import html |
import multiprocessing |
import pathlib |
from typing import Callable |
import msgspec |
import typer |
import zstandard |
from loguru import logger |
from RedditModels import ( |
RedditAuthor, |
RedditComment, |
RedditFlair, |
RedditSubmit, |
RedditSubreddit, |
) |
root_app = typer.Typer() |
def read_and_decode( |
reader, chunk_size, max_window_size, previous_chunk=None, bytes_read=0 |
): |
chunk = reader.read(chunk_size) |
bytes_read += chunk_size |
if previous_chunk is not None: |
chunk = previous_chunk + chunk |
try: |
return chunk.decode() |
except UnicodeDecodeError: |
if bytes_read > max_window_size: |
raise UnicodeError( |
f"Unable to decode frame after reading {bytes_read:,} bytes" |
) |
logger.debug(f"Decoding error with {bytes_read:,} bytes, reading another chunk") |
return read_and_decode(reader, chunk_size, max_window_size, chunk, bytes_read) |
GB = 2**30 |
def read_lines_jsonl(file_name, chunk_size=GB // 2): |
with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle: |
buffer = b"" |
while True: |
chunk = file_handle.read(chunk_size) |
if not chunk: |
break |
lines = (buffer + chunk).split(b"\n") |
for line in lines[:-1]: |
yield line.strip(), file_handle.tell() |
buffer = lines[-1] |
def read_lines_zst(file_name, scale: float = 1): |
with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle: |
buffer = "" |
reader = zstandard.ZstdDecompressor( |
max_window_size=int((2**31) * scale) |
).stream_reader(file_handle) |
while True: |
chunk = read_and_decode( |
reader, int((2**27) * scale), int((2**29) * 2 * scale) |
) |
if not chunk: |
break |
lines = (buffer + chunk).split("\n") |
for line in lines[:-1]: |
yield line.strip(), file_handle.tell() |
buffer = lines[-1] |
reader.close() |
def error_cb(err): |
logger.exception(err) |
def get_submission_flags(data: dict): |
flag_map = { |
"!": "spoiler", |
"#": "stickied", |
">": "pinned", |
"A": "archived", |
"C": "is_crosspostable", |
"c": "is_original_content", |
"E": "edited", |
"e": "is_meta", |
"G": "can_gild", |
"H": "hidden", |
"i": "is_robot_indexable", |
"L": "allow_live_comments", |
"l": "locked", |
"m": "is_reddit_media_domain", |
"M": "over_18", |
"O": "contest_mode", |
"q": "quarantine", |
"s": "is_self", |
"v": "is_video", |
} |
return "".join(flag for flag, key in flag_map.items() if data.get(key)) |
def get_comment_flags(data: dict): |
flag_map = { |
"#": "stickied", |
"A": "archived", |
"E": "edited", |
"G": "can_gild", |
"H": "hidden", |
"l": "locked", |
"=": "score_hidden", |
"P": "author_premium", |
"R": "send_replies", |
"O": "can_mod_post", |
"N": "no_follow", |
} |
return "".join(flag for flag, key in flag_map.items() if data.get(key)) |
def get_reddit_flair(data: dict, prefix: str): |
return RedditFlair( |
bg=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_background_color"), |
css_cls=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_css_class"), |
template=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_template_id"), |
richtext=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_richtext"), |
text=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_text"), |
text_color=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_text_color"), |
type=data.get(f"{prefix}_flair_type"), |
) |
def make_submission(data: dict, file_id: pathlib.Path): |
author = None |
if data.get("author_created_utc"): |
author_flair = get_reddit_flair(data, "author") |
author_fullname = data.get("author_fullname", "") |
afn = ( |
author_fullname[3:] |
if author_fullname.startswith("t2_") |
else author_fullname |
) |
author = RedditAuthor( |
name=data.get("author", ""), |
uid=afn, |
create=data.get("author_created_utc", -1), |
flair=author_flair if author_flair.is_flaired else None, |
patreon=data.get("author_patreon_flair", False), |
premium=data.get("author_premium", False), |
) |
subreddit_id = data.get("subreddit_id", "") |
if subreddit_id is not None: |
subid = subreddit_id[3:] if subreddit_id.startswith("t5_") else subreddit_id |
else: |
return None |
subreddit = RedditSubreddit( |
name=data.get("subreddit", "<?>"), |
id=subid, |
subs=data.get("subreddit_subscribers", None), |
type=data.get("subreddit_type", None), |
) |
link_flair = get_reddit_flair(data, "link") |
submission = RedditSubmit( |
sub=subreddit, |
author=author, |
id=data.get("id", None), |
score=data.get("score", 0) if data.get("score", 0) else 0, |
created=float(data.get("created_utc", 0.0)) |
if data.get("created_utc", 0.0) |
else -1.0, |
title=data.get("title", None), |
flags=get_submission_flags(data), |
link_flair=link_flair if link_flair.is_flaired else None, |
url=data.get("url"), |
text=data.get("selftext", None), |
) |
if submission.text == "[removed]": |
submission.removed = [ |
data.get("removal_reason"), |
data.get("removed_by"), |
data.get("removed_by_category"), |
] |
if data.get("crosspost_parent_list", []): |
submission.cross = [] |
for crosspost in data.get("crosspost_parent_list", []): |
post = make_submission(crosspost, file_id) |
if post is None: |
continue |
submission.cross.append(post) |
return submission |
def make_comment(data: dict): |
author = data.get("author", "") |
if author is None or author.lower() == "[deleted]": |
author = None |
else: |
author_flair = get_reddit_flair(data, "author") |
author_fullname = data.get("author_fullname", "") |
afn = ( |
author_fullname[3:] |
if author_fullname.startswith("t2_") |
else author_fullname |
) |
author = RedditAuthor( |
name=data.get("author", ""), |
uid=afn, |
create=data.get("author_created_utc", -1), |
flair=author_flair if author_flair.is_flaired else None, |
patreon=data.get("author_patreon_flair", False), |
premium=data.get("author_premium", False), |
) |
subreddit_id = data.get("subreddit_id", "") |
if subreddit_id is not None: |
subid = subreddit_id[3:] if subreddit_id.startswith("t5_") else subreddit_id |
else: |
return None |
subreddit = RedditSubreddit( |
name=data.get("subreddit", ""), |
id=subid, |
subs=data.get("subreddit_subscribers", -1), |
type=data.get("subreddit_type", ""), |
) |
text = html.unescape(data.get("body", "")).replace("\r\n", "\n") |
if author is None and text in ["[deleted]", "[removed]"]: |
text = None |
submission = RedditComment( |
sub=subreddit, |
author=author, |
id=data.get("id", ""), |
score=data.get("score", 0), |
created=data.get("created_utc", 0), |
thread_id=data.get("link_id", ""), |
parent_id=data.get("parent_id", ""), |
text=text, |
flags=get_comment_flags(data), |
) |
return submission |
def process_zst( |
input_file: pathlib.Path, output_file: pathlib.Path, processor_fn: Callable |
): |
decoder = msgspec.json.Decoder() |
encoder = msgspec.json.Encoder(decimal_format="number") |
write = output_file.with_stem(f"{output_file.stem}_{input_file.stem}") |
with open(write, "wb") as f: |
for lineidx, line in enumerate(read_lines_zst(input_file)): |
data, idx = line |
try: |
post = processor_fn(decoder.decode(data)) |
if post: |
f.write(encoder.encode(post) + b"\n") |
except msgspec.DecodeError: |
logger.warning("Decode error detected. Continuing...") |
if lineidx % 100_000 == 0: |
logger.info(f"{write} {lineidx} processed") |
logger.info(f"{write} done") |
@root_app.command(name="submissions") |
def process_submissions(zst_input: pathlib.Path, output_prefix: pathlib.Path): |
s = sorted(list(zst_input.iterdir())) |
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=32) as pooled: |
results = [] |
for file in s: |
results.append( |
pooled.apply_async( |
process_zst, |
args=(file, output_prefix, make_submission), |
error_callback=error_cb, |
) |
) |
[result.wait() for result in results] |
@root_app.command(name="comments") |
def process_comments(zst_input: pathlib.Path, output_prefix: pathlib.Path): |
s = sorted(list(zst_input.iterdir())) |
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=32) as pooled: |
results = [] |
for file in s: |
results.append( |
pooled.apply_async( |
process_zst, |
args=(file, output_prefix, make_submission), |
error_callback=error_cb, |
) |
) |
[result.wait() for result in results] |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
root_app() |