{"_id": "11546", "text": "Android chroot ubuntu - is it possible to get ubuntu to recognise usb devices"} {"_id": "82440", "text": "problem in installing apps in karbonn A5i"} {"_id": "36706", "text": "LG L3 : difference between system memory and internal memory"} {"_id": "19971", "text": "List of ROMs for HTC Flyer"} {"_id": "64676", "text": "What is the difference between AOSP and CM/AOKP?"} {"_id": "63025", "text": "How can I customize the time to update my android applications?"} {"_id": "21616", "text": "Can I install additional languages on Android?"} {"_id": "45446", "text": "How do I root Android 2.3.3 on HTC Desire?"} {"_id": "54175", "text": "How can I download apps from Google Play to my Tab using my PC's Internet connection?"} {"_id": "20256", "text": "Does Android hide some amount of RAM from the User?"} {"_id": "29769", "text": "How do I connect to a wifi ap and 3g network simultaneously?"} {"_id": "40963", "text": "How do I remove previously download apps from my Google Play account?"} {"_id": "23508", "text": "Aoson M19 -- Device Drivers"} {"_id": "12831", "text": "What do I need to improve performance of the Android emulator?"} {"_id": "12834", "text": "Broken screen while debug mode was disabled. How can I re-enable adb?"} {"_id": "55624", "text": "Control volume of particular app"} {"_id": "65261", "text": "1GB/8GB advertised versus 967.5 MB / 5564.6 MB actual .HELP"} {"_id": "390", "text": "How to backup an Android device?"} {"_id": "3742", "text": "Is it possible to upgrade my HTC Legend to Froyo without waiting for over the air updates?"} {"_id": "15701", "text": "What happens to a running program when \"home\" button is pressed in Android phone?"} {"_id": "6815", "text": "Android tool to find what's taking space, and delete it?"} {"_id": "30332", "text": "How can I stop applications and services from running?"} {"_id": "10702", "text": "Is there an app that will let me text from my pc with the same phone number?"} {"_id": "44220", "text": "Need to unlock Coby tablet; MicroSD card not formatted"} {"_id": "41548", "text": "How to unlock and root a Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray ST18i with 4.1.B.1.13"} {"_id": "12587", "text": "Configuring Background Images"} {"_id": "44918", "text": "Can a 3rd party app *technically* take better pictures?"} {"_id": "65069", "text": "I have the error that an application has been force stopped"} {"_id": "18342", "text": "Have I erased my songs? Samsung galaxy S2"} {"_id": "75056", "text": "Will Nexus 5 be allowed to update to Android L?"} {"_id": "45631", "text": "My Camera on my android tablet isn't letting me take any pictures. help?"} {"_id": "9199", "text": "Are there any apps for advanced Japanese learners?"} {"_id": "16915", "text": "Where on the file system are SMS messages stored?"} {"_id": "10519", "text": "How do I set a custom SMS tone for a single contact?"} {"_id": "697", "text": "How to open Microsoft Excel files?"} {"_id": "24570", "text": "Why do phones have default limited user rights (not rooted)?"} {"_id": "62120", "text": "Can an app make phone calls in the background"} {"_id": "55124", "text": "Turn On Both Wifi and Wifi Hotspot"} {"_id": "23710", "text": "Rooting my phone and installing CyanogenMod. Can I ever go back?"} {"_id": "27007", "text": "Where does Google Play store its ebooks on an Android device?"} {"_id": "56477", "text": "Can you screen save on a Nexus 4?"} {"_id": "56784", "text": "Google Drive crashes on start"} {"_id": "64944", "text": "Are custom ROMs really required?"} {"_id": "33728", "text": "Where can I get the QR code for an app on the Play Store?"} {"_id": "14662", "text": "minimal hardware requirements for Android"} {"_id": "27821", "text": "Android phone discharges when it has 20%"} {"_id": "15138", "text": "How can I automatically reject some types of calls?"} {"_id": "33894", "text": "I have a Binatone Kidzstar and can't install android market or google play"} {"_id": "78118", "text": "how to stop an app upgrading?"} {"_id": "78113", "text": "Will my alarm still go off?"} {"_id": "81812", "text": "Simultaneity connect 2 Bluetooth devices (keyboard and a mouse)"} {"_id": "10351", "text": "How to give root access to apps that don't request it?"} {"_id": "834", "text": "How do I remove HTC Desire pre-installed Android applications?"} {"_id": "21515", "text": "Cannot install Draw Something on Galaxy Mini GT S5570"} {"_id": "63346", "text": "PHone rebooting when screen turns off"} {"_id": "82179", "text": "Charging related question"} {"_id": "7774", "text": "Suggestions for syncing data to someone besides Google? Funambol?"} {"_id": "7772", "text": "How to access internet on my HTC Desire from my pc with USB?"} {"_id": "46552", "text": "Copy contacts from iCloud to Android phone"} {"_id": "9541", "text": "Why is \"insufficient storage\" wrongly reported when installing an .apk via adb?"} {"_id": "48012", "text": "Find my iPhone equivalent"} {"_id": "79085", "text": "HTC One Mini data recovery after root"} {"_id": "78682", "text": "Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 Showing less RAM"} {"_id": "25693", "text": "How to have a long Standby and Battery -life?"} {"_id": "74798", "text": "Apps which change region in google play store"} {"_id": "61297", "text": "How to use PC internet on Android mobile via Bluetooth"} {"_id": "37417", "text": "How to change camera default save location?"} {"_id": "14490", "text": "How to rate in Market on Honeycomb tablet?"} {"_id": "17433", "text": "Is there a web browser+Java plugin available for Android?"} {"_id": "62376", "text": "Set Default Keyboard without having to long hold text input?"} {"_id": "11872", "text": "Samsung Kies: 'This version of the device can not be updated'. Never?"} {"_id": "82323", "text": "\u201cIncompatible with other applications(s) using the same shared user ID\u201d when installing Google Play service?"} {"_id": "57001", "text": "My new phone isn't listed as a device in the Android Device Manager, how can I register it?"} {"_id": "37", "text": "How do I change the name of my Android device?"} {"_id": "27415", "text": "How to set up Google Apps Gmail on an Android -phone?"} {"_id": "27417", "text": "Galaxy phone turns on every minute for no reason"} {"_id": "73197", "text": "Deactivation of cell broadcast of HTC onemax dual sim (AT860)"} {"_id": "22133", "text": "How do I clear learned words?"} {"_id": "51645", "text": "Can `Phone Calls` application permission allow developer to read my contact book?"} {"_id": "37599", "text": "Flash Player does not work on Android 4.0 and upwards"} {"_id": "37590", "text": "Android Automatically Adds Shortcuts To Home Screen"} {"_id": "1931", "text": "I want to remotely control my Android device from my PC without rooting it. Is this possible?"} {"_id": "39137", "text": "Does nexus 4 work with indian network"} {"_id": "21151", "text": "Red Star And Green Cross Icons?"} {"_id": "37246", "text": "How to make 3G Video Calls?"} {"_id": "58623", "text": "Is it possible to turn off radio without turning of wifi on Lenovo k900?"} {"_id": "29538", "text": "execute linux commands on android froyo"} {"_id": "50751", "text": "Can your android device get malware?"} {"_id": "16962", "text": "How can I prevent long SMS messages from auto-converting to MMS?"} {"_id": "2466", "text": "How do I backup and restore SMS Messages?"} {"_id": "2461", "text": "How to use an android phone as a wireless webcam?"} {"_id": "2462", "text": "Does Froyo fix Samsung Galaxy S I9000's GPS problem?"} {"_id": "37020", "text": "What are Android's secret telephony codes?"} {"_id": "45054", "text": "forgot my google account password"} {"_id": "77601", "text": "how to freeze/hibernate system apps in non-root android mobilephones"} {"_id": "38409", "text": "Scripting Android"} {"_id": "16236", "text": "How can I save a file rather than open it?"} {"_id": "7081", "text": "Are there any \"iptables like\" firewall for Android?"} {"_id": "6949", "text": "Can I use ADB without connecting over USB?"} {"_id": "28970", "text": "How to make point to point VOIP call between two Android devices?"} {"_id": "7866", "text": "Unwanted folders showing up in Gallery. Can they be removed?"} {"_id": "12129", "text": "Is there any browser that allows to view the source?"} {"_id": "10414", "text": "Preventing mobile data use for select apps on non-rooted phone?"} {"_id": "9327", "text": "Auto login to wifi networks"} {"_id": "9325", "text": "icons for Android"} {"_id": "48364", "text": "Are there earphones with support for buttons similar to the OEM earphones?"} {"_id": "45069", "text": "Show messages on lock screen"} {"_id": "28551", "text": "Why can't android connect to an ad hoc hotspot?"} {"_id": "32312", "text": "Will flashing re-lock my unlocked phone"} {"_id": "55933", "text": "Possible digitizer problem?"} {"_id": "52929", "text": "Built-in alarm, calendar suddenly talking to me. How can I shut them up?"} {"_id": "60838", "text": "How to access USB drive with android browser?"} {"_id": "26142", "text": "How can I execute a script on the SD card and be able to pass arguments to it?"} {"_id": "58843", "text": "Turn a Android Phone with broken screen into dedicated Web server"} {"_id": "34948", "text": "What is the status icon that looks like a house?"} {"_id": "33994", "text": "What is the length and breadth of ONLY the screen in the Nexus 7?"} {"_id": "39344", "text": "apps wanting setting control"} {"_id": "33526", "text": "Turning off just email notification sound"} {"_id": "77102", "text": "no matter what i do my tablet has 0mb space available"} {"_id": "77106", "text": "Application to block icon movements on home pages"} {"_id": "77104", "text": "How to encrypt android device without screen lock?"} {"_id": "14884", "text": "How can I get Google's two-step verification to work?"} {"_id": "1600", "text": "Is there a good app that lets me to the app updates in one go?"} {"_id": "40304", "text": "Using a phone without data plan for multiplayer game dev"} {"_id": "5471", "text": "Problem with my thumbnails in gallery"} {"_id": "29907", "text": "Google Services hogging data - how to stop it?"} {"_id": "47651", "text": "search somebody from contacts with the numpads"} {"_id": "47650", "text": "What is the difference between the Linux Kernel and the Android Kernel?"} {"_id": "48931", "text": "How to change System Language in Android?"} {"_id": "16137", "text": "iOS on Android devices"} {"_id": "10996", "text": "Block all sounds going out through speaker when headphone connected"} {"_id": "65442", "text": "Howto encrypt my external SD card"} {"_id": "9422", "text": "Reinstalling purchased apps on a new phone?"} {"_id": "42771", "text": "\"Application has stopped unexpectedly\" error when starting Play Store or browser. How to fix?"} {"_id": "20440", "text": "application to restore/download all market applications after new rom is installed"} {"_id": "9289", "text": "Why does taking a screen shot require root access?"} {"_id": "63322", "text": "Disable screen lock on samsung galaxy pocket gt s5300"} {"_id": "24379", "text": "What is this VPN setting good for?"} {"_id": "28711", "text": "Find lost acer android tablet without a tracker installed"} {"_id": "55010", "text": "google play authentiction required"} {"_id": "32878", "text": "Google Play app dissappeared"} {"_id": "32298", "text": "How to tether WiFi-internetconnection with Nexus 7 on a PC without WLAN via USB?"} {"_id": "74933", "text": "Should I switch to ART?"} {"_id": "3799", "text": "Is there a Word Lens alternative/port for Android?"} {"_id": "4319", "text": "How can I get Kies to detect my Galaxy S GT-i9000 on Windows 7?"} {"_id": "15001", "text": "How can I avoid the battery charging when connected via USB?"} {"_id": "15009", "text": "How does Google Maps estimate my location without GPS?"} {"_id": "20606", "text": "How to take backup of all installed APKs from Phone to PC?"} {"_id": "15943", "text": "Can I install applications onto sd card with Android 2.1?"} {"_id": "15947", "text": "Always seeing \"No connection: Retry\" in Android Market"} {"_id": "1033", "text": "How can I prevent my HTC Desire from overheating?"} {"_id": "1035", "text": "How to break in a new cell phone battery?"} {"_id": "61311", "text": "Cant connect S3 with CM 10.2 to adb"} {"_id": "8082", "text": "How can I check the OS version of an Android device?"} {"_id": "25178", "text": "Can an Android text message set off an alarm?"} {"_id": "10811", "text": "How to capture video stream from Android phone screen and show it on laptop?"} {"_id": "56258", "text": "Application downloading error (919)"} {"_id": "56252", "text": "How do enable \"Haptic Feedback\" on on my Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S5360T"} {"_id": "65762", "text": "How do I remove gapps from CyanogenMod"} {"_id": "61866", "text": "I can't delete my messages"} {"_id": "81025", "text": "Installed Comodo SSL certificate not showing in User in Trusted credentials"} {"_id": "81023", "text": "LG Nexus 4 E960 red light of death"} {"_id": "58346", "text": "Disable PIN Unlock with Certificates and WPA2 Enterprise"} {"_id": "68687", "text": "How to unlock Google Device Manager remote lock?"} {"_id": "68680", "text": "Issue with CyanogenMod softbuttons after theming"} {"_id": "609", "text": "How to post a link to an android market app?"} {"_id": "31858", "text": "Android Jelly Bean: fix search button"} {"_id": "38486", "text": "How to tell if a phone is rooted?"} {"_id": "30487", "text": "Develop Java Swing Applications on Android"} {"_id": "7003", "text": "Markdown note taking with Dropbox sync"} {"_id": "748", "text": "Can you connect USB devices to an Android phone?"} {"_id": "22802", "text": "WIFI share a reverse tethered connection"} {"_id": "12650", "text": "What is Flash ClockworkMod Recovery?"} {"_id": "69480", "text": "Why is an android ROM device specific?"} {"_id": "19844", "text": "Facebook contact sync in Ice Cream Sandwich"} {"_id": "44620", "text": "How do I make Android consider my WiFi Access Point as valid (blue?)"} {"_id": "40813", "text": "Add user (personal) dictionary to Android stock keyboard for unsupported languages"} {"_id": "8436", "text": "Dropbox for Android folder location"} {"_id": "34984", "text": "Samsung Galaxy Ace: will it charge me to connect to home wifi?"} {"_id": "9826", "text": "How to lock screen besides pressing Nexus S right side power button"} {"_id": "2581", "text": "App that reads images of QR codes?"} {"_id": "36899", "text": "What are \"Manual Updates\" in Google Play Store?"} {"_id": "24079", "text": "Can (ringer) volume only be locked by hacks/apps or is there a easy way?"} {"_id": "68235", "text": "Data sms need info"} {"_id": "37855", "text": "Android tablet won't reboot after rebooting using volume and power buttons"} {"_id": "6603", "text": "Do I need to reboot my HTC Desire periodically?"} {"_id": "33329", "text": "How to make cell phone using GPRS/3G a WiFi-Hotspot"} {"_id": "40383", "text": "Can apps know where you are even without GPS?"} {"_id": "30674", "text": "How can I control both volume and track skip on my Android device from my headphones?"} {"_id": "44861", "text": "How can I use 2G voice calls in Nexus 7"} {"_id": "44860", "text": "Play store stuck in old country"} {"_id": "60547", "text": "How can I download apps to the SD card with space instead of my phone storage?"} {"_id": "46296", "text": "Can I download a paid app on a second device from Google Play?"} {"_id": "63014", "text": "Can't see profile pics of friends from an unknown number"} {"_id": "53497", "text": "Android app for decorating destination numbers"} {"_id": "2906", "text": "Knowing which applications to stop"} {"_id": "11885", "text": "Video streaming from PC to Android?"} {"_id": "11884", "text": "Would a Class 10 MicroSDHC card ever be worth it on a Smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S 2)?"} {"_id": "20198", "text": "Do I have to install a custom ROM if I root?"} {"_id": "54144", "text": "How to NOT charge when USB debugging?"} {"_id": "66538", "text": "Clear Google Play Failed Download Space"} {"_id": "74612", "text": "Installation of apks in Bluestacks"} {"_id": "8576", "text": "Separate ringtone for calls from numbers not in the contact list?"} {"_id": "8570", "text": "How to fix \"Invalid IMEI \" after Factory reset?"} {"_id": "3717", "text": "how to close an application in android"} {"_id": "36468", "text": "How to get rid of bogus \"Phone storage full\" message (cannot send SMSs)"} {"_id": "75916", "text": "Monitor outgong web requests as they\u2019re happening"} {"_id": "39424", "text": "Why does my phone have erroneous input when connected to a non-OEM power source?"} {"_id": "73415", "text": "Android hangs on boot image after changing boot image"} {"_id": "44270", "text": "How can I reduce screen brightness below the minimum without an app?"} {"_id": "42820", "text": "How to Install Android Apps to the SD Card by Default"} {"_id": "5084", "text": "How do I change the default Complete Action With?"} {"_id": "33515", "text": "How can I find out what app is using my GPS from the background?"} {"_id": "33512", "text": "Does Google Audit all apps that enter the market place?"} {"_id": "65097", "text": "THE resource for rooting your phone?"} {"_id": "16078", "text": "How to force Gmail/Android to request password every time for google account"} {"_id": "13605", "text": "How do I fix \"Unknown reason -110\"?"} {"_id": "2310", "text": "How will a swap partition/file affect the system?"} {"_id": "5855", "text": "how to completely disable lockscreen?"} {"_id": "21296", "text": "How can I find out the Wi-Fi password from android setting"} {"_id": "12233", "text": "Wifi Error when turning on"} {"_id": "27387", "text": "How can Iget different sounds for different notifications?"} {"_id": "32009", "text": "Why my S3 device sounds when magnetic card is put on its back?"} {"_id": "3521", "text": "Is it possible to install Android on a PC?"} {"_id": "37787", "text": "LG Lucid doesn't recognize SD card as extra memory when dealing with photos"} {"_id": "14651", "text": "Which one is more suitable Samsung Kies or PC Studio for Samsung GT-B7722?"} {"_id": "21556", "text": "Contacts with and without international extensions"} {"_id": "68459", "text": "-24 Google Play Error on installing eBay"} {"_id": "27816", "text": "Unable to move few Apps to SD Card"} {"_id": "47202", "text": "How to remove this sliding app section?"} {"_id": "39583", "text": "How can I disable the volume warning if you raise the volume too much?"} {"_id": "20728", "text": "Why can't apps connect to the internet?"} {"_id": "42325", "text": "Is it possible to change the system language to Japanese?"} {"_id": "59632", "text": "Which Android handsets support in-line call recording?"} {"_id": "40897", "text": "How to stop this type of service in Sony Xperia MT27i?"} {"_id": "801", "text": "What is the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking an Android?"} {"_id": "56119", "text": "How do you add widgets to the lockscreen in KitKat?"} {"_id": "16220", "text": "Where does Google Music store offline songs?"} {"_id": "58221", "text": "Upgrading to 4.4 on rooted Nexus 4, custom recovery, custom kernel without losing data"} {"_id": "34507", "text": "Will my Android device change to Gingerbread when I factory reset it?"} {"_id": "67797", "text": "Android Version Distribution BY COUNTRY"} {"_id": "28662", "text": "Rooting Stock Firmware - GSII with NFC"} {"_id": "61246", "text": "Can I use an external touchscreen with the Nexus 4?"} {"_id": "27224", "text": "How to configure BlueStack AppPlayer to use Proxy settings when connecting to Network?"} {"_id": "51153", "text": "How to find the unboxing date of an Android device?"} {"_id": "15828", "text": "If I flash my ROM or wipe my device after buying an app, will I have to buy it again?"} {"_id": "33941", "text": "Is there a way to extend the MK802 III's memory?"} {"_id": "5667", "text": "How do I perform a full pre-rooting backup of an Android phone?"} {"_id": "12047", "text": "How do I import user data from a ROM Manager backup?"} {"_id": "43795", "text": "Can Android tablet read external hard drive and if so which formats?"} {"_id": "81145", "text": "Necessary to manually update gapps?"} {"_id": "38806", "text": "Does anyone know this icon?"} {"_id": "17402", "text": "How do I switch my Android device's SD card without causing problems?"} {"_id": "58793", "text": "What is LOST.DIR and what is its purpose?"} {"_id": "54237", "text": "Galaxy Note is getting slower and less responsive"} {"_id": "40917", "text": "wpa_cli not found on rooted device?"} {"_id": "50448", "text": "Can tablets differentiate between regular wi-fi and mobile hot spot?"} {"_id": "1102", "text": "What's with the Donut/Froyo?"} {"_id": "53672", "text": "How do you close apps in Android so they aren't taking up resources?"} {"_id": "64569", "text": "mm-qcamera-daemon causing massive battery drain"} {"_id": "2773", "text": "How can I disable the notification sounds while playing music?"} {"_id": "49271", "text": "samsung s4 has suddenly started calling through Skype instead of the local network"} {"_id": "78576", "text": "Programmatically, how does \"rooting\" a device enable access?"} {"_id": "3072", "text": "In my Samsung Galaxy S under Settings - Status - Phone number is says 'unknown': Why?"} {"_id": "3079", "text": "How to play a YouTube clip in background/minimised?"} {"_id": "483", "text": "How can I get my Chrome-synced bookmarks in an Android device?"} {"_id": "77444", "text": "BLUETOOTH HEADSET USING ANDROID"} {"_id": "5005", "text": "Android Market Stopped Working"} {"_id": "44608", "text": "Google Maps Location History is showing an incorrect location"} {"_id": "41514", "text": "Getting rid of Status Bar on 4.1"} {"_id": "14764", "text": "Android Market gone after emulator reboot"} {"_id": "13683", "text": "Why does the 3G connection drop issue happen on all Verizon 4G LTE handsets?"} {"_id": "34704", "text": "Why does Spotify say that there is no Internet connection available when there is one (Samsung Galaxy S)?"} {"_id": "13102", "text": "Is there a way to blacklist SSIDs?"} {"_id": "54069", "text": "Rooting - how to, and what are the consequences\\risks"} {"_id": "67504", "text": "Streaming sound from laptop to android"} {"_id": "29502", "text": "How can I make a route offline in Google Maps?"} {"_id": "55733", "text": "How to check if application on Google Play would work on other (not own) phone?"} {"_id": "8321", "text": "What Tasker Profiles do you use?"} {"_id": "55887", "text": "Samsung Galaxy S4 SCH-I545 official updates via Kies fails with: \"Software update is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.\""} {"_id": "79214", "text": "Re-rooting Nexus 4 after KTU84P Update"} {"_id": "23404", "text": "How to make run only a single application with all other application stopped?"} {"_id": "41496", "text": "Import pdf files to google play book application"} {"_id": "9545", "text": "What are the security disadvantages of rooting an Android phone?"} {"_id": "15404", "text": "Is it possible to connect a USB microphone to an Android phone or tablet?"} {"_id": "19184", "text": "Is it possible to permanently supress app updates?"} {"_id": "941", "text": "Where are log files located on Android?"} {"_id": "64266", "text": "Galaxy s2 data retrieval"} {"_id": "59861", "text": "Error when downloading application from the play store: RPC: S-3"} {"_id": "29208", "text": "Locating lost android device in home"} {"_id": "21779", "text": "Why does the STORE button on Amazon Kindle go to the website instead of the in app store?"} {"_id": "67714", "text": "why smartphones become laggey and slow with time?"} {"_id": "1431", "text": "Is there any way to print directly from the phone?"} {"_id": "35189", "text": "How can I get my Galaxy S3 to behave at night? (turn off LED and notifications, etc.)"} {"_id": "26170", "text": "Package file is invalid"} {"_id": "33496", "text": "Where are the developer options in Android 4.2?"} {"_id": "40030", "text": "Is it possible to install unmodified, unadulterated and pure Android on a Sony Xperia S?"} {"_id": "15645", "text": "How to read out the data in HTC Desire SMS backup file?"} {"_id": "15640", "text": "VLC for Android tablets"} {"_id": "78045", "text": "OTG cable shaport"} {"_id": "43718", "text": "How do I configure Dropbox in my Galaxy S III so that it does NOT automatically upload every photo/video I take?"} {"_id": "80901", "text": "ROOTING THE ANDROID DEVICE"} {"_id": "41023", "text": "Pinning Web Sites to Android Homescreen"} {"_id": "14256", "text": "How do you set up internet pass-through (reverse-tether) on linux?"} {"_id": "72943", "text": "Does an android phone unroot itself on factory reset?"} {"_id": "69779", "text": "whats app deletion"} {"_id": "69770", "text": "Is it always possible to reboot the phone without removing the battery?"} {"_id": "22905", "text": "I can't update my Nexus S, shows error screen. What to do?"} {"_id": "27996", "text": "Failing to update android 4.1 - Galaxy Nexus"} {"_id": "28745", "text": "USB charging in host mode"} {"_id": "32829", "text": "How can I SSH into my Android without rooting it?"} {"_id": "73275", "text": "Is it possible to install applications on the SD card in KitKat 4.4?"} {"_id": "65860", "text": "Inkpad Notepad failing to install"} {"_id": "75848", "text": "how can i acces files on my pc remotely from my android?"} {"_id": "75260", "text": "How can i transfer my whatsapp chat history to my new phone?"} {"_id": "549", "text": "Is Internet tethering possible on Android phone via bluetooth or WiFi?"} {"_id": "6567", "text": "Can gmail notifications be customized by label?"} {"_id": "39160", "text": "Getting a list of applications with SMS permission"} {"_id": "16657", "text": "Does any version of Android support ad-hoc connections?"} {"_id": "12729", "text": "Looking for Call list Application"} {"_id": "12723", "text": "Move to SD Card doesn't move everything"} {"_id": "46806", "text": "Why are Android apps getting rid of \"Quit\" functionality?"} {"_id": "13185", "text": "Can I charge Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 from USB?"} {"_id": "61323", "text": "i have lost my images by deleting them but now i want them back"} {"_id": "25149", "text": "Child-proofing an Android phone?"} {"_id": "2432", "text": "How to backup Angry Birds saves/data?"} {"_id": "2437", "text": "Can I use multiple Android devices with a single Google account?"} {"_id": "21240", "text": "Is there a way to temporarily disable hosts and flush the DNS?"} {"_id": "1805", "text": "My Samsung Galaxy S front-facing camera doesn't work in camera app, Gtalk or Skype -- How can I use it?"} {"_id": "58318", "text": "How to revert to stock ROM Kitkat 4.4 from PACman?"} {"_id": "34618", "text": "How can one move the position of the application inside the launcher?"} {"_id": "50040", "text": "How to install games from APK Mania on MicroSD Card"} {"_id": "55272", "text": "Can you disable need to okay the unlock passcode?"} {"_id": "39707", "text": "Is there a way to hide pictures from being shown in Gallery"} {"_id": "37736", "text": "Why do I have so little unused RAM?"} {"_id": "11333", "text": "Where is a downloaded .apk placed in Android phones?"} {"_id": "43482", "text": "Double Security for Gmail"} {"_id": "80703", "text": "Why am I running out of space on my Galaxy S2?"} {"_id": "69304", "text": "Nexus 5 won't connect to my car radio via Bluetooth"} {"_id": "62217", "text": "Backup paid app from Google Play"} {"_id": "59689", "text": "HTC wildfire S storage issue!"} {"_id": "1217", "text": "Is there a way to customize vibrate patterns?"} {"_id": "78964", "text": "How to have notifications show up on my app on desktop"} {"_id": "26463", "text": "Android debugging-Boot Loops: Is there any way to get a log of information without ADB? Can the emulator even help?"} {"_id": "65366", "text": "Installing TextSecure, but missing Google Play"} {"_id": "30144", "text": "How can I track my app usage?"} {"_id": "3106", "text": "Does ClockworkMod Recovery's \"Wipe Data\" command also wipe the SD card?"} {"_id": "75755", "text": "Android Play store"} {"_id": "52403", "text": "How do I decrypt files on SD card that I encrypted on a different device?"} {"_id": "9237", "text": "Disable HTML Emails in composer"} {"_id": "12347", "text": "What can cause \"Android OS\" process to use high percentage of battery?"} {"_id": "53467", "text": "Do I have a virus on my phone? A message from an Android app says so"} {"_id": "68447", "text": "What is this fingerprint bar on my phone?"} {"_id": "62373", "text": "Google Play Store - No Connection (Galaxy Note 3)"} {"_id": "27673", "text": "Why GPS is never found?"} {"_id": "26238", "text": "SMS thread retrieval"} {"_id": "26239", "text": "Can Android be installed on the new Win8-Intel Ultrabooks slated to come out late-12 early-13"} {"_id": "77858", "text": "how to take a backup of my calender events in galaxy ace duos"} {"_id": "19336", "text": "Is it possible to direct all audio output to a bluetooth headset?"} {"_id": "18528", "text": "Moving applications to SD card leaves some data behind"} {"_id": "50901", "text": "What's the native wallpaper resolution of HTC One?"} {"_id": "20513", "text": "What is the best pre-stealing practice?"} {"_id": "75382", "text": "Odin vs Clockworkmod"} {"_id": "26001", "text": "Where is \"Stay Awake\" option in Ice Cream Sandwich on the Galaxy S3?"} {"_id": "75030", "text": "File deleting problems after Android v4.4.2 upgrade?"} {"_id": "40754", "text": "How to replace Cyanogenmod dialer/contacts/messaging(texting) apps?"} {"_id": "42761", "text": "Connecting to Adhoc Wifi"} {"_id": "35956", "text": "Is there any other way to get updates to frozen apps?"} {"_id": "19726", "text": "App to share a calendar"} {"_id": "17319", "text": "How can I make my Samsung Galaxy Nexus volume go louder than what stock allows?"} {"_id": "4706", "text": "How can I set a Screen Lock Timeout?"} {"_id": "69387", "text": "Error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-7:AEC-0]"} {"_id": "17642", "text": "How can I get the Android app store on the kindle fire?"} {"_id": "20751", "text": "Clear Application Cache on ICS"} {"_id": "8772", "text": "App for running a (simple) web server on Android?"} {"_id": "57295", "text": "Multiple Android Tablet remote update, pushing settings, device lock-down"} {"_id": "24084", "text": "List of open ports on Android"} {"_id": "23055", "text": "What is error code 495 on Google Play and the YouTube app?"} {"_id": "29109", "text": "How can I format a flash drive using terminal emulator?"} {"_id": "73075", "text": "ADB shell: change IME method gives error \"Unknown ID: null\""} {"_id": "4623", "text": "I have sold my phone on eBay. What should I do before I send it off?"} {"_id": "18935", "text": "How can I disable or password protect my device's 'factory reset' function?"} {"_id": "18930", "text": "How to track device locations in an office"} {"_id": "11339", "text": "How do I make Adobe Flash work with Firefox?"} {"_id": "16725", "text": "Problems with downloading apps"} {"_id": "12033", "text": "Email application with notifications only for specified contacts (standard SMTP/POP3/IMAP)"} {"_id": "58056", "text": "How to change the storage device mountpoints"} {"_id": "1156", "text": "How can I customize the list of services that pops up when I choose to \"share\" something in an app?"} {"_id": "48839", "text": "SMS converts to MMS and only sends when data mobile is on"} {"_id": "42681", "text": "\"google settings\" app"} {"_id": "67317", "text": "Is it possible to stream from an Android Nexus tablet to an apple airport express?"} {"_id": "28896", "text": "Using Android only with Outlook and not Google Calendar"} {"_id": "81540", "text": "Does having CWM mean bootloader is unlocked?"} {"_id": "12262", "text": "Android Software or Device to present Application on Screen"} {"_id": "12265", "text": "What is SNS App?"} {"_id": "24825", "text": "How to pull the apks from my android phone"} {"_id": "25193", "text": "Where are clicked URLs stored? Is there a way to save them into a file?"} {"_id": "58906", "text": "Xperia sola rooting help"} {"_id": "33702", "text": "Google play fails to install application with RPC:S-5:AEC-0"} {"_id": "46597", "text": "Mini Calendar Widget not updating to today"} {"_id": "81832", "text": "Xperia Go: Boot into Recovery Mode"} {"_id": "10336", "text": "Amazon App Store - Location of the downloaded APK"} {"_id": "45361", "text": "If I delete a game that I've downloaded from google play, can I still install it later?"} {"_id": "45944", "text": "Google \u201cPlay Music\u201d app constantly running!"} {"_id": "49079", "text": "Will my phone will get locked after upgrading to Jelly Bean?"} {"_id": "57211", "text": "Is it possible to send and receive faxes over an Android phone?"} {"_id": "64186", "text": "Wifi not working too well.. :c"} {"_id": "4158", "text": "HTC Desire Z Home Screen has Stopped Rotating, wat do?"} {"_id": "78373", "text": "google play uses wrong account for in-app purchases"} {"_id": "28637", "text": "How to toggle wi-fi, gps etc quickly in HTC Sense?"} {"_id": "32373", "text": "35 mb in proc folder"} {"_id": "55953", "text": "What is this N-shaped icon on my HTC One?"} {"_id": "71693", "text": "Should I charge new LG G2 for 6 before first use"} {"_id": "14168", "text": "Can I train Google Voice Actions to better recognize my voice?"} {"_id": "72900", "text": "Share USB reverse tethering connection via WiFi hotspot on Windows"} {"_id": "14162", "text": "How can I prevent my Wi-Fi connection from glitching?"} {"_id": "14164", "text": "How can I write in a PDF with a tablet and a pen (a.k.a Is there a Xournal alternative for Android)?"} {"_id": "4062", "text": "How do I change the default phone number?"} {"_id": "4064", "text": "How to put a Call contact using Skype shortcut widget on the home screen?"} {"_id": "19992", "text": "How to transfer files using WiFi Direct between 2 ICS devices?"} {"_id": "42097", "text": "How can I root my galaxy S3 i9300 on android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean?"} {"_id": "59726", "text": "Can swapping a SIM while phone is on, damage the phone?"} {"_id": "59098", "text": "Cant add exchange Account 4.1.2"} {"_id": "80936", "text": "Cell standby use about 35-50% of total battery?"} {"_id": "338", "text": "Is there any app for Stack Exchange?"} {"_id": "65288", "text": "How do I connect a PS3 Controller with Xperia P?"} {"_id": "53256", "text": "Is it possible to mount .iso files (virtual optical drive) on Android?"} {"_id": "67068", "text": "Whats app last seen status not visible"} {"_id": "26745", "text": "Can Google Play be installed on Andoid Virtual Device, running API 10 (Android 2.3.3)?"} {"_id": "24427", "text": "Can't mount sdcard from Recovery Mode/Clockworkmod"} {"_id": "18876", "text": "How can I root the GT 10.1 (running 3.2)?"} {"_id": "22028", "text": "mobile phone calls on Huawei MediaPad"} {"_id": "18121", "text": "How do I start/join a G+ Hangout?"} {"_id": "38246", "text": "android 4.2.1 installation error on N7000 error"} {"_id": "30095", "text": "How does the typical Android boot process work?"} {"_id": "15066", "text": "How to monitor Wi-Fi usage?"} {"_id": "26372", "text": "Find lost device without Gmail account configured and without SIM card"} {"_id": "58322", "text": "Xperia J sound very low with earphones and headphones"} {"_id": "78711", "text": "Older version of Plenty of Fish or POF application"} {"_id": "4251", "text": "Remote login into the phone from a PC"} {"_id": "76976", "text": "How to Install App as System App"} {"_id": "7064", "text": "Is there a zoom and timer functionality on Nexus S camera?"} {"_id": "46060", "text": "Double message notifications after upgrading Talk to Hangouts (CyanogenMod 7.2)"} {"_id": "46065", "text": "How to fix a broken icon on an android phone"} {"_id": "16836", "text": "How do I remove a review I've written from the Android Market app?"} {"_id": "25635", "text": "Turning on Wi-Fi on demand"} {"_id": "71611", "text": "Recovery contact after factory reset"} {"_id": "71613", "text": "Make a calll to genymotion emulator"} {"_id": "15615", "text": "Share WIFI to Computer?"} {"_id": "8299", "text": "How to check if GPS is working (Android 2.1, Samsung Galaxy-5)?"} {"_id": "69837", "text": "Change default Hotspot IPAddress ( or mac address"} {"_id": "46186", "text": "what is a bootloader unlocked phone?"} {"_id": "54839", "text": "How to lower down the volume more than by default?"} {"_id": "21512", "text": "Transformer Prime, VPN and password protection"} {"_id": "58770", "text": "Is it safe to use phone while charging with portable powerbank?"} {"_id": "66595", "text": "Android tablet pc will not connect to (router) wi fi"} {"_id": "74672", "text": "Difference between /storage/emulated/0/ and /storage/emulated/legacy/?"} {"_id": "65816", "text": "How to change IP pool for WiFi tethering on Nexus 5"} {"_id": "2172", "text": "What's the most effortless way for \"cloud\" back up of photos taken with an Android phone?"} {"_id": "14046", "text": "Android USB reverse tethering: How to fool the apps"} {"_id": "37397", "text": "Where can I see if a developer responded to my comment on the Google Play?"} {"_id": "30541", "text": "Find lost Samsung Galaxy Ace phone?"} {"_id": "65744", "text": "Show Android's screen full-screen on a laptop"} {"_id": "40934", "text": "Use an Android tablet as a Wacom drawing tablet for a PC?"} {"_id": "81597", "text": "Can't open menu in apps without a menu button or physical key"} {"_id": "48720", "text": "I modified vold.fstab and lost access to my SD card"} {"_id": "67878", "text": "Want to try reformatting Damaged SD Card"} {"_id": "27321", "text": "Why can't the su binary simply be copied (techical response please)"} {"_id": "77981", "text": "Installing cyanogenmod 11"} {"_id": "12639", "text": "What do I say to make a new line when using voice recognition?"} {"_id": "52498", "text": "Enable tamil font without rooting the phone"} {"_id": "62552", "text": "Undo functionality while editing text"} {"_id": "1799", "text": "Is there a way to see the top apps across all categories?"} {"_id": "29452", "text": "Problem partitioning SD"} {"_id": "32405", "text": "Differnce between abilities of System apps, Apps in phone memory and Apps in the SD card"} {"_id": "22841", "text": "How to enable multiple users on Google Talk for Android 2.3.4?"} {"_id": "66285", "text": "What is the list of commands to dictate punctuation, capitalization and line breaks?"} {"_id": "29152", "text": "Set two languages simultaneously for the stock keyboard?"} {"_id": "55366", "text": "What is DiskCacheIndex.tmp"} {"_id": "33308", "text": "Samsung Galaxy Tab, charging technique through USB Cable"} {"_id": "14426", "text": "Screen recording tool for the samsung galaxy tab"} {"_id": "82474", "text": "How to view android device screen on PC over adb"} {"_id": "9269", "text": "MS Office Client for Android"} {"_id": "23537", "text": "Transferring Apps from sd card to another sd card(HTC Desire HD)"} {"_id": "12802", "text": "Factory reset to restore performance? What are the disadvantages?"} {"_id": "65878", "text": "How to prevent android from auto-sync'ing gmail contacts and photos"} {"_id": "38510", "text": "LG Optimus Logic - Moving apps to SD"} {"_id": "8025", "text": "Can I use the Google Market without syncing other Google data?"} {"_id": "13662", "text": "How to set MP3 ringtone in Android (Nexus S)"} {"_id": "21520", "text": "Can't boot my Htc Wildfire S after deleting Sense"} {"_id": "53572", "text": "Why does my phone need 20MB before it can recieve text messages and can I do anything about this?"} {"_id": "26826", "text": "Transfer all Contacts in Phone and Sim to Google Contacts"} {"_id": "25707", "text": "Why my phone is always out of space recently, but I didn't install any new software"} {"_id": "55866", "text": "Is it possible to kill your phone sofwarematicly?"} {"_id": "14677", "text": "Browser's default search engine"} {"_id": "38610", "text": "resolve zeroconf-style \"hostname.local\" names"} {"_id": "58459", "text": "Downgrade Nexus 4 from 4.4 to 4.2"} {"_id": "79004", "text": "I can't unlock bootloader on Nexus 7 (2013)"} {"_id": "6240", "text": "2.1 as a secure access point?"} {"_id": "5251", "text": "How to enable real text prediction for android / stock keyboard on LG optimus one?"} {"_id": "11129", "text": "SMS messages just have \"null\""} {"_id": "12470", "text": "How can data on an unrooted phone be backed up?"} {"_id": "7763", "text": "Application for automatic synchronization of remote folders?"} {"_id": "43176", "text": "Home button or back button to leave an app?"} {"_id": "17159", "text": "Use existing contact for \"Me\" in Ice Cream Sandwich"} {"_id": "1452", "text": "How can I sync the bookmarks in the web browser?"} {"_id": "22357", "text": "Amazon Android App Store International"} {"_id": "67157", "text": "How does the Heartbleed security vulnerability affect my Android device?"} {"_id": "33964", "text": "How can I make an actual heart symbol in a text on my htc inspire?"} {"_id": "38002", "text": "USB storage blank or unsupported filesystem"} {"_id": "21119", "text": "Is it ok to charge my Nexus S with an iPhone power adaptor?"} {"_id": "62349", "text": "How can I stop being redirected to the App Store/Google Store by dodgy ad-scripts?"} {"_id": "58665", "text": "Why my nexus 5 is not getting on air update for Android 4.4.2"} {"_id": "22148", "text": "If I use free WiFi in a hotspot, can data be easily sniffed?"} {"_id": "4447", "text": "What percentage of users use each of the Android versions?"} {"_id": "17584", "text": "How do I root my Kindle Fire?"} {"_id": "12250", "text": "How can I disable cellular data on an Android device?"} {"_id": "54590", "text": "LG L5ii move the apps from internal memory to SD card"} {"_id": "20855", "text": "Why does Google play show a \"no connection: retry\" error?"} {"_id": "59270", "text": "App icons disappear from home screen on app update"} {"_id": "4267", "text": "How can I configure my phone for MMS?"} {"_id": "29223", "text": "How can I find out the make and model of the chips in my device?"} {"_id": "45071", "text": "Multiple Gmail notifications"} {"_id": "23622", "text": "How do I keep my Android 4.0.3 phone awake when USB connected?"} {"_id": "23620", "text": "Updating GPlus Signature Error"} {"_id": "73089", "text": "How to block texts from certain number"} {"_id": "61198", "text": "robot dies with red triangle when restarting from 4.2 install on stock Samsung Galaxy Nexus"} {"_id": "26157", "text": "How to find out the variant of my Galaxy Nexus?"} {"_id": "43998", "text": "Indic font(Kannada) is not rendering properly in Android ICS"} {"_id": "7680", "text": "When will my device get the Android 3.x update (Honeycomb)?"} {"_id": "2203", "text": "How can I turn off the shutter sound for the camera on droid x running 2.2 froyo?"} {"_id": "69759", "text": "Unassociate an app from a file extension?"} {"_id": "32115", "text": "More internal memory or less memory + SD card"} {"_id": "77838", "text": "How to find release date for Google Play apps?"} {"_id": "15953", "text": "Has anyone determined why the Droid X with Gingerbread turns itself back on?"} {"_id": "56269", "text": "What are the different signal indicators avalable on the notification bar?"} {"_id": "62749", "text": "How can I know which app is giving me notification sounds?"} {"_id": "632", "text": "Alternatives to the Android Market"} {"_id": "24646", "text": "Is there any way to sync a subset of my Google Contacts to my Android?"} {"_id": "22778", "text": "See Youtube videos in Anaglyph mode"} {"_id": "77670", "text": "Charging Nexus 5 to 100%"} {"_id": "47290", "text": "Symbolic link to Dropbox"} {"_id": "80723", "text": "There is no os in my htc butterfly in recovery mode. Help!"} {"_id": "12665", "text": "How do I disable corporate exchange security policy on Samsung Galaxy S 2?"} {"_id": "20946", "text": "Questions regarding purchasing on google store"} {"_id": "50611", "text": "Facebook version 3.5. - sort news feed"} {"_id": "17640", "text": "Privacy level with an anonymous account?"} {"_id": "17210", "text": "Wi-Fi icon next to apps in android market"} {"_id": "2916", "text": "Is there any way to change the emoticons in the standard android sms app?"} {"_id": "60940", "text": "Not able to send media file via WhatsApp"} {"_id": "42854", "text": "Is it possible to use adb backup in order to make a clone of a tablet?"} {"_id": "11099", "text": "How check what requests does my App (wireshark for Android)?"} {"_id": "19094", "text": "How can I restore IMEI code after factory reset?"} {"_id": "54337", "text": "How can I make a message appears on my PC when my phone is ringing?"} {"_id": "77542", "text": "\"adb devices\" shows device as \"unauthorized\". How can I fix this?"} {"_id": "35541", "text": "Why did /sdcard/ turn into /sdcard/0/ with 4.2?"} {"_id": "73392", "text": "Android phone fell in salt water"} {"_id": "14628", "text": "What's the difference between an AOSP ROM and a stock ROM?"} {"_id": "47213", "text": "How can I turn off text message (SMS) sync to e-mail inbox on Samsung Galaxy S4?"} {"_id": "35931", "text": "Why is there such a difference in thr amount RAM used?"} {"_id": "18823", "text": "How to remove Google Account that is set for Android Market in device?"} {"_id": "36822", "text": "Is it possible to filter Google Play search results by permission?"} {"_id": "78397", "text": "Why are USB cables of two different OEM's different"} {"_id": "28652", "text": "Unregister device in Google Play"} {"_id": "152", "text": "Is there an Android PMP equivalent of the iPod Touch?"} {"_id": "39809", "text": "Insufficient memory to download apps from playstore?"} {"_id": "39805", "text": "Removing second SIM signal sign from notification"} {"_id": "15581", "text": "What does FTM mean on my phone?"} {"_id": "39382", "text": "rooting Samsung Galaxy Note 2"} {"_id": "21654", "text": "Can someone explain how the android GPS Navigation works?"} {"_id": "40924", "text": "Block apps from accessing the Internet on Android device"} {"_id": "53898", "text": "Pulling boot.img"} {"_id": "52140", "text": "How to reach local computer via machine name instead of IP?"} {"_id": "7932", "text": "How can I set the language in Opera Mini 6?"} {"_id": "37230", "text": "Is it possible to install two instances of a same app?"} {"_id": "53064", "text": "How can I ensure reliable updates for an Android phone/device?"} {"_id": "30030", "text": "Record Speaker-Out Sound (not microphone)"} {"_id": "8072", "text": "gallery sort order"} {"_id": "20317", "text": "Can I change the dalvik cache location e.g. with a symbolic link?"} {"_id": "25750", "text": "Unable to download from an authenticated webserver"} {"_id": "35351", "text": "LG Optimus Logic Transferring apps to Micro SD instead of internal memory"} {"_id": "5206", "text": "Wifi goes off on screen lock?"} {"_id": "15434", "text": "What info does Google backup?"} {"_id": "6908", "text": "Wi-Fi tethering with HTC Magic"} {"_id": "7731", "text": "What is an \"Emergency Call,\" and can I set number for it?"} {"_id": "54919", "text": "rooting xperia tipo dual st21i2x"} {"_id": "68889", "text": "How to recover my files from memo and mobilse note after format factory?"} {"_id": "32979", "text": "Internal hard disk partitions (sda2) not showing in android system"} {"_id": "32974", "text": "Trying to factory reset, but it's not listed at all as an option"} {"_id": "40028", "text": "Can't take screenshots on Nexus 4"} {"_id": "13368", "text": "Always shows \"Local calendar cannot sync with Google calendar. You need a google account.\""} {"_id": "2254", "text": "Spell Check app or setting while using drop down keyboard"} {"_id": "46259", "text": "Google+ Photo Backup Failed"} {"_id": "22912", "text": "Can deleting stock web browser cause problems?"} {"_id": "17736", "text": "How can I switch launchers on the Samsung Galaxy SII Epic"} {"_id": "20405", "text": "Phone not updating Market to Google Play?"} {"_id": "32789", "text": "How can I assign a Windows drive letter to my \"portable drive\" (Samsung Tab 10.1)?"} {"_id": "51601", "text": "S-voice on Samsung Galaxy S4 \"No response from server...\""} {"_id": "14718", "text": "\"keep screen on if USB debugging\" application?"} {"_id": "36794", "text": "play & loop video on startup"} {"_id": "74828", "text": "Reverse Tethering"} {"_id": "43517", "text": "Installing to SDCard by default"} {"_id": "29631", "text": "is there a way to know what CPU, GPU, RAM my phone / tablet has?"} {"_id": "34625", "text": "Where to find description of all \"/system/bin/service\" calls?"} {"_id": "76996", "text": "confusion about external memory"} {"_id": "31811", "text": "Android full support offline map"} {"_id": "47822", "text": "Android File Transfer problem"} {"_id": "40446", "text": "Why is \"Android OS\" uploading so much data?"} {"_id": "9361", "text": "How to download unsupported files from the default browser?"} {"_id": "58499", "text": "How to sign into another account in the gmail app on phone"} {"_id": "27725", "text": "Does Bluetooth drain power when it's not in use?"} {"_id": "20938", "text": "number in the top right corner of the camera app?"} {"_id": "47613", "text": "How to optimize my Rooted desire bravo for gaming?"} {"_id": "26226", "text": "Disable ads in applications?"} {"_id": "14795", "text": "Any way to retrieve phone number dialed while in airplane mode?"} {"_id": "39435", "text": "Can I stop installed apps adding their icon to my homescreen?"} {"_id": "25278", "text": "Fix a damaged microsd card?"} {"_id": "33798", "text": "How to migrate applications to other user account without downloading the applications again?"} {"_id": "30448", "text": "How to move Applications from phone to SD Card?"} {"_id": "18065", "text": "How can I access my Google Reader entries offline?"} {"_id": "39230", "text": "How do I scroll to the top of a list?"} {"_id": "51252", "text": "Remote factory reset and changing Google password"} {"_id": "65394", "text": "How can i transfer phone memory apps to external SD card"} {"_id": "67136", "text": "Download previously purchased"} {"_id": "25847", "text": "Will I lose any apps / data if I upgrade my phone's OS?"} {"_id": "22003", "text": "install certificates"} {"_id": "4657", "text": "jar file on samsung galaxy p1000"} {"_id": "55067", "text": "Getting rid of stale notification icons in the notification _bar_?"} {"_id": "38351", "text": "How to install additional fonts?"} {"_id": "13069", "text": "Can I use dual boot in my Android mobile phone?"} {"_id": "23513", "text": "How often app is used?"} {"_id": "8536", "text": "Restrict access to device settings"} {"_id": "75520", "text": "Can I change the way photos are numbered?"} {"_id": "9767", "text": "Other than portability, are there any other advantages (or disadvantages) to storing apps on external storage?"} {"_id": "37371", "text": "Making multiple files or a folder available offline in Google Drive"} {"_id": "75889", "text": "QR-code reader keyboard"} {"_id": "18777", "text": "How to circumvent the market compatibility check?"} {"_id": "10523", "text": "selectively make contact groups silent"} {"_id": "32598", "text": "How to root the new version of the ONE X"} {"_id": "21861", "text": "Can I use my phone as an audio device via Wifi?"} {"_id": "64974", "text": "Android 4.4 default button restoration?"} {"_id": "71565", "text": "how to turn off voice command for blind and low vision"} {"_id": "12412", "text": "Android - Change Google account on Nexus S"} {"_id": "19279", "text": "How can I root my Nexus One?"} {"_id": "15688", "text": "List of devices with screen parameters"} {"_id": "16186", "text": "Good free pdf reader for android that opens the last read page"} {"_id": "64520", "text": "How to stop Android assuming all wi-fi connections give internet access"} {"_id": "32759", "text": "Disable open Google Search by sliding up from the home button \"feature\"?"} {"_id": "36182", "text": "Change stock Clock app timer noise?"} {"_id": "7135", "text": "Difference between Super LCD screen of Nexus S and Super AMOLED screen of Samsung Galaxy S -- Which is better?"} {"_id": "39128", "text": "Is it possible to pre-download a YouTube video to view it later offline?"} {"_id": "17482", "text": "How can I install vanilla Android on the Kindle Fire?"} {"_id": "45", "text": "How to monitor the amount of data traffic?"} {"_id": "23440", "text": "How do I get Youtube Links to open in the YouTube app and not a browser?"} {"_id": "8449", "text": "How can I receive phone calls through Wi-Fi on an Android phone?"} {"_id": "24959", "text": "Cannot see my device in Dalvik Debug Monitor"} {"_id": "24126", "text": "How to root Coby Kyros - mid7016 tablet"} {"_id": "6693", "text": "Support for Multiple Users on same device"} {"_id": "80943", "text": "User 0 on notification screen"} {"_id": "8674", "text": "Can I set the default browser differently for different websites?"} {"_id": "28851", "text": "Increase vibrate strength"} {"_id": "63983", "text": "Possible to set custom ringtones for Nexus 5 contact groups?"} {"_id": "81055", "text": "Captive portal on Android is this Feasible?"} {"_id": "81210", "text": "How do i send a group messages to iphone users"} {"_id": "64381", "text": "Workaround for Android 4.4 not being able to write to SD cards?"} {"_id": "43876", "text": "Decrypting TitaniumBackup files"} {"_id": "21280", "text": "Gift app on Google Play"} {"_id": "78472", "text": "My phone is sending messages to international number"} {"_id": "30293", "text": "How can I change the user agent string sent by Chrome on my Nexus 7?"} {"_id": "7237", "text": "Is it possible to change how Froyo hyphenates phone numbers?"} {"_id": "57257", "text": "Unknown error code during application install: \"920\" while installing Google Keyboard"} {"_id": "24293", "text": "Upgrade Samsung Galaxy II to Android 4.0?"} {"_id": "32914", "text": "HTC Desire - ran out of storage - can't interpret solutions offered - need help!"} {"_id": "38010", "text": "How to change lock screen on a phone like it is on a Kindle Fire?"} {"_id": "21991", "text": "could someone please post a screenshot of the default file structure of the sd card for Android 2.3.5? I"} {"_id": "52046", "text": "Ways to remove android device encryption"} {"_id": "52044", "text": "How to copy my contacts with a broken touchscreen and buttons to the computer"} {"_id": "30216", "text": "Google Chrome for Android: Chrome Web Store"} {"_id": "25905", "text": "Accessing the Android Phones SMS and other feature via Data Cable"} {"_id": "61184", "text": "iRola DX752 will not charge"} {"_id": "6494", "text": "Restrict market updates to WiFi network"} {"_id": "47577", "text": "Battery percentage going down while charging!"} {"_id": "1198", "text": "How to use an Android device as bluetooth USB dongle?"} {"_id": "64848", "text": "How do I check if my nexus 7 is from 2012 or 2013?"} {"_id": "25422", "text": "How can I automatically disable the onscreen keyboard when a Bluetooth keyboard is connected?"} {"_id": "32106", "text": "List all free application on google play"} {"_id": "16367", "text": "How exactly does \"root\" user access/account works? Do all applications run as root on my phone after rooting?"} {"_id": "2405", "text": "Can I manually rotate my phone while auto-rotation is disabled?"} {"_id": "38123", "text": "Hide Developer Options in Android 4.2"} {"_id": "78828", "text": "Nexus 4 not connecting to google server(haven't cleared google service framework)"} {"_id": "6557", "text": "Messages on computer?"} {"_id": "63386", "text": "Android x86 Issues"} {"_id": "29845", "text": "Share App list with friends?"} {"_id": "20746", "text": "I've rooted my tablet, now how do I get rid of this bloatware?"} {"_id": "73045", "text": "How can I access my intranet site in mobile"} {"_id": "64547", "text": "Is it possible to \"hard-wire\" an app so that it is the only thing accessible to users?"} {"_id": "25948", "text": "Recover deleted content from userdata partition?"} {"_id": "10118", "text": "Does anyone else have issues with Google Talk for Android always \"losing connection to server\"?"} {"_id": "61210", "text": "Can you remotely download AndroidLost to your phone if your phone battery is dead?"}