ArticleTitle Question Answer DifficultyFromQuestioner DifficultyFromAnswerer ArticleFile Abraham_Lincoln Was Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Was Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth President of the United States? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln sign the National Banking Act of 1863? yes easy medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln sign the National Banking Act of 1863? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did his mother die of pneumonia? no easy medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did his mother die of pneumonia? No. easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How many long was Lincoln's formal education? 18 months medium easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How many long was Lincoln's formal education? 18 months. medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did Lincoln begin his political career? 1832 medium easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did Lincoln begin his political career? 1832. medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln What did The Legal Tender Act of 1862 establish? the United States Note, the first paper currency in United States history medium easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln What did The Legal Tender Act of 1862 establish? The United States Note, the first paper currency in United States history. medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who suggested Lincoln grow a beard? 11-year-old Grace Bedell hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who suggested Lincoln grow a beard? Grace Bedell. hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did the Gettysburg address argue that America was born? 1776 hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did the Gettysburg address argue that America was born? 1776. hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln beat John C. Breckinridge in the 1860 election? yes hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln beat John C. Breckinridge in the 1860 election? Yes. hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Was Abraham Lincoln the first President of the United States? No easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Was Abraham Lincoln the first President of the United States? No easy medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln start his political career in 1832? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln start his political career in 1832? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln ever represent Alton & Sangamon Railroad? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln ever represent Alton & Sangamon Railroad? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Which county was Lincoln born in? Hardin County medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Which county was Lincoln born in? Southeast Hardin County, Kentucky medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did Lincoln first serve as President? March 4, 1861 medium hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When did Lincoln first serve as President? March 4, 1861 medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who assassinated Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth medium hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who assassinated Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth medium hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln win the election of 1860? Yes hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln win the election of 1860? Yes hard too hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who was the general in charge at the Battle of Antietam? General McClellan hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Who was the general in charge at the Battle of Antietam? John Alexander McClernand hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation? To free slaves hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation? The goal was to weaken the rebellion, which was led and controlled by slave owners. hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Do scholars rank lincoln among the top three presidents? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Do scholars rank lincoln among the top three presidents? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did lincoln have 18 months of schooling? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did lincoln have 18 months of schooling? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Was Lincoln chosen as a presidential candidate in 1860? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Was Lincoln chosen as a presidential candidate in 1860? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How old was Lincoln in 1816? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How old was Lincoln in 1816? seven medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When was the first photgraph of lincoln taken? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln When was the first photgraph of lincoln taken? 1846 medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How long was Lincoln's legal Career? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln How long was Lincoln's legal Career? 23 years medium medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln What trail did Lincoln use a Farmers' Almanac in? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln What trail did Lincoln use a Farmers' Almanac in? he defended William "Duff" Armstrong hard hard S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Abraham Lincoln live in the Frontier? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Abraham Lincoln live in the Frontier? Yes hard medium S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln's Wife's Family support slavery? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a4 Abraham_Lincoln Did Lincoln's Wife's Family support slavery? Yes hard medium S08_set3_a4 Alessandro_Volta Volta became professor of physics in the Como high school in what year? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What ac phaenomenis inde pendentibus? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What may be called Volta's Law of the electrochemical series? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it true that volta became professor of physics? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is it true that volta entered retirement in spain? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta When did he become professor? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What did Alessandro Volta publish in 1800? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is Volta buried in the city of Como? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is the electrolyte sulphuric acid? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NOTTTT FOUND NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Are Count Volta 's original instruments and papers on display there ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Is Volta buried in the city of Como ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Was his 1800 paper written in French ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Are Count Volta 's original instruments and papers on display there ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Did he not realize that the frog 's leg served as both a conductor of electricity -LRB- we would now call it an electrolyte -RRB- and as a detector of electricity ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta Does this not make the zinc rod the negative electrode and the copper rod the positive electrode ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What happened with $ its invention? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta HWhat happened at the electromotive force -LRB- emf -RRB- of a galvanic cell? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Alessandro_Volta What happened in 1800? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a10 Amedeo_Avogadro What was an Italian savant? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What was an Italian savant? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who is most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? Amedeo Avogadro NULL medium S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who is most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who is most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who graduated in ecclesiastical law at the early age of 20 and began to practice? Amedeo Avogadro NULL medium S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who graduated in ecclesiastical law at the early age of 20 and began to practice? blah NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who graduated in ecclesiastical law at the early age of 20 and began to practice? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he publish another memoria? 1821 NULL medium S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he publish another memoria? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he publish another memoria? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he become a professor? 1820 NULL medium S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he become a professor? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro When did he become a professor? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it true that he became a professor in 1820? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it true that he became a professor in 1820? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it true that he became a professor in 1820? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro an Italian savant? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro an Italian savant? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro an Italian savant? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro born in Turin August 9th 1776 to a noble ancient family of Piedmont, Italy? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro born in Turin August 9th 1776 to a noble ancient family of Piedmont, Italy? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was Amedeo Avogadro born in Turin August 9th 1776 to a noble ancient family of Piedmont, Italy? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is he most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is he most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is he most noted for his contributions to the theory of molarity and molecular weight? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who confirm that he sponsored and helped some Sardinian plotters who were organising a revolution in that island , stopped at the very last moment by the concession of Charles Albert 's statute ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Who confirm that he sponsored and helped some Sardinian plotters who were organising a revolution in that island , stopped at the very last moment by the concession of Charles Albert 's statute ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro He is what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro He is what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro The unification of Italy did what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is Avogadro 's number commonly used to compute the results of chemical reactions ? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is Avogadro 's number commonly used to compute the results of chemical reactions ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is Avogadro 's number commonly used to compute the results of chemical reactions ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it approximately 6.0221415 10 23 ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Is it approximately 6.0221415 10 23 ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did the scientific community not reserve great attention to his theory ? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did the scientific community not reserve great attention to his theory ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Did the scientific community not reserve great attention to his theory ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Does it not allow chemists to determine the exact amounts of substances produced in a given reaction ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Does it not allow chemists to determine the exact amounts of substances produced in a given reaction ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Was King Victor Emmanuel III there to pay homage to Avogadro ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Can the title of this famous 1811 paper be roughly translated into english? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Can the title of this famous 1811 paper be roughly translated into english? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro Can the title of this famous 1811 paper be roughly translated into english? NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What happened in french? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What happened in french? NULL hard S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What happened in 1833? Avogadro had been recalled to Turin university NULL medium S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What happened in 1833? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a8 Amedeo_Avogadro What happened in 1833? blah blah blah NULL hard S08_set4_a8 Anders_Celsius Who determined the dependence of the boiling of water with atmospheric pressure? Anders Celsius NULL medium S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What is named after him? The Celsius crater on the Moon NULL medium S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius When did he publish a collection? 1733 NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is it true that he published a collection in 1738? No NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is it true that thermometer had 100 for the freezing point? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was Celsius born in Uppsala in Sweden? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was Anders Celsius (November 27, 1701 April 25, 1744) a Swedish astronomer? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is The Celsius crater on the Moon named after him? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Who was the first to perform and publish careful experiments aiming at the definition of an international temperature scale on scientific grounds ? Anders Celsius NULL medium S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius The Celsius crater on the Moon is what? named after him NULL medium S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is the Celsius crater on the Moon named after him ? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Had his thermometer 100 for the freezing point of water and 0 for the boiling point ? Yes it had NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Was Celsius born in Uppsala in Sweden ? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Is the Celsius crater on the Moon named after him ? Yes NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius Did he not determine the dependence of the boiling of water with atmospheric pressure -LRB- in excellent agreement with modern data -RRB- ? Yes he did NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What happened from 1730 to 1744? He was professor of astronomy at Uppsala University NULL easy S08_set4_a5 Anders_Celsius What happened in 1745? The scale was reversed NULL medium S08_set4_a5 beetle Are beetles insects? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are beetles insects? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Can beetles be found in polar regions? No easy hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Can beetles be found in polar regions? No easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Do beetles antennae function primarily as organs of smell? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Do beetles antennae function primarily as organs of smell? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle What are the three sections of a beetle? the head, the thorax, and the abdomen medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle What are the three sections of a beetle? The head, the thorax, and the abdomen medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle Which defense mechanism uses colour or shape to deceive potential enemies? mimicry medium easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Which defense mechanism uses colour or shape to deceive potential enemies? Mimicry medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle Which type of beetle is a pest of potato plants? Colorado potato beetle medium easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Which type of beetle is a pest of potato plants? Colorado potato beetle medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle How can beetle larvae be differentiated from other insect larvae? their hardened, often darkened head, the presence of chewing mouthparts, and spiracles along the sides of the body hard medium S08_set1_a8 beetle How can beetle larvae be differentiated from other insect larvae? By their hardened, often darkened head, the presence of chewing mouthparts, and spiracles along the sides of the body hard medium S08_set1_a8 beetle What do beetles eat? Some are generalists, eating both plants and animals. Other beetles are highly specialised in their diet. hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle What do beetles eat? They often feed on plants and fungi, break down animal and plant debris, and eat other invertebrates hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle What are the similarities between beetles and grasshoppers? mouthparts hard medium S08_set1_a8 beetle What are the similarities between beetles and grasshoppers? Beetles have mouthparts similar to those of grasshoppers hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Are certain species of beetles considered pests? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are certain species of beetles considered pests? yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Is a beetle's general anatomy uniform? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a8 beetle Is a beetle's general anatomy uniform? yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are beetles endopterygotes? yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are beetles endopterygotes? yes easy easy S08_set1_a8 beetle How many species of beetles are there? 350,000 medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle How many species of beetles are there? about 350,000 medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle When are sperm cells transferred to the female? during pairing medium hard S08_set1_a8 beetle When are sperm cells transferred to the female? During pairing medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle What is the study of beetles called? coleopterology medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle What is the study of beetles called? coleopterology medium medium S08_set1_a8 beetle Is it possible that there are more than 350,000 species of beetles? yes hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Is it possible that there are more than 350,000 species of beetles? yes hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Is the Adephaga suborder larger than the Polyphaga suborder? no hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Is the Adephaga suborder larger than the Polyphaga suborder? yes hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Do carrion beetles eat dung? no hard medium S08_set1_a8 beetle Do carrion beetles eat dung? no hard hard S08_set1_a8 beetle What are prey of various animals including birds and mammals? Beetles. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle What was given by Aristotle for the hardened shield like forewings? The name "Coleoptera". NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Who or what vary greatly in form within the coleoptera? Antennae. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are many beetles territorial? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Are beetles endopterygotes with complete metamorphosis? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Oxygen is what? One kind of gas obtained via a tracheal system. NULL too hard S08_set1_a8 beetle Is there a thriving industry in the collection of beetle specimens for amateur and professional collectors ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Have coleopterists formed organisations to facilitate the study of beetles ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Is the study of beetles called coleopterology , and its practitioners are coleopterists ? Yes. NULL medium S08_set1_a8 beetle May a single female lay from several dozen to several thousand eggs during her lifetime ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle Can beetles be found in almost all habitats? Yes. NULL easy S08_set1_a8 beetle What happened on plants and fungi? They are food to beetles. NULL hard S08_set1_a8 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge the twenty-ninth vice president? no easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge the twenty-ninth vice president? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge born in Plymouth, Windsor County, Vermont? yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge born in Plymouth, Windsor County, Vermont? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge graduate from Black River Academy? yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge graduate from Black River Academy? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When did he drop John from his name? upon graduating from college medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When did he drop John from his name? Upon graduating from college medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When did Coolidge meet and marry Grace Anna Goodhue? 1905 medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When did Coolidge meet and marry Grace Anna Goodhue? In 1905 medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What period of rapid economic growth did the United States experience during Coolidge's presidency? the Roaring Twenties medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What period of rapid economic growth did the United States experience during Coolidge's presidency? the "Roaring Twenties" medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What did Coolidge do after graduating from Amherst? Coolidge moved to Northampton, MassachuS08_setts hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What did Coolidge do after graduating from Amherst? Coolidge moved to Northampton, MassachuS08_setts to take up the practice of law hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Of what state was Coolidge governor? MassachuS08_setts hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Who appointed Harlan Fiske Stone to the Supreme Court? Coolidge hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Who appointed Harlan Fiske Stone to the Supreme Court? Coolidge hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge the thirteenth President of the United States? No easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge the thirteenth President of the United States? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge Republican? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge Republican? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge a governor of MassachuS08_setts? Yes easy medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Calvin Coolidge a governor of MassachuS08_setts? Yes easy medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When was Coolidge born? July 4 1872 medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge When was Coolidge born? Plymouth, Windsor County, Vermont medium easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Where did Coolidge's grandfather had government offices? Plymouth medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Where did Coolidge's grandfather had government offices? The town of Plymouth Notch medium hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Which state were Coolidge born in? Plymouth, Windsor County, Vermont medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Which state were Coolidge born in? Vermont medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Is Calvin Jr. older than John Coolidge? No hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Is Calvin Jr. older than John Coolidge? No hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge get in Amherst College? Yes hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge get in Amherst College? Yes hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What caused Calvin Jr.'s death? heart attack hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What caused Calvin Jr.'s death? Heart attack hard easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was born in Las Vegas? No easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was John Calvin Coolidge Jr. was born in Las Vegas? no easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge opposed in the Republican nomination for Governor of MassachuS08_setts in 1918? Yes easy medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge opposed in the Republican nomination for Governor of MassachuS08_setts in 1918? no easy hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge meet and marry Grace Anna Goodhue? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge meet and marry Grace Anna Goodhue? yes easy easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What year did Coolidge open his own law office? 1898 medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What year did Coolidge open his own law office? 1898 medium easy S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What fraternity was Coolidge a member of? Phi Gamma Delta medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What fraternity was Coolidge a member of? phi gamma delta medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge In 1905 Coolidge met and married whom? Grace Anna Goodhue medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge In 1905 Coolidge met and married whom? Grace Anna Goodhue medium medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Why did Coolidge not attend law school? It was too expensive hard hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Why did Coolidge not attend law school? cost hard too hard S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Have there been other US presidents that have visited Cuba? No hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Have there been other US presidents that have visited Cuba? no hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What years were Coolidge's two sons born in? 1906 and 1908 hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What years were Coolidge's two sons born in? 1906 and 1908 hard medium S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What thrust him into the national spotlight? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What to be born on the fourth of July? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Who was the elder of two children of John Calvin Sr and Victoria Coolidge? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Who or what placed as high as sixth in the voting? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Is it true that he appointed stone to the supreme court? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What do well - received and he have in common? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What did Coolidge address in 1924? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge more outspoken? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was Coolidge admitted to the bar? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What emigrated from Cambridge? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What graduated from Black? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What Retrieved on May? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge He later what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge They were what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge The Republicans retained what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge (NNP Harding #)(NNP Death )))(PP (IN in )(NP (NP (NN office ))(PP (IN for )(NP (DT a )(JJ full )(NN description )(NNP Vice )(NNP President )(person (NNP Coolidge ))))))))(VP (VP (VBD was )(VP (VBG visiting )(NP (PRP$ his )(NN family )(NN home ))))(, , )(SBAR (WHNP (WDT which ))(S (VP (VBD did )(RB not )(VP (VB have )(NP (NP (NN electricity ))(CC or )(NP (DT a )(NN telephone )))(, , )(PP (IN in )(NP (location (NNP Vermont ))))(SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when ))(S (NP (PRP he ))(VP (VBD received )(NP (NP (NN word ))(PP (IN of )(NP (NP (NNP Harding )(POS 's ))(NN death ))))))))))))))(. . ))) NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Was 364 Stone later appointed Chief Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Did Coolidge not publish his autobiography in 1929 and write a syndicated newspaper column , `` Calvin Coolidge Says , '' from 1930 -- 1931 ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Were the more well-known Coolidges , such as architect Charles Allerton Coolidge , and diplomat Archibald Cary Coolidge , descended from other branches of the family that had stayed in MassachuS08_setts ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge Is the genius of the average the most convincing proof of $ his strength? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What happened from tuberculosis? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Calvin_Coolidge What happened from black river academy , vermont? NULL NULL NULL S08_set3_a9 Canada Did France cede nearly all of its colonies in Europe in 1763? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did France cede nearly all of its colonies in Europe in 1763? yes easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did France cede nearly all of its colonies in Europe in 1763? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada a member of the OECD? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada a member of the OECD? yes easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada a member of the OECD? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada's official language Zulu? No. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada's official language Zulu? no easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada's official language Zulu? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada What is one significant non-official language? Chinese. medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is one significant non-official language? Chinese medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is one significant non-official language? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada In addition to Port Royal, where else did Samuel de Champlain establish a S08_settlement? Quebec City medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada In addition to Port Royal, where else did Samuel de Champlain establish a S08_settlement? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada What was the Consitution Act formerly called? The British North America Act. medium hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What was the Consitution Act formerly called? British North America Act medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What was the Consitution Act formerly called? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada Which countries established colonies in Canada? France and Britain. hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada Which countries established colonies in Canada? Fance and Britain hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada Which countries established colonies in Canada? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada How has Canada helped UN peacekeeping efforts? During the Suez Crisis of 1956, Lester B. Pearson eased tensions by proposing the inception of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. Canada has since served in 50 peacekeeping missions, including every UN peacekeeping effort until 1989 hard medium S08_set2_a8 Canada How has Canada helped UN peacekeeping efforts? Canada has played a leading role in UN peacekeeping efforts. During the Suez Crisis of 1956, Lester B. Pearson eased tensions by proposing the inception of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force. Canada has since served in 50 peacekeeping missions, including every UN peacekeeping effort until 1989 hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada How has Canada helped UN peacekeeping efforts? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada What percentage of the population don't speak English or French at home? 28% hard too hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What percentage of the population don't speak English or French at home? 1.5% hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What percentage of the population don't speak English or French at home? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada bilingual? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada bilingual? Yes, it is. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did Canadian soldiers win the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did Canadian soldiers win the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917? No, it did not. easy hard S08_set2_a8 Canada Is an official language of Canada German? No. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is an official language of Canada German? No, it is not. easy easy S08_set2_a8 Canada How many provinces and territories does Canada have? A federation now comprising ten provinces and three territories medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada How many provinces and territories does Canada have? Ten provinces and three territories medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is Canada's national unemployment rate? While as of October 2007, Canada's national unemployment rate of 5.9% is its lowest in 33 years. Provincial unemployment rates vary from a low of 3.6% in Alberta to a high of 14.6% in Newfoundland and Labrador. medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is Canada's national unemployment rate? In October 2007, Canada's national unemployment rate is 5.9%. medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada Where is the most densely populated part of Canada? The most densely populated part of the country is the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor along the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River in the southeast. medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada Where is the most densely populated part of Canada? The most densely populated part of the country is the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor along the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River in the southeast. medium medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is the largest country in the world? Canada is the second largest country in the world, after Russia, and largest on the continent. hard medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What is the largest country in the world? Russia. hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What is the largest religious group in Canada? According to 2001 census, 77.1% of Canadians identified as being Christians; of this, Catholics make up the largest group (43.6% of Canadians). The largest Protestant denomination is the United Church of Canada; about 16.5% of Canadians declare no religious affiliation, and the remaining 6.3% were affiliated with religions other than Christianity, of which the largest is Islam numbering 1.9%, followed by Judaism: 1.1%. hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What is the largest religious group in Canada? Christian hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada When did Canada have one of the largest armed forces in the world? 1944. hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada When did Canada have one of the largest armed forces in the world? World War II. hard hard S08_set2_a8 Canada What have been inhabited for millennia by aboriginal peoples? The lands NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada European books and maps began referring to this region as Canada in what year? 1545 NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada What was Canada's most important industry until the 1800s? The fur trade NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is it true that it angered many residents of the thirteen colonies? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada How do cuba and declining participation relate? Canada maintains full relations with both. NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is it true that provinces have a large degree of autonomy? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada What did Canada adopt in 1965? The Maple Leaf Flag NULL medium S08_set2_a8 Canada What arrived in Britain? The first Canadian Army units in WW II NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Are Canada 's two official languages English and French ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Are Canada 's official national sports ice hockey ( winter ) and lacrosse ( summer ) ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is Canada a geographically vast and ethnically diverse country ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did Mainland Nova Scotia not come under British rule with the Treaty of Utrecht (: ; ? no! NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did Cartier not use the word ` Canada ' to refer to not only that village , but the entire area subject to Donnacona , Chief at Stadacona ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Did continental European immigrants not S08_settle the prairies ? no NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada Is it the world 's second largest country by total area? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a8 Canada What happened in 1867? Canada was formed as a federal, semi-autonomous polity NULL easy S08_set2_a8 duck Are ducks in the Arctic Northern Hemisphere migratory? Some are easy medium S08_set1_a10 duck Are ducks in the Arctic Northern Hemisphere migratory? yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Is a drake a male? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a10 duck Is a drake a male? yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Do all ducks "quack"? No easy medium S08_set1_a10 duck Do all ducks "quack"? no easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck What is the name of a specialized species of duck adapted to catch large fish? the smew medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What animal attracts the most humor and silliness? The duck medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What animal attracts the most humor and silliness? the duck medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What is an economic use of a duck? Meat medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What is an economic use of a duck? being farmed for their meat medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck Who is Daffy Duck? A silly cartoon character hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck Who is Daffy Duck? a silly cartoon character hard medium S08_set1_a10 duck What makes it more difficult for a diving duck to fly? They are heavier hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What makes it more difficult for a diving duck to fly? they are heavier hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What are the reasons for hunting wild ducks? Meat, eggs, and feathers hard too hard S08_set1_a10 duck Do ducks forage underwater? yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Do ducks forage underwater? Diving ducks and sea ducks forage underwater easy hard S08_set1_a10 duck Do all ducks "quack"? no easy medium S08_set1_a10 duck Do all ducks "quack"? No easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Is foie gras often made from ducks? yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Is foie gras often made from ducks? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck What economic uses to ducks have? They are farmed for their meat, eggs and feathers. They are also kept and bred by aviculturists and often displayed in zoos. medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What economic uses to ducks have? They can be farmed for meat, eggs, and feathers medium hard S08_set1_a10 duck What kind of ducks feed on land? Dabbling ducks medium easy S08_set1_a10 duck What kind of ducks feed on land? Dabbling ducks feed on land medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What unrelated water birds are ducks sometimes confused with? loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots medium easy S08_set1_a10 duck What unrelated water birds are ducks sometimes confused with? loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What does the word duck mean? It is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of birds. hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What does the word duck mean? to bend down low as if to get under something hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What are some common predators of ducks? Pike, crocodilians, herons, hawks and eagles. hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What are some common predators of ducks? pike, crocodilians, and other aquatic hunters hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck How does a Mallard's tongue work? It's tongue is a flat plate, and on the tongue's back end is a short liftable flap with about 18 short spikes for pushing struggling prey and other food down its throat hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck How does a Mallard's tongue work? It uses short spikes to push struggling prey and other food down its throat hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck Are diving ducks heavier tha dabbling ducks? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Are diving ducks heavier tha dabbling ducks? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Are adult ducks fast fliers? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Are adult ducks fast fliers? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Are ducks an accepted presence in some populated areas? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck Are ducks an accepted presence in some populated areas? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a10 duck What types of unrelated water birds with similar forms are ducks sometimes confused with? loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What types of unrelated water birds with similar forms are ducks sometimes confused with? loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck Why are ducklings particularly vulnerable? Their inability to fly. medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck Why are ducklings particularly vulnerable? their inability to fly makes them easy prey medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What are some economic uses for duck? Meat,eggs,feathers medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What are some economic uses for duck? being farmed for their meat, eggs, feathers, (particularly their down) medium medium S08_set1_a10 duck What allows a duck to filter water out of the side of their beaks and keep food inside? Tiny rows of plates called lamellae hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What allows a duck to filter water out of the side of their beaks and keep food inside? tiny rows of plates called lamellae like a whale's baleen hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What expression is part of a conceptual framework for testing computer systems? Quacks like a duck hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck What expression is part of a conceptual framework for testing computer systems? Quacks like a duck hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck Where did the expression "a sitting duck" come from? In many areas, wild duckof various species (including ducks farmed and released into the wild) are hunted for food or sport, by shooting, or formerly by decoys. hard hard S08_set1_a10 duck Where did the expression "a sitting duck" come from? In many areas, wild ducks of various species (including ducks farmed and released into the wild) are hunted for food or sport, by shooting, or formerly by decoys. hard hard S08_set1_a10 Egypt Is Egypt bordered by the Gaza Strip? yes easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Is Egypt bordered by the Gaza Strip? Yes easy medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt Is Egypt the most populated country in Africa? no easy medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt Is Egypt the most populated country in Africa? No easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt have political influence in the Middle East? yes easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt have political influence in the Middle East? Yes easy medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt When was the Six Day War? 1967 medium easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt When was the Six Day War? 1967 medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt What religions has Egypt outlawed? All but Christianity, Islam, and Judaism medium hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt What religions has Egypt outlawed? all religions and belief except Islam, Christianity and Judaism medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt What is the poulation of Egypt? more than 78 million medium easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt What is the poulation of Egypt? 78 million people medium hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt Why does most of Egypt's population live near the Nile? the only arable agricultural land is found there, hard medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt Why does most of Egypt's population live near the Nile? The only arable agricultural land is found there hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt Are there a large number of Jews living in Egypt today? no hard medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt Are there a large number of Jews living in Egypt today? No hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt During what period was Akhenaten a Pharaoh? The New Kingdom (c.1550−1070 BC) hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt During what period was Akhenaten a Pharaoh? The New Kingdom hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt Is Egypt in Asia? No. easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt receive the least rainfall in the world? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt receive the least rainfall in the world? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt's foreign policy operates along moderate lines? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does Egypt's foreign policy operates along moderate lines? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a6 Egypt Since when has Egypt been a republic? June 18 1953. medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt Since when has Egypt been a republic? June 18 1953 medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt When were the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza built? During the Old Kingdom. medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt When were the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza built? During the Old Kingdom medium medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt What countries border Egypt? Libya, Sudan, the Gaza Strip and Israel. medium hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt What countries border Egypt? Libya, Sudan, the Gaza Strip and Israel medium hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt What is the estimated population of Egypt? More than 78 million. hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt What is the estimated population of Egypt? 78 million hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does snow fall in Egypt? Yes. hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt Does snow fall in Egypt? Yes hard hard S08_set2_a6 Egypt When did organized agriculture appear in the Nile Valley? 6000 BC. hard medium S08_set2_a6 Egypt When did organized agriculture appear in the Nile Valley? About 6000 BC hard medium S08_set2_a6 elephant Are elephants the largest land animals alive today? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephants the largest land animals alive today? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Can an elephant kill a rhinoceros? yes easy hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Can an elephant kill a rhinoceros? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephants good swimmers? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephants good swimmers? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant How many living species of African Elephants are there? 2 medium hard S08_set1_a5 elephant How many living species of African Elephants are there? The African Elephant genus contains two (or, arguably, three) living species. medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How long may elephants live? 70 years medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How long may elephants live? As long as 70 years, sometimes longer. medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant Why does the phrase 'elephants never forget' have no metaphorical meaning? it refers literally to elephants supposedly having an excellent memory medium hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Why does the phrase 'elephants never forget' have no metaphorical meaning? Because it refers literally to elephants supposedly having an excellent memory. medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How many living species of Asian Elephants are there? 1 hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant How many living species of Asian Elephants are there? one hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How much do elephants weight at birth? 120 kilograms hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How much do elephants weight at birth? At birth it is common for an elephant calf to weigh 120 kilograms (265 lb). hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What did Aristotle say about elephants? the beast which pasS08_seth all others in wit and mind hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant What did Aristotle say about elephants? Aristotle once said the elephant was "the beast which pasS08_seth all others in wit and mind." hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephant populations in West Africa generally small and fragmented? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephant populations in West Africa generally small and fragmented? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Is the Asian elephant larger than the African? no easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Is the Asian elephant larger than the African? Sometimes easy too hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Is an elephant's skin tough? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Is an elephant's skin tough? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant How do elephants communicate over long distances? by producing and receiving low frequency sound medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How do elephants communicate over long distances? By producing and receiving low-frequency sound (infrasound) medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant When do African elephants lie down? when they are sick or wounded medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How long is the elephant's gestation period? 22 months medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How long is the elephant's gestation period? 22 months medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant How many species of African elephants have been proposed? three hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant How many species of African elephants have been proposed? three hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant What are the elephant's ears important for? temperature regulation hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What are the elephant's ears important for? temperature regulation hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant What land animal has the largest brain? elephant hard medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What land animal has the largest brain? The elephant hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephants mammals? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Are elephants mammals? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Have elephants been used as working animals? yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Have elephants been used as working animals? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Do they prefer forested areas? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant Do they prefer forested areas? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a5 elephant What is the world population of Asian elephants? 60000 medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What is the world population of Asian elephants? The world population of Asian elephants – also called Indian Elephants or Elephas maximus – is estimated to be around 60,000 medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What part of an elephant is very important for temperature regulation? Ears medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant What part of an elephant is very important for temperature regulation? The large flapping ears of an elephant are also very important for temperature regulation. medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant Where was the largest elephant ever recorded shot? Angola medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant Where was the largest elephant ever recorded shot? The largest elephant ever recorded was shot in Angola in 1956. medium medium S08_set1_a5 elephant Is an Asian elephant smaller than an African elephant? yes hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Is an Asian elephant smaller than an African elephant? Yes hard easy S08_set1_a5 elephant What land animal is larger than an elephant? None hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant What land animal is larger than an elephant? None, the elephant is the largest land animal. hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Has tusklessness become a rare abnormality? No hard hard S08_set1_a5 elephant Has tusklessness become a rare abnormality? No, tusklessness has become a widespread hereditary trait. hard hard S08_set1_a5 Finland Were the treaties signed in 1947 and 1948 with the Ukraine? no easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Were the treaties signed in 1947 and 1948 with the Ukraine? No easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is Finnish a member of the Baltic-Finnic subgroup of the Uralic languages? yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is Finnish a member of the Baltic-Finnic subgroup of the Uralic languages? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is the most read newspaper in Finland Taloussanomat? no easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is the most read newspaper in Finland Taloussanomat? No easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Which Russian army general conquered Finland in 1809? Alexander I medium hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Which Russian army general conquered Finland in 1809? Alexander I medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the life expectancy for men in Finland? 75 years medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the life expectancy for men in Finland? 75 years medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland In what year were the "Games of the XV Olympiad" held? 1952 medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland In what year were the "Games of the XV Olympiad" held? 1952 medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What body of water lies to the south of Finland? the Gulf of Finland hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What body of water lies to the south of Finland? Archipelago Sea hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Name an animal that is growing in number due to recent conservation efforts Golden Eagle, Brown Bear, or Eurasian Lynx (Change imperative to interrogative) hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Name an animal that is growing in number due to recent conservation efforts Golden Eagle hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Today, are there more cell phone subscriptions than people in Finland? yes hard too hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Today, are there more cell phone subscriptions than people in Finland? Yes hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Is Matti Vanhanen the Prime Minister of Finland? yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is Matti Vanhanen the Prime Minister of Finland? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is the capital city Oslo? no easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Is the capital city Oslo? No easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Does it have a border with Norway? yes easy medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Does it have a border with Norway? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the life expectancy for men? 75 years medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the life expectancy for men? 75 years medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the biggest city in Finland? Greater Helsinki medium hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the biggest city in Finland? the cities of the Greater Helsinki metropolitan area medium hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Who is the most popular rock group in Finland? CMX medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Who is the most popular rock group in Finland? CMX medium hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is Finland's economy like? a highly industrialised, free-market economy hard medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Where is Finland located? Northern Europe hard medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Where is Finland located? Northern Europe hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the weather like in summer? relatively warm hard medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the weather like in summer? relatively warm hard medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Does salmon remain the favorite of fly rod enthusiasts? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Does salmon remain the favorite of fly rod enthusiasts? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Are there cathedrals scattered all across Finland? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland Are there cathedrals scattered all across Finland? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland According to Reader's Digest, is Finland best for living? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland According to Reader's Digest, is Finland best for living? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a4 Finland When did the first verifiable written documents appear? Twelfth Century medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland When did the first verifiable written documents appear? The first verifiable written documents appeared in the twelfth century. medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the capital city? Helsinki medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the capital city? The capital city is Helsinki. medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the most extensively celebrated holiday? Christmas medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland What is the most extensively celebrated holiday? Christmas is the most extensively celebrated holiday. medium medium S08_set2_a4 Finland Does a large proportion of the population speak Swedish as its mother tongue? No hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Do women live longer than men? Yes hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland Do women live longer than men? Yes hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is a country with which Finland is involved in an international conflict? None hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is a country with which Finland is involved in an international conflict? Finland is not involved in international conflicts or border disputes. hard hard S08_set2_a4 Finland What is Helsinki? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What is concentrated in the southern part of the country? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What is spoken natively by a 5.5 percent minority? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What do jari litmanen and sami hyypiä have in common? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is it true that he composed finlandia in 1899? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is it true that it has borders with sweden? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What did Finland join in 1995? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is finnish culture indigenous? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is finnish architecture famous? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What situated in Northern? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What arrived in Finland? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland What ceded by Finland? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Lunch is what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Who is the autonomous Åland Islands , where Finnish is not compulsory due to Swedish being the sole official language of the province . ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland The earliest people were what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Are Various sporting events popular in Finland ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Are all official holidays in Finland established by acts of Parliament ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Are the people of Finland accustomed to technology and information services ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Was one of the most productive composers of popular music Toivo Kärki , and the most famous singer Olavi Virta -LRB- 1915 -- 1972 -RRB- ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Do 79 percent of the population not use the Internet ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Did the relationship between the Grand Duchy and the Russian Empire not sour when the Russian government made moves to restrict Finnish autonomy ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is finland , officially the republic of finland (`` `` republic of finland ('' '' , or (`` `` suomen tasavalta ('' '' in finnish and (`` `` republiken finland ('' '' in swedish , the long protocol name , which is not defined by the law? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is the capital city helsinki? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Finland Is finland a democratic , parliamentary republic? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a4 Gerald_Ford Was Ford a member of the House of Representatives? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford a member of the House of Representatives? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford For how long was Ford a member of the House of Representatives? Over eight years. medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford For how long was Ford a member of the House of Representatives? Ford served for over eight years as the Republican Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Gerald Ford a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Gerald Ford a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did ford get an award called "Congressman's congressman"? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did ford get an award called "Congressman's congressman"? No easy medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did ford attend the University of Michigan? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did ford attend the University of Michigan? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What positions Ford played in the school football team? Center and linebacker medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What positions Ford played in the school football team? Captain medium hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What did Ford say about his biological father? He was abusive and had a history of hitting his mother. medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What did Ford say about his biological father? his biological father was abusive and had a history of hitting his mother medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Who did Ford nominate for Vice President? Bob Dole medium hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Who did Ford nominate for Vice President? Nelson Rockefeller medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford active about Vietnamese affairs? No \n hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford active about Vietnamese affairs? Yes hard too hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Had Ford's wife married before? Yes hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Had Ford's wife married before? No hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Is Ford related with the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Yes hard medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Gerald Ford the 38th President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Gerald Ford the 38th President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did Gerald Ford serve as the Republican Minority Leader of the House of Representatives? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did Gerald Ford serve as the Republican Minority Leader of the House of Representatives? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford an Eagle Scout? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford an Eagle Scout? yes easy easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What district was Ford elected from? Michigan's 5th congressional district medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What district was Ford elected from? Michigan's 5th congressional district medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford How many Eagle Scouts were involved in Ford's funeral procession? 400 medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford How many Eagle Scouts were involved in Ford's funeral procession? About 400 medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Which future Heisman Trophy winner did Ford tackle? Jay Berwanger medium hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Which future Heisman Trophy winner did Ford tackle? Jay Berwanger medium medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Has another US President been an Eagle Scout? no hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Has another US President been an Eagle Scout? no hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did Ford need to do extra work to pay for college? yes hard medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did Ford need to do extra work to pay for college? yes hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Have more than five Presidents lived past the age of 90? no hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Have more than five Presidents lived past the age of 90? no hard hard S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford How do kwajalein and eniwetok relate? The Monterey supported landings at both locations. NULL medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford What did Ford receive on April 13, 1942? Ford received a commission as ensign in the US Naval Reserve. NULL medium S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford released from the hospital? Yes. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford interred at his Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan? Yes. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Is Ford one of only four former Presidents to live to 90 or more years of age ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Was Ford the last surviving member of the Warren Commission ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did Grand Rapids supporters not urge him to take on Bartel J. Jonkman , the incumbent Republican congressman ? No. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Gerald_Ford Did they not claim Ford 's pardon was quid pro quo in exchange for Nixon 's resignation ? They did claim Ford's pardon was quid pro quo. NULL easy S08_set3_a10 Ghana Does Ghana have twice the per capita output of the poorer countries in West Africa? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Does Ghana have twice the per capita output of the poorer countries in West Africa? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is English Ghana's official language? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is English Ghana's official language? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Did the Dutch build the Elmina Castle? No easy medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Did the Dutch build the Elmina Castle? no easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana When did Ghana achieve independence from the United Kingdom? 1957 medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana When did Ghana achieve independence from the United Kingdom? 1957 medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana How many regions is Ghana divided into? 10 medium easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana How many regions is Ghana divided into? 10 medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who is the head of state of Ghana? President John Agyekum Kofuor medium easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who is the head of state of Ghana? John Agyekum Kufuor medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana What is the dominant religion in Ghana? Christian hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What is the dominant religion in Ghana? christian hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What are the two subfamilies of the Native Ghanaian languages? Kwa and Gur hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What are the two subfamilies of the Native Ghanaian languages? Kwa and Gur hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What is the weather like at Lake Volta? Warm and comparatively dry hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What is the weather like at Lake Volta? warm and comparatively dry hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is Ghana in Asia? no easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is Ghana in Asia? No easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is English the official language? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is English the official language? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is Ghana's head of state John Agyekum Kufuor? yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is Ghana's head of state John Agyekum Kufuor? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a5 Ghana What does the word Ghana mean? warrior king medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana What does the word Ghana mean? Warrior King medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who was Kwame Nkrumah? founder and first president medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who was Kwame Nkrumah? founder and first president of the modern Ghanaian state medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Where is old Ghana in relation to present Ghana? 500 miles north medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Where is old Ghana in relation to present Ghana? 500 miles north of the present Ghana, and occupied the area between Rivers Senegal and Niger medium medium S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who makes up Ghana's Parliament? the New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who makes up Ghana's Parliament? the New Patriotic Party and National Democratic Congress hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What European countries established states in Ghana? The UK hard too hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What European countries established states in Ghana? Portugual, France, Britain, Netherlands hard hard S08_set2_a5 Ghana What was Wagadugu? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana What was controlled by Sundiata in 1240 AD, and absorbed into the larger Mali Empire? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana What connected the Akans to this Empire? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is it true that anecdotal evidence connected the akans to this empire? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is it true that the portuguese came to ghana in the 15th century? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is it true that agricultural expansion marked the period before 500? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana What did Ghana capture in 1642? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is The Parliament of Ghana unicameral? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is Medieval Ghana (4th- 13th Century): The Republic of Ghana is named after the medieval Ghana Empire of West Africa. named after the medieval Ghana Empire of West Africa? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana What was on March? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana The coastline is what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Ghana 's spending on education has what? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Who sits at Osu Castle ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is all teaching done in English , Ghana 's official language ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Are Native Ghanaian languages divided into two linguistic subfamilies of the Niger-Congo language family ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Are more than 100 languages and dialects spoken in Ghana ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Had the tax regime which started in 1998 a single rate but since September 2007 entered into a multiple rate regime ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Did European and other : 0.2 % Religions : Christian 63 % , African beliefs 21 % , Muslim 16 % , Facts on People of Ghana , not access July 13 , 2006 More than 100 languages and dialects are spoken in Ghana ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Does this not allow retailers of taxable goods under Act 546 to charge a marginal 3 % on their sales and account on same to the VAT Service ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is the republic of ghana a country in west africa? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana What happened with the portuguese in the 15th century? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Ghana Is the old ghana 500 miles? NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a5 Gray_Wolf Does the Gray Wolf share an ancestry with the domestic dog? Yes easy too easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Does the Gray Wolf share an ancestry with the domestic dog? Yes. easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Do wolf pups tend to have darker fur than adults? Yes easy too easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Do wolf pups tend to have darker fur than adults? Yes, They do tend to have darker furs easy hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Do wolves leave their pack? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Do wolves leave their pack? They leave their birth pack when they reach sexual maturity easy medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What kinds of coats do wolves have? bulky coats with two layers medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What kinds of coats do wolves have? Tough guard hairs that repel water and dirt, and a dense, water-resistant layer medium hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Where do wolves have scent glands? Helping the woldf to effectively navigate over large expanses while concurrently keeping others informed of its whereabouts. medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Where do wolves have scent glands? between a wolf's toes medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf How much do wolves weigh? typically varies between 32 and 62 kilograms medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf How much do wolves weigh? between 32 and 68 kilograms medium easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Why do wolves howl? Howling helps pack members keep in touch, allowing them to communicate effectively in thickly forested areas or over great distances. Howling also helps to call pack members to a specific location. Howling can also serve as a declaration of territory, as shown in a dominant wolf's tendency to respond to a human imitation of a "rival" wolf in an area the wolf considers its own. hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Why do wolves howl? To pack members keep in touch, allowing them to communicate effectively in thickly forested areas or over great distances hard too hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What is surplus killing? Surplus killing is defined as the killing of several prey animals too numerous to eat at one sitting. hard medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What is surplus killing? the killing of several prey animals too numerous to eat at one sitting hard easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are Gray Wolves native to North America? Yes hard easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are Gray Wolves native to North America? No. Current theory suggests that it's from Eurasia hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Is the Gray Wolf a mammal? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Is the Gray Wolf a mammal? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are a wolf's teeth its main weapons? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are a wolf's teeth its main weapons? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are wolves built for stamina? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Are wolves built for stamina? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Where is the largest gray wolf population thought to be found? Kazakhstan medium hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Where is the largest gray wolf population thought to be found? Kazakhstan medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf To what genus does the gray wolf belong? Canis medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf To what genus does the gray wolf belong? Canis medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf When do wolves molt? Late Spring or Early Summer medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf When do wolves molt? late spring or early summer medium medium S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Why is it beneficial for alpha males and females to forcefully prevent other wolves from mating? A pack can only suppport one littler per year hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Why is it beneficial for alpha males and females to forcefully prevent other wolves from mating? The pack tension rises as each mature wolf feels urged to mate hard too hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What type of tools do biologists use to capture wolves for tagging? Darting and Foot hold traps. hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf What type of tools do biologists use to capture wolves for tagging? Darting and foot hold traps hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Forward, erect ears and slightly bristle hackles are a sign of what in wolves? Dominance hard hard S08_set1_a6 Gray_Wolf Forward, erect ears and slightly bristle hackles are a sign of what in wolves? Dominance hard hard S08_set1_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland born in New York? no easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland born in New York? no easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did Grover Cleveland win the 1884 election? yes easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did Grover Cleveland win the 1884 election? yes easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did Grover Cleveland support women's suffrage? No easy medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did Grover Cleveland support women's suffrage? no easy medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Where was Grover Cleveland married? In the White House medium easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Where was Grover Cleveland married? in the Blue Room in the White House medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland What did Cleveland die from? A heart attack medium easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland What did Cleveland die from? a heart attack medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland How many years after Cleveland left office did the U.S. win the Spanish-American War? One Year medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland How many years after Cleveland left office did the U.S. win the Spanish-American War? one medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland What did Cleveland's opponents say in 1884 to counter his innocent image? That he had fathered an illegitimate child hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland What did Cleveland's opponents say in 1884 to counter his innocent image? that he had fathered an illegitimate child while he was a lawyer in Buffalo hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Who did Cleveland run against in 1884? former Senator James G. Blaine of Maine hard easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Who did Cleveland run against in 1884? James G. Blaine hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Why did Cleveland want to hide his cancer surgery from the public? To avoid further market panic hard medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Why did Cleveland want to hide his cancer surgery from the public? because of the financial depression of the country hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland the twenty-seventh president of the United States? No. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland the twenty-seventh president of the United States? No. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Is Grover Cleveland honest? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Is Grover Cleveland honest? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland married in the whitehouse? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland married in the whitehouse? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland When was he elected sheriff of Erire County, New York? Yes. medium easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland When was he elected sheriff of Erire County, New York? 1870 medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland When did he die? June 24 1908 medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland When did he die? 1908 medium medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Which election did Grover Cleveland win? 1884 and 1892 presidential elections medium hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Who were Grover Cleveland's parents? Cleveland was born in Caldwell, New Jersey to the Reverend Richard Cleveland and Anne Neal. hard too hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Who were Grover Cleveland's parents? Reverend Richard Cleveland and Anne Neal. hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland How many children did Grover Cleveland have? 5 hard hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland How many children did Grover Cleveland have? Six. hard too hard S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Who lost control of his party to the agrarians and silverites in 1896? Grover Cleveland NULL medium S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Is it true that he sent in federal troops to chicago? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Cleveland born in Caldwell, New Jersey to the Reverend Richard Cleveland and Anne Neal? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Grover Cleveland elected Sheriff of Erie County, New York? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Was Cleveland 's portrait on the U.S. $ 1000 bill from 1928 to 1946 ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Is he buried in the Princeton Cemetery of the Nassau Presbyterian Church ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did the Department of the Interior not charge that the rights of way for this land must be returned to the public because the railroads failed to extend their lines according to agreements ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Grover_Cleveland Did the team , sedating Cleveland with nitrous oxide -LRB- laughing gas -RRB- , not remove his upper left jaw and portions of his hard palate ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a6 Henri_Becquerel He became chief engineer in the Department of Bridges and Highways in what year? in 1894 NULL medium S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What led Becquerel to investigate the spontaneous emission of nuclear radiation? phographic plates being fully exposed NULL hard S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is it true that he married louise désirée lorieux in 1890? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is it true that he shared the nobel prize in physics? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel When did he marry louise désirée lorieux? 1890 NULL medium S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Becquerel elected Permanent Secretary of the Académie des Sciences? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Was Becquerel born in Paris into a family which, including he and his son Jean, produced four generations of scientists? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Who won the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering radioactivity ? Henri Becquerel NULL medium S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did he not die at the age of 55 in Le Croisic ? Yes he died at the age of 55 NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Did one places between the phosphorescent substance and the paper a piece of money or a metal screen not pierce with a cut-out design ? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What happened in 1896? Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity. NULL hard S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel What happened with a bromide emulsion in two sheets of very thick black paper? the plate does not become clouded upon being exposed to the sun for a day NULL hard S08_set4_a9 Henri_Becquerel Is there a becquerel crater on the moon and a becquerel crater on mars? yes NULL easy S08_set4_a9 Indonesia Are the Javanese the largest and politically dominant ethnic group in Indonesia? yes easy easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Are the Javanese the largest and politically dominant ethnic group in Indonesia? Yes easy too easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is Indonesia a monarchy with a presidential system? no easy easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is Indonesia a monarchy with a presidential system? No easy easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Did the Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation during WWII end Dutch rule? yes easy easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Did the Japanese invasion and subsequent occupation during WWII end Dutch rule? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia In what year did East Timor secede from Indonesia? 1999 medium medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia In what year did East Timor secede from Indonesia? 1999 medium medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia When did Islam become the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra? the end of the 16th century medium medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia When did Islam become the dominant religion in Java and Sumatra? by the end of the 16th century medium medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Does Indonesia have the world's hightest level of biodiversity? no medium easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Does Indonesia have the world's hightest level of biodiversity? No medium medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Was Indonesia named after it became an independent country? no hard hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Was Indonesia named after it became an independent country? No hard hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Why did Indonesia break off relations with the People's Republic of China? because of anti-communist purges early in the Suharto era hard too hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Why did Indonesia break off relations with the People's Republic of China? anti-communist purges early in the Suharto era hard hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Which spice originally attracted Europeans to Indonesia? nutmeg, cloves, or cubeb pepper hard hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Which spice originally attracted Europeans to Indonesia? nutmeg, cloves, and cubeb pepper hard hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia What is Jakarta? Indonesia's special capital region NULL hard S08_set2_a10 Indonesia What shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia? Indonesia NULL medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia What are the largest and politically dominant ethnic group? the Javanese NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia What happens when the srivijaya kingdom formed trade links? The indonesian archipelago became an important trade region NULL medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is it true that indonesia has vast areas of wilderness? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is Indonesia a republic? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Are Sports in Indonesia generally male-orientated? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is Indonesia the world's largest archipelagic state? yes NULL medium S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Are sports in Indonesia generally male-orientated and spectator sports are often associated with illegal gambling ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is Pencak Silat an Indonesian martial art ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Has Indonesia the world 's largest Muslim population ? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Who has its own political legislature and governor ? each province NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is it the world 's largest archipelagic state? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is it the world 's fourth most populous country and the most populous muslim-majority nation? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Indonesia Is indonesia a republic? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a10 Isaac_Newton What Eves? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What are a rumors that he remained a virgin? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Who was, by later reports of his contemporaries, thoroughly unhappy with the work? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Is it true that newton saw god as the master creator? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Is it true that he acquired a circle of admirers? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Is it true that this contained the beginnings of the laws of motion? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What did Isaac Newton place at 3 April, AD 33, which agrees with one traditionally accepted date? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton outraged? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton born three months after the death of his father? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What died in London? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What was against William? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What quartered on March? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton NOTTTT FOUND NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Were the two in a dispute over optical discoveries at the time ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Are Various trees claimed to be " the " apple tree which Newton describes ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was Newton outraged , and went about the work to uncover anything about Chaloner ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Was this study cast into doubt when it was later found that Newton himself wrote the study 's concluding remarks on Leibniz ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Did Newton not entertain `` a passion '' for Storer while he lodged at the Clarke house ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton Does # Newton not Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What happened at the time of newton 's birth? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What happened from school? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 Isaac_Newton What happened on those of aristotle? NULL NULL NULL S08_set4_a1 James_Monroe Is James Monrow the fifth president of US? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Is James Monrow the fifth president of US? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is the first word on the page? James easy too easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is the first word on the page? James_Monroe easy too hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is the first number on the page? 28 easy too easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is the first number on the page? 28 easy too hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did Monroe's presidency expired? March 4, 1825 medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did Monroe's presidency expired? March 4, 1825. medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe's father's name? Spence medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe's father's name? Spence Monroe. medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe's daughter's name? Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe's daughter's name? Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What does "Era of Good Feelings" refers to? Reduced tension hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What does "Era of Good Feelings" refers to? Monroe allowed his political base to decay, which reduced tensions and led to the naming of his era as the "Era of Good Feelings". hard too hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did Monroe' wedding happen at the Trinity Church in New York? Yes hard easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did Monroe' wedding happen at the Trinity Church in New York? Yes hard too hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe Doctrine? A doctrine declaring U.S. opposition to European interference in the Americas. hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What is Monroe Doctrine? In it, Monroe proclaimed the Americas should be free from future European colonization and free from European interference in sovereign countries' affairs. It further stated the United States' intention to stay neutral in European wars and wars between European powers and their colonies, but to consider any new colonies or interference with independent countries in the Americas as hostile acts toward the United States. hard hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Was James Monroe President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Was James Monroe President of the United States? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did James Monroe attend the College of William and Mary? yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did James Monroe attend the College of William and Mary? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did James Monroe fight in the Continental Army? yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Did James Monroe fight in the Continental Army? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Where was James Monroe born? Westmoreland County, Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Where was James Monroe born? Westmoreland County, Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Where was James Monroe shot? at the Battle of Trenton, in his left shoulder medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Where was James Monroe shot? The Battle of Trenton medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who did James Monroe marry? Elizabeth Kortright medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who did James Monroe marry? Elizabeth Kortright medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What did James Monroe do before being elected governor? He practiced law in Virginia. hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What did James Monroe do before being elected governor? He practiced law hard hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe In which years were John Monroe elected as President? 1817-1825 hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe In which years were John Monroe elected as President? 1817-1825 hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who was John Monroe standing behind in the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware? George Washington hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who was John Monroe standing behind in the painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware? George Washington hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When was James Monroe appointed to Secretary of War? 1814 easy medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When was James Monroe appointed to Secretary of War? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe die? July 4, 1831 easy medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe die? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe graduate from William and Mary? 1776 easy medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe graduate from William and Mary? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When was James Monroe elected president? Monroe was elected president in the election of 1816, and re-elected in 1820. medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When was James Monroe elected president? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Which property did James Monroe sell in 1817? Monroe Hill on the grounds of the University of Virginia. medium hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Which property did James Monroe sell in 1817? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe introduce the Monroe Doctrine? December 2, 1823 medium medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe When did James Monroe introduce the Monroe Doctrine? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who did James Monroe live with in New York City? His daughter Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur hard medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who did James Monroe live with in New York City? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What did James Monroe's letters not contain? No letters survive in which he might have discussed his religious beliefs. hard hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What did James Monroe's letters not contain? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What was the result of the rejection of the Jay Treaty? As a result, the two nations moved closer toward the War of 1812. hard hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What was the result of the rejection of the Jay Treaty? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who is depicted holding the flag in the famous painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware? Monroe NULL medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What dwindled and eventually died out, starting with the Hartford Convention? The Federalist Party NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Is it true that he practiced law in fredericksburg? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What did James Monroe make in 1817? two long tours NULL hard S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Was Monroe anticlerical? no NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Was Monroe appointed Minister to France from 1794 to 1796? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What expired on March? Monroe's presidency NULL medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Had Monroe racked up many debts during his years of public life ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Who dismantled partisan and sectional coalitions ? many congressmen NULL medium S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe Had Monroe racked up many debts during his years of public life ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What happened in 1811? Monroe returned to the Virginia House of Delegates and was elected to another term as governor of Virginia NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Monroe What happened in the election of 1816? Monroe was elected president NULL easy S08_set3_a2 James_Watt Who died in childbirth in 1772? Margaret Miller NULL medium S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Who died in 1832? Margaret Miller. NULL medium S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Is watt commemorated by statuary in George Square, Glasgow and Princes Street, Edinburgh? Yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Was watt a gentleman, greatly respected by other prominent men of the Industrial Revolution? Yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Was watt a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Royal Society of London? Yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Four years after opening his shop , Watt began what? Watt began to experiment with steam after his friend, Professor John Robison, called his attention to it. NULL medium S08_set4_a2 James_Watt Was Watt ranked 22nd in Michael H. Hart 's list of the most influential figures in history ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a2 John_Adams Did John Adams represent the Continental Congress in Europe? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams represent the Continental Congress in Europe? yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams raised Congregationalist? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams raised Congregationalist? yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams an opponent of the Stamp Act? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams an opponent of the Stamp Act? yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams When did Adams graduate from college? 1755. medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams When did Adams graduate from college? 1755 medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who was on the committee with Adams to draft a Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman. medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who was on the committee with Adams to draft a Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What did Jefferson call John Adams? The "Colossus of Independence". medium hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What did Jefferson call John Adams? Colossus of Independence medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What was Adams' political party? The Federalist Party. hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What was Adams' political party? Federalist hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams the first to introduce a bicameral legislature? Yes. hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Was Adams the first to introduce a bicameral legislature? yes hard too hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams get along with Alexander Hamilton? No. hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams get along with Alexander Hamilton? no hard too hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams go to Harvard? yes easy medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams go to Harvard? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams support the Stamp Act of 1765? No easy hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did John Adams support the Stamp Act of 1765? No easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Is Adams' birthplace part of a national park? yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Is Adams' birthplace part of a national park? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams When did John Adams serve as Vice President? 1789-1797 medium easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams When did John Adams serve as Vice President? 1789-1797 medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams With what party did Adams run for presidency? The Federalist Party medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams With what party did Adams run for presidency? The Federalist Party medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Where is Adams buried? United First Parish Church medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Where is Adams buried? United First Parish Church medium medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who were the midnight judges? They were a series of judges, so called because most of them were formally appointed days before Adams' presidential term expired hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who were the midnight judges? They were judges formally appointed days before Adams term expired hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams In what ways was Adams opposed by Anderw Hamilton? Hamilton wanted to control the army differently than Adams hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What information did he record in his diary? Descriptions of events and ompressions of men hard hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What information did he record in his diary? He wrote descriptions of events and impressions of men hard medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who was defeated for re-election in the`` Revolution of 1800'' by Thomas Jefferson? John Adams NULL medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who represented the Continental Congress in Europe? John Adams NULL medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What is now part of Adams National Historical Park? John Adams' birthplace NULL medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Is it true that adams had spent some time as the ambassador? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Is it true that massachuS08_setts sent him in 1774? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Who did MassachuS08_setts send in 1774? John Adams NULL hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Are his last words often quoted as " Thomas Jefferson survives " . ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams The John Adams Library , housed at the Boston Public Library , contains what? Adams's personal collection of more than 3,500 volumes NULL medium S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Adams ' opponents were what? Democratic Republicans NULL hard S08_set3_a1 John_Adams Did the election of 1800 not become a bitter and volatile battle , with each side expressing extraordinary fear of the other party and its policies ? No. NULL easy S08_set3_a1 John_Adams What happened in 1764? Adams married Abigail Smith NULL medium S08_set3_a1 kangaroo Is a kangaroo a reptile? no easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a kangaroo a reptile? No easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a kangaroo on the Australian coat of arms? yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a kangaroo on the Australian coat of arms? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Was James Cook the first to record the name "Kangooroo?" yes easy medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Was James Cook the first to record the name "Kangooroo?" Yes easy medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a collective noun for kangaroos? mob, troop, or court medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a collective noun for kangaroos? Mob, troop, or court medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Where do joeys complete postnatal development? marsupium medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Where do joeys complete postnatal development? A pouch called a marsupium medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What do kangaroos use for "crawl-walking?" its hind feet hard medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What do kangaroos use for "crawl-walking?" Their hind feet and their tails hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Why do kangaroos have a wide bite? The two sides of the lower jaw are not joined together and the lower incisors are farther apart. hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Why do kangaroos have a wide bite? Because of grazing hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is responsible for converting the hydrogen byproduct of fermentation into acetate? bacteria hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is responsible for converting the hydrogen byproduct of fermentation into acetate? The digestive system of a kangaroo hard too hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are wild kangaroos shot for meat? yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are wild kangaroos shot for meat? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Have kangaroos fared well since European S08_settlement? yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Have kangaroos fared well since European S08_settlement? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Do kangaroos have many natural predators? no easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Do kangaroos have many natural predators? No easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is the average life expectancy of a kangaroo? 4.6 years medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is the average life expectancy of a kangaroo? about 4.6 years medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo When did the first official report of kangaroo blindness take place? 1994 medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo When did the first official report of kangaroo blindness take place? 1994 medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What are vehicles that frequent isolated roads often fitted with? roo bars medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What are vehicles that frequent isolated roads often fitted with? "roo bars" medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Do kangaroos eat plants? yes hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Do kangaroos eat plants? Yes hard too hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What are some extinct predators of the kangaroo? Thylacine, Marsupial Lion, Maagalania, and Wonambi hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What are some extinct predators of the kangaroo? The Thylacine hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a Kangaroo a Marsupial? NULL easy NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a Kangaroo a Marsupial? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is the kangaroo an herbivour? NULL easy NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is the kangaroo an herbivour? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are Kangaroos Shy? NULL easy NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are Kangaroos Shy? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What method of locomotion do Kangaroos Use? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What method of locomotion do Kangaroos Use? hopping medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is the average life expectancy of a kangaroo? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is the average life expectancy of a kangaroo? 4 to 6 years medium hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a collective noun for a kangaroo? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a collective noun for a kangaroo? a mob, troop, or court medium medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a roo? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is a roo? a kangaroo hard medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is used to protect a vehicale from a Kangaroo? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What is used to protect a vehicale from a Kangaroo? roo bars hard hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What method is used by Kangaroos to travel? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What method is used by Kangaroos to travel? hopping hard medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Who asked a nearby local what the creatures were called? Captain James Cook and naturalist Sir Joseph Banks NULL hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What are four species that are commonly referred to as kangaroos? The Red Kangaroo, The Eastern Grey Kangaroo, The Western Grey Kangaroo, and The Antilopine Kangaroo NULL too hard S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are kangaroos and wallabies adept swimmers? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Are kangaroos farmed to any extent? No. NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Who also discovered that less than three percent of kangaroos exposed to the virus developed blindness ? Veterinarians NULL medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Different species of kangaroos eat what? different diets NULL medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Have Kangaroos dazzled by headlights or startled by engine noise been known to leap in front of cars ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a collision with a vehicle capable of killing a kangaroo ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Was the game of Marn grook played using a ball made from kangaroo by the Kurnai people ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Have kangaroos large , powerful hind legs , large feet adapted for leaping , a long muscular tail for balance , and a small head ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Is a kangaroo a marsupial from the family macropodidae -LRB- macropods , meaning (`` ` large foot ('' ' -RRB-? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 kangaroo What kinds of changes have larger kangaroos adapted much better to? Changes wrought to the Australian landscape by humans. NULL medium S08_set1_a1 kangaroo Have larger kangaroos adapted much better to changes? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a1 leopard Is the leopard smaller than the other members of Panthera? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard smaller than the other members of Panthera? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is a leopard larger and less lanky than a cheetah? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is a leopard larger and less lanky than a cheetah? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Are large pythons potential prey for leopards? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Are large pythons potential prey for leopards? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard What may a leopard be mistaken for? A cheetah or a jaguar medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard What may a leopard be mistaken for? A cheetah or a jaguar medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard What is a hybrid animal resulting from a union between a leopard and a puma? a pumapard medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard What is a hybrid animal resulting from a union between a leopard and a puma? A pumapard medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Where do leopards often hide their kills? in dense vegetation medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Where do leopards often hide their kills? in dense vegetation or in trees medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard How did early naturalists distinguish between leopards and panthers? by the length of their tails hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard How did early naturalists distinguish between leopards and panthers? By the length of the tail, panthers having longer tails than leopards hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What are dark leopards known as colloquially? Black Panthers hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What are dark leopards known as colloquially? black panthers hard too hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What shape are a leopard's black roS08_settes in East Africa? circular hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What shape are a leopard's black roS08_settes in East Africa? circular hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard an Old World mammal? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard an Old World mammal? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard an Old World mammal? . easy too easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard of the Felidae family? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard of the Felidae family? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard of the Felidae family? NULL easy NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard one of the four 'big cats'? yes easy easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard one of the four 'big cats'? yes easy medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard one of the four 'big cats'? NULL easy NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard Where is the leopard distributed? southern Eurasia and Africa medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Where is the leopard distributed? southern Eurasia and Africa, from Korea to South Africa and Spain medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Where is the leopard distributed? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard How long is a leopard's tail? 60 to 110cm medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard How long is a leopard's tail? 60-110cm medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard How long is a leopard's tail? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard How much does a leopard weigh? Males are considerably larger than females and weigh 37 to 90 kg compared to 28 to 60 kg for females. medium medium S08_set1_a2 leopard How much does a leopard weigh? (because of ambiguity) - 28-90kg medium too hard S08_set1_a2 leopard How much does a leopard weigh? NULL medium NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard Does a male leopard weigh more than a female leopard? yes hard medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Does a male leopard weigh more than a female leopard? yes hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard Does a male leopard weigh more than a female leopard? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard What is the difference between leopards and cheetahs? The leopard has roS08_settes rather than cheetah's simple spots and the leopard is larger and less lanky than the cheetah. hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What is the difference between leopards and cheetahs? The leopard has roS08_settes rather than cheetah's simple spots, but they lack internal spots, unlike the jaguar. The leopard is larger and less lanky than the cheetah but smaller than the jaguar. hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard What is the difference between leopards and cheetahs? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard How does the distribution size of the leopard compare to the distribution of other wild cats? As of 1996, the leopard had the largest distribution of any wild cat, although populations before and since have shown a declining trend and are fragmented outside of subsaharan Africa. hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard How does the distribution size of the leopard compare to the distribution of other wild cats? the leopard had the largest distribution of any wild cat. hard hard S08_set1_a2 leopard How does the distribution size of the leopard compare to the distribution of other wild cats? NULL hard NULL S08_set1_a2 leopard What resembles that of the similarly-sized cougar in the Americas? The leopard's ecological role NULL medium S08_set1_a2 leopard What was one of the many species described in Linnaeus's 18th-century work, Systema Naturae? Felis pardus NULL medium S08_set1_a2 leopard What sort of cats are solitary? Leopards NULL hard S08_set1_a2 leopard Are leopards circular? No NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard solitary? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard What centred in Sierra? The leopard men NULL medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Felis pardus was what? One of the many species described in Linnaeus's 18th-century work, Systema Naturae NULL medium S08_set1_a2 leopard Has the New Zealand Rugby League featured the Otahuhu Leopards and then the Tamaki Leopards ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Were the Leopard men a West African secret society who practised cannibalism ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Was the leopard tank a German designed tank which entered service in 1965 ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the black color heritable and caused by only one recessive gene locus ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard -LRB- panthera pardus -RRB- an old world mammal of the felidae family and the smallest of the four (`` ` big cats ('' ' of the genus panthera , along with the tiger , lion , and jaguar? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Can a panther be any of several species of large felid? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 leopard Is the leopard an agile and graceful predator? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a2 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein bordered by Switzerland? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein bordered by Switzerland? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein the smallest German-speaking country in the world? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein the smallest German-speaking country in the world? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Was Liechtenstein part of the ancient Roman province of Raetia? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Was Liechtenstein part of the ancient Roman province of Raetia? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein When was the first factory opened? 1836 medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein When was the first factory opened? 1836 medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein How many municipalities is Liechtenstein divided into? 11 medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein How many municipalities is Liechtenstein divided into? 11 medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What is the national currency of Liechtenstein? Swiss franc medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What is the national currency of Liechtenstein? Swiss franc medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Has Leichtenstein worked to promote the county's image by prosecuting international money-laundering? Yes hard hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What company administers Leichtenstein's railways? Austrian Federal Railways hard medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What company administers Leichtenstein's railways? Austrian Federal Railways hard medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What percentage of Liechtenstein's population is foreign-born? two-thirds hard hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What percentage of Liechtenstein's population is foreign-born? 67% hard hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is there an airport in Liechtenstein? No. easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is there an airport in Liechtenstein? No easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein heavily urbanized? No. easy medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein heavily urbanized? No easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein doubly landlocked? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein doubly landlocked? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Does Liechtenstein have an army? No. medium easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Does Liechtenstein have an army? No medium easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein When was Liechtenstein's current constitution adopted? October 1921. medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein When was Liechtenstein's current constitution adopted? October 1921 medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What is the official language of Liechtenstein? German. medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What is the official language of Liechtenstein? German medium medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What countries border Liechtenstein? Switzerland and Austria. hard medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What countries border Liechtenstein? Switzerland and Austria hard hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What Roman province was Liechtenstein part of? Raetia. hard medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What Roman province was Liechtenstein part of? Raetia hard medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein How many municipalities are within Oberland? 6. hard too hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein How many municipalities are within Oberland? 6 hard too hard S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What is the smallest German-speaking country in the world? Liechtenstein NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein The Savings and Loans Bank was founded, as was the first cotton-weaving mill in what year? 1861 NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living? Liechtenstein's population NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Does the state court rule on the conformity of laws? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What do most recognizable international company and largest employer have in common? They are Hilti. NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is Liechtenstein heavily urbanized? No NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Was Liechtenstein completed in November 2000? No NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What completed in November? the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein The State Court rules what? on the conformity of laws with the constitution NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein The Historical Society of the Principality of Liechtenstein plays what? a role in preserving the culture and history of the country. NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is the museum collection also the national art collection of Liechtenstein ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is there a small heliport at Balzers in Liechtenstein available for charter helicopter flights ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Are nationals referred to by the plural : Liechtensteiners ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is it a winter sports resort , although it is perhaps best known as a tax haven ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is it a winter sports resort? Yes NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein Is it the smallest german-speaking country in the world? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a1 Liechtenstein What happened in moravia , lower austria , silesia , and styria , though in all cases , these territories were held in fief under other more senior feudal lords? The Liechtenstein Dynasty acquired vast swaths of land NULL medium S08_set2_a1 Millard_Fillmore Did Webster write, "I can now sleep of nights"? Yes. easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Webster write, "I can now sleep of nights"? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was the arrival of Louis Kossuth (exiled leader of a failed Hungarian revolution) another issue that presented itself during Fillmore's presidency? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was the arrival of Louis Kossuth (exiled leader of a failed Hungarian revolution) another issue that presented itself during Fillmore's presidency? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did he die at 11:10 p.m. on March 8, 1874, of the after-effects of a stroke? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did he die at 11:10 p.m. on March 8, 1874, of the after-effects of a stroke? yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who got Seward elected to the senate? Weed medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who got Seward elected to the senate? Weed ultimately got Seward elected to the senate medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Where was Commodore Matthew C. Perry sent to open Japan to Western trade? Japan medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Where was Commodore Matthew C. Perry sent to open Japan to Western trade? Commodore Matthew C. Perry send to Japan medium hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What is The Remarkable Millard Fillmore? A fake biography based on real events that happened in Fillmore's life. medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What is The Remarkable Millard Fillmore? In 2007, George Pendle wrote The Remarkable Millard Fillmore, a fake biography based on real events that happened in Fillmore's life medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Fillmore form a law partnership before or after he founded the private University of Buffalo? Before. hard hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Fillmore form a law partnership before or after he founded the private University of Buffalo? Law partnership founded before University of Buffalo hard hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Fillmore run for President a second time? Yes hard medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Fillmore run for President a second time? I don't know (semantic ambiguity) hard too hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How long after the death of his first wife did Fillmore marry Caroline McIntosh? where is the death date of his first wife? hard too hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore the thirteenth President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore the thirteenth President of the United States? yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore the thirteenth President of the United States? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore born on January 7, 1800? yes easy medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore born on January 7, 1800? yes easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Millard Fillmore born on January 7, 1800? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Millard Fillmore die on March 8, 1974? no easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Millard Fillmore die on March 8, 1974? no easy easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Millard Fillmore die on March 8, 1974? NULL easy NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Where was Millard Fillmore born? in a log cabin in Summerhill, New York medium easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Where was Millard Fillmore born? in a log cabin in Summerhill, New York medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Where was Millard Fillmore born? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore To whom was Millard Fillmore born to? to Nathaniel and Phoebe Millard Fillmore medium easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore To whom was Millard Fillmore born to? to Nathaniel and Phoebe Millard Fillmore medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore To whom was Millard Fillmore born to? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who did Millard Fillmore fall in love with? He fell in love with Abigail Powers medium easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who did Millard Fillmore fall in love with? Abigail Powers medium medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who did Millard Fillmore fall in love with? NULL medium NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What did Taylor and Fillmore disagree upon? slavory issues hard easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What did Taylor and Fillmore disagree upon? Taylor and Fillmore disagreed on the slavery issue in the new western territories taken from Mexico in the Mexican-American War hard medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What did Taylor and Fillmore disagree upon? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did Fillmore ascend to the presidency? upon the death of the sitting president, Taylor hard medium S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did Fillmore ascend to the presidency? Official White House portrait of Millard FillmoreFillmore ascended to the presidency upon the sudden and unexpected death of President Taylor in July 1850. hard hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did Fillmore ascend to the presidency? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did the supporters of Henry Clay feel about Fillmore in 1848? they were ok with him hard too hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did the supporters of Henry Clay feel about Fillmore in 1848? angry hard hard S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore How did the supporters of Henry Clay feel about Fillmore in 1848? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who was first apprenticed to a fuller to learn the cloth-making trade? millard fillmore NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore He founded the private university of buffalo on what date? 1846 NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Who or what fell in love with abigail powers? millard fillmore NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Fillmore one of the founders of the University of Buffalo? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Another primary objective of Fillmore to preserve the Union from the intensifying slavery debate? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Fillmore the second Chancellor, a position he maintained while both Vice President and President? no NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Is Fillmore the first of two presidents to have been an indentured servant ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Is the comic strip Mallard Fillmore named after the president ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Was Fillmore the first U.S. President born after the death of a former president ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore Did Fillmore not turn down the honor , explaining that he had neither the `` literary nor scientific attainment '' to justify the degree ? no NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Millard_Fillmore What happened in a log cabin in summerhill , new york? Fillmore was born NULL easy S08_set3_a3 Nikola_Tesla Who was born precisely at midnight during an electrical storm , to a Serbian family in the village of Smiljan near Gospić , in the Lika region of the Croatian Krajina in Military Frontier ( part of the Austrian Empire ) , in the present-day Croatia . ? Nikola Tesla NULL easy S08_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Are there at least two films describing Tesla 's life ? Yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a3 Nikola_Tesla Have a number of live theatrical plays based on Tesla 's life been produced and staged worldwide ? yes. NULL easy S08_set4_a3 otter Do sea otters have long muscular tails? no easy medium S08_set1_a7 otter Do sea otters have long muscular tails? No easy medium S08_set1_a7 otter Can otters survive in cold water? yes easy medium S08_set1_a7 otter Can otters survive in cold water? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a7 otter Does the giant otter inhabit South Africa? no easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Does the giant otter inhabit South Africa? No easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter How many species of otter are there? 13 medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter How many species of otter are there? 13 medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter What do river otters eat? a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter What do river otters eat? a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter How much do sea otters weigh? 30 kg (about 65 pounds) medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter How much do sea otters weigh? 30 kg (about 65 pounds) medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter How do sea otters insulate themselves? a layer of air trapped in their fur(!) hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter How do sea otters insulate themselves? As with other species of otter, they rely on a layer of air trapped in their fur, which they keep topped up by blowing into the fur from their mouths. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter Why are sea otters nearly extinct? They've been hunted for their fur hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter Why are sea otters nearly extinct? Sea otters have some 200,000 hairs per square cm of skin, a rich fur for which humans hunted them hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter What is one of the challenges of re-establishing a population of Eurasian otters in the UK? roadkill deaths hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter What is one of the challenges of re-establishing a population of Eurasian otters in the UK? Roadkill deaths have become one of the significant threats to the success of their re-establishment. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter Is otter a kind of mammal? yes easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Is otter a kind of mammal? Yes. easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter How many species and genera does otter have? 13 species and 7 genera easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter How many species and genera does otter have? 13 species in 7 genera. easy medium S08_set1_a7 otter Do otters live in water? yes easy hard S08_set1_a7 otter Do otters live in water? Yes. easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter What do river otters eat? River otters eat a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds. medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter What do river otters eat? River otters eat a variety of fish and shellfish, as well as small land mammals and birds. medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter Where do sea otters live? Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) live along the Pacific coast of North America. medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter Where do sea otters live? The sea otter lives actually in the sea. medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter Where does the word "otter" derive from? The word "otter" derives from the Old English word otr, otor or oter. medium easy S08_set1_a7 otter Where does the word "otter" derive from? The word "otter" derives from the Old English word otr, otor or oter. This and cognate words in other Indo-European languages ultimately stem from a root which also gave rise to the English words "water", "wet" and "winter". medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter Does otter give birth or lay egg? give birth hard too hard S08_set1_a7 otter What drives sea otter almost to extinction? Humans hunted them almost to extinction. hard medium S08_set1_a7 otter What drives sea otter almost to extinction? Sea otters have some 200,000 hairs per square cm of skin, a rich fur for which humans hunted them almost to extinction. hard medium S08_set1_a7 otter Why otters are considered as totem animals? The time of year associated with this is also associated with the Aquarius sign of the Zodiac, through which the sun passes January 20-February 19. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter Do sea otters live along the Pacific coast? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Do sea otters live along the Pacific coast? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are otters totem animals? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are otters herbivores? No easy easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are otters herbivores? No easy hard S08_set1_a7 otter What is the primary item in an otter's diet? Fish. medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter What is the primary item in an otter's diet? fish medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter What is an otter's den called? Holt medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter What is an otter's den called? holt medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter Why is the giant otter becoming increasingly rare? Poaching, habitat loss, and toxins in gold mining. medium hard S08_set1_a7 otter Why is the giant otter becoming increasingly rare? poaching, habitat loss, and the use of mercury in illegal alluvial gold mining medium medium S08_set1_a7 otter How do otters keep themselves warm without blubber? A layer of air trapped in their fur. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter How do otters keep themselves warm without blubber? a layer of air trapped in their fur hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter How are otters playful animals? The slide down snowy slopes, apparently for sheer enjoyment. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter How are otters playful animals? They slide repeatedly down snowy slopes for sheer enjoyment. hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter What animals are related to otters? weasels, polecats, and badgers hard hard S08_set1_a7 otter What traps a layer of air, and keeps them dry and warm under water? Long guard hair NULL medium S08_set1_a7 otter The collective noun romp is sometimes used for a group of what? Otters NULL medium S08_set1_a7 otter Is it true that otters eat a variety of fish? yes NULL medium S08_set1_a7 otter Are otters playful animals? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are otters very active? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are male otters dog-otters? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter An otter 's den is what? A holt NULL medium S08_set1_a7 otter Sea otters eat what? Shellfish and other invertebrates NULL medium S08_set1_a7 otter Is the myth of Otter 's Ransom the starting point of the Volsunga saga ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter Are Male otters dog-otters , females are bitches and babies are cubs or pups ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter Is an otter 's den called a holt ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 otter Have most otters fish as the primary item in their diet , supplemented by frogs , crayfish and crabs ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a7 penguin Do penguins feed on krill? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Do penguins feed on krill? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin What is the largest living species of penguin? Emperor Penguin easy medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What is the largest living species of penguin? the Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) easy medium S08_set1_a3 penguin Do penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Do penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin What is "tobogganing"? when penguins slide on their bellies across the snow medium hard S08_set1_a3 penguin What is "tobogganing"? Tobogganing is when penguins slide on their bellies across the snow. medium hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Why are penguins countershaded? for camouflage medium hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Why are penguins countershaded? for camouflage medium hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins afraid of humans? no medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins afraid of humans? no medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin How much time to penguins spend on land? half of their life hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin How much time to penguins spend on land? They spend half of their life on land. hard medium S08_set1_a3 penguin How many species of penguins are there? between 17 and 20 living species hard medium S08_set1_a3 penguin How many species of penguins are there? Penguin biodiversity varies between 17 and 20 living species, all in the subfamily Spheniscinae. hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin How are Isabelline penguins different from most penguins? they have brown rather than black plumage hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin How are Isabelline penguins different from most penguins? Because they are born with brown rather than black plumage. hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins birds? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins birds? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Do penguins have a better than average sense of hearing for birds? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Do penguins have a better than average sense of hearing for birds? No easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins considered "higher waterbirds"? yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins considered "higher waterbirds"? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a3 penguin What order do penguins belong to? Sphenisciformes medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What order do penguins belong to? Sphenisciformes medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What is the largest living species of penguin? Emperor Penguin medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What is the largest living species of penguin? Emperor medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin How tall were the tallest prehistoric penguins? 1.80 meters medium medium S08_set1_a3 penguin How tall were the tallest prehistoric penguins? as tall as an adult human medium hard S08_set1_a3 penguin What makes penguins so agile in the water? Their wings have become flippers hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin What makes penguins so agile in the water? Smooth plumage preserves a layer of air, ensuring buoyancy, wings are flippers hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Why do penguins "tobaggan"? It conserves energy while moving quickly hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Why do penguins "tobaggan"? Conserves energy while moving quickly hard hard S08_set1_a3 penguin Who spend half of their life on land and half in the oceans? Penguins NULL medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What is also the distance that Antarctic tourists are told to keep from penguins? 3 meters NULL medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What have become flippers, useless for flight in the air? Penguins' wings NULL medium S08_set1_a3 penguin What happens when mothers lose a chick? They sometimes attempt to "steal" another chick. NULL medium S08_set1_a3 penguin Is it true that each penguin gets a turn in the center? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are all penguins countershaded? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins astonishingly agile? In the water they are. NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Are penguins at risk? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Is it also possible that penguin comes from the Latin pinguis , fat ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Have penguins an average sense of hearing for birds ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Can larger penguins dive deep in case of need ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Is the smallest penguin species the Little Blue Penguin -LRB- also known as the Fairy Penguin -RRB- , which stands around 40 cm tall -LRB- 16 in -RRB- and weighs 1 kg -LRB- 2.2 lb -RRB- ? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Is it not even known whether the gigantic palaeeudyptines constitute a monophyletic lineage , or whether gigantism was evolved independently in a much restricted Palaeeudyptinae and the Anthropornithinae ? It is not even known. NULL medium S08_set1_a3 penguin Is the largest living species the emperor penguin -LRB- aptenodytes forsteri -RRB-? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin Is the smallest penguin species the little blue penguin -LRB- also known as the fairy penguin -RRB- , which stands around 40 cm tall -LRB- 16 in -RRB- and weighs 1 kg -LRB- 2? Yes NULL easy S08_set1_a3 penguin What happened in a region not quite 2000 km south of the equator 35 mya? At least one giant penguin. NULL medium S08_set1_a3 polar_bear What is the last word on the page? Connecticut easy too easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is the last word on the page? (SSN-22) easy too hard S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is polar bear a mammal? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is polar bear a mammal? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is polar bear a carnivore? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is polar bear a carnivore? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is largest polar bear on record? 2200 lb medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is largest polar bear on record? A huge male, allegedly weighing 1002 kg (2200 lb) shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960. medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is polar bear's skin color? white or cream medium easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is polar bear's skin color? Black medium easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How long is polar bear's guard hair? 5-15 cm medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How long is polar bear's guard hair? 5-15 cm medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is cause of polar bear's skin diseases? mites or other parasites hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is cause of polar bear's skin diseases? Mites or other parasites hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Why polar bear is a special species? The World Conservation Union listed polar bears as a vulnerable species, one of three sub-categories of threatened status, in May 2006. Their latest estimate is that 7 out of 19 subpopulations are declining or already severely reduced. hard too hard S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What do fossil and DNA evidence tell us? The polar bear diverged from the brown bear about 200 thousand years ago. hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What do fossil and DNA evidence tell us? The polar bear diverged from the brown bear roughly 200 thousand years ago. hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Does a polar bear live in the Arctic? yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Does a polar bear live in the Arctic? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is a polar bear white in color? yes easy medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is a polar bear white in color? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is a polar bear at high risk of extinction? yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is a polar bear at high risk of extinction? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How heavy is a male polar bear? 300-600 kg (660-1320 lb) medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How heavy is a male polar bear? Most adult males weigh 350-650 kg medium too hard S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How heavy was the largest polar bear on record? 1002 kg (2200 lb) medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How heavy was the largest polar bear on record? He allegedly weighed 1002 kg medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What does a polar bear's fur provide? It provides the animal with effective camouflage. medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What does a polar bear's fur provide? A polar bear's fur provides camouflage and insulation medium medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Do female polar bears weight more than the male? no hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Do female polar bears weight more than the male? No hard easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How much weight do female polar bears gain during pregnancy? They gain double their weight. hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear How much weight do female polar bears gain during pregnancy? They double their weight during pregnancy hard medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Can polar bears be seen under infrared photography? Polar bears are nearly invisible under infrared photography. hard easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Can polar bears be seen under infrared photography? Only their breath and muzzles can be easily seen hard hard S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What is actually black in color? A polar bear's skin. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What insulate it against the cold? Its think blubber and fur. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What includes a lengthy justification of why this species is listed as vulnerable? Database entry. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear What do with greenpeace and the natural resources defense council have in common? They filed lawsuits in California. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Are studies insufficient evidence for global protection? It is arguable. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Are polar bears excellent swimmers? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear A semi-aquatic marine mammal , the polar bear has what? It has adapted for life on a combination of land, sea, and ice. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Garbage is what? Garbage is now recycled or transported to Thompson, Manitoba. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear The bears sometimes what? They sometimes have problems with various skin diseases with dermatitis caused sometimes by mites or other parasites. NULL medium S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Is the Polar Bear the mascot of Bowdoin college ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Have thumbpolar bears been made both controversial and famous for their distinctive white fur and their habitat ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Did Mitchell Taylor , the Nunavut Government Manager of Wildlife Research , not write a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service arguing that local studies are insufficient evidence for global protection at this time ? no NULL easy S08_set1_a4 polar_bear Are Cubs born in December without awakening the mother ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a4 Qatar Does Qatar rank as the eighth richest country in the world per capita? No. easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Does Qatar rank as the eighth richest country in the world per capita? no easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Do nearly all Qataris profess Islam? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Do nearly all Qataris profess Islam? yes easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Can women legally drive in Qatar? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Can women legally drive in Qatar? yes easy easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar When did Qatar become an independent state? September 3, 1971. medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar When did Qatar become an independent state? September 3, 1971 medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Where is Qatar's telecommunication system centered? Doha. medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Where is Qatar's telecommunication system centered? Doha medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Where did a suicide-bombing kill a teacher in 2005? At the Doha Players Theatre. medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Where did a suicide-bombing kill a teacher in 2005? Doha Players Theatre medium medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Does the native pronunciation of Qatar sound like 'cutter'? Yes. hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar Does the native pronunciation of Qatar sound like 'cutter'? no hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar What is the Arabic word for municipalities? baladiyah. hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar What is the Arabic word for municipalities? baladiyah hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar What universities are in Education City? Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Texas A&M University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Cornell University's Weill Medical College. hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar What universities are in Education City? Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Texas A&M University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Cornell University hard hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar What carried with it a tacit recognition of Qatar's status as distinct from Bahrain? The British Protectorate (per Colonel Lewis Pelly) asking to negotiate with a representative from Qatar after Bahrain's violation of the 1820 Anglo-Bahraini Treaty. NULL hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar Qatar became an independent sovereign state in what year? On September 3, 1971. NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar What consists of a low, barren plain, covered with sand? Much of the country. NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar How do qatar and the wider region relate? Qatar is aiming to become a role model for economic and social transformation in the region. Large scale investment in all social and economic sectors will also lead to the development of a strong financial market. NULL too hard S08_set2_a3 Qatar Was Qatar University founded in 1973? Yes NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Is Qatar bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar What bordered by Saudi? Qatar NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Who served as the headquarters and one of the main launching sites of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 ? Qatar. NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Has Qatar a modern Telecommunication system centered in Doha ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Was Qatar University founded in 1973 ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Did the Qataris not choose as their negotiator the respected entrepreneur and long-time resident of Doha , Muhammed bin Thani ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Will oil and gas probably remain the backbone of Qatar 's economy for some time to come ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Has it been created with a long term perspective to support the development of Qatar and the wider region , develop local and regional markets , and strengthen the links between the energy based economies and global financial markets ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar What happened in these positions in english? These allophones cannot occur there. NULL medium S08_set2_a3 Qatar Can these allophones not occur in these positions in english? yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Qatar Is -RRB- , officially the state of qatar -LRB- arabic (: : transliterated as dawlat qatar -RRB- , an arab emirate in southwest asia? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a3 Romania Does Romania border Hungary? Yes. easy medium S08_set2_a7 Romania Does Romania border Hungary? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is Romania a secular state? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is Romania a secular state? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is the president elected by popular vote? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is the president elected by popular vote? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania How many counties is Romania divided into? 41. medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania How many counties is Romania divided into? forty-one medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the highest mountain in Romania? Moldoveanu Peak. medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the highest mountain in Romania? Moldoveanu Peak medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the official language of Romania? Romanian. medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the official language of Romania? Romanian medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania Is the Romanian economy doing well? Yes. hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Are there many Roma in Romania? No. hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Are there many Roma in Romania? no hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania How many territories joined to form Romania? 2. hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania How many territories joined to form Romania? 2 hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Does Romania share a border with Ukraine? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Does Romania share a border with Ukraine? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Did Romania declare neutrality during World War I? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Did Romania declare neutrality during World War I? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Does Romania share the same language with Moldova? yes easy easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Does Romania share the same language with Moldova? Practically easy medium S08_set2_a7 Romania Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect "ten"? Nadia Comăneci medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect "ten"? Nadia Comăneci medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the largest city in Romania? Bucharest medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the largest city in Romania? Bucharest medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the largest ethnic minority in Romania? Hungarians medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What is the largest ethnic minority in Romania? Hungarians medium medium S08_set2_a7 Romania How many countries in Europe are bigger than Romania? eleven hard hard S08_set2_a7 Romania How many countries in Europe are bigger than Romania? Eleven hard too hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Why doesn't Romania have a state religion? Romania is a secular state hard hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Why wasn't Romania neutral during World War II? it received a Soviet ultimatum hard hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Why wasn't Romania neutral during World War II? The Soviets threatened invasion. hard hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Sibiu, a large city in Transylvania, was chosen as European Capital of Culture in what year? 2007 NULL medium S08_set2_a7 Romania What are approximately 42,000 years old and have been nicknamed`` John of Anina''? the remains (the lower jaw) of the oldest modern human NULL hard S08_set2_a7 Romania Is it true that romania has a population of 21,698,181? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania What do economy and law have in common? (not sure how to answer this) NULL S08_set2_a7 Romania What did Tourism in Romania attract in 2005? investments worth 400 million euros NULL medium S08_set2_a7 Romania Is Romania a secular state? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is Romania a semi-presidential unitary state? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a7 Romania NULL NULL NULL S08_set2_a7 Romania Is Romania a semi-presidential democratic republic where executive functions are shared between the president and the prime minister ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Was Gellu Naum the leader of the surrealist movement in Romania ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Was the Bucharest Metro only opened in 1979 ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is romania -LRB- , -RRB- a country in southeastern europe? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Romania Is romania a semi-presidential unitary state? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a7 Singapore Do singaporeans enjoy squid? Yes, they do. easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Do singaporeans enjoy squid? yes easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Do singaporeans enjoy squid? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did Singapore's standard of living decrease since independence? No, the standard living was raised. easy medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did Singapore's standard of living decrease since independence? no easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did Singapore's standard of living decrease since independence? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did the media contribute 15.6% to Singapore's GDP in 2001? No, it contributed 1.56% to GDP in 2001. easy medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did the media contribute 15.6% to Singapore's GDP in 2001? no easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Did the media contribute 15.6% to Singapore's GDP in 2001? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many people use the bus network daily? More than 2.78 million people. medium easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many people use the bus network daily? 2.78 million people medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many people use the bus network daily? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Where did Orang Laut people live? Orang Laut people lived around the coast, rivers and smaller islands. medium easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Where did Orang Laut people live? Several hundred indigenous Orang Laut people also lived around the coast, rivers and smaller islands. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Where did Orang Laut people live? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the MRT? One of three heavy rail passenger transport lines in Singapore. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the MRT? Mass Rapid Transit system medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the MRT? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore How is Singapore's climate characterized? Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with no distinctive seasons. hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How is Singapore's climate characterized? Its climate is characterized by uniform temperature and pressure, high humidity, and abundant rainfall hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How is Singapore's climate characterized? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore How much increase in the media's contribution to GDP is the government seeking? The government seeks to increase its GDP contribution to 3% by 2012. hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How much increase in the media's contribution to GDP is the government seeking? the government seeks to increase its GDP contribution to 3% by 2012. hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How much increase in the media's contribution to GDP is the government seeking? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many days did it take the Imperial Japanese Army to win the Battle of Singapore? Six days hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many days did it take the Imperial Japanese Army to win the Battle of Singapore? 6 days hard hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore How many days did it take the Imperial Japanese Army to win the Battle of Singapore? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is Singapore located at the southern tip of the Korean Penisula? no easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is Singapore located at the southern tip of the Korean Penisula? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is Singapore a city-state? yes easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is Singapore a city-state? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Has Sang Nila Utama visited Singapore? yes easy hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Has Sang Nila Utama visited Singapore? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore What does "singa" mean? lion medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore When is the first record of S08_settlement in Singapore? second century AD medium easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore When is the first record of S08_settlement in Singapore? The first records of S08_settlement in Singapore are from the second century AD. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Which nation invaded Singapore during World War II? Japan medium hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Which nation invaded Singapore during World War II? During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army invaded Malaya, culminating in the Battle of Singapore. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Why Churchill called the occupation of Singapor by Janpan during WWII "Britain's greatest defeat"? The British were defeated in six days hard hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Was Lee Kuan Yew a successful leader of Singapore? yes hard too hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Was Lee Kuan Yew a successful leader of Singapore? Yes. hard too hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore When did Goh Chok Tong succeed Lee as Prime Minister? In 1990, Goh Chok Tong succeeded Lee as Prime Minister. easy medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore When did Goh Chok Tong succeed Lee as Prime Minister? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the primary domestic source of water supply? The primary domestic source of water supply in Singapore is rainfall. easy medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the primary domestic source of water supply? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the national language of Singapore? The national language of Singapore is Malay. easy medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the national language of Singapore? NULL easy NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Where is the National Orchid Garden? Singapore Botanic Gardens. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Where is the National Orchid Garden? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Why are relations with Malaysia and Indonesia important? Due to obvious geographical reasons, relations with Malaysia and Indonesia are most important. medium medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Why are relations with Malaysia and Indonesia important? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the most densely populated independent country in the world? Monaco medium hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the most densely populated independent country in the world? NULL medium NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore Who did Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles work for? British East India Company hard hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Who did Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles work for? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore When was Lee Kuan Yew prime minister of Singapore? 1959 hard medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore When was Lee Kuan Yew prime minister of Singapore? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the punishment for first-degree murder? There are laws which allow capital punishment in Singapore for first-degree murder and drug trafficking. hard hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore What is the punishment for first-degree murder? NULL hard NULL S08_set2_a2 Singapore What established a trading post on the island in 1819? British East India Company NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore What used Singapore as a strategic trading post along the spice route? British NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore What became one of the most important commercial and military centres of the British Empire? Singapore NULL medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Who boasted a sizeable community of 100,000 by 1869? British India office NULL hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore How do reservoirs and water relate? By 2001, there were 19 raw water reservoirs, 9 treatment works and 14 storage or service reservoirs locally to serve domestic needs. NULL hard S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is it true that singapore has several long - standing disputes with malaysia? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Has Singapore Changi Airport a network of 81 airlines connecting Singapore to 185 cities in 58 countries ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Has Singapore a network of reservoirs and water catchment areas ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Has Urbanization eliminated many areas of former primary rainforest , with the only remaining area of primary rainforest being Bukit Timah Nature Reserve ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Does the economy not depend heavily on exports refining imported goods , especially in manufacturing ? No NULL medium S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is singapore -LRB- ; (: ; , -RRB- , officially the republic of singapore -LRB- ; (: ; , -RRB- , an island nation located at the southern tip of the malay peninsula? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Singapore Is singapore the 17th wealthiest country in the world in terms of gdp per capita? No NULL easy S08_set2_a2 Theodore_Roosevelt Was Thedore Roosevelt a member of the Republican Party? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Was Thedore Roosevelt a member of the Republican Party? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Does Theodore Roosevelt have a brother? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Does Theodore Roosevelt have a brother? Yes easy medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Theodore Roosevelt go to Harvard? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Theodore Roosevelt go to Harvard? Yes easy medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Where was Theodore Roosevelt born? 28 East 20th Street in the modern-day Gramercy section of New York City medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Where was Theodore Roosevelt born? a four-story brownstone at 28 East 20th Street, in the modern-day Gramercy section of New York City medium easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What did Roosevelt do to improve his physical condition? Roosevelt took up exercise medium hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What did Roosevelt do to improve his physical condition? He started boxing medium hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Why did Roosevelt start Boxing lessons? To deal with bullies medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Why did Roosevelt start Boxing lessons? To deal with bullies medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What was the nickname of Theodore Roosevelt's sister Anna? Bamie as a child and Bye as an adult hard medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What was the nickname of Theodore Roosevelt's sister Anna? Bamie hard medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What was Roosevelt's justification for supporting desegregation of schools in New York? Noting that his children had been educated with other races and there was nothing wrong with it hard too hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt What was Roosevelt's justification for supporting desegregation of schools in New York? that his children had been educated with other races and there was nothing wrong with it hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt How did newspapers respond to Roosevelt inviting Brooker T. Washington to dinner at the White House? "mixing of the races on social occassions" hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt How did newspapers respond to Roosevelt inviting Brooker T. Washington to dinner at the White House? They outraged. hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Theodore Roosevelt study Judo? No easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Theodore Roosevelt study Judo? No clue easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt receive a Medal of Honor? yes easy hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt receive a Medal of Honor? nein easy hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt study biology? yes easy easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt study biology? He was strong in biology. easy medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Where was Theodore Roosevelt from? Gramercy section of New York City medium hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Where was Theodore Roosevelt from? New York City medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Who was Roosevelt's presidential hero? Lincoln was Roosevelt's presidential hero. medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Who was Roosevelt's presidential hero? Lincoln was Roosevelt's presidential hero medium easy S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt When did Roosevelt die? On January 6, 1919, Roosevelt died in his sleep. medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt When did Roosevelt die? On January 6, 1919, Roosevelt died in his sleep. medium medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Who helped to fund Roosevelt's African safari? Financed by Andrew Carnegie and his own proposed writings hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Who helped to fund Roosevelt's African safari? Andrew Carnegie hard medium S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt support racial integration in schools? yes hard too hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Did Roosevelt support racial integration in schools? He supported a bill allowing school desegregation in New York State. hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Was Roosevelt's family rich? yes hard hard S08_set3_a7 Theodore_Roosevelt Was Roosevelt's family rich? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a7 turtle Are turtles ectothermic? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles ectothermic? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Does the mother care for the young? No easy medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Does the mother care for the young? no easy medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles pets? Yes easy medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles pets? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle What shape are the eggs of the larest species of turtle? Spherical medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What shape are the eggs of the larest species of turtle? spherical medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle How often do turtles breed? Every few years or more medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What do all turtles and tortoises breathe? air medium easy S08_set1_a9 turtle What do all turtles and tortoises breathe? air medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle How do turtles reproduce? They lay eggs hard too hard S08_set1_a9 turtle How do turtles reproduce? they lay eggs hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What has been discovered about turtles organs? They do not gradually break down or become less efficient over time hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What has been discovered about turtles organs? they do not break down hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What suborder of turtle draws its head into its shell? Pleurodira hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What suborder of turtle draws its head into its shell? Pleurodira hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle Do sea turtles lay eggs on dry sandy beaches? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Do sea turtles lay eggs on dry sandy beaches? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are Pleurodira known as side-necked turtles? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are Pleurodira known as side-necked turtles? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles a part of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? *shrug* easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle How many suborders are turtles divided into? Three. medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle How many suborders are turtles divided into? three medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Name a turtle popularly kept as a pet. Russian Tortoises medium hard S08_set1_a9 turtle Name a turtle popularly kept as a pet. Russian Tortoises medium hard S08_set1_a9 turtle Name four related articles for the article on turtles. Triassic, Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur, Animal medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Name four related articles for the article on turtles. Triassic, Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur, Animal medium hard S08_set1_a9 turtle If a turtle egg was kept warm, what would likely hatch? A female turtle. hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle If a turtle egg was kept warm, what would likely hatch? A female turtle hard too hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What do turles use to breathe in the water? Papillae hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle Why are side-necked turtles called side-necked turtles? Because of the way they withdraw their heads into their shells. hard medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Why are side-necked turtles called side-necked turtles? The way they withdraw their heads into their shells. hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle Do turtles lay eggs underwater? No easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Do turtles lay eggs underwater? no easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtle eggs leathery and soft? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtle eggs leathery and soft? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles being examined for longevity genes? Yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles being examined for longevity genes? yes easy easy S08_set1_a9 turtle What suborder of turtles is extinct? Paracryptodira medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What suborder of turtles is extinct? Paracryptodira medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What do turtle eggs preared to eat consist mainly of? Yolk medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Where do sea turtles lay their eggs? Holes Dug into the Mud or Sand medium medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Where do sea turtles lay their eggs? holes dug into mud or sand medium hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What is the smallest suborder of turtles? Pleurodira hard medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What is the smallest suborder of turtles? Pleurodira hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What are turtle eggs covered in when they incubate? Mud or Sand hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What are turtle eggs covered in when they incubate? mud or sand hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What type of creatures breathe air and don't lay eggs underwater? Amniotes hard hard S08_set1_a9 turtle What type of creatures breathe air and don't lay eggs underwater? amnoites hard medium S08_set1_a9 turtle What are deposited in holes dug into mud or sand? eggs NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle What sort of turtles are ectothermic? all of them NULL medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Are turtles ectothermic? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are the largest turtles aquatic? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Is aquatic respiration in Australian freshwater turtles being studied? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle These projections , called papillae , have what? a rich blood supply NULL medium S08_set1_a9 turtle The eggs of the largest species are what? spherical NULL medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Has this inspired genetic researchers to begin examining the turtle genome for longevity genes ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Can turtles take many years to reach breeding age ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Are Immature sea turtles not cared for by the adults ? yes NULL medium S08_set1_a9 turtle Are the Pleurodira sometimes known as the side-necked turtles , a reference to the way they withdraw their heads into their shells ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 turtle Does the Order Testudines not include both extant -LRB- living -RRB- and extinct species , the earliest known turtles being from around 215 million years ago ? yes NULL easy S08_set1_a9 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Ulysses Grant a general in the American Civil War? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Ulysses Grant a general in the American Civil War? yes easy easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Grant's father-in-law a Democrat? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Grant's father-in-law a Democrat? yup easy easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Did Ulysses win the Battle of Champion Hill? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Did Ulysses win the Battle of Champion Hill? you betcha easy hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Who was Grant's brother in law? Fred Dent medium medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Who was Grant's brother in law? Fred Dent medium medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Where was Grant born? Point Pleasant, Ohio medium medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Where was Grant born? A log cabin in Point Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio medium easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant What was Grant's political affiliation? Republican medium hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant What was Grant's political affiliation? Republican medium hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Why did Grant say "Damn, I had nothing to do with this batte."? It went well. hard hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Why did Grant say "Damn, I had nothing to do with this batte."? Because the generals under him acted on their own. hard too hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Did Horace Greenley lose in the presidential elections of 1872? Yes hard hard S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Did Horace Greenley lose in the presidential elections of 1872? si hard medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Why did Grant think that war was unjust? He thought it was designed to gain land open to slavery. hard medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Why did Grant think that war was unjust? He accepted the theory that it was designed to gain land open to slavery. hard medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Who achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War? Grant NULL too easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Grant was elected president as a Republican in what year? 1868 NULL medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Who took a hard line that reduced violence by groups like the Ku Klux Klan? Grant NULL too easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant When did he vote for democrat james buchanan? 1856 NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Who did President Lincoln promote of major general in the regular army, effective July 4? Grant NULL too easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Grant elected president as a Republican? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant What was from Pennsylvania? His father NULL medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was it a two-sentence description that completely caught the essence of Ulysses S. Grant ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Was Grant 's favorite brand of bourbon whiskey Old Crow ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Had he smoked only sporadically ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Did Grant & Perkins not sell harnesses , saddles , and other leather goods and purchase hides from farmers in the prosperous Galena area ? they did NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant Is the famous dragon gate at the entrance to the district at the corner of Grant and Bush Street ? yes NULL easy S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant What happened in 1865? he accepted the surrender of Robert E. Lee NULL medium S08_set3_a5 Ulysses_S._Grant What happened in recent years? his reputation as president has improved NULL medium S08_set3_a5 Uruguay Is Uruguay located in the northwesten part of Africa? No. easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay located in the northwesten part of Africa? no easy medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay's capital Montevideo? Yes. easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay's capital Montevideo? yes easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay have cold summers? No. easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay have cold summers? no easy medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who founded Montevideo? The Spanish. medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who founded Montevideo? the Spanish medium hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Where is Uruguay's oldest church? San Carlos, Maldonado. medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Where is Uruguay's oldest church? San Carlos, Maldonado medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who heavily influenced the architecture and culture of Montevideo? European immigrants. medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who heavily influenced the architecture and culture of Montevideo? European immigrants medium hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What are poor neighborhoods called informally? Cantegriles. hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What are poor neighborhoods called informally? Cantegriles hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is uruguay's landscape mountainous? No. hard easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is uruguay's landscape mountainous? not really? hard too hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What religion do most Uruguayans profess? None. hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What religion do most Uruguayans profess? Roman Catholic hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay located in South America? Yes. It's located in the southeastern part easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay located in South America? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Can citizens propose changes to the Constitution? Yes. People are allowed to challenge laws. easy medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Can citizens propose changes to the Constitution? Yes easy medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Did Uruguay host the first ever World Cup? Yes, in 1930. easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Did Uruguay host the first ever World Cup? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who founded Montevideo? By the Spanish, in the early 18th century medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Who founded Montevideo? Montevideo was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold. medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How many square kilometres of continental land is Uruguay? 176.215 km�� medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How many square kilometres of continental land is Uruguay? 176,214 square kilometres medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How much of the population is of white European descent? 88% medium easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How much of the population is of white European descent? Approximately 88% of its population are of prevalently white European descent. medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Why was the capital of Uruguay founded? For a military stronghold. hard medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Why was the capital of Uruguay founded? Uruguay's capital, Montevideo, was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold. hard medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How many times has Uruguay won the World Cup? Twice. hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How many times has Uruguay won the World Cup? On two or more occasions. hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How much is the average income of an African woman compared to a European man? African women earns 0.65 * 0.718 = 46.67% of a European man earns in average hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay recognize same-sex civil unions? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay recognize same-sex civil unions? Yes easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay border French Guiana? No easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Does Uruguay border French Guiana? No easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay's warmest month June? No easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay's warmest month June? No easy easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What does a citizen use to propose changes to the Constitution? Referendum medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What does a citizen use to propose changes to the Constitution? Plebiscite medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Where is Uruguay's oldest church? San Carlos, Maldonado medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Where is Uruguay's oldest church? San Carlos, Maldonado medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What religions are found in Uruguay? Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and nonprofessing. medium hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What religions are found in Uruguay? Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish medium medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What has Uruguay done to be competitive in agriculture? Labeling as "Natural" or "Ecological" hard too hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What has Uruguay done to be competitive in agriculture? Use low inputs of labour, technology, and capital, which results in lower yields but also opens the door for Uruguay to market its products as "natural" or "ecological" hard too hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What are the names of Uruguay's political parties? Partido Colorado and Partido Blanco hard too hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What are the names of Uruguay's political parties? Partido Blanco and Partido Colorado hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay the smallest soverign nation in South America? No hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay the smallest soverign nation in South America? No hard hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold? Montevideo NULL medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What has many possible meanings? (What?) NULL too hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay How do india and latin america relate? Uruguay exports architectural services to India and Latin America NULL hard S08_set2_a9 Uruguay What did Uruguay win in 1828? Its independence NULL medium S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay very common? No? NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is The climate in Uruguay temperate? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is the main sport in Uruguay football ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay 's oldest church in San Carlos , Maldonado ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is Uruguay a member of the Cairns Group of exporters of agricultural products ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is it widely considered the most secular nation in Latin America ? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is it the second smallest independent country in south america , larger only than suriname and the french overseas department of french guiana? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Uruguay Is it a constitutional democracy , where the president fulfills the roles of both head of state and head of government? Yes NULL easy S08_set2_a9 Woodrow_Wilson Was Woodrow Wilson the thirtieth President of the United States? no easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Woodrow Wilson the thirtieth President of the United States? No easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Woodrow Wilson create the League of Nations? yes easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Woodrow Wilson create the League of Nations? Yes easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did the U.S. join the League of Nations? no easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did the U.S. join the League of Nations? No easy medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where was the League of Nations created? Paris medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where was the League of Nations created? Paris medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson When was Woodrow Wilson born? December 28, 1856 medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson When was Woodrow Wilson born? December 28, 1856 medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Who was President when Wilson finished Congressional Government? Grover Cleveland medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Who was President when Wilson finished Congressional Government? Grover Cleveland medium hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What field did Woodrow Wilson leave law practice to study? history and political science hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What field did Woodrow Wilson leave law practice to study? Government hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What caused Wilson to ask Congress to declare war on the Central Powers? German began unrestricted submarine warfare hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What caused Wilson to ask Congress to declare war on the Central Powers? World War I hard too hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What was more damaging than moving students into colleges? His confrontation with Andrew Fleming West hard too hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity? yes easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson a member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity? Totally.\t easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson an automobile enthusiast? yes easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson an automobile enthusiast? ouai easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson's father own slaves? yes easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson's father own slaves? Yeah easy easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where is Wilson buried? He was buried in Washington National Cathedral medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where is Wilson buried? Washington National Cathedral medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where did Wilson attend law school? Wilson attended law school at University of Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where did Wilson attend law school? University of Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where was Woodrow Wilson born? Woodrow Wilson was born in Staunton, Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Where was Woodrow Wilson born? Staunton, Virginia medium medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson support desegregation? no hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson support desegregation? Not in the slightest. hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson support the committee system? no hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson support the committee system? No. hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson have any siblings? yes hard hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson have any siblings? NULL hard NULL S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What was Scots-Irish and Scottish? His ancestry NULL medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What defended slavery, owned slaves and S08_set up a Sunday school for them? His father NULL medium S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Who did Wilson win in 1917? Irish Americans NULL hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson a remarkably effective writer and thinker? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What lived in Columbia? Wilson NULL too hard S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson president of the American Political Science Association in 1910 ? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did he not cast his ballot for John M. Palmer , the presidential candidate of the National Democratic Party , or Gold Democrats , a short-lived party that supported a gold standard , low tariffs , and limited government ? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Did Wilson not spend 1914 through the beginning of 1917 trying to keep America out of the war in Europe ? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson Was Wilson , a staunch opponent of antisemitism , sympathetic to the plight of Jews , especially in Poland and in France ? Yes NULL easy S08_set3_a8 Woodrow_Wilson What happened in 1917? raised billions through Liberty loans, imposed an income tax, S08_set up the War Industries Board, promoted labor union growth, supervised agriculture and food production through the Lever Act, took over control of the railroads, and suppressed anti-war movements NULL medium S08_set3_a8