int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 2
0 | BrandThunder | Brand Thunder |
1 | iampissed | i am pissed |
2 | theotherthing | the other thing |
3 | iran88 | iran88 |
4 | BoysPlzTakeNote | Boys Plz Take Note |
5 | FedPolice | Fed Police |
6 | ChabadLubavitch | Cha bad Lubavitch |
7 | BestenDank | Besten Dank |
8 | MeuMomentoFofoqueiro | Meu Momento Fofoqueiro |
9 | spiders | spiders |
10 | mdbs | mdbs |
11 | ShouldStayinBoxWhereTheyBelong | Should Stay in Box Where They Belong |
12 | godaan | godaan |
13 | ZwaarVoorSchut | Zwaar Voor Schut |
14 | JamesLeGros | James Le Gros |
15 | woodf | woodf |
16 | backupand | back up and |
17 | FeelingSvelt | Feeling Svelt |
18 | 1stconcert | 1st concert |
19 | iwillnevergetover | i will never get over |
20 | themjeans | them jeans |
21 | HaveYouSeenTheDragon | Have You Seen The Dragon |
22 | MoonFruit | Moon Fruit |
23 | jinglede | jingle de |
24 | SideEffects | Side Effects |
25 | carmelindiana | carmel indiana |
26 | UpAndToTheRight | Up And To The Right |
27 | blogartikel | blog artikel |
28 | point2 | point 2 |
29 | SweetJobasDreams | Sweet Jobas Dreams |
30 | TedxDublin | Tedx Dublin |
31 | TotallyTekeeTomatoTeam | Totally Tekee Tomato Team |
32 | DrakeWars | Drake Wars |
33 | WednesdayComicRun | Wednesday Comic Run |
34 | fartnoise | fart noise |
35 | SupportSolano | Support Solano |
36 | YouknoYouFromTrinidad | You kno You From Trinidad |
37 | stabintheback | stab in the back |
38 | CityFail | City Fail |
39 | jrpg | jrpg |
40 | kaushal | kaushal |
41 | grueling | grueling |
42 | foresthills | forest hills |
43 | sinvoz | sin voz |
44 | tomorrowishisbirthday | tomorrow is his birthday |
45 | RalphLaurenfail | Ralph Lauren fail |
46 | onlinespiel | onlinespiel |
47 | virtuosos | virtuosos |
48 | BestTwitNames | Best Twit Names |
49 | reallytrue | really true |
50 | InaPerfectworld | In a Perfect world |
51 | itwouldbesweet | it would be sweet |
52 | nondriving | non driving |
53 | BangPop | Bang Pop |
54 | snuggley | snuggley |
55 | RealGhettoShit | Real Ghetto Shit |
56 | socialmediaseries | social media series |
57 | operarock | opera rock |
58 | gaskets | gaskets |
59 | ThingsIdoAtHomeButNotInPublic | Things I do At Home But Not In Public |
60 | snuggles | snuggles |
61 | snuggler | snuggler |
62 | patinete | patinete |
63 | BiblicalCounseling | Biblical Counseling |
64 | howmanykids | how many kids |
65 | stocknews | stock news |
66 | ThingsYouSayInTheShower | Things You Say In The Shower |
67 | dullconversation | dull conversation |
68 | ViveNunca | Vive Nunca |
69 | makemeweep | make me weep |
70 | devergonha | de vergonha |
71 | EncryptStick | Encrypt Stick |
72 | ficandovelho | ficando velho |
73 | MercedesSigns | Mercedes Signs |
74 | TeamEli | Team Eli |
75 | lifeaffirming | life affirming |
76 | AmFortydiet | Am Fortydiet |
77 | gakngeh | gak ngeh |
78 | malting | malting |
79 | dayumn | dayumn |
80 | travelclub | travel club |
81 | DozenDoNots | Dozen Do Nots |
82 | GrowingPains | Growing Pains |
83 | YelpEats | Yelp Eats |
84 | SaintSundayShoutouts | Saint Sunday Shoutouts |
85 | JamieArcher | Jamie Archer |
86 | EnglishMajors | English Majors |
87 | VacationBliss | Vacation Bliss |
88 | SaveMobyDick | Save Moby Dick |
89 | EarthHour2010 | Earth Hour 2010 |
90 | RocklinToday | Rocklin Today |
91 | shitpresents | shit presents |
92 | DataRoom | Data Room |
93 | youcaribbean | you caribbean |
94 | DerSpiegel | Der Spiegel |
95 | WastedWednesday | Wasted Wednesday |
96 | CelebritySpamssonTwitter | Celebrity Spamss on Twitter |
97 | overacheiver | overacheiver |
98 | fishgodeep | fish go deep |
99 | wingsetc | wings etc |
Subsets and Splits