The WHO, the Pan American Health Organization, the EU Council of Ministers, the World Federation of Mental Health, and the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists all agree -"there can be no health without mental health". Within Canada, 6.7M people live with a mental illness and when family and caregivers are included almost everyone is affected. A systematic review (2014) concluded that physical activity has a significant potential for reducing depressive symptoms in people with a mental illness. Globally, physical inactivity is "pandemic". Current guidelines recommend a minimum of only a 150 minutes a week of moderately vigorous exercise but 85% of Canadians do not meet the national recommendations. How then can people with depression be motivated to become physically more active? Group Medical Visits (GMVs) can be used to provide health services and they have proven effective in some settings, including mood disorders. As well as providing economic and resource efficiencies, the GMV model has the potential to add a 'support group/accountability' element for behavioural interventions such as physical activity promotion; such influence is not present in an individual patient-physician consultation. "Jump Step" is a 14-week program within a GMV setting designed to motivate and support people with depression to engage in regular physical activity. The investigators seek to design, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of the Group Medical Visits focused on promoting physical activity for patients with depression.
The aims of this study are to test the effectiveness and acceptability of internet-delivered treatment for depression, anxiety and stress in university students. These data will inform the methods for a future randomized controlled trial. The trial will establish an initial estimate of the effectiveness of these online interventions for students in terms of within-group effect sizes associated with changes in depression, anxiety and stress from pre to post-intervention and follow-up. These data will be used to estimate the sample size for a future trial to ensure that the study is sufficiently powered. A conservative estimate using the 90% upper confidence limit will be used to inform the sample size calculation of the definitive RCT. Acceptability of the intervention to participants will be assessed using data on usage and engagement with the intervention (e.g. percentage of participants completing each module, average number of log ins, average time spent per session and total time spent on the program). These data are acquired through the online SilverCloud system. Satisfaction with will be assessed through the use of a post-intervention questionnaire on satisfaction with accessing and using an online delivery format for treatment. Depression, anxiety and stress are among the primary causes of disease rates worldwide and are the most prevalent mental health problems in the U.S. Each is associated with significant economic, personal, intrapersonal and societal losses including lower quality of life and increased mortality.
The study will investigate whether cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) combined with prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is more efficacious with regard to symptom reduction in depressed patients than CBT combined with sham-tDCS or CBT alone. Brain stimulation techniques are widely seen as promising treatment alternatives for patients not responding to or tolerating psychotropic medication. In particular, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is of special interest due to its potential to be used by a large number of patients because of its comparably ease of usage and good tolerability. Thus, a large number of studies investigating clinical effects of tDCS have been performed with statistically significant effects but that are of moderate clinical relevance. Clinical studies have mainly focused on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) as the main stimulation target based on findings of numerous studies indicating the lateral PFC to be a key dysfunctional node within brain networks involved in the pathophysiology of depression. Studies in clinical and healthy participants indicate that tDCS is capable of positively augmenting prefrontal functions that are relevant for a successful cognitive behavioral therapy. More specifically, it has been shown that tDCS is capable of improving reappraisal strategies as well as the use of cognitive control techniques . To date, previous studies have mainly addressed global antidepressant effects of tDCS and not effects on more circumscribed phenotypes mediated by top-down PFC processes such as impaired or biased emotional learning processes.
To identify physiological and clinical measures of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing that are associated with increased morbidity in children. BACKGROUND: The study is in response to a Request for Applications (RFA) on Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children. NHLBI issued the RFA in December, 1997, with co-sponsorship from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. DESIGN NARRATIVE: This cross-sectional study recruited a population-based sample of young children from among the more than 8000 children in Massachusetts enrolled in the on-going Infant Care Practices Study. Stratified sampling was used to assemble a cohort of 250 children with habitual snoring (> 3 nights/week), 100 children with occasional snoring (<3 nights/week), and 100 non-snoring children. These children were studied within 3 months of their fourth birthday using overnight laboratory polysomnography and a detailed neurobehavioral evaluation, in order to test the hypothesis that, after adjusting for potential confounding variables, both parent-reported snoring and polysomnographic measures were associated with standardized measures of the following neurobehavioral domains: immediate attention, sustained attention, working memory, and symptoms of hyperactivity. These data also provided an opportunity to determine normal values for polysomnographic measures in 4-year-old children and to determine the prevalence of snoring and polysomnographic abnormalities among 4-year-old children.
The study is to examine the relationship between sleep apnea and neurocognitive behaviors in children with cleft lip/palate. Describe the incidence and severity of obstructive sleep apnea in an unselected population of grade school aged children with surgically repaired cleft palate. A. Is the incidence of OSA higher in children with cleft palate than age matched historical control groups? B. Are nighttime symptoms an adequate screening tool to exclude the diagnosis of OSA in children with surgically repaired cleft palate? Describe the velopharyngeal closure patterns during speech in an unselected population of grade school aged children with surgically repaired cleft palate. Describe the neurobehavioral phenotype of an unselected population of grade school aged children with surgically repaired cleft palate. Obstructive sleep apnea is closely associated with measurable, impaired cognitive function among otherwise neurologically normal, healthy children . In addition, at least one recent study has reported mild hyperactive-impulsive symptoms among children with sleep disordered breathing . Cleft lip and cleft palate comprise the fourth most common birth defect affecting 1 in 700 newborns. Despite surgical repair, nearly one in four children with surgically repaired cleft palate will have significant velopharyngeal dysfunction . Velopharyngeal closure is expected in nearly all sounds in the English language. As a result, incompetence results in significant speech disability. Because hypernasal speech patterns are more functionally disabling than hyponasality, surgeons tend to err on the side of over-closure of the nasopharynx in an effort to improve the intelligibility of a child's speech when performing secondary speech procedures.
ADHD is often associated with sleep difficulties. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common problem presented to children mental health services. The disorder affects approximately 5 % of school-age children. The core symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of inattention, impulsiveness and restlessness. In addition to the core symptoms, ADHD is associated with other problems (e.g. academic underachievement, poor social relations and sleep disturbances). Despite clinical observations of sleep problems in children with ADHD, there is little empirical research on this topic. The prevalence, type of sleep problems, and significance of these sleep disturbances in children with ADHD remain undocumented. The objective is to determine the relationship of sleep problems to attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, comorbid disorders, and the effect of stimulant treatment.
The purpose of this research is to study and improve the methods used to detect childhood breathing problems during sleep that can affect daytime behavior at home and school. Early diagnosis of these sleep disorders may allow doctors to treat children at a time when the consequences can still be reversed. BACKGROUND: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) affects at least 1 to 3 percent of children. Associated morbidity can include inattentive and hyperactive behavior, disruptive behavior disorders, cognitive deficits, and excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep specialists recommend that children undergo polysomnography to confirm SDB, especially before undergoing treatment, which often involves an adenotonsillectomy. Unfortunately, such testing is rarely performed either before or after surgery. Available data suggest that a clinical diagnosis of SDB does not predict polysomnographic results reliably. However, the extent to which polysomnographic results predict morbidity, and especially treatable morbidity, is not well known. The main goal of the proposed research, therefore, is to study and improve methods for identification of childhood SDB that carries reversible morbidity. DESIGN NARRATIVE: Researchers will examine the utility of polysomnography in a group of children scheduled to undergo adenotonsillectomy for clinical indications, and a group of matched control subjects. Initial evaluations, before surgery in the first group, will be compared to results of identical evaluations 6 months later in this controlled nonrandomized trial. Outcomes will be provided by well-validated assessments of behavior, psychiatric status, cognition, and sleepiness.
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) briefly means cessation of breathing during sleep at least 5 times per hour. SDB is a common disorder affecting 9 to 24% of the middle-aged and overall 4% of the middle-aged male population suffers from the Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) i.e. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) with associated daytime sleepiness. Several major epidemiological studies have shown that SDB is not only an independent risk factor for hypertension but it is also strongly associated with heart failure and stroke. The mechanism for the linkage between SDB and cardiovascular consequences is not fully determined. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a soluble 34-46 kD angiogenic heparin-binding glycoprotein. This cytokine regulates multiple endothelial cell functions including vascular permeability and vascular tone and some data suggest that it may contribute to the atherosclerotic process. Recent studies have shown increased plasma and serum concentrations of Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with OSA and there were correlations between VEGF concentrations and the severity of OSA, as indexed by the minimum oxygen saturation level and the frequency of the upper airway obstruction per hour of sleep. A recent non-randomized study with a small sample size has shown a significant decrease in Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations in patients in whom nocturnal hypoxia improved after 1 year of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Despite robust evidence showing improvement of symptoms, cognitive function and quality of life in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients treated with nasal CPAP, there are nevertheless conflicting data whether Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can reduce daytime blood pressure (BP) in patients with OSA.
This study will hope to show that by relieving the participant's nasal symptoms of seasonal allergies using mometasone furoate nasal spray, the participant will obtain a better quality of night-time sleep, which in turn, causes less daytime sleepiness so that he/she can function productively during the day.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep disorder in which a person repeatedly stops breathing, or experiences shallow breathing for short periods of time during sleep. Daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of OSA and may affect an individual's level of alertness throughout the day. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the severity of sleep-disordered breathing and levels of daytime alertness at baseline (untreated state) in a group of subjects with and without sleep apnea. In addition the change in daytime sleepiness in subjects with sleep apnea being treated with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, a common treatment for OSA will also be assessed. Individuals with OSA can experience up to 300 sleep disruptions each night, which may result in excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), one of the most common symptoms of OSA. EDS can have serious consequences, including motor vehicle accidents, poor school performance, and work-related accidents and performance issues. The most common treatment for OSA is CPAP therapy. This involves wearing a mask over the nose while sleeping; air then flows through the mask into the nose to maintain a level of pressure that keeps the breathing passages open. CPAP therapy typically results in fewer sleep and breathing disruptions during the night, which may increase an individual's alertness levels during the day. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between severity of sleep-disordered breathing and daytime alertness levels in adults with and withoutout symptoms of OSA.
Patients with Parkinson's disease represent a significant proportion of VA elderly patients. Sleep disturbances and caregiver burnout association with this condition represent a significant problem. In this study, the investigators propose to perform an evaluation of a fixed doe of ramelteon on sleep in VA outpatients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The hypothesis to be examined is that ramelteon will improve the quality of sleep in patients with Parkinson's disease while indirectly improving the quality of life for the patients and caregivers. The investigators further hypothesize that these changes will occur through restructuring and normalization of the sleep architecture. It is well established that sleep disturbances are common in patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Together with psychosis and other behavioral abnormalities they contribute to the stress, anxiety and cognitive decline of patients, caregiver burnout and depression, as well as health care provider frustration. The mechanisms of the sleep disturbances in these conditions are still poorly understood and no rational or effective treatments have been proposed. Recent data from a study of ramelteon in the elderly showed a striking ability of this compound to improve quality of sleep disturbances in Parkinson's disease. Objectives of this study are: - To examine the effects of ramelteon on the quality of sleep using sleep evaluation instruments (SDQ-Sleep Disorder Questionnaire and Neuropsychiatric Inventory with Caregiver Distress (NPI-D) Sleep Behavior Subscale administered to the patient and/or their bed partner.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep disorder in which a person repeatedly stops breathing or experiences shallow breathing for short periods of time during sleep. The most common treatment for OSA is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, but many people have trouble adhering to the treatment schedule. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of two behavioral therapy programs used in combination with CPAP for improving treatment adherence in people with OSA. OSA is a common sleep disorder that is characterized by a brief collapse and blockage of the upper airway during sleep. This blockage prevents air from flowing properly into the lungs and causes pauses in breathing. Symptoms include loud snoring, choking or gasping during sleep, and abnormal daytime sleepiness. If left untreated, OSA can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. The most common treatment for OSA is CPAP therapy, in which a mask is worn over the nose during sleep and pressurized air flows through the mask to keep the throat open. Unfortunately, CPAP treatment adherence is often poor. Previous research studies showed that people receiving motivational enhancement therapy (MET) or educational therapy (ED) adhered better to CPAP treatment than did people not receiving MET or ED therapy. However, even for people who received MET or ED, adherence usually diminished after 12 months.
The investigators will examine whether sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are related to alterations in the production of melatonin (MT), a hormone that plays an important role in regulating sleep-wake cycle. Furthermore, the investigators will examine whether MT is effective in improving sleep in children with ASD. Children with ASD experience high rates of sleep disturbances that potentially contribute to problems with thinking and behavior. It is unclear if changes in MT production cause sleep problems in children with ASD. MT is frequently used to treat these sleep problems; however, it has not been well established whether MT is an effective treatment. Our hypotheses concerning MT are: 1. Children with ASD and sleep problems will have a delayed sleep-wake cycle and/or decreased MT production; 2. Treatment with MT will be associated with improved sleep and behavior. All subjects will be recruited from one of three sites: Baylor College of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University and Columbia University. The investigators will use a standardized questionnaire to determine whether the child has sleep problems. The investigators will measure MT levels in saliva in ASD children with sleep problems and in a group of ASD children without sleep problems. Total 24-hour MT production will be determined from urine samples in these same two groups. Eligible participants will then be enrolled in a randomized trial of three oral doses of MT (3, 6, 9 mg) and a placebo.
The purpose of this study is to assess whether improving sleep in children and adolescents with anxiety disorder will further enhance affective, clinical, and social functioning. This study is one of two interlinking protocols developed to investigate neural, affective, behavioral and social predictors of improvement as a critical next step in advancing the understanding of processes involved in the treatment response of anxiety disorders in youth. This protocol will offer a six to eight session sleep intervention (Sleeping Tigers)children ages 9-13 who currently have a DSM-IV anxiety disorder and who endorse some level of impairment in their ability to sleep. Participants will have completed a 16 session intervention for anxiety (IRB submission, Child Anxiety Treatment Study CATS). We hope to assess whether improving sleep will further enhance affective, clinical, and social functioning.
This research is being done to examine if a nasal cannula can be used to keep the throat open during sleep, thereby treating sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea and people who snore without sleep apnea may take part in this study. Sleep apnea is a disorder caused by pauses in breathing due to repetitive closure of the throat. The most common form of treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. While CPAP therapy remains the simplest and most effective treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, patients have to wear a nasal mask throughout the night. For this reason, patients often have difficulty sticking to therapy. Participants enrolled in this study will spend 3-nights in a sleep laboratory. In all nights, the investigators will monitor your sleep and your breathing throughout the night. The investigators will apply several electrodes (sensors) to your scalp and face to monitor your sleep and breathing, and other sensors to your chest, abdomen, cheek, and a finger to monitor your breathing and oxygen level.
Sleep Apnea is a prevalent condition that has been increasingly diagnosed in the adult population and is now considered an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. A better understanding of the mechanisms associated with the development of cardiovascular disease in sleep apnea is needed. This research will investigate the function of the adenosine deaminase (ADA) in subjects with sleep disorders. This enzyme is responsible for metabolizing adenosine, a neuromodulator that is released during periods of sleep apnea and that has been found to promote vascular thrombosis. There are multiple types of ADA that are genetically determined and have different levels of function. Those different forms of this enzyme may determine groups that are more susceptible to the development of thrombosis. Given the known association between sleep apnea and thrombosis, this study will determine if polymorphisms of this enzyme are differentially found in subjects with sleep apnea as compared to other sleep disturbances. The overall objective of this experiment is to assess the presence of ADA polymorphisms in sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a prevalent condition that has been increasingly diagnosed in the adult population and is now considered an independent risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. More specifically, OSA has been linked with thrombosis, or the formation of clots in the blood vessels which can lead to heart attack or stroke. A better understanding of the mechanisms associated with thrombosis and the development of cardiovascular disease in patients with obstructive sleep apnea is needed.
The objectives of this study are to investigate the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on blood pressure control and vascular inflammation in subjects with resistant hypertension and moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Resistant hypertension is defined as blood pressure that remains above goal in spite of concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive agents of different classes. Resistant hypertension is defined in order to identify patients who are at risk of having secondary causes of hypertension, and who may benefit from specific diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Despite the fact that OSA is listed as one of the causes of resistant HT , paucity of works has demonstrated the magnitude of problems of untreated OSA in subjects with resistant HT. There is so far two study demonstrating the beneficial effect of CPAP treatment in subjects with resistant HT, though both studies were flawed by not including the control group, no randomization and limited sample size. We aim at conducting a randomized controlled study to explore the beneficial effect of CPAP treatment in subjects with OSA and resistant hypertension.
The purpose of this study is to determine if liquid supplemental melatonin is an effective treatment for children with autism who have sleep problems related to insomnia (difficulty falling asleep). Sleep difficulties in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are common reasons why parents seek medical intervention for their children. Identifying a safe and effective pharmacologic agent that promotes sleep in ASD would favorably impact the lives of these children and their families. In this study we plan to determine the dose-response, tolerability and any adverse effects of supplemental melatonin in 30 children with ASD.The melatonin dose levels are 1mg, 3mg, 6mg, and 9mg. After a 3 week baseline period, the child will begin melatonin at 1mg and will dose escalate every three weeks until he/she is falling asleep within 30 minutes of bedtime at least 5/7 nights per week. No child will take more than 9 mg of supplemental melatonin.
Survivors of pediatric brain tumors are noted to have increased rates of excessive daytime sleepiness. However, very little data are available regarding the specific sleep disturbances of pediatric brain tumor survivors. Children ages 8 to 18 years of age who are at least 5 years from diagnosis and at least 2 years post treatment or observation only for a brain tumor will be targeted to assess the prevalence of sleep complaints. The study focuses on the following objectives: - To estimate sleep disturbance in a cohort of pediatric brain tumor survivors. - Estimate the rates of parent- and self-reported excessive daytime sleepiness in pediatric brain tumors - Estimate the rates of parent-reported sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and witnessed apneas, in pediatric brain tumor survivors - Estimate the rates of parent- and self-reported behavioral sleep problems, including nocturnal enuresis, bedtime resistance, nighttime awakenings, nightmares, and fatigue in pediatric brain tumor survivors. The Study focuses on the following secondary objectives: - To describe bedtime patterns and sleep hygiene of pediatric brain tumor survivors. - Estimate the typical parent- and self-reported weekday sleep duration of pediatric brain tumor survivors - Estimate the typical parent- and self-reported weekend sleep duration of pediatric brain tumor survivors and if it differs from the weekday sleep duration - Estimate the typical parent- and self-reported consistency of sleep hygiene in pediatric brain tumor survivors This non-therapeutic single arm study will characterize the prevalence and types of sleep complaints of pediatric brain tumor survivors.
This trial is enrolling patients who are already being seen at OHSU sleep disorder center or have been referred for clinical reasons by their physician to the OHSU sleep disorder center and are going to have a sleep study that would be paid for by their insurance company for clinical reasons. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the Portland sleep apnea quiz has a higher specificity and negative predictive value then the Berlin Sleep Questionnaire in a patient population with a high predisposition to sleep apnea presenting to a sleep center. This trial is enrolling patients who are already being seen at OHSU sleep disorder center or have been referred for clinical reasons by their physician to the OHSU sleep disorder center and are going to have a sleep study that would be paid for by their insurance company for clinical reasons. 400 consecutive adult subjects who have been referred by their doctor to the sleep disorder center and are undergoing a diagnostic sleep study at the OHSU sleep disorders center will be requested to fill out both a Berlin questionnaire and Portland sleep quiz on the night of the initial diagnostic polysomnography. The questionnaires will be collected and scored in a confidential manner. The predictive value of the questionnaires will be compared with the results of overnight polysomnography (Apnea Hypopnea Index).
Inadequate sleep is a major health problem of childhood that often fails to receive attention until significant neurobehavioral and other health problems are noted. Although adequate sleep is essential for normal growth and brain development, studies show that children from minority and economically disadvantaged families are more likely to experience shorter sleep times and more sleep fragmentation compared to their Caucasian and economically advantaged counterparts. As a result, they are disproportionately affected by the adverse health and quality of life consequences of poor sleep. There are currently no intervention studies to the investigators knowledge aimed at addressing sleep disparities by improving sleep duration and sleep hygiene in early school-aged children from minority populations. This study seeks to close the 'sleep gap' that exists between the sleep duration of minority school-aged children and that of their non-minority peers. An interdisciplinary team of researchers and clinicians from Columbia University's Pediatric Lung and Sleep Disorders Center, School of Public Health, Psychiatry Department, and two outpatient clinic systems affiliated with Columbia are collaborating to reduce sleep disparities by improving sleep duration in a group of 5-6 year old minority children. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a tailored, interactive, educational and behavioral intervention that utilizes trained sleep counselors to assist parents in improving their children's sleep hygiene and reducing risk factors for poor sleep, thereby increasing sleep duration over a 12-month period in a randomized controlled trial of children identified with sleep problems (Aim 1).
The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is associated with deviant pharyngeal swallowing function, using clinical, endoscopical and manometric evaluation.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypopnoea Syndrome(OSAHS)affects at least 4% of males and 2% of females. OSAHS is the combination of excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring and apnoeas (stopping breathing at night). As well as affecting tiredness, mood, concentration and quality of life - there is growing concern that it can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart problems, strokes and thromboses (clots in the veins). It appears that OSAHS may affect the thickness of the blood and cause it to clot more easily it also causes damage to the lining of the blood vessels (endothelial injury). These effects seem independent of other risk factors such as obesity, smoking, family history of clots etc. The investigators are testing new biomarkers: gel point and fractal dimension developed at the Swansea University to measure the 'clotting' of the blood in people with OSAHS and a similar group of people who snore and who are sleepy but do not have OSAHS on sleep studies (Controls) Also markers of vascular inflammation are being measured. Primary objective: The primary outcome of this study is to test the null hypothesis that no significant difference exists between fractal dimension (Df)and vascular injury markers including serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)in patients with OSAHS and sleepy, snoring controls of similar age, gender and BMI.
Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) affects 2-3% of children and may lead to problems with nighttime sleep and daytime behavior, learning, sleepiness, and mood. Adenotonsillectomy (AT) is the second most common surgical procedure in children. It is now performed more often for suspected SDB than for any other indication. However, recent studies indicate that many if not most children still have SDB after AT, and many still have learning or behavioral problems associated with SDB. The goals of this study are: (1) to assess the extent that behavior, cognition, and sleepiness in children can improve with Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment after AT, and (2) to identify which patients stand to gain most from post-operative assessment and treatment. Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) affects at least 2-3% of children and may have substantial adverse impact on behavior and cognition. Adenotonsillectomy (AT), the second most common surgical procedure in children, is now performed more often for suspected SDB than for any other indication. However, recent studies among an increasingly obese population now show something alarming: many if not most children still have SDB after AT, and many still suffer from residual neurobehavioral morbidity. Furthermore, the investigators' ongoing, 12-year, NIH-funded research has shown that standard preoperative polysomnographic measures of SDB do not consistently predict post-AT improvement in behavior and cognition.
Hormonal treatment of perimenopausal women has frequently utilized oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). Because of their ability to suppress ovulation and establish cycle control, OCPs have become a popular option, and one that is FDA approved for use until menopause. However, use of OCPs in women in their 40's and 50's carries significant cardiovascular risks. Venous thromboembolism risk is 3-6 fold greater in OCP users, and the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) is approximately doubled in OCP users over the age of 40. This occurs at an age where the background population risk of MI begins to increase, such that the absolute number of cases rises substantially. Women with additional risk factors for cardiovascular disease have a much greater risk for MI (6-40-fold) in association with OCPs. There are also large subgroups of midlife women who are not candidates for OCP use, such a smokers and migraineurs. Moreover, the trend towards lower estrogen dosing with OCPs containing 20 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol has not led to a detectable decrease in thromboembolic risk. Because of their increased potential risks, it is appropriate to seek alternatives to OCPs and to explore lower doses of hormones to relieve perimenopausal symptoms that occur prior to a woman's final menses. Recent evidence indicates that the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of reproductively aging women is more susceptible to suppression by sex steroids that previously believed.
It is the objective of this study to collect scientific data of sleep apnoea syndrome patients´ cardiac and respiratory function by additional sensors.
Study Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis using simplified methods such as home respiratory polygraphy (HRP) is only recommended in patients with a high pre-test probability. The aim is to determine the diagnostic efficacy, therapeutic decision-making and costs of OSA diagnosis using PSG or three consecutive studies of HRP in patients with mild-moderate suspicion of sleep apnea or with co-morbidity that can mask OSA symptoms. Design and Setting: Randomized, blinded, crossover study of three nights of HRP (3N-HRP) vs. PSG. The diagnostic efficacy was evaluated with ROC curves. Therapeutic decisions to assess concordance between the two different approaches were analyzed by sleep physicians and respiratory physicians (staff and residents) using agreement level and kappa coefficient. The costs of each diagnostic strategy were considered. Study subjects The study population consisted of subjects who were referred to the sleep unit of the Clínic Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, or the San Pedro de Alcantara Hospital, Cáceres, Spain, with a mild-moderate clinical suspicion of OSA or with notorious co-morbidity that induced frequent symptoms which mimicked those of OSA or could reduce sleep time. The inclusion criteria were: a) Patients with snoring and/or some observed apneas during sleep. b) Epworth scale less than 15. c) Subjects with notorious co-morbidity. d) Age between 18 and 75 years. The exclusion criteria were as follows: high suspicion of sleep apnea (heavy snoring, breathing pauses and somnolence that makes social life or working difficult, without any other causes of hypersomnia); diagnosis of OSA; severe heart disease or resistant systemic hypertension; suspicion of non-apneic sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, REM behavior disorders, and restless leg syndrome; psychophysical disability that would impede the application of the home polygraphy device or major co-morbidity (unstable heart disease, unstable pulmonary disease or disabling stroke); and lack of informed consent for the protocol approved by the ethics committees of the two centres.
Studies have shown high prevalence (60-94%) of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) among patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Fifteen studies are published investigating the effect of bariatric surgery on OSA. All of them conclude a highly positive effect on OSA by bariatric surgery and weight loss. However these studies are biased by a huge number of drop outs. The drop out rate in the studies are around 60 percent. The Investigators state that the prevalence of OSA among patients undergoing bariatric surgery in Denmark is high. The Investigators state that the effect of bariatric surgery is significant on severity of OSA. The Investigators state that we can perform a study without a huge number of dropouts. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by occlusion of upper airways during sleep. The occlusions results in shortly hypoxia, which awakes the patient. When the patient awakes, activity in the pharyngeal muscles results in opening of the upper airway again. OSA is associated with overweight. Studies have shown high prevalence (60-94%) of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among patients undergoing gastric bypass (bariatric) surgery. Fifteen studies have investigated the effect of bariatric surgery on OSA. All of them conclude a highly positive effect on OSA by bariatric surgery and the following weight loss. However, a huge number of dropouts biases these studies.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of Somnarus diagnostic technology for diagnosis of sleep apnea in human subjects. This includes evaluation of Somnarus technology in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), including Cheyne - Stokes respiration (CSR).
The investigators feel that children who have OSA or sleep-disordered breathing may have a different reaction time than normal variants. Children who have OSA are known to have behavioral and sleep patterns that are different. It makes sense their reaction time may be different than normal as well. We plan to measure reaction times via a 10 minute psychomotor vigilance test device in children who snore who are coming in for a sleep study or for adenotonsillectomy.
The purpose of this study is to prospectively evaluate the impact of sleep apnea on the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of patients with end-stage renal disease. Sleep apnea is more prevalent in end stage renal disease patients than in the general population, and may participate to the increased cardiovascular mortality observed in this group of patients. Despite a significant increase in knowledge about the harmful effects of obstructive sleep apnea in the general population, the prognostic impact of sleep apnea in the end stage renal disease population has not yet been investigated. The purpose of this trial is to investigate the hypothesis that moderate to severe sleep apnea increase the risk of major cardiovascular events in patients with end stage renal disease. The severity of sleep apnea is measured at inclusion and the patients are followed during 3 years to assess the cardiovascular end-points. The result of the sleep study is communicated to the treating physician and the decision whether to treat or not sleep apnea is left to the treating physician, independently of the study protocol. The comparison will include three groups: patients without sleep apnea, untreated patients with moderate to severe sleep apnea and treated patients with sleep apnea.
The SHIP study is a randomized controlled trial of an intervention for preschool children with sleep problems, in which we aim to give parents the knowledge, motivation, and skills necessary to set goals, problem-solve, and improve their child's sleep. In collecting three years of follow-up data, we will be able to determine the impact of the SHIP intervention on childhood sleep problems, obesity, academic achievement, and emotional and behavioral problems, as well as parental stress and daytime tiredness. This study has the dual potential to expand treatment resources for young children with behavioral sleep problems and to increase our scientific understanding of the long-term consequences of early childhood sleep problems.
Estimates of the prevalence of acromegaly, a condition resulting from excess growth hormone secretion, are as high as 1:1000. If detected late acromegaly increases the risk of joint destruction, heart disease, sleep apnoea, high blood pressure, diabetes, and polyps in the colon. To have a greater effect on long-term outcomes this disease needs to be detected early. By screening a 'high risk' population (sleep apnoea clinic) the investigators may be able to detect these patients earlier and prevent late complications of the disease. At LTHT the referral pathway for new referrals to the sleep apnoea clinic involves initial attendance to pick up a pulse oximeter to wear overnight to measure oxygen levels. These readings show approximately 1:4 patients displays evidence of significant obstructive sleep apnoea to warrant referral to the treatment group for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), weight management, and occasionally mandibular adjustment. Patients attending the sleep apnoea clinic either as new referral or for review will be asked to participate in the proposed study. The study is cross-sectional in design incorporating two sub-populations within the sleep apnoea clinic. The first cohort comprises patients under follow-up known to have sleep apnoea, and the second cohort those patients prospectively attending the sleep apnoea clinic for assessment. If after an explanation of the study they agree to participate blood will be taken for assessment of IGF-I and they will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire.
Randomized clinical trial among women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who present for fertility treatment to evaluate the impact of screening for obstructive sleep apnea. The investigators' goal is to perform a randomized clinical trial among women with PCOS who present for infertility treatment. Our primary outcome is to determine if screening women with PCOS, and treating those with confirmed sleep apnea, will lead to more ovulatory cycles. Our sub-aims are to describe the rate of OSA and sleep symptoms in patients with PCOS, to see if current sleep questionnaires correlate to a diagnostic sleep study, to describe the correlation between OSA and biomarkers of glucose homeostasis in women with PCOS, to investigate health related quality of life between the groups, to compare perinatal outcomes between the groups, and to evaluate the composition of breastmilk among women who choose to breastfeed.
The study is designed to investigate the natural course of Primary snoring in 1-2 years or more and the different effect of drug and surgical treatment applied in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) by comparing the polysomnography(PSG) and sleep questionaires in 6 months after treatment. The evolution of snoring and OSAS in children is not well established since few studies have been published.This study is designed to evaluate the evolution of primary snoring and OSAS in children who had been submitted to watchful waiting 、drug or adenotonsillectomy.The participated children will be evaluated by full physical examination and nocturnal polysomnography(PSG), after which they were divided into 2 groups: apnea and snoring. After 6 months following the initial evaluation, patients were submitted to a new nocturnal polysomnography, and all data were compared to those of the first examination.And after 3 months and 12 months following the initial evaluation, patients will be called to complete the sleep questionnaire.Then analyse the change of parameters of polysomnography after 6 months of follow-up,and describe the changes of items of sleep questionnaire.
The objective of ESCAPE-SCD Study is assessment of the effect of sleep apnea on sudden cardiac death risk and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. The ESCAPE - SCD Study will address following specific study questions: - Is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and/or central sleep apnea (CSA) an independent risk factor of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) indicated for ICD/CRT-D implant based on current European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death? - Can treatment of predominant (>50%) obstructive sleep apnea by appropriate Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy decrease risk of sudden cardiac arrhythmic death in ICM patients? - Can treatment of predominant (>50%) obstructive sleep apnea by appropriate PAP therapy improve cardiovascular outcomes in ICM patients indicated for ICD/CRT-D implant? - Does obstructive sleep apnea represent a novel factor that may improve risk stratification of sudden cardiac death and advance identification of those patients that will benefit from ICD/CRT-D therapy? Detailed Study Description Purpose: There is strong evidence that patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy have high cardiovascular mortality, including high risk of sudden cardiac death. Sleep apnea is frequently present in patients after myocardial infarction/with ischemic cardiomyopathy (approximately in 50% of patients). Both central and obstructive sleep apnea are considered as independent risk factors of worsened prognosis in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).
The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of telemonitoring versus standard follow-up on CPAP treatment compliance in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is defined by the presence of repetitive episodes of upper airways collapse during sleep, leading to nocturnal hypoxemia, sleep fragmentation and daytime sleepiness. When untreated, OSA is a risk factor for arterial hypertension , cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, road accidents and a worse quality of life. The application of a continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) represents the first line therapy in patients with moderate to severe OSA. CPAP treatment improves daytime sleepiness and oxygen saturation , reduces cardiovascular risk, ameliorates neurobehavioral performance, improves quality of life and reduces road accidents. Despite its demonstrated efficacy, CPAP effectiveness is significantly limited by poor adherence. A closer follow up could improve CPAP adherence but it would take up more work and additional costs for sleep units. So on that account, the investigators propose a study to demonstrate that automatic home treatment monitoring of patients with OSA is a cost-effectiveness alternative approach to patient's management. Moreover, the investigators believe that telemonitoring could improve CPAP compliance and patient's satisfaction and reduce follow-up costs. Methods: Prospective and randomized study during three months. Patients diagnosed as OSA in St. Maria's Hospital (Sleep Unit) and requiring CPAP treatment, will be randomized into two groups differing in CPAP compliance monitoring and management .
Dysfunctional adipose tissue predisposes to cardiovascular disease. Similarly, the risk of cardiovascular disease appears to be increased in subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea. Reduced adipose tissue oxygen availability has been described in obesity and may also be a mechanism in obstructive sleep apnoea. Hypoxia induces inflammation and fibrosis in adipose tissue which are factors contributing to cardiovascular risk. The investigators hypothesize that adipose tissue's oxygen uptake is reduced in subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea by comparing in vivo AT oxygenation and blood flow in tissue of control subjects. Assessment includes a adipose tissue biopsy and measurement of oxygenation and blood flow by a Clarke type electrodes and non-invasive Doppler techniques.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of early adenotonsillectomy (eAT) on the behavior, sleep-disordered breathing symptoms and quality of life for children who snore, but do not have obstructive sleep apnea, as well as identify factors that moderate responses to the surgery. Half of participants will receive eAT, while the other half will be observed with watchful waiting and supportive care. Adenotonsillectomies are performed more than 500,000 times per year in the United States, and is the most common surgery performed under general anesthesia in children. The majority of surgeries are performed for obstructed breathing rather than for infection or other indications. The role of adenotonsillectomy (AT) in improving the 7-month neurocognitive, behavioral and health outcomes of children with frank obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was recently addressed in the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT). The results of this rigorous, multicenter, randomized controlled trial provided critically important data indicating that adenotonsillectomy compared to watchful waiting resulted in improved behavior, quality of life, sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) symptoms and polysomnographic parameters. However, the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial addressed the role of surgery in the minority of operative candidates who have frank obstructive sleep apnea, only one form of sleep disordered breathing on a spectrum that includes a more common phenotype, primary snoring (also termed mild sleep disordered breathing (MSDB)).
To assess the incidence of Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS), both obstructive and central, in patients with: 1) pacemaker indication; 2) implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRTD), 3) heart failure and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and 4) heart failure and reduced LVEF.
This study will examine what causes seizures in patients with cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection). A better understanding of this could lead to improved methods of controlling or preventing seizures. In humans, the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium) lives in the small intestine. The parasite's microscopic eggs travel around the body-including to the brain-where they develop into cysts. Usually, the cysts don't cause symptoms until they die. Then, they provoke an inflammatory reaction that irritates the brain, causing seizures and other symptoms. The inflammation eventually goes away, but the dead cysts remain. Calcium deposits often form where the cysts are. Some of the calcified cysts develop swelling around them that seem to be associated with the development of seizures. This study will explore how and why these dead, calcified cysts continue to cause seizures. In so doing, it will try to determine: 1) the best diagnostic imaging method for detecting swelling around the cysts; 2) how often swelling occurs; and 3) what makes some cysts prone to swelling and related seizure activity, while others are not. Patients with cysticercosis who have had seizures or who have known or possible swelling around calcified cysts will be studied with various tests, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, electroencephalography (EEG), blood tests, and possibly lumbar puncture.
To characterize the nature of pulmonary responses to organic dust exposures in order to gain insight into patterns of respiratory disease in agricultural workers. BACKGROUND: In 1986 when the study began, agriculture was one of the largest employers in the United States, comprising nearly 12 million people. Farm workers were hospitalized more frequently than other occupational groups and were found to have the highest number of restricted activity days due to injury and illness. Much of this was due to frequent and disabling farm related accidents which made agriculture the most hazardous occupation in the United States. Agricultural workers were also found to have high rates of respiratory disability, compared with other industrial sectors, based on Social Security disability records. The common denominator for respiratory disorders among agricultural workers was exposure to organic dust which was recognized to be a complex mixture of vegetable particles and fragments, microorganisms and their products, insects and insect fragments, feed additives including fish meal and antibiotics, and avian and rodent proteins. While the vegetable dust itself was by far the most important exposure, individual circumstances of growing, storage and subsequent use of the product from which the organic dust arose, influenced specific exposures. In certain situations, like animal confinement housing, irritant gases including ammonia and hydrogen sulfide co-existed with an organic dust to further vary respiratory exposure. Workers exposed in Iowa swine production units were known to be significantly exposed to grain dust, endotoxin, animal danders and other proteins, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas, and a variety of microorganisms including fungi and thermophilic actinomycetes.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a new threat to public health since November, 2002. The SARS is highly contagious and is believed to be transmitted by person-to-person through droplet and direct contact. The patients present with fever, chills, cough, myalgia, dyspnea, and diarrhea. The symptoms aggravate in the second week and nearly 40% of the patients develop respiratory failure that requires assisted ventilation. The mortality rate is reported as 6.5%-7%. After several months, the world scientists found the etiology to be a new coronavirus not belonging to the previous coronavirus group I, II and III. The new virus is called SARS associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Although the high morbidity and mortality of SARS occurred in adults, there was rare mortality reported in the children. The report from Hong Kong pointed out that the symptoms of SARS in younger children were milder and the clinical course was not as aggressive as in adults. Therefore, the aim of the project is to design the experiment to see the differences of immunological responses to SARS-CoV protein in healthy younger children, teenagers, and adults. The investigators hope that the result could explain the reason for milder disease in younger children and the immunological pathogenesis of SARS.
This randomized phase III trial studies oxaliplatin, leucovorin calcium, fluorouracil, and bevacizumab to see how well they work compared to oxaliplatin, leucovorin calcium, and fluorouracil in treating patients who have undergone surgery for stage II colon cancer. Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as oxaliplatin, leucovorin calcium, and fluorouracil, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Monoclonal antibodies, such as bevacizumab, may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. It is not yet known whether giving combination chemotherapy together with bevacizumab is more effective than combination chemotherapy alone in treating colon cancer. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To demonstrate an improvement in 3-year disease-free survival for high-risk stage II colon cancer patients randomly assigned to 5-FU (fluorouracil), leucovorin (leucovorin calcium), oxaliplatin versus 5-FU, leucovorin, oxaliplatin and bevacizumab. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To compare overall survival between the regimens. II. To further define the toxicity profiles of the regimens. III. To prospectively determine the impact of tumor biological characteristics on the survival of patients with stage II colon cancer. IV. To assess the association between oxaliplatin exposure, allelic variants in candidate genes, and neurotoxicity. (Pharmacogenetic ancillary objective) OUTLINE: Patients with high-risk disease are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms (Arms A and B).
This study will test the safety of an experimental vaccine for preventing West Nile virus infection. The virus is spread mainly by mosquito bites. Symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. Rarely, infection leads to permanent nerve damage and possibly death. The vaccine used in the study is made from DNA that codes for West Nile virus proteins. Injected into a muscle, the DNA instructs the body to make a small amount of West Nile virus protein. This study will see if the body creates resistance or immunity to these proteins. Participants cannot get West Nile virus from the vaccine. Healthy normal volunteers between 18 and 65 years of age may be eligible for this study. Candidates are screened with a medical history, physical examination, and blood and urine tests for various infections and other medical problems. Women who are able to become pregnant are given a pregnancy test. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not participate. Anyone who has received a vaccination for Yellow Fever or Japanese Encephalitis virus in the past may not participate in this research study. Participants will receive three injections of the experimental vaccine, the first on the first study day (Day 0), the second on Day 28, and the third on Day 56. The injections are given with a device called Biojector® (Registered Trademark) 2000 that delivers the vaccine through the skin into the muscle without the use of a needle.
This study will determine if an experimental vaccine to prevent Ebola virus infection is safe and what side effects, if any, it causes. Ebola virus infection may range from mild to severe, and may cause breathing problems, severe bleeding, kidney problems and shock that can lead to death. The vaccine used in this study contains man-made genetic material similar to one part of the Ebola virus, which is designed to stimulate an immune response to the virus. The vaccine itself cannot cause Ebola virus infection because it does not contain any Ebola virus. Participants are assigned to one of three groups as they enter into the study. Of the first 16 people in the study, 12 receive the lowest study dose of vaccine and 4 receive placebo (an inactive substance). If this dose is safe, then of the next 16 people who enter the study, 12 receive a higher dose of the vaccine, and the remaining 4 receive placebo. If this dose is safe, the final 12 people in the last group of 16 receive the highest study dose, and 4 receive placebo. The vaccine is given as a single injection in the arm on the day of enrollment. Participants keep a diary for 5 days, recording their temperature, symptoms and any reaction at the injection site. They call a study nurse the day after vaccination to report how they feel, and they return to the clinic approximately six times for follow-up evaluations.
Child psychological/behavioural disorders such as withdrawal may persist when the psychosocial context is unfavourable. Health promotion strategies (Olds' paradigm) have proved their efficacy in vulnerable populations. CAPEDP project sets out to evaluate a program of home visits in France This program aims at reducing psychosocial disorders and promoting mental health, social support and attachment amongst at-risk young women and their family. 440 primigravida (pregnant women) will be randomised into two groups. The first group will receive routine follow-up as currently provided by national community health and social services. The second group will receive home visits by community workers. These visits will start during pregnancy and will continue up to the child's second birthday.
The main purpose of this study is to look at relationships between types of flu viruses and characteristics of infected patients, including vaccination status, organ system involvement, and disease severity. In this study, 500 patients with respiratory illnesses will have nose/throat fluid samples collected. At Children's Hospital Boston, patients 30 days to 5 years of age will be recruited; at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, patients of any age will be eligible. The researchers will compare the symptoms of infection by similar flu virus types and look at differences in the flu virus types between the 2 age groups of patients. The researchers will also look at whether any flu virus types first show up in the children prior to infecting the adults. Hopefully this study will improve understanding of how flu viruses develop, spread, and cause disease. This information may help the development of more effective flu vaccines, prevention measures, and treatments. There is evidence that the pediatric population, in particular, may play an essential role in influenza transmission. One recent study showed that children between the ages of 3 and 4 years were consistently the first population group to be affected by influenza illness over several winter seasons. In addition, influenza illness in children less than 5 years of age was the strongest predictor of mortality among adults. Collecting samples from adults as well as children in the pre-school age group would enable researchers to further examine the specific role this population plays in the evolution of influenza virus lineages and the development of dominant strains.
New antibiotics are required to have not only the antibacterial activity against doxycyline-resistant O. tsutsugamushi but also lower risk for resistance or any cross-resistance to others. In this prospective, open-label, randomized trial, we enroll patients with mild-to-moderate scrub typhus. We compared the efficacy and safety of a 5-day rifampin therapy with those of a 5-day doxycycline therapy at Chosun University Hospital, or one of its two community-based affiliated hospitals which are all located in southwestern Korea between 2006 and 2009.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate specific parenting programs that aim to improve the family's ability to keep children physically safe and emotionally secure. We would like to learn more about how the treatments actually help families and to find out how an intervention that focuses on child health and safety compares with one that focuses on the parent and child relationship. We also want to determine whether participating in one program type versus the other results in further reports for child maltreatment.
Background: Pulmonary involvement in leptospirosis has been reported to be on the increase and is emerging as the main cause of death due to leptospirosis in many countries, including Thailand. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled trial of desmopressin or high dose dexamethasone as adjunctive therapy in patients with suspected pulmonary hemorrhage associated with leptospirosis was conducted between July 2003 and October 2006 at 5 hospitals in Thailand.
It has been observed that several of patients having prolonged or complicated course of acute viral hepatitis have underlying diabetes. It is possible that with impaired hepatocyte regenerating capacity, these patients run a more prolonged and complicated course. We hypothesize that acute hepatitis infection has a prolonged and complicated course among diabetic patients. Acute viral hepatitis is usually a self limited condition characterizes by typical course of prodrome followed by an icteric phase. In some cases the course may be protracted or complicated by the development of cholestatic phase or acute liver failure . The development of complicated course depends on a number of factors such as the type of virus and a variety of host factors including age of infection, immune status of the host and condition of the underlying liver before the onset of hepatitis. Patients who have an underlying chronic liver disease or cirrhosis have increased risk of development of decompensation and liver related death when they develop superinfection with some hepatotropic viruses. Vento etal demonstrated in their classical study that superinfection with hepatitis A on chronic liver disease is associated with high risk of decompensation and death. In India, since most of the adult population including those with chronic liver disease has been shown to have protective antibodies against HAV, this infection is rarely a problem in them. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) has demonstrated to be the most common cause of acute hepatitis, acute liver failure and subacute liver in India.
This study will randomly assign emergency department patients seeking treatment for a headache to one of three groups. The first group will receive standard emergency care as determined by the treating physician, the second group will breathe high flow air by facemask for 15 minutes, and the third group will breathe high flow oxygen by face mask for 15 minutes. The patients will be questioned in the beginning of their treatment and at 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after it's begun about the intensity of their headache and how much relief they are experiencing from their treatment. Concentration of carbon dioxide exhaled by patients will also be recorded at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes. After fifteen minutes, the patients in groups 2 and 3 will continue with standard emergency care, which can include any treatment their physician sees fit. Patients in all three groups will receive a stopwatch in the beginning of their emergency department visit and record the total extent of time their headache will take to resolve. Thorough description provided in brief summary.
This randomized phase III trial studies carboplatin and paclitaxel to compare how well they work with or without bevacizumab and/or cetuximab in treating patients with stage IV or non-small cell lung cancer that has returned after a period of improvement (recurrent). Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as carboplatin and paclitaxel, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Bevacizumab may prevent the growth of new blood vessels that tumor needs to grow. Cetuximab may also stop cancer cells from growing by binding and interfering with a protein on the surface of the tumor cell that is needed for tumor growth. It is not yet known whether giving carboplatin and paclitaxel are more effective with or without bevacizumab and/or cetuximab in treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To compare overall survival (OS) in the entire study population. II. To compare progression-free survival (PFS) by institutional review of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)-positive patients. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To compare OS and PFS by centralized review in EGFR FISH-positive patients. II. To compare PFS by centralized image review and by institutional review in the entire study population. III. To compare the response rate (confirmed plus unconfirmed, complete and partial responses) in a subset of patients with measurable disease in EGFR FISH-positive patient and the entire study population.
This is a Phase 2 study of the safety and efficacy of Intravenous (IV) Ribavirin in treating patients presenting with a probable or suspected case of viral hemorrhagic fever (either Crimean Congo or Lassa Fever) at a military medical treatment hospital. All patients will be treated with a 10 day course of IV Ribavirin if they meet all the inclusion and none of the exclusion criteria. Department of Defense operations have resulted in the deployment of personnel to areas endemic for Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF): Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) or Lassa Fever. Unfortunately, beyond supportive care, there is no approved therapy for treating either infection. Previous studies with intravenous (IV) Ribavirin have shown IV Ribavirin as a promising treatment for both infections. This study will provide experience in U.S. Department of Defense associated treatment facilities in the use of IV Ribavirin for the experimental treatment of viral hemorrhagic fevers primarily among U.S. Service personnel deployed to disease-endemic areas. The rationale for conducting the study is a) to allow the DoD to gain experience in treating VHF b) to offer this experimental but promising therapy to patients with probable or suspected VHF c) to collect safety data while obtaining experience using Ribavirin.
Study of the lipid metabolism under glycemic control in septic patients who got an university 14 bed ICU. Hypothesis: establish a relationship between lipid metabolism alterations and glycemic control or infusion of exogenous insulin The investigators enrolled 69 consecutive patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and divided them in two different groups after randomization with sealed envelopes. One group called intensive glycemic control with glycemic levels been between 80 to 110 mg/dl with exogenous insulin. The other group called conventional glycemic control with glycemic levels been between 180 and 220 mg/dl. Blood samples were collected at 0, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours to measure HDL, LDL, Total cholesterol, free fatty acids and oxidized LDL. Clinical data as creatinine, P/F ratio, bilirubins, platelets, lactate, arterial blood gasometry were either monitored.
The study project can be divided into two parts: (1) health screening for the community and (2) clinical diagnosis and treatment for patients at National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Solomon islands. The health screening includes a questionnaire, stool parasitic screening and blood laboratory tests. A total of 800 subjects will participate in this study. The collected samples are venous blood (20 ml/per subject) and stool in order to conduct the related tests mentioned above. As for the collection of target patients, KMUH will cooperate with NRH to collect two kinds of blood samples: the blood samples of confirmed malarial cases and those of cases suspicious of Flaviviral, Alpha-viral, Rickettsial, and Leptospiral infections. The expected received cases are 600 each year. The venous blood samples (20 ml/per subject) will be used to conduct related tests mentioned above. At the same time, the subjects will also have to fill out a related questionnaire which includes height, weight, waist line, heath behavior and habit, and past history, etc. KMUH plan a series of medical services to Solomon Islands with the expectation that the health and medical standard in Solomon Islands can be improved by medical interaction and the use of high-tech medical instruments. By collecting data from Solomon Islands, KMUH can better understand the health needs, the characteristics of diseases, and the basic health information of Solomon Islanders so that the strategies and the operation goals for further improvement will be more explicit for KMUH's medical teams.
Hepatitis E is a worldwide disease. It is the leading or second leading cause of acute hepatitis in adults in developing countries from sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia, where it is hyperendemic and principally water-borne. In industrialised western countries, hepatitis E was until recently considered as imported from hyperendemic geographical areas, but is currently an emerging autochthonous infectious disease. A growing body of data from Europe, America, Australia, and Asia strongly indicate that pigs represent a major Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) reservoir and might be a source of zoonotic transmission to humans through direct or indirect exposure. Hepatitis E typically causes self-limited acute infection. However, the overall death rate is 1-4%, and it can reach 20% in pregnant women and might be still higher in patients with underlying chronic liver disease. To date, no preventive or curative treatment of hepatitis E is available. Therefore, the major goal of the study is to analyse for the first time the host responses in kidney-transplant recipients with chronic HEV infection and to compare them to the host responses in kidney-transplant recipients without viral infection (controls), to identify a specific peripheral signature using blood microarray-based gene expression profiling. Other minor goals are : 1. to assess the incidence of HEV infection in kidney-transplant recipients from south-eastern France, to study the risk factors, and to describe the clinical features and outcomes of chronic HEV infection in kidney-transplant recipients, 2. to compare the peripheral signature to a liver signature in the cases where a liver biopsy is available.
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is one of important zoonotic infectious diseases in Taiwan. JE caused by Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) which transmitted by Culex tritaeniorhynchus and used swine as amplifying host. Infections leading to overt encephalitis are estimated to be 1 in 1000 cases. Among JE confirmed cases, approximately 25 percent of cases die and 50 percent of the survivals develop permanent neurologic and/or psychiatric sequelae. JEV circulated in Taiwan are belonged to genotype III and the vaccine strain selected from same genotype. Genotype I JEV was first detected in northern Taiwan in 2008 by CDC, and the same genotype JEV were detected in mosquito collected in central Taiwan by our group. In order to study the genotypic shift of JEV in Taiwan areas, and the effects of the replacement of genotype on vaccine, we will conduct the JEV seroepidemiology in Hualien county which was the highest incidence of JEV in Taiwan. The aims of this study were: (1) study the circulating of genotype I JEV in Hualien county; (2) determine the virulence of genotype I JEV in human; (3) differential diagnosis of JEV genotype I or III infection among confirmed cases; (4) measure the cross neutralizing activity, after immunized with genotype III JEV vaccine, against genotype I JEV; (5) determine the age-specific seroprevalence of JEV antibody; (6) estimate the annual risk of infection for JEV.
The study will be conducted using nasopharyngeal swab specimens collected prospectively from individuals suspected of having the signs and symptoms of an acute respiratory tract infection caused by a respiratory virus. A series of standard viral culture tests validated for routine use in the clinical laboratory, and/or a series of PCR-based Laboratory Developed Tests (PCR-LDT) validated by a central reference laboratory will be used to verify the performance of the investigational artus Influenza A/B RT-PCR test and the QIAGEN ResPlex II Advanced Panel test. From each specimen five (5) aliquots will be prepared: (a) one aliquot will be tested in real-time using the assigned viral culture reference methods; (b) one aliquot will be used to extract nucleic acid in real-time for investigational testing; (c) one aliquot of the specimen will be stored at --70C for subsequent shipment to the reference laboratory for PCR-LDT testing, (d) one aliquot will be archived at -70C for subsequent follow-up by the reference laboratory (e.g., bi-directional sequencing of positive specimens), and (e) any remaining specimen will be stored for the Fresh vs. Frozen Study. The extracted nucleic acid generated from the second aliquot (i.e., "b" above) will be split and subjected to testing by both the artus Influenza A/B RT-PCR test and the ResPlex II Advanced Panel test. Each year the morbidity and mortality associated with acute respiratory tract infections fluctuates seasonally.
Background: - MRSA is a type of bacteria that causes serious health problems. It can cause severe infections and is difficult to treat. MRSA has been found in a high number of people who work with some kinds of livestock, such as pigs. Researchers want to study people in rural areas, where more people work with or around livestock. They want to see if MRSA is more common or causes more serious infections in these areas. Objectives: - To look at the relationship between livestock handling (especially pigs) and MRSA bacteria in people in rural areas. Eligibility: - Participants in the Agricultural Health Study in Iowa, including those who are exposed to livestock. - Healthy volunteers who are not exposed to livestock. Design: - This study requires an initial visit and monthly follow-up surveys for 18 months. - At the first visit, participants will have throat and nose swabs to collect cell and bacteria samples. They will also complete a questionnaire about their health habits. Other questions will ask about any work that brings them into contact with livestock like cows, pigs, or chickens. - Every month for the next 17 months, participants will complete another questionnaire to record any changes in their health and livestock contact information. They will also collect throat and nose swabs. They will send the questionnaires and the swabs to the study researchers.
Objectives: The overall objective is to monitor efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) against Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH). The primary objective is: (1) to monitor the efficacy a single dose 500 mg of mebendazole (MBZ) against Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) infections by means of Faecal Egg Count Reduction (FECR) and Cure Rate (CR). The secondary objectives are: 1. to assess the occurrence of Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenal. 2. to assess the occurrence of β-tubulin mutations related to resistance before and after drug administration. 3. to evaluate the role of dogs and pigs as reservoir for zoonotic transmission. Primary objective: Following obtaining informed consent, schoolchildren in the target age range group will be recruited and asked to provide a recent stool sample (an interval of less than 4 hours) that will be processed to determine the Faecal Egg Count (FEC) for each Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH) present. For the initial sampling the aim is to enroll at least 250 infected children for at least one of the Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH). This sample size was selected based on statistical analysis of study power, using random simulations of correlated over-dispersed Faecal Egg Count data reflecting the variance-covariance structure in a selection of real Faecal Egg Count (FEC) data sets. This analysis suggested that a sample size of up to 200 individuals (α = 0.05, power = 80%) was required to detect a 10 percentage point drop from a null efficacy of ~ 80% (mean percentage FEC ∆ per individual) over a wide range of infection scenarios.
Currently effective antivials for influenza treatment are two influenza viral neuraminidase inhibitors, oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). Resistance to these drugs is reflected by reduced susceptibility of viral neuraminidase to these drugs. The hypothesis is that the signal ratio of two reagents (with or without a single concentration of the drug) correlates the IC50 value, an accurate measurement of drug resistance but impractical for clinical use. The study design is to collect samples from participants. A portion of the sample is used for drug resistance detection using the test (QFlu Combo Test) under investigation. The remaining portion of the sample is used for culture. The culture positive samples are used for determination of IC50 values, which is used as a gold standard for defining whether a virus isolate is resistant to a drug or not. The sensitivity and specificity of the QFlu test will be calculated by comparing to the gold standard test.
The Family Health and Development Project (FHDP) is a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Intensive In-home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service (IICAPS) intervention, targeting emotionally, behaviorally, and/or psychiatrically disordered children at risk of a psychiatric inpatient admission and their families. Children and families are randomized to receive IICAPS or Home-based Child Treatment Coordination (Home-based CTC), a home-based case management intervention for coordination of mental health services for children. Approximately 144 children and their families will be enrolled for a 12 month study period. Data will be collected through interviews with the child's parent/legal guardian, and from the child's teacher, the child's school, and the Department of Social Services (claims data). This study will test the hypotheses that children receiving IICAPS will be less likely to exhibit out-of-control behaviors and less likely to experience a psychiatric hospitalization and/or out-of-home placement during and up to six months post-discharge from services. The Family Health and Development Project (FHDP) is a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Intensive In-home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service (IICAPS) intervention, targeting emotionally, behaviorally, and/or psychiatrically disordered children at risk of a psychiatric inpatient admission and their families. Children and families are randomized to receive IICAPS or Home-based Child Treatment Coordination (Home-based CTC), a home-based case management intervention for coordination of mental health services for children.
This study aims to evaluate the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine among infants, toddlers and children in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Infants will be randomized to receive vaccine at 6, 10, 14 weeks or at 6 weeks, 14 weeks and 9 months of age. Serotype-specific serum IgG, OPA and nasopharyngeal colonization will be assessed at 6 weeks, 18 weeks, 9 months and 10 months of age. Toddlers 12-15 months of age will be randomized to receive either a single dose of PCV13 or 2 doses 2 months apart. Serotype-specific serum IgG and OPA will be measured pre-dose 1 and again 3 months later. Children 2 to 4 years of age will receive a single dose of PCV13 and have IgG and OPA assessments pre-vaccination and 1 month post-vaccination. The immunogenicity and reactogenicity of PCV13 in the "standard schedule" groups (e.g. 6, 10, 14 weeks for infants and single dose for toddlers) will be compared to that observed in the PCV13 licensure trials. Within each age group the alternative schedule will be compared to the standard schedule in terms of immunogenicity and impact on nasopharyngeal carriage (infants only).
Background: acute bronchiolitis (AB) is a common reason for hospitalization of infants in all population groups, and is usually due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The main cause for hospitalization is often a need for oxygen, but can also include high fever (with a suspected secondary bacterial infection) or increasing respiratory distress. In a minority of cases (some of which can be identified in advance by defining risk groups) a serious illness may develop, including risk of respiratory failure and death. Most cases will just require supplemental oxygen and suction of secretions from the nose (as listed in the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics - AAP). However, this apparently "simple" treatment still requires continued hospitalization. This results in a sharp increase in bed occupancy in Israeli hospital pediatric departments in the winter months. In recent years two studies from developed countries have been published where safety has been demonstrated for home oxygen treatment for babies with AB. However, feasibility studies have not been published yet, for example for populations living in poor conditions. The General Health Services (Klalit) in Israel provides integrated hospital and community health service to the majority of the population living o in our region, thus presenting an opportunity for optimal interventions related to this disease. Objective: To develop a model of community based safe handling of AB in various communities in southern Israel.
This study will assess compliance with dietary recommendations, in conjunction with a nutritional supplement to meet the nutritional requirements in children and the effects of the compliance on promoting growth in children who are at risk of under-nutrition. This study will assess compliance with dietary recommendations, in conjunction with an oral nutritional supplement to meet the nutritional requirements in children older than 36 (>36) to less than or equal 48 (≤48) months of age, and the effects of the compliance on promoting catch-up growth and normal healthy growth in children who are at risk of under-nutrition.
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a fatal, recessive genetic disorder characterized by progressive inflammation and lung damage. It is unclear whether current treatment strategies, which focus on detection and eradication of pathogenic microorganisms in the lung, are the best way to prevent the initiation of early inflammation and lung damage. This study asks how early acquisition of microbial flora occurs in infants with CF and healthy baby controls, and whether this process initiates or influences early inflammation and clinical disease progression in CF. Cystic Fibrosis is the most common lethal genetic disorder in Caucasian populations. Mutations of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) affect its ability to act as a chloride channel. The recent development of a transgenic pig model of CF has demonstrated that newborn CF lungs, free of bacteria and inflammation at birth, become colonized with a mixed microbial flora that likely initiates early inflammatory changes which precede clinically apparent deterioration in lung function. Because chronic infection and inflammation play central roles in CF disease progression and exacerbations, many clinicians and researchers have focused on identifying pathogens associated with CF infection and inflammation. Recent studies outside the area of CF, however, have clearly demonstrated that "non-pathogens", such as the commensal flora carried by all humans at multiple mucosal sites, engage the host's innate and adaptive immune systems constantly. This interaction between "microbiome" and host genome is responsible for appropriate development and function of protective inflammatory and immune responses.
Primary Objective: To compare the effect of alirocumab with placebo on the occurrence of cardiovascular events (composite endpoint of coronary heart disease (CHD) death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), fatal and non-fatal ischemic stroke, unstable angina requiring hospitalization) in patients who have experienced an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) event 4 to 52 weeks prior to randomization and are treated with evidence-based medical and dietary management of dyslipidemia. Secondary Objectives: - To evaluate the effect of alirocumab on secondary endpoints (any CHD event , major CHD event, any CV event, composite of all cause mortality/non-fatal MI/non-fatal ischemic stroke, all cause mortality). - To evaluate the safety and tolerability of alirocumab. - To evaluate the effect of alirocumab on lipid parameters. The maximum study duration will be 70 months, including up to a 4-month run-in period, 64 months randomized treatment period, and 2-month follow-up period. Number of patients aged from 18 to 64 years and >=65 years old are based on the number of randomized patients (18000 patients).
Tropical fevers have been a diagnostic challenge from the antiquity. Nowadays, despite the availability of good diagnostic capacities, undifferentiated febrile illnesses continue to be a thorny problem for travel physicians. In developing countries, the scarcity of skilled personnel and adequate laboratory facilities makes the differential diagnosis of fevers even more complex. Health care workers must often rely on syndrome-oriented empirical approaches to treatment and might overestimate or underestimate the likelihood of certain diseases. For instance Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) contribute substantially to the burden of persistent (more than 1 week) fevers in the Tropics, causing considerable mortality and major disability. These diseases are however rarely diagnosed at primary health care (PHC) level. The difficulty in establishing the cause of febrile illnesses has resulted in omission or delays in treatment, irrational prescriptions with polytherapy, increasing cost and development of drug resistance. In resource-limited settings, clinical algorithms constitute a valuable aid to health workers, as they facilitate the therapeutic decision in the absence of good laboratory capacities. There is a critical lack of appropriate diagnostic tools to guide treatment of NTDs. While clinical algorithms have been developed for some NTDs, in most cases they remain empirical. Besides, they rarely take into account local prevalence data, do not adequately represent the spectrum of patients and differential diagnosis at the primary care level and often have not been properly validated.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential benefits and risks of antipyretics use in naturally occurring influenza virus infections in humans. Background: Being one of the commonest conditions encountered in modern medical practice, fever is commonly regarded as an illness that has to be treated, both by medical professionals and patients. However, objective and convincing evidence is lacking that naturally occurring fever is harmful, and there is growing evidence that fever may serve an important host defense mechanism in infections and the risks of its suppression may far outweigh its apparent benefits. In acute respiratory infections including influenza, antipyretics are commonly being prescribed as a symptomatic treatment. Evidence from different randomized controlled trials, however, had challenged the actual amount of clinical benefit achievable by fever suppression for improving the patients' comfort and behavior. On the other hand, evidence from animal and human challenge studies has suggested that antipyretic therapy may actually prolong the duration of illness, suppress humoral antibody response, and increase the level and duration of viral shedding. The knowledge gap: Most of the currently available evidence on the harms and benefits of antipyretic treatment of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are from either experimental animal studies, or human challenge studies with various respiratory viruses, or from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on patients with fever of presumed viral origin. There has yet been no RCT that has investigated on the effect of antipyretics on the clinical course, disease duration, and the pattern of viral shedding in naturally occurring acute URTIs of viral origin in humans.
The study is an evaluation of a nutrition and physical activity intervention in child care centers in NC, CA, and CT. The broad, long term goal is to develop a reproducible nutrition and physical activity intervention which utilizes child care consultant nutrition specialists to reduce the risk of overweight among children in regulated out-of-home child care. The objectives are: 1. To train Child Care Health consultants (CCHCs) to become specialists in nutrition consultation in child care such that they will increase their daily consultation activities on nutrition, physical activity, and childhood overweight, 2. To increase child care staff and parental knowledge of and positive attitudes toward providing healthy foods, appropriate portions of foods, and appropriate levels of physical activity for young children in out-of-home child care centers., 3. To strengthen child care center policies, procedures, practices and behaviors, regarding providing healthy foods, appropriate portions of foods, and appropriate levels of physical activity for young children in out-of-home child care centers, and 4. To improve dietary intake and levels of physical activity, and to prevent increases in overweight and the risk of overweight as determined by body mass indexes among children in out-of-home child care centers.
The study evaluates the efficacy of fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol (FF/UMEC/VI) to reduce the annual rate of moderate and severe exacerbations compared with dual therapy of FF/VI or UMEC/VI in subjects with COPD. Published studies which assessed the use of an 'open' triple therapy (use of Inhaled Corticosteroid [ICS]/ Long-acting Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists [LAMA])/ Long Acting Beta-Agonist [LABA] delivered via multiple inhalers) in moderate-severe COPD patients, reported improvements in lung function, Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), hospitalization rates and rescue medication use, compared to dual therapy (ICS/LABA) or LAMA alone. These studies have also shown similar safety profile with dual or monotherapy doses for periods of up to one year. Given the clinical experience with FF, UMEC and VI, and that the associated risks with these compounds are anticipated from their known pharmacology, the potential benefit of a new therapy option in patients with moderate to severe COPD supports the further development of the closed triple combination (delivered via one inhaler). In the current study subjects meeting all inclusion/exclusion criteria will complete 2-week run-in period; 52 week treatment period and a 1-week safety follow-up period. Eligible subjects will be randomized to one of the following double-blind treatment groups FF/UMEC/VI 100 micrograms (mcg)/62.5 mcg/25 mcg once daily (QD), FF/VI 100 mcg/25 mcg QD, or UMEC/VI 62.5 mcg/25 mcg QD
This study seeks to determine the incidence and transmission of avian influenza viruses in humans exposed to poultry. Enrolled subjects will be selected from five different rural areas (villages) in the Nile delta region in Egypt where poultry are commonly raised. From those study sites, 2400 healthy subjects will be monitored for 6 years with annual follow up visits to measure sero-prevalence and exposure variables, and more importantly, biweekly or weekly visits to measure incidence of infection, measure secondary transmission rates, monitor symptoms, and assess immunological response. Primary Objectives: - To estimate the incidence of avian influenza (AI) in poultry-exposed human populations. - To estimate sero-prevalent of AI in poultry-exposed human populations. - To investigate potential risk factors associated with AI human infections in poultry-exposed individuals. - To investigate secondary infection risk for household contacts. Secondary Objectives: - To characterize the antigenic and genetic makeup of AI viruses infecting humans. - To monitor the pathogenicity and disease severity of AI viruses causing human infections and the associated immune response. - To investigate the serologic response following confirmed influenza virus infection. All residents of a household will be invited to participate. After study enrollment, participants will complete a questionnaire to collect data on the demographics and health status of the subjects and the poultry kept at the household. A 3-ml blood sample will be obtained from each subject for serological testing.
This study tests a comprehensive approach to the promotion of school readiness in low-income families, beginning shortly after the birth of the child, through enhancement of positive parenting practices (and when present, reduction of psychosocial stressors) within the pediatric primary care platform. The investigators do so by integrating two evidence-based interventions: 1) a universal primary prevention strategy (Video Interaction Project [VIP]); and 2) a targeted secondary/tertiary prevention strategy (Family Check-up [FCU]) for families with infants/toddlers identified as having additional risks. VIP provides parents with a developmental specialist who videotapes the parent and child and coaches the parent on effective parenting practices at each pediatric primary care visit. FCU is a home-based, family-centered intervention that utilizes an initial ecologically-focused assessment to promote motivation for parents to change child-rearing behaviors, with follow-up sessions on parenting and factors that compromise parenting quality. Two primary care settings serving low-income communities in New York City, NY and Pittsburgh, PA will be utilized to test this integrated intervention in hospital-based clinics, providing information about translation across venues where one of the two interventions has been previously used alone. The investigators plan to test the VIP/FCU model in a randomized trial of 400 families utilizing parent surveys, observational data on parent-child interactions, and direct assessments of children's development, at key points during intervention follow-up. Analyses will address questions of program impact for the integrated program across all families and by key subgroups.
Taenia solium taeniosis/cysticercosis is a neglected zoonotic parasitic disease complex with significant economic and public health impacts, occurring primarily in developing countries. Humans are the carriers of the tapeworm (taeniosis); the normal intermediate pig host develops the metacestode larval stage (porcine cysticercosis). However, people can also act as accidental intermediate hosts and develop human cysticercosis or neurocysticercosis (NCC) when the central nervous system is involved. The scattered efforts of researchers into evaluation of control programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have focussed on single control options. It is becoming clear that these stand-alone options have the potential to reduce the occurrence of the parasite, however either long term or more integrated efforts seem to be required to reach an elimination status. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness/acceptability of elimination (to be achieved on a short term via integrated measures), and control (single measures, with an elimination goal on a longer term) of T. solium in a highly endemic area in SSA. This intervention study will entail an elimination study arm in which multiple control options are combined (integrated) aiming at the final human host (Mass drug administration (MDA) and health education) and pig intermediate hosts (pig treatment and vaccination). In a second study arm a single control option will be carried out (pig treatment).
The Malezi ne Kilimo Bora ("Good Parenting and Farming" in Kiswahili) Skilful Parenting and Agribusiness Child Abuse Prevention Study is a collaboration between the University of Oxford, University of Glasgow, and the Tanzania National Medical Research Institute (NIMR). It is pilot cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) of a community-based intervention implemented by Investing in Children and Our Societies (ICS), an international non-governmental organization (NGO) with extensive experience operating in rural Tanzania. The overall focus of the project is to evaluate ICS's agribusiness and skilful parenting programmes' impact on the prevention of child maltreatment and improvement of child and family psychosocial and economic wellbeing (n = 8 villages, n = 16 farmer groups, n = 240 families). Background on Child Maltreatment in Tanzania Child maltreatment and other childhood adversities often occur in many low- and middle-income countries at rates that are higher than in high-income countries - rates that often exceed 50%. In Tanzania, a national survey examining violence against children (VAC) found that almost 73.5% of females and 71.7% of males between the ages of 13 and 24 had experienced physical violence by prior to the age of 18. Furthermore, 23.6% of females and 27.5% of males had experienced emotional violence by an adult during childhood, and 27.9% of females and 13.4% of males had experienced some form of sexual violence before the age of 18 years.