have been much more simple if there had been a bottle of Chateau Brion on the table.
BARNETT: Excuse me?
SLOANE: I'm suggesting that we talk over dinner. You know, in vino veritas? I know a lovely little out-of-the-way restaurant in a former sewing machine factory. It's called Brasserie Al Pontio(?). I'm hoping you enjoy French cuisine.
BARNETT: Well that wouldn't be very professional.
SLOANE: Well, why don't you consider it an office with food? After all, psychoanalysts do eat dinner, don't they? Zurich is such a lovely city. It would be criminal for you to dine alone.
SLOANE: At any rate, you know the name of the restaurant. I shall be there at eight o'clock, and I... I'm hoping you'll join me. Goodbye, Dr. Barnett.
roughly 24:37
Lauren and Sark pull an Ethan Hunt, dropping down from the ceiling behind a guard and s*ab the data storage guard's in the neck (c-spine).
SARK: How long before Sydney and Vaughn get here?
LAUREN: Twenty minutes, if that.
SARK: Well, you'd better show me the meaning of haste.
LAUREN: Once we have the transport information, I'll corrupt the files and leave the CIA blind.
SARK: It looks like another black mark on your husband's record. How's it feel to systematically ruin a man from the inside out?
LAUREN: It wouldn't be the first time. Buzz me in to 2201.
There's an additional number on a black placard on the wall below the room number:
EMPLOYEE: So, you're looking for alien life?
Sydney has a ridiculous geek/nerd accent and an equally ridiculous short skirt.
SYDNEY: In a manner of speaking. Our radio telescopes inspect the cosmos looking to detect artificially generated signals, basically anything below 300 hertz. Don't worry, the alien invasion is still a few months away.
VAUGHN: As we discussed over the phone, our telescopes gather over 350GB of information per day.
EMPLOYEE: Not a problem. Our vaults are designed to accommodate teraflops (sic). You could store 20 years of data in the vaults you've leased. (to a guard) Number 2289, please, Luc.
Back to Vaughn.
EMPLOYEE: It is backed up twice daily; the servers are monitored around the clock. Climate control, f*re suppression, all state of the art. The interface is hot-swappable.
*LAUREN: (to herself) Hurry, hurry.
*SARK: Husband and sweetheart are early. They're headed for room 2289.
*LAUREN: Planting the virus now. Get out and get the car ready.
*SARK: You are so controlling.
*LAUREN: Move it. I'm right behind you.
VAUGHN: Great.
EMPLOYEE: If you need anything, you can call me.
VAUGHN: Thank you.
They go into room 2289. The employee stays outside.
EMPLOYEE: (looks at guard station and doesn't see anyone) Luc?
*EMPLOYEE: Luc? Luc? (to walkie) Has anyone seen Luc?
The employee sees blood running out from under the guard's desk.
Lauren appears and points a g*n at him. Might be a Sig.
*LAUREN: Drop the walkie.
*EMPLOYEE: Please, don't hurt me.
*Lauren tosses him a Beretta or clone.
*LAUREN: You think about pointing that g*n at me and I'll sh**t you in the heart. The couple in room 2289, when they come out, I want you to k*ll them both.
*LAUREN: Or you die. It's your choice.
*EMPLOYEE: But I haven't sh*t a g*n...
*LAUREN: This isn't a negotiation.
*EMPLOYEE: Okay. Okay.
MARSHALL: Okay, guys. Let me know when you're connected to the mainframe.
SYDNEY: Copy that.
MARHSALL: Mmm hmm. Okay, once we download the shipping information, we should be able to pinpoint the location of the plasma charge.
SYDNEY: Connection established.
MARSHALL: Oh, listen. I wanted to ask you something... the truth, now. Your science geek character, was that supposed to be me?
SYDNEY: Your son.
MARSHALL: Funny. Although that would be pretty cool, don't you think, little Mitchell working side-by-side with old man.
SYDNEY: We're downloading now.
MARSHALL: I see it. Another 15 seconds.
Something weird happens to the screens.
SYDNEY: Marshall, what's happening?
MARSHALL: I dunno. There's someone else in the system with you.
VAUGHN: Here, from our end?
MARSHALL: Has to be. There's no other way to access the files. I think they just planted a virus. It has to be the Covenant.
SYDNEY: The mole must have leaked our intel. They b*at us here.
MARSHALL: You guys, listen to me. Disconnect from their system before their virus affects our copy.
SYDNEY: Did we get the shipping information?
MARSHALL: I'm not sure. I'll have to see if I can reconstruct the data from what we've got.
VAUGHN: Let's get out of here.
They leave the room. The employee is acting a bit freaky, shaking and wincing.
EMPLOYEE: Please, don't do this.
The employee sh**t at Sydney and Vaughn, who duck back into the room. They hear a single g*n from a different g*n. (the employee had a Beretta or clone) They go into the hallway again, and see the employee sh*t d*ad on the floor. They hear a door close.
It looks like Sydney might have a glock 19 or 23.
SYDNEY: The sh**t.
They go after the sh**t.
SYDNEY: There. Vaughn.
They're on a roof in a parking lot.
SYDNEY: The F-150!
*27:45 carchase view 2 ---
*Lots of sh*ts that weren't in view 1, below. Sark and Lauren are shown in the Thunderbird. They weren't before.
Sydney sh**t out the SarkLaurenmobile's back windshield.
*LAUREN: They're right behind us.
*SARK: Yes, thank you. I can see that.
*after the carchase... Lauren's awfully excited.
*LAUREN: Stop the car!
*SARK: What are you talking about?
*LAUREN: Stop the car, now. Pull in here.
*They start making out. Hard cut...
*Sark and Lauren in bed.
Car chase view 1.
F-150 vs Thunderbird. The thunderbird gets away.
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
Vaughn runs into a car while trying to exit the garage.
SYDNEY: How much of the data did we get our hands on?
MARSHALL: Looks like 63 percent give or take a few megs. Oh, I slept 20 minutes last night, FYI.
VAUGHN: How long before you can extrapolate the rest?
MARSHALL: Well, I ran the code through a high-grade algebra... err, algorithms. But you should look at this, stare at this. It's like a lava lamp. I passed out before when I...
SYDNEY: Marshall, how long?
MARSHALL: 12 hours?
SYDNEY: We don't have 12 hours. If the Covenant gets their hands on the plasma charge...
MARSHALL: Sydney, I know. The decryption program will work, but it just requires a little time.
Marshall finishes a cup of coffee.
MARSHALL: I'm out of coffee. I had twelve cups, but I'm not feeling anything. You'd think... caffeine would... shake... the real deal. Do you guys want...?
SYDNEY: No, thank you.
MARSHALL: Oh, uh, by the way, after six hours in the hot seat with the boys from counterintelligence, Langley has declared me exhausted but free from suspicion.
VAUGHN: Never had a doubt in my mind.
Marshall exet.
SYDNEY: Is something wrong?
VAUGHN: No. I'm just getting old, I guess.
SYDNEY: You expect me to believe that?
VAUGHN: I've just had a lot on my mind lately, that's all. It'll pass.
SYDNEY: Yesterday was the day, wasn't it? The anniversary of your father's death?
VAUGHN: How could you remember that?
SYDNEY: I remember what missing him does to you.
Vaughn gets a phone call. It's Lauren. He leaves.
LAUREN: How's your day?
VAUGHN: Frustrating. h*t a bit of a roadblock.
LAUREN: Anything I can help you with?
VAUGHN: No, but thanks for asking.
LAUREN: Michael, would you mind holding a second?
VAUGHN: No, go ahead.
*Lauren's in bed with Sark (or maybe Sark's in bed with Lauren, it's tough to tell).
*LAUREN: I'm working.
*Sark kisses her.
LAUREN: Sweetheart, I'm sorry but I'm being called away. I love you.
Sydney leaves Marshall's office and walks by Vaughn.
VAUGHN: You too.
*SARK: Tell me, did they spot us?
*LAUREN: No, I don't think so. According to the transport order, the ship docks in 16 hours. We should get going.
*SARK: You should know that you are amazing. Before, I mean.
*SARK: Typically, this is where you return the compliment.
*Lauren ignores him and gets out of bed.
Sloane's drinking wine alone at a restaurant. The visual set-up shows a fountain by a restaurant, named Occidental.
Barnett arrives at the restaurant in a revealing dress. Presumably she thinks it'll get Sloane to talk.
SLOANE: Glad you came.
BARNETT: So that we're clear, I'm here for professional reasons only.
SLOANE: Oh, we're clear. Although, I must say I don't necessarily believe you.
BARNETT: Well, I told you that I was writing about you, but I haven't told you the premise of my thesis.
SLOANE: Ah, well I would say I'm fascinated, but that would sound even maniacal, wouldn't it? (raising glass) Salut.
BARNETT: You certainly have given proof that anyone can change for the better, given the proper stimuli.
SLOANE: You look beautiful. Beautiful. That's just a layman's opinion, Dr. Barnett.
BARNETT: All I'm saying is that you made a remarkable transformation, master spy to humanitarian.
SLOANE: Yeah. Well, sometimes I wonder which is harder.
BARNETT: The Rambaldi device was instrumental in your transformations?
SLOANE: Oh yes, it was critical.
BARNETT: It only revealed one word to you? Peace?
SLOANE: That's correct.
BARNETT: And yet there were eight yards of parchment scroll before the message appeared. What was on that?
SLOANE: Oh, it was nothing, blank paper, sort of the equivalent of leader tape on a cassette. I discarded it.
BARNETT: I'm not sure why you did that. You could have studied it, sold it, kept it for antiquity. It's hard to believe that you threw away something that you would normally consider holy.
SLOANE: Are you calling me a liar?
BARNETT: You almost revealed something to me the other day. A secret that wears on you, those were your words.
Sloane turns cold and menacing. The music changes and sounds ominous.
SLOANE: I am not your patient, your client, or your lab rat. Now, we can speak in generalities, have an elegant meal, perhaps laugh together, but there are some truths you will never learn from me. Do you understand that? You must be ravenous. I suggest the Barbarie Duckling. It's their signature dish.
BARNETT: This was a mistake. Sorry.
* 32:00 ish (2nd view.)
Barnett leaves. She approaches the coatcheck area.
*BARNETT: Hi. Can I get my coat, please?
*SLOANE: Until I turned into a complete son of a b****, we were having a wonderful evening.
*BARNETT: Something we can both agree on.
*SLOANE: Though I am now known as a humanitarian -- your words, not mine -- I sometimes regress. Dr. Barnett, I'm sorry I snapped at you. Trusting you, trusting anyone, will take time. You know so much about me. I know almost nothing about you. I want to, very much.
*BARNETT: I'm not sure I can understand how your manipulating this date can help you gain my trust.
Coatcheck girl hands Barnett her coat.
*BARNETT: (to coatcheck girl) Can you excuse us for a moment? Thanks.
*SLOANE: You want my secret? I'll tell you, but only you. I have betrayed people, many of whom deserved it. But only one didn't. It was a long time ago. I sometimes try to convince myself that it was worth it, that she was worth it.
*BARNETT: What is this, you had an affair?
*SLOANE: Yes. It was Irina Derevko. Sydney's mother. Jack never knew. Emily, my wife, she never knew. Irina and I pledged to take that secret to our graves.
*BARNETT: Are you telling me Sydney is your daughter?
*SLOANE: I never tried to prove it, one way or the other. But the strength that Sydney finds within, I like to believe that comes from me. Hmm, how about that. The world didn't come to an end.
MARSHALL: Now there are still several hundred gigabytes to decipher, but I was at least able to decode this.
He hands Sydney a sheet of paper.
SYDNEY: Freighter. Liberian registry. Will dock in Lisbon. 14 hours.
VAUGHN: How do we locate the b*mb?
MARSHALL: With this. It is a modified expl*sives sniffer. I've added plasma to the list of detectable compounds that it detects, you know, like semtex, dynamite, HMX. It works just like a normal tracking device. When you're within 100 feet, blink blink blink, found the prize in the ? sack.
VAUGHN: hundred feet.
MARSHALL: Sorry, I would have done better if I'd had more sleep.
EXT. LISBON, PORTUGAL (pushthrough - O) - NIGHT
Sydney sh**t a guard with a tranq.
SYDNEY: Base ops, this is mountaineer. We're on board.
DIXON: We have you five-by, mountaineer.
MARSHALL: Perimeter is clear. Now let's f*re up that sniffer and find the b*mb, baby.
VAUGHN: Hot or cold?
SYDNEY: Freezing.
*SARK: It's a tranquilizer dart. Humanitarian work at the CIA.
*LAUREN: Let's go.
SYDNEY: Wait I think we've got something. Towards the stern, 30 yards below us.
SYDNEY: We've got tone, below deck, possibly the engine room.
DIXON: Copy that, proceed.
*SARK: We can't let them go below deck.
Someone sh**t Vaughn.
DIXON: Mountaineer, boyscout, report!
Sydney drags Vaughn inside the freighter and locks the door.
DIXON: Sydney, do you copy?
SYDNEY: (ignoring him) Vaughn, are you okay? Vaughn?
VAUGHN: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm glad I wore the vest. We have to get the b*mb.
*SARK: Meet me in the engine room.
*LAUREN: I'm going to the upper deck.
SYDNEY: It's just ahead.
VAUGHN: Go to the engine room. I'll cover.
Sydney tracks down a case with the b*mb in it, opens the case.
SYDNEY: It's secured. I'm going to need a minute.
Above Sydney and the b*mb, Vaughn finds a masked figure.
VAUGHN: Freeze.
VAUGHN: Drop the g*n.
VAUGHN: Put your hands in the air. Put your hands in the air!
VAUGHN: Turn around slowly. Turn around!
VAUGHN: Take off the mask. Do it, take off the mask.
It's obviously Lauren. Not obvious to Vaughn, though.
Below... Sark's holding Sydney at g*n.
SARK: Put the g*n down, Agent Vaughn. Drop the g*n.
VAUGHN: Not a chance, you drop yours.
SARK: Put the g*n down now.
SYDNEY: No, Vaughn, don't!
SARK: Drop it. If you love her, you will put the g*n down now.
Masked figure looks at Vaughn.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, don't!
Vaughn drops the g*n.
The masked figure hits Vaughn.
Sydney escapes.
SYDNEY: Sark's got the b*mb.
VAUGHN: You go after him, I'm going to cut off Sark.
SYDNEY: Got it.
g*n, g*n, chasing.
SYDNEY: I've lost mine.
Sark is climbinb up a ladder when he's caught by Vaughn.
VAUGHN: Freeze! Give me the b*mb. Give it to me.
Sark activates the expl*sive.
SARK: With pleasure.
Sark tosses the b*mb to Vaughn, then runs away.
VAUGHN: Sark activated the b*mb. I've got to defuse it.
MARSHALL: Okay, describe it to me.
VAUGHN: It looks sort of like a VS-5 landmine, but with a timer attached. We have 40 seconds.
DIXON: Vaughn, find the power source.
MARSHALL: Yeah, a battery, something like that.
VAUGHN: There's something here, it looks like a cell phone wrapped in fiber optics.
MARSHALL: No nonono, don't touch that.
DIXON: He's right. It's a secondary trigger.
VAUGHN: 33 seconds.
MARSHALL: Okay, find the blue wire attached to the screw and then open up the valve near the stem.
VAUGHN: Alright. I did that. It's still ticking. We have fourteen seconds.
MARSHALL: Alright, listen. You're going to short it. Strip the black wire and the red wire and then attach them together.
VAUGHN: I don't know if I'm going to have time to do that.
MARSHALL: No, you can do it. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, Vaughn. You can do it, you can do it.
Sydney walks up as Vaughn manages to short the expl*sive.
VAUGHN: Plasma charge is secure.
MARSHALL: See? Told you you could do it.
LAUREN: You're an angel for waiting. (kiss)
VAUGHN: No problem. I had good company.
He holds up a beer bottle.
VAUGHN: How was Washington?
LAUREN: Awful. I'm happy now that I'm home with you.
VAUGHN: Me too.
Lauren's cell phone rings.
LAUREN: I'm sorry.
VAUGHN: It's okay.
LAUREN: Hello?
SARK: It k*lled you, didn't it, seeing him drop the g*n for Sydney.
LAUREN: No it isn't a good time, can I call you in the morning?
SARK: He's there with you, is that it? Though he'd rather be with her. You know, it's quite a charade you two are engaged in.
LAUREN: I think we both know how dedicated I am to this assignment. If you have any issues, take it up through the proper channels.
SAKR: Don't mistake me. It's not your dedication that I question.
LAUREN: We'll talk about this later.
LAUREN: Sorry about that. Work is officially over.
Lauren kisses him.
VAUGHN: What was that for?
LAUREN: I just miss you.
SYDNEY: I thought you'd be home by now.
JACK: I was about to say the same to you. The plasma charge, it's in our hands.
SYDNEY: Sark isn't... the Covenant.
JACK: Have you had dinner? If memory serves, you always liked Mitchellis.
SYDNEY: I haven't eaten there since I was eight.
JACK: I do eat, you know.
SYDNEY: I'd like that, actually.
They walk out. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x14 - Blowback"} | foreverdreaming |
In an office building with a security desk, people are running everywhere. Armed police are running up some stairs.
There's a b*mb in an alcove on a wall. Two b*mb technicians are trying to disarm it.
BT2: This is way out of my league.
BT1: Motion sensor. A dedicated board running God knows how many programs. There's no way we's shut this down in time. Our best bet is to try and defuse the motion sensor and get this thing off-site in a blast-containment vessel before it vaporizes the block.
BT2: Can you do that?
BT1 doesn't answer.
BT1: I found the lead for the motion sensor. Cutting it.
He cuts the white wire.
BT1: It's no good. It's still operational. It must be looped.
BT2: What the hell do we do now?
BT1: Your guess is as good as mine.
BT2: My kid's favorite color is red.
BT1 gets ready to cut the red wire. BT2 nods. BT1 cuts the red wire, and the scene immediately cuts off...
Pictures from the blast are shown on the monitor.
DIXON: The Wicklow National Bank building, or what's left of it.
VAUGHN: Do we know who's responsible?
DIXON: His name is Daniel Ryan. This morning we intercepted a message he sent to the Covenant for the b*mb.
JACK: Ryan's former Royal Navy, expl*sive ordinance disposal. After his dishonorable discharge, he went from disposing. b*mb to designing them. He's worked with the Covenant in the past and wants to sell them his latest product.
SYDNEY: So he displays their effectiveness by destroying a downtown office building?
JACK: Actually, Ryan alerted local authorities, gave them time to evacuate the building.
WEISS: So he's a humanitarian b*mb?
JACK: His goal was to provide a state-of-the-art b*mb squad ample opportunity to deactivate his creation.
VAUGHN: He wanted the b*mb squad called in?
MARSHALL: Well, maybe 'cause he knew there was nothing they could do. Right? The b*mb you recovered last week, I've got that one in my workshop. Now, according to the b*mb squad's voice recording, Ryan made one significant upgrade.
MARSHALL: Anyone ever hear of quantum entanglement? Raise your... (he looks around)
Weiss shakes his head.
MARSHALL: No? It... to make a long story short, the theory is this b*mb can't be defused. Oh, and compared to his previous version, it's got twice the yield.
DIXON: Ryan indicated that negotiations with the Covenant will be exclusive for 48 hours.
JACK: If there is no agreement at that time, he will detonate a second b*mb, targeted against America to elicit bids from t*rror1st groups hostile to our interests.
DIXON: But, if the Covenant is interested in making an offer, he instructed them to contact him tomorrow night at a pub called the Black Stag in Belfast.
JACK: Our options: extract Ryan and force his cooperation, or get him to do so voluntarily by posing as the Covenant.
VAUGHN: Well how can we do that? We don't know what their relationship is. Isn't that too risky?
JACK: There are variables, yes, but if our goal is to prevent a second b*mb, and to learn who Ryan's partners might be, the best way to do that is by gaining his trust.
SYDNEY: What about Lysenker, Leonid Lysenker, the Covenant defector? He's still in custody. He might be able to detail Ryan's relationship with the Covenant.
DIXON: For now, we spec out both approaches. Sydney, you question Lysenker. Vaughn, you and Weiss detail the mission if we go in as CIA. We'll meet in two hours.
LEONID: I believe in America. America has given me new life away from the Covenant.
SYDNEY: I was hoping you could tell me something about this man. (hands him a picture of Ryan)
LEONID: Daniel Ryan was critical to the IRA when they were in the b*mb business. He's become independent contractor since ?, year before last.
LEONID: Your cigarettes are for crap. But I love cable television in your country. I am enjoying very much this picture, Miami Vice.
SYDNEY: Ryan is selling a new w*apon to the Covenant. We're considering acquiring it by posing as the Covenant. For this to work, we need you to tell us everything you know about Ryan's interactions with them... protocols, contacts.
LEONID: I was never directly involved in procurement, but I did two deals with Ryan. I can tell you what he will be expecting, and that his contact is Vladimir Andrejev. How is Agent Vaughn? When you took me from North Korea, I saw a strong connection, yes?
SYDNEY: We know the first contact is made in Belfast. What happens after that?
WEISS: Hey, where's Lauren? I haven't seen her all day.
VAUGHN: She's in Washington. ? of debrief with the CIA, plus a couple days with her family?
WEISS: And how is the Senator?
VAUGHN: I like the Senator.
WEISS: How's your marriage doing?
Sydney walks up. Vaughn doesn't answer, sees Sydney, glares at Weiss.
VAUGHN: How was Lysenker?
SYDNEY: Helpful. We should go tell Dixon. (Sydney walks off)
WEISS: What, I can't ask my buddy...
VAUGHN: The marriage is fantastic. (gets up to leave)
WEISS: Yeah, I can tell.
INT. - BELFAST - PUB (pushthrough: ELFAST)
Ryan is sitting at a table. Weiss walks up and sits down.
WEISS: How you doing there?
RYAN: Who are you?
WEISS: I'm a U.S. Federal Agent. In cooperation with local authorities, I'm placing you under arrest for transporting dangerous expl*sives with an intent to k*ll.
RYAN: You've put on weight.
WEISS: So have you.
WEISS: Your friends from the Covenant aren't here yet. Come on. Car's out back.
IRISH POLICE: Alright, come on. Move it.
RYAN: There's obviously been some mistake. I've done nothing wrong.
WEISS: Right. Yeah. Tell that to the families of your victims.
An SUV pulls up. A masked figure gets out and sh**t one of the police. Two sh**t on the rooftops take out the other guards. Weiss gets Ryan behind marginal cover.
WEISS: (to comm unit) Officers down, I need help now.
One of the rooftop sh**t hits Weiss. The masked figure runs up and sh**t Weiss in the chest.
FIGURE: We need to hurry.
She takes off her mask. It's Sydney, with red/black hair and a nose ring.
SYDNEY: I'm Emma Warfield. Andrejev sent me.
RYAN: This is not what we agreed.
SYDNEY: ? ? before your stupidity led the CIA to the meeting.
RYAN: I don't know you. (he backs away)
SYDNEY: Every cop in the city is going to be here in five minutes. You may not know me, but I did you a favor.
Someone (a masked Vaughn) sh**t Ryan with a tranquilizer. Sydney checks his pulse.
SYDNEY: We're good.
VAUGHN: Boy Scout to Base Camp, we've got the package.
The guards and Weiss get up.
WEISS: That was good, right? It's called method acting. I was sh*t in the neck once. I can do it again.
SYDNEY: We've got to move.
Title Sequence
Sydney and Vaughn get out of an elevator.
SYDNEY: According to Lysenker, Ryan always does business with the Covenant at the Commodore Hotel in Moscow, room 305.
VAUGHN: I still think it would just be easier to sic your father on him.
SYDNEY: We have 27 hours before Ryan sets off another b*mb. Our best chance to prevent that is to let him know that his first demonstration convinced us to buy every w*apon he can produce.
VAUGHN: Us being the Covenant based on intel received from someone we may or may not be able to trust.
SYDNEY: Lysenker defected. He hates the Covenant as much as anyone, and he's all we've got.
SYDNEY: How's the inspection going?
WEISS: Good. Whoa.
He grabs some fruit from a fruit basket some prop guy is carrying around.
WEISS: Lysenker rejected the fruit basket, said it would cost a fortune in Moscow this time of year. Oh, and we need a ceiling.
A ceiling is lowered into place as the camera pans up past the partial ceiling, across and down into the hall, then cuts back to the room.
Lysenker turns on the TV.
MARSHALL: Oh, it's actually Russian satellite television. I hacked it off the Dubnovysat communications satellite.
SYDNEY: Everything is to spec. The bed sheets are 700 thread count, the minibar is stocked with ? [Baikul? I don't know of any vodka brand that sounds like that.], and the hotel's insignia has been stitched into the bathrobes.
VAUGHN: What if he wants to take a walk?
WEISS: Well, I don't think he will, but if he does, he can go as far as the elevator. Once he presses Lobby, we're made.
Doctors cart Ryan in on a stretcher.
SYDNEY: Okay. We're ready. You can ...(?)
Marshall, Dixon, Jack, Lysenker, and Vaughn are watching a feed from the room.
MARSHALL: And now, the soundtrack of our lives.
A car honks. Ryan wakes up.
DIXON: Here we go.
Ryan looks around. He picks up the phone.
JACK: Good evening, Mr. Ryan. Welcome back to the Commodore. How may I help you?
RYAN: You can start by telling me how I got here.
JACK: I just came on duty sir, but you do have one message from your attorney.
RYAN: My attorney?
Everyone looks skeptically at Lysenker, who provided that piece of information.
LYSENKER: This is how Andrejev is known. I'm sure of it.
JACK: Yes, he called at 6:15 to apologize for being unable to meet with you. The colleague he sent in his place is fully capable of executing the necessary documents. That is all.
RYAN: Thank ye'.
He paces around some more.
DIXON: Syd, you're up.
Syd walks down the hall and goes into the room.
SYDNEY: You're awake. That's good. We can do business.
She hands him a manila envelope.
RYAN: I do business with Andrejev.
SYDNEY: Your product demonstration in Belfast was impressive. We'd like to purchase your new w*apon.
RYAN: (dismissively) Yeah. While I appreciate your hairstyle, as I said I'll do business with Andrejev.
SYDNEY: Do you know what the CIA would have done with you in custody? They would have ex*cuted you as an enemy of the State. Unless you have a death wish, you will do as I instruct. These windows have been made bulletproof with Kevlar for your protection. Three officers, including a CIA agent, were k*lled trying to arrest you. You're all over the news.
DIXON: Cue the newscast.
MARSHALL: Patching it into the feed... Roll Camera.
There's a mini-studio in the Rotunda.
Lysenker turns on the TV, flips channels.
TV: Police confirm they do have several leads, and are working to bring the investigation to a swift conclusion.
TV: Few details are being given to news organizations, but a photograph was released of this man, who was not only involved in the raid, but who police say was responsible for the Wicklow National Bank blast last Wednesday. The CIA is working with Interpol as well as local law enforcement in pursuit of this man and those responsible.
Lysenker shuts of the TV.
SYDNEY: You will agree to our terms and call off the second demonstration. It's unnecessary and will only serve to draw unwanted attention.
Ryan thinks.
RYAN: Before Andrejev, my contact was Pannich. I deal with him, okay?
LYSENKER: It is a trap.
VAUGHN: What, you know the guy he's talking about?
LYSENKER: The guy's a woman. I must speak to Sydney.
LYSENKER: Hello, Sydney. It's Leonid. Listen to me. Ivana Pannich is d*ad, was k*lled.
SYDNEY: She was k*lled in Slovenia last year. You know this. That's why your handlers were switched. Any other tests?
RYAN: Yeah. I don't feel safe here. I want to leave this place.
SYDNEY: You leave this hotel room, you're a d*ad man.
RYAN: If I'm scared, I'll go to the Covenant. [not sure about this line]
SYDNEY: In addition to being a target of the CIA, Mr. Ryan, you are also a security risk to the Covenant. You have information that could compromise our operation.
RYAN: Was that a thr*at? I've been thr*at before. I always like a thr*at.
SYDNEY: You leave this room, I will k*ll you myself.
RYAN: There's loads of things I'm really good at. Some, I'm exceptional at. One of them is poker. Ahh, I love poker. Play twice a week. My friends come 'round, they bring their money, they lose their money. I always win. Do you know why? I can see a bluff a mile away. If you really are the Covenant, you won't k*ll me.
JACK: (to Lysenker) Take off the headset. Do it!
RYAN: Not when I've got something you want.
Ryan walks into the hall. Sydney chambers a round.
SYDNEY: Mr. Ryan.
RYAN: You played your hand, darling.
Leonid comes out of the elevator.
LEONID: Hello, Daniel. Andrejev told me you were in town, so I took the liberty of coming over, and... (he sees Sydney) Sorry, were you going somewhere?
RYAN: Uh, no, I was, yeah, but that can wait. Do you want to... (motions toward the room)
LEONID: Hello, Emma. Good to see you.
SYDNEY: Leonid. What an unexpected surprise.
RYAN: You vouch for this one (indicating Sydney)?
LEONID: Daniel, I know about Belfast. Your extraction was cleared to the highest levels. Emma saved your life. You should kiss her... whatever she wants.
Sydney smirks. Ryan looks over the papers.
RYAN: Okay. The terms are acceptable, on one condition. The details for transferring materials, blueprints, have to be handled by the co-chair of the North American cell. I deal directly with Mr. Sark, okay?
SYDNEY: You're in no position to make such a demand.
RYAN: As long as I've got something you want, I am.
LEONID: Mr. Sark is in town on business. For an important supplier such as yourself, I'm sure he'd be happy to oblige.
DIXON: Happy to oblige?!
LEONID: If you'll let me explain...
VAUGHN: Explain what? In case you've forgotten, we're not really Covenant. We can't produce Sark.
LEONID: Sark has never met Ryan.
JACK: Are you sure of this?
SYDNEY: That wasn't a yes, that was a know.
LEONID: What I know is the only chance you have of getting what you want is to send someone in there posing as Mr. Sark.
Ryan answers a knock on the door. It's Sark. Or rather, Vaughn in black leather and sporting a British accent that pales in comparison to Anders'.
VAUGHN: Mr. Ryan, I'm Julian Sark.
RYAN: They said you was a pretty boy.
VAUGHN: When and where can I acquire your product?
RYAN: The information you'll need is on a disk my associate will carry aboard Nuage Air Flight 212, tomorrow evening's flight from Rome to Paris. You'll purchase two adjacent seats on that flight, and twenty minutes outside Rome, my associate will come and sit next to you, and the transfer will be made. It's elaborate, but at 35 thousand feet, no chance of surveillance.
VAUGHN: This associate, how will I know him?
RYAN: You'll know him. You've worked with him before. He's a friend.
DIXON: Meaning for this to work, we need the real Sark to be on that plane. Any ideas how we can do that?
VAUGHN: The second demonstration is scheduled to take place tomorrow afternoon. I assume it will be called off?
RYAN: When my associate sees you, he'll know we've come to terms, and bring that issue to a close.
VAUGHN: We're agreed, then?
RYAN: We are indeed, Mr. Sark.
SYDNEY: We know the frequency Ryan broadcast his initial communique over, right?
JACK: Yes, we intercepted it.
SYDNEY: Then to get Sark on the plane, all we have to do is put out a communique from Ryan to the Covenant which details the terms he just laid out.
JACK: If we can make Sark believe this is a way to acquire Ryan's new technology, he may bite.
DIXON: How much time before he sets off the next b*mb?
VAUGHN: Less than 18 hours.
DIXON: Alright. Get Marshall on the intercept. You work on the communique. Vaughn, I want you on that plane. You played Sark. Your job now is to shadow him.
INT. - ROME - AIRPORT - PLANE (pushthrough: R[O]ME)
Vaughn is on the plane.
SYDNEY: The airline database shows all ticketed passengers have checked in except a Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Broussant.
(cut to a d*ad couple and Sark taking the man's ticket.)
STEWARDESS: Welcome aboard, Mr. Broussant. Would you care for a glass of wine before takeoff?
SARK: That would be lovely.
VAUGHN: I've got a twenty on our mark.
STEWARDESS: I have your wife on our passenger manifest.
SARK: Yes, she was planning on making the trip, but she wasn't feeling too well. Poor dear. Cheers. (One gets the sense he was being just obnoxious enough to get the Stewardess to move on.)
VAUGHN: Maybe this'll work out after all.
(cut to the Rotunda. Dixon and Jack don't seem so sure.)
Vaughn checks his watch and calls someone.
VAUGHN: Sydney, it's me.
SYDNEY: Has Ryan's contact arrived?
VAUGHN: No, and something tells me he's not going to.
SYDNEY: The approach was to be made 20 minutes after takeoff. They have been in the air almost an hour.
RYAN: Tell Mr. Sark to be patient.
Sydney is frustrated and nervous. She tries to force his hand. She offers him a phone.
SYDNEY: Call your partner. Tell him the deal's off.
RYAN: I'm afraid that won't be possible.
over comms:
SYDNEY: There is no meeting.
VAUGHN: Ryan made us?
SYDNEY: I don't think so. I don't think there was ever a meeting.
VAUGHN: What, this was staged?
SYDNEY: Yes, the whole thing, just to get Sark on that plane. We're reviewing his psych profile, re-interviewing everyone who might give us some insight, a lead, anything.
JACK: Whatever Ryan's motive, he has presented us with an opportunity we must act on. You are to take Sark into custody. We will have a team in place when you land in Paris.
VAUGHN: I understand.
Vaughn hangs up.
He flashes his badge.
VAUGHN: I'm a federal agent, and there is a suspect I need to take into custody. It has to be done very quietly. Is there a marshal onboard?
STEWARDESS: No, I'm afraid not.
SYDNEY: Is he on the line? Good.
Weiss hand her a phone.
SYDNEY: Tell me about Daniel Ryan.
SLOANE: Yes, I read about what happened in Belfast. That was a terrible tragedy.
SYDNEY: What do you know about him?
SLOANE: Ryan is a freelance supplier of advanced ordinance. He used to be reliably leftist. Supplied Karzais, IRA [cell]s, Batistas. Now he's strictly mercenary.
SYDNEY: What changed?
SLOANE: His brother, Christopher Ryan, he's the political one. They used to work together until, oh, sometime last year. Christopher disappeared. The rumor is the Covenant had him k*lled.
SYDNEY: The Covenant k*lled his brother and he still wants to work with them? Is there anything else?
SLOANE: No, I'm afraid that's all I have.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
(cut to a reveal of Barnett in bed next to Sloane)
WEISS: Okay. Ryan's brother? Bad dude. b*mb of the French Embassy in Rabat. expl*si*n at the marine barracks outside Manila; and the remains of a Russian Generals' compound in Grozny.
JACK: These incidents are all at least two years old. Anything more recent?
WEISS: No, nothing. It's like he disappeared.
A picture of Christopher appears on the screen. Sydney looks worried.
SYDNEY: Sloane was telling the truth. The Covenant did have this man k*lled. Dad, they had me k*ll him.
JACK: What?
SYDNEY: During the two years I was missing, when the Covenant tried breaking me down to get me to work for them... when the believed I was ready, they put me to a test.
(Flashbacks of the clips we saw during the Kendall reveal episode.)
SYDNEY: Kendall later showed me a picture of the person he believed they had me k*ll. He had no identity... until now.
JACK: If what Ryan said is true, that Sark has been promoted to the leadership of the North American cell, k*lling him on a commercial plane carrying 200 innocent people would be a very public act of revenge.
SYDNEY: Oh my God.
Vaughn sits next to Sark.
VAUGHN: Cheers.
SARK: Mr. Vaughn. Tell me, you wouldn't happen to known an eight letter word for "arrogant", would you? [speculation is that the implied answer is "American"]
VAUGHN: Do exactly as I tell you, or I'll k*ll you.
They walk toward a lavatory.
VAUGHN: Right here. Get in.
SARK: Doesn't it bother you?
VAUGHN: What's that?
SARK: A b*mb-maker arranges for a meeting on a plane and then doesn't show up. I don't know about you, but that concerns me.
Vaughn's phone rings. He leaves the lavatory.
VAUGHN: (to a steward) Lock this up.
On phone:
SYDNEY: Vaughn, we may have a problem.
PILOT: Wait up, an expl*sive device?
VAUGHN: There may be one onboard. I'm not sure, but you have to land immediately.
VAUGHN: Sydney, what you got?
SYDNEY: The b*mb is the size of a CD. It could be anywhere.
VAUGHN: Let's try and figure out how it got onboard. Crew, passenger, maintenance, check the plane's service records for the past week, maybe two, to see if there was anything unscheduled.
SYDNEY: Two days ago. A work order was added for repairs in the electrical current bypass in the cargo hold.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, talk to me. What are you looking at.
VAUGHN: You'd better get Marshall on the phone.
SYDNEY: The son of a b**** lied to us.
JACK: Yes, and we lied to him.
WEISS: Yeah, but the difference is we were trying to save lives.
JACK: Our goals, Mr. Weiss, are far less asymmetrical than we assumed. Clearly Mr. Ryan shares our antipathy for the Covenant.
DIXON: Except he believes we are the Covenant.
JACK: A fact we must disabuse him of immediately. We must reveal ourselves for who we are and take this man into our confidence.
A goon hands Dixon some papers.
DIXON: Alright, we have confirmation from Marseille that airspace has been cleared for an emergency landing in 15 minutes.
SYDNEY: The second demonstration he warned us about, this is it. Ryan must have gameplanned for an emergency landing.
JACK: If we can convince Ryan that Sark is in custody and will be prosecuted, maybe he will deactivate the b*mb.
DIXON: Let's do it.
Weiss gets off of a phone.
WEISS: That was DGSE. Four mirage fighter jets were just scrambled by the French Air Force.
DIXON: To eyeball only. There will be no sh**ting, do they understand that?
WEISS: They're confirmed as a flyby, for now.
Visual of fighter jets flying way too low over a city. It's CGI
French pilot can be heard talking about an emergency landing in Marseille.
MARSHALL: Okay. The b*mb you recovered in Lisbon may be slightly different than the one you're looking at, but it should be similar enough for me to walk you through this.
The b*mb makes weird noises.
VAUGHN: What's that?
MARSHALL: W,w, what's what?
VAUGHN: Uh, I dunno. It kindof looks like a thermometer with a metal ring at the top.
MARSHALL: Is the liquid rising?
VAUGHN: Yeah, how do you know?
MARSHALL: It's a barometric sensor. The b*mb is triggered by altitude. If the plane keeps descending it'll detonate.
Vaughn runs to the cockpit.
STEWARDESS: Excuse me, Sir! You need to...
VAUGHN: Pull up!
VAUGHN: The b*mb is rigged to the altimeter. If we go below 18,000 feet, we're all d*ad.
CAPTAIN: Marseille approach, this is Nuage 212. We are emergency climb to one-niner-zero.
TOWER: Nuage 212, confirming flight level one-niner-zero.
VAUGHN: How long can we stay up?
CAPTAIN: We've got enough fuel for two hours, maybe two and a half, but that's it.
Sydney's no longer in disguise.
SYDNEY: My name is Sydney Bristow. I'm a special agent with the CIA.
RYAN: So today you're CIA. So... Belfast, what was all that?
SYDNEY: Belfast was a con. We wanted you to believe we were Covenant so that we could acquire your new technology.
A wall is pulled up. Ryan walks around the warehouse.
RYAN: So this isn't Moscow.
SYDNEY: You're in Los Angeles, and we know you plan on detonating a b*mb on Nuage Air 212 as payback for what the Covenant did to your brother.
Weiss and Leonid walk up.
WEISS: How're you doing?
Ryan looks at Sydney, then at Leonid.
RYAN: And you?
LEONID: I defected two months ago. These are good people, Daniel. You should listen to them.
RYAN: If you want me to believe you're Central Intelligence, you've got to do better than this, a warehouse somewhere.
Ryan is brought in with a shroud on.
RYAN: Right. Much more convincing.
DIXON: Mr. Ryan. I'm Marcus Dixon, the director of this office. We now know the b*mb on Nuage Air 212 is rigged to an altimeter and will detonate if the pilot attempts to land.
DIXON: I am authorized to make the following deal. Disable the b*mb, and turn over to us all material and blueprints concerning the creation and production of such b*mb. In exchange, no charges will be filed against you.
RYAN: If you really are CIA, then the person I met with wasn't Julian Sark.
SYDNEY: No. He was CIA. He's on that plane.
Ryan squints, then looks troubled while he thinks it through.
RYAN: But I told him my associate had worked with him before and could make a visual identification.
RYAN: You put the word out to the real Sark, and let him know there was a meeting. Clever. Full-on genius. Maybe you really are CIA.
JACK: Sark is already in custody. As soon as the plane lands, he will be processed for extradition and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
DIXON: The terms of our deal expire in ten seconds. After that, what agent Bristow said is true. You will be tried as an enemy of the State, and ex*cuted.
RYAN: ZzzzzzzZzzzzzzZzzzzzz. (shakes slightly)
SYDNEY: You cannot let those innocent people die.
RYAN: My brother was innocent.
VAUGHN: Okay, well how about this. We have to keep the b*mb at altitude, right? So why don't we just land at a high-altitude airport?
MARSHALL: The highest altitude airport is in Bangda, Tibet, and that's only 14,000 feet.
MARSHALL: Wait a minute. Wait, wait a minute. We can't get rid of the b*mb. We can't defuse the b*mb, but we can trick it.
MARSHALL: Air pressure is the force exerted on a surface by the weight of the air above.
VAUGHN: English, please.
MARSHALL: We need to encase the b*mb in an airtight temperature-controlled bubble.
VAUGHN: To fool the b*mb into thinking we're still at altitude.
MARSHALL: Right, but the thing is, in order to do any of that, you have to remove it from the fuselage and deactivate the motion sensor.
VAUGHN: Which is what the b*mb squad in Belfast was doing when they died.
MARHSALL: Well, yeah.
VAUGHN: Okay. I see four wires leading out from the motion sensor: red, green, yellow, and black.
MARSHALL: Can you see which one is looped to the power source?
VAUGHN: Yeah, the red one.
MARSHALL: The red one. Okay, go ahead and cut that.
Vaughn's about to cut it, and...
MARSHALL: Nonono! wait.
VAUGHN: I hate it when you do that!
MARSHALL: Is there a suppressor on the filament?
MARSHALL: Then don't cut it, it's a false lead.
VAUGHN: Marshall!
MARSHALL: My bad, sorry. What you need to find is the anti-static wire that runs through the plasma relay. It's probably wrapped in degaussed ceramic fiber.
VAUGHN: No, you have to explain this to me in words I can understand.
MARSHALL: Well, it could look like anything. I mean, there are a million variations. You need to tell me what you're looking at, Vaughn.
VAUGHN: I don't know what I'm looking at!
MARSHALL: Well, you better find somebody that does.
Sydney approaches Ryan. She pours him some water.
SYDNEY: Thirsty?
Ryan shows he's handcuffed to the chair. Sydney gives him some water.
SYDNEY: You're angry. There's a good reason. The Covenant took your brother's life.
RYAN: "Took his life?" What an interesting choice of words. I mean, personally I would have gone for something a little bit more colorful, like um, "m*rder". Even that's not... how about, um, "slaughtered"? Yeah, "slaughtered". Try that.
SYDNEY: The Covenant held me c*ptive for almost two years. They did things to me I will never get over. They starved me, subjected me to electroshock, sensory deprivation. They used hypnotherapy, all to convince me I was someone else, an operative they'd created named Julia Thorne.
Ryan does the squint thing again.
SYDNEY: I'm telling you this. It may not change anything, but you need to know that I understand what it is like having the Covenant take away people you love. They are evil, evil people. The thing is, I was luckier than you. The man I love, the Covenant didn't m*rder him. He's on that plane.
SYDNEY: Like I said, me telling you this may not change anything, but I swear to you if you disable that b*mb I will not rest until the Covenant pays for what they've done to us. Please, I beg you. Don't do this.
VAUGHN: Alright, I've got Sark. Talk him through it.
MARSHALL: Wait a minute, Sark as in Mr. Sark?
SARK: I understand we're looking for a degaussed ceramic fiber.
MARSHALL: That's right.
SARK: It's quite clear Mr. Ryan has applied the b-something-n variation.
MARSHALL: Cool. Can you splice it?
SARK: I could, but the dummy wire's fixed to a suppressor. I'll have to ground it first.
SARK: (to Vaughn) You're clear.
Vaughn cuts the sensor.
VAUGHN: Alright, we have to find something airtight to put it in.
They rummage through some luggage. Of course, Sark finds a Kn*fe in a tackle box. Vaughn finds a cooler.
VAUGHN: This should do it.
SYDNEY: He needs a phone.
DIXON: To call who?
RYAN: The b*mb, specifically a pager. The b*mb are wired with a remote access protocol. I need to dial in, then enter a deactivation sequence.
Dixon looks at Jack, Jack nods slightly.
DIXON: (cell) This is Director Dixon. Get me a secure line.
Vaughn takes the b*mb off the fuselage.
SARK: Keep it steady.
They put it in the cooler and start wrapping it with tape. The phone rings.
SYDNEY: Listen, Vaughn, we may have a way out of this.
RYAN: five-nine-four...
SYDNEY: How will they know when the b*mb has been deactivated?
RYAN: The red light on the detonator will turn green.
RYAN: four-seven-seven...
SYDNEY: Vaughn, watch the light on the detonator. It should change color.
VAUGHN: Got it.
RYAN: four-five-nine...
RYAN: And now punch in eleven twenty-four. My brother's birthday.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, what's going on?
VAUGHN: Nothing, it's still red.
The b*mb LED displays 5:00 and starts counting down. Sark looks shocked. Vaughn looks frightened.
VAUGHN: Syd, he screwed us.
Sydney looks at Ryan. She's rather upset.
The b*mb beeps and whirrs.
MARSHALL: Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
He keeps saying this as he trips over a chair on his way out.
MARSHALL: Oh. Damn it.
MARSHALL: Okay, first of all, I didn't touch anything. I swear. But the b*mb's been activated.
JACK: We know. We just spoke to Vaughn.
MARSHALL: No, not on the plane, in my office. The b*mb in my office has been activated.
Jack jerks his head toward Ryan looking for an explanation.
RYAN: Ivana Pannich, my former handler, confessed to me on the day before I was k*lled that my brother had been m*rder by the Covenant, and that it was a test of loyalty for a woman named Julia Thorne.
Jack looks at Sydney, as if to say "What were you thinking telling him that?"
RYAN: You k*lled my brother.
Dixon's talking to a Rotunda guard.
DIXON: Establish a back-up connection with Langley. I want all non-essentials removed... now. We have three minutes to reach a safe distance. I want this to be smooth and orderly.
MARSHALL: If the b*mb were activate by a phone call, the detonator must be on a cellular network. If I can just find the right signal, I might be able to reverse engineer the deactivation protocol and shut down both b*mb.
SYDNEY: How much time?
VAUGHN: Three and a half minutes.
JACK: I'll oversee transport of the prisoner. Dixon needs your help evacuating the Rotunda. Now.
Two guards leave.
RYAN: Don't tell me. We've come to the point where you coerce me into cooperating.
JACK: Not exactly.
Jack strangles him. Sydney sees what's going on from Marshall's office and heads to the conference room.
JACK: In seven seconds, you'll begin to see spots.
JACK: You think it's a white light? Well I'm here to tell you the last words I want you to hear, ever. There is no white light. Not for people like you.
He passes out. Sydney rushes in.
SYDNEY: God, what have you done?
JACK: Get the defibrillator. Hurry. I put it outside the door.
JACK: He thinks he was prepared to die. We'll see about that. Charge it at 200.
SYDNEY: You've got to start at 150.
JACK: No time for that. 200, now!
Jack injects him with epinephrine.
SYDNEY: One... two... three... (shock)
SYDNEY: One... two... three... (shock again)
Ryan gasps as his heart starts beating again.
JACK: You give us the code that disarms both b*mb, or we do that all over again. Both b*mb.
Ryan nods weakly.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, we have the code.
VAUGHN: Only ten seconds left.
Marshall types in the code. The b*mb stops with 00:01 to go.
SYDNEY: Did it work?
VAUGHN: Yeah, it worked.
SARK: That's impressive.
Marshall does his best impression of a football referree indicating a field goal. It's not a very good one.
Sark s*ab Vaughn with the Kn*fe. Vaughn manages to knock Sark out and puts handcuffs on him.
DIXON: French DGSE have Sark in custody. They're coordinating with our State department on extradition proceedings.
SYDNEY: Is Vaughn overseeing?
DIXON: No, he's already boarded a plane back to the U.S. We expect him soon.
Ryan's being escorted somewhere by some guards. Jack and Sydney look at him, troubled. Ryan doesn't look happy.
(music: Rosie Thomas "All My Life"
Sydney walks out to her car. She stops at her car, crying.
Another car pulls up. It's Vaughn. They embrace.
[/b] | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x15 - Facade"} | foreverdreaming |
Chateaudun, France
Sark is escorted onto a plane.
Dixon's Home - Los Angeles - CA
Sydney's on the phone to Dixon, who's at home.
SYDNEY: (cell) Sark's on flight 0028. It left Chateaudun Air Force Base 12 hours ago. They're due to arrive here in two hours. We're coordinating with security to set up a perimeter around the landing area.
DIXON: (cell) Good. The intelligence committee is sending Senator Reed to oversee the interrogation.
SYDNEY: (cell) Why the sudden interest from Washington?
DIXON: (cell) Sark is a key player now. They expect us to bleed him dry.
A car honks.
DIXON: (cell) Hold on a second.
Dixon turns back toward his house.
DIXON: Robin, Steven, Connor's dad's here.
ROBIN: Bye, dad.
STEVEN: Later.
DIXON: Whoa whoa whoa. Heads.
He kisses their foreheads.
STEVEN: Dad! Connor's watching.
DIXON: (cell) Sorry about that. All information concerning the case is being strictly compartmentalized. If we have any informational leak in the next few days, we'll know it came from inside the Rotunda.
SYDNEY: (cell) Copy that.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
Lauren's hacking into a FAA system using Barnett's account. Don't ask me why Barnett has access to FAA flight tracking systems. Vaughn arrives, and Lauren quickly switches windows to a list of questions she's supposed to be planning to ask Sark.
VAUGHN: How's it going?
LAUREN: I'm compiling a list of questions I plan on asking Sark during his interrogation.
VAUGHN: That's it? Wasn't your father supposed to arrive like an hour ago?
LAUREN: He went straight into a meeting with Jack Bristow and Director Dixon.
VAUGHN: Are you going to be okay while he's here?
LAUREN: I guess I'm about to find out.
Conference Room - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
REED: Washington's gone to great lengths to secure Mr. Sark's extradition from the French. They're expecting results, and delivering them will strengthen my case when the appropriations bill for your task force comes before my committee next month.
DIXON: We appreciate your efforts, Senator. Um, Sark's transport will be arriving at Dover Airfield within the hour. Agents Bristow and Weiss are on site to escort him into custody.
JACK: Based on recently acquired intelligence, we know Sark was promoted to co-command the Covenant's North American operations. It's imperative we learn the identity of his associate.
Lauren enters.
LAUREN: Excuse me.
REED: Ah. There you are.
LAUREN: Hello, Dad. Good to see you.
DIXON: Please sit, Lauren. This concerns you as well.
DIXON: Once Sark is in custody, he will be transferred to medical services and prepped for the Inferno protocol.
LAUREN: It's my understanding that 50% of the test subjects suffered cardiac arrest during that procedure. The United States is not in the business of torturing witnesses for information.
REED: Mr. Sark is not being classified as a prisoner of w*r. He has no protections under the Geneva convention.
LAUREN: But given Sark's history of selling out his employers, is it even necessary? He's likely to comply quite willingly.
JACK: That may have been true in the past, but he now has 800 million dollars invested in this organization. His loyalties will lie with his money.
REED: All relevant materials you have should be turned over to Jack. He will be conducting the interrogation.
DIXON: This has been cleared through your superiors. Langley's requested certain questions be included, some of which contain information that exceeds your classification level.
LAUREN: I understand.
JACK: I'll review this immediately.
The phone rings, and Dixon picks up.
DIXON: Director Dixon.
JACK: Given Sark's importance to the Covenant, we can't rule out the possibility of a rescue attempt.
DIXON: Okay, put her through.
JACK: ... level 3 containment procedures into effect immediately, and lock...
DIXON: Yes, this is he. No, they're not sick.
JACK: ... op-tech is coordinating ...
Lauren's staring at Dixon with an "I know something you don't" look.
DIXON: I don't understand. Their carpool picked them up hours ago.
The background conversation stops. Everyone looks at Dixon.
Dover Airfield - CA
WEISS: Okay, this cannot be good.
SYDNEY: Sark was supposed to land twenty minutes ago.
WEISS: Yeah.
Sydney's phone rings.
SYDNEY: (cell) Agent Bristow here. We're on our way.
SYDNEY: Sark's plane just landed in the middle of the desert, sixty miles east of here.
Desert - CA
A bunch of police cars approach an isolated plane. Some Marines are guarding it.
DIXON: Is the area secure?
WEISS: (comm) Copy that. Nobody's gotten on or off the plane since it landed.
They walk through the plane, g*n drawn. The agents and pilots are all d*ad and frozen. Sydney finds Sark's seat. The handcuffs are still there, but Sark is gone.
SYDNEY: (comm) Sark's gone.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
VAUGHN: The plane landed on autopilot, and we checked the body count against the crew manifest. One of Sark's armed guards was missing.
JACK: If Sark had an accomplice, we have to operate on the assumption that he made it out alive. Passengers were frozen indicating that Sark may have parachuted at altitude, leaving the cabin depressurized.
VAUGHN: Well, Marshall's pulling the satellite feeds right now. If Sark punched out within a one hundred mile radius, we should be able to narrow our search grid.
JACK: Put together a team. Be ready to move on Marshall's lead.
Vaughn walks off. Dixon walks up.
JACK: Sydney and Weiss are on their way back with the flight recorders.
DIXON: Steven and Robin didn't show up at school. I even tried their cell phones. Traded calls with relatives, friends, our neighbors, the police.
Dixon's phone rings.
DIXON: It's Robin, thank God.
DIXON: (cell) Where have you been?
SARK: (cell) We have your children. They're safe, and they will remain so assuming you follow our demands precisely.
Title sequence
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
JACK: Our calculations suggest that the Covenant abducted these children between 8:30 and 8:45 A.M. In exchange for their safe return, Sark is demanding the release of these men: five Covenant operatives currently in custody, apprehended within the past year. We have 48 hours.
VAUGHN: That's impossible. Aren't all of these prisoners being held by different governments?
LAUREN: Yes, and even in the event that we could coordinate the release of these prisoners, the diplomatic feat required would take days if not longer.
SYDNEY: Which is why we should being working on securing their release immediately.
REED: It's not that simple. There's a reason we don't negotiate with t*rrorists. It sets a dangerous precedent.
SYDNEY: As would not doing everything in our power to protect those children.
REED: And who's to say that next week the same criminal organization won't target the children of others working in intelligence?
SYDNEY: We are not discussing some hypothetical family.
REED: The Covenant abducted these hostages.
DIXON: Steven and Robin.
REED: Excuse me?
DIXON: Their names: Steven and Robin.
REED: I only suggest that for the safety of all of our families, we may need to find an alternative.
DIXON: Anyone else?
VAUGHN: Marshall is analyzing the data recorder from the plane. It may give us a lead.
SYDNEY: May I also suggest we at least begin negotiations with the countries holding these prisoners.
JACK: Whether or not we trade, as Ms. Reed mentioned this will be a lengthy process. We can use the negotiations to buy time while having the Covenant believing we are proceeding in good faith.
DIXON: Then that's how we'll proceed.
DIXON: One last thing. The only thing that we do know for certain. Sark managed his escape because he was provided with information that could only have come from this office. I want this leak identified.
Lauren and Sark on the phone.
LAUREN: They're doing exactly as we expected.
SARK: The advantages of having a predictable adversary.
LAUREN: Not to mention someone on the inside.
SARK: Yes, indeed. Which brings me to my next question. Our superiors would like to know how your efforts in securing a scapegoat are progressing.
LAUREN: I've already taken care of it.
OMNIFAM - Zurich - Switzerland
(over speakerphone)
SECRETARY: Oui, Monsieur Sloane.
SLOANE: Tell Carl that Judy is on her way down.
SECRETARY: Oui, Monsieur Sloane.
SLOANE: The limo is here.
BARNETT: I don't want to go.
SLOANE: Then don't.
BARNETT: I have used up all my sick days and every conceivable excuse. I have got to get back to work. You may find this hard to believe, but I am usually very professional.
SLOANE: Why would I find that hard to believe? I found our time together very therapeutic.
BARNETT: If the agency finds out...
SLOANE: They won't.
BARNETT: I will be totally discredited.
SLOANE: No one will know. I give you my word.
BARNETT: I wish that were enough.
BARNETT: Mmm, Judy, I'm not going to see you again, am I?
She smiles sadly. They kiss.
BARNETT: I should go.
Marshall's Office - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
MARSHALL: This is the last communication from the crew.
SARK: Tell them you're experiencing a radio failure, or you're both d*ad.
PILOT: Albuquerque Center, November-Niner-Seven, we're experiencing intermittent communications failure. Nothing to worry about.
GROUND: November-Niner-Seven, copy that. Continue your approach.
PILOT: Please, don't...
MARSHALL: Now, we assumed Sark bailed out over New Mexico, but check this out. Twenty minutes later the recorder picked up some faint noise.
DIXON: Can you be more specific?
MARSHALL: Yeah. I enhanced the audio, and it turns out our friend Mr. Sark made a phone call.
SARK: Notify the extraction team. I should be at the LZ on schedule. ... Do we have the hostages? ... Excellent. ... Not if I see you first, love.
MARSHALL: Sark was still on the plane once they passed New Mexico.
JACK: In that case, that would put him in...
MARSHALL: Arizona. I tasked Echelon to focus on a two hundred-mile radius around the estimated drop point, added the appropriate keywords to the dictionary. Sark must have gone south, because Echelon picked up a burst of Covenant communications from a warehouse in Nogales. I believe they might be holding your children there.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
DIXON: Based on Marshall's intel, I have the authority to go tactical right now and attempt a rescue.
JACK: Or you can continue the negotiations.
DIXON: I need an honest assessment, Jack.
JACK: The last time we did business with the Covenant, they k*lled a hostage as a negotiation tactic. If history is any indication, they may k*ll one of your children to compel us to meet their demands.
DIXON: What if we give in to their demands?
JACK: There's no guarantee they'll let them go unharmed.
DIXON: And if we attempt rescue, the risks are equally high.
JACK: I'm sorry.
DIXON: Prepare the tactical option.
"NOG[A]LES" - AZ (pushthrough)
DIXON: (comm) Marshall, we're in place and we're disabling the alarm system
MARSHALL: (comm) Okay, once the alarms are down, you need to access the closed circuit feed.
VAUGHN: (comm) Perimeter's clear.
SYDNEY: (comm) Alarms are down. We're hacking into the closed circuit feed now.
MARSHALL: (comm) Okay. Receiving images. Okay, there they are. I see them. The children are inside. Mapping coordinates. They're one level down.
DIXON: (comm) Let's go.
They go down some stairs.
DIXON: (comm) Marshall, anything?
They go down a hallway.
MARSHALL: (comm) Okay, try the first door on your right.
Dixon kicks the door in.
DIXON: Robin! Steven!
DIXON: Marshall, they're not here.
MARSHALL: No no, that doesn't make any sense. Hold on, let me do a rescan.
Weiss finds a timer panel for a b*mb.
WEISS: Oh my God.
VAUGHN: (comm) We've got an expl*sive device on a timer. A minute twelve left to go.
MARSHALL: (comm) Copy that, Boy Scout. I'm checking it out right now.
Sydney and Dixon find another one.
SYDNEY: (comm) Marshall, it's another expl*sive. 59 seconds.
MARSHALL: (comm) Copy that, Mountaineer. Can you approach, describe it to me?
SYDNEY: (comm) It's got a wireless receiver.
MARSHALL: (comm) Oh my God, Sydney. The b*mb is connected to a wireless network. There are six other charges. You need to get out. Now!
SYDNEY: (comm) The whole place is rigged.
DIXON: (comm) Team, fall back, now! I'm going for my children.
WEISS: (comm) Copy that.
WEISS: We've got to go.
Dixon runs around a corner and down a tunnel. Sydney's running after him.
DIXON: Steven! Robin!
SYDNEY: Dixon!
Marshall's watching the video, he notices something weird.
MARSHALL: No, no. This can't be, this can't be.
MARSHALL: (comm) Mountaineer, Mountaineer, listen. The children are not in the building. The tape is on a loop. It's a trap. Get out of there.
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon! Marshall says the tape is on a loop! We've got to get out of here!
DIXON: I can't leave them!
SYDNEY: But they're not here!
DIXON: (out of control, screaming) We don't know that!
SYDNEY: Dixon, if you stay here, you are going to die. Robin and Steven are out there, they need you to find them. Dixon, go!
Everyone runs out of the warehouse as it explodes.
Marshall's Office - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
JACK: Marshall, I need you to pull up the server logs for the classified FAA database.
MARSHALL: Sure, uh, what are we looking for?
JACK: Everyone who accessed Sark's flight information. Filter it to show only the results from the last two days.
MARSHALL: Okay. Sure, no problem.
The list narrows.
JACK: There. That's not one of our internal IP addresses, is it?
MARSHALL: No, it's not. It looks like they logged on using Dr. Barnett's account.
MARSHALL: That's interesting. They tried to spoof their IP by bouncing it off several servers.
JACK: Can you find the origin?
MARSHALL: I think so.
The last hop is shown:
Loc: Zurich, Switzerland
IP: 517.2103.0303.299418.1818
OMNIFAM - Zurich - Switzerland
Jack and two g*ons enter with a search warrant.
SLOANE: Jack. To what do I owe this pleasure?
JACK: I take no pleasure in this, Arvin.
Rotunda Prison - Los Angeles - CA
DIXON: You're dismissed. Go.
DIXON: It wasn't enough for you that I saw my wife die?
SLOANE: I'm afraid I don't understand.
DIXON: They are children! Children!
SLOANE: If I only knew what I was being accused of, I...
DIXON: You gave information to the Covenant. It's because of you my children are missing.
SLOANE: Dixon, I'm sor...
DIXON: The mistake I made was not putting a b*llet in your head three years ago when I had the chance.
Sydney runs up.
SYDNEY: Dixon, no! You can't do this!
DIXON: Sydney, get out of here. I don't want you to see this.
SYDNEY: If you k*ll him, it will be you locked up in this cage. Is that what you want?
DIXON: I want my children back!
SYDNEY: Well this is not the way to help them. We'll find them. We'll find them, Dixon. We'll bring them home.
DIXON: Sydney, for the last time, get out of here.
SYDNEY: What would Diane say if she saw you like this? What about your kids? They need you. What would they want you to do? What would they want you to do, Marcus?
Dixon puts the g*n away and walks out.
SLOANE: Sydney, I didn't do this.
Sydney walks away.
Dixon's Home - Los Angeles - CA (night)
Dixon breaks down on the steering wheel. Steven appears out of the night walking toward the car. Dixon gets out and runs toward him.
DIXON: Steven!
STEVEN: Daddy.
DIXON: Are you alright? Where's your sister? You need to tell me where's Robin?
A phone rings.
STEVEN: They want to talk to you.
Dixon answers.
Conference Room - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
Dixon's holding back tears.
DIXON: They said they wanted me to watch my children die. They wanted me to know what it felt like. The Covenant knew we'd come. They fed us Echelon intercepts, dangled the whereabouts of my children like bait.
DIXON: The Covenant is now demanding the immediate release of ten prisoners. Any further attempts on our part to out-maneuver them, and they have sworn I will never see my daughter again.
DIXON: If I told you I was capable of processing all of this, I'd be lying. All I know is my daughter is out there, and because of a failed rescue mission I sanctioned, she is in even more danger.
DIXON: The emotional toll this has taken, and my current state of mind convinces me I am no longer the best guarantee of her return. Therefore, I am stepping down temporarily as director of this task force until this matter is resolved.
DIXON: Jack, I trust you will stand in my stead and do everything in your power to bring my daughter back to me.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
REED: Jack, I've already put in calls to State. We're going to do everything in our power to meet the Covenant's demands.
JACK: I appreciate it.
JACK: The Covenant's agenda is rash. There's something behind the boldness of their demands.
REED: Like what?
JACK: I don't know, but until we determine what it is, we should proceed negotiating for the release of the prisoners.
Hospital - Los Angeles - CA
Sydney knocks.
SYDNEY: How's he doing?
DIXON: He's dehydrated, but I think the damage is more emotional than physical?
SYDNEY: So, what can I do?
DIXON: Sydney, Steven was sent back with a message, but it had nothing to do with releasing prisoners.
SYDNEY: I don't get it.
DIXON: They told me if I disclosed their true demands to the CIA, Robin will die.
SYDNEY: What do they want?
DIXON: A Rambaldi artifact from Project Blackhole in the Nevada desert. Lot 45, I don't know what it is.
SYDNEY: Why the false demands?
DIXON: To keep the CIA occupied. The Covenant is aware that I have clearance to enter the DSR facility. I have personal access codes.
SYDNEY: Access codes that can be traced back to you.
DIXON: My daughter's life is in their hands. If I could do this alone, I would.
SYDNEY: Whatever you need.
"NEVA[D]A DESERT" - NV (pushthrough)
Sydney's driving around in a dune buggy. She crosses into a restricted area, and some guards stop her.
Number on dune buggy: 933 1033 CRR
GUARD: Miss, this is a restricted area.
SYDNEY: Dude! This is sweet. I'm psyched to run into you. I was dune'ing with my buddies and I got separated. Been just going in a circle for about an hour.
GUARD: Miss, you are not supposed to be here.
SYDNEY: I'm not? The map says... have a look.
She bends over to get the map from the buggy. The guard stares at her ass, then approaches.
SYDNEY: Can you ever read these things? I can never tell...
Sydney knocks the guard out with a stun g*n. (Note: they don't work like that.)
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon, I'm in position.
Project Blackhole Compound - Nevada Desert - NV
Dixon begins to drive up to the gate.
DIXON: (comm) Copy that. Arriving now.
He stops at a guard station.
DIXON: The Director of Research is expecting me.
The guard looks over Dixon's papers and waves him through.
DIXON: Thank you.
Project Blackhole Compound - Nevada Desert - NV
Dixon and Erin are walking inside the compound, still outside...
DIXON: I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on your promotion, Erin.
ERIN: Thank you for the recommendation.
ERIN: I'm sorry about your daughter. If there's anything we can do...
DIXON: I believe there is. Does the term countershadow mean anything to you?
ERIN: I'm not sure about countershadow. There are specific references to shadows in neo-paganism. There's over a dozen references in the Bible.
DIXON: Anything Rambaldi related? My son said his captors mentioned the word "countershadow". That's all I have to go on. I need access to a research terminal for an hour or so.
ERIN: Not a problem. Mind if I tag along? (pause) Actually, I have to tag along. We're at a code orange. You understand.
DIXON: I understand. I instituted the protocol.
She laughs.
Project Blackhole Compound - Nevada Desert - NV
Sydney stops near a vent. She puts on some weird suit, then uses a cable to lowers herself into the steam vent.
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon, I've breached the grate.
ERIN: Most of the files are cross-referenced within the archive, but we should also check the historical database.
SYDNEY: (comm) It's still sealed!
DIXON: This'll take more time than I thought. Coffee?
ERIN: Sure, I'll have some brought in.
SYDNEY: (comm) Heat bubbles are getting critical. I'm going to have to abort.
Dixon acts as if he's about to faint.
ERIN: Are you alright?
DIXON: I'm sorry. All this, hits at the strangest times.
ERIN: I understand.
DIXON: Do you pray, Erin?
ERIN: No. I'm agnostic, actually.
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon, the temperature is at 248 degrees and rising.
Dixon folds his hands and starts praying silently.
ERIN: Why don't I give you a moment.
DIXON: (comm) Sydney, I'm patching into the security console, now.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm through the grate.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm in.
SYDNEY: (comm) This place. They've got every Rambaldi artifact ever collected.
Sydney walks around. A blow-up of the Rambaldi page depicting Sydney is on a wall. Lot 49 is the infrared-ray w*apon from b*mb. Lot 47 looks like a treasure chest.
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon, lot 45 is gone.
SYDNEY: (comm) Dixon, what do I do?
DIXON: (comm) Give me a second, I'll try to find it. ... It's been moved to analysis, level 8, quadrant 1.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm on my way.
Rotunda Prison - Los Angeles - CA
JACK: These negotiations are meant to fail. Why?
SLOANE: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
JACK: All of the resources of this agency are being diverted to meet demands the Covenant must know are unattainable, which leads me to believe it's merely a distraction. What do they really want?
SLOANE: Well, then my question to you is why target Dixon? What does he have access to, Jack?
SLOANE: Come on, Jack. If you want my help, you're just going to have to trust me.
JACK: He has access to Project Blackhole.
Project Blackhole Compound - Nevada Desert - NV
DIXON: (comm) Proceed down the north corridor until you reach the central lab, room 74. That's where they're holding lot 45.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm approaching the door. It's locked.
DIXON: (comm) I'm working on it.
DIXON: (comm) Got it.
Sydney enters. There's a three-armed laser gizmo scanning the artifact.
SYDNEY: (comm) I see it.
DIXON: (comm) Good. Can you get to it?
SYDNEY: (comm) I can try.
DIXON: (comm) Go ahead.
She manages to get the artifact. The arms go crazy, almost hitting her. She pulls some wires out of an arm, and soon after it moves away, up toward the ceiling.
SYDNEY: (comm) I've got the artifact. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point.
DIXON: (comm) Copy that.
As Sydney puts the cube into the case she brought, she notices the word "Irina" carved into the cube.
Lobby - Project Blackhole Compound - Nevada Desert - NV
ERIN: Director Dixon! You forgot the hard copy.
DIXON: Oh, thank you. You saved me a trip back here.
ERIN: Uh huh. You're welcome.
Rotunda Corner - Los Angeles - CA
LAUREN: (cell) I got your message.
SARK: (cell) Dixon made contact. He's prepared to make the exchange.
LAUREN: (cell) I understand.
SARK: (cell) I must admit, I wasn't sure the good Director had it in him. I'm impressed.
LAUREN: (cell) That man is living through his worst nightmare. You might consider losing the sarcasm.
SARK: (cell) How touching. You actually care.
LAUREN: (cell) When is the meet?
SARK: (cell) Four hours. Make sure nothing interferes.
Some rooftop parking garage - Los Angeles - CA
Dixon and Sydney meet Jack.
SYDNEY: What is this about?
JACK: I know you removed an artifact from Project Blackhole to trade with the Covenant. I talked to Sloane.
SYDNEY: Sloane?
JACK: The Covenant is desperate to acquire a box constructed by Rambaldi. It's Sloane's understanding that they're close to locating a key to activate it.
DIXON: And why should we trust a thing Sloane says?
JACK: Because Sloane believes the contents of that box in the Covenant's hands will put Sydney's life in jeopardy, and I believe him.
SYDNEY: Dad, there is something you should know. There's an inscription on the box. Mom's name.
JACK: You cannot give the Covenant the artifact, not until we know more.
DIXON: And by then Robin may be d*ad. Jack, if I had another option...
JACK: We can produce a duplicate artifact, send in a team to the exchange site, apprehend Sark once the trade occurs.
DIXON: If Sark in any way thinks we're trying to double-cross him, my daughter will suffer the consequences. I can't take that risk.
JACK: I share your concern, which is why I'm committed to finding a way out of this without risking my daughter's life as well.
SYDNEY: The difference is Robin didn't choose this life. I did. It's my decision to make, dad. The exchange is happening tomorrow.
JACK: Then I'm going with you.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
REED: (phone) Tell the Algerian Minister that if he refuses, I will personally see to it that his foreign aid bill doesn't make it to the Senate floor.
GOON: Sir, Project Blackhole has been compromised.
REED: (phone) Tell him I'll call back.
REED: Excuse me?
GOON: Lot 45 is missing. A list has been compiled of all workers and visitors at the facility in the last 24 hours.
REED: That'll be all.
GOON: Yes, sir.
REED: (phone) This is Senator Reed. I want Marcus Dixon's name added to the Federal watchlist, and I want a tactical team deployed to bring him into custody immediately.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
MARSHALL: What is it?
LAUREN: Dixon needs your help.
L.A., outside, the same place the MINI trial run in The Italian Job was filmed
Jack, Sydney, Dixon pull up in a Cadillac, license 4N170C2 (CA)
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
REED: (comm) Air Unit One, what's your status?
AU1: Air Unit One engaging GPS to locate the target area.
Rotunda - Marshall's office
VAUGHN: The helicopters are up.
LAUREN: Marshall, we wouldn't ask you...
MARSHALL: Listen, say no more. If anybody ever laid a hand on my mini-Mitch, I swear to you...
(Exterior sh*t of the covenant car pulling up at the exchange.)
MARSHALL: They're using a GPS navigation system to vector the choppers.
VAUGHN: Meaning?
MARSHALL: Well, I might be able to uplink to their GPS receiver and induce a deviation error.
LAUREN: Might or can?
MARSHALL: We'll find out soon enough.
Outside - Los Angeles - CA
AU1: Air Unit One. Receiving GPS signal. We're proceeding to target area.
Sark walks up.
DIXON: I want my daughter.
SARK: Once I take possession of lot 45, my associate will release her. You have my word.
AU1: Air Unit One, we're over the contact area. There's no one here.
Rotunda - Marshall's office
MARSHALL: Well, it looks like they're taking a little detour outside of Long Beach Harbor over the Pacific Ocean.
LAUREN: Thank you so much, Marshall.
Exchange Site - Los Angeles - CA
Sark opens the box. He's happy. The goon gets out of the car with Dixon's daughter.
SARK: I'm afraid I'm going to need some insurance to guarantee I reach my extraction point safely. This collar contains a lethal cardiotoxin. Once I place this on your daughter, you'll have two minutes to disarm it before the compound is released into her system.
DIXON: You son of a b****! That was not part of our agreement.
SARK: This mechanism is well within your disarming capabilities. Two minutes is generous, in my opinion.
DIXON: You will not put that on my daughter.
SYDNEY: Use me instead!
JACK: Sydney!
SYDNEY: Put the collar on me.
Sark looks at Dixon's daughter.
SYDNEY: (pleading) She's thirteen years old.
SARK: Very well. If you try to remove this device before disarming it, the injection is instantaneous.
DIXON: Now I want my daughter.
Sark nods. The goon releases her.
SARK: As always, it has been a pleasure doing business with you.
JACK: Sark! You don't deserve to walk out of here alive.
He's pulled a sig.
SARK: Before you consider taking any drastic measures, you should know that if I release my grip on this remote, the toxin will automatically go into your daughter's bloodstream. A failsafe, if you will. As I said, you have two minutes.
SYDNEY: Get Robin out of here.
JACK: Do it, now.
Dixon puts Robin in the back of the car.
JACK: Sydney, stay very still.
He takes the cover off.
JACK: The mechanism's armed.
SYDNEY: Our best bet is to sever it's link to the relay board.
JACK: I see it. It's wired to a meter. If we clip the lead, it'll register the voltage drop.
JACK: Easy.
He clips the lead.
JACK: It's okay.
They hug.
Hospital - Los Angeles - CA
Dixon's and his children are playing cards. Sydney stops by.
Rotunda Prison - Los Angeles - CA
SLOANE: If I told you I was innocent of these charges, would you believe me?
SLOANE: Look, Judy, why don't you ask yourself... if I wanted to damage you, if I wanted to damage the CIA, would I be so careless? Would I leave a trail that so obviously leads in my direction?
BARNETT: You used me. I compromised my judgment because I believed that you had changed. You are incapable of it.
SLOANE: If you can't trust me now, I accept that. All I ask is that you respect the confidentiality of what I told you regarding my affair with Irina.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
LAUREN: I'm going home.
VAUGHN: Have you seen your father?
LAUREN: Haven't seen him.
VAUGHN: Well, maybe that's a good thing.
JACK: Lauren, Vaughn. It's come to my attention that Senator Reed's effort to retrieve lot 45 was thwarted inexplicably.
VAUGHN: Well, I'd imagine the Senator will be gearing up for an inquiry, though I doubt he'll find any evidence of wrongdoing.
JACK: Well, whoever intervened to save Robin's life, not to mention Sydney's, is owed my deepest gratitude.
LAUREN: Good night, Jack.
Jack walks away.
VAUGHN: See you later.
LAUREN: Not if I see you first, love.
Jack hears this. He checks himself and the gears start turning. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x16 - Taken"} | foreverdreaming |
L[O]S ANGELES - CA - USA (pushthrough)
Vaughn and Weiss jogging in Central Park
VAUGHN: Lauren's parents have been married for 34 years, and they still love being together. I had one day off this month, and I spent it playing hockey at the rink with high school kids.
WEISS: That must be fun.
VAUGHN: If I need it, can I crash on your couch?
WEISS: Yeah, you just have to wipe off the cheese nips.
WEISS: Hey, I'm sorry.
Vaughn's phone rings.
VAUGHN: (cell) Hello?
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
VAUGHN: I may have a lead on Lot 45, not where it is, but a map that'll lead us to the key that opens it.
SYDNEY: Project Blackhole has had the Rambaldi Box for two years and hasn't been able to do that without destroying it.
LAUREN: Without the key, the Covenant probably won't be able to either.
VAUGHN: That's why we have to get it first. I'm getting the intel from an asset in Mexico City.
DIXON: The plane's waiting on you at Dover.
SYDNEY: I'd like to go with him.
LAUREN: Is that a good idea? Sloane was clear. Whatever's inside the box presents a significant personal thr*at to you.
SYDNEY: Sloane could be lying. Even if he's not, the box has one inscription on it: Irena. I need to find out why.
DIXON: You'll report to me as soon as you get back from Mexico City.
Sydney and Vaughn leave.
DIXON: Lauren. Your father has ordered an official inquiry into the disappearance of the box from project Blackhole.
LAUREN: I've already been questioned about what I know, which is nothing.
DIXON: I appreciate that.
LAUREN: Not at all. You know where my loyalties lie.
ME[X]ICO CITY / Mexico (pushthrough)
Sydney and Vaughn are meeting with Kishell, the guy the Snowman butchered, last seen in Season 1's The Snowman.
KISHELL: The box you lost has not been opened since the time of Rambaldi. Though there is a legend Joseph Stalin made the greatest effort.
SYDNEY: Stalin knew about Rambaldi?
KISHELL: He too was a believer. The Rambaldi box is of particular interest because it was rumored to contain the strain of a plague-like bio-w*apon capable of k*lling millions. Stalin obtained the box, but the key to opening it eluded him.
This story is filmed with narration (the following three lines).
KISHELL: He sent teams of archeologists around the globe in search of the key. As legend has it, in 1941 a discovery was made in the Karoo desert. What they found was a map made of crystal. The etchings in the crystal were a guide to the key that opened the box.
KISHELL: Unfortunately, obsessed with gaining sole credit for the discovery, the archeologists turned on one another...
KISHELL: ...and the map, along with the two men, were reclaimed by the desert, never to be heard from again. Until now.
KISHELL: I received this two days ago from a contact in South Africa.
SYDNEY: Bomani.
VAUGHN: Where are they?
KISHELL: The Karoo desert. My contact surveilled Mr. Bomani with a hidden camera as he discovered the bodies of the men and the map.
VAUGHN: That's the map?
KISHELL: There are etchings in the crystal, a route of some kind.
SYDNEY: This bio-w*apon, what do you know about it?
KISHELL: Only that the Covenant refers to it as the "passenger".
VAUGHN: Where is your contact now? Can we speak with him?
KISHELL: I'm afraid not. Bomani discovered that he was being surveilled.
There are pictures of Omnifam trucks.
VAUGHN: Son of a b****. You see those trucks?
SYDNEY: Omnifam.
Prison - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA
SYDNEY: Explain this to me, Kazari Bomani using your trucks to do the Covenant's work.
SLOANE: I entered into a relationship with Bomani at the insistence of the CIA. You forced me to partner with him so I could stay close to the Covenant.
SYDNEY: Your job was to provide us with intel, not offer material support to the Covenant in their search for the passenger.
SLOANE: In order to maintain my cover, I had to grant Bomani access to certain Omnifam resources. Check the report, Sydney. I detailed all of this.
SYDNEY: You're here because you committed treason by spying on your country. I won't put much stock in your reports.
SLOANE: I'm not the mole you're looking for.
Ha ha. Star Wars Episode 4 reference.
SYDNEY: You know what will happen if your pardon agreement is revoked. The death penalty that was commuted when you entered into it will be reinstated.
SLOANE: Well then I will die knowing that I have honored my agreement to the letter.
SYDNEY: Where's Bomani?
SLOANE: I have no idea, but in exchange for certain creature comforts... when I was falsely accused, I was reading the Iliad in the original Greek.
Note: Homer's Iliad is the first story of the fall of Troy. The two typically recommended translations are Lattimore and f*g, the latter being a bit more common these days.
SYDNEY: I'm listening.
SLOANE: All Omnifam trucks are equipped with Global Positioning System transponders. If I give you the corresponding codes, you can track Bomani's movements via satellite.
SLOANE: Ah, you have such a beautiful smile, Sydney. I miss it.
SYDNEY: If you're ex*cuted, I'll be a witness. I'll smile then.
Restaurant - Los Angeles - CA - US
Lauren and Vaughn are having dinner.
LAUREN: So how was your trip?
VAUGHN: It was good.
LAUREN: Well, what happened?
VAUGHN: You know, we uh, got what we needed to get, and we're just waiting to see if it pans out.
LAUREN: Michael, I got you something while you were gone. Open it.
He opens it. It's his father's watch.
LAUREN: I realized I forgot the anniversary of your father's death, and I felt terrible, and I wanted to do something special to make up for it. It's the watch he gave you. I had it fixed.
Oh. My. God.
VAUGHN: This isn't working.
LAUREN: It isn't?
VAUGHN: Not the watch. Us. This isn't working for me. I'm not happy.
LAUREN: I see.
VAUGHN: I don't know, I guess for a while I thought I could be again. But I don't think that's going to happen.
VAUGHN: I think we should separate.
LAUREN: This is about Sydney, isn't it?
VAUGHN: No, it isn't.
LAUREN: Did she give you an ultimatum?
VAUGHN: This is about us, our problem.
LAUREN: She is our problem. Michael, if you're going to destroy my life, the least you can do is be honest about why you're doing it.
Lauren storms off.
LAUREN: (cell) We have a problem.
Some garage - Los Angeles - CA - US
SARK: Have you been made?
LAUREN: Of course not. If he knew I was Covenant he would arrest me, not break up with me.
SARK: Well, he's obviously grown tired of you, perhaps because of another woman?
LAUREN: My access extends beyond my husband.
SARK: Perhaps, but Vaughn is central to the CIA's efforts regarding the passenger, so you must do everything possible to keep him close.
LAUREN: What are you proposing?
SARK: The last time Sydney Bristow induced your husband to stray from a committed relationship, he was dating Alice Williams. When her father died, Vaughn recommitted.
LAUREN: I am not going to k*ll my father.
SARK: Need I remind you that you expressed no such compunction about k*lling my father.
LAUREN: You asked me to k*ll Lazarey.
SARK: And now I'm asking you to k*ll Senator Reed.
LAUREN: The answer is no.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
Jack is pulling up Lauren's records and calendar. One passport says Katrina Holsbeek, DOB 07/02/1959. Another says Samuel Coy, DOB 12 Jun 1969, Male, New York, issued 14 Mar 2000, no. 721000069. But both have Lauren's picture. Her email consists of stuff from Blyth(a)al.com, sales-broken-email-regt.com, and ep 315 photos and Daniel Ryan bios from Jason Delevan.
He prints her calendar. Lauren's reading a file as she walks by, accompanied by ominous music.
Intro Sequence
Senator Reed's hotel room - Los Angeles - CA - US
Doorbell rings. A woman answers the door. It's Jack.
JACK: Mrs. Reed, my name is Jack Bristow. I'm here to see your husband.
OLIVIA: George tells me you work with Lauren.
JACK: Yes, I do.
OLIVIA: What you all do is so important. Forgive me for saying so, but I think the country is lucky to have her, don't you?
JACK: Absolutely.
Senator Reed comes in.
REED: The omnibus appropriations bill is snagged on the intel budget. Can you believe that, in this day and age?
OLIVIA: Well, I'm off to give a speech at the central library.
REED: Olivia chairs the largest literacy program in the country. Does more good in a year than I do in a six-year term.
OLIVIA: I'll be back after dinner. Remember to take your pill.
OLIVIA: It's very nice to meet you.
REED: Okay, let's see it.
JACK: All I have is a paper trail, not definitive proof but the beginning of what Director Dixon and I believe to be a strong case for the existence of a mole.
REED: Other than Sloane.
JACK: Or instead of him. At this point that is unclear.
REED: Is it that hard to identify a traitor? Honestly, sometimes I think you people just get too close.
The Senator looks at the file, sees Lauren's picture and some information about her travels. Some of the text is visible, enough to discover that it's a cut and paste job, with a few lines of text repeated.
REED: I don't understand.
JACK: (remarking about the trips) Unauthorized by either NSC or Central Intelligence.
REED: Covert ops often go unrecorded.
JACK: 60% of the flights listed coincide with dates and locations where verifiable Covenant activity occurred.
REED: My daughter is a committed public servant who despite my objections insisted on government service because she felt the responsibility to give back to her country.
JACK: I understand this is difficult.
REED: No, no, it's not, because there is nothing here. Lauren is a patriot, and I will not allow you to ruin her reputation based on innuendo and supposition.
JACK: As I said, my findings are preliminary.
Jack gets up to leave.
JACK: These are duplicates. If, after reviewing them more thoroughly you have any questions, call me.
Briefing Room - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
DIXON: Based on the transponder codes Sloane gave us, Marshall tracked the Omnifam trucks to the Russian consulate at Gaborone. The consulate general, Petr Berezovsky, has strong ties to the Covenant. Upon your arrival, there will be a State event in progress. You will proceed to the second floor where we believe Sark and Bomani may be analyzing the map.
Dixon sits down.
DIXON: The second floor of the consulate is like a vault, satellite-resistant shielding, copper-lined walls, electrically-conductive concrete.
WEISS: So this is where you think the map is located.
Dixon nods.
VAUGHN: So how do we gain access?
DIXON: Sydney will be going in as a Russian couture designer interested in the local diamond trade. Vaughn, you and Weiss will run back-up.
DIXON: Marshall's analyzing intel on the security system and passwords. He will brief you on countermeasures and op-tech. You leave in one hour.
GAORONE - Botswana (pushthrough)
VAUGHN: (comm) Okay, Mountaineer. Comms are hot.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm entering the party.
WEISS: (comm) Copy. Now locate Berezovsky.
SYDNEY: (comm) I see him.
WEISS: (comm) f*ring up the microphone.
MARSHALL: Now, this lovely choker you're wearing will get you up to the second floor because the elevator controls are password operated by voice. So you're going to have to talk like Berezovsky. But I designed a high-resolution miniature microphone that I placed inside the choker. The password is "mockingbird" in Russian.
VAUGHN: Oh, that'll be easy to get him to say.
MARSHALL: No, you won't have to, because I designed a voice construction software program that will allow you to reconstruct the password once Sydney gets Berezovsky to say enough syllables and phonemes. Piece of cake, right?
SYDNEY: (in Russian) Pelena Alexandreva. ... Your contributions to couture are greatly appreciated.
BEREZOVSKY: Please forgive my voice. Too much cheering at my son's soccer game.
WEISS: Come on, this guy sounds like a frog. Is this thing still going to work?
VAUGHN: I don't know. We'll find out.
Sydney walks away.
VAUGHN: (comm) On my way in, Syd.
WEISS: I'll reconstruct the password and have it uplinked to you by the time you reach the elevator.
WEISS: (comm) Okay, stay sharp. Sark and Bomani could be upstairs.
Sark and Bomani are hovering over a computer display of the map.
BOMANI: With our computer scan of the map, we have narrowed our search to a radius of 100 square miles. The ? should pinpoint the location by this time tomorrow.
BOMANI: (to techie) Well done. Thank you.
SYDNEY: (comm) The guards are doing a 2-minute sweep. Bomani and Sark might be in the building as well.
WEISS: (comm) Once you get the elevator door closed, it'll take you directly to the second floor. But be careful, you might run into Sark and Bomani.
Vaughn tries to play the recorded password for the elevator microphone. It doesn't work.
VAUGHN: (comm) It's no good.
WEISS: (comm) Got it. Let me just... let me try something.
Sydney hands Vaughn a g*n.
SYDNEY: g*n.
WEISS: (comm) Try it now.
VAUGHN: (comm) It's still red.
WEISS: (comm) Watch it. You've got a guard approaching from the South.
WEISS: (comm) Alright, I think I've got it. Try it again.
It works. The elevator door closes.
VAUGHN: We're on our way up.
BOMANI: You will go to Vienna and get everything ready. I will meet you there when I've retrieved the key.
SARK: Very well.
Bomani pulls out a silenced p*stol and sh**t the techie.
SARK: That was extravagant.
BOMANI: I trust no one, Mr. Sark, and it is best you remember that.
Vaughn and Sydney enter a nearby room. There's gibberish on a whiteboard.
VAUGHN: There it is.
There's a golden disk spinning in another room. Sydney puts some Marshall gizmo on the door lock and it unlocks.
WEISS: We're in. Whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. It looks like you just triggered a silent alarm. Get the crystal and get out.
At the security room... a phone rings.
He puts the phone down and looks at Sark.
BOMANI: Somebody's here.
VAUGHN: Got it.
Bomani and Sark arrive and start sh**ting.
Sydney and Vaughn get out of the room and out onto a balcony. Guards find them and start sh**ting.
VAUGHN: Take my g*n.
Vaughn rigs a banner so they can use it to jump off the balcony.
VAUGHN: We're going over. Ready?
SYDNEY: Ready.
They escape.
SARK: They have the crystal.
BOMANI: Well get them.
Military cargo plane
SYDNEY: The Covenant may have already discovered how to read this. Even if we figure out where it leads, Bomani may get there first.
WEISS: You know, Dixon forwarded the picture of the crystal we gave him on to Project Blackhole. I'll give him a call and ask him if they have a device that can read it.
VAUGHN: Lauren and I are separating. When we get home, I'm on Weiss' couch.
SYDNEY: Are you sure that's what you really want?
VAUGHN: It is.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
Lauren notices someone's been going through her files. She tracks it down to a user, DY692.
GOON: Can I help you, Mrs. Reed?
LAUREN: I need you to run a check against a user account, number DY692.
GOON: I'm sorry, those records are cleared.
LAUREN: I have SCI level 9 clearance. You can check with the Office of Security.
GOON: Protocol.
LAUREN: I understand.
GOON: Here we go.
Flirting Corner - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
LAUREN: (cell) Jack Bristow accessed my files. My intrusion detection program logged his user account.
SARK: (cell) What information was he interested in, specifically?
LAUREN: (cell) My travel itinerary for the last five months, expense reports, rental car receipts, my phone logs. I can't risk being exposed.
SARK: (cell) Well then I strongly suggest you reconsider eliminating your father.
LAUREN: (cell) How would that help this situation?
SARK: (cell) We can associate him with the breeches. If you have another suggestion, now is the time to make it.
SARK: (cell) Good. We're agreed.
Lauren hangs up, frustrated.
Marshall's office - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
MARSHALL: It operates under the same principals as a kaleidoscope. It contains loose pieces of colored glass reflected by mirrors set at certain angles that create patterns when viewed through the end of the tube.
SYDNEY: In this case the pattern is a map.
DIXON: Made up of three crystals, all of which are required to properly read the map. Sloane had collected only two.
VAUGHN: Well now that we have all three, what does the map look like?
MARSHALL: Check it out.
Marshall puts up a slide of the map image.
SYDNEY: Do we know where that is?
MARSHALL: I ran the image through every known land chart, I adjusted for erosion, acid rain, natural disaster, and I couldn't find a match.
DIXON: The map revealed nothing?
MARSHALL: Nothing, sir. Sorry.
Prison - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
DIXON: Based on your intel we were able to acquire what we were looking for from Bomani.
SLOANE: I'm happy I could help.
SYDNEY: The problem is we can't interpret the data it generated.
Sydney hands him a copy of the Iliad. This is really creepy. It reminds me of Clarice's quid pro quo with Hannibal Lecter.
SLOANE: Ah. Excellent. The Iliad. So how may I be of service?
Sydney takes the kaleidoscope out of a box.
Sloane suddenly becomes interested.
SLOANE: You found a third crystal.
SYDNEY: (to the box carrier) Thank you.
SYDNEY: Tell us what you see.
SLOANE: Rambaldi encrypted many of his discoveries. He divided them into pieces so that if the authorities discovered any single piece the true meaning of his work would not be revealed. It's true of the crystals, and the keys they lead to.
DIXON: Keys?
SLOANE: Disks to be precise. There are four disks that fit perfectly into the slots carved into the Rambaldi box.
SYDNEY: We know the crystals are a map, but we don't know to where. What you've been looking at doesn't sync up to any known topography.
SLOANE: You know better than anyone, Sydney, there isn't anywhere on Earth that Rambaldi or his followers wouldn't go to hide one of his creations.
Dixon's irritated, impatient.
DIXON: We've looked everywhere on Earth.
Sloane's amused, and a bit condescending.
SLOANE: Really, Marcus, have you? Or is it simply that you've looked everywhere on land?
Marshall's office - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
MARSHALL: Okay, now this is what I was looking at. That's your basic land mass. But then if I compare the topography with oceanic mapping... heh, Sloane is a genius.
Sydney gives him a "Are you crazy?" look.
MARSHALL: I mean an evil, horrible genius. Bad man genius. But still, genius.
SYDNEY: The g*n rock formation off the coast of Okinawa.
DIXON: I want you two in flight immediately. There's plenty of time to spec out the mission en route. Whatever op-tech you need will be waiting for you when you land.
Dixon walks out of the office.
JACK: Senator Reed called. He's reviewed the documents I provided and wants to meet.
DIXON: We owed him the courtesy of informing him in advance, but as soon as your conversation is complete, we need to inform the FBI and have her taken into custody.
Reed's hotel - Los Angeles - CA - US
He's drinking something, perhaps scotch?
LAUREN: Hello, father.
REED: I didn't hear you come in.
LAUREN: I've been hear a while talking to mom.
REED: Shut the door. There's something we need to discuss that I don't want your mom to hear. She's a great woman, your mom. Put up with a lot. Me being away, Congress all these years.
At this point we see what Lauren's keeping behind her back... a silenced, stainless Walther PPK. How clever. Maybe Roger Moore will be making another guest appearance.
REED: It's a burden. Don't think I don't know it. On you, too. It'd break your mother's heart if she ever found out about this.
He turns her file around so she can see it.
REED: I know because it broke mine.
LAUREN: If it's any consolation, I feel the cause I am working for is just.
REED: I feel like I let you down, like it's my fault and that if I help you get out of it we could start over somehow.
LAUREN: Get out of it?
REED: I could tell the Agency I learned there was a mole in the Rotunda 6 months ago, and that I've been conducting my own investigation. I'm a Senator on the Intelligence Committee. No one would say a word.
LAUREN: You would do that for me?
REED: Of course I would. I love you.
LAUREN: It's a clever plan, and I'll definitely use it. However, it only solves one of my problems.
She points the g*n at him.
REED: Lauren, what are you doing?
LAUREN: Get on your knees.
REED: You can't do this.
LAUREN: Get on your knees. Hands behind your head.
She's getting emotional.
LAUREN: Do as I say!
REED: Lauren, please. Don't do this.
She puts the g*n down.
OLIVIA: God! What are you doing? Give me the g*n, Lauren.
Olivia sh**t her husband. Lauren winces.
OLIVIA: Sark said you might back out.
OLIVIA: (phone) (some Russian word)
Same - later
Forensics people are taking pictures. Jack shows up and flashes his badge, and is presumably informed by the investigators what happened.
Same - shortly afteward
JACK: I'm so sorry. Tell me what happened.
OLIVIA: I'd been out shopping, and I came back, and George was there, he was just sitting, gazing out the window. He started talking, saying something about our country, that our government was ineffectual. He said he'd made certain choices, that when they came out no one would understand. I told him whatever was going on, we could get through it. He said Lauren would be implicated too, that he'd asked her to do things, I don't know, access records on his behalf.
OLIVIA: I went to the kitchen, and that's... that's when I heard the sh*t. I mean I'm his wife, I should have known. These people he was talking about, the Covenant, he made it sound like they were... t*rrorists.
Lauren comes running in, crying, and hugs her mom.
LAUREN: Mom! Oh my god.
OLIVIA: I'm sorry.
SEA OF [J]APAN (pushthrough)
A helicopter is flying over the ocean.
Cut to Sydney and Vaughn swimming with underwater gear.
MARSHALL: Alright, Mountaineer, ... degrees southwest.
MARSHALL: Target acquired. They'll be out of radio contact until they resurface.
Sydney and Vaughn are in some sort of cave. They find the four keys.
VAUGHN: What is this place?
SYDNEY: It looks like it's been fortified over the years, probably by the followers of Rambaldi to protect his artifacts from ever being removed.
VAUGHN: Well next time they'll have to do a better job.
DIXON: What's that?
MARSHALL: Not sure. Hold on a second, I'll enhance. It's a helicopter with divers. There are four of them, sir.
DIXON: Syd, Vaughn, you've got four incoming bogeys, I repeat, four bogeys. Do you copy?
MARSHALL: As long as they're in that cave, the signal's down.
VAUGHN: You know, these never have to see the surface.
SYDNEY: What do you mean?
VAUGHN: If what's in the Rambaldi box is a danger to you, and these keys are the only way to open it, maybe they should be destroyed.
SYDNEY: Thank you for saying that.
BOMANI: Put down your w*apon.
BOMANI: I could never have found this without you. Thank you for that. You remind me of your mother. I'm sure she would be pleased to know I got the keys from you. After all, the passenger is Irina's legacy. Give me the satchel.
g*n. Except Bomani, who has some mid-east sabre-like thing.
Bomani escapes.
SYDNEY: Bomani's got the keys.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, our hose has been cut.
VAUGHN: The DPVs are sh*t.
Note: DPV means Diver Propulsion Vehicle.
SYDNEY: How long can you hold your breath?
VAUGHN: A free swim? No way, we'd never make it out of the tunnel. It's too far.
SYDNEY: We don't have a choice.
VAUGHN: There's got to be another way.
SYDNEY: There!
SYDNEY: The t*nk's full.
VAUGHN: The regulator's broken. It's compressed air. If we can release it properly, it can act as a propulsion device.
VAUGHN: Hang on.
Bad CGI of Sydney and Vaughn holding onto the DPV with air t*nk attached and propelling them through the water.
MARSHALL: Okay, there they are.
DIXON: How can you be sure it's them?
MARSHALL: It's them. The tracker they're wearing emits a specific GPS frequency. It's them. Phew.
Cargo Plane back to the U.S.
VAUGHN: Nothing on the satellite feed or from Naval Intelligence. It's like Bomani just disappeared.
SYDNEY: And took the key to the passenger with him.
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
SYDNEY: I am sad for you, for you and Lauren, that you have to go through this. But I'm also hopeful. That's what scares me.
VAUGHN: I understand.
VAUGHN: When we get home, you want to get a cup of coffee?
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
DIXON: I want to extend my condolences on behalf of the entire task force.
LAUREN: Thank you.
DIXON: I have arranged to have grief counseling made available at your convenience, and a leave of absence if you want one.
DIXON: What's this?
LAUREN: My letter of resignation. My actions violated the oath I took to this country, and your trust. Agents were put at risk because of what I did.
DIXON: Your behavior, while unacceptable, is nevertheless understandable. You were acting at your father's instruction in accordance with what you believed was approved government protocol. He told you he was conducting an independent security check, and you had no reason to believe otherwise.
There's a knock. Dixon motions Jack in.
DIXON: Many of us have suffered tragedy on the job or at home. When that happens, we pull together. This time will be no exception. Your resignation is not accepted.
Lauren smiles, a bit inappropriately for someone who _just_ tendered her resignation.
LAUREN: Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go find my husband.
She leaves.
JACK: Did the forensics check out?
DIXON: Yes. The official cause of death is su1c1de. Do you accept that?
JACK: At this point, I have no reason not to. I assume this means we no longer have reason to hold Sloane?
DIXON: Not necessarily.
Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
Sydney and Vaughn arrive. People are huddled around Lauren. Weiss walks over to Vaughn and explains what happened. Sydney's glaring at Weiss. Vaughn leaves Sydney and goes over to his wife. Sydney watches, looking rather upset. Lauren looks at Sydney as she hugs Vaughn.
Prison - Rotunda - Los Angeles - CA - US
DIXON: You're here because we believed you hacked into this office and removed classified files. We were wrong, and those charges are being dropped.
SLOANE: So am I to understand that you have apprehended the mole.
DIXON: Yes. Senator George Reed.
SLOANE: Senator Reed admitted to working for the Covenant?
DIXON: He did. And then he k*lled himself.
SLOANE: I wish to be released immediately, with apologies, and my pardon agreement intact.
DIXON: I'm sure you would, but in going through the Senator's personal effects, we discovered evidence that for the past year he has been consulting with you regarding Rambaldi's work, and further that in direct violation of your pardon agreement you handed over certain Rambaldi artifacts not to the DSR but directly to the Senator himself.
DIXON: As a result, we have been given authority to officially revoke your pardon agreement, meaning the sentence you received prior to the agreement is being reinstituted. In two weeks, you'll be ex*cuted by lethal injection.
Vaughn's house - Los Angeles - CA - US
Vaughn calls someone. The phone rings 1.5 times.
SYDNEY: (cell) Hello?
VAUGHN: (cell) Hi.
SYDNEY: (cell) Hi.
VAUGHN: (cell) Sorry about how I got pulled away.
SYDNEY: (cell) How is she?
VAUGHN: (cell) It's hard dealing with her father's death and betrayal.
SYDNEY: (cell) Are you at Eric's?
VAUGHN: (cell) No.
Sydney is virtually in tears.
SYDNEY: (cell) I see.
SYDNEY: (cell) Well, I guess we won't be getting that cup of coffee.
VAUGHN: (cell) No, we're not.
SYDNEY: (cell) Okay, I'm going to go.
She hangs up and starts crying.
VAUGHN: (to empty phone) Syd...
Vaughn goes back to bed. Lauren opens her evil eyes to creepy music.
[/b] | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x17 - The Frame"} | foreverdreaming |
Rotunda Prison
SLOANE: I placed something powerful in that box. And now the Covenant has it, and that terrifies me. I secured that box so it could only be opened by keys that Rambaldi himself had hidden. Bomani and Sark found the keys, (b*at) which means they have the heart. Di Regno heart is an engine designed to power Rambaldi's ultimate creation... Il Dire, which means The Telling. What they will witness is nothing short of resurrection, as if Rambaldi is reaching through the centuries to deliver a message.
While he's talking, Sark and Bomani are shown activating Il Dire, and it's shown writing
DIXON: The Covenant is after a w*apon, the passenger. How will Il Dire help them obtain it?
SLOANE: If I help, will you stay my execution?
DIXON: No, I will not.
DIXON: We're done here.
SLOANE: I'll talk to Jack Bristow about the passenger.
DIXON: There will be no deal.
SLOANE: You make that quite clear.
Dixon's just a little bit obsessed about seeing Sloane's execution go through. No shock there.
WEISS: There's been some kind of cyber-att*ck, Dixon's ready to brief us.
WEISS: You know, Syd, nobody would blame you for hating him for going back to her.
SYDNEY: He's not the one I hate. How horrible does that sound?
WEISS: Well I'm mad at her, and I don't even think he's that cute.
SYDNEY: But it's not just about them being together. My dad thinks Lauren's leaking information to the Covenant.
WEISS: I don't understand. Didn't Senator Reed confess to being the leak before he died?
SYDNEY: Yes, and his confessions answered all the questions my father had raised. But I... I can't help it, I still have doubts.
WEISS: Alright, let me ask you a question. Do you think she's the mole, or do you just want her to be the mole?
Briefing Room
DIXON: 12 hours ago a large-scale cyber-t*rror1st att*ck was launched. This computer virus originated from a server in Berlin, infecting servers throughout Europe and Asia. It's estimated that within 24 hours, it will consume over half of all internet bandwidth.
WEISS: This particular worm targets medical facilities, universities, laboratories, hospitals, that sort of thing.
DIXON: To date, 20 terabytes of patient medical records and research databases have been corrupted.
SYDNEY: And we believe the Covenant is behind this?
DIXON: Well we know the Passenger is a bio-w*apon. Given the worm's targets, we're assuming they're trying to launch a precursor att*ck.
WEISS: Maybe they're trying to shut down all the treatment facilities?
VAUGHN: Well, that would make sense... weaken medical response capabilities.
LAUREN: Are these our only leads?
MARSHALL: Actually, no. This code has all the trademarks of a hacker known as "Cypher". And guess what? He operates out of Berlin.
DIXON: Vaughn, Sydney, go to Berlin, and identify and confirm he created the worm, and shut it down.. See Marshall for your op-tech. You leave in two hours.
Marshall's office
MARSHALL: Okay. Hackers, they're a paranoid bunch. Now the one we want is known as "Cypher". He's kind of a celebrity in the on-line community. But it's funny because in the real world, it's like he doesn't even exist.
MARSHALL: Don't worry because lucky for you, I kind of have a name in the hacker community myself... "black kitty". Anyway, I was able to penetrate Cypher's network and track him down to an IRC chat. I found out tomorrow night he'll be at an underground club in Berlin.
VAUGHN: How do we identify him?
MARSHALL: Ah, well that's where these come in.
Marshall picks up a pair of glasses.
MARSHALL: Now not only are they a freshy fresh pair of glasses -- (he models them) Hello... -- They're also a wireless sniffer. Cypher uses a personal digital assistant with a unique code. I programmed the sniffer to seek it out. Now all you have to do is press this button right here and it will automatically hack into his computer and send him a message. Pretty cool.
SYDNEY: Are we sure he'll have his computer with him?
MARSHALL: Does a cowboy leave his g*n at home when he goes to the saloon? Trust me, he'll have it.
Covenant Base
BOMANI: How much longer before we match the sequence from Il Dire?
TECH: The worm has reached Latin America. By this time tomorrow, the database will be complete and we should have a perfect match.
SARK: I received a call from my associate.
BOMANI: By "associate" I assume you mean Mrs. Reed.
SARK: Yes. It seems the CIA's more industrious than we assumed. They've discovered the identity of our hacker friend. She's taking care of him.
BOMANI: This girl, her work for us of late has been uneven.
SARK: The Il Dire machine is in our possession because she managed to steal it from the CIA. She is a considerable asset.
BOMANI: An asset for you in ways that do not interest me.
SARK: I will stake my reputation on her abilities.
BOMANI: I will hold you to your word. But understand, if you are mistaken you both will endure the consequences.
Lauren and Vaughn's House.
Lauren's packing for her father's funeral in England.
VAUGHN: I could go with you.
LAUREN: You're going to Berlin.
VAUGHN: They could send someone else. You shouldn't have to do this alone.
LAUREN: I won't be alone. My mom will be there. My father's will made it very clear he wants his ashes scattered in Dover.
LAUREN: Besides, the last thing I need is another person close to me letting the CIA down.
VAUGHN: Lauren, no one's judging you.
LAUREN: I've seen the way they look at me, like I'm a traitor too. To tell you the truth, I don't blame them.
VAUGHN: People are just angry.
LAUREN: And I'm not? He was my father! You have no idea what it's like to think you know someone, to love them, and then figure out it was nothing but lies.
VAUGHN: I'm sorry.
Nightclub - BER[L]IN (pushthrough)
Vaughn and Sydney are walking around. View through the glasses Marshall gave her repeatedly say "NO MATCH FOUND"
VAUGHN: Getting anything?
SYDNEY: Not yet.
glasses say "MATCH FOUND"
SYDNEY: That's him.
They send him a message - "The couple to your right requests a meeting". He walks over.
HACKER: Nice trick. Looks like I'll have to readjust my firewall settings.
SYDNEY: I could still get through.
I don't believe we've met before.
VAUGHN: We're big fans of your work. Perhaps you've heard of our work? The DDoS att*ck on the Syrian government's network shut them down for a week.
HACKER: That was you?
Vaughn nods. The Cow is at the club, carrying a drink tray with a g*n underneath pointed at the HACKER.
SYDNEY: Nothing compared to what you've got going on.
Clever coding. That worm's going to be circulating for months.
HACKER: I think you have me confused with somebody else. I didn't design that worm, and even if I did you could never prove it. So, if you'll excuse me...
He gets up to leave.
VAUGHN: Sit down. We're CIA.
They block Lauren's line-of-sight, which annoys her.
SYDNEY: I know you people get your little power trips by designing viruses, defacing websites, breaking into systems. But in this case you've designed a worm that is helping an international crime organization launch a biological w*apon. Once your employers complete what they've set out to do, you will be guilty of m*rder thousands of people.
HACKER: I didn't know. He didn't tell me.
SYDNEY: Who's he?
HACKER: He didn't give a name. He was young, British...
VAUGHN: Why is the worm attacking medical facilities?
HACKER: That was not it's designed function. They asked me to engineer a worm that was capable of...
Lauren sh**t him.
SYDNEY: I'm going after the sh**t.
The HACKER gives Vaughn a USB data storage device. Meanwhile, Sydney thinks she sees Lauren and goes after her. Except everyone she looks at seems to look like Lauren. Uh oh. She approaches one person who looks like Lauren, and it's not.
SYDNEY: Sorry.
Outside the club
LAUREN: (cell) We have a problem. He had the files with him. He gave them to the CIA.
SARK: If they have the source code, they can stop the worm from circulating. We will lose everything.
LAUREN: (cell) There's still time. If I can corrupt the original files before they make a copy...
SARK: (cell) That's an extreme risk, and you know it.
LAUREN: (cell) And letting Bomani know that I've failed isn't? You'll hear from me soon.
Rotunda Prison
JACK: You should know Dixon has given me clearance to talk about one thing only... the Passenger.
SLOANE: But Jack, I've already told you everything I know about the Passenger. I just used that as a pretext so Dixon would allow me some time with you.
JACK: This is not a time for games.
SLOANE: This is no game, Jack. This is my life. The CIA wants me ex*cuted next week because they believe I was working for Senator Reed, and I was. But my association with Senator Reed had nothing to do with advancing the Covenant's agenda.
SLOANE: Two years ago, Senator Reed recruited me to work for an organization within the U.S. Government. They refer to themselves as The Trust. He indicated that he was interested in my knowledge of Milo Rambaldi. He made me an offer. If I was to agree to work for him, he would secure my pardon. And from that time on, I did nothing but live up to my end of the bargain.
JACK: I've never heard of the Trust.
SLOANE: The Senator was my only contact.
JACK: Even if what you're saying is true, why haven't they come to your aid?
SLOANE: I don't know. Maybe they were fearful of revealing themselves, or it could be that I outlived my usefulness.
SLOANE: But you ask yourself, Jack, have I been helpful this year? Tell me, have I lived up to my word? I helped Sydney recover her memory. I took a b*llet for you for God's sake. Well now I need something in return. I need you to prove that this group exists. I was serving my country, Jack, not betraying it.
CIA Safehouse, Berlin
VAUGHN: I'm connecting the USB flash drive Cypher gave us. Let's hope all his files are here.
SYDNEY: Cypher's d*ad. It was the hospital. He didn't make it through surgery.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I think I saw Lauren.
SYDNEY: In the club, after the sh**ting.
VAUGHN: Sydney, what are you talking about?
SYDNEY: The Covenant knew we were after Cypher.
VAUGHN: What are you saying, that Lauren is Covenant?
SYDNEY: I can't be sure. The sh**t was wearing a wig... it was dark...
VAUGHN: No, Lauren's father was the one passing the intel to the Covenant, and he's d*ad. I mean for God's sakes, he k*lled himself!
SYDNEY: But don't you think it's convenient he died taking the blame for all the leaks with him?
VAUGHN: What, are you suggesting Lauren framed her own father?
SYDNEY: I know it's hard for you to consider.
VAUGHN: Hard for me?! My wife just found out her father was betraying her, not to mention our country.
SYDNEY: But if I saw her...
VAUGHN: You didn't.
VAUGHN: Lauren and her mother are in England burying her father. Look, I know things haven't worked out for us the way we'd hoped.
SYDNEY: You think that's why I'm bringing this up?
VAUGHN: Well honestly, I don't know what to think.
There's a knock. They approach the door. It's Lauren.
LAUREN: Oh Michael. Dixon told me I might find you here. I had to see you.
A bit later, on the couch...
LAUREN: I thought I hated him. But when mom and I got there, those cliffs, I don't know how many times dad and I took walks there.
LAUREN: In the states he was never around, but in England it was different. And being there, remembering him that way, he didn't feel like a traitor. He was just my father.
Lauren points out a new ring.
LAUREN: While we were there my mom gave me this. Dad had given it to her when I was born. She thought I might like to have it.
VAUGHN: It's going to be okay.
Outside the Safehouse
REED: (cell) Hello?
SYDNEY: (cell) Hello, Mrs. Reed. I'm sorry to disturb you. This is Kathleen from Director Pembroke's office. I have the Director holding on a secure line for Lauren Reed. I was told she could be reached at this number.
REED: (cell) No, Mrs. Reed's not here. She's in Berlin.
SYDNEY: (cell) I'm sorry, I didn't realize she was leaving London so soon. If you don't mind me asking, when did she leave for Berlin?
REED: (cell) She left here just a few hours ago. Would you like me to give her a message?
SYDNEY: (cell) No, no message. Thank you.
Sydney looks upset or suspicious. It's tough to tell whether she suspects Lauren's mom now, too.
Outside, in the rain. Unknown location, maybe L.A. or D.C., probably in the U.S.
DT: Been a long time, Jack.
JACK: I need information regarding a covert committee within the U.S. government. It's called the Trust. If there was such a group, where would the appropriations come from?
DT: Intelligence budgets are classified.
JACK: What makes you assume it's intelligence? I need evidence this group exists.
DT: These people are powerful, Jack. Inquiring about them will put me at risk. Why should I do that for you?
JACK: Because then I will be in your debt. I'm sure you remember how useful that can be.
Safehouse, Berlin
VAUGHN: Marshall's standing by. As soon as we copy the memory, we'll up-link it to him.
SYDNEY: How far along are we?
VAUGHN: Almost a quarter of the way.
Lauren is in the kitchen fiddling with her ring. She gets coffee and walks in to give it to Vaughn. Sydney watches with suspicion as her ring passes very close to the flash drive.
LAUREN: (To Vaughn) Here you go.
LAUREN: (to Sydney) Michael says you've been awake all night.
SYDNEY: I'm good, thanks.
LAUREN: Maybe later, then.
MARSHALL: I've got some pretty bad news. The memory on Cypher's drive, it was completely wiped. I think it was exposed to a strong magnetic field. Maybe an EMP...
SYDNEY: How is that possible?
MARSHALL: Well, seeing that we haven't had any significant solar flare activity within the last 24 hours, I'd have to say it was done intentionally.
VAUGHN: Well couldn't Cypher have corrupted the data before he handed it to us?
MARSHALL: Well, it's possible he had a built-in failsafe, but I haven't found any evidence of that.
SYDNEY: So we've lost everything?
MARSHALL: No, not everything, thanks to me... and the wonders of electron microscopy.
MARSHALL: I've been able to partially reconstruct his files, including the worm's source code. Are you guys ready for this?
MARSHALL: That thing isn't purposefully destroying data. That's only a side effect. It's actually collecting information. It's what's called an intelligence gathering worm. The Covenant, they're looking for something.
I haven't quite figured that out yet. But in the meantime, I've tweaked the worm's source code so it won't destroy any more data, and all the data it is collecting will be rerouted to our servers. So whatever the Covenant's looking for, we're going to get it now.
Covenant Base
BOMANI: The CIA cut the feed.
TECH: I'm trying to get it back.
Bomani goes over to Sark and mock chokes him.
BOMANI: Tell me why I shouldn't snap your neck right now.
SARK: In case it escaped your memory, I was the one who secured your release from that Siberian prison. This work is as important to me as it is to you. No one will jeopardize that. I clearly overestimated Mrs. Reed's abilities.
BOMANI: You're too late for that.
SARK: Yes, but she's still on the inside. I will make sure she reacquires the information that the CIA stole from us. Once she passes it along, she will be eliminated.
BOMANI: She will get that information as soon as possible, then.
SYDNEY: This cannot be a coincidence.
JACK: Do you really believe that Lauren would be reckless enough to corrupt the files with you and Vaughn watching?
SYDNEY: If she were desperate enough, yes. Dad, if Lauren really is the Covenant mole, if she did assassinate Cypher, she could never have anticipated he'd have the code on it, let alone that he'd give it to us.
JACK: What about Vaughn?
SYDNEY: I've tried talking to him about it. He won't even entertain the possibility. It's like he can't hear it.
JACK: Perhaps he can't hear it from you.
Vaughn's at the (CIA?) range.
VAUGHN: Sydney spoke to you.
JACK: All I ask is that you hear me out. My marriage with Irina, in spite of everything, was a happy time for me. It was easy being with her. There were times, moments when I became curious. How had she occupied her morning? What were her plans when I was out of town?
JACK: Usually she told me, but occasionally she'd stop what she was doing, walk over, and offer me a kiss. A spontaneous gesture.
JACK: But on one occasion it struck me. This impulsive kiss, what if it was an evasion, camouflaging the truth in an expression of love? Of course, I dismissed my concern immediately... merely professional paranoia. After all, she was my wife.
JACK: I don't regret having married her. I have Sydney because of our time together. What I do regret is that once I saw signs of her duplicity, once I sensed her betrayal, I chose to ignore it. All I'm asking is that you be responsive to the signs if and when they present themselves.
VAUGHN: You never respected me, never thought I was worthy of your daughter, so I'm not surprised you're so quick to think Lauren is betraying me. But whether or not you or Sydney believe me, I know the life I'm living, and I know the woman I am married to. Lauren is not Irina, and I am definitely not you.
Vaughn walks out.
Marshall's office
MARSHALL: Well, it turns out this is what the Covenant was looking for.
MARSHALL: Yeah, the worm was designed to cross-reference genetic databases. It's searching the entire globe for one person. And, judging by the double X chromosome, I'm saying female.
SYDNEY: Have they found a match?
Actually, that's a good question. There are ten.
SYDNEY: Ten matches to one genetic code? Well, that's impossible.
MARSHALL: Unless they're identical dectuplets, which granted is a statistical impossibility.
SYDNEY: Or if the person we're looking for uses multiple identities. We should brief Dixon immediately.
They rush off, past Lauren's desk. Weiss then sees her get up and go into Marshall's office, where she downloads the DNA information from Marshall's computer. Meanwhile, Vaughn is...
VAUGHN: Hey, have you seen Lauren?
WEISS: Yeah, I think she's in Marshall's office.
Someone waylays Vaughn and gets him to sign something. Lauren finishes what she's doing and goes to the door. Vaughn's right on top of her. She looks nervous.
LAUREN: You scared me.
VAUGHN: I was looking for you.
LAUREN: I was just leaving a present for Marshall. Well, for Mitchell. Don't worry, your name's on it too.
VAUGHN: I was going to have lunch. Cafe Stella.
LAUREN: Sounds great, but I've got to run a few errands.
VAUGHN: Need some company? I've got time.
LAUREN: You don't have to do that. I'll see you there in an hour.
VAUGHN: Okay, sure.
Lauren's walking along a street. Vaughn's surveilling her. She drops a note in a trash can. Vaughn grabs it. It's a to-do list.
At the mall
Lauren's at a mall, and she's getting ready to put a disk in a garbage can with Vaughn watching... but... she gets a phone call. She puts the disk back in her purse and answers.
SARK: Is this line secure? (pause) There's been a change. No d*ad drop. You'll be meeting with a Covenant agent.
SARK: Me. I'm in the parking garage, 3rd level.
LAUREN: My situation is precarious. This is not the time to change protocol.
Vaughn calls Weiss.
WEISS: (cell) Weiss.
VAUGHN: (cell) I need you to run a tap on Lauren's cell phone.
SARK: (cell) We've devised a new plan regarding the Passenger. Bomani's instructed me to meet with you face to face.
LAUREN: (cell) I'm surprised. I'd assumed that given what happened with Cypher, Bomani would be furious with me.
SARK: (cell) We rely on you. You know that.
WEISS: (cell) No, the call's encrypted. She must be talking to the NSC.
VAUGHN: (cell) Try running it through the filter.
SARK: (cell) When you get off the escalator, you'll see that I'm in the northwest corner.
LAUREN: (cell) You came all this way?
WEISS: (cell) Almost there.
Lauren is at the entrance to the garage.
SARK: (cell) We need to talk.
LAUREN: (cell) There are other ways to make contact.
SARK: (cell) Yes, but he insisted I meet with you face to face.
LAUREN: (cell) What else did Bomani tell you? Did he instruct you in the quietest way to m*rder me?
SARK: (cell) Absolutely not.
LAUREN: (cell) You pathetic little errand boy. Tell Bomani he'll get proof of my worth the next time he sees me, when I deliver the Passenger.
WEISS: (cell) Okay, got it.
At this point, Vaughn and Weiss hear the conversation too.
LAUREN: (cell) After all that we've been through, I thought I could rely on you. I'll never forgive you for this.
She hangs up and leaves without meeting with him.
WEISS: (cell) Okay. Uh, what the hell was that?
VAUGHN: (cell) I have no idea.
Vaughn walks up.
VAUGHN: Sorry I'm late.
LAUREN: That's fine. I was late myself.
VAUGHN: How were your errands?
LAUREN: They were fine.
VAUGHN: Yeah? What'd you do?
LAUREN: Just things. (forced casual laugh)
VAUGHN: Okay, like what kind of things?
LAUREN: The truth is, I got a call from my mother. She kept b*mb me with questions about my father, wanting to know why I didn't see it, why I didn't stop him. It was like she was blaming me. I was just so upset, so I wandered around the mall.
LAUREN: What's the matter?
VAUGHN: I'm just sorry you had to go through that.
DIXON: You were right. The ten names on Marshall's list were aliases for the same woman.
SYDNEY: It's possible this is what Il Dire gave Sloane besides the word "peace", a way to identify this woman.
Dixon : We ran background checks on all her false identities. Medical records revealed she was always treated by the same physician, a Doctor Robert Viadro. His practice is based in Milan. Vaughn is on his way in now. You two leave tonight.
The Doctor's House
LAUREN: Good afternoon. Dr. Viadro?
LAUREN: I need to speak with you. It concerns the Passenger.
LAUREN: That's none of your concer...
The doctor knocks Lauren's g*n away with a book he's holding, then runs upstairs into a secret room. Lauren follows him and gets to him before he can close the door.
LAUREN: Good. We have some privacy.
She knocks him out. Cut to outside, where Vaughn and Sydney pull up in a BMW, license ED 951SZ.
The Doctor has regained consciousness, evidently. He's tied up with a blue ethernet cable. Lauren injects him with something.
LAUREN: Where's the passenger?
LAUREN: I said, where is the passenger?
DOCTOR: (slowly) She's safe.
Downstairs, Sydney and Vaughn are walking around.
Sydney notices a vase marked with the order of Rambaldi.
SYDNEY: Vaughn. Rambaldi.
VAUGHN: I'll go check upstairs.
LAUREN: You had to make this difficult.
Lauren has some sort of dagger she drags over his arm and hand. Then she s*ab him with it. He screams.
Vaughn runs upstairs. A bunch of security g*ons arrive and start sh**ting at Sydney. There's a bunch of fighting. Vaughn continues upstairs and tries to get into the secure room by shorting the security panel.
Back with Lauren and the Doctor...
LAUREN: It's terribly painful. Still, none were fatal.
Vaughn's trying to open the door. Lauren sees him via the security camera, then sees Sydney fighting downstairs.
LAUREN: Damn it!
LAUREN: Tell me what I need to know.
DOCTOR: I'll tell you.
More fighting between Sydney and a second and third security goon. Vaughn gets into the saferoom. Lauren's not there. There's a ceiling panel hanging open.
DOCTOR: The Passenger, I have betrayed her.
DOCTOR: I have betrayed her.
VAUGHN: Betrayed who?
DOCTOR: Years spent protecting her, and now she's alone.
VAUGHN: Who's she? Who are you protecting?
Sydney rushes in.
SYDNEY: Those guards were order of Rambaldi.
DOCTOR: You're the one, the one from the prophecy.
He grabs Sydney's g*n.
SYDNEY: Wait, what are you...
VAUGHN: Drop it!
DOCTOR: You will not hurt her.
Vaughn sh**t the good Doctor.
Covenant Base
BOMANI: Keep this in a safe place.
LAUREN: Here it is, everything you need to find the passenger.
BOMANI: You went to great lengths to secure this information. Thank you.
LAUREN: I trust this removes any doubts concerning my usefulness.
BOMANI: Yes, you've done well. Unfortunately, the Covenant has no more use for your services.
While saying this, Bomani pulls a g*n and is about to sh**t her.
Sark sh**t him from a balcony.
SARK: I went to Los Angeles to warn you, not to k*ll you. Perhaps in the future, you should try trusting me a little more.
JACK: (cell) Bristow.
DT: (cell) Sloane told you the truth. The black budget front for the Trust is project Centigrade. Details have been left for you in the usual place.
JACK: (cell) I am in your debt.
DT: (cell) A fact which I hope to benefit from some day. Be careful, Jack. The Trust is not a group to be taken lightly.
Dixon approaches Jack.
DIXON: I need to speak with you in private.
Dixon's Office
DIXON: You recall that I requested Dr. Barnett's notes from her sessions with Sloane?
JACK: Yes. Did they reveal anything?
DIXON: Yes. There is something in the notes that concerns you. In one of his sessions with Barnett, Sloane admitted having an affair with Irina while you were married.
Rotunda Prison
Jack visits Sloane.
JACK: I found no evidence of the existence of the so-called "Trust".
SLOANE: Oh, I find that very hard to believe, Jack. A man with your contacts.
JACK: I've done everything I can. I'm afraid the secrets you keep are hard to uncover. Some of them you'll have to take to your grave.
SLOANE: If I die, I won't be able to help you find the Passenger before the Covenant does, Jack. You have no idea how that will affect you... you and Sydney.
JACK: Sydney. I heard what happened with the Doctor.
SYDNEY: We were wrong about the Passenger. It's not a w*apon. It's a person. The doctor sacrificed his life trying to protect her. When he saw me it was almost like he recognized me, like I was his worst fear come to life. Dad, when he tried to k*ll me, he was trying to protect the Passenger from me.
JACK: Sloane told me that after Il Dire said "peace", he searched for every possible meaning in that message. He traced the etymology of the word to its Greek form, Irine, also the derivation of the name Irina. Sydney, I think the passenger may be your mother.
Lauren and Vaughn's House
LAUREN: I'm looking forward to a nice weekend alone.
VAUGHN: Me too.
VAUGHN: So what did you do while I was gone?
Lauren walks in slow motion over to Vaughn and gives him a kiss.
LAUREN: I missed you. I'm going to run a bath.
She leaves the room, and Vaughn starts digging through all her stuff. He finds a wig, g*n, and passport under a false bottom in one of her suitcases. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x18 - Unveiled"} | foreverdreaming |
sh**ting range.
VAUGHN: This was supposed to be over by now.
DIXON: With Sloane ex*cuted, we reached a d*ad-end in our pursuit of the Passenger. But in the meantime...
VAUGHN: ...Lauren is too valuable an asset.
DIXON: We can use her to feed disinformation to the Covenant, keep them from impeding Sydney and Jack's investigation.
DIXON: As soon as the Passenger is located, Lauren will be taken into custody.
DIXON: Meanwhile, Weiss will maintain surveillance.
DIXON: I'm sorry.
Someplace in L.A.
SYDNEY: I wasn't sure I should come.
JACK: I appreciate you putting aside your anger.
JACK: Sydney, you were right. I did find evidence that Sloane was assisting the Trust in covert pursuit of Rambaldi.
SYDNEY: Why are you telling me this now? Sloane's d*ad.
JACK: Actually, that's why I called you here.
SLOANE: Sydney.
Sloane walks out of the shadows.
JACK: I was about to give Director Bell the evidence to clear Sloane when I realized he was a member of the Trust.
JACK: I was unclear about what their alternate agenda was, but I did know executing Sloane was part of it.
JACK: The only sure way to save his life was to allow him to die.
SLOANE: Your father was kind enough to offer me a final glass of wine. It was laced with a tetrodotoxin compound. It counteracted the lethal injection while reducing my cardiac and respiratory functions.
SYDNEY: Mimicking death.
SLOANE: Thats right. Sydney, whatever grief my apparent death might have caused you, I only wish I could have spared you the pain.
SYDNEY: When I heard you were d*ad, any grief I felt was over the possibility of never knowing my sister. I did not grieve for you.
SLOANE: I see. Well, in the interest of finding your sister, may I have the hourglass?
Sydney looks to her father, who nods. Sydney opens the case with the hourglass.
JACK: I know you've been withholding something from the CIA, even from the Trust. Why is the Passenger important? Why is your daughter's real value?
SLOANE: While I was searching for her, I made a discovery. I came across an old Rambaldi text.
SLOANE: In it, Rambaldi prophesied that there would be a person, a "Passenger" who would be capable of serving as a direct conduit to him. The text contained a formula for an elixir.
SLOANE: So I followed the instructions exactly.
SLOANE: According to Rambaldi, this elixir, if injected, would bring about an altered state of consciousness allowing the Passenger to channel a message.
SLOANE: This message is rumored to be the key to Rambaldi's end game.
SLOANE: I sampled the elixir myself, hoping to make myself the conduit. It didn't work. It's meant only for her.
SLOANE: If the Covenant finds her, they will expose her to the elixir in massive doses. It will lay waste to her psyche. More likely, it will k*ll her. All I want to do is to protect my child.
SYDNEY: How do we find her?
SLOANE: We use this.
Sloane picks up and smashes the hourglass. The green liquid inside starts gathering. Sydney and Jack are shocked.
VAUGHN: I thought you said you were working from home today.
LAUREN: I am. I just came past to pick up these files.
LAUREN: I've been thinking about that trip to Fiji, maybe one of those bungalows perched on the ocean.
VAUGHN: Well, what about next month?
LAUREN: Be serious.
VAUGHN: I am. We've been talking about getting away for over a year, and visiting your mom in Virginia doesn't count.
LAUREN: I love you.
She smiles and kisses him.
BRILL: (cell) Agent Vaughn?
VAUGHN: (cell) Yeah, who is this?
BRILL: (cell) Thomas Brill, Jack Bristow introduced us.
VAUGHN: (cell) Right. What can I do for you?
BRILL: (cell) There're some things you need to know about your father.
BRILL: (cell) Meet me at the Transatlantic building, fourth floor, by the freight elevator.
(Query: Is there really a transatlantic building in L.A. or is that just a play on San Fran's TransAmerica Tower?)
VAUGHN: (cell) Okay, I'll be there. Thanks.
LAUREN: Who was that?
VAUGHN: Oh, just the dry cleaners. Apparently I've had a suit there for over a month.
LAUREN: Would you like me to pick it up?
VAUGHN: No, you've got enough work to do.
LAUREN: I'll see you at home, then.
Vaughn glances at Weiss, who's looks just as upset as Vaughn that the CIA hasn't yet arrested Lauren.
Transatlantic Building
BRILL: I told you that I worked with your father. But what I didn't tell you is I was with him on his final mission.
VAUGHN: I know how my father died.
BRILL: You don't have a clue.
BRILL: Yeah, he was working on something, an operation that wasn't sanctioned by the CIA.
VAUGHN: My father would never go against the CIA.
BRILL: He was a follower of Rambaldi.
VAUGHN: That's impossible.
BRILL: He died protecting the little girl. The followers knew she was the Passenger. He broker her out of KGB custody, but he didn't trust the CIA either, so he took her somewhere where she would be safe, with other Followers.
VAUGHN: The man you're describing is not my father.
BRILL: Your father was the best man I've ever known. He gave his life to make sure that little girl would be safe. Now if you don't stop what's happening, his sacrifice will be for nothing.
L.A. Outdoors
"Lauren" stops at a gas station. Weiss is still tailing her. Unfortunately, when she gets out of the car, it's not Lauren. Weiss isn't terribly happy about this, and seems to take it personally.
WEISS: No, no! Dammit!
BRILL: Now you know what you've got to do. Just make sure that they don't get to her.
VAUGHN: Why did you come to me?
BRILL: Because it's what he would want me to do.
Vaughn exits the elevator, and gets h*t on the head and dragged away by Covenant g*ons.
SYDNEY: You claim this is a battery for one of Rambaldi's artifacts which can locate the Passenger. Before we risk exposure to the Trust, we need to be 100% certain they have this artifact.
SLOANE: I know they have it. I gave it to them.
JACK: According to my contact, the Trust has a cold storage vault concealed in the Smithsonian here.
Jack points to a location, presumably the blueprints to the Smithsonian.
JACK: The vault is secured with a five-key retinal system. I think it's safe to assume it corresponds with the five members of the Trust.
SYDNEY: Do we even know who they are?
JACK: We know they're all high-ranking government officials, but we've only been able to confirm the identity of one -- Marlon Bell, DOJ division director.
SLOANE: I imagine a visit from a ghost will unearth the other four.
WASHINGT[O]N, D.C. (pushthrough)
BELL: The Secretary of State goes before Committee tomorrow. He wants that brief out by the end of the day.
LAWYER: With all due respect, Director Bell, even with the Patriot Act the legal footing's shaky.
BELL: Find the precedents.
LAWYER: Sir, we've already gone over that.
BELL: Find them.
Sloane walks along a sidewalk across the street from Bell. Bell spots him, seems quite distracted, and leaves in a hurry.
LAWYER: Sir? Sir?
One of the lawyers he was flanked by isn't visibly carrying anything, not a notepad, pen, or briefcase. Some lawyer he must be.
D.C. - Surveillance Van
SYDNEY: I've tapped into Bell's phone line. He should have made contact with the Trust by now.
JACK: Sydney, there's something you should know. When I first learned of Sloane's affair with your mother, I was forced to consider the possibility that I wasn't in fact your biological father.
SYDNEY: You don't even...
JACK: It's not the case. I had our medical files examined. Our relationship is clear. But I wanted you to know, during that brief time before I was reassured my feelings for you never changed.
Bell is heard dialing.
SYDNEY: He's picking up.
BELL: (phone) We have a situation that requires our immediate attention. We need to meet. Arvin Sloane is alive.
Sloane gets back into the van after his attention-getting stroll.
Covenant Warehouse
Sark is getting ready to t*rture Vaughn.
SARK: Your friend Brill managed to elude us. You, however, were not so fortunate.
SARK: We've known for a while your father was a follower of Rambaldi, and we were hoping they'd contact you.
SARK: But there are three things that you should understand.
SARK: The first involves this item I hold in my hands. It's capable of delivering up to 500,000 volts -- not enough to k*ll you, just enough to let you wish it would.
SARK: The second is I believe Mr. Brill disclosed the location of the Passenger, which means I won't stop until you tell me.
SARK: And third, Mr. Vaughn, is that I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should.
Sark shocks him.
Dixon's holding an impromptu meeting.
DIXON: Lauren Reed evaded our surveillance sometime between 2:10 and 2:47 PM.
DIXON: Law enforcement officials at every level have been notified and put on alert.
WEISS: We've also lost contact with agent Vaughn. He hasn't checked in, and he's not responding to his calls.
DIXON: We believe he may have been compromised.
DIXON: Agent Weiss will assemble a search team. Be ready to move as soon as we get a lead.
Van outside of the Smithsonian
JACK: Remember, your glasses need a five second lock on each person for the scan to register.
SLOANE: Wish me luck.
Sloane gets out of the van.
Smithsonian Interior
JACK: (comm) Sydney, Sloane's on his way to the meeting of the Trust to obtain the retinal scans. Make sure you get to the vault, and we'll have the codes.
SYDNEY: (comm) Copy that. I'm in position.
Sydney's waiting in the lobby. A curator walks up in a hurry.
PHILLIP: Ah. Hello, Ms. Gerard. I'm, uh, Phillip Terrence. We spoke earlier.
SYDNEY: Call me Shannon.
SYDNEY: Amazing, isn't it? 36 feet, longest neck of any known dinosaur.
PHILLIP: You know, not a lot of people know that Mamenchisaurus actually had an extra brain...
SYDNEY: ...in its spinal cord, to control its hind legs and tail.
PHILLIP: So you said you're writing a research paper on theropod dinosaurs?
SYDNEY: Specifically, theropods and archaeopteryx and their similarities.
PHILLIP: Oh, so you think birds are descended from dinosaurs?
SYDNEY: Not that there's conclusive proof...
Softly, as if in confidence...
SYDNEY: ...but it drives me crazy when those orthodox types refuse to even examine the evidence.
SYDNEY: It's that's the kind of thing that got Giordano Bruno b*rned at the stake.
PHILLIP: You know, we just received the Hainan fossil from China.
SYDNEY: I have to admit I was hoping to see it.
PHILLIP: Oh, well, uh... no, it's still in analysis. That area's restricted to visitors.
Sydney looks down, feigning disappointment.
PHILLIP: But, um, you know, I, I could make an exception.
Sydney looks up hopefully.
Covenant Warehouse
SARK: I must say, I'm impressed. Of course, it's on the lower setting.
SARK: When I'm through ? (FIX), I'll ask you again. Where is the Passenger?
VAUGHN: Holding that thing, you almost look like you've reached puberty.
Sark shocks him again.
Lauren walks in. She doesn't look happy.
PHILLIP: Hey, you have great timing. We only have it on loan from China until Wednesday.
SYDNEY: Have you already done the CT scan.
PHILLIP: Last week.
SYDNEY: I would love to take a look at it.
PHILLIP: Well, you know, they're in radiology. I'll go get 'em.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
PHILLIP: You're welcome.
Phillip leaves.
SYDNEY: (comm) I'm headed to the vault.
JACK: (comm) Copy that. We're on schedule. We can proceed.
The Trust's Meeting Room
Sloane walks in, interrupting the Trust's meeting.
SLOANE: Greetings from the d*ad, gentlemen.
SYDNEY: (comm) Standing by to receive.
JACK: (comm) Copy that. We're retrieving the retinal scans now.
Sloane goes from person to person getting retinal scans during the following lines.
SLOANE: I thought we had an agreement, my Rambaldi artifacts and expertise in exchange for my freedom. Of course, once I served my purpose, you saw fit to dispose of me.
JACK: (comm) First scan complete. Move on.
SLOANE: The cover story that you plan on releasing: Arvin Sloane k*lled in a boating accident off the coast of Saint-Lucien, tragic with a slight taint of overly extravagant lifestyle.
JACK: (comm) Complete. Move on.
SLOANE: Actually, I would have thought that an automobile accident would be more to your taste. Clearly I underestimated your creativity.
JACK: (comm) Got a lock. Hold it just two more seconds.
SLOANE: I should have been thinking more clearly.
JACK: (comm) We got it.
SLOANE: Gentlemen, the facts...
JACK: (comm) Sydney, I'm sending the first three now.
SLOANE: ...lies...
SYDNEY: (comm) Up-link complete. I'm moving to authorize.
SLOANE: ...I am afraid will never see the light of day, and let me tell you why.
JACK: (comm) You've got it.
SLOANE: I don't think the most clandestine committee in the U.S. government would want such sordid details made public, which is why I'm going to leave this room unharmed. If I get so much as a traffic ticket, the next time you hear this information will be on CNN.
BELL: That's enough. I will not be blackmailed by a petty criminal.
Bell turns away and heads for the door.
JACK: (comm) We didn't get it. Don't let him leave.
Sloane slams Bell against the door.
SLOANE: I forgot to tell you something. I know all about your son and his unseemly predilections. Try thinking of it as mutually assured destruction.
JACK: (comm) Got it. Get out.
SLOANE: I'll give you time, gents.
Sloane leaves the room.
JACK: (comm) Final scan is on its way.
Sydney gets into the vault and gets the artifact. Phillip is back with the CT scans, wondering what "Shannon" is doing. It doesn't appear that he knows about the vault.
PHILLIP: Shannon? What are you doing?
SYDNEY: I'm sorry. You've been so nice.
She sprays him with something like the stuff she used on the guards on the boat in last season when she was keeping Sark from getting a Rambaldi manuscript.
SYDNEY: (comm) I've got the package. Meet me at the rendezvous point as scheduled
Somewhere in D.C. or L.A.
They put the green goo in the artifact.
SLOANE: There it is.
SYDNEY: What is it?
JACK: It looks like brain-waves.
SLOANE: We found her.
Covenant Warehouse
VAUGHN: Don't touch me.
LAUREN: Michael, please.
LAUREN: Sark's going to give you the Inferno protocol.
LAUREN: You can't survive, not now, not after everything you've been through.
VAUGHN: Why do you care?
LAUREN: Not everything was a lie.
Sark arrives with some Covenant g*ons.
SARK: Get him down and put him on the cart.
LAUREN: Sark, we can't do this procedure now. He needs time to recover.
SARK: Why this sudden concern for your husband's well-being?
LAUREN: If he dies, he'll take the information with him.
SARK: Whatever petty feelings you have for him, they don't concern me.
LAUREN: Please listen.
Sark slaps her.
SARK: Please escort Mrs. Reed out of here.
SARK: Now, where were we?
g*ons are strapping an oxygen/NO2 mask onto Vaughn.
Somewhere Outside
SYDNEY: I don't understand. How can a brain scan help us find her?
SLOANE: Each individual has a signature brain-wave pattern as unique as a fingerprint. So to exploit this, the DoD's developed an experimental satellite network capable of remote encephalography.
SYDNEY: Reading brain-waves from orbit.
SARK: Right.
Jack walks up.
JACK: I just spoke to my contact at DoD. He up-linked the EEG readings to the defense satellite network. We have a location.
SLOANE: Where is she?
JACK: Chechnya. To be more precise, a labor camp for female prisoners on the outskirts of Kamerchev (FIX). My contact was able to check the prison's central database. He found her under the alias Talia Kozlov. She's being held in sector C.
SLOANE: She's incarcerated?
JACK: We've been operating under the assumption that she's an innocent in need of rescue. Given the fact that she's being detained, I think those assumptions need to be reexamined.
SLOANE: She's my daughter, and we're going to find her.
Sloane storms off.
JACK: Considering this new information, I think you may need to adjust your expectations regarding you sister as well.
SYDNEY: After mom died, I used to have these daydreams. I would imagine her leading my girl scout troop or taking me shopping for new school clothes. I thought if only she'd lived, she would have been my best friend.
SYDNEY: When I learned the truth about her, and saw Irina for who she truly was, I was devastated.
SYDNEY: I won't make the same mistake twice.
Covenant Warehouse
Someone removes Vaughn's mask and holds a vial of something under Vaughn's nose. It's Lauren. Vaughn regains consciousness.
VAUGHN: What's going on?
LAUREN: It's over. The protocol worked. Somehow you survived. Michael, listen to me.
VAUGHN: Did I tell them?
LAUREN: You told Sark everything. He'll be back any second. You have to get out of here.
VAUGHN: Why are you doing this?
LAUREN: For me our marriage was real, the only real thing in my life. Go.
Vaughn stumbles off.
Chechen Prison - CHEC[H]NYA (pushthrough)
Sydney infiltrates the prison from a grate in a stairwell. She walks into the main area and starts mingling with the other prisoners.
GUARD: (Russian) Line up!
This won't go well for Sydney if all the prisoners have to check in individually to get back to their cells (cots with dividing curtains, really). Sydney plants an expl*sive charge on some sort of metal t*nk. After a short while, it detonates.
There's panic and smoke.
GUARD: (Russian) Everyone inside! Go! Go!
They're all herded into the cell block.
Vaughn's trying to hitchhike. An SUV driver narrowly avoids hitting him, but doesn't stop. Then there's an 18-wheeler driver who's a bit more humane. The driver stops and lets Vaughn in.
DRIVER: Hey, are you okay?
VAUGHN: I need to get to a phone.
DRIVER: Here, use mine.
VAUGHN: Thanks.
The driver's handed Vaughn a cell phone.
CIA: (cell) Dispatch.
VAUGHN: (cell) This is officer 2300708. Patch me through to Director Dixon immediately.
DIXON: (cell) Vaughn. Where are you?
VAUGHN: (cell) The Covenant knows the location of the Passenger. Sark's moving on the lead.
Vaughn starts getting suspicious of the driver, who keeps stealing suspicious glances at him.
DIXON: (cell) How did they acquire the intel?
VAUGHN: (cell) From me.
DIXON: (cell) Put together a tactical team and lead them to it. Where's the Passenger now?
Vaughn glances over at the driver. He knows something's up.
VAUGHN: (cell) You cut out, bad reception.
Cut to Lauren and Sark reading the conversation on a laptop. The cell phone is obviously rigged.
DIXON: (cell) Vaughn, what's wrong?
Vaughn glances over at the driver.
VAUGHN: (cell) Is Sydney back from Hong Kong?
The driver reaches over toward Vaughn. Vaughn hits him with the cell phone. The trailer plows through a parking lot, stopping eventually. Vaughn gets out and walks away from the cab shortly before it explodes.
Lauren's car pulls up, and Lauren and Sark get out.
SARK: Don't move!
SARK: Get on the ground! On the ground!
LAUREN: You're smarter than I thought.
Chechen Prison
Sydney finds a file labeled "Talia Kozlov - #07". She finds the cot. Her sister is lying restrained on a gurney.
SYDNEY: I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm your sister. I know that sounds crazy.
SYDNEY: I'm sorry it took me so long to find you, but I'm here now, and I'm going to get you out of here. You will be safe now, I promise you.
She starts taking the restraints off.
SYDNEY: By the way, I almost forgot. My name is Sydney.
Marshall's Office
MARSHALL: Okay, now this was taken earlier from the surveillance camera at the Garland Industrial Plant.
MARSHALL: I was able to enhance the footage.
The video shows the 18-wheeler crashing and Vaughn running from it.
MARSHALL: This was taken from a surveillance feed from the rear of the building.
The video shows Vaughn being forced into Lauren's car.
DIXON: Get the listing for every business, every ATM, every traffic light within a five mile radius of this location. Have them pull their surveillance feeds immediately.
DIXON: I want to know where they went after the left the scene.
Dixon's leaves in a hurry.
Covenant Warehouse
SARK: We're about to embark into a procedure the CIA was more than willing to use on me. You have to admit, the reversal is a tad ironic.
SARK: This time, my friend, it's for real.
Cut to an IV drip, and a needle being inserted into the neck of a very unrealistic cadaver. Err, oh, there's my suspension of disbelief; I thought I'd misplaced it. I meant the needle is inserted into Vaughn's neck.
SARK: You met with a man. Who was he?
SARK: Brill. He knew my father.
SARK: And did Brill tell you where the Passenger is?
VAUGHN: He told me.
SARK: Where is she?
SARK: I'll ask you again. Where... is... the Passenger?
Sark looks at Lauren.
SARK: Increase the dosage.
Sark's phone rings.
SARK: (cell) What is it?
SARK: (cell) Really? And who do I owe my thanks?
Sark hangs up.
SARK: We're done here. We have her location.
LAUREN: What about him?
SARK: k*ll him.
Lauren cranks the dosage all the way up. The COW evidently doesn't have any feelings for Vaughn.
Chechen Prison
Sydney's wheeling her sister around in a wheelchair.
GUARD: (Russian) What are you doing?
GUARD: (Russian) This facility is in lock-down.
SYDNEY: (Russian) The woman needs to see a doctor.
GUARD: (Russian) Take her back to her cell. We'll escort you -
Nadia isn't quite as zombified as she appeared. She can fight nearly as well as Sydney.
SYDNEY: Who are you?
NADIA: Later.
SYDNEY: Come on, come on. We've got to go. We've got to get to the tunnel. Come on.
MARSHALL: Okay, we got the surveillance footage from 74th. The cameras are on the dockyards.
MARSHALL: And let me tell you, there's some major freakazoid stuff going on out there. Not a place you want to go to after hours unless you into that sort of thing.
MARSHALL: Anyway, I was able to piece together the feeds.
DIXON: What did you find?
MARSHALL: Okay, after they abducted Vaughn, they were spotted two minutes later by a red-light camera at Fifth and Grand.
MARSHALL: Afterwards, a rooftop camera on a parking structure caught them turning onto Frontage Road.
Weiss is getting irritated.
WEISS: Okay, Marshall, where are they now?
MARSHALL: Okay, sorry, I'm getting to that.
MARSHALL: Final destination: 4384 Alfano Street...
As Dixon and Weiss run out the door...
MARSHALL: abandoned packaging warehouse on... yes!
Covenant Warehouse.
A CIA team arrives. The warehouse is empty, except for...
WEISS: Vaughn! Vaughn!
WEISS: Come on, buddy. I'm right here. You're going to be okay.
Weiss notices Vaughn's rather low heart-rate (40) on the monitor. The EKG doesn't look good, either.
WEISS: Get a Medivac down here now!
Chechen Prison
NADIA: Go. I'll catch up.
SYDNEY: No, I'm not leaving you.
NADIA: I feel faint.
SYDNEY: Here, you just, you need to sit down just for a minute.
SYDNEY: Here you go, here you go.
They've reached the end of a hall, and sit down just around a corner.
SYDNEY: Take some deep breaths.
SYDNEY: So who are you?
NADIA: You can call me Talia.
SYDNEY: I know that's not your real name.
SYDNEY: What were you doing back there? Why were you pretending to be catatonic
NADIA: I can't tell you.
SYDNEY: You're an agent.
NADIA: Argentine intelligence.
NADIA: What you said back there...
SYDNEY: It's true. We're sisters.
NADIA: How did you find me?
(Shades of k*ll Bill?)
SYDNEY: It wasn't just me. It was your father.
NADIA: My father?
SYDNEY: Yeah. He's waiting for you.
They get up and start to walk.
NADIA: Nadia. My name is Nadia.
Chechen Safehouse
Sloane's doting over his daughter, who's asleep.
Sydney's trying to deal with having a newly discovered sibling. So of course she talks to the one person who can't help her... her father.
SYDNEY: When Will used to talk about his sister Amy, he was always so exasperated. He said she was a flake. He told me I was lucky to be an only child, but I knew he was lying.
SYDNEY: He loved her. I always wondered what they had.
SYDNEY: I have a sister.
JACK: I believe you assured me you weren't going to make the same mistake twice.
Nadia wakes up and sees Sloane. She looks afraid, even though Sloane is wearing both a shirt and a jacket.
NADIA: I know who you are.
SLOANE: Well then, you know about my criminal past. You also know that I've changed. But you need to know why.
SLOANE: I never knew I had a daughter. I didn't know until two years ago that you even existed.
SLOANE: How I found out... I felt totally complete joy. I just wanted to go out and find you immediately.
SLOANE: But then, it struck me. Shame. I was ashamed of the man I was.
SLOANE: I know I wasn't worthy of you. I wasn't worthy of your love. I wasn't worthy of your respect.
SLOANE: From that moment on, I vowed to change. I didn't want to meet my daughter face to face and have her despise me.
There's an expl*si*n. Sydney and Jack get up and chamber rounds. They move out of the room. The Covenant has just blown apart the outer doors to the safehouse.
SARK: We want the Passenger unharmed.
SARK: Move. Move!
Jack and Sydney k*ll a few Covenant operatives, then retreat back into the room they were in. Sloane and Nadia are gone.
SYDNEY: Where are they?
The Covenant team arrives, but there's nobody in the room.
SARK: They cannot have escaped.
Camera pans to the rafters, where Sydney and Jack are hiding.
LAUREN: What is this?
Lauren draws back a sliding door. They see that there's a trap door.
LAUREN: Sloane set us up. He betrayed us.
SARK: Agents, move up!
The Covenant g*ons either leave or go through the trap door in a futile attempt to catch Nadia.
JACK: This was a Chechen safehouse. It was Sloane's suggestion that we seek refuge here.
SYDNEY: Sloane knew about the escape route.
JACK: Sloane was the only person who knew where we were. He tipped the Covenant, lured them here as a distraction, giving him a chance to escape with Nadia.
SYDNEY: Son of a b****!
Hospital, L.A.
Vaughn's in a hospital bed.
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
VAUGHN: Sydney. Are you alright?
SYDNEY: I'm fine.
VAUGHN: The Passenger, did you find her?
SYDNEY: Yes, but she's gone, she's missing.
VAUGHN: You can't go after her.
VAUGHN: Your sister. You have to let her go.
SYDNEY: You're tired. I should let you sleep.
VAUGHN: No. My father was k*lled because he took her from the KGB. He hid her from your mother. That's why she m*rder him.
VAUGHN: I met someone who told me the prophecy. The Passenger and the Chosen One shall battle; neither will survive.
VAUGHN: Sydney, you can't see her again.
Some Safehouse of Sloane's
Sloane walks into a room where Nadia's handcuffed to a chair.
NADIA: Please, don't do this.
NADIA: Please don't.
SLOANE: I wish there could be another way.
Sloane injects her with the Rambaldi goo. She starts convulsing. Sloane gives her oxygen.
SLOANE: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Evidently he's not terribly concerned with being worthy of her respect. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x20 - Blood Ties"} | foreverdreaming |
Kyoto, Japan
Nadia is in a trance, writing Rambaldi code. Sloane watches.
Conference Room
SYDNEY: At this moment, we have no leads on Sloane or Nadia Santos, my sister. Unverifiable reports suggest that shortly after he betrayed us in [wherever it is, the unknown town in Chechnya where Nadia was in prison - FIX], Sloane boarded a plane at the airport in Grozny. But this was 20 hours ago. By now, they could be anywhere.
DIXON: Have you been in contact with Nadia's superiors at Argentina's Intelligence Directorate?
SYDNEY: Yes, but they could only provide us with background. She was recruited six years ago. She was educated in language and trade-craft. The mission to Chechnya was her first real assignment.
JACK: And what about her life prior to becoming an agent?
She was confined to an orphanage in the Santermo [FIX] district of Buenos Aires. She had no known family until now. According to Sloane, Nadia will be injected with an elixir, some kind of fluid that will enable her to deliver a message from Rambaldi himself.
Kyoto, Japan
Nadia finishes writing on one piece of paper.
SLOANE: That's good. That's very good.
Sloane takes the paper and pins it up on a wall, where a dozen or two more pages are already pinned. The Rambaldi writing, from a distance, forms the symbol for the followers of Rambaldi. It looks like there are five or six important pages missing, with 17 or so already done.
SYDNEY: He's never divulged the willing to risk everything, his wealth, even his legitimacy, even his life, to acquire it. This is his endgame. We have to believe he will k*ll Nadia in pursuit of it.
Conference room
DIXON: Sydney, I pray that we get to Nadia quickly, but given Sloane's intentions we need to be prepared for all possible outcomes.
SYDNEY: I know she's alive.
Kyoto, Japan.
Sloane removes a bottle of Rambaldi goo.
NADIA: Please, don't.
SLOANE: Nadia, my child. I don't want to hurt you.
NADIA: Then why are you doing this?
SLOANE: When Abraham was asked to take his only child, Isaac, and offer him up to God, he didn't hesitate. And he took in his hand the f*re and the Kn*fe. And it was only then that the angel came. But Abraham had to be willing to make this unbearable choice.
(One discussion of this situation is in Kierkegaard's _Fear and Trembling_)
Nadia grabs something off the medical tray by her chair.
NADIA: I understand.
Sloane thinks she's serious, and merely naive. Smiling, he says, unbelievingly...
SLOANE: You do.
NADIA: You're a man of faith.
She's using whatever it is (a scalpel?) to get out of her handcuffs.
SLOANE: Oh, my child, my child.
Nadia s*ab him with the elixir, screams something unintelligible. She smashes a bunch of Sloane's Rambaldi goo. Sloane knocks her out with a stun g*n.
SLOANE: (cell) My supply of Rambaldi fluid has been compromised. I need you to break into a bunker, Novgorod 21. Secure more bottles. You deliver within 24 hours, I pay you five million.
UNKNOWN: (cell) I'll recruit a team immediately, and get back to you.
UNKNOWN calls someone else.
SARK: (cell) Go ahead.
UNKNOWN: (cell) Arvin Sloane just made contact.
SARK: (cell) Tell me where he's sending you, and I'll double his offer.
SYDNEY: (phone) The Echelon dictionary's been updated with the relevant keywords. We'll continue to monitor all intercepts. Thank you very much.
SYDNEY: I thought you were supposed to stay in the hospital a few more days.
VAUGHN: Yeah. I checked myself out early.
SYDNEY: Didn't they want to keep you for observation?
VAUGHN: I'm fine, really.
VAUGHN: Look, whatever Lauren did to me, I want you to know I take full responsibility for what's happened. I messed up. And if you can't get past that, I understand. But will you try?
SYDNEY: I don't know.
VAUGHN: Will you at least think about it? Because it's all I can think about.
SYDNEY: Yeah, I will think about it.
Dixon walks up.
DIXON: I need to see you both immediately.
Briefing Room
DIXON: Our SIGINT post in Manila just intercepted an encrypted phone call between Arvin Sloane and a well-known underworld fixer.
WEISS: Did we run a trace-back?
JACK: The route masking was too high. Sloane requested the fluid be recovered from this bunker facility called Novgorod 21.
DIXON: I checked with my contacts at Project Blackhole. They said the facility's been inactive since the 1980's, when it was the center for Soviet Rambaldi research.
SYDNEY: If we penetrate the bunker, we can plant a tracking device on one of the vials of fluid. Maybe that could lead us to Sloane.
DIXON: I'll have Marshall prep the op-tech for the two of you to execute a tactical infiltration. The facility could still be guarded.
Vaughn's not terribly interested in this Rambaldi stuff.
VAUGHN: Where do we stand on finding Lauren?
WEISS: FBI Counterintelligence is going over all of Lauren's files, phone records, expense reports...
VAUGHN: Have we brought our field offices into the investigation?
Weiss gives him a "give me a break" look.
VAUGHN: Have you gotten the CIA to sign off on re-tasking Echelon satellites?
DIXON: Vaughn, we're doing what we can, but right now, the priority for this office is finding Sloane.
NOVG[O]ROD (push-through)
Sydney and Vaughn approach the bunker. They find a d*ad guard.
SYDNEY: Sloane got here first.
VAUGHN: They might still be here.
They go inside and find the lab. It's been trashed.
VAUGHN: They've got the fluid. There's nothing left to tag and no way to find Sloane.
SYDNEY: We still have a secondary protocol -- to retrieve all available data.
VAUGHN: I'll start the up-link.
SYDNEY: I'll try to collect a sample.
Syd finds a syringe and some green goo from a smashed vial.
VAUGHN: (comm) Marshall, I'm hacking into the drives now.
-Marshall's Office-
MARSHALL: (comm) Okay, I'm picking up the signal, Boy Scout.
MARSHALL: (comm) Got interference on K-band. Bump it up one more frequency.
VAUGHN: (comm) Any better?
MARSHALL: (comm) No, not much. Uh, there seems to be a signal I can't account for.
VAUGHN: (comm) Can you download the data?
MARSHALL: (comm) Yeah. Start sending now.
SYDNEY: Are those video files?
VAUGHN: Yeah, at least a hundred hours' worth.
SYDNEY: Can you open one?
They see footage of a young girl strapped to a chair, drawing on papers.
SYDNEY: That's my sister.
Sydney goes over to the chamber where the chair is, and stares at it vacantly.
MARSHALL: (comm) No, no no no no no no no.
SYDNEY: (comm) What?
MARSHALL: (comm) There's a silent alarm. They know you're there.
GUARDS: (Russian)
Katya walks in.
Title Sequence
Novgorod Bunker
KATYA: Sydney Bristow. We meet at last.
KATYA: (Russian) You two, secure the perimeter.
KATYA: (Russian) Take their w*apon.
Katya picks up a tranq g*n that was on a table. She acts amused.
KATYA: A tranq g*n. How considerate.
KATYA: (Russian) I had no idea the CIA was so polite.
Katya sh**t the two remaining Russian guards.
KATYA: Hurry. Take the uniform and their ID.
SYDNEY: Who are you?
KATYA: Your mother's sister.
SYDNEY: Katya.
They're outside, and hurry to a jeep. They approach the guard post.
KATYA: Let me take care of this.
GUARD: (Russian) Identification.
KATYA: (Russian) Don't I know you?
GUARD: (Russian) I don't think so, Colonel
Katya hands the guard her ID.
KATYA: (Russian) Were you at General Krivak's birthday party?
GUARD: (Russian) I wish. I heard it was a blast.
KATYA: (Russian) Pity.
KATYA: (Russian) I made love to a boy who looked just like you.
Cut to Sydney, who clearly understands what she's saying, and is probably wondering what kind of psychological pathologies Irina's sister has.
KATYA: (Russian) Is there any chance you could have forgotten?
GUARD: (Russian) Absolutely not.
A guard has discovered the unconscious bodies of the two guards in the bunker, and calls the guard post.
KATYA: (Russian) Perhaps you will come to my birthday.
GUARD: (Russian) I'd like that.
The phone rings.
The interior guard is heard over the phone.
GUARD: There's been a breakout. They've kidnapped Colonel Derevko!
The guards f*re at the jeep as it drives away, with Sydney ducking.
Kyoto, Japan
SLOANE: This is just a sedative now, Nadia, so you can rest.
SLOANE: What you did yesterday, destroying all the fluid like that... I want you to know I was not angry with you. I was proud of your courage.
NADIA: Every Sunday at the orphanage in Santermo [FIX], they made us dress up in our finest clothes. They would have us stand in line four hours waiting to be chosen by families. I wouldn't do it. I'd make myself filthy and always frown. I didn't want to be chosen, because I knew I knew that somewhere my dad was still looking for me, and one day he'd come to take me away from that place. If I had known it was you I was waiting for, I would have cleaned up.
CIA Safe-house, St. Petersburg
VAUGHN: (cell) Katya saw Lauren and Sark on a surveillance feed. They acquired a canister of Rambaldi fluid. Eric, we need to get that satellite re-tasked. I understand, but I want them found.
Vaughn's frustrated, walking down a hall outside a room where Katya and Sydney are.
VAUGHN: (cell) That's not good enough, Weiss...
He walks down the hall and through a door. Meanwhile, in the room...
SYDNEY: I spoke to my father. He's arranged for us to be picked up by helicopter. What were you doing at the laboratory?
KATYA: Like you, we received intelligence that Sloane had sent a team there, but by the time we arrived it was too late. If Sloane is after the fluid, he must be very close from finding Nadia.
Sydney stares at her for a moment.
SYDNEY: In the videotape, Nadia was a child. She was drawing something, what I assume was Rambaldi's message. If the message was already relayed, why is she valuable?
KATYA: Your sister was taken away from the laboratory before she could complete the message.
VAUGHN: My father took her. He took her away from people who were trying to use her.
KATYA: Are you trying to imply something, Mr. Vaughn?
VAUGHN: I'm just curious why you're so eager to find your long-lost niece.
KATYA: I understand your weariness. Try to remember that I risked my life, that I compromised my position with the SVR to save you from certain execution.
SYDNEY: My father told me you were working with my mother.
KATYA: I am. When your mother returned to Russia, she was immediately apprehended. Her loyalties were questionable. After a few months in jail, he gave birth to a little girl. That girl was one day old when she was taken away from your mother. The only reason I joined the Russian Secret Service was to help Irina find her younger daughter. For years we heard nothing about her. Every lead went cold. But then recently we found out that her father, Arvin Sloane, was also looking for her.
KATYA: What is it, Sydney?
SYDNEY: Sloane has her.
Los Angeles - Friendship Bell
Sark and Lauren get out of a car. Sloane's there waiting.
SLOANE: This is unexpected, and unacceptable.
LAUREN: Nice to see you too, Arvin.
SARK: We recovered three canisters of Rambaldi's fluid. They're yours in exchange for a partnership.
SLOANE: I believe we've already made that mistake.
SARK: You have the passenger. We now have the fluid. What we are after is big enough for all of us to share. So what do you say, for old times' sake?
SLOANE: What are your terms?
LAUREN: We've brought enough for one dose. The rest is safely in storage. Once we know you do indeed have the girl, the rest of the canisters will be delivered.
SARK: And of course we will need to see a demonstration first. We need to be certain that the fluid actually works.
SLOANE: I see.
Marshall's Office
MARSHALL: Now, I believe the fluid contains a stored memory, a muscle memory. Now, this fluid that you brought back contains protein strains, and when injected the protein moves into the cerebral cortex.
MARSHALL: Theoretically it could trigger an individual to execute a prerecorded series of non-cognitive actions... touch-typing or playing a musical instrument, or...
SYDNEY: Drawing...
MARSHALL: Exactly.
DIXON: How dangerous is that process?
MARSHALL: Well, the toxicity level of that much protein being forced into the cerebrum would have to have harmful side effects... brain damage, maybe even death.
DIXON: Have you been able to identify the doctor?
SYDNEY: How'd the voice-print analysis turn out?
MARSHALL: Not great, but run it again if you want.
Kyoto, Japan
Nadia's gasping. Sloane's just injected her with more Rambaldi goo. Sloane gives her a pen. Slowly, she starts writing.
SARK: Incredible.
Nadia writes some more.
Marshall's Office
VAUGHN: I wish we could see the doctor's face.
SYDNEY: In the corner... someone's reflection. Can you enhance it?
Marshall does some image magic. The reflection is revealed as the evil doctor -- crippled evil doctor, thanks to Will. Marshall clearly recalls his psychopathic tendencies, too, because he's just as disturbed as everyone else.
MARSHALL: Oh my God.
Briefing Room
DIXON: We believe this man to be Jong Lee. According to files recovered from Novgorod, he was the lead scientist in charge of conducting Russia's Passenger experiments.
JACK: The NSA was able to use electronic intercepts to track Lee's recent communication. It appears he met with Sloane in Zurich twice in the past four months, most likely to help him procure Rambaldi fluid.
Vaughn's modified his tactics... maybe if he mentions both Lauren and Sark, he'll get more cooperation in his... can it be called a hunt?
VAUGHN: What about Lauren and Sark?
DIXON: As of now, we have no evidence linking them to Dr. Lee. There whereabouts remain unknown.
VAUGHN: If satellites had been tasked like I asked, that might not be the case.
WEISS: They were tied up over a nuclear test site in the Baltics. The DoD wouldn't budge.
VAUGHN: Because we didn't apply enough pressure.
DIXON: Vaughn. This is not the time.
SYDNEY: Where is Dr. Lee now?
DIXON: A Cuban bio-w*apon facility. You and Vaughn will head to Cienfuegos, find out everything you can about the Passenger experiments and where to find Sloane.
DIXON: In the mean time, Jack, you'll work with Katya Derevko. She's been investigating Sloane's financials in the hope of getting a lead on Nadia. There could be something there to tip off Sloane's location.
Just after the briefing...
JACK: Vaughn, do you have a minute?
JACK: I know why you checked yourself out of medical services early. I know you're under the impression you're fine, that all you need to do is hold yourself together and bury yourself in work.
VAUGHN: Get to the point, Jack.
JACK: My point is, your rage is seething under the surface. I know because I've been there. And I promise you... If you don't resolve this as quickly and expediently as possible, it will spill over to every aspect of your life including your professional and personal relationship with my daughter, and I do not want you endangering her.
VAUGHN: I am doing my job the best I can. Do you have a better suggestion?
JACK: I suggest you focus your energy into achieving closure on this matter.
VAUGHN: No one wants Lauren in custody more than I do.
JACK: That's not the kind of closure I'm referring to.
Jack holds out a key. Vaughn takes it.
VAUGHN: What's this?
JACK: That's a key to my storage facility. You've been there before. In it, you'll find false identification, unmarked and untraceable w*apon, contact sheets, as well as disposal facilities capable of dealing with her remains.
VAUGHN: That might be your way of dealing with things. It's not mine.
JACK: Keep it.
Jack walks off.
Los Angeles, wherever Katya's staying
JACK: Sloane transferred 900,000 out of his Caymans account five days ago.
KATYA: Are the routing numbers traceable?
JACK: To Scotland, then Luxembourg. Not after.
KATYA: When Irina and Sloane were having their affair, did you know about it?
JACK: It was one of her many secrets.
KATYA: Hearing Irina talk about you, it was impossible not to be intrigued. I find you sexy, Jack. Deal with it.
JACK: What is Dayton Electrical?
KATYA: I have no idea.
JACK: Sloane's made a large payment to a Dayton Electrical
KATYA: The company subcontracted to do work in Beijing, Lyon, and Gambia.
JACK: And Chamonix...
KATYA: That mean something to you?
JACK: Recently we arrested a woman who did significant electronics work to secure a villa at Chamonix.
KATYA: If this payment is for designing some sort of security system for Sloane, she might know where he is.
JACK: (cell) This is agent Jack Bristow. Inform the detention facility I will be there by 1400 to conduct an interview with Toni Cummings.
KATYA: If this works and you find Sloane, you will also find Sydney's sister. This will be a great victory, but it will be hard on you, knowing what she represents. If it was me, I wouldn't want to go through that alone.
Sydney walks out of the ocean onto a beach, yelling. It appears to be private beach front property. Two elderly people are sitting in lawn chairs, and get up to approach her. Vaughn sh**t them with tranquilizers.
It turns out the house is the residence and/or research lab for Dr. Lee, the psychopath who removed one or more of Sydney's and Will's 2rd molars. He's extracting something from a marine species.
LEE: I said no disturbances.
SYDNEY: I'm sure you can make an exception for an old friend.
She hits him on the head with her p*stol. After a short while, she slaps him awake.
SYDNEY: Remember me from Taipei? Red hair? I liked my teeth. Now we know about your experiments in Novgorod. How much information did you get from my sister?
LEE: Drawings... numbers...
SYDNEY: Numbers? What kinds of numbers? What kinds of numbers?
LEE: She drew an equation, coordinates that would lead to a place...
SYDNEY: What place? What are we supposed to find there?
LEE: Rambaldi.
SYDNEY: What? His body, his grave site, his consciousness...
Vaughn is predictably uninterested in this Rambaldi crap.
VAUGHN: Where's Arvin Sloane?
LEE: Sloane? How should I know where he could be?
Vaughn takes some of the extract Lee was messing with before their arrival, and droppers it onto the table. It starts eating through.
VAUGHN: Now I know you can't feel that, but you can see it, and you can imagine what it's going to feel like when I pour the rest of this on you.
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
VAUGHN: You met with Sloane in Zurich.
LEE: It was only a charity function.
VAUGHN: Don't lie to me.
LEE: He asked me about inoculations, about the Passenger.
VAUGHN: Where is he?
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
LEE: I don't know.
VAUGHN: Tell me where he is.
LEE: Please!
SYDNEY: Vaughn, you can't do this.
VAUGHN: Why not? He would.
SYDNEY: You're not him.
VAUGHN: Tell me where he is.
Lee's hysterical at this point.
LEE: If I knew, I would tell you.
VAUGHN: Wrong answer.
Vaughn pours the acid on Lee's hand. Lee screams.
JACK: You designed a lethal response security system from Arvin Sloane.
TONI: You take everything away from me, and now you expect a freebie in return?
JACK: I don't make promises.
TONI: Do you know how much being here cuts into my market share? Can't even get a lipstick in this place.
JACK: Sloane is a fugitive. Assist in his capture, and a reduction in his sentence may be considered.
TONI: I know what a player Sloane is. Capturing him must be a high priority.
She laughs.
TONI: If I help you get him, I want out with time served.
JACK: So you know where he is.
TONI: I designed a k*ller system for him, but that was two years ago.
JACK: Where is it?
TONI: I only drew up the specs. I didn't contract the job, and I don't know where it was built.
JACK: But you can find out.
TONI: I probably could.
JACK: Time served. I'll have it put in writing.
TONI: Within the hour?
JACK: Within the hour.
TONI: Good.
JACK: Now, what do you need?
Cargo plane
VAUGHN: I spoke to Dixon. He said that Jack and Sydney might have a lead on Sloane through Toni Cummings. We may have their location by the time we get back.
SYDNEY: What you did to Dr. Lee was unacceptable.
VAUGHN: Well you wouldn't say that if I had gotten something out of him.
SYDNEY: What he knew or didn't know is beside the point.
VAUGHN: Exactly. The point is we're trying to find your sister.
SYDNEY: And if you had gotten the answer, it still wouldn't have been okay.
VAUGHN: Sloane has her. Wouldn't you do anything to get her back?
SYDNEY: You knew we had other options.
VAUGHN: Sydney, the man tortured you. He tortured Marshall. He tortured your sister.
SYDNEY: This isn't about him. This is about you, and what I saw scared me.
VAUGHN: Yeah, well it scared me too, what I'm willing to do to find her.
VAUGHN: When I was with Dr. Lee, all I could think about was if we get to Sloane, we'll get to her. And I want to find your sister, but I need to find my wife. Lauren cannot be allowed to get away with what she's done.
SYDNEY: Well, Lauren might, and you have to be prepared to deal with that.
MARSHALL: So you're trying to tell me that you got a gigajoule from a gas generator?
Toni's putting on lipstick, and she laughs.
TONI: Had to. Can't have lasers without power.
Marshall laughs and says something incoherent expressing agreement.
MARSHALL: I computed a list of the equipment you specified, everything necessary to build the security system that you designed for Mr. Sloane. Now, my program here will scan multiple databases for any shipments of that gear. Hopefully we can come up with a delivery nexus.
TONI: How long did it take you to come up with that?
MARSHALL: My lunch break. We get forty-five minutes, so...
TONI: I want you.
MARSHALL: Come again?
TONI: To work for me. How much do they pay you?
MARSHALL: How much do they... a lot, a lot.
TONI: Work for me and your base will be a million a year.
MARSHALL: Oh, that's a nice base.
TONI: Mmm hmm..
MARSHALL: Um, the thing is I get really good medical, and my little guy, Mitch... have I told you about him? Well he's also covered under the CIA extension of the plan... yea...
Marshall takes out a picture of Mitchell.
TONI: Aww, cute.
MARSHALL: To be honest with you, I kind of like working for the good guys. No offense.
TONI: None taken.
MARSHALL: Oh, okay... looks like Mr. Sloane built your system in Japan, just outside of Kyoto.
TONI: When do we go?
MARSHALL: Go? We? No, no. You were supposed to tell me how to bypass the system from here.
TONI: Uh uh. Sloane had me give him seven variables. I won't know which one he used until I've accessed the on-site junction box.
MARSHALL: Okay, I totally understand, but you're ... in... jail...
TONI: On-site...
Marshall's frustrated that he's going to have to recommend Toni be released. Apparently he doesn't know Jack's already made a deal, or maybe Jack was lying.
PILOT: We're five minutes out, switching to whisper mode.
Ahh yes, whisper mode, from Conspiracy Theory?
SYDNEY: Vaughn, I need to know that you will stay on-mission to protect Nadia no matter what else happens.
Kyoto, Japan
SARK: What's wrong?
SLOANE: It's what I was afraid of. She's building up a tolerance to the fluid. She needs rest.
LAUREN: Or a stronger dose.
My my, isn't Lauren helpful in suggesting ideas.
SLOANE: No. If we overload the cerebrum, her brain won't be able to function properly. She could die.
SARK: But we would have the equation, wouldn't we?
SLOANE: Don't. Don't push me, Julian.
LAUREN: You are wasting time we don't have. We have all chosen this path. Arvin, we have all made sacrifices. I trust you are willing to do the same.
The CIA team approaches the facility. There are some awfully chubby-looking guards.
SYDNEY: (comm) This is Mountaineer. We're on the ground.
WEISS: (comm) Copy that. Bravo is rolling hot.
Someone in "Bravo", the Humvee, takes out some guards.
WEISS: (comm) Bravo is in position.
SYDNEY: (comm) Weiss, we're proceeding to the junction box.
Sloane hangs another IV bag.
SLOANE: You'll be okay. I promise.
NADIA: No, I won't. I guess the angel isn't coming.
Sloane thinks about injecting her, but can't manage to get the needle into the tube because his hand is shaking.
LAUREN: Arvin?
SLOANE: I'm so sorry.
Two of Sloane's flunkies arrive with w*apon pointed at Sark and Lauren.
SLOANE: I've made a terrible mistake.
Toni, Sydney, and Vaughn find the junction box.
TONI: This will just take me a minute.
Back to Sloane...
SLOANE: The deal is off. If you go quietly, you leave unharmed.
LAUREN: You remind me of my father. When he learned the CIA was close to identifying me as Covenant, he was willing to do anything to protect me, even take the fall. He loved me that much. He's d*ad now, because reaching this goal is far more important.
Sark and Lauren k*ll the two guards, somehow.
Junction Box
TONI: I'm into his system. It'll be down in seven seconds.
SYDNEY: (comm) Bravo, stand by for Go code.
WEISS: (comm) Copy, Mountaineer.
VAUGHN: (comm) Get to the rendezvous point.
TONI: Got it.
SYDNEY: (comm) Bravo Team, Go!
sh**ting starts.
Sloane again. Sark and Lauren have forced him to inject her.
SLOANE: You will regret this.
Vaughn and Sydney arrive at the room, and there's sh**ting. Lauren and Sark escape out a newly sh*t-out full-height window. Vaughn goes after them... well, after Lauren, at least. I don't think he's quite as upset about being s*ab by Sark as he is getting screwed by Lauren.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, we have to secure Nadia!
VAUGHN: I'm going after Lauren!
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
Sydney's not too terribly happy.
Vaughn runs outside, and runs into Weiss.
Back inside...
SYDNEY: Get away from her.
SLOANE: Sydney, please...
SYDNEY: Now. Now!
Sydney takes the restraints off of Nadia
More flunkies arrive to protect Sloane.
FLUNKIES: We've got to go, now! Go!
The flunkies pin Sydney down while Sloane escapes.
Meanwhile, Weiss and Vaughn find Sark and Lauren outside, and start chasing them. But Lauren has a rocket launcher in her Humvee, and she blows up the CIA van that's conveniently parked nearby, to force Vaughn and Weiss to find cover.
Back Inside... One of Sloane's g*ons is still around, or else has recently arrived.
GOON: Freeze!
Nadia sh**t him.
Sydney and Vaughn help Nadia to the helicopter.
SYDNEY: You're safe. I promise you he'll never hurt you again.
Nadia's incredulous.
NADIA: He protected me.
Briefing Room
DIXON: Your sister is listed in s*ab condition. The drawings and text you recovered are in analysis.
MARSHALL: Now, we don't have every piece but I may have enough to extrapolate a location. I should know in a day or two.
DIXON: The only blemish on a job well done is a debrief I received from the tac team leader indicating that an initial failure to secure Nadia provided Sloane an opportunity to escape. Is there anything to that?
SYDNEY: No, there isn't.
After the meeting...
SYDNEY: I won't cover for you like that again. You violated mission protocol and left Nadia behind. Nadia saved my life.
VAUGHN: It was a judgment call. I would never put your life in jeopardy.
SYDNEY: You saw a chance to get Lauren and you took it, no matter what. You didn't have my back.
VAUGHN: We got Nadia. That's what counts.
SYDNEY: I understand what you're going through, what it feels like to be betrayed. You saw how my hatred of Sloane consumed me.
SYDNEY: Vaughn, you saved me from that, from letting my anger turn me into a different person. And now it is my turn to do that for you.
SYDNEY: But you have to let me. You have to listen to me when I tell you the person you are right now is not the person you want to be.
SYDNEY: I told you I didn't know if we could figure things out between us. I still don't. But I do know we can't even begin to try until you deal with this.
DIXON: Jack. Our concern with Nadia has made Irina's affair with Sloane common knowledge around here. That can't be easy on you. If you want to talk...
JACK: I'm good, thanks.
Los Angeles
Jack shows up at Katya's.
JACK: For the record, I can go through this alone.
They kiss.
Vaughn opens Jack's storage facility and picks out a r*fle (Remington 700, maybe). He flips up only one scope cover (go Vaughn, always in the dark!), aims at something -- presumably a wall -- and pulls the trigger.
Cut to black. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x21 - Legacy"} | foreverdreaming |
SECRETARY: Good evening, Ms. Bristow.
Sydney's putting an awful lot of stuff in trash cans and on ledges as she down the hall. She fakes a breath DNA scan. She's putting cell phones everywhere.
Dixon's office
Where do we stand with Rambaldi's equation? How close are we to solving it?
MARSHALL: I only recovered about 92%. I designed a program to extrapolate the rest, but these permutations are like vast. It seems to be written in some sort of pre-Galilean algebra, which makes you wonder what these guys were... (fakes smoking a joint)... should be about 8 hours.
DIXON: Let me know the moment it's done.
MARSHALL: Absolutely. Sir, do you mind if I ask... what exactly are we looking for?
DIXON: Our only intel came from the interrogation of Dr. Lee in Havana. Crazy as it sounds, he says we're looking for Rambaldi.
MARSHALL: Rambaldi, as in... Mr. R... from the... You know, I don't even want to know. I've got too much on my (mind), with the baby. He's not (really a baby), he's like a toddler. And Carey's constantly (talking), even when I..,
DIXON: I understand.
MARSHALL: I'm going to (go).
From the voice, Sydney is really Lauren in disguise.
LAUREN: (comm) I'm in. Patching into the feed now.
The voice is Lauren's.
SARK: (comm) I must say, your disguise, it addresses a certain proclivity of mine.
LAUREN: (comm) If this works, I'll happily make your sick little fantasy come true.
LAUREN: (comm) Uploading Rambaldi's equation now.
MARSHALL: Oh, hey Syd. Uh, listen, have you seen a USB key with a Speed Racer logo on it? Any... Oh, it happens to have every single picture we've ever taken of Mitchell on it, and well, I brought it in here to make duplicates, and of course, the genius that I am, I forgot to make a backup copy. I'll tell you something, Carey's going to k*ll me if I don't find it.
MARSHALL: Found it! Left it in here when I was doing the keyboard thing earlier. It's a good thing I found it because Carey would probably divorce me if I (didn't)... I'd probably divorce myself in the process, you know?
MARSHALL: Is that a new perfume you're wearing, cause it's nice. I like it.
Marshall starts to leave, then turns around.
MARSHALL: Why are you downloading the equation?
Lauren sh**t him.
LAUREN: (comm) I have it. Corrupting the database now.
She starts to leave. Marshall hits some sort of emergency button that just happens to be under Sydney's desk.
LAUREN: (comm) Activate countermeasures now.
SARK: (comm) Get down, love.
VAUGHN: Sydney!
SARK: (to himself) Call on line one, Mr. Vaughn.
DIXON: (phone) We have a level five... (expl*si*n)
WEISS: Marshall! We need a medic. Call St. John's, tell them we have an incoming.
WEISS: Marshall.
Jack walks up. Vaughn sees Sydney walking out and runs after her.
WEISS: They hacked into an off-site relay. They're in a parking structure on the Northeast corner of Sixth.
JACK: (cell) This is Jack Bristow. We have a location on one of the intruders.
SARK: (comm) Keep moving. You have a clear path for the exit.
VAUGHN: Syd, wait!
Lauren ambushes him, takes off her mask, and runs out.
At the parking garage, Sark is caught by the g*ons Jack dispatched.
Lauren runs out into the street faking an injury. She gets a car stopped.
DRIVER: Are you alright?
Lauren sh**t him, pushes him to the passenger side, and drives away.
Some interrogation room.
Someone arrives.
FOSTER: The name's Hank Foster, Counterintelligence, thr*at analysis.
SYDNEY: What am I doing here, Mr. Foster?
FOSTER: At 7:22 this evening, you were logged in at the safe-house where Nadia Santos is being held. Is that accurate?
SYDNEY: It was around dinner. I brought her a sandwich.
FOSTER: Where were you before that?
SYDNEY: Buying her the sandwich. What is this?
FOSTER: At 6:12 tonight the Rotunda was compromised.
SYDNEY: What? How is that...
FOSTER: You tell me.
Sydney sees herself sh**ting Marshall.
SYDNEY: Oh my God. Is he okay? Was anyone k*lled?
FOSTER: It would do you good if you had an alibi.
VAUGHN: I used the key you gave me. I took the suitcase. I'm prepared to use it.
JACK: When the Agency concludes, as they will, that Lauren is responsible, the pressure to capture her will rise exponentially. The disposal project we discussed must be anonymous. Once her status changes, that will be more difficult.
DIXON: Sark isn't talking. He hasn't requested counsel, not even so much as a glass of water.
JACK: May I suggest you have Vaughn talk with him.
DIXON: Given their personal history, I'm not sure that's advisable.
JACK: Sark undoubtedly will be more afraid to face the man he so recently tortured. Given his pattern for caving out of fear, I believe Vaughn's presence will more likely yield the results we're looking for.
Vaughn starts to walk away.
DIXON: As the director, I can't sanction the beating of someone in our custody.
VAUGHN: Understood. I'll apprise you of any intel that comes from his interrogation.
Sark's Cell
VAUGHN: Last time we were together, our roles were reversed. Funny how things happen.
SARK: I'm afraid the irony is lost on me.
VAUGHN: You like the electric batons and the injections. I'm not into accessories.
SARK: I'm more than willing to cooperate, Mr. Vaughn. I will tell you everything you want, but I will need something in return.
VAUGHN: No deals.
SARK: Well then it seems we're at an impasse. I assure you, it won't take Lauren long to solve Rambaldi's equation.
VAUGHN: Well, better get started then. Where's Lauren Reed?
Vaughn slams Sark's head against the table, just like in 2x22.
Sydney's Interrogation
SYDNEY: I understand your suspicion, but we both know whatever was taken, I probably have access to it. And if Marshall had it, I could have just asked him.
FOSTER: It was a covenant raid. They got the Rambaldi equation. We apprehended Julian Sark.
Sark's Cell
Vaughn presses on Sark's nose. Sark winces.
VAUGHN: I think I broke it.
SARK: Clearly.
VAUGHN: You ready to talk?
SARK: Yes. When I first learned of your wife's true allegiance, I almost felt pity for you. How embarrassing it must have been to learn that the woman you shared your bed with was only using you as an unfortunate means to an end.
VAUGHN: I wouldn't do this if I were you.
SARK: But then, she wasn't sharing your bed lately, was she? She was in mine... or in my car... or an elevator, or a garage. I remember this one time -- this is my favorite -- we were engaged in an alley, and she called you to tell you she loved you. That woman was deliciously filthy.
VAUGHN: Feel that? Feels like a Kn*fe slicing through you, doesn't it? Where is she?
Sydney's Interrogation
SYDNEY: Lauren Reed was working for the Covenant the entire time she was NSC liaison. Her codes have been revoked, but she would still know our security protocols. This is the person you're looking for.
Foster gets up and pours himself some water.
FOSTER: Let's talk about your sister. The equation, the part taken from the Rotunda, was implanted in your sister's subconscious?
SYDNEY: Not literally. It's more like a genetic inheritance.
SYDNEY: My sister is innocent.
FOSTER: Rambaldi refers to you as the chosen one, he implants in your sister's head the whereabouts to his greatest invention, and you expect me to believe that neither one of you is involved in this?
SYDNEY: I don't care what you believe. This is a waste of time.
FOSTER: Last week, Ms. Santos was in the custody of the Covenant.
SYDNEY: As a prisoner they nearly k*lled.
FOSTER: If Lauren Reed broke in using your identity, she would need to be sure you were out of the office. Did your sister call you to come see her?
SYDNEY: If you want to arrest me, hold me under the PATRIOT Act. We're through talking.
Bad writers, bad.
FOSTER: The DCI will have my preliminary findings on his desk within 48 hours. Until that time, you will be reassigned as a desk officer. You may go.
Sark's Cell
VAUGHN: I'm not going to k*ll you. That would be too easy. But I'll leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street, people will pity you. Lauren is going to pay for the damage she's done to the people I care about, not for having had an affair with you. I don't give a rat's ass who she's sleeping with. So, for the last time, where is she?
SYDNEY: How is Marshall?
WEISS: He's still in the OR. Eighteen agents taken to St. John's. Twelve treated and released, four being held overnight for observation, and Brandon's not going to make it out of the FIX. It just makes me sick.
SYDNEY: Where's Vaughn?
WEISS: I haven't seen him since he finished interrogating Sark, but, uhh, word is he worked him over pretty good. Didn't get any information out of him, but it had to feel pretty good trying. I'm sure he'll be back soon. Probably needed to walk it off.
SYDNEY: (cell) Eric said you took off. Need some company?
VAUGHN: (cell) No, I'm good.
SYDNEY: (cell) Where are you?
VAUGHN: (cell) Doesn't matter.
SYDNEY: (cell) What does that mean? Vaughn, what's goin' on? Sark talked, didn't he, and you know where Lauren is.
VAUGHN: (cell) I'm taking care of it.
SYDNEY: (cell) I don't know what you're thinking, but you cannot do this, Michael. If you k*ll her, you will be arrested and charged with her m*rder. If you're not, if you get away with it, it'll haunt you, Michael. God, after everything we've been through, I'll lose you all over again.
VAUGHN: (cell) I have to go.
Vaughn's out in the rain. A car pulls up to a warehouse, and Lauren goes inside. Vaughn follows inside.
LAUREN: You're sure the computation is exact?
TECH: It's all good. ... Someone went through a lot of hoo-hah to encrypted a longitude and a latitude. What the hell is in Palermo?
On the screen are some equations and coordinates: 38deg 07' N, 13deg 21' E
where A=?/((Q2/Q1)-1)=?
LAUREN: You're payed to be discreet, not curious.
TECH: That's okay, beautiful. This will keep my mouth shut.
He's apparently been paid very well.
LAUREN: So will this.
Lauren sh**t him, takes the money, and walks off.
VAUGHN: Hi honey.
SYDNEY: I need the tape from the Sark interrogation.
TECH: Actually, that's been classified.
SYDNEY: By who?
TECH: Jack Bristow.
Sydney, of course, goes to confront him.
SYDNEY: I want that tape.
JACK: No, you don't. Not if you want what's best for Vaughn.
SYDNEY: You know what he's going to do if we don't stop him.
JACK: Yes. He'll get closure.
SYDNEY: You want him to k*ll Lauren.
JACK: If he doesn't, it will eat at him like a cancer. The only cure is to end it, now. She destroyed Vaughn's life.
SYDNEY: Vaughn's life, not yours. This is about what Lauren did to Vaughn, not what mom did to you. I don't know what you've told him or how much of all this you've orchestrated, but in some twisted way, you've got Vaughn carrying your burden, trying to get you closure by doing the one thing you never had a chance to do, k*ll the person who betrayed you.
JACK: I did have a chance, and I didn't take it. And not a day went by that I didn't regret letting her go. Vaughn will feel the same way. He will end up like me, and I love you too much to let that happen.
Vaughn has taken Lauren to another warehouse and strung her up with a pulley.
LAUREN: Michael, please, I need to ask you to understand. When the Covenant asked me to marry you, I knew eventually they'd want me to coax you back into the CIA. Two years went by, and I hadn't heard from them, and by then I'd convinced myself I never would. I prayed I wouldn't, because I'd fallen in love with you.
VAUGHN: Shut up! I am going to erase you. I'm going to remove any evidence you ever existed. You used me, you used my grief, my work, who I am. You took that from me. I'm, taking it back. This is hydrochloric acid. You'll be unrecognizable.
LAUREN: Michael, I swear I was going to tell you everything. Remember that night we went downtown and had dinner? Instead, you told me Sydney was back. She came back, and you didn't need me anymore. I could see it in your eyes. Sydney came back, and...
VAUGHN: I said don't say her name.
VAUGHN: I hate you, but I love Sydney more. That's the only reason you're not dying tonight.
Vaughn gets s*ab in the back by someone. All that's seen are gloved hands taking a key from Vaughn.
LAUREN: Thank God.
Lauren spits on him.
Night - Safe-house
SLOANE: Shhh. Shhh. Quiet. Listen to me. This device I'm wearing on my wrist is masking my heat signature. I have three minutes before the thermal imagers detect a malfunction. I trust that you will allow me that time before you alert the guards.
NADIA: What are you doing here?
SLOANE: You received your last dose of the Rambaldi fluid. I saw you begin to draw, which means you know where the Rambaldi artifact is . I gather you never told the CIA. That is wise, Nadia. They cannot be trusted.
NADIA: You expect me to trust me, after what you did to me?
SLOANE: It was all in an effort to pave the way for us. Rambaldi wrote about this vessel in which he was able to house his consciousness, his essence, his soul. He called it the sphere of life. Now you and I can claim it together.
NADIA: Your beliefs are your own.
SLOANE: I understand your skepticism, but tell me this. When you were under the influence of the Rambaldi fluid, what you saw, was it not transcendent? Was it not divine? Yes, it was. I can see it in your eyes.
NADIA: You have twenty seconds before the guards detect you. You have to go.
SLOANE: I'm leaving you instructions on how to find me. I pray you'll use it.
SYDNEY: Vaughn!
NURSE: What do we got?
EMS: 35-year-old. s*ab wound to the back. 18... and tachycardic at 125. ...
SYDNEY: Vaughn, you're going to be okay.
He's wheeled away. Some time later, Jack shows up.
JACK: I heard. Is he still in surgery?
SYDNEY: You were right. Lauren has to pay.
JACK: Vaughn is going to be okay, and when he is, he has to end it, not you.
SYDNEY: If it's okay for Vaughn it's okay for me. I need your help... expedited credentials, transportation...
JACK: My advice was specific to Lauren's betrayal of him.
SYDNEY: Lauren betrayed all of us.
JACK: Not in the same way. She was his wife.
SYDNEY: I don't care about any of that now. I want her to die, and that's going to happen whether you help me or not.
Sark's Cell
Lauren's brought in.
LAUREN: When I went to meet your contact, Vaughn was there. He was your contact. You set the meeting. Did you set me up?
LAUREN: It's okay, I would have told them too.
LAUREN: Let me see what they've done to you.
LAUREN: My mother's hired a lawyer. He'll be here soon. The only way we can get the location is if I tell him how to access your contact's information.
SARK: He backs up everything on an off-site server.
LAUREN: Tell me you know the passphrase.
SARK: I do. It's a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche.
LAUREN: God is d*ad.
SARK: No, the other one. Woman was God's second mistake.
Lauren starts to choke him through the bars.
LAUREN: Thank you.
Lauren lets him go.
Sydney takes off her mask. Lauren's really Sydney, of course.
SYDNEY: Voice modulator courtesy of CIA technical services.
SARK: This little trick of yours means Vaughn failed. Tell me, is he d*ad.
SYDNEY: No, he's not. But thanks to you, Lauren won't be so lucky.
Sydney's Loft, err, Apartment
SYDNEY: The equation leads to Palermo.
JACK: False ID, passport, drivers license. Plane from ? Aerospace is standing by with instructions to take you wherever you want to go. If this is the location of the artifact, there will be a strong Covenant presence.
SYDNEY: I'll be careful.
JACK: Let me go instead.
SYDNEY: I can't.
JACK: I'll cover for you with Foster.
SYDNEY: What is it?
JACK: Nothing. We'll talk when you get back.
PALERM[O] (pushthrough)
Sydney repels down a cliff and approaches an excavation site complete with armed guards.
Vaughn wakes up.
WEISS: How're you doing?
VAUGHN: Where's Sydney?
WEISS: Take it easy. Easy, sit back.
VAUGHN: Tell me where she is.
WEISS: She went after Lauren.
MICHAEL: No no no, have to get her.
WEISS: No no no no, Mike, you've got a punctured lung. There's a guard outside the door. Foster's got the building locked down. He revoked your clearance pending investigation of your rogue op. You're not going anywhere.
VAUGHN: I have to get to Syd. She's walking into a trap.
WEISS: What? What are you talking about?
VAUGHN: Lauren didn't s*ab me. Katya Derevko did.
Hospital again.
WEISS: Vaughn's flatlining. I need help in here now.
NURSE: Pull his covers so I can clear him
Vaughn shocks the nurses.
VAUGHN: Let's go.
They go out into the hall, with Vaughn holding Weiss at g*n. Two g*ons are there.
g*ons: Freeze!
VAUGHN: No, you freeze!
g*ons: Put it down.
WEISS: Come on, think about what you're doing, man.
VAUGHN: Put down your w*apon, put them in the trash can.
WEISS: Put it down, guys, put it down.
VAUGHN: Now get in the elevator!
VAUGHN: Get in!
WEISS: What?
VAUGHN: Get in!
Vaughn sh**t an elevator button, which apparently breaks the entire elevator system. He runs to a staircase, the infamous Alias staircase, with one of the guard's walkies.
VOICE: (walkie) Locking the building down. On our way up.
This is no problem, because Vaughn uses a f*re hose to escape past the guards who are running up the stairs. He sees a few guards outside. No problem...
VAUGHN: (walkie) Vaughn's going out the front. All units to the main entrance.
The guards run around front, and Vaughn escapes.
Sydney's still sitting watching. It's dark out. Someone comes up behind her with a g*n, but Sydney notices and disarms... Katya.
KATYA: Sydney! I could have k*lled you. I thought you were a Covenant guard.
SYDNEY: What are you doing here?
KATYA: I'm infiltrating the camp, the same as you. My informant told me the Covenant had been transporting excavation equipment. I thought they might have a lead on the Rambaldi artifact.
SYDNEY: Have you seen Lauren? Is she here?
KATYA: She was. She drove away about an hour ago.
SYDNEY: Then we'll wait until she gets back before we make our move.
Sydney hands the g*n back.
KATYA: The Covenant agents have been patrolling up here. We'd better take cover. Are you alone?
Katya tries to sh**t Sydney, but there's no amm*nit*on in the g*n. Sydney's taken it.
Note: This is bogus. Nobody who's ever handled a g*n would fail to notice the LACK OF A MAGAZINE. b*ll*ts are heavy. It's even possible to estimate within one round how many rounds are in a g*n, given enough practice with that g*n.
KATYA: How did you know?
SYDNEY: I didn't, but now I do.
Sydney sh**t Katya with a tranq. She sh**t two other guards. Lauren pulls up.
WORKER: We have already h*t subsoil, hard clay. If the artifact is any deeper, we will need ground-penetrating radar to narrow the search grid.
LAUREN: Then do it. The artifact is here. I want it found.
WORKER: (to others, something in Italian)
Sydney sh**t Lauren, but hits the worker instead.
AGENT: Hey Nadia, we're ordering Chinese. Game?
(no response)
AGENT: Nadia? Nadia! Nadia! Coming in!
He and another agent break down the door, and discover she's missing.
Nadia meets Sloane
SLOANE: Covenant solved the equation. Rambaldi's sphere may already be compromised.
NADIA: When I was drawing, there were moments as the fluid wore off. I altered the equation. I didn't want to give you what you were looking for.
SLOANE: Which means the Covenant has the wrong coordinates. They're looking for the sphere in the wrong place.
NADIA: We should go. We have a long journey ahead of us.
They walk off.
Sydney approaches the excavation site. Lauren ambushes her.
LAUREN: Guess who?
Catfight. Dumb ABC. Just because it worked last year doesn't mean repeating the whole thing will work.
LAUREN: If you k*ll me, you'll never know the truth.
SYDNEY: That's the truth. Sucks, doesn't it?
LAUREN: Do you think the CIA couldn't find you when you went missing, or that they learned what happened to you by chance? And if your mother's really been helping you since she left
You're just trying to buy time.
LAUREN: You can't believe that you and your sister just happened to be agents
SYDNEY: This isn't going to work.
LAUREN: There's a bank in Whittenberg. A numbered vault. Proof.
LAUREN: We're both pawns in the same game. The difference is I know who controls me.
SYDNEY: Who controls me?
LAUREN: I guess you'll never know.
LAUREN: Put the g*n down! If you love her, you'll put the g*n down.
Vaughn lowers the g*n.
LAUREN: You really are a boyscout.
Vaughn sh**t Lauren.
SYDNEY: Vaughn! What are you doing? How did you get here?
VAUGHN: I came for you.
They kiss. Lauren starts to get up. Vaughn sh**t her.
LAUREN: one... zero... six... two...
Vaughn sh**t her a fifth time. She falls.
VAUGHN: What was that?
SYDNEY: I dunno. It doesn't matter.
WITTE[N]BERG (pushthrough)
Sydney's at the bank.
MANAGER: If you have further questions about your account, please feel free to come to my office when you're finished.
SYDNEY: Thank you.
She ignores the new box she rented, and breaks into box 1062 using various Marshall gadgets.
She finds a CIA file written in phosphorescent ink.
It starts out:
NO. 938-JB/47
She reads the other pages and starts crying. Then...
JACK: Sydney.
She looks up.
JACK: You were never supposed to have found this. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "03x22 - Resurrection"} | foreverdreaming |
Strains of Etta James' At Last plays as we look down a hallway at a closed door with a woman's silhouette behind it. The door slowly slides open to reveal Sydney in short blonde bob wig, wearing a white babydoll nightie. Sounds and lights indicate she is on a train.
As she walks from the bathroom into the main sleeping compartment, we see a man, mid 40's, glasses, white shirt w/sweater vest sitting at the table watching her. Sydney turns so that she is facing the man. She flips the split skirt so that he can see her lacy white undies and then asks in English with Swedish accent:
Sydney: Is dis
okay for me? I just got it.
Man (also with slight accent): For you? Yes. For you, is very
Sydney smiles and drapes herself across the bottom of the bed, facing him.
Man: For
me, too.
Sydney: I am sojy for barging in to you.
Man tugs on tie around neck as if it's suddenly too tight.
Man: Yeah
is no problem.
Sydney: Do you travel much?
Man: I
yes, for my work.
Sydney (seductively): I like the train.
Man: Yes.
Sydney: Vhat is your work?
Man: I'm in chemical business.
Sydney laughs.
Sydney: I knew something like that!
Man: You did?
Sydney: Yep.
Sydney gets up and walks over to Man.
Sydney: I look at your hands when I come in and I tink
(Sydney leans across the table and touches the man's forehead, lets it travel down his face and then to his hands.)
Sydney: He uses brain
more than hands.
Man: I use hands also
Sydney: I am hoping so.
Sydney looks down. Next to the man, there is a locked briefcase on the floor.
Sydney: So vhat is in case? Shemical?
Man: Chemical, yes.
Sydney (giggles): No.
Man: Yes
something danger
Sydney: In dis
Man: Yes, in case.
Sydney: I don't believe.
Man: Yes, is true.
Sydney (giggle): Show me
I want to see
I want to see what you do. What is so danger?
Man picks up case and sets it on the table. He sets the combination lock and opens the case. Inside is a Cyrillic keyboard terminal.
Man: What is inside can be used for good
or evil.
Sydney: Me too.
Man smiles at her suggestive comment.
Sydney: Open it. I vhant to see everyting.
Man types in a password and lights beep inside case. Man opens side compartment with a metal encased glass tube.
Man: Is isotope. Unstable
Sydney looks momentarily worried.
Man: Vhat is it?
Sydney smiles, then reaches over to remove the man's glasses, suggesting more is about to come. She runs her hand down the side of his face
and then smacks him in the face with the heel of her other hand, knocking him out. She grabs the isotope, then hurriedly dresses. She puts the isotope into a protective container and puts it in her bag. She handcuffs the knocked out man to the wall. She hurries along the corridor, just as a man with a g*n comes around the far corner telling her to stop.
He trails her into a baggage car. He looks for her but doesn't see her. She jumps down behind him and fight ensues. At first, Sydney appears to have the upper hand, but the assailant starts to wear her down. She is flung against a door handle, which opens up the side of the car. He picks up his g*n again, but she fights it out of his hand and it falls out of the car. He flicks open a switchblade as Sydney starts moving to evade the blade. Eventually, she gets knocked aside and grabs some protective netting that would normally be across the open doorway. She is hanging on, completely outside the car of the speeding train. There is no way for her to let go and she can't get back inside the car. The man comes over and starts cutting the straps off the netting one by one. As he starts to cut the last strap, we see Sydney look down and there is a several hundred foot drop below her. On her pained reaction, we:
72 Hours Earlier, then
Music cuts in, plays over following scene. (Song is "Cold Hard B*tch" by Jet)
Feet running against the pavement, then cut to another pair of feet running. First pair wear black knee high stockings and black Mary Janes, the second dark men's pants and shoes. (Think Sailor Moon) Cut back and forth between Sydney, in black shoulder length bob wig, short parochial skirt and white short sleeve button down shirt not buttoned but tied at the waist, partially revealing her black bra, and another man (not someone we know) dressed in a three piece suit. The man keeps looking back at Sydney as he runs. She motions for him to keep running. She is yelling and pointing for him to turn left.
Finally, music cuts to background and we can hear the scene.
Both are still running.
Sydney: Here, turn up here!
Man: What, the next street?
Sydney: Yes!
They turn up the street, and we finally see three assailants chasing them.
Sydney: The alley!
They get to the end of the alley and there is a grate across it.
Man (panicked): It's locked! It's locked!
Sydney runs right into the door, knocking it open and runs through it. Man runs behind her. Three assailants follow. Sydney and man run into the back door of a nightclub, and make their way to the grimy bathroom and lock the door behind them. Sydney reaches under the grimy sink and pulls out a small pack.
Man: All right, at the very least
I deserve answers.
Sydney (opening pack): We were compromised, Brodine.
Brodine: Yeah, I figured that part out. We were supposed to meet at 10:15, extracted by 10:25
Sydney: I was late.
Brodine: Yeah, and I wanna know why!
Sydney pulls a g*n out of the pack and tosses it at Brodine.
Sydney (callously): Watch the door, please.
Brodine: There's a reason for protocol, you know that!? Where were you!?
Sydney: Can we save the debrief for the flight back?
Brodine: Did you try to contact Agent Strum?
Sydney: I told you, his life is at risk!
Brodine: Look, he's in deep cover, Agent Bristow
that's part of the job description!
Sydney (looking over at Brodine's g*n): Safety's on. (into comms) Mountaineer to Shopkeeper, please respond.
A woman knocks roughly on the door.
Woman (in Mandarin Chinese): I need to use the bathroom!
Sydney (in Mandarin Chinese): Then find another one, I'm busy.
(voice from comms): Mountaineer, this is Shopkeeper.
Sydney: Shopkeeper, your cover's been blown. We'll meet in Ming Hai train yard, 20 minutes!
(voice over comms): Wait a second
oh, wait, wait, what
how did
how did you find me!?
Sydney: Shopkeeper, do you copy!?
(voice over comms): They know where I am! They found me! They found me!
Brodine: What's happening?
(Over comms) sh*ts are fired and then line goes d*ad for a moment before another voice says: Hello, Sydney Bristow
I heard about what you're wearing
I like it. But your work here in Shangai is not so good
you've broken radio silence. Sloppy
Sydney: Listen
who is this? What do you want?
Voice (amused): Oh, I got what I want. We're tracking your radio signal
now. I know the building you're in
Brodine: They just tracked your broadcast!?
Sydney puts the transmitter in the sink and turns the water on to destroy it. Then she goes over to Brodine and starts undressing him, pulling off his suit jacket.
Brodine: What
What are you doing?
Sydney: Trust me.
Brodine: No, I'm not just following you blind anymore
What's your plan?
Sydney: I don't have time to type up an itinerary. You'll do what I say, or you'll die. Take off your shirt.
Sydney stands on the edge of the sink to reach the cracked open window.
Brodine: That's window's too small to climb out of.
Sydney: I'm not climbing out.
Sydney sticks her finger in the groove of the window, pulling out a big glob of black grime. Knocking on the door resumes. Sydney comes toward Brodine. She rips off the short sleeves of his T-shirt.
Sydney: Close your eyes.
Sydney rubs the grime along the top lids of Brodine's eyes, and then around the bottom.
Brodine: Oh my God, that burns!
Sydney: Better than a b*llet. Open
Brodine reluctantly opens his mouth and she spreads the grime along his lips as he groans. She removes an earring from her ear.
Sydney: This part's gonna hurt more
Brodine: No, no! I don't need that!
Sydney: It's the details that matter
try not to scream.
Sydney shoves the earring through Brodine's ear as he lets out a girly squeal. Banging continues on door.
Sydney (in Mandarin Chinese): I'm almost done!
Sydney pulls Brodine's belt off and puts it around his neck like a collar. Sydney reaches down and fingers some grease from off a sink pipe.
Brodine: What is that for?
Sydney uses it to grease Brodine's hair forward over his face.
Sydney: They'll be looking for two of us, so we're both going to walk out of here alone.
Brodine: Oh God, they're going to k*ll me, aren't they?
Sydney: They might. You've got to strut out of this club.
Brodine: I don't strut!
She turns Brodine toward the grimy mirror while she writes the Chinese character for "dog" on his T-shirt with the black grease. (Thanks to JetBabee)
Sydney: Look.
Brodine now looks like a punk.
Brodine (whining): My ear hurts.
Sydney: We'll meet and Beding Hai station in 20 minutes. (grabbing the g*n out of his hand and throwing it aside) You won't need this.
Brodine: What are you gonna do? They know what you look like!
Woman outside bathroom is still banging on the door.
Woman (in Mandarin Chinese): Come on already!
Sydney opens the door suddenly to a Chinese woman dressed in a long blonde wig and leather catsuit.
Sydney (in Mandarin Chinese): How badly do you have to go?
Sydney grabs the woman and pulls her inside. When the door reopens, we see Brodine in his new punk glory emerge from the bathroom. He starts strutting toward the door, then turns back to see Sydney, now dressed in the same clothes the Chinese woman had on moments ago. He turns to leave, bumps into one of the assailants who is guarding the door. Brodine swears at him in Chinese and stalks out of the club while Sydney watches him leave.
Cut to flying over skyline scene, then cut to:
Director Chase (Angela Bassett's character): In your complaint against Agent Bristow, you stated your pursuers tracked you to the restroom?
Pan over to Agent Brodine, sitting next to Director Chase, in 3-piece suit and a bandage over his pierced ear.
Brodine: Yes, Ma'am, they did
Sydney (cutting him off): When I made contact with Agent Strum. I wanted to help him. I made arrangements with Agent Strum for him to meet us at the closest LZ in Jing'an. My intention was to extract him.
Chase: That wasn't your purpose in Shanghai. You were sent with one objective: to pick up surveillance photos from Agent Brodine
Sydney: Yes, ma'am
photos taken by Agent Strum whose cover had already been blown.
Chase: That's presupposition
(speaking over Sydney's protests) a tip from an unauthenticated source and you opted to change the objective of the mission.
Sydney: I made a judgement call. You do understand that things don't always go as expected when you're in the field?
Chase: I don't need a 7th floor lecture from you; I've read your report. Even for you, Agent Bristow, your arrogance today is appalling!
Sydney: It wasn't meant to be a lecture, Director Chase
just a reminder.
Chase gives Sydney an annoyed look.
Sydney: With all due respect, it has been twelve years since you've been field rated.
Chase looks up at Sydney, now irate.
Chase: Your poor judgment apparently cost a man his life.
Sydney looks down, chastened.
Chase: So
after dressing him up
(nodding toward Brodine) you violated protocol yet again by leaving your contact alone.
Sydney: Mr. Brodine would have been k*lled otherwise.
Chase: Miss Bristow, your record's a mess. Your consistent disregard for protocol obviously speaks to some larger systemic dysfunction; a psychological need to challenge authority. If the Shanghai incident were an isolated one, then perhaps a warning would suffice here, but this his hardly the first time you've exhibited rogue behavior.
Sydney: What happened in Shanghai was not rogue! I
Chase: Miss Bristow, it is my turn to talk. I'm recommending to the board that you be stripped of classified clearance and assigned to the Dispatch Office at Langley.
Sydney: You're transferring me
to the mail room!?
Chase: You'll report to Officer Hermelin 8 a.m. on Monday.
Sydney: Wait, wait, wait
Lemme get this straight
Is this a permanent reassignment!?
Chase: Technically, that's what a demotion is.
Sydney: I don't know exactly what you have against me, but my record
Chase: I resent you, and I'll tell you why. It's conduct like yours that endangers the CIA. It weakens us; it forces us to take a defensive posture.
Sydney: Wait
wait a minute. Am I supposed to
defend my record to you
Chase(standing up): This is not a dialogue, Miss Bristow. In Virginia. Monday morning.
Sydney (also standing): If this is your
decision, Director Chase
I will no longer burden this agency with the hazard of my participation.
Chase: Are you opting to terminate your association with the CIA?
Sydney: I will say it in English for you; I quit!
Sydney and Chase glare at each other, then Sydney turns to give Brodine a betrayed look that says, How could you do this to me?' before walking away.
Cut to nighttime aerial of Washington, DC. Cut to Vaughn in sleeveless gray T-shirt, covered in sweat, viciously beating the stuffing out of a punching bag. Behind him, we focus on Weiss, standing in the doorway.
Weiss: Yo! Vaughn
Vaughn! Bag's d*ad, man, you can give it up.
Vaughn finally stops.
Vaughn: Thanks for coming.
Weiss: Thanks for sweating.
Cut to the locker room as Vaughn starts getting stuff out of his locker.
Weiss: You all right?
Vaughn: Yeah
I think a full month's psych evaluation is more than enough.
Weiss: Really
for you? I
don't know.
Vaughn gives Weiss a droll look.
Weiss: Was a little overkill, though. C'mon
burning your house down?
Vaughn: It wasn't a happy home.
Weiss: Yeah, but still
Vaughn: Yeah, well, you k*ll your wife after learning she's a vicious, homicidal double agent, and see how rational you are.
Weiss: I
I just want you to know that I'm there for you
You know
if you need to stay with me for a while
'cause your house is
Vaughn: I'm leaving.
Weiss: Leaving what?
(Weiss looks at the somber look on Vaughn's face) The Agency!? Is this because of Sydney?
Vaughn: No, it's not because of Sydney
it's because last year sucked. It's because I don't have the desire to do
not the desire, the need to do this job anymore
I don't have it
Weiss: So you're telling me this stupid idea was all on your own? Sydney didn't talk to you about this?
Vaughn: I haven't spoken to her this week
or last. I don't know what's going on with her.
Weiss: All right, you gotta talk to her.
Vaughn: Well, I've already made my decision.
Weiss: Okay, this isn't about you. Her review was today. Sydney quit.
Cut to Sydney walking into a subway station. While riding on the train, she pulls a plain white access card out from inside a traffic ticket citation, and then stuffs the citation back into her purse. She gets off the train and then waits for the platform to clear. Once she's the only one left, she walks to the end and down a set of stairs that leads to a door that has a dingy sign on it that says No Entry - Authorized Personnel Only. She swipes the access card in the reader by the door and enters.
Inside is an electrical fixture room. On one side of the room, she pushes a switch up; on the other, she pushes a switch down. Then she opens a box and pushes three breaker switches into position
And a secret door slides open. She walks into the hallway. At the end is an opening that leads to an all-white office. As Sydney walks closer, a familiar figure moves to stand at the end of the hall. It's Director Chase
and she's smiling.
Chase: Glad you found us.
Sydney (also smiling): Me too. That wouldn't have been a very good start.
Chase: You did very well with the committee
very convincing.
Sydney: Thank you. So were you
I actually felt like I was in trouble
Chase: Well, I can pull it out when I need to. C'mon, let me show you around.
(As they walk through the all-white office)
Sydney: How is that man's ear?
Chase: Don't worry about Brodine; he thinks he's a hero. He has no clue Shanghai was a charade. The Agency's Pacific Rim surveillance worked out of this office until '98. This place was dark until two months ago when Langley approved the division.
Sydney: Miss Chase, I can't tell you what an honor it is to be asked to be part of this operation.
Chase: I know you
spoke of being hungry
looking for a fresh start
Sydney: That was nothing
my father, Vaughn
irrelevant personal stuff. I want to serve my country the best I can.
Chase: Well, this assignment will be a challenge for you
more than you were led to believe.
Chase shows Sydney into a meeting room. The camera pans as if it were Sydney's eyes. First we see
Marcus Dixon, smiling in greeting to Sydney. Then we pan to
Jack Bristow, arms crossed in almost defiance
Then to Vaughn, moving to stand from a sitting position.
Chase: The four of you were chosen; hand picked to run this team.
Sydney (in shock): The four of us
Hand picked by whom?
Sydney turns to see
Arvin Sloane. He smiles and says to her:
Sloane: This is exciting.
Sydney turns and stares in shock at Dixon and Jack and then turns to Chase, saying:
Sydney: Could I have a word, please?
And then steps by Sloane out of the office with Chase trailing behind.
Sydney: When I was approached about joining a black-ops unit within the CIA, I thought I was doing the right thing. And while I appreciate the necessary protocol in assembling a new team, Arvin Sloane is not
Chase (cutting her off): I understand you used to work for Sloane.
Sydney: Yeah, a criminal psychopath beyond verbal descripition
Chase: I know all about Sloane.
Sydney: Then allow me to ask the most obvious question in the history of time: How can the CIA let that man, who ran what amounts to a t*rror1st cell within the borders of this country, run anything?
Chase: You don't need me to explain the geopolitical landscape, or to list this country's former enemies with whom we now collaborate.
Sydney: But we have to draw the line somewhere.
Chase: But we can use him now: His contacts, his expertise, and he will be closely monitored.
Sydney: I pity the man with that job.
Chase just looks pointedly at Sydney.
Sydney: Wait a minute
Chase: With you here
Vaughn, Dixon, and your father, there's a built-in system of checks and balances. If Sloane missteps
you'll catch him. Now, that's it. This is your assignment.
Cut to Black.
Alias Credits and Theme
(aka - Now is the time in Alias when we dance)
Sydney walks back into the briefing room where Sloane is standing and Dixon, Vaughn and Jack are sitting. As she enters, Sloane turns toward her.
Sloane: I was just explaining how the CIA approached me.
Sydney gives Sloane a staredown, but does not reply. As she moves toward the couch, Vaughn slides over to make room for her to sit down. Note that Sydney does not sit down next to him, but rather on the arm of the sofa, putting space between herself and Vaughn.
Sloane: Concerned that increased public scrutiny of the CIA and resulting red tape has impeded their ability to do their job, what they asked me to set up for them was a covert unit; one that is still governed by US laws, but unhampered by bureaucratic chain of command with no accountabilityexcept to ourselves.
Sydney: That part was made clear.
Sloane: Which was the part that wasn't made clear? That was me.
Sydney: No, it wasn't.
Sloane: Well, quite frankly, I was surprised by their call, too
until I understood what it is they wanttheir own SD-6: a unit that officially doesn't exist comprised of team members who have no apparent affiliation to the CIA. They don't want to know how we do our day's work
only that it gets done.
Dixon: And what is our day's work?
Sloane uplinks a photo to the monitor.
Sloane: His name is Yuri Komorov; he's Russia's leading nuclear scientist
until last month when he disappeared with the only viable sample of Orine-12: an deadly and highly unstable isotope. Signal intercepts indicate that on Thursday, Komorov will have a meeting on the train traveling between Belarus and Latvia. We can assume he'll be selling the isotope. The CIA is unable to use that information, which is why we are here. Sydney, Vaughn
you'll be on that train.
Sydney (almost to herself, disgusted): I can't believe this
Sloane: I beg your pardon?
Sydney (shaking her head): Nothing.
Jack: The buyer
who is it?
Sloane: We don't know yet. But according to his grocery list, we can assume he's a serious thr*at. We were able to intercept the protocol of the meet: the buyer will be in the dining car, 8pm Greenwich Mean Time. There will be a green fountain pen on the table. He will ask Komorov if he would like some tea. Komorov will reply that he prefers
bourbon. Dixon, you will be on point. Sydney, you will recover Komorov and the isotope. Vaughn, you will ID the buyer. You will sell the buyer a bogus isotope outfitted with a tracking device so that Langley can follow him back to his base of operation and grab him there.
Vaughn: Is that it?
Dixon: Komorov is known to rig his transport devices with self-destruct mechanisms.
Sloane: Yes, that's correct, so Sydney, you'll need to get him to open the case for you.
Sydney (trying to hold herself back and not quite succeeding): Do you have any suggestions?
Sloane: I assume you'll come up with something interesting
Jack, you'll set up the operational plan. The wheels go up at 0600 hours. Are there any questions?
Sydney (sarcastic): Besides, How'd you get this job?
Jack: Sydney
Dixon: Syd
Sydney pauses, then looks down at the dossier on the table in front of her. It is white with a red rectangle with the letters APO inside it.
Sydney: What is this
Sloane: It's the name of our new organization, It's right on the door.
Sydney: Authorized Personnel Only.
Sloane: I thought it was fitting.
Sydney (standing abruptly): Excuse me, I have to prep.
She walks out of the briefing room, leaving everyone behind. As the meeting breaks up, Sydney is sitting at her new desk. Dixon walks in
his desk is right next to hers. He walks over toward her, and she gets up to meet him halfway.
Dixon: If I had known Sloane was involved? Not a chance.
Sydney: It was a little deceitful, right?
Dixon: Yeah, but then I thought if I refused the job, I can't watch over Sloane.
Sydney: I'm having the same conversation with myself.
Dixon: You know, I told Langley that I wanted to step down as Director. That life, that suit was never for me
I belong in the field. And then the offer came from Chase
Sydney: An elite, black-ops unit' speech
Dixon: Yeah, that's the one, and I was in.
Sloane walks up behind Sydney, and she turns around so that both she and Dixon are facing him.
Sloane: Look, I understand your reluctance to work with me
well, given everything. Despite my former allegiance, my betrayal of you, of this country
you can't deny it: we were a great team. So I'll do this just once and ask you to please
give me a chance.
Sloane walks away. Sydney turns back to Dixon, obviously not pleased.
Sydney: One thing makes up for all this: having you as my partner again.
Dixon gives Sydney a proud smile, and Sydney lets out a real, full-on, dimpled smile.
Cut to aerial scene of LA at night. Cut to Sydney gathering items throughout her house to pack for her mission. While she's in the bathroom gathering her makeup, the doorbell rings. Sydney looks apprehensive of whom it might be. She opens the door to find Vaughn standing there.
Vaughn: Sorry to drop by.
Sydney: It's okay.
Vaughn pauses, then says: I miss you. I wanted to say that I miss you.
Sydney (tentative): I've been thinking
about what
Vaughn: Well, you're afraid to
Sydney: I'm not afraid, but I
Vaughn: But you won't return my calls
Sydney: That's because I could feel what was happening.
Vaughn nods for a moment as if he knows exactly what she's talking about and then takes a deep breath.
Vaughn: Can I come in?
Sydney: If you come in, we both know what's gonna happen
and I don't want thatto jump right back in where we were
before everything
to pretend that those years didn't happen.
Vaughn: Well, that would be nice, wouldn't it?
Sydney: But they did.
Vaughn swallows and nods curtly, clearly not thrilled with Sydney's answer.
Sydney: We need to take it slow, Vaughn.
Vaughn: Yeah, you're probably right.
(Sound of train horn and the clacking of a train on tracks)
We see a train travelling down a train in deserted darkness. A heliocopter follows behind the train.
Cut to Vaughn in his Komorov costume (dark blazer, vest sweater, white shirt with tie, wire-rimmed glasses) typing on a keyboard inside of a briefcase and closing it. Turning his head, he says:
Vaughn: You ready?
Camera pans to Sydney in her Swedish girl outfit (white sweater with 1/2 zipper in front, white miniskirt, grey suede coat with white fur trim) while she primps her wig. They are in the baggage car.
Sydney (in English with Swedish accent): Ya, I tink so...you?
Vaughn picks up briefcase and starts walking. As he walks by Sydney, he says:
Vaughn (in Russian): Let's go. Nice tits. (Thanks to FunkyMonkey and mysticowl for the translation.)
Sydney follows along behind him, laughing.
Cut to a hand tapping ashes off the end of a cigarette. Pan up to Komorov. He's in his room smoking and looking at some paperwork at the table. Suddenly the door to the room opens and Sydney walks in, placing her overnight bag (white, looks sort of like an old-fashioned bowling bag) on the bed.
Komorov (in Russian): Excuse me.
Sydney startles and turns around, her hand over her heart is if it's pounding.
Sydney: Hello-ah.
Komorov (in Russian): This is a private compartment.
Sydney (in Swedish): This is my room.
Komorov (in Russian): This isn't your room.
Sydney (in Swedish): This is my room.
Komorov stands up, searching in his coat for his ticket. Pulling it out, he says something in Russian and holds it out for Sydney to see. Sydney has pulled her ticket from her bag and carries it over to him.
Sydney: Are you speaking English?
Komorov: Yes...I speak.
Sydney holds up her ticket to him, pointing out the room assignment.
Sydney: See, for me? This room?
He takes her ticket and holds it up to his, looking at them both.
Cut to Vaughn entering the dining car. He slowly walks down the aisle, looking for the telltale green pen. About 2/3 the way down the car, he spots it and sits down opposite a man who looks to be Japanese.
Man (not looking up from his reading): Would you care for some tea?
Vaughn (in heavy Russian accent): No, I prefer bourbon.
The man puts aside his reading and looks up at Vaughn for the first time.
Man: You're early.
Vaughn: I am eager to make exchange.
Man: As am I, Mr. Komorov.
Cut to sleeping car with Komorov and Sydney.
Komorov (still looking at duplicate tickets): I...I am sorry...
Sydney: Is good, no?
Komorov: Yes, is good...
He slowly hands it back to her as if assessing her for the first time. The train suddenly lurches and she lurches slightly toward him and smiles.
Sydney (as if confessing): I was drink...in dining car.
Komorov: Yeah.
Sydney: Too much.
Komorov: Yeah.
Sydney smiles.
Sydney: I am for sleeping now.
Sydney looks wistfully over her shoulder at the bed and then stretches her arms way over her head, which pulls her sweater up to expose her stomach all the way to almost under her breasts while Komorov watches interestedly.
Sydney (still stretching): Is there a place for changing?
Komorov: Uh, yes...uh, bathroom.
Sydney sighs, arms still over head.
Sydney: Thank you.
She puts her arms down and smiles, pulling her shirt down over her stomach with an apologetic smile. She turns and picks up her bag. Stopping before Komorov, she says:
Sydney: You are cute.
She reaches over and grabs his glasses by one temple, moving them slightly as she talks.
Sydney: I like these framings.
Her fingers trail down his face as she walks by him into the bathroom. He turns and follows her with his eyes until she closes the door to the bathroom.
Cut to Vaughn, grabbing the handle of his briefcase and setting it on the table between him and the man. He looks around the car as if nervous and asks:
Vaughn: You want to do this in public?
Man: Mr. Vadik is not afraid of the public...and neither am I.
Vaughn gives a mini shrug and opens the briefcase. He types in a password on the Cyrillic keyboard and after a moment the compartment in the side pops open. He reaches inside and pulls out a canister that looks extremely similar to the one we saw in the earlier scene with Sydney and Komorov. He sets it on the table between himself and the buyer and waits. The buyer pulls out an electronic device, holding it up to the side of the canister, checking it. While it's checking, the buyer looks up at Vaughn and smiles slightly, almost like a cat playing with a mouse before eating it.
Cut back to Sydney and Komorov. We are back at the scene from the beginning of the show:
Sydney: Is dis
okay for me? I just got it.
Man (also with slight accent): For you? Yes. For you, is very
Sydney smiles and drapes herself across the bottom of the bed, facing him.
Cut back to the electronic device as it beeps and registers some numbers.
Vaughn: You can't test power with toy from hardware store.
The buyer smiles that 'cat that ate the canary' smile again. Vaughn gives a nervous smile in return. After a moment's pause, the buyer tosses a small black jewlers bag across the table.
Man: When the more comprehensive tests are done, Mr. Vadik will forward you the other half of your payment.
Vaughn picks up the bag and then takes another surreptitous look around the dining car.
Vaughn: You're not very discreet.
Man: Terror happens every day, around everyone. Nobody notices a thing until something detonates. Mr. Vadik and I rely on that.
Man puts his paperwork into his briefcase. Vaughn closes his briefcase and then opens the jeweler's bag and tilts out the contents: diamonds.
Cut back to Sydney and Komorov.
Sydney: Vhat is your work?
Man: I'm in chemical business.
Sydney laughs.
Sydney: I knew something like that!
Man: You did?
Sydney: Yes, because...
Sydney gets up and walks over to Man.
Sydney: I look at your hands when I come in and I tink
(Sydney leans across the table and touches the man's forehead, lets it travel down his face and then to his hands.)
Sydney: He uses brain
more than hands.
Cut back to Vaughn and the buyer. The buyer is staring intently at Vaughn. Vaughn looks up and meets his eyes.
Man: You look familiar.
Vaughn: Sometimes people tell me I look like hockey player...Alexei Kovalev.
He smiles slightly and looks back down.
Man: No, that's not it.
Vaughn looks back up at the man.
sh*t of train rushing by from the outside. Cut back to Vaughn and the buyer. Buyer is still staring Vaughn down.
Vaughn: Well, perhaps we have met before, maybe your boss, Mr. Valik...perhaps I know him.
The buyer looks discreetly over Vaughn's shoulder to the corner table in the car. Two men sit there. One makes eye contact with the buyer and the buyer surreptitously nods. The henchman walks to their table. The henchman is built like a football player. He puts his hand on Vaughn's shoulder.
Vaughn: What is this?
Man: I don't know where you're from...but you're not Komorov.
Vaughn: Excuse me, but this is me.
The buyer looks out the train window and then back to Vaughn.
Man: I'm getting off the train a little early.
Vaughn looks out the window to see a heliocopter alongside the train. To the henchman, the buyer says:
Man: Find out who he is.
The buyer gets up to leave. He grabs the parcel of diamonds off the table and pockets them. At the corner table, the other henchman gets up. As the buyer walks away, we see that Vaughn is considering doing something there in the dining car, but he looks across the aisle to see a little girl talking and he knows he can't. He turns to see the buyer talking with Henchman #2 and then the henchman walks off. Vaughn nudges his comm link and says to Sydney:
Vaughn: Syd, they're on to us. There's one heading your way. Move!
Cut to Sydney's face as she registers what Vaughn has said. Worry momentarily crosses her features.
Komorov: What is it?
Sydney smiles at him.
Cut back to the dining car.
Henchman grabs a fistful of Vaughn's coat and yanks him to a stand.
Henchman: Get up!
Cut to Sydney slamming Komorov in the face and stealing the isotope container. Cut to her leaving Komorov's room and Henchman #2 giving chase.
Cut back to Vaughn being led down a corridor by Henchman #1. Vaughn takes his glasses off and tucks them in his blazer's front pocket. The Henchman pulls him to a stop in front of a door.
Henchman: Here.
Vaughn opens the door and enters the room, immediately spinning around, grabbing one of the man's arms and punching him in the face. He then spins the g*n out of the henchman's hand. Vaughn tries punching again, but is blocked. Henchman puts his hand around Vaughn's throat and throws him forcibly up against the wall.
Cut to Sydney and Henchman #2 in the baggage compartment. Sydney has just hopped down behind him and punches him. She kicks the g*n out of his hand and kicks at him again, but misses. The henchman punches her in the face.
Cut back to Vaughn as he's thrown across the room, landing on a desk and then falling to the floor on his back. The Henchman looms large over him. Vaughn kicks him hard in the groin with both feet and then, when the henchman bends over in pain, kicks him with both feet in the forehead, knocking him backward. Vaughn goes on the offensive and tries to punch the henchman in the face, but the henchman catches his fist and then wraps his other hand around Vaughn's neck again. Vaughn tries in vain to remove the man's hand. The henchman throws Vaughn against the wall into the dining table in the room. On the table is a metal water carafe and a couple of glasses.
Cut back to Sydney and Henchman #2. The door to the baggage car is open now and Sydney is evading the henchman's Kn*fe swipes. He kicks Sydney in the face, and she goes flying, grabbing on to the nylon straps that cover the baggage. She is hanging helplessly outside the baggage car as the train speeds along.
Cut back to Vaughn and Henchman #1 as the henchman gives Vaughn a vicious punch to the stomach. Vaughn picks up the metal carafe and blocks his next punch and then hits the man in the head with it. The man staggers, but stays on his feet. After a second, he moves toward Vaughn again. Vaughn hits him in the head with the carafe again. The man staggers backward more forcefully, but still doesn't go down for the count. Vaughn can't believe it. In disgust, he growls:
Vaughn: Are you kidding!?
And hits the henchman in the head a third time, which finally knocks him out. After a quick glance to make sure he's really knocked out, Vaughn charges out of the room and through the car.
Cut back to Sydney, still hanging from the netting outside the baggage car. Henchman #2 has started cutting the ropes that attach the netting to the car. One by one they let go as he cuts through them.
Cut to Vaughn racing through another car, presumably toward the baggage car.
Cut back to the man, still cutting ropes. Sydney slips a little farther as another rope lets go.
Cut to Vaughn, holding his side where the henchman punched him, but still running as fast as he can through the car.
Cut back to an external sh*t of Sydney hanging outside the train by the netting. Sydney looks down and sees they are going over a very deep ravine. Just then, Vaughn bursts into the baggage car. The henchman stops cutting the last rope and turns to fight Vaughn. They wrestle for a few moments before Vaughn finally shoves his attacker out the open door of the train into the ravine.
("Bad" by U2 begins to play and plays over the following scene.)
He rushes over to Sydney and pulls her back inside the train and into a desperate hug. Sydney hugs him back just as desperately before pulling back to study his face. Tears well in her eyes as she sees the love and worry clearly written on his face. He cradles her face with his hand and strokes it.
Cut to Sydney, wearing a t*nk top, lying on top of a shirtless Vaughn in bed and they are kissing passionately. Cut to another angle where you can see Vaughn's hands restlessly running along Sydney's back as they continue to kiss. Vaughn then rolls Sydney beneath him and the kissing continues. Their movements are heated, passionate, frantic, lustful...not the gentle lovemaking we saw in "A Free Agent". A closeup of their faces as they kiss and fondle each other melts into a quick montage of their union until it fades into one sh*t of Vaughn lying on top of Sydney, the sheet covering him up to his waist, heaving out a huge breath and lying his full weight on her as if were immediately post-climax. Cut to a close up of Sydney's face as she holds him close, running one hand through his hair and the other across his bare back as he cradles her face with one hand. Then Vaughn pulls away to lie down next to her on the bed. Sydney brushes the hair away from her face with one hand and gives Vaughn the smallest of tentative smiles. Cut to Vaughn, who is intently looking at Sydney as well. His expression is hard to read. Sydney reaches over tentatively and touches the cleft of Vaughn's chin and he turns his head slightly as if to shake it, almost as if he's partially regretting rushing things the way they did. Sydney turns her head and stares at the ceiling, as if wondering the same thing.
Cut to aerial scene of LA at night as Vaughn says:
Vaughn: Syd, before we left, Jack came to see me with a...message for you...
Cut to Sydney and Vaughn, still lying in Sydney's bed. Syd is wearing her t*nk top (still or again...not sure), Vaughn is still shirtless.
Vaughn: Your father wanted me to remind you that in Belarus we're not gonna have a tactical team.
Sydney looks away from Vaughn, clearly not wanting to deal with this issue right now. Vaughn half sits, leaning on his elbow as he speaks.
Vaughn: So why is your father speaking to you through me?
Sydney looks at him, but doesn't answer. Finally Vaughn nods slightly, and then says:
Vaughn: When I was in DC, I know you went to Wittenberg, and I know your father was there. What happened in Wittenberg?
Cut to flashback of Sydney extracting the file from vault #1062. She sits down at the table, pulls out a small black light and begins to read, crying as she reads the first, and then more and more pages. She hears a voice:
Jack: Sydney...
And looks up with tears in her eyes. Jack looms in the doorway; his face is tight, even perhaps menacing.
Jack: You were never supposed to have found this.
End flashback. Vaughn is still leaning over Sydney, waiting for an answer.
Vaughn (in the voice he always used to use when he was trying to get Sydney to talk about her problems with him...that soothing sort of voice): You wanna tell me what happened in Wittenberg?
Sydney slowly turns to face Vaughn. There is pain and just a twinge of stubbornness on her face.
Sydney: No...Actually, I don't.
Vaughn looks down, chastened, as if that admission hurt him. Sydney looks away also, as if it hurt her to say it. Then she gets up and walks out of the room, leaving Vaughn alone in bed.
Cut to a train rolling by in the train station.
Sloane: We now know the men on the train were working for Roman Vadik; CIA's 26th most wanted. Vadik's resume has him responsible for the Chun Hai blast in '86, Mats Hu in '89, over 12,000 d*ad total. Close, personal contacts of mine have confirmed Vadik's cooperation with known t*rror1st cells in planning a major att*ck within the next six months.
Sydney: Close, personal contacts?
Jack: The CIA wants Vadik.
Sloane: Yes, that's right.
Sydney: What's the move?
Sloane: Last year, a foreign agent working on infiltrating Vadik's operation made particularly good progress. She needs to be briefed. I'm sending you, Sydney. I'll give you the details in my office.
Sydney: Lucky me.
Cut to Jack entering his office and then looking through the window into Sloane's office where Sydney is.
Sloane: The agent working with Vadik's operation...was with Argentine intelligence.
Sydney: Your daughter?
Sloane: Your sister.
Sydney: If Nadia's the one with intel on Vadik, why not debrief her yourself?
Sloane looks down for a moment, as if unsettled before looking up and continuing.
Sloane: We went searching...Nadia and I for an artifact built by Rambaldi.
Sloane gets up and walks across the room, away from Sydney, and gets himself a glass of water.
Sloane: It's value immeasurable. And we found it. And we promptly handed it over to the US Government.
Sydney: That's how you got this position; you bought it.
Sloane: It turns out the pain that she felt as a result of her job was profound...something with which you're familiar.
Sydney: Ya think?
Sloane: I tried to convince her to stay, to transfer over to the CIA. I knew she would be of great value here...but she chose to leave intelligence...drop out.
Sydney: You sure she really left? Fake-quitting seems to be all the rage.
Sloane: She's out...she's back in Argentina. She wants nothing to do with me...or this life.
Sydney nods her head and a slight smile plays around the edges of her mouth.
Sloane: You're awful glib, Sydney.
Sloane takes a drink from his water glass.
Sydney: Nadia left you on bad terms.
Sloane: I suppose I have something to learn...about being a father.
Sydney: I can see why you don't want to go. That wasn't meant to be glib. I still don't know why you think she'll talk to me.
Sloane: Because I see in her something I once saw in you: the need to work for what's right. And because you know what it is to put aside personal issues, and that...that's a gift.
Sydney: It's not a gift. What's it's been is a necessity, and it's become a burden, and, quite frankly, something I've run out of patience for.
Sydney stalks out of Sloane's office.
Cut to Vaughn, taking intel out of a folder, as he turns from his desk, we hear:
Jack: Vaughn.
Vaughn turns to face Jack.
Jack: Before she goes, you might tell her that...
Vaughn (cutting Jack off): No, I'm not going to be a conduit to your daughter. I've tried that before; you can imagine how well that went over. And no, she didn't say anything, if that's what you're asking yourself. She hasn't said a word about what happened between the two of you...which gives me an idea of what that is. And Jack, I hope for Sydney's sake that I'm wrong.
Camera holds on Jack's face as Vaughn walks away.
Daytime. An outdoor beach restaurant near a pier. Sydney approaches spying Nadia across the way, standing leaning on a post, nursing a beer and talking with friends. Nadia looks Sydney's way and recognizes her. Sydney gives her a small smile in greeting. Nadia hands her beer off to a friend and approaches Sydney. They look at each other for a moment, and then Nadia smiles a big smile and gives Sydney a hug. When she pulls back, she says:
Nadia: I'm guessing this isn't a personal visit.
Sydney: No.
Cut to a distance sh*t of Sydney and Nadia alone on the pier talking, then close up on Nadia's face as Sydney says:
Sydney: Roman Vadik.
Nadia looks away.
Sydney: We need your help. Nadia, I need you to come back with me.
Nadia: No. Sydney...
Nadia pauses, then opens her wallet to show Sydney a picture of herself with man, both of them are smiling.
Nadia: He was a good friend; worked with me. Vadik k*lled him. Had his head shipped back to our office. But I'll give you what I have. No one deals with Vadik directly. Everyone goes through his lieutenant...You want to write this down?
Sydney: No, I've got it.
Nadia: Kazu Tamazaki. Considers himself a modern samarai. Arrested five years ago trying to rob the Hazunanga Asian museum in London. Escaped from police custody...among the least of the charges against him. I hope that helps.
Sydney: Men like Vadik, like Tamazaki...they need to be eliminated.
Nadia: I can't.
She looks down, and when she looks back up, there are tears in her eyes.
Nadia: I can't. You do understand.
Sydney: Yeah.
Cut to aerial view of LA at night. Sydney is in her kitchen, cooking at her stove. The doorbell rings and she goes to answer it. Thinking it's going to be Vaughn, she starts to say:
Sydney: I knew penne was...
But it's Jack.
Jack: This cannot continue.
Sydney turns and tries to slam the door in his face, but he pushes it open and walks in behind her.
Jack: A crucial assumption of our operational competance is communication!
He shuts the door behind himself and follows Sydney into the kitchen, hovering over her as she cuts vegetables and tries to ignore him.
Jack: Sydney...If we don't have that...every mission, the life of every operative could be at risk.
Sydney: I'm doing my job.
Jack: No, what you need to do is find a way to accept what's happened.
Sydney just shakes her head. Jack insists:
Jack: If you can deal with Arvin Sloane...
Sydney: I love that you knew that...that you approved it.
Jack: It may be hard for you to accept that your father doesn't have the authority to make all the decisions that...
Sydney (cutting him off): No, what's hard for me to accept are the decisions that you do make! What's hard is looking at you...
Sydney turns her back on Jack to go over to the fridge.
Sydney: ...walking past you, smelling that sickening cologne. What's hard is being your daughter...
Cut to Jack's face. This clearly wounds him and it shows...as much as Jack shows anything.
Sydney: ...and not being able to separate myself, as far as I may get, from the person I despise most.
Sydney goes to the silverware drawer and opens it noisily while Jack, in the foreground, reacts to Sydney's cutting words, his jaw working back and forth. Finally, he says:
Jack: You went to see Nadia. Did you tell her...what you know?
Sydney turns to look at her father. Hurt even deeper than before blossoms on her face before she clamps down on it. She sniffs in disbelief.
Sydney: I guess I thought...that maybe you'd come here...I don't know, to give me something...information...something that would help make sense of what I was afraid you'd become; but there's nothing you could say. Of course, you were only looking out for yourself.
Jack looks away, but doesn't answer.
Sydney: Is that what you think of me...as an operative? That I would reveal your secret to that poor girl?
Keys jangle in the front door lock as Vaughn enters, a grocery bag in hand. Sydney continues to glare at Jack, but he cannot meet her eyes. Finally, Jack looks at her and she whispers:
Sydney: I didn't tell Nadia a thing.
Vaughn walks into the kitchen and stops short when he sees Jack is there. Jack just turns and leaves, leaving Vaughn to stare after him as Sydney tries to go back to cutting her vegetables. Vaughn looks at Sydney for a long moment, who is concentrating on her cutting. Finally, Vaughn walks toward her and puts the bag on the counter. He just looks at her, and she abruptly puts down the Kn*fe and mumbles:
Sydney: Sorry...
And walks out of the room, leaving Vaughn to stare after her in concern and pain...pain that she's still not opening up to him and letting him in to help her.
Cut to Sydney sitting on the edge of her bed, just staring into space. Vaughn comes in and finds her there and lets out a long sigh. Sydney gives him a small repentant smile.
Vaughn: What's going on?
Sydney: It was Lauren who told me...
Vaughn (confused): What...
Sydney: Told me where to look. The safety deposit box in Wittenberg.
Cut to Vaughn's face as he registers this, then he moves to sit beside Sydney on the bed.
Sydney: How she knew, I don't know. I wasn't even going to go...I had no reason to believe anything that woman said. But the curiosity was just too strong.
Sydney starts to cry and wipes her hand across her mouth.
Sydney: I got there and...inside the box, there was a file...classified, highest level. My heart was pounding. (whispering) Like I knew somehow before I knew...
Vaughn (softly, concerned): What was it?
Sydney: Evidence. Evidence that my mother had been a security risk, which wasn't really news... It mentioned her history with the KGB, everything we knew. Then there was a page...an official request made by my father...asking for the authority to execute Irina Derevko; a request that was granted.
Cut to Vaughn's stunned reaction before he looks down at his lap.
Sydney: And he did it.
Sydney starts to break down.
Sydney (in a teary whisper): He k*lled her.
Vaughn takes this in and then turns toward Sydney, his face full of worry and concern for her, and puts his arm around her shoulder, pulling her toward him. She lets him.
Sydney (gasping): He k*lled my mother...
She lies down in Vaughn's lap while he holds her. She's crying, curled up in an almost fetal position. Vaughn looks off into space as if completely stunned and shocked. Sydney whispers:
Sydney: He did it, Vaughn...he k*lled her...he k*lled my mother...
~End~ | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "04x01 - Authorized Personnel Only (part 1)"} | foreverdreaming |
Aerial view of LA, daytime (flying over tops of buildings). Cut to closeup of subway train pulling out of the station, and Sydney strutting down the platform. Cut to Sydney swiping her access card to enter APO.
Jack: Two weeks ago, the man on the train, Kazu Tamazaki, severed ties with all known contacts, eliminated all means of communication.
Vaughn: Any idea of where he's gone or why?
Jack: Nothing. Our one link to Roman Vadik has dissapeared.
Dixon: Any indication Vadik turned on Kamazaki?
Sloane: All chatter says that Vadik is status quo.
Sydney: So, Tamazaki is still all we've got.
Dixon: All we had. He's gone.
Sloane: Back to what we know. The Hazunaga Asian Museum in London.
Sydney: Yeah, Nadia said he was arrested five years ago; break in.
Vaughn: Was there a motive?
Dixon: He was caught in the Shintaro sword exhibit. The sh**t k*lled two of the MPs and one of his own men.
Sydney: What was he doing?
Sloane: Trying to steal the Shintaro sword...the most famous samarai sword outside of Japan, wanting to restore honor to the blade and his country.
Vaughn: You've gotta be kidding me...
Sloane: We may not have the means to contact Tamazaki, but I can see a way to get Tamazaki to contact us.
Jack: Are you suggesting we fake a robbery of the Hazunaga?
Sloane doesn't answer.
Sydney: You think we should steal the sword.
Dixon: That museum's one of the world's most secure. If this were my operation, there's only one man I would trust to get us in there...
Cut to Marshall, dropping a stack of paperwork into his inbox. He looks over at Weiss, whose desk is right next to his.
Marshall: Hey...You as depressed as I am?
Weiss: Depressed about what?
Marshall: Depressed about what!? Take a look around here. This place is a ghost town; I don't even know anybody here anymore.
An unknown CIA officer walks by and Marshall nods his head toward him to indicate, "See what I mean?" to Weiss.
Marshall: Sydney is gone...Dixon...Jack, Vaughn. The only guy we have left is Sark and that's only because he's in custody. I hate that guy, I mean, really, kinda scares...although I did go visit him...twice...just to see a familiar face. We had eggs.
Weiss: Don't do that.
Cut to Marshall, carrying a briefcase, a thermos, a newspaper and a brown paper lunch bag to his car (which is a silver Mini Cooper). Suddenly, he is surrounded by unmarked cars with sirens. A man in a three-piece suit and tie gets out of a sport utility vehicle carrying a piece of equipment under his arm.
Man: Marshall Flinkman, you're under arrest for the misuse of government assets.
Marshall (stammering): Misuse? What...? What did I misuse?
Man: You had unauthorized computer equipment connected to the government monitors you have been provided.
Marshall: Connected!? I don't understand...what did I have connected?
Man holds out the equipment from under his arm. It's an XBox with a controller. The man points to it with his other hand.
Man: Is this yours?
Cut to Marshall with black bag over his head as he's being led into APO by two men.
Marshall: Uh, it was for a mission, I swear! I just wanted to download some maps from MapQuest; I heard they were really good, of course, the CIA maps are much better...
The men pull the bag off of Marshall's head and walk away. In front of him is Sydney. Behind her is Dixon, Vaughn and Jack. He stares at them all in disbelief.
Marshall (fearfully): Am I d*ad?
Sydney: You've been recruited.
Jack: We're a black-ops division, Marshall. You're going to head up technology.
Marshall's mouth is still hanging open, as if he's still trying to grasp everything. Suddenly, he notices Sloane standing behind them. He leans in conspiratorially with Sydney and says:
Marshall: Uh, Syd...(whispering) Sloane is here.
Sydney: We know.
Marshall: Okay.
Marshall's face blooms into a huge smile and he leaps forward to hug Sydney. Laughing, he says:
Marshall: Syd! We're back!
Cut to establishing night sh*t of parliament building in London. Cut to two figures dressed in black running across the roof of a building. One stops running and drops a backpack, unzips and starts unpacking items. The other figure runs to what looks like a junction box.
(OS) Marshall: Merlin to team. Great; way to go, guys. Stay focused.
Cut to view of Syd's reacon (who is the one unzipping the bag), and then to Marshall and Dixon, who are in the surveillance van.
Dixon (to Marshall): They're focused.
Sydney turns on a pocket butane welder and starts heating up the bolt holding a vent grate to the roof of the building. Cut to Vaughn, who has opened the junction box.
Vaughn: Okay, g*n to Merlin. Tapping into surveillance.
Showing Vaughn connecting to circuit board and connects small screen to it. He flicks through a couple of camera angles, and then...
Vaughn: Okay, I can see it: the Shintaro Sword.
Cut to scene of sword. it is in a long glass/plexiglass case on a marble pedestal in the center rear of the room: the place of honor, so to speak.
Vaughn: It's a Studler Matrix system; what am I looking for?
Cut to Marshall, who rolls out a diagram and looks at it.
Marshall: Okay...Studler Matrix...
Vaughn: What fuse?
Marshall: L7.
Vaughn: Copy that. Looping L7.
Marshall: Wait a minute...wait a minute...wait a minute...
Cut to Vaughn, pulling his hand away from the circuit board suddenly.
Marshall: Don't do that. You need to reroute through E3.
Cut to Sydney, making progress on the vent bolt.
Vaughn: E3 rerouted.
Marshall: Okay, go to L7.
Vaughn: Copy that. Looping L7.
Cut to Syd, still working on bolt.
Vaughn: Okay, the security feed's looped.
Cut back to Syd. As the head of the bolt lets go, the rest of the bolt falls down into the vent, making loud metallic clanging noises as it goes. Syd and Vaughn exchange a worried look.
Syd: Outrigger, something fell down the vent.
Cut to security guard inside museum.
Guard: Security to control.
Control Guard: What, Kenny?
Cut to Vaughn, listening to their chatter.
Guard: Check floor 2, would ya? I think I heard something.
Control guard checks feed (which is looped), and replies:
Control Guard: Nope, it's all clear.
Cut to Vaughn's relieved face.
Vaughn (whispering to Syd): You're still good.
Sydney carefully removes the grate and sets it aside. Just as she's about to go down the shaft, Vaughn says:
Vaughn: Hey. Good luck.
Syd gives him a small smile.
Sydney: Thanks.
Sydney crawls down into the vent and pulls the grate back over the opening. Cut to Marshall and Dixon in the van.
Marshall: How cool is this!? Stealing a sword so we can find a bad guy...in order to catch an even bigger bad guy? Come on...come on, you'd have never let us do this back at the CI...you know, when you were double-breasted, serious (in robotic voice) Robot Dixon...
Cut to Dixon. He is not amused.
Marshall: I mean...not that you were...authoritative...
Cut to Dixon, who is still not amused.
Marshall (who now looks distinctly uncomfortable): Sorry...
Cut to Sydney, crawling through the vent. Cut to Sloane, listening to the mission transition in his office in LA.
Dixon: Outrigger to base. ETA 90 seconds. Security feed's on loop. So far, so good.
Cut to control guard, looking at monitor for sword room, and sees nothing amiss. Cut to closeup of sword. Cut to Sydney opening the grate in the Shintaro sword room. She takes out a g*n and fires a dart with a wire attached into the far wall. Cut to Sydney, pulling herself along the wire. She is hooked to it with a pulley contraption. Once she has pulled herself over so that she is hanging in front of the case (her feet not touching the floor, obviously), she pulls out a spray can and sprays the entire top of the case with it. Then she cracks the glass/plexiglass with a high pitched sound machine. Note that although the top cracks, it stays together, much like bulletproof glass would. Carefully, Sydney reaches for the edge of the glass and rolls it up a little at a time until about 2/3 of the top of the case is exposed. She starts attaching a specialized magnetic contraption to the case. Cut to Vaughn's view of the sword room from his monitor, where he can see Sydney's progress. Cut back to the control guard's view of the monitor. Feed is still looped, so he sees nothing amiss. Sydney continues to attach magnetic contraption to the case. Cut to Marshall.
Marshall: Biggest challenge? Hands down...the pressure pad on the case. You know...the marble border? There's no way to deactivate it; supercalibrated.
Cut to Vaughn, monitoring other camera angles in the museum. Cut back to Sydney as she prepares to lift the sword out of the case. Cut to Vaughn's monitor where he sees Security guard walking down the hallway toward Shintaro sword room.
Vaughn: Phoenix, you've got company. Tango approaching...ETA 20 seconds.
Dixon: Phoenix, abort! I repeat, abort!
Sydney: I'm almost there.
Vaughn: Phoenix, he's coming. Get out of there now!
Sydney: I'm almost there...
As security guard walks closer, Sydney lifts the sword out of the box without setting off the alarm, thanks to Marshall's magnetic contraption. Cut to Vaughn, watching in panic as the guard turns the corner to enter the room. He enters the room to find the sword case empty. Sydney is hiding. From Vaughn's monitor, we see that Sydney is hiding just above the door in the mouth of the vent entry...right over the security guard's head. He looks around and then up just in time to get Syd's knee in the face, knocking him out. Out of his hand rolls a Coke bottle. Sydney watches helplessly as it rolls further and further...and into the part of the room that is rigged, setting of the alarm. The entry to the vent shaft suddenly closes.
Vaughn (watching on monitor): Damn it!
Cut to Syd, sheathing the sword onto her back and running for it. She bolts, and just makes it under a series of quickly shutting grate doors. She gets up, runs, and bolts through a back door just in time to flatten herself into the shadows as police cars rush by her.
Sydney: Phoenix to base. I'm in the east alley; I need an extraction now!
Dixon (over comms): We're at a secondary route. We're 60 seconds out.
Sydney: I don't have 60 seconds. I'll meet you at the LZ; I'm going.
Sydney starts running full tilt down the alleyway in the opposite direction of the police cars. Suddenly another police car speeds into the alley. Sydney stops, turns and runs the other direction, but the car quickly catches up and cuts her off. She gasps as the door to the police car opens...to reveal Jack.
Jack: Sydney, get in.
Sydney just glares at him.
Jack: Get in now! You can be stubborn later!
She gets in.
Jack: Outrigger, this is Raptor. I have Phoenix, heading to rendevoux.
Sydney: What are you doing!?
Jack: You know what typically works in a situation like this? A simple thank you. Get down.
Syd glares at Jack and then ducks her head down as Jack drives away.
Cut to daytime establishing sh*t of skyline via helicopter. Cut to Sydney and Vaughn walking down the hallway side by side, talking. Watching them is Jack and Sloane.
Sloane (noting the look on Jack's face): You didn't tell her, did you? The truth.
Syd and Vaughn have stopped walking now and are talking in the middle of the hallway in the distance. Jack turns to face Sloane and says:
Jack: I told her I was responsible for the death of her mother.
Sloane: Did you tell her everything?
Jack: She's better off not knowing...everything.
Sloane: Tough call, Jack.
Jack: Better that she detests me. I fear the alternative would have left her incapacitated.
They both turn to study Sydney again, but when Jack's head is turned, Sloane turns his eyes to study Jack instead.
Cut to a brick mansion, surrounded by a beautiful courtyard.
A bald man sits with his back to Dixon. He doesn't even look up from his work when he says:
Man: I assume you have something to sell?
Dixon (with a vague South African or Dutch accent): I have the Shintaro sword.
Man looks up and smiles, obviously impressed.
Man: Herr Vogel, you never cease to astound me.
Man turns to face a proudly serene Dixon.
Man: An inside job, no doubt...yes?
Dixon doesn't answer. The man smiles.
Man: No matter. People on the street are impressed; an incredible job.
Dixon: My friends are good at what they do.
Man: Let me make a few calls.
Cut to Dixon, leaving the mansion. On telephone to Sloane:
Dixon: It's done.
Sloane: Good work Head home.
Sloane walks over to Sydney's desk and leans over her.
Sloane: Dixon set the sword in play. We can expect to hear from Tamazaki within hours.
Sloane starts to walk away, but then he puts a hand on Sydney shoulder, his thumb rubbing in what's supposed to seem soothing, but from him, makes Sydney's skin crawl.
Sloane: It's good isn't it? Having the team back together...
He smiles, pats her shoulder and then walks off while Sydney is left to ponder the truth in his statement. Cut to Marshall in his gadget office. Sydney walks in.
Sydney: Anything?
Marshall: Hey... Well, mostly what we already know. Roman Vadik is some serious bad news. Check this out:
Marshall types on his computer keyboard and photos appear on his screen.
Marshall: Pakistan. 500 casualties. Prime minister of Kiristan...assassinated in broad daylight.
Another photo pops up on Marshall's screen.
Sydney: Who's that?
Marshall: Uh, it's Pablo Martinez. He's an Argentinan agent; he was investigating Vadik last year.
Sydney: Vadik had him k*lled.
Marshall turns around in shock that she knew that.
Marshall: Yeah.
Sydney: Martinez was partners with Nadia Santos.
Marshall: Your sister!?
Sydney: Half sister.
Marshall: Well, he was the only one who ever saw Vadik alive...at least on our side.
Sydney: He wasn't transmitting, was he, when he was captured?
Cut to a prison. Jack and Marshall sit on one side of a grate as a prisoner is brought in to see them. It is the goon that Vaughn took down on the train.
Jack: I'll make you a deal; you cooperate with us...That's it.
Man: You don't frighten me.
Jack: Then, clearly you're an idiot.
There is a pause as Jack lets that sink in.
Jack: The man you were working for on the train: Tomazaki...he referred to his boss, Mr. Vadik, but we ran voice prints.
Marshall: An agent was k*lled last year by Vadik. But his voice...you know, the k*ller...it matches perfectly with the man on the train...Tomazaki.
Jack:...which means Vadik trusts Tomazaki enough to front for him; act on his behalf. Simple deduction says that if Tomazaki trusts you; you've seen Vadik.
Man looks down, but doesn't answer.
Jack: Where do we find Vadik.
Man looks back up at Jack and meets his eyes.
Man: I'll need Protective Services for this...
Jack: You help us, and you have my word. (Pause) Vadik...
Man: You are at him. Vadik is Tomazaki. There is no Vadik. It's cover. He made him up. There's no Vadik.
Cut to Jack at APO.
Jack: If Vadik doesn't exist at all., if it's actually Tomazaki whose in charge...we need a new game plan.
The telephone rings. The scene cuts back so we can see the whole APO team minus Dixon at a conference table. Sloane answers the call and puts it on speakerphone.
Sloane: Yes.
Dixon: Tomazaki took the bait. We're set for a Wednesday meet. Rio de Janeiro. He insists that the woman who stole the sword make the delivery. Apparently he has access to police files; he was intruiged.
Jack: What about back up?
Dixon: She's allowed one addition.
Sloane: Good. Jack you'll escort Sydney with the sword. Vaughn, Marshall...you'll support Dixon. I want a plan by 1800.
Sloane starts to walk away.
Sydney: Excuse me...I prefer Dixon as my partner.
This gets a look across the table from Jack.
Sydney: I'm sure you're aware of our experience together in the field. That shorthand could be important.
Sloane: I've already made my assignments.
Sydney looks away, not happy.
Daytime establishing sh*t of Rio from above. Cut to the team in a safe house preparing for the mission. Vaughn approaches Sydney as she's packing up the sword.
Vaughn: You good?
Sydney: Yeah.
Vaughn: As soon as Tomazaki makes contact, we'll ID and take out any back up he's got...then we'll move in, grab him, get on a plane.
Sydney looks worried as she puts on her sunglasses, as if she has a feeling its not going to go quite that easily.
Cut to a fountain in a park. Camera pans over to an nondescript van in parking lot. Cut to inside where Marshall and Dixon are.
Marshall: Team's in position; mikes are hot.
Dixon: We've got full visual. Phoenix, Raptor...it's your show.
Cut to Vaughn, dressed in white T shirt and sleeveless shirt and ski cap (homeless person perhaps?). He looks over his shoulder at Sydney and Jack, sitting on the lip of the fountain.
Jack (over comms): Copy that, Outrigger.
Sydney and Jack sit in silence. Sydney won't even look at Jack.
Jack (giving Sydney a pointed look): This is the best conversation we've had in weeks.
A payphone near them rings. The two of them stand.
Sydney: Merlin, patch this call through my earpiece to the rest of the team.
Marshall: Okay, Phoenix, you are hot...and I mean that in many ways. g*n you're in on the call.
Sydney (into phone): Hello.
Tomazaki: Look across the square. You'll see a tunnel. It will take you to the belly of the Alvais building. Go to the tenth floor. No backup. No g*n. Just the sword. Meet me in three minutes or it's off.
Vaughn: Merlin, the Alvais building...
Marshall: Now, listen, this building was converted into a bank last year. g*n, you're going to have to look the part.
Vaughn: Okay, we've got wardrobe. Let's do it.
From Sydney's vantage point at the phone, she spies Vaughn get up and run off. She walks over to Jack and says:
Sydney: I'm going in...alone.
As she walks off, he says into his comms:
Jack: I assume you all heard that.
Sydney starts walking into the tunnel.
Sydney: Starting through the tunnel.
Cut to Vaughn, now dressed in a three piece suit with tie, running up to the elevator to wait for Sydney.
Vaughn: Phoenix, meet me at the elevators before you go up.
Sydney: See you at the elevator.
Marshall: Okay, now that tunnel was reinforced after the earthquake of '44...we're probably going to lose comms until...
Sydney's comm is now static. Cut to Dixon and Marshalls' reaction. Cut to Sydney in a parking garage. Some of the lights flicker ominously. Cut to Vaughn waiting at the elevator.
Dixon: g*n, we've temporarily lost contact with Phoenix.
Vaughn looks around worried and then gasps, starting to walk off toward where Sydney should be coming from:
Vaughn: Merlin, tell me there's a tenth floor in this building.
Marshall looks at some paperwork and looks worried, too.
Marshall: Guys...
Cut to Sydney, still walking. She's come to the end of the tunnel. There's no access point to the lobby the way there's supposed to be. She immediately whips out the sword, checking her surroundings. Cut to Vaughn in a d*ad run through the lobby to get to the parking garage below. Cut to Sydney, still edging around, sword in hand. The lights start to flicker again as she continues to walk forward. Cut to Jack, running up the tunnel. He comes to the discarded case that had held the sword. Cut back to Sydney. The lights flicker once more before going out. In the darkness, she hears Tomazaki's voice:
Tomazaki: Hello, Sydney Bristow.
Sydney looks around and around, but cannot determine where the voice is coming from. She creeps forward. Then suddenly, Tomazaki drops from overhead, putting her in a headlock from behind.
Cut to Vaughn, g*n drawn, entering the garage. He runs forward and around the corner...to face Jack, running with his g*n drawn from the opposite direction. Sydney and Tomazaki are gone.
Cut to skyline view of LA by helicopter, daytime.
Sloane (speaking to team in Rio via phone): If Tomazaki wanted to k*ll Sydney, we're already too late. The only assumption we can work on practically is that Sydney is alive and that Tomazaki has some need for her. So, where is she?
Cut to team sitting around phone in Rio safe house.
Dixon: Rio was Tomazaki's call...not mine. It's his turf.
Jack: Meaning he most likely has some sort of base here...satellite office, maybe.
Sloane: Marshall, does Tomazaki's file indicate property holdings?
Marshall: Nothing. Nothing in Rio...nothing anywhere in Brazil.
Vaughn: We know someone with intel; the agent that led us to Tomazaki in the first place.
Sloane: Well, my daughter has refused to cooperate.
Jack: She gave Sydney Tomazaki's name. If she were apprised of the situation, she might help.
Vaughn: Well, I'll make her help. Where is she?
Cut to Nadia walking down a set of stairs outside a city building (presumably in Argentina).
Nadia (answering phone): Hola?
Cut to Vaughn, talking to Nadia from the safe house in Rio.
Vaughn: This is Michael Vaughn; I'm in Rio.
Cut to Nadia as she slows her descent of the stairs and then stops.
Vaughn (over phone): Sydney's in trouble.
Nadia: Is it Vadik?
Cut to Vaughn.
Vaughn: Vadik and Tomazaki are the same person.
Cut to Nadia's reaction.
Vaughn (over phone): Look, we don't know if Sydney's still alive, but if she is...
Cut to Vaughn:
Vaughn: ...you're our only hope.
Cut to Nadia, pausing, clearly torn. Cut back to Vaughn, looking determined and almost desperate.
Vaughn: Nadia, please...
Cut to Nadia.
Nadia: Tomazaki used to run an operation near the Catedral Metropolitana.
Vaughn: Okay...I'll need details.
Cut to a pipe near a ceiling, dripping with condensation. Cut to a drainage grate in a dirty concrete floor. Cut to a table with t*rture devices on it. Cut to Sydney, just awakening, strapped in a t*rture chair. Looking over, she sees a long snake tattoo on Tomazaki's arm.
Tomazaki: Sydney Bristow...what happened to the deal?
Cut to Sydney, eyeing Tomazaki. She has a large abrasion on the left side of her forehead.
Sydney (confused): What?
Tomazaki leans way in near her face, near her ear.
Tomazaki: What. Happened. To. The. Deal?
Tomazaki looks back for reaction from Sydney, but we can see that Sydney is still confused.
Tomazaki: Before you leave this room...you will tell me why.
Sydney: I might. I'm relatively open-minded...but in this case I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
Tomazaki: Have you eaten breakfast?
Sydney(sarcastic): Why, you wanna grab something?
Tomazaki: You probably ate breakfast.
Sydney looks down but doesn't answer. Tomazaki is wearing the "cat who ate the canary" look again like he had on the train.
Tomazaki: Just in case... We'll wait.
And then he walks away, leaving Sydney strapped to the chair.
Cut to a pair of strappy red heels. The camera pans up shapely bare legs, a white mini skirt, a black spaghetti t*nk, brown flowing hair...walking with that famous Bristow/Derevko swagger. It's Nadia, dressed to thrill and obviously now in on the mission. sh*ts of her "prey" entering the room, show that we are in a meat packing plant. The "target" is a man in his late 20's dark flowing hair, gold chain, black shirt under blazer, sunglasses...obviously he thinks he's "all that". Cut back to Nadia applying bright red lipstick as she approaches him. She rounds the corner and puts on her brightest "Come hither" smile when the man notices her.
Man: Alana...you're here. (in Portuguese) It's been three months. What happened to you?
Nadia (with a flirtatious smile): It took longer than I thought to find your birthday present.
Cut back to Sydney as she is trying in vain to remove her left wrist from a shackle. Tomazaki and a henchman return. She stops fidgeting. Tomazaki stands in front of her, then reaches behind him and pulls a small water hose down from the ceiling. His henchman takes the hose and attaches it to a snorkeling mask.
Tomazaki: I saw you...standing in the park. I was looking for the woman who stole the Shintaro and...then I saw you. This wasn't about the sword... Somehow you found out...about the h*t. Which means you must know why you were spared. Why the job went away.
Sydney gives a small glance at the henchman standing beside her. The henchman looks at Tomazaki, who gives a minute nod. The henchman shoves the snorkel mask over Sydney's face while she struggles. Then Tomazaki pulls on a chain next to him, and Sydney's face floods with water, which would effectivly drown her where she sat. As she struggles, we:
The henchman rips the mask off of Sydney's face as she gasps and coughs. Tomazaki gives her a moment to recover.
Sydney: I told you... I don't know about any h*t.
Tomazaki nods again and the henchman puts the mask back on Sydney as she catches a deep breath. Again, water floods the mask.
Tomazaki: You wouldn't be here if you didn't know about the contract!
A moment later, the henchman removes the mask again. Sydney spits out a mouthful of water and gasps,
Sydney: What contract?
As Sydney coughs, Tomazaki studies her face again. We see Sydney is frightened...that she honestly doesn't know what he's talking about.
Tomazaki: The contract I had...on your life.
Cut to Sydney's reaction.
Sydney: You were hired to k*ll me? Who hired you?
Tomazaki (with tilt of his head as if saying "tsk tsk tsk"): Sydney... Assassin/Client privilege. (pause, then) The day before the job, my client was k*lled. Most unfortunate.
Sydney: I swear to God, I don't know anything about this.
Tomazaki puts his hand on his face, tapping a finger against his lips in thought, studying her. Finally, he concludes with a small laugh,
Tomazaki: Somehow I believe you. I guess...this was just one of those coincidences...
Sydney: Guess I can just sell you the sword and go home...
Tomazaki (with a smile): I'll just...take the sword... How's that?
Tomazaki nods to the henchman again as Sydney gives Tomazaki a death look. Tomazaki pulls the chain, flooding Sydney's mask as he walks away.
Cut to Nadia, shoving her prey up against a wall and pressing herself against him. She practically att*cks his lips, devouring them as the camera cuts back so we can see we are inside the man's office. Nadia says something to the man in Portuguese, and then suddenly the man goes limp and slides down the wall. As Nadia pulls the coating of "lipstick" from her lips, Marshall says,
Marshall: So, Nadia...the tranquilizer lips... Do you think it was too red?
Jack: Does Jorge have the key card?
Cut to Nadia pulling the key card from Jorge's blazer pocket.
Nadia: Got it.
She runs across the room, pulls a painting of a cow off the wall and puts the key card into an access slot. A hidden door pops open. As she starts to access the hidden area, she says,
Nadia: I'm in.
Cut to Sydney, still struggling not to drown in the mask, with the henchman watching over her. We can see Nadia coming up behind the henchman. Nadia wraps the hose around the henchman's neck, then she grabs a t*rture instrument from the table and hits him with it, knocking him out. She rushes over to Sydney and pulls the mask from her face. As Sydney chokes and coughs badly, Nadia says,
Nadia: You'll be okay.
Nadia starts unlocking Sydney's shackles. As Tomazaki returns to the room, Sydney warns Nadia.
Sydney: Nadia!
Nadia turns in time to duck Tomazaki's blow. She fights him off for a moment before he overpowers her, punching her in the face and knocking her down. Sydney is unlocking her leg restraints as Tomazaki approaches her, but before he can reach her, we hear in the distance,
Jack: Sydney!
Tomazaki turns and runs. Cut to Jack, Vaughn, and Dixon running down the hallway leading to the t*rture room. Cut to Sydney, checking on Nadia, who is again consciousl Cut back to the threesome as they run. Cut to Nadia, running toward them.
Jack: Where's Sydney?
Nadia: She went that way.
They all run down a dark hallway reminiscent of the bowels of SD-6.
Cut to a meat packing room. Carcasses hang from the ceiling. Sydney cautiously enters the room, searching for Tomazaki. She slowly winds around the carcasses, when suddenly a blade pierces the one she's standing in front of, just missing her. She wheels backward as Tomazaki approaches evading his blade. As she reaches for a hammer on the counter, Tomazaki blocks her reach with the blade.
Tomazaki: I was told you were good.
She shoves him aside and grabs the hammer, using it for one swing before it's knocked away. She evades him and grabs a ceiling pipe using it to swing both her feet into his chest, knocking him backward. She grabs a meat hook and uses it to counter as she evades the sword. Tomazaki kicks her, twice, and she falls backward against a meat counter, where she finds another meat hook. Using them like sais, she goes on the offensive as he blocks with the blade until she kicks him in the stomach. He charges her, swinging the sword like a samarai. Sydney swings her meat hooks in time with his swings to block any possible blows. His first strike she deflects into a carcass. The second blow, she blocks with the two meat hooks, which she then uses as levers to quickly spin the blade around in his hand and she spears him with it. We see the point sticking several inches out of his back, causing his shirt to tent up. He slowly kneels in pain. Sydney kneels beside him, her face determined.
Sydney: Who hired you?
Tomazaki looks up at her and smiles as if impressed with her besting him before he lets out another groan.
Sydney: Who put a contract on my life? Who hired you?
Tomazaki (whispering, dying): Derevko...(gasp) Irina Derevko.
Tomazaki falls to the side. We hear his body clatter to the ground as the camera focuses in on Sydney's face, shocked, stunned, betrayed.
Sloane (voice over of black screen): Congratulations.
Camera pans. We now can tell the "black" was Sloane's back. As the camera pans upward, we see that six people stand in front of Sloane in his office: Jack, Dixon, Vaughn, Sydney, Marshall...and Nadia.
Sloane: We recovered the isotope. We eliminated a dangerous enemy. And the British Government is most grateful for American assistance in returning the Shintaro sword. I would also like to announce that...Nadia has accepted my offer to join APO. I know she can rely on your full support in the days and weeks ahead. So...that's it. Go home. Feel good about what you've done.
Camera focuses on Sydney's face. She looks vaguely sickened, as if suddenly she remembered all the times in the past that Sloane said that when she worked for SD-6. Sloane captures her gaze and holds it, almost in challenge. Finally, she turns and walks away.
Jack walks into Sydney's office and shuts the door.
Jack (tentatively): How did you...find out?
Sydney: Tomazaki. He had the contract.
Jack walks toward her, his face full of regret and empathy for what he believes Sydney must be going through. He looks like he wants to say "I'm sorry..." but he doesn't.
Sydney: You didn't know?
Jack: I merely knew your mother had hired someone; I didn't know who. I had only one way to stop him.
Sydney: Why would she want me d*ad?
Jack: I don't know.
Sydney registers this, fully taking in the scenario. She's upset, almost fragile in her sadness.
Sydney (unsure): You k*lled her...to save me? You k*lled Mom to save me...
Jack leans in as if to embrace her, but Sydney puts up her hands with a teary smile. Jack stops, pained.
Sydney (in a painful whisper): I'll see you tomorrow.
She walks away, leaving Jack to stare after her.
Cue "The Wind" by Cat Stevens. Cut to Sydney, walking toward the main entrance of APO, buttoning up her coat. She looks as if she's moments away from crying, just barely holding herself back. She slouches her hands into her pockets and walks with her shoulder hunched. As the door opens in front of her, she slows. Cut to her face as she starts to break down, putting a hand over her mouth so that no one will hear. She holds a hand over her forehead and eyes as the first gasps come out. Behind her, she hears,
Vaughn: Syd.
She straightens up suddenly upon hearing his voice, and tries to put herself quickly back together before she turns around. Vaughn looks at her, obviously concerned for her. She sniffs and gives and embarrasses smile as she tries to wipe the traces of moisture from her face.
Vaughn: You okay?
Sydney: Yeah. (she has to pause to clear her throat)
She looks at him, trying to put her "everything's okay" mask into place...but she can't quite do it.
Sydney: Um...
She can't help it; she starts to break down again. Vaughn doesn't hesitate; he just steps forward and pulls her into his embrace as she lets tiny sobs escape. Cut to close up of Vaughn's face as he holds her, and then to Sydney, her arms firmly wrapped around Vaughn's back as she tucks her face into his shoulder. She looks up, slightly more in control now.
Sydney (whispering): Thank you...
We see Vaughn nod his head a little, but doesn't say anything. The camera pans back, showing us Vaughn and Sydney near the door to APO, just holding each other, her arms around his back.
Fade to coastline aerial sh*t, daytime. Cut to Weiss and Sydney in Sydney's kitchen while she prepares a salad. Weiss is stealing pieces of it and eating them.
Weiss: I...I just don't see it. You...working in a bank!? Come on...what kind of job is that? Cashing checks, and making change...'Excuse me, next in line please?'
Sydney (giggling): I'm a loan officer. I travel...service accounts.
Weiss (in half-disbelief): Wait a minute...that cover job you had for SD-6!?
Sydney: I happen to be good at it.
Weiss (with kidding sarcasm): Great! That's stimulating stuff! Watching someone else's cash...Seriously, since you left the spy biz...you are a bore!
Sydney: It's an adjustment is all. Are you sure you don't wanna stay for dinner?
There is a knock on the door.
Weiss: I'd love to but...I gotta save the world. (gets up and walks toward door) See ya.
Sydney (giggling, muching on salad): Bye...
Weiss opens Sydney's door. There stands Nadia. Weiss is momentarily dumbfounded before recovering.
Weiss: Hello.
Nadia: Hi.
Weiss: I'm Eric...Weiss. 38. Single...
Nadia (grinning): Nadia.
They shake hands.
Weiss: How are you?
Nadia: Good.
Sydney approaches the door upon hearing Nadia's voice. Nadia looks past Eric at her.
Nadia: Is this a bad time?
Sydney: Not at all. Nadia, this is Eric. He was just leaving...
Weiss (protesting): No, no, no...I can stay.
Sydney pointedly waves at Eric.
Weiss: ...or go. Nice to meet you.
Nadia: You, too. (to Sydney) Hey.
Sydney: What's goin' on?
Nadia: I just couldn't wait...even until tomorrow. I was...hoping we could talk about our mother.
Sydney looks off for a moment, and then looks back at Nadia.
Sydney: Did you bring your passport?
Fade to establishing daytime sh*t of Moscow. Fade to Sydney and Nadia walking down a hallway.
Sydney (voiceover): Our mother was k*lled. I found her body in a state medical facility. I identified her, paid for her release, made arrangements with a mausoleum three blocks from where she was born. I thought she'd want it that way.
At the mausoleum, Nadia puts her hand over Irina's wall marker, tears in her eyes.
Nadia: And you have no idea...who's responsible...who k*lled her?
Sydney pauses, and then,
Sydney: No.
Nadia: I swear to God...somehow, I will find out who did this to our mother... and I will k*ll him. I will.
Off of Sydney's reaction we,
End. | {"type": "series", "show": "Alias", "episode": "04x02 - Authorized Personnel Only (part 2)"} | foreverdreaming |
Subsets and Splits