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By the time the next decade rolls in there will be no paper charts. There will probably still be paper floating around in various capacities, but there will be no one charting on paper. The term “charting” itself may become obsolete, like yonder or popinjay. The term EHR, which is what replaces the paper chart, won’t last either because it doesn’t roll easily off the tongue like say, email instead of letter or missive. EHRs don’t do anything else easily, so chances are EHRs themselves won’t last much longer, relatively speaking. Sooner or later, the national spotlight will shift to something other than health care, and other electronic critters will emerge from the shadows. What will they be? What should they be? Those could be two very different answers.What Should BeHave you noticed how people advocating for EHRs use the word quickly in practically every sentence? Mega EHR allows you to quickly document XYZ, and Super EHR can quickly gather all historical data and display it in a summary dashboard which allows you to quickly assess the status of the patient. You can quickly send prescriptions to pharmacies, quickly order a bunch of tests, and quickly print out (the horror!) education materials. Your staff can quickly schedule patients, quickly answer questions, quickly verify eligibility and quickly drop claims. Your patients can quickly get answers, quickly schedule visits and quickly have their concerns resolved.Of course, most of these things are aspirational at this point, but the language is indicative of the thought process behind EHR design: hurry up and get it over with. Time is money and quickly disposing of each patient is absolutely imperative in a high functioning health system. You could argue that there is nothing wrong with speeding up, or even eliminating, administrative tasks, and you would be right. But is reviewing historical information on a patient and documenting today’s encounter an administrative task? When reviewing histories is compressed into briefly glancing at a bunch of sparklines like they have for the stock market, it may seem like you are engaging in an administrative task. Buried somewhere deep in the dark chart though, there may be a note you made about Mary’s difficulties to navigate the front porch stairs last year.Why did you make that old note? It’s not required for billing. It’s not demanded by insurers. What made you type that in? Do you usually make notes about irrelevant things that you fully expect to never see again? When you used paper charts, you had to flip through many pages to gather the information you can now quickly glean from your infographic patient dashboard. And while you were paging back and forth through that chart, chances are you would have stumbled upon that little note that seemed important enough for you to scribble down last year. And maybe you would discover other little notes too. Is reading a book the same as reading the SparkNotes? Oh, you will pass the test either way, and may even get better scores with the SparkNotes version, but is it the same? Is reading this: “Ultimately, he is unable to bear the psychic consequences of his atrocities”, the same as reading this: “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, /Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, /To the last syllable of recorded time; /And all our yesterdays have lighted fools /The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! /Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, /That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, /And then is heard no more. It is a tale /Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, /Signifying nothing.”? Which version leaves you better equipped to address the story at hand, and the story-teller himself as a whole person? And which version makes you, the reader, feel more like a whole person?Whatever else the EHR of the future might do, it should quit trying to quantify, summarize, highlight and decontextualize the soul out of the medical record. Disposing of patients quickly should not be our goal. Other than being demeaning and dehumanizing for all involved, seeing patients quickly is the root of all our health care woes. In an environment increasingly hostile to human interaction, EHRs should ferociously fight to create more time for patients to spend with their doctors. EHRs should automate the business of medicine and eventually the science of medicine, while protecting the art of medicine. And by art, I don’t mean compassion and advocacy. I mean the application of professional judgment, without which the science is incomplete and will always be incomplete, regardless of how many genes we can map or how many bots we can implant in ourselves.Assuming that the business of health care will be marching along the glorious path currently laid out by our betters, the EHR of the future should endeavor to become a silent background processing machine. Natural language processing should be the first and foremost feature to be implemented to perfection. The EHR should parse and extract useful information from doctor-patient interactions to maximize physician reimbursement by maximizing claim values (yep, I just said that), and by scouring all opportunities to obtain incentives and bonuses from the overlords, and automatically applying for all, without user intervention. Not an easy task, but IBM Watson could drop out of medical school and take this on. The flip side of maximizing revenue is to cut overhead. No practice needs a scheduler. Let patients schedule themselves online or on the phone. Let them check in and let them room themselves (think about those little restaurant gizmos that beep when your table is ready). Let them take their own vitals and answer all those preliminary questions on their own. For the outliers, the frail and the elderly, one medical assistant can cover these tasks for bigger practices. It doesn’t sound much like an EHR because it isn’t. What else costs money, but has practically nothing to do with medicine? All the school notes, the back to work notes, the disability forms, trade forms and all other forms, authorizations, pre-authorizations, eligibility checks, statements and everything in between, can be delegated to computerized self-service. Get the medical records online and let patients have at it. Make it user friendly like all other trivial consumer facing apps that have absolutely no bearing on enterprise technologies. Make them colorful and fun. Show pictures, animations and ads. Put them on the iPhone. Monetize the heck out of everything, and remove this purely administrative burden from the practice. And then comes a moment when restraint needs to be religiously exercised. Stay the heck away from the exam room. Let people say whatever they want to say. Let doctors ask whatever they want to ask. Forget about boxes, no matter how useful they look. Forget about structure too, because Watson will be taking care of that. Don’t make documentation easy, because taking notes is not just about documentation. It is mostly about the background thought process that makes one decide what to note and what to discard. Remember, the way you would use different styles of handwriting and text of different sizes or boldness, and how you added critical notes in the margins, or big pointy arrows? Actively taking notes helps you synthesize information, internalize, memorize and understand the narrative (programmers, think back to your college days). If EHRs want to be helpful, let them be secretaries. Arrange the notes in a way conducive to better information retrieval. Don’t summarize and don’t impose your (or your machine’s) notions of what is or is not important. Collate and bind everything into a patient book. Remember that this is a reference book and the user can read at a 30th grade level. It is not a cookbook and it is certainly not a picture book. Add a table of contents. Use the computer to make it dynamic. Make it easy to flip pages in an electronic context. Make the fonts nice and large, and do learn from beautifully maintained old paper charts. Go out and look at some before they are extinct. You can’t improve that which you don’t know.What Will BeOf course none of the above is going to materialize in a meaningful way, except maybe the infantilized consumer facing EHR. Health care is going retail and health care will care about its customers precisely as much as Walmart and Amazon do. And health care will care for its employees as much as Walmart and Amazon do. When providers are all transitioned to having their employer paid for value, EHRs will become very easy to use. A few big buttons, at the bottom of pages prefilled with stereotypes and sprinkled with colored sparklines, should quickly do the job (i.e. Order, Refer, or Deny). There will be nothing for you to document and nothing for the patient to convey because the system already knows everything there is to know. Eventually, it will dispense with the buttons altogether, and your job will be to quickly explain to your customer why the system did what it did. And you will never have to use a computer ever again. Mission quickly accomplished. | http://greenteaandmesothelioma.blogspot.com/2014/11/quick-medicine.html | 1,496,090,978 | 1,486,113,894 |
Every model we styled in these jeans asked us where they could buy them, so we started selling them ourselves. They make your butt look amazing, if that's something you're looking for. | https://www.marinelayer.com/products/levis-wedgie-fit-jean | 1,496,003,118 | null |
« The First Gay Prime Minister in the Empire Prime Ministers and Empire » Reading Uncle George Published April 21, 2009 Uncategorized
“Brilliant column by Terence Corcoran!” S. is reading the National Post (April 21, FP 11). I make a snatch. Yes. Corcoran is reviewing Michael Ignatieff’s family memoir, True Patriot Love, which predictably describes at length Ignatieff’s famous Uncle George: George Parkin Grant, author of Lament for a Nation, the Defeat of Canadian Nationalism, first published in 1965, still read and still loved.
Corcoran’s complaint is that under the guise of recounting family history, Ignatieff is attempting to enlist Grant and his fame in support of Ignatieff’s own political prospects as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. The problem, as Corcoran so correctly points out is that is that George Grant was deeply hostile to the Liberal Party, its history, and all its projects. He disliked many aspects of modernity, but disliked especially Liberals with a capital “L.”
One can see why Ignatieff would want to appropriate Grant. There’s the matter of his fame. But beyond that there’s the fact that everything Grant wrote about Canada is informed by a power and passion that captivates readers to this day. Lament and all the other books, mostly collections of essays, reflect deep knowledge of political philosophy, the Biblical scriptures and the great theologians, and life-long contemplation of the human condition and an indubitably compelling moral commitment. And this deep fund of philosophy and moral thinking is harnessed to an argument for Canadian nationalism! Could a politician ask for more? Lament shows us our country, our own dear Canada, sub specie aeternitatis, under the aspect of eternity. It is done in plain English, a straightforwardly beautiful English. The recitation of Canadian history is familiar, and the place names. The book will be read as long as there is a Canada.
Consider the last sentence: “Tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore.” The quotation is from Virgil, Aeneid (Book VI): “They were holding their arms outstretched in love toward the further shore.” At this point in the argument it is no longer clear whether Grant is talking about our love for the eternal moral order or – indeed – our love for Canada. But the heart leaps.
Corcoran’s right. Ignatieff’ has set himself an impossible task. Grant can’t be made into a Liberal with a capital “L.” He’s too large, for one thing. He’s too grand. He can’t be forced into the mold of party politics. But there’s more. An attempt to turn his writings into political prescriptions would make us into a nation of monsters. Consider first his deep-seated anti-Americanism. Grant’s hostility to many aspects of modernity involves him in a rejection of the United States beside which Europe’s shilly-shally anti-Americanism pales. Then there’s his disdain for material acquisition, and for projects to enhance a country’s wealth or rescue one from recession. (Corcoran’s good on this subject and I’m looking forward to a review of the Ignatieff by William Watson.)
There’s his support for oligarchy. For goodness sakes! Grant defends the Family Compact, and Chateau Clique! “They were more willing to use the government to protect the common good. They were more willing to restrain the individual’s freedom in the interests of the community.” And there’s the fact that the Canada Grant teaches us to “lament,” never existed; it was not a “Canada” that included the West; or indeed the Maritimes. The Quebec that Grant admired died with Duplessis. No, there’s nothing in Grant to support a Liberal Party program. There are true things to be learned about humanity and about politics from Lament and Grant’s other writings. But there is no prudent political prescription for a political party, Liberal or Conservative. As he himself knew.
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5 Responses to “Reading Uncle George”
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April 22, 2009 at 12:19 pm “shilly-shally anti-Americanism” – a great line. May I pinch that from you?
Then there’s the matter of MI’s soft-Nietzschean defense of human rights.
Reply 2
April 22, 2009 at 1:36 pm Hello John. Take anything you want from the blog. We use a Socratic approach. There’s no political economy in the world of ideas. If I give you an idea, or phrase, I haven’t lost it. J.
Reply 3
April 24, 2009 at 2:25 pm “George Grant as a political prescription would make us into a nation of monsters”…isn’t that a bit harsh?
Yes, his economic nationalism would not be popular with economists, but are there not other, more practical, ways in which we could turn back from “the universal and homogeneous state”? Promoting knowledge of our history and our literature might not be bad idea; or is there nothing left of CANADIAN history and CANADIAN literature? Then, how about Conrad Black’s idea of using the CBC and Radio-Canada to reconnect with our European roots, by buying up BBC or France Télévision programmes? In other words, Grant can at least inspire us to step away from contemporary mass culture. Can’t he?
Reply 4
April 30, 2009 at 4:54 am Sorry, but you must not have glanced at the book. I’m not impressed by it, but surely it is no clearer than in the section on Grant that Ignatieff is not in fact harnessing his family history for such political purposes. Rather he is entirely critical of his uncle, and explicitly refers to Grant’s dislike of the Liberal Party, and the ways in which Ignatieff (right, if we’re being honest) disagrees by acknowledging the most critical nation building phase of our political history occurred at the behest of the very party that Grant despised, right as he did saw the end approaching.
Reply 5
July 14, 2009 at 6:29 pm George Grant still carries some weight with my generation of Canadians. His pessimism ignited our nationalism; his acceptance of the inevitability of American domination left us determined to prove the prophet wrong. But the stimulus and the passion came from Lament For a Nation.
Michael Ignatieff uses Grant to establish his Conservative chops. Last week in London he served notice in the Berlin Lecture that the CPC is no legitimate heir to the support of Progressive Conservative voters. He stated in his lecture that Progressive Conservative leaders subscribed to a liberal-demoncratic tradition very like that of the Liberal Party of Canada. He’s not wrong in this.
Then Tom Flanagan writes the think-piece in the Globe accusing Liberals of squealing like little girls over a few attack ads, and Harper finds himself inadvertently tarred with the Republican brush. All of the sudden Uncle George starts to look pretty good to us wannabe Canadian nationalists, and Harper’s made-in-America politics doesn’t look Conservative at all. | https://janetajzenstat.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/reading-uncle-george/ | 1,495,633,299 | null |
Spring 2016 Season Opening ReceptionASU Art Museum, 10th Street and Mill AvenuewebsiteJoin us for a one-of-a-kind evening at the ASU Art Museum to celebrate the opening of our Spring 2016 exhibitions: 'Superflex: Superfake/The Parley,' 'Participant: Photography by Spencer Tunick from the Stéphane Janssen Collection,' 'Tony Labat: Love Me Two Times,' and 'WATERTIGHT: Sandra Ramos.'At the ASU Art Museum Brickyard, see 'Paul J. Smith Portraits: A Photographic Journal of the Ceramic Community.'Members and Alumni Preview 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.Public Reception 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.Sponsored by Macayo’s Mexican Kitchen and the ASU Art Museum Creative Impact Board. Square 16 (Group Show)The Liquor Gallery, 1605 E Apache Blvd, TempewebsiteThis is a format driven group art show. All participating artists will submit art on 16 x 16 panel. It will feature a diverse group of local artists from the Phoenix metropolitan area and artists from Southern California . There will also be a beer tasting in conjunction with Liquor Express and a food truck.Participating artists:Michael Carson, Colin Chilag, Carol Roque, Luster Kaboom, Frank Gonzales, Matt Dickson, Randy Slack, Fortoul Brothers, Richard Salcido, James B. Hunt, Daniel Funkhouser, Julie Butler, Angel Diaz, Dion Terry, Jon Haddock, Kyle Rafferty, Matt Minjares, Tony Lemos, Yuko Yabuki, JB Snyder, Bill Dambrova, Abe Zucca, Cheryl Dickson, Christian Ramirez, Andrew Brown, Ashley De Vor, Ryan Gentry, JJ Horner, Sierra Joy, Isaac Fainkujen, Christian McAniff, Kylan Maney, Adam Dumper, Josh Brizuela, Tara Sharpe, colororgy, Beth Tom, Jerry Salinas, Cheryl Juracich, Chadwick Uptain, John Carbis MonstalgiaHarry Wood Gallery, 900 S. Forrest Mall, Tempe (ASU)websiteMonstalgia is an exhibition curated by MA candidate and ASU Art Museum Windgate assistant Kev Nemelka for the Institute of Humanities Research (IHR). In conjunction with the 2016 IHR Fellows theme, Monsters and Monstrosity, as well as in preparation for the 200th anniversary celebration of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, this exhibition explores incarnations of monsters, robots, aliens, and other fantastical creatures in contemporary art through the lens of kid-art aesthetics. Additionally, Monstalgia investigates how nostalgia has been previously problematized in art and how it may be reconciled in our present context via notions of contemporary faux-naïve art practice, youth mode philosophy, and relational aesthetics.4-6p.m. Spring Opening CelebrationSMoCA, 7374 East Second Street, ScottsdalewebsiteThe Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art invites you to celebrate the new exhibition Betye Saar: Still Tickin’ at its Spring Opening Celebration on Friday, January 29th from 7:00-9:00p. Mingle with curators and the artist at this free event. Mearcstapa, Matthew Marshall and Brianna VoronRedemption Studios, 2150 E Southern Ave Tempe,websiteAn Old English term used in the story of Beowulf, mearcstapa translates to “border- walker,” referring to those that live on the outskirts of a community. Mearcstapa could move freely in and out of groups and act as a cultural bridge to neighboring tribes. This way of life is beautiful for its ability to create an empathetic heart to those surrounding the mearcstapa, which allows for an honest and humble approach while creating art as commentary on the environments experienced. A price paid for this observation is the lack of deep rooted belonging. As artists, we find ourselves subconsciously falling into this life of incorporating ourselves into a community while simultaneously remaining detached as an observer. Always observant and participatory, the artist strives to know their communities yet struggle to be present enough to establish a relationship of true belonging.The purpose of this show is to highlight that the mearcstapa role has morphed Brianna Voron and Matthew Marshall as artists and members of their communities, and to observe any dialogue that might occur between their paintings. For several months the artists have made work within close physical proximity to one another, but have never hung the pictures next to each other’s. We humbly invite you to their first show in the Redemption studios and to be a mearcstapa yourself for an evening. 0 Comments | http://www.theartsbeacon.com/friday-january-29-2016 | 1,495,859,304 | null |
Since Jon Jones was flagged for a potential USADA violation ahead of his UFC 200 bout, a lot of details regarding him have been up in the air. Nothing is more questionable than the status of his interim light heavyweight title. Champions.co was able to confirm with UFC Vice President of Public Relations, Dave Sholler today that Jones is, in fact, still the interim light heavyweight champion. "He is still the interim champion," Sholler wrote. "Reminder, his case is still in the results management process."Jones was awarded the title after he defeated Ovince Saint Preux in what was to be a title shot with Daniel Cormier. The reigning champ was unable to fight due to injury, so Saint Preux stepped in. In fact, the title was meant to be unified at UFC 200 when Jones and Cormier were finally set to fight, but Jones was removed from the bout after news of the failed test came to light. The question of what would happen to the title became more apparent when Jones was removed from the UFC rankings. He is currently on temporary suspension while they continue their investigation. Someone might want to bring Cormier into the loop... | https://champions.co/posts/4066414 | 1,495,988,705 | null |
After three years with the Marine Corps’ First Stinger Battery in Okinawa and one tour of duty in Iraq, Mohamed Sheriff, CAS/MFA '16, decided to pursue a graduate degree. He knew he wanted to write about his personal and military experiences, and after receiving an honorable discharge, he began searching for a school that could best accommodate his career ambitions.
“When I looked into AU's program, there was something different about it that I was really attracted to,” says Sheriff. He joined the Creative Writing MFA program in the fall of 2013.
According to the Military Friendly Schools List for 2014 released by G.I. Jobs, American University (AU) ranks in the top 15 percent of colleges and universities for its support of veteran and active-duty students.
Matt Jukich, CAS/BA ‘17, entered AU last fall as an undergraduate. During his military service, he found himself advising fellow soldiers on financial matters, and later decided that he wanted to pursue a degree in finance. As a native of the Washington, D.C., area, he found AU to be a natural fit.
“It’s good being back in an academic environment,” says Jukich. The two cultures—academic and military—are very different, he says. “Here, if you don’t show up on time, nobody’s going to chase you down and drag you to class.”
James McRedmond, CAS/BA ‘15, agrees that the move to academic life after military service requires some adjustment.
“It has been a challenge in some respects,” says McRedmond, “but it is just a matter of adapting to our surroundings, something the military has taught us to do well.”
McRedmond spent three years as a hospital corpsman and was deployed twice, to Iraq and Afghanistan. He left the Navy in August of 2012, and is studying public health at AU.
“I always had the goal of pursuing medical school… so I joined the Navy to gain valuable experience and have college paid for,” he says. “Public health is a field I have a vested interest in, and I thought it would make me a more well-rounded doctor.”
He says he has found a supportive environment at AU.
“AU is becoming more and more veteran-friendly each semester,” says McRedmond. “Most professors understand that veterans are non-traditional students who may also have families and also work alongside going to school, so they are willing to help when needed.”
AU has a number of initiatives designed to support veterans and to help ease their transition to university life. The university participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, matching G.I. Bill funds to ensure that qualifying students receive tuition assistance. Valerie Verra, AU’s veteran services administrator, acts as a liaison for student veterans, working with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to make sure they receive all of the benefits they have earned through service.
“It’s really great to have someone on campus who’s always there to help us out,” says Jukich. He also mentions the Veterans’ Liaison Network, a team of AU staff members from various departments, including the Career Center, which acts as principal contacts for veterans, addressing their concerns and helping them to achieve their educational and professional goals.
“Career advisors recognize that student veterans come to the center with significant life experience,” says Brian Rowe, director of experiential education in the Career Center. “They have spent years working in mission critical situations which career advisors can help them equate to civilian career situations.”
Sheriff says he appreciates the support.
“AU’s effort [to welcome veterans] speaks to an awareness of America's shifting demographics,” says Sheriff. “Many prior servicemen and women are returning from two wars. At AU, many of them are in programs that relate to the world of foreign policy or to skill-sets they gained experience with when they served.”
Sheriff is employed at the National Endowment for the Arts, which he calls “a great place to work” and which allows him to pursue his passion for arts and literature.
On Veterans Day in 2013, AU opened a new Veterans Lounge as a place for veteran and active duty students to congregate and relax. Overall, veterans express satisfaction with the university's efforts to support them and the strong community that has formed here.
“I value the fact that AU actively seeks to reach out to its veteran students,” says Sheriff. “It makes you feel good to be in an environment that sees significance in your past experiences.”
AU student veterans are encouraged to visit the Career Center and make use of additional resources, including AUCareerWeb. | http://american.edu/careercenter/meritawards/news/detail.cfm?newsID=EAC4AA05-08D8-32A3-A56E6441D3011FC8 | 1,496,071,108 | null |
Doctors around the world are looking for ways to help thousands of people in South and Central America and the Caribbean who have been affected by a disease called Zika. | http://www.newshub.org/m/zika-virus-20536184.html | 1,496,051,135 | null |
This is a relatively simple trick taking domino game, which can be played either a three- or four- handed. It is popular in Texas, where many people took up domino games in the late 19th century in response to Baptist teaching that playing with cards was sinful. It is thought of as a simpler variant of Texas 42, sometimes played when only three players are available. The name Moon refers to winning all the tricks, which is several American card games is known as "shooting the moon". A four-player version is popular in the Tidewater area of Virginia, though the name Moon is apparently not used there, the game being known simply as "dominoes".
The three-player game, which seems to be the more popular version in Texas, will be described first.
Three-Player Moon Equipment
The game uses a double six domino set, with all but the double zero of the zero suit removed. This gives a set of 22 tiles. The tiles are divided into suits and ranked in the same way as in Texas 42. There are seven "suits": zeros, ones, twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes. The double is the highest tile of its suit, followed by the other tiles in order of the other number on the tile. So for example the 2-suit ranks from high to low: [2-2], [2-6], [2-5], [2-4], [2-3], [2-1]. In the 22-tile set used for Moon, the zero suit has only one tile, the [0-0]. Apart from doubles, each tile can potentially belong to one of two suits. However, in most hands one of the numbers is declared as trump. In this case all tiles containing this number function only as trumps, and do not belong to the suit at the other end.
The Deal
Each player draws a hand of seven tiles and the left over tile remains face down in the middle of the table.
The Bidding
Players bid the number of tricks they are contracting to take. The bidding goes around the table clockwise, each player having just one opportunity to bid. For the first deal the first bidder is determined by some random method, for example by drawing tiles before the deal; in subsequent hands the turn to begin the bidding passes clockwise.
Each bid must be a "pass" (no bid) or a number between 4 and 7, or 21, and each number bid must be higher than the last. A bid of 21, which is called "shooting the moon", is a bid to take all 7 tricks, the same as a bid of 7 but for a higher score. Since no bid can be higher than shooting the moon, the auction stops when a player makes this bid. The winner of the auction takes the tile from the middle and then discards one tile from his hand face down without showing it. Before leading to the first trick, the winner of the bidding must name trumps. There are nine possibilities:
Any of the seven numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be named as trump. If a number from 1 to 6 is trump there will be six trumps; if zero is trump there is only one trump - the double blank.
Doubles. In this case there are seven trumps ranking from high to low [6-6], [5-5], [4-4], [3-3], [2-2], [1-1], [0-0]. These form a suit of their own, separate from the other six suits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
No trump, also known as follow me. There are no trumps at all. As usual the double is the highest tile of each suit.
The Play
The rules of play are essentially the same as in Texas 42. The highest bidder leads any tile to the first trick. If it is a trump, the other players must follow with trumps if they can. A player who has no trumps may play any tile.
If the tile led is not a trump, the higher end determines the suit to be followed. Other players must play tiles of this suit if they can. Players unable to follow suit may play any tile they choose - a trump or any other tile.
If anyone plays a trump, the highest trump wins the trick. Otherwise the trick is won by the highest tile of the suit led. The winner of this trick stacks the three tiles of the trick face down in front of him- or herself and then leads any tile to the next trick. Further tricks are played under the same rules until all the tiles have been played.
Note that non-trump tiles that are not doubles belong to two suits, so for example if you have the [5-3] but no other 5's or 3's and neither 5 nor 3 is trump, you are required to play your [5-3] if either the [3-2] (a 3) or the [5-1] (a 5) is led. Note also that if doubles are trump, doubles do not belong to any of the number suits. So for example is the [4-2] is led, the highest tile of this suit is the [6-4] and this will win the trick unless someone trumps. The holder of the [4-4] is not allowed to play it in this trick unless no other 4's are held, and in that case, the player is unable to follow suit and can play any tile - trumping with the [4-4] or another trump or throwing away any other tile.
The bid is successful if the bidder wins at least as many tricks as were bid. In this case the bidder scores the amount of the bid. Note that the bidder foes not score any extra points for taking more tricks than the bid.
The bid fails if the bidder takes fewer tricks than were bid. In this case the bidder scores minus the amount of the bid.
Irrespective of whether the bid succeeds or not, each of the other two players scores one point for each trick won. Examples:
Player A bids 5 and wins 6 tricks, B wins 1 and C wins none: A scores +5, B scores +1, C scores nothing. Player A bids 5 and wins 4 tricks, B wins 1 and C wins 2: A scores -5, B scores +1, C scores +2. The game ends when any players score reaches 21 points or more. If two or more players achieve 21 points or more in the same deal, the highest scoring player wins.
Note: A player who bids 21 scores 21 points if successful, thus winning the game unless his score was previously negative. If a 21-bid fails, the bidder scores minus 21 and the game continues.
Note: In general, the two players who lost the bid should form a partnership against the player who got the bid, since it is usually more important to give the bidder a negative score than to grab a single point by taking a trick from the other non-bidder. This does not apply, however, near the end of the game when only one or two points are needed to win. Variations
Some play with a set of only 21 tiles, without the [0-0]. In this case all the tiles are dealt and the high bidder does not get to exchange a tile.
Some play that the bidder must choose trumps before looking at the face down tile in the middle. After naming trumps the bidder takes the middle tile and discards the same or a different tile face down before leading to the first trick.
Some score in "marks" instead of points. If the bidder wins he scores a mark; if not the other two players score a mark each. The first player to reach 7 marks wins.
Joe Celko reports that at Texas A&M a version without trumps is played, in which when leading a non-double you can choose which of its two suits it belongs to. You call the suit and everyone must follow that suit. So for example a hand [0-0] [2-2] [2-6] [2-5] [2-4] [2-3] [2-1] will win all the tricks if the player has the lead, since all the non-doubles han be led as twos and then cannot be beaten.
Joe Celko also reports another college variation in which two dice are thrown before each deal, and only the numbers shown on the dice are available as trump suits.
Four-Player Moon
The game can also be played as a four handed game, with two pairs of partners. The full double six set of 28 tiles is used: these are shuffled face down and each player takes seven tiles.
The lowest bid allowed is four tricks, and players can bid up to 7 or 21 as in the three-player game. The high bidder names trump and leads to the first trick.
The bid succeeds if the total number of tricks won by the bidder's team is greater than or equal to the bid. In this case the bidding team score a point for each trick they won (which may be more than the bid). If they win fewer trick between them than the bid, they lose the amount of the bid, with negative scores being possible. In either case the non-bidding team scores a point for each trick they won.
If the bid was 21, the bidding team score plus 21 if they win all the tricks; otherwise the lose 21 and the opponents score a point for each trick they took.
The first team to reach 21 points wins the game. Some play matches in which winning two out of three games win the match.
Some play that if the first three players pass, the fourth player must bid 4.
Some allow the bidding to begin at a minimum of 3, rather than 4.
In Virginia, the lowest bid allowed is 5. Bids are made by saying "5 times", "6 times" or "7 times". The high bidder chooses one of the seven numbers as trump, or no trump (there is no "doubles" contract in which all the doubles are trump). Instead of the 21 bid, there is a bid of "shoot the moon", which can only be made after another player has bid "7 times". The team that shoots the moon wins the whole game if they succeed and loses it if they fail. Other Moon web pages
Howard Fosdick's 42 page includes rules for Moon.
Home Page > Tile Games > Western Domino Games > Moon
This first version of this page was contributed by Joe Celko ([email protected]) in 2001. It is revised and maintained by John McLeod | https://www.pagat.com/tile/wdom/moon.html | 1,495,866,145 | 1,487,999,945 |
Posted on November 21, 2016December 26, 2016 by willingtopay Life of modern man is hard to imagine without all kinds of household appliances: refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven, LCD TV, a food processor, heater and much more. These appliances are able to serve us for many years, but sooner or later they will fail. And no longer they meet modern demands the will go out from fashion morally. However just going and buying your favorite model of household appliances is not always available pleasure. The cost of individual household appliances significantly exceeds the monthly income of many citizens. In this situation, you have not so many options:
– To accumulate the required amount of money to buy the necessary equipment and then it is necessary to postpone the purchase of a few months;
– Take a loan and buy appliances today.
Many of the latter option seems more attractive because it allows you to acquire the necessary right now, rather than waiting for several months saving money on wages. But beyond such obvious advantages loans for household appliances have its drawbacks. Consider those and other details.
Advantages of loans for household appliances:
As it has already mentioned the desired equipment can be purchased on the same day when the buyer has paid attention to it;
When moving into a new apartment in Delaware you can buy all the necessary equipment in the short term;
The cost increase of goods due to inflation now does not any matter;
To quickly accumulate the necessary funds for the purchase of equipment you don’t have to wait 2-3 months;
There is a chance to issue interest-free loan or installments, thus avoiding overpayments;
Getting a loan for home appliances is much easier that you can get in a bank and it allows you to fix damaged credit history.
The borrower’s credit reputation is gradually restored if you repay loans on time. You can then re-arrange bank loans on favorable terms.
Disadvantages loans for household appliances:
The interest rate is often significantly higher than for consumer loans in banks;
Appliances may soon break or morally obsolete but the buyer will have to pay for it for a long period of time;
Eventually, an overpayment for the interest greatly increases the value of acquired technology;
In the case of non-repayment of a credit, purchased equipment can be withdrawn;
The ability to quickly purchase any household appliances are often makes a buyer inattentive to the shortcomings of the chosen model of the appliance, as well as about the future overpayments for it and the possible penalties.
Another disadvantage of purchasing home appliances in advance is the fact that after only a few months of the start of sales of a particular model it loses much in price. And if you just hold off on buying it at the same time saving money on this, you can buy the right appliance at a lower cost and without overpayments.
If you postpone the purchase at later date you should not rush into signing the loan agreement in the store. Pay attention to items related to the interest rate, fees and fines, such you can save your money not overpaying a lot. Also sellers often try to impose insurance and additional service which also increases the cost of goods. It is better to look for sellers who are not particularly insist on such services. And ideally find other installments for the purchase of necessary household appliances.
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Our Location1773 Rinehart Road
Miami, FL 33169+1786-382-7308 Our Summary Willingtopay is going to be you closest friend in terms of finances. | https://willingtopay.wordpress.com/blog/ | 1,496,015,755 | null |
by Amber N. Yoo, M.B.A.Construction has started on our new space in 4S Ranch!On Friday, the general contractor "snapped the lines," which means they drew the layout on the floor of the space. We walked the space to make sure that everything looked right. The photo below shows where the walls will be for the exam rooms and the hallway handwashing station. Early this morning, the crew showed up to start framing (putting the walls up). When I arrived, the drywall, wood, and metal frames were stacked neatly next to the building. A crane lifted the framing material up to one of our windows. Inside, men unloaded the material off of the crane, through the window and into the space. Meanwhile, other crew members were furring out the walls. Most of the ceilings in our space will be 10' high. The county permit process is moving unusually slow. It took ten weeks to receive our first comments back. We submitted the revised construction documents last week and are meeting with permit officers this week to review the plans. We had to wait to start construction until we received the feedback, but now that construction has started, the process will move very quickly. It seems like a little unreal, especially since we have been waiting for this day for months.You might also like to:Read the next post in this series - "Day 2 - Framing is Done and Signs are Up!"Start at the beginning - read the first post where we announced our move!Go back to Day 1 of construction.Get the details about our grand opening party on March 27!Get these updates in your inbox!Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. | http://skyfacialplasticsurgery.com/blog/walls-are-going-up-2013 | 1,495,572,509 | null |
Hello, I'm in Manhattan for the weekend and reservations at 15 East at the bar and Momofuku Ko (and can only go to one). For those of you who have been to both, which would you prefer?Obviously they serve different kinds of food so a direct comparison isn't possible -- but I still have to pick only one place. For what it's worth, I've been to Kajitsu and thought it was absolutely amazing. I've been to the Momofuku noodle bar and didn't think it was that great -- too salty. I am coming from San Francisco where the sushi restaurants are very good but nothing at the level of what you can find in Tokyo - so would like to try a sushi place if it was really exceptional. Otherwise, I can find pretty good sushi at home. Any thoughts? | https://www.chowhound.com/post/15-east-momofuku-ko-844942 | 1,495,595,498 | null |
How to Stop Second – Guessing Your Business's Profit, when creating job estimates and invoicing clients. Finally there's a way!
When you sometimes feel lost creating job estimates and invoicing clients. Finally the Profit Pal Invoicing App is here to help! How do you think you would feel having an app that can help you to create great estimates, and electronically invoice your clients? And all right from your Smartphone.
Finally an app that is so packed full of features you can explore and use for some time to come, you’ll never get bored with it!
Guy's believe me when I say, no one has an app with all of the features that are in the Profit Pal App no one!
How excited would you feel to be making profit? When working in any kind of trade it's hard enough. On top of staying above the competition, you need to calculate how much a particular job will cost, send estimates to clients, account for labor, and don't forget about the taxes! All without losing money.
Well I can imagine that, so can you? Thankfully friend there's now a way for you to take care of all the above, and much more without wasting your precious time on menial tasks. Time to catch your breath right? Well imagine the app taking care of all those cumbersome tasks. The app is designed to walk you through them, and friend you just enter what you'll do on the job in the description box as much as you like.
Friend as you read this page now it may cause you to picture that when you get this app, you'll have all of the flexibility you need, to properly account for things like; your hourly rate, your materials, your travel expense to the job, and so much more, just by filling in the boxes. Now since we're here to help, there's even a Free Lite Version of the app in the App Stores, so you can dip your toes into before you get the full version you'll like it.
Introducing Profit Pal App
When wouldn’t it be a good time for you to get an app designed solely for you, the business person wanting to make estimates and send invoices all while maximizing your earnings when doing jobs?
How can Profit Pal specifically help you?
The magic of Profit Pal Invoicing App lies in simplicity. What you do is enter the job numbers. Customers will get their Invoice Immediately via email. Since an invoicing app is better at doing things, no more hassles writing or printing paper invoices or making calculations, the app does them for you.
Here's what one Contractor said about this app… Hello I’m a Plumbing Contractor and I had been thinking about an issue that I run into around every five years or so. And what this is, is that since I put so many miles on my Trucks or Vans, I generally need to replace them around every five years.
And what I have found to be the case is that I am never ready for that expense. So when one day I stumbled across an ad for your app I read the ad and it said that the app could account for things like travel cost and vehicle mileage depreciation I was interested. Since I never really gave that much thought until it was time to buy another Plumbing Truck.
The fact is that the app can help me to calculate my travel cost which I now set aside for the future expense of replacing my work truck was the main reason I bought the app. And now I am taking advantage of many of the other features in the app as well. I am happy with this app.
I am No Longer Second – Guessing My Business's Profit
Thank you very much for helping me with all my business cost.
Jerry Kanijian Plumbing Contractor
Delray Beach
"Well, I can do the above myself, can't I?"
No the truth is that the benefits don't just stop at simple calculations
There's so much more to this app than that. Here are just a few of the extra benefits you'll get when you start using the Profit Pal App:
1. Instantly send invoices via the internet to your client's, along with your company's logo on them. That will make you memorable to them since you are using cutting-edge technology for your transactions and business.
2. Easily calculate even the hardest expenses. Ever wondered how much fuel you need to move from location A to location B? Profit Pal has Map Pins that allow you to instantly calculate time and fuel needed for you or your employees to move to a job site. 3. Make coupons to send to previous client’s right from the app. The app helps you to not only stay in touch with them, but to also stay laser-focused on achieving your, financial goals.
Friend as you sit back reading this you can begin to see that you'll have easy access to your previous jobs. Every job is saved into a job file, that can be accessed and reviewed at any time. This way you give an estimate in seconds when you are with a prospect interested in a similar job. This way you'll position yourself as a true professional who knows his numbers.
Friend you've been looking for something to help you with your business profits, and the Profit Pal App is here for you now! As you save time and your sanity, just imagine letting this app do the calculating of the business expenses for you, and you won't go wrong. Keep in mind that you'll save countless hours calculating stuff you're not excited about. Those hours can easily be translated into more profits for you. So you win either way.
Big Help
With this exciting app you'll have the help you've been waiting for, because it streamlines the estimating and invoicing process. After you have used it a few times you'll look back on the moment you learned it right now as having been one of the most powerful experiences you have ever experienced. You'll simply follow the template, and as you follow the template you’re by default entering the important information of all good estimates. Thus you'll have more freedom to think about the actual work at hand. So as you see friend it’s time for you to get started making better estimates, that way you'll be getting paid what the jobs really worth! Taking Care of your Clients and sending Unlimited Invoices easily with this app from where-ever you happen to be!
Stop Leaving Things to Chance!
Friend you really can actually account for all of these business cost when you use the Profit Pal App Invoicing App, and stop leaving things to chance!
You may still be doing things the old fashion way, but I can assure you, if you are, you should stop losing money. These may seem like small things such as, the cost of fuel for your vehicle, or the expense to travel to the job site. But these cost will no longer be an issue. Just get the app and start watching as your profits increase. The app does this for you, in a safe and convenient way. Don’t waist another presious moment download the app Now! On your smartphone or Tablet and Stop Second – Guessing Your Business's Profit
It's Your Choice!
There are several different ways you can do this. You can find the Profit Pal App on YouTube and watch the videos there, or read the articles in the Archive here, or just go straight to the app store and see it there, either way you’ll be making the right decision…
Click on the App Stores the one for your Smartphone or Tablet to get started now! Mobile Invoicing App, Mobile Invoicing, Easy Invoicing, Invoice Maker App, Invoice Apps and making Profit App | https://profitpal1.com/ | 1,495,715,080 | null |
Jay-Z”s “Magna Carta Holy Grail” will top the Billboard 200 by a wide margin next week. Released July 4 to Samsung owners, but only to traditional retailer on July 9, Hova”s latest album will move up to 520,000 units, according to Hits Daily Double. And that”s above and beyond the one million copies distributed through Jay-Z”s one-way deal with Samsung. He”s one of three artists with new albums debuting within the top 10. After a long absence, Ciara returns with “Body Party,” which looks good for No. 2 with up to 60,000 copies. Skylar Grey, best known for co-writing “Love The Way You Lie” for Eminem and Rihanna, will likely bow at No. 9 with “Don”t Look Down.”
This week”s No. 1 title, J Cole”s “Born Sinner,” drops to No. 3, while Kanye West”s “Yeezus” slides to No. 4. Imagine Dragons” “Night Vision” is at No. 5. Wale”s former No 1, “The Gifted,” is at No. 6.
Florida Georgia Line”s “Here To The Good Times” is No. 7. Daft Punk”s “Random Access Memories” is No. 8, and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis” “The Heist” will likely be at No. 10.
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TOPICS#Ciara#Daft Punk#Eminem#Jay Z#Kanye 200 chart previewCiaraDaft PunkEminemJay ZKanye WestMacklemoreMagna Carta Holy GrailRihannaSAMSUNGSkylar Grey | http://uproxx.com/hitfix/jay-zs-magna-carta-holy-grail-reigns-on-next-weeks-billboard-200/ | 1,496,011,649 | null |
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect several different parts of the body. Here are some of the ways lupus can affect your health.
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Heart disease is the leading cause of death among people with lupus. The most common way that lupus affects the heart is inflammation of the sac that surrounds your heart, which is called pericarditis. This can cause sharp pain in the chest and shortness of breath. While this inflammation doesn’t damage the heart’s ability to function, long-term inflammation could hinder the heart’s efficiency at pumping blood due to scar tissue.
3 of
The most common blood disorder in lupus is anemia, which affects 50 percent of people with the condition. This can mean that a person has a low red blood cell count, low hemoglobin or low hematocrit. Low hemoglobin is the primary concern, as this is the protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Fatigue, which is a common symptom of lupus, is usually an indicator of anemia.
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Digestive Tract
Esophageal and digestive problems are common in people with lupus. Some of these problems are due to the medications people with lupus take, but others are directly caused by the disease. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. More serious problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease and liver complications can also occur.
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Muscles and Joints
Inflammation can cause muscle pains and aches, and can also cause muscle weakness and loss of strength. However, there is a difference between muscle pain from inflammation in the body in general, and an inflammation of the skeletal muscles, which is called myositis. Arthritis can also occur, which causes pain, stiffness, swelling and tenderness in the joints.
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Lupus can cause inflammation of nephrons within the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering blood. This is called lupus nephritis, and it makes the kidneys unable to properly remove waste from the blood or control the fluids in the body. This can cause swelling in the body, as well as scarring and permanent damage to the kidneys if left untreated. This develops most often within the first five years of lupus symptoms.
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Lupus can also affect the brain and nervous system, causing symptoms such as headache, confusion, depression, fatigue, seizures, stroke, vision problems, mood swings and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms may come on suddenly and will vary depending on the affected area and amount of tissue damage.
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About two-thirds of people with lupus will develop a skin disease. Typically, they will be rashes or sores that appear in sun-exposed areas and 40 to 70 percent of people with systemic lupus find that sun exposure worsens their disease in general. Some common lesions include disk shaped sores, red scaly lesions, or flattened areas of red skin on the face that looks like sunburn. Hair loss can also be an issue.
9 of
Canker sores are quite common in people with lupus, however, the sores tend to be larger and last longer than in the normal population. They also tend to occur on the roof of the mouth in people with lupus, rather than the inner cheeks. When a person with lupus has canker sores, it usually means there is an internal organ flare occurring in the body.
10 of
People with lupus are at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. One reason is because of a type of medication used to treat lupus (glucocorticoid medication), which can trigger significant bone loss. Another reason is because of the pain and fatigue associated with the disease, which can lead to inactivity. Women are five times more likely to have a fracture from osteoporosis if they have lupus.
11 of
Lupus can affect the eyes, including changes to the skin around the eyelids, dry eyes, inflammation of the white outer layer of the eye, changes to the blood vessels in the retina and damage to the nerves in the muscles that control eye moment and the nerves that affect vision. In addition, some medications used to treat lupus can affect the eyes, including hydroxychloroquine. | http://www.healthcentral.com/slideshow/10-ways-lupus-affects-the-body | 1,495,701,691 | null |
Home'The New Yorker : Jan 09, 1926Contents- '1'. , THE 4- 'NEWYORKEIt 1# ,' ) " _ _ t. I., , . ' s - _ - Po ,. ..- " 1171 . 8 :m e. --f\4 . I l ./ . . . " . (.. , J 'lJa' 1111 J . J , 4 ' ", I_', THE TALK OF THE TOWN Notes and Comment A COLLEGE girl who worked in a department store during , the Christmas rush tells us that the high point of her experience came when Mrs. Kip Rhinelander drifted in and bought a scrap basket made oü of old bookbindings for $ I 15. Our friend's feeling was that it pays to be all honest woman with the law on your side. I T is disappointing to note that judges on the bench continue trying to be funny. It seems to be a grow- ing abuse. Schoolboys have to laugh when the headmaster makes a joke, and similarly the court room always has to chortle with the judge. Humor, however, is rarely the gift of the legal mind; and almost universally the joke from the bench is the joke of a bully. A DINNER-DANCE is being given Saturday by The Woman Pays Club to encourage girls to pay their own way when taken to lunch by gentlemen. Nothing is said about what to do when taken out by men who are not gentlemen. Probably the Club tqkes it for granted that in the latter case the woman pays anyway and so deserves to get her lunch free. e I A"'/NiA R OW WAY P).-: \ j \ \. W E think less than nothing of the Eskimo who recently received publicity by saying upon his arrival that the thing he noticed most was the cold. We were brought up to believe that the cold is more noticeable in the Arctic than here. The reports of sun- dry explorers have confirmed our opinion. We therefore conclude that the Eskimo was misquoted. ^ L THOUGH we are aware that fl one of the two trades taught in Sing Sing is the care of an automobIle engine, and that so long as this is true ftEWA O OF VIRTUfè DDDDD[ the taximan will always be under sus- picion, we nevèrtheless have a good word for him. Three times during the Holidays, drivers suggested to us that we ought to get out and walk if we wanted to get to the theatre on time. T WO things this year are going to astonish New Yorkers and bring home to them that nothing in this life . eELIEVE IN PENSIONS , HYLAti I. - . ttI .... .\'. ..,;:" .. - . 'IN , ' . ." :..... .,_ ;: !' v ) .....t I! -' I ' 'Tì' A - 11 04 : rg!'l J ....'. f. Ii.}' ;,)}i: Y' jh ..e;; - - - is really permanent. One has already happened. On the first day of J anu- ary John F. Hylan actually ceased be- ing Mayor. The other is that by next Fall the iron beams and things in Bryant Park will have been removed. I T is only fair to Mr. Buckner, whom we admire tremendously, to say that at no time during the night of New Year's Eve did we see any attempt being made to prevent us good citizens from buying and consuming all the liquor we needed \.ON(..'N" FOR A ,",000 HOT'", LOO . - A. " I .. " "- The Week BISHOP MANNING says sport is pleasing to the Lord and British Turn-running baronet loses $ 1,25 0 ,000 through failure to land liquor here. Six hundred fifty-one law students are admitted to the bar and Pat Crowe, noted bandit who reformed, says he is bJ'oke now. Nicholas Murray Butler asks for better journalism and Billy Sunday is unable to keep a speaking engagement because of an infected tooth. Son-in-law contests E. W. Grove's will while latter is still alive and England abolishes the law of primogeniture. London is alarmed by it growing surplus of unmarried women and the Queen of Rumania worries over the Crown Prince's en- tanglements of the heart. General Butler asserts it is Mayor Kendrick's fault that Philadelphia is not dry and General Ludendorff, of Munich, comes out in favor of prohibition for Germany. Statement advanced that John Milton, poet, dealt in real estate and Authors' League plan for co- operative apartment house falls through because loans cannot be ar- ranged. Michael Arlen denIes that he will marry Pol a Negri and travellers report that modernizing of Chinese has resulted in lowering their moral standards. Washington society women LinksArchiveJan 02, 1926Jan 16, 1926NavigationPrevious PageNext Page | http://archives.newyorker.com/?iid=18310&startpage=page0000005 | 1,495,635,387 | null |
I seem to remember reading about this not long ago, but I have not been able to find the thread or post on it, hopefully someone can help At the time I didn't think much of it, however, we have now received an 'invitation' to attend a time share demo in New Orleans, in return we receive a 'free' cruise...fine print says pay port charges, etc... I am wondering if anyone has done this before and how much the fees actually add up to? And of course I am assuming that it would be one of the cheaper cabins, interior...wondering if it's possible to upgrade to ov. Gotta feeling would be better off waiting till we take a 7 day with a balcony, but hey..if it is reasonable thanks in advance for any and all advice... | http://www.cruisemates.com/forum/1303177-post1.html | 1,495,579,768 | null |
image from herewhen bianca from bink &boo tweeted me this pic.. i ran to post it.. this is so lovely and i am so inspired by this quilt, the elephants and of course the love .. | http://rikshawdesign.blogspot.com/2010/09/love-quilt.html | 1,496,042,951 | 1,491,743,821 |
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We retain the rights to post chosen recipes on our blog and will give credit to the Chef by name and link if available. | http://www.riverstreetsweets.com/category/Web-Specials/?P=DAD14 | 1,495,605,930 | null |
Woo! I'm geeked y'all! Tonight some of the gang is getting together for a Holiday meal at Buca di Beppo ... I shall have pictures to share .... But for now ...
The Bay is a huge Canadian department store ... they chose to put Britney Spears on the cover of their magazine:
She looks so purrrrty! Yay for Britters!
Speaking of ad campaigns ... last year it was J.Lo and for the coming year it's going to be Uma Thurman for Louis Vuitton:
She looks good ... but they do the same make-up for all their models. Good for Uma though ... a lifetime of free Louis Vuitton purses ... that bitch!
Jessica Simpson show us her best side while on the set of The Dukes of Hazzard:
Goddamn! Will someone please PLEASE please put an end to this UGGs thing already?!? Haven't we suffered enough? Of course, I'm probably the only guy who's looking at her shoes.
I'm happy to report that Mary and Joseph of Arimathea are alive and well and were spotted shopping in Venice, Italy:
Glad to see they were able to successfully re-attach their heads ... well, his at least.
High School Reunion time ... look how good Kelly Taylor and Donna Martin look these days:
I wonder how much shizz they were talking about Brenda Walsh?
And now, the news:
So what does Michael Jackson do right before he goes on trial for molesting little kids? He invites 200 little kids to Neverland Ranch for a party.PJ Harvey stuns the world by announcing that she is quitting performing live! Apparently, she gave her last performance ever in northern France.Forget Minnie Driver, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Charisma Carpenter are feuding over the coveted role of Wonder Woman.Speaking of Wonder Woman, season two comes out on DVD in is reporting that Ryan Reynolds is up for starring in The Flash movie.Todd McFarlane (Spawn creator) is going bankrupt.Rapper DMX just can't drive 55.Good Charlotte's Joel Madden fuels the bitch-fight between Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan by making Lohan's little brother cry. Who's the real bitch here?And that is all ... Brandon and I are going shopping ... I think I want to wear something nice for dinner with the gang tonight. Holla! | http://trent.blogspot.com/2004/12/last-of-gang-to-shop.html | 1,495,571,458 | 1,442,424,353 |
Friends, family, and strangers constantly say that I don’t look my age. I’ve stopped looking in the mirror in favor of regarding my shadow against a wall, so the innate narcissistic nature guillibly believes the complements and lies. This weekend was my birthday. One short of the next big one. Andrea from across the aisle […]
By Peter
Posted in 2010s, friends, Health, NEW YORK
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Last Stop Joplin
May 31, 2011 – 7:43 pm
This Sunday President Obama returned to the USA after a successful European drinking binge with Irish drunks and gin-lovers at Buckingham Palace. His first stop was not McSorley’s in the East Village, but the devastated Midwest city of Joplin. 2/3s of the Missouri town has erased by mega-tornadoes. The President viewed the widespread wreckage and […]
By Peter
Posted in 2010s, america, Nature
Tagged joplin, mcsorleys bar, missouri, Obama, tornado
Comments (0)
THE BOTTLE Gil Scott Heron
May 28, 2011 – 1:41 pm
By Peter
Posted in 70s, hip, poor, race, revolution
Comments (0)
Beering with Da O’Bamas
May 28, 2011 – 1:22 pm
Ireland is the home of Guinness Beer and President Obama lifted a pint of the brown sludge at a local pub in Moneygall. His wife sipped at her beer with relish. It was a moment of joy during a brief detour from his busy schedule of his European trip. Family, friends, and Guinness. A proper […]
By Peter
Posted in america, Drinking, ireland, politics
Tagged barack obama, beer, guinness, ireland
Comments (2)
Where’s Whitey?
May 28, 2011 – 12:39 pm
The World’s Top Ten Wanted Fugitives took two hits this past month. # 1 Osama Bin laden was erased by an executive order from President Barack Hussein Obama. Two bullets to the head and a burial at sea. Secondly the Balkan War criminal Gen. Ratko Mladic was arrested by black-clad security forces in a small […] | http://www.mangozeen.com/2011/05 | 1,496,016,575 | null |
Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images An MP3's metadata stores extra, non-audio information about the file. Metadata can contain the artist and album names, the year of release, the genre of music and a picture of the album's cover art. Once you add the cover art to an MP3's metadata, the artwork appears on your computer's screen whenever you play the MP3 in a media program. Use Windows Media Player to add cover art in the JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG or TIFF formats to the MP3s in your collection.
Open the Start menu and click "Computer." Navigate to the folder containing the cover art file that you want to embed in the MP3's metadata. Right-click the cover art file and select "Copy." Launch Windows Media Player. Click "Library," then click "Music." Click "Artist" or "Album." Scroll to the album to which you want to add the cover art. Right-click the album's cover icon. Click "Paste album art" to embed the cover art into the MP3. Tips & Warnings
If Windows Media Player doesn't let you add the cover art to an MP3, ensure that the file's permissions are not set to "Read-Only."
Related Searches
Microsoft Windows: Add or Change Album Art in Windows Media Player Photo Credit Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images Promoted By Zergnet | http://www.ehow.com/how_11386364_add-cover-art-mp3-metadata.html | 1,495,681,949 | null |
Steps in creating a license work Each scientific work possesses some specific elements; is created following certain rules; have some strict requirements. The main predestination for these is to make the scientific work more accessible, clear and constructive. A license work has not just the goal to inform but also to discover something new or to present something unusual. A license work has to be based on large and divers bibliography. It is what can prove veridical and multilateral character of it. It is often called scientific apparatus. Scientific apparatus, usually relates to books, newspapers articles, internet resources, annexes, etc. their enumeration can be settled either at the beginning or at the end of work. The resources need to be written correctly and consecutively. There are three types of elements in a license work: 1. Introductive elements: preface, introductive research and edition note;
2. Redaction elements: refers to the body of work, text script, footnotes, annotations, etc;
3. Annexes: images, comments, additional enforcing documents, etc. These elements compose the main body of the license work. Text is subjected to some norms: lateral alignment; size and script; footnotes and final notes; etc.
Footnotes need to me designated in text and enumerates at the end of each page. Numeration can be chosen by the author. In description of license work are usually used two kinds of elements:
1. Principal elements – that indicate type and nature of work;
2. Complimentary elements – refer to goals, objectives, direction of work.
It is recommended to create a provisory plan of license work before beginning to write it and a tight collaboration with a specialist in the area would be very helpful. Usually this plan is changed during elaboration of license work. Work analyze – refers to classification and synthesizing of used documentation: motivation of the chosen theme; goals; consequences; perspectives; etc.
License drawing up – features license work division into logical parts: chapters, paragraphs, sections, etc. For their numeration can be used: Arabic numbers, Roman numbers, and letters.
Conclusions – have to contain personal opinions about researched theme. Usually conclusions are requited at the end of each chapter and general conclusion is needed at the end of license work. A worthy conclusion answers to main questions of license work and explains the proposed goals.
License work is a scientific one that is why it is important to respect neutral style of research; to reach coherence and unity of ideas; and to add uniqueness of broaching. When license work is presented, should be respected following rules:
- Title Page – theme of the presented work should be written with capital letters and situated a little bit above the middle line of page. Four lines below it is indicated author's name, institution and coordinating person. - Title Page will be joined by summary of the presented work, which will include titles of chapters and other parts of work.
- Paging – should always be done in the same way indifferent where author chooses to settle it. • Education steps | http://educativ.info/edu/univers10.html | 1,495,681,868 | 1,250,247,867 |
This one is a family favorite! We hope it becomes just as popular in your home too. Our preserves are cooked in small batches with the finest plump, sun-ripened strawberries, pure cane sugar, and a pinch of salt to enhance the sweetness. Pairs perfectly with a homemade biscuit or a slice of peanut butter-smeared toast. | http://biscuitlove.com/onlineshop/harvest-strawberry-preserves | 1,495,695,293 | null |
Home >> More Business news >> This ArticleSamsung Warns of Lower 4th-Quarter Operating Profits Published on: 7th Jan 2014 Note -- this news article is more than a year old. Samsung has broken its seemingly unending rise in profits and announced that it expects its fourth quarter operating profit to be down by around 6 percent compared to a year ago.
At KRW 8.3 trillion (USD7.8 billion) operating profit would be down by 18 percent compared to the previous three months. Samsung does not say in its preliminary statement what caused the decline, but analysts expect tightening margins on smartphones to be the main cause.
Revenues are expected to come in at around KRW59 trillion, which is slightly below average expectations.
The company is also now facing increased competition in the huge Chinese market as Apple launches its handsets with China Mobile, and low-cost Android vendors take market share at the other end of the market.
The company is also expected to face further competition from Apple later this year, if Apple as expected announces a range of screen sizes targetting Samsung's traditional dominance of the phablet market.
However, the company still has a cash pile estimated at around USD50 billion to dip into, even after handing out USD1 billion in anniversary bonuses last year. | http://www.cellular-news.com/story/63722.php?source=rss | 1,495,892,674 | null |
Lots of free advice for TTC CEO Tue, Dec 30: Andy Byford always wears his “name tag” when he’s on the job -that includes when he’s riding the TTC. And he gets plenty of free advice on how to improve the system. | http://globalnews.ca/video/1748355/lots-of-free-advice-for-ttc-ceo | 1,495,716,481 | null |
TORONTO - Anaheim Ducks goaltending prospect Igor Bobkov and New York Islanders draft pick Kirill Petrov headline the Russian roster chosen to face Canada's top junior players in an annual six-game series starting Monday.The Super Subway Series pits Quebec, Ontario and Western major hockey league teams against a team select players from Russia. The series opens Monday in Drummondville, Que.,Petrov, a right-winger from Kaza, was a member of the Russian team that won a bronze medal at the 2009 world junior hockey championship in Ottawa in January.Bobkov, from Magnitogorsk, helped Russia win a silver medal at the world under-18 championship in April and was named the tournament's top goaltender.The 21-player roster released Thursday by the Canadian Hockey League will be supplemented by Russian-born players in each of the three leagues: three from the OHL, two from the QMJHL and one from the WHL.The Russian team will be coached by Vladimir Plyuschev, who also coached his country's to that silver medal at the under-18 championship.After Monday's game in Drummondville, the QMJHL and Russians square off Nov. 18 in Shawinigan. The OHL takes over for games Nov. 19 in Barrie and No. 23 Windsor. The WHL finishes the series Nov. 25 in Victoria and Nov. 26 in Kelowna, B.C.About 100 Canadian players born in 1990 or earlier will play for the Quebec, Ontario and Western teams. They will be evaluated by Hockey Canada scout Al Murray for a possible invitation to the 2010 Canadian junior team's selection camp next month. | http://www.thehockeynews.com/news/article/bobkov-petrov-to-lead-russians-against-canadian-juniors-in-series | 1,496,016,970 | null |
Deal with high rise generating machines then it is obvious to understand how difficult it is to function effectively in high noise conditions. We at Sharan have the perfect solution to your problem. We offer the best acoustic enclosure for heavy Noise generating machines. They are designed it a lot of detailing so that each and every minute cause of noise is taken care of. These are highly acclaimed for its low noise and resistance to corrosion. These are made with windows, doors and inspection panels. They are easy to relocate, remove and maintain. Our acoustic enclosure reduces noise and meets the ISO 14001 norms for environment. Industrial Noise Control can be achieved by sound absorption, isolation, damping vibrations, and by avoiding resonance in structure and machine parts. The wall construction of 100mm (4") thick sound rated panels and accessories allows a degree of construction freedom not possible with conventional acoustic panel systems. These specifications go a long way to ensure great soundproofing. HOME ABOUT US PRODUCTS GALLERY CAREERS CONTACT US | http://sharanelecmech.com/acoustic_machine.html | 1,495,632,334 | 1,429 |
Paired it with my Topshop jeans which we customized ourselves and my super comfy Zara loafers. I added the hat to make the look more put together. | http://siamesesky.blogspot.com/2014_08_01_archive.html | 1,495,989,667 | 1,492,949,216 |
Posts 884 This is something that I agree with a passion. Still, it will depend on the person. Some are strong to accept criticisms and Improve while some are afraid or cower on a critic. | http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?290982-On-Discouraging-Criticism-(EVERYONE-READ)&p=14292644&mode=threaded | 1,495,791,033 | null |
One of most popular site categories is community website. They become famous caused of their facility to getting new friends and keep in touch users each other. Friendster is one of great phenomenon for the example. Friendster has a large members, maybe more of million, for just getting new friends and photo sharing each other. This will be interest thing for advertisers to place their ads or banner to promote their products. Other community site example is 3GB.biz, this site provides not only getting friend or photo sharing, but also space for blogging, chat rooms, and musics with their sout cast server facilities.With about 600 members, 700 photos, 2000 friendships, and 40 blog entries, this new community site will be growing up become a new famous community site. Most of facility in this site are familiar for a new member, because their kind layout is alike an earlier friendster version. Shout cast server is a new facility at this site. They announce it few days ago in their recent news section. Shout cast known as a server that provides free streaming music online, whatever the music source is. Sometimes other sites using this shout cast server as an online radio. With all their facility for community members, it is interesting to join 3gb community 3gb.biz. Diposting oleh | http://game-pointblank.blogspot.com/2008/04/find-new-friends-on-3gbbiz.html | 1,495,585,291 | 1,412,317,074 |
Description: After playing a few nail salon games Barbie decided to make her own salon where all her fans can play for free and learn how to decorate nails with different designs and colors. She wants you to test her game and give her your opinion!
Use your mouse to play this beautiful game, click on the side menus to change the nail size and color, add sparkly stickers and cute designs to your nails. For more free games with your favorite celebrity visit Sisi’s portal every day!
Categories: Makeover Games, Barbies Games, Make Up Games, Tags: saloon games, nail salon games, Barbie Nails Design Walkthrough | http://www.sisigames.com/play/barbie-nails-design.html | 1,495,647,590 | null |
Communication technology is expanding at an incredibly rapid pace. Smart phones, tablet computers, and high speed wireless networks are all redefining the paradigm for communication. For marketers this means more avenues to reach potential customers. Viral marketing is one such avenue. Viral marketing is often defined as the modern incarnation of word of mouth marketing. This concept involves getting consumers to spread a message through their social network, typically through an electronic medium.
Recommended Citation
Hitz, Jonathon, "Viral Marketing: Why Do Consumers Forward Content?" (2010). Senior Honors Theses. 268. | http://commons.emich.edu/honors/268/ | 1,496,063,680 | null |
The playing field today This playing field was once a farm With pastures fit for cows, The land next door, another field, Perhaps for rearing sows. How little changed this corner is When photographs are shown, The only difference is, perhaps, That now the grass is mown. Originally cricket and football were played on farmland belonging to Mr Smith. This later became the recreation ground in the centre of the village. Football moved to Wilks Park but cricket remained. Eventually the recreation ground had no space for cricket and this along with the junior football team had to be moved elsewhere. | http://www.galaxypix.com/Sally/Flackwellfolk/ThePlayingField.html | 1,495,543,385 | 1,441,018,675 |
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera marked down $100 to $895 for one day only from Adorama via eBay. 12-bit RAW video from camera that costs less than $900! This is an unbelievable deal. Limited number available at this price - if you want one, you may want to pull the trigger now. | http://www.hybridcamerarevolution.com/2014/03/one-day-only-brand-new-blackmagic.html | 1,496,050,826 | 1,494,888,940 |
I discovered The Daily Mash too late... yet it almost beats the Onion on the satirical laughing scale. I'll have to make up by trolling through their archives. | http://www.thinkful.tv/2008/03/daily-mash.html | 1,496,136,124 | 1,494,325,137 |
by jrscaccwrestling The Cerritos Falcons swooped into Lemoore and captured the team title at the prestigious West Hills Invitational. This early season gathering of the major teams in California Community College wrestling system set the stage for which teams will have the best shots at winning the State Championship in December. Four teams, two from the north and two from the south, easily outdistanced the rest of the field. Cerritos maintained a comfortable lead throughout the day and finished 30+ points in front of runner-up Sac City. Mt. SAC edged out Fresno City for 3rd by 4.5 points.
Anthony Vargas, Cerritos (133) and Freddie Garcia, Mt. SAC (184) were named the outstanding wrestlers. | http://www.cccaasports.org/sports/wrest/2016-17/releases/Cerritos_Wins_at_the_West_Hills_Tournament | 1,495,626,164 | null |
My Uncle Don-Vietnam VetDon was a funny and quiet guy.The war changed him...but not his sweet spirit.Our soldiers truly give everything for our freedom. | http://www.pearsonandcompany.com/blog/2012/05/time-to-remember.html | 1,495,682,330 | null |
The Sutherland volleyball team continued to roll Tuesday, defeating both Cambridge and Elm Creek in straight sets at a Class D-1 triangular in Cambridge. Cambridge put up a battle in the opening set before losing 25-20, and then Sutherland cruised to an easy 25-6 win in the second set. The Sailors defeated Elm Creek in two sets by nearly identical scores, 25-19, 25-18. Sutherland advances to 19-6 this season. Cambridge is 2-22 and Elm Creek is 17-10. For Sutherland, Joli Hopping had 20 assists, 7 digs and 4 aces. Sam Kennedy had 8 kills, 5 digs and 2 blocks. Jalyne Schuster had 8 kills and 8 digs. Kaley Stokey had 7 digs and Kristen Nelson, 10 digs. Like this story to send to your facebook | http://www.northplattebulletin.com/index.asp?show=news&action=readStory&storyID=24052&pageID=26§ionID=3 | 1,495,565,000 | null |
Mysterious Space 0.8.3 released; a different project next month November 1, 2015November 1, 2015benmakesgames I’ve released Mysterious Space 0.8.3! (Get it on Steam, or itch.io!)
It’s got… clooooouds; it’s got… a better settings menuuuu; it’s got… waves of enemiieees; it’s got… all kinds of things! Check out the changelog!
It’s also got a very-incomplete Russian translation, thanks to updated font-rendering code, and partial support for wider characters, including Hiragana and Katakana (the characters are in there, but aren’t always positioned correctly). I’ll be working to improve both of these things in a future release, of course!
NEXT MONTH, however, I’m going to be working on a different project. I’ve started working on a procedurally-generated life sim. A town and its inhabitants are created, and you are given free reign to… do stuff?? My initial plan was to make it a dating sim, and I’ll probably include that option of play, but I’d like to explore other possibilities as well.
I’ve begun work on giving character memories, which they associate with feelings, and the things present during those memories. This will give them the ability to form opinions about new things – including the player character – depending on how those things look, sound, act… taste?? >_>
The basis for all feelings right now is the Triangular Theory of Love, which I have used to simulate relationships before, in PsyPets. I’m not sure how well-suited is to including feelings about objects, but I think it’ll work out okay.
Other systems I wish to simulate: sleep, caffeine, alcohol… but probably not hunger, because let’s be honest: no one wants to spend time eating in a game any more than they want to spend time using the restroom!
As you may have guessed: yes, I spent some of last month starting this thing up 😛 It was not a 100% Mysterious Space month, but then, it never is: I toy with new project ideas all the time, I just don’t talk about most of them, because I quickly lose interest. This idea is sticking with me, though, so I’d like to give it a full month of its own to see how far I can take it. Maybe it becomes a game I release; maybe not.
It’s a little like using your first Alien Artifact in a game: you won’t know until you try 😛
Thanks for reading! 🙂
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← tractor beams, enemy waves, and other thingsdonation to PBS has happened! + 0.8.4 is almost ready! → Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... | https://mysteriousspace.com/2015/11/01/mysterious-space-0-8-3-released-a-different-project-next-month/ | 1,495,702,134 | null |
My name is Jessica Sherman. I am divorced and I have 3 girls. Hailey is 6, Suzannah Lou is going to be 3 in March and Isabella is 18 months old. I am studying Elementary Education with a concentration in Special Education. When I am not in class I am taking care of my girls and Watching my nephew Braden and niece Camryn. | http://haileysuzibella.blogspot.com/ | 1,496,091,813 | 1,412,485,211 |
The way we gauge the density is by taking on square inch of the screen fabric and count the number of squares in a square inch. Example: 18 x 14 mesh screen would have 18 little squares across and 14 little squares down in a square inch. The more squares the denser the screen fabric.
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Reciever Hitch carriers I have a fullsized Bronco with a fullsized spare on the back. I was wanting to get a reciever hitch bike carrier so I don't have to worry about getting bikes on and off the roof anymore. Does anyone have a bike rack system that clears the spare tire? thanks. | http://www.bikeforums.net/general-cycling-discussion/8737-reciever-hitch-carriers-print.html | 1,495,868,026 | null |
We are excited to bring Kari Traa Urban Training BACK to North America. We are looking to be bigger and better than last year! This year the workouts will be on Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:30 pm, in locations throughout Fairbanks (to be announced the week before each workout).Christina Turman, UAF Assistant Nordic Ski Coach will lead the OUTSIDE workouts (dress in layers) and will include a warmup, some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), cardio, bodyweight exercises, and a cool down stretch led by one of Trax’s yoga or fitness instructors.The $45 registration includes:-Five training sessions (May 3rd, May 10, May 17, May 24, and May 31).-Entry to the Kari Traa North American Training Party on May 5th. Reps from Kari Traa will be here to celebrate with us!-A Kari Traa Lina Jacket! Misc. colors.Come workout with a community, have a blast and get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! | https://www.explorefairbanks.com/event/kari-traa-urban-training-2017/241/ | 1,495,790,389 | null |
I’ve just recently returned from REcon 2012 and while I heard a couple people express that they had “heard” that some people were more disappointed with this year’s conference compared to prior ones, I personally really enjoyed it and felt it was the best one yet. I saw and enjoyed more of the lectures this year than I have in the past and seemed to have better interactions with the other conference attendees, better conversations, and generally enjoyed myself more than years past. Perhaps it was because this year Montreal wasn’t in the middle of a heat wave with no air conditioning in the hotel and the conference hotel didn’t catch fire (:
Tags:binary instrumentation, Canada, ExploitHub, Facedancer, GoodFET, IC, ida pro, IDA Toolbag, Integrated Circuit, Montreal, PE, Pin, Portable Executable, REcon, reverse engineering, scotch Posted in conference, cryptography, observation, opinion, reverse engineering, security, security research, software, technology, travel | 1 Comment » | https://blog.dustintrammell.com/tag/facedancer/ | 1,495,797,107 | null |
We know that positive change comes from within. Our focus at SPZC is on meditation, yoga, organic farming, health and wellness, solar energy, and global consciousness, all of this guides us on the path to transformation. Our Yoga Outreach Program at Taycheedah Correctional Institution
offers women who are incarcerated the opportunity to make positive changes in their lives and gain the tools needed for transformation. By reaching out and teaching the principles of Yoga, your donations are making a difference in the life of many women.
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Clothing: Wear loose fitting clothes: yoga pants, tee shirts, sweat pants For questions or additional information call Penney at Still Point Zen Center 920-994-8650 Yoga at Still Point Zen Center
$10 per class --- $65 for 8 Classes
NOTE: New Wednesday evening Gentle Yoga class: 6:45-8:00 pm Restorative Yoga:
An active, healing, stress reducing style of yoga which utilizes props to make it easier for the body to get into certain poses. The use of props provides a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. The poses are specifically designed for times when you feel fatigued, weak, or stressed from daily life. These poses also can be useful as a practice when recovering from illness, injury or childbirth. In Restorative Yoga the spine is flexed and extended in all directions. The connective tissues of the joints are stretched in gentle subtle movements that are held for 5-10 minutes at a time. These poses are recommended as an excellent starting point for beginners. They are also a wonderful complement to any sport that places a great emphasis on the use of larger muscles. The Restorative Yoga class will combine meditation, breathing and relaxation exercises to leave you deeply relaxed, energized and physically refreshed for the rest of your day.
Tuesday mornings: 8:30-9:45 Restorative Yoga
Friday mornings: 8:30-9:45 Restorative Yoga
Gentle Yoga
We will focus on strengthening the core of the body, increase flexibility, learn breathing exercises, develop new postural patterns of alignment to correct posture, deepen relaxation, learn to focus the mind and practice meditation. Using traditional yoga postures, the goal is to concentrate on developing strength in the pelvis, abdomen, arms and legs. Standing and floor poses will be practiced. Open to new and practiced yoga students. | http://www.stillpointzen.com/yoga.html | 1,496,148,579 | 1,483,459,269 |
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Medical History: The patient was a 31 year old male, approximately 5ft 10″ tall and slightly overweight. He had a sallow complexion with swollen eyelids and a weak sounding voice.
His chief complaint was herpes zoster (shingles), the blisters had just started to appear 2 days ago. Plus he had been feeling very tired a lot of the time for the past few months.
The patients GP had diagnosed shingles the day before the first acupuncture treatment and prescribed Aciclovir 800mg 5 times daily for 7 days. The patient had decided not to take them as he feels that he has ‘taken enough medication over the years’ with all the antibiotics he has been prescribed. This is why he decided to seek acupuncture treatment as an alternative to the drugs.
He said that since childhood he had always been prone to catching colds, which usually progressed to a chest infection, therefore he was forever taking antibiotics. He would have approx. 3-4 chest infections per year mainly during the winter and always take antibiotics to clear them. If he didn’t they could last for months. He says his chest seems to have been weak ever since a bout of bronchitis when he was 2yrs old.
The patient is married with two children under 5 years so “doesn’t get much peace at home” which he says can be very stressful especially after a long day at work. Sleeping is fine except he is sometimes interrupted due to the children. He works in sales. He finds constantly meeting targets ‘stressful’. He frequently works long hours including a lot of entertaining clients. This usually happens on a weekly or fortnightly basis, but from October to December, the busiest work period, he will be working long hours and be entertaining until 3am in the morning. During these periods of entertainment he drinks large quantities of alcohol, usually a minimum of 2 bottles of red wine. He doesn’t exercise as has little time. Also a very close friend died in car crash 2 months ago.
Questioning exam: Eyes, Ears, Nose and throat: Regular headaches (approx. 2 per week), starting from the base of head around GB20 radiating to above the left eye around GB14.
Digestion/Appetite: Generally poor appetite, also suffers with borborygmi and feels especially tired after eating.
Diet: Irregular eating habits as misses lunch when busy and always misses breakfast as he starts work very early in the morning, other days he’ll eat rich business lunches or dinners. Eats a lot of pasta and diary products at home. Thirst with no desire to drink, tends to drink black coffee to perk him up through the day.
Bowels: Often loose, foul smelling stools up 5 times a day.
Urination: Copious and pale. Frequent 8-10 times a day.
Sleeps: Gets off easily and sleeps soundly but is frequently woken by two children.
Memory and concentration: Poor. Head feels muzzy sometimes.
Muscle-skeletal: Lower back pain.
Temperament: Irritable and feels ‘pent up’ due to the pressures of work and long hours he is expected to work.
Temperature: Generally feels cold.
Physical Examination: Revealed a rash the size of a medium hand located on the left side of the back lateral to Lumber 2 spreading to GB25. The blisters found on the red rash were in varying stages of development some were weepy and according to the patient the whole area was very painful.
Pulse exam: Slippery and rapid
Tongue exam: Swollen scalloped edges, with a sticky, thick yellow coat.
OM Diagnosis: Internal Damp
Slippery pulse
Poor concentration & memory
Muzzy head
Slightly overweight
Feeling tired a lot of the time
The blisters on this patient are red and weepy and according to the patient very painful, this is why I think the major pattern involved is damp-heat (Owen et al, 1994). As the blisters/rash is on his lateral costal region on the left side it’s affecting the gall bladder (GB) channel (shao yang) and the Liver (LIV) channel by association with the GB (Owen et al, 1994). Damp is indicated as the rash is located lateral to Lumber 2, thus been located on the lower part of the body. Owen et al (1994) suggests ‘damp is ‘heavy’ and sinks therefore it is more likely to be located on the lower part of the body’.
With Heat
Thirst with no desire to drink
Loose stools with offensive odour
Sticky thick yellow coat
Rapid pulse
Damp heat is indicated by the thirst but lack of desire to drink. This is because the heat give rise to the thirst, the Dampness makes one reluctant to drink (Maciocia, 1989). The tongue coating is also indicating damp heat; it is sticky therefore indicating retention of damp. It’s yellow indicating heat. The thickness indicates the presence of a pathogen, damp and heat in this case. The pulse also indicates damp heat, as it’s rapid and slippery, rapid indicates heat and slippery indicates damp.
Damp also results in borborygmi as seen in this patient. Damp also obstructs the raising of pure Qi that is needed to maintain lightness, therefore resulting in a muzzy head feeling, poor concentration and memory. Damp heat is also indicated by his foul smelling stools.
With Heat invading the Liver/Gall Bladder channel
Herpes Zoster manifesting on flank
Spleen Yang Xu
Swollen eye lids
Generally poor appetite
Low energy but especially after eating
Tendency to feel cold
Sallow complexion
Swollen tongue with tooth-marks
The next important syndrome is Spleen Yang Xu. I think it is Yang Xu as opposed to Qi Xu as he has a tendency to feel the cold which is a sign that the Yang is failing to warm the body. Spleen Yang Xu can form damp as damp can accumulate when the Spleens transporting and transforming of body fluids are impaired. The patient is also showing other signs that his spleen is not transporting and transforming body fluid correctly as he has swollen eyelids and a swollen tongue that has pushed against the teeth, resulting in scalloped edges.
This patients transportation and transformation of food is also impaired as indicated by the poor appetite that he is experiencing. Lack of nourishment from this impairment leads to poor energy levels. Although his appetite is poor he is slightly overweight again this is because of the spleen’s not functioning properly resulting in retention of phlegm which manifests as fat.
Liver Qi Stagnation
Feels pent up
Left sided headaches around GB20 and GB14
The patients Liver energy is stagnant as the headaches that come and go are just on the left side, over his eye, this a result of his Liver not spreading and flowing Qi properly. The symptom of borborygmi is also a result of this. The Liver should harmonises the emotions therefore an impairment can result in irritability and the pent up feeling this patient is feeling.
Lung Qi Xu
Weak voice
Catches colds easily
Tired all the time
The tone and strength of the voice is an expression of the strength of the Gathering Qi which, in turn depends upon Lung Qi, hence his weak voice indicating Lung Qi Xu. Lung Qi Xu results in weak Wei Qi therefore it is less able to perform it’s protective function thus allowing invasion from external pathogenic factors hence the propensity to catch colds easily. Finally the Lungs rule Qi, impairment of this function will result in failure to disperse enough Qi hence the feeling of being tired all the time.
Kidney Yang Xu
Sore lower back
Tendency to feel the cold
Copious, pale, frequent urination
Finally I think the patients Kidney Yang is deficient because the Kidneys don’t have enough Qi to give strength to the bones and the back, hence the soreness of the lower back. Also when Kidney Yang is deficient, the Fire of Ming Men fails to warm the body causing aversion to cold. When Kidney Yang is deficient it fails to transform the fluids, which therefore accumulate, resulting in abundant and clear urination.
I expected to see more signs of heat and was surprised to hear that his urine was copious, pale and frequent and that he felt cold a lot of the time. Perhaps this is because the Spleen and Kid Yang Xu syndrome is well established and the heat hasn’t been around long enough to effect his urine or body temperature yet.
Treatment Principle: Stop pain, clear heat and resolve damp in shao yang
Tonify Spleen Yang
Ease Liver Qi Stagnation
Point Prescription: Treatment 1 – point prescription
Huatuojiaji points at T9, T10, T11, L1, L2, and L3. – reducing (Owen et al, 1994).
Surround needling around area of rash/blisters including GB25-reducing (Ross, 1998).
Treatment 6 – point prescription
Reduce SP9, SJ6, GB34, LI11
Tonify SP6, SP3
Herbal Formula: N/A as not qualified
Lifestyle Prescription: His job is a major challenge and I explained the consequence’s of working so hard and how it can effects the energy balance of his body.
Plus I suggested the follow changes that would help in his recovery:
i. During the treatment period cut out alcohol and coffee completely as both are heat forming (Leggett, 1997). Reduction of alcohol intake when treatment has ceased was also suggested.
ii. Take pre cooked food or soup to work that can be heated up for both breakfast and lunch when not entertaining clients.
iii. Reduce intake of damp and heat forming foods (Leggett, 1997). These include the following:
Heat forming:
Trout, Lamb, Cayenne, Chilli, Garlic, Dry Ginger, Horseradish, and Mustard, Pepper
Damp forming:
Dairy products, pork and rich meats, roasted peanuts, concentrated juices, especially orange and tomato, wheat, bread yeast, beer, bananas, sugar and sweeteners, saturated fats.
iv. Goat and/or sheep yoghurt is good substitute for cows yoghurt as it is less dampening (Leggett, 1997) and it is readily available in most supermarkets so I would suggest this as an alternative.
v. Reduce working hours
vi. Take a lunch break
vii. Suggested he start to take 10 minutes out of day to meditate, if he cuts down on his working hours he may be able to find the time. Or perhaps he could take up Qi Gong, Tai Chi or Yoga all of which are great at reducing stress. If this is too time consuming going for a 1/2 hour walk 3 or 4 times a week with the children could be also a good way of relaxing.
Results: In China Acupuncture is recognised as the most effective of all therapies for the treatment of herpes zoster. Apparently Dr Zhou Yunxian, lecturer at the Academy of TCM in Beijing commented that ‘acupuncture works miracles in herpes zoster’ (Owen et al, 1994). Having read this before this patient arrived I was very hopeful that the treatment would work well. Especially as the patient was having treatment so soon after being diagnosed by his GP.
Thankfully my expectations were met; the pain he was suffering was substantially reduced by the third treatment and by treatment six was almost gone. The weepy discharge took a bit longer to dry up but was gone by treatment eight.
His feeling of tiredness didn’t improve during the 10 treatments; this is probably because I was specifically treating the damp-heat. The tiredness is probably due to a combination of chronic Lung Qi Xu and Spleen Yang Xu and needs to be address separately over a course of several months.
After 10 treatments he was much improved, the herpes zoster blisters/rash had completely gone and he hadn’t experienced any post-herpetic pain at all.
Fortunately this patients took his GP’s advise and had two weeks off sick from work at the beginning of treatment and completely rested during this time apart from coming for acupuncture treatment. I think this was a major contributing factor to his recovery especially whilst he was at home his wife took the food and drink recommendations I had made to heart and he was put on a strict recovery diet that she controlled for those two weeks.
On his return to work he continued with the improved diet as his wife prepared meals to be taken into work that he could warm up, this included food for breakfast. He now try’s to have a break of least 20 minutes every day. He has also reduced his alcohol and coffee intake substantially.
After the 6 weeks of treatment we agreed that he would come for a further 20 treatments in order to tackle the tiredness and propensity to catch colds.
I have now seen him for 12 weeks; he has had 6 of the 20 further treatments.
I now focus of the treatment on tonifying Lung Qi and Spleen and Kidney Yang.
He says his tiredness has improved by ’30%’ so far.
His Liver Qi stagnation is improving as he is feeling less wound up and irritable and hardly ever suffers from headaches anymore. Also his Spleen Yang Xu is improving as his memory and concentration are ’50% improved’ and his appetite has improved plus his bowel movements have improved as they are firmer, not as smelly and less frequent – approximately 1-2 per day.
He has had two colds in the last 6 weeks but has recovered from them within a week of onset. I am really pleased with this, as before starting acupuncture colds would usually progress into chest infections with antibiotics being the only thing that would clear them up.
Synopsis: References
Gascoigne, S (1994) Manual of Conventional Medicine for Alternative Practitioners, Jigme Press, Dorking, 59pp
Leggett, D (1997) Helping Ourselves A Guide to Traditional Chinese Food Energetics, Meridian Press, Totnes, 29-32
Owen W & Deadman P (1994) Treatment of Herpes Zoster Journal of Chinese Medicine, Number 45, 28pp
Maciocia G (1989) The Foundation of Chinese Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. 160pp, 223pp
Maciocia G (1994) The Practice of Chinese Medicine, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh 632pp
Ross J (1998) Acupuncture Point Combinations The Key to Clinical Success, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 51pp
Courtesy of:
Amanda Farrar DipAc, Cert Acupressure, Tera Mai & Seichem Reiki Master, IHBC (Massage), MBAcC
Argot Acupuncture
47 Park Square
Leeds, West Yorkshire
0113 383 3030
[email protected]
Last modified: September 6, 2009 Tags: Acupuncture, herpes zoster, shingles · Posted in: Infectious, Neurological « Previous post | http://www.gancao.net/case-studies/neurological/herpes-zoster-shingles-3-2243 | 1,495,919,642 | null |
I have had the great joy of being involved with my eldest daughter's school, and as a little thank you I made the entire body some sweet lil mini cakes! We have cotton candy and bubble gum to go along with the carnival themed day! | http://shaybellesshortbreads.blogspot.com/2012/05/cotton-candy-bubble-gum.html | 1,495,695,655 | 1,412,656,288 |
Good breeders take care to select good parents, provide proper health care, take time to raise a litter properly, and put in a lot of effort to ensure well-adjusted, healthy puppies. They rarely breed more than 2 or 3 litters a year, sometimes less than that. Finding a good breeder is not easy, but it is definitely worth the effort.
For information on finding the right breed of dog for your family and lifestyle, go to 'Choosing The Right Breed'.Life begins at homeBy the time puppies are 7-8 weeks old and ready to go to new homes, they will vary greatly in brain development depending on how they have been raised. This will have a profound effect on their future behaviour.
Puppies kept in isolated or barren environment with limited access to adults, children, other animals and other situations will find it very difficult to cope in a normal busy household. They are likely to be anxious and fearful which may develop into aggression and other behaviour problems later.
To avoid this, always choose a puppy that has been raised in a family home. Always insist on seeing the mother with the puppies and check on her temperament. Avoid buying puppies where the mother is absent, can’t be trusted with people around her puppies, or is aggressive. Make sure the puppies are well socialised with people, and well habituated to novel objects, smells, sounds and sights.How to recognise a well socialised puppyThe videos below show a litter of a litter of puppies that have not had much social contact with humans (Golden Retrievers) and a litter of well socialised puppies (black Labradors). When viewing puppies, look for those that are a sociable as the Labradors below and give less well socialised puppies a miss. It is often hard to walk away without a puppy when visiting a litter, so try to do your homework well in advance over the phone, and try to have several options so that all your puppies are not in the same basket! Choosing a well socialised puppy over a more isolated puppy is important, and can make the difference between a well-adjusted friendly dog, and a fearful aggressive one.What a litter of poorly socialised puppies look likeThese 9 week old Golden Retrievers were raised outside in a stable and have spent most of their time in a barren environment which is quite unlike the new pet home they will soon be expected to cope with. Although they appear healthy and happy, carefully watch their interactions with humans. Although they are attracted to them, they show no social behaviour towards them and are often afraid, flattening themselves or turning their faces away. Notice how they are happy to move away once released. The mother is absent and we were told that ‘she doesn’t tolerate her puppies any more now that they are weaned’ so we could not see her or see them together. These puppies have the potential to develop fear-based problems later in life and will have difficulties bonding with humans easilyRelated Videos Poorly socialised puppiesWhat a litter of well socialised puppies look likeThese 7 week old Labradors were raised in a house and have spend most of their time in the busy, enriched environment of a pet home. They have frequent access to normal family life with its attendant noises, smells and sights. Notice how sociable they are with children, adults, cats and dogs. Their environment is full of objects for them to investigate. These puppies will make ideal pets that will readily form happy friendships with people and other animals. They are likely to be relaxed and confident in most situations and will find it easy to adjust to their new lives with their new owners. In addition, because of their routine and care, they are already nearly housetrained.Related Videos Well socialised puppiesFinding a good breederYou may like to begin by going to dog shows and talking to breeders and owners there about their dogs. Dog shows are advertised in the specialist dog press or via the internet. Find out about breed clubs and ask people who run them how to find a good breeder. Usually, these people are real breed enthusiasts and will have lots of useful knowledge. Ask people who own nice dogs of your chosen breed where their dog came from and talk to their breeder.
Good breeders do not breed often and do not breed to order. They will be able to tell you when their next litter is planned so be prepared to wait – if you have chosen your breeder well, it will be worth it.
A good breeder is one who fulfils the following criteria. Be prepared to ask questions and if you cannot get satisfactory answers, look elsewhere. A good breeder:
will be concerned about the health and temperament of the puppies (rather than breeding only to win prizes in the show ring)
allows you to see the mother with the puppies.
arranges for the puppies live in the house or have regular access.
socialises the puppies with people and other animals and gets them used to things they will encounter when older
is knowledgable about dogs.
cares about what happens to the puppies they breed.
will take their puppies back or help you to find a new home if it cannot be kept by you
Puppy farmsAvoid buying a puppy from an advert in the paper, over the internet, or from a pet shop, especially those that have many different breeds for sale under one roof. Both of these can be outlets for puppy farmers who keep dogs in small cages, breed from them continuously, and often take the puppies away from the mother too early. The resulting puppies are often physically compromised, unhealthy, and often show abnormal behaviour caused by the early stress. It is not possible to tell whether a puppy comes from such a place just by its appearance so it is better to avoid these outlets altogether.
Puppy farmers go to some lengths to disguise their trade. They may arrange to meet you in the car park of a pub or service station close to your home. Or they may deliver the puppy to a colleague’s home so that you see the puppies there rather than on their premises.
Try not to buy a sickly or pathetic puppy just to 'save' it. You are only putting money into the puppy farm system allowing these breeders to thrive and compromise the welfare of more dogs and puppies in the future.For further information, go to 'Choosing The Right Dog For You' 0 item(s) | http://www.dogproblemssolved.com/choosing-a-good-breeder-1/ | 1,495,886,596 | null |
Brian – From The Inside Looking Out Brian – From The Inside Looking Out Visual Studio Team System 2010 Improvements ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
BrianblaMay 1, 20091 Share
Brian Harry, one of our prominent Technical Fellows, is blogging on the new features in Visual Studio Team System. Please check out his blog for the recent posting on TFS 2010 Admin, Operations & Setup Improvements. This is a must read.
As time permits I will post new features that Brian doesn’t cover and that I am working on in some way – mainly through our Ranger projects. The new features for Visual Studio Team System are many and we have a new SKU as well, one of the projects I am a lead on (I am on about 5 right now) we are creating guidance that will quickly get you up and aware of what is new and how to use the new feature. Our idea is that the guidance has a razor focus so that you can brief yourself quickly. I will be sharing more about these projects and VSTS 2010 in general in future posts.
Brian. Comments (1) Cancel reply Name * Email * Website Visual Studio Team System 2010 Improvements | Microsoft Share Point says: May 1, 2009 at 2:34 pm PingBack from | https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/brianbla/2009/05/01/visual-studio-team-system-2010-improvements/ | 1,495,689,679 | null |
One of Splendor's latest creations is the sleek, very affordable Poor Man's Bass Boat. The Standard boat is created from a fiber glass deckand hull then equipped with a bench seat, removable fish box, a bow eye, two stern eyes, a drain plug, a pair of oar lock sockets and then sprayed full of foam flotation. Grab yourself a couple of oars and you are off on a very inexpensive fishing trip.
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. Once the membership is confirmed, you can earn points by completing online surveys paid anytime and anywhere via PC, laptop, Tablet, mobile or mobile app. Once you have accumulated a certain number of points, the members will be able to redeem them for rewards catalog items are. It is your choice! We have a wide range of products, gift cards, electronic certificates, well, money and much more! PayPal and Amazon e certificate, as well as consumer electronics, household and body care are some of the most popular rewards. MySurvey is a paid surveys online community where consumers for future products and services can influence by participating in voluntary consumer research, including online surveys, calendars and product testing. Members can express their views, even rewarded. WASHINGTON, d. c. - only 13% of people around the world are according to a new study by 142 countries by Gallup on the State of the global work environment the work involved. In other words, one of the eight Arbeiter--about 180 million people in the countries studied involved psychologically at their work and make a positive contribution to their organizations. Most of the employees in the world (63 percent) will fail, which means the lack of motivation and are less likely to invest discretionary effort or organizational objectives results. And active are switched off 24%, indicating that they are unhappy and unproductive at work are and it is likely that he designed the negativity of his colleagues. Coarse terms 900 million committed and 340 million active workers disconnected from all over the world. 13% of employees study participants scored more than 11% in the previous assessment of the General work of the Gallup, 2011-2012, carried out in 2009-2010. In addition decreased the percentage of those who are active can be switched off by 27% to 24%. Low participation of global workers continues to increase to avoid economy and quality of life in many parts of the world. Studio workers hired, more frequently in the United States and in Canada, actively switched in MENAAs in the previous frame by Gallup, commitment to employees, vary the levels between different regions of the world and the countries in these regions. On the regional level, the North American (i.e. u.) S and Canada) have followed, with 29%, the highest percentage of workers from Australia and New Zealand, at 24%. Not all economically developed as positive rate; in 19 countries of Western Europe, 14% of all employees are required to time is significantly greater than 20% are actively disengaged. But higher proportions of workers involved East and North Africa (MENA) and the regions south of the Sahara, 35% and 33%, located in the middle or the results show the differences between the different levels within the countries and staff differ with the types of jobs. Recognize that to understand administrators such as social factors could these differences affect the characteristics of the work environment and identify certain specific obstacles that must be overcome to build more committed workforce. Find the full report on the results of the educational level and type of work. Regardless of the region or industry companies try, adapting to changing global economy must learn to high productivity jobs and expand its customer base in particular social, cultural and economic environment are different. Reliable measurement systems improve the participation of workers in industries and regions of the world are essential in order to achieve this goal. LinePeople background spend much of their working life, both in a high-tech company in a clothing factory in the Dominican Republic, a financial institution in Australia and Singapore. Therefore, the quality of your experience inevitably reflects the quality of their lives. Gallup found that most of the employees in a negative work in general experience - and only one of eight in the world and with enthusiasm their work it is important, because the global recovery remains slow, but in many countries there are many social unrest, have participated. Entrepreneurs of the world should be to raise the bar in employee participation. Greater involvement of the work essential, sustainable growth for companies, communities and countries to achieve orders and have always the global economy for a future more peaceful and more prosperous. Please contact us for full data sets or custom research from more than 150 countries, constantly Polls Gallup. The survey of the work study job results used 73752 respondents 18-141 in several countries around the world were collected the mission and Gallup poll surveyed 151335 U. s from the daily Gallup poll tracking. Employee engagement questions, the only respondents indicating that they were working for the employer, whether full or part time. Nationwide results were weighted by the size of the population to regional and global aggregates. To get results on the basis of the entire total sample, one can say with 95 percent that the margin of sampling error less than ± 1 percentage point. In view of the obligation on the country level will be reported only among 94 countries where sample less surveyed 300 were independent. Each sampling percentage associate these results at the national level and the error rate to the table on page 2. The error rate reflects the influence of weighting the data. In addition to sampling error, formulated problems and difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or affect the results of public opinion surveys. Gallup measurement is based on responses from employees in their survey of Q12, consisting of 12 useful items, to work with the links found in the results of paid surveys at home does it work the participation of workers. To identify these elements, Gallup has years thousands of interviews with all levels of the various agencies, in most sectors and in several countries spent. Because Gallup has completed the formulation of Q12 in 1990, the survey was administered to more than 25 million people in 69 languages and 189 countries. A list of members of the Q12 survey and more information to the contact the results of the find in the complete state global report to work. For the dates of specific recognition and most comprehensive method, the information about the game data from Gallup. . . . . . © Copyright 2014 | http://ad850a832e4d948b1f47c771ea452cbe.patsdayfund.com/paid-surveys-at-home-does-it-work/ | 1,495,804,192 | null |
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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela Latvia Student Profiles
USAP Latvia opened doors in 2005. So far there a total of seven students studying in the US from Latvia who graduated from USAP. Below are the profiles of some of our Latvian students.
Arturs Saburovs
St. Lawrence University '10 Arturs Saburovs was born and raised in Latvia. At St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, Arturs was majoring in Environmental Studies and Government and focusing on Francophone Studies. He graduated from Adazi Secondary School in Latvia in 2006. During high school he led the European Union Youth in Action international exchange projects in Lithuania and Turkey. He also worked on an independent project and introduced plastic and paper recycling system at his high school.
At St. Lawrence, Arturs had been very active in international student activities. He organized many events, participated in different committees on spiritual life, studies abroad and student life. He held high leadership positions as the International Students Coordinator and the International House Coordinator. He was also active with raising awareness about climate change. He spent his summer after the junior year doing research on US Climate Change Policy at the Earthwatch Institute headquarters outside of Boston, Massachusetts.
Arturs spent a semester in three French-speaking countries Quebec City, Canada; Rouen, France and Dakar, Senegal where he studied the francophone cultures, history and the French language. He also spent a semester with the St. Lawrence University Kenya Semester Program in Nairobi where he studied biodiversity conservation issues, governance, Kiswahili language and did a month long independent study with the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group on participatory forest management in Tanzania.
After graduating Magna Cum Laude and earning a lifetime membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Arturs worked for the City of Ogdensburg, NY to build their first greenhouse gas emissions inventory and help with various energy and sustainability initiatives.
In 2011, Arturs returned to his home country Latvia and worked for an international translation company as a team leader. He has also contributed to the Latvian LGBT community, especially the youth. In early 2013, Arturs joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. He has been mainly working with the Nordic-Baltic region, Latvian-Norwegian relations, and been the National Coordinator for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. He was also one of those who worked during the first Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2015. His proudest achievement was managing a large grant and organizing the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region that brought together around 800 participants.
Arturs is a huge fan of the USAP program, and also gives back to his alma mater by participating in a career mentoring program for the current students.
Jelena Jesajana
Middlebury College '10 Jelena comes from Riga, Latvia. In 2005 she became a USAP scholar and since then her perception of the world has changed dramatically. Enjoying plentiful resources available in Middlebury, she is majoring in International studies/European Studies: Political Science and German. Apart from studying, she enjoys a Midd student life and participates in various clubs and organizations. Jelena is a member of RIDDIM World Dance Troupe, Russian and East European Club, Burmese Club, Dialogues for Peace. Being a part of RIDDIM changed her idea of dancing and of using the body language for self-expression.
During the 2008-2009 academic year, Jelena will study abroad in Germany at the Freie Universitat Berlin where she will study political science in Otto-Suhr Institut. While in Germany, Jelena plans to intern at the German Parliament in order to learn more about the German politics and policy making processes. Jelena plans to pursue a career in diplomacy and human rights, and ultimately return home to Latvia where she hopes to contribute to the political future of Latvia. | http://www.usapglobal.org/usap-latvia-profiles.htm | 1,495,735,615 | 1,443,431,690 |
The why: I’ll never forget the first time I rolled away from a campsite in the golden wash of a new day with everything on a pedal-powered, rolling home away from home. It was comforting and freeing at the same time. All smiles. I’ve had a lot of good bike karma in the past; bikes have been given to me from friends and friends of friends, I’ve been taught riding skills for free from experts, I’ve learned how to build and repair bikes through my own sheer stubbornness, and gotten help from friends and great places like Neighborhood Bike Works. It was time to pay back the bike karma. The reality: The stats show that men cyclists outnumber the females, but that the female ridership is growing rapidly. However, when it comes to bikepacking - which involves a lot of gear and previous experience - I found myself in a small minority of women that were equipped to take on the adventure. The Women’s Bikepacking Series - Philadelphia Edition was born. What: A three-part series to take female - identifying persons from 0 - bikepacking, if they wished. Anyone welcome, you didn’t even need a bike to show up to the first session. Some people didn’t. Session 1: Introduction The first of the three-part series was designed to be an Intro to Bikepacking. This session started with a basic introduction of bike touring and bikepacking (and the difference between the two), moved onto story-telling by a woman who had bike toured across the States and Canada after college (what is that magical goo for your butt anyway?), and continued to a primer on the elements one should consider when picking a bike. We showcased two bikes: one road bike that was about to tour Japan, and one mountain bike that was about to tour the Continental Divide. It finished with an outdoor screening of Comes with Baggage, a video documentary of bikepacking presented by Blackburn. Snack and laughs abounded; connections were made. Session 2: Nut n Bolts Gear TalkLet’s face it, figuring out how to strap a bunch of bags on your bike comes down “this metal thingy needs to attach to my bike somehow, and I’m not sure if I have the right kind of thingy to make it work.” A newbie needs someone to show her how to connect the dots. A smaller crew showed up this time, but many women communicated with me one-on-one to figure out the details. We met on some forgotten stone steps just off the beaten path in Philadelphia; appropriate foreshadowing for adventure. We looked at Craigslist ads, showed each other pictures of handlebar rolls, discussed the potential for helmets made out of hoagies, and in general, started making a bikepacking trip a reality. Session X : The In-between TimeI spent a lot of time talking to women one-on-one over every method available (text message, email, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to work out the details. Everyone’s bike is different; there is rarely a one-solution fits all. The other really important piece is that most people don’t have ALL the gear needed to bikepack. Lending of gear abounded. I made a detailed pack list and threw it up on Google Drive for all to contribute. People who had extra gear listed it on the spreadsheet, and others in need claimed it. In the end, everyone got what they needed. Check out the next blog installment for the BEACHPACKIN' trip re-cap. June 16, 2015/ | http://www.smalltomatoes.com/bikepacking-blog/2015/7/9/womens-bikepacking-series-philadelphia-edition | 1,496,029,645 | null |
'Pitch Perfect 2' World Premiere: Rebel Wilson Talks Elizabeth Banks, Bette Midler Biopic and Fat Amy Prequel
12:50 PM PDT 5/9/2015
Brian Porreca
AP Images
"Sometimes I thought she was Effie from The Hunger Games," says Rebel Wilson of Elizabeth Banks' directorial debut. Downtown Los Angeles was an earthquake of fandom on Friday night, between a Los Angeles Clippers victory and the Pitch Perfect 2 world premiere. Fans cried, screamed, selfied and attempted to stay on pitch with Rebel Wilson, Brittany Snow, Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick, Hailee Steinfeld, Ester Dean, Anna Camp, Skylar Astin, Ben Platt and more on the Nokia Theater L.A. Live black carpet.
Who is Pitch Perfect 2 star and first-time director Elizabeth Banks a fan of? "I have to thank my favorite person in Hollywood, Donna Langley" she told the Nokia Theater-packed audience before the screening started. While Banks shared her love for the Universal Pictures chairman, the cast shared accounts of being both a fan and fearing their director. “Sometimes I thought she was Effie from The Hunger Games, she’s very strict,” Rebel Wilson told The Hollywood Reporter. She added: “We thought ‘oh yay, an actress’ but she really corralled us in and kept us in line.” A humorous scene from the film was when Fat Amy professed her love for Bumper (Adam DeVine), which ended up being one of the hardest to shoot: “That was one of the only numbers that was done live. It was 110 degrees that day in Louisiana, I was so disgusting. I was sweating I was drinking water out of the ore, and then I found out later that made me sick from drinking the lake water.”
Pitch Perfect director Jason Moore said Banks “really didn’t need any advice, What we really talked about were the musical numbers. She took them ten steps further.”
Moore said of directing a music-centric show for the small screen, — Glee just ended, Empire is taking off with ratings-records galore and Baz Luhrmann’s The Get Down is underway for Netflix — “I would love to. I have a theater background and I think that people love it so much now and it makes me really so happy. I’d have to find a genre.”
Hailee Steinfeld told THR, “It would be amazing to do. To work on a movie that was music based for three months, a TV show would be an awesome experience.”
“I was a fan of Glee. I’d love to do something where I play a female rapper. But movie wise I’d love to do a Bette Midler biopic and have all her songs in it. She is like legit, way cool and she’s a fan of Pitch Perfect," Wilson said.
“I’m pretty spoiled because I was on American Dreams, which didn’t get as much recognition as it should have because it was kind of before it's time in the way that it had performers come on and play their idols. I wish if anything we can just do American Dreams again because now there is such an audience for it. I’d take all the Barden Bellas with me," Brittany Snow told THR.
Snow also shared an exclusive secret with THR about her and Anna Kendrick's tribute to one of their favorite films. "I was watching the movie and I was like 'oh my God no one knows that!' There is something hidden in there that Anna and I did. We both love the movie Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead and we wanted to pay homage to Christina Applegate and that movie so there's a line in this movie where she says, 'I'm right on top of that Chlo,' and we just made sure that was there because the line in Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, is 'I'm right on top of that Rose.'" Snow's plans for Pitch Perfect 3? "I'd love to see Chloe take the advice of letting go of her control issues. She's probably going to be a hippy." Writer Kay Cannon said, "I do want to write the third one. I don't want to give over my baby to someone else. I would love to see Tracy Morgan in it. Not only because I think he's hilarious, but I miss him and want to see him perform again."
Wilson would also love to see a Pitch Perfect 3 where, "All the Bellas are together becoming a legit singing group out of college. I also think a Fat Amy origins story would be awesome." The after party continued with a karaoke stage, photo booth, and food by Wolfgang Puck. The Green Bay Packers, Jill Soloway, Shawn Carter Peterson, Tyler Hoechlin, Jaden Smith, Yara Shahidi, and Rebecca Black were also in attendance. FACEBOOK | http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/pitch-perfect-2-world-premiere-794652 | 1,495,560,308 | 1,495,425,394 |
Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Brian White has had his fair share of hits and misses over the years, and millions of Apple fans around the world will be hoping his latest report falls into the latter category. White wrapped up a week of meetings in China and Taiwan recently and he came away with a number of interesting claims. In his most recent note, the analyst claimed that Apple is indeed working on a new HD version of its popular iPad mini tablet but it will not be unveiled next week alongside the completely redesigned fifth-generation iPad. Instead, White says Apple has a minor mini update in store next week and then the new high-definition iPad mini will launch sometime in the first quarter next year.
“Interestingly enough, the accessories for a potential new iPad mini were not updated at the trade shows we attended, and the data points around a new iPad mini during our discussions were few,” White wrote in a note to clients on Monday morning. “Some of our contacts at the trade shows believe that minor changes (e.g., faster processor, etc.) will be made on the next iteration of the iPad mini for the Special Event on October 22 but that a major upgrade with Retina Display will not occur until 1Q:14. As such, we expect Apple’s October 22 Special Event to be more important for the larger iPad family, with the iPad 5 enjoying a meaningful overhaul, but we anticipate only a modest upgrade to the iPad mini and without the Retina Display.”
Apple fans shouldn’t despair, however. In reporting the timing of Apple’s upcoming iPad event, AllThingsD noted that the new iPad mini next week will indeed feature a high-definition Retina display on top of other enhancements. Considering the site’s track record, the smart money is probably on Retina heading into next week’s event.
We’re also expecting to see new color options on the second-generation iPad mini that match Apple’s iPhone 5s, as well as a few more improvements. Tags: Apple, iPad mini View Comments | http://bgr.com/2013/10/14/ipad-mini-2-specs-no-retina-cantor/ | 1,496,129,300 | null |
A well-known local reporter will fill the duties of anchoring the late night newscast at CTV Winnipeg beginning June 20.
Global Winnipeg’s Lindsay Warner will make the jump to take over for Susan Tymofichuk, who is going on maternity in a few weeks.
The Edmonton native will take on the one-year contract position CTV posted in April.
“For me, it’s a chance to connect with a new audience and deliver the news that matters most to them,” Warner said in an e-mail. “I’m a bit of a night owl, so I’m going to love it. I’m also really looking forward to bantering with the team, especially Leah Hextall. She’s a ball of fire. I like that.”
While most of Lindsay’s time will be spent behind the anchor desk, she also hopes to continue being out in the field and meeting people face to face.
“I hope I still get some chances with CTV, I’m sure I’ll miss that adrenalin rush that comes with chasing a big story.”
Lindsay has been anchoring Global’s weekend newscast ever since Nicole Dubé departed for Sun News in March, and began at the station herself in September 2008.
“I’m sad to be leaving my wonderful friends at Global, but I’m excited to start a new chapter with the bunch at CTV, and I’ll try my best to fill Susan’s talented shoes for the year.”
Asked if she will also be taking over Susan’s spot on the CTV curling team (yes, there really is one), Lindsay said, “No one told me I needed to know sports. Now I’m worried.”
We’re sure Ms. Hextall will have her up to speed on curling in no time, not to mention the knowledgeable Kevin O., who also shares the sports desk during the week.
Lindsay’s last day at the Shaw Media-owned station will be this Friday, while Susan will maintain her own anchoring duties until June 17.
A replacement at Global hasn’t yet been hired.
Comments commentsCTV News, Television← Chicken Daze Talk of the Town in OakbankLynyrd Skynyrd to Play MTS Centre on July 10 → | http://www.chrisd.ca/2011/06/06/lindsay-warner-ctv-winnipeg-news-anchor-global-television/ | 1,495,648,082 | null |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Miss Quinn
I have NOT been good about posting to this blog lately! Mostly because I haven't spent as much time scrapbooking! But I am ready to share a few layouts to share!!I used some My Mind's Eye papers, Basic Grey letter stickers,& Epiphany Craft Epoxy buttons. Isn't Miss Quinn adorable!!! Hard to believe she will be one year old in less than a week!!!Close up of the Epiphany Crafts next layout is of Quinn as well...More My Mind's Eye papers, Epiphany Crafts buttons and circles, and American Crafts stickers. | http://danielleholsapple.blogspot.com/2011/09/ | 1,495,509,110 | 1,412,317,344 |
Was playing through CV64 and the ROM I was using had me kill the undead bull before blowing up the wall on Stage 5. Now, after blowing up the wall and activating the crystal then exiting the small room it reveals, I'm met with a black screen. The game will not progress any further.
The way the game is supposed to progress:
Blow up wall
Enter room
Activate crystal
Leave room
Kill bull
How my ROM performed:
Kill bull
Blow up wall
Enter room
Activate crystal
Leave room (black screen/game frozen)
Is there any way to edit my save file to fix this issue? Or maybe skip past this part?
I've even tried using level select cheats and none of them seem to work.
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#2 10th May 2017, 04:18 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 3
Any ideas on this one?
I'd rather not have to completely restart and play through the game again only to run into the same issue again.
If nothing else, does anyone know how to get the level select cheats working? If I turn the cheat on and double click it to select the level, then follow the directions that are in the notes (i.e. selecting a save then holding the F9 button until the level loads) I get a black screen that never goes away.
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#3 11th May 2017, 01:52 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 3
Well, nevermind. I figured out a weird work-around. If you have a clean save, or start a new playthrough:
(DO NOT enter the Undead Bull arena.)
1. Blow up door that leads to observatory where the statues need to be placed to unlock seal. 2. Unlock seal.
3. Go to doorway that leads to Undead Bull boss room but do not enter. 4. Activate Have All Items cheat so you have a mandragora in inventory. 5. Activate cheat that places Magical Nitro in inventory. (Having the Nitro keeps the Bull from waking up when you enter the room.)
6. Place Mandragora by cracked wall. 7. Immediately place Nitro by wall as well. 8. Enter crystal room and activate magic crystal. 9. Leave room to initiate Undead Bull cut scene and battle. Both have to be placed at the same time. If I entered with the mandragora only, the bull attacked. If I placed the nitro then jumped while still in the room, the bull attacked. If the nitro was placed and I ran out of the room without jumping, got the mandragora, then returned, the bull attacked. It only worked if I placed both at the same time using cheats. Maybe this will help someone else. Thread can be locked if need be. | http://forum.pj64-emu.com/showthread.php?s=f31d5f9fcfa983dec502cc03c276011c&p=70097 | 1,496,108,032 | null |
10 Comments With all this talk of Memphis possibly liking Hasheem Thabeet, I thought it might get some insight from somebody that knows that team better than anyone. So I asked Chip Crain from 3 Shades | http://dailythunder.com/category/interview/page/2/ | 1,496,070,373 | null |
From all of us here in Casper who made it to one or all of the races that Laramie hosted this year, we would like to say THANK YOU. Thank you to every single person who had anything to do with hosting the Laramie Mountain Bike Series. The Tuesday night race series is a total blast and it is always worth the 2.5 hour drive (one way) to get to a couple of them each year. Thank you for the cheers, the shwagg, amazing courses, variety in the courses, quick results and friendliness that you have given all of us. We truly appreciate all the hard work you put into it.And now for the race from last night. I must say that I am mighty proud of the racing that was thrown together from the Casper guys who raced last night. Two from Casper placed in the top 3 overall in expert while the rest of the speedy bunch tore up the expert and sport class. As always, the race started at a lightning fast pace that was just too much for me to hang on too. The technical terrain of the area is still a bit challenging and it was pretty disapointing to see Evan (from Laramie) and Steve (from Fort Collins) steadily gap me and the rest of the group. After about 5 minutes, I looked back to see that nobody was close to me and I thought that this race would be like ALL the rest of them. I usually always ride alone... I always tell my brother that I need to stop being the slowest fast guy and ride with the group of guys ahead of me. So I settled in and for another 10 minutes I rode solo until I came up on Even having trouble with his first flat. After just 30 seconds or so, I was off again minus my extra tube. At the bottom of a long decent, two U of WY riders passed me while another guy was riding my wheel. The four of us rode the really flat and fast two-track until the flat turned to a little incline. Not knowing what was ahead, I attacked. For the next 5 minutes I rode at 174 bpm, making a huge gap on those three guys. So I rested for a couple minutes letting the heart get back down in the upper 150's and low 160's. Its a good thing I did, because it was just enough time to rest before the hill climb that they call DEATH CROTCH! This was a very long, very technical single track climb that seemed to be longer than any hill climb I've ever done before. For what seemed to be 20 minutes, I lugged along in the granny gear spinning as fast as my legs could go. For me, the high cadence and easy gear really keeps my legs fresh versus struggling to mash a harder gear and wearing you down.Anyway, Evan caught up to me and passed at the top of Death Crotch and I was sure that I had third place in the bag. That was until Evan was once again on the side of the trail fixing his second flat tire of the race. After I passed him, I really layed it on and hammered the final 10 minutes of the race. It was mostly pretty fast and short ups and downs the rest of the way to the finish line where I came in a terrible 5 minutes behind Steve. I'll get him next year!Until then, all of us here in Casper will be enjoying some Fat Fish Races hosted by the team and a couple of long distance events too. Again, Thank you to all of you who were part of hosting the Laramie Bike Series. You ROCK!!!YEAH, so I'm not a photographer. Here are the best two that I could come up with from the race last night. Neil above and Mike below. Anyone ready for the next Fat Fish Racing competitive ride??? I hope so. Next one will be within the next two weeks, so stay tuned for the location and date. | http://fatfishracing.blogspot.com/2010/08/recap-from-last-light-in-laramie.html | 1,495,776,993 | 1,493,219,807 |
When you arrive look for people wearing a host badge and they'll direct you to the auditorum where our services are held. | http://www.peaceportalalliance.com/JoinUsOnSunday | 1,495,643,528 | null |
Toon Talk: Stitch! The MoviePage 1 of 2by Kirby Holt (archives)September 2, 2003Kirby reviews Disney's latest direct-to-video sequel Stitch! The Movie. Toon Talk
Disney Film & Video Reviews by Kirby C. Holt
(c) Disney
Not so much a movie as a one-hour pilot episode for the upcoming Lilo and Stitch: The Series (premiering on ABC Kids and The Disney Channel later this month), Stitch! The Movie sets the stage for the continuing adventures of our favorite little Hawaiian girl, her alien best friend, and their extended ‘ohana’ of oddballs and misfits.
Picking up shortly after the events of last year’s Oscar-nominated crowd-pleaser, this so-called ‘movie’ finds Experiment 626 still trying to fit into Earth-bound life with the help of pal Lilo. When Jumba’s old partner in crime, a diminutive megalomaniac named Dr. Jacques Von Hamsterviel (imbued with a “bitchin’ French accent�? - straight out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail - by Disney voice fave Jeff Bennett), recruits ex-captain Gantu to steal the other 625 experiments that proceeded our Stitch, the plot is set in motion.
After the kidnapping of Jumba, a couple of trips into outer space, and the ‘birth‘ of experiment 221 (unoriginally dubbed ‘Sparky’ due to his electrical powers), the remaining dehydrated experiments (which look like multi-colored gumballs) are scattered all over the Hawaiian Islands. They become ‘activated’, à la Gremlins, when they get wet, setting the stage for Lilo and Stitch to track down his dozens of ‘cousins’ and find “the one place where each belongs�? in the weeks to come on the TV series.
Even with its surface similarities to Pokémon, there’s nothing really wrong with this concept; hints of upcoming plots and new characters are sprinkled throughout the bonus features (see below), and the series itself looks promising, if a bit low rent in the animation department, as is painfully evident here (the watercolor backgrounds remain, but the shoddy character animation lacks the smooth, awkward elegance of creator Chris Sanders’ original designs).
Shades of the original movie’s many quirky charms remain (such as when Gantu sits on a chair, it makes that familiar ‘faa-rump’ sound), but a lot of the attempts at humor embarrassingly fall flat or rely too heavily on cartoony slapstick (for example, I think Stitch now knows to not use a chainsaw in public) … and while I’m not really sure where they are going with Pleakley’s cross-dressing tendencies, it is a nice surprise to see a certain familiar face on the beach.
The original Lilo and Stitch deftly balanced the outrageous with the heartfelt, something that, with its limited artistic merits and plot-heavy storyline, this Movie could only hope to achieve with its scant running timing. As a result, the rich character development that was so vitally important in keeping the characters likeable and believable in the first film is in scant supply here. Instead, the characters are relegated to vague semblances of their former selves: Lilo is precocious, Stitch is pernicious, and Nani shows up occasionally to yell at them … Anybody who was charmed by them in the original film knows that these characters deserve better than this. | http://www.laughingplace.com/w/legacy/News-ID114970.asp/ | 1,495,845,076 | 1,495,845,077 |
always obvious how to find the right group to solve your issue. The most important aspect is to not let go of a safety issue. Proper reporting and tracking of problems make our community safer. For information about how to report different problems, please | http://saferoutes.paloaltopta.org/reporting_problems/index.shtml | 1,495,536,402 | null |
Zombster is pleased to announce that they will be running the first Bandai GunPla Builders World Cup - Brisbane Qualifier this year through the Brisbane Supanova event happening on the 4th - 6th of November at the RNA Showgrounds. Zombster is very excited to bring the qualifier to Brisbane and hopes to increase the Brisbane presence at the 2012 Australian finals in Sydney.
They're still ironing out the details for the event, but wanted to make sure that you have plenty of time to prepare your entries. You can submit your entry form here. You will also find the current rules and regulations regarding the event as well as the category definitions. A brief explanation of the categories:
For entries built out of box with no modification or scratch building and no dioramas. Painting and official Gundam decals are encouraged. One entry per person.
Open for any type of kit remodeling, scratch building is allowed for additional parts to incorporate with the kit. Multiple entries allowed per person.
As with the Sydney finals, there are also matching junior categories for those 14 and under.
As Brisbane Supanova is a 3-day event, Zombster kindly ask everyone to bring their entries on Friday, 4th of November while Supanova’s doors are open, 1-7 PM. It is highly recommended that if you are going to attend the Supanova event to purchase a weekend pass for easy (read: easier) entry on Saturday and Sunday. People’s Choice votes will only be accepted on Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM. The winners will be announced Sunday afternoon.
Please use the official announcement at GAF for questions and comments. Zombster are open to suggestions and will be announcing further information regarding the awards soon.
Addendum by Gundam Australia:
Gundam Australia are proud to announce that in conjunction with and infinite thanks to Zombster, Hobbyco, and Bandai, we will be presenting Zombster's Gundam workshop throughout the convention!
This will really be a great opportunity for Brisbane's anime fans, Otaku, and otherwise casually interested Domo-kun T-shirt sporting folks to try their hand at some gunpla all for the cost of admission only!
After the success of the recent Gundam Australia Gunpla workshop at this year's QMHE, we are thrilled to be presented with the opportunity to hone our skills in workshop presentation and share our passion on such a big scale! | http://gundamaustralia.blogspot.com/2011/08/official-brisbane-qualifier-for-gbwc.html | 1,495,599,594 | 1,492,255,368 |
OSU opens College World Series play at the Corvallis Regional Friday at 8PM vs. North Dakota State. Listen live on Rip City Radio AM620.
Oregon State outfielder Michael Conforto and left-handed pitcher Jace Fry etched their names into the record books this season. On Wednesday, they were recognized by the Pac-12 Conference as two of the top players in the league this season.
Conforto was named the Pac-12’s Player of the Year for the second straight year and Fry was named the Pitcher of the Year, becoming the first Oregon State hurler to be honored since the then-Pac-10 Conference unified prior to the 1999 season.
The Beavers join Arizona State and Stanford as the only clubs to have both a Player and Pitcher of the Year in the same season.
For Conforto, it’s his third career postseason honor from the Pac-12. He was named the Freshman of the Year in 2012 and Player of the Year last season.
This year, he ended the regular season as the Pac-12’s batting champion with a .364 average. He also paced the league in slugging percentage (.578), on-base percentage (.518), runs scored (50) and walks (50). He was second in runs batted in (55) and total bases (108), third in home runs (seven), fifth in doubles (15) and seventh in hits (68).
Defensively, he proved that trying to take an extra base against him while he was stationed in left field was futile. He racked up five assists.
For Fry, it’s his first career postseason honor, and it comes for good reason. The junior tied for the Pac-12 regular season lead with 11 wins and his 1.43 earned run average was good for third. Fry held opponents to a .192 batting average against, which placed him second in the league. His 94 strikeouts were also third in the Pac-12.
The lefty tossed four complete games this season, and finished with shutouts. The four shutouts ties him for second-most in a season at OSU, just one shy of Cecil Ira (1963).
Fry threw a no-hitter against Northern Illinois in March, and finished the regular season with four games of two hits or less while throwing at least seven innings. He was also a three-time Pac-12 Pitcher of the Year this season, the most by a Beaver in nearly 20 seasons.
Both Conforto and Fry were named to the Pac-12’s First-Team as well Wednesday with Fry also picking up an all-defensive team selection. | http://1190kex.iheart.com/articles/osu-sports-450198/several-beavers-named-firstteam-all-americans-12404570/ | 1,495,667,767 | null |
The other night I finally got around to making the quilt sandwich for Marc's Quilt. Unfortunately we don't have a large house so I had to move the dining room table over against the wall to create a space large enough to lay it out.I know I bought way too much batting but my only choices were Queen or Craft size. There wasn't anything in between in stock. Oh well, I know the excess will be put to good use.I won't say that making the quilt sandwich is my least favorite part of the quilting process but all that pining does get a little tedious, doesn't it? So now that the quilt sandwich is made I am trying to figure out how I want to quilt it. What do you all think? Option #1: I could simply quilt around the outline of larger circles.Option #2: I could quilt concentric circles internally and outward of the fabric circles.Option #3: I could stitch in the ditch around the actual blocks creating a linear square pattern. I think I'm leaning toward Option #1 but I am definitely open to suggestions, so fire away. I do have another question, though... If I opt to quilt around the outline of the fabric circles should I do that with my Freemotion Foot or my Walking Foot? I don't want to screw this up since it's for my honey and it's also the largest quilt I've every attempted!P.S. Don't forget to give me any questions you have for Jay McCarroll. I'll be interviewing him very soon!
Posted by
Hollie Lobosky
11:56 AM
Sewn Together Bee
NatalieFebruary 11, 2011 at 12:55 PMI think it would look nice to do spirals starting in the center of each circle to the edge and then free motion around the outside like this quilt: 11, 2011 at 12:56 PMI always use the free motion foot when doing curves... otherwise you get little pointies no matter how hard you try. I would go with #2 personally. I like more quilting rather than less... it looks like you might have used cotton batting and as the quilt wears you might have a problem with the batting shifting if you don't quilt it at least 2 inches apart... come to think of it I don't know what size the circles are so... maybe one circle inside the circles and one outside would 11, 2011 at 1:02 PMI did a circle quilt similar to this (it was Jaybird Quilts dot party pattern). Anyway, I did diagonal quilting across the dots and straight line on either side of the blocks. Here's a photo so you can see what I'm talking about. loose quilting made it very snuggly and it now lives on my couch. If you go around the circles I would definitely free motion it. I tried to do the same thing with squares and rotating the quilt so much was impossible. I couldn't fit the whole bulk through my 11, 2011 at 1:14 PMIf you do some sort of a fill in the brown areas, it will make the circles stand out and the brown recede. That would be fun, I think.But, if it's for a guy, straight lines would probably be awesome, too.ReplyDeleteMelissa S.February 11, 2011 at 2:43 PMI like option #2, although I'm not one to give out quilting advice. I almost never do the quilting myself . . .ReplyDeleteSarah CraigFebruary 11, 2011 at 6:00 PMI agree with Tamera that FMQ around the circles would make them stand out a lot! And definitely use the embroidery foot rather than the even feed foot -turning the quilt around to go around those circles would drive you 11, 2011 at 11:49 PMPlease take a look at Leah's to look for little videos and designs.I would take a design outside the circles which is completely different, so that the circles "grow" out of the design.Greetings from 7, 2011 at 12:59 AMAll my suggestions have been made already so I'll just say I think it looks great!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more... | http://undercovercrafter.blogspot.com/2011/02/i-need-some-quilting-help.html | 1,495,783,279 | 1,494,624,573 |
It’s time for more poetry. And much to Tod’s chagrin, the words “Mother” and “Father” appear a lot in this collection.
Undeniably, however, the poems of W.E. Butts collected in The Cathedral of Nervous Horses are thoughtful, touching, and all around damn good. The Disco trio discusses his work, and then more generally, the mysterious life of working-class poets — those who dedicate their days writing in a form that barely gets any recognition.
But first up, a Bookshelf Roulette. Rider catches a Paris Trout, Tod gets hip-hoppy, and Julia stumbles on Didion once again.
Click here to purchase from an independent bookseller
Literary Disco Episode 57: Cathedral of Nervous Horses [ 1:02:18 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (15674) | http://www.literarydisco.com/2014/06/25/episode-57-cathedral-of-nervous-horses/ | 1,495,859,066 | null |
/ ModApp / Search / # #4605 +(310)- [X]<loretian> They'd say "wow, look at this cute kid with a broken leg. Can't even walk around. That's so cute! I wonder what his dick tastes like" | http://bash.org/?4605 | 1,495,524,210 | null |
Melodic Revolution Records and Murky Red are pleased to present you the new teaser, an excerpt from the track “Elena”, which is the 11th track of the upcoming new album by Murky Red, “No Pocus Without Hocus”, the band’s first full length release in 3 years. The band don’t want to blow you off your socks, yet. Because it’s still summer and it’s too warm to wear socks. So you only get the calmest part of the whole album, and it’s safe to listen barefoot. The mixing of the album is as good as finished, Colin and the Murkies are now in ‘double-check and fine tune’ – stage. The sound will be warm and cuddly for the ears. The artwork is progressing very well and will be a continuation of the Murky recipe starring Maurice le Murk, the blue progsmurf, who also appeared on ‘Time Doesn’t Matter’. We’ll let you know in time when you’ll need to put on your sock holders. That will be in autumn, when you’ll wear again your socks. The title “No Pocus Without Hocus” describes the album perfectly, the journey that Murky Red traveled, to complete their second album. The meaning of the album title is a variation of ‘no gain, no pain’, which reflects on the making of the album but also on daily life. Sometimes you need a little magic to help you through the daily struggles. Production Credits: Recorded in 2015 at Murky Red Studios, Belgium. Mixing & Mastering: Colin Tench at Stoned Bun Studios, Sweden. Music and lyrics by Stef Flaming Video by Stef Flaming © 2015 Murky Red Music Murky Red is: Stef Flaming: Vocals & Guitars Patrick Dujardin: Guitars Luk Lantin: Bass Guitar René Marteaux: Drums Marie Vancamp: Percussion Yolanda Flaming: Keys Links: Murky Red Official Website: Colin Tench: Official Website: Search for: | http://mrrmusic.com/murky-red-are-back-with-teaser-video-from-upcoming-release/ | 1,496,084,029 | null |
THE BASICSWe totally get that you may not be ready for a full-blown campaign yet. It's why Dominant Seventh is happy to offer these one-time services to help get you started.Biography WritingYour biography tells people why they need to know you. After we interview you, we write your bio as if we were journalists writing a story. This makes it more media-friendly and keeps your fans interested.Electronic Press Kit (EPK)This "one-stop-shop" item is the best thing to give concert venues, media members, and labels. Why? It contains your biography, press quotes/media placements, high-resolution images, logo, and contact information. Every basic interview question can be answered right inside.News ReleasesA news release is the traditional staple of the PR industry that is used to pique the interest of media members. We offer to write one for you to help capture their attention and we'll also guide you on how to use it. If you'd like us to do everything (writing and media outreach), check out our media relations service.
LinksInternships/JobsNew BusinessContact up for updates on our musicians | http://domseventh.com/basic | 1,495,932,827 | null |
I have always tried to be a model for you of what it is to be a good wife. After all these years I am still in love with your father, more than ever. I hope you will be just as happy in your marriage.
I would like to give you some advice and I hope you will take it to heart. It comes from deep inside my soul. I have not always done the right things. Your dad and I have had our troubles along the way but I learned a lot. One of the greatest gifts I think we have given you is for us to have stayed together and actually to like the person we love. Say "I love you" often and show it even more often. Hug, kiss, and hold hands. God made this man for you to have and to hold. Never turn your husband down for making love. He won't go anywhere else if he's fed well at home. Be playful, make it fun and keep it interesting. Say "Thank you" for the things he does for you. Anywhere he takes you. Any gifts he gives you. Any money he gives you - even if it's bill money. Show gratitude by saying thank you and acknowledging his effort.
Be kind and sweet. Never cut him down in front of people especially your children. This will hurt him deeper than anything. Let him have his male pride even when you think he's wrong. Hold your tongue. It's better to be loved than to be right. Think the best of him. Speak the best about him to others. Keep a mental rolodex of his shining moments. Draw on those memories when life gets hard. It will help pull you through the rough patches every marriage has.
Allow him to do his job - Lead, Provide and Protect you in the best way he knows how. Don't stand in his way or rise up against him. I know he will do his job as I have seen him taking charge and doing these things in your life already. Your calling is to be Honest with him and Respectful towards him. Right now it seems easy to do these things but there will come times when it will be hard. Be honest even when he will not like to hear the truth. Say anything you want but say it in a respectful manner. This will get you a long way. Children learn disobedience, dishonesty and disregard from their mother's example toward their father. Remember you chose him and God made him your leader though the covenant of marriage. Love him more than you love your children. Don't put your children in front of him in your life. Women were created because man needed them, not primarily for children. Children are an expression of you and your husband's living breathing love. Still keep having private time alone together. Laugh together, share secrets and have fun as a couple.
Stand by him when he disciplines your children. Never pick them up or cuddle them after punishment until they have made up with their father. Up hold his rules and leadership of the family. Remember he has veto power in all decisions. Never disagree with him in front of the children. Present a united front. You can voice your concerns at a more private time. My grandma always said, "Women go to men for strength." Lean on him. Need him. Listen to him. Men go to woman for comfort. A clean house, a good meal, soft kind words, back rubs, sex. Always comfort him. Never make him sorry he came home to you. You can come and tell me anything you want. I'm your mother and love you very, very much. But as long as your husband is doing his job (leading, providing and protecting you) I will never build a case against him to you. I will always direct you back to him. He is to be your head and you're his heart.
I think you have a good man. Treat him like one and he will act like one. He will lay the moon and stars at your feet for your pleasure. And you will be in his heart forever.
I love you very much and I am proud of the woman you have grown up to be. I can't wait to see how God writes the rest of your life story. I will be praying for you both as you start this new chapter of your life. Love Mom | https://drlaura.com/b/Advice-to-My-Daughter-on-Marriage/9992.html | 1,495,618,915 | null |
Posted on November 19, 2015November 19, 2015 by Naomi Barnes Challenge from Helen Kara: Autoethnography takes us from ‘the personal is political’ to ‘the personal is theoretical’. Discuss
Ok. I have no idea what I should write. I have so many thoughts swirling around in my brain. They are crashing into each other. Bouncing off each other. Coming together in groups and chunking into new ideas about the world only to be challenged as not yet complex enough. I’ve enrolled in a MOOC! Sociology 101 created by Open Universities as a taster for anyone that is considering sociology as an undergraduate course. I’m also listening to free Berkeley undergraduate lectures on YouTube.
[But you have a PhD!!!!]
I’m going back to basics. I’m sick and tired of trying to understand what everyone in my reading group is talking about. I have lots of thoughts, none of them original and all of them trying to be. I need to look back at the roots.
I am trained in education. The only sociology I really got was Foucault’s Discipline and Punish as an undergrad and again History of Sexuality 2 and 3 in my Masters. Honestly, I spent most of my undergraduate sociology lectures looking at the lecturer and daydreaming rather than reading the overhead transparencies [yes I’m that old] and listening.
Education degrees are bower bird degrees. We do a bit of sociology and psychology but it is all practically grounded. How would this idea play out in a classroom? Where did the classroom come from? What do I need to look for in my students?
There is not enough time in a teaching degree to ponder the history of Western thought [which is ironic because we are generally expected to expound it!!!!]. I do not remember thinking about questions like: What is knowledge? What makes us think that THAT is learning? How do we know this? Is there a difference between wisdom and knowledge?
So I’m going back to basics.
Right, so I am at Durkheim, the purported inventor of sociology. In my basic understanding he said that people have a duality inside them. The individual and the social. He claims that in humanist societies the individual has become sacred. Humans believe that they are the only ones responsible for their lives. Humanist societies no longer value the sacredness of a group (or religion).
However, the duality still exists. We still connect as groups. They can make us feel good/safe/isolated. The individual may be boss but the social still fights for attention. This, argues Durkheim, is why suicide is more prevalent in Western humanist societies.
What the hell has this got to do with anything?
Right, so Method arrived in our academic handbags because intellectual work had spent centuries trying to split our dual personalities.
Ok, back to antiquity. I seriously have to go and read Plato’s Republic…In the meantime, I’ll think through with my new favourite book.
In the olden days….
The ancient Greek philosophers still cast a shadow over Western thought. All the big guns, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle influence how scientists and philosophers work all the way up until today. Aristotle “invented” what eventually became the scientific method. Plato’s Republic still influences people about the nature of Truth.
For centuries, the thinkers were both philosophers AND scientists. Descartes, an early modern atomist, philosophised about method. He said method needs to be mechanistic and logical to reach scientific conclusions. His work has had far reaching effects on how method is interpreted today.
It feels weird to think that something that is a “natural” part of the academic process was once theorised. See, Helen, I’m getting there. Patience, please!!!!
So, Descartes, is purported to have begun the split between the social (people being influenced by and the individual. Many of the intellectuals [I’m lumping scientists and philosophers all together here because in the olden days they were] that came after Descartes continued this process. They believed that the only pure form of thought, free from the social, was mathematics. They believed that if something could be proven mathematically, then it was so.
This became the catch cry of humanism. The systematic removal of social influences (like religion) from the process of intellectualism [you can understand their point of view when remembering how brutally people like Galileo, Descartes and Darwin were attacked by the church].
The vacuum became important for validity.
And it was a good idea because most of our scientific breakthroughs were found in this thinking. It was such a good idea it decided it was Truth (even human Truth).
I think this is a long blog post….bear with me. This is my method of sorting out what I understand (doesn’t mean I know it). I have used elements of historical inquiry because it is what I know best. Did you see at the beginning I didn’t want to start writing? I’m getting my flow on. My colleague just asked me to go to lunch but I am in the middle of sorting something out so I suggested in an hour.
[So why the history lesson?]
Basically, theory split from method. They became two separate (but connected) ideas. Cartesian (from Descartes) thinking became the accepted method, whether quantitative or qualitative, and theory went off and …well… theorised. I mentioned in my last post that the method I used for my PhD had rules for bracketing my experiences from those of my participants. Theory was allowed to be malleable but method essentially stayed the same.
But now I think this binary is flawed (my practical reasoning is another story), and a groundswell of other methodologists think this as well. Two groups of methodologists have been influential in my thinking about this. I can’t quote or reference with academese authority yet, but I think they are arguing two sides of the same coin. The first, post-humanism, I have been trying to get my head around for a while because my reading group is working through this space. The second, post-structuralism, is where I find I sit naturally (theory is deeply personal). In the interests of challenging binaries, I’m going to list their similarities.
This is basic basic basic. I’m not citing anyone. This is my first go at writing it. This is what has seeped into my understanding by reading and talking (and head desking). The fields are FAR more complex. But basics first. Get my head around them and the complexity can come later.
Humans are only part of method. The materials they use, the data they ignore, the genre they report through are just as much a part of finding Truth.
Humans are part of the method. The choices and decisions we make are a part of the results. Our lives influence our topics, our results are formulated in comparison with our own experience, genre [and font] is important for making obvious the decision making
When method is in a material vacuum results are only a shadow of Truth.
When method is in a social vacuum results are only a shadow of Truth.
So to answer Helen’s challenge….
Autoethnography, is generally positioned as post-structuralist but I also think it is a tad It is resisting the binary of theory and method. It is resisting the binary of individual and social. In its very essence it is both individual and social. Autoethnographers do not pretend to stand as authorities in their field. They acknowledge the flawed messiness of their individual interpretations. They acknowledge the materials they use and they actively choose genres which show how their knowledge was constructed or just simply show construction (like poetry).
Autoethnography can be activism as it challenges academic norms established by dead white men. But if done well, it is not just about the individual researcher’s politics. It is about where the researcher fits socially in the results.
Our choices are simultaneously political, poetic, methodological, and theoretical. Autoethnography also includes the audience. An autoethnographer breathes life into words. The words then go off to breathe meaning in someone else’s life. Those that inspire it, those that retweet it, and those that comment on it are all part of the creation of meaning. It is a grand collaboration.
Having worked through this…
Yes, Helen, I think you are right. Autoethnography has made the personal theoretical.
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Contemporaries are invited to a Whitney Biennial highlights tour, followed by a specially-selected prix fixe brunch menu for $50 in the first floor restaurant, Untitled. Prix Fixe includes a savory 2 course brunch menu and a brunch cocktail (excluding tax and gratuity).
Active Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patron members are invited to register for one of these options:
March 25; April 2*, 22 11 am tour 11:45 am brunch
May 2012 pm tour12:45 pm brunch
*The April 2 event has reached capacity and is accepting a waitlist. Open to Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patrons. To register for the tour and pre-pay for the brunch, email To become a member or upgrade your membership, call (212) 570-7746. | http://www.whitney.org/Events/ContemporariesBiennialBrunch | 1,495,619,774 | null |
This showed up in the mail the other day.I say this because I had NO CLUEwhat it was.Royal Mail?In this huge, weird purple bag?
This bag is weird, cool weird,but it didn't look like something that was supposed to be delivered to me.
Mysterious tags, heavy duty security zip ties....
Customs?This never happens with the zillion Amazon deliveries from overseas that I get.Plus,I send those to the shop,not to the apartment.I really couldn't figure it out....I didn't even open it for a few days....I was kinda scared.
Once out of the bag,it just looked like a regular package.Relief, but still a mystery.What was it, where was it from, who sent it?
Thurston Moore?I didn't order anything from him.I like him, but still not sure wtf is going on.I know, I know, it's just a package,but I am kinda a freak like that.No surprises in the mail. They scare me....
Wait, weird purple bag,"Purple Diary"....
It's the new PURPLE FASHION magazine!!!!My sister gave me a subscription for Christmas, that's it!Mystery solved!Matt, are you jealous????
1 comment:
Matt2/21/11, 12:43 AMi am jealous! amy got me issue 15 for Valentines day. still haven't received it yet.ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more... | http://mondo-blogo.blogspot.com/2011/02/wtf-is-this-in-mail.html | 1,495,605,635 | 1,494,688,000 |
Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times You can bet that Dave Roberts will be all smiles when training camp opens. You can bet that Dave Roberts will be all smiles when training camp opens. (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times) Steve Dilbeck
Dodgers pitchers and catchers report to spring training Friday, so naturally you’re wondering what to expect. Being the absolute expert on all things baseball, Dodgers and college debt, I offer these 23 things that are positively guaranteed to happen this spring:
Newbie Dodgers Manager Dave Roberts will smile 362 times … on the first day. Players, coaches and media will all rave about his upbeat disposition.
Yasmani Grandal, Justin Turner, Hyun-Jin Ryu and Enrique Hernandez will all claim their surgeries complete successes and that they’ll be ready to start the season.
None of the Dodgers’ 21 non-roster invitees will make the club.
Another rumor will pop up that the Dodgers are looking to acquire Miami ace Jose Fernandez, but it still won’t happen.
Prospects Frankie Montas, Micah Johnson and Trayce Thompson will resist temptation to turn right to the White Sox clubhouse at Camelback Ranch.
By mid-spring, the offense will be struggling and speculation will begin anew over why the Dodgers took the prospects in the three-way deal instead of slugger Todd Frazier.
My laptop will blow up before the first exhibition game and my private computer repair man, General Manager Farhan Zaidi, will laugh and claim he lost his mini-screwdriver.
Clayton Kershaw will win the team ping-pong tournament.
Yasiel Puig will say all the right things. Some blogger will write, “fool me once,” and the Twittersphere will blow up again.
Despite their efforts, the Dodgers will not trade Andre Ethier and will still have that odd, jammed two-man crew with left-handed hitters Carl Crawford and Ethier in left.
The Dodgers will have to rent a local Marriott ballroom because they don’t have a space big enough at Camelback to meet with front-office staff.
Corey Seager will have a nice, if less than spectacular, spring but still leave Arizona as he came – everyone’s favorite for the National League Rookie of the Year.
Adrian Gonzalez will decline a multimillion-dollar offer to fight Ronda Rousey.
Gonzalez will claim he misses Times beat writer Dylan Hernandez, but his fingers will be crossed.
Sandy Koufax will make his annual appearance, and it will be the three most exciting days of camp.
Right-hander Chris Hatcher will look more like the reliever who ended last season than the one who began it and will secure his role as the main set-up man.
Concern will grow Joc Pederson still looks more like the player who ended the season.
Mike Bolsinger will look good and wonder why everyone seems to have forgotten him.
Tommy Lasorda will tell a story everyone’s heard 37 times and it will still be funny.
When the Dodgers break camp, they still won’t have a deal to get Vin Scully on the majority of networks in his final season.
Right-hander Kenta Maeda will not blow anyone away with his velocity, but will look like a promising addition to the rotation.
Alex Guerrero will prove untradeable, refuse a triple-A assignment and force the Dodgers to waive him, eating the $10 million left on his contract.
Dodgers Chairman Mark Walter will buy the Los Angeles Times and name me publisher. OK, so take 22 things to the bank.
Follow Steve Dilbeck on Twitter @SteveDilbeck.MORE ON DODGERS
His job is a hunt-and-peck type of thing at Dodger StadiumCan Adrian Gonzalez keep up steady production in his next season, at age 34?Think Red? Justin Turner, an old-school Dodger, goes 'above and beyond' for others off the field
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Los Angeles Dodgers Enrique Hernandez Adrian Gonzalez Andre Ethier Spring Training Dave Roberts National League | http://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/la-sp-dn-guaranteed-to-happen-20160216-story.html | 1,495,795,108 | null |
Antigua’s coral reefs are among the most degraded in the Caribbean, having low coral cover, few herbivores and abundant harmful macroalgae. Low fish biomass suggests that overfishing may have contributed to this degradation and lack of recovery to a coral dominated state. Marine resource management has failed to stem the degradation of these marine ecosystems. Community-Based Marine Reserves (CBMR), which delegate full responsibility to the stakeholders, are expected to reverse degradation by increasing herbivore abundance, reducing macroalgae and increasing juvenile coral abundance, which, with time, should increase coral cover. This in turn can be beneficial to fishermen and other stakeholders through spillover effects of adult fish to adjacent fishing areas, and through enhancement of tourism, which is a significant income generator in Antigua and Barbuda. However, CBMRs, which require strong stakeholder buy-in to be effective marine management systems, have had very little success in the Caribbean region.
As part of this study, a demonstration CBMR was created on the southern end of Antigua. This is the first no-take marine reserve in the study area. The objective of the reserve was to allow the fishing community to see the effects, and gain a better understanding of the functioning, of a healthy coral reef ecosystem.
In 2014, prior to the establishment of the demonstration CBMR, I conducted 10 interviews with fishermen to explore local perceptions of marine resource problems and solutions. In 2015, I conducted 10 additional interviews to explore fishermen’s perspectives on the demonstration CBMR and to explore the possibility of CBMR being a suitable alternative to existing management systems in Antigua and Barbuda. I found that members of the fishing community were aware of the degradation of the marine resources and were willing to make changes to their practices. Fishermen recognized the positive effects a reserve could provide through fishing and tourism. However, the highly dispersed nature of the fishermen group is likely to provide difficulties for CBMR establishment. Further, the issue of distrust between stakeholders and the governmental institutions responsible for management is problematic for long-term success.
I used Atlantic Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment to survey the effect of the demonstration CBMR on the coral reef ecosystem. In particular, I focused on species targeted by the fishing community, parrotfish (the dominant herbivores on Caribbean reefs) and macroalgae. Targeted species are more likely to demonstrate an effect due to a reduction in fishing pressure, particularly within a short time span, while parrotfish and macroalgae are two of the primary indicators of reef health. After one year, biomass increased significantly (p=0.002) in the reserve for all targeted fish species and for non-target species (p=0.029). Parrotfish biomass also increased significantly (p=0.023), and I observed a marginally significant decrease in macroalgal abundance (p=0.063).
While from an ecological perspective this demonstration CBMR exhibits signs of success, I am unable to assess its success from a human and social dimension. I caution that long-term monitoring and future research involving all relevant stakeholders are needed to evaluate CBMR management in the island of Antigua and Barbuda.
Recommended Citation
Camacho, Ruleo A., "Antigua's Demonstration Community-Based Marine Reserve" (2016). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2429. | http://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/etd/2429/ | 1,495,906,042 | null |
"During the second week of May 2012, two activists entered an egg farm located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. 4 hens were removed from the premises and placed in good homes where they will live out the rest of their natural lives. This is the same farm where 6 hens were liberated last January.
This action was done to save these individual animals from the torture and misery intrinsic to industrialized egg production, as well as to demonstrate that although we may not be able to free every animal, we can free some. This was done in full solidarity with the anarchists and animal liberationists facing state repression here on the west coast and abroad.
Freeing the prisoners.
**We are intentionally omitting the name, address, and specifics of the farm targeted. The relatively small number of animals taken will most likely, once again, go unnoticed by the farmer and will hopefully allow us to take advantage of the non-existent security on this farm for future raids and investigations." | http://www.directaction.info/news_may20_12.htm | 1,495,939,529 | 1,417,311,275 |
This boy has been waiting to start karate, and today was the day! He was thrilled!! He had the best time and can’t wait to go back-he asks, “Mom, is today karate day?” Love him! Posted by | http://thomasfamilydays.blogspot.com/2014/09/hi-ya.html | 1,495,639,768 | 1,494,763,972 |
Kamila is a North Carolina native who has found her home here in the ATL. During her time as an English major at Emory, she found fitness as a way to manage stress, but it quickly became a constant source of fun in her healthy lifestyle. Growing up, Kamila loved performing in musicals, and she brings that same exuberance and excitement to each one of her classes. Her upbeat playlists and high energy will leave you feeling sweaty and alive. Upcoming Classes | http://cycfitness.com/cycologist/kamila-matizgihwala/ | 1,495,702,296 | null |
Saturday spent at Yokohama enjoying sea breeze. It felt the hottest day ever this year and was perfect sunshine to get tanned. Beautiful white maxi was reflected the sun and made it everything so bright :) How did your weekend start? Hope you're having a great time with this summer sun! | http://schatziewig.blogspot.com/2011/07/white-maxi-dress-forever21-wedge.html | 1,495,599,756 | 1,494,594,577 |
ltpanel is a lightweight window list for the X Window System, similar to GNOME's window list applet. It has been tested on IceWM and should work with any GNOME-compliant window manager. It is based on Peter Zelezny's fspanel. | http://freecode.com/projects/ltpanel | 1,495,487,699 | null |
Why is Shamu black and white?The coloration of killer whales may enhance their ability to hunt. Killer whales are counter-shaded; they are dark on their dorsal surface andwhite on their ventral surface. The dark side blends in with the murky ocean depths when viewed from above. The light ventral side blends in with the lightersurface of the sea when seen from below. The result is that prey have a difficult time seeing a contrast between the counter-shaded killer whale and the environment.In addition, killer whales have disruptive coloration, a camouflage in which the color pattern of an animal contradicts the animal's body shape. In the flickering, filtered sunlight of the sea, other animals may not recognize a killer whale as a potential threat. You can purchase tickets to visit Shamu and friends at SeaWorld by going to Source: SeaWorldPosted by: Michael Crandell | http://kissimmeeguestservices.blogspot.com/2008/10/ask-shamu.html | 1,495,681,647 | 1,493,591,250 |
What You Should Know About Hearthstone Boosting First of all, Hearthstone is an online game that is created by Blizzard and recently more and more gamers are interested playing this game. If you love playing with fun, strategy and going into missions, then this game would be best for you and it is also very easy to play but there are also higher levels if you want. In order for you to play and compete with the high ranking levels, you should complete all your missions properly. It would take a lot of effort, time and enough knowledge if you want to reach the high level ranks in the game. If you want to gain the fame and the online attention, then you start knowing the basic and the most complex missions in the game. It is also important that you know hearthstone boosting since it can help you reach a high rank in the game. There are Hearthstone boosting websites where you can easily find online, they are able to help you get the rank you want and also comes with a very affordable price for you to pay, just make sure that you choose an online website that is reliable. There are also a lot of screen share options that you can avail if you are not planning to share your online account. There are also websites that can offer heroic adventures or even golden hero boosting in the game. So be sure that you look for a Hearthstone boosting site today that has all the options you want. There are many players that are frustrated enough to handle levels in the Hearthstone, and if you want to avoid facing those hard situations be sure to get boosted today. It also important that you are updated with the current meta, you should adjust your decks, and should be able to easily predict what your online opponent would do in the game.
On Games: My Rationale Explained
The online boosters in the Hearthstone boosting website are already experts in the game, so they are easily to help and assist you in getting the legend rank that you desire. They should be ready to assist you get the any rank you want.
If You Read One Article About Services, Read This One
There are many important details that you should consider when you are playing in this game. If you want to reach the legend rank, then be sure you start learning the necessary skills needed to defeat your online opponents. You could also avail of the coaching sessions that are very affordable for you if you want to improve in the game. If you are not a really good fan of coaching, then it would be ideal that you get the rank Hearthstone boosting. They are sure happy to help you and even have a live chat if you need it. | http://giseleandthegreenteam.com/a-beginners-guide-to-resources/ | 1,495,932,949 | 0 |
of Duty: World at War shipped today for PS3 and Xbox 360 marking the fifth entry in the series. With it comes an opportunity to fight against Nazi zombies in a recently revealed bonus mode.
Unlocking this bonus mode won’t be easy or quick like entering in a code, however. You must beat the single-player campaign and wait for the credits to end before a single zombie steps in front of your gun.
The mode pits you and up to three friends in a boarded up mansion under siege by wave after wave of the undead. Each subsequent wave will be naturally harder to defeat, which is why you’ll need a little additional help.
As waves are defeated new areas of the mansion will open up. In this new areas you and your co-op buds will be able to buy new more powerful weapons and ammo, and build barricades to slow down the infestation.
It is our understand that there is no end to the zombie plague. Waves keep attacking until every member of your squad drops dead. The goal is to reach the highest level and score “humanly” possible while the zombies grow increasingly difficult to take down.
If you needed some additional incentive to sink a few hours into beating Call of Duty: World at War, this should help tip the scale.
Call of Duty: World at War is now available in stores everywhere for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 in regular and collector’s edition flavors (view them all). Let the zombie hunting officially begin. | http://www.thehdroom.com/news/call-of-duty-world-at-war-zombie-mode-how-to-unlock-33640/ | 1,496,037,006 | null |
--Julia posts-- If you haven't done so already, you may want to check out Polly's blog about Barbara's new book, "Simply Triangles." | http://threemennonitequiltingsisters.blogspot.com/2012_09_01_archive.html | 1,495,523,210 | 1,495,075,549 |
The holidays have a remarkable way of sneaking up on me each year,and all those lofty goals of baking, crafting and general merry-making often go unactualized. That's why I thought it would be fun (and mutually beneficial for readers like me!) to launch a homemade holiday series consisting of a DIY gift idea each week to get your yule-tide juices flowing (so to speak). First up? The Animal ring holder.
I love giving loved ones jewelry, but it never dawned on me before that a playful jewelry holder could be just the ticket to up the ante when gifting baubles. So off to the dollar store I went to pick up some plastic animals to make this simple, yet impactful gift idea. Simply spray paint your animal any colour you wish, and adhere it to a pretty plate (mine came from Home Sense) using powerful glue... It's as easy as that! Top things off with a pretty ring or some sparkly earrings, and your friends are sure to love you all the more this holiday season!
I hope you enjoyed this new DIY series — stay tuned for more fun projects in the weeks to come! xx
Comments (6)
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JennaStevieNovember 14, 2013 at 6:57 AMThis is such a fun, easy, DIY gift. Love it!ReplyDeleteMelanie LilianaNovember 14, 2013 at 8:29 AMI love love love this DIY! I just saw one I want desperately at Anthro! 14, 2013 at 10:12 AMThis is a really great and fun DIY! 14, 2013 at 11:21 AMFun and easy to do! Wondering if my brother still has that trunk full of plastic animals!Cee. ♥Code Overdressed ReplyDeletePetraNovember 14, 2013 at 10:17 PMThis is so pretty. I also planning this for a gift and my blog. I just love the idea. xo, 20, 2013 at 6:18 PMWhat an adorable idea! I've seen a lot of crafts using spray painted plastic animals lately, and this is a very creative twist.ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more... | http://www.adventuresinfashion.ca/2013/11/homemade-holiday-animal-ring-holder-diy.html | 1,496,016,820 | 1,495,154,912 |
Click here if you'd like to see what's on the wall and also more of my creations. I hope you like them.
Tuesday 10 October 2006
Sims 2 Pets Mobile in Europe
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EA Downloader serves Sims 2 Pets
Written at 20:13 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
If you want to buy the Sims 2 Pets for PC, but don't feel like going to the store or having to wait for the mailman to deliver your copy in the mail, then EA Downloader will be a solution for you. Pets will be the first expansion pack of the Sims 2, after two Stuff packs and last year's Holiday Party Pack, which will be available through EA's game downloading service. With a download of close to 700 Mb it'll take a while to get it, but you can already pre-load most of it. The last bits and pieces will become available to you on the day of release, 17 October, allowing you to install and play the game as soon as it's released. The price is the same as that for the in-store packages: $29.99, or £19.99. Note that you will not get a disc, manual or box when you purchase the game at EA Downloader. You do get the bonus bandit cat when pre-ordering the game through EA downloader. Check the British or American product page to order the game. If you live somewhere else, go to either product page and then pick your region on the top-right of the page.
Pets on Mac
Written at 20:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Just like all previous expansion packs, Aspyr will port the PC expansion pack of the Sims 2 Pets to the Mac OS X platform. MacWorld reports that Aspyr is planning to release the pack quickly after the PC release, roughly 2 weeks, meaning it'll be out only two to three months after Open for Business was released on the same platform. Aspyr's site doesn't mention the game yet, so while the pack will most likely be released on Mac, it's not sure whether the short deadline will indeed be met, or if the game will be out a little later after all. Check the MacWorld report for their coverage.
Hilary Duff in Sims 2 Pets
Written at 20:20 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Besides the brand new soundtrack which features well-known bands from all over the world, another celebrity will make her appearance in the Sims 2 Pets. Hilary Duff and her dog Lola will be available as download for the PC, PS2, GameCube and DS versions. In the PC expansion pack, you can download Hilary and Lola as a family from the official site, but only until the end of the year. Hilary will be a fully playable character like any other Sim. On the consoles Hilary won't be downloadable or unlockable, but she'll appear like any other Sim in the game, of course together with her dog. You can invite her over and teach Lola tricks to entertain party guests. On the DS edition Hilary and Lola can be found in the Central Park regularly. If you befriend her, Hilary might pop into your Pet Care Center so you can teach Lola new tricks, improve her health and make her happier in general. The PSP and GBA games will not feature Hilary and Lola. The artwork below was published aloing with the press release. You can also download a short trailer, in high and low quality. QuickTime required. Right click the links to download the videos.
High Quality Trailer (12.2 Mb)
Low Quality Trailer (3.1 Mb)
Pets for Handhelds Delayed
Written at 20:21 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Until recently Maxis' planning was to have the Sims 2 Pets being released on all platforms simultaneously. The handheld versions have been delayed though, and will be released after 17 October in the US or 20 October in Europe. Exact dates are still somewhat unclear, but as things are looking now, The DS version will be the first to be released on 31 October in the US, and around 3 November in Europe. This might also be a week earlier, as EA contradicts itself in lists and press releases. The GBA game comes out a little later, on 14 November or 17 November, with the usual variation depending on where you live. The PSP version will be the last one which will be released worldwide, and is currently set at 12 December in the US, or 15 December in Europe - just in time for the holidays. As said, the dates are different throughout various recent statements from EA, and might be incorrect. In Europe a version for mobile phones will also be released in December, but no exact date has been given. The PC, PlayStation 2 and GameCube editions will all be released as promised on 17 October or 20 October - just a week away.
Pets Consoles/Handhelds Chat: Transcripts online
Written at 20:21 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Just like for the PC version, there's been a chat about the Consoles and Handheld versions of the Sims 2 Pets. Some new details are revealed in the transcripts that are now online on the official site. About the PSP version MaxoidBen says the new house building tool is really good. That version will also have alien and robotic pets in it. Kittens and puppies will grow up in the console version as well, but pets won't die. They'll only run away at worst. Leftover meals are also mentioned: anything that your Sims leave can be turned into pet food using a mixer, which results in food of different qualities. Read the full transcript for more details.
Pets PC Chat: Transcripts online
Written at 20:22 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Last week Maxis organised two chats around the Sims 2 Pets. One was for the consoles, the other for the PC version. The transcripts are online, and many questions have been answered. Some new information was given as well, for example that the expansion officially has been in production for 3.5 months. More about the in-game details are revealed as well of course: there will be 6 colours of birds, and a cheat will allow you to stop the aging of pets. Werewolves will also age, as they're still fairly normal Sims, except at night. The Kibble of Life will bring the Elixir of Sims to dogs and cats, making them younger as they drink it. By progressing your pets through careers you'll also be able to unlock special content like collars and new fur colours, something brand new for the PC version. The limit concerning the amount of Sims and Pets on a lot has also been changed again: you can have up to 8 Sims or 6 Pets, with no more than 10 creatures in total. This used to be 12 before. Children may also be able to be honest and say the dog ate their homework.
The length of the life stages have also been revealed: puppies and kittens will be like that for 3 days, whereas pets are in their adult stages for about 25 days. Elder pets will live for another 5-10 days until they die of old age. Without the Kibble of Life that is. Well trained pets can be sold to neighbours, and will bring in more Simoleons depending on the behaviours and tricks they know. Pets are denied from college, except for the caged animals. Also revamped is the invitation over the phone: you can now pick the family members you want to invite over all at once. Finally, pets can also chase the mailman even though he's fast.
For all the precise details, read through the complete transcript.
Sims 2 Pets Producer Videos
Written at 20:24 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
With the Sims 2 Pets just around the corner for PC and Consoles, Maxis has released two videos in which a producer goes through the basic features of the game. Read on for details about the videos.
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German Pets Preview Video
Written at 20:25 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Besides the two American producer walkthroughs, EA Germany has recorded a special 7 minute video about the upcoming PC expansion pack, the Sims 2 Pets, and the consoles and DS games with the same name. The video is entirely in German, and shows several features of the games, mostly of the PC version. Read on for more details.
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Pets PC on DVD?
Written at 20:31 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA Europe has re-released the packshots of the Sims 2 Pets, which we already showed in the announcement of the game. There's one notable change though: the PC pack shot shows a DVD-ROM logo, suggesting that the pack will be available on DVD rather than 2 CDs. Whether this is the same for other regions in the world is unknown. It's also unclear if the pack will be released on CD as well in Europe, where currently only the DVD version of the base game is being sold. As soon as we have more information, we'll let you know. See the packshot below for the proof.
Wednesday 18 October 2006
Pets Music Previews
Written at 00:57 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA's Soundtrack for the Sims 2 Pets contains many songs - in Simlish - from bands from all over the world. For three of those songs you can now listen to a small preview. The Pussycat Dolls' "Don't Cha" is the first of them, followed by "Free Radicals" by the Flaming Lips and "Chemicals React" by Aly & AJ. For the last song a music video was released earlier as well. Visit the music page on the official site to listen to the three previews of one minute, or read the quotes from the bands who recorded the music.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Written at 00:57 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness, and EA is participating in at least one way: on the official site you can post a creation that you made. Make sure it has something pink in it, and that you put "Breast Cancer Awareness" in the description, so Maxis can find your creation. If anything will be done with the downloads is not yet announced, but it is a way to show your support during the breast cancer awareness month.
MaxoidSam Blog and Producer E-mail
Written at 00:59 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The person carrying the Senior Producer title for Sims 2 PC Expansion Packs is - after Don Laabs, who covered the position for Pets - has changed again. Sam Player (MaxoidSam) has recently announced himself as the new senior producer. Don Laabs is, like Tim LeTourneau, moving on to another, still secret, project within the Sims Division (Maxis) at EA. Sam Player has been working at EA for various other games like the Tiger Woods PGA Tour franchise and From Russia With Love. MaxoidSam has introduced himself through his blog, in which he tells that in the future official downloads from the official site will be included in expansion packs and stuff packs. Hidden items from Glamour Life Stuff will also be made available as download on the official site in a matter of weeks. Those downloads will be included in future expansion packs too.
In an e-mail sent to various fansites MaxoidSam tells about his tour through Europe, together with Hunter Howe for the PC team and Ben Bell and Charles Normann for the consoles. Scheduled time with fans from various countries, 1 hour everywhere, turned out to take almost twice as long in almost every case. A special anecdote about flights is also made. Read on for all the details from Sam, as you can find the full e-mail in the Read More part of this mail. The rest is in his October blog.
Read More!
Pets Minigame
Written at 01:01 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Celebrating the release of a Sims 2 expansion or stuff pack is often done with a mini-game released by EA through its EA Viral domain. Naturally one for Pets has also been made, in which you can create a pet by picking several characteristics like fur colour, breed zodiac and more. A big picture of your creation is the result. You can also get some wallpapers and avatars for your IM program. See the mini-game page to play it.
MaxoidMoonBelly Blog and Uploads
Written at 01:06 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
MaxoidMoonBelly is probably one of the most active bloggers of Maxis, and she has yet again written in her blog, this time telling about a dart war at work. She has also made a few new creations: purple gowns for women, all to celebrate the EnblithTheFair's Royal Kingdom Challenge. Male versions will take a little longer, but will be coming soon as well. Check out MoonBelly's Uploads to download those creations.
Royal Kingdom Challenge Interview
Written at 01:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Many people have created challenges for the Sims 2 over the years, providing a goal for you to play towards. One of those people is EnblithTheFair, who has created the Royal Kingdom Challenge. The third edition has been posted recently, and is the one year anniversary version. The goal of the challenge is to create a themed neighborhood complete with royal family, nobility, merchants and more. The creator, EnblithTheFair, was recently interviewed by MaxoidMoonBelly about the challenge. She tells why he created the challenge, and the hard parts of making it: writing everything down without forgetting anything. Custom content also helps players along, as the game is normally based around a modern reality which is not permitted in the challenge. The scoring system and the response to the challenge are also discussed in the interview, as well as how Open for Business enhanced the challenge by making the merchant class come alive. EnblithTheFair's personal experience with the Sims 2 is also talked about, and her little free time to play the game properly. For more details read the Royal Kingdom Challenge Interview over at the official site.
Pets Screenshots (PC, NDS, GBA, PSP)
Written at 01:29 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA has released a bunch of new screenshots for the Sims 2 Pets again, on all platforms but the consoles. For the PC expansion pack you can find eight new screenshots, while the number of screenshots for the PSP version grows with eight. Besides those eight there are another three for the PSP that our colleagues at SimsZone.de posted. The DS has seven new screenshots, and for the GBA there are nine new images. As usual, click the thumbnails below to check out the large versions of each of the screenshots.
Pets MySim Theme
Written at 01:30 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Together with the release of The Sims 2 Pets on PC and Consoles, Maxis has created a new theme for everybody's MySim pages. After logging in on the official site you can go to the Modify Theme page, where you can pick the new Pets theme, or one of the previous ones, for your MySim page.
First Pets Review: GameDaily
Written at 01:40 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The first review of the Sims 2 Pets for PC is out. Gaming site GameDaily has the scoop, and they are positive. The first thing they say is that the best way to get a pet is to create it yourself. The only downside is that womrats and birds cannot be customised as much as dogs and cats. Getting pets is hard work, and taking care of the pets' needs can be difficult to master. Careers and training are mentioned, and the helpful obedience trainer for Sims with money may also help. Altogether the expansion pack is the best for the Sims 2 yet, even though it adds little to the inventory and that it might be difficult to make pets behave properly. The final score: 4 out of 5 stars. Read the complete preview (3 pages) for more details.
Played By Campaign Videos
Written at 01:59 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
To promote the Sims 2 Pets on all platforms, several fans have been over at EA's offices last summer to create videos and more promotional material for the games. This continuation of the "Sims Played By campaign has resulted in (at least) 10 videos, which will be shown on TV and in magazines internationally. The Sims Zone has received 10 videos in QuickTime format for you to download and watch. One of them is exclusive, and won't be shown on the official site until next week. The "Dig" video features a German Shepherd on a digging mission, with music from the Dutch band Krezip (in Simlish) in the background. Krezip is another band which can be added to the list of artists in the Sims 2 Pets Soundtrack, and the full song is featured in the Sims 2 Pets on PC, PS2, GameCube and PSP. See the list below to download all the videos. Two more stories can be found on the campaign's website.
Dig (by Nick Klawitter, Canada, 4.0 Mb)
Animal Mind (by Jeff Freeman, Texas, 4.0 Mb)
Bold Ugly Dog (by Peter Coppens, Belgium, 4.0 Mb)
Cats (by Jeff Freeman, Texas, 4.6 Mb)
Dog Bootcamp (by Jill Watt, California, 2.7 Mb)
Dogs In Space (by Peter Coppens, Belgium, 4.0 Mb)
Fetching Lover (by Todd Stalkamp, New York, 4.0 Mb)
Heist (by Nick Klawitter, Canada, 4.0 Mb)
Henry & Bill (by Todd Stalkamp, New York, 3.7 Mb)
Music Video (by Nils Berg, Netherlands, 4.0 Mb)
Thursday 19 October 2006
Pets Prima Guide Information - Cheats and Details
Written at 03:48 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
Prima Games is the publisher for all the official strategy guides for the Sims yet. The Sims 2 Pets is no exception, and so Greg Kramer, who has written previous Sims 2 guides as well, has now written one for the Sims 2 Pets. Over 352 pages cover the PC and Consoles (PlayStation 2, GameCube and PSP) versions of Pets. The guide contains help about creating pets, discovering the keys to developing the behaviour of pets, and as usual the tables with descriptions of the new objects aren't left out. Finally the guide also covers the genetics of the pets. More information can be found on the product page at Prima's site.
Some people have already received the guide, and information from it is being posted on the web. Rosierealea has put cheats online, including some to take over the minds of pets, disabling aging, deleting specific items on a lot, and more. She also answers many questions from the book. She covers the items in the game, the new families, and more. Other threads started by her also give more insight in the game. You can purchase the guide from our online shop.
Fansite Reports
Written at 03:48 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Just before the release of the Sims 2 Pets, several fansites posted previews of the new expansion pack. First there are five French sites which posted information after an event in France earlier this month. All of them have pictures with the articles as well. The Italian EdenStyle also posted a new movie of the game, from a visit at EA Italy where they were shown the game. There's also the Dutch fansite SimsNetwerk which has posted a report based on an early experience with the game in July as well as the GamesConvention in August. An English version of the report will be published later. Click the links below for all the reports. Thanks to SnootySims for the French links.
Daily Sims
Pets Released: Exchange, MySim Icon, Training Paper 3 and Hilary Duff
Written at 03:48 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Something that can't go unnoticed is the release of an expansion pack for the Sims 2 on PC. Pets is out on PC, PlayStation 2 and GameCube. The handheld and mobile versions are to follow soon. To celebrate the release, EA has issued a press release, in which the key features and the celebrity line-up of the game are mentioned. New release dates for the handheld games are also given: the DS version will be out 2 November in the US, 27 October in the UK, and 3 November elsewhere. The GBA game will officially hit the shelves on 9 November in the US, and 17 November in the rest of the world. The PSP edition is the last one of the Sims 2 Pets to be released, at 30 November in the US and 15 December in other parts of the world. Check the right hand side of the site for the updated countdown towards all these dates. Read on for more news from the official site all about the new expansion pack.
Read More!
Sims 2: In Season Flyer
Written at 03:50 by ChEeTaH - 1 comment.
We already reported about The Sims 2: In Season being listed on a registration page a while ago. While that has already been removed, the title does indeed seem to be a possibility for the upcoming expansion pack. A flyer that comes with the Sims 2 Pets on PC advertises the game, for which a small teaser is now also put on the official site's front page. The first site to post about it was the Danish GameSection, but Rosierealea, member on the official site, has also posted a large English version of the inlay, which you can see below. Of course we'll keep you updated with more information about this fifth expansion pack as we get it.
Saturday 21 October 2006
Keepsakes Set
Written at 12:24 by MissWendy - 0 comments.
This is a great set for your Sims' homes. A CurioCabinet, coffeetable and 2 endtables...All with unique decorative items in glass. All Items come in 3 wood textures, so decorating is a breeze.
Click here If you'd like to see this set and the rest of my work. I hope you like them.
Thursday 26 October 2006
Weather Chit-chat at BBS
Written at 01:10 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Similar to what they did before Pets was announced, EA has launched a new forum on the official BBS. In the new forum you can talk all about the weather. The name of the new expansion pack is not given, but it's certain that the next pack will feature weather. To discuss the new pack, go to the weather forum. We'll keep you updated with more news around this expansion.
Lycos Dog in Sims 2 Pets
Written at 01:16 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Lycos, famous for its search engine for one, has a dog as mascot. The French website of the company has celebrated the release of the Sims 2 Pets on PC last week, by making the dog available as download for the game. The dog can be found on the download page. All you need to do is click the "Télécharger ici" on that page.
Pets Online Tech Support
Written at 01:21 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
With Pets being released on a number of platforms last week, EA has updated its online customer support pages with help with the expansion pack (PC) and console games. Many common questions, about unlocking pets and features, but also technical issues with installing or running the game are covered in the FAQs. You can find information about the PC version, the PlayStation 2 and finally also the GameCube editions. Help for the handheld versions will probably be added once those games have been released next month.
Pets E-Cards
Written at 01:26 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The official UK site of the Sims 2 has made four e-cards available for you to send to your friends. The e-cards feature some of the artworks released before the game was out. You can send as many cards as you wish, and include your own personal message in each of them. The E-Cards page also still has several older e-cards to send out, for any occasion. You need to log in using your (Sims 2) account to be able to send cards.
IM with Don Lothario
Written at 01:42 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
The Sims 2 UK, the official site for the Sims 2, has made it possible for everyone with Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger) to chat with Don Lothario, one of the well-known characters from Pleasantview in the Sims 2. Although there's no real person behind the messenger account, but a computerised bot that gives automated answers to whatever you type, there's plenty of stuff to talk about with Don. You can play games, check the horoscopes, participate in a poll, find out about the Sims 2, read some fun facts about the game, get goodies and more. Add [email protected] to your buddy list in Live Messenger, and start chatting to him. Saying "home" to him will help you go through the menus to find all options, but you can also take the challenge to find the features yourself by saying the correct words to him.
GameSpot Reviews Pets
Written at 02:07 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Gaming network GameSpot has played Pets on the PC, and their review can now be read online. They start off by telling a bit about hamsters and birds, but quickly switch to dogs and cats, their training and careers. Trying to mold a pet's behaviour is very time consuming, and it's difficult to raise a pet, especially with Sims with careers. The new music tracks on the several (existing) radio stations in the game are mentioned, as well as the lots the game ships with. Overall the expansion does not redefine the game, but adds up to it and is probably best for experienced players. The final score GameSpot gives is a 7.1 out of 10. You can read the full review or watch some of the new screenshots for details.
Happy Holiday Stuff Info
Written at 03:21 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Recently we already reported about the Happy Holiday Stuff pack, which has now made a more in-depth appearance at the official site. The pack will be released in three editions. The first one is the basis for the two others as well: the Happy Holiday Stuff pack. This pack contains 60 holiday themed items, of which 20 are new and 40 were already in last year's Holiday (Christmas) Party Pack. To compensate a little for those who bought last year's pack, a special Happy Holiday Mini Pack will be made available through EA Downloader only - it won't be available in stores. This mini pack contains just the 20 new items against a reduced price. Finally there's the Sims 2 Holiday Edition, which bundles the base game and Happy Holiday Stuff. This game will be available solely in stores, EA Downloader will not have the bundle. The stuff pack will be available in both ways, with an additional bonus if you pre-order online. You'll get a Blizzardous Biosphere object as download when you order the pack from EA's Store. You can also get a trailer for the Holiday Edition or the Stuff pack. Renders of the items, screenshots and some small artwork can all be found in the remainder of this news post. See the official site's holiday page for more details.
Read More!
Sunday 29 October 2006
The Sims 2 Pets: Obedient Hound or Scavenging Stray? - Part 1
Written at 19:59 by Andy - 0 comments.
In the first part of our review of "Pets", which is the 4th Expansion for The Sims 2, we introduce you to what is new.
From loading up, finding what is new in the 'hood, how certain things have changed through to finding the basics on how to get a pet. That is all covered in this first part.
You can find all about it right here!
Monday 30 October 2006
Halloween at The Sims 2
Written at 22:46 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
Halloween is only a day away, and thus the official site has launched a few features to celebrate the day of trick-or-treating. First of all you can change your avatar to make it a little scarier, using the spiderweb background, a vampire collar, or witch hat for Sims, or a witch hat for pets. Furthermore, community manager MaxoidMel has also asked to mark any uploads special for Halloween with "Halloween 2006" in the description. Changing the description for older downloads will also work, and allows Maxoids to easily spot the downloads for highlighting. You only have today to put your Halloween creations on the website, so be quick. Check the BBS post for more details.
Pogo "Stack 'em" Sims 2 Pets Style
Written at 22:58 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
EA's online game service Pogo has recently redecorated the "Stack 'em" game to a Sims 2 Pets style. The game now features a Sims 2 Pets background as well as blocks. Go to the game page to play the game. Login using your account, which you also use at the official site.
Our The Sims 2 Pets DS and GBA Previews
Written at 23:55 by ChEeTaH - 0 comments.
It's been a while since we posted our preview of the consoles version of the Sims 2 Pets. Previews of the DS and GBA versions were promised too, and those have now been posted as well. Even though the games are about to be released (the DS version is already out in the UK), the previews might still give some more insight in the details of the handheld games. You can read more about how to be a vet, creating pets and playing mini-games, or working your way through several careers. Go to the DS Preview or GBA Preview for the juicy details. Don't forget our full PC review by Andy either! | http://www.thesimszone.co.uk/news/archive.php?Month=10&Year=2006 | 1,495,749,140 | null |
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If it is summer that means it must be anniversary time and we have a few to celebrate. We already kicked off anniversary season with our 12th anniversary last month. We had a great time celebrating with everyone and we hope you had an equally great time!Next up is the AO 13th anniversary which we'll be joining with ARK to help them celebrate starting this coming weekend in ICC. The party starts on Friday at 2:00 pm Eastern/ 6:00 pm UTC and rocks on for 4 hours. We then pick it up again on Saturday at 11:00 am Eastern/3:00 pm UTC and rocks on for 6 full hours. I bet you think that's all right? Wrong! AO is a teenager and like any other teenager they demanded more! The party rages on starting Saturday at 7 pm Eastern/Sunday at 11:00 am UTC for another 6 hours!!That is a party that is sure to work out all of AO's teenage angst!We don't want to forget TSW though. Thirteen may be a huge milestone and TSW may be a baby by comparison, but turning 2 is still a big deal and we plan on celebrating right along with TSW as well! The party starts on July 5 and you can be sure it will be a weekend of awesome music as well as contests and giveaways.But there is more coming than just anniversaries!!Several TSW cabals are joining together to host a Cabal Recruitment Fair in TSW. Not any Cabal can fit every player's needs. If you're having a hard time finding just the right fit, a visit to this event will be well worth your while. There will be representatives from several of the cabals on hand to answer your questions. Of course GSP will be there as well to keep everyone entertained. The Fair starts on July 12 at 2:00 pm Eastern/6:00 pm UTC in the Albion Theater/Arcadia. For more info please see this we've been teasing, some new voices are coming to GSP. I'd love to tell you more because I know you're going to be excited. However, I'm not ready to let the cats out of the bag just yet. You'll have to wait a little longer to hear for yourselves.On another note, we do remind you that the summer holidays are now upon us and that might mean more randomness in our schedules. However we'll always try to keep things covered and bring you as much liveness as we can.Of course the best way to keep things covered is to have more DJ's so don't forget that if you or someone you know has what it takes to DJ for GSP, I'll be more than happy to send out an application. For those of you who are more community oriented who would like to help out GSP in a behind the scenes role, we're also looking for a community relations person in Anarchy Online. That's all for now. As always, thanks for
GSP Turns Twelve and Other News
Wed 21 May, 2014 @ 3:00 AM
I can't believe GSP is 12 already. Just think next year we'll be in our teens!! Time sure flies when you're having an awesome time and make no mistake the past 12 years have been awesome. That is in part thanks to you, our loyal listeners, but also thanks to the incredible folks who have graced the airwaves or worked behind the scenes. By way of saying thanks to all of you as well as all of us we're going to have a party! (shocking! I know!!)The party starts this Friday, May 23 at 3 pm eastern and rocks on for the next 12 hours. Then we take a little break (hey we're getting old, we need a nap) and come back on Saturday, May 24 at 4 pm to keep the party rocking another 13 hours! The party will be going back and forth between AO and TSW and several of our fabulous DJ's. No matter what your plans this weekend, we hope you you can stop in, spend some time with us and give us our birthday spankings. *grin*Oh and while you're there, please try to take a moment to wish a fond farewell to DJ Cherri. While we're all saddened by the news that she will have to depart GSP, we wish her all the best for the future. In other news...I have it on good authority that DJ Trevalin has successfully completed his mission abroad and so he will be back on time to start his new weekly show. Eye of the Storm will move to its weekly time slot on May 21 at 8pm eastern from the Crusades.Also, don't forget that as we turn 12 then AO must be turning 13 soon. I'm quite sure there has been secretly secret conversation about secret stuff between us and ARK. Stay tuned for more info.Beyond that...well...it might be that some new DJ's might just start to show up here or there. Keep your ears peeled for noob ninjas in the not too distant future. However we still have room for more and we're also still looking for a community liaison on the AO side. So if you or anyone you know might be interested in a DJ or staff role, be sure to let me know and we can get the ball rolling.That's all the news for now.As always, thanks for
GSP: An Old(er) Dog with a Few New Tricks
Tue 29 April, 2014 @ 3:00 AM
Things are changing here at GSP and for once I'm not talking about structure changes. As you've no doubt heard by now DJ Trevalin will be taking to the air this coming Thursday, May 1 with his new show Eye of the Storm at 5pm Eastern. This first show is but a tease of what is to come. The new guy is really anxious to share the harder edge of rock and the softer side of metal with you fine folks so he's decided to do a weekly show. That's right he hasn't even gotten the first one under his belt and he's already hooked. He'll be starting his weekly show on Wednesday May 21 at 8 pm eastern. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm really looking forward to it. Trev has already made loads of friends out there in the Twitterverse and in Ealdwic and so I have very high hopes for what kind of "new tricks" he has in store for us.We also have a couple other changes already starting to happen. DJ Tastyvixen needs to take a much earned break from her regular weekly slot. But don't worry, you'll still hear her sexiness and fun musical choices on the air. She'll be sure to surprise you with a ninja whenever she can. I don't know about you guys but that voice can surprise me any time!That won't leave Sundays without liveness though. DJ Kermie has graciously agreed to move Kermie's Krazy Korner into the Sunday evenings at 10pm eastern. I think that's a great way to end the weekend and prepare for Monday.We've also got some events on the horizon. The first is Cinco de Mayo! That event is coming up on ...well Cinco de Mayo (har har). That's the 5th of May for those that don't know. We're still working through a few last minute details on this one. However you can bet we'll have plenty of music for you to samba to!Then on Saturday May 10th we're hosting a recruitment event. That's right GSP needs you! Have you thought of DJing, know someone who you think might fit the bill, or wish to support GSP in a community support role? Well this is the event for you. The event starts at 1pm eastern. We'll be sure to have DJ's and crew available in both AO and TSW to answer your questions and pass out applications.And finally (I saved the best for last!) GSP is turning Twelve and we're inviting all of you to join in the celebration!! Of course it wouldn't be a GSP Anniversary Event if it didn't take place over multiple days. This year our anniversary event this year will be on May 24 and May 25 switching between both games. The times and DJ's will be worked out soon. Keep checking back for more info!Wow, Ok I think that's quite enough for one update. Let's see if I got it all: Eye of the Storm premieres this Thursday, May 1; Kermie is moving to Sundays, Tasty is becoming a ninja; Cinco de Mayo; Recruiting on May 10; and GSP turns their dial up to 12! Yep, that's everything. We hope to see you guys a lot in the month of May. As always, thanks for listening. You guys rock!
Club Troppo Returns To Friday's & A Storm Approaches
Wed 2 April, 2014 @ 5:00 PM
GSP is proud to announce the return DJ Dynamiks and Club Troppo to the Friday lineup each week! You can catch the Thunder from Down Under and his assortment of dance, trance, electro and retro starting at 3pm Eastern/7pm UTC every Friday! Also, don't forget to follow DJ Dynamiks on Twitter! (@DJ_Dynamiks) Club Troppo is one of two roleplay themed shows GSP will be bringing to Arcadia in The Secret World.The other show hitting Arcadia soon will be Eye of the Storm with DJ Trevalin! The first show is scheduled or May 1st at 5pm Eastern/9pm UTC. Eye of the Storm will bring the best of hard rock and melodic metal to the Crusades approximately twice a month. Make sure to keep an eye on DJ Trevalin's show forum or follow him on Twitter (@DJ_Trevalin) for updates on future shows!What else is on the horizon? GSP will be celebrating another birthday coming up in May! Get ready for a party of epic proportions as GridStream turns an amazing 12 years old! We'll have a huge lineup of DJ's set to entertain you and plenty of contests and prizes as well. More details to come!Finally, we bid a fond farewell to DJ Beardedgoose as he steps down from GSP. As most of you may have noticed, Goose hasn't been able to do his shows for awhile due to RK4 obligations. We wish him the very best as he focuses on real life stuff and thank him for all of his contributions to GSP! :)As always, thanks for listening! We hope to see you at a show on Rubi-Ka or in The Secret World soon!- | http://tsw.gridstream.org/gsp/cms/front/_/9 | 1,495,878,616 | null |
The start of a new photo challenge! I feel like the March Photo Challenge was so helpful to me and I'm looking forward to April's challenge. Here it is for anyone who is interested in doing this with me! | http://magentaandlime.blogspot.com/2012/04/april-photo-challenge.html | 1,495,695,549 | 1,492,620,900 |
Beyonce just posted a couple of personal candids of her daughter Blue Ivy Carter. Little Blue is wearing a crown with what I assume if fake bling in one picture. While she is lounging in her stroller during a photo shoot with her mother. | http://entertainmentrundown.com/2013/06/28/snapshots-blue-ivy-carter-rocks-a-crown/ | 1,495,510,710 | null |
Can't you feel ‘em circlin’ honey?Can't you feel ‘em swimmin’ around?You got fins to the left, fins to the right,and you're the only bait in town.You got fins to the left, fins to the right,and you're the only girl in town.Fins, Jimmy BuffettThe primary attraction at the Jazz Fest Acura Stage was the 5:30 p.m. performance of Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band. More now than just a musician, Jimmy is a lifestyle coordinator for his legion of fans known as “Parrotheads,” some of which you met in yesterday's post from the festival.
This parrothead portrait may fall into the category of “TMI”
Female entry in same category
Parrothead couples
The Fairgrounds grandstand and a political symbol
Roof of the Acura stage where The Dixie Cups, The Subdudes and Jimmy Buffett played
Coolin' it
Recapturetheglory, who makes his home at the Fairgrounds Racetrack, was entered in the Kentucky Derby, which we watched between shows on the big screen. Despite throwing his rider on the way to the starting gate, and the 47-1 odds against him, the horse ran a strong race, leading after about a mile before fading to a fifth place finish.
This nice couple allowed their picture to be taken…lol
The great man takes the stage. The crowd tried for most of the afternoon to keep a beach ball or two aloft and finally succeeded long enough for me to take this shot.
Here's Jimmy and twelve members of the Coral Reefer Band.
I think one can be a Hula Girl and Parrothead at the same time.
Dressed for the crowd and weather
One of several banners flown over the venue
Jimmy called this his “polygamist” dress. The song - “Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw?”
The Golden Eagles of Southern Mississippi came to party.
The young vocalist on the right was discovered by Buffett on the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa. We wondered if he was showing good judgment putting a younger, more talented vocalist with a real island accent in the band.
A new angle on parrotheads
Hands of Louisiana's slide guitarist Sonny Landreth, who sat in with the Coral Reefers for much of the show.
Our friend from Baton Rouge was there with his 15-year-old son. Our similarly aged daughter wouldn't get caught dead within two miles of the event, though she went to a smaller, similar event with us in Baton Rouge the next day.
I'm proud of my latest stitched-together panoramic shot. Can you find the seam?
Videographer gave us and those even further from the stage a good view of the action on the big screen
This grass-skirted woman in a Margaritaville T-shirt (Jimmy's bar in the French Quarter) had a great time all day.
This pink flamingo flag would be at home in Baton Rouge.
Two beach balls in the air at once
Parrotheads won't go home without doing “Fins to the left! Fins to the right!”
Jimmy and New Orleans' legendary pianist Allen Touissant combined for a surprise encore on “Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?” Jimmy traded his flip flops to a fan for the T-shirt that reads “Rebuilding New Orleans One Margarita At a Time”.
Touissant on the big screen
Seen at Acme Oyster House in neighboring Metairie, another party with a similar itinerary. There's one or two shots missing of the hourlong wait at the fairgrounds after the show for the shuttle bus to take us back to the parking lot. The Buffett show ended at 7:20. We finally ate dinner about five miles away after 10 p.m.
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9 years ago
This does look like like you had a lot fun.
9 years ago
9 years ago
So much fun!!
9 years ago
9 years ago
gret post,amazing
9 years ago
9 years ago
DEFINITELY TMI in those first two photos! ;) Great set, you have to love Jimmy, but boy, is he looking old! Cheeseburger in paradise, anyone? | https://www.photoblog.com/dadlak/2008/05/05/a-gathering-of-parrotheads/ | 1,496,064,654 | null |
It happened again last week. It became clear to me once again that academic bullying is alive and well at UVM. "Well, faculty have an authority that may be perceived as bullying when used with passion and a certain kind of intent" you might say. "That's the way certain faculty are. They believe themselves to be unquestioned authorities in their field. Their role is to deliver their expert knowledge to their students and their students' role is to take it in and learn it!"
I understand this. Believe me. I wasn't a department chair for five years for nothing. But there's a line that can be transgressed that separates normal, non-punitive authoritarian behavior from punitive, accusatory, and demeaning authoritarian behavior. We all know faculty who are puffed up on themselves, full of self referential commentary, who might also be quite good as teachers. They might even have a tad bit of self-awareness, occasionally poking fun at their puffoonary. I'm not talking about these people, the normal academic authoritarians.
I'm talking about the faculty members who inspire fear, masters and mistresses of the put down, purveyors of the "how dare you question my methods" view of the student/teacher relationship. Faculty members who go beyond normal levels of faculty authoritarianism to another place - the place of academic bully. Faculty members whose classes are filled with students who've learned the survival game of never question anything, agree totally with whatever's being put forth, sit silent and nod in feigned agreement, or come to class overprepared for a random call to answer. (I know, that latter point is maybe what some teacher's want, but taken in the context of all the rest of the academic bully's behavior, it is way out of line as a teaching strategy.)
A major problem with the academic bully is the victims often have no reasonable recourse. Department Chairs are usually powerless to do much more than offer a rebuke. Save sexual misconduct, faculty seem to have, unfortunately, unlimited license in terms of appropriate professorial behavior in their classrooms and offices, even in the internet email to students. Students are generally in a powerless position. If a department has a policy for perceived professorial misconduct, usually the first step is for the student to go back to the abuser and try to have a discussion about the incident - usually alone. Not many students elect to take that option. Some choose to go to a Dean, but Deans often pass the matter back to Department Chairs.
Academic bullying is a dirty secret of universities. Universities would prefer their multiple publics to believe that every class is peopled by faculty and students who care about each other and their curriculum and who are excited about the daily pursuit of knowledge. But students know differently. Secrets such as these fester and boil and rot the reputations of institutions from the inside out. They turn students away from participating in the great good that can be had in provocative academic environments. The dirty secret needs to come into the light of day.
Cases of academic abuse need to be defined, and dealt with from a position of authority and power. Students need a place of recourse other than the office of the perpetrator. Definitions of abuse need to be clear. Conditions of assistance and conditions of sanction need to be clearly stated and understood by all members of the academic community. For a start, I'd offer the following definition of academic bullying, adapted from the harassment policy of a local school district.
Academic Bullying and Harassment means an incident or incidents of verbal, written, visual, or physical conduct...that have the purpose or effect of demeaning a student and objectively and substantially undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student’s educational performance or access to school resources or creating an objectively intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Short of rational process, I might also suggest a series of articles on the subject by the local campus newspaper. If not able to be addressed head on, perhaps a series of vignettes would serve the purpose of putting the university community on notice that such behavior diminishes our ability to live out Our Common Ground statement and will not be tolerated at the University of Vermont.
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6:15 AM
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Animoto and UDL
Had great fun using animoto for the first time and lookie here: a quickie video about UDL that communicates in image, text, imagery, and sound. All done within 5 minutes.Create your own video slideshow at | http://chezcbone.blogspot.com/2010/10/ | 1,496,063,364 | 1,481,394,056 |
"The ship sent us another Sawyer!" - gotta love the "Lost" writers' sense of humor. Here are the stills, the spoilers and video sneak peeks from tomorrow night's episode "The Economist." If you don't like to get spoiled, don't you dare open this post!The Sayid-centric episode flashes forward to reveal a violent and dangerous Sayid, yet another member of the Oceanic 6.At present, Sayid, Kate and Miles go to Othersville, after the Iraqi makes a deal with Frank that he would take him, Miles and Naomi's body to the freighter if he brings Charlotte back.The trio finds Hurley bound and gagged and ponders how to retrieve Charlotte. Locke and his people ambush them and take them hostage, but Sawyer helps Kate hide.Sayid shares his cell with Ben. Locke makes a deal to let him and Charlotte go in exchange for something he wants. But did Locke make a fatal mistake? What was Ben able to tell Sayid while they were locked in the same room?Sayid returns to the helicopter with Charlotte earning his right to leave the island. But in the future, Sayid and Ben plot their next move following the unsuccessful assassination of Sayid. The war is on!This ExposedLabels: Lost, Spoilers | http://televisionista.blogspot.com/2008/02/lost-spoilers-403-economist.html | 1,495,735,893 | 1,495,440,390 |
DARK energy, the mysterious force thought to be responsible for the fact the universe’s expansion is accelerating, might come from a series of exotic fields. This notion, which has its origins in string theory, could explain why it was only after galaxies formed that the rate of expansion began to increase.
Dark energy could simply be a property of space-time, called the cosmological constant, which appears as a term added into the equations of general relativity. But, the trouble is that to make the equations balance, the constant should be 120 orders of magnitude larger than observations of the universe suggested it actually is.
This gigantic discrepancy is a major headache for cosmologists, so some have turned to more complex explanations. One invokes a field called quintessence that supposedly fills the universe and provides the energy necessary for expansion. Crucially, this field changes strength over time, which would explain why cosmic expansion hasn’t always been accelerating.
But it leaves another problem: why did acceleration switch on precisely when it did? One explanation is that if it hadn’t, we wouldn’t be here to see it. But counting up the other equally probable options makes our universe just one of 10120 possibilities, a fine-tuning that physicists find equally unsatisfactory.
Now Marc Kamionkowski of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and his colleagues say they have an explanation that solves both problems, thanks to something called the string axiverse. String theory, an overarching term for theories with more than three dimensions, suggests there could be hundreds of so-called axion fields that permeate the universe. In the early universe these fields wouldn’t have an effect, but one by one, they would turn on, giving rise to particles of different masses.
Kamionkowski says each field has a chance of becoming quintessence and accelerating cosmic growth, but the chance any particular field has decreases with the total number of fields. “All the fields exist at all times, but in the beginning they are frozen, just sitting on the bench.” It is a bit like rolling a series of dice – if you roll a six, it is unlikely to be the first six to occur if many other dice have been rolled already.
The team calculated that it would have to be the 44th axion field to turn on that became quintessence. The odds of this happening are 1 in 500, they say (arxiv.org/abs/1409.0549). In other words, our universe was still unlikely, but much less so than in a scenario without axions.
The other fields could become ordinary and dark matter, thus explaining everything in the universe, says Kamionkowski – although the team is still working out the details. “We’re going to keep busy with this for a little while.” Telescopes looking for changes in the energy density of space could provide hints that dark energy is indeed from the string axiverse, he adds.
John March-Russell of the University of Oxford, who helped conceive the string axiverse, agrees it could explain dark energy, but doesn’t quite solve the fine-tuning problem. Kamionkowski admits the model rests on assumptions that are just one of many possible choices, but thinks that the arguments for different assumptions are mostly philosophical. “It’s turtles all the way down!”
String theory, dark matter and dark energy? As a skeptic, I find the attempts to explain the problems of cosmology by reference to such things to be almost like religious dogma. But I have my own hypothesis that seems just as plausible to me, if not more so.
As the universe expands, time may be slowing down creating the illusion of the universe’s expansion accelerating. My hypothesis would explain the apparent acceleration of the universe’s expansion, which otherwise defies the known laws of physics (if the flow of time is constant, the expansion of the universe should be slowing down, even if it does go on forever). It would eliminate the need for dark energy to explain anything, since there is no direct evidence for it anyway.
When the universe finally stops expanding, time itself will stop, then time will begin to go backwards and everything that happened in the past will repeat itself until finally there is a Big Crunch, but from our point of view we will never see it because time itself would have seemed to end with the universe growing to infinity.
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1. Serve Something in a Pumpkin - Whether it's soup, stuffing, or even a pumpkin souffle; you can cook and serve so many different dishes in a small hollowed out pumpkin to add a festive touch to your Thanksgiving table or buffet. You can also use a large pumpkin on your buffet as a large serving bowl. Fill it with this yummy pumpkin cream cheese dip.
Pictured: Roasted Garlic Sage Pesto Pumpkin Soup by Tieghan of HALF BAKED harvest
2. Serve a Signature Cocktail - Wine or sparkling cider is an obvious and easy choice for your holiday drinks, but for an extra special dinner, serve a unique cocktail like the fall sangria or cranberry gin and tonic pictured above. It will cost you a little extra if you don't have a stocked bar, but by serving just one cocktail, that's less liquor you have to buy. The sangria is something you can easily make ahead. Though the cocktail can be made easily too; set up a bar area with a chalkboard menu so you can write out the cocktail ingredients and have guests make their own.
Pictured: Autumn Sangria with apples, Pomegranates, and Figs by Heather Christo / Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic by A Cozy Kitchen 3. Make A Fancy Pie Crust - If you've delegated the pies to yourself, try making one with a lattice top or use leaf cookie cutters. Here's a step-by-step picture tutorial on How to Make a Lattice Pie Crust.
Pictured: Apple Rosemary Lattice by via Saveur
4. Set the Table - I love to use more formal serving ware like cloth napkins, water goblets, and chargers for dinner parties. It's those extra details and layers that really make a table beautiful. Finish off the look with a festive centerpiece and candles. Even with an informal place setting, these finishing touched make for an elegant dinner. See the diagrams below for both an informal and formal place setting guide.
Pictured: Pier 1 Myra Dinnerware / diagrams via
5. Serve Some True Hors d'Oevres - Americans have a bad habit of tossing out a store-bought veggie tray and opening a couple of bags of chips and calling it a day. There is a better way. It may seem like a lot of extra trouble, but if you arrange a large tray with fruit, a few nice cheeses, and French bread; you're off to a great start. Adding on hot appetizers can also be a breeze if you use prepackaged puff pastry. You can easily create several different appetizers at a time by using the same base (like the puff pastry cut into squares) and filling them with several different toppings. Try spinach with feta, cranberry sauce with brie, and mushrooms with ground Italian sausage.
Pictured: Williams Sonoma Assorted Mediterranean Hors d’Oeuvres / by The Perfect Bite Co.
6. Serve Something Unexpected - Thanksgiving has its traditional dishes that we all need, like stuffing and of course turkey. Add some elegance to your Thanksgiving menu something new like that gorgeous rustic veggie tart or a tasty fall bisque.
Pictured: Rustic Vegetable Tart with Roasted Butternut Squash, Parsnips, and... / Butternut Squash Soup
7. Send the Leftover Home in Style - How pretty are these "leftovers" labels by Oh Happy Day? Place them on brown take-out boxes and tie with ribbon for an elegant doggie bag.
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William KendallNovember 20, 2014 at 5:07 PMIt occurs to me that I'd be lost in formal dining WilliamsNovember 20, 2014 at 6:04 PMYeah that formal one is intense. Even I would be a bit 22, 2014 at 10:29 AMI love the pumpkin idea. Maybe I should do that with my quinoa WilliamsNovember 22, 2014 at 12:31 PMOoh I love Quinoa. Yeah, that would work well in pumpkins!DeleteReplyAdd commentLoad more... | http://www.krisztinaclifton.com/2014/11/7-ways-to-host-elegant-thanksgiving.html | 1,496,056,867 | 1,496,050,661 |
Subsets and Splits