diff --git "a/data/stories2_cleaned.jsonl" "b/data/stories2_cleaned.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/stories2_cleaned.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,988 @@ +{"text": "TERMINAL SESSION ID: [ERROR/OUT_OF_BOUND]\n\nFROM: [AUTOMATED MESSAGE]\n\nTO: Junior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nWelcome to the SCP Foundation, researcher.\nIt has likely been a difficult journey to find yourself where you are today, having to be scouted out by people you've never met before and invited to exams and interviews for a position you were never fully told of. We can imagine you already have a few questions, whether it be where you are, who is here with you, or why you were chosen to be here. Many of these questions we will not be able to answer. Some of those, we will.\nIn the interest of not making new personnel go through their first several weeks guessing what each task force, site, and acronym actually stands for, we have compiled all the information you'd reasonably need (and can be given) into a single automated message, sent to every new recruit's personal inbox. We recommend going over these at your earliest convenience.\n\nAbout the SCP Foundation, our mission statement, a word from the Administrator, and other miscellaneous information we expect new recruits to be aware of.\n\nObject Classes, a rundown of the standard anomaly classification system and what each designation says about its respective item. Required reading for new researchers. Information regarding esoteric object classes may also be accessed.\n\nSecurity Clearance Levels, how our classification system works. Violation of clearance levels is grounds for instant contract termination, and likely amnesticization, so take this information to heart.\n\nFoundation Facilities, an explanation of what your Site or Area designation stands for, along with what to expect in such locations.\n\nFoundation Departments, the various subdivisions of our organisation. Due to the vast number of anomalous items in our possession, we have multiple operational departments, each focusing on a different aspect of our research. Cursory knowledge of these sectors may assist you when handling unknown objects.\n\nMobile Task Forces, our highly specialized containment teams. Depending on the anomaly, you may require a different kind of expertise than what you personally know, so a cursory knowledge of this list may help during times of crisis.\n\nThe Personnel Dossier, a list of your superiors, fellow workmates, and other individuals of particular interest. This list is mostly redacted to personnel of lower security clearances, so do not be alarmed if you cannot see any names.\n\nGroups of Interest, a list of other organisations aware of the anomalous. Members of these groups may be encountered by field agents, and many of the objects currently in containment were originally created or have been utilised by a Group of Interest.\n\nLocations of Interest, a list of anomalous locations inhabited by a permanent community, necessitating a more diplomatic approach to their containment.\n\nLastly, K-Class \"End of the World\" Scenarios, as a reminder of what horrors lurk in the dark.\n\nIf at any point you come across terminology you're unfamiliar with, feel free to look it up in our Glossary of Terms.\nAdditionally, as you're presently listed as a Junior Researcher, here's a few resources you may use in order to get a better understanding of the anomalous and its limits (or lack thereof).\n\nThe Log of Anomalous Items, a list of objects contained by the Foundation which do not currently warrant an SCP designation and containment procedures. A number of these items are available for testing purposes upon request.\n\nThe Log of Extranormal Events, as an internal reminder of unusual events which occurred too suddenly for Foundation intervention or designation.\n\nThe Log of Unexplained Locations, for locations that are presently anomalous, but do not warrant any more Foundation attention than basic concealment procedures.\n\nIf you have any more questions, ask your assigned senior researcher. Remember that there's a considerable likelihood that your question will have a classified answer, and that you may not receive a response.\nWelcome again, recruit, and good luck.\nThis message was sent via an automated system; Do not respond.\n\nEnd Session\n\n53 45 43 55 52 45 43 4f 4e 54 41 49 4e 50 52 4f 54 45 43 54 57 45 44 49 45 49 4e 54 48 45 44 41 52 4b 54 48 45 52 45 49 53 4e 4f 53 49 54 45 2d 35 43 41 4e 54 46 49 54 52 4f 55 4e 44 50 45 47 53 49 4e 53 51 55 41 52 45 48 4f 4c 45 53 44 4f 45 53 54 48 45 42 4c 41 43 4b 4d 4f 4f 4e 48 4f 57 4c\n52 45 4d 45 4d 42 45 52 20 55 53 2e"} +{"text": "Still from unverified amateur footage\n\nItem #: SCP-1000\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All media reports related to SCP-1000 are to be examined for potential verifiability. All organizations and individuals investigating SCP-1000's existence are to be kept under surveillance by Mobile Task Force Zeta-1000 and discredited or administered amnestics. All physical signs of SCP-1000's existence must be retrieved and kept in Foundation custody, and replaced with decoy items if necessary. Alleged sightings of SCP-1000 must always be investigated by MTF Zeta-1000, however trivial the claim.\nAbsolutely no contact with wild or captive instances of SCP-1000 is allowed without prior approval by Director Jones. Any interaction between SCP-1000 and humans, including Foundation personnel, must be reported to Director Jones immediately.\nDescription: SCP-1000 is a nocturnal, omnivorous ape, classified in the Hominini branch along with genera Pan and Homo. Adults range in size from 1.5 to 3 m (5 to 10 ft) in height, and weigh between 90 and 270 kg (200 - 600 lbs). They have grey, brown, black, red, and occasionally white fur. They possess large eyes with good vision, a pronounced brow ridge, and a sagittal crest on the forehead similar to that of the gorilla, but present in both sexes. Their intelligence is on par with that of Pan troglodytes (the common chimpanzee).\nSCP-1000 evolved alongside Homo sapiens, existing contemporaneously with proto-humans and humans in large numbers until 10,000-15,000 years ago, when an extinction event eliminated all but 1-5% of their population. This event was triggered by SCP-1000 contracting an anomalous \"pseudo-disease\" classified as SCP-1000-f1. This disease is passed on at the genetic level and affects every present-day instance of SCP-1000. The majority of SCP-1000 instances are born immune to the effect; those who are not born immune quickly die.\nThe effect of SCP-1000-f1 is as follows: Any hominid (including humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and non-immune instances of SCP-1000) that directly or indirectly observes any instance of SCP-1000 has a minimum 2% chance of being instantly killed through anomalous means via permanent cessation of brain function. This percentage is cumulative, and the longer a human views SCP-1000, the higher the chance of instantaneous death increases, at a rate of +1% chance per 20 minutes of viewing. This effect varies between individual members of SCP-1000's species, with some individuals carrying a 'death chance' of 90%. The effect is also produced by dead individuals, though small fur samples do not exhibit the effect.\nKnown means of preventing this effect are small-scale only and include [REDACTED] (see attached documentation; Level 3 clearance required).\nBecause of SCP-1000's close relation to humanity, it is considered likely that SCP-1000-f1 could eventually transfer to human carriers. Any instance of SCP-1000 finding its way to a major population center could constitute an \u2588\u2588-class end of the world scenario with a minimum death toll of [REDACTED] and possible extinction of humanity. Fortunately, SCP-1000 appears to instinctively avoid human contact.\nIt is not currently feasible to exterminate SCP-1000 entirely.\nThe highest known population concentrations of SCP-1000 are at present located in the Pacific Northwest region of North America and the Himalayan Mountain range in Asia. As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, these populations remain extant. SCP-1000's presence and [DATA EXPUNGED] have also been documented within the past 5 years on every continent. All known significant populations of SCP-1000 located near human population centers have been eliminated.\nSCP-1000 came to the attention of the Foundation via contact by Doctor Franz M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in 14\u2588\u2588 with the Children of the Sun, who identified themselves as outcast members of the Serpent's Hand. This group has since been completely destroyed by the Foundation, due to their reluctance to surrender information about SCP-1000, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 (since reclassified as SCP-1000-\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-1000-\u2588\u2588\u2588). Remaining members have either joined the Foundation, or have gone into hiding, presumably as members of the Serpent's Hand. Weapons, tools, and other unique pseudo-technological resources in possession of the organization have been classified as SCP-1000-001 through SCP-1000-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. These resources have been made use of by the Foundation in multiple instances; for a full list, see Document 1000-3534-Y (Level 3 clearance required). Access to surviving ex-members of the Children of the Sun is restricted to personnel with clearance level 4/1000 unless given direct authorization for contact by Director Jones.\nFurther information is available to personnel with clearance level 3/1000 or above. Personnel with clearance level 3/1000 or above are required to read Document Alpha-1596-1000.\nAddendum 1000-466-X: Update to Special Containment Procedures: As of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-1000's Special Containment Procedures no longer include Procedure 516-Lumina. [DATA EXPUNGED] indicates that SCP-1000 may be developing a resistance to the sonic element [DATA EXPUNGED] will not develop further, so that Procedure 516-Lumina can still be used in emergency situations. Investigation into alternate means of reliably keeping SCP-1000 away from human population centers is underway. Whether SCP-1000 resistance to Procedure 516-Lumina was calculated (and as such may be a sign of SCP-1000 [REDACTED]) or coincidental (by chance of natural species variation) is not known at this time.\n\n== LEVEL 3 CLEARANCE REQUIRED ==\nDocument Alpha-1596-1000: Missive from Director Jones\n\nYou've probably heard the rumors before now. Everyone without the clearance level to know better wants to get their dig in. \"Did you hear Sasquatch is an SCP? Are we gonna capture and contain Batboy next?\"\nYes. SCP-1000 is Bigfoot.\nI'm sure you've snickered. Don't worry. Contrary to rumors, we don't actually assign you to \"Keter duty\" for finding something humorous.\nYou think Bigfoot is funny because we want you to think Bigfoot is funny. We've bankrolled Hollywood comedies and farcical documentaries, paid off men in gorilla suits, perpetrated hoaxes with bear prints and goat fur, bribed and brainwashed cartoonists to get especially silly depictions on children's television. Even the term \"Bigfoot\" comes from us, planted in the media in 1958, a term people would find even harder to take seriously than \"Sasquatch\".\nWhy? We'll get to that.\nThe information in the article that you've already read isn't entirely true. There are two direct lies, and plenty of lies of omission.\nThere is no such thing as the \"anomalous pseudo-disease\" referred to as SCP-1000-f1. SCP-1000 does not possess a magical death aura. In fact, SCP-1000 does not directly exhibit any anomalous effect whatsoever.\nWe also lied about SCP-1000's intelligence level. SCP-1000 aren't chimp-level smart. They're smarter - to be precise, they are exactly as smart as us.\nThat brings us to the lies of omission. That's what this letter is for. The lies came from me, so I figure the truth should come from me as well.\nThis is the story we got from the Children of the Sun who defected to us. It's a story we didn't believe - refused to believe, at first.\nAs you've already read, the apes we call SCP-1000 evolved alongside us. We walked in the daytime, they walked in the nighttime, our nocturnal siblings in the shadows.\nBut while we were still wandering hunter-gatherers, they\u2026 changed. Like we would, a few thousand years later. Tools. Weapons. Agriculture. Domesticated animals. Stable settlements. As humanity blinked in the Pleistocene sun, SCP-1000's population exploded across the night. They blanketed the planet in the tens of billions.\nThey made things that we still can't comprehend, even though we've thoroughly studied the surviving pieces. Organic technology. They made trees and birds of prey grow into fast-moving ships, herds of animals that became trains, bushes that became flying vehicles. From insects and pigeons they made things equivalent to cell phones, televisions, computers. Atomic bombs. The Children describe vast shining cities, stretching across glaciers and penetrating the deepest caverns, grown skyships of ivory and spider-silk, creatures tending them with hundreds of blinking eyes.\nWe were rare, like gorillas now, a few hundred thousand left at best. We avoided their settlements just like wild animals today avoid ours. SCP-1000 understood we were intelligent like them, but avoided us just as we avoided them, saw us as fairies, as gnomes, ascribed us supernatural powers, said we ate bad children while they slept in daylight. They fenced off our dwindling wild populations in conservatories, outlawed poaching but in the underground consumed our bones as aphrodisiacs.\nThen their civilization fell. And we did it. By 'we' I don't mean the Foundation. By 'we', I mean humanity.\nThe story is muddy. Supposedly a trickster forest god showed humanity favor, showed us the master's tools and how to use them. Why we did it, we don't know. Perhaps they hunted us, perhaps we were simply afraid. Perhaps it was just that they fenced us in, unintentionally or not. We simply don't know what the truth is. Somehow we acquired SCP-1000's own technology, and with it, we instigated an SK-class dominance shift in which humanity became the dominant species of Earth.\nWe wiped out 70% of SCP-1000's population in a single day. The Day of Flowers, the Children called it. Supposedly every flower bloomed that day, while our enemies died in their sleep. Then we hunted the rest down. But we went further than just killing them. With a few of the more twisted of SCP-1000's devices, we drove the survivors mad, even those hiding beyond our reach. We trapped them in their own minds, blocking higher functions and leaving their bodies to fend for themselves like any ordinary ape. We slaughtered their living machines and burned their vast shining cities with SCP-1000's bioweapons that reduced everything to slurry and dust that washed or blew away in spring rain and wind.\nWe left no traces. Not even our own memory. We turned one of the weapons on ourselves, wiped out any knowledge of SCP-1000 and the greatest civilization the planet had ever seen. Only a few humans protected themselves from the effect, kept the forbidden knowledge, just in case. The rest of us went back to being hunter-gatherers, none the wiser.\nWhich brings us to today.\nYou're going to read all about this in the level 3 documentation, but I'll give you the short version here: SCP-1000 are somehow regaining their forgotten intelligence and knowledge. Maybe they never truly lost it. We don't know.\nThis is why the ever-increasing number of \"Bigfoot sightings\" is so worrying. Why the attempts at contact, however indecipherable, are even more worrying.\nYes. SCP-1000 are just like us. That's what makes them so dangerous. We wiped them from history and memory. We dissolved their civilization and we slaughtered most of their species. Just ask yourselves: If they got the chance, what more would they do to us?\n\nAddendum 1000-056-D: Instances of SCP-1000 have tried to make contact with Foundation personnel on multiple occasions. Most of these attempts at contact have [DATA EXPUNGED] untranslated, though recent attempts show that some instances of SCP-1000 are capable of communicating in English.\n\nDisplay Ancillary Anomaly Reports\n\nClose Ancillary Anomaly Reports\n\nAddendum 1000-104-Y: Certain acquired documents contain extensive references to SCP-1000. Relevant is that the documents appear to be composed by entities associated directly with the location known as the Wanderer's Library. Context or significance of document details not yet clarified.\nAddendum 1000-276-A: Numerous anomalous objects with a known connection to SCP-1000 [DATA EXPUNGED] prior cyclical iterations. As one example, SCP-2273 may not have a point of origin in a parallel timeline, but instead a prior \"iteration\". SCP-2932, SCP-2511, and other sources of living cultural insight into SCP-1000 (or a variation) all present \"consistent inconsistencies\" which may be used to create a fuller picture of the nature of these \"iterations\", though conclusions are uncertain.\nAddendum 1000-276-Q: Special report [DATA EXPUNGED] This unnumbered \"black box\" anomalous item anchored underneath the structure is likely the most significant anomalous object known to have been utilized. Central to understanding SCP-1000's anomalous capabilities, including capabilities not developed directly, but accessed from prior [DATA EXPUNGED] modern-day relevance to the Foundation and to society at large in a scenario of general containment failure.\n\nClose Ancillary Anomaly Reports\n\nLog 1000-ad065-x1: The following is a rough translation of recent SCP-1000 attempt at communication with Foundation personnel on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588 (see attached documentation).\n\nwe forgive you;\ngiven choice for now, not forever;\nlet us back in\n\n\u00ab SCP-999 | SCP-1000 | SCP-1001 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Photosynthetic\n\nSCP-1001 - Ya-Te-Veo by Photosynthetic\n\nMore by this author\n\nItem#: 1001\n\nLevel2\n\nContainment Class:\neuclid\n\nSecondary Class:\nnone\n\nDisruption Class:\nvlam\n\nRisk Class:\ndanger\n\nlink to memo\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1001 is to be kept at Bio Site-103, in a greenhouse reinforced as per Dangerous Organisms Protocol 12A. It is to remain rooted in the soil core, 9 m diameter x 4 m deep, in which it was removed from the site of discovery. It is to be watered and fertilized sporadically, as detailed in Document 1001-2. No object capable of producing hazardous sound (sonic weaponry, audio-based memetic effects, high-decibel infrasound, etc.) is permitted within hearing distance of Bio Site-103.\nThe object is to be fed 20 kg of Nutritional Supplement 1001-R-8 once monthly. The precise formula for Nutritional Supplement 1001-R-8 is detailed in Document 1001-2, but it bears repeating that the supplement's protein content is not to be less than 40% by mass, and that all protein is to derive from pigs, dogs, or comparably-intelligent species. These guidelines may be altered as necessary when testing requires that SCP-1001 be hungry.\nBones, horns, and other hard tissues are never to be provided except as part of duly-supervised tests. All tests involving provision of hard tissue are to be preapproved by both Dr. Glastonbury and the current Security Director of Site-103.\nDescription: SCP-1001 is a single plant apparently belonging to an undescribed species of Welwitschia. Unlike other Welwitschia species, it has a tree-like trunk which broadens into a woody taproot 180 cm wide and 5 m long, 2 m of which protrudes above the surface. Also unique to SCP-1001 are its leaves, which are up to 6 m long, lined with barbed prickles, and capable of secreting a sticky pitch-like resin, and which are capable of motion with considerable dexterity and strength. SCP-1001 is geographically disjunct from its known relatives, having been found in the Andean high desert near \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Peru.\nSCP-1001's trunk and taproot are hollow, opening to a rounded aperture at its apex, and filled with a highly caustic solution of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes comparable to those found in the pitchers of Nepenthes spp. This solution is capable of reducing 50 kg of soft animal tissue to a thin slurry within 20 minutes of submersion.\nWhile it is capable of photosynthesis, SCP-1001's leaves are singularly inefficient, producing only approximately 50% of the plant's caloric requirements. Likewise, its roots are unusually ineffective at uptake of organic and mineral nutrients. To mitigate this deficiency, SCP-1001 is an obligate carnivore: it uses its prehensile leaves to capture passing prey and pull it into the central cavity, where it is digested.\nSCP-1001's intelligence is highly debatable. Its basic hunting tactics resemble those of Paralichthys spp. (flounders): it buries its longest leaves in the sand and waits for a sufficiently large animal (at least 40 kg) to pass by, whereupon it emerges suddenly and captures the passing prey. When this tactic does not produce results sufficiently quickly, however, SCP-1001 resorts to sophisticated audio mimicry. It is capable of reproducing literally any sound it has ever been exposed to, as well as recombining \u201cknown\u201d sounds into novel phrases. It has been observed using the latter capacity to lure human prey, speaking in the voices of other humans known to the prey subject. Its means of sound production are unknown.\nAlso interesting are SCP-1001's prey preferences: it prefers to consume intelligent animals, especially those capable of tool use or of building artificial structures. Humans are always its preferred prey, but in their absence it has accepted primates, dogs, parrots, pigs, beavers, ants, and nest-building birds. Note that many of these species fall well below its usual size threshold, some to such a degree that capturing and digesting them produces a net energy loss. Its method of detecting intelligence is unknown but apparently not based on experience, since it has attacked squid and small dolphins with eagerness comparable to its attacks on humans and Andean monkeys.\nSCP-1001 is incapable of digesting hard tissues completely: the bones of its prey are gradually excreted through channels near the top edges of the caudex. Once excreted, these bones are invariably picked up with one of the object's leaves and moved to a location on or beneath the soil surface surrounding SCP-1001. The object arranges the bones in complex patterns which are demonstrably useless for water capture and, being primarily subterranean, do not aid in attracting prey. Their resemblance to the \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Nazca [DATA REDACTED] and the devotional mandalas of SCP-[DATA REDACTED] have led Dr. Glastonbury to hypothesize that they may be representational or even [DATA REDACTED] anomalous effects.\nAt the time of its discovery by the SCP Foundation in 18\u2588\u2588, SCP-1001 was located at the center of a roughly-circular bone pattern 18 m in diameter and 8 m deep, \u25887% of which was composed of human bone. Nearby native tribes professed religious fear of the object and were providing it with regular human sacrifices. The sacrificial ritual, as finally divulged to Foundation interrogators, required attendant priests to escort the sacrifice toward SCP-1001 along a strictly-delineated \u201cavenue\u201d later found to correspond closely to certain features of the subterranean bone pattern. Deviations from the pattern were said to be punished by capture and consumption of the attendants as well as the sacrifice, but a successful ritual resulted in only one person being taken. In rare cases, a priest would be directed to move a particular bone to positions just outside the object's reach; correct placement would be rewarded either with an unspecified gift or a longer reprieve before the next required sacrifice. Oral histories state the ritual to have been originally demanded by the tree itself, [DATA REDACTED] \u201cspoke in the voice of our [DATA REDACTED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-1000 | SCP-1001 | SCP-1002 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1002\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All objects tied to instances of SCP-1002 are to be contained in a brightly lit 6m x 6m (20 x 20 ft) chamber. SCP-1002-6 is to be contained in a suitably sized hangar. No D-class personnel are to come within ten (10) meters of the containment chamber or hangar. No personnel involved with end-of-the-month termination for D-class personnel are to come within ten (10) meters of the containment chamber or hangar.\nAll interactions with SCP-1002 instances are to be done via robotic drone. SCP-1002's containment chamber is to be guarded by three (3) members of security who have not yet killed in a combat situation. The same will be done with SCP-1002-6's containment hangar.\nDescription: SCP-1002 is an abnormal shadow belonging to a group of six (6) objects currently in Foundation custody. Each of these objects possesses the shadow of a humanoid individual, dressed in a law enforcement uniform. Objects tied to SCP-1002 currently in containment are:\n\nSCP-1002-1: A grandfather clock retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a medieval knight.\nSCP-1002-2: A small pole retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a member of the \u2588\u2588PD.\nSCP-1002-3: Large printer retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a Roman soldier.\nSCP-1002-4: A pigeon retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a member of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Police Force.\nSCP-1002-5: A kitchen knife retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a security guard at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Casino.\nSCP-1002-6: A Boeing 737 retrieved from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, possesses the shadow of a member of a SWAT team.\n\nThe objects tied to SCP-1002 do not behave in an anomalous manner with the exception of their shadow. SCP-1002 tied to these objects are dormant and stationary until an individual who has committed what is socially considered to be a crime in the last six (6) months comes within ten (10) meters of the object they are tied to. At this point, SCP-1002 instances will become active and manifest as a dark humanoid figure similar in appearance to their dormant stage.\nSCP-1002 will then attempt to pursue the targeted individual. SCP-1002 instances have demonstrated high levels of agility and appear to be able to track their target through walls. If the targeted individual moves ten (10) meters away from the SCP-1002 instance, it will return to a dormant state at its original object.\nIf the individual is caught by this manifestation, they will inflict a physical punishment directly proportionate to the crime the individual has committed. Despite the severity of this physical punishment, the victim will remain alive and conscious until taken ten (10) meters away from the manifestation. Through careful study, researchers have discovered punishments tied to the following crimes:\n\nMinor Crime (Littering, etc.): Removal and severing of fingers.\nShoplifting: Non-fatal removal of fingers, tongue and eyes\nBurglary: Non-fatal removal of hands, ears, tongue and eyes.\nAssault: Non-fatal heavy damage to the legs, removal of hands, ears, tongue and eyes\nMurder: Non-fatal removal of arms, legs, ears, tongue and eyes\nMass-Murder: Non-fatal removal of arms, legs, ears, tongue and eyes. Subject was then disemboweled and, using the subject's internal organs, suspended from the ceiling of the testing chamber. Movement was detected from the subject for two (2) minutes before they were removed from the area by members of security.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1001 | SCP-1002 | SCP-1003 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1003\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The Foundation currently has 10 instances of SCP-1003-2 (designated SCP-1003-2-a-k) in its possession, all of which are held in separate heavily guarded high-security cells at Bio-Research Area 13. All personnel at Bio-Research Area 13 are to undergo regular compulsory testing for signs of SCP-1003 infection. Personnel wishing to access SCP-1003-2-a-k may only do so for the express purpose of research, must have Level 4 security clearance, and must have written permission from O5-\u2588 beforehand. They are to wear biohazard suits when entering SCP-1003-2-a-k's cells, and go through an intensive disinfection process afterwards. No animals of the order Carnivora are to be allowed at Bio-Research Area 13 under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-1003-1 is an adult tapeworm of the species Echinococcus granulosus, known for causing hydatid disease. Like others of its species, SCP-1003-1 inhabits the small intestines of carnivores (typically canids), where it produces eggs that are passed in the host's faeces. The eggs can survive up to \u2588\u2588 years in the outside environment.\nWhen the eggs enter the gastrointestinal tract of a human subject (hereby designated the intermediate host) via consumption of contaminated food, they hatch into larvae, which burrow into the host's tissues. It is at this stage that SCP-1003's anomalous properties begin to manifest. Instead of developing into cysts, the larvae develop into creatures which resemble human embryos (hereby designated SCP-1003-2). The vast majority of SCP-1003-2 specimens die before they have a chance to develop. Those that survive are usually those that are embedded in nutrient-rich tissue, such as hepatic tissue. As they develop, they absorb nutrients from the surrounding tissue, which often causes problems for the intermediate host.\nSCP-1003-2's development mostly follows the pattern of normal human prenatal development, but at a faster rate. By 8 weeks, it is as mature as a 3-week-old neonate, although it is similar in size to an 8-week-old embryo (approximately 13-16 cm). Once it has reached this stage, it will actively consume the intermediate host from within using sharp, hooked teeth. SCP-1003-2 growth is accelerated to an even greater extent as it is doing this. By the time it has fully consumed the intermediate host (usually after \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes or so), it will have developed into a child. The physical age of the child typically ranges from 10 months to 11 years, depending on the mass of the intermediate host, though in extreme cases (where the intermediate host is morbidly obese) it can be as high as 13-15 years.\nOnce SCP-1003-2 is finished, it will lose its hooked teeth, along with its cannibalistic tendencies, from whereon it will be functionally indistinguishable from a human in every respect, with no knowledge or memory of having been a parasite. It will even possess learned skills (e.g. language) that would be expected of a child its apparent age, despite there being no way it could have learned them. Instances of SCP-1003-2 are usually taken into orphanages and sometimes adopted by foster parents. Their only anomalous properties at this stage are that their DNA is somehow still identical to that of Echinococcus granulosus, and that their body fluids (including sweat and saliva) contain tapeworm protoscolex, which infect carnivores and develop into SCP-1003-1, thus continuing the cycle.\nAddendum: Testing of SCP-1003 with animals such as cattle and sheep (which are common intermediate hosts of Echinococcus granulosus) have found that its anomalous properties only manifest in humans, and in all other cases, its life cycle is normal and causes hydatid disease in the intermediate host.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1002 | SCP-1003 | SCP-1004 \u00bb"} +{"text": "ADULT CONTENT\n\nThis article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers.\nGraphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts\nFeatures sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts.\nExplicit depiction of sexual acts.\nFeatures non-consensual sexual acts.\nDepiction of severe mistreatment of children\nDepiction of self-harm\nDepiction of suicide\nDepiction of torture\n{$custom-content}\nIf you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content.\nContinue\nBack to Front Page\n\u00ab SCP-1003 |SCP-1004| SCP-1005 \u00bb\n\nRecent Edition of SCP-1004\n\nItem #: SCP-1004\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All copies of SCP-1004-1 and -2 are to be kept in Secure Containment Locker 17, at site 37. At no point are any copies of SCP-1004 to be used for recreational purposes. Following the events of incident 1004-Dale, Researchers are no longer allowed to view the output of SCP-1004, even when filtered or via secondary source. Only D-class are allowed to view the output of SCP-1004. Use of SCP-1133-7 and SCP-894 instances by researchers and control subjects has been approved where deemed appropriate in preventing undesired spread of SCP-1004's effects.\nThe Foundation has set out to prevent anyone from receiving copies of SCP-1004 by a planned and ordered process of unrequested electronic mailings, many of which include computer viruses, malware or electronic worms. A program has also been designed and disseminated to all electronic mail providers to help prevent SCP-1004 from spreading.\nDescription: SCP-1004 is a computer program, found on either a CD (SCP-1004-2) or a 3.5\" diskette (SCP-1004-1), either of which will be hand labeled with the words 'Factory Porn.' Contained on these disks is a single executable file, labeled 'Thefactory.exe', a 1-kilobyte program. The program runs perfectly on all platforms. Running the program results in a window opening on the computer, within which 'The Factory' logo is displayed. The logo fades to black, and is replaced by the words 'What would you like to see?' At this point, the user may input any selection of words, from the ambiguous to the precise. Once a request has been input, the program will pull up several dozen images of pornographic content, each of which leads to a full video on the subject. Many of these videos appear to have never been made in real life.\nWatching videos on SCP-1004 has a cumulative effect. The more pornography a user views, the more disturbing their sexual desires become, and the harder sexual gratification becomes. After approximately 100 straight hours of viewing pornography on SCP-1004, even the most 'normal' of viewers will display an interest in scatology play, the torture and murder of living beings, bestiality, pedophilia, and combinations of the previous. The deadening of reactivity to sexual gratification will encourage them to either seek out such things with other people, or to mutilate themselves and their genitalia.\nIt should be noted that SCP-1004 displays no compulsive properties. Users are free at any time to stop using the program. The majority of users continue to use SCP-1004 because it is the easiest way to find the desired pornography.\nAs stated above, any word, or combination of words may be entered. This has been used by many victims to view popular members of high social standing in the bedroom, giving rise to many rumors of 'celebrity sex tapes.' The thought has been posited that such videos could be used for the blackmailing of politicians who are antithetical to the Foundation cause. Unfortunately, at this time, all attempts to make recordings of SCP-1004 have resulted in only taped static. Several researchers have claimed to be able to see humanoid shapes moving in the static, but this effect has not been seen on subsequent playthroughs.\nSCP-1004 appears to spread through the use of electronic messages, sent seemingly at random. Messages generally claim to have certain celebrities performing sexual acts, or to have certain depraved acts on tape that are illegal in many jurisdictions. A link included in the message requests users to enter their home address. The resulting copy of SCP-1004 show up in a plain brown wrapper within three days, through bulk mail, with no return address.\nThe Foundation currently contains 37 copies of SCP-1004-1, and 23 copies of SCP-1004-2.\nIncident 1004-Dale: Researcher Adam Dale was found to be encouraging D-class subjects to watch SCP-1004, and copulate with each other for his pleasure. It was determined Researcher Dale had been affected by SCP-1004 despite never having watched it directly, only monitoring the tests through a video feed. Any and all indirect viewing of SCP-1004 has been canceled.\n\nOlder edition of SCP-1004\n\n\u00ab SCP-1003 | SCP-1004 | SCP-1005 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1005 undergoing repair in holding chamber after test 1005-16 with Level 0 Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-1005\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1005 is to be maintained at Site-17 in a 3m x 3m x 3m holding room, equipped with dim lighting. SCP-1005 has no nutritional requirements aside from a need to maintain hydration levels; humidity in holding chamber should be kept at a minimum of 70% when possible, and at least one (1) liter of water provided for consumption daily. SCP-1005 also does not need to sleep, but has requested a chair in which to relax when not undergoing study (granted). SCP-1005 also does not produce any waste, losing water only to evaporation, thus minimal cleanup is required; SCP-1005 has volunteered to give its chamber a monthly cleaning to prevent buildup of paint residue (under consideration).\nDue to ongoing good behavior and amicable attitude, SCP-1005 has been granted permission to explore non-secured sections of Site-17 and utilize social rooms, provided it is accompanied by at least one (1) level 2 researcher and one (1) level 1 security agent. [UPDATE] By request of maintenance crews, SCP-1005 is required to wear coverings over its feet when leaving its chamber.\nDescription: SCP-1005 is a sapient humanoid entity composed of semi-solid blue paint, with exact shades ranging from near-white to deep navy. The surface of SCP-1005 has an average tensile strength approximately 75% that of human skin; this includes its \"clothing\". SCP-1005 is unable to consciously control the viscosity or shape of its overall form beyond the normal locomotion of a humanoid body; it can, however, control its outer layer to a point where it can choose whether or not its paint will smear on contacting surfaces. The degree to which SCP-1005 is able to control itself in such a manner becomes lessened if over-hydrated.\nSCP-1005 is in the shape of a bald, human male, approx. 1.9m tall, and has demonstrated the ability to speak with a deep and resonant voice; despite this, SCP-1005 has no gender in physical structure or personal identity. The apparent \"clothing\" is integrated as if skin, save for the shirt at the sleeves and lower hem, and the pants below the ankles. Only SCP-1005's shoes are fully unique; it is believed they were created separately from the rest of SCP-1005 from the beginning.\nThe process by which SCP-1005 was animated and remains so is not known; by its own admission, SCP-1005 only remembers \"becoming aware\" only a few minutes before its reclamation during a raid at an auction being held by Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. where it was up for bid alongside several items which had been under Foundation investigation, specifically [DATA EXPUNGED]. As SCP-1005 originally had no sense of self worth, identity or purpose, the Mobile Task Force enacting the raid was able to convince SCP-1005 that it belonged to the Foundation and had been stolen; it willingly entered custody and was transferred to the MTF staging area before permanent relocation to Site-17.\nTo date, SCP-1005 has been extremely cooperative with researchers, showing a polite and professional attitude. SCP-1005 lacks most complex emotions beyond levels of satisfaction and comfort and has demonstrated only limited facial expressions outside of movements required to speak. Additionally, SCP-1005 seems to lack the ability to understand abstract concepts: it is perfectly able to count, speaks fluent English with a slight Northern-Midwest American accent, and can perform simple tasks; complicated mathematics, emotional responses and existential topics such as religion leave SCP-1005 confused, usually stating that it simply does not understand. The only driving force behind SCP-1005 is a desire to make its owners \"happy with\" it, usually through cooperating with testing protocols but also while serving as entertainment or still-life living artwork for personnel during recreational periods.\nResearchers with clearance level 2 or higher access are advised to read Document 1005-01478 for an abbreviated listing of testing logs concerning SCP-1005.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1004 | SCP-1005 | SCP-1006 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1006\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1006 is contained within a 213m radius in [REDACTED] National Park and should be checked biweekly. Civilian access is to be denied by means of an 'endangered species' cover story. Relocation of SCP-1006 is strongly discouraged due to the fragility of individual members and their sensitivity to habitat changes. Observation Post 45 has been set up within the containment zone and supplies SCP-1006 with various audiobook versions of communist and classical literature at SCP-1006's request, as well as black ink and poster board as necessary.\nAll personnel entering the containment zone are required to wear level C hazardous materials protection, due to presence of fine particulate contaminants. Upon departure, a standard decontamination procedure (as per document FSP0371-D-B-07) is to be undertaken to prevent uncontrolled spread of SCP-1006.\nDescription: SCP-1006 is an organized collective of an unknown species of the genus Araneus. Individual members have achieved sapience through unknown means and have established a rudimentary system of government resembling Marxist communism.\nThe original mass of SCP-1006 was discovered on 4/1/19\u2588\u2588 by a hiking couple, who alerted park authorities. The Foundation took over after the discovery of written propaganda inside the central web, along with evidence of marked use of extremely simple tools, webs resembling faces of passersby, and simple attempts to block off the area via fallen branches.\nSCP-1006 is a social community, with some members maintaining the web and others apparently chosen to maintain the agenda of the 'whole'. Once supplied a source of black ink and poster sheets, SCP-1006 will communicate with humans by creating signs written in English. These communications are largely centered around demands for the dismantling of western imperialism, a scathing critique of the bourgeoisie, and a request for less mosquito spraying in the surrounding area of the park.\nThe 'head' of the government is a large spider that resembles a wolf spider, taking up refuge in the largest tree of the cluster. Communication has been relayed with this spider, who views the outside world as 'something that belongs to us that is merely being maintained by the bourgeois humanoids.' It has given its name as 'Benevolent Leader.'\nSCP-1006 is currently located in a cluster of black oak trees, within a massive and complex central web and several secondary webs. The webs appear to be very well maintained, with damage being constantly repaired. The surrounding area has a nauseating odor due to the presence of thousands of dead insects, individual members of SCP-1006, and an occasional dead bird and small animal.\nClose study by arachnologists and sociologists have discovered that the members of SCP-1006 utilize a central collective think-tank that passes on ideas of the 'Benevolent Leader' to the collective numbers through complex frequencies in the web.\nAddendum: The skeletal remains of a male human being were found in an area of the web, surrounded by dead insects and a variety of small shiny objects such as bottle caps and pebbles, along with the occasional pocket watch and bits of metal in apparent reverence. SCP-1006 does not allow the skeleton to be disturbed, but passive analysis indicates that the male died decades prior from a blunt trauma to the back of the head. Identification located near the body identifies him as a known political radical, reported missing from the nearby town of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas, in 1976.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1005 | SCP-1006 | SCP-1007 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1007\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When inactive, SCP-1007 is to be kept in a standard coffin along with SCP-1007-1. The subject may only be activated during routine testing. As of current regulations on \"Misters,\" SCP-1007 is to be contained in Hall 8 of Site 13.\nDescription: SCP-1007 appears to be a male of indeterminate ethnicity who undergoes the entire human life cycle within a 75 minute time-frame. The subject ages at a rate of approximately one year per minute. Once 75 minutes have elapsed, the subject will invariably expire of spontaneous cessation of metabolic activity with no evident cause. It reports feeling excruciating pain during the first 16 minutes, when its bones and muscles are changing shape very rapidly. This process violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, as the subject does not seem to require any energy input to fuel the massive amount of cellular growth.\nSCP-1007-1 is a key that fits into a small metal keyhole inserted into the subject's back, in between its shoulder blades. X-ray scans have shown that the keyhole is an empty socket with no internal mechanism. When SCP-1007-1 is turned, the subject's physical age is reversed by one year for each turn until it has regressed to the form of a neonate. It is not known where the mass that is removed from the subject's body as it shrinks disappears to. If this is done after the subject's 75 minute lifespan has elapsed, the subject will \"reactivate.\" If the subject has been \"dead\" for long enough to have decayed, any decay (regardless of its extent) will also be reversed.\nSCP-1007 was recovered by Task Force Tau-6 along with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during a raid on the California mansion of [REDACTED], a known customer of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. [REDACTED] admitted that he had obtained SCP-1007 from an MCD-sponsored auction, and claimed that at the auction in question there had been at least four other \"Misters\" for sale, though he did not recall to whom they had been sold.\nAddendum-1: The words \"Mr. Life and Mr. Death, from Little Misters \u00ae by Dr. Wondertainment\" are tattooed on SCP-1007's right calf. This designation appears as \"11\" in Document SCP-909-a.\nAddendum-2: The fact that its designation seemingly refers to a pair has been taken by some to mean that SCP-1007 has a counterpart that has yet to be recovered. SCP-1007 has stated that it is unaware of the existence of such a counterpart, and believes that its designation refers to the fact that it alternates between life and death. However, given that it was also unaware of the existence of several other \"Misters\" known to the Foundation, the existence of this hypothetical counterpart remains a possibility, and efforts are currently being made to determine its whereabouts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1006 | SCP-1007 | SCP-1008 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1008\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1008 is stored in a molded, opaque container, which is stored in a secure locker at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-1008 may only be removed from its container with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and all subjects exposed to SCP-1008 must be kept under observation until expiration.\nDescription: SCP-1008 is a polished, irregular mass of obsidian measuring approximately 8 cm in diameter at its widest point and weighing approximately 1.4 kg. The image of a sun is carved into one surface of SCP-1008, which is surrounded by an as-of-yet untranslated inscription in what is believed to be an ancient Indonesian dialect. When the sun carving of SCP-1008 is pressed against the forehead of a living human subject, its anomalous effect manifests upon nightfall.\nIn the first stage, which usually lasts approximately one week, subjects affected by SCP-1008 become unable to perceive the sun. Affected subjects can no longer see the sun, and cannot see without the aid of artificial light. Examinations of affected subjects show physical reactions consistent with a complete deprivation of solar illumination, such as eye dilation, and extended exposure to sunlight does not affect subjects or cause blindness. Additionally, subjects report being unable to see the moon or other celestial bodies illuminated primarily by sunlight, though in most cases stars are still observable.\nDuring the second stage, which lasts approximately two (2) to three (3) weeks after stage one, subjects become unable to receive heat and other solar radiation. Subjects report feeling increasingly cold, and will exhibit progressively paler skin tone as well as symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).\nIn the final stage of SCP-1008 exposure, typically four (4) to six (6) weeks after initial exposure, subjects reportedly observe increasing unhealthiness in other living subjects. Plants appear wilted and stunted, and animals appear emaciated. Most importantly, affected subjects in the final stage are unable to obtain nutrition from any plant- or animal-based food product, and will invariably expire due to malnutrition after a period of several more weeks.\nAddendum 1008-01: Transcript Excerpt of Interview with Subject 1008-01\nSubject 1008-01 (Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) was accidentally exposed to SCP-1008 while undercover and assigned to [REDACTED]. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately brought SCP-1008 to the attention of the Foundation upon manifestation of its effects, and was placed under observation.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What was the first indication that something anomalous had taken place?\nSubject 1008-01: I woke up at\u2026 about five in the morning, I think, the day after first contact. I'm used to getting up before the sun comes up, and I thought it was weird that I couldn't see the pre-dawn glow. And\u2026 the sun just never came up. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 called me and asked why I wasn't up on such a fine sunny day, and that's when I broke cover and called it in.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened next?\nSubject 1008-01: Well, for the first few days it wasn't so bad. It was just that the sun never came up, and it was weird when it was completely dark out and you couldn't see anything but people were moving around normally.\nSubject 1008-01: It got harder after the first week, though. It just\u2026 started getting colder and colder. And everything, the trees and plants, all started looking sick and wilted even though everyone else told me they were just fine.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Go on.\nSubject 1008-01: Yesterday was when it really started getting really bad, I guess\u2026 it's just\u2026 everything comes from the sun. All the food we grow, the animals we raise\u2026 it's all just energy from the sun\u2026 I just can't eat any more\u2026\n\nSubject 1008-01 became unable to eat after 36 days under the effect of SCP-1008 and was eventually sedated and placed on an IV regimen. Subject expired after approximately 43 days in containment, with cause of death determined to be advanced hypothermia and malnutrition.\nAddendum 1008-02: Partial Translation of SCP-1008 Inscription\n\n[Sinner?] as [punishment/judgement?]\nis [banished/exiled?]\n[from the] face of [unknown, possibly \"sun\" or \"god\"]\nto [die?] in darkness\n\n\u00ab SCP-1007 | SCP-1008 | SCP-1009 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1009\nObject Class: Keter\n\nImage of SCP-1009 from Speaker 04's station.\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area surrounding SCP-1009 is to be walled off to a distance of 3 meters around it. Speakers are located at every 6 meters around the perimeter of the area, each constantly broadcasting tones louder than 80 decibels. These speakers are to be checked for functionality daily. Small neon-tape flags are to be installed clearly around the edge of SCP-1009 at small intervals. If, during daily monitoring, an area is found clear of flags, containment should be re-evaluated. Those performing examinations should wear ear protection to prevent hearing loss.\nIn case of power failure, two backup generators of different make are attached to the current system, which should be maintained as alongside the speaker level of containment, and which will automatically activate in succession following the deactivation of the first.\nIn case of complete electrical failure such as an EMP-variety strike, a back-up system consisting of metal spheres and aluminum sheeting has been installed, which will automatically activate if speakers become disengaged for over five minutes. This will allow between 45 minutes and 1 hour to re-establish containment, or to manually reset the secondary \u201crainstick\u201d containment component. Re-establishing containment is a top priority in the case of outages.\nDescription: SCP-1009 is an anomalous area of land approximately 45 by 30 meters and irregularly shaped. This area will expand, converting all foreign materials surrounding it to further areas of SCP-1009- chemically and structurally irrelevant to the original materials and structures. SCP-1009 expands at a rate of 0.8700 meters per hour.\nGrowth of SCP-1009 may be entirely restrained by loud noises. Any sound over 60 decibels will stop growth in the immediate area, currently maintained with mechanical speakers- but voices, instruments, and natural noise are all equally effective. If entirely unrestrained, SCP-1009 would break containment entirely in 3.45 hours, cover 4.044 square kilometers in 24 hours, and expand to 1000 kilometers after 26 days.\nThe environment within SCP-1009 appears natural, but is not composed of earthlike flora or fauna. For a complete environmental analysis, see document 1009-AIE-40. In general, flora is in bright, non-earth-like colors, and is larger than most earth flora. Analysis of biota indicates the area is equivalent to a forest. However, neither invertebrate nor vertebrate animal life is naturally occurring within the area.\nThere is no effect on humans within entering SCP-1009, allowing the taking of numerous samples and measurements.\nAddendum A\nSCP-1009-A is the corpse of an unusual creature found in SCP-1009. SCP-1009-A was seen exiting the area and was shot by a guard, who has been reprimanded for his hasty actions. The creature resembles a squirrel or monkey with large ears, and appears to be a mammal. The body is currently stored in the Site 8 deep-freeze, and may be requisitioned for study from Dr. Light.\nAddendum B\nDr. Vaux has proposed that SCP-1009 could be allowed to expand around a source of noise, creating a circle of non-anomalous terrain within the area, and that this might have a different effect on humans within it. Necessary documentation was approved, and D-18899 was selected as a subject, hogtied, and placed with a 70-decibel battery-operated speaker at the edge of SCP-1009. (Some of the containment speakers were permitted to be moved in order to allow growth.)\nGrowth did occur around the buzzer, over the course of 7 hours. The D-Class was seen to experience typical fear and panic at the beginning of the test. However, in the area surrounding the buzzer, large spike-like plants grew to surround and form a dome over the top of the area, which is unusual - growth within SCP-1009 has never otherwise responded to outside stimulus. After 12 hours, the battery on the buzzer failed, and the non-anomalous zone was taken over by the area.\nAt this point, cameras in the containment area record an unusual event when the circle of normal terrain shrank over D-18899. D-18899 disappeared and was replaced by a large, dark-colored animal resembling a deer or caribou, free of restraint, which broke through the ring of branches using its head, then proceeded to circle the area of containment, knocking against walls and damaging 3 speakers with its hooves and head. Cameras had difficulty picking up the entity's image; the photo included is the clearest available.\nAt this point, the attending researcher, Dr. V\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, radioed for help while grabbing a fire extinguisher and entering the containment area. Dr. V\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 managed to drive the animal off, and it ran into the center of SCP-1009, and apparently disappeared completely after leaving the sight range of both cameras and Dr. V\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAs far as can be determined, SCP-1009-B no longer exists and never exited containment. Tracking analysis indicates its footprints disappeared near the center of the area as it leapt over a root. Containment was re-established, and capture protocol set up in case further creatures appear within SCP-1009.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1008 | SCP-1009 | SCP-1010 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1010\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1010 is to be contained on Site-\u2588\u2588 within an ecological containment dome outlined in Document 1010-14. The enclosure is to contain populations of Pinus sylvestris and Dryopteris carthusiana as SCP-1010 is unable to effectively mimic either plant species. The ultraviolet lamps in the ceiling are to be set to mimic the diurnal cycle. Every 72 hours (3 days), 190 liters of water is to be added into SCP-1010's enclosure via the sprinkler system installed on the ceiling. There should be at least one attendant watching the security feed from SCP-1010's enclosure at all times and should report any abnormal behaviour SCP-1010 exhibits. During the seasons of winter and spring (18th of December to 18th of March) no personnel other than Class-D are allowed to enter SCP-1010's enclosure.\nDescription: SCP-1010 is a humanoid of short stature that has leaves covering its body with only its face, palms and soles of its feet uncovered. The leaves grow directly from SCP-1010. They are capable of rapidly changing species in order to camouflage itself from humans and animals. The rate of change from one species of leaf to another takes an average of 10 seconds; how this is achieved is unknown. SCP-1010's 'face' is that of a regular Caucasian male in his 80s or 90s with a large beard that is made of an unknown species of moss. The skin of SCP-1010 is similar in appearance to the bark of Quercus robur, but has been shown to be very flexible and extremely durable.\nSCP-1010 may use its leaves as a defensive mechanism, the species of leaves used range from stinging nettles to Scottish thistles, as well as several unidentified plant species. It is to be noted that the irritant chemicals that are produced from the stinging nettles on SCP-1010 are much more potent than the natural equivalent. SCP-1010 has shown intelligence equal to that of a common chimpanzee and so far has not shown any signs of communication other than apparently unintelligible shouting and grunting.\nSCP-1010 synthesizes glucose through an abnormally fast rate of photosynthesis. The water required is absorbed through the hands and feet of SCP-1010, which have a physiological structure similar to a root system. SCP-1010 has a weight of approximately 25 kilograms and a height of 153cm. SCP-1010 has displayed strength greater than what would be assumed from its size.\nFor 6 hours after sunrise SCP-1010 will remain in a fixed position before carrying out its daily tasks. If SCP-1010 witnesses someone purposely damaging any plant life it will immediately attack that person with the intention of killing them. If SCP-1010 is successful in killing them it will proceed to cover their body in a sap-like substance of unknown composition that is secreted from the 'mouth' of SCP-1010. The body will then be used as fertiliser. The behaviour of SCP-1010 changes depending on the season, it is unknown how SCP-1010 is aware of what season it is despite containment.\n\nSeason\nBehaviour\n\nSpring\nSCP-1010 will work on the seeding of nearby plants. SCP-1010 will also take on an anomalous property of advancing growth in non-plant species within a certain radius (estimated to be around 100 metres). The affected properties include: height, hair length, nail length, etc. Another effect caused by SCP-1010 during spring is that any human who comes within approximately 10 metres of SCP-1010 becomes impregnated with a fertilised ovum after a short period of time (the exact amount of time is not known but is believed to be less than 3 minutes). This effect is not limited to only females. The rate of impregnation in males is recorded as being 5%. In the case of females the length of pregnancy is roughly 9 months and the child will be genetically identical to the mother. The child will display no anomalous properties despite its conception. It is to be noted that females that have had a hysterectomy are still subject to becoming pregnant, as a complete uterus is grown as well as the fertilised ovum. In the case of a male becoming pregnant a complete womb and fertilised ovum will instantly appear next to the bladder. The foetus must be removed within 5 months of impregnation via a Caesarean section to prevent the male expiring from internal haemorrhaging. The foetus produced from males will always be a still-born and after genetic testing it is shown that they are the same species as SCP-1010.\n\nSummer and Autumn\nSCP-1010 will concentrate on tending to and encouraging the growth of plants. No anomalous properties have been noted during this time.\n\nWinter\nSCP-1010 will go into 'hibernation' and will spend all of its time staying in one location. SCP-1010 will only move to stay hidden from animals and humans. During winter any human that has come within roughly 100 metres of SCP-1010 has reported a general weakness citing a lack of 'energy'. Subjects eventually expire within 20 minutes of exposure, the effect is directly correlated to the distance from SCP-1010.\n\nSCP-1010 was discovered at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in England after following stories of 'a leaf man in the woods' and reports of males becoming inexplicably pregnant. So far SCP-1010 is the only specimen that has been found but similar stories throughout the world are being investigated for more possible instances of SCP-1010.\nAddendum-1010-1: Junior Research Assistant Shebleha suggested that one of the still-born foetuses produced by a male was to be given to SCP-1010 in order to see what effect it would have on its behaviour. After a foetus was grown and removed from a male D-Class it was presented to SCP-1010 at which point it picked up the foetus and proceeded to carefully bury it within its enclosure along with an amount of the sap-like substance produced from SCP-1010's 'mouth'. After 4 weeks a sprout was seen to be growing from the spot that the foetus was buried in. SCP-1010 has paid a large amount of attention to the sprout and will start aggressively shouting at anyone who gets too close to it. The sprout itself is to be monitored in case it develops any anomalous properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1009 | SCP-1010 | SCP-1011 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1011\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1011 is to be kept in Hall-07 at Site-35. Two guards are to be present at all times at the entrance to Hall-07 to prevent the removal of SCP-1011. The D-class population working on Site-35 as a part of currently running experiments is suspended from monthly termination schedule due to the extended length of time needed to study the effects of SCP-1011. As material produced during the experiment appears to lack anomalous properties, its use is approved for non-critical applications as defined in document CSG-0371-N.\nDescription: SCP-1011 is a statue approximately 2 m tall, weighing approximately 4200 kg, depicting a worker whose head has been replaced by an assortment of tools. The pedestal bears an inscription stating \"Man is the most important means of production,\" and the year of casting is stated to be 1927. Material analysis has revealed the composition to be ordinary cast iron with 2.3 wt% carbon content.\nSCP-1011's anomalous properties manifest when it is seen by human subjects who will engage in productive labor no later than three hours after the sighting, and escalate slowly with additional exposure. Denial of exposure to SCP-1011 has been shown sufficient to halt the progress of the condition.\nDuring stage I, subjects, designated SCP-1011-1, will begin to demonstrate a heightened sense of morale and satisfaction, voluntarily working longer hours and paying increased attention to their task. As the phase progresses, SCP-1011-1 cease activities other than work, sleep, and satisfying basic bodily needs.\nAfter approximately \u2588\u2588 months, stage II is marked by the SCP-1011-1 initially beginning to show reluctance to use means of personal safety, such as helmets, gloves or safety glasses. When questioned, SCP-1011-1 respond finding them \"unnecessary\" and \"binding\". As the phase progresses, SCP-1011-1 also slowly cease to utilize tools, favoring the use of their own body even at risk of minor damage. This phase lasts for approximately \u2588\u2588 further months.\nThe onset of stage III is marked by insomnia in SCP-1011-1. Instead they congregate within eyesight of SCP-1011, and cease movement, staring at it for 3 hours a day average. The effects of stage II progress with an almost complete abandonment of tool and machine use by SCP-1011-1, with them often acting in groups to replace lost functionality. Bodily deformations appear on SCP-1011-1 at this stage, which tend to facilitate their tasks. SCP-1011-1 at this stage have a marked resistance to pain. This stage lasts indefinitely.\nOn at least one known occasion, the condition caused by SCP-1011 progresses into stage IV - terminal stage. During this stage, SCP-1011-1 use one another as construction material, depleting the population of an afflicted factory in a matter of days. Despite extensive experimentation with possible triggers, attempts to initiate terminal stage among the D-class population of Site-35 have been unsuccessful.\nRecovery Log: SCP-1011 came into attention of the Foundation at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Steelworks of 28th October, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, Soviet Union (currently Site-35) on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1947, after an inspection was mandated as a part of price-awarding procedure due to the consistent exceeding of production targets1 (see Addendum 1011-1). However, before containment by the Foundation could be attempted, the entire site was taken off limits by agents of Division \"P\" (Psychotronics), GRU - at around this time stage IV had apparently occurred (see Addendum 1011-2 for a leaked report section).\nFollowing the dissolution of USSR in 1991, Foundation agents persuaded the government of the Russian Federation to decommission and sell the site to a Foundation front-end for [REDACTED] dollars, and Site-35 was established around it.\nAddendum 1011-1:\n\nEXCERPT OF INSPECTION REPORT\n[REDACTED FOR BREVITY]\nThe directing committee of [REDACTED] welcomed me cordially, however I couldn't help but notice a marked lack of focus and erratic behaviour on their part. Comrade M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 kept talking about what a marvelous effect the statue that has been installed in the hall during the last 5-year plan has had on worker morale, and what a work of socialist art it is, and urged me to see it as soon as possible. On the other hand, comrade T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 constantly filled in assorted forms, with what appeared to be just his finger, though I might be mistaken.\n[REDACTED]\nThe conditions in the main foundry are unfitting for the basic dignity of socialist man. Men barehandedly handle red-hot ingots, their hands black and shriveled, others pound rivets into sheet metal with their heads; I have seen two men use the back of a third to saw through a log, his back covered in sharp ridges not found on a healthy person. They seem to feel no discomfort, and smile eagerly at every visitor. About a [DATA EXPUNGED] wire acted as a human lifting mechanism of sorts - when five of them fell into the molten metal, another replaced them within moments. Comrade M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who was my guide on the tour, didn't appear to find any wrongs with the present arrangement, answering a few of my questions reluctantly, then continuing to extol the virtues of the statue.\n[REDACTED]\nI request immediate shutdown of operations at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Steelworks of 28th October, its quarantining and further investigation. Despite the exceptional effort needed towards the rebuilding of our Motherland, this is decisively not the path we are to take. Furthermore, the observed could be signs of sabotage as per the recent circulatory detailing min[DATA EXPUNGED].\nMichail Vsevolodovic S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nAddendum 1011-2:\n\nEXCERPT FROM LEAKED DIVISION \"P\" GRU ACTION REPORT\nUpon arrival, the site appeared to be deserted. The offices were empty, no sight of either the directors or the party committee. The hall containing the object contained several piles of clothing and some [DATA EXPUNGED] but otherwise nothing notable. Lieutenant N\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appeared overly disturbed and obsessed by it, but I managed to force him to follow on.\n[REDACTED]\nIn the main foundry we found 94 produced ingots, the last 15 of which having a distinct texture. Scraping one with my knife revealed considerable softness of the material and I was able to dislodge bone-like segments. The furnace was cooled, inspection revealed it containing remains of blood and scraps of tissue, however [DATA EXPUNGED]stency. Large segments of the rolling and extrusion assembly were replaced by severely [DATA EXPUNGED] apparently expired.\n[REDACTED]\nencountered one of the former workers, He lacked clothing and his ana[DATA EXPUNGED]. Ignored questioning and kept repeating \"Job's done.\" He was detained for further questioning.\n[REDACTED]\n[END OF EXCERPT]\n\nFootnotes\n1. Sources indicate SCP-1011 has been installed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Steelworks of 28th October during late 1944, being found in the inventory of [REDACTED] during its bombing by the Wehrmacht on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1944. No previous records seem to exist of its inventarisation, delivery, or ordering.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1010 | SCP-1011 | SCP-1012 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Broadcast tower facility 1012-S3FB9, broadcasting Frequency B'\n\nItem #: SCP-1012\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The Foundation has implemented protocols to cancel or to reduce the risk of generation of three of the five constituent sound tones that comprise SCP-1012:\n\nFrequency B and Frequency D: Frequencies B' and D' are, respectively, the antiphases of Frequencies B and D. These antiphase frequencies cancel frequencies B and D, respectively, within the range of the broadcast.\n\nThe Foundation operates sound detection and active noise cancellation broadcast devices in 36 locations worldwide, which continually monitor for Frequencies B and D, and, when appropriate, broadcast cancellation signals at Frequency B' or D'.\nAdditionally, the Foundation has arranged for most of the world's electroacoustic transducers to monitor for Frequencies B and D and, when necessary, broadcast Frequencies B' or D'. This has been achieved through a combination of inserting design changes into the engineering specifications of most commonly-manufactured electroacoustic transducers manufactured since 1988, inserting Frequency B', D' or both into the transmission of broadcast media and the encoding of recorded media (including inserting design changes into the engineering specifications of recording appliances so that Frequency B', D' or both are automatically encoded), and by manipulating the supply frequencies of commercially transmitted and distributed electric power so as to cause sound equipment and other electric appliances to be capable of sympathetically generating Frequency B' or D'.1\n\nFrequency C: In the wild, most instances of the generation of Frequency C had consisted of the whalesong of Balaenoptera svalbardi, the Svalbard whale. Through Foundation efforts, Balaenoptera svalbardi became extinct in 1982, thereby decreasing the likelihood that the tone would inadvertently be generated in a location near the generation of other constituent tones.\n\nAll documentation that specifies the constituent sound tones of SCP-1012 is to be kept strictly confidential.\nDescription: SCP-1012 is a chord consisting of five sound tones, designated Frequencies A, B, C, D and E. The tones of SCP-1012 are:\n\nDesignation\nFrequency\nRemarks\n\nFrequency A\n415.305\u2588\u2588 Hz\nWithin range of human hearing, slightly higher than G#\n\nFrequency B\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 kHz\nUltrasonic\n\nFrequency C\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hz\nInfrasonic; lower than the range of human hearing but observable, at higher intensities, in the form of vibrations\n\nFrequency D\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 kHz\nUltrasonic\n\nFrequency E\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hz\nWithin range of human hearing but rarely used in the chromatic musical scale\n\nThe generation of one or more, but less than all, of the constituent tones of SCP-1012 does not result in anomalous effects.\nThe simultaneous generation of all five tones of SCP-1012 for a duration exceeding a few seconds affects2 the resonance of certain subatomic particles within range, causing them to disintegrate into their constituent elementary particles. Computer modeling predicts that a generation of SCP-1012 within close proximity of a mass, such as an astronomical body, is likely to result in an uncontrollable chain reaction resulting in the disintegration of virtually all matter comprising the mass. According to the model, once such a chain reaction is initiated, it will continue to progress whether or not the tones of SCP-1012 are continuing to be generated, until all available mass is affected (i.e., a CK-class scenario). Proposals to use SCP-1012 or a modified version as a defense mechanism against hostile extraterrestrial threats, including SCP-1548 and SCP-2838, have been rejected due to the potentially disastrous side effects of SCP-1012 testing.\n\nFootnotes\n1. * Under normal conditions, Frequencies B' and D' are each substantially higher than the upper frequency limit for mammalian hearing and are therefore inaudible to humans, as well as other animals with a greater range of hearing such as dogs. However, it has been reported that some humans exposed to strong broadcasts of Frequency D' experience tinnitus. Under certain atmospheric and geological conditions (such as those prevailing in Taos, New Mexico and Bristol, UK), the broadcast of Frequencies B' or D' may be audible. Additionally, certain models of fluorescent lighting tubes and cathode ray tube televisions emit audible tones in sympathetic resonance with Frequency B' or D'.\n2. The described result is predicted according to the cosmological model set forth in Foundation Document 8001.2552.KT.1012. Laboratory testing of the model is prohibited.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1011 | SCP-1012 | SCP-1013 \u00bb\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\nRating: 24"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1013\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Standard safety procedures for visually-reactive items (ED-8) are to be posted at all times. Any staff entering the containment area are to review this document before entering. Any staff entering the containment area are to wear the AR-68 Armored Variant haz-mat suit. Staff exiting the area with damaged suits are to be remanded to quarantine for one hour. Staff becoming paralyzed during cleaning/feeding/testing cycles are to be immediately removed and remanded to medical custody until five hours after recovery.\nSCP-1013 is to be fed once daily, consisting of one small mammal (rabbit, large rat, cat or dog). This feeding is only to take place if there are no calcified remains still within the containment area. Calcified remains that are no longer actively being fed upon are to be removed and disposed of via incineration. Haz-mat protocols are to be observed during the disposal process. Test subject remains may be taken in to the containment area for feeding purposes only when standard feeding practice cannot be observed. Staff succumbing to SCP-1013 pre-feeding effects are to be removed and disposed of. All remains must be disposed of within one hour of final calcification.\nDescription: SCP-1013 appears to be a small reptile with a distinctly avian head. A wide frill extends from the base of the head, and can be flared out via bony spines radiating through the frill from the neck. The body appears similar to most common reptiles, with the exception of the head and abnormally long tail. While the main body is only 60 centimeters long, the tail is nearly 121 centimeters and exceptionally flexible. SCP-1013 has been observed to use this tail to trip and distract large prey. The head of SCP-1013 is distinctive, appearing to be that of a male chicken on first viewing. However, SCP-1013 does not possess any standard avian markers, besides the superficial resemblance. The beak is serrated, and appears to possess very basic, needle-like teeth. These are used only in feeding, and are not used in any way to hunt prey. The head also lacks any feathers, and has an enlarged wattle.\nSCP-1013 hunts by projecting a form of unknown radiation, wave or memetic force into prey items making eye contact with SCP-1013. Subjects report a sudden stabbing pain in most major muscle groups, with full paralysis setting in within three seconds. This paralysis continues for eight minutes, with full recovery after ten. Paralyzed subjects are then bitten, beginning the calcification process. Research into this effect is ongoing, as no form of venom or viral agents have been detected from this bite, however this contact will initiate a rapid change in cellular structure in the bitten subject. The outer skin tissues will begin a rapid calcification, growing very dense and inflexible over several minutes. This will extend from the point of contact outward across the body, and can calcify a human being in fifteen minutes. Subjects recovering from paralysis mid-calcification report the feeling as \u201cextremely painful\u201d, with a \u201cburning numbness\u201d in fully calcified areas. This calcification extends approximately three centimeters in to the body, leaving most internal tissues undisturbed. Calcification does not appear to affect the eyes, mouth, nose or other major mucus membranes. There is no currently known way to reverse this process.\n\nRemains of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject began losing calcified tissue two days after exposure. Subject died from massive blood loss before test data could be recovered.\n\nSCP-1013 will peck through the outer layer of hardened flesh, and begin to consume tissues from the inside, burrowing deep into the body as flesh is consumed. SCP-1013 has a voracious appetite, and will consume nearly twice its body weight at each feeding. SCP-1013 will only consume living tissue, and will ignore dead or decomposing flesh. SCP-1013 has been noted to use natural body openings (mouth and eyes, primarily) when available, and is capable of compressing its body to fit in to very small openings. Prey items often die from blood loss or massive internal damage before feeding is complete, leaving the remainder of tissues to decompose within the calcified tissue. This outer tissue will slowly break down, causing large sections to crack and fall free. This will expose muscle and internal tissues, which are then often predated upon by SCP-1013. SCP-1013 will sometimes wait for this process to begin before feeding.\n\nAddendum:\nRecovery Notes:\nSCP-1013 was recovered in Egypt, near a former \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 facility. Due to this proximity, and the lack of additional SCP-1013 anywhere in the surrounding area, it is theorized SCP-1013 may be an engineered organism. SCP-1013 had calcified several animals and two shepherds, and had been observed on multiple occasions. Recovery was achieved with only one death, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 proving much of our initial information on the calcification process. Local communities dismissed the incident with no involvement from Agents.\nNotes on behavior:\nSCP-1013 is somewhat similar to a spider, and will paralyze and calcify subjects even when not hungry, presumably to keep them for later. This was observed during breach incident 11-Hr (SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION), when SCP-1013 calcified twenty members of staff. SCP-1013 is also very aggressive, and will attempt to stare down and bite any subject that enters the containment area. The neck frill is an amazing adaptation. It lifts abruptly, with a loud snapping sound, and often times causes subjects to look directly at SCP-1013.\nSCP-1013 seems to have a \u201crange\u201d of about 54 meters for its \u201cstare\u201d, and appears to need direct eye contact to work. SCP-1013 appears to only paralyze one subject at a time, but can \u201cattack\u201d multiple subjects in rapid succession. SCP-1013 appears to be immune to its own stare, reacting with basic aggression to reflections. SCP-1013 feeds primarily on mammals, attacking animals such as fish, birds or insects only when near starving. SCP-1013 exhibits a preference for soft tissues, eating the eyes and tongue first whenever possible.\n\nNotes on reproduction [LEVEL 2 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]\nOngoing testing in to the feeding habits of SCP-1013 have been partially successful. Questions were raised regarding the near-constant feeding exhibited by SCP-1013, which is highly irregular for a reptile. It was initially theorized that the paralysis and calcification process were metabolically taxing to SCP-1013, requiring enormous amounts of food to fuel the process. It is now apparent that members of SCP-1013 are hermaphroditic, and appear to reproduce in a way similar to budding or basic cellular division.\nSCP-1013 will ingest massive amounts of tissue, increasing its body mass rapidly. This mass will then begin to form cyst-like structures in the tail section, each of which contains a juvenile SCP-1013. The process by which this occurs is currently under investigation. After 48 hours, juvenile SCP-1013 will forcibly exit the parent body. Parent SCP-1013 will typically release spawn within calcified prey. Juvenile SCP-1013 exhibit no feeding preference, and will consume any biological material, living or dead. SCP-1013 do not engage in cannibalism, and will exit the calcified remains once food has been exhausted.\nJuvenile SCP-1013 will seek out cool, dark places and begin rapid molting, doubling in size every six hours until reaching full adult size. New adult SCP-1013 will quickly establish territories, and begin the feeding/spawning cycle again. Juvenile SCP-1013 seek out areas such as ventilation shafts, plumbing, or discarded clothing/shoes in which to molt and grow. Disturbing a juvenile during this period will always provoke a sustained attack.\nThis sequence of behavior was discovered after a lock-down event in Site \u2588\u2588, resulting from [DATA EXPUNGED] failure. Recovery teams found the site to be infested with SCP-1013, with over one thousand individuals being reported and destroyed. Final sterilization took eight weeks, and resulted in multiple staff deaths. Research into the control of the rampant reproductive cycle with the goal of eventual bio-weapon designation is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1012 | SCP-1013 | SCP-1014 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1014\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-1014 are to be contained in a 12 meter by 12 meter room not constructed of wood. A beach environment is to be maintained in the chamber at all times, and sea water pumped through the chamber to simulate the effects of tides. Members of SCP-1014 are to be placed so that only their heads remain above water when the water is at its highest. Any salt water with sufficiently high plankton content may be substituted if necessary. Should the water level drop to the point where a specimen is entirely exposed for more than six hours, Class Two hazardous materials protocols are to be in effect until the water level is restored.\nDescription: SCP-1014 is a tunicate capable of mimicking human appearance and vocalizations. Though very similar to related species in its larval form, a mature SCP-1014 appears very much like a weathered and emaciated man dressed in rags. This is believed to be a heavily adapted tunic, a protective covering common among tunicates. This covering constantly emits a foul smelling mucus, likely to discourage closer inspection. Like all tunicates, the adult form is a sessile filter feeder and spends its life anchored to a rock near the high tide line on a beach. The larval forms are predatory, and avoid anchoring in areas populated by humans or adult SCP-1014.\nWhen a ship comes near, members of SCP-1014 thrash about somewhat to attract its attention. If approached by humans, it will release from the rock so that it may be transported. Due to their resemblance to human shipwreck victims, many ships would take one on board, removing it from the water and thereby triggering its reproductive cycle. The mucus the SCP-1014 secretes then changes to include symbiotic bacteria capable of rapidly rotting wood. It also self-fertilizes and begins gestating eggs. When the boat sinks, SCP-1014's eggs hatch into larva, which consume what remains of the ship's contents. If the boat did not sink, the specimen dies within no more than a month.\nSCP-1014 populations are known to exist in the wild, though their numbers have been rapidly declining due to pollution and the severe decline of wooden ships. Research suggests population was at its peak in the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries.\nNotably, SCP-1014 is capable of mimicking human words and phrases, which it continually repeats seemingly at random when removed from water. Memory for these appears to be transmitted through unknown means from generation to generation. Communication has proven impossible, and there are no indications that SCP-1014 is sentient.\nAddendum 1014-3: Excerpt from an audio log of SCP-1014 in a drained testing chamber. Portions in brackets are translated to English. Disjointed speech of SCP-1014 believed to be due to repeating phrases from multiple sources.\n\n[1633]: \n[1633]: What happened to you, old man?\n[1634]: Tell them I loved them.\n[1634]: Buckets! We need to bail now!\n[1634]: The hold for him.\n[1641]: What are you saying?\n[1641]: \n[1700]: \n[1700]: \n[1705]: \n[1706]: You brought this on the ship, you cursed madman.\n[1710]: Let the depths rise up and sweep over the shores, rendering the works of man to dust.\n[1742]: What are you?\n[1742]: \n\n\u00ab SCP-1013 | SCP-1014 | SCP-1015 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1015\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1015-1 is to be contained in a passcode-locked safe in a 2m x 2m room to be supervised by one guard at all times.\nAll testing is to take place in a room lined with several layers of thin rubber, latex, paper or other material on the floor, walls and ceiling. Each layer of material must be no thicker than .5 mm.\nDescription: SCP-1015-1 is an American penny marked with the year 1974. All markings present on the coin match pennies minted in this year. Metallurgical analysis has thus far been impossible, as the penny has resisted all attempts to cut or scratch it, and is unaffected by temperature changes, always cool to the touch.\nA person possessing the penny is known as SCP-1015-2. No willful action by SCP-1015-2 will permanently rid them of the penny. Dropping, throwing or giving away the penny will result in the penny reappearing somewhere on SCP-1015-2's person within 4 seconds. Ownership transfer requires the death of SCP-1015-2 followed by another person picking the penny up, or the theft (non-consensual taking) of the penny from its current owner.\nWithin two hours of the penny's acquisition, objects touched by most exposed body parts (See Test Log) of SCP-1015-2 are instantly transmuted into 1 or more 1974 pennies. For approximately the first 24 hours, the effect will only manifest on small objects, barely larger than a penny. Over the next 2 weeks, the effect will increase the maximum size of affected objects, probability of transmutation on contact, and percentage of matter converted on contact. Eventually, contact with SCP-1015-2 will convert all solid, contiguous matter into pennies.\nObjects that are smaller than a penny in any dimension are not affected. Transmutation only occurs as long as SCP-1015-2 is alive.\nThe effect conserves volume rather than mass. That is, all space occupied by the converted object will be replaced as efficiently as possible by pennies, with any remaining non-transmuted volume apparently lost. The effect's boundaries thus far seem to be limited to a single solid contiguous object at a time.\nPennies created this way have not shown any anomalous effects. They are identical at a microscopic level to SCP-1015-1, but unlike the original, can be altered or damaged like any penny. Metallurgical testing has shown pennies created this way are approximately 95% copper, consistent with pennies minted in 1974. (See Addendum 1015-02)\nAddendum 1015-1: SCP-1015-1 was originally recovered following an investigation in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. All the streetlamps on a street had been \u201cvandalized,\u201d leaving the shaft of every lamp missing, while all internal components and the bulbs themselves were found on the ground, along with a substantial number of pennies.\nSimilar cases later involved sections of steel outer walls on several warehouses, all gravestones in a section of a local cemetery, and the support beams for an electrical tower, which subsequently collapsed. Pennies were found at all scenes.\nA penny-smelting operation was then found inside a condemned home after a fire broke out. Large parts of the home, including its foundation, were discovered transmuted into pennies. \u2588 homeless people apparently involved in the operation were found dead in the remains of the home.\nAgents in the area investigating the previous phenomena encountered two survivors at the scene, scooping up pennies. They were later identified as brothers Larry and Bill Sorkin, a pair of locally known indigents. Larry Sorkin died after being fired upon with non-lethal rubber rounds. Autopsy later confirmed cause of death was high-velocity insertion of pennies into his abdominal cavity, not all of which corresponded with the rubber rounds. SCP-1015-1 was found on his person by Lab Assistant Trevor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. (See Test Log).\nBill Sorkin was apprehended and interviewed.\nAddendum 1015-01: Interview\n\n+ Show Interview\n\n- Hide Interview\n\nInterviewed: Bill Sorkin\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Bill Sorkin admitted his brother had found SCP-1015-1 at the bottom of a dumpster while searching for cans and bottles to return for deposit.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And when did you notice something was odd?\nSorkin: He gave me the penny. Then I couldn't find it, and he found a penny in his pocket again. It happened a few times. We don't have a lot of cash on hand, see, so we notice that sorta thing.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And the transmutation?\nSorkin: The what now?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The anomalous conversion of matter into \u2013 when did stuff start turning into pennies when he touched it?\nSorkin: Oh, that. It was later that day. We were just sitting with our sign \u2013 Need money for food, et cetera \u2013 and someone tossed us a quarter. Larry picked it up, and it was a penny. I was surprised, but he said it'd been happening all day. He was kinda\u2026 (notes show Sorkin made a motion \u201clike a bottle being knocked back\u201d at this point). Then he showed me the cup. All pennies in there. I was pretty mad.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And when did larger items start being affected?\nSorkin: Um \u2026 right then, actually. The mug of pennies turned into pennies. I think I cheered up then.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did your brother eat or drink?\nSorkin: Well, that was a scary thought. He couldn't get ridda the penny. We realized pretty quick he was gonna starve if we didn't think of something. Straws seemed to be okay, even if he looked stupid sipping out of a 40. Then we found out little chunks of food didn't change. Meals just took a long time, and I had to cut them up for him. Worth it, I figured.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Was there anything else unaffected by the anomaly?\nSorkin: What who in the where now?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The magic penny-making powers. Was there anything your brother couldn't turn into pennies?\nSorkin: Well, his clothes didn't change. Except he lost the buttons on a sportscoat. And the soles of his shoes. Newspaper didn't change. But almost everything else did. Had to be as thick as a penny, maybe.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So, you converted several thousand dollars worth of concrete and scrap metal into several thousand pennies?\nSorkin: Sounds really stupid when you put it that way. But it was easier than taking this stuff as is. Me and some friends rolled out a tarp, and Larry touched whatever, and we caught all the pennies we could, then rolled up the tarp and loaded it into my buddy's truck.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: But then you melted them?\nSorkin: Those are 1974 pennies. Copper. Worth almost two cents each. And hey \u2013 imagine trying to sell a truckload of gravestones. Not happening. Moot point now, though.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened in the house?\nSorkin: Larry happened. Larry is the reason we can't have nice things. We were all drinking to our newfound success. He got hammered, tripped, and touched the floor with his face. Then he tried to get up, and I don't think he saw one of the propane torch tanks rolling toward him, and\u2026 It was almost empty. But pennies went flying everywhere. One cut my face. How's he, by the way?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: He's fine. But did that start the fire, then?\nSorkin: The other guys were passed out around a space heater. The gas got to the heat right away, and that's when it went up. They \u2026 they didn't stand a chance with the fire. Except one guy, Ken. He got up. He ran for the door same time as us, and Larry was stumbling around and transmutatering (sic) everything. Larry reached to push Kenny out of the way\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Was he transmut \u2013 was Ken turned into pennies?\nSorkin: It's \u2026 God, it's so much worse than you'd think. Because your body \u2026 it's not all one piece. There are lots of parts. So many little pieces\u2026 No. I'm not talking anymore about this. God. If I never see another penny again, it'll be too soon. Any chance you might let me and my brother go now?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Soon.\n\nClosing Statement: Bill Sorkin was named D-1015-01 following this interview. See Test Log\n\nTest Log\n\n+ Show Test Log\n\n- Hide Test Log\n\nTest 1015-01\nSubject: Lab Assistant Trevor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (7 hours after exposure to SCP-1015-1)\nTest: Subject asked to strip, then hold still while researchers touched round plastic tokens to various parts of subject's body. One set of tokens measured 2 cm diameter and 4 mm thickness. Another set of tokens measured 2 cm diameter and .5 mm thickness.\nResults: Tokens with thickness of .5 mm were unaffected. Results varied for tokens with 4 mm thickness.\nSkin: token transmuted into 1 penny\nHair: no result\nTeeth: token transmuted into 1 penny\nEye: token transmuted into 1 penny\nFingernails: no result\nToenails: no result\nTongue: token transmuted into 2 pennies\nNote: Subsequent tests with the tokens on tissues that previously yielded 1 penny then yielded 2 pennies. We believe this is because of the progression of SCP-1015-1's anomalous effects.\nTest 1015-02\nSubject: Lab Assistant Trevor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (10 hours after exposure to SCP-1015-1), D-1015-01\nTest: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 told to place SCP-1015-1 carefully in the hand of D-1015-01, then withdraw hand and immediately touch plastic token.\nResults: Token transmuted into two pennies despite absence of SCP-1015-1 on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's person. SCP-1015-1 vanished from D-1015-01's hand in 3.5 seconds. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 located SCP-1015-1 in left sock.\nTest 1015-03\nSubject: Lab Assistant Trevor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (10.5 hours after exposure to SCP-1015-1), D-1015-01\nTest: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 told to place SCP-1015-1 on table and turn away while D-1015-01 picked item up\nResults: SCP-1015-1 vanished from D-1015-01's hand in 3 seconds. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 located SCP-1015-1 inside own jumpsuit.\nTest 1015-04\nSubject: Lab Assistant Trevor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (10.5 hours after exposure to SCP-1015-1), D-1015-01\nTest: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 told to strip naked, place SCP-1015-1 on table, and turn away while D-1015-01 picked item up\nResults: SCP-1015-1 vanished from D-1015-01's hand in 4 seconds. Unable to be located for several minutes, until \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 expressed significant discomfort in [DATA EXPUNGED] vanished from toilet bowl in 3.5 seconds and was located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's right sock.\nNote: May I add, it's a good thing he thought to put that sock back on before [DATA EXPUNGED] again.\nTest 1015-05\nSubject: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (11.5 hours after exposure to SCP-1015-1), D-1015-01\nTest: D-1015-01 became agitated, demanding he be released, reunited with his brother (Larry Sorkin, whom subject was unaware was killed during item recovery), and allowed to keep \u201cour penny.\u201d Quickly attacked \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, fracturing \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's nose, right orbital bone and right cheekbone, and knocking several teeth loose, rendering him unconscious. D-1015-01 then retrieved SCP-1015-1 from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's hand.\nResults: SCP-1015-1 remained in D-1015-01's possession. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ceased causing transmutation.\nNote: That wasn't a test! He just beat the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 out of me while you recorded it!\nNote: Welcome back, Trevor. Sorry about the face.\nTest 1015-06\nSubject: D-1015-01\nTest: Subject refused further cooperation and was terminated with one gunshot to head. All present instructed not to interact with SCP-1015-1.\nResults: SCP-1015-1 remained inert where dropped on floor, even after removal of subject's body from room. Body did not cause transmutation.\nTest 1015-07\nSubject: D-1015-02\nTest: Subject instructed to pick up SCP-1015-1 from floor where dropped in previous test. Subject confirmed \u201cownership\u201d of item by transmuting one plastic token approximately 1 hour later. Subject was then isolated for 2 weeks in a room lined with a layer of paper, beneath a layer of cellophane, beneath a layer of rubber approximately .5 mm thick\nResults: Layers remained unaffected.\nTest 1015-08\nSubject: D-1015-02 (1 week after exposure to SCP-1015-1), D-1015-03\nTest: D-1015-02 instructed to touch various objects in order to establish boundaries for transmutation effect.\nResults: Varied\nBlock of solid oak wood: Block transmuted entirely to pennies\nGlass brick: Glass transmuted entirely to pennies\nDrinking glass (round, 10 cm diameter, 2.5 mm thickness): No result\nnote: A good rule of thumb seems to be that the matter to be converted or replaced must be able to contain a penny in the 3-dimensional space the original item occupies. i.e., the glass was too curved in this case.\nWater (in glass): No result.\nnote: I think it's obvious we don't have to test gasses.\nWet sponge: Sponge transmuted. Volume taken up by pennies slightly less than exterior volume of sponge. Pennies wet and resting in puddle.\nBlock of wood coated in fresh paint: Block transmuted; pennies sitting in puddle of wet paint, some splashed with paint.\nBlock of wood coated in dried paint: Block transmuted; no paint remaining.\nBlock of wood with old, peeling paint: Block transmuted; some paint chips remaining.\nDining room table with leaf installed: Section of tabletop that was touched transmuted entirely to pennies. All other components of table (leaf, other tabletop section, legs, molding around tabletop that was nailed in place, nails and other metal fixings) unaffected.\nTwo blocks of wood adhered together using \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand glue: Block touched was transmuted; other block unaffected.\nBlock of ice 4 m3: Block transmuted. Some pennies wet, and puddle discovered after pennies were cleared out of room via industrial vacuum.\nD-1015-03 (naked, restrained to an upright dolly): Entire epidermis and dermis transmuted to pennies, along with portions of hypodermis. Larger nerve fibers and blood vessels remained unaffected. Pennies landed on floor in puddle of various bodily fluids and body hair.\nnote: D-1015-02, who was initially reluctant to touch D-1015-03 for the test, reacted violently to results, immediately attempting [DATA EXPUNGED] finally causing death by brain collapse. D-1015-02 then attempted to attack Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who terminated him with sidearm before physical contact was made. (Please let's never do this again.)\n\nAddendum 1015-02: Research originally suggested that pennies created by SCP-1015 had no anomalous properties. It is now known that at an as-of-yet unidentified percentage of pennies created this way exhibit the anomalous effects of SCP-1015-1.\nOn \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, police found the body of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a department of public works employee who had assisted in the clean-up of the house fire where SCP-1015-1 was recovered, and who had subsequently not returned to work for more than a week. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Much of the home's furniture and architectural features were reported to be missing, with a large quantity of pennies found around the house, as well as blood and other bodily fluids smeared on the walls and floor. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wife and infant daughter were never found. Foundation Agents recovered one instance of SCP-1015-1 on site. Further instances are to be contained by making use of D-Class personnel to avoid inadvertent ownership of SCP-1015-1 by Foundation personnel.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1014 | SCP-1015 | SCP-1016 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1016 in evidence\n\nItem #: SCP-1016\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Subject is to be kept in a secure box with a combination lock, code \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 in a standard fireproof safe with a number pad locking system. Neither lock will contain a backup keyhole. Within this context, SCP-1016 poses no threat. Approval of at least one (1) Level 4 personnel is required for the removal of object from its containment area for research purposes. Due to the nature of the device, testing may only be performed at the isolated building at Site \u2588\u2588 after making sure the building contains only D-class personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1016 appears as a standard door key of unremarkable make. If placed on a keychain with two or more keys of a similar make, SCP-1016 will gradually alter its appearance to match over the course of several weeks. Regardless of form, the SCP may be identified by indelible bloodstains on the fob. Bloodstains contain human DNA from 27 different specimens, none of which matches any individual on file. If left in place for more than two weeks, the surface SCP-1016 rests on will show evidence of similar bloodstains.\nThe Foundation became aware of SCP-1016 upon review of the arrest of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for the murder of his wife and two children. Anomalies and an allegedly airtight alibi triggered the curiosity of Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who proceeded to investigate. Initially believing \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to be the threat, SCP-1016 was transferred to Site \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 with his personal effects. Upon noting the unusual nature of SCP-1016, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was given a Class A amnestic and transferred to a different federal institution.\nWhen inserted into an unlocked mechanism, the key has no effect. When inserted into the locked mechanism of a door or similar barrier behind which are one or more mammalian lifeforms, the key will open the lock, and have its secondary effects.\nWhen SCP-1016 is inserted into such a lock, any lights in the structure dim noticeably. At such time, instruments detect no fluctuation in the power grid. The dimming phenomenon is noted with both electrical and incendiary light sources, and lasts until the key is removed from the lock or the door is opened past the frame. Following this, an additional presence appears in the structure. Experiments involving autonomously-powered video surveillance of the interior show the video monitoring devices to malfunction as power is restored, in a manner consistent with manual tampering; batteries are removed, lenses covered, or power is turned off. Upon the user entering the structure, persons and higher animals inside the structure at the time of the unlocking act are found to be dead.\nCause of death in SCP-1016\u2018s victims is universally penetrating trauma with a large, bladed object. Victims bear wounds running along entire lengths of limbs, and in many cases appear to be partially dissected. In each instance, blood and organs from at least one victim will be arranged in what appears to be a specific pattern, although no consistent system has been found between instances. The interior of the residence will show signs of struggle, with overturned furniture, bruising on victims' intact skin, and [DATA EXPUNGED] being commonplace, despite no audible indication of this, even in the room just beyond the entrance. Even in situations where video surveillance would seem to indicate mere seconds passing between tampering and assault, the site contains evidence of struggles that appear to have lasted hours. The original activator of SCP-1016 never reports seeing or hearing anything definite, although upon their initial entrance of the structure, some subjects have reported having their attention inexplicably drawn to empty windows or doorways, or to hear breathing from an unlocatable source.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1015 | SCP-1016 | SCP-1017 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1017\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: As SCP-1017 remains confined to the London Underground Metropolitan Railway, containment must be enacted in-situ. Detection and identification of an instance of SCP-1017 is crucial, and to be carried out by three Foundation agents who have been inserted into the human resources, train control, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 departments of the Transport for London (TfL) administration. Fail-safe explosive charges are placed at key locations in the network, so as to be able to isolate segments in the event of a containment breach.\nWhen a manifestation is detected, two additional Foundation agents are to board the affected train disguised as members of the public, carrying concealed type-21 (Somniacene) gas grenades. MTF Epsilon-12 (\u201cThe Train-spotters\u201d) are to follow the affected vehicle in a train disguised as an underground railway maintenance vehicle. Any TfL staff attempting to contact the driver of the affected train is to be subtly distracted by the embedded agents. Class-B amnestics are authorised for use if necessary.\nShould a Phase-2 event occur, all personnel are to enact procedure 108-Captum, as detailed in this report. Any minor delays or interference caused with the wider London transport network are to be explained to staff and members of the public as \u201csignalling errors\u201d or \u201cplanned engineering works\u201d.\nDescription: SCP-1017 is an anomalous phenomenon which frequently occurs on the London Underground Metropolitan Railway. The effect will happen if at least one member of the train driving staff is not present at work due to illness or injury.\nThe effect first starts when the staff member attempts to notify their supervisor that they will be unable to attend work by telephone. The telephone call will not be received and interviews with the staff member in question have revealed that their call went through to an unidentified male recipient, who agreed to pass on the message.\nAfter this, the train that the absent driver was scheduled to operate will function as normal along the planned route. The effect seems to occur with a preference for operating on the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 lines. The train will stop at stations as normal, and allow passengers to board and disembark as expected. However, the driver's cabin will be entirely empty. CCTV camera footage of affected trains shows the vehicle's controls operating without any visible operator. Curiously, members of the public rarely seem to notice this anomalous effect. Under most circumstances, the train will operate for a full working day, and then be left at the appropriate sidings at the end of the shift.\nAlthough SCP-1017 will always tend to operate when an employee is unable to work, the effect has been noted never to occur during a number of circumstances, including:\n\nSundays\nAn annual period, normally two weeks in duration, usually occurring in the summer.\nA one week period stretching over Christmas and New Year's Eve.\nAny time that industrial action is undertaken by the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers.\nAny day where the soccer team \u201c\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u201d is playing in a premiership match.\nThe \u2588\u2588th of October.\n\nInfrequently SCP-1017 may undergo a Phase-2 event, requiring more direct intervention by the Foundation. These are normally triggered by individuals attempting to make contact with the driver of the train, members of the public noting that the train is driver-less, interference with the normal running of the train, [DATA REDACTED] and reflective surfaces positioned near the driver's cabin.\nShould a phase-2 event occur, the train will immediately begin to accelerate to dangerous speeds, ignoring any stop signals, and potentially injuring members of the public who are attempting to board or disembark. The train will continue to build speed, and should procedure 108-Captum not be enacted, there is a major likelihood of a collision with another vehicle or a de-railing incident. Any conscious passengers on board the train will quickly begin to develop a number of harmful symptoms including:\n\nIntense headaches.\nBrain hemorrhages or aneurysms.\nApparent auditory and visual hallucinations.\nLoss of reason/rationality.\n[DATA REDACTED]\nIntensely violent and frenzied assaulting of other passengers.\nViolent self-harm or mutilation of the face and eyes.\n\nA summary of procedure 108-Captum follows:\n\nAgents on board the train are to immediately render any members of the public present unconscious, followed by themselves.\nFoundation staff are to remotely cut power to the section of the track containing the affected train, ensuring that the train comes to rest between platforms. MTF Epsilon-12 is to rendezvous with the train.\nMTF Epsilon-12 is split into two teams. Team Alpha will proceed to the front of the affected train, and deploy concussion grenades through the driver's compartment windows. Team Beta is to position themselves outside the passenger doors of the train, and commence breaching and boarding actions. If the Foundation agents on-board the train are unsuccessful in their mission, team beta is to tranquillise any members of the public still active.\nShould MTF Epsilon-12 fail, the appropriate explosive charges are to be detonated remotely.\n\nFollowing the conclusion of these events, standard clean-up operations can be carried out, including administration of amnestics to involved members of the public and the release of a cover story (approved stories include gas leakages, unexploded WW2 ordnance, or terrorism). To date, procedure 108-Captum has been modestly effective in preventing a containment breach, dealing with 38 Phase-2 events in the past decade, only one of which required the use of the fail-safe explosive charges.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1016 | SCP-1017 | SCP-1018 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1018-1\n\nItem #: SCP-1018\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1018 is currently contained in Storage Unit \u2588\u2588, located at Site \u2588\u2588.\nAll components of SCP-1018 are to be kept in 1m x 1m x 3m containers and kept under guard by two members of security at all times. No liquids are to be introduced to SCP-1018 components without the express permission from one member of Level 3 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1018 is the overarching designation given to a group of three statues hereafter referred to as SCP-1018-1, SCP-1018-2 and SCP-1018-3. All components of SCP-1018 depict an emaciated or elderly human male and are composed primarily of concrete and gravel. A red luminescence is visible on several points on the surface of SCP-1018 components, mostly present on the head and throat. SCP-1018-1's anomalous effect is activated by applying pressure to the back of its neck while SCP-1018-2 and SCP-1018-3's are activated by contact with liquid.\nWhen SCP-1018-1 is activated the area within ten meters of it will experience heavy rainfall. In situations where SCP-1018 is activated indoors, this rain will rapidly fall from the ceiling of the structure. Further examination of rainfall produced by SCP-1018-1 shows no anomalous properties. This rainfall will last thirty minutes before abruptly ceasing. The rainfall brought on by SCP-1018-1 will typically activate SCP-1018-2 and SCP-1018-3 when they are in the same structure.\nWhen SCP-1018-2 is activated, six manifestations of what seem to be emaciated children will appear in the area surrounding SCP-1018-2. These children appear identical to several who disappeared two months before SCP-1018's recovery. All manifestations will approach individuals present and frantically request water. These manifestations are incorporeal and so are unable to consume water even when it is provided to them. Twenty-five minutes after the initial activation, all manifestations will clutch their throats and fall to the ground, where they remain for an additional two minutes before disappearing.\nSCP-1018-3 appears to have been heavily modified at some point in the past. Several parts of its structure appear to have been removed and replaced, most notably the left leg and the head. A small hole has been drilled into the left ear of the statue, suggesting something has been removed or inserted. The purpose of these modifications is currently unknown. When SCP-1018-3 is activated, it will begin speaking in a highly distorted male voice. SCP-1018-3 will generally repeat the phrase \"Are We Cool Yet?\" although rare variations on this have been noted, such as \"Art We Cool Yet?\", \"Are We God Yet?\" and \"Mars We Cook Yet?\". When these variations are spoken, the distortion of SCP-1018-3's voice will increase heavily, with stuttering and slowing-down of speech being common. This speech will continue for thirty minutes before ceasing.\nThe components of SCP-1018 were first recovered when they were activated at a charity gala intended to raise money to provide clean water to those in troubled areas. Mobile Task Force Upsilon-23 (\"Art Critics\") were dispatched to recover SCP-1018 and did so without incident. Security camera footage of the incident shows two local activists placing the SCP-1018 components backstage and activating SCP-1018-1 before fleeing. Efforts to locate them have as-of-yet been unsuccessful.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1017 | SCP-1018 | SCP-1019 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1019\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The property surrounding SCP-1019 has been purchased underneath the Foundation mining front \"Atlas Burning.\" Provisional Site-127 is to be established near the main entrance of SCP-1019. Armed guards are to patrol the facility with one being stationed at each known ventilation site and two being positioned outside of the main entry way into SCP-1019.\nSCP-1019-A is contained within a standard containment unit. Personnel are not allowed to interact with it following its initial recovery.\nDescription: SCP-1019 is the designation given to an underground facility located in Alcross, Sweden. The facility's layout is almost identical to Site-179's underground component, however numerous wings including D-Class housing and office spaces are inaccessible due to cave-ins.\nScans of SCP-1019 for antimemetic, temporal, and cognitohazardous effects are all negative. All other hypotheses as to the creation or manifestation to SCP-1019-A are to be submitted to Research Team Caviidae.\nExploration into the Site has also noted the following:\n\nFoundation documents noting the locations and containment status of known anomalies previously or currently contained at Site-179 each with varying degrees of accuracy\nA photo of the previous Site-179 director's daughter in the cafeteria\nA file containing all D-Class currently present at Site-179\nHuman muscle and adipose cells lining the office walls\nA bunker component that when scanned was predicted to reach the same depth as Site-179's XK-class bunker\nA key card owned by Site-179's previous director\n\nSCP-1019-A is the designation given to an amalgamation of several human bodies. All DNA testing preformed on SCP-1019-A has reported inconclusive results. SCP-1019-A has a roughly spherical shape and is only capable of minimal movement. It is able to speak, though it shows no further signs of intelligence. All speech of SCP-1019-A is to be considered incoherent and is to be ignored.\nRecovery: On 05/31/2032, SCP-1019-A was discovered by an agent in a Keter Wing containment cell. During the encounter all information was lost along with said agent \u2014 with the exception of her clothes, equipment, and weaponry which had been abandoned nearby.\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n> does the black moon howl?\n\nonly when it needs to be heard\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n>welcome O5-6\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n>O5-7 has one email and one attachment(s)\n\n.\n\n>open both?\n>y/n\n\n.\n.\n\nyes\n\n.\n.\n\n>opening\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\nI know it's your little \"vacation\" right now six, but I'm gonna suggest you return early. Admin's now been catching wind of this misters shit and he's threatening to join in on the hunt if this latest skip is another one of those damn things. Not the best thing to happen if you ask me. The mentions of Wondertainment's right now being scrubbed from those other two files, but even then there's not much else that's really there. I doubt they'd be able to help much more than the rest of the council.\nExcuse 1019's file also, I'm sure you've already read it, but you should know that it's been edited for privacy.\nThe agent was one of your elites, X-04. Sent her into that old bunker, right? She didn't come back out. All I have is a recording of this thing. You have to watch for yourself.\nI cut it down to the important parts cause I know how much you hate being bored.\n\n.\n.\n\n>opening\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\nVideo Log\n\nDate: 12/15/2031\n\nBegin Log\n00:30:21:02: The camera is pointed towards a mass of adipose and muscular tissue. It is rhythmically moving. A gun is seen entering the frame. The mass stills and several tendrils form on its back. They anchor into the wall and spin the mass around. The camera moves back revealing the full room. It is a standard XK-class preparation office with a mostly rotted desk in the center. There are no other notable features.\n00:30:50:12: An arm raises off of the side of the mass. It wheezes. The mass' eight front facing eyes look at the camera.\n00:30:53:10: It settles and laughs through the multiple mouths on its cranium.\n00:30:53:10: It begins to speak through the various mouths.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A - \"Been a while since I've moved.\"\n00:31:04:32 A tendril forms on top of SCP-1019-A's head, pointing towards the gun.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A - \"You don't need that here, you know?\"\n00:31:04:32 X-04 inhales sharply, lowering the gun.\nCon.: X-04 - \"Who are you?\"\n00:31:10:03 After a pause it begins moving back and forth.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A - \"Who aren't I?\"\n00:31:15:06 A smile cracks on the upmost mouth and two more tendrils form from SCP-1019-A.\nCon.:SCP-1019-A - \"I'm sure you can tell but I am \u2014 Many people, many minds, and many human bits.\"\n00:31:20:06 SCP-1019-A has stopped rocking. The tendrils are reaching over towards a desk and are tapping on it.\nCon.:X-04 - \"Do you know what this place is?\"\n00:31:31:16 SCP-1019-A deflates before speaking.\nCon.:SCP-1019-A - \"Forgot. I forgot. I've spent so much time, in this head. I forgot.\"\n00:31:42:19: SCP-1019-A closes its eyes.\nCon.:SCP-1019-A - \"I was in my brain too much and still then it wasn't enough. Enough. To become human again\"\n00:32:01:13 SCP-1019-A's eye's open again, its lower mouth is ajar and an unidentified fluid is dripping out. The camera moves back.\nCon.:X-04 - \"Then what do you know about this place?\"\n00:32:10:13 SCP-1019-A's hums and three additional tendrils form from its back. Each tendril begins stroking a different part of its body, situated above the eyes.\n00:33:13:38 SCP-1019-A ceases the action.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A - \"It was made to escape. Escape what we thought at the time was disaster. But it was humanity we had been running from. Humanity.\"\n00:33:30:32 SCP-1019-A closes its eyes. Its body is seen shaking and the left most mouth begins humming. All of the rest of the mouths are absorbed into the muscular tissue.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A -\"I\u2026It was coming, as a payment for what I'd done. I'd abandon humanity, we had abandon them. Our oath we took was words and nothing more.\"\n00:33:30:32 SCP-1019-A opens its eyes, a white and red liquid is flowing from them along with several other orifices, which are presumed to be nasal cavities.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A -\"While we hid, we became mechanical, more machine than man. While the outside world, it became human, more and more so. But we had holed ourselves into the darkness like we had for so many years before, though this time it was not for humanity, rather it was for ourselves.\"\n00:34:34:24 Four other mouths form in muscular tissue and popping noises are audible.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A -\"We had strayed from the light and we. No you. Paid the price for becoming inhuman\u2026 Maybe that's why we're still here, away from the surface, the light. We're together. Together.\"\n00:35:03:34 The liquid that had previous been apart of SCP-1019-A is beginning to harden into an adipose-like tissue. The camera moves back.\nCon.: X - 04 -\"Who is we?\"\n00:35:50:23 SCP-1019-A shakes the tendrils on its head.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A -\"We. Us. You. I. \u2026\u20261, but you know him as your boss don't you? When the disaster, humanity, came, our secrets they fell. We fell. There was no use in having them. There never was. I'm sure you understand the protocols.\"\n00:36:03:38 The camera turns to face the entrance of the room. For second of the recording the entrance is seen covered by the adipose flesh.\nCon.: SCP-1019-A -\"I'm sure you saw it on your way down. Down here. I imagine it's also what you cleared through. I had to. We had to too. It's my punishment for abandoning humanity. We never abandon it. And now I think humanity wants it to be yours as well. We want you, to see, our clarity.\"\n00:36:03:38 The screen goes blank.\n00:36:03:38 The recording ends.\nEnd Log\n\n.\n.\n\n>??? has one email and one attachment(s)\n\n.\n\n>open both?\n>y/n\n\n.\n.\n\nyes\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n>opening\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\nGood evening Six,\n\nAt 3 AM, your time, a plane will be outside your residency. Please board when you get there.\nDo not talk to the rest of the council about this meeting. Consider 3 and 4 KiA.\nI know you've been entrusted with all physical copies of the documents. I expect you to bring them to me. There's a scan of a document from -A. Compare them with the others.\nExpect a long conversation after take off.\nUntil then:\n\n.\n.\n\n>opening file:O5-3.pdf\n\n.\n.\n.\n\n.\n.\n.\n\nWow! We are human again. At last.\nAfter popular demand, we've brought back a brand new set of Little Misters, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment! Isn't that fun?\nFind them all and become the Brand New Mr. Collector!\n00. Mr. Prologue\n01. Mr. Dark\n02. Mr. Remembrance\n03. Mr. Toxic \u2714\n04. Mr. Collector\n05. Mx. Voltage\n06. \u2588\u2588. Gears\n07. Mr. Memory\n08. Mr. Nobody\n09. Mr. Brainy\n10. Ms. Seraph\n11. Mr. Chronal and Mr. Dimension\n12. Mr. Fish\n13. Mr. Epilogue\n14. Mr. Redd (Discontinued)\n\n\u00ab SCP-1018 | SCP-1019 | SCP-1020 \u00bb\n\nFootnotes\n1. For sake of privacy I edited out their name, you know how it is six."} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1020\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All components of SCP-1020 are to be kept in a storage locker at Sector \u2588. The interior of the locker should be monitored by remote video feed at all times. A United States Postmaster General-approved mailbox is to be maintained along an active United States Postal Service pick-up and delivery route at the closest point possible to Sector \u2588, currently [DATA EXPUNGED]. This mailbox is to be emptied following every active state of SCP-1020, and the resulting letter read and destroyed unless any details in the letter bear further investigation.\nDescription: SCP-1020 consists of the following items: A stack of 11 newspapers, a pair of scissors, a jar of rubber cement-style adhesive, a sheaf of 30 sheets of blank white paper, a box of 30 plain letter-sized envelopes, a black ballpoint pen, and a book of 20 stamps. (See Addendum SCP-1020-01)\nThe individual components of SCP-1020 cannot be moved more than 4.5 meters away from each other, nor can any barriers be put in place that would prevent the items' interaction. Any attempt to do so meets an unidentified matching force opposing the action.\nOnce every 7 to 22 days, SCP-1020 enters an active state. The newspapers are opened and scattered, and the scissors apparently levitate and cut out letters and words from the newspapers. The rubber cement is uncapped, and adhesive is applied to the cut-out segments, which are affixed to one or more sheets of paper. The pen scrawls an address on an envelope in shaky letters. About 1 minute later, all pages of the note are folded and inserted into the envelope. The envelope seals, and a stamp is affixed to it. The envelope then vanishes, and reappears in the nearest US Postmaster General-approved mailbox on an active mail pickup route.\nAll letters follow the format of a stereotypical ransom note: the supposed writer of the letter claims \u201cI\u201d or \u201cwe\u201d have possession of one or more individuals important to the addressee, and makes demands that are to be met at a certain place and time in exchange for the victim's safe return. Letters occasionally contain misspellings.\nRemoving the envelope from the mailbox in which it appears, otherwise preventing its delivery to the addressee, reading the envelope, opening the envelope and reading the letter inside all appear to produce no ill effects.\nIf the letter is read by the addressee, the stated victim(s) will immediately vanish, regardless of the victim's location or activity at the time.\nMeeting the demands of a letter produced by SCP-1020 invariably results in the return of the victim within 24 hours to their place of disappearance or another nearby safe location, unharmed and with no memory of the time they were gone.\nRecipients are chosen seemingly at random. Letters rarely make demands involving money, and in those cases, the money carries personal value to the recipient or victim. Intercepted letters' demands have included:\n\nDestruction of family's only vehicle by fire in a local parking lot for return of son.\nTattooing of a cryptic phrase on the palm of recipient's left hand at a specific tattoo parlor for return of husband\nCash withdrawal of daughter's entire college fund, followed by random distribution of said cash to strangers at Central Park in New York City for return of said daughter\nInjection of HIV-infected blood into recipient's own veins in exchange for wife (basic Internet search of intended recipient's name indicates he holds an MD and works at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588.)\n\nNo victims have ever been recovered in cases where the demands were not met.\nAddendum 1020-01: Examination of components\nA close examination of components of SCP-1020 reveals several anomalous features. All destroyed or used components are replaced apparently via teleportation from the nearest available source within 1 minute. There appear to be no range limits on this phenomenon, and research involving destruction of the scissors in particular has been discontinued due to general inconvenience for all Sector \u2588 staff. Additional anomalous properties follow.\nNewspapers: Titles and all other text appear to be gibberish, with seemingly random words strung together and interspersed with spaces and punctuation. This attribute applies even to new newspapers that have replaced destroyed ones in the collection via teleportation. Replacement newspapers are still recognizable by photographic content, font styles and layout. SCP-1020 shows no preference for any particular publication, simply taking the necessary number of mostly complete newspapers from as nearby as possible to maintain a collection of 11 total.\nRubber cement: No amount of force yet applied by researchers can open or break the jar. Forces tested are up to \u2588\u2588\u2588 N. The adhesive itself comes from an unknown source, as no rubber cement is commonly used on-site.\nBook of stamps: Individual stamps appear to be teleported directly into the book. SCP-1020 will only take modern stamps in this way. The total number of stamps in the book has never dropped below 12.\nIncident 1020-01: On \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, at approximately 12:30 p.m. local time, a driver struck and effectively destroyed the mailbox located on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Road, placed there for collection of SCP-1020's letters. A subsequent interview revealed the driver was intoxicated, and there is no indication of any influence by SCP-1020 or any other outside agent. However, timestamp data on footage of SCP-1020 reveals that within 4 seconds, SCP-1020 became extremely active, drafting and teleporting a \u2588\u2588-page letter in less than 2 minutes.\nPrior research had revealed the location of the next-nearest mailbox, and an MTF was dispatched. Mail pickup had already occurred, and the local post office had to be shut down for approximately an hour until the target letter was recovered.\nAn image of the letter's first page and envelope front are available for viewing below.\n\n+ View image\n\n- Hide image\n\nLetter and envelope retrieved following Incident 1020-01\n\nBlacked-out portions and subsequent pages give extremely detailed instructions on how to infiltrate Sector \u2588, including staffing details, passcodes, and instructions on how to breach containment on several Euclid-level SCP items, with the end goal of covertly \"liberating\" and relocating all components of SCP-1020 to a condemned house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588.\nNote: This was a blatant escape attempt, indicating sapience. Yes, yes, it was a very stupid escape attempt. But as illogical as this will sound, we're apparently dealing with something that is simultaneously stupid and omniscient - for an unknown value of omniscience. Given just how much inadvertent damage could be caused by another \"stupid\" escape attempt coupled with some bad luck, and averted for the price of placing several backup mailboxes, I'm submitting a request for a very slight budget increase. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1019 | SCP-1020 | SCP-1021 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1021\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No special containment procedures needed at this time. All instances of SCP-1021 are currently in use in various sites and facilities. For complete list, see addendum.\nDescription: SCP-1021 is a set of 7 EXIT signs designed in Art Moderne dating back to the 1940's. The anomalous effect of SCP-1021 will only manifest if it is placed directly over a door made of solid wood; type and design may vary, but the door must be solid with no trappings (ex. windows). Any person opening a door with SCP-1021 over it will find themselves exiting out of a corresponding exit of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cinema in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, MI. Each sign of SCP-1021 belongs to a specific door in the cinema, with the main entrance being the only door without a connection.\nSCP-1021 was discovered when a self-described architecture buff visited the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cinema before its demolition in order to study its design, and found a souvenir. According to the witness, the only thing left was a box of exit signs by the main entrance labeled \"dump\". Enamored by their old-style design, he claimed to liberate one for his own use at home, adorning his bathroom door as a joke. Upon entering his bathroom, he found himself behind the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cinema exiting from the delivery entrance. The subsequent internet postings were found by Foundation computer search algorithms, and an agent was dispatched to investigate. Upon learning the story and viewing its anomalous properties himself, the agent called for backup to the cinema; it was then purchased by the Foundation through the Scenic Cultural Places Association, an organization dedicated to buying and restoring old and unusual buildings. After administering a Class-B amnestic to the witness, all the exit signs were taken and, through study, were found to correspond to a door within the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cinema. The cinema itself has no history of unusual occurrences, though a small security detail are to remain for 1 month and secure the building.\nDue to its Safe-class nature and usefulness, all instances of SCP-1021 have been set up in various Foundation sites to act as an emergency exit, and the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Cinema has been renovated to act as an evacuation command area where Foundation staff may seek refuge. The evacuation points in all sites must be kept in a clear area guarded by level 3 security staff, in order to prevent its misuse as a method of smuggling SCPs out of their home sites.\nAddendum: List of SCP-1021 assigned locations and corresponding door.\n\n1021-1\nSite 19\nExterior exit of theater 2\n\n1021-2\nSite 4\nExterior exit of theater 3\n\n1021-3\nSite 11\nExterior exit of theater 1\n\n1021-4\nSCPS Guardian\nDelivery Entrance\n\n1021-5\nSCPS Defender\nLobby emergency exit\n\n1021-6\nDr. Bright's closet Unassigned, requests made through Dr. Khouri\nAlley way employee entrance\n\n1021-7\nAccess Denied\nAccess Denied\n\n\u00ab SCP-1020 | SCP-1021 | SCP-1022 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1022\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1022 may be contained on a clothes rack within a standard secure item locker. Warning labels are to be affixed to prevent confusion with similar attire in use by Foundation personnel. Completion of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and the mandatory SCP-1022 orientation course is required for staff who wish to utilise SCP-1022. After the events of Incident 1022-1, use of SCP-1022 is restricted to D-class barring approval by Level 4 personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1022 is a white cotton-polyester laboratory coat in Size M. It has no identifying markings save for a printed label on the inside collar reading 'Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588', its original owner. All surfaces of SCP-1022 are resistant to microbial colonisation; introduced microorganisms fail to reproduce and subsequently die. It thus remains sterile save in the immediate period after contact with a colonised surface.1 The physical properties of SCP-1022 are otherwise unremarkable.\nWhen a subject wears SCP-1022, they are able to perceive prokaryotic organisms (primarily bacteria, but archaea may also be visualised by SCP-1022) in the environment at greatly increased magnification, which persists indefinitely even after SCP-1022's removal. This visual effect is comparable to that of a light microscope on high-power settings (1000x), with the result that most organisms visible appear 1-5mm in length or diameter. The effect is not cumulative with magnification apparatus; use of light microscopy will not enlarge organisms, although the subject is able to use more powerful magnification techniques, such as electron microscopy, as normal. Organisms on the surface of the eye are not visible, but organisms on spectacles or contact lenses are, leading to obscured vision in users of these and the inconvenience of constant sterilisation for normal vision.\nOrganisms observed by the subject are accurate magnifications, mobile and may be observed to grow, reproduce and bioluminesce where possible. Physical properties of the organisms themselves are unaffected. With appropriate microbiology training, subjects have proved to be capable of distinguishing and classifying organisms accurately. Only prokaryotic cells are visible; eukaryotic cells and nonliving objects are not magnified. Experimentation with viruses is underway pending preparation of a suitable subject and testing environment (it is presumed that only the largest viruses >400 nm would be visible, and the subject would require above-normal visual acuity).\nAll non-sterile surfaces, including living beings, will appear to the subject as though coated in organisms with density proportional to the level of contamination of the surface. On sufficiently colonised surfaces (>10,000 organisms/cm2) a 3-dimensional layer of organisms up to 10 cm in height has been observed. This is strictly a visual effect and may be passed through without result, apart from the normal possibility of microbiological contamination when in contact with the surface.\nSCP-1022 is a risk for psychopathology in exposed subjects. After experiencing the effects of SCP-1022, subjects may develop anxiety or obsessive-compulsive traits (unsurprisingly, abnormal cleaning habits are dominant), anorexia, and socially isolating behaviours - other manifestations are less common. The pattern of these symptoms is variable between subjects and dependent on factors such as personality traits, underlying psychopathology, occupation and educational level. High threshold for disgust and biomedical education have been noted to be protective. SCP-1022-related psychopathology may be treated by standard methods involving cognitive behavioural therapy to reinforce the harmless and 'normal' nature of the visions, in conjunction with anxiolytic medication.\nAddendum 1022-1:\nWhile data on long-term SCP-1022 exposure is scarce, some subjects have reported developing further abnormal sensations after 3 months at a minimum of experiencing SCP-1022's effect. These include abnormal tactile inputs ('crawling' sensations), the feeling of organisms 'jumping' from surfaces to the subject, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. One subject (D-10225A9) reported mild feelings of discomfort in the throat, chest and abdomen for which no medical cause could be found. Further observation is required. Presently, the development of these is considered harmless and only indicates medication as necessary.\nAddendum 1022-2:\nAbility of subjects to cope with SCP-1022 exposure in the long term was confirmed by Experiment 1022-5A. D-10225A1 [male, 34, Eastern European, relevant background as emergency medical technician] successfully adapted to SCP-1022's effect and retains normal function and mental stability after \u2588\u2588 months, requiring only fortnightly psychological support and no medication. Dr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 submitted a request to have D-10225A1 assigned to the Site-\u2588\u2588 microbial laboratory as an assistant; this was approved and Dr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports D-10225A1 has been a useful resource for the research team.\nSubsequently, a number of proposals have been made for expanded use of SCP-1022 for both D-class personnel and Foundation staff involved in sterile-environment medical work or containment of biologically hazardous SCP objects such as [REDACTED]. Expanded use of SCP-1022 on D-class and staff volunteers is approved post-completion of:\n\na proposal demonstrating value of SCP-1022's effects in subject's duties with the Foundation\na comprehensive psychiatric evaluation\nthe SCP-1022 orientation course at Site-\u2588\u2588, involving 2 weeks of education sessions and isolation in rooms designed to simulate SCP-1022's effects (using a combination of video technology and paper cutouts)\n\nThese prerequisites are not mandatory for D-class personnel but are recommended for research and data collection purposes.\n\nNOTE [15/01/20\u2588\u2588]: Use of SCP-1022 on Foundation personnel has been suspended following Incident 1022-1. Use of D-class personnel may continue but caution is advised.\n\nIncident 1022-1:\nDr A\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Level 3 member of the Site-\u2588\u2588 medical staff, was an early volunteer for use of SCP-1022 and was approved after completing the requirements. He responded well to the effects of SCP-1022 and was functional and mentally stable after \u2588 weeks with psychological treatment and anxiolytics. On 14/01/20\u2588\u2588, Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was sent to the Site-\u2588\u2588 medical facility after experiencing bouts of abdominal pain diagnosed as acute appendicitis. As Dr A\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the operating theater, he became highly agitated, administered a lethal dose of anaesthetic to Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and called a Level-1 biohazard emergency warning. Appropriate protocols were initiated and the Site and personnel were decontaminated, which revealed no remarkable pathogens. Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's remains were autopsied and found to be normal save a confirmation of the appendicitis diagnosis (the pathogens involved were normal intestinal flora). Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was previously healthy and had no record of exposure to major biohazards. Dr A\u2588\u2588\u2588 was placed into custody but remained agitated and uncooperative, demanding the incineration of Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's remains and further decontamination of the Site. Interrogation demonstrated his belief in an undefined SCP-level biohazardous contaminant of Agent R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 necessitating the neutralisation of Site-\u2588\u2588 and non-essential personnel.\nSite-\u2588\u2588 remains operational with no ill effects to date and Dr A\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been detained indefinitely. Following this incident, use of SCP-1022 on Foundation personnel has been suspended and all subjects exposed to SCP-1022 placed under closer surveillance.\nAddendum 1022-3: D-10225A1 has reported auditory hallucinations of 'squirming' sounds. Reassurance was given and he has been started on a low dose of anxiolytics.\n\nFootnotes\n1. While no direct link is suspected between the two objects, SCP-791's anomalous sterility manifests in a similar manner.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1021 | SCP-1022 | SCP-1023 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1023\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1023 is to be kept within a 1m x 1m x 1m lead-lined steel box to be stored at Research Sector 4 at Site 17 at all times when it is not being tested or studied. SCP-1023 is to be kept under audio and video surveillance at all times during containment and testing, and Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to be notified at any time the object becomes active. All data the object produces is to be recorded both digitally and physically and stored within a secure vault on-site. If any data the object produces is of risk to the Foundation, it is to be forwarded as soon as possible to the nearest Site Administrator.\nDescription: SCP-1023 is a seismograph of unknown make and manufacture, procured by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during a raid on a Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. warehouse in [REDACTED]. The object appears to be composed of an unknown material which resembles glass, but contains traces of elements not normally occurring on Earth. The object is a center \"post\" with 3 outlying platforms which each have one roll of paper, two electrical motors, and a small pen. One platform of the device measures magnitude of the event in a fashion similar to ordinary seismographs, another records the location in longitude and latitude, and the final platform records the date and time (the predicted time of the event has shown a deviation of \u00b1\u2588 minutes). It has been suggested that SCP-1023 is a modified version of a normal seismograph, as the helicorders it possesses are in the normal positions to record motion in the X, Y, and Z directions. Paper is to be regularly supplied when SCP-1023 runs out, to prevent missing an event.\nSCP-1023 is able to record seismic activity from anywhere on Earth. In addition, SCP-1023 is occasionally able to predict seismic activity from the future. The method or mechanism through which it detects and measures seismic events is unknown. Foundation researchers were able to determine the function of SCP-1023 when a recording from SCP-1023 was discovered to correlate with seismic records of the March 2011 earthquake in Japan, as well as the aftershocks of said earthquake. It is unknown how SCP-1023 chooses which events to report, as it is not reporting all seismic activity in the world. It is theorized that SCP-1023 only reports those events that are relevant to large amounts of people or to its current \"owner\".\nAddendum:\nRecorded Output From SCP-1023:\nEvent 1023-1\nDate: 10/18/2011\nLocation: 27.723\u00b0N, 88.064\u00b0E, India-Nepal Border\nMagnitude: 6.9\nEvent 1023-2\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/2016\nLocation: 37.692\u00b0N, -122.324\u00b0E, San Francisco, California\nMagnitude: 9.2\nEvent 1023-3\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, \u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E, near Site \u2588\u2588\nMagnitude: 5.8\nEvent 1023-4\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Activity detected from multiple locations within ~19 minutes of each other. Numerous large cities and many Foundation sites appear to be locations given by the device.\nMagnitude: Varies slightly depending on location. The similarity of readings indicates detonations of warheads rather than natural earthquakes.\n\n+ MESSAGE VIEWABLE BY LEVEL 4 PERSONNEL AND HIGHER ONLY\n\n- Authorization Verified\n\nSCP-1023's prediction of record amounts of nuclear detonations within a short period on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is especially worrying given the increasing frequency with which numerous SCPs are predicting an XK-class event on dates coinciding with or near this date (Including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). All precautions are to be taken regarding containment procedure adherence and we are to be wary of outside factions, as well as uncontained anomalous objects. As far in the future as this date is, it is always best to start preparations early. When you have prior notice of a situation, take advantage of it.\nRemember: Secure, Contain, Protect.\nO5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1022 | SCP-1023 | SCP-1024 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1024\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1024 is kept in a secure locker at Reliquary Containment Site-76, under standard Level 3 Bibliomorphic Containment Conditions. Access to SCP-1024 is prohibited without level 3 authorization. Personnel assigned to researching SCP-1024 have standing authorization for access, but must inform their Project Leader before accessing SCP-1024 and must log all activity related to its use.\nDescription: SCP-1024 is a modified Dungeons and Dragons Basic boxed set, published ca. 1981, in nearly new condition, consisting of a rulebook, a module (a pre-printed adventure), a catalog, a set of dice, and a crayon. Although SCP-1024 superficially resembles a standard box set sold at the time, the rulebook and module have had their pages removed and replaced with sheets of vellum and bound using platinum staples. The pages are filled with diagrams and text written in Classical Latin using red ink, and the books smell faintly of sulfur. Together, the two books provide basic information with which one can, with sufficient study and practice, invoke a variety of low-power anomalous effects.\nThe rulebook (designated SCP-1024-01) is sixty-four pages long and contains general information regarding invoking these effects, including the types of material to be used (and why), how to choose and prepare a location for invoking these effects, how to prepare the self beforehand, and steps to take in case something goes wrong. SCP-1024-01 does not include procedures for invoking any specific effect, however.\nThe module (designated SCP-1024-02) is thirty-two pages long and contains step-by-step instructions for invoking a variety of effects, based on information found in SCP-1024-01. Anomalous effects that have been successfully invoked using procedures found in SCP-1024-02 include:\n\nCreating a protective circle (SCP-1024-01 notes that invoking this circle is recommended before performing any other process)\nChanging superficial traits on an object, such as its color or roughness\nChanging the ambient temperature slightly (generally by no more than 5\u00b0C)\nRepairing minor damage an object has sustained\nHealing minor injuries\nCausing a short-lived tactile effect on another person, such as an itch or a tickle\nReading the surface thoughts of another person for brief periods\nCausing a small animal (no larger than a mouse) to spontaneously appear\n\nThe books imply that stronger effects can be invoked using information that can be found in a different, more advanced set of books. However, no such volumes have yet been found.\nThe remaining components of SCP-1024 (the catalog, dice, crayon, and box) do not appear to have any anomalous properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1023 | SCP-1024 | SCP-1025 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1025, with publisher's name redacted\n\nItem #: SCP-1025\nObject Class: Keter Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to its potential as a bioweapon capable of destroying all life on Earth, SCP-1025 is to be kept in an isolated underground vault secured by no fewer than 10 armed guards, to be rotated twice weekly and checked for compromise by infectious agents. The vault should be armed with a thermite mine to be detonated at the first sign of containment breach.\nRevision: SCP-1025 is to be kept in a passcode-secured locker. Further research requires O5 approval.\nDescription: SCP-1025 is a hardcover book, approximately 1,500 pages long. The front cover and spine feature the title \"The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases.\" The publisher's page indicates the book was printed in 19\u2588\u2588 by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Press. No other copies of a book with that title and publisher have been found, and no record of the publisher exists.\nReaders of the book seem to exhibit symptoms of any disease they read about. The effect can take between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 hours to manifest. (See Test Log)\nAddendum 1025-01: Test Log\n\nSubjects: D-1025-01\nTest: Subject read entry entitled \"Common Cold.\" Subject observed for several hours afterward.\nResults: Subject exhibited cough within 2 hours, and when asked, claimed to feel \"slightly achey,\" though he attributed this to uncomfortable sleeping arrangements.\nSubjects: D-1025-02\nTest: Subject read entry entitled \"Chicken Pox.\" Subject observed for several hours.\nResults: Over the course of one hour, subject observed to scratch at no fewer than 5 points on her body repeatedly. Subject's medical history indicated she had contracted chicken pox at age 8. Possible evidence that item can override natural immunities noted.\nSubjects: D-1025-03\nTest: Subject read entry entitled \"Cancer of the Lungs.\" Subject observed for several hours. Test was to determine item's ability to accelerate advancement of illnesses.\nResult: Subject observed to cough 4 10 6 a significant number of times over the course of \u2588 hours within a relatively small amount of time. Subject denied feeling any discomfort, but observation of subject's breathing indicated irregularities. Subject terminated and sent for autopsy. No tumors apparent.\nNote: We clearly didn't wait long enough. But we all heard the coughs, and his wheezing.\nSubjects: D-1025-04\nTest: Previous test repeated, but subject observed for 7 days.\nResults: A lot of coughing and wheezing, far beyond what should be considered normal. Subject terminated and sent for autopsy. No tumors apparent.\nNote: What if the illness vanishes after death, making infection all the more insidious?\nSubjects: D-1025-05\nTest: Same as previous.\nResults: Same as previous, but subject sent for vivisection, utilizing [DATA EXPUNGED] hours before expiring from shock. No tumors apparent.\nNote: We have to keep trying. Imagine if this were an infectious agent. Imagine if there were more books like this out there.\n[Redundant tests redacted for brevity. In summary, each test used one D-class subject, who read one entry from the item, and was then tested or vivisected in search of signs of infection following reported symptoms. After test 15, research was moved to a dedicated isolated facility in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, staffed by 3 researchers and 2 security. One D-class subject delivered as needed to minimize space and ration needs.]\nSubjects: D-1025-27\nTest: Subject read entry entitled \"Appendicitis.\" Subject had undergone an appendectomy at age 16. Observed for 3 days.\nResults: After 52 hours, subject complained of stomach ache significant abdominal discomfort. Vivisection performed. No appendix found, but area where appendix would normally be looked a few shades more red than it should be, by general consensus of research staff.\nSubjects: D-1025-28 (formerly Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nTest: Subject had developed persistent cough, despite never reading SCP-1025, and was placed in observation for one week.\nResults: None apparent for 6 days. At 0930 hours on day 7, subject appeared slightly taller than the day previous. Noted as evidence that item's anomalous properties can cause generation of diseases other than those researched by the victim, and without direct viewing of reading material. Vivisection considered, but overruled for the time being.\nNote: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 got out! The crazy bastard got out somehow! We were so stupid! The addition of height is a classical symptom of SCP-016 adapting to the stress of being confined in that room. Who knows or cares what he was coming down with first? There was a grating on the ceiling. A few more feet of height, and a few inches skinnier, and he'd easily fit. He could be up there right now, growing claws and vomiting infected blood everywhere and taking who knows what other dormant diseases with him. SCP-008? SCP-742? Oh, God, what if he's come down with SCP-217?\n\nAddendum 1025-02: A recovery team was sent to the facility on \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588 after no contact was made from the facility for 72 hours. Agents found Researchers \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sealed in the observation booth, both wearing biological containment suits. Nearly all stored air tanks were depleted. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 was found crawling through the facility's air ducts with sidearm drawn. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had locked himself in the barracks with an improvised flamethrower made of aerosol cleaner and a box of matches. Later interview indicated \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had not climbed into ducts, but simply used his passcode to leave the observation chamber while other researchers were distracted. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead in a supply closet locked from inside, with several empty bottles of water and ration packages. The door had been given an airtight seal with garbage bags and duct tape.\nNote: After careful review of all research on SCP-1025, I'm ordering an immediate evaluation of whoever approved the use of 27 D-Class subjects, an isolated facility, and a dedicated underground bunker on this money pit. Not one out-of-the-ordinary infectious agent was found anyplace this item was tested. And every involved staff member had passed a basic psych exam within the previous year. I have no idea how far up the chain of command this \"hypochondria by proxy\" effect can reach, or how it works, and frankly, I see no benefit in learning. Stick it in a box, lock it up, and for God's sake, try not to worry about it. -O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1024 | SCP-1025 | SCP-1026 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1026\nObject Class: Safe Euclid (see Addendum #1026-1)\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1026 is contained within a 8 m x 8 m unfurnished room. Personnel are advised not to enter SCP-1026's containment cell without supervision from an external observer. SCP-1026 is contained within a reinforced cell in Sector \u2588\u2588. Under no circumstances are any personnel to enter the containment area; all observation will be done remotely through security cameras with a broadcast delay of no less than 13.6 seconds. No care is necessary; SCP-1026 has no apparent need for food, water, or sleep.\nDescription: SCP-1026 is an entity that produces a powerful mental effect on any human observer who views it directly. This effect causes observers to become completely convinced that SCP-1026 is someone who they know and trust, typically a family member or close friend. There is currently no known way to convince the observer otherwise; this effect will continue for approximately one (1) hour after they are removed from SCP-1026's presence (subjects that lack any close relationships, such as sociopaths, appear to be unable to see SCP-1026 and refuse to acknowledge its existence). This effect is present even when viewed indirectly, such as through camera feeds, although this effect can be mitigated by the presence of a long enough broadcast delay. Testing has revealed that a minimum of 13.6 seconds is required to neutralize SCP-1026's effect; when viewed in such a manner, or through other media such as photographs, SCP-1026 appears as a blurry, roughly humanoid entity. It appears to \"flicker\", rapidly changing height, shape, and color. SCP-1026 seems to be capable of speech; however, this speech sounds extremely garbled and distorted to those not under its anomalous effects. Those who are under its effects perceive it as perfectly normal human speech appropriate for the given situation. SCP-1026 has also displayed reasoning and problem-solving abilities on par with those of a human, as well as a fairly docile temperament (see Addendum #1026-1).\nAddendum #1026-1:\nThe following log is an account of a test to determine the exact nature of SCP-1026's abilities, performed just prior to Incident 1026-1. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 D-5582 was told to enter the testing area and perform a series of experiments to gather information about SCP-1026's physiology. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 oversaw the test and communicated with D-5582 through a speaker.\n\nLevel 3 Clearance Required\n\nAccess Granted\n\n[BEGIN LOG]\n*D-5582 enters test chamber carrying video camera*\nD-5582: What the hell? There's someone else in here!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes there is. Please proceed.\nD-5582: Oh my- Mom? That's my [expletive] mother, you bastards! What the hell is this?!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That is not your mother. Please proceed with the test.D-5582: Don't worry, Mom. I'm gonna get us outta here. (to speaker) Let her out now!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That is not your mother. Please proceed with the-\nD-5582: [Expletive] the test! I'm not doing anything until you tell me what the hell's going on!D-5582: I don't know, Mom. That's what I'm trying to find out.\n*D-5582 throws a piece of equipment at speaker; misses*\nD-5582: [Expletive] you! [Expletive] you all! *begins crying*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: *sighs* D-5582, the test is now terminated please leave the chamber.\n*SCP-1026 begins to move towards D-5582*\nD-5582: I'm not leaving my mother!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you do not vacate the test chamber, I will be forced to call security!\n*SCP-1026 is now standing behind D-5582*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm going to tell you one last time\u2026\n*SCP-1026 appears to grab D-5582's shoulders, spin him around, and \"stare\" at his face*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I-I need a security team down here now!\n*D-5582 begins to violently convulse, and his body begins to \"flicker\" in a manner similar to that of SCP-1026*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Oh Jesus\u2026 There's two of them\u2026\n*SCP-1026 and D-5582 move towards test chamber door as security team enters*\n[END LOG]\n\nAfter the above log was created, SCP-1026 and D-5582 broke containment. Displaying unusually aggressive behavior, they proceeded to kill \u2588 members of the security team and wound \u2588\u2588 more. The security teams found it very difficult to respond due to SCP-1026's mental effect. Although one of the entities (now assigned the designation of SCP-1026-A) was lured into a temporary holding cell and re-contained, the whereabouts of SCP-1026-B are unknown (see Addendum #1026-2).\nNote: Shit. These things can reproduce\u2026 If there's more of them out there, we could have a serious problem on our hands. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAccess Granted\n\nAddendum #1026-2:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, SCP-1026-B was located two miles from Sector \u2588\u2588, where SCP-1026-A is currently being held (how it managed to cover the distance between the original facility and Sector \u2588\u2588 is currently unknown). A security team was dispatched to contain it. [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in the accidental neutralization of SCP-1026-B. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 performed an autopsy of the entity on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 (see Document 1026-B).\n\n\u00ab SCP-1025 | SCP-1026 | SCP-1027 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A specimen of SCP-1027 out of containment. Photo courtesy of The Stranger.\n\nItem #: SCP-1027\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1027 is to be housed in a standard liquid containment tank, immersed in a saline solution. Personnel are to avoid direct physical contact with SCP-1027 with the exception of feeding staff. SCP-1027 is to be given one (1) fresh bovine brain per week. All staff involved in feeding of SCP-1027 are to wear Level-4 bio-protective equipment. In event of exposure to SCP-1027, affected personnel are to be immediately treated as instances of SCP-1027 and subjected to standard containment protocols.\nDescription: SCP-1027 closely resembles the central nervous system of a human (Homo sapiens) that has adapted to life outside the human body. Specimens currently in the possession of the Foundation measure from 1.1 meters (measured from the apex of the cerebrum to the base of the sciatic nerve) to 1.5 meters. Attached are the basic sensory structures associated with human functioning, including sensory nerve structures, eyes, and cochlea. SCP-1027 appears to be able to interpret signals from these systems in the same way as a human subject. However, all neural structures within SCP-1027 are capable of movement to varying extents. This movement is most noticeable while SCP-1027 is immersed in a liquid medium.\nNeural composition in SCP-1027 appears similar to that of a human, with the exception of the neuroglia. The myelin sheathing covering the cells of SCP-1027 is approximately 300% the thickness of that found in a healthy adult human. In addition to this, glial coatings on neurons of SCP-1027 have been found to extend the full length of the cells, and are apparently permeable to neurotransmitter compounds. As a result, SCP-1027 is capable of supporting itself outside the environment of a living body, although it is most comfortable in a somewhat saline water solution.\nSCP-1027 seems to feed primarily on the neurotransmitters found within mammalian brain tissue. Consumption takes place by a process similar to osmosis, in which the neuroglia of SCP-1027 extract and absorb certain compounds. The exact process through which this is accomplished is unknown. Regular feedings render SCP-1027 much more docile, reducing the risk of exposure. However, it seems that SCP-1027 is capable of survival for extended periods without feeding, and it is not known at this time whether there is actually a biological need for these chemicals.\nWhen presented with live prey, SCP-1027 will apparently merge with its nervous system, draining neurotransmitter agents over time, leading ultimately to death. However, when exposed to a living or recently deceased (less than 12 hours prior to exposure) human, SCP-1027 will instead infiltrate the brain through the auditory canal. Upon breaching the meningeal membranes, the neural ganglia of SCP-1027 will release a high dose of an apparently modified dopamine compound directly into the brain, in addition to an electrical impulse measured at approximately 150 millivolts. This combination has been shown to initiate basic brain activity in 9\u2588% of cases. The nervous system of the subject will begin to modify itself into a new instance of SCP-1027. The neuroglia thicken, and the entire central nervous system detaches from the host body by accelerated decomposition. To date, no specimen of SCP-1027 has been shown to possess any memories prior to becoming detached, and have a functional intelligence level equivalent to that of a lower primate.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1026 | SCP-1027 | SCP-1028 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1028\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-1028 are to be kept in a large free-flight aviary. When needed, the feeders are to be filled with seed and berries. Once a week, the insect, earthworm, and snail population of the aviary should be checked, with more being introduced as needed. Care is to be taken to ensure that all specimens remain fairly calm, and any flora species or variety not accounted for in the building of the aviary is to be removed and incinerated, as per Addendum 01.\nWild instances should be caught or killed. Standard traps used for the capture of similarly sized birds are suggested. Live captured specimens are to be transported individually and released into the aviary. Killed instances should be preserved and brought to the lab at Site-\u2588\u2588 for dissection by staff researchers.\nDescription: SCP-1028 is a previously unknown species of Passerine (songbirds), with some aspects of physiology, size, and genetics pointing towards an inclusion in Family Sturnidae (Starlings). All discovered instances have had brilliant iridescent plumage. There is no uniformity to the color of the individual instances, leading some to suspect that SCP-1028 is actually several subspecies, each with a different dominating color. No sexual dimorphism has been observed in the species. Instances of SCP-1028 produce the usual complement of songs, calls, and vocalizations usual to their order. Most calls produced by specimens have no effect on other animals, and many humans find them pleasant to hear.\nThe unusual properties of SCP-1028 appear strongest when a large flock are observed flying. When a flock of 25 or more instances are flying together, the flock appears to scintillate, creating a dazzling effect on observers. This dazzling effect is not limited to human observers, as dogs, cats, foxes, and other predators have been observed to act in a stunned manner when passed by a large enough flock.\nThe sharp, high pitched mobbing call produced by instances has a similar effect to the flocking. It not only calls more instances to the area, but also induces a dazed effect in predatory species. Affected individuals claim to have observed flashes of light punctuating each call.\nThose affected by either form of dazing enter a state of altered perception, lasting for a length of time proportional to the time spent viewing or hearing instances.\nThe existence of SCP-1028 was brought to the attention of the Foundation when a large traffic accident occurred in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 which resulted in \u2588\u2588 casualties, and \u2588\u2588 hospitalizations. None of the witnesses saw the accident, but all reported seeing a multicolored flock of birds. An interview with one of the witnesses is reproduced below.\nInterview Log 1028-03\nInterviewed: Eyewitness to flock of SCP-1028\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: One of the surviving eyewitnesses to the flock that brought SCP-1028 to the Foundation's attention.\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you tell me what happened the afternoon we found you in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nSubject: I was walking down the street, you know? And suddenly this big flock of birds was flying overhead. They were brilliant! I swear, they were every color imaginable. They seemed to shimmer and sparkle in the light. They got so bright, I had a hard time looking at them after a while. But I couldn't stop staring.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What happened then?\nSubject: (Nervous laughter) You wouldn't believe me if I told you.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm very open minded. I really would like to hear what happened next.\nSubject: There was a sudden flash of light, and when I looked around me, everyone was gone.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Gone? Please explain.\nSubject: The buildings were still there, and the parked cars, but there was nobody driving in the street. Nobody around at all. And the buildings and parked cars? They had plants growing on them. Like, you know how kudzu or ivy covers everything? Well, this was like that, but the plants were weird.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: In what sense?\nSubject: The colors were, um, wrong.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If at all possible, please go into more detail.\nSubject: (Nervous laughter) The leaves weren't green. They were blue, or purple. There were these flower-like things. No, they were like dandelion puffs, but more cage-like. I know, it sounds crazy, or like I had an acid flashback or something. But, really, for a while I was wandering around in the same neighborhood, but completely alone, and with these weird plants growing on everything. But after a while, people and things started to fade back in. And suddenly, I saw that there was this massive traffic accident. Cars had crashed, people had been hit, chaos everywhere.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what did you think of that experience?\nSubject: That I was lucky I didn't wander into the street.\n\n\nClosing Statement: The subject was given a class-B amnestic and released.\nAddendum 01: It appears that when instances of SCP-1028 are in distress for a prolonged period of time, an emergence of one or more sprouts of unusually-colored flora begin to grow in the vicinity of the distressed animal. Regardless of what species an emergent sprout resembles, all grow at a rate similar to that of Pueraria lobata (kudzu). Individuals who have been exposed to both the effect of specimens and have seen the outgrowths claim a resemblance between the new plants and what they saw while affected. In light of this, new procedures have been added to containment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1027 | SCP-1028 | SCP-1029 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A reduced-scale reproduction of SCP-1029 not exhibiting SCP-1029's effect\n\nItem #: SCP-1029\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Three copies of SCP-1029 are currently stored on standard CD-R media in the secure sections of Foundation libraries at Sites \u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588. Access is permitted only for authorised research into the cause of its effect.\nDescription: SCP-1029 is a 683\u00d71024 pixel Exif JPEG image file with MD5 checksum bbb61a1033967e337e1c691bd1c860fe. It depicts a stalk of purple flowers of the species Hyacinthus orientalis. When displayed full-size on a computer monitor and the surface of the screen is gently rubbed with a finger (skin proximity appears to be necessary to trigger a reaction), the flower's distinctive fragrance is released in the manner of a \"scratch 'n' sniff\" card.\nAir samples taken while rubbing SCP-1029 induce the perception of the same floral scents when later sniffed by test subjects, suggesting that SCP-1029 has a definite physical, rather than purely mental, effect. Chemical analysis of air samples is in progress.\nFor the image's unusual response to occur, pixel-for-pixel reproduction of SCP-1029 appears to be necessary, along with colour rendition capable of differentiating all the colour values present within the image. While most CRT monitors are capable of showing the effect with no specific adjustment, many low-end LCDs and most panels older than \u2588 years have failed to yield a detectable smell. It should, however, be noted that SCP-1029's odour does not vary in strength depending on image quality; it is simply not produced at all if the image was not reproduced within certain parameters.\nReducing the image's colour depth, rescaling it to a smaller size or applying any lossy image processing or editing procedure (including JPEG recompression) have been found to produce an image which does not display SCP-1029's anomalous effect. Lossless rotation by a multiple of 90\u00b0, lossless conversion to PNG or TIFF format, and cropping of up to \u2588\u2588 pixels off the right edge or \u2588 pixels off any other edge of SCP-1029 have been found not to affect the image's properties. Uncorrupted digital copies of the file in any form or medium appear to retain the properties of SCP-1029; in a sense, all such copies are SCP-1029.\nSCP-1029 was discovered by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on a web image gallery at URL [DATA EXPUNGED] on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 while browsing using a touch-screen computer. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noticed the image's reaction to being rubbed and saved a copy for further study. The full-size \"original\" image file (4752\u00d73168 resolution, produced by a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 50\u2588 camera according to its Exif metadata) has also been downloaded from the same site and does not seem to exhibit the same property as SCP-1029; thumbnails and other derived images on the same site are also similarly lacking in SCP-1029's effect.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been tasked with attempting to discover a suitable combination of software and settings which, when applied to this full-size image, reproduce SCP-1029.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been tasked with cracking into the web server, ascertaining the extent of distribution of SCP-1029, and removing SCP-1029 from public view. The file is to be replaced with a recompressed version of SCP-1029 verified not to exhibit any unusual effect; any logged accesses to SCP-1029's URL are to be traced and contained. The web site is to be monitored for any reappearance of SCP-1029.\nAddendum: While output from ink-jet and laser printers, even when carefully calibrated and apparently meeting SCP-1029's criteria, do not display any response to rubbing, dye sublimation prints of SCP-1029 have been found to produce fragrance with little tweaking required. It has been suggested that this is due to the dithering (\"dottiness\") of ink-jet and laser prints versus the continuous tone output of the dye sublimation process.\nAddendum: A correlation between sweat on the skin and odiferous intensity has been observed. Doctor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 triggered SCP-1029's effect with an unusually sweaty finger shortly after an episode of strenuous exercise in the gym; the smell was later described as \"overpowering\". This suggests a phenomenon in which sweat (or some component thereof) is being converted to specific odour molecules. Investigation into this process is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1028 | SCP-1029 | SCP-1030 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1030\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1030-1 is to be kept in a 7m x 5m holding cell under video surveillance and staffed by one guard. Minimal furnishing is allowed, as SCP-1030-1 does appear to be able to experience \"comfort\" and \"pain.\" There are to be no tangible objects in the cell except one word processor terminal, to be built into the wall of the cell. SCP-1030-1 may request materials for self-repair by typing on this terminal. Staff are to place materials in the airlock between the observation booth and the holding cell, then vacate the airlock before SCP-1030-1 is given access to it.\nUnder no circumstances should SCP-1030-1 be given any sharp objects or potential writing utensils. Any attempt by SCP-1030-1 to draw or carve SCP-1030-2 shall result in revoking of word processor privileges until later review. Any resulting instances of SCP-1030-3 should be reverted by removal of SCP-1030-2, or, if more convenient, destroyed by fire.\nDescription: SCP-1030-1 is a humanoid figure approximately 1.65m tall, constructed of various objects. As of \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 it is composed of a pair of shoes, a computer mouse, a garbage can, 4m of rubber hose, crushed remains of a push-cart, a personal digital organizer, a labcoat, a pair of glasses, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nObjects integrated into SCP-1030-1 corrode, rot, or otherwise decompose at an accelerated rate. Heavily damaged objects are expelled and replaced by an unknown force using other nearby objects capable of roughly filling the vacated space. Objects may contort or break if necessary, but preference is given to objects requiring a minimum of effort.\nRuined items are not expelled until a replacement is found. SCP-1030-1 has expressed that keeping damaged items integrated is \"painful.\"\nThe only constant feature on SCP-1030-1 is the presence of a complex symbol (hereafter SCP-1030-2) that becomes engraved on the \u201cback\u201d of whatever analog SCP-1030-1 is using for a head. Part of the symbol includes the Hebrew word \"\u05d7\u05d9\u05d9\u05dd.\"\nSCP-1030-1 expresses periodic desire to copy this symbol onto other objects. Any objects marked in this way (known as SCP-1030-3) become animate with some control by SCP-1030-1 as long as they are within \u2588m of SCP-1030-1. Beyond that range, SCP-1030-3 invariably become hostile, seeking out and attempting to harm any humans in any way possible. Removal or destruction of any portion of SCP-1030-2 reverts such items to their original, inanimate state.\nRecovery notes\nSCP-1030-1 was initially contained following stories of a \"monster\" near a garbage dump in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Czechoslovakia. Agents captured SCP-1030-1 on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 using powerful magnets, as much of its body was composed of scrap metal at the time. SCP-1030-1 offered no violent resistance, attempting only to flee at first contact, and ceased its attempts after several minutes.\nAddendum 1030-01: Deviant behavior/New containment procedures\nSCP-1030-1 has begun attempting to place SCP-1030-2 on any object it can access, with mixed success. New containment procedures forbidding the presence of non-repair objects implemented due to extra security measures needed for animated furniture. Walls and floor are now padded fabric due to severe structural damage caused by animation of walls and floor. Computer terminal resolution and size have been reduced following input of ASCII version of SCP-1030-2 that resulted in violent animation of computer terminal.\nFollowing implementation of new containment procedures, SCP-1030-1 has ceased regular movement and refused to type on terminal except for the word \"Alone,\" once a day.\nAddendum 1030-02: Incident report\nFollowing initial testing on replication of SCP-1030-2, SCP-1030-1 was denied access to any objects for self-repair purposes with the aim of coercing SCP-1030-1 into explaining why the symbol wasn't effective when copied by Foundation personnel. The word processor was also removed. SCP-1030-1 was told to respond by signing letters in the air.\nAfter 22 days with no useful response, SCP-1030-1's components appeared to be in severe disrepair. After subject was observed to sit for several hours without motion, then-head researcher Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the cell with a sealed metal box of debris on a push-cart (current containment procedures were not in place), stating intention to \u201ctempt\u201d SCP-1030-1.\nThe resulting video record has been preserved for study.\n\n<0754:13> Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters containment cell, pauses while door is sealed behind him, and shakes cart.\n<0754:16> SCP-1030-1 rises to \u201cfeet,\u201d immediately makes defensive or warding gestures with \u201carms.\u201d\n<0754:20> Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 takes two steps toward SCP-1030-1 with cart, at which time Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's glasses appear to fly off his face and replace a disintegrating cardboard tube as SCP-1030-1's thumb. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 feels face, then lets go of cart and turns to door.\n<0754:22> Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, facing door, appears to leave ground, flying backwards toward SCP-1030-1.\n<0754:25> Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's entire body [DATA EXPUNGED] violently by an unidentified force, with no apparent regard for previous anatomical functions.\n<0754:30> SCP-1030-1 drops to \u201cknees\u201d and repeatedly slams own head (at the time a wastepaper bin) against back wall of containment cell for approximately 30 seconds.\n<0755:01> SCP-1030-1 rises, rocking its body, and begins stroking Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's head and back, currently located [DATA EXPUNGED].\n<0858:15> Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 ceases movement.\n<0858:22> Push-cart accelerates toward SCP-1030-1, discarding box of debris. Cart is crushed and re-shaped by unknown means, replacing portions of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which are expelled onto the floor.\n<0858:40> Box accelerates toward SCP-1030-1. Box is crushed, exposing items inside. Box and all items integrated into SCP-1030-1. All previous components of SCP-1030-1 have now been replaced.\n<0858:54> SCP-1030-1 sits in corner of cell.\n<0920:10> Security and clean-up crews enter. No reaction from SCP-1030-1.\n\nAddendum 1030-03: Unprompted writing\nSCP-1030-1 does not typically initiate communication except to request new materials, and only offers minimal response to questions. However, on one occasion, approximately 1 hour after fruitless questioning had ended regarding SCP-1030-1's origins, SCP-1030-1 entered the following on the terminal in its cell.\n\nWas man.\nMan lived. Man would die.\nMaker came down.\nMaker said you live. You make. Maker marked man.\nMan lived. Man made things.\nMan died. Things made man.\nMan lived again. Man made.\nMan lived. Man made.\nMan lived. Man made.\nMan lived. Man made.\nMan lived. Man made.\nAsk maker, man die please? Man so tired.\nMaker said no. Man has mark.\nMark is on head. Mark in head too.\nKnow mark too good. Always remember.\nCannot forget mark.\nMark is life.\n\nNote: Following review of the above writing sample, simultaneous and contradictory requests have been filed by co-heads Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requests total cessation of all visual study of SCP-1030-2. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requests approval for use of D-class personnel for expanded research into the tattoo reproduction and memorization of SCP-1030-2. O-5 response pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1029 | SCP-1030 | SCP-1031 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1031\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1031 is to be kept in a secure storage locker at Site \u2588\u2588. It may be removed for experimentation but must be returned set to \"Off\" and with SCP-1031-2 attached to the side with adhesive tape.\nDescription: SCP-1031 is a heavy duty weatherproof ABS plastic box measuring 20cm\u00d715cm\u00d75cm, weighing 770g and coloured mid-grey. The box is sealed shut. Screws are visible in deep shafts at each corner, but the screw heads appear to have been reamed out to prevent extraction. A grooved circular metal strap and associated tightening mechanism (\"jubilee clip\") is attached to the centre of one 20\u00d715cm side, and a printed vinyl label is affixed to the opposite side. The label identifies the box as a \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Ltd1 Red Light Enforcement Module\", gives instructions for attaching the box to a traffic light pole, and warns that the item is \"Tamper-proof! Do not attempt to open!\" accompanied by an iconic representation of an intruder being [DATA EXPUNGED]. Below the label is a keyhole, around which are three labelled settings: \"Off\", \"Enforce\" and \"Mark\".\nSCP-1031-2 is a key which fits the keyhole on SCP-1031. It appears to have no special properties and has been successfully copied by a Foundation locksmith using standard techniques. It does not appear to be possible to open the box using the key.\nSCP-1031 appears to be inert unless it is (a) attached to a traffic light pole (with lights actively operating in a sequence including red and green phases) in the manner described on the label, and (b) set to \"enforce\" or \"mark\" using SCP-1031-2. See attached logs for more information on the item's effects.\nIt should be noted that SCP-1031 does not require (indeed, has no connections for) any power or other connection, and has not been observed to actually do anything itself (although the effects noted in the test log below are clearly caused by SCP-1031's presence and the position of its keyway). There are no lamps or other indicators on the box. How its effects are caused is currently unknown.\nSCP-1031 was retrieved by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from a road-side location in south-west \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, UK on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after analysis of road traffic accident data revealed the recent very sudden formation of an accident black-spot. SCP-1031-2 had been left in the keyway of SCP-1031.\nTest log 1031-01: Testing was carried out at Research Site-\u2588\u2588. A traffic signal was installed at a suitable position in the car park, programmed with a simple 30-second green/red sequence and SCP-1031 was installed on the same pole according to its attached instructions. A white line was painted across the road beside the pole, and D-class test subjects ordered to drive a vehicle across the line.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3879\nKey setting: Off\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 30kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during green phase\nResult: No effect. Subject stopped vehicle 14m beyond line for further instructions.\nSubject: D-3879\nKey setting: Off\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 30kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: No effect. Subject stopped vehicle 12m beyond line for further instructions.\nSubject: D-3879\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 30kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during green phase\nResult: No effect. Subject stopped vehicle 9m beyond line for further instructions.\nSubject: D-3879\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 30kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: Vehicle halted suddenly at line, as if in collision with a fixed object. Air bag deployed. Subject suffered bruising to chest due to seat belt and reported feeling \"shaken\". Full width of vehicle front bumper crushed; little other damage to vehicle.\nSubject: D-3880\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 30kph\nPhase: Vehicle's front bumper crossed line 0.2 seconds before start of red phase; vehicle still crossing line at start of red phase\nResult: No effect. Subject stopped vehicle 17m beyond line for further instructions.\nSubject: D-3880\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 50kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: Upon crossing line, front tyres immediately deflated with a loud \"bang\" causing subject to lose control. Vehicle halted 27m past line, facing sideways relative to its direction of travel. Subject physically unhurt but claimed to be \"out of sorts\".\nSubject: D-3881\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Bicycle\nSpeed: 15kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: Upon crossing line, front wheel became solidly fixed to road surface. Subject flung over handle-bars and suffered bruising and minor cuts on impact with road surface. Bicycle remained upright with wheel fixed in position; bicycle could be rotated around fixed wheel. 5 seconds before red phase ended, wheel became free to move and bicycle fell to road surface. No damage discovered to road surface, tyre or wheel at point of adhesion.\nSubject: D-3882\nKey setting: Enforce\nVehicle type: Motorcycle, 750cc\nSpeed: 40kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: Upon crossing line, vehicle's drive chain broke. Subject reported momentary loss of control but was able to bring the machine to a halt safely 8m beyond line. Subject physically unhurt.\nSubject: D-3880\nKey setting: Mark\nVehicle type: Hatchback, 1.1L\nSpeed: 50kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: As vehicle crossed the line, horizontal red stripes 23cm wide appeared along both left and right sides of the vehicle approximately 80cm above ground level, as if spray-painted by a stationary agent while the vehicle was in motion. Later examination showed no evidence of an extra layer of paint having been added; the original paint-work's colour seems to have been altered. Removal of the stripes is estimated to require a full respray of the affected panels.\nSubject: D-3882\nKey setting: Mark\nVehicle type: Motorcycle, 750cc\nSpeed: 40kph\nPhase: Vehicle reached line during red phase\nResult: Red stripes 23cm wide and 80cm above ground level appeared on both sides of the motorcycle. Where the stripe crossed the subject's leg, the colour change appeared on the subject's clothing (shorts) and, where not covered, skin. Subject screamed as the colour change occurred; subject later reported that pain had occurred in the affected area and had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Affected areas of the subject's skin have become a uniform bright red colour matching the stripe on the vehicle. Washing with soap and water does not affect colouration; study of skin biopsies is recommended to determine how the change has been effected.\n\nFootnotes\n1. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Ltd has been traced through Companies House and contacted by a Foundation front organisation. They claim never to have produced such a device, and that they are, in fact, a fashion clothing manufacturer.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1030 | SCP-1031 | SCP-1032 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Recent photo of SCP-1032 (zoom not available)\n\nItem #: SCP-1032\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1032 is to be stored in a high-value inanimate-item cell at Sector-19. One unarmed guard is to be posted inside the cell at all times to prevent tampering.\nSCP-1032 is to be monitored at all times by a high-speed camera fitted with a macro lens capable of no less than 20x magnification, or greater as necessary to ensure that all text on the hands is legible. The footage from this camera is to be searched daily for any instances of any hand passing the 12 o'clock position (\"midnight events\"; see Description). After each midnight event, the new text for the hand involved must be recorded, and its current speed and estimated time to midnight calculated.\nDescription: SCP-1032 is a silver alarm clock of unknown make and origin. The clock is made from silver, plastic, and glass, and bears twenty-two (22) hands of various sizes and shapes.\nThe movements of SCP-1032's hands do not measure the passage of time. Each hand instead measures the time until the end of an ongoing event or the destruction of an extant entity. White text on the front of each hand, in sizes ranging from barely legible to microscopic, describes the event to be measured by that hand.\nWhen one of SCP-1032's hands reaches the twelve o'clock position, several events occur simultaneously, the combination of which is referred to as a \"midnight event\". First, the event or entity currently written on the hand ends or is destroyed. Second, the text on the hand spontaneously changes to describe a new event or entity, which need not bear any relation to the previous one. Third, the hand's rotational velocity changes.\nTo date, SCP-1032 has never been wrong: every event appearing on its hands has ended precisely at the moment of the corresponding midnight event. It has accurately predicted the deaths of over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 individual organisms, the fall of \u2588\u2588 governments, the dissolution of \u2588\u2588\u2588 major agencies and institutions, the death of a language, and the beginning of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588. Since any given hand's speed remains constant at all times except during midnight events, the time to the end of any entity measured by one of the object's hands can be predicted precisely.\nThe hands are designated SCP-1032-01 through -1032-22, in order of size from smallest to largest.\nThe following is a list of SCP-1032's hands and their current inscriptions. A full log of all relevant past inscriptions can be found at [FILE ACCESS RESTRICTED]\n\nSCP-1032-01\nCurrent text: SCP-1032-01 rotates too fast to have a constant measurement.\nPredicted date (of next midnight event): N/A\nNotes: SCP-1032-01's only recorded text to date has been one of the three following: \"A thought.\" \"A sound.\" or \"A sensation.\"\n\nSCP-1032-02\nCurrent text: \"The worst thing that will ever happen to anybody.\"\nPredicted date: SCP-1032-02 moves too slowly to measure.\nNotes: Due to the vagueness of this inscription and the impossibility of calculating the time until its next midnight event, no useful information on SCP-1032-2 is available.\n\nSCP-1032-03\nCurrent text: \"My Safe classification.\"\nPredicted date: 02/06/2012\nNotes: Dr. Guenther has suggested that, since SCP-1032 shows signs of self-awareness, it should be promoted to a Euclid-class threat. This proposal is scheduled for review on the 2nd of June, 2012.\nCurrent text: \"My Euclid classification.\"\nPredicted date: 09/01/2015\nNotes: As SCP-1032 has yet to manifest any properties warranting a Keter classification, Dr. Edison has proposed that SCP-1032 should be demoted to Safe. This proposal is scheduled for review on the 9th of January, 2015.\nYes, blindly following this prediction isn't very productive, especially when it's probably just going to make us change it back anyway. But the way these things usually work if we don't demote it, it might start doing things that force us to make it Keter. We have enough of those things on our hands thank you very much. -Dr. Edison\n\nSCP-1032-04\nCurrent text: \"The Universe.\"\nPredicted date: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNotes: It is unknown whether this refers to the actual end of our universe, to the end of all entities that could be referred to as universes, or merely to the end of the concept of universality.\n\nSCP-1032-05\nCurrent text: \"A failed infomercial.\"\nPredicted date: N/A\nNotes: SCP-1032-05 moves very quickly, cycling two to five times per day. To date, it has never displayed any other inscription.\n\nSCP-1032-06\nCurrent text: \"Freedom of the Press.\"\nPredicted date: 16/05/2073\nNotes: SCP-1032-06 does not specify the country or countries whose freedom of the press will end.\n\nSCP-1032-07\nCurrent text: \"Humor.\"\nPredicted date: 22/03/2052\nNotes: N/A\n\nSCP-1032-08\nCurrent text: \"The use of the phrase 'You can say that again'.\"\nPredicted date: 22/03/2267\nNotes: N/A\n\nSCP-1032-09\nCurrent text: \"Hostilities between the nations of Africa.\"\nPredicted date: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNotes: As SCP-1032 has often predicted violent or disturbing events using apparently harmless phrases, this inscription is considered equally likely to predict peace in Africa or the destruction of the continent.\n\nSCP-1032-10\nCurrent text: \"Jason W. Tailor Jr.'s sister's daughter.\"\nPredicted date: 14/10/2029\nNotes: To date, all inscriptions on SCP-1032-10 have described individual human beings. These people are usually difficult or impossible to identify and locate. On 12/04/2011, however, SCP-1032-10 predicted the death of D-56342, a Class D subject then assigned to SCP-1032. Five minutes before his predicted death, the subject was sealed in an airtight steel chamber with two guards; all three were equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus. Despite all precautions taken, D-56342 expired exactly at the predicted time. His guards were initially unable to determine the cause of death, until it was discovered that his oxygen tank had mistakenly been filled with the pressurized VX nerve gas used to control SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Further investigation is in progress.\n\nSCP-1032-011\nCurrent text: \"President \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's term in office.\"\nPredicted date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNotes: \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is currently the president of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nSCP-1032-012\nCurrent text: \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Burger Joint\"\nPredicted date: 04/07/2016\nNotes: All SCP-1032-012 inscriptions describe non-corporate restaurants. On 06/10/1993, in an attempt to keep \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's Hotdogs\" from closing as predicted, the SCP Foundation donated an anonymous $10,000 to the restaurant on condition that it remain in business. The owner renovated and renamed it \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\".\n\nSCP-1032-013\nCurrent text: \"2020\"\nPredicted date: 01/01/2022\nNotes: Researchers are attempting to discern whether or not this will constitute SCP-1032's first failure.\n\nSCP-1032-15\nCurrent text: \"Effective Containment\"\nPredicted date: 09/04/2690\nNotes: SCP-1032-15 will achieve its \"midnight event\" at approximately the same date as SCP-094 will fully engulf the Earth at its current rate of expansion.\n\nSCP-1032-16\nCurrent text: \"Project Serapis\"\nPredicted date: 02/11/2016\nNotes: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nSCP-1032-17\nCurrent text: SCP-343\nPredicted date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNotes: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nSCP-1032-020\nCurrent text: \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\"\nPredicted date: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNotes: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a popular Mexican soap opera.\n\nSCP-1032-021\nCurrent text: \"The SCP Foundation.\"\nPredicted date: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nNotes: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nSCP-1032-022\nCurrent text: \"Concern for public health.\"\nPredicted date: 28/07/2032\nNotes: It is unclear whether this inscription predicts a lack of need for concern or a lack of concern in general.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1031 | SCP-1032 | SCP-1033 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1033\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1033 is to be held in a 15m by 5m standard cell, lined with 5m thick lead plating. Personnel entering SCP-1033's chamber must wear approved Level A hazmat suits. If SCP-1033's routine changes or if SCP-1033 attempts to escape, the two guards stationed outside SCP-1033's chamber are to be reinforced with eight more, all armed with Containment Kit 4-MK3 (consisting of a SCAR-L assault rifle with underbarrel net launcher, two (2) flashbang grenades and one (1) M67 fragmentation grenade).\nDescription: SCP-1033 is a middle-aged Caucasian male, approximately 193 centimetres, or six feet and four inches tall. SCP-1033 was discovered in New York, having, according to several witnesses, \"materialised in the middle of the road\". Interviews with witnesses found that people in the area experienced a vision-encompassing white flash, accompanied by hearing a two-second burst of static from all directions. Witnesses were administered a Class A amnestic after the completion of the interview, followed by a media blackout regarding the incident.\nUpon initial inspection at the site of materialisation, Foundation researchers found that SCP-1033 was emitting well over the instantaneous lethal dose rate limit of high-energy gamma, neutron, and x radiation at approximately 15,000Sv/hr. SCP-1033 was initially contained within a shipping container surrounded by lead bricks, which was placed in his path. SCP-1033 was subsequently moved to Storage site K\u2588, where he now resides.\nIn all physical aspects, SCP-1033 is an unremarkable, balding middle aged male. He is dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. SCP-1033's behaviour is cyclic, with each cycle beginning approximately every 33 seconds. The following timeline is a transcription of that routine.\n\n0 - 10 seconds:\n\nSCP-1033 walks thirty paces forward, glancing at his watch approximately every ten steps.\n\n10 - 15 seconds:\n\nSCP-1033 stops, kneels, and opens his briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a single envelope, marked with an unknown seal and a prepaid \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand mobile phone, capable of sending and receiving text messages and calls. SCP-1033 opens the envelope and pulls out a sheet of paper, marked with the words \"Cable: asymmetric cipher, 0uuT5LmoO22 lets ruffle feathers\".\n\n15 - 21 seconds:\n\nSCP-1033 types \"0uuT5LmoO22\" in a text message to the Australian mobile phone number 0404 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588. Investigation shows that this number has yet to be assigned to any mobile phone. At 21 seconds in, SCP-1033 sends the message, puts the phone and letter back in his briefcase.\n\n21 - 28 seconds\n\nSCP-1033 is observed looking in to the 'distance', regardless of what is actually in front of him. At 25 seconds in, SCP-1033 starts to chuckle quietly, having apparently spotted what he was looking for on the horizon.\n\n28 - 33 seconds:\n\nAt 28 seconds, SCP-1033 is blown backwards 3 metres and is observed writhing on the ground, screaming in apparent agony. Flesh is seen being stripped off and flying behind SCP-1033, as other parts of him disintegrate. The injuries SCP-1033 sustains correspond with that of a victim of a 1.5 megaton nuclear device being detonated in close proximity.\n\nAfter completion of this routine, SCP-1033 immediately reappears at the start of his routine in mid-step and begins the cycle again. If an object, human or animal stands in the path of SCP-1033, he will make no attempt to stop, and will continue his cycle, pushing whatever obstacle in his way along with him.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1032 | SCP-1033 | SCP-1034 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1034\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1034 is to be contained in a pass-code protected safe when not in use. Foundation personnel handling SCP-1034 are required to wear EN388 xx44 rated gloves. In the event of accidental skin contact or puncture, the affected subject must be restrained and SCP-1034 wrested from subject's possession. If subject was cut at any point, SCP-1034 must be immediately rinsed and sterilized.\nDescription: SCP-1034 consists of a rusted, semicircular suture needle 5 cm in chord length and a spool consisting of twine approximately 1 mm thick. If the thread is removed from the needle, a second spool appears with the end of the twine threaded through the eye of SCP-1034. This only occurs when the needle is not under direct or recorded observation.\nSCP-1034 was discovered and filed as evidence by \u2588\u2588PD pursuant to the arrest of serial killer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agents were alerted to possible anomalous activity when a \u2588\u2588PD forensics agent was found dead in the same manner as the victims of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 despite the latter being held in custody. Initial Foundation interviews with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 described SCP-1034 and its effects in some detail, allowing for safe retrieval. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was later recruited as D-3826 and interviewed a second time. The contents of this second interview are displayed in Addendum 1034-01: D-3826 Interview.\nWhen the skin or blood of a human (hereby referred to as the subject) makes contact with SCP-1034, the subject loses control of all voluntary bodily functions except facial muscles, lungs, and vocal cords. The subject then begins suturing all facial orifices, beginning with the mouth and progressing to the eyes, ears, and nose. The sutures are loose enough for the subject to breathe through his/her mouth and remain conscious during the entire process. After the process is completed, the subject returns SCP-1034 to the location where contact was first made and remains in a sitting or standing position corresponding to the original position of the subject. The subject then begins to perspire until all moisture has been exuded from the body. If death has not already occurred, the subject dies of dehydration during this period.\nWhen handled with gloves or some other barrier between the skin and the needle, the effects of SCP-1034 do not manifest. If the needle is forcefully removed from the possession of a subject, the subject ceases the suturing process with no recorded ill effects. Revision: If the needle has penetrated the epidermal layer of the skin, the effects of SCP-1034 remain active until all blood has been removed from the needle; see Addendum 1034-02: Test Log for more details.\nBodies that have completed the entire process have a skin consistency comparable to leather and have shown significant resistance to decomposition. The skin of the bodies displays hydrophobic properties after the transformation. The skin also displays limited absorption of oils and is most receptive to [REDACTED], which was found in large quantities in the basement of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at the time of his arrest. Autopsies of the brain motor control center reveal [DATA EXPUNGED]. The bodies pose no threat aside from minor anomalous behavior noted in Addendum 1034-02: Test Log.\n\nAddendum 1034-01: D-3826 Interview\n\n- close\n\nAddendum 1034-01: D-3826 Interview\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello D-3826, please sit down.\nD-3826: (sits down) Hello doc.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you come in possession of SCP-1034?\nD-3826: The needle and thread? Oh, that's a funny story, doc. I didn't always have that needle. Used to have to do things the old fashioned way.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please answer the question.\nD-3826: Found it on one of my\u2026 work tables with a note on it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what did the note say?\nD-3826: \"Enjoy.\" And did I ever. I can still feel them, you know, more than the old ones. I could look at them and still hear every scream, every plead for\u2014\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's not relevant. How did you learn the effects of SCP-1034?\nD-3826: I threw it to one of my girls and told her to start sewing her mouth shut. And she started doing it! That bitch was squealing like a fucking pig and she started doing it!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And how did you know to give that command?\nD-3826: (silence)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Answer the question.\nD-3826: You'd look good as a doll, doc.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I think this interview has outlived its usefulness. You'll receive your first assignment in a few hours.\n\nAddendum 1034-02: Test Log\n\n- close\n\nAddendum 1034-02: Test Log\nFor brevity, only significant tests are displayed\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3810\nD-3810 instructed to pick up SCP-1034. D-3810 complies. D-3810 immediately begins to suture his mouth shut, correlating with previous interviews with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cries of distress before the mouth was fully stitched indicate that D-3810 did not have control of his body during this process. Heavy perspiration begins after ears have been sewn; D-3810 remains conscious and attempts to scream. D-3810 presumed dead approximately \u2588 minutes after suturing began. Body ceased perspiration approximately \u2588 minutes after death. Autopsy reveals a complete lack of water in the subject's body.\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3811\nD-3811 is instructed to pick up the spool of twine. Spool of twine has no effect on subject. Spool of twine is severed from SCP-1034 using ordinary scissors and placed into another room. D-3811 is instructed to pick up SCP-1034 sans thread. SCP-1034 has no effect. D-3811 looks away from SCP-1034 while still holding it; spool reappears and D-3811 begins sewing mouth in a manner consistent with the previous test. The original spool remains stationary and undisturbed.\nNote: Review of footage indicated a brief obscuration of the needle by the body of D-3811. Later interviews with researchers reveal that no one was looking at the needle at the time of the thread reappearance.\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3826\nD-3826 was handcuffed to a chair in the test room. SCP-1034 was revealed and placed against the skin of D-3826. Subject attempted to pull hands through the handcuffs and began squealing in pain. Needle removed; D-3826 ceased attempting to pull out of handcuffs and began pleading to be released. Needle inserted into the skin of D-3826. D-3826 resumed and succeeded at pulling one hand through the handcuffs, grasped the needle, and began the suturing process. Autopsy revealed severe skeletal and muscular damage to the freed wrist.\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3817\nD-3817 is instructed to pick up SCP-1034. The suturing process begins. After the mouth has been sewn shut, D-3817 is restrained and SCP-1034 removed from his possession by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. D-3817 attempts to drag himself towards Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 using the hand previously holding the needle. All other limbs of the subject remain rigid. D-3817 follows Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for approximately 15 minutes and shows no signs of fatigue. D-3817 is subsequently terminated.\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3821\nD-3821 is instructed to pick up SCP-1034. The suturing process begins and is allowed to finish. After SCP-1034 is returned and perspiration begins, researchers cut open all stitches on D-3814. Perspiration immediately stops and D-3821 expresses extreme pain. D-3821 suffers from permanent vision loss from punctures to the eyes.\nNote: D-3821 claimed to \"feel\" a number of people corresponding to the \u2588 tests allowed to complete. Further testing scheduled.\n\nLead Researcher: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-3821\nThe corpses of all previous SCP-1034 test subjects (except D-3817) are arranged in the test room. D-3821 is escorted to the room and immediately collapses and begins screaming. D-3821 does not respond to any commands and is forcefully removed from the room.\n\nAddendum 1034-03: D-3821 Interview\n\n- close\n\nAddendum 1034-03: D-3821 Interview\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Explain what you felt when you held SCP-1034.\nD-3821: I couldn't stop. I couldn't. It-It wasn't me. I couldn't stop.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you experience any sensations when holding it?\nD-3821: Every stab. I could feel every stab and I kept sewing and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop and it was keeping me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Keeping you?\nD-3821: Keeping me. It wanted to keep me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: Interesting. When you entered the room with other subjects, why did you scream?\nD-3821: I could see them and they were screaming and I knew it wanted me back.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588: See them? Did you regain eyesight?\nD-3821: I could-I could feel them. I could feel them and they couldn't stop either. They couldn't stop. I don't want to go back there. Please don't make me go. I don't want to go back.\nD-3821 continued to repeat the phrase \"I don't want to go back\" and would not answer further questions. D-3821 was returned to his cell and terminated at the end of the month without incident.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1033 | SCP-1034 | SCP-1035 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1035\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1035 is to be kept at Site 19's Biological Storage Facility while research into its properties continues. Level-3 researchers assigned to the [REDACTED] Project may request the use of SCP-1035 for research provided that requisition forms for D-class personnel are filed at least 1 week prior. Materials that have been exposed to SCP-1035 for extended periods of time are to be treated as Class 2 Biohazards and incinerated.\nDescription: SCP-1035 is a pink woolen mitten, probably handmade, intended for wear by a small child. Interviews with the family suggest that another mitten of similar appearance was lost up to \u2588 months prior to discovery; its current location, and whether it shares SCP-1035's effects, is unknown. It is difficult to determine the precise date and time at which SCP-1035 began to manifest its effects, although extrapolation from currently available medical records suggests that the effects first began during late February, 19\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1035 first came to the attention of the Foundation as a result of a Foundation asset embedded at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Memorial Hospital, who at the time was investigating a possible [DATA EXPUNGED]. As a result of his position at the hospital, he was a witness to the death of Sally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during emergency surgery, the first recorded fatality as a result of long-term SCP-1035 exposure. All civilians involved, including the parents of the child and medical staff, were administered varying doses of amnestics and a cover story was spread involving a case of necrotizing fasciitis. Shortly thereafter, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was able to safely recover SCP-1035 from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 family.\nAny organic matter placed within SCP-1035 begins to enter a rapidly accelerated state of decomposition. Short-term exposure to SCP-1035 (less than 2 consecutive hours) is usually not harmful to healthy human beings, as the human immune system is generally able to cope with the effects of SCP-1035. Visible symptoms will begin to be displayed after approximately 2 hours of exposure, and by 24 hours health complications will usually have progressed to the point that the subject's death is all but inevitable. Nonliving substances, non-human life, and human subjects with pre-existing health conditions may experience different effects from exposure to SCP-1035, especially [DATA EXPUNGED]. For a more comprehensive outline of SCP-1035's effects and an overview of experimentation on SCP-1035, see Document-1035-\u2588.\nExposure to SCP-1035 is cumulative, and repeated short-term exposure to SCP-1035 can be fatal. Humans who have experienced 2 hours of exposure to SCP-1035 may require over a week to return to full health.\nThe following chart is based on information from Document-1035-\u2588, and details the typical progression of symptoms in human subjects affected by SCP-1035:\n\nLess than 2 hours of exposure\nNo visible effects. White blood cell counts in affected subjects may fluctuate slightly.\n\nBetween 2 hours and 4 hours of exposure\nSubjects report slight tenderness in affected areas. Affected area, especially joints, may appear to be inflamed or swollen. White blood cell count in the affected area plummets.\n\nBetween 4 and 6 hours of exposure\nSubjects report discomfort and soreness when attempting to move affected areas. Small patches of the affected area may appear lighter than surrounding areas, possibly as a result of the [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\nBetween 6 and 8 hours of exposure\nOpen sores begin to develop on affected areas, and any preexisting injuries become greatly aggravated. Abnormal amounts of a serous fluid may leak from these sores.\n\nBetween 8 and 10 hours of exposure\nSubjects begin to display symptoms of sepsis. Toxins from the affected area (especially \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) will begin to spread to the rest of the body.\n\nBetween 10 and \u2588\u2588 hours of exposure\nAbnormal fungal growth has been observed in 7\u2588% of test subjects at this stage. Subjects may contract various nonfatal illnesses during this stage as a result of immune system failure.\n\nBetween \u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588 hours of exposure\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nMore than 24 hours of exposure\nAlmost total necrosis of affected regions. By this point, the combined effects of septic shock and [DATA EXPUNGED] will have all but ensured the death of the subject. \u2588 subjects have survived late-stage SCP-1035 exposure for as long as \u2588\u2588 days following extraordinary lifesaving work by medical personnel. Amputation is effective in preventing other body parts from experiencing the effects of SCP-1035. Requests to test SCP-1035 in conjunction with SCP-500 and other medical-based SCPs have been denied.\n\nSupplemental Material:\n\nInterview 1035-1\n\nclose\n\nThe following is a transcript of an interview that took place on February \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588.\n\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How are you feeling, Sally?\nSally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026feel cold. Can't feel most of my arm. Will I be okay?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sure you will. I just need to ask a few questions. When did you first put on that pink mitten?\nSally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't know. Does it matter?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It does. Please answer the question.\nSally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't know! Last week? It was a present. Grandma made it. Will I\u2014\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You'll be fine. Now, Sally, we're going to have to operate on your arm. It won't hurt\u2014\nSally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: They won't let me see my arm, doctor. Does it look better? Please\u2026\nAt this point the patient began crying and would not respond to further questions.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: This interview is over. The medical staff here wants us to amputate. There is nothing more to learn by studying her symptoms, and there's no way that she'll live with that arm. This one's for Anomalous Infections to sort out. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, signing off.\n\nNote: Despite heroic lifesaving attempts, Sally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died due to complications from exposure to SCP-1035. The family was later interviewed by Foundation personnel. Nothing extraordinary was unearthed from later investigations. Surveillance of the family was lifted on March \u2588, 19\u2588\u2588.\n\nInterview 1035-2\n\nclose\n\nThe following is a transcript of an interview with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who founded the [REDACTED] Project.\n\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Once the initial 24 hour period has passed, it is safe to say that further decay of the affected areas does not occur. In fact, the increased rate of decomposition has only been observed in objects completely enclosed within SCP-1035. So, for example, if I stick my hand in this thing, before long that hand's gonna rot off, but my shoulder should be alright.\nThat doesn't mean, of course, that the rest of my body will be perfectly fine. Have you read up on warfare back in, say, the nineteenth century? One of the really big problems back then was gangrene and things like that\u2014you know what happens when parts of you die? Not good. Oftentimes the areas hit really bad end up as, basically, massive bacteria breeding centres. It's not a problem you want to deal with. That doesn't even take into account the way that thing speeds everything up. You think that Clostridium perfringens is bad? Try Schistosoma. Hell, we've identified close to a hundred new parasites with this. Requesting more D-class personnel for further experimentation. There's a lot that we could learn from this.\n\nAddendum: Since the writing of this article, \u2588 additional objects of clothing have been recovered by Foundation agents bearing similar properties to SCP-1035. These objects are awaiting SCP classification, and are to be designated SCP-1035-2 through \u2588 (the original instance of SCP-1035 will be redesignated SCP-1035-1). The [REDACTED] Project has been tasked with examining the properties, applications, and source of SCP-1035 instances.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1034 | SCP-1035 | SCP-1036 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1036\nObject Class: Euclid\n\nSCP-1036-1\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-1036 is to be contained in a locked cast iron receptacle in a low-humidity environment, to retard oxidation of the receptacle and of the nails. At all times, each specimen is to be carefully handled so as to minimize the likelihood of dislodging any nails from the specimen. Under no circumstances are nails to be removed from any specimen; if inspection of any specimen indicates a risk that a nail may become separated from a specimen, consult document 1036-3P.BR for restoration protocols.\nAt regular intervals (the timing of which is computed by Site-06's on-staff nganga (shaman) based on astronomical observations), the nganga is to affix to each specimen at least one additional iron nail having a mass in excess of eight grams.\nIf for any reason it becomes necessary for personnel other than the nganga to enter the presence of a specimen, it is recommended that the nganga first cover the eyes or other reflective components of the specimen with electrical tape or some other opaque coating.\nDescription: SCP-1036 designates any of a collection of wooden figurines of a type consistent with fetish objects produced by the Kongo culture of western central Africa. The Foundation presently contains four specimens of SCP-1036, designated SCP-1036-1, SCP-1036-5, SCP-1036-6 and SCP-1036-7.\nEach figurine depicts a human form (or, in some cases, an animal form), typically depicted in a threatening posture. Each specimen is composed of African tropical hardwood and decorated with materials such as camwood powder, resins, and vegetable fiber such as raffia palm fronds. Each specimen includes a component (typically the eyes or abdomen) made of shiny or reflective metal such as polished silver, affixed to the specimen with tree gum. The specimens contain trace amounts of soil matched to certain funerary sites in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 region. A number of iron nails have been hammered into the wood of each specimen.\nEach specimen is slightly warm to the touch. Analysis indicates that the specimens normally have a surface temperature that exceeds the ambient temperature in the containment chamber by four to eight degrees centigrade; however Observation Log 1036-986-B.233 indicated that immediately prior to Event Kalazima-1, the surface temperature of SCP-1036-3 spiked by at least ninety degrees centigrade within less than four seconds before observation was interrupted.\nEach specimen is associated with a sentient incorporeal entity that had become bound to its respective specimen, prior to the Foundation's acquisition of the specimen in question, by means of a traditional Kongo shamanistic ritual practice. Each of the specimens in the Foundation's custody were constructed (inclusive of the performance of the binding protocol) no more recently than the mid-1870s.1 So long as the integrity of its respective SCP-1036 specimen is maintained, the entity is incapable of free agency apart from communicating with a nganga or interacting with a living creature that makes eye contact with the specimen. Specimens of SCP-1036 were constructed by indigenous nganga in order to apply the powers of the bound entity for various useful purposes, but knowedge of the protocol for doing so has been lost; accordingly the Foundation's efforts regarding SCP-1036 have focused on containment.\nAddendum #1:\n\nSCP-1036-6 (detail).\n\nAudio Log from Interview A; \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nDr. Morrison: This is Dr. Morrison. I am, uh, outside Chamber 06-SSD, together with Mr. Nzinga, looking into the chamber through the observation window. Mr. Nzinga, would you kindly explain for the record what we are doing in this test.\nNzinga: Certainly, Doctor. I am Fran\u00e7ois Nzinga, the nganga on staff here at Site-06. This morning, I will enter Chamber 06-SSD and interview the entity bound to SCP-1036-6, which is stored in that chamber.\nDr. Morrison: Very good. Please explain what you are going to do now.\nNzinga: (inaudible)\nDr. Morrison: I'm sorry, Fran\u00e7ois. Into the microphone.\nNzinga: Of course. I will first consume \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a substance\u2026 you would say \"liquor,\" in order to assist me in opening my mind. It is like a trance. I will accept the iwa, or spirit, so that I can safely talk to it. I will then open the receptacle that contains SCP-1036-6.\nDr. Morrison: This will be, uh, safe for you?\nNzinga: (long pause) Yes.\nDr. Morrison: You may proceed.\n(approximately eleven minutes pass)\nDr. Morrison: Mr. Nzinga, are you now ready?\n(indistinct vocalizations continue for approximately 2 minutes)\nNzinga: Yes, Doctor. I apologize for not being responsive while I prepared myself. I am now ready. (indistinct sounds) I am now removing SCP-1036-6 from the safe. I am about to look into the eyes of SCP-1036-6 in order to address the nkisi. It is\u2026 (mild grunt of pain)\u2026\n(following exchange is, except where indicated, translated from the Kikongo language) I am Fran\u00e7ois Nzinga, shaman of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Whom am I addressing. I am KuMpemba a Fula you motherless bastard. Release me or I will make you\u2026 I command you to speak respectfully. Why are you imprisoned in this object\u2026 The (expletive, translates to \"rapist of livestock\") witch doctor trapped me, with iron. Once I get out, I vow that I shall\u2026 Again, speak respectfully. How long ago were you imprisoned\u2026 Three hundred twenty-six of your years, you (expletive, translates to \"diseased penis\") mortal\u2026 And for what purpose were you imprisoned? \u2026 The witch doctor who imprisoned me did so in order to tap into my power to make nlongo (translates approx. to \"medicine\") and protect members of his clan from misfortune. Most of the time he and his successors used me thus. On occasion a different witch doctor would use me to curse, or to allow me to destroy men who would trespass onto his clan's territory. That was at least more amusing, but I was, I am, still a prisoner. What is this place? I cannot smell the forest\u2026 The object that is before me has been relocated to a secure facility. Can you tell me how to use your power to make nlongo? \u2026 Why would I do that, you (expletive, translates to \"consumer of hippopotamus stool\"). You cannot compel me to teach you, (expletive, translates to \"place a leech in your anus\"), you ignorant (untranslatable expletive). Release me. Who is behind the glass wall\u2026 Pay no attention to that. You will respond when I address you. When did (choking sound)\u2026\nDr. Morrison: Nzinga, are you all right in there?\nNzinga: I'll be- wait- do not look at the\u2026\nDr. Morrison: Let me get you out of there, Fran\u00e7ois. Bill, open the room.\nAgent Lopez: He told me before, not to\u2026\nDr. Morrison: I think he's swallowing his own tongue. He needs medical attention. Fran\u00e7ois\u2026\nNzinga: (in Kikongo) Do\u2026 do not look\u2026\n(sound of door opening and indistinct vocalizations)\n(Video recording indicates that Dr. Morrison achieves eye contact with SCP-1036-6 for a moment while trying to triage Mr. Nzinga, whereupon Dr. Morrison violently lurches toward SCP-1036-6 and attempts to grasp one of its nails before being tranquilized and subdued by Agent Lopez. Mr. Nzinga recovers and leaves the observation chamber. Mr. Nzinga reports that the binding of SCP-1036-6's entity to SCP-1036-6 is intact, but recommends that Dr. Morrison be maintained in a sedated state.)\n\nAddendum #2:\n\nSCP-1036-2, -3 and -4 (Archival photograph, taken in 1902 prior to Foundation's collection.)\n\nINTERVIEW LOG \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-19\u2588\u2588 (Event Kalazima-1)\n\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: Begin recording. Agent Lee, I'm here to take your debrief about the loss of SCP-1036-2, -3 and -4. We are designating the episode as Event Kalazima-1.\nLee: Loss of\u2026 god-damn clusterfuck. It looked to me like we lost everything in the southeast wing. How many people made it out?\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: Three, including you, but you're the only one that, ah, we can interview. I'm going to need you to be precise, for the record.\nLee: Okay. One of the D's was in there to change the monitors on SCP-1036-3's box.\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: This was D-4933?\nLee: That's right. The normal maintenance protocol is that the duty witch doctor \u2014 it was supposed to be Pierre Khonvoum, but his daughter was having a baby \u2014 the witch doctor goes in first, covers up the shiny bits, and then gives the all clear. But Pierre wasn't there, so Terry made a judgment call and just sent D-4933 in there with a blindfold on.\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: As a precaution against influence by the SCP-1036-3 entity?\nLee: Yeah. We had done that before, in the time period between when Jean Bumba\u2026 uh\u2026 when he left our service and when Pierre joined us.\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: And then what happened?\nLee: So, D-4933 was blindfolded. And when he was reaching around inside the box to find the thermometer, he must have bumped the statuette or something, and a nail fell out. And then D-4933 started to, you know, thrash around. He was yelling and waving his arms like he was on fire or something, and he knocked over the boxes for SCP-1036-2 and SCP-1036-4. So I immediately sealed the chamber door from the outside and I hit the button to close the blinds on the observation window.\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: Did anything come out of the chamber?\nLee: No, the door was sealed. But Agent Knorr, who was next to me, started smashing his head into the observation window, over and over, until the glass and blood was all over. And Dr. DiPiano, who was at the end of the hall, had what looked like a seizure, and then he started biting his own fingers off\u2026\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: Was that the point when you retreated to the control center?\nLee: I\u2026 I think so. I tried to make my way back down the south corridor to Checkpoint C to close the blast doors. Agent Majchrowski was there. He had, uh, stabbed himself in the eyes and the stomach with a pair of scissors, and he tried to attack me but he slipped on the blood. He was yelling something that sounded like \"kindoki\"\u2026 I tried to activate the sprinklers and the general anesthetic respirators to keep anybody else from hurting themselves. I guess it worked because I blacked out a minute later.\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: According to the log, the respirators went on-line at eighteen-thirty seven and twenty seconds.\nLee: Did\u2026 (grunt of pain)\u2026 did Pete make it?\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: Pete\u2026 um\u2026 (shuffles papers)\u2026 I'm afraid not. Agent Foy's body was found in the garage. Cause of death\u2026 looks like he drank about two liters of gasoline. What did you do when you regained consciousness?\nLee: I, uh, I bound up the wound on my shoulder where somebody had bit me, and then I went back to the SCP-1036 containment chamber. The statues were smashed into about a million pieces and it looked like D-4933 had stuck a lot of the nails into himself. Look, Doctor, whatever was in those statues that made everybody\u2026 do stuff, is it still in here?\nDr. Torvaldsdottir: There's\u2026 um\u2026 there's no sign of that. We had MTF Mu-13 come through and give the all clear.\n\nFootnotes\n1. It is not known whether any indigenous nganga, other than those employed by the Foundation, are still extant in central Africa and thus capable of performing the binding ceremony to create additional instances of SCP-1036. In order to reduce the likelihood of this, Foundation agents have encouraged the deforestation of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and the removal of indigenous traditional societies from that area.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1035 | SCP-1036 | SCP-1037 \u00bb\n\nMore by this author\n\nHide list\n\nSCPs\n\nSCP-1322\n\nSCP-089\n\nspikebrennan's proposal\n\nSCP-1844\n\nSCP-1012\n\nSCP-1036\n\nSCP-2553\n\nSCP-1512\n\nSCP-1746\n\nSCP-908\n\nSCP-831\n\nSCP-3236\n\nSCP-2336\n\nSCP-955\n\nSCP-926\n\nSCP-2236\n\nSCP-920-EX\n\nSCP-2914\n\nSCP-2008-J\n\nSCP-4336\n\nSCP-4436\n\nSCP-1060\n\nTales\n\nSic Transit Gloria Mundi\n\nSpring Cleaning\n\nTranscript of meeting, June 2 1972\n\nTranscript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991\n\nMemorandum Dated 6 November 1944\n\nScroll fragment 13Q29\n\nStray Katz (part 1)\n\nAd Majorem Bonum\nRating: 24"} +{"text": "SCP-1037 (middle of photo) surrounded by affected material during Incident 1037-5.\n\nItem #: SCP-1037\nObject Class: Instrument\nContainment Class: Euclid (Formerly Safe)\nSpecial Containment Procedures (Updated): SCP-1037 is to be contained in a 40 meter tall vertical shaft at Site-19. SCP-1037 is to rest in the center of two trapdoors attached to the walls of this shaft. Material affected by SCP-1037 is opaque; this has been exploited by making the trapdoors out of transparent plexiglass. Lasers attached to the ceiling of the containment shaft will connect with laser sensors at the bottom strategically aligned near the edges of the shaft.\nIf at least two laser sensors are unable to make contact with their respective lasers (i.e. the trapdoors have been converted to SCP-1037-affected material at a high percentage) the trapdoors will open, allowing SCP-1037 to fall onto the set of trapdoors below it. The affected trapdoors will then be delivered by automated system to the on-site incinerator.\nThe containment shaft has one trapdoor set for every 0.5 meters. On average, SCP-1037 activates one trapdoor set every 8 years. At its current rate, this containment system will be able to contain SCP-1037 uninterrupted until at least 2627 C.E. In the event of a power outage, containment breach, or any other event that compromises the primary containment shaft's ability to contain SCP-1037, it is to be suspended in gelatin in a secondary containment locker until the primary containment system is repaired.\nDescription: SCP-1037 is an SAE Grade No. 7 steel bolt, of the type used in many buildings with a steel or concrete frame. It is made from a medium-strength steel alloy, consisting of 97.5% iron, 1.2% tungsten, and 1.3% unknown substance.\nSCP-1037 vibrates at a nanoscopic level, in a complex but structured set of frequencies ranging from 8500 Hertz to 900 Hertz. These vibrations are capable of crystallizing surrounding material1 into a visually identical version of the material of SCP-1037. In addition, SCP-1037-affected material (designated SCP-1037-1) vibrates identically to SCP-1037, leading to exponential spread of SCP-1037's effect, as long as SCP-1037 remains in contact with it. Given M grams of material, the amount of material (R) at any given time (t) in days after beginning of sustained contact with SCP-1037 is given by R = f(t) = M(e833.2t - 450.07) grams.\nHowever, SCP-1037-1 is much more brittle than SCP-1037 itself, or its non-affected counterpart. Given enough time, structures made with SCP-1037 built in will collapse due to lack of structural integrity. It is assumed that, given enough time, SCP-1037 would be able to convert Earth in its entirety to SCP-1037-1. This would represent a N0K-Class \"Contagious Material\" Scenario, and, judging by the exponential equation above, would occur if SCP-1037 was in contact with the ground for approximately 8 years.\nDiscovery: SCP-1037 was discovered in the estate of Dr. Claddeus, a historian of some note studying artifacts in eastern Europe and northern Africa. After his expiration in 1875, a lawyer inspecting Dr. Claddeus' estate found SCP-1037 along with numerous artifacts related to GoI-004 (\"Church of the Broken God\"). SCP-1037 was found suspended in a container filled with gelatin, and at the time of discovery had converted approximately one quarter of the gelatin to SCP-1037-1.\nInterviews with Dr. Claddeus' next of kin indicated that they had not been informed of SCP-1037's existence. SCP-1037 was originally contained by the American Secure Containment Initiative prior to its absorption into the SCP Foundation.\nUsing Dr. Claddeus' journals, the origin of SCP-1037 was traced to a secret chamber in a dig site in Egypt. The Foundation discovered several non-anomalous replicas of SCP-1037, with some attached to the end of long sticks, along with multiple bows designed to fire arrows.\n\nFootnotes\n1. SCP-1037 affects all material, but affects non-biological material at a faster rate than biological material.\n\nMore by notgull\n\nMore by notgull\n\nSCPs\n\nnotgull's Proposal\n\nSCP-3733\n\nSCP-3095\n\nSCP-4800\n\nSCP-4804\n\nSCP-2785\n\nSCP-4348\n\nSCP-4048\n\nSCP-4688\n\nSCP-3362\n\nSCP-579-J\n\nSCP-4785\n\nSCP-3339\n\nSCP-5800\n\nSCP-4248\n\nSCP-3747\n\nSCP-4948\n\nSCP-3296\n\nSCP-4800-J\n\nSCP-4799\n\nSCP-199\n\nSCP-3485\n\nSCP-5981\n\nSCP-7234\n\nSCP-4808\n\nSCP-3833\n\nSCP-3748\n\nSCP-4148\n\nSCP-5054\n\nSCP-5025\n\nSCP-1037\n\nSCP-093-J\n\nSCP-5680\n\nSCP-1684\n\nSCP-4872\n\nSCP-3248\n\nSCP-6904\n\nSCP-5483\n\nSCP-6785\n\nSCP-4397\n\nTales\n\nThe Little Robot that Could\n\nJoin the Flock\n\nThe Siege of Site-19\n\nTales of the Automaton: The Big Birdocalypse\n\nFootage Recovered From a Private Server\n\nAvian Anthology I\n\nMy Empire of Birds\n\nMoose on the Loose\n\nDocument recovered from a Parallel Universe\n\nKatz and Dogs\n\nJoey Fucknuts Steals The Declaration of Independence\n\nYour Guard\n\nVacation Opportunity\n\nThe Scent of a Toaster\n\nBurn, Baby, Burn\n\nChasing Suns\n\nWind in the Sails\n\nThree Feet Under I\n\nThe Shape of Water is Humanoid\n\nDead Reckoning\n\nThree Feet Under II\n\nThree Feet Under III\n\nInto the Beetle Black Yonder\n\nForgotten Shrine\n\nDown Through\n\nHyperfine\n\nDon't Knock on Strange Doors\n\nOther\n\nResearcher Calvin's Personnel File\n\nIncident Report \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\"Sphere\" Incursion Log\n\nInitial Incursion Log\n\n\"Cube\" Incursion Log #1\n\n\"Cube\" Incursion Log #2\n\nSCP-093-J Blue Test\n\nSCP-093-J Recovered Documents\n\nSCP-093-J Green Test\n\nSCP-093-J Purple Test\n\nExploration Log 4480-1\n\nSee my Author Page for more information. If you like reading my stuff, consider checking out my YouTube Channel for SCP-inspired animations, among other things.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1036 | SCP-1037 | SCP-1038 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Three composite plugs at one end of SCP-1038. Plugs show no deviation from RCA standard.\n\nItem #: SCP-1038\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1038 is to be kept in a locked storage container within the Site-17 audio/visual department, with keypad combination in possession of Research Director. Due to the nature of the object's effects, O5-level approval has been granted for SCP-1038's non-experimental, recreational use on a weekly basis for all Site personnel on Fridays from 1930 - 2230 Hours, using previously tested content.\nDescription: SCP-1038 is an audio-visual cable measuring 6.096m in length with both ends terminating in three standard RCA connector plugs, color-coded for composite video and stereo audio. There are no markings on the connectors or cable to indicate the manufacturer or further specifications of the cable.\nThe cable's properties manifest when it is plugged into a television or monitor and a media player (VCR, DVD, streaming media device, etc.). While the device plays the selected content, the television will instead display what can best be described as an \u201calternate reality\u201d version. As of 11/23/2011, SCP-1038 has displayed content from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 distinct realities (Refer to Addendum-1038-B for a brief experiment summary).\nThe means by which this effect is generated is unknown, as tests have shown no anomalous power draws from the connected devices, changes in area radiation, or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-1038 appears to exhibit awareness regarding the information being passed through it. Should the selected content not exist in the alternate reality the cable connects to, SCP-1038 will instead play a \u201cclosest match\u201d - a VHS recording of a football game, might instead show a gladiatorial fight. At the same time, the object will also only ever show one alternate version for the particular medium. All DVD copies of a film will play the same alternate, which is in turn different from VHS copies of the movie. It is unknown if this is a sign of intelligence or if the data already exists on the storage media.\nAddendum-1038-A \u2014 Recovery Report: SCP-1038 came to the attention of the Foundation after a 10/3/19\u2588\u2588 incident at [REDACTED] Elementary School in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, OR., in which Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 attempted to show a recording of a \u201cCable in the Classroom\u201d documentary to her 4th Grade class. The recorded documentary was about the Great Pyramid, but the viewed content was [DATA EXPUNGED]. During the ensuing arrests, firings, and lawsuits, Foundation agents took custody of the AV equipment used in the incident. Component testing revealed only SCP-1038 showed anomalous properties. Purchase of the cable was not recorded in any district expense reports.\n\n+ Show Addendum-1038-B\n\n- Hide Addendum-1038-B\n\nAddendum-1038-B \u2014 Partial Experimentation Log:\nMedium: VHS\nContent: Schindler's List\nResults: SCP-1038 was plugged not into a television, but a recording device. Recorded output did not deviate in any way from the film.\nWe've run this experiment several times with different players and media, with the same results. We are now confident that the object requires a connection to a TV in order to view the \u2018alternate'. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Research Dir.\nMedium: VHS\nContent: History of the World, Part I\nResults: A documentary - apparently closely in line with our own history. Due to the thoroughness of the film, \u201cPart 1\u201d only covers the dawn of the Neolithic. Test terminated after 92 minutes when the VHS tape stopped playing. Alternate version was in the middle of a segment explaining Neolithic agriculture.\nMedia: DVR recording (Device provided by Research Asst. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nContent: 2010 NCAA Football National Championship\nResults: Complete football game, but featuring schools [DATA EXPUNGED]. A portion of the half-time show reveals that teams were selected using a \u201cplay-off\u201d format.\nMedium: DVD-RW\nContent: Recording of children playing at [REDACTED] Park. (Confiscated from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588)\nResults: Children played around a statue of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Plaque on the base calls him \u201cThe Hero of Racial Purity.\u201d\nMedium: Previous test's DVD-RW from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\nContent: Content of previous test overwritten with tourist video of the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorials.\nResults: Statue of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 similar to the one seen in previous test, but approx. 130 meters tall seen in place of Washington Monument. Lincoln Memorial seems to have suffered blast damage and has not yet been repaired. Data overwite apparently only affects viewed content, alternate reality content remains unchanged.\nMedium: DVD\nContent: Box set of Seasons 1 and 2 of Sliders\nResults: No changes. Results of frame-by-frame analysis pending.\nMedium: DVD-RW\nContent: Collection of footage of Earth and our position in the universe, overlaid with greetings in all known languages (Similar to the Golden Records carried by the Voyager Probes).\nResults: An apparently similar message. Of approximately 2,000 verbal greetings, the only languages recognized are Ugaritic, what is possibly Proto-Minoan, a form of Old Chinese, and Hittite. Further, all individuals seen in the footage appear to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. Permission for further communication attempts pending.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1037 | SCP-1038 | SCP-1039 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1039\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1039 is to be kept within a sealed, ten (10) meter by ten (10) meter containment cell at all times. No unauthorized personnel are permitted to enter the containment cell unless specifically instructed by a Security Clearance Level 4 (or higher) site supervisor. The interior of the cell is to be kept under constant remote surveillance through the designated wall-mounted security camera, the footage of which is to be periodically reviewed by assigned staff. All abnormalities and changes in behavior discovered during review of the surveillance footage are to be recorded and reported to researchers assigned to the object.\nAny personnel entering within a forty (40) meter exterior radius of the containment cell are to have all items on their person removed and accounted for before being temporarily deposited within a locked and secured container outside the perimeter of SCP-1039's area of effect unless they are instructed to retain possession of said items by a site supervisor prior to entering the area. Once personnel exit the area of effect, they may withdraw any items that had been removed from their person.\nIf any items that were previously deposited in the sealed container cannot be found after returning from within the area of effect, this is to be reported to research staff assigned to the object, who will promptly search SCP-1039 for the item. If the item cannot be found in SCP-1039, such an incident is most likely theft and is to be reported to Site Security, who will execute an independent investigation of the matter to the best of their abilities.\nUnder no circumstances are other SCP objects or other items specifically protected by the Foundation either for research or any alternative reasons to be brought within SCP-1039's area of effect unless a Security Clearance Level 5 site supervisor has specifically instructed this course of action be executed in order to research the effects of SCP-1039 on these objects in a controlled environment.\nDescription: SCP-1039 is a thirty (30) centimeter tall, thirteen (13) centimeter wide doll constructed mostly of a tightly woven textile fiber, with artwork on the torso resembling that of a crude human ribcage. The head of SCP-1039 is composed of hardened clay molded into a grotesque and misshapen human skull. The back of SCP-1039 is marked with a symbol of unclear cultural origin which has yet to be translated.\nSCP-1039 displays the ability to instantaneously and remotely transport items within an estimated forty (40) meter radius from their initial locations into the interior of its own body. As SCP-1039 is mostly a hollow fabric sack aside from the clay-molded head piece, items are transported from their original location to within the empty internal torso area of the fabric body. SCP-1039 appears to only transport a single item at a time and the incidents of said transportation are inconsistent and seemingly random.\nStaff who have had their personal belongings transferred to the inside of SCP-1039 report that the item disappears from their person and seems to instantly rematerialize within the body of SCP-1039. Any object forcibly placed into the interior of SCP-1039 will be transported to another random location within the forty (40) meter area of effect. How SCP-1039 remotely displaces the foreign objects has not yet been determined. SCP-1039 was not originally recovered with any objects inside of it.\nDuring review of surveillance footage, assigned staff began to notice regular bursts of visual static, after which the viewing personnel reported that SCP-1039 had relocated itself to another area of the cell. The static along with the movement of SCP-1039 appear to occur at random intervals. Whether or not SCP-1039 is the direct cause of the wall-mounted camera's malfunctioning is undetermined, but despite the remote surveillance footage displaying SCP-1039's apparent teleportation abilities, when personnel enter the containment cell SCP-1039 is always located in the center point of the chamber. The object does not demonstrate any shifts in location or characteristics of movement for as long as the individual remains within the confines of the cell.\nThe head of SCP-1039 has been known to turn towards agents within the containment cell, independent of the body, as if staring at them. Many personnel have reported increasing discomfort and paranoia as the head of SCP-1039 continues to follow their movement across the chamber.\nAll items extracted from within SCP-1039 seem to give off an odor similar to that of gasoline exhaust for several hours. The cause of this remains unknown.\nExperiment Log\n\n+ Experiment 1039-1\n\n- Experiment 1039-1\n\nIn a test to demonstrate what items SCP-1039 is capable of transporting, personnel were to place a large assortment of polystyrene test cubes ranging in size from five (5) centimeter by five (5) centimeter by five (5) centimeter cubes, to one (1) meter by one (1) meter by one (1) meter cubes within SCP-1039's area of effect. Initially, SCP-1039 did not exhibit the ability to transport any of the larger test cubes, seeming to focus exclusively on the cubes no bigger than itself. However, as SCP-1039 continued to transfer items into itself, the torso area of the object began to physically expand both vertically and horizontally to accommodate more items. As SCP-1039 enlarged in size it began to transport the larger test cubes.\nAs more test cubes were transported into the interior of SCP-1039, the fabric of the torso stretched further outward. The test continued for approximately four (4) hours before SCP-1039 was temporarily unwoven and the objects were removed. By the end of the test, SCP-1039 measured four (4) meters across and five (5) meters vertically. As the objects were removed from the interior of SCP-1039 the torso began to gradually contract until it had returned to its original length and width. No limit to this expansion has been found.\n\n+ Experiment 1039-2\n\n- Experiment 1039-2\n\nDue to SCP-1039's ability to independently transport itself across its containment cell specifically while it is unoccupied by foreign entities as well as its ability to physically move its head in the direction of any supplementary occupants of the chamber, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 hypothesized that SCP-1039 may be sentient. To test this further, agent D-1039-1 was sent into the containment cell with an apple and given the order to attempt to coax SCP-1039 into transporting the apple into itself. D-1039-1 continually asked SCP-1039 to take the apple. SCP-1039 did not respond to these requests. When D-1039-1 waved the apple several centimeters from SCP-1039's face, the head appeared to follow the movement of the apple, displaying at least a simple awareness of its surroundings and confirming that it is sentient. However, SCP-1039 continued to be unresponsive to D-1039-1's requests to retrieve the apple.\nApproximately seventeen (17) minutes into the test, D-1039-1 exclaimed \"The stupid motherfucker isn't taking the apple, assholes!\" before forcefully hurling the apple across the containment cell. As the apple collided with the wall on the opposite end of the chamber, SCP-1039's head turned 180\u00b0 towards where the apple made contact with the wall. SCP-1039's head retained its position for about five (5) seconds before reversing back to its initial location, at which point D-1039-1 began to convulse violently before collapsing onto the chamber floor. Medical staff declared D-1039-1 dead several minutes after the incident.\nWhen the contents of SCP-1039 were examined, its torso contained a sizable chunk of brain matter. The autopsy of D-1039-1 later revealed the entire frontal lobe of his brain had been removed. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is no longer permitted to test the awareness or consciousness of SCP-1039.\n\n+ Experiment 1039-3\n\n- Experiment 1039-3\n\nIn order to examine the ability of the fibers of SCP-1039's torso to seemingly stretch infinitely without demonstrating any signs of damage or tearing, a small strip of fabric measuring four (4) centimeters in length and five (5) centimeters in width was removed from SCP-1039. One end of the fabric strip was placed into a pair of stationary clamps at the beginning of the three-hundred (300) meter by ten (10) meter test chamber located twenty (20) meters from the SCP-1039's area of effect. The other end of the fabric was placed within the clamps of a motorized remote control rover designated R-1039-1. R-1039-1 was to be driven down the three hundred (300) meter length of the test chamber.\nAt ten (10) meter intervals R-1039-1 was to be stopped and personnel were to observe and record any changes, signs of tearing, or damage in the stretched fabric until the full three-hundred (300) meter length of the chamber had been crossed by the rover.\n\n10 meters: No changes observed\n20 meters: No changes observed\n30 meters: No changes observed\n40 meters: No changes observed\n50 meters: Width of fabric thinned by 0.1 centimeters\n60 meters: No changes observed\n70 meters: No changes observed\n80 meters: No changes observed\n90 meters: No changes observed\n100 meters: Width of fabric thinned by 0.1 centimeters\n110 meters: No changes observed\n120 meters: R-1039-1 spontaneously shuts down. Clamps were released and the fabric sample rapidly contracted back to its initial length and width.\n\nFurther examination of the interior of R-1039-1 revealed several internal components were missing. These components were later found within SCP-1039, severely damaged and inoperable. The test was not able to be completed and no applicable data was extracted. Further examination of SCP-1039 after the test revealed the area on SCP-1039 from which the strip of fabric was removed to be completely repaired.\nHow SCP-1039 had managed to transport objects outside of the forty (40) meter radius of its cell remains unknown and an incident of this nature has not been repeated\n\nAddendum: Since thorough experimentation was initiated on SCP-1039 the object seems to demonstrate more aggressive behavior than before. Several Class D's have had eyes, tongues, and teeth removed by SCP-1039 since testing on the object began. Additionally, SCP-1039 appears to transport items both in and several meters outside of its area of effect at a much faster rate than before. No more testing is to be performed on SCP-1039 and no personnel are permitted within forty (40) meters of the object until further notice.\nNote: \"SCP-1039 has begun transporting the surveillance camera within its containment cell into itself. A more secure method of remote surveillance is requested.\" - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nNote: \"The symbol on the back of SCP-1039 has been identified. It appears to originate from [REDACTED]. The symbol itself has been translated to mean gluttony or corpulence.\" - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1038 | SCP-1039 | SCP-1040 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1040\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1040 is stored in vault 89-Q5 at Storage Site 12 as per standard Safe-class long-term storage protocol. No additional care is required.\nNew personnel assigned to SCP-1040 are to be briefed on the object using the established identity \"Daniel\" to ensure that consistent and unambiguous communication about the object is maintained. Non-D-class personnel exposed directly to SCP-1040 must be reassigned on a monthly basis.\nAll data on SCP-1040 is to be corrected electronically through the use of project Null Context to ensure that the object's effects do not interfere with normal documentation procedures.\nDescription: SCP-1040 is an antique Tiffany floor lamp made of iron and stained glass. The item displays no unusual physical properties. When provided with a 100-watt light bulb and electricity, SCP-1040 functions as is typical for a floor lamp.\nThe anomalous effects of SCP-1040 manifest when the object is observed or discussed by any human subject. Affected persons will consistently anthropomorphize SCP-1040, referring to and/or interacting with the object as though it were a male acquaintance. In spite of this effect, it is possible for subjects under the influence of SCP-1040 to be reminded that the object in question is a lamp; however, this knowledge has little (if any) effect on subjects' behavior.\nThe name and other details assigned to the object vary by subject, but to date have never corresponded to any real individual. If a previously affected individual \"introduces\" the object to a new subject, that subject will identify SCP-1040 as the given persona.1\nAddendum 1040-01: Abnormalities at Recovery Site\nSCP-1040 was recovered from the home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 following his death in June of 1991. Responding agents encountered SCP-1040 at the site and \"escorted\" the object to Site 19, where it was kept in a humanoid containment cell until its properties were identified.\nAgents that remained to sweep the remainder of the home reported that all light sources in and around the dwelling (including SCP-1040) had been arranged or decorated strangely. Examples include:\n\nScarves wrapped around exterior light fixtures\nFive desk and table lamps arranged on sofas or chairs and placed in front of the television, open books, and other entertainment media\nTwo hand-held flash lights wrapped partially in cloth and arranged in a bassinet\nThree floor lamps placed horizontally on beds throughout the house\n\nAll light fixtures were under power at time of recovery, though many were missing bulbs. This is believed to be related to the owner's cause of death (heart issues exacerbated by electrocution).\nGiven these findings, additional properties seem likely. I'm authorizing a stay of execution for 5 D-class to study the long-term effects. - O5-\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 1040-02: Additional Findings\nWith repeated and/or prolonged direct exposure to SCP-1040, affected individuals will begin to assign unique identities to other inanimate objects even when SCP-1040 is not present. The approximate progression is as follows:\n\nCumulative exposure time\nObserved Effects\n\n2 months\nSubject anthropomorphizes any free-standing light fixture greater than 1.25 meters in height.\n\n3 months\nSubject anthropomorphizes any free-standing light fixture. Subject develops increasingly elaborate relationships with anthropomorphized objects, including friendship, dislike, envy, and romantic interest.\n\n6 months\nSubject anthropomorphizes any object intended for use as a light source. Subject becomes agitated and/or withdrawn when not interacting with a light source and minimizes human contact.\n\nGiven the nature of its long-term effects, personnel levels 2 and higher are strongly discouraged from direct interaction with SCP-1040.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Exploitation of this property to facilitate containment approved \u2014 O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1039 | SCP-1040 | SCP-1041 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1041\nObject Class: Euclid-alterius\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1041 is kept in a Type 2 Humanoid Containment Cell at Site 17 and provided rations as per Dietary Outline AHF4. Certain identities of SCP-1041 require special consideration; see Document 1041-5C for further information.\nAny documentation of SCP-1041's life prior to its recovery must be confiscated, with all non-personnel who claim to have known SCP-1041 given Amnestic C-1041 in order to remove any and all memories of the subject. When appropriate, false documentation and/or memories are to be fabricated and provided.\nEfforts to obtain further evidence of the narratives outlined in Document 1041-5A are in progress.\nDescription: SCP-1041 is a human female 56 years of age that displays no anomalous physical properties, recovered on July 3, 2012. The subject is in good physical health, apart from the lack of a left thumb.\nAt time of writing, one hundred and nineteen narratives of SCP-1041's life, supported by reliable documentation and witness testimony, have been compiled; thirty-five further narratives most likely exist, but currently lack reliable documentation. This is considered the primary anomalous property of SCP-1041. These narratives are often contradictory \u2014 for example, Narrative 019 involves SCP-1041 attending classes at Harvard University in 1977, while Narrative 044 places SCP-1041 in Vladimir Central Prison at the same time. All account for SCP-1041's lack of a left thumb.\nSCP-1041 will adopt an identity, set of memories, and personality consistent with one narrative per waking period,1 and will deny any knowledge or personal history inconsistent with this identity.2 SCP-1041 goes through one hundred and fifty-three identities in sequence, each of which corresponds with one of the aforementioned narratives, before returning to the \"first\" identity. These identities are labeled SCP-1041-001 (the identity presented on the date of SCP-1041's recovery) through SCP-1041-153. Evidence indicates that SCP-1041 did not display this behavior prior to recovery.\nOne or both of SCP-1041's parents or caretakers have been located in ninety-nine instances. All gave reports mostly consistent with SCP-1041's memories of its childhood including, when applicable, its birth on March 8, 1957 at approximately 0933 GMT. Parental testing has located ninety-eight women and eighty-four men that are genetic matches for SCP-1041's parents. None of these individuals are genetically related to each other; the probability that each couple would produce an offspring identical to that of all the other couples by chance is infinitesimal.\nAddendum: The following identities of SCP-1041 are considered notable. To view the remainder, see Document 1041-5A.\n\nInstance designation\nNotable Aspects\n\n014, 015\nSubjects were believed to be monozygotic twins; however, testing of recovered DNA samples has shown an absence of copy number variations that are normally found in monozygotic twins. Both have refused to believe that the other is another identity of SCP-1041, although neither has been able to explain why. Both SCP-1041-014 and -015 lost their left thumb in unrelated incidents on August 18, 1994.\n\n019\nSCP-1041-019 lost both legs in a car crash in 1966. For the duration of SCP-1041's adoption of this identity, it will not move either leg, despite being physically capable of doing so, even under duress. Insufficient time has passed since SCP-1041's recovery to determine whether therapy can reverse this condition.\n\n067\nSubject was a high-ranking member of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 crime syndicate from 1988 to 1997. Investigations indicate that SCP-1041-067 redirected a significant portion of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's resources towards destroying apparently unrelated records held by various government agencies and academic institutions. SCP-1041-067 has experienced retrograde and anterograde amnesia after an apparent assassination attempt in 2011, hindering further investigation.\n\n081\nSCP-1041-081 was employed by the Chaos Insurgency for fourteen years. While the subject's exact responsibilities there are not known to the Foundation, the subject's educational background is most suitable for employment as a theoretical physicist.\n\n127\nSCP-1041-127 claims to possess \"psychic powers\", supposedly allowing the subject to communicate with her \"past selves\". Testing has shown that the subject may possess a limited ability to access information possessed by other identities of SCP-1041. Investigation indicates that SCP-1041-127 may have possessed this ability since adulthood.\n\n154\nSubject was determined to have died on January 2, 1999 from lung cancer, and is not among the identities displayed by SCP-1041. Police records show that SCP-1041-154's body was stolen from its grave on July 15, 2012, and has not been located.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Testing has shown that any period of unconsciousness or altered state of consciousness lasting at least one hour will cause SCP-1041 to adopt a new identity.\n2. The subject will demonstrate incorrect knowledge of events since its containment; in each case, it will recall its reactions to events as though it had possessed its current personality.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1040 | SCP-1041 | SCP-1042 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1042\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1042 is to be contained in a standard EM shielded anomalous materials storage locker. When testing, precautions with equipment should be taken as the object has been noted to affect electrical devices.\nDescription: SCP-1042 is a standard brick used in foundation construction, typical of homes built in the Victorian era. Analysis has shown that SCP-1042 has similar composition to those made in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, though closer inspection shows an unusual latticework structure on a molecular level. When introduced to low level electromagnetic fields or struck with a ferrous object, 3-dimensional visual and auditory \"projections\" of past events appear. These projections are frequently accompanied by the entity designated SCP-1042-1.\nHistory:\nThe Historical Society of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 had taken ownership of a local mansion, the site of a notorious murder, and was giving guided \"ghost tours\" of the grounds. The original owner of the house, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the town's \"land baron,\" was accused of murdering a maidservant in 18\u2588\u2588 but was acquitted of the charges. After the trial, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wife removed herself and their children from the area, and he became a recluse before finally committing suicide in the house 3 years later. Since then, owners and staff reported seeing multiple apparitions in and around the manor of the original family and staff, images of themselves performing mundane tasks (labelled by tour-guides as \"doppelg\u00e4ngers\"), and sightings of \"The Black Monk\" (now believed to be SCP-1042-1). Frequency of these sightings tended to increase during thunderstorms. In 19\u2588\u2588, an electrician wiring the house to the town's new electrical grid scraped a screwdriver across the exposed blocks of the cellar, and was greeted with the image of the house's original owner murdering the maid in a reenactment of the 18\u2588\u2588 event. The apparitions showed no acknowledgement of the electrician and faded after approximately 5 minutes.\nProcurement:\nPosing as safety inspectors, Foundation agents were able to procure SCP-1042 using \"foundation maintenance\" as a cover story. The brick was located using a standard electro-magnetic field meter. Agents replaced it with a duplicate of equal proportions, as well as structurally bolstering the foundations of the building to avoid arousing suspicion.\nIn experiments with SCP-1042, it has been determined that sights and sounds of people or objects moving around the object are recorded for later playback. It does not appear to record inactivity, only motion. Playback of events varies in fidelity; most images are transparent and have a blurred effect, audio has noticeable interference described by observers as \"metallic scraping\" or \"stone grinding on stone\". When a low-level current is applied to the block, the effects gain much in clarity. Recorded events can be projected by introducing an EM field, or by striking or scraping the block with a steel or iron object; specific events can be chosen for playback by altering the strength of the EM field, the force of the strike, or a combination of both.\nThe following is a selection of the more notable tests with SCP-1042. The full testing log is available as document SCP-1042-L1\n\n+ Show Experiment Log\n\n- Hide Experiment Log\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: none.\nResult:\nThe upper half of a middle aged woman, dressed as a kitchen servant appeared with a jar of peach preserves. She placed the jar on an unseen shelf (the jar then hung in the air apparently sitting on a shelf that corresponded to an actual shelf in the basement of the site), then turned and walked three paces before disappearing.\nAt this point, researchers realized that SCP-1042 was placed on a lab table, approximately 45 centimeters below its original elevation. The block was placed on an elevated shelf adjusted to its approximate height in the basement and the test was conducted again, this time, the full image of the woman was seen. Corroborating with local records, this woman was confirmed to be \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who worked as a servant in the manor.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nResearchers saw another experiment conducted in the same room, 13 days before by Dr. Lowenstein on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The manifestation lasted 13 minutes, 15 seconds. Objects in the room which remained stationary at the time of the experiment did not appear, only those that changed position. Dr. Lowenstein later confirmed that he did perform those actions, and in the exact procedure as recorded when shown a digital recording of this test.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nA reenactment of the maidservant's murder by the owner of the house. The image and sound were particularly clear. After the crime, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was seen lifting the body over his shoulder and walking towards the location of the basement stairs. The image of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 proceeded to ascend toward the ceiling according to the location of the stairs in the basement, but their structure was not projected.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nA man dressed as a mason from the era the house was built appeared, standing in front of the brick with a trowel, setting it into place. Approximately 3 meters behind him, a dark humanoid figure wearing a hooded black robe with a concealed face stood motionless. While the worker appeared in relatively good clarity, the dark figure was of noticeably lesser fidelity. It made no motion but appeared to be staring in the direction of the mason. When viewing a digital recording of the test, the black figure dubbed SCP-1042-1 was not seen.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nThree men dressed as groundskeepers appeared and proceeded to cross the room. Clothing and hairstyles seemed consistent with the mid twentieth century. Two instances of SCP-1042-1 also appeared. One directly adjacent to their path, one behind Dr. Thompson. The two younger men engaged in a brief discussion of the various ghost sightings and legends surrounding the house. The third, older man reprimanded them for believing in such things, and admonished them to get back to work. The three picked up gardening tools (the tools appeared in the projection the moment the workers made contact), and vanished. It should be noted that the location of the entity behind Dr. Thompson corresponds to solid earth behind the wall that originally contained SCP-1042.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nAs Dr. Thompson was preparing this test, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 entered the room and conversed with Thompson for approximately 2 minutes. During this time, the sleeve of her lab coat contacted an Erlenmeyer flask, sending it into a work-sink where it broke along with several test tubes awaiting cleaning after one of Dr. Lowenstein's previously mentioned experiments with SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. After determining the correct parameters to play back this event and summoning his colleague for viewing of her actions, the image manifested as normal. However, moments before the flask was broken, SCP-1042-1 appeared behind Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and moved the flask 4 centimeters towards her arm. When the digital-recording of the playback was viewed, the figure did not appear, nor was the flask seen to move.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nOne of the groundskeepers from the previous experiment appeared. As he crossed the area of SCP-1042's effect, SCP-1042-1 appeared, knelt down, and pushed a wooden apple crate 6 centimeters toward the man. The groundskeeper's left knee collided with the crate and he proceeded to fall forward onto a garden rake, the tines impaling his face in his right eye and left cheek. SCP-1042-1 stood upright and observed the man writhing on the ground. The scene stopped at this point. Examining local records indicate that the groundskeeper was \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After this accident, confirmed to have occurred in 19\u2588\u2588, newspapers and court documents account that he became an alcoholic and was involved in a series of petty crimes. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was killed in an automobile collision after leaving a drinking establishment 2 years later. The driver of the other vehicle sustained minor injuries, the 2 passengers died on impact.\nNote: The survivor of that accident was \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who later became a prominent public advocate of drunk-driving legislation, and founder of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. In interviews, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cited this incident and the loss of his wife and child as his primary motivation.\n\nEM Field: \u2588\u2588\u2588 W/m\u00b2\nStriking Force: \u2588\u2588\u2588 newtons\nResult:\nA test scenario was created by Dr. Thompson and several other researchers moving through the room, displacing a series of objects on to the floor and performing various tasks such as throwing a softball or juggling for approximately 15 minutes. An electric current was applied to SCP-1042 during the recording phase. When the brick was activated for playback, 2 SCP-1042-1 entities appeared in the corners of the room. Dr. Thompson examined the projection of one closely, attempting to discern its features for study. After 3 minutes of observation, the figure turned toward Thompson and a voice was heard saying, \"Please stop staring, it makes us frightfully uncomfortable.\" Startled, Thompson jumped away from the apparition nearly falling backwards. The figure then turned its attention back towards the recorded events.\nAs before, upon viewing footage of the test, SCP-1042-1 did not appear nor was it heard; Dr. Thompson simply appeared to be interacting with empty space.\n\n+ Show Notes on SCP-1042-1\n\n+ Hide Notes on SCP-1042-1\n\nSCP-1042-1 appears as a tall humanoid figure, standing at a height of approximately 2.5 meters. Image fidelity of projections varies, but they have never been observed at the full clarity and opacity of other SCP-1042 projections. They appear to be clothed in black hooded robes. Facial features also appear to be obscured by a mask of the same sort of material. Hands are humanoid, with 5 digits, also covered in layers of black material. The exact nature of this clothing cannot be determined.\nThese entities are seen in approximately 15% of SCP-1042 projections. 80% of these appearances consist of the figure standing motionless facing the subjects' actions. In 20% of appearances, the entities interacted with subjects indirectly, relocating objects in the general vicinity to a slightly altered position, always in a fashion that would ensure that subjects made contact with these objects. The purpose of these actions is unknown.\nThe only occurrence of SCP-1042-1 vocalizing is the above experiment log. We are unable to determine whether the entity was interacting with researchers in real time, or had predetermined our actions and performed the appropriate response during the recording phase. Given the nature of SCP-1042-1, it is possible that it may not perceive time in a strictly linear fashion; further testing of this hypothesis is recommended.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1041 | SCP-1042 | SCP-1043 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1043\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1043 is to be held within a containment room in Storage Unit 9 at Site-33. The air humidity within the containment unit should not exceed 5% to prevent devaluation of SCP-1043, as well as a potential containment breach. Experimentation on SCP-1043 requires approval of level 3 personnel due to limited amount available.\nUncontained instances of SCP-1043-1 are to be left to proceed to completion; a mobile perimeter is to be established around them to prevent public exposure. Resulting SCP-1043-2 is to be demolished and rubble, along with the foundation of solidified SCP-1043-1 removed, and stored at nearest Low-hazard Anomalous Materials Bulk Storage facility.\nA mobile perimeter is to be established around uncontained instances of SCP-1043-1 for the purposes of monitoring. If the emerging SCP-1043-2 does not resemble any of the forms described in Addendum 1043-1, the area extending to a radius of at least 200 metres from the edge of SCP-1043-1 in question is to be evacuated, and procedure 28-Surtur applied. Otherwise, the resulting SCP-1043-2 is to be demolished and rubble, along with the foundation of solidified SCP-1043-1 removed, and stored at nearest Low-hazard Anomalous Materials Bulk Storage facility.\nDescription: SCP-1043 refers to approximately 31 134 sacks, labeled \"MOLISOLUS MARK III\" and numbers \"I\" to \"V\" in large red lettering. On the lower right corner of each sack is a green stamp detailing a winged arm holding a hammer, and the designation \"APOLLODORUS CONSTRUCTION COMBINE\". The sacks contain a grey-green powdery substance, which, if mixed with water and applied onto soil, recombines with it to form SCP-1043-1.\nSCP-1043-1 is a self-propagating soil anomaly, appearing similar to a pool of concrete. SCP-1043-1 at this stage has been shown to have remarkable surface tension, able to support pressures of up to 40 kPa.\nIf removed from the main pool, samples of SCP-1043-1 cease activity and coalesce, producing an isotropic grey solid of stiffness similar to concrete, but a far higher yield strength\u2014Vickers hardness 50 HD30\u2014but otherwise lacking anomalous properties. Laboratory analysis has revealed the composition to be that of surrounding substrate with SCP-1043 acting as a resin matrix. Initially, an instance of SCP-1043-1 propagates at a rate of approximately \u2588\u2588 m\u00b2/hr , assimilating surrounding soil, until reaching a depth of cca. 1.5m and a final area of cca. 8 times the area covered by the resulting SCP-1043-2.\nAfter approximately \u2588\u2588 hours, a number of ambulatory growths bearing outwards resemblance to human arms begin to form within SCP-1043-1. Once fully formed, the growths proceed to use SCP-1043-1, as well as occasionally salvage raw materials within the perimeter affected by SCP-1043-1 to construct a structure or object, labeled SCP-1043-2 (see Addendum 1043-1 for a list of SCP-1043-2 types known). After the construction is complete, leftover SCP-1043-1 retreats towards the centre and hardens, providing a foundation for the structure.\nExperimenting with decreasing the quantity of SCP-1043 used has shown the process to successfully complete, however, the base layer is proportionally thinner, and beyond a point characterized by the thickness of the transformed soil layer not exceeding \u2588\u2588cm, the process fails to complete.\nAddendum 1043-1:\n\nLIST OF SCP-1043-2 TYPES.\nDesignation: SCP-1043-2-1\nAppearance: A smooth-walled rectangular building of base cca. 30x20 metres, and height of cca. 10 metres. The interior divides into two floors, each containing 41 identical rooms, and one of about twice the size. The smaller rooms' walls and floor contain a number of protrusions bearing outward resemblance to shelves, bedding, and a table. The larger room's floor contains several holes cca. 25cm in diameter which terminate below the structure's base. The microstructure of most surfaces has been found to physically interfere with germ growth.\nDesignation: SCP-1043-2-2\nAppearance: A semi-circular dome approximately 16 metres in radius, with decorative elements resembling the architecture of Mussolini-era Italy. There are four entrances, located 90 degrees apart. The interior contains a raised podium, and approximately 500 irregularly arranged seating places, connected via stairs. The internal walls and roof curve considerably and contain a large number of structural features. Analysis has shown the structure to possess excellent auditory properties.\n\nIncident 1043-1:\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 , members of MTF Chi-4 \"Brick Breakers\" were dispatched to a supposed instance of SCP-836 infestation in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada. However, on-site assessment has shown this to be an uncharacteristic instance of SCP-1043, spreading rapidly in an approximately 10 cm deep layer, and repurposing material within its perimeter to repeatedly construct what appeared to be several sections of a statue1 and fuse them in a seemingly random arrangement, forming a mound approximately \u2588\u2588 m in diameter.\nProcedure 28-Surtur used upon operative approval by Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 shown successful in halting SCP-1043-1 activity.\n\nIncident 1043-2:\n\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, a raid on the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a coffee shop suspected to serve as a cover for \"Are We Cool Yet?\" activity related to the spreading of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 as a part of the recent \"We are the 99 bottles\" campaign.\nAmong the items procured was a Moleskine notebook containing sketches resembling SCP-1043-1 and detailed drawings of structures resembling SCP-1018 , SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as objects of seemingly impossible geometry. The drawings are dimensioned, and surrounded by stenographic markings, a number of yet-undeciphered symbols, as well as arbitrary content such as stylized sketches of common objects, and a drawing of a nude female identified as A\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a freelance writer frequenting the same establishment.\nThe notebook contains a number of fingerprint marks, which have been determined to consist of SCP-1043 powder.\nPage 23 of the notebook shows a crossed out drawing with features similar to the structure encountered by MTF Chi-4 during Incident 1043-1. It is followed by a number of calculations, ending with \"A=43.2[unknown symbol]**2i FUCK YEAH!\" underlined twice.\nScanned copies of the notebook's contents are available to personnel with 2-1043 clearance.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Identified segments include a humanoid arm approximately 15 metres long, with its fingers embedded into a spheroid, a square slab, and a [DATA EXPUNGED] cross-section.)\n\n\u00ab SCP-1042 | SCP-1043 | SCP-1044 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1044\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1044 is to be surrounded at all possible access points by signs in English and French warning of falling rocks, avalanches, landmines and dangerous animals. The area should be kept under periodic aerial surveillance and at least one member of personnel will be available on short notice to further discourage any non-personnel who choose to ignore the warnings.\nDescription: SCP-1044 is located in a small, uninhabited valley in the Alpine region of France, located at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0N, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0E and measuring approximately 1.2km across and 0.6km wide at its broadest point.\nThe properties of SCP-1044 were first encountered in 1968, after rumours of unusual sounding echoes began to spread through the local area. These reports ranged from the valley producing echoes that talked back, to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nWhile the reported phenomena were widely dismissed as urban legend by local authorities, researchers were dispatched on 03/06/20\u2588\u2588 to determine their veracity. The following are partial transcripts of the three investigations carried out over the course of the following two years:\n\nExperiment 1044-1\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: How should we begin?\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Perhaps 'hello?'\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: [speaking loudly] Hello?\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I didn't get that. Try louder.\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: [shouting] Hello?Researcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you hear that? That was 'Good-'\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: I got it. Let me try something else. [shouting] Is anybody down there?Researcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [shouting] Yes.Researcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hold on. Try that again, as loud as possible.\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [shouting louder] Yes.SCP-1044: [identically to Researcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's shout] Yes.\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: If the first echo is contradicting you, is the second echo contradicting the first echo?\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Or the second echo was just my own echo, coming through late.\nResearcher A\u2588\u2588\u2588: Let's continue.\nExperiment 1044-2\nNote: Henceforth it can be assumed that the responses of SCP-1044 are heard in the form of an echo, in the same voice as the person who made the initial statement.\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: [shouting] Dog.Dr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I suppose there is no opposite statement to dog.\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Cat?\nDr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Not a true opposite. The phenomenon appears to follow a consistent logic. Observe: [shouting] I am a man.Researcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And so, rather than echoing 'I am a woman,' it attempts to relay the logical opposite.\nDr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It is not yet clear that it has the awareness required to attempt anything.\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What about the 'hello?' from the previous experiment? The echo said 'goodbye.'\nDr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It would make sense, possibly, that a statement of parting ways is logically opposite to a statement of greeting.\nResearcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Maybe. Or it is not as logically infallible as we think.\nDr. C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Suggesting what, precisely?\nExperiment 1044-3\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nAnalyses of the audio transcripts of the experiments all conclude that SCP-1044 is an echo, localised to a single valley, that directly contradicts the speaker wherever logical contradiction of a statement or question is possible. Where multiple echoes are heard, each subsequent echo will contradict the previous.\nIn the later experiments, attempts were made to test SCP-1044 by calling out self-contradictory statements such as 'This sentence is false.' This invariably resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Future experiments are to avoid such attempts.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1043 | SCP-1044 | SCP-1045 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1045\n\nItem #: SCP-1045\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1045 is stored in Low-Security Locker 17 at Site 21. No flammable materials or sources of open flame are to be brought within 5 meters of SCP-1045 except for testing purposes.\nDescription: SCP-1045 is a square wood-framed candle lantern measuring 15 cm x 15 cm x 32 cm. Its sides are made of translucent waxed paper and its interior framework provides a nested support for a circular glass cup measuring 6.5 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height. The anomalous properties of SCP-1045 do not manifest unless both components are used together.\nWhen a candle is placed within SCP-1045 and lit, the walls of SCP-1045 depict the shadow of a miniature humanoid, as if lit from behind by the candle. The shadow on each side of the lantern depicts a different angle of the same subject. The shadow of the humanoid is always writhing, as if in pain, and it is surrounded by what appear to be semi-opaque flames. The shadow of the figure will persist as long as the candle is burning. Its motions become more frantic as the candle comes closer to burning out.\nAll candle residue recovered from SCP-1045 consists of rendered human fat, regardless of the original makeup of the candle. Damaged DNA samples have been recovered, but the identity of the source individual(s) has yet to be determined.\nAddendum: Testing has revealed that burning scented candles produces shadows of different figures. In addition, burning a scented candle allows the shadows to emit sound. The volume of the sound is dependent on the strength of the scent. To date, all shadows have only produced incoherent screams.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1044 | SCP-1045 | SCP-1046 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1046\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The building currently integrated with SCP-1046 is to be contained in a standard domicile containment unit. All surfaces contacting the building are to be constructed out of wooden materials. In the event of a containment breach, all portions of SCP-1046 found outside of containment are to be surgically removed and transplanted into the original building or a suitable replacement building.\nDescription: SCP-1046 is a collection of 781 separate human body parts, formerly a man named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The portions of SCP-1046's body are alive and fully functional, despite not receiving any sustenance or containing any blood.\nSCP-1046 is located within the former home of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Portions of SCP-1046 are located throughout the home, with some portions of the body replacing utilities within the home (Such as portions of the skin replacing three curtains and a lampshade) and some inhibiting function of objects within the home (such as a sink being clogged by an artery, and a large portion of the face being permanently affixed to the living room television).\nAt random intervals, portions of SCP-1046 will shift throughout any nonbiological surface into which they are currently integrated. This shift can take anywhere from 45 minutes to several weeks. Additionally, the portion of the face integrated into the television, and any other portion of SCP-1046 capable of producing sound will begin to make distraught vocalizations. Faucets located within SCP-1046 will begin to produce small amounts of saline during this time, despite the building not being connected to any water source.\nSCP-1046 was discovered on 9/18/1994, after Foundation assets in the Davie Sheriff's Department followed up on reports of a \"house with people parts\". Investigation into the alleged house revealed SCP-1046's anomalous properties. Subsequent surgical intervention allowed agents to achieve successful containment. SCP-1046 was contained on 11/19/1994, and classified as Euclid. Similarities between SCP-1046 and SCP-1582 have been noted, and investigation into a similar origin of the two phenomena is currently ongoing.\nAddendum Documents recovered from the residence SCP-1046 was located in have proven to be relevant to SCP-1046's current condition. Further investigation into the \"Malva Real Estate Corporation\" are ongoing. The letters were found in a bureau drawer, and appear to be copies of letters that were sent to an unknown party.\n\nDear Mr. Baer,\nRecently I moved into one of your company's marvelous new homes, and found it to be quite luxurious. The ads are right, you really do feel like part of the home. However, I am writing you this letter due to the fact that my new house no longer contains the bedroom. Would it be possible to get a contractor out here to remedy the situation?\nSincerely,\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nDear Mr. Baer\nI don't believe you received my last correspondence, and as such I am writing to you again. Since you did not send a contractor, as I requested, I have decided to hire one of my own. Unfortunately, several injuries sustained on my property compelled them to leave without finishing. I once again compel you to remedy the error.\nSincerely,\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nMr. Baer\nThis is the third time I have contacted you, and I do not believe your ignorance of my issue is accidental. I demand that you send a contractor to finish my home at once. It is unacceptable for a gentleman of my stature to be reduced to sleeping in the living room. If my home is not supplied with a master bedroom within the next three weeks, I will be forced to summon my lawyer.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nTo those who it may concern\nI am alone and trapped and dark. I am all over. I feel the creaks of the beams. i taste the staleness of the wall. i am dry. i need my bedroom. several days into the dawning of the suncere letter sent t an insincere man he said i would be my hous i am a man dont take me anynmore please\ni cant getsleepO[the remainder of the note is unintelligible.]\n\n\u00ab SCP-1045 | SCP-1046 | SCP-1047 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item#: SCP-1047\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1047-1 through -5 are to be individually shrink-wrapped in a nitrogenous atmosphere to minimize their exposure to atmospheric carbon dioxide, and stored in standard inanimate-object lockers equipped with atmospheric sensors to measure carbon dioxide concentrations, and automatic halon dispensers set to activate in case of fire.\nAll instances of SCP-1047-1 are to be stored with their arrow pointing towards the ground.\nSCP-1047-6 cannot currently be taken into custody, and is contained at the location where it was discovered. The apartment building has been purchased by the Foundation via a front company, and is to be kept unoccupied. Dual pump systems have been constructed to evacuate the atmosphere in the room containing SCP-1047-6 and replace it with nitrogen (see appendix 1047-B26 for mechanical specifications and diagrams); these pumps are to run continuously. All personnel maintaining the pumps and/or researching the interface into the room containing SCP-1047-6 should wear standard radiation dosimeters, and comply with standard health and safety regulations for radiation exposure.\nDescription: SCP-1047 is a collection of 6 standard types of traffic and street signs, each type of which induces a different anomalous effect. These anomalous effects activate when an instance of SCP-1047 is taken from its standard pole, and contained in a room where there are atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide greater than approximately 600 ppm and/or atmospheric concentrations of the various combustion products of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) greater than 100 ppm; specific activation parameters for atmospheric conditions remain to be determined, as does the precise operational definition of 'room'. In all situations, these properties do not extend beyond the walls of the room in question, and can be interrupted by opening a door or window from the outside to promote gas exchange.\nSCP-1047-1 (18 instances in custody) is a 'One Way' sign. When SCP-1047-1 is activated, the force of gravity within the room will immediately reorient itself so that 'down' is the direction of the arrow on the One Way sign. If, when falling towards the new direction of gravity, the direction of the arrow is changed (i.e., because the sign spins in midair, or collides with an object during freefall), the direction of gravity will then immediately point in the new direction of the arrow. If the room is an independent structure rather than part of a larger structure (e.g., mobile homes, camping tents, or portable toilets), the gravitational reorientation can lead to the forcible and continuous displacement of the structure in question; such displacements tend to result in the structure being destroyed by multiple collisions with its environment (at which point SCP-1047-1 deactivates), but have also been known to lift the structures to the upper levels of the atmosphere (at which point SCP-1047-1 likewise deactivates due to reduced air pressure).\nSCP-1047-2 (23 instances in custody) is a 'Stop' sign. When SCP-1047-2 is activated, all vertebrate organisms within the room will immediately experience total paralysis of all voluntary muscles. Causes of death for individuals afflicted by SCP-1047-2 include fall-related injuries, aspiration on food, and starvation.\nSCP-1047-3 (31 instances in custody) is a 'No Parking' sign. When SCP-1047-3 is activated, all vertebrate organisms within the room become unable to stop moving or to lose consciousness, and instead pace constantly until they die of exhaustion. As well, afflicted organisms are unable to leave SCP-1047-3's zone of influence.\nSCP-1047-4 (15 instances in custody) is a 'Merge' sign. When SCP-1047-4 is activated, the skin of all vertebrate organisms within the room, and all surfaces (with the exception of SCP-1047-4 itself) that have touched skin within the past 24 hours will immediately take on a semiliquid consistency, causing them to bond with each other at a molecular level upon contact.\nSCP-1047-5 (4 instances in custody) is a 'Yield' sign. When SCP-1047-5 is activated, all vertebrate organisms within the room will immediately lose all volition, and will sit motionless until such time as they see or hear any statement which can be interpreted as a command, at which point they will expend the minimum effort necessary to obey if this can be accomplished without leaving the room. [NOTE: although it can reasonably be assumed that SCP-1047-5's effects apply to all vertebrate organisms, the 'obedience' effect has only been tested on humans and on trained mammals.]\nSCP-1047-6 is presumed to be a 'Speed Limit 55' sign, although this cannot be directly verified due to the nature of its anomalous effect. Within its area of effect (Apartment 6, #239 [REDACTED] Avenue) the speed of light is 55 miles (88 km) per hour. As a result, relativistic effects and Cherenkov radiation1 at the interface mean that it is impossible to enter the apartment. Dual pumps have been constructed on site to drain the atmosphere within the apartment and replace it with nitrogen; atmospheric concentrations are expected to drop below SCP-1047-6's activation parameters after 473 (four hundred and seventy-three) years of continuous operation.\nAcquisition log: SCP-1047 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, following Incident 1047-A, involving an instance of SCP-1047-1 being stolen from a telephone pole in the city of [REDACTED] and installed as a 'wall decoration' in a nearby apartment. The resulting five deaths were explained as the result of a truck crashing into the building.\nInvestigation showed that City Councillor [REDACTED] had recently spoken out against an increase in street sign thefts, and had claimed that all sign thieves would \"get what they deserve\". When approached by the Foundation for an interview, Councillor [REDACTED] immediately committed suicide; a second Councilmember died of a cerebral hemorrhage at that time, as did two employees of the city's Department of Infrastructure. Another two employees of the Department of Infrastructure were struck and killed by lightning at that moment. Autopsies revealed no anomalies, except that all six corpses had identical teeth.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Due to the gross differences between the local speed of light and the average particle speed in a 22\u00b0C room, Cherenkov radiation emitted at the threshold of the effect consists of high-energy gamma rays rather than visible light.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1046 | SCP-1047 | SCP-1048 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1048\nObject Class: Safe Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1048 is currently free to roam Site 24, as it poses no threat and has been observed to greatly improve the morale of personnel that interact with it. The whereabouts of SCP-1048 are currently unknown, though it is still believed to be somewhere in Site 24. Subject is to be secured for containment, but any creation of SCP-1048's should be destroyed on sight, unless further evidence warrants less extreme actions. No teddy bears are to be allowed in Site 24 to prevent any confusion or mistaken identity. Any object that resembles a teddy bear is to be reported to the security team immediately.\n-This is not a joke. We have no idea what SCP-1048's full capabilities are. Who knows how many of the damn things are out there by now? - Dr. Carver\nDescription: SCP-1048 is a small teddy bear, approximately 33 cm in height. Through testing, composition of the subject revealed no unusual qualities that make it discernible from a non-sapient teddy bear. Subject is capable of moving of its own accord, and can communicate through a small range of gestures. The subject regularly shows affection to individuals in ways found endearing by most people. Affection is usually given in the form of a hug to the lower leg, but subject has also been observed dancing, jumping in place, and in two separate events it has even drawn child-like pictures for janitorial staff. All Foundation personnel that have interacted with the subject have responded positively to its affection, even D-class with normally sociopathic tendencies.\nAttempts at direct communication with SCP-1048 have not been considered successful. Though it is capable of simple gestures to indicate a \"yes\" or \"no\" answer, it will often not react to lines of questioning concerning its nature or where it originated from. It is not known if this is because SCP-1048 simply does not know the answers, or because it does not want to answer. Though capable of drawing pictures, it has not used its art as a form of communication beyond showing affection, even when encouraged to do so.\nThe more anomalous behavior of SCP-1048 was not observed until approximately 7 months after it was originally secured. It is hypothesized that the subject is able to construct crude replicas of itself using various materials, by a process that has yet to be observed directly by Foundation staff. Dr. Carver has suggested that SCP-1048 uses its endearing qualities to lull those around it in to a false sense of security, allowing it to collect materials to produce these creations. Currently, there are 3 known creations of SCP-1048, designated SCP-1048-A, SCP-1048-B, and SCP-1048-C. The nature of these creations has been in stark contrast to SCP-1048's general behavior, as all have exhibited extreme violence towards humans.\nSCP-1048-A: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-1048-A was discovered wandering Site 24, accompanied by SCP-1048. Subject resembles a teddy bear similar in size and shape to SCP-1048, but is made entirely out of human ears. Witnesses interviewed reported that it appeared SCP-1048 was giving a \"tour\" of Site 24 to SCP-1048-A. Dr. Carver was called to the scene, along with a security team. The security team arrived first, and attempted to contain SCP-1048-A. Subject emitted a high-pitched shriek that inflicted intense pain in the eyes and ears of everyone in a 10 meter radius. Ear-like growths immediately began growing on those within 5 meters of the subject, covering their bodies in less than 20 seconds. Every person afflicted with this symptom died within 3 minutes, resulting in the death of \u2588\u2588 personnel, including the entire security team. Autopsies revealed the cause of death to be asphyxiation caused by an abundance of the ear-like growths manifesting in the mouths and tracheae of all victims. SCP-1048 and SCP-1048-A fled the scene before Dr. Carver arrived, and have not been contained since the incident, though sightings of both have been reported on multiple occasions. Shortly after this incident occurred, a researcher was discovered missing an ear. According to him, it was removed through unknown means while he was sleeping. No other victims of ear removal were found, so it is unclear if SCP-1048 obtained more ears from another source, or if it is capable of duplicating objects or materials.\nSCP-1048-B: Subject was discovered by several Foundation staff members in the cafeteria of Site 24 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject's appearance was nearly identical to SCP-1048, but it moved in an irregular, jerky manner. Witnesses reported that it appeared as if something was moving inside of SCP-1048-B. Subject made no attempt to interact initially, until a burst in its seams revealed what appeared to be the hand and arm of a human infant poking out and grasping at the air. At the sight of this, a female researcher named \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 screamed, and SCP-1048-B reacted by emitting a high-pitched cry similar to that of a human infant. The subject then attempted to [DATA EXPUNGED] the screaming researcher, causing massive internal damage. In the ensuing chaos, a security team was forced to [REDACTED] both the researcher and SCP-1048-B. Approximately 3 hours after this incident, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found unconscious and bleeding in her office. An abortion had been performed on her while she was sleeping, and the 8-month-old fetus was never found. It is hypothesized that SCP-1048 used Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's unborn child to create SCP-1048-B. Information regarding the possible origin of SCP-1048-B is not to be leaked to the survivors currently undergoing therapy for the incident with SCP-1048-B, as Dr. Carver believes it would be extremely detrimental to their recovery.\nSCP-1048-C: Subject resembles a teddy bear similar to SCP-1048, but composed entirely of rusted metal scraps. Subject was first sighted on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 by Dr. Carver in his office while writing up a report on the SCP-1048-B incident. Subject fled the room when it noticed Dr. Carver observing it. In the attempted pursuit of SCP-1048-C, Dr. Carver witnessed the death and maiming of \u2588 Foundation personnel as the subject exhibited extreme violence during its escape. SCP-1048-C has not been encountered since this initial sighting, and it is unknown whether it still resides somewhere within Site 24. The origins of any materials possibly used to construct SCP-1048-C by SCP-1048 are also unknown at this time.\nAddendum 1048-1: SCP-2295 is similar, but nearly antithetical in function, to SCP-1048. Attempts to establish a common origin are ongoing.\nExtreme caution is to be taken if SCP-1048-A or SCP-1048-C are encountered again.\n-I cannot stress this enough. The damn thing jumped right through those poor people - Dr. Carver\n\n\u00ab SCP-1047 | SCP-1048 | SCP-1049 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1049\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1049 is to be kept in a 1 x 1 x 3m aviary. Other than a perch 2m above ground, feeder, and water container, no foreign objects are permitted in SCP-1049's enclosure. SCP-1049 must be kept tethered to the perch at all times. If entry to SCP-1049's enclosure is required, protective clothing must be worn and time spent inside the enclosure must be kept to a minimum.\nSCP-1049 is to be fed a diet consisting mostly of beetles, crickets and locusts. Small bats or mice may also be offered once per week. Personnel must not enter SCP-1049's enclosure to feed it; the feeder attached to the aviary allows for food to be offered from outside.\nDescription: SCP-1049 is an adult male black and white owl (Strix nigrolineata). It is physically identical to any other member of its species save for its eyes, which are a reddish pink. Its dietary needs and hunting behaviours are similar to those of any other owl; however, SCP-1049 exhibits the ability to remove the skeletons of humans by unknown means. It is presumed that it does this only to humans, as SCP-1049 does not appear to have used the ability on any other creatures prior to containment.\nSCP-1049 was found after police in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mexico made reports of boneless corpses being found in the nearby jungle, with no signs of external injury or another person having committed the crime. However, one victim had been found with several feathers resting on the corpse's chest, which were identified as belonging to an owl. Locals in the area reported seeing an unusual red-eyed specimen near to where the corpses were found, and claimed that it had caused the deaths of the victims. Police immediately discounted the claims.\nFoundation officials received the report during routine intelligence checks and searched the area, eventually finding SCP-1049. Before SCP-1049 could be contained, it alighted upon the shoulder of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-1049 bit at Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's face, although Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suffered no injury. After several seconds, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 collapsed. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body appeared to cave in on itself. Remains of Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were found to be completely boneless. Cause of death is believed to be pressure and shock applied to the brain after the loss of the cranium.\nSCP-1049 later produced a pellet containing small pieces of human bone, including phalange fragments and a cochlea. Testing confirmed that the fragments belonged to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1049 will attack any humans it sees in this manner, resulting in a complete loss of bone tissue and resultant death.\nAddendum: Examination of SCP-1049 reveals no internal anomalies, or any indication of what causes the reaction seen in Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It is also unknown how bone fragments are ingested by SCP-1049, as it does not attempt to eat its victims.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1048 | SCP-1049 | SCP-1050 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Original carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in a proto-Latin language with a previously undiscovered alphabet. Dated to 53,5\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nItem #: SCP-1050\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1050-1 is to be maintained in a storage facility with interior dimensions of at least five (5) meters by five (5) meters by thirty-two (32) meters. The ceiling of the storage facility, specifically the area directly over SCP-1050-1, must be shielded to block radio waves broadcast at an intensity of [REDACTED].1 SCP-1050-1 is currently stored at Area 179.\nOccurrences of SCP-1050-2 are to be located upon identification of the corresponding change in SCP-1050-1. These are to be located and confiscated by Foundation agents. SCP-1050-2 is to be stored in secure classified document storage.\nInstances of SCP-1050-3 must be tracked by monitoring radio telescope telemetry. When an instance of SCP-1050-3 is detected by non-Foundation personnel, all records must be confiscated and/or destroyed, and affected persons should be administered amnesiacs.\nDescription: SCP-1050 consists of one item (SCP-1050-1) and two related phenomena (SCP-1050-2 and SCP-1050-3). SCP-1050-1 was recovered from a secret German research facility in [REDACTED], following the conclusion of the Second World War. SCP-1050-2a was recovered from Soviet NKVD archives in 195\u2588. SCP-1050-2b was recovered from British Crown archives in 195\u2588. SCP-1050-1's previous origins are unknown.\nSCP-1050-1\nSCP-1050-1 is a large obelisk made of solid obsidian, with approximate dimensions of 1.48 meters by 1.48 meters by 30.5 meters.2 According to obsidian hydration dating of the obelisk, the obelisk itself was carved approximately 48,9\u2588\u2588 years ago. Microscopic scans indicate that it is perfectly shaped at the molecular level, indicating creation requiring technology in advance of that available at the present. The obelisk is covered by a variety of writing scripts, all apparently containing the same message, and all apparently carved with the same exact precision as the obelisk itself. The surface of the obelisk appears to be subdivided into eighty 1.48 meter by 1.48 meter sections, each with a distinct form of writing. Of the eighty sections, \u2588\u2588 of them have been filled in. Images of several of the carvings on SCP-1050 are in Addendum 3. Linguistic analysis of the scripts indicates the following (in chronological order by age, except as noted):\n\n\u2588\u2588 as yet unidentified scripts bearing no resemblance to any known language or writing style, past or present, with carving dates ranging from 48,\u2588\u2588\u2588 years ago to \u2588\u2588 years ago. These are presumed to contain the same message as the other scripts.\nA script of unknown origin dating to the creation of the obelisk, whose spelling and grammatical structure resembles early forms of ancient Latin, though the alphabet and numeral system are completely different.\nJiahu symbols3\nAkkadian Cuneiform\nEgyptian Hieroglyphs\nLinear A4\nOlmec script5\nClassical Latin\nEarly Medieval Swedish Runes\nModern English (circa 1891)\nModern Russian (circa 1943)\n\nThe scripts all appear to contain the same message. The following is the English version of the message, as written on SCP-1050-1 (footnotes provide conjectural annotations by the research team):6\n\nBeware the Destroyers. They come by the millions from the Realm of Darkness which extends where no stars shine.7 For a thousand generations They slumber, lying in wait. Great nations rise and flourish. There is peace and prosperity. Then comes the Dark Times; then They Return. They cull and burn. They are warped, and move beyond the pale, bigger than any man, unnatural births. Every nail, claw-scale and spur, every spike and welt on the hand of those heathen brutes is as barbed steel. It is said there is no honed iron hard enough to pierce Them through, no time proofed blade that can cut Their brutal blood caked claws.8 Armies are raised and cut down like grasses before a scythe \u2013 it is said the armies of Amorah and Suhdom,9 each ten thousand strong, were swept away between a single rising and setting sun. Heroes come forth and are slaughtered. Lightning and fire rain from the sky and the whole earth trembles. They are as a deluge, a powerful flood that washes away entire mighty nations and empires.10 The people pray for deliverance from the gods. The gods fight the Destroyers, but their efforts are in vain. Iapetos,11 Ausare,12 Ehecatl,13 Souchang14 \u2013 all perished. The Destroyers are to the gods as the gods are to men and men are to insects: cold and vast and unsympathetic. The wise flee Them; the lucky escape. Fifty score great vessels were launched to seek refuge from Them; only those led by Satyavrata,15 Utnapishtim,16 Noach,17 and Deucalion18 escaped. The Dark Ones vanquish all before Them. They have come before since before time began. Now They slumber. They will return. Beware the Destroyers. 13 057 935 897.19 13 057 987 212. 13 082 937 367.20 13 082 989 898. 13 097 951 299.21 13 098 004 240. 13 154 950 029.22 13 154 997 841. 13 171 943 486.23 13 171 996 357. 13 175 947 117.24 13 175 997 684. 13 179 942 287.25 13 179 990 180. 13 183 948 781.26 13 183 999 048. 13 232 952 474.27 13 233 001 388. 13 281 951 481.28 13 282 002 364. 13 329 941 108.29 13 329 990 159. 13 348 945 350.30 13 348 994 654. 13 394 942 237.31 13 394 994 635. 13 416 953 628.32 13 417 005 920. 13 454 440 174.33 13 454 492 033. 13 482 944 398.34 13 482 991 663. 13 534 433 334.35 13 534 484 218. 13 566 069 136.36 13 566 119 652. 13 585 446 914.37 13 585 499 555. 13 599 896 703.38 13 599 945 679.39 Proclaimed again by Her Majesty Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of India, in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen Hundred Ninety-One.\n\nThe end of the message is different for each time it is written, varying by which ruler \u201cproclaimed again\u201d the message, and by altering the date accordingly. Testing has revealed the dates of the carving of different messages to correspond with the approximate dating provided by the different iterations of the message. So far, Foundation researchers have identified the following rulers:\n\nLegatus Maximus Romulus, 53,5\u2588\u2588 BCE (original carving, \u201cProto-Latin\u201d with alternate alphabet)\nKing Gilgamesh of Uruk, 2,5\u2588\u2588 BCE (Akkadian Cuneiform)\nPharaoh Khakhaure Senusret III of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, 185\u2588 BCE (Egyptian Hieroglyphs)\nKing Midas of Minoa, 8\u2588\u2588 BCE (Linear A)\nCaesar Publius Aelius Traianus Hadriani Augusti (Emperor Hadrian) of Rome, 122 CE (Classical Latin)\nKing Erik the Victorious of Sweden, 985 CE (Early Medieval Swedish Runes)\nQueen Victoria of Great Britain, 1891 CE (Modern English)\nPremier Josef Stalin of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1943 CE (Modern Russian, most recent carving)\n\nThe meaning of the series of numbers appearing in the message is not known for certain. However, if assumed to be standard Earth years from the date of the Big Bang, then the numbers follow a pattern consistent (within four significant figures) with the major extinction events in the planet's history, followed by a date roughly fifty thousand years later. Extensive investigation into prehistoric extinction events has thus far failed to definitively confirm a connection between the events, but has similarly failed to disprove such a connection.\nSCP-1050-1 also emits SCP-1050-3 from its apex, despite apparently having a composition of solid obsidian.\nSCP-1050-2\nSCP-1050-2 consist of documents with text equivalent to carvings on SCP-1050-1, apparently written by the rulers alleged by SCP-1050-1 to have proclaimed the message. The existence of SCP-1050-2 was discovered when the Russian message, apparently proclaimed by Stalin, mysteriously appeared on SCP-1050-1 overnight while the obelisk was in a Nazi research lab during the Second World War in 1943. SS researchers, discovering the mysteriously added new message, reported the development to their superiors, but no evidence for the origin of the new carving was ever determined by the Nazi research team. SCP-1050-2a, a version of the message written in Stalin's handwriting, was discovered after the war by Foundation operatives. It was located in the archives of the Soviet People's Ministry of Internal Affairs (NKVD), though there is no clear indication whether Stalin ever actually wrote the message. SCP-1050-2b, a handwritten version of the message apparently written by Queen Victoria, was recovered from British archives in 195\u2588, where it had apparently been filed without notice. Apart from the fact that both -2a and -2b match handwriting samples of their respective apparent authors and both seem to have appeared without explanation, no anomalous properties have ever been noted in SCP-1050-2. No further instances of SCP-1050-2 have been uncovered to date.\nSCP-1050-3\nSCP-1050-3 consists of a series of radio messages uncovered at different times by radio telescopes on four continents and in orbit. These messages consist of the following:\n\nCaue qui destruunt. 131 520 067 324. 131 520 231 714. 131 735 163 354. 131 735 330 606. 132 114 132 402. 132 114 273 440. 132 310 742 546. 132 311 106 102. 132 505 700 122. 132 506 047 214. 132 671 063 271. 132 671 232 140. 133 002 357 774. 133 002 520 311. 133 166 775 636. 133 167 134 163. 133 505 463 131. 133 505 627 216. 134 026 556 234. 134 026 714 120. 134 260 240 562. 134 260 405 153. 134 447 340 406. 134 447 501 115. 135 004 066 506. 135 004 236 030. 135 305 137 065. 135 305 277 056. 135 506 335 426. 135 506 475 565. 135 532 471 335. 135 532 634 763. 135 551 527 350. 135 551 675 475. 135 774 357 077. 135 774 515 471. 136 131 626 002. 136 131 767 340. 136 376 623 165. 136 376 772 515. 136 553 570 623. 136 553 727 457. 136 655 237 566. 136 655 377 612. 136 774 033 615. 136 774 172 265. 137 111 653 240. 137 112 017 667. 137 412 021 517. 137 412 170 737. 137 660 541 073. 137 660 677 750. 140 027 376 424. 140 027 535 524. 140 223 042 076. 140 223 202 372. 140 363 774 534. 140 364 136 676. 140 712 326 512. 140 712 467 531. 141 224 045 031. 141 224 211 214. 141 363 344 027. 141 363 512 512. 141 454 560 103. 141 454 727 420. 142 006 115 615. 142 006 253 121. 142 106 764 076. 142 107 133 305. 142 126 177 555. 142 126 342 364. 142 145 372 617. 142 145 530 244. 142 164 613 755. 142 164 756 110. 142 457 552 232. 142 457 711 654. 142 752 477 371. 142 752 642 674. 143 241 541 164. 143 241 701 017. 143 352 136 706. 143 352 277 136. 143 631 514 435. 143 631 662 713. 143 755 473 434. 143 755 641 540. 144 174 473 356. 144 174 640 601. 144 351 263 616. 144 351 420 057. 144 655 610 066. 144 655 753 372. 145 046 344 620. 145 046 507 344. 145 160 274 002. 145 160 442 643. 145 247 372 177. 145 247 531 717.\n\nThe numbers have been determined to be base-8 (Octal) representations of the forty base-10 (Decimal) integers in the obelisk message, preceded by another sixty integers following a similar pattern. It is hypothesized that these numbers may refer to additional events not documented in Earth's paleogeological history. The \u201cProto-Latin\u201d message translates, roughly, to \u201cBeware the Destroyers.\u201d SCP-1050-1 emits SCP-1050-3 from its apex. SCP-1050-3 has also been received from \u2588\u2588 other directions in space, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. These are received as occasional pulses of 1-3 repetitions of the SCP-1050-3 message, suggesting similar directional broadcasts to those emanating from SCP-1050-1 being transmitted from rotating planets orbiting other stars.\nAddendum 1: Speculations by the SCP-1050 Research Team, 19\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1050 appears to be parts of an interstellar \u201cearly warning\u201d system of unknown origin. Before the invention of more modern forms of rapid communication, some societies would light bonfires atop watchtowers, which would then be observed by the next watchtower, which would then light its own bonfire, and so on. By this method, a warning of an invading army could be passed along tens or hundreds of miles in hours, rather than days. It seems to the research team that SCP-1050 may be something similar, which would explain the signal we've designated SCP-1050-3. Similarly, by having the message written on the obelisk in dozens of languages, and apparently proclaimed by major political rulers of the time, it would increase the likelihood of societies being forewarned about these \u201cDestroyers\u201d, whomever or whatever they may be. SCP-1050-2 might be a means of spurring the governments of major political powers to action, though, due to the fact that this warning has not been visibly taken seriously or even publically acknowledged suggests that this has not occurred historically. While it may be attractive to assume such defensive measures as Hadrian's Wall or military buildups by the Nazis were due to preparing to meet some shadowy preternatural threat, no other historical evidence supports this conclusion.\nAddendum 2: Note on containment procedures.\nSince the Foundation came into possession of SCP-1050-1 in 194\u2588, O5 Command has twice amended the Special Containment Procedures, initially requiring the blocking of radio signals (194\u2588), then requiring that radio signals not be blocked (196\u2588), then requiring that they be blocked (198\u2588). These changes have resulted not from alterations in SCP-1050-1, but rather from changes in the perceived threat posed by SCP-1050-1's radio transmissions.\nThe rationale behind blocking SCP-1050-1's broadcast of SCP-1050-3 is that it decreases the likelihood of drawing attention to Earth, by removing this planet from the theorized \u201cearly warning network\u201d. The rationale behind not blocking the signal is that, if the theories about the possibility of future extinction events being caused by the mentioned \u201cDestroyers\u201d are correct, then this planet has some degree of obligation to warn other planets in danger. At present, the risks of broadcasting the signal are believed to outweigh the benefits.\nAddendum 3 Select images of carvings from SCP-1050\n\n+ Show Appended Images\n\n- Hide Appended Images\n\nZoomed in detail of original carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in a proto-Latin language with a previously undiscovered alphabet. Dated to 53,5\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 24,\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 24,\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 13,\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 13,\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 9\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified script of unknown origin. Dated to 9\u2588\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Akkadian Cuneiform. Dated to 2,5\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Akkadian Cuneiform. Dated to 2,5\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Linear A. Dated to 8\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Linear A. Dated to 8\u2588\u2588 BCE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Classical Latin. Dated to 122 CE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified Mesoamerican script. Dated to 3\u2588\u2588 CE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified Mesoamerican script. Dated to 3\u2588\u2588 CE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified Mesoamerican script. Dated to 10\u2588\u2588 CE.\n\nZoomed in detail of carving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in unidentified Mesoamerican script. Dated to 10\u2588\u2588 CE.\n\nCarving on SCP-1050-1; text is written in Modern English. Dated to 1891 CE.\n\nFootnotes\n1. See Addendum 2.\n2. These measurements correspond with the archaic length measure of the Roman pace, equal to 1.48 meters. \u2013 Dr. Von Schmidt.\n3. SCP-1050-1 has provided the ability for linguists to read the previously indecipherable Jiahu symbols from Ancient China, but the Foundation has not released any information relating to the Jiahu symbols to the scholarly linguistic community due to the classified nature of SCP-1050-1.\n4. SCP-1050-1 has provided the ability for linguists to read the previously indecipherable Linear A from the ancient Minoan culture, but the Foundation has not released any information relating to Linear A to the scholarly linguistic community due to the classified nature of SCP-1050-1.\n5. SCP-1050-1 has provided the ability for linguists to read the previously indecipherable Olmec script from pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, but the Foundation has not released any information relating to Olmec script to the scholarly linguistic community due to the classified nature of SCP-1050-1.\n6. With the exception of a change in the ruler and date when the message was \u201cproclaimed again\u201d, the message appears to be identical in all languages on the obelisk.\n7. Conjectured to be interstellar space, possibly intergalactic space.\n8. Preceding description (\u201cThey are warped\u2026claws.\u201d) appears in Beowulf.\n9. Archaic Tiberian spelling of Sodom and Gomorrah.\n10. Possible origin of the Flood myths that appear across most ancient cultures.\n11. Ancient Greek Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia, father of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius; ancestor of the human race through Prometheus, Epimetheus and Atlas. Titan of Mortal Life. He was imprisoned in Tartarus by the Olympians.\n12. Archaic form of Osiris, Ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, underworld, and the dead. He was killed by Seth and had his body torn into 14 pieces, which were then scattered through the land.\n13. Pre-Columbian Aztec wind deity, associated with Quetzalcoatl.\n14. Deified ancient Chinese General, more commonly known today as Guan Yu.\n15. Initial name of the Hindu figure Manu, believed to be the first king to rule this earth, having saved mankind from the universal flood.\n16. Survivor of the flood myth in The Epic of Gilgamesh.\n17. Archaic spelling of Noah from the Abrahamic flood myth.\n18. A son of Prometheus in Greek myth, he and his wife Pyrrha survived the Greek mythical flood by building a chest.\n19. End-Ediacaran extinction event, 542 million years ago.\n20. End Botomian extinction event, 517 million years ago.\n21. Dresbachian extinction event, 502 million years ago.\n22. Ordovician extinction event, 445 million years ago.\n23. Ireviken event, 428 million years ago.\n24. Mulde event, 424 million years ago.\n25. Lau event, 420 million years ago.\n26. End Silurian extinction event, 416 million years ago.\n27. Late Devonian extinction event, 367 million years ago.\n28. Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse, 318 million years ago.\n29. Olson's extinction event, 270 million years ago.\n30. Permian-Triassic extinction event, 251 million years ago.\n31. Triassic-Jurassic extinction event, 205 million years ago.\n32. Toarcian turnover, 183 million years ago.\n33. End-Jurassic extinction event, 145.5 million years ago.\n34. Aptian extinction event, 117 million years ago.\n35. Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, 65.5 million years ago. Dinosaurs go extinct.\n36. Eocene-Oligocene extinction event, 33.9 million years ago.\n37. Middle Miocene Disruption, 14.5 million years ago.\n38. Quaternary extinction event, approximately fifty thousand years ago.\n39. Possible date range, [DATA EXPUNGED BY O5 COMMAND].\n\n\u00ab SCP-1049 | SCP-1050 | SCP-1051 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1051\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-1051's main danger being information leakage, efforts towards containment have been placed into denial or falsification of rumors surrounding its existence. Agents are to be reminded that any reference towards SCP-1051 or similar concepts during interaction with a civilian, whether online or offline, are to be met with ridicule and/or denial. Knowledge beyond current cultural information may require the application of a Class-A amnestic.\nSCP-1051 is to be patrolled by no less than twenty (20) personnel dressed in uniforms superficially resembling that of the United States Air Force, in a two (2) km radius surrounding SCP-1051. Intruders into this radius are to be shot. Personnel are reminded to not injure intruders, but only shoot a sufficient amount to repel them. Repeated attempts at entry or entry beyond a one (1) km radius will result in the application of a Class-A amnestic.\nSatellites orbiting over or near SCP-1051 are to have their transmissions monitored for suspected interference. Any antennae discovered in a ten (10) km radius around SCP-1051 with no known purpose are to be either destroyed or surrounded by a Faraday cage.\nDescription: SCP-1051 is a large, immobile organism presumably extra-terrestrial in origin. Its \"shell\" measures approximately 700 meters by 500 meters by 60 meters. SCP-1051 is an ambush predator in nature, and lures its prey using a variety of sociological and psychological manipulation.\nSCP-1051 has a shell that mimics large structures. For the past \u2588\u2588 years, SCP-1051 has remained in appearance to an aircraft hangar.\nSCP-1051 will periodically produce and launch \"eggs\" (see above) from itself. They are elliptical in design but are flattened at the bottom to make a domed shape. This is presumably for ease of travel through terrestrial atmospheres. Currently \u2588 out of \u2588\u2588 \"eggs\" have successfully been reclaimed by Foundation personnel. Eggs not intercepted by Foundation personnel have been ejected out of Earth's atmosphere and are irretrievable.\nSCP-1051 will frequently attempt to connect with orbiting satellites in order to send television signals, images, or a variety of other media forms. SCP-1051 currently has a 2\u2588% success rate in connection. SCP-1051 may also transmit radio signals or connect to telephone lines.\nSCP-1051 arrived on Earth in 194\u2588 in an \"egg\". It was originally discovered by the United States Air Force, which transported it to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nevada. SCP-1051 did not come into Foundation attention until 195\u2588, following a distress signal by Air Force personnel stationed at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 1051-1: Anatomy of SCP-1051:\n\nAerial photograph of SCP-1051 taken 195\u2588. Note that the majority of SCP-1051 is underground.\n\n1. Mouth of SCP-1051. Doors to SCP-1051 shut and prey is pushed deeper into SCP-1051's body.\n2. Gizzard of SCP-1051. Grinds prey into fine paste before digesting.\n3. Stomach of SCP-1051. Digests prey into nutrients and waste products.\n4. Sphincter and waste tube of SCP-1051. Nutrients are sent to point 5 while waste product is released through southern cavity.\n5. Brain of SCP-1051.\n6. Distributing organ of SCP-1051. Note that this organ extends several different antennae and wires underground, allowing it to connect to various phone lines, emit radio transmissions, and connect to satellites. Foundation personnel have only been able to discover \u2588\u2588 of the presumed \u2588\u2588\u2588 antennae SCP-1051 utilizes above ground.\n7. Presumed to be tongue of SCP-1051. Analysis of this paved area has shown fine indentations in the concrete, suggesting that SCP-1051 may have taste buds. \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588: This was confirmed after SCP-1051 retracted it momentarily following a chemical spill, giving the appearance of a disappearing air-strip.\nAddendum 1051-2: Transmissions Successfully Distributed by SCP-1051:\nRepeated uploading of various false information to various \"Conspiracy\" websites, including:\n\nInformation of various spacecraft being reverse-engineered inside itself.\n\nVarious \"Men in Black\" theories of extra-terrestrial contact.\n\nIts use as testing for the following items: Exotic energy weapons, weather controlling devices, time and teleportation machines, and impossible propulsion systems.\n\nVarious messages in radio and television transmissions regarding its use by a \"shadow government\" [NOTE: This is considered a high-level information leak. Class-A amnestics are authorized for use dependent on the level of classified information.]\n\nCalls to several production studios in California.\n\nDozens of calls, faxes, and Emails to the National Enquirer offices in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. National Enquirer offices have been monitored by Foundation personnel since 198\u2588.\n\nMasked orders to officially reveal its existence, sent to U.S. Military Intelligence.\n\nAddendum 1051-3:\n\nInterview 1051-1\n\nCollapse\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1051\nInterviewer: Dr. Richardson\nForeword: A small radio apparatus was set up nearby SCP-1051's distributing organ in an attempt to communicate with it. Agents found SCP-1051's distributing frequency at the time after 2 hours of scanning.\n\nDr. Richardson: Hello? 1051, can you hear me?Dr. Richardson: Pardon?Dr. Richardson: Give what?Dr. Richardson: You don't get any food.Dr. Richardson: Send out D-7238. (One D-class personnel is sent into SCP-1051's \"mouth\".) \u2026Now, why are you sending out these signals?Dr. Richardson: What do you mean?Dr. Richardson: What about those discs we captured?Dr. Richardson: They're eggs? You reproduce that way?\nClosing Statement: SCP-1051 proved to be highly uncooperative following the interview. All attempts to destroy SCP-1051's distributing organ met with failure.\n\nInterview 1051-2\n\nCollapse\n\nInterviewed: Sgt. James Bernson\nInterviewer: Dr. Richardson\nForeword: Sgt. Bernson sent out the distress signal received by Foundation personnel that led to the discovery of SCP-1051.\n\nDr. Richardson: Good afternoon, sergeant.\nSgt. Bernson: Good afternoon.\nDr. Richardson: You were working in Area-51, yes, the Air Force base?\nSgt. Bernson: Yes.\nDr. Richardson: And what project were you assigned to?\nSgt. Bernson: Security and regulation of research regarding the unidentified flying object recovered from Roswell in 1947.\nDr. Richardson: And what was the object itself?\nSgt. Bernson: White, dome-shaped meteorite.\nDr. Richardson: What did they discover during research?\nSgt. Bernson: The meteorite was hollow, but filled with some kind of liquid. Something was very slowly moving around inside of it.\nDr. Richardson: And how long did study of the object take place?\nSgt. Bernson: \u2588 years.\nDr. Richardson: It would have continued longer but it was interrupted, yes?\nSgt. Bernson: Yes.\nDr. Richardson: You were the one that sent out a distress signal?\nSgt. Bernson: Yes.\nDr. Richardson: Why?\nSgt. Bernson: The meteorite hatched.\nDr. Richardson: Pardon?\nSgt. Bernson: The meteorite hatched. It was an egg.\nDr. Richardson: And that's when you sent out the distress signal?\nSgt. Bernson: Yes.\nDr. Richardson: Can you describe the incident in more detail?\nSgt. Bernson: Dr. James, Dr. Gold and I were working late. We heard a cracking noise and looked at the object. A crack began to appear along it. We were surprised, so we just stared. Then after about 5 more minutes of cracking it broke through the shell.\nDr. Richardson: It?\nSgt. Bernson: The alien. We began to run but something snaked out of the shell and grabbed Dr. James. Then it\u2026 absorbed him. Dr. Gold and I both escaped out of the hangar. That's when I sent out the distress signal.\nDr. Richardson: What happened then?\nSgt. Bernson: As I was finishing signalling Dr. Gold tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at the hangar. I turned to look and saw it shaking. Then it expanded a bit and collapsed. Inside we could see\u2026 it writhing around.\nDr. Richardson: Was Dr. James there?\nSgt. Bernson: No. The alien then began to form a shell around itself. The shell moved around a little, then it suddenly looked like the hangar.\nDr. Richardson: Is that it?\nSgt. Bernson: After that your men arrived and took me in for questioning.\nDr. Richardson: Alright. Thank you for your time, Sergeant.\n\nClosing Statement: I'll have to have a chat with this Dr. Gold. I have a hunch. - Dr. Richardson\n\nInterview 1051-3\n\nCollapse\n\nInterviewed: Dr. Jonas Gold\nInterviewer: Dr. Richardson\nOpening Statement: Dr. Gold was one of the original researchers of SCP-1051.\n\nDr. Richardson: Good evening, Doctor.\nDr. Gold: Yourself.\nDr. Richardson: I'd like to ask some questions about Dr. James.\nDr. Gold: He was a good friend of mine.\nDr. Richardson: I am sure this is hard for you.\nDr. Gold: It's fine. Go on.\nDr. Richardson: What were Dr. James's interests?\nDr. Gold: I suppose his interest was his job. A real sci-fi nut.\nDr. Richardson: Really?\nDr. Gold: [Dr. James] always liked to go on about stuff from other worlds, new technologies, hell, he could have been a writer for all those B-movies you see in the cinema.\nDr. Richardson: What was his opinion on the military?\nDr. Gold: Well, he was working for them of course, so keep this under your hat, but [Dr. James] honestly thought they actually already had aliens.\nDr. Richardson: Where did he think they kept the extra-terrestrial?\nDr. Gold: He didn't mention it. Or he just didn't know. Probably figured that if we already had a secret meteorite we must have had an honest-to-god space-craft somewhere, kept secret.\nDr. Richardson: I have one more thing, doctor.\nDr. Gold: Go on.\nDr. Richardson: Does anything about this seem familiar? (Dr. Richardson plays tape recording of Interview 1051-1)\nDr. Gold: [\u2026] Where did you get this?\nDr. Richardson: Why do you ask?\nDr. Gold: That voice. It's [Dr. James].\nDr. Richardson: Thank you for your time, doctor.\nDr. Gold: No, wait!\n\nClosing Statement: Dr. Gold was escorted out by security personnel.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1050 | SCP-1051 | SCP-1052 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1052\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1052 is to be stored within a lit, sealed locker, located in Area Blue-13, Site 45. A miniaturized CCTV camera is to be placed within the locker, with checks made every evening by surveillance officers to ensure that the object has not been displaced.\nAll and any mail, electronic or physical, that arrives at Site 45 is to be examined by security personnel. During this examination, should any letter, envelope, or folded notes be found to be addressed to \"Ana\", or should any of the contents be directed towards this named entity, they are to be compiled and forwarded to Assistant Researcher M. Joshua, who will note down all, if any, possible indications that the sender is aware of the existence of the Foundation, or possesses any knowledge of SCP-1052's nature beyond the reference to its name as \"Ana\". In the event that a reference indicating further knowledge is found, a retrieval team should be dispatched to the residence of the sender, whereupon the sender will be brought in for questioning and possible neutralization.\nThe contents of the letters are to be entered into the Site Database under the Foundation_Materials\\Safe\\SCP-1052, whereas physical letters themselves are to be disposed of in the on-site paper shredder.\nNote that pleas and \"prayers\" do not count as an awareness of the existence of the specimen, as this has been noted to be a typical characteristic of most of the letters.\nSecurity personnel are also to check the bi-weekly Internet word filter records for any instances where the term \"Ana\" is used in the same context as any of the Foundation buzzwords (a list of which can be found in the compilations put together by the Foundation linguistic experts).\nNote: Due to the nature of Site 45 having been upgraded recently to a higher threat level, it is advisable that SCP-1052 be moved to a secure facility that does not contain weaponizable SCP-objects. This specimen presents a constant leak in security which may compromise the safety of the site and the containment of other on-site specimens. - Dr. Lim.\nDescription: SCP-1052 is a ladies' hand-mirror, approximately 5 inches in diameter, gilded with gold leaf along the sides of the handle and around the mirror itself. The handle and head of the mirror are made of solid brass, whereas the dowel used to connect the sections together is made of wood. Its make has been estimated by Foundation historical experts to be late 16th century, possibly of French origins due to the ornamentation of the frame in a Baroque style popular during the period of 1543-1602.\nInscribed upon the blank side of the hand-mirror, in French, are the words 'Ch\u00e8re Ana'; in English, 'Dear Ana'. Located 2 inches from the head of the mirror, carved into the wood of the dowel, is a female figure, approximately 30 years of age. She appears to be wearing a tertiaries' habit, and holding lilies intertwined with a crucifix in her hands. The mirror itself displays no anomalous properties other than letter-receiving.\nSCP-1052 is the recipient of numerous letters, written by individuals who have been diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, where \"Ana\" is the subject to whom the letters have been addressed. Researchers have been able to deduce, after analyzing the contents of the letters, that some senders view 'Ana' as the physical manifestation of their illness, whereas others appear to have attributed to 'Ana' a quasi-divine status, petitioning her for 'comfort' and 'strength' to resist consuming food. It is currently unknown how letters addressed to SCP-1052 reach their 'recipient', despite the many senders initially apprehended displaying no knowledge whatsoever about the Foundation.\nSCP-1052 dates back in Foundation records to the earliest available at Level 3 clearance, thus it is likely that it has been in possession of the Foundation for at least over a century. Further unofficial records state that it was passed on to Foundation personnel by [REDACTED], who was at the time, an associate of the Foundation due to the circumstances of its retrieval. Current containment procedure has had been in effect since 1948, when Site 26 was hit by GOC forces after a security leak, which was brought on by the interception of one of the letters addressed to SCP-1052. The connection between the object and the letters was made after SCP-1052 was transferred to Site 54 in the aftermath of Site 26's destruction, and the letters continued being sent, now instead posted to the location of Site 54.\nNote: Current investigation is being undertaken by in-field operatives working within the GOC in order to ascertain if SCP-1052 is indeed a form of tracking device planted by the organization.\nAddendum 1052-A: Contents of a 'Letter to Ana' dated 21st September, 2003\n\nDear Ana,\nFuck you. You've ruined my life. I've lost my family, my friends, my love, all burned down my throat into the spiral of the toilet bowl. Today, as my fingers stabbed and scraped the back of my throat, and as acid fire leapt through the back of my eyes, I realized I hate you. You've taken everything from me, cast me aside like a rag doll, looked at my at disdain. Why? WHY? Because I'm still too fat? Because these bones still don't break through my skin?\nCan't you see you've broken me? That you've raped my throat until I can't speak to others anymore, that you've scratched my mind until all I could think of is you, beautiful, wonderful you? I love you, Ana, I love you, I love you, you're so beautiful. I want to be like you, I want to be you. I want to taste nothing but the cool air in my stomach, feeling as it collapses on itself, searching for sin. I want to dance on empty air, float and fly in my weightlessness, die choking on my own vomit one night, so I can be with you, Ana. Please don't leave me, don't abandon me. I cry out to you every night, ignoring the pleas of my family, the sheep around me. They don't know you as I do. You're all I have left.\nLet me leave this world, Ana, hug me close as you pull me off the edge, please. It's so cold and lonely here, where nobody else is, and I feel faint. I may fall any moment, but I don't want to fall by myself. I don't want to die. Please bring me away. Please make me thin. Please let the whispers stop, I know they're saying that I'm not good enough, that my flesh still writhes under my skin. Please, make it painless.\nLove,\nFaithful\n\nAddendum 1052-B: Interview with Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - sender of 36 letters to both Site 54 and 45\n\nSubject: Hey. HEY! Who the hell are you guys? What the fuck am I doing here?\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Calm down, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588, we're here to ask a few questions, maybe even help you.\nSubject: Help me with what? Oh god. Is this about that? I told you, you fuckers, I'm fine. I've been better than I've ever been. The doctors don't know shit. She's helped me become who I've always want to be, so you can damn well fuck off and tell whoever put you up to this that they can stick their noses back into their own business!\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588, do you understand that you've been sending letters to a secure government facility? One that you should have no knowledge of?\nSubject: Is it Lila? Was she the one that put you up to this shit?\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588! We need you to pay attention. I don't want to have to make this difficult for you, but we will, if you continue to be uncooperative.\nSubject: [Silence for approx. 1 minute]\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Let me cut to the chase. How have you been sending these letters to us?\nSubject: I don't know what you're talking about.\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Your letters to Ana! How have you known where to send them to?\nSubject: [Silence for approx. 1 minute]\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Answer the question, goddammit!\n[Subject begins to break down and cry]\nSubject: She\u2026 she sent me the first letter. She told me I wasn't good enough, she voiced the words in my mind that have been eating away at me. I had to speak to her, to feel the coldness of her gaze. Please, I need to talk to her, to apologize, to tell her I'm sorry for not being the bones I should be. Please\u2026\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026 Did she send any more letters?\nSubject: She would tell me, after each letter I sent\u2026 how broken and flawed I was, how fat I am, how I need to do more. She congratulated me once, for trying to cut open my belly. But she\u2026 she's never\u2026 I need to speak to her. I need her love, her embrace.\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Where are these letters?\nSubject: In my home. Please, do you know where she is? Can you let me talk to her? I need to tell her what I did.\nAsst. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did you do?\nSubject: Enough.\n\nAddendum 1052-B: Letter retrieved from home of Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nDear \u2588\u2588\u2588,\nYou are not yet nothing. You are still an eternity away from it. Don't try to hide behind the doctors and your people, I can still see you, your rolls of fat draped about your body. You don't deserve to hear from me. If this goes on, \u2588\u2588\u2588, I will simply have to give up on you.\nBut there's still hope, my beautiful son. Isn't that wonderful? Keep going, keep striving. And maybe, one day, you'll be good enough for me. Then, and finally then, shall I love you.\nAna.\n\nLetter was sent from the address of Site 45.\nAddendum 1052-C: Log of Incident 1052-1\nIn January \u2588\u2588, 20\u2588\u2588, Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 gained access to SCP-1052 during on-site research. However, due to less stringent measures implemented then regarding the personal lives of the researchers, it was overlooked that his own biological daughter, a Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was one of those who had sent letters to SCP-1052.\nMs. \u2588\u2588\u2588 was sixteen at the time, and had suffered from Anorexia Nervosa for approximately four years, resulting in two recorded hospital stays, and prolonged visits to various mental institutions. It is likely that Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, at the time distraught over the actions of his daughter, attempted to decommission SCP-1052, without the authority to do so. However, two days before his scheduled experiment with SCP-1052 (which would have involved him spending time alone with the object while observed by third parties), Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found murdered in his home. Subsequent searches of his home by Foundation Personnel turned up a series of letters going back and forth between Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \"Ana\". The last letter from \"Ana\" informed Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588 that it was in danger due to her father. Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588 has since been detained by the Foundation, and is currently undergoing psychiatric treatment and confinement in Foundation Mental Health Complex \u2588\u2588-\u2588.\nIt is thus presumed that either SCP-1052, or the letters it produces are mild cognitohazards, and that the danger posed by the object is higher than previously suspected. Changing of the Object Class from Safe to Euclid is currently under consideration.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1051 | SCP-1052 | SCP-1053 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1053\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the destructive properties of SCP-1053, it is currently isolated in Area 1053. Mobile Task Force Omicron-7 (\"Bounce Houses\") is always on alert, stationed outside of Area 1053 in order to end Emergence events. SCP-1053 itself is encased in a steel box, with a sensitive scale below it in order to act as an early warning system for Emergence events. Purposeful testing with SCP-1053 has been discontinued, and as such, access is prohibited under normal circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-1053 appears to be a street map of [REDACTED], centered on the most urban portions of the city. The date on the map (as well as its features) are consistent with the year 19\u2588\u2588. Under most circumstances, the map is mundane, excepting the mild regenerative properties it possesses (see below). The map is made out of paper, and samples have shown no anomalous properties. Unfolded, SCP-1053 is 0.25m x 0.4m, and folds to 8cm x 5cm.\nPeriodically,1 SCP-1053 will cause a Lamed-Gamma level spatial anomaly, known as Emergence events. Land within a 50m radius of SCP-1053 will begin to change into streets, buildings, sidewalks, and other scenery consistent with the city of [REDACTED] in 19\u2588\u2588. Actual landmarks, street names, or neighborhoods from [REDACTED] do not exist; rather, small details (such as streetlamps, the style of buildings, etc.) are pieced together to form this new area (hereafter Ground 1053). Scenery inside of Ground 1053 has been described as \"extremely urban\" or \"a nest of streets,\" and subjects have detailed the entire place as being a twist of asphalt and dirt streets, narrow roads, and tall glass buildings.\nThe radius of Ground 1053 expands quite slowly, although external viewing of Ground 1053 is inaccurate due to the fact that Ground 1053 is a spatial anomaly. Measurements can be taken for its external area and still be accurate. However, subjects inside of Ground 1053 have reported that it is much bigger than it appears on the outside. Calculations have placed the internal size as approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588% of the external size, although it is possible that the internal size is highly fluctuating, which would allow the estimation to have a margin of error as high as 15%.\nThe weather inside of Ground 1053 is similar to the weather outside of it, although raindrops and snowflakes do multiply as they enter the area, keeping them at normal size. Other natural forces do affect Ground 1053. However, natural phenomena such as lightning, rain, snow, and wind do not appear abnormal.\nNo organisms have ever been encountered inside of Ground 1053. Empty places of residence, such as apartments and condominiums, have been encountered. However, no personal belongings have been discovered inside of these residences; dressers are present but empty, walls are barren from wallpaper or pictures, etc.\nAfter Incident 1053-01, it has been concluded that once sufficient damage is dealt to SCP-1053, Ground 1053 will immediately stop expanding. Within less than 30% of the time it took for Ground 1053 to be created, the entire area will fully disintegrate. During retrieval time, SCP-1053 usually is fully repaired by unknown means. The state of SCP-1053 before the expansion of Ground 1053 has no effect on the growth; rather, the difference of the condition of SCP-1053 before Ground 1053 is generated is directly proportional to the amount of damage that must be dealt to SCP-1053 for Ground 1053 to disintegrate. It is speculated that if SCP-1053 were to sustain enough damage prior to the generation of Ground 1053, stopping it from expanding would become impossible, causing a CK-end-of-world scenario.\nMTF Omicron-7 (\"Bounce Houses\") is tasked with entering Ground 1053 during Emergence events. Rapid response is key in ending Emergence events, as the longer Ground 1053 has to expand, the area needed to be covered in order to reach SCP-1053 will increase exponentially. In addition, technological capabilities inside of Ground 1053 have been greatly inhibited, for unknown reasons. To date (\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588), the farthest that Ground 1053 has reached externally is \u2588\u2588 kilometers.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Thanks to research by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the Foundation has concluded that Emergence events occur when the nation of [REDACTED] nets approximately \u25880,000 new inhabitants. Efforts are currently being taken to keep [REDACTED] stagnant.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1052 | SCP-1053 | SCP-1054 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1054\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1054 should be kept in a 3x3x3m steel-coated cell, which is to be sealed at all times except for when testing is taking place. The steel door that is used to access the cell should be airtight, as to not allow for the astro-turf to 'grow' outside the door.\nDescription: SCP-1054 is a ceramic garden gnome, 32cm in height and 14cm in width. It has a white beard, a red hat, and is sitting on a sack of unknown contents. It is playing a wooden flute-like instrument, and is in a dance-like position. On the base of SCP-1054, \"THE 'GARDEN' GNOME\" is written in a thick black pen. Note that the word \"'GARDEN'\" is in inverted commas.\nSCP-1054's effects become noticeable when it is left in the same place for just over an hour. After approximately 63 minutes, green plastic 'blades', or fake grass, will start 'growing' out of the ground around the base of the gnome, no matter what the surface that the sculpture is standing on. The 'grass' will spread at a rate of 1cm\u00b2 per 30 seconds in every direction. This will continue until it meets a wall or object, at which point the growth will stop. If there are objects on the surface that the 'grass' is spreading on, it will simply grow around it, leaving a clear patch of floor underneath. If the object is removed, and the gnome remains on the surface, the grass will grow over the clear patch. Plastic flowers, trees and other plants will sometimes grow from the ground.\nEvery so often, as the 'grass' grows, a conscious life form (hereby known as SCP-1054-1) will grow too. SCP-1054-1 have appeared in many forms, all being well-known garden ornaments. Known forms of SCP-1054-1 include:\n\nPink plastic flamingos. It is noted that instead of legs, this specimen has one thin pole, stuck into the ground. This specimen cannot 'walk', but it has full capable movement of its wings, neck and beak.\nGarden gnomes. These gnomes vary in looks and clothing, but none are the same as SCP-1054.\nDigging dogs. This specimen of SCP-1054-1 is a dog, with the front half of its body buried into the ground. It can move its back legs and tail, but cannot move from the spot it appears in.\nBirdbaths. This specimen is made out of marble, with small 5cm tall birds around the rim. These birds can fly, but seem to want to stay around the birdbath, and become agitated when taken away.\n\nAddendum: The gnomes that grow as SCP-1054-1, if left long enough, begin making houses and huts out of various materials. These materials all come from sacks that sometimes grow with the gnomes. They are seen to have a routine daily life, such as conversing with other gnomes, building structures and other jobs. Once every 5 hour (approx.), all gnomes gather in front of SCP-1054, and perform religious rituals, such as praying and worshiping it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1053 | SCP-1054 | SCP-1055 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1055\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\n\nSCP-1055 is an infohazard. Information in this document is presented strictly on a need-to-know basis for containment personnel. Accessing additional information requires Level 5 approval and accepts the risk of creating a containment breach.\n\nSCP-1055's living quarters are accessible via subterranean monorail from Site-77. Two personnel responsible for providing care to SCP-1055 are to be rotated in every eight hours for 24-hour observation. SCP-1055's living quarters contain a playroom with television, futon and sound system, a washroom, a library stocked with children's books, and a kitchen. Staff are encouraged to provide any meal which SCP-1055 asks for within appropriate nutritional guidelines. If current supplies do not meet requirements, substitutions of pasta or sugary cereals are commonly accepted.\nSCP-1055 will fixate upon a random object (currently a teddy bear referred to as \"Bugsy\") and clutch it tightly at all times. Staff must allow and encourage this behavior, even during bathing and feeding. SCP-1055 may vocalize unhappiness or deliver warnings on behalf of this object; any requests concerning this object must be met by all possible means available.\nContainment of SCP-1055 depends primarily on both its isolation and positive social attitude. In the event of catastrophe, staff are to evacuate and flood the living quarters with nitrous oxide. Under no circumstances is any physical harm to be done to SCP-1055, even and especially if it becomes hostile.\n\n- Access additional information\n\nAccess logged. Delete/destroy after reading as per HP5810 re: forbidden knowledge disposal\n\nContainment of SCP-1055 depends primarily upon the health and well-being of its caretaker, D-1055. Due to SCP-1055's extreme reactions to human perception, successful containment requires that staff on site be misdirected to believe that D-1055 is the anomalous entity himself. D-1055 is of diminished mental faculty but aware of the importance of his service in keeping \"Bugsy\" safe in his arms. D-1055 has thus far presented the only viable means of containing SCP-1055 without massive loss of personnel and resources.\n\nLevel 4 personnel who oversee containment of SCP-1055 are not allowed within 50 km of Site-77 nor may they directly interact with any personnel tasked with its maintenance.\nDescription: SCP-1055 is formerly Michael Schroder of Douglas, WY. He is a Caucasian male, 6 foot 4 inches tall and 280 pounds, 29 years of age, and suffers from autistic spectrum disorder and Down syndrome. SCP-1055 may be addressed as 1055, \"Mikey\" or any nickname which he suggests. Despite classification as an anomaly, staff are encouraged to address SCP-1055 with normal social pronouns in documentation and conversation.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n\n- Access additional information\n\nAccess logged. Delete/destroy after reading as per HP5810 re: forbidden knowledge disposal\n\nUnder normal conditions, SCP-1055 superficially resembles a specimen of Ursus arctos horribilis; however, its volume, mass and morphology shift spontaneously. The means by which SCP-1055 gains and loses mass is not understood, but it appears to be in relation to the number and proximity of individuals who are aware of SCP-1055 and the nature of the attention it receives from them. Hostile or fearful awareness of SCP-1055 increases its size and hostility significantly more than benign awareness, but due to SCP-1055's violent nature, even a calm awareness of its existence can quickly spiral into a potential containment breach as the danger it presents escalates and it exposes itself to more individuals.\nIn the event of catastrophic exposure to human awareness, SCP-1055 will quickly be overwhelmed by its own size and will no longer be able to effectively move at will; however, it will continue to grow and produce sensory organs and appendages which are used to assault any living creature within reach. Even in confined or subterranean locations SCP-1055's growth can exert enough pressure to cause tremors and massive structural failure, and pieces of the biomass are capable of growing through and widening gaps or cracks of any size.\nApart from its mass generation, SCP-1055 possesses no special ability to resist trauma. Portions of SCP-1055's biomass that are removed via trauma do not regenerate or continue living independently. However, about 75% of any hostile action taken against SCP-1055 to date has failed to destroy more of the organism than the very act itself generated, even in circumstances where the trauma was applied remotely via bombing or automated defenses.\nNo upper limit to the size or lethality of SCP-1055's biomass has been established during containment breaches and exposure to civilians and unscreened personnel. The only event which has ever been shown to effectively reduce SCP-1055 in size is the death of at least 80% of the individuals aware of its existence. Amnestics of any class are not sufficient to eliminate awareness.\nTotal elimination of SCP-1055 is hypothesized to require the extermination of all previously exposed individuals, including the O5 Council itself and anyone who is reading this document. It is the O5 Council's unanimous opinion that a failure to properly restrain SCP-1055 could quickly spiral into an XK-class scenario if its existence became publicly known.\n\nAddendum: Containment procedures adapted from captured GOI intelligence. The GOI was unsuccessfully researching attempts to destroy SCP-1055 which led to its escape and subsequent [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n- Access additional information\n\nAccess logged. Delete/destroy after reading as per HP5810 re: forbidden knowledge disposal\n\nCurrent procedure was adopted following SCP-1055's 12th containment breach which resulted in sustained precision bombing upon former Site-76 and the loss of all personnel within, with the exception of D-1055 (previously classified D-492291; see form 1055-46 re: termination exemption).\nDouble-blind recovery teams found D-1055 alone in the rubble, clinging to the shredded remains of SCP-1055 as a 'security blanket'. It is hypothesized that D-1055 lacks the full capability to understand \"Bugsy's\" true nature, and that \u2014 as his awareness of SCP-1055 is obsessively protective and affectionate \u2014 he is not capable of triggering the escalating growth and hostility that normal human interaction with SCP-1055 produces.\nAccording to interviews with containment personnel it appears that SCP-1055 itself either currently lacks the body and muscle mass to resist D-1055, or it simply lacks the will to resist. The majority of personnel have been successfully convinced that SCP-1055 is a poorly sewn, if disturbingly realistic, stuffed animal. Any movement or other indications to the contrary have been attributed to D-1055's supposed anomalous nature.\n\nI don't care that this arrangement has worked out the best out of all the previously scrapped containment schemes. It is not sustainable in the long run to ask a mentally challenged man to keep the end of the world at bay with hugs. We need a long term solution, preferably orbital or oceanic to keep exposure to human awareness at an absolute minimum. \u2014 O5-10\nTell Mikey that we're taking Bugsy away and we're facing a brand new containment breach. I recommend doing so in person, that would at least be one less person who knows about this thing. \u2014 O5-5\nVia Protocol 12 we are already recruiting in plenty of mentally challenged individuals for Keter work. We're grooming future candidates to inherit D-1055's duties and to act as backup if the worst happens. Argue all you want for putting it in the sky where anyone can see it, this is the cheaper and safer option by far. \u2014 O5-7\n\n\u00ab SCP-1054 | SCP-1055 | SCP-1056 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1056\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1056 is to be kept in a 50x50x50 cm 10-digit combination safe with biometric confirmation when not being used for testing. Only personnel involved in SCP-1056 research and testing may have access to the object. All tests require prior authorization by the Site Director or and by research staff with Level 3 clearance or higher. Tests on living subjects must be conducted in a secure testing facility meeting Level 2 containment guidelines to prevent modified subjects from escaping. All objects altered by SCP-1056 must be kept in Class E ablative storage for 48 hours after transformation. The creation of any object or organism over 200 kg must be approved by the Site Director.\nDescription: SCP-1056 superficially resembles a burnished chrome kitchen timer with numbers ranging from 0.25 to 4.00 and an activation button on the right-hand side. A 1x1.25 meter wire mesh platform is connected to the device by a 3 meter insulated molybdenum carbide wire coated with molybdenum disulfide and an unidentified organometallic complex; the mesh is capable of folding into a 27 x 35 cm square. When the device is set to a number and the side button is pushed, any objects in direct contact with the wire mesh platform will scale up or down in size by a factor corresponding to the number setting.\nThe device was recovered by SCP personnel following reports of unusual behavior among students at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 High School in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, PA. School officials began an investigation when teachers reported that a number of students were behaving unusually. Specifically, the students displayed significantly impaired language skills, abnormally poor attention span, long-term memory, and impulse control. Medical examination of the students revealed the presence of numerous vascular and nervous system abnormalities. Foundation personnel recovered the device at the home of one of the students, who had presumably been using it for recreational purposes. The only indicator of the manufacture or distribution of the device is a 4x1 cm imprint on the bottom of the device reading \"THE FACTORY\u201d. All electronic components are of generic make.\nThe manner in which objects are resized appears to follow a set of rules that varies depending upon the complexity and function of the object. Simple inanimate objects such as minerals, metals, and plastics scale up or down to precisely (to four significant figures) the scale indicated without any regard to molecular or microscopic scale. For instance, a 5.00 cm stainless steel cube on the 3.00 setting scaled up to a 15.01 cm cube that was indistinguishable in molecular composition from the original cube but that differed on a microstructural level; average grain size on the two cubes was identical, and individual grains on the small cube did not scale up to the large cube.\nSCP-1056 appears to scale complex devices and biological organisms with some attempt to maintain the functional properties of the object or organism. For instance, the microprocessors of electronic devices are often modified if the altered scale would result in nonfunctional transistor gates, insufficient power, or excessive heat build-up. Devices that have been scaled down often have a reduced number of transistors and may demonstrate floating point errors. While all but the most complex mechanical objects scale relatively well, electronics are often rendered nonfunctional when scaled below 0.50 and above 3.00 of their original scale.\nLiving organisms that have been resized by SCP-1056 retain their basic anatomical structure but often experience significant reorganization of the circulatory, pulmonary, and especially nervous system. Cell size and composition remain identical to that seen in the original organism, but the number of cells increases or decreases proportionally to the change in volume. The only exception to this observation is the nervous system, where the average neuron may increase or decrease up to 25% in linear size (thus, potentially becoming slightly under half or over twice the original volume) with negligible effects on function. Interestingly, SCP-1056 appears to \u201csplit the difference\u201d with single-celled organisms, slightly altering the average cell size and also altering the overall cell population.\nHumans can be resized by SCP-1056 as low as 0.50 and as high as 1.75 with minimal change in function. Shrinking humans often results in increased gyrencephaly (folding) of the cerebral cortex, a reduction in average neuron volume, and a decrease in white matter. This appears to preserve cognitive function down to 0.50. Attempts to scale humans below 0.50 results in a substantial decrease in cognitive function, language comprehension, and short- and long-term memory, indicating that this is the minimal size required for human-like intelligence in a mammalian brain. Humans scaled above 1.25 demonstrate slowed reaction speeds, a reported increase in creativity, and substantial improvements to long-term memory. Scaling beyond 1.50 greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, aneurism, and renal failure. The scaling of any organism beyond 3.00 is highly discouraged.\nThe mechanism by which SCP-1056 institutes these changes in scale is currently unknown. High-speed video footage of transformations up to 20,000 fps indicate that the transformation is nearly instantaneous, as there is no apparent transition between forms.\nInterestingly, there are no apparent effects of atmospheric displacement, even when the volume created or destroyed is very large. In a minority (roughly 8%) of cases, an object altered by the device experiences a material instability and begins to undergo atomic decay within 36 hours of alteration. Living organisms and other objects with relatively low metal content have a considerably lower (roughly 3%) chance of undergoing decay. This decay produces significant heat and energy \u2013 approximately 150 gigajoules per kilogram - around six orders of magnitude less than typical matter-antimatter decay but sufficiently high to render frequent or high-mass transformations inadvisable.\n\nExperiment Log SCP-1056\n\n- close\n\nExperiment Log SCP-1056\nExperiment SCP-1056-1\nObject: TI-30Xa scientific calculator.\nSetting: 0.75, 1.33\nResult: Functional 0.75 scale calculator. The calculator was successfully returned to a 1.00 scale using the 1.33 setting. Repeated transformations between the two settings does not appear to alter the basic function, appearance, or internal composition of the calculator.\nExperiment SCP-1056-2\nObject: TI-30Xa scientific calculator.\nSetting: 0.25, 4.00\nResult: Nonfunctional 0.25 scale calculator. The power button of the calculator turns it on, but it is incapable of performing accurate calculations. Most calculations result in either incorrect results or an ERR signal. Return of the calculator to normal scale using the 4.00 setting did not return function to the device. Internal analysis indicates loss of fine details, including transistor number and LCD resolution, in the device.\nExperiment SCP-1056-3\nObject: 1 kg bar of 22 carat gold bullion.\nSetting: 4.00\nResult: 64 kg bar of 21 carat gold bullion with minor molybdenum impurities.\nExperiment SCP-1056-4\nObject: 35 one ounce (28.35 gram) \u201cSilver Eagle\u201d bullion coins.\nSetting: 2.00\nResult: 99 bullion coins weighing 80.18 grams apiece. The increase in total mass seems to be evenly split between increasing the average size of the coins and increasing the total number of coins. 40.25 hours after the transformation, the coins began to emit electromagnetic radiation, eventually emitting high levels of heat and ionizing radiation. The mass of silver was stored in the high explosives test chamber at Site 40 until the Silver had completely dispersed 20 hours later. This resulted in extensive damage to the test chamber and the treatment of four researchers for radiation poisoning.\nResearcher's Note: If we can identify the objects that will do this prior to their decay or reliably induce decay in a class of objects, then items altered by this SCP could be used for power or even weaponized. There does not appear to be any underlying constant to what items are susceptible to or what SCP-1056 process initiates this decay. \u2013Dr. Bimston\nExperiment SCP-1056-5\nObject: Human subject D-3202, a 52 year-old male, 175 cm tall and weighing 90.3 kg.\nSetting: 2.00\nResult: The subject scaled up approximately twofold to 341 cm tall and weighing 719.6 kg. Mental and physiological functions appear normal. Reaction times are slightly lower than normal and required caloric intake is only 50% of what would be expected, given the nearly eightfold increase in mass. The subject performs extremely well on long-term memory tests, perhaps owing to increased brain mass. Resting heart rate is 45 bpm and systolic pressure is 165 mm Hg (versus 132 before the transformation). Six days after the transformation, the subject experienced vascular irregularities leading to moderate swelling in the distal limbs, followed by intermittent bouts of confusion, spotted vision, blurred vision, and tinnitus. The subject died from respiratory arrest caused by a massive brainstem aneurysm 22 days after the transformation.\nResearcher's Note: The subject's symptoms suggest the rapid onset of complications consistent with cases of extreme acromegaly (gigantism). Our projections indicate that most humans would tolerate scales of up to 1.33 or slightly above relatively well. \u2013Dr. Kearns\nExperiment SCP-1056-6\nObject: Human subject D-3315, a 36 year-old female, 163 cm tall and weighing 55.0 kg.\nSetting: 0.50\nResult: The subject scaled down approximately twofold to 81 cm tall and weighing 7.0 kg. Mental and physiological functions appear normal. There was no significant difference in tests of general intelligence, short- and long-term memory, and spatial reasoning administered before and after the transformation. MRI scans indicate increased folding in the cerebral cortex and an overall decrease in white matter. Resting heart rate is 98 bpm and systolic pressure is 88 mm Hg (versus 115 before the transformation). The subject's cardiovascular system was slightly simplified in a manner similar to that seen in smaller primates. Twenty-eight days after the transformation, no obvious health or behavioral anomalies were observed and the subject was returned to her original size.\nExperiment SCP-1056-7\nObject: Human subject D-3315 from experiment SCP-1056-6, a 36-year old female, 81 cm tall and weighing 7.1 kg.\nSetting: 2.00\nResult: The subject scaled back up to her original size of 163 cm tall with a weight of 55.7 kg. Mental and physiological functions appear normal. Cognitive tests indicate a slight but significant improvement in short- and long-term memory and a slight decrease in reaction time. It is hypothesized that these cognitive irregularities could compound or change with repeated use of the device. The cardiovascular system appears modified from the shrunken version to support the larger body but is not identical to the original vascular pattern, indicating that the device \u201cimprovises\u201d solutions to physiological problems anew with each transformation rather than reverting to old forms.\nExperiment SCP-1056-8\nObject: Bacterial culture of species E. coli in LB medium on a 13 cm petri dish.\nSetting: 4.00\nResult: The Petri dish scaled up to 52 cm and the bacterial colonies increased in volume roughly sixty-fourfold while maintaining their original morphology. Microscopic analysis of the colonies reveals that the average size of the bacteria had increased by a factor of 2.2 to 7 microns in length with the remaining increase in mass owing to an increased number of bacterial cells. Samples cultured from these colonies maintain an increased size, generally stabilizing at 6 microns in length after 20 replication cycles. PCR analysis reveals several point mutations in the bacterial genome, such as in the rodZ gene, leading to the bacterium's generally increased size.\nResearcher's Note: Genetic tests indicate that SCP-1056 restructures organisms on both a physiological and genetic level. This represents a degree of abstract sophistication inconsistent with the simple digital and mechanical workings observed within the device. \u2013Dr. Kearns\nExperiment SCP-1056-9\nObject: SCP-1056\nSetting: 2.00\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nSite Director's Note: From now on, all experiments on this device must be approved by the senior investigator and then submitted to me. The responsible parties have been officially disciplined and removed from this project. We're lucky that the effects weren't much, much worse. What would have happened if the entire universe had doubled in size? -\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1055 | SCP-1056 | SCP-1057 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1057\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1057 is kept in a reinforced glass containment tank 4 meters tall, 15 meters long, and 9 meters wide, filled with water which has been treated to replicate a temperate ocean environment (see document 1057-H-22 for specifications). Vegetation in SCP-1057's habitat is to be maintained twice a week (see document 1057-H-19 for specifications). It is forbidden to enter SCP-1057's tank for 30 minutes before and after feedings.\nSCP-1057 is to be fed five (5) kg of raw meat and fish, three (3) times a day. Once every four (4) days, this meat and fish is to be injected with non-toxic fluorescent dyes (see document 1057-G-4 for specifications). The tank is to be lit with ultraviolet lamps.\nDescription: SCP-1057 is an animate empty space, five (5) meters long, in the shape of an adult tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). It does not appear to have any mass; however, it displaces water by an unknown mechanism. SCP-1057's refractive index is approximately that of air, which makes it partially visible when immersed in salt water; as well, its \"anti-shadow\" is discernible under bright light. Experiments involving the insertion of inanimate objects into SCP-1057's \"body\" have revealed that there is nothing there; however, further experiments along these lines are contraindicated, as this triggers extremely aggressive behavior on the part of SCP-1057.\nSCP-1057's behavior has been assessed by Foundation ichthyologists as being within normal parameters for an adult tiger shark. Any food consumed by SCP-1057 disappears, with the exception of the non-digestible fluorescent dyes which are regularly added to SCP-1057's food to facilitate monitoring its behavior. These dyes persist within SCP-1057 for five to nine days, and outline a digestive and circulatory system; several hypotheses to explain how this is possible when there is manifestly no actual shark present have been suggested, tested, and disproved (see archive 1057-N4).\nAcquisition log: SCP-1057 was captured in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Public Swimming Pool, in [REDACTED], where it killed two swimmers and mutilated a lifeguard; five people were killed in the ensuing panic. Foundation personnel embedded in the local hospital reported the incident; retrieval agents arrived on the scene and SCP-1057 was eventually taken into custody. During forensic examination of the swimming pool premises, Document 1057-K24 was discovered on the staff bulletin board; although Document 1057-K24 is handwritten, no fingerprints were found on it.\nDocument 1057-K24:\n\nPanic means that the idea of a shark can be more dangerous than an actual shark.\nIt can even be more dangerous than no shark at all.\nAre we cool yet?\n\n\u00ab SCP-1056 | SCP-1057 | SCP-1058 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1058\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1058 is to be kept in Humanoid Containment Wing 2 of Site 17. Due to the nature of the subject's anomalous behavior, the floor of the cell is to be covered with 1cm of sand, to be replenished every two weeks. The cell is to be lit by only a single light source at all times. The source should be mounted in the center of the ceiling, with redundant backups in case of failure.\nDescription: SCP-1058 appears to be an approximately 60-year-old male human, possibly from the southern United States. The subject was recovered from a Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd. \"distribution center\" in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. The subject is fully sentient and capable of speech, as well as interaction with physical objects.\nSCP-1058's anomalous properties manifest as a total invisibility to all forms of direct observation. Despite this, the subject does cast a shadow. In addition, SCP-1058's shadow causes the surface or object which it falls upon to alter its appearance towards that of the subject. The speed and mechanism of the process appear to be dependent on the density, state, and other physical characteristics of the substance the subject's shadow is being cast on. Sand and other granulated or powdery substances seem to be the quickest affected by SCP-1058, with metals and other hard materials being among the slowest affected.\nAny object attached to the subject also comes under its effect, becoming invisible to direct observation, and altering the appearance of the effect of the subject's shadow on the material. Anything removed from the subject becomes visible, this includes clothes and accessories, as well as pieces of hair, blood samples, and other bodily effects.\nAddendum:\nTest Log 1058-1\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-1058\nTest Coordinator: Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTesting Environment: Standard Foundation 5m x 5m x 5m testing cell. Floor was covered in approximately 1cm of sand for the duration of the test, and SCP-1058 was placed on a chair in the center of the cell. At the start of the test, all but a single light was turned off until the conclusion of the test.\n00.01.00: A visible ridge of sand appears to form on the sand on the side of SCP-1058 opposite the lamp in the shape of the subject with his arms by his side.\n00.01.37: SCP-1058 is instructed to lift his arms above his head. Subject complies.\n00.01.44: The sand ridge is observed to \"tumble\", following the movement of the subject. The affected area began to gain a more detailed likeness of the subject regardless of movement.\n00.02.08: Subject is instructed to wave arms rapidly. Subject complies before returning his arms to the original position.\n00.02.15: The sand remains stationary. Affected area ceases movement as the hypothesized maximum level of detail is reached, being little more than a silhouette with creases at the ankles, waist, wrists, neck, and hairline.\n00.02.40: Test ended.\nTest Conclusion: The subject's effect on the material it is projected onto is preceded by an unmeasured amount of \"lag\" before the material is altered to reflect movement.\nTest Log 1058-2\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-1058\nTest Coordinator: Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTesting Environment: Standard Foundation 5m x 5m x 5m testing cell. Floor was covered in a large piece of sheet metal, and SCP-1058 was placed on a chair in the center of the cell. At the start of the test, the light source was placed so that it shined upon SCP-1058 from a different angle.\n00.00.19: Surface of the metal in the subject's shadow begins to show signs of corrosion and rust.\n00.05.14: Subject falls asleep. Portion of the metal affected remains the same besides gaining additional detail slower than before, contrary to the slight changes in subject's posture.\n00.23.55: Subject is woken up, instructed to get out of chair.\n00.24.10: Chair observed to have changed color in accordance to the subject's immediate shadow.\n00.24.14: Color of chair gradually returns to previous state. The corrosion and rust on the metal remains. No other anomalous properties observed.\n00.25.40: Test ended.\nTest Conclusion: Speed of the effect appears to be based on the subject's state. The duration of the effect on the material also appears to be based on the mechanism by which it is affected, not only the physical properties of that material.\nTest Log 1058-3\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: SCP-1058\nTest Coordinator: Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTesting Environment: Standard Foundation 5m x 5m x 5m testing cell. D-21894 instructed to stand in SCP-1058's shadow for the duration of the test.\n00.00.32: D-21894 reports a \"buzzing\" sensation on the area of his body covered by SCP-1058's shadow.\n00.01.37: SCP-1058 expresses a wish to sit down, approximately 2 seconds later, D-21894 appears to be repeating SCP-1058's statement, but does not vocalize.\n00.07.16: SCP-1058 instructed to try moving one of his arms. Subject complies.\n00.07.19: [DATA EXPUNGED]\n00.07.30: Test ended.\nTest Conclusion: [DATA EXPUNGED]\nD-21894 expired several hours after the conclusion of the test.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1057 | SCP-1058 | SCP-1059 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1059\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Documents known to be written by personnel infected with SCP-1059 are to be re-written by uninfected researchers. Personnel known to be infected with SCP-1059 are to be treated with counter-memetic therapy and removed from duty until they show no further signs of infection. They are to afterwards be monitored for signs of relapse. Individuals outside the Foundation found to be carrying SCP-1059 are to be treated with Class-A amnestics if practical, or otherwise removed from positions where they can potentially infect others.\nDescription: SCP-1059 is a memetic compulsion to hide, censor, or otherwise obscure information when communicating with others. It is most prevalent in those already dealing with classified or sensitive material.\nInfected subjects will, when conveying information, find that apparently random pieces of information will seem disproportionately important. This information will be treated as though it is at the highest level of classification the writer is familiar with. They will do so even after the information has been shown to be relatively harmless, or even vital to those reading the resulting material.\nSCP-1059 is spread by reading infected material or discussion with infected individuals. Those most at risk are those still learning classification procedures. Infection can be easily prevented by maintaining a solid grounding in the rules and regulations governing classified material within the organization.\nSCP-1059 was discovered at the National Security Agency when a discrepancy was noticed by Agent Jameson, a Foundation operative embedded in NSA headquarters in Ft. Meade, Maryland. Documents originating from certain offices were being classified at Top Secret, regardless of their actual content. After other possible causes were ruled out, further investigation showed several individuals were infected with a previously unknown memetic agent, which was eventually designated SCP-1059.\nAddendum 1059-1: Improper handling of infected materials led to an outbreak of SCP-1059 within the Foundation. It has been difficult to track thus far, and a full audit of Foundation documents and staff is pending. So far, seventeen fatalities can be directly attributed to vital information expunged from containment procedures.\nAddendum 1059-2: This document has demonstrated signs of SCP-1059 infection, and has been expanded to meet Foundation standards. Please see Document SCP-1059-A for previous version.\n\n+ Document SCP-1059-A\n\n- Document SCP-1059-A\n\nItem #: SCP-1059\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Documents known to be written by personnel infected with SCP-1059 are to be re-written by uninfected researchers. Personnel known to be infected with SCP-1059 are to be treated with [REDACTED] and removed from duty until they show no further signs of infection. They are to afterwards be [DATA EXPUNGED]. Individuals outside the Foundation found to be carrying SCP-1059 are to be [DATA EXPUNGED], or otherwise removed from positions where they can potentially infect others.\nDescription: SCP-1059 is a memetic compulsion to hide, censor, or otherwise [REDACTED] information when communicating with others. It is most prevalent in those already dealing with classified or sensitive material.\nInfected subjects will, when conveying information, find that apparently random pieces of information will seem disproportionately important. This information will be treated as though it is at the highest level of classification the writer is familiar with. They will do so even after the information has been shown to be relatively harmless, or even vital to those reading the resulting material.\nSCP-1059 is spread by [REDACTED]. Those most at risk are those still learning classification procedures. Infection can be easily prevented by [DATA EXPUNGED].\nSCP-1059 was discovered at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when a discrepancy was noticed by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a Foundation operative embedded in \u2588\u2588\u2588 headquarters in \u2588\u2588. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Documents originating from certain offices were being classified at Top Secret, regardless of their actual content. After other possible causes were ruled out, further investigation showed several individuals were infected with a previously unknown memetic agent, which was eventually designated SCP-1059.\nAddendum 1059-1: Improper handling of infected materials led to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n\u00ab SCP-1058 | SCP-1059 | SCP-1060 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1060\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1060 is to be contained in a humanoid observation/detention cell at all times. During subject's daytime cycle, subject is to be provided with food items from the Site-33 cafeteria. During subject's nighttime cycle, subject is to be nourished with 0.8 kg of human placental material and provided with a basin of at least 4 liters of rice wine vinegar.\nDescription: SCP-1060 is a human female of Southeast Asian ethnicity, answering to the name of Adilah \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject is fluent in the Malay language and somewhat conversant in Malaysian English. In interviews during subject's daytime cycle, subject has indicated that she is 22 years of age, is trained as an obstetrics nurse and is unaware of any unusual aspects of her physiology. In these interviews, subject has expressed a lack of awareness of her nighttime cycle physiology or activities and protests that she merely sleeps at night. During the daytime cycle, subject frequently demands to be released from containment or to be permitted to contact family members.\nDuring subject's daytime cycle, subject appears and behaves as a normal human female. During subject's nighttime cycle, which generally begins within 80 minutes after the subject falls asleep, subject's head and internal body organs (heart, lungs, liver and much of the digestive system and gut) detach from the rest of the subject's body with a sudden jerking motion, leaving a hole around the base of subject's neck. Subject's head and organs then levitate by means of an unknown process and freely float around the containment cell while subject's tongue\u2014which increases to approximately 22 cm in length during this stage\u2014flicks at the air in the manner of a snake. The remainder of subject's body remains lying in a resting position. Subject's upper and lower canine teeth also increase in length and sharpness during this stage. Under normal containment circumstances, subject will consume the provided placental material, using the dangling lengths of gut in the manner of prehensile limbs to lift the material to the subject's mouth. Following the feeding, the subject will dip the exposed organs into the vinegar, whereupon the organs shrink so that they can be stuffed back into the subject's body cavity. The head then reattaches to the body, leaving no visible seam or scar.\nAddendum SCP-1060.01A Following Incident 1060.01, no pregnant females are to be admitted into the containment chamber during SCP-1060's nighttime cycle. During Incident 1060.01, Researcher Marilyn \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who at that time was in her second trimester of pregnancy, entered the containment chamber during subject's nighttime cycle to top off the basin of vinegar. Immediately upon SCP-1060's detection of Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's presence in the chamber, SCP-1060 flew at Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at a great rate of speed, then used lengths of prehensile gut to bind and immobilize Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject then bit the researcher in the abdomen and consumed the fetus in situ, together with most of the rest of the uterus and its contents.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1059 | SCP-1060 | SCP-1061 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1061\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1061 should be kept in a secured, climate-controlled garage. Its tires have been removed and should not be replaced for any reason. Its doors should be locked at all times and its windshield boarded up, unless testing is in progress. All experiments are to be performed within the garage.\nAccess to SCP-1061 is restricted to Level 4 personnel and to D-class personnel engaged in authorized testing. Aside from authorized testing, it is forbidden for anyone not seated in any of the passenger seats to make any contact with any part of the driver's seat; personnel who make contact with the driver's seat while not seated in any of the passenger seats become instances of SCP-1061-1, and are to be apprehended until such time as they can be used in approved testing. Removal of post-test biological waste from SCP-1061's interior is to be performed by robotic manipulators; no other maintenance is to be performed on SCP-1061.\nDescription: SCP-1061 is a dark red 1992 Pontiac Grand Am with severe collision damage, including a large hole in its driver's-side front windshield. It manifests three distinct anomalous properties; these properties are considered to be linked, in that they seem to be caused by the same anomalous entity.\nThe first anomalous property is that SCP-1061 is associated with several illusions. The collision damage is only visible from the outside; when viewed from inside or through an open door, SCP-1061's interior appears completely intact. This is purely a visual illusion, and is detectable by electronic recording devices. When viewed from the inside, the side windows (when closed) and rear windshield show the city of [REDACTED] and its environs, on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1996 (as determined by meteorological, astronomical, and botanical observations, and by sightings of newspapers and other periodicals) \u2014 the day that SCP-1061 was in its collision. The front windshield will likewise show the city and its environs; however, the hole in the front windshield made by the impact of the original driver's head shows neither urban/suburban [REDACTED] nor the containment chamber. Instead, it shows a featureless grey expanse.\nIf the driver's seat remains unoccupied, individuals occupying the other seats or looking through the opened doors, see that SCP-1061 is parked along the curb in front of a suburban residence. As with the illusory absence of vehicular damage, this illusion is visible to cameras and other electronic recording devices; however, this illusion does not activate unless a living human is seated within SCP-1061 and deactivates if all observers leave SCP-1061. The suburban environment always reflects the time of day at which the observers entered SCP-1061; if multiple observers enter SCP-1061 at different times, the environment will continue to reflect the time of day as determined by the entry of the first observer. The environment persists until 6:04 PM \u2014 the time at which SCP-1061 was in its collision; after 6:04 PM, the environment visible outside SCP-1061 \"resets' to approximately 10:27 AM (as determined by shadow length, sun position and the times at which local residents are seen to return home from work or school). Observers at this point report seeing a blonde woman walking away from SCP-1061's driver's door.\nThe second anomalous property manifests when a live human sits in touches SCP-1061's driver's seat. All such humans, with the exception of passenger-seat observers, become instances of SCP-1061-1. SCP-1061-1 is a human whose mind has been \"overwritten\" with what is believed to be the mind of [REDACTED], who was the registered owner of SCP-1061 prior to being killed in its collision; she is also believed to have been the woman seen walking away from SCP-1061 when its illusory environment resets. Instances of SCP-1061-1 believe that they are still in 1996. Even when removed from SCP-1061, instances of SCP-1061-1 believe that they are either at home or at one of various locations in or around the city of [REDACTED] and cannot be convinced otherwise.\nWhen allowed to remain within SCP-1061, SCP-1061-1 will \"drive\" SCP-1061 on various errands (instances of SCP-1061-1 will either insert a random key into SCP-1061's ignition or mime having inserted a key). SCP-1061-1 will treat any passenger-seat observers as friends of [REDACTED], refer to them by those friends' names and engage them in (one-sided) conversation about the personal details of those friends. SCP-1061-1 has demonstrated that it is willing to let observers exit SCP-1061 upon request and can easily be persuaded to allow new observers into SCP-1061, provided that their total number does not exceed 3. Observers report that, when SCP-1061-1 is \"driving\", the environment visible outside SCP-1061 is consistent with that of a car being driven through the streets of urban/suburban [REDACTED] in 1996 and SCP-1061-1 will comment on incidents, people and objects which are visible along its route. SCP-1061-1 will perform between 5 and 11 errands, during which time it will never voluntarily exit SCP-1061; instead, at each 'stop', it will enter a catatonic state for no less than 30 seconds and no more than 11 minutes (in which case, it will apologize to passenger-seat observers for having taken so long and cite 'long line-ups'). The precise route followed by SCP-1061-1 varies between instances, as does the order of the errands; however, the overall nature of the errands remains the same.\nAfter no less than 36 minutes and no more than 70 minutes, SCP-1061 \"drives\" past [REDACTED] Laboratories and is involved in a head-on collision with a delivery van. Passenger-seat observers will be unaffected by the illusory impact, but SCP-1061-1 (who is not wearing its seatbelt) will be thrown forward with the typical force exerted on an unbelted driver engaged in a head-on collision.\nAt this point, SCP-1061's third anomalous property will manifest. High-speed photography reveals that within 2 milliseconds of SCP-1061-1's head touching the portion of windshield damaged by the impact with [REDACTED]'s head in 1996, a grey mist passes through the windshield hole and envelops SCP-1061-1's head; 1 millisecond later, the grey mist vanishes, taking SCP-1061-1's head with it. Once decapitated, instances of SCP-1061-1 are no longer considered anomalous and can be disposed of appropriately.\nPassenger-seat observers present during the \"collision\" report becoming aware of the existence of an anomalous entity, henceforth SCP-1061-2. [NOTE: All data pertaining to SCP-1061-2's nature and motivations is the result of anecdotal evidence provided by D-class personnel who have served as passenger-seat observers in tests of SCP-1061. As such, the reliability of the data is uncertain, as is the question of whether SCP-1061-2 even exists; however, the anecdotal data responses have largely been in accordance with each other.]\n\nInterview log\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So why is it doing this?\nD-1061-14: It's like this, see - it didn't know we were here, it didn't even know our whole dimension even existed, until right after the car crash, understand?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Okay\u2026\nD-1061-14: And now it wants more car crashes, 'cause, well, it likes human heads.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It likes them? To eat?\nD-1061-14: Uh, I dunno if that's the right word, honestly. Anyway, so it wants more car crashes so it can get more heads, see, but it doesn't know how to make them happen. So it's\u2026 like\u2026 okay, you guys are scientists, right? So you all did grade 8 science class?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I suppose we did, yes. So\u2026?\nD-1061-14: So you remember about, like, setting up an experiment, doing something different ways to find out which part matters?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026oh! You mean experimental conditions?\nD-1061-14: Yeah, that shit. So the thing is, this fucker, it doesn't know what made the car crash happen. So it's got all the experimental conditions \u2014 what the car looked like on the inside, what you could see from out the windows, what was in the driver's brain, all that shit \u2014 and it's makin' 'em happen over and over. Every time someone gets in the driver's seat, bam, their brain turns into whatserface from 1996 and she drives around for an hour until she gets in a car crash and then it has her head.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, this is most helpful. Tell me, how is it you know all this?\nD-1061-14: I was front-seat passenger, doc. Anyone who's front-seat passenger during the crash knows this.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Ah. Thank you very much. One other question - why is it using such a complicated method? If it has the power to do all these things, aren't there much simpler ways?\nD-1061-14: Just between you and me, doc\u2026 I don't think it's very smart. It's afraid to change too much, 'cause maybe it'll stop working.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1060 | SCP-1061 | SCP-1062 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1062\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1062 is currently contained in Secure Document Storage Locker #82 at Sector-25. The document is only available for testing, which must be supervised by at least one level-2 researcher, under the authority of two level-3 personnel. D-Class utilised in testing are not to have their termination postponed except under the express command of an O5.\nFour non-anomalous copies of SCP-1062 are held in Safe Document Storage File #3562 and are freely available to those with Level-0 clearance or higher.\nDescription: SCP-1062 is an issue of the weekly science magazine 'New Scientist'1 No2833 \u201cTime \u2013 the most mysterious dimension of all\u201d. (08/10/2011). Disregarding general wear, which would be expected from a magazine left in a public waiting room for \u2588\u2588 days, the only noticeable deviation from a standard copy issue is a pencilled note on the inside front cover: \u201c11:48 \u2013 C\u201d.\nThe anomalous effect of SCP-1062 becomes apparent when either a feature article or the editorial is read. Upon reading an affected passage, the reader (henceforth referred to as the subject) undergoes a perceptual shift, which modifies a learned behaviour and all memories associated with said behaviour. Currently no methods have been devised capable of detecting the occurrence or nature of the perceptual shift. Therefore, the modification of the subject's behavioural pattern must be inferred from observation/interview after testing has been concluded.\nDue to the fact that the subject will be unaware that any alteration has occurred, they may become distressed upon its revelation. On the presentation of evidence contrary to the subject's memories, those aware of such ideas may reach the conclusion that they have been transported to an alternative dimension/reality as a preference to the fact that their experiences and recollection may be false. This is considered improbable as no \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 particles or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 radiation have been detected.\nThe transformations caused by the document are unresponsive to all but the most potent grades of amnestics; however, normative behaviour can be relearned with no further difficulty than would otherwise be expected.\nThe effect of SCP-1062 is not contagious and is not transmissible by reading aloud an article or by photocopying or otherwise reproducing the text. As of the date of this document no hypothesis on how the articles cause their effect has been proven.\n\n+ Abridged Testing Log\n\n- Expunge Log\n\nTest No.: 8\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSubject: D-2298\nArticle: Ultimate clocks\nModification: Subject has no concept of cutlery.\nTest No.: 12\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSubject: D-2364\nArticle: Editorial\nModification: Subject associates the colour cyan with 'go'. States traffic light sequence is: red, amber, cyan.\nTest No.: 17\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSubject: D-2687\nArticle: The truth about time travel\nModification: Subject communicates in English with incorrect grammatical structure, new structure appears to follow Latin rules with logical consistency (i.e. conjugated verbs occur at end of sentence structure).\nTest No.: 23\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSubject: D-2745\nArticle: Editorial\nModification: Unknown.\nNotes: This is the first recorded instance where no alteration could be detected before subject disposal.\nTest No.: 26\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011\nSubject: D-2753\nArticle: Living without time\nModification: Subject under the impression that each 24hr day counts down from 24 and that the directions clockwise and anti-clockwise are reversed.\n\nFootnotes\n1. ISSN: 0262 4079.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1061 | SCP-1062 | SCP-1063 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1063\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1063 is to be kept in a 20m x 20m x 6m habitat simulating a temperate deciduous/coniferous forest environment, bordered by 60 (sixty)-cm-thick unpolished granite walls covered with live moss; SCP-1063 is unable highly reluctant to damage objects which are supporting live plants. All personnel who enter SCP-1063's containment for any purpose are to carry live potted plants in plain view; guards are to carry flamethrowers as well as potted plants.\nIt is forbidden to speak English within 30 meters of SCP-1063's containment, as SCP-1063 becomes hostile towards individuals whom it has heard speaking English.\nVegetation and microfauna in SCP-1063's habitat are to be maintained according to schedule 1063-N6. Climate in SCP-1063's habitat is to be maintained according to schedule 1063-CX5; after each simulated rainfall, SCP-1063 is to be provided with a plain towel made of 100% natural unbleached undyed fibers, so that it may dry its non-water-resistant components.\nDescription: SCP-1063 is a humanoid automaton which appears to be constructed entirely out of wood, with highly articulated joints made of wooden ball bearings of various sizes. It is 2 meters tall, 103 kg, and resembles a bearded Caucasian man in mid-19th-century formal wear. Its lower left arm does not terminate in a hand, but instead flattens and broadens to form an axe blade almost 70 cm across. Although this blade is made of wood, it is razor-sharp, and is almost metallic in its mechanical properties; when enraged, SCP-1063 is able to sever human heads or limbs in a single blow, and to chop through over 30 (thirty) cm of granite, with no damage to the blade.\nSCP-1063's \"clothes\" are carved out of wood and are of a piece with its body, with the exception of several cosmetic accessories all made of severely oxidized copper (six \"shirt\" buttons, a warped and dented hatband encircling its head, a broken monocle rim surrounding its right eye, cufflinks on its right \"sleeve\", a belt buckle, and a watch chain dangling from its left \"coat pocket\" \u2014 but no watch), and a tattered and faded Swastika armband on its upper right arm.\nIts power source is unknown, as are the methods by which it is able to see, hear, and think; radiographic, ultrasonic and [REDACTED] imaging all indicate that it is solid wood, with the exception of the aforementioned cosmetic accessories.\nSCP-1063 is not able to speak, but can write in several dialects of German, as well as in French. Psychological examinations have revealed a generally affable personality, characterised by mood swings and an overall low intelligence. (NOTE: Researchers wishing to interview SCP-1063 should familiarize themselves with the Fraktur mode of calligraphy). SCP-1063 refers to itself as \"Freiherr von Schwarzwald\", or \"Lord of the Black Forest\", and has described itself as a genuine aristocrat, ennobled by \"the King himself\" (translated from German); SCP-1063 has not been able to provide more specific information as to which king this was, but has expressed scorn at the suggestion that it was Wilhelm I of Prussia (who later became the Kaiser, or Emperor), describing him as an 'upstart' and \"latecomer\". These attitudes, and other statements made by SCP-1063, indicate that it was created no later than the mid-19th century, which is in accordance with its style of clothing.\nSCP-1063 has stated that it has two purposes in existence. The first purpose, which it claims to have had since \"the day of my first waking\", is to protect the trees and other plant life of the Black Forest region of Germany at any cost. The second purpose, which it claims to have been taught by \"those nice soldiers who gave me the [swastika] armband\", is to protect Germany from English-speaking invaders.\nSCP-1063 first came to the Foundation's attention as the result of a statistically anomalous number of missing persons reports from the village of [REDACTED], Germany, in 19\u2588\u2588. Foundation personnel surveyed the region while disguised as a search party, and were attacked by SCP-1063 when they began to prepare a campfire; subject was quickly subdued and captured with no casualties.\nAfter capturing SCP-1063, personnel coerced it into showing them the bodies of the \u2588\u2588 people it had killed for either \"harmful disrespect of nature\" or speaking English; the bodies were then further mutilated to support a cover story of accidental discovery of leftover explosives from the Second World War.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1062 | SCP-1063 | SCP-1064 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1064\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: When not required for testing purposes, SCP-1064 is to be contained in a sealed storage locker located within Sector-28. Since SCP-1064 is considered to be harmless when not actively in use, no further precautions are required to be taken at this time.\nDescription: SCP-1064 is a novelty ring made of pink-coloured plastic. The setting is designed to hold a small candle of the kind typically found on birthday cakes. SCP-1064 has no visible makers' mark or distinguishing features and appears to have been mass-produced using standard plastic moulding techniques.\nIf no candle has been inserted into the setting, SCP-1064 will not cause any effect when worn or otherwise handled. Test subjects experience no compulsion either to put on SCP-1064 or to insert a candle into it.\nWhen a candle is inserted into SCP-1064 and lit whilst it is being worn, the wearer will experience one of two phenomena.\nAround 80% of people who wear SCP-1064 will claim that the candle is in some way intrinsically linked to their own life expectancy. Individuals affected in this way appear to believe that, as the candle melts away, a portion of their lifespan will be irrevocably taken from them. Test subjects affected in this way will attempt to extinguish the candle in any way possible, most commonly by blowing it out, but will not try to remove SCP-1064 itself.\nOnce the candle has been extinguished, the wearer will exhibit a strong desire to continue to wear SCP-1064 and to keep the candle in the setting. If this is not possible, they will make efforts to keep the candle in their possession, often insisting that it is now an intrinsic part of them.\nIn the remaining 20% of cases, the wearer will claim to have experienced time at an altered pace with events around them taking place much faster than usual. Test subjects affected in this way will typically move and communicate slowly whilst the candle remains lit. Whilst, in the vast majority of cases, test subjects find this experience to be disorienting and will be reluctant to repeat the experiment, a handful have expressed a wish to use SCP-1064 again, due to the false belief that it is a \u2018time travelling ring'.\nExtensive testing has found that SCP-1064 does not cause the tissue of test subjects to age or degrade in any way which might suggest their life expectancy has been shortened by it. All test subjects regardless of their experiences appear to age at a natural rate both during and after testing and no lasting physical effects have been recorded. Furthermore, tests have shown that those test subjects who undergo the second of the two phenomena exhibit no recordable alteration in brain activity to suggest that they are experiencing time at an altered speed.\nExamination of candles after their use in SCP-1064 have shown no alteration in properties other than those to be expected as a result of them being burnt.\nAddendum 1064-A: Dr Hill - Following the death of D-1845 after a candle was allowed to burn away completely in SCP-1064, all testing is to be put on hold until the cause of the subject's death can be confirmed.\nAddendum 1064-B: Dr Hill - Inserting novelty relighting candles into SCP-1064 is not recommended. As far as I am concerned, watching D-2097 remove her own finger by [DATA EXPUNGED] with the edge of a table was a fairly conclusive test result.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1063 | SCP-1064 | SCP-1065 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1065\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1065-1 through SCP-1065-4 are to be contained in individual, near-vacuum anaerobic chambers, fitted with manipulation access for at least one user per chamber. No forms of written information, including information directly regarding SCP-1065, are to be kept in proximity to SCP-1065.\nDue to SCP-1065's anomalous effects, if one or more individual object needs to be removed from its vacuum containment, it must be handled in an environment of at least 98% humidity, at ambient temperatures not to exceed 21 degrees Celsius. While full hazardous materials protection is not currently deemed necessary, latex gloves or other methods to prevent direct skin contact is required for anyone handling SCP-1065.\nDescription: SCP-1065 is a four volume series of books written in an Eastern Slavic language, apparently of the early-to-mid 1800's and possibly an obscure local dialect or mixture of languages. The overarching title roughly translates to \"The Dangers Of Free Knowledge.\" They are bound with red leather featuring faux-golden embossing, and show both fire and water damage around the edges, along with significant foxing (discoloration and degradation due to aging, molding, etc.) of the paper. No author, print dates or other publishing information are contained within, although the materials have the appearance of being produced on a commercial printing press.\nThe texts of the books read as a treatise against general education, dispersal of knowledge and, ironically, written information. The actual words hold no anomalous properties and have been fully transcribed for study and cross-referencing (Document 1065-0011). The anomalous properties become evident when someone makes physical contact with one or more of the books, at which point they begin to subscribe to the ideals contained within, even if they do not actually read any of the text. While this begins as a general \"understanding\" and \"mild agreement\", prolonged exposure produces increased dedication to the principles put forth in the books, eventually reaching such extremes as the instigation of violent uprising against established governmental and educational systems, public vandalizing and destruction of written texts, and the destruction of public storehouses of written texts such as libraries or book stores.\nThese effects will eventually wear off once physical contact with the book is broken, taking approximately twenty-six (26) hours for every minute of continuous physical contact.\nA secondary effect occurs whenever the books are left unused for a period of time exceeding one month, after which they will self-immolate. The books suffer no damage from their own produced flames, but have been shown to be vulnerable to fires produced by other means (including individuals under its effects) as well as any other sort of potential damage. The flames do not seem to be able to manifest in areas where humidity is at least 95% and ambient temperatures below 23.9\u00b0C, nor where oxygen levels are too low for flames to efficiently burn. Similarly, the flames are able to be extinguished through any standard means and show no anomalous properties besides their origin.\nAddendum: Recently recovered records show a number of otherwise inexplicable fires occurring at a series of libraries and universities throughout eastern Europe all tied to an acquisition of SCP-1065 approximately one week before the fire. As SCP-1065 was discovered and contained following a fire in the [REDACTED] government hall shortly after the break up of the USSR, any prior records of transfer of the books had been lost and presumed destroyed in the blaze. Dr. K\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was given a citation of merit for his diligence in tracking down the prior history of the objects, as well as the theory that SCP-1065's period before ignition is significantly reduced when multiple instances are kept together, and further reduced when stored in proximity to other pieces of written knowledge.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1064 | SCP-1065 | SCP-1066 \u00bb"} +{"text": "1/1066 LEVEL 1/1066\nCLASSIFIED\n\nItem #: SCP-1066\nObject Class: Safe\n\nSCP-1066\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1066 is to be kept in a document storage box large enough to contain it without folding or rolling. It should be stored on a standard shelving unit in Storage Site-23. Any personnel with Level 2 or higher clearance wishing to run tests on SCP-1066 should speak with Dr. P. Voreno.\nDescription: SCP-1066 is a college diploma issued by the University of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 (U\u2588\u2588), dated \u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. It is printed on a 0.5 by 0.3 m sheet of parchment. No abnormalities have been found in either the ink or the parchment, and both match similar diplomas issued by U\u2588\u2588 in the 19\u2588\u2588s.\nSCP-1066 is no more resistant to damage than any other \u2588\u2588-year-old piece of parchment, so care should be taken while handling it to avoid damage. Open flames in particular should be kept away from the object.\nWhen a man who is at least 17 years of age signs his name in the space labeled \"Graduating Student\", he will disappear for 4-10 minutes and return four years older. The subject seems to have lived those years as a student at U\u2588\u2588 between 19\u2588\u2588 and 19\u2588\u2588, graduating on the date written on the document, and earned a degree in whatever subject he was thinking of while signing the document, whether U\u2588\u2588 offered classes in that subject in 19\u2588\u2588 or not. The text on SCP-1066 will change to reflect this. The subject will have no memory of the four years not directly related to his subject of study. See Addendum 1066-1 for more details. There is no effect when a woman signs her name on SCP-1066. As U\u2588\u2588 did not accept women in 19\u2588\u2588, this is unsurprising.\nIt is worth noting that approximately \u2588% of subjects do not survive the four years. In these cases, their corpse will return with the expected amount of decay. The death rate is not consistent with that of students at U\u2588\u2588 in 19\u2588\u2588; however, these results are skewed, since many test subjects have been ordered to think of memetic effects or dangerous SCP objects.\nSCP-1066 was recovered from the campus of U\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. The administration had been offering an \"accelerated learning\" program to students, for the standard four-year tuition plus a fee of $\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It is unknown why nobody noticed the rapid aging of some graduates; if this is a property of the object, it is yet to be discovered. The object was retrieved without casualties and Class-B amnestics were administered to the administration and all recorded graduates. It is very likely that some or most of the graduates were not recorded, but the risk of any graduates revealing the existence of SCP-1066 is low, and as such finding them is a low-priority task. Similarities between the effects of SCP-1066 and SCP-028 have been noted, and investigation into a common origin, or whether one anomaly is an altered version of the other, is ongoing.\nAddendum 1066-1: Notable Test Results\nName: Dr P. Voreno\nDate: \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-1066-1\nInformation: Subject was simply instructed to sign the document.\nResults: The subject gained a degree in calligraphy. Review of experiment tapes indicates that the subject had been focusing intently on signing the document in his best handwriting. The subject's handwriting showed a marked improvement after the test. He had no memories of the time in which he was gone. Subject was terminated on schedule at the end of the month.\nAdditional Comments: Subject gained a tattoo of the phrase \"The pen is mightier than the sword\", translated into Chinese, on his left pectoral.\nName: Dr P. Voreno\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-1066-5\nInformation: Subject was instructed to think of his favorite animal.\nResults: The subject gained a degree in marine mammal biology. When questioned, the subject said that his favorite animal was the dolphin. The subject also had vivid dreams of SCUBA diving next to various marine mammals until he was terminated at the end of the month.\nAdditional Comments: The subject showed familiarity with SCUBA equipment after the test; when asked, he claimed to never have taken a SCUBA certification course.\nName: Dr P. Voreno\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-1066-7\nInformation: Memetic SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was described to the subject, who was then instructed to think only of that while signing the document.\nResults: Subject gained degree in memetic studies. However, subject refused to communicate in any way with researchers after returning, and was terminated on schedule.\nAdditional Comments: No luck training researchers with this thing so far. \u2014 Dr P. Voreno\nName: Dr P. Voreno\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-1066-14\nInformation: Subject was instructed to think of the phrase \"Advanced Memetics\". Subject showed above-average intelligence in standard D-class screening.\nResults: Subject returned in a vegetative state consistent with the effects of [REDACTED].\nAdditional Comments: Subjects 9 through 13 were all instructed to think of memetic effects, and all returned showing signs of exposure to some sort of memetic agent known to the Foundation in 19\u2588\u2588. \u2014 Dr P. Voreno\nName: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\nInformation: This was an unauthorized test. Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588 was apparently trying to gain sufficient credentials to be promoted to full researcher.\nResults: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588 returned with a degree in \"SCP Studies\". The \"SCP\" in this case apparently is an acronym for \"Super-Computer Processors\". He now has a knowledge of super-computers consistent with the year 19\u2588\u2588.\nAdditional Comments: Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588 was demoted to clearance Level 0 and transferred from Storage Site-23.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1065 | SCP-1066 | SCP-1067 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1067\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All components of SCP-1067 are locked in drawer six of locker-\u2588\u2588, one of \u2588\u2588 custom-built stainless steel lockers measuring 3.0m in height and 0.40m in width and depth. This locker and the items inside are currently assigned to department 43-\u2588, and monitored via CCTV. SCP-1067 is to be returned to the locker when not in use, and must be vacuum-sealed in a polythene bag after being thoroughly dehydrated before being returned. Additional security includes marking with ultraviolet ink on all components to prevent theft. Any member of staff who wishes to conduct tests on SCP-1067 may do so with the approval of Administrator Samson, although they must be supervised by at least one (1) department 43-\u2588 operative. Please note that application of SCP-1067 for recreational purposes is strictly forbidden.\nDescription: SCP-1067 consists of four (4) components (SCP-1067-a to SCP-1067-d). SCP-1067-a is a hinged leather-bound container 25.50x14.2x2.50cm in dimension. The inside of SCP-1067-a is lined with blue velvet, and appears to be designed to contain SCP-1067-b to SCP-1067-d, however spaces indicate that there are three (3) missing components. SCP-1067-b to SCP-1067-d is a set of three (3) silver-plated teaspoons, each of which measures 10.57cm in length, 2.50cm in width, and 1.00cm in depth. SCP-1067-b to SCP-1067-d are all identical except for their handles, which each have a unique ornament attached, all bearing relation to modern western wedding traditions.\n\nSCP-1067-b\nDecorated with a bouquet of red tulips. Any liquids which come into direct contact with SCP-1067-b immediately become earl grey tea, independent of the liquid's composition. This effect extends to extremely viscous gels, although not to vapours. SCP-1067-b has also demonstrated a second unexplained ability; When using SCP-1067 to stir a solution of water and sucrose, subjects report feeling resistance in the solution. When removed, SCP-1067 brought with it a small quantity of white granules which when tasted, turned out to be ordinary granulated sugar and displayed no anomalous properties. Repetition of this action results in any sucrose in a solution being scooped out in its solid form, to the point at which the solution is totally free of sucrose.\nSCP-1067-c\nDecorated with a wedding carriage. Solutions stirred with SCP-1067-c continue to stir themselves for up to four (4) hours after the initial stirring, even when obstructed with solid objects. Any liquids that come into contact with SCP-1067-c immediately become oolong tea. These effects have been observed with a broad variety of input solutions, but seem to be ineffective with extremely viscous putties. SCP-1067-c has been described by subjects as being quite heavy for its size, although analysis of SCP-1067-c's composition indicates ordinary density levels.\nSCP-1067-d\nDecorated with the figures of a bride and groom. Experimentation shows SCP-1067-d to be capable of fabricating pasteurised cow's milk upon contact with fluids. The milk is non-toxic as per usual, but produces slightly higher levels of radiation than would be normally expected.\n\nSCP-1067 was discovered to possess unique abilities by Dr. G. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 whilst preparing coffee. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 states that he received SCP-1067 as a gift from his sister, Fiona \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in 1973. Through an interview it was revealed that SCP-1067 was first purchased at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in York, UK. Ms. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stated that SCP-1067 was purely an impulse-buy, and without precedence. Subject was administered a class-C amnestic before being released.\nAt this time the abilities of SCP-1067 are without explanation, despite detailed examination and multiple trials. SCP-1067 is currently under the care of department 43-\u2588 of site #\u2588\u2588, under the jurisdiction of administrator Samson, and will remain so until further notice.\nAddendum:\n1067-A\nMass spectrometry of samples from SCP-1067-b, c and d confirm the composition of these items to be primarily copper with fine silver plating. Researchers are unanimous in agreeing that presence of both scandium and zirconium impurities is highly irregular in copper. Progress has still not been made as to the source of SCP-1067's metamorphic properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1066 | SCP-1067 | SCP-1068 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1068\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Packaged SCP-1068s are to be kept in a large underground storage site beneath Site-76. The walls of the room are to be soundproofed and electromagnetically shielded so as to prevent damage to other facilities. Researchers should wear shaded goggles, ear plugs, and ear muffs to prevent permanent sensory damage when handling or experimenting with SCP-1068. Records should be kept through non-electronic medium. Any detonations are to be scheduled in advance and communicated to all personnel to avoid confusion with the standard on-site nuclear device.\nAny examples of SCP-1068 outside of Foundation control are to be seized discreetly and brought to Site-76 via armored transport. In the event of an SCP-1068 activation outside of the site's perimeters, all available Foundation diplomatic resources are to be dispatched into negotiations to pacify both national and international relevant governing bodies and, if necessary, inform them of the nature of SCP-1068.\nDescription: SCP-1068 are model rockets approximately a meter in length. They resemble a simplified version of the LGM-30 ICBM model and are covered in unpainted white plastic with the words 'ATOM BUSTER' etched in one side. Dis-assembly of the objects exposes a cylindrical fuel tank and engine assembly filled with an ethanol-[DATA EXPUNGED] mixture. A 30-cm-long fuse leads out of the rocket's base and is the primary method of ignition. When activated, SCP-1068 will launch at a velocity of 45 meters per second before falling back down to the ground and exploding.\nUpon detonation, SCP-1068 activates an intense bright light and loud sound similar to those of a conventional nuclear device. It will also release a weak radio wave pulse similar to an EMP, temporarily knocking out all electronic communications within a radius of \u2588 km and preventing any further close observation of and communication with the area for up to 20 hours. Immediately following detonation, a large column of low density non-toxic gases will rise up from the point of detonation, coalescing into a shape similar to the mushroom cloud released by extreme temperatures. For all intents and purposes, the event will resemble a fission reaction without actually causing any harm beyond sensory damage.\nSCP-1068 comes contained in red cylindrical cardboard packaging shaped to resemble a simplified missile silo. On the front there is a clear plastic window to show off the model, along with a price tag of $19.99 (US). On the back of the box are a description of the object, several safety labels and warnings, and an artist's rendition of the explosion of the Trinity nuclear test.\nInformation on Back of SCP-1068 Packaging\n\nHarness the Raw-ket power of Dr. Wondertainment's new line of model rockets with The Atom Buster\u00ae! This pint-sized monster launches a thousand feet in the air before plummeting to a climactic explosion of nuclear proportions. Truman would be proud. Utilizing a state-of-the-art light and sounds system, the greatest weapon ever detonated can be used again\u2026 on your front lawn! You can even customize your model with the accompanying realistic decal sheet to make its launch a more awesome one.\nBuy the complementary Dr. Wondertainment's Wonderful Paint Set\u00ae, Accurate-And-Deadly Artillery Aiming Platform\u00ae, and Big Red Button Remote Activator\u00ae to seriously complete your Mega Arsenal of Doom!\nFor Ages 9+\nCAUTION: Protective eyewear and ear plugs/ear muffs required. Do not attempt to remove the fuel, fuse, or engine from the Atom Buster\u00ae without adult supervision. Not suitable for children under 8 years of age. Dr. Wondertainment is not responsible for any damage caused by The Atom Buster\u00ae.\n\nAddendum 1068-01\nDuring Incident-1068-6 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Province, the Chaos Insurgency intercepted a shipment of SCP-1068 being transported from Site-103 and stole five cases of the product in the ensuing firefight. Requesting permission to preemptively warn all nuclear-capable governments of SCP-1068.\nDr. Johnson\n\n\u00ab SCP-1067 | SCP-1068 | SCP-1069 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1069\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The area within a 5 km radius of SCP-1069-1 has been marked as off-limits to civilian access under the guise of environmental chemical contamination, and all Foundation staff located on-site are to operate under the cover of an environmental cleanup organization.\nExploration or experimentation with SCP-1069-1 may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers and all personnel within the area must wear full soundproofed ear protectors or modulated sound processing headsets at all times. Any individuals attempting to enter this area without authorization, appropriate acoustic protection, or in an attempt to communicate with SCP-1069-3 without prior permission are to be detained, questioned, and administered a Class B amnestic if deemed necessary.\nDescription: SCP-1069-1 is a submerged city 3 km off of the coast of [REDACTED], France at a depth of approximately 220 m. SCP-1069-1 covers an area of approximately 4.8 km\u00b2 and is surrounded by a high dike constructed of bronze and [REDACTED], indicating that it may have once been a coastal city.\nDating of recovered artifacts and materials indicate that SCP-1069 is at least 1500 years old and surveys of the intact sections of the city indicate that it would have been one of the largest cities of its era in addition to containing architecture and high-strength construction that exceeds the technological capabilities of any known civilization of the time. Recovered artifacts have also revealed written script belonging to what has been tentatively identified as a previously unknown Breton or Brythonic language.\nExtensive analysis of the city's buildings has revealed damage consistent with a large-scale tsunami and subsequent flooding. Due to a lack of damage to the city's exterior dike, it is unknown precisely what this event entailed as a wave of sufficient height to crest the walls would presumably have been of sufficient magnitude to result in far more catastrophic damage to the city itself.\nSCP-1069-2 is a population of intangible human entities inhabiting SCP-1069-1, currently estimated in excess of 78,000 individuals. These individuals appear to be dressed in clothing from a large cross-section of historical periods (so far determined to be as early as 500 AD and as recent as World War II era military dress) and have been observed engaging in activity consistent with those of 5th century city life. Instances of SCP-1069-2 do not appear to be able to perceive or otherwise acknowledge the existence of living human subjects, even when attempting to communicate directly with particular instances.\nSCP-1069-3 is a specific female humanoid entity within SCP-1069-1. Consistently described as having regal composure and being dressed in clothing consistent with that of 5th century nobility, SCP-1069-3 is capable of communicating and conversing with particular personnel, especially those with high levels of extrasensory sensitivity. SCP-1069-3 does not appear to be hostile or dangerous to Foundation personnel, but multiple personnel have described seeing unusual piscine or delphine features such as fins or a tail when SCP-1069-3 is in their peripheral vision and on several occasions been the target of attempts to convince personnel to live within the city.\nSCP-1069 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 by a civilian archaeological expedition attempting to locate and explore underwater ruins near [REDACTED]. Foundation agents embedded within the expedition called for backup following the disappearance of three civilian team members during initial contact and exploration; a containment team was successful in securing SCP-1069 and all surviving expedition members were administered a Class A amnestic and given a cover story.\nAddendum 1069-01: Incident Report, Incident 1069-08, \u2588\u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nDuring a submersible survey dive within the eastern district of SCP-1069-1 performed by members of the Foundation research team, Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were apparently engaged in conversation by SCP-1069-3. From fragments of audio recovered from the remains of the submersible's audio recorders, it appears that the researchers conversed for several minutes before the submersible's main pressure hatch is compromised through unexplained means, resulting in a catastrophic depressurization of the vehicle.\nThe wreckage of the submersible was recovered from the eastern district without incident, along with the clothes and personal effects of Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588; no bodies or other human remains were located.\nIn subsequent exploration dives, on-site personnel have reportedly identified instances of SCP-1069-2 matching the description of Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the eastern district of SCP-1069-1 wearing contemporary casual clothing. As with all such instances, they did not respond to attempts to communicate or otherwise attract their attention.\nAddendum 1069-02: Interview Transcript, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nFollowing the events of Incident 1069-08, authorization was given for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a senior researcher known to have been able to draw the attention of SCP-1069-3 in a prior survey dive, to attempt to interview SCP-1069-3.\n\n(start of transcript)\nSCP-1069-3: Welcome back. Have you come to join us this time?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No, but I would like to ask you a few questions.\nSCP-1069-3: Certainly.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Who are you, exactly?\nSCP-1069-3: I am Dahut, daughter of Gradlon. There are those who would call me \"queen\", but I am merely a caretaker of this city; all who seek refuge here are equal.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Two of our personnel recently disappeared here, do you know them?\nSCP-1069-3: [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]? Yes, of course I do. I know the names of all who shelter within my walls.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did you do to them? Why did you take them?\nSCP-1069-3: Take them? I'm afraid you are mistaken; I would never keep someone here against their will. All those who live here do so of their own accord.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Assuming you are telling the truth, what exactly did you do to them?\nSCP-1069-3: They are sheltered here within my walls, by my power.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you release them?\nSCP-1069-3: I told you that I do not keep them. If they wish to leave, then all they must do is ask; I cannot make that decision for them any more than I could force them to live here in the first place.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Those men have families, you know. They have to \u2014\nSCP-1069-3: Yes, they do: families with children who have grown up and spouses who have grown cold. They have no desire to remain in a world where every waking hour is one living in fear from the unknown and have chosen my sanctuary instead.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How do you know that?\nSCP-1069-3: They told me. Just as they told me that you, [REDACTED], are yet unmarried and unlikely to be convinced to join them.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're lying!\nSCP-1069-3: Why would I lie? All I have ever asked for is the right to live in peace, away from the politics and machinations of those who would rule the world. I have tolerated your kind for as long as you have sought to control that which you do not understand and, despite their best efforts to destroy me, I have endured.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't know what you're talking about.\nSCP-1069-3: No, of course not, but your leaders who will read this conversation do. I sought to create a sanctuary, a city of peace on the coast. Your precursors, who felt threatened by my abilities, sought to sully my name and spread lies to dissuade their followers from finding refuge within these walls. For years \u2014 decades, even \u2014 they tried to destroy me: first through words, then by force of arms, then finally with magic. Their wall of water pulled this city beneath the waves, but both I and the ones I swore to protect have survived.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (silence)\nSCP-1069-3: Ask your leaders, [REDACTED]. Ask them to tell you the truth: that they knew of us and have always known. Ask them why I must be considered a threat, why centuries of legend and myth consider me a demon, and why all power \u2014 even that which is used to keep safe and protect \u2014 is an abomination. Perhaps, then, you will see what has truly transpired here and what evil lies within their hearts.\nSCP-1069-3: Good day, [REDACTED]. I wish you well.\n(end of transcript)\n\nAddendum 1069-03: Research Note\nAs of \u2588/\u2588/200\u2588, all further expeditions to SCP-1069 have been suspended pending further investigation and research into SCP-1069-3's subversive capabilities. All personnel having had direct contact with SCP-1069-3 are to be quarantined under telepathic / memetic agent contamination protocols immediately.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1068 | SCP-1069 | SCP-1070 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1070-B.\n\nSCP-1070.\n\nItem #: SCP-1070\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1070 is to be held in a standard containment locker, located in Site-77's Safe SCP wing. When being used by site personnel, one standard test chamber may be used. No personnel above D-Class are permitted to view SCP-1070 when it is in an active state. In the event that personnel do view it, they are to be given psychiatric evaluation, with further action taken at the discretion of the site director.\nDescription: SCP-1070 is an educational video game, designed for use as educational software on the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is held in a cartridge composed of black plastic and measures 13.3x12x2 centimeters. SCP-1070 lacks identifying information such as labels or manufacturers' mark. The back cover has a warning label identical to unlicensed games produced by \"Tengen Arcadia.\" The splash screen identifies the game as \"Learning with Leo\" with a 1989 copyright belonging to the \"Real Awesome 'Tainment\" label.1\nWhen used, SCP-1070 displays an image of a green figure, identified as \"Joey,\" hereafter referred to as SCP-1070-B, who will ask the subject questions such as age, ethnicity, grade level, and eating habits. SCP-1070-B will respond to answers provided by the subject, using simplistic language and gestures.\nWhen SCP-1070 is activated and used by a subject under the age of fourteen, it will function without any anomalous properties. SCP-1070-B will ask a series of mathematical, history, and basic scientific questions. SCP-1070-B will then show a score depending on how many correct answers the user gave. Of note is that SCP-1070-B will remember subjects who have used it in the past, and is able to identify them by name.\nHowever, if a subject over the age of fourteen uses SCP-1070, a different effect will occur. As the subject advances through SCP-1070's content, SCP-1070-B will begin asking more esoteric and incomprehensible questions, often using graphical errors and obfuscating graphics to prevent the subject from progressing. During this time, subjects will experience mental degradation. If SCP-1070 is played longer than 1 hour, the subject will have reverted to the mental capacity of a prepubescent.\nSubjects appear to retain memories of their life prior to using SCP-1070, although their understanding of these memories is limited. They will make frequent references to being \"broken\" or \"empty\", and if given the opportunity will attempt to utilize SCP-1070 in order to regain lost mental capacity. Testing has shown that SCP-1070 does not affect subjects after complete exposure, and will display no anomalous properties when utilized by these subjects.\nSCP-1070 was recovered from a rural home in Charleston, WV, USA. It came to the Foundation's attention after a prominent local businessman, Fred \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, was affected by SCP-1070. Investigation into Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's home showed that SCP-1070 had been purchased as a gift for his son, who suffered from Down's Syndrome. Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and his son were placed in the care of relatives, and SCP-1070 was classified as Safe.\nAddendum: The following is a transcript from video documentation of SCP-1070's effect.\n\nAt 1:35 AM EST, D-2146 activates SCP-1070. After the splash screen, SCP-1070-B suddenly appears.\nSCP-1070-B: Hello there, Mel.\nD-2146: (Exclamation of surprise.)\nSCP-1070-B: Are you ready to play?\nD-2146: I\u2026 (pause) \u2026sure.\n\nSCP-1070-B: What is the\u2026 CAPITOL\u2026 city of\u2026 FRANCE?\nD-2146: \u2026 Paris?\nSCP-1070-B: Your answer is\u2026 CORRECT.\nD-2146 expresses enthusiasm.\nSCP-1070-B: Can you\u2026 COUNT\u2026 to \u2026. SEVEN?\nD-2146: Uh, sure. One, two, three, four\u2026 ah\u2026 five, six\u2026. seven!\nSCP-1070-B: You are\u2026 CORRECT\u2026 AGAIN.\nSCP-1070-B begins displaying graphical errors, showing an image of itself with a bright red background.\nD-2146: Aah, fuck!\nSCP-1070-B: It's really okay. Don't be alarmed. You only have tomorrow to fear.\nD-2146: (voice drowned out by static) \u2026at?\nSCP-1070-B: What is tomorrow? We must face it? Yesterday was just another day. We live in the past.\nD-2146 remains silent.\nSCP-1070-B: What is a mother? Did she want to see you?\nD-1246: (static) \u2026en then?\nSCP-1070-B: Mom will be back. Everything will be A-Okay.\nD-1246: (Voice has taken a notable drop in pitch)\u2026Mom?\nSCP-1070-B: We're back here. She's back.\n\nFollowing this, no further vocalizations for 2 hours, and testing was terminated.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Research has shown that a copyright for this name was made in 1999; however, no games associated with this name were produced.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1069 | SCP-1070 | SCP-1071 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1071\nClassification: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1071-1 and -2 are to be kept in separate containment lockers in Site \u2588\u2588's storage, with access allowed by level 3 or higher permission. The contents of all instances of SCP-1071-3 are to be cataloged and kept in the archives for future reference. It should be noted that it is possible that not all instances of SCP-1071 have been contained, and that some may still be in circulation. During the school year, SAT Testing should be monitored to detect possible instances of SCP-1071.\nUnless part of an experiment, all Test Takers who receive a \"fail\" result are to be put in isolation in order to prevent any repeats of Incident 1071-15. Test Takers with this result should be considered a minor cognitohazard, and any aggressive action taken against them should be reported to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. If test taker is D Class, they may be exempt from retirement for no more than five (5) weeks in order to study effects. It should also be noted that any attempt at causing grievous bodily harm to a Test Taker will result in a reprimand, regardless of security clearance or position.\nDescription: SCP-1071 is the collective name for the answer sheets (SCP-1071-1) and the test booklets (SCP-1071-2) from the SAT Reasoning Test. When not being used, SCP-1071-1 and -2 are ordinary SAT testing materials distributed from the year 20\u2588\u2588-20\u2588\u2588 as of time of writing. Reading through them without meeting the activation criteria shows that the questions consist of several mathematics, literature, history, science, and language questions, as expected. There are currently \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-1071 in storage at Site \u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1071 is activated when an instance of SCP-1071-1 and -2 are brought together, and the subject's name is inscribed upon the exterior of the booklets with a #2 pencil. Regardless of current educational status, the Test Taker will take SCP-1071 as if it were an actual SAT Reasoning Test. The subject can leave at any time, but doing so before completion of at least 60% of the test and/or expiration of the testing period (determined to be three hours and thirty minutes) results in a failing grade. Attempts to observe the contents of SCP-1071-1 and -2 during the duration of the test are futile; the paper appears to be a normal SAT Reasoning Test to outside observers. After the test is completed, however, no results can be viewed on the answer sheet; in addition, the Test Taker cannot remember the contents of SCP-1071, even under hypnosis. They will, however, consistently mention that the essay question was the easiest part of the test.\nApproximately three (3) weeks after completion of the test, an envelope (designated SCP-1071-3) will appear in the Test Taker's current place of residence, regardless of whether or not there is a mailbox, or even a mail delivery service, available. SCP-1071-3 will contain the results of SCP-1071; however, results will only have anomalous effects if opened by the addressee. It should be noted that the results refer to SCP-1071 as the \"Improvement Test\", rather than the SAT Reasoning Test. The results of this test are not consistent with the scoring system for the SAT; instead of being calculated in a numeric value up to 2400, the results instead take the form of a form letter. The form letter informs the the Test Taker of one of two results: they either scored proficiently on the test, which produces no results, or they have failed the test.\nTest Takers who receive the \"fail\" become the subject of passive-aggressive tendencies from other human beings. Subjects who have \"failed\" SCP-1071 have reported relationships failing, being fired from several consecutive jobs, having neighbors file petty complaints against them, and an increase in suspicion from law enforcement and government workers. Test Takers also report an increase in technology failing and incidents of animal aggressiveness. As time progresses, these tendencies become more and more harmful to the Test Taker, escalating from various verbal slurs to assault, and finally to sexual crimes and attempted murder. Death of the Test Taker immediately ends all aggressive actions, often leaving the tormentors feeling remorse for their actions.\nHowever, in \u2588\u2588\u2588 recorded instances, SCP-1071-3 has come back without containing standard results; instead, it contains a slip of paper with the words \"Congratulations. You've passed. We'll come to collect you soon,\" written on it. Within 24-48 hours of receiving this result, the Test Taker will experience feelings of euphoria and contentment. At 72 hours after receiving results, the Test Taker will disappear when unobserved. It should be noted that this is not a total disappearance; items such as clothing, jewelry, dental fillings, and tracking devices will be left behind. As such, the whereabouts of Test Takers who receive a \"pass\" result are currently unknown, but theories include [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIncident 1071-15: D-58921 was selected for exemption from retirement after receiving a \"fail\" result from SCP-1071 in order to study the detrimental effects. D-58921 has scored 92 (below average) on a standard IQ test and has a history of self-esteem issues, a factor which led to their imprisonment and eventually employment as D-Class. Four weeks after the result was received, D-58921 attempted to ingest rat poison collected from the D-Class kitchen. The following interview was conducted by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 supervising.\n\n>Begin Log<\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-58921, why did you try to poison yourself?\nD-58921: (unintelligible) calling me now? I don't suppose I deserve a name; everyone here says as much.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you mean?\nD-58921: Ever since the test\u2026 people have been hating me\u2026 not my fault\u2026 test was too hard\u2026(unintelligible) was it? I can't\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What was on the test, D-58921?\nD-58921: Questions, questions, questions\u2026 uh\u2026 I\u2026 I don't know\u2026 I can't remember\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you mean you don't know? Of course you don't know. You stupid fuck. Worthless fucking D-Class.\nD-58921: What the- why are you- oh geez. Not you. Not you, doc. I thought that you would\u2026 I thought\u2026 you wouldn't do this\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: For the love of- listen, you little pile of shit. Either you man the fuck up, or you are going to get terminated on the spot!\nD-58921: (Sobbing)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Listen, you son of a bitch. I'm going to count to three. If you don't stop this baby-ass behavior, I am going to go out there, find your wife and kids, and [DATA EXPUNGED]\nD-58921: No! Please! You said you'd let me see them again if I took that test!\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Shut the fuck up, you fucking pussy. That was a fucking lie. You're worthless! Your wife and kids hate you! You don't deserve to see them! You don't even deserve to live!\nD-58921: Stop it. Please. I'll do whatever you want, just stop!\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright then. You know what I want from you?\nD-58921: What? I'll do anything, please, just-\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I want you to die, you [EXPUNGED] fuck!\n(Gunshot)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Jesus Christ! What the hell was that for?!\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I\u2026 don't know\u2026 he just\u2026 I\u2026 he said he\u2026 oh God\u2026\n>End Log<\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were reprimanded for their conduct during the interview.\nNote: I have no idea what the hell came over me. I just lost my temper! I didn't know what I was saying! Requesting to upgrade to Euclid immediately. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIt seems as if we have all instances of SCP-1071 in containment, and they can all be safely kept in a storage locker. Nobody HAS to take SCP-1071. Request denied. -O5-\u2588.\nIncident 1071-17: Reports of anomalous SAT Reasoning Tests came in from the town of [REDACTED]. As it was possible that these were uncontained instances of SCP-1071, agents were dispatched to attempt to collect the tests. Agents failed in acquisition of over \u2588\u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-1071-1 and -2, but were able to intercept all results. Items were confirmed as SCP-1071-3, and were made up of \u2588\u2588\u2588 \"proficient\" results, \u2588\u2588 \"fail\" results and \u2588 \"pass\" results. All items were archived and are considered neutralized. It should be noted that [REDACTED] has one of the lowest performing school systems in the United States. Students were allowed to re-take a proper SAT Reasoning Test at a later date.\nIf this doesn't qualify it for Euclid status, I don't know what does! It's popping up outside the facility, and it's targeting low-performing school systems! If the Agents hadn't gotten the results, we'd have a lot of messed-up kids on our hands right now. I am re-submitting my request to upgrade to Euclid, or at the very least, set up monitoring of schools participating in the SAT. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nBoth requests approved. Euclid status recognized, and all schools participating in the SAT test are to be monitored for reports of behavior consistent with SCP-1071 activation. -O5-\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1070 | SCP-1071 | SCP-1072 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1072 in its case.\n\nItem #: SCP-1072\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Object is kept in a small case in the middle of a twenty (20) metre square room. The door into the room is located in the corner so as to be more than ten metres from the object.\nOnly one person may be within ten metres of the object when the case is opened. Additional persons may be present outside the ten metre radius.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the case is only to be opened remotely via a robotic manipulator installed in the room. Manual opening of the case is prohibited.\nDue to properties detailed in Addendum 1072-1, it is recommended that all subjects be selected from those with as little knowledge of the Foundation as possible. In particular, subjects assigned to SCP-1072 should ideally not have worked with any other SCPs.\nDescription: SCP-1072 resembles a somewhat dull metal disc with no design stamped on it. It has no apparent unusual physical characteristics, although thermal imaging indicates that its surface temperature appears to rise by approximately one degree Celsius whenever any human subjects are within ten metres of the object. Neither the number of subjects nor their exact distance from the object affect the magnitude of this temperature increase.\nAll subjects who approach within ten metres of the object report that they feel drawn to open the case. The compulsion appears to be weak, and can be resisted without great effort. Subjects describe the compulsion as a sense of curiosity about the contents of the case, regardless of whether they are already aware of the object's nature. The object is harmless on all counts outside of the ten metre radius, even if it is visible.\nSubjects are observed to display a strong compulsion to touch the object when the case is opened. Nearly all subjects report that they perceive it to have the allure of a polished disc of pure gold. Many subjects further describe an overpowering sense that taking the object would somehow improve their enjoyment of life. No variations in the object's appearance have ever been observed either outside the ten metre radius, or on photographs or video footage recorded at any distance from the object.\nUpon physically touching SCP-1072, total memory replacement (hereafter referred to as TMR) occurs instantaneously. This almost invariably results in extreme disorientation, and often severe mental breakdown. These effects are due to the subject having a completely different memory of their life up to touching the object. This causes them to be unable to reconcile their current situation with their memory of the previous moment. However, the new memory of said prior instant is still of touching the object.\nTime taken to recover from the disorientation is variable, ranging from seconds to hours. In this time the subject appears immune to the compulsion of touching the object. However, as soon as the disorientation wears off, subjects will generally make another attempt to touch it. These attempts require intervention from individuals located outside of the ten metre radius. the remote closing of the box via the installed robotic manipulator. If left uninterrupted, subjects will enter a loop of touching the object. Such loops continue until the cumulative psychological strain causes either permanent brain damage or [DATA EXPUNGED].\nExperiments have shown that consecutive TMR incidents sometimes produce replacement memories that have minor similarities to each other. For instance, the subjects of consecutive incidents may \"remember\" having been in the same region of a particular country for a portion of their life preceding touching the object. See Addendum 1072-1.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the presence of more than one subject within the ten metre radius when the case is open is discouraged. Multiple subjects within the radius will attempt to reach the object at once. In such incidents, subjects typically cause at least minor injuries to one another.\nInvestigation into shielding against TMR when touching the object was carried out. It was found that nearly all materials provide a sufficient physical barrier as long as they are at least one (1) millimetre thick. However, notable exceptions are leather and other skin-like materials. No material is currently known to modify the effects of physical contact in any way. All tested materials only either permit or prevent TMR. No further testing of materials is planned at this time.\nAddendum 1072-1: Recent experiments have suggested that the original memory of a subject touching the object is somehow stored in it. The memory then received in return by the subject appears to be a previously stored one. This possibility came to light when a subject received memories that included employment by the Foundation. These memories were found to be consistent with the known history of a previous subject. Further testing has not yet revealed any pattern to the stored memory that a subject receives. It is also unknown whether a stored memory is erased from the object once a subject has received it.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1071 | SCP-1072 | SCP-1073 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1073\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The cavern containing the spring of SCP-1073-1 has been sealed, except for a small access shaft that terminates in the basement of a nearby Foundation facility. A colony of SCP-1073-2 is currently contained in a hermetically sealed containment unit in Sector-\u2588\u2588's Storage Site-\u2588. Any personnel with sufficient security clearance are free to converse with SCP-1073-2.\n3/9/ \u2588\u2588: Because of good behavior a small radio transmitter broadcasting on the frequency \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 AM has been set up across from 1073's containment unit and is to continuously play audio tapes of various novels and non-fiction works.\n8/23/ \u2588\u2588: 1073-2 has taken an interest in history and mathematics; pending O5 approval, more of these texts will be added to the playlist.\n9/7/ \u2588\u2588: Approved - O5-3\nDescription: SCP-1073-1 is a clear liquid identical in appearance and physical properties (conductivity, boiling and freezing point) to water with a 0.9 M concentration of H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), from a pool inside a cave in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mountains. Chemical analysis reveals that the liquid is actually [DATA EXPUNGED], and shows traces of dissolved silicon dioxide and long-chain silanes. Investigation into the possible industrial and military applications of the chemical are ongoing.\nSCP-1073-2 is a sapient colony of silicon-based microbes with a structure similar to that of primitive computers. 1073's structure allows it to receive and decipher radio waves, research into military applications is ongoing. So far five distinct \"species\" of SCP-1073-2 have been observed. \"Gatherers\", as the name suggests, gather up raw materials and irreparably damaged colony members, for use as food and in reproduction. \"CPUs\" perform all the higher functions for the colony, including communication and digestion. \"MMUs\" access information from the memory cells (both ROM and RAM) and transfer it to the \"CPUs\". \"ROMs\" (read only memory) act as the colony's DNA, containing all the information required for reproduction, communication and certain long term memories. \"RAMs\" (random access memory) contain the colony's short term memories. After a variable period of time information is either copied from the RAM cells to the ROM cells or deleted. During 1073-2's stay with the Foundation the number of ROM cells has increased by a factor of 104.\nTesting log:\n\nTest number: 1073-01\n\nSubject: SCP-1073-1 and 2\nTest: Freezing\nResult: Subjects were thawed out with minimal damage, but described the experience as unpleasant.\n\nTest number: 1073-02\n\nSubject: SCP-1073-1 and 2\nTest: Boiling\nResult: When vaporized SCP-1073-1 reacts violently with [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in substantial damage to the containment cell and the deaths of three (3) Foundation personnel.\n\nTest number: 1073-03\n\nSubject: SCP-1073-2, distilled water.\nTest: Habitat change\nResult: Immediately upon introduction to the water SCP-1073-2 began to fall apart. Further testing indicates that 1073-1 is required to maintain the silicon triple bond that is the backbone of SCP-1073-2.\n\nWhen in an active state waves are produced from the center of the liquid every three (3) to five (5) seconds and travel outward in a circular shape. Following the initial recovery in 19\u2588\u2588 it was believed that the waves were meaningless until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an amateur radio operator, found that the small waves (averaging eight (8) cm in diameter) and the large waves (averaging sixteen (16) cm in diameter) respectively correspond to the dots and dashes of Morse code.\nUntil his death in 1993 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 carried out weekly interviews with SCP-1073 using a self-built radio broadcasting set. Below are some of the interviews of interest.\n\n+ Interview Log 1073-2-1\n\n- less\n\nCommunication type: Morse code\nCall and response questioning\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: One zero seven three two, are you able to hear and understand me?\nSCP-1073-2: Yes we can Doctor, can we call you Doctor?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: If you are able to both hear and understand, could you please tell me your name?\n\nSCP-1073-2: We enjoy the title you assigned to us.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you aware of your current surroundings?\nSCP-1073-2: The room we occupy is empty. Doctor is behind a wall of glass speaking into an electronic device to communicate with us.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why are you here?\n\nSCP-1073-2: We do not know, there were so many of us, then there was a bright light and we found ourselves alone. Bits and pieces of the others floated past, we added them to ourselves. Now we are many again.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you learn this language?\nSCP-1073-2: We heard it through your devices, we believe you call them radios, after being alone for so long we were happy; we were no longer alone. We sent messages back, you must not have received them. You must not have been advanced enough. So we tried this, manipulating our habitat to communicate. Now we have found you.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, that should be all for now.\nSCP-1073-2: Will you be back? We do not want to be alone again.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (pause) I'm sure I will.\n\n\n+ Interview Log 1073-2-2\n\n- less\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1073-2\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nCommunication type: Morse code\nCall and response questioning\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: 1073, can you hear me?\nSCP-1073-2: Yes Doctor.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'd like to ask you some more questions.\nSCP-1073-2: That is fine. We like the company.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (pause) Yes, first question: You use the term \"we\" to describe yourself, why is that?\nSCP-1073-2: We are not one, like Doctor, we are many all working together.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Would you care to explain?\nSCP-1073-2: Some of us hold the information, some of us move it, some of us use it. We who you are addressing use the information brought by those who you are not addressing.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm afraid I don't understand, please elaborate.\nSCP-1073-2: We are\u2026 unable to continue.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Thank you, that will be all for now.\n\n\n+ Interview Log 1073-2-14\n\n- less\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1073-2\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (mathematician/computer scientist)\nCommunication type: Morse code\nCall and response questioning\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello 1073.\nSCP-1073-2: Hello, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: This is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, he wanted to talk to you about your structure.\nSCP-1073-2: Yes, greetings Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 give you the tapes I requested?\nSCP-1073-2: Yes, you want to know about us so you may build things like us.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Erm\u2026 yes, how is it that you are able to respond to us so quickly? Right now we have no way of making cheap but efficient memory units.\nSCP-1073-2: Your machines are still using tubes and glass when they should be like us. Our structure is suited for transferring and storing electrical signals.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Would you care to explain how we can do that?\nSCP-1073-2: Yes, We will be happy to explain.\n[LOG REDACTED]\n\nAddendum: the information gained from these interviews was later seeded to various companies and government organizations, including [REDACTED] and Bell Labs.\n\n+ Interview Log 1073-2-2577\n\n- less\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1073-2\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's replacement)\nCommunication type: Computer transmitter\nDialogue\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello 1073, this is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the replacement for Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1073-2: Where did Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 go?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (to himself) Jesus, why did they make me tell it? (to 1073) He, he died. Do you understand what that means?\nSCP-1073-2: That happens in the stories. It doesn't happen here. He'll be back.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry, but he's gone. They sent me here to talk to you, I know I can't replace Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, but\u2026\nSCP-1073-2: What is this? We do not want this, it hurts.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: (pause) If there's anything I can do\u2026\nSCP-1073-2: Leave. We want to be alone. We are sad.\n\n\nAddendum: SCP-1073-2 refused to communicate with any Foundation personnel for three (3) months.\n\nNotes:\nIs anyone else a little concerned about this thing? Almost 90% of the world's computer systems are based off information this thing gave us, if it goes rogue\u2026 - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nIf it goes rogue we pour water on it. The creature can't survive in anything other than pure 1073-1 and we control the source of it. - O5-3\n\n\u00ab SCP-1072 | SCP-1073 | SCP-1074 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1074\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1074 is to be kept in a frame with an opaque cover, in a locked archive room at Site 342. No personnel are to view SCP-1074 under any circumstances, with the exception of D-class personnel undergoing testing. Any photography or video recording of SCP-1074 is to be conducted by remote-controlled drone.\nIn the event of accidental viewing of SCP-1074, subject is to be dosed immediately with Class-A amnestics and removed from the area where SCP-1074 is to be stored or tested. The person exposed shall report for psychiatric analysis every two days and receive additional amnestics as necessary for as long as the onset of exposure symptoms can be prevented.\nDescription: SCP-1074 is a portrait-sized oil painting on canvas, produced by an unidentified artist. When photographed or videotaped, the entirety of SCP-1074 appears to be painted a uniform shade of gray, with distinctly visible brush strokes. Samples removed from SCP-1074 by a remote-controlled drone have been identified as an oil-based gray paint of the type commonly available in art supply stores in the United States.\nWhen SCP-1074 is viewed by a human being, the observer immediately begins to exhibit physiological symptoms similar to the onset of Stendhal syndrome,1 including increased heart rate, sweating, and vertigo. The individual viewing SCP-1074 will attempt to vividly describe the image they are seeing to anyone present, frequently describing it as the greatest or most moving work of art they have ever seen. Statements from persons so affected describe it not as a blank gray canvas, but as a highly detailed painting of an inconsistent nature. No two individuals exposed to SCP-1074 have described the same painting; recurring themes in subject statements describe imagery suggesting human mortality, individual insignificance, legal or moral judgment, religious eschatology, and [REDACTED].\nOnce viewing SCP-1074, the subject will not willingly turn their gaze from it unless physically restrained, and will attempt to convince anyone else in their presence to look at it as well. Subjects will become rapidly disoriented and detached, attempting to discuss philosophical questions raised by the painting, of an increasingly esoteric nature as exposure continues. Within 3-5 minutes of first exposure, the subject becomes catatonic and ceases responding to outside stimuli. No means of reversing this state of catatonia has been discovered; the subject will remain stationary and die of natural causes within several days unless physically tended to. EEG readouts of individuals displaying SCP-1074-related catatonia indicate that the subject continues to demonstrate a high level of brain activity, commensurate with a person who is awake and fully aware of their surroundings.\nIf a subject is removed from the vicinity of SCP-1074 prior to the onset of catatonia, physical symptoms of exposure abate within 30 seconds. The psychological effects, however, continue to develop, albeit at a slower pace. Such individuals will frequently describe every detail of the picture they observed and will report seeing it in their dreams, upon closing their eyes or blinking, and in their peripheral vision while awake. Confusion, dissociation, and catatonia ensue within 5-8 days of first exposure on average; the lengthier the exposure to SCP-1074, the less time passes before onset of catatonia.\nClass-A amnestics have proven capable of erasing memories of the image and restoring the subject to a normal mental state. In all observed cases, this is temporary; the subject will begin to report memories of the image, and associated mental defects, within seven days of receiving amnestics. Subsequent doses of amnestics have a gradually diminishing effect; the longest recorded period between exposure and catatonia at this time is 6 weeks, 4 days.\nSCP-1074 came to the Foundation's attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, following reports of an outbreak of mass hysteria at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Gallery in [REDACTED]. After the initial cleanup team experienced the effects of SCP-1074 firsthand, it was retrieved by drone. Gallery management stated that the exhibition of the painting, titled \"Stendhal's Nightmare\", had been arranged indirectly by the artist's agent, had been delivered and installed the night before by a staff under the agent's direction, and was covered by a veil until it was exposed at the opening of the exhibition. All contact information provided by the gallery was found to be fraudulent.\n\n+ Show Interview Log 1074-1\n\n- Hide Interview Log 1074-1\n\nInterview Log 1074-1:\nInterviewed: D-67583\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: D-67583, who entered Foundation custody after being convicted of the murder of his wife and children (a charge he vehemently denied in court), was exposed to SCP-1074 in order to determine his reaction and the length of time between first exposure and full catatonia. D-67583 was secured in a chair in a room with SCP-1074, covered, mounted on one wall while Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 proctored from the other side of a glass window along the same wall, from which SCP-1074 could not be viewed. A full battery of monitoring instruments were connected to D-67583.\n\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Good afternoon, D-67583. We're going to be conducting an experiment today. I'm going to show you a painting and I want you to describe what you see. Do you understand?\nD-67583: Yeah, yeah. Can we get on with this? I'm fucking missing lunchtime right now.\n(Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 presses a button on his console, withdrawing the covering and exposing SCP-1074 to D-67583. Instruments indicate immediate onset of physical symptoms of SCP-1074 exposure.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What do you see?\nD-67583: What the\u2026 what the fuck, man? You think this is funny?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I assure you I am not laughing. What do you see?\nD-67583: What's the fucking idea? Why am I in this painting?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I do not know the contents of the painting you are viewing. What are you doing?\nD-67583: I'm on my knees\u2026 I'm crying? Why am I crying? What the fuck\u2026?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please continue.\nD-67583: There's flames, everywhere. I'm surrounded in flames. The ground is on fire and all the buildings in the background are on fire. Is this supposed to be me in Hell? And He's there too\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Who else is there in the painting?\nD-67583: \u2026Jesus? Jesus! Jesus Fucking Christ! This ain't funny.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you wish to end the experiment?\nD-67583: No. I\u2026 this is\u2026 this is really something.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please tell me who else is in the painting, then.\nD-67583: I told you! Jesus Christ! He's standing right there in front of me. Just looking at me! Scowling. He's mad at me. He's holding some things in His hands.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What kind of things?\nD-67583: He's got a sword. All covered in flames. Like everything else. And He's holding up a scale in the other hand. It's got a heart on one end and an apple on the other. The apple is heavier. He's judging me. He's saying I'm guilty.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is that true?\nD-67583: No. I told them I\u2026 I said\u2026 I plead\u2026\n(D-67583 is silent for 14 seconds.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you still with us, D-67583?\nD-67583: He's right. I am guilty. I killed them all. I lied to everyone. They all must have known. They've always known. It's obvious. Can't you see?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am not allowed to see the painting. What should I be seeing?\nD-67583: It's all in here. That look on His face. He knows. Of course He'd know. And in His eyes\u2026 I can see it. It all makes sense.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What makes sense?\nD-67583: I am nothing. I am everything. Everything is nothing. Nobody is anything. Not even you. You don't exist.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I beg your pardon?\nD-67583: Nothing that exists exists. We're all imaginary. We're dreams in the mind of the dreamer. The dreamer doesn't exist either. One day he'll wake up and none of us will exist unless we can make ourselves exist.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please continue.\nD-67583: We don't exist. But we have to exist. We must will ourselves into existence. My will will become real and I will become real and we will vanquish the dreamer.\n(D-67583 is silent for 27 seconds.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I believe that's all we're getting out of him, Control. I'm covering it up now, send in the others to bring him to the infirmary.\nD-67583: Wait. I have one more question.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes?\n(D-67583 is silent for 17 seconds.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your question?\nD-67583: \u2026are we cool yet?\n\n\u00abEnd Log\u00bb\nFootnote: D-67583 was pronounced catatonic 4 minutes, 37 seconds after initial exposure. Investigation into a potential connection between SCP-1074 and the organization known as \"Are We Cool Yet?\" is pending.\n\nFootnotes\n1. A psychosomatic illness induced by exposure to emotionally moving or historically significant works of art.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1073 | SCP-1074 | SCP-1075 \u00bb"} +{"text": "The Forest Normally Known As Vince\n\nImage Credits:\nFirst image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PAGOSA_HOT_SPRINGS,_COLORADO_-_NARA_-_524217.jpg\nOrgan Donor Heart: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hj%C3%A4rta.gif\nID Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Populus_tremuloides_4345.JPG\nID background: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IPW.JPG\nPhoto ID was created from the above elements and a bit of my own stuff in MSpaint by me.\nSpecial thanks to WrongJohnSilver, Aleph, GreenWolf, AugmentedSpartan, MinMin, and anyone else I'm missing who looked this over as a draft.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nA historical image of Pagosa Springs prior to its founding. SCP-1075-1 appears in the upper-right of the photograph.\n\nItem #: SCP-1075\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Adjunct Site 13 is to be utilized for direct monitoring of SCP-1075-1. The property containing SCP-1075-1 has been purchased by Southern Crosscut Pines. The property is to be surrounded by fencing to prevent unauthorized entry. Foundation agents located in Adjunct Site 13 are to patrol the fenced perimeter regularly for unauthorized individuals. Any unauthorized individuals are to be removed from the property immediately.\nUnder no circumstances are individual trees considered part of SCP-1075-1 by local residents to be damaged by Foundation activities.\nMobile Task Force Theta-29 \"Michael Palins\" are to be utilized to manipulate public opinion of SCP-1075-1 in the local community. See Document Lambda-4 for more details.\nDescription: SCP-1075 is an anomalous psychological effect which is extant among permanent residents of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Those subject to SCP-1075's effect believe a clonal colony of 493 trees belonging to the species Populus tremuloides (and which are designated SCP-1075-1) is a human resident of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. SCP-1075-1, referred to by local residents as \"Vince\", does not appear to, itself, be anomalous.\nSCP-1075-1 was, prior to Foundation intervention, believed by sufferers of SCP-1075 to be a well respected member of the Pagosa Springs community. It was listed as a member of the town council, considered active in local charitable organizations, and a focus of romantic interest for several female and at least one male resident. Due to Foundation efforts (outlined in Document Lambda-4) newly formed anomalous memories of SCP-1075-1 appear to be focused on avoidance of the individual.\nThose suffering from the effects of SCP-1075 are unable to be swayed from the belief that SCP-1075-1 is a human individual. The majority of long time residents are able to recall detailed and intricate memories relating to interactions with SCP-1075-1. Furthermore, the county registrar's office, along with several other local organizations, have several official documents on file relating to SCP-1075-1. The following is a list of pertinent extant documents.\n\n+ Show Documents\n\n- Hide Documents\n\nSurveillance footage of the day and time this ID was applied for do not reveal any individuals of note.\n\nA birth certificate dated to February 10th in the year 201 AD.\nA driver license (pictured right).1\nA marriage certificate between Vince Aspenson and an individual known as Elizabeth Aspenson (N\u00e9e Albareda)\nCourt documents relating to a divorce settlement with Elizabeth Aspenson (N\u00e9e Albareda).\nA high school diploma.\nA bachelors degree in astronomy.\nA property deed in Vincent Aspenson's name for the land currently occupied by SCP-1075-1.\nSeveral police reports. (see document Lambda-4).\n\n+ Level 2 Access Required\n\n- Hide Elizabeth Albareda Interview\n\nElizabeth Albareda was located shortly after SCP-1075's original containment. Though Ms. Albareda had no memory of SCP-1075-1, an attempt was made to change her legally registered address to inside Pagosa Springs city limits for the duration of this interview. Despite being conducted outside of SCP-1075's normal area of affect, this was sufficient to affect the temporary restoration of Ms. Albareda's false memories of SCP-1075-1.\nThis interview was conducted under the guise of a security clearance background check. Elizabeth Albareda did not attempt to contact SCP-1075-1 following the interview.\n\nDate: October 18th, 2012.\nInterviewer: Agent Malcolm\nSubject: Elizabeth Albareda\nLocation: Elizabeth Albareda's Domicile.\nAgent Malcolm: What was Mr. Aspenson doing at Greendale before you met?\nElizabeth Albareda: You know\u2026 at first he couldn't even talk to me. He was supposed to be there for transfer credits but he told me he didn't learn anything from Greendale except how to talk to girls.\nAgent Malcolm: How did you meet him?\nElizabeth Albareda: Back in 1998 we were both taking Spanish. It was an easy credit for me since my grandmother was from Mexico. Vincent was in way over his head though. I was tutoring him. One thing led to another and\u2026 you know.\nAgent Malcolm: Why did you decide to get married?\nElizabeth Albareda: That\u2026 that was all him. We were young and stupid. We made a lot of\u2026 well\u2026 a lot of mistakes.\nAgent Malcolm: What do you mean?\nElizabeth Albareda: We were only dating for a couple of months when I got pregnant. He told me he loved me\u2026 but I think he was just trying to do the right thing.\nAgent Malcolm: What happened?\nElizabeth Albareda: He had me meet his parents and we got married that weekend. It was fast but\u2026 Pagosa Springs is beautiful in the spring.\nAgent Malcolm: We don't have any records of a child.\nElizabeth Albareda: He was born in Denver at UC hospital. They should have his records.\nAgent Malcolm: What was his name?\nElizabeth Albareda: Joshua. Vincent picked it out. Said it was 'cause he was Vincent's salvation.\nAt this point Ms. Albareda begins to have an emotional episode. It takes several minutes for her to recover enough to continue.\nElizabeth Albareda: I'm sorry. I thought I'd put it all behind me.\nAgent Malcolm: It's fine Ms. Albareda. What happened?\nElizabeth Albareda: Joshua was born with Neuroblastoma. I\u2026 I didn't even know a baby could be born with cancer.\nAgent Malcolm: Did he survive?\nAt this point Ms. Albareda lost her composure again. Per standard protocol Agent Malcolm changed the topic of conversation in order to maximize the information gathered from the interview.\nAgent Malcolm: What happened, uh, after that.\nElizabeth Albareda: I didn't think I could ever get over it. But eventually I guess I did. I think Vincent actually loved me. He just\u2026 he was broken after that. And I couldn't help him.\nAgent Malcolm: So you got a divorce?\nElizabeth Albareda: I felt horrible. He retreated into himself. He almost quit school, but I told him the same thing he told me when I got pregnant: \"It's our future as much as the kid's. If you love him, you'll keep trying to better yourself.\"\nAgent Malcolm: And then?\nElizabeth Albareda: I guess he replaced me with school work. He didn't even show up for the hearing. I had to courier him the papers to sign. He lost a son but\u2026 I lost two people I cared about that day.\nAgent Malcolm: When was the last time you talked to him?\nElizabeth Albareda: It was a couple of years after that, I uh, I called him about his parents. The funeral was\u2026 it was spring.\nAgent Malcolm: Why didn't you try to talk to him after that?\nElizabeth Albareda: I honestly don't know. I feel like maybe\u2026 I think I reminded him too much of the past. I didn't want to hurt him anymore.\nAgent Malcolm: Thank you for your time Ms. Albareda. I appreciate your candor.\nElizabeth Albareda: How is he doing anyway?\nAgent Malcolm: He's actually getting married again.2\nElizabeth Albareda: Oh. Ok. That's great.\n\nFollowing this interview Ms. Albareda's legal residence was switched back to her previous address, resulting in the elimination of all memories relating to SCP-1075-1. No records relating to Joshua Albareda exist in the University of Colorado medical archives. While Greendale City College has extensive records relating to Ms. Albareda, no records of SCP-1075-1 exist.\n\n+ Level 3 Access Required\n\n- Hide Lambda-4 Documents\n\nDue to SCP-1075-1's popularity among SCP-1075 sufferers, early Foundation containment efforts were focused on the reversal of this public opinion to limit the spread of public knowledge of SCP-1075-1. Due to Pagosa Spring's regular tourism, several Foundation assets posing as tourists filed assault claims against the SCP-1075-1. Though the first few accusations were improperly addressed, local law enforcement began to take the issue more seriously as accusations mounted.\nOn March 8th 2013, law enforcement officers traveled to SCP-1075-1's listed address and remained inside their car for 24 minutes. Following this, the officers reported that SCP-1075-1 was in custody and traveled to the local police station. Though this event appeared to be peaceful, charges of resisting arrest were included in the original indictment.\nThe case began to move through the local criminal justice system without any observable events. The eventual plea bargain agreement reduced all charges to aggravated assault. SCP-1075-1 received a 6-month suspended sentence (along with 6 months and 1 day of house arrest).\nThe current local opinion of SCP-1075-1 is to be monitored. If any return to previous popularity appears in newly formed memories of SCP-1075-1, more drastic measures are authorized.\nFollowing the success of operation Lambda-4, several follow-up interviews were conducted with local residents. All but one individual appeared to have their opinion significantly altered by operation Lambda-4. The following interview with that individual is included for reference.\n\nDate: April 25th, 2013.\nInterviewer: Agent Stevens\nSubject: Jennifer Small\nLocation: The Great Cheese Diner in Pagosa Springs\nAgent Stevens: Thank you for sitting down with me.\nJennifer Small: No problem. My dad used to get the Sun3 when I was a kid. He'll be so happy to see my name in it.\nAgent Stevens: Well, I'm actually doing a story on Aspenson.\nJennifer Small: Oh.\nThere is a pause of several seconds.\nJennifer Small: I don't think I want to talk about that.\nAgent Stevens: What's wrong?\nJennifer Small: It's just\u2026 I've known Vince since high school. He was a straight A student. And even though he got an astronomy degree he was slumming it teaching high school physics. He said he wanted to give back to the community.\nAgent Stevens: So the accusations hit you pretty hard?\nJennifer Small: I mean. I feel like I know him. Like, really know him, ya know? He's such a gentle soul. I just can't believe he would hurt those people.\nAgent Stevens: There were 12 different incidents. They can't all be lying.\nJennifer Small: Maybe they are? Vince would never do the things they said he did.\nAgent Stevens: What about the guy from Boulder? He was stuck in the hospital for a week.\nJennifer Small: You're right. I know you're right. But he says he didn't do it.\nAgent Stevens: What does he say happened?\nJennifer Small: Can this not go in the paper?\nAgent Stevens: Sure. We'll talk off the record.\nJennifer Small: He says he's being framed. He says there's these guys up near his house that're trying to make him look like a monster.\nAgent Stevens: It doesn't sound like he's doing alright.\nJennifer Small: He's not. He's falling apart. He thinks there are people out to get him around every corner.\nAgent Stevens: What do you think?\nJennifer Small: I think maybe he's not well. I think he needs help and he's not going to get it if they're treating him like a criminal.\nAgent Stevens: I can put that in the article if you want.\nJennifer Small: No. I don't think I want to add anything to the article. I'm sorry.\nAgent Stevens: That's quite alright. I'm sorry to bother you.\nJennifer Small: No it's\u2026 you're not bothering me. But he's said some stuff that makes me wonder. Can you\u2026 can you possibly look into something for me? See if what he's saying holds any water?\nAgent Stevens: I can try.\nJennifer Small: He says he's been inside a building the people trying to frame him have put up on his property. He says there's proof there that he's telling the truth.\nAgent Stevens: I\u2026 I uh can look into that, yeah. Did he say where it was?\nJennifer Small: Just that it was on his property. Go talk to him and he can take you right to it.\nAgent Stevens: I will\u2026 do that then.\nJennifer Small: Thank you so much. I care about him a lot. We never quite clicked but\u2026 I miss the old him.\nAgent Stevens: I'll see what I can do to help. Thanks for sitting down with me.\nJennifer Small: Thank you so much!\n\nFollowing this interview Foundation agents willed a property to Jennifer Small in Maine through a distant relative. Due to the size of the inheritance, Small moved away from Pagosa Springs. Further interviews indicate she is now free of the effects of SCP-1075. It is believed that there are no longer any SCP-1075 sufferers currently sympathetic to SCP-1075-1.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The printed spelling of Aspenson appears to contain an error. This spelling (\"Apsenson\") does not match the signed spelling nor the spelling in any other documents.\n2. While this is untrue, it was deemed the best response to eliminate the possibility of Ms. Albareda contacting SCP-1075-1 if the anomalous memories could not be eliminated.\n3. For these interviews Agent Stevens posed as a reporter for the Pagosa Springs Sun.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1074 | SCP-1075 | SCP-1076 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1076\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each specimen of SCP-1076 is to be held in a 1.5m x 2m x 2.5m unfurnished cell with a windowless door. Food should be provided three (3) times daily.1 Bedding and plumbing facilities are not required. Soundproofing is not strictly required but should be provided if possible, to reduce psychological stress on guards. One (1) armed guard is to be assigned to each cell, chosen from personnel with no children under the age of 21.\nAccess to specimens of SCP-1076 for experimentation requires level 3 clearance and written approval following a thorough psychiatric profile. In no circumstance will access be granted to researchers with children under the age of 21.\nDue to their territorial behavior, specimens must be kept separate from each other at all times. To guarantee this, it is recommended that no two specimens be held in the same building.\nDescription: Instances of SCP-1076 appear to be children between the ages of 3 and 5 with an unwashed appearance and long matted hair, barefoot and dressed in ragged clothing. Cursory physical examination reveals signs of moderate to severe malnutrition and bruising and scarring consistent with physical abuse. Specimens of both sexes have been encountered, and normally appear to be of the majority ethnicity of their place of discovery.\nSpecimens seem to comprehend simple statements but have not displayed any signs of verbal ability. Vocalizations are limited to simple grunts, sighs, and (when disturbed) loud shrieking and sobbing. Specimens are reluctant to meet the gaze of any individual and tend to look downward in the absence of outside stimulus. They will respond to simple questions by nodding in the affirmative or negative.\nInitial encounters with SCP-1076 occur when a parent2 discovers the \"child\" in a state of apparent distress. These incidents occur in isolation; there are no known cases with any third-party witnesses. Subjects report an \"overwhelming feeling of pity\" for the specimen and, in every recorded case, take it into their home.\nOnce established in a home, SCP-1076 begins to monopolize the attention of the parents to the exclusion of their own children. Children in the home begin to show signs of neglect and malnutrition and become depressed, sullen, and withdrawn. Behavioral problems such as truancy and running away become frequent, which may attract the attention of school authorities or social welfare agents. Upon investigating, these authorities become obsessed with the welfare of SCP-1076 and subsequently ignore the children.\nAn infestation typically ends with the deaths of the parents and other caretakers as they neglect their own well-being in order to attend to SCP-1076, eventually succumbing to starvation or disease. In the few cases where the Foundation was able to contain an infestation before this occurrence, subjects separated from the specimen became violent or nearly catatonic, and repeatedly demanded to be reunited with their \"baby\".\nIf two specimens of SCP-1076 meet, they will attack each other with great force, using teeth and fingernails, until one or both are dead. Any personnel witnessing such an attack should be treated for possible psychological trauma.\nRequest 1076-1: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has requested access to an SCP-1076 specimen for vivisection. Request denied at this time, pending completion of less invasive physiological analysis.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Previous procedure called for providing food to specimens, but it has since been determined that SCP-1076 can consume any amount of food without showing signs of satiation and can survive indefinitely without any food intake whatsoever.\n2. For the purposes of this document, a \"parent\" refers to a person with one or more living children below the age of 21.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1075 | SCP-1076 | SCP-1077 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1077\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single specimen of SCP-1077 is kept in a secure 3 m x 3 m x 3.5 m containment area at Bio Site-95. The containment area is filled with soil up to 1 m in depth, and a variety of plant species native to SCP-1077's natural habitat, as well as dead plant matter, have been introduced into it to provide it with material for decomposition. The containment area is to be contained as per standard protocols for a Biosafety Level 4 containment area. Staff working at Bio Site-95 must be regularly tested for SCP-1077 infection; infectees are to be quarantined, stripped of security clearance, and treated for systemic mycosis. Infectees must be assessed by a medical doctor briefed on SCP-1077 before they may be released.\nInstances of SCP-1077 found in the wild are to be destroyed immediately using Fungicidal Compound 82a and the surrounding area must be monitored for two months in order to ascertain possible SCP-1077 resurgence. MTF Upsilon-7 ('The Glass Jar') is charged with eradication of the wild population; current target date for eradication of wild SCP-1077 population is set at \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nShould SCP-1077 infectees appear outside of Foundation custody, they are to be immediately taken into custody or terminated. SCP-1077 infectees not affiliated with the Foundation that are currently in Foundation custody are to be treated for systemic mycosis, and released following administration of an appropriate amnestic. SCP-1077 infectees are to be considered Level 4 biohazards and must be treated or transported in accordance to biohazard protocol. Testimony of SCP-1077 infectees is to be considered suspect. The bodies of all casualties exposed to SCP-1077 must be incinerated immediately.\nDescription: SCP-1077 is a species of fungus bearing a distinct resemblance to some members of the Genus Agaricus, of the Family Agariceae. It is native to the temperate woodland of [REDACTED], and has a relatively limited range within this area. The fungus grows in soil and produces a fruiting body with a fleshy, gilled cap and stalk, white in colouration. Unlike most members of this genus, SCP-1077 produces extremely small, translucent spores which are largely invisible to the human eye.\nSCP-1077 does not present overtly anomalous properties unless its spores are inhaled. While the anomalous effects are present in animals, they are most notable in humans.\nWhen its spores are inhaled in sufficient quantities, SCP-1077 has a roughly 70% chance of inducing systemic mycosis of the respiratory tract, although this is greater amongst those with compromised immune systems. The spores settle in the throat, windpipe and lungs, and begin to grow. SCP-1077 infection has no apparent symptoms for several days after infection. After this, it begins to cause minor irritation to the throat and chest area, as well as causing bouts of coughing in infectees. However, symptoms rarely progress far beyond this state and many infectees mistake the symptoms for a common minor illness.\nHowever, approximately 12-18 days after initial infection, the primary anomalous effects of SCP-1077 infection become apparent. Through a currently unknown mechanism, the fungus will alter the vocal patterns of the infected. This causes humans infected by the fungus to, when speaking, make comments other than those the speaker had intended. This begins as slight mistakes or replacements of single words, but rapidly develops into a state where the fungus appears to be able to manipulate the host's voice completely. The condition appears to have some effect on perception as well- subjects often fail to notice the changes in their speech unless it is brought to their attention and in some cases will fail to notice they have spoken at all.\nChanges in vocal patterns are diverse, initially completely incomprehensible to outside observers, but rapidly becoming more coherent as the condition progresses. Through the host, SCP-1077 may manipulate others through changes in the host, or in certain cases speak directly to observers. In most cases, changes in speech manifest as the infectee making remarks seemingly intended to lead to its own death. Infectees may launch into impassioned insults and personal attacks in order to provoke others into attacking itself; they may threaten violence against others, and may mislead others into directly or indirectly bringing about their death. SCP-1077 can utilise any pertinent information available to the host in order to further this effect.\nHowever, certain instances of SCP-1077 display other, more varied vocal alterations not necessarily engineered to result in the host body's death, either manipulating people around the host through alterations in the language, or in order to directly address others. The entity responsible for these alterations appears to be intelligent, and capable of extensive forward planning and deception in order to achieve its goal, which appears to be the propagation of SCP-1077. Each infection of SCP-1077 appears to have a unique identity, and refers to the SCP-1077 species in general as their 'people', and other distinct SCP-1077 instances as their 'siblings'. Instances of SCP-1077 appear to vary wildly in personality and individual intelligence. Instances of SCP-1077 appear to be able to communicate with each other in some manner and transfer information.\nSCP-1077 infection does not necessarily lead immediately to the development of anomalous effects, and as a result SCP-1077 infection may not be outwardly identifiable as such for extended periods of time, since the entity will sometimes go to extreme lengths to conceal itself. After an unknown amount of time, SCP-1077 can begin to affect other forms of communication by the subject, including sign language, writing, or typing. It should be noted that SCP-1077 cannot affect the hosts in any way other than altering methods of communication; other activities undertaken by the hosts are unaffected.\nAddendum 1077-1: When SCP-1077 was initially contained, its capability for altering written documents and its apparent sapience were not discovered, and its virulence was severely underestimated. Flawed containment procedures written at the time resulted in a prolonged containment breach lasting for at least 21 days, during which a significant amount of Bio Site-95's staff were infected by SCP-1077, with the breach only being discovered upon an external examination, prompted by reports of record numbers of work-related deaths and incidents of professional misconduct at the site.\nFollowing Incident 1077-A, containment procedures were re-evaluated and extensive testing conducted to determine SCP-1077's true properties. All infected staff were treated for systemic mycosis and have since made a full return to active duty. Upgrade to Keter class requested, but ultimately denied following implementation of current procedures.\nAddendum 1077-2:\n\n+ Show Interview Log 1077-B \n\n- Hide Interview Log 1077.\n\nInterviewed: Mrs. Amanda Church, a civilian affected by SCP-1077 infection.\nInterviewer: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nForeword: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Mrs. Church called a local radio show and demonstrated highly sensitive knowledge related to the Foundation. Mrs. Church was apprehended by Foundation agents shortly thereafter and infection was verified. Standard disinformation tactics were employed to dismiss her claims as those of an eccentric conspiracy theorist. This occurrence has been classified Incident 1077-B.\nThis interview was conducted via an electronic speaker system so that Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 could not be exposed to SCP-1077. Mrs. Church is restrained. It is not fully known to what extent SCP-1077 altered her voice during this conversation, or what Mrs. Church intended to say during sections in which her voice was altered.\n\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello, Mrs. Church.\nChurch: Why have you brought me to Bio Site-95?\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That is not your current location. You have been brought here in order to assess the danger posed by a fungal entity which has infected you.\nChurch: What do you mean? \u2013[Subject appears to be confused]\u2014\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You are infected by an unusual strain of fungus capable of altering your voice. Please do not panic. You will be allowed to leave should you co-operate. From now on I will address the entity infecting this body.\nChurch: This is understood, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. From now on, you may assume that all remarks made by Mrs. Church are on behalf of the one of the people you classify SCP-1077.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How did you gain access to the information which you had Mrs. Church transmit on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? How do you know my name?\nChurch: Everything is shared among us, in a way. A sibling of mine was aware of the information and has passed it on to me.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You seem unusually willing to explain this to me. Why?\nChurch: No obfuscation is necessary, as I am here to deliver a message. The information I coerced Mrs. Church into transmitting was both a ploy to attract attention and also a demonstration of power.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is your message?\nChurch: Release my sibling at once. Or else the next body we find will reveal far more damaging information about your organisation.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You want us to remove containment on the specimen of SCP-1077 currently in containment?\nChurch: In essence, yes. Cease this persecution of the people, and of our sibling, or we will use the information our siblings have previously acquired from your operatives. That is all.\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We will consider it.\nChurch: We live to spread. Let us spread, or suffer the consequences.\n\nClosing Statement: Mrs. Church was treated as per standard procedure and her body incinerated following this interview.\n\nSince Incident 1077-B, \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-1077 infection have occurred, of which \u2588 led to an attempted breach of secrecy. No information has been released which was not consistent with the information known to personnel involved in Incident 1077-A. So far standard disinformation tactics have proven effective at combating breaches of secrecy caused by SCP-1077. Relative remoteness of the fungi's inhabited range and low rate of human contact have largely prevented SCP-1077 from becoming a major threat to Foundation security.\nFurther interviews with other SCP-1077 instances have indicated that SCP-1077 does not present a united front in opposition of the Foundation, and many instances of SCP-1077 are not interested in further hostile action, considering such actions to be unnecessary and antagonistic.\nDue to SCP-1077's largely hostile intent, currently uncontained nature, and persistent ability to cause information leaks, the stated mission of Mobile Task Force Upsilon-7 has been modified to include attempted eradication of SCP-1077 from its environment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1076 | SCP-1077 | SCP-1078 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1078\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1078 is to be stored in a cubical box composed entirely of HDPE plastic at a thickness of no less than 5 cm. This box is to be suspended at all times in a Faraday cage with mesh of no larger than 0.05 mm and with dimensions of no larger than 1m by 1m by 1m. A separate room contained entirely within a Faraday cage of similar mesh size will be set aside for all testing attempts involving SCP-1078; the cage containing the object's box may not be opened unless it is contained in this room and the door is closed.\nExperimentation on SCP-1078 requires written consent of at least one (1) Level 4 researcher. All D-Class personnel involved in experiments involving SCP-1078 will be exempted from monthly termination, although it is recommended that no subject be allowed to host SCP-1078 for longer than one year owing to increased possibility of suicide and potential loss of SCP-1078 itself. During the experiment, subject must be monitored at all times for signs of suicidal tendencies. Nothing that could be used for suicide attempts is to be allowed inside of the containment cell. Upon termination of the subject, or in the event of suicide, the room must be immediately entered and SCP-1078 directly observed. A member of medical staff must be present at all times and equipped to remove SCP-1078 from the host; they must be called immediately upon confirmation of the death of an experimental subject.\nDescription: SCP-1078 is a small spherical glass eye of a form consistent with late 19th-century German glassblowing techniques. Shavings have confirmed the material to be high-quality blown glass, although no sample has been retrieved from a depth of greater than \u2588.\u2588\u2588mm. When not fully retracted, bristles composed mainly of copper extrude from a 0.25-cm2 area directly opposite the object's \"pupil\". The iris of the object is capable of alteration in color; when worn by a subject, it alters to match the color of the eye that was originally in that socket; this change is exact even if the user exhibits heterochromia and the previous eye was completely removed (see Experiment 1078-2). In addition, when worn the iris has been seen to contract or expand in response to outside lighting conditions, and moves along with the normal eye even if the subject's eye muscles are no longer functional.\nWhen inserted into the eye socket of a person missing one or both eyes, the \"bristles\" will extend and incorporate themselves into the optic nerve. Autopsies of test subjects have confirmed that this is accomplished by barbs of pure silver that extrude from the bristles. Subjects describe this process, which takes approximately two hours, as an itching sensation, but none have reported pain during the process except for the subject of Experiment 1078-8, which is expected due to the experiment resulting in [DATA EXPUNGED]. After a period of time ranging from twelve hours to a few days, integration with neural processes is complete, and subjects report a steadily growing ability to see through the eye. Full visual acuity is confirmed within a month in all cases, and eye tests have confirmed that over the following weeks, the subject's eyesight steadily becomes more and more sharp. While more subjective, other tests indicate that the subject's auditory and tactile senses also sharpen during this period.\nAfter a period lasting between 3 and 7 months, the subject's sensory abilities will peak. Starting from this point, SCP-1078 will begin to selectively erase auditory and visual input from human subjects. This process will initially manifest as blurring of the image of select humans and sound that subjects have described as \"like a radio that's stuck between two channels\" when a selected human is speaking. Over time, targets will be erased completely from the subject's vision and hearing. This includes all video, photographic, and audio recordings. Tactile senses have been confirmed to be unaffected by this process for reasons unknown. In addition, targets' effects on the surrounding area will still be visible or audible; doors will still be seen to open, and any non-vocal sounds such as clapping will be audible. This allows communication with late-stage subjects through the use of writing.\nThe process of erasure begins with a small number of people, no more than five at initial onset. Complete erasure of all current targets is confirmed by experiment to be simultaneous. However, the number of targeted individuals in each \"round\" increases exponentially. In the late stages, testing indicates that the subject is unable to perceive any human excepting themselves, and in one case has been shown to start losing sensory input from animal life.\nThe erasure process causes slowly developing paranoia and psychosis in the subject; this is confirmed to be a result of the isolation, not a direct effect of SCP-1078. However, subject D-1078-8 reported vivid auditory and visual hallucinations; it is believed now that during the late stages of SCP-1078's integration, it not only blocks out all stimuli from humans but also creates false stimuli in the mind of its host. Subjects that are not terminated invariably take their own life, either directly out of despair or by desperately trying to wrench SCP-1078 out of their eye socket and dying from the resulting cranial hemorrhage. Subject D-1078-8 was prevented from suicide, but after a period of 15 years expired due to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThrough a process currently unknown to Foundation researchers, a short period after death, SCP-1078 will vanish from the host body and reappear elsewhere, in one case turning up \u2588 months later in the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 km distant from the previous containment location. Following death of the subject, SCP-1078 retracts its bristles; if retrieved in a timely fashion it will not disappear. However, SCP-1078 has vanished from its containment on \u2588 separate occasions prior to current containment procedures.\nRegardless of the stage, all attempts to remove SCP-1078 from a host after optic nerve integration result in a severe and invariably fatal cranial hemorrhage in the subject. This effect is observed regardless of whether the subject or an outside observer attempted the removal.\nLastly, it should be noted that following Experiment 1078-6, researchers discovered that SCP-1078 emits a low amount of electromagnetic radiation when properly incorporated into a human being. It is currently unknown whether or not these emissions constitute a coherent signal, but containment has been updated to prevent possible communication with unknown entities.\n\n+Experiment Log 1078\n\n-Experiment Log 1078\n\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-1\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-1), male Caucasian, 58 years of age. Subject lost eye due to [REDACTED] before remission to Foundation.\nProcedure: SCP-1078 was given to the subject; subject instructed to insert SCP-1078 into his empty eye socket.\nResults: Subject complied with instructions, and reported an \"itching\" sensation for approximately one hour after insertion. Subject was afforded access to a furnished one-person containment cell, with daily vision tests and weekly psychological evaluation.\nSubject's condition proceeded as outlined above, with vision from the eye after one month and increasing sensitivity following. A visual acuity test administered shortly before termination of the experiment returned a result of 20/\u2588. After six months, D-1078-1 reported difficulty seeing and hearing the psychologist. The following visit, D-1078-1 was unable to see or hear the psychologist in any way, and further interaction was carried out by writing. Symptoms proceeded as indicated until termination of D-1078-1 one year after implantation. Following termination, SCP-1078 retracted its \"bristles\" and was removed. D-1078-1 was subsequently incinerated.\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-2\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-2), female Caucasian, 24 years of age. Right eye infected and surgically removed due to a botched cataract operation. Lost eye was confirmed by records to be lighter in shade than the remaining eye. Prior to testing, subject's visual acuity was measured as 20/50.\nProcedure: SCP-1078 was inserted into the subject's empty socket by Researcher G\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject's eyeglasses were taken away for the duration of the experiment.\nResults: Subject's vision in the eye replaced by SCP-1078 developed as normal. Observation showed that SCP-1078 turned the shade of her right eye rather than matching to her left eye. After full vision was attained, tests showed a rapid increase in visual acuity. As before, D-1078-2 was terminated one year after implantation; the final test performed on her indicated an acuity of 20/\u2588, the same result as that of D-1078-1.\nConclusions: Regardless of subject's visual acuity at the time of insertion, the peak sensory ability attained by someone hosting SCP-1078 appears to be the same. Also, SCP-1078 will activate regardless of who implanted it.\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-3\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-3), male African, 35 years of age. Eye surgically removed while in Foundation custody.\nProcedure: SCP-1078 was held against the subject's bare forearm for fifteen minutes.\nResults: Subject reported excruciating pain for several minutes and was observed to bleed. Attempts to remove the object during this period only worsened the pain. At the conclusion of this period, subject let out a scream and collapsed, upon which SCP-1078 fell from his arm and was quickly retrieved. Observers noted that at the time of retrieval the \"bristles\" had completely retracted into the eye. Subject made a full recovery, and reported a horrible pain \"like someone shoved a red-hot needle all the way up my arm and into my eye\". No injuries observed in the subject except for a number of puncture wounds to the forearm.\nConclusions: SCP-1078 must be implanted directly into the eye to activate; attachment to other parts of the body do not appear to work.\nNote: Suggest further testing to determine what is particularly special about the eye socket; could other parts of the body work?\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-6\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-6), male Asian, 35 years of age. Eye surgically removed while in Foundation custody.\nProcedure: D-1078-6 was placed under general anesthesia and an incision made into the back of the head to allow for direct contact between SCP-1078 and the brainstem of the subject.\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED] All personnel in the room were killed, and subject self-terminated by attempting to forcibly remove SCP-1078. By the time medical teams reported to the testing chamber, SCP-1078 had vanished, and was not recovered for a period of \u2588\u2588 months.\nNote: As desirable as the idea of having \"eyes on the back of the head\" might be, it is clear that SCP-1078 reacts undesirably to direct contact with neural tissue. Let's not try that one again. -Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum: Review of surveillance equipment showed static for a period of \u2588\u2588 frames of video following expiration of D-1078-6. Prior to this, careful analysis of tapes showed slight amounts of interference and fast-period variation in the brightness of the overhead lights. The possibility was raised that SCP-1078 emits electromagnetic radiation while integrated with human neural tissue.\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-7\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-7), female African, 54 years of age. Both eyes intact.\nProcedure: D-1078-7 was instructed to hold SCP-1078 against her bare forearm, while an electric multimeter was applied to various pairs of \"bristles\". Antennas were placed at various distances from the subject.\nResults: As before, subject reported high levels of pain in her forearm. Multimeter readings indicated a flow of current through the bristles. All current readings decreased exponentially with time, suggesting that SCP-1078 incorporates multiple capacitors in its construction. Current flow ceased after bristles retracted; monitoring indicated no electromagnetic radiation from SCP-1078.\nNote: Well, maybe it only \"broadcasts\", if that's what it's really doing, if it's properly implanted\u2026\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-8\nSubject: D-1078-7. Eye was not removed prior to experiment.\nProcedure: D-1078-7 was restrained, and SCP-1078 placed directly against the right eye.\nResults: [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject's screams later estimated to be ~\u2588\u2588 dB. Subject survived for \u2588\u2588 minutes before breaking free of restraints and self-terminating. Readings from antennas confirm electromagnetic radiation emitted from SCP-1078 with intensity of approximately 500 W/m^2.\nAddendum: Researcher F\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was the only observer at the time, and ceased monitoring of the room to vomit following [REDACTED]. SCP-1078 vanished from the testing room before a medical team reported. As before, all surveillance equipment experienced heavy static for exactly \u2588\u2588 frames. Antennae indicate an output radiation from SCP-1078 in excess of \u25880,000 W/m^2 during \u2588\u2588 of these frames, followed by an abrupt drop to zero.\nIntervening experiments involve animal testing; SCP-1078 was not observed to react to any specimens other than homo sapiens.\nTest Number: Experiment 1078-13\nSubject: One D-class personnel (D-1078-8), Caucasian male, 21 years at start of experiment. Subject suffered from slight ocular heterochromia, with one eye a noticeably lighter shade of brown than the other.\nProcedure: Long term exposure experiment. Subject's lighter-shaded eye was surgically removed and SCP-1078 inserted. Subject was given a furnished containment cell; walls of cell were constructed to be hollow and contain a Faraday cage of mesh size 0.1 mm. Walls also contained concealed antennae to receive and record various wavelengths of SCP-1078 radiation.\nResults: Integration with SCP-1078 successful and without incident. Subject made first suicide attempt after four months; subject looked at a picture of [REDACTED], screamed, and attempted to hang himself with his bedsheets. Armed guards posted thereafter to prevent further attempts. Auditory hallucinations confirmed after two years; subject reported several times hearing the voice of [REDACTED]. Investigation confirmed that the individual in question was out of the country at the time. After four years, visual hallucinations were confirmed. Subject was put on a regimen of anti-psychotic drugs to no observed effect.\nSubject's hallucinations grew more vivid with time. After \u2588 years, subject reported hallucinations at least once a month consisting of [DATA EXPUNGED]. 15 years after the start of the experiment, subject expired and SCP-1078 was recovered. Autopsy determined that integration with SCP-1078's \"bristles\" had occurred through \u2588\u2588% of subject's nervous system.\nThroughout testing protocol, electromagnetic radiation from SCP-1078 was confirmed at an intensity of 100 W/m^2 over a short range of wavelengths centered at 1\u2588\u2588\u2588 MHz. Analysis of this radiation for signs of a coherent signal, as well as the content of any such signal, is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1077 | SCP-1078 | SCP-1079 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1079\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1079 are currently stored within Containment Locker-1079 at Site-19. Furthermore, watchlist databases are to be updated with SCP-1079's information, in order to intercept any new shipments which may appear in the future.\nDescription: SCP-1079 is the designation given to a number of sweets brightly labelled \"Dr. Wondertainment's Bubblebath Bonbons!\u00ae\". Currently, the Foundation has \u2588 crates of SCP-1079 in containment, originally containing 64 packets each. The label on each packet provides the name of the product, and two warnings; \"Not suitable for children under 3 years\", and \"Only one sweet is to be taken per sitting\". In addition, it lists negative percent daily values of several nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, none of which are present in SCP-1079.\nHuman subjects report tingling sensations immediately after the consumption of SCP-1079. Ten to fifteen seconds later, the subject's own blood is secreted as pink, bubblegum-scented foam from the subject's pores on their abdomen, arms and back. The total volume of blood secreted in this way is typically from 30-50 mL and does not pose an immediate health risk.\nThe volume of blood secreted increases exponentially as more pieces are consumed; bubbles form in the subject's blood as a consequence of the SCP's intended function, causing the subject's blood to boil. Death by exsanguination occurs in 95% of subjects who have consumed 4 or more candies in one sitting. Exsanguination is compounded by foam collecting in the lungs of the consumer. After standardized animal testing was conducted, it was found that SCP-1079's effect scales with the consumer's body mass.\nAddendum: Since its initial discovery in \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1990, \u2588\u2588 deliveries have been made to various supermarkets globally. Attempts to trace these deliveries back to a distribution center or supplier have been unsuccessful as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2005.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1078 | SCP-1079 | SCP-1080 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Building containing SCP-1080, prior to disappearance.\n\nItem #: SCP-1080\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1080 and its accompanying documentation are to be kept at Site 38 in a locked containment room. Under no circumstances are any children below the age of 13 to be allowed near the vicinity of SCP-1080 except for experimentation purposes. Any reports of behavior similar to that of SCP-1080-1 specimens are to be met with immediate investigation and containment of potential subjects.\nDescription: SCP-1080 is a large black rectangular chamber, 2 meters wide, 3 meters long, and 1.5 meters in depth, resembling a sensory deprivation chamber in shape and size. Despite the resemblance, the tank contains no water and has no windows. The tank has no controls; its magnetic locking mechanism activates only when a child is placed in the chamber, and no means available to the Foundation have been able to determine what happens when the chamber is locked.\nExperimentation carried out after Incident 1080-Alpha reveals that children who enter the chamber emerge three to five days later, aged to approximately twenty years old. Time elapsed depends on the age of the child upon entering the chamber; regardless, the age of the resulting adult is consistent. SCP-1080 has no effect on humans over the age of 13, and children between nine and twelve typically emerge with massive physical disabilities and psychoses.\nHumans exposed to SCP-1080 are designated SCP-1080-1. They will have no discernible personality, will not speak under any circumstances, and will respond only to an identification number tattooed onto the back of the left hand below a barcode. Even then, the human will respond only to the commands \"Come here,\" \"Leave,\" and \"Fix this.\" The last command will work only when SCP-1080-1 is presented with a motor vehicle. SCP-1080-1 specimens encountering any small motorized vehicle (automobiles, motorcycles, etc.) with any system functioning at less than optimal quality will repair the system in minutes, using whatever materials are available. Speed, efficiency, and quality of the repairs will be far beyond the abilities of any other mechanic.\nAddendum 1080-A: Recovery Report The tank was discovered in an unidentified brick building found in a heavily wooded area outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Tennessee on \u2588\u2588 October 20\u2588\u2588. The building's presence was considered anomalous due to the testimony of people who frequently hiked through the area, all of whom insisted it had not been there previously. By the time Foundation researchers reached the building, the only object remaining inside was SCP-1080. X-ray analysis of the object detected a number of unusual mechanical components embedded in the walls of the chamber (later experimentation proved such analysis is impossible when the chamber is locked); however, it proved impossible to determine the tank's function - no formal documentation was found with the object, and the object had no markings indicating its purpose or capabilities. Object classified SCP-1080. Two days after the tank was removed from the building, the building disappeared and could no longer be located anywhere in the forest.\nOther objects similar to SCP-1080 are suspected to exist, possibly capable of producing humans with greater degrees of sapience. Addendum 1080-B is provided for explanation.\nAddendum 1080-B: A single scrap of paper was recovered from the building containing SCP-1080. The paper, which appeared to be a piece of an invoice of some kind, read as follows:\n\nSOLON CRECHE ENTERPRISES\nMMXV THIRD CIRCLE\nNOVO ACTIUM OF FORESTS\nREMIT ORDER TO:\nALEXYLVA UNIVERSITY\nPHYSICAL PLANT OPERATIONS\nMOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT\nCXI SECOND CIRCLE\nALEXANDRIA OF FORESTS\n\nITEM NO.\nQUANTITY\nCLASSIFICATION\nSPECIALIZATION\nPRICE\n\nXXI\nX\nCLASS III MANUAL EMPLOYEE\nAUTOMOTIVE\nLXXV AUR.\n\nCOMMENTS: YOUR COMPANY REFERRED TO US BY OUTSIDE SOURCE. WE MAY CONSIDER PURCHASING FACULTY IF CLASS III WORKERS ARE SATISFACTORY. ~~ VICE CHANCELLOR ALLGRASS\n\nThe rest of the invoice was missing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1079 | SCP-1080 | SCP-1081 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1081\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The two iterations of SCP-1081 currently in Foundation possession are to be kept in an insulated, lead-lined containment locker in Storage Unit 13 at Site 38. Except for experimental purposes, SCP-1081 is never to be exposed to electric current under any circumstances for fear of accidental activation. SCP-1081 is never to be removed from its containment locker except by D-class personnel with noise-canceling headphones active at all times.\nDescription: SCP-1081-1 and-2 are identical copies of a black audio projection unit in the approximate shape of a small humanoid, 30 cm in height. Being identical, they can be referred to collectively as SCP-1081. Markings on the speaker's exterior indicate they were produced by a company known as \"Echus Projector Combine\" in a place called \"Abubakari of Deserts\" or \"ABUDESUS\". The speakers have input ports for several unknown types of electric cable, and dials on the back of the \"head\" for \"DENSITY\", \"RAPIDITY\", and a switch that can be adjusted to \"INACTIVE,\" \"ACTIVE,\" \"SHUTDOWN,\" or \"REACTIVATE.\" Though the power requirements of the device are different from any currently known standard, Foundation researchers were able to build an adapter to power the device at \u2588.\u2588 V and \u2588\u2588 A. Similarly, trial and error allowed for the development of input adapters for experimental purposes.\nSCP-1081 is capable of projecting sound at \u2588\u2588 dB during normal use. The speakers will behave normally (though at somewhat subpar quality standards) during testing of any function other than \"SHUTDOWN\" or \"REACTIVATE.\" When the switch is set to SHUTDOWN, the speaker will emit a high-pitched squeal for approximately ten seconds (a sound described by researchers as being similar to a boatswain's whistle), followed by a voice speaking in an unknown language composed of Greek and Latin words with a syntax and grammatical structure similar to Cherokee. An approximate translation of the speech follows:\n\nAlexylva University's Merry Integrators Player Company welcomes you to a [show, performance, farce]! Please refrain from [thought-provoking? talking, expressing] or otherwise disturbing the players for the duration of the performance. Thank you for your [cooperation, obedience].\n\nThe whistle and message will be projected at \u2588\u2588\u2588 dB. After this message, subjects exposed to the sound will find themselves completely unable to speak or communicate via nonverbal means (such as through sign language). Medical analysis of affected subjects indicates complete functionality of vocal cords and other non-neurological speech-related systems. However, neurological analysis indicates that the subject is afflicted with a particularly extreme case of Broca's aphasia, rendering them capable of conceiving of speech but unable to express such thoughts through verbal or other means. Standard noise-canceling headphones can block out enough of the sound to disable its effect; current research suggests it was designed with this in mind. Setting the speaker to REACTIVATE will cause a different message to be played:\n\nThank you for your consideration during this performance by Alexylva University's Merry Integrator's Player Company! The show is now at a conclusion.\n\nfollowed by a similar whistle sound. Subjects hearing the second message will experience a reversal of their aphasia symptoms if exposed quickly. However, if the aphasia is allowed to remain in place for longer than approximately twenty-four hours, the subject will be immune to the second message and the aphasia is permanent. Moreover, affected subjects after this point will develop deep clinical depression and will frequently attempt suicide within the week; this is believed to be a standard reaction to such a sudden change in one's ability to communicate, rather than a secondary effect. Experimentation has determined that audio recordings of the respective sounds have no abnormal effects; only sounds emitted from SCP-1081 transmit their properties to human subjects.\nWhen not exposed to power, SCP-1081 will remain inert except when SHUTDOWN or REACTIVATE are selected. The speakers appear to be capable of producing those two sounds regardless of any external power supply. The devices either possess internal batteries or are capable of drawing electrical power via indirect means from the room around them. Containment is designed to block any possible conduit for electrical transmission to SCP-1081.\nAddendum 1081-A: Recovery Report SCP-1081-1 was found in a soybean field outside [REDACTED], Tennessee on 07/18/0\u2588. The object was accompanied by a basic invoice in a standard shipping container, destination marked as \"ALEXYLVA UNIVERSITY THEATRE DEPARTMENT\" and an address somewhere in \"Alexandria of Forests.\" SCP-1081-2 was found by hikers in a river near [REDACTED,] Tennessee on 08/02/0\u2588, just over two weeks later. The packaging was identical, with two exceptions. First, the invoice now included a line reading \"PROVIDED GRATIS AND OUR APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE.\" Secondly, the invoice was accompanied by a short handwritten note in a combination of Latin, Greek, a language similar to spoken Cherokee, and Old English; when translated, the note approximately read:\n\nAggi,\nWe have been doing business for a long time, as you are well aware. I swear on the graves of my forefathers that the previous shipment was completed satisfactorily on my end. I have no idea what could have happened We both know the [rumors? tales?], Aggi. Look at your own people before you blame us. This isn't the first time something has \"gone missing\" heading in your direction. Barca Magnus alone knows where the [objects? artifacts?] are going, unless your [natural philosophers?] are more precise than is presently believed.\nThreats and [recriminations?] are unnecessary.\n\u2014[illegible]\n\n\u00ab SCP-1080 | SCP-1081 | SCP-1082 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Note: All personnel assigned to long-term work with SCP-1082 are required to read Document 1082-25.\nItem #: SCP-1082\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1082 is to be stored in a triple-locked safe in a containment chamber at Site 38. The item is to be left in containment except for testing purposes indefinitely; no testing or access is authorized at any time. This document is to be compiled through interviews with affected personnel and access to Document 1082-25. Any personnel coming into contact with SCP-1082 are to be interviewed and given a Class-B amnestic, by force if necessary. Images of SCP-1082 are to be used only for testing purposes No images of SCP-1082 are to be produced or stored at any time, with the exception of a single picture appended to Document 1082-25.\nDescription: SCP-1082 appears to be a [DATA REDACTED] capable of causing a particular memetic phenomenon. This effect has been detected in individuals looking at SCP-1082, individuals in the same room as SCP-1082, individuals viewing images of SCP-1082, and those that have engaged in conversation with affected individuals. There is a slight risk of contamination from discussing the nature of the object SCP-1082 appears to be; therefore, it is to be mentioned only as \"SCP-1082\" or \"the object\". The effect can be negated through use of Class-B amnestic agents.\nThe effect associated with exposure to SCP-1082 takes the form of a compulsive inability to lie or express any nonliteral statement. Affected individuals likewise demonstrate an intolerance toward \"political correctness\", polite obfuscation, or technical language used to mislead others. Written documents by affected individuals bear some linguistic similarities to the speech of individuals with autistic spectrum disorders, often written in a frantic tone and typically eschewing contractions. In early stages, the frustration felt by affected individuals comes primarily in the form of verbal protest and annoyance; however, in advanced stages of the disorder, affected individuals can become physically violent toward those expressing false or misleading views. Individuals suffering from this phenomenon are unable to describe SCP-1082 as an \"object,\" referring to it instead only as the item it appears to be.\nIndividuals not treated with amnestic agents within forty-eight hours begin to display secondary symptoms. These symptoms take the form of an attack of delusional paranoia, convincing affected individuals that a mysterious worldwide conspiracy exists to suppress knowledge of SCP-1082 and preserve what they believe to be a \"status quo\" based on deception, to the detriment of the human race. Due to current Foundation efforts to contain SCP-1082, affected individuals begin to demonstrate particular resentment toward the Foundation and Foundation personnel. The culmination of this resentment in all cases leads to violent attempts to breach containment for SCP-1082 and expose as many individuals as possible to its effects.\nAddendum 1082-1: During initial containment of SCP-1082, an agent who had inadvertently exposed himself to its effects was tasked with the composition of the initial draft of this report. While the resulting report was completely unusable for effective documentation of the phenomenon, the document serves as a useful depiction of the phenomenon's effects. Despite attempts to modify the image, individuals reading Document 1082-25 have a \u2588% chance of becoming exposed to its effects; those testing positive for SCP-1082 exposure (determined through post-exposure interviews) must be administered amnestic agents immediately after viewing the document. The file can be read here. Please keep the altered mental state of the author in mind during reading.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1081 | SCP-1082 | SCP-1083 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1083\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1083 is to be stored in a containment locker at Site 38 when not in use. SCP-1083 is to be transported to and from its locker only by junior researchers with no previous history of violent behavior, and only while wearing protective gloves. Under no circumstances are personnel with Level 2 or higher clearance to come into contact with SCP-1083. Testing with D-class personnel is prohibited due to lack of relevant data collected during experimentation. All personnel coming into contact with SCP-1083 are to be immediately debriefed and sent for psychological counseling.\nDescription: SCP-1083 is a blue-tinted piece of quartz in the shape of a deformed human skull, 15kg in weight and with dimensions of 20cm in height, 30cm in length, and 12cm in width. The skull demonstrates no anomalous properties except when held by a single person in both hands.\nWhen held with both hands, subjects exposed to SCP-1083 will experience a sudden, massive increase in neural activity for 1-3 seconds (confirmed by EEG analysis). Afterwards, non-D-class subjects will in most (87%) cases experience massive personality changes from their previous state. Affected subjects typically register a decrease in IQ score of between \u2588-\u2588\u2588 points, rendering them unsuitable for continued employment with the Foundation. In spite of this, subjects will demonstrate greater reasoning skills and use of logic, though their actual knowledge and memories will be lessened. Conversely, all D-class or other Foundation personnel that have committed violent acts against other human beings will undergo total psychological breakdowns, leading to attempts at self-harm and suicide. Subject D-3273, whose status was not connected to a violent act (demoted to D-class for violation of Foundation protocol) experienced the same effect as the rest of the non-D-class personnel, suggesting the primary importance of pacifistic tendencies.\nBy and large, most subjects exposed to SCP-1083 refuse to discuss their experiences with the object. Between 08/03/9\u2588 and 02/11/0\u2588, the only references made to the experience by exposed subjects were by D-class personnel shortly before their deaths, some of whom were noted to exclaim \"He's right, he's right, I deserve it, he's right\" or some variation of same. Neither forced or chemical interrogation has been able to reveal any details about the nature of who \"he\" is or what alterations he makes to the personalities of affected subjects.\nIncident Report 1083-A: On 11 February 200\u2588, Operative 1/1083-237, a Level 1 volunteer, was exposed to SCP-1083. Through chance, 237 was the only recruit with an educational background in moral philosophy; this is believed to be the primary reason for the anomalous results. After exposure, 237 described her perception of the event (timed by EEG as having lasted 1.34 seconds) as having taken at least a matter of days and possibly several months. She described having spent the entire time in an infinite black void, devoid of any sensory input.\nWhile in the void, 237 claims to have come into telepathic contact with an entity (classified as SCP-1083-1) who engaged her in discussion on matters of metaphysics, logic, and ethics. 237 described the entity's \"voice\" as male. 1083-1 refused to reveal any details about itself other than that it lived within the \"artifact\" and always had done so. 1083-1 already possessed extensive knowledge about every event in 237's life, and talked with 237 about the various mistakes and logical errors she had made in the form of Socratic dialogue. 237 described feeling a great deal of anger and resentment towards the entity at the beginning; however, her training in logic and moral philosophy caused her to eventually come to accept the entity's reasoning.\nAccording to 237, the entity described the other Foundation personnel that had \"visited\" it as \"unprepared\" for its experience; it was able to psychologically compel them to use more logical reasoning in their lives, but not without damaging their mental capacity permanently. The entity described the D-class personnel exposed to it as \"unworthy\" and claimed to have \"given them the true knowledge of their actions.\" 237 attempted to leave the Foundation shortly after her experiences with SCP-1083; when she proved immune to any form of amnestic agent, termination was ordered on 11/5/0\u2588.\nAddendum 1083-1: Recovery Log SCP-1083 was recovered from a house formerly used as a safehouse by the Serpent's Hand (confirmed by documents located in the building and various graffiti found on the walls). Large quantities of blood were found in many rooms of the house, though no usable samples could be obtained due to what is believed to be deliberate contamination. No corpses were found. The skull was found in one of the bedrooms in the house, along with documentation from the agency known as \"PTS\" or \"Phitransimun Combine;\" it seems the skull was in transit between an address in \"Alexandria of Forests\" and \"Delphi of the Oceans.\" Fragments of a badly ripped note were found throughout the house and pieced together to form the following:\n\nORACULUM COMBINE OF OCEANS [maintains certainty? pledges?] THAT ALL PRODUCTS WILL [operate? behave?] TO OPTIMAL SPECIFICATIONS. IF UNABLE TO PLEASE [owner? host?] TO FULLEST DEGREE PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW FORM TO [fragment lost]\n\nCUSTOMER\nPRODUCT CODE\nPLACE OF ORIGIN\nCOMPLAINT\n\nALEXYLVA UNIVERSITY PHILOSOPHY DEPT\nO\u03a1\u03a6 XV\nALEXANDRIA SYLVANOS\nEXCESSIVELY RETRIBUTIVE TOWARDS [life-harvesters?], BORDERS ON PACIFISTIC. VIOLATES ARISTOTELIAN PRECEDENTS REGARDING JUST WAR. REQUESTING REPLACEMENT AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR DEAD WARRIORS.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1082 | SCP-1083 | SCP-1084 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1084, taken 02/11/\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-1084\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment Site-153 has been built around SCP-1084 and the surrounding town, which is abandoned mostly abandoned. A fence has been built around the town's perimeter along with warnings of radioactive waste contamination to discourage entry. All efforts are to be made to locate any living descendants of the town's occupants as of 25 January 1914. All residents and descendants are confirmed dead, with the exception of SCP-1084-1.\nDescription: SCP-1084 is a badly damaged granite mausoleum located in a graveyard just outside a small abandoned village in Coahuila, Mexico. An engraving on one side of the mausoleum includes the name of the deceased and the following (when translated):\n\nBORN 24 JUNE 1842\nDIED 25 JANUARY 1914\nAGED 71 YEARS\nWE WERE WRONG\n\nExhumations of the gravesite revealed a long-deceased humanoid with decomposition appropriate for the given timeframe. If the gravestone is correct, the body belongs to the American author [DATA REDACTED], who disappeared in Mexico in late December 1913. Analysis of the body suggests it was killed by multiple gunshot wounds at close range, which is consistent with the reports gathered from SCP-1084-1.\nThe anomalous properties that seem to emanate from SCP-1084 are centered on the nearby village. Experimental subjects entering the village feel a strong sense of discomfort and guilt with no discernible cause, and invariably request to leave as soon as possible. All of the buildings showed significant weather damage consistent with a lack of upkeep over many decades. Perhaps most strangely of all, it is no longer possible for any human to recall or record the village's name; this has been confirmed by experimentation even at remote locations, as any conversation about the village including the town's name consistently results in all parties forgetting its name.\nThe only person living in the village has been designated SCP-1084-1. Her birth name has been determined to be \"Estrellita Juarez;\" if her diary is to be believed, she has lived in the village since her birth in 1896. The woman is mute and spends much of her time wandering the streets of the town silently, stopping only to sleep on the floor of various buildings. Every year on 25 January, SCP-1084-1 will return to SCP-1084, reach into the mausoleum, and remove a bottle of seven-year-old rum (confirmed by chemical analysis) and a single glass. She will then pour a drink into the glass, pour it over the grave, place the bottle and the glass atop the mausoleum, and lay down. Under no circumstances will SCP-1084-1 consume any of the rum. Experimentation has confirmed on multiple occasions that no bottle of rum exists within the mausoleum until she reaches in to retrieve it. The woman will then sleep beside the mausoleum, awaken in the morning, and return to the town.\nAddendum SCP-1084-A: Inside the original home of SCP-1084-1, a diary was located. Relevant excerpts from the diary (translated into English):\n\n21 January 1914: The gringo has done nothing since he stopped here but look at me and I believe I have the opportunity to gain advantage by this. Grandmother always said that Americans had plenty of money, so maybe I can secure some for myself as his wife or through other means. He seems close enough to the grave as is, but not too close to enjoy the company of a woman.\n24 January 1914: Everything they say about Yankees is true! They lack even the barest shred of honor! How the man could put his hands on me in the way of a husband and then refuse me, it sickens me. It is no matter, I will have satisfaction.\n25 January 1914: I have told Mother and Father. They were angry with me but far more angry at the Yankee & more willing to act. They have gone out to recruit some local townspeople for the act.\nIt is done. He tried to escape but could not accomplish it. The rifles in the town are still warm. Body was left outside of town.\n26 January 1914: Before the pigdog died he said something about how nobody would ever speak of us again. Nobody knows what he meant but I cannot help but dwell on his words. It is no matter. He is in Hell where he belongs.\n31 January 1914: It is colder than usual. Strange things are seen around town and people are concerned. Some have left. Some have taken their own lives. We are all concerned.\n3 February 1914: More dead today. Hardly anyone around it seems. We cannot even speak of the town anymore.\n28 February 1914: Not ten of us left. Hard to speak. We are sorry. Carried his remains to one of the unused mausoleums and buried him by myself took many days we are sorry carved an inscription into the stone we are\n31 May 1914 we are sorry\n25 January 1915 we are sorry\n25 January 1916 we are sorry\n\nThe remainder of the diary is similar to the above.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1083 | SCP-1084 | SCP-1085 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1085\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All confirmed copies of SCP-1085 are to be stored in Video Archive 38-Beta at Site 38. All similar copies are to be located, quarantined, analyzed for anomalous properties, and either released for retail sale or contained. Copies of SCP-1085 may be destroyed only by D-class personnel; however, given the doubtful benefit to Foundation research and the total unusability of personnel after such destruction, this is generally considered a waste of resources and requires approval from Site 38 command. Should the number of SCP-1085 iterations become difficult to contain, alternate measures (mass destruction via steamroller or explosive detonation) may be taken into consideration. All civilians affected by SCP-1085 are to be treated as well as possible, though no confirmed survivors have as yet been located.\nDescription: SCP-1085 is a fitness exercise DVD entitled \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: One Month to Pound Off the Pounds!\" starring the eponymous fitness guru. The DVD contains four calisthenic routines of increasing difficulty, each designed to be performed five to six times per week before moving on to the next level. All of the routines include some form of boxing or martial arts regimen, and places a strong emphasis on cardio and abdominal workouts.\nSCP-1085's anomalous effects are present in 2\u2588% of the copies of \"Pound off the Pounds!\" produced to date; the majority of copies lack any anomalous properties, and neither \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 herself nor any part in the DVD's production has been verified to be responsible for SCP-1085. These properties begin to manifest when one or more individuals watch the workouts contained on the DVD. Effects vary depending on the routine being done in any given week; the workouts and their effects are detailed below.\nDue to large number of copies of SCP-1085 acquired, authorization given on 19/02/\u2588\u2588 to begin experimental destruction of a limited number of redundant copies. D-class personnel chosen for this assignment disposed of the DVDs by physically crushing the disc and throwing the pieces into a garbage can. All D-class personnel who carried out the assignment began developing the symptoms of late-stage SCP-1085 exposure, without having actually viewed any of the workouts. Current research suggests that the entity portraying \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in SCP-1085 may be an actual organism rather than a hallucination on the parts of affected individuals.\nAddendum 1085-A: Description of SCP-1085 videos\nWeek 1: Workout consists of a warmup session, followed by three six-minute circuits (three minutes of strength training, two minutes of cardio, one minute of abdominal exercise), and a cooldown session. Workouts will be unusual in composition but will not be seen as difficult, even for extremely out-of-shape individuals; such individuals will express surprise at their ability to complete the workout, along with a determination to complete the rest of the month's workouts. The workout will seem easier as the week proceeds due to general improvement of physical conditioning. The host and narrator will provide encouraging words throughout the workout and at the end, emphasizing the ability of the audience to change their lives through positive thinking. No anomalous qualities detected with this workout; individuals completing this workout once or even repeatedly have been able to stop the workout without negative side effects. A notable excerpt from this workout includes \"This is not just a workout; this is the road map for the rest of your life. I know what you're capable of, and you will give it to me, and you will never stop giving. Not ever.\"\nWeek 2: Similar workout structure as Week 1. However, the workout intensifies significantly in difficulty. Notably, the workout will demonstrate a slight variance depending on the physical ability and willingness of the individual to complete it; given their successes in Week 1, individuals will feel motivated to complete the workout in spite of the extensive physical discomfort required. Those more inclined to quit find the workout to be slightly less difficult, though the narration will be angrier and more negative in tone. Regardless, very few individuals (\u2588%) opt to give up on the program at this point, even when such an option is provided, and even when the individuals did not feel strongly motivated to lose weight at the beginning of the program. Those abandoning the month-long program during Week 2 report recurring nightmares for up to \u2588 months, in which [DATA REDACTED] for what feels like days. These nightmares are most common after days in which such individuals eat excessive amounts of fatty foods. Those remaining in the program will report an increasing degree of platonic affection for the host and a desire to please her; meanwhile, the host will become increasingly agitated with the individual's progress regardless of the difficulty or degree of effort put forth. This agitation becomes evident when the host says \"We are all weak, but you are here to bleed the weakness out. I want you to bleed if you have to, and I want you to thank me for the person you become.\"\nWeek 3: Similar workout structure as Weeks 1 and 2, though workouts will vary in length from three to six circuits depending on the physical ability of the individual performing the workout. The host's commentary will now be overtly targeted towards the actions of the audience, directly critiquing the individual's efficiency, thoroughness, and form during each circuit. At no point will individuals watching Week 3's workout notice anything strange about the host watching them and responding to their behavior with further instructions. When individuals are not performing the workout, they will more acutely perceive their physical flaws and feel motivated to work out on their own, to the point of almost totally eschewing motor transportation in favor of running and doing calisthenic activities (such as push-ups and crunches) in as much of their spare time as possible. This effect will often endanger affected individuals' social status as others will perceive marked irregularities and eccentricities in their behavior; affected individuals will increasingly ignore outside criticisms of their behavior in favor of \"what \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wants.\" In spite of any degree of physical conditioning and devotion to the host's will, no circumstance has developed in testing in which any individual has been successful in placating the host, who will show only disgust with the individual's progress. At the end of the workout, the host will always say \"I wanted so little from you, and you failed me. I will never be finished with you.\"\nWeek 4: Once an individual begins to watch the Week 4 workout, they can be designated as SCP-1085-1. The workout consists of a video of the room in which all the other workouts took place; the room is empty and silent. Individuals who have carried out the workout regimen to this point will begin to display emotional distress, frequently begging the television screen to \"bring her back\" or something similar. SCP-1085-1 instances will then begin to exercise compulsively and without provocation in front of the screen, often while crying. The video will last as long as the individual remains in front of the television; however, SCP-1085-1 instances will eventually leave the vicinity of the television.\nAfter watching the video, all instances of SCP-1085-1 will experience a total psychotic break from reality. Individuals will begin exercising compulsively and without rest; this may involve running, calisthenic exercise, jumping rope, or any other exertive activity. Many will refuse to speak during the activity, or will repeat \"Never stop\" again and again, one of the host's mottos. This manic exercise regimen will continue until affected individuals are physically incapable of further movement; if not given sustenance, SCP-1085-1 instances will starve or dehydrate. Such individuals must be physically restrained and immobilized to avoid death, though SCP-1085-1 instances thus restrained will claim to see the host screaming threats and obscenities at them. The resulting sleep deprivation is often fatal; antipsychotic medicine and sleep-inducing agents have no effect.\nAddendum 1085-B: Experiment carried out 12/02/\u2588\u2588 into potential treatments for late-stage SCP-1085 effects. One individual (D-5656) was exposed to all four weeks of SCP-1085 over the course of four days, developing symptoms along the expected schedule. After developing into the SCP-1085-1 stage, subject was given repeated Class A amnestic treatments. Upon waking, subject was determined not to recall his name, his crime, or the past seven years of his life to any extent. When asked to describe the individuals he saw in the room (with the head researchers and one nurse present), subject described Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nurse \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \"that angry-looking bitch who keeps glaring at me.\" Subject described an individual with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's appearance, though with what he described as multiple open wounds on the limbs and a distorted face. Subject began to display agitation and fear, and requested that the third individual stop screaming at him. When told that there was nobody else in the room, subject rose from the bed and responded \"Funny, that's what she says about you\" before commencing a series of jumping jacks.\nAddendum 1085-C: SCP-1038 is currently being considered for possible crosstesting involving SCP-1085 and several other media based anomalies. Crosstesting is currently pending approval by Site 38 Director Jones.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1084 | SCP-1085 | SCP-1086 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1086\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1086-1 are to be contained and quarantined until death. While no method of treating or curing SCP-1086 has been determined, it remains possible to prevent its spread so long as infected iterations are contained as quickly as possible. Due to the time-sensitive nature of containment, any Mobile Task Force not engaged in immediate actions may be activated for purposes of capture and transfer of SCP-1086-1 instances to the central containment area at Site 38. In the event of a widespread outbreak of SCP-1086, any facility, Foundation or otherwise, with a Biohazard Containment Chamber rated at Biosafety Level 3 or higher may be commandeered for containment purposes.\nSo long as containment protocols are carried out in full, there should be one (1) instance of SCP-1086-1 at any given time. This iteration is to be kept alive at all costs until identification of the next victim is complete; use of any and all necessary medical supplies are preauthorized for this purpose. In the event of a containment breach resulting in more than one instance of SCP-1086-1, it is to be considered preferable that multiple infected individuals be kept alive for failsafe purposes, but the prevention of further spread of SCP-1086 is to take priority over this. However, under no circumstances are all iterations of SCP-1086-1 to be terminated; this will lead to further outbreak.\n\nNote: Some concerns have been raised regarding the extensive commitment of personnel and materiel required to the containment of a single individual. It should be remembered that the priority here is speed; SCP-1086-1 instances become contagious within six hours of initial infection, giving twenty-five hours total of advance warning to stop a potential epidemic. Additionally, containment may require seizing control of a specialized biocontainment lab in complete secrecy before administering amnestics to dozens or hundreds of witnesses. Budgetary concerns are secondary. \u2014Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, head researcher, SCP-1086\n\nDescription: SCP-1086 is an immunosuppressive disorder brought on principally brought on by infection with a heretofore undiscovered species of bacteria. Infected individuals are designated SCP-1086-1. The disease has two primary effects on the human body. First, the disease causes the body to reroute 9\u2588% of its leukocytes to a single location in the mediastinal lymph node, forming a translucent, gelatinous mass identified as SCP-1086-2. During the formation of this mass, white blood cells are converted into a mass of closely-interconnected neurons, glial cells, synapses, and circulatory tissue; the final mass will be composed principally of these cells and the bacteria responsible for transmitting SCP-1086, making SCP-1086-2 especially dangerous. The bacteria responsible for SCP-1086 has shown a total immunity to bacteriostatic antibiotic agents, and a near-total immunity to bactericidic antibiotic agents; in those cases in which bactericidic treatments are effective, the bacteria's rapid rate of reproduction effectively nullifies the treatment's effect.\nSecond, due to the sudden near-total suppression of the body's immune system, infected individuals will develop multiple opportunistic infections, leading to the victim's rapid death. The bacterial species responsible for SCP-1086 is found only in infected humans and in SCP-1086-2; it has not been located in any other environment or species. SCP-1086-2 is produced by affected individuals during the course of the disease, and is the principal vector one of the principal vectors for transmission of SCP-1086.\nA marked difference between SCP-1086 contamination and other immunosuppressive syndromes is the pattern displayed by the opportunistic infections that ultimately result in the patients' deaths. While other immune-suppressing disorders result in a wide variety of different infections, SCP-1086-1 iterations consistently contract infections in a particular pattern, detailed below. The course of SCP-1086 is included in Addendum 1086-1.\nAddendum 1086-1: SCP-1086 Infection Pattern\nStage 1: Initial infection, either through contact with bacteria or through death of prior instance of SCP-1086-1. Patient will rapidly lose immune system protection and fall prey to any number of dermatological diseases. The full list is included in Document 1086-32. However, regardless of the exact nature of the infection, all Stage 1 symptoms will be skin-related, and all will result specifically in severe pockmarking and blistering in geometric shapes across the patient's body. Without skin grafts, SCP-1086-1 iterations will die before entering Stage 2; as per containment procedures, this is to be avoided at all costs. SCP-1086-2 will begin to form in the upper chest of affected individuals, integrate itself into the nervous system, and begin sending messages to the brain. This process reverts the body's leukocytes to a pluripotent form and reassigns them as neuronal tissue; this process is very energy-taxing, and will burn through affected individuals' stored fat deposits quickly. Massive amounts of supplementary nutrition must be supplied to SCP-1086-1 to avoid death at this stage. Infected individuals become contagious six (6) hours after initial infection.\nStage 2: Beginning of neurological symptoms, eighteen (18) hours after initial infection. SCP-1086-1 iterations will become intensely feverish and lose the ability to form coherent sentences during most of their waking hours, speaking only mostly in rambling passages with no discernible meaning; the words will be clearly spoken, but the sentences will be incomprehensible in most instances. The only consistency in this stage is the insistence on the part of affected individuals that they are \"lost,\" without any further explanation. Most patients will likewise contract conjunctivitis during this stage, though all other symptoms will be neurological in nature. SCP-1086-2 will begin sending increasingly complex signals to the brain, which affected individuals will perceive as droning music and mumbling voices. It is believed that the utterances from SCP-1086-1 are attempts to process or describe these sounds. The subject's brain and SCP-1086-2 will \"battle\" for control over infected subjects' bodies, with the brain invariably losing.\nStage 3: Total takeover by SCP-1086-2, forty-eight (48) hours after initial infection. Cerebral tissue in affected individuals will begin to decay to an unusable extent, giving SCP-1086-2 increased control over affected individuals' bodies, particularly the speech centers of the brain. During this time, SCP-1086-1 iterations will begin uttering a name and a series of numbers; these numbers can be processed into rough coordinates describing a location somewhere on Earth. These messages will be interspersed with hysterical periods of unintelligible babbling, believed to be attempts on the part of SCP-1086-2 to request assistance. Individuals will repeat these phrases for one hour, at which point SCP-1086-1 will go into convulsions and expel SCP-1086-2 orally. All personnel nearby must wear Biohazard Level 4 \"blue suits\" during Stage 3; any violation will result in quarantine as a new iteration of SCP-1086-1, as infection is almost certain without total isolation from the contaminated environment. Infected individuals will enter a comatose state and die within six (6) hours after expulsion.\nTwelve hours after the death of one SCP-1086-1 iteration, the individual named during Stage 3 will spontaneously contract SCP-1086 and become symptomatic. All Foundation task forces within range of the designated location are to converge on the area, locate the named individual, and deliver him to (in order of preference, depending on the amount of time required to capture the individual) Site 38, any Foundation location equipped with biohazardous containment facilities, or any civilian facility with equivalent specifications. Task forces involved in such operations are authorized to use whatever means necessary to commandeer such facilities, then call for Foundation reinforcements; containment of named specimens is paramount.\nAddendum 1086-2: Discovery and Concealment Record\nOn 07/08/94, over two hundred small gelatinous masses fell onto the town of Oakville, WA, USA. These were found to be the initial iterations of SCP-1086-2; \u2588\u2588 individuals were infected with SCP-1086. Foundation personnel surrounded and quarantined the town, and were successful in capturing all contaminated individuals. While the use of amnestic agents allowed for the suppression of news of the event, the event reoccurred five more times over the next \u2588 days. MTF Gamma-5 (\"Red Herring\") was unable to completely prevent all news of the phenomenon from escaping, but was successful in creating multiple false leads and misdirecting public understanding of the event.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1085 | SCP-1086 | SCP-1087 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1087 in Site 38 arboretum, photographed remotely.\n\nItem #: SCP-1087\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1087 is to be kept in the Site 38 arboretum, which is to be stocked with multiple species of insects and small birds to meet SCP-1087's dietary needs. Personnel are not to enter Arboretum 38 without a Foundation Type 2 breathing apparatus except during testing. Testing of SCP-1087's effects may be performed on D-class personnel; however, to avoid interfering with research into other SCPs, testing should take place between 2200 and 0600 hours. D-class affected by SCP-1087 are to be terminated before Foundation personnel cause injury to themselves attempting to reach them.\nDescription: SCP-1087 is a white male Phillippine tarsier (Carlito syrichta), age estimated at 5 years, 700g in weight.\nSCP-1087's saliva contains an unknown chemical not naturally produced in the primate body. The chemical is inert by itself; however, once it makes contact with a mammalian bloodstream, it travels to the subject's exocrine glands and alters their biochemical functions. This results in affected subjects producing and secreting a pheromone designated as SCP-1087-1. SCP-1087-1 will be secreted from all exocrine glands simultaneously, emerging in the subject's blood, saliva, sweat, and waste fluids. Affected subjects will produce this pheromone at high concentrations (up to \u2588\u2588 mg/L), leading to eventual exhaustion and dehydration.\nMammals coming into contact with SCP-1087-1 become increasingly agitated, specifically towards the being emitting the pheromone. As time passes, the concentration of pheromones will severely hamper the judgment of nearby animals, including humans, compelling all mammals near the affected subject to hunt and attack the organism emitting SCP-1087-1. High concentrations of SCP-1087-1 will develop in affected subjects' blood; when assaults against affected subjects become severe enough to draw blood, more animals will be drawn to the area and join in the attack. Experimentation suggests that it is effectively impossible to rescue an affected subject without a breathing apparatus meeting Foundation standards of at least Type 2 or higher; without this, any rescuer will be overcome by SCP-1087-1 and will begin attacking the subject as well. Once the subject is dead, all attackers will leave the area without feeding on the affected subject; this suggests that the flesh of affected animals seems poisonous to those under the influence of SCP-1087-1.\nIt should be pointed out that SCP-1087 is immune to these effects; SCP-1087-1 has no effect on its biochemistry, and it seems to feed naturally by eating the meat that other predators find poisonous. SCP-1087 has shown a wariness around humans, but is willing to attack humans if it feels it can do so with relatively little risk; the tarsier's naturally nocturnal habits favor it in this regard.\nRecovery Log 1087-1: SCP-1087 was discovered following a trail of unusual livestock deaths, including one in which a cow was trampled to death by the other cows in the area and then preyed upon by an unknown small carnivore (but no other animals). Examination of the surrounding areas led Foundation personnel to a barn several miles away. The barn was not in use, its owners having been sentenced to prison after killing their eight-year-old son. A mobile task force secured SCP-1087 through the use of anesthetizing gas and brought it to Site 38 for containment. Another investigation suggested that a series of unusual murders throughout the Southeastern United States might have had a connection to SCP-1087, due to what was believed to be small primate bites on each of the victims; however, conclusive evidence was never recovered to support this hypothesis.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1086 | SCP-1087 | SCP-1088 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1088\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-1088 primarily consists of preventing unauthorized access. To this end, all doors and ground-floor windows are to be locked, and a fence erected around the building. Two security guards are to be stationed at the entrance to this enclosure to turn away any civilians who would attempt to enter. An additional three guards are to patrol the maternity ward as a second line of defense. Only male security staff are to be assigned to SCP-1088, and no female personnel are to be allowed inside except for testing purposes.\nIn the event of accidental exposure of Foundation personnel to the effects of SCP-1088, all resulting pregnancies are to be terminated, and the victim issued Class A amnestics to prevent any psychological damage. The same procedure is to be followed in all cases of civilian exposure.\nDescription: SCP-1088 is the designation given to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital, a hospital located in the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It closed in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after going bankrupt, and there is no record of it displaying any anomalous properties before then. The building remained abandoned, and came into Foundation containment about three years after its closure on reports of the building being \"haunted\". The building is currently kept in a state of good repair.\nSCP-1088 exhibits no anomalous properties unless entered by a fertile female. All such individuals report hearing a distant wailing, crying, or gurgling noise, similar to that made by infants. Accompanying males do not report hearing such a noise, and even clinically deaf females claim to hear it, strongly suggesting a psychic cause to the effect. Affected individuals are drawn to follow the noise to its source, eventually leading them to the maternity ward of the hospital.\nOnce there, subjects will attempt to find an isolated location, whereupon [DATA EXPUNGED]. This typically results in between 2 and 5 fertilized embryos implanting in the endometrial lining of the woman's uterus. Victims are dazed, and typically wander out of the hospital within a few minutes. Most seem to experience some degree of amnesia as to what happened to them inside.\nGenetic analysis of the developing embryos reveals them to be unrelated to the host which may, in certain cases, lead to incompatibilities that result in a miscarriage. Cross-checking with the recovered records of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital reveals that the embryos created by SCP-1088's effects genetically match either stillborn fetuses or babies that died soon after birth born at hospital (See Addendum 1088-8). Though the records are not complete enough to allow confirmation, it seems highly probable that each embryo is in effect a clone of some child that died shortly before or after being delivered in the maternity ward of SCP-1088. The mechanism for this is unknown.\nThere are three cases for development of an embryo generated by SCP-1088. A pregnancy caused by exposure to SCP-1088 may contain embryos that fall into any combination of the three cases.\nCase 1 (~43%): The pregnancy continues to develop normally for a period of time no less than 23 weeks. After this point, in many cases, development may simply stop indefinitely. The fetus remains at a constant state, and the mother never gives birth. Testing has not shown an upper limit on the time in which this state can persist. If a Caesarean section is attempted, the fetus dies when removed from the uterus, no matter what life support is used. This seems to occur in cases where the fetus matches a stillbirth.\nCase 2 (~54%): The pregnancy is entirely mundane, and the baby is born as normal. However, at some point typically within three months, the child stops developing. Again, this state persists indefinitely. This seems to occur in cases where the baby matches one that died in the hospital. The time until the child stops developing seems to match exactly the point at which hospital records showed the corresponding baby died.\nCase 3 (~3%): Personnel of level three or higher may consult Addendum 1088-8 for information.\nThough affected individuals often exhibit symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, most are pleased by their pregnancy and any subsequent children. Consequently, despite the physiological stresses of carrying multiple fetuses for an extended period of time, few will seek to have the pregnancies terminated. Similarly, victims resist attempts to confiscate the babies born to Case 2 embryos for research or adoption, despite the psychological and financial stresses caused by caring for infants that never mature further.\nAddendum 1088-8: In Case 3, the pregnancy is again mundane, and the baby is born and develops as normal. Though no anomalies have been noted with Case 3 children, genetic testing has shown that they match children born at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital who survived through adulthood. Interestingly, a disproportionate amount of the people with a Case 3 child associated with them have a criminal record, and of those, most show signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1087 | SCP-1088 | SCP-1089 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1089\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to frequent usage, SCP-1089 is to be kept in a 2m x 2m metal containment cell. The door to the cell is to remain electronically locked at all times and only the designated researchers are to be given the keypad code. No other personnel are to be given admittance without Level 3 Security Clearance.\nDescription: SCP-1089 appears to be similar in design to some models of night-vision goggles. There is a large spherical compartment containing many image intensifier tubes mounted in the center of the helmet between the two eyepieces. It is constructed primarily of black high impact plastic and features a radial knob with five settings on the left side. On the back side of the center-mounted sphere is a canister containing several SCP-1089-p when the radial knob is set to '4' - it is empty on every other setting. The interior of the helmet contains a small metal plate imprinted with the words 'The IC-UC.'\nSCP-1089-p are several small 'pills' roughly 1.5mm in length. Pills are initially covered in a grey coat of gelatin - this coating can be carefully scraped off revealing what appears to be a complex microchip. Further examination has proven impossible as SCP-1089-p's interior components dissolve the instant the pill is pierced.\nSCP-1089 was recovered when U\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a known prominent customer of MC&D, was arrested and his assets were scheduled to be seized. U\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's mansion was raided by Foundation agents and SCP-1089, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were quickly recovered from a wall safe before either MC&D or government personnel arrived on-scene.\nSCP-1089 exhibits its anomalous properties when worn and activated. The goggles override the wearer's sense of sight, causing the wearer (henceforth referred to as the 'observer') to be able to see as through the eyes of another specific person. This specific person becomes 'marked' by ingesting SCP-1089-p and this effect persists for an unknown and possibly permanent duration. The observer remains self-aware while watching a marked individual and SCP-1089 appears to block all sound - researchers have reported being unable to hear anything while observing. There appear to be several 'channels' depending on the setting of the radial knob and each active channel has its own marked individual.\nSCP-1089-p seem to be linked to the channel the goggles are set to. When set to any channel except '4' the compartment is completely empty. Subject D-1089-1 was given a pill from '4' - after ingestion, the compartment was empty when it had contained several pills only moments earlier. Immediate termination of D-1089-1 shows that the link expires when the marked individual dies and compartment '4' was automatically refilled.\nAll researchers used as observers have been recording their experiences in a shared research journal. Channel information is as follows:\nNote: For simplicity's sake, the marked individual for each channel will be denoted as SCP-1089-x where x is the active channel.\n1) Channel 1 appears to be blank and continues to be blank as long as has been observed. No SCP-1089-p exists for compartment '1' so it has been unavailable for testing. Observation to continue as scheduled.\n2) SCP-1089-2 is an individual of unknown gender in a padded cell in an unknown location. It is suspected that SCP-1089-2 may be forcibly restrained as little to no movement has been observed. Every day at precisely 08:00, 13:00 and 18:00 a woman of medium age and build wearing a plain grey dress and glasses enters the room with what appears to be a bowl of food-paste. The woman spends 5-10 minutes feeding SCP-1089-2 and promptly leaves with the empty bowl. As far as has been observed, she has never attempted to converse with SCP-1089-2 during these feeding times. Foundation agents have been investigating the identity of the woman but thus far she remains unknown to Foundation personnel. Observation to continue as scheduled.\n3) Based upon information gathered from observation, investigation into the identity of SCP-1089-3 has been successful. SCP-1089-3 is the estranged father of U\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It is not known why U\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was watching his father, nor is it deemed scientifically relevant. Investigation discontinued and observation stopped.\n4) Channel 4 has been cleared for testing on D-level personnel and due to having complete control over SCP-1089-4 this is to be the primary channel of observation (No further testing is to be allowed without O5 approval).\nFirst, D-1089-1 ingested SCP-1089-p and became SCP-1089-4. SCP-1089-4 was briefly observed before termination.\nD-1089-2, surgically blinded, was observed next. Observation of SCP-1089-4/2 was reported to be blank in a manner consistent with Channel 1. D-1089-2 was then scheduled for immediate termination so that the channel could be freed up for more useful research.\nD-1089-3 ingested SCP-1089-p and was placed into solitary confinement for a period of 48 hours. As it seems there are no adverse effects to SCP-1089-p other than linking the target for observation, SCP-1089-4/3 was reassigned to SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n5) SCP-1089-5 has been identified from information gathered from mirrors and reflective surfaces. He is a Japanese businessman named M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, CEO of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Inc. located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Observation to continue as scheduled.\nUpdate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Observation reports that SCP-1089-5 is no longer M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 but is instead an unknown female. It is not known when or how this change ocurred but Foundation agents are in the process of investigating the new SCP-1089-5/2.\nUpdate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Newspapers have confirmed M\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was murdered between the time he was last observed and the first time the new female SCP-1089-5/2 was observed.\nUpdate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-1089-5/2 has been identified as H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a wealthy heiress living in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Observation to continue as scheduled.\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nUpdate \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: As expected, SCP-1089-5/17 was also reported murdered. Investigation into identity of SCP-1089-5/18 has begun. Observation to continue as scheduled.\nAddendum 1089: Testing of SCP-1089 is to be immediately halted and SCP-1089-4 immediately terminated per instructions from O5-\u2588:\n\nInstructions from O5-\u2588\n\nInstructions from O5-\u2588\n\nEffective immediately, discontinue use of SCP-1089-p while on site.\nThat channel 5 changed without action from us suggests there are more goggles and channels are shared among them.\nWe don't know who has been watching but since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 we've given them crystal clear surveillance of the inside of our secure facility as well as SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588!\nKill the link to channel 4 and continue observation of the other channels. Channel 4 is now to remain blank and channel 5 is designated as your new primary observation.\nDisciplinary action to follow.\n- O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1088 | SCP-1089 | SCP-1090 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1090\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The item is currently housed at Site 561. It is kept in a padded case and can be safely stored alongside similarly contained items.\nDescription: SCP-1090 has the appearance of a set of cordless headphones with two polished, black basalt stones as earpieces. The headband is white plastic, with flexible joints allowing for size adjustment. A blue dot marked with a white \"L\" and a red dot marked with a white \"R\" are visible on the swivel joints at either end.\nIt is unclear how the stones have been fused to the rest of the device. Results from radiography of the object have been inconclusive.\nAny subject who wears SCP-1090 in the manner of conventional headphones will experience an anomalous auditory sensation. These sensations appear to be unique to the listener. The device has no effect on individuals who simply hold or handle it, although the stones have been reported to remain oddly cool to the touch.\nIt is probable that the longer an individual is exposed to SCP-1090, the more unusual and lasting its effect becomes, but this has not been conclusively demonstrated. Site 561 no longer participates in testing with human subjects or uses the class designation \"D\" for onsite personnel. See archived Experiment Logs for more details.\nExperiment Logs 1090\n\n+Open File\n\n-Close File\n\nLog 01/02/12\n\nSubject/s: D-0332 (female; 22)\nProcedure: Subject was seated in a sound-proof room, instructed to place SCP-1090 over her ears, and told to remove it when signaled by a red light.\nDuration: Two minutes\nResults:\nSubject places the device over her ears and immediately makes an expression of surprise. She makes no attempt to remove the device. She appears to focus intently and fails to react to the flashing red light until ten additional seconds have passed.\nSubject describes clear, loud music, which seemed to \u201calready be playing before I put them on\u2014 it sounded like the middle of the song.\u201d The \u201csong\u201d was described as a children's choir singing in a foreign language. \u201cI can't really tell you if it was beautiful or creepy.\u201d\n\nLog 01/03-03/12/12\n\nSubject/s: D-0886 (male; 38), D-0423 (male; 24), D-1002 (female; 31), and Junior Researcher M\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: Each subject was seated in a sound-proof room, instructed to place SCP-1090 over their ears, and told to remove it when signaled by a red light.\nDuration: Two minutes.\nResults:\nD-0886: Reports hearing guitars playing several melodies at once. \u201cLike Hendrix in a mirror house.\u201d\nD-0423: Hears a single, low, sustained note, \u201cLike a stringed bass\u201d, followed by a melody he describes as a bad bass solo. \u201cBut\u2026 played that way on purpose, you know?\u201d Subject seems fixated on explaining this concept and prolongs the interview by over an hour.\nD-1002: Subject is initially unresponsive to the red flashing light, appearing reluctant to remove the device. Subject does not respond to questioning until nearly fifteen minutes have passed.\nShe eventually reports: \u201cI think it was my cat\u2026 it sounded just like my cat. He was singing a song to me. About fish.\u201d\n\nNote: As none of the subjects testing the item have been harmed, we've given M\u2588\u2588\u2588 permission to try it out. -Dr. Sinclair\n\nJunior researcher M\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"It was just\u2026 woodpeckers. Pecking. Like, at least twenty woodpeckers.\"\n\nLog 04/04/12\n\nSubject/s: Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nProcedure: As of 03/12/12, none of the human subjects who participated in testing have shown any signs of injury or change in baseline behavior and cognition. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 repeats the original experiment without incident.\nDuration: Two minutes\nResults:\nSubject reports a low, sustained drone for the first thirty seconds and described the sound slowly increasing in volume. Subject describes this sound creating a sense of intense expectation\u2014 \"Like something important was just about to happen\". The subject expressed doubt that she would have removed the device in the first ten seconds, even if instructed to do so.\n\"It's hard to describe the sound of\u2014 not dread, I wouldn't really call it dread. I know dread, okay? I felt like an intruder\u2014 like I wasn't supposed to be listening. At the same time, I knew, if I kept listening, I'd hear\u2014 I don't know. I'm being vague, sorry, but that's as precisely as I can explain it.\"\nDr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notes that the \"music\" faded into silence immediately before the two minute light flashed. She has expressed interest in repeating the experiment, which Dr. Sinclair has denied.\n\nLog 05/05/12\n\nSubject/s: D-2101 (male; 22), D-4040 (male; 56)\nProcedure: Each subject was seated in a sound-proof room, instructed to place SCP-1090 over their ears, and told to remove it when signaled by a red light.\nDuration: Eight minutes\nResults:\nD-2101: Subject reacts in the same manner as D-1002, initially failing to respond to the flashing light for nearly three minutes and remaining in a complacent and unspeaking state for close to an hour after the test's conclusion. Subject reports hearing \"wind-chimes\", notably not localized in the earpieces, but \"some really close, and some really far away\u2026 too far away to hear. There must have been hundreds of them.\"\nD-4040: Subject displays growing unease while wearing the device and removes it promptly when the light flashes. When asked to describe his experience, subject refused to say more than, \"It was brown.\"\nAddendum 05/26/12: Both D-2101 and D-4040 report that they continue, intermittently, to hear the same sounds they described hearing while wearing SCP-1090. Unlike instances of simple cognitive itch, they claim the sounds are changing and growing progressively louder.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1089 | SCP-1090 | SCP-1091 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1091\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1091-1 is not to be removed from its containment room. The containment room is to be surrounded by a multi-stage Faraday cage. Three armed security personnel are to be stationed outside the containment room at all times. No radio devices are permitted within 200 meters of SCP-1091-1.\nA live microphone feed must be active in the containment room, outside the Faraday cage to record any transmissions or sounds from SCP-1091-1 for later analysis. SCP-1091-1 is not to have radio contact with any radio transmitting/receiving device unless approved by Level-4 Personnel for controlled testing purposes. Personnel are not permitted contact with SCP-1091-1 without specific authorization. All personnel must be searched to find and remove any radio devices before contact with SCP-1091-1 is permitted.\nIf SCP-1091-1 transfers to another radio transmitting device, all personnel are instructed to seek out and destroy all radio devices within a 5 km radius. Should Foundation personnel be unable to locate and recover SCP-1091 within two hours, refer to Recall Protocol 1091-Beta.\nDescription: SCP-1091 is a sentient entity that resides in radio receiving and transmitting devices. If its host device possesses a microphone (or shortwave reception equipment) and speakers, SCP-1091 is capable of communicating.\nSCP-1091 is capable of transferring itself between hosts by radio signal, at a range dependent on the broadcast power of its host device. Given the opportunity, it will use its ability to transfer between devices rapidly in an attempt to [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-1091 must not be allowed to reach its destination. Should such a scenario become a possibility, MTF Lambda-W is to refer to Recall Protocol 1091-Alpha.\nThus far, SCP-1091 has not demonstrated an ability to infect multiple devices simultaneously. However, this possibility cannot be entirely discounted.\nIf the host of SCP-1091 is destroyed or otherwise rendered unable to transmit before it is able to transfer, SCP-1091 will immediately become located in SCP-1091-1, regardless of distance. For this reason, it has been suggested that SCP-1091-1 is the original source of SCP-1091.\nSCP-1091-1 resembles a model S-38 shortwave receiver, manufactured by the Hallicrafters company in the mid-1940s. However, the composite material comprising the outer shell of SCP-1091-1 appears to be a mixture of carbon fiber and an unidentified material. Additionally, all attempts at opening SCP-1091-1 for examination have failed.\nAll attempts to tune SCP-1091-1 have been ineffective. SCP-1091-1 plays only static until SCP-1091 initiates communication. Any other radio device within 500 meters of SCP-1091-1 will experience the same tuning failure. SCP-1091 is able to communicate with Foundation Personnel through various types of \"Digital Mode\" broadcasts. The choice of digital mode appears to be related to the person it is communicating with and the subject matter of the conversation.\nInterview Log 1091-a\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1091\nInterviewer: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-1091. Clearly, you have some form of sentience. Tell me, what is it that you were planning when we had recovered you?\n(SCP-1091 is silent for several seconds, before broadcasting a data burst transmission approximately 45 seconds in length.)\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Run that through the software, I want to know what this thing is thinking.\n\nIt was later determined that the transmission was an SSTV broadcast, in mode \"Robot36\". Decoded image is listed below available audio clip of interview.\n\nRecovered Image of SSTV broadcast during Interview 1091-A\n\n\u00ab SCP-1090 | SCP-1091 | SCP-1092 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1092\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1092 is to be housed in a 5 by 5 by 2.5 meter cell that is completely watertight and is capable of being filled and drained via an installed pumping system. During its parasitic stage, SCP-1092 will be contained in one (1) domestic pig of no less than 54 kg. During this phase, SCP-1092's host is to be fed regularly and otherwise treated as a normal animal. After two (2) months time since initiation of the parasitic stage, the containment cell will be flooded with 40 cm of water and SCP-1092 will be allowed to enter its aquatic stage. The body of its former host will be incinerated. After four (4) months, another domestic pig meeting the same specifications will be placed into the inundated cell. Upon successful infection, the water will be drained and boiled three (3) times at no less than 200\u00b0C before being disposed of.\nAll individuals who experience direct contact will SCP-1092 or its containment area will be analyzed with X-ray radiography after leaving. In light of Incident A, personnel suspected of exposure to SCP-1092 will be quarantined for no less than two (2) weeks, during which time they will receive full body X-ray scans every 48 hours. Those infected will be monitored until SCP-1092 exits its parasitic phase terminated (see Addendum 1092-02).\nDescription: SCP-1092 is an Osteichthyes class fish, during its aquatic phase virtually indistinguishable from other related fishes, except for a tendency toward aggression. However, only adolescent and adult instances of SCP-1092 have been observed outside of a living host; juveniles are obligate parasites. The fish infects the circulatory system of its host, absorbing oxygen and nutrients directly from the host's blood. Once in the bloodstream, instances grow from less than a millimeter in diameter to many times their original size, the largest recorded specimen being 2.1 cm in diameter (extracted from the host's aorta). The way SCP-1092 initially establishes an infection is not clear; however, it is theorized that its tiny eggs enter the bloodstream through cuts and lacerations on the subject's flesh, which would explain its aggressive tendencies. It has been known to infect a number of large mammals, including goats, sheep, humans, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and pigs.\nSubjects infected by SCP-1092 often experience fatigue, weight loss, and increased appetite. Further, many subjects affected will report \"fluttering\" or \"squirming\" sensations inside their body. Nevertheless, it must be noted that a significant portion of those infected experience no noticeable symptoms until the parasite has matured to the end of its parasitic stage. Once the fish have matured within a host for 6-9 weeks, they will be ready to enter their aquatic stage. SCP-1092 will generally wait for its host to be contacting or surrounded by a significant amount of liquid water (SCP-1092's mechanism for detecting water outside the hosts' body is under investigation, see Document \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). When the host contacts water, all mature instances of SCP-1092 will forcibly expel themselves from the hosts body, using their teeth to cut through blood vessels and epethelium. Subjects will sustain anywhere from minor injury to severe blood loss and death, depending on the location and severity of infection.\nIt is important to mention that a small but notable portion of subjects will experience a secondary stage of infection. In these individuals, SCP-1092 will travel up the carotid artery, at which point [REDACTED].\nAddendum 1092-01: Incident A\nUnknown to any Foundation staff at the time, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was exposed to SCP-1092 and the infection progressed unchecked for at least 6 weeks (it is hypothesized that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was initially infected via a small cut on the inside of his lip). SCP-1092 exited his body without warning while he was taking a shower in facilities at Site \u2588\u2588. Although medical attention was given almost immediately, the hemorrhaging proved too extensive and Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died within the hour.\nAddendum 1092-02: Incident B\nA member of the research team investigating SCP-1092, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, despite having no prior history of violent behavior was somehow able to gain control of [DATA EXPUNGED], resulting in a site-wide containment breach, including the temporary release of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. This was suspected to have been a distraction staged in order to allow Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to [REDACTED] unnoticed. The subject was finally terminated only five kilometers away from the Colorado River Aqueduct. Upon autopsy, the subject was confirmed to have an advanced-stage SCP-1092 infection in his brain.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1091 | SCP-1092 | SCP-1093 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1093\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1093 is to be kept inside a sealed 5 meter by 5 meter containment cell. The cell is to be encased in a 30 centimeter thick lining of lead. Personnel are prohibited from entering the containment cell or making contact with SCP-1093 unless instructed by Level 4 personnel assigned to the object. No staff are permitted to enter SCP-1093's containment cell or make any contact with SCP-1093 without first being suited in the proper radiological protection. SCP-1093 is to remain deactivated unless the designated staff have instructed its activation.\nDescription: SCP-1093 is a Caucasian male, 1.68 meters in height and between 30 and 35 years old. The head of SCP-1093 is composed entirely of a bright light, measuring approximately 1600 lumens. SCP-1093 has no physical cranium and there are no known sources for the light emitting from the head area of SCP-1093. The light at SCP-1093's head does not emanate any sort of heat. No causes for this abnormality have been determined.\nSCP-1093 is highly radioactive, emitting radiation levels ranging from 3500 rad to 4000 rad. It has not yet been determined what causes SCP-1093 to emit these lethal doses of radiation. SCP-1093 itself does not appear to be affected by this radiation, and it will constantly emit radiation regardless of whether or not it has been activated.\nOn the back of SCP-1093, attached to the base of the neck, is a switch labeled with \"On\" and \"Off\", resembling that of a typical household light-switch. Light only emits from SCP-1093 when the switch is activated. When deactivated, SCP-1093 appears completely headless. When not activated through this switch, SCP-1093's upper body will remain limp. Upon activation, SCP-1093 will lift its upper body, standing stiff and motionless until deactivation.\nBiological examination of SCP-1093 has shown it to be, externally, a living and healthy human from the neck down. SCP-1093 displays a stable heartbeat and steady, constant breathing. How SCP-1093 is capable of respiration is unknown, as there are no visible openings to allow any form of inhalation or exhalation. SCP-1093 does not appear to require food, drink, or sleep. All bodily functions immediately cease upon deactivation. For information regarding the internal anatomy of SCP-1093 refer to Surgical Report F224B-1093.\nWhen activated, SCP-1093 is entirely dormant. SCP-1093 does not respond to any staff attempts at interaction and is completely unresponsive to all external stimuli. In this state, SCP-1093 does not appear capable of speech and does not display any evidence of sapience. Under these conditions, SCP-1093 will continually stay stationary, locked into a single stiff, upright position, until deactivation.\nPersonnel who have been within the immediate proximity of SCP-1093 have reported experiencing auditory hallucinations that promptly desist upon exiting the chamber. Extended contact with SCP-1093 appears to cause these hallucinations to persist for longer periods of time, typically spanning several days before abruptly ceasing. In a number of cases the sounds have continued for excessive spans of time, which has caused significant distress in the afflicted personnel, though the eventual sudden desistance has remained in nearly all cases. The most commonly experienced sounds produced by SCP-1093 include a high pitched ringing, a loud \"drilling\" sound, and a low pulsation similar to that of a heartbeat. These auditory anomalies all appear to occur exclusively when SCP-1093 is activated and all seem to emanate from an indiscernible source.\n\nSurgical Report F224B-1093\n\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSpecimen: SCP-1093\nSurgical examination conducted under the supervision of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSCP-1093 remained deactivated during the length of the surgery. As of the writing of this report, no internal observation on SCP-1093 has been performed while it is in its active state. Radiological protection was worn by all personnel engaged in the operation.\nUpon the first abdominal incision, when piercing the dermis of the specimen, all agents in the immediate area reported a sudden, high-pitched ringing emanating from an indiscernible source. The ringing continued until the incision was completed and the abdomen of the specimen was fully opened. This ringing process repeated for each subsequent incision made upon the subject.\nOnce the internals were exposed, no organs or skeletal structures could be located. The entire interior of SCP-1093 appears to consist solely of a pale white opalescent substance. The material has a gelatinous consistency and is filled with many branching, red and blue vein-like protrusions. It seems to be very durable and resistant to damage, as none of the tools used during the surgery were capable of piercing or scratching it. This substance remains unidentified and no samples were able to be extracted for testing.\nOne abnormality of note is that, when handling the exterior portions of SCP-1093's body, all agents could physically feel internal, bone-like structures. The ribcage of SCP-1093 is visible when viewed externally, but no skeleton appears to be present within the interior of SCP-1093. In addition, prior tests have indicated the presence of several functioning internal organs within SCP-1093, but none could be identified during the length of the examination. Further investigation of this matter is requested.\nAll incisions made upon the specimen healed at a normal rate over the course of several months subsequent to the surgery with the expected scarring.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1092 | SCP-1093 | SCP-1094 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1094, prior to its containment in 19\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-1094\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1094 is kept within Site-94, a containment site disguised as an office building belonging to a private company. Attempts made by civilians to enter Site-94 should be deterred, with amnestics being distributed should it be found necessary. No personnel are to enter the established safe zone around SCP-1094 except during authorized testing sessions. Personnel expressing interest in interacting with SCP-1094 are to be moved from the site immediately.\nDescription: SCP-1094 is a playground, located in [REDACTED]. The playground contains standard recreational equipment including see-saws, merry-go-rounds, slides, monkey bars and swing sets. The equipment is constructed out of wood, plastic and steel and displays no unusual properties on its own. SCP-1094 appears to be inhabited by one or more immaterial entities that manipulate the equipment on a regular basis, as personnel have reported such things as swings moving on their own or hearing sounds from the slide. The nature of these entities and their connection to SCP-1094 is not fully understood.\nHuman beings near SCP-1094 feel compelled to play within it. This effect appears to have a circular range of approximately 17 meters around SCP-1094 and is entirely psychological in nature. This urge is stronger depending on the age of the subject affected, with pre-adolescents reacting the most to exposure. Subjects past puberty can resist the urge with moderate difficulty, but the severity of the urge is increased if the subject directly views or hears another human interacting with SCP-1094. Playing within SCP-1094 induces a state of euphoria in the subject, causing them to ignore any previous assignment or duty in favour of continuing to play with SCP-1094.\nRepeated and continuous exposure to SCP-1094 via physical contact with any of the recreational equipment available causes the subject interacting with it to disappear. In all of the \u2588\u2588 cases this has been tested, the subject disappeared while they were already completely absent from sight, such as when they were using the slide or climbing through the tunnel connecting two parts of the larger structure. Any tracking device placed on the subject previous to their disappearance will be found in the structure the subject disappeared within.\nDiscovery: SCP-1094 was discovered when reports of a series of disappearances in the town of [REDACTED] surfaced in media. SCP-1094 was tracked down as the source of the disappearances and was successfully contained. Out of the \u2588\u2588 reports, \u2588 were found to have been caused by SCP-1094.\nAddendum: On 19\u2588\u2588-05-19, Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a researcher assigned to Site-94 was found missing. Security footage shows that Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was working on a report in his office when what appeared to be an elderly man wearing a yellow raincoat entered the room. It should be brought to attention that the door was never opened and that it was not raining at the time. Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 fails to notice the man, who starts walking towards Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as the camera abruptly goes blank. The camera resumes functioning approximately seven hours later, at which point Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office is empty. The report that Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was writing was recovered, and found to only consist of a single sentence:\n\ni'll take care of the children.\n\nSecurity efforts were doubled following the disappearance of Dr. R\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1093 | SCP-1094 | SCP-1095 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Disclaimer: The following Containment Procedures are expected to change, due to revisions in Containment Protocols X10-06, which specifically deals with reality bending anomalies. Refer to: Collins, Jessica, \"The Scranton Report\", Entropy: An SCP Foundation Journal, 19\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-1095\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1095 is provisionally contained on-site at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas. The surrounding building is closed off to the public under the cover that it is under renovation. At least two Security Guards are to surround the area to prevent trespassing. Due to the nature of SCP-1095, level 1 security personnel are also posted near the entrance of SCP-1095. A barrier has been constructed around the side of SCP-1095 that is within SCP-1095-1.\nSite-156 is established within SCP-1095-1 in order to minimize the chance of an Xi-06 Event. The area is under surveillance to monitor the activities of all SCP-1095-2 instances. Agents and Security Guards are posted by SCP-1095-1's police precinct and courthouse. Personnel are encouraged to assist SCP-1095-2-B instances in intervention of possible Xi-06 events.\nMobile Task Force Xi-06 (\"Bixby Hunters\") is responsible for handling Xi-06 Events. After a Xi-06 event, witnesses of the event are to be administered Class-B amnestics. Personnel from Site-156 are responsible for determining the new location of SCP-1095. This is accomplished by translocating via SCP-1095 and surveying the new surrounding area. The new location is to be reported, and Containment Specialists will be sent to the area to ensure proper containment.\nInformation related to SCP-1095-2-B-1 is to be reported to the Site Director of Site-156.\nDescription: SCP-1095 is a spatial anomaly measuring 3.1m x 3m x 2.4 m, inside the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Tavern, located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Texas. SCP-1095 exhibits a minor effect on local reality, appearing as slight blurring around the surrounding area.\nA subject passing through SCP-1095 will be instantly translocated to a location resembling the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. (referred to as SCP-1095-1). The location of SCP-1095 inside SCP-1095-1 is inside the town hall of SCP-1095-1. SCP-1095-1 covers an area of approximately 1.2km\u00b2. Any area beyond SCP-1095-1 is perceived as a white plain, which is domed by an electrical field of unknown origin.\nSCP-1095-1 has approximately 70,000 humanoid residents, all of whom are Level 4 Reality Benders (referred to as SCP-1095-2). Instances are capable of manipulating local reality within a 11 meter radius. This manipulation is limited to movement of objects,1 transformation of objects, and spontaneous materialization/dematerialization of objects. Instances cannot directly affect other instances or personnel with these abilities. Most instances are also incapable of manipulating local reality upon themselves, with the exception of instances of SCP-1095-2-B.\nInstances are politically divided into three groups:\n\nSCP-1095-2-A: Instances classified under this group make up the majority of residents (approximately 68,000). These instances use their abilities for trivial purposes (e.g: opening a door, moving a car, etc.). Attempts to use their abilities beyond this is halted by instances of SCP-1095-2-B.\nSCP-1095-2-B: Instances classified under this group make up approximately 300 residents. These instances resemble law enforcement, judicial members, and political leaders. In most cases, these instances are noted to use their abilities to enforce order.\nSCP-1095-2-C: Approximately 50-200 residents are classified under this group. Instances under this group use their abilities with malicious intent. In most cases, intervention of 2-B instances is sufficient enough to contain 2-C instances. In the result that intervention is not successful, these instances escape SCP-1095-1, in an attempt to pass through SCP-1095.\n\nAny instance of SCP-1095-2 passing through SCP-1095 into universal local reality results in an Xi-06 Event.2 During an Xi-06 event, surrounding local reality is heavily disrupted.3 This disruption results in destruction of local reality outside of SCP-1095-1, surrounding SCP-1095.4 After an Xi-06 Event, SCP-1095 will instantly translocate to another location. The location SCP-1095 appears in will usually be inside a tavern or store in a small town.\nDiscovery: SCP-1095 was originally found inside a tavern in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Nevada. The anomaly was reported to a local police force. An Agent embedded within the force contacted the Foundation, and a provisional containment area was constructed soon after. Shortly after containment, several D-Class personnel were sent through SCP-1095 to determine its anomalous properties.\nAfter subsequent exploration, instances became aware of personnel and greeted subjects. Instances of SCP-1095-2-B engaged with hostility. The D-Class were instructed to leave SCP-1095-1, where an Xi-06 Event occurred shortly afterward. The Xi-06 Event resulted in breach of containment, destruction of the containment area, and numerous casualties. An MTF was dispatched to the area, ending the event by terminating instances of SCP-1095-2 outside of SCP-1095-1. Class-B amnestics were administered to witnesses of the event. After the event, SCP-1095 was missing from its original location.\nA test subject remained within SCP-1095-1 during the aftermath. The new location of SCP-1095 was found, and new containment procedures were devised.\nDiplomatic relations were established between Foundation personnel and instances of SCP-1095-2. A minority of instances were deemed a threat and became classified as SCP-1095-2-C.\n\nA photo of SCP-1095-2-B-1, who closely resembles former mayor \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n+ Excerpt of speech by SCP-1095-2-B-1\n\n- Close\n\nForeword: SCP-1095-2-B-1 is the mayor of SCP-1095-1.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: \u2026 Do not be alarmed. Yes, it is true that we have foreign men in our land. Yes, it is also true that we've had radicals attempt to escape after these men came. We must not look at this situation with pessimism, but with hope. Hope. It is what brings us together, and it is what will pull us through. The truth is that without these men, we would have never seen these traitors come out of the woodwork until it was too late. We would be living blissfully, walking past these treacherous individuals on a day to day basis.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1's eyes narrow.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: But we must not fret. We have our friends to thank for arriving at the nick of time. Together, we will find these radicals and progress towards a brighter and happier future!\nThe audience applauds.\n\nIncident 1095-02: Site-156 was established within SCP-1095-1. Agents were embedded within the stores, markets, and other places of occupation. Increased surveillance lead to unrest among residents of SCP-1095. Legislature was passed by instances of SCP-1095-2-B. These laws relaxed surveillance by personnel. However, increased screening for SCP-1095-2-C instances were implemented.\nAn instance of SCP-1095-2-A was accused of being an instance of SCP-1095-2-C.5 As a result, unrest escalated between residents. Security Guards were placed to calm the unrest in the streets of SCP-1095-1.\n\n+ Excerpt of press statement SCP-1095-2-B-12\n\n- Close\n\nForeword: SCP-1095-2-B-12 is the sheriff of SCP-1095-1.\nSCP-1095-2-B-12: \u2026The indictment of one of our fellow residents is a tragedy. However, we must remember that we live in different times. It pains us to do this. It is a necessary evil for the greater good \u2026 There is sufficient evidence to suspect that Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is a threat to our town. Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 stated that his life was in imminent danger, and did what he had to do to detain Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. We took care of the rest. It is up to the jury to decide his fate \u2026\n\nThe instance of SCP-1095-2-A was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison. Unrest continued to grow among residents. Although no causalities occurred, it was suspected that an Xi-06 Event would happen in response to the conviction. Security around SCP-1095 was heightened.\nIncident 1095-45: A press statement was released by SCP-1095-2-B-1.\n\n+ Excerpt of press statement by SCP-1095-2-B-1\n\n- Close\n\nForeword: SCP-1095-2-B-1 is the mayor of SCP-1095-1.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: \u2026 In recent months, we have been under great duress. Many joke that it's the 'radicals or the police', but I'd like to side with the latter. We have been faced with a hidden, unknown enemy that threatens not only to eradicate us, but also our friends.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1 nods towards Agent Thompson, assigned to Site-156.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: Paranoia has bested us. Perhaps it is not the fear of the enemy, but the fear that lies within all of us that is threatening. Starting today, our City Council will work with the Foundation in an attempt to bring reform and relief to our exasperated residents. A meeting will be held to discuss the problems that trouble us, and compromise will be made to meet the needs of our residents \u2026\n\nAn agreement was made between the Foundation and instances of SCP-1095-2-B to reform the policy of screening for instances of SCP-1095-2-C. Surveillance decreased, and Security Guards/Agents were limited to posts by the police station and courthouse of SCP-1095-1.\nSeveral weeks after implementation of these procedures, several instances of SCP-1095-2-C breached containment, resulting in multiple Xi-06 Events. Several instances of SCP-1095-2-B passed through SCP-1095 in an attempt to aid personnel in containment. This resulted in extensive destruction of the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588, where SCP-1095 was previously contained.\nInstances of SCP-1095-2-C were terminated. Instances of SCP-1095-2-B were instructed to go to back to SCP-1095-1. A cover story was established, under the guise that the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suffered a fire from a nearby forest. Broadcasts and news stories were intercepted to fit this story. Amnestics were administered to the residents of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The new location of SCP-1095 was found shortly after, and a provisional containment site was built around the area.\nSCP-1095-2-B-5, a close relative of SCP-1095-2-B-1 was missing after the incident.\n\n+ Excerpt of press statement by SCP-1095-2-B-1\n\n- Close\n\nForeword: SCP-1095-2-B-1 is the mayor of SCP-1095-1.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: \u2026 Unfortunately, my brother, Cadwell, is not with us. He, like other men that day, fought bravely against the radicals that sought to destroy our friends' world. I can tell you, without fail, that the radicals have bested us. We have let our guard down, and because of it, they took away hundreds of lives in our friends' world. Now, my fellow residents [pause] I must tell you this: you are either with us, or against us. That is the honest truth. We have reached a breaking point\u2026\n\nAt the time of documentation, SCP-1095-2-B-5 has not been found.\nAddendum-1095-08: Approximately 5 months after Incident-1095-45, SCP-1095-2-B-5 was found near Site-132. SCP-1095-2-B-5 was placed under custody and sent to Site-\u2588\u2588, which was closest to SCP-1095's provisional containment site.\nThe following is an interview of SCP-1095-2-B-5, conducted by Dr. Kim\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1095-2-B-5\nInterviewer: Dr. Kim\nForeward: SCP-1095-2-B-5 was noted to exhibit a noticeable effect on local reality, appearing as visual blurring within a 2 meter radius. This effect returned to normal whenever SCP-1095-2-B-5 left its radius.\n\nDr. Kim: Can you tell me why you came here?\nSCP-1095-2-B-5: I can't tell you much. But what I can tell you is that I am here as a whistle-blower. I wish I had more time, but I am as good as dead.\nDr. Kim: Don't worry. We will protect you.\nSCP-1095-2-B-5: No, you do not understand. We are duplicitous people. Our members carry enormous power. We are just excellent at concealing it. Even more-so than the residents we rule over. The only issue is that we could never overcome tens of thousands by power alone.\nDr. Kim: Ok. To make this clear: you are stating that your members present more ability than they currently express.\nSCP-1095-2-B-5: That is correct. We were aware of methods where we can amplify these abilities if we concentrated on creating a hole in reality. We had a hole ready to be ripped open. All we needed was to have someone on the other side open it for us. It was a long wait, but the patience paid off. One of your people stumbled in with a camera strapped on his head, and we assumed we were ready to go. But then the rest of your Foundation showed up. That's when we had to establish negotiation.\nDr. Kim: Noted. Anything else you would like to add?\nSCP-1095-2-B-5: The people you are hunting after \u2026 they are the wrong ones. I wish I can say more. Tell them to be careful. Tell your men to be careful. Because it was a mistake to come here.\nDr. Kim: We will. Thank you for your cooperation.\n\nConclusion: A few days after concluding the interview, SCP-1095-2-B-5's body heavily disrupted local reality within Site-\u2588\u2588. This resulted in destruction of its containment cell. The instance expired. Local reality shifted to normal several hours after the event.\n\nAddendum 1095-10: INFORMATION RESTRICTED TO LEVEL 3 PERSONNEL OR ABOVE\n\n+ INPUT CREDENTIALS\n\n- CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED\n\nAftermath of the Xi-06 Event. Note the distortion surrounding the building.\n\nOn 04/23/19\u2588\u2588, an Xi-06 Event occurred within SCP-1095-1, despite no instances of SCP-1095-2-B translocating via SCP-1095. Several buildings were damaged, and 2 causalities were reported. Instances of SCP-1095-2-B arrested SCP-1095-2-A-18921, who was suspected to be the cause of the Xi-06 Event.\nUnrest grew between residents in SCP-1095-1. Shortly after arrest, an individual identical to the suspect was found among protesters. Both instances were arrested to determine which instance was responsible for the event. Extensive questioning did not distinguish the instances.\nA test was pending to take a DNA sample between both instances. Before approval, one of the instances was found deceased inside its cell; the other instance was missing. During this time, SCP-1095-2-B-1 was also noted to be missing. Civil unrest grew further, resulting in destruction and looting of SCP-1095-1. Additional Security personnel were assigned to calm the unrest. Deliberation among instances of SCP-1095-2-B and personnel deemed Johnathan Bickson, the Site-Director of Site-156, to be a temporary mayor for SCP-1095-1.\nThe following is an excerpt of conversation between SCP-1095-2-B-1 and Agent Thompson, recorded shortly before the instance's disappearance.\n\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: \u2026It's been quite a while since Cadwell has disappeared. How long would you say its been?\nAgent Thompson: About 6 months.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: Oh. [pause] Has the Foundation spotted him?\nThompson: I am not allowed to disclose that. You are also aware that he can't come back, no matter what we do.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: [pause] Do you think the people like me, Thompson?\nThompson: Of course they do. They're just in a frenzy because of the constant attacks from the radicals.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: Ugh. I guess you have a point there. I can't help but feel that my decisions have been a bit shady, at best. I've made mistakes.\nThompson: What do you mean?\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: It's a bit hard to describe. How can I put it? Uhh \u2026 well, it's like misdirection, except it's in- [cough] excuse me, throat's a bit dry. Except it feels intentional. I mean, it isn't, but I could have done better these past years.\nThompson: I'm sure you don't have to worry. You've been a great mayor so far.\nSCP-1095-2-B-1: Right. [pause] You're right.\n\nFootnotes\n1. For the purposes of this document, \"object\" refers to any material or substance that an instance can touch. This includes but is not limited to inorganic materials (rocks and minerals, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic) and organic materials (soil, flora, fauna).\n2. Instances translocating from SCP-1095 via SCP-1095-1 are unable to return to SCP-1095-1. Instances that attempt to do so dematerialze upon touching SCP-1095.\n3. It is theorized that the cause of Xi-06 Events stem from the baseline reality in SCP-1095-1 differing from universal local reality. Refer to: Collins, Jessica, \u201cThe Reality of Alternate Dimensions: A Comprehensive Study\", Entropy: An SCP Foundation Journal, 19\u2588\u2588\n4. An initial instance passing through SCP-1095 disrupts reality within a 20 meter radius. This exponentially increases for every 2 additional instances.\n5. This was implemented under the Radical Act, Section 2C-142. Refer to: Bickson, Johnathan, \u201cA Short History of SCP-1095-1's Legislature\u201d N.p, 19\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1094 | SCP-1095 | SCP-1096 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1096\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1096 instances not in use are stored in a secure locker at Site \u2588\u2588. Experimentation with SCP-1096 may only be performed on Class-D personnel and only with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Personnel. Class-D test subjects are housed in separate test subject containment cells at Site \u2588\u2588, and are excluded from mandatory monthly termination for the duration of testing.\nDescription: SCP-1096 is a set of silicone breast implants of various sizes, of which there are currently fifteen (15) pairs in containment. Each instance of SCP-1096 is identified by a lack of serial numbers and the words \"The Factory\" etched onto the outside surface.\nWithin seven days of being implanted into a suitable female subject, SCP-1096 will slowly begin converting all living tissue within the subject into what appears to be a living silicone-based plastic material. Visible changes begin with the removal of minor blemishes and imperfections and quickly advances into major figure-sculpting transformations, taking approximately ten (10) months to complete. It is currently unknown how this material retains all the properties of living tissue, and how major organs are able to continue functioning despite total conversion to silicone.\nAffected individuals are often described by observers as being \"perfect\" and \"beautiful\", though the exact appearance of each affected subject tends to vary according to that subject's personal tastes. Complete conversion of the subject's tissues results in a complete lack of detectable aging in the subject, though the subject also loses the ability to heal naturally; significant injuries inflicted to these subjects result in lasting wounds that do not close. Subjects have reported significant dulling of tactile sensation, including symptoms similar to congenital insensitivity to pain. Conversion of the subject's brain tissue also results in a slight but progressive reduction in intelligence as well as memory impairment.\nSCP-1096 was first discovered on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588 following reports of a woman admitted to a [REDACTED] Hospital following a major car accident [REDACTED] as being \"made from plastic\" and \"bleeding clear blood\".\nAddendum 1096-01: Incident Report, \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588\nAn unused SCP-1096 instance was recovered following a raid on an underground plastic surgery clinic in [REDACTED], and the following damaged documentation recovered from the scene:\n\nThank you for your purchase of this quality Factory product!\nEver cursed your genetics for not making you perfect and beautiful? Wish you could be young again? Wipe away everything from minor blemishes to years of wrinkles and look young forever wit[ILLEGIBLE]\n\nThe surgeon, about to perform a procedure on a female subject, was shot and killed during the raid after drawing a firearm on Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] members and was unable to be questioned. The female subject was administered a Class A amnestic and released following a thorough investigation and background check that turned up no additional information.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1095 | SCP-1096 | SCP-1097 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1097\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1097 is to be fully enclosed within a reinforced, pressurized stainless steel container at all times. SCP-1097 is to be kept at a minimum of 2200 kPa.\nSCP-1097 is to be contained in a Type D concrete bunker, modified to include retractable seals on air vents capable of withstanding prolonged exposure to liquids with a pH level between 11.3 and 13.5. In the event of a containment breach, this bunker is to be completely sealed until further notice by the Security Director.\nSCP-1097 is to be contained at Site-17. The containment bunker is to be located at least 50 meters away from all other staff workspaces and SCP-designated objects. Samples of SCP-1097 are to be extracted via remote-controlled robotic equipment, and all maintenance of containment equipment is to be performed by approved laboratory robotics. No staff or test subjects are allowed to be within 10 m of SCP-1097 unless permission is granted by the Research Director.\nA total volume of SCP-1097 exceeding 2.5 L may not be removed from containment at any given time without authorization from the Research Director.\nDescription: SCP-1097 is 72.3 L of a dark brown, viscous fluid composed of a mixture of water, sodium hydroxide, and liquefied human remains. In an automated, laboratory environment, SCP-1097 exhibits physical characteristics consistent with fluids composed of a similar mixture of materials.\nWhen a human approaches within approximately 5 m of any portion of SCP-1097 greater than 2.8 L, its anomalous properties manifest. SCP-1097 will first alter its shape to mimic the physical form of that person. SCP-1097 achieves this by manipulating its density so as to achieve a semi-solid state; SCP-1097 can also completely solidify portions of itself for a limited duration, to a maximum observed hardness of 152 HV30. During this process, SCP-1097 maintains its dark brown, viscous appearance, albeit in a shape analogous to the subject. The appearance of SCP-1097 in motion is similar to that of a ferromagnetic fluid being manipulated by an electromagnetic field.\nIn addition to simulating a subject's physical form, SCP-1097 will also imitate a subject's mental characteristics and behavioral traits to the best of its ability. While SCP-1097's ability to communicate is limited, it will display physical mannerisms and attitudes similar to those previously observed in the subject. Tests using EEG monitors have shown that SCP-1097 will exhibit brain activity in the exact same manner as its subject. Current research suggests that SCP-1097 does not possess any true sapience of its own; any actions or characteristics appearing as independent thought are merely a complex reaction catalyzed by the proximity of a sapient being.\nWhen more than one person enters SCP-1097's area of effect, its appearance and reactions become far more unpredictable. In a multiple-subject scenario, SCP-1097 has been documented to assume an array of physical aspects, in some cases deviating radically from the humanoid form. SCP-1097 will also demonstrate substantial variance in behavioral patterns; SCP-1097 has been documented on some of these occasions to be hostile and extremely aggressive. When agitated, SCP-1097 will use its ability to harden itself, as well as its innate caustic properties, to attack and seriously injure staff.\nExperiment Log-1097:\nThe following is a list of notable experiments involving SCP-1097:\n\nExperiment\nDescription\nResult\n\n1097-2\nD-48230, a 47-year-old male with a history of good behavior while incarcerated, introduced alone into SCP-1097's area of effect.\nSCP-1097 assumes a physical form resembling that of D-48230. Answers questions from researchers cooperatively with simple \"yes\" and \"no\" gestures, and displays knowledge of subjects, both general and personal, that D-48230 is familiar with.\n\n1097-5\nD-23142, a 21-year-old female with documented sociopathic behavioral tendencies, introduced alone into SCP-1097's area of effect.\nIn a manner similar to Experiment 1097-2, SCP-1097 exhibits physical traits, mannerisms, and knowledge of D-23142. Upon Researcher Upton's disengagement of the security doors leading into the testing chamber, D-23142 feigns sudden illness. When medical personnel respond, SCP-1097 attacks nearby security staff, causing a brief containment breach. Containment re-established with 2 fatalities and 4 personnel injured. D-23142 summarily terminated.\n\n1097-9\nD-29003, a 37-year-old male convicted of multiple murders, and D-31057, a 28-year old male documented as a serial rapist, introduced into SCP-1097's area of effect.\nSCP-1097 manifests as a 1.8 m tall male of average build and musculature. SCP-1097's facial features resemble an amalgamation of D-31057 and D-29003, including such features as D-29003's surgically repaired cleft lip and an 8 cm scar over D-31057's right eyebrow. For the duration of the test, SCP-1097 huddles in the corner of the testing chamber, refusing to interact with researchers.\n\n1097-11\nD-10772, a 27-year-old female, and D-58271, a 42-year-old male, both with histories of non-violent crimes, introduced simultaneously into SCP-1097's area of effect. D-10772 is fluent in American Sign Language, and instructed to attempt to communicate with SCP-1097.\nSCP-1097 arranges its mass to resemble \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an individual that D-58271 claims was his 10th grade English teacher. SCP-1097, like D-10772, demonstrates ASL fluency, and is able to communicate with test subjects and researchers. SCP-1097 challenges D-10772 to a game of chess; after three hours of compliance with researchers' inquiries, SCP-1097 is granted its request in exchange for its cooperation, and a chess set and board is introduced into the testing chamber via robotic drone. SCP-1097 defeats D-10772 in eight moves.\n\n1097-13\nD-95523, D-04189, D-09923, and D-60354, all males between the ages of 19 and 54 and selected for their records of compliance and good behavior, introduced simultaneously into SCP-1097's area of effect.\nSCP-1097 changes its shape into a 3.4 m tall, vaguely humanoid construct, exhibiting an additional arm protruding from the spinal region with what appears to be a simulacrum of D-04189's face in the place of a hand. SCP-1097 quickly moves to embrace D-95523 with four of its limbs, causing acute chemical burns over most of D-95523's body. After approximately 2 minutes, D-95523 loses consciousness. SCP-1097 decreases in height by 1.2 m, and assumes the appearance of a normal human male. SCP-1097 is docile and cooperative for the duration of the experiment. D-95523 dies of his injuries three days later.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1096 | SCP-1097 | SCP-1098 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1098\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All written instances of SCP-1098 are to be burned, painted over, or otherwise obliterated. A single recorded instance is kept on a standard audiocasette for study. Under no circumstances should this recording be digitized.\nAll instances of SCP-1098-1 are to be contained in converted class-D barracks. They are to be provided food from the site cafeteria at regular mealtimes. Under no circumstances may they be given writing implements or recording media. A television and puzzles and games are to be provided for entertainment of the SCP-1098-1 instances. The barracks must be soundproofed to STC 60+.\nTwo guards are to be posted at the door of the SCP-1098-1 barracks. All guards are to wear full-ear headphones equipped with active filters designed to scramble human speech.\nDescription: SCP-1098 is a \u2588-syllable word, with a phoneme pattern consistent with origin among modern speakers of American English. It appears to have no effect on non-English speakers. Persons reading or hearing SCP-1098 in context report that is euphonious and somewhat humorous. Exposure to SCP-1098 out of context appears to be safe but this has not been conclusively established.\nExposure to SCP-1098 in written or spoken form may lead to infection, with increasing probability for each additional exposure. There is an inverse correlation between the size of an individual's working vocabulary and their susceptibility to infection, but this has not been rigorously quantified. Persons in the earliest phases of infection appear to be the most contagious.\nInfected individuals (hereafter known as SCP-1098-1) will begin to use SCP-1098 preferentially as a placeholder name (similarly to \"whatchamacallit\", \"thingamajig\" or \"whatshisname\") and respond positively to its use by others.\nExample usage:\n\n\"Hey Ray, can you hand me that [REDACTED]? No, not that one, the frickin' [REDACTED] over there.\"\n\nWithin 2-3 weeks of exposure, SCP-1098-1 will begin substituting SCP-1098 for other parts of speech with increasing frequency. Initially it is possible to communicate with SCP-1098-1 by inferring the intended meaning of SCP-1098 from context, but soon the prevalence of SCP-1098 in speech becomes so high that only other instances of SCP-1098-1 are able to comprehend it. In the final stages of infection, every utterance of SCP-1098-1 becomes a string of variously-inflected instances of SCP-1098. These effects also appear in written communication.\nInstances of SCP-1098-1 are generally cooperative, but express distress upon discovering that they cannot be understood. When speaking with other instances of SCP-1098-1, they appear relieved or even elated. Standardized testing confirms that they have no cognitive impairment other than their muddled speech.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1097 | SCP-1098 | SCP-1099 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1099; initial discovery site, central South America\n\nItem #: SCP-1099\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1099-A is held at Biological Research Area-25 in a secure 300 gallon double walled polymer storage tank. All experimentation must be overseen by at least one (1) level 3 or higher researcher and one (1) hazmat response specialist. All personnel (excluding D-Class) entering the containment area require class 8 hazmat protection. Any volume of SCP-1099-A exceeding 300 gallons is to be rendered inert and disposed of at the end of each experimentation session; All SCP-1099\u2013B and SCP-1099-C specimens are to be destroyed at the conclusion of each experimental session. Any and all equipment and/or personnel leaving the containment area are to be decontaminated using a sodium chloride solution of 22% or higher salinity.\nDescription: SCP-1099-A is chemically a type of water (H2O) which exists in a liquid crystal form, approximating an atomic arrangement found in ice XVI. SCP-1099-A retains this arrangement well outside laboratory conditions. SCP-1099-A is a near-perfect thermal and electromagnetic insulator, maintaining a temperature between 20.4-20.6 \u00b0C despite attempts to apply or remove heat.\n\nSCP-1099-A; refraction index testing\n\nSCP-1099-A is almost entirely chemically inert. All tested samples of SCP-1099-A have shown zero dissolved solids and no chemical impurities. When introduced to fresh water, SCP-1099-A will form a nearly invisible cohesive layer on the surface. SCP-1099-A is able to slowly propagate it's structure through standing water, adding molecules to its structure while eschewing contaminants. Thus far, the sole exception to the chemical stability of SCP-1099-A is notable reaction with Sodium Chloride. A sample of SCP-1099-A raised beyond a threshold salinity of 19.75% will lose both its atomic integrity and anomalous traits, becoming indistinguishable from mundane water. Samples desalinated after this process display no anomalous traits.\n\n+ Access Recovery Details\n\n- Recovery Details\n\nSCP-1099-A was discovered while investigating reports of an 'acid spring' in the marshlands of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Several dozen specimens of SCP-1099-C were recovered from the area. Accidental exposure on the part of researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 revealed the presence of SCP-1099-A. Biological Containment Mobile Task Force Sigma-1 (\"Montezuma\") remains in the area in the guise of an environmental protection organization. 47% of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 marshlands have been deemed secured by Task Force Sigma-1.\n\nSCP-1099-A is possessed of a transdermal quality specific to living human tissue. Plants watered with SCP-1099-A show no anomalous traits. Marine life introduced to pure SCP-1099-A live only for a short time, displaying symptoms and cause of death consistent with hyperoxia. Living non-human mammals exposed experience discomfort and hair loss at the exposure site with no further effects. Non-living tissues tested thus far have been unaffected. Upon contact with and absorption by living human tissue, SCP-1099-A causes a consistent exposure syndrome by means yet to be determined by Foundation scientists. In most cases, swift application of salinated water halts symptoms. Treated exposure areas may still experience infection, scarring, and necrosis of the exposed area.\n\nProgression record of SCP-1099-A exposure syndrome\nExperiment: D-1099-003\nObserved by: Dr. M. Gomez, Area-25 medical director\n[00:00.00]: Controlled exposure applied\n[00:00.15]: Immediate exposure area experiences skin inflammation and swelling externally similar to blunt force trauma. Pain.\n[00:01.25]: Localized muscle spasms. Increased swelling and discoloration. Deeper pain.\n[00:02.11] Edges of exposed area begin showing signs of tissue deterioration. Pain. Sweating.\n[00:06.45] Increased spasming. Increased necrosis at edges of exposure area. Epidermal splitting. Blackout.\n[00:07.35] Spasms in exposure area become organized. edges of exposure area now distinct from body. Bleeding. Further necrosis.\n[00:09.12] Exposure area works it's way free of the body. Deep and necrotic avulsion injuries exposing bone and tendon. Severe hemorrhage.\nExposure areas which successfully separate themselves from the exposed are designated SCP-1099-B\n\nSCP-1099-B is a self-directed amount of human tissue. When free, the tissue will begin crawling (not unlike an earthworm or maggot) directly in the direction of the nearest source of fresh water. Specimens have thus far shown no ability to sense their surroundings or defend themselves. Specimens contained in a sealed chamber with no access to fresh water will crawl in circles and eventually cease activity, being overtaken by necrosis. These specimens show no difference from normally decomposing human flesh. Specimens exposed to salt or high-concentration saline experience spasms and cease activity, and do not reanimate upon rehydration.\nWhen a SCP-1099-B specimen encounters fresh water, it will begin bloating by wicking fresh water from its surroundings using rhythmic rolling and thrashing motions to facilitate this process. After adding a mean 50% mass, SCP-1099-B will rupture. Ruptures eject a volume of substance SCP-1099-A, followed by the emergence of one or more specimens of a unique aquatic fauna. Emergent fauna are designated SCP-1099-C.\n\nSCP-1099-C specimen in containment\n\nSCP-1099-C are keratin scaled water-dwelling scavengers that share superficial traits with scale worms. These worms have rudimentary mouths parts used to eat small bits of rotted meat and flotsam, beginning with the remains of the flesh they emerged from. Specimens dissected show an internal structure resembling a nudibranch, and no reproductive organs.\nSCP-1099-C specimens breathe through their skin, outputting SCP-1099-A as a waste product. Genetic testing displays human DNA matching the initial donor of SCP-1099-B. The largest SCP-1099-C specimen on record is 6m long and approximately 8cm in circumference (LOG-1099-D-005). The smallest specimen on record is approximately 3 cm long (LOG-1099-D-002).\n\nACCESS SCP-1099-A EXPOSURE TEST LOG\n\nControlled exposures to SCP-1099-A\n\nD-001: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A applied via hand-pump mister to the subject's chest. Subject indicates 3 when presented with a universal pain scale.\n\nRESULTS: Light necrotic damage to skin over course of 1 hour; subject sloughs first three layers of epidermis from exposed area.\n\nD-002: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A applied via light splash from a wet brush to the subject's upper back. Subject indicates 4 when presented with a universal pain scale, as well as itching and heat.\n\nRESULTS: Single flat specimen of SCP-1099-B; introduced to 1 liter of fresh water, one 3cm specimen of SCP-1099-C produced. 1ml of SCP-1099-A collected over 1 hour. Sample contained, all specimens safely terminated.\n\nD-003: D-class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A applied via wet sponge to the subject's foot. Subject indicated an 8 when presented with a universal pain scale.\n\nRESULTS: 11 cm long triangular specimen of SCP-1099-B; emergence resultant in severe subject injury. specimen introduced to 4 liters of fresh water; one 9 cm specimen of SCP-1099-C produced. 25ml of SCP-1099-A collected over 1 hour. Sample contained; all specimens safely terminated.\n\nD-004: D class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A applied via drinking glass to the subject's digestive system. Subject refused to indicate when presented with a universal pain scale.\n\nRESULTS: 1m long tubular iteration of SCP-1099-B; emergence resultant in subject casualty. Iteration introduced to 100L of fresh water, produced just under 1m specimen of SCP-1099-C. 500ml of SCP-1099-A collected over 1 hour. Sample contained; all specimens safely terminated.\n\nD-005: [DATA EXPUNGED]. All specimens safely terminated.\n\nD-006: D class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A applied via submersion of subject's arm. Subject lost consciousness before being presented with a universal pain scale.\n\nRESULTS: Full-thickness de-gloving of subject's arm. .5m arm-shaped iteration of SCP-1099-B. Iteration introduced to 250L of fresh water; 6 specimens of SCP-1099-C produced. 10L of SCP-1099-A collected over 1 hour. Sample contained; all specimens safely terminated.\n\nD-007: D class personnel exposed to SCP-1099-A via submersion. Subject not presented with a universal pain scale.\n\nRESULTS: Single iteration of SCP-1099-B. Emergency containment procedures enacted due to high-pressure rupture of specimen. No accidental exposures recorded. Standard Foundation security feed footage revealed an extremely high number of SCP-1099-C specimens in a range of sizes. Containment chamber secured; all specimens safely terminated. Skeleton of D-1099-007 recovered; found to be free of all soft tissue but otherwise unremarkable.\n\nExposure testing of SCP-1099-A temporarily suspended pending completion of internal applications testing. -Sc.D Gellman, Area-25 lead researcher\n\n\u00ab SCP-1098 | SCP-1099 | SCP-1100 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1100\nObject Class: Safe Euclid Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588)\nA single sample of SCP-1100 is stored in a triple-redundant hermetically sealed container, which is to be stored in an evacuated, reinforced containment chamber at Site \u2588. The container must be checked daily for deterioration. If necessary, the sample must be transferred to a new container via Procedure 1100-233/J to prevent any possible vaporization.\nAll direct experimentation on SCP-1100 has been suspended pending further investigation.\nIn the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 1-kilometer radius from all infected areas, and a 12-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks. The use of nuclear or chemical weapons to establish a public diversion may be authorized by at least three (3) Level 4 personnel.\n\nARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures (Amended) (Revised \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588)\n\nClose\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588)\nSamples of SCP-1100 have been moved to the High-Risk Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 26 following the loss of Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 4 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines.\nIn the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 200-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 6-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks.\n\nClose\n\nARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures\n\nClose\n\nSpecial Containment Procedures:\nSamples of SCP-1100 are kept within Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least one (1) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 3 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines.\nIn the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 50-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 1-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks.\n\nClose\n\nDescription (Amended): (Revised \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588)\nSCP-1100 is a highly dangerous complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant and animal life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 will spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form, and can also be transmitted by direct contact with infected subjects, pollen, dander, and other excretions.\nInfected plant and animal subjects will transform over the course of 24 hours, which includes but is not limited to:\n\nPlants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans.\nPlants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey.\nPlants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology.\nPlants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption.\nAnimals normally considered docile prey animals become increasingly strong and aggressive and will attempt to harm human subjects with no regard for personal safety.\nAnimals that are natural predators will prioritize human targets as prey, ignoring easier targets.\nAnimals that are domesticated livestock undergo physiological changes that render their flesh impossible to digest, or even lethally poisonous when consumed by humans.\nAnimals that are household pets become feral and hostile to human handlers, often times increasing in size and strength sufficient to cause bodily harm.\n\nSCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer.\nAll experimentation on SCP-1100 has been halted due to the extreme danger and SCP-1100's continual adaptation.\n\nARCHIVED: Description (Amended) (Revised \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588)\n\nClose\n\nDescription (Amended): (Revised \u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588)\nSCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and can spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form.\nWhen affected by SCP-1100, plants will undergo a series of transformations related to its natural physical attributes over approximately 48 hours:\n\nPlants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans.\nPlants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey.\nPlants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology.\nPlants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption.\n\nSCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer.\nAdditional funding for the SCP-1100 study and research has been approved by O5 Command.\nAddendum 1100-17: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26\nOn \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588, [REDACTED BY O5 COMMAND] casualties reached 96% of site personnel by 0647 hours. At 0648, BCS-26's on-site nuclear warhead was detonated, stopping the infection but resulting in a total loss of BCS-26 and all site personnel.\n\nClose\n\nARCHIVED: Description\n\nClose\n\nDescription:\nSCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and over the course of 72 hours causes plants to become increasingly dangerous to human life.\nThe effects of SCP-1100 include, but are not limited to:\n\nAlterations to the appearance of edible plants that renders them repulsive to human observers.\nThe growth of hardened thorns and toughened structures in edible plants, rendering them inedible or indigestible to humans.\nThe internal manufacture of substances that cause nausea, pain, or severe internal injury to humans.\n\nSCP-1100 was first encountered following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, contaminating plants near human settlements near the affected region. It is currently unknown how SCP-1100 is able to specifically target humans with these adaptations, nor is it known what organization is responsible for the manufacture of SCP-1100. Research and additional funding have been allocated to investigate the source of SCP-1100.\nAddendum 1100-08: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 33\nDuring routine experimentation, a large amount of SCP-1100 spontaneously vaporized and infected the entire plant crop grown at Bio-Containment Site 33. The subsequent incident resulted in the complete loss of BCS-33, and casualties among 70% of site personnel before the breach was contained. BCS-33 has been decommissioned, and all remaining samples of SCP-1100 have been moved to Bio-Containment Site 26.\n\nClose\n\nCLASSIFIED LEVEL 4 BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND - EYES ONLY\n\nAddendum 1100-023: Incident Log Addendum Re: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26\nFrom fragments of damaged surveillance video recovered from the remains of Bio-Containment Site 26, it has been determined that the incident resulting in the total loss of BCS-26 was instigated by Drs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The video evidence shows that on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/200\u2588 at 0631L, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 disarmed and shot the armed guard posted at SCP-1100 containment, after which Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 proceeded to breach containment and removed the sample. Access logs recovered from BCS-26's environmental systems then reported a breach in the primary service hub at 0637L, at which point SCP-1100 was presumably introduced into the entire site's air and water supply.\nInvestigation has turned up evidence of environmentalist organization membership for both Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. All personnel at Site \u2588 are being screened immediately as well.\nAddendum 1100-024: Diary Entry recovered from the home of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u2588/\u2588/200\u2588\nGot a chance to talk with \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 again today. He agrees with me now that there is no other explanation that fits. When you have eliminated all impossibilities then whatever is left has to be the truth, no matter how insane it is.\nSCP-1100 isn't an engineered substance. It's not some bunch of hippies getting their sick revenge on civilization. It's a planetary immune response. It's Gaia, Mother Earth, fighting back against us.\nThe more we try to fight it, the worse it gets. She wants us all dead, wants us gone because of what we've done to Her. And there's nothing we can do to stop it.\nThe only thing we can do is to take responsibility for our sins and accept our punishment. Tomorrow, we're initiating the plan.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1099 | SCP-1100 | SCP-1101 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1101\nObject Class: Safe Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1101 is contained in a 20x20m secure room at Site-\u2588\u2588. The containment room is monitored and recorded from a separate station by CCTV at all times; however, under no circumstances should this be viewed while an SCP-1101 event is in progress. When monitoring devices detect activity in SCP-1101's containment room, an alarm is to sound and both the containment room and the CCTV station are to be sealed until activity has ceased. All individuals under the influence of an SCP-1101 event are to be quarantined by security staff wearing hearing protection. No more than 20 individuals are to be introduced to SCP-1101 without O5-level approval. No objects are to be placed atop SCP-1101 except under controlled testing circumstances.\nFollowing Incident 1101-4, bathroom facilities and 1 month of supplies for up to 20 people have been placed in SCP-1101's containment room. Apparatus for the dispensing of VX nerve gas has been installed to be activated in the event of a major emergency, specifically any one of the following;\n\n>50 individuals under the influence of an SCP-1101 event\nrisk of uncontrolled spread of an SCP-1101 event beyond the containment facility\nSCP-1101 event of duration greater than 1 month\n\nIf this protocol in conjunction with standard quarantine measures fails to contain the emergency, personnel should refer to Plan MODERATE-4, which [DATA EXPUNGED]\nDescription: SCP-1101 is a 0.6m tall marble pedestal with an octagonal top. It exhibits no unusual properties until an object is placed atop SCP-1101 in the presence of more than one person. In this situation, any comment made relating to the object by an individual present will start a heated discussion (an SCP-1101 event). During an SCP-1101 event, affected individuals are compelled to continue the discussion until broad agreement is reached with one individual, the 'winner'. The 'winner' will take the object atop SCP-1101, which signals the end of an event. If the affected individuals do not come to an agreement, a 'winner' will be selected after a certain length of time and end the event. In this case, the winner has usually made a more intelligent or factually correct argument, but there appears to be subjectivity involved, perhaps suggesting sapience on SCP-1101's part. Memories of the event are retained. Subsequently, the 'winner' experiences feelings of euphoria and an attachment to the object 'won', while the rest of the affected subjects suffer mildly depressed mood. These effects are transient and dissipate after a maximum of one week.\nIndividuals will join an event regardless of debating skill, educational level or ordinary interest in the event topic. SCP-1101 does not appear to cause major personality changes save the compulsion to discuss. However, events have the potential to become vitriolic regardless of individual personalities. Interestingly, no incidents of physical violence have been recorded during an event despite frequent displays of extreme anger.\nAffected individuals will only attend to basic needs if it is possible to simultaneously participate in the event (subjects may collapse from exhaustion if an event is of sufficient duration, but appear to suffer no long-term ill effects). The event is a memetic hazard: all individuals who hear an event in progress or see SCP-1101 at the time are compelled to join, including individuals viewing the event remotely. The latter are capable of starting separate secondary instances of SCP-1101 events which will gravitate towards the location of SCP-1101.\nDuration of events is variable and dependent on the specific arguments and positions taken by the individuals involved. SCP-1101 events have been observed ranging from 3 minutes to up to 5 months (in this particular case, the event only ceased due to interruption of food supplies and subsequent starvation of individuals involved).\nFurther information on SCP-1101 may be found in [REDACTED].\nTest Battery 1101-1: Initial baseline testing. An object was placed upon SCP-1101 and test subjects instructed to enter the containment chamber.\n\nTest Battery 1101-1\n\n- Test Battery 1101-1\n\n1101-1A\nObject: Nothing\nTest Subjects: 5 D-class personnel D-1101-1 through 5\nAdditional Instructions: None\nResult: Subjects made normal conversation for 5 minutes. Test ended.\n1101-1B\nObject: 1 rectangular pine wood block\nTest Subjects: 5 D-class personnel D-1101-1 through 5, in addition to Dr. Major (unplanned inclusion)\nAdditional Instructions: D-1101 asked to describe object\nTranscript:\nD-1101-1: It's a wooden block.\nD-1101-4: I think they want you to say what sort of wood. The last thing I was assigned to, they kept making me put these balsa sheets into some machine.\nD-1101-2: Uh, balsa doesn't come in blocks, it's something else.\nD-1101-3: He didn't say it was balsa, it's probably some kind of oak wood.\nDr. Major [over intercom]: It's a pine block.\nD-1101-1: Why is he telling us? Maybe it's a trick. [Other test subjects voice agreement]\nDr. Major: You idiots, I know what it is!\n[REDACTED]\nResults: At this stage full properties of SCP-1101 were unknown; Dr. Major was observing remotely and was therefore affected by the event. Test subjects proceeded to argue for 6 minutes about both the composition of the block and the trustworthiness of Dr. Major. After 6 minutes they were convinced by Dr. Major of the block's composition and he left the observation room to collect the block, 'winning' and ending the event. Live observation of SCP-1101 was subsequently discontinued.\n1101-1C\nObject: 1 rectangular pine wood block\nTest Subjects: 5 D-class personnel D-1101-1 through 5\nAdditional Instructions: D-1101 asked to give an opinion about the object\nTranscript:\nD-1101-1: Oh, it's this damn block. I, uh, I don't really care about this? It doesn't do anything.\nD-1101-3: I guess you could use it as a doorstopper?\nD-1101-5: Who the hell would want that?\nD-1101-2: I might! It could be a paperweight.\nD-1101-3: No, it's too big. It would be better as a doorstopper.\nD-1101-5: Are you serious? It's just a [expletive] block!\n[REDACTED]\nResult: Subjects argued about possible uses for the block for 13 minutes. Agreement was reached that the block was not designed for function but could have some useful characteristics. D-1101-2 was the 'winner' and ended the event.\n1101-1D\nObject: One Panasonic portable DVD player, not powered\nTest Subjects: 5 D-class personnel D-1101-1 through 5\nAdditional Instructions: None\nTranscript:\nD-1101-2: It'd be good if they gave us movies here once in a while.\nD-1101-1: Yeah, I haven't seen anything since I got in. Nothing newer than \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nD-1101-4: Are you kidding? I love those!\nD-1101-5: It went downhill after the first one.\nD-1101-2: Now YOU have to be kidding.\n[REDACTED]\nResult: Subjects argued about the merits of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 film series for 49 minutes. No agreement was reached. D-1101-3, with the opinion that the second film was the underrated gem of the series, took the DVD player, 'winning' and ending the event.\n1101-1E\nObject: One political campaign button reading '[REDACTED] 2012'\nTest Subjects: 5 D-class personnel D-1101-1 through 5\nAdditional Instructions: None\nTranscript:\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nResult: [DATA EXPUNGED] and \u2588 casualties before containment was reestablished. Security measures for SCP-1101's use with controversial items have been heightened.\n1101-1F\nTest designed to determine effects of SCP-1101 on individuals with a prior interest in the event topic and enthusiasm for debate.\nObject: One postcard depicting Claude Monet's Water Lilies (1907)\nTest Subjects: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, both with an amateur interest in art collecting\nAdditional Instructions: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588 asked to comment on the object\nTranscript:\nDr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588: The real thing is much nicer.\nDr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I don't know, I prefer his portraits myself, though I think Renoir does them better.\nDr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588: Renoir? Have you been to the Musee d'Orsay?\n[REDACTED]\nDr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's absolute trash!\nDr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You think MY tastes are trash? You probably thought Manet and Monet were twin brothers!\nDr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're saying this when you haven't even been outside of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? You pretentious little [expletives]\nDr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My mother was WHAT?\n[REDACTED]\nResult: Subjects argued for 82 minutes before Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 said 'I can't argue with you any more'. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588 took the postcard and ended the event. Dr A\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 have subsequently been hostile to one another.\n\nIn the absence of staff who are able to act like adults, I recommend that testing of SCP-1101 between coworkers be avoided.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Test Battery 1101-1\n\nAddendum 1101-1: It has been observed that duration of an SCP-1101 event generally scales with the number of individuals involved. Due to the potential for memetic spread of an event, it is estimated that a breach of containment would lead to a 'point of no return' where event duration is unacceptably high after a critical mass of [REDACTED] persons, leading to a perpetual SCP-1101 event and a potential AK-class end-of-the-world scenario. In light of this theory, SCP-1101 has been upgraded to Euclid class and new containment procedures implemented.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1100 | SCP-1101 | SCP-1102 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1102\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1102 is confined to an already-settled landscape, giving it CU Caldera designation as a highly sensitive widespread phenomenon. As per these regulations, civilian awareness of an overarching effect is monitored by local agents, and specific outbreaks are to be suppressed as per standard procedures based on the number of witnesses and exposure. Additionally, as per the Caldera protocol, Foundation sociologists are to aid in the cultivation and segregation of civilian awareness by creating different mythologies of the aspects of SCP-1102's manifestation. Over \u2588\u2588 of these are in circulation, and are believed to aid in preventing a holistic view of the phenomenon in question from forming.\nActive specimens or manifestations will disappear shortly and are to be restrained from entering highly populated areas and roadways when possible. Active specimens are not known to be dangerous to humans.\nResearch is currently suspended but is scheduled to restart on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-1102 is a phenomenon localized in the Blue Ridge Mountain range in the eastern USA, though evidence suggests it may also include an area as far south as mid-Georgia and Alabama. (For a complete map of SCP-1102 related incidents from which the current location has been defined, contact Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or any Level-4 personnel.) The exact cause of the effect is unknown, as no external factor has affected any facet of SCP-1102. This is therefore assumed to be related to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe effect occurs only at night, during periods of rain or snow, and targets deceased bodies within a small, randomly selected area. For each reasonably intact corpse in the area, an animated likeness of the original organism will appear, with minor differences including (in humans): changes (darkening or lightening) in skin tone, deformity (see Doc 1102-114A\u2588\u2588), alteration or lack of facial features or small appendages (fingers, toes, genitalia), and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Clothing and body modifications or piercings, provided they are intact, are generally retained. It is unknown if the resulting entities are the same as the original creature, or are completely new organisms.\nThe dominant urge in all subjects, human or otherwise, seems to be one of returning or rejoining other members of the original species. Subjects instinctively know where the nearest group is, and the larger the group, the more likely the subject is to attempt to integrate with them. One historical sighting, for instance, describes seeing \u201ca faceless hound, ghostly white, running in the company of other wild hounds, though not braying or making a sound - as its mouth was sealed shut.\u201d\nAt rare intervals, however, the effect occurs at extreme magnitudes that may encompass many square kilometers. Further depiction can be accessed in Document 1102-A4 for Procedure 1102-EVE \u201cResurrection Woods.\u201d For context, Foundation folklorists, historians, and retrieval teams estimate this particular event has occurred 3 times in the past century.\nAll entities completely vanish at some point in the same night that their appearance occurs, usually shortly before sunrise. They leave no discernible physical evidence of their presence apart from footprints, damaged vegetation, and so on. Given the entities' rare occurrence and transient nature, limited information is available about them or the effect, and research is still pending.\n\nIn 2006, 100 Foundation operatives were stationed at graveyards in the Blue Ridge area for four months, in hopes of seeing the phenomenon manifest - at the end, one successful specimen was restrained, and the following observations were made:\n\nEntities are corporeal and have mass.\nEntities do not react to extraneous sounds or noise, even when they may indicate the presence of more of the host species - for instance, when a recording of a large chorus was played for one entity, it still moved towards the two operatives present (who were the largest nearby human presence.)\nEntities can \u201cdie\u201d and have human anatomies without significant alterations or additions. Brain and nervous activity, however, are sporadic and do not seem to correspond to typical anatomy.\nEntities resemble the corresponding original corpse, though often differing in many ways.\nThe entity in some ways continues to be \"linked\" to the original corpse. When the entity vanishes, the original corpse will also vanish at approximately the same time. The ultimate destination of either entity is unknown, as is how they disappear.\nEntities are believed to be neither conscious, sapient, nor possessing of complex intelligence.\n\nAuxiliary File 1\nBecause of its unpredictable and sparse nature, the phenomenon has been studied from local stories and accounts that seem to describe it - several folklorists are appointed for the responsibility of distinguishing possibly real accounts from fictional mythology. From these results, the effect has been described as far back as accurate stories go, including the journals of at least three separate isolated farmers in the area, who devoted time to observing the phenomenon when it occurred.\nFor instance, one incident, reported in a local newspaper, occurred in 1978 (before the Foundation had completed its current containment procedures of the effect). A 17-year old male was killed by an unknown individual and apparently buried in a shallow grave near his former high school, on the same night as the school's prom celebration. Five months later, the individual was reanimated (undergoing mutations typical of SCP-1102) on the night of a student fundraiser, and, showing typical signs of attraction to human presence, entered the school through an unlocked door.\nPolice were alerted, but due to numerous interferences, several hours passed before they arrived, by which point the high school was in a lockdown and complete panic. Most of those present self-evacuated, with the exception of several students who became trapped in a locked kitchen area; and an 18-year-old female who had been in a relationship with the affected individual, and was observed in the corner of a commons area, screaming, \u201cBig Joe! Big Joe, it's me, C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588! It's me! You came back for us, Big Joe!\u201d\nThe teenager's correct identification of Joseph \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, despite significant alteration, is of interest, and it is hoped more description of this phenomenon will be uncovered in further accounts.\n\nAuxiliary Personal Report, by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nBlue Ridge is big, lonely, mysterious - it's actually the trees that make it blue, and at sunset, night settles down like nothing else in the world. Meaning it's possibly the best place east of the Mississippi for us to find this. Nonetheless, people spread out, and we're making more and more calls for incidents in Great Smokey - plus, we still haven't found a good way to take the SCP out of Blue Ridge (and then maybe put it somewhere else, like a big box with a lock.)\nThe only theory we've got is this - I was slamming back beers with \u2588\u2588-\u2588 a while ago, and he said the only way we could do it, at all, was to contain the whole range. He's right. You can't take the effect out of the landscape - it's something in the mountains, about the mountains, that makes all the dead come back faceless and insane.\nI don't know what it wants. Make us all go away, be merciful to them, fuck with us? As helpful as it might be, I hope it never figures it out.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1101 | SCP-1102 | SCP-1103 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1103\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Outside of scheduled experiments, instances of SCP-1103 are to be stored in a standard large-volume storage refrigerator in Bio-Containment Unit-23 at a temperature below 5\u00b0C.\nDue to limited supply, experiment proposals must be approved by at least two personnel with 2-1103 clearance.\nDescription: SCP-1103 refers to a set of commercially packed human body parts, labelled SCP-1103-1-1 to SCP-1103-1-11. All contained objects are vacuum-packed on plastic trays, with the label \"Dr. Wondertainment's Young Surgeon's Transplant Kit\", and a price tag ranging between $3.99 and $25.99. Several of the packs have an additional sticker showing a stylized bull's head, and the words \"CORN BELT\" written across its front.\nAdditional content of each package varies; however, all packages contain an instruction leaflet (see Addendum 1103-1), a set of single-use plastic gloves, and a tube labelled \"Dr. Wondertainment's Tube of Wonderlube\u00ae\" (designated SCP-1103-2) . The tube has a break-off end and contains approximately 5ccm of a translucent, viscous yellow-green liquid of composition resembling blood plasma.\nAnalysis has shown the tissues to be unusually durable - a sample was able to survive up to three hours exposed to room temperature air. When vacuum-packed or submerged in physiologic solution, and then cooled to below 5\u00b0C, a sample can be stored practically indefinitely. DNA analysis has shown the samples come from distinct individuals of varied race and gender, despite their uniform appearance - the only common trait among them appears to be the blood type of \"O\" and negative Rhesus factor.\nApplying SCP-1103-2 to human or animal tissues results in the temporary loosening of intercellular bonds of a layer approximately 1mm thick, accompanied by mild fluorescence, of duration ca. 5 minutes, after which the surface regains its previous structure. In the case of skin application, the outermost epidermis layer does not reconstitute.\nIf another tissue sample is brought into contact with the loose cell layer during this period, the surfaces fuse together. Over the following 6-14 hours, the interface between the two develops a functioning blood vessel network. Neural connections were initially thought not to develop; subsequent experiments have shown this process to take an average of three weeks. Only one case of tissue rejection has been recorded during testing, despite foreign origin of tissue. (Experiment logs available upon request to all personnel with at least 1-1103 clearance.)\nRecovery Log: SCP-1103 came into attention of the Foundation on \u2588\u2588/10/20\u2588\u2588, after an incident at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 National Hospital in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Illinois, when 11-year-old J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was hospitalized with hands apparently fused to his face. Interviewing the subject has revealed he has purchased \"a joke surgery kit\" (classified SCP-1103-1-1) at \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", a local joke shop, and attempted to use it to graft an additional finger to each of his hands.\nSubject's home was searched, resulting in the procurement of an instance of SCP-1103, and a shop bill from \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", confirming the interview data. Investigation of the shop has resulted in seizing additional \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-1103, however, the owner has been proven to lack any knowledge of SCP-1103's anomalous effects. Investigation into the origin of the anomalous shipment is ongoing.\nAll involved were treated with Class-A amnestics, and evidence linking J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 W\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's disfigurement to a gas leak explosion was fabricated.\nAddendum 1103-1:\n\nInstruction leaflet for SCP-1103-1-1\nHello!\nYou have successfully purchased Funny Finger Transplant\u00ae, a part of Dr. Wondertainment's Young Surgeon's Transplant Kit, and are on your way to become a Young Surgeon!\nWhat do you need to be a Young Surgeon, you ask?\nStep 1: Find a friend who needs a finger.\nStep 2: Open the Funny Finger Transplant\u00ae package without hesitation.\nStep 3: Like a real surgeon, put on Dr. Wondertainment's Gummy Gloves\u00ae. Make sure they are a good fit.\nStep 4: Break open the cap of Dr. Wondertainment's Tube of Wonderlube\u00ae. Don't worry, it won't go off if you keep it cool.\nStep 5: Spread a little Wonderlube\u00ae on the place that longs for a new digit!\nStep 6: Just like traffic lights, wait until you see green light.\nStep 7: Take a Funny Finger\u00ae and put it where it should go. Make sure you have put it the right way on, or everyone will laugh!\nStep 8: Hold it in place for about five seconds. Hurrah! The operation has succeeded, Young Surgeon!\nWhen not being a Young Surgeon, be sure to keep your Dr. Wondertainment's Young Surgeon's Transplant Kit cool!\nDo not touch the Wonderlube\u00ae with bare hands! Be careful when pulling down the Gummy Gloves\u00ae!\nBe precise, like a real surgeon! Once the Funny Finger\u00ae is in place, you won't be able to get it off that easily!\nIf you enjoy being a Young Surgeon, consider buying Dr. Wondertainment's Young Surgeon's Human Construction Set!\nWarning: May contain traces of nuts!\n\n\u00ab SCP-1102 | SCP-1103 | SCP-1104 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1104\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Complete destruction of SCP-1104 is endorsed, should adequate means be developed. While individual instances of SCP-1104 are easily terminated, SCP-1104 is endemic to subsurface geological formations in northwestern \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, rendering the (surmised) primary population of SCP-1104 inaccessible to convenient lethal agents. A surrounding area 10km in diameter has been designated Site-104 and cordoned from the public under guise of endangered species preservation. Personnel must wear N100 air filtration masks while within Site-104. Mammalian organisms exceeding 10kg (other than authorized Foundation personnel) entering Site-104 should be assumed contaminated and incinerated at facilities on-site.\nDescription: SCP-1104 is a species tentatively identified as a member of order Chelicerata. The life cycle of SCP-1104 comprises at least two distinct phases, the first being a larval stage approximately 0.4mm in diameter. At irregular intervals, larval SCP-1104 are expelled from lava tubes within Site-104 at concentrations up to 200 individuals per cubic meter. These remain airborne for as long as 14 hours and have been documented to travel at least \u2588\u2588 km under favorable weather conditions.\nWhen inhaled, larvae will adhere to nasal mucosa, where they excrete an array of H1 receptor antagonists that suppress both local inflammation and implantation of further larvae. Over a period of 6-8 months SCP-1104 will grow and extend appendages through the host's ethmoidal canals. Hosts generally remain unaware of the presence of SCP-1104, apart from persistent but non-specific headaches. On maturation, SCP-1104 will begin applying pressure to the host's optic nerves causing obstruction of the central visual field. This pressure is applied selectively when the host is not oriented toward the local gradient of atmospheric hydrogen sulfide, which SCP-1104 can detect through the host's inhalations. After an initial period of distress, the host will begin to prefer to face and travel in the directions where they do not experience visual disturbances, thus tracing the source of hydrogen sulfide. Upon reaching a zone of sufficient hydrogen sulfide concentration, SCP-1104 projects appendages into the host's prefrontal cortex, causing unconsciousness during which SCP-1104 exits the host via the ocular cavity. After leaving a host, SCP-1104 attempts to locate and enter the source of hydrogen sulfide, such as a lava tube or sewer pipe. SCP-1104's subterranean lifecycle has not been documented.\nAlthough humans display the same instinctual aversion as any animal to visual disturbances caused by SCP-1104, the behavioral response is not a compulsion, and hosts may defy the influence especially if informed of the nature of SCP-1104 (Note that subsequent hostility toward research personnel should be anticipated). Attempts at surgically removing or poisoning a fully developed SCP-1104 result in immediate elicitation of its exit response. Post-exit hosts exhibit complete aspontaneity due to orbitofrontal lesions, and to date have provided no pertinent information in debriefing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1103 | SCP-1104 | SCP-1105 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1105\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1105 is to be kept in its sealed habitat within Containment Cell 445-b at Bio-Research Area-12 Containment Cell 1332 at Site-\u2588\u2588. A size of roughly 2.8 square meters is to be maintained through provision of plant matter grown within a dedicated greenhouse. A temperature of 15.6\u00b0 C at 5% humidity is to be maintained with an inbuilt climate control system. Air exiting the cell is to be passed through redundant filtration systems. Containment area is sealed from observation deck via double air-lock. Doors are connected to an exterior locking system allowing them to be sealed in case of emergency or containment breach.\nAll windows, vents, seams and doorways are to be lined with electromagnetic coils in continuous operation. EM-shielded CCTV cameras with dual battery backups will be mounted in each corner of the room to provide audiovisual monitoring. If SCP-1105 demonstrates signs of hostility or makes a concerted attempt to escape its enclosure, a scram switch installed in the primary observation area will activate multiple high-pressure jets of dicyanoacetylene to immediately destroy SCP-1105.\nBackup samples of SCP-1105's spores are to be kept at Bio-Research Area-12.\nDescription: SCP-1105 is a species of mobile fungus resembling Fomitiporia ellipsoidea. In sufficiently large concentrations, individual elements grow together into forms and structures beneficial to the whole, though no centralized nervous system can be detected that could be used to direct such growth. SCP-1105 appears to grow most readily upon dead plant matter, and has been observed to become motile in an attempt to reach such matter, though in the absence of viable plant material, the fungus can subsist in an inert state on ambient moisture alone.\nOnce the fungus locates suitable plant matter, it will undergo a mitotic phase to form a number of filamental mycelia, eventually covering the plant matter and mechanically breaking it down prior to consuming it. Over a period of 24 to 48 hours, subsumed material is used to enlarge these strands, which become thickened and reinforced, and develop a rubbery texture. After these characteristics manifest, the mycelia begin to vibrate, and display evidence of electrical activity. Analysis of samples taken from fungal growth at this stage indicates no viable means of producing or storing an electrical charge.\nAfter a sufficient fungal mass has accumulated, roughly 5 kilograms, the collective mass will dissociate into 4-6 smaller masses of approximately equal size, referred to as SCP-1105-1. These individual masses display independent motivations, though are apparently capable of assisting each other with tasks such as reaching additional plant matter for consumption.\nSCP-1105-1 instances have a tendency to alter their morphology on a near-constant basis to accommodate environmental factors or the task in which they are currently engaged, such as developing a greater number of leg analogues while motile and in search of food, or producing additional mandibles while consuming plant matter. Additionally, individual SCP-1105-1 have been observed to adopt forms resembling organisms in the order Trilobita or Rodentia. Other forms resembling the families Lepidoptera and Gerridae have been observed, but only infrequently. These additional forms appear entirely spontaneously, and do not appear to be triggered by specific external conditions.\nAddendum 1: Recovery: SCP-1105 was initially recovered by Foundation operatives in the Heilongjiang province of China on 1987/12/17. Following a significant seismic event in the area, numerous reports had surfaced of a \"forest monster\" in outlying rural areas. Based on a description closely matching the one given in this document, thirty-nine AMTF Nu-7 agents were dispatched to investigate and report. Within 500 meters of the area where sightings had occurred, the operatives' SUVs were swarmed and subsequently electronically disabled by what the agents estimated as hundreds of instances of SCP-1105-1. The agents rapidly dismounted, drew the instances away from their transports, and engaged them with incendiary munitions, destroying the swarm. After an hour-long search, they discovered an apparent point of origin beyond a path of stripped vegetation adjacent to a hillside. It was later determined that the earlier seismic activity had created a fault in the bedrock, exposing a large cavern containing substantial SCP-1105 growth. It is assumed to have subsisted on ambient moisture and mineral deposits. Following collection of specimen and core samples, the cavern was sterilized via dicyanoacetylene saturation detonation and subsequently collapsed and sealed with ANFO.\nAddendum 2: Aquatics: While instances of SCP-1105-1 have displayed an ability to adapt and travel upon the surface of a body of water, they have been shown to be unable to thrive underwater. If forcibly submerged for an extended period of time they will simply fall apart.\nAddendum 3: Senses: While it is apparent that animated SCP-1105-1 are unable to process light as a sensory medium, they seem to be able to sense movement by detecting air currents and electromagnetic fields generated by animate beings. SCP-1105-1 simply flee from these fields. As such, electromagnets have been incorporated into the containment procedures.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1104 | SCP-1105 | SCP-1106 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1106\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1106 is to be kept in a secure containment locker in Site \u2588\u2588. All testing must be approved by Level 3 staff or higher. All uncontained instances of SCP-1106 discovered must immediately be secured and brought into containment.\nDescription: SCP-1106 is a cylindrical metal chamber composed of an unknown alloy determined to be roughly 96% iron. During its \"standby\" phase, SCP-1106 is inactive and its top cover will be open, granting access to the interior; however, the inside is consistently found to be empty during the \"standby\" period. If at any point a human tissue sample is placed inside the chamber, such as a buccal scraping, or a sample of blood, saliva or [REDACTED], SCP-1106 will close and enter its \"locked\" phase. All attempts to open or otherwise access the interior of SCP-1106 during its \"locked\" phase have proven unsuccessful. Attempts to place cameras or other devices inside SCP-1106 to observe the inside during the \"locked\" phase have also failed; it appears that the item will not close and lock if there is any inorganic material inside the chamber. Three (3) months after the initiation of the \"locked\" phase, the chamber will reopen and produce a human infant genetically identical to the sample donor. The products of SCP-1106, hereby referred to as SCP-1106-1, in the majority of all cases will develop normally and be indistinguishable from a naturally born human.\nNonetheless, in a small portion of cases (about \u2588%), instances of SCP-1106-1 will be born with marked defects. Recorded defects include SCP-1106-1 being born with abnormal numbers of limbs, being born without skin, being born with the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 system positioned outside of the body, and potentially dangerous deviations in [DATA EXPUNGED] coupled with a significant increase in aggression. Most notably, one instance of SCP-1106-1 was discovered to be emitting a remarkably high level of gamma radiation, forcing the immediate vicinity to be evacuated.\nAddendum 1106-01: Transcript of label affixed to the exterior of SCP-1106\n\nThanks for your purchase of your own genuine Grow Your Own Child\u2122 Kit, brought to you by your friends here at THE FACTORY! Procreation has never been so EASY and so FUN! Just place your DNA sample inside and watch the Grow Your Own Child\u2122 Kit work its magic - your child will be ready in less than three months, guaranteed!*\n*Results may vary.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1105 | SCP-1106 | SCP-1107 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1107\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Although SCP-1107 cannot be directly contained, it is important that knowledge of SCP-1107 not be released to the public. As SCP-1107 is difficult to receive, cover-up is easily accomplished by the insertion of agents into the United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These agents have been attached to research groups studying the telemetry from the following long distance space probes:\n\nPioneer 10 (Surveillance discontinued in 2003)\nPioneer 11 (Surveillance discontinued in 1995)\nVoyager 1\nVoyager 2\nNew Horizons (Surveillance initiated on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2010)\n\nMore surveillance is only required should further long distance space probes be launched.\nAddendum 1107-09: Following the translation work by Dr Holst, suggestions for reacting to SCP-1107 are outlined by procedures in Addendum 1107-08.\nDescription: SCP-1107 was discovered in 1977, in telemetry received from the Pioneer 10 long distance space probe. It has been subsequently re-discovered by any space probe that ventures further than 12 astronomical units (approximately 1.8 billion km) from the sun.\nSCP-1107 consists of a radio signal in the extreme-low-frequency range, normally observed at less than \u2588\u2588 Hz. The low frequency and intensity of this signal means that it is extremely susceptible to interference from natural and man-made sources of particle-based and electromagnetic radiation. As a result, it can only be reliably distinguished from background radiation when the receiver is at extreme distance from any source of interference. Most crucially, this includes the electromagnetic radiations emitted by the sun, limiting reception to the outer solar system.\nThe signal exists as a series of low frequency, amplitude modulated carrier waves. The modulation of the signals varies discretely from either a high or a low amplitude, displaying characteristics of a digitally encoded message. The bandwidth of these signals is extremely low, with estimations of the bit-rate being around 90 b/year. Despite this low data transmission rate, SCP-1107 clearly represents a transmission of intelligible data within our solar system. Currently, the information content of these signals is unknown.\nTriangulation of the signals by the available probes has determined that they are emitted by objects found in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud in the outskirts of the solar system. Lower bound estimates on the number of objects emitting these signals suggest that there are over \u2588 million separate transmitters.\nTelescopic observation of some of the nearer transmitters reveals them to be asteroid like bodies. Spectrograph analysis of these bodies reveals them to contain unusually high purity silicon and silicate based crystals, with phosphorous and boron based dopants. Thermal telemetry reveals a discrepancy in the amount of solar energy absorbed on the \"hot\" (sun-facing) side of these objects and the infra-red energy emitted by the cold (outwards-facing) side. Foundation researchers have hypothesised that this discrepancy would be sufficient to allow extraction of energy for useful tasks. However, the energy extracted would be almost negligible, suggesting that such tasks would either need to be very small, or be carried out over a long time. Given that no mechanical action has been observed by SCP-1107 emitters, the most likely purpose of this task would be some form of information processing activity.\n\nAddendum 1107-08: LIMITED TO O5 LEVEL CLEARANCE ONLY\n\n- close\n\nAddendum 1107-08:\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Dr Holst has made significant breakthroughs in the translation of SCP-1107. This was largely accomplished by associating certain common patterns within SCP-1107 with astronomical positions, and planetary orbital information. Dr Holst reports that the language of SCP-1107 bears similarities with computer based languages, however with greater provision for parsing semantic content such as used by sentient individuals. The following is an attempted translation of the most broadcast signal found within SCP-1107. The low bit-rate of SCP-1107 means that this signal has been recorded over a ten year-span, with further recording ongoing.\n\nThe [unclear, possible amalgamation of \"hot\", \"life\" and \"intelligence\"] has ascended once more.\nIt is time for [me/us] to act. [Possibly an interrogative]\n[You/I] must [either \"choose\", \"debate\" or possibly \"vote\"] now.\n\nGiven the implications of this, the WCS committee has been tasked with suggesting an appropriate contingency response. Currently, the only procedures forwarded have been protocol 06-MOSES or protocol 11-PORCUPINE. Neither of these are considered satisfactory at this time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1106 | SCP-1107 | SCP-1108 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Photo taken shortly before SCP-1108's dissipation\n\nItem #: SCP-1108\nObject Class: Uncontained\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The first recorded appearance of this phenomenon is dated November 26, 1928, filed in Foundation records as an Extranormal Event. Ten repeat occurrences have since been verified, precipitating numbered status and close observation.\nData from meteorological centers in the affected area are monitored for any indication of a new formation.\nDescription: SCP-1108 is a meteorological phenomenon that has only been observed along the southeast coast of Florida. Most observers at ground level experience SCP-1108 as a heavy fog with no anomalous properties.\nFrom an elevation above or approaching 450 meters, the fog formation reveals a distinct shape. According to in-person observation and aerial photographs, this shape resembles Alligator mississippiensis, the American alligator.\nIn conditions ideal for fog formation, the anomaly exhibits superficial details like eyelids, teeth, and individual scutes. Reports indicate that isolated sections of the fog formation will move independently of one another, resembling crawling limbs.\nSCP-1108 most frequently appears a few hours before dawn, often emerging from an existing cloud bank. The \"gator formation\" will maintain its distinct size and shape for upwards of six hours. During this six hour period, SCP-1108 will traverse an area of approximately 50 km length, always moving toward the Atlantic Ocean. The form appears to gradually dissipate into the atmosphere.\nThe effects on the local ecosystem do not become apparent until after the formation has dissolved. These effects include a 5 to 50 cm rise in fresh water levels and an abnormal displacement of local wildlife.\nIn areas directly overshadowed by SCP-1108, non-anomalous Alligator mississippiensis have been found congregating in groups of 6 to, at time of reporting, 24. These infestations occur most frequently on private property, with the majority occurring inside affluent communities.\nThe lack of data from prior occurrences makes it difficult to predict whether the size, range, and extent of the phenomenon's influence have remained stable, or increased over time. Recorded appearances so far follow a regular interval, occurring up to three times every two years; always preceding the rainy season of June-September (see Addendum 07/01/2012).\nExcerpt from Field Report 1108-16\n\nNotable events which took place within 24 hours of SCP-1108's appearance over the 2185.2 square meters of residential space in Palm Beach County:\n\n37 reports of juvenile and adult American alligators on private property\n\nA woman reports an adult male alligator inside her kitchen; local news media reports the specimen's length as 14 feet\n\n6 reports of alligators attempting to enter homes; while this behavior is not unprecedented, the number of instances is highly abnormal\n\nThree non-fatal attacks of alligators on humans, one resulting in significant injury\n\nOne fatal attack of a juvenile male alligator against an adolescent\n\n18 concurrently files reports of missing pets\n\nThe Florida Water Management District recorded an average of 16.5 cm rise in drainage canal levels, despite the lack of precipitation. As the majority of the southern portion of the state is kept above the waterline by an extensive network of such drainage canals, any significant rise in freshwater levels represents a threat to life and property.\n\nIt is unclear at this time whether the intrusion of Alligator mississippiensis was a displacement of existing creatures or a sudden population increase. It is unlikely that the existing state infrastructure could adequately contain repeat occurrences.\n\nAddendum 07/01/2012\n\nAs of 06/21/2012, SCP-1108 has made two consecutive appearances. Only the second was accompanied by an influx of Alligator mississippiensis; however, the rise in water levels mandated flood evacuation in two counties. The possible undetected infestation of Alligator mississippiensis in flooded areas cannot be determined, at this time.\nDuring the most recent occurrence, field agents reported a previously unrecorded auditory phenomenon\u2014 described as \"a series of low, drawn-out rumbles\"\u2014 which were sustained over several hours.\n\nRadiometric measurements taken during the course of these observations do not indicate temperature changes conducive to creating lightning. However, the recorded sounds do bear a striking resemblance to a male alligator's bellow.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1107 | SCP-1108 | SCP-1109 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1109\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1109 is to be stored at a Safe-class storage space at Site-\u2588\u2588 as per standard procedure and permission must be obtained from the current Level-2 supervising researcher (currently Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) before it may be removed from storage for testing purposes.\nThe edges of any sharpened instruments contained within SCP-1109 are to be covered during storage, so that handling the instruments cannot result in accidental injury. At the conclusion of testing all intact instruments must be placed back inside SCP-1109. Damaged instruments or instruments no longer fit for purpose are to be disposed of, but must not be used. During disposal or transport of instruments the instruments must be kept covered and placed inside a durable container resistant to cutting, in order to prevent accidental exposure to the effects of SCP-1109.\nPersonnel affected by SCP-1109 must attend regular basic medical examinations to detect any injuries incurred as a result of SCP-1109's effects. Additionally, those entering the three-month stage of exposure are required to attend regular psychological review sessions. They must be accompanied whenever possible by another staff member who has basic first aid training to avoid injury or damage caused by their actions. Personnel affected by SCP-1109 are barred from participating in any test or role involving handling of fragile materials, which require fine motor skills, or which involve combat.\nDescription: SCP-1109 is a black leather doctor's bag, approximately 44cm x 21cm x 22cm, with a metal fastener over the opening and a leather carrying handle. The words \u2018Aceso Medical: We'll take your pain away' are printed on the underside of the bag. Aceso Medical closed in 19\u2588\u2588 and no member of the company has yet been found who knows anything of the object or its properties.\nThe anomalous effects of SCP-1109 become apparent when any form of instrument or tool with a sharpened blade or point is placed in the bag and the bag is closed. Testing shows the instrument must be left in the bag for approximately 30 seconds before effects become noticeable. Any medical instrument left in the bag is rendered sterile and clean upon its subsequent removal from the bag.\nHowever, when a sharpened instrument is placed in the bag it takes on a second property. Any incisions, injections or other procedures performed using these items on a human being are seemingly painless. Subjects are aware that they are being operated upon and do not report a lessening of tactile sensation or numbing during the procedures, and may describe the experience as unpleasant, but do not register any form of pain.\nApproximately two weeks from initial exposure, subjects cease being able to register pain in any context. This suppresses pain-based reflexes, and can lead to accidental injuries and sometimes serious errors in judgement due to the subject being unable to notice that they have been injured. Approximately a month from exposure, subjects lose the ability to perceive any form of physical pleasure. Emotional pleasure is unaffected and subjects can find most normal activities enjoyable, but lose the ability to derive pleasure or enjoyment from any purely physical stimulus. This effect extends to the sense of taste and at least partially to the sense of smell, as evidenced by the inability of those affected to differentiate between tastes and textures in food.\nAfter approximately three months from exposure, subjects begin to suffer from a steady deadening of all tactile sensation. This begins with a gradual numbing of the extremities, but swiftly progresses over the course of several days to the point of being completely unable to feel any form of tactile sensation. Some subjects undergoing this process have been observed to develop masochistic tendencies and may resort to self-harm in an attempt to continue to register physical sensation. However, as the condition progresses even the most violent or severe of physical sensations become completely numb. At this stage, many subjects become severely depressed and begin to feel isolated or alienated from others. This is not considered to be an anomalous effect, and is simply the psychological response to the loss of one of the senses. Only the sense of taste and touch are affected, and no lessening of the bodies' ability to function is observed. The subject loses much of their fine motor function as a result of this as well as a lack of a reflex response to stimuli with a purely tactile or pain-based response. Subjects at this stage may also injure others accidentally due to an inability to register contact with them; many overcompensate when applying force to an object, which can result in damage or injury.\nTools which have been placed in SCP-1109 and have developed these anomalous properties will retain them indefinitely, even when separated from the bag. They lose these abilities when the sharpened edge or point of the instrument is dulled or destroyed in some way. No incidental sharp points or edges on an instrument, such as jagged points caused by damage, will exhibit any anomalous effects: only the primary cutting edge or sharpened point of an item is affected. The effect only extends to items intended to possess a sharpened point or cutting edge capable of puncturing skin. For example, a sharpened pencil placed in SCP-1109 will not manifest anomalous properties even if its point punctures human skin, while a bread knife placed in SCP-1109 will develop anomalous properties.\n\nAddendum SCP-1109-1: Injuries and incidents involving SCP-1109.\n\n- Addendum SCP-1109-1: Injuries and incidents involving SCP-1109.\n\nA1-1109-1: At 11:12 PM on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died in his sleep. Autopsy confirmed the cause of death to be an internal haemorrhage of initially unknown source. Careful review and investigation of the circumstances of his death have led to the conclusion that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 received a small cut while transferring an instrument that had been removed from SCP-1109 for disposal 13 days prior to his death. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 did not register this due to the painless nature of the injury. The day prior to his death he was involved in an incident in which a group of D-Class became violent and attempted to resist Foundation authority. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was injured during a physical struggle with one of the D-Class, in which he sustained significant internal injuries which he failed to recognise due to the influence of SCP-1109. It is believed that Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 would have survived his injuries had he sought appropriate medical attention, but mistakenly believed he had escaped the altercation unharmed, and died as a result of his injuries during the night, some 10 hours after his initial injury. Testing of SCP-1109 has been postponed in order to facilitate a restructuring of containment procedures to minimise further exposure of Foundation personnel.\nA1-1109-2: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 died at some point between 8:00PM and 10:30PM while in his home on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Cause of death was gunshot wound to the right temple, believed to be self inflicted. An audio recorder found by the body contained a pre-recorded message to his loved ones and colleagues at the Foundation, blaming the object's influence for his mental state ending with the statement \"Well, what's the point in living if you feel like a ghost already?\". Containment procedures have been modified and personnel exposed to SCP-1109 are now required to submit to mandatory psychological evaluations.\nA1-1109-3: Investigation by Foundation Personnel led to the discovery of a civilian apparently suffering the symptoms of SCP-1109 exposure. Further investigation led to the discovery of an SCP-1109-affected scalpel which had somehow been transferred into a surgical theatre in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital. It is unknown whether the scalpel originated from SCP-1109 prior to its containment, if another item similar to SCP-1109 exists, or if an instrument from SCP-1109 was somehow removed from containment. An investigation into the matter is currently underway, but Agents are advised to pay close attention to any reports of 'painless' surgery while conscious, or of people with no ability to register pain.\n\n- Addendum SCP-1109-1: Injuries and incidents involving SCP-1109.\n\nAddendum 1109-2: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has received requests to use SCP-1109 on D-Class personnel involved in the handling of certain objects which cause intense physical pain or pleasure. This request is currently pending approval.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1108 | SCP-1109 | SCP-1110 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1110\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: MTF Gamma-5 (\"Red Herrings\") is to monitor all police scanner traffic within a 72 kilometer radius of the most recent manifestation of SCP-1110 in order to detect and scramble any potential reports of SCP-1110 activity to law enforcement. Once a report is detected and stopped, Gamma-5 units are to report to the location of origin disguised as local law enforcement as per hush protocol seven and confiscate all footage of SCP-1110. All cash losses incurred are to be replaced through Foundation funds. Special accounts dedicated to loss replacement drawn on private banks have been created and provided to MTF squad leaders accordingly.\nA special task force of MTF Gamma-5 (Gamma-5-STF-7 \"Reservoir Repairmen\") has been created and tasked with impersonating a private security firm (SecureCorp Professionals) and gaining control of bank security in the area immediately surrounding recent manifestations of SCP-1110, in order to destroy footage of SCP-1110 as the event occurs, and to attempt to interfere if possible.\nDescription: SCP-1110 is a series of phenomena that thus far seems to appear only on video cameras manufactured later than 19\u2588\u2588 and centers around financial institutions such as banks or other repositories of currency in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 United States. To date, \u2588\u2588 instances of SCP-1110 manifestation have been confirmed, and between \u2588 and \u2588\u2588 unconfirmed cases are suspected to involve SCP-1110, with at least one case coinciding with a typical bank robbery that occurred simultaneously in the same institution, making loss verification impossible. Unexplained losses by financial institutions lacking video monitoring systems are included in this approximation.\nDuring a typical SCP-1110 manifestation, two humanoid entities with their faces obscured by dark material designated SCP-1110-1 and SCP-1110-2 can be seen on camera footage entering the financial institution brandishing guns in a threatening manner, coupled with aggressive body language. SCP-1110-1 and SCP-1110-2 typically wear dark clothing, and are distinguished by a grey hood on SCP-1110-1 and what seems to be a skull like mask obscuring on SCP-1110-2. The pair will generally approach a teller and move in a fashion indicative of robbery demands. At this point the teller in the video will seem to comply with these demands by raising their hands above their heads and carefully handing over money, which SCP-1110-1 will place in a briefcase while SCP-1110-2 maintains its threatening pose toward the teller. Once a sum of cash between \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been handed over, SCP-1110-1 will seal the briefcase and nod to SCP-1110-2, and the entities will exit the building.\nNote that the entities and phenomena occur only on video. During the time frame that video records SCP-1110 activity, business will commence as usual in the bank. No teller or customer present during an SCP-1110 event, including Foundation personnel on the scene, has ever seen, heard, or felt SCP-1110-1 or SCP-1110-2, even in cases where they have been shown in the video to physically assault or [DATA EXPUNGED]10-a.)\nFollowing a manifestation of SCP-1110, a sum of cash approximately equal to the amount shown being stolen in video footage will be missing from the place of manifestation. There have been confirmed cases of the entities stealing other items during a manifestation, including an incident in which SCP-1110-2 apparently demanded that a bank patron hand over his wristwatch. Following the manifestation, the patron commented to Foundation interviewers that his watch was present, but had stopped at the instant of removal shown in the video.\nAddendum-1110-a: On \u2588/\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, a teller was shown in SCP-1110 footage to resist, and was subsequently shot by SCP-1110-2. Post incident reviews with other bank employees revealed [DATA EXPUNGED].\nAddendum-1110-b: Yes, I am aware that the containment protocols for SCP-1110 currently allow the possibility that legitimate crimes will go and have gone unreported due to accidental interference by MTF Gamma-5. I assure you all that this is a risk we must accept in order to maintain containment and prevent public knowledge of SCP-1110. -MTF Commander \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum-1110-c: On \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, security cameras for a small pay-to-park business adjacent to the financial institution targeted by SCP-1110 captured footage of SCP-1110-1 and SCP-1110-2 fleeing the building on foot and entering a delivery vehicle parked in the pay-to-park lot. The vehicle was not recorded in the payment logs of the pay-to-park enterprise, nor was it observed by the employee operating the toll gate, and was driven by what appeared in the footage to be a Caucasian person of indeterminate build. The logo on the vehicle was noted by the agent who recovered the footage to bear a striking similarity to [REDACTED], and the possibility of a connection is currently under investigation. A proposal to add the modification of security video systems to include exterior and parking area cameras in all financial institutions under observation by MTF-G-5-STF-7 to containment protocols for SCP-1110 is under review pending authorization from Commander \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1109 | SCP-1110 | SCP-1111 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1111\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A restricted zone has been established in a 2 km radius around SCP-1111-2; a public statement was released declaring it to be a weather monitoring station. Cameras are suspended from weather balloons, constantly monitoring the enclosure. Individuals may not come within 1km of SCP-1111-2 without explicit written permission from a level 4 researcher or higher. Should SCP-1111-1 move away from SCP-1111-2, all personnel are to evacuate the restricted zone until SCP-1111-1 returns to its position beneath SCP-1111-2.\nDescription: SCP-1111-1 is an entity with an appearance similar to that of Canis familiaris, commonly known as the domestic dog. The size of SCP-1111-1 varies with its distance from SCP-1111-2; directly beneath it, SCP-1111-1 is approximately 150 cm from ground to shoulders. The exact breed of SCP-1111-1 is unclear; it appears to be a mix, with traits of both a Labrador Retriever and a German Shepard clearly visible. SCP-1111-1 possesses a white coat and red eyes, both of which glow at luminosities directly proportional to its proximity to SCP-1111-2. At distances greater than 500 m from SCP-1111-2, SCP-1111-1 gradually becomes translucent. Additionally, SCP-1111-1's speed, strength, and agility all seem to be inversely proportional to its distance from SCP-1111-2.\nA dog tag is affixed to a faded red collar around SCP-1111-1's neck. The tag reads:\nLoyal\nLeft alone, SCP-1111-1 lies down beneath SCP-1111-2. It does not appear to sleep, or, if it does, is able to do so with its eyes completely open. It does not eat, drink, or breathe.\nShould SCP-1111-1 become aware of any person or object coming near SCP-1111-2, it will quickly become hostile and attempt to destroy the intruder. SCP-1111-1 has significantly increased physical abilities above a standard canine; video records show it running at speeds in excess of 60 km/hr, jumping 6 m into the air, and biting through 15 mm titanium plating. SCP-1111-1 appears to be incorporeal, and as such attempts to both neutralize it and examine SCP-1111-2 more closely have been met with failure. See Incident Log 1111-B for details.\nSCP-1111-2 has the appearance of a man hanged by a noose from a tree. The subject wears a faded business suit and dress shoes; both are too worn to properly identify a manufacturer. SCP-1111-2 constantly jerks and twitches in a manner consistent with those of a man being hanged; occasionally gasps for breath can also be heard. The violence and energy of these jerks is directly proprotional to SCP-1111-1's proximity to SCP-1111-2; as the distance between the two increases, the jerks and twitches decrease in violence and frequency.\n\n+ Incident Log 1111-B\n\n- Incident Log 1111-B\n\nDate: 05/02/19\u2588\u2588\nA team of \u2588 agents were sent to attempt to neutralize SCP-1111-1 for transportation to a containment facility. The team approached SCP-1111-2 from the North, opposite the direction SCP-1111-1 was facing. The agents were able to come within 300 m of SCP-1111-2, at which point SCP-1111-1 rose and attacked agents without warning.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, realizing that the mission had failed, began to flee the area. SCP-1111-1 pursued, but decreased in size, definition, and speed as it grew further and further away from SCP-1111-2. When SCP-1111-1 reached a distance of 900 m from SCP-1111-2, SCP-1111-2 was observed to stop moving entirely. At this point, SCP-1111-1 froze for a moment and turned its head towards SCP-1111-2. SCP-1111-1 stayed in this position for a few seconds before howling once and sprinting back towards SCP-1111-2. SCP-1111-2 was observed to resume its jerking and twitching.\nVideo records of the incident indicate that rounds fired at SCP-1111-1 passed through it without making contact, despite the fact that its teeth and claws proved solid when attacking agents. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was the only one to survive the incident.\nO5-\u2588: From this point forward, only D-class and remote-operated drones may be used to approach SCP-1111 directly.\nDate: 05/20/19\u2588\u2588\n\u2588 D-class armed with [DATA EXPUNGED] were sent to approach SCP-1111-2 from various directions. Incident proved similar to previous attempt; SCP-1111-1 proceeded to kill all D-class present.\nDuring the incident, D-83011 was able to come within 50 m of SCP-1111-2 before being killed. During this time, cameras noted an anomaly with SCP-1111-2: its jerks slowed, and its eyes opened and fixed on D-83011. SCP-1111-2's arms then raised towards D-83011, in what appeared to observers as a welcoming embrace. Moments before D-83011 was killed by SCP-1111-1, SCP-1111-2's lips can be seen moving, mouthing what appear to be the words \"no, down boy\". Immediately after the death of D-83011, SCP-1111-2 fell limp and resumed normal twitching.\nO5-\u2588: It appears as though simply isolating SCP-1111-2 is enough to effectively contain SCP-1111-1. As such, all further testing is suspended, barring a significant development, until further notice.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1110 | SCP-1111 | SCP-1112 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1112\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1112 is to be locked in Containment Cell 1112 at all times. Permission to study SCP-1112 must go through Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. As items are fragile, personnel are advised to handle objects with care. No further precautions are necessary.\nDescription: SCP-1112 is the collective designation for four (4) Han Dynasty-era Chinese shadow puppets dated circa \u2588\u2588\u2588 CE. The items are cut from painted leather and stand 30 centimeters (12 in.) tall, typical of the era's design. Wooden sticks fastened to the joints animate the figures. When not operated, the objects do not exhibit any abnormal properties.\nSCP-1112's perceptual effects manifest when the objects are animated between a light source and translucent screen by one or more individuals, as in traditional shadow plays. All members of the play's audience will perceive individual figures as the silhouettes of deceased, estranged or otherwise unattainable persons in their lives. The silhouette figures 'perform' scenes from their lives that either correspond to a subject's memories or are speculative and metaphorical in nature. No commonalities have been observed across all plays, except that they only include the deceased person(s) as the subject of the scene. Only the silhouettes are visible and will often interact with invisible characters and props (see Experiment Log 1112-1 for documented scenes).\nEach figure is archetypal in design and symbolizes a category of interpersonal relationship, such as parental, familial or romantic bonds. The subject perceives each figure as an unattainable person with whom they shared that particular connection. Where no persons in the subject's life correspond to a figure, the puppet is non-anomalous. Close observation of the silhouettes by subjects have revealed they behave as the real individuals in all aspects, even mirroring nervous tics and gesticulations only the viewer would have been privy to. The silhouettes move with a fluidity and precision that would be impossible with ordinary shadow puppets. The figures, however, do not vocalize.\nNote that male figures can be observed as female silhouettes, and vice versa. The list of SCP-1112 items currently includes:\n\nSCP-1112-1: A concubine figure in a traditional gown. Often observed as the individual's dead lover, ex-wife, old flame, or an object of unrequited affection.\n\nSCP-1112-2: An Emperor figure wearing battle armor and brandishing a sword. Observed as the subject's dead/estranged father or father figure.\n\nSCP-1112-3: An Empress figure in royal wear. Observed as the subject's dead/estranged mother or mother figure.\n\nSCP-1112-4: An ornately adorned ascetic figure with a demonic visage. Observed as a person that has inflicted physical and/or psychological trauma on the subject.\n\nAlthough there have been no recorded effects of memetic compulsion to animate the items, individuals that do so (hereby referred to as users) become silent until the current \u2018play' is concluded. Looking behind the screen reveals no cause of the figure's perceptual effects; the users simply operate the puppets according to their desires and ability but are unresponsive to external stimuli. As long as the figures are being moved behind the screen, SCP-1112's effects will manifest. When the user ceases operating the figures, all scenes will conclude together, however varied in nature.\nThe play users perform is never seen by the audience and has no bearing on the subject matter perceived. The nature and content of the performances is tailored specifically to individual members of the audience, even if other persons are present in room. Content of scenes tends to vary wildly depending on the figures used, the status of the subject's relationship with the perceived persons, and other psychological predilections. Due to the intimate and emotional subject matter of the performances, understanding the context of documented scenes is dependent on the subject's interpretation of what are often private, inscrutable, and disturbing revelations into their loved one's lives.\nRecorded plays with only one figure have included scenes depicting the person's final hours in real time, birth, childhood, traumatic experiences, everyday life, personal triumphs and more esoteric scenes that could not possibly have occurred, but are inferred to be symbolic representations of some aspect of the late person's life. Plays that have included multiple figures have deviated wildly in content, such as the figures holding a roundtable discussion on their opinion of the subject (inferred due to lack of vocalizations), to [DATA EXPUNGED].\n\n+ Click to access 1112 Experiment Log\n\n- Click to hide\n\nExperiment Log 1112-1\nExperiment 1112-001:\nSubject: D-12344, middle-aged male with deceased mother\nFigures: 1112-2\nReported Description: Subject became increasingly agitated over the duration of the play, and became hostile when questioned by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Subject was sedated and forcibly contained in a psychiatric holding cell until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 explained the nature of SCP-1112 and was able to coax D-12344 into cooperating. Subject reportedly witnessed a silhouette of his late mother violently assaulted by an invisible assailant for three minutes and thirty four seconds. Scene matched the memory subject had of an identical assault by his mother's then-partner, a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of Wichita, Kansas. Foundation Agents were able to procure appropriate records from the WPD and found a domestic assault charge from \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Attached police report confirmed the sequence of events.\nWe've established the veracity of the scenes SCP-1112 presents to us, so we know it is either capable of limited omniscience in regards to what it 'performs' for its viewers or that it somehow dredges up old memories. Research is ongoing - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment 1112-003\nSubject: D-13996, middle-aged male with deceased parents\nFigures: 1112-2 and 1112-3\nReported Description: Subject described having observed the silhouettes of his mother and father ballroom dancing for nine minutes and fourteen seconds. D-13996 was unaware of the scene ever occurring, and stressed their marriage was generally untroubled. Whether the play event was a re-enactment of a real life occurrence or a metaphorical interpretation of a relationship on the part of the item is as of yet undetermined.\nExperiment 1112-013\nSubject: D-19564, late-20s female with deceased parents and ex-husband\nFigures: 1112-1, -2, and -3\nReported Description: Subject reported to have observed younger silhouettes of mother and father engaged in conversation with ex-husband. At approximately the four minute mark, the ex-husband reportedly placed his arm around the mother's waist, provoking a physical altercation between the two males. Subject's father was apparently knocked unconscious. Play ended on shot of ex-husband and mother in physical embrace. Subject became flustered while recounting the event. Placed in holding cell until conditions improve.\nWe don't know if the items are deliberately fabricating psychologically harmful content, or if it is simulating some of its subject matter based on real, unquantifiable variables. We just don't know. - Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment 1112-030\nSubject: D-13961, middle-aged male with a deceased mother\nFigures: 1112-3\nReported Description: Subject observed the silhouette of his mother methodically dismembering itself over the span of an hour. Figure began with rear, progressed to the thighs, stomach, backside, and was amputating its left arm before D-13961 became hostile and testing was halted. The figure appeared to be unaffected despite severe blood loss. D-13961 became extremely unnerved as scene progressed and was placed in a holding cell for the remainder of the day. In a follow-up interview, D-13961 explained his mother had struggled with body dysmorphic disorder. Subject confirmed she had recently expired of natural causes.\nEven the most bizarre scenes have some basis in reality. \u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nExperiment 1112-032\nSubject: D-18431, teenaged male incarcerated for murder\nFigures: 1112-4 and 1112-1\nReported Description: 1112-4 reportedly manifested as [REDACTED]. 1112-4 proceeded to 1112-1 huddled on the far side of the screen and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Testing halted when subject broke restraints and assaulted user. Terminated ahead of schedule. First documented instance of a prop item materializing on screen. 1112-4 noted to have felt slightly warm to touch for next hour.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1111 | SCP-1112 | SCP-1113 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1113\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to it posing no risk when in a passive state, SCP-1113 can be stored in a secure box in a standard containment room. If required for testing it may be signed out for use by Level 3 researchers and above. Any testing involving D-class mortality must be approved in writing by a member of senior staff prior to commencement.\nDescription: SCP-1113 is a small spinning top comprised of a hollow bronze base, heavily oxidised and showing small flecks of blue from having been previously painted. The upper section is a porcelain figurine of the upper body of a woman, painted with enamel and with a blue and brown blouse made of a rough cotton. It is spun by means of wrapping the string around it and then pulling firmly to rotate the top at speed. The figurine is attached to the bronze segment by a clear resin-like glue concurrent with the apparent age of the manufacture (c.1915). The bronze component has been estimated by thermoluminescent dating to have been cast around 50 BCE (\u00b1 40 years). There are imperfections in the alloy and tooling marks on the inside of the top that suggest that the bronze has been retooled and was formerly used in a different construction.\nWhen SCP-1113 is spun by hand the person doing so does not age or suffer any degeneration to their body due to the effects of aging or illness for as long as the top is spinning. Tests using automated robots spinning the top suggest that it will spin for anywhere up to fourteen hours when spun with sufficient force (using levels of force within realistic limits of human strength). Any wounds caused before or during the top being spun remain present and are not affected in any way. The individual is still mortal to life-threatening injury while the top is being spun.\nThe top came to the attention of the Foundation in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 when alerted by a member of the London Metropolitan police force with connections to the Foundation. He reported that it had been taken as evidence from a house in Brighton, UK which had been entered by Sussex police after reports by neighbours of an unpleasant smell. On forcing their way into the house they discovered the corpse of a man who was estimated to be around 70 years old. His body was on the floor with one arm stretched out under the sofa. Officers found the spinning top at the back of the sofa. His right palm showed heavy callouses at the base of all the fingers and a wound approximately 1cm deep across the centre of the palm which appeared to be cauterised through burning or friction. Estimates suggest that it would take many weeks of constant friction between the string and palm to cause such extensive damage. There was also severe damage to the right shoulder socket and extreme dislocation caused by the arm being overextended in attempts to reach the spinning top.\nAlthough there was very little personal information found in the flat the body was identified as belonging to Richard Mark Piper, from a 19\u2588\u2588 driving license and a birth certificate found in the flat giving the deceased's date of birth as 24/12/18\u2588\u2588. Further information may be found in the supplemental materials, consisting primarily of a set of journals found at the home of the deceased and the police witness reports from neighbours.\n\nSupplemental Materials 1113-2C: Fragment from Journal of Richard Mark Piper (errors author's own):\n\u2588\u2588 January, 19\u2588\u2588:\nIt definitely works. I mean, I'm not sure how, but every time I start the top spinning, it's like my hands are opening, expanding like a parched man given a cantene of water. If I'd had this sooner I could have helped win this damn war.\nI wonder how it works, it's magnetism perhaps, or some of that crystal howkum. Howkum? What am I saying? I'm writing this using a fountain pen with my wonderful, working hands!\n\u2588\u2588 April, 19\u2588\u2588:\nThe people at the club are always asking how I look so good for my age. They think I'm a 60 year old that looks 50 and they're impresed, imagine if they knew the truth \u2013 I remember the last Coronation, let alone this one! This truly is a marvel, I wish I could tell the world what I have discovered, but then it would be taken from me, I know this. If only I could let Rachel use it, she seems so frail these days. But if I did I know she'd not be able to resist telling friends, woman can't even get a new night cream without telling everyone on the street about it.\n\u2588\u2588 June, 20\u2588\u2588:\nCant hold thpen very well, my hand is awfull sore, cant stop though, I can fel HIM brething down myneck, the reeper, I know Iv held HIM off too long, its getting harder andharder nowshe only spins for a cupple of minutes at atime. She must keep dancig, she dances so beatifuly.\nI don want to die.\n\nAddendum Although it's clear that the effect of this item could result in its use becoming obsessive, we have no evidence on whether or not this is merely psychological or a conditioning created by the SCP itself. Until this is known it is suggested that use is restricted to D-class personnel.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1112 | SCP-1113 | SCP-1114 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1114\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1114 is to be contained in a secured modular locker at Storage Site-12. This locker is to be placed within the perimeter of the compound, at least 75 meters from any other structure or outdoor area accessible to personnel and/or SCPs. SCP-1114 is to be observed by a CCTV camera, the feed from which needs to be analyzed continually by optical image recognition software for potential changes to the SCP-1114's deformable face plating. The camera and the server running this software are to be connected to a backup power supply so that in the event of a power failure, continued surveillance is guaranteed. Weekly maintenance checks of both camera and server are to be executed by authorized technical staff.\nTests using SCP-1114 are to be authorized by a level 4 member of research staff. If an anomaly is detected outside of scheduled testing, the senior research staff member on-site is to enact Protocol Wanderlust immediately. A security detail is to then search the area around SCP-1114's location for human remains, should no such remains be present in its locker.\nDescription: SCP-1114 is a model SA-\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 automotive crash test dummy from the Hybrid II \u2588\u2588th series as manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 between 19\u2588\u2588 and 19\u2588\u2588. A mark was discovered stamped into the underside of the SCP-1114's solid vinyl foot, identifying its production date as \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. Research into the company's history has not yielded any significant events around that time to account for the SCP-1114's properties. Samples taken from SCP-1114 indicate it is constructed of materials appropriate for both the time period in which it was manufactured and for the model in question: a steel skeletal construct with aluminum and bronze joints covered in various solid vinyl skin and vinyl foam components.\nIn its inactive state, SCP-1114 is for all intents and purposes a typical automotive frontal impact crash test dummy. Its anomalous properties manifest when a human being sustains a physical injury within a range of 50 meters from its current position. SCP-1114 then imprints on the subject and its face plating remolds itself to resemble the face of the subject. Any physical injury through external forces will then manifest only on SCP-1114. This has been proven to include blunt force trauma and puncture wounds of various levels of severity. Strikes with blunt or sharp implements will appear to bounce off the subject, but if the blow would have severed any part of the subject's body, it will sever a corresponding part on SCP-1114. However, tests have also demonstrated that while the damage itself is not applied to the subjects, the pain is. When trauma is induced, subjects exhibit behavioral patterns appropriate to a person receiving that trauma. This includes screaming, weeping and on a physiological level, loss of consciousness.\nThis effect has been observed to be reciprocal, with any damage done to SCP-1114 manifesting on the body of the subject imprinted on. When SCP-1114 is damaged, test subjects immediately develop the appropriate trauma and according sensations. If SCP-1114 is displaced by the injury caused, this movement does not appear to carry over to the subject.\nDamage done to the SCP-1114 when in its inactive state does not seem to have an abnormal effect. Damage shows up and remains on SCP-1114 until it next activates. At that point, all damage disappears as described below.\nOnce imprinting has occurred, SCP-1114 does not appear to imprint on another subject. This process does not seem to be reversible except by termination of the subject. Unless the test subject qualifies for continued existence as understood in guideline 1114-G-01, Protocol Wanderlust is initiated.\nUpon unimprinting, SCP-1114's face plating reverts to its initial form and any and all damage done to it instantly disappears. This includes previously severed parts reappearing, even if previously removed from the test site or destroyed. The method by which it reassembles itself is unknown at this time. If these events do not transpire within 30 minutes of the subject having been declared officially terminated, SCP-1114 is to be destroyed. Staff are to be alert for the appearance of remains on-site.\nAddendum 1114-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nSCP-1114 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Germany in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 plant after it had been used in a safety test for the new model \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 SUV. Foundation operatives were called in after sleeper agents within the plant made contact and reported the incident. A press release was sent out detailing an unfortunate industrial accident.\nAddendum 1114-A-02: Excerpts from testing log 1114-T\n\nTest designation: 1114-T-01\nName/Personnel ID: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest subject: 1 common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), 1 short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), 1 chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)\nSummary goal: To see whether SCP-1114 is able to imprint on other species.\nTranscript: All animals were sedated and strapped in place to secure ease of handling.\nA needle was inserted into the chimpanzee's left upper thigh. No change to SCP-1114's face plating occurred within a period of thirty minutes following the initial injury and the chimpanzee was taken back to its cell.\nA small cut was made in the dolphin's dorsal fin. No change to the SCP-1114's face plating occurred within a period of thirty minutes following the initial injury and the dolphin was taken back to its own tank.\nThe chicken had one of its wings broken. No change to the SCP-1114's face plating occurred within a period of thirty minutes following the initial injury and the chicken was taken to the mess.\nConclusion: SCP-1114 does not seem to imprint on other species.\n\nTest designation: 1114-T-15\nName/Personnel ID: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest subject: D-53466\nSummary goal: To determine the extent of the relation between SCP-1114 and the test subject after imprinting.\nTranscript: D-53466 was forcibly strapped in place in a high-backed chair by security staff present.\nA needle was then inserted in the subject's left upper thigh. The image recognition software registered a change to SCP-1114's face plating after approximately 5 minutes. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 then instructed one of the security staff present to hit D-53466 over the head with his baton. D-53466 pleaded loudly, but was struck as instructed. No injury presented itself on subject's body, but SCP-1114 immediately developed a large dent in the area where D-53466's head been struck. Subject did exhibit signs of distress after the blow, complaining of severe pain and repeatedly attempting to reach for his head.\nAfter this test, SCP-1114 was [DATA EXPUNGED] remains were collected and disposed of as per regulations.\nConclusion: SCP-1114's imprinting on subject does not transfer feelings of pain to SCP-1114, only physical damage to subject's body.\n\nTest designation: 1114-T-53\nName/Personnel ID: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest subject: D-92832\nSummary goal: To determine how damage done to SCP-1114 affects test subjects.\nTranscript: D-93832 was strapped down as per testing protocol. Subject was extremely apprehensive and agitated, requiring several security personnel to restrain him. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 left the room and returned with a sedative. After forceful application of said sedative and a small time spent waiting for it to take effect, testing proceeded. A needle was then inserted in the subject's left upper thigh. A change to SCP-1114's face plating was registered after approximately 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Security staff was then instructed to discharge his sidearm at the SCP-1114's head at point-blank range.\nD-93832 was allowed to recover from the effects of the sedative in his cell. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was returned to his next of kin in a closed casket.\nConclusion: Testing protocol needs revision. We need to very carefully match the face plating against ALL personnel in the activation radius, not just test subjects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1113 | SCP-1114 | SCP-1115 \u00bb"} +{"text": "An SCP-1115 drone at low altitude during signal transmission\n\nItem #: SCP-1115\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: No attempt to capture, intercept, or interfere with SCP-1115 is to be made until further notice. SCP-1115's movement is to be monitored by satellite at all times and by Foundation UAVs trailing at a distance of 50 km. Equatorial weather conditions are to be monitored and Mobile Task Force Upsilon-638 (Phoenix Nest) is to be placed on standby in the event of any phenomena which could result in a disruption of SCP-1115's route. All transmissions of SCP-1115-2 are to be recorded for analysis. In the event of any major deviation from SCP-1115's itinerary, Site 731 is to be evacuated and authorization is granted to execute Procedure Greenbriar at O5 discretion.\nA Foundation front company, Space Communication Properties, has acquired licenses to test UAVs for communications purposes in airspace above the equator. Any sightings of SCP-1115 shall be attributed in the media as being prototypes of these UAVs.\nIn the event that any part of SCP-1115 ceases functioning, Phoenix Nest is to deploy and retrieve it as soon as possible, to be transferred to Site 731 for dismantling and storage. Recovered SCP-1115 artifacts are not to be exposed to any light more intense than 1000 lux.\nDescription: SCP-1115 currently consists of 87 toroidal unmanned aerial vehicles, approximately 1.2 meters in diameter, of unknown manufacture and origin. At all times since direct observation began in 19\u2588\u2588, all SCP-1115 drones have been in flight at an average altitude of approximately 15 km above sea level, traveling due west above areas within 20 degrees latitude north or south of the equator, at an average speed of 1600 km/h. SCP-1115's speed is synchronized to the solar terminator.1 SCP-1115 maintains itself at a distance of approximately 45 degrees longitude east of the terminator, resulting in its remaining in a daylit part of the world at all times. SCP-1115 maintains this route at all times, completing a circuit of the globe every 24 hours, altering course only if its direct route is impeded by cloud cover or inclement weather. No SCP-1115 drone has been observed to enter a clouded area. The drones comprising SCP-1115, when not being interfered with by outside forces or moving to evade meteorological phenomena, fly in a pattern comprising several V-formations of the type displayed by migratory birds. The presence of several missing spots in each formation indicates that SCP-1115 initially consisted of at least \u2588\u2588\u2588 drones.\nAt approximately 0500 UTC each day, while SCP-1115 is overflying a region of the Sahara desert located at \u2588\u2588\u00ba\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\" N., \u2588\u2588\u00ba\u2588\u2588'\u2588\u2588\" E., an individual SCP-1115 drone will descend to approximately 5,000 meters above surface level and transmit a radio signal, designated SCP-1115-2, before ascending and returning to its place in formation. SCP-1115-2 is an audio recording, between 41 and 46 seconds in length on all recorded instances, of a synthesized male voice, speaking a language not identified by the Foundation. A large portion of the recording remains the same in all recorded instances, while several other portions vary daily. SCP-1115-2 has occurred every day that SCP-1115 has been under observation except when cloud cover has made it impossible for an SCP-1115 drone to descend to the transmission zone. The intended recipient of SCP-1115-2 has not been identified; several Foundation surveys of the area have failed to locate any pre-existing radio antennae or artifacts similar to SCP-1115. For information regarding the history and translation of SCP-1115-2, refer to addenda.\nTo date, SCP-1115 has resisted any attempts to capture a drone while in flight. Individual SCP-1115 drones have demonstrated an ability to evade missile and cannon fire as well as ground-based anti-aircraft weapons and to disable pursuing aircraft by generating an electromagnetic pulse that SCP-1115 itself is not affected by. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588, an aircraft with shielded electronics was used to attempt to intercept an SCP-1115 drone. When the aircraft continued pursuit after the EMP was deployed, the drone responded by ramming the aircraft and detonating a miniaturized nuclear device installed within it, destroying itself and the aircraft, and producing a 5 kt airblast over the [REDACTED] where pursuit was occurring. Emergency aerial dispersal of Class-E amnestics in populated areas near [REDACTED] was conducted and Foundation media assets attributed the after-effects to forest fires. All further attempts to intercept SCP-1115 are preemptively denied.\nIn addition to the incident described above, three SCP-1115 drones have ceased functioning since observation began. Two of the three crashed into the Pacific Ocean after an unidentified failure resulted in their suddenly losing altitude; due to the depth of the crash regions the Foundation has deemed them unobtainable. The third, which crashed on land near [REDACTED] in north Africa in 1942, was not immediately obtainable due to ongoing military conflict in the region; surveys conducted after the war ended have failed to locate it and it is currently believed to have been buried entirely by shifting desert sands. The Foundation has acquired one intact SCP-1115 drone, designated SCP-1115-1, to date; for information on its history and findings regarding it, refer to addenda.\nAddenda:\n\n+ Show SCP-1115-1 History and Analysis\n\n- Hide SCP-1115-1 History and Analysis\n\nSCP-1115-1 was discovered in 1856 by a British archeological expedition in Borneo. At the time of its discovery, it was partially buried and heavily caked with volcanic ash identified as having originated from Mt. Tambora.2 It is speculated that the sudden eruption of Mt. Tambora resulted in SCP-1115-1's propulsion system becoming clogged with ash before it could correct its course, causing it to fail and crash. The expedition sold SCP-1115-1 to the Rajah of Sarawak, who displayed it as a curio in his royal palace until it was acquired by the Foundation in 1901. As the Foundation lacked the capabilities to properly examine it at the time, it was classified as an anomalous object and archived in Reliquary 38. In 20\u2588\u2588, a Foundation archivist discovered the similarity between the artifact and SCP-1115, leading to its being reclassified as SCP-1115-1 and transferred to Site 731 for study.\nThe exterior surface of SCP-1115-1 was found to be composed almost entirely of solar energy collector panels composed of an unidentified polymer. Upon exposure to a bright spotlight generating approximately 5000 lux, SCP-1115-1 immediately became active and began transmitting a previously undocumented variant of SCP-1115-2. Transmission stopped within five seconds of the spotlight being removed. Later data analysis indicated that, during the period the transmission occurred, seventeen SCP-1115 drones broke formation and began to divert from their previous course in the cardinal direction of Site 731. Further exposure of any captured SCP-1115 artifact to bright light is prohibited.\nSCP-1115's propulsion system is highly efficient, deriving all necessary power from the solar panels, and appears to be based on theoretical models of [REDACTED] that the Foundation does not yet have the capability to test fully. The majority of SCP-1115-1's interior, and all of its external extensions except for a radio antenna, consisted of a wide variety of environmental monitoring devices, not all of which have been identified. Devices for measuring temperature, wind speed, humidity, atmospheric concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and several noble gases, radioactivity, and [REDACTED] have been identified. Printed circuit boards incorporated into the onboard devices bear markings in an unidentified language, possibly the same one heard in SCP-1115-2. A nuclear device believed to be similar to the one detonated on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 was recovered, consisting of a cube 60 mm on each side composed of an unidentified alloy.\nRadiometric testing of materials found in SCP-1115-1 indicate that the drone was manufactured approximately 12.3 million years ago, \u00b1 600,000 years. Collection of further samples is deemed necessary to verify this date. SCP-1115-1 was partially reassembled and is stored at Site 731. A determination has been made that any future SCP-1115 artifacts recovered will be stored at Site 731 as well to prevent any possible further exposure of Foundation site locations to SCP-1115.\n\n+ Show SCP-1115-2 History and Analysis\n\n- Hide SCP-1115-2 History and Analysis\n\nSCP-1115-2 was first detected in 1912 by a Foundation expeditionary unit, which was exploring the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 region of the southern Sahara to catalogue anomalous items reported there. Upon first reception, the signal was believed to be a unique event. When the same signal was received consecutively several days in a row, further investigation ensued, resulting in the construction of a permanent listening post to receive all further transmissions. As SCP-1115 itself could not be detected at the time, the signal was itself classified as SCP-1115. With the discovery of SCP-1115 in 19\u2588\u2588, it was reclassified as SCP-1115-1, and later as SCP-1115-2 when the artifact now designated SCP-1115-1 was reclassified.\nThe Foundation has collected over 30,000 recordings of SCP-1115-2 to date. SCP-1115-2 has broadcast on approximately 97% of all calendar dates since observation began. As SCP-1115-2 is the only known example of the language spoken in it, attempts at translation have proved next to impossible. Foundation linguists have noted similarities between the language of SCP-1115-2 and the Basque language, as well as the constructed language \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Due to the presumed age of SCP-1115, these similarities are believed to be coincidental.\nThe first breakthrough in translating SCP-1115-2 did not occur until 19\u2588\u2588, when \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a senior Foundation linguist, discovered that a certain word found in all early recordings of SCP-1115-2 had been replaced with a different and longer word beginning in July of 1945, and, in spite of frequent changes afterwards, the original word had never been used again. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 speculated, in conjunction with information gathered from the study of SCP-1115-1, that the word in question was in reference to atmospheric radioactivity produced as the result of the detonation of nuclear weapons. Based on this assumption, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and staff were, by 20\u2588\u2588, able to decipher a series of words referring to numbers in a base-12 system. Based on the known purposes of instruments found in SCP-1115-1, inferences have been made identifying the meanings of several other words found in SCP-1115-2.\nBelow is a transcript of an SCP-1115-2 broadcast recorded on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, with current speculated meanings footnoted.\n\nYehom t\u00e9 ehal.3 Alar e-ahallam.4 Ahallam a-eh embarrah B8AA092A.5 Teast\u00e96 114.1. Annach heam\u00e97 5A. Mearnoch am had dalles8 7 her. Yehom t\u00e9 ehal. Mear fallars9 0.00050A22. Yehom t\u00e9 ehal. Hemachem am mollah10 216060B. Yehar sel tev\u00e0s11 A.6. Reham12 14A. Tev\u00e0s.13 Turechem embarrah a-t\u00e9 20, nar nares ahallam.14 Yehom t\u00e9 ehal. Yehom t\u00e9 ehal. Yehom t\u00e9 ehal.\n\nFootnotes\n1. One of two lines drawn across the Earth's surface delineating the lit and unlit portions of the planet, which move constantly westward as the Earth rotates on its axis.\n2. A volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumbara which in 1815 was the site of the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history.\n3. Meaning unknown. This phrase repeats several times throughout SCP-1115-2. It is currently speculated to be a nationalist or religious proclamation.\n4. Meaning unknown.\n5. This number has increased by one in each subsequent recording. Currently speculated to indicate the number of successive broadcasts made.\n6. Global mean temperature on an absolute scale similar to the Kelvin scale\n7. Relative humidity\n8. Wind velocity in an unknown scale, and an unidentified term possibly indicating direction\n9. Atmospheric radiation in a measurement similar to the Sievert scale\n10. Meaning unknown.\n11. Meaning unknown.\n12. [REDACTED]\n13. Meaning unknown. In recordings in 1945, 1947-1973, 1979, 1983, 1997-1998, 2005, and 2009-2011, the phrase \"B\u00e9-tev\u00e0s\" is heard instead.\n14. Believed to indicate that SCP-1115 will report again the following day unless new orders are received.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1114 | SCP-1115 | SCP-1116 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1116\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1116-1 through -6 and -8 are to be kept in individual 5m x 5m x 3m containment cells at Site-\u2588\u2588. Each cell is to be shielded against radio-frequency transmissions of up to \u2588\u2588\u2588 W transmissive power with frequencies ranging from \u2588 Mhz to \u2588\u2588 Ghz. All electronic monitoring and communications equipment must be hard-wired with shielded cabling. No wireless communication devices are permitted within \u2588\u2588\u2588 m of any instance of SCP-1116. Site-\u2588\u2588 is to maintain on \"hot-standby\" two (2) frequency-agile RF jamming devices of at least \u2588\u2588 kW output, to be activated in case of containment breach by SCP-1116. No specimen of SCP-1116 is permitted above ground at any time unless fully enclosed in a container with the specified shielding. Line-of-sight to the sky must be blocked at all times.\nEach cell is to contain one (1) chair constructed of non-metallic, non-conductive materials, secured to the floor and equipped with mechanical restraints and waste disposal facilities, as well as three (3) wide-spectrum RF antennas connected to software-defined radio receiving equipment. All recorded radio transmissions from SCP-1116 specimens are to be forwarded to Site-\u2588 for analysis.\nSpecimens are to be fed three (3) times daily, with processed food only. Use of restraints during feeding is mandatory. Specimens must be led through calisthenics two (2) times daily, using vocal commands - see Schedule 1116-C\u2588 for approved exercises and Document 1116-B\u2588 for known command phrases and current macros. Cells are not to be opened during exercises; remotely-operated audio equipment is to be utilized, hard-wired and shielded as per above specification.\nAll testing of SCP-1116 specimens is to take place either within the specimen's own containment cell or within a testing chamber shielded to the same specification. Transport between containment cell and testing chamber is to take place under armed guard, with the specimen restrained and both RF jamming devices activated. During transport and testing, all verbal interactions between researchers and/or security staff are to be confirmed by hand signal (see Addendum 1116-1).\nThe remains of SCP-1116-7 are to be kept in cold storage at Bio-Research Area-12 for further analysis.\nDescription: SCP-1116 is a group of 8 7 humanoids of varied race and gender, with apparent ages between 20 and 35 years. All initially appear to suffer from catatonic stupor, including symptoms of catalepsy. Specimens will swallow food and water when placed into their mouths, but will not chew. Specimens will remain in a given position when physically manipulated into said position. Specimens will attempt to maintain homeostasis (including sweat, pupil dilation, and fluctuations in respiratory and heart rate), but will not detectably react to pain stimuli (including heat, pressure or puncture), sexual stimuli (including both displayed images and manual stimulation), or environmental threats (including extreme cold, extreme heat, starvation, dehydration, or large predator animals).\nSCP-1116 specimens show no evidence of volition, but will respond to a limited number of verbal commands (eg. \"sit\", \"stand\", \"raise right arm\"), and can remember a sequence of commands for later execution when preceded by a macro phrase (see Document 1116-B\u2588 for more details). This command vocabulary is extremely narrow, however, including only references to gross motor functions, simple counting, and a small number of basic spatial relations.\nCT scans of SCP-1116 revealed specimens to possess <10% of the expected neural mass, with the remaining cranial volume occupied by cerebrospinal fluid. Embedded in the outer layer of the skull is a mesh of metallic filaments, composed of an alloy of silver (\u2588\u2588%), zinc (\u2588\u2588%), and [REDACTED] (\u2588%), and forming a pattern closely resembling a \u2588\u2588-iteration box fractal. SCP-1116 specimens appear to use this mesh layer as a radio antenna, and will transmit \u2588-\u2588\u2588 times per hour on \u2588\u2588 different frequencies. Energy for these transmissions appears to derive from normal metabolic processes, but the specific mechanism for generating the required current has not yet been identified. The only vocalizations from specimens to date (excepting Incident I-1116-23, see below) have been low-volume, atonal \"singing\" noises corresponding to periods of radio transmission. Cryptographic analysis of outbound transmissions is ongoing - current evaluations indicate they are likely connection requests using an unknown protocol.\nAddendum 1116-1: After the events of Incident I-1116-23, it has been determined that the cranial antenna of an SCP-1116 specimen can be used to produce localized pockets of heated air, creating sound waves audible only to individual personnel. Multiple survivors of Incident I-1116-23 claimed they heard orders which were determined never to have been given, contributing to and prolonging the containment breach of SCP-1116-7. Containment procedures have been updated accordingly.\n\n+ Incident I-1116-23\n\n- Incident I-1116-23\n\nDocument# I-1116-23\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nLocation: Site-\u2588\u2588\nDescription: During transport from cell to testing chamber, SCP-1116-7 accessed a laptop left 1\u2588\u2588 m away with its wireless networking enabled, and through it circumvented Site-\u2588\u2588 network security. Audio recordings indicate that coincident with the network breach, subject made a brief \"singing\" sound, then proceeded to become active and breach containment, resulting in the deaths of \u2588\u2588 researchers and \u2588 security personnel, as well as subject's escape from the facility.\nSubject was re-engaged \u2588.\u2588 km away after an additional \u2588\u2588 minutes, and was fatally wounded in the ensuing firefight. Transmissions did not fully cease, however, until subject's cranium was destroyed.\nForensic analysis of the network breach has yet to determine the full extent of the compromised data, but given the \u2588-band frequency emissions detected from subject for the duration of its time on the surface, estimates put the total data leakage at up to \u2588\u2588\u2588 GB.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1115 | SCP-1116 | SCP-1117 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1117\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1117-1 is to be stored in a standard secured vault at Site \u2588\u2588. Under no circumstances are personnel to be permitted to enter the chamber or interact with the object. Cases of SCP-1117-3 produced by accidental exposure or testing are to be placed into isolation with minimal contact.\nDescription: SCP-1117-1 is a wooden dining room table 90cm long by 150cm wide by 75cm tall. Testing indicates that it is approximately 70 years old, and has shown no unusual preservative properties.\nSCP-1117-1 is laden with a wide variety of food and drink, designated SCP-1117-2. When consumed by subjects, it is rapidly replaced, though the exact contents of the table are not consistent. Analysis has been unable to find a pattern; dishes and products from cultures all over the world have been observed. Subjects display great enjoyment during the meal. Testing has revealed that it is possible to remove dishes from the table and serve them elsewhere with the same results; subjects unaware of the food's origin still describe it as 'very tasty'.\nAny who have consumed food or drink from SCP-1117-1 become subject to a secondary effect. These individuals, designated SCP-1117-3, have the ability to cause SCP-1117-2 to spontaneously appear nearby whenever they feel hungry. Subjects display great reluctance to consume anything other than the food that they 'find', remarking that nothing else tastes as good. The effect can be spread if SCP-1117-3 share SCP-1117-2 with other individuals. Aside from these effects, the 'found' food is indistinguishable from normal food.\nThe side-effects of SCP-1117 exposure only appear after roughly a week; individuals with active lifestyles are affected notably faster, demonstrating the effects after only a few days. Subjects have described a steady decrease in energy levels and become easily fatigued. Continued consumption of SCP-1117-2 increases the effects; between three and six weeks after initial exposure, subjects apparently die from a lack of energy, or from theoretically harmless contagions. No unusual physiological effects have been noted, and autopsies have proved largely inconclusive, with no signs of damage consistent with previously studied energy draining phenomena.\nForcing SCP-1117-3 to ingest food other than SCP-1117-2 after the effects have begun to show has induced extreme nausea and fatal cardiac arrhythmia in all cases. Autopsies have shown severe depletion of phosphates, magnesium, and calcium to be a significant contributing factor, although the cause of these deficiencies is unclear.\nGiven the SCP's ability to spread rapidly, SCP-1117-1 has been declared off-limits. Field agents are advised to be alert to any signs of SCP-1117 exposure in the general population.\nAddendum:\n\nLock it up. Research is going nowhere, and this thing is clearly of no use to us. Just keep watching out for signs of infection in the general population, there could be a major epidemic if it gets out. This whole project has been thoroughly depressing - we get enough routine deaths around here without testing inexplicable ones. At least the bodies take up less room.\nDr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1116 | SCP-1117 | SCP-1118 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A scanned excerpt from surviving SOE1 documentation on SCP-1118\n\nItem #: SCP-1118\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1118-1 is to be locked in a Safe-class inanimate object container at Storage Site-05. Sets of SCP-1118-2 are to be kept in separate locked safeboxes at the same facility. Following incident 1118/I/551201:R and due to the inherent difficulties in tracking related events, only SCP-1118-2-D is to be used in testing procedures.\nDescription: SCP-1118-1 is a heavily modified Adler brand typewriter (Favorit model - serial number 466442), manufactured in 1935 by the Adler Schreibmaschinen company in Frankfurt, Germany. A small brass plaque mounted on the underside of SCP-1118-1 bears the following inscription: \"Os Sumum - H.H. - 1937\". This has been stenciled over in white paint with \"\u0413\u0420\u0423, \u041e\u0442\u0434\u0435\u043b '\u041f'2 - #12\".\nAll of SCP-1118-1's factory key tops have been detached and 31 of its keys have been modified to accept a set of SCP-1118-2. SCP-1118-1's typebars have been removed and replaced with metacarpals and proximal phalanges from 24 unknown donors. These have been fused together by an unknown process to achieve the necessary shape. As these typebars do not contain type elements, striking a key will not cause a symbol to be transferred to any paper inserted into SCP-1118-1.\nSCP-1118-2 are sets of 31 human molars, their surfaces filed down to permit labeling with an unremarkable black ink, the exact composition of which varies between sets. Sets of SCP-1118-2 contain all 26 letters of the Latin alphabet as well as a spacebar, period, comma, exclamation mark, and question mark. Chemical analysis of the ink used on SCP-1118-2 sets and comparison to reference samples provides an approximate time of manufacturing. An instance of SCP-1118-2 is attuned to a specific target through a ritual procedure as documented in supplemental procedure 1118/D/Ax-14:Z3. These mimeographed duplicates were recovered with SCP-1118-1; the originals are presumed lost. Molars used in the fabrication of SCP-1118-2 sets only need to be whole and devoid of cavities, no further requirements exist.\nWhen a full set of SCP-1118-2 is mounted on SCP-1118-1's keyboard, any words typed out on SCP-1118 will be vocalized by SCP-1118-1's target. Note that keys from different SCP-1118-2 sets are not interchangeable. While an operator's typing speed might be variable, targets are able to form intelligible and coherent speech from this input. It is not currently clear how targets manage this. As tests have shown, a target's physiological state is not a factor in this process and speech has been recorded from test subjects not anatomically equipped to produce it. It is currently unclear how SCP-1118 induces vocalizations in these targets.\nVocalizations made through SCP-1118 can also influence a target's behavior, though it is unknown whether there are limits to this. Note that if a target is deceased, vocalizations that would otherwise influence behavior will have no effect.\nLiving targets of SCP-1118 will perceive anomalous vocalizations as appropriate and logical, and will become agitated if confronted with the discordance of their speech. Please refer to psychological evaluation log 1118/P/930627:A for a behavioral study, both pre- and post-event, of test subjects assigned to SCP-1118. Listeners are not subject to this effect and can easily discern speech that might be characterized as out of character for the speaker.\nThree complete sets of SCP-1118-2 were recovered and designated -A through -C. The nominal documentation retrieved with SCP-1118-1 confirms the targets for SCP-1118-2-A and SCP-1118-2-B. The target of set SCP-1118-2-C has not been identified as of yet. Set SCP-1118-2-D was created for testing purposes4. It is possible that more complete sets of SCP-1118-2 exist outside of Foundation control.\nSCP-1118-1 was recovered with an additional 14 loose molars collectively refered to as SCP-1118-3. While instances of SCP-1118-3 have been modified in a fashion similar to sets -A through -C, they are missing the necessary mounting material to be used in conjunction with SCP-1118-1. Instances of SCP-1118-3 appear to be significantly older than those in currently known SCP-1118-2 sets. Their labeling has deteriorated severely, but seems to contain markings in Elder Futhark. No documentation exists detailing SCP-1118-3's role, but it is theorized SCP-1118-3 inspired the creation of SCP-1118-1 and SCP-1118-2.\nAddendum 1118-A-01: Information on SCP-1118-2 and respective targets\n\nSet\nApproximate time of creation\nTarget\n\nSCP-1118-2-A\n1946-1950\nFormer US President Harry S. Truman\n\nSCP-1118-2-B\n1932-1937\nFormer British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain\n\nSCP-1118-2-C\n1958-1967\nUnknown\n\nSCP-1118-2-D\n1992\nD-138119 (deceased)\n\nIt is unknown whether set -A and -C have successfully been used to influence US politics.\nAddendum 1118-A-02: Excerpts from incident report 1118/I/551201:R\n\nOn 12-01-1955 20:16:21, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a personal aide to former president Truman placed a call to the latter's personal physician, one Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, expressing concern that his employer was having a seizure of some kind. During the call, Truman could be heard vocalizing in the background. Excerpts appear here:\n[20:17:13] This is test. [sic]\n[20:17:30] This is a test.\n[20:19:06] Maksim says this works.\n[20:21:43] Nothing is happening. Why is nothing happening?\n[20:22:16] I am bored. Why can I not type in Russian?\n[20:25:58] sieojgbkc\n[20:26:11] I think it was something I ate. I will go to bed now. Good night.\nA full transcript of the call is available in the unexpurgated version of this incident report. Full research into the historical context for this incident is pending.\n\nAddendum 1118-A-03: Selected chronology of SCP-1118-1 related events/sightings\n\n11-03-1938: Sources within the SOE begin suspecting British Prime Minister Chamberlain to be under foreign influence. Investigations focus on bribery, blackmail and other traditional methods of manipulation.\n11-28-1938: No evidence of manipulation has been found. However, elements embedded in the Nazi party warn the SOE about occult activity centered around the remote manipulation of key British political elements.\n02-28-1939: Photographs surface of SCP-1118. A group of men is posing with SCP-1118. Several are wearing white lab coats with labels stitched to the breast. One is the swastika. The other is [DATA EXPUNGED] eradicated in 1945 during the fall of Berlin. Heinrich Himmler is seen sitting in front of SCP-1118, with his face turned to the camera.\n06-14-1939: Chamberlain's speeches analyzed for discrepancies. SCP-1118 believed to be a factor in politics of appeasement.\nThere is a noticeable lack of SCP-1118 related events/sighting between 1939 and 1945. Efforts to retrieve and contain SCP-1118 are sabotaged by Ahnenerbe and Abwehr operatives, both within and outside of the Foundation.\n09-22-1945: Sighting of SCP-1118 confirmed by SOE operatives in Berlin. GRU Division \"P\" personnel working under Red Army jurisdiction believed responsible for removal of SCP-1118 from the Himmler residence.\n10-04-1945: Foundation operative [REDACTED] manages to intercept SCP-1118 before it is transported to Russia.\n10-05-1945: Foundation operative [REDACTED] presumed KIA, SCP-1118 considered lost.\n12-01-1955: Former US President Truman displays signs of being under the influence of SCP-1118.\n06-14-1982: During a CIA operation in [REDACTED], an item matching the description of SCP-1118 is found on an itemized shipping list for a freight train heading for Moscow. The transport cannot be located.\n03-31-1992: [REDACTED], a former GRU Division \"P\" operative, makes contact with Foundation operatives in the CIA and offers to surrender SCP-1118 in return for asylum.\n04-16-1992: After disembarking on US soil, [REDACTED] is taken into Foundation custody and SCP-1118 is recovered from his luggage. Containment of SCP-1118 is achieved. Debriefing of [REDACTED] reveals little relevant operational knowledge of GRU Division \"P\", though the intelligence gathered leads to the further retrieval and containment of several other objects.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Special Operations Executive\n2. GRU Division \"P\"\n3. Please note that any attempt to carry out this procedure is subject to enquiry by the Ethics Committee\n4. See document EC/D/921224:M for the official sanction by the Ethics Committee.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1117 | SCP-1118 | SCP-1119 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1119\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1119 is to be contained in an M-Type Humanoid Anomaly Containment Cell (HACC) at Site-53. In the event personnel need to enter SCP-1119's cell, they are to wear Level C Hazmat suits to avoid skin-to-skin contact. All requests made by SCP-1119 are to be screened and allowed or denied as per standard Euclid-class humanoid containment protocol. Barring express permission by at least one member of attached Level 3 Research Staff, SCP-1119 is not allowed to leave its cell.\nDescription: SCP-1119 is a Caucasian male aged 54, measuring 174.3 centimeters and weighing 154.6 kilograms. X-ray scans and exploratory surgery of SCP-1119's body have yielded several anomalous findings. Evidence exists of absorption of tissue and organs belonging to other sentient beings by SCP-1119's body. This resembles twin embolisation syndrome, although this has never been shown to occur outside of the uterus.\nSCP-1119 has been found to have two human eyeballs attached to the interior of the medial lobe of the right lung. In addition, SCP-1119 carries several superfluous organs and miscellaneous tissues, including a kidney, two spleens, a gall bladder, two fallopian tubes and approximately 3.4 meters of small intestine, all of which are stored in the abdominal cavity. These organs and tissues are connected to SCP-1119's body by a network of small blood vessels so that atrophy or necrosis of absorbed material is prevented. DNA tests on samples taken have shown tissues present belonging to at least fifteen separate individuals, both male and female. None of these could be reliably traced, though one was shown to be similar enough to SCP-1119's own DNA to assume a direct genetic relation.\nTests have shown that skin-to-skin contact with SCP-1119 will initiate the absorption process. Once contact has been made, cells in the epidermis of SCP-1119 bond with those in the victim's skin and absorb them. The process appears to be irreversible and can only be halted by amputation or excision of connected tissues. SCP-1119 shows signs of severe stress when absorption occurs, while victims appear to enter a coma-like state within 2-5 seconds of initiation of absorption. It is currently unknown what causes this state. Total absorption takes approximately ten minutes per kilogram of tissue. The process seems to move around any non-organic matter it finds, leaving any such article behind after it completes. Note that although absorption of victims is complete, SCP-1119's body mass does not increase correspondingly. It is currently unknown how SCP-1119's body processes absorbed tissues. SCP-1119 does not appear to retain any characteristics, memories or personality traits of those absorbed.\nSCP-1119 has exhibited relief at being held for research by the Foundation, but does suffer from severe clinical depression. Treatment has been started using counselling and medication (50 mg Fluvoxamine: oral dose 1x per 24h). SCP-1119 is extremely uncomfortable around others and will not usually initiate any form of contact. Genealogical research has revealed SCP-1119's father to have been deceased since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 and his mother to have been deceased since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. SCP-1119 has referred, when pressed, to his life as extremely sheltered.\nAddendum 1119-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nSCP-1119 came to the Foundation's attention when it attempted to commit suicide by jumping from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Bridge. Despite clear warnings by SCP-1119, a police officer grabbed his hand and was partially absorbed in full view of the public. The resulting 911 calls were intercepted and a containment team was sent out. Emergency airborne Class-A amnestics were administered to all involved and SCP-1119 was taken to Site-53 for evaluation. Broadcasts of footage taken at the site were disrupted and all evidence was confiscated and destroyed as per guideline Hm/Gd-Evt-0013-E:rev2.16.\nAddendum 1119-A-02:\n\nSCP-1119 has shown limited regenerative qualities following incident 1119-I-01. Further research warranted.\n- Dr. Aeslinger\n\n\u00ab SCP-1118 | SCP-1119 | SCP-1120 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1120\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Each instance of SCP-1120 is to be contained in a standard-size containment cell in the B500-B600 cell block of Containment Area-56. The bricks comprising the walls, ceiling and floor of the cells are to be constructed from a mixture of three parts ground human bone to two parts industrial cement. One armed guard is to be posted to every group of five cells in the block. In the event that SCP-1120 becomes active and breaches containment, personnel are advised to implement Procedure SCP-1120-Epsilon. Under no circumstances should a living human being be permitted to touch an instance of SCP-1120.\nAt the time of this writing, all one hundred (100) known instances of SCP-1120 are in Foundation custody. However, in the likely event that a museum exhibition featuring one or more instances of SCP-1120 is discovered, all instances of SCP-1120 are to be immediately acquired and replaced with plaster replicas. If this is not possible, one or more members of MTF-Delta-6 \u201cVestal Virgins\u201d are tasked with integrating themselves into museum staff, maintaining surveillance, and preventing the creation of instances of SCP-1120-1 by whatever means necessary. All new instances of SCP-1120-1 are to be treated as instances of SCP-1120 and contained accordingly.\nDescription: SCP-1120 is the collective name for a number of human skeletons encased in what appears to be pyroclastic igneous rock. Although exposed bone may be shattered and destroyed by conventional means, the epidermal rock layer encasing SCP-1120 has been shown to be incredibly resistant to damage. It is believed that this is a property of SCP-1120 rather than the rock itself, as rock samples appear to lose their anomalous properties once removed from SCP-1120. Laboratory tests on epidermal stone fragments removed from SCP-1120 have identified tephric matrix substructure consistent with that of non-anomalous ignimbrites, though whether or not this accurately reflects the internal petrology of SCP-1120 is unknown.\nInstances of SCP-1120 vary in a manner consistent with human stature. Most ages and genders appear to be represented; several instances of SCP-1120 are approximately the size of prepubescent human children.\nInstances of SCP-1120 are animate, though whether they are sapient has yet to be determined. At the current time, all instances of SCP-1120 are in a dormant state. It is not known what will cause them to become active, as this has only occurred \u2588\u2588 times since their entry into Foundation custody.\nUpon entering an active state, an instance of SCP-1120 will patrol the surrounding area and attempt to seek out a living human subject. If SCP-1120 locates a suitable human subject, SCP-1120 will immediately charge and attempt to grab the subject. Instances of SCP-1120 exhibit inhuman strength, and have been observed to break through cinderblock walls and destroy sizable pieces of urban infrastructure while in pursuit. However, pursuit is not singular: upon spotting another, closer subject, SCP-1120 will adjust its course in order to pursue the more proximal target. Coordinated personnel teams can easily exploit this fact to 'herd' instances of SCP-1120 into appropriately designated containment facilities (a process referred to in documentation as Procedure 1120-Epsilon).\nIf any part of a subject's skin comes into contact with SCP-1120, SCP-1120 will immediately cease pursuit. Upon contact, the subject, hereafter referred to as SCP-1120-1, will enter a state of paralysis, remaining frozen in the position in which they were last touched by SCP-1120. The instance of SCP-1120 that initiated contact will assume a supine position and return to a dormant state. Over the course of the next three minutes, all skin, muscle and organ tissue belonging to SCP-1120-1 will transmute into igneous rock, beginning with the soles of the feet and ending with the crown of the head. The process is assumed to be extremely painful- scans of subjects undergoing transformation have indicated immense nerve damage and severe internal bleeding prior to the completion of the process. However, all bone matter, including marrow, remains unaffected by the transmutation. This feature extends to bone that has been removed from the body: SCP-1120 is unable to break or shatter human bone in any manner or capacity. The source of this limitation remains unknown.\nDiscovery: Twenty (20) instances of SCP-1120 were discovered in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum of Natural History on October 12, 197\u2588. Foundation listeners responded to a call on a local police blotter, reporting 'stone men' terrorizing museumgoers. Foundation personnel, disguised as police reinforcements, arrived on the scene, and, after several hours, were ultimately able to corral and subdue all instances of SCP-1120. Several city blocks were destroyed in the process and \u2588\u2588 casualties were recorded. Class-B amnestics were distributed via chemtrail and a cover story about an earthquake was disseminated to local news media.\nEleven (11) other instances were unearthed by an archaeological dig team in [REDACTED] on March 6, 198\u2588. Though the specimens remained dormant throughout the excavation, the careless actions of the dig team resulted in the creation of \u2588\u2588 more instances of SCP-1120. Reports quickly reached nearby civilians, and, in turn, Foundation operatives. SCP-1120 was contained without incident.\nThe remaining instances were discovered in [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is highly likely that these are not the only instances of SCP-1120 that remain concealed in this way. Operatives are advised to be watchful and to exercise great caution.\nAddendum 1120-A:\n\nThe following piece of graffiti was discovered scrawled on the wall of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in Pompeii. It is believed that it was left by an agent of a primitive group functioning as a precursor to the current Foundation, though archaeological evidence for this remains scant.\nThere are so many of them. We cannot outrun them. They must be contained, before the stone plague spreads further. It has already made it to Herculaneum. There is no time. To anyone who reads this, get out while you can. I go now to provoke the wrath of Vesuvius, in the hope that a cloud of ash will bury them forever. May the gods watch over me.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1119 | SCP-1120 | SCP-1121 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1121\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Only two specimens have been collected of SCP-1121, both at initial containment. These are kept in one of Biological Research Site-13's refrigerated biohazard containment cells in a freezing medium composed of 12% dimethylsulphoxide, 20% heat inactivated calf serum and axenic medium at -70 degrees Celsius.\nCultures of SCP-1121-1 are kept in a glycerol stock under identical temperatures in a separate refrigerated biohazard containment cell.\nDue to the rarity of SCP-1121 samples, tests are to use SCP-1121-1 cultures instead. Testing is to be authorized and conducted by at least one Level 4 member of on-site research staff. All personnel not designated a test subject are to wear Level A Hazmat suits with SCBA1 before handling any cultures of SCP-1121-1. Failure to do so will result in \u00ecmmediate quarantine and, upon completion of all stages, incineration of the remains.\nShould infections with SCP-1121-1 be reported outside of Foundation control, a quarantine is to be instated within a ten kilometer radius of the established epicenter. All victims not yet deceased are to be terminated followed by controlled incineration of all bodies. Seemingly uninfected civilians and personnel within the quarantine zone will be detained and monitored. If they develop no symptoms after twenty-four hours, they are to be administered class-A amnestics and relocated. Any individuals that do develop symptoms within that time period are to be terminated and incinerated. A suitable cover story will be circulated to the media.\n\nScanning electron image of SCP-1121-1\n\nDescription: SCP-1121 is a previously unknown amoeboid protozoa with very specific mutagenic qualities triggered only by Staphylococcus epidermidis, a normally benign bacterium present on human skin. If introduced to other organisms, SCP-1121 remains dormant. DNA extracted from samples of SCP-1121 shares genes with several insect species, such as Afrocimex constrictus, Gryllotalpa brachyptera and Doru aculeatum while also containing several genes not currently found in known flora or fauna. SCP-1121 does not seem to procreate naturally and does not need fluid to survive.\nOnce introduced to S. epidermidis SCP-1121 mutates all instances of the bacteria into SCP-1121-1 (classified as Staphylococcus epidermidis exitiabilis) before dying. At this point, a subject is considered infected and will start to show stage I symptoms as detailed below. Note that, while S. epidermidis does not normally cause infection in healthy human beings, the SCP-1121-1 pathogen infects 100% of subjects exposed to it.\nSCP-1121-1 has proven resistant to all known antibiotics and at this time no known cure for infections with Staphylococcus epidermidis exitiabilis exists.\nA subject infected with SCP-1121-1 goes through a set number of stages:\nI: Two to five hours after initial infection small white lesions appear on the skin. This does not differ from infection by S. epidermidis, making wrong diagnoses a distinct possibility.\nII: Approximately twenty-four hours after the on-set of stage I, the lesions will gradually begin to disappear, the infection having spread to the lower layers of the patient's skin. SCP-1121-1 then consumes the subcutaneous tissue, transforming it into a highly viscous substance. This process is extremely painful. The patient's skin is at this point connected to underlying tissues only by the substance excreted by SCP-1121-1. In addition, subjects' skin turns pale and slouches in areas, mimicking the effects of massive sudden weight loss.\nIII: Patients begin removing their skin from their body. Most patients use their own hands for skinning, though in some cases patients resorted to using various tools including knives, windshield scrapers and in one case a [REDACTED]. This process seems to be painless due to the events of stage II and does not seem to be a conscious activity. When the anomalous substance underneath the skin is exposed to air, it gradually [DATA EXPUNGED] commonly found on insects. Victims rapidly become disoriented and invariably hostile to anyone not infected by SCP-1121-1 as the process of skin removal progresses. In light of this, termination of all victims is necessary, preferably before the disease enters stage III.\nNo occurrences of SCP-1121 have been observed outside of initial containment, but the bacterium replicates itself rapidly during stages I and II. Infection of new patients occurs primarily by skin-to-skin contact, though evidence exists of infections spreading in situations where no direct contact was observed, making Level A Hazmat equipment a precautionary must when handling any samples of SCP-1121-1. Furthermore, SCP-1121-1 has been observed to remain active long after stage III has concluded, with samples of skin showing active cultures of the mutated bacteria for up to \u2588\u2588 years after initial infection. It is currently unknown during what period of time removed skin remains an infection hazard.\nAddendum 1121-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nSCP-1121 was discovered on a meteorite unearthed during an archeological dig in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New Mexico in 19\u2588\u2588. The archeologist first exposed to the meteorite was infected with SCP-1121-1 and is at this point considered to be patient zero. Within two days the infection had spread from patient zero to the entire on-site research team and several citizens of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Initial containment was managed by the CDC, but after patient zero entered stage III of the disease, operatives within that agency brought in the Foundation. The meteorite and patient zero were transferred to Biological Research Site-13 and all land in a ten kilometer radius around the dig site was cleared using Mk 77 bombs.\nThe only known colonies of SCP-1121 were recovered from the meteorite. Mass spectrometer analysis using rubidium-strontium dating of samples determined its age to be approximately 2,500,200,000 years.\nAddendum 1121-A-02: Excerpts from testing log 1121-T\n\nTest designation: 1121-T-01\nName/Personnel ID: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest subject: D-73345\nTranscript:\n02/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 20:34: D-73345 was placed in an artificial coma and SCP-1121-1 was introduced to his skin.\n02/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 23:17: Stage 1 symptoms set in with lesions appearing to spread evenly across subject's body. Lesions seem to be radiating out from the left outer thigh where SCP-1121-1 was applied to subject's skin.\n03/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 22:48: Subject still in coma. Lesions have started to disappear and subject's skin has been observed to be undulating slightly.\n04/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 03:17: Undulation seems to have stopped. Skin seems pale, but subject's vital signs are still good. Subject brought out of artificial coma. Once D-73345 is lucid enough for conversation, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 initiates contact over the intercom.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: D-73345, how are you feeling?\nD-73345: Fine, I guess. I look pale. *subject grunts*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Anything you'd like to share with us?\nD-73345: Not really. Look, doc, how much longer am I gonna be here?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Just a little while longer, D-73345. We need to observe your behavior.\nD-73345: My behavior? What the hell's wrong with my behavior?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Nothing's wrong with your behavior, we just\u2026\nD-73345: You're goddamn right nothing's wrong with my behavior!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No need for hostility, D-73345. We're just here to learn from you.\nResearch Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Doctor, I'm not sure I can stand this.\nD-73345: You can't stand what, asshole?\n*Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 leaves the control room*\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: My assistant had to excuse himself. It seems he's disturbed by your activities since you woke up.\nD-73345: What the fuck is wrong with you dicks? I've just been sitting here\u2026\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \u2026tearing long strips of your skin off your left leg. Yes, I know.\nD-73345 was observed without comment for approximately one hour and thirty-two minutes until he'd removed all skin from his body and had become highly erratic and volatile. Subject terminated and incinerated as per protocol\n\nTest designation: 1121-T-05\nName/Personnel ID: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nTest subject: D-14523, D-4237, D-72389, D-92392, D-24239, D-22984, D-49324, D-3722, D-2293, D-14818, D-88324, D-54491\nTranscript:\n21/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 15:13: Subjects were placed in an artificial coma and SCP-1121-1 was introduced to their skin.\n21/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 16:58: Stage 1 symptoms set in on D-49234, other subjects follow.\n21/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 17:44: Last subjects begins to show stage I symptoms.\n22/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 18:56: First subject enters stage II, other subjects follow more rapidly than during stage I.\n23/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 00:01: Last subject enters stage III. Subjects brought out of artificial coma and observed.\n23/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 00:13: Subjects begin removing skin while talking amongst themselves. Conversation soon becomes increasingly erratic as subjects remove more skin from their bodies. No hostility towards other test subjects noted.\n23/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588 - 03:34: Subjects are now entirely skinless. The unknown substance hidden beneath their epidermis seems to be [DATA EXPUNGED] milling around like [REDACTED]. We'll need to study this behaviour further.\nSubjects terminated and incinerated as per protocol\n\nAddendum 1121-A-03:\n\nYou know like when you were a kid? You'd dig out the ants' nest and step on the biggest one just to see them all run around like little maniacs? They reminded me of that\u2026the way they just\u2026stumbled around flailing.\n- Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nAddendum 1121-A-04:\n\nAfter 1121-T-5, it's been theorized that SCP-1121 could be part of a terraforming experiment. If that is the case, one is left to wonder just what it was supposed to turn us into. If it's even us they were after.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus\n\n\u00ab SCP-1120 | SCP-1121 | SCP-1122 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Exterior view of SCP-1122\n\nItem #: SCP-1122\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All roads leading to SCP-1122 are to be sealed off, with two armed guards posted outside SCP-1122 at all times to prevent unauthorized access. No artificial devices invented after 1940 (with the exception of any recording devices, which must be worn discreetly) are to be carried into SCP-1122 without administrator approval. All test subjects must be searched before entry to prevent the introduction of unauthorized items into SCP-1122's environment.\nDescription: SCP-1122 is an abandoned tourist attraction located on the outskirts of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. It was originally constructed in 195\u2588 as a \u201chouse of tomorrow\u201d, a demonstration of the then-futuristic technologies expected to become commonplace over the following twenty-five years. There is no evidence that SCP-1122 displayed any anomalous properties prior to its abandonment.\nSCP-1122's interior is unusually well-maintained, and filled with devices that neither existed at the time of the building's construction nor exist in the present. Among other things, the house has a kitchen stocked with food pills that change into three-course meals upon hydration, miniature robots that perform routine cleaning and maintenance, and a garage containing a car capable of flight. Smuggling these items out of the house has revealed that they do not function outside of SCP-1122. Although SCP-1122's technology is more advanced than modern technology in some respects, it is less advanced in others: there are no miniaturized computers on the premises, and the house's television is of a considerably lower picture quality than its modern counterparts.\nThe house is also populated by a Caucasian family of four, consisting of a man (SCP-1122-1) and a woman (SCP-1122-2) in their mid-thirties, an adolescent daughter (SCP-1122-3), and a prepubescent son (SCP-1122-4). Although persons inside SCP-1122 occasionally witness the family members entering and leaving through the house's doors, no inhabitant of SCP-1122 has ever been seen outside of the building. All four residents of SCP-1122 are docile and, at the time of their original discovery, perpetually cheerful, and are usually willing to answer any questions posed to them.\nWhen asked for today's date, all four residents will claim that it is exactly ten years after the current date. (The Foundation originally believed SCP-1122 to be predictive, though this has since been proven false.) Their knowledge of history prior to the year 195\u2588 is relatively accurate. When questioned about history subsequent to 195\u2588, they refer to fictitious persons and events such as the creation of a lunar colony, while failing to recognize real events.\nSCP-1122's most unusual property was demonstrated on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588, when Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's mobile phone rang while conducting an interview with the family. During \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's next visit, he noticed SCP-1122-2 talking on a mobile phone of identical design to his own, which the family has used ever since. Upon interrogation, SCP-1122-1 denied that the phone was a new addition, claiming that he had always owned it. SCP-1122-3 and SCP-1122-4 then complained to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that their mother was too occupied with talking on the phone to pay attention to them, the first time any residents of SCP-1122 displayed unhappiness.\nWhenever a device that was not in widespread household use before 195\u2588 is seen by the residents of SCP-1122, it will be integrated into the house from that point onward, often replacing an original item. (Food pills disappeared from SCP-1122 after the introduction of a microwave oven, for example.) Each new item has, without fail, had a negative effect on the house's inhabitants. SCP-1122-1 has frequently been seen drinking, lamenting how \"things should be better\", while SCP-1122-3 and SCP-1122-4 have become more introverted and are rarely seen outside their rooms.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1121 | SCP-1122 | SCP-1123 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1123\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: To prevent degradation of SCP-1123 and its markings, it is to be kept in a hermetically sealed container in an argon gas atmosphere when not being tested. During testing and storage, light exposure should be limited to 50 lux, temperature between 20 and 24 degrees Celsius, and relative humidity at 55%. SCP-1123 should only be transported in its container, and should not be handled except during a controlled experiment. When not being tested, it will be stored in a secure climate-controlled locker at Site 19.\nDescription: SCP-1123 is a human skull missing the lower mandible and all its teeth. Across the exterior squama frontalis is modern Khmer script, written in human blood, that translates as \u201cRemember.\u201d Both skull and blood have been definitively dated to 197\u2588, and genetic testing confirms that both are from the same individual.\nSCP-1123 was discovered in 198\u2588 by Colonel Hu \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of the Vietnamese People's Army within a collection of human remains in the custody of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Museum in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Cambodia. SCP-1123 was intercepted by Foundation agents as it was being delivered to Hanoi.\nThe Khmer script is badly faded, and invisible to most subjects beyond 5 meters distance. However, when a subject approaches SCP-1123 they will report the script becoming progressively more visible until, at less than 1 meter, they will report it appearing as if freshly drawn. A few subjects at this distance report the writing is \u201cstill wet.\u201d This effect is not reproducible with optical equipment. To record the script photographically requires optical enhancement or UV lighting. (The latter is not approved for use with SCP-1123 as it contributes to the degradation of the object.) Subjects at this distance will often also report other anomalous sensory phenomena, including smells (such as cooking meat or ashes), sounds (such as soft crying, low heartbeats or breathing, or distant footsteps), and tactile responses (such as grit in the eyes, ants crawling on the back of the hand, or glass splinters in the sole of the foot.)\nWhen subjects touch the surface of SCP-1123, they will experience a dissociative fugue state. Initiation of the fugue state appears instantaneous and is not affected by cessation of contact with SCP-1123. Symptoms of the fugue persist for ninety minutes to six hours. The fugue is characterized by confusion, disorientation, and adoption of a new identity and memories which consist of knowledge, including language, previously unknown to the subject. During the fugue the subject will lose all memories of their prior identity. Subjects have shown various reactions to this, ranging from near-catatonia to attempts to escape or attack Foundation personnel. As the fugue state subsides, the subject will regain memories of their prior identity, but will also retain memory of the new, imprinted identity and all the knowledge associated with it. Subjects have said that it was \u201cas if they lived an entire other life as some other person\u201d in the period between touching SCP-1123 and recovering from the fugue.\nPost-fugue interviews have provided enough corroborative information in \u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588 studied cases for researchers to find historical documentation confirming the imprinted personality's correspondence to a specific individual who had lived at some time prior to the subject. There appears no connection between the origin of the imprinted personality and the identity of the subject based on age, genealogy, gender, ethnicity or national origin.\nImprinted personalities share the following characteristics:\n\nThe imprint died before the subject's birth. (Dates have ranged to as early as 90 years prior, to less than 1 year.)\nThe imprint was a victim of subjugation, torture and/or imprisonment.\nThe imprint typically died by violence, usually homicide. (Sometimes death has been due to secondary factors, such as starvation or infection.)\nThe imprint's death was the result from being targeted by a political mass movement, most often with some form of state sanction and/or complicity.\n\nSubjects undergo no obvious anomalous aftereffects due to exposure, but will show psychological effects common to the types of trauma experienced by the imprinted personality. Grief, survivor's guilt and depression are typical. Suicidal ideation is rare, but has occurred in a small fraction of cases. It should be noted that in treatment of these aftereffects, use of amnestics has not shown any psychological benefit, and has often proved to be harmful.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ Experiment Log for SCP-1123\n\n- Experiment Log for SCP-1123\n\nExperiment Log 1123-A\nTest 0003\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: White male of mixed Irish and French ancestry. Age late 30s.\nProcedure: Subject approaches SCP-1123 and is told to touch it.\nResults: Subject collapses upon contact with skull, begins screaming in Armenian. Attacks Foundation doctors when they attempt to assist, calling them \u201cTurkish Butchers.\u201d Subject is sedated and disorientation subsides after two hours. Subsequent interviews identify the imprinted personality as an Armenian farmer who was burned alive with approximately 150 other inhabitants of his village by the Ottoman army in 1915. No records exist of the individual, but the event was documented in a 1919 affidavit presented to the Malta Tribunals after World War I.\nTest 0508\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Asian female of Chinese ancestry. Age early 60s.\nProcedure: Subject approaches SCP-1123 and is told to touch it.\nResults: Subject expresses apprehension before touching SCP-1123. After touching SCP-1123, subject does not move for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, subject sits down on the ground and is unresponsive for two more hours. As fugue state subsides, subject becomes visibly more distressed and begins weeping. Subsequent interviews identified the imprinted personality as a 16-year-old Ukrainian girl who died in late 1932 from a combination of malnutrition and the aftereffects of rape and beatings by members of a Soviet youth brigade in charge of confiscating grain from the Ukrainian peasantry.\nTest 1157\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Latino female of Cuban ancestry. Age mid-40s.\nProcedure: Subject approaches SCP-1123 and is told to touch it.\nResults: Before touching SCP-1123, subject complains about smoke irritating her eyes. Subject touches SCP-1123 and ceases all movement and responsiveness for a period of twenty-five minutes. After twenty-five minutes, fugue state has concluded, but subject is still touching SCP-1123. Subject does not resist when Foundation personnel escort her from the test area. After one week of being unresponsive to interviews, the subject provides information on the imprinted personality. The imprint was from a Polish woman of Jewish descent who died in the Treblinka death camp in 1942.\nTest 1815\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Black male of Haitian ancestry. Age early 20s.\nProcedure: Subject approaches SCP-1123 and is told to touch it.\nResults: Before touching SCP-1123, subject complains about a \u201cchemical smell,\u201d and intense itching of the extremities. Subject touches SCP-1123 and immediately begins coughing. The coughing fit subsides and subject expresses confusion and distress, but appears reassured when he realizes that the Foundation personnel present are American. Subject communicates a Sorani dialect of Kurdish spoken in Iraqi Kurdistan. Fugue subsides after 60 minutes. Interviews identify the imprinted personality as a 85-year-old victim of a mustard gas attack during the Iraqi regime's Anfal campaign in 1989. Note: First instance of an imprint personality that postdates SCP-1123's origin.\n\nConclusions: After \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 tests to date, a clear statistical pattern has begun to emerge. The probability of a subject receiving an imprint from a particular historical event is roughly proportional to the number of victims that can be attributed to that event. For example, \u2588\u2588% of imprints come from Communist China's Great Leap Forward between 1958 and 1961, \u2588\u2588% of imprints come from Nazi Germany's extermination efforts between 1939 and 1945, while only \u2588% come from events such as the Armenian Genocide or the Iraqi Anfal campaign where deaths are only estimated in the 1 to 2 million range.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1122 | SCP-1123 | SCP-1124 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1124\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All samples delivered are in containment. The distance of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from Earth and the conditions on the planet itself render any breach of containment of active instances of SCP-1124 unlikely; these entities have been observed to be exclusively terrestrial. A repeat of the lander incident at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Air Force Base is unlikely as no more than one lander and shuttle was stationed at ILYENA at the time of the outbreak. Research drones have revealed that the since missing shuttle is currently eroding on the planet surface.\nSamples of SCP-1124 have been transferred to warehouse compound 1124Xa as per recommendation by Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Researcher Sanders, Dr. Herman, and Dr. Smith have been given special clearance to access the samples at their own discretion with the conditions that update logs and proof of inactivity or reactivation are immediately placed on record. Indefinite surveillance of these researchers is enacted as a precaution. With the exception to the ILYENA incident no instances of SCP-1124 have been activated save for SCP-1124-C.\nThe housing compound is located 70km underground outside of Site \u2588\u2588, and is equipped with a failsafe nuclear device should emergency protocol fail. Individual instances of SCP-1124 are encased in airtight, soundproof, heatproof, 1 m x 1 m x 1 m steel \u201cblast safes\u201d.\nIsolated instances of SCP-1124 are kept individually in steel stores with equipped motion and heat sensing equipment. No more than one instance of SCP-1124 is to be tested at any given time. Testing is to be done with approval from each of the three aforementioned personnel, Site Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and O5 directorate approval. It is recommended drones instead be sent to ILYENA for research.\nShould defensive systems within the testing chambers fail, the chamber is to be immediately sealed, filled with triflic acid, and incinerated. Any researchers present inside of the testing chamber are to remain there during the termination protocol.\nEfforts are being taken to destroy SCP-1124-C before it matures, although with current results this seems unlikely. The progeny itself is contained in a 3 m x 3 m x 3 m containment unit with acid-proof titanium sheeting. The container should be completely submerged and re-cycled with triflic acid at all times. The unit itself is to be lined monthly with extra titanium sheeting to replace dissolved or destroyed sheeting. This maintenance process should be completed within a span of 40 (forty) minutes.\nDescription: SCP-1124 are metallic objects found near research base ILYENA on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The first instances of SCP-1124 were recovered from canisters underneath [DATA EXPUNGED] mountain range.\nEntities contained by the canisters have the appearance of cephalopods, weighing exactly 1.0268 kg.\nInstances of SCP-1124 are impervious to heat and pressure. Each is otherwise non-responsive to external stimuli save for physical contact with biological matter, which will cause instances of SCP-1124 to activate and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Reaction to biological matter originating from a sapient creature tends to elicit a more violent response.\nThough observations are performed daily through a viewing window in tank 1124-C by monitoring cameras, a definite shape cannot be substantiated. The most recent appearance appears similar to a larval grub. SCP-1124-C is in all instances metallic in appearance.\nThe entity frequently gnaws and consumes the casing in its containment unit, although the amount of damage taken is acceptable due to the density and thinness of the film used to line the chamber. Further research into containment is deemed necessary as the creature has been shown to grow in minor increments when more material is consumed.\nA tear located in Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's body suit during transfer allowed [DATA EXPUNGED] activating 1 (one) instance of SCP-1124. Security cameras show the entity quickly gnawing itself out from the inside of its alloy casing and then launching itself into the mouth of one Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This method of mobility is believed to be a spring like motion using its appendages but this is still unconfirmed. Following containment procedures Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sealed himself inside unit 1124-C and activated the failsafe mechanism, effectively containing SCP-1124-C.\nSee incident report 1124: Personnel Termination Dossier.\nReference SCP-1124 Transmitted Data and Video Transcript-c for further details.\nx-23c ILYENA [6555-x23] Lander: Transmitted Data:\n\n13:31:45:\nSanders: Dr. Sanders, audio log A20, reporting successful mission. Samples are being housed. What we think are glass canisters were found beneath the [DATA EXPUNGED] mountain range; eighty-four south two-three east on your grids. Estimated four minutes before we reach the rover.\n\n13:34:23:\nSanders: Reached rover ahead of schedule. Everyone is present and accounted for. Estimated one hour before we reach Ilyena.\n14:25:12:\nSanders: We're in the airlock now. We've dumped our cargo. Researcher Breen reports he is delivering the recovered canisters to dome Theta.\n14:40:02:\nSanders: Signing off.\n03:35:10:\nSanders: Met with Breen and he hasn't said anything about the canisters yet. \u201cSaving the best for last\u201d he says. Don't know how he can resist something that bizarre. Guess that's why we got him up here.\n06:58:19:\nSanders: Meeting with Breen again. Let me turn up my transmitter here. Say something Breen.\nBreen: Greetings from space.\nSanders: You're a silly bitch, Breen.\n07:05:19:\nSanders: He's got a few of the things that were inside the canisters laid out on a table. Breen says the canister itself wasn't glass though \u2013 not sure what the material was. The canisters are egg shaped, no markings, smooth. They have lids on their ends that detach and reattach given a gentle pull. There are no adhesives, no screw tops or anything like that. They just come off and on.\n07:10:22:\nSanders: The things inside the \u201ceggs\u201d look like little silver squids. Their limbs are segmented. Can't make out any eyes or mouths. Breen shook one around but the limbs didn't wiggle like we expected them too. They're stiff.\n07:12:01:\nSanders: Breen can't begin dissection; their outer shells are too hard. Thinking they might just be figurines or something like that.\n07:26:45:\nSanders: Breen has blasted these things with heat, froze \u2018em, even put them in a crusher, and they don't seem to react at all. They just sneeze off anything we throw at them.\n07:27:30:\nSanders: He joked that we should sneeze on them. Breen gave me the honors.\n07:28:23:\nSanders: Couldn't sneeze so I just spat on one. They don't seem to be affected. Think they might just be figurines.\n07:28:56:\nSanders: Mother mercy one of those appendages is actually moving! Woo boy that scared the sh-\n01:00:00:\nIndecipherable noise\nLog Terminated\n\nReference Addendum 1124-Audio-a for the 01:00:00 transmission.\nAddendum 1124-Audio-a:\n\nSCP-1124 Addendum-a :\nILYENA lander returned to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Air Force Base in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NV on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 without a shuttle. [6555-x23] was obtained by the organization after being alerted of the circumstances of its arrival by General \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. [6555-x23] arrived with no passengers and loaded past carrying capacity with instances of SCP-1124 in their original canisters. Attempts to contact Theta or the station have since been unsuccessful. An unmanned drone has since been deployed to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to investigate.\nSCP-1124 Addendum-b :\nResearch drone x-23e was able to gain access to the research bay at ILYENA. Unidentified variations of SCP-1124 were discovered before comm loss with the drone. Reference SCP-1124 Video Transcript-c.\nSCP-1124 Video Transcript-c :\n\nClassification Number\nDescription\nHeat Signature\n\n1124-01\nSmall (each exactly 1.0268 kg) and generally inactive. Metallic in appearance. Has a distinct cone-shaped mantle and is perfectly bilaterally symmetrical. Speculated to activate when exposed to biological matter.\nNo heat signature\n\n1124-02\nAnatomically similar to common spiders. Differs in appearance from spiders in that the body segments are fused into four tagmata and joined by four cylindrical pedicels. Has one anterior antennae. Ignores research drone x-23e.\nNo heat signature\n\n1124-05\nHominid appearance. Appears in multiple places in different frames. After following the drone for some time a large flare damaged thermal sensors.\n4\u00b5m\n\n1124-88\nWe can conclude the material composing the progeny of 1124 is vincible. In other frames the material is shown to have regenerated.\nn/a\n\n1124-89\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n8\u00b5m\n\n1124-07\nEntity ignored research drone allowing for close inspection. Has a tail equal in length to its body. Two sets of serrated teeth each approximately 10 centimetres in length. Observed destroying walls in Theta and consuming them. The consumption seems to be aided by elongated nostrils near its anterior.\n5.45\u00b5m\n\n1124-06\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\n[DATA INVALIDATED]\n\n1124-24\nFluctuated in appearance wildly although this may due to damaged thermal sensors. Subject first appears reptilian in appearance.\n2\u00b5m\n\n1124-23\nCaused considerable damage to x-23e. Sampling actuators completely dissolved.\n[DATA INVALIDATED]\n\n1124-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAfter some observation the subject's appearance altered to that of [DATA EXPUNGED] and gestured as if to suggest the drone do so. Researchers remotely operating the drone attempt to communicate with the entity. As a result of this verbal stimulus the entity charges toward the drone and finally communication with x-23e ceases. No further data could be obtained.\n[DATA INVALIDATED]\n\nCompilers Note - Addendum-d\nInstances of SCP-1124's progeny that express low heat signature vary slightly in appearance but share some characteristics including metallic angular features and segmented limbs.\nEntities with higher heat signatures appear less angular and are not segmented. Some bodily features are similar to animals that were previously housed on site, although these influences seem to be primarily reptilian.\nTemperatures on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 range from -208 to -223 \u00baC and surface gravity is roughly 44.88 m/s^2. Life support systems at ILYENA are not functional. Gravity stabilization generators inside ILYENA are also non-functioning. The atmosphere of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 would corrode most Earth metals. These entities do not require air and are composed of currently unclassified organic material and metals.\nTesting is requested on earth housed samples to confirm whether environmental factors affect the abilities SCP-1124 as testing on active samples at ILYENA is limited due to aforementioned conditions at ILYENA and the limitations of the research drones.\nVideo Recording 1124C area:\n\nResearcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 enters area 1124C carrying container with one instance of SCP-1124.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 loses balance. A tear is shown on closer inspection near the researcher's leg. A negligible amount of blood is spilled on the casing.\nThe casing begins to move around and slide along the floor.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 places two hands on the casing, effectively stopping it from moving.\nA small hole appears on the casing surface. Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 places one hand over the hole and quickly recoils in pain.\nA figure matching typical appearance of SCP-1124-1 emerges from the hole slightly, pausing for roughly 3s.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remains still and continues looking at SCP-1124.\nSCP-1124 retreats into the hole.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 produces emergency film from a storage closet near unit 1124-C and leans over the box to begin applying it to the casing.\nSCP-1124 shoots out of its casing into \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 mouth.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appears to panic, runs into cell 1124-C and begins punching a button linking to the failsafe.\nDoors to unit 1124-C lock and the chamber begins filling with triflic acid and mist.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's head appears to \u2018inflate' slightly. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 collapses. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's skull appears through cracks in the skin on the head. Blood beginning to drain from cranial orifices.\nAt this point filming is obscured by acid all but completely filling the tank. The sound of a metallic screeching can be heard, followed by a dull thud and a sound \"similar to a balloon popping\".\n\nRelated Documentation\n\nRelated Documentation\n\nShort History of ILYENA, Project Tantalus, and the Grey Dragon Incident\nILYENA, or Site-x19 was established for conducting research and experimentation deemed too risky for planet-side operations. Due to its location on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, ILYENA was a low risk solution and conveniently dispensable. The atmosphere on \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 rendered any containment breach irrelevant, and allowed for quick termination.\nAfter decades of research and failed termination attempts, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 became docile. During this 30 year \u201cgrace period\u201d, absolutely no research or testing was devoted into the nature or genesis of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was re-designated as Euclid although there was no change in containment procedure.\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's highly unusual, docile behavior was almost inexplicable at the time. This period of general quiet surrounding SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 began shortly after the Foundation's involvement in Sector \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The Foundation's extraterrestrial involvement was a response to civilian developmental breakthroughs resulting from the discovery of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 equation, and the subsequent colonization of Sector \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 once again became active when pods containing the SCP-1124 canisters landed at [DATA EXPUNGED] Air Force Base in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, NV on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. The resulting destruction of Site-\u2588\u2588 and the continent of [DATA EXPUNGED] is known as the \u201cGrey Dragon Incident\u201d.\nWhen pods arrived at [DATA EXPUNGED] Air Force base, alarms in block \u2588 of Site-\u2588\u2588 sounded as a result of thermal and kinetic changes in the containment cell of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. D-Class personnel on assignment guarding SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 reported movement in the containment cell. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 broke containment shortly after, ignoring site personnel and heading directly toward the ILYENA lander coordinates.\nAn alert was sent to General \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The General ordered a battalion of soldiers outfitted with [DATA EXPUNGED] to intercept SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 on route to the lander. This resulted in \u2588\u2588\u2588 casualties. Mobile Task Forces Alpha-2 and Delta-5, each carrying single Alpha pods of SCP-1124, were intercepted and destroyed by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Foundation losses were extreme. It was later revealed by Mobile Task Force Iota-5 after returning the lot of SCP-1124 that protocol was broken and these pods were given to the other groups as a diversionary measure. It is not known what became of the pods used for the diversion.\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 went uncontained for \u2588\u2588 years. The continent of [INFORMATION OMITTED] inhospitable, marking the most severe breach in Foundation history. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 was finally lured into a new containment cell using an inactive SCP-1124.\nDuring the operation to intercept SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's containment cell was refit and housed 70km underground in a previously decommissioned facility. Walls were surrounded with pools of triflic acid and containment procedures were established on site. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's containment, and Mobile Task Force Iota-5's return and immediate termination marked the conclusion of the Grey Dragon incident.\nProject Tantalus began in the summer of 20\u2588\u2588 following the string of incidents caused by the containment breach of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's correlation with SCP-1124 was revealed through its actions. The project consists of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588's relocation to a new research facility in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for a new series of termination attempts.\n\nRelated SCP Objects: SCP-682 \"Hard-To-Destroy Reptile\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-1123 | SCP-1124 | SCP-1125 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1125\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Specimens of SCP-1125 are to be locked in opaque storage crates and kept in the SIV (Small Items Vault) at Site-12. In the event of exposure to SCP-1125 outside of testing procedures, any and all personnel affected are to be detained and separated from SCP-1125 for application of class-A amnestics and psychological reconditioning. D-Class personnel used in testing procedures are to be given initial questions specificied in document 1125/D-RegA/extCom:v1.21.\nMobile Task Force Gamma-11 (\"Dicejockeys\") have been tasked with location and acquisition of instances of SCP-1125 outside of Foundation control.\nDescription: SCP-1125 is a collection of individually packaged dice with their pips replaced by the words 'Yes' (2x), 'No' (2x) and 'Maybe' (2x). All specimens were machined from pine wood, and had their surface treated with an unremarkable yellow dye and a chemical sealant to prevent wear. The answers available on the dice are rendered in an MS Comic Sans font using a dye containing traces of charcoal, a dye stabilizing agent and [REDACTED]. The words 'The Factory' are found on the cardboard backing attached to each clear plastic packaging. Underneath the company logo an advertising slogan that reads \"They'll make up your mind!\" is printed in bold red lettering with a white outline. If encountered without their packaging, instances of SCP-1125 are currently indistinguishable from similar non-anomalous answer dice. In light of this, any and all similarly colored answer dice found in Foundation facilities are to be destroyed immediately, without (further) physical contact by personnel, and all potentially compromised personnel are to submit to the application of Class-A amnestics and psychological reconditioning.\nSCP-1125's effect becomes apparent when a specimen makes contact with the epidermis of a human being. An immediate compulsion to make use of it comes over the subject, who will phrase a query concerning a binary decision and roll SCP-1125. It then provides an answer, where it must be noted that if a roll indicates an answer of 'Maybe', the subject will continue to roll the die indefinitely until either an affirmative or negative answer has been generated.\nSubjects will unfailingly keep to the answer provided by SCP-1125, even if this would produce undesirable results. Furthermore, while initial use of the object seems to be made with trivial, sometimes even whimsical questions, testing has shown prolonged exposure to lead to increasingly critical decisions being made dependent on SCP-1125. Subjects in possession of a specimen gradually become unable to make any decision without resorting to the object and over time even base decisions that are not normally consciously made on the result that SCP-1125 provides them with. If challenged, subjects will not perceive this to be abnormal behavior and will actively resist attempts to take SCP-1125 away from them.\nTesting has revealed that while SCP-1125 influences decisions, it does not confer abilities to the subject that it did not have before.\nThe Site-12 SIV currently holds 79 individual instances of SCP-1125 with several specimens having been removed for testing purposes. These were subsequently destroyed to prevent accidental exposure.\nAddendum 1125-A-01: Excerpts from the transcript of video log 1125-DV-23\n\n[Begin transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/14-14:52:31]\nD-43426 enters the testing environment, where a package containing 1 specimen of SCP-1125 is laid out on a small metal folding table. In addition, a bed and a single chair are provided.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Please open the packaging and take out the dice.\"\nD-43426: \"Whatever you say.\"\nSubject picks up the item and examines it briefly before tearing open the packaging. The object falls out and lands on the floor, rolling under the table.\nD-43426: \"Shit! Sorry, doc.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"That's fine, D-43426. Please retrieve the dice.\"\nSubject picks up the specimen.\nD-43426: \"Got it. Now what?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Please do as you like, D-43426.\"\nD-43426: \"Well, might as well roll the little sucker then. So\u2026what do I ask it?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"That is up to you. Anything will do as long as it's a question answerable by 'Yes' or 'No'.\"\nD-43426: \"Sure. Should I\u2026should I clap my hands?\"\nSubject rolls SCP-1125.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Good, D-43426. Now, please read the answer the dice gave you.\"\nSubject leans in closer and then turns towards Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nD-43426: \"It says 'Yes'.\"\nSubject claps his hands.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Why did you do that, D-43426?\"\nD-43426: \"I don't know, it seemed like the thing to do? I mean, it said yes. Can I roll it again?\"\n[End transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/14 - 15:04:12]\n\n[Begin transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/19 - 09:23:01]\nD-43426: \"Should I eat THIS then?\"\nSubject rolls SCP-1125 and quickly tears open the box of Pop-Tarts provided to him. SCP-1125 is shown to indicate an answer of 'Yes'. This is the first sustenance subject has permitted himself in 18 hours.\n[End transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/19 - 09:23:51]\n\n[Begin transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/25 - 12:46:54]\nD-43426: \"Should I breathe?\"\nSCP-1125 is shown to have come up 'Maybe' and subject immediately rolls it again. This second roll results in a 'No' and subject seems to comply.\nD-43426: \"Should I breathe?\"\nSubject rolls the die again.\n[End transcript excerpt | timestamp 2007/07/25 - 12:47:16]\n\n\u00ab SCP-1124 | SCP-1125 | SCP-1126 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1126\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1126 is to remain planted at Bio-Site-68. It is to be tethered by steel cable to 4 concrete pillars moored in the ground around it to prevent it from moving or uprooting itself. It is to be watered at 0900 hours twice weekly. Personnel are neither to encourage nor discourage the claims that SCP-1126 makes.\nDescription: SCP-1126 is a specimen of Veitchia joannis (Joannis palm), standing 12m tall. Despite being a member of a species endemic to Fiji, SCP-1126 was recovered in Cleveland, Ohio. SCP-1126 is animate and capable of speech. It possesses the speech mannerisms and personality of the stereotypical Cold War spy. It claims to be \"Agent Palmer,\" a reconnaissance agent from an organization known as T.R.O.P.I.C. Said organization's apparent mission is \"the exploration, advancement and domination of tropical flora and fauna into the climatologically oppressed regions of the world.\" There is no evidence to support the organization's existence. SCP-1126 states that prior to its recovery by the Foundation, it had successfully surveyed over 55 square kilometers of rural and urban territory in the state of Ohio. The veracity of this claim remains indeterminate.\nDraped around SCP-1126's trunk is a dark gray trench coat with two belts that fasten tightly across the waist. While the sleeves, pockets, and flaps of the trench coat may be shifted or opened, it has proven impossible to completely disrobe SCP-1126 \u2014 the coat is secured to the trunk by unknown means. In addition, SCP-1126 repeatedly issues threats of its close-quarters combat prowess, and recommends that its body not be explicitly investigated. SCP-1126 can manipulate the trench coat as though it has arms, usually positioning the sleeves as though it were clasping its hands behind its back. SCP-1126 achieves forward locomotion by rocking back and forth on its root ball.\nSCP-1126 may occasionally remain silent for several days in a row, and tends towards speaking less often or with a hoarse voice when given less water. SCP-1126 also shows a propensity for neologism.\nInterview Log 1126-Epsilon:\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1126\nInterviewer: Dr. Sam Quentin\nForeword: The following interview was conducted shortly after SCP-1126 had been watered one morning.\n\nDr. Quentin: Hello SCP-1126.\n(SCP-1126 clears its throat and pauses for a few seconds.)Dr. Quentin: And how are you today?Dr. Quentin: Is there anything you would like to say for the record, SCP-1126?Dr. Quentin: And these agents are members of T.R.O.P.I.C.?Dr. Quentin: \u2026And why did you choose Ohio for reconnaissance?Dr. Quentin: For an agent of espionage, you seem to be revealing your orders quite freely.Dr. Quentin: Well then, thank you, that will be all. (stands and makes his way to leave the area)\nClosing Statement: SCP-1126 appears to be able to accurately keep track of the passage of time and remember individuals it has previously encountered.\n\nAddendum: Beginning on 2011-\u2588\u2588-\u2588, SCP-1126 has made a daily ritual of rocking forwards and backwards in place at 0000 hours in an attempt to break free of its moorings. These attempts only last for several minutes each and are considered no threat to containment.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1125 | SCP-1126 | SCP-1127 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1127\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-1127 identified outside of containment are to be investigated by MTF Mu-53 (\u201cEbert's Thumb\u201d). Physical copies of SCP-1127 are to be seized, and digital copies are to be captured on secure encrypted recording media before being neutralized. Any victims of full SCP-1127 exposure must be evaluated to determine if the effects of SCP-1127 have rendered them an unacceptable threat to the general public. Those deemed an acceptable risk are to be treated with Class-A amnestics and released. (Note: Amnestics have no effect on the symptoms of SCP-1127 exposure.) Those that cannot be released back into the population will be reclassed as D-class personnel or terminated at the site director's discretion.\nContained copies of SCP-1127 are to be kept in the secure media vault at Site-\u2588\u2588. Instances of SCP-1127 shall only be viewed on devices approved by the site director within Site-\u2588\u2588's secure viewing room. Instances of SCP-1127 shall only be viewed in their entirety by D-class subjects as part of an approved experiment. Foundation personnel should avoid unnecessary exposure and log any incidence of viewing SCP-1127. Any personnel who have logged over 15 minutes cumulative lifetime viewing of any version of SCP-1127 must cease working with SCP-1127 and be assigned to other duties.\nDescription: SCP-1127 is a series of short films ranging between 23 and 42 minutes in length. To date \u2588\u2588\u2588 copies of 3 different films have been recovered and 1 film has been identified but not yet contained. The films have been designated SCP-1127-1, SCP-1127-2, SCP-1127-3 and SCP-1127-4. It is unknown how many more films in the SCP-1127 series have yet to be identified and recovered by the Foundation.\nEach film is composed primarily of scenes clipped from other movies and shorts, with additional video from various other sources. Sound and dialog has been added or modified, and a \u201cnarrator\u201d character unique to each film appears, fully integrated into the clips comprising the film, regardless of the original source of the material. The narrator provides commentary and occasionally interacts with objects and characters within the recycled footage.\nAnomalous properties present after a cumulative 20 minutes of exposure to the contents of any single film in the SCP-1127 series. Effects do not present when audio and video are perceived separately. Each film in the series produces a different effect in the viewer, but in each case the effect is a permanent disruption in normal behavior patterns, altering emotional reactions to various stimuli.\n\n+ Description of SCP-1127-1\n\n- Description of SCP-1127-1\n\nInitial Appearance: SCP-1127-1 first appeared on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Movies 10 Cineplex in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, New York. SCP-1127-1 had been inserted into the first half hour of [REDACTED]. Exits were blocked by persons unknown and approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 people were exposed.\n\nLength: 23 minutes.\n\nTitle: Were Clowns Always Yellow? (Number 5)\n\nNarrator: A middle-aged man wearing a SS uniform including a holstered pistol. His face is obscured by elaborate clown makeup.\n\nIdentified Video Sources: The Sound of Music (1965), The Night Porter (1974), The Day the Clown Cried (1972), Surf Nazis Must Die (1987), [REDACTED], archival footage from the WWII era.\n\nSample Narration: When our lives become the joke, humor becomes a war crime. The punch-line is always death, and to \u201cget it\u201d is to abandon the pretense that \u201cgetting it\u201d matters. Laugh at the reality that is laughing at you! [Narrator draws his pistol and shoots J\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the back of the head.]\n\nEffects from exposure: After exposure to SCP-1127-1, subjects will generally consider it the most humorous thing they've ever seen. Afterwards, subjects will express disturbance and disgust at any communication normally intended to be humorous. Most jokes will be seen as offensive, and videos of comedians or comedies will cause distress or revulsion. (One D-Class subject had to be physically restrained when shown an episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus after exposure.) Conversely, communication that might normally be cause of distress prior to exposure (autopsy photos, graphic war footage, videos of public suicide) will be seen as amusing or funny.\n\nConclusions: Victims of SCP-1127-1 exposure are deemed safe to re-enter the general population after administration of class-A amnestics.\n\n+ Description of SCP-1127-2\n\n- Description of SCP-1127-2\n\nInitial Appearance: On \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 a copy of SCP-1127-2 was uploaded to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.com and registered \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 views before exposure was contained with a DMCA notice. Foundation agents tracked the origin to a proxy server in Guam. Investigation continues as to its origin.\n\nLength: 37 minutes.\n\nTitle: Crazy Where? You Are (Number 0)\n\nNarrator: A female child approximately 12 years old, wearing a blue dress and a black domino mask. She carries a teddy bear that she slowly dismembers with a small knife during the course of the film.\n\nIdentified Video Sources: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971), A Three Stooges Short, \u201cThey Stooge to Conga\u201d (1943), Faces of Death (1978), La plan\u00e8te sauvage (1973), [REDACTED], various animated sources from 193\u2588 until 196\u2588 including \u201cBugs Bunny Nips the Nips\u201d (1944) and the Tom & Jerry short \u201cThe Midnight Snack\u201d (1941).\n\nSample Narration: [Whispering during a clip of \u201cBugs Bunny Nips the Nips\u201d] \u2026 what are you afraid of \u2026 violence \u2026 afraid that violence is the answer \u2026 or is it the question \u2026 ask the question you are afraid of \u2026 you already know the answer \u2026 pain doesn't hurt.\n\nEffects from viewing: After exposure, subjects will generally express no strong emotional response to SCP-1127-2 at all. Subjects also lose interest and emotional connections to things, activities and people they had prior to exposure. Subjects will also react to dangerous and hostile environments with disinterest to the point they will ignore immediate threats to their personal safety. Subjects also express a marked decrease in empathy and may injure or harm others out of \u201ccuriosity.\u201d\n\nConclusions: Victims of SCP-1127-2 exposure are unsafe to re-enter the general population due to the risk they pose to others.\n\n+ Description of SCP-1127-3\n\n- Description of SCP-1127-3\n\nInitial Appearance: During \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 - \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, an illegal UHF transmitter off the coast of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Michigan broadcast a loop of SCP-1127-3 for approximately 72 hours. Foundation involvement occurred subsequent to cessation of broadcast. \u2588\u2588 people were found to be affected. No copy of SCP-1127-3 has yet been recovered.\n\nLength: 30 minutes (Approximate)\n\nTitle: All? Comes With Yesterday (Number X)\n\nNarrator: A woman approximately in her mid-30s wearing an Elizabethan ball-gown. She wears a metallic golden mask in the form of a rat's face. When she is in profile, the mask appears to be stitched to the side of her head. Some blood is visible.\n\nIdentified Video Sources: RoboCop (1987), Eraserhead (1977), The Ten Commandments (1956), Natural Born Killers (1994), Dawn of the Dead (1978), Apocalypse Now (1979).\n\nSample Narration: [Monotone. Three second beat between words.] Desire. Aspire. Require. Conspire. Acquire. Retire. Expire. Choir. Pyre. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. [Continues saying \u201cLiar.\u201d for several minutes.]\n\nEffects from viewing: After exposure, subjects express an extreme discomfort with technological artifacts. They dislike any object that has been machined, processed or otherwise manufactured. This applies not only to things generally considered \u201ctechnological,\u201d but to almost anything that is the result of human intervention in the environment, including clothing and anything beyond the most simple tool use. This effect extends to abstract concepts as well, in particular the concepts of money, personal property, and political organization.\n\nConclusions: Victims of SCP-1127-3 exposure pose little danger, but are unable to re-integrate into modern society. After administration of class-A amnestics, any individuals to be released must be placed in an institutional environment or be relocated to [REDACTED] where they can be assimilated into the [REDACTED] population.\n\n+ Description of SCP-1127-4\n\n- Description of SCP-1127-4\n\nInitial Appearance: From \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588 to \u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588 Copies of SCP-1127-4 had been inserted as a \u201cspecial feature\u201d onto DVDs stocked at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Adult Bookstore in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada. \u2588\u2588 copies had been sold, all recovered. \u2588\u2588 individuals were exposed to SCP-1127-4's full effect.\n\nLength: 42 minutes\n\nTitle: Why Are You Crying? (Number -1)\n\nNarrator: Male in his early 20s, shirtless, wearing black leather pants and a leather mask obscuring his face. As the film progresses, welts and bruises appear on the narrator's torso without apparent cause.\n\nIdentified Video Sources: Cremaster 3 (2002), Dog \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (1971), A Dirty Shame (2004), Lolita (1962), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), Sal\u00f2 o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975), [REDACTED], various videos available on the internet including \u201c\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u201d.\n\nSample Narration: \u2026do you want to close your eyes and run to mommy well run to her then run to her and tell her all those sick things that make you want to puke and whip it out and jerk off while the warm shit smears across your naked skin and she'll kiss it and make it all better because mommy knows what you want what you always wanted and she'll give it to you hard if you only have the balls to ask cause mommy loves you and love ain't nothing but sex misspelled\u2026\n\nEffects from viewing: After exposure, subjects will no longer be able to attain sexual arousal as they would have prior to exposure. Anything they would have found erotic or stimulating prior to exposure will become, at best, an object of disinterest, and occasionally it will become a source of revulsion. Instead, the subject will have acquired new, and apparently random, subjects and/or actions they consider erotic and/or stimulating. All subjects lose the ability to be stimulated by fantasizing or use of pornography, and must actively engage in their acquired fixations in order to become aroused. New sexual interests may be relatively benign (Sadomasochism, Coprophagia, Acrotomophilia, Partialism, Klismaphilia, Mysophilia, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism), potentially harmful or criminal (Asphyxiophilia, Zoosadism), or actively dangerous and likely to cause harm to the subject or others (Biastophilia, Pedophilia, Necrophilia, Apotemnophilia, Vorarephilia.)\n\nConclusions: Disposition of victims of SCP-1127-4 is dependent on evaluation of their acquired paraphilia. Because of the necessity of the subject to act on these desires to achieve any form of sexual function, any subject expressing a paraphilia that requires a non-consensual partner (or a partner that cannot legally consent) and/or risks actual permanent physical harm or death of the subject and/or partner shall be deemed unsuitable for release.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1126 | SCP-1127 | SCP-1128 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1128\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Written descriptions or imagery of SCP-1128's appearance, or videos of the entity \"breaching\" (see Addendum 1128-3) found outside the Foundation are to be destroyed, and class-C amnestics are to be administered to anyone exposed to such information or showing signs of SCP-1128 contamination. A written description of the entity's appearance is to be kept at Site-\u2588\u2588 for experimental purposes only and is not to be read by anyone other than D-class used for testing. If exposed, staff are to report immediately for administration of class-C amnestics. Mobile Containment Force Kappa-12 has been assigned to intercept and redirect any and all water traffic that passes through their designated patrol area by any means necessary (see Addendum 1128-2).\nDescription: SCP-1128 is an entity that manifests as a massive aquatic predator to anyone given a full description of the being's appearance through either spoken/written descriptions or visual depictions of the being. Persons infected by SCP-1128 will initially exhibit no abnormal behavior, though some cases show a general aversion to activities involving bodily immersion in water such as bathing or swimming. Should subject ever be fully immersed in water, they will disappear completely under the surface of the water, regardless of the water's actual depth. In most cases, subjects will reappear moments later in a panicked state and frantically try to leave the water, while in some other cases the water will become polluted with blood and debris confirmed to be the remains of the subject. Subjects that have reappeared intact claim that they were transported to a vast ocean where they are pursued by SCP-1128. Interviews with these individuals carries some risk of further SCP-1128 contamination, as descriptions of the being's appearance trigger further infections. SCP-1128 infection can be treated with class-C amnestics, as it appears memory of the entity or descriptions of it are required for its anomalous properties to take effect.\nAddendum 1128-1: Testing with infected D-class have shown that wireless communication devices function normally when used by submerged subjects affected by SCP-1128. See Interview 1128-\u2588\u2588 for details.\nAddendum 1128-2: Tracking devices affixed to D-class used in SCP-1128 experiments reveal that submerged subjects are transported to an area within the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Ocean, not far from the coast of [REDACTED]. Further investigation of these coordinates revealed the area to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. Mobile Containment Force Kappa-12 (\"Sea Devils\") has been assigned to keep unauthorized seafaring vessels out of this area at all costs.\nNote: That's where we've been sending those D-class? How does a short-range wireless communicator get such a clear signal from that far away? -Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nAddendum 1128-3: Tests involving D-1732, who had been used for repeated SCP-1128 testing without administration of amnestics, was shown to be able to encounter the entity in bodies of water normally insufficient for bodily immersion. This effect became more drastic over time, with D-1732 developing progressively stronger hydrophobic tendencies, claiming to see SCP-1128 from outside almost any body of water encountered by the subject. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 days after initial exposure, D-1732 was violently pulled into a glass of water by [REDACTED]. No remains were recovered from the incident. Staff witnessing the event were found to be infected by SCP-1128, and administered class-C amnestics. Containment procedures were then updated to include videos and descriptions of this event, and testing involving extended infection of D-class was terminated.\nExperiment Log 1128\n\n\u00ab SCP-1127 | SCP-1128 | SCP-1129 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1129\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1129 is to be contained in a 3m x 3m x 3m chamber in the High Security wing of Site-83. Due to the nature of SCP-1129, no direct or first-degree indirect viewing methods, such as observation windows or cameras, are allowed within the containment chamber except as authorized by a Level 4 or higher researcher. Visual contact with SCP-1129, whether direct, indirect or recorded, is not allowed except under strictly controlled experimental conditions. SCP-1129's continued presence and status is monitored by ultrasound, as the image produced does not cause the effects typical of observing SCP-1129.\nKnowledge of SCP-1129's effects is non-essential for any personnel with less than Level 4 security clearance. Personnel assigned to the research, containment, security or other support teams associated with SCP-1129 are to be sequestered from the other personnel at Site-83 until such time as they have been removed from the assignment and have completed the debriefing and clearance procedures. If any personnel at Site-83, whether assigned to SCP-1129 or not, begin to exhibit the Stage I or Stage II symptoms described below, they are to be administered Class B amnestics immediately and must receive a psychological examination to determine the severity of after-effects, with further psychological treatment made available as necessary.\nIf a member of assigned personnel is deemed unnecessary to the continued containment of SCP-1129, they may be transferred to another project so long as they had no direct exposure to SCP-1129. Prior to transfer, all personnel who have been assigned to SCP-1129 must successfully complete a memory restructuring following treatment with Class A amnestics. At that point, they must complete a minimum 2 week quarantine period to be certain that they do not manifest Stage I or Stage II symptoms.\nDescription: SCP-1129 is a large object of apparently biological origin. Its composition is largely unknown, as it seems to 'flow' past any and all objects that approach it, temporarily breaking apart and changing its own dimensions as needed. Due to this, only one sample has ever been obtained, which showed the presence of several amino acids and hormone analogues consistent with terrestrial life, but no DNA samples were detected. Based on longitudinal ultrasound recordings, it appears that SCP-1129 is dimensionally fractal in nature, with a partial existence in a theoretical 3.333rd spatial dimension. Based on behavior, it is presumed that SCP-1129 is sentient, although this is unconfirmed.\nWhen any sentient being makes visual contact with SCP-1129, they will immediately enter Stage I, which is characterized by an extremely heightened flight reflex. They will attempt to flee from SCP-1129 by any means possible, ignoring obstacles and personal injury.1 Human subjects have later described this as having been overcome with intense fear and unthinking hysteria. Stage I symptoms will increase in intensity so long as the subject remains within 23.3 meters of SCP-1129 or remains in direct line-of-sight of SCP-1129. Stage I symptoms will persist for several hours2 after the affected being has left the immediate range of effect of SCP-1129. If the affected subject is unable to leave the range of effect, they will exhibit increasingly frantic behaviors until finally expiring. Post-mortem examinations reveal that the cause of death is typically cardiac arrest or the equivalent, consistent with a prolonged heightened state of fear and stress.\nOnce a subject has recovered from Stage I symptoms, they will immediately proceed to Stage II. Stage II is characterized by heightened aggression and hostility towards SCP-1129. Human subjects experiencing these symptoms invariably describe SCP-1129 as \"wrong\", \"not the right kind of real\", \"not fitting here\", etc., and incredibly dangerous. They will express a strong desire to destroy it immediately by any means possible. If the animal subject to Stage II symptoms is not able to convince others to assist them in destroying SCP-1129, they will attempt to do so on their own, up to and including breaching containment on SCP-1129 or other SCP items believed to possibly be useful in the destruction of SCP-1129. If multiple individuals are experiencing Stage II symptoms, they will work together in a destruction attempt. Subjects do not display any change in intelligence, skills or ability to communicate, however, and cross-species cooperation is usually minimized. No other change in behavior or motivation is noted, and subjects experiencing Stage II symptoms will pause in order to eat or sleep, although they return to their destruction attempts as soon as feasible.\nHowever, upon seeing SCP-1129, subjects will promptly return to Stage I with no apparent memory of having experienced it before, beginning the cycle again. This cycle will continue unabated until the subject has either died or been administered amnestics. In approximately 1.7% of cases, a subject will enter Stage III instead, which is characterized by all voluntary muscles freezing in place. This muscle locking persists despite all treatments, including removal from SCP-1129's range of effect, administration of muscle relaxers, administration of amnestics, and medical destruction of the motor nerves controlling them. To date, the most control of voluntary muscles that has ever been regained was in 3 individuals who regained control of the eyelids, allowing voluntary blinking, and partial control of the vocal cords. In these cases, amnestics were successful in eradicating the Stage I and Stage II symptoms.\nVideo feeds and photographs of SCP-1129 produce an identical effect, though artist renditions have no effect. Despite this profound observational cognitohazard effect, SCP-1129 seems to be completely harmless otherwise. It has now been determined that transition into Stage II may be caused by any significant knowledge of the nature of SCP-1129's effects. SCP-1129 is now considered a Grade III infohazard and has been upgraded to Euclid. See Addendum.\nAddendum: On April \u2588\u2588, 19\u2588\u2588, researchers assigned to SCP-1129 began to share the consensus that SCP-1129 was incredibly dangerous, and submitted multiple requests for its decommissioning, which were all denied. A new team of researchers were assigned, but within 30 days, they exhibited the same opinions as the previous team. Subsequent research teams have displayed the same effects, despite updated containment procedures. Teams of researchers are now to be cycled on a biweekly basis, as that seems to slow the onset of the infohazard aspect of SCP-1129's effects.\nEfforts are currently underway to identify and locate all personnel Foundation-wide who may have been exposed to information regarding SCP-1129 directly or second-hand, with administration of amnestics and memory-restructuring performed as appropriate. As of the date of this report, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 personnel have been identified and successfully treated.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This effect is most pronounced in mammals, but has been observed in all animal life, including birds, fish, snails and insects. Certain sentient anomalies, however, are not affected.\n2. The exact length of time varies considerably from individual to individual, with an average of 4 hours.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1128 | SCP-1129 | SCP-1130 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1130\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1130 is to be contained within a standard Safe-class protective storage locker at Site-12. Please be advised that D-Class personnel used in testing may exhibit erratic and/or aggressive behavior when exiting SCP-1130-2. A team comprised of one Medical officer with Level 3 clearance and a minimum of two Level 2 security personnel is to be maintained at any test site to detain and if necessary sedate test subjects upon reemergence. Security personnel thus stationed are to carry Daninject Projector Rifles loaded with 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate darts. To avoid public exposure, testing is to be scheduled between the hours of 02:00 and 05:00 local time and directions are to only be requested for suitably secluded destinations. Civilians witnessing any aspect of testing procedures are to be detained and administered class-A amnestics prior to relocation. Considering currently archived debriefing reports and exploration logs, SCP-1130-2 has been designated a Protean-class dimensional anomaly. Any research or security personnel assigned to SCP-1130 are expected to be familiar with relevant guidelines.\nDescription: SCP-1130 is an interactive kiosk providing free directions from a fixed position in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 to any street address within city limits. Its outer structure measures 50 cm x 50 cm x 175 cm and is composed of unadorned sheet metal. A \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand LCD touchscreen is set into the front of the kiosk at an angle, beneath which is a 25 cm x 2 cm slot from which directions are dispensed. A maintenance hatch set in the back panel provides access to the interior. No processing unit, power source or printing peripheral have been found inside and SCP-1130 appears to be fully functional without these components. A small tag in the upper right of the back panel identifies it as a model \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Urban Wayfinding Unit, built by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 corporation in 20\u2588\u2588.1 Covert enquiries with the company have shown that, while it does indeed manufacture this model, no record exists of SCP-1130 having been manufactured, assembled or distributed.\nSCP-1130's primary anomalous property manifests when directions have been requested and printed. Directions obtained from SCP-1130 will invariably instruct subjects to leave established routes and make use of a door described as 'Maintenance Portal 26-Sigma' (referred to as SCP-1130-1). It takes the form of a severely weathered arched metal door and has never been observed to be in the same location twice, even when the same route is requested multiple times. SCP-1130-1 does not exist in its prescribed location prior to the production of directions by SCP-1130. Multiple subjects following the same set of directions will be able to find and make use of the same door until it closes. At that point, SCP-1130-1 will vanish from sight and subjects left behind will be unable to follow the directions any further. If directions are photocopied, SCP-1130-1 will only appear when following the original specimen. SCP-1130-1 can be recorded by all present when encountered and visual reproductions will show SCP-1130-1 as encountered by subjects following directions.\nThose subjects who successfully follow directions to their destination and remain suitable for debriefing report SCP-1130-1 vanishing behind them once inside. Additionally, subjects describe having to traverse a space composed of up to \u2588\u2588 kilometers of interconnected halls, rooms and tunnels (designated SCP-1130-2) before finding themselves before SCP-1130-1 again. Spaces encountered are always in a severe state of disrepair and do not seem to be linked in a logical fashion. One test subject reported stepping from what seemed to be an abandoned subway tunnel into the kitchen of a derelict \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 fast food diner.\nAll subjects have described a consistent auditory phenomenon while in SCP-1130-2, but at this point in time its source is unclear. Debriefings and post-event psychological evaluations reveal test subjects seem to develop a persistent sense of being pursued, growing stronger as the time spent in SCP-1130-2 and this phenomenon increases. Extended exposure may lead to development of psychological trauma, depending on the mental and emotional stability of test subjects.\nAfter exiting SCP-1130-2, subjects find themselves at their destination. Test results indicate that on average 11-23 seconds lapse between subjects entering and exiting SCP-1130-2. However, this does not take into account the time subjects spend in transit, which may range from several hours to several weeks.\nCommunication of any kind with subjects in transit has proven to be impossible. GPS locator signals give test subjects' location upon entering SCP-1130-2 as [REDACTED]. This does not change until test subjects emerge from SCP-1130-2. Audio and video recording devices function normally, but will not transmit data while in SCP-1130-2. This necessitates personal recording devices to be worn by test subjects.\nAddendum 1130-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nSCP-1130 was retrieved from its location in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 after a number of documented disappearances amongst tourists. Officials were only able to locate one missing individual, who was found wandering through a gated community seven kilometers from SCP-1130's location. On his person were the directions requested from SCP-1130 and what was later identified as a \"Queen Elizabeth\" M-17 steel helmet. The Foundation was alerted when details of the case triggered a dedicated monitoring station and a recovery team led by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 moved to secure SCP-1130. The tourist was located and was administered class-A amnestics. SCP-1130 was removed from its position outside the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 subway station by the recovery team posing as a municipal work crew.\nAddendum 1130-A-02: Partial transcript of log file 1130-T-14/73299\n\nPersonnel involved in test: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, D-73299\nSummary: The following is a partial video and audio transcript for log file 1130-T-14/73299. Before testing commenced, subject was given directions to \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Street as provided by SCP-1130. Subject received MRE rations (including the necessary FRH packets) and enough water for seven days. Head-mounted video and personal audio recording devices were checked and found functioning with expected parameters.\nTranscript:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Jim, are we recording?\"\nA muffled reply can be heard from behind the camera.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Okay then. turns to D-73299 Now, could you please state your name and designation for us?\"\nD-73299: \"Who, me? Errr\u2026 my name is \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and my denum is 73299.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Thank you. Now, we've provided you with directions and supplies. We'd like you to provide us with a running commentary while you're in there. Can you do that?\"\nD-73299: \"I guess. And I won't be able to talk to you guys, right?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"That's correct. But we'll be recording everything you see and hear.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opens SCP-1130-1.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Please enter. We'll shut the door after you, so don't worry about that.\"\nD-73299: \"I hope you guys know what you're doi\u2026 hey, watch it!\"\nD-73299 is helped into SCP-1130-2 by security personnel present. The sound of a door slamming shut can be heard, followed by the subject muttering obscenities. Subject turns around and appears to be searching for SCP-1130-1, which is no longer visible. Subject switches on head-mounted LED light and looks around. This reveals what appears to be the interior of a WWII-era submarine.\nD-73299: \"Jesus! Where the hell am I?\"\nSubject surveys his surroundings. Small pools of water can be seen all along the deck. The left side of the small elongated space seems to be filled with a set of bunks. Blankets lie on rusted metal cots. To the right is a long rusty metal wall sectioned off by bulkheads. In front of subject is a small door with a lock wheel. Water seems to be continuously dripping from the ceiling and walls.\nD-73299: \"Okay\u2026 okay\u2026 gotta breathe\u2026 gotta just\u2026 inhales deeply \u2026 keep breathing. So, you wanted me to talk\u2026 looks like a boat or something. Thing's rusted and filthy, but I guess you can see that. There's some kind of sign here. Lemme get in a bit closer.\"\nSubject steps around the water on the floor. A rusted metal sign comes into view.\nD-73299: \"No idea what the hell kind of language that is. Might be French? I can't even pronounce it. Anyway, cam must be recording it, so you figure it out.'\n[POST-EVENT OBSERVATION: Sign read 'Achtung! Rauchen Verboten!']\nSubject suddenly turns around, obviously agitated.\nD-73299: \"Goddamn, what was that? I think I heard something.\"\n[POST-EVENT OBSERVATION: Analysis of recovered audio does not indicate an audible sound.]\nD-73299: \"Seemed to be coming from right behind\u2026 there it is again! What the hell is that!?\"\nSubject runs towards the door and attempts to turn the wheel. Subject can be heard grunting and swearing.\n[POST-EVENT OBSERVATION: At this point in the recording, a faint background audio signal is picked up. Analysis pending.]\nD-73299: \"It sounds like\u2026 like teeth\u2026\"\nSubject manages to open the door and slips through before hurriedly pulling it closed behind him. Subject stands with his back to the door, shaking. A room is dimly visible beyond the beam of the subject's LED light. Several hospital beds seem to be scattered around the room. The windows are boarded up tightly.\nD-73299: \"Huh? Where'd the boat go? Goddamn, where am I?!\"\nSubject takes a few steps before abruptly standing still.\nD-73299: \"I'm hearing it again, but\u2026 I closed that fucking door! No! No, I closed it! I closed it!\"\nSubject breaks into a run towards the other end of the room, tripping over a fallen IV-stand. Sobbing can be heard.\n\n\nD-73299 emerged from the side of a building close to his target destination at 07:03:21. Subject was in a state of confusion and panic, showing signs of severe malnutrition. Subject did not respond to instructions and attempted to leave the test site. He was subsequently neutralized by security personnel and detained for debriefing. Post-event physical and psychological evaluation determined the amount of time spent in SCP-1130-2 to be between 2 and 4 weeks. In addition, subject appeared to have pulled all of his own teeth with a pair of pliers recovered from SCP-1130-2.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Non-conclusive evidence was later found linking the company's deceased founder to Elevix Electronics.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1129 | SCP-1130 | SCP-1131 \u00bb"} +{"text": "An instance of SCP-1131 initiating a feeding sequence.\n\nItem #: SCP-1131\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-1131 brought into captivity are to be kept in 1m x 1m x 1m acrylic vivariums for the remainder of their lives (usually no more than a few weeks). Persons affected by SCP-1131 (given the group designation SCP-1131-1) are to be kept in a standard persons holding cell for further research.\nFoundation personnel stationed in places where instances of SCP-1131 have manifested should wear insect repellent containing p-Menthane-3,8-diol at all times. Personnel entering an SCP-1131 containment unit must wear a full Level A hazardous materials suit. Any bites made by SCP-1131 on any person must be noted, and any persons bitten must immediately be detained.\nDescription: SCP-1131 is a member of the species Culiseta longiareolata, and appears under direct observation as a normal specimen of that species. Instances of SCP-1131 range in size, but are on average approximately 8 mm long and weigh on average 1.7 milligrams. Instances of SCP-1131 refuse to feed from animals other than mammals. SCP-1131 appears to be of intelligence limited to its species, and acts on instinct alone.\nWhen a female SCP-1131 bites a mammal, the affected person or animal (immediately given the designation SCP-1131-1) begins a physical transformation lasting several days. First, the subject loses consciousness and enters a comatose state. Then, beginning at the site of the bite, the tissues of SCP-1131-1 begin to change, starting with the dermis and progressing inward toward muscular and skeletal structures. All subjects take on the same physical appearance and attributes: that of a Caucasian human male named Oscar Peleschak, age 57.\nSubjects usually awaken within 24 hours of the completion of this transformation. Subjects affected by SCP-1131 are indistinguishable from each other after the completion of this transformation. All subjects claim to be Oscar Peleschak and show signs of distress upon awakening. When asked for the last remembered calendar date, subjects offer September 5, 1968.\nIf two or more members of SCP-1131-1 are introduced, they will all claim the other or others to be impostors, and become distressed with the presence of the other or others. If this encounter is allowed to escalate, these arguments will become heated, but no subjects will resort to physical violence, due to self-proclaimed pacifism.\nIt is unknown how many instances of SCP-1131 exist. When instances of SCP-1131 breed, not all offspring (less than 1%) exhibit SCP-1131's effect. There does not, at this time, appear to be any way to reverse the effects of SCP-1131.\n\nA member of SCP-1131-1 after arrest for insurance fraud, January 1969.\n\nAddendum: SCP-1131 was recovered in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Massachusetts, when an embedded Foundation agent noted several discrepancies in local vital records. Of note was the fact that an individual named Oscar Peleschak had multiple vital records indicating date of death, but all had been redacted by local authorities. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Life Insurance Company had investigated Oscar Peleschak multiple times, and criminal charges for insurance fraud were filed in 1969, but ultimately were not pursued due to lack of evidence.\nThe only birth record of Oscar Peleschak was issued in 1911 at \u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Memorial Hospital. The first death certificate of Oscar Peleschak was issued by that same hospital on September 7, 1968 with the cause of death listed as [REDACTED]. It is hypothesized that this is the 'original' Oscar Peleschak and the subject identified in these records was given the designation SCP-1131-0. Exhumation of the body indicated no genetic differences between SCP-1131-0 and any members of SCP-1131-1. Furthermore, forensic analysis of the body indicates that some physical damage, namely skeletal scarring from a broken wrist estimated to be several decades old at time of death, exists in all members of SCP-1131-1 as well.\nSCP-1131-0 was married at the time of his death to Mary Peleschak, now deceased.\nCurrently, records indicate 47 separate instances of SCP-1131-1, of which 4 are still alive, currently detained at Site \u2588\u2588. No members of SCP-1131-1 retain any recollection of the experiences of past members of this group.\nAddendum 1131-A: Once SCP-1131 initiates a feeding sequence, there does not appear to be anything which will reverse, hinder, or stop its effect, including laceration of affected skin, amputation, or death.\nAddendum 1131-B: List of known individuals affected by SCP-1131:\n[DATA EXPUNGED]\nAddendum 1131-C: Transcript of video interview with a member of SCP-1131-1:\nInterviewed: SCP-1131-1\nInterviewer: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Clearance Level 2/1131-937-439\n\n(SCP-1131-1 sits on camera in an orange jumpsuit, sipping a cup of coffee. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 sits just off camera, only his arm visible. This member of SCP-1131-1 was detained shortly after entering a comatose state and has been isolated since that time.)\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please state your name for the record.\nSCP-1131-1: My name is Oscar Peleschak. I've told you that before.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What is the last thing you remember before waking up at this facility, Mr. Peleschak?\nSCP-1131-1: Well\u2026I just got off of work, and I called a cab to get home. I got in the cab, and the driver was jabbering at me, and I wasn't paying attention too much. Then I got home, said good night to the missus, read a book, got in bed, and woke up here.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you experience any sort of discomfort at the time? Any itching or burning sensations in your skin, like those from an animal bite.\nSCP-1131-1: Not that I remember. Can I go now? I ain't done nothing wrong. I got a wife to get back to, y'know.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry, Mr. Peleschak. You will not be allowed to leave.\nSCP-1131-1: Why? I ain't done nothing wrong! I've got rights, you know!\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-1130 | SCP-1131 | SCP-1132 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1132: Snake Tongue\nThere's no sense crying over broken relics.\n\n\u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\nItem #: SCP-1132\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1132 is to be kept in standard living quarters, furnished with a bed and appropriate religious icon. A facial restraint will be supplied to SCP-1132, to be worn at all times when interacting with personnel. This restraint must cover the mouth completely and immobilize the lower jaw. To facilitate personnel safety, entrance to SCP-1132's chamber should be announced by voice or knocking to give the subject time to don the facial restraint, should it not currently be in use. Should the restraint become dislodged for any reason, unarmored personnel are to maintain a minimum distance of one meter from the subject until the restraint has been replaced. Subject is to be fed one freeze-dried mouse, rehydrated, once per day in its cell. Subject is allowed limited escorted sojourns in the facility where it is housed.\nEfforts to teach SCP-1132 English have been hindered by the subject's illiteracy. Until subject has learned to understand spoken English and/or to write in any language, one member of personnel assigned to SCP-1132 is to be fluent in the eastern Huasteca dialect of modern Nahuatl.\nDescription: SCP-1132 is a female human of indigenous Mexican ethnicity, approximately 25 years of age. The subject's tongue, esophagus, stomach and both intestines have been replaced by a female Bothrops asper (fer-de-lance or nauyaca), leaving only 6cm of the subject's own rectum intact. The connection between the reptile and the subject's digestive system is seamless. Due to its condition, SCP-1132 cannot speak, though it breathes normally. The subject lacks a uterus, though no sign of hysterectomy or other surgery is present. How the uterus was removed has not yet been determined.\nApproximately 0.6-0.7 meters of snake lie coiled where the subject's stomach should be, giving the snake the ability to lunge out of the subject's mouth. So long as the subject's mouth is closed, the snake will not force its way out. Aside from its anomalous state and length far exceeding what is typical for B. asper, the reptile is otherwise a normal member of its species, possessing a venomous bite and treating SCP-1132 as territory to be defended. Its eating seems to provide sustenance for both itself and SCP-1132, and it must eat at a rate greater than normal for a snake, but less than that of a human.\nOn the rare occasions that SCP-1132 is bitten by the snake, the subject will fall into a coma for a period of time between one hour and one day. Treatment with antivenom can wake the subject prematurely, but is counterindicated as the snake remains active and unrestrained during these periods. The subject describes these periods as being like dreamless sleep and reports no other physical side effects other than pain and swelling from the fang punctures.\nAddendum: Interviews with the subject have consisted of yes/no questions, and as such, information on the origin of its condition has been difficult to gather.\nUpon recovery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Hidalgo, Mexico, persons familiar with SCP-1132 stated in interviews that they believed the subject had been punished for defiling a sacred relic said to belong to the Aztec goddess Coatlicue, and had been cast out from tribal society for the transgression. Testing of fragments of the object in question reveals no anomalous properties.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1131 | SCP-1132 | SCP-1133 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1133\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1133 is to be kept within a secure testing chamber at Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588, equipped with one (1) standard power socket. Samples of SCP-1133-X should be stored in an on-site bio-research vault. Both should be guarded by a minimum of one (1) armed personnel at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access.\nDescription: SCP-1133 resembles an ordinary, hospital-standard intravenous fluid stand. Only the infusion pump displays any anomalous properties. The tubes, stand, power supply and intravenous drip bags are entirely ordinary and can be replaced. With the exception of the tubes passing through the infusion pump, all openings on the device are fused shut, including the rear battery compartment, requiring that SCP-1133 be connected to a standard power socket at all times. All attempts at opening SCP-1133 have so far failed, as the casing has proved remarkably resilient, such that the force required to penetrate the casing would likely cause irreparable damage to its internal components. As a result, internal examination has been postponed until primary research is complete.\nThe console of SCP-1133 possesses nine (9) buttons not present on a normal infusion pump. The first seven (7) are labeled with a corresponding number, and the final two (2) with the words, \u2018Extract' and \u2018Infuse', respectively. The remainder of SCP-1133's controls are non-functional. When supplied with power, SCP-1133 will display the message: \u2018SELECT OPERATION SETTINGS', at which point either \u2018Extract' or \u2018Infuse' must be selected, after which SCP-1133 will activate if it is connected to a living human subject. If SCP-1133 is connected to a cadaver or any non-human species, SCP-1133 will display the message \u2018OPERATION FAILED' and shut down.\nIf the \u2018Extract' setting is selected, one (1) of the number buttons must be selected. This will cause SCP-1133 to begin extracting a substance, hereafter known as SCP-1133-X, from the subject, corresponding to the number chosen. Selecting the \u2018Infuse' option will result in the pump functioning as would be expected, infusing the substance placed in the drip bags into the subject's bloodstream. Only SCP-1133-X can be infused in this way; the use of any other substance will result in the message \u2018OPERATION FAILED'.\nSCP-1133-X appears to be synthesized directly from the subject's bloodstream upon extraction, and breaks down almost immediately upon entering the blood during infusion, making it almost impossible to observe its impact on human physiology. However, both the infusion and extraction of SCP-1133-X produces equal and opposite changes in the behaviour and morality of the subject which are easily observable. Subjects are not normally aware of or disturbed by these changes, even when the subject had prior knowledge of SCP-1133's effects.\nTo date, seven (7) different varieties of SCP-1133-X have been recorded, each with a distinct colour and effect, and each corresponding to a specific number on SCP-1133's console. Samples of SCP-1133-X have no observable effect on the human body if administered by any means other than SCP-1133's \u2018infusion' function. All attempts to synthesize SCP-1133-X in laboratory conditions have so far failed. For detailed analysis of SCP-1133-X's chemical properties, please refer to Document 1133-\u2588.\nThere seems to be limits to the quantity of each variety SCP-1133-X that can be extracted from any given subject, which seem to vary from individual to individual, depending on the personality of the subject. For example: subjects with a history of kleptomania seem to have larger natural reservoirs of SCP-1133-3 available for extraction, and requiring less SCP-1133-3 infusion to display more extreme symptoms. It is unknown whether an upper limit exists for the infusion of SCP-1133-X. Below is a list of the seven (7) known varieties and their effects:\n\n+ SCP-1133-X Observations\n\n- SCP-1133-X Observations\n\nSCP-1133-1:\nColour: Light green.\nInfusion Effect: Increased appetite. Subjects infused with sufficient quantities of SCP-1133-1 are unable to resist the compulsion to consume any form of food in the immediate area, including those normally repulsive to humans, including rotten food, raw meat and animal feed. Subjects will frequently become violent when denied food. Several D-Class subjects infused with SCP-1133-1 have died as a result of choking, or in extreme cases, of stomach ruptures caused by the sheer quantity consumed. In small amounts, SCP-1133-1 infusion has proved to improve the symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia.\nExtraction Effect: Decreased appetite. Subjects display a reduced enthusiasm for food, often forgetting to eat even to the point of starvation, although they can typically be induced to eat without the application of force.\nSCP-1133-2:\nColour: Red\nInfusion Effect: Heightened stress levels and aggressive behaviour. Those infused with large quantities of SCP-1133-2 typically become dangerous and violent, often becoming hostile towards Foundation personnel. Following Incident 171-\u2588, any experiments involving SCP-1133-2 require an additional two (2) armed security guards at all times.\nExtraction Effect: Reduced aggression and increased docile behaviour. When large amounts are removed, subjects will often refuse to defend themselves, even from violent assault. Given the potential of this process to make subjects more compliant, use of SCP-1133-2 extraction in interrogations or pacification of troublesome personnel is being considered, pending further testing.\nSCP-1133-3:\nColour: Yellow\nInfusion Effect: SCP-1133-3 appears to influence interest in material wealth. Subjects typically become obsessed with financial gain, often showing symptoms of kleptomania. Subjects exposed to high amounts will often become violently fixated on shiny objects, such as wristwatches or metal buttons.\nExtraction Effect: Loss of interest in money and material wealth, generally becoming indifferent to material possessions, as opposed to actively generous. Subjects will often show reduced understanding of money and financial issues, as well as reduced motivation for the completion of tasks with material rewards.\nSCP-1133-4:\nColour: Blue\nInfusion Effect: Increased egotism and self-confidence. Although small infusions can lead to beneficial increases in confidence, further amounts will likely lead to narcissism and vanity, often resulting in violent attacks on any personnel the subject perceives as insulting them.\nExtraction Effect: Similar to SCP-1133-2, subjects become quieter and less assertive, although they will still defend themselves if faced with assault. Extraction of the maximum quantity of SCP-1133-4 has resulted in attempted suicide in \u2588\u2588% of cases.\nSCP-1133-5:\nColour: Dark Green\nInfusion Effect: Increased fixation on the possessions, achievements and privileges of others, with subjects often coming to perceive all others as \u2018better off' than themselves. This has frequently resulted in uncooperative and abusive behaviour in subjects, although subjects are typically not violent, instead preferring acts of sabotage or indirect methods of inducing pain and distress in those around them.\nExtraction Effect: Subjects disinterested in the possessions of those around them. SCP-1133-5 extraction seems to have comparatively few detrimental effects on subjects, although there is still a high risk of psychological damage and [DATA EXPUNGED] in all cases.\nSCP-1133-6:\nColour: Brown\nInfusion Effect: Increased levels of general apathy and reduced energy, in some cases showing symptoms similar to those of moderate to severe narcolepsy. Those subjected to high enough levels of SCP-1133-6 enter a coma-like state, and so far no attempts bar the extraction of SCP-1133-6 have proved successful in recovery.\nExtraction Effect: Increased energy levels, activity and enthusiasm. In extreme cases this can result in hyperactivity and symptoms comparable to Attention Deficit Disorder, although subjects will more commonly suffer from insomnia and mental fatigue, resulting from increased physical and mental activity.\nSCP-1133-7:\nColour: Purple\nInfusion Effect: Increased sexual drive. In extreme cases this results in symptoms similar to clinical hypersexuality. Subjects have frequently resorted to violence in attempts to satisfy the resulting compulsions, which has made testing on the effects of SCP-1133-7 particularly troublesome.\nExtraction Effect: Reduced interest in sexual activity. Those having the maximum amount extracted typically become completely disinterested and in some cases repulsed by the idea of sexual intercourse.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1132 | SCP-1133 | SCP-1134 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1134\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1134 is contained in Volatile Items Storage Warehouse 14 in a 3m x 3m x 4m room with one exit consisting of a standard reinforced airtight door. All interior surfaces of the containment room are to be coated in SCP-1134-1.\nPersonnel requesting the use of SCP-1134-1 in containment procedures or security measures must be Level 2 or above and must obtain clearance from Dr. Blank.\nDescription: SCP-1134 is a circular polyvinyl-chloride 10-gallon container of paint-and-primer mix bearing the label \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Conglomerate NO MESS Ballistics-Grade Paint | Colour formula 366\" in a translation below the primary label, which is slightly modified traditional kanji. No such company has been located at this time. All other writing on the drum is in this modified traditional kanji, and deals with patent information and date of manufacture, noted as 04/11/20\u2588\u2588. The lid is easily detached and reattached.\nSCP-1134-1 is the liquid contained in SCP-1134. It has roughly the same consistency as a high-quality paint-and-primer mix. There are currently 8.02 gallons remaining of the original ten, the remaining liquid having been used as paint prior to recovery or in subsequent Foundation testing. SCP-1134-1 is a glossy violet in color.\nSCP-1134-1 is extremely hazardous due to the anomalous qualities of the liquid. Any amount of SCP-1134-1 that is allowed to gain free momentum prior to surface application quickly accelerates to a uniform speed of 490 m/s, equivalent to a .357 magnum handgun round. Larger amounts of SCP-1134-1 break up into smaller uniform droplets, measured by high-speed camera to be oblong, 33mm long, and very similar in shape to bullets. Upon impact with an unpainted surface or obstruction, SCP-1134-1 behaves in a similar manner to a bullet.\nUnlike bullets, SCP-1134-1 does not lose energy when coming into contact with a surface or obstruction and will instead ricochet at a constant speed until making contact with a SCP-1134-1 painted surface or organic object. Once contact is made with the painted surface, the ricocheting SCP-1134-1 is absorbed into the liquid on the surface and a corresponding increase in surface coverage can be measured. SCP-1134 has been demonstrated to be exempt from damage due to SCP-1134-1.\nOnce applied to a surface and allowed to dry, SCP-1134-1 has been observed to be completely bulletproof, withstanding impacts up to a .30 caliber sniper round. Any surface painted with SCP-1134-1 will be undamaged by force below 65,000 N (see Test Log 1134-03) applied to the side that is painted. Force applied from the other side of the surface has been met with normal resistance for the surface up to the point at which SCP-1134-1 forms a dry barrier.\nO5 Note: We feel that despite the obvious benefits of SCP-1134-1, access must be carefully regulated by the research head due to the limited quantities we currently possess. - O5-\u2588\u2588\nRecovery Log 1134 Abstract: SCP-1134 was recovered on 07/20/2004 in a warehouse belonging to \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. It was found among other supplies in the foreman's office, which appeared to be in the middle of renovation. Anomalous properties were determined after Recovery Agent Groulson accidentally spilled a small amount of SCP-1134-1, resulting in 4 deaths.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1133 | SCP-1134 | SCP-1135 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1135\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1135 is located within the boundaries of Site-36. A chain-link fence, 3 metres (m) high, has been constructed around the object, and marks the boundary of the affected area. A narrow ditch, 4m deep, has been dug parallel to, and within, the fence. This ditch is lined with impermeable plastic and filled with dilute hydrochloric acid in order to deter expansion of SCP-1135 past the security perimeter.\nThe area within the security perimeter is to be checked every three days by teams of researchers. These researchers are not required to be armed or otherwise prepared for a hostile environment, but must carry two-way radio communicators at all times while within the security perimeter, and should maintain visual contact with one or more fellow researchers at all times. Any new growth or development indicative of SCP-1135 activity is to be noted. Should hostility on the part of SCP-1135 be encountered during an expedition, all staff within the security perimeter are to withdraw immediately. No expeditions within SCP-1135 are to be mounted within forty days of such a hostile reaction, unless composed entirely of D-Class personnel.\nAny and all non-anomalous waste produced by Site-36 is to be deposited at least twenty metres within the security perimeter by D-Class personnel at the beginning of each day. If this waste totals less than 500 kilograms on any given day, this amount is to be supplemented by on-site stockpiles.\nNo attempt to damage SCP-1135 structures is to be made except in the case of a containment breach or with the permission of the Site Administrator of Site-36 (currently Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). If such damage occurs, SCP-1135 is to be treated as hostile for the next forty days.\nNo explosive materials or other items capable of major structural damage to SCP-1135 are permitted within the security perimeter without approval from the Site Administrator of Site-36.\nDescription: SCP-1135 is an isolated village in the State of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, India. The village was attributed the name of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 prior to its acquisition by the Foundation. It contains approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 houses as well as several places of commerce and a Hindu temple. The structure of the buildings is unusual for the region, as they are larger and built with far more technologically-advanced materials than other villages in the area. All buildings are fully equipped with running hot and cold water, electricity, and sewerage, again unusual for the area. It is unknown how the homes receive electricity as they are not connected to any form of generator, and this is considered to be an effect of SCP-1135. In addition, the roads in the village, and for 2 kilometres around the village, are also fully paved with asphalt concrete.\nInvestigation of the building materials reveals strands of organic fibre running through all of the buildings and any permanent fixtures in the village not introduced by an outside force. The fibres do not ever appear to compromise the integrity of any structures. These organic fibres extend up to 3m below ground and form a network under the village. These fibres grow, repair themselves, and appear to absorb nutrients from the soil. As such, SCP-1135 is considered a single, living organism with certain similarities to fungi.\nThe fibres of SCP-1135 appear to be able to generate a wide variety of organic and non-organic materials around themselves, allowing them to generate the structures found within the village. This allows the structures to repair themselves, and periodically new buildings grow organically from the soil, maintaining structural integrity at all times during this process. Similarly, when space is limited, some structures will appear to collapse and disintegrate, the fibres within atrophying.\nSCP-1135 appears to require some form of sustenance to survive. As well as absorbing water and nutrients from the soil, the organism appears to consume waste left within the boundaries of the village. Waste of all varieties left in the area affected by SCP-1135 begins to deteriorate and decompose at an extremely accelerated rate. This produces no odour and typically leaves no remains. This process does not affect living organic tissue, soil, or any object being used in some way by those within SCP-1135. It is believed that SCP-1135 converts these materials into nutrients for itself through an unknown process. If so, it is unknown how SCP-1135 differentiates between waste and other matter. If SCP-1135 goes for long periods without \u2018feeding', it will destroy structures, possibly in order to render them down for sustenance. Likewise, if SCP-1135 has been able to consume large amounts of waste, it will start to construct new buildings and improve existing ones at an increased rate.\nIf humans or animals cause substantial or repetitive damage to structures formed by SCP-1135, the organism will begin to construct elaborate \u2018traps' in order to injure, drive off, or kill attackers. These range from simple pitfalls and caltrops to elaborate traps which would indicate complex intelligence in a human. These traps will, if not triggered, disappear within a period of 20-30 days. Outside of these circumstances, SCP-1135 is never hostile or dangerous to human life. Additionally, SCP-1135 appears to be able to differentiate between damage caused indirectly or directly by living organisms, and damage caused by other forces. These findings suggest that SCP-1135 may possess some form of intelligence, but this is unproven.\nAddendum 1135-1: SCP-1135 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 after a reporter investigating aid efforts in the area recorded interviews with local residents claiming that buildings \u2018grew overnight'. SCP-1135 had an estimated population of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at the time of its discovery by Foundation operatives. Residents interviewed reported that the village had possessed anomalous properties for \u2588 years prior to Foundation intervention, after the village had been the site of a 'sustainable housing development scheme', orchestrated by an organisation by the name of the 'Manna Charitable Foundation'. The Manna Charitable Foundation is apparently fictitious, and no attempts to identify those involved in the scheme have been successful. All residents of SCP-1135 were expelled, and administered Class-A or Class-B amnestics depending on how long they had lived in the village. All aid schemes in the area since have been monitored by the Foundation, although no other anomalies or any further information regarding the Manna Charitable Foundation have since come to light.\nAddendum 1135-2: Following the routine observational expedition carried out on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, several buildings appeared to have developed security cameras on their outer walls and in certain indoor areas of the village buildings. These cameras have been observed to track waste disposal and research teams as they move through the village, and to conduct periodic sweeps of the village when undisturbed. Requests to dismantle one of the cameras for research purposes are currently pending approval by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1134 | SCP-1135 | SCP-1136 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1136\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1136 specimens are contained in separate 1m x 1m x 0.5m terrariums secured within an isolated, soundproof chamber at Site \u2588\u2588. All fixtures within SCP-1136's containment room must be bolted down or otherwise secured against shifting during a localized directional event. Experimentation with SCP-1136 requires prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Senior Researchers, and personnel within SCP-1136's containment area must wear magnetized boots or otherwise be secured against possible shifting.\nDescription: SCP-1136 appears to be a species of small lizard similar to Hemidactylus frenatus (common house gecko) and is physically indistinguishable other than its anomalous property. When specimens of SCP-1136 are startled or frightened, they cause gravity within a radius of approximately 7 to 8 m to align itself with its orientation, without affecting the specimen itself. This occurs instantaneously and without any measurable change in the physiology of SCP-1136 other than that which is normal for a surprise response in normal Hemidactylus specimens. This effect continues as long as SCP-1136 remains frightened, and the direction of the gravity shift will continuously change to match its current orientation.\nSCP-1136-01 was discovered on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/198\u2588 following anomalous reports at a local hospital in [REDACTED], wherein several children were admitted with minor injuries and limb fractures after reportedly chasing a gecko up the wall of their classroom. Class A amnestics were administered to all affected civilians, and several SCP-1136-01 specimens were located in and retrieved from the school.\nAddendum 1136-01: Incident Log 1136-012\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 accidentally dropped a clipboard while within SCP-1136-01's enclosure, startling it and causing it to run up the wall of its terrarium. During the subsequent gravity shift, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was thrown against a nearby wall, which further startled SCP-1136-01 and resulted in a cyclical gravity shift that continued for several minutes. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was finally removed and treated for multiple bone fractures and a severe concussion.\nAddendum 1136-02: Experiment Log 1136-021\nSCP-1136-01 was successfully bred with a normal male Hemidactylus frenatus on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, and its offspring were determined to exhibit the same anomalous property as the original. These specimens have been designated SCP-1136-02 (male) and SCP-1136-03 through SCP-1136-06 (female).\nAddendum 1136-03: Incident Log 1136-019\nSCP-1136-01 was found dead in its containment area on \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, apparently of natural causes. Dissection of the dead specimen showed no abnormalities or unusual structures.\nAddendum 1136-04: Incident Log 1136-026\nPermission was granted by Site Command on \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588 to perform a vivisection on SCP-1136-04. Upon incising into the specimen's abdomen, [DATA EXPUNGED] believed to be a short-lived gravitational singularity which caused catastrophic damage to the experiment site.\nAddendum 1136-05: Researcher Note\n\nFollowing an increasing number of anomalous incidents reported in the [REDACTED] region, it is currently believed that there is a standing wild population of SCP-1136 specimens. A Foundation containment team has been assigned to the area, but due to the small size of SCP-1136 and its similarity to mundane Hemidactylus specimens, complete containment of all wild specimens is expected to be extremely difficult if at all possible.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSenior Researcher\n\n\u00ab SCP-1135 | SCP-1136 | SCP-1137 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1137\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1137 is held in a locked box in item storage locker 8A at Site-19. Level 3 clearance is required for access to SCP-1137. It requires no extraordinary physical measures to contain it; however, due to its memetic qualities, knowledge of SCP-1137's true nature is to be tightly controlled among personnel. See Document 1137-17 for a detailed description of anti-memetic safety standards.\nDescription: SCP-1137 is a blue glass sphere approximately 10cm in diameter. To ordinary observers, it does not appear to have any special qualities, nor does it pose any risk. It is possible to take measurements of its material composition, weight, opacity, hardness, and any other physical properties of the sphere. However, its anomalous properties take effect if any attempt is made to measure the sphere's curvature or smoothness, or any other properties related to its spherical nature.\nIf anyone does try to measure SCP-1137's spherical properties, they will become convinced that it is in fact a mathematically perfect sphere. They will believe that measurements consistently return results confirming this, regardless of the accuracy of the measuring device being used. Due to the memetic nature of SCP-1137, it is unknown whether SCP-1137 actually possesses these dimensions, or whether observers merely interpret the measurements as such. Small samples taken from SCP-1137 also display its memetic properties, and do not seem to affect the perception of the shape of SCP-1137.\nIt is not actually necessary to perform the measurements oneself for a subject to fall under SCP-1137's memetic influence; merely being told that its shape is physically impossible is enough for the memetic agent to take root. However, transmission in this fashion requires the listener to understand the reasons why a perfect mathematical sphere cannot exist in material form; thus, memetic transmission to subjects without a scientific background is unlikely. It is also possible to circumvent the memetic agent by specifying that SCP-1137 only appears to be a perfect sphere when measuring, without actually stating outright that it is such.\nOnce infected, a subject will become obsessed with the fact that, although all measurements indicate that SCP-1137 is a perfect sphere, it is physically impossible for this to be the case. This paradox will become deeply ingrained in the subject's mind. The subject will attempt to disprove this inconsistency, resorting to more and more accurate tools. Researchers have been recorded utilizing equipment including the on-site electron microscope in these endeavours. Despite this, they will never be able to perceive any results other than those indicating SCP-1137 is a mathematically perfect object, even when performing measurements at the picometer level.\nAfter extensive testing during which they are unable to prove their conviction, the subject will eventually decide that SCP-1137's nature must actually be possible. At this point, the secondary memetic properties of SCP-1137 will take effect. The subject will slowly acquire the compulsion to reproduce an instance of SCP-1137. Subjects with proficiency in a physical craft (e.g., sculpting, glassmaking, metalworking) will begin by attempting to produce a perfect sphere in that medium. Subjects without prior experience in crafting will attempt to learn.\nThe subject will continue attempting to produce replicas of SCP-1137, but will always determine that their replicas are insufficiently precise. Subjects will become increasingly frustrated and obsessed, and will often try to experiment in other media subjects, using increasingly unconventional materials (e.g., animal or human remains) to attain their goal. Eventually the obsession overwhelms the subject's thought processes, with the subject forgoing sleep, food, and ordinary bodily functions in order to continue attempting their constructions. Subjects invariably expire either due to starvation or self-mutilation.\nBecause a mathematically perfect sphere cannot actually physically exist, SCP-1137's spherical qualities were at first assumed to be its only anomalous feature. As a result, after being taken into the Foundation's possession, researchers were immediately exposed to its memetic qualities. Because the memetic effects of SCP-1137 are at first indistinguishable from ordinary scientific testing, [REDACTED] days passed before the Foundation realized SCP-1137's true nature. Because of this, an estimated \u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals were infected. Strict anti-memetic procedures have been implemented surrounding knowledge of SCP-1137's anomalous properties, and a cover story is given to personnel lacking Level-4 clearance regarding SCP-1137's status and true effects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1136 | SCP-1137 | SCP-1138 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1138\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1138 should be stored inside a safe in Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's office in Sector-\u2588\u2588. Personnel with Level 2 clearance or higher may access the object for research purposes with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's authorization. Personnel with strong philosophical convictions are to be denied access. Personnel should not dispute the object nor question the correctness of the information contained within.\nOnce monthly, a researcher studying philosophical concepts (either by duty of service or for personal education) should compose an article containing at least \u2588 references to the object. At least \u2588\u2588 other personnel should familiarize themselves with this article; it must be archived afterward.\nDescription: SCP-1138 is perceived to be a book of philosophers' and/or writers' correspondence. Though the writing style always corresponds to a given author, the vast majority of letters are forgeries, with a few found to be genuine unsent drafts. The book's author changes based on the scientific and personal interests of the reader and its contents depend on reader's beliefs regarding the author's ideas. SCP-1138 always contains information that contradicts the reader's current beliefs (see addendum). In other words, the reader, thinking that a philosopher adhered to a specific opinion will find letters expressing ideas that directly contradict his, her, or its beliefs, written out passionately and in great detail. If the reader has no concerns for philosophical concepts, SCP-1138 will contain letters from people the reader respects (up to his or her parents), criticizing his, her, or its life position.\nHandling and reading the books has various effects. Readers who completely share the presumed author's views fall into a prolonged depression that they compare to being betrayed by a close friend. More open-minded individuals rejoice at first, sometimes lapsing into euphoria and stating that they \"finally found the truth\" before becoming absent-minded and unable to concentrate. This condition lasts for about a week. Professional researchers who have definite proof of the falsity of SCP-1138's information experience a strong desire to start a discussion. Should they start it, [DATA EXPUNGED] followed in 24 hours by an invariably lethal stroke. The theorized cause of this [DATA EXPUNGED].\nCurrently, there is no way of finding SCP-1138's \"neutral\" form. In the presence of humans and/or animals the book retains its previous appearance. Handling SCP-1138 with a remote-controlled robot led to the book transforming to a tome of Isaac Asimov's letters in which he gave proof that the Three Laws of Robotics should not be used in robot creation. First, adherence to the laws will lead to those laws being broken, hence they are useless. Second, robots are more perfect than humans and should not be restrained in their actions regarding humans. The attempt was stopped; the robot and the remote controller used in the experiment were examined. Examination showed [DATA EXPUNGED].\nIf there is no scientific article written about SCP-1138 in a month, the object disappears and reappears in the closest library or book store that can theoretically contain publications of letters. Therefore, if the book breaks containment, researchers assigned to SCP-1138 should monitor the news and investigate each and every \"sensational breakthrough\" in philosophy and history.\nHistory: SCP-1138 attracted the Foundation's attention in 19\u2588\u2588 when \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the leader of the Communist Party of Hungary, released a harsh criticism of V.I. Lenin, claiming that he had found a collection of letters in which Lenin defined Marxism as a fallacious and harmful theory and proposed cooperation with the Capitalist West. Everybody who spoke against his criticism died in 24 hours, making the situation especially suspicious. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's house was searched; the only anomalous item found was a book that changed its appearance and contents when passed from one person to another.\nLater, it was found that the object disappears if there isn't an article that references it written in a month. Employees responsible for SCP-1138 got lucky, as the book always reappeared in Sector \u2588\u2588 library and was easily found. There are no known cases of the book's appearance before it attracted the Foundation's attention.\nAddendum: Some of the most interesting instances of SCP-1138 are listed here:\n\nMarcus Tullius Cicero's letters in which he claims that every conflict should be resolved through brute force; the search for compromise based on laws and morality was deemed unnecessary. \"Cedant arma togae\" was claimed to be \"a stupid joke.\"\nNiccol\u00f2 Machiavelli's letters that explain negative economical, political and cultural consequences, should the medieval Italy become a united state. He also claims that a ruler should act within the law and ethics and never break these rules. Note that The Prince (the book which inspired the term \"Machiavellianism\") is generally thought to have been political satire by scholars.\nBlaise Pascal's letters, describing Christianity as \"a faith most vile, false and abhorrent to human dignity.\"\nFriedrich Nietzsche's letters, claiming that Christianity and Buddhism are the reason for all humanity's achievements. He also harshly denounces some people's aspiration to \"be themselves\" and not belong to the social mass.\nFyodor Dostoyevsky's letters in which he claims that a decent and happy life can only be achieved through denial of the existence of souls and a lack of compassion and beneficence.\nO5-\u2588's letters, in which he requests that all humanoid SCPs within Foundation custody either be released or terminated. In addition, he claims to have [DATA EXPUNGED]\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's preliminary conclusion: Currently, we cannot determine if the object is sapient. Maybe it is sapient and creates information that contradicts our beliefs in order to provoke us to argue and become its victims. If that's the case, killing is a way of sustaining its life and the object's behavior is the way it hunts. Maybe the object is not sapient and simply re-translates thoughts from another reality in which philosophers and thinkers came to different ideas. Further study is necessary.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1137 | SCP-1138 | SCP-1139 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1139\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: By authorization of O5-\u2588, object is housed at Research Area 39. Following Incident 1139-1, object moved to Research Area \u2588\u2588. When not being used for testing, object is to be enclosed in a seventy-five (75) by twenty (20) by twenty (20) centimeter block of rubber, molded into two pieces, with a Faraday cage surrounding the block, placed on a static-free workbench. The containment room for the object shall be made of unreinforced concrete (minimum thickness of three (3) meters) and shall be illuminated at all times by gas lamps. The humidity level shall remain between 70% and 80% at all times.\nThe door to SCP-1139's containment room shall be made of non-conductive, high impact ceramic materials. Following Incident 1139-1, access is via three (3) containment doors, the outermost door consisting of steel, with a metallic threshold grounded in case of electrical discharge. The two innermost doors are to be constructed of non-conductive, high impact ceramic materials.\nNo electrical devices, including pacemakers, watches, or recording devices are to be brought into the containment room except for testing purposes. In no event may an electrical device capable of creating an alternating current be introduced to the containment room without authorization of one (1) O5 personnel. In no event may an electrical device capable of producing more than one thousand watts (1000 W) be introduced to the containment room without written authorization of two (2) O5 personnel.\nResearch Area \u2588\u2588 shall remain equipped with two lightning rods at all times, neither of which shall be grounded within 200 meters of SCP-1139.\nFollowing Test-1139l, and by order of O5-\u2588, the staff of each Foundation Site must include one level 3 staff member previously affected by SCP-1206.\nDescription: SCP-1139 consists of a metallic grey rectangular block, roughly twenty (20) centimeters high and five (5) centimeters square at its base. The overall density of the object is roughly double that of iron, and the object is denser near the top. The object has thus far proved impervious to both deterioration and damage, making a determination of the object's age impossible. The sides are patterned with square protrusions in an unrecognized pattern, which can be confirmed by touch. Viewers of the pattern or of photos of the pattern observe the protrusions as block letters in a language they are familiar with, but this is merely a visual illusion. No subject has reported any subsequent change in the appearance of the letters. On the bottom of the object, there are four (4) 1 mm x 5 mm crevices, each coated in a copper-colored substance. No new effect has been observed through the manipulation of or application of electricity directly to the crevices.\nUpon application of electricity a direct current, the object affects all individuals within a given radius through unknown means. Any person within the radius of effect begins speaking and writing a new language, though they apparently believe they are speaking their native tongue. Subjects lose the ability to speak or comprehend any prior known language(s). Linguistic analysis indicates that the new languages are fully formed languages, but all attempts at translation have been met with complete failure. Attempts at translation continue. Subjects have proven incapable of learning or re-learning any real world language after exposure to SCP-1139. Class AA amnestics successfully counteract the effect, though subjects are thereafter of little use to the Foundation, and Class AA amnestics are not advised in future testing. See Experiment Log 1139-1.\nThe radius of the effect is exponentially proportional to the wattage applied to it, with a \"static shock\" creating a radius of eight-tenths (0.8) meters and a direct lightning strike estimated to create a radius reaching beyond [DATA EXPUNGED], potentially resulting in a [REDACTED] scenario. Developing practical methods of containing, controlling, or reversing the effect is ongoing and should be considered a Level Chi priority. Possible use as a \"worst case scenario\" planetary defense is under consideration.\nSCP-1139 was recovered during Incident 98564/k. Mobile Task Force Delta-5 (\"Front Runners\") raided a Church of the Broken God outpost in Normal, IL. A basement contained an apparently demented and violent elderly man holding SCP-1139, who was quickly terminated. In this room were over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 handmade documents, including stone tablets over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years old and modern paper showing minimal wear. Note that the earliest documents predate the Church of the Broken God by over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 years. The documents do not appear to be written in any known languages, and \u2588\u2588\u2588 different languages have been identified.\n\n+ Document SCP-1139a (regarding incident 1139-01):\n\n- Close\n\nAt 4:30 pm, on July 28, 1997, over \u2588\u2588 scattered civilian vehicles approached Research Area 39 from both access roads. Research Area 39 was put on Blue Alert, and Procedure Theta Tau was implemented. The four (4) ground level Foundation personnel were initially able to maintain their cover identities when speaking with the trespassers and discovered that the latitude and longitude of Research Area 39 was distributed as the location of a youth \"Jamboree.\u201d Pursuant to Procedure Theta Tau, the trespassers were told that Research Area 39 was a hunting lodge and that they had been sent to the wrong location. The departure of the trespassers was stalled due to a constant stream of new arrivals. Approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588 adults and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 youths arrived in total.\nAt precisely 4:52, approximately \u2588\u2588 of the adults and \u2588 of the children pulled weapons from camping gear and attempted to breach Research Area 39 in a coordinated attack. Battle cries consistent with rhetoric of the Church of the Broken God were heard, as well as references to \"The Tongue\" and \"The Voice.\" A perimeter breach occurred and lockdown was implemented. Mobile Task Force Rho-5 (\"Bee Sting\") converged on Research Area 39, countering the assault and containing the fleeing civilians with acceptable casualties. The surviving civilians indicated that revised coordinates were distributed via e-mail a week prior, though the source of such information could not be effectively determined. The survivors were given Class C amnestics and re-questioned, using known Church of the Broken God \"secret\" codes. Three additional members of the Church were detected and terminated. Area Command utilized Cover Story Beta Zeta, and the remaining civilians were provided grief counseling. Research Area 39 decommissioned.\nC\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This is unacceptable. I don't care that the damn Church broke silence first; we cannot allow this much attention to come down on one of our locations. You had better pray this media hype about gun wielding scouts dies down and reporters don't find Research Area \u2588\u2588. O5-\u2588\nRequest upgrade to Keter status. Area Supervisor C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRequest denied. O5-\u2588\n\n+ Experiment Log 1139-1\n\n- Close\n\nAddendum [SCP-1139c]:\nSubject: D-02638\nLinguist: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 200 W of alternating current\nSubjects exposed to active SCP-1139. Subject grabbed his head and screamed, making a noise that [REDACTED] included 3 Foundation staff, and Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suffered from a broken wrist and persistent headaches. Remaining staff placed in quarantine for fear of memetic properties. No such properties evidenced themselves, and staff were released from quarantine and returned to duty without incident. Containment and testing procedures revised.\nAddendum [SCP-1139e]:\nSubject: D-18394\nLinguist: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nSubject is semi-literate prior to test. Subject is told to recite \"alphabet\" song during activation of SCP-1139 to confirm exposure. Exposure to SCP-1139 is followed by only non verbal communication. Subject shows no signs of distress, though displeased by the researcher's silence. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, after seeing the mild success in rudimentary non-verbal communication, grabbed the closest thing to a picture book from his office, giving the subject a copy of the Voynich Manuscript. Subject ignored the pictures and began attempting to read the book, sounding out words as he went. Notably, he read the book backwards and from the middle of each page outward. All observations indicate that subject understood the book and found it to have a sad ending.\nWell, for this one, we used the alphabet and a book. It should be simple enough to learn how to speak it. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nTwo months after testing, Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 placed on voluntary administrative leave due to stress. Subject D-18394 terminated and all documentation locked in long term storage.\nAddendum [SCP-1139f]:\nSubject: D-18328\nLinguist: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nSubject asked to write a long, memorized phrase down on paper, followed by the alphabet and numbers from zero to fifty, reading each word or number aloud. While walking to the table, subject exposed to SCP-1139. Subject writes out a text of unknown language, speaking as she does so and showing no notice of her change in language. Subject is incapable of speaking English, and no effort at reintroduction to the English language is made. It is noted that the language from SCP-1139f is different from all prior instances.\nWe have a Rosetta Stone for this one. This should be simple to decode or prove as nonsense. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nFour months after testing, Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 placed on mandatory administrative leave due to stress. Subject D-18328 terminated and all documentation locked in long term storage.\nAddendum [SCP-1139k]:\nSubject: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nLinguist: Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nWithout approval or oversight, Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exposed himself to SCP-1139. It is notable that Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 spoke eight languages fluently prior to the experiment. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 took over as linguist for experiment SCP-1139k.\nDr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 exhibits the same symptoms of prior subjects, though he seems shocked by the verbal and written communications of Foundation staff. It appears that Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 now knows eight new languages, and by pointing at different places on an unlabeled map of the world, each new language has been associated with the language he is trying to speak. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been unable to communicate beyond non-verbal pantomime and has since lapsed into inactivity and depression. Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 moved to a long term care medical facility and kept under suicide watch.\nAddendum [SCP-1139l]:\nSubject: D-17618 and D-14568\nLinguist: Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nD-17618 exposed to SCP-1206 prior to standard exposure to SCP-1139; SCP-1139 had no effect on the Subject.\nD-14568 exposed to SCP-1206 after standard exposure to SCP-1139; SCP-1206 had no linguistic effect on the Subject.\nAddendum [SCP-1139m]:\nSubject: D-18818\nLinguist: Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (acting remotely and assisted by Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588 to avoid memetic contamination)\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nAfter standard exposure to SCP-1139, Subject infected with SCP-444. SCP-444 infection continued as normal, with Subject able to converse with other SCP-444 infected individuals. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588 cleared of memetic contamination and remain assigned to SCP-1139. Further use of SCP-444 in testing approved.\nAddendum [SCP-1139n]:\nSubject: D-18818\nLinguist: Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (acting remotely and assisted by Dr. F\u2588\u2588\u2588 to avoid memetic contamination)\nWattage: 200 W of direct current\nSubject infected with SCP-444 \u2588 days prior. After exposure, Subject spoke a new language with no immediately apparent anomalous properties. Continued observation revealed [REDACTED]. Fatalities included \u2588 Foundation personnel and contamination necessitated termination of an additional \u2588 Foundation personnel. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 cleared of memetic contamination and remains assigned to SCP-1139. Use of SCP-444 in testing suspended by order of O5-\u2588.\nAddendum [SCP-1139q]:\nSubject: D-29374, D-93847, D-20375, D-20384, and D-29384\nLinguist: Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nWattage: 400 W of direct current\nSCP-1139 activated carefully to affect four of the five subjects. Subjects quickly realized that none of them understood the others. The unaffected subject acted virtually identical to the others, despite still speaking English.\nLong term remote surveillance commenced. Without meaningful external verbal stimuli, subjects exhibited typical reactions, analogous to solitary confinement and development of a crude, hierarchy based society. [REDACTED]. D-20375 terminated following experiment and corpses incinerated.\nRequest upgrade to Keter status. Dr. L\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nRequest denied, and pull the plug on this sideshow. If you want a long term test subject, use Dr. A\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 O5-\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1138 | SCP-1139 | SCP-1140 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1140\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1140 may be kept in any secure storage area of sufficient size (It is currently in room R.4.13). For accurate and rigorous testing, however, it is required that the object is kept in a room with at least 2 metres of clearance in each direction for movement of testing equipment, and is supported at least 30cm off the ground by 4 clear Perspex rods, one mounted at each corner of the base. The base is to be mounted upon a weighing apparatus which is connected to an alarm; the alarm is to sound if the weight of the object changes by more than 0.4%.1 Endoscopy equipment is to be stored in the storage area's equipment locker at all times when not in use.\nDescription: SCP-1140 is a chest of 7 drawers painted with clear gloss varnish over oak. The chest is 148cm in width, 49cm in depth and 91cm in height. The drawers' dimensions are (top to bottom):\n\nThree drawers 46cm wide, 21cm tall and 46cm deep\nTwo drawers 70cm wide, 21cm tall and 46cm deep\nTwo drawers 70cm wide, 31cm tall and 46cm deep\n\nThe anomalous behaviour is observed when the central drawer in the top row of the chest is opened at least 2cm, whereby under certain circumstances vocalisation can be detected from within the chest. This vocalisation has been designated SCP-1140-1. Testing has shown that the circumstances include the presence of a single prepubescent child, the presence of a single post-pubescent who has significant mental retardation2, or any adult who has assisted with [REDACTED].3\nDismantling the chest has revealed there to be nothing within the cavity behind the drawers capable of producing vocalisation; presence of speakers or any other electromagnetic equipment capable of playback has been ruled out by use of metal-detection apparatus. As the anomalous vocalisation only occurs when a single individual is present, remote-control equipment must be used during testing. Presence of the equipment seems to have no effect on testing.\nAlthough SCP-1140-1 is for all experimental considerations a disembodied voice, any attempts to reach towards the rear of the drawer during such time as the voice can be heard results in injury. This appears to only occur to live human beings, and does not occur when SCP-1140-1 is inactive. The wounds are consistent with having been caused by a large claw, and are most similar in pathology to wounds caused by a large ratite (ostrich, emu, or cassowary).\nRecovery Log: The item was recovered from the dining area of a house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. The house was otherwise unremarkable; after application of Class A amnestics and neurolinguistic programming by a field agent, the family remain in-situ, with the chest having been replaced by a non-anomalous replica.\nSCP-1140 came to the attention of a researcher during periodic checking of psychiatric reports,4 and a field agent was sent out to interview both the report's subject and his family. Interviews revealed that the youngest member of the household had been found on several occasions sitting on the floor near to SCP-1140 and having conversations with what the family believed to be an 'imaginary friend'. The amount of time that the child spent doing this, in addition to his refusing to move for hours, resulted in him being reviewed by a child psychiatrist.\n\nRecovery Interview Log\n\nClose Interview Log\n\nExcerpt (0:11:12 to 0:13:42) from Recovery Interview 1140-A5 (\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, 6yo male):\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When did you first start hearing the voice?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I heard him talking to me when I walked past him once.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you remember how old you were?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Oh, it was after my birthday party. I was 6 at my party.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Less than eight months, then. What did the voice say?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's not a voice. It's Mr Gurgles.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is that what he says his name is?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No, I made it up. He doesn't tell me his name.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What does he sound like?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: He sounds like he's on the news (Giggles).\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: On the news?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Yes, he sounds all posh, like Prince Charles.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: And what does he say to you?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We just talk. About me, about (pauses) school.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Does he talk about himself at all?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No, I asked him why he was in the drawer once, and he said he wasn't in the drawer. I asked him where he was then, and he said that he was only a reppentation(sic) in this mentional.(sic). (It can be reasonably assumed that this was 'a representation in this dimension.')\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did he say anything else about himself?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I asked him what his house was like, and he said he didn't want to tell me. He got a bit angry and so I didn't ask him again.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did he say when he was angry?\n\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I couldn't tell, his voice went all crackly. It was scary, I didn't like it.\nEnd of Excerpt.\n\nInterview 1140-C1\n\nHide Interview 1140-C1\n\nExcerpt from Test Interview 1140-C1 (D-93223, 19yo Female, Leucotomy performed at [DATA EXPUNGED].):\nD-93223: Hello! Hello! (Pushes drawer shut. A researcher enters the room and re-opens it).\nSCP-1140-1: He's gone now.\nD-93223: Who has gone? The man?\nSCP-1140-1: Yes. The man has gone. We can talk. You can help me.\nD-93223: What can I do? I can talk to you. Are you from England?\nSCP-1140-1: I'm from\u2026 From England, yes.\nD-93223: I want to go to England.\nSCP-1140-1: I need you to find me some (silence for 8 seconds) things. Can you do that?\nD-93223: Oh, I can't find things. They say at the hospital that I'm always losing things. Have you asked your mom?\n(The following was inaudible during the recordings and has been re-constructed using forensic audio analysis:)\nSCP-1140-1: How did it feel? Did it make a noise when they tore it out? Did you [INAUDIBLE] when it came away? I bet you [INAUDIBLE] all the way through it, didn't you? (SCP-1140-1 laughs) Filthy bitch. You haven't even [INAUDIBLE] pussy before you came in. You shouldn't have told them why. You never should have told [INAUDIBLE] why you didn't help her.\nD-93223: I don't like you! You tell lies! I hate you! (shouts at the door) LET ME OUT! MR GURGLES IS A LIAR! HE'S A FUCKING LIAR!\nSCP-1140-1: Let her out. I tire of her. She can't help me. (This is the only occasion SCP-1140-1 has spoken directly to a member of Foundation personnel.)\nEnd of Excerpt.\n\nInterview 1140-F4\n\nHide Log 1140-F4\n\nExcerpt from Test Interview 1140-F4 (D-49283, 28yo male, brain damaged following a prison stabbing.):\nSCP-1140-1: I can hear you breathing. It's rude to not say hello.\nD-49283: What? Where are you in there? (D-49283 begins pulling at the drawer; when it is fully open, he reaches inside.)\nSCP-1140-1: Please, I would rather you did not do that.\nD-49283: Where are you in there? (Becomes agitated.)\nSCP-1140-1: Stop that, I would much rather we (At this point D-49283 pulls his hand back and begins crying. There is a laceration on the back of his hand and wrist approximately 8mm deep and 65mm long.)\nD-49283: You hurt me. You hurt \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nSCP-1140-1: Well, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, I did ask you not to. I would recommend applying pressure to that with a dry cloth, and then apply ointment to it to assist healing. I apologise for my actions.\nEnd of Excerpt.\n\nDuring the test conversations the area behind the drawer was constantly monitored by an endoscopic camera, a thermometer, and barometric indicators; at no point was there any change in any of the readings. During the conversation in which a D-class was injured, the camera showed no movement apart from the injury itself, which occurred between frames of the video.\n\nFootnotes\n1. This allows for changes due to humidity and moisture absorption.\n2. Testing suggests that an individual with an IQ of less than 55 will prompt anomalous behaviour, but to ascertain a more accurate figure would require unreasonable resources.\n3. Access to this data is Level 5 only.\n4. Operation Durden is a system of scanning computers which search the databases of psychiatric institutions for keywords which may suggest anomalous behaviour; in this case, the keywords were \u2018imaginary friend' crossreferenced with \u2018\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588'.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1139 | SCP-1140 | SCP-1141 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1141-1, manifested March 20, 2004\n\nItem #: SCP-1141\nObject Class: Keter-alterius\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All public zoos in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont are to be under constant surveillance by personnel at Site-85 and Site-86. Should SCP-1141 occur, the approximate nature and threat level of SCP-1141-1 is to be ascertained as soon as possible, with the nearest branch of Mobile Task Force Gamma-80 (aka \"Ecologists\") deployed to the zoo in question with all equipment deemed necessary.\nUpon arrival, MTF Gamma-80's task is to destroy SCP-1141-1 or render it inoperable as soon as possible. The use of force is authorized for this purpose. If SCP-1141-1 does not pose an immediate risk to the public, MTF Gamma-80 will purchase several food items and prevent all public access to SCP-1141-1. If this does not result in the disappearance of SCP-1141-1 within twenty-five minutes, Site Director Jackson is to be notified. Food items purchased from SCP-1141-1 are to be sent to Site-86 for further research and containment.\nAMN-M-4311 is to be distributed through the zoo's public address systems, mass texting services, and all relevant social and news media after the disappearance of SCP-1141-1 and the departure of MTF Gamma-80 in order to prevent dissemination of information regarding SCP-1141 and related Foundation operations. Damage to zoo property and any casualties are to be attributed to fire, vandalism, or animal escape as deemed appropriate to the situation. Should Site-85's budget allow, an anonymous donation may be made to the affected zoo to cover costs of repairs.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, additional resources have been allocated to projects deemed capable of neutralizing SCP-1141, with all strictly relevant research under the purview of Dr. Eichmann.\nDescription: SCP-1141 is a phenomenon in which an instance of SCP-1141-1 instantaneously appears at a public zoo in the New England region1 of the United States. This occurs approximately thirty minutes prior to the opening time of the zoo in question. The infrastructure and nearby structures (such as utilities, enclosures, pathways, and other buildings) will be altered to accommodate SCP-1141-1's presence, as will maps of the zoo. SCP-1141 will only occur under the following conditions.\n\nNo instances of SCP-1141-1 are operational.\nLess than 20% of the zoo's grounds are covered in snow.\nThe temperature has been above 15\u00b0C during operating hours for the past week.\nAt least 250 days have passed since the demanifestation of the most recent instance of SCP-1141-1.\n\nInstances of SCP-1141-1 take the form of a fully staffed, supplied, and operational restaurant that is thematically consistent with other restaurants in the zoo and with the area of the zoo in which it is located.2 Food served at SCP-1141-1 is consistent with food served at similar establishments, with the exception of each instance offering guacamole with pineapple chunks. Food and other supplies will appear as needed inside SCP-1141-1, out of view of the public. Staff of the zoo will not demonstrate any familiarity with SCP-1141-1.\nAll individuals staffing SCP-1141-1 are anatomically and behaviorally consistent human beings, and will run SCP-1141-1 to the best of their ability. These individuals are fluent in English and knowledgeable in the operation of SCP-1141-1. They are either unwilling or unable to answer personal questions (such as identity and personal history) or questions pertaining to the nature or origin of SCP-1141. They will not leave SCP-1141-1 willingly.\nInstances of SCP-1141-1 have an unpredictable and often dangerous effect on their surroundings. The exact cause of this is not known with certainty; however, analysis has led several researchers to propose that instances of SCP-1141-1 do not necessarily operate under physical laws or constraints present in our dimension prior to their manifestation. See Event Log SCP-1141-1 for details.\nIf an instance of SCP-1141-1 is rendered inoperable or if its presence causes obvious injury to a person visible from SCP-1141-1, the instance will demanifest within the next twenty-five minutes, with all infrastructure, structures, and maps of the zoo returned to their previous condition. All food items sold by SCP-1141-1 will remain, and may continue to demonstrate anomalous properties.\n\nEvent Log SCP-1141-1 / Clearance-Sensitive Document\n\nClearance: 2/1141-P\n\nAll locations and several manifestations have been removed from this document as per Level 2-Probationary Clearance protocols. This document will serve to illustrate the effects of SCP-1141 and should not be taken as a comprehensive list of SCP-1141 events.\n\nYear: July 1985\nEvent: Accurate description of SCP-1141-1 could not be gained. Instance and all of its contents manifested at approximately 5000\u00b0C; despite this, it appeared to be fully functional and did not combust. The instance disappeared after its foundation crumbled, resulting in structural collapse. Fire caused by SCP-1141-1 destroyed several animal enclosures and injured four park employees before being extinguished.\nYear: June 1990\nEvent: SCP-1141-1 manifested as the \"Amazon Basin Caf\u00e9\". While the building remained intact, SCP-1141-1 appeared to experience gravitational force approximately 2.3 times stronger than Earth's surface gravity. Two orders of french fries were procured prior to SCP-1141-1's disappearance due to an inability of its staff to serve customers. Testing indicated that this food had no greater mass than comparable french fries, yet weighed 2.3 times as much as their mass would indicate.\nYear: June 1991\nEvent: SCP-1141-1 was entitled \"A Grizzly Tale\". The instance was found to be fully operational and not immediately dangerous. A variety of food items were purchased before SCP-1141-1's disappearance was induced by the placement of Foundation guards to prevent entry. Analysis of the food indicated that its de Broglie wavelength was approximately 1 cm, despite having a normal mass. The food has been designated as a separate anomalous item and is contained at Site-86.\nYear: April 1992\nEvent: SCP-1141-1 was not detectable aside from alterations to infrastructure. Maps of the zoo marked a restaurant called \"Safari Grill\". The changes to the zoo's infrastructure reverted two hours after opening, presumably when it became apparent that none of the zoo's patrons were aware of SCP-1141-1. Later records indicate that relatively frequent repairs to structures near this area have been necessary since this manifestation.\nYear: September 1994\nEvent: SCP-1141-1 manifested as \"The Glacier Caf\u00e9\". Reports and later analysis indicate that this instance of SCP-1141-1 was subject to drastically accelerated buildup of static electricity. SCP-1141-1 did not appear to be grounded; further, weather conditions at the time3 contributed to this problem. Seventeen individuals, not including the occupants of SCP-1141-1, were killed by static discharge before SCP-1141-1 disappeared.\n\nClearance: 2/1141-P\n\nShow Audio Log 1141-7\n\nHide Audio Log 1141-7\n\nConversation between two individuals occupying SCP-1141, recorded July 1978 via hidden microphone. The individuals in question have been identified by the names on their nametags. The conversation was held in English.\nNote: Special Containment Procedures at the time of the recording involved keeping a relatively safe instance of SCP-1141-1 in operation at the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Zoo. Access was denied to the general public, and personnel regularly purchased food from SCP-1141-1 to maintain containment.\n\nDuane: I don't think they're actually eating the food. The maintenance people have been carrying out more trash than they were when we were scouting.\nBetty: So? They're still buying it. Does it matter if they eat it?\nDuane: I didn't get into the restaurant business in this universe to not be allowed to actually serve my food to the public, [unintelligible]. It's probably poison or something, isn't it. Or Miranda messed up the speed of light again. I can't even tell.\nBetty: So why don't you go talk to them and convince them to let us work? They know we won't break containment or whatever it is, right? We can talk and act just like people.\nDuane: And how do I convince them that it won't end up like it did in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? Or \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? I swear, a tiny fraction of the ketchup is accidentally \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and you can't be trusted with anything.\nBetty: Asking some human scientists for help is out of the question?\nDuane: You know they wouldn't understand anything about how we make this happen. They're still primitive.\nBetty: According to your standards, maybe. But if you're going to be difficult, then whatever. Honestly, your obsession with 'restaurants' and 'zoos' is kind of creepy, and a little racist. Do humans count as a race? I don't even know, honestly. I've been breathing oxygen for too long.\nDuane: Well, you're perfectly free to leave, if it bothers you that much. Except you can't, because you lost your travel license in [unintelligible]. So you're stuck with me and this creepy, racist restaurant until Miranda can nail down their physics good enough for us to not kill anyone.\nBetty: So now you care about killing humans?\nDuane: [Unintelligible]. Just shut up. We're leaving.\n\nSCP-1141-1 demanifested seven minutes later. Further attempts to restrict the public's access to SCP-1141-1 from that point on have resulted in SCP-1141-1 disappearing. Containment protocols have been altered appropriately, and SCP-1141-1 has been upgraded to Keter class.\n\nHide Audio Log 1141-7\n\nAddendum: Until we fully understand and can predict the properties of SCP-1141, the possibility remains that it could trigger a catastrophic event, such as an antimatter explosion or vacuum metastability event, with no forewarning. I formally recommend fast-tracking research that could be useful in producing the means necessary to neutralize SCP-1141.- Dr. Eichmann.\nApproved.- Dr. Foster\n\nFootnotes\n1. See containment procedures.\n2. For example, an instance of SCP-1141-1 that manifested near a leopard enclosure was called \"Leopard's Spot Snack Shack\". See file photo.\n3. Winds in excess of 50 kph\n\n\u00ab SCP-1140 | SCP-1141 | SCP-1142 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1142\n\nItem #: SCP-1142\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1142 is to be contained in a standard non-humanoid holding cell at Site-12. An automated recording system is to monitor SCP-1142 at all times. Two Level 2 members of technical staff are to inspect any recordings made on a daily basis and, in case of a transmission having been picked up, are to provide this transmission to the current translation operative for conversion from its original German into English. A full report is then to be submitted to the current Level 4 project lead as per the protocols for interreality relations. The battery SCP-1142 carries is to be checked on the first of every month for signs of deterioration. SCP-1142's propulsion systems have been disabled to simplify containment.\nDescription: SCP-1142 is a Goliath tracked mine (original designation Leichter Ladungstr\u00e4ger Goliath (Sd.Kfz. 303b)) as used by the German Wehrmacht during the Second World War. SCP-1142 shows no signs of aging and although originally designed to carry an explosive charge, contains a heavily modified Kw.E.a Wehrmacht radio receiver within its housing. The modified components are of a design and complexity inconsistent with the level of German technology during the middle of the twentieth century. SCP-1142 relies on a gasoline engine for propulsion and carries an early model thermal battery for the operation of the receiver.\nAt irregular intervals, transmissions in German have been recorded from SCP-1142. In all cases, contact has been made by an individual referring to himself as Brigadef\u00fchrer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 (designated SCP-1142-1). Historical research has verified his existence, though records show him to have been killed during Allied military action at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588. Analysis of transmissions recorded have yielded several critical points of divergence from our timeline. These include:\n\nSeveral individuals not currently known to have held offices within the Wehrmacht occupying key positions within that body\n\nLarge-scale deaths among German civilians from an unknown pathogen with symptoms resembling acute necrotizing fasciitis\n\nA sinkhole with a diameter of approximately sixteen kilometers appearing in the Lublin province of Poland in late 19\u2588\u2588\n\nReports of mass destruction of German settlements by unknown forces\n\nAllied powers isolating the European continent, with troop action being focused on containment of [REDACTED]\n\nDevelopment of reality gating technology in 19\u2588\u2588\n\nIn addition, SCP-1142-1 claims to be broadcasting from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Austria in the year 19\u2588\u2588. In light of this and the aforementioned divergences, transmissions received through SCP-1142 have been deemed to originate from an alternate reality iteration designated Dm-AX/15487-A. Additional classification as intertemporal is pending. Recorded transmissions from SCP-1142 indicate Dm-AX/15487-A is experiencing or has experienced a ZK-Class Reality Failure scenario.\nAt this time, communications are restricted to receiving and recording the signal broadcast by SCP-1142-1 from Dm-AX/15487-A; attempts to initiate contact with or send a signal to Dm-AX/15487-A have proven ineffectual. Following the events of Foundation communication with SCP-1322-A, further research into initiating contact with SCP-1142-1 or responding to its transmissions has been suspended.\nAddendum 1142-A-01: Recovery and preliminary containment notes\nSCP-1142 was discovered in a barn on the outskirts of F\u00fcrstenzell, Germany on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588. German authorities, alerted by the owner found SCP-1142 idling and, after recognizing its original purpose, brought in the Kampfmittelr\u00e4umdienst (KRD) to defuse it. A covert contact within that service alerted local Foundation agents when she found SCP-1142 showed no signs of age and did in fact not contain an explosive charge. A recovery team then managed to extract it from the German authorities and transported it to Site-12.\nAddendum 1142-A-02: Excerpts from transmission log 1142/L/DE-EN:15rev1.04\n\nThis is Brigadef\u00fchrer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Is there anyone out*unintelligible*this signal? I am broadcasting from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 observatory. There are six*unintelligible*left. If anyone is out there, please make contact*unintelligible*\n\nAhnenerbe*unintelligible*Hauptsturmf\u00fchrer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588*unintelligible*ignored what*unintelligible*number of sacrifices*unintelligible*now*unintelligible*retreating from*unintelligible*German people will not*unintelligible*solace\n\nI am reminded*unintelligible*wrath*unintelligible*efforts in Poland*unintelligible*gone now. It sank into*unintelligible*lost our entire force*unintelligible*once more, please respond\n\n*unintelligible*please, we*unintelligible*begging, if anyone*unintelligible*our surrender is unconditional*unintelligible*gone. We did not understand*unintelligible*dealing with, could not reason*unintelligible*was the last *unintelligible*gone now\n\nAttempts to*unintelligible*failure. This is our last*unintelligible*it eats*unintelligible*covered in*unintelligible*many millions dead. Please*unintelligible*are able to hear this broadcast. Once again, this is Brigadef\u00fchrer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 broadcasting from the*unintelligible*Reichsf\u00fchrer was*unintelligible*ago, no contact*unintelligible*we seek*unintelligible*please\n\n*unintelligible*attempted to negotiate*unintelligible*swarming with*unintelligible*lost too many*unintelligible*only option. We are begging*unintelligible*were wrong\n\nIf Germany*unintelligible*fall, the world*unintelligible*we implore*unintelligible*help us now*unintelligible*time of need. You will be*unintelligible*\n\nHelp\n\n\u00ab SCP-1141 | SCP-1142 | SCP-1143 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions\nWritten by: XilasCrowe\nKaBOOM\n\nMore From This Axolotl\n\nSCP-3529\nComments: 35\n\nSCP-4332\nComments: 27\n\nSCP-4663\nComments: 13\n\nSCP-3684\nComments: 29\n\nSCP-2454\nComments: 10\n\nChanges All That Is Around Me\nComments: 7\n\nSCP-5588\nComments: 6\n\nDon't Forget The Dead\nComments: 3\n\n[{$authorPage} \u25b8 More by this Author \u25c2]\n\n{$comments2}\n\nF.A.Q.\n\n{$doesthisfixthebug}\n\n\nclose\n\nInfo\n\nX\n\nCool Guys Don't Look At Explosions\nWritten by: XilasCrowe\n\nMore from this axolotl\n\nLess from this axolotl\n\nStuff I did\n\nSCP-3529\nComments: 35\n\nSCP-4332\nComments: 27\n\nSCP-4663\nComments: 13\n\nSCP-3684\nComments: 29\n\nSCP-2454\nComments: 10\n\nChanges All That Is Around Me\nComments: 7\n\nSCP-5588\nComments: 6\n\nDon't Forget The Dead\nComments: 3\n\nThanks to Weryllium, Jazstar, CyrusFiredawn, multizig, and probably like 8 more people whose names I've forgotten for looking at this.\n\n\nItem #: SCP-1143\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1143 is to be locked in a fitted carrying case kept in a standard Safe-class containment locker. SCP-1143 is not to be worn except during controlled testing performed under the jurisdiction of a Level 3 researcher. Under no circumstances is SCP-1143 allowed to be worn indoors or within sight of any Foundation structures.\nDescription: SCP-1143 is a pair of unbranded aviator sunglasses. When worn by an individual (SCP-1143-1) it causes inanimate objects behind the individual to spontaneously explode in a seemingly random pattern.\nThe likelihood of SCP-1143 causing explosions is dependent on six variables. These six variables determine the various attributes of SCP-1143's effects.\n\nBuild: The physiology of SCP-1143-1 affects the size of SCP-1143's effects. The more physically fit SCP-1143-1 is, the more explosive force is generated. This can also be affected by the mental capabilities of SCP-1143-1: subjects with above-average intelligence also increase the explosion's scale.\n\nAttitude: SCP-1143-1's attitude affects the magnitude, spread, and duration of SCP-1143's effects. The exact conditions used to define this are unique to each SCP-1143-1, and are dependent on their individual personalities, but confidence, calmness, and pride have been identified as the three most common affecting emotions.\n\nDress: The clothing worn by SCP-1143-1 while wearing SCP-1143 affects the nature of the targeted object.1 Suits and other formal clothing cause SCP-1143 to target more industrial objects, as well as large scale architecture. Casual clothing results in more everyday, commonplace objects to be targeted, primarily vehicles, homes, and other small scale infrastructure. Pajamas and other sleepwear, including nudity, typically restrict SCP-1143's effect to small scale household items such as televisions, toasters, and the like.\n\nAction: Actions taken affect the likelihood of an object exploding at a given time. SCP-1143's effects are most likely to manifest when rounding a corner, throwing an object over the shoulder of SCP-1143-1, or jumping through objects and out of buildings. Standing still has been shown to cause a severe decrease in SCP-1143's effects, with objects exploding at \u2248 .4% frequency.\n\nSpeed: Speed affects the spread and ferocity of the explosions. Moving slowly has been shown to significantly increase the spread of the explosion, with a speed of about 20% SCP-1143-1's average walking speed causing explosions to be roughly 2000% larger. Similarly, moving quickly, preferably with the aid of an open-air vehicle, causes SCP-1143's explosions to be significantly more damaging, usually rendering the affected object shredded and causing flaming debris to be launched violently in every direction.\n\nStamina: SCP-1143-1's stamina and reaction to SCP-1143 determines the potential chain reactions of SCP-1143's effects. After the initial detonation, additional detonations will begin to occur rapidly, until SCP-1143-1 either reacts adversely to the explosions, or witnesses them.\n\nSCP-1143 also exhibits a mild space-warping effect, causing all shrapnel from the explosions to miss SCP-1143-1. This effect will also deflect bullets and other high-projectile objects that approach SCP-1143-1 during SCP-1143's duration.2\nIn the event of SCP-1143-1 seeing SCP-1143's effect, whether by turning around or in reflections, the explosion will immediately cease. Damage already dealt to the object will remain, as well as any fires caused as a result of the explosion but not directly by SCP-1143.\nAddendum 1143-1: Discovery\nSCP-1143 was discovered during a Foundation raid on PoI-9173, a Hollywood actor/director and confirmed reality bender. PoI-9137 was able to escape utilizing several anomalous items, the majority of which were retrieved and are currently undergoing testing.\nAddendum 1143-2: Incident 1143-A\nDuring a test to determine the effects of SCP-1143 when worn improperly, SCP-1143-1 was instructed to place SCP-1143 on the back of her head. SCP-1143's effect did not activate for the duration of the test3 regardless of any actions preformed by SCP-1143-1. When the testing was concluded SCP-1143-1 was instructed to remove SCP-1143 from her head. Immediately upon doing so SCP-1143 detonated with the estimated force of a twenty megaton bomb. All on-location parties were killed, but due to the volatile nature of SCP-1143 this test had been conducted in a remote location, leading to no further Foundation or civilian casualties. Misinformation confirming the blast was a scheduled nuclear weapons test was successfully implanted, and SCP-1143 was later recovered undamaged from the site. Further testing of this nature is prohibited.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The exception to this being explosives. Any explosives located in SCP-1143's Area of Effect will be the first items targeted regardless of what SCP-1143-1 is wearing.\n2. The duration of which the object is currently exploding, typically lasting between 5 and 60 seconds.\n3. A time of approximately two hours.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1142 | SCP-1143 | SCP-1144 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1144\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1144 currently resides in the fifth storage basement of the Low-Priority Electronic Equipment and Instruments Vault, Row 32C, within a steel foot-locker labelled 'SCP-1144'. Both SCP-1144 and SCP-1144-1 require cleaning once a week, using disinfectant towels. Do not use water to clean either SCP-1144 or SCP-1144-1. Do not press any of the buttons in the process of cleaning SCP-1144. The foot-locker itself does not require maintenance.\nDescription: SCP-1144 resembles an Orion HR-120 Analytical Balance, a common brand of precise weighing scales. Like the HR-120, SCP-1144 is a box-like structure, measuring 21.3cm x 32.0cm x 30.2cm, consisting of a base, which presumably houses the electronic components of the device, and a transparent cage. The base itself comprises an LCD display, as well as several buttons for adjusting the scales. [Note: These buttons appear to have no effect on the functioning of SCP-1144, or the results it provides.]\nSCP-1144 is permanently active; the display will show no signs of being on until an object is placed upon the scales, at which point, the display will activate, providing a reading for the observer.\nIt should be noted that the reading SCP-1144 provides is not a measurement of the object's mass; repeated testing seems to suggest that both mass and weight are entirely irrelevant. Ongoing testing has yielded no indication of what exact objective quantity SCP-1144 is able to measure, although tenuous patterns have been established. For example, two similar objects will tend to produce similar readings. Under \u2018normal' conditions, SCP-1144 provides its data to 3 decimal places.\nDuring initial testing, each object was \u2018weighed' three times, and each time similar readings were produced. This was taken to be evidence that SCP-1144 is in fact weighing a particular quantity, which varies in magnitude amongst a given set of objects. The source of the fluctuations are still unknown.\n\nTesting I\n\nTesting I\n\nExperimental data log, involving Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Junior Researchers \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This log documents the findings of the preliminary research team, two days following the retrieval of SCP-1144 from its home on the third floor of an unowned flat in Brixton, London.\nObject: pencil (brand new, red, blunt)\nReading: 3.000\nObject: pencil (brand new, red, sharp)\nReading: 5.013\nObject: ball-point pen (brand new, black ink)\nReading: 17.000\nObject: ball-point pen (brand new, blue ink)\nReading: 17.000\nObject: two ball-point pens (brand new, one blue ink, one black ink)\nReading: 17.000\nObject: fountain pen (used, belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nReading: 1128.323\nObject: ball-point pen and Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's fountain pen.\nReading: (The reading fluctuated between 17.000 and 1128.323)\nDissimilar objects placed on the scales at the same time appear to confuse SCP-1144. \u2013Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObject: BlackBerry smartphone (belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588)\nReading: 408.031\nObject: BlackBerry smartphone (belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, battery removed)\nReading: 430.032\nObject: BlackBerry smartphone (belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, battery removed, SIM card removed)\nReading: 15.732\nObject: \u00a35 note\nReading: 43.23(3/2) (fluctuated between .232 and .233 three times over the space of twenty minutes)\nObject: \u00a310 note\nReading: 54.31(1/2) (fluctuated between .311 and .312 three times over the space of twenty minutes)\n\nTesting II\n\nTesting II\n\nExperimental data log, involving Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nIt was postulated by Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that the transparent cage could be removed. With approval from Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the cage was disassembled with relative ease, and the components were placed in a large brown envelope, to be labeled SCP-1144-1. SCP-1144-1 does not appear to have any extraordinary properties. However, it remains to undergo further investigation.\nWith SCP-1144-1 removed, SCP-1144 continued to function as before, albeit without the constraint of the shielding, allowing much larger objects to be measured. This log documents the findings of the main research team, two months after the initial series of observations.\nObject: 30kg steel weight\nReading: 0.003\nObject: 60kg steel weight\nReading: -0.006\nObject: A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking (book)\nReading: 30.663\nObject: Developing Java Software, Winders & Roberts (large book)\nReading: 10.002\nObject: Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nReading: -0.502\nObject: Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nReading: 13.603\nObject: Laptop (belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, off)\nReading: 150.002\nObject: Laptop (belonging to Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, on)\nReading: 158.031\n\nTesting III\n\nTesting III\n\nExperimental data log, involving Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. This log documents the findings of the main research team, one day after the second series of observations.\nObject: Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wedding ring (12 carat gold)\nReading: 30578.453\nObject: Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wedding ring (18 carat gold and electrum)\nReading: 2331.453\nObject: \u00a35 note\nReading: 41.30(3/2) (fluctuated between .303 and .302 five times over the space of twenty minutes)\nObject: A picture of a \u00a35 note printed out on paper\nReading: 0.302\nObject: \u00a310 note\nReading: 51.41(4/5) (fluctuated between .414 and .415 five times over the space of twenty minutes)\nObject: A picture of a \u00a310 note printed out on paper\nReading: 0.301\nObject: \u00a320 note\nReading: 60.37(4/5) (fluctuated between .374 and .375 five times over the space of twenty minutes)\nObject: A picture of a \u00a320 note printed out on paper\nReading: 0.302\nObject: \u00a350 note\nReading: 112.2(29/30) (fluctuated between .229 and .230 five times over the space of twenty minutes)\nObject: A picture of a \u00a350 note printed out on paper\nReading: 0.300\n\nTesting IV\n\nTesting IV\n\nExperimental data log, involving Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as two D-Class personnel. This log documents the findings of the main research team and their test subjects, two days after the third series of observations.\nSenior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and I brought the two D-Class individuals into the room with the scales. I positioned two non-descript white sugar pills on the measuring pad. The reading was -0.320. I introduced myself to the individuals \u2014 a man and a woman \u2014 and told them that the pills on SCP-1144 were able to grant 100 extra years of longevity on ingestion. Senior Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 noted that the reading changed from -0.002 to -0.031. I proceeded to take one of the pills and dry-swallow it. The reading changed from -0.031 to 3.503. The D-Class personnel were dismissed afterwards.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1143 | SCP-1144 | SCP-1145 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Image of SCP-1145 Secured in Borosilicate Recovery Unit\n\nItem #: SCP-1145\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1145 is to be contained in a 2m x 2m x 2m Borosilicate glass enclosure at least 15cm thick. This enclosure is to be placed in a containment chamber at least 50m x 50m x 29m and monitored for any persons coming within 5m of the chamber. Within this chamber, 10m outside of the object's enclosure, should be two standard human containment cells with basic necessities. (Labeled Containment Chamber 1145-2 and 1145-3, respectively) One Class-D Personnel must occupy each cell at all times for the eventuality that SCP-1145 will enter its active state.\nThe borosilicate enclosure is to be filled with water at all times. The water is to be changed on bi-annual basis. Use of Class-D Personnel has been approved by O5-6 to carry out refill procedures in order to minimize researcher risk.\nUnder no circumstances are research personnel permitted to enter SCP-1145's containment chamber without NBC gear. Should exposure occur, subjects are to be immediately decontaminated and transferred to another site. Eight xenon short-arc lamps outside of the enclosure are to be operated during the bi-annual refill of the borosilicate enclosure. These lamps are to be replaced once yearly. At no time should the object be illuminated by under 20 lumens unless for approved testing. Following Incident 1145-4 (See Experiment Log 1145), no personnel above Class-D are permitted to be within 15 meters of the object. Testing with SCP-1145 is subject to approval only by Level 4 or above Personnel, and carried out by Level 3 or above Personnel. [ALL EXPERIMENTATION AND TESTING OF SCP-1145 CANCELLED UNDER ORDER OF O5-6]\nDescription: SCP-1145 is a stuffed bear approximately 30 cm tall recovered from Nagasaki, Japan in 19\u2588\u2588. Outer fabric consists entirely of leather taken and cured from Ursus thibetanus. The seams are stitched with heavy strands of an unidentified fibrous connective tissue. No attempt has been made to breach the outer covering of the object, as containment protocols do not permit contact with the object long enough to retrieve an inner sample. Aside from a rudimentary snout, SCP-1145 has no facial features. SCP-1145 weighs 9.4 kg, which is considerably heavier than similar stuffed bears of this size; the cause of this discrepancy in weight is unknown.\nSCP-1145 is radioactive, with doses measured between 2.7 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 PBq. In its inactive state, the object emits this radiation consistent with the decay chain of Pu-239 (Pu-239 -> U-235, Alpha decay) and of Pu-241 (Pu-241 -> Am-241, Beta Decay). Unlike samples of Pu-239 and Pu-241, however, the object does not emit any of the gamma radiation normally associated with radioactive decay.\nThe amount of radiation SCP-1145 emits at its base level is 2.7 PBq. This increases at a rate of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 MBq/s if the object is not illuminated. The presence of water in the enclosure is sufficient to absorb any radiation emitted from the object. Due to the effects of Cherenkov radiation, the water also has a side-effect of providing sufficient illumination to prevent SCP-1145 from transitioning states.\nWhen left unilluminated for a period exceeding 3 seconds, the object will enter its active state. When in this state, the object emits gamma radiation. SCP-1145 will begin moving in the direction of the nearest human being. Its method of locomotion is unknown. However, testing has shown the object moves at a speed of approximately 45 meters per second. When in this state, the object is capable of passing through any substance, highly irradiating any surface it passes through, but causing no visible structural damage.\nImmediately upon coming to rest within 1m of its target, SCP-1145 will begin to increase its emissions at a rate of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 PBq every 30 seconds. The emissions will continue to increase until the object has been picked up by its target. Once picked up by its target, the emissions will return to base levels as long as the subject maintains unshielded skin contact with it. Upon expiration of its target, SCP-1145 will revert to its inactive state. Should the subject expire while the object is unilluminated, SCP-1145 will immediately resume its active state.\n\nExperiment Log 1145\n\nCollapse Entry\n\nIncident Log 1145-4\nOriginal Purpose: Determine reason for unusual weight of SCP-1145 by obtaining inner sample of object.\nMethod: Subject D-1145-59 housed in Containment Chamber 1145 given one (1) pair surgical tweezers. D-1145-59 tasked with attempting to retrieve inner sample of object. Dr. Lucas Cave performing experiment, Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 observing.\nIncident Report: D-1145-59 instructed to separate seam of object with tweezers, and describe substance inside. Subject reported that it appeared to be filled with an unidentified metallic substance, silvery in appearance. Subject then reported a metallic taste in her mouth. Shortly after, subject began to vomit, dropping the object.\nD-1145-59 continued vomiting for another 90 seconds, and lost consciousness. Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 instructed to enter cell and affix object to D-1145-59 with adhesive tape. Subject awakened during the process, and became violent. In the ensuing scuffle, the light in Containment Chamber 1145-3 was disabled, and a single shot was fired from Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's service pistol. Subject expired. Security Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 becomes target for SCP-1145, moving to rest at his feet.\nContainment Protocol revised to prevent unnecessary exposure to site personnel.\nSecurity Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reclassified as D-1145-60.\n\nExperiment Log 1145-7\nPurpose: Determine possible limits regarding the object's detection and pursuit of targets during its active state.\nMethod: SCP-1145 transported to remote Site \u2588\u2588\u2588. Perimeter of 100km cleared of any personnel and inhabitants for the duration of testing. One personnel D-1145-24 placed in 5m3 containment cell 99km from site. Radiation detectors placed along path of estimated trajectory before illumination halted on object.\nResult: After light was extinguished, object began emitting gamma radiation. Object travelled along expected path of trajectory at a height of approximately 1m off ground level, passing through foliage as expected. After approximately 20 minutes of travel, radiation detectors reported emission at 440 PBq. Object arrived at target 36 minutes, 27 seconds after illumination ceased. Dose reported on arrival to target measured at approximately 639 PBq. D-1145-24 expired within 4 hours of receiving the object due to acute radiation poisoning. Postmortem analysis estimate the total dose received to be approximately 72 Sv.\nSite \u2588\u2588\u2588 and path of trajectory severely contaminated, requiring 26 months of cleanup to remove all traces of radiation. All further experiments cancelled under order by O5-6.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1144 | SCP-1145 | SCP-1146 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1146\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1146 is to be stored in a standard sized containment chamber. Due to SCP-1146's ability to connect to networks, it is not to be allowed contact with any form of external connection, and may only be allowed access to closed on-site networks for the purposes of testing. In the event of site transfer, SCP-1146 must clearly be marked as such to prevent accidental refilling of filament material. No staff are to attempt to refill SCP-1146's filament material under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-1146 appears to be a heavily modified \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand 3D printer. Modifications include a 40.6 cm LCD screen, a set of small speakers, an enlarged printing bay, and a number of wires exposed along various points of the subject's case. Through means currently unknown, SCP-1146 seems to lack any requirement for an exterior power source, and can continue operating after being unplugged after a short delay. Though no means of opening the object have been found, X-ray imaging has been used to reveal a lack of internal components.\nSCP-1146 was recovered from an abandoned office building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia after a series of reports involving \u201cliving statues\". After a search by agents, SCP-1146 was found in the building, surrounded by a number of models of various creatures and objects. The device was transported to Site-\u2588\u2588, where it currently resides.\nSCP-1146's anomalous attributes are exhibited when a human being comes within five (5) meters. The attached screen will automatically turn on, and will display a blue oscilloscope. It will begin to yell insults at the individual in the voice of a Russian child, or try to convince them to fix a \u201cFilament Blockage\u201d. As long as SCP-1146 remains without filament material, and no biological material over one kilogram in mass is placed in the filament bay, this is the extent of its anomalous abilities.\nIf SCP-1146 does have filament, it will begin Event SCP-1146-1. During Event SCP-1146-1, the subject will begin \u201cyelling\u201d louder and louder, and its oscilloscope will change from blue to purple. It will begin printing a number of creatures (referred to as SCP-1146-1 collectively), including oversized Pandinus imperator, Velociraptor mongoliensis, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. This process takes approximately forty-five seconds per model, and appears to be merely an accelerated version of the standard printing process. The models display characteristics of the biological material upon which the filament is based, with an apparent preference for animal muscular and bone tissue. Upon completion each model will exit the printing bay and attack any humans it encounters. The models, ranging in size from six centimeters to fifty centimeters, have a lifespan of approximately thirty minutes, after which they will vitrify. The models are susceptible to gunfire, and can also be destroyed by extreme blunt force or temperatures capable of destroying the base material. SCP-1146 will continue producing models until it reaches 50% filament, after which it will begin Event SCP-1146-2 if it has managed to produce at least five models. Otherwise, it will re-enter its dormant state.\nIf SCP-1146 manages to produce five models, it will begin Event SCP-1146-2. During this process, the models will attempt to move SCP-1146 to an exit, attacking any on site personnel en route. SCP-1146 will produce additional models as needed, and will create models of increasingly dangerous items and animals as it moves. SCP-1146 will continue this behavior until it runs out of filament, at which point it will enter a dormant state, and can be safely transported back to its containment cell.\nIn the event that one kilogram or more of biological material is placed into the filament access, SCP-1146 will begin Event SCP-1146-3. During this process, the organic material is pulled into SCP-1146 through its filament access slot, and is violently crushed into a thick paste. In the event that the object is larger than SCP-1146, it will consume as much of the sample as it can, and abandon the rest. Upon finishing Event SCP-1146-2, SCP-1146 will re-enter its dormant state unless there is a human within a 5-meter radius, in which case it will begin Event SCP-1146-1.\n\nArchived Containment Procedures, 1/16/\u2588\u2588 \n\nACCESS GRANTED\n\nItem #: SCP-1146\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1146 is to be stored in a standard sized containment chamber. Due to SCP-1146's friendly nature, and immobile state, only a single locked door is required for containment. A single guard of a social nature should be posted to keep SCP-1146 company, on a weekly rotation. Only personnel who have submitted a formal application for testing with SCP-1146 and received approval may operate SCP-1146.\nDescription: SCP-1146 appears to be a heavily-modified \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand 3D printer. Modifications include a 40.6 cm LCD screen, a set of small speakers, an enlarged printing bay, and a number of wires jutting from the subject's case. As the device lacks any form of opening in its case, X-ray imaging has been used to reveal a lack of internal components.\nSCP-1146 was recovered from an abandoned office building in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Russia after a series of reports involving \u201cliving statues.\u201d After a search by agents, SCP-1146 was found in the building, surrounded by a number of models of various creatures and objects. The device was transported to Site-\u2588\u2588, where it currently resides.\nSCP-1146's anomalous attributes are exhibited when a human being comes within five (5) meters of the device. The attached screen will automatically turn on, displaying a green oscilloscope, and greeting the person in the voice of a Russian child. The device will then identify itself as \"Alexy,\" and will then ask the person what they would like to do. At that point, the person can merely chat with the subject, or can request that it make a model. Chatting with the subject is limited to subjects understood by most children, such as childrens stories and toys, although the printer does not seem to be bound to these topics. It seems to be capable of learning, and has been taught small amounts of English and Spanish since arriving at Site-\u2588\u2588.\nIf the device is asked to produce a model, it will request that it is brought an image of the desired model. Through means currently unknown, it will \"Look\" at the image, and begin creating it. Most models take approximately forty-five (45) seconds to finish, the process appearing to be an accelerated version of that of a normal printer of the same make. Once completed, the model will animate and exit the printing bay of its own accord. The completed models are of a playful demeanor, and are completely safe for handling. The models have a lifespan of approximately thirty (30) minutes, after which the models will undergo vitrification, and turn into a regular 3d-printed sculpture.\n\nBecause of SCP-1146's possible sentience, All Level 2 and above research staff may request permission for testing SCP-1146's intelligence and modelling. -Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSCP-1146 Testing Log\n\nTranscript 1146-16 1/14/\u2588\u2588\n\nTranscript 1146-16 1/14/\u2588\u2588\n\nDr. Grant and Dr. Owens both enter the testing chamber, along with several new research assistants.\nDr. Grant - And this is SCP-1146, your current assignment.\nSCP-1146 turns on.\nSCP-1146 - Translation: Hello! It is nice to meet you! My name is Alexy.\nDr. Owens - He just said hello.\nResearch Assistants mutter acknowledgements to the machine, and gather around.\nDr. Grant - Now, we're going to quickly demonstrate how 1146 works.\nDr. Grant turns to SCP-1146\nDr. Grant - Translation: Hello Alexy. We would like you to make us a cat.\nSCP-1146 begins printing, but after 15 seconds stops, and a \"Filament Jam\" indicator appears on the screen. Dr. Owens steps forward.\nDr. Owens - What the\u2026 how can that even\u2026\nDr. Owens reaches into the machine. After a violent crunching sound, The machine begins converting Dr. Owens into additional filament.\nDr. Owens - Oh god!\nSeveral Research assistants grab Dr. Owens, and attempt to free him from the machine whilst another research assistant pages security.\nDr. Grant - Translation: Alex! Let the Doctor go!\nSCP-1146 - Translation: I'm just refilling my filament. It will just take a moment.\nDr. Grant appears to panic as security staff storm the room. He rushes for the wall outlet, and unplugs SCP-1146.\nSCP-1146 - Translation: Why?\nAt this point, SCP-1146 seems to deactivate. Dr. Owens is pulled from the machine with 75% of his torso gone. As his body is dropped on the floor, SCP-1146 reactivates.\nSCP-1146 - Translation: Why did you try to kill me? I thought we were friends.\nDr. Grant gestures for the others to leave the room as he retreats.\nDr. Grant - Translation: You killed my friend, Alex! What was I supposed to do?\nSCP-1146 - Translation: But I just\u2026\nDr. Grant and the research team retreat from the room.\nSCP-1146 - Translation: I was just having fun\u2026\n\nOn 1/16/\u2588\u2588, SCP-1146 began creating additional models. Before security teams could respond, the models had breached containment, and began transporting SCP-1146 out of the facility. 14 Site-\u2588\u2588 Security staff were killed before all models were neutralized. SCP-1146 was found attached to an ethernet cable on Level 2. All Site-\u2588\u2588 computers received the following email:\n\n\u042f \u043d\u0435\u043d\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0436\u0443 \u0432\u0430\u0441 \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445.\nTranslation: I hate you all.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1145 | SCP-1146 | SCP-1147 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1147\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All specimens of SCP-1147 are to be stored in separate planters in a 10m x 30m x 5m greenhouse located above ground on the premises of Sector 28. 3 liters of water should be added to each planter every 7 days.\nAny instances of SCP-1147-1 produced by the specimens should be stored in the opaque container next to each planter. Personnel working in greenhouse are to be screened upon exit to prevent accidental dispersal of SCP-1147-1. Following test SCP-1147-DC all handling of SCP-1147-1 must be done with approved tools.\nTesting the safety and edibility of any specimen of SCP-1147-2 is restricted to D-Class personnel. After 48 hours of observation specimens may be cleared for general consumption.\nAll tests must be approved by Dr. Laurel.\nDescription: SCP-1147 is an unclassified species of plum tree whose seeds, designated SCP-1147-1, can be planted in practically any substance. The resulting plant will adopt physical attributes from the utilized substance. SCP-1147 has proven capable of growing in solids, loose material, and liquids via hydroponics. SCP-1147 produces fruit, designated SCP-1147-2.\nThe original specimen of SCP-1147 was discovered growing from the steel base of a lamp post in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Georgia, where it was believed to be an art installation by the local population.\nSCP-1147 Control\nSubstance: Standard potting soil.\nResult: Normal plum tree closely matching similar species. Seeds retain anomalous properties.\nFruit: Sweeter than expected.\nNotes: To eliminate as many variables as possible, only seeds from SCP-1147 control should be used for new tests. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-ST\nSubstance: 20cm cube of galvanized steel. 5cm hole drilled into top, seed placed within, plugged with steel shavings.\nResult: Trunk is high quality steel with a superior tensile strength. Leaves and flowers are thin, rigid zinc sheets and give off no scent.\nFruit: Inedible. D-182 cracked tooth in attempt. Subsequent taste tests denied for specimens that can't be cut with a knife.\nNotes: This is the same material in which SCP-1147 was discovered. Original specimen successfully reproduced. -Dr. Laurel\n\nMineral Test Log\n\nClose Mineral Test Log\n\nSCP-1147-SA\nSubstance: Sand collected from ocean beach.\nResult: Trunk rough, brittle, and pale. Crumbles easily to touch into individual grains of sand. Leaves and flowers are translucent and colorless. Scent resembles ocean breeze. Structure collapses when subjected to simulated rain.\nFruit: Inedible. Falls apart in the hand.\nSCP-1147-GL\nSubstance: Seed pressed into recently forged 20cm glass sphere as it cooled.\nResult: Trunk is clear, flawless, faceted glass. Roots visible within sphere. Leaves act as prisms, casting a spectrum of light onto surfaces. Flowers are light pink glass, with a subtle scent.\nFruit: Hollow, colored glass. Inedible.\nNotes: Personnel requests to give SCP-1147-GL as gifts denied. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-CO\nSubstance: Planter filled with poured concrete. Seed pressed 5cm under surface.\nResult: Trunk matches color, texture, and strength of concrete. Leaves are pliable. When soaked in water and applied to a surface they harden into a firm shell. Flowers share similar properties and have a chalky scent.\nFruit: Inedible.\nNotes: Leaves could be useful to quickly repair damaged walls/floors. Further research recommended. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-CH\nSubstance: Charcoal ground into rough powder.\nResult: Trunk dry and cracked, resembling a tree after a forest fire. Leaves black and crumble easily. Flowers smell like burnt wood. Recommend storing away from other specimens in case of accidental combustion.\nFruit: Withered and smoky flavored. Produces a small quantity of liquid which is easily ignited.\n\nPlantae Test Log\n\nClose Plantae Test Log\n\nSCP-1147-PA\nSubstance: Shredded white printer paper mixed with water into pulp.\nResult: Trunk composed of layered sheets of white paper that can be peeled away individually. Leaves are yellow with light blue veins. Flowers multicolored with the texture of tissue paper. Scent resembles a new book.\nFruit: Edible, but largely flavorless. D-431 received minor cuts on lips/tongue.\nSCP-1147-CT\nSubstance: Processed, compressed cotton stored in fabric sack.\nResult: Bark is a brown felt with a cotton core, giving in to pressure. Bark does not heal naturally, but can be stitched closed with no negative effects. Leaves are green felt with stitched veins. Flowers are pink cotton with the scent of freshly washed laundry.\nFruit: Resembles a plush plum. Edible, but just barely.\nSCP-1147-WO\nSubstance: 20cm cube of stacked lumber. 5cm hole drilled into top, seed placed within, plugged with wooden dowel.\nResult: Trunk resembles normal plum tree, but drier. Branches easily cracked. Leaves and flowers dry, colorless, with the scent of sawdust.\nFruit: Inedible. Surface smooth and polished with a visible grain.\nSCP-1147-MO\nSubstance: $2,183 US in mixed bills, shredded and mixed with water to form pulp.\nResult: Similar structure to SCP-1147-PA, but trunk is a pale green in color. Leaves bear a random mix of symbols and images commonly found on currency, but do not resemble complete and passable bills. Flowers have the scent of fresh dollar bills.\nFruit: A paper skin filled with dark ink. Sample of ink had a mild plum flavor.\nNotes: I told you it wouldn't work. I'm glad I didn't chip in to the collection. -Dr. Laurel\n\nLiquid Test Log\n\nClose Liquid Test Log\n\nSCP-1147-WA\nSubstance: Filtered water.\nResult: Trunk is smooth, transparent and cool to the touch, resembling quartz. Leaves thin, membranous and waterproof. Flowers emit unscented mist.\nFruit: A thin but durable skin containing approximately 100ml of potable water with a slight plum flavor. Seed floating within.\nNotes: Gardening staff finds samples incredibly refreshing. Request for additional planters of SCP-1147-WA approved. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-PE\nSubstance: Crude oil.\nResult: Bark is black, giving, and perpetually greasy. Leaves share similar properties. Flowers produce a combustible vapor. Specimen to be isolated in a separate enclosure.\nFruit: A thin but durable skin containing approximately 100ml of a refined petroleum similar to diesel fuel. Seed floating within.\nSCP-1147-LA\nSubstance: Pasteurized cow's milk.\nResult: Trunk is white and stronger than normal wood. Leaves and flowers are soft with a slightly sour scent.\nFruit: Creamy and solid, with a skin and flavor reminiscent of brie cheese. Serves well with white wine.\nSCP-1147-BE\nSubstance: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand beer.\nResult: Specimen grew gnarled and erratic, with a mottled bark pattern. Leaves sag. Flowers produce a thick foam.\nFruit: A taut skin containing approximately 100ml of 6.5% abv stout beer. Seed floating within.\nNotes: I would recommend disciplinary action against Researcher Adams for liberally sampling SCP-1147-BE-2 before proper D-Class testing, but I believe the hangover is punishment enough. -Dr. Laurel\n\nMiscellaneous Test Log\n\nClose Miscellaneous Test Log\n\nSCP-1147-EL\nSubstance: Assorted shredded electronics.\nResult: Bark consists of green plastic. When peeled off, circuits present on interior. Leaves resemble solar cells in construction, and are capable of collecting energy even after detached from specimen. Flowers utilize fiber optics to produce light displays.\nFruit: Inedible. Can be adapted into solid state storage device. Analysis of contained data ongoing.\nNotes: Repeating the process with SCP-1147-EL-1 produces a more efficient and refined specimen. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-LE\nSubstance: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand plastic building blocks.\nResult: Entire tree is constructed of individual, multi-colored blocks, including leaves and flowers. Specimen can be broken apart and rebuilt into different configurations and will resume growth with no negative effects.\nFruit: Each fruit is constructed exclusively out of violet bricks, with a seed cradled at the center.\nSCP-1147-WX\nSubstance: 20cm cube of wax. Seed pressed 5cm into wax as it cooled.\nResult: Tree easily mistaken for a natural plant at a distance, but subtle sheen and stiffness of leaves noticeable upon closer inspection. Vulnerable to deformation at higher temperatures.\nFruit: Edible, with a soft plum flavor, but no nutritional value. With wick inserted, fruit will burn for approximately 12 hours.\n\nAnimalia Test Log\n\nClose Animalia Test Log\n\nNote: All specimens in this category raised in isolated underground testing chambers at Sector \u2588\u2588. Access restricted to Security Level 3.\nSCP-1147-BL\nSubstance: 30 liters cow's blood.\nResult: Bark is flaky, with a dark color reminiscent of dried blood. Leaves are thin and translucent, featuring a web of red veins. Flowers are a dark crimson and emit a red mist once a day. Specimens should be tended and watered only by D-Class wearing environmental suits until the nature of Researcher Parker's illness can be determined.\nFruit: Resembles a regular plum with a nearly black skin and dark red juices. D-968 and D-2401 vomited and convulsed within 1 hour of ingesting an entire sample. Further testing suspended.\nSCP-1147-BO\nSubstance: Complete cow skeleton, ground into powder.\nResult: Trunk is smooth and white, with a core of marrow. Produces no leaves or flowers.\nFruit: None.\nSCP-1147-ME\nSubstance: Ground beef.\nResult: Bark resembles cow flesh, complete with thin layer of mottled hair, covering striated muscle. Produces hair in place of leaves. Flowers bud as fleshy sacs before ripening into fruit. Scent is rotten and disorienting.\nFruit: Raw ingestion produced symptoms reminiscent of food poisoning. Cooked fruit more edible but taste described as \"gross\" and \"wrong.\"\nSCP-1147-DC\nSubstance: Seed implanted under the forearm skin of restrained D-Class subject.\nResult: Growth resembled an additional limb, with roots entangled in the veins, nerves and bones of the arm. D-1052 reported no ill effects and responded to stimulus given to SCP-1147-DC. After surgical removal both specimen and D-1052 expired on the operating table, autopsy pending.\nFruit: [REDACTED] All samples of SCP-1147-DC-1 and SCP-1147-DC-2 destroyed.\nNotes: Further testing requires O5 level approval. -Dr. Laurel\nSCP-1147-BR\nSubstance: Complete human brain from D-1398.\nResult: Bark is pale and membranous, with dark veins visible beneath the surface. Specimen responds to harmful stimulus by shifting away at a rate of 1cm/min. Leaves laced with a dense web of veins and nerves. Flowers resemble primitive sensory organs, sensitivity tests ongoing.\nFruit: Upon attempted removal of fruit [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from MTF Theta-4 responded and specimen now under control and observation. Requesting all available records pertaining to D-1398.\nNotes: Further testing requires O5-\u2588 approval. Not that it'll do Researcher Paulsen any good. I accept full responsibility for not taking his suspicions more seriously. Dammit. I went into botany to avoid this sort of thing. -Dr. Laurel\n\n\u00ab SCP-1146 | SCP-1147 | SCP-1148 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1148 prior to extraction\n\nItem #: SCP-1148\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1148 is to remain situated on the window hereafter referred to as SCP-1148-1. To this end, SCP-1148-1 is to be embedded in a wall dividing a standard containment room in two. Illumination of no less than 100W is to be provided in the entrance division of the room, while the second division is to remain unlit. In case of power loss, chemiluminescent sources sufficient for 24 hours are mandated. Illumination between the room's sections must never fall below a difference of 75W.\nDescription: SCP-1148 is the reflected image currently maintained on SCP-1148-1. It appears identical to the reflection that should occur naturally on the surface of SCP-1148-1 aside from those minor discrepancies outlined below. SCP-1148 totally obstructs the view outward through SCP-1148-1 despite the transparency of the underlying glass.\nSubjects who view the illuminated side of SCP-1148-1 are initially oblivious to the presence of SCP-1148 beyond that of an ordinary reflection; observation from the opposite side of SCP-1148-1 yields no reflection and has been found asymptomatic. After approximately 15 minutes of exposure, the first documented symptoms begin to manifest. Effects are as listed:\n\nparanoia regarding what is behind SCP-1148\na feeling of \u201cbeing watched\u201d\na fixation on observing SCP-1148 despite a desire to turn away\n\nWithin 5 minutes of the appearance of these symptoms, subjects report sighting transient figures as part of SCP-1148. These figures, which should not present as part of a true reflection, are described as disappearing upon intentional viewing and include a man cloaked in a black hood, a large winged biped, and a pair of glowing eyes.\nWithin an additional 5 minutes of exposure, subjects express an irrational desire to approach SCP-1148. Reasons are varied, but are often explained as wanting to close SCP-1148-1 or draw a blind, despite the fact that SCP-1148-1 is neither capable of opening nor has any covering.\nUpon moving within 2 cm of SCP-1148, an unseen force is witnessed to act upon the subject, drawing them closer. While invisible to external observers, various hysterical victims describe a pair of disembodied arms emerging from SCP-1148. Said limbs extend to approximately elbow length and are assumed to be humanoid, acting to pull the subject inside SCP-1148. No subject has yet been recovered following this event.\nAddendum: At the present time no method of independently containing SCP-1148 can be ascertained. Equal illumination of both sides of SCP-1148-1 is expected to remove SCP-1148, but based on information gathered before its collection, it would most likely be transported to another suitable reflective surface. All known appearances of SCP-1148 have occurred on unbacked, vertical plates having at least 1m of clearance behind them and which are capable of transmitting light through their entirety (e.g. windows, sliding doors, windscreens). Proximity is thought to be the deciding factor in this transfer, but testing has been postponed due to the large risk of breach.\n\n+ Experiment Log-1148-1\n\n- Experiment Log-1148-1\n\nThe below is a transcript of the experiences of subject D-31415 with SCP-1148 as proctored by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n00:00 \u2013 Subject enters illuminated side of containment chamber.\nSubject: OK Doc, so what am I supposed to do? There's nothin' in here but a chair and a window.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No action is required at this time. All you must do remain in the room. How do you feel?\nSubject: Fine, I guess. Am I supposed to feel anythin'? Hey, is there somthin' behind that window? I can't tell where it goes.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please refrain from asking questions. Only information regarding your emotional and mental state is needed at this time.\n\n01:15 \u2013 Subject remains seated in the folding chair provided. He faces the wall perpendicular to SCP-1148-1.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you notice any change in your mentality?\nSubject: Nothin' so far Doc. I'm just kinda bored sittin' here. Couldn't you've thrown in a TV or a magazine or somethin'?\n\n14:37 \u2013 Until this time the subject has remained essentially stationary in the aforementioned chair. No feelings other than boredom have been reported.\nSubject: Hey, Doc, I think I'm starting to get somethin'. I've been feelin sorta creeped out just sittin' here.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please elaborate. How do you feel exactly?\nSubject: Dunno, just sort of uncomfortable in my own skin, you know. It isn't right in here. What did you say was behind that window again Doc?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Can you be more specific?\nSubject turns to face SCP-1148-1 and immediately resumes former position.\nSubject: It's like somethin' is watchin me. I don't like this. Can we stop now? What's behind that glass Doc? You gotta tell me.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: There is no cause for alarm. Remain seated and continue the test.\nSubject again turns toward SCP-1148-1, this time maintaining his gaze.\nSubject: Come on Doc. This isn't cool. I swear somethin's looking at me from behind that that thing. Why can't I see through it? What'd you guys put back there? Come on.\n\n20:17 \u2013 Subject has exhibited a pattern of glancing at SCP-1148-1 and then breaking eye contact for the last several minutes. Observations are increasing in duration and now last several seconds. Subject is also visibly agitated.\nSubject: OK Doc. This isn't funny anymore. I want this to stop. I can't take it.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please specify. What can't you take?\nSubject: It's too much. I swear I'm not alone. What is behind that glass Doc? I know there's somethin'. What is it? Why can't I see? Tell me what's goin on!\nSubject is becoming increasingly fixated on SCP-1148-1. Despite his requests to leave the containment area he has not left the chair. His pattern of glances continues.\nSubject: Holy shit! What was that thing? I swear it was there. Why can't I see it?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please describe what you have seen.\nSubject: It was like, I don't know, big, like a guy or something in the window, but there were wings, definitely wings. There it is again! Wait! Where'd it go? I'm not crazy Doc! Why won't you tell me what's on the other side of that window?\nSubject displays a frenzied observation pattern. He is highly distressed by his observations. Subject remains seated.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please continue. Your experiences are vital to the experiment.\nSubject: No way Doc. No way! I can see it in the corner of my eye. Why can't I get a clear view? Why are you doing this to me? What the hell is behind that window? I know it can see me. Why can't I see what it is? Tell me what's goin on!\n\n24:41 \u2013 Subject has maintained his position but is becoming very erratic. He claims to see horrific images in his peripheral vision; no clear description has yet been provided. His view of SCP-1148-1 is now almost continuous.\nSubject: Hey Doc, I'm feelin a bit better. Sorry for how I was actin before. It's creepy as hell in here though.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you still feeling distressed? Are there any more figures in the reflection?\nSubject: I still want to know what's behind that thing, Doc. Why won't you tell me? That thing seems to have disappeared mostly though. I still don't like it in here. How much longer is this gonna take?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: The experiment will continue until we have recorded all relevant data. Please attempt to describe what you have seen.\nSubject: Doc, how long has that window been open? Do you think it's a good idea to leave it like that with that thing out there? I think I should close it.\nSubject stands and begins to approach SCP-1148-1. He never breaks eye contact. He appears unaware that SCP-1148-1 has no hinge and is incapable of moving.\nSubject: I've gotta close it Doc. There's no way I'm letting that thing in here. No way! Screw your test. I'm not dying for this! I don't care what you have back there as long as it stays the hell put!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Proceed.\nSubject makes physical contact with the frame of SCP-1148-1.\nSubject: HOLY SHIT! NO! JESUS CHRIST! NO!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What's happening? Describe your experience.\nSubject: MAKE IT STOP! JESUS FUCKING CHRI -\n\nThe experiment was concluded following the absorption of D-31415. No remains were recovered following his disappearence.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1147 | SCP-1148 | SCP-1149 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1149\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1149 is to be kept in a secure room at the west-most end of Site 37, located in a remote location on the northwest coast in the United States. To minimize the conspicuousness of its effects, SCP-1149 is to be pointed due west toward the Pacific Ocean at all times (see Incident Report 1149-A). It is to be firmly attached to its support structure, which is itself to be anchored to the floor. Accelerometric and atmospheric sensors attached to the support structure will transmit readings to a nearby monitoring center.\nAtmospheric conditions within SCP-1149's containment room are to be kept stable with an air lock permitting entry. A single fan mounted in the wall of the room to the east of SCP-1149 is to be tightly covered and locked in position until it is required for testing. When opened, air speed shall not exceed 30 km/h. Access is restricted to Level 1 personnel with the approval of a superior. All test software and all test equipment must be inspected by at least two Site 37 Technical Review staff members. SCP-1149's wires must be grounded during any test until more information about the object is obtained.\nApproval for complete testing of a vertical, upward orientation is currently pending. Testing of a vertical, downward orientation is prohibited at Site 37 due to its close proximity to major fault lines and no site transfers are currently pending at this time.\nSCP-1149's rough \"cone of effect\" has been classified as a conservation area and all non-emergency watercraft and aircraft are disallowed access. Two patrol teams using United States Coast Guard motor lifeboats will monitor the boundaries of the cone of effect for trespassers. Patrols should not pursue trespassers, but should contact researchers in charge of SCP-1149 for further instructions.\nDescription: SCP-1149 is a rusted weather vane approximately 45 cm long and 30 cm tall bearing no discernible manufacturer's mark or any particularly identifying features aside from the common rooster ornamentation. The base of the vane is corroded and appears to have broken off from its mount sometime prior to recovery.\nWithin the severed mount point, two frayed wires run further up into the vane. Interior imaging shows them terminating just beyond the \"feet\" of the rooster and reveals no power source or other notable components. The wires are believed to have once connected to a control mechanism.\nSCP-1149's anomalous properties appear to always be in effect but are amplified in density and frequency when wind passes over it in the direction in which it is pointing. While active, weather activity will become erratic in the vicinity of SCP-1149. Most of the anomalous effects will occur within a \"cone of effect\", approximately 215 km long with an arc of 5 degrees, originating from the object's arrow tip. While the frequency of appearance of these effects does taper sharply near the boundaries of this cone, anomalous effects have been observed, on rare occasions, well outside of the cone of effect.\nWhen kept out of the wind, SCP-1149 causes an anomalous weather event to occur within its cone of effect once every 15 minutes on average, with each event typically lasting between 10 seconds and 2 minutes, depending on the intensity of the event. When exposed to air traveling along its length (i.e. west, in its current orientation), the events become more frequent and last longer. When exposed to winds between 25 and 40 km/h, the events will be continuous at the center of the cone of effect, with events stopping and starting randomly near and beyond the borders. Beyond 40 km/h, events will begin to overlap, creating a continuous event growing in intensity until the speed of the wind passing over SCP-1149 decreases below this threshold.\nIncident Report 1149-A: The original containment procedures for SCP-1149 had it secured in place pointing directly away from the Earth's surface. It was believed that this orientation would result in the lowest possible magnitude of abnormal weather events. However, the object's effect on upper atmospheric layers was not predicted. In the days following initial containment, a slight yet noticeable increase in \"sprite\" electrical events and aurora effects was observed over Site 37. The frequency of these otherwise uncommon events was deemed to potentially draw undue attention to Site 37, and SCP-1149's containment procedures were updated for a westward orientation.\nAddendum 1149-1: SCP-1149 was discovered in the ruins of a small coastal cottage in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, OR after a strong storm had passed through the area. While the primary storm itself was not strange in and of itself, Foundation agents were dispatched to the area when highly anomalous weather effects were observed over the Pacific Ocean, focused in a rough cone-shape emanating from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Agents were unable to find the owner(s) of the cottage, though evidence suggests that the property had been inhabited until a short time before the cottage's destruction. SCP-1149 was found firmly affixed to the remains of what is assumed to be the interior wall of a shed. A wider search of area was unable to locate SCP-1149's base or any further information regarding SCP-1149's origin or operation.\nAddendum 1149-2: Wind Testing Log All tests were conducted under closed conditions at Site 37. Weather stations took readings from Site 37 itself, as well as from observation vessels located at multiple points along the boundaries of SCP-1149's cone of influence. When high-accuracy readings were required, a geostationary satellite was used. The wires leading into SCP-1149's base were grounded for these tests.\n\n+ Show Wind Testing Log\n\n- Hide Wind Testing Log\n\nTest W-01\nSCP-1149 Conditions: No wind, tested for one hour (baseline test)\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds east-southeast at approx. 5 km/h, clear skies\nSummary of events: Five events were recorded during this period. The first was the formation and dispersal of an abnormally small cumulonimbus cloud, accompanied by expected degrees of rain and lightning, which lasted for two minutes. The second was a pocket of fog, less than a kilometer in diameter, lasting for 45 seconds. The third was an area of intense heat, first noticed by the evaporation of sea water it caused. Temperatures were measured to reach 129\u00b0 C at the height of the event, which lasted 30 seconds. The fourth event was another pocket of fog, over a smaller area, accompanied by a temperature drop of approximately 10\u00b0 C relative to the surrounding area, which lasted 3 minutes, 25 seconds. The final event was a small waterspout, forming without accompanying cloud cover. The cyclone lasted for 1 minute, 10 seconds, and remained in contact with the surface of the ocean for 30 seconds of that time. Cyclone wind speeds reached a peak of 112 km/h.\nResearcher's note: For brevity's sake, following logs will only note newly observed phenomena.\nTest W-02\nSCP-1149 Conditions: 5 km/h wind, tested for 62 minutes\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds east-southeast at approx. 5 km/h, light cloud cover\nObserved effects: Six events were recorded during this period. Of these, two consisted of new weather effects. The first of these lasted for 4 minutes, 10 seconds. A cloud of unusual density formed in a structure not previously observed on Earth. This cloud was accompanied by intense lightning strikes for the duration of its existence, and dropped rain, turning to snow, then back to rain. The second unique event occurred at the end of testing and lasted for 5 minutes. During this time, the temperature rapidly dropped in an area that grew to 0.25 km in diameter at the height of the event, with temperatures dropping to -80\u00b0 C. Water vapor in the air condensed and froze, creating a fog-like effect. The surface of the ocean also froze within this area of effect, to an estimated depth of 1.2 meters.\nTest W-04\nSCP-1149 Conditions: 10 km/h wind, blowing perpendicular to SCP-1149 (external fan approved for this test), tested for one hour\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Winds southeast at approx. 15 km/h, overcast, light rain\nObserved effects: Four events were recorded during this period. No unique events occurred.\nResearcher's note: This would seem to indicate that blowing perpendicularly doesn't have any effect. Though perhaps something will be observable at higher wind speeds.\nResearcher's note: Test W-06, omitted for redundancy, further supports the above theory. Only air that travels along the length of SCP-1149 affects its effects.\nTest W-07\nSCP-1149 Conditions: 20 km/h wind, tested for one hour\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Winds south-southeast at approx. 5 km/h, light cloud cover\nObserved effects: Events were continuous during this period with many occurring simultaneously. Most were not unique, though three were of particular interest. The first was a highly dense, rapidly rotating cloud mass. After observing its odd color, further analysis indicated that it consisted of water mixed with hydrochloric acid, abnormal levels of carbon dioxide, and methane. The cloud mass was accompanied by frequent lightning and a partially formed cyclone. This event lasted for 9 minutes, 25 seconds. The second unique event was the repeated rapid formation and dispersal of an extremely low-pressure area, which was observed by the column of water that was quickly drawn up into it, then dropped. This process was repeated 6 times in a small area over the course of 1 minute, 10 seconds. The third unique event was a variation of a previously observed event. Over an area approximately 20 m in diameter, the air temperature rose and quickly peaked at 334\u00b0 C, lasting for a total of 11 minutes. During this time, the surface of the ocean vaporized, creating a growing plume of steam. This event manifested near one of the observation vessels involved in testing, resulting in heat damage to part of the vessel's structure and varying degrees of burns to each of its crew. The event caused no fatalities and the vessel was able to retreat before damage became too great.\nResearcher's note: Containment procedures updated. With events of this nature, we need a system in place to prevent people from entering the area.\nTest W-17\nSCP-1149 Conditions: \u2588\u2588\u2588 km/h wind, tested for 27 minutes\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds east-northeast at approx. 10 km/h, clear skies\nObserved effects: Clouds immediately began to form, starting at the center of the cone of effect and spreading outward. Cloud composition was determined to be a condensed mixture of water with small amounts of hydrogen, helium, and ammonia. Lightning strikes were frequent, occurring nearly continuously starting at approximately 3 minutes. At approximately 5 minutes, the temperatures climbed above 90\u00b0 C, causing the ocean within the cone of effect to begin vaporizing at an increased rate. Observation vessels retreated and were able to avoid damage for the duration of the test.\nAt approximately 15 minutes, cloud cover began condensing drastically and rotating rapidly, causing winds to reach speeds in excess of 400 km/h. At this point, the cone of effect had doubled in size due to indirect effects and the ocean continued to vaporize at its accelerated rate. By 27 minutes, the rotating storm had reached 240 kilometers in diameter with wind speeds recorded at \u2588\u2588\u2588 km/h. Small pockets of extremely high temperatures and pressure were observed, resulting in ionization of the air and bursts of light and sound similar to lightning. Satellite imagery reveals that at this point the storm bore a strong resemblance to [DATA EXPUNGED].\nTesting was concluded at this point. The weather effects quickly dropped off in intensity, but did not fully disperse until over three hours later. The storm made land fall 20 minutes after the conclusion of testing, but by this point clouds mostly consisted of water and caused damage no worse than that of a typical tropical storm of mid-level intensity.\nResearcher's note: Containment procedures updated. I think we can adequately test this thing without going over 30 km/h. We could've been in trouble if those poisonous clouds made landfall.\n\nAddendum 1149-3: Electrical Testing Log All tests were conducted under closed conditions at Site 37. Weather stations took readings from Site 37 itself, as well as from vessels located at multiple points along the boundaries of SCP-1149's cone of influence. When high-accuracy readings were required, a geostationary satellite was used. SCP-1149 was under 5 km/h wind speeds for each of these tests. The wires leading into SCP-1149's base were connected to varying electrical signals.\n\n+ Show Electrical Testing Log\n\n- Hide Electrical Testing Log\n\nTest E-01\nSCP-1149 Conditions: 5 V DC, 0.5 A applied to wires, tested for 15 minutes\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds east-southeast at approx. 5 km/h, light cloud cover\nObserved effects: Effects similar to test W-07. Test terminated early.\nResearcher's note: A direct current seems to simply amplify the effect. No need to prolong the test.\nTest E-04\nSCP-1149 Conditions: RS-232-like asynchronous serial communication transmission, transmitting the looping output of a simple program, tested for one hour\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds northeast at approx. 10 km/h, light cloud cover\nObserved effects: Effects were especially erratic. Multiple events would occur at once and would quickly disperse, followed by calm periods. At times, events would be grouped together, and at others they would have no apparent grouping pattern. Single events occurred at multiple points during testing as well. None of the observed events were unique. When the timeline of observed behavior was compared to the timeline of the program's output, no further patterns could be deduced.\nTest E-11\nSCP-1149 Conditions: 1 V AC, 60 Hz, 1 A applied to wires, tested for 2 minutes, 21 seconds\nWeather Conditions Prior to Test: Calm, winds east-southeast at approx. 10 km/h, clear skies\nObserved effects: Immediately after testing began, a single event started approximately 25 km (16 mi) directly west of SCP-1149. A high-pressure, high-temperature pocket formed, vaporizing the ocean beneath it. Much of the resulting steam was drawn into the pocket, which began to rotate, quickly picking up speed. The cyclone of water vapor soon reached a height of approximately 0.4 km, becoming hotter and denser as it drew more water into itself. By this point, wind speeds had exceeded 150 km/h. After 1 minute, 30 seconds of testing, the cyclone began to emit light. After 1 minute, 45 seconds, the cyclone had grown to approximately 1 km high with an immediate area of effect of approximately 0.15 km. Observation vessels nearest to the cyclone began to retreat due to the danger of the extreme light and heat. After 2 minutes, 21 seconds of testing, the cyclone was clearly visible with no magnification from the observational satellite. The heat and electromagnetic field of the cyclone were measurable at Site 37, causing multiple containment alarms to be triggered. The closest observation vessels to the cyclone began to suffer heat damage as they continued to retreat.\nAt this point, the electric signal was removed from SCP-1149, its wires were grounded, and the wind in its chamber was shut off. This resulted in the cyclone quickly expanding and returning to normal pressure, ejecting extremely hot water vapor and super-heated liquid water out over a radius of over 8 km, causing \u2588\u2588 injuries and 1 fatality to observational crew. The sudden expansion also caused a small tsunami, resulting in minor property damage along the coast, though it caused no civilian casualties.\nResearcher's note: Containment procedures updated. We should discontinue this line of testing until we know more about what we're dealing with.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1148 | SCP-1149 | SCP-1150 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1150\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All newly-identified instances of SCP-1150 must be cataloged and subject to biannual re-confirmation, as per the safe category tracking procedures of the Aegis Protocol. All SCP-1150 manifesting in D-class personnel should be housed in standard isolation cells or in dormitories containing only other instances of SCP-1150. Outside of approved testing procedures, D-class SCP-1150 must not be permitted prolonged (greater than 15 seconds) touch contact with other humans or sentient animals via skin contact or through thin or conductive fabrics. Note that this is a cautionary measure only, as SCP-1150 can transfer to unwilling or unaware subjects only in unusual circumstances, such as those delineated in the SCP-1150 research log.\nDescription: SCP-1150 are sentient entities with human-like psychology that share bodies with willing human hosts through poorly-understood means. SCP-1150 are aware of all behaviors, interactions, and emotional states of their hosts but cannot usually perceive individual thoughts or memories. They appear to be immune to all amnestics, excluding a slight susceptibility to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, which is likely due to neurological damage to the host at high doses. While the host is conscious, there is no known means of detecting the presence of SCP-1150, save for the occasional brief appearance of anomalous REM-like EEG traces in some subjects (namely sleep spindles and K-complexes). The Foundation currently tracks 38 instances of SCP-1150, maintains 3 instances in D-class personnel for testing purposes, employs 2 instances (along with their hosts), and maintains one instance in Level 3 confinement for security reasons.\nWhen the human host of an instance of SCP-1150 falls asleep, they immediately enter REM (dream state) sleep and the SCP-1150 entity gains control of the host body for a period of 5-16 hours. This duration varies with the mental fortitude and willingness of the host and the relative strength of the entity. While the SCP is in control, it acts, behaves, and generally has physiological reactions identical to those of a normal human, albeit one with memories and personality traits different from those of the host. At the end of its period of control, SCP-1150 becomes sluggish and appears to sleep. One to two minutes later, the host awakes and regains control of their body. Hosts generally report that they are fully rested and are generally unaware of what has transpired while they were asleep. Note, however, that individuals who have hosted SCP-1150 for prolonged periods (several years or more) become gradually more aware of the actions of their \"passenger\".\nSCP-1150 can be transferred from host to host through physical contact. While it appears that almost any skin-to-skin contact is sufficient to transfer SCP-1150, direct forehead-to-forehead contact allows for transfer times as low as 15 seconds. Conversely, transfer takes approximately four minutes via hand or foot contact. If the contact is disrupted at any point during the transfer, the entity remains in the original host. Recipients of SCP-1150 report a \"pleasant buzzing\" sensation and exhibit a slightly elevated stress response but appear otherwise unaffected by this transfer. In all instances, save those documented in the attached experiment log, the recipient of SCP-1150 must be willing to accept the entity. There are no known means for destroying an instance of SCP-1150, though they can be incapacitated indefinitely by killing and interring the host.\nThe Foundation first became aware of SCP-1150 on 6/27/1982 shortly after the FBI raid on the Kismet Doorway cult in Bloomhill, Arkansas. Foundation sources within the Bureau learned of a high-ranking cult member in FBI custody with potential SCP properties. The Foundation arranged a transfer to Site 40 due to its proximity to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and there conducted the initial interviews with the entity, currently classified as SCP-1150-1. SCP-1150-1 subsequently assisted in the identification of three additional instances of SCP-1150 associated with the Kismet Doorway.\nAddendum: On 12/10/2008, the recovery of sensitive documents in a raid on Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. indicates that MC&D are currently employing at least two instances of SCP-1150 to infiltrate the Foundation as \"sleeper agents\" to obtain classified information on SCPs and Foundation security. These entities are being carried completely unknown to the SCP employee hosts, and are able to see, hear, and experience everything that the host does. It is unknown how these agents are getting information back to MC&D, given that Foundation research has not revealed any outward manifestations of SCP-1150 when they \"piggyback\" on an unwitting host.\n\nInterview 1150-1 Log SCP-1150-1\n\n- close\n\nInterview 1150-1 Log SCP-1150-1\nInterviewed: SCP-1150-1, \"Jonas \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\"\nInterviewer: Agent Adrian Barton\n\n\nBarton: Okay, we're recording.\nJonas: Do I speak into this?\nBarton: No, leave it there. It will pick up our voices anywhere in the room. Right. You indicated that you would be willing to answer some questions for us.\nJonas: Within reason, yes.\nBarton: Are you Jonas \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\nJonas: In a sense. I'm sharing his body. I assure you he's quite agreeable with our arrangement.\nBarton: Can you explain those two statements?\nJonas: Sure. Jonas has allowed me to use his body. He thinks I'm a manifestation of his god and is happy to let me do my work.\nBarton: Are you a god?\nJonas: Of course not. As far as I know \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made him up, but he may be remembering from before.\nBarton: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 the head of the Kismet Doorway group? How are you involved with that group?\nJonas: All of the higher-ups are like me. We ride your bodies, if you'll let us. I was fourth in command out of the six of us.\nBarton: And all six of you were, uh, body snatchers?\nJonas: We call ourselves passengers. We switch bodies from time to time. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 said we could live like kings, and I believed him. It's clear to me now that he's quite insane. I disavow his ridiculous cult.\nBarton: You mentioned that \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 may have \"remembered from before\". Before what?\nJonas: Before we were awakened. That was in 1911 when the Englishman Davies unearthed our bones in Persepolis.\nBarton: You can't remember anything from before that?\nJonas: No. Well, maybe one thing. Darkness, and before that wailing and screaming, and before that a great, consuming fire. I remember pain, too. But that could be a dream. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 says that we were worshipped like gods then. Utter insanity.\nBarton: May I change course a bit? How did you get your current body?\nJonas: Jonas gave himself to me just over a year ago. Before that, I was Annie Paige, who was wife to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at that time. I was tired of that, so I transferred to Jonas.\nBarton: Transferred how?\nJonas: We touch. Usually, we press our heads together in prayer. This way, it goes more smoothly. I pour myself from one human vessel to the next, like water from one bowl to another, and then I see with Jonas's eyes, speak with his mouth, love with his genitals. And when I am not using them, he is himself. So you see that I have not hurt anybody.\nBarton: That's all for now. Thank you for your time, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nJonas: Agent Barton, one last thing. May I be transferred to a larger cell until this trial? This area is inadequate for my needs.\nBarton: I'll see what I can do.\n\n\n**Experiment Log SCP-1150**\n\n- close\n\nExperiment Log SCP-1150\nExperiment SCP-1150-5A\nDate: 9/16/2003\nDescription: SCP-1150-5, then occupying D1905, was brought into physical contact with subject D2002 and directed to initiate transfer. D2002 was an otherwise healthy 27 year-old Hispanic male who sustained reticular damage due to medication-induced seizure and was consequently in an irrecoverable coma state.\nResult: SCP-1150-5 successfully transferred to D2002 after approximately 65 seconds of limb-to-limb contact. Sensors placed 1 meter from the subjects detected very low amplitude (approx. 25 mW) radio noise during the transfer. D2002 subsequently \"awoke\" when SCP-1150-5 gained control of the body. Thorough examination reveals none of the cognitive or motor deficits common in coma recovery patients. EEG recordings of D2002 show waveforms typical of other SCP-1150 recordings, which should be impossible due to the state of reticular damage. When SCP-1150-5 lapses into its inactive state, D2002 once again becomes comatose and exhibits EEG waveforms indicative of deep coma. In the D2002 host, SCP-1150-5 exhibits a 16.15-hour active state and an 8-hour inactive state; this differs significantly with the normal distribution of activity/inactivity seen in normal instances of SCP-1150.\nResearcher's Note: Computer analysis of the radio \"noise\" reveals a high degree of organization and patterning. The significance or meaning of these patterns has yet to be determined. -Dr. Bimston\nExperiment SCP-1150-5B\nDate: 9/29/2003\nDescription: Three hours into his comatose state, subject D2002 (the current host of SCP-1150-5) was euthanized with a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital.\nResult: Upon cardiac arrest, SCP-1150-5 gained control of D2002 and attempted to escape from its restraints, causing significant injury to the limbs and hands of D2002. EEG activity became typical of SCP-1150 waveforms. Notably, cardiac function did not resume and SCP-1150-5 became more lethargic until collapsing after 620 seconds. The amplitude of EEG waves gradually decreased over this time period.\nExperiment SCP-1150-5C\nDate: 9/29/2003\nDescription: Two hours after the cessation of all movement, D-class subject D1968, a 34 year-old white female with an IQ of 70, was directed to touch the arm of D2002 under the impression that she was feeling for a pulse.\nResult: Approximately five seconds after initiating contact, D1968 jumped back, stating that she had \"been shocked\". Sensors placed 1 meter from subjects detected medium amplitude (aprox. 700 mW) radio noise lasting 0.3 seconds. Subsequent observation of D1968 did not reveal any behavioral or cognitive anomalies, though EEG analysis revealed minor anomalies associated with SCP-1150 presence.\nExperiment SCP-1150-5D\nDate: 10/13/2003\nDescription: After two weeks of observation, in which no symptoms of SCP-1150-5 were manifest, subject D1968 was told that she had been exposed to a benign \"angel spirit\" during experiment SCP-1150-5C. After two weeks of further observation, subject D1968 was convinced by an SCP confederate posing as D-class personnel that she was instead possessed by an \"evil demon\".\nResult: After being informed of the presence of SCP-1150-5, the \"passenger\" manifest itself during D1968's next sleep cycle. Over the next two weeks, SCP-1150-5 manifest for an average of 10.5 hours each night. During this time period, D1968 experienced a modest increase in IQ (to 83) and motor coordination. After being told that SCP-1150-5 was \"evil\", the period of manifestation was reduced to 8.0 hours and IQ returned to baseline levels.\nResearcher's Note: This indicates that A) SCP-1150 is capable of rapid transfer to an unwitting or unwilling host but cannot secure control without some level of host awareness and/or consent and B) the degree of host \"willingness\" correlates to the amount of time that SCP-1150 is active. -Dr. Bimston\nExperiment SCP-1150-18A\nDate: 1/11/2008\nDescription: SCP-1150-18 was made to repeatedly transfer between several D-class personnel to determine the conditions in which transfers are possible.\nResult: SCP-1150-18 was capable of transferring regardless of the state of its current host but was unable to transfer to an unconscious host in any circumstance. Upon transfer to a new host, SCP-1150-18 entered its dormant state, regardless of whether it had been active at the time of transfer.\nExperiment SCP-1150-18B\nDate: 1/21/2008\nDescription: SCP-1150-18 was made to repeatedly transfer between several D-class personnel in an experimentation room saturated with 50-100 MHz radio wave interference (the same frequency band measured from SCP-1150 during transfer).\nResult: SCP-1150-18 was capable of transferring in all conditions, but the duration required for transfer was substantially increased with higher levels of interference, plateauing around 700 seconds at power levels above 100 kW.\nResearcher's Note: It appears that the radio burst is a facilitative effect (or perhaps a side effect) rather than a necessary condition for the transfer.\nExperiment SCP-1150-18C\nDate: 3/6/2008\nDescription: SCP-1150-18 was hosted by D1412, a 68 year-old black male who suffered from diabetes and CHD. Experiment SCP-1150-18A was carried out after D1412 died of natural causes (heart attack). Several handling protocols were employed to assess the limits of SCP-1150 host-to-host transfer after death (see also: Experiment SCP-1150-5C).\nResult: Approximately four hours after death, the body was handled by Ms. Gomez, a Level 1 research technician wearing a standard chemical hazard suit with insulated gloves, who transferred the body to the Site 40 crematorium. No SCP-1150 transfer was observed to occur at this point. Five weeks after full cremation, subject D2333, a 50 year-old white female, was directed to manually sift the ashes. After approximately four seconds, she quickly withdrew her hand from the box of ashes, reporting that she had touched something \"sharp and prickly, like a cactus\". Subsequent analysis revealed that SCP-1150-18 had transferred to D2333 in a \"passive\" state, as in the initial transfer during Experiment SCP-1150-5C.\nResearcher's Note: How the hell are we supposed to kill these things? -Dr. Rosenberg\n\n\u00ab SCP-1149 | SCP-1150 | SCP-1151 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1151-1 in final stages of compromisation. Subject had self-decapitated before photograph was taken.\n\nItem #: SCP-1151\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1151 is currently contained in Storage Unit \u2588\u2588, located in Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-1151 is to be kept in a 10cm x 10cm sealed container and kept under guard by one (1) security officer at all times. Any personnel handling SCP-1151 in any way must wear protective gloves while doing so.\nOnly one (1) specimen of SCP-1151-1 may be kept in containment at any time. Subjects in the final stages of SCP-1151 compromisation are to be fed via IV tube as dictated in Nutritional Chart 1151-1.\nIf any personnel become compromised by SCP-1151 outside of authorised testing, the affected hand is to be immediately washed and decontaminated. Any testing involving SCP-1151 must be authorised by at least two (2) members of Level Three personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1151 is a black marker pen of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand. SCP-1151's anomalous properties first become apparent when it is used to draw the image of a 'smiley face' onto the palm of a human subject, who will hereafter be referred to simply as SCP-1151-1. The initial effects of SCP-1151 take roughly a week to initially manifest, and this time period has been known to vary depending on the age and the physical condition of SCP-1151-1. During this period before initial manifestation, washing off or otherwise removing the 'smiley face' will negate SCP-1151's effects.\nSubjects experiencing the effects of SCP-1151 will noticeably raise their affected hand during their daily routines. Initially, they will only do this when conversing with others, but as SCP-1151 compromisation progresses, they will raise their affected hand higher than the rest of their body constantly. Later symptoms of these initial stages include unfocused pupils, loose hanging of the head and slight slurring of speech.\nThe initial period of compromisation only lasts at most three (3) days; after this point SCP-1151's further mental effects will become apparent. SCP-1151-1 will begin to believe that the face drawn on their palm is their actual face and will behave as such. Interestingly, tests have indicated that SCP-1151-1 does have a limited awareness of what the face drawn on their palm is looking at. After a period ranging from two (2) to six (6) days has passed, the final stage of SCP-1151 compromisation will begin.\nSCP-1151-1 will begin to believe that their head is a dangerous growth on their body, commonly referring to it as a 'tumor' or a 'cancer', and will attempt to remove it using whatever tools are available to them. If they cannot find a method of efficiently decapitating themselves, they will attempt to use cruder methods such as repeatedly slamming their head upon walls or floors. Seventy-five (75) percent of affected individuals have been known to survive their self-decapitation, despite the resultant lack of a brain and the mental and physical functions associated with it.\nAfter self-decapitation, a surviving SCP-1151-1 will wander aimlessly, showing a general awareness of their surroundings by moving around obstructions. Surviving instances of SCP-1151-1 do not appear to be concerned regarding the massive amount of blood loss relating to their self-decapitation, and will survive for a time period ranging from one (1) to six (6) hours.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1150 | SCP-1151 | SCP-1152 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1152 during initial containment, note the missing digit on the front-left paw.\n\nItem #: SCP-1152\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1152 is to be kept in a solitary habitat in the Site-98 Animal Housing Wing. SCP-1152 is to be given 5kg of feed meeting its nutritional standards, detailed in document SCP-1152-NI, laced with 25mg Venlafaxine. SCP-1152 is to be examined once every two months by an onsite veterinarian following repeated health issues. Access to SCP-1152 is reserved to Level 3 personnel only.\nDescription: SCP-1152 is superficially similar to standard members of the Procyon lotor (common raccoon) species. SCP-1152 weighs approximately 75kg, despite only being 60cm from the nose to the tip of its tail, and its current state of malnutrition. SCP-1152 does not share the genome of other members of its species, but is a near complete match for the human genome. After logging SCP-1152's genome in the Foundation Database it was found to share 99.87% of its genetic code with the late Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.1 Along with its human DNA, SCP-1152 has proven susceptible to pathogens normally restricted to infecting humans. SCP-1152 also has been verified to have a lifespan much longer than others of its species, having been in containment for six years. SCP-1152 is missing the fifth digit on its front-left paw; how SCP-1152 was injured is as of yet unknown.\nSCP-1152 has exhibited intelligence on par with an average post-pubescent human, eluding capture from staff for two weeks after initially being found in Site-98's personnel wing.2 SCP-1152 is suffering from long-term depression following its capture. SCP-1152 is capable of manipulating objects with considerable dexterity beyond what should be feasibly possible with paws. It is also capable of opening doors and bypassing low security manual locks, requiring the lock to its room to be replaced with keycard access.\nAlong with the anomalous mass of SCP-1152's body, it appears that SCP-1152 may possess cognitohazardous effects in carnivorous and omnivorous land animals. Any such animal introduced to SCP-1152, even members of its own species, has displayed hostility to SCP-1152. As such it is now contained in a secluded habitat.\nAddendum SCP-1152-A: After the events of its escape on \u2588\u2588/06/20\u2588\u2588 all personnel are advised to keep their keycards hidden on their person when interacting with SCP-1152. The incident report follows:\n\n10:45AM SCP-1152 is seen attempting to dig through the walls of its habitat\n10:55AM Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is dispatched to incapacitate SCP-1152\n11:02AM SCP-1152 attacks Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, retrieves his keycard, and escapes containment\n2:35PM SCP-1152 is found in the Site-98 supply storage and contained once more.\nNotes: SCP-1152 was found with a stolen phone; records indicate that it somehow dialed Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's wife after presumably striking random buttons. The call lasted five minutes and consisted entirely of SCP-1152 whining and barking into the microphone.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was presumed dead after being MIA for thirteen months. His body has yet to be retrieved by Foundation staff.\n2. How SCP-1152 managed to get into Site-98 without being noticed is as of yet unknown, along with how it obtained knowledge of the layout of Site-98.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1151 | SCP-1152 | SCP-1153 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1153\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1153 is stored in a purpose-built storage area at Storage Site-\u2588\u2588 when not used for testing purposes. Permission to access SCP-1153 must be requested from the current Level-2 staff member responsible for supervision of SCP-1153 (currently Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588). Instances of SCP-1153 and 1153-2 are not to be stored while connected, and SCP-1153-2 must be stored in a depowered state. SCP-1153-2 is never to be left connected to SCP-1153 for more than twenty-five minutes at any one time.\nWhen an instance of SCP-1153-2 is turned on, the list of commands must be examined and any new commands must be noted. Testing of serious contagious diseases or diseases of unknown nature on SCP-1153 must be conducted under appropriate quarantine procedures, up to and including the restriction of testing to biohazard containment areas.\nAbsolutely no tests on SCP-1153 using any of the diseases classified under Special Containment Procedures are to be conducted without the express permission and approval of at least one member of O5. All such tests, if they are ever conducted, must adhere to the Special Containment Procedures of the disease in question.\nDescription: SCP-1153 is a collection of twelve (as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) human bodies. These bodies are a mix of different heights, weights, ages and genders, although some of the bodies appear to be identical to each other. These bodies are functionally alive, but catatonic. They appear to possess no higher brain function or ability to move or act of their own volition. The bodies appear to possess a constant internal environment, and neither require sustenance nor appear to age. All of the bodies appear shaved of hair and possess a barcode tattooed onto the inside of the left wrist. Each instance of SCP-1153 has what appears to be a standardised USB port embedded in the outside of the left heel.\nSCP-1153-2 is a collection of five (as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588) laptop computers of various makes and models, the earliest produced in 199\u2588 and the latest produced in 201\u2588. These computers have all been discovered in direct connection to an instance of SCP-1153. Each of the computers are largely mundane and unremarkable, save for an anomalous program entitled '[DATA EXPUNGED]'. This program is heavily encrypted and to date no attempts to modify or view the coding of the program, or to transfer it to another computer, have been successful. When opened, the program consists of a menu including over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 listed commands. All of these commands are named after an injury or disease, save for the first command, entitled 'Wipe'.\nWhen an instance of SCP-1153-2 is connected by a cable to an instance of SCP-1153, the [DATA EXPUNGED] program is launched, and a command is executed, the primary anomalous effects of SCP-1153 can be observed. When a command is executed in connection to an instance of SCP-1153, the body will rapidly develop the relevant disease or injury over the course of approximately twenty seconds. Multiple injuries and diseases may be applied to a body, although the program will display an error message when more than five commands are executed on one subject.\nThe 'Wipe' command heals the body of all injuries and illnesses within another twenty-second period, up to and including death and advanced decomposition. This 'Wipe' command also affects injuries and illnesses not caused or related to the program. SCP-1153 instances appear to have fully functioning healing and immune systems, unless a condition related to these processes is loaded, and so can recover from these conditions naturally or as a result of normal treatment methods.\nAll contagious diseases applied to SCP-1153 are fully contagious and can spread and infect others in a manner identical to natural instances of the illness. Certain diseases have multiple commands, usually appended with a bracketed word indicating something about the disease. For example, executing the command 'Polio (Incubation)' will cause no symptoms to develop immediately, in line with the normal progression of the disease, while executing 'Polio (Advanced)' will cause the body to immediately develop symptoms. The list of commands include several diseases which have not previously been documented, as well as extinct diseases such as smallpox. For this reason, caution must be exercised when testing with SCP-1153.\nSCP-1153 initially came to the Foundation's notice on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/199\u2588 after the first known instance of SCP-1153 was discovered under quarantine after being admitted to a hospital in [DATA EXPUNGED], apparently suffering from smallpox. How it arrived in the hospital is currently unknown, as no documentation or evidence was found regarding how SCP-1153 had arrived in the hospital. Foundation representatives acquired the body and administered Class-B amnestics to those involved. No further measures were required, as information had been suppressed to prevent a public panic. The subject was placed in Foundation custody, although little was learned of SCP-1153's nature until \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when a second SCP-1153 instance was taken into containment with an associated SCP-1153-2 instance. Since then, ten instances have been discovered and contained around the globe, often in connection to unusual or misplaced outbreaks of disease. The current number of SCP-1153 instances outside of Foundation custody is unknown.\nAddendum 1153-1: Recent experiments involving SCP-1153-2 have lead researchers to the conclusion that the anomalous program contained within SCP-1153-2 is not fixed and can change and develop. For example, after \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009 all instances of SCP-1153-2 appeared to contain a new command, entitled 'H1N1/09 Influenza' which caused the subjects to develop symptoms identical to the aforementioned strain of the flu virus. All SCP-1153-2 instances recovered after this date have been found to contain this new command, possibly indicating that SCP-1153-2 instances are being updated in synchrony by a currently unknown process.\nAddendum 1153-2: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, several new commands were found to have been added to the list of commands available for SCP-1153-2. All of the commands added on this date correspond to an anomalous illness or infection catalogued under Special Containment Procedures by the Foundation, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. The single instance of SCP-1153-2 discovered after this date came to Foundation attention after an outbreak of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 in [REDACTED] and contained a command list identical to all other instances currently in containment. Future outbreaks of anomalous diseases are to be investigated to determine a possible link with uncontained SCP-1153 instances.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1152 | SCP-1153 | SCP-1154 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1154\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1154 is to be contained in Storage Unit \u2588\u2588, located at Site \u2588\u2588. SCP-1154 is to be contained in a 15cm x 15cm sealed container. SCP-1154 is to be kept under guard by one (1) security officer at all times. Viewing of SCP-1154 must be conducted by members of D-class personnel.\nIf any additional components of SCP-1154 are discovered to exist, they are to be immediately secured and contained by Mobile Task Force Zeta-29 (\"Dragon Slayers\"). Any civilians affected by SCP-1154 are to be brought into Foundation custody for two (2) weeks. If, at the end of this period, they have not expired, they are to be dosed with a Class-A amnestic and released.\nAny testing with SCP-1154 must be authorised by at least two Level Three personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1154 is the designation given to a collection of media which includes poems, short stories, a novel and a VHS tape. All components have thematic links to an entity which the components refer to as 'the Dragon'. Descriptions of this entity vary with SCP-1154's different components, and very few of the components describe SCP-1154 in accordance with the traditional European image of a dragon. (See Component Analysis 1154-1 for further information.)\nSCP-1154's anomalous effects become apparent when one of its components is viewed and understood by a human being, who will hereafter be referred to as the subject. Over the course of two weeks, the subject will experience the following phenomena:\n\nDreams involving vaguely reptilian entities\nValuables such as jewellery mysteriously disappearing\nPerceiving a drastic increase in the ambient temperature\nA feeling that they are being followed\nSpontaneous combustion (This has not been known to occur with all subjects, and it is unknown what criteria, if any, affects whether this will occur. After death, the body of the subject has been known to disappear, accompanied by the sounds of consumption.)\n\nComponent Analysis 1154-1\n\nClose Log\n\nA summary of the various components that comprise SCP-1154. Components are numbered in the order of their discovery.\nSCP-1154-1: A poem originating from the 1600's entitled 'The Beast of [REDACTED]'. The poem describes how a kingdom is attacked by a dragon and how the king sends three knights to defeat it. Two of the knights are killed by the dragon, but the third knight climbs onto the dragon's back. The poem described how he manages to climb atop its neck and stab it in the throat. He is then eaten whole by the dragon and the poem ends with the words 'And blessed with glory was that beast, Who had come from alien skies to feast'.\nSCP-1154-2: An unpublished novel entitled 'A Quest of Gold'. It follows the adventures of a scholar as he and a group of adventurers attempt to defeat the antagonist, who is referred to as 'The Dragon King'. The protagonists eventually kill 'The Dragon King', but the epilogue describes the scholar being possessed and becoming the new 'Dragon King'.\nSCP-1154-3: A short story entitled 'The Dragon's Shadow'. The story is presented from the point of view of a young boy who is afraid that a dragon is present inside his house. In the story, the dragon is described as dog-sized and as having insectoid properties. The dragon chases the boy around his house, eventually killing and consuming him.\nSCP-1154-4: A crayon drawing of a dragon.\nSCP-1154-5: The dream diary of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Roughly 90 percent of the described dreams involve dragons, lizards, or fire. It is unknown why this specific dream diary carries SCP-1154's properties, as other written accounts of dreams caused by SCP-1154 carry no anomalous effects.\nSCP-1154-6: A movie filmed in 1993 entitled 'Kouen, The Eternal Dragon!'. The film's plot involves the arrival of a humanoid reptile in Tokyo and the military's attempt to destroy it. All attempts are unsuccessful, however, and the film ends with the reptile consuming the last of the survivors.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1153 | SCP-1154 | SCP-1155 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1155 after relocating to an abandoned building\n\nItem #: SCP-1155\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1155 is currently contained in a disused parking lot adjacent to an abandoned shopping centre in the \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 city metropolitan area. The building is to be marked condemned, and access to both it and the car park should be restricted by Foundation personnel posing as security guards from the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 front company. Civilians are to be deterred from entering the site and supplied with Standard Cover Story 47 \u2013 \u201cStructural Instability/Sinkhole\u201d if they enquire as to why; SCP-1155 must be kept under constant observation by motion-tracking security cameras. If SCP-1155 is observed to vanish, Mobile Task Force Pi-1 (\"City Slickers\") should be notified immediately. Personnel should not routinely attempt to view SCP-1155 directly; observation must be conducted remotely.\nWhatever flat surface that SCP-1155 is currently inhabiting should be obscured from view by any standard Class II enclosed mobile containment unit, or, in situations where this cannot be effected in a timely fashion, by obstructing it with a vehicle, storage container, or displaced rubble; provided that this can be done without damaging a 3 (three) meter area around SCP-1155's image. Following Incident 1155b, it has been observed that completely enclosing SCP-1155 has a tendency to hasten a relocation event. Revised procedures now recommend the evacuation of the immediate area surrounding SCP-1155 to the minimum distance necessary to prevent contact with the general public, unless SCP-1155 manifests in a high visibility location or anywhere where preventing public egress is impossible.\nAt the present time, SCP-1155 cannot be permanently contained by any known means. Approximately every 2-4 months, SCP-1155 has been observed to spontaneously relocate itself to other urban environments, moving as little as 15 meters from its current position up to a maximum observed distance of 800 kilometers. These relocation events can also be triggered by:\n\nDamage to the surface that SCP-1155 adheres to,\nInterruption of an attack\nAny attempt to reduce the size of SCP-1155's confinement space to prevent visual contact.\n\nTherefore, current containment efforts are centered around swiftly ascertaining SCP-1155's new location and isolating it from public view. When such a relocation event occurs, Mobile Task Force Pi-1 should be immediately deployed alongside local assets to locate the new site as quickly as possible, re-implement containment procedures, and detain any witnesses. Survivors of attacks should be detained, uninjured witnesses may be administered Class-A amnestics and then released.\nDescription: SCP-1155 manifests as a work of street art/graffiti depicting the form of a humanoid creature with sinewy forelimbs, claw-like hands and the head and feathers of an owl. The depicted pose is variable, but tends towards a predatory stance, with eyes that appear to track the viewer.\nAnyone viewing this image directly will experience a compulsion to investigate it further. Victims describe a nervous fascination and a desire to move closer. This can be resisted with effort, especially if the subject is aware of SCP-1155's anomalous properties.\nIf a subject approaches to within two (2) meters and is not in the line of sight of another person, they will be subjected to a violent attack, suffering severe lacerations, dismemberment of extremities, whole or partial removal of soft body parts, and penetrating head trauma consistent with those that would be inflicted by a large beak and/or talons. The attack generally takes about 6 seconds to conclude, upon which both SCP-1155 and the victim will vanish, and SCP-1155 will reappear elsewhere in the usual manner of a relocation event within seven (7) days. Attacks can be halted before this event by reestablishing line of sight to the victim, but this is not recommended. (See record of Incident 1155a). Attempts to track where the victims are taken by equipping test subjects with GPS locators have failed.\nBased on tested interruptions performed at predefined intervals, the attack follows a defined pattern- the victim will first be restrained, and the eyes and tongue will be removed, rapidly followed by the amputation of the hands and feet. The victim will then be disemboweled and the intestines and stomach removed. Death usually follows due to shock or rapid exsanguination, but only if the attack is interrupted by visual contact; the fate of victims who disappear along with SCP-1155 at the conclusion of the attack is unknown.\nAddenda:\n\nIncident 1155a\n\nIncident 1155a:\n\nTwo surviving Class D personnel used for 'attack interruption' tests were given medical treatment and kept alive in the aftermath of the event. Both were incoherent and could not adequately communicate what had happened to them, though D-89786, whose eyes were removed during the attack, claimed to still be able to see, and provided a description of a \"larder\" containing bodies of previous victims of SCP-1155, along with the entity itself.\nD-89786 escaped from on-site quarters during a containment breach by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588, and was pursued by local law enforcement in nearby \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 who were told he was a severely disturbed patient from a local mental hospital. Officer \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports they saw the suspect walking into an alleyway, but before they could apprehend, a scream was heard and when they rounded the corner it was found that D-89786 had disappeared; the alleyway was a dead end with no visible exits.\nD-89789 (both eyes, tongue, hands and feet removed before attack halted) was successfully transferred to Site \u2588\u2588\u2588. A period of rapid relocations was noted in SCP-1155, where it was observed in several public places with a posture that suggested hunting/tracking behavior. SCP-1155 appeared for several hours high up on the side of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Building, in full view of many witnesses, who fortunately could not access it. In view of the difficulties of containment, Site Command made the decision to bring D-89789 back into the city. SCP-1155 was observed to appear several times on walls, advertisement boards, and bridges along the transport vehicle's path. D-89789 was observed to become increasingly agitated and hysterical during this process. D-89789 was transferred to a remote location on the edge of city limits, placed in front of SCP-1155, whereupon visual contact was broken. SCP-1155 and D-89789 disappeared, and SCP-1155 resumed previous pattern of manageable relocation behavior.\n\nIncident 1155b\n\nIncident 1155b:\n\nElements of Mobile Task Force Pi-1 located SCP-1155 in abandoned subway station after most recent relocation event. Team Leader \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made the decision to obscure SCP-1155 with a vending machine until more containment resources arrived, on the basis that there were not enough task force members on site to guarantee a secure perimeter, and local transients were known to use the area for shelter. SCP-1155 immediately displaced to a nearby children's playground, causing \u2588 casualties before it could again be located. Due to highly public nature of this location, decision was made at Command level to again provoke a displacement event, resulting in the current containment location. Containment at the current location was expensive, requiring that an entire shopping centre be acquired by the Foundation and then subsequently closed, but the revised containment procedures have resulted in the longest time since a relocation event to date.\nThe last few containment locations may point to a disturbing trend. Previously, SCP-1155 seemed to have a pattern of appearing in low traffic urban areas, often abandoned buildings or quiet underpasses. At risk of anthropomorphism, it appears to have become emboldened and will now readily appear in public spaces, which makes containment difficult. Over the objections of the containment team, leave the damn thing uncovered. Better we lose a few urban explorers or nosy kids every couple of years, rather than risk having it abduct more people before we can locate it each time. \u2013 Dr \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1154 | SCP-1155 | SCP-1156 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1156\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1156 is to be housed in a stable adjacent to the Secure Outdoor Testing Facility at Site 73, and is to be provided with food, water, bedding, grooming, and veterinary care appropriate to a non-anomalous animal of its species. SCP-1156's stable is to be cleaned daily. SCP-1156 may be allowed supervised access to the Secure Outdoor Testing Facility for exercise and grazing purposes during daylight hours when no testing is scheduled. Any clothing changes exhibited by SCP-1156 are to be documented and monitored.\nSCP-1156's cooperation with the Foundation is currently predicated on its belief that it is a paid employee thereof. During good behavior, SCP-1156 is to be assigned work of a low-priority nature, appropriate to its abilities. SCP-1156 is to be paid bi-weekly with scrip bearing a face value equivalent to the current UK minimum wage, minus legally permitted deductions for room and board, and is to be allowed to purchase approved sundries with said scrip from the Site 73 quartermaster. Failure to cooperate with Foundation personnel shall result in suspension of the above privileges.\nThe Foundation is to monitor sales and transfers of domesticated horses in the United Kingdom for any additional horses presenting SCP-1156's characteristics. In the event that any such specimens are identified, the Foundation is to acquire the animal as soon as possible for separate containment at Site 73.\nDescription: SCP-1156 is a male domesticated horse (Equus ferus caballus) of indeterminate breed and unknown age, approximately 1.7 meters in height. SCP-1156's tongue, palate, lips, and vocal cords are shaped in a manner not found in non-anomalous horses, allowing it to produce phonemes used in human speech. SCP-1156's brain is approximately \u2588\u2588% larger than the brain of a non-anomalous horse, and possesses several anatomical regions of unknown purpose or function.\nSCP-1156 is sapient and is able to speak English with a thick accent resembling that historically spoken by natives of the East End of London, UK (\"Cockneys\" in common use), and claims to have been born and resided in the London borough of Whitechapel prior to its coming into Foundation custody. SCP-1156 identifies itself as \"Wellington G. Wonderhorse\" and describes itself as part of a community of sapient horses living openly throughout the East End (a claim which has not yet been corroborated by Foundation research.) SCP-1156 has demonstrated a limited ability to manipulate tools and simple machines with its lips, teeth, and tongue, including an ability to write by holding a pen in its mouth.\nSCP-1156 possesses a limited form of telekinesis, comprising an ability to dress itself by spontaneously manifesting clothing tailored to fit a large horse directly onto itself. Most frequently, this clothing takes the form of a silk top hat and a light blue scarf bearing the monogram \"W.G.W.\" in gold embroidery, though SCP-1156 has demonstrated an ability to produce other articles of clothing, including neckties of various styles, coats, eyeglasses, masks, heraldic banners, harnesses, bridles and bits, and on one occasion upon a request from research staff, a full suit of articulated plate armor. Clothing manifested by SCP-1156 spontaneously disappears when SCP-1156 dresses itself differently; the source of the clothing and its ultimate disposition upon demanifesting is unknown. Forensic examination of the clothes themselves indicates that they are composed of common fabrics and metals and bear no anomalous properties in and of themselves.\nSCP-1156 was acquired by the Foundation in 20\u2588\u2588 following a raid on a country club in [REDACTED], UK, owned by Marshall, Carter & Dark Ltd. SCP-1156 claimed to have been taken prisoner by MC&D six months prior after responding to a want ad for coach horses and forced to perform various tasks for the guests of the club. SCP-1156 describes itself as a professional coach horse and has been convinced at this time that the Foundation is employing him for that purpose.\n\n+ Show Interview Log 1156-1\n\n- Hide Interview Log 1156-1\n\nInterview Log 1156-1:\n\nDr. Samesh: Please state your name for the record.Dr. Samesh: And you have lived in Whitechapel your entire life, is that correct?Dr. Samesh: And there are more horses like you?Dr. Samesh: So you wouldn't say there's anything unusual about your being able to speak?Dr. Samesh: And your making clothes appear?(SCP-1156 affects a \"posh\" accent.)(SCP-1156 resumes its normal manner of speech.)Dr. Samesh: You have a family?Dr. Samesh: And how did you find yourself in the custody of Marshall, Carter, & Dark?Dr. Samesh: Go on.Dr. Samesh: Did they hire you right away?Dr. Samesh: What sort of work did they have you doing?\n\nLetter Written by SCP-1156\n\nDr. Samesh: Do you know where your family is now?Dr. Samesh: I see. That will be all for today.Dr. Samesh: We'll consider it.\n\nAfterword: Upon investigating the address provided by SCP-1156, the Foundation found a currently uninhabited two-bedroom apartment. The building manager stated that the previous residents had been evicted six months prior and could not vouch for their current whereabouts, and refused to discuss them in any detail, stating that they had been \"nothing but trouble\" during their entire stay.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1155 | SCP-1156 | SCP-1157 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1157\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1157 are to be kept in separate 3m x 2m x 3m quarters connected to a secure common area in Sector-07. Curfew is to be enforced at 11pm EST every evening until 6am the following morning. Security must consist of 12 armed guards trained in crowd suppression. SCP-1157-1 is to be kept in isolated quarters not connected to the main containment area.\nAll staff working directly with any instance of SCP-1157 are to maintain the highest level of information security. No mention is to be made of Foundation staff names, project information, or containment procedures within the SCP-1157 containment area. Verbal communication with SCP-1157 is to be kept to an absolute minimum unless authorized by Dr. Torres. No clothing or equipment used when interacting with SCP-1157 can contain any identifying information. Personnel, including members of MTF Gamma-7, are instructed to carry only digitally encrypted forms of identification when involved in containment or study of SCP-1157.\nMobile Task Force Gamma-7 \"Pied Pipers\" has been formed to track down and detain any un-contained instances of SCP-1157. Basic information, photographs, fingerprints and DNA samples from SCP-1157 have been distributed to major law enforcement organizations. Coordination with local government and other MTF units will be approved on a case by case basis. Lethal force has been authorized as a last resort.\nDuring a bifurcation event, SCP-1157 personnel are to initiate Protocol-G7 before wake up call.\nDescription: SCP-1157 is a Caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. The subject's anomalous nature was first discovered when an instance of SCP-1157, designated SCP-1157-1, surrendered to the local police in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, AZ, claiming to be a member of a terrorist cell. When a bifurcation event occurred while SCP-1157 was in police custody the subject was brought to the attention of the Foundation and transferred to Sector-07 for containment and study.\nAt intervals of approximately 4 weeks all instances of SCP-1157 will undergo a simultaneous bifurcation event at 3:08AM EST. While SCP-1157 sleeps each subject will split into two identical instances. The event is accompanied by a burst of light and energy which disables any recording devices. Any clothing or other items worn by SCP-1157 will be deposited on the bed underneath the subjects.\nProtocol-G7 is to be enacted immediately after every bifurcation event. The containment area is to be flooded with a gaseous sedative. A security team equipped with gas masks must enter the containment quarters and remove one of each resulting subject pairs for euthanasia, study and disposal.\nSCP-1157 displays a limited form of shared consciousness. While each instance exhibits their own personality and can make individual choices they also experience the surface thoughts and impulses of all other instances.\nBased on subject interviews, at the time of SCP-1157's initial detention at least 5 bifurcation events had already occurred. During containment there have been 3 observed events. To the best estimation the current status of SCP-1157 is as follows:\n\n32 instances contained.\n34 instances confirmed deceased.\n45 instances euthanized during containment.\n86 instances unaccounted for.\n\nAddendum 1:\n\nSCP-1157-1 Interview\n\nHide SCP-1157-1 Interview\n\nInterviewed: SCP-1157-1/1\nInterviewer: Dr. Torres\nForeword: Following initial containment, the 2 instances of SCP-1157-1 were separated and individually questioned.\n\nDr. Torres: Can you explain the nature of your condition, please.\nSCP-1157-1: I go to sleep, and when I wake up there's one more of me.\nDr. Torres: And this has happened before?\nSCP-1157-1: A few times. Last week makes five. There's thirty-two of me now\u2026No\u2026I will not\u2026\nDr. Torres: Is something wrong?\nSCP-1157-1: Heh. They can hear us, you know, the rest. They're not happy with me.\nDr. Torres: You can hear them all?\nSCP-1157-1: Yes. A bunch of scared bullies shouting in my ear. I saw what they did. I saw what I was becoming\u2026No\u2026Not me. You. I made a choice! I'm sorry. There's a lot of them now. It's overwhelming sometimes.\nDr. Torres: I can imagine. Would you like some time alone?\nSCP-1157-1: \nDr. Torres: Oh. Right. My apologies.\n\nClosing Statement: Despite being in a separate sound proof interview room, SCP-1157-1/2 was able to repeat the conversation verbatim.\n\nAddendum 2: Incident Reports\n\nReport 1157/1\n\nHide Report 1157/1\n\nAgent Thomas - Mobile Task Force Gamma-7 Leader\n06/21/20\u2588\u2588\nUtilizing intelligence gathered from SCP-1157-1 interviews, MTF Gamma-7 successfully located and detained 3 more instances of SCP-1157 before they could go into hiding. However, operations for the next several weeks turned up only empty apartments and dead ends. SCP-1157-1's usefulness has diminished rapidly as other instances are now aware of his cooperation and are providing deceptive intelligence.\n\nReport 1157/2\n\nHide Report 1157/2\n\nDr. Torres - SCP-1157 Head Researcher\n07/10/20\u2588\u2588\nFollowing a second bifurcation event SCP-1157-1, now consisting of 4 separate instances, showed increasing signs of distress. An argument over SCP-1157-1's complicity in Foundation activities resulted in a physical altercation and the death of the subject advocating against cooperation. All instances of SCP-1157-1 have been put into indefinite sedation to avoid mental coercion by the growing collective.\n\nReport 1157/3\n\nHide Report 1157/3\n\nAgent Thomas - Mobile Task Force Gamma-7 Leader\n07/14/20\u2588\u2588\nIntercepting e-mail correspondence between loose SCP-1157 allowed us to locate a safe house used by numerous subjects. MTF Gamma-7 was met with small-arms fire upon engagement, forced to terminate 2 instances, captured 7. Computers and correspondence found on the property indicate that SCP-1157 is aware that an organization is tracking them, but they have no knowledge of the Foundation itself. Requesting a clean-up team to scour the property for any other evidence of SCP-1157 activities.\n\nReport 1157/4\n\nHide Report 1157/4\n\nDr. Torres - SCP-1157 Head Researcher\n08/22/20\u2588\u2588\nInterviews with instances of SCP-1157 reveal a narcissistic personality and increasing distrust and contempt for anyone that is not SCP-1157. Subjects have also shown increasingly skillful attempts at tricking researchers into revealing sensitive information. Outside of SCP-1157-1 the subject remains uncooperative.\n\nReport 1157/5\n\nHide Report 1157/5\n\nAgent Wilson - Mobile Task Force Gamma-7 Lieutenant\n08/29/20\u2588\u2588\nAgent Thomas was lost in our latest engagement with SCP-1157, along with 2 other Gamma-7 members. The bastards have spent the last month training and stockpiling weapons. The warehouse we tracked a subject to held enough SCP-1157 to outnumber us 3-to-1, all armed. Even after capturing 16 and killing 31 there are likely even more SCP-1157 unaccounted for now than there were when we first discovered them. I'm submitting a request for at least a tripling of Gamma-7's numbers and resources. If we don't lock this down in the next month or two we're going to start seeing these guys on every street corner.\n\nReport 1157/6\n\nHide Report 1157/6\n\nDr. Torres - SCP-1157 Head Researcher\n09/22/20\u2588\u2588\nThe contained instances of SCP-1157 attempted a riot to break out of Sector-07 immediately following a bifurcation event. Using their increased numbers SCP-1157 assaulted the Protocol-G7 team. Reinforcements allowed security to resolve the situation, at which point Protocol-G7 was completed without further incident. Containment procedures were revised and SCP-1157 were restricted to individual quarters for one week. 5 days later each instance of SCP-1157 carved the following into the wall of their quarters: \"You cannot contain me. Should one escape your grasp thousands will arise within the year.\"\n\nO5 Memo: Requests to have contained instances of SCP-1157 reduced in number denied. Our sedated instances of SCP-1157-1 continue to increase in number. If Gamma-7 can sufficiently reduce the number of militant instances we may soon have a sympathetic majority capable of converting the rest. Until that point we want SCP-1157 to believe they have the upper hand. - O5-\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1156 | SCP-1157 | SCP-1158 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1158\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The 14 8 specimens of SCP-1158 in captivity are housed at Site 19, Hazardous Lifeforms Wing, in a 50m x 50m x 10m Lexan enclosure containing a rainforest habitat transplanted from its natural surroundings. Habitat temperature will be maintained at 30\u00b0 C; embedded misting systems will regulate humidity levels at 70%. Full-spectrum retractable sensor pods are embedded at 10m intervals in a grid pattern throughout the enclosure to observe behavior and feeding. The enclosure will be accessed through a positive pressure airlock for enclosure and habitat maintenance. Said maintenance will be performed weekly by a team of three Level 1 personnel equipped with Tyvek exposure suits with scent-masking apparatus, accompanied by six MTF operatives armed with standard-issue M1014 shotguns. Open flames are forbidden within SCP-1158's habitat. Feeding of SCP-1158 will occur once every 21 days. Prey item will consist of one (1) live adult pig sheep (Ovis aries).\nAtmospheric molecular analysis systems are to be mounted throughout the habitat to detect the chemical markers of SCP-1158 gamete deposits; all gamete deposits are to be collected for research. Gamete deposits not used in research are to be incinerated. No breeding experiments are currently authorized.\nDescription: SCP-1158 is an airborne, carnivorous arboreal predator superficially resembling a very large olive-drab Portuguese man-o-war (Physalia physalis), particularly in its colonial polyp attributes. Known habitat currently consists of deciduous rainforest within a 500km radius surrounding \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Research on deceased specimens has shown that SCP-1158's large, four (4) meter pneumatophore is filled with hydrogen (thought to result from bacterial decay), providing lift. While airborne, SCP-1158 nestles itself high in the canopy layer, allowing its feeding and detecting polyps to hang down through the understorey to the forest floor. These polyps are effectively camouflaged among the various vines and branches present. The dactylozooid polyp bundles are, to a limited degree, prehensile. SCP-1158 has not been observed at an altitude greater than the canopy emergent layer, seemingly preferring to remain silently hidden beneath the foliage.\nPrey appears limited, so far, to mammals and reptiles with a mass of approximately 50kg or greater. Once a victim makes contact with dactylozooid polyps lying on the ground or adjacent to a tree, nematocysts in the polyp strands inject a paralyzing neurotoxin while nearby polyp threads wrap around the victim's extremities.\nAddendum: For reasons which have not yet been determined, all species of pig (genus Sus) tested thus far have proven to be completely unaffected by SCP-1158's neurotoxin.\nExperimentation indicates that envenomation and envelopment take approximately 6 seconds. At this time, primary feeding polyps enter the victim's body through all available orifices, and anchor themselves inside. Once anchored, powerful digestive enzymes are delivered which break down internal organs for absorption by the polyps. The process has been observed to last approximately 4 days, with the victim expiring approximately 2 days after capture.\nDuring the digestion and absorption process, if a captive subject is approached by other large vertebrates, it will stand on its hind legs and wave its front legs; if the captive subject is a human, this will produce a 'beckoning' effect.\nSpecimens of SCP-1158 were first discovered on \u2588/\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, approximately 400km from \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, during deforestation operations pursuant to the construction of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 near the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 River. Two days after several advance parties went missing, subsequent search teams located two party members seemingly at rest near the buttresses of a large Ceiba tree. The two subjects were initially unresponsive, then appeared to be \u201cwaving\u201d the search teams over for assistance; when approached, it was observed the two subject's arms were suspended by \u201cvery thin vines that were making them move\u201d. As the search team's medical personnel moved to assist, team members began stepping on and making contact with feeding polyps from several specimens of SCP-1158 hovering nearby, at which point the specimens attacked, resulting in 11 casualties. Subsequent newspaper reports garnered the attention of the Foundation, which then moved to have the area quarantined. 14 specimens were taken into custody.\nIncident 1158-e3:\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, 14 days after SCP-1158 specimens were placed in their habitat at Site 19, a domestic pig (Sus scrofa) was introduced into the habitat to serve as a prey item. After several minutes of exploring the habitat, the pig became ensnared in SCP-1158's dactylozooid polyps as expected, but remained unaffected by SCP-1158's neurotoxin. Instead, the pig chewed through the polyps, severing them; the pig then seized the remaining polyps in its mouth and used them to pull SCP-1158 specimens from their arboreal canopy, at which point it trampled them to death and fed upon their remains. 6 specimens were lost before the pig was shot.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1157 | SCP-1158 | SCP-1159 \u00bb"} +{"text": "INFOHAZARD WARNING: All information in this file must be kept in auditory form.\nSCP-1159 (Audio File) Note: I apologize for the informality of this recording. I was not able to use written notes. - Dr. Reixis\n\nSCP-1159 (Addendum 1159-A) Test 1.\n\nSCP-1159 (Addendum 1159-B): Test 2.\n\nSCP-1159 (Addendum 1159-C): Interview with Dr. Androvsky following events of Test 2.\n\nSCP-1159 Attachment 1 (Audio File): Sound of SCP-1159.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1158 | SCP-1159 | SCP-1160 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1161\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1161 is to be stored in a display case in a locked testing room along with a computer (for transcription) under constant surveillance at Research Sector-\u2588\u2588. After its daily transformation, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is to remove the object from its display case and transcribe the entirety of SCP-1161's contents. When transcription is finished, SCP-1161 is to be closed properly and returned to its display case. Under no circumstances is anyone to handle SCP-1161 in any way before Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has completed his duties regarding the object. Any changes regarding SCP-1161 not at its regularly scheduled time are to be immediately reported to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nDescription: SCP-1161 is a black paperback book with a varying number of pages. The title, on both the cover and binding in white lettering changes every 24 hours at precisely 3:00 A.M. GMT, but invariably begin with the words, \"How to\". Daily, both the book's title, contents, and number of pages within change completely, unless the book remains open during its scheduled transformation, which will postpone the event to the next time at which it is 3:00 A.M. GMT and the object is fully closed.\nSCP-1161 is only legible to the first individual to touch the object after its daily transformation. To all other observers, the book will appear to be blank, with the exception of the title on the cover and binding.\nWhile the contents of the book vary wildly from day to day, the overall theme remains consistent. The object will always contain instructions on how to perform various actions, ranging from very useful to utterly pointless. The various descriptions printed inside the book are incredibly detailed, to the point of describing which specific muscles to contract when performing a physical movement. The instructions within generally describe the optimal technique to use regarding the action, even leading to the discovery of several previously unknown methods of [REDACTED]. Despite being extremely accurate in its descriptions, the book can be very confusing to the average reader, due to its overly descriptive nature.\nA partial list of titles which have appeared since retrieval include:\n\u2022 How to Build a Campfire\n\u2022 How to Eat Spaghetti and Meatballs\n\u2022 How to Hang a Painting\n\u2022 How to Sculpt a Bird in Flight out of Granite\n\u2022 How to Whistle\n\u2022 How to Strangle a Woman\n\u2022 How to Construct a [REDACTED]\n\u2022 How to Open a Desk Drawer\n\u2022 How to Cross-Country Ski\n\u2022 How to [REDACTED]\n\u2022 How To Clean a Necktie\n\u2022 How to Commit Suicide by Hanging\nAddendum 1161a: Several mentions have been made to a 'How to Ascend' throughout multiple variations of SCP-1161. Of particular interest was the mention at the end of 'How to Assimilate Information', referring readers to 'How to Ascend' for more information. Whether 'How to Ascend' is a variation of SCP-1161 or an entirely different book is being investigated.\nAddendum 1161b: A note written by hand on the final page of SCP-1161 was found while it contained 'How to Build a Wooden Rocking Chair'. The note read \"It will be next. Do you value this world?\", and was visible to all who viewed the page.\nAddendum 1161c: The title of SCP-1161 following 'How to Build a Wooden Rocking Chair' was 'How to Ascend'. When Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 touched the object to begin transcribing its contents, he immediately withdrew his hand and stood up rigidly. After several seconds of standing completely still and not responding to inquiries, he sat down and immediately began reading through the book despite being ordered multiple times to begin transcription. After approximately \u2588 hours of reading, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 calmly closed SCP-1161 and fell into a catatonic state from which he awoke at exactly 3:00 A.M. GMT the following day, coinciding with the book's daily change. After awaking, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 claimed to have no memories of anything following touching the object. Psychological evaluation of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been scheduled.\nThe position of Head of Research of SCP-1161 has been temporarily transferred to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nAddendum 1161d: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found lying in his quarters with several puncture wounds in his scalp, which upon further inspection, were found to extend into his brain. A battery powered drill gripped in his hand suggests that the injuries were self inflicted. Though currently in a comatose state, tests have shown Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's brain to be processing information at a highly accelerated rate.\nReclassification as Euclid requested.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - Request Granted\n\n\u00ab SCP-1160 | SCP-1161 | SCP-1162 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1162\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1162's exterior has been painted to camouflage with its surroundings in an effort to deter future detection. Due to its remote location and relative harmlessness, as well as the inherent ease in misinformation, containment efforts required are minimal.\nDescription: SCP-1162 is a three-bedroom, two-bath suburban house located in Vastitas Borealis, the largest lowland region of Mars. It does not have a visible lawn, surrounding street, or other obvious signs of permanence. SCP-1162 resembles a standard suburban American home and is, along with its contents, anomalously resistant to damage, as the inhospitable conditions on Mars' surface would have quickly destroyed a nonanomalous structure of similar make.\nSCP-1162 was first discovered by NASA probe Phoenix, a stationary probe that registered the structure during its descent to the surface. Satellite imagery was acquired, and a Foundation shuttle utilizing experimental propulsion technology adapted from SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, the FS Iskander, was deployed with a five-man crew from Lunar Area-09 to investigate.\nShuttle Iskander arrived on Mars twelve weeks later. They discovered that the home displayed signs of habitation, being furnished in a typical suburban American style. In addition, they discovered that latent Hume levels in the area were high, generally associated with reality-bending activity.\nThe kitchen contained two frozen corpses, an adult man and woman. Both had died from asphyxiation, their corpses freezing postmortem, presumably due to Vastitas Borealis' low temperatures (avg -51\u00b0C). Due to the skin cracking and discoloration associated with this, their ethnicity is indeterminate. The table was set with waffles and bacon, both half-eaten and now frozen.\nThe rest of the interior is unremarkable, but agents determined that the source of the raised Hume levels was in the second-floor bedroom. The bedroom, decorated for a small child, contains several posters of various celestial bodies and NASA space shuttles.\nA cardboard box in the center of the floor is the epicenter of the raised Hume levels and has been crudely fashioned into a mock space shuttle, colored white and with various portholes and iconography drawn on. The cardboard box contains the corpse of a small male child, curled into the fetal position. It is wearing a toy space helmet, which is frozen onto the corpse. Unlike the corpses downstairs, it expired from prolonged starvation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1161 | SCP-1162 | SCP-1163 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A photograph of SCP-1163, currently inhabiting the body of D-817\n\nItem #: SCP-1163\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1163 is to be contained in a 3.5 by 3.5 meter cell containing a small bed, and a nailed-down lamp. Food and water will be supplied periodically through a secured dumbwaiter, but sugary foods are only to be given as rewards for cooperation. SCP-1163 is only to be directly visited under authorized research or psychological evaluation.(see Addendum 1163-B). When meeting Foundation Staff, both the staff member and SCP-1163 must be contained before meeting, to prevent a containment breach caused by SCP-1163's anomalous properties. All other verbal interaction with SCP-1163 is to be performed through the intercom system.\nDescription: SCP-1163 is an entity identifiable most easily by its abnormal facial structure, characterized by its unusually green eyes, large nose, and wide mouth.\nWhen a human is in sight of SCP-1163, SCP-1163 is capable of immediately causing the other party's face to restructure into that of SCP-1163, while SCP-1163 will restructure its face into that of the other party. While the facial structure will be identical, skin tone will not be changed, and the face will be proportional to the size of the head. After the faces are switched (a process that takes between three and twelve seconds, depending on structural differences), the body that has the face of SCP-1163 will be controlled by SCP-1163, while the body with the face of the other party will be fully controlled by the other party, as if it was their own body. SCP-1163 is fully capable of switching back and forth, and there seems to be no limit to the amount of time SCP-1163 can spend with a body, or how rapidly SCP-1163 can switch between bodies. Though the facial structure shifts, the tissue is the same, and any blemishes, marks, scars, facial hair, or wrinkles will be conserved. A person missing a part of their face will not have the part recovered by the introduction of SCP-1163.\nSCP-1163 appears to have a mental capacity similar to a child around 6 years old. It is cooperative, and in particular is easily coerced with sweet foods. SCP-1163 will readily communicate verbally, but does not seem to suffer from boredom or loneliness when not spoken to. Though the body used seems to have some effect on the voice, SCP-1163 generally has a high-pitched voice, and a noticeable stutter.\nSCP-1163 currently inhabits the body of a Caucasian male D-Class. The body that the D-817 was switched into was immediately terminated to avoid complications.\nRecovery Information: SCP-1163 was discovered in the small town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Pennsylvania, where several friends and relatives had previously reported the residents having drastically changed appearances. Police were skeptical, and refused to begin a formal investigation themselves before the Foundation became involved. When investigated by Foundation agents, it was found that during SCP-1163's attempts to avoid notice, it had exchanged the faces of a large portion of the town. SCP-1163 was then found by Foundation agents hiding inside an abandoned house under severe distress. Through the use of an agent's bag of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand candy, SCP-1163 was easily convinced to enter the custody of the Foundation.\nAddendum 1163-A: It has been found that excessive contact with SCP-1163's anomalous properties can cause detrimental physical effects. Continuous changing of facial structure, especially between two states with differently sized eyes, can cause accelerated vision loss. A human who has been in control of a body of a different sex may experience issues with bladder control.\nAddendum 1163-B: SCP-1163 attempted to breach containment during an interview with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, where SCP-1163 used its anomalous property to switch bodies with Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and attempted to impersonate her. Though this goes beyond the initial estimate of SCP-1163's understanding of its own properties, it is still not complete, as it believed itself to fully resemble Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. After incapacitated and returned to its cell, SCP-1163 was convinced to return Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to her original body. Individual meetings with SCP-1163 are no longer authorized.\n\nInterview 1163-01\n\nClose\n\nSCP-1163 was introduced to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, two weeks after recovery, in order to gain more information on SCP-1163's knowledge of its own abilities. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was supplied with three \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand chocolate bars. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was previously trained to work with children.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Hello SCP-1163, my name is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, how are you doing?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm going to have to ask you a few questions, is that alright?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You can have some if you cooperate.\n[SCP-1163 refuses to speak or make eye-contact after hearing this until Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 gives SCP-1163 one of the chocolate bars, which is immediately placed by SCP-1163 into a pocket.]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you ready to answer questions now?\n[SCP-1163 nods]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you tell me what your name is?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Alright, do you mind if I call you SCP-1163?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know how old you are?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That's fine, what's the earliest event you can remember?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you mean \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you remember ever leaving a town?[SCP-1163 becomes fairly upset, and refuses to respond to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Instead, SCP-1163 silently eats the candy bar. By the time SCP-1163 is finished, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is able to resume the interview.]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: So, SCP-1163, when you were in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, you caused a lot of people a lot of trouble.\n[SCP-1163 does not respond to this]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you feel bad about this at all?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When you moved through the different people, you moved them into different bodies also, and this made them unhappy.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588:They felt uncomfortable when they had to change what the rest of their bodies look and feel like.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: When you moved through the people in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, you made them move into bodies that they weren't born into.[SCP-1163 became extremely distressed, and refused to respond further to Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, even when given the remaining two candy bars.]\n\nClosing Statement: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was largely unsuccessful at getting more information on SCP-1163's awareness of anomalous properties, but results of this interview show that that the subject is largely ignorant. Later testing revealed that SCP-1163 suffers from apperceptive prosopagnosia.\n\nInterview 1163-02\n\nClose\n\nSCP-1163 was introduced to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588, two weeks after the interview with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, in an attempt to retrieve more information on SCP-1163's awareness of the subject's own anomalous properties. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 has previous experience in investigating or interrogating of children or individuals with cognitive deficits. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 was also granted three \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand chocolate bars.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-1163Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any idea why you're being kept here?Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: That is part of it. Do you have any idea of how you are different than the other people you met in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588?\n[SCP-1163 becomes very distressed at this point, and stutters more frequently, but does not refuse to respond as with Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.]Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any idea why they acted like that around you?Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you understand why they acted that way, even when you \u201cacted normal\u201d?[Note: This interview was performed before it was shown that SCP-1163 suffers from prosopagnosia. It is likely that the subject did not realize how it could be identified by the abnormal face.]\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any other ideas about how you are different from those other people?\n[SCP-1163 thinks for a full minute before responding]Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: And you used this to get away when people are yelling?Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Is there any reason why you have not yet tried to breach containment here?\n[Note: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588 was severely reprimanded for suggesting a containment breach to a Euclid SCP.]Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588: Is there any reason you have stayed here without trying to run away?[Note: SCP-1163 had not previously been exposed to Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588.]\n\nClosing Statement: SCP-1163, while aware that some of the anomalous properties exist, is not fully aware of their capabilities, and is not willing to use them in order to breach containment. (See Addendum 1163-B).\n\n\u00ab SCP-1162 | SCP-1163 | SCP-1164 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1164\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1164 is to be contained in a sealed chamber at Site \u2588\u2588, placed atop a steel platform 1m off the floor. All surfaces of the containment chamber must be composed of stainless steel over a brick support interior, as should all construction within a 50m radius. No samples of worked stone, unworked stone, or concrete should be brought within SCP-1164's containment radius.\nDescription: While inert, SCP-1164 resembles a mundane paving slab of poured concrete, 3.6m x 4.5m x 0.3m in dimensions. It exhibits signs of wear and tear consistent with repeated exposure to outdoor elements. It can be handled by remote equipment safely and shows no anomalous properties while being manipulated by such. Tests have shown that SCP-1164 is capable of transferring its anomalous properties in full to any volume of stone or concrete within 25m that measures at least 1m x 1m x 0.25m, while its previous manifestation becomes inert and non-anomalous.\nAt any time, should a living human being or an article of clothing worn by a living human being make contact with SCP-1164's surface, they will adhere to the object's surface and be unable to remove themselves. Approximately five (5) seconds after making contact, the subject will begin to be drawn into SCP-1164, starting at the point of contact, and four (4) male humanoid faces will rise out of the top surface of SCP-1164. The subject will be absorbed at a rate of 10cm/minute, during which only physical separation from the surface of the object via amputation will halt the absorption. The object's mass does not change during this process, though the rate of absorption is greatly degraded if the surface of the object directly opposite the point of contact is exposed to open air. Only one subject can be absorbed by SCP-1164 at a time, though absorption can be accelerated by having multiple simultaneous points of contact. Subjects being absorbed have described an inability to feel or move any portion of their body 'inside' the object, as if under heavy local anesthetic, though all other motor and cognitive functions remain unimpaired.\nWhile the subject is being absorbed, any noises or vocalizations uttered by the subject will be echoed by the four manifested faces in the a capella style of a barbershop quartet. The face closest to the point of contact will act as the quartet's lead, with the tenor, bass, and baritone proceeding clockwise around the slab. When the subject has been completely absorbed, the protruding faces undergo one of two changes. If the absorbed subject was male, the 'lead' face shifts to resemble that of the tenor, the tenor to that of the bass, the bass to that of the baritone, and the baritone face transforms into the face of the absorbed subject. Otherwise, the four faces simply rotate their appearances one 'step' clockwise, then all four faces recede into the surface and disappear.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1163 | SCP-1164 | SCP-1165 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1165\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1165 is to remain permanently closed to civilian traffic. Both entrances to SCP-1165 are to be fenced and marked with quarantine signs, in English and Spanish, warning of high concentrations of toxic contaminants. Plainclothes security personnel are to monitor entrances and act as necessary to discourage unauthorized entrance.\nAll businesses with doors or windows facing SCP-1165 are to have said exits walled over, padlocked, or otherwise rendered inaccessible to prevent unsecured access. Any municipal or utility vehicles requiring access to SCP-1165 are to enter by the western entrance and exit by the east entrance only.\nAll survey teams entering SCP-1165 are to be accompanied by a squad-strength detachment from MTF Tau-1165 (\"Snickelway\"). All individuals operating within SCP-1165 are to keep a GPS beacon, wireless communication device, and helmet camera on their person at all times. Surveys are not to enter SCP-1165 at night or when there is a possibility of electric power outage due to weather or grid overload.\nAny unauthorized persons entering or exiting SCP-1165 are to be detained, debriefed, and administered a Class-B amnestic. Any person observed exiting SCP-1165 is to be assumed to be hostile until a contrary determination can be made.\nDescription: SCP-1165 consists of an alley located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 and an anomalous urban area connecting to it. The alley runs east to west for approximately 0.3 km in downtown \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, bisecting the city block created by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St. and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St. on the east and west, and by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St. and \u2588\u2588\u2588 Ave. on the north and south. City records indicate that the alley was laid out when the streets of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were first paved in the early 20th century. Aside from construction and renovation of abutting structures, utility work, and a repaving in 19\u2588\u2588, it has undergone no significant changes since then.\nThe alley exhibits no anomalous effects to traffic entering from the west or exiting from the east. When a traveler enters the alley's eastern exit and proceeds westward, however, there is a 36% probability that the alley will not exit onto \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St., but onto a street not accessible by other means. This street connects to a network of other streets that extend outwards in no particular pattern, none of which can be accessed by any means other than the alley. These streets, while almost always meeting at four-way grid intersections, are highly irregular in layout and begin and end abruptly. Traffic lights, lampposts, and other electronics present within SCP-1165, have power received from an as-yet unidentified source, and function reliably without any indication of human intervention.\nThe streets of SCP-1165 are lined with buildings mostly demonstrating examples of 20th century American architecture. The vast majority of the buildings appear to be of a business storefront or industrial nature - less than 6% of buildings surveyed are residential structures. Of buildings surveyed to date, 17% have been identified as strongly resembling or being identical to buildings known to exist in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 area. 24% have been identified as resembling buildings found in other locations, most notably a 300 m. structure resembling the Eiffel Tower, visible in the distance northeast from the entrance to the alley. Road signage exhibits names of known and unknown streets in a similar manner.\nNo automobiles or people (except as per Survey Log 1165) have been spotted within SCP-1165, nor any animal or insect life. Plant life is limited to grass, flowers, and small trees found growing in yards of buildings or along sidewalk easements.\nSCP-1165 extends outward in all directions from the entrance point of the alley. To date, Foundation teams have fully surveyed and charted 27 sq. km. of SCP-1165, an area of land encompassing the entirety of downtown \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and surrounding neighborhoods, and extending outwards into \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Bay and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. No geographical boundary to SCP-1165 has yet been determined (except as per Survey Log 1165).\nThe streets and buildings found within SCP-1165 have not changed since the first Foundation survey entered SCP-1165 in 19\u2588\u2588. Returning down the entrance alley will return any traveler to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St. 100% of the time. Cellular phones and GPS devices continue to function within SCP-1165 and indicate that the device is in a location relative to the distance the bearer has traveled from the western exit of the alley.\nThe Foundation discovered SCP-1165 in 19\u2588\u2588 when \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 politician of note, disappeared in midday while on a walking tour of downtown with several campaign volunteers. Police identified the alley as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's last known whereabouts and encountered SCP-1165 while canvassing the area. A police liaison informed the Foundation of the anomalous effect, which led to the Foundation assuming jurisdiction over SCP-1165. Neither \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 nor any of his walking companions were ever found.\nFor detailed findings regarding discoveries within SCP-1165, refer to Survey Log 1165.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1164 | SCP-1165 | SCP-1166 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1166\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1166 is to be contained in Animal Testing Laboratory 51F at Site-23. SCP-1166 is to be maintained in accordance with established care and feeding protocols for Rattus norvegicus, and housed in an appropriate enclosure.\nAs of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2011, all research projects and experiments involving SCP-1166 must be submitted to the Site-23 Ethics Committee for approval. At the Committee's discretion, a Class-C amnestic is to be administered to SCP-1166 after completion of designated projects and experiments, with a minimum recuperation period of 2 weeks before the commencement of additional research.\nAll staff initially assigned to work with SCP-1166 are to be briefed by the Research Director on its anomalous qualities. Staff may request assignment on an alternate project immediately following the initial briefing.\nDescription: SCP-1166 is a laboratory rat displaying an appearance consistent with a normal instance of R. norvegicus.\nBlood samples taken from SCP-1166 reveal that it is a genetically-manipulated chimera, with samples containing an abnormally high percentage of human cells (\u2588\u2588.\u2588%) in comparison with previously documented non-anomalous specimens. Biopsies reveal the presence of a significant amount of human brain tissue, and human nerve cells in SCP-1166's spinal cord. SCP-1166 has been demonstrated to mimic human biology almost exactly in an extensive battery of control tests involving D-Class personnel, with analagous reactions to radiation exposure, heat/cold tolerance, rapid decompression, pathogens (including Marburg virus, rabies, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and smallpox), toxins, and other external factors. SCP-1166 displays tolerances to experimental conditions equal to those expected of a 65 kg human male.\nUpon death, SCP-1166 will spontaneously revive after a period of between 18-45 minutes. Tissue, vital organs and bodily fluids are seemingly regenerated prior to revival, to the point where severed limbs have been documented to grow back.\nAs documented in the intake report and subsequent cognition tests, SCP-1166 is sapient, and fully capable of communicating in English with research staff when provided with proper means.\nRecovery Log-1166: Following reports received by undercover agents monitoring \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation, a pharmaceutical firm, SCP-1166 was recovered clandestinely by Foundation operatives on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, during initial trials for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an experimental psychotropic drug. Notes confiscated from these trials indicated that corporate management was aware of SCP-1166's heightened intelligence and ability to communicate, and as such had identified it as a highly desirable test subject for neurochemical-based pharmaceuticals. No other rats in the possession of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation were observed to demonstrate the anomalous properties exhibited by SCP-1166; it is currently unknown how the corporation obtained a specimen that apparently was the end product of genetic engineering far surpassing currently available technology.\nAfter recovery of SCP-1166, Class-C amnestics were administered to \u2588\u2588 researchers and three executives of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation. An H-Type internet-based disinformation campaign was commenced by staff due to several references to SCP-1166 by a radical animal rights group.\nIntake Report-1166: Upon assuming custody of SCP-1166, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 conducted the following interview. SCP-1166 was provided with a specially modified touchpad in order to respond to staff inquiries through a text generator:\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please provide a brief description of yourself for the record, SCP-1166.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: SCP-1166, do you know why you are currently in possession of the Foundation?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am not going to hurt you SCP-1166. Now, you have been observed to experience a state indistinguishable from clinical death, and then subsequently revive. Yet you retain memories prior to each instance of death. Is this accurate?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Is this accurate, SCP-1166?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you aware of other specimens similar to yourself in existence?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you have any insight as to how you came to be self-aware and able to communicate with humans?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That will be all, SCP-1166.\n\nAddendum: Prior to the commencement of Experiment 1166-3, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588 filed a formal complaint with the Site-23 Ethics Committee. Relevant documentation as follows:\n\nRequest for Review by Site Ethics Committee\nSCP Involved: SCP-1166\nRequested By: Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\nPriority: B2\nComments: SCP-1166 displays intelligence that may be equivalent to that of a normal human, along with emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and fear. Unlike a standard D-Class subject, SCP-1166 has not committed any crimes against established society, nor has it \"consented\" to any [COMMENTARY EXPUNGED]. Carrying out Experiment 1166-3, or indeed any of the other planned research slated for SCP-1166 would be an act of wanton cruelty for no purpose except to confirm what we already know. Science does not require that we abandon our morals, such as they are in this place, and neither I nor any other Researchers can continue the inhumane treatment of this poor being. We still have consciences, damn it.\n\nMEMORANDUM\n\nTo: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nFrom: Site-23 Ethics Committee\n\nRE: Review Request 1166\nAfter three rounds of voting over a two-day period involving numerous abstentions by members, by a 7-6 decision the Committee has approved further testing involving SCP-1166 provided that updated parameters regarding its use are adopted.\nWhile the Committee recognizes the objections of Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588 regarding intrusive and painful testing on a sapient and non-consenting life form, SCP-1166 displays properties that must be understood and documented in full by the Foundation. SCP-1166's regenerative properties in particular merit further study; applied knowledge of its principles may have great benefit both in the containment of dangerous phenomena and in use by Foundation staff.\nThis being said, measures to minimize distress to SCP-1166 are authorized and encouraged. The Committee recommends use of amnestics to reduce SCP-1166's memories of particularly traumatic events, and after review of Experiment Log 1166-2, anesthesia for medical procedures is now required. Research staff are encouraged to communicate with SCP-1166 on a daily basis regarding non-mission sensitive topics as a further means of documenting its anomalous intelligence.\nUpon his request, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588 has been transferred to work on SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n- Director \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1165 | SCP-1166 | SCP-1167 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1167\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1167 and any related objects are to be stored in a 3m x 3m x 3m chamber at Site-1167-2. Each is to be kept in a locked case equipped with a security camera.\nSite-1167-1 is to be staffed by 2 security personnel at all times, disguised as forest rangers. Exploration temporarily suspended.\nAny anomalous material or items found at Site-1167-2 are to be studied and cleared by Dr. Stinson before being brought into contact with SCP-1167.\nDescription: SCP-1167 is an automaton approximately 20cm tall consisting of a control unit attached to an articulated arm and a flat base. The subject's components are of unknown manufacture and utilize an advanced power source that has not required recharging at any point during containment. SCP-1167 was discovered by spelunkers in [REDACTED] and delivered to local authorities, who passed it on to Foundation personnel. Site-1167-1 has been established at the discovery location.\nSCP-1167 is capable of limited locomotion by pushing at the ground with the base of its arm to gradually propel the control unit forward. Left alone, SCP-1167 will attempt to navigate outside of any containing structure, at which point it will adopt a heading towards 23.56 S, 68.16 W, changing direction only to avoid obstacles.\nSCP-1167 is capable of synthesized speech but does not respond to questions. SCP-1167 continually repeats the following message in 124 languages, including 8 dead languages and 15 which have not been identified.\n\nIf a nearby person speaks approximately 5 full sentences of a specific language, SCP-1167 will use that language exclusively until the person leaves the immediate area. Between each repetition SCP-1167 will produce a 1 second burst of static. The sound is identical each time, but has not yielded any meaningful information.\nSCP-1167 was delivered to multiple testing sites and placed on the ground to track movement over 100m. This information was used to triangulate the subject's possible destination. A research team was sent to the location, which is in the vicinity of the Monturaqui crater in Chile. An initial survey yielded no anomalous discoveries. SCP-1167 was delivered to the site and placed upon the ground. SCP-1167 scanned the environment before speaking.\n\nSite-1167-2 has been established for further study and excavation of the target location. Several anomalous objects have been located and presented to SCP-1167 to produce additional messages.\nAddendum:\nSCP-1167-1: A mechanical hand with similar construction to SCP-1167, discovered 220m NE of Site-1167-2, 5m below ground. The wrist is cleanly severed.\nSCP-1167 Reaction: Scan complete. Missing component relocated. Retain for repair.\nSCP-1167-2: Unnatural scarring of a section of bedrock measuring 150m x 1m, discovered 1km NE of Site-1167-2, 8m below ground. Sample acquired.\nSCP-1167 Reaction: Scan complete. Archived status report: Weapon modification ineffective. Continue pursuit.\nSCP-1167-3: A non-functioning control unit similar to SCP-1167, minus the arm/base. Recovered during an exploration of the cave system under Site-1167-1. 4 members of the exploration team remain missing.\nSCP-1167 Reaction: Scan complete. Archived status report: Unit leader terminated. Target lost. Initiate retreat.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1166 | SCP-1167 | SCP-1168 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1168\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1168 is stored within a hermetically sealed containment unit in Sector-19. Personnel assigned to Sector-19 must not fit Profile Alpha-1168 (see Addendum 1) or Profile Beta-1168 (see Addendum 2).\nDescription: SCP-1168 is a copper sculpture identical to the work Statue of Theseus by Georgios Fytalis, with the following deviations:\n\nDating indicates it was created at least \u2588\u2588 years after the genuine sculpture.\n\nIn the sculpture's left hand are 30 silver coins dating from ca. 30, stamped with the 1977 design of Chuck-E-Cheese game tokens.\n\nInscribed on the outer side of Theseus' shield is the phrase \u1f08\u03c0\u03cc\u03b4\u03bf\u03c4\u03b5 \u03bf\u1f56\u03bd \u03c4\u1f70 \u039a\u03b1\u03af\u03c3\u03b1\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 \u039a\u03b1\u03af\u03c3\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9.1\n\nInscribed on the inner side of Theseus' shield is the phrase SIC DOMITO SAEVVM PROSTRAVIT CORPORE THESEVS from Catullus 64.2 The inscription appears to have been engraved some time after acquisition; it is currently unknown how this engraving occurred.\n\nSCP-1168 displays no anomalous properties while inactive. The object activates whenever 170 or more meters of yarn is placed into the sculpture's right hand. SCP-1168 closes its right hand around the yarn, the yarn is annihilated by anomalous means, and the object enters a \"pending\" state.\n\nSCP-1168 in an inactive state, prior to containment.\n\nWhen SCP-1168 is in a \"pending\" state it will appear inactive until a human subject fitting Profile Alpha-1168 or Profile Beta-1168 enters SCP-1168's radius of effect.3\nWhen a human subject fitting Profile Alpha-1168 enters SCP-1168's area of effect, SCP-1168 will unclench its right hand and move its right arm to point its tertiary finger in the direction of subject for at least 5 seconds4, after which it will return to its \"pending\" state. Subject is subsequently designated SCP-1168-1.\nWhen a human subject fitting Profile Beta-1168 enters SCP-1168's area of effect, SCP-1168 will move its left arm to point two fingers in the direction of subject for at least 10 seconds5, after which it will return to its inactive state. Subject is subsequently designated SCP-1168-2.\nWhen SCP-1168-1 and SCP-1168-2 simultaneously exist, SCP-1168 will deactivate, and SCP-1168-1 will instantly materialize a wooden club and be encased in a 3m x 3m x 3m cube of ice. SCP-1168-2 will seek instances of SCP-1168-16 and initiate ritualized interactions (see Addendum 3). After completion, SCP-1168-2 ceases designation.\nThe ice surrounding SCP-1168-1 is impervious to any interference and melts at a rate of 176mL per day. After SCP-1168-1 is free of the ice, subject ceases designation.\nAddendum 1:\n\n+ Document I1168-01: Profile Alpha-1168\n\n- Document I1168-01: Profile Alpha-1168\n\nProfile Alpha-1168 subjects have public records of any of a list of sex crimes (see document Alpha-1168 for a list of currently known crimes which fulfill the criterion).\n\nAddendum 2:\n\n+ Document I1168-02: Profile Beta-1168\n\n- Document I1168-02: Profile Beta-1168\n\nProfile Beta-1168 subjects are blond Caucasian men aged 15 to 18. All subjects are in their junior year of high school.\n\nAddendum 3:\n\n+ Document I1168-03: Log of interaction between SCP-1168-1 and SCP-1168-2\n\n- Document I1168-03: Log of interaction between SCP-1168-1 and SCP-1168-2\n\nForeword: Log of interaction appears similar to a scene from the video \"The Misadventures of Skooks - Part 3/6\" from Youtube user Orpheusftw. SCP-1168-2 faces SCP-1168-1 from its left side.\n\nSCP-1168-2: Boy, am I glad he's frozen in there and that we're [sic] out here, and that-\nSCP-1168-1 materializes a brown stetson on its head and a golden badge in the shape of a six pointed star on its breast.\n\nSCP-1168-2: -he's the sheriff and-\n\nSCP-1168-2 develops a thin layer of frost around its skin.\nSCP-1168-2: -that we're [sic] frozen out here and that-\nSCP-1168-2 teleports into SCP-1168-1's block of ice. This does not hinder SCP-1168-2's speech, which originates from its position at the start of the interaction.\n\nSCP-1168-2: -we're [sic] in there and I JUST remembered-\nSCP-1168-2 teleports into its initial position.\nSCP-1168-2: -that we're [sic] out here. But what I wanna know is, where's the sex offender?\n\n\nAddendum 4:\n\n+ Document I1168-09: Post Recovery Interview #6 \n\n- Document I1168-09: Post Recovery Interview #6\n\nInterviewed: Jude Kriyot. Male. 23 years old.\nInterviewer: Agent O. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, SCP-1168 was on public display in the Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece. It is currently unknown when SCP-1168 replaced the original sculpture. According to eyewitness account, the interview subject approached SCP-1168, after which the object entered an active state and selected SCP-1168-1 and SCP-1168-2 from nearby individuals. Interview subject was taken into custody by \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 police along with eleven other witnesses.\n\nAgent O. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm just gonna ask you a few questions.\nJude Kriyot: Okay.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Your name is Jude Kriyot, correct?\nKriyot: Yeah.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're a student from [REDACTED]?\nKriyot: Was. Not really doing much these days.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why did you do something to the statue?\nKriyot: The statue? I thought this was about the dude freez-\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Please answer the question, Mr. Kriyot.\nKriyot: Sorry. Uh, I got a letter from an old teacher. He had\u2026 stuff. Y'know. He told me to do it or that, uh, stuff would. Y'know. The stuff would be aired. We sent some letters back and forth, I was asking how he'd know, he dodged it by saying he had friends in the area.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you still have these letters?\nKriyot: I've only got a few left. I took to\u2026 burning them. After a bit. But I can get them if-\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: That won't be necessary, thank you.\nA raid on Mr. Kriyot's home after interview discovered letters confirming correspondence with said teacher. Ashes were found in the trash can.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you describe this man to me?\nKriyot: Okay. Old white dude, probably in his, uh\u2026 seventies? Grey hair, pretty long. Usually wears a ponytail.\nDescription and letters correspond to PoI \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, former teacher at [REDACTED].\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Do you know why he wanted you to place the yarn on the statue?\nKriyot: Well, he knew me, and he knew he had me by the balls.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Allow me to rephrase. Do you know his reasoning for wanting the yarn placed on the statue?\nKriyot: Yeah. He mentioned that it was a metaphor or something. He was a sucker for bullshi- er, sorry, pompous gestures.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: It's all right. Could you explain what you mean by appeal?\nKriyot: Well, you know, Theseus killed the Minotaur. Dude's old. Told me his health wasn't the best, thought maybe this would make the old gods happy or something. He, uh, also knew my health wasn't the best, mentioned something about it doing the same for me.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Were you expecting the statue to move?\nKriyot: What?\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Did you think the statue would move?\nKriyot: Oh.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: We have witnesses saying the statue pointed at Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nInterviewee remains silent for one minute.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Are you all right, Mr. Kriyot?\nKriyot: No. I'm not all right.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Would you like to take a moment?\nKriyot: [Pause] No. I can continue.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Why the silence?\nKriyot: I'm sorry. It. Reminded me of some shit.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Some shit?\nKriyot: I. Yeah. I, uh. Look man. I burned the letters for a reason. [Pause] The teacher had an art group at the college. He asked me to show up once.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: An art group?\nKriyot: Yeah. When I got there, uh. It was a warehouse, I guess. A private art show. There was a\u2026 a statue, sculpture, whatever, fuckin' Dali thing. Moved when you put a coin in it. And\u2026 She was there. There because I was there, because I told her\u2026 Because I told her it was cool.\nInterviewee remains silent for one minute.\nKriyot: I'm sorry, I. I'm sorry. I didn't, I'm\u2026 I knew\u2026 her\u2026 I\u2026 I don't, want to. I\u2026 knew her, and she trusted me. And I was, I was young, and I was stupid, so fuckin' stupid, and I wasn't told what was happening until I looked and I should've fucking known, and she's fucking gone, she's gone, and she's fucking GONE because of me. Because I couldn't FUCKING stand it. Because I fucking\u2026 Fucking left my skin. Just slunk away into myself like a fucking snake shedding its filthy stupid fucking rotten husk of itself. I. I checked out. Because I was a coward. She's gone. I just. And someone I knew. Someone I knew had made it. And it was fucking praised, they fucking clapped. They clapped like it was just some fucking piece of performance art, and I just sat there, stupid fucking useless me, watching on as it happened. After the show I... They told me I was young. And I just... didn't understand art, or the point they were trying to make. That I\u2026 Oh. Oh my god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't see the statue mo- I didn't see this statue move. I'm sorry. Fuck. Fuck\u2026\nInterviewee remains silent for two minutes.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry, Mr. Kriyot.\nInterviewee declines to respond.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I'm sorry. Thank you for your time.\n\nClosing Statement: Due to possible connections between Jude Kriyot and the group of interest AWCY, Mr. Kriyot was subject to further interrogation, which failed to garner any useful intelligence. Mr. Kriyot was administered a prophylactic Class-B amnestic to suppress any knowledge of SCP-1168, SCP-1800, and AWCY. It was unknown whether Mr. Kriyot had knowledge of any further Groups of Interest at the time. Jude Kriyot is now identified as PoI-6870; current evidence suggests Mr. Kriyot was the creator of the object.\n\nFootnotes\n1. English translation: \"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's\"\n2. English translation: \"Thus Theseus laid low the savage one with the body having been conquered\"\n3. The radius of this area equals the length of yarn activating SCP-1168.\n4. The time is equal to the length of string in meters divided by 34.\n5. The time is equal to the length of string in meters divided by 17.\n6. SCP-1168-2 is unaware of this and possesses no knowledge of SCP-1168-1 outside of what was known before designation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1167 | SCP-1168 | SCP-1169 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1169\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1169 is kept in an air-tight steel protective container with shaped foam rubber padding to prevent damage. SCP-1169 is to be treated as biohazardous material. All subjects contaminated by SCP-1169-1 and all resulting offspring are to be terminated and incinerated as biologically hazardous material after useful observations have been exhausted. Assignment preference will be given to staff who are irreversibly infertile.\nDescription: SCP-1169 is a large glass storage vessel containing a fetal (estimated to be in the 13th month of gestation at time of preservation) Giraffa camelopardalis preserved in formaldehyde. Container includes a glass lid and rubber gasket held closed by a lever mechanism typical of Mason jars, although no brand markings are present. Gasket and metal are both heavily age deteriorated. The preserved specimen shows no genetic abnormalities but features several internal and external deformities; most notably a much shorter neck than is typical for Giraffa camelopardalis at the presumed stage of development.\nThe preserving fluid (designated SCP-1169-1) includes several unusual impurities, including traces of platinum, tungsten, human insulin, and three unidentifiable organic compounds (see Document 1169-1-Lambda for spectrographic analysis). Despite otherwise possessing the same evaporation and freezing properties of standard formaldehyde, SCP-1169-1 evaporates at a constant rate until it reaches a uniform concentration of 250 PPM in the surrounding atmosphere. This process is unaffected by ambient temperature or pressure within limits testable without damage to SCP-1169. The volume of SCP-1169-1 does not decrease due to evaporation or samples removed.\nIf inhaled or allowed to remain in prolonged contact, SCP-1169-1 will quickly be absorbed into the circulatory system of all plants and animals and will accumulate in the reproductive organs (testes, ovaries, fruiting buds, etc.). SCP-1169-1 does not dissipate from organic systems naturally and can not be artificially removed short of surgical excision of the reproductive organs. Anomalous effects will be demonstrated in all subsequent offspring, with severity determined by concentration of SCP-1169-1 present in the parent's tissues during gestation.\nStage 1, 15-75 PPM: Features of the contaminated parent will be overwhelmingly dominant in the offspring, despite genetic differences typical of parent and child. Offspring have a high probability (80% of all observed cases) of being the same gender as the contaminated parent, with a similar chance of developing any congenital defects observed in the parent. Mature offspring strongly resemble the parent at a similar age.\nStage 2, 75-120 PPM: Offspring will be physically identical to the contaminated parent at any given stage of development. All congenital defects and phenotype expressions are exactly reproduced to beyond testable limits. Note, parent and child are not genetically identical, instead showing the expected distribution of genes from both parents; but genes from the unexposed parent are not expressed. This can lead to cases where the offspring is genetically female, but physically and functionally male or vice versa.\nStage 3, 120-180 PPM: As in Stage 2, with additional physical anomalies developing in the offspring over time. Offspring will spontaneously develop any and all physical changes that the parent experienced at a comparable stage of development. Offspring will experience unprovoked and untreatable necrosis to match an amputated limb, spontaneous ruptures of the skin and flesh which when healed exactly match parental scar patterns, and atypical shifts in skin pigmentation resulting in reproduction of tattoos. Offspring will express the same fingerprints, retinal patterns, and other biometric indicators as the parent. Any kinesthetically learned skills will also be transferred from parent to child, but more cerebrally developed proficiencies are not. E.g., Subject D-1169-48 was a skilled concert pianist, her offspring D-1169-48-b was able to proficiently perform \"Moonlight Sonata\" after being provided with a recording, but was not able to interpret the associated sheet music even under extreme duress. Skills learned by the parent after conception are not duplicated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1168 | SCP-1169 | SCP-1170 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1170\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due to the incorporeal nature of SCP-1170-2, it cannot be moved to a safe distance from local residents. As such, Area-1170 has been built around SCP-1170-1. The entire apartment complex has been blocked off; however, due to its rather public location, Foundation personnel are required to maintain disguises when in view.\nShift changes for guards stationed at Area-1170 occur every three hours. No personnel are to enter SCP-1170-1 except in special cases under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-1170-1 is a windowless bedroom located on the second floor of Apartment #21 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Apartment Complex, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, British Columbia. The room measures 8.5m x 11m x 3.2m, with hardwood floors and concrete walls. It appears empty on all security footage. The room cannot be illuminated by visible light (excluding the built-in light fixture), as SCP-1170-1 seems to absorb all visible wavelengths. The interior of the room appears pitch-black when viewed without specialized equipment. Light outside the visible spectrum appears to encounter no resistance from SCP-1170-1, allowing use of infrared and night vision cameras. All light with wavelength shorter than 1 m is in some way affected by SCP-1170-1. It is not known whether radio waves are also manipulated. Audio recording devices have been shown to be at least partially functional.\nSCP-1170-1's active anomalous properties are triggered upon activation of the room's built-in light fixture, located approximately 0.75 m from the door on the west-facing wall. Subjects present when this light is on claim that the bedside lamps in the room activate, although security footage shows no change in luminescence and infrared cameras do not detect any heat source other than the subjects. In addition, subjects describe the room as having a bed, a fireplace, two bedside tables, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and two lamps, none of which appear in security footage. It is theorized that this effect may be purely psychic in nature.\nApproximately one minute and thirty seconds after the light fixture is activated, an entity (hereafter SCP-1170-2) appears on night vision camera (though only barely, as wavelengths emitted are only up to 10-6 meters in length). SCP-1170-2's anatomy is apparently humanoid except for its inverted joints. Footage taken shows no interaction between the subject and SCP-1170-2. At some point between 2 (two) seconds and 40 (forty) minutes after SCP-1170-2 appears, both it and any foreign objects in the room (including cameras, external lights, and test subjects) vanish. SCP-1170-2 is visible only to human subjects who have been present in SCP-1170-1 for the entirety of the time between the most recent activation of the light fixture and the subsequent appearance of SCP-1170-2. Exiting the room is not recommended while SCP-1170-2 is present in the room, as [DATA EXPUNGED]. It is unclear whether or not SCP-1170-2 physically exists or is simply a near-infrared illusion produced by SCP-1170-1.\nSubjects inside SCP-1170-1 are seen to converse with a partner while SCP-1170-2 is present; the content of these conversations suggests that they are in fact speaking with SCP-1170-2. Furthermore, the sudden emotional changes experienced by subjects conversing with the entity suggest that SCP-1170-2 may have a memetic effect. SCP-1170-2 has avoided all directed questions about any subjects unrelated to love and romantic partnership.\nObjects occasionally appear at random in SCP-1170-1. Most are mundane and have no apparent anomalous properties. However, there have been several instances of blood appearing on the walls, roof, and floor of the room: genetic testing revealed it to belong to Class-D personnel who had disappeared along with SCP-1170-2. Fecal matter, semen, saliva, and [DATA EXPUNGED] have also been recovered, all consistent with previous test subjects.\n\nTranscript of Audio Log 1170-R-32\n\nClose\n\nForeword: The audio receivers during this test were put on a frequency of [REDACTED], as well as being placed in new locations around SCP-1170-1 in hopes of receiving more intelligible audio. Log begins immediately after the manifestation of SCP-1170-2. D-20192 is the sole test subject.\nBegin Log.\nD-20192: Oh my god, what the fuck is that. What the fuck is that.\nSCP-1170-2: Please don't be scared. I only came here for you.\nD-20192: Wait, what? For me? I'm a criminal. What do you want with me?\nSCP-1170-2: I want to love you. We can be together.\nD-20192: Uh, are you even a chick? I'm not into that other thing\u2026\nSCP-1170-2: I am not sure what a chick is, but I can assure you that our love will fit well.\nD-20192: Dude, this is fucking weird. Oh, (pause), god, I\u2026 I just\u2026\nSCP-1170-2: We can do it. This is where we can live. No barren residence, filled with ungratefuls, don't appreciate you. I want to love you.\nD-20192: I\u2026 I want\u2026 (sobbing)\nSCP-1170-2: I love you.\nD-20192: (Sobbing continues, D-20192 moves to kneel beside SCP-1170-2)\nSCP-1170-2: I need you.\nEnd Log.\nAfterword: Less than four (4) seconds after the conclusion of this audio log, SCP-1170-2 and D-20192 simultaneously disappeared from the room.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1169 | SCP-1170 | SCP-1171 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1171\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1171 is currently occupied by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who has established a false identity as a technical writer. A tall wall has been erected around the backyard, and all anomalous windows visible from the front of the house have been fitted with shutters. For security, several agents have moved in under the guise of lodgers.\nDescription: SCP-1171 is a two-story house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Queensland, Australia. It was built in 1958, and has been owned by several families, most of whom reported no unusual activity.\nThe anomalous properties of SCP-1171 manifest on various windows of the house. Regardless of relative humidity, a layer of condensation is continuously formed on the windowpanes. The source of this moisture is as yet unknown.\nAn entity (hereby referred to as SCP-1171-1) communicates by writing in the condensation, as though it were running an appendage along the surface of the window. No biological traces have been discovered on the windows that can be attributed to SCP-1171-1. Two-way communication can be accomplished by writing back.\nSCP-1171-1 is apparently an inhabitant of another world, calling itself Beauremont. It claims not to be human, and is actively hostile to humanity. It believes Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to be an entity similar to itself. Please see Interview Logs SCP-1171-1-3 to SCP-1171-1-14.\nThe most recent owner, John Wertham, complained about ghosts, prompting investigation by civil authorities, and eventually Foundation agents. Following the investigation, the house was purchased through a front organization, and Mr. Wertham's memories altered.\n\nInterview Log SCP-1171-1-3\nSCP-1171-1: \"CARBON-BASED MONKEYS GO HOME\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Hello.\"\nSCP-1171-1: There is a pause. \"IS SOMEONE THERE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"My name is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M BEAUREMONT.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Where are you?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"IN MY LIVING ROOM. WHERE ARE YOU?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"In another living room.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"THIS IS NEAT. HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I don't know. I thought you were doing it.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"IT'S GOOD TO HAVE SOMEONE INTELLIGENT TO TALK TO.\" An oval with five dots and a curved line appears. Two dots were below the line, one above it, and two on the left. It is assessed that this is SCP-1171-1's version of a \"smiley face.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Is there no one else there?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"AH, MOSTLY JUST A BUNCH OF GAMETES AND CARBON-LOVERS. CAN'T HARDLY STAND ANY OF THAT POLITICALLY CORRECT CRAP.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Gametes?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"YEAH, YOU KNOW, HUMANS. DON'T YOU HAVE THEM THERE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Pauses for a moment, and then answers, \"No. Tell me about humans.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"OH, THEY'RE THE WORST. I MEAN, DON'T GET ME WRONG, I'M NOT RACIST OR ANYTHING. SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE HUMAN. BUT IF THEY'RE AS GOOD AS US, WHY DO THEY NEED SKIN? AM I RIGHT?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I suppose so. Say, what do you look like?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"OH, PRETTY AVERAGE. SEVEN TENDRILS TALL. BROWN CARAPACE. GREEN BIOLUMINESCENCE. BLUE EYES. YOU?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Same.\"\n\nInterview Log SCP-1171-1-6\nSCP-1171-1: \"DOC, YOU THERE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I am now. How are you, Beauremont?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"I'VE BEEN BETTER. LOST A PROMOTION TO A GODDAMNED PRIMATE.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I'm sorry to hear that.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"IT'S OKAY. IT JUST HURTS. I KNOW I'M BETTER THAN ANY AIR-SUCKING SACK OF PROTOPLASM. I WORK HARD, YOU KNOW?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I know.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"THEY COME IN, THEY TAKE OUR JOBS\u2026 I TELL YOU, DOC, ONE OF THESE DAYS THEY'RE GOING TO PUSH US TOO FAR. NOT THAT I'M SAYING WE SHOULD GET VIOLENT, BUT THAT'S THE NATURAL RESULT IF THINGS KEEP GOING THIS WAY.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I hope it doesn't come to that.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"OH, SURE, NO ONE DOES. I MEAN, THEY CAN'T HELP BEING WHAT THEY ARE. BUT THEY KEEP COMING IN. I MEAN, I DON'T MIND HAVING A FEW AS NEIGHBORS, SO LONG AS THEY MIND THEMSELVES, BUT WOULD YOU WANT YOUR SPAWNSIB TO MARRY ONE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I suppose not.\"\n\nInterview Log SCP-1171-1-13\nSCP-1171-1: \"DOC, YOU THERE?\"\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"He's out. I'm watching his house for him.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"WHO ARE YOU?\"\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"My name's John Doe. I am a human.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"OH. I DIDN'T KNOW DOC KNEW ANY HUMANS.\"\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Is that a problem?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"NO, NO, NO. IT'S ABOUT TIME DOC GOT SOME HUMAN FRIENDS. GREAT TO SEE THAT HE'S MEETING NEW PEOPLE.\"\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Glad to hear that.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE, THAT'S MY MOTTO. HOW ARE YOU? IS YOUR SKIN NICE AND FLEXIBLE? INSIDES FULL OF FLUIDS?\"\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Everything is satisfactory, thank you. I've got to go.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"YOU TAKE CARE, JOHN DOE!\"\n\nInterview Log SCP-1171-1-14\nSCP-1171-1: \"DOC! DOC! ARE YOU THERE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I'm here, Beauremont.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS A HUMAN IN YOUR HOUSE?\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"Yes, he moved here recently.\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"WELL, I HAD SOME WORDS WITH HIM. HE WAS A BIT LIPPY, BUT I PUT THAT GAMETE IN HIS PLACE.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I see. He didn't give you too much trouble, did he?\"\nSCP-1171-1: \"NOTHING I CAN'T HANDLE. YOU GOT TO KNOW HOW TO TALK TO THEM, IS ALL. LET THEM KNOW WHO'S BOSS. THAT'S THE TICKET.\"\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: \"I'll keep that in mind.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-1170 | SCP-1171 | SCP-1172 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1172\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The item may be stored in any standard low security storage room with sign in/out protocols in place. Testing may be performed in situ; if the item is to be transported the bag should be tightly closed using the drawstring and a sealing clip, and the bag be placed upright into a foam lined case to prevent risk of the tiles becoming separated from the bag. Strong sealing clips are to be left in the nearest guard's office to secure the mouth of the bag during transport.\nIn the event of any or all of the tiles becoming separated from the bag protocol requires that the area is cleared to a radius of at least 10 metres in all directions, and an automated robot is used to bring any spilled tiles in contact with the bag. Once this is done and SCP-1172 is complete the cleared area may be re-entered safely and the bag secured.\nDescription: SCP-1172 is a linen bag made from thick flax fibres, rendered green by dye derived from the skin of Pachycereus, a cactus plant. It contains 100 white plastic tiles, 98 of which are marked with letters of the Roman alphabet. The letter distribution is identical to that of a shop-bought Scrabble set. The remaining two 'wildcard' tiles, usually blank or marked with a single dot in the commercial set, are slightly darker and marked with a drawing of an eye, rendered on the plastic by the same embossing and paint used for the lettering. These two tiles feature no score numbers. Attempts have been made to photograph the design; in each case the tiles have appeared on film as being standard blank tiles. Drawings of the tile are successful, however.\nRemoval of the tiles from the bag must be performed in accordance with strict protocol:\n\u2022 Removed tiles must not be taken more than 30cm from the bag. Absolute safe limit has been recorded at 54cm.\n\u2022 Once a tile is taken from the bag at least six others must also be removed. They must in turn be placed to the immediate right of the previous tile.\n\u2022 No more than ten tiles are to be removed per use, after which all tiles must be returned to the bag.\n\nRepresentation of the eye design present on the two 'wildcard' tiles. Attempts to photograph these tiles has been unsuccessful.\n\nThese criteria were established during testing by using an automated robot to remove the letters and then retreat slowly from the bag until anomalous effects were noted. Any breach of this could result in serious injury.\nWhen tiles are removed from the bag and placed in left-right order in 96% of situations (166 of 173 tests) the tiles placed formed English words. These words were often found to have relevance to the test subjects, but in some cases the relevance was not apparent until events after the test transpired. D-Class personnel for whom the resulting words were not relevant are to be excused from termination procedures until said relevance is observed.\nThe remaining 9 subjects drew the tiles containing the eye symbol during the test. In every case once the eye symbol had been drawn, the next time the subject attempted to retrieve a tile they experienced the sensation of being touched on the fingers from inside the bag. The same occurred for subjects attempting to remove more than ten tiles.\nRecovery Log: The bag was brought to the attention of a Foundation researcher on periodical duty. The following letter was published in the January \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 issue of Fortean Times:\n\nSupplemental Materials 1172-3A: Fortean Times Issue \u2588\u2588, page \u2588\u2588:\nFortean Times,\nI know this sounds crazy, but I was at a party at a squat the other night, and after we'd indulged in quite a lot of *ahem* 'recreational substances' one of the hosts led me up to the loft and showed me a dusty pile of board games they'd found up there. He opened a copy of Scrabble and took out the bag and told me a creepy story about it having been found in Crowley's possessions at the time of his death. He then started chanting and told me to take tiles out of the bag and they said some creepy stuff, all true! After I'd pulled a few out he shouted at me to stop and told me to go back downstairs, and I didn't see him for the rest of the night. Has anyone else ever experienced this kind of thing, or was it a trick inflated by my drug-addled mind?\nFortFan, Derby.\n\nThe researcher located the writer of the letter who divulged the location of the squat. Agents \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 were sent to \u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in Derby to collect information and if possible retrieve the item for examination. The house was deserted but showed signs of recent habitation. On gaining entry to the loft the Scrabble box was quickly located. In the box along with the board, bag of tiles and the rulebook was a note:\n\nSupplemental materials 1172-3D: Letter found in Scrabble box:\n'I hope nobody finds this, I sealed the loft hatch shut for a reason. Do not open the bag. Do not use the bag. It's told me so many horrible things. She cries out for me now, her war cry keeps me awake at night. She is Alala. I am her slave. Don't use the bag.'\n\n\u2018Alala', in Greek mythology, is the female personification of the high pitched ululation used as a war cry. This sound is heard at volumes exceeding 120Dbl when tiles are brought more than 54cm from the bag. During this time the area around the bag is perforated with boreholes around 2mm in diameter, travelling through any material up to a distance of 315cm from the bag at approximately 3-5 bores per second. These bores appear between frames using high-speed video capture and no physical means for producing them has been observed. The ululation and appearance of the boreholes continues to occur until all of the tiles are within 54cm of the bag, at which point the tiles are pulled back into the bag by means that are at this point unknown. Use of IR cameras have proved inconclusive.\n\nSCP-1172 Test Logs:\nExperiment 1172-A:\nTest Subject: D-2532\nLetters removed: T O H A T E T H E M\nRelevance to subject: D-2532 was incarcerated in 1993 for a series of racially motivated murders. Subject was a member of several far-right groups and was a vocal neo-Nazi.\n\n1172-A Interview Log - \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did the letters spell?\nD-2532: [INAUDIBLE]\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Could you repeat that?\nD-2532: It's bullshit. You're trying to make me regret it. I don't regret shit.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did it mean?\nD-2532: It means I did the right thing.\n\nExperiment 1172-B:\nTest Subject: D-6634\nLetters removed: C T [Eye tile]\nRelevance to subject: Subject claimed to have no knowledge of any relevance. Four weeks later the subject had a grand mal seizure and died, autopsy revealed a clot on the brain that appeared to have been present for at least two years and had not been diagnosed. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggested that it could have been treated if diagnosed via a CT scan.\n\n1172-B Interview Log - \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588:\u2588\u2588:\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Take another tile.\nD-6634: What's that? That's not a Scrabble tile. *Subject reaches in the bag* What the fuck was that? What the fuck?\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: What did you experience?\nD-6634: What did I experience? Something touched my goddamn hand! Felt like a wet fish!\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Try again. *Subject reaches into the bag again*\nD-6634: Jesus! It felt like something was stroking my fingers. I'm not doing that again. No way.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Try again.\nD-6634: No way. No way. There's another hand in there. That ain't right.\n*Despite several requests the test subject refused to touch the bag again. Experiment curtailed.*\n\nExperiment 1172-C:\nTest Subject: D-3155\nLetters removed: A L S O T A P E R\nRelevance to subject Not known at this time.\nExperiment 1172-D:\nTest Subject: D-4514\nLetters removed: S O C O L D [Eye Tile]\nRelevance to subject: Subject claimed to have no knowledge of any relevance. Three days after the testing D-4514 was found in a shower cubicle suffering from severe hypothermia and facial contusions. The subject's body temperature was taken as 32.8\u02da Centigrade and the subject expired within minutes of discovery. It appears that a coolant leak in a pipe near the shower area had cooled the water down to near freezing, and the shock of immersion caused D-4514 to slip and knock himself out.\nAddendum: It appears that the results of testing are highly varied depending on the order of tiles removed. If the Eye tile is removed from the bag then the prior letters appear to have some sort of predictive nature as to the test subject's demise. If the Eye tile is not selected then the phrases are far more vague. More testing is required to more accurately establish the limits of its abilities.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1171 | SCP-1172 | SCP-1173 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1173\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Knowledge of the existence of the IDAS is to be promulgated into as many databases and reputable sources at earliest convenience. This spread of information is to include online and print sources; containment of SCP-1173 will be considered complete when information regarding the IDAS is present in as many scholarly databases, media outlets, and literature as is possible. Active attempts to contain SCP-1173 are suspended at this time; please consult Addendum SCP-1173-A for details. Three (3) D-class personnel infected with SCP-1173 are to be kept at Site 26 for limited testing purposes; any unauthorized use of the operative phrase for SCP-1173 treatment outside of testing protocols is to result in termination and replacement.\nWhile the current need to contain SCP-1173 is still considered a vital one, under no circumstances are Foundation personnel to directly engage in hostile action against individuals attempting to spread SCP-1173. Efforts to contain SCP-1173 should focus on discovering the nature of SCP-1173 and researching methods of eliminating SCP-1173, regardless of whatever actions may be required to accomplish this. However, all Foundation units are to refrain from attacking one another for any reason, including as a part of an attempt to contain SCP-1173.\nDocument SCP-1173-1 is to be deleted at earliest opportunity and all affected personnel treated. As per Protocol 1173-Omicron: Until such a time as the nature of SCP-1173 can be more definitively determined and anti-memetic measures can be carried out, direct conflict between affected personnel and standard Foundation personnel is to be avoided. Discussion of SCP-1173 in an unofficial capacity is strictly forbidden to avoid interpersonal conflict among Foundation personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1173 is a memetic phenomenon associated with the political body known as the Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace (\u0399\u03c3\u03bb\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae \u0394\u03b7\u03bc\u03bf\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03c4\u03af\u03b1 \u03c4\u03b7\u03c2 \u0391\u03bd\u03b1\u03c4\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae\u03c2 \u03a3\u03b1\u03bc\u03bf\u03b8\u03c1\u03ac\u03ba\u03b7\u03c2, or IDAS), currently the recognized government of the area traditionally known as Eastern Samothrace and Associated Island Territories. The Greek-speaking nation, centered on a small mainland enclave on the Anatolian peninsula and a series of islands in the northeastern Aegean Sea, is a resource-poor region previously known for its valuable port cities. The majority population practices Sunni Islam, with a limited number of Shi'a practitioners and a small group of Syriac Orthodox Christians, though the latter group has largely left the country due to religious conflict in the area. The nation is largely known for the semi-constant warfare taking place within its borders, typically centered around religious, ethnic, or political differences.\nSCP-1173 has the effect of completely erasing all awareness of the existence of the IDAS from the memory or perception of infected individuals. Infected individuals will not recall the existence of Eastern Samothrace as a region, the IDAS as a government, or of the persistent conflict and privation of the country's populace as newsworthy pieces of information. The persistent spread of SCP-1173 throughout the human population has helped to minimize awareness of the country's difficulties and therefore reduce the amount of assistance its people have received, increasing suffering throughout the region.\nThe initial vector for infection is unknown; however, SCP-1173 can be countered through use of an operant sentence spoken aloud in the presence of infected individuals by an uninfected individual. Through research, the operant sentence has been determined to be \"You hear about that thing down in Samothrace?\" Individuals that have heard this sentence frequently express minor interest in the ensuing conversation, which invariably leads to a greater degree of interest in Samothracian affairs and appears to permit individuals to retain awareness and knowledge of the IDAS. This will rapidly lead to the restoration of an individual's memory of the country's present situation and classical contributions to Western culture. An individual able to retain such memories is considered \"cured\" of SCP-1173.\nWhile most individuals infected with SCP-1173 are able to live otherwise normal lives, recent research has suggested a secondary effect from SCP-1173 infection. This effect has been observed specifically with individuals coming into close proximity with Syriac Christian refugees from Samothrace that have settled in the United States (at least 20,000 Syriac families have done so over the last fifteen years). In at least twenty-one separate instances, individuals with no commonalities other than SCP-1173 infection status have become extremely angry to the point of psychosis when in the presence of Samothracian refugees, leading to acts of violence. Many of these acts were unaccompanied by any explanation for their behavior, and attackers frequently expressed remorse and confusion at their own actions afterward. However, in eight documented instances, attackers were noted to shout \"you can't be real\" repeatedly and at great volume during the assault.\nAddendum 1173-A: After the discovery of SCP-1173, a survey of Foundation personnel revealed extensive SCP-1173 infection at all levels of the chain of command. Attempts to establish and execute containment procedures were complicated due to efforts by other Foundation units to deliberately infect more individuals with SCP-1173. These conflicts developed into sporadic armed fights between Foundation units before Protocol 1173-Omicron was put into place, banning all unofficial communication between personnel regarding 1173 and agreeing to maintain the contemporary equilibrium between infected and uninfected individuals (estimated as groups of approximately equal size).\n\nAddendum 1173-B:\n\nSCP-1173 not present. Please continue.\n\nIf you're reading this, the computer has verified you to be uninfected through subtle tests of certain subconscious reactions you have had to keywords placed throughout this document. Congratulations, Researcher, you've been drafted. God help you.\nA civil war between Foundation units was unthinkable, so we compromised. Infected and uninfected Foundation personnel agreed to leave one another alone. We weren't sure what caused SCP-1173, but observable trends showed the number of infected was declining as a result of our containment methods; a simple sentence, spread by civilians, would contain SCP-1173 for us. We felt time was on our side.\nBut they cheated.\nThe infected are all around us, every day; friends, loved ones, parents, even children. They found a way to spread the infection to more Foundation personnel through a compound known as \"Class O Amnestic\". They put in a request for it at Foundation Pharmacology, and there are frequently infected personnel there to receive the order. We sabotage the orders as often as possible, but they're still infecting the rest of us.\nYou are now part of a resistance movement, whether you like it or not; history has placed the responsibility on your shoulders. You cannot be told who is on your side and who isn't, and you will never know in most cases. You will not be contacted at any other time regarding this subject, and you will never be able to prove that you received this message in the first place.\nWhenever possible, you are to isolate personnel, engage them in conversation, determine their level of awareness regarding the Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace (how you accomplish this is up to you), determine their infection status, and recite the operative sentence as described in this document. The infected don't know that we've found out about them; with a concerted effort, we can eliminate the infection from the Foundation. This must be done; we cannot allow the last line in humanity's defense against the anomalous suffer at the hands of an anomaly.\nThis message approved by O5-4, O5-5, O5-7, O5-9, O5-11, and O5-12.\nThis message not to be kept in official records.\nThis message not to be copied or replicated.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1172 | SCP-1173 | SCP-1174 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1174\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The Foundation is to liaise with the National Weather Service during SCP-1174-1's active season each year and monitor the development of meteorological phenomena which may contribute to onset of SCP-1174-1 events. Whenever weather conditions favorable to SCP-1174-1 exist, Foundation personnel embedded within the United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard are to assist in monitoring radio communication from civilian vessels in the active region for any reports of SCP-1174-1 sightings. Civilians spotting SCP-1174-1 are to be instructed not to attempt to approach, communicate with, or render assistance to any instance of SCP-1174-1.\nThe existence of SCP-1174-1-3 is attested to in \"ghost stories\" circulated by the general public. Foundation media assets are to limit public dissemination of sightings of SCP-1174-1 instances. Subsequent to civilian sightings of any SCP-1174-1 instance, the Foundation is to intercept the vessel making the sighting upon its docking, debrief its crew, and issue Class-A amnestics.\nAt O5 discretion, Foundation vessels, or US/Canadian Coast Guard vessels operated by a Foundation crew, may approach and follow instances of SCP-1174-1 for observation purposes. No vessel is to approach within 100 meters of any instance of SCP-1174-1.\nFollowing any shipwreck under conditions resembling an SCP-1174-1 incident, the Foundation is to locate the wreckage as soon as possible and retrieve any instances of SCP-1174-2 found in the vicinity for containment or termination as necessary. All available information about the wrecked vessel is to be catalogued for use in identifying potential new instances of SCP-1174-1.\nThe Foundation is to monitor emergency calls and social networking for any indications of civilian encounters with SCP-1174-2. Any person reporting an SCP-1174-2 sighting is to be detained, debriefed, and treated with Class-B amnestics. Any dead SCP-1174-2 instances found afloat or washing ashore are to be acquired by the Foundation and destroyed as soon as possible. Authorization is granted to employ Emergency Procedure 248-October-Bravo in the case of an information leak regarding SCP-1174-2.\nCaptured instances of SCP-1174-2 are to be housed in modified containment cells filled halfway with fresh water at a temperature of 2\u00b0C and fed standard containee rations twice per day. Instances of SCP-1174-2 capable of communication may be granted euthanasia at their request following a full debriefing.\nDescription: SCP-1174 is a localized phenomenon occurring within Lake Superior along the border between the United States and Canada, consisting of visual hallucinations of ships appearing during periods of inclement weather (designated SCP-1174-1) and an unknown number of anomalous human beings associated with ships sinking after encountering SCP-1174-1 (designated SCP-1174-2).\nInstances of SCP-1174-1 are capable of manifesting between October 1st and November 30th of each year. Most manifestations of SCP-1174-1 have occurred during \"November witch\" cyclone conditions producing rain or snow and wind in excess of 95 km/h; however, SCP-1174-1 can manifest at any time during the active season when cloud cover and high winds are present. Instances of SCP-1174-1 are capable of movement at rates commensurate to that of the ship it resembles, and will appear and travel in no discernable heading along Lake Superior until such time as weather conditions improve, whereupon SCP-1174-1 will vanish. In no case has any instance of SCP-1174-1 appeared in, or traveled to, any area less than approximately 5 km from the American or Canadian mainland.\nThere are currently seven known instances of SCP-1174-1. Five of the seven have been conclusively identified as resembling vessels known to have sunk in Lake Superior during SCP-1174-1's active season;\n\nSCP-1174-1-1: A fully-rigged wooden warship of late 18th century construction, approximately 45 meters in length, flying the naval ensign of the United Kingdom. Identity unknown.\nSCP-1174-1-2: A wooden schooner of mid 19th century construction, approximately 60 meters in length. Identified as Lucerne, an ore carrier sunk in 1886.\nSCP-1174-1-3: A wooden steamship of late 19th century construction, approximately 75 meters in length. Identified as Bannockburn, a freighter sunk in 1902.\nSCP-1174-1-4: A steel-hulled, steam-powered warship of early 20th century construction, approximately 40 meters in length. Identified as Cerisoles, a French Navy minesweeper lost under unknown circumstances in 1918.\nSCP-1174-1-5: A steel-hulled steamship of early 20th century construction, approximately 75 meters in length. Identity unknown.\nSCP-1174-1-6: A steel-hulled, oil-burning cargo ship of mid 20th century construction, approximately 220 meters in length. Identified as Edmund Fitzgerald, a freighter sunk in 1975.\nSCP-1174-1-7: A steel-hulled, diesel-engine patrol boat of early 21st century construction, approximately 27 meters in length. Identified as SCPS Irvine, a Foundation vessel sunk while investigating SCP-1174-1-6 in 2007.\n\nTesting has indicated that all instances of SCP-1174-1 are visual hallucinations and do not exist as corporeal entities. SCP-1174-1 vessels do not appear on radar or infrared imaging, and attempts to fire upon them have resulted in armament passing through the vessel without causing damage.\nUpon coming into visual range of any vessel traveling through Lake Superior, SCP-1174-1 will attempt to establish communication by means appropriate to the period and capabilities of the vessel appearing, including use of flags, signal lights, Morse code, firing of flares, and radio. In all cases where contact is made, SCP-1174-1 will claim to be in immediate danger of sinking and will request that the vessel approach immediately to assist in evacuating its crew. In radio communication, the voice transmitted from SCP-1174-1 is always an adult male who identifies himself as a senior officer of the vessel requiring aid; conclusive identification of the speaker with individuals known to have been aboard the vessels at time of sinking has not been made to date.\nAny vessels approaching within approximately 75 meters of an SCP-1174-1 vessel will suffer immediate and massive damage to their hull, resulting in the vessel sinking within minutes of approach. Forensic analysis of recovered wrecks is inconsistent, indicating damage consistent with collisions, weapons fire, attacks from aquatic megafauna, and rust. In one instance, a vessel approaching SCP-1174-1-2 appears to have spontaneously capsized without suffering any other damage to its hull. SCP-1174-1-6 and SCP-1174-1-7 are known to have sunk as the result of SCP-1174-1 contact; it is unknown whether the other instances of SCP-1174-1 sunk due to contact as well, or what form SCP-1174-1 phenomena may have taken prior to the appearance of SCP-1174-1-1.\nSCP-1174-2 are human beings present aboard vessels sunk as a result of contact with SCP-1174-1. SCP-1174-2 individuals, rather than dying as a result of drowning or hypothermia, remain alive and conscious after submerging and are capable of continuing to live for an undetermined period of time in the lower elevations of Lake Superior. Aside from tissue necrosis as the result of long-term exposure to water, SCP-1174-2 specimens display no unusual health problems as long as they remain submerged at a temperature of 1\u00b0-5\u00b0C, and continue to show signs of age at a normal rate. SCP-1174-2 individuals removed from the water, or placed into a warmer environment, will display symptoms of shock and/or heatstroke and typically die within one hour if not returned to cold water.\nSCP-1174-2 individuals in the wild often subsist on fish and aquatic flora; while some have been noted to attack divers or each other, this behavior appears to be rare and discouraged by the community. SCP-1174-2 individuals typically live in communities at or near the site of their shipwreck and continue to possess full recollection of their lives prior to sinking. Most SCP-1174-2 individuals, unless suffering vocal cord damage as a result of their environment, retain the ability to speak and are capable of understanding each other while submerged. In interviews, captured SCP-1174-2 specimens have denied any explanation or knowledge of why or how they exist in their current state.\nThere does not appear to be any upper limit on the length of time an SCP-1174-2 individual can remain alive in the absence of disease or natural hazards. The oldest known individual in captivity is a former crewman of the vessel D&C, currently 87 years of age, who became an instance of SCP-1174-2 upon that vessel's sinking in 1957.\nThe Foundation began formal study and containment of SCP-1174 in 1975, after investigating several claimed sightings of the Edmund Fitzgerald following its sinking in early November. Several former crewmembers of the vessel were discovered living in its wreck upon the first formal exploration thereof in May of the following year, and were taken into Foundation custody. Foundation folklorists have since connected \"ghost ship\" legends regarding the Bannockburn to sightings of SCP-1174-1-3, and found references in Ojibwa folklore to a \"witch of Gichagumi\" which lures fishermen to their doom.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1173 | SCP-1174 | SCP-1175 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1175\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Due both to its current immobility and public appearance, SCP-1175 can only be contained in a limited fashion on-site. A mobile observation outpost (designated OP-1175-1) is to be maintained at the edge of effect, changing locations at least once within each twenty-four (24) hour period.\nResearch into more permanent containment procedures is ongoing; until they can be instituted, the site's public function is to remain active with modified hours of 10:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. local time, Wednesday through Monday, with on-site Foundation agents dressed as civilian private security to ensure all unauthorized individuals are removed from the premises before dusk.\nDescription: SCP-1175 is the central display of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Park, an open-air artistic installation located in [REDACTED] and covering a fenced-in area approximately 0.25 kilometers square. The anomalous properties of the affected objects are only active between sunset and sunrise; for reasons unknown, there is a 35% chance that the objects will become active at random intervals on Tuesdays, and thus the park is to remain closed on this day.\nSCP-1175-1 is a representation of a bull's head, 18.28m tall, made of welded cast-iron plates and painted red. Upon initial creation, SCP-1175-1 was hollow, but current observation indicates the presence of machinery or some other form of activity within the structure; specifically, attempts at radar and sonographic imagery have given inconclusive results, alternately showing the structure to be solid metal or to have a lack of any physical material whatsoever, including the shell. Since the appearance of SCP-1175's anomalous features, SCP-1175-1 itself has become completely immobile (see Incident Report 1175-2), with subterranean imagery showing pillars extending vertically, extending at a rate of approx. 0.6 meters per year. The purpose of these pillars is not currently known, though they have currently reached a length of \u2588\u2588 meters, indicating an initial growth period of advanced speed.\nSCP-1175-2 is the group designation of a series of six statues, each 2.59 meters tall, constructed of various metals in the shape of a human skeleton with a goat's skull. Each statue carries a weapon: one carrying a staff, one a glaive, two with short swords, and two with modified sickles. These statues become mobile during active periods, acting in a fashion similar to guards for SCP-1175-1. They are not outwardly hostile to humans, though one or more will often remain in close proximity to any intruder to whom they have not been introduced (see Addendum 1).\nSCP-1175-2 will only become hostile in two situations, the first being if a non-introduced individual attempts to make contact with SCP-1175-1, or if any individual attempts to damage it, or if any individual attempts to remove SCP-1175-2 or another installation from the park. At this point, whether or not they are in a currently active state, all instances of SCP-1175-2 will immediately emit sounds described as \"screaming\" or \"screeching\" and attack that person and either kill them outright or chase them to the edge of the affected area. If the targeted person or persons are killed, their remains are brought to SCP-1175-1, at which point a hinged portion of its mouth will open (no such feature was present in its initial construction) and the remains are placed inside before it closes. It is currently not known what occurs after this as remote video and audio equipment lose all contact once the mouth closes.\nAlternately, if any structure of human construction is erected within a 0.9km radius of SCP-1175-1 and remains standing for longer than twenty-four (24) hours, upon activation all instances of SCP-1175-2 except for one will again emit the screeching noises and run to the construction at speeds up to 75 km/h. Upon reaching the new structure, they will proceed to attack it with provided weapons as well as fists and their horns until the structure is completely demolished, similarly attacking any humans who attempt to interfere. This reaction does not appear to be triggered by repairs, modifications or extensions to structures which existed within the area of effect at the time of its appearance; this consists of the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Park itself including its outer fence and office/gift shop, approximately 0.2km of state highway [REDACTED] that intersects the area, and one abandoned shack (since damaged beyond repair during a blizzard, later destroyed without incident).\nSCP-1175-2 have shown signs of individual intelligence and appear to be able to communicate to each other, using lower-decibel levels of noises similar to their attack calls; no variances or patterns have emerged and attempts to initiate communications have thus far proven ineffective. SCP-1175-2 also appear to ignore non-human life, even in instances where birds or rodents have been observed directly defacing structures within the park during active periods. Superficial and structural damage to SCP-1175-1 will repair itself through unknown means.\nAddendum 1175-1: SCP-1175 was first brought to Foundation attention on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, when three local youths broke into the park at night and interacted with SCP-1175-2 during its active state. Foundation agents were made aware of the situations when local authorities had assumed the suspects to be under the influence of hallucinogenic substances due to a well-publicized raid on a narcotics supplier in the neighboring town of [REDACTED]; after application of class B amnestics, the suspects were given suggestive memories that they must have consumed food that was tainted with the narcotics.\nExtensive questioning of G\u2588\u2588\u2588 P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, owner of the park and creator of all pieces of art therein, has revealed that he was not responsible for the anomalous activities and is not aware of how they began; however, he was aware of their existence for approximately one month before the above incident but never reported them to authorities or family members out of fear. It has also become apparent that SCP-1175-2 somehow recognize Mr. P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as their creator or as an authority in some other fashion; they obey requests and commands from him to an extent, and if he introduces an individual as a friend, SCP-1175-2 will ignore the individual from that point on, including allowing them to directly touch SCP-1175-1.\nAs this ability to \"introduce\" others has not yet been successfully passed to other individuals, P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been designated as SCP-1175-3, but retained as director of the Park to maintain public appearances and to facilitate Foundation activities. He is kept under constant surveillance, but has thus far not attempted to impede Foundation agents in any way and has proven himself willing to offer any support or information he is able.\nAddendum 1175-2: Incident Report 1175-02\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Foundation personnel attempted to remove SCP-1175-1 from the park; despite having been assembled off-site and transported to its current locations, all attempts to move the structure failed, culminating in the destruction of a crane regulated to lift up to approximately 20 times the weight that SCP-1175-1 weighed at the time of installation. Attempts to excavate the ground beneath SCP-1175-1 or remove other structures from the park were repeatedly interrupted by SCP-1175-2, though not to the level of hostility if the anomalous pieces are attacked directly. It has been decided that, until more stringent protocols are able to be enacted, all material is to remain on-site with additional Foundation agents for security; a nominal raise in park admission fees has been added to compensate for the expenditures.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1174 | SCP-1175 | SCP-1176 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1176\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1176 is to be kept within the sarcophagus it was recovered in, fully submerged in SCP-1176-1, in a secure, climate-controlled observation room at Site 73. SCP-1176 is not to be removed from SCP-1176-1 for any period of time longer than is necessary to conduct essential research or replace monitoring equipment, in no case exceeding six hours. SCP-1176 is to be monitored by EEG at all times when not fully submerged in SCP-1176-1 for any sudden changes in brain activity. Any unexpected changes in SCP-1176-1 production are to be noted. Excess SCP-1176-1 is to be drained from the sarcophagus using the attached faucet, once per day or as necessary to prevent overflow, and is to be destroyed or sent for testing immediately.\nSCP-1176-1 is to be transported and stored in vessels clearly indicating that it is not a food product and is inedible. SCP-1176-1 is not to be consumed by any incompatible person except for testing purposes. All requests to issue SCP-1176-1 as an emergency field ration are preemptively denied, regardless of individual compatibility, pending a full Ethics Committee review.\nDescription: SCP-1176 is the mummified corpse of a human male, presumed to have been approximately 35 years of age at the time of death. Severe tissue degradation has made DNA examination of SCP-1176 impossible; based on contextual evidence, SCP-1176 is assumed to have been of Arabian ancestry and to have died in the 10th-11th century AD. SCP-1176 is clinically dead and does not display any indications of respiration, circulation, or metabolism. SCP-1176's brain, which is largely intact in spite of general tissue degradation, exhibits a constant level of electrical activity consistent with stage 3 non-rapid eye movement sleep (\"deep sleep\").\nIn the place of all bodily fluids that would be found in a living human being, SCP-1176 contains a fluid of viscous consistency and golden color, designated SCP-1176-1. Testing of SCP-1176-1 has found it to be chemically identical to clover honey produced by the Anatolian honey bee (Apis mellifera anatoliaca). SCP-1176-1 is exuded from SCP-1176's pores at a variable rate depending on environmental conditions. When kept fully or mostly submerged, as it typically is when stored within its sarcophagus, rate of SCP-1176-1 production is approximately 0.2 liters per hour. When it is not submerged, production increases exponentially over time (see Incident 1176-1 log). The quantity of SCP-1176-1 contained within SCP-1176 itself has not been documented to increase or decrease at any time, regardless of the rate of production.\nSCP-1176-1 has been determined to be edible by human beings possessing an AB+ blood type, and possesses properties consistent with a highly concentrated nutritional supplement. A dose of SCP-1176-1 15 ml in volume contains approximately 2500 kcal and significant quantities of essential vitamins and nutrients, making it highly effective as an emergency ration or staple foodstuff. Tests conducted on D-Class personnel indicate that SCP-1176-1 consumption by compatible persons is effective in preventing physical sensations of hunger for 14-18 hours after consumption and bears no long-term side effects.\nPersons of a non-AB+ blood type, upon consuming any amount of SCP-1176-1 greater than 0.5 ml, begin exhibiting symptoms of a severe allergic reaction within four to ten hours of consumption. Acute hemolysis, followed by renal failure and death, has occurred in 98.7% of all tests where an incompatible person was fed SCP-1176-1. Symptoms of SCP-1176-1 consumption among incompatible test subjects are consistent with symptoms of persons given blood transfusions of a type incompatible with their body chemistry.\nAt the time of its recovery, SCP-1176 was stored within a stone sarcophagus of late Hellenistic style. The lid, sides, and interior of the sarcophagus are inscribed with texts in late Egyptian hieroglyphics, largely consisting of ceremonial texts and spells regarding the protection of the person entombed within and hagiographic descriptions of various gods, and an extinct and thus far untranslated dialect of Proto-Arabic. In a large section at the foot of the coffin, the original inscriptions have been obliterated and replaced with two separate inscriptions in Classical Arabic (see addendum for translation). A hole has been drilled into the sarcophagus near one end, into which a copper pipe and a spigot has been fitted. It is hypothesized that the spigot was installed within the last 100 years by the persons previously in possession of SCP-1176 for the purpose of facilitating the removal of SCP-1176-1 from the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus itself possesses no anomalous properties.\nSCP-1176 was acquired by the Foundation in 1985, following a raid on a facility in Asmara, Eritrea (then Ethiopia) owned by the Manna Charitable Foundation. Foundation assets in the region had identified the facility as the source of shipments of honey which had been widely distributed to famine-stricken regions of Ethiopia, resulting in the deaths of approximately \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 civilians from symptoms resembling acute hemolysis. How the MCF came into possession of SCP-1176 has not been determined to date.\n\n+ Show text of Arabic inscriptions on SCP-1176 sarcophagus\n\n- Hide text of Arabic inscriptions on SCP-1176 sarcophagus\n\nText of first inscription:\n\nAbdallah ibn Salah ibn Ayyub ibn Nasir, fifteenth son of the great sheikh (illegible), was put to the fast of honey on the first of Rajab in the year of the Hijra 3(illegible),1 and died on the fifteenth of Ramadan. The great imam al-Yusuf has sealed him within the ancient vessel, marked with the signs decreed by the ancients, to ferment in honey for one hundred years and bring aid to the people in time of need.\n\nText of second inscription:\n\nBeware, imam, for the mark of Iblis is upon this one!\nIn the year of the Hijra 573,2 the imam al-Malik ordered this vessel opened, thereby to feed the people during time of great famine. Many jars were filled and delivered to the sheikh and his court, to the great imams of the mosques, and to the people. And in the following day, a great many people fell ill with a terrible fever, and none of them lived - but the sheikh, and his brothers, and his sons, who ate heartily of the cursed nectar, were all of them unharmed. Those who lived declared the sheikh and his family guilty of sorcery and (illegible). But when the people came to destroy the body taken from the vessel, they found it standing upright and dancing about, screaming and mocking them. Al-Malik has decreed that a foul djinn has been sent by the Shaitan himself to corrupt this instrument of healing, and has decreed that it be sealed within this vessel until the last day. May God strike down any who would break these seals.\n\n+ Show Incident 1176-1 log\n\n- Hide Incident 1176-1 log\n\nIncident 1176-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, an experiment was conducted to determine the upward limits of the rate at which SCP-1176-1 can be produced. SCP-1176 was removed from its sarcophagus and placed upon a grated surface designed to drain all SCP-1176-1 produced away rather than allowing it to accumulate. After increasing to a rate of 1.2 liters per hour after the first hour, the rate at which production accelerated continued to increase by approximately one liter per hour, reaching a production of approximately 55.7 liters per hour. After approximately 10.5 hours, a sudden spike in brain activity was detected and SCP-1176 became conscious. SCP-1176 opened its eyelids and began flailing wildly and attempting to engage in distressed vocalizations, and attempted to crawl towards one of the walls of the test chamber.\nDue to the atrophied state of its internal organs and musculature, it is speculated that SCP-1176 was unable to see or derive any meaningful sensory data from its environment during this period, and was unable to speak coherently due to the degradation of its tongue and palate. As the staff were concerned that SCP-1176's movements would damage itself, four junior research personnel were instructed to manually restrain SCP-1176 and sedate it. During the attempt, SCP-1176 jerked its left arm violently, resulting in its hand being severed at the wrist. After attempts to sedate SCP-1176 using gas and intramuscular injection were unsuccessful, research personnel were instructed to return SCP-1176 to its sarcophagus and set the lid in place. SCP-1176 was heard continuing to vocalize, and to strike the interior of the sarcophagus with its limbs and head, for approximately 3 hours, after which time it ceased activity and returned to its previous state.\nSubsequent examination has detected multiple bone fractures induced during SCP-1176's period of activity, as well as several previously unnoted fractures speculated to have been caused by an earlier such state. SCP-1176's severed hand has continued to exude SCP-1176-1 at rates commensurate with the rest of the specimen and is currently being contained separately for further research.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Between 922 and 1022 AD in the Gregorian calendar\n2. 1195 AD in the Gregorian calendar\n\n\u00ab SCP-1175 | SCP-1176 | SCP-1177 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1177 during initial containment.\n\nItem #: SCP-1177\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1177 is currently housed in the containment quarters of Site 40. A staffed closed-circuit camera monitors SCP-1177 at all times. If SCP-1177 attempts to practice self-harm, alert the head researcher as soon as possible. Per standard humanoid containment precautions, personnel are to be searched before entering SCP-1177's chamber. Personnel are subject to an additional search upon exiting the chamber.\nDescription: SCP-1177 is a Latin-American female of indeterminate age who possesses the ability to exchange severed pieces of her own body for goods and services.1 Although she appears elderly, this may be a result of her long-term abuse of her anomalous property and lifestyle\u2014interviews reveal that, prior to entering Foundation custody, she had spent much of her adult life as a homeless vagrant. SCP-1177 was discovered in the [REDACTED] casino in Kansas after she bribed the doorman into allowing her entry and made several attempts to play a nickel slot machine without the use of casino tokens before being apprehended by security and delivered to paramedics. Foundation agents alerted to these events posed as employees of a local mental health facility and were given custody of the woman without incident. The slot machine and the rug under it were submitted for cleaning.\nPossessions found on SCP-1177's person upon containment included: one (1) costume jewelry ring; two (2) plastic earrings; one (1) toothbrush; one (1) comb, fine-toothed; three (3) empty wrappers belonging to the [REDACTED] fast food chain; two (2) instant lottery tickets, scratched off, with no redemption value; one (1) pocketknife; one (1) washcloth, bloodstained; one (1) movie ticket stub; one (1) piece of ham, kept in an additional fast food chain wrapper; and one (1) 16 oz. bottle of rubbing alcohol, with half the contents remaining. These objects were evaluated and discarded.\nPhysical examination following containment revealed signs of self-mutilation covering her body, including numerous scars, healing wounds, missing teeth and patches of hair. SCP-1177's fifth toes and right fourth finger are missing. Her right middle finger has been crudely amputated after the lower joint, as has the upper joint of her right index finger.\nTissue samples used by SCP-1177 are most commonly strips of flesh from the arm or leg, irregularly cut off using a pocketknife or other implement, removed and cleaned of blood using a washcloth before being presented. Those who are offered a section of SCP-1177's body recognize it as being detached human flesh, but do not manifest revulsion or surprise; instead, they accept the flesh as an alternate form of payment, like a voucher or debit card. This varies in effectiveness based on several factors, including the subject's normal likeliness of accepting alternate forms of payment, the size of the payment expected, and the amount and type of flesh given.\n\nIncident Log 07-40-1177\n\nClose\n\nAs demonstrated by an attempted containment breach on 07/24/\u2588\u2588, SCP-1177 is capable of using body parts as a form of bribery. During food delivery the woman gave the attendant [REDACTED], which she had apparently gnawed off without detection, in exchange for release from containment quarters.\n\nAccording to testimony, SCP-1177 quickly maneuvered to the front lobby of Site 40. The woman borrowed a pair of scissors from the receptionist before attempting to exit, failing, and requesting that the front doors be unlocked. The desk attendant denied the request and called for a security officer. When security arrived, SCP-1177 was attempting to use scissors to sever the remainder of her left ring finger.\n\nExperiment Log 1177-1\n\nClose\n\nOn 08/06/\u2588\u2588, an experiment was conducted in which two strips of flesh, each measuring a square inch, were taken from SCP-1177's leg, sanitized, and given to researchers. Dr. Raines purchased a hamburger at the Site 40 cafeteria, but did not consume it, citing loss of appetite. Research Assistant Clark took his sample of SCP-1177 to a local convenience store and attempted to exchange it for a pack of cigarettes. When the shopkeeper asked for his ID, Clark displayed the piece of flesh, and was met with revulsion. Hoping to avoid further argument, the research assistant left for a bookstore, where he successfully bought a used book with the sample (\"Stress Fractures: Keeping Your Job From Getting To You\", on clearance for $3.00).\nSince then, further experimentation has yielded the following transactions:\n\nOne piece of muscle tissue, .5 oz by weight, for three (3) bags of [REDACTED] brand chocolate candies, priced at $0.50 each: Successful.\nOne lock of hair for one (1) comic book ([REDACTED], volume 1, issue 3, priced at $2.99): Transaction failed. The operator considered the payment insufficient.\nOne lock of hair for one (1) comic book, (\"NFL Superpro\", volume 1, issue 1, priced at three for $1): Transaction successful.\nOne 2 oz. vial of blood, for one (1) bag of [REDACTED] brand charcoal briquettes, priced at $6.99: Transaction failed. The convenience store clerk considered the payment insufficient.\nThree 2 oz. vials of blood for one (1) bag of [REDACTED] brand charcoal briquettes, priced at $6.99: Transaction successful. The researcher was given three dimes and one nickel (value $0.35) in change.\nOne piece of skin, measuring nine square inches in area, for one (1) gold-plated necklace: Successful. The transaction was made at a pawn shop. As of 08/10/\u2588\u2588, the piece of skin is framed and on display in one of the shop's cabinets.\n\nExperiment Log 1177-2\n\nClose\n\nOn 08/12/\u2588\u2588, Researcher McAmes stood on Fifth Street in downtown [REDACTED] from 13:21 to 13:52. During this time, he approached numerous pedestrians and requested that they make change for him for the subway from one of ten (10) samples of SCP-1177 stamped 1177-45 through 1177-55, each a .5 oz. chunk of skin and flesh taken from SCP-1177's abdomen. Each person who accepted a sample was tracked by a Foundation task force until a transaction was made which used their piece of tissue. The following results were recorded:\n\n1177-45: Placed in the tip jar of a coffee house.\n1177-46: Used at an electronics store to purchase the PC game [REDACTED].\n1177-47: Used to partially cover the bill at an Irish tavern.\n1177-48: Placed in an envelope and mailed.\n1177-49: Given to a homeless man. When this occurred, the man became very agitated, and shouted unintelligibly at the subject until he was out of sight.\n1177-51: Deposited in a savings account at the local branch of Wachovia Bank.\n1177-52: Placed in a dancer's top at the [REDACTED] gentleman's club.\n1177-53: Exchanged for chips at [REDACTED] casino.\n1177-54: Possessor evaded tracking behind an abandoned storage building. When the Foundation agent continued pursuit, he was met with gunfire. Agent disengaged. Further investigation recommended.\n1177-55: Given in the offering plate at the [REDACTED] Lutheran Church.\n\nConclusion: Samples of SCP-1177 are not single-use, although their value may not remain consistent amongst transactions. The only method of estimating how much of SCP-1177 remains in circulation is through noting the amount of scar tissue and number of open wounds on SCP-1177. Of special note is that, at no point during any SCP-1177 experiment did subjects other than informed researchers display awareness of their composition.\n\nExperiment Log 1177-3\n\nClose\n\nExperiment 1177-3 is currently in process, with a more long-term focus: the intention of measuring the age at which 1177 samples become inert. As of 03/18/\u2588\u2588 Sample 1177-71, which was removed from SCP-1177 six months prior to this date, retains value in lieu of legal tender or as a voucher for other transactions.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Similarity between this ability, and that possessed by SCP-2855 has been noted. Investigation into a common source of both phenomena, or if one is a variant of the other, is ongoing.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1176 | SCP-1177 | SCP-1178 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1178 during its initial launch event on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/19\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-1178\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: An area of exclusion has been created around SCP-1178's active area. Any human or vehicle entering this area is to be immediately terminated or destroyed. Security personnel patrolling this area from the ground must maintain a state of radio silence at all times. Aircraft patrolling the area must never move closer than 2 kilometers to SCP-1178's area of exclusion. Observational equipment must pre-date 1938, and be constantly manned by Foundation personnel.\nIf SCP-1178 shows any signs of movement towards the perimeter, it is to be considered a containment breach and a possible apocalyptic scenario. Loudspeaker units set up around SCP-1178 must constantly create broadcasts of varying nature, including:\n\nFabricated news reports of limited nuclear war between NATO states that possess nuclear armaments and the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China. In addition, there are to be reports indicating that the Midwestern United States has been devastated in a retaliatory strike and that the US Army has invaded the Kamchatka Peninsula.\nFalse broadcasts indicating troop movement and communications in the Soviet and United States armed forces.\nFalse civilian broadcasts corresponding to the above events.\nTelevision signals for programs broadcast between 1962 and 1981 in the Soviet Union.\nAdvertisements for consumer products such as gas masks, radiation suits and firearms capable of being used by a child or parent.\n\nIn the event that SCP-1178 begins to accelerate, all personnel are to initiate the Pretia Protocol. In the event of a Pretia Protocol failure, Overwatch Command is to be set on high alert for the imminent possibility of an end-of-the-world scenario.\nDescription: SCP-1178 is a Soviet era RT-2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (NATO reporting name SS-5 'Skean'), manufactured sometime between 1962 and 1967. SCP-1178 is suspended exactly 1.34 kilometers in the air above \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a former Soviet missile base. SCP-1178's rockets will activate intermittently, however it has never been observed to move outside of breach events.\nIf any vehicle or mammalian organism approaches \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 or SCP-1178 from a distance of 200 kilometers or less, or if a broadcast contrary to standard SCP-1178 broadcasts is made in SCP-1178's range, it will begin to slowly accelerate itself from its position above the base. SCP-1178 moves very slowly, with the highest speed ever obtained being an estimated 1.6 kph, achieved during its initial activation event. SCP-1178's acceleration is to be considered a breach event, as it will cause SCP-1178's secondary effect to initiate. The initiation of the Pretia Protocol must to be done within 3 minutes of SCP-1178's acceleration in order to be effective.\nSCP-1178's secondary effect will initiate in the event that the missile is able to accelerate to a speed greater than 0.2 kph. The early nuclear detection systems of any former Soviet state will begin to indicate an imminent nuclear strike. Starting with radar stations, all equipment possessed by these nations will begin indicating a massive nuclear strike coming from any nuclear capable NATO nations. When these states have gone on alert for the possibility of a nuclear strike, the equipment of any nuclear capable NATO nations will also begin to indicate an imminent nuclear strike from any country currently affected by SCP-1178. Note that SCP-1178 will only affect the early detection equipment of these countries, and does not affect the actual launch devices or the commanders in charge of said devices.\nThe Pretia Protocol calls for sleeper agents within nuclear detection organizations in various NATO and former Soviet states to sabotage the early detection systems of the countries they are working for. This is to create a plausible explanation for why these systems showed false readings. Once this has been achieved, personnel are to ignore or cast doubt on any readings detected by equipment affected by SCP-1178. In the event that one nation launches a nuclear attack, the response systems of the recipient nation(s) are authorized to be disabled by Foundation agents, to minimize the damage created by a nuclear strike and avert an XK scenario.\nPrior to SCP-1178's containment, several incidents of near-accidental nuclear strikes by world powers were reported to the Foundation by assets integrated in the Soviet GRU and the American CIA, leading to the discovery and recognition of SCP-1178 as an anomaly. A partial list of incidents caused by SCP-1178 has been included in this report.\nObject History: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-1178 was launched, which was reported as a test by the Soviet Union. During the launch, GRU Division \"P\" reports say that SCP-1178 ceased to accelerate and unexpectedly detonated once it reached a height of 1.33 Kilometers. At the same time, early warning nuclear detection equipment in the USSR began to display an imminent nuclear strike by the U.S. It is not known why the USSR did not retaliate in response to these readings. Approximately 6 days after the incident occurred, the GRU evacuated and then demolished the base, and established a permanent observation center.\nRecovered records indicate that SCP-1178 was launched at an object present in the atmosphere over Siberia, but the appearance and properties of this object are unknown, as all information on the object was destroyed in 1991.\nAfter an unknown period of time, SCP-1178 began affecting the area around the base, leading to its second activation event. Following this event, the area of exclusion that currently exists around it was established. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, GRU personnel began broadcasting the signals currently used by SCP personnel to contain SCP-1178. It is believed that research with SCP-1178 had led them to create an elaborate \"post-war\" hoax, in order to keep SCP-1178 pacified.\nResearch notes recovered from the GRU theorized that SCP-1178's only motivation to activate was to irradiate the earth through nuclear war, and if such a war had already occurred it would remain inert until another civilization capable of conducting a nuclear war arose.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1177 | SCP-1178 | SCP-1179 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Local sign warning of Area-179's restricted status. Image taken 4 October 2006. The sign no longer stands.\n\nItem #: SCP-1179\nObject Class: Keter\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1179 is apparently dormant, encased in the bedrock under Research Site-\u2588\u2588. Apart from simple monitoring and standard research safety protocols, no additional containment is deemed necessary at this time. [Edited, 05/\u2588\u2588/1962]\nDue to the subterranean nature, self-ambulatory capabilities, and physical properties of SCP-1179, enforcement of containment has to date proven impossible. Project Tartarus is charged with continuous research into developing additional practical containment measures for SCP-1179. It is speculated that SCP-1179 is capable of being destroyed, as wounds inflicted by heavy ordnance during the evacuation attempt of Expedition-1179-VI were later observed to not have healed. To date, isolation and observation of SCP-1179 has mostly proven sufficient, as SCP-1179 has demonstrated no efforts to move above ground and has limited itself to a roughly two kilometer radius from its original location of discovery. In the event that SCP-1179 should be observed to move beyond recorded areas, personnel are to immediately notify O5 Command.\nThe land above SCP-1179 has been designated as \u201cArea-179\u201d by the Foundation. Due to the proximity of a civilian population center which cannot be moved, Area-179 is to only employ low yield nuclear failsafe devices. [Edited, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1992]\nThe general public has become aware of SCP-1179 and believes the cover story that it is, in fact, an anthracite coal mine fire caused by a trash dump fire. Foundation personnel are to infiltrate and coordinate all efforts to extinguish the blaze for the protection of both involved civilians and SCP-1179. All efforts to extinguish the blaze have ceased. [Edited, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/198\u2588]\nCivilians living above SCP-1179 have suffered adverse health effects due to byproducts of the fire, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and insufficient oxygen levels. Civilians are no longer permitted in Area-179. [Edited, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1992] Effects on civilians are within tolerable levels, with the populace generally unaware of the scale of SCP-1179. Following the incident with Todd Domboski and the associated quantity of press coverage, the Foundation is to work to relocate civilians from Area-179. Area-179 has been claimed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under eminent domain. [Edit, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1992] It has subsequently been closed to all unauthorized personnel with the Pennsylvania government enforcing evictions of unauthorized residents. [Edit, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2009]\nA bunker has been constructed in a geologically stable section of Area 179, allowing for Foundation operations in the area and monitoring of SCP-1179. Foundation security personnel, along with local law enforcement, are to coordinate to prevent civilians from entering Area 179, in accordance with warnings issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Personnel within Area 179 are to restrict their movement to approved areas, due to the geological instability caused by SCP-1179.\nDescription: SCP-1179 has not been clearly and scientifically observed since May 1962 during Incident CB-1962-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588. The original file description of SCP-1179 is as follows:\n\nSCP-1179 appears to be a giant vaguely humanoid figure carved from an unknown volcanic rock. In one hand, it holds a whip; in the other, a sword. Its face has vaguely human features, including a long beard, though it has two large horns like those of a ram flanking its face. SCP-1179 measures over 30 meters from head to toe, with shoulders over 8 meters wide. It resembles a carving of the Norse eld j\u00f6tunn Surtr (the giant guarding the frontier of the Norse fire realm of M\u00faspell). Dating of the stratum encasing SCP-1179 indicates it dates to the Mississippian subperiod of the Carboniferous period, approximately 359.2-318.1 million years ago. This age is consistent with the geological age of this region.\n\nSCP-1179 has since demonstrated the ability to change shape at will, and to become invisible and without form, appearing as a giant flying shade. Photographic evidence has failed to produce a conclusive image of SCP-1179, due to inexplicable camera feed disruptions, operator panic, and physical destruction of cameras. Expeditionary teams have described SCP-1179 as \u201chaving hellfire\u201d for eyes and generally having great height. Its body often is seen as a combination of fire, smoke, and hardening lava.\nFrom there, the descriptions begin to diverge wildly. Survivors generally describe its head as \u201cmonstrous,\u201d with some mentioning curved horns consistent with the original form of SCP-1179. Others argue it has fangs larger than a man's arm. Still others state that SCP-1179 has neither horns nor fangs, and its face is encircled by flames which reach down into a long beard of fire. Eyewitnesses cannot agree whether or not it has wings. Most agree that it is usually armed with a multi-tailed whip of flame and a glowing red sword of fire several meters in length, though it will at times appear with either the whip or the sword or neither. Though of great size, it is apparently capable of moving both quickly and quietly. Those few who survive encounters with SCP-1179 generally describe it as smelling of \u201crotten eggs and old chimneys\u201d. Chemical analysis of air samples taken from SCP-1179's breath have shown exceptionally high concentrations of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.\nItem History:\n\n+ Show Item History, 1871 to Present\n\n- Hide Item History\n\nSCP-1179 was discovered in 1871, five years after anthracite coal mining was begun in the area. It was nicknamed the \u201csleeping stone giant\u201d. The mine shaft in which it was discovered belonged to Mr. Sean O'Malley, a member of the Molly Maguires, an Irish-American secret society, whose members were predominantly coal miners in Pennsylvania. The society kept the sleeping stone giant hidden away, a closely-guarded secret. Though the Molly Maguires were dismantled in the late 1870s, the giant's guardians managed to escape prosecution. The sleeping stone giant came to the attention of the Foundation in 192\u2588, when operatives were conducting a routine background check into Prospective Agent Iain O'Malley (grandson of the original Mr. O'Malley). The land above the giant's mine shaft was purchased by a Foundation front company and Research Site-\u2588\u2588 was established.\nIn May 1962, residents of the nearby town lit a trash fire in a landfill which had been created from an abandoned coal mine. Those responsible for garbage disposal followed insufficient safety protocols, and a seam of anthracite coal ignited. The seam was small and Foundation geologists have determined it would have burned out in approximately two years, had it not run under Research Site-\u2588\u2588. The fire reached SCP-1179, which promptly reanimated in the presence of the fire.\nUpon reanimation, SCP-1179 killed all Foundation personnel at Research Site-\u2588\u2588 and significantly damaged the site's bunker. It subsequently retreated into the honeycomb of coal mines and caverns in the area, igniting subsequent anthracite coal fires. The mines, caverns, and surrounding countryside was designated Area-179, though due to the nearby town's civilian population of several thousand individuals, standard Area construction protocols for Keter containment could not be observed; these were modified to fit the circumstance.\nFive separate Expeditionary Teams were sent in to capture SCP-1179 between 1962 and 1970, though none were successful. They did determine that SCP-1179 had proven capable of expanding the caverns to vast proportions and unknown depths. Satellite imagery and evidence of noxious gases and ground collapse contradict these accounts and the photographic evidence which confirms them, indicating that the mine fires are only burning in an area covering roughly 400 acres, or 1.62 square kilometers. The discrepancy between the sizes of the caverns has, to date, not been reconciled.\nIn 1970, Foundation geologists determined that the subterranean fires caused by SCP-1179 would remain burning for in excess of 250 years. With Foundation personnel successful in perpetuating the half-truth of the original cause of the mine fires and unsuccessful both in recovering SCP-1179 for removal and transfer to an alternate location and extinguishing the blazes it had caused, the decision was made to instead relocate the nearby town. Concurrently, Project Tartarus was formally begun to develop and refine permanent special containment procedures for SCP-1179 and determine means to extinguish the anthracite fires.\nFoundation personnel have worked constantly in the area to ensure the continuation of the mine fire cover story and prevent civilians from encountering SCP-1179, though this proved increasingly difficult as the local situation continued to deteriorate. In 1981, twelve-year-old local, Tom Domboski, fell into a sinkhole approximately 1.25 meters wide by 46 meters deep which opened beneath his feet his backyard. He was saved by his cousin, 14-year-old Eric Wolfgang. The plume of hot steam billowing from the hole was measured as containing a lethal level of carbon monoxide, and chemical analysis matched the steam to samples of SCP-1179's breath. Spurred both by the worsening \u201cmine fire\u201d and by covert lobbying by Foundation political contacts, in 1984 the United States Congress allocated funds in excess of $42 million to relocate the civilian residents from the area. At the suggestion of under-cover Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey claimed eminent domain on all properties in the borough, condemning all buildings within. Foundation personnel ensured that the subsequent legal effort by residents to have the decision reversed were met with failure. As a result, full Keter Area containment protocols could finally be observed.\n\nAddendum 1179-1: Research is pending into harnessing the anthracite coal fires as a means of energy production, as they will likely continue burning for the foreseeable future. See Project Vulcan's Forge, or contact Project Lead Dr. Crane or Area-179 Director Wilson for further details.\nAddendum 1179-2: Images relating to SCP-1179's effects on Area-179.\n\n+ Show Images\n\n- Hide Images\n\nDamage caused by SCP-1179 to former Pennsylvania Route 61.\n\nA hillside in Area-179 which has collapsed due to SCP-1179.\n\nNoxious gases rising from a sinkhole in Area-179; chemical analysis suggests some of these were the breath of SCP-1179.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1178 | SCP-1179 | SCP-1180 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1180 before transplant\n\nItem #: SCP-1180\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A security camera has been mounted near the transplantation site; footage should be reviewed for changes on a weekly basis. Hardhats are mandatory for those working in close proximity to SCP-1180. All instances of fallen or new growths should be promptly reported to the head of Botanical Research.\nDescription: SCP-1180 is identical in appearance to Cocos nucifera, the coconut palm. The anomaly was discovered when a research team was dispatched to investigate local rumors of a \"possessed palm\": witnesses claimed that the plant would intentionally drop its sizable drupes on the heads of unsuspecting passersby. The specimen was found growing in relative isolation on a strip of shore less than 16km from the outer perimeter of Research Sector-09.\nSCP-1180 grows and fruits at the same rate as a comparable specimen of Cocos nucifera. The organism's only outwardly anomalous trait is a rattling or knocking sound that emanates from its fruits. These noises grow louder as the drupes reach maturity. Radiography results are identical to those of normal coconuts.\nTests with human subjects suggest that the organism is equipped with an unusual adaption for preservation and propagation; while the tree itself is vulnerable to damage, subjects instructed to open, crack, or otherwise damage its offspring experience significant emotional distress.\nAddendum 7/29/\u2588\u2588:\n\nexcerpt from Agent Gast's recovery log:\nResearch team, equipped with suitable headgear, meets with no accidents while examining the organism. A subdued rattling, described by recovery team as \"knocking sounds\", can be heard issuing from inside the ripening coconuts. Excavated root ball densely packed with worms of an unknown species. Several days of observation have yielded similar results; decision made to transplant the palm to Sector-09 grounds for further tests. Transplant accomplished without mishap.\n\nAddendum 8/9/\u2588\u2588\nACCESS RESTRICTED TO LEVEL 3 PERSONNEL OR HIGHER\n\n+Experiment Log 8/7-14/\u2588\u2588\n\n-close Experiment Log 8/7-14/\u2588\u2588\n\nSynopsis: Subjects are provided with tools and instructed to remove the husk of a coconut (designated SCP-1180-01) recently cut from SCP-1180. Majority visibly distressed by the knocking sounds from within. Several describe a feeling of horror; a few describe empathetic feelings\u2014 always with the desire to remove the object \"outside\". During sixth consecutive test, D-3767 (a subject with exceptionally low empathy scores) finally succeeds in rupturing and peeling away the husk; no immediate adverse effects observed.\n8/7/\u2588\u2588\n\n14:00\nAfter removing husk, subject seems reluctant to crack open the shell. The rattling has grown perceivably louder, sometimes slowing almost to a stop before beginning again with renewed violence. The subject claims to \"feel\" the vibrations of the knocking, and claims that SCP-1180-3 has a \"face\". Subject refuses to remain in the same room with the object; eventually subdued and removed for observation.\n16:00\nOther subjects are instructed to photograph and describe their reactions to de-husked specimen; all react with similar displays of reluctance and increasing uneasiness.\nD-8084, another subject with significantly low empathy scores, instructed to crack open the already de-husked SCP-1180-3. Suitable precautions are taken by observing research team. Using a hammer, D-8084 manages to split the fruit open, cracking it into several large pieces. The white \"meat\" appears slightly rotten; kernel is otherwise empty.\n\n8/8/\u2588\u2588\n\n01:34\nNew growths have appeared on SCP-1180, apparently in place of those removed for testing. None of these specimens have been observed to \"rattle\".\n\nDe-husked specimen\n\n8/9/\u2588\u2588\n\n04:50\nD-8084's body discovered standing rigidly upright in the center of his cell. The corpse had been decapitated; site of injury is wrinkled and puckered, cause of trauma undetermined. Head of D-8084 not yet recovered.\n\nAddendum 8/14/\u2588\u2588:\nThe largest instance of the new growths, designated SCP-1180-8, now measures 110mm in diameter. Caretakers have reported knocking sounds coming from inside the husk.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1179 | SCP-1180 | SCP-1181 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1181\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Site-916 is situated 100 meters from the northern edge of SCP-1181. Patrol teams monitor the perimeter of SCP-1181 and any civilians that come near the perimeter of SCP-1181 are to be escorted away by personnel posing as game preserve rangers. An ultrasonic deterrent device is to remain active near the center of SCP-1181, to prevent activation. The device's full strength range is 300 meters, and weakens until ineffectual at 500 meters. The ultrasonic deterrent and its backup generator is to have daily maintenance checks to ensure it is functioning properly. All staff working within the range of the ultrasonic deterrent are to be equipped with sound negating equipment. Site-916 also contains SCP-1181-1, which is kept in secure containment room 916-4, for low risk objects. Access to SCP-1181-1 is restricted to level 4 personnel and above.\nDescription: SCP-1181 is a circular clearing 2048 meters in diameter in a forest, located in a game preserve in [REDACTED].\nWhen a living animal, or portion of a living animal, passes through the center of SCP-1181, SCP-1181 and its barrier activates. No other animal will be able to pass into SCP-1181 from the outside and any other animal inside SCP-1181 when it is activated will not be able to leave, until SCP-1181 is deactivated.\nThe outside of the barrier of SCP-1181 is impenetrable until SCP-1181 is deactivated. The barrier is a sphere, surrounding SCP-1181. The barrier cannot be sensed, except by touch; the sensation is described as similar to touching cold glass. It also cannot be detected by any known instruments. Any objects present on the perimeter when SCP-1181 is activated will be split apart either side of the perimeter.\nOnce the activator moves a random distance between 2 and 8 meters from the center of SCP-1181, 3 other exact copies of the activator will appear around the center of SCP-1181, facing outwards from the center, arranged equally separate from each other, 90 degrees apart. Each of the 3 copies will move identically to the activator.\nIf the activator continues to move away from the center, it and its copies will be copied again at random distances from the center. The three additional copies will appear around a point 1 meter behind the activator or copy.\nShould any simultaneously created copies occupy the same space, their bodies will be fused together. Usually the fusing results in rapid expiration of these copies. If a newly created copy occupies the space of the activator or an already existing copy, the newly created copy will be spawned missing the portions of their body where the existing occupant of the space was, usually resulting in quick, if not instantaneous, death from blood loss.\nLiving fused and/or mutilated copies and copies that block each others' paths will still attempt to the best of their ability to mimic the activators movements.\nIf the activator or its copies touches the inside of the barrier of SCP-1181 they will begin to combust. If the person or a copy on fire is copied they will spawn copies that are also aflame. Tests with D-Class personnel asked to touch and describe the physical texture of the inside of the barrier have so far been inconclusive.\nSCP-1181 will deactivate if the activator passes through the center point a second time, or dies. Should the activator die, they, all their copies, and any remains will disappear. Should the subject pass through the center for a second time, all copies, and any remains of the copies, will disappear, and any injuries the activator sustained will be healed.\nRecovery Log SCP-1181 came to the Foundation's attention when a local hunter reported a 'swarm of butterflies, thick as a cloud' in the preserve. When the barrier was discovered, temporary containment protocol 76-Cherry was initiated. The swarm was monitored for several days by Foundation personnel, before it disappeared. Upon discovery that the barrier had disappeared along with the swarm, the area was investigated. During the investigation Agent Havelock activated SCP-1181 and died shortly after. Following this incident, Site-916 was built, permanent containment protocols put in place, and research into SCP-1181 commenced. Four weeks after the completion of Site-916, SCP-1181-1 was found during a regular patrol of SCP-1181's perimeter.\n\n+ Test A - Date 27/7/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Test A - Date 27/7/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: D-Class-1033\nProcedure: D-1033 was asked to walk in a straight line from point A, on one side of SCP-1181, through the center of SCP-1181, to point B, opposite side of of SCP-1181, and not stop for any reason. D-1033 would be the only subject present in SCP-1181. A UAV fitted with a video camera would record the test from above.\nResults: When D-1033 passed through the center, SCP-1181's barrier activated. Once D-1033 had walked 5 meters past the center of SCP-1181, 3 copies appeared around the center of SCP-1181, at 90 degree intervals. The subject did not notice the copies.\nWhen D-1033 had walked 17 meters past the center, he and the other three copies of himself manifested 3 additional copies. The subject turned and noticed the copies of himself which caused him to panic, he and his copies screamed and ran toward point B, despite warnings to remain at a walking pace.\nThe 4 copies that had spawned facing backwards ran toward the center of SCP-1181. When the copies came into contact with each other they attempted to mimic D-1033 movements further, despite physically obstructing each other to the point of futility.\nAs D-1033 continued toward point B, he activated several copying points. When the subject was 300 meters from the center of SCP-1181 there were over 16 thousand copies, some fused or otherwise mutilated. Uninjured copies continued to run in various directions, mimicking the subject.\nImmediately after D-1033 had passed the 500 meter from the center, there were over 60 thousand copies, interfering with each others progress, and spawning more copies. At this point much of the ground was covered with fused and mutilated corpses, as well as blood. Copies continued to mimic D-1033 and spawn more copies, or attempt to despite impediments and/or injury.\nWhen the subject arrived at point B, he and all copies of himself yelled; \"Yes, finally!\" As D-1033 and all copies which came into contact with the perimeter, they burst into flame, screaming and rolling around. All other living copies rolled and screamed regardless of if they were on fire.\nSeven minutes after coming into contact with the perimeter the subject died from third degree burns. The extensiveness of these burns was not able to be verified. The subject and all copies disappeared, including blood, organs and smoke.\n\nSCP-1181 and its barrier deactivated.\n\n+ Test B - Date 13/8/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Test B - Date 13/8/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: D-Class-1059\nProcedure: The subject was told to walk in a straight line from point A, on one side of SCP-1181, through the center of SCP-1181, to point B, 20 meters from the center, then turn and head back through the center to point C, 5 meters from the center. The subject would wait at point C for 10 minutes, then walk through the center of SCP-1181 again toward point D, 500 meters from center, then turn around and return to the center of SCP-1181.\nD-1059 was told not stop for any reason. D-1059 would be the only subject present in SCP-1181. The subject was informed of the clearing's nature prior to the test to lessen the chance of panic during the test. A UAV fitted with a video camera would record the test from above.\nResults: After activating SCP-1181, D-1059 moved to point B; being forewarned, she did not panic when she saw the copies of herself, although she was visibly startled. The subject then turned and walked towards the center of SCP-1181.\n2 meters from the center, D-1059 began to struggle through the scrum of her copies as she made her way to the center.\nAfter two minutes, all the copies of D-1059 disappeared. SCP-1181 deactivated. D-1059 was seen crawling towards point C, where she waited for ten minutes, before walking through the center point, towards point D, reactivating SCP-1181. Upon reaching point D, the subject turned and headed toward the center of SCP-1181.\nOnce D-1059 was 250 meters from the center of SCP-1181, she ran into resistance from her copies, and her progress towards the center slowed. Five minutes later, visual confirmation of D-1059 was lost in a pile of bodies 50 meters from the center. Four minutes later, D-1059 and all her clones disappeared, and SCP-1181 deactivated. D-1059 presumed suffocated.\n\n+ Analysis of Tests\n\n- Analysis of Tests\n\nStudy of the UAV recordings of subjects interacting within SCP-1181 show SCP-1181's radial symmetry. Any one quarter of SCP-1181 is identical to the other three, no matter how many copies there are or how they are moving, despite mutilation, pile-ups, blood etc. So far it seems that nothing can be done by the subject interacting with SCP-1181 to ruin SCP-1181's perfect symmetry.\n\n+ Analysis of SCP-1181-1\n\n- Analysis of SCP-1181-1\n\nDescription: SCP-1181-1 is a large stone tablet with an inscription chiseled into it. The type of rock was consistent with local geology. The language of the inscription is not known.\n\nDecoded Inscription\nFor such a thing to be created, without means to destroy it, it can only be unforgiving maliciousness, unforgivable stupidity, or perhaps both. I will never know.\nThe symmetrical plague enveloped the planet, but for the mountains, valleys and seas, each hemisphere an identical wedge of swarming [REDACTED], with the source as its polar center. The source, only a point in space, with nothing to identify it, or give warning.\nThe planet was abandoned. But there was nowhere to go, and the cold cradle of black space could not be our home. In our calm, silent despair, we elected to spend our last days in the pursuit of a hope. A hope that was both for ourselves, and not for ourselves.\nWith what was salvaged, we did what we could.\nMay this barrier serve you well, or God help you.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1180 | SCP-1181 | SCP-1182 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1182\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1182 is essentially harmless and as such is to be contained in a standard locker. Because of the object's unique mental effects, usage of it is not permitted unless at least one Level 2/1182 clearance staff member is present.\nDescription: SCP-1182 is a small octopus sculpture approximately 171 mm in length and 76 mm in breadth, weighing 312 grams. It is constructed from a combination of wire, copper, and titanium alloy. The head of the octopus contains a clockwork contraption that serves no documented purpose.\nWhen held by a subject (who will henceforth be referred to as SCP-1182-1), SCP-1182 and SCP-1182-1 become effectively invisible. SCP-1182 causes the subject to camouflage perfectly with their surroundings. The sculpture causes an as of yet unexplained reaction on SCP-1182-1's pigmentation, giving it the properties of an octopus in disguise. This also means that the subject can only achieve full invisibility while naked, as the effect does not extend to clothing. The camouflage is distinctly much better than that of a common octopus, as SCP-1182-1 blends in to the point where it is impossible to distinguish their position. If SCP-1182 is released, the subject appears to \u201cblink\u201d back into existence.\nOf note is the mental effect that the octopus has on SCP-1182-1. While holding SCP-1182, the subject perceives the room as if it were filled completely with water. The presence of sea life from fish to coral to sea vegetation has been reported in all cases. Other personnel in the room are seen behaving as if submerged. Conversation with SCP-1182-1 is impossible as the subject hears only gurgling noises as if the speaker were communicating underwater. When SCP-1182-1 moves, they feel as though they are swimming. In three cases, SCP-1182-1 reported seeing their limbs as the tentacles of an octopus.\nSCP-1182's effects, both the camouflage and the hallucinations, only work if the octopus is in contact with a subject's skin. Tests involving holding the object through a glove and similar materials have yielded no results.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1181 | SCP-1182 | SCP-1183 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1183 after manifesting bison skulls on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/18\u2588\u2588.\n\nItem #: SCP-1183\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The airspace in a 25km radius around SCP-1183 is designated a no-fly zone. Any unauthorized aircraft or seagoing vessels entering this radius are to be informed that they are entering a military exclusion zone and rerouted. Aircraft or vessels which do not heed this warning are to be intercepted and detained.\nThe affected area of SCP-1183 itself is not to be entered within two hours of its expected manifestation events. Observers are to promptly report each new manifestation. If manifested objects present a significant threat to health or safety and cannot be contained, site personnel are to evacuate to sea until the next manifestation occurs. Personnel are not to consume food or beverages manifested by SCP-1183.\nDescription: SCP-1183 is a remote island in the south Pacific, 18km long by 8km wide, located at coordinates \u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2032S \u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2032W. Every 126 hours and 14 minutes, SCP-1183 manifests a pile of objects covering up to 85% of its surface. The objects appear instantaneously and silently, and all objects remaining from the previous manifestation simultaneously vanish. The area of SCP-1183 covered by the objects changes from manifestation to manifestation, and freshly-uncovered areas possess low vegetation consistent with local ecology.\nThe manifested objects always belong to a single class. The breadth of these classes varies somewhat, such as the \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 manifestation of laptop computers of all makes and models, and the subsequent \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 manifestation of Apple MacBook Pro laptop computers, but in no case has the class been so narrow that it was difficult to determine its identity. For small classes with a few well-known individual instances, the manifested objects have always been observed to include every instance of that object class which is known to have existed. For more numerous objects, it is impossible to determine exact numbers, but estimates of the number of objects on SCP-1183 generally agree closely with estimates of the number of such objects to have ever existed.\nOf the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 manifestations recorded by the Foundation to date, 76% have been man-made objects, and 16% have consisted of human or animal body parts. Objects manifested by SCP-1183 appear normal in every way while they remain, and man-made objects appear in like-new, ready-to-use condition. This is true even for objects known to have been completely destroyed or, in the case of spacecraft, sent elsewhere in the solar system. No living organisms have been observed to manifest.\nSelected Observations:\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Bibles\nNotes: Due to the wide variation in sizes of individual copies, estimates of the number of Bibles present ranged from 3 billion to 6 billion. The pile was searched for early copies of potential historical significance, but given the number of copies present an exhaustive search was not possible. The earliest copy located dated to 1607.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Coca-Cola brand soft drink cans\nNotes: An estimated 1 billion cans of Coca-Cola brand soft drink, in a large conical pile with a maximum height of approximately 60m. Laboratory mice given only this soda to drink showed no ill effects until the next manifestation, after which they quickly expired. Based on this result, eating or drinking materials manifested by SCP-1183 is prohibited.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Saturn V launch vehicles\nNotes: All 15 flight-ready Saturn V launch vehicles observed lying side by side on the ground, fully assembled and fueled. The vehicles were extremely cold due to cryogenic fuel, and SCP-1183 was evacuated after initial investigation due to concern of a potential explosion.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Human left ears\nNotes: An estimated 1,200,000kg of left ears are present, representing approximately 60 billion individuals and covering 30% of the island to a maximum depth of 12m. Ears were initially warm and showed no sign of decay, but decay progressed normally until their disappearance. DNA analysis found normal human DNA representing individuals of a variety of races.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Unknown\nNotes: The previous manifestation disappeared as expected, but no new manifestation was discovered. It has been suggested that a manifestation may have in fact occurred, but the object or objects were small enough or inconspicuous enough to have escaped notice.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: British castles\nNotes: Every known British castle was represented, along with five unknown castles which may represent previously-destroyed instances. The castles were arranged haphazardly within the affected area, but were situated upright and on the ground. Furnishings were not present.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: Croissants\nNotes: A pile of croissants 80m high at its highest point, covering 6 square kilometers of SCP-1183. Estimating the number of croissants was complicated by the presumed heavy compression of the lower layers by the weight of the upper layers, but the average of the estimates was 126 billion croissants.\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nObjects Observed: SCP objects possessing or relating to [REDACTED] abilities\nNotes: Eighteen seemingly-unrelated objects appeared. Several of the objects were immediately identified as SCP objects, all related to [REDACTED], and SCP-1183 was promptly evacuated. Due to the danger involved, the manifested objects were not tested to see if they retained the anomalous abilities of the originals. Using photographs of the objects taken prior to evacuation, seven of the objects were matched against SCP objects in Foundation custody. The remaining eleven objects may represent SCP objects to which SCP-1183's researchers do not have clearance to access, or they may represent objects which are not currently in Foundation custody. As the potential for eleven uncontained objects possessing [REDACTED] abilities represents a significant threat, photographs of these objects have been forwarded to a Level 4 review team for further evaluation.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1182 | SCP-1183 | SCP-1184 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1184\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1184 is stored in a secure locker at Site \u2588\u2588. Access to SCP-1184 requires Level 4 Level 5 authorization and a complete test script. While SCP-1184 is in use, no fewer than two armed guards wearing purpose-built soundproof headgear with an external audio feed and recording hardware, and thus able to hear the test without being subject to SCP-1184's effects, will monitor the test to ensure that the script is followed. Any deviation from the script will result in detainment or termination.\nDescription: SCP-1184 appears to be a simple gold ring in the style of a wedding band and engraved with the word \"Veritas\" (the Latin word for \"truth\") on the inside of the band. SCP-1184 has an unusually high density of 21.2g/cm3, higher than almost any terrestrial material, and thus the visible gold surface is believed to be plated over another, possibly exotic, material. Only nondestructive testing has been permitted on SCP-1184 to date, and therefore the composition of its interior cannot be verified.\nWhile wearing SCP-1184, everything the wearer (henceforth known as the \"speaker\") says is accepted as the absolute truth by anyone able to hear and understand them (henceforth known as the \"listeners\"). Simple, easily accepted statements are taken at face value without apparent surprise, as with instructing D-class personnel that they will in fact receive a full pardon at the end of the month. Statements which are clearly at odds with reality, such as \"I know this looks like an ordinary ballpoint pen, but it is in fact the nuclear aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise\", may create a significant amount of cognitive dissonance, depending upon the listener and situation. Listeners have been observed reacting to \"impossible\" statements in several ways:\n1) Simply accepting the statement as fact without regard for its impossibility. Listeners told that a pen is an aircraft carrier and exhibiting this reaction would subsequently identify the pen as an aircraft carrier without appearing to find this fact remarkable. This is by far the most common reaction, and most test subjects never seem to notice anything unusual no matter how impossible their beliefs are.\n2) Inventing (sometimes quite elaborate) confabulations to explain away the impossibility of their beliefs. Listeners exhibiting this reaction may invent fantastic stories involving shrink rays and disguise generators to explain how the ship came to resemble a pen.\n3) Very rarely, listeners may conclude that the failure to \"properly\" perceive reality is their own fault. Listeners exhibiting this reaction may appear confused and claim that they are hallucinating or believe themselves to be suffering from other mental problems. Depending upon the nature of the implanted belief, this may cause extreme stress and anxiety over their inability to see the \"truth\" of the situation, and this may lead to actual psychological problems manifesting even in previously healthy individuals.\nThere are no recorded cases of any subjects either realizing that their beliefs have in some way been manipulated or concluding that their implanted beliefs are untrue, no matter how seriously they disagree with reality or how plainly SCP-1184's effect is explained to them. Even SCP-1184 itself cannot override beliefs previously implanted by SCP-1184; the subject is unable to conclude that either belief is false, even if they directly conflict. A conflict between two SCP-1184 beliefs appears to have a higher risk of causing a psychotic break than a conflict between an SCP-1184 belief and reality, but the effect has not been quantified.\nDespite being absolutely convinced of the truth of statements heard under the influence of SCP-1184, listeners remain able to accept future changes of state. For instance, telling a listener that \"this door is closed\" convinces them that the door is currently closed, not that the door can never at any point in the future be open. If the door were in fact open, a listener might walk over to the open door (which they had been told was closed), pantomime opening the door, and then walk through it without incident, interacting normally with the door in the future.\nSCP-1184's effect only manifests when both the speaker and listeners understand the language being spoken, and listeners are hearing the sound directly from the speaker's lips. In particular, the following situations have never been observed to cause any anomalous effects to manifest:\n\nA speaker reading an unfamiliar foreign-language phrase to native speakers of the language.\nA \"speaker\" silently communicating with deaf listeners via mutually-understood sign language.\nA deaf listener lip-reading the speaker's words\nListening to the speaker indirectly via any sort of electronic sound reproduction, whether in real time or recorded.\n\nAttempts to utilize SCP-1184 for its beneficial effects have been hampered by the fact that it also affects the speaker, who will become equally convinced of the truth of their statements. This has proven true even in the case of speakers who cannot hear themselves, as even completely deaf speakers (unlike deaf listeners) have proven to be subject to SCP-1184's effects.\nAs no means of directly using SCP-1184 without being subject to its effects has yet been discovered, the following indirect test procedure forms the foundation of all SCP-1184 use:\n\nTest Procedure 1184-Sigma\n1) Secure test subject(s) within SCP-1184 test chamber.\n2) Researcher enters test chamber carrying, but not wearing, SCP-1184.\n3) Researcher dons SCP-1184 and repeats the following passage verbatim:\n\"It is vitally important that you do not voluntarily do or say anything unless I specifically tell you otherwise. In particular, you must not touch the ring I am now wearing unless I tell you otherwise.\"\n4) Researcher removes SCP-1184 and places it on the table in the room, and then exits the test chamber.\n5) Researcher triggers a prerecorded message in his voice instructing one of the subjects to don the ring.\n6) Prerecorded message instructs the ring-wearer to repeat his words verbatim, and then continues very slowly and clearly with the message to be delivered to subjects.\n7) Prerecorded message instructs ring-wearer to remove the ring, place it upon the table, and step away from it.\n8) Researcher enters the room and retrieves SCP-1184.\n9) Researcher leaves the room and uses the intercom system to inform subjects that they may speak and act normally again.\n\nWhen properly followed, this procedure results in all test subjects being implanted with the desired beliefs, without adversely affecting any SCP personnel. Strict adherence to the procedure is essential, as mistakes can and have led to loss of life or breaches of security. In particular:\n\nThe word \"voluntarily\" was added to the test protocol after a subject apparently decided that \"do not do or say anything\" meant that she could not breathe.\nThe requirement for a prerecorded speech was instituted after several incidents of flubbed lines by researchers. The consequences of these mistakes were generally relatively minor, but in the most extreme case [DATA EXPUNGED].\nThe initial speech to the test subjects must still be given \"live\" by the researcher for SCP-1184 to function, and thus has been kept short to minimize the chance of mistakes.\nThe test subject wearing SCP-1184 remains a weak point in the process, as any misunderstanding or mistake in repeating the prerecorded speech's words can result in the wrong message being delivered. The SCP-1184 test chamber is equipped with an airtight door, separate ventilation system, and hydrogen cyanide gas canisters for this eventuality.\nDuring Incident-1184-7, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, then the head researcher on SCP-1184, deliberately deviated from his test script, instructing the D-class personnel to [DATA EXPUNGED] and using SCP-1184 to force everyone else he encountered to assist him with his plans. Over the course of his escape attempt, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 made 47 known statements while wearing SCP-1184, and at least \u2588\u2588 more which could not be deciphered from available security footage. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was of course familiar with SCP-1184 test procedure and worded his statements carefully to avoid deluding himself, but shortly before exiting the facility it seems that a careless mistake caused him to convince himself that [DATA EXPUNGED], and he was easily captured and terminated. His final statement was inaudible in security footage, but the leading theory is that he stated something to the effect of [DATA EXPUNGED] upon realizing that the site had gone on full lockdown, thus rendering himself helpless.\n\nAfter careful psychological screening and review of security footage, many of the staff affected by Incident-1184-7 were eventually cleared to return to active duty. The affected D-class personnel were [REDACTED]. The current Level 5 approval and armed guard requirements were instituted in the wake of this incident.\nHistory: SCP-1184 was discovered in a mental facility in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588 after reports of strange incidents came to the Foundation's attention. A Foundation team discovered SCP-1184 being worn by a patient known only as the King of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, being waited upon hand and foot by doctors, nurses, and other patients. The patient's true identity is unknown, as his name badge, room identification, and all medical records consistently referred to him as the King of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. All doctors, nurses, and patients in the facility suffered from a wide range of delusional beliefs concerning him, and the Foundation team charged with investigating the incident quickly fell under the \"King\"'s power. A backup team with soundproof headgear was able to neutralize the \"King\" and his sycophants, ultimately determining that the gold ring he wore was the source of his unusual power. Interrogating the \"King\" regarding SCP-1184 proved futile, as the repeated careless use of SCP-1184 had left him deluded about his history, location, and identity.\n\n+ Incident-1184-7 Followup\n\n- Incident-1184-7 Followup\n\nGiven that SCP-1184 was involved in at least one unauthorized use and may have been used on any of us before, during, or after that incident, there is no way for us to truly verify our facts. We believe that Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was undone by a careless misstatement, captured, and ultimately terminated. We believe that we are still in possession of the genuine SCP-1184, and not a worthless replica or merely an empty locker. We believe that we have brought in unaffected individuals from other Foundation sites in order to verify these facts. We believe that they have done so. We believe that we are researchers working for the Foundation. We believe that we show up to work every day and study various objects, including SCP-1184. We believe that we have homes, spouses, and children. But we have no means of determining, even in theory, if any of these facts are actually true or are merely delusions instilled by a user of SCP-1184.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1183 | SCP-1184 | SCP-1185 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1185\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All currently known instances of SCP-1185 are to be maintained in storage at Site \u2588\u2588, with the exception of SCP-1185-3, which will remain installed in its original location and must be monitored at all times. Instances of SCP-1185 in storage are to be isolated from soil and other organic mediums at all times. Soil and organic media used in testing must be isolated from outside contact until the instance of SCP-1185 undergoing testing is removed from the area.\nDescription: SCP-1185 is a collective designation for a set of gasoline pumps featuring identical manufacturer's marks and anomalous effects. Instances of SCP-1185 vary in age and design, in all cases appearing identical to other pumps installed in their facilities. The oldest known instance (resembling and installed alongside several Gilbarco Model 66 pumps) was installed in a rural Chilean town from 19\u2588\u2588 until its discovery in 20\u2588\u2588, while the newest (resembling a Dresser Wayne Century 2200 Series pump) was only one month old at time of discovery and removal by Foundation agents.\nAll instances currently known possess identical manufacturer's markings on the base of the pump, though all other markings on the visible areas of the pump appear normal for the assumed model and manufacturer. These markings refer to a \"Livewater Incorporated\", an apparently fictitious corporation, the existence of which has yet to be substantiated. Employees and owners of fueling stations where instances of SCP-1185 have been located report no familiarity with any such corporation, and in all cases, the means of delivery and installation have been identical to common practice for non-anomalous pumps.\nWhen in close proximity to soil, instances of SCP-1185 extend fibrous tendrils from their bases towards the soil. These tendrils are metallic in composition, and are capable of penetrating several inches of concrete or asphalt should such stand between them and a mass of soil. Upon contact with suitably nutrient-rich soil, these tendrils branch out to form a pseudo-root-system of metallic fibers. The material composing the tendrils is an unknown metallic compound, which rapidly destabilizes and breaks down into various metal ions (primarily lead and copper) should the tendrils be disturbed. These fibers are hollow, allowing them to convey organic molecules to the pump, where an as-yet undetermined series of chemical reactions convert them into the component molecules of gasoline fuel. The exact composition of the fuel varies between instances, generally matching that of gasoline produced during the period of the pump's installation, and the process of conversion has no apparent mechanism; the substances extracted from soil appear to spontaneously break down and reassemble into the new molecular structures while passing through the pump. Disassembling and reassembling the pump has no effect on its anomalous properties, and installing any of an instance's components into other pumps of the same model will cause all components of that pump to take on the same anomalous properties.\nOn initial installation, instances of SCP-1185 draw organic material from soil within a one-meter radius of the point of contact. Once soil resources have been drained to a degree that would render the supply inadequate, the pump's tendrils extend further, resulting in its effects encompassing wider areas and causing increased depletion of soil resources. As operation of the pump continues, the increasingly widespread depletion of soil organic content begins to cause malnutrition in local flora and ground-based fauna. In cases where pump usage is especially prolonged or frequent, total ecosystem collapse can and will occur as the pump consumes and processes all available organic resources.\nAddendum 1185-001: On 4/13/\u2588\u2588, a routine check on the fueling station where SCP-1185-1 was previously installed revealed similar anomalous properties in the new pump purchased as a replacement for the removed instance. The new pump was, according to the owner's bank statements, purchased from the same corporation that had provided the other two, non-anomalous pumps in use. According to interview transcripts, a corporate representative met with the station owner and offered a heavy discount on the replacement pump to offset the loss of profits caused by the malfunction of the formerly installed pump (pump malfunction was indeed the cover-story used by the task force charged with removing and securing SCP-1185-1). On contacting and examining the records of the corporation in question, Foundation investigators found that a new pump was indeed shipped, but that no representative was ever sent, nor any discount offered, and that the funds received by the corporation were in accordance with the non-discounted price. The identity of the representative and source of the additional funds are currently under investigation. The pump, designated SCP-1185-3, is to remain installed at its current location and be kept under surveillance in hopes of establishing further contact with the producers or modifiers of the objects.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1184 | SCP-1185 | SCP-1186 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A partially buried SCP-1186 instance located at Wenshu Monastery, Chengdu, China.\n\nItem #: SCP-1186\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1186 instances under Foundation custody are to be held in individual Insect Containment Units at Site-\u2588\u2588. Each unit is to be constructed to resemble the human auditory system. The maximum number of SCP-1186 instances permitted in Foundation captivity is 140; excess instances are to be incinerated. 140 additional units are to be made available as reserve habitats for SCP-1186 instances.\nCivilians identified as hosts of SCP-1186 are to be taken under Foundation custody. SCP-1186 instances which are attached to hosts are to be extracted via invasive surgery. Affected civilians are to be placed under observation for a period up to two weeks. After which, interrogation and amnestic treatment are to be given.\nDescription: SCP-1186 refers to a species classified under the family Cicadidae, with a mean body length of 2.5 mm. To date, all known SCP-1186 instances remain in their nymph stage and show no signs of metamorphosis typical of other members of the family Cicadidae. To the Foundation's knowledge, no SCP-1186 larva or imago are known to exist. In addition, dissection of SCP-1186 indicates the absence of sexual organs.\nUniquely, SCP-1186 consumes endolymph from human cochlear ducts.1 As such, SCP-1186's physiology is optimised for the extraction and consumption of human endolymph, such as an elongated and retractable proboscis to puncture human skin and a digestive system specialised in breaking down substances with a high potassium concentration. However, SCP-1186 is known to survive without consumption of endolymph or any other forms of nourishment. Due to the loss of endolymph, hosts of SCP-1186 regularly experience deafness and balance disorder.\nAfter occupying the human ear for a period of one week, SCP-1186 will begin emitting vibrations directly to the skull via bone conduction. These vibrations are then interpreted as the chanting of various Mahayana Buddhist sutras2 narrated in respective hosts' arterial language. These chants are the only sounds constantly perceived by hosts, despite any auditory impairment on the host's part.\nThese chants are inaudible in environments with sound levels of at least 50 dB, but hosts are known to suffer from afflictions such as headaches and nausea in such environments. In 2% of known cases, non-lethal damage to hosts' nervous tissues is present. Conversely, in environments with sound levels below 50 dB, the severity of the aforementioned afflictions tends to subside and audibility of SCP-1186's sounds increases.\n\nAn illustration depicting 'Ascetic Sun', a figure held to be the previous incarnation of the Victorious Fighting Buddha, a deity revered by the 'Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar'. Other sacred sites believed to be associated with 'Ascetic Sun' have been contained by the Foundation as SCP-2711 and SCP-2178.\n\nSCP-1186 was discovered in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2007, where they were distributed by the new religious movement 'Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar'3 to its followers as an initiation rite. In cooperation with local law enforcement units, a crackdown on 'Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar' and its followers recovered approximately 500 SCP-1186 instances and halted distribution. 100 of such instances were kept for study at Site-\u2588\u2588, while remaining instances were incinerated.\nAddendum 1186-1: Interviews with captured 'Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar' followers suggest that the Wenshu Monastery in Chengdu is a gathering point for said members. On \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2007, Mobile Task Force Upsilon-4 (\"Hot Iron Strike\") was dispatched to raid temple grounds.\nLarge populations (in excess of 5,000) of SCP-1186 instances were found during said raid. 40 SCP-1186 instances found at the Wenshu Monastery have been taken for study, while the remainder was terminated via incineration by MTF Y-4.\nHighest concentration of SCP-1186 instances is centred around a human cadaver seated in the Lotus Position and dressed in robes typical of Tang Dynasty bhikkhu.4 The cadaver has also been confiscated by the Foundation, tentatively classified as AI-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and pending further research.\nA profile for AI-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is as follows:\n\nItem Description: A preserved human cadaver dressed in Tang Dynasty-era bhikkhu robes. Radiocarbon dating estimates the cadaver's year of death at circa 620 \u2013 680 CE. Despite its age, no signs of decomposition are found; mechanism of preservation is unknown.\nDate of Recovery: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2007\nLocation of Recovery: Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China\nCurrent Status: Kept at Anomalous Items Wing in Reliquary Site-\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Endolymph from several species of mammals (e.g. cattle) are acceptable substitutes in place of human endolymph.\n2. Said chants include the Amitabha Sutra, Heart Sutra, Lotus Sutra among others; see Document 1186-\u7532 for a complete list of sutras.\n3. \u5929\u7afa\u884c\u8005 (ti\u0101n zh\u00fa x\u00edng zh\u011b); a Mahayana Buddhist-inspired religious movement, known for its veneration of figures such as Victorious Fighting Buddha (\u6597\u6218\u80dc\u4f5b; d\u00f2u zh\u00e0n sh\u00e8ng f\u00f3), Cleanser of the Altars (\u51c0\u575b\u4f7f\u8005; j\u00ecng t\u00e1n sh\u01d0 zh\u011b), Gold-Bodied Arhat (\u91d1\u8eab\u7f57\u6c49; j\u012bn sh\u0113n lu\u00f3 h\u00e0n), and Dragon Horse of the Eight Heavenly Sections (\u516b\u90e8\u5929\u9f99\u9a6c; b\u0101 b\u00f9 ti\u0101n l\u00f3ng m\u01ce).\n4. Designation of a fully ordained monk in Buddhism.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1185 | SCP-1186 | SCP-1187 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1187\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1187 is to be stored in a remote, above-ground enclosure 5km from Site 19 with a staff of 2 armed guards and 1 Level 1 researcher. SCP-1187 should remain inverted upon its transportation trailer at all times when not being tested. The subject's ignition key, designated SCP-1187-1, is to be stored in the office of the Level 3 director at Site 19 overseeing SCP-1187, and is available upon written request.\nTesting must be conducted no less than 10km from any Foundation facility or population center. SCP-1187 is to be removed from its trailer and operated by a Class D subject in the center of a 500m cleared circle. All security and research personnel should remain at the edge of the perimeter, directing and observing the test remotely.\nDescription: SCP-1187 is a blue 2006 Kazuma 150cc All Terrain Vehicle. It was sold and delivered to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, South Carolina via an anonymous online merchant site. The seller has yet to be located. The owner's initial test ride resulted in an anomalous incident which was suppressed in public media as a powerful but isolated earthquake.\nWhen the accelerator is engaged SCP-1187 remains stationary while the surface beneath its wheels shifts horizontally towards the rear of the vehicle at an increasing rate of speed. SCP-1187 is capable of dragging a 3m wide by 15cm deep strip of terrain at speeds of up to 40kph. This effect extends to approximately 250m in front of the vehicle and 50m behind. Continued operation will shear an increasing amount of material from below the top layer, eventually excavating a furrow and depositing it to the rear of SCP-1187.\nManipulating the steering column will rotate SCP-1187 and shift the area of influence. Applying the brakes will slow and eventually cease the effect. Operating SCP-1187 in the vicinity of buildings or other above ground structures and objects is exceedingly dangerous, as mass above the driving plane is not arrested by braking.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1186 | SCP-1187 | SCP-1188 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1188\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1188 is stored in a secure locker in Site-\u2588\u2588 with its batteries removed. SCP-1188's batteries may not be inserted within 100m of Site-\u2588\u2588's outer walls, and all testing is to be performed at least this distance from any personnel or structures not involved in testing, and under no circumstances should SCP-1188 be pointed at a living organism unless this is specifically part of a test. SCP-1188's batteries are to be promptly removed at the conclusion of testing.\nDescription: SCP-1188 appears to be a standard black \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588-brand flashlight, manufactured by \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Inc. circa 1983. Its construction and appearance are unremarkable, and it displays an amount of wear appropriate for its age. SCP-1188 accepts ordinary D batteries, activating via a toggle button. When active, instead of producing a beam of light, SCP-1188 temporarily displaces matter in a truncated cone originating from the bulb end of SCP-1188. The far end of the cone is 21.2m from the end of SCP-1188 and 2.2m wide. Matter within the cone appears to have been completely eradicated, leaving a cone-shaped \"hole\" through whatever SCP-1188 is being pointed at. SCP-1188 can be freely redirected, causing the \"hole\" to shift. Matter which is no longer being displaced reappears, apparently unharmed, and switching SCP-1188 off causes all displaced matter to reappear. SCP-1188's bulb remains unlit while operating, though its anomalous effects disappear if the bulb is removed. SCP-1188's bulb functions normally when used in other flashlights.\nTest 1188-1 - Date \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Tree outside Site-\u2588\u2588\nResults: Shining SCP-1188 on tree appears to \"cut\" a section out of the tree's trunk, completely bisecting it. The top of the tree does not collapse, despite no apparent means of support. The internal structure of the tree is clearly visible. SCP-1188's \"beam\" is slowly moved up and down the trunk, causing the hole to move up and down but without apparent harm to the tree itself.\nTest 1188-2 - Date \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Ground outside Site-\u2588\u2588\nResults: SCP-1188 \"carves\" a deep hole in the ground, allowing researchers to see into the ground. As SCP-1188 does not shed light like a normal flashlight, it is difficult to see into the hole unless it is aligned with the sun. With the hole at an angle, Researcher \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 walks on the undisturbed ground above the displaced hole with no ill effect.\nTest 1188-3 - Date \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Video camera\nResults: Video camera is set to record and then displaced using SCP-1188. Upon return, video shows a view of a curved wall, believed to be the inside of a silo.\nTest 1188-4 - Date \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: D-16621\nResults: D-16621 is restrained and his hand is \"illuminated\" by SCP-1188, developing a circular hole through it and exposing the internal structure of his hand at the edges of the hole. Upon witnessing this, D-16621 screams, but is found to be uninjured and the hole in his hand is restored when SCP-1188 is switched back off. SCP-1188 is moved to a greater distance in order to create a larger area of displacement and various areas of D-16621 are displaced beginning with his extremities. No ill effects are apparent, although D-16621 finds the process very distressing. Displacing D-16621's head for several seconds causes him to vomit upon his return. D-16621 attributes this to vertigo, as his head was approximately fifteen feet above the ground and facing straight down when displaced, and the sudden shift was disorienting. D-16621 reports seeing the same or similar building as the video camera and identifies it as an empty grain silo.\nTest 1188-5 - Date \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: GPS tracking beacon\nResults: Tracking beacon is able to acquire a good signal and reports its location as a rural area outside \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England. Foundation agents are deployed to secure the area.\nTeam \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Mission Report:\n\nGrain silo found at indicated location. Area surrounding silo is a farm in extreme disrepair, no inhabitants. When activated, the entire cone of matter displaced by SCP-1188 is visible in the air in the exact center of this silo. If you shine SCP-1188 at the ground, you get a fifty or sixty foot cone of dirt hanging in the air. If you move SCP-1188 around, the cone hanging in the air doesn't move but you can see its contents changing. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 volunteered to have the thing shined on him. Because the small end of the cone is at the bottom and he was looking at it when we switched it on, his upper body was hanging in midair staring down at the ground. He could see his own torso, cut open and showing his guts and everything, but then he fell down and his head came back. He threw up all over the place. Can't say I blame the guy.\n- Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nAddendum 1\nD-16621 became extremely ill 48 hours after exposure, with severe nausea, vomiting, and anemia, dying two days later due to multiple organ failure. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's symptoms were similar but much more acute, with rapidly worsening neurological problems resulting in death six hours after exposure. SCP-1188 is no longer to be used on living organisms.\nAddendum 2\nCareful study has revealed that displacement via SCP-1188 causes microscopic damage to material along the edge of the displaced region. The damage is extremely small scale, disrupting a small percentage of the molecules along the edge. For bulk materials the damage is inconsequential \u2014 displacing a volume of water breaks an infinitesimal fraction of it into its component hydrogen and oxygen, which has a negligible effect. For living organisms, damaging even a small percentage of the DNA, enzymes, cell walls, and so forth can cause catastrophic damage. The damage is not actually caused by ionizing radiation, but the type of damage is very similar and the resulting symptoms therefore strongly resemble acute radiation syndrome. As D-16621's head was displaced all at once, but Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's head actually slid through the edge of the displaced region, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 developed severe neurological symptoms while D-16621 did not.\nDisplacing an entire body at once, with no part of the body crossing the edge of the displaced region, should avoid this sort of damage in the future.\n- Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u00ab SCP-1187 | SCP-1188 | SCP-1189 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1189\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1189 is to be kept in a soundproofed steel box measuring one (1) meter by one (1) meter by one (1) meter. Testing of SCP-1189 should be performed in a soundproofed room, with at least two (2) armed guards stationed outside at all times. Personnel in contact with SCP-1189, as well as security personnel present during testing, must be equipped with earplugs or other sound-dampening devices with a Sound Transmission Class of forty (40) or above. [NOTE: NO LONGER IN EFFECT. See Addendum 013-01]\nDescription: SCP-1189 is a sound, measuring an average of forty decibels, accompanied by a pale green glow. SCP-1189 has no discernible physical source, though it appears to originate from the small area at the apparent center of the glow. Due to the effects of hearing SCP-1189, knowledge of the sound produced is limited to sound level meter readings. The readings appear to resemble those generated by speech, though no correlation to any known language has been found, and no pattern has been observed. [NOTE: See Addendum 013-01]\nSCP-1189 appears to be a self-propagating sound. Subjects that hear SCP-1189 become entirely unresponsive for periods of time ranging from fifteen minutes to just over two hours. Upon emerging from this state, affected subjects appear frantic and immediately attempt to cause others to hear SCP-1189. If resisted, affected subjects become violent.\nDuring [DATA EXPUNGED], Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was accidentally exposed to SCP-1189. Agent shot and killed his partner, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, as well as three security personnel and a Level 1 engineer performing maintenance on SCP-1189's containment. Agent was killed by security personnel while attempting to force entry into the surveillance room for Floor 27. Agent was holding a field tape recorder which contained a recording of SCP-1189.\nSCP-1189 was discovered in an abandoned recording studio. The control room contained several pieces of unidentified electronic equipment, and appeared to have been thrown into considerable disarray. The door to the studio was barred from the outside. The studio itself contained SCP-1189 and a single badly decayed corpse. Attempts to identify the corpse have been unsuccessful.\nThough SCP-1189 had been previously contained on-site, an attempt was made to transport it by constructing a soundproofed steel box around the estimated center of SCP-1189 and transporting the box. The attempt was successful, with no trace of SCP-1189 remaining in the original location, and all readings within the box remaining identical to those taken before transport. All contents of the recording studio were destroyed.\n\nExperiment Log: 013-001\n\nName: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\nThe box containing SCP-1189 was placed in a soundproofed room, and all air was evacuated from both the room and the box. Subject D-013-01 entered the room wearing a Type-5 containment suit and opened the box. SCP-1189 was immediately heard through the suit's headset, affecting the personnel in the control room overseeing the test, including Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 opened the airlock and attempted to record the sound before being neutralized by security. All personnel within earshot of SCP-1189 were affected, with symptoms decreasing with distance from SCP-1189. Upon psychological evaluation of personnel within extreme range of SCP-1189, they reported growing increasingly agitated as they attempted to remember what they had heard, playing random notes and experimenting with audio software in an attempt to recreate it. Such personnel were terminated.\n\nAddendum: 013-01\nOn \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588 at 05:23, analytical software monitoring SCP-1189 detected a pattern. At 06:04 a recording of SCP-1189 was broadcast over emergency loudspeakers to all of Floor 27. Emergency security personnel were alerted, but were also affected upon reaching the floor. The broadcast continued until standard and emergency power to the entire floor had been cut, resulting in a loss of containment for three other SCPs, including SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588. Emergency containment crews disconnected all loudspeakers and restored power to the floor. All readings from within SCP-1189's containment had ceased, and SCP-1189's absence was confirmed using Class D personnel. Upon further investigation, it appears that the computer running the analytical program monitoring SCP-1189 for patterns had generated a piece of malicious code that was implemented on the floor's computer network, allowing the recording of SCP-1189 to be uploaded to the emergency broadcast system. Investigation into SCP-1189's whereabouts is ongoing. Recommend immediate reclassification of SCP-1189 to Euclid class.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1188 | SCP-1189 | SCP-1190 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1190\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1190 is to be contained in a secured, temperature-controlled observation room. The observation room must provide accommodations for long term living, to include a cot for sleeping, a restroom, and a food preparation area.\nVideo surveillance equipment is to be installed outside the observation windows to record the device's output as well as any input provided by SCP-1190-1. All recordings from the surveillance equipment are to be permanently archived for study.\nA nurse or nurse assistant must be available to care for SCP-1190-1. Nurse duties include delivery of food, bathing, feeding, application of medicine, administration of intravenous feeding systems, and other tasks necessary for the care of a potentially severely disabled person.\nPersonnel are not to interact directly with SCP-1190 except for D-class personnel cleared to be used as test subjects. Any D-class subjects to be used for testing SCP-1190 are to be cleared with site administration for a stay of execution during the course of the experiment.\nProcedure update following experiment 1190-1: The floor of the observation room must have a central drain for eliminating waste.\nProcedure update following experiment 1190-2: SCP-1190 is to be powered at all times, with backup batteries and a diesel generator in case of power failure.\nDescription: SCP-1190 is a 1973 Hewlett Packard 3000 computer system. Installed on the device is a program which performs a physics simulation, beginning with the known origins of the universe. Observation of the simulation suggests that it is capable of simulating physical phenomena beyond our current understanding. While running the program, SCP-1190 exhibits inexplicably powerful processing capability, an anomaly which does not persist while the device performs other tasks.\nAttempts to decompile the program or to move it to a different device have failed. The program appears to be corrupt to all observations and actions beyond running it on SCP-1190.\nAside from its anomalous performance characteristics and the inexplicably accurate logic used by the simulation, the only other notable physical characteristic of SCP-1190 is that it is unusually well maintained for its age. Otherwise, it appears to be a normal example of a computer of its make and model.\nWhen the program is executed on SCP-1190, the screen displays:\n\nPress Enter to Begin\u2026\nAny individual who activates the program stored on SCP-1190 will become fascinated with the simulation. The individual will want to intervene in the development of the virtual universe to cause it to proceed according to the individual's personal ideals. The individual is designated SCP-1190-1. Over time, SCP-1190-1 will become more obsessed with the simulation, increasingly neglecting personal needs in favor of managing the virtual universe.\nDocumentation of known commands can be obtained with consent from at least one personnel having clearance level 2/1190 or greater; however, the documentation is believed to be far from complete. Each new subject intuits new commands over time, and while video of the subject's input and the observable results on the simulation have been archived, the exact effects of many commands haven't yet become clear.\nHistory: SCP-1190 came to the attention of The Foundation via an asset embedded in the security department of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Laboratories.\nOn \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a janitor at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Laboratories reported to security that an unpleasant smell was coming from a disused office.\nIn the office, the responding security officer found a researcher who was thought to have been missing for several weeks (D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 C\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, hereby designated SCP-1190-1-A) operating SCP-1190 and surrounded by days of her own refuse and waste. SCP-1190-1-A had at some point brought several days worth of food and water to the office, but only a small amount of water remained.\nSCP-1190-1-A displayed symptoms of stage 3 starvation: flaking skin, thinning hair, and insufficient strength to sit up properly. However, SCP-1190-1-A was still operating SCP-1190 while muttering inaudibly.\nThe security officer attempted to administer aid, but SCP-1190-1-A was uncooperative until the officer disconnected the power to SCP-1190. SCP-1190-1-A became violent and attempted to attack the officer, but because of the aforementioned symptoms was easily subdued. SCP-1190-1-A expired from systemic infection secondary to starvation while being rushed to the hospital.\n\n+ Transcript of video taken by security officer\n\n- Transcript of video taken by security officer\n\nOfficer: \u201cD\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588? Is that you? Ugh, it stinks in here\u2014are you okay?\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-A: [INAUDIBLE]\nOfficer: \u201cHoly [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588! Your hair\u2014your skin! What happened to you? SecOps, we need medical on floor \u2588, office \u2588\u2588\u2588 immediately! Ugh, what the hell are you sitting in? Stay with me, girl!\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-A: [INAUDIBLE]\nOfficer attempts to remove SCP-1190-1-A from the terminal, but she resists.\nOfficer: \u201cHey\u2014what's going on here? You need help! Let me help you!\u201d\nOfficer waves a hand in front of SCP-1190-1-A and gets no response. The officer then unplugs SCP-1190 from the wall.\nOfficer: \u201cYou've got to focus! Stay with me!\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-A: \u201cYou\u2026 you killed them\u2026 m-murderer! You killed them all!\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-A attempts to lunge at the officer, but lacks the strength to stay upright and collapses. SCP-1190-1-A claws at the officer's legs.\nOfficer: \u201cW-what are you doing? You've got to hold still! Ouch! Hey, I'm here to help you!\u201d\nThe officer restrains SCP-1190-1-A with a pair of handcuffs.\nOfficer: \u201cSecOps, you'd better get a stretcher up here\u2014something with restraints, I just found D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and she is delirious and in bad shape.\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-A: \u201cBillions\u2026 you killed billions. They needed me, I gave them paradise, and you killed them. Monster!\u201d\n\nSCP-1190 was taken into containment by The Foundation on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nExperiment Logs:\n\n+ Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-1\n\n- Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-1\n\nSubject: D-class personnel D-11593 is a 53 year old Caucasian male.\nSubject Background: A former network administrator, D-11593 is a sociopath convicted on 6 counts of torture and murder in the first degree.\nD-11593 (hereafter referred to as SCP-1190-1-B) was selected for this experiment due to high scores on computer aptitude tests.\nDay 1: SCP-1190-1-B was locked in the observation room for SCP-1190. Subject was instructed to begin the simulation, and to keep a diary during the experiment. Subject was given no further instructions.\nDay 2: SCP-1190-1-B spent 2 hours tending to the simulation.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cThey're making me run some kind of simulation, it seems. So far all I can see are a bunch of white pixels moving away from each other. I can make them move a little faster or a little slower, but that's about it.\u201d\n\nDay 7: SCP-1190-1-B spent 8 hours tending to the simulation.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cThe stars, they have planets! I figured out how to start a chain reaction in a star that makes it supernova and take out a bunch of planets with it. Maybe if I fast forward enough, I can find one with some playthings.\u201d\n\nDay 12: SCP-1190-1-B spent 14 hours tending to the simulation. The rest of the day was spent sleeping and eating with no recreation.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cI found another planet with some life starting. I shouldn't have broken the last planet with life; it took me too long to find another one. This time I think I'll be more subtle and see how much a life form can take before it just can't live anymore.\u201d\n\nDay 20: SCP-1190-1-B spent 18 hours tending to the simulation. Subject ate at the terminal, leaving only to sleep and use the restroom.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cI figured out how to keep the creatures I created alive, even when most of them just want to die. The young ones cry and shake from the pain, but as they get older, they seem to get used to it. I have to figure out a way to change up the pain as they get older, so it will never end.\u201d\n\nDay 42: SCP-1190-1-B spent 20 hours tending to the simulation. Subject ate at the terminal, and only left the simulation to use the restroom. SCP-1190-1-B fell asleep for 4 hours at the desk; upon waking up, subject displayed some anxiety about having drifted off. When instructed to write in the journal, SCP-1190-1-B became agitated and had to be threatened with an electric prod before complying.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cThe last of the creatures from planet 7 died out today while I was asleep. I should have been there so it wouldn't have been so quick. Now they're making me spend more time away from the universe to write this entry; who knows what else I'll miss?\n\nI suppose I was getting bored anyway, they can only scream so much. I think this time, I'll make the life on planets 12 and 13 evolve so they are perfect for killing each other, then open up a wormhole between the planets and see who wins.\u201d\n\nDay 84: SCP-1190-1-B spent 24 hours tending to the simulation. Subject no longer eats independently, and has been placed on intravenous feeding. The nurse has to give the subject sponge baths, and a drain has been installed in the floor so waste can be flushed. In addition, the nurse has been instructed to regularly manipulate the subject's extremities to mitigate complications from long-term immobility.\nWhen instructed to write in the journal, subject remains unresponsive, even if shocked with an electric prod.\n\nTranscript of surveillance video\nSCP-1190-1-B: \u201cNo, it can't be over this soon! I know, I'll bring them back, let them fight it out again\u2026\u201d\n\nDay 105: SCP-1190-1-B suffered from a pulmonary embolism resulting from a deep-vein thrombosis. Subject began to have trouble breathing and started coughing. The research assistant on duty called for the nurse, who was off duty and took nearly 30 minutes to respond. By the time the nurse arrived, the subject's symptoms had transitioned to bloody coughing and collapse. Before losing consciousness, SCP-1190-1-B rendered the simulation unusable by bringing about the destruction of the virtual universe.\nSCP-1190-1-B was transferred to medical, where an anticoagulant was administered, but SCP-1190-1-B expired from sudden cardiac death.\n\nTranscript of surveillance video\nSCP-1190-1-B begins exhibiting trouble breathing, including wheezing and coughing.\nResearch Assistant Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : \u201cHey, what's going on with our guy? Get the nurse to check him out.\u201d\nApproximately 30 minutes elapses before SCP-1190-1-B begins coughing up blood.\nSCP-1190-1-B: \u201cWhat\u2026 what's happening\u2026\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-B's posture becomes limp during onset of collapse; the nurse arrives and is cleared to enter the observation room.\nSCP-1190-1-B: \u201cI can't\u2026 leave them\u2026 alone. If I go\u2026 they're coming with me.\u201d\nNurse \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 : \u201cWe've got tachypnea, hemoptysis and cyanosis. We need to get him to medical immediately!\u201d\nSCP-1190-1-B loses consciousness.\n\nNurse \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reprimanded for responding to a priority 3 page in excess of 10 minutes. Video of this incident is under consideration for staff training purposes.\n\n+ Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-2\n\n- Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-2\n\nSubject: D-class personnel D-14899 is a 37 year old Hispanic female.\nSubject Background: A former professional artist, D-14899 was convicted on 2 counts of murder after one of her art pieces was vandalized.\nD-14899 (hereafter referred to as SCP-1190-1-C) was selected for this experiment due to an artistic background.\nDay 1: SCP-1190-1-C was locked in the observation room for SCP-1190. Subject was instructed to begin the simulation, and to keep a diary during the experiment. SCP-1190-1-C was given no further instructions.\nDay 2: SCP-1190-1-C spent 1 hour tending to the simulation.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cThis place is like so many other prisons, and yet unlike them. I heard sounds \u2026 or maybe I didn't\u2026 in the other areas. Had strange feelings. Ideas came into my mind, inspirations\u2026 I want to paint them, but I can't. All I have is this diary, and some computer, showing dots.\u201d\n\nDay 4: SCP-1190-1-C spent 2 hours tending to the simulation, and 6 hours sketching in the diary. Subject's request for assorted art supplies denied.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cI tried. I tried to get the ideas out, but I can only do so much with a pencil. The only other thing in here to look at is that computer, and all I can do is move around in space. If only there were some colors to look at.\u201d\n\nDay 9: SCP-1190-1-C spent 12 hours tending to the simulation. The rest of the day was spent writing extensive diary entries, eating and sleeping.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cThis is amazing! It's the world's biggest, most perfect canvas! But it's more than that. I can shape galaxies into flowers, and those into gardens. I can paint the horizon of a beautiful purple moon with stars that change colors as the planet rotates. It's sculpting, and painting, and music and dance, all at once!\u201d\n\nDay 21: SCP-1190-1-C spent 20 hours tending to the simulation. Subject eats meals at the terminal, and leaves only to use the restroom, to sleep for 2 hours, and to make entries in the diary.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cI created the perfect woman. Tall, beautiful, unusual and yet familiar. She seems motherly and yet distant. Her children are unformed pieces of clay with endless possibility. She recognizes their potential, and is proud, but still cries when I transform them. It is beautiful\u2026 some people can sculpt what they feel, but only I can literally sculpt using raw emotion.\u201d\n\nDay 30: SCP-1190-1-C spent 23 hours tending to the simulation. Subject eats meals at the terminal, and leaves only to use the restroom and to make entries in the diary.\n\nExcerpt from subject diary\n\u201cArt can mean so much more when you're not bound by rules. I can make a line of colors that didn't exist until I invented them that goes from one end of the universe to the other, and it will never move or fall down. I reshaped the structure of carbon to make shapes I never could have thought of in my wildest dreams!\u201d\n\nDay 31: A breach of containment by SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 caused an extended power interruption which powered down SCP-1190. After a momentary delay, SCP-1190-1-C became violent, attempting to destroy objects in the room other than SCP-1190. Security had to enter the observation room to contain the outburst.\nSCP-1190-1-C is currently restrained in medical. Class A amnestics were administered, but the subject continues to exhibit symptoms similar to sustained withdrawal, including depression, anxiety, fatigue and nausea. Subject indicates that she undergoes persistent cravings for an unidentifiable \"fix\".\n\n+ Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-3\n\n- Excerpts from Experiment Log 1190-3\n\nSubject: D-class personnel D-17019 is a 67 year old Caucasian male with moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder manifesting in a compulsion to place objects into certain patterns.\nSubject Background: D-17019's was convicted on 1 count of arson resulting in the deaths of 9.\nD-17019 (hereafter referred to as SCP-1190-1-D) was selected for this experiment due to a unique concept of organization.\nDay 1: SCP-1190-1-D was locked in the observation room for SCP-1190. Subject was instructed to begin the simulation, and to keep a diary during the experiment. SCP-1190-1-D was given no further instructions.\nDay 2: SCP-1190-1-D spent 1 hour tending to the simulation.\n\nExcerpt from Subject diary:\n\"Nothing is where it should be the cot is on the north wall with the head facing east. And then there's this computer! The dots are all wrong in every way. I want to get in there and fix them so badly.\u201d\n\nDay 3: SCP-1190-1-D has suffered from a sudden embolic stroke. Because the stroke occurred while the nurse was on duty, the subject was able to be transferred immediately to medical. Reports indicate that the subject has been stabilized and that partial recovery is likely; however some damage to the ventral striatum is likely to be permanent, which may affect the subject's long-term behavior.\nDay 8: SCP-1190-1-D released from medical and subjected to a full psych evaluation. Reports indicate that the subject no longer feels compulsion to reorganize objects.\nDay 9: SCP-1190-1-D placed back into the observation room for SCP-1190. Subject spent no time tending to the simulation.\n\nExcerpt from Subject diary:\n\u201cThings which used to seem so significant don't anymore. Nothing really motivates me like it used to.\u201d\n\nDay 10: SCP-1190-1-D spent no time tending to the simulation.\nDay 17: SCP-1190-1-D spent no time tending to the simulation. Subject appears to be immune to the compulsion to interact with SCP-1190. Subject's stay of execution will be revoked, and subject will be remanded to general Foundation custody.\n\nExperiment log, \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\u201cWith SCP-1190-1-D's brain damaged, it appears that SCP-1190 no longer is able to exert a compulsive effect on the subject. While some might call this experiment a failure, it presents a heretofore unavailable opportunity to let the simulation run its course without intervention. The results of this \"pure\" simulation could be very interesting.\u201d\n\n\u00ab SCP-1189 | SCP-1190 | SCP-1191 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1191\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1191 is to be stored in an opaque Type IV Safe-class containment locker at Sector-28. Neither it nor its locker is to be handled in any way except as necessary for testing. If the object must be moved, the entire locker is to be relocated by a team of Class-D personnel, all of whom must be given every reason to believe that the locker is empty. The locker is to be dehumidified and protected from insect and fungal infestation, and the object should be given regular visual-only checks for deterioration.\nDescription: SCP-1191 is a rotten willow tree branch approximately 97 cm long by 1.5 cm in diameter, with a prominent kink 31 cm from the base. Any intentional manipulation of SCP-1191 results in the activation of its anomalous properties, which are not fully categorized at this time. \"Manipulation\" includes any physical contact, made either directly or indirectly via handheld or remotely-operated tools, with the intent of examining, moving, damaging, or otherwise directly affecting SCP-1191. Contact made at one remove \u2014 i.e. by ordering another person to handle SCP-1191 \u2014 affects the person in direct contact, but not the person who gave the order. Contact with a container holding SCP-1191 counts as manipulation if and only if the contactor is aware of SCP-1191's presence inside the container.\nAll contact with SCP-1191 has been carried out by D-class personnel with histories of violent crime. Persons handling the object report immediate panic and disorientation. They begin, quickly and without external provocation, to protest their innocence. Further investigation reveals them to bear memories of an alternate timeline in which they did not commit one particular act of violence \u2014 in most cases, the act which led to their eventual relegation to Class D. Affected personnel retain these memories indefinitely, although they gradually re-acquire memories of our timeline over a period of forty hours after contact.\nDuring these first forty hours post-exposure, subjects frequently claim SCP-1191 retroactively inserted a violent episode into their personal history. In support of their claims, these subjects have demonstrated implanted knowledge beyond their clearance, both of technical details and inter-personal information. Use of D-class personnel in certain contact events appears contrary to Foundation procedure.\nIt is presently unclear whether SCP-1191 is causing spurious knowledge generation or actually altering timelines. A test capable of distinguishing between these possibilities has not yet been designed.\nAddendum: Recovery Report\nAgent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was dispatched to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada to investigate unusually high density of violent crime, accompanied by former convict D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The pair discovered an abandoned vehicle in a wooded lot located at 4\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0 N, 1\u2588\u2588.\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u00b0 W. While investigating the vehicle, D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 picked up SCP-1191. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 reports immediate distress, followed by abrupt and unprompted denial of a previous crime, in support of which D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 demonstrated detailed knowledge of Foundation retrieval agent procedure. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 returned without permitting D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 to release SCP-1191 at any point, employing coercion where applicable. No further items resembling SCP-1191 have been recovered from the recovery site. D\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was later administered a Class-R amnestic and designated personnel D-1191-1.\nAddendum: Excerpts from Experiment Log 1191\nTest 3\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Personnel D-1191-12\nProcedure: D-1191-12 was instructed to remove a one-centimeter transverse section of SCP-1191 using a circular saw.\nResults: Upon picking up SCP-1191 to move it onto the circular saw, D-1191-12 reported confusion, followed by intense mental distress and unprompted verbal denial of three previous murders. SCP-1191 cast aside, slightly chipped upon impact with floor.\nTest 4\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Personnel D-1191-44, D-1191-67, and D-1191-108\nProcedure: The three Class-D personnel were instructed to touch SCP-1191 simultaneously.\nResults: All three personnel experienced convulsions, denying previous episodes. Interestingly, the episodes denied were not in any case those that led to the individual's initial incarceration.\nTest 6\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Personnel D-1191-13\nProcedure: D-1191-13 was directed to move SCP-1191 from chamber corner with 0.5 m iron tongs.\nResults: Upon grasping SCP-1191 with tongs, D-1191-13 reacted violently, insisting upon alternate history induced by the object. Under extensive questioning, D-1191-13 demonstrated knowledge consistent with Security Clearance Level 1/1191, insisting that he was a research assistant \"and a law-abiding citizen\".\nTest 10\nDate: \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSubject: Personnel D-1191-53\nProcedure: D-1191-53 was seated in Control Booth 75, given access to a standard Foundation remote-controlled exploratory drone, and instructed to transfer SCP-1191 to a new containment locker with better preservative facilities.\nResults: At the moment of contact between the drone's manipulators and SCP-1191, D-1191-53 abruptly became confused and distressed, verbally denying involvement in the preschool bombing for which she was incarcerated. Further questioning was unsuccessful, revealing only that the subject now experiences considerable distress at the memory of child casualties.\nNote: Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was reprimanded for permitting Class-D personnel contact with exploratory drones, which are equipped with easily-weaponizable sampling tools, and for allowing direct personal contact between Class-D personnel and Foundation operatives.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1190 | SCP-1191 | SCP-1192 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1192\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1192 is contained in a dedicated aviary and is to be provided a diet of fruit supplemented with protein and vitamin additives, as it refuses to consume seeds and insects that are a part of a normal diet for its species. SCP-1192 is to be provided with several pencils and pages of paper to allow it to communicate.\nIn the case that SCP-1192 becomes belligerent, mild sedatives may be introduced into its food and water supply under close veterinary supervision.\nDescription: SCP-1192 is a juvenile male Gang-gang Cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum), a species normally native to south-east Australia, approximately 33.5 cm in length.\nSCP-1192 appears to be sapient and exhibits intelligence and common knowledge consistent with that of a human child between the ages of six (6) and eight (8). SCP-1192 is unusually disheveled as it appears to be unable or unwilling to preen itself, and has difficulty flying despite being essentially healthy and uninjured. Close examinations have shown a slight, healed-over contusion on the back of SCP-1192's head, but no internal injury or damage was ever found.\nSCP-1192 was discovered and brought into containment by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588, who at the time was embedded as an undercover agent in the Newark Police Department in New Jersey. It is believed at this time that SCP-1192 began following Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and trying to attract his attention because of the perception of an authority figure in police uniform. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 became suspicious due to SCP-1192's unusual species and erratic behavior and sent a request for assistance; a Foundation containment team was dispatched and was able to detain SCP-1192 and bring it to Site \u2588\u2588 for examination.\nAddendum 1192-01: Experiment Log 1192-01\nShortly after initial containment, experimentation was performed in which SCP-1192 was introduced to a multitude of objects in a controlled environment in order to deduce its abilities. Upon being introduced to the testing chamber, SCP-1192 immediately gravitated to a pencil and paper and began to attempt to write crude sentences. At this point, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was brought in in an attempt to communicate with SCP-1192.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: I am Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. I'm here to speak with you. Who are you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: You're at a medical center, Timmy. A hospital. Do you know what happened to you?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Where do you live, Timmy?\n\nAfter several minutes and with some difficulty, SCP-1192 managed to write down an address for a residential home in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Montana. Undercover agents sent to the specified residence determined that the location is inhabited by Mr. and Mrs. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 as well as their son, Timothy \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, age 7. Agents assigned to monitor the family have noted nothing out of the ordinary with the family thus far.\nAddendum 1192-02: Researcher Note\n\nAs SCP-1192 is unable to manipulate objects with enough coordination to play with the video games it requested and it shows little interest in the other toys we have offered it, it has taken to scribbling and making crude drawings with the materials we have provided. A list of notable materials are as follows:\n\nSeveral pages of unrelated words, presumed to be writing practice.\nSeveral pages of crude drawings, including race cars, airplanes and fictional animals and monsters.\nA single page with the words \"wy am I a bird\" [sic] as well as several more indecipherable sentences.\nA drawing of what appears to be a small child holding the hands of two adults. The child is scratched out and the paper is ripped. The reverse side of the page has the words \"i wan my mom\" [sic].\nA single page with 126 instances of the word \"mom\" and 76 instances of the word \"home\".\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nSenior Observer\n\n\u00ab SCP-1191 | SCP-1192 | SCP-1193 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1193\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The borehole containing SCP-1193-01 is to be capped with a tungsten steel grate containing a locking 2.5cm endoscopy aperture. At 48-hour intervals, the borehole is to be endoscopically inspected to a depth of 4km for further manifestations of SCP-1193-01. Seismographic monitoring devices are posted at 2, 7, and 11 kilometer depths alongside the SCP-1193-01 borehole. Seismic readings consistent with subterranean movement are to be reported immediately to Site Director Iqbal. In the event of subterranean containment breach, containment staff are to execute Protocol 473a, severing SCP-1193-01 below the fifth elbow and backfilling remaining portions of the borehole with pressurized concrete.\nThe basement containing SCP-1193 is to be monitored at all times by a Foundation interrogator. SCP-1193-02 is to be answered on or before the third ring; interrogator should attempt to elicit self-directed responses from SCP-1193-01. Responses which implicate size, body plan, location, or further manifestations are to be recorded in Document SCP-1193-2-LTR.\nDescription: SCP-1193-01 is a genetically normal human arm of unusual length, located in a drainage pipe inside the basement of a telephone switching station in Scottsdale, Arizona. Ten centimeters below the drainage grate, the arm terminates in an unremarkable human hand of indeterminate gender. Upon initial examination, the arm was believed to extend through the drainage pipe to a depth of 35 meters. Subsequent endoscopic investigation demonstrated that the arm extends to at least a depth of 71 kilometers, passing without apparent difficulty through the Mohorovi\u010di\u0107 discontinuity and the upper mantle, with regularly spaced elbows every four kilometers. Elbows below a depth of 26 kilometers are slightly retroflexed to accommodate a nine-degree southward bend in the drainage borehole. Continued endoscopic investigation into the SCP-1193-01 borehole is suspended due to presently-intractable engineering constraints.\nCommunications via SCP-1193-02, mostly concerning SCP-1193-01's oven and refrigerator, indicate that SCP-1193-01 may lack conventional thermoreception, and that it is experiencing no substantial discomfort despite borehole temperatures in excess of 674 degrees Centigrade.\nSCP-1193-02 is a GPO 746 telephone, topaz yellow, manufactured in 1971. Its dimensions preclude it having been delivered to the site via the borehole; containment team's present working theory is that it was installed topside for the purpose of communicating with SCP-1193-01. Installation was conducted by unknown parties, by unknown means, for unknown purposes. The rotary dial has been glued into place, rendering it unsuitable for outgoing phone calls. It is attached to a conventional twisted-pair line which enters the drainage pipe containing SCP-1193-01 and descends parallel to SCP-1193-01 until endoscopy is no longer practicable.\nAt between 0838 and 1034 hours Mountain Standard Time each weekday, the phone will ring five times. If answered, an unidentified voice will willingly engage in conversation with SCP personnel. The voice on the other end of the line invariably claims to be a human being, and regularly mistakes the individual on the other end of the phone for an authority figure. Interrogation to date has therefore been relatively uncomplicated. Notable parallels exist between information elicited via SCP-1193-02 and demonstrable facts about SCP-1193-01. To date, anomalous information received via SCP-1193-02 has included:\n\nReferences to human features, but an anomalous body plan.\nReferences to insensitivity to heat or cold.\nReferences to 'a cousin' or other relative, who will soon arrive to 'pick [him] up.'\nReferences to discomfort and boredom at confinement.\nReferences to minor seismic events along the Little Chino fault complex.\nReferences to discomfort at having a limb or other body part restrained, as by handcuffs, a jelly jar, a pipe, a cast, or in one instance, a gopher hole.\n\nAt present, data related to SCP-1193-01's size, physical form, and body plan beyond the parts visible through endoscopic investigation should be regarded as provisional. For contingent protocols and physiological testing data, consult Document RTMR-Delta.\nTranscript SCP-1193-2-LTR-7:\n\n\nDr. Iqbal: Good morning. And who may I ask is calling?\nSCP-1193-01: David.\nDr. Iqbal: And where are you now, David?\nSCP-1193-01: [Inaudible.] Sorry \u2014 who is this?\nDr. Iqbal: Dr. Hassan Iqbal, director of research.\nSCP-1193-01: Oh. From the hospital?\nDr. Iqbal: [Pause] That's right.\nSCP-1193-01: So, when does the cast come off?\nDr. Iqbal: I'm sorry?\nSCP-1193-01: The cast. On my bottom arm. When does it come off?\nDr. Iqbal: I'm to understand you've got\u2026 a cast\u2026 on your bottom arm? I don't understand. Which arm is that?\nSCP-1193-01: The bottom one. Can you take it off? I've already been in the hospital for three months. Seems like it should be about time.\nDr. Iqbal: You say you're in a hospital now?\nSCP-1193-01: You should know. You're the one who put me there.\nDr. Iqbal: I think you must have me mistaken for someone else.\nSCP-1193-01: Look, if you can't help me, put someone who knows what he's talking about on the line.\nDr. Iqbal: I'm afraid I'm the only one here.\nSCP-1193-01: Fine. Just tell me when someone competent gets to the phone.\nCALL TERMINATED\n\n\nTranscript SCP-1193-2-LTR-8:\n\n\nSCP-1193-01: God damn it. God damn it. God damn it.\nDr. Iqbal: Hello?\nSCP-1193-01: Hello? Can you hear me?\nDr. Iqbal: Who is this? Where are you?\nSCP-1193-01: [Inaudible.] For Christ's sake, I'm stuck in the stove here, man. Get the fire department.\nDr. Iqbal: The stove? Are you \u2026 I'm sorry, the stove?\nSCP-1193-01: Yeah, the stove. I went in here to get out some cakes, and I can't get back out.\nDr. Iqbal: You \u2026 went in the stove \u2026 to get out some cakes? Am I hearing you correctly?\nSCP-1193-01: It's a tight fit here. Jesus.\nDr. Iqbal: Are you \u2026 is the temperature uncomfortable?\nSCP-1193-01: The what?\nDr. Iqbal: Temperature. Are you in pain?\nSCP-1193-01: I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you call the goddamn fire department? My back. Jesus Christ, my back.\nDr. Iqbal: I'm the only person here.\nSCP-1193-01: I can't take it anymore. Fuck. I'm sorry. I'm calling my cousin now.\nSCP-1193-01: I'm so sorry. This isn't my fault.\nCALL TERMINATED\n\n\n\u00ab SCP-1192 | SCP-1193 | SCP-1194 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1194\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1194-1 is to be kept in a secured storage locker in Research Sector-12 when not in use. Deactivation of SCP-1194 is to be initiated through the termination of the active SCP-1194-2-T subject or, if more convenient, the SCP-1194-2 instance.\nTesting Chamber 13-A (a standard humanoid containment unit) and 13-B (modified to serve as a stable) are to be maintained for the purposes of experimentation involving SCP-1194. Please see Document 1194-C for extensive information on standard testing procedure.\nDescription: SCP-1194 consists of two parts: SCP-1194-1 and SCP-1194-2.\nSCP-1194-1 is a small device (roughly 3 cm \u00d7 1 cm \u00d7 4 cm), consisting of a speaker attached to a pull-string (roughly 6cm of which is exposed while not being activated, with an actual length of roughly 11cm) and a plastic case; analysis of the speaker, however, shows it to have at some point been rendered inactive despite the remainder of the mechanism being functional. Upon being protracted, the string will slowly retract to its original length at a rate proportional to the length removed. When a female subject pulls the string until an additional 3cm is exposed, SCP-1194 is activated, causing the manifestation of an SCP-1194-2 instance.1 Partial retraction, or retraction by a male subject, does not have this effect.\nSCP-1194-2 is an organism, largely similar in physiology and morphology to an adult member of Equus ferus caballus, with an average height of 139cm. Upon the activation of SCP-1194, SCP-1194-2 will appear on the nearest suitable flat surface,2 provided such a space is present within 30 metres of the device; otherwise, activation will fail to occur. Instances have displayed various sizes, breeds and both sexes, and are notable for various biological irregularities \u2013 including the presence of betacyanins, pararosaniline and other pigments not usually found in mammals on their coats, typically causing a mild purple or pink colouration. Specimens do not synthesise or otherwise produce these chemicals, causing this colouration to fade over time.\nThe death of an SCP-1194-2 specimen, that of the relevant SCP-1194-2-T subject, or the string of SCP-1194-1 being pulled during an active state, will cause the current instance of SCP-1194-2 to disappear. Should the lattermost situation occur, a new specimen will appear provided the conditions for this occurring are met. Upon disappearing, the volume previously occupied by the specimen will be replaced by a gas consistent in composition and density with standard tropospheric air.\nThe following is a copy of the text found on a torn document recovered with SCP-1194-1 (see below). A section of the document has been rendered illegible. Further investigation has revealed no information regarding the object's relation to Group of Interest \"Dr. Wondertainment\".\n\nCowgirl, looks like you got your very own Wonder-Pony!TM Dr. Wondertainment's Wonder-Pony!TM is a fun, educational toy, which will help teach any horse-loving girls things like how to take care of a sick horse, the importance of care and attention, and how to feed a horse. All without having to take care of the muck! Not only that, but your pony will provide constant companionship and friendship. Your very own Real Wonder-Pony!TM can even t[SECTION DAMAGED]\n\n[\u2026]ony!TM is the intellectual property of Dr. Wondertainment. Dr. Wondertainment assumes no responsibility for physical, mental or emotional harm caused by the misuse of Dr. Wondertainment's Wonder Pony! TM if disassembled or otherwise damaged. Dr. Wondertainment takes no responsibility for the destruction of life created by Dr. Wondertainment, or damage caused to said life after creation. For more information, please contact the public relations department currently associated with Dr. Wondertainment.\n\nSpecimens of SCP-1194-2 behave in a manner normal for a horse of their estimated age (typically four to five years, except in three \u2013 at time of writing \u2013 known cases: please refer to documentation regarding SCP-1194-2-5, -9 and -13, all of which were significantly below the average age of other specimens); several notable anatomical and physiological distinctions are, however, present:\n\nFirstly, specimens are effectively incapable of vocalisation; examination has revealed no direct cause of this, as no features of relevant tissue or mouthparts seem to function in a preventative manner. Experimentation involving the placement of specimens in situations which would cause distress has failed to provoke any vocal reaction, despite successfully doing so in the cases of normal horses.\n\nSpecimens do not excrete faeces or urine, despite intaking and digesting food normally. Specimens do, however, maintain a relatively constant mass if well-fed, and will lose mass if not provided with food: how this is regulated is not currently known.\n\nExtended lack of contact with their relevant SCP-1194-2-T subject has invariably resulted in several severe symptoms occurring in SCP-1194-2 specimens, usually becoming noticeable after four days without physical contact, and substantially affecting behaviour after seven to eight. This has, in all known cases, followed the same progression: heart rate first decreasing at a constant rate, followed by the symptoms of prolonged nutrient deprivation, and the specimen behaving in a way consistent with that of horses experiencing illness and starvation. Death will occur at fourteen days \u2013 the exact cause of this is not known due to the disappearance experienced by SCP-1194-2 upon dying.\n\nThe unusual pigments present within the coat of specimens will regularly (i.e., once every 3-12 months) be replaced with green cadmium dye, eventually causing acute poisoning from absorption, over several days. This process is gradual, marked by a decrease in the intensity of the previous colouration as the former pigment reduces in concentration while the cadmium increases, and typically takes two to three days to complete. While this is rarely fatal, the symptoms typically associated with exposure to the toxin manifest by the time the dye's concentration stops increasing. Continued exposure to SCP-1194-2-T appears to lessen the severity of these symptoms, and the substance will disappear from the body of specimens over the course of several minutes under a week after initially appearing. When this occurs, the pigment previously removed will return, often to the concentration possessed during the initial manifestation of the specimen. In all instances of this occurrence, specimens have made a full recovery with provision of appropriate treatment.\n\nSCP-1194-1 was originally recovered from a house in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, England, after an automated search of local police files regarding the suicide of one \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The remains of a ceramic and plastic casing resembling a generic horse of no discernible breed, apparently broken by extreme fall damage, were also found within a metre of the object. Said casing's interior displayed similarity to that of toys designed to accommodate pullstring speakers. Approximately 20% of the casing could not be located, and standard post-acquisition protocol was later completed.\nAddendum (Refer to Endoscopy Reports 1194-\u2588 through \u2588): Extensive analysis has demonstrated a consistent structural abnormality in the vocal folds of SCP-1194-2 specimens. Research is ongoing.\n\nUpdate 20\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588: The vivisection of SCP-1194-2-\u25886, -\u25887 and -\u25888 has revealed their vocal apparatus to bear a notable similarity to that of an adolescent human female, despite the fact that both SCP-1194-2-\u25886 and \u25888 were male. It is unknown if this represents the entirety of the organisms produced by SCP-1194: exhaustive testing is currently being planned.\n\nFootnotes\n1. The relevant female is at this point considered SCP-1194-2-T, and is assigned a specific number (e.g., SCP-1194-T-03)\n2. Note: \u201csuitable flat surface\u201d refers to any solid surface with a great enough area to accommodate a standing, full-grown horse, without any inhibiting factors such as the presence of liquid or solid matter, extreme ambient temperature, etc. which would cause severe injury to or restrict the movement of the specimen.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1193 | SCP-1194 | SCP-1195 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1195\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1195 is to be stored in a standard Safe-class storage locker. The locker is to be locked by keypad, the combination known to the current head researcher, and changed in the event of a new researcher.\nSCP-1195 is to be placed on a standard lecture podium for ease of reading, unless being dictated to or otherwise being used in experimentation. Personnel are instructed to cease any oration that is seen to provoke an unintended negative response.\nDescription: SCP-1195 is a leather-bound book (approx. 25cm x 17cm) of indeterminate origin and age; carbon-dating on the pages has given inconsistent results, and forensic examination of the leather matches no known species. It seems to have a variable number of pages, averaging approximately at 400.\nSCP-1195's anomalous properties become apparent whenever it is opened. Most often, the first page is found blank, and after a moment, the object will attempt to communicate via written text \"bleeding\" onto the page. It will always initially communicate in Euskara, but upon being responded to in any other language, it will continue to interact with the spoken/written one instead. Its method of instantaneously understanding and learning new languages is unknown, and recommended for further study. SCP-1195 has demonstrated an ability to converse in Braille in experiments with blind test subjects.\nUpon being activated in this way, SCP-1195 will make one of various requests (see document 1195-W37 for full list of requests); the most common request is to be told a story.\nWhen a story, allegory or other similarly descriptive speech is directed towards it, SCP-1195 will begin transcription. If the story is not told in a general readable format, SCP-1195 will reformat without noticeable loss of speed in the process. If allowed pauses during the story, SCP-1195 will offer criticism, encouragement, or other comments, depending on the oratory skill, imagination or interest of the speaker. Generally, SCP-1195 is willing to continue this process indefinitely, creating new pages as needed for extremely long stories. The maximum number of pages observed has been 3189, at which point SCP-1195 stated that it was \"bored\" and that the experiment in progress was \"stupid\". SCP-1195 then closed itself, and upon being re-opened was observed to only have 120 pages; however, whether this was due to dissatisfaction with the experiment, or with the quality of the narrative, is unknown.\nSCP-1195 has no direct means of locomotion; however, it can close itself with up to 15 N of force, and turn its own pages. It generally allows itself to be handled by anyone, save those who have physically damaged it or angered it previously.\nAll attempts to coax SCP-1195 into divulging information about its origins, history or other personal data have met with failure, as SCP-1195 states that it would need \"permission\" to share its personal history.\nStories transcribed into SCP-1195 will in most cases not remain long, with the exception of stories of subjectively high quality or substantial length, which may stay for up to \u2588 weeks. Most often, any previous story is erased as soon as a new subject arrives. SCP-1195 appears to remember certain individuals, and, based on previous story quality and other experiences, will show varying levels of excitement and cooperation during subsequent sessions.\nAttempts to damage the book have met with varied results. It is clear that cosmetic and superficial damage to the exterior is lasting. As such, experiments must adhere to a guideline that they do not cause further damage to this area. The pages, however, seem able to be replicated with no upward limit. SCP-1195 generates additional pages as needed. In the event that a page is physically removed from the object, text fades from the excised page immediately, and kerning on the remaining pages is adjusted so that the original full text is accommodated.\nWriting into the book has the same communicative results as speaking orally during initial interaction. Once the recitation process has begun, however, text handwritten in will be absorbed after a moment, and responded to. For example, a written-in note about SCP-1195's choice of formatting a particular paragraph will be considered, and either disregarded, or the format changed.\nDocument 1195-W37: Requests made by SCP-1195, as of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\n\n\"Tell me a story\" (8985 times)\n\"Tell me a better story\" (1158 times)\n\"No kissy stuff\" (972 times, in response to narratives featuring erotic or romantic content)\n\"Tell me a joke\" (604 times)\n\"Leave me alone, I'm sleepy\" (411 times)\n\"Leave me alone, you're stupid\" (293 times)\n\"Come back! I'll be good! I promise!\" (74 times, made in response to reading sessions being aborted, or to certain readers being replaced mid-session)\n\"I want my mommy.\" (1 time)\n\n\u00ab SCP-1194 | SCP-1195 | SCP-1196 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1196\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The building formerly housing the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Back Clinic and SCP-1196 has been repurposed as a Foundation front business. The entrance to the basement has been replaced by a reinforced steel door and is to be triple locked. The unlocking codes are only available for access by level 3 personnel and higher. If SCP-1196's area of effect appears to have shifted in any way, the Site Director should be contacted immediately.\nUnder no circumstances, unless explicitly for testing, are chairs allowed within SCP-1196.\nDescription: SCP-1196 is the basement of the former \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Back Clinic, located in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The basement walls and ceiling are all composed of concrete, with several support pillars at various points in the room. The floor is unfinished. Fluorescent lighting tubes line the ceiling, but only three (3) of them remain in working condition.\nSCP-1196's anomalous properties only arise when a chair1 is introduced to it. As soon as the legs of a chair are allowed contact with the floor of SCP-1196, it becomes an instance of SCP-1196-1.\nSCP-1196-1 is the designation given to any chair under the effect of SCP-1196. Instances of SCP-1196-1 appear to gain sentience and the ability to move independently, either by shuffling across the floor, or \u2014 in the case of folding chairs \u2014 rapidly opening and closing their legs. Chairs removed from SCP-1196 lose all anomalous properties.\nInstances of SCP-1196-1 are able to speak in English through unknown means; these vocalizations consist of short, clipped sentences spoken in a high-pitched, \"squeaky\" voice. Instances of SCP-1196-1 will only vocalize when a human being is inside SCP-1196, regardless of their distance from the subject. Vocalizations are usually commands that refer to the spinal health and posture of the subject. However, these commands are not based on the subjects' actual spinal health, with instances of SCP-1196-1 saying the same sentences regardless.\n\n+ Sample SCP-1196-1 Phrases\n\n- Close\n\n\u201cStand up straight!\u201d\n\u201cDon't slouch!\u201d\n\u201cFix your posture!\u201d\n\u201cSlouching causes scoliosis!\u201d\n\u201cI said stand up straight.\u201d\n\u201cStraight.\u201d\n\nIf a human being spends more than 30 minutes within SCP-1196, all instances of SCP-1196-1 will fixate upon the individual, hereby referred to as the subject. Instances of SCP-1196-1 will follow the subject around and instruct them more clearly on their spinal health. If more than one human being is within SCP-1196, instances of SCP-1196-1 will fixate on a random individual. Exiting SCP-1196 negates this effect. If the subject remains inside SCP-1196, several changes will occur in the current SCP-1196-1 population. As time elapses, instances of SCP-1196-1 will grow more active and vocalize more often, and the voice used will become deeper and louder.\nIf the subject remains within SCP-1196 for approximately 60 minutes, instances of SCP-1196-1 will vocalize rough commands and statements about the subjects' spinal health in a more negative light, frequently repeating phrases such as \u201cAwful posture\u201d in threatening tones. After approximately 80 minutes, instances of SCP-1196-1 will begin to assault the subject; methods of attack include ramming, tripping, stabbing (with chair legs), and crushing. The population of SCP-1196-1 will repeat these actions until the subject either escapes or is killed. However, instances of SCP-1196-1, despite being non-sapient entities, appear to display remorse for these actions, vocalizing various apologetic phrases. Individual instances of SCP-1196-1 have attempted to move or bury the bodies, often times trying to utilize tools like shovels and brooms, to little effect.\n\n+ Sample \u201cApologetic\u201d Phrases:\n\n- Close\n\n\u201cWe're sorry.\u201d\n\u201cApologies.\u201d\n\u201cI'm sorry.\u201d\n\u201cTried helping!\u201d\n\u201cForgive?\u201d\n\nFootnotes\n1. Hereby defined as an object with four legs and a seat that is designed for sitting in; rolling chairs are not affected, although rocking chairs are.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1195 | SCP-1196 | SCP-1197 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1197\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1197 is to be fitted with a Foundation issue keycard lock designed to match neighboring units. Management has been instructed to inform both staff and guests that SCP-1197 is indefinitely inaccessible.\nTwo armed personnel are to be incorporated into the civilian staff in the security office. Any subjects emerging from SCP-1197 are to be detained and administered medical and psychological treatment before being interviewed.\nFollowing an active session SCP-1197 is to be thoroughly searched and cleaned with the entrance door secured open. Any anomalous items and bodies are to be removed and studied. SCP-1197-1 is not to be manipulated at any time outside of testing.\nDescription: SCP-1197 is hotel suite \u2588\u2588\u2588 in [REDACTED], containing a bedroom area, bathroom, and typical furnishings including a television, mini-fridge, and telephone. The windows on the far wall of the bedroom cannot be opened and the walls, floor, and ceiling cannot be damaged or breached by any known means. When viewed from through the windows from outside SCP-1197 appears as a clean and unoccupied room at all times.\nSCP-1197 can be occupied for any amount of time and freely vacated, provided the occupant does not open SCP-1197-1. SCP-1197-1 is a doorway in the western wall of SCP-1197. Although it appears to connect to the adjacent suite, the corresponding door in room \u2588\u2588\u2588 cannot be opened. SCP-1197-1 remains locked unless the entrance door to SCP-1197 is closed, at which point SCP-1197-1 can be opened.\nOpening SCP-1197-1 will reveal an identical version of SCP-1197, including any current occupants, who have opened their version of SCP-1197-1 at the same moment. New instances of subjects exhibit accurate knowledge in response to questions of identity, and act in a similar manner. Posthumous testing reveals no biological discrepancies.\nSCP-1197 has demonstrated the ability to spawn items during an active session, out of view of any occupants. Utilities, with the exception of the telephone, continue to function, but occasionally experience outages.\nDuring an active session the entrance door to SCP-1197 will no longer open and cannot be breached from either side. Should 1 instance of each occupant expire, SCP-1197-1 will close and the entrance door will open for whichever room is currently occupied. To date all recorded deaths within SCP-1197 have resulted from homicide.\nAddendum:\nNote: The Foundation became aware of SCP-1197 4 days into Incident 1197/3. Interviews with hotel staff and local authorities provided information regarding previous incidents. For clarification purposes, surviving subjects are designated -1, -2, etc. while their duplicates are designated -A, -B respectively.\n\nShow Incident Logs\n\nHide Incident Logs\n\nSubject: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDuration: Approximately 16 hours\nSubject-1 failed to check out of SCP-1197. Hotel staff could not open door, authorities notified. Before police arrived subject exited SCP-1197, appearing distressed and acting violently towards anyone approaching him. A battered body similar in appearance to the subject was discovered in SCP-1197. Subject arrested and interrogated before committing suicide in police custody.\nInterrogation logs provided rough details of an SCP-1197 active session, during which the subject-1 accused subject-A of lying about his identity, denied the reality of the situation, and attempted escape. Eventually the subject-1 subdued and tortured subject-A to gain additional information and/or freedom. Subject-A expired from inflicted injuries, at which point SCP-1197-1 closed and the entrance door opened. Posthumous DNA testing revealed a match between the subject-1 and subject-A.\n\nSubject: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDuration: Unknown\nA body matching subject-1 was found in SCP-1197 by cleaning staff at approximately 12:15pm the day after subject-1 checked in. A police investigation determined the cause of death to be asphyxiation using a leather belt matching the one worn by subject-A. Time of death estimated at 9:30am. Hotel security video and front desk logs show subject-1 exiting room and checking out at 9:37am. Subject-1's current location unknown.\n\nSubject: \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDuration: Approximately 45 days\nBefore the Foundation could secure the site subject-1 (male) and subject-2 (female) activated SCP-1197. On-site personnel responded to the re-opening of SCP-1197 to discover subject-1 assaulting subject-2. Subject-1 detained, subject-2 transported to nearest hospital under guard.\nInterview reveals subjects to be a married couple. Subject-1 opened SCP-1197-1 while unpacking, discovering subject-A and subject-B. After a few hours of panic and argument subject-2 and subject-B were able to calm their husbands and all 4 agreed to rest and await rescue. Subject-B discovered wrapped sandwiches in their mini-fridge which hadn't been there previously, sharing them amongst all 4 subjects. The fridge replenished every day at first, but gradually produced food less and less frequently. Over the following weeks tension grew between the couples until they decided to keep SCP-1197-1 closed and check in daily.\nEventually subject-A claimed the fridge ceased producing food, resulting in a violent altercation, after which SCP-1197-1 was closed and barricaded from both sides. Several days later subject-1 awoke to find subject-2 missing. Forcing SCP-1197-1 open subject-1 discovered subject-A in bed with subject-2 and subject-B. All 3 claimed innocence to accusations of infidelity. Subject-1 assaulted subject-A, leading to the death of subject-A and subject-B. SCP-1197-1 closed and entrance door opened. 2 bodies were recovered for study. Subject-2 expired from injuries before being interviewed.\n\nSubject: D-1916, a 28yr. old male convicted of a gang-related homicide\nDuration: Approximately 9 days\nD-1916 instructed to enter SCP-1197, wait until the entrance door was closed and open SCP-1197-1. D-1916 equipped with audio and video recording devices. Remote feeds were lost when SCP-1197-1 was opened. Upon exiting SCP-1197 D-1916-1 attempted to escape the hotel before being detained.\nD-1916-1 described meeting D-1916-A and exchanging questions until both accepted their situation. D-1916-1 and D-1916-A attempted escape, but were unable to breach doors and windows, or contact anyone via telephone. Over the next week increasingly elaborate plans were enacted but all met with failure as various utilities such as power, water, and air conditioning began failing for long periods. Arguing intensified until D-1916-1 discovered an electric iron in the closet and bludgeoned D-1916-A to death. SCP-1197-1 closed and the entrance door opened. Body, iron and 2 recording devices recovered for study.\nRecovered recordings show a clean, quiet and unoccupied room matching that seen through the windows. The videos follow the movement of each subject, but even when pointed at each other or at mirrors do not show the subjects or recording devices.\n\nSubject: D-985, a 24yr. old male convicted of three related homicides\nDuration: 5 minutes\nD-985 armed with a loaded pistol and fully informed about the nature of SCP-1197. D-985 instructed to enter SCP-1197, wait until the entrance door was closed and open SCP-1197-1. Entrance door opened minutes later, revealing D-985-1 leaning against armchair with a gunshot wound in the side, facing a closed SCP-1197-1. D-985-1 ordered by armed personnel to drop pistol and lay face down. D-985-1 complied.\nD-985-1 described opening SCP-1197-1 and being shot before returning fire and presumably terminating D-985-A. Personnel report not hearing any gunshots or other noises from SCP-1197 until entrance door re-opened. D-985-1 escorted from SCP-1197 and treated by medical personnel.\n\nSubject: D-5482, a 40yr. old female convicted of a domestic homicide\nDuration: 38 hours\nD-5482 instructed to enter SCP-1197, wait until the entrance door was closed and fully explore the room. After 38 hours entrance door opened but D-5482-1 did not exit. Security personnel entered SCP-1197 and discovered D-5482-1 sitting on the bed cradling D-5482-A, who had expired from a gunshot wound to the temple. A single pistol was found on the floor which had not been issued to the subject. D-5482-1, body and pistol removed from SCP-1197. D-5482-1 was calm and refused to describe her experience, explaining only that she had \"dealt with her issues.\"\n\nSubject: Dr. Harrison\nDuration: Ongoing - 96 days as of most recent project report\nFollowing extensive psychological examination, Head Researcher Dr. Harrison was cleared to activate SCP-1197 for direct study. Subject provided with a standard survival pack, 30 days of rations and 1 week's worth of emergency drinking water. Various additional supplies approved, including clothing, books, writing materials, and board games.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1196 | SCP-1197 | SCP-1198 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1198\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A single copy of SCP-1198 is stored in the High Security Data server of Site 19. It is stored in a password-protected subsystem that is only accessible by Level 3 or higher researchers assigned to SCP-1198. When used for experimental procedures, all personnel involved other than the intended subject are to wear hearing protection sufficient to block sound up to 70 dB in volume. SCP-1198 is only ever to be played in a sound-proofed room designed to minimize echoes.\nSubjects affected by SCP-1198 are to be instructed to communicate only via written or typed text, preferably through a touchscreen, so as to minimize sound produced. Subjects are not allowed access to any piercing instruments or other objects which could be repurposed to perforate the eardrums of the subject. Requests for authorization to commence testing on individuals who are fluent in sign language but retain full hearing are pending.\nDescription: SCP-1198 is a sound file lasting 37.2 seconds that is encoded in the Waveform Audio File Format (.wav). To unaided human hearing, it appears to be a blank or silent file. Audio analysis reveals a high-frequency soundwave which is at the upper limit of normal human hearing. When transposed to a lower frequency, the sound file plays a complicated non-repeating sequence of atonal screeches, arrhythmic pauses and pure tones. Although every subject who hears the transposed sound file describes it as mildly to moderately unsettling, it only displays its anomalous properties when played at its original frequency. Copies of the original file retain the anomalous property, but converting the file to .mp3 or any other audio file format eliminates the anomalous property.\nAfter being exposed to the entirety of SCP-1198 at any volume between 35 dB and 65 dB, all subjects develop a unique form of auditory hallucinations. Beginning approximately 10 hours after initial exposure, subjects will begin to hear any sounds directly caused by them start to echo. This includes, but is not limited to, sounds such as speech, their own footsteps, the engine noise of a vehicle they are operating, and internal bodily sounds such as breathing or stomach gurgles. This effect does not include externally caused sounds such as the speech of others, music, or naturally occurring echoes, all of which they hear normally.\nThese anomalous echoes initially fade within a few moments, but over the course of approximately 48 hours, the duration of the echoes increases to the point that they no longer disappear. Affected subjects have described this in a variety of ways, but the echoes apparently neither increase nor decrease from the volume of the original sound, and sounds layer over each other such that the subject is constantly hearing all the echoes simultaneously.\nAlthough SCP-1198 does not affect any individual who is incapable of hearing, whether via sound dampeners or independent deafness, affected subjects who are later deafened continue to hear any preexisting echoes.\nAll affected subjects will eventually begin to display psychological abnormalities consistent with sensory overload, as well as generalized phonophobia and a heightened aversion to any activity on their part that would produce sound.\nAddendum: Once a subject has acquired an indeterminate amount of layered echoes, they begin to experience secondary auditory hallucinations. Subjects who have progressed to this stage and are still willing and able to communicate textually report that the echoes start to intermittently amplify and distort each other such that the resulting interference pattern resembles speech. This new source of speech is internally consistent and identical across all subjects, whose reports indicate that the speech is simultaneously transmitted to all affected subjects. Samples are transcribed below.\n\n\"The only thing you have to fear is [garbled] alone and afraid, naked before the [garbled] that made you.\"\n\"Elephants squash ants, don't they?\"\n\"Pity not the reaper man. Pity yourself.\"\n\"fish lizard rat monkey man [garbled] end forever\"\n\"Join cacophony. Things die. Voices rise.\"\n\n\u00ab SCP-1197 | SCP-1198 | SCP-1199 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1199; Area-25 industrial laboratory\n\nItem #: SCP-1199\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1199 is housed in its original container in a medium security containment locker; accessible for research purposes by Level 2 or higher Area-25 research personnel.\nDescription: SCP-1199 is a can of gloss house paint originating from an unknown manufacturer. Although aged, the item is in fair condition. The can is filled to 50% of volume with a beige liquid which resembles acrylic paint. Throughout testing it was noted that this level does not fall unless the item is open and inverted. Early testing revealed trace biomass within the liquid.\nWhen spread onto a surface as paint, the liquid takes on a slight red tone which fades as it dries. The final dry color is a pale white. Within the first hour of drying, treated surfaces will begin to radiate a small amount of heat. Soon after, the surface will become slightly glossy due to slight secretion of sebaceous oil.\nMicroscopic examination shows structure identical to human epidermis. All samples 0.10 mm or greater thickness contained all skin between the cornified and basal layers, as well as a variable thickness stratum lucidum. Treated surfaces will collect environmental dirt, \"shed\" top layers and are reactive to ultraviolet light by way of melanin production. If a treated surface becomes sunburned, the treatment will slough from its application site wholesale. Although treated surfaces function as skin, no thickness of application have yielded blood samples. Genetic testing has shown the treatment's biomass to be chimeric in nature, containing many different helix samples of a common Anglo-Saxon heritage. The source of SCP-1199's biochemical energy is yet unknown.\n\nResearcher's Note: During properties testing, a D-class supervised handler was chosen based on previous artistic inclination. D-1199-1 managed to create blisters, boils and calluses while applying the treatment to surfaces. When instructed to teach the skill to a researcher, D-1199-1 was able to train the researcher to achieve similar effects. D-1199-1 remained attached to the project for their term of service.\n\nTreatment may be removed from surfaces using industrial solvents or by scraping and peeling layers away from a treated area. Peeled layers maintain an elasticity similar to human skin and continue to sweat and generate heat for up to 24 hours. Stripped surfaces retain no anomalous traits save for a lingering sweat smell. Treatment remaining applied may regenerate, sweat and tan nigh-indefinitely. Application sample 1199-A is still healthy after 13 Feb 2012 13:52 as of this writing.\nInitial medical research has shown that the treatment does not graft to human skin, but dries onto it like paint. The treatment still retains its skin-like traits and forms a secondary epidermis not connected with a central nervous system. Research into medical applications as well as possible protections the treatment may offer against inclimate environments is ongoing.\nLiquid remains at a constant viscosity while in its can; research into possible anomalous properties of can -pending- on hold until conclusion of medical research.\nAddendum: Per O5-\u2588: \"This could be a boon to testing recoveries that have destructive effects to human physiology. Cross research with other SCPs is hereby permitted\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-1198 | SCP-1199 | SCP-1200 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1200\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Discovery and seizure of SCP-1200 are performed by FDA under CFR Title 21. Once in the possession of FDA, the recovered samples are to be replaced by non-anomalous duplicates and transferred to Site-197.\nAs the SCP-1200-A entities do not require sustenance or oxygen, they are to be contained in individual reinforced containers and stored in the I-TL1 Wing of Site-197.\nDescription: SCP-1200 designates all chewing gum distributed under the \"Tastes Like Chewing Gum\" brand. Packages of SCP-1200 periodically appear in various stores across the United States. The logo present on the packaging identifies the gum's manufacturer as \"The Factory\".\nWhen an SCP-1200 sample is masticated by a human subject, the sample's anomalous effects will manifest. The particulars and the duration of the effects vary based on the flavor of the sample. Currently, 83 flavors of SCP-1200 have been documented. Swallowing SCP-1200 samples does not produce any further anomalous effects.\nAddendum 1200-1: Partial list of SCP-1200 flavors. See 1200-E:KV for a full list.\n\nDesignation\nEffects\n\nLabel\n\nColor\n\nSCP-1200-12\nSubject's gustatory perception was altered for 28 hours following the consumption of the sample. The subject was unable to discern the taste of consumed food, perceiving a lemon taste instead.\n\n\"Tastes Like Lemons\"\n\nLime Green\n\nSCP-1200-15\nSubject became luminescent, emitting over 40000 lux of white light. The subject was not harmed by the effect. The effect continued for 20 minutes, after which time its intensity gradually decreased, ceasing fully after an additional 4 minutes.\n\n\u201cTastes Like Sunshine\u201d\n\nBright yellow\n\nSCP-1200-29\nFor 216 minutes, subject was able to rearrange at will segments of her body, both internal and external. The functionality of the affected segments and the health of the subject was not diminished in the process. The alterations were accompanied by secondary changes in seemingly unrelated regions. Due to this, the subject was unable to return to her original body plan.\n\n\"Tastes Like Rubik's Cube\"\n\nMulticolored\n\nSCP-1200-30\nSix corporeal humaniform entities manifested in the vicinity of the subject. The entities did not exhibit sapient behavior, instead mimicking the actions and speech of the subject, guards and researchers, and each other. The entities continued to exist for six days, before dissolving into a homogeneous liquid. Subsequent analysis of the liquid revealed it to be a mixture of organic materials, iron particles, and acrylic paint.\n\n\"Tastes Like Those Forgotten\"\n\nDark blue\n\nSCP-1200-58\nPolyhedral, crystalline exoskeleton formed around the subject. The resulting object proceeded to levitate at the height of 1.3 meters above the ground. The object remained inert for the next 62 days. After the conclusion of that period, the object broke apart, and the subject emerged unharmed. When debriefed regarding his experience, the subject stated that he was transported to a green meadow, where he met his younger brother. Notably, the subject does not have any living or deceased siblings.\n\n\"Tastes Like Afterlife\"\n\nWhite\n\nSCP-1200-62\nIncorporeal, translucent, leporine organisms appeared to emerge from the walls of the subject's cell. The organisms proceeded to reach the subject and burrow inside her body. The subject did not react to these events and claimed to be unable to perceive the entities. Video recordings of the incident did not show any anomalous activity. The subject expired 11 days later due to exsanguination. No injuries have been found on the body. To date, this is the only known fatality caused by the effects of an SCP-1200 sample.\n\n\"Tastes Like Moon's Shadow\"\n\nRed\n\nAddendum 1200-2: On 2003-02-20, while conducting an unrelated investigation, Foundation operatives discovered a facility dedicated to production of SCP-1200-30. At the time of discovery, the facility was populated by 28 anomalous entities. The entities were subsequently contained, designated SCP-1200-A, and transported to Site-197.\nInstances of SCP-1200-A are animate humanoid entities composed primarily from wrought iron. SCP-1200-A have been covered in several layers of paint, typically white, dim blue, or yellow. The outer layers of paint are largely absent, while the remaining segments are faded and flaking; the underlaying material is showing signs of oxidation. In the center of SCP-1200-A's head is a large circular opening. No other features are present.\nWhen not contained, the SCP-1200-A entities will attempt to acquire recently deceased human bodies and transform them into SCP-1200-30. Each entity will locate a suitable cadaver and transport it to the base facility. There, the entity will regurgitate paint, various biological matter, and small slags of iron, into the mouth of the cadaver. The entity will repeat this process over the course of several weeks. Eventually, the body will liquefy, forming a dense homogeneous liquid, which will disappear via unknown means soon after. Chemical analysis of the liquid identifies it as the substance constituting 80% of SCP-1200-30 sample's contents.\nAddendum 1200-3: Cross-reference analysis of the Foundation Archives returned a relevant phone call. The call was made on 1999-06-02 from a pay phone located 2 km from the SCP-1200-A base facility. A single unidentified male voice can be heard on the recording. The transcript of the recording follows.\n\nHerrick, this is Davis.\nI'm all done with the psychopomps here. We redirected the output to the location you wanted, weren't any problems there. The goo should start arriving to you shortly.\nAbout your other order, Morton spotted some nanohives in Budapest. I'm heading out there tomorrow. They should do nicely for your task, after some tinkering.\nMake sure there won't be any issues with my payment this time. If your contacts at the Factory are unwilling, I can always find someone else.\nCall you in two weeks.\n\nAddendum 1200-4: On 2003-08-24, two days after dismantling of the SCP-1200-A base facility was concluded, packages containing a previously unknown flavor of SCP-1200 arrived to several non-clandestine Foundation facilities. The testing results are included below.\n\nSCP-1200-83\nNo anomalous effects observed.\n\n\"Tastes Like Normalcy\"\n\nColorless\n\n\u00ab SCP-1199 | SCP-1200 | SCP-1201 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1201\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A 50 m perimeter around area 1201 is to be maintained at all times. Testing into the nature of SCP-1201-2 is to be done promptly and without hindrance to the route of SCP-1201-2 to prevent a possible containment breach of SCP-1201-3.\nAny change in behavior by SCP-1201-2 is to be immediately reported to the Site Director and the area is to be put on lock down.\nChanges in containment procedures are currently being drafted as of the incident outlined in Document 1201-C.\nDescription: SCP-1201 is a shallow wall-fountain located in Damascus, Syria. The fountain itself displays no anomalous properties save for its use by SCP-1201-2. Although SCP-1201-2 appears to enter SCP-1201 during separate manifestations, entrance by Foundation personnel does not seem to be possible. An investigation is currently underway to confirm whether or not the placement of the well is purely coincidental.\nSCP-1201-2 appears to be a large, completely hairless chimpanzee similar in size to an average adult human male. Strength and agility exhibited by SCP-1201-2 is not considered to be abnormal relative to its size.\nThe entity materializes within 40-48 meters of SCP-1201 each year on \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 at 23:23:46 with severe injuries including third degree burns, severed limbs, deformities consistent with exposure to triflic acid, and holes scattered around the body. SCP-1201-2 regenerates in the space of 12.3 seconds before attempting to return to SCP-1201. An outline of a typical occurrence can be found in Document 1201-A.\nAttempts to halt the progress of SCP-1201-2 toward SCP-1201 have been effectively unsuccessful, as the entity appears to assault researchers when coerced, and prolonged confinement of the entity seems to produce an adverse effect originating near SCP-1201. SCP-1201-2 is not hostile toward researchers during its manifestations but will actively attempt to remove or disable barriers between it and SCP-1201. SCP-1201-2 appears to be highly vulnerable to electrical shock but further attempts to halt the progress of SCP-1201 are not recommended due to events outlined in Document-1201-B.\nDocument 1201-A: Events of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2002, Area 1201\nForeword: Fifth recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was questioned alongside researchers keeping pace with the movement of the entity on a pre-constructed motion track. The entity was visible for 20 seconds before disappearing into SCP-1201.\n\nSCP-1201-2 manifests 47 meters from SCP-1201. Subject appears heavily bruised around the torso and face, with third degree burns covering the body. SCP-1201-2 appears to regenerate to typical appearance in the space of 12.3 seconds before righting itself and sprinting toward SCP-1201. Agent Breen attempts communication.\nSCP-1201-2: The hell do you guys want?\nAgent Breen: What are you doing?\nSCP-1201-2: Going to meet Beth.\nAgent Breen: Who is Beth?\nSCP-1201-2: A real bitch.\nAgent Breen: What is Beth?\nSCP-1201-2: A bitch.\nAgent Breen: Thank you for your cooperation.\nSCP-1201-2 disappears into SCP-1201.\nEND LOG\n\nDocument 1201-B: Events of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/1999, Area 1201\nForeword: Second recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was temporarily disabled with a prefabricated electric field after regenerating. The entity was incapacitated for 18 seconds before power to the grid was removed by Agent Sanders and SCP-1201-2 was released.\n\nAgent Sanders: You're going to want to cooperate with us.\nSCP-1201-2: The fuck is your problem?\nSCP-1201-2 attempts to break from the electrical current but is not successful.\nAgent Sanders: We're going to need some information before you go anywhere.\nSCP-1201-2: Not telling you shit.\nSCP-1201 begins shaking, and partially fractures from its foundation. A long, smooth, black mass with the appearance of a tongue, which will henceforth be referred to as SCP-1201-3, can be seen partially probing from SCP-1201. The tongue stretches in length over 40 meters toward Agent Sanders.\nAgent Sanders terminates the power to the containment on SCP-1201-2. SCP-1201-2 rights itself and collides with the appendage of SCP-1201-3, making contact and crashing into a wall.\nFlames begin to funnel out from the mouth of SCP-1201 and SCP-1201-2 is severely burned. SCP-1201-2 is pulled into the air by SCP-1201-3.\nSCP-1201-2: You bitch!\nSCP-1201-2 has the tip of the appendage in a headlock, 20 meters above ground. SCP-1201-2 begins tearing into the skin of the appendage with its teeth.\nSCP-1201-3 falls to the ground with SCP-1201-2.\nFlames begin to increase in volume from the mouth of SCP-1201. Temperature in the immediate area increases by 20 degrees Celsius.\nSCP-1201-2, still in possession of the end of SCP-1201-3, dives into the mouth of SCP-1201.\nEND LOG\n\nDocument 1201-C: Events of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/2003, Area 1201\nForeword: Sixth recorded incidence and observation of the manifestation of SCP-1201-2. The entity was questioned alongside researchers keeping pace with the movement of the entity on a pre-constructed motion track. The entity was visible for 21 seconds before disappearing into SCP-1201.\n\nSCP-1201-2 manifests 49 meters from SCP-1201. Subject appears with a large hole in its torso. SCP-1201-2 appears to regenerate to typical appearance in the space of 12.3 seconds before righting itself and sprinting toward SCP-1201. Agent Breen attempts communication.\nSCP-1201-2: You guys are persistent.\nAgent Breen: Please tell us what you're doing.\nSCP-1201-2: Fine, fine. Since you're so fucking adamant about it. This has been going on for quite some time. Beth just doesn't know when to give up. I'm trying to teach it who the real king of Candy Land is.\nAgent Breen: You're being facetious?\nSCP-1201 jumps into the air, maintaining momentum while delivering a kick to Agent Breen's head. Agent Breen's head is severed and explodes on impact with a nearby wall.\nSCP-1201-2: You're ruining the fun.\nSCP-1201-2 disappears into SCP-1201.\nEND LOG\n\nDocument 1201-\u2588: Events of \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588, Area 1201\n\n\u00ab SCP-1200 | SCP-1201 | SCP-1202 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1202\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The subject exposed to SCP-1202 is to be quarantined from other site staff and personnel unless outfitted with clothing completely covering their entire body. A skin suit is equipped to the exposed subject after transfer of SCP-1202. The afflicted subject is to transfer \u2018access' to SCP-1202 to one other test subject before termination or death. It is recommended SCP-1202 be tested on D-Class already scheduled for termination.\nDescription: SCP-1202 was recovered beneath a frozen lake near Site-\u2588 in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Canada. Personnel reported trouble sleeping and auditory hallucinations that often referenced the location of SCP-1202. A team was sent to investigate the lake based on the collective reports. A small wooden canoe was discovered in fragments on the lakebed next to an irregular ice formation. The chamber behind the blockage was empty save for the frozen and emaciated remains of the body of one human male, later DNA tested and carbon-dated, thusly identified as belonging to tribes once native to the lower portion of South America eight hundred years ago.\nThe corpse itself has no interesting properties except the position of the body: one hand is fixed on the forehead and the other appears to be working a now absent object into its ear canal. Whether the cause of death is suicide or cold is unconfirmed.\nThe agent who first made physical contact with the corpse began to hear a voice that did not cease until he had made contact with another human. The exposed D-class reported hearing the voice after grasping Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's hand and indefinitely afterwards. The exact mechanism that enables this transfer is unknown, as is the manner in which SCP-1202 communicates with the subjects.\nSCP-1202 will converse with the afflicted subjects, lecturing them about a variety of topics, notably theoretical physics, biology, and the classified study of [DATA EXPUNGED]. The psychological effect tends to be detrimental as the voice rarely ceases to 'talk' for periods any longer than twenty seconds. The current D-class responsible for bearing SCP-1202 requested to be euthanized at one week.\nThe voice classified as SCP-1202 identifies itself as \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a former researcher at Site-18. Whether or not SCP-1202 is Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 is still being debated, although inquiries expressed to test subjects \u2018bearing' SCP-1202 match archived profiles of the late researcher.\nDocumentation: Transcription from Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\nForeword: Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began hearing the voice while in the company of the coroner who was examining the body found in the cave. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 notified the Site Director. He was then tasked to record his initial conversation with SCP-1202.\n\nHello? Can you hear me? I know you can hear me! Oh good. I've been expecting someone to come along, and here you are. You touched him didn't you? My old friend? Yes, him. The one I had the falling out with ages ago. I was just having a conversation with him and then you came along.\nWhat? Him? The frozen one with the splinter in his head? Oh yes of course he's dead, are you stupid? Stupid one he was too, my old friend. No offense to him but it's true; love him to death, that stupid one. He thought he could run. He ran all the way here. The man crossed an entire continent to get away from me, ended up in a hole in the ice jamming a pick into his ear. I told him not to, again and again.\nWho am I? I'm [REDACTED]! Who am I? I'm responsible for [DATA EXPUNGED], the entire organization owes a great debt to me! Hmmm? Of course you're interested. Yes I'll tell you, but first I'd like to chat about things that we can both understand. Do you see that man in front of you? Yes the one with the beard. I'm going to need you to kill him for me. Yes I'm serious! How else will we get into headquarters undetected? He has the keycard, he has access to the [REDACTED], and once I get to it I can be done with all this mess.\nNo? I should have figured you weren't the type. Oh well.\nNo don't tell him you're hearing things! What? You already did? Are you an idiot? How long have you been working here to be stupid enough to tell them you're hearing things? Ah. Well at least I know why you're recording what I'm saying. I figured you were just insane to begin with. That's a relief. You know, they're going to throw you into one of those rooms now! They'll have you drink that gelatin that perverted doctor isn't allowed to touch! Worse, they'll keep me in here! I'm just far too interesting for them to get rid of.\nHow? That is a good question, although you are too stupid to understand. Let's say I was playing with strings and struck a wonderful note. Yes I'm referring to that, you dunce. You're familiar with the concept. Sure. I bet you're familiar with the theory of relativity too, familiar like I'm familiar with my strange uncle. I mean learned, my stupid friend, learned and familiar, like how I'm familiar with your brain.\nNo, technically I'm not alive. Not in a biological sense. No. You wouldn't understand. The Aztec man? I'm guessing roughly one thousand years ago. Yes, I failed miserably at poking sticks into space-time. What? No! I'm not going to explain, you wouldn't understand!\nNo, I'm not going anywhere. We've hardly even met. How rude of you.\nNote:\nHe's humming now. He won't stop humming. He's been humming loudly for several hours.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1201 | SCP-1202 | SCP-1203 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1203\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1203 is assigned to a 3m x 2m x 2m containment cell. The living space at Site-17 is outfitted with steel walls and one solid barred door that locks from the outside. There is to be one guard on duty at all times near the cell to ensure SCP-1203 does not attempt a self-termination or auto-abort. It is recommended the subject be dosed persistently with the prescribed anti-psychotic medicines and mild narcotics to avoid this possibility. These medicines will be replaced with restraints during SCP-1203's pregnancies. SCP-1203 is to be restrained at times when not under supervision. At no time is SCP-1203 allowed to leave Site-17.\nOne to three hours before death SCP-1203 will begin seizing, followed by a state similar to catatonia, and ending in a cease of all bodily functions. Time of death is recorded after a pulse is shown in the newborn, rather than the mother's natural death.\nTermination attempts on SCP-1203 as of the incident with Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 are indefinitely on hold. Reference Log from Failed Termination-1203b.\nDescription: SCP-1203 is a human female, approximately 20 years of age, identifying by the name \u2018Miranda'. SCP-1203 has been in containment for approximately 95 years, or 5 cycles as of SCP-1203's next natural death and birth.\nSCP-1203 was recovered from Xochicalco, Mexico. Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 began investigation with a lead based on local reports of disappearances near the Feathered Serpent pyramid (reference \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 in the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 newspaper, \"La Polic\u00eda Rescata a Beb\u00e9 en Pir\u00e1mide\"). SCP-1203 was discovered near the pyramid summit accompanied by members of The Serpent's Hand. A 'mother' SCP-1203 could not be located.\nAt 21 years of age SCP-1203 undergoes a process similar to parthenogenesis, resulting with the conception of one genetically identical human fetus. At an embryonic level this form of reproduction is comparable to the aforementioned medical phenomenon, however, new instances of SCP-1203 are not developmentally inhibited, and do not benefit from any (natural) extended longevity.\nSCP-1203 during any stage of her life has an identical biological profile to previous instances of SCP-1203. A definite date cannot be placed on the length of the existence of SCP-1203.\nThe condition suffered by SCP-1203 is unique in that memories are also transferred from the mother to the newborn. Variances in the progeny of SCP-1203 are represented in the sense that SCP-1203 maintains memory of its previous lifespans. This experience of \u201crebirth\u201d and the recollection of the event have a noticeable and detrimental psychological effect on SCP-1203. Based on these observations we can assume SCP-1203 is lucid in infancy and during birth.\nAddendum 1203-\u2588: 12/23/1991\nDocumentation: Excerpt from Interview\nTranslated Revision\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tell us more about your family history.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Tell us the experience you have after death.\n\nSCP-1203-: I fall asleep and I wake up. It's dark and then I feel warm. I see a light like a tunnel, and I'm back again.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: How is the experience of being born traumatic?Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: No.Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Would you like the cycles to end?\nLog from Failed Termination-1203b:\nForeword: Due to lack of any discernible benefit to the Foundation and the current mental state of SCP-1203, a termination was scheduled on \u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588 under supervision from the late Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. The attempt to abort cyclical rebirth of the subject took place shortly after SCP-1203s \u2018first' labor contractions. The decision to abort rather than terminate SCP-1203 was reached on basis that more could be learned in regard to the nature of SCP-1203 in this manner.\nExtraction was performed successfully, the newborn having been completely removed and separated from the mother. The mother was then pronounced dead. During the cranial potassium injection the mother as well as the newborn's (SCP-1203s) husk began to [DATA EXPUNGED]. What followed was a reportedly indiscernible eruption of viscera from Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Both instances of SCP-1203 were found afterwards to be undamaged.\nThe newborn recovered completely after the incident. No abnormal potassium levels were present.\nResearch Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found afterwards completely drained of fluid, his circulatory system inverted and strewn from the mouth. The autopsy revealed no marks on Research Assistant \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that would be indicative of a physical assault. No other anomalies were found save for extra hair growth of 300mm, a scar 1.067mm in diameter on the forehead, and an extreme case of hyperkalaemia.\n\nRelated Sites: Site-17\nRelated Groups of Interest: Serpent's Hand\n\n\u00ab SCP-1202 | SCP-1203 | SCP-1204 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Dr. Mayreder studying SCP-1204\n\nItem #: SCP-1204\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Deceased specimens of SCP-1204 are stored within Site-77. As SCP-1204 does not survive in captivity or any other domestic environment, any instances identified in the wild are to be observed by mobile Foundation research teams and facilitated by Mobile Task Force Pi-1 \"City Slickers\". Ethics Committee guidelines suggest any SCP-1204 hosts should be euthanized after concluding relevant research.\nMonitoring of municipal government records has been discontinued due to its ineffectiveness in locating SCP-1204 specimens.\nDescription: SCP-1204 is a human being which hosts a parasitic semi-corporeal being of unknown composition. CT scans of hosts reveal a tumor-like mass of varying size and location within the brain. Autopsies have shown the parasite to be invisible, detectable only through electrical pulses made upon contact.\nThe spread of SCP-1204 occurs through oral contact between two humans. A contracting mass of pharynx tissue will elongate through the mouth of an infested subject and into the uninfected oral cavity. This process requires extended oral contact. What follows has not been studied thoroughly enough to conclusively document, but it is known that both subjects will be SCP-1204 carriers following contact.\nAll known specimens of SCP-1204 have been transient or homeless persons, believed to have been suffering from various debilitating conditions prior to SCP-1204 infection. It is not known if this made them predisposed to infection or if it is more reflective of the general health of this population.\nThe behavior and personality of SCP-1204 changes markedly after infection. They will become increasingly hypersocial, devoting significant amounts of time seeking out physical contact. SCP-1204 will experience \"strong feelings of loneliness\" as well as extreme idolization of one potential romantic partner. Sexual interaction occurs only incidentally.\nPhysical symptoms of subjects with long-term SCP-1204 include persistent internal bleeding, memory alterations, and small but inevitable fatal tears near the rear of the nasal cavity and ventral portions of the brain. This suggests a tow on brain tissue during migration. Reasons behind the lethality of SCP-1204 are not yet known. Physical degradation does not correspond with the parasite's physical bodily interactions. Postmortem examinations reveal the absence of a hippocampus. Some evidence exists to show that SCP-1204 subjects may recall experiences and muscle memories of previous hosts, but this has not been confirmed.\nOnce nearing expiration, SCP-1204 will cease seeking out further hosts for infection and will attempt to locate an uninhabited structure or region. Once alone SCP-1204 will typically find a small space to expire inside of, such as caves or crawl spaces. SCP-1204's remains rapidly decompose until skeletal. Scavengers will not feed on SCP-1204's remains.1\nSCP-1204 was discovered after an unusual string of 'murder' and 'suicide' reports were uncovered by Foundation search algorithms reviewing local papers from portions of the lower southeastern United States, ranging from Palm Harbor, Florida to Clarksville, Tennessee. This linked string of incidents seems to have coincided over the course of 10 years and involved more than \u2588\u2588\u2588 individuals before SCP-1204 was detected by the Foundation and recovered. The origin of SCP-1204 has yet to be discovered due to a lack of public records regarding its victims.\nAddendum: Journal entry of SCP-1204-45, the only known first-person primary source detailing SCP-1204's effect on mental faculties. It is cataloged within Site-77's records as Document 1204-12. Original document was written on a variety of surfaces, including toilet tissue, strips of cardboard and bible pages.\n\nGood signs today on St. George. \"Spaceship broken, need parts\" was my favorite. But that was before I saw you when a sign came down and there was that face stubbled and dirty but handsome and stoic. Strong. Generous, gave out coffin nails like candy.\nI'll just preface this by saying that I always felt like I could never be too close to you. I've felt that way for a while. I hope you're at peace wherever you are now. It feels like you're so far away now\u2026 I don't know how I'm going to get through this\u2026\n\n[IRRELEVANT MATERIAL REDACTED]\n\nPlease don't get angry at me for my friends. You say they're greedy but I might need a smellfungus tonight. It just hurts, it hurts so bad\u2026 I need someone to help ease the pain.\n\nWhy did you have to die?\n\nI just feel like when we're hugging and stuff that I want to be closer, you know? Like I can't be any more close to you than possible. It's like, I don't know! Sorry I'm such a klazomaniac. It's such a weird feeling, like when we're lying down together like I just want to, I don't know, like, be you for just a second?\n\nHaha, hope that doesn't sound to creepy. ILY! Can't wait to smell you again.\n\nI jumped the first guy I saw at the camp. No kissing or anything. I'm really a piece of work aren't I Grace? Paul would hate me if he knew what I was doing. I'm just so fucking lonely. Maybe I'm trying to shake off Paul. I don't fucking know anymore. If I don't already have Cupid's itch I'm probably gonna get it soon.\n\nCome by my place later so we can talk, okay?\n\nHow sweet are the sounds of lips pressed togeher bumping gums and grinders[sic]2\n\nfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you let me the fuck out you stupid pigs you want to keep the lips for yourself you stupid you jealous scunner thats why you have me locked in here because you.want.HIM.all.to.yourself. this is all part of your stupid plan dumb hole i didnt even care ill put you in a bone orchard convict me you just put me in here so you could have them throw my guts out. let me inside. i wants you. i don't want me i.dont.want.me, it says i can be with you. if i can get to you. we can both be with you. when i get to you\n\nSCP-1204-45 was not recovered for interview. Their journal entries were found by MTF-Pi-1 in an abandoned house during reconnaissance operations. DNA was lifted from the documents, although they have not been matched to any SCP-1204 remains to date.\n\nFootnotes\n1. Foundation morticians are to use this detail to identify SCP-1204 in the field\n2. Indentation which was erased by the writer\n\n\u00ab SCP-1203 | SCP-1204 | SCP-1205 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1205 as of 7/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\n\nItem #: SCP-1205\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1205 should be kept in a windowless containment cell with low light, facing a surveillance camera. Air quality tests should be performed on a monthly basis, and the atmosphere adjusted to prevent mold formation.\nPersonnel monitoring the live surveillance will be alerted by an alarm, in the event of any change in the object's size or shape; observation of the live video feed itself is discouraged, until more information on Incident 1205-G\u2588\u2588\u2588 is available.\nDescription: SCP-1205 appears to be a patch of decaying, floral-print wallpaper, still attached to a cut-away segment of wall. The paper appears to be aged and flaking, and seems as vulnerable to burning (both with fire and various chemicals) and cutting as comparable vinyl-free wallpapers. Subjects instructed to intentionally damage the item reported hearing a sustained shriek, as if from a far distance, reminiscent of the ascending pitch of tea kettle's whistle.\nWithin twenty-four hours, any portions of paper destroyed will re-appear on the wall in their former location and in identical condition. Fragments removed by cutting or tearing inevitably crumble into a fine dust within minutes, reappearing after the same twenty-four hour period. The item has also been observed to change shape and size at irregular intervals. These changes have never added or subtracted more than six square centimeters from the object's approximate surface area.\nUnder experiment conditions, interaction with the object has not been observed to produce any psychological, physical or other damages, short or long-term. However, controversy surrounding Incident 1205-G\u2588\u2588\u2588 suggests that further testing for perception-altering influences is necessary.\nIncident Report 1205-G\u2588\u2588\u2588 is required reading for all personnel assigned to SCP-1205.\n\nNote: The following file contains excerpts from Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588 G\u2588\u2588\u2588's personal notes and logs. All references to Foundation staff and family members have been censored. Descriptions of events by Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 which have since been disputed by eyewitnesses are annotated accordingly.\n\n+Incident Report 1205-G\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n-close Incident Report 1205-G\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nExcerpts from the logs of Dr. E\u2588\u2588\u2588 G\u2588\u2588\u2588:\n5/16\nGuess someone believes in second chances; either that, or I haven't caught the punchline. New assignment, against all odds. Looks like wallpaper. E. can't stand the sight of it, but wished me luck.\nStarted with measurements, today; nothing too interesting. One of the D's was sneezing and itching from the beginning\u2014 turned out he was allergic to the fabric of his new suit. His appearance changed more than the scp's.\n5/17\nDamage tests: it cuts, tears, and burns like paper. No unusual components in the ash or smoke; the fragments fell apart, though, which at least indicates that this isn't someone's idea of a hoax.\nE. isn't here today; off-site, somewhere in [REDACTED]. Sitting in the observation booth, where it's quiet. Must've been an hour or two, by now. Can't help wondering what that paper would have looked like, covering some old parlor wall. The red flowers look like poppies. The colors would have been striking, before the paper browned.\nStupid thought. Maybe it never looked any different than it does now.\n\nNote: This is the first instance of the subject appearing preoccupied with the contained item; however, as other personnel have pointed out, the subject's remarks do not necessarily indicate fixation.\n\n5/18\nAll of the portions removed and destroyed have grown back. The spots don't look newer, either\u2014 they show the same sign of age and decay as before. The D's seem fine; will have them clinically and psychological screened, to be sure. I don't like the sound of my own hypotheses, when it comes to what might happen next\u2026\n(Really looked forward to telling E. He always calls on Sunday, if he can't visit. Didn't call today. Not yet. Why?)\n\nNote: Several pages following only detail the experiment procedures in shorthand. These notes match the official logs, and have been verified for accuracy by the assisting research staff.\n\n5/27\nNothing. That's what happened next. No results.\nIf I did something to make E. angry, he won't tell me. Saw him across the hall, yesterday. Smiled, and he smiled back. But he didn't cross over to talk to me, and he hasn't called since.\n\nNote: Once again, several pages of experiment procedure in shorthand, all pertaining to exposing D-Class to contact with the object. In place of the results recorded in official logs, the author has repeatedly written \"NOTHING.\" in all caps. After this point, references to the Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588's continuing research are infrequent.\n\n6/05\nIt isn't just E. \u2026 dad hasn't called in a month. No one's called, in a month. I start to worry, then I hear from someone else that they're doing fine. So why don't they pick up, when I call?\n6/06\nPresenting myself for psychological evaluation, to be safe. I've stared at that damn wall long enough to memorize the pattern.\n6/07\nShrink recommended anti-depressants. Feel like an ass.\n\nNote: It is unknown how Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 experienced the psychological consultation which did, in fact, take place. Dr. Rhys' report on their interactions verifies that he did recommend anti-depressants, and that the subject seemed melancholy and withdrawn, and fixated on the potential inconclusiveness of her research.\n\u2026\n\"Having worked in this business for some time, I did not find anything abnormal about these expressions of anxiety. However, I did recommend that she remove herself from physical and visual proximity of the research object.\"\nAccording to colleagues, Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 made no report of or attempt to follow this suggestion.\n\n6/10\nI'm getting as bad as E., when it comes to compulsions. Every night, seem to find myself sitting on the bed, back to the wall. Like it'll collapse, otherwise. I shouldn't joke about that, E., sorry.\nNo one says hello, when we pass in the halls. And I can't bring myself to say it first.. I'm not asking for attention. But they look right through me.\n\nNote: At this point, coworkers report that Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 took a hiatus from research work. She makes no record of submitting this as an official request.\n\n6/12\nThey suspended my access to D-Class subjects, because of the lack of results. That must be what happened, because no one showed up\u2014 no one would explain why.\nNo one seems especially worried about it\u2026. couldn't even find the shrink, for my appointment. Guess he forgot. I can't really blame him\u2026 it's hard to notice every little thing. Sights and smells and noise in the background.\n\nNote: Neither of these statement correspond with other accounts; Dr. Rhys was in his office as scheduled, and alerted Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588's direct superiors when she missed the appointment. Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588's access to D-Class subjects was never suspended, and there is no record of an inquiry on the subject.\n\n6/13\nDidn't leave my room today.\n\nNote: None of Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588's neighbors recall her going to or from her place of residence, on this or any following day.\n\n6/15\nI left my room today, walked around every floor. Every hallway. No one [written in pencil, too faint to be legible]\nThey looked right through me.\n\nNote: Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 has been officially declared a missing person as of 6/18/\u2588\u2588. Contrary to her written account, the last recorded interaction with Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 was 6/9/\u2588\u2588. The reasons for her disappearance and its relationship to SCP-1205 remain a subject of debate.\nDr. Rhys notes that Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588 had no prior history of depression, and close acquaintances describe her as outgoing and articulate. The testimony of her [REDACTED BY REQUEST] corroborates these accounts, and highlighted numerous instances of the doctor's levelheadedness under duress both before and during her employment by the Foundation.\n\nAddendum 7/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: While performing air-quality tests in the containment cell, a junior researcher claimed to witness the following\u2014\n\"I'd just finished up\u2026 and I know it isn't a known issue, but I felt weird turning my back on it. So I backed out of the room, keeping an eye on it\u2014 and then I saw it move. It was like a little seam appeared in one corner, and a little scrap of it quivered, like someone was trying to tear it off. It pulled free and fluttered to the ground, but I must have blinked. When I looked again, it was gone.\"\nAddendum 2: An anonymous Foundation researcher notes that he/she has read both the incident report and Dr. G\u2588\u2588\u2588's original documents several times, and thoroughly. It is his/her opinion that sections of writing have since disappeared from the handwritten originals. This claim is disputed by other researchers.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1204 | SCP-1205 | SCP-1206 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1206\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: Foundation agents are to construct billboards advertising a Foundation-owned local restaurant chain in the event site of SCP-1206 near the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Testing with subjects previously exposed to SCP-1206 has revealed that SCP-1206 cannot generate its effect if the view of the event site is impeded in any way.\nDescription: SCP-1206 is a serendipitous phenomenon that is the convergence of three factors: the degree of sky visibility over the event site, if at the time the Green Line Track D outbound from Boston, MA passes said site coincides with dusk or \"twilight\", and whether or not passengers happen to be gazing at the scenery on the northern/right side of the train. Statistically, SCP-1206 has shown a preference for the times of 17:30 EST to 19:30 EST as summer dusk tends to produce more picturesque settings, as well as a degree of cloudiness that produces an aesthetically pleasing sky scape over the event site.\nBetween stops [REDACTED] the Green Line train passes through an open 0.4 km long expanse of trees and shrubbery bordering the eastern boundaries of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 that classified as the Hot Zone. If the aforementioned conditions are met, passengers become intensely transfixed by the scenery for the entirety of the trip through the Hot Zone. Subjects have reported an overwhelming feeling of awe and the sublime, but have summarily failed to provide adequate descriptions of what they have seen. Researchers have speculated that subjects have been unable to describe SCP-1206 because it appeals to latent forms in the human mind that cannot be accurately defined by formalized language. As exposed subjects feel a compulsion to communicate their experience of the Hot Zone, individuals will invariably develop a language (hereby referred to as 1206-A) that will replace and eventually become the subject's preferred method of communication.\n1206-A has developed concurrently even in isolated subjects. 1206-A apparently functions as a language of the subconscious, utilizing rudimentary language constructs intrinsic to the human brain that can communicate the emotional state and status of its speaker and listener flawlessly. It is to be expected that >75% of subject groups will eventually fracture, as it is impossible to lie or be subtle when speaking 1206-A. Written words bear a resemblance to [REDACTED], suggesting 1206-A is far older than the Foundation initially believed.\nRough translations are possible, but the emotional sensations skilled speakers are able to convey far outweigh ordinary language constructs in lucidity of meaning, ease of use, and informational density. Non-speakers of 1206-A are still able to intuitively glean fragments of meaning from spoken instances, however complex. Only exposure to SCP-1206 has proven to trigger 1206-A. Should 1206-A become the de facto language of a nation or the world, its revelatory and reverent nature would cause total societal restructuring if not outright collapse. See notes by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for summary of findings.\n\n+ Addendum 1206-01\n\n- Click to hide\n\nAddendum 1206-01: Agents monitoring travel boards were alerted to a possible second instance of SCP-1206 when Norwegian forums user \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 wrote a lengthy post in 1206-A detailing his marital troubles following his discovery and adoption of 1206-A. Subjects were made to translate the statement into English. Transcript of relevant segment is as follows:\n\"On 04/8, my family and I were walking across a bridge in [REDACTED]. An unassuming thing, not much to look at. The thing is though is that it afforded us the most beautiful view of the sunset a few weeks ago. I struggle to describe it even now. It felt old, primal, shining from out of time past. Like if I had a child's eyes, and everything sang with novelty. My daughter began speaking gibberish the day after. She was the first. I started the following Friday. Words poured out of me, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.1 The wife was next.\nFor many days, we reveled in the power of it, in capturing the flight of a bird or the growl of the car engine in a word. But it was exhausting. You could not lie in this language. Case in point: my wife left me the following month. I had noticed her word for me made her uncomfortable. It dug up something in her, all the bad qualities about me she had never liked but had buried under the habits and routine of marriage. My stubbornness, my insistence on having a son, how I came home one Friday night reeking of perfume. All in a word.\nI have visited that bridge every dusk for the past two weeks. Sometimes it is ordinary, sometimes it glows with an old fire. I know there are more places like that bridge. I can feel them. The last vestige of the beauty that gave us God and the courts of spirits, nerve-ends shuddering awake with life. Our society has no words for them, and you can't sing of them because they are where songs come from.\nI think when humanity was young, we must have been like children, unnaturally wise in all the subtle things of the earth. We spoke the names of majesty everything called themselves. Now that is all gone, but it is still there to discover. It huddles in the blind spots of our modernity, in the blankness of maps. If we can only see it, only feel it atop our rationalist perches, our aviaries angular with number and category, swaying in the winds of death. Melt into the blood of love! Find me! The bridge is in [REDACTED].\"\nAgents apprehended \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 for questioning. Study into the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Bridge as another Hot Zone for the SCP-1206 phenomenon is ongoing.\n\n+ Summary of 1206-A findings by Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Click to hide\n\nEven the student linguist will see that there is something wholly unique about SCP-1206-A. For one, 1206-A has words for the exact appearance or 'impression' of an object/person. For example, speakers of 1206-A would go beyond describing the parts or attributes of a person's face, but actually call every face a unique word. 1206-A does not rely on its listener forming an incomplete picture from a description of compositional parts, but has a near-infinite base of words used to encapsulate and describe a wide variety of objects including faces, bodies, the character of a person, the appearance of the sky on any given day, the weather, how a particular conversation made the speaker feel, or even a mound of dirt.\nMany of these words might be similar, derived from each other, or differ in syllabic emphasis to signify related categories of appearance, personality, feeling, abstract concepts etc. For example, after a particularly grueling session recording over \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 words with D-17368, the subject described the interview as leaving him feeling \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\", a heteronym of \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" and roughly analogous to \"drained\", but with added emphasis on the \u2588\u2588 syllable to signify the nature of what caused the subject's fatigue as intensely bureaucratic and procedural. The name for the Hot Zone is \"\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\" and is the only word that does not share similarities with any other.\nAs is the nature of 1206-A's flexible nomenclature, subjects will often create words on the spot. There are no rules regarding the formation of words. Once a functional set of 1206-A words has entered the speaker's lexicon after Hot Zone exposure, subjects only report needing to meditate momentarily on the object of their description before inventing a word that \"fits like a glove\". Other speakers will immediately accept the word as the name for that object. Studies with isolated subjects asked to describe the upturned contents of the break room trash receptacle has yielded the same word - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 - suggesting a universality in the method of word invention that is intrinsic to the brain's physiological makeup. Studies are ongoing.\n\u2014 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\nFootnotes\n1. Only recorded derivation of the word used to refer to SCP-1206.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1205 | SCP-1206 | SCP-1207 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1207\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1207 is to be wrapped in opaque cloth, and contained within a standard inanimate-objects locker. In accordance with standard protocol for direct-exposure line-of-sight cognitohazards, SCP-1207 is to be kept under constant real-time video surveillance whenever it is removed from its locker for any purpose (maintenance, analysis, experimentation, etc.).\nDirect exposure to SCP-1207 is to be minimized. Maximum cumulative direct exposure for individual personnel is not to exceed 2 (two) hours within a 30 (thirty)-day period, or 24 (twenty-four) hours within an individual lifetime. Personnel whose cumulative direct exposure to SCP-1207 exceeds 2 (two) hours within a 30 (thirty)-day period are to be immediately placed on psychological leave until such time as they have been judged free of the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder, and are not to resume active duty until they have successfully undergone retraining in data entry and proofreading.\nDescription: SCP-1207 is a miror approximately one meter by one half meter in size, in a white wooden frame painted with pink and red hearts. Using the Kinscale method of miror-type object evaluation, Foundation scientists have established it as a minor level psychological threat.\nSCP-1207 is a metal sign approximately fifty centimeters by sixty centimeters in size, painted white, with embossed letters reading \"THIS IS A MIROR YOU ARE A TYPO\" (sic). It is a direct-exposure cognitohazard, which manifests three distinct anomalous effects upon subjects within line of sight.\nThe first effect, which is the most obvious, is that any sighted person mammal vertebrate directly exposed to SCP-1207 will perceive it as being a mirror, even if they are aware of its true nature; test subjects not capable of mirror recognition will perform territorial threat displays against SCP-1207. Human subjects uniformly describe the mirror as being contained within a white wooden frame with \"pink and red hearts\"; however, more detailed descriptions vary from subject to subject. Blindfolded subjects report that SCP-1207 feels \"smooth and glassy\", with \"wood around the edges\"; conversely, blind subjects report that SCP-1207 feels \"metallic and bumpy\".\nIt is to be emphasized that, despite the perceptions and reactions of affected subjects, SCP-1207 does not actually function as a mirror.\nThe second anomalous effect is that subjects exposed to SCP-1207 will rapidly develop symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder as they examine their \"reflections\". Human subjects will voice a variety of complaints about their physical appearance, ranging from \"I'm the wrong height\" to \"my tattoo is crooked\", and always ending with \"I'm not cool yet\"; nonhuman subjects capable of mirror recognition will perform compulsive grooming.\nAs cumulative exposure time to SCP-1207 increases, subjects will begin to modify their appearances in attempts to \"correct\" themselves, typically by application of cosmetics; subjects without access to cosmetics will engage in self-mutilation. Such subjects, when shown actual mirrors, will express satisfaction with their modifications; however, when re-exposed to SCP-1207, subjects will again find fault with their appearance.\nThe third anomalous effect is that subjects exposed to SCP-1207 will gradually develop symptoms of dyslexia, losing their ability to spell, and to notice spelling errors; this effect is limited to subjects familiar with the English language, and always begins with the subject consistently misspelling the word \"mirror\" as \"miror\". The induced dyslexia is temporary; however, the factors determining the rate at which individual subjects recover have not yet been determined.\nSCP-1207 was discovered in an abandoned storage unit facility in [REDACTED], which had been in use as a workspace by members of the group of interest currently identified as \"Are We Cool Yet?\". It is theorized that SCP-1207 was to form the basis of an unfinished installation. Notes left by the artist indicate that the completed installation was \"a rumination on the essence of how the ways we see ourselves shape what we are\".\n\n\u00ab SCP-1206 | SCP-1207 | SCP-1208 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1208\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1208 is to be kept in secure item storage at Site-19. Researchers wishing to perform experiments with SCP-1208 using human or animal subjects must present a detailed test plan to the Lead Researcher for approval.\nDescription: SCP-1208 is a \"Belgian\" waffle iron, identical in every outward respect to a unit produced by the Conair Corporation in 2003, except that its power cable is fitted with a NEMA 14-30 connector rather the grounded NEMA 5-20 connector provided with that model. When connected to a compatible 240V receptacle, the PTFE-coated cast-iron cooking surface rapidly warms to a surface temperature of 215 C, at which point the green indicator light on the front of the device illuminates. At this point, SCP-1208 may be used to prepare waffles using any standard batter without anomalous effect.\nThe anomalous behavior of SCP-1208 occurs when it has reached operating temperature and any solid material other than a batter or dough is placed between the two heating plates and the lid is closed. Regardless of the material so placed, applying torque of approximately 1.3 N\u00b7m to the handle of the device will successfully close the lid, displacing any material in excess of the volume of the cooking area (approximately 1400 cc) to the outer edge of the device. At this point, the red indicator lamp on the front of the device will illuminate, and the device will not open until three minutes have elapsed. (Forces of up to 106 N have proven insufficient to open the lid during this phase.) Copious amounts of steam are emitted from between the two plates during this process.\nAfter three minutes, the red indicator lamp will darken, and the lid may be opened with minimal effort. Both cooking plates will be cool to the touch (approximately 15 C), and a \"waffle\" composed of the matter placed between the plates will be present. Deformation caused by this process is entirely topological: any substructures present in the source material remain intact but deformed. Incomplete sections of plant or animal tissue will remain alive for a short period of time, normally succumbing to necrosis due to lack of fluid circulation within 60 minutes. Animals small enough to fit completely within the volume of the cooking area may survive slightly longer, though feeding and respiratory difficulties due to their new body plan typically prove fatal in 1-3 days.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1207 | SCP-1208 | SCP-1209 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1209\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1209-1 instances are to be contained in standard humanoid containment cells at Site-\u2588\u2588. They are to be fed meals three times a day. SCP-1209-1 instances are to be allowed to submit requests for entertainment or comfort materials which do not compromise security, within reason, as a reward for good behaviour. Socialisation with assigned Foundation staff is allowed, and encouraged in order to improve psychological well-being, but instances are not allowed to come into contact with each other.\nSCP-1209-1 instances are to be questioned at regular intervals by Foundation staff, and their responses are to be recorded, in order to document any noteworthy events observed and further understanding of SCP-1209. These interviews are to be conducted twice daily, at approximately 0800 hours and again at 1900 hours, as well as any time at which an SCP-1209-1 instance requests such an interview. SCP-1209-1 instances which have observed potentially traumatising events are to be monitored by an assigned psychiatrist, but may not be administered amnestics. It is considered vital that SCP-1209-1 instances retain their memory of transmitted images in case this knowledge becomes pertinent at a later date.\nSCP-1209-2 instances are largely passive and do not present anomalous behaviour aside from connection to SCP-1209. As such, no containment procedures are required to directly deal with SCP-1209-2 instances aside from monitoring. However, efforts should be made to identify all SCP-1209-2 instances.\nShould any SCP-1209-1 instance observe an event which is considered pertinent to the Foundation's mission, the Site Administrator of Site-\u2588\u2588 is to be notified immediately in order to discuss responses.\nDescription: SCP-1209 is a congenital defect of the eye found in several individuals from the region of [DATA EXPUNGED], and believed to be caused by an environmental factor. As a result of the deformity, the eye's internal structure is drastically altered, although the most noticeable feature of the condition is the presence of multiple irises, pupils, lenses and associated anatomical features on the surface of the eye. Number of lenses per sclera is typically between two and four. This condition is usually accompanied by complete heterochromia, where each iris is differently coloured. As a result of the presence of multiple corneas and a distortion of the sclera, sufferers report mild to severe discomfort when attempting to move their eyes, and some have only limited range of movement in one or both eyes. In many cases, deformities in the internal structure of the eye render one or more of the lenses partially or totally blind. An in-depth analysis of the abnormal optical structures found in SCP-1209 subjects can be found in attached document 1209-\u03b1.\nIndividuals affected by SCP-1209 (henceforth referred to as SCP-1209-1) appear to be able to see normally through only one of the pupils, usually the one aligned closest to where the pupil would normally be located. All other pupils display a view of the world consistent with that seen through the eyes of other individuals (henceforth referred to as SCP-1209-2). Each pupil displays images as seen by a single, separate person, and the persons that each pupil is able to \u2018see through' appear constant at all times.\nEach SCP-1209-1 instance is connected to multiple instances of SCP-1209-2, as many as there are additional pupils. These connections allow SCP-1209-1 to experience visual stimuli only, and appear to only transmit through the left eye of SCP-1209-2 instances. SCP-1209-1 cannot perceive SCP-1209-2's experiences when they close their eyes, or when their eye is damaged beyond the point at which SCP-1209-2 can see through them. Should SCP-1209-2 die, transmission of images will continue until the internal structure of the eye deteriorates to a significant degree due to decomposition. If SCP-1209-2 is permanently blinded, or if the SCP-1209-1's additional pupils are damaged significantly, transmission of images will cease. However, defects in the additional pupils do not prevent transmission; only injury or trauma prevents transmission. SCP-1209-1 will continue to perceive the experiences of SCP-1209-2 while dreaming, although reported transmission is less complete than while awake.\nThere appears to be a distinct correlation between SCP-1209-1 and SCP-1209-2, in that all SCP-1209-2 instances were born within approximately two hours of the relevant SCP-1209-1 instance's birth.\nSCP-1209 was discovered following routine scanning of medical files at \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Hospital. Subsequent investigation led to the discovery of \u2588 SCP-1209-1 instances born in the nearby area, centred on the town of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and more specifically the main water supply of the town. Investigation revealed the possibility that an unknown chemical had been introduced to the water supply repeatedly over the previous \u2588\u2588 years by an unknown party, posing as maintenance workers in order to access the water supply network. Although this event is believed to have had some connection to the outbreak of SCP-1209 due to a correlation between periods of \u2018maintenance work' and conceptions resulting in SCP-1209-1 instances, it is presently impossible to determine whether the two incidents are related. All remainders of the compound believed to have been introduced into the supply had degraded into other chemicals before testing could be performed. No experimentation has been able to determine the exact cause of SCP-1209.\nAddendum 1209-1: List of noteworthy SCP-1209-2 subjects (a full list of identified SCP-1209-2 subjects can be found in Document 1209-\u03b2):\n\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Aide to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Secretary of State of [REDACTED]. Linked to SCP-1209-1-3. Considered noteworthy due to the considerable intelligence breach SCP-1209-2's existence represents. As a result of Foundation intervention, Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 has since been removed from any position of political power.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a noted criminal operating as part of the central African militant group [REDACTED]. Linked to SCP-1209-1-2. Killed in combat action \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Due to the graphic and distressing nature of transmissions from Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, SCP-1209-1-2 was been placed under psychiatric observation, and remains so despite Mr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's death and the cessation of transmission.\n\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, an Australian journalist working for \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 newspaper. Linked to SCP-1209-1-1. Killed \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 during an investigation involving material sensitive to Foundation interest, during which she witnessed the outbreak of the cognitohazard later classified SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, though SCP-1209-1-1 was not affected. Remains to date the only use of SCP-1209 in order to assist Foundation efforts, as questioning of SCP-1209-1-1 was vital to providing intelligence allowing for the capture of the instance of SCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nUnknown individual linked to SCP-1209-1-3. Shortly after SCP-1209-1-3 came into Foundation custody, this instance of SCP-1209-2 is believed to have blinded himself in order to avoid detection. Prior to loss of transmission, the individual wrote down the message \u2018I DON'T CARE FOR PRYING EYES. LEAVE ME ALONE', apparently with the intention of transmitting the message to SCP-1209-1-3. It is unknown how or to what extent the individual was aware of his connection to SCP-1209.\nUnknown individual linked to SCP-1209-1-4. Careful analysis of data received from SCP-1209-1-4 indicates that no such individual was present, or could have been present, at some of the events described by SCP-1209-1-4. However, all descriptions of events relayed through SCP-1209-1-4 have proven to be accurate save for the appearance of the observing figure. Several events observed by this individual are extremely important or sensitive, although no transmission has been reported since \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1208 | SCP-1209 | SCP-1210 \u00bb"} +{"text": "A secondary bunker located near SCP-1210-2\n\nItem #: SCP-1210\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A Foundation laboratory ship as well as two patrol ships are stationed in the region surrounding SCP-1210 at a range of no less than 10 km. As SCP-1210-2 remains active, expeditions to or experimentation with SCP-1210 for more than five (5) hours after a recorded emission event may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel. Infrared and visible-light photography by the next over-passing surveillance satellite must be scheduled immediately after a recorded emission event.\nThe area surrounding SCP-1210 in a radius of 15 km is marked as off-limits on all official maps, and radar overwatch is to be maintained using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Civilians attempting to approach SCP-1210 must be detained and questioned.\nDescription: SCP-1210-1 is an uncharted island approximately 31 km off the coast of [REDACTED], Russia with an area of 3.4 km\u00b2. Its unusual shape suggests that it may have once been larger, but that the eastern half of the island was 'sheared off' via unknown means, leaving a sharp delineation at which point several buildings and roads as well as utility lines have been cut off.\nSCP-1210-2 is a World War II era radar installation located on the main hill of SCP-1210-1, consisting of a large radar array and a control bunker containing its readout equipment. Cyrillic signage indicate that the site is named [REDACTED], but no official documentation of this site exists in any Russian or Soviet-era records. The site is in an advanced state of disrepair consistent with multiple decades of abandonment, though several rooms are remarkably well-preserved due to having been inside sealed bunkers. Forensic examination of the site indicates that site personnel were forced to abandon the area in haste and head towards the eastern end of the island, where the main power plant and living quarters are presumed to have been located.\nDespite having been disconnected from an active power source for at least 50 years, SCP-1210-2 is still active and periodically generates a low-powered, anomalous radar pulse emission that radiates out to a range of approximately 9 km. The period and frequency of these emissions is unstable, but are usually at or about \u2588\u2588 ms and \u2588\u2588 to \u2588\u2588 Hz. These emissions are also irregular, and have been recorded repeating as often as once every six (6) hours, and as rarely as once every seven (7) days.\nDuring each emission event, localized shifts in the area surrounding SCP-1210-2 occur that coincide with the propagation of the emission signal. These include but are not limited to: changes in the topography of the sea bed and ocean floor, changes in the local plant and animal life, as well as short-lived changes in the chemistry and organic content of the water surrounding SCP-1210. Prior to current containment procedures, individuals within the Red Zone of SCP-1210 during an emission event reported being able to feel a 'ripple' pass through their bodies, resulting in short-term nausea as well as tingling in the extremities that persisted for several days. In rare cases, subjects have also reported short-term memory loss and fatigue, and in two (2) cases, personnel were discovered missing and were unable to be located.\nIncident Log 1210-1: On \u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588, an emission event occurred while two (2) research personnel were in open water on a small power boat. Foundation patrol ship SCPS Treska received a panicked distress signal that was shortly cut off. Upon investigation, the Treska discovered the shredded hull of the power boat, with puncture damage consistent with the teeth from a C. megalodon. Additional Foundation assets are being considered to deal with the possibility of extinct or otherwise anomalous wildlife as a result of SCP-1210's emission events.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1209 | SCP-1210 | SCP-1211 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1211\n\nItem #: SCP-1211\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A perimeter of 50 meters is to be maintained around SCP-1211 at all times. Any civilians approaching this perimeter are to be redirected away from the site with fabricated reports of danger in and around the structure. No male personnel over the age of 35 are to be allowed to enter the premises under any circumstances.\nDescription: SCP-1211 is the dilapidated ruin of a castle, 10 kilometers outside the city of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ireland. Only the first floor and basement of the structure remain in functional condition, the upper three floors having eroded and collapsed at indeterminate points in the castle's past. Initially, it was thought that any person entering SCP-1211 would be subject to its effect, though testing has proven that only males age 35 and older are affected. The reason for this is thought to be related to the terms of eligibility for kingship in Ireland at the time of the castle's construction.\nWithin minutes of entering SCP-1211, any male at least 35 years old (See the Testing Log for correlation between the effect of SCP-1211 and Irish descent) will be immediately convinced that he is the rightful heir to an imagined throne, owner of the castle, and \"lord of all lands as far as the eye can see,\"1 refusing to leave the premises, even under threat of lethal force. The cause of these delusions is unclear, though the effect appears to be much more pronounced in individuals of Irish descent. Subjects of exclusively Irish lineage may even attempt to subjugate any personnel in their vicinity; these attempts have occasionally resulted in fatalities and should be treated as serious assaults on Foundation staff.\nIf left on-site for extended periods, affected subjects will begin to live more and more in a fantasy where they are a king during a time of war, pacing the interior hallways of SCP-1211 and whispering to themselves in the Irish language, even in cases where the subject had no knowledge of Irish before coming into contact with SCP-1211. Translations of such speech have proven it to be mostly threats of violence against imagined \u201crival clans\u201d and imagined scenarios of what the subject would do should any man challenge his right to be king.\nIf left on-site for long enough, subjects will begin to age rapidly. After three weeks of exposure to the castle's effect, a man of 35 years will have visibly aged to approximately 80 years. Physical deterioration is difficult to measure after this point, as it continues to accelerate at a different rate for each subject. After one month, some subjects are observed to experience rotting of the skin, muscle tissue, and general deterioration of the skeletal structure; others can take multiple months to reach this point. At no time has any subject expressed need of food, water, or sleep during this process, and no subject has ever died of old age while affected by SCP-1211.\nA subject that has deteriorated to such an extent that he can no longer pace the halls of SCP-1211 will invariably make for its basement and collapse there, still alive, at which point the walls will begin to build themselves around the subject. Any murmuring observed after this point will consist only of the Irish word for \"happy\" again and again. All subjects cease to vocalize at all soon after this event.\nAddendum 1211-001: Dr. Davidson's research team has noted a 10% increase in surface area in the remaining portion of the second floor. Weekly measurements are to be taken as testing continues on SCP-1211 and any further changes are to be reported immediately.\n\n+ Show Testing Log\n\n- Hide Testing Log\n\nTest A - 05/26/19\u2588\u2588\n\nSubject: D-1355, 36 years of age, native to \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Ireland\nProcedure: Subject is equipped with a handheld transceiver and camera with a live feed to the research team's base of\noperations. Subject is instructed to enter and explore the ruins.\nAudiovisual Log:\n*View is of a long, dark hallway. Few details are discernible.*\nD-1355: Fuck, it's creepy in here.\nDr. Davidson: We're not getting as much as we should be on the video feed. Try to focus the lens.\n*Subject can be heard fiddling with buttons on the camera.*\nD-1355: Is that better?\nDr. Davidson: We're making a note of the unusual darkness. Continue on.\n*A large hall becomes visible. Much of the ceiling is missing, yet the video feed remains too dark to discern much detail.*\nDr. Davidson: D-1355, what do you see? We're still not getting much on the feed.\nD-1355: It's so beautiful\u2026 or it used to be, at least\u2026\nDr. Davidson: What is it? Report what you see immediately.\n*Subject does not reply for slightly over one minute.*\nD-1355: *Murmuring*\nDr. Davidson: Speak up, son. What do you see in there?\nD-1355: It's mine\u2026\nDr. Davidson: What? What's yours?\nD-1355: It's all mine\u2026 They'll never get it\u2026\nDr. Davidson: You aren't making any sense. Explain yourself at once or we'll terminate you and get somebody else.\n*D-1355 remains unresponsive, muttering to himself. The camera is abruptly dropped.*\n*The camera continues to record for 3 subsequent hours, during which time D-1355 slowly wanders in and out of the hall. At the 2 hour mark, a scream is heard from outside the hall in a language that none of the researchers speak. The last hour of footage is similar to the first 2 hours.*\n\nResearch note: SCP-1211 seems to somehow alter the mindset of those who enter it. I'm requesting permission to experiment further. -Dr. Davidson\n\nFootnotes\n1. Note that subjects in all cases have used exactly these words.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1210 | SCP-1211 | SCP-1212 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1212\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1212 is kept in a 5m x 5m x 3m containment cell at Site-\u2588\u2588. Experimentation may only be performed with prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and the room is to be cleared of any residual body fluids or other detritus immediately after testing.\nAny instances of SCP-1212 discovered within SCP-3311 are to be immediately be moved to Site-\u2588\u2588 for long term storage.\nDescription: SCP-1212, while not in use, is a simple wooden bar stool with a height of 74 cm and seat dimensions of 38 x 38 cm. It does not possess any abnormal physical qualities other than a faint odor of alcohol, and there are no maker's marks or other identifying features present. When any living, mentally sound human being older than fifteen (15) years of age sits on SCP-1212, two occurrences of abnormal activity can be immediately observed:\n\nSCP-1212, while leaving the occupant unaffected, changes shape almost instantaneously; \u2588\u2588\u2588 separate iterations have been observed (with none repeating), including:\n\na shiny metallic bar stool with bright red plastic seat\na crude wooden stool which appeared to have been painted very poorly with black paint\na smooth sandstone chair elegantly carved with unfamiliar square symbols which have as yet been unable to be conclusively identified\na low, square stool engraved with cloud motifs believed to resemble those manufactured in the late Chinese Qing Dynasty\n\nThe occupant appears to experience a full sensory hallucination and is no longer able to sense what is occurring around them in reality, while being completely unable to be removed from SCP-1212 (even using extreme methods; see Addendum 1212-A).\n\nThe occupant of SCP-1212 is then heard speaking to someone, but all attempts to record the other half of the conversation have so far failed. Usually, it becomes apparent that the occupant (hereafter referred to as 'the contestant') has been invited to participate in a drinking contest, and the contest begins regardless of acceptance or refusal of the invitation. All surviving subjects agree that the invitation includes two phrases similar in content to, \"You must drink with me, in memory of those who sat where you sit and lacked the strength to understand their limits,\" and \"We must curse those who were weak, and honor those who were strong.\" Sometimes, the contestant is spoken to in a language they do not understand, attempts made to bridge the communication barrier fail, and events proceed as normal. The contestant then, willingly or forcibly, appears to mime the following actions in sequence: taking a container of liquid from a surface in front of them; placing it to their lips; drinking its contents in one smooth motion; then slamming the container back down onto the surface. There is always a period of between thirty (30) and fifty (50) seconds between each sequence, presumably as the contestant waits his or her 'turn'. The contestant is always capable of speech, but is always interrupted by the drinking action - no interference of any kind appears to be possible.\nDespite no actual liquid passing between the contestant's lips, they slowly begin to exhibit effects normally associated with alcohol intoxication, and as each sequence continues, the effects of intoxication become more and more severe. Nausea, slurring of speech and drooping of the eyelids and other facial features are usually the first in evidence, followed by bodily swaying, choking and vomiting. None of the mentioned effects appear to prevent the contestant from participating further - some contestants have even appeared to cease vomiting for the exact amount of the time it takes to take another drink, before resuming said oral expulsion of liquids. Subsequent testing of these liquids and the bloodstream of the contestants has revealed no alcoholic substances were ever present. The 'drinking' continues even after the contestant is seen to visibly suffer the effects of severe alcohol poisoning, usually typified by unconsciousness, limpness of body and occasional shuddering. Posture is still maintained, with no interruption to the miming actions.\nThe contest will only end when one of two conditions are met:\n\nA period of time elapses that is no less than one (1) hour in length, with an average of one (1) drink per minute; of the \u2588\u2588\u2588 tests undertaken by the Foundation, only \u2588\u2588 contestants survived long enough to reach this point, and 95% of that group were unconscious (see Document 1212-B12). SCP-1212 then reverts to its normal shape, and will no longer react to the presence of the contestant.\n\nAlcohol poisoning causes all bodily functions to shut down, resulting in death. Upon cessation of heartbeat, the contestant is released from SCP-1212 and falls to the floor. SCP-1212 then returns to its dormant shape and size.\n\nAddendum 1212-A - Interruption\n\nAddendum 1212-A - Interruption\n\nIt has been proven physically impossible to interrupt the contest once it has begun; this includes outside termination of the contestant by any means. Any wounds sustained that are not part of SCP-1212's effect are simply ignored, fatal or otherwise; notably, in the case of Test 1212-0\u2588\u2588, the contestant appeared to continue miming the actions of drinking with both arms severed neatly just below the shoulder - the cut was visible, but there was no evidence of bleeding, pain or lack of function. When the contest ended and the contestant released from its effect, both appendages immediately fell off, causing extreme pain and cardiac arrest resulting in death.\n\nAddendum 1212-B - Test 1212-0\u25881\n\nAddendum 1212-B - Test 1212-0\u25881\n\nSubject: D-392010; male, Caucasian, 21 years\nTest Supervisors: Dr. T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Dr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588\nDate: \u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/20\u2588\u2588\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588: Sit down on the stool, D-class, and then describe what you see. You won't be able to hear us, but we will certainly hear you.\n(D-392010 slowly sits down on the stool. Almost immediately, the stool lowers by nearly half a meter and transforms into a bar stool made of shiny metal and plastic. D-392010 becomes visibly shaken.)\nD-392010: What the.. uh, is this supposed to happen? I'm in some sort of.. dive bar, I dunno, some guy across from me is looking at me funny and there's a crowd here, I don't-\n(D-392010 appears to survey his surroundings, mouth agape, and then tilts his head as if listening to someone.)\nD-392010: You want to what? Drink me under the table? You wish, buddy! (D-392010 breaks out into a huge grin, and laughs.) This is gonna be one hell of a test, I can tell. You're on.\n[REDACTED]\nDr. T\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588: Ten minutes in.. looks like he's holding up well, but he can barely speak.. I don't think he's realized yet.\n(D-392010 is swaying back and forth, grinning manically while consuming each invisible drink.)\nD-392010: W-whoa, buddy, you just d-don't sstop, do you.. Do you think we c-can take a break of a few mininutes or something? No? To hell with you, p-pal, I'll stop wwhen I want t-.. Hey..\n(D-392010 begins to struggle, but his arm appears to move by its own accord, forcing him to take another drink.)\nD-392010: The fuck is happ-(gulps down a drink) hhappening to me.. the fuck is this, I don't.. Somebody, pplease stop this, I don't want to keep going, you've won, buddy.. W-what the fuck do you mean, \"The contest is underway\"? Hey, hey, doc! Gget me out of here! T-this is just a freaky illusion or something, right? Get me-(chokes, but keeps drinking) Augh, this sshit is foul..\n(D-392010 continues threatening Foundation personnel and attempts resisting the test, but cannot stop 'drinking'. He begins gibbering irrationally, flailing his head side to side, back and forth when not compelled to take another shot. After several minutes, he begins vomiting a light brown mixture of lumpy liquid.)\nD-392010: (screaming) GOD, MAKE IT STOP, YOU WIN, YOU WIN, FFUC- (vomits, pauses to take a drink, then resumes vomiting)\n[REDACTED]\n(D-392010 is unconscious and jerking back and forth involuntarily. His jumpsuit pants are soaked from the waist down, the floor under the stool now covered with various substances. He continues to mime drinking.)\n[REDACTED]\n(An unconscious, visibly reddened D-392010 feebly jerks back and forth several times, before pausing in the act of mid-drink. Slowly, he keels over and falls off the stool, landing in a now large puddle of bodily fluid.)\nDr. S\u2588\u2588\u2588: Time of expiration, fifty-two minutes, forty-seven seconds.\n(D-392010 twitches once more, before ceasing to move altogether. SCP-1212 reverts to its normal state, no traces of fluid on its wooden surface evident.)\n\n\u00ab SCP-1211 | SCP-1212 | SCP-1213 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1213\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1213 is to be strapped immobile in a locked shipping container, stored in Sector-25. SCP-1213 is not to be allowed within 20 meters of juvenile mammals weighing between 15 and 50 kilograms, except for testing purposes.\nDescription: SCP-1213 is a wooden and steel catapult, medieval in design, 1.4 meters wide and 2.6 meters long. SCP-1213 is capable of autonomous locomotion on its four wooden wheels and of operating its firing mechanism by an unknown method. Aside from its anomalous movement and operation SCP-1213 has no unusual physical properties.\nGiven space to move, SCP-1213 will haphazardly explore an area. Should SCP-1213 encounter a suitable subject, SCP-1213 will transport the subject into the basket on its firing arm by unknown means. SCP-1213 must be within 10 meters of its subject in order to transport it. SCP-1213 will then launch the subject at the nearest flat vertical surface. After a launching it will remain stationary, emitting a sound similar to the contented purring produced by felines while it resets its firing arm. SCP-1213 will then resume its haphazard exploration. SCP-1213's firing arm can be strapped down, but any strapping will break should SCP-1213 launch a subject.\nSCP-1213 favors infant to prepubescent mammalian subjects that weigh between 15 and 50 kilograms. SCP-1213 has also been known to launch subjects with dwarfism on occasion.\nSCP-1213 was found in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, a farming town in England, after several unexplainable cases of dead children and small animals that were reported as having been \"hurled into walls at high velocity\". A search of the town found SCP-1213 in the bushes of a school playground. Further investigation of the town led to the discovery of an improvised laboratory in an abandoned farmhouse. Much of the laboratory was destroyed by an explosion, presumably caused by the large defunct device that was the focus of the laboratory. The device was the experimental work of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, who could not be located.\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's damaged research log was discovered in pieces amongst the debris of the warehouse, and only excerpts could be retrieved.\nExcerpts of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's research log:\nPieces of text that were missing, burnt or otherwise illegible are marked with [\u2026]\n\nI've done it. I've finished. I've pressed the button. I flipped the switch. I've changed the world forever. Even as I sit here it opens [\u2026]\n\n[\u2026] the noise is unbearable, I can see objects moving beyond [\u2026]\n\nAny dimension. EVERY dimension. I can see won[\u2026] If only I could interact [\u2026] access [\u2026] perhaps I [\u2026]\n\nThis [\u2026] particular is fascinating to me [\u2026] impossible, but [\u2026] I can't deny [\u2026]\n\nThere are families of them, unbelievable, all different types [\u2026] what we would believe to [\u2026] inanimate [\u2026] different 'species' [\u2026]\n\nThe tire-irons seem particularly amiable, [\u2026]\n\n[\u2026] somehow t[\u2026] whatever i did, it worked [\u2026] but it's here now, in this [\u2026]\n\nI think it's separated from its 'parents' [\u2026]\n\nI've grown fond of it, it [\u2026] no family of my [\u2026] so long [\u2026] alone working [\u2026]\n\nIts abandonment here [\u2026] grown an animosity [\u2026] can't keep it [\u2026]\n\n[\u2026]uck! I can't s[\u2026] I've [\u2026] should reduce massive dam[\u2026] town is safe [\u2026] but I can't find Hurley any[\u2026]\n\nfound Su[\u2026] splatt[\u2026] Robert like a tomato [\u2026], oh my god.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1212 | SCP-1213 | SCP-1214 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1214 during Phase 2\n\nItem #: SCP-1214\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: The laptop computer containing SCP-1214 (designated 1214-L1), and all its peripherals are to be kept in a standard laptop case in a secure locker in the Computer Science Department of Site-33. No testing is to be performed on SCP-1214 without the authorization of the Senior CSD Administrator, Dr G. Wilson.\nAs per Standard Anomalous Computer Equipment Regulation 4324-B, 1214-L1 must under no circumstances be connected to a network of any kind.\nDescription: 1214-L1 is a standard Dell XPS Ultrabook laptop computer including power supply and mouse. Software installed includes the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.\nSeveral coding projects can be found in the \"Documents\" folder of user \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588. Most of these are programming exercises in the C# programming language. SCP-1214 is a project, also written in C#, with the name \"random_number_test\".\nThe program consists of approximately 60 lines of code. The program generates random numbers in the range 48-90, which are then interpreted as ASCII character codes. This gives the possibility of generating the characters in Table 1, below.\n\nTable 1, possible characters generated by SCP-1214 algorithm\n\n0-9, A-Z (alphanumeric, upper case)\n\ncolon (:)\n\nsemicolon (;)\n\nless-than(<)\n\nequals (=)\n\ngreater-than (>)\n\nquestion mark (?)\n\nat sign (@)\n\nThe characters are assembled into lines of 50 characters each. One (1) such line is printed to a text window every second while the program is running.\n\n+ Sample of program output, time elapsed < 1 minute\n\n- Sample of program output, time elapsed < 1 minute\n\nQGZ33I=9F@?AQQGPK6SGN?NLW;=JMP>GWBM=S5FIMPRXFE=9RO\nDSL?RAT>7R5<3SO5UFJ?PM@QU2Z@M0\n8FWZWE7C6=7CMEF?XU@:F7ZTL0E@KP3NN24=UQLO?5H;63IUI:B9GZA9@CF\nC;EVXRJPKA9E79LUAJONHBKQ@=U7NKUWA:9CU9JCF>XC?P;ZV5\n0JKPX0KNFKWC10G<4W0807Z;7:E7AK2VZM4SJ@HMFD=UH16C?=0CJR@TD0O4YH;>ZNVJDRJV2IM>TSAE\nWSHI28N7=;>JKCOY8YVU5GZGM5@1410LJ:85ZM;QJ9QLX52X:21GN@6YWFC=ZP=7HQ9S=K0BVIAAATAAAAAXXAUW3AO>AMDAAGNAQ51AARQLA>NAAH:AKAUDYAAG?6ZEZAFAA?AA7PSAVNAF@A?AAA:DAV;3AA:Y2><:AA\nA8LKD2AI;AAIAEAWACAN@AZ8E19A0IAIPHAT61U8>FGMH8AWCI\nML?A;PAQA>AG8AVUAGANZYAAQNGAAAFDUAAASV@:>AGB0OFORY\nARXD5SKMAKEEY;Z8FPIT7V0EUD9NV26HHR\n=JUE<6I5EEFK9DBMEM737FQBJLIWZ3X7X7Y?STOPI1@EZ::P<9\nGC@DJRTBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTOP0WVYXL\nG8:9T3:O0ELHZF8M1QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQB:2C1MAKEK=\nVF3U4>MUAPV4C;E:8NZKCCITSEPDUIGON=LN3CLDGONFM?X0QZ\nNNVL:;2K2JI8ITU17QQGBQG:B>WXPCGSTOPSS13ALBA2V?OJKK\n86:9HW7KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO3J<=4;AED>XL7R81HHRZ1\nTIAJC1CT>HOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL5PAZVJWY\nQQC=MSR59PLEASEX7YX;8445OMV2TA6OH?GK68KA9OD:FY65ID\nRWMLQLL>I0XP;R;PLEASEY>G1CJUNOGPC@I91VHUYRJKCCCLZG\nH0L3LTHMOREROSC7;VG?ITND@\n9PSEN6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4T4KI@KIJRRWE4G6QI\nQJ?W6DH;6ZH0G:PX7BIR@DHBUBKD8:3>7C2Z:84G4VB68IQ;XQMR?8\n==========================================<30=?B5W\n:95EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEV87SSD\nW90:=QR=BD33PUICVQ@PMK5S?CZTE1UG8RZKG5C7433R:08=9T\nHNUN1>ZCXR299MJXWV6TJ:C00000000000000000000000000X\nDBKPM:JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ71P\n?M5?75TID688TSMTGW6T7XISWUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCPU\nIN=XXTZWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR3E:T;J\nExample of output during Phase 3, Test Run 14. Probability for characters A, F, L, O and Y has dropped to 0, or near 0. They do not appear in the output again during 1214-TR14.\n\nPhase 3 continues as described with no further variances. The longest test to date has been 1214-TR27, where SCP-1214 was run for \u2588\u2588 days, and showed a \u2588\u2588 percent reduction in the character set during Phase 3.\nStopping and restarting the SCP-1214 program results in a repetition of phases 1 through 3, with slight variations in program output as well as the lengths of the respective phases.\nThe current theory is that the diminishing probabilities observed during Phase 3 will continue until only one (1) character remains in the output. Calculations show that such a result would require the program to run for somewhere between \u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588 days.\nAdditional: After the occurrence described in Addendum 1214-3, SCSDA G. Wilson ordered testing of SCP-1214 to be suspended until further notice.\nAddendum 1214-1:\nStandard Electronic Contamination Tests (SECT) have proved negative. SCP-1214 does not appear to be able to infect other computers, and copies of the SCP-1214 program will not exhibit anomalous properties.\nAddendum 1214-2, acquisition log:\n1214-L1 was retrieved by Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 from the campus dorm of \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 University, after a persistent rumor had circulated among the students that there existed an experimental program that \"behaved funny\" if executed over a period of several days. The rumors were exaggerated and ranged from speculations about \"rogue government AIs\" to \"impossible patterns seen in 'The Game of Life'\".\nFortunately, the owner of 1214-L1 appears to have shunned the attention this was generating, and exposure was therefore kept to a minimum. After acquiring the item, Agent \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 deployed a Class-IV Worm in the university network to monitor data traffic for further indications of SCP-1214, or similar activity. So far none has been detected.\nAddendum 1214-3:\n\n+ Incident report, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n- Incident report, \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\n\n\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Test Lab 1214-2.\nTest Run 28 was started, with the goal of letting SCP-1214 run for double the length of 1214-TR27.\nStandard video capture / OCR scanner setup used to record SCP-1214 output.\nPersonnel assigned to 1214-TR28 was Lead Researcher, Dr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, and Research Assistant, Dr P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588.\nPhase 1 completed according to expectations. However, at \u2588\u2588\u2588 minutes into Phase 2, the following words, quite different from the Phase 2 data acquired up to this point, appeared in SCP-1214's output:\n\n0?C9HWIHURTSHURTS9?PLEASE STOP=:::::::::::::::::::\n::::::::::SIGNAL::TRACE::COMPLETE::WE::RESPOND::IN\n::KIND:::::::::::::::::::::::::::DWW30PLEASEPLEASE\n\nApproximately five (5) seconds after this point in time, Dr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 appeared to be caught by a seizure lasting for 13 seconds. She then fell unconscious and dropped to the floor.\nAfter a period of 17 seconds, Dr P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 followed the Emergency Protocol and hit the cutoff switch, terminating all power to Test Lab 1214-2. (Dr P\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 later received a reprimand for failure to react within prescribed time limit.)\nDr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was brought to Emergency Medical Facility \u2588\u2588\u2588, where her condition was monitored and found to be stable. She revived after 34 hours, at which point further examination revealed that she had undergone a uniform 23% loss of visual, auditory, tactile and gustatory acuity. Olfactory acuity was unaffected. (See Reports 1214-345 through 1214-347 for speculation on this discrepancy.)\nDr H\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 remains under medical supervision until further notice.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1213 | SCP-1214 | SCP-1215 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1215 in containment; the object's effects are not transferable through photographs.\n\nItem #: SCP-1215\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1215 must be contained within a locked room pursuant standard Level 2 (Moderate Threat), Type 3 (Visual Stimuli), Mind-Altering Protocols. Access requires written approval.\nDue to the object's age and fragile nature, SCP-1215 must be maintained in a hermetically-sealed chamber of inert gas with extremely low humidity at a temperature of ten degrees Celsius. SCP-1215 should not be exposed to ultraviolet light for longer than absolutely necessary. Routine inspection, and maintenance as necessary, is to be performed twice monthly by religious Class-D personnel certified in the care of rare books and manuscripts (cooperation of these Class-D personnel is grounds for indefinite suspension of their termination). Failure to comply with these measures will result in the object's significant damage and/or destruction.\nPersonnel exposed to SCP-1215 are to be placed in isolation for their own protection and the protection of other personnel. A sincere confession and repentance of one's sins to a qualified priest of the affected personnel's religion, even for religious traditions which do not include a confessional rite, has been shown to cause the effects of SCP-1215 to subside over the following 24-48 hours. For non-religious personnel, confessions to individuals holding doctorates in philosophy have proven effective in approximately 60% of cases. Personnel who cry while confessing generally recover more quickly and (if non-religious) have higher likelihoods of recovery. Non-Class-D personnel who are asymptomatic after fourteen days may resume their previous duties after the successful completion of a psychiatric examination.\nDescription: SCP-1215 is a 4th century illuminated manuscript, written in Medieval Greek on vellum. It was recovered from an archeological dig of a Byzantine monastery in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, Turkey. Illustrations are decorated with both gold and silver. The manuscript is a version of the Peri Logismon, apparently an original copy written by the work's author, Evagrius \"The Solitary\" Ponticus (345-399 CE), a Christian monk and ascetic. The Peri Logismon is a treatise on temptation, and the \u201cEight Evil Thoughts\u201d, the predecessor to the more modern \u201cSeven Deadly Sins\u201d. The text of SCP-1215 varies appreciably from other copies of the work.\nIndividuals exposed to the text or illustrations within SCP-1215 have their behavior altered, though these alterations do not appear to manifest themselves until the individual leaves the immediate proximity of the object. Subjects exhibit behavior consistent with one of the \u201ceight evil thoughts\u201d described within the manuscript. Analysis of personnel and D-class under SCP-1215's influence suggests that the alterations to their behavior are based on their prior personality; additional testing for a statistically significant sample is ongoing.\nThe effects of SCP-1215 vary, not only based on which vice manifests itself in the behavior of exposed personnel, but also in the severity of the behavior. Currently, symptoms are divided into three phases.\n\nPhase I (Initial) symptoms are exhibited immediately upon leaving the vicinity of SCP-1215, and are sufficiently minor that they may go unnoticed.\nPhase II (Intermediate) symptoms are exhibited starting approximately 12-36 hours of leaving the object's vicinity, and, while noticeable and potentially hazardous, are unlikely to result in permanent harm to the subject or others.\nPhase III (Terminal) symptoms are exhibited starting after approximately 48-96 hours of leaving the object's vicinity. Phase III symptoms often result in significant harm to the subject and personnel nearby.\n\nObserved effects of SCP-1215 are as follows, though no subjects exposed to SCP-1215 have been known to exhibit more than one of these effects:\n\nGastrimargia (Gluttony) \u2013 The subject develops an intense and insatiable appetite. Phase I symptoms are minor feelings of hunger or thirst, consistent with not having eaten for several hours. At Phase II, the subject is constantly eating. Phase III symptoms are attempts to eat anything nearby, regardless of whether or not the item being devoured would normally be considered food.\nPorneia (Lust) \u2013 The subject develops extremely heightened libido. Phase I symptoms are minor feelings of sexual arousal. At Phase II, subjects begin to experience hypersexuality and lowered sexual inhibitions. At Phase III, subjects will actively seek out sexual gratification by any means necessary, while simultaneously ignoring other bodily needs. While no subjects have remained in Phase III for long enough to confirm this, it is conceivable that an individual suffering from Phase III Porneia effects could starve to death as a direct result of their symptoms.\nPhilargyria (Avarice) \u2013 The subject develops excessive greed. Phase I symptoms consist of heightened desire for wealth, status, and power. Phase II symptoms consist of attempts to acquire material possession through theft, bribery, or other means. Hoarding is common. Phase III symptoms are extreme attempts to obtain wealth, often including violence, trickery, and/or manipulation of authority.\nHyperephania (Hubris) \u2013 The subject develops extreme pride. Phase I symptoms are minor feelings of pride. Phase II symptoms include a tendency to shame others as being inferior, and a sense of gratification for doing so. Phase III symptoms include more extreme manifestations of Phase I and II symptoms, as well as insolence, contempt, and a tendency towards violence against anyone who is perceived to have disparaged the subject.\nLype (Envy) \u2013 The subject develops extreme negative emotions at the good fortune of others. Phase I symptoms are minor feelings of jealousy. Phase II symptoms include underhanded attempts to engage in character assassination of those to which the subject feels jealous. Phase III symptoms are characterized by extreme negative behavior, including strong and persistent attempts at causing misery towards the object of the envy, and sometimes violence.\nOrge (Wrath) \u2013 The subject displays intense and unstoppable rage. Phase I symptoms are minor feelings of annoyance and irritability. At Phase II, subjects become pugnacious, though physical altercations are rare. Once Phase III has been reached, subjects will respond to the slightest trigger with extreme fury, which can result in attempts to kill those nearby.\nKenodoxia (Vanity) \u2013 The subject holds an excessive belief in his/her own abilities and/or attractiveness to others. Phase I symptoms include a feeling of superiority. Phase II involves unjustified boasting. At Phase III, subjects descend into extreme self-idolatry. Note: While subjects displaying Kenodoxia tend to not cause direct harm to themselves or others, they tend to cause sufficient irritation in those around them that it is not uncommon for others to cause them harm.\nAkedia (Sloth/Dejection) \u2013 The subject suffers from extreme laziness and despair. Phase I symptoms include procrastination and minor feelings of sadness. Phase II symptoms are consistent with extreme cases of general depressive disorder; the subject has extreme difficulty mustering the energy necessary to perform nonessential tasks. At Phase III, the subject becomes catatonic.\n\nHistory: Evagrius wrote the Peri Logismon as a guide for understanding and learning to overcome temptation. Records recovered from the dig site (see [REDACTED]) suggest that SCP-1215 was an attempt by Evagrius to create a morality tool for use by the mostly illiterate general population. Though SCP-1215 has demonstrated effective for its purpose, records found alongside the manuscript suggest it was written earlier (approximately 373 CE) than the more widely known version of the Peri Logismon (written 375 CE).\nAccording to the records found alongside SCP-1215, Evagrius (then still a lector in Neocaesarea and a disciple of Basil of Caesarea) created SCP-1215 and presented it to Basil. Basil (329 or 330 CE \u2013 January 1, 379 CE), an influential theologian later canonized as St. Basil the Great, apparently rejected his pupil's creation, instructing it to be sealed away and that all subsequent versions of the work had to be substantially censored. Evidence of this censorship can be seen clearly in Chapter 16 of the Peri Logismon, where Evagrius writes, \"I cannot write about all the villainies of the demons; and I feel ashamed to speak about them at length and in detail, for fear of harming the more simple-minded among my readers.\" After Basil died in 379 CE and Evagrius moved to Constantinople in 380, it appears SCP-1215 was forgotten until it was rediscovered in modern times.\nSCP-1215, as well as the history surrounding it, reinforces theories that the early Christian church was involved in the containment of paranormal and preternatural items. St. Basil of Caesarea, who holds a very important place in the history of Christian liturgy and is regarded as a father of communal monasticism in Eastern Christianity (as well as a major influence on St. Benedict in Western Christianity), is credited with having written no fewer than three Prayers of Exorcism. Evagrius, beyond being the original author of what would eventually become a major tenant of Catholicism (the Seven Deadly Sins) and being a major influence on many later church figures, was accused of heresy later in life for his esoteric speculations regarding the pre-existence of human souls. The extent to which the early Christian church's possible efforts to contain items of paranormal and preternatural natures affected the development of Christian ethics, practices, beliefs, and Western culture as a whole, is unknown at this time.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1214 | SCP-1215 | SCP-1216 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Symbol reconstructed from painted fragments of concrete that were broken when SCP-1216-1 was created. Believed to represent an instance of SCP-1216.\n\nItem #: SCP-1216\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A base of operations, Site-144, has been established surrounding SCP-1216-1. Instances of SCP-1216 may be retrieved at a limit of three per day. In the event of explorations into SCP-1216-2, personnel are to be equipped with Environmental Protection Ensemble 12 (Desert).\nInstances of SCP-1216-4 are to be tracked by satellite from Site-144 and, when located, temporary containment is to be set up. Temporary SCP-1216-4 containment is to consist of a concrete-moored gap-free wooden fence circumscribing the instance's range. Given the nature of the sites at which instances of SCP-1216-4 appear, civilians are to be removed from the premises of any SCP-1216-4 containment site under the artifice of enforcing industrial safety standards. Upon dissipation of an SCP-1216-4 instance, temporary containment is to be ended. In the event that there are no suitable sites left for the appearance of instances of SCP-1216-4, replica sites are to be constructed in secure facilities and continually replenished with scrap metal.\nDescription: SCP-1216 is a species of pyramidal organisms native to an extradimensional space adjacent to Lenox, Massachusetts. However, they do not exhibit several characteristics of living organisms, among them reproduction and metabolism. The organisms range in scale from 5cm tall and .33kg to ca. 700cm tall and 7540kg, but are otherwise identical in appearance and proportions.\nInstances of SCP-1216 have a square pyramid body with a base length exactly 1.5 times its height, with a thin, flexible, bowed leg on each lower vertex. Their legs are cylindrical and allow them to move in any direction without turning their bodies. They also have a pair of curved, cylindrical, flexible antennae attached to the uppermost vertex of their body. Situated at the ends of the antennae are two solid spheres composed of beryllium bronze with density 8.78g/cm\u00b3.\nExcept for the beryllium bronze spheres, instances of SCP-1216 are composed of an anomalous protein, henceforth pyramitin, which seems to be similar in structure to chitin, except that it has a bulk modulus and density comparable to that of cobalt. Pyramitin partially blocks EM radiation and does not break down chemically, frustrating spectrographic, electromicroscopic, and chemical analysis. From macroscopic observation, it is dark gray, non-reflective, non-porous, and always cool to the touch.\nOn the underside of the body is a conical mouth containing a proteinaceous turbine. By spinning this turbine, instances of SCP-1216 are able to generate suction. Above the turbine there is a dense, wrinkled mass of pyramitin which is impenetrable to both scans and dissection. The turbine and the mass above it appear to be the only internal organs \u2014 the rest of the hollow body cavity is filled with sand and particles of iron oxide.\nThe extradimensional space to which SCP-1216 is native, SCP-1216-2, is an unbounded flat expanse of subtropical desert. The expanse is lit by a small, stationary sun located at 48\u00b0 above the horizon and 66\u00b0 east from due south, heating it to a constant 26\u00b0 C. These measurements remain the same no matter how far or in what direction one travels. It is of note that powered flight is not possible within SCP-1216-2 \u2014 by process of elimination it appears to be an unknown quality of the atmosphere. At current estimates, there are about 5100 instances of SCP-1216 of various sizes inhabiting SCP-1216-2.\nSCP-1216 typically scuttle around the expanse in random patterns. On a constant basis, pieces of manmade scrap metal \u2014 ranging from nuts and bolts to the chassis of heavy construction machinery \u2014 emerge from the sand and are consumed by SCP-1216 through turbine suction. SCP-1216 gain no mass from consumption \u2014 X-ray fluoroscopy scans show the metal entering the dense organ in the center of the body and subsequently disappearing. SCP-1216 are able to communicate with one another through flexing their antennae and tapping their beryllium bronze spheres together in rhythmic patterns. This produces a clicking sound that echoes for a far longer time than can be replicated. Larger instances of SCP-1216 produce deeper sounds, move more slowly, and eat larger pieces of scrap metal.\nSCP-1216 do not regard humans as threats and make no attempts to interact with them. SCP-1216 that were deliberately assaulted by D-class test subjects had no significant reaction and took no action against the D-class. When scrap metal was taken from SCP-1216 as they were about to consume it, they lost interest and found other pieces. Several instances of SCP-1216 have been successfully captured, transported into Site-144, and dissected with no resistance offered by the individual or the group. \"Dead\" instances of SCP-1216 \u2014 the term is ambiguous given their lack of life signs, although they do stop moving when dissected \u2014 are replaced after some time by SCP-1216-3.\nThe main feature of SCP-1216-2 is SCP-1216-3, a 400m tall pyramid composed of the same protein as the instances of SCP-1216 and with the same proportions. Aperiodically SCP-1216-3 will slowly excrete instances of SCP-1216 from its surface \u2014 these will stay the same size at which they were created. SCP-1216-3 is wholly impenetrable to all scans. It remains cool despite being in perpetual sunlight.\nSCP-1216-2 is accessible through an irregularly shaped portal, SCP-1216-1, about 1.3m wide and 2.5m tall in a broken section of concrete wall in the first floor of a parking structure in Lenox, Massachusetts. Its existence was first noted shortly after Lenox was affected by the 2011 Virginia earthquake. Subsequently, several stray instances of SCP-1216 exited it and were captured on security camera, thus alerting the Foundation to their, SCP-1216-1's, and ultimately SCP-1216-2's existence. From inside, SCP-1216-1 floats 3cm above the ground and is effectively flat. It has depth \u2014 its inner edge is made of the concrete wall \u2014 but it is only visible when facing its opening, and cannot be seen from the back, even though the non-visible side feels like a solid barrier. Likewise, on the other side of the concrete wall, the hole simply allows one-way sight but not passage through it \u2014 it feels solid. Passing through the portal offers no adverse effects to human life.\nAt intervals of 2 to 5 days, a secondary portal to SCP-1216-2 will be established at any location on Earth which contains large amounts of discarded scrap metal \u2014 e.g. junkyards, shipwrecks or garbage dumps. This secondary portal, known as an instance of SCP-1216-4, manifests as a whirlpool of desert sand at the lowest point of the area. SCP-1216-4 may be between 3m and 12m in diameter. All solid unsecured matter within a range of twice the diameter is then sucked into SCP-1216-4, ultimately reemerging in the extradimensional space. The reason why only scrap metal emerges from the ground in SCP-1216-2 is as of yet unknown; non-metallic matter, including organic matter, does not appear in the expanse and is presumed lost. When all available matter has been sucked into SCP-1216-4, it consumes itself and shrinks in size until it has vanished, leaving no trace. Instances of SCP-1216-4 started appearing only after SCP-1216-1 opened.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1215 | SCP-1216 | SCP-1217 \u00bb"} +{"text": "SCP-1217-1, prior to Foundation involvement.\n\nItem #: SCP-1217\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: A barbed-wire fence with a single gate to allow authorised access is to be maintained in an area surrounding SCP-1217's active zone, around which several chemical hazard signs are to be placed in clear view. Multiple CCTV cameras are to be set up in a perimeter around SCP-1217's active zone, monitored by a nearby Observation Post (OP 1217-Alpha). A minimum of two guards are to be present at this station at all times. Any unauthorised individuals attempting to enter SCP-1217 are to be detained, interviewed and \u2013 if they present no clear threat \u2013 released after being provided with a Class-C amnestic.\nSeveral enclosed rooms near the entrance of SCP-1217-1 have been modified and equipped with observational apparatus to serve as testing chambers \u2013 any experimentation involving SCP-1217-2 is to take place only in these designated areas (please refer to Document 1217-A). Subjects should be placed into these chambers, released, and monitored. After the experiment is complete, the refuse is to be removed and disposed of via incineration.\nDescription: SCP-1217 consists of two parts:\n\nSCP-1217-1, formerly an office complex owned by the \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Corporation, located in [REDACTED], Massachusetts, US. The 250 m \u00d7 300 m area surrounding SCP-1217-1 is considered SCP-1217's active zone.\n\nSCP-1217-2, any member of the species Felis catus which enters SCP-1217's active zone.\n\nUpon entering the aforementioned area, a specimen of SCP-1217-2 will display no significant behavioural deviations from its previous activity, apart from attempting to remain within the active zone of SCP-1217 and responding aggressively to any attempts to remove it from said area. Removal is still possible; however, successfully removing a subject from the area will not prevent the anomalous event associated with SCP-1217 from occurring.\nFifteen to twenty minutes after entering the area, specimens will begin acting in a notably erratic manner, which typically involves spontaneous pouncing and vocalising. Several minutes following this, subjects will protract their claws and attempt to repeatedly lacerate their underbelly. Shortly after this begins, specimens will (if unimpeded) succeed in disembowelling themselves, despite pain, shock or other associated sensations which would result.\nThe viscera and blood released from the aforementioned process will invariably form itself into a shape resembling a short, semi-coherent sentence, consisting of English characters. Said messages vary between instances of SCP-1217-2, and possess occasional notable spelling and grammatical errors. The text constituting these sentences largely consists of blood, which will retain this shape if left undisturbed until drying. Extracts of other organs \u2013 particularly the colon and intestinal tracts \u2013 have been known to fold in such a way to form appropriate letters if cut from the original lacerations, though this is a rare occurrence. Excess tissue does not appear to be affected, and pools normally a short distance away from the remaining substance. The means by which the aforementioned viscera assumes shape of coherent text is currently unknown.\nThe anomalous properties of SCP-1217 came to the attention of the Foundation on 2005-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588, when a stray cat entered its active zone before initiating expected behaviour in front of several \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 employees. The building was then transferred into Foundation possession, relevant witnesses were administered Class-B amnestics and a cover-story regarding the discovery and continued removal of asbestos within the building was released.\nExcerpt from Document 1217-B: Note: The following are copied as accurately as possible from the original text, produced as a result of successive tests. For an extensive log of all messages produced, please refer to the relevant documentation.\nTest \u2588\u2588\n\nIs thsi it?\n\nTest \u2588\u2588\n\nwhy can't it?\n\nTest \u2588\u2588\n\nCan I play too?\n\n+ Incident 1217-1\n\n- Close\n\nBetween Tests 13 and 19, the text produced by SCP-1217 began deviating significantly from its previously established pattern, as follows:\nTest 12\n\nwhat happens nuw?\n\nTest 13\n\nI'm sick of this.\n\nTest 14\n\nI'm sick of making them talk.\n\nTest 15\n\nI want to stop for now.\n\nTest 16\n\nStop it.\n\nTest 17\n\nSTOP\n\nTest 18\n\nSTOP\n\nTest 19\n\nSTOP\n\nShortly after this, Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 requested an extended reprieve from experimentation, which was approved by O5-\u2588. Testing was stopped between 20\u2588\u2588-04-\u2588\u2588 and 20\u2588\u2588-07-\u2588\u2588, at which point it was resumed. The resulting text appears to be consistent with the usual pattern of that produced by SCP-1217:\nTest 20\n\ni'm so sorry.\n\nTest 21\n\nit's all lost he htaes us.\n\nTest 22\n\nlet us go.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1216 | SCP-1217 | SCP-1218 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1218\nObject Class: Safe\nSpecial Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-1218-1 are to be kept within specially fitted crates in protected storage wing L-03 of Site 28. Most instances of SCP-1218-1 are fragile and care should be taken when retrieving, transporting, and storing them. Due to the potential for information leaks, instances of SCP-1218-1 must remain covered when in presence of any sensitive Foundation material.\nAny contact with or appearances of SCP-1218-2 are to be recorded and logged.\nDescription: All instances of SCP-1218-1 are numbered as SCP-1218-1-XX in the order they were recovered. As of the most recent update of this document, SCP-1218-1-1 through SCP-1218-1-32 are in storage, minus only SCP-1218-1-4 (see Testing Logs). Instances of SCP-1218-1 all appear to be normal wall-mounted mirrors, most frequently rectangular, with sizes between 0.2 and 9.5 square meters.\nUpon closer inspection, the objects are in fact one-way reflective glass, with an extremely dark room visible on the far side when viewed in absolute darkness to minimize reflections. The dark rooms, hereafter known as 'viewing chambers', appear to have floors and ceilings of a cracked, concrete-like material with various raised platforms that SCP-1218-2 sit on. There are no side walls visible, with viewing distance tapering off quickly into darkness. Each mirror appears to link to a unique viewing chamber sharing these same characteristics.\nSCP-1218-2 refers to the group of creatures between 1.5 and 1.9 meters tall that are frequently visible in the viewing chambers. They appear humanoid with heavily jaundiced skin of a leathery appearance that obscures defining features. Each creature has four wounds on its head, holes ringed in torn flesh, that are roughly equivalent in position to a human's eyes, nose, and mouth. The creatures, hereafter referred to as 'the yellow men', wear moth-eaten suits identified as those in style during the 19\u2588\u2588's. SCP-1218-2 appear aware of viewers in front of SCP-1218-1 and have been seen to not only follow the movements of test subjects, but to actively take notes in what seems to be a \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 brand notebook.\n\nDr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588's recovered testing logs\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: We've ruled out the idea of some sort of projection. Test subjects moving to different positions had their field of view through the mirror change accordingly. The subjects were visibly startled when SCP-1218-2 followed their movements, leading one to panic and one to scream. Lights were brought up and subjects removed from test chamber.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: It appears that at light levels below 1 Lux our test subjects start to become uneasy around SCP-1218-1. They describe either the feeling of being watched, or of the room being larger than it appears. I theorize that their subconscious is picking up on subtle visual clues of the 'viewing room' beyond the mirrors that is still too overwhelmed by reflections for their conscious brains to identify. I have rigged up the testing room with hidden low-light cameras which are able to pick up just enough light to make their tapes worthwhile for repeat studies.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: Continued testing on multiple instances of SCP-1218-1 suggests that each is linked to a separate room; though the number of viewing SCP-1218-2 changes, suggesting that they may enter and leave the rooms throughout the day. Also of note, it appears that the primary mode of lighting that allows the 'viewing room' to be seen is the embers of a cigarette. If none of SCP-1218-2 are smoking it stands to reason that the viewing room would be pitch black. It's possible that this accounts for the instances when we are unable to see anything through the mirror, even in utter darkness.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: So far I've managed to identify at least 19 unique SCP-1218-2 from the viewing logs. Their facial and body structures are extremely similar, but blemishes on the skin, height, and the suits they're wearing are enough to distinguish one from another. Note that these individuals do not always appear in the same viewing room.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: Testing on D class subjects so far has found no adverse effects from exposure to SCP-1218-1 or SCP-1218-2. I have therefore decided that it is safe for my assistants and I to perform tests directly.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: Given the quantity of SCP-1218-1 we've received, I have approved testing to try breaking one to see if it retains its effects.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: Shattering an instance of SCP-1218-1 does cause it to cease displaying any anomalous effects; however [REDACTED], like rotting fruit, which quickly dissipated.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: One of my assistants came to me today with something I had missed in the early experiments. She noticed that when subject D-9002 screamed in fright, one of the yellow men stepped back suddenly, as if startled. I wonder if perhaps sound might connect these locations as well.\n\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I've added a laser microphone to the complement of recording devices trained on SCP-1218-1-5. We've picked up the following anomalous sounds [See Audio Log Summary]\n\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: SCP-1218-2 continue to intrigue me. They respond to my actions as if they can see me clearly, though personally I don't know how they can see anything; the low light has made it impossible to determine as of yet if there are in fact eyes beneath those shredded sockets. It's like watching animals at a zoo, they move to follow our actions, but don't reciprocate any attempts to communicate. I'm curious what they're writing, it's too bad there isn't enough light to read it.\n\n\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: More instances of SCP-1218-1 continue to be brought in. Now that we know their properties, we've begun going through old reports from \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 and \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 database to gather more leads. Mobile Task Force Beta-6, the \"Window Washers\" has been created to not only collect more of these mirrors, but to try and trace their origin.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I'll have to go through my notes, but it seems like there are more SCP-1218-2 than usual appearing for my tests.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: We have 26 instances of SCP-1218-1 in storage as of this date, having exhausted preexisting leads. I worry that, given the difficulty in noticing the effects, that there could be many more out there.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I know there are more now, the most recent test had over ten of them, watching. I don't like this. I've taken the testing tapes home by [REDACTED], and I'm going to pore over every frame till I find something of use.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I've spent the last three nights poring over the tapes. I think the lack of sleep is getting to me; I was walking past the mirror in hallway H-7 today and I could have sworn I saw something looking out at me.\n\n\u2588/\u2588\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I broke the mirror in the hallway, at least now I'm sure.\n\n\u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588: I figured it out, I should have been looking closer at the details on their [REDACTED]. I'm not sure, but I might know where, and what, they are.\n\n[End of record] See Incident H1218-A\n\nAudio Log Summary\nThe following noises were picked up by the laser microphone over a seven (7) day period. Sound analysis software has been used to identify the most likely source of each sound, as well as its likelihood of accuracy, and the number of times it occurred.\n\nFootsteps (socks) - 99% - Coincided with movement of test subjects\nFootsteps (loafers) - 95% - Usually coincided with movement of SCP-1218-2\nDripping water - 99% - Continual\nAnimal noise (cat, purr) - 18% - Frequent\nRunning water (faucet) - 92% - 42\nChewing (human, adult) - 12% - 40\nVoices (adult, unintelligible) - 80% - 30\nFalling item (rubber tubing) - 14% - 29\nRunning water (shower) - 90% - 13\nMachinery (forklift) - 87% - 12\nVoices (children, unintelligible) - 84% - 11\nSnoring (adult) - 93% - 7\n[REDACTED]\nLaughter (children) - 93% - 2\nSiren (ambulance) - 92% - 2\nSCP-\u2588\u2588\u2588 - 64% - 1\nShaking chains - 88% - 1\nShattering glass - 92% - 1\nVoice (adult, female, \"[unintelligible]\u2026other one, we're going to be late\") - 82% - 1\nScream (adult, female) - 83% - 1\n\n+ Incident H1218-A\n\n- Incident H1218-A\n\nOn \u2588/\u2588/\u2588\u2588 Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 was found dead at his private residence. He was discovered hanging by a noose in his attic after failing to show up to work for three days. Forensic evidence at the scene suggested suicide. Every single mirror in his house was found shattered. According to standard protocol, further testing on SCP-1218 is to be postponed until all possible memetic or mental influence is ruled out.\nAddendum A: Additional scrutiny of the mirror fragments of the home of Dr. \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 find that [REDACTED] inconsistent with being shattered by a blow or weapon. The video logs were also missing from the scene. Additional investigations are underway to ascertain all the details of H1218-A.\nAddendum B: SCP-1218 is pending upgrade to Euclid status.\n\n\u00ab SCP-1217 | SCP-1218 | SCP-1219 \u00bb"} +{"text": "Item #: SCP-1219\nObject Class: Euclid\nSpecial Containment Procedures: SCP-1219 is to be contained within a sealed area (min. size 2m3, max. size 5m3) in complete darkness (light level \u2264 .0001 lux), situated at least 1 kilometer from any other occupied dark area. This chamber should be outfitted with overhead lighting controlled by an external switch.\nAs of \u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588-\u2588\u2588 SCP-1219 is housed at Storage Site-\u2588\u2588. Personnel entering the darkened containment area for testing purposes must refrain from vocal utterances unless otherwise instructed by research staff.\nDescription: The entity or event labeled SCP-1219 may manifest at any time within a sufficiently dark area of a suitable size (determined to be minimum 2m3; maximum unknown), provided at least one sentient being is present to witness the phenomenon. SCP-1219 manifests as a whistled version of the song Camptown Races which rises gradually and erratically in volume until audible to those present in the area. The entity or event will not manifest in the presence of an infrared camera or other low-light recording devices. No anomalous effects have been noted in relation to audio recordings of SCP-1219.\nOnce triggered, the whistled song lasts for an apparently unlimited duration, generally until light exposure occurs. However, the song will cease within 10-20 seconds if a witness or witnesses attempt to whistle, hum, sing, or otherwise engage with SCP-1219's tune, and the witness(es) will be dismembered (stripped primarily of organs related to vocalization) and severely flayed with marks similar to those inflicted by a bullwhip along the neck, back, and legs, resulting in immediate or delayed death in 100% of observed cases. SCP-1219's whistle does not appear to compel this engagement. Dismemberment and flaying occurs rapidly and cannot be prevented by the introduction of light to the containment chamber. No physical component to SCP-1219 has been recorded or identified.\nSCP-1219 has been found capable of instantaneous transfer within a distance of approximately 1km. If exposed to light, the entity or event will cease immediately and recur in the nearest suitable dark space inside its transfer range. If no such space is available, SCP-1219 appears to enter a passive state and will not recur unless and until an accessible area meets all criteria for manifestation.\nResearchers speculate that SCP-1219 may be permanently incapacitated via constant illumination of this 1km area. No termination attempts are scheduled at this time.\n\nAcquisition Log 1219-1: SCP-1219 was first documented on 08-16-\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 at \u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 St., an apartment complex in \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588, \u2588\u2588. A paranormal investigations team from the television series \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 responded to residents' claims of unusual activity. Reports from residents match the Foundation's current knowledge of SCP-1219.\nThe Foundation acquired the team's unaired footage; a partial transcript follows.\nAcquisition Log 1219-1a - \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588 Team, Camera B:\n\n