diff --git "a/data/MCQs_2730.jsonl" "b/data/MCQs_2730.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/MCQs_2730.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,2730 @@ +{"question": "以下哪种措施是企业为了遵守数据保护法规,通常会实施的?", "answers": ["定期进行网络渗透测试", "建立数据最小化原则,仅收集必要的个人数据", "在网站上使用不可跟踪的cookies", "完全避免跨境数据传输"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "关于个人数据的权益,根据GDPR,数据主体有权:", "answers": ["随时要求访问、更正或删除他们的个人数据", "禁止所有数据处理活动", "要求组织公开其所有数据处理活动的详细信息", "要求组织在所有数据处理活动中优先考虑他们的权益"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,数据处理者在进行数据处理活动时,应当遵循的首要原则是什么?", "answers": ["数据自由流通原则", "数据最小化原则", "数据安全保护原则", "数据商业利益最大化原则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following outlined how senior management are responsible for the computer and information security decisions that they make andwhat actually took place within their organizations?", "answers": ["The Computer Security Act of 1987.", "The Federal Sentencing Guidelines of 1991.", "The Economic Espionage Act of 1996.", "The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪种措施是处理个人信息时必须遵循的原则以保护用户隐私权?", "answers": ["数据加密,确保个人信息在传输和存储时的安全", "尽可能收集和保存用户的全部信息,以便提供更个性化的服务", "公开所有收集的个人信息,让用户自行决定是否接受", "未经用户同意,将个人信息转移给第三方"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在《数据安全法》中,对于非法获取、提供或者出售公民个人信息,如果情节特别严重,可能的量刑标准是:", "answers": ["拘役", "三年以下有期徒刑", "三年以上七年以下有期徒刑", "七年以上有期徒刑"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)和美国的《加州消费者隐私法》(CCPA),以下哪项不是两者共同强调的合规要求?", "answers": ["用户有权访问和控制其个人数据", "组织必须在数据泄露发生后及时通知受影响的个人", "设立数据保护官(DPO)以监督数据处理活动", "允许用户选择不被出售其个人信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Under intellectual property law what would you call information that companies keep secret to give them an advantage over their competitors?", "answers": ["Copyright", "Patent", "Trademark", "Trade Secrets"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《中华人民共和国网络安全法》规定,( )部门在履行网络安全监督管理职责中,发现网络存在较大安全风险或者发生安全事件的,可以按照规定的权限和程序对该网络的运营者的法定代表人或者主要负责人进行约谈。网络运营者应当按照要求采取措施,进行整改,消除隐患。", "answers": ["县级以上人民政府", "市级以上人民政府", "省级以上人民政府", "网信办"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为符合法律合规要求,当面临数据泄露事件时?", "answers": ["立即通知所有受影响的个人", "私下调查,确定影响范围后再通知监管机构", "仅通知公司内部高级管理层", "等待监管机构发现并通知"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项不属于个人信息处理者应当履行的数据安全保护义务?", "answers": ["制定内部管理制度和操作规程", "对个人信息进行加密处理", "定期对员工进行个人信息保护培训", "将个人信息无限制地共享给第三方"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《数据安全法》,对于发生重大数据安全事件的组织,可能面临的处罚不包括:", "answers": ["警告和罚款", "暂停业务活动", "吊销许可证或营业执照", "直接责任人刑事责任"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "下面对ISO27001的说法最准确的是:", "answers": ["该标准的题目是信息安全管理体系实施指南", "该标准为度量信息安全管理体系的开发和实施过程提供的一套标准", "该标准提供了一组信息安全管理相关的控制措施和最佳实践", "该标准为建立、实施、运行、监控、审核、维护和改进信息安全管理体系提供了一个模型"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护法框架下,以下哪种刑罚不是针对严重侵犯个人信息行为的可能处罚?", "answers": ["罚金", "有期徒刑", "社区服务", "剥夺政治权利"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据个人信息保护法,以下哪项是信息主体的基本权利之一?", "answers": ["强制要求企业公开所有收集的个人数据", "随时撤销对个人数据处理的同意", "要求企业删除其个人数据,但无权访问这些数据", "禁止企业共享其个人数据,即使在服务提供中必需"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理跨境数据传输时,以下哪种做法可能会违反数据隐私权法规?", "answers": ["在传输前对敏感数据进行匿名化处理", "未经用户同意,将数据传输给第三方服务提供商", "在数据传输过程中使用加密通道", "提供用户访问和更正其个人信息的途径"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理跨国网络犯罪案件时,以下哪项是国际法律框架的关键组成部分,用于协调各国的执法行动?", "answers": ["世界贸易组织协定", "欧洲联盟数据保护指令", "联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约", "国际电信联盟宪章"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在制定隐私政策时,哪项措施不是企业通常需要包含的内容?", "answers": ["收集和使用的个人信息类型", "个人信息的共享和转移情况", "用户访问、更正和删除其数据的权利", "企业的所有财务记录"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The European Union is often considered the world leader in regard to the privacy of personal data and has declared privacy to be a \"human right.\"In what year did the EU first assert this principle?", "answers": ["1995", "2000", "2010", "1999"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家安全法中规定的法律责任主要针对哪些行为?", "answers": ["泄露国家秘密", "破坏国家统一", "危害国家安全", "所有选项均正确"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,哪项措施不是典型的反恐策略?", "answers": ["情报共享与分析", "边境安全管控", "网络监控以预防恐怖融资", "大规模公众示威的批准与监管"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《数据安全法》,以下哪项是组织构建数据安全管理体系时应首要考虑的?", "answers": ["实施全面的数据加密技术", "建立数据分类和分级制度", "确保所有员工都接受数据安全培训", "定期进行数据备份与恢复演练"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《数据安全法》开展数据处理活动的组织、个人不履行本法相关条款规定的数据安全保护义务的,(  )。", "answers": ["由有关主管部门责令改正", "给予警告", "并处五万元以上五十万元以下罚款", "并处十万元以上五十万元以下罚款"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项原则要求个人信息处理者在处理个人信息前,应当向个人告知处理信息的目的、方式和范围,并取得个人的同意?", "answers": ["合法性原则", "目的限制原则", "数据最小化原则", "知情同意原则"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据安全相关的诉讼程序中,以下哪项不是必要的步骤?", "answers": ["立案", "侦查", "调解", "二审判决"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨境数据传输中,以下哪种协议通常用于确保符合GDPR的要求?", "answers": ["欧盟-美国隐私盾", "标准合同条款", "多边数据传输协议", "仅限欧盟内部传输"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据处理过程中,数据处理者应当确保以下哪项原则?", "answers": ["数据处理者可以任意处理个人信息", "数据处理应当遵循合法、正当、必要的原则", "数据处理者有权决定数据处理的透明度", "数据处理者可以不向数据主体提供司法救济途径"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR(欧洲通用数据保护条例),移动应用的开发者必须提供什么来保护用户隐私?", "answers": ["数据加密和匿名化处理", "清晰的隐私政策和用户同意机制", "只收集必要的数据并确保数据最小化", "所有上述选项"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家网信部门负责统筹协调网络安全工作和相关监督管理工作。( )依照网络安全法和有关法律、行政法规的规定,在各自职责范围内负责网络安全保护和监督管理工作。", "answers": ["国务院电信主管部门", "公安部门", "其他有关机关", "政务中心"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在比较不同国家的国家安全法时,以下哪项不是常见的差异点?", "answers": ["法律责任的界定", "司法管辖的范围", "法律的实施效果", "法律的立法时间"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息处理活动中,个人信息主体的同意权是如何体现的?", "answers": ["个人信息主体必须书面同意", "个人信息主体可以口头同意", "个人信息主体的同意必须是自由给予、明确、具体的", "个人信息主体的同意可以由第三方代为表达"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,网络产品和服务提供者应当承担以下哪项责任?", "answers": ["无需对产品和服务的安全性负责", "仅对产品的功能性负责", "应当对其产品和服务的安全性负责,并采取技术措施和其他必要措施,保障网络安全", "仅对服务的价格负责"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "下列关于软件著作权中翻译权的叙述正确的是:翻译权是指( )的权利。", "answers": ["将原软件从一种自然语言文字转换成另一种自然语言文字", "将原软件从一种程序设计语言转换成另一种程序设计语言", "软件著作权人对其软件享有的以其它各种语言文字形式在表现", "对软件的操作界面或者程序中涉及的语言文字翻译成另一种语言文字"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) is granted to those productsthat are formally verified in terms of design and tested by an independent third party?", "answers": ["1", "3", "5", "7"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理个人数据时,企业应遵循的同意机制不包括:", "answers": ["明确、具体且自由的同意", "默示同意,即用户未明确反对即视为同意", "同意应当可以方便地撤销", "同意应当基于充分的信息和透明度"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "关于网络监控,以下哪项行为违反了《中华人民共和国网络安全法》?", "answers": ["国家安全机关依法进行网络监控", "网络运营者对网络流量进行监控,以确保网络安全", "未经用户同意,网络服务提供者对用户通信内容进行监控", "网络运营者对恶意软件进行监控和清除"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法的执行过程中,如何评估法律执行的成效?", "answers": ["通过定期的安全检查", "通过社会舆论的反馈", "通过法律实施后的安全事件发生率", "通过综合评估和专项检查"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "下面哪个是收集计算机证据的基本原则?", "answers": ["Action taken by law investigators or their agents shall not change data held on media which may subsequently be relied upon in court.\n法律调查员或他们的代理人采取的任何行动,不应当更改介���上的数据,其可能随后成为呈堂证供。", "Action taken to change gathered evidence must be logged and documented and the documentary evidence must be presented in court.\n采取的行动来改变收集的证据必须被记录,记录和单据必须在法庭上出示", "Data seized which is not relevant to the case may be retained by law enforcement until the completion of the case.\n与案件不相关的数据可能会由法律部门保留,直到案件全部结束", "Data seized which is not relevant to the case must not be retained by law enforcement.\n与案件不相关的数据不能够由法律部门保留"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在进行大规模数据处理活动时,根据GDPR,组织需要执行什么评估来确保合规?", "answers": ["数据安全影响评估", "隐私影响评估", "跨境数据传输评估", "违规风险评估"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在《数据安全法》中,关于国家数据安全工作,哪项描述是错误的?", "answers": ["国家建立数据分类分级保护制度", "所有数据必须存储在国内,禁止跨境传输", "国家支持数据安全技术研究和开发", "数据处理者应当对其数据处理活动负责"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据CCPA,消费者有权要求企业:", "answers": ["删除他们的个人数据", "停止出售他们的个人数据", "知道他们的个人数据被收集、使用和共享的范围", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理个人数据时,以下哪种做法违反了《个人信息保护法》中关于数据本地化的规定?", "answers": ["将个人数据存储在境内服务器,并采取加密措施", "未经数据主体同意,将个人数据传输至境外服务器", "在数据跨境传输前,对数据进行匿名化处理", "与境外合作方签订数据处理协议,确保数据安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨境数据流中,以下哪种情况可能违反隐私保护框架?", "answers": ["一家美国公司将其欧盟客户数据转移到其在新加坡的分部,该分部已获得欧盟认可的数据保护认证。", "一家公司未经用户同意,将其个人数据传输到第三方数据处理器。", "一家公司使用加密技术传输用户数据,但未确保数据接收方同样实施严格的数据保护措施。", "一家公司在其隐私政策中明确告知用户其数据可能跨境传输,并提供了拒绝选项。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理跨境数据转移时,以下哪种合规策略通常不被推荐以满足GDPR的要求?", "answers": ["使用标准合同条款", "依赖数据接收方所在国家的隐私保护等效性认定", "实施隐私影响评估(PIA)", "未经数据主体同意直接转移数据"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据个人信息保护法,以下哪种情况组织可能需要承担赔偿责任?", "answers": ["组织未及时更新隐私政策", "第三方供应商导致的个人信息泄露", "用户自行泄露其个人信息", "组织在合法范围内使用个人信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "ISO\\\\/IEC 27002中规定的控制措施被认为是适用于大多数组织的最佳实践,并很容易适应各种规模和复杂性的组织。在ISO\\\\/IEC27002: 2013中,将控制措施划分为()个安全控制章节。", "answers": ["11", "12", "13", "14"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which TCSEC level is labeled Controlled Access Protection?", "answers": ["C1", "C2", "C3", "B1"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《数据安全法》,下列哪项不是确定刑事责任时必须考虑的犯罪构成要件?", "answers": ["行为人的主观故意", "行为的非法性", "行为造成的具体损失数额", "行为人是否具有数据安全专业资质"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据保护方面,以下哪个原则是欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)的核心原则?", "answers": ["数据最小化", "数据匿名化", "数据自由流通", "数据所有权归个人"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根��国家安全法,以下哪项不是危机沟通的关键原则?", "answers": ["及时、准确地发布信息", "保持信息的机密性", "透明度和公开性", "关注公众利益和情绪"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能违反了《个人信息保护法》关于数据处理的规定?", "answers": ["在用户明确反对的情况下,继续使用其个人信息进行营销活动", "在用户同意的情况下,将个人信息转移给第三方服务提供商,用于提供合同约定的服务", "在数据泄露发生后,立即通知受影响的个人和相关监管机构", "为防止数据丢失,定期进行数据备份并存储在安全的离线环境中"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在应对重大突发事件时,根据国家安全法,哪项行动不是政府首要考虑的?", "answers": ["立即启动应急预案,组织救援", "确保公众安全,疏散危险区域人员", "优先保护政府机关的正常运作", "进行危机沟通,发布官方信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "等级保护度是中国网络安全保障的特色和基石,等级保护2.0新标准强化了对可信计算技术使用的要求。其中安全保护等级( ) 要求对应用程序的所有执行环节进行动态可信验证。", "answers": ["第一级", "第二级", "第三级", "第四级"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在实现访问控制时,以下哪项不是《个人信息保护法》建议的实践?", "answers": ["最小权限原则,确保员工只能访问执行职责所需的数据", "使用多因素认证来增强账户安全性", "允许所有员工访问所有个人信息以促进团队协作", "定期审查和更新访问权限"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况,执法机构可以不经过搜查令进行扣押?", "answers": ["紧急情况下,延迟可能造成证据销毁", "所有公开场所的物品", "已知属于犯罪所得的财产", "得到被扣押人同意的所有物品"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能使组织免于GDPR的合规要求?", "answers": ["组织仅处理非欧盟公民的数据", "组织处理的数据量非常小", "组织是公共机构", "组织完全不处理个人数据"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The Orange Book requires auditing mechanisms for any systems evaluated at which of the following levels?", "answers": ["C1 and above.", "C2 and above.", "B1 and above.", "B2 and above."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据法律责任类型,以下哪项不是违反个人信息保护法规可能面临的责任?", "answers": ["行政责任", "刑事责任", "道义责任", "民事责任"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据法规遵从性,企业应如何保护用户的隐私权?", "answers": ["提供透明的隐私政策,告知用户信息的收集、使用和共享情况", "在用户不同意的情况下强制收集个人信息", "在用户不知情的情况下将数据出售给第三方", "仅在用户要求时才实施安全措施"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项不是组织在发生个人信息泄露时应采取的措施?", "answers": ["立即采取补救措施", "向个人信息主体报告泄露情况", "向相关监管机构报告", "销毁所有已收集的个人信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《中国网络安全法》,关于境内重要数据的跨境传输,以下哪项做法是正确的?", "answers": ["组织可以自由跨境传输任何类型的数据,只要它们已加密", "对于关键信息基础设施运营者,必须经过安全评估后才能跨境传输数据", "所有境内数据都禁止跨境传输,以确保数据主权", "只需遵守接收国的数据保护法规,无需考虑中国法律"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "任何个人和组织使用网络应当( ),不得危害网络安全,不得利用网络从事危害国家安全、荣誉和利益,煽动颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度,煽动分裂国家、破坏国家统一,宣扬恐怖主义、���端主义,宣扬民族仇恨、民族歧视,传播暴力、淫秽色情信息,编造、传播虚假信息扰乱经济秩序和社会秩序,以及侵害他人名誉、隐私、知识产权和其他合法权益等活动。", "answers": ["遵守宪法法律", "遵守公共秩序", "尊重社会公德", "尊重劳动成果"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国国家安全法》,哪项不是公众在维护国家安全方面的责任?", "answers": ["保守国家秘密", "维护民族团结", "随时报告恐怖活动线索", "公开批评政府的国家安全政策"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《数据安全法》(),依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处罚。", "answers": ["窃取或者以其他非法方式获取数据", "开展数据处理活动排除、限制竞争", "或者损害个人、组织合法权益", "出卖国家安全和国家利益"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》,以下哪项不是网络运营者在收集、使用个人信息时必须遵守的规定?", "answers": ["获取用户明确同意", "公开收集、使用规则", "为履行法定职责或法定义务所必需", "出售给第三方以获取经济利益"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法的案例分析中,以下哪项安全策略被广泛认为是最有效的预防措施?", "answers": ["全面监控策略", "风险评估与管理策略", "紧急状态法策略", "军事扩张策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据相关法规,以下哪种情况可能会导致个人信息处理者受到严厉的违规处罚?", "answers": ["未建立个人信息安全影响评估制度", "未制定个人信息保护政策", "未设置专门的个人信息保护负责人", "以上所有情况"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息处理中,以下哪项原则要求个人信息处理者应当仅收集和处理实现特定目的所必需的个人信息?", "answers": ["合法性原则", "合理性原则", "目的限制原则", "数据最小化原则"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》,网络运营者应当采取技术措施和其他必要措施,确保个人信息安全,防止信息泄露、毁损或者丢失。以下哪项措施不属于此类?", "answers": ["数据加密存储", "定期进行安全审计", "限制员工访问权限", "数据共享协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following was the FIRST mathematical model of a multilevel security policy used to dene the concepts of a security state and modeof access, and to outline rules of access?", "answers": ["Biba", "Bell-LaPadula", "Clark-Wilson", "State machine"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《中华人民共和国刑法》第二百八十七条之一非法利用信息网络罪,下面行为不属于该行为的是()", "answers": ["设立用于实施作骗、传授犯罪方法、制作或者销售违禁物品、管制物品等违法犯罪活动的网站、通讯群组的", "发布有关制作或者销售毒品、枪支、淫秽物品等违禁物品、管制物品或者其他违法犯罪信息的", "宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义", "为实施诈骗等违法犯罪活动发布信息的"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "网络运营者应当( )。", "answers": ["建立网络信息安全投诉、举报制度", "公布投诉、举报方式等信息", "及时受理并处理有关网络信息安全的投诉和举报", "损毁网络信息安全的投诉和举报"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,违反国家安全法规定的行为将承担怎样的法律责任?", "answers": ["行政警告", "民事赔偿", "刑事责任", "经济处罚"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在刑事诉讼程序中,对于涉嫌侵犯个人信息的案件,哪一步骤是首先进行的?", "answers": ["提起公诉", "立案侦查", "审判", "执行判决"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《网络安全法》���于网络产品和服务管理提出了哪些要求?", "answers": ["网络产品和服务提供者无需对产品和服务的安全性负责", "网络产品和服务提供者应当对其产品和服务的安全性负责,不得设置恶意后门", "网络产品和服务提供者可以自由设置后门,以便于维护和更新", "网络产品和服务提供者只需对产品的功能负责,安全性由用户自行负责"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "网络安全法对于网络运营者的安全责任有何要求?", "answers": ["网络运营者只需保证网络服务的正常运行", "网络运营者应当对网络安全事件进行监测、预警和应急处置", "网络运营者无需对网络安全事件负责", "网络运营者可以不采取任何安全保护措施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,以下哪项行为属于违法行为?", "answers": ["未经用户同意收集个人信息", "在数据处理过程中采取加密措施", "对数据进行备份以防止丢失", "定期对数据安全措施进行审计"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《个人信息保护法》,个人信息处理者在发生个人信息泄露等安全事件时,应当立即采取哪些措施?", "answers": ["仅通知个人信息主体", "评估影响并报告,必要时通知个人信息主体", "隐瞒事件,避免负面影响", "停止处理所有个人信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种类型的法律责任适用于违反《个人信息保护法》的行为?", "answers": ["民事责任", "刑事责任", "行政责任", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据安全事件中,若个人数据权益受损,以下哪种机制是受害者寻求赔偿的常见途径?", "answers": ["直接向数据控制者索赔", "通过行政救济程序", "司法审查", "与数据控制者和解并由第三方仲裁"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是国家安全委员会(NSC)的主要职能?", "answers": ["协调国家安全政策", "制定反恐战略", "直接执行反恐行动", "评估情报信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《欧盟-美国隐私盾》(EU-US Privacy Shield),以下哪项不是该框架的核心原则?", "answers": ["数据最小化", "目的限制", "自动决策权", "有责任的第三方数据处理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法中,以下哪项不属于国家安全的范畴?", "answers": ["经济安全", "文化安全", "个人隐私安全", "科技安全"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,以下哪项不是预案制定时应考虑的因素?", "answers": ["可能的威胁和风险", "资源分配和责任人", "危机发生后的经济赔偿", "应急响应的层次和阶段"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《加州消费者隐私法》(CCPA),企业必须向消费者提供哪些权利?", "answers": ["拒绝其个人信息的销售,但不能要求企业删除他们的信息", "访问和删除其个人信息的权利,以及知道其信息是否被出售", "仅限于知道其个人信息是否被收集,但无权要求删除", "要求所有第三方停止使用其个人信息,但无需提供任何理由"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人数据保护方面,以下哪项措施最符合《个人信息保护法》的要求?", "answers": ["未经用户同意,收集并使用其个人数据", "在用户明确同意的情况下,收集并使用其个人数据,并提供数据泄露时的通知", "收集用户个人数据,但不对数据进行任何形式的保护", "仅在用户明确拒绝的情况下,不收集其个人数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理信用卡交易数据时,商家必须遵循哪个标准以确保数据安全?", "answers": ["GDPR", "HIPAA", "PCI DSS", "NIST CSF"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《全球数据保护法规》(GDPR),在处理涉及欧盟公民个人数据的跨境传输时,组织必须遵循哪项要求以确保合规?", "answers": ["确保接收国的数据保护标准等同于或高于欧盟", "在传输前对所有个人数据进行加密,无需考虑接收国的法规", "在数据传输协议中包含数据主体的明确同意条款", "仅与已通过GDPR认证的数据接收者进行数据传输"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《网络安全法》(China),关于关键信息基础设施运营者,以下哪项描述是错误的?", "answers": ["关键信息基础设施运营者必须在境内存储用户个人信息", "关键信息基础设施运营者应定期进行安全风险评估", "关键信息基础设施运营者可以自主选择符合国家要求的安全产品和服务", "关键信息基础设施运营者无需向用户明示并取得同意即可收集个人信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在《加州消费者隐私法》(CCPA)中,消费者有权要求企业做哪件事?", "answers": ["删除他们的个人数据", "免费获取他们的个人数据副本", "阻止企业销售他们的个人数据", "以上所有选项"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在法律责任中,以下哪项不是刑事责任的类型?", "answers": ["罚款", "社区服务", "有期徒刑", "民事赔偿"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况不符合《个人信息保护法》(中国)的合规要求?", "answers": ["收集个人信息前未取得个人的明示同意", "为履行合同所必需,收集个人的相关信息", "在个人信息主体要求删除其信息时,企业立即执行", "未经同意,将个人信息用于其最初收集目的之外的其他目的"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Question: Which of the following does Singapore\"s PDPC NOT have the power to do?\n=======", "answers": ["Order an organization to stop collecting personal data.", "Order an organization to destroy collected personal data.", "Order an organization to award compensation to a complainant.", "Order an organization to pay a financial penalty to the government."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况个人信息处理者需要向个人信息主体提供更正或删除个人信息的途径?", "answers": ["个人信息处理者发现其持有的个人信息不准确", "个人信息主体要求查阅其个人信息", "个人信息处理者的业务已停止运营", "个人信息处理者更新了隐私政策"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《中华人民共和国网络安全法》正式实施的日期是()", "answers": ["2016年11月7日", "2016年6月1日", "2017年6月1日", "2016年10月31日"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项标准是关于信息安全管理系统(ISMS)的国际标准,提供了一个系统化的方法来管理组织的安全?", "answers": ["ISO 27001", "NIST CSF", "欧盟GDPR", "HIPAA"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,以下哪个选项描述了法规层次结构的正确顺序?", "answers": ["宪法 -> 法律 -> 行政法规 -> 部门规章", "宪法 -> 部门规章 -> 行政法规 -> 法律", "法律 -> 宪法 -> 行政法规 -> 部门规章", "法律 -> 行政法规 -> 宪法 -> 部门规章"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,执法机构对违反个人信息保护的行为可以采取哪些措施?", "answers": ["警告、罚款、暂停相关业务、吊销许可证", "仅限于罚款", "仅限于警告和罚款", "仅限于暂停相关业务和吊销许可证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,以下哪项措施不是企业必须采取的以保护用户数据隐私?", "answers": ["对用户数据进行加密存储,防止未经授权的访问", "在收集用户数据时,明确告知用户并获取其同意", "在数据泄露发生后,立即通知所有受影响的用户", "与第三方共享用户数据,无需告知用户或获取其同意"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪种情况下的个人信息处理行为是允许的,即使用户未明确同意?", "answers": ["为应对突发公共卫生事件,收集和分析健康数据", "为提高产品服务质量,进行用户行为分析", "为推广新产品,向用户发送定制广告", "为优化用户体验,收集用户的位置信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following entities would most likely be exempt from complying with the GDPR?", "answers": ["A South American company that regularly collects European customers‘ personal data.", "A company that stores all customer data in Australia and is headquartered in a European Union (EU) member state.", "A Chinese company that has opened a satellite office in a European Union (EU) member state to service European customers.", "A North American company servicing customers in South Africa that uses a cloud storage system made by a European company."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是收集电子证据时必须遵守的,以确保其在法庭上的可接受性?", "answers": ["立即删除可能被篡改的证据", "在没有搜查令的情况下访问嫌疑人的设备", "使用专业的取证工具并记录证据的完整链", "仅依赖于电子证据,不收集其他形式的证据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据CAN-SPAM法规,以下哪项是发送商业电子邮件的必要条件?", "answers": ["在邮件主题行中明确标记为'广告'", "提供一个可以即时取消订阅的链接", "确保邮件内容完全不包含任何虚假或误导性信息", "只向已知用户发送邮件,避免向未知用户发送"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据法规,个人信息主体享有以下哪项权利?", "answers": ["随时要求删除其所有个人信息", "拒绝个人信息处理者的任何处理活动", "查阅、复制、更正其个人信息", "要求个人信息处理者公开所有处理活动细节"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,以下哪项是风险识别的关键步骤?", "answers": ["评估资产的价值并确定可能的威胁", "实施对冲策略以减少所有风险", "制定应急计划并定期演练", "仅关注概率最高的风险事件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《数据安全法》,国家对数据实行分类分级保护制度,下列哪项不是数据分类分级的依据?", "answers": ["数据的重要程度", "数据的敏感程度", "数据的使用范围", "数据的存储形式"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Tanya is the Data Protection Officer for Curtains Inc., a GDPR data controller. She has recommended that the company encrypt all personal data atrest. Which GDPR principle is she following?", "answers": ["Accuracy", "Storage Limitation", "Integrity and confidentiality", "Lawfulness, fairness and transparency"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据中国的国家安全法律法规,以下哪项行为可能构成危害国家安全罪?", "answers": ["非法获取并出售公民个人信息", "在社交媒体上发表批评政府的言论", "拒绝国家安全机构的信息调查", "在未经授权的情况下披露国家秘密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "违反《个人信息保护法》的组织可能会面临什么处罚?", "answers": ["警告和罚款", "吊销营业执照", "责任人刑事责任", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following European Union (EU) principles pertaining to the protection of information on private individuals is incorrect?", "answers": ["Data collected by an organization can be used for any purpose and for as long as necessary, as long as it is never communicated outside ofthe organization by which it was collected.", "Individuals have the right to correct errors contained in their personal data.", "Transmission of personal information to locations where \"equivalent\" personal data protection cannot be assured is prohibited.", "Records kept on an individual should be accurate and up to date."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况通常会导致数据安全责任的法律追责?", "answers": ["公司内部员工因疏忽导致数据泄露", "黑客未经授权访问系统", "用户自己丢失了包含敏感信息的设备", "第三方服务提供��的数据泄露,但已签订数据处理协议"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在执行合规传输时,个人信息处理者应采取哪种风险管理策略?", "answers": ["仅关注技术安全措施,忽略法律和合同层面的合规", "进行风险评估,制定应急计划,并确保数据可追溯", "依赖单一的加密技术,认为这足以保障所有数据安全", "在数据传输后立即销毁源数据,防止数据泄露"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据法规,以下哪种情况可能导致网络运营者承担法律责任?", "answers": ["发现网络安全事件后,立即启动应急预案并报告相关部门", "对用户个人信息进行匿名化处理后用于数据分析", "未采取措施防止用户数据泄露,导致大量个人信息丢失", "配合公安机关调查网络犯罪,提供相关网络日志"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是数据隐私权的核心内容?", "answers": ["个人信息的控制权", "数据的透明性", "强制数据共享", "被遗忘权"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况体现了法规对接在国家安全法中的应用?", "answers": ["跨国公司仅遵循其母国的法规", "国际组织制定统一的全球安全法规", "国内法规与欧盟GDPR(通用数据保护条例)的融合", "企业自主决定遵循哪种安全标准"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,哪个机构负责协调和指导全国的网络安全保护工作?", "answers": ["国家安全局", "国家网络与信息化领导小组", "公安部", "司法部"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR,以下哪种做法是确保电子邮件符合数据保护规定的最佳实践?", "answers": ["在所有电子邮件中包含接收者的详细个人信息,包括电话号码和家庭地址", "只在接收者明确同意的情况下发送营销电子邮件,并提供取消订阅的选项", "使用不加密的电子邮件服务发送包含敏感信息的邮件", "在公司内部自由分享员工的电子邮件地址,无需获取他们的同意"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据中国的网络安全等级保护制度,以下哪项描述了第二级安全保护的要求?", "answers": ["主要针对关键信息基础设施,要求实现业务连续性", "适用于一般性的信息网络和信息系统,要求具备基本的安全保护措施", "针对涉及国家安全、社会经济运行的重要信息系统,要求严格的安全防护", "仅适用于小型企业,要求实施简单的安全控制措施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "个人信息处理者应当如何确保个人信息处理的透明性?", "answers": ["不向个人公开任何处理信息", "仅在个人信息被泄露时通知个人", "主动向个人告知个人信息处理的相关信息", "要求个人主动查询个人信息处理情况"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a report used to assess the implementation and effectiveness ofsecurity controls within an organization?", "answers": ["SOC 1", "SOC 2 Type 1", "SOC 2 Type 2", "SOC 3"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,网络服务提供者在发现用户发布违法信息时,应当采取以下哪种措施?", "answers": ["立即删除违法信息", "通知用户自行删除", "等待监管机构指示", "不予理会"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据隐私政策,以下哪种情况需要获取用户同意才能收集和使用他们的数据?", "answers": ["当网站使用cookies来改善用户体验时", "当公司需要收集员工的工资信息进行税务申报时", "当政府机构要求提供用户数据以进行犯罪调查时", "当用户在社交媒体上自愿分享他们的照片和评论时"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which organization has been developed to deal with economic, social, and governance issues and with how sensitive data is transported over borders?", "answers": ["European Union", "Council of Europe", "Safe Harbor", "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在执行情报收集任务时,哪项措施是必要的以遵守监听法规?", "answers": ["仅在没有其他收集方法时才使用监听", "获取特定司法授权并遵循明确的程序", "在不通知目标个人的情况下进行监听", "对所有通信进行无差别监听"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息跨境传输方面,《个人信息保护法》规定了哪些要求?", "answers": ["必须获得个人的明确同意", "必须进行数据安全评估", "必须确保接收方国家的数据保护水平不低于中国", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "我国由()主管全国软件著作权登记管理工作。", "answers": ["国家版权局", "国家新闻出版署", "国家知识产权局", "地方知识产权局"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况下的个人信息处理行为不会构成行政处罚?", "answers": ["未经同意擅自处理敏感个人信息", "在用户明确反对的情况下继续发送营销信息", "按照法律规定,为履行法定职责处理个人信息", "未对个人信息采取必要的安全保护措施"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家安全法中规定的监督机制主要针对的是?", "answers": ["国家安全机关的执法行为", "公民的日常行为", "企业的商业秘密", "外国在华机构的活动"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨境数据传输中,GDPR允许数据从欧盟转移到哪个地区,无需额外的合规措施?", "answers": ["任何已签署欧盟-美国隐私盾框架的国家", "任何被欧洲委员会认定具有充足数据保护水平的国家", "任何与欧盟有自由贸易协定的国家", "任何实行严格数据保护法律的国家"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据跨境传输方面,根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,以下哪种情况不需要进行安全评估?", "answers": ["关键信息基础设施运营者向境外提供个人信息", "非关键信息基础设施运营者向境外提供重要数据", "个人向境外提供非重要数据", "企业向境外提供重要数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在 Privacy Shield 原则被撤销后,企业如何合法地将个人数据从欧盟转移到美国?", "answers": ["使用欧盟-美国隐私盾框架", "采用标准合同条款(SCCs)", "依赖数据主体的明确同意", "建立内部数据保护协议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理国家安全案件时,违反相关法律可能面临的法律责任不包括:", "answers": ["罚款", "监禁", "社区服务", "剥夺政治权利"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可能构成隐私权侵权,根据《个人信息保护法》?", "answers": ["未经用户同意收集其位置信息", "公开用户在应用内的匿名评论", "为提高用户体验,存储用户偏好设置", "允许用户随时访问和删除他们的个人信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法中,下列哪项是公民和组织维护国家安全的责任?", "answers": ["保守国家秘密", "参与国家安全教育", "举报危害国家安全的行为", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理隐私侵犯事件时,哪项法律允许个人在数据泄露后对数据处理者提起诉讼?", "answers": ["美国的HIPAA法案", "欧盟的GDPR", "中国的网络安全法", "澳大利亚的 Privacy Act 1988"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,在数据跨境传输时,以下哪项措施是必须遵守的?", "answers": ["无需任何审查,自由跨境传输数据", "经过简单的内部审查后即可跨境传输数据", "必须经过国家有关部门的安全评估,并符合国家规定的条件", "只需接收方国家的同意即可跨境传输数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况不符合个人数据定义?", "answers": ["个人的姓名和地址", "匿名的统计分析数据", "个人的IP地址", "个人的健康记录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息分类中,以下哪项属于敏感个人信息?", "answers": ["个人的教育背景、工作经历", "个人的银行账户、支付工具密码", "个人的电子邮箱、电话号码", "个人的健康状况、旅行记录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Question: Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), releasing personally identifiable information from a student''s educational record requires written permission from the parent or eligible student in order for information to be?=======", "answers": ["Released to a prospective employer.", "Released to schools to which a student is transferring.", "Released to specific individuals for audit or evaluation purposes.", "Released in response to a judicial order or lawfully ordered subpoena."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,以下哪项不属于国家安全机关的职责?", "answers": ["维护国家的领土完整", "对涉嫌危害国家安全的行为进行调查", "采取必要措施保护国家安全关键信息基础设施", "对危害国家安全的犯罪行为提起公诉"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在案例研究中,一家公司因未能保护客户数据而被罚款,这罚款依据的是什么法规?", "answers": ["反垃圾邮件法", "消费者权益保护法", "数据保护法", "网络安全法"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《信息系统安全等级保护定级指南》,信息系统的安全保护等级由哪两个定级要素决定", "answers": ["威胁、脆弱性", "系统价值、风险", "信息安全、系统服务安全", "受侵害的客体、对客体造成侵害的程度业务"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《全球数据保护法规》(GDPR),在发生数据泄露事件后,组织必须在多长时间内通知监管机构?", "answers": ["立即,无时间限制", "72小时内", "一周内", "在确定数据泄露性质后的一个月内"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据合规性要求,以下哪项不是组织在处理个人数据时必须执行的步骤?", "answers": ["获取数据主体的明确同意", "确保数据的匿名化处理", "设定数据保留期限并遵守", "定期进行数据泄露的模拟演练"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》,关键信息基础设施的运营者在中华人民共和国境内运营中收集和产生的个人信息和重要数据,应当在哪种情况下传输至境外?", "answers": ["任何时候都可以自由传输", "经过安全评估后", "只允许传输给特定国家的接收方", "在用户同意的情况下"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》(中国),网络运营者应当履行的安全保护义务不包括?", "answers": ["定期进行网络安全检测和风险评估", "对用户发布的信息进行审查和过滤", "保存网络日志不少于六个月", "向用户明示收集、使用信息的目的、方式和范围"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项原则要求个人信息处理者应当仅在实现特定目的所必需的范围内处理个人信息?", "answers": ["合法性原则", "目的限制原则", "数据最小化原则", "透明度原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,数据处理者在进行风险评估后,应当采取哪些措施?", "answers": ["忽略风险评估结果", "根据风险评估结果采取相应的安全措施", "仅对高风险数据采取措施", "将风险评估结果公开"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据跨境传输中,以下哪个国际条约强调了数据主权的重要性?", "answers": ["《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)", "《网络安全法》", "《世界知识产权组织版权条约》", "《联合国气候变化框架公约》"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在刑事诉讼程序中,关于电子证据的处理,以下哪项是正确的?", "answers": ["电子证据只能由专业技术专家提供", "电子证据必须在获取后的24小时内提交", "电子证据的收集必须遵循合法程序", "电子证据在所有案件中都具有同等的法律效力"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据跨境数据合同,以下哪项不是数据接收方必须遵守的义务?", "answers": ["确保数据的安全存储和处理", "在数据主体请求删除数据时,立即销毁数据", "未经数据主体同意,不得将数据转交给第三方", "在数据传输完成后,立即销毁所有副本"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家支持企业和高等学校、职业学校等教育培训机构开展网络安全相关教育与培训,采取多种方式培养网络安全人才,( )网络安全人才交流。", "answers": ["增进", "提高", "促使", "促进"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "There is a large gap between the privacy laws of the United States and those of the European Union. Bridging this gap is necessary for Americancompanies to do business with European companies and in European markets in many situations, as the American companies are required tocomply with the stricter requirements.Which US program was designed to help companies overcome these differences?", "answers": ["SOX", "HIPAA", "GLBA", "Safe Harbor"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术有助于确保个人信息在传输过程中的安全,符合法规要求?", "answers": ["使用不可逆的哈希函数", "实施安全套接字层(SSL)或传输层安全(TLS)", "应用访问控制列表(ACLs)", "定期备份数据以防止数据丢失"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "网络产品、服务的( )应当为其产品、服务持续提供安全维护;在规定或者当事人约定的期限内,不得终止提供安全维护。", "answers": ["制造者", "提供者", "使用者", "运维者"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据个人信息保护法,数据主体享有哪些基本权利?", "answers": ["仅享有知情同意权", "享有知情同意权、数据访问权、数据更正权、数据删除权和数据携带权", "享有数据访问权和数据删除权", "仅享有数据更正权和数据携带权"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护法框架下,以下哪个机构负责对个人信息处理活动进行监管?", "answers": ["国家市场监督管理总局", "国家互联网信息办公室", "国家卫生健康委员会", "国家发展和改革委员会"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项标准关注组织的质量管理体系,而非数据安全?", "answers": ["ISO 9001", "ISO 27001", "OSHA 18001", "GDPR"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能违反国际法规,涉及跨境数据传输?", "answers": ["未经用户同意,将欧盟公民的个人数据转移到美国的云服务器", "在本国境内存储和处理客户数据", "使用符合GDPR标准的安全协议传输数据", "在数据传输中使用加密技术保护数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,构建数据安全管理体系时,以下哪项措施是首要任务?", "answers": ["实施定期的安全审计", "建立数据分类分级制度", "部署先进的安全技术措施", "制定应急响应计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨国数据传输中,个人信息处理者应遵循哪些原则以确保合规?", "answers": ["只在数据接收国法律允许的范围内传输", "确保接收方提供与发送方相当的保护水平", "事先通知并取得用户对数据跨境传输的明确同意", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires security requirements for entities involved in credit cardpayments and processing.", "answers": ["Technical", "Nontechnical", "Technical and nontechnical", "Neither technical nor nontechnical"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种证据收集方法在国际合作协议下可能无效?", "answers": ["未经目标国家同意的远程数据获取", "通过国际刑警组织进行的正式请求", "两国间的双边引渡协议", "依据互助法律援助条约进行的请求"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,在发生大规模个人信息泄露事件后,企业应当在多长时间内向监管机构报告?", "answers": ["24小时内", "48小时内", "72小时内", "一周内"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理用户数据时,以下哪种措施最直接地涉及到用户的知情权?", "answers": ["实施数据加密", "定期更新隐私政策", "设置访问控制列表", "进行数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR(欧洲通用数据保护条例),数据主体有权要求删除其个人数据,这被称为?", "answers": ["访问权", "更正权", "遗忘权", "限制处理权"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "关键信息基础设施的运营者采购网络产品和服务,应当按照规定与提供者签订安全保密协议,明确安全和保密( )与( )。", "answers": ["管理", "保护", "义务", "责任"], "label": "CD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Question: SCENARIO\n\nLooking back at your first two years as the Director of Personal Information Protection and Compliance for the Berry Country Regional Medical Center in Thorn Bay, Ontario, Canada, you see a parade of accomplishments, from developing state-of-the-art simulation based training for employees on privacy protection to establishing an interactive medical records system that is accessible by patients as well as by the medical personnel. Now, however, a question you have put off looms large: how do we manage all the data-not only records produced recently, but those still on hand from years ago? A data flow diagram generated last year shows multiple servers, databases, and work stations, many of which hold files that have not yet been incorporated into the new records system.\nWhile most of this data is encrypted, its persistence may pose security and compliance concerns. The situation is further complicated by several long-term studies being conducted by the medical staff using patient information. Having recently reviewed the major Canadian privacy regulations, you want to make certain that the medical center is observing them.\n\nYou also recall a recent visit to the Records Storage Section, often termed \"The Dungeon\" in the basement of the old hospital next to the modern facility, where you noticed a multitude of paper records. Some of these were in crates marked by years, medical condition or alphabetically by patient name, while others were in undifferentiated bundles on shelves and on the floor. The back shelves of the section housed data tapes and old hard drives that were often unlabeled but appeared to be years old. On your way out of the dungeon, you noticed just ahead of you a small man in a lab coat who you did not recognize. He carried a batch of folders under his arm, apparently records he had removed from storage.\n\nWhich regulation most likely applies to the data stored by Berry Country Regional Medical Center?\n=======", "answers": ["Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act", "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act", "The Health Records Act 2001", "The European Union Directive 95/46/EC"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "违反《数据安全法》规定,情节严重的,可能对企业处以的罚款金额范围是?", "answers": ["10万至100万元人民币", "100万至1000万元人民币", "5000万至1亿元人民币", "1亿至10亿元人民币"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a compliance artifact?", "answers": ["a copy of the contract between the cloud customer and the provider", "a copy of administrative log data", "a copy of the regulation used for oversight", "a copy of the law that creates the regulatory environment for a certain industry"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "个人信息主体在行使删除权时,以下哪种情况是不被允许的?", "answers": ["个人信息处理目的已实现", "个人信息主体撤回同意", "个人信息控制者违反法律规定处理个人信息", "个人信息主体因为��人原因要求删除"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据欧洲联盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR),以下哪项原则要求组织在处理个人数据时必须有明确、合法的目的,并且处理方式必须与该目的相符合?", "answers": ["数据最小化原则", "目的限制原则", "用户同意原则", "可携带权"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,以下哪项不是企业必须遵守的义务以防止黑客攻击?", "answers": ["定期进行安全风险评估", "立即公开所有数据泄露事件", "建立应急响应和数据恢复计划", "对用户数据进行加密保护"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Unlike SOC Type 1 reports, which are based on a specific point in time, SOC Type 2 reports are done over a period of time. What is the minimumspan of time for a SOC Type 2 report?", "answers": ["Six months", "One month", "One year", "One week"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项法规要求组织在处理个人数据时必须遵循特定的保护措施,以保护个人隐私?", "answers": ["ISO 9001", "国际海事组织 SOLAS", "欧盟 GDPR", "NIST CSF"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理涉及个人隐私的数据时,跨国公司应遵循以下哪项原则?", "answers": ["仅遵守数据来源国的隐私保护法律", "优先考虑数据接收国的隐私保护法律", "遵守国际协议中规定的最低隐私保护标准", "遵守数据来源国和数据接收国中更为严格的隐私保护法律"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "美国加州的CCPA对于个人数据的跨境传输有何特别规定?", "answers": ["禁止任何形式的跨境数据传输", "要求数据接收方必须遵守与CCPA同等的数据保护标准", "允许无限制的跨境数据传输", "要求数据传输前必须获得加州州长的批准"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在进行跨境数据传输时,根据GDPR,以下哪种情况不需要额外的合规措施?", "answers": ["将数据传输到欧洲经济区(EEA)内的国家", "将数据传输到被欧洲委员会认定为具有适当数据保护水平的国家", "将数据传输到美国,但接收方是 Privacy Shield 认证的公司", "将数据传输到未被认定为具有适当保护水平的国家,且未签订标准合同条款"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在签订涉及个人信息处理的合同时,哪项工作对保护用户权益至关重要?", "answers": ["忽略合同中的隐私条款", "确保合同中明确数据处理的范围和目的", "尽量减少提供个人信息", "完全信任数据控制者的承诺"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在案件调查过程中,执法机构在没有搜查令的情况下可以合法进入公民的住所吗?", "answers": ["可以,如果他们怀疑有紧急的犯罪行为", "可以,如果公民同意", "不可以,除非有合法的搜查令", "不可以,除非在公共场所"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《数据安全法》,如果一家公司违反了数据安全规定,导致个人信息大量泄露,可能会承担什么法律责任?", "answers": ["仅承担民事责任,如赔偿损失", "仅承担刑事责任,公司负责人可能被追究刑事责任", "可能承担刑事责任、民事责任和行政责任", "仅承担行政责任,如罚款"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires that all merchantswho want to process credit card transactions be compliant with a wide variety of securitycontrol requirements. Merchants are assigned different tier levels under PCI DSS, based on.", "answers": ["Availability", "Redundancy", "Location of their corporate headquarters", "Number of transactions per year"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪个违法案例与加密算法应用的法规要求不符?", "answers": ["某公司使用未经国家认可的加密算法进行跨境数据传输", "企业未对涉密信息进行分类和分级", "个人在私人通信中使用了商业加密软件", "未对加密密钥进行定期更新和��全存储"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》,网络运营者应当承担的法律义务不包括以下哪项?", "answers": ["保护用户个人信息安全", "对用户发布的内容进行审查", "提供网络服务时遵守国家标准", "对网络攻击行为进行反击"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理一起涉及泄露国家秘密的案件时,国家安全机关首先应遵循的程序是?", "answers": ["立即逮捕嫌疑人", "启动秘密调查,不通知任何相关方", "收集证据并进行初步调查", "公开发布嫌疑人信息以寻求公众协助"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "数据主体发现其个人数据被错误处理时,可以采取哪些措施?", "answers": ["数据主体只能要求数据处理者删除错误数据", "数据主体可以要求数据处理者更正错误数据,并提供更正后的数据副本", "数据主体无权要求数据处理者更正错误数据,只能接受错误数据的存在", "数据主体可以要求数据处理者更正错误数据,但无权要求提供更正后的数据副本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法的执行中,哪个机构通常负责执行法律?", "answers": ["立法机构", "司法机构", "行政机构", "公民监督组织"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR(通用数据保护条例),在跨境传输个人数据时,哪种做法是合规的?", "answers": ["直接将数据传输到任何国家,只要接收方承诺遵守GDPR", "只传输加密的个人数据,无需考虑接收方的法规遵从性", "确保接收方所在国家或地区已被欧盟认定为具有适当数据保护水平", "使用隐私盾协议,即使该协议已被欧洲法院撤销"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据网络安全法规,以下哪项是组织在发生数据泄露时必须采取的行动?", "answers": ["立即销毁所有受影响的数据", "仅通知受影响的用户", "在72小时内通知监管机构", "对所有内部员工进行安全培训"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护法中,以下哪项措施不属于安全措施的范畴?", "answers": ["数据加密", "匿名化处理", "数据备份", "数据收集范围的扩大"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》(US, NIST Cybersecurity Framework),以下哪项是风险管理过程的关键步骤?", "answers": ["识别、保护、检测、响应、恢复", "评估、分类、预防、监控、报告", "识别、分类、保护、响应、合规", "发现、隔离、修复、更新、审计"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Common Criteria 15408 generally outlines assurance and functional requirements through a security evaluation process concept of______________,____________, __________ for Evaluated Assurance Levels (EALs) to certify a product or system.", "answers": ["EAL, Security Target, Target of Evaluation", "SFR, Protection Prole, Security Target", "Protection Prole, Target of Evaluation, Security Target", "SFR, Security Target, Target of Evaluation"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "网络运营者的主体责任:网络运营者通过网络运营获取利益的同时,应负担网络安全义务;_________。", "answers": ["谁主管谁负责,谁受益谁负责;", "谁接入谁负责,谁运营谁负责;", "网络运营者应承担全部的安全责任;", "网络运营者和主管部门负有安全责任;"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪个国家的个人信息保护法律要求组织在数据泄露事件发生时必须通知受影响的个人?", "answers": ["中国 - 《个人信息保护法》", "印度 - 《数据保护框架》", "美国 - 加利福尼亚《消费者隐私法》(CCPA)", "俄罗斯 - 《联邦信息法》"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following DITSCAP C&A phases takes place between the signing of the initial version of the SSAA and the formal accreditation of thesystem?", "answers": ["Phase 4", "Phase 3", "Phase 1", "Phase 2"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识��忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种违规案例分析与数据跨境传输合规性无关?", "answers": ["公司A因未经用户同意将欧洲用户数据转移给其位于美国的母公司而被罚款", "公司B因未对存储在云服务器上的用户数据实施加密而遭受数据泄露", "公司C在没有标准合同条款的情况下,将数据传输到一个未认证的第三国", "公司D因未能及时通知用户其数据已被非法转移到海外而被处罚"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在美国,健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)要求医疗机构对敏感的病人健康信息进行何种处理?", "answers": ["完全公开", "匿名化", "加密", "定期销毁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《欧洲通用数据保护条例》(GDPR),以下哪项不是个人数据处理的基本原则?", "answers": ["合法性、公正性和透明性", "数据最小化和准确性", "权利自动行使", "存储限制和安全性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项是组织在遵守《网络安全法》时,为有效管理网络风险所采取的关键步骤?", "answers": ["仅依赖防火墙和防病毒软件", "定期进行风险评估和安全审计", "忽视第三方供应商的安全策略", "仅在发生安全事件后制定应急响应计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Mark's manager has tasked him with researching an intrusion detection system for a new dispatching center. Mark identies the top ve productsand compares their ratings.Which of the following is the evaluation criteria most in use today for these types of purposes?", "answers": ["ITSEC", "Common Criteria", "Red Book", "Orange Book"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况允许美国企业合法地将欧盟公民的个人数据传输到美国,同时符合GDPR的要求?", "answers": ["遵守CCPA法案的条款", "签订标准合同条款", "加入隐私盾框架", "仅限于紧急情况下的数据传输"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国国家安全法》,下列哪项行为违反了公民维护国家安全的义务?", "answers": ["向外国提供国家秘密", "参与国家安全教育活动", "举报危害国家安全的行为", "参与国家安全相关的科研工作"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在《数据安全法》中,对于企业未履行数据安全保护义务导致数据泄露,以下哪种处罚措施最有可能出现?", "answers": ["'仅警告,无其他处罚'", "'罚款,并要求改正'", "'吊销营业执照'", "'企业负责人承担刑事责任'"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《数据安全法》,对于发生重大数据安全事件的组织,可能面临的法律责任不包括:", "answers": ["警告", "停业整顿", "吊销许可证或者营业执照", "对所有员工进行刑事处罚"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在执行国家安全法时,哪个机构主要负责对违法行为进行处罚?", "answers": ["公安机关", "国家安全机关", "人民法院", "人民检察院"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理涉及数据隐私的国际案件时,哪个国际公约通常被引用作为法律依据?", "answers": ["罗马条约", "布达佩斯公约", "巴黎公约", "日内瓦公约"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据网络安全法律框架,当发生重大网络安全事件时,组织必须在多长时间内向相关监管部门报告?", "answers": ["24小时内", "48小时内", "72小时内", "96小时内"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在进行隐私影响评估(PIA)时,以下哪项不是评估的主要步骤?", "answers": ["识别数据处理活动", "评估风险和影响", "制定风险缓解策略", "实施数据加密并自动删除数据"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR,以下哪种情况需要获得数据主体的明确同意才能进行跨境数据传输?", "answers": ["当数据传输至一个被欧盟认定为具有足够数据保护水平��国家时。", "当数据传输至一个与欧盟有适当传输协议的第三方组织时。", "当数据传输至一个未被欧盟认定为具有足够数据保护水平,且没有其他合规传输机制的国家时。", "当数据传输至任何国家,只要接收方承诺遵守GDPR条款时。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "As a CISSP candidate, you must sign a Code of Ethics. Which of the following is from the (ISC)2 Code of Ethics for the CISSP?", "answers": ["Information should be shared freely and openly; thus, sharing confidential information should be ethical.", "Think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.", "Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally.", "Do not participate in Internet-wide experiments in a negligent manner."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法的立法背景中,以下哪项因素被认为是推动立法的重要原因?", "answers": ["经济全球化", "网络空间安全威胁", "国际政治格局变化", "国内社会稳定需求"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项法规要求处理欧盟公民个人数据的组织必须遵守数据保护规定,包括数据主体的权利和数据泄露通知?", "answers": ["NIST CSF", "GDPR 合规", "PCI DSS", "CCSA 指南"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护法中,当个人发现其个人信息权益受到侵害时,首先应采取的司法救济途径是?", "answers": ["直接向公安机关报案", "向个人信息处理者投诉", "向法院提起诉讼", "向个人信息保护监管机构举报"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项是组织在处理个人信息时必须遵守的合规性要求?", "answers": ["确保数据的透明性,允许用户访问和更正其信息", "在所有网络通信中强制实施双因素认证", "定期进行内部安全审计,但不向公众披露结果", "只允许通过物理介质传输敏感数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在进行数据处理时,根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,以下哪项行为是被禁止的?", "answers": ["未经授权收集个人数据", "对个人数据进行匿名化处理", "在数据处理过程中采取加密措施", "根据数据主体的请求删除其个人数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据GDPR,以下哪项不属于个人数据的定义范围?", "answers": ["电子邮件地址", "匿名化数据", "IP地址", "社交媒体账号"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "关于知情权,以下哪项描述是错误的?", "answers": ["信息主体有权知道其个人数据被处理的情况", "企业必须告知用户其个人数据的处理者是谁", "知情权仅限于收集个人数据时,之后的处理无需告知", "企业应告知用户其个人数据的处理目的和法律依据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,企业应对数据泄露事件采取的首要行动是什么?", "answers": ["立即销毁泄露的数据以减少损失", "通知受影响的个人并报告给相关监管机构", "修改隐私政策以避免法律责任", "暂停所有网络活动以防止进一步泄露"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项行为可能触犯中国的反间谍法?", "answers": ["非法获取国家秘密", "在互联网上公开发布敏感信息", "拒绝国家安全机关的审查", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项原则要求数据处理者在收集个人信息时只收集完成特定目的所必需的最少信息?", "answers": ["数据最小化原则", "用户知情权", "安全存储与传输原则", "隐私影响评估原则"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项权利不属于数据主体的基本权利?", "answers": ["数据访问权", "数据修改权", "数据删除权", "数据备份权"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The PRIMARY outcome of a certication process is that it provides documented", "answers": ["interconnected systems and their implemented security controls.", "standards for security assessment, testing, and process evaluation.", "system weakness for remediation.", "security analyses needed to make a risk-based decision."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种协议可以用于在欧盟和非欧盟国家之间安全地转移个人数据?", "answers": ["BCR(企业内部规则)", "PIL(个人身份信息许可)", "SLA(服务水平协议)", "TSA(技术转让协议)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在网络安全法中,哪项活动是确保持续监控和应对风险的关键?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "一次性风险评估", "静态安全配置", "仅依赖防火墙保护"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following outlined how senior management are responsible for the computer and information security decisions that they make andwhat actually took place within their organizations?", "answers": ["The Computer Security Act of 1987.", "The Federal Sentencing Guidelines of 1991.", "The Economic Espionage Act of 1996.", "The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,以下哪项不是电子证据在法律程序中的主要要求?", "answers": ["证据的完整性和未被篡改", "证据的可验证性", "证据的即时性", "证据的合法收集和保存"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨境数据流动方面,依据《中国个人信息保护法》(PIPL),以下哪项不是企业必须遵守的规定?", "answers": ["进行个人信息保护影响评估", "获得个人信息主体的明确同意", "向国外监管机构报告数据转移", "确保接收方符合中国个人信息保护标准"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是网络安全法中强调的网络运营者的义务?", "answers": ["保护用户个人信息", "对网络产品和服务进行安全审查", "提供无限的网络访问速度", "发现网络安全事件时及时报告"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法最能确保跨国数据传输的合规性?", "answers": ["依赖数据接收国的自律监管", "定期进行数据保护影响评估", "仅与已通过GDPR认证的数据处理器合作", "依赖数据主体的隐私设置"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是根据立法原则,企业必须采取以保护用户数据?", "answers": ["定期销毁不再需要的用户数据", "在收集数据时获取用户明确的同意", "确保所有网络服务全天候可用", "与所有第三方共享用户数据以优化服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在跨境传输个人数据时,以下哪种情况不需要额外的安全措施或获得特定的同意?", "answers": ["当接收国已被欧盟认定为具有充足的数据保护水平", "当数据传输是基于标准合同条款", "当数据传输涉及到高度敏感的个人数据", "当数据传输是向一个没有数据保护法规的国家"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following Convention 108+ principles, as amended in 2018, is NOT consistent with a principle found in the GDPR?", "answers": ["The obligation of companies to declare data breaches.", "The requirement to demonstrate compliance to a supervisory authority.", "The lawfulness of the bulk collection of personal data by the government.", "The necessity of establishing a specific legal basis for processing personal data."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《个人信息保护法》,个人发现其信息被非法收集、使用,可以采取哪种法律救济途径?", "answers": ["向法院提起民事诉讼", "向个人信息保护机构投诉", "直接要求企业赔偿,无需通过任何机构", "以上所有选项"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在网络安全等级保护制度中,以下哪项不是风险评估的常规步骤?", "answers": ["风险识别", "风险分析", "风险规避", "风险评估报告编制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "2021年7月30日,国务院总理李克强签署第745号国务院令,公布《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》。该条例在法律责任部分,细化了在安全保护全过程中,各个环节违反相应条例的具体处罚措施。以下说法错误的是( )", "answers": ["在安全事故发生之前,运营者应当对关键信息基础设施的安全保护措施进行规划建设。在安全事故发生后,运营者未报告相关部门的,也会处以相应的罚金", "对于受到治安管理处罚的人员,3年内不得从事网络安全管理和网络安全运营关键岗位的工作", "对于受到刑事处罚的人员,终身不得从事网络安全管理和网络安全运营关键岗位的工作", "网信部门、公安机关、保护工作部门和其他有关部门及其工作人员未履行相关职责或者玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,或者发生重大责任事故的,会对相关监管、保护和服务人员给予处分,严重者追究法律责任"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据美国的《加州消费者隐私法》(CCPA),以下哪项不是消费者有权行使的权利?", "answers": ["拒绝其个人信息的销售", "访问并要求更正其个人信息", "要求所有企业删除其所有个人信息", "要求企业披露个人信息的收集、使用和共享情况"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在应对可能引发法律责任的危机时,以下哪项做法是不恰当的?", "answers": ["立即停止可能违法的行为", "咨询法律专家以获取法律建议", "销毁可能成为证据的文件", "保留相关记录以备后续调查"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当统筹规划,加大投入,( )重点网络安全技术产业和项目,( )网络安全技术的研究开发和应用,( )安全可信的网络产品和服务,( )网络技术知识产权,支持企业、研究机构和高等学校等参与国家网络安全技术创新项目。", "answers": ["扶持", "支持", "推广", "保护"], "label": "ABCD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据欧盟的通用数据保护条例(GDPR),以下哪项不是个人数据保护的主要原则?", "answers": ["数据最小化原则", "数据匿名化原则", "数据所有权原则", "数据处理合法性原则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which institution has the power to adopt findings that confirm the adequacy of the data protection level in a non-EU country?", "answers": ["The European Parliament", "The European Commission", "The Article 29 Working Party", "The European Council"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护方面,以下哪项措施不符合《个人信息保护法》的要求?", "answers": ["明确告知信息收集目的", "未经用户同意收集敏感个人信息", "提供个人信息安全保障措施", "允许用户查询、更正其个人信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在5G网络安全的案例研究中,哪个法律框架通常用于确保服务提供商的数据保护和用户隐私?", "answers": ["通用数据保护条例(GDPR)", "北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)", "巴塞尔协议(Basel Accords)", "国际电信法规(ITU Regulations)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法中,应急响应机制的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["预防国家安全事件的发生", "在国家安全事件发生后迅速有效地应对", "对国家安全事件进行事后调查", "对国家安全事件的责任人进行惩罚"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在制定隐私政策时,企业必须明确告知用户哪一项内容?", "answers": ["数据收集的目的", "数据的存储地点", "数据的使用期限", "所有以上内容"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数字丝绸之路的框架下,以下哪种合作机制被提倡以促进跨境数据传输的安全和合规?", "answers": ["单边数据控制机制", "双边数据共享机制", "多边数据协议机制", "区域数据隔离机制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理个人数据时,哪项法规���常要求组织必须遵守隐私保护原则?", "answers": ["GDPR(欧洲通用数据保护条例)", "SOX(萨班斯-奥克斯利法案)", "HIPAA(健康保险流通与责任法案)", "FISMA(联邦信息安全管理法案)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为符合《个人信息保护法》关于个人信息安全标准的要求?", "answers": ["企业仅在境内存储所有个人信息", "企业定期进行安全审计和风险评估", "企业将所有个人信息匿名化后跨境传输", "企业仅依赖用户密码保护个人信息安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家安全法如何处理与其他国家在安全领域的合作?", "answers": ["禁止与其他国家进行任何形式的安全合作", "鼓励与其他国家进行安全合作,但必须在国家安全的前提下进行", "要求与其他国家进行全面的安全合作,无论国家安全风险如何", "对与其他国家的安全合作没有明确规定"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据处理过程中,以下哪项措施不符合《中华人民共和国网络安全法》对数据安全的要求?", "answers": ["实施数据加密传输", "定期进行数据备份", "未经用户同意,收集其敏感个人信息", "建立数据安全事件应急预案"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "若公司违反了GDPR的数据保护规定,可能面临的最高罚款比例是多少?", "answers": ["年营业额的1%", "年营业额的2%", "年营业额的4%", "年营业额的10%"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "发布或者传输网络安全法法第十二条第二款和其他法律、行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定( )。", "answers": ["处理", "处置", "处分", "处罚"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据国家信息安全等级保护相关标准,军用不对外公开的信息系统至少应该属于()", "answers": ["二级及二级以上", "三级及三级以上", "四级及四级以上", "无极"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Who developed one of the first mathematical models of a multilevel-security computer system?", "answers": ["Diffie and Hellman.", "Clark and Wilson.", "Bell and LaPadula.", "Gasser and Lipner."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "如果企业违反GDPR关于跨境数据传输的规定,可能会面临什么法律责任?", "answers": ["仅限口头警告", "最高可达企业全球年营业额4%的罚款", "企业负责人可能的刑事责任", "仅限于数据主体的民事赔偿"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据法规框架,企业一旦发现数据泄露,应在多长时间内通知受影响的个人?", "answers": ["立即", "72小时内", "30天内", "根据具体法规,时间可能不同"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪种情况属于个人信息的非法收集?", "answers": ["未经用户同意,通过破解用户设备获取个人信息", "在用户明确知情并同意的情况下,收集其购物偏好信息", "通过合法的公开信息渠道获取已公开的个人信息", "为履行合同义务,收集并处理必要的用户个人信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法的框架下,执法机关在执行搜查与扣押程序时,必须遵循哪一项基本要求以确保合法性和公正性?", "answers": ["在执行前必须公开搜查令和理由", "必须在被搜查人或其代表在场时进行", "搜查行动可以在任何时间进行,无需通知被搜查人", "搜查行动无需获得上级机关的批准"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据网络安全法,以下哪项是网络安全事件分类的主要类别?", "answers": ["技术故障、恶意攻击和自然灾害", "信息泄露、系统瘫痪和数据篡改", "一般事件、重大事件和特别重大事件", "内部威胁、外部威胁和混合威胁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,企业处理个人信息时,哪项措施不是必需的?", "answers": ["获取个人信息主体的明确同意", "设定合理的处理目的并限制处理范围", "对处理的个人信息进行定期公开", "采取必要措施保障个人信息的安全"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据个人信息保护法,数据泄露事件发生后,个人信息处理者应首先做什么?", "answers": ["评估损失并赔偿受影响的个人", "立即通知监管机构", "修复漏洞并防止进一步泄露", "向媒体公开事件以寻求公众监督"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项法规要求组织在处理欧盟公民的个人数据时,必须遵守严格的数据保护规定?", "answers": ["ISO 27001", "NIST SP 800-53", "GDPR", "PCI DSS"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《个人信息保护法》,下列哪种情况网络运营者可以收集个人信息?", "answers": ["未经用户同意,用于改进产品服务", "用户明确同意并用于提供合同约定的服务", "基于公共安全目的,强制收集与服务无关的个人信息", "收集已公开的个人信息,无需用户同意"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "(a) It is a standard for technical requirements for which there is no national standard and which need to be harmonized across the country in a particular industry.", "answers": ["national standard", "industry standard", "international standard", "local standard"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可能违反隐私权保护法规?", "answers": ["在用户同意的情况下,收集并使用其个人信息进行精准营销", "在用户不知情的情况下,将个人信息出售给第三方", "在用户请求时,提供其个人信息的访问、更正和删除服务", "在法律要求时,向执法机构提供用户数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Question: All of the following are exempt from Section 43A of India\"s IT Rules 2011 EXCEPT?\n=======", "answers": ["Charitable groups.", "Sole proprietorships.", "Government agencies.", "Religious organizations."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following demonstrates compliance with the accountability principle found in Article 5, Section 2 of the GDPR?", "answers": ["Anonymizing special categories of data.", "Conducting regular audits of the data protection program.", "Getting consent from the data subject for a cross border data transfer.", "Encrypting data in transit and at rest using strong encryption algorithms."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "任何个人和组织有权对危害网络安全的行为向网信、电信、公安等部门( )。", "answers": ["检举", "举报", "通报", "汇报"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "( )不属于知识产权的范围。", "answers": ["地理标志权", "物权", "邻接权", "商业秘密权"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在处理个人信息时,企业若违反《个人信息保护法》,可能面临的处罚程序不包括:", "answers": ["警告并要求整改", "暂停或限制相关业务", "直接吊销营业执照", "处以罚款,严重者可按年营业额一定比例罚款"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "如果数据处理者违反了《中华人民共和国数据安全法》的规定,可能面临哪些法律责任?", "answers": ["无需承担任何法律责任", "可能面临行政处罚,包括罚款、没收违法所得等", "只需向受影响的个人信息主体道歉", "可以自行决定是否承担法律责任"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》通过自动化决策方式向个人进行(),应当同时提供不针对其个人特征的选项,或者向个人提供便捷的拒绝方式。", "answers": ["信息传送、商业传播", "信息推送、商业传播", "信息推送、商业营销", "信息传送、商业营销"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《欧洲联盟通用数据保护条例(GDPR)》,以下哪项不是数据处理者必须遵守的义务?", "answers": ["在数据泄露���生后72小时内通知监管机构", "确保数据处理的合法性、透明性和目的限制", "在所有情况下,必须获取数据主体的明确同意才能处理其个人数据", "在处理个人数据时,采取适当的技术和组织措施以确保安全"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "If an organization claims that its ISMS meets the requirements of the ISO\\/IEC27001 or GB\\/T22080 standards, its information security controls typically require the implementation of routine controls in the area of compliance. Which of the following control objectives are not included in this area of compliance routine controls ()", "answers": ["Compliance with security policies and standards and technical compliance", "Business requirements for access control, user access management", "Compliance with legal requirements", "Information Systems Audit Considerations"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在GDPR(通用数据保护条例)中,个人数据的处理必须遵循哪些原则?", "answers": ["合法性、透明性、限制性、准确性、存储限制、可携带性、可解释性", "合法性、限制性、准确性、存储限制、可撤销性、可删除性、可解释性", "合法性、透明性、限制性、准确性、存储限制、可删除性、可携带性", "合法性、公平性、透明性、存储限制、可撤销性、可删除性、可解释性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在国家安全法中,关于主权保护的表述,下列哪项是错误的?", "answers": ["维护国家主权是国家的基本职责", "国家主权包括领土完整、政治独立和经济自主", "主权保护不包括网络空间的主权", "国家有权采取一切必要措施维护国家主权"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家网信部门负责( )网络安全工作和相关监督管理工作。", "answers": ["统筹", "协调", "调派", "规划"], "label": "AB", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据安全法中,关于数据责任的规定,以下哪项描述是不正确的?", "answers": ["数据责任要求数据处理者对其处理的数据承担法律责任", "数据责任包括对数据泄露事件的及时报告和处理", "数据责任意味着数据处理者可以自由决定数据的使用和共享", "数据责任涉及对数据主体权利的保护"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,以下哪项不是企业处理个人信息时必须遵守的原则?", "answers": ["合法性、正当性、必要性原则", "用户授权优先原则", "匿名化处理个人信息", "公开、透明处理原则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements pertaining to the security kernel is incorrect?", "answers": ["The security kernel is made up of mechanisms that fall under the TCB and implements and enforces the reference monitor concept.", "The security kernel must provide isolation for the processes carrying out the reference monitor concept and they must be tamperproof.", "The security kernel must be small enough to be able to be tested and verified in a complete and comprehensive manner.", "The security kernel is an access control concept, not an actual physical component."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "因维护国家安全和社会公共秩序,处置重大突发社会安全事件的需要,经国务院( ),可以在特定区域对网络通信采取限制等临时措施。", "answers": ["决定", "批准", "决断", "允许"], "label": "AB", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "In the United States, federal agencies must adhere to Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-2 in order to ensure which of the following?", "answers": ["That government employees are properly cleared for the work assigned", "That government employees are only allowed access to data of their clearance level", "That the identity of the government employee has been appropriately verified", "That the data that government employees have access to has been appropriately classified"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "个人信息处理者在处理个人信息时,如果未按照规定履行安全保护义务,可能需要承担的法律责任是?", "answers": ["仅限于向个人信息主体支付赔偿", "行政罚款,但个人信息主体无权要求赔偿", "行政罚款和向个人信息主体支付赔偿", "刑事责任,无需赔偿个人信息主体"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "国家积极开展网络空间治理、网络技术研发和标准制定、打击网络违法犯罪等方面的国际交流与合作,推动构建和平、安全、开放、合作的网络空间,建立( )的网络治理体系。", "answers": ["多边", "民主", "独立", "透明"], "label": "ABD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《个人信息保护法》,以下哪项行为属于违规处理个人信息?", "answers": ["未经个人同意,收集其个人敏感信息", "在个人同意的情况下,收集其个人一般信息", "为提供服务,合理使用用户提供的个人信息", "在个人信息泄露后,及时通知用户并采取补救措施"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在刑事诉讼程序中,对于涉嫌违反《数据安全法》的案件,以下哪个阶段是正确的顺序?", "answers": ["立案侦查 -> 提起公诉 -> 一审判决 -> 二审判决", "二审判决 -> 立案侦查 -> 提起公诉 -> 一审判决", "提起公诉 -> 一审判决 -> 二审判决 -> 立案侦查", "立案侦查 -> 二审判决 -> 提起公诉 -> 一审判决"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是企业确保隐私合规的重要实践?", "answers": ["定期删除所有用户数据以避免合规问题", "收集尽可能多的用户数据以提供更好的服务", "实施数据最小化原则,仅收集提供服务所必需的数据", "在未经用户同意的情况下与第三方共享数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据《中华人民共和国数据安全法》,以下哪项措施不属于数据主体的权益保护措施?", "answers": ["数据主体有权要求数据处理者提供其个人数据的副本", "数据主体有权随时撤回其对个人数据处理的同意", "数据主体有权要求数据处理者永久删除其个人数据", "数据主体有权要求数据处理者对其个人数据进行加密处理"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "执法机构在国家安全法的执行中,主要负责什么任务?", "answers": ["解释法律条文", "确保法律的实施和合规", "裁决法律纠纷", "制定新的法规"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据国家安全法,以下哪项不是实战演练的目的?", "answers": ["检验应急计划的有效性", "提高团队协调和响应能力", "在真实危机中测试应急资源", "识别并改进应急计划的不足"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "依据《数据分类分级保护规范》,以下哪项不是数据分类的基本原则?", "answers": ["合法性", "全面性", "稳定性", "复杂性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据欧盟的GDPR,以下哪项不是数据主体的权利?", "answers": ["数据可移植权", "数据删除权(被遗忘权)", "数据修改权", "数据访问权"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《数据安全法》(  )因依法维护国家安全或者侦查犯罪的需要调取数据,应当按照国家有关规定,经过严格的批准手续,依法进行,有关组织、个人应当予以配合。", "answers": ["电信主管部门", "公安机关", "国家安全机关", "国家网信部门"], "label": "BC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在数据跨境传输过程中,以下哪种情况违反了《中华人民共和国数据安全法》的规定?", "answers": ["数据传输前进行了风险评估", "数据传输前未通知数据主体", "数据传输采用了国际认可的加密技术", "数据传输遵循了双边或多边协议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在法律诉讼流程中,关于证据收集,以下哪一项描述是正确的?", "answers": ["'所有收集到的证据都必须在法庭上展示'", "'只有通过合法手段收集的证据才能在法庭上使用'", "'警方收集的证据无需经过法院审查'", "'证人证词是唯一被法庭认可的证据类型'"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为违反了《儿童在线隐私保护法》(COPPA)?", "answers": ["网站收集13岁以下儿童的电子邮件地址以发送活动更新", "移动应用要求13岁以下儿童在注册时提供父母的联系方式", "在线游戏平台要求13岁以下儿童同意隐私政策才能玩游戏", "学校网站收集学生信息以进行远程学习"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "个人信息,是指以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别自然人个人身份的各种信息,包括但不限于( )等。", "answers": ["自然人的姓名、出生日期", "身份证件号码", "个人生物识别信息", "住址、电话号码"], "label": "ABCD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在《数据安全法》中,对于因数据泄露造成他人损失的,主要承担什么责任?", "answers": ["刑事责任", "行政责任", "民事赔偿责任", "公开道歉"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护法中,数据最小化原则指的是什么?", "answers": ["最小化个人信息处理者的责任", "最小化个人信息处理的时间", "最小化个人信息处理的频率", "最小化个人信息处理的规模和范围"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》的立法背景主要是为了应对以下哪项挑战?", "answers": ["促进电子商务的快速发展", "解决个人信息泄露和滥用问题", "推动数据中心的建设", "增加政府对互联网的监管力度"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项国际法规框架主要关注跨国数据传输和隐私保护,且对全球企业有广泛影响?", "answers": ["GDPR(欧洲通用数据保护条例)", "NIST Cybersecurity Framework(美国国家标准与技术研究院网络安全框架)", "HIPAA(美国健康保险可移植性和责任法案)", "SOX(美国萨班斯-奥克斯利法案)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "以下哪项安全标准主要关注组织的信息安全管理体系,并提供了一套实施信息安全的结构化方法?", "answers": ["ISO 27001", "NIST CSF", "GDPR", "HIPAA"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "在个人信息泄露事件发生后,企业应当在多长时间内向监管机构报告?", "answers": ["立即报告,无时间限制", "24小时内", "48小时内", "72小时内"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "根据用户同意原则,以下哪种做法是正确的?", "answers": ["在用户注册时默认勾选所有权限选项", "在用户明确了解并同意后收集其位置信息", "在用户不同意提供个人信息时拒绝提供服务", "未经用户同意,将个人信息用于第三方营销"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全标准与法规"} +{"question": "The security practitioner is charged with implementing e-mail security using a cryptographic standard of the security practitioner’s choice. The security practitioner chooses an4 open Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) implementation.\n一个安全从业人员负责用加密算法来实施邮件安全。他选择了OpenPGP来实施。\nWhich cryptographic algorithm is used to create the user's public key?\n可采用以下哪个密码算法来创建用户的公钥?", "answers": ["ElGamal ElGamal算法", "International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) IDEA算法", "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) AES算法", "Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (3DES) 3DES算法"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据安全领域,以下哪种措施最有助于防止个人数据泄露?", "answers": ["定期更换密码", "使用端到端加密", "限制数据访问权限", "定期进行数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以确保在不泄露信息的情况下证明用户知道某个秘密?", "answers": ["公钥加密", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "哈希函数", "零知识证明"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在处理敏感个人数据时,以下哪种安全措施最直接地符合法规框架的要求,以防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["实施双因素认证", "定期进行数据分类和标记", "使用强加密算法保护静态数据", "建立违规应对策略并进行定期演练"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在社交媒体防护中,以下哪项做法最不利于保护个人信息?", "answers": ["公开分享生日和电话号码", "限制对个人资料的访问权限", "不接受来自陌生人的好友请求", "定期检查并更新隐私设置"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "51%攻击是指攻击者控制了区块链网络的多少算力?", "answers": ["超过50%", "超过60%", "超过70%", "超过80%"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种侵权案例分析涉及到了个人数据保护问题?", "answers": ["一家公司侵犯了竞争对手的商业秘密", "某网站未经用户同意发布其私人信件", "艺术家复制并销售了他人的艺术作品", "邻居公开播放了他人的私人电话录音"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法适用于保护大量数据的传输安全?", "answers": ["DES", "RSA", "AES", "MD5"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数据匿名化的主要目的是?", "answers": ["防止数据泄露", "提高数据处理速度", "增强数据的可读性", "简化数据结构"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种隐私保护技术通过将数据分散存储在多个节点上来增强数据的安全性?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据脱敏", "数据分片", "数据备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可以防止区块链中的交易被追踪?", "answers": ["使用相同的地址进行多次交易", "创建新的地址进行每次交易", "公开交易的备注信息", "减少交易的确认时间"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数字签名技术主要用于解决以下哪个问题?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据解密", "数据传输速度", "数据来源认证和完整性验证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于存储大量数据,例如数据库中的敏感信息?", "answers": ["非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名", "对称加密算法"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法在现代网络通信中广泛用于保护数据的机密性?", "answers": ["DES(数据加密标准)", "RSA(公钥加密算法)", "AES(高级加密标准)", "MD5(消息摘要算法)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据库审计策略中,以下哪项措施有助于发现潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["定期备份数据库", "限制数据库用户的权限", "实施详细的日志管理", "使用加密技术保护数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种隐私保护策略可以确保即使数据被泄露,也无法直接关联到个人?", "answers": ["数据加密", "匿名化技术", "零知识证明", "访问控制列表"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术主要用于确保数据的机密性,防止数据在传输过程中被窃取?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密货币设计特别强调交易的匿名性,通过使用特定的隐私保护技术?", "answers": ["比特币", "以太坊", "门罗币", "波卡币"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据分类与保护中,以下哪项不是敏感数据的典型分类?", "answers": ["个人可识别信息(PII)", "商业秘密", "公开信息", "知识产权"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "下列哪种技术常用于确保数据的完整性和身份验证?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "If an internal database holds a number of printers in every department and this equals the total number of printers for the whole organizationrecorded elsewhere in the database, it is an example of:", "answers": ["External consistency of the information system.", "Differential consistency of the information system.", "Internal consistency of the information system.", "Referential consistency of the information system."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following best describes the star or (---) integrity principle that needs to be implemented to prevent authorized users from making unauthorized changes to data? ()", "answers": ["Disallowed downward writes in the Bell-LaPadula model", "Disallowed upward reads in the Bell-LaPadula model", "Disallowed write-ups in the Biba model", "No read down allowed in Biba models"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "处理突然停止时正在将网上银行交易存储到数据库。通过以下哪一种方法最能确保交易处理的完整性?", "answers": ["数据库完整性检查。", "有效性检查。", "输入控制。", "数据库提交和回滚。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "An organization has completed the acquisition of a smaller rival in a different but related industry. The acquisition was approved by the regulatoron the condition that the personal data sets may not be combined. A way of achieving this objective is through?", "answers": ["Ciphertext", "Disassociability", "k-anonymity", "Pseudonymization"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在发生系统故障或数据损坏时,哪种措施可以恢复文件系统中的数据?", "answers": ["权限管理", "访问控制列表", "加密技术", "备份与恢复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "关系数据库中,实现实体之间的联系是通过表与表之间的( )。", "answers": ["公共索引", "公共存储", "公共元组", "公共属性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码学技术可以确保数据在传输过程中未被篡改?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "访问控制列表(ACL)在文件系统中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["加密文件内容以保护数据", "定义文件的存储位置", "管理用户对文件的访问权限", "压缩文件以节省存储空间"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种隐私保护机制可以防止电子邮件服务提供商查看用户邮件内容?", "answers": ["IP匿名化", "SSL会话加密", "端到端加密", "内容过滤"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "According to private sector data classification levels, how would salary levels and medical information be classified?", "answers": ["Public.", "Internal Use Only.", "Restricted.", "Confidential."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在加密通信中,哪种加密模式提供了数据的完整性和认证性?", "answers": ["ECB(电子密码本)模式", "CBC(密文块链接)模式", "GCM(计数器模式与伽玛校验和)模式", "CFB(密文反馈)模式"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是隐私保护的关键组成部分,以防止个人信息在数据泄露事件中被暴露?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据最小化", "数据透明度", "数据可移植性"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在进行数据安全风险评估时,以下哪项是首要步骤?", "answers": ["立即执行应急响应计划", "识别组织中的关键数据资产", "制定全面的安全策略", "进行漏洞分析以查找所有潜在威胁"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Complete the following sentence. A digital signature is", "answers": ["hash value that has been encrypted with the sender‘s private key", "hash value that has been encrypted with the sender‘s public key", "hash value that has been encrypted with the senders Session key", "senders signature signed and scanned in a digital format"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "关于数据备份说法错误的是()", "answers": ["数据备份能恢复由于人为操作失误删除的文件", "备份的数据必须和源文件在同一分区中", "通过数据备份,能方止硬件损坏原因导致的数据丢失风险", "可以使用专用备份软件进行数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据安全管理体系中,风险评估的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["确定数据的价值", "识别和评估潜在的安全威胁", "制定数据备份策略", "建立用户权限管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an asymmetric key algorithm?", "answers": ["RSA", "Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC)", "El Gamal", "Data Encryption System (DES)"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码学技术可以防止信息被篡改,同时确保信息的来源是真实的?", "answers": ["对称加密", "公钥加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个是智能合约漏洞案例中的常见问题?", "answers": ["合约执行速度过慢", "合约代码过于复杂", "合约中的逻辑错误", "合约使用过时的编程语言"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术有助于确保数据在传输过程中的加密,从而防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "端到端加密", "安全审计日志", "隐私合规性框架"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止在电子邮件中传输的敏感信息被中间人窃取?", "answers": ["端到端加密", "SSL\\/TLS证书", "数字签名", "IPsec隧道"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在进行数据治理的过程中,以下哪项措施最直接地关联到隐私保护和风险管理?", "answers": ["定期进行数据质量审计", "实施数据加密和匿名化技术", "建立数据生命周期管理流程", "优化数据存储硬件设施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "为了防御区块链网络中的双花攻击,以下哪种策略是最有效的?", "answers": ["增加区块大小", "采用更复杂的加密算法", "实施硬分叉", "提高网络的共识机制安全性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在加密过程中,必须用到的三个主要元素是( )", "answers": ["所传输的信息(明文)", "加密 钥匙(Encryption Key )", "加密函数", "传输信道"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据分析技术最适合用于识别潜在的恶意行为模式?", "answers": ["描述性统计分析", "预测性分析", "关联规则学习", "聚类分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据隐私保护中,以下哪种技术手段最适用于保护个人数据不被未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据备份", "数据脱敏", "数据压缩", "数据归档"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据库事务日志中,以下哪个操作通常用于撤销未完成事务的影响?", "answers": ["提交", "回滚", "检查点", "恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据加密方法最适合在移动设备上保护敏感用户数据?", "answers": ["AES-128", "RSA-1024", "DES", "SHA-256"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在区块链网络中,双重支付攻击是指什么?", "answers": ["在同一时间向两个不同的接收方发送相同数量的加密货币", "在不同时间向两个相同的接收方发送不同数量的加密货币", "在同一时间向两个相同的接收方发送不同数量的加密货币", "在不同时间向两个不同的接收方发送相同数量的加密货币"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What would you be looking for with the filetype:txt\n\nAdministrator:500: Google query?", "answers": ["Text files owned by the administrator", "Administrator login from file", "Text files including the text Administrator:500:", "500 administrator files with text"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于创建消息的数字签名,以确保其完整性和来源的真实性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名(使用非对称加密)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在确保跨境数据传输安全时,以下哪种协议最常用于加密数据传输?", "answers": ["FTP", "HTTP", "TLS (Transport Layer Security)", "POP3"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施最直接地有助于保护敏感个人信息免受未经授权的访问?", "answers": ["实施多因素身份验证", "对所有网络流量进行加密", "定期进行数据备份", "在数据库中删除不再需要的个人数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据备份与恢复策略中,以下哪种方法最能确保在灾难恢复时数据的完整性和一致性?", "answers": ["增量备份", "差异备份", "热备份", "全量备份加定期快照"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "关于 SQL Server 2000 中的 SQL 账号、角色,下面说法正确的是: ( )", "answers": ["PUBLIC,guest 为缺省的账号", "guest不能从 master 数据库清除", "可以通过删除 guest账号的角色,从而消弱 guest 可能带来的安全隐患", "SQL Server 角色的权限是不可以修改的"], "label": "ABC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "若A给B发送一封邮件,并想让B能验证邮件是由A发出的,则A应该选用________对邮件加密。", "answers": ["A的公钥", "A的私钥", "B的公钥", "B的私钥"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following can be used to deal with statistical inference in databases? ( )", "answers": ["information flow control", "Shared Resource Matrix", "query control", "indirect access"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数字证书中,哪个实体负责验证证书申请者的身份?", "answers": ["客户端", "服务器", "证书颁发机构(CA)", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术主要应用于保护电子邮件的隐私?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)", "AES(高级加密标准)", "RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a common backup method?", "answers": ["Full backup method", "Daily backup method", "Incremental backup method", "Differential backup method"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护电子邮件传输过程中的数据安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "流加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可以有效保护存储在主机上的敏感数据?", "answers": ["应用防火墙", "数据加密方法", "入侵检测系统", "增加带宽以提高性能"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法是防止数据丢失的有效策略?", "answers": ["实施数据脱敏", "启用多因素认证", "定期进行数据备份并测试恢复过程", "执行合规性审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是确保个人信息安全传输的关键?", "answers": ["使用未经验证的公共Wi-Fi传输", "对个人信息进行加密传输", "通过电子邮件发送包含敏感信息的文件", "未经用户同意,将信息存储在云服务器上"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a symmetric encryption algorithm?", "answers": ["RSA", "Elliptic Curve", "RC5", "El Gamal"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "OraclE When connecting to a remote database or other service, you can specify the network service name, Oracle9i supports 5 naming methods, please select the wrong option. ( )", "answers": ["Local naming and directory naming", "OraclE names (OraclENames)", "Host naming and external naming", "DNS and internal naming"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which backup method is used if backup time is critical and tape space is at an extreme premium?", "answers": ["Incremental backup method.", "Differential backup method.", "Full backup method.", "Tape backup method."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法最适合用于存储大量敏感数据,如信用卡号?", "answers": ["MD5(消息摘要函数5)", "AES(高级加密标准)", "RSA(公钥加密技术)", "SHA-1��安全散列算法1)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术在公钥基础设施(PKI)中用于验证数字证书的合法性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在进行数据风险评估时,以下哪项因素通常不被考虑?", "answers": ["数据的价值和敏感性", "数据处理活动的合规性", "数据处理者的财务状况", "数据泄露可能造成的后果"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最能确保电子邮件的安全?", "answers": ["打开所有附件,即使来自未知发件人", "仅在使用加密连接时发送敏感信息", "回复要求提供个人详细信息的电子邮件", "在不检查发件人地址的情况下点击链接"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据跨境传输中,哪种传输安全机制主要用于加密数据以保护隐私?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "数据最小化原则", "数据生命周期管理", "双因素认证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What is called the number of columns in a table?", "answers": ["Schema", "Relation", "Degree", "Cardinality"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在制定数据防泄露策略时,以下哪种技术最适用于保护传输中的数据?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据脱敏", "数据备份", "数据分类"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据恢复过程中,以下哪种做法最可能导致证据的法律合规性受到质疑?", "answers": ["使用专业的数据恢复工具", "在没有法律授权的情况下恢复被删除的文件", "记录恢复过程的详细日志", "在恢复过程中避免修改原始存储介质上的数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数据加密在防范钓鱼攻击中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改", "自动检测并阻止所有钓鱼邮件", "提供用户行为的实时监控", "完全阻止钓鱼攻击的发生"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "IDEA密钥长度为( )位。", "answers": ["32", "48", "64", "128"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following methods is not effective in preventing SQL entry attacks ( )?", "answers": ["Complete input checking of inputs from clients", "Replacing SQL statements with stored procedures, precompiled statements, or using ADO command objects", "Using SiteKey Technology", "Shut down the database server or don't use the database"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码学应用可以防止黑客通过中间人攻击窃取用户登录凭据?", "answers": ["哈希函数", "数字签名", "SSL\\/TLS协议", "对称加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Question: A credit card with the last few numbers visible is an example of what?\n=======", "answers": ["Masking data", "Synthetic data", "Sighting controls.", "Partial encryption"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following best describes an application of cryptography to protect data at rest?", "answers": ["VPN", "Degaussing", "Whole-disk encryption", "Up-to-date antivirus software"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密通信协议最常用于保护移动设备上的数据传输?", "answers": ["Transport Layer Security(TLS)", "IPsec(Internet Protocol Security)", "WPA3(Wi-Fi Protected Access 3)", "PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which algorithm is used to achieve confidentiality?", "answers": ["RSA", "DES", "SHA-1", "AES"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "关于祖冲之算法的安全性分析不正确的是( )。", "answers": ["祖冲之算法输出序列的随机性好,周期足够大", "祖冲之算法的输出具有良好的线性、混淆特性和扩散特性", "祖冲之算法可以抵抗已知的序列密码分析方法", "祖冲之算法可以抵抗弱密分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知���记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "分组密码可以按不同的模式工作,实际应用的环境不同应采用不同的工作模式。以下关于电码本模式(ECB),说法不正确的是( )。", "answers": ["ECB要求数据的长度是密码分组长度的整数倍,否则最后一个数据块将是短块,这时需要特殊处理。", "ECB方式是容易暴露明文的数据模式。", "ECB间接利用分组密码对明文的各分组进行加密", "电码本方式是分组密码的基本工作模式"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数据库的安全很复杂,往往需要考虑多种安全策略,才可以更好地保护数据库的安全。以下关于数据库常用的安全策略理解不正确的是()。", "answers": ["粒度最小策略,将数据库中的数据项进行划分,粒度越小,安全级别越高,在实际中需要选择最小粒度", "最小特权原则,是让用户可以合法的存取或修改数据库的前提下,分配最小的特权,使得这些信息恰好能够完成用户的工作", "按内容存取控制策略,不同权限的用户访问数据库的不同部分", "最大共享策略,在保证数据库的完整性、保密性和可用性的前提下,最大程度地共享数据库中的信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在智能合约的开发中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止重入攻击?", "answers": ["使用随机数作为函数调用参数", "在合约中使用多重签名机制", "使用检查-生效-交互(Checks-Effects-Interactions)模式", "增加合约的gas限制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Merchants who accept credit card payments can avoid some of the compliance burdenfor the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) by outsourcing thetokenization function to .", "answers": ["A third party", "The data owner", "The data subject", "The PCI Security Standards Council"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在对 SQL Server 2000 的相关文件、目录进行安全配置时,下面可以采用的措施是:( )", "answers": ["删除缺省安装时的例子样本库", "将存放数据的库文件,配置权限为 administrators 组、 system 和启动 SQL Server 服务的用户账号及 DBA组具有完全控制权限", "对 SQL Server 安装目录,去除 everyonE的所有控制权限", "将数据库数据相关的文件,保存在非系统盘的 NTFS 独立分区"], "label": "ABCD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码学防护方法最适合保护敏感数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["消息认证码(MAC)", "数字签名", "端到端加密", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在区块链隐私保护技术中,以下哪种技术用于隐藏交易的发送者和接收者?", "answers": ["零知识证明(ZKP)", "环签名(Ring Signature)", "同态加密(Homomorphic Encryption)", "混币服务(CoinJoin)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在非对称加密体系中,以下哪个组件用于加密数据?", "answers": ["公钥", "私钥", "哈希值", "数字证书"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The AES key length cannot be ( ).", "answers": ["128-bit", "192 bits", "256-bit", "512-bit"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "“进不来” “拿不走” “看不懂” “改不了” “走不脱”是网络信息安全建设的目的。其中,“看不懂”是指下面那种安全服务:", "answers": ["数据加密", "身份认证", "数据完整性", "访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following refers to the data left on the media after the media has been erased?", "answers": ["remanence", "recovery", "sticky bits", "semi-hidden"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于验证电子邮件中发送人的身份,防止钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数据备份策略中,以下哪种备份方式提供了最高级别的数据保护?", "answers": ["完全备份", "增量备份", "差异备份", "镜像备份"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "A hash function can map any finite length information to a fixed length value. Which of the following is not a property satisfied by a secure hash function ()", "answers": ["unidirectionality", "bi-directionality", "weak collision resistance", "high impact resistance"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在公钥加密中,非对称密钥的长度通常比对称密钥的长度更:", "answers": ["短", "长", "相同", "不确定"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据处理过程中,以下哪种做法最有助于确保数据安全?", "answers": ["使用不经常更新的密码策略。", "对所有数据进行实时加密。", "允许所有员工访问所有数据,以促进协作。", "依赖单一的备份策略,不进行冗余备份。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在取证分析中,以下哪种方法用于恢复已删除或损坏的数据?", "answers": ["磁盘镜像", "日志分析", "数据恢复软件", "网络流量分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What type of database software integrity service guarantees that tuples are uniquely identified by primary key values?", "answers": ["Concurrent integrity", "Referential integrity", "Entity integrity", "Semantic integrity"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "移位密码的加密对象为英文字母,移位密码采用对明文消息的每一个英文字母向前推移固定key位的方式实现加密。设key=6,则明文“SEC”对应的密文为()", "answers": ["YKI", "ZLI", "XJG", "MYW"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "区块链技术在PC安全中的应用主要体现在以下哪个方面?", "answers": ["防止DDoS攻击", "提高数据传输速度", "增强数据不可篡改性", "减少硬件资源消耗"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,以下哪种技术可以防止数据被篡改并确保其完整性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "隐私权保护策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Question: In order to prevent others from identifying an individual within a data set, privacy engineers use a cryptographically-secure hashing algorithm. Use of hashes in this way illustrates the privacy tactic known as what?\n=======", "answers": ["Isolation.", "Obfuscation.", "Perturbation.", "Stripping."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "当组织需要极小粒度的数据恢复点(在恢复点目标中定义)时,以下哪种备份方法最适合?", "answers": ["虚拟磁带库。", "基于磁盘的快照。", "连续备份数据。", "磁盘到磁带备份。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在隐私合规中,哪项措施主要用于确保只有授权用户可以访问特定的敏感信息?", "answers": ["数据加密", "访问控制", "隐私影响评估", "数据最小化原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种区块链应用案例主要依赖于智能合约来执行自动化的金融交易?", "answers": ["去中心化身份验证", "供应链追踪", "去中心化金融(DeFi)", "数字版权管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The integrity of data is not related to which of the following?", "answers": ["Unauthorized manipulation or changes to data", "The modification of data without authorization", "The intentional or accidental substitution of data", "The extraction of data to share with unauthorized entities"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "密码体制是一种代表性的古典密码算法,在凯撒密码体制中,设置密钥参数 k = 3,依次对密文“zhonggguo”进行加密,则相应的密文为()", "answers": ["ckrqjjxr", "cdrqjjxr", "Akrqjjxr", "Ckrqiixr"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What does PGP use to verify identity?", "answers": ["Central authority", "Web of users", "Web of trust", "Central trust authority"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What does the simple integrity axiom mean in the Biba model?", "answers": ["No write down", "No read down", "No read up", "No write up"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Data in use is commonly", "answers": ["Using a RESTful protocol for transmission", "Stored in registers", "Being transmitted across the network", "Stored in external storage devices"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "散列函数", "数字签名"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "In addition to having it for business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) purposes,data archiving might also be useful for .", "answers": ["Ensuring profitability", "Increasing performance", "Motivating users", "Correcting accidental errors"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,用于保护用户数据安全的常用加密算法是?", "answers": ["AES(对称加密)", "RSA(非对称加密)", "SHA-256(哈希函数)", "OAuth(认证协议)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following tools is used to attack the Digital Watermarking?", "answers": ["Steg-Only Attack", "Active Attacks", "2Mosaic", "Gifshuffle"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "犹豫不断提高的计算机性能,对加密密钥的暴力攻击也在不断增加。以下哪一项通常被认为是对暴力密码攻击的很好保护?", "answers": ["什么也不能抵御暴力密钥攻击", "对暴力密钥攻击免疫的算法", "采用良好的密钥生成器", "采用会话密钥。"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恢复策略最适合处理短期的、影响特定应用程序的中断?", "answers": ["热站点恢复", "冷站点恢复", "温站点恢复", "云恢复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种权限管理策略可以防止未经授权的用户访问敏感数据?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "数据加密", "角色基础的访问控制(RBAC)", "IP地址白名单"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "下列哪一项是确保MySQL数据库安全性的办法?", "answers": ["经常使用root账户进行数据库操作", "使用弱密码,以便记忆", "定期更新MySQL版本,并安装安全补丁", "允许所有用户对数据库有完全访问权限"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is PRIMARILY adopted for ensuring the integrity of information is preserved?", "answers": ["Data at rest protection", "Transport Layer Security (TLS)", "Role Based Access Control (RBAC)", "One-way encryption"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在加密技术中,对称加密和非对称加密的主要区别是什么?", "answers": ["对称加密使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密,而非对称加密使用一对密钥:公钥和私钥", "对称加密速度慢,非对称加密速度快", "对称加密更安全,非对称加密安全性较低", "对称加密用于数据传输,非对称加密用于数据存储"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在密钥管理中,以下哪种做法可以有效防止密钥泄露导致的数据安全风险?", "answers": ["定期更换密钥,但不备份", "使用单一密钥加密所有数据", "实施密钥分段和权限控制", "依赖云服务提供商管理所有密钥"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个说法关于数字证书是错误的?", "answers": ["数字证书由证书颁发机构(CA)签发", "数字证书包含公钥和私钥", "数字证书用于验证网络实体的身份", "证书撤销列表(CRL)用于检查证书是否已被撤销"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "DLP can be combined with what other security technology to enhance data controls?", "answers": ["DRM", "Hypervisor", "SIEM", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the best action to apply to personally identifiable data when the retention period ends?", "answers": ["Hashing", "Pseudonymization", "Tagging.", "Deletion"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "RSA算法建立的理论基础是( )。", "answers": ["DES", "替代想组合", "大数分解和���数检测", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["威胁模型", "入侵检测系统", "加密通信", "主机防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能触发数据安全保护的合规问题?", "answers": ["对存储的个人信息进行加密,并定期更新加密算法", "在数据泄露发生后24小时内通知受影响的数据主体", "在未进行安全评估的情况下更新数据处理系统", "设立专门的数据保护官,负责监督个人信息处理活动"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种证书认证是由权威的第三方机构签发,用于验证网站身份的?", "answers": ["自签名证书", "商业证书", "内部证书", "根证书"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据备份策略中,以下哪种策略可以最大限度地减少数据丢失的风险?", "answers": ["定期完全备份", "定期增量备份", "定期差异备份", "3-2-1备份规则"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于保护在线购物时的信用卡信息,防止数据在传输过程中被窃取?", "answers": ["防火墙", "SSL\\\\/TLS 加密", "多因素身份验证", "数据加密存储"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "关于密码破解技术,以下哪种说法是错误的?", "answers": ["暴力破解通过尝试所有可能的密码组合来解密", "字典攻击使用预定义的词汇列表来破解密码", "彩虹表是一种预先计算好的哈希值对照表,用于快速破解哈希密码", "所有密码破解技术都能保证成功解密任何密码"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下属于加密技术可以用来保护电子邮件内容和附件的是?", "answers": ["密文加密", "强加密", "非对称加密", "对称加密"], "label": "CD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Many approaches to Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) are used to identify valid and useful patterns in data. This is an evolving eld ofstudy that includes a variety of automated analysis solutions such as Data Mining. Which of the following is not an approach used by KDD?", "answers": ["Probabilistic", "Oriented", "Deviation", "Classication"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Cookie 为客户端持久保持数据提供了方便,但也存在一定的弊端。下列选项中,不属于 Cookie 弊端的是()。", "answers": ["增加流量消耗", "明文传物,存在安全性隐患", "存在敏感信息泄露风险", "保存访问站点的缓存数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法最符合电子邮件数据保护的最佳实践?", "answers": ["使用不加密的SMTP发送敏感信息。", "定期更改电子邮件服务的密码,并启用两步验证。", "在邮件正文中包含敏感的个人数据,如社会安全号。", "将所有电子邮件存档,永不删除,以备后续查证。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "With SQL Relational databases where is the actual data stored?", "answers": ["Views", "Tables", "Schemas and sub-schemas", "Index-sequential tables"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据备份中,以下哪种策略可以最小化数据丢失的风险,但同时增加了备份的复杂性?", "answers": ["定期完全备份", "定期增量备份", "定期差异备份", "实时备份"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "ECB指的是( )。", "answers": ["密文链接模式", "密文反馈模式", "输出反馈模式", "电码本模式"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Classification is usually considered a facet of data .", "answers": ["Security", "Labeling", "Control", "Markup"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Cryptography does not concern itself with:\n密码学本身并不关注:", "answers": ["Availability 可用性", "Integrity 完整性", "Confidentiality 机密性", "Authenticity 真实性"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项技术不属于隐私保护技术?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据匿名化", "数据备份", "差分隐私"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "海明码(hamming code)是一种 ( ) 。", "answers": ["纠错码", "检错码", "语音编码", "压缩编码"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全中,哪项措施可以防止钓鱼攻击并验证发件人身份?", "answers": ["使用SPF记录验证发送服务器", "禁用电子邮件的HTML格式", "仅查看邮件的发件人姓名,不看电子邮件地址", "依赖邮件中的图片验证码"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于验证电子邮件中的消息未被篡改?", "answers": ["对称加密,如3DES", "非对称加密,如RSA", "哈希函数,如SHA-1", "密钥管理,如PKI"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "为了提高操作系统的安全性,以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护存储在硬盘上的敏感数据?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "全盘加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Question: SCENARIO\nPlease use the following to answer next question:\nEnsureClaim is developing a mobile app platform for managing data used for assessing car accident insurance claims. Individuals use the app to take pictures at the crash site, eliminating the need for a built-in vehicle camer\n=======", "answers": ["EnsureClaim uses a third-party hosting provider to store data collected by the app. EnsureClaim customer service employees also receive and review app data before sharing with insurance claim adjusters.\nThe app collects the following information:\nFirst and last name\nDate of birth (DOB)\nMailing address\nEmail address\nCar VIN number\nCar model\nLicense plate\nInsurance card number\nPhoto\nVehicle diagnostics\nGeolocation\nAll of the following technical measures can be implemented by EnsureClaim to protect personal information that is accessible by third-parties EXCEPT?", "Encryption.", "Access Controls.", "De-identification."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在处理敏感用户信息时,以下哪种做法最能体现数据最小化原则?", "answers": ["收集并存储所有可能需要的用户信息,以备未来使用", "仅收集完成特定服务所必需的最少用户信息", "在用户同意的情况下,收集并分享他们的数据给第三方", "保留用户数据直至法律要求删除,即使不再需要提供服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在基于 Web 的电子商务应用中,访问存储于数据库中的业务对象的常用方式之一是()。", "answers": ["JDBC", "XML", "CGI", "COM"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在实施数据安全措施时,以下哪项不是推荐的实践?", "answers": ["定期进行数据安全风险评估", "对所有数据进行加密处理,无论其敏感性", "建立应急响应计划以应对数据安全事件", "对员工进行数据保护意识培训"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于保护用户的私钥,使得即使服务器被攻破,用户的私钥也不会泄露?", "answers": ["证书授权中心(CA)", "非对称加密", "密钥托管", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码学技术可以用于隐藏消息的实际内容,但不提供身份验证?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以允许Alice向Bob证明她知道一个秘密,而无需透露该秘密?", "answers": ["对称加密算法", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "零知识证明"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护存储在云服务器上的敏感个人数据?", "answers": ["对称密钥加密(如AES)", "非对称密钥加密(如RSA)", "哈希函数(如SHA-256)", "消息认证码(如HMAC)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What are the components of an object's sensitivity label?", "answers": ["A Classification Set and a single Compartment.", "A single classification and a single compartment.", "A Classification Set and user credentials.", "A single classification and a Compartment Set."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "哈希函数的主要特点是?", "answers": ["可逆性", "不可逆性", "对称性", "非对称性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT considered a type of data loss?", "answers": ["Data corruption", "Stolen by hackers", "Accidental deletion", "Lost or destroyed encryption keys"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Why is deleting a file or object insufficient for secure sanitization purposes?", "answers": ["Drives and disks must be demagnetized for true secure destruction.", "Physical destruction is the only acceptable method of secure sanitization.", "Deletion usually only removes pointers or indicators of file location.", "Only administrators should be allowed to delete files or objects."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在灾难恢复计划中,以下哪项不是数据备份的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["备份数据的加密", "备份数据的异地存储", "备份数据的版本控制", "备份数据的定期删除"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据跨境传输中,以下哪种加密技术被认为是最安全的?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "流加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是散列函数的特点?", "answers": ["固定输出长度", "可逆性", "抗碰撞性", "输入敏感性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在处理个人信息时,以下哪种做法最能体现数据最小化原则?", "answers": ["收集并存储所有可能需要的个人信息", "只收集完成特定服务所必需的最少个人信息", "保留个人信息直到不再需要,即使超过合同期限", "在用户未明确反对时,将个人信息用于其他目的"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The following selections are not part of the database security model ( ).", "answers": ["Autonomous safety model", "Mandatory safety model", "Role-based modeling", "Access Control Matrix"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在对称加密算法中,以下哪种密钥管理方式最安全?", "answers": ["单密钥管理", "双密钥管理", "密钥分发中心管理", "密钥托管管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据备份与恢复策略中,以下哪种做法最符合合规性要求?", "answers": ["定期备份所有数据,但不进行数据加密", "仅备份关键数据,且备份数据加密", "备份数据时使用弱加密算法,以加快备份速度", "不进行定期备份,仅在系统崩溃时进行即时备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following tools might be useful in data discovery efforts that are based oncontent analysis?", "answers": ["Egress monitoring solutions", "Digital rights management (DRM)", "iSCSI", "Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数据库安全策略中,以下哪项措施有助于保护敏感数据不被未授权访问?", "answers": ["定期进行数据库备份", "实施数据加密", "增加数据库的存储空间", "优化数据库查询性能"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在PKI中,如果一个证书被发现存在安全风险,通常会通过哪个机制来通知系统用户?", "answers": ["公钥", "私钥", "证书颁发机构(CA)", "证书撤销列表(CRL)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种备份策略可以提供最短的恢复时间,即使在数据丢失后也能快速恢复业务?", "answers": ["增量备份", "差异备份", "完整备份配合同步复制", "完整备份配合同步备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "SM2算法是国家密码管理局于2010年12月17日发布的椭圆曲线公钥密码算法,在我们国家商用密码体系中被用来替换( )算法。", "answers": ["DES", "MD5", "RSA", "IDEA"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于验证数据的完整性,但不涉及身份验证?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "DES outputs a 64-bit ciphertext after ( ) rounds of arithmetic, where the left and right parts are combined in an end substitution. ( )", "answers": ["16", "8", "32", "4"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT one of the main intended goals of a DLP solution?", "answers": ["Showing due diligence", "Preventing malicious insiders", "Regulatory compliance", "Managing and minimizing risk"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在保护用户隐私的隐私保护策略中,哪种技术可以确保数据在传输过程中不被篡改且能验证发送者的身份?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "数字签名", "零知识证明"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为符合隐私保护的最佳实践?", "answers": ["收集用户敏感信息后,无限期保存以备后续使用", "在收集用户数据时,明确告知用户数据的收集目的、使用方式和存储期限", "在用户未明确同意的情况下,与第三方共享用户数据", "使用用户数据进行自动化决策,且不提供人工干预的机会"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术在移动设备中用于保护无线通信的安全?", "answers": ["AES(高级加密标准)", "RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)", "DES(数据加密标准)", "SHA-256(安全哈希算法)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "某信息系统审计师已发现,员工们在通过电子邮件将敏感的公司信息发送到基于 Web 的公共电子邮件域。对信息系统审计师而言,以下哪一项建议是最佳补救措施?", "answers": ["加密邮件账户。", "培训和加强安全意识。", "活动监测。", "数据丢失防护。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "下列选项中,同属于报文摘要算法的是( )。", "answers": ["DES 和 MD5", "MD5 和 SHA-1", "RSA 和 SHA-1", "DES 和 RSA"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在区块链隐私保护中,哪种技术允许一方证明他们知道某个信息,而无需透露该信息本身?", "answers": ["同态加密", "匿名性", "混币技术", "零知识证明"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在区块链隐私保护中,零知识证明主要用于哪个方面?", "answers": ["隐藏交易金额", "验证用户身份而不泄露信息", "防止双重支付", "提高交易速度"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,数据加密对于保护用户隐私至关重要。以下哪种加密策略最能确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["使用AES加密,但不使用SSL\\\\/TLS", "使用DES加密,并通过SSL\\\\/TLS传输", "使用AES加密,并通过SSL\\\\/TLS传输", "使用RSA加密,但不使用SSL\\\\/TLS"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据加密技术中,以下哪种算法使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密?", "answers": ["RSA", "AES", "Diffie-Hellman", "SHA-256"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术有助于防止未经授权的用户访问敏感数据?", "answers": ["漏洞扫描和管理", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "网络流量分析", "数据混淆"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "甲和乙要进行通信,甲对发送的消息附加了数字签名,乙收到该消息后利用( )验证该消息的真实性。", "answers": ["甲的公钥", "甲的私钥", "乙的公钥", "乙的私钥"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以增强跨境数据传输的安全性,符合法规要求?", "answers": ["使用SSL\\\\/TLS协议进行数据加密", "仅依赖源和目标系统的防火墙保护", "在传输过程中不进行任何加密,依赖网络层的安全性", "依赖数据的物理位置,而非传输过程中的安全措施"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法最适合用于保护个人电脑上的敏感文件,以防止未经授���的访问?", "answers": ["MD5(Message-Digest Algorithm 5)", "AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)", "RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)", "SHA-1(Secure Hash Algorithm 1)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全机制用于确保数据在传输过程中的保密性?", "answers": ["加密与认证机制", "访问控制列表(ACLs)", "输入验证", "数据库的备份与恢复策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "A company seizes a mobile device suspected of being used in committing fraud. What would be the BEST method used by a forensic examiner toisolate the powered-on device from the network and preserve the evidence?", "answers": ["Put the device in airplane mode", "Suspend the account with the telecommunication provider", "Remove the SIM card", "Turn the device off"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在个人信息处理过程中,以下哪项措施不符合数据安全的要求?", "answers": ["对个人信息进行加密存储", "定期对个人信息进行备份", "未经授权访问个人信息", "对个人信息处理活动进行审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为是企业确保数据隐私权的有效做法?", "answers": ["使用加密技术保护存储的个人信息", "在用户不知情的情况下与第三方共享数据", "设置过期机制,自动删除不再需要的个人信息", "在处理敏感个人信息时,不采取额外的安全措施"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种备份方式在存储空间效率方面最不经济?", "answers": ["增量备份", "全量备份", "差异备份", "灾备策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "所谓个人位置隐私,是指由于服务或系统需要用户提供自身的\"身份,位置,时间\"三元组信息而导致的用户隐私泄露问题。( )是指在移动用户和位置服务提供商之间设置一个可信第三方匿名服务器,因此也被称为可信第三方体系结构。", "answers": ["集中式体系结构", "客户\\\\/服务器体系结构", "B\\\\/S体系结构", "分布式体系结构"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于保护在传输过程中的个人信息?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "AES加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following can be best defined as computing techniques for inseparably embedding unobtrusive marks or labels as bits in digital dataand for detecting or extracting the marks later?", "answers": ["Steganography", "Digital watermarking", "Digital enveloping", "Digital signature"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据泄露响应机制中,以下哪项不是立即采取的行动?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的系统", "通知所有受影响的个人", "启动应急响应团队", "评估数据泄露的范围和影响"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法被广泛用于保护网络通信的机密性,特别是在无线网络中?", "answers": ["RSA", "AES", "DES", "SHA-256"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在实现以下哪项的过程中,私钥和公钥的使用至关重要?", "answers": ["Diffie-Hellman算法", "安全套接字层 (SSL)", "高级加密标准 (AES)", "信息摘要5 (MD5)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "移动应用在处理用户数据时,以下哪种行为违反了合规监管要求?", "answers": ["在用户同意的情况下收集位置信息", "未经用户同意将数据用于广告定向", "使用数据加密技术保护数据安全", "定期更新隐私政策以反映数据处理实践"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是防止数据泄露的有效策略?", "answers": ["仅对高级员工实施数据加密", "对所有敏感数据实施端到端加密", "依赖默认的隐私设置保护用户数据", "减少数据收集,但不进行数据安全培训"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据库访问控制中,以下哪种模型提供了最细粒度的权限控制?", "answers": ["自主访问控制(DAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "DES performs how many rounds of transposition/permutation and substitution?", "answers": ["16", "32", "64", "56"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "电子商务系统除了面临一般的信息系统所涉及的安全威胁之外,更容易成为黑客分子的攻击目标,其安全性需求普遍高于一般的信息系统,电子商务系统中的信息安全需求不包括()", "answers": ["交易的真实性", "交易的保密性和完整性", "交易的可撤销性", "交易的不可抵赖性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止ISP(互联网服务提供商)查看用户的浏览历史?", "answers": ["HTTPS", "VPNs(虚拟私人网络)", "Cookie清除工具", "浏览器隐私模式"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following best describes how a digital signature is created?", "answers": ["The sender encrypts a message digest with his private key.", "The sender encrypts a message digest with his public key.", "The receiver encrypts a message digest with his private key.", "The receiver encrypts a message digest with his public key."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在处理涉及个人健康信息的应用程序时,以下哪项合规要求最相关?", "answers": ["HIPAA(美国健康保险可移植性和责任法案)", "SOX(萨班斯-奥克斯利法案)", "PCI DSS(支付卡行业数据安全标准)", "FISMA(联邦信息安全管理法案)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在使用PGP加密电子邮件时,以下哪个操作是必要的以确保收件人能够解密邮件?", "answers": ["获取收件人的公钥", "使用自己的私钥签名邮件", "将邮件内容进行哈希计算", "使用收件人的私钥加密邮件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在收集个人信息时,以下哪项不是数据收集原则之一?", "answers": ["合法性、合规性", "准确性、完整性", "可追溯性、可审计性", "最大化、全面性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following would be the BEST criterion to consider in determining the classication of an information asset?", "answers": ["Value", "Age", "Useful life", "Personal association"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据防泄露策略中,以下哪项技术主要用于保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据脱敏", "数据备份", "数据分类"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护移动设备上的敏感数据,确保即使设备丢失或被盗,数据也无法被未授权的人员访问?", "answers": ["AES-128", "WEP", "SSL", "WPA2-PSK"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据安全保护中,以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护传输中的数据?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "混合加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在构建隐私保护框架时,以下哪项措施对于防止未授权访问至关重要?", "answers": ["数据加密", "匿名化处理", "访问控制策略", "数据备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术在公钥基础设施(PKI)中用于验证数字证书的完整性并确认证书发行者的身份?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "根据中国《网络安全法》,以下哪项不是数据备份的主要目的?", "answers": ["确保数据的完整性", "防止数据泄露", "保障业务的连续性", "满足合规性要求"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于验证发送者身份并确保消息未被篡改?", "answers": ["对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名", "公钥基础设施(PKI)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在构建合规框架时,以下哪项是评估数据��理活动合规性的关键要素?", "answers": ["数据处理者的主观意愿", "数据处理活动的经济效益", "数据处理活动的透明度和可追溯性", "数据处理者的市场地位"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种取证技术主要用于恢复已删除或格式化的电子证据?", "answers": ["内存取证", "网络嗅探", "磁盘克隆", "聊天记录分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not included in the certificate? ( )", "answers": ["Algorithm adopted for the key", "public key and its parameters", "Private key and its parameters", "Name of the CA that issued the certificate"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在智能合约的安全原则中,以下哪项是确保合约不可变性的关键?", "answers": ["使用多重签名机制", "限制合约的调用次数", "合约代码的不可修改性", "定期更新合约版本"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The following measures can be used when configuring security for SQL Server 2000 related files and directories: ( )", "answers": ["Remove the sample library of examples from the default installation", "Configure the permissions of the library file where the data is stored to be under full control of the administrators group, system, and the user account and DBA group that started the SQL Server service.", "Remove all control permissions from everyonE for the SQL Server installation directory.", "Save database data-related files to a separate NTFS partition on a non-system disk."], "label": "ABCD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪一项最有效地防止电子邮件欺骗?", "answers": ["加密签名", "垃圾邮件过滤", "统一资源定位符URL过滤", "反向DNS查询"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件系统中,哪种机制有助于确保即使服务器故障也能恢复邮件?", "answers": ["垃圾邮件过滤", "热备援援配置", "身份验证机制", "定期备份与恢复策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following best describes an application of cryptography to protect data at rest?", "answers": ["VPN", "Degaussing", "Whole-disk encryption", "Up-to-date antivirus software"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据加密中,哪种加密方式提供了最佳的安全性,但可能牺牲了性能?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "流加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)加密软件中,哪个密钥用于加密从发送者到接收者的邮件?", "answers": ["发送者的公钥", "发送者的私钥", "接收者的公钥", "接收者的私钥"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议最适用于保护移动设备上的敏感数据传输?", "answers": ["WPA3", "TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "IPSec", "SSH(Secure Shell)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Where is a DLP solution generally installed when utilized for monitoring data in transit?", "answers": ["Network perimeter", "Database server", "Application server", "Web server"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护大量数据的存储安全,即使数据被窃取,也难以解密?", "answers": ["对称加密(如AES)", "非对称加密(如RSA)", "哈希函数(如SHA-256)", "消息认证码(如HMAC)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "安全审计在数据库安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["用于数据库的性能监控", "用于数据库的备份和恢复", "用于记录和检查数据库操作,以检测和防止安全威胁", "用于数据库的索引优化"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据加密中,以下哪种加密算法通常用于保护大量数据的传输安全?", "answers": ["AES(高级加密标准)", "RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)", "SHA-256(安全哈希算法)", "DES(数据加密标准)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据恢复技术中,以下哪种方法最适合处理硬盘物理损坏的情况?", "answers": ["数据备份还原", "磁盘克隆", "RAID阵列重建", "专业硬件修复工具"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在处理用户数据时,以下哪项不是有效的数据安全措施?", "answers": ["使用强加密算法", "定期备份数据", "依赖单一的加密密钥", "实施多因素身份验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在密钥管理中,以下哪个过程涉及到将私钥安全地分发给预期的接收者?", "answers": ["密钥生成", "密钥分发", "密钥存储", "密钥撤销"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在加密通信中,确保数据在传输过程中不被篡改的重要技术是?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "哈希函数", "入侵检测系统", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The primary purpose for using one-way hashing of user passwords within a password file is which of the following?", "answers": ["It prevents an unauthorized person from trying multiple passwords in one logon attempt.", "It prevents an unauthorized person from reading the password.", "It minimizes the amount of storage required for user passwords.", "It minimizes the amount of processing time used for encrypting passwords."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术可以用于快速加密大量数据,但安全性相对较低?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "下列对于密钥生命周期的说法,错误的是:", "answers": ["密钥生命周期越长,其泄露的机会越大", "密钥超过生命周期后就失去了价值,可以公开", "密钥生命周期应该同密钥保护数据的价值联系起来", "公钥密码体制中的公钥-私钥对应该定期更换"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议可以用于加密电子邮件,以符合GDPR的数据隐私要求?", "answers": ["TLS (Transport Layer Security)", "PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)", "SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)", "HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "SCENARIO -Please use the following to answer the next question:Chuck, a compliance auditor for a consulting firm focusing on healthcare clients, was required to travel to the client's office to perform an onsitereview of the client's operations. He rented a car from Finley Motors upon arrival at the airport as so he could commute to and from the client'soffice. The car rental agreement was electronically signed by Chuck and included his name, address, driver's license, make/model of the car,billing rate, and additional details describing the rental transaction. On the second night, Chuck was caught by a red light camera not stopping atan intersection on his way to dinner. Chuck returned the car back to the car rental agency at the end week without mentioning the infraction andFinley Motors emailed a copy of the final receipt to the address on file.Local law enforcement later reviewed the red light camera footage. As Finley Motors is the registered owner of the car, a notice was sent to themindicating the infraction and fine incurred. This notice included the license plate number, occurrence date and time, a photograph of the driver, anda web portal link to a video clip of the violation for further review. Finley Motors, however, was not responsible for the violation as they were notdriving the car at the time and transferred the incident to AMP Payment Resources for further review. AMP Payment Resources identified Chuck asthe driver based on the rental agreement he signed when picking up the car and then contacted Chuck directly through a written letter regardingthe infraction to collect the fine.After reviewing the incident through the AMP Payment Resources' web portal, Chuck paid the fine using his personal credit card. Two weeks later,Finley Motors sent Chuck an email promotion offering 10% off a future rental.How can Finley Motors reduce the risk associated with transferring Chuck's personal information to AMP Payment Resources?", "answers": ["By providing only the minimum necessary data to process the violation notice and masking all other information prior to transfer.", "By requesting AMP Payment Resources delete unnecessary datasets and only utilize what is necessary to process the violation notice.", "By obfuscating the minimum necessary data to process the violation notice and require AMP Payment Resources to secure store thepersonal information.", "By transferring all information to separate datafiles and requiring AMP Payment Resources to combine the datasets during processing ofthe violation notice."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于保护用户隐私数据,使其在传输过程中不被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["哈希函数", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "AES加密算法", "零知识证明"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据安全措施中,哪种方法主要用于防止未经授权的第三方访问个人敏感信息?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据脱敏", "数据备份", "数据收集限制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护存储在服务器上的用户密码?", "answers": ["AES-256", "RSA", "哈希函数(如bcrypt或scrypt)", "DES"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施最直接地保护用户在Web应用中的隐私,同时符合GDPR(欧洲通用数据保护条例)的要求?", "answers": ["使用加密技术对用户数据进行存储和传输", "制定详细的隐私政策,明确告知用户数据的收集、使用和分享情况", "实施数据泄露响应策略,以便在数据泄露事件发生时迅速行动", "限制数据收集,仅收集实现应用功能所必需的最少信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a method for enhancing data portability?", "answers": ["Crypto-shredding", "Using standard data formats", "Avoiding proprietary services", "Favorable contract terms"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在公钥加密中,哪个操作是用于加密数据的?", "answers": ["使用公钥解密", "使用私钥解密", "使用公钥加密", "使用私钥加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法对于确保移动设备上的数据备份和恢复策略是最佳的?", "answers": ["定期手动备份到云存储", "启用设备的自动云备份功能", "仅备份到本地存储", "从不备份,依赖出厂设置恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Where is a DLP solution generally installed when utilized for monitoring data in use?", "answers": ["Application server", "Database server", "Network perimeter", "User's client"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Digital rights management (DRM) tools should enforce , which is the capabilityto revoke access based on the decision of the object owner or an administrator action.", "answers": ["Integration with email filtering engines", "Disabling screencap capabilities", "Continuous audit trail", "Dynamic policy control"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which backup type run at regular intervals would take the least time to complete?", "answers": ["Full Backup", "Differential Backup", "Incremental Backup", "Disk Mirroring"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "数字签名与传统手写签名相比,其主要优势是什么?", "answers": ["数字签名更易于复制。", "数字签名可以防止伪造和篡改。", "数字签名需要更少的存储空间。", "数字签名更易于丢失。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种区块链结构有助于提高交易验证的效率并降低能耗?", "answers": ["公有链", "私有链", "联盟链", "分片链"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能触发监管机构对企业的数据安全审计?", "answers": ["企业内部发生重大数据泄露事件", "企业连续多年未发生任何安全事件", "企业主动申请以证明其合规性", "企业完全遵循行业最佳安全实践"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following represents the rows of the table in a relational database?", "answers": ["attributes", "records or tuples", "record retention", "relation"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a property of the Rijndael block cipher algorithm?", "answers": ["The key sizes must be a multiple of 32 bits", "Maximum block size is 256 bits", "Maximum key size is 512 bits", "The key size does not have to match the block size"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在个人信息保护方面,以下哪个案例最具有警示意义?", "answers": ["某公司因未采取有效措施保护个人信息而被罚款", "某社交平台因过度收集用户信息而受到用户抵制", "某电商平台因个人信息泄露事件导致用户信任度下降", "某金融机构因未明确告知信息使用目的而受到监管机构处罚"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "网络监控在数据防泄露中主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止内部员工的恶意行为", "检测外部黑客的入侵", "确保数据传输的加密", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "PGP协议中,如何确保收件人能够正确解密邮件?", "answers": ["收件人使用自己的私钥解密", "收件人使用发件人的公钥解密", "收件人使用一个共享的对称密钥解密", "收件人使用SSL\\/TLS证书解密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,用于保护用户数据安全的常用加密技术是?", "answers": ["对称加密算法,如AES", "非对称加密,如RSA", "哈希函数,如MD5", "OAuth身份验证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在对称加密算法中,以下哪种加密方式的密钥长度最长?", "answers": ["DES", "3DES", "AES-128", "AES-256"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "An engineer intercepted an encrypted message and wanted to determine what type of algorithm was used for the message. He first performed frequency analysis and noticed that the frequency of letters in the message strictly matched the distribution of letters in English. What type of cipher is most likely used to create the message?", "answers": ["AES", "Substitution encryption", "3DES", "Permutation encryption"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数字签名中,主要用来验证数据完整性和发送者身份的是哪个部分?", "answers": ["加密后的原文", "哈希函数的输出", "发送者的公钥", "发送者的私钥"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What is the primary purpose of using one-way hashing on user passwords?", "answers": ["It minimizes the amount of primary and secondary storage needed to store passwords.", "It prevents anyone from reading passwords in plaintext.", "It avoids excessive processing required by an asymmetric algorithm.", "It prevents replay attacks."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "SCENARIO -Please use the following to answer the next question:Light Blue Health (LBH) is a healthcare technology company developing a new web and mobile application that collects personal healthinformation from electronic patient health records. The application will use machine learning to recommend potential medical treatments andmedications based on information collected from anonymized electronic health records. Patient users may also share health data collected fromother mobile apps with the LBH app.The application requires consent from the patient before importing electronic health records into the application and sharing it with theirauthorized physicians or healthcare provider. The patient can then review and share the recommended treatments with their physicians securelythrough the app. The patient user may also share location data and upload photos in the app. The patient user may also share location data andupload photos in the app for a healthcare provider to review along with the health record. The patient may also delegate access to the app.LBH's privacy team meets with the Application development and Security teams, as well as key business stakeholders on a periodic basis. LBHalso implementsPrivacy by Design (PbD) into the application development process.The Privacy Team is conducting a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) to evaluate privacy risks during development of the application. The teammust assess whether the application is collecting descriptive, demographic or any other user related data from the electronic health records thatare not needed for the purposes of the application. The team is also reviewing whether the application may collect additional personal data forpurposes for which the user did not provide consent.Regarding the app, which action is an example of a decisional interference violation?", "answers": ["The app asks income level to determine the treatment of care.", "The app sells aggregated data to an advertising company without prior consent.", "The app has a pop-up ad requesting sign-up for a pharmaceutical company newsletter.", "The app asks questions during account set-up to disclose family medical history that is not necessary for the treatment of the individual'ssymptoms."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The RSA algorithm is an example of what type of cryptography?", "answers": ["Asymmetric Key.", "Symmetric Key.", "Secret Key.", "Private Key."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在实施数据分级保护时,以下哪项措施最可能被用于保护高级别数据?", "answers": ["简单的用户名和密码认证", "多因素认证", "不设任何访问限制", "仅允许内部网络访问"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "下面哪个程序负责 HDFS 数据存储。", "answers": ["NameNode", "Jobtracker", "Datanode", "secondaryNameNode"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法通常用于保护无线网络的安全?", "answers": ["RSA", "AES", "DES", "SHA-256"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在公钥加密系统中,用于解密邮件的密钥是?", "answers": ["公钥", "私钥", "会话密钥", "哈希密钥"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个过程是数字签名算法的主要功能?", "answers": ["加密传输的数据", "隐藏发送者的信息", "确保数据的完整性和发送者的身份验证", "防止中间人攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "某信息系统审计师在分析数据库管理系统(DBMS)的审计日志时发现,由于存在某个错误,有些交易仅被部分执行,并且没有进行回滚。这违反了下面哪项交易处理特性?", "answers": ["一致性。", "隔离性。", "持久性。", "原子性。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下关于代替密码的说法正确的是:", "answers": ["明文根据密钥被不同的密文字母代替", "明文字母不变,仅仅是位置根据密钥发生改变", "明文和密钥的每个 bit 异或", "明文根据密钥作移位"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是数据加密在保护个人数据隐私中的作用?", "answers": ["防止未经授权的访问", "确保数据在传输过程中的完整性", "使数据在丢失或被盗后变得无用", "消除数据主体的隐私权"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在密钥管理中,以下哪种做法最有可能导致密钥泄露?", "answers": ["定期更换密钥", "使用强密码策略", "将密钥硬编码在应用程序中", "实施密钥分层管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护静态存储在云服务器上的企业数据?", "answers": ["AES-128", "RSA-2048", "SHA-256", "Diffie-Hellman"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密方法在处理大量数据时通常更有效率?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) creates:", "answers": ["a xed length message digest from a xed length input message.", "a variable length message digest from a variable length input message.", "a xed length message digest from a variable length input message.", "a variable length message digest from a xed length input message."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What is the name for a substitution cipher that shifts the alphabet by 13 places?", "answers": ["Caesar cipher", "Polyalphabetic cipher", "ROT13 cipher", "Transposition cipher"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法最适合用于存储大量敏感数据,如用户密码?", "answers": ["AES-128", "RSA-2048", "SHA-256", "bcrypt"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an important part of database design that ensures that attributes in a table depend only on the primary key?", "answers": ["Normalization", "Assimilation", "Reduction", "Compaction"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据备份策略可以确保在数据丢失后,可以恢复最��的交易记录?", "answers": ["全量备份", "增量备份", "差异备份", "连续数据保护(CDP)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "PKI是一种标准的公钥密码的密钥管理平台,数字证书是PKI的基本组成部分。在PKI中,X.509数字证书的内容不包括()。", "answers": ["加密算法标识", "签名算法标识", "版本号", "主体的公开密钥信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据备份策略中,以下哪种加密方式更适合保护大量数据的隐私?", "answers": ["非对称加密", "对称加密", "哈希加密", "数字签名"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "A DBS is a computer system that utilizes database technology. DBS is an aggregate that contains databases, computer hardware, software, and ( ).", "answers": ["systems analyst", "programmer", "Database Administrator", "operator"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which type of encryption is considered to be unbreakable if the stream is truly random and is as large as the plaintext and never reused in wholeor part?", "answers": ["One Time Pad (OTP)", "One time Cryptopad (OTC)", "Cryptanalysis", "Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据分类与标签实践可以帮助企业确保合规性并降低数据泄露风险?", "answers": ["将所有数据标记为敏感", "仅对客户数据进行分类", "根据敏感性和业务影响对数据进行分类", "不进行数据分类,依赖默认安全设置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What is the goal of cryptanalysis?", "answers": ["To determine the strength of an algorithm", "To increase the substitution functions in a cryptographic algorithm", "To decrease the transposition functions in a cryptographic algorithm", "To determine the permutations used"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following would best improve an organization' s system of limiting data use?", "answers": ["Implementing digital rights management technology.", "Confirming implied consent for any secondary use of data.", "Applying audit trails to resources to monitor company personnel.", "Instituting a system of user authentication for company personnel."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在跨国数据传输中,使用哪种传输协议可以提供端到端的数据加密?", "answers": ["FTP", "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SMTP"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "The problem faced by DES encryption algorithms today is ( ).", "answers": ["The key is too short to be brute-force broken by modern computers.", "Encryption algorithms are flawed and mathematically broken", "Leaves a backdoor that may leak some information", "Algorithms are too old and better alternatives are already available"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在进行数据传输时,以下哪种加密技术应用最能确保数据的隐私权?", "answers": ["AES-128", "DES", "RSA(2048位)", "MD5"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is used to create and modify the structure of your tables and other objects in the database?", "answers": ["SQL Data Denition Language (DDL)", "SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)", "SQL Data Relational Language (DRL)", "SQL Data Identication Language (DIL)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "A process for can aid in protecting against data disclosure due tolost devices.", "answers": ["User punishment", "Credential revocation", "Law enforcement notification", "Device tracking"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following was NOT designed to be a proprietary encryption algorithm?", "answers": ["RC2", "RC4", "Blowsh", "Skipjack"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which one of the following is a key agreement protocol used to enable two entities to agree and generate a session key (secret key used for onesession) over an insecure medium without any prior secrets or communications between the entities? The negotiated key will subsequently beused for message encryption usingSymmetric Cryptography.", "answers": ["RSA", "PKI", "Die_Hellmann", "3DES"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记���", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是有效的预防数据泄露的安全防护措施?", "answers": ["定期进行数据备份,但不进行安全审计", "实施多因素认证,增强用户账户安全性", "允许所有员工访问所有敏感数据,以提高工作效率", "仅依赖防火墙,不部署其他安全软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "How many bits make up the effective length of the DES key?", "answers": ["56", "64", "32", "16"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据加密技术最适合在移动设备上保护敏感用户信息?", "answers": ["AES-128", "RSA-2048", "SHA-256", "DES"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在加密通信中,以下哪种协议提供了端到端的加密保护?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "IPsec", "SSH", "Signal Protocol"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements is used to view audit information when auditing is enabled in OraclE? ( )", "answers": ["select * from SYS.AUDIT$", "select * from syslogins", "select * from SYS.AUD$", "AUDIT SESSION"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "在数据库安全事件响应中,以下哪项措施是首要执行的?", "answers": ["分析事件原因", "立即通知所有用户", "隔离受影响的数据库", "启动备份恢复计划"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following attack vectors is new to the cloud environment and was nottypically found in on-premises, legacy environments?", "answers": ["Distributed denial of service (DDoS)", "Guest escape", "Internal threats", "Inadvertent disclosure"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止云环境中恶意用户的横向移动?", "answers": ["数据加密", "访问控制策略", "安全审计日志", "灾难恢复计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全机制主要用于防止未授权的网络访问并控制流量流?", "answers": ["身份验证与授权", "安全组与防火墙", "数据加密", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Security controls installed on a guest virtual machine operating system (VM OS) will notfunction when .", "answers": ["The user is accessing the VM remotely", "The OS is not scanned for vulnerabilities", "The OS is not subject to version control", "The VM is not active while in storage"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "哪一层对于安全最重要并且被认为是云安全运行的基础", "answers": ["元结构", "基础设施", "信息结构", "应用结构", "数据结构"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not one of the challenges created by hybrid cloud deployments?", "answers": ["increased routing complexity", "additional costs for registering domain names", "reduces the ability to run multiple cloud networks with overlapping IP ranges", "complicates security because of the need to harmonize controls"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术在云服务中用于保护数据的机密性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全机制主要用于防止未经授权的云服务访问?", "answers": ["数据加密技术", "访问控制机制", "安全隔离策略", "灾难恢复计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种认证机制提供了最高级别的安全性?", "answers": ["基于密码的认证", "基于令牌的认证", "基于生物特征的认证", "基于证书的认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Cryptographic keys for encrypted data stored in the cloud should be ________________ .", "answers": ["Not stored with the cloud provider.", "Generated with redundancy", "At least 128 bits long", "Split into groups"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在AWS中,哪种服务用于管理用户身份和访问权限?", "answers": ["Amazon S3", "Amazon EC2", "AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)", "Amazon VPC"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What are the two general delivery modes for the software as a service (SaaS) model?", "answers": ["Ranked and free", "Hosted application management and software on demand", "Intrinsic motivation complex and undulating perspective details", "Framed and modular"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云存储环境中,以下哪种数据冗余策略可以确保数据的高可用性和容错性?", "answers": ["单副本存储", "镜像冗余", "无冗余存储", "定期备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云平台审计日志中,以下哪项信息通常不包括在内?", "answers": ["用户登录和登出时间", "数据修改的详细记录", "系统错误和警告信息", "用户个人隐私信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种做法有助于确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["实施网络访问控制列表(ACLs)", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "定期进行安全审计", "使用数据恢复策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,响应安全事件的流程通常不包括以下哪一步?", "answers": ["事件检测与分类", "事件调查与分析", "系统升级与维护", "恢复与事后分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "服务协议中通常包含哪些与用户数据相关的条款?", "answers": ["数据所有权归属", "数据处理方式", "数据存储位置", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Designers making applications for the cloud have to take into consideration risks andoperational constraints that did not exist or were not as pronounced in the traditionalenvironment. Which of the following is an element cloud app designers may not be able touse as readily in the cloud environment as it was deployed in the traditional environment?", "answers": ["Cryptography", "STRIDE testing", "Field validation", "Logging"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A Virtual Machine (VM) environment has ve guest Operating Systems (OS) and provides strong isolation. What MUST an administrator review toaudit a user's access to data les?", "answers": ["Host VM monitor audit logs", "Guest OS access controls", "Host VM access controls", "Guest OS audit logs"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following roles is responsible for overseeing customer relationships and the processing of financial transactions?", "answers": ["Cloud service manager", "Cloud service deployment", "Cloud service business manager", "Cloud service operations manager"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,数字签名主要用于以下哪个目的?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据压缩", "身份验证和数据完整性验证", "数据备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项是实施云安全监控的关键工具?", "answers": ["虚拟专用网络(VPN)", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "负载均衡器", "内容分发网络(CDN)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止云环境中数据的未授权访问?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据加密", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)", "网络访问控制(NAC)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在容器化技术中,以下哪种方法可以有效实现容器间的隔离?", "answers": ["共享内核", "命名空间隔离", "文件系统挂载", "网络端口映射"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全措施有助于确保即使数据丢失或被破坏,也能恢复关键信息?", "answers": ["身份验证", "数据加密", "访问控制", "数据备份"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Managed cloud services exist because the service is less expensive for each customer thancreating the same services for themselves in a traditional environment. Using a managedservice allows the customer to realize significant cost savings through the reduction of.", "answers": ["Risk", "Security controls", "Personnel", "Data"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是云服务提供商用来确保在灾难发生时能够恢复服务?", "answers": ["数据加密", "多因素认证", "安全审计日志", "灾难恢复计划"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于保护在云存储中传输的敏感数据?", "answers": ["哈希函数", "访问控制列表(ACLs)", "端到端加密", "数据分类"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于隔离云中的不同租户,防止他们之间的数据泄露?", "answers": ["身份验证与授权", "数据加密机制", "安全网络隔离", "安全存储策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全事件响应中,以下哪种恢复策略最适用于数据丢失事件?", "answers": ["从最近的备份中恢复数据", "重新部署应用程序", "更新安全策略", "增加网络带宽"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商的隐私政策中,通常会包含以下哪项内容?", "answers": ["服务价格调整机制", "用户数据加密方法", "服务器的物理位置", "用户数据备份频率"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全事件监测中,以下哪项技术主要用于实时监控和分析云环境中的安全事件?", "answers": ["数据加密", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据备份", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Countermeasures for protecting cloud operations against internal threats include all of the following except:", "answers": ["Extensive and comprehensive training programs, including initial, recurring, and refresher sessions", "Skills and knowledge testing", "Hardened perimeter devices", "Aggressive background checks"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助云服务提供商及时获取并应对最新的威胁情报?", "answers": ["安全组配置", "威胁情报平台", "数据加密", "应用防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following roles is responsible for preparing systems for the cloud, administering and monitoring services, and managing inventory\nand assets?", "answers": ["Cloud service business manager", "Cloud service deployment manager", "Cloud service operations manager", "Cloud service manager"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following cloud deployment model is provisioned for open use by the general public?", "answers": ["Private Cloud", "Community Cloud", "Public Cloud", "Hybrid Cloud"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全机制主要用于确保云服务中的资源访问仅限于授权用户?", "answers": ["加密技术", "访问控制机制", "安全审计", "灾难恢复与备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于跟踪和记录云环境中的用户活动以进行审计?", "answers": ["数据加密", "日志管理", "访问控制列表", "深度包检测"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在容器运行时安全中,以下哪种技术用于防止容器逃逸?", "answers": ["SELinux", "Dockerfile", "Kubernetes YAML", "Docker Compose"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是针对云服务提供商的基础设施,以确保在灾难发生时能够快速恢复服务?", "answers": ["身份验证与授权", "数据加密", "安全隔离", "灾难恢复计划"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a risk associated with automated patching, especially in thecloud?", "answers": ["Patches may interfere with some tenants‘ production environments.", "Patches don‘t work with software as a service (SaaS) service models.", "Patches don‘t work with private cloud builds.", "Vendors don‘t issue patches to cloud providers."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following roles is responsible for creating cloud components and the testing and validation of services?", "answers": ["Cloud auditor", "Inter-cloud provider", "Cloud service broker", "Cloud service developer"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种响应策略最适用于处理数据泄露事件?", "answers": ["立即关闭受影响的云服务", "启动备份恢复计划", "隔离受影响的系统并进行详细调查", "增加防火墙规则限制外部访问"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What is the most important asset to protect in cloud BC/DR activities?", "answers": ["Intellectual property", "Hardware at the cloud data center", "Personnel", "Data on portable media"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,为了防止虚拟机逃逸攻击,应该采取以下哪种措施?", "answers": ["定期更新虚拟机镜像", "使用强密码策略", "实施硬件辅助虚拟化", "限制虚拟机之间的网络通信"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在分布式系统中,哪种安全策略主要用于确保只有授权的用户或服务可以访问特定的资源或数据?", "answers": ["身份验证", "访问控制", "数据加密", "故障检测与恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在容器化技术中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止容器逃逸攻击?", "answers": ["使用强密码", "限制容器权限", "定期更新容器镜像", "实施网络隔离"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Bit-by-bit imaging of cloud data for forensic purposes is generally __________.", "answers": ["required by law", "up to the cloud customer", "extremely expensive", "difficult or impossible"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,以下哪种安全协议用于保护电子邮件通信的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "IPsec", "S\\\\/MIME", "SSH"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法不是针对云应用的威胁指标(IoC)的典型应用?", "answers": ["检测恶意IP地址", "监控异常API调用", "防止数据规范化", "识别恶意文件哈希"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "When reviewing the BIA after a cloud migration, the organization should take into account new factors related to data breach impacts. One ofthese new factors is:", "answers": ["Many states have data breach notification laws.", "Breaches can cause the loss of proprietary data.", "Breaches can cause the loss of intellectual property.", "Legal liability can't be transferred to the cloud provider."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,以下哪种技术用于确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["服务发现", "API网关", "加密技术", "负载均衡"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全策略最直接地保护数据隐私,确保数据在传输过程中不被未经授权的第三方访问?", "answers": ["数据加密", "多因素认证", "安全信息事件管理(SIEM)", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是云服务提供商应提供的,以帮助客户应对安全事件?", "answers": ["恶意软件分析工具", "全面的网络监控", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "应急响应计划"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种加密方法最适合保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "SSL\\\\/TLS加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种加密技术最适合保护静态数据?", "answers": ["传输层安全(TLS)", "数据加密标准(DES)", "高级加密标准(AES)", "安全散列算法(SHA)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务模型中,以下哪一项提供了最高级别的控制和安全性?", "answers": ["基础设施即服务(IaaS)", "平台即服务(PaaS)", "软件即服务(SaaS)", "容器即服务(CaaS)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The different cloud service models have varying levels of responsibilities for functions and operations depending with the model's level of service.In which of the following models would the responsibility for patching lie predominantly with the cloud customer?", "answers": ["DaaS", "SaaS", "PaaS", "IaaS"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云计算环境中,OAuth2.0协议主要用于实现哪个安全功能?", "answers": ["加密算法的选择", "用户身份的验证", "访问控制决策", "第三方应用的授权访问"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "威胁情报在云安全监控中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供实时数据备份", "增强用户身份验证", "预测和识别潜在的安全威胁", "自动化系统维护"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全风险评估中,以下哪项因素通常不被考虑?", "answers": ["数据敏感性", "服务提供商的信誉", "用户的地理位置", "硬件故障率"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A company wants to absolutely minimize their involvement in administration of IT; whichcombination of cloud service model and deployment should it consider?", "answers": ["IaaS, private", "PaaS, private", "SaaS, private", "SaaS, public"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "In what cloud computing service model is the customer responsible for installing andmaintaining the operating system?", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "QaaS"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "According to the Cloud Security Alliance, most modern APIs (application programming interfaces) use __________.", "answers": ["electricity", "native architecture", "REST (representational state transfer)", "FTP (file transfer protocol)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a typical cloud deployment model, as defined by NIST and ISO?", "answers": ["hybrid", "community", "private", "isolated"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以确保云环境中数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["访问控制列表", "数字签名", "SSL\\\\/TLS", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生应用中,以下哪种威胁检测技术最适合实时监控和响应安全事件?", "answers": ["基于签名的入侵检测系统(IDS)", "基于异常的入侵检测系统(IDS)", "基于日志分析的威胁检测", "基于网络流量的威胁检测"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商应遵循的安全标准中,以下哪项是确保数据传输安全的关键措施?", "answers": ["数据备份与恢复", "访问控制与身份验证", "数据加密与解密", "安全审计与监控"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务架构中,以下哪种技术可以实现资源的隔离和高效利用?", "answers": ["虚拟化技术", "分布式文件系统", "负载均衡器", "网络地址转换(NAT)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全恢复计划中,以下哪项不是必须考虑的因素?", "answers": ["数据的备份与恢复", "系统的快速重建", "用户的满意度", "合规性要求"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在微服务架构中,以下哪种加密方法最适合保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "TLS\\/SSL协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在进行安全评估时,以下哪项不是漏洞扫描的主要目的?", "answers": ["识别已知的安全漏洞", "评估系统的安全配置", "检测系统的性能瓶颈", "验证系统的合规性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "CCM:一家为“IT4Sure”的公司提供了一个基于云的IT管理解决方案。他们发展迅速,并采取了一些安全措施,但员工仍在使用个人移动设备存储和传输公司机密信息。因此,他们决定为员工提供公司的移动设备,并实施移动设备管理政策。两个月后,客户想审查公司的移动设备安全实践,在公司的移动设备管理政策中,客户应该寻找以下哪种基本的保护措施", "answers": ["移动设备登记", "物理保护的要求", "移动设备软件版本和应用补丁的要求", "恶意软件防护", "以上都是"], "label": "E", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术适用于大量数据的加密,且在云存储中广泛使用?", "answers": ["RSA", "AES", "ECDSA", "Diffie-Hellman"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an assurance program for cloud customers to review assessments of various cloud providers?", "answers": ["the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)", "the CSA Security, Trust, and Risk (STAR) Registry", "the CSA Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)", "the CSA Oblique Inference Program (OIP)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密技术通常用于保护在云中存储的敏感数据?", "answers": ["哈希函数", "对称密钥加密", "公钥基础设施(PKI)", "消息认证码(MAC)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Virtualizing resources into pools typically creates an environment where resiliency is decreased for __________.", "answers": ["any single virtual asset/machine", "international customers", "fiber networks", "ISO-certified systems"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "业务影响分析(BIA)在云服务灾难恢复计划中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["确定数据备份的频率", "评估灾难发生时的财务损失", "识别关键业务流程和恢复时间目标(RTO)", "选择合适的云服务提供商"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项技术用于实时监控和分析网络流量,以便及时发现潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["安全信息与事件管理(SIEM)", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据丢失防护(DLP)", "虚拟私人网络(VPN)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "安全审计在云安全模型中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供数据加密服务", "验证用户身份", "记录和分析安全相关事件", "执行访问控制策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which is the appropriate phase of the cloud data lifecycle for determining the data's classification?", "answers": ["Create", "Use", "Share", "Store"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,为了保护数据不被未授权访问,以下哪项措施是必不可少的?", "answers": ["数据备份", "数据加密", "数据压缩", "数据去重"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,以下哪种认证机制最适合用于服务间的身份验证?", "answers": ["基于IP地址的认证", "基于用户名和密码的认证", "基于OAuth 2.0的认证", "基于共享密钥的认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "In which service model is the customer more likely to have the ability to architect the cloud environment for resiliency?", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "public"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保只有授权的用户可以访问特定的云资源?", "answers": ["加密技术", "权限管理", "身份验证机制", "数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Marthem 的公司正在考虑从供应商处购买基于网页的电子邮件服务,这是什么类型的云计算模型?", "answers": ["SaaS", "IaaS", "CaaS", "PaaS"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止云环境中未经授权的访问?", "answers": ["密码学基础", "多因素认证", "SSL\\\\/TLS 协议", "日志的读写访问权限控制"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以防止云存储中的数据被未经授权的访问?", "answers": ["定期进行数据备份", "实施访问控制列表(ACLs)", "使用简单的密码", "仅使用对称加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "数字签名", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Using cloud storage is considered under most privacy frameworksand laws.", "answers": ["Illegal", "Data collection", "Opt-in", "Processing"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知��记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止云服务提供商内部的恶意员工访问敏感客户数据?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "数据脱敏", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)", "分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)防护"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What sort of interface does the cloud customer typically have with the management plane in an SaaS cloud model?", "answers": ["root-level access of the underlying hardware", "an “admin” tab on the user panel", "administrative access to the operating system the app runs on", "physical access to the data center itself"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following tasks within a SaaS environment would NOT be something the cloud customer would be responsible for?", "answers": ["Authentication mechanism", "Branding", "Training", "User access"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "安全协议(如SSL\\\\/TLS)在云服务中的主要作用是?", "answers": ["实现用户身份认证", "加密数据存储", "确保数据传输的机密性和完整性", "管理访问控制列表"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在选择异地容灾架构时,以下哪个因素最不重要?", "answers": ["地理位置的距离", "网络连接的稳定性", "数据中心的硬件配置", "数据中心的运营成本"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议最常用于确保云存储数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "SSH", "SFTP", "AES"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Modern managed cloud service providers will often use secure keyboard/video/mouse(KVM) devices within their data centers. These devices are extremely expensive comparedto their non-secured counterparts. Which of the following is one of the reasons cloudservice providers do this?", "answers": ["They have plenty of revenue and can afford it.", "They have invested heavily in the secure KVM market.", "Cloud data centers need very few of these devices.", "Managed cloud providers often manufacture their own devices as well."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全监控中,以下哪项工具用于实时检测和响应安全事件?", "answers": ["数据加密软件", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)系统", "虚拟化管理平台", "网络流量分析工具"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the privacy data officer for a large hospital and trauma center. You are called onto give your opinion of the hospital‘s plans to migrate all IT functions to a cloud service.Which of the following Uptime Institute tier-level ratings would you insist be included forany data center offered by potential providers?", "answers": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务提供商的合规框架中,以下哪项不是必须包含的要素?", "answers": ["数据加密", "用户隐私保护", "无限制的数据备份", "定期的合规审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,哪种安全措施允许用户仅访问他们被授权的数据和资源?", "answers": ["加密机制", "访问控制列表", "安全令牌", "数据冗余"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which concept BEST describes the capability for a cloud environment to automatically scale a system or application, based on its currentresource demands?", "answers": ["On-demand self-service", "Resource pooling", "Measured service", "Rapid elasticity"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在遭受DDoS攻击后,以下哪种恢复策略是立即执行的?", "answers": ["更新防火墙规则", "备份数据到离线存储", "启用备用服务器", "分析攻击源并追踪"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A security challenge that may make the cloud computing environment risky compared to the traditional IT environment.", "answers": ["the use of software", "limited detailed visibility", "users", "physical security"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种安全措施主要用于检测和防止潜在的入侵或恶意活动?", "answers": ["数据加密", "访问控制列表", "安全审计日志分析", "灾备���恢复策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,以下哪项是进行合规性检查的关键步骤?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "持续监控容器日志", "频繁更新容器镜像", "限制容器的资源使用"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可以防止云中的数据在传输过程中被窃取?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS 加密", "数据加密", "IPsec 隧道", "入侵防御系统(IPS)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following would make a good provision to include in the service-levelagreement (SLA) between cloud customer and provider?", "answers": ["Location of the data center", "Amount of data uploaded/downloaded during a pay period", "Type of personnel security controls for network administrators", "Physical security barriers on the perimeter of the data center campus"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务安全架构设计中,以下哪项活动有助于发现和记录安全事件?", "answers": ["访问控制", "数据加密", "虚拟化安全", "安全审计"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在微服务架构中,以下哪种身份认证机制最适合确保服务间通信的安全性?", "answers": ["基于IP地址的访问控制", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "服务网格中的双向TLS(mTLS)", "单点登录(SSO)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a category of data security controls discussed in the CSA Cloud Security Guidance v4, Domain 11?", "answers": ["controlling which data goes into the cloud", "protecting and managing data in the cloud", "enforcing information lifecycle management", "training users who access the cloud environment"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在分布式系统的安全架构设计中,以下哪种机制主要用于确保不同组件之间的通信是安全的?", "answers": ["身份验证机制", "数据加密技术", "分布式权限管理", "故障检测与恢复策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Cloud customers in a public cloud managed services environment can install all thefollowing types of firewalls except .", "answers": ["Provider operated", "Host-based", "Third party", "Hardware"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项不是恢复重建阶段的关键活动?", "answers": ["数据恢复", "系统重建", "用户培训", "安全审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项技术主要用于保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["数据加密", "访问控制列表", "入侵检测系统", "数据备份策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,哪项法规主要关注个人数据的保护和隐私权?", "answers": ["通用数据保护条例(GDPR)", "健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)", "联邦信息安全管理法案(FISMA)", "萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(SOX)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "How is an object stored within an object storage system?", "answers": ["Key value", "Database", "LDAP", "Tree structure"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,为了保护数据不被未授权访问,以下哪种身份认证机制最为关键?", "answers": ["单因素认证", "双因素认证", "生物识别认证", "证书认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,以下哪种加密方式最适合保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "传输层安全协议(TLS)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在进行云应用风险评估时,以下哪个步骤是首要的?", "answers": ["实施安全策略", "识别潜在威胁", "部署安全监控工具", "执行合规性审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,数据分类的目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高数据处理速度", "减少数据存储成本", "确保数据隐私和合规性", "增加数据的可访问性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A cloud data encryption situation where the cloud customer retains control of theencryption keys and the cloud provider only processes and stores the data could beconsidered a .", "answers": ["Threat", "Risk", "Hybrid cloud deployment model", "Case of infringing on the rights of the provider"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following approaches would NOT be considered sucient to meet the requirements of secure data destruction within a cloud\nenvironment?", "answers": ["Cryptographic erasure", "Zeroing", "Overwriting", "Deletion"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following characteristics of cloud computing makes it unlikely that customers will be allowed to perform physical audits of cloud data centers?", "answers": ["virtualization", "multitenancy", "rapid elasticity", "metered service"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following represents a minimum guaranteed resource within a cloud environment for the cloud customer?", "answers": ["Reservation", "Share", "Limit", "Provision"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商通常如何确保客户密钥的安全存储,以防止未经授权的访问?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "密钥存储服务", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在制定云安全恢复计划时,以下哪项不是优先考虑的因素?", "answers": ["数据的备份和恢复策略", "合规性要求", "云服务提供商的响应时间", "用户界面的友好性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,数据分类的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["隐藏数据内容", "确定数据的敏感性和保护级别", "提高数据传输速度", "简化数据备份策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Migrating to a cloud environment will reduce an organization‘s dependence on.", "answers": ["Capital expenditures for IT", "Operational expenditures for IT", "Data-driven workflows", "Customer satisfaction"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "下列哪项技术通常用于云存储服务中,以保护数据不被未授权访问?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "数据备份", "数据压缩", "数据去重"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种认证标准最适用于确保云服务的身份验证安全?", "answers": ["OAuth", "SAML", "Kerberos", "X.509"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What is a form of cloud storage where data is stored in a logical storage area assigned tothe user but not necessarily physically attached or even geographically proximate to thecompute node the user is utilizing?", "answers": ["Volume storage", "Databases", "Content delivery network (CDN)", "Object storage"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种安全措施可以防止中间人攻击?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS证书验证", "IP地址白名单", "加密技术", "安全组配置"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全服务中,以下哪项是威胁检测的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["数据加密", "网络隔离", "日志分析", "用户认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "威胁情报在云安全事件响应流程中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["用于云资源的动态分配", "提供关于已知威胁的信息以指导响应策略", "仅用于云服务的计费", "用于云环境的物理安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止用户隐私数据在云存储中被未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据混淆", "零知识证明", "数据分割", "端到端加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Being in a cloud environment, cloud customers lose a lot of insight and knowledge as to how their data is stored and their systems are deployed.Which concept from the ISO/IEC cloud standards relates to the necessity of the cloud provider to inform the cloud customer on these issues?", "answers": ["Disclosure", "Transparency", "Openness", "Documentation"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种机制用于验证用户身份并授权访问云资源?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "安全组", "身份验证和授权服务", "端口扫描"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the security manager for a company that is considering cloud migration to aninfrastructure as a service (IaaS) environment. You are assisting your company‘s IT architectsin constructing the environment. Which of the following options do you recommend?", "answers": ["Unrestricted public access", "Use of a Type I hypervisor", "Use of a Type II hypervisor", "Enhanced productivity without encryption"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种策略最直接地关联于预防潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["备份与恢复策略", "安全监控与预警", "故障切换与冗余", "合规性审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What is the business advantage of shifting from capital expenditure in an on-premisesenvironment to the operating expenditures of a cloud environment?", "answers": ["Reduces the overall cost", "Reduces tax exposure", "Reduces cash flow risks", "Increases profit"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "An organization must terminate their cloud vendor agreement immediately What is the most secure way to delete the encrypted data stored in thecloud?", "answers": ["Transfer the data to another location", "Invoke the appropriate deletion clause in the cloud terms and conditions.", "Obtain a destruction certificate from the cloud vendor", "Destroy all encryption keys associated with the data"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not considered a major virtualization category, according to the Cloud Security Alliance?", "answers": ["compute", "networking", "user", "storage"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,为了确保只有数据所有者能够解密其数据,以下哪种加密策略最有效?", "answers": ["服务提供商持有密钥的对称加密", "用户持有公钥的非对称加密", "用户持有私钥的非对称加密", "使用零知识证明的加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全模型中,以下哪项技术用于实时监控和检测潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["数据加密", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "虚拟专用网络(VPN)", "多因素认证(MFA)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "__________ is essential to proper management of an immutable environment.", "answers": ["consistency in the image creation process", "highly-paid engineers", "the proper geophysical location", "auditor approval"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务环境中,以下哪种身份认证方式被认为是最安全的?", "answers": ["单一密码认证", "双因素认证", "生物识别认证", "基于角色的访问控制"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "When the cloud provider manages cryptographic keys, the key storage and production environments are generally separate, reducing the possibility keys are exposed. However, keys might still be exposed by __________.", "answers": ["user error", "misconfiguration", "governmental request", "failure of the physical infrastructure"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是云计算安全中的主要威胁?", "answers": ["数据泄露", "服务中断", "物理安全", "软件更新"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是中国的云计算安全评估标准?", "answers": ["ISO 27001", "NIST CSF", "GDPR 合规", "CCSA 指南"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在容器安全中,以下哪项措施不是为了防止容器逃逸攻击?", "answers": ["使用只读文件系统", "限制容器的资源配额", "实施严格的网络策略", "定期进行容器镜像的漏洞扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A company is considering a cloud migration to a platform as a service (PaaS) environment.Which of the following factors might make the company less likely to choose the cloudenvironment?", "answers": ["The company wants to reduce overhead costs.", "The company operates proprietary software.", "The company hopes to reduce energy costs related to operation of a data center.", "The company is seeking to enhance its business continuity and disaster recovery"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not an example of an economic denial of service attack against a cloud environment, according to ENISA?", "answers": ["identity theft", "cache poisoning", "unexpected resource consumption", "attacker consuming the customer’s metered service"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "根据《网络安全法》,云服务提供商在发生数据泄露时应当采取哪些措施?", "answers": ["立即删除所有相关数据", "通知受影响的用户并报告给监管机构", "仅通知监管机构", "等待用户自行发现问题"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "When using an IaaS solution, what is the capability provided to the customer?", "answers": ["To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the consumer is able to deploy and runarbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications.", "To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the auditor is able to deploy and run arbitrarysoftware, which can include OSs and applications.", "To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the provider is able to deploy and runarbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications.", "To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the consumer is not able to deploy and runarbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种行为分析方法可以识别出不寻常的登录模式,例如来自不同地理位置的频繁登录尝试?", "answers": ["基于统计的异常检测", "基于签名的检测", "基于用户和实体行为分析(UEBA)", "基于蜜罐技术的欺骗防御"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,哪种策略用于确保只有授权用户可以访问特定的敏感数据?", "answers": ["加密技术", "匿名化处理", "数据最小化", "权限控制"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "If the organization operates in a cloud environment, security operations proceduresshould include guidance for all of the following audit or logging processes except.", "answers": ["Definition of security events and incidents", "The brand or vendor of the cloud provider‘s audit or logging tool", "Process for adding new audit or logging rules", "Process for filtering out false positives by amending the rule set"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种策略通常用于检测和阻止恶意软件?", "answers": ["DDoS攻击防护", "防火墙策略更新", "恶意软件行为分析", "数据加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保云环境中数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["身份验证", "IPsec(Internet协议安全)", "API密钥", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务环境中,以下哪项技术主要用于确保用户身份的真实性?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "多因素认证(MFA)", "数据加密技术", "安全协议(如SSL\\\\/TLS)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生应用中,为了确保只有授权用户才能访问敏感数据,应该采用以下哪种安全机制?", "answers": ["数据加密", "微服务隔离", "网络策略", "身份认证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,以下哪种访问控制模型最适用于多租户环境?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,哪种做法有助于防止数据泄露并符合隐私影响评估的要求?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计和风险评估", "仅依赖服务提供商的安全策略", "不进行任何额外的安全措施,信任云服务的安全性", "在所有数据上应用相同的加密策略,无论其敏感程度如何"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施有助于防止云服务提供商内部的恶意活动?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "数据加密", "系统审计日志", "防火墙配置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云安全检测技术中,以下哪项技术主要用于实时监控和分析网络流量以识别潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据加密技术", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "虚拟专用网络(VPN)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "SaaS消费者可以使用哪些加密选项", "answers": ["提供者管理和(有时)代理加密", "可用于卷存储、对象存储或PaaS的任何加密选项", "客户端/应用程序和文件/文件夹加密", "对象加密", "卷存储加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全技术主要用于检测潜在的入侵和异常行为?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据加密", "访问控制列表(ACLs)", "负载均衡器"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全控制能够整合来自多个来源的威胁情报,以提高对潜在攻击的可见性?", "answers": ["自动化工具链", "威胁情报整合", "工作流定制", "安全策略执行"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项是确保数据保护的关键措施?", "answers": ["定期进行物理安全检查", "实施强有力的访问控制策略", "仅依赖云服务提供商的安全措施", "不定期更改数据存储位置"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which aspect of cloud computing would make the use of a cloud the most attractive as a BCDR solution?", "answers": ["Interoperability", "Resource pooling", "Portability", "Measured service"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "合规性审计在云应用安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["确保云服务提供商遵守行业标准", "提高云服务的性能", "减少云服务的成本", "增加云服务的用户数量"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Users in your organization have been leveraging application programming interfaces(APIs) for enhancing their productivity in the cloud environment. To ensure thatyou are securing API access to the production environment, you should deploy and .", "answers": ["Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and message-level cryptography", "Transport Layer Security (TLS) and message-level cryptography", "SSL and whole drive encryption", "TLS and whole drive encryption"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全机制可以追踪和检测云环境中异常的活动或访问模式?", "answers": ["访问控制机制", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "数据混淆技术", "资源调度算法"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止攻击者通过未授权的API调用来获取云服务中的敏感数据?", "answers": ["数据加密", "攻击模型识别", "API访问权限控制", "内存安全扫描"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务安全架构中,以下哪项措施最有助于防止未授权的数据访问?", "answers": ["使用静态数据加密", "定期进行安全审计", "实施严格的物理访问控制", "采用多因素认证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) publishes the Notorious Nine, a list of common threatsto organizations participating in cloud computing. According to the CSA, what aspect ofmanaged cloud services makes the threat of malicious insiders so alarming?", "answers": ["Scalability", "Multitenancy", "Metered service", "Flexibility"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种做法有助于在安全事件发生时快速恢复业务?", "answers": ["定期备份数据", "实施细粒度的权限控制", "执行常规的漏洞扫描", "建立安全意识培训计划"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是微服务架构中实现身份验证的最佳实践?", "answers": ["使用共享数据库进行用户认证", "在每个微服务中独立实现身份验证逻辑", "通过API网关集中处理身��验证", "依赖第三方服务进行身份验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项措施最有助于防止未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据加密", "身份认证", "访问控制", "威胁检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务模型中,以下哪项服务模型提供了最高级别的资源控制和管理?", "answers": ["基础设施即服务(IaaS)", "平台即服务(PaaS)", "软件即服务(SaaS)", "容器即服务(CaaS)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The cloud computing characteristic of elasticity promotes which aspect of the CIA triad?", "answers": ["Confidentiality", "Integrity", "Availability", "None"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在虚拟化环境中,哪种安全机制可以防止虚拟机之间的非法访问?", "answers": ["虚拟机加密", "虚拟局域网隔离", "虚拟机监控器(VMM)的访问控制", "虚拟机备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云基础设施中,以下哪种加密方法主要用于保护存储在云中的数据?", "answers": ["传输层安全(TLS)", "静态数据加密", "动态数据加密", "应用层加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务安全合规性管理中,以下哪项措施有助于应对数据泄露的风险?", "answers": ["不进行数据分类和标记", "不实施数据访问审计", "实施数据丢失预防(DLP)策略", "不限制数据传输的加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪项技术主要用于检测和防御恶意软件的入侵?", "answers": ["数据加密", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "负载均衡", "虚拟专用网络(VPN)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云计算基础架构安全体系中,以下哪种技术用于防止数据在存储时被未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据备份", "数据加密技术", "数据压缩", "数据迁移"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "77. Mark is considering replacing his organization's customer relationship management (CRM) solution with a new product that is available in the cloud. This new solution is completely managed by the vendor, and Mark's company will not have to write any code or manage any physical resources. What type of cloud solution is Mark considering?", "answers": ["IaaS", "CaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云架构设计中,以下哪项原则有助于提高系统的容错性和可用性?", "answers": ["数据备份", "负载均衡", "数据加密", "访问审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云应用中,哪种隐私保护机制允许数据在不被明文访问的情况下进行计算?", "answers": ["数据加密", "同态加密", "访问控制列表", "零知识证明"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,多因素认证通常不包括以下哪一项?", "answers": ["密码", "指纹识别", "短信验证码", "地理位置信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在微服务架构中,以下哪种安全措施主要用于确保服务间通信的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "服务网格(Service Mesh)", "数据加密", "网络隔离"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以有效防止云环境中数据的未授权访问?", "answers": ["仅依赖云服务提供商的默认安全设置", "实施细粒度的访问控制策略", "在所有数据上使用相同的加密密钥", "关闭所有安全更新以避免潜在的漏洞"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following poses a new risk in the cloud, not affecting the traditional,on-premise environment?", "answers": ["Fire", "Legal seizure of another firm‘s assets", "Mandatory privacy data breach notifications", "Flooding"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云架构安全中,以下哪项措施是确保数据传输安全的关键?", "answers": ["使用静态加密", "实施严格的访问控制", "采用SSL\\/TLS加密协议", "定期进行安全审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全中,合规性框架的作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供云计算服务的定价模型", "定义云服务的性能标准", "确保云服务提供商和用户遵守相关的法律、法规和标准", "限制云服务的创新和发展"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following terms is not used to describe cloud computing, in either the ISO or NIST definitions?", "answers": ["elastic", "shared resources", "frangible", "self-service"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务协议中,以下哪项条款通常用于确保用户数据隐私和安全合规性?", "answers": ["数据备份和恢复条款", "数据加密和传输安全条款", "服务水平协议(SLA)条款", "用户界面设计条款"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What type of data storage is often used in platform as a service (PaaS) arrangements?", "answers": ["Ephemeral", "Database", "Long-term", "Nefarious"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在处理云中的安全事件时,以下哪项是首要任务?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的系统", "收集日志以进行事后分析", "通知所有受影响的用户", "修复漏洞并恢复服务"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "微服务架构中,哪种安全策略能够有效防止服务间的不安全通信?", "answers": ["使用HTTP Basic认证", "服务间通信加密", "使用API网关进行访问控制", "定期进行安全审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following are risks associated with virtualization?", "answers": ["Loss of governance, snapshot and image security, and sprawl", "Public awareness, snapshot and image availability, and sprawl", "Increased cost, snapshot and image security, and sprawl", "Loss of data"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商在制定合规与策略时,以下哪项不是必须考虑的因素?", "answers": ["数据隐私法规", "服务级别协议(SLA)", "用户个人偏好", "行业标准和最佳实践"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the security manager for a small application development company. Yourcompany is considering the use of the cloud for software testing purposes. Which cloudservice model is most likely to suit your needs?", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "LaaS"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云应用中,以下哪种防御策略最适合防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF)攻击?", "answers": ["使用双因素认证", "实施严格的输入验证", "使用随机生成的令牌进行会话管理", "定期更新软件和系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the IT director for an automotive parts supply distribution service; yourcompany wants to operate a production environment in the cloud. In reviewing provideroptions, management considers an offer from Cloud Services Corp., who has contractswith several cloud providers and data centers and has offered to tailor a package ofservices for your company‘s needs. In this case, Cloud Services Corp. is considered a.", "answers": ["Cloud provider", "Cloud customer", "Cloud reseller", "Cloud database"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,容器安全主要关注哪些方面?", "answers": ["容器镜像的来源和内容", "容器运行时的隔离和资源限制", "容器网络的安全配置", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "To deploy a set of microservices to clients instead of building one monolithic application,it is best to use a(n) to coordinate client requests.", "answers": ["Extensible Markup Language (XML) gateway", "Application programming interface (API) gateway", "Web application firewall (WAF)", "Database activity monitor (DAM)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "一位信息系统审计师正在评估一个基于虚拟机 (VM) 的架构,该架构用于所有编程和测试环境。生产架构是一个三层物理架构。以下哪项测试是为确保生产中 Web 应用程序的可用性和机密性而进行的最重要的IT控制?", "answers": ["服务器配置已适当增强。", "分配的物理资源可用。", "系统管理员接受培训以使用VM架构。", "VM服务器包含在灾难恢复计划中。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security, Trust, and Assurance Registry (STAR)program has tiers.", "answers": ["Two", "Three", "Four", "Eight"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the security manager for a software development firm. Your company isinterested in using a managed cloud service provider for hosting its testing environment.Management has decided that the company will deploy encryption, data loss preventionor data leak protection (DLP), and digital rights management (DRM) in the cloudenvironment for additional protection. When consulting with management, you explainthat these tools will most likely reduce .", "answers": ["External threats", "Internal threats", "Software vulnerabilities", "Quality of service"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,持续监控的目的是什么?", "answers": ["减少网络流量", "提高系统性能", "实时检测和响应安全威胁", "增加存储需求"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务提供商的合规审计中,以下哪项是评估云服务安全性的关键指标?", "answers": ["云服务器的物理位置", "云服务的用户满意度", "云服务的数据加密强度", "云服务的用户数量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a risk in the cloud environment that does not exist or is not asprevalent in the traditional environment?", "answers": ["Legal liability in multiple jurisdictions", "Loss of productivity due to DDoS", "Ability of users to gain access to their physical workplace", "Fire"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施是针对云服务中断或数据丢失的预防策略?", "answers": ["数据加密", "安全组与防火墙", "定期备份与恢复策略", "网络访问控制列表"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生应用中,以下哪项是秘钥管理的关键作用?", "answers": ["实现服务间的负载均衡", "确保数据的加密和解密", "提供服务发现功能", "管理容器的生命周期"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following entities publishes a cloud-centric set of risk-benefit recommendationsthat includes a “Top 8” list of security risks an organization might face during a cloudmigration, based on likelihood and impact?", "answers": ["National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)", "International Organization for Standardization (ISO)", "European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)", "Payment Card Industry (PCI)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议用于确保在云服务之间传输的数据的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["SSH", "TLS", "FTP", "SNMP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "All of the following are reasons overwriting is not a viable secure sanitization method fordata stored in the cloud except .", "answers": ["Overwriting an entire storage resource would affect other tenants‘ data", "Regulators usually frown on the practice", "Locating the specific storage locations of cloud data is almost impossible", "Data is being backed constantly in the cloud; before you finished overwriting an"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "How is an object stored within an object storage system?", "answers": ["Key value", "Database", "LDAP", "Tree structure"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "With the rapid emergence of cloud computing, very few regulations were in place that pertained to it specifically, and organizations often had toresort to using a collection of regulations that were not specific to cloud in order to drive audits and policies.Which standard from the ISO/IEC was designed specifically for cloud computing?", "answers": ["ISO/IEC 27001", "ISO/IEC 19889", "ISO/IEC 27001:2015", "ISO/IEC 27018"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在进行云原生应用的漏洞分析时,以下哪项技术通常被用于发现潜在的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["静态应用安全测试(SAST)", "动态应用安全测试(DAST)", "交互式应用安全测试(IAST)", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全风险评估中,以下哪项不是评估的关键要素?", "answers": ["资产价值评估", "威胁识别", "用户满意度调查", "脆弱性分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Cloud computing affects __________ phase(s) of the secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC).", "answers": ["many", "one", "the secure operations", "all"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Using one cloud provider for your operational environment and another for your BC/DRbackup will also give you the additional benefit of .", "answers": ["Allowing any custom VM builds you use to be instantly ported to another environment", "Avoiding vendor lock-in/lock-out", "Increased performance", "Lower cost"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助云服务提供商实时检测并响应潜在的入侵行为?", "answers": ["威胁情报分析", "日志备份", "数据加密", "服务器硬件升级"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种技术有助于快速响应安全事件并恢复服务?", "answers": ["威胁模型", "日志分析", "自动化的应急响应", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "下列哪一项是与云环境相关的主要合规性问题", "answers": ["云服务成本降低可能违反计算机服务禁令", "应用程序即服务的出现可能违反软件许可协议", "云存储的分布式特性可能导致跨地理边界发送受监管的信息", "多租户模型允许云客户不公平地共享原本单独购买的硬件", "通过统一和集中管理平台提高透明度"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生环境中,以下哪种措施可以增强网络安全?", "answers": ["完全开放所有端口", "使用默认的网络策略", "实施网络微分段", "依赖于主机的防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种安全措施主要用于保护静态数据,即使云服务提供商的系统被攻破,数据仍然保持安全?", "answers": ["身份验证与授权", "安全隔离", "数据加密", "合规性与审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云部署模型中,哪种模型最适合需要严格控制数据和基础设施的企业?", "answers": ["公有云", "私有云", "混合云", "社区云"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云基础设施安全保护策略中,以下哪项措施主要用于防止未授权访问和数据泄露?", "answers": ["网络流量分析", "数据备份与恢复", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "负载均衡"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在微服务架构中,以下哪种技术用于实现服务之间的通信和安全控制?", "answers": ["容器化技术", "服务网格", "持续集成\\\\/持续部署", "数据加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the IT security manager for a video game software development company. Inorder to test the functionality of online multiplayer game content, your testing teamwants to use a cloud service independent from the internal production environment. Youremind them that it is absolutely crucial that they perform beforeincluding any sample player or billing data.", "answers": ["Vulnerability scans", "Intrusion detection", "Masking", "Malware scans"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云备份策略中,以下哪种方法能够确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["使用明文传输数据", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS加密传输数据", "仅在非高峰时段进行数据备份", "使用私有网络进行数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种云安全措施主要用于防止未授权的内部人员访问敏感数据?", "answers": ["防火墙", "数据加密", "权限管理", "入侵检测系统(IDS)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "威胁建模在云安全中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供云服务的负载均衡", "增强云存储的数据加密", "识别和评估潜在的安全威胁", "优化云资源的分配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following actions will NOT make data part of the \"create\" phase of the cloud data lifecycle?", "answers": ["Modifying metadata", "Importing data", "Modifying data", "Constructing new data"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云灾难恢复策略中,以下哪种数据备份方法最适用于确保数据的快速恢复?", "answers": ["仅使用本地备份", "使用云端快照备份", "仅依赖于磁带备份", "使用定期手动备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在制定云灾难恢复计划时,以下哪项措施最有助于确保业务的连续性?", "answers": ["定期进行数据备份", "实施严格的访问控制", "建立跨区域的数据复制", "频繁进行系统升级"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在处理云安全事件时,哪个步骤是确保安全工具协同工作并执行适当响应的关键?", "answers": ["威胁情报共享", "安全工具集成", "事件调查", "权限管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The primary tool used to provision identities across multiple cloud platforms/services/systems.", "answers": ["digital rights management (DRM)", "data loss prevention (DLP)", "federation", "virtualization"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,访问控制的实现通常不包括哪个阶段?", "answers": ["身份验证", "授权", "会话管理", "数据加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Why is the term (ISC) 2 Cloud Secure Data Lifecycle actually somewhat inaccurate?", "answers": ["The term is not used only by (ISC)2.", "Not all phases are secure.", "Not all phases take place in the cloud.", "It‘s not actually a cycle."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种认证方式结合了密码和物理令牌的使用?", "answers": ["单一密码认证", "双因素认证", "三因素认证", "生物识别认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "If the cloud is used for BC/DR purposes, the loss of could gravelyaffect your organization‘s RT", "answers": ["Any cloud administrator", "A specific VM", "Your policy and contract documentation", "ISP connectivity"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) publishes the Notorious Nine, a list of common threatsto organizations participating in cloud computing. According to the CSA, in the event of adata breach, a cloud customer will likely need to comply with all the following data breachnotification requirements except .", "answers": ["Multiple state laws", "Contractual notification requirements", "All standards-based notification schemes", "Any applicable federal regulations"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法是遵循云安全最佳实践,以确保数据在传输过程中的加密?", "answers": ["使用SSL\\/TLS进行通信", "定期进行安全审计和日志审查", "遵守ISO 27001合规性框架", "实施多因素身份验证和授权机制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全事件监控中,以下哪种技术常用于实时检测异常行为?", "answers": ["机器学习", "数据压缩", "负载均衡", "数据迁移"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the data manager for a retail company; you anticipate a much higher volumeof sales activity in the final quarter of each calendar year than the other quarters. Inorder to handle these increased transactions, and to accommodate the temporary salespersonnel you will hire for only that time period, you consider augmenting your internal,on-premises production environment with a cloud capability for a specific duration, andwill return to operating fully on-premises after the period of increased activity. Whichdeployment model best describes this type of arrangement?", "answers": ["Private cloud", "Community cloud", "Public cloud", "Hybrid cloud"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix (CSA CCM) lists security controlsfrom all the following laws except .", "answers": ["Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)", "Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)", "Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)", "Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "根据法规要求,以下哪种情况下的网络渗透测试需要遵守额外的合规条件?", "answers": ["针对公共云服务的渗透测试", "针对内部私有网络的渗透测试", "针对已知漏洞的模拟攻击测试", "针对自家产品的安全测试"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务协议中,以下哪项不是用户通常需要遵守的条款?", "answers": ["数据备份与恢复", "服务水平协议(SLA)", "数据加密要求", "数据所有权转移"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商在进行风险评估时,以下哪项不是评估的关键因素?", "answers": ["服务提供商的财务稳定性", "物理安全措施", "客户的数据分类", "服务水平协议(SLA)的合规性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,审计日志的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提高云服务的运行速度", "记录和分析用户行为,以确保安全性和合规性", "增加云服务的存储成本", "作为云服务营销的工具"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Alice runs a small software development company, and wants to use a cloud environment to install, test, and modify applications across a number of operating systems (OSs). Which cloud service model is probably best for her purposes?", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "Grimbo"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What type of segregation and separation of resources is needed within a cloud environment for multitenancy purposes versus a traditional datacenter model?", "answers": ["Virtual", "Security", "Physical", "Logical"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "From a legal perspective, what is the most important rst step after an eDiscovery order has been received by the cloud provider?", "answers": ["Notication", "Key identication", "Data collection", "Virtual image snapshots"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种技术可以帮助分析网络流量模式,以识别潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["恶意软件防护", "网络流量分析", "日志管理", "安全事件响应"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全模型中,以下哪项技术主要用于保护数据的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["虚拟专用网络(VPN)", "数据备份和恢复", "加密技术", "入侵检测系统(IDS)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "The physical layout of a cloud data center campus should include redundancies of all thefollowing except .", "answers": ["Physical perimeter security controls (fences, lights, walls, etc.)", "The administration/support staff building", "Electrical utility lines", "Communications connectivity lines"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在微服务架构中,如何确保不同服务之间的通信安全,防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["服务身份验证", "API网关安全", "微服务间的通信安全", "容器安全"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云安全策略中,以下哪项措施不是为了防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["实施严格的访问控制", "定期进行安全审计", "使用防火墙限制网络流量", "定期进行数据备份"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the security manager for a small application development company. Yourcompany is considering the use of the cloud for software testing purposes.Which of the following traits of cloud functionality is probably the most crucial in termsof deciding which cloud provider you will choose?", "answers": ["Portability", "Interoperability", "Resiliency", "Governance"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "When targeting a cloud customer, a court grants an order allowing a law enforcemententity to seize .", "answers": ["Electronic data", "Hardware", "Electronic data and the hardware on which it resides", "Only data extracted from hardware"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "What is the biggest benefit to leasing space in a data center versus building or maintain your own?", "answers": ["Certification", "Costs", "Regulation", "Control"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "In which cloud service model is the customer required to maintain the OS?", "answers": ["Iaas", "CaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Joe works as an IT administrator in an organization and has recently set up a cloud computing service for the organization. To implement this\nservice, he reached out to a telecom company for providing Internet connectivity and transport services between the organization and the cloud\nservice provider.\nIn the NIST cloud deployment reference architecture, under which category does the telecom company fall in the above scenario?", "answers": ["Cloud consumer", "Cloud broker", "Cloud auditor", "Cloud carrier"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种防火墙配置策略能够提供最高级别的网络隔离?", "answers": ["基于子网的访问控制", "基于虚拟局域网(VLAN)的隔离", "基于安全组的访问控制", "基于网络虚拟化的隔离"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,以下哪种风险管理策略专注于识别和减轻潜在威胁?", "answers": ["灾难恢复计划", "威胁建模和漏洞评估", "多因素认证", "资源池化"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务中,使用加密技术的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高数据传输速度", "减少数据存储空间", "保护数据隐私和完整性", "增加数据备份频率"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云安全服务架构中,访问控制通常不包括以下哪项功能?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制", "强制访问控制", "自主访问控制", "数据备份与恢复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是云安全防御策略的一部分?", "answers": ["使用虚拟专用网络(VPN)进行安全通信", "定期进行安全审计和风险评估", "完全依赖于云服务提供商的安全措施", "实施多因素认证(MFA)以增强访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云存储服务中,以下哪种隐私保护技术用于防止数据被未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据加密", "数据压缩", "数据去重", "数据迁移"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A main objective for an organization when utilizing cloud services is to avoid vendor lock-in so as to ensure flexibility and maintain independence.Which core concept of cloud computing is most related to vendor lock-in?", "answers": ["Scalability", "Interoperability", "Portability", "Reversibility"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,哪种操作对于确保数据安全和业务连续性不是必需的?", "answers": ["定期更新和修补云服务", "配置自动备份计划", "建立详细的恢复时间目标(RTO)和恢复点目标(RPO)", "仅在本地存储敏感数据"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云备份中,哪种技术可以防止因单点故障导致的数据丢失?", "answers": ["数据冗余", "分片存储", "哈希校验", "网络拓扑优化"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Question: SCENARIO\n\nWebTracker Limited is a cloud-based online marketing service located in London. Last year, WebTracker migrated its IT infrastructure to the cloud provider AmaZure, which provides SQL Databases and Artificial Intelligence services to WebTracker. The roles and responsibilities between the two companies have been formalized in a standard contract, which includes allocating the role of data controller to WebTracker.\n\nThe CEO of WebTracker, Mr. Bond, would like to assess the effectiveness of AmaZure''s privacy controls, and he recently decided to hire you as an independent auditor. The scope of the engagement is limited only to the marketing services provided by WebTracker, you will not be evaluating any internal data processing activity, such as HR or Payroll.\n\nThis ad-hoc audit was triggered due to a future partnership between WebTracker and SmartHome -- a partnership that will not require any data sharing. SmartHome is based in the USA, and most recently has dedicated substantial resources to developing smart refrigerators that can suggest the recommended daily calorie intake based on DNA information. This and other personal data is collected by WebTracker.\n\nTo get an idea of the scope of work involved, you have decided to start reviewing the company''s documentation and interviewing key staff to understand potential privacy risks.\n\nThe results of this initial work include the following notes:\n\nThere are several typos in the current privacy notice of WebTracker, and you were not able to find the privacy notice for SmartHome.\nYou were unable to identify all the sub-processors working for SmartHome. No subcontractor is indicated in the cloud agreement with AmaZure, which is responsible for the support and maintenance of the cloud infrastructure.\nThere are data flows representing personal data being collected from the internal employees of WebTracker, including an interface from the HR system. Part of the DNA data collected by WebTracker was from employees, as this was a prototype approved by the CEO of WebTracker.\nAll the WebTracker and SmartHome customers are based in USA and Canada.\n\nWhich of the following issues is most likely to require an investigation by the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) of WebTracker?\n=======", "answers": ["Data flows use encryption for data at rest, as defined by the IT manager.", "AmaZure sends newsletter to WebTracker customers, as approved by the Marketing Manager.", "Employees'' personal data are being stored in a cloud HR system, as approved by the HR Manager.", "File Integrity Monitoring is being deployed in SQL servers, as indicated by the IT Architect Manager."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于保护用户身份信息,同时在云服务中实现匿名交易或通信?", "answers": ["对称加密", "零知识证明", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "数字证书"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云数据备份策略中,以下哪项措施对于防止数据丢失最为关键?", "answers": ["定期进行数据压缩", "使用RAID技术", "实施异地备份", "限制备份数据的访问权限"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在设计云服务的安全架构时,以下哪种加密方法最适合保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "端到端加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在容器隔离中,哪个功能主要负责确保一个容器的资源使用不会影响到其他容器?", "answers": ["命名空间隔离", "Cgroups(控制组)", "安全上下文", "网络策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云环境中,访问控制列表(ACL)通常用于实现什么功能?", "answers": ["加密存储在云中的敏感数据", "验证用户身份以允许访问", "定义网络流量的允许和拒绝规则", "根据用户角色分配服务使用权限"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云服务安全审计中,以下哪项不是审计日志的主要用途?", "answers": ["检测异常行为", "记录用户活动", "优化系统性能", "支持合规性检查"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云存储中,哪种加密技术允许数据所有者保留对加密密钥的控制,从而增强数据隐私?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "客户持有密钥(CHKM)", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "According to the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security Guidance v4, what’s the most\n\n\n\n\n\nimportant security consideration for any cloud project?", "answers": ["knowing who is responsible for what", "personal privacy", "physical protection of the underlying architecture", "preventing electronic surveillance"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "According to the NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture, which of the followingis most likely a cloud carrier?", "answers": ["Amazon Web Services", "Netflix", "Verizon", "Nessus"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "出现以下哪种情况时,信息系统审计师最需要对第三方托管的云计算环境进行审查?", "answers": ["组织无权评估供应商站点中的控制。", "服务水平协议未规定出现安全漏洞时供应商应承担的责任。", "组织和供应商所在国家/地区的法律和法规不同。", "组织使用的旧版浏览器存在某些类型的安全风险。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项措施最有助于保护云中的数据免受未授权访问?", "answers": ["使用强密码策略", "实施数据加密", "定期更新软件", "限制物理访问"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "You are the IT director for a small contracting firm. Your company is consideringmigrating to a cloud production environment. Which service model would best fit yourneeds if you wanted an option that reduced the chance of vendor lock-in but also did notrequire the highest degree of administration by your own personnel?", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "TanstaafL"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following aspects of cloud computing can enhance the customer‘s businesscontinuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) efforts?", "answers": ["Geographical separation of data centers", "Hypervisor security", "Pooled resources", "Multitenancy"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生应用中,以下哪种安全协议最适合用于保护服务间的通信?", "answers": ["SSH(Secure Shell)", "IPsec(Internet Protocol Security)", "TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "Kerberos"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云架构中,以下哪项防火墙技术最适合用于保护虚拟机间的通信安全?", "answers": ["网络地址转换(NAT)防火墙", "下一代防火墙(NGFW)", "虚拟私有网络(VPN)", "虚拟防火墙(VFW)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在制定云应用安全策略时,以下哪项不是必须考虑的因素?", "answers": ["数据分类和敏感性", "用户身份验证和授权", "云服务提供商的地理位置", "数据备份和恢复计划"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "A cloud provider offering database services is most likely utilizing the __________ service model.", "answers": ["IaaS", "PaaS", "SaaS", "Las"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Having a reservation in a cloud environment can ensure operations continue in the event of high utilization across the cloud.Which of the following would NOT be a capability covered by reservations?", "answers": ["Performing business operations", "Starting virtual machines", "Running applications", "Auto-scaling"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "在云原生安全中,哪种策略用于收集和分析应用程序及基础设施的日志,以进行合规性和安全审计?", "answers": ["网络流量分析", "日志管理与审计", "威胁情报", "应用防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "云服务提供商在实施合规性实践时,以下哪项措施是不必要的?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "实施数据加密", "提供用户培训", "限制物理访问"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保云存储中敏感数据的隐私,即使数据在传输过程中被截获?", "answers": ["身份验证与授权", "数据加密技术", "安全隔离与多租户", "合规性与审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种操作是隔离与恢复过程中的关键步骤?", "answers": ["立即关闭所有系统以防止进一步损害", "确定受影响的资源并隔离它们", "更新所有安全补丁以防止未来攻击", "公开事件以警告其他用户"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "Of the following options, which is a reason cloud data center audits are often less easy toverify than traditional audits?", "answers": ["Cryptography is present.", "Auditors don‘t like the cloud.", "Cloud equipment is resistant to audit.", "They often rely on data the provider chooses to disclose."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助安全团队实时监控云环境中的潜在威胁?", "answers": ["安全工具集成", "事件响应", "工作流自动化", "实时监控"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "__________ is a cloud business continuity/disaster recovery (BCDR) feature that is not easily accomplished in a traditional (on-prem) IT environment.", "answers": ["regular backups", "deploying virtual machines across multiple, distinct geographic availability zones", "versioning of baseline operating system (OS) builds", "personnel training"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "云安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防��墙配置有助于防止钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["阻止所有外部电子邮件进入公司网络", "设置规则阻止访问已知恶意网站的IP地址", "仅允许内部网络的特定端口通信", "关闭所有网络服务,只允许HTTP和HTTPS"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御策略最适合对抗APT攻击的持续性存在?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统和软件", "实施深度防御策略", "强化端点检测和响应", "仅使用一次性密码进行身份验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "DNS投毒攻击中,攻击者的主要目标是什么?", "answers": ["获取用户敏感信息", "增加网站流量", "篡改域名解析结果", "破坏DNS服务器"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What type of cable is used with 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet?", "answers": ["Fiber-optic cable", "Category 3 or 4 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP).", "Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP).", "RG-58 cable."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列端口号中,()是电子邮件发送协议默认的服务端口号。", "answers": ["23", "25", "110", "143"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "三层网络设计方案中,()是汇聚层的功能。", "answers": ["不同区域的高速数据转发", "用户认证、计费管理", "终端用户接入网络", "实现网络的访问策略控制"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,哪种技术用于确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["MD5加密算法", "SSL\\/TLS协议", "ARP嗅探工具", "简单的HTTP协议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在应对网络入侵时,哪种技术能够监控网络流量,识别异常行为并发出警报?", "answers": ["身份认证控制", "入侵检测系统", "数据加密", "日志管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密算法在TLS协议中通常用于密钥交换?", "answers": ["AES", "RSA", "SHA-256", "DES"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,哪种加密算法主要用于加密通信内容以保护数据的隐私?", "answers": ["RSA (公钥加密算法)", "AES (高级加密标准)", "SHA-256 (安全哈希算法)", "MD5 (消息摘要算法)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "SSL\\\\/TLS协议中的密钥交换算法通常用于做什么?", "answers": ["加密数据", "验证客户端身份", "生成会话密钥", "压缩数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全技术主要用于检测和防止内部网络中的恶意活动或异常行为?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "加密通信", "身份验证", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Kerberos 是一种网络认证协议。它采用的加密算法是( )。", "answers": ["RSA", "PGP", "DES", "MD5"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "相比于 TCP,UDP 的优势为()。", "answers": ["可靠传输", "开销较小", "拥塞控制", "流量控制"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以实时监测网络流量,以识别潜在的攻击行为?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "加密与认证", "漏洞管理", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络安全中,以下哪种技术主要用于检测和防止未经授权的网络访问?", "answers": ["漏洞扫描", "密码学基础", "网络嗅探", "防火墙策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击中,攻击者通常会利用哪种技术来伪造合法网站?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "中间人攻击", "域名系统欺骗", "拒绝服务攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术允许基于应��的数据流通过,并且可以执行协议分析和内容检查?", "answers": ["包过滤", "应用网关", "状态检测", "代理防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在威胁情报收集过程中,以下哪项活动通常不涉及?", "answers": ["分析公开来源的信息", "监控暗网活动", "进行社会工程学测试", "实施网络钓鱼攻击"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术主要用于检查网络数据包的传输并阻止潜在的恶意流量?", "answers": ["应用级网关(应用代理防火墙)", "状态检查防火墙", "电路级网关", "包过滤防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助识别网络中的异常流量模式,可能指示潜在的攻击?", "answers": ["恶意软件分析", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "安全协议应用", "应急响应策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保HTTPS协议中的数据在传输过程中的完整性和机密性?", "answers": ["公钥加密", "数字签名", "哈希函数", "SSL\\/TLS协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种网络追踪技术对于追查钓鱼攻击者最不相关?", "answers": ["IP地址追踪", "DNS记录分析", "社交媒体情报", "蓝牙信号追踪"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "关于点到点微波传输的正确的说法是?", "answers": ["因为采用了多路复用技术,所以不容易被拦截侦听", "因为有加密,所以不容易被拦截侦听", "容易被拦截侦听", "是否被拦截侦听取决于信号强度"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在SSL\\/TLS协议中,哪个阶段主要负责握手协议,确认加密算法和交换会话密钥?", "answers": ["证书认证阶段", "握手协议阶段", "应用数据传输阶段", "安全套接字层建立阶段"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在SSL\\/TLS协议中,以下哪个组件负责在客户端和服务器之间建立安全连接?", "answers": ["数字证书", "VPN隧道", "对称密钥", "非对称密钥交换算法"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在威胁检测和防御中,以下哪项活动最直接地与漏洞评估相关?", "answers": ["定期更新防火墙规则", "监控网络流量以识别异常模式", "定期扫描系统和应用程序以查找已知安全漏洞", "制定应急响应计划以应对安全事件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "88. Alaina wants to ensure that systems are compliant with her network security settings before they are allowed on the network and wants to ensure that she can test and validate system settings as possible. What type of NAC system should she deploy?", "answers": ["A pre-admit, clientless NAC system", "A postadmission, client-based NAC system", "A pre-admit, client-based NAC system", "A postadmission, clientless NAC system"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在应对DDoS(分布式拒绝服务)攻击时,以下哪一步骤通常是在安全事件响应流程中首先执行的?", "answers": ["立即隔离受影响的系统以防止进一步损害", "识别攻击的来源和类型", "启动备份系统并切换到灾难恢复计划", "监控网络流量以检测异常模式"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在入侵检测系统(IDS)中,哪种类型的检测方法侧重于识别已知的攻击模式,例如通过匹配签名或特征?", "answers": ["基于行为的检测", "基于异常的检测", "基于签名的检测", "基于统计的检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "一个VLAN可以看作是一个:", "answers": ["冲突域", "广播域", "管理域", "阻塞域"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在入侵检测系统(IDS)中,以下哪种检测方法主要用于识别网络流量中的异常行为?", "answers": ["签名检测", "统计异常检测", "状态协议分析", "基于规则的检测"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试防御策略中,以下哪项最直接地防止攻击者利用系统中的漏洞进行横向移动?", "answers": ["强化操作系统配置", "实施多因素认证", "使用网络分段", "应用入侵预防系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在防火墙中,哪种功能用于阻止未经授权的网络访问?", "answers": ["流量分析", "状态检查", "日志记录", "应急响应计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议应用可以防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["IPSec", "TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "SSH(Secure Shell)", "NAC(Network Access Control)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is most likely to be useful in detecting intrusions?", "answers": ["Access control lists", "Security labels", "Audit trails", "Information security policies"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络微分段在零信任架构中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["增加网络带宽", "减少网络延迟", "限制横向移动", "提高数据传输速度"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在进行无线网络协议分析时,以下哪种协议被广泛认为安全性较低?", "answers": ["WPA3", "WPA2", "WPA", "WEP"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "与 http1.0 相比,http1.1 的优点不包括( )。", "answers": ["减少了 rtts 数量", "支持持久连接", "减少了 tcp 慢启动次数", "提高了安全性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Data in motion is commonly", "answers": ["Using a RESTful protocol for transmission", "Stored in registers", "Being transmitted across the network", "Stored in external storage devices"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "RIP 协议默认的路由更新周期是()秒。", "answers": ["30", "60", "90", "100"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "安全协议在网络安全中扮演什么角色?", "answers": ["用于加密和解密数据", "作为网络设备的物理保护", "用于网络流量的负载均衡", "作为网络攻击的直接防御手段"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在实现虚拟私有网络(VPN)时,以下哪种技术主要用于加密和保护数据传输?", "answers": ["IPsec协议", "HTTP隧道", "身份验证头(AH)", "简单网络管理协议(SNMP)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术可以帮助检测那些在正常行为模式之外的操作,可能表明存在网络入侵或内部威胁?", "answers": ["签名检测", "异常行为检测", "预防措施", "事件响应流程"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "At which OSI/ISO layer is an encrypted authentication between a client software package and a firewall performed?", "answers": ["Network layer", "Session layer", "Transport layer", "Data link layer"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "与 HTTP 相比, HTTPS 协议将传输的内容进行加密,更加安全。 HTTPS 基于( ) 安全协议 。", "answers": ["RSA", "DES", "SSL", "SSH"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止中间人攻击,但不能防止数据被窃听?", "answers": ["使用HTTPS协议", "实施证书验证", "启用SSL\\/TLS的前向保密", "禁用HTTP明文通信"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,用于加密和解密通信的密钥交换技术是?", "answers": ["哈希函数", "公钥加密", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "数字证书"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络的可用性是指( )。", "answers": ["网络通信能力的大小", "用户用于网络维修的时间", "网络的可靠性", "用户可利用网络时间的百分比"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在DNSSEC中,哪个密钥用于验证DNS数据的签名?", "answers": ["KSK(Key Signing Key)", "ZSK(Zone Signing Key)", "DS(Delegation Signer)记录", "RSA密钥"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙策略可以防止内部网络受到恶意电子邮件的传播?", "answers": ["阻止所有出站邮件流量", "对所有入站邮件进行内容扫描", "仅允许已知安全的邮件服务器进行通信", "禁止所有包含附件的邮件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在对网络设备巡检中,检测到交换机端口有大量的 CRC 错包,结合错包呈现出不断上涨的趋势,下面故障原因中,不可能的是()", "answers": ["端口状态异常", "物理链路故障", "电磁干扰", "病毒攻击"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "snmpv1 的管理信息结构定义的应用数据类型 time ticks 的单位是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["1 秒", "0.1 秒", "0.01 秒", "1 毫秒"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙配置可以防止恶意软件通过网络传播?", "answers": ["允许所有出站流量", "阻止所有入站流量", "启用状态检测并应用安全策略", "仅允许HTTP和HTTPS流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙策略最适合防止内部网络受到外部恶意软件的威胁?", "answers": ["阻止所有出站流量", "允许所有入站流量,但仅限于特定端口", "仅允许已知安全的入站和出站流量", "允许所有入站和出站流量,但监控所有活动"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在检测网络入侵时,哪种技术可以分析网络流量模式以识别异常行为?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "恶意软件分析", "入侵模式识别", "网络流量监测"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在性能对比中,通常哪种类型的防火墙处理网络流量的速度更快?", "answers": ["网络层防火墙", "应用层防火墙", "性能与类型无关", "两者速度相同"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the BEST type of authentication and encryption for a Secure Shell (SSH) implementation when network trac traversesbetween a host and an infrastructure device?", "answers": ["Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)", "Public-key cryptography", "Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)", "Private-key cryptography"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络足迹追踪中,以下哪种技术主要用于确定网络活动的源头?", "answers": ["IP地址追踪", "浏览器历史记录分析", "社交媒体监控", "网络流量分析"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在进行数据分析以识别潜在的网络攻击时,以下哪种技术最不常用?", "answers": ["机器学习算法", "关联规则学习", "深度学习模型", "线性回归分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "The switch feature used to implement switch port mirroring is: ( )", "answers": ["PERMIT LIST", "PVLAN", "VTP", "SPAN"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络管理中要防止各种安全威胁。在 snmp 中无法预防的安全威胁是( )。", "answers": ["篡改管理信息:通过改变传输中的 snmp 报文实施未经授权的管理操作", "通信分析:第三者分析管理实体之间的通信规律,从而获取管理信息", "假冒合法用户:未经授权的用户冒充授权用户,企图实施管理操作", "消息泄露:snmp 引擎之间交换的信息被第三者偷听"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在防御APT攻击时,以下哪个策略有助于防止数据窃取?", "answers": ["仅使用物理安全措施,如安全门禁系统。", "定期进行安全意识培训,教育员工识别网络钓鱼攻击。", "关闭所有不必要的网络服务和端口。", "仅依赖防火墙阻止所有外部流量。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个是TLS协议中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["弱加密算法", "证书撤销列表(CRL)", "数字签名", "对称加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "集线器也称为HUB,它的工作原理是把一个端口上收到的数据广播发送到其他所有端口上。是一个工作在()的设备。", "answers": ["传输层", "网络层", "数据链路层", "物理层"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列 ip 地址中,属于私网地址的是( )。", "answers": ["", "", "", ""], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Both de facto and proprietary interior protocols are in use today. Which of the following is a proprietary interior protocol that chooses the best path between the source and destination?", "answers": ["IGRP", "RIP", "BGP", "OSPF"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在企业环境中,访问控制列表(ACL)通常用于实现哪种级别的访问控制?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "网络流量过滤和控制", "应用程序权限管理", "操作系统级别的用户权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在企业网络中,访问控制列表(ACL)通常用于实现以下哪种功能?", "answers": ["阻止内部网络用户访问互联网", "仅允许特定端口的入站流量", "加密网络传输数据", "检测和阻止病毒"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在访问控制列表(ACL)中,以下哪项不是常见的访问控制操作?", "answers": ["允许", "拒绝", "加密", "审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保数据在传输过程中不被篡改?", "answers": ["DES", "RSA", "MD5", "TLS"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在模拟攻击时,以下哪种活动是用于发现网络中可利用的漏洞?", "answers": ["权限提升", "密码破解", "网络扫描", "数据隐藏"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following media is MOST resistant to EMI interference?", "answers": ["microwave", "ber optic", "twisted pair", "coaxial cable"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在基于异常的入侵检测系统中,以下哪项技术主要用于识别正常行为模式?", "answers": ["误用检测", "统计模型", "签名匹配", "深度学习"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助分析网络流量模式,以识别潜在的攻击活动?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "行为基线建立", "恶意软件沙箱", "端口扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Brad is a new security administrator within a retail company. He is discovering several issues that his security team needs to address to better secure their organization overall. When reviewing different web server logs, he finds several HTTP server requests with the characters “%20” and “../”. The web server software ensures that users input the correct information within the forms that are presented to them via their web browsers. Brad identifies that the organization has a two-tier network architecture in place, which allows the web servers to directly interact with the back-end database.\nPertaining to the network architecture described in the previous scenario, which of the following attack types should Brad be concerned with?", "answers": ["Parameter validation attack", "Injection attack", "Cross-site scripting", "Database connector attack"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项被公认为是网络管理的关键要素之一?", "answers": ["配置和变更管理。", "拓扑映射。", "监控工具的应用。", "代理服务器故障排除。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "如果想知道配置了哪种路由协议,应使用的命令是() 。", "answers": ["router>show router protocol ,", "router (ciinfig)>show ip protocol", "router (config)>#show router protocol", "router >show ip protocol"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在 tcp 协议中,采用( )来区分不同的应用进程。", "answers": ["端口号", "ip 地址", "协议类型", "mac 地址"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "访问控制列表(acl)配置如下,如果来自因特网的 http 报文的目标地址是,经过这个 acl 过滤后会出现什么情况?()。\nRouter#show access-lists\nExtended IP access list 110\n10 deny tcp any eq telnet\n20 deny tcp any eq smtp\n30 deny tcp any eq http\n40 permit tcp any\n", "answers": ["由于行 30 拒绝,报文被丢弃", "由于行 40 允许,报文被接受", "由于 acl 末尾隐含的拒绝,报文被丢弃", "由于报文源地址未包含在列表中,报文被接受"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在安全防护措施中,以下哪项是用于防止未授权访问的关键技术?", "answers": ["数据加密", "防火墙", "入侵检测系统", "反病毒软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,哪种扫描技术最适合在不引起注意的情况下发现网络上的开放端口和服务?", "answers": ["全面扫描", "隐秘扫描", "漏洞评估", "网络测绘"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙配置可以防止内部网络的恶意活动对外部网络造成影响?", "answers": ["设置出站过滤规则,阻止所有非必要的传出流量", "设置入站过滤规则,阻止所有外部连接请求", "启用状态检测,仅允许已知安全的连接", "启用网络地址转换(NAT),隐藏内部IP地址"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "This OSI layer has a service that negotiates transfer syntax and translates data to and from the transfer syntax for users, which may representdata using different syntaxes. At which of the following layers would you nd such service?", "answers": ["Session", "Transport", "Presentation", "Application"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术是IDS\\\\/IPS系统中用于识别潜在威胁的关键组件?", "answers": ["深度包检查", "数据加密", "身份验证", "负载均衡"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪一项是网络入侵检测技术:", "answers": ["端口扫描", "网络欺骗", "统计异常", "协议分析"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following protocols is designed to send individual messages securely?", "answers": ["Kerberos", "Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).", "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).", "Secure HTTP (S-HTTP)."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络产品和服务安全审查的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高产品价格", "确保网络产品和服务的质量", "确保网络产品和服务的供应链安全", "增加企业负担"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在 tcp/ip 网络中,为各种公共服务保留的端口号范围是( )。", "answers": ["1~255", "256~1023", "1~1023", "1024~65535"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在虚假网站检测中,以下哪种技术可以帮助验证网站的合法性?", "answers": ["检查网站的SSL证书", "查看网站的访问量", "依赖搜索引擎的排名", "根据网站的视觉设计判断"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在SSL\\/TLS协议中,以下哪种加密算法通常用于握手过程中的密钥交换?", "answers": ["AES", "RSA", "DES", "SHA-256"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法不是网络钓鱼攻击的常见手段?", "answers": ["伪造知名网站的登录页面以获取用户凭据", "通过电子邮件发送带有恶意附件的钓鱼邮件", "利用安全浏览器插件来保护用户免受钓鱼攻击", "通过社交媒体诱骗用户点击含有恶意链接��消息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "配置路由器端口,应该在哪种提示符下进行? ( )", "answers": ["r1(config)#", "r1(config-in)#", "r1(config-intf)#", "r1(config-if)#"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙策略可以防止未经授权的电子邮件进出企业网络?", "answers": ["阻止所有SMTP流量", "应用内容过滤规则", "只允许内部IP地址发送邮件", "关闭所有邮件服务器的端口"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Event monitoring tools (security information and event management [SIEM]/securityinformation management [SIM]/security event management [SEM]) can aid in which ofthe following efforts?", "answers": ["Detecting ambient heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) problems", "Ensuring proper cloud migration", "Deciding risk parameters", "Protecting all physical entry points against the threat of fire"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "FTP 协议默认使用的数据端口是()。", "answers": ["20", "80", "25", "23"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在入侵检测系统(IDS)中,哪种类型可以实时监控网络流量以检测潜在的攻击?", "answers": ["基于主机的IDS(HIDS)", "基于网络的IDS(NIDS)", "基于行为的IDS", "基于签名的IDS"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Tom is responsible for ensuring the security of network transactions. His business all uses TLS, which can prevent what kind of attack and what specific method can be used to achieve it?", "answers": ["Eavesdropping, TEMPEST", "Man-in-the-middle attack, VPN", "Packet injection, encryption", "Eavesdropping, encryption"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以阻止未经授权的网络访问,但可能无法检测到内部攻击?", "answers": ["入侵模式识别", "防火墙技术", "恶意软件分析", "网络流量监测"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Encryption can happen at different layers of an operating system and network stack. Where does PPTP encryption take place?", "answers": ["Data link layer", "Within applications", "Transport layer", "Data link and physical layers"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a fundamental role of a firewall O .", "answers": ["incommunicado", "containment", "antivirus", "record (in sports etc)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助NIDS识别特定的已知攻击?", "answers": ["机器学习", "模式匹配", "行为基线分析", "数据流分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络 和 经过路由汇聚,得到的网络地址是( ) 。", "answers": ["", "", "", ""], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在入侵检测系统中,特征提取的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高网络带宽", "减少系统资源消耗", "从网络流量中提取用于检测入侵的关键信息", "增强用户界面的友好性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以太网协议中使用了二进制指数后退算法,这个算法的特点是( )。", "answers": ["容易实现,工作效率高", "在轻负载下能提高网络的利用率", "在重负载下能有效分解冲突", "在任何情况下不会发生阻塞"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "8. Jake has been told that there is a layer 3 problem with his network. Which of the following isassociated with layer 3 in the OSI model?", "answers": ["IP addresses", "TCP and UDP protocols", "MAC addresses", "Sending and receiving bits via hardware"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在防火墙配置中,以下哪种策略可以有效阻止内部网络的未授权访问?", "answers": ["允许所有出站流量", "允许所有入站流量", "拒绝所有入站流���,仅允许特定出站流量", "拒绝所有出站流量,仅允许特定入站流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "特洛伊木马攻击的威胁类型属于()", "answers": ["授权侵犯威胁", "渗入威胁", "植入威胁", "旁路控制威胁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在企业网络中,以下哪种网络拓扑结构最不利于安全实施?", "answers": ["星型拓扑,所有设备连接到中央交换机", "环形拓扑,数据沿着环路单向传输", "总线型拓扑,所有设备共享同一传输介质", "树型拓扑,分层结构,每个分支有独立的子网"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "ieee 802.11 标准定义的 peer to peer 网络是( )。", "answers": ["一种需要 ap 支持的无线网络", "一种不需要有线网络和接入点支持的点对点网络", "一种采用特殊协议的有线网络", "一种高速骨干数据网络"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在SSL\\/TLS的安全握手过程中,以下哪个步骤不是必需的?", "answers": ["客户端发送加密算法的列表", "服务器发送服务器证书", "双方交换应用数据", "服务器发送服务器Hello消息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在SSL\\\\/TLS协议的握手过程中,客户端发送什么来提议加密算法和协议版本?", "answers": ["ClientKeyExchange消息", "ClientHello消息", "ChangeCipherSpec消息", "ServerHelloDone消息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络安全中,以下哪种技术主要用于检测和防止未经授权的网络流量进入或离开网络?", "answers": ["密码学", "防火墙", "漏洞利用", "反击策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种威胁类型通常需要入侵检测系统(IDS)来检测并预防?", "answers": ["拒绝服务攻击(DoS)", "社会工程学攻击", "内部人员的恶意活动", "物理安全威胁"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在部署入侵防御系统(IPS)时,以下哪项不是考虑的关键因素?", "answers": ["系统的检测准确率", "系统的响应速度", "系统的用户界面设计", "系统的误报率"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an advantage that UDP has over TCP?", "answers": ["UDP is connection-oriented whereas TCP is not.", "UDP is more reliable than TC", "UDP is faster than TC", "UDP makes a better effort to deliver packets."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,哪个步骤确保了客户端与服务器之间的身份验证并建立加密通信?", "answers": ["握手协议中的证书交换", "HTTP请求的加密", "会话密钥的生成", "TCP连接的建立"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "如果使用不当,以下哪项最有可能成为拒绝服务攻击的帮凶?", "answers": ["路由器配置和规则。", "内部网络的设计。", "路由器系统软件的更新。", "审计测试和审查技术。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法对于防止Web服务器被利用为肉鸡加入僵尸网络最无效?", "answers": ["保持操作系统和Web服务器软件的更新", "关闭不必要的网络服务", "在服务器上运行无密码的SSH服务", "实施严格的访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能导致HTTPS中的中间人攻击(Man-in-the-Middle, MITM)?", "answers": ["使用自签名的服务器证书", "使用预共享密钥(PSK)", "客户端支持前向安全性", "服务器和客户端都使用最新的TLS版本"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况不是防火墙配置的主要目标?", "answers": ["阻止未经授权的外部访问", "允许内部用户访问所有外部资源", "保护内部网络免受恶意软件攻击", "限制特定服务的流量"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Bella, a security professional working at an IT firm,\nfinds that a security breach has occurred while transferring important files. Sensitive data,\nemployee usernames, and passwords are shared in plaintext, paving the way for hackers to perform successful session hijacking. To address this\nsituation, Bella implemented a protocol that sends data using encryption and digital certificates.\nWhich of the following protocols is used by Bella?", "answers": ["FTPS", "FTP", "HTTPS", "IP"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列那一项用于探测和纠正错误,以便于在网络上传输的完整性和机密性被维持,且可组织非授权的链路拦截。", "answers": ["服务端安全", "传输安全", "客户端安全", "信息安全。"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Application Layer Firewalls operate at the:", "answers": ["OSI protocol Layer seven, the Application Layer.", "OSI protocol Layer six, the Presentation Layer.", "OSI protocol Layer five, the Session Layer.", "OSI protocol Layer four, the Transport Layer."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列关于链路加密的叙述,哪一项是错误的?", "answers": ["它加密所有数据都是沿着一个特定的通信路径", "信息从传输的一端到另一端,始终处于加密状态", "数据包中用户信息、标题、追踪器、地址和路由信息都是加密的", "它能够提供防止数据包被嗅探和窃听。"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙配置策略可以防止内部网络受到外部攻击?", "answers": ["仅允许特定的出站连接", "允许所有入站和出站连接", "仅允许特定的入站连接", "阻止所有网络连接"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施主要用于防止未授权的网络流量进入内部网络?", "answers": ["应用级防火墙", "异常检测系统", "入侵签名更新", "日志分析响应策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术提供了最精细的访问控制,能够跟踪和基于每个连接的状态信息进行决策?", "answers": ["网络层过滤", "应用网关", "状态检测", "访问控制列表"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在TLS协议中,以下哪个组件用于确保邮件传输的完整性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "消息认证码(MAC)", "数字证书"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在 snmpv2 错误类型中,表示管理对象不可访问的是 ()。", "answers": ["noaccess", "generr", "wrong value", "nocreation"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法最不适用于防止网络钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["安装并更新反钓鱼插件", "对所有电子邮件进行加密", "训练员工识别钓鱼尝试", "禁用端点上的JavaScript"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Asynchronous Communication transfers data by sending:", "answers": ["bits of data sequentially", "bits of data sequentially in irregular timing patterns", "bits of data in sync with a heartbeat or clock", "bits of data simultaneously"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is considered an internal redundancy for a data center?", "answers": ["Power distribution units", "Network circuits", "Power substations", "Generators"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "与 ripv1 相比,ripv2 的改进是( )。", "answers": ["采用了可变长子网掩码", "使用 spf 算法计算最短路由", "广播发布路由更新信息", "采用了更复杂的路由度量算法"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What common security issue is often overlooked by wireless phones?", "answers": ["They can allow attackers to access wireless networks.", "Their signals are rarely encrypted, so they can be easily eavesdropped.", "They are rarely patched and vulnerable to malware attacks.", "They use unauthorized frequencies."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安��"} +{"question": "In the \"Access Control\" application of the firewall, the access relationship between the intranet, extranet and DMZ is: ( )", "answers": ["The intranet can access the extranet", "Intranet access to the DMZ", "The DMZ has access to the intranet.", "The DMZ can be accessed from outside the network"], "label": "ABD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "In order to ensure the privacy and integrity of the data, connections between rewalls over public networks should use:", "answers": ["Screened subnets", "Digital certicates", "An encrypted Virtual Private Network", "Encryption"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络入侵检测系统中,数据流分析主要用于:", "answers": ["识别特定的攻击模式", "监控和分析网络流量的统计特性", "预防已知的恶意软件", "实时阻断可疑连接"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "观察交换机状态指示灯是初步判断交换机故障的检测方法,以下关于交换机状态指示灯的描述中,错误的是()。", "answers": ["交换机指示灯显示红色表明设备故障或者告警,需要关注和立即采取行动", "STCK 指示灯绿色表示接口在提供远程供电", "SYS 指示灯亮红色表明交换机可能存在风扇或温度告警", "交换机业务接口对应单一指示灯,常亮表示连接,快闪表示数据传送"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在TCP\\\\/IP协议中,由于TCP协议提供可靠的连接服务,采用()来创建一个TCP连接;采用()来断开TCP连接。", "answers": ["三次握手三次挥手", "三次握手四次挥手", "四次握手三次挥手", "四次握手四次挥手"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在 snmp 和 cmip 是网络界最重要的网络管理协议, ( ) 是错误的。", "answers": ["snmp 和 cmip 采用的检索方式不同。", "snmp 和 cmip 信息获取方式不同。", "snmp 和 cmip 采用的抽象语法符号不同。", "snmp 和 cmip 传输层支持协议不同。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击方式是通过向目标系统发送大量请求,使其无法处理正常流量,从而导致服务不可用?", "answers": ["跨站脚本攻击(XSS)", "SQL注入攻击", "拒绝服务攻击(DoS)", "分布式拒绝服务攻击(DDoS)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下网络攻击中,()属于被动攻击", "answers": ["拒绝服务攻击", "重放", "假冒", "流量分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a function performed by the record protocol of TLS?", "answers": ["Encryption", "Acceleration", "Authentication", "Compression"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保数据在传输过程中的完整性和来源真实性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保移动设备与服务器之间的通信安全?", "answers": ["IPSec", "WPA3", "HTTPS", "MAC 地址过滤"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "局域网(LAN)管理员通常不应承担以下哪项责任?", "answers": ["承担最终用户责任。", "向最终用户经理报告工作。", "承担编程责任。", "负责LAN安全管理。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS中,客户端和服务器如何使用非对称加密来保证通信安全?", "answers": ["客户端使用服务器的公钥加密数据,服务器使用私钥解密", "服务器使用客户端的公钥加密数据,客户端使用私钥解密", "客户端和服务器都使用对方的公钥加密数据", "客户端和服务器都使用自己的私钥加密数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "为了弥补 wep 协议的安全缺陷,wpa 安全认证方案增加的机制是()。", "answers": ["共享密钥认证", "临时密钥完整性协议", "较短的初始化向量", "采用更强的加密算法"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "设信道带宽为 5000Hz,采用 PCM 编码,采样周期为 125μs,每个样本量化为 256 个等级,则信道的数据速率为()。", "answers": ["0Kb/s", "40Kb/s", "56Kb/s", "64Kb/s"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "入侵防御系统(IPS)与IDS相比,最大的区别是什么?", "answers": ["IPS需要更多的硬件资源", "IPS能够主动阻止检测到的攻击", "IPS只监控内部网络流量", "IPS不产生警报"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术可以检查进出网络的数据包内容,以阻止恶意流量?", "answers": ["包过滤", "应用网关", "状态检测", "深度包检查(DPI)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议可以有效防止中间人攻击,保护用户在浏览网页时的数据安全?", "answers": ["TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "FTP(File Transfer Protocol)", "HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)", "IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "The VPN tunneling protocol that belongs to Layer 2 is ().", "answers": ["IPSeC", "PPTP", "GRE", "IPv4"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "企业使用虚拟私有网络(VPN)的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["在内部网络中实施访问控制", "在不安全的公共网络上创建安全的通信通道", "阻止所有外部网络访问", "替代传统的物理网络基础设施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以加密DNS查询,以防止在公共网络上被窃听?", "answers": ["DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)", "TLS", "IPsec", "WPA2"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS的加密算法中,以下哪项不是常用的对称加密算法?", "answers": ["AES", "RSA", "3DES", "Blowfish"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密通信技术用于在TLS\\\\/SSL协议中创建安全的会话密钥?", "answers": ["AES", "RSA", "DH(Diffie-Hellman)", "SHA-256"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法最不利于检测内部网络中的DNS异常行为?", "answers": ["实施DNS流量深度包检测", "依赖外部DNS解析服务", "设置DNS日志和审计", "使用入侵检测系统(IDS)监控DNS流量"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在防火墙配置中,哪种策略有助于防止钓鱼网站通过网络传播?", "answers": ["启用入侵检测和预防系统(IDPS)", "实施严格的出站流量过滤", "启用端口转发", "允许所有HTTPS连接"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,用于加密和解密通信的密钥交换机制是?", "answers": ["公钥加密", "私钥解密", "哈希函数", "数字证书"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Why might a network administrator choose distributed virtual switches instead of stand-alone switches for network segmentation?", "answers": ["To standardize on a single vendor", "To ensure isolation of management trac", "To maximize data plane eciency", "To reduce the risk of conguration errors"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is used to detect and correct errors in order to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted over a network, and to prevent unauthorized link interception?", "answers": ["Client security", "Transmission security", "Server security", "Information security."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止恶意代码通过网络传播,并在数据包到达目的地之前进行检查?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "蜜罐系统", "入侵响应", "安全协议"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击方式是针对特定个人或组织的网络钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["电子邮件钓鱼", "网���克隆", "社会工程学", "鱼叉式网络钓鱼"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在安全架构设计中,以下哪种技术用于确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "HTTP基本认证", "哈希函数", "入侵检测系统(IDS)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是与使用点对点计算有关的最大问题?", "answers": ["病毒感染。", "数据泄露。", "网络性能问题。", "未经授权使用软件。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在相隔 20km 的两地间通过电缆以 100Mb/s 的速率传送 1518 字节长的以太帧,从开始发送到接收完数据需要的时间约是()(信号速率为 200m/us)。", "answers": ["131us", "221us", "1310us", "2210us"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Fire suppression systems are often linked to a detection system. Common detectionsystems include all of the following except .", "answers": ["Heat", "Pressure", "Flame", "Smoke"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,哪种技术用于在客户端和服务器之间建立安全的通信信道?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "TLS\\/SSL协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种网络监控技术主要用于检测异常行为,防止内部威胁?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "防火墙", "数据泄露防护(DLP)系统", "行为分析系统"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种网络安全设备可以防止未经授权的网络访问并过滤恶意流量?", "answers": ["身份验证服务器", "入侵检测系统", "防火墙", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "SNMP trap是通过哪个协议端口上报的?", "answers": ["TCP,161", "UDP,161", "TCP,162", "UDP,162"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制列表(ACL)策略可以防止未经授权的内部用户访问特定服务器?", "answers": ["源地址过滤", "目的地地址过滤", "端口过滤", "MAC地址过滤"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络层中,用于过滤数据包并控制哪些流量可以进出网络的机制是?", "answers": ["应用网关", "状态检测", "访问控制列表", "虚拟私人网络"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "If you receive a RST packet back from a target host, what do you know about your target?", "answers": ["The target is using UDP rather than TCP.", "The destination port is open on the target host.", "The source port in the RST message is closed.", "The target expects the PSH flag to be set."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following types of attacks occurs when an attacker successfully inserts an intermediary software or program between twocommunicating hosts?", "answers": ["Denial-of-service attack", "Dictionary attack", "Man-in-the-middle attack", "Password guessing attack"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,哪种技术主要用于测试防火墙配置的有效性?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "密码暴力破解", "SQL注入", "拒绝服务攻击模拟"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "A company has an e-commerce website that carries out 60 percent of its annual revenue. Under the current circumstances, the annualized loss expectancy for a website against the threat of attack is $92,000. After implementing a new application-layer firewall, the new annualized loss expectancy would be $30,000. The firewall\ncosts $65,000 per year to implement and maintain.\nWhat is the value of the firewall to the company?", "answers": ["$62,000", "$3,000", "–$62,000", "–$3,000"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Communications and network security relates to transmission of which of the following?", "answers": ["voice", "voice and multimedia", "data and multimedia", "voice, data and multimedia"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "识别恶意链接时,以下哪项特征最能表明链接可能是钓鱼攻击的一部分?", "answers": ["链接的URL与官方网站的域名完全一致", "链接的URL中包含一连串随机字符", "链接在邮件正文中以可点击的图片形式出现", "链接的URL使用了顶级域名'.gov'或'.edu'"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于检测网络中的未授权活动,例如嗅探敏感数据?", "answers": ["漏洞扫描", "密码学原理", "网络嗅探", "防火墙技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件欺诈中,哪种技术常用于伪造发件人的电子邮件地址?", "answers": ["SMTP头篡改", "DNS欺骗", "社会工程学", "SSL解密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "流量监控在网络安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["提高网络带宽", "检测异常流量模式", "增加数据传输速度", "减少网络延迟"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下面关于 manchester 编码的叙述中,错误的是( )。", "answers": ["manchester 编码是一种双相码", "manchester 编码提供了比特同步信息", "manchester 编码的效率为 50%", "manchester 编码应用在高速以太网中"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Proxies work by transferring a copy of each accepted data packet from one network to another, thereby masking the:", "answers": ["data's payload.", "data's details.", "data's owner.", "data's origin."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种操作是安全加固服务器的一部分,以防止未授权的远程访问?", "answers": ["关闭不必要的服务和端口", "编写详尽的漏洞报告", "定期执行漏洞扫描", "开发自定义exploit"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于确保在线通信过程中数据的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["防火墙", "SSL\\\\/TLS 加密", "身份验证", "数据备份与恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "mpls 根据标记对分组进行交换,其标记中包含 ( ) 。", "answers": ["mac 地址", "ip 地址", "vlan 编号", "分组长度"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of these would be a reason why it is best for communications to originate from inside the infected network?", "answers": ["Antivirus", "Virtual machines", "Intrusion detection", "Firewall"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止未经授权的设备访问内部网络?", "answers": ["HTTPS协议", "身份验证", "防火墙", "数字证书"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Security event logs can best be protected from tampering by which of the following?", "answers": ["Encrypting the contents using asymmetric key encryption", "Ensuring every user has administrative rights on their own workstations", "Using remote logging over simplex communications media", "Storing the event logs on DVD-RW"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络防御中,哪种策略涉及限制对特定网络资源的访问,只允许授权用户和系统进行通信?", "answers": ["防火墙", "访问控制列表", "入侵检测系统", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Several different tunneling protocols can be used in dial-up situations.\n\nWhich of the following would be best to use as a VPN tunneling solution?", "answers": ["L2P", "PPTP", "IPSec", "L2TP"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "If you were to notice operating system commands inside a DNS request while looking at a packet capture, what might you be looking at?", "answers": ["Tunneling attack", "DNS amplification", "DNS recursion", "XML entity injection"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "防火墙技术演进中,以下哪项技术标志着从包过滤防火墙向状态检测防火墙的转变?", "answers": ["NAT(网络地址转换)", "VPN(虚拟私人网络)", "TCP状态检测", "应用层网关"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "How does Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) in transport mode affect in the Internet Protocol (IP)?", "answers": ["Authenticates the IP payload and selected portions of the IP header", "Encrypts and optionally authenticates the complete IP packet", "Encrypts and optionally authenticates the IP header, but not the IP payload", "Encrypts and optionally authenticates the IP payload, but not the IP header"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Communications and network security relates to transmission of which of the following?", "answers": ["voice", "voice and multimedia", "data and multimedia", "voice, data and multimedia"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "If a private IP address is used for the corporate intranet, the ( ) technique should be used when it is necessary to connect to other branch offices with IPSec VPN.", "answers": ["tunnel technology", "cryptography", "Message Authentication Technology", "digital signature technology"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which one of the following considerations has the LEAST impact when considering transmission security?", "answers": ["Network availability", "Node locations", "Network bandwidth", "Data integrity"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络钓鱼是指( )", "answers": ["通过大量发送声称来自于银行或其他知名机构的欺骗性垃圾邮件,意图引诱收信人给出敏感信息。", "网上进行钓鱼活动", "通过网络组织钓鱼活动,从而获得利益", "以上都不是"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "使用( )协议远程配置交换机。", "answers": ["telnet", "ftp", "http", "ppp"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护策略可以防止恶意软件在企业网络中横向移动?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "网络分段", "入侵检测系统", "端点杀毒软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "A network-based vulnerability assessment is a type of test also referred to as:", "answers": ["An active vulnerability assessment.", "A routing vulnerability assessment.", "A host-based vulnerability assessment.", "A passive vulnerability assessment."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements pertaining to packet switching is incorrect?", "answers": ["Most data sent today uses digital signals over network employing packet switching.", "Messages are divided into packets.", "All packets from a message travel through the same route.", "Each network node or point examines each packet for routing."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "网络入侵检测系统(NIDS)在检测到异常活动时,通常会采取什么行动?", "answers": ["自动阻止所有网络通信", "记录事件并通知管理员", "修改网络配置以防止进一步攻击", "立即执行响应机制,隔离受影响的系统"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,主要实现了哪种安全协议应用,以确保数据传输的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["SSL\\/TLS", "IPSec", "SSH", "WPA2"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What is fragroute primarily used for?", "answers": ["Altering network routes", "Capturing fragmented packets", "Fragmenting application traffic", "Fragmenting layer 2 and layer 3 headers"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种传输协议在设计时考虑了数据安全和合规性,适合用于跨境数据传输?", "answers": ["FTP", "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SMTP"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "哪种网络防护技术主要用于阻止未经授权的设备接入网络?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "端点保护平台(EPP)", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于在不直接与目标交互的情况下发现网络服务?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "DNS侦察", "SYN扫描", "TCP全连接扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于防止网络足迹追踪,保护个人隐私?", "answers": ["IP匿名网络", "数据加密", "双因素认证", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "虚拟专用网VPN是一种新型的网络安全传输技术,为数据传输和网络服务提供安全通道。VPN架构采用的多种安全机制中,不包括( )", "answers": ["隧道技术", "信息隐藏技术", "密钥管理技术", "身份认证技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Lance has been brought in as a new security officer for a large medical equipment company. He has been told that many of the firewalls and IDS products have not been configured to filter IPv6 traffic; thus, many attacks have been taking place without the knowledge of the security team. While the network team has attempted to implement an automated tunneling feature to take care of this issue, they have continually run into problems with the network’s NAT device. Lance has also found out that caching attacks have been successful against the company’s public-facing DNS server. He has also identified that extra authentication is necessary for current LDAP requests, but the current technology only provides password-based authentication options.Which of the following is the best countermeasure for the attack type addressed in the scenario?", "answers": ["DNSSEC", "IPSec", "Split server configurations", "Disabling zone transfers"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全审计方法最适合定期检查组织的网络配置以发现潜在弱点?", "answers": ["人工审核", "自动化扫描工具", "社会工程学", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种网络钓鱼技巧通常用于欺骗用户点击恶意链接?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "键盘记录器", "恶意软件感染", "拒绝服务攻击"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "如果要检查本机的 ip 协议是否工作正常,则应该 ping 的地址是()。", "answers": ["", "", "", ""], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "当 tcp 实体要建立连接时,其段头中的( )标志置 1。", "answers": ["syn", "fin", "rst", "urg"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "假设生产管理网络系统采用 b/s 工作方式,经常上网用户数为 150 个,每用户每分钟产生 8 个事务处理任务,平均事务量大小为 0.05mb,则这个系统需要的信息传输速率为( )。", "answers": ["4mb/s", "6mb/s", "8mb/s", "12mb/s"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议主要用于加密和保护通过互联网传输的敏感数据?", "answers": ["TLS(传输层安全)", "SSH(安全外壳协议)", "SNMP(简单网络管理协议)", "FTP(文件传输协议)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在系统加固过程中,以下哪项操作最能增强系统的安全性?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的服务和端口", "增加系统日志记录的详细程度", "安装尽可能多的安全软件", "允许所有用户远程访问"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术可以检查进出网络的数据包的完整内容,包括应用层的数据?", "answers": ["包过滤防火墙", "应用网关防火墙(也称为代理防火墙)", "状态检测防火墙", "电路级网关防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种网络安全协议用于在不安全的网络上建立安全的HTTPS连接?", "answers": ["SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)", "TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "IPSec(Internet Protocol Security)", "WPA2(Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "���络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止未经授权的网络监控,保护个人或组织的通信隐私?", "answers": ["数据加密", "防火墙", "入侵检测系统", "反病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种入侵检测与预防系统(IDS\\\\/IPS)的方法能够实时阻断已知的Web攻击,如DOS攻击或SQL注入?", "answers": ["基于特征的检测", "基于行为的检测", "基于统计的检测", "基于深度学习的检测"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施最直接地增强了网络的灾备恢复能力,确保业务连续性?", "answers": ["实施多层防火墙技术", "定期备份关键数据并进行异地存储", "部署入侵检测系统以实时监控网络流量", "采用加密通信确保数据传输安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "威胁情报在网络安全防御策略中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供实时网络监控", "自动化漏洞扫描", "预测和识别潜在的网络攻击模式", "执行数据加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "关于HTTPS和证书验证,以下哪个说法是正确的?", "answers": ["HTTPS确保所有通过该连接的数据都是加密的,但不验证网站的身份", "浏览器会自动检查网站的SSL\\\\/TLS证书,用户无需关心", "用户应始终检查证书的发行者,确保它来自可信赖的证书颁发机构", "使用自签名证书的网站是安全的,因为它们使用了HTTPS"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在入侵检测系统中,异常检测方法主要依赖于什么来识别潜在的恶意行为?", "answers": ["已知的攻击模式库", "正常行为的统计模型", "网络流量的大小", "用户身份验证信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS中,哪个组件主要负责防止中间人攻击(MITM)并确保数据的机密性?", "answers": ["RSA 密码术", "SSL\\\\/TLS 协议", "OAuth2.0 认证", "HTTPS 实现"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "NAT(网络地址转换)技术的主要作用是?", "answers": ["提供加密与认证", "隐藏内部网络结构", "过滤数据包", "检测网络流量状态"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在IPSec虚拟专用网当中,提供数据源认证的协议是( )", "answers": ["SKIP", "IP AH", "IP ESP", "ISAKMP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种安全协议可以确保在公共网络上安全地传输敏感数据?", "answers": ["SSH (Secure Shell)", "WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3)", "TLS (Transport Layer Security)", "SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "IPSec属于( )的安全解决方案。", "answers": ["网络层", "传输层", "应用层", "物理层"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "ipsec vpn 安全技术没有用到 ( ) 。", "answers": ["隧道技术", "加密技术", "入侵检测技术", "身份认证技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在企业网络中,访问控制列表(ACL)通常用于实现哪一项功能?", "answers": ["阻止内部网络的恶意软件传播", "在应用层过滤特定类型的文件传输", "基于源和目标IP地址以及端口号限制网络流量", "提供端到端的加密以保护数据传输"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "SSL证书验证在防止哪种类型的网络攻击中起关键作用?", "answers": ["中间人攻击", "拒绝服务攻击", "SQL注入攻击", "跨站脚本攻击"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "How many additional DNS queries are needed when DNSSEC integrity checks are added?", "answers": ["Three", "Zero", "One", "Two"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在防火墙配置中,以下哪种策略可以有效阻止外部恶意软件通过邮件服务进入内部���络?", "answers": ["允许所有邮件服务流量", "阻止所有邮件服务流量", "只允许来自特定IP地址的邮件服务流量", "使用邮件过滤规则阻止已知恶意软件的附件"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种异常检测算法主要用于识别网络中的不寻常流量模式?", "answers": ["K-均值聚类", "支持向量机", "朴素贝叶斯", "基于阈值的异常检测"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在进行网络流量分析时,主要目的是:", "answers": ["优化网络带宽利用率", "识别潜在的威胁和异常行为", "提高网络速度", "防止硬件故障"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在安全协议SSL\\\\/TLS中,以下哪个组件用于确保数据在传输过程中的完整性?", "answers": ["公钥加密", "对称密钥加密", "数字签名", "消息认证码(MAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在识别安全链接时,以下哪项是正确的?", "answers": ["包含'www'的链接一定是安全的", "链接以'HTTPS'开头意味着它是安全的", "链接的URL中包含'password'字样的一定是不安全的", "链接的长度越短,它越可能是安全的"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following protocols is designed to send individual messages securely?", "answers": ["Kerberos", "Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).", "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).", "Secure HTTP (S-HTTP)."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在IPS的策略配置中,以下哪项设置可以有效减少误报率?", "answers": ["增加报警阈值", "减少数据包分析的深度", "关闭异常流量检测", "禁用系统日志记录"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络 中可分配的主机地址数是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["1022", "2046", "4094", "8192"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "To create a botnet, the attacker can use several techniques to scan vulnerable machines. The attacker first collects information about a large\nnumber of vulnerable machines to create a list. Subsequently, they infect the machines. The list is divided by assigning half of the list to the newly\ncompromised machines. The scanning process runs simultaneously. This technique ensures the spreading and installation of malicious code in\nlittle time.\nWhich technique is discussed here?", "answers": ["Subnet scanning technique", "Permutation scanning technique", "Hit-list scanning technique.", "Topological scanning technique"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "A Wide Area Network (WAN) is basically everything outside of:", "answers": ["a Local Area Network (LAN).", "a Campus Area Network (CAN).", "a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN).", "the Internet."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项能够在最大限度上限制在分布式环境中服务器故障的影响?", "answers": ["冗余路径。", "群集。", "拨号备份线路。", "备用电源。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止内部网络中的恶意活动,同时允许合法流量通过?", "answers": ["入侵防御系统", "反病毒软件", "应用白名单", "内部防火墙"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议可以确保在无线局域网(WLAN)中进行安全通信?", "answers": ["WEP", "WPA3", "TLS", "FTP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "基于行为的入侵检测系统,如果报警阈值设置得过高容易导致:", "answers": ["无法应对零日攻击", "无法阻断已识别出的攻击", "误报", "漏报"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "83. What type of networking device is most commonly used to assign endpoint sys- tems to VLANs?", "answers": ["Firewall", "Router", "Switch", "Hub"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Intrusion detection systems include which of the following types? ( )", "answers": ["Host Intrusion Detection System", "Link State Intrusion Detection System", "Network Intrusion Detection System", "Packet Filtering Intrusion Detection System"], "label": "AC", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种过滤规则可以防止未经授权的内部用户访问互联网上的特定服务?", "answers": ["出站过滤规则", "入站过滤规则", "双向过滤规则", "混合过滤规则"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证协议主要用于无线网络接入的安全认证?", "answers": ["TLS", "WPA3", "NTLM", "OAuth"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "服务器提供 WEB 服务,本地默认监听()端口。", "answers": ["8008", "8080", "8800", "80"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全机制可以防止中间人攻击?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "身份验证", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "RIP 协议中可以使用多种方法防止路由循环,在以下选项中不属于这些方法的是( )。", "answers": ["垂直翻转", "水平分割", "反向路由中毒", "设置最大度量值"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Phreakers are hackers who specialize in telephone fraud. What type of telephone fraud/attack makes use of a device that generates tones tosimulate inserting coins in pay phones, thus fooling the system into completing free calls?", "answers": ["Red Boxes", "Blue Boxes", "White Boxes", "Black Boxes"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在检测钓鱼攻击时,证书与SSL检查主要用于:", "answers": ["防止中间人攻击", "识别网站是否使用加密连接", "验证网站的真实性", "检测网站是否托管在已知恶意服务器上"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙策略可以防止未经授权的电子邮件服务器连接?", "answers": ["阻止所有SMTP(25端口)和IMAP(143端口)流量", "仅允许已知安全的SMTP服务器IP地址的连接", "使用NAT(网络地址转换)隐藏内部邮件服务器", "启用邮件服务器的反垃圾邮件过滤器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "通信网络中端到端加密的特点是?", "answers": ["仅加密用户信息,不加密数据包头部、尾部、地址和路由信息", "加密所有信息,包括用户信息、数据包头部、尾部、地址和路由信息", "加密发生在数据链路层和物理层", "加密发生在网络层"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What is one reason a UDP scan may take longer than a TCP scan of the same host?", "answers": ["UDP will retransmit more.", "UDP has more ports to scan.", "UDP is a slower protocol.", "UDP requires more messages to set up."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助检测网络中的入侵模式并识别潜在的攻击?", "answers": ["网络流量分析", "日志审核", "安全策略制定", "应急响应计划"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下给出的地址中,不属于子网 的主机地址是( )。", "answers": ["", "", "", ""], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在网络安全中,安全套接层(SSL)的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供网络层的数据包过滤", "确保数据在传输过程中的机密性和完整性", "实现网络设备的物理安全", "管理网络访问控制列表"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在主机上禁止( )协议,可以不响应来自别的主机的 Ping 包。", "answers": ["UDP", "ICMP", "TLS", "ARP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于实时检测和阻止钓鱼网站的访问?", "answers": ["URL分析和证书验证", "恶意代码执行", "数据加密", "端口扫描"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Firewalls play an important role in network security protection, and the reference criteria when purchasing a firewall include () .", "answers": ["total cost", "stability", "scalability", "All of the above"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "John is a network administrator and has been told by one of his network staff members that two servers on the network have recently had suspicious traffic traveling to them and then from them in a sporadic manner. The traffic has been mainly ICMP, but the patterns were unusual compared to traffic on other servers over the last 30 days. John lists the directories and subdirectories on the systems and finds nothing unusual. He inspects the running processes and again finds nothing suspicious. He sees that the systems’ NICs are not in promiscuous mode, so he is assured that sniffers have not been planted.Which of the following best explains why John does not see anything suspicious on the reported systems?", "answers": ["The systems have not yet been infected.", "He is not running the correct tools. He needs to carry out a penetration test on the two systems.", "Trojaned files have been loaded and executed.", "A back door has been installed and the attacker enters the system sporadically."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What is called an attack where the attacker spoofs the source IP address in an ICMP ECHO broadcast packet so it seems to have originated at thevictim's system, in order to ood it with REPLY packets?", "answers": ["SYN Flood attack", "Smurf attack", "Ping of Death attack", "Denial of Service (DoS) attack"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在非安全的通信环境中,为了保证消息来源的可靠性,通常采用的安全防护技术是()", "answers": ["信息隐藏技术", "数据加密技术", "消息认证技术", "数字水印技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS中,哪种加密技术用于在客户端和服务器之间协商一个对称密钥?", "answers": ["非对称加密", "哈希函数", "SSL\\\\/TLS", "对称加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "用于保护整个网络 IPS 系统通常不会部署在什么位置?( )", "answers": ["网络边界", "网络核心", "边界防火墙内", "业务终端上"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following descriptions of DDoS techniques is false ( ).", "answers": ["Some DDoS attacks take advantage of system vulnerabilities", "Scanning the target network before hacking is a major source of attack information for DDoS attacks.", "Statistical analysis of the information detected by the intrusion detection system can help detect unknown hackers and more sophisticated DDoS attacks.", "DDoS attacks do not have any impact on the system or network"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "DNS 资料记录中记录类型(record-type)为 A,则记录的值为( )。", "answers": ["名字服务器", "主机描述", "IP 地址", "别名"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术用于分析网络流量以识别潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["社交工程", "网络扫描", "端口探测", "数据包分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止未经授权的设备访问公司网络?", "answers": ["端点检测与响应", "安全更新与补丁管理", "强制执行身份验证与访问控制", "安装反病毒软件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS协议中,服务器的公钥被封装在哪个文件中?", "answers": ["SSL证书", "私钥文件", "IP配置文件", "TLS证书"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "某无线路由器,在 2.4GH 频道上配置了 2 个信道,使用()信道间干扰最小。", "answers": ["1 和 3", "4 和 7", "6 和 10", "7 和 12"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "You wish to make use of \"port knocking\" technologies. How can you BEST explain this?", "answers": ["Port knocking is where the client will attempt to connect to a predened set of ports to identify him as an authorized client.", "Port knocking is where the user calls the server operator to have him start the service he wants to connect to.", "This is where all the ports are open on the server and the connecting client scans the open port to which he wants to connect to see if it'sopen and running.", "Port knocking is where the port sequence is encrypted with 3DES and only the server has the other key to decrypt the port sequence."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列哪种网络安全协议主要用于保护无线网络的安全?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "IPsec", "SSH", "WPA2"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "The role of port mapping is ()", "answers": ["Resolve MAC address to IP address", "Mapping service ports on the intranet to the router's external address", "Segmenting ports into broadcast domains", "Enables peer-to-peer joining of local hosts to the intranet where the target router is located"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下关于网络冗余设计的叙述中,错误的是()。", "answers": ["网络冗余设计避免网络组件单点失效造成应用失效", "通常情况下主路径与备用路径承担相同的网络负载", "负载分担是通过并行链路提供流量分担来提高性能", "网络中存在备用链路时,可以考虑加入负载分担设计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "关于安全URL检查,以下哪项描述是正确的?", "answers": ["URL以'http:\\/\\/'开头的网站都是安全的", "URL以'HTTPS:\\/\\/'开头的网站使用了加密,确保了数据传输的安全", "检查URL的唯一方法是查看其是否包含知名公司的名称", "所有包含'www'的URL都是安全的"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下列命令片段的含义是()。", "answers": ["创建了两个 VLAN", "恢复接口上 VLAN 缺省配置", "配置 VLAN 的名称", "恢复当前 VLAN 名称的缺省值"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在层次化园区网络设计中, ( ) 是接入层的功能。", "answers": ["高速数据传输", "vlan 路由", "广播域的定义", "mac 地址过滤"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恢复策略适用于长期的DDoS攻击?", "answers": ["立即切换到备用网络提供商", "启用CDN内容分发网络", "实施源IP地址过滤", "与行业联盟共享攻击信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙技术能够监控网络流量模式并识别潜在的攻击行为?", "answers": ["包过滤", "应用网关", "状态检测", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "UDP 头部的大小为()字节。", "answers": ["8", "16", "20", "32"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which layer deals with Media Access Control (MAC) addresses?", "answers": ["Data link layer", "Physical layer", "Transport layer", "Network layer"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保发送者和接收者之间的信息交换不被篡改?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "如果 dhcp 服务器分配的默认网关地址是,则主机的有效地址应该是( )。", "answers": ["", "", "", ""], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以 100Mb/s 以太网连接的站点 A 和 B 相隔 2000m,通过停等机制进行数据传输,传播速率为 200m/us,有效的传输速率为()Mb/s.", "answers": ["80.8", "82.9", "90.1", "92.3"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于防止未经授权的网络访问者通过内部网络的防火墙进入系统?", "answers": ["漏洞扫描", "入侵检测系统", "虚拟私人网络(VPN)", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What type of security threat is DNSSEC designed to prevent?", "answers": ["Account hijacking", "Snooping", "Spoofing", "Injection"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "What is the proper term to refer to a single unit of Ethernet data at the link layer of the DoD TCP model ?", "answers": ["Ethernet Segment.", "Ethernet Datagram.", "Ethernet Frame.", "Ethernet Packet."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "下面的选项中属于链路状态路由选择协议的是( ) 。", "answers": ["ospf", "igrp", "bgp", "ripv2"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "Which layer of the DoD TCP/IP Model ensures error-free delivery and packet sequencing?", "answers": ["Internet layer", "Network access layer", "Host-to-host", "Application layer"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,哪种技术可以帮助测试者发现网络中未公开的服务和设备?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "密码暴力破解", "社会工程学", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在应对DNS服务器的DDoS攻击时,应急响应计划通常不包括哪个步骤?", "answers": ["定期备份DNS数据", "与互联网服务提供商(ISP)协调流量监控", "立即关闭所有服务器以防止损失", "配置防火墙规则以阻止异常流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "工控系统广泛应用于电力、石化、医药、航天等领域,已经成为国家关键基础设施的重要组成部分。作为信息基础设施的基础,电力工控系统安全面临的主要威胁不包括()", "answers": ["内部人为风险", "黑客攻击", "设备损耗", "病毒破坏"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "网络与基础架构安全"} +{"question": "在处理涉及电子证据的案件时,以下哪项是取证过程的关键步骤?", "answers": ["立即修改电子设备以获取证据", "在没有法律授权的情况下访问嫌疑人设备", "在专业人员监督下进行证据保全", "公开分享证据以获取公众意见"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在日志管理中,以下哪项是用于识别安全事件的关键步骤?", "answers": ["实时监控所有网络流量", "定期备份日志文件", "设置日志分析工具以检测异常模式", "确保日志符合所有合规性要求"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在处理钓鱼攻击案件时,以下哪种电子证据最具有法律效力?", "answers": ["受害者的口头陈述", "攻击者使用的钓鱼网站截图", "第三方安全公司提供的分析报告", "攻击者与受害者的电子邮件通信记录"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪一种人给公司带来了最大的安全风险?( )", "answers": ["临时工", "咨询人员", "以前的员工", "当前的员工"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应流程中,以下哪一步骤通常发生在安全事件被确认之后,但事件的根源尚未确定?", "answers": ["遏制(Containment)", "根除(Eradication)", "恢复(Recovery)", "调查(Investigation)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最不利于防止钓鱼邮件?", "answers": ["点击邮件中的链接,直接在邮件内填写个人信息。", "检查邮件的发件人地址,确认其真实性。", "不轻易打开来自陌生人的邮件附件。", "使用双因素身份验证登录重要账户。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急演练中,以下哪项不是其主要目的?", "answers": ["测试应急预案的有效性", "提高团队的响应速度", "收集数据用于市场分析", "增强团队成员的应急处理能力"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "下列哪种系统和数据转换策略能够提供最大的冗余?", "answers": ["直接切换。", "试点研究。", "分阶段方法。", "并行执行。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "If an employee's computer has been used by a fraudulent employee to commit a crime, the hard disk may be seized as evidence and once theinvestigation is complete it would follow the normal steps of the Evidence Life Cycle. In such case, the Evidence life cycle would not include whichof the following steps listed below?", "answers": ["Acquisition collection and identification", "Analysis", "Storage, preservation, and transportation", "Destruction"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪个国际组织在冲突解决中扮演了重要角色,例如在科索沃危机中实施了军事干预?", "answers": ["世界贸易组织(WTO)", "国际货币基金组织(IMF)", "北大西洋公约组织(NATO)", "联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种测试策略最适合用于定期评估企业内部网络的安全性?", "answers": ["模糊测试", "黑盒测试", "持续集成安全测试", "社会工程学测试"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "This baseline sets certain thresholds for specic errors or mistakes allowed and the amount of these occurrences that can take place before it isconsidered suspicious?", "answers": ["Checkpoint level", "Ceiling level", "Clipping level", "Threshold level"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "下列哪个原因能够最佳地描述强制休假政策的目的?", "answers": ["保证员工能够适当地获得多种职能的交叉培训。", "提升员工士气。", "识别业务过程中的潜在错误或不一致情况。", "节省成本。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a phase of the incident response process described in the CSA Guidance ?", "answers": ["preparation", "isolation", "detection and analysis", "post-mortem"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在漏洞评估中,以下哪项措施最有助于发现潜在的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "实施严格的访问控制", "使用高级加密技术", "定期进行漏洞扫描"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在发现安全漏洞后,以下哪项是优先级最高的响应措施?", "answers": ["立即发布公开警告", "应用安全补丁", "进行风险评估", "配置防火墙规则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "发现信息系统项目范围发生了变化而未执行影响分析时,最令信息系统审计师关注的是以下哪一项?", "answers": ["该变化导致的时间和成本影响。", "回归测试失败的风险。", "用户不认同该变化。", "项目团队不具备做出必要变更的技能。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "如果一家公司未能保护其客户的个人信息导致数据泄露,根据侵权法律责任,该公司可能面临什么后果?", "answers": ["仅需向受影响的客户道歉", "赔偿损失,可能包括法律诉讼费用", "无需承担任何责任,因为数据泄露是不可预见的", "仅需修复数据泄露的漏洞"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "In the course of the follow-up audit, it was found that the previous audit report, there were problems, the preferred need to report to;", "answers": ["Operations management", "Audit Project Manager", "project manager", "Mt. management"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在审计生命周期的哪个阶段适合与客户讨论初步审计意见?", "answers": ["执行阶段", "报告阶段", "规划阶段", "跟踪阶段"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应流程中,以下哪个阶段是确定事件的性质、范围和影响?", "answers": ["准备阶段", "检测与报告阶段", "遏制阶段", "恢复与复原阶段"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法无助于用户防范钓鱼邮件?", "answers": ["检查邮件中的URL,确保其指向预期的网站", "立即点击邮件中的链接以验证其真实性", "不轻易提供个人信息,尤其是通过电子邮件", "对来自不熟悉发件人的邮件保持警惕"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最能体现跨境合作机制在打击网络犯罪中的重要性?", "answers": ["一国国内的网络诈骗案件,受害者和嫌疑人同在该国", "跨国的分布���拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击", "一国境内的非法在线赌博网站", "针对单一企业的内部数据泄露"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行安全审计过程中,以下哪项活动是最重要的,以确保组织符合法规要求并识别潜在风险?", "answers": ["定期备份系统数据", "执行漏洞扫描和风险评估", "实施严格的身份验证机制", "安装最新的防病毒软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对钓鱼攻击时,哪种行为最能降低用户成为受害者的风险?", "answers": ["仅在使用HTTPS连接时浏览网页", "不点击电子邮件中的任何链接", "对所有网络通信进行加密", "验证发送者身份并检查URL的合法性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对突发事件时,以下哪种公众教育策略最有效?", "answers": ["仅发布官方声明,不提供具体应对指南", "通过多种渠道提供清晰的应急指南和安全提示", "限制信息传播,避免引起公众恐慌", "只对高风险群体进行教育,其他群体无需参与"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在事件响应流程中,哪个阶段通常涉及隔离受影响的系统以防止威胁扩散?", "answers": ["遏制(Containment)", "评估(Evaluation)", "恢复(Recovery)", "预防(Prevention)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "内部审计发现了信息技术处理过程中的重大缺陷。信息安全经理应使用以下哪种方法向管理层传达紧迫感?", "answers": ["安全度量报告", "风险评估报告", "业务影响分析(BIA)", "安全投资回报报告"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "当一个应用系统被攻击并受到了破坏后,系统管理员从新安装和配置了此应用系统,在该系统重新上线前管理员不需查看: ( )", "answers": ["访问控制列表", "系统服务配置情况", "审计记录", "用户账户和权限的设置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略最适合用于长期跟踪和管理已识别漏洞的修复过程?", "answers": ["一次性修复所有漏洞", "优先级排序并按严重性修复", "只修复高知名度的漏洞", "忽略不常利用的漏洞"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Within Crime prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) the concept of territoriality is BEST described as:", "answers": ["ownership.", "protecting specic areas with different measures.", "localized emissions.", "compromise of the perimeter."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法不是直接针对钓鱼攻击的防御手段,而是提高用户对钓鱼威胁的认识?", "answers": ["特征检测", "行为检测", "机器学习模型", "用户教育"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "某一国际性企业准备发布一项全球的隐私政策,企业的信息系统审计师最大的担忧是什么?", "answers": ["管理层不采纳该政策", "此政策与业务需求相冲突", "此政策与当地政策相冲突", "此政策与公司政策冲突"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应与修复过程中,以下哪一步骤应该首先执行?", "answers": ["立即恢复受影响的服务以减少停机时间", "隔离受影响的系统以防止进一步损害", "修复漏洞并更新系统", "公开事件详情以透明处理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在合规审计中,以下哪项不是通常进行的活动?", "answers": ["检查安全政策和程序", "执行渗透测试", "验证员工安全培训记录", "为组织制定新的安全策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在预防钓鱼攻击的策略中,以下哪种方法能够有效提升个人的心理韧性?", "answers": ["定期更换密码", "使用多因素认证", "参与网络安全培训", "限制电子邮件的发送和接收"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行安全策略审计时,以下哪项不是评估的关键要素?", "answers": ["策略的更新频率和审批流程", "员工对安全策略的理解和遵守情况", "组织的风险评估结果", "竞争对手的安全策略细节"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在威胁识别中,以下哪种行为可能是恶意活动的迹象?", "answers": ["服务器CPU使用率持续低于10%", "大量异常的登录尝试", "网络带宽使用始终低于预设阈值", "用户定期进行数据备份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项是控制自我评估的主要优点?", "answers": ["管理者在支持业务目标的内部控制方面的责任得到了强化。", "如果评估结果是外部审计工作的输入,审计费用会降低。", "舞弊侦测会有所改进,因为企业内部人员参与了测试控制。", "内部审计师可通过使用评估结果转到咨询式的方法。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "实施灾难恢复计划之后,组织的灾难前和灾难后运营成本将:", "answers": ["降低", "不变(保持相同)", "提高", "提高或降低(取决于业务的性质)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法是有效的漏洞管理策略?", "answers": ["定期扫描主机以查找已知漏洞,但不修复", "仅在发生安全事件后进行漏洞扫描", "发现漏洞后立即进行修补和缓解", "依赖默认的安全设置,不进行额外的安全配置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全策略有助于防止内部威胁?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "数据加密", "访问控制列表", "员工安全培训"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在彻底调查安全事件时,以下哪项不是调查团队通常会执行的任务?", "answers": ["收集和分析日志文件", "重建事件发生时的场景", "修复受损系统", "确定攻击者的身份和动机"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应流程中,以下哪一步是首要执行的?", "answers": ["数据备份", "系统恢复", "安全审计", "事件确认与评估"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为体现了良好的风险认知?", "answers": ["在公共Wi-Fi下进行网上银行交易", "在收到紧急请求的邮件后立即提供敏感信息", "在确认网站安全后才输入信用卡信息", "相信所有来自朋友的邮件链接都是安全的"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "A small medical institution’s IT security team has become overwhelmed with having to operate and maintain IDSs, firewalls, enterprise-wide antimalware solutions, data leak prevention technologies, and centralized log management. Which of the following best describes what type of solution this organization should implement to allow for standardized and streamlined security operations?", "answers": ["Unified threat management", "Continuous monitoring technology", "Centralized access control systems", "Cloud-based security solution"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在系统漏洞管理中,以下哪项活动是识别潜在安全漏洞的关键步骤?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "实施严格的访问控制", "频繁更新防病毒软件", "增加防火墙规则复杂性"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "当发生数据泄露事件时,以下哪项不是组织应采取的紧急措施?", "answers": ["立即通知受影响的用户", "停止所有数据传输以防止进一步泄露", "启动应急响应计划,评估泄露范围", "隐瞒事件,避免公众恐慌"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "维护国家网络空间安全的基本要求和重要任务是()", "answers": ["实施等级保护", "全面落实国产化", "保护关键信息基础设施", "实施风险评估"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最能体现应急响应计划的价值?", "answers": ["预防新的安全漏洞", "在系统更新后测试新软件", "在发现安全事件后迅速恢复业务运营", "定期进行安全审计以发现潜在问题"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在日志分析中,以下哪种行为可能表明存在潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["频繁的正常登录尝试", "深夜时段的系统管理员活动", "大量失败的SSH登录尝试", "用户定期访问其电子邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the MOST important part of an awareness and training plan to prepare employees for emergency situations?", "answers": ["Having emergency contacts established for the general employee population to get information", "Conducting business continuity and disaster recovery training for those who have a direct role in the recovery", "Designing business continuity and disaster recovery training programs for different audiences", "Publishing a corporate business continuity and disaster recovery plan on the corporate website"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following ensures that a TCB is designed, developed, and maintained with formally controlled standards that enforces protection ateach stage in the system's life cycle?", "answers": ["Life cycle assurance", "Operational assurance", "Covert timing assurance", "Covert storage assurance"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在评估钓鱼攻击风险时,以下哪项不是主要考虑因素?", "answers": ["员工的网络安全意识", "组织的电子邮件过滤策略", "网络带宽的容量", "系统和应用程序的更新频率"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,以下哪一步骤通常发生在事件识别之后,但事件遏制之前?", "answers": ["根因分析", "影响评估", "恢复策略制定", "公开声明"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应策略中,以下哪一步骤通常发生在事件识别之后,但事件遏制之前?", "answers": ["根因分析", "影响评估", "恢复计划制定", "公开声明"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全事件管理中,以下哪项是事件检测的关键步骤?", "answers": ["制定恢复策略", "进行威胁情报分析", "执行演练与评估", "实施响应计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行个人信息风险评估时,以下哪个步骤是必不可少的?", "answers": ["识别个人信息处理活动的范围", "评估个人信息泄露的可能性", "制定个人信息保护措施", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "信息安全风险应该是以下哪些因素的函数?( )", "answers": ["信息资产的价值、面临的威胁以及自身存在的脆弱性等", "病毒、黑客、漏洞等", "保密信息如国家密码、商业秘密等", "网络、系统、应用的复杂的程度"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络安全事件时,以下哪一步骤应该在发现漏洞后立即执行?", "answers": ["启动应急响应流程", "公开披露漏洞信息", "更新防火墙规则", "修复受影响的系统"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "The security of a computer application is MOST effective and economical in which of the following cases?", "answers": ["The system is optimized prior to the addition of security.", "The system is procured off-the-shelf.", "The system is customized to meet the specic security threat.", "The system is originally designed to provide the necessary security."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对钓鱼攻击时,哪项风险识别能力最为关键?", "answers": ["识别不寻常的网络活动模式", "识别电子邮件中的语法和拼写错误", "识别来自未知发件人的消息", "识别过于诱人的优惠或奖励"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following refers to the expected amount of time it will take to get a device fixed and back into production after its failure?", "answers": ["SLA", "MTTR", "Hot-swap", "MTBF"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "During the information system design phase, at which stage of the risk management process is \"security product selection\"?", "answers": ["Background Establishment", "risk assessment", "risk treatment", "Approval of supervision"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是风险评估过程的一部分,用于确定系统中漏洞的优先级?", "answers": ["安全政策制定", "脆弱性扫描", "威胁建模", "事故响应计划"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "补丁管理过程中,以下哪项不是补丁部署前的必要步骤?", "answers": ["补丁测试", "补丁分发", "补丁评估", "补丁验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在响应策略中,一旦检测到入侵,以下哪项行动不是最佳实践?", "answers": ["立即断开受影响的系统与网络的连接", "立即公开入侵事件以警告其他用户", "收集入侵的证据以进行进一步分析", "执行回滚操作,恢复到入侵前的状态"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况体现了良好的风险管理实践?", "answers": ["忽视低概率事件", "仅依赖技术解决方案来管理风险", "制定涵盖所有风险场景的应急预案", "在风险评估后立即实施所有建议的控制措施"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,以下哪项活动通常不包括在内?", "answers": ["威胁情报收集", "事件检测与分析", "系统备份与恢复", "员工绩效评估"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Qualitative loss resulting from the business interruption does NOT usually include:", "answers": ["Loss of revenue", "Loss of competitive advantage or market share", "Loss of public condence and credibility", "Loss of market leadership"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,以下哪一步骤通常在事件确认后立即执行?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的系统", "收集证据", "恢复正常的业务运营", "发布安全公告"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最能体现灾难恢复计划(DRP)的价值?", "answers": ["防止SQL注入攻击", "在硬件故障后快速恢复业务运营", "确保数据在传输过程中的加密", "限制内部员工的权限访问"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "风险量化过程中,以下哪项不是常用的风险评估方法?", "answers": ["定性分析", "定量分析", "威胁建模", "概率-影响矩阵"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在风险管理中,以下哪项活动是评估潜在安全事件对组织可能造成的影响?", "answers": ["威胁建模", "脆弱性评估", "风险评估", "应急计划制定"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在处理国家安全危机时,哪项措施最有助于确保决策制定的效率和准确性?", "answers": ["建立跨部门协调机制", "减少信息公开", "单一决策者决策", "延迟行动以收集更多信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "关于IT服务外包,以下哪种情况应最令信息系统审计师担忧?", "answers": ["为组织提供差异化优势的核心活动被外包了。", "外包合同中没有明确指出须定期进行重新商议。", "外包合同没有涵盖该业务所需执行的各项行动。", "将类似的活动外包给多个供应商。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在渗透测试结束后,测试人员应首先向哪个群体报告测试结果?", "answers": ["公众", "受影响的系统管理员", "客户或组织管理层", "竞争对手"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最有可能是钓鱼攻击的实例?", "answers": ["收到一封来自银行的电子邮件,要求更新个人信息", "在官方网站上购买商品时被要求输入信用卡信息", "从已知联系人收到的电子邮件中附件包含恶意软件", "在社交媒体上与朋友进行私人聊天"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种反病毒策略最不适合防止钓鱼邮件中的恶意附件?", "answers": ["邮件附件的实时扫描", "基于签名的恶意软件检测", "用户教育,教授识别钓鱼邮件的技巧", "仅允许特定格式的附件"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在风险计算中,以下哪个公式是正确的?", "answers": ["风险 = 脆弱性 × 威胁", "风险 = 威胁 × 损失可能性 × 损失严重性", "风险 = 安全措施 × 威胁", "风险 = 资产价值 × 威胁"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在信息系统安全设计中,保证“信息及时且可靠地被访��和使用”是为了达到保障信息系统()的目标。", "answers": ["可用性", "保密性", "可控性", "完整性"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种应急响应策略在发现系统被黑客入侵后,最可能防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["立即断开网络连接,进行系统隔离", "尝试与黑客谈判,以换取数据安全", "立即更新所有软件到最新版本", "发布公开声明,告知用户可能的数据泄露"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应中,响应行动的主要目标是?", "answers": ["进行风险评估", "制定预案", "控制和缓解事故影响", "执行事后处理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "In the event of a security incident, one of the main goals of the operator is to ensure?", "answers": ["The attacker is controlled and detected;", "The affected systems are immediately isolated to limit the impact on production.", "Traces related to the event are preserved as evidence chain;", "The organization's mission is to minimize the threat impact;"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "The Zachman Architecture Framework is often used to set up an enterprise\n\nsecurity architecture. Which of the following does not correctly describe the Zachman Framework?", "answers": ["A two-dimensional model that uses communication interrogatives intersecting with different levels", "A security-oriented model that gives instructions in a modular fashion", "Used to build a robust enterprise architecture versus a technical security architecture", "Uses six perspectives to describe a holistic information infrastructure"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "与没有灾难恢复计划(DRP)相比,有DRP时持续运作的成本最有可能:", "answers": ["增加。", "降低。", "保持不变。", "无法预测。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following phases of DITSCAP includes the activities that are necessary for the continuing operation of an accredited IT system in its\ncomputing environment and for addressing the changing threats that a system faces throughout its life cycle?", "answers": ["Phase 3, Validation", "Phase 1, Definition", "Phase 2, Verification", "Phase 4, Post Accreditation Phase"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种权限管理策略有助于防止未经授权的个人信息访问?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "最大权限原则", "统一权限分配", "权限自由调整"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Information security management system document hierarchy, in which the fourth level of documents is the entire organization of the bottom of the basic documents, each document should theoretically form the corresponding records, so the fourth level of documents is also what we usually call audit evidence. The following is a wrong understanding of the four-level document ()", "answers": ["The fourth level of documentation is the creation of documented documents such as checklists, forms, logs, etc., that are created throughout the organization and categorized", "All documents must be continuous and traceable.", "Business forms and records, which must be used throughout the organization's operations to form a closed loop", "Critical business forms and records must form a closed loop throughout the organization's operations."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在灾难恢复计划测试后,以下哪项是数据恢复的下一步?", "answers": ["分析测试结果,识别改进点", "立即更新文档,反映测试中的更改", "进行新的业务影响分析", "启动全面的系统验证流程"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在事件响应流程中,以下哪个步骤通常发生在分析和遏制之后?", "answers": ["消除影响", "恢复", "文档记录", "预防措施更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What is the BEST approach to annual safety training?", "answers": ["Base safety training requirements on staff member job descriptions.", "Safety training should address any gaps in a staff member's skill set.", "Ensure that staff members in positions with known safety risks are given proper training.", "Ensure that all staff members are provided with identical safety training."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪个安全机制是用于防止内部威胁的?", "answers": ["防火墙", "多因素认证", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "员工背景调查"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Risk management entails evaluating all of the following except .", "answers": ["Threats", "Vulnerabilities", "Countermeasures", "Customers"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项措施是企业应对个人信息安全事件的正确步骤?", "answers": ["立即隐藏事件,避免负面影响", "在发现安全事件后立即通知所有用户", "先进行内部调查,然后根据法规要求通知受影响的个人", "仅通知法律要求的监管机构,无需告知用户"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在编写渗透测试报告时,以下哪种建议最有助于提高系统的合规性?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "实施严格的访问控制", "采用最新的加密技术", "建立应急响应计划"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "事件后评估的目的是什么?", "answers": ["确定事件的起因", "评估响应措施的有效性", "制定新的应急预案", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在危机管理中,以下哪种行动最能体现风险评估的重要性?", "answers": ["立即执行恢复计划", "根据风险评估结果调整预防措施", "在危机发生后进行风险评估", "忽略低概率事件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "用户行为分析在钓鱼攻击防护中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["识别并阻止恶意软件下载", "检测用户登录模式的异常", "防止端口扫描活动", "确保所有软件保持最新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪个案例研究展示了成功的威胁识别和响应策略?", "answers": ["公司A忽视了定期安全审计,导致数据泄露", "公司B在发现可疑活动后立即隔离网络并通知安全团队", "公司C没有更新软件,使系统容易受到零日攻击", "公司D拒绝实施员工安全培训,导致员工点击钓鱼邮件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在业务连续性管理框架中,以下哪一步骤通常用于确定组织的关键业务流程及其对中断的容忍度?", "answers": ["风险评估", "应急预案制定", "资源规划", "业务影响分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项是业务连续性管理(BCM)的核心目标?", "answers": ["最小化停机时间", "最大化数据安全性", "确保合规性", "消除所有安全威胁"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "一位信息系统审计师正在审查某组织的灾难恢复情况。在这次灾难中,并非恢复业务运营所需的所有关键数据都得到了保留。这是因为错误定义了以下哪个选项?", "answers": ["中断时限。", "恢复时间目标。", "服务交付目标。", "恢复点目标。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范策略最有助于防止用户成为钓鱼攻击的受害者?", "answers": ["定期查看电子邮件的发件人地址,确保其真实性", "安装最新的防病毒软件并定期扫描", "在收到紧急请求时立即提供敏感信息", "仅在使用安全的公共Wi-Fi时进行网上银行"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应流程中,以下哪一步是最先执行的?", "answers": ["分析恶意软件样本", "恢复受影响的系统", "隔离受感染的系统", "更新安全策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在制定安全策略时,以下哪项不是合规监管的要求?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "实施数据加密", "限制员工访问权限", "定期组织员工旅游"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在管理邮件系统的黑名单时,以下哪种做法是不恰当的?", "answers": ["定期更新黑名单以包含最新的垃圾邮件源", "仅依赖黑名单来阻止垃圾邮件", "允许用户报告并添加新的垃圾邮件地址到黑名单", "对黑列出中的地址进行审查,以确保没有误封"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在发现钓鱼攻击后,以下哪项应急响应措施是首要的?", "answers": ["立即隔离受影响的系统", "追踪并尝试定位攻击者", "通知所有员工提高警惕", "公开披露事件以警告公众"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在防御钓鱼攻击的策略中,以下哪项措施最为有效?", "answers": ["使用多因素认证", "定期进行网络安全培训", "实施严格的访问控制", "建立应急响应计划"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种日志分析方法最适用于检测未知的、潜在的恶意行为?", "answers": ["基于规则的分析", "统计分析", "机器学习", "定期审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最能降低用户成为钓鱼邮件攻击目标的风险?", "answers": ["点击邮件中的所有链接以检查其有效性", "不打开来自未知发件人的邮件附件", "在邮件中提供个人信息以验证身份", "在社交媒体上公开分享生日和电话号码"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "During which phase of an IT system life cycle are security requirements developed?", "answers": ["Operation", "Initiation", "Functional design analysis and Planning", "Implementation"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全审计过程中,下列哪项是风险评估的关键步骤?", "answers": ["制定详细的安全策略文档", "执行定期的系统备份", "识别潜在的安全威胁和漏洞", "实施用户身份和访问管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项是网络安全风险管理中的关键步骤,用于识别可能的威胁和脆弱性?", "answers": ["安全审计", "应急响应计划", "漏洞评估", "防护策略实施"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "企业的业务连续性计划的启动应基于以下哪方面的预定标准?", "answers": ["中断的持续时间。", "中断的类型。", "中断的概率。", "中断的原因。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在以下人为的恶意攻击行为中,属于主动攻击的是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["身份假冒", "数据 GG", "数据流分析", "非法访问"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在电子证据保全过程中,以下哪一步骤是错误的?", "answers": ["立即停止可能破坏证据的系统操作", "使用专有工具进行取证采集,以防止数据篡改", "在没有法律授权的情况下,直接访问嫌疑人的设备", "创建证据的数字副本,以保持原件的完整性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the MOST important goal of information asset valuation?", "answers": ["Developing a consistent and uniform method of controlling access on information assets", "Developing appropriate access control policies and guidelines", "Assigning a nancial value to an organization's information assets", "Determining the appropriate level of protection"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "项目每阶段结束都需要业务管理层的审查,这是因为()?", "answers": ["获取资金以进入下一阶段", "获取UAT测试验收已完成的批准", "获取利益相关者的批准以进入下一阶段", "获得IT解决方案设计的批准"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "个人信息泄露后,以下哪项措施最不适用于减轻潜在的长期影响?", "answers": ["立即更改泄露的账户密码", "启用双因素认证", "在所有社交媒体上设置最强隐私设置", "忽略泄露事件,因为个人信息经常在网上流动"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在软件保障成熟度模型(Software Assurance Maturity Mode,SAMM)中,规定了软件开发过程中的核心业务功能,下列哪个选项不属于核心业务功能:", "answers": ["治理,主要是管理软件开发的过程和活动", "构造,主要是在开发项目中确定目标并开发软件的过程与活动", "验证,主要是测试和验证软件的过程与活动", "购置,主要是购买第三方商业软件或者采用开源组件的相关管理过程与活动"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项是国际间处理网络犯罪的主要合作组织?", "answers": ["世界贸易组织(WTO)", "国际刑警组织(INTERPOL)", "联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)", "世界银行(World Bank)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在提出漏洞修复建议时,以下哪种策略通常被认为是最不优先考虑的?", "answers": ["立即打补丁", "实施访问控制", "增加监控和日志记录", "忽略低风险漏洞"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "防御钓鱼攻击的有效机制之一是什么?", "answers": ["定期更换复杂的密码", "使用多因素认证", "安装最新的杀毒软件", "限制网络带宽使用"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在检测到网络入侵后,以下哪一步应该是应急响应计划中的首要任务?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的系统以防止进一步损害", "分析日志以确定攻击的来源和范围", "通知所有员工提高警惕", "修复系统漏洞并恢复数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在网络安全应急响应中,以下哪项措施最有助于提高国际合作的效率?", "answers": ["建立统一的网络安全事件报告格式", "定期举行网络安全技术研讨会", "加强网络安全法律法规的制定", "推广使用统一的网络安全技术标准"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a technical control?", "answers": ["Password and resource management", "Identification and authentication methods", "Monitoring for physical intrusion", "Intrusion Detection Systems"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以降低遭受邮件伪冒攻击的风险?", "answers": ["仅回复来自已知联系人的邮件", "检查邮件的发件人地址是否与官方一致", "立即点击邮件中的链接进行验证", "在任何情况下都信任显示的发件人名称"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "To address business concerns about the reliability of Request for Proposal (RFP) responses, IS auditors should recommend;", "answers": ["Critical matters in the contract", "Investigate the supplier's reputation in the industry", "Validate RFP responses with vendors", "Contact vendors to co-develop RFP responses"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对安全事件时,以下哪种行为是不恰当的?", "answers": ["保留所有原始日志和证据以备后续分析", "立即尝试恢复受损系统到最新备份", "在调查期间避免对系统进行任何不必要的修改", "在确定事件性质后,制定并执行恢复计划"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "应急预案中应包含以下哪项内容?", "answers": ["日常网络维护流程", "详细的攻击者个人资料", "事件响应团队的联系方式", "网络设备的购买记录"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在收到疑似包含恶意附件的电子邮件时,应采取哪项行动?", "answers": ["立即打开附件以确认其内容", "忽略附件,直接回复发送者询问详情", "使用反病毒软件扫描附件,确认安全后再打开", "将附件转发给同事,共同分析是否可疑"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "某信息系统审计组参与了将某自动化审计工具包集成到现有企业资源规划系统中的工作。由于ERP性能方面的问题,此审计工具包不允许上线。该信息系统审计师应给出的最佳建议是什么?", "answers": ["检查所选的整合控制的实施。", "请求获得额外的信息系统审计资源。", "请求供应商的技术支持以解决性能问题。", "在用户进行验收测试期间评估压力测试的结果。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪个国际合作案例展示了国家间在网络安全领域的合作?", "answers": ["巴黎气候协定", "五眼联盟", "世界卫生组织(WHO)", "联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "组织第一次建立业务连续性计划时,最为重要的活动是:", "answers": ["制定业务连续性策略", "进行业务影响分析", "进行灾难恢复演练", "构建灾备系统"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What does the Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) determine?", "answers": ["The estimated period of time a business critical database can remain down before customers are affected.", "The xed length of time a company can endure a disaster without any Disaster Recovery (DR) planning", "The estimated period of time a business can remain interrupted beyond which it risks never recovering", "The xed length of time in a DR process before redundant systems are engaged"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在防止网络钓鱼攻击中,哪种措施最直接地涉及员工的行为和决策?", "answers": ["安装和更新端点安全软件", "实施多因素身份验证", "定期进行安全意识培训", "配置入侵检测系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of below is associated with security policy?\n下面哪个与安全策略相关?", "answers": ["Support of department managers 部门经理的支持", "Are tactical in nature 属于战术性的", "Are strategic in nature 属于战略性的", "Developed after guidelines 在指南之后制定"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络安全事件时,以下哪一步骤应该在识别威胁后立即执行?", "answers": ["执行恢复策略,恢复受影响的系统", "隔离受影响的端点,防止威胁扩散", "进行风险评估,确定潜在损失", "发布安全公告,通知所有用户"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "The following options incorrectly describe the concept of information systems auditing ()", "answers": ["Information systems audits, also known as IT audits or information systems control audits", "Information system auditing is a process of obtaining and evaluating evidence, the object of the audit is the information system related controls, and the audit objective is to determine whether the information system can ensure its security, reliability, economy, and the authenticity and integrity of the data and other related attributes.", "Information systems auditing is a single concept that examines the security and effectiveness of accounting information systems", "From the information system audit content, the information system audit can be divided into different special audits, such as security audits, project compliance audits, performance audits, etc."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种国际组织在处理国际冲突和危机时起到调解作用?", "answers": ["世界银行", "国际刑事法院", "联合国安全理事会", "世界海关组织"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种预防策略最有效防止钓鱼邮件攻击?", "answers": ["安装最新的防病毒软件", "定期进行安全意识培训", "仅使用加密的网络连接", "避免使用电子邮件进行通信"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为属于社会工程学攻击的例子?", "answers": ["通过SQL注入获取数据库信息", "伪装成IT支持人员获取员工密码", "利用缓冲区溢出执行远程代码", "利用0-day漏洞攻击服务器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种应急响应步骤是针对钓鱼攻击的正确做法?", "answers": ["立即删除可疑邮件,然后更改所有账户的密码。", "保存钓鱼邮件作为证据,然后报告给IT部门。", "点击邮件中的链接,以确认其是否为恶意网站。", "回复邮件,告知发送者你已意识到这是一次钓鱼尝试。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最不可能触发安全补丁的紧急发布?", "answers": ["发现了一个广泛利用的零日漏洞", "软件供应商发布了关于次要安全问题的更新", "一个漏洞被公开披露,可能影响大量用户", "一个漏洞可能导致数据泄露,但尚未被利用"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Before an effective physical security program can be rolled out, a number of steps must be taken. Which of the following steps comes first in the process of rolling out a security program?", "answers": ["Create countermeasure performance metrics.", "Conduct a risk analysis.", "Design the program.", "Implement countermeasures."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "风险评估模型中,以下哪项不是评估安全风险时需要考虑的因素?", "answers": ["资产价值", "威胁可能性", "用户满意���", "脆弱性程度"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "社区支持网络在帮助钓鱼攻击受害者中起到什么作用?", "answers": ["提供法律援助,起诉攻击者", "分享受害者的个人信息以警示他人", "提供情感支持和恢复资源", "直接修复受害者受损的计算机系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在网络安全事件响应中,以下哪个步骤是首先应该执行的?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的系统以防止进一步的损害", "收集证据以进行取证分析", "恢复备份以恢复服务", "识别威胁并评估损失"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在危机干预机制中,情绪管理通常涉及什么?", "answers": ["分析攻击者的动机", "受害者的情绪支持和心理疏导", "修复受损的系统和数据", "制定预防未来攻击的策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在防止钓鱼攻击中,哪种做法对于教育用户最有效?", "answers": ["定期进行模拟钓鱼攻击演练", "仅提供反钓鱼的书面指南", "依赖防火墙阻止所有钓鱼网站", "依赖反病毒软件自动检测所有威胁"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在检测恶意链接时,以下哪种方法最能有效地防止用户点击钓鱼链接?", "answers": ["仅依赖URL的视觉检查,确认其与知名网站相似", "使用URL信誉服务检查链接的声誉", "忽略所有来自未知发件人的邮件中的链接", "点击链接后立即运行全盘病毒扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "异常检测在入侵检测系统中的主要优势是什么?", "answers": ["能够检测所有已知的攻击模式", "不需要预先定义的攻击模式数据库", "提供最快的响应时间", "适用于所有类型的网络环境"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which area of privacy is a lead supervisory authority‘s (LSA) MAIN concern?", "answers": ["Data subject rights", "Data access disputes", "Cross-border processing", "Special categories of data"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种危机预警系统的功能是错误的?", "answers": ["实时监测并分析潜在危机信号", "自动执行应急计划的所有步骤", "提供早期警告以启动应对机制", "协助决策者评估风险并制定应对策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击中,日志分析对于哪个方面特别有用?", "answers": ["追踪攻击者的身份", "恢复丢失的数据", "预测未来的攻击", "立即阻止所有恶意活动"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "下列哪项不是风险评估的主要目的?", "answers": ["确定漏洞的严重性", "识别潜在的攻击者", "评估漏洞被利用的可能性", "制定相应的安全措施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在2003年,哪起著名的钓鱼攻击事件导致了大量 eBay 用户的账户信息被盗?", "answers": ["Phishing for Phools事件", "eBay 'PayPal' 伪装攻击", "Google 'Gmail' 诱饵攻击", "Facebook 'Friend Request' 钓鱼欺诈"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为是实施有效安全策略的关键部分?", "answers": ["仅在发生安全事件时更新安全政策", "定期进行安全意识培训", "依赖默认的系统安全设置", "忽视对第三方软件的安全评估"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在检测钓鱼攻击时,威胁情报分析的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["实时阻止所有钓鱼邮件", "识别和跟踪已知的钓鱼策略和基础设施", "修复已感染的端点", "防止数据加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对勒索软件攻击时,以下哪一步是应急计划的关键部分,以防止数据丢失并加速恢复过程?", "answers": ["立即支付赎金以获取解密密钥", "定期进行系统备份并存储在离线介质上", "在感染发生后立即更新所有软件", "依赖于内存中的数据快照进行恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,网络运营者应当考虑以下哪项因素以确保有效应对安全事件?", "answers": ["安全事件的分类和级别", "用户个人信息的收集和使用", "网络广告的投放策略", "网站的界面设计"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What does \"residual risk\" mean?", "answers": ["The security risk that remains after controls have been implemented", "Weakness of an asset which can be exploited by a threat", "Risk that remains after risk assessment has been performed", "A security risk intrinsic to an asset being audited, where no mitigation has taken place."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "When planning for disaster recovery it is important to know a chain of command should one or more people become missing, incapacitated orotherwise available to lead the organization.Which of the following terms BEST describes this process?", "answers": ["Succession Planning", "Continuity of Operations", "Business Impact Analysis", "Business Continuity Planning"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范措施最能有效防止员工成为钓鱼攻击的受害者?", "answers": ["安装最新的防病毒软件", "定期进行安全意识培训", "禁用所有外部电子邮件", "只使用加密的内部网络"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "关于社会工程学原理,以下哪种描述是正确的?", "answers": ["社会工程学主要依赖技术手段来欺骗用户", "社会工程学攻击通常利用人的信任和好奇心", "社会工程学攻击只能通过电话进行", "社会工程学攻击无法通过安全意识教育来防范"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a technical control?", "answers": ["Router access control lists", "Firewall rules", "Data classification", "Encryption"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "应急响应团队在灾难恢复中的主要职责是什么?", "answers": ["定期执行备份", "分析系统日志以识别问题", "协调和执行恢复计划", "设计和维护备份基础设施"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以防止员工在工作场所遭受钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["实施强制性的安全培训,教育员工识别钓鱼邮件", "禁用所有电子邮件服务,以消除钓鱼攻击的途径", "只允许员工访问公司内部网络,不允许访问互联网", "依赖单一的反病毒软件,无需额外的安全措施"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "信息系统审计师需要为某大型组织审查客户关系管理系统的实施情况。信息系统审计师发现项目存在严重的超预算开支,并且范围偏离导致项目延误了一些关键日期。信息系统审计师应针对未来的项目提出采取以下哪项措施?", "answers": ["项目管理培训。", "软件基准指标。", "平衡计分卡。", "自动化需求管理软件。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "关于日志与监控,下列说法不正确的是( )。", "answers": ["系统管理员和系统操作员往往拥有较高的系统权限,应记录他们的活动并定期审查。", "需要保护系统日志,因为如果其中的数据被修改或删除,可能导致一个错误的安全判断。", "不需要有额外的保护机制和审查机制来确保特权用户的可核查性", "记录日志的设施和日志信息应加以保护,以防止篡改和未授权的访问。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "对于组织来说,为了防范攻击者进行信息收集与分析,下面理解错误的是()", "answers": ["信息展示最小化原则,不必要的信息不要发布", "部署网络安全设备(IDS、防火墙等)", "员工的个人信息和习惯不需要做防范措施", "设置安全设备应对信息收集(阻止ICMD)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Social engineering attack precautions are correct ()", "answers": ["Focus on information protection", "Learn and understand social engineering attacks", "Compliance with information security management system", "All of the above is true for"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which is the most valuable technique when determining if a specific security control should be implemented?", "answers": ["Risk analysis", "Cost/benefit analysis", "ALE results", "Identifying the vulnerabilities and threats causing the risk"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在危机干预中,以下哪种策略最有助于帮助受害者从钓鱼攻击的心理创伤中恢复?", "answers": ["提供法律援助", "进行心理咨询和治疗", "加强网络安全技术防护", "组织集体诉讼"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What can be BEST dened as the examination of threat sources against system vulnerabilities to determine the threats for a particular system in aparticular operational environment?", "answers": ["Risk management", "Risk analysis", "Threat analysis", "Due diligence"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在取证调查中,以下哪项不是数据保全的关键步骤?", "answers": ["记录证据的发现和收集过程", "使用专业的取证工具进行数据提取", "修改原始数据以增强可读性", "确保证据在收集和存储过程中的完整性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最有助于防止员工因点击钓鱼邮件而导致的数据泄露?", "answers": ["端点检测与响应(EDR)", "恶意软件防护软件", "邮件过滤机制", "强制使用复杂密码策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "由于IT的变化,某大型组织的灾难恢复计划已变更。如果新计划未经测试,则主要风险是什么?", "answers": ["灾难性服务中断。", "资源消耗较高。", "不会降低总恢复成本。", "用户和恢复团队在激活计划时可能面临严重困难。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在审计流程中,以下哪项活动最有助于发现潜在的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["审查日志文件", "执行渗透测试", "更新安全政策", "监控网络流量"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Risk analysis is MOST useful when applied during which phase of the system development process?", "answers": ["Project initiation and Planning", "Functional Requirements definition", "System Design Specification", "Development and Implementation"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行渗透测试时,以下哪项活动最能帮助测试者评估法规遵循情况?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "密码暴力破解", "文件权限审查", "系统日志审计"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在遭受钓鱼攻击后,公司可能面临的法律后果是什么?", "answers": ["罚款和诉讼", "员工解雇", "产品召回", "停止所有在线业务"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在防止钓鱼攻击中,定期应用安全更新和补丁的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["修复已知的安全漏洞", "阻止所有类型的网络钓鱼", "提供反钓鱼教育", "创建安全的网络隔离区"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在审查某个进行中的项目时,信息系统审计师注意到开发团队第一天在项目上花费了8小时的活动,而预算时间为24小时(3天)。完成剩余部分的项目活动预计需要20小时。信息系统审计师应报告该项目:", "answers": ["落后于进度。", "比进度提前。", "在按进度进行。", "除非活动已完成,否则无法评估。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行动最能体现快速响应原则?", "answers": ["在危机发生后进行长期的调查", "立即启动应急响应团队并评估情况", "等待上级指示再采取行动", "忽视初期警告信号,以免引发恐慌"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "安全隔离在防止钓鱼攻击中如何发挥作用?", "answers": ["隔离内部网络和互联网,限制直接访问", "阻止所有电子邮件通信", "消除所有网络边界", "仅允许HTTPS连接"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是针对网络攻击的快速响应和恢复?", "answers": ["入侵预防系统", "数据加密", "灾难恢复计划", "应急响应策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行风险评估时,以下哪项因素通常不会被考虑?", "answers": ["潜在威胁的严重性", "数据的价值", "员工的工作满意度", "安全措施的有效性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "If a programmer is restricted from updating and modifying production code, what is this an example of?", "answers": ["Rotation of duties", "Due diligence", "Separation of duties", "Controlling input values"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "A company already has a vulnerability scanning and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) product and needs to purchase a firewall, the following practices should be prioritized:", "answers": ["Just go for the most technologically advanced firewall available", "Select any brand of firewall", "Choose any firewall product at the right price", "Selecting a firewall that works with existing security products"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行安全审计时,以下哪种行为是正确的做法?", "answers": ["仅在发生安全事件后进行审计", "定期进行安全审计,检查系统漏洞和合规性", "依赖自动化的安全工具,不进行人工审查", "仅关注技术层面的安全,忽略人员和流程的安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络攻击时,哪种策略通常用于快速恢复系统并减少损失?", "answers": ["持续监控网络流量", "实施防火墙更新", "应急响应策略", "定期备份数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "对数据中心机房审查的中发现哪项最应引起重视?", "answers": ["在主要入口安装了视频监控", "在机房入口处放置防静电垫子", "紧急出口内侧有尼脚印", "设施围栏高度2米"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在灾难恢复计划中,以下哪项是确保数据安全的关键步骤?", "answers": ["定期进行硬件升级", "实施数据加密", "优化网络带宽", "增加服务器内存"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行动是现场处置(On-scene containment)的一部分,而不是事后恢复(Post-incident recovery)?", "answers": ["备份未受影响的数据", "修复受损系统", "隔离受感染的设备", "重新配置防火墙规则"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "采取监测、记录网络运行状态、网络安全事件的技术措施,并按照规定留存相关的网络日志不少于()", "answers": ["三个月", "六个月", "九个月", "十二个月"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在取证分析过程中,以下哪个行为是不恰当的?", "answers": ["在分析前对证据进行备份", "修改原始证据以简化分析", "记录每一步分析过程", "遵循法律和法规要求"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "In order to protect the intellectual property and other assets of a business, which of the following is the best way to terminate an employee's employment? ( )", "answers": ["Conduct exit interviews, have employees sign non-disclosure agreements, ban employee accounts, change passwords", "Conduct exit interviews, ban employee accounts, change passwords", "Getting employees to sign cross-border agreements", "List all the responsibilities that an employee needs to be aware of prior to termination"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是在检测到入侵后,采取的旨在减少损害和防止攻击进一步扩散的行动?", "answers": ["异常检测", "签名分析", "日志监控", "入侵响应策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在冲突解决中,以下哪种外交策略通常用于缓和紧张局势并建立对话渠道?", "answers": ["经济制裁", "和平使者特派团", "军事威慑", "单边行动"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "一个员工制作并上传病毒到内网, 司法鉴定人员应该:", "answers": ["断掉员工电脑网络连接", "内部公告病毒影响", "进行针对病毒的渗透测试", "扣留该员工电脑"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在资源调配机制中,哪项不是政府在灾害应对中的常见角色?", "answers": ["协调救援物资的分配", "提供财政援助", "直接参与商业经营活动", "调动国家应急资源"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措���主要用于响应网络攻击并追踪攻击者行为?", "answers": ["安全策略实施", "日志分析与响应", "网络流量过滤", "实时入侵预防"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "When can executives be charged with negligence?", "answers": ["If they follow the transborder laws", "If they do not properly report and prosecute attackers", "If they properly inform users that they may be monitored", "If they do not practice due care when protecting resources"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行网络渗透测试时,以下哪项行为是道德黑客必须遵守的法规要求?", "answers": ["在测试过程中,可以随意利用发现的安全漏洞获取系统权限。", "在测试前,必须获得目标组织的明确授权。", "测试报告完成后,可以公开披露发现的所有安全漏洞。", "测试过程中,可以使用任何手段,只要不造成实质性损害即可。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种反钓鱼策略最适合防止员工在工作中误点击钓鱼链接?", "answers": ["定期进行安全意识培训", "完全禁止员工访问外部邮件", "依赖单一的反病毒软件", "仅依赖防火墙阻止所有可疑流量"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following groups represents the leading source of computer crime losses?", "answers": ["Hackers", "Industrial saboteurs", "Foreign intelligence officers", "Employees"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范策略可以防止恶意代码通过电子邮件附件传播?", "answers": ["启用邮件内容过滤", "安装防火墙", "使用加密通信", "定期备份数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "组织的战略计划预期会有以下哪项目标?", "answers": ["新软件测试的结果。", "对信息技术需求执行评估。", "新规划系统的短期项目计划。", "组织提供经批准的产品供应商。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为是应急响应策略的一部分,但不是漏洞评估的直接结果?", "answers": ["备份关键数据", "识别漏洞的来源", "修复已知漏洞", "制定恢复计划"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the matters relating to CCTV is of most concern to the information systems auditor?", "answers": ["No regular analysis of CCTV", "CCTV footage is not continuous and there is no 24\\/7 CCTV", "CCTV is kept for a year and then deleted", "No CCTV installed in the conference room"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种电子邮件过滤策略有助于防止钓鱼邮件?", "answers": ["仅允许来自已知联系人的邮件", "自动删除所有包含附件的邮件", "使用反垃圾邮件过滤器并检查邮件的发件人地址", "忽略所有要求紧急行动的邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "下列哪项是日志分析工具ELK Stack的组成部分?", "answers": ["Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana", "Elasticsearch, Logstash, Grafana", "Splunk, Logstash, Kibana", "Splunk, Elasticsearch, Grafana"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "信息安全组织的管理涉及内部组织和外部各方两个控制目标。为了实现对组织内部信息安全的有效管理,应该实施常规的控制措施,不包括哪些选项()", "answers": ["与特定利益集团的联系、信息安全的独立评审", "信息处理设施的授权过程、保密性协议、与政府部门的联系", "与外部各方相关风险的识别、处理外部各方协议中的安全问题", "信息安全的管理承诺、信息安全协调、信息安全职责的分配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在取证分析中,以下哪种行为是不恰当的?", "answers": ["在分析过程中修改原始证据", "记录证据收集的时间和日期", "使用专用工具以防止数据篡改", "在获取证据前获取必要的法律授权"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Jeff is leading the business continuity group in his company. They have completed a business impact analysis and have determined that if the company’s credit card processing functionality was unavailable for 48 hours the company would most likely experience such a large financial hit that it would have to go out of business.The team has calculated that this functionality needs to be up and running within 28hours after experiencing a disaster for the company to stay in business. The team has also determined that the restoration steps must be able to restore data that is 60minutes old or less.In this scenario, what would the 60-minute time period be referred to as?", "answers": ["Recovery time period", "Maximum tolerable downtime", "Recovery point objective", "Recovery point time period"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not typically included in an audit report?", "answers": ["vendor list for remediations", "identified issues", "compliance determination", "risks"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在日志分析中,以下哪项不是常见的日志记录内容?", "answers": ["登录尝试", "系统错误", "用户浏览历史", "网络连接"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "针对攻防演练,以下哪项是正确的战略部署?", "answers": ["通过建立DMZ区域以提高内部网络的安全性", "任何形式的攻击均被视为合法行为", "尽量减少出站网络连接,降低攻击面", "放置一些假的服务以迷惑攻击者"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "The \"vulnerability of a facility\" to damage or attack may be assessed by all of the following except:", "answers": ["Inspection", "History of losses", "Security controls", "security budget"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "2008年,《国家网络安全综合倡议(CNCI)》发布。CNCI计划建立三道防线,下面不属于三道防线内容的是()", "answers": ["减少漏洞和隐患,预防入侵", "全面应对各类威胁,增强反应能力,加强供应链安全抵御各种威胁", "强化未来安全环境,增强研究、开发和教育,投资先进技术", "充分发挥国家、企业和个人的积极性,不能忽视任何一方的作用"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对重大突发事件时,以下哪种行动不符合危机沟通的原则?", "answers": ["迅速公开信息,避免信息真空", "只发布经过高层审核的信息", "确保信息准确无误,避免误导公众", "建立多渠道沟通,回应公众关切"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "When first analyzing an intrusion that has just been detected and confirming that it is a true positive, which of the following actions should bedone as a first step if you wish to prosecute the attacker in court?", "answers": ["Back up the compromised systems.", "Identify the attacks used to gain access.", "Capture and record system information.", "Isolate the compromised systems."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在风险量化过程中,以下哪项不是通常考虑的量化指标?", "answers": ["经济损失", "恢复时间", "情感指数", "可能性分数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following are MOST critical for a security manager to possess?\n下面哪项是安全经理拥有的最关键技能?", "answers": ["Effective communication skills, strategic planning skills, and an understanding of organizational processes\n有效的沟通技巧,策略规划技巧,以及对组织流程的理解", "Good technical skills, project management expertise, and a strong audit background\n良好的技术技能,项目管理经验,强大的审计背景", "Compliance experience, formal management training, and network operations abilities\n合规经验,正式的管理培训,和网络运维能力", "Skills development capabilities, application development experience, and good people skills\n技巧开发能力,应用开发经验和良好的人际交往能力"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护策略最适用于防止恶意软件通过电子邮件附件传播?", "answers": ["实施严格的附件类型过滤", "定期进行全盘病毒扫描", "启用端点隔离与删除功能", "强化用户教育,识别网络钓鱼邮件"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防护策略可以最有效地防止员工点击钓鱼链接并降低网络钓鱼攻击的成功率?", "answers": ["实施反病毒软件更新", "使用端点检测和响应系统", "提供安全意识培训", "启用多因素认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "根据中国法律,以下哪种行为属于非法的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["未经用户同意,收集其个人信息", "在社交平台上发布虚假信息,诱导用户点击链接", "通过电子邮件发送伪装成银行或政府机构的钓鱼邮件", "以上所有行为"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "某信息系统审计师受邀参加一个关键项目的启动会议。该信息系统审计师的主要关注点应该是:", "answers": ["是否已分析项目的复杂性和风险。", "是否已确定整个项目所需的资源。", "是否已确定技术交付成果。", "是否已制定好外部各方参与项目所需的合同。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种应对措施可以防止钓鱼邮件对组织造成损害?", "answers": ["立即回复疑似钓鱼邮件以确认其真实性", "安装防火墙阻止所有外部邮件", "部署电子邮件过滤和安全网关", "在收到邮件后立即转发给所有同事"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行威胁建模时,以下哪项不是常见的威胁类别?", "answers": ["拒绝服务攻击", "社会工程学", "物理设备损坏", "软件升级"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "某个组织已经把其服务台职能外包了。下列哪项指标最应该包含在服务水平协议中?", "answers": ["支持的用户总数。", "首次通话解决率。", "报告至服务台的事故数。", "接线员的数量。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Information security has become the focus of society, the following does not belong to the principle of information system security operation ()", "answers": ["Principles of standardization and consistency", "absolute security principle", "The principle of integrated planning and step-by-step implementation", "Principle of synchronized planning and construction"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is most concerned with personnel security?", "answers": ["Management controls", "Operational controls", "Technical controls", "Human resources controls"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "审查IT灾难恢复测试时,信息系统审计师最需要关注以下哪个问题?", "answers": ["由于测试时间窗有限,仅测试了最重要的系统。其他系统将在这一年的其他时间进行单独测试。", "测试时某些备份系统有缺陷或未运行,从而导致这些系统测试失败。", "启动备份站点之前,关闭并保护原始生产站点的过程所需要的时间远远超过所计划的时间。", "每年由相同的员工执行测试。由于所有参与者非常熟悉各个步骤,因此未使用恢复计划文档。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在社会工程学攻击中,攻击者通常利用哪类受害者心理来诱骗信息?", "answers": ["贪婪心理,提供虚假的财务奖励", "恐惧心理,威胁揭露个人秘密", "好奇心理,发送神秘的未知链接", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "社会工程学攻击中,攻击者通常利用哪种信息来增加欺骗的成功率?", "answers": ["操作系统版本", "网络拓扑结构", "员工的个人喜好和习惯", "服务器的IP地址"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "安全审计日志中,以下哪项信息对于追踪潜在的安全事件至关重要?", "answers": ["用户的登录时间", "用户的注销时间", "用户的登录IP地址", "用户的登录和操作记录"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以降低用户遭受邮件欺诈的风险?", "answers": ["立即回复来自财务部门的紧急邮件,即使邮件中包含敏感信息请求。", "在点击邮件中的链接前,先通过已知的联系方式验证邮件的真实性。", "在公共计算机上查看和回复工作邮件。", "将所有密码保存在电子邮件草稿箱中,以便随时访问。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在漏洞修复过程中,以下哪项措施通常不是优先考虑的?", "answers": ["立即应用最新的补丁", "实施安全配置管理", "进行系统备份", "加强用户身份验证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "���识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "一位信息系统审计师需要审查可将软件应用程序的状态恢复到更新前状态的流程。因此,该审计师需要评估:", "answers": ["问题管理流程。", "软件开发流程。", "逆向恢复流程。", "事故管理流程。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is required in order to provide accountability?", "answers": ["Authentication", "Integrity", "Condentiality", "Audit trails"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "对成功的社会工程攻击的最贴近的解释是:", "answers": ["计算机错误。", "判断错误。", "专业知识。", "技术。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以确保邮件服务器在发生故障时仍能恢复邮件服务?", "answers": ["DKIM & SPF 验证", "访问控制列表", "SSL\\/TLS 加密", "备份与恢复策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在处理网络日志数据以检测潜在攻击时,主要关注哪些方面?", "answers": ["数据加密", "异常行为模式", "认证过程", "资源利用率"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What is the most critical piece to disaster recovery and continuity planning?\n灾难恢复和业务连续性计划中最关键的部分是什么?", "answers": ["安全策略Security Policy", "管理层支持 Management Support", "备份信息处理设施的可用性 Availability of backup information processing facilities", "员工培训 Staff training"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在制定恢复计划时,以下哪项不是关键考虑因素?", "answers": ["数据备份的频率", "恢复时间目标(RTO)", "员工的个人工作习惯", "恢复点目标(RPO)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全事件响应中,哪个阶段通常涉及收集和保存证据以供后续调查?", "answers": ["预防阶段", "检测阶段", "遏制阶段", "取证阶段"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Controls like guards and general steps to maintain building security, securing of server rooms or laptops, the protection of cables, and usage ofmagnetic switches on doors and windows are some of the examples of:", "answers": ["administrative controls.", "logical controls.", "technical controls.", "physical controls."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法最能体现风险评估的严谨性?", "answers": ["仅考虑技术风险,忽略人为因素", "基于历史数据预测未来风险", "全面评估包括内部和外部威胁的所有风险", "依赖直觉和经验判断风险可能性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,以下哪项措施最有助于快速恢复系统功能?", "answers": ["详细记录系统配置信息", "定期进行系统备份", "频繁进行系统更新", "增加系统监控的频率"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最能体现员工对钓鱼攻击的防范意识?", "answers": ["在公共Wi-Fi下处理敏感数据", "定期检查电子邮件中的拼写和语法错误", "点击来自不知名发件人的紧急请求邮件中的链接", "在未经验证的网站上输入信用卡信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在执行漏洞扫描后,以下哪项是优先处理的漏洞类型?", "answers": ["低严重性漏洞,因为它们数量最多", "中等严重性漏洞,以平衡风险和修复成本", "高严重性漏洞,因为它们对系统构成最大威胁", "所有发现的漏洞,按照发现的顺序修复"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项是网络安全风险管理的核心要素,以确保组织符合《网络安全法》的法规遵从性?", "answers": ["定期进行威胁评估,识别潜在的网络威胁和漏洞", "仅依赖防火墙和入侵检测系统来防止攻击", "忽略第三方供应商的安全策略,因为它们不是组织内部的一部分", "在发生数据泄露后实施安全策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应急响应计划中,哪个阶段通常涉及隔离受影响的移动设备以防止威胁传播?", "answers": ["准备阶段", "检测与分析阶段", "遏制阶段", "恢复阶段"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行风险评估时,以下哪项不是识别威胁的关键因素?", "answers": ["资产的价值", "历史安全事件", "行业标准", "资产的物理位置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "评估IT风险时,最好通过以下哪项来完成?", "answers": ["评估现有IT资产和IT项目相关的威胁和漏洞。", "利用组织以前积累的实际损失经验来确定目前的风险敞口。", "审查类似组织发布的损失统计数据。", "审核审计报告中确定的IT控制弱点。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对钓鱼攻击时,哪项安全防护措施最直接有效?", "answers": ["安装入侵检测系统", "定期更新操作系统", "启用多因素认证", "禁用所有外部邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以有效减少钓鱼攻击的风险?", "answers": ["在所有网站使用相同的密码", "点击邮件中的未知链接", "定期进行安全意识培训", "忽略操作系统的安全更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御策略最不适用于防止恶意软件通过电子邮件传播?", "answers": ["启用邮件附件的自动预览功能", "实施基于内容的过滤策略", "教育用户识别可疑的电子邮件行为", "使用电子邮件网关进行恶意软件扫描"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "应急预案中,以下哪项措施最有助于减少安全事件的影响?", "answers": ["定期进行安全培训", "实施严格的访问控制", "建立快速响应小组", "频繁更新防病毒软件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在检查可能的钓鱼邮件时,以下哪个识别特征最能表明邮件可能是欺诈性的?", "answers": ["发件人地址与官方域名完全一致", "邮件中包含紧急或恐慌性的语言", "邮件内容格式整洁,无拼写错误", "邮件中的链接直接指向知名的网站"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以有效防止认证信息窃取?", "answers": ["在公共Wi-Fi下进行网上银行操作", "使用复杂的密码并定期更换", "将密码写在便签上并贴在显示器旁", "与他人共享账户和密码"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在发生数据泄露响应时,以下哪项不是组织应采取的典型步骤?", "answers": ["立即通知受影响的个人", "评估数据泄露的范围和影响", "销毁所有泄露的数据", "实施缓解措施以防止进一步的损失"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种实践是确保合规性的重要步骤?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "开发复杂的数据加密算法", "建立内部员工培训计划", "设计新的硬件安全功能"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在评估钓鱼攻击造成的损失时,以下哪一项通常不被考虑?", "answers": ["数据泄露的成本", "修复受损系统的费用", "受害者心理疏导费用", "攻击者因犯罪被罚款的金额"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项措施不属于应对网络安全事件的应急响应机制?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计", "立即隔离受影响的系统", "在事件发生后立即更新所有软件", "制定并执行数据备份策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是在发生安全事件时,组织用来恢复系统和数据的?", "answers": ["网络日志监控", "恶意软件分析", "应急响应策略", "防火墙配置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范措施最能有效防止钓鱼邮件中的社会工程学攻击?", "answers": ["安装最新的防病毒软件", "定期更新操作系统和应用程序", "对所有电子邮件进行加密", "训练员工识别和报告可疑的网络行为"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a critical security aspect of Operations Controls?", "answers": ["Controls over hardware.", "Data media used.", "Operators using resources.", "Environmental controls."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络安全事件时,哪种策略涉及组织内部的快速响应和恢复计划?", "answers": ["入侵模式识别", "网络流量分析", "防火墙技术", "应急响应策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在部署安全更新时,以下哪种策略最能确保业务连续性?", "answers": ["立即全网更新,无需测试", "在非工作时间进行更新", "仅更新部分系统,观察效果", "先进行详尽的测试,然后分阶段部署"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在识别钓鱼邮件时,以下哪种行为最能帮助用户避免被欺骗?", "answers": ["仅查看邮件的发件人姓名,而不查看电子邮件地址", "信任任何来自银行的紧急请求,立即按照邮件指示操作", "检查邮件中的语法和拼写错误,以及不寻常的请求", "依赖邮件中的链接颜色来判断其安全性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络安全事件时,以下哪个步骤是首先应该执行的?", "answers": ["立即安装安全补丁以修复已知漏洞", "执行威胁评估以确定风险级别", "启动灾后恢复计划以恢复服务", "进行漏洞扫描以识别系统中的弱点"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "日志分析在安全领域中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["预测未来攻击", "实时阻断入侵", "追溯攻击源和事件历史", "防止数据泄露"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在权限转移攻击中,攻击者通常试图:", "answers": ["从低权限账户获取管理员权限", "在多个系统之间移动,不被检测", "利用已知漏洞获取未授权的网络访问", "在受害者的设备上隐藏其活动痕迹"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在执行灾难恢复计划时,以下哪项不是关键考虑因素?", "answers": ["恢复时间目标(RTO)", "恢复点目标(RPO)", "备份数据的加密强度", "业务影响分析(BIA)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在进行渗透测试时,以下哪项行为违反了网络安全法规和道德规范?", "answers": ["在客户授权下,模拟黑客攻击以测试系统的脆弱性", "发现漏洞后,立即公开披露以提醒公众", "测试结束后,向客户报告所有发现的漏洞和建议的修复措施", "未经许可,访问并尝试利用系统中的敏感信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "信息系统未能满足用户需求的最常见原因是:", "answers": ["用户需求不断变化。", "未能准确预测系统需求的增长。", "硬件系统限制并发用户数。", "用户参与定义系统要求的程度不够。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在执行风险评估时,以下哪项不是评估数据安全风险的关键步骤?", "answers": ["识别潜在威胁和脆弱性", "确定资产的价值", "实施加密技术以消除所有风险", "评估威胁发生的可能性和影响"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在网络安全合规管理中,以下哪项措施最有助于确保组织遵守相关法律法规?", "answers": ["定期进行内部审计", "仅依赖外部顾问的建议", "不定期进行合规性检查", "完全依赖自动化的合规工具"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法是应用补丁更新的最佳实践?", "answers": ["立即应用所有可用的补丁,无需测试", "在生产环境中延迟应用补丁以避免中断", "在测试环境中先测试补丁,然后在预定的时间窗口内部署", "只关注高优先级的补丁,忽略低优先级的更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在审计实践中,以下哪项措施最有助于确保审计证据的完整性?", "answers": ["定期备份审计日志", "限制审计人员的访问权限", "使用加密技术保护审计数据", "实施严格的审计证据收集流程"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种风险评估方法最适合用于确定资产的价值和潜在损失?", "answers": ["定性风险评估", "定量风险评估", "基于威胁的风险评估", "基于漏��的风险评估"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全策略实施中,以下哪项不是有效的应急响应计划组成部分?", "answers": ["识别和隔离受影响的系统", "立即恢复所有受影响的服务", "收集和保存证据以备后续的取证分析", "制定沟通策略,通知相关方"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "To help review or design security controls, they can be classified by several criteria . One of these criteria is based on their nature. According to\nthis criterion, which of the following controls consists of incident response processes, management oversight, security awareness, and training?", "answers": ["Compliance control", "Physical control", "Procedural control", "Technical control"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对重大突发事件时,哪种沟通策略通常被视为最有效?", "answers": ["仅由政府官员发布信息", "延迟发布信息,以免引起恐慌", "及时、透明且一致的信息传递", "仅依赖社交媒体进行信息公开"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "灾难恢复计划中,以下哪一项是确保业务连续性的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["数据备份", "应急响应团队", "备用数据中心", "业务影响分析(BIA)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在恢复力培养中,哪一项措施有助于个人在遭受钓鱼攻击后减少损失?", "answers": ["定期备份重要数据", "使用复杂的密码并定期更换", "启用设备的自动锁定功能", "立即更改怀疑已被泄露的账户密码"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "从长期看,以下哪项对改善安全事故响应流程最具有潜力?", "answers": ["对事故响应流程执行浏览审查。", "由事故响应团队执行模拟演练。", "不断地对用户进行安全培训。", "记录对事故的响应。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种风险可能是由软件项目的基准指标不充分引起的?", "answers": ["签字延迟。", "违反软件完整性。", "范围偏离。", "控制不充分。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "识别钓鱼邮件的一个关键技巧是检查什么?", "answers": ["邮件中的拼写和语法是否完美无误", "发件人的电子邮件地址是否与官方地址一致", "邮件是否包含紧急或威胁性的语言", "邮件是否包含来自知名品牌的优惠券或礼品"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在应对网络攻击时,哪种策略通常用于在发现攻击后迅速恢复系统正常运行?", "answers": ["入侵模式识别", "防火墙技术", "日志分析", "应急响应策略"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在防范钓鱼攻击时,以下哪项是最佳做法?", "answers": ["仅在使用公共计算机时进行网上购物", "在收到紧急请求时立即更新账户信息", "安装最新的操作系统和浏览器补丁", "在未经验证的网站上输入信用卡信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "What is the MOST important step in business continuity planning?", "answers": ["Risk Assessment", "Due Care", "Business Impact Analysis (BIA)", "Due Diligence"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在异常行为检测中,以下哪种技术通常用于识别潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["数据加密", "行为分析", "网络扫描", "端口映射"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全事件响应中,以下哪个阶段是确定事件的性质、范围和影响的关键步骤?", "answers": ["预防阶段", "检测阶段", "遏制阶段", "根除阶段"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在确定信息资产的适当保护等级时,IS审计师应当主要关注以下哪一个因素?", "answers": ["风险评估的结果", "对业务的相对价值", "漏洞评估的结果", "安全控制的成本"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "根据网络安全风险管理策略,以下哪项不是风险评估的组成部分?", "answers": ["威胁识别", "漏洞分析", "业务影响分析", "安全设备性能监控"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "在安全事件响应流程中,哪个阶段涉及确定事件的类别、严重性和影响范围?", "answers": ["预警与检测", "事件分类", "遏制与恢复", "应急响应团队的沟通协调"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪一项可确保发生灾难时交易的可用性?", "answers": ["每隔一小时将含有交易的磁带发送到异地。", "每天将含有交易的磁带发送到异地。", "将交易保存到多个存储设备。", "将交易实时传输到异地。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是有效的应急计划应包含的内容?", "answers": ["角色和责任的明确分配", "详细的危机情景描述", "预测危机发生的具体时间", "危机响应和恢复的步骤"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "安全管理"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施最有效地防止跨站请求伪造(CSRF)攻击?", "answers": ["实施双重身份验证", "在每个敏感操作中使用一次性令牌", "对用户输入进行严格的过滤和转义", "限制同一IP地址的请求频率"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在威胁建模过程中,识别邮件系统的威胁时,以下哪项威胁不是主要关注点?", "answers": ["钓鱼攻击", "中间人攻击", "拒绝服务攻击", "SQL注入攻击"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以防止邮件服务器成为僵尸网络的一部分?", "answers": ["关闭所有不必要的端口", "仅允许内部网络的IP地址发送邮件", "定期更新和打补丁邮件服务器软件", "在邮件服务器上禁用日志记录"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术主要用于获取目标系统的敏感信息,而不是直接利用安全漏洞?", "answers": ["网络扫描", "漏洞利用", "密码破解", "社会工程学"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了防止跨站脚本攻击(XSS),Web应用开发者应该采取以下哪种措施?", "answers": ["禁用浏览器的JavaScript", "对用户输入进行严格的输入验证和转义", "使用HTTP基本认证", "定期更新服务器软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止电子邮件内容在传输过程中被第三方窥探,同时确保邮件的来源可验证?", "answers": ["PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)", "SPF (Sender Policy Framework)", "DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)", "HTTPS"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "关于电子邮件欺诈,以下哪种行为最可能导致用户遭受损失?", "answers": ["忽略来自不知名发件人的邮件。", "在回复工作邮件时,确认发件人的电子邮件地址是否正确。", "点击邮件中的链接,即使邮件看起来来自熟悉的公司。", "定期更新电子邮件客户端的防病毒定义。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种编码规范可以有效防止跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["对所有用户输入进行HTML实体编码", "禁用浏览器的JavaScript功能", "使用URL编码传输所有数据", "限制用户只能输入纯文本"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "What is a code review?", "answers": ["Making sure coders work in parallel to watch each others’ work while they are coding", "Making sure coders’ work has been reviewed by other coders after they are done", "Making sure that the appropriate Q/A harnesses have been applied prior to check in", "Making sure that appropriate Q/A harnesses exist"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法在安全编程实践中是错误的,可能导致敏感信息泄露?", "answers": ["在错误消息中显示详细的数据库查询信息", "使用HTTPS传输敏感数据", "对用户输入进行验证和清理", "限制对服务器日志的访问"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Security testing is used to improve the security of software systems, the following description of security testing is incorrect ()", "answers": ["Black-box testing focuses on the functionality that the program presents to the user", "White box testing is a test of how the unit under test works internally", "Gray box testing is a test between black box testing and white box testing", "Black box testing can completely replace white box testing"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术通常用于绕过权限控制系统并获取更高的系统权限?", "answers": ["社会工程学攻击", "权限提升(Privilege Escalation)", "网络嗅探(Network Sniffing)", "隐蔽通道(Covert Channel)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在提出修复建议时,以下哪种做法最不符合渗透测试的专业标准?", "answers": ["提供具体的修复步骤", "推荐使用商业安全产品", "建议进行全面的安全培训", "忽略小概率事件的修复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种方法主要用于评估Web应用程序的安全性,通过模拟黑客可能使用的攻击技术来查找漏洞?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "端口扫描", "SQL注入", "网络嗅探"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在使用PGP加密邮件时,哪个步骤确保了收件人是邮件的真实接收者?", "answers": ["生成对称密钥", "使用发件人的公钥加密邮件", "使用收件人的公钥加密消息认证码", "使用发件人的私钥签署邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全中,以下哪个协议提供了端到端的加密,同时支持非对称加密和数字签名?", "answers": ["SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)", "IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol)", "PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)", "POP3(Post Office Protocol version 3)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种异常处理策略在移动端应用中是不推荐的?", "answers": ["捕获所有异常并记录详细日志,但不向用户显示错误信息", "在关键操作中使用try-catch-finally结构", "在异常发生时立即终止应用,防止数据泄露", "为常见的运行时异常提供适当的错误处理和用户反馈"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "关于恶意代码识别,以下哪种说法是错误的?", "answers": ["静态分析可以在不执行代码的情况下识别恶意行为", "动态分析需要在受控环境中运行可疑代码", "启发式扫描依赖于预定义的签名来检测恶意软件", "行为分析关注软件执行时的行为模式"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在威胁建模中,以下哪项威胁最可能导致电子邮件系统中的敏感信息泄露?", "answers": ["拒绝服务攻击", "社会工程学", "SQL注入", "跨站脚本攻击"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全审计中,以下哪项技术主要用于检测应用代码中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["'渗透测试'", "'代码审计'", "'漏洞扫描'", "'安全加固'"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用防护中,哪种技术主要用于检测和阻止恶意代码的注入攻击,如SQL注入或跨站脚本(XSS)?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "入侵检测系统", "内容过滤与扫描", "HTTPS加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在分析邮件头以检测钓鱼邮件时,以下哪项信息最能帮助识别潜在的恶意邮件?", "answers": ["发件人的电子邮件地址与知名公司域名完全一致", "邮件发送时间与预期的正常业务通信时间相符", "邮件头中的“发件人”字段与“返回路径”字段不一致", "邮件内容中包含大量拼写和语法错误"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最可能导致iOS应用的动态分析失败?", "answers": ["应用使用了代码混淆技术", "应用运行在越狱设备上", "应用使用了安全的网络通信协议", "应用依赖了未授权的第三方库"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防病毒策略最适用于防止通过电子邮件传播的恶意软件?", "answers": ["定期进行全盘扫描", "启用邮件附件的自动预览功能", "使用邮件过滤机制检查附件和链接", "仅依赖操作系统内置的防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,哪种身份验证方法最安全,但可能对用户体验造成不便?", "answers": ["基于口令的身份验证", "基于令牌的身份验证", "多因素身份验证", "基于cookie的身份验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在执行渗透测试时,以下哪项不是隐私保护策略的一部分?", "answers": ["获取数据主体的同意", "匿名化测试数据", "在测试报告中公开所有发现的漏洞", "遵守数据保护法规"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全框架最专注于Web应用程序的防护,提供输入验证和输出编码功能?", "answers": ["OWASP ESAPI (Enterprise Security API)", "TLS (Transport Layer Security)", "OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)", "SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS中,哪个协议负责加密电子邮件内容以保护隐私?", "answers": ["TLS", "POP3", "IMAP", "SMTP"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "SQL注入攻击最常见的原因是什么?", "answers": ["使用了强密码策略", "未对用户输入进行适当的验证和转义", "使用了最新的数据库版本", "使用了HTTPS加密传输"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可以防止中间人攻击(Man-in-the-Middle, MITM)在HTTPS连接中?", "answers": ["检查服务器的SSL证书是否由受信任的证书颁发机构签名", "仅使用HTTP连接", "忽略浏览器的证书警告", "在客户端和服务器之间使用明文传输"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在机器学习分类算法中,哪种算法常用于垃圾邮件过滤?", "answers": ["K-最近邻算法", "决策树算法", "支持向量机算法", "随机森林算法"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在脆弱性分析中,以下哪种情况可能导致严重的安全风险?", "answers": ["软件定期更新,但不打补丁", "系统使用复杂的加密算法", "用户数据经过多重身份验证", "网络服务只在内部网络上可用"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Web (World Wide Web)也称为(),是一种基于()和HTTP的互联网上的网络服务,为用户信息浏览提供(()、易于访问的交互界面,通过超级链接将互联网上的资源组织成相互关联的()。", "answers": ["超文本、图形化、万维网、网状结构", "万维网、超文本、图形化、网状结构", "万维网、图形化、超文本、网状结构", "超文本、万维网、图形化、网状结构"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了防止电子邮件中的恶意代码,应该用( )方式阅读电子邮件。", "answers": ["纯文本", "网页", "程序", "会话"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全浏览器使用习惯最不利于防止网络钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["不在公共Wi-Fi下进行敏感操作", "忽视浏览器显示的不安全警告", "定期更新浏览器和操作系统", "启用浏览器的内置安全功能,如恶意软件防护"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在API接口测试中,哪项是评估接口安全的基本要素?", "answers": ["测试接口的返回速度", "检查接口是否能正确返回结果", "验证输入的正确性和错误处理机制", "验证接口是否存在广告"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法有助于防止Web应用中的SQL注入攻击?", "answers": ["实施严格的访问控制列表(ACL)", "使用预编译的SQL语句", "加密所有网络通信", "启用日志记录和审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项描述了2005年 phishing 攻击事件,导致大量 eBay 用户的个人信息被盗?", "answers": ["攻击者发送伪造的 eBay 网站更新通知,要求用户更新账户信息,通过恶意链接收集了登录凭据。", "黑客利用 eBay 内部系统漏洞,直接从数据库中窃取了用户数据。", "攻击者通过社会工程学手段,冒充 eBay 客服人员,电话获取了用户的信用卡信息。", "一次针对 eBay 的 DDoS 攻击导致网站瘫痪,期间用户数据被窃取。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "内容分析在邮件安全中的应用不包括以下哪一项?", "answers": ["检测邮件中的恶意链接", "分析邮件的情感倾向", "识别邮件中的敏感词汇", "判断邮件是否包含钓鱼攻击"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "What technique would you use to prevent understanding of PowerShell scripts that had been logged?", "answers": ["Encoding", "Obfuscation", "Rainbow tables", "Kerberoasting"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "访问控制列表(ACL)在应用安全中扮演什么角色?", "answers": ["用于加密数据", "用于审计系统日志", "定义用户对资源的访问权限", "用于管理应用的漏洞"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全测试方法最适合发现应用程序中的逻辑漏洞?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "动态应用安全测试(DAST)", "模糊测试(Fuzzing)", "渗透测试"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别网络钓鱼邮件时,以下哪项不是有效的识别技巧?", "answers": ["检查邮件中的拼写和语法错误", "查看发件人地址是否与官方地址一致", "立即回复邮件以确认其真实性", "警惕要求立即行动或提供个人信息的请求"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术有助于识别和阻止新的、未知的电子邮件威胁?", "answers": ["病毒扫描", "防火墙技术", "邮件过滤机制", "威胁情报分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "关于虚假链接检测,以下哪项描述是错误的?", "answers": ["可以通过将鼠标悬停在链接上查看预览地址来检测虚假链接", "URL缩短服务可能会隐藏恶意链接,因此应谨慎对待", "所有包含附件的链接都可能是钓鱼链接", "检查链接中的顶级域名,确保它们与预期的网站匹配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "过滤算法在反垃圾邮件系统中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["验证邮件发送者身份", "分析邮件内容", "根据预设规则自动分类邮件,识别并隔离垃圾邮件", "提供用户反馈机制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全协议中,以下哪种协议用于确保邮件传输的机密性和完整性?", "answers": ["SMTP", "IMAP", "POP3", "S/MIME"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了保护移动应用中的敏感数据,以下哪种数据加密方法是最常用的?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "流加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,权限管理的哪个方面是防止非授权用户访问敏感数据的关键?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "多因素认证", "数据加密", "日志审计"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,以下哪种数据加密方法最适合保护用户密码?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "流密码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行输入过滤时,以下哪种方法可以有效防止跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["对用户输入进行HTML编码", "使用正则表达式验证输入", "限制输入的长度", "将输入转换为大写或小写"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术用于检测数据是否被篡改?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "密钥交换协议"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "下列哪项是钓鱼网站的典型特征?", "answers": ["提供官方认证的SSL证书", "要求用户输入详细的个人信息", "网址与官方网站完全一致", "提供用户反馈和支持服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "The following options are not part of the cookie's role ()", "answers": ["Cookies are", "Solve http protocol no connection no state problem", "Beautify the web page", "Identify users for session tracking"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法对于防止邮件服务器成为垃圾邮件中转站是无效���?", "answers": ["定期更新邮件服务器软件", "禁用SMTP的匿名发送", "仅允许内部网络的邮件发送", "依赖单一的反垃圾邮件解决方案"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在模拟攻击过程中,以下哪种行为通常不被认为是合法的渗透测试活动?", "answers": ["尝试绕过身份验证机制", "在未经授权的情况下访问敏感数据", "利用已知漏洞进行测试", "记录测试过程中的所有活动"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行渗透测试时,以下哪项行为违反了道德准则和法律合规?", "answers": ["在客户授权的环境中进行测试", "测试结束后,不保留任何后门或恶意软件", "公开披露未修复的安全漏洞", "在测试过程中,确保不影响正常业务运营"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "哪种XSS攻击类型允许攻击者将恶意脚本注入到被信任的网站的会话中,通常通过诱使用户点击链接?", "answers": ["存储型XSS", "反射型XSS", "DOM型XSS", "基于cookie的XSS"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "哪种防范策略对于防止恶意软件通过应用商店传播最有效?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统", "用户行为分析", "应用签名验证", "端点安全软件安装"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "The REST API is a widely used standard for communications of web-based services between clients and the servers hosting them.Which protocol does the REST API depend on?", "answers": ["HTTP", "SSH", "SAML", "XML"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在设计一个应用时,以下哪种做法最能体现数据收集限制的原则?", "answers": ["收集尽可能多的用户信息以优化用户体验", "只收集实现应用功能所必需的最少数据", "默认情况下收集所有数据,但允许用户在设置中选择退出", "在用户同意的情况下,定期更新和扩展收集的数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于检测和防止钓鱼网站的欺诈行为?", "answers": ["反病毒扫描", "URL信誉评估", "代码静态分析", "端口扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,哪种威胁建模方法最适用于识别应用程序的潜在攻击面?", "answers": ["STRIDE(Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of privilege)", "DREAD(Damage, Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected users, Discoverability)", "OWASP Top 10", "VulnDB(漏洞数据库)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试的权限提升阶段,测试者的目标是什么?", "answers": ["发现系统中的所有漏洞", "确定测试目标的范围和边界", "提升测试者的系统权限至最高级别", "编写详细的测试报告"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试的早期阶段,以下哪项活动通常首先进行,以了解目标网络的开放端口和服务?", "answers": ["服务识别", "操作系统识别", "漏洞扫描", "端口扫描"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "跨站脚本(XSS)攻击主要影响的是Web应用程序的哪个方面?", "answers": ["服务器端逻辑", "客户端脚本执行", "数据库完整性", "网络传输安全"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全框架可以帮助开发者在Java应用中实现安全编码?", "answers": ["Spring Security", "OWASP ZAP", "Nessus", "Metasploit"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在成功渗透目标系统后,以下哪项操作通常用于获取更高级别的系统权限?", "answers": ["信息收集", "漏洞扫描", "权限提升", "后渗透操作"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "下列哪一项是常见web站点脆弱性扫描工具:", "answers": ["AppScan", "Nmap", "Sniffer", "LC"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Web应用程序中,如果一个功能允许用户上传文件,但没有进行适当的验证和过滤,可能会导致哪种类型的漏洞?", "answers": ["SQL注入", "跨站脚本(XSS)", "文件包含漏���", "权限漏洞"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在访问网站时,以下哪种行为可以提高对钓鱼网站的识别能力?", "answers": ["仅依赖搜索引擎的推荐", "检查网站的SSL证书", "使用公共Wi-Fi进行敏感操作", "点击邮件中的未知链接"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术通常用于通过社会工程学攻击获取更高的系统权限?", "answers": ["利用软件漏洞执行代码", "发送钓鱼邮件获取凭据", "分析网络流量以找到漏洞", "安装恶意软件进行远程监控"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种策略最适合测试Web应用程序的安全性?", "answers": ["端口扫描,识别开放的服务", "SQL注入,测试数据库漏洞", "端点安全分析,检查网络边界防护", "物理安全评估,检查数据中心防护"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在模拟攻击时,如果发现一个系统存在缓冲区溢出漏洞,以下哪种渗透技巧可以用来利用这个漏洞?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "SQL注入", "构造恶意的shellcode", "病毒传播"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在反垃圾邮件策略中,以下哪种方法是通过分析邮件内容来识别和过滤垃圾邮件的?", "answers": ["邮件认证技术", "用户反馈机制", "过滤算法", "内容分析技术"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在安全测试报告中,以下哪项不是报告结构的必要组成部分?", "answers": ["漏洞概述", "测试方法描述", "漏洞修复建议", "用户满意度调查"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用程序的安全加固措施中,以下哪项是防止应用程序被逆向工程的有效方法?", "answers": ["使用混淆技术", "增加应用程序的体积", "减少应用程序的功能", "提高应用程序的运行速度"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件服务器中,哪种日志记录策略有助于检测潜在的入侵尝试?", "answers": ["仅记录成功发送的邮件", "记录所有尝试的SMTP连接,无论成功与否", "记录服务器的硬件状态", "记录用户登录成功的事件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击案例展示了社会工程学在钓鱼攻击中的应用?", "answers": ["通过伪装成IT支持发送恶意附件", "利用SQL注入漏洞获取用户数据", "通过DDoS攻击瘫痪网站", "利用零日漏洞入侵操作系统"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Application layer is the highest layer of the TCP\\/IP system, the same application layer protocol implementation varies greatly, according to their respective characteristics have their own security issues. The following are application layer security risks ()", "answers": ["Identity authentication is simple, usually using user name and login password for authentication or anonymous method, facing the threat of password cracking, identity forgery and other attacks.", "Transmission of data using plaintext, due to the lack of security considerations in the design of the application layer protocols, usually use plaintext to transmit data, which leads to a series of problems such as data leakage, data forgery, etc., for example, plus an attacker may obtain sensitive information in transmission through sniffing and other means.", "Lack of data integrity protection and the resulting problems of data corruption, tampering, etc., example attackers can change the data submitted by users to commit fraud.", "All of the above is true for"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全中,以下哪种协议用于在邮件客户端和邮件服务器之间安全地传输邮件?", "answers": ["PGP", "S\\\\/MIME", "POP3", "IMAP over TLS\\\\/SSL"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于检测和阻止含有恶意附件的电子邮件?", "answers": ["SMTP协议的扩展", "内容分析", "IP地址信誉系统", "强制使用HTTPS"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最有可能是网络欺诈的迹象?", "answers": ["收到一封来自银行的电子邮件,要求立即更新个人信息", "���知名电子商务网站上购物并使用信用卡支付", "在安全的HTTPS连接下填写在线表单", "收到一封带有个人化信息的电子邮件,内容是关于未结订单"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在SMTP服务中,以下哪种做法能有效提高邮件通信的安全性?", "answers": ["永久禁用所有的SMTP服务", "对邮件报头中的敏感字段进行实时监控", "允许用户在邮件报头中插入任意内容", "允许用户自定义SMTP服务器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御措施可以减少SQL注入攻击的影响,但不是直接防止它?", "answers": ["使用存储过程", "对用户输入进行转义和清理", "实施错误处理,隐藏数据库错误信息", "限制数据库账户的网络访问"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种技术用于尝试利用软件中的已知漏洞来获取系统权限?", "answers": ["网络扫描", "权限提升", "漏洞利用", "密码破解"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行Web应用的渗透测试时,以下哪项不是渗透测试的主要目标?", "answers": ["发现并利用安全漏洞", "评估系统的安全性能", "提高应用的用户体验", "确保合规性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在漏洞评估过程中,以下哪项不是常见的任务?", "answers": ["识别软件的已知漏洞", "评估漏洞的严重性和影响", "制定缓解策略", "实施补丁以修复漏洞"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Sending a large number of e-mails to a recipient's e-mail address, consuming the recipient's mailbox space, and eventually being unable to receive new e-mails due to lack of space, resulting in the loss or return of e-mails sent by other users, is a power strike that ()", "answers": ["mail address spoofing", "password burst", "mail virus", "mail bomb"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用安全测试时,以下哪项不是常见的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["不安全的通信", "未加密的数据存储", "代码混淆", "不安全的认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种漏洞分类通常涉及Web应用程序中的认证和授权问题?", "answers": ["注入漏洞", "跨站脚本(XSS)", "权限和访问控制漏洞", "不安全的直接对象引用"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在WEB安全测试中,GraphQL的安全问题可能来自哪里?", "answers": ["服务端数据缓存", "SSL\\\\/TLS 证书", "未授权或不足权限的请求访问敏感数据", "停电或硬件故障"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是电子邮件服务的隐私政策中通常会包含的内容?", "answers": ["服务费用和支付方式", "数据保留和删除政策", "服务器硬件配置", "第三方广告商的详细信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以降低用户收到恶意邮件的风险?", "answers": ["定期打开未知来源的邮件", "在不安全的公共Wi-Fi下查看邮件", "不点击邮件中的可疑链接或下载未知附件", "使用简单的密码保护邮箱"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全中,以下哪种技术主要用于防止逆向工程和代码篡改?", "answers": ["代码混淆", "数据加密", "权限控制", "漏洞扫描"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保Web通信的隐私?", "answers": ["SSL\\/TLS协议", "入侵检测系统", "反病毒软件", "Web应用防火墙"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止Web服务器上的敏感数据(如信用卡号)在传输过程中被窃取?", "answers": ["Web应用防火墙", "数据脱敏", "HTTPS加密", "入侵预防系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为是确保应用安全的长期策略?", "answers": ["定期进行渗透测试", "仅在发现漏洞后更新代码", "依赖单一的安全工具", "在开发后期添加安全检查"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在编写防御CSRF攻击的代码时,以下哪个步骤是错误的?", "answers": ["在每个请求中验证HTTP Referer头", "在服务器端生成一个唯一的CSRF令牌,并将其嵌入到表单中", "在客户端生成CSRF令牌,并将其发送到服务器进行验证", "在服务器端验证表单提交中的CSRF令牌是否与用户的会话令牌匹配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行安全的代码审查时,以下哪项不是其主要目标?", "answers": ["发现潜在的安全漏洞", "提高代码的可读性和可维护性", "确保所有代码都通过了单元测试", "降低代码的执行效率以增加安全性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,以下哪种错误处理方法是不安全的?", "answers": ["捕获并记录错误,但不向用户显示详细错误信息", "向用户显示详细的堆栈跟踪信息", "使用自定义错误页面来提供有限的错误信息", "在生产环境中禁用详细的错误报告"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试报告中,哪一步骤通常会建议优先修复高风险漏洞,因为它们对系统安全构成最大威胁?", "answers": ["测试结果的优先级排序", "测试环境的设置", "测试目标的定义", "报告的分发和沟通"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件系统中,哪种安全措施可以防止恶意软件通过附件传播?", "answers": ["禁止所有附件", "使用内容过滤器扫描附件", "仅允许特定类型的附件", "强制用户在预览模式下查看附件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在配置Web应用防火墙(WAF)时,以下哪项措施主要用于防止跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["启用DDoS攻击防御模式", "实施内容过滤,检查输出中的HTML标签", "设置严格的会话管理策略", "启用SQL注入防护模式"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全分析中,以下哪种方法最直接地帮助检测潜在的恶意代码或漏洞?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "用户反馈分析", "性能监控", "网络流量监控"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用安全测试时,以下哪种工具可以帮助自动化发现应用中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["Wireshark", "Burp Suite", "IDA Pro", "GDB"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在防范万能密码SQL注入的过程中,开发者应注意避免什么情况?", "answers": ["用户密码过于复杂", "在用户输入中使用预编译的SQL语句", "在数据库中使用哈希函数存储密码", "在验证登录信息时,代码逻辑允许一组特定的输入绕过密码匹配检查"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在SMTP邮件传输过程中,哪个步骤可以确保邮件在服务器之间传输时的安全性?", "answers": ["使用PGP签名", "启动TLS会话", "应用邮件过滤规则", "验证邮件头信息"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术主要用于防止病毒通过电子邮件传播?", "answers": ["行为分析", "内容过滤", "网络入侵检测系统", "深度包检查"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,使用Nmap工具的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["进行密码破解", "执行漏洞利用", "网络映射和端口扫描", "数据包嗅探"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个是钓鱼攻击的常见识别技巧?", "answers": ["检查邮件中的拼写和语法错误", "立即点击邮件中的链接以验证其真实性", "信任任何声称紧急情况并要求立即行动的邮件", "仅关注邮件的发件人名称,而不查看邮件地址"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,以下哪种攻击方式是通过发送大量请求导致服务器资源耗尽,从而使正常用户无法访问?", "answers": ["SQL注入攻击", "跨站脚本攻击", "分布式拒绝服务攻击", "跨站请求伪造攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件服务器的安全配置中,哪种措施可以防止未经授权的��户访问邮件服务器并保护用户数据?", "answers": ["启用SSL\\/TLS加密", "设置强大的访问控制列表", "启用垃圾邮件过滤", "实施SPF记录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全测试中,以下哪种方法最直接地帮助检测应用中的漏洞扫描问题?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "用户反馈分析", "性能压力测试", "用户体验调查"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "In the testing phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), software performanceand should both be reviewed.", "answers": ["Quality", "Brevity", "Requirements", "Security"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试的信息收集阶段,以下哪项活动不属于测试人员的常规操作?", "answers": ["使用Whois查询获取域名注册信息", "通过社交媒体收集目标组织的人员信息", "尝试登录目标系统的管理界面", "分析目标网站的robots.txt文件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Steve has found out that the software product that his team submitted for evaluation did not achieve the actual rating they were hoping for. He was confused about this issue since the software passed the necessary certification and accreditation processes before being deployed. Steve was told that the system allows for unauthorized device drivers to be loaded and that there was a key sequence that could be used to bypass the software access control protection mechanisms. Some feedback Steve received from the product testers is that it should implement address space layout randomization and data execution protection.Which of the following best describes some of the issues that the evaluation testers most likely ran into while testing the submitted product?", "answers": ["Nonprotected ROM sections", "Vulnerabilities that allowed malicious code to execute in protected memory sections", "Lack of a predefined and implemented trusted computing base", "Lack of a predefined and implemented security kernel"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用审核过程中,以下哪项不是合规标准的要求?", "answers": ["应用必须遵循最小权限原则", "应用必须提供用户数据导出功能", "应用必须通过安全漏洞扫描", "应用必须有明确的隐私政策"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行漏洞评估时,以下哪种方法最有助于确定漏洞的严重性?", "answers": ["基于漏洞的发现时间进行排序", "根据漏洞的普遍性进行评估", "结合漏洞的潜在影响和被利用的难易程度进行评估", "仅根据漏洞的类型进行分类"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "DMARC(Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)协议的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供端到端的邮件加密", "防止邮件被垃圾邮件过滤器拦截", "增强SPF和DKIM的策略执行", "管理邮件服务器"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议最常用于保护电子邮件的传输,确保其隐私和完整性?", "answers": ["POP3", "IMAP4", "TLS (Transport Layer Security)", "HTTP"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了防御SQL注入攻击,以下哪种编程实践是推荐的?", "answers": ["使用动态SQL语句", "将用户输入直接拼接到SQL查询中", "使用预编译语句和参数化查询", "忽略用户输入的特殊字符"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在处理用户输入时,以下哪种错误处理策略可能导致安全漏洞?", "answers": ["忽略输入验证错误并继续执行程序", "显示自定义错误消息,但不透露系统详细信息", "记录详细的错误日志,但不在用户界面显示", "在遇到错误时立即终止程序并提供清晰的错误信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全防护中,以下哪种加密算法通常用于保护用户数据的传输安全?", "answers": ["MD5", "SHA-1", "AES", "Blowfish"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "How is interface testing different from misuse case testing?", "answers": ["Interface testing is intended to determine correct function, whereas misuse case testing is intended to determine error conditions.", "Interface testing is intended to determine usability, whereas misuse case testing is intended to determine when misuse has occurred.", "Interface testing and misuse case testing are essentially the same.", "Interface testing is intended to determine correct function, whereas misuse case testing is intended to determine if an error condition could be problematic."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "XSS攻击的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["窃取数据库中的数据", "篡改网页内容", "消耗服务器资源", "提升网站的搜索引擎排名"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个真实案例是钓鱼攻击的实例?", "answers": ["Equifax 数据泄露,因软件漏洞导致大量个人信息被盗", "Google Docs 仿冒事件,用户收到看似来自朋友的共享文档请求", "WannaCry 勒索软件攻击,利用了 NSA 的漏洞", "Target 零售店的 POS 系统被恶意软件感染"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行CSRF防御时,以下哪种策略是不推荐的?", "answers": ["使用验证码", "使用SameSite属性", "使用Referer检查", "使用自定义HTTP头"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Why do buffer overows happen? What is the main cause?", "answers": ["Because buffers can only hold so much data", "Because of improper parameter checking within the application", "Because they are an easy weakness to exploit", "Because of insucient system memory"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以确保电子邮件的发送者身份真实,防止伪造?", "answers": ["SMTP安全", "POP3安全增强", "数字签名", "邮件加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在编写渗透测试报告时,以下哪种风险评估方法最常用于确定漏洞的严重性?", "answers": ["定性分析", "定量分析", "混合分析", "历史数据分析"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以有效防止HTTPS中间人攻击?", "answers": ["启用服务器端的HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)", "定期更新服务器的防火墙规则", "在客户端实施访问控制策略", "禁用服务器的SSL\\\\/TLS版本协商"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "使用白盒测试时,确定测试数据应根据()指定覆盖准则。", "answers": ["程序的内部逻辑", "程序的复杂程度", "使用说明书", "程序的功能"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用的身份认证过程中,以下哪种方法最能够有效防止会话劫持攻击?", "answers": ["使用静态的会话标识符", "在URL中传递会话标识符", "定期更新会话标识符", "不使用HTTPS协议"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在代码审查过程中,以下哪项不是确保智能合约安全的关键步骤?", "answers": ["手动代码审查以发现潜在漏洞", "使用自动化工具进行静态分析", "模拟攻击以测试合约的防御机制", "仅依赖开源审计报告而不进行自审"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在编写渗透测试报告时,以下哪项内容是不适宜包含的,因为它可能违反道德和法律合规性?", "answers": ["详细漏洞分析,包括利用步骤和修复建议", "受测系统的敏感数据样本,如用户信息或财务记录", "测试过程中发现的安全漏洞列表", "对安全控制不足的批评和改进建议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全审计中,以下哪种技术主要用于检测潜在的恶意代码和安全漏洞?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "动态流量监测", "用户行为分析", "访问控制列表检查"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别钓鱼邮件时,以下哪个特征可能是可疑的?", "answers": ["发件人地址与官方域名完全一致", "邮件中包含拼写和语法错误", "邮件内容与用户预期的业务通信相符", "邮件中的链接直接指向知名的网站"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Many hacking attacks exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities in software implementations, and the most reliable solution to this threat is ()", "answers": ["Installation of lDS", "Installation of firewalls", "Installation of anti-virus software", "Install the latest patch for your system"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "移动应用钓鱼攻击通常如何进行?", "answers": ["通过模仿流行应用的界面,诱导用户下载并安装恶意应用", "在应用商店中直接上传恶意应用", "通过短信发送含有恶意链接的短消息", "在公共电脑上安装键盘记录器"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "With the popular use of instant messaging software, instant messaging software is also used by malicious code to spread, which of the following features is not a way for malicious code to spread using instant messaging ()", "answers": ["Send executable files with malicious code using instant messaging software's file transfer function", "Using instant messaging software to send URLs to malicious web pages", "Using instant messaging software to send QR codes pointing to malicious addresses", "Send txt documents with malicious code using instant messaging"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的安全模型中,以下哪项不是常见的安全控制措施?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "数据加密", "应用沙盒", "用户界面自定义"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种识别技巧可以帮助用户识别虚假网站?", "answers": ["检查URL中的拼写和标点", "仅信任使用顶级域名'.gov'的网站", "相信任何显示安全锁图标和'HTTPS'的网站", "依赖于网站的视觉设计和品牌一致性"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于在Web应用中安全地验证用户身份并管理会话,同时不将敏感信息如密码发送到服务器?", "answers": ["哈希与盐值", "OAuth2.0授权框架", "JWT(JSON Web Tokens)", "SSL\\\\/TLS证书"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用开发中,以下哪种方法最有效地防止SQL注入攻击?", "answers": ["使用预编译的SQL语句,并使用参数化查询", "对所有用户输入进行HTML编码", "在服务器上启用额外的防火墙层", "定期进行代码审查,查找不安全的代码模式"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护策略可以防止权限绕过攻击?", "answers": ["实施多因素认证", "对所有用户输入进行严格的输入验证", "定期更新和打补丁以修复已知漏洞", "限制对敏感资源的访问,仅允许特定角色的用户访问"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种代码注入攻击是通过修改函数调用参数来执行恶意代码的?", "answers": ["SQL注入", "XSS(跨站脚本)", "命令注入", "参数注入"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "软件产品的可靠度并不取决于( )", "answers": ["潜在错误的数量", "潜在错误的位置", "软件产品的使用方法", "软件产品的开发方式"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况是钓鱼攻击案例的典型特征?", "answers": ["攻击者通过电话联系受害者,要求提供银行账户信息。", "攻击者通过物理手段窃取受害者的电脑。", "攻击者在受害者的电脑上安装键盘记录器。", "攻击者在公共WiFi网络中拦截数据包。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保电子邮件的隐私,通过加密内容防止非授权的访问?", "answers": ["公钥加密", "私钥解密", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "HTTP"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a mobile Internet security threat ()", "answers": ["Business level: illegal business access, illegal data access, denial-of-service attacks, proliferation of spam, dissemination of undesirable information, leakage of personal privacy and sensitive information, content copyright theft and unreasonable use.", "Network level: Illegal eavesdropping on access networks, user identity impersonation, abusive use of bandwidth by servers, destruction of data and information integrity, unauthorized positioning, etc.", "Terminal level: viruses, Trojans, worms, phishing, identity impersonation, DDOS attacks, privacy theft, unauthorized use of resources, remote control, etc.", "All of the above"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种应用程序安全实践有助于防止网络通信被中间人攻击?", "answers": ["使用HTTPS进行通信", "实施双因素认证", "对用户输入进行过滤", "定期备份数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在恶意软件分析中,以下哪种技术用于动态分析恶意软件的行为?", "answers": ["反编译", "沙箱环境", "哈希值比对", "静态代码分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于伪装成合法网站,以欺骗用户输入敏感信息,如用户名和密码?", "answers": ["恶意软件感染", "社会工程", "电子邮件欺诈", "网络钓鱼"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击中,攻击者通常利用哪种手段诱导用户泄露敏感信息?", "answers": ["通过合法的网络安全培训", "通过发送伪装成合法机构的电子邮件", "通过公开的社交媒体平台", "通过电话营销"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御策略最有效地防止非持久性(存储型)跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["对用户输入进行HTML编码", "实施内容安全策略(CSP)", "使用HTTP-only cookies", "强制使用HTTPS协议"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "恶意代码有哪些威胁()", "answers": ["抢占系统资源", "破坏数据信息", "干扰系统的正常运行", "以上都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况可能降低修复漏洞的效率?", "answers": ["提前进行漏洞优先级排序", "忽略次要漏洞", "制定详细的修复计划", "在没有充分理解漏洞本质的情况下匆忙修复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用加固过程中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止动态调试?", "answers": ["代码加密", "运行时检测", "资源文件混淆", "本地数据加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的认证机制中,以下哪项措施最有助于防止重放攻击?", "answers": ["使用强密码", "限制登录尝试次数", "使用一次性令牌", "定期更改认证密钥"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,为了保护敏感数据,通常采用哪种技术来确保数据在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "权限控制", "代码混淆", "内存管理"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用开发中,哪种做法对于保护用户凭据的安全最有效?", "answers": ["存储明文密码在设备本地", "使用安全的加密算法对凭据进行哈希和加盐", "依赖设备的默认加密功能", "在应用中硬编码API密钥"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用安全中,以下哪种技术用于确保用户和服务器之间的通信是加密的,从而防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["单点登录(SSO)", "数据加密", "输入验证", "会话管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在设计安全架构时,以下哪项措施有助于防止SQL注入攻击?", "answers": ["最小权限原则,确保数据库用户只能访问必要的数据", "使用SSL/TLS加密数据库通信", "定期进行漏洞扫描和渗透测试", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "下列选项中用于接收电子邮件的协议是()", "answers": ["SMTP", "SFTP", "POP3", "ICMP"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "数字签名在Web安全中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["隐藏发送方的身份", "防止中间人攻击", "加密传输的数据", "验证数据的来源和完整性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在服务器端模板注入(SSTI)检测中,以下哪种安全测试方法最有效?", "answers": ["将所有用户输入视为主体", "对用户输入进行合法性检查", "对模板响应进行详细检查,以寻找可能的注入痕迹", "将所有模板响应返回到客户端处理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种行为是修复高危漏洞的首要步骤?", "answers": ["立即应用安全补丁", "更改防火墙配置", "实施访问控制策略", "启动日志监控"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别钓鱼邮件时,以下哪项不是有效的检查点?", "answers": ["检查发件人的电子邮件地址是否与官方网站一致", "查看邮件中是否存在语法和拼写错误", "立即点击邮件中的链接以验证网站的真实性", "检查邮件是否要求提供敏感信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以提供端到端的邮件加密,以确保只有收件人能阅读邮件内容?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "PGP", "DKIM", "DMARC"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种协议用于加密电子邮件以确保内容的隐私性?", "answers": ["SMTP", "SSL\\\\/TLS", "PGP", "IMAP\\\\/POP3"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是CSRF攻击的特点?", "answers": ["攻击者需要知道用户的登录凭证", "攻击者利用用户在已认证的Web应用程序中的身份执行操作", "攻击者通过注入恶意脚本到Web页面中", "攻击者直接与Web服务器进行交互"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten is a list of web applicationsecurity threats that is created by a member-driven OWASP committee of applicationdevelopment experts and published approximately every 24 months. The OWASP Top Tenlist often includes “using components with known vulnerabilities.” Which of the followingis a good way to protect against this problem?", "answers": ["Use only components your organization has written.", "Update to current versions of component libraries as soon as possible.", "Never use anyone else‘s component library.", "Apply patches to old component libraries."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在应用安全防护策略中,以下哪种方法主要用于保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["加密算法", "访问控制列表", "安全审计日志", "漏洞扫描工具"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了优化WAF的性能,以下哪种方法不是推荐的?", "answers": ["增加硬件资源", "优化策略规则", "关闭不必要的防护功能", "定期更新WAF软件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种密码破解技术与渗透测试中的口令暴力破解无关?", "answers": ["字典攻击", "彩虹表攻击", "社会工程学", "穷举攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Digital signatures and random number challenges do not protect against which of the following attacks or malicious behavior? ( ).", "answers": ["trickery", "replay attack", "deny", "DOS attack"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种行为是密码破解的典型应用?", "answers": ["使用暴力破解工具尝试登录凭据", "利用零日漏洞入侵系统", "创建虚假Wi-Fi热点诱导用户连接", "分析网络流量以发现潜在的漏洞"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行渗透测试时,以下哪种技术用于识别目标系统中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "权限提升", "漏洞扫描", "后渗透行动"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,以下哪种安全协议用于确保客户端与服务器之间的安全通信?", "answers": ["HTTP", "HTTPS", "FTP", "SMTP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件安全协议中,以下哪项是确保邮件传输安全的核心要素?", "answers": ["SMTP协议", "POP3协议", "IMAP协议", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在构建用于检测钓鱼攻击的数据集时,以下哪种做法最能提高模型的泛化能力?", "answers": ["只包含最近的钓鱼网站实例", "确保数据集中钓鱼网站和正常网站的比例为1:1", "包含来自不同钓鱼技术的多样化样本", "使用单一来源的数据,如一个特定的反钓鱼数据库"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可能无法有效防止XSS攻击,从而影响网站的安全性?", "answers": ["仅采用黑名单输入过滤方式", "使用白名单输入过滤方式", "采用适当的输出编码", "在适当的位置使用HTTPOnly Cookie"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Which one of the following threat types to applications and services involves the sending of requests that are invalid and manipulated through auser's client to execute commands on the application under the user's own credentials?", "answers": ["Injection", "Missing function-level access control", "Cross-site scripting", "Cross-site request forgery"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别潜在的钓鱼邮件时,应特别注意检查什么?", "answers": ["邮件的主题是否有趣", "邮件是否包含个人敏感信息", "邮件中的链接是否经过加密(HTTPS)", "邮件是否来自已知联系人的备用邮箱"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种电子邮件欺诈类型通常会包含看似来自朋友或家人的紧急求助信息,请求汇款?", "answers": ["网络钓鱼", "CEO欺诈", "亲情欺诈", "恶意软件邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种策略最适用于评估Web应用程序的安全性?", "answers": ["社会工程学攻击", "分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击模拟", "模糊测试(Fuzzing)针对输入验证", "物理安全评估"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,以下哪种安全协议常用于保护数据传输的安全性?", "answers": ["HTTP", "HTTPS", "FTP", "SMTP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击类型与钓鱼攻击最相似,但通常针对企业内部员工?", "answers": ["DDoS攻击", "水坑攻击", "网络嗅探", "鱼叉式网络钓鱼"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行漏洞分析时,以下哪项不是评估漏洞严重性的关键因素?", "answers": ["漏洞的潜在影响", "漏洞的利用复杂度", "受影响系统的用户数量", "漏洞的公开程度"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种隐私保护策略可以防止应用程序在未经用户许可的情况下访问敏感联系人信息?", "answers": ["数据最小化", "权限控制", "匿名化处理", "零知识证明"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "评估方法中,渗透测试主要用于评估什么?", "answers": ["系统的可用性", "系统的安全性", "系统的性能", "系统的合规性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法有助于防止加密证书被恶意替换,确保网站的HTTPS安全连接?", "answers": ["定期更换服务器的私钥", "使用自签名证书", "只信任特定的证书颁发机构(CA)", "禁用浏览器的证书警告"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在HTTPS通信中,以下哪个组件用于验证服务器的身份?", "answers": ["加密算法", "证书体系", "握手协议", "密钥交换"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web开发中,如何确保XSLT转换的安全性?", "answers": ["对所有输入进行SQL编码", "只使用开发者编写的XSLT文件", "对XSLT转换结果进行白名单过滤", "始终交给客户端处理XSLT转换"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "情绪影响在钓鱼攻击中如何被利用?", "answers": ["攻击者利用受害者的情绪波动,使其失去理智判断", "攻击者通过引发正面情绪来增加信任感", "攻击者利用受害者的情绪稳定来预测其行为", "攻击者仅在受害者处于愤怒时进行攻击"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,如何防止权限绕过攻击?", "answers": ["使用复杂的密码策略", "实施严格的输入验证和输出编码", "确保每个请求都包含验证令牌", "限制对敏感资源的直接访问"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在构建合规框架时,以下哪项不是安全编码的基本原则?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "输入验证", "代码复用", "错误处理和日志记录"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知���记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护机制最适用于防止SQL注入攻击?", "answers": ["防火墙过滤SQL语句", "使用预编译的SQL语句", "加密所有数据库通信", "定期执行渗透测试"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全中,以下哪种技术用于检测和预防应用中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["代码审计", "用户反馈收集", "应用性能监控", "应用市场推广"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了提高Web应用的安全性,防止phpinfo信息泄漏,下列哪种做法是最佳实践?", "answers": ["允许所有用户访问phpinfo页面", "不在生产环境中使用phpinfo()函数", "将phpinfo页面放在所有用户都可访问的目录下", "无论何时都开启详细的错误报告功能"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "下列哪一选项是渗透测试项目的特点?", "answers": ["该项目是开放式的,直到标识出所有已知的漏洞", "项目进度策划产生一个关键路径", "项目任务是闯入一个目标系统", "目标用户评估该项目计划"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最可能导致用户遭受虚假网站的欺诈?", "answers": ["通过搜索引擎查找并访问知名银行的官方网站", "点击来自不知名发件人的邮件中的银行链接", "在安全的HTTPS连接下进行网上购物", "定期更新浏览器和安全软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an advantage in using a bottom-up versus a top-down approach to software testing?", "answers": ["Interface errors are detected earlier.", "Errors in critical modules are detected earlier.", "Confidence in the system is achieved earlier.", "Major functions and processing are tested earlier."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试流程中,以下哪一步是用于发现目标系统中存在的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["攻击模拟", "漏洞扫描", "安全防御", "报告编写"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行漏洞评估时,以下哪项不是常用的评估方法?", "answers": ["自动扫描工具", "手动代码审查", "社会工程学攻击", "渗透测试"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "The main function of vulnerability scanning is ()", "answers": ["Scanning the service ports of the target host", "Scanning the target host's operating system", "Scanning target hosts for vulnerabilities", "Scan the IP address of the target host"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种加密与认证技术可以确保在HTTPS连接中数据的机密性和用户身份的验证?", "answers": ["RSA", "TLS(传输层安全)", "MAC(消息认证码)", "WPA2(Wi-Fi保护访问二)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,以下哪种做法最能确保用户数据的隐私和安全?", "answers": ["仅在应用内存储敏感数据,从不使用设备的本地存储", "使用加密技术对存储在设备上的敏感数据进行加密", "依赖应用的默认隐私设置,不进行额外的数据安全措施", "频繁请求用户权限,获取尽可能多的设备信息以优化用户体验"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "钓鱼攻击中,攻击者如何利用社会认同感来欺骗受害者?", "answers": ["冒充受害者的亲朋好友", "利用恐慌和紧迫感", "提供诱人的奖励或优惠", "揭示受害者的个人信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全测试中,以下哪种方法最直接地帮助评估应用的权限控制是否适当?", "answers": ["静态代码分析,检查权限声明", "模糊测试,注入随机数据", "社会工程学,尝试欺骗用户", "渗透测试,模拟恶意攻击"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最有助于防止用户受到钓鱼邮件的欺骗?", "answers": ["安装端点防病毒软件并保持最新", "启用SSL\\\\/TLS协议进行电子邮件传输", "使用可验证的网络安全证书检查邮件发送者", "部署入侵检测系统(IDS)监控网络流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助安全专家逆向工程移动应用,以检测潜在的漏洞或恶意行为?", "answers": ["安全策略实施", "代码反编译", "网络入侵检测", "反制技术应用"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个协议是HTTPS使用的安全传输协议?", "answers": ["SSL 2.0", "TLS 1.3", "SET", "HTTP\\/2"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种威胁属于钓鱼攻击的范畴?", "answers": ["SQL注入", "键盘记录器", "社会工程学", "DDoS攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用程序中,以下哪种防御机制可以有效防止反射型XSS攻击?", "answers": ["输入验证", "输出编码", "使用HTTP-only Cookie", "启用CSP(内容安全策略)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在处理用户输入时,以下哪种验证方法最能防止跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["验证输入数据的长度", "对所有输出进行HTML实体编码", "限制特定字符的输入", "使用JavaScript进行客户端验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以降低电子邮件客户端被钓鱼攻击的风险?", "answers": ["只在使用公共Wi-Fi时检查邮件", "对所有邮件启用显示完整的邮件头信息", "点击邮件中的所有链接以验证其真实性", "在不安全的网站上输入电子邮件地址"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Web应用防火墙(WAF)主要设计用于保护什么免受恶意攻击?", "answers": ["服务器硬件", "网络基础设施", "Web应用程序", "客户端操作系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以防止电子邮件中的隐私泄露?", "answers": ["在邮件主题行包含敏感信息", "使用不安全的公共Wi-Fi发送加密邮件", "定期更新电子邮件客户端的隐私设置", "在邮件正文中包含完整的信用卡号"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全中,以下哪项不是SSL\\\\/TLS的主要作用?", "answers": ["加密邮件内容", "在邮件服务器之间建立安全连接", "验证邮件服务器的身份", "防止邮件被中间人攻击"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全证书用于验证移动应用的开发者身份,以确保用户下载的是官方应用?", "answers": ["SSL证书", "代码签名证书", "TLS证书", "PGP证书"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行Web应用的风险评估时,以下哪项因素通常不会被考虑?", "answers": ["漏洞的严重性", "攻击者的技术能力", "应用的用户数量", "应用的开发语言"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用开发中,以下哪种做法最能确保用户数据的隐私和合规性?", "answers": ["仅在本地加密存储敏感数据,不进行任何网络传输", "实施严格的数据最小化原则,仅收集执行应用功能所必需的数据", "依赖第三方SDK处理所有用户数据,以减轻开发团队的责任", "在应用中包含所有可能的数据收集点,以便未来可能的分析和营销"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种行为涉及密钥管理的挑战?", "answers": ["利用已知漏洞入侵系统", "破解加密的流量以获取敏感信息", "在目标网络中隐藏恶意软件", "定期更换和安全存储渗透测试工具的访问密钥"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别电子邮件中的威胁时,以下哪项是蜜罐技术的主要用途?", "answers": ["检测并阻止垃圾邮件。", "诱骗并分析潜在的网络攻击者。", "防止钓鱼邮件的传播。", "自动删除带有恶意附件的邮件。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "常见的恶意代码类型有:特洛伊木马、蠕虫、病毒、后门、Rootkit、僵尸程序、 广告软件。2017年5月爆发的恶意代码WannaCry勒索软件属于( )。", "answers": ["特洛伊木马", "蠕虫", "后门", "Rootkit"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "报错页面信息泄露将会导致什么安全���响?", "answers": ["系统任何报错都不会受到影响", "网络连接速度会变慢", "敏感的系统信息、数据库查询、文件路径、源代码等可能被暴露,为攻击者提供攻击线索", "可能会影响网站的运行速度或者让用户访问到错误页面"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪个步骤通常在exploit开发的早期阶段进行?", "answers": ["编写payload", "理解漏洞的工作原理", "测试payload的稳定性", "利用漏洞进行远程代码执行"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在网络安全审计过程中,你发现一个输入验证的问题,可能带来哪种危险?", "answers": ["DDOS攻击", "代码注入攻击", "字典攻击", "无线网络破解"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在数据收集阶段,以下哪种行为最可能引起目标系统的警觉?", "answers": ["使用隐蔽的数据传输通道", "通过合法服务进行数据收集", "大量数据包的异常传输", "利用系统日志收集信息"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "SAML 中什么是负责保护安全的关键组件?", "answers": ["SSO", "SAML 断言", "XML 签名", "元数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种行为符合道德黑客的伦理准则?", "answers": ["未经许可,直接利用漏洞获取目标系统的敏感信息", "在获得授权后,仅在预设的时间范围内进行测试", "发现漏洞后,公开披露以警示公众", "使用拒绝服务攻击来测试目标系统的稳定性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "According to Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recommendations,active software security testing should include all of the following except.", "answers": ["Authentication testing", "Authorization testing", "Session management testing", "Privacy review testing"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种方法主要用于发现目标系统中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["社会工程学攻击", "密码破解", "漏洞扫描", "拒绝服务攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,利用栈溢出漏洞编写exploit时,以下哪个步骤是不正确的?", "answers": ["找到程序中的栈溢出点并确定溢出长度", "计算返回地址相对于溢出点的偏移量", "在exploit中填充垃圾数据以迷惑分析者", "直接使用shellcode替换溢出区域,无需考虑地址空间布局随机化(ASLR)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止电子邮件中的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["安装反病毒软件", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS加密", "对所有邮件进行病毒扫描", "训练员工识别网络钓鱼的迹象"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保Web通信的隐私和完整性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "蜜罐技术", "安全策略审计", "端口扫描"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "社会工程学在钓鱼攻击中的应用通常涉及什么?", "answers": ["利用技术漏洞获取信息", "通过物理访问窃取数据", "诱骗用户透露敏感信息", "直接修改目标系统的配置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用代码审计时,以下哪项操作是不推荐的?", "answers": ["使用自动化工具进行初步扫描", "对关键函数进行手动审查", "忽略第三方库的安全性检查", "对应用的权限使用进行详细分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "钓鱼攻击中,攻击者如何利用社会认同心理诱骗受害者?", "answers": ["模仿知名人士或权威机构的电子邮件签名", "利用受害者的恐惧感和紧迫感", "通过大量发送邮件来增加中奖的可信度", "提供看似合理的理由要求受害者提供信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范措施可以有效防止员工通过电子邮件接收恶意软件?", "answers": ["定期进行安全意识培训", "关闭电子邮件服务", "只允许接收加密的电子邮件", "禁止使用附件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "钓鱼邮件是电子邮件的常见风险之一,针对钓鱼邮件,应采取下列哪种安全措施()", "answers": ["设置安全性高的密码", "使用邮件客户端接收邮件", "不轻易打开包含中奖等字眼的邮件", "使用自建的SMTP服务器"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,哪种技术用于测试Web应用程序的安全性?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "模糊测试", "社会工程学", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在使用深度学习模型进行钓鱼攻击检测时,以下哪个步骤是特征工程的关键部分?", "answers": ["收集大量正常邮件和钓鱼邮件的HTML源代码", "训练一个神经网络模型以自动分类邮件", "从邮件中提取如URL、关键词、邮件结构等特征", "使用模型进行实时预测并拦截可疑邮件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "渗透测试中的漏洞识别阶段,以下哪种方法不是常用的?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "动态代码分析", "社会工程学", "网络嗅探"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动端应用中,代码签名的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["确保代码的完整性和来源", "防止代码被反汇编", "检测并阻止恶意代码执行", "优化应用程序的运行速度"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "为了保护移动应用中的敏感数据,哪项安全措施是必要的?", "answers": ["仅使用HTTPS进行通信", "数据加密和身份验证机制", "定期进行安全漏洞扫描", "避免存储任何用户数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "What is the purpose of DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) in email security?", "answers": ["A. To encrypt email messages to ensure confidentiality during transmission between the client and server.", "B. To filter incoming emails based on predefined rules to block spam or malicious content.", "C. To authenticate the sender's domain and provide instructions on how to handle emails that fail authentication checks.", "D. To authenticate users before granting access to their email accounts."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种代码审查实践有助于发现潜在的XSS(跨站脚本)攻击漏洞?", "answers": ["检查所有输入是否为预期格式", "验证所有输出是否已经过滤或转义", "确保所有函数都有适当的错误处理", "确保所有代码都遵循DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的认证机制中,以下哪种方法可以提供双因素认证?", "answers": ["仅使用密码认证", "使用密码加上生物特征认证", "使用密码加上短信验证码", "仅使用短信验证码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,哪种技术主要用于保护用户隐私数据,如信用卡号或密码,使其在传输过程中不被窃取?", "answers": ["SSL\\/TLS协议", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "数据生命周期管理(DLM)", "哈希函数"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在发送敏感电子邮件时,以下哪种协议提供了端到端的加密,以确保邮件内容在传输过程中不被窃取?", "answers": ["SMTP", "SSL\\\\/TLS", "PGP", "IMAP\\\\/POP3 over SSL"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下不属于进行安全输入验证和数据校验的方法的是?", "answers": ["使用参数化查询", "对数据进行加密和哈希处理", "使用强密码和加密算法", "对用户输入进行长度、类型和范围的验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "渗透测试中,以下哪种行为属于合法的测试手段?", "answers": ["未经授权访问内部网络", "利用公开漏洞进行测试", "破坏目标系统的数据", "伪装成目标公司的员工"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种操作可以防止中间人攻击,确保电子邮件的机密性?", "answers": ["仅使用HTTPS发送邮件", "使用SMTPS发送邮件", "使用PGP对邮件内容进行加密", "在邮件中添加数字签名"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用程序安全中,以下哪项措施能够有效防止应用程序被逆向工程?", "answers": ["代码混淆", "使用HTTPS", "定期备份数据", "限制应用程序权限"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用程序的防御机制中,以下哪项措施可以有效防止中间人攻击?", "answers": ["使用HTTP协议", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS加密通信", "禁用应用程序的网络访问", "限制应用程序的API调用"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用程序的漏洞分析时,以下哪项不是常见的分析方法?", "answers": ["静态代码分析", "动态运行时分析", "网络流量监控", "用户行为模拟"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在检测零日攻击时,哪种技术最有可能成功阻止未知威胁?", "answers": ["提交和回滚控制", "签名检测", "行为分析", "数据正规化控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试的哪个阶段,测试人员会尝试利用发现的漏洞来模拟攻击,以验证其可行性?", "answers": ["侦查阶段", "漏洞分析阶段", "攻击模拟阶段", "报告编写阶段"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的认证机制中,以下哪种方法最不安全?", "answers": ["双因素认证", "生物识别认证", "基于密码的认证", "基于令牌的认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "公钥基础设施(PKI)在邮件安全中扮演的角色是?", "answers": ["提供邮件内容压缩服务", "管理邮件服务器", "提供密钥管理和证书颁发服务", "负责邮件的物理传输"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件安全中,沙箱技术主要用于:", "answers": ["实时监控网络流量", "隔离和分析可疑附件", "防止内部数据泄露", "验证用户身份"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行渗透测试时,以下哪项技术常用于模拟攻击以测试系统的安全性?", "answers": ["防火墙配置", "加密通信", "社会工程学攻击", "代码审计"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试报告中,以下哪项内容通常不包括在漏洞评估部分?", "answers": ["漏洞的详细描述", "漏洞的风险评分", "漏洞的补救建议", "漏洞的发现者个人信息"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件服务器的管理中,以下哪项技术用于保护邮件内容不被未授权访问?", "answers": ["防病毒扫描", "SSL\\\\/TLS加密传输", "反垃圾邮件过滤", "邮件服务器日志监控"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御措施可以防止用户意外访问伪装网站?", "answers": ["安装入侵检测系统", "使用安全浏览器扩展", "定期更新操作系统", "启用端点保护平台"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以保护用户的浏览历史和个人数据,防止被ISP(互联网服务提供商)追踪?", "answers": ["使用对称加密", "使用非对称加密", "使用虚拟私人网络(VPN)", "使用哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在电子邮件系统中,哪种安全功能可以防止恶意软件通过网络传播?", "answers": ["内容过滤", "IP黑名单", "SSL\\\\/TLS加密", "强制使用两步验证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用渗透测试时,以下哪项不是常见的安全协议?", "answers": ["TLS", "SSL", "IPSec", "FTP"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用的身份验证机制中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止暴力破解攻击?", "answers": ["使用简单的用户名和密码组合", "限制登录尝试次数并实施账户锁定策略", "不使用验证码", "存储明文密码"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "What is the concept of isolating an application from the underlying operating system for testing purposes?", "answers": ["Abstracting", "Application virtualization", "Hosting", "Sandboxing"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击,确保用户与Web服务器之间的通信不被篡改或窃听?", "answers": ["恶意代码分析", "Web应用防火墙", "HTTPS加密", "入侵预防系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "安全最佳实践中,以下哪项措施有助于防止跨站脚本(XSS)攻击?", "answers": ["使用HTML实体编码输出", "禁用浏览器的JavaScript功能", "限制用户上传文件的类型", "定期更新服务器操作系统"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "移动应用中,为了保护用户登录凭据不被窃取,通常采用哪种技术进行数据传输?", "answers": ["对称加密算法", "非对称加密算法", "SSL\\/TLS协议", "OAuth认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "(单选题)以下哪种方法在 PHP 开发语言中不能执行命令()", "answers": ["system(whoami);", "system('whoami');", "system('eval(whoami);');", "eval('system(whoami);');"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行Web安全测试时,以下哪项测试通常用于评估系统的认证授权机制?", "answers": ["渗透测试", "性能测试", "功能测试", "兼容性测试"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项行为可能会增加Burp Suite在渗透测试中被识别的风险,从而影响测试的安全性?", "answers": ["使用Cookie Jar", "频繁修改请求头", "使Burp证书公开", "隐藏防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术可以帮助检测基于社交媒体的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["深度学习的自然语言处理", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "防火墙", "物理安全访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保电子邮件内容在传输过程中的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS加密", "POP3协议", "SMTP认证", "IMAP4协议"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在检测钓鱼网站时,以下哪种技术可以识别模仿知名品牌的假冒网站?", "answers": ["URL的长度和复杂性分析", "图像识别和品牌logo的比对", "分析网站的HTML结构和内容", "检查网站的SSL证书签发者"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "当一个Web应用发现有SMTP注入漏洞时,以下哪种解决方法是最安全的?", "answers": ["关闭SMTP服务直到找到可行的修复方案", "对所有的SMTP请求都进行详尽的记录", "对所有的用户输入进行适当的清理和过滤", "将SMTP服务转移到一个新的服务器"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "SSL\\\\/TLS协议在电子邮件安全中扮演的角色是?", "answers": ["用于加密邮件内容", "用于验证邮件发送者的身份", "用于保护邮件传输过程中的安全", "用于存储邮件的加密密钥"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试报告中,哪个部分通常用于详细描述发现的安全漏洞并提供漏洞分析?", "answers": ["执行摘要", "方法与范围", "发现与结果", "建议与修复"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试报告中,哪项内容通常不包括在内?", "answers": ["测试目标和范围", "详细的漏洞利用步骤", "客户敏感数据的明文", "建议的安全策略改进"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在渗透测试中,以下哪种行为属于网络嗅探?", "answers": ["利用exploit工具攻击已知漏洞", "设置中间人攻击以捕获网络流量", "分析系统日志以查找异常活动", "创建蜜罐系统来迷惑攻击者"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "网站克隆在钓鱼攻击中的目的是什么?", "answers": ["创建一个与真实网站相似的虚假网站,以诱骗用户输入敏感信息", "分析用户在真实网站上的行为模式", "提供一个安全的替代访问途径", "增强网站的搜索引擎优化"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种电子邮件安全协议可以防止中间人攻击,确保电子邮件的来源验证?", "answers": ["STARTTLS", "PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)", "DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)", "S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动应用安全测试时,以下哪项操作最能帮助发现应用中的权限滥用问题?", "answers": ["模拟用户登录并进行正常操作", "分析应用的网络通信,检查加密是否正确", "检查应用请求的权限与实际功能是否匹配", "执行代码审计,查找可能的注入漏洞"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全协议可以应用于电子邮件,以确保数据在传输过程中的加密?", "answers": ["TLS(传输层安全)", "FTP(文件传输协议)", "POP3(邮局协议第3版)", "IMAP(因特网消息访问协议)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法不是防御CSRF攻击的有效手段?", "answers": ["使用验证码", "使用随机生成的Token", "强制用户定期更改密码", "检查HTTP Referer头"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "You are the IT security manager for a video game software development company. Inorder to test your products for security defects and performance issues, your firm decidesto use a small team of game testers recruited from a public pool of interested gamers whoapply for a chance to take part. This is an example of .", "answers": ["Static testing", "Dynamic testing", "Code review", "Open source review"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最可能导致SMTP服务器被用作中间人攻击的媒介?", "answers": ["服务器未启用SSL\\\\/TLS加密", "服务器使用了弱加密算法", "服务器配置了过于严格的SPF策略", "服务器启用了IMAP\\\\/POP3而不是SMTP"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用的授权管理中,RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)模型主要用于?", "answers": ["加密敏感数据", "验证用户输入", "控制用户对资源的访问权限", "防止跨站脚本攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防范措施可以有效防止电子邮件欺骗?", "answers": ["安装反病毒软件并保持更新", "使用复杂的密码策略", "启用双因素认证", "实施电子邮件过滤和验证技术(如SPF, DKIM, DMARC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "移动应用的更新机制中,以下哪种做法可以确保用户安装的是经过验证的安全更新?", "answers": ["通过应用内更新提示用户下载最新版本", "强制用户从官方应用商店下载更新", "允许用户从任何来源下载更新包", "定期推送更新通知,但不强制更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在制定Web应用的安全策略时,以下哪项措施最有助于防止跨站脚本攻击(XSS)?", "answers": ["使用HTTPS协议", "对所有用户输入进行HTML编码", "限制文件上传功能", "定期更新服务器软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在Web应用中,以下哪种做法最不利于防止会话劫持?", "answers": ["定期刷新会话ID", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS进行通信", "在URL中明文传递会话ID", "实现会话超时机制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在安全评估中,以下哪项技术用于确保在执行漏洞利用时不会被检测到?", "answers": ["端口扫描技术", "漏洞分类技术", "安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)", "匿踪技术(Stealth techniques)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件内容分析中,以下哪项不是文本分析的主要目标?", "answers": ["识别关键词", "提取情感倾向", "检测语法错误", "分类邮件类型"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在邮件通信中,以下哪种协议主要用于确保邮件的隐私和安全?", "answers": ["SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)", "POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)", "IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)", "PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在识别钓鱼邮件时,以下哪项特征可能是恶意邮件的标志?", "answers": ["发件人的电子邮件地址与公司官方地址完全一致", "邮件中包含紧急或威胁性的语言", "邮件内容与用户预期的业务通信相符", "邮件中的链接直接指向已知的、安全的网站"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "在权限模型中,以下哪种机制允许权限从父对象自动传递给子对象?", "answers": ["权限继承", "访问控制列表", "角色定义", "审计日志"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is used by RADIUS for communication between clients and servers?", "answers": ["TCP", "SSL", "UDP", "SSH"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "You are the IT security subject matter expert for a hobbyist collective that researches andarchives old music. If you create a federated identity management structure for all theparticipants in the collective using a third-party certification model, who would be thefederated service provider(s) in that structure?", "answers": ["The third party", "A cloud access security broker (CASB)", "The various members of the collective", "The cloud provider"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在访问控制策略中,最小权限原则指的是?", "answers": ["所有用户都应拥有管理员权限", "用户应被授予完成工作所需的最小权限", "用户可以访问所有数据,但不能修改", "用户权限应根据其社会地位决定"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a proximity identication device that does not require action by the user and works by responding with an access code tosignals transmitted by a reader?", "answers": ["A passive system sensing device", "A transponder", "A card swipe", "A magnetic card"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a client/server protocol designed to allow network access servers to authenticate remote users by sending access request messages to a central server?", "answers": ["RADIUS", "OAuth", "EAP", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "CCM:在身份和访问管理(IAM)域中,IAM-04中的数字04,表示什么", "answers": ["这个特定域中有4个控制子域", "控制ID是分配给控制项的随机数", "它是IAM域中的第4个控制子域", "以上都不是"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击方法能最有效地获得对一份复杂口令保护的资料的未授权访问?", "answers": ["字典攻击", "旁路攻击", "彩虹表", "社会工程"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种机制可以防止用户访问未经授权的系统资源?", "answers": ["数字签名", "访问控制列表(ACLs)", "RSA加密", "哈希函数"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "需要刷感应卡才能进入某个办公区域,这属于哪种控制?", "answers": ["物理控制", "技术控制", "行政控制", "流程控制"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Single Sign-on (SSO) is characterized by which of the following advantages?", "answers": ["Convenience", "Convenience and centralized administration", "Convenience and centralized data administration", "Convenience and centralized network administration"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which concept might require users to use a second access token or to re-enter passwords to gain elevated access rights in the identity andaccess provisioning life cycle?", "answers": ["Time-based", "Enrollment", "Least privilege", "Access review"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限管理中,以下哪种用户账户权限设置最符合最小权限原则?", "answers": ["所有用户都具有管理员权限", "每个用户只拥有完成其工作所需的最小权限", "所有用户都只能访问公共文件夹", "创建一个超级用户账户供所有员工共享"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制模型允许用户基于角色的权限来控制资源访问?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于规则的访问控制(RBAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "下面哪一项能够最好地描述公钥基础设施中的目录服务器的作用?", "answers": ["对通过网络传输的信息进行加密。", "向应用程序提供其他用户的证书。", "方便密码政策的实施。", "存储证书撤销清单。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全政策通常用于定义员工访问企业资源的权限?", "answers": ["访问控制政策", "数据分类政策", "密码策略", "加密策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "If a company has a high turnover rate, which access control structure is best?", "answers": ["Role-based", "Decentralized", "Rule-based", "Discretionary"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制机制最适合防止未经授权的内部员工访问敏感数据?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "角色基础的访问控制(RBAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "最小权限原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A potential problem related to the physical installation of the Iris Scanner in regards to the usage of the iris pattern within a biometric system is:", "answers": ["concern that the laser beam may cause eye damage", "the iris pattern changes as a person grows older.", "there is a relatively high rate of false accepts.", "the optical unit must be positioned so that the sun does not shine into the aperture."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is implemented through scripts or smart agents that replay the users multiple log-ins against authentication servers toverify a user's identity which permit access to system services?", "answers": ["Single Sign-On", "Dynamic Sign-On", "Smart cards", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在端点安全策略中,以下哪项措施最直接地防止身份冒用?", "answers": ["安装防病毒软件", "实施多因素身份验证", "使用安全套接层(SSL)加密", "定期进行安全意识培训"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A user sends an e-mail request asking for read-only access to les that are not considered sensitive. A Discretionary Access Control (DAC)methodology is in place. Which is the MOST suitable approach that the administrator should take?", "answers": ["Administrator should request data owner approval to the user access", "Administrator should request manager approval for the user access", "Administrator should directly grant the access to the non-sensitive les", "Administrator should assess the user access need and either grant or deny the access"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证技术对防止钓鱼攻击最无效?", "answers": ["一次性密码", "生物特征识别", "静态密码", "智能卡"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "In non-discretionary access control using Role Based Access Control (RBAC), a central authority determines what subjects can have access tocertain objects based on the organizational security policy. The access controls may be based on:", "answers": ["The society‘s role in the organization", "The individual's role in the organization", "The group-dynamics as they relate to the individual's role in the organization", "The group-dynamics as they relate to the master-slave role in the organization"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 的重要特征是:", "answers": ["依赖于岗位轮换", "简化了访问权限管理", "需要双因素验证", "支持强制访问控制 (MAC)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "身份认证是证实客户的真实身份与其所声称的身份是否相符的验证过程。目前,计算机及网络系统中常用的身份认证技术主要有:用户名/密码方式、智能卡认证、动态口令、生物特征认证等。其中不属于生物特征的是()。", "answers": ["指纹", "手指静脉", "虹膜", "击键特征"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证过程中,哪种方法可以防止钓鱼攻击通过获取用户的凭据?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "使用复杂的静态密码", "定期更改密码", "仅在安全网���连接下登录"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "多因素认证(MFA)在电子邮件安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["减少垃圾邮件的数量", "提高邮件发送速度", "增加账户被盗用的难度", "降低邮件存储成本"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following correctly describes a federated identity and its role within identity management processes?", "answers": ["A nonportable identity that can be used across business boundaries", "A portable identity that can be used across business boundaries", "An identity that can be used within intranet virtual directories and identity stores", "An identity specified by domain names that can be used across business boundaries"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任环境中,以下哪项措施有助于实现持续监控?", "answers": ["定期安全扫描", "实时日志分析", "静态代码分析", "定期渗透测试"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制机制最适合用于限制员工只能访问与其工作职责相关的数据?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "最小权限原则", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "With RBAC, each user can be assigned:\n根据RBAC,每个用户可以被分配:", "answers": ["One or more roles 一个或多个角色", "Only one role 只有一个角色", "A token role 一个令牌角色", "A security token 一个安全令牌"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种认证机制主要用于验证用户身份,而不是授权访问特定资源?", "answers": ["访问控制列表", "JSON Web Tokens (JWT)", "Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)", "Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证技术中,哪种方法最能防止钓鱼攻击导致的凭证盗窃?", "answers": ["一次性密码(OTP)", "生物特征识别", "证书基础身份验证", "简单密码策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在数字证书中,哪个实体负责验证并签发证书以确认服务器的身份?", "answers": ["证书使用者", "证书撤销列表(CRL)", "证书颁发机构(CA)", "注册机构(RA)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略最适合防止内部员工滥用用户数据?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "最小权限原则", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "CAC 是什么形式的类型 2 认证因素?", "answers": ["令牌", "生物识别标识符", "智能卡", "PIV"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限管理中,以下哪种策略有助于防止内部威胁?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "多因素认证", "网络隔离", "数据加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制模型允许系统管理员根据用户的角色分配权限?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "基于策略的访问控制(PBAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What is the main focus of the Bell-LaPadula security model?", "answers": ["Accountability", "Integrity", "Condentiality", "Availability"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任模型中,以下哪项措施不是持续监控的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["实时流量分析", "定期安全审计", "用户行为分析", "威胁情报集成"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Why MUST the Kerberos server be well protected from unauthorized access?\n为什么Kerberos服务器必须得到很好的保护,防止非授权访问?", "answers": ["It contains the keys of all clients.\n因为它包含了所有客户的密钥", "It always operates at root privilege.\n因为它总是在root权限下操作", "It contains all the tickets for services.\n因为它包含了服务的所有票据", "It contains the Internet Protocol (IP) address of all network entities.\n因为它包含了所有网络设备的IP地址"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "多因素认证(MFA)在零信任实施中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["仅用于外部用户访问控制", "用于增强单因素认证的安全性", "作为零信任架构的唯一认证手段", "用于确保用户身份的验证,增强访问控制的安全性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况不是令牌认证在多因素认证中的应用?", "answers": ["用户接收到一次性密码(OTP)短信进行登录验证", "用户通过生物识别解锁设备", "用户使用硬件令牌生成动态验证码", "用户使用应用程序生成的动态二维码进行登录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "把字典攻击和暴力破解结合起来的,针对口令的攻击是:", "answers": ["社会工程", "混合攻击", "彩虹表攻击", "水坑攻击"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What determines the level of security of a combination lock?", "answers": ["Complexity of combination required to open the lock", "Amount of time it takes to brute force the combination", "The number of barrels associated with the internal mechanism", "The hardness score of the metal lock material"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限管理中,哪个原则有助于限制潜在的损害范围?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "多因素认证", "职责分离", "强制访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What provides the information to an application to make decisions about the authorization level appropriate when granting access?", "answers": ["User", "Relying party", "Federation", "Identity Provider"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "下列哪个选项可以设置禁止某些用户和组作为远程桌面服务客户端登录()", "answers": ["管理共享", "系统服务", "本地组策略", "系统组件服务"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证方法最不安全,因为它容易受到中间人攻击?", "answers": ["单因素认证(仅密码)", "双因素认证(密码和短信验证码)", "多因素认证(密码、生物特征和硬件令牌)", "基于证书的身份验证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Tanya is working with the company’s internal software development team. Before a user of an application can access files located on the company’s centralized server, the user must present a valid one-time password, which is generated through a challenge/response mechanism. The company needs to tighten access control for these files and reduce the number of users who can access each and every file. The company is looking to Tanya and her team for solutions to better protect the data that has been classified and deemed critical to the company’s missions. Tanya has also been asked to implement a single sign-on technology for all internal users, but she does not have the budget to implement a public key infrastructure.\nWhich of the following is the best single sign-on technology for this situation?", "answers": ["PKI", "Kerberos", "RADIUS", "TACACS+"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following can be dened as a framework that supports multiple, optional authentication mechanisms for PPP, including cleartextpasswords, challenge-response, and arbitrary dialog sequences?", "answers": ["Extensible Authentication Protocol", "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol", "Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service", "Multilevel Authentication Protocol."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "一个业务应用系统的业务用户可以执行业务功能,但不能执行管理功能,应用的维护管理员可以执行管理功能但不能执行业务功能,这属于:", "answers": ["职责分离", "最小授权", "基于规则的访问控制", "自主访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任环境中,以下哪种访问控制模型最常用于管理资源访问?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控��(DAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)", "基于策略的访问控制(PBAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a remote access protocol that uses a static authentication?", "answers": ["Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)", "Routing Information Protocol (RIP)", "Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)", "Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "下面哪个是检查时间/使用时间(TOC/TOU)问题的实例?", "answers": ["A user whose profile has been revoked logs on using the password of a valid user of the system.", "A user session is terminated immediately after the user profile is revoked.", "A user logs on with a valid profile which is revoked without termination of the session.", "A user session is not validated until after the log on."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following access control models requires security clearance for subjects?", "answers": ["Identity-based access control", "Role-based access control", "Discretionary access control", "Mandatory access control"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪项不是IAM系统中的身份管理功能?", "answers": ["用户账户创建", "密码重置", "数据备份与恢复", "用户权限分配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证机制中,哪种方法最能防止钓鱼攻击获取用户的凭据?", "answers": ["使用简单的密码", "多因素身份验证", "保存用户名和密码在浏览器中", "只在家中使用公共Wi-Fi进行登录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "两步验证中,哪一项不适合作为第二步验证?", "answers": ["短信验证码", "指纹识别", "面部识别", "公开的社交媒体帐号"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "关于两步验证,以下哪个描述是正确的?", "answers": ["两步验证仅通过电子邮件发送验证码,确保账户安全", "两步验证要求用户提供密码和一个随机生成的代码,增加安全性", "两步验证使得账户无法被黑客攻击", "两步验证总是需要物理设备,如智能卡"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下属于哪一种认证实现方式:用户登录时,认证服务器(Authentication Server, AS)产生一个随机数发送给用户,用户用某种单向算法将自己的口令、种子密钥和随机数混合计算后作为一次性口令,并发送给 AS,AS 用同样的方法计算后,验证比较两个口令即可验证用户身份", "answers": ["口令序列", "时间同步", "挑战/应答", "静态口令"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在防止钓鱼攻击中,哪种身份验证方法最能保护用户免受冒充合法服务的欺诈?", "answers": ["基于知识的身份验证(如密码)", "基于拥有的身份验证(如一次性短信验证码)", "基于生物特征的身份验证(如指纹)", "基于设备的身份验证(如设备ID)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任环境中,权限分配的最佳实践是什么?", "answers": ["一次性分配所有权限", "按需分配权限,并定期审查", "仅在用户请求时分配权限", "基于用户的工作职责分配权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "身份管理中,随着信任度增加:", "answers": ["风险减少", "风险增加", "权限增加", "权限减少"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "__________ is one of the single most effective security controls to defend against a wide variety of attacks.", "answers": ["A firewall", "Infrared camera surveillance", "Egress monitoring", "Multifactor authentication"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任架构中,身份验证通常涉及以下哪项?", "answers": ["仅用户名和密码", "多因素认证", "单一的生物识别认证", "基于IP地址的认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制模型基于用户的安全级别和信息的敏感性级别?", "answers": ["强制��问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "多层访问控制(MLAC)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任网络模型中,多因素认证(MFA)通常不包括以下哪种验证方法?", "answers": ["知识因素,如密码", "拥有因素,如智能卡", "生物识别,如指纹", "位置因素,如IP地址"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在防止钓鱼攻击中,哪种身份验证方法对防止欺诈性登录最不相关?", "answers": ["基于知识的身份验证(如密码)", "基于拥有的身份验证(如一次性短信验证码)", "基于生物特征的身份验证(如指纹)", "基于设备的身份验证(如设备ID)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is addressed by Kerberos?", "answers": ["Condentiality and Integrity", "Authentication and Availability", "Validation and Integrity", "Auditability and Integrity"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is implemented through scripts or smart agents that replays the users multiple log-ins against authentication servers toverify a user's identity which permit access to system services?", "answers": ["Single Sign-On", "Dynamic Sign-On", "Smart cards", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Kerberos 是一种常用的身份认证协议,它采用的加密算法是( )。", "answers": ["Elgamal", "DES", "MD5", "RSA"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Identity Management solutions include such technologies as Directories services, Single Sign-On and Web Access management. There are manyreasons for management to choose an identity management solution.Which of the following is a key management challenge regarding identity management solutions?", "answers": ["Increasing the number of points of failures.", "Users will no longer be able to \"recycle\" their password for different applications.", "Costs increase as identity management technologies require signicant resources.", "It must be able to scale to support high volumes of data and peak transaction rates."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在实现访问控制时,以下哪种方法最能确保只有授权用户可以访问特定资源?", "answers": ["使用复杂的密码策略", "实施多因素身份验证", "应用IP地址白名单", "启用加密技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略有助于防止未经授权的员工访问敏感的个人信息?", "answers": ["强制实施最小权限原则", "使用多因素认证", "实施隐私保护法规", "定期进行安全培训"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following remote access authentication systems is the most robust?", "answers": ["TACACS+", "RADIUS", "PAP", "TACACS"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术能够提供基于用户身份和上下文的访问控制,以限制对特定网络资源的访问?", "answers": ["网络层过滤", "应用网关", "状态检测", "访问控制列表"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪项是两步验证的主要目的?", "answers": ["简化登录过程", "增加额外的安全层,防止未经授权的访问", "减少用户记忆多个密码的负担", "允许用户在任何设备上快速登录"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following does not typically represent a means for enhanced authentication?", "answers": ["Challenge questions", "Variable keystrokes", "Out-of-band identity confirmation", "Dynamic end-user knowledge"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Given: AAA is an architectural framework used to provide three separate security components in a network. Listed below are three phrases thateach describe one aspect of the AAA framework.Option-1 This AAA function is performed first and validates user identify prior to determining the network resources to which they will be grantedaccess.Option-2 This function is used for monitoring and auditing purposes and includes the collection of data that identifies what a user has done whileconnected.Option-3 This function is used to designate permissions to a particular user.What answer correctly pairs the AAA component with the descriptions provided above?", "answers": ["Option-1 - Access Control Option-2 - Authorization Option-3 - Accounting", "Option-1 - Authentication Option-2 - Accounting Option-3 - Association", "Option-1 - Authorization Option-2 - Access Control Option-3 - Association", "Option-1 - Authentication Option-2 - Accounting"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "多因子认证(MFA)在防御钓鱼攻击中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["完全消除钓鱼攻击的风险", "提供额外的安全层,即使攻击者获得了用户密码,也无法轻易访问账户", "自动检测并阻止所有钓鱼尝试", "减少用户对密码的依赖"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is true about two-person integrity?", "answers": ["It forces all employees to distrust one another.", "It requires two different identity and access management matrices (IAM).", "It forces collusion for unauthorized access.", "It enables more thieves to gain access to the facility."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多层权限体系中,以下哪个概念用于确定用户是否可以执行特定操作?", "answers": ["身份验证", "授权", "权限模型", "访问控制列表"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Question: Which of the following provides a mechanism that allows an end-user to use a single sign-on (SSO) for multiple services?\n=======", "answers": ["The Open ID Federation.", "PCI Data Security Standards Council", "International Organization for Standardization.", "Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is implemented through scripts or smart agents that replays the users multiple log-ins against authentication servers to\nverify a user's identity which permit access to system services?", "answers": ["Single Sign-On", "Dynamic Sign-On", "Smart cards", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "In identity management, as trust increases:", "answers": ["Risk increases", "Risk decreases", "Permissions decrease", "Permissions increase"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following has the correct term-to-definition mapping?\ni. Brute-force attacks: Performed with tools that cycle through many possible character, number, and symbol combinations to uncover a password.\nii. Dictionary attacks: Files of thousands of words are compared to the user’s password until a match is found.\niii. Social engineering: An attacker falsely convinces an individual that she has the necessary authorization to access specific resources.\niv. Rainbow table: An attacker uses a table that contains all possible passwords already in a hash format.", "answers": ["i, ii", "i, ii, iv", "i, ii, iii, iv", "i, ii, iii"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在客户机/服务器架构中的“相互验证”指的是?", "answers": ["服务器和服务器之间的交叉验证", "客户端和服务器端建立连接时的三次握手", "客户端一旦被服务器端验证,则客户端可以访问系统内其他的资源", "服务器端验证客户端,客户端验证服务器端"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在访问控制模型中,以下哪个选项最能描述RBAC(Role-Based Access Control)?", "answers": ["用户直接授予对资源的访问权限", "用户通过其所属的组来获得访问权限", "用户必须通过身份验证和授权才能访问资源", "用户权限基于其在系统中的角色和职责"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份认证方法在安全性与便捷性之间提供了较好的平衡,常用于移动设备或云服务的访问控制?", "answers": ["静态密码", "双因素认证(2FA)", "生物特征识别(如指纹)", "物理安全令牌"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "关于多因素认证(MFA),以下哪项陈述是不正确的?", "answers": ["MFA增加了攻击者获取账户访问的难度", "MFA通常需要用户提供两种或更多验证因素", "短信验证码是一种常见的MFA方法,但并非最安全", "使用MFA后,用户可以完���避免任何安全威胁"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Question: A user who owns a resource wants to give other individuals access to the resource.\nWhat control would apply?\n=======", "answers": ["Mandatory access control.", "Role-based access controls.", "Discretionary access control.", "Context of authority controls."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "IDaaS的关键特征是:", "answers": ["IGA 身份治理和管理", "虚拟化", "容器化", "OpenID"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What role does biometrics play in access control?", "answers": ["Authorization", "Authenticity", "Authentication", "Accountability"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种权限管理策略有助于防止内部用户滥用系统资源?", "answers": ["所有用户都分配管理员权限", "根据角色和职责分配权限", "允许用户自由共享账户和密码", "尽量减少权限审核和更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "安全审计在单点登录(SSO)系统中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["用于监控用户行为", "用于增加用户登录速度", "用于减少系统资源消耗", "用于提高用户认证的复杂性"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "In a given network, client C needs to access the services of server S. Client C must be authenticated by server S. Client C also needs to authenticate server B. Which type of authentication does this authentication belong to ()", "answers": ["single-item identification", "bidirectional identification", "Third party identification", "None of the above."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What are the physical characteristics of a retinal scan biometric device?", "answers": ["The size, curvature, and shape of the retina", "The amount of light reflected by the retina", "The amount of light reaching the retina", "The pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Technical controls such as encryption and access control can be built into the operating system, be software applications, or can be supplementalhardware/ software units. Such controls, also known as logical controls, represent which pairing?", "answers": ["Preventive/Administrative Pairing", "Preventive/Technical Pairing", "Preventive/Physical Pairing", "Detective/Technical Pairing"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following occurs in a PKI environment?", "answers": ["The RA creates the certificate, and the CA signs it.", "The CA signs the certificate.", "The RA signs the certificate.", "The user signs the certificate."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not normally an element of user accounts management audits?", "answers": ["Password hashing", "Signed AUPs", "Privileged accounts", "Suspended accounts"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "假如有证书发放机构 i1,i2 用户 a 在 i1 获取证书,用户 b 在 i2 获取证书,i1 和 i2 已安全交换了各自的公钥,如果用 i1《a》表示由 i1 颁发给 a 的证书,a 可通过( )证书链获取 b 的公开密钥。", "answers": ["i1《i2》i2《b》", "i2《b》i1《i2》", "i1《b》i2《i2》", "i2《i1》i2《b》"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于确保只有经过身份验证的用户才能访问网络资源?", "answers": ["权限等级", "访问控制列表", "角色基础访问控制", "用户身份验证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "The type of discretionary access control (DAC) that is based on an individual's identity is also calle", "answers": ["Identity-based Access control", "Rule-based Access control", "Non-Discretionary Access Control", "Lattice-based Access control"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following binds a subject name to a public key value?", "answers": ["A public-key certicate", "A public key infrastructure", "A secret key infrastructure", "A private key certicate"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "��份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Controls provide accountability for individuals who are accessing sensitive information. This accountability is accomplishe", "answers": ["through access control mechanisms that require identification and authentication and through the audit function.", "through logical or technical controls involving the restriction of access to systems and the protection of information.", "through logical or technical controls but not involving the restriction of access to systems and the protection of information.", "through access control mechanisms that do not require identification and authentication and do not operate through the audit function."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "实施访问控制时首先需要:", "answers": ["分类信息系统资源。", "标记信息系统资源。", "创建访问控制列表。", "创建信息系统资源清单。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "IIS是Microsoft 公司提供的Web服务器软件,主要提供Web服务。IIS的访问控制包括:请求过滤、URL 授权控制、IP地址限制、文件授权等安全措施,其中对文件夹的NTFS 许可权限管理属于( )。", "answers": ["请求过滤", "URL授权控制", "IP地址限制", "文件授权"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略最适合用于限制内部网络中特定资源的访问?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "多层访问控制(MLAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "SiKey口令是一种一次性口令生成方案,它可以对抗()。", "answers": ["恶意代码木马攻击", "拒绝服务攻击", "协议分析攻击", "重放攻击"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在实施访问控制时,以下哪项是身份验证的主要目标?", "answers": ["确保用户可以访问所有资源", "验证用户的身份以确定其是否有权访问特定资源", "限制用户只能访问特定资源", "提高系统的可用性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在移动端身份验证中,以下哪种方法通常用于增强安全性?", "answers": ["单一密码验证", "双因素认证", "基于位置的身份验证", "基于时间的身份验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在网络安全中,哪种技术用于确认用户身份,防止冒充?", "answers": ["加密算法", "防火墙技术", "身份验证", "网络入侵检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "关于访问控制,以下哪一项描述是不正确的?", "answers": ["访问控制是确保数据安全的重要手段", "访问控制可以防止未授权的数据访问", "访问控制策略可以完全防止数据泄露", "访问控制需要根据数据分类进行差异化设置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What type of access control model is Biba?", "answers": ["Role BAC", "MAC", "ABAC", "DAC"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A tool used to map out access rights and permissions against authenticated identity assertions and characteristics.", "answers": ["attribute portal", "entitlement matrix", "facet corollary", "digital rights management (DRM)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下选项中,不属于生物识别方法的是( )。", "answers": ["掌纹识别", "个人标记号识别", "人脸识别", "指纹识别"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What are the key stages of account management?", "answers": ["Provisioning or adding accounts, modifying accounts, and suspending accounts", "Adding accounts, deleting accounts, and deleting users’ data", "Verifying account passwords, validating account usage, and deleting accounts", "Provisioning accounts, modifying accounts, auditing the use of accounts, and suspending accounts"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在应对钓鱼邮件时,哪种身份验证机制最能防止恶意登录尝试?", "answers": ["基于知识的身份验证(如密码)", "基于拥有的身份验证(如一次性短信验证码)", "基于设备的身份验证(如设备指纹)", "基于生物特征的身份验证(如指纹识别)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is addressed by Kerberos?", "answers": ["Confidentiality and Integrity", "Authentication and Availability", "Validation and Integrity", "Auditability and Integrity"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任网络中,以下哪项措施不是用于增强身份验证的?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "生物识别技术", "定期更改密码", "网络流量分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "身份认证的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["防止数据泄露", "确保用户身份的真实性", "提高系统性能", "减少系统维护成本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种控制措施主要用于验证用户的身份,以确保只有授权的用户可以访问系统资源?", "answers": ["权限模型", "身份验证", "授权策略", "访问矩阵"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在生成系统帐号时,系统管理员应该分配给合法用户一个____,用户在第一次登录时应更改口令。", "answers": ["唯一的口令", "登录的位置", "使用的说明", "系统的规则"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Access Control techniques do not include which of the following choices?", "answers": ["Relevant Access Controls", "Discretionary Access Control", "Mandatory Access Control", "Lattice Based Access Control"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an administrative control?", "answers": ["Logical access control mechanisms", "Screening of personnel", "Development of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines", "Change control procedures"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在SAML协议中,哪个实体是服务提供者,它需要验证用户的身份以提供服务?", "answers": ["身份提供者", "认证权威机构", "服务提供者", "用户"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种权限管理策略允许管理员根据用户角色分配权限?", "answers": ["强制访问控制", "自主访问控制", "基于角色的访问控制", "基于策略的访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于确保用户身份的真实性,防止冒充?", "answers": ["加密", "访问控制", "身份验证", "数据隐私法规"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在操作系统中,角色-based访问控制(RBAC)的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["限制用户只能访问与其角色相关的工作所需资源", "通过加密确保数据在传输过程中的安全性", "验证用户身份以确保只有授权用户可以登录", "创建访问控制列表(ACL)以定义网络流量"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "The Reference Validation Mechanism that ensures the authorized access relationships between subjects and objects is implementing which ofthe following concept:", "answers": ["The reference monitor.", "Discretionary Access Control.", "The Security Kernel.", "Mandatory Access Control."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which access control model provides upper and lower bounds of access capabilities for a subject?", "answers": ["Role-based access control", "Lattice-based access control", "Biba access control", "Content-dependent access control"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What is called the percentage at which the False Rejection Rate equals the False Acceptance Rate?", "answers": ["False Rejection Rate (FRR) or Type I Error", "False Acceptance Rate (FAR) or Type II Error", "Crossover Error Rate (CER)", "Failure to enroll rate (FTE or FER)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在访问控制模型中,以下哪种模型提供了最细粒度的权限控制?", "answers": ["自主访问控制(DAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an entity-owned identification method ().", "answers": ["Users log in to the system with their own passwords to complete the identification process.", "Users use their personal fingerprints for identification through the fingerprint recognition system", "The user utilizes a secret function negotiated with the system to correctly respond to challenges sent by the system, through identity authentication", "Users use smart cards to complete authentication"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证和授权过程中,以下哪种做法是不安全的?", "answers": ["使用复杂的密码策略,要求定期更改密码", "依赖单一的身份验证因素,如仅使用密码", "实施多因素认证(MFA)", "在传输敏感信息时使用HTTPS协议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以增加对两步验证应用的保护,以防止钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["仅使用短信接收验证码。", "启用基于时间的一次性密码(TOTP)。", "依赖于电子邮件接收验证码。", "在所有设备上启用自动登录功能。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法不是有效的两步验证设置?", "answers": ["短信验证码", "生物识别(如指纹或面部识别)", "使用一次性密码应用生成的代码", "仅使用复杂的密码"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "多因素认证(MFA)在防范钓鱼攻击中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["完全消除钓鱼攻击的风险", "提供额外的安全层,即使密码被窃取,攻击者也需要第二个因素才能访问账户", "减少用户对密码的依赖", "增加用户登录的便捷性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任模型中,内部防御的主要目标是什么?", "answers": ["防止外部攻击", "监控内部用户行为", "提高网络带宽", "减少硬件成本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following techniques can be used to implement role-based access control to protect the confidentiality of data in a database?", "answers": ["Encryption", "View", "Hash", "Masking"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证机制依赖于用户知道的信息,如密码或PIN码?", "answers": ["双因素认证", "生物识别认证", "基于知识的认证", "基于令牌的认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is not a crucial component of the identity and access management relationship between customer and provider?", "answers": ["trust relationships", "legal framework", "designation of responsibilities", "technical mechanics of implementation"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Mathew is a security administrator for a consulting company. He must use access control to limit user access based on previous user activity. Which security model is most suitable for Mathew's needs?", "answers": ["Brewer-Nash", "Biba", "Bell-LaPadula", "Clark-Wilson"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任架构中,审计跟踪的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提高系统性能", "记录和分析所有用户活动以检测异常行为", "仅记录系统错误", "用于用户认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限控制中,以下哪种原则允许用户只能访问其工作所需的数据?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "职责分离原则", "权限继承原则", "审计跟踪原则"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在RBAC系统中,审计与合规的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["为用户分配角色", "监控和记录用户活动", "创建新的角色", "更新角色的权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a two-factor authentication mechanism?", "answers": ["Something you have and something you know.", "Something you do and a password.", "A smartcard and something you are.", "Something you know and a password."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在信息系统中,访问控制是重要的安全功能之一。以下不属于访问控制模型的特点的是()", "answers": ["只涉及安全性质,不过多牵扯系统的功能或其实现细节", "复杂的,不易理解", "精确的、无歧义的", "简单的、抽象的,容易理解"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "实体身份鉴别一般依据以下三种基本情况或这三种情况的组合:实体所知的鉴别方法、实体所有的鉴别方法和基于实体特征的鉴别方法。下面选项中属于使用基于实体特征的鉴别方法是( )。[1分]", "answers": ["将登录口令设置为出生日期", "通过询问和核对用户的个人隐私信息来鉴别", "使用系统定制的、在本系统专用的IC卡进行鉴别", "通过扫描和识别用户的脸部信息来鉴别"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Privileged user (administrators, managers, and so forth) accounts need to be reviewedmore closely than basic user accounts. Why is this?", "answers": ["Privileged users have more encryption keys.", "Regular users are more trustworthy.", "There are extra controls on privileged user accounts.", "Privileged users can cause more damage to the organization."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最有可能是二步验证在防止钓鱼攻击中的作用?", "answers": ["阻止攻击者通过猜测密码登录", "检测并阻止恶意软件的传播", "验证用户设备的合法性", "在用户尝试登录时提供额外的身份验证步骤"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略允许系统记录用户的活动,以便在发生安全事件时进行追踪?", "answers": ["非对称加密", "审计与追踪", "密钥管理", "零信任网络"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在基于令牌的身份验证中,以下哪个描述了令牌的角色?", "answers": ["存储用户密码的加密数据", "用户身份的长期证明", "临时的、可验证的访问凭据", "用于加密通信的共享密钥"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which access control model enables the OWNER of the resource to specify what subjects can access specific resources based on their identity?", "answers": ["Discretionary Access Control", "Mandatory Access Control", "Sensitive Access Control", "Role-based Access Control"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限控制中,最小权限原则指的是:", "answers": ["每个用户都应拥有执行所有操作的权限", "每个用户只能访问他们需要完成工作所必需的资源", "系统管理员应拥有所有权限以便快速解决问题", "所有用户权限应相同,以确保公平"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which access control type has a central authority that determine to what objects the subjects have access to and it is based on role or on the\norganizational security policy?", "answers": ["Mandatory Access Control", "Discretionary Access Control", "Non-Discretionary Access Control", "Rule-based Access control"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What security model implies a central authority that denes rules and sometimes global rules, dictating what subjects can have access to whatobjects?", "answers": ["Flow Model", "Discretionary access control", "Mandatory access control", "Non-discretionary access control"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "As with logical access controls, audit logs should be produced and monitored for physical access controls. Which of the following statements is correct about auditing physical access?", "answers": ["Unsuccessful access attempts should be logged but only need to be reviewed by a security guard.", "Only successful access attempts should be logged and reviewed.", "Only unsuccessful access attempts during unauthorized hours should be logged and reviewed.", "All unsuccessful access attempts should be logged and reviewed."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证流程主要用于允许用户使用单一登录凭据访问多个独立的应用系统?", "answers": ["基本身份验证", "多因素身份验证", "访问控制列表", "身份联合与单点登录"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What enables users to validate each other's certicate when they are certied under different certication hierarchies?", "answers": ["Cross-certication", "Multiple certicates", "Redundant certication authorities", "Root certication authorities"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于验证用户身份,例如在登录网上银行时输入的用户名和密码?", "answers": ["加密技术", "入侵检测系统", "身份验证", "网络层次模型"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在 windows 用户管理中,使用组策略 a-g-dl-p,其中 p 表示()。", "answers": ["用户账号", "资源访问权限", "域本地组", "通用组"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which type of password provides maximum security because a new password is required for each new log-on?", "answers": ["One-time or dynamic password", "Congnitive password", "Static password", "Passphrase"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A passphrase is the most commonly used means of authenticating a user's identity. Which of the following passphrases has the greatest range of potential risk implications? ( )", "answers": ["Passwords that have not been changed for a long time", "Excessively short muzzles", "A password shared by two people.", "The default passphrase provided by the equipment vendor"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制模型允许管理员根据用户角色分配权限?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于规则的访问控制", "角色基础访问控制(RBAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following biometric devices offers the LOWEST CER?", "answers": ["Keystroke dynamics", "Voice verication", "Iris scan", "Fingerprint"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "零信任模型中的最小权限原则是指什么?", "answers": ["用户只能访问他们需要的资源", "用户必须通过多因素认证", "网络被划分为多个隔离区域", "所有通信都必须加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "When submitting a passphrase for authentication, the passphrase is converted into:", "answers": ["a virtual password by the system.", "a new passphrase by the system.", "a new passphrase by the encryption technology", "a real password by the system which can be used forever."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证与授权中,多因素认证(MFA)至少需要多少种验证因素?", "answers": ["1", "2", "3", "4"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在认证与授权中,以下哪种方法可以确保用户访问权限的最小化,从而降低内部威胁的风险?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "最小权限原则", "零信任网络", "角色基础的访问控制"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法最直接地防止钓鱼攻击中的身份盗用?", "answers": ["安装端点安全软件", "使用安全套接层(SSL)", "定期更新操作系统和应用程序", "实施双因素身份验证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Pin, Password, Passphrases, Tokens, smart cards, and biometric devices are all items that can be used for Authentication. When one of theseitem listed above in conjunction with a second factor to validate authentication, it provides robust authentication of the individual by practicingwhich of the following?", "answers": ["Multi-party authentication", "Two-factor authentication", "Mandatory authentication", "Discretionary authentication"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following implements the authorized access relationship between subjects and objects of a system?\n下面哪项实现了系统的主体和客体之间的授权访问关系?", "answers": ["Security model 安全模型", "Reference kernel 参考内核", "Security kernel 安全内核", "Information flow model 信息流模型"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在��问控制策略中,以下哪项最能防止内部员工非法访问敏感的财务数据?", "answers": ["应用数据备份策略以防止数据丢失", "实施基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "执行隐私合规培训,提高员工意识", "采用加密技术隐藏数据内容"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which format is the most commonly used standard for exchanging information within a federated identity system?", "answers": ["XML", "HTML", "SAML", "JSON"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种协议主要用于企业级环境,允许用户在多个不同的服务提供者之间进行身份验证,而只需要登录一次?", "answers": ["OAuth2.0", "OpenID Connect", "SAML协议", "HTTP Digest Authentication"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "This is a common security issue that is extremely hard to control in large environments. It occurs when a user has more computer rights, permissions, and privileges that what is required for the tasks the user needs to fulfill. What best describes this scenario?\n这是一个在大型环境中常见的非常难以控制的安全问题。它发生在当用户拥有超出完成任务需要的更多的计算机权利、许可和特权。这说的是?", "answers": ["Excessive Rights 过多的权利", "Excessive Access 过多的访问", "Excessive Permissions 过多的许可", "Excessive Privileges 过多的特权"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "The Reference Validation Mechanism that ensures the authorized access relationships between subjects and objects is implementing which of thefollowing concept:", "answers": ["The reference monitor.", "Discretionary Access Control.", "The Security Kernel.", "Mandatory Access Control."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "In the context of Biometric authentication, there is a quick way to compare the accuracy of devices. In general, the devices that have the lowestvalue would be the most accurate. Which of the following would be used to compare accuracy of devices?", "answers": ["the CER is used.", "the FRR is used", "the FAR is used", "the FER is used"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "As with logical access controls, audit logs should be produced and monitored for physical access controls. Which of the following statements is correct about auditing physical access?", "answers": ["Unsuccessful access attempts should be logged but only need to be reviewed by a security guard.", "Only successful access attempts should be logged and reviewed.", "Only unsuccessful access attempts during unauthorized hours should be logged and reviewed.", "All unsuccessful access attempts should be logged and reviewed."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What kind of certificate is used to validate a user identity?", "answers": ["Public key certificate", "Attribute certificate", "Root certificate", "Code signing certificate"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在OAuth 2.0中,授权码流程的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["直接向资源服务器请求资源", "通过授权服务器安全地获取访问令牌", "向用户展示广告", "收集用户数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多因素认证中,以下哪种方法不被视为第二因素?", "answers": ["短信验证码", "记住我(Remember Me)功能", "生物特征(如指纹)", "硬件安全令牌"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following benets does Role Based Access Control (RBAC) provide for the access review process?", "answers": ["Lowers the amount of access requests after review", "Gives more control into the revocation phase", "Gives more ne-grained access analysis to accesses", "Lowers the number of items to be reviewed"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在访问控制模型中,以下哪项原则是指用户只能访问他们被授权访问的信息和资源?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "职责分离原则", "需要知道原则", "审计日志原则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What is the MOST effective method to enhance security of a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution that interfaces with critical systems?\n下面哪个是最有效的方法,来增强关键系统的单点登录解决方案的安全性?", "answers": ["High performance encryption algorithms\n高性能加密算法", "Reusable tokens for application-level authentication\n应用级认证的可重用令牌", "Transport Layer Security (TLS) for all communications\n所有通信采用TLS加密", "Two-factor authentication\n双因素验证"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪个协议允许不同认证系统的互操作性?", "answers": ["SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)", "OAuth 2.0", "FIDO (Fast IDentity Online)", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止未经授权的用户访问特定资源?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS证书", "数据备份与恢复策略", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which security model uses division of operations into different parts and requires different users to perform each part?", "answers": ["Bell-LaPadula model", "Biba model", "Clark-Wilson model", "Non-interference model"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多因素认证中,哪种因素最难被攻击者伪造?", "answers": ["基于知识的密码", "基于拥有的硬件令牌", "基于生物识别的指纹", "基于位置的GPS坐标"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following was developed to address some of the weaknesses in Kerberos and uses public key cryptography for the distribution ofsecret keys and provides additional access control support?", "answers": ["SESAME", "RADIUS", "KryptoKnight", "TACACS+"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following access control models introduces user security clearance and data classification?", "answers": ["Role-based access control", "Discretionary access control", "Non-discretionary access control", "Mandatory access control"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "双因素认证与多因素认证的主要区别是什么?", "answers": ["双因素认证不需要密码", "多因素认证只使用生物识别", "双因素认证使用两种认证因素,而多因素认证使用两种以上", "多因素认证不包括令牌认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Alice and Bob want to use the Internet to communicate privately. They each have theirown asymmetric key pairs and want to use them to create temporary symmetric keys foreach connection or session. Which of the following will enable them to do this?", "answers": ["Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)", "Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) encryption", "Diffie-Hellman exchange", "Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在用户权限管理中,以下哪种做法最不利于防止内部威胁?", "answers": ["根据员工角色和职责分配最小权限", "定期审查和更新用户权限", "为所有员工设置统一的高权限账户", "实施多因素认证(MFA)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "To control access by a subject (an active entity such as individual or process) to an object (a passive entity such as a file) involves setting up:", "answers": ["Access Rules", "Access Matrix", "Identification controls", "Access terminal"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Tanya is working with the company’s internal software development team. Before a user of an application can access files located on the company’s centralized server, the user must present a valid one-time password, which is generated through a challenge/response mechanism. The company needs to tighten access control for these files and reduce the number of users who can access each and every file. The company is looking to Tanya and her team for solutions to better protect the data that has been classified and deemed critical to the company’s missions. Tanya has also been asked to implement a single sign-on technology for all internal users, but she does not have the budget to implement a public key infrastructure.\nWhich of the following best describes what is currently in place?", "answers": ["Capability-based access system", "Synchronous tokens that generate one-time passwords", "RADIUS", "Kerberos"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What is called the act of a user professing an identity to a system, usually in the form of a log-on ID?", "answers": ["Authentication", "Identification", "Authorization", "Confidentiality"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A periodic review of user account management should NOT determine:", "answers": ["conformity with the concept of least privilege.", "whether active accounts are still being used.", "strength of user-chosen passwords.", "whether management authorizations are up-to-date."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多因素认证中,以下哪一项通常不被视为一个独立的认证因素?", "answers": ["生物识别信息(如指纹)", "用户知道的信息(如密码)", "用户拥有的物品(如智能包)", "用户的地理位置"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任安全模型中,以下哪项原则强调了用户只能访问完成其工作所需的最小权限资源?", "answers": ["微分段", "最小权限", "持续验证", "多因素认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "零信任原则的核心理念是什么?", "answers": ["信任所有内部网络流量", "默认情况下不信任任何内部或外部网络流量,直到经过验证", "仅信任内部网络流量", "信任所有外部网络流量"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多因素认证中,以下哪种安全协议通常用于确保设备与服务器之间的通信安全?", "answers": ["TLS(传输层安全)", "FTP(文件传输协议)", "HTTP(超文本传输协议)", "IMAP(Internet消息访问协议)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在多级安全模型中,以下哪种访问控制机制允许用户访问与其安全级别相匹配或更低级别的信息?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which authentication technique BEST protects against hijacking?", "answers": ["Static authentication", "Continuous authentication", "Robust authentication", "Strong authentication"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任安全模型中,以下哪项不是持续验证的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["实时监控用户行为", "定期进行风险评估", "基于角色的访问控制", "动态调整访问策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在网络安全中,哪种技术用于确保用户身份的真实性?", "answers": ["安全协议", "防火墙技术", "身份验证", "入侵检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在移动设备的身份认证机制中,以下哪项不是常见的认证因素?", "answers": ["知识因素(如密码)", "拥有因素(如智能卡)", "生物特征因素(如指纹)", "地理位置因素"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证模型允许用户通过提供与他们身份相关联的物理设备来验证自己的身份?", "answers": ["基于知识的身份验证", "基于拥有的身份验证", "基于行为的身份验证", "基于身份的加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)模型中,以下哪项不是RBAC的核心组成部分?", "answers": ["角色定义", "权限分配", "用户组管理", "会话管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪一项能有效验证交易的发起人?", "answers": ["在发起人和接收者之间使用加密密码。", "使用接收者的公钥加密交易。", "使用可移植文档格式封装交易内容。", "使用来源者的私钥对交易执行数字签名。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is an example of discretionary access control?", "answers": ["Identity-based access control", "Task-based access control", "Role-based access control", "Rule-based access control"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "安全认证机制的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高邮件发送速度", "防止未经授权的访问", "增加邮件附件的大小限制", "减少邮件服务器的负载"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "下面哪个是检查时间/使用时间(TOC/TOU)问题的实例?", "answers": ["A user whose profile has been revoked logs on using the password of a valid user of the system.", "A user logs on with a valid profile which is revoked without termination of the session.", "A user session is terminated immediately after the user profile is revoked.", "A user session is not validated until after the log on."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种权限管理策略有助于防止内部威胁并确保最小权限原则?", "answers": ["所有用户都拥有系统管理员权限", "根据角色分配权限", "用户可以自由共享他们的账户和密码", "每个用户对所有资源都有完全访问权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制模型允许管理员根据用户角色分配权限,以管理大量用户的访问权限?", "answers": ["强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)", "角色基础访问控制(RBAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任环境中,以下哪项措施不是用来增强身份验证和访问控制的?", "answers": ["使用生物识别技术", "实施网络微隔离", "采用单点登录系统", "应用基于角色的访问控制"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略是零信任网络架构的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "所有用户都具有管理员权限"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which access control model provides upper and lower bounds of access capabilities for a subject?", "answers": ["Role-based access control", "Lattice-based access control", "Biba access control", "Content-dependent access control"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following can best dene the \"revocation request grace period\"?", "answers": ["The period of time allotted within which the user must make a revocation request upon a revocation reason", "Minimum response time for performing a revocation by the CA", "Maximum response time for performing a revocation by the CA", "Time period between the arrival of a revocation request and the publication of the revocation information"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TERMINALAccessControllerAccess-ControlSystem, TACACS), during the authentication process, the client sends a START packet to the server, which includes information about the type of authentication being performed, the user name, etc. The START packet is only used at the beginning of an authentication session The START packet is used only at the beginning of an authentication session, and the sequence number is always (). After the server receives the START packet, it sends back a REPLY packet indicating whether the authentication continues or ends.", "answers": ["0", "1", "2", "4"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which item is not part of a Kerberos authentication implementation?", "answers": ["Message authentication code", "Ticket granting service", "Authentication service", "Users, programs, and services"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "RADIUS incorporates which of the following services?", "answers": ["Authentication server and PIN codes.", "Authentication of clients and static passwords generation.", "Authentication of clients and dynamic passwords generation.", "Authentication server as well as support for Static and Dynamic passwords."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在SSO系统中,令牌机制的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["用于存储用户的登录信息", "用于加密和解密用户数据", "用于在不同服务间传递认证和授权信息", "用于监控用户行为"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "访问控制列表(ACL)的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["记录用户登录历史", "定义用户身份认证方式", "指定哪些用户或系统可以访问特定资源", "监控系统性能"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限模型中,以下哪项不是访问控制列表(ACL)的主要功能?", "answers": ["定义用户对特定资源的访问权限", "实现基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "记录用户对资源的访问历史", "控制用户对资源的读写操作"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Controls provide accountability for individuals who are accessing sensitive information. This accountability is accomplishe", "answers": ["through access control mechanisms that require identication and authentication and through the audit function.", "through logical or technical controls involving the restriction of access to systems and the protection of information.", "through logical or technical controls but not involving the restriction of access to systems and the protection of information.", "through access control mechanisms that do not require identication and authentication and do not operate through the audit function."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证机制对防止网络欺诈最有效?", "answers": ["单一因素身份验证(如密码)", "双因素身份验证(如密码+短信验证码)", "基于IP地址的身份验证", "基于用户行为的身份验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A potential problem related to the physical installation of the Iris Scanner in regards to the usage of the iris pattern within a biometric system is:", "answers": ["Concern that the laser beam may cause eye damage.", "The iris pattern changes as a person grows older.", "There is a relatively high rate of false accepts.", "The optical unit must be positioned so that the sun does not shine into the aperture."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "公司的呼叫中心 IT 政策要求为所有用户指定独一无二的用户账户。如果发现并非所有当前用户均符合此要求,最适当的建议是什么?", "answers": ["让营运管理人员审批当前配置。", "确保现有的所有账户都有审计轨迹。", "为所有员工实施独立的用户账户。", "修改IT政策以允许使用共享账户。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following accurately describes Identity as a Service (IDaaS)?", "answers": ["A form of single sign-on (SSO) that spans multiple entities in an enterprise", "A form of SSO that spans multiple independent enterprises", "A way to provide SSO without multiple forms of authentication", "A way to demonstrate identity without having to sign on"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任安全模型中,以下哪项措施最直接地对应于威胁情报的利用?", "answers": ["定期进行内部网络扫描以发现异常活动", "实施多因素认证以增强用户身份验证", "基于风险的访问控制,利用威胁情报对用户和设备进行动态评估", "建立入侵检测系统(IDS)以监控网络流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following controls related to physical security is NOT an administrative control?", "answers": ["Personnel controls", "Alarms", "Training", "Emergency response and procedures"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在文件系统中,以下哪种权限模型允许管理员为每个用户分配特定的文件访问权限?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "自主访问控制(DAC)", "基于策略的访问控制(PBAC)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Revocation and reissuing of compromised credentials is impossible for which of the following authentication techniques?", "answers": ["Biometric data.", "Picture passwords.", "Personal identification number.", "Radio frequency identification."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略允许管理员定义一组规则,根据用户属性、时间、网络位置等来控制访问?", "answers": ["自主访问控制", "强制访问控制", "基于策略的访问控制", "基于角色的访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "生物识别技术中,以下哪项不属于常见的生物特征?", "answers": ["指纹识别", "虹膜扫描", "声音识别", "密码输入"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "A password is a technique used to obfuscate, where the user wants normal (recognizable) information to be transformed into unrecognizable information. However, this unrecognizable information can be partially reprocessed and recovered and cracked. Xiaogang is a new employee of a company, and the company requires him to register an account for the company's website. Xiaogang uses a safer password, so which one of the following options is the most secure ()", "answers": ["Use the same password as the username", "Select a passphrase that can be found in any dictionary or language", "Select any passphrase related to personal information", "Takes a mix of numbers, letters and special symbols and is easy to memorize."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在认证协议中,以下哪种协议提供了前向保密性?", "answers": ["SSL\\/TLS", "Kerberos", "RADIUS", "LDAP"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "某windows系统用户名为Admin,该系统开启了账户策略中的口令符合复杂性的策略,并限制密码长度最小值为6个字符,以下哪个口令是符合策略要求会被系统接受的()", "answers": ["Admin246!", "a135!", "AdILN153!", "2w3e4dfg"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "多因素认证通常包含以下哪三种类型的因素?", "answers": ["知识因素、所有权因素、生物特征因素", "知识因素、行为因素、环境因素", "知识因素、所有权因素、位置因素", "知识因素、行为因素、生物特征因素"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Of the following, what is the primary item that a capability table is based upon?", "answers": ["A subject", "An object", "A product", "An application"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "The three classic ways of authenticating yourself to the computer security software are by something you know, by something you have, and by\nsomething:", "answers": ["you need.", "non-trivial", "you are.", "you can get."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况体现了权限继承的概念?", "answers": ["在Windows域环境中,用户账户被添加到一个具有特定权限的组", "在Linux系统中,使用chown命令更改文件的所有者", "在数据库中,创建一个新的表并设置其默认权限", "在Web服务器上,为特定目录设置访问控制列表"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在防止钓鱼攻击中,哪种身份验证方法可以提供额外的安全层,使得即使用户密码被窃取,攻击者也无法轻易访问系统?", "answers": ["一次性密码", "静态密码", "基于知识的身份验证", "基于拥有的身份验证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "分析表明,攻击者通过TLS VPN网关获得了访问网络的权限后侵入了网络。攻击者是在猜出了用户名并使用了暴力破解得到了密码后获得访问权限的。以下哪一项最有助于降低这一风险?", "answers": ["在VPN上实施强密码验证", "将VPN和集中身份存储集成", "改用IPsec VPN", "使用双因素验证"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Kerberos can prevent which one of the following attacks?", "answers": ["Tunneling attack.", "Playback (replay) attack.", "Destructive attack.", "Process attack."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "88. What technique do API developers most commonly use to limit access to an API to autho-rized individuals and applications?", "answers": ["Encryption", "Input validation", "API keys", "IP filters"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证模型允许用户使用单一的凭据登录,然后可以访问多个相互信任的网络服务?", "answers": ["单点登录(SSO)模型", "基于生物特征的身份验证模型", "基于令牌的身份验证模型", "基于挑战-响应的身份验证模型"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following elements is NOT included in a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)?", "answers": ["Timestamping", "Repository", "Certificate revocation", "Internet Key Exchange (IKE)"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)模型中,以下哪项不是角色定义的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["角色名称", "角色权限", "角色成员", "角色审计"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在RBAC中,角色层次结构的作用是什么?", "answers": ["限制用户只能访问特定资源", "定义角色之间的继承关系", "管理用户的登录时间", "控制系统的审计日志"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法属于实体所有的鉴别方法()。", "answers": ["用户通过自己设置的口令登录系统,完成身份鉴别", "用户使用个人指纹,通过指纹识别系统的身份鉴别", "用户利用和系统协商的秘密函数,对系统发送挑战进行正确应答,通过身份鉴别", "用户使用智能卡完成身份鉴别"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What is the usual order of an access management process?", "answers": ["Access-authorization-authentication", "Authentication-authorization-access", "Authorization-authentication-access", "Authentication-access-authorization"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Access control provides users with maximum sharing of system resources based on the management of user access rights to prevent unauthorized tampering with and misuse of information, the following does not belong to the role of access control ()", "answers": ["Ensure that users work properly under the system's security policy", "Deny unauthorized access to illegal users", "Denial of unauthorized access to legitimate users", "Denial of normal access to legitimate users"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "权限管理中,以下哪种策略可以有效防止权限提升攻击?", "answers": ["最小权限原则", "权限继承", "权限合并", "权限轮换"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following remote access authentication systems is the MOST robust?", "answers": ["TACACS+", "RADIUS", "PAP", "TACACS"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "零信任网络架构中,以下哪项措施不是用于增强身份验证的安全性?", "answers": ["单点登录(SSO)", "生物识别技术", "细粒度访问控制", "智能卡认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "访问控制列表(ACL)是实现访问控制的一种机制,以下哪项不是ACL的主要功能?", "answers": ["定义用户对资源的访问权限", "记录用户的访问历史", "控制用户对资源的访问方式", "限制用户对资源的访问时间"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "The Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) employs which of the following?", "answers": ["a user ID and static password for network access", "a user ID and dynamic password for network access", "a user ID and symmetric password for network access", "a user ID and asymmetric password for network access"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Zhao, a graduate of a university majoring in computer science and technology, is applying for a job in a large enterprise and is asked by the interview manager to give his design ideas for an access control model for the enterprise's information system. If he wants to implement an autonomous access control function for an information system with a large number of users, among the following options, the most appropriate model or approach he should take among the following options from the point of view of time and resource consumption is ().", "answers": ["BLP model", "Biba model", "Competency List (CL)", "Access Control Lists (ACLs)"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "关于权限与认证,以下哪种说法是错误的?", "answers": ["多因素认证提高了账户安全性", "基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)允许根据用户角色分配权限", "明文存储密码可以简化用户找回密码的过程", "限制默认账户的权限可以减少攻击面"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限模拟攻击中,攻击者通常试图做什么?", "answers": ["获取对受害者计算机的物理访问", "欺骗用户下载恶意软件", "模仿合法用户的身份以获取敏感信息", "利用软件漏洞执行远程代码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略可以防止未经授权的员工访问高级管理人员的电子邮件?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "强制访问控制(MAC)", "自由访问控制(DAC)", "多级安全(MLS)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "为确保输入的密码符合由字母和数字组成这一安全政策要求,信息系统审计师应建议:", "answers": ["更改公司政策。", "定期更改密码。", "使用自动化密码管理工具。", "进行安全意识培训。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证机制中,以下哪种方法主要用于确保用户身份的真实性?", "answers": ["基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "单点登录(SSO)", "多因素认证(MFA)", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪项是防止身份盗用的最有效策略之一?", "answers": ["定期更改所有账户的密码,并使用复杂的密码", "仅在公共Wi-Fi网络上进行敏感的在线交易", "忽略来自未知来源的电子邮件和消息", "在所有设备上禁用多因素认证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限与认证机制中,以下哪种方法可以防止会话劫持攻击?", "answers": ["使用复杂的密码策略", "实施多因素认证", "定期更新服务器软件", "使用会话ID的随机性和短生命周期"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任安全模型中,下列哪项措施不属于持续监控的范畴?", "answers": ["实时日志分析", "定期安全审计", "用户行为分析", "网络流量监控"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements pertaining to biometrics is FALSE?", "answers": ["User can be authenticated based on behavior.", "User can be authenticated based on unique physical attributes.", "User can be authenticated by what he knows.", "A biometric system's accuracy is determined by its crossover error rate (CER)."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证的多因素认证中,以下哪项不属于常见的认证因素?", "answers": ["知识因素(如密码)", "所有权因素(如手机接收的短信验证码)", "生物特征因素(如指纹)", "物理位置因素(如用户所在城市)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "拥有高度机密信息访问权限的某个员工已辞职。离职时,应首先进行以下哪一项?", "answers": ["与员工进行离职面谈。", "确保已制定接任计划。", "撤销该员工对所有系统的访问权限。", "审查该员工的工作历史记录。"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在检测到端点上的可疑登录活动时,哪种身份验证技术最有助于确认用户身份的合法性?", "answers": ["静态密码", "多因素认证", "IP地址白名单", "会话固定"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Director Zhang's computer using Windows 7 operating system, he often logged on the user name zhang, director Zhang to his personal folder set the permissions for only zhang this user has access to this directory, the administrator in a maintenance inadvertently zhang this user deleted, and then re-established a user named zhang, director Zhang zhang this user logged on to the system and found that he could not access his original personal folder because () After logging on to the system with the user name zhang, Director Zhang finds that he cannot access his original personal folder because ()", "answers": ["Any new user needs to be authorized to access files on the system", "Windows does not consider the newly created user zhang to be the same user as the original user zhang, and therefore does not have access to the", "When a user is deleted, the folder created by that user is also automatically deleted, and the new user cannot find the original user's folder and therefore cannot access it.", "The newly created user zhang will inherit the permissions of the original user, and will not be able to access the folder because it is encrypted."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following is most relevant to determining the maximum effective cost of access control?", "answers": ["the value of information that is protected", "management's perceptions regarding data importance", "budget planning related to base versus incremental spending.", "the cost to replace lost data"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following techniques can be used to implement role-based access control to protect the confidentiality of data in a database?", "answers": ["Encryption", "View", "Hash", "Masking"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following Condentiality, Integrity, Availability (CIA) attribute supports the principle of least privilege by providing access toinformation only to authorized and intended users?", "answers": ["Condentiality", "Integrity", "Availability", "Accuracy"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在操作系统中,访问控制列表(ACL)主要用于实现哪种类型的权限管理?", "answers": ["限制特定用户对网络资源的访问", "防止恶意软件通过网络传播", "加密存储在硬盘上的数据", "监控和记录用户活动"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "信息系统审计师最有可能以什么身份查看应用哈希函数?", "answers": ["身份认证。", "识别。", "授权。", "加密。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在零信任安全模型中,以下哪项措施有助于限制用户对资源的访问权限?", "answers": ["完全开放权限", "最小权限原则", "无限制的网络访问", "定期共享密码"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "为了防止未授权访问,以下哪种策略通常被用于限制对敏感数据的访问?", "answers": ["防火墙策略", "数据加密", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "访问控制"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following MUST be scalable to address security concerns raised by the integration of third-party identity services?", "answers": ["Mandatory Access Controls (MAC)", "Enterprise security architecture", "Enterprise security procedures", "Role Based Access Controls (RBAC)"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法可以防止权限模拟攻击,确保用户只能访问他们被授权的资源?", "answers": ["实施多因素认证", "使用SSL\\\\/TLS加密所有通信", "实现基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)", "定期进行密码破解尝试"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following was developed to address some of the weaknesses in Kerberos and uses public key cryptography for the distribution ofsecret keys and provides additional access control support?", "answers": ["SESAME", "RADIUS", "KryptoKnight", "TACACS+"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种身份验证模型允许用户通过提供两种或更多种类型的凭据来验证自己的身份,提高了安全性?", "answers": ["单因素认证", "多因素认证", "基于知识的身份验证", "基于拥有的身份验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在保护网络安全时,哪种措施主要用于确保用户身份的真实性?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "加密通信", "身份验证", "安全更新与补丁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "What are the two general types of proximity identification devices?", "answers": ["Biometric devices and access control devices", "Swipe card devices and passive devices", "Preset code devices and wireless devices", "User-activated devices and system sensing devices"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在使用复杂度不高的口令时,容易产生弱口令的安全脆弱性,被攻击者利用从而破解用户账户,下列设置的口令中,()具有最好的口令复杂度。", "answers": ["morrison", "Wm.S*F2m5@", "27776394", "wangjing1977"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Lenny is a new security manager for a retail company that is expanding its functionality to its partners and customers. The company’s CEO wants to allow its partners’ customers to be able to purchase items through the company’s web stores as easily as possible. The CEO also wants the company’s partners to be able to manage inventory across companies more easily. The CEO wants to be able to understand the network traffic and activities in a holistic manner, and he wants to know from Lenny what typeof technology should be put into place to allow for a more proactive approach to stopping malicious traffic if it enters the network. The company is a high-profile entity constantly dealing with zero-day attacks.Lenny has a meeting with the internal software developers who are responsible for implementing the necessary functionality within the web-based system. Which of the following best describes the two items that Lenny needs to be prepared to discuss with this team?", "answers": ["Service Provisioning Markup Language and the Extensible Access Control Markup Language", "Standard Generalized Markup Language and the Generalized Markup Language", "Extensible Markup Language and the Hypertext Markup Language", "Service Provisioning Markup Language and the Generalized Markup Language"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在权限模型中,以下哪个概念用于确保进程或服务不能滥用其权限?", "answers": ["权限降级", "特权隔离", "最小权限原则", "访问控制列表"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Who or what determines if an organization is going to operate under a discretionary, mandatory, or nondiscretionary access control model?", "answers": ["Administrator", "Security policy", "Culture", "Security levels"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "OAuth身份验证协议主要用于实现什么功能?", "answers": ["在用户设备上加密本地数据", "验证用户身份并授权第三方应用访问资源", "创建数字签名以验证消息来源", "生成哈希函数以验证数据完整性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在某大型且复杂的组织中设计了一个新业务应用程序,并且业务主管要求基于“按需知密”原则查看各种报告。在以下访问控制方法中,哪项是实现该要求的最佳方法?", "answers": ["强制访问控制。", "基于角色的访问控制。", "自主访问控制。", "单点登录。"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "在身份验证过程中,以下哪种方法可以提供最高等级的安全性?", "answers": ["单因素身份验证(如密码)", "双因素身份验证(如密码+短信验证码)", "多因素身份验证(如密码+生物特征+硬件令牌)", "基于知识的身份验证(如安全问题)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种访问控制策略允许系统跟踪并记录用户对资源的访问行为?", "answers": ["强制访问控制", "自主访问控制", "权限分配", "审计与追踪"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following offers advantages such as the ability to use stronger passwords, easier password administration, one set of credential, and\nfaster resource access?", "answers": ["Smart cards", "Single Sign-On (SSO)", "Symmetric Ciphers", "Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "Which of the following choices describe a Challenge-response tokens generation?", "answers": ["A workstation or system that generates a random challenge string that the user enters into the token when prompted along with the properPI", "A workstation or system that generates a random login id that the user enters when prompted along with the proper PI", "A special hardware device that is used to generate ramdom text in a cryptography system.", "The authentication mechanism in the workstation or system does not determine if the owner should be authenticated."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种授权策略可以防止未授权用户访问特定的系统资源?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "最小权限原则", "零信任网络", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪一项是最小授权原则的运用?", "answers": ["建立岗位轮换机制", "监控和评审特权会话", "建立VPN隧道连接", "建立沙箱环境"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况体现了身份认证中的“知道”因素?", "answers": ["使用指纹解锁手机", "接收并输入短信验证码", "插入智能卡进行身份验证", "通过面部识别进入安全区域"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "When is a security guard the best choice for a physical access control mechanism?", "answers": ["When discriminating judgment is required", "When intrusion detection is required", "When the security budget is low", "When access controls are in place"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "身份与访问控制"} +{"question": "以下关于 cpu 的叙述中,错误的是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["cpu 产生每条指令的操作信号并将操作信号送往相应的部件进行控制", "程序控制器 pc 除了存放指令地址,也可以临时存储算术/逻辑运算结果", "cpu 中的控制器决定计算机运行过程的自动化", "指令译码器是 cpu 控制器中的部件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "3GPP标准中,哪种加密算法被广泛用于保护移动通信的安全?", "answers": ["AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)", "DES(Data Encryption Standard)", "RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)", "SHA-256(Secure Hash Algorithm 256)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is primarily used to provide which of the following?", "answers": ["Confidentiality", "Key Agreement", "Integrity", "Non-repudiation"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What can be dened as a momentary low voltage?", "answers": ["spike", "blackout", "sag", "fault"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "5G 采用的正交振幅调制(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation,QAM)技术中,2560QAM 的一个载波上可以调制()比特信息。", "answers": ["2", "4", "6", "8"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下面关于 rs-232-c 标准的描述中,正确的是( )。", "answers": ["可以实现长距离远程通信", "可以使用 9 针或 25 针 d 型连接器", "必须采用 24 根线韵电缆进行连接", "诵常用于连接并行打印机"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "a=17,b=2,则满足 a 与 b 取模同余的是( )。", "answers": ["4", "5", "6", "7"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What would you get from running the command dig ns domain.com?", "answers": ["Mail exchanger records for domain.com", "Name server records for domain.com", "Caching name server for domain.com", "IP address for the hostname ns"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "计算机运行过程中,CPU 需要与外设进行数据交换。采用()控制技术时,CPU 与外设可并行工作。", "answers": ["程序查询方式和中断方式", "中断方式和 DMA 方式", "程序查询方式和 DMA 方式", "程序查询方式、中断方式和 DMA 方式"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which software development model is actually a meta-model that incorporates a number of the software development models?", "answers": ["The Waterfall model", "The modied Waterfall model", "The Spiral model", "The Critical Path Model (CPM)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 OraclE中,将 scott 的资源文件改为 otherprofilE,下列哪个是正确的?( )", "answers": ["ALTER PROFILEUSER scott otherprofilE", "ALTER otherprofilEUSER scottPROFILE", "ALTER USER scott PROFILEotherprofilE", "ALTER scott USER PROFILEotherprofilE"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在硬盘结构中,哪个部分存储了文件系统的元数据,如文件分配表(FAT)或inode?", "answers": ["引导扇区", "数据扇区", "主引导记录(MBR)", "超级块(Superblock)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following does NOT concern itself with key management?", "answers": ["Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)", "Diffie-Hellman (DH)", "Cryptology (CRYPTO)", "Key Exchange Algorithm (KEA)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What does \"System Integrity\" mean?", "answers": ["The software of the system has been implemented as designed.", "Users can't tamper with processes they do not own.", "Hardware and firmware have undergone periodic testing to verify that they are functioning properly.", "Design specifications have been verified against the formal top-level specification."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following management shares does not exist ()", "answers": ["C$", "D$", "ADMIN$", "1$"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 linux 中,更改用户口令的命令是( )", "answers": ["pwd", "passwd", "kouling", "password"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The main current algorithms based on symmetric key systems are. ( )", "answers": ["RSA", "DES", "AES", "DSA"], "label": "BC", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "In a hierarchical PKI the highest CA is regularly called Root CA, it is also referred to by which one of the following term?", "answers": ["Subordinate CA", "Top Level CA", "Big CA", "Master CA"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Windows 中,在命令行输入( )命令可以得到如下的回显。Server: UnKnown\nAdress:\nxxx.edu.cn\nprimary name server = nsl.xxx.edu.cn responsible mail addr = mailxxx.edu.cn serial = 2020061746\nrefresh= 1200(20 mins)\nretry= 7200(2 hours)\nexpire = 3600(1 hour)\ndefault TTL = 3600(1 hour)", "answers": ["nslookup -type=A xxx.edu.cn", "nslookup -type=CNAME xxx.edu.cn", "nslookup -type=NS xxx.edu.cn", "nlookup type=PTR xxx.edu.cn"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What does DEA stand for?", "answers": ["Data Encoding Algorithm", "Data Encoding Application", "Data Encryption Algorithm", "Digital Encryption Algorithm"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列哪个命令可以显示出当前目录", "answers": ["echo $(pwd)", "echo pwd", "$pwd", "pwd | echo"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The basic features of standardization are correctly understood ()", "answers": ["Standardization as an activity", "The object of standardization is people, things and objects", "The benefits of standardization can only be realized after application", "All of the above is correct."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "衡量系统可靠性的指标是()。", "answers": ["周转时间和故障率λ", "周转时间和吞吐量", "平均无故障时间 MTBF 和故障率λ", "平均无故障时间 MTBE 和吞吐量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the PRIMARY purpose of using redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) level zero?", "answers": ["To improve system performance.", "To maximize usage of hard disk space.", "To provide fault tolerance and protection against le server hard disk crashes.", "To implement integrity."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 windows 中,ping 命令的-n 选项表示 ( ) 。", "answers": ["ping 的次数", "ping 的网络号", "用数字形式显示结果", "不要重复,只 ping 一次"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Most APIs will support a variety of different data formats or structures.However, the SOAP API will only support which one of the following data formats?", "answers": ["XML", "XSLT", "JSON", "SAML"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在操作系统中,以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护用户数据的机密性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希加密", "数字签名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "正交幅度调制 16-qam 的数据速率是码元速率的()倍。", "answers": ["2", "4", "8", "16"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the process that RAID Level 0 uses as it creates one large disk by using several disks?", "answers": ["striping", "mirroring", "integrating", "clustering"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The message sender digitally signs the message using __________.", "answers": ["Your own private key", "Your own public key", "Counterparty's private key", "Counterparty's public key"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列选项中, ( ) 不属于 windows 的网络应用程序接口(api)。", "answers": ["winsock", "nfs", "rpc", "netbios"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What language is used in the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) application designprotocol?", "answers": ["Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)", "509", "Extensible Markup Language (XML)", "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在PKI中,不属于CA的任务是()。", "answers": ["证书的颁发", "证书的审批", "证书的备份", "证书的加密"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "( )是指电子系统或设备在自己正常工作产生的电磁环境下,电子系统或设备之间的相互之间的相互不影响的电磁特性。", "answers": ["电磁兼容性", "传导干扰", "电磁干扰", "辐射干扰"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "基于组件的开发方法的主要优点是:", "answers": ["可以管理各种数据类型。", "实现对复杂关系进行建模。", "能够满足不断变化的环境需求。", "支持多种开发环境。"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements about Type 1 hypervisors is true?", "answers": ["The hardware vendor and software vendor are different.", "The hardware vendor and software vendor are the same", "The hardware vendor provides an open platform for software vendors.", "The hardware vendor and software vendor should always be different for the sake of security."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 xdsl 技术中,能提供上下行信道非对称传输的技术是( )。", "answers": ["hdsl", "adsl", "sdsl", "isdn dsl"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What information does a buffer overflow intend to control?", "answers": ["Stack pointer", "Frame pointer", "Instruction pointer", "Buffer pointer"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在操作系统中,以下哪种安全模型主要用于实现访问控制,确保只有授权用户才能访问系统资源?", "answers": ["Bell-LaPadula模型", "Biba完整性模型", "Clark-Wilson完整性模型", "Chinese Wall模型"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在安全套接层(SSL)协议中,下列哪项不是其主要功能?", "answers": ["数据加密", "身份验证", "数据压缩", "数据完整性保护"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "In which state must a computer system be operated to handle input or output instructions?", "answers": ["Inter-process communication", "State detection", "User mode", "Management mode"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "恶意代码是指为达到恶意目的而专门设计的程序或代码。以下恶意代码中,属于脚本病毒的是 ( )。", "answers": ["Worm. Sasser, f", "Trojan. Huigezi. a", "Harm. formatC. f", "Script. Redlof"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "如果主存容量为 16m 字节,且按字节编址,表示该主存地址至少应需要 ( ) 位。", "answers": ["16", "20", "24", "32"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following choices describe a condition when RAM and Secondary storage are used together?", "answers": ["Primary storage", "Secondary storage", "Virtual storage", "Real storage"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The following are not Unix operating system log files ()", "answers": ["wtmp\\/wtmpx", "SecEvent.", "utmp\\/utmpx", "Lastlog"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技��"} +{"question": "Because ordinary cable introduces a toxic hazard in the event of re, special cabling is required in a separate area provided for air circulation forheating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (sometimes referred to as HVAC) and typically provided in the space between the structural ceiling and adrop-down ceiling. This area is referred to as the:", "answers": ["smoke boundary area.", "re detection area.", "plenum area.", "intergen area."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an application or utility to apply and enforce baselines on a system?", "answers": ["Chef", "GitHub", "Puppet", "Active Directory"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列叙述中,与提高软件可移植性相关的是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["选择时间效率高的算法", "尽可能减少注释", "选择空间效率高的算法", "尽量用高级语言编写系统中对效率要求不高的部分"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "计算机在一个指令周期的过程中,为从内存读取指令操作码,首先要将( )的内容送到地址总线上。", "answers": ["指令寄存器(ir)", "通用寄存器(gr)", "程序计数器(pc)", "状态寄存器(psw)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "算术表达式 a+(b-c)*d 的后缀式是 ( ) (+、-、*表示算术的加、减、乘运算,运算符的优先级和结合性遵循惯例)。", "answers": ["b c – d * a +", "a b c – d * +", "a b + c – d *", "a b c d – * +"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Who was involved in developing the first public key algorithm?", "answers": ["Adi Shamir", "Ross Anderson", "Bruce Schneier", "Martin Hellman"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "如何创建软链接", "answers": ["ln", "ln -s <文件名>", "ln -h <文件名>", "ln -s "], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "97. What software development concept was pioneered by the Defense Department in the1990s as an effort to bring together diverse product development teams?", "answers": ["Integrated product team", "Agile methodology", "Scrum approach", "User stories"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is based on the fact that it is hard to factor large numbers into two original prime numbers?", "answers": ["ECC", "RSA", "DES", "Diffie-Hellman"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在程序执行过程中,cache 与主存的地址映像由 ( ) 。", "answers": ["硬件自动完成", "程序员调度", "操作系统管理", "程序员与操作系统协同完成"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following RAID levels is not used in practice and was quickly superseded by the more exible levels?", "answers": ["RAID Level 0", "RAID Level 1", "RAID Level 2", "RAID Level 7"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the main function of the Amnesic Incognito Live System or TAILS device?", "answers": ["It allows the user to run a self-contained computer from a USB device.", "It accesses systems with a credential that leaves no discernable tracks.", "It encrypts data stored on any computer on a network.", "It causes a system to suspend its security protocols."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在计算机系统中,构成虚拟存储器 ( ) 。", "answers": ["只需要一定的硬件资源便可实现", "只需要一定的软件即可实现", "既需要软件也需要硬件方可实现", "既不需要软件也不需要硬件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "某机器字长为 n,最高位是符号位,其定点整数的最大值为( )。", "answers": ["2n-1", "2n-1-1", "2n", "2n-1"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Typically, when raised flooring is used as an air plenum, air isdirected through it.", "answers": ["Warm", "Cold", "Bleed", "Exhaust"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "关于COTS(Commercial-Off-The-Shelf)商用��成品或技术,以下哪一项是正确的描述:", "answers": ["可以采购到的具有开放式标准定义的接口的软件或硬件产品,可以节省成本和时间。", "供应商提供的现成的商业软件,用于可用性较高的工业控制环境", "供应商根据企业的具体情况,具体要求而定制开发的软件。", "美国国防采办项目要求必须使用国防部颁布的军用标准与军用规范。"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "设指令由取指、分析、执行 3 个子部件完成,每个子部件的工作周期均为△t ,采用常规标量单流水线处理机。若连续执行 10 条指令,则共需时间 ( ) △t 。", "answers": ["8", "10", "12", "14"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements does not correctly describe SOAP and Remote Procedure Calls?", "answers": ["SOAP was designed to overcome the compatibility and security issues associated with Remote Procedure Calls.", "Both SOAP and Remote Procedure Calls were created to enable application-layer communication.", "SOAP enables the use of Remote Procedure Calls for information exchange between applications over the Internet.", "HTTP was not designed to work with Remote Procedure Calls, but SOAP"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在程序的执行过程中,cache 与主存的地址映像由()", "answers": ["专门的硬件自动完成", "程序员进行调度", "操作系统进行管理", "程序员和操作系统共同协调完成"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "若文件系统容许不同用户的文件可以具有相同的文件名,则操作系统应采用 ( )来实现。", "answers": ["索引表", "索引文件", "指针", "多级目录"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "关于证书权威机构(CA),以下哪个描述是错误的?", "answers": ["CA是负责签发和管理数字证书的可信第三方", "用户可以直接信任由顶级CA签发的证书", "所有浏览器都内置了信任的CA列表", "CA只能签发服务器证书,不能签发客户端证书"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "RAID 技术中,磁盘容量利用率最低的是()。", "answers": ["RAID0", "RAID1", "RAID5", "RAID6"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "( )是指一切与有用信号无关的、不希望有的或对电器及电子设备产生不良影响的电磁发射。", "answers": ["电磁兼容性", "传导干扰", "电磁干扰", "辐射干扰"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "哪个组件是软件容器系统的关键部分", "answers": ["客户端", "执行环境", "自动化控制器", "操作系统", "工作负载工具"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "设 16 位浮点数,其中阶符 1 位、阶码值 6 位、数符 1 位,尾数 8 位。若阶码用移码表示,尾数用补码表示,则该浮点数所能表示的数值范围是( ) 。", "answers": ["-2^64 ~(1-2^{-8})2^64", "-2^63~(1-2^{-8})2^63", "-(1-2^{-8})2^64 ~ (1-2^{-8})2^64", "-(1-2^{-8})2^63 ~(1-2^{-8})2^63"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the default share that windows opens up ()", "answers": ["1$", "IPC$", "CD$", "6!$"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What common element of a general‐purpose computing platform does an IoT not typically have?", "answers": ["Memory", "Processor", "External keyboards", "Programs"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "As cryptography continues to evolve, it gradually moves from an art to a science. Which of the following is not a stage in the development of cryptography ().", "answers": ["Classical code stage", "Modern Cipher Stage", "modern cryptographic stage", "Contemporary Code Stages"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which hardware vendor uses the term SPAN on switches?", "answers": ["HP", "3COM", "Cisco", "Juniper"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a property of a one-way hash function?", "answers": ["It converts a message of a fixed length into a message digest of arbitrary length.", "It is computationally infeasible to construct two different messages with the same digest.", "It converts a message of arbitrary length into a message digest of a fixed length.", "Given a digest value, it is computationally infeasible to find the corresponding message."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Compared to RSA, which of the following is true of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)?", "answers": ["It has been mathematically proved to be more secure.", "It has been mathematically proved to be less secure.", "It is believed to require longer key for equivalent security.", "It is believed to require shorter keys for equivalent security."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the maximum key size for the RC5 algorithm?", "answers": ["128 bits", "256 bits", "1024 bits", "2040 bits"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "(2) A basic principle of modern cryptography is that all codes reside in ().", "answers": ["coded text", "secret key", "encryption algorithm", "decryption algorithm"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 PCM 中,若对模拟信号的采样值使用 64 级量化,则至少需使用( )位二进制。", "answers": ["4", "5", "6", "7"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Compared with hardware cryptography, software cryptography is generally", "answers": ["less expensive and slower.", "more expensive and faster.", "more expensive and slower.", "less expensive and faster."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Along with humidity, temperature is crucial to a data center for optimal operations and protection of equipment.Which of the following is the optimal temperature range as set by ASHRAE?", "answers": ["69.8 to 86.0 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 30 degrees Celsius)", "51.8 to 66.2 degrees Fahrenheit (11 to 19 degrees Celsius)", "64.4 to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 27 degrees Celsius)", "44.6 to 60.8 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 16 degrees Celsius)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "正在发展的第四代无线通信技术推出了多个标准,下面的选项中不属于 4g 标准的是( )。", "answers": ["lte", "wimaxii", "wcdma", "umb"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Setting thermostat controls by measuring the temperature willresult in the highest energy costs.", "answers": ["Server inlet", "Return air", "Under-floor", "External ambient"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在指令系统的各种寻址方式中,获取操作数最快的方式是()", "answers": ["直接寻址", "间接寻址", "立即寻址", "寄存器寻址"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "( )存储方式常使用 NFS 协议为 Linux 操作系统提供文件共享服务。", "answers": ["DAS", "NAS", "IP-SAN", "FC-SAN"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "A prolonged high voltage is", "answers": ["spike", "blackout", "surge", "fault"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 系统中,为某一个文件在另外一个位置建立文件连接的命令为( )。", "answers": ["ln", "vi", "locatek", "cat"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "MySQL 安装程序会给出三种选择, 用户可以根据自身的需要选择一种适合的安装方式,以下哪些是正确的?( )", "answers": ["Typical(典型安装)", "Compact(最小安装 )", "Full( 全部安装 )", "Custom(选择安装 )"], "label": "ABD", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "2017年11月,在德国柏林召开的第55次ISO\\\\/IEC信息安全分技术委员会(SC27)会议上,我国专家组提出的()算法一致通过成为国际标准。", "answers": ["SM2与SM3", "SM3与SM4", "SM4与SM9", "SM9与SM2"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "安全内核的实质:", "answers": ["用户", "进程", "完整性", "访问权限"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "若内存按字节编址,用存储容量为 32k x 8 比特的存储器芯片构成地址编号 a0000h 至 dffffh 的内存空间,则至少需要 ( ) 片。", "answers": ["4", "6", "8", "10"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a widely used tool for code development, branching, and collaboration?", "answers": ["GitHub", "Maestro", "Orchestrator", "Conductor"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在审计数据中心的安全性时,信息系统审计师应查明是否存在电压调节器,以确保:", "answers": ["防止硬件遭遇电涌。", "在主电源中断时保持数据完整性。", "在主电源中断时立即供电。", "防止硬件遭遇长期电源波动。"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在windows系统的命令提示符界面下用来删除文件的命令是()", "answers": ["replace", "del", "dir", "cd"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "要使 Samba 服务器在网上邻居中出现的主机为 smbserver,其配置文件 smb.conf 中应包含( ) 。", "answers": ["workgroup=smbserver", "netbios name=smbserver", "server string=smbserver", "guest account=smbserver"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Tim’s development team is designing a new operating system. One of the requirements of the new product is that critical memory segments need to be categorized as nonexecutable, with the goal of reducing malicious code from being able to execute instructions in privileged mode. The team also wants to make sure that attackers will have a difficult time predicting execution target addresses.Which of the following best describes the type of technology the team should implement to increase the work effort of buffer overflow attacks?", "answers": ["Address space layout randomization", "Memory induction application", "Input memory isolation", "Read-only memory integrity checks"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which RAID Level often implements a one-for-one disk to disk ratio?", "answers": ["RAID Level 1", "RAID Level 0", "RAID Level 2", "RAID Level 5"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the maximum key size for the RC5 algorithm?", "answers": ["128 bits", "256 bits", "1024 bits", "2040 bits"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is an advantage of RSA over DSA?", "answers": ["It can provide digital signature and encryption functionality.", "It uses fewer resources and encrypts faster because it uses symmetric keys.", "It is a block cipher rather than a stream cipher.", "It employs a one-time encryption pad."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the core of fiber optic cables made of?", "answers": ["PVC", "Glass fibers", "Kevlar", "Teflon"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下关于类继承的说法中,错误的是( )。", "answers": ["通过类继承,在程序中可以复用基类的代码", "在继承类中可以增加新代码", "在继承类中不能定义与被继承类(基类)中的方法同名的方法", "在继承类中可以覆盖被继承类(基类)中的方法"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "延长的高电压是?", "answers": ["猛增", "停电", "浪涌", "故障"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Win+R打开运行后输入下列哪个选项可以打开注册表编辑器()", "answers": ["mstsc", "nslookup", "regedit", "regedit.msc"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the best description of a security kernel from a security point of view?", "answers": ["Reference monitor", "Resource manager", "Memory mapper", "Security perimeter"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "A momentary high voltage is", "answers": ["spike", "blackout", "surge", "fault"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What key size is used by the Clipper Chip?", "answers": ["40 bits", "56 bits", "64 bits", "80 bits"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "用 linux ls –al 命令列出下面的文件列表,( )是块设备文件。", "answers": ["drwx------ 1 hel users 1024 sep 10 08:10 aaa", "-rw------- 2 hel –s users 56 sep 09 11:05 bbb", "brw------- 2 hel s users 56 sep 09 11:05 ccc", "lrwx------ 1 hel users 2024 sep 12 08:12 ddd"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "有脚本 functest.sh 内容如下:\n#!/bin/bash\nfunc1() { echo -n 0; return 0; }\nfunc2() { echo -n 1; return 1; }\nfunc3() { echo -n 2; return 2; }\n需补充一行以执行脚本中定义的function,使得执行该脚本的标准输出为 012", "answers": ["func1 && func2 || func3", "if func1; then func2; else func3; fi", "func1 || func2 && func3", "func1 || func2 || func3"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "SOA(面向服务的架构)是一种()服务架构。", "answers": ["细粒度、紧耦合", "粗粒度、松耦合", "粗粒度、紧耦合", "细粒度、松耦合"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The following is not a method of static analysis of code ().", "answers": ["memory scan", "pattern matching", "theorem proving", "Model Detection"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE) guidelines for internal environmental conditions within a data center suggestthat a temperature setting of degrees (F) would be too low.", "answers": ["93", "80", "72", "32"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The equation used to calculate the total number of symmetric keys (K) needed for a group of users (N) to communicate securely with each otheris given by which of the following?", "answers": ["K(N - 1)/ 2", "N(K - 1)/ 2", "K(N + 1)/ 2", "N(N - 1)/ 2"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the bit length of the IDEA key?( ).", "answers": ["56", "64", "96", "128"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下面那个命令不可以用来查看文件内容", "answers": ["cat", "ls", "less", "more"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "从技术角度,以下不是漏洞来源的是( )", "answers": ["软件或协议设计时候的瑕疵", "软件或协议实现中的弱点", "软件本身的瑕疵", "显示卡内存容量过低"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Docker通过Linux内核提供的namespace实现了资源隔离,以下哪一项namespace是实现主机名与域名的隔离", "answers": ["IPC", "User", "UTS", "PID"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Compared to hardware encryption, software encryption is generally:", "answers": ["Less expensive and faster.", "More expensive and faster.", "Less expensive and slower.", "More expensive and slower."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The only difference between RAID 3 and RAID 4 is that level 3 is implemented at the byte level while level 4 is usually implemented at which of thefollowing?", "answers": ["Block level.", "Bridge level.", "Channel level.", "Buffer level."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下哪个不包含在证书中?( )", "answers": ["密钥采取的算法", "公钥及其参数", "私钥及其参数", "签发证书的CA名称"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在mysql console下查看mysql版本的正确命令是", "answers": ["select version();", "show version();", "version();", "get version();"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列哪一项准确地描述了可信计算基(TCB)", "answers": ["TCB只作用于固件(Firmware", "TCB描述了一个系统提供的安全级别", "TCB描述了一个系统内部的保护机制", "TCB通过安全标签来表示数据的敏感性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "An Architecture where there are more than two execution domains or privilege levels is calle", "answers": ["Ring Architecture.", "Ring Layering", "Network Environment.", "Security Models"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Filesystems form the basis of Linux. What are the common filesystems used in Linux?", "answers": ["ext3", "ext2", "hfs", "reiserfs"], "label": "ABD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在程序运行过程中,cpu 需要将指令从内存中取出并加以分析和执行。cpu 依据( )来区分在内存中以二进制编码形式存放的指令和数据。", "answers": ["指令周期的不同阶段", "指令和数据的寻址方式", "指令操作码的译码结果", "指令和数据所在的存储单元"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "ieee 802.16 工作组提出的无线接入系统空中接口标准是( )。", "answers": ["gprs", "umb", "lte", "wimax"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "67 mod 119 的逆元是()", "answers": ["52", "67", "16", "19"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The following are not components of PKI ().", "answers": ["Body of the certificate", "Applications and systems using certificates", "Certificate Authority", "AS"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following encryption methods is more suitable for hardware implementation?", "answers": ["Cipher block chaining", "Stream encryption;", "Electronic codebook", "Block encryption"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列()接口不适用于 SSD 磁盘。", "answers": ["SATA", "IDE", "PCle", "M.2"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The computations involved in selecting keys and in enciphering data are complex, and are not practical for manual use. However, usingmathematical properties of modular arithmetic and a method known as \"_________________,\" RSA is quite feasible for computer use.", "answers": ["computing in Galois fields", "computing in Gladden fields", "computing in Gallipoli fields", "computing in Galbraith fields"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which type of re extinguisher is MOST appropriate for a digital information processing facility?", "answers": ["Type A", "Type B", "Type C", "Type D"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "In November 2017, at the 55th ISO\\\\/IEC Information Security Sub-Technical Committee (SC27) meeting held in Berlin, Germany, the ( ) algorithm proposed by our expert group was unanimously adopted as an international standard.", "answers": ["SM2 and SM3", "SM3 and SM4", "SM4 vs. SM9", "SM9 vs. SM2"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Android 是一个开源的移动终端操作系统,共分成Linux 内核层、系统运行库层、应用程序框架层和应用程序层四个部分。显示驱动位于 ( )。", "answers": ["Linux内核层", "系统运行库层", "应用程序框架层", "应用程序层"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "采用 n 位补码(包含一个符号位)表示数据,可以直接表示数值()。", "answers": ["2^n", "-2^n", "2^{n-1}", "-2^{n-1}"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 CPU 中用于跟踪指令地址的寄存器是( )。", "answers": ["地址寄存器(MAR)", "数据寄存器(MDR)", "程序计数器(PC)", "指令寄存器(IR)"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "若 linux 用户需要将 ftp 默认的 21 号端口修改为 8800,可以修改( )配置文件。", "answers": ["/etc/vsftpd/userconf", "/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/hosts"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The MAIN issue with Level 1 of RAID is which of the following?", "answers": ["It is very expensive.", "It is dicult to recover.", "It causes poor performance.", "It is relatively unreliable."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 cpu 与主存之间设置高速缓冲存储器 cache,其目的是为了 ( ) 。", "answers": ["扩大主存的存储容量", "提高 cpu 对主存的访问效率", "既扩大主存容量又提高存取速度", "提高外存储器的速度"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基��软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which software development model is actually a meta-model that incorporates a number of the software development models?", "answers": ["The Waterfall model", "The modified Waterfall model", "The Spiral model", "The Critical Path Model (CPM)"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "哪一项安全措施认为任何进入生产环境的东西都是由CI/CD流程在批准的代码和配置模板上创建的", "answers": ["标准化", "自动化测试", "不可变", "改进的审计和变更管理", "SecDevOps/DevSecOps and Rugged DevOps"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is a set of data processing elements that increases the performance in a computer by overlapping the steps of differentinstructions?", "answers": ["pipelining", "complex-instruction-set-computer (CISC)", "reduced-instruction-set-computer (RISC)", "multitasking"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在反汇编原理中,以下哪个术语描述了将机器语言转换为人类可读的汇编代码的过程?", "answers": ["反编译", "静态分析", "动态分析", "二进制翻译"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在ADB中,以下哪个命令可用以将电脑上的一个文件推送到手机?", "answers": ["adb shell", "adb pull", "adb push", "adb logcat"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在冗余磁盘阵列中,下列不具有容错技术的是       。", "answers": ["RAID 0", "RAID 1", "RAID 3", "RAID 5"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which answer BEST describes a secure cryptoprocessor that can be used to store cryptographic keys, passwords or certicates in a componentlocated on the motherboard of a computer?", "answers": ["TPM - Trusted Platform Module", "TPM - Trusted Procedure Module", "Smart Card", "Enigma Machine"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "连接 MySQL 后选择需要的数据库 DB_NAME?以下哪些方法是对的( )", "answers": ["连接后用 USEDB_NAME选择数据库", "连接后用 SET DB_NAME选择数据库", "用 mysql -h host -u user -p DB_NAME连接数据库", "用 mysql -h host -u user -p -T DB_NAME连接数据库"], "label": "AC", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下关于曼彻斯特编码的描述中,正确的是()。", "answers": ["每个比特都由一个码元组成", "检测比特前沿的跳变来区分 0 和 1", "用电平的高低来区分 0 和 1", "不需要额外传输同步信号"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "杂凑函数SHA-1的输入分组长度为()比特。", "answers": ["128", "256", "512", "1024"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "设文件索引节点中有 8 个地址项,每个地址项大小为 4 字节,其中 5 个地址项为直接地址索引,2 个地址项是一级间接地址索引,1 个地址项是二级间接地址索引,磁盘索引块和磁盘数据块大小均为 1kb 字节。若要访问文件的逻辑块号分别为 5 和 518,则系统应分别采用( )。", "answers": ["直接地址索引和二级间接地址索引", "直接地址索引和二级间接地址索引", "一级间接地址索引和二级间接地址索引", "一级间接地址索引和一级间接地址索引"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在面向对象的软件工程中,一个组件(compoment)包含了 ( ) 。", "answers": ["所有的属性和操作", "各个类的实例", "每个演员(device or user)的作用", "一些协作的类的集合"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在shell 中变量的赋值有四种方法,其中,采用name=12 的方法称", "answers": ["直接赋值", "使用read 命令", "使用命令行参数", "使用命令的输出"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The MySQL installation program gives you three choices, so you can choose the one that suits your needs, which of the following is true? ( )", "answers": ["Typical", "Compact", "Full", "Custom (optional installation)"], "label": "ABD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following algorithms does NOT provide hashing?", "answers": ["SHA-1", "MD2", "RC4", "MD5"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The trusted computing base (TCB) ensures security within a system when a process in one domain must access another domain in order to retrieve sensitive information. What function does the TCB initiate to ensure that this is done in a secure manner?", "answers": ["I/O operational execution", "Process deactivation", "Execution domain switching", "Virtual memory to real memory mapping"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在同一个信道上的同一时刻,能够同时进行双向数据传送的通信方式是()。", "answers": ["单工", "三工", "半双工", "全双工"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The main theoretical basis of PKI is ().", "answers": ["summary algorithm", "symmetric cipher algorithm", "quantum code", "public key cryptography"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下关于闪存(FlashMemory)的叙述中,错误的是( )。", "answers": ["掉电后信息不会丢失,属于非易失性存储器", "以块为单位进行刷除操作", "采用随机访问方式,常用来代替主存", "在嵌入式系统中用来代替 ROM 存储器"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following options can be entered after Win+R opens Run to open the registry editor ()", "answers": ["mstsc", "nslookup", "regedit", "regedit.msc"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在区块链中,哪种技术用于确保交易的不可篡改性?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "数字签名"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following describes a computer processing architecture in which a language compiler or pre-processor breaks program instructionsdown into basic operations that can be performed by the processor at the same time?", "answers": ["Very-Long Instruction-Word Processor (VLIW)", "Complex-Instruction-Set-Computer (CISC)", "Reduced-Instruction-Set-Computer (RISC)", "Super Scalar Processor Architecture (SCPA)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在linux系统中配置文件通常存放在什么目录下:", "answers": ["\\/BOOT", "\\/ETC", "\\/DEV", "\\/LIB"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following correctly describes direct access and sequential access storage devices?", "answers": ["Any point on a direct access storage device may be promptly reached, whereas every point in between the current position and the desired position of a sequential access storage device must be traversed in order to reach the desired position.", "RAIT is an example of a direct access storage device, while RAID is an example of a sequential access storage device.", "MAID is a direct access storage device, while RAID is an example of a sequential access storage device.", "As an example of sequential access storage, tape drives are faster than direct access storage devices."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "( )指用计算机平均每秒能执行的百万条指令数来衡量计算机性能的一种指标。", "answers": ["CPI", "PCI", "MIPS", "MFLOPS"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 GRUB的配置文件 grub.conF中,“ timeout=-1 ”的含义是( )。", "answers": ["不等待用户选择,直接启动默认的系统", "在 10 秒钟内,等待用户选择要启动的系统", "一直等待用户选择要启动的系统", "无效"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "什么类型的恶意软件特点是:通过利用内置的传播机制,这种传播机制不需要用户干预,从一个系统扩散到其它系统?", "answers": ["特洛伊木马", "病毒", "逻辑炸弹", "蠕虫"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers(ASHRAE) guidelines for internal environmental conditions within a data center suggestthat a temperature setting of degrees (F) would be too high.", "answers": ["93", "80", "72", "32"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "��础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,可以使用()命令为计算机配置 IP 地址。", "answers": ["ifconfig", "config", "ip-address", "Ipconfig"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What key size is used by the Clipper Chip?", "answers": ["40 bits", "56 bits", "64 bits", "80 bits"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following algorithms does NOT provide hashing?", "answers": ["SHA-1", "MD2", "RC4", "MD5"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The existence of vulnerabilities and defects in software is unavoidable, and software defect density (Defects/KLOC) is often used in practice to measure the security of software. Assuming that a software has 2.96 million lines of source code and a total of 145 defects have been detected, the value of its software defect density can be calculated as ().", "answers": ["49", "0.49", "0.00049", "0.049"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The following are not characteristics of public key cryptography () .", "answers": ["Public and private keys come in pairs", "The encryption key is the same as the decryption key", "Public Key Encryption Private Key Decryption - Confidentiality", "Private Key Encryption Public Key Decryption - Digital Signature"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "自动播放功能是Windows系统为了方便用户而没置,这项为方便用户而提供的功能为系统带来了较大的安全风险,一些病毒的传播就是依托于该功能,因此出于安全性的考虑,应禁止使用设备的自动播放功能,彻底解决这一安全风险。关闭自动播放功能需要通过Windows系统的()实现", "answers": ["系统配置", "组策略设置", "系统组件服务", "本地安全策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "ftp 提供了丰富的命令,用来更改本地计算机工作目录的命令是( )。", "answers": ["get", "list", "lcd", "!list"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "A windows system user name is Admin, the system has turned on the account policy in the password to comply with the complexity of the policy, and limit the password length of the minimum value of 6 characters, which of the following password is in line with the policy requirements will be accepted by the system ()。", "answers": ["Admin246!", "a135!", "AdILN153!", "2w3e4dfg"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Why has the frequency of successful brute-force attacks increased?", "answers": ["The use of permutations and transpositions in algorithms has increased.", "As algorithms get stronger, they get less complex, and thus more susceptible to attacks.", "Processor speed and power have increased.", "Key length reduces over time."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 cpu 中,( )不仅要保证指令的正确执行,还要能够处理异常事件。", "answers": ["运算器", "控制器", "寄存器组", "内部总线"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following operating systems is a UNIX operating system? ( )", "answers": ["Red-hat Linux", "Novell NetwarE", "FreEBSD", "SCO Unix"], "label": "CD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "恶意代码是指为达到恶意目的而专门设计的程序或代码,恶意代码的一般命名格式为:<恶意代码前缀><恶意代码名称><恶意代码后缀>,常见的恶意代码包括:系统病毒、网络蠕虫、特洛伊木马、宏病毒、后门程序、脚本病毒、捆绑机病毒等。以下属于脚本病毒前缀的是()。", "answers": ["Worm", "Trojan", "Binder", "Script"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在零知识证明中,证明者向验证者证明自己知道某个秘密,但不泄露该秘密本身。以下哪种情况最能体现零知识证明的应用?", "answers": ["发送加密的文件并提供解密密钥", "在不透露PIN码的情况下证明知道银行账户的合法性", "使用数字签名验证文件的完整性", "通过哈希函数隐藏原始数据"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在版本控制系统中,以下哪种操作可以查看文件的历���修改记录?", "answers": ["Checkout", "Merge", "Commit", "Log"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "An information system is a system or network consisting of () that stores, transmits, and processes information according to certain application templates and rules.", "answers": ["calculator", "Computers and related ancillary equipment", "All computers in the network", "All routers in the network"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "通常情况下,信息插座的安装位置距离地面的高度为()cm。", "answers": ["10~20", "20~30", "30~50", "50~70"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 系统中,命令( )用于管理各项软件包。", "answers": ["install", "rpm", "fsck", "msi"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "通常情况下,信息插座的安装位置距离地面的高度为 ( ) cm 。", "answers": ["10 ~ 20", "20 ~ 30", "30 ~ 50", "50 ~ 70"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "2. Which of the following architecture states: \"There is no inherent difference between data and encoded identifiers in computer memory\", which may lead to injection attacks, which are characterized by executing instructions in the data:", "answers": ["Bell LaPadula", "Linus’ Law", "Clark and Wilson", "Von Neumann"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is a PRIMARY reason for designing the security kernel to be as small as possible?\n什么是设计安全内核时需要尽可能小的主要原因?", "answers": ["The operating system cannot be easily penetrated by users.\n操作系统不能被用户很容易渗透", "Changes to the kernel are not required as frequently.\n对内核的变更不需要频繁进行", "Due to its compactness, the kernel is easier to formally verify.\n由于其紧凑,内核更容易被正式的验证", "System performance and execution are enhanced.\n系统性能和执行能够增强"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在shell当中, 一个命令执行成功的返回值是多少?", "answers": ["0", "1", "3", "7"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "According to the relevant state regulations, safety against electric shock does not have to be considered for voltages ( ) or less?", "answers": ["48", "36", "65", "25"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在计算机系统中采用总线结构,便于实现系统的积木化构造,同时可以( )。", "answers": ["提高数据传输速度", "提高数据传输量", "减少信息传输线的数量", "减少指令系统的复杂性"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "windows 系统中,路由跟踪命令是( )。", "answers": ["tracert", "traceroute", "routetrace", "trace"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "3. The important characteristics of a binary code are:", "answers": ["Based on sandbox, which increases inherent security", "Automatically manages memory operations", "Faster than interpreted languages", "More difficult to reverse engineer"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在冗余磁盘阵列中,以下不具有容错技术的是( )。", "answers": ["RAID 0", "RAID 1", "RAID 3", "RAID 5"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在区块链技术中,用于验证交易并确保数据不可篡改的关键机制是:", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "零知识证明"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "处理机主要由处理器、存储器和总线组成。总线包括( )。", "answers": ["数据总线、地址总线、控制总线", "并行总线、串行总线、逻辑总线", "单工总线、双工总线、外部总线", "逻辑总线、物理总线、内部总线"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "x、y 为逻辑变量,与逻辑表达式 x∨(¬x∧y) 等价的是( )。", "answers": ["x∨¬y", "¬x∨¬y", "¬x∨y", "x∨y"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is currently the most recommended water system for a computer room?", "answers": ["preaction", "wet pipe", "dry pipe", "deluge"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The trusted computing base (TCB) contains which of the following?", "answers": ["All trusted processes and software components", "All trusted security policies and implementation mechanisms", "All trusted software and design mechanisms", "All trusted software and hardware components"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The RSA Algorithm uses which mathematical concept as the basis of its encryption?", "answers": ["Geometry", "16-round ciphers", "PI (3.14159...)", "Two large prime numbers"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下关于数的定点表示和浮点表示的叙述中,不正确的是()。", "answers": ["定点表示法表示的数(称为定点数)常分为定点整数和定点小数两种", "定点表示法中,小数点需要占用一个存储位", "浮点表示法用阶码和尾数来表示数,称为浮点数", "在总位数相同的情况下,浮点表示法可以表示更大的数"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which RAID level concept is considered more expensive and is applied to servers to create what is commonly known as server fault tolerance?", "answers": ["RAID level 0", "RAID level 1", "RAID level 2", "RAID level 5"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Windows Server2008 系统中,不能使用 IIS 搭建的是()服务器。", "answers": ["WEB", "DNS", "SMTP", "FTP"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following best describes the role of the Java Virtual Machine in\n\nthe execution of Java applets?", "answers": ["Converts the source code into bytecode and blocks the sandbox", "Converts the bytecode into machine-level code", "Operates only on specific processors within specific operating systems", "Develops the applets, which run in a user ’s browser"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "哪些不属于Windows系统上存在的日志文件?()", "answers": ["AppEvent.Evt", "SecEvent.Evt", "utmp\\/utmpx", "SysEvent.Evt"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "如果能通过末班自动构建系统或环境,这意味着什么", "answers": ["没什么", "生产环境中所做的更改将被下一个版本的代码或模板的变更覆盖", "测试环境中所做的更改将被下一个版本的代码或模板的变更覆盖", "这取决于自动化的配置方式", "生产环境中所做的更改不受下一个版本代码或模板变更的影响"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "为了增强操作系统的安全性,以下哪种加密算法通常用于保护数据的机密性?", "answers": ["SHA-256", "AES", "RSA", "MD5"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 系统中,要将文件复制到另一个目录中,为防止意外覆盖相同文件名的文件,可使用()命令实现。", "answers": ["cp -a", "cp -i", "cp -R", "cp -f"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下系统工程说法错误的是:", "answers": ["系统工程是基本理论的技术实现", "系统工程是一种对所有系统都具有普遍意义的科学方法", "系统工程是组织管理系统规划研究制造试验使用的科学方法", "系统工程是一种方法论"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,要查看文件的详细信息,可使用()命令。", "answers": ["ls -a", "ls -l", "ls -i", "ls -S"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "33. Brandon is a software developer seeking to integrate his software with a popular social media site. The site provides him with software libraries that he can use to better integrate his code as well as other tools that make his work easier. What term best describes the service he is using?", "answers": ["SDK", "DLP", "IDE", "API"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "已知文本文件file1有十万行内容,则执行以下脚本输出的count值应为多��\n#!/bin/bash\ncount=1\ncat file1 | while read line; do\n((count++))\ndone\necho count=$count", "answers": ["count=100000", "count=1", "count=100001", "count=0"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Application virtualization can typically be used for .", "answers": ["Running an application in a non-native environment", "Installing updates to a system‘s operating system (OS)", "Preventing escalation of privilege by untrusted users", "Enhancing performance of systems"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the MOST effective attack against cryptographic hardware modules?\n下面哪个是针对加密硬件模块最有效的攻击方法?", "answers": ["Plain-text 明文攻击", "Brute force 暴力破解", "Power analysis 功耗分析", "Man-in-the-middle (MITM) 中间人攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 ogsa 标准中定义了 ( ) 的概念,它提供一组遵守特定的约定并定义明确的接口,是实体之间产生、管理和交换信息的机制。", "answers": ["object", "grid service", "web service", "xml"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "计算机执行指令的过程中,需要由()产生每条指令的操作信号并将信号送往相应的部件进行处理,已完成指定的操作。", "answers": ["CPU 的控制器", "CPU 的运算器", "DMA 控制器", "Cache 控制器"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下面的提示符( ) 表示特权模式。", "answers": [">", "#", "(config)#", "!"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "软件设计时需要遵循抽象、模块化、信息隐蔽和模块独立原则。在划分软件系统模块时,应尽量做到( )。", "answers": ["高内聚高耦合", "高内聚低耦合", "低内聚高耦合", "低内聚低耦合"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在区块链技术中,用于验证交易并确保数据不可篡改的关键机制是什么?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数和链式结构", "数字签名"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Why are coaxial cables called \"coaxial\"?", "answers": ["it includes two physical channels that carries the signal surrounded (after a layer of insulation) by another concentric physical channel,both running along the same axis.", "it includes one physical channel that carries the signal surrounded (after a layer of insulation) by another concentric physical channel, bothrunning along the same axis", "it includes two physical channels that carries the signal surrounded (after a layer of insulation) by another two concentric physicalchannels, both running along the same axis.", "it includes one physical channel that carries the signal surrounded (after a layer of insulation) by another concentric physical channel, bothrunning perpendicular and along the different axis"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "“science”是一个 xml 元素的定义,其中元素标记的属性值是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["title", "style", "italic", "science"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is often implemented by a one-for-one disk to disk ratio?", "answers": ["RAID Level 1", "RAID Level 0", "RAID Level 2", "RAID Level 5"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "容错(fault tolerance)的主要目标是什么?", "answers": ["消除单点故障", "使用沙箱隔离", "单点维修", "遏制以防止传播"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "对明文字母重新排列,并不隐藏他们的加密方法属于( )。", "answers": ["置换密码", "分组密码", "易位密码", "序列密码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "To add permissions to a file under linux, what does the 4 in chmod741 test represent?", "answers": ["execution authority", "write-only access", "read-only access", "all rights reserved"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The Clipper Chip utilizes which concept in public key cryptography?", "answers": ["Substitution", "Key Escrow", "An undefined algorithm", "Super strong encryption"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "渐增式开发方法有利于 ( ) 。", "answers": ["获取软件需求", "快速开发软件", "大型团队开发", "商业软件开发"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following statements pertaining to RAID technologies is incorrect?", "answers": ["RAID-5 has a higher performance in read/write speeds than the other levels.", "RAID-3 uses byte-level striping with dedicated parity.", "RAID-0 relies solely on striping.", "RAID-4 uses dedicated parity."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "A prolonged power supply that is below normal voltage is", "answers": ["brownout", "blackout", "surge", "fault"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "53. Which one of the following tools is commonly used by software developers to interact withand manage code that is stored in code repositories?", "answers": ["grep", "git", "lsof", "gcc"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "查看磁盘使用情况的命令是", "answers": ["dd", "df", "top", "netstat"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "An operating system is an environment that serves as a support software to make your programs or other applications run properly on it. The operating system provides many management functions, mainly managing the system's software and hardware resources. The insecurity of the operating system software itself, the system development and design of poorly designed and under the cracks, all to the network security to leave hidden dangers. A company's network maintenance division to achieve the company's operating system security goals, according to the book to establish the corresponding security mechanisms, these mechanisms do not include ()", "answers": ["Marking and Identification", "access control", "Rights Management", "Network Cloud Disk Access Protection"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 linux 中,可以利用( )命令来终止某个进程。", "answers": ["kill", "dead", "quit", "exit"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "通过正交幅度调制技术把 ask 和 psk 两种调制模式结合起来组成 16 种不同的码元,这时数据速率是码元速率的( )倍。", "answers": ["2", "4", "8", "16"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "内存按字节编址,地址从 90000h 到 cffffh,若用存储容量为 16k×8bit 器芯片构成该内存,至少需要的存储( )片。", "answers": ["2", "4", "8", "16"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 linux 系统中可用 ls -al 命令列出文件列表,( )列出的是一个符号连接文件。", "answers": ["drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 220 2009-04-14 17:30 doe", "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1050 2009-04-14 17:30 doc1", "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 2009-04-14 17:30 profile", "drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4096 2009-04-14 17:30 protocols"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "8086 微处理器中执行单元负责指令的执行,它主要包括()。", "answers": ["ALU 运算器、输入输出控制电路、状态寄存器", "ALU 运算器、通用寄存器、状态寄存器", "通用寄存器、输入输出控制电路、状态寄存器", "ALU 运算器、输入输出控制电路、通用寄存器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "与传统的互联网不同,物联网涉及感知、控制、网络通信、微电子、计算机、软件、嵌入式系统、微机电等技术领域,涵盖的关键技术非常多。典型的物联网体系结构通常包括\n ()", "answers": ["感知层、物理层、支撑层和应用层", "感知层、传输层、支撑层和设备层", "感知层、传输层、支撑层和应用层", "感知层、传输层、处理层和应用层"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "PLC (可编程逻辑控制器)与以下哪一项最相关?", "answers": ["参考监视器", "操作系统内核", "中央处理器CPU", "工业控制系统"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在证书生命周期管理中,哪个阶段确保了证书在被撤销前的有效性?", "answers": ["证书申请", "证书颁发", "证书吊销", "证书更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Windows Server 2008 R2 上 IIS 7.5 能提供的服务有()。", "answers": ["DHCP 服务", "FTP 服务", "DNS 服务", "远程桌面服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 linux 系统中,利用 ( ) 命令可以分页显示文件的内容。", "answers": ["list", "cat", "more", "cp"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "已知一台webserver逻辑CPU核数为4,其上部署了单个nginx实例,则下列哪项nginx.conf的配置可以使得nginx运行后,以下命令\nps aux|grep nginx|wc -l\n输出结果为 4", "answers": ["worker_processes auto;", "worker_processes 2;", "worker_processes 3;", "worker_processes 4;"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "内存按字节编址从 a5000h 到 dcfffh 的区域其存储容量为( )。", "answers": ["123kb", "180kb", "223kb", "224kb"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "4B/5B 编码先将数据按 4 位分组,将每个分组映射到 5 单位的代码,然后采用()进行编码。", "answers": ["PCM", "Manchester", "QAM", "NRZ-I"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "In PKI, the tasks that are not part of CA are ().", "answers": ["Issuance of certificates", "Approval of certificates", "Backup of certificates", "Encryption of certificates"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下面关于 DPSK 调制技术的描述,正确的是( )。", "answers": ["不同的码元幅度不同", "不同的码元前沿有不同的相位改变", "由四种相位不同的码元组成", "由不同的频率组成不同的码元"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "a=17,b=2,则满足a与b取模同余的是()。", "answers": ["4", "5", "6", "7"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) 5 minimizes write bottlenecks by\n廉价冗余磁盘阵列 (RAID5) 通过什么最小化了写的瓶颈?", "answers": ["using one drive in the array to store parity information.\n使用阵列的一个磁盘来存储奇偶校验信息", "using a larger stripe depth of two blocks instead of one.\n使用两块大的条带深度,而不是一个", "utilizing error correction code capabilities.\n使用错误纠正码的能力", "distributing parity stripes over a series of drives.\n分发奇偶校验条带到一系列磁盘"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "HAL硬件抽象层属于:", "answers": ["网络硬件", "系统硬件", "系统软件", "应用软件"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following addresses a portion of the primary memory by specifying the actual address of the memory location?", "answers": ["direct addressing", "Indirect addressing", "implied addressing", "indexed addressing"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which protocol does the REST API depend on?", "answers": ["HTTP", "XML", "SAML", "SSH"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "电话线路使用的带通虑波器的宽带为 3khz(300~3300hz),根据奈奎斯特采样定理,最小采样频率应为()。", "answers": ["300 hz", "3390 hz", "6000 hz", "6600 hz"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "传统密码学的理论基础是", "answers": ["数学", "物理学", "计算机学科", "力学"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is the optimal humidity level for a data center, per the guidelines established by the America Society of Heating,\nRefrigeration, and Air\nConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)?", "answers": ["30-50 percent relative humidity", "50-75 percent relative humidity", "20-40 percent relative humidity", "40-60 percent relative humidity"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,可以使用命令()针对文件 newfiles.txt 为所有用户添加执行权限。", "answers": ["chmod -x newfiles.txt", "chmod +x newfiles.txt", "chmod -w newfiles.txt", "chmod +w newfiles.txt"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "HP-UX 系统中,使用 ( )命令查看系统版本、硬件配置等信息。", "answers": ["unamE-A", "ifconfig", "netstat", "ps -eF"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "总线复用方式可以()", "answers": ["提高总线的传输带宽", "增加总线的功能", "减少总线中信号线的数量", "提高 cpu 利用率"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What would you use the program rtgen for?", "answers": ["Generating wordlists", "Generating rainbow tables", "Generating firewall rules", "Persistent access"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What would a signal range for a Class A Bluetooth device commonly be?", "answers": ["300 ft.", "3,000 ft.", "75 ft.", "500 ft."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,()命令可将文件按修改时间顺序显示。", "answers": ["ls -a", "ls -b", "Is -c", "ls -d"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a precaution you can take to reduce static electricity?", "answers": ["power line conditioning", "anti-static sprays", "maintain proper humidity levels", "anti-static ooring"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 windows 中,tracert 命令的-h 选项表示 ( ) 。", "answers": ["指定主机名", "指定最大跳步数", "指定到达目标主机的时间", "指定源路由"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "检测到服务器的实际使用量远远小于计划,以下哪项措施可以改进服务器的可用性?", "answers": ["系统的停机日志", "容量规划", "服务器的配", "执行流量负载均衡"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What would you call a microchip installed on the motherboard of modern computers and is dedicated to carrying out security functions thatinvolve the storage and processing of symmetric and asymmetric keys, hashes, and digital certicates.", "answers": ["Trusted Platform Module (TPM)", "Trusted BIOS Module (TBM)", "Central Processing Unit (CPU)", "Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在下列选项中,属于 iis 6.0 提供的服务组件是( )。", "answers": ["samba", "ftp", "dhcp", "dns"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "随着密码学的不断发展,密码学逐步从艺术走向科学。以下那个不属于密码学的发展阶段()。", "answers": ["古典密码阶段", "近代密码阶段", "现代密码阶段", "当代密码阶段"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following components are considered part of the Trusted Computing Base?", "answers": ["Trusted hardware and rmware.", "Trusted hardware and software.", "Trusted hardware, software and rmware.", "Trusted computer operators and system managers."], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following describes object-oriented programming deferred commitment?", "answers": ["Autonomous objects, which cooperate through exchanges of messages", "The internal components of an object can be refined without changing other parts of the system", "Object-oriented analysis, design, and modeling maps to business needs and solutions", "Other programs using same objects"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "若某整数的 16 位补码为 ffffh(h 表示十六进制),则该数的十进制值为( )。", "answers": ["0", "-1", "2^16-1", "2^16+1"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在内存管理中,以下哪种技术可以防止缓冲区溢出?", "answers": ["使用垃圾回收机制", "使用指针直接访问内存", "进行边界检查", "使用动态内存分配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Windows Server 2008 R2 上配置()服务器前需要先安装 IIS 服务。", "answers": ["DHCP", "DNS", "Web", "传真"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在加密通信中,以下哪项不是公钥基础设施(PKI)的关键组件?", "answers": ["证书颁发机构(CA)", "数字证书", "密钥恢复代理", "非对称加密算法"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术是公钥基础设施 (PKI) 的核心组成部分,用于验证数字证书的合法性?", "answers": ["数字签名", "密钥交换算法", "RSA 加密算法", "Diffie-Hellman 协议"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下列关于 microsoft 管理控制台(mmc)的说法中,错误的是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["mmc 集成了用来管理网络、计算机、服务及其它系统组件的管理工具", "mmc 创建、保存并打开管理工具单元", "mmc 可以运行在 windows xp 和 windows 2000 操作系统上", "mmc 是用来管理硬件、软件和 windows 系统的网络组件"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a basic component of security architecture?", "answers": ["Motherboard", "Central Processing Unit (CPU)", "Storage Devices", "Peripherals (input/output devices)"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "SQL Server uses event probes to help troubleshoot and resolve issues.Which of the following steps for creating a trace is correct? ( )", "answers": ["Select a template from the \"Template Name\" drop-down menu for the track you are creating", "\"Once the main screen of Event Explorer opens, select \"New Trace\" from the \"File\" menu.", "Enter the name of the trace you want to create for this trace in the \"Trace name\" text box", "Modify these default option settings. View additional options by clicking on the \"Show all events\" and \"Show all columns\" checkboxes."], "label": "ABCD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "设信号的波特率为 800Baud,采用幅度一相位复合调制技术,由 4 种幅度和 8 种相位组成 16 种码元,则信道的数据速率为()。", "answers": ["1600 b/s", "2400 b/s", "3200 b/s", "4800 b/s"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "面向对象开发方法的基本思想是尽可能按照人类认识客观世界的方法来分析和解决问题, ( ) 方法不属于面向对象方法。", "answers": ["booch", "coad", "omt", "jackson"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "netstat –r 命令的功能是( )。", "answers": ["显示路由记录", "查看连通性", "追踪 dns 服务器", "捕获网络配置信息"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "A Security Kernel is defined as a strict implementation of a reference monitor mechanism responsible for enforcing a security policy. To be secure,the kernel must meet three basic conditions, what are they?", "answers": ["Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability", "Policy, mechanism, and assurance", "Isolation, layering, and abstraction", "Completeness, Isolation, and Verifiability"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "某四级指令流水线分别完成取指、取数、运算、保存结果四步操作。若完成上述操作的时间依次为 8ns、9ns、4ns、8ns,则该流水线的操作周期应至少为()ns。", "answers": ["4", "8", "9", "33"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "RAID Level 1 is commonly called which of the following?", "answers": ["mirroring", "striping", "clustering", "hamming"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 CPU 中,常用来为 ALU 执行算术逻辑运算提供数据并暂存运算结果的寄存器是( ) 。", "answers": ["程序计数器", "累加寄存器", "程序状态寄存器", "地址寄存器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "以下哪条命令可以正确修改mysql密码", "answers": ["mysql -u root -p '123456'", "mysqladmin -u root -p '123456'", "mysqladmin -u root -p123456 password 'abc123'", "mysqldump -u root -p123456 password 'abc123'"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is the foundation of cryptographic functions?", "answers": ["Cipher", "Encryption", "Hash", "Entropy"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Devices that supply power when the commercial utility power system fails are called which of the following?", "answers": ["power conditioners", "uninterruptible power supplies", "power filters", "power dividers"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "加入下面哪个参数可以让shell脚本在后台运行", "answers": ["@", "#", "$", "&"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which problems may be caused by humidity in an area with electrical devices?", "answers": ["High humidity causes excess electricity, and low humidity causes corrosion.", "High humidity causes corrosion, and low humidity causes static electricity.", "High humidity causes power fluctuations, and low humidity causes static electricity.", "High humidity causes corrosion, and low humidity causes power fluctuations."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 linux 系统中,root 用户执行 shutdown –r now 命令,系统将会( )。", "answers": ["重新启动", "进入单用户模式", "休眠", "关机"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "将一条指令的执行过程分解为取指、分析和执行三步,按照流水方式执行,若取指时间 t 取指=4△t、分析时间 t 分析=2△t、执行时间 t 执行=3△t,则执行完 100 条指令,需要的时间为( ) △t.", "answers": ["200", "300", "400", "405"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "相联存储器按( )访问。", "answers": ["地址", "先入后出的方式", "内容", "先入先出的方式"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Use the ( ) command to upload files to an FTP server.", "answers": ["get", "dffir", "put", "push"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "下面关于 Linux 目录的描述中,正确的是()。", "answers": ["Linux 只有一个根目录,用\"/root\"表示", "Linux 中有多个根目录,用 \"/\"加相应目录名称表示", "Linux 中只有一个根目录,用 \"/\"表示", "Linux 中有多个根目录,用相应目录名称表示"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "使用 loc(lins of code)度量软件规模的优点 ( ) 。", "answers": ["容易计算", "与使用的编程语言相关", "与使用的开发模型有关", "在设计之前就可以计算出 loc"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "The current latest patch for XP is ( ).", "answers": ["SP1", "SP2", "SP3", "SP4"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在存储体系中位于主存与 CPU 之间的高速缓存(Cache)用于存放主存中部分信息的副本,主存地址与 Cache 地址之间的转换工作()。", "answers": ["由系统软件实现", "由硬件自动完成", "由应用软件实现", "由用户发出指令完成"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "What is used for local, physical access to hardware within a data center?", "answers": ["SSH", "KVM", "VPN", "RDP"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,要复制整个目录,应使用()命令。", "answers": ["cat -a", "mv -a", "cp -a", "rm -a"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "信息系统是指由()组成,按照一定的应用模板和规则对信息进行存储、传输和处理的系统或者网络。", "answers": ["计算机", "计算机及其相关的配套设备", "网络中的所有计算机", "网络中的所有路由器"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "计算机中常采用原码、反码、补码和移码表示数据,其中,±0 编码相同的是( )。", "answers": ["原码和补码", "反码和补码", "补码和移码", "原码和移码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "位于 cpu 与主存之间的高速缓冲存储器 cache 用于存放部分主存数据的拷贝,主存地址与 cache 地址之间的转换工作由( )完成。", "answers": ["硬件", "软件", "用户", "程序员"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Which of the following effectively doubles the amount of hard drives needed but also provides redundancy?", "answers": ["RAID Level 0", "RAID Level 1", "RAID Level 2", "RAID Level 5"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "总线宽度为 32bit,时钟频率为 200mhz,若总线上每 5 个时钟周期传送一个 32bit 的字,则该总线的带宽为( )mb/s。", "answers": ["40", "80", "160", "200"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "Digital certificates use a public key system for encryption and decryption. Each user has a public key for ( )", "answers": ["Decryption and authentication", "Decryption and signatures", "encryption and signature", "Encryption and Authentication"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "基础软硬件与技术"} +{"question": "在端点防护策略中,哪种功能允许管理员在设备丢失或被盗时远程清除敏感数据?", "answers": ["恶意软件防护", "远程擦除", "防火墙配置", "入侵检测系统"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行漏洞分析时,以下哪项是最关键的步骤?", "answers": ["确定漏洞的影响范围", "编写漏洞报告", "修复漏洞", "测试漏洞"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止主机上的恶意活动被隐藏?", "answers": ["禁用所有日志记录功能", "设置严格的权限管理策略", "允许所有网络连接", "使用弱密码策略"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "当移动设备丢失时,以下哪项功能可以帮助远程锁定设备并保护数据安全?", "answers": ["设备定位服务", "远程擦除功能", "应用权限管理", "设备备份服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "Question: What is the main function of the Amnesic Incognito Live System or TAILS device?\n=======", "answers": ["It allows the user to run a self-contained computer from a USB device.", "It accesses systems with a credential that leaves no discernable tracks.", "It encrypts data stored on any computer on a network.", "It causes a system to suspend its security protocols."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以有效防止Android设备上的应用数据被窃取?", "answers": ["禁用所有应用的网络权限", "使用全磁盘加密", "定期清除应用缓存", "只安装知名应用"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机日志监控中,哪种日志类型最有助于进行异常检测和安全事件响应?", "answers": ["应用程序日志", "系统日志", "网络日志", "用户活动日志"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动端安全防护策略中,以下哪项措施最有助于防止恶意软件的入侵?", "answers": ["定期更新手机壁纸", "安装来源不明的应用程序", "使用官方应用商店下载应用并定期更新软件", "关闭手机自动锁屏功能"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行移动端安全协议分析时,以下哪项不是常见的安全认证机制?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "OAuth", "Kerberos", "RAR"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以检测到端点设备上的异常行为,可能表明正在进行的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["反病毒扫描", "行为分析", "数据加密", "访问控制列表(ACL)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种威胁类型主要利用电子邮件附件或恶意链接来感染用户的计算机系统?", "answers": ["拒绝服务攻击", "网络嗅探", "钓鱼攻击", "中间人攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在 Windows 命令行窗口中使用()命令可以查看本机各个接口的 DHCP 服务是否已启用。", "answers": ["ipconfig", "ipconfig/all", "ipconfig/renew", "ipconfig/release"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全防护中,以下哪项措施能够有效防止内部用户的非法操作?", "answers": ["实���入侵防御系统", "使用加密通信协议", "配置访问控制策略", "定期进行系统更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在制定移动设备的数据保护策略时,以下哪项措施最有助于防止未授权访问?", "answers": ["定期进行数据备份", "实施强密码策略", "使用硬件加密模块", "限制应用程序的安装"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上实施操作权限管理的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["减少应用程序的安装数量", "限制应用程序对敏感数据的访问", "增加设备的运行速度", "提高网络连接的稳定性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "安全审计在主机安全中的作用不包括以下哪项?", "answers": ["检测和记录安全事件", "自动修复系统漏洞", "提供合规性证明", "分析安全策略的有效性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在使用影子口令文件 (shadowedpasswords)的 Linux 系统中, /etc/passwD文件和/etc/shadow 文件的正确权限分别是 ( )。", "answers": ["rw-r-----,-r--------", "rw-r--r--,-r--r--r —", "rw-r--r--,-r-------- Drw-r--rw-,-r-----r--", "A rw-r-----,-r--------B rw-r--r--,-r--r--r —C rw-r--r--,-r-------- Drw-r--rw-,-r-----r--"], "label": "C", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法最有效地防止钓鱼网站模仿知名网站?", "answers": ["使用浏览器的内置安全检查功能", "只在使用公共Wi-Fi时访问银行网站", "定期查看网站的隐私政策", "在每个网站上使用不同的用户名"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法是防止便携式计算机机密信息泄露的最有效的方法? ( )", "answers": ["用所有者的公钥对硬盘进行加密处理", "激活引导口令(硬件设置口令)", "利用生物识别设备", "利用双因子识别技术将臀陆信息写入记事本"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,以下哪项措施可以有效防止恶意软件的安装?", "answers": ["关闭实时防病毒软件", "允许所有软件自动安装", "使用软件白名单策略", "不定期更新操作系统和应用程序"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在操作系统安全加固中,以下哪项安全策略能够有效限制用户对系统资源的访问?", "answers": ["允许用户自由更改系统配置", "实施严格的访问控制列表(ACL)", "允许用户共享账户和密码", "关闭用户账户控制(UAC)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,以下哪种漏洞扫描技术主要用于检测系统配置错误和安全策略违规?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "主动式漏洞扫描", "被动式漏洞扫描", "配置审计扫描"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机入侵预防中,哪种做法有助于检测潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["禁用所有不必要的服务和端口", "定期进行漏洞扫描和渗透测试", "安装硬件防火墙以隔离网络", "仅使用加密的文件系统"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止钓鱼邮件中的恶意附件感染计算机?", "answers": ["邮件安全标识", "URL分析", "恶意软件防御", "数据加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全浏览习惯可以降低遭受钓鱼攻击的风险?", "answers": ["点击社交媒体上的任何链接", "在访问网站前检查地址栏的HTTPS标志", "在不安全的网站上进行网上购物", "下载并安装来自不明来源的浏览器插件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在PC安全中,以下哪种安全协议用于保护无线网络通信的安全?", "answers": ["SSL(安全套接层)", "TLS(传输层安全)", "WEP(有线等效隐私)", "WPA3(Wi-Fi保护访问3)"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "下列哪项技术用于检测和响应端点设备上的异常行为?", "answers": ["数据加密", "病毒防护", "入侵检测系统", "安全协议"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种反病毒技术通过监控程序的行为来检测潜在的恶意活动,即使病毒库中没有该恶意软件的定义?", "answers": ["签名检测", "启发式分析", "沙箱技术", "漏洞管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为有助于维护移动设备上的隐私合规性?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统和应用", "禁用所有位置服务", "仅使用免费应用", "在公共Wi-Fi下进行敏感交易"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种恶意软件防御策略可以防止未签名的恶意软件通过网络传播?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统", "内容过滤", "应用白名单", "网络访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "If you were to see the following command in someone's history, what would you think had happened?\n\nmsfvenom -i 5 -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp -o program", "answers": ["A poison pill was created.", "A malicious program was generated.", "Existing malware was encoded.", "Metasploit was started."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "When you install a windows operating system on a new computer, which of the following is most likely to cause a security problem?", "answers": ["Perform security updates to the system after installation", "Enable Firewall", "Turn off management sharing", "Enable autoplay"], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种安全措施可以防止未授权的用户访问敏感数据?", "answers": ["安装反病毒软件", "数据加密", "限制设备的物理访问", "禁用蓝牙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "输入法漏洞通过( )端口实现的。", "answers": ["21", "23", "445", "3389"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以防止端点设备上的恶意软件传播到网络?", "answers": ["实施严格的日志分析策略", "配置安全规则以限制端口和协议", "定期进行威胁情报更新", "在所有端点上安装反病毒软件并保持最新"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在安全架构设计中,以下哪种做法可以有效防止端点设备被恶意软件感染?", "answers": ["实施多因素认证", "定期更新操作系统和应用", "限制端口和协议的使用", "强制执行最小权限原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点安全软件功能最有助于防止网络钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["恶意软件沙箱模拟", "应用程序白名单", "URL过滤和信誉服务", "双因素身份验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种主机加固措施可以防止未经授权的远程访问?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的服务和端口", "在主机上安装尽可能多的防病毒软件", "将所有用户账户设置为管理员权限", "使用弱的SSH密钥"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "动态分析恶意软件时,以下哪种工具常用于监控恶意软件的系统调用?", "answers": ["IDA Pro", "Wireshark", "Sysinternals Suite", "Ghidra"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以有效防止移动端应用遭受中间人攻击?", "answers": ["使用SSL\\/TLS进行数据加密", "实施应用程序加固", "定期更新应用以修复漏洞", "对用户进行安全意识培训"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术在检测未知恶意软件时,通过模拟真实环境来观察其行为?", "answers": ["反病毒引擎", "行为阻断", "签名检测", "沙箱模拟"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "日志文件是Windows系统中一个比较特殊的文件,它记录 Windows系统的运行状况,如各种系统服务的启动、运行、关闭等信息。Windows日志中,安全日志对应的文件名为( )。", "answers": ["SecEvent.evt", "AppEvent.evt", "SysEvent.evt", "CybEvent.evt"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法��以防止恶意软件通过网络服务感染主机?", "answers": ["定期应用安全更新", "仅使用安全的HTTP(非HTTPS)连接", "依赖防病毒软件进行所有网络流量检查", "关闭所有网络服务以阻止所有连接"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在应对移动设备丢失或被盗时,以下哪项措施最能防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["立即执行远程擦除", "加强密码复杂度要求", "实施应急响应计划", "启用多因素身份验证"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种攻击方式可能导致移动设备用户遭受中间人攻击?", "answers": ["在公共WiFi网络上进行敏感信息输入", "安装未经验证的设备管理应用", "点击来自未知号码的短信中的链接", "在设备上启用屏幕锁定密码"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机入侵预防中,以下哪项不是防火墙的主要功能?", "answers": ["阻止未经授权的网络访问", "监控和记录网络流量", "检测主机上的异常行为", "执行应用级的访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "威胁检测在移动端安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["提高应用的用户体验", "监控和识别潜在的安全威胁", "优化应用的电池使用效率", "增强应用的市场竞争力"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在制定主机安全应急预案时,以下哪项不是必须考虑的要素?", "answers": ["明确的责任分配和响应团队成员", "详细的恢复计划和数据备份策略", "定期的安全演练和培训", "主机的硬件升级计划"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全策略有助于防止恶意软件通过端点进入网络?", "answers": ["实施入侵检测系统", "强制执行多因素认证", "限制对敏感数据的访问", "定期备份数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机隔离与修复过程中,以下哪种做法是不推荐的?", "answers": ["在隔离环境中分析受感染的系统", "删除所有可疑文件以快速恢复", "使用取证工具收集证据", "创建系统映像以备后续分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于定期检查系统中的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "安全协议", "漏洞扫描", "应急响应策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在防止端点设备上的恶意软件传播时,哪个措施最不相关?", "answers": ["安装和配置防火墙", "定期备份重要数据", "禁用USB端口", "启用端点入侵预防系统"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "The account password management method applies to all DSMP system, smart network system and color ring platform related ( ).", "answers": ["system administrator", "operating system", "Operation and maintenance personnel", "Accounts and passwords that exist in all of the above systems"], "label": "ACD", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意软件分析中,以下哪种方法主要用于在不执行恶意软件的情况下分析其代码和结构?", "answers": ["动态分析技术", "静态分析方法", "行为监控技术", "网络流量分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在企业环境中,哪种技术可以实时监控端点设备的活动,以检测潜在的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["数据加密技术", "端点行为分析", "身份验证机制", "静态代码分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在清除恶意软件时,以下哪种策略通常不是首选?", "answers": ["使用反病毒软件扫描并清除", "手动删除恶意软件文件", "重装操作系统", "更新系统补丁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在设计HIDS时,以下哪种威胁模型最关注内部网络中已授权用户的滥用或误用?", "answers": ["外部威胁模型", "内部威胁模型", "DoS威胁模型", "物理安全威胁模型"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种社会影响是��鱼攻击可能导致的?", "answers": ["个人隐私泄露和经济损失", "全球气候变暖", "城市交通拥堵", "传统媒体的复兴"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助分析未知的恶意软件行为,以确定其潜在的威胁?", "answers": ["反病毒扫描", "静态代码分析", "沙箱模拟", "网络流量分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全审计中,以下哪项策略能够最有效地检测和记录未经授权的访问尝试?", "answers": ["定期备份日志文件", "实施基于角色的访问控制", "启用详细的登录失败日志记录", "限制日志文件的存储空间"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全配置中,哪个操作有助于防止恶意软件利用未打补丁的系统漏洞?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的服务和端口", "实施全盘加密", "配置防火墙以阻止所有入站流量", "定期备份系统数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止恶意软件在主机上执行?", "answers": ["威胁情报签名更新", "应用程序白名单", "端点检测和响应(EDR)", "数据加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点安全技术有助于检测和阻止钓鱼网站的访问?", "answers": ["邮件过滤,阻止来自可疑域的邮件", "身份验证,确保只有授权用户可以访问系统", "网页信誉服务,评估并阻止访问恶意网站", "数据泄露防护,监控敏感数据的流出"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "恶意软件通常通过哪种方式传播到用户计算机?", "answers": ["通过操作系统自动更新", "通过合法软件的安装包", "通过用户访问受感染的网站或下载不明来源的文件", "通过网络硬件设备的固件更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项措施最有助于防止物理访问端点设备时的数据泄露?", "answers": ["启用硬盘加密", "实施多因素身份验证", "配置入侵检测系统", "设置严格的防火墙规则"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于检测智能手机上的恶意代码并防止其执行?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "反病毒策略", "入侵检测系统", "安全更新管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种方法主要依赖于分析恶意软件的行为模式,而不是其特定的签名来检测威胁?", "answers": ["静态分析", "行为分析", "特征码扫描", "蜜罐技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恶意软件类型主要通过伪装成合法软件来诱骗用户下载并安装,从而感染计算机?", "answers": ["病毒", "特洛伊木马", "蠕虫", "勒索软件"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "移动设备上的应用通常使用哪种技术来保护用户密码的安全,防止明文存储?", "answers": ["非对称加密", "哈希函数加盐", "数字签名", "对称加密算法"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全中,哪种策略可以防止恶意软件通过网络传播并感染其他系统?", "answers": ["实施严格的访问控制", "定期更新操作系统", "启用端点防火墙", "定期备份数据"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最有效地防止端点设备上的网络钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "反病毒策略", "URL过滤和电子邮件安全网关", "加密通信"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种威胁检测与响应技术可以帮助检测移动设备上的异常行为,可能表明存在恶意活动?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统 (IDS)", "行为基线分析", "反病毒扫描", "端点检测和响应 (EDR)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "What is the most effective means of determining that controls are functioning properly within an operating system?", "answers": ["Interview with computer operator", "Review of software control features and/or parameters", "Review of operating system manual", "Interview with product vendor"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种日志分析方法对于HIDS来说不是必需的?", "answers": ["解析系统和应用程序日志", "识别日志中的模式和异常", "实时分析网络流量", "建立正常行为基线"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在反病毒扫描中,哪种技术用于分析可疑代码的行为,而不会在实际系统上造成损害?", "answers": ["内存分析", "静态分析", "动态分析", "沙箱技术"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据加密技术最适合保护端点设备上的敏感文件,即使设备丢失或被盗?", "answers": ["对称密钥加密,如AES", "非对称密钥加密,如RSA", "哈希函数,如SHA-256", "消息认证码,如HMAC"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于移动设备的用户身份验证?", "answers": ["AES加密算法", "SSL\\\\/TLS证书", "指纹识别", "哈希函数"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全防护措施中,以下哪项措施能够有效减少钓鱼攻击的成功率?", "answers": ["使用复杂的密码策略", "实施双因素认证", "定期进行安全审计", "限制用户权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在EDR系统中,以下哪项不是实时监控的组成部分?", "answers": ["异常行为检测", "系统日志分析", "定期安全扫描", "网络流量监控"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用加固过程中,以下哪种技术最常用于防止反编译和代码篡改?", "answers": ["数据加密", "运行时权限管理", "代码混淆", "应急响应计划实施"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种技术可以帮助开发者找出可能导致安全漏洞的代码片段?", "answers": ["调试技术", "病毒分析", "沙箱模拟", "数据正规化控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全事件响应中,以下哪项是威胁检测的关键组成部分?", "answers": ["实时监控系统日志", "定期进行安全审计", "实施严格的密码策略", "使用最新的防病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全事件发生后,以下哪种策略最有助于防止未来的安全事件?", "answers": ["定期备份数据", "加强身份认证机制", "实施系统加固措施", "增加防火墙规则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全策略中,哪种方法最有效地检测到未被签名的恶意软件?", "answers": ["基于签名的反病毒扫描", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "行为分析和异常检测", "数据加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "张主任的计算机使用 Windows7 操作系统,他常登陆的用户名为 zhang,张主任给他个人文件夹设置了权限为只有 zhang 这个用户有权访问这个目录,管理员在某次维护中无意将zhang 这个用户删除了,随后又重新建了一个用户名为 zhang,张主任使用 zhang 这个用户登录系统后,发现无法访问他原来的个人文件夹,原因是:[1分]", "answers": ["任何一个新建用户都需要经过授权才能访问系统中的文件", "Windows7 不认为新建立的用户 zhang 与原来用户 zhang 是同一个用户,因此无权访问", "用户被删除后,该用户创建的文件夹也会自动删除,新建用户找不到原来用户的文件夹,因此无法访问", "新建的用户 zhang 会继承原来用户的权限,之所以无权访问是因为文件夹经过了加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种操作可以增强主机的安全性,防止恶意软件通过网络传播?", "answers": ["关闭所有不必要的网络服务和端口", "定期备份系统以防止数据丢失", "在主机上安装入侵检测系统", "设置复杂的密码策略以防止暴力破解"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防御措施最能防止钓鱼邮件中的恶意附件感染电脑?", "answers": ["安装反病毒软件并保持更新", "禁用电子邮件的HTML支持", "只打开来自已知和可信来源的附件", "使用单一的密码策略"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于检测和防止病毒、间谍软件以及其它恶意软件的感染?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "行为分析", "病毒扫描", "应急响应"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "HIDS在发现日志文件篡改后,通常会执行什么操作?", "answers": ["自动恢复被篡改的文件", "发送警报并记录事件", "阻止所有网络连接", "立即执行反病毒扫描"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击案例研究中,哪种技术经常被用来诱骗受害者点击恶意链接?", "answers": ["垃圾邮件过滤", "URL缩短服务", "反恶意软件扫描", "SSL证书验证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机入侵响应策略中,以下哪项措施最直接地防止攻击的进一步扩散?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的主机", "更新系统补丁", "执行数据备份", "收集攻击的证据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全审计与监控中,以下哪种技术主要用于检测异常行为并可能识别入侵?", "answers": ["日志分析", "权限管理", "防火墙配置", "静态代码审查"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以防止移动设备上的应用访问用户的敏感联系人信息?", "answers": ["数据加密", "权限管理", "哈希散列", "密钥交换"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以有效地保护移动应用中的敏感数据,防止未授权访问?", "answers": ["数据加密", "应用签名", "网络流量检测", "权限管理"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在反病毒技术中,哪种方法可以隔离可疑的恶意软件,使其在安全的环境中运行,以观察其行为?", "answers": ["启发式扫描", "特征码匹配", "沙箱模拟", "行为阻断"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备的取证分析中,以下哪种技术主要用于恢复被删除或隐藏的文件和数据?", "answers": ["数据提取", "应用程序分析", "通信记录分析", "设备恢复"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种响应流程适用于发现移动设备上的恶意活动后立即隔离设备?", "answers": ["事件响应流程", "安全自动化工具", "行为分析", "威胁情报"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止未经授权的用户访问主机系统上的敏感数据?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统", "防火墙技术", "密码学应用中的加密", "威胁建模"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于隔离和分析可疑的恶意软件行为,以防止其在主机系统上造成损害?", "answers": ["病毒扫描", "防火墙", "沙箱技术", "入侵检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在操作系统安全机制中,以下哪种技术用于检测和防御潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "访问控制列表(ACL)", "安全审计日志", "虚拟专用网络(VPN)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备管理(MDM)中,以下哪项措施最有助于防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["定期进行设备备份", "实施远程擦除功能", "限制应用的网络访问权限", "强制使用复杂的解锁密码"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "沙箱技术在动态分析中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止恶意代码对真实系统的损害", "识别恶意代码的所有隐藏功能", "加密恶意代码以保护其不被分析", "在分析过程中修改恶意代码的行为"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术允许反病毒软件在隔离环境中运行可疑文件以检测潜在的恶意行为?", "answers": ["病毒分析", "反病毒扫描", "沙箱技术", "行为检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防病毒策略对防止钓鱼攻击最不相关?", "answers": ["实时扫描电子邮件附件", "定期更新病毒定义库", "扫描网络流量以检测恶意活动", "隔离已感染的系统以防止传播"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击中,攻击者可能会创建一个与真实网站相似的伪造网站来窃取用户信息。以下哪项是识别伪造网站的有效方法?", "answers": ["检查网站的SSL证书", "在网站上输入错误的用户名和密码", "在网站上填写个人信息", "点击网站上的所有链接"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机加固过程中,以下哪项措施不属于操作系统配置的范畴?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的服务和端口", "安装最新的安全补丁", "配置防火墙规则以限制入站和出站流量", "定期进行病毒扫描和恶意软件检测"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机加固过程中,哪个步骤有助于限制潜在攻击面?", "answers": ["安装所有可用的软件包以增强功能", "启用不必要的网络服务以方便远程访问", "仅安装和运行必要的应用程序和服务", "在所有端口上启用无密码SSH访问"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种应急响应计划步骤是针对主机遭受钓鱼攻击后的正确处理方式?", "answers": ["立即断开受感染主机的网络连接,进行隔离", "更改所有账户密码,以防信息泄露", "收集日志和证据,以便分析攻击来源", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "What is the tactic of allowing software to continue running across reboots of a system called?", "answers": ["Obfuscation", "Persistence", "Disassembly", "Packing"], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "(单选题)已知上级目录下的 db 目录包含敏感文件 db.rar, 以下哪个请求可以下载到该文件()", "answers": ["?download=db.rar", "?download=../db/db.rar", "?download=db/db.rar", "?download=./db/db.rar"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种安全机制可以防止未经授权的用户访问特定应用或数据?", "answers": ["数据加密", "身份验证", "访问控制列表", "隐私设置"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种安全协议可以增强移动设备与服务器之间的通信安全性?", "answers": ["TLS(Transport Layer Security)", "WPA3(Wi-Fi Protected Access 3)", "DMZ(Demilitarized Zone)", "NAC(Network Access Control)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,以下哪项操作有助于防止恶意软件感染?", "answers": ["定期下载并安装未经验证的软件更新", "禁用操作系统的所有安全更新", "只在安全的网络环境中打开电子邮件附件", "在未知网站上保存用户名和密码"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全监控中,以下哪项技术主要用于检测不寻常的行为,可能表明存在安全威胁?", "answers": ["日志收集", "入侵检测", "系统加固", "安全事件响应"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在处理钓鱼邮件时,哪种技术可以帮助识别模仿合法网站的恶意链接?", "answers": ["病毒分析", "防火墙技术", "URL信誉服务", "行为检测"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于保护移动设备上的敏感数据?", "answers": ["端点检测与响应(Endpoint Detection and Response, EDR)", "全盘加密(Full Disk Encryption, FDE)", "入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System, IPS)", "虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network, VPN)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护策略侧重于分析程序的行为模式,以识别潜在的恶意活动��", "answers": ["逆向工程", "沙箱技术", "签名检测", "行为分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种反病毒策略可以有效防止钓鱼网站的威胁?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统", "安装并更新反钓鱼插件", "禁用电子邮件", "只使用加密的无线网络"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "进行主机安全风险评估时,以下哪项不是评估的关键要素?", "answers": ["系统漏洞扫描", "用户行为分析", "数据备份策略", "网络带宽使用"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于保护移动设备上的应用数据,确保即使设备丢失或被盗,敏感信息也不会泄露?", "answers": ["全盘加密", "双因素身份验证", "应用程序白名单", "数据脱敏"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,当检测到潜在的恶意活动时,通常会使用哪种技术来追踪和理解事件的全貌?", "answers": ["日志类型分类", "事件监控", "异常检测", "日志分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "扫描技术()。", "answers": ["只能作为攻击工具", "只能作为防御工具", "只能作为检查系统漏洞的工具", "既可以作为攻击工具,也可以作为防御工具"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "A 'Pseudo flaw' is which of the following?", "answers": ["An apparent loophole deliberately implanted in an operating system program as a trap for intruders.", "An omission when generating Psuedo-code.", "Used for testing for bounds violations in application programming.", "A normally generated page fault causing the system to halt."], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意代码识别中,哪种技术主要用于静态分析,通过查找已知恶意软件的签名来确定文件是否恶意?", "answers": ["启发式扫描", "行为基线监控", "沙箱模拟执行", "特征码匹配"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "风险评估在主机安全策略中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["增加系统稳定性", "识别和评估潜在的安全威胁", "提高用户满意度", "减少系统维护成本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于保护移动应用中的用户数据,防止未经授权的访问或窃取?", "answers": ["端到端加密", "简单的密码保护", "屏幕锁定模式", "数据压缩优化"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于检测和防止钓鱼攻击中的恶意软件执行?", "answers": ["逆向工程", "沙箱技术", "签名检测", "行为分析"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以确保只有经过验证的代码才能在系统上执行?", "answers": ["逆向工程", "代码混淆", "数字签名检测", "内存转储分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是预防恶意软件感染的关键措施,且通常与定期更新操作系统和应用程序相关联?", "answers": ["反病毒扫描", "修复已感染的系统", "安全意识培训", "保持软件的最新安全补丁"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "下列哪种技术通常用于检测移动设备上的恶意软件?", "answers": ["端口扫描", "行为分析", "网络嗅探", "密码破解"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点防护措施最有助于防止钓鱼邮件导致的恶意软件感染?", "answers": ["安装端点防护软件并定期更新", "仅使用安全浏览器实践,如不点击未知链接", "启用多因素认证以验证邮件发送者身份", "对所有电子邮件进行数据加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种反病毒技术主要依赖于已知恶意软件的特征来检测新出现的威胁?", "answers": ["启发式分析", "行为监控", "签名检测", "沙盒分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在实施HIDS时,以下哪种响应策略最适合用于阻止已识别的恶意活动?", "answers": ["立即隔离受影响的主机", "发送警报并记录事件", "执行反病毒扫描", "更新系统补丁"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以有效防止恶意附件带来的威胁?", "answers": ["在未知来源的邮件中打开所有附件", "仅打开来自亲友的附件,即使格式不常见", "使用安全软件扫描附件后再打开", "依赖邮件服务商自动过滤所有危险附件"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动端安全中,以下哪种技术主要用于防止数据在传输过程中被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)", "加密技术", "防火墙策略", "安全协议"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行漏洞识别时,以下哪种方法最有效?", "answers": ["随机检查系统的各个部分", "使用自动化工具进行全面扫描", "依赖用户报告的问题", "定期进行物理安全检查"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全策略中,哪种身份验证与访问控制方法提供了最高的安全性?", "answers": ["简单密码", "多因素认证(MFA)", "基于知识的身份验证", "静态IP地址分配"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全软件应用最适合保护个人用户的移动设备免受恶意软件攻击?", "answers": ["企业级防火墙", "全盘加密软件", "移动设备管理(MDM)解决方案", "综合安全套件,包括防病毒和防恶意软件功能"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术常用于分析未知的恶意软件行为,以避免在隔离环境中触发潜在的有害操作?", "answers": ["反病毒引擎", "内存分析", "沙箱技术", "修复与防护"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机入侵检测系统中,以下哪项技术主要用于实时监控和分析系统日志以识别潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["蜜罐技术", "沙箱技术", "日志分析技术", "网络流量分析技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "为了确保移动设备上的应用程序安全,以下哪项策略是最佳实践?", "answers": ["限制应用程序的网络访问", "仅允许使用预装应用程序", "禁止应用程序之间的数据共享", "要求应用程序使用默认的加密设置"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在识别恶意软件时,端点保护软件通常不依赖于哪种技术?", "answers": ["签名匹配", "行为分析", "机器学习", "物理隔离"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在PC安全中,以下哪项措施可以有效防止内部人员滥用权限导致的数据泄露?", "answers": ["实施严格的访问控制", "使用强密码策略", "定期进行系统更新", "安装防病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以确保移动应用在不泄露用户信息的情况下证明用户拥有特定信息?", "answers": ["对称加密", "非对称加密", "哈希函数", "零知识证明"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在操作系统补丁管理中,以下哪项做法最有助于维护系统的安全性?", "answers": ["仅在系统出现故障时才安装补丁", "定期检查并安装最新的安全补丁", "等待第三方安全评估后再安装补丁", "依赖操作系统的自动更新功能,不进行手动干预"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,以下哪种安全协议常用于确保数据传输的安全性?", "answers": ["SSL\\/TLS", "IPSec", "SSH", "WEP"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法可以有效防止移动设备上的应用被反编译和篡改?", "answers": ["仅使用混淆技术", "仅使用代码签名", "混淆技术结合代码签名", "使用加密技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范策略可以防止钓鱼软件感染端点系统?", "answers": ["定期备份重要数据", "启用端点检测和响应(EDR)系统", "避免在公共Wi-Fi下进行敏感操作", "使用安全的浏览器扩展来识别恶意网站"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在权限管理中,以下哪种策略有助于减少移动应用被恶意软件利用的风险?", "answers": ["给予所有应用最高权限", "最小权限原则", "统一权限模型", "权限集中管理"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "为了确保移动设备的安全性,以下哪项安全更新措施最为关键?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统", "安装最新的防病毒软件", "使用强密码", "关闭蓝牙和Wi-Fi"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,哪种异常行为检测方法最依赖于历史数据和基线行为?", "answers": ["模式匹配", "统计分析", "行为基线分析", "深度包检查"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恶意软件类型通常针对移动设备?", "answers": ["特洛伊木马", "蠕虫", "勒索软件", "以上所有"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行主机安全审计时,以下哪项活动最直接地帮助评估系统的合规性?", "answers": ["执行漏洞扫描以识别潜在的弱点", "实施访问控制策略以限制用户权限", "分析系统日志以检查异常活动", "对比系统配置与预定义的安全基线"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,哪种技术可以检测并阻止不寻常的网络活动,可能表明存在入侵或恶意软件活动?", "answers": ["病毒扫描", "入侵检测", "沙箱技术", "安全策略实施"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法有助于防止主机上的凭证盗窃?", "answers": ["使用SSH密钥对进行远程登录", "禁用所有网络服务", "定期更改系统账户的密码", "在所有文件系统上启用强制访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施最能保护智能手机用户的数据隐私,防止应用程序未经授权访问敏感信息?", "answers": ["安装第三方安全应用以扫描恶意软件", "定期更新操作系统和应用以获取安全补丁", "启用应用权限管理,仅授予必要的访问权限", "使用复杂的密码并定期更改"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止未经授权的用户访问个人计算机上的敏感文件?", "answers": ["防火墙配置", "权限管理", "漏洞扫描与修复", "加密通信"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备漏洞挖掘过程中,以下哪种方法最适用于发现逻辑漏洞?", "answers": ["自动化扫描工具", "手动渗透测试", "代码注入测试", "网络流量分析"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "What type of attack occurs when a smart card operates in a normal physical environment, but sensitive information is obtained by examining the bytes entering and exiting the smart card?", "answers": ["Logical attack", "Physical attack", "Trojan horse attack", "Social engineering attack"], "label": "A", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全合规框架中,以下哪项是审计流程的关键目标?", "answers": ["提高系统处理速度", "确保所有安全措施得到正确实施", "减少系统资源消耗", "增加用户对系统的访问权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在处理恶意软件时,隔离的目的是什么?", "answers": ["防止恶意软件传播到其他设备", "立即删除恶意软件", "更新系统以防止未来感染", "分析恶意软件的行为"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于分析未知的恶意软件行为,以确定其潜在的威胁?", "answers": ["逆向工程", "签名检测", "静态代码分析", "防火墙策略配置"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是管理主机系统漏洞的关键步骤,以确保���织的安全性?", "answers": ["定期进行漏洞扫描,但不进行风险评估", "仅依赖安全更新,不应用补丁", "制定应急响应计划,但不进行漏洞识别", "识别漏洞,进行风险评估,并及时应用安全更新和补丁"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机操作系统加固过程中,以下哪种加密技术最适合用于保护数据在传输过程中的安全?", "answers": ["全盘加密", "文件级加密", "SSL\\\\/TLS协议", "磁盘级加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略是针对主机安全漏洞管理的关键步骤,以降低被攻击的风险?", "answers": ["定期进行漏洞扫描并及时应用补丁", "仅依赖防火墙阻止所有外部威胁", "忽略低优先级的漏洞,只关注高风险问题", "依赖用户自我报告安全问题"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "移动设备中的硬件加密与软件加密相比,以下哪个描述是正确的?", "answers": ["硬件加密通常比软件加密更慢", "硬件加密不依赖于设备的硬件特性", "硬件加密可以提供更高的安全性和性能", "硬件加密不适用于移动设备"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以有效防止网络钓鱼攻击,保护用户的电子邮件和网页浏览安全?", "answers": ["安装并定期更新反病毒软件,以检测和阻止恶意软件", "仅使用HTTP协议访问网站,避免使用HTTPS", "忽略电子邮件中的所有附件和链接,避免点击", "禁用浏览器的SSL\\/TLS证书验证,以加快网页加载速度"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全策略中,以下哪项措施能够实时监控和分析网络流量,以便及时发现并响应潜在的安全威胁?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "防病毒策略", "安全审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,哪种技术可以防止中间人攻击并确保数据在传输过程中的完整性?", "answers": ["网络访问控制", "加密与认证机制", "安全更新", "配置防火墙规则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "威胁建模在端点安全中的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["用于设计美观的用户界面", "识别潜在的安全威胁并制定相应的防御策略", "用于优化系统性能", "作为用户身份验证的手段"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最可能触发主机安全系统的异常检测机制?", "answers": ["用户在正常工作时间内登录", "服务器CPU使用率长时间维持在低水平", "来自未知源的大量网络连接请求", "系统管理员执行常规的系统更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以防止移动应用中的数据泄露?", "answers": ["禁用所有应用更新", "使用强加密和安全套接层", "仅在公共Wi-Fi下使用应用", "存储敏感数据在本地未加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于检测主机上的异常行为,以识别潜在的入侵或恶意活动?", "answers": ["日志分析", "防火墙配置", "恶意软件防御", "应急响应计划"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略最直接地对应于主机安全漏洞管理中的风险评估?", "answers": ["定期扫描操作系统和应用程序以识别已知漏洞", "在新漏洞公布后立即安装所有可用的安全更新", "实施多因素身份验证以增强登录安全性", "制定并执行应急响应计划以应对潜在的安全事件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机级访问控制中,以下哪种做法能有效地防止权限提升攻击?", "answers": ["严格限制默认权限", "启用端口转发", "使用弱密码策略", "关闭审计与监控功能"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在PC安全中,以下哪种方法最有效地防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["定期更改密码", "使用防病毒软件", "实施全盘加密", "限制网络访问"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在修复了操作系统中的一个关键漏洞后,应执行什么操作来验证修复效果?", "answers": ["重新运行漏洞扫描", "更新所有软件应用程序", "更改所有用户密码", "安装新的防病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种技术可以防止应用被逆向工程,暴露敏感的加密密钥?", "answers": ["代码混淆", "数字水印", "双因素认证", "密钥托管"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "Tom is a new security manager who is responsible for reviewing the current software that the company has developed internally. He finds that some of the software is outdated, which causes performance and functionality issues.During his testing procedures he sees that when one program stops functioning, it negatively affects other programs on the same system. He also finds out that as systems run over a period of a month, they start to perform more slowly, but by rebooting the systems this issue goes away.Which of the following best describes why rebooting helps with system performance in the situation described in this scenario?", "answers": ["Software is not using cache memory properly.", "Software is carrying out too many mode transitions.", "Software is working in ring 0.", "Software is not releasing unused memory."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在威胁情报的上下文中,以下哪项是收集和分析移动设备威胁信息的主要目的?", "answers": ["预测未来的硬件故障", "识别和应对针对移动设备的新型攻击", "优化设备的电池寿命", "提高应用程序的性能"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以实时检测并阻止恶意软件在主机上执行?", "answers": ["日志分析", "权限管理", "威胁检测与响应系统", "系统加固"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法无助于防止端点设备成为僵尸网络的一部分?", "answers": ["保持操作系统和应用程序的最新更新", "禁用设备上的远程桌面协议", "定期扫描和清除恶意软件", "在设备上安装多个防病毒软件"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种浏览习惯有助于防止成为网络钓鱼的受害者?", "answers": ["点击任何看起来诱人的广告", "在收到紧急通知时立即提供个人信息", "定期更新浏览器和操作系统", "下载来自不明来源的浏览器扩展"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以动态监控进程的行为,以检测异常活动并阻止恶意行为?", "answers": ["恶意代码分析", "沙箱技术", "行为监控", "漏洞防护策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最有可能导致成功的端点钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["用户安装了最新的操作系统补丁", "用户使用复杂的密码并定期更改", "用户对来自不熟悉来源的电子邮件保持警惕", "用户点击了电子邮件中的可疑链接,而没有验证其真实性"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行网络浏览时,以下哪种行为最能提高网络素养?", "answers": ["不关心网站的隐私政策", "在任何网站上都使用相同的用户名和密码", "定期更新浏览器和操作系统", "点击社交媒体上的所有链接"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以有效减少移动设备上的网络流量分析攻击风险?", "answers": ["使用公共Wi-Fi网络", "定期更换设备的MAC地址", "启用端到端的数据加密", "关闭设备的蓝牙功能"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "补丁管理在移动端安全中的作用是什么?", "answers": ["提高应用的运行速度", "修复已知的安全漏洞", "增加应用的新功能", "降低应用的开发成本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动端应用的认证机制中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止中间人攻击?", "answers": ["双因素认证", "数字证书", "一次性密码", "生物识别认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与��机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止移动设备上的应用程序数据被中间人攻击窃取?", "answers": ["使用全磁盘加密", "启用设备锁屏安全", "实施应用程序加密", "启用Wi-Fi的WPA3加密"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意软件分析中,以下哪种方法最适合用于静态分析?", "answers": ["反汇编代码并分析指令序列", "运行恶意软件并在沙箱环境中观察其行为", "使用启发式算法预测潜在威胁", "通过网络监控跟踪恶意软件通信"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在 Linux 中,负责配置 DNS 的文件是(),它包含了主机的域名搜索顺序和 DNS 服务器的地址。", "answers": ["/etc/hostname", "/dev/host.conf", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/dev/name.conf"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点防护软件功能最有助于防止钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["实时恶意软件扫描", "应用程序白名单", "入侵防御系统", "URL过滤和电子邮件安全网关"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行主机安全审计时,以下哪种做法最能帮助识别潜在的权限滥用问题?", "answers": ["定期执行漏洞扫描以发现最新的安全漏洞", "实施严格的安全策略,包括最小权限原则", "分析系统日志以追踪异常活动和权限变更", "使用风险评估工具评估网络的整体风险状况"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在逆向工程中,以下哪个步骤通常用于理解恶意软件的内部工作原理?", "answers": ["反汇编代码", "执行恶意软件", "更新防火墙规则", "安装防病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "(单选题)Windows10 操作系统上比较重要的一项安全策略 UAC 策略的主要作用是()。", "answers": ["密码访问控制", "密码访问策略", "用户账户控制", "账户访问控制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在执行安全审计时,以下哪项活动是评估主机系统安全性的关键步骤?", "answers": ["识别并记录所有已知漏洞", "定期备份系统数据", "配置防火墙规则以阻止所有外部访问", "安装最新的防病毒软件并更新病毒库"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全防护措施最直接地防止用户点击钓鱼邮件中的恶意链接?", "answers": ["安装反病毒软件", "实施多因素认证", "启用邮件内容过滤", "定期更新操作系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恶意软件类型通常隐藏在合法软件中,当用户执行该软件时激活并执行恶意代码?", "answers": ["特洛伊木马", "蠕虫", "勒索软件", "广告软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备漏洞分析中,以下哪种工具常用于静态代码分析?", "answers": ["Nmap", "Wireshark", "IDA Pro", "Metasploit"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种恶意软件防护策略可以防止下载恶意软件?", "answers": ["仅访问HTTPS网站", "安装入侵检测系统(IDS)", "启用操作系统内置的数据执行保护(DEP)", "使用可更新的反病毒软件进行实时扫描"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,以下哪项技术用于验证用户身份?", "answers": ["加密技术", "访问控制", "身份认证", "防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "ftp 命令中用来设置客户端当前工作目录的命令是( )。", "answers": ["get", "list", "lcd", "!list"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术可以分析恶意软件的行为模式,以识别潜在的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["静态分析", "动态分析", "基于签名的检测", "基于频率的过滤"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最可能导致个人计算机被病毒感染?", "answers": ["打开未知来源的电子邮件附件", "使用强密码", "安装合法软件的最���版本", "定期备份数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在iOS应用中,以下哪种技术可以用来防止应用在运行时被篡改?", "answers": ["代码签名", "数据加密", "运行时保护", "权限管理"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种安全措施可以确保用户身份的真实性?", "answers": ["数据备份与恢复", "加密技术", "身份验证", "访问控制列表"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在制定主机安全策略时,以下哪项措施最有助于防止恶意软件的传播?", "answers": ["定期进行系统更新和补丁管理", "限制用户权限", "实施严格的网络访问控制", "使用防病毒软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略最有助于防止恶意软件在主机上横向移动?", "answers": ["实施严格的权限管理,限制用户权限", "配置防火墙以阻止内部网络间的非授权通信", "使用入侵检测系统监控网络流量", "对所有网络连接设备进行漏洞扫描"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在钓鱼攻击中,攻击者通常如何利用信息收集?", "answers": ["通过社交媒体收集受害者的个人信息", "入侵公司的内部数据库", "在受害者的电脑上安装键盘记录器", "利用技术手段破解密码"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在防止恶意应用安装到Android设备上,哪种安全措施最直接有效?", "answers": ["使用防火墙阻止未知来源的应用", "应用签名验证和权限管理", "实施端点检测和响应(Endpoint Detection and Response, EDR)", "实施全磁盘加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是恶意软件的主要目的之一?", "answers": ["提高系统性能", "窃取用户数据", "增强系统安全性", "提供免费服务"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以防止钓鱼邮件中的附件对用户系统造成危害?", "answers": ["恶意链接检测", "附件安全分析(如沙箱技术)", "邮件标识验证", "欺诈防范流程(如多因素认证)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种策略可以防止移动应用在用户不知情的情况下泄露敏感信息?", "answers": ["数据混淆", "应用程序白名单", "权限最小化", "数据备份"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种技术可以确保应用程序的更新来自可信源,防止恶意软件篡改?", "answers": ["数字签名", "SSL/TLS 加密", "端点检测与响应", "数据加密"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最可能导致员工的设备受到钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["打开未知来源的电子邮件附件", "定期更新操作系统和应用程序", "使用复杂的密码策略", "安装公司推荐的安全软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施主要用于防止恶意软件在用户系统上执行?", "answers": ["行为分析", "应用程序白名单", "内存转储", "日志审核"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于实时监控和检测潜在的恶意活动,以保护主机系统免受入侵?", "answers": ["日志分析", "权限管理", "系统加固", "入侵检测"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于防止恶意软件通过电子邮件传播?", "answers": ["防火墙", "加密技术", "反病毒软件", "身份验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在隐私保护策略中,哪种方法可以防止应用程序访问用户的敏感位置数据?", "answers": ["权限管理", "数据混淆", "反恶意软件扫描", "数据备份"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全策略中,以下哪项措施能够有效减少系统漏洞被利用的风险?", "answers": ["关闭系统自动更新功能", "定期进行漏洞扫描和修补", "限制系统日志的记录频率", "禁用系统防火墙"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以防止主机上的权限提升攻击?", "answers": ["过度授权用户账户", "使用弱密码策略", "限制用户对敏感系统文件的访问", "在所有端口上启用远程访问"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "杀毒软件报告发现病毒Macro.X.word,由该病毒名称可以推断出病毒类型是 (请作答此空) ,这类病毒主要感染目标是 ( ) 。", "answers": ["文件型", "引导型", "目录型", "宏病毒"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在分析钓鱼邮件时,以下哪种技术可以帮助识别伪造的发件人地址?", "answers": ["邮件头信息检查", "附件内容分析", "点击链接并查看页面", "查看邮件的图片格式"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意软件分析中,以下哪项技术用于分析恶意软件的行为和功能?", "answers": ["静态分析", "动态分析", "逆向工程", "代码审计"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种情况最能体现生物识别技术在移动设备安全中的局限性?", "answers": ["生物特征数据可能被伪造或复制", "生物识别技术需要持续的电力供应", "生物识别技术的识别率在不同环境下可能变化", "生物识别技术可能不适用于所有用户(如身体残疾者)"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的风险评估中,以下哪项不是风险识别的关键步骤?", "answers": ["分析应用的数据流和处理逻辑", "评估应用的用户体验", "检查应用的代码质量和安全编码实践", "审查应用的第三方库和组件的安全性"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "为了确保物联网设备的长期安全,以下哪项措施是必不可少的?", "answers": ["定期进行漏洞扫描", "实施数据加密", "定期进行固件更新", "实施设备认证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用中,以下哪种身份验证方法提供了最高的安全性,同时增加了用户便利性?", "answers": ["简单的用户名和密码", "基于知识的身份验证(如安全问题)", "多因素认证(如生物特征+设备绑定)", "一次性密码(OTP)通过短信"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在Android系统中,以下哪种机制主要用于隔离应用程序,防止恶意软件对系统或其他应用造成影响?", "answers": ["权限管理", "加密技术", "沙盒机制", "安全补丁"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种反病毒技术可以动态地在虚拟环境中运行可疑文件,以观察其行为并检测潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["启发式扫描", "行为基线分析", "沙箱模拟分析", "特征码匹配"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动端安全中,沙箱模拟技术主要用于哪种恶意代码识别场景?", "answers": ["检测应用程序中的数据泄露", "隔离并分析可疑应用的行为", "防止网络钓鱼攻击", "实时监控系统调用以检测异常"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范策略对于防止移动设备上的恶意应用安装最有效?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统", "禁用设备的蓝牙功能", "只从官方应用商店下载应用", "关闭设备的Wi-Fi连接"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "下列哪项是移动设备上防止病毒感染的关键措施?", "answers": ["关闭设备的蓝牙功能", "安装并定期更新移动安全软件", "限制应用程序的权限", "禁用设备的Wi-Fi连接"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全漏洞管理中,以下哪项措施是用于识别和评估系统中存在的安全漏洞?", "answers": ["入侵检测系统(IDS)的部署", "补丁管理流程的实施", "漏洞评估工具的使用", "安全配置的定期审查"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机入侵检测系统中,以下哪种方法主要用于识别已知的攻击模式?", "answers": ["异常检测", "行为分析", "签名检测", "威胁情报集成"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的认证授权过程中,以下哪种机制可以确保用户身份的安全性?", "answers": ["基于密码的认证", "基于生物特征的认证", "基于设备的认证", "基于IP地址的认证"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术主要用于分析未知的移动应用,以检测潜在的恶意行为?", "answers": ["静态分析,不运行应用程序即可分析其代码", "动态分析,通过模拟器或沙箱技术运行应用程序", "签名检测,检查应用程序的数字签名以确认其来源", "防火墙策略,阻止特定网络通信来保护设备"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防护策略最能有效防止钓鱼攻击中的恶意软件感染?", "answers": ["安装并定期更新防病毒软件", "禁用电子邮件客户端", "只使用HTTPS连接浏览网页", "避免使用任何云存储服务"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "端点安全防护技术中,哪项功能可以检测并阻止恶意软件在钓鱼攻击后执行?", "answers": ["实时行为监控", "应用程序白名单", "数据加密", "网络访问控制"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在操作系统安全配置中,以下哪种方法可以有效防止未经授权的访问?", "answers": ["禁用防火墙", "使用默认的管理员账户", "启用最小权限原则", "关闭系统更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术用于在主机上检测潜在的恶意活动并隔离受感染的系统部分?", "answers": ["威胁情报分析", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "日志分析和审计", "安全隔离与网络访问控制(SIEM)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在分析恶意软件的行为特征时,以下哪项不是典型的分析步骤?", "answers": ["收集样本", "分析网络流量", "编写恶意软件", "逆向工程"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种技术用于防止中间人攻击,确保数据在传输过程中不被窃取或篡改?", "answers": ["数据加密", "安全套接字层 (SSL)", "设备绑定", "访问控制列表 (ACL)"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "威胁情报在移动端安全事件响应中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["提供应用程序的性能优化建议", "增强用户界面的美观性", "为安全事件的响应提供决策支持", "优化设备的电池寿命"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种做法无助于保护主机免受零日攻击?", "answers": ["安装最新的安全补丁", "启用入侵检测系统", "依赖过时的操作系统版本", "配置应用程序白名单"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "身份验证在主机安全中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止数据丢失", "确保用户身份的合法性", "提高系统性能", "减少系统维护成本"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意软件分类中,以下哪一种类型通常通过电子邮件附件传播,并旨在窃取用户的敏感信息?", "answers": ["勒索软件", "间谍软件", "广告软件", "僵尸网络"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "日志管理在主机入侵检测系统中扮演什么角色?", "answers": ["用于存储用户数据以供分析", "作为检测到入侵行为后的响应措施", "记录系统活动,为事件分析和取证提供依据", "用于实时监控网络流量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备上,哪种技术可以检测到不寻常的应用行为,以识别潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["反恶意软件技术", "日志分析", "行为分析", "防火墙"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,异常检测通常用于识别哪种行为?", "answers": ["正常用户行为", "已知的攻击模式", "未知的攻击模式", "系统维护行为"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为最可能导致移动设备被物理窃取?", "answers": ["在公共场所将设备放在无人看管的桌子上", "启用设备的远程锁定和擦除功能", "安装设备防盗应用", "定期备份设备数据"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以防止计算机受到零日攻击?", "answers": ["只使用最新的软件版本", "关闭所有防火墙", "不安装任何安全软件", "定期查看电子邮件中的未知附件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点安全措施最不适用于检测和阻止已知恶意软件的活动?", "answers": ["实时扫描和签名匹配", "行为分析和异常检测", "防火墙规则过滤网络流量", "深度包检查"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为不是有效的预防策略,以减少系统漏洞被利用的风险?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的服务和端口", "过度配置系统以提供额外的安全层", "定期更新和维护操作系统", "实施最小权限原则"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备的安全配置中,以下哪项措施可以有效防止未授权的应用程序安装?", "answers": ["启用设备管理器", "禁用USB调试模式", "设置应用程序安装权限", "定期更新操作系统"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机访问控制中,以下哪种策略用于决定用户是否可以访问特定资源?", "answers": ["身份认证", "授权策略", "访问控制列表", "审计日志"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种行为可以降低个人计算机受到零日攻击的风险?", "answers": ["定期备份重要文件", "只访问已知安全的网站", "关闭所有安全软件以提高系统性能", "安装所有未经验证的软件更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "安全审计在端点安全防护策略中的目的是什么?", "answers": ["提高系统性能", "记录和分析系统的安全相关事件", "美化用户界面", "减少系统资源消耗"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用的动态分析中,以下哪种技术可以帮助检测应用程序在运行时是否存在内存泄漏问题?", "answers": ["代码覆盖率分析", "性能监控", "内存分析", "网络流量分析"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全防护策略中,以下哪项技术主要用于监控和分析网络流量,以检测潜在的恶意活动?", "answers": ["防火墙技术", "入侵检测系统(IDS)", "加密通信协议", "安全策略配置"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "主机安全中的“特权提升”通常指的是什么?", "answers": ["降低用户权限级别", "更改系统时间", "提高用户权限级别", "增加硬盘容量"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "逆向工程在移动端安全中的主要目的是什么?", "answers": ["识别恶意代码的隐藏行为", "优化应用程序性能", "创建新的恶意软件", "防止用户数据泄露"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种数据保护措施可以防止未经授权的物理访问导致的数据泄露?", "answers": ["多因素认证", "生物识别访问控制", "数据加密", "服务器机房的门禁系统"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪项是移动端恶意软件的典型特征?", "answers": ["提供免费游戏下载", "未经授权访问用户数据", "提供天气预报服务", "提供系统更新通知"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "沙箱技术在恶意软件分析中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["模拟真实环境以诱捕和分析恶意软件", "阻止所有类型的网络通信", "实时监控系统资源使用", "自动修复受感染的���件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "移动设备钓鱼攻击中,攻击者可能通过哪种方式诱骗用户下载恶意应用?", "answers": ["通过官方应用商店", "通过伪装成知名应用的更新通知", "通过邮件欺诈", "通过USB数据线直接传输"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全中,哪种活动最直接地帮助识别和修复潜在的安全弱点?", "answers": ["定期进行安全审计流程及报告", "实施强制性的审计日志审核", "执行漏洞管理,包括漏洞扫描和补丁应用", "建立并维护威胁情报数据库"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "系统日志审计在主机安全加固中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["实时监控网络流量", "检测和清除恶意软件", "记录和分析系统活动,以便于事后审计和调查", "配置防火墙规则"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "哪种技术最不适用于防止物理设备丢失或被盗后,钓鱼攻击者获取敏感信息?", "answers": ["全磁盘加密", "入侵检测系统", "端点管理系统", "身份验证技术"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在响应端点安全事件时,哪个步骤是首要的?", "answers": ["隔离受影响的设备", "收集证据并分析攻击源", "修复漏洞并恢复数据", "通知所有员工提高警惕"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在应对钓鱼攻击时,安全软件应用应具备哪些功能?", "answers": ["实时反病毒扫描", "恶意网站过滤", "深度包检查", "所有选项都是"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以帮助识别不寻常的系统活动,可能表明存在恶意软件?", "answers": ["病毒扫描", "文件完整性检查", "行为分析", "端口扫描"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "下列措施中, ( )不是减少病毒的传染和造成的损失的好办法。", "answers": ["重要的文件要及时、定期备份,使备份能反映出系统的最新状态", "外来的文件要经过病毒检测才能使用,不要使用盗版软件", "不与外界进行任何交流,所有软件都自行开发", "定期用抗病毒软件对系统进行查毒、杀毒"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在远程监控端点安全时,以下哪种行为是最佳实践?", "answers": ["仅监控设备的活动,不进行任何干预", "实时监控设备,快速响应异常活动", "定期进行手动检查,不依赖自动化工具", "只在设备出现故障时才开始监控"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防病毒策略最适合防止未知恶意软件的威胁?", "answers": ["基于签名的扫描", "行为基线分析", "防火墙规则过滤", "定期更新操作系统补丁"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动端用户授权管理中,以下哪种做法最不符合隐私保护的最佳实践?", "answers": ["在用户首次打开应用时请求所有必要的权限", "根据用户的使用场景动态请求权限", "提供清晰的权限说明和控制选项", "允许用户随时撤销已授予的权限"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防范策略可以有效防止移动设备上的钓鱼攻击?", "answers": ["仅下载官方应用商店的APP", "关闭设备的自动更新功能", "在公共WiFi下进行敏感操作", "不安装任何安全软件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全审计与日志分析中,以下哪种做法最有助于检测和响应潜在的入侵行为?", "answers": ["定期备份系统文件,以便在入侵后恢复", "实施入侵检测系统(IDS)并配置日志记录", "启用防火墙以阻止所有外部网络访问", "仅对关键系统应用最新的安全补丁"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "逻辑推理", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种措施可以防止端点设备上的凭证被盗,以进行身份冒充?", "answers": ["定期更换复杂的密码", "使用加密技术对本地存储的密码进行哈希", "实施安全更新管理", "使用硬件令牌进行身份验证"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "计算机机房是安装计算机信息系统主体的关键场所,是 ( ) 工作的重点,所以对计算机机房要加强安全管理。", "answers": ["实体安全保护", "人员管理", "媒体安全保护", "设备安全保护"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在分析恶意软件时,以下哪个步骤是首先进行的?", "answers": ["逆向工程以理解代码逻辑", "收集样本的元数据和属性", "在沙箱环境中执行样本", "分析网络通信模式"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "沙箱模拟在移动端安全中的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止用户访问不安全的网站", "检测应用程序在隔离环境中可能产生的恶意行为", "加密存储敏感数据", "限制应用程序的网络访问权限"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机日志监控中,哪种做法有助于防止日志数据被篡改?", "answers": ["定期备份日志", "加密日志文件", "限制日志的访问权限", "实时分析日志内容"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动应用安全中,以下哪种加密算法通常用于保护用户数据的存储安全?", "answers": ["DES", "AES", "RSA", "MD5"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "\\\\/etc\\\\/Passwd文件是UNIX\\\\/Linux安全的关键文件之一。该文件用于用户登录是校对用户登录名、加密的口令数据项、用户ID(UID)、默认的用户分组ID(GID)、用户信息、用户登录目录以及登录后使用的shell程序。某黑客设法窃取了银行账户管理系统的passwd文件后,发现每个用户的加密的口令数据项都显示 为’x’。下列选项中,对此现象的解释正确的是( )[1分]", "answers": ["黑客窃取的passwd文件是假的", "用户的登录口令经过不可逆的加密算法加密结果为“x”", "加密口令被转移到了另一个文件里", "这些账户都被禁用了"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在恶意代码识别中,以下哪种技术主要用于分析程序的行为和执行流程,以理解其功能和潜在的恶意意图?", "answers": ["静态分析", "动态沙箱", "哈希比对", "反病毒签名更新"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "Linux系统文件的访问权限属性通过9个字符来表示,分别表示文件属主.文件所属组用户和其他用户对文件的读(r).写(w)及执行(x)的权限。文件usr\\\\/bin\\\\/passwd的属性信息如下图所示,在文件权限中还出现了以为s,下列选项中对这一位s的理解正确的是()。-r-s—x—x 1 root root 10704 Apr 20 11:55[1分]", "answers": ["文件权限出现了错误,出现S的位应该改成X", "S表示sticky位,设置sticky位后,就算用户对目录具有写权限,也不能删除该文件", "s表示SGID位,文件在执行阶段具有文件所在组的权限", "s表示SUID位,文件在执行阶段具有文件所有者的权限"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "下列哪项不是恶意软件的分类方式?", "answers": ["按传播方式分类", "按感染目标分类", "按软件功能分类", "按软件版本分类"], "label": "D", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全事件响应中,以下哪项措施用于防止攻击扩散并保护未受影响的部分?", "answers": ["数据备份", "应急计划", "隔离措施", "恢复验证"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于移动应用,以隐藏用户的身份和行为,防止个人数据被追踪?", "answers": ["SSL\\\\/TLS", "Tor网络", "双因素认证", "数据加密"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种防火墙配置可以阻止未经授权的外部访问个人计算机?", "answers": ["关闭所有防火墙规则", "只允许特定的已知安全的IP地址访问", "允许所有出站流量,阻止所有入站流量", "允许所有流量,不进行任何过滤"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术可以用于加固移动应用,防止恶意代码注入和反编译?", "answers": ["数据加密", "代码混淆", "访问控制", "防火墙配置"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在主机安全审计中,异常检测通常用于以下哪个目的?", "answers": ["优化系统性能", "提高用户工作效率", "识别和响应安全威胁", "减少系统维护成本"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在进行钓鱼攻击时,信息收集是哪个阶段的关键活动?", "answers": ["攻击执行", "后渗透阶段", "预攻击阶段", "安全防御阶段"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种安全措施可以有效地防止恶意软件在个人计算机上运行?", "answers": ["定期更新操作系统和应用程序以获取最新的安全补丁", "关闭所有防火墙以允许所有网络通信", "只使用不包含任何加密技术的软件", "完全依赖访问控制列表来阻止所有未知文件"], "label": "A", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种技术最常用于网络钓鱼攻击中,以混淆受害者并使其点击恶意链接?", "answers": ["社会工程学", "URL混淆", "恶意软件隐藏", "两步验证破解"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在端点安全防护措施中,以下哪项是针对钓鱼攻击最有效的防御手段?", "answers": ["定期进行系统更新和补丁安装", "使用入侵检测系统(IDS)", "实施反钓鱼教育和培训", "增强身份验证机制"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "以下哪种端点安全实践最不利于防止恶意软件传播?", "answers": ["禁用不必要的端口和协议", "定期备份数据", "启用端点设备的文件共享", "实施应用程序白名单策略"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "移动设备上最常用的防御机制之一是什么?", "answers": ["硬件加密", "应用白名单", "沙盒机制", "定期系统更新"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在移动设备丢失或被盗的情况下,哪种措施可以有效地保护数据不被泄露?", "answers": ["物理访问控制", "加密技术应用", "远程数据擦除", "生物识别技术"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在制定移动端安全策略时,以下哪项措施最有助于防止数据泄露?", "answers": ["定期进行漏洞扫描", "实施强密码策略", "数据加密", "限制应用权限"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在保护主机免受网络攻击时,入侵检测系统(IDS)的主要作用是什么?", "answers": ["防止未经授权的网络访问", "阻止所有来自未知IP的流量", "检测并报告可疑的网络活动", "自动修复受到的网络攻击"], "label": "C", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "端点与主机安全"} +{"question": "在文件系统安全机制中,以下哪种技术用于确保文件内容的机密性?", "answers": ["访问控制列表(ACL)", "加密技术", "审计跟踪", "备份恢复"], "label": "B", "language": "Chinese", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "数据安全"} +{"question": "What is the purpose of social engineering in penetration testing?", "answers": ["A. To identify and exploit vulnerabilities in software or systems using automated tools and techniques.", "B. To simulate real-world attacks by manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information or performing unauthorized actions.", "C. To analyze network traffic and detect suspicious activities or potential security breaches.", "D. To conduct physical security assessments by testing the effectiveness of access controls and surveillance systems."], "label": "B", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "应用安全"} +{"question": "Which of the following is true of two-factor authentication?", "answers": ["It uses the RSA public-key signature based on integers with large prime factors.", "It requires two measurements of hand geometry.", "It does not use single sign-on technology.", "It relies on two independent proofs of identity."], "label": "D", "language": "English", "ability": "知识记忆", "domain": "身份与访问控制"}