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NCT02583906 | Evaluation of the effect of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure ) treatment in PAH (pulmonary arterial hypertension) and CTEPH (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension) patients suffering from sleep disordered breathing. The primary endpoint of the study is to evaluate the effect of CPAP therapy on pulmonary vascular resistance in PAH and CTEPH patients suffering from sleep disordered breathing. The secondary endpoints are the effect of CPAP on right atrium and right ventricle diameter and ejection fraction measured by echocardiography, 6 minutes walk distance, NYHA class, QOL, endothelial function, sympathetic activity and prognosis. |
NCT02626156 | The goal of this study is to test MUSTCOOL, a home-based self-monitoring and self-management ulcer prevention intervention for patients with newly healed chronic venous leg and diabetic foot ulcers. Almost 90% of ulcers recur within 3 months of healing. During the six-month randomized clinic trial, skin temperature will be monitored daily, a maintenance dose of cooling gel pack or placebo will be applied three times weekly to the affected skin, and a bolus dose of cooling will be applied for 5 consecutive days if skin temperature becomes elevated. Outcomes on the incidence of leg ulcer recurrence, pain, physical activity and quality of life will be measured. The goal of this randomized control trial is to test a patient directed self-monitoring and self-management intervention aimed at preventing the recurrence of chronic venous leg and diabetic foot ulcers using skin temperature and cryotherapy (cooling). This MUSTCOOL study is a novel ulcer prevention strategy for patients at highest risk for developing chronic ulcers; those with a previous history. The aims are to compare a cooling treatment to a placebo to determine the outcomes on ulcer recurrence, pain, physical activity and quality of life. Individuals with newly healed chronic ulcers will be invited to participate in MUSTCOOL's two component intervention: 1. self monitoring skin temperature over targeted "hot spots" daily with an infrared thermometer; and 2. maintenance cooling with a cooling pack (or placebo pack) placed over the "hot spot" three times each week for 30 minutes. |
NCT02634138 | This study will assess the benefit of a neuromuscular electrical stimulation device in patients suffering from symptoms and effects of critical limb ischaemia. The circulation of blood around the body is dependent on effective pumping of the heart. Patients with arterial insufficiency are known to have poor circulation in their lower legs and feet leading to various complications such as swelling and painful legs and reduced healing of injuries. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) can be defined as a narrowing of the arteries reducing blood flow. It is most commonly due to atherosclerosis, and has associations with heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Its incidence is estimated at 7-14% in the general population, increasing with age to about 20% in the over-seventies. It is associated with effects on mobility, skin condition and quality of life. Symptoms include pain in the legs on walking (intermittent claudication), pain at rest (particularly at night), gangrene, and limb loss. Management of PAD is based on encouraging exercise, and modification of risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. In patients with PAD, exercise tolerance is often limited. Severe symptoms and disease can be treated via such as balloon angioplasty, stenting or surgical bypass, but these procedures have risk. There also remains a percentage of patients who are not suitable for revascularisation, and have only a few options such as amputation available to them. |
NCT00243152 | The aim of this project is to evaluate the effects of the anticonvulsant drug lamotrigine (trade name Lamictal) on neuropathic facial pain or neuralgia using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Currently there are no pharmacological agents that can control neuropathic pain akin to the efficacy of antibiotics for bacterial infection. All current neuropathic pain drugs have approximately the same efficacy of less than 30% in controlled trials, and many of these drugs do not have known mechanisms of action. fMRI studies may provide insight into how brain circuitry is altered by chronic pain, and how these drugs act on altered circuitry. The trigeminal system in particular offers unique advantages for studying such alterations, including a large central representation and high degree of somatotopy. The administration of lamotrigine to neuropathic pain patients in conjunction with fMRI will allow us to compare subjective ratings of pain with objective measures of neural activity during increased conditions of allodynia/hyperalgesia. |
NCT00322621 | To determine if duloxetine 60 mg once daily can work up to 6 months in treating pain from Diabetic Neuropathy. |
NCT00382421 | There is a lack of data on the prognostic importance of silent ischemia in totally asymptomatic subjects without history of coronary artery disease (CAD), and, particularly, on a possible benefit of medical therapy in such patients. SWISSI 1 therefore recruits totally asymptomatic subjects older than 40 years of age without any history of CAD but one cardiovascular risk factor with documented silent ischemia. Participants are randomized to open antianginal drug therapy and risk factor control versus only risk factor management and followed up for ≥ 10 years. Although there is still controversy regarding why ischemic episodes are symptomatic in some patients and completely asymptomatic in others, it is now widely accepted that silent ischemia, like symptomatic episodes, negatively affects prognosis. Silent ischemia may occur in totally asymptomatic patients without (type I) or with a history (type II) of an ischemic cardiac event and coexists with symptomatic episodes in many patients (type III). However, there is a lack of data on the prognostic importance of silent ischemia in totally asymptomatic subjects without history of coronary artery disease (CAD), i.e. silent ischemia type I, and, particularly, on a possible benefit of medical therapy in such patients. Reasons lie in the difficulty to identify such patients and their expected low event rates implying that large patient populations and/or long follow-up periods would be necessary to come to definite conclusions. |
NCT00413855 | It is questionable whether elective appendectomy can effectively reduce pain in persistent or recurrent lower abdominal quadrant pain due to chronic appendicitis. A single centre randomised double-blind sham surgery controlled clinical trial studied the effects of elective laparoscopic appendectomy on postoperative pain perception in patients with persistent or recurrent lower abdominal quadrant pain on abdominal pain at 6 months postoperatively. Secondary outcome was the relation between clinical response and the appendix’ histopathology. The analysis was performed on an intention-to-treat basis. Pain scores were compared using a Fisher’s exact test. Forty patients were randomised, 18 patients had a laparoscopic appendectomy and 22 patients had a laparoscopic inspection only. The postoperative pain scores were significantly different favouring appendix removal (p < 0.01). Relative risk calculations indicated a 2.4 fold (95% CI: 1.3 – 4.0) greater chance of improving or becoming pain free after laparoscopic appendectomy. The number needed to treat was 2.2 patients (95% CI: 1.5 – 6.5). There was no significant relation between postoperative pain scores and histopathology findings. Conclusions Chronic or recurrent appendicitis is a realistic clinical entity that can be treated successfully by elective appendectomy leading to significant pain reduction in properly selected cases. Histopathology of the removed appendix does not contribute to the diagnosis. |
NCT00760903 | The purpose of this study is to use magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to assess for traumatic brain injury and determine if there is any correlation of these findings to clinical outcome. MR spectroscopy using 2D-CSI (a multi voxel technique) of the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, lobar white matter and brainstem may reveal areas of injury and quantification of the metabolites from these areas may be used to correlate with imaging findings and clinical evaluation. White matter disruption in these areas is commonly seen after TBI, caused by diffuse axonal injury. It has been implicated in the long term outcomes in these patients, but has been difficult to assess by standard radiologic studies. By the use of DTI it may be possible to demonstrate damaged white matter tracts which could be helpful in the evaluation of traumatic brain injury. Most TBI subjects have injuries that involved torque to the brain. This results in a shearing injury to the long white matter tracts, which has been hypothesized to be related to cognitive outcome. Also, to demonstrate that MRS and DTI prove valuable in predicting outcome in patients of moderate brain trauma by conducting progressive studies acutely (within 24 hours) and long term (4-6 weeks). Most patients will most likely be followed clinically for over a year, and, if clinical indicated, farther scanning can be done at a later date. |
NCT00769275 | Asymptomatic subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus were randomized to either screening with Tc-99m sestamibi adenosine SPECT imaging or no screening. All patients will be followed for 5 years for the occurrence of cardiac death or non-fatal myocardial infarction. The aims are: 1. To prospectively assess the prevalence of silent myocardial ischemia in asymptomatic subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 2. To identify on the basis of clinical and/or biochemical variables in a high-risk cohort in which screening for coronary artery disease is appropriate. 3. To assess progression of (silent) myocardial ischemia after 3 years. 4. To assess the occurence of cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction during 5 years follow-up in screened and not screened subjects. |
NCT00929773 | The purpose of this study was to determine whether low level laser light directed at the neck and shoulders could be effective in the temporary reduction of chronic pain in the neck and shoulder region. Chronic neck and shoulder pain arising from osteoarthritis, chronic muscle spasms or thoracic or cervical spine sprain strain can be seriously debilitating. Currently available treatment options such as pain relief medication, ice pack, massage, physical therapy and chiropractic are typically of limited effectiveness. More permanent options such as surgery are invasive with long recovery periods and side-effects and complications of their own. Low level laser light therapy, with its proven anti-inflammatory ability, offers a simple non-invasive option for the reduction of chronic neck and shoulder pain. |
NCT00944333 | Prospective, randomized, non-inferiority, multicenter, international study.In total 4000 patients (70 centers in Europe) with de novo lesions in native coronary arteries who meet the eligibility criteria randomized to 6 versus 12 month dual antiplatelet therapies following a second generation DES implantation. Assuming that the true proportion of thrombotic events is equal to 2.3% for both regimens (6-month and 12-month clopidogrel) 2000 patients for each treatment group are necessary to demonstrate a non-inferiority of the 6-months regimen if the proportion of thrombotic events will be no more than 3.5% with a power of 0.80 and a significance level of 0.05 (one-tail). If the non-inferiority hypothesis will be rejected, the superiority hypothesis (12-months regimen is superior to the 6-months-regimen) will be tested at a significance level of 0.05 (two-tails). The maximal not clinically relevant difference for the non-inferiority hypothesis of 1.2 % more thrombotic events has to be considered together with the lower expected number of bleeding events in the 6-months regimen. All the analysis will be done as "intention-to-treat" analysis. |
NCT01184846 | The objective of this study is to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of Privigen in subjects with CIDP. |
NCT01188993 | The purpose of this study is to assess the concordance of therapeutic changes proposed after an early hemodynamic evaluation (hemodynamic profile) in septic shock patients using jointly the transpulmonary thermodilution technique and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Each patient will be assessed by both the transpulmonary thermodilution technique and TEE (H0). The two assessments will be performed in random order (central randomization stratified by participating center), but within 30 minutes (no change of ongoing treatment during the assessment period). Two investigators not involved in patient care and blinded to the results of the alternative technique will performed independently the hemodynamic assessment using one of the two modalities for hemodynamic assessment tested in the study. They will interpret the results at bedside and propose a therapeutic change to the attending physician, according to the hemodynamic profile. The latter will finally: precisely identify the clinical problem to be solved (e.g., therapeutic target of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign not reached, tissue hypoperfusion), choose a therapy adapted while taking into account the clinical scenario and the results of both the transpulmonary thermodilution and TEE, evaluate the efficacy of this treatment (problem solved or not) and its tolerance (potential side-effect attributable to the treatment). In addition, the presence or resolution of signs of tissue hypoperfusion will systematically be assessed at H6, H12 and H24. Primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed by an independent committee of experts. |
NCT01200628 | Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious and often chronic response to overwhelmingly stressful events as Road Traffic Accident. Moreover PTSD is associated with increased rates of medical morbidity, poor health-related quality of life, and functional impairment. PTSD is prevalent in primary care settings after road traffic accident, where approximately 25% of patients meet diagnostic criteria for the disorder. Despite the development of a number of efficacious behavioral and pharmacological treatments, only a minority of patients with PTSD receive mental health services. PTSD is frequently underrecognized and untreated in Emergency Department and Surgical Unit. Then, early diagnosis and prevention of PTSD might help to identify patients with PTSD high risk and lead them to benefit of personalized cares. Nevertheless it is not possible (neither useful) to provide psychological cares for each road traffic accident victim. This is the reason why we think that nurses can help to screen patients who need treatment for PTSD Hypothesis : Recognition of specific clinical or biological signs occurring during road traffic accident victim hospitalization in surgical unit could allow beginning specific treatment using consultation liaison psychiatry. Early treatment could allow decreasing incidence of psychotraumatic disorders, increasing surgical functional efficacy and improve convalescence programs. The use of a specific questionnaire could help to screen this disorder. We have created the DEPITAC scale : a short screening questionnaire with 10 items. This study will be evaluated DEPITAC's 10-item screen for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for use in surgical or emergency department. |
NCT01219023 | Hand-foot syndrome (HFS), also known as palmar-plantar erythrodysethesia (PPE), occurs in a 25%-50% of patients treated with several commonly used anti-cancer drugs including capecitabine and sunitinib. These drugs are known to improve survival in many cancers, including cancers of the colon, stomach, liver, breast, kidney, and GI stromal tumors (GIST). Worldwide, over 400,000 patients per year are treated with one of these agents. HFS involves skin changes, such as swelling, peeling, and blistering of the palms and soles, which is often painful and debilitating. As a result, HFS-related symptoms can frequently lead to dose reduction and/or discontinuation of otherwise effective anti-cancer treatment. There is no treatment for HFS other than dose reduction or stopping treatment. This proposal could quickly lead to treatments to prevent and/or treat HFS and help patients avoid debilitating side effects while continuing otherwise effective treatments for their cancer. The primary objective is to evaluate whether topical sildenafil reduces the severity of hand foot syndrome or palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia (PPE) associated with sunitinib and capecitabine. The secondary objective is to describe any toxicities associated with topical sildenafil. This is a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of topical sildenafil for patients with grade 1-3 hand foot syndrome related to chemotherapeutic agents. Approximately 20 evaluable patients with grade 1-3 PPE will be treated with topical sildenafil: - 10 patients with PPE related to sunitinib - 10 patients with PPE related to capecitabine Once eligibility and screening criteria are met, subjects will be given 2 types of topical cream, one containing 1% sildenafil citrate and one containing placebo control. |
NCT01296789 | The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) published 2008 revised guidelines to improve survival of septic shock patients. For hemodynamic stabilization the SSC recommends distinct treatment goals. The study hypothesis is that a tissue perfusion guided protocol could reduce the duration on vasopressor treatment compared to a conventional protocol. Background Septic shock is a frequent and severe entity with a mortality of 55%. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) published 2008 revised guidelines to improve survival of septic shock patients. For hemodynamic stabilization the SSC recommends as treatment goals a mean arterial blood pressure > 65mmHg (MAP), a central venous blood pressure of 8-12 mmHg, a mixed venous oxygen saturation >65%, a central venous oxygen saturation > 70% and a diuresis > 0.5 ml/kg/h (1). According to the SSC guidelines a MAP > 65 mmHg should be aimed because at this blood pressure level tissue perfusion is preserved. This is based on a study in ten septic shock patients where norepinephrine was titrated to three levels (65, 75 and 85 mmHg) and the authors concluded that parameters of tissue perfusion did not differ between the each level (2). Objective To evaluate if a hemodynamic protocol guided by parameters of tissue perfusion could reduce the duration of vasopressor treatment in septic shock patients. Methods Patients suffering from septic shock requiring vasopressor support are randomly assigned to a control group (usual care) and an intervention group (tissue perfusion guided protocol). |
NCT01464671 | The objective of the study is to assess the safety and efficacy of Angiomax® (bivalirudin) versus unfractionated heparin (UFH) in patients presenting with stable angina or silent ischemia (positive stress test without chest pain) that undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The primary endpoint of the study will be major and minor bleeding events, defined by the REPLACE-2 trial definition, during the index hospitalization and up to 30 days post discharge. The purpose of this study is to compare in a randomized, controlled, single-blinded, 1:1 fashion UFH versus bivalirudin in patients with stable angina pectoris or silent ischemia undergoing PCI. Secondary study endpoints will include: - Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) comprising of all cause mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), ischemia driven target vessel revascularization (TVR), and cerebral vascular accident (CVA). - Net adverse clinical events (NACE) will be consistent of MACE plus major bleeding as defined by the REPLCE-2 criteria. - Cardiac death in-hospital and up to 30 days post discharge. - MI in-hospital and up to 30 days post discharge. - CVA in-hospital and up to 30 days post discharge. - Incidence of all-cause mortality at 6 months and 1 year. - MACE at 6 months and 1 year. - Incidence of acute (0-24 hours post procedure) stent thrombosis rates. - Incidence of sub-acute (24 hours - 30 days) stent thrombosis rates. |
NCT01526382 | PiCCO has been widely used in critical care settings for several decades. Together with pulmonary artery catheter, it is regarded as the important tool for guiding fluid management in patients with shock or acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, its effects on patients' outcome remain untested. The investigators study is a pilot study that is designed to test whether the use of PiCCO will improve patients' outcome, as compared to those without PiCCO monitoring. PiCCO comprises techniques of pulse contour analysis and transpulmonary thermodilution, and can provide important information on hemodynamics and pulmonary functions. It has been widely used in critical care settings for several decades. Together with pulmonary artery catheter (PAC), it is regarded as the important tool for guiding fluid management in patients with shock or acute respiratory distress syndrome. During last two decades, many well designed clinical trials have been conducted to see whether the use of PAC would benefit patient outcome. The result consistently showed that PAC added no benefit in terms of mortality, ICU length of stay, organ failure free survival days, and the length of mechanical ventilation. Since PiCCO is relatively new to PAC, and its effects on patients' outcome remain untested. The investigators study is a pilot study that is designed to test whether the use of PiCCO will improve patients' outcome, as compared to those without PiCCO monitoring. |
NCT01533519 | This study is designed to investigate the safety of intranasal administration of NPY using a dose escalation, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover design in a medication-free, symptomatic PTSD group. |
NCT01539161 | The study "Reveal Chagas: Clinical Evidence of the Implantable Cardiac Monitor in Patients with Chagas Disease" is a prospective, multicenter, randomized study that is being conducted at several centers in Latin America with commercially available products. The primary study hypothesis is that patients with implantable cardiac monitors will have a shorter time to the decision to treat for electrical or arrhythmic disorders during the follow-up period. The geography includes Argentina and Colombia. The purpose is to study the possible benefit of a superior treatment decision rate for cardiac arrhythmias (brady- and or/ tachyarrhythmias) using an implantable cardiac monitor (ICM) in patients with Chagas Disease diagnosed by serology, who are asymptomatic and/or minimally symptomatic. Patients that meet inclusion criteria of the study will be randomized to standard care or standard care plus ICM. Approximately half of the patients will receive an ICM. All patients will be followed for 36 months. It is expected that the enrollment phase will last 1 year, and that the total study duration will be 4 years. The study is expected to end in 2017. One hundred and two patients are needed for 95% confidence level and 80% statistical power to be randomized into the study, at approximately 5 centers in Latin America. Patients will be considered enrolled once they have signed the Informed Consent. The following additional parameters will also be collected: - Recorded arrhythmic events stored within the ICM (bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia) - Time duration spent in arrhythmia and incidence of symptomatic arrhythmias in patients with an ICM. |
NCT01558206 | In this study the investigators compare the diagnostic validity of Bedside Ultrasonography of chest and Pulmonary artery CT Angiography in the patients who came to Emergency Department of Alzahra General Hospital from 1 may 2012 to 1 October 2012 with respiratory symptoms and signs in favor of Pulmonary Thromboemboli (PTE). |
NCT01665521 | Our research will examine a chest pain care strategy, called the HEART pathway, which is designed to correctly identify Emergency Department patients at high-risk for cardiovascular events, likely to benefit from further testing, and patients at very-low-risk for cardiovascular events, who may be safely discharged home. By using an individual's risk assessment to determining testing, we hope to improve the quality and efficiency of the care delivered to Emergency Department patients with chest pain. Our study will determine if the HEART pathway, which combines a clinical decision rule, the HEART score, and two serial troponin measurements, will reduce stress testing and cardiovascular imaging, decrease hospital length of stay, and reduce cost compared to usual care, while maintaining safety. Approximately 8-10 million patients complaining of chest pain present to an Emergency Department (ED) annually in the United States. The total cost of chest pain evaluations has been estimated at $5-10 billion annually, yet only 10% of these patients are ultimately diagnosed with an acute coronary syndrome. American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines recommend that patients at low-risk for acute coronary syndrome should receive serial cardiac markers followed by objective cardiac testing (stress testing or cardiac imaging). However, many have questioned the value of objective cardiac testing in all low-risk patients.Cardiac testing for all patients at low-risk for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is not sustainable from a healthcare quality or economic perspective. |
NCT01672697 | Our primary objective is to determine if physical therapy (PT) and behavioral therapy (BT) in the post-partum period after a vaginal delivery complicated by genital trauma help to improve a woman's quality of life, specifically in regard to anal incontinence. To be able to study this, the investigators need to know how well the muscles of a woman's pelvic floor function after a vaginal delivery and this requires measuring their strength during a pelvic exam. At present, there are no studies that have looked at whether the intervention of PT/BT improves a woman's anal incontinence quality of life after sustaining genital trauma during vaginal deliveries This is a prospective trial involving 65 woman who sustained a severe laceration or episiotomy during their first vaginal delivery to determine if postpartum intervention with physical/behavioral therapy improves their quality of life in regard to anal incontinence. The primary outcome measure is functional and based on a change in score of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life (FIQOL) validated questionnaire from baseline (2-weeks after delivery date) to study completion (12-weeks after delivery date). The secondary outcome measure is physiologic and reflects a change in anal sphincter resting tone from baseline to study completion. After the screening questionnaires to determine eligibility in the study, each study subject will be consented for participation then undergo a baseline physical exam (including pelvic exam and rectal exam) at a range of 2- to 4- weeks after delivery date. |
NCT01723137 | Patient reported pain, stress, and anxiety measures have been found to be inter-related, but it is not known if they are all associated with receiving opiate medications. The objective of this study is to determine if patients' degree of reported pain, stress, or anxiety is associated with receiving opiate pain medications in the emergency department or at discharge. Alert patients at least 18 years of age and who report pain greater than 3/10 are eligible to participate in the study. Consenting patients complete Visual Analog Scales describing their perceived pain, stress, and anxiety from enrollment until discharge. Demographic data and administration of pain medication is also recorded. Visual Analog Scale scores among patients who received an opioid pain medicine in the emergency department and at discharge will be compared to those who did not. |
NCT01792336 | Background: - The brain has natural electrical rhythms of brain activities. These rhythms may be different in people with movement disorders, such as dystonia (involuntary muscle movement, cramps, or tremors). Understanding these rhythms may provide more information about movement disorders. - Focal hand dystonia, also known as "writer's cramp" or "musician's cramp," is a painful condition that affects the hand and arm muscles. Researchers want to use transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to study brain rhythms in people with and without focal hand dystonia. Objectives: - To better understand brain rhythms involved in focal hand dystonia. Eligibility: - Individuals between 18 and 70 years of age who are right-handed and have focal hand dystonia. - Healthy right-handed volunteers between 18 and 60 years of age. Design: - Participants will be screened with a physical exam and medical history. - This study includes two tests: a pilot test and a main test. The pilot test will determine the frequency of TMS that will be used in the main test. Participants may be in one or both tests. Each test requires a single outpatient visit that will last up to 5 hours. - Participants will have a base test to see how their muscles respond to TMS. This will look at the electrical activity of the muscles. Participants will have a wire coil held on their scalp. |
NCT01827007 | The aim of the study is to evaluate whether fluid responsiveness of the critically ill patient can be assessed by analysing the PEEP-induced hemodynamic effects to systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, aortic blood flow, aortic time-velocity integral and left ventricular end diastolic area measured with transesophageal echocardiography (PEEP-test). The chances are compared to increase of CI after volume expansion (gold standard). In clinical practise, it would be especially relevant if PEEP-induced changes in arterial pressure variations could be used in evaluation of volume status and fluid responsiveness. However, as ECHO-derived variables are used in greater extent to guide the treatment with inappropriate evidence, the simultaneous registration of ECHO-derived hemodynamic measurements is essential in the study design. |
NCT01839786 | The purpose of this study is to evaluate the lung Doppler signals in patients with pulmonary hypertension that undergo (prospective arm) or underwent (retrospective arm) right heart catheterization (RHC) in order to assess whether this non-invasive tool could be used in pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and monitoring. PROTOCOL SUMMARY Title: Evaluation of lung Doppler signals (LDS) in pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) Device: SONARA/tek transcranial Doppler (TCD) system Study Objectives: To evaluate the LDS in patients with PHTN that undergo (prospective arm) or underwent (retrospective arm) right heart catheterization (RHC) in order to assess whether these signals can be used in pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and monitoring. Study Design: Two study arms: 1. Prospective arm to measure LDS during right heart catheterization in patients undergoing the procedure for evaluation of PHTN. 2. Retrospective arm to measure LDS in patients in whom previous RHC confirmed the presence of PHTN. Recruitment target: Prospective arm: 50 patients during 18 months. Retrospective arm: 50 patients during 18 months. Study Population: 1. Patients suspected of PHTN by echocardiogram, who are scheduled to undergo RHC (prospective arm) 2. Patients who underwent RHC in the past and were diagnosed with PHTN (retrospective arm) Study endpoint: 1. Comparison of pulmonary blood pressures at rest, following vasodilator medication and following upper extremities exercise as measured by RHC and by the LDS during the Valsalva maneuver. |
NCT01890044 | Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains a leading cause of death in trauma patients. Based on the EAST Management Guidelines for the prevention of VTE in trauma patients, a number of research questions could be addressed by a thorough current literature review combined with a multicenter concurrent analysis. This proposal seeks to create a data registry of trauma patients from multiple trauma centers around the United States that will serve as a platform for the study of VTE. The VTE related research questions, identified by the EAST Management Guidelines as needing further study, are: 1. While numerous risk factors for VTE have been identified and reported, there are only 2 that have Level 1 evidence to support them—spine fracture and spinal cord injury. Many of the other reported risk factors were identified in studies that did not have protocols for surveillance, reported only on patients with symptoms, or used data from large administrative databases such as the National Trauma Data Bank4. It has also been shown that the frequency of diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) increases when more duplex imaging of the extremities is undertaken5. Thus, if an aggressive concurrent surveillance program for DVT and aggressive work up of suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) is undertaken: 1. Are there unknown or under-reported risk factors? 2. Is there a hierarchy of risk among the factors? For example, is a long bone fracture associated with a higher incidence of VTE than a closed head injury? |
NCT01973907 | The purpose of the SQUEEZE Trial is to determine which fluid resuscitation strategy results in the best outcomes for children treated for suspected or confirmed septic shock. In this study, eligible children will be randomized to either the 'Usual Care Arm' or the 'Fluid Sparing Arm'. Children will receive treatment according to current ACCM Septic Shock Resuscitation Guidelines, with the assigned resuscitation strategy used to guide administration of further fluid boluses as well as the timing of initiation and escalation of vasoactive medications to achieve ACCM recommended hemodynamic targets. Current pediatric surviving sepsis guidelines from the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) emphasize an early and goal-directed approach to resuscitation. These guidelines suggest that fluid resuscitation should be aggressive with repeated intravenous (IV) fluid boluses of 20 mL/kg, such that some children may require as much as 200 mL/kg of fluid to achieve therapeutic endpoints. The guidelines also recommend the initiation of vasoactive agents at the stage of "fluid refractory shock", i.e. when there is persistent hypoperfusion despite at least 60 ml/kg IV fluid. Improvements in pediatric septic shock survival have been attributed to adherence to the first iteration of the ACCM septic shock guidelines, and the use of goal directed targets. However, the largest and most publicized pediatric trial of fluid resuscitation in children with suspected septic shock (FEAST Trial), published in NEJM in 2011, demonstrated an increased mortality among children treated with aggressive fluid resuscitation in comparison to the conservative fluid resuscitation arm. |
NCT01997047 | Pneumonia is the commonest cause of death in children worldwide, killing 1.5 million children under the age of 5 years, every year. This is more than the number of children dying from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. The current diagnostic and management protocols for managing serious respiratory diseases in children are 30 years old and are greatly in need of updating. The successful establishment of useful clinical management criteria for children with respiratory diseases will have benefits for children in low resource regions around the world. The goals of the study are: - To determine if children with respiratory distress can be reliably diagnosed under low-resource conditions. - To identify the clinical tests that best differentiate pneumonia from wheezy diseases. These will be used to establish updated diagnostic criteria for common pediatric lung diseases that broaden the current pneumonia algorithm by adding another for wheezy illnesses. - The ultimate objective is to improve the management and outcome of acute respiratory conditions in children. - Investigators also wish to test the efficacy of a locally developed cell phone oximeter probe in a low resource setting. Study organisation. This is a prospective observational study run simultaneously in four Indian public hospitals (King George Medical University, Lucknow; Regency Hospital, Kanpur; Vanivilas Hospital, Bangalore; Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital, Bangalore). The study started in Oct 2012 to cover the Indian respiratory viral season. |
NCT02011477 | The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate mechanical hypoalgesic effect of neural mobilization in asymptomatic subjects. We also compared neural gliding versus neural stretching to see which produced greater hypoalgesic effects in asymptomatic subjects. Asymptomatic subjects will be randomly allocated into three groups: the neural glide group; the neural stretch group; and the placebo group. Each subject will receive one treatment session. Outcome measures included bilateral pressure pain threshold measured at the trigeminal, cervical, and tibialis anterior points, which will assess pre-treatment and immediately post-treatment by a blinded assessor. Three-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to evaluate changes in pressure pain threshold, with group (experimental or control) as the between-subjects variable and time (pre-, post-treatment) or side (dominant, nondominant) as the within-subjects variable. |
NCT02072538 | New high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) assays allow earlier detection of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Furthermore, elevated values were associated with an increased risk of recurrent AMI or death. Therefore, guidelines recommend an early invasive strategy in patients with elevated admission values and kinetic changes. Other criteria for an early invasive strategy include a GRACE risk score >140 points or other cardiovascular risk factors. Hs-cTn assays allow discrimination of patients at very low and high risk. Studies confirmed safety of early discharge protocols in patients with unstable angina (UAP). The aim of this study is to 1) confirm the safety of early discharge without invasive strategy in patients with UAP and to 2) review the optimal timing of stress-testing. Therefore, patients are being randomized into 2 groups with pre-discharge and early post-discharge stress-testing. Endpoints are major adverse cardiovascular events within 30 and 90 days. |
NCT02099071 | This is a prospective, single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, ascending single oral dose and food interaction Phase 1 study. It will evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ascending single oral doses of ACT-389949 in healthy male subjects. It will also investigate the effect of food on the pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of a single dose of ACT-389949. |
NCT02104050 | The objectives of this trial are to investigate the efficacy and safety of six weeks of treatment with OLT1177 Gel in subjects with moderate to severe pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee following cessation of pain therapy. |
NCT02168998 | The purpose of this study is to determine whether the presence of a medical clown in a pediatric emergency department procedure room would reduce children's anxiety. The investigators hypothesize that this positive influence will be expressed as lower levels of the stress hormone (Cortisol) in the blood. |
NCT02177188 | In prehospital settings, hypovolemic shock diagnosis is based on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) shock classification. The most often used clinical signs are heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate, neurologic status, diuresis, skin colour and temperature. However, some of these signs, such as hypotension and tachycardia, lack specificity and sensitivity and do not occur early enough. Even with an early preload reduction, blood pressure can remain constant due to compensatory mechanisms, such as vasoconstriction and positive chronotropism. Tachycardia occurs earlier, but has poor specificity and sensitivity. A retrospective analysis of 25,287 trauma patients showed that among 489 patients presenting with systolic BP < 90 mmHg, only 65% had tachycardia (HR > 90 bpm), while 39% of patients with systolic BP > 120 mmHg were tachycardic, probably resulting from other stimuli influencing heart rate, such as pain, fear, circulating hormones and endogenous enkephalins. Therefore, it could be very useful to have an index that identifies initial volume variation, when physiological regulatory mechanisms are still effectively maintaining normal BP. Pulse transit time (PTT) is the sum of pre-ejection period (PEP; the time interval between the onset of ventricular depolarization and ventricular ejection) and vascular transit time (VTT; the time it takes for the pulse wave to travel from the aortic valve to peripheral arteries). |
NCT02214030 | This study was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a locally designed Assiut Femoral Compression Device (AFCD) versus manual compression (MC). Femoral compression devices have been developed thorough the past decades without being strongly implemented in the catheterization laboratory. Their limited adoption reflects concerns of high cost and conflicting data regarding their safety The intra-arterial sheaths were removed 6 hours after PCI in the MC group according to the standard local protocols. However for AFCD group, the sheaths were removed 2 hours after PCI instead of conventional 6 hours. To standardize compression times, AFCD were applied to patient and complete femoral artery compression were applied for 5 minutes, followed by a gradual release of pressure till distal pulse is palpated. Each patient received a minimum of 13 minutes of compression, with further compression applied only if full hemostasis had not been achieved at that point with maximum of 30 minutes. |
NCT02258243 | This pilot randomized phase II trial studies how well photodynamic therapy using blue light or red light works in treating basal cell cancer (carcinoma) in patients with a genetic condition that causes unusual facial features and disorders of the skin, bones, nervous system, eyes, and endocrine glands, also called basal cell nevus syndrome. Photodynamic therapy uses drugs, such as aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride, that are taken up by tumor cells and when exposed to an intensive light source (blue light or red light) become active and may kill the cells. It is not yet known whether photodynamic therapy is more effective with blue light or red light in treating basal cell carcinoma. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To determine whether cyclic photodynamic therapy (PDT) treatment is effective in curing existing basal cell carcinoma (BCC) tumors in patients with basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS), and whether red light or blue light is more effective in this regard. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To assess the tolerability (pain during treatment) of red light versus blue light in this patient population. II. To assess patient satisfaction with the technique. OUTLINE: Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms. ARM I: Patients receive aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride topically. Beginning 4 hours later, patients undergo photodynamic therapy using blue light on the left side of the body and red light on the right side of the body on days 1 and 8. |
NCT02302534 | Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a complex deformity with different curves. These different curves may be distinguished by different physiopathologic mechanisms. Without fully convincing model of the emergence and development of AIS, their multifactorial nature seems evident. Several pathophysiological theories involving the central nervous system have been proposed: the AIS would be associated with disturbances of proprioceptive or sensory perception, and/or with integration of this information. This would result in an abnormal body image, responsible for sensorimotor asymmetry that may promote or cause the deformation. The Main aim of this study is to find cortical and subcortical morphometric differences in the most common population of AIS (right thoracic AIS) compared to healthy adolescent control girls. Secondary Objectives are to study the cerebral white matter of the same groups (fractional anisotropy in the main white matter tracts), and activation of sensorimotor neural networks (fMRI activation and functional brain connectivity). Abnormalities of the studied parameters may be used as biomarkers for AIS diagnosis and classification. |
NCT02336542 | 96 TB subjects and 96 non-TB subjects with lung disease who all meet the standard are divided into different groups through a randomized, blind methods.Every subject inject intradermally ESAT6-CFP10 and TB-PPD in different arms of the same person.Specific γ- IFN(gamma interferon) detection is needed before the injection.Evaluate the sensitivity (positive coincidence rate) ,the specificity (negative coincidence rate) and the coincidence rate of ESAT6-CFP10 in the tuberculosis patients and non-tuberculosis patients with lung diseases, and determine the optimal dose of ESAT6-CFP10 for clinical auxiliary diagnosis of tuberculosis. Firstly,96 TB(Tuberculosis ) subjects which meet the standard respectively are divided into different groups through a randomized, blind methods. 1. ESAT6-CFP10 (5μg/ml)in left arm; 2. ESAT6-CFP10 (5μg/ml)in right arm; 3. ESAT6-CFP10 (10μg/ml)in left arm; 4. ESAT6-CFP10 (10μg/ml)in right arm; Inject intradermally ESAT6-CFP10 and TB-PPD(tuberculin purified protein derivative ) in different arms of the same subject.For each of the participants in this clinical research, this study uniform that left arm inject a drug(ESAT6-CFP10 or TB - PPD) first, observe 30 min and no no obvious adverse reaction ,then another drug(ESAT6-CFP10 or TB - PPD) inject in right arm. We need draw blood to detect specific γ- IFN before the injection.Observe and record the vital signs (breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature),the skin reaction diameter of injection site (flush and induration) , local reactions (rash, pain, itching and skin mucous membrane) and a variety of adverse events. |
NCT02353793 | Hypothermia is a common problem in traumatized patients leading to severe complications such as impaired coagulation, increased rate of wound infections and overall patient discomfort among others. Therefore, the investigators test out the new self warming ReadyHeat® blanket device against the currently used cotton wool blanket in terms of effects on the prevention and treatment of hypothermia. Hypothermia is a common problem in traumatized patients leading to severe complications such as impaired coagulation, increased rate of wound infections and overall patient discomfort among others. Therefore, the investigators test out the new self warming (via an exothermic reaction) ReadyHeat® blanket device against the currently used cotton wool blanket in terms of effects on the prevention and treatment of hypothermia. Near body core temperature is measured by a sublingual sensor as the "gold standard" of body core temperature measurement - the pulmonary artery catheter - is too invasive and not suited for this collective of patients in the emergency room setting. Blanket use will be randomized. Temperature will be taken at emergency room admission, after 15, 30 and 45 minutes of treatment as well as right before handing the patient over to the next caring unit (ICU, IMC, operating theatre etc.). If treatment time is shorter than expected measurement will stop at the latest possible point. Blankets will be applied to the patient once admission in the emergency room is complete and will only be lifted for interventions. |
NCT02481076 | The aim of this project is to find out if compression treatment can lower the incidens of surgical wound complications, such as infection and wound rupture, in patients with ankle fractures. The compression regime consists of a two-layered compression stocking applied after surgery and a massage boot applied both before and after surgery. The largest part of the study is the clinical trial, with which we aim to prove the hypothesis: * That the compression regime reduces wound infections from 10-40% to 5% on patients with a broken ankle (Either one side of the ankle, two or three sides (including the posterior part of the ankle)) Malleolar fractures Surgical treatment of patients with malleolar fractures imposes a special challenge for orthopaedic surgeons. A typical ankle fracture results in haematoma, sometimes blistering and almost always oedema formation. This postpones the optimal time for surgery. When operating on a swollen ankle, it becomes obvious for the surgeon that the tissue elasticity and normal structure is changed. This can complicate the surgical approach, procedure, the reduction of the fracture and the closure of the incision. Quite often the skin is difficult to adapt, resulting in excessive tension on the sutures. This can potentially lead to skin necrosis and wound dehiscence. Blood and fluid imbibed tissue and prolonged operating time, increases the risk of post-operative infection, and thereby give the patient painful and extended post-operative course. |
NCT02502513 | This pilot study aims to investigate the effects of a brief computerized intervention (the computer game "Tetris") on intrusive memories and other posttraumatic stress symptoms following an emergency cesarean section. Patients who have undergone an emergency cesarian section will be randomly allocated to either the brief computerized intervention or usual care within the first 6 hours following the operation. Participants will be followed up at one week and one month. It is predicted that participants given the brief computerized intervention will develop fewer intrusive memories and less severe clinical symptoms than those who are not. This will inform the potential future development of a simple computerized intervention to prevent distressing psychological symptoms after a traumatic event such as an emergency cesarean section. |
NCT02517944 | Patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) at high cardiovascular risk may suffer from silent micro-infarctions (MI) before clinical coronary heart disease manifestations because of the lifetime exposure to elevated serum LDL-cholesterol levels. The study aims to demonstrate the higher prevalence of silent myocardial infarction in a population of asymptomatic patients with familial hypercholesterolemia at high cardiovascular risk in comparison to control patients using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance sequences of delayed gadolinium enhancement. To demonstrate the higher prevalence of silent myocardial infarction in a population of asymptomatic patients with familial hypercholesterolemia at high cardiovascular risk in comparison to control patients, the protocol is the following: - to enroll 75 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) - to enroll 35 subjects without FH (control group) - for each subject, to collect data from his medical file (blood test results) and to perform a cardiac and aortic MRI in order to evaluate the micro-infarction proportion. The study will be performed according to GCPs and with respect with french laws. |
NCT02623556 | 720 cases TB (Tuberculosis patients) participants and 360 cases non-TB participants with lung disease who all meet the standard are divided into different groups through a randomized and blind method. Every subject inject intradermally ESAT6-CFP10 and TB-PPD (tuberculin purified protein derivative) in different arms of the same person by blind method. Specific gama-interferon (γ-IFN) detection is needed before the injection.Measure the induration and (or) redness of longitudinal diameter size and transverse diameter vernier caliper by vernier caliper after injection 24h, 48h and 72h. At the same time, we observe all kind of adverse events. Firstly, 720 cases TB (Tuberculosis) participants who meet the standard respectively are divided into different groups through a randomized and blind method. 1. ESAT6-CFP10(10ug/ml) in left arm 2. ESAT6-CFP10(10ug/ml) in right arm. Inject intradermally ESAT6-CFP10 and TB-PPD in different arms of the same participant. For each of participant, the person in this clinical research, the study uniform is that every subject injects firstly left arm, observe no obvious adverse reaction, then another drug inject in right arm. Measure the induration and (or) redness of longitudinal diameter size and transverse diameter vernier caliper by vernier caliper after injection 24h, 48h and 72h. At the same time, we observe the vital signs (breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature), local reactions (rash, pain, itching and skin mucous membrane) and a variety of adverse events. |
NCT00011102 | The purpose of this study is to test methods for preventing weight gain in normal-weight and overweight women aged 25 through 44. Participants will complete brief questionnaires about their health, eating and exercise habits, and use of weight control strategies. They will then be randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment conditions. All 3 treatments receive information on the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight, the components of a healthy diet, and ways to increase activity levels. The 3 treatment differ in how this information is delivered. At 12, 24 and 36 months after enrolling in the study, participants will attend assessment sessions. They will complete questionnaires and have body weight measured. |
NCT00111735 | The aim of the study is to examine the effects of fine titration of thyroxine dosage on symptoms of hypothyroidism, wellbeing and quality of life. The hypothesis is that symptoms of hypothyroidism, wellbeing and quality of life will be improved in thyroxine-treated subjects when serum thyrotropin (TSH) is suppressed and/or in the lower reference range, compared to when TSH is in the upper reference range. Primary hypothyroidism is a common disorder, affecting 2% of the Australian population. The standard treatment is with thyroxine (T4), and conventionally, a serum thyrotropin (TSH) concentration within the laboratory range is taken as indicating adequacy of thyroxine dosage. Some patients with hypothyroidism complain of persistently impaired well-being, despite taking thyroxine in a dose which normalises serum TSH concentrations. It is not clear whether this is because of comorbidity or because standard thyroxine replacement is in some way inadequate for some individuals. The reference range for serum TSH is wide (currently 0.34-4.8 mU/L at PathCentre). The distribution of serum TSH concentrations in the population is skewed, with the mean and median in the lower reference range at approximately 1.0 mU/L. This has led some to argue that a serum TSH in the lower reference range should be the usual therapeutic target. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some thyroxine-treated patients do feel better if the thyroxine dose is adjusted so that serum TSH is in the lower reference range rather than the upper reference range. |
NCT00124384 | This study examines how treatment with the drug modafinil, by itself or in combination with cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia (CBT-I), may improve daytime functioning and/or diminish the severity of insomnia. Our primary goal is to undertake a 2nd study evaluating whether Modafinil, alone or in combination with behavioral treatment for insomnia, will improve subjects' sleep continuity and/or self report daytime function. METHODS AND PROCEDURES Schedule for Procedures. Screening interview Sleep over night in our lab for one night 8 weeks of either behavioral or psychological therapy for insomnia 3 month post therapy follow up (two weeks of sleep diaries and one lab visit) 40 patients aged 25-80 with insomnia. All subjects will have a stable sleep/wake schedule with a preferred sleep phase between 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM. The age range is restricted to 1) minimize circadian rhythm influences on the diagnoses of Psychophysiological insomnia, 2) to increase our ability to recruit medically healthy sample, and 3) increase sample homogeneity. All subjects will meet diagnostic criteria for Psychophysiological Insomnia according to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD). Criteria are: the complaint of insomnia and impaired daytime function; an indication of learned sleep-preventing associations and somatized tension; active help seeking. The complaint of disturbed sleep will have one or more of the following characteristics: >30 minutes to fall asleep and/or >2 awakenings per night of >15 minutes duration and/or wake after sleep onset time of > 30 minutes, problem frequency >4 nights/ week, and problem duration >6 months. |
NCT00194259 | This study will assess the effects of weight loss on sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in 120 obese, type 2 diabetics with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) from four Look AHEAD sites. Changes in SDB will be compared between subjects randomized to weight loss (Lifestyle Intervention Group) versus non-weight loss (Diabetes Education and Support Group) conditions within the context of the Look AHEAD Study. Weight loss is frequently recommended for obese patients with OSA, but the empirical foundation for this recommendation is not well substantiated. Weight loss in obese apneics improves but does not eliminate SDB. Moreover, the degree of improvement is not correlated with the amount of weight loss. This study will assess SDB before treatment and at 1 and 2 years. We will also investigate clinical measures of fat distribution that may mediate the non-linear relationship between weight loss and improvements in SDB. Finally, we will examine the role of SDB in mediating changes in blood pressure associated with weight loss. The duration of the study is 5 years; participants will be enrolled in the study for a total of 2 years. Recruitment will be based on the protocol set forth in the larger Look AHEAD trial that will occur in 8 treatment waves, spaced approximately 4 months apart. Each of these waves at the Penn site will include 40 people, making the potential subject pool approximately 320 persons. |
NCT00261898 | OBJECTIVE: Obesity and chronic sleep deprivation have both become increasingly pervasive medical problems in recent years. The prevalence of adult obesity has doubled over the past 30 years and continues to increase. In addition, industrial societies attach an economic value to maximizing the waking period to the longest tolerable limit by sleeping as little as possible. Average sleep time has decreased over the last century by 2 hours. Chronically sleeping less has been associated with increased weight, endocrine and metabolic health risks including glucose intolerance, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. The possibility that the current epidemic of obesity and metabolic health risks may be partially related to insufficient sleep is now being recognized. The objective of this proof-of-concept controlled trial is to investigate the impact of increasing sleep time in chronically sleep-deprived, obese subjects. STUDY POPULATION: 18-50 year old, obese (BMI 30-50) men and premenopausal women, chronically sleep deprived, recruited from the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area. Chronic sleep deprivation will be verified by the use of sleep logs and the use of actigraphy before entry into the study. Secondary causes of sleep deprivation such as insomnia, psychological (depression), and medical conditions associated with poor sleep quality (including obstructive sleep apnea) will be exclusionary criteria. DESIGN: This is a randomized, 12-month duration, comparison-controlled clinical trial of an extension of sleep up to approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes (Intervention Group) or continuation of habitual short sleep schedule (Comparison Group). |
NCT00264901 | This trial is conducted in the United States of America (USA). This trial aims for a comparison of the safety and efficacy in subjects with type 2 diabetes using either self titration or physician guided titration according to the local standard of care. |
NCT00271427 | Selenium suppresses autoimmune destruction of thyrocytes and decreases titers of serum TPOAb in AIT patients. Older 4 clinical trials approved the efficacy of the daily dose of 200micg. It's believed that Se saturates the deficient stores of GPX so GPX saves the thyrocytes against to oxidative stresses. Although less than 70 micg/d is sufficient to maximize GPX activity, none of the authors tested the doses less than 200 micg/d. Our hypothesis was that If 100 micg/d can not suppress the TPOAb titers,it means autoimmune destruction can not be blocked by saturation of deficient stores of GPX solely and the mechanism of action requires more than repletion of deficient stores. It's important not only to estimate the optimal dose but to understand the mechanism of action. High dose therapy may also suppress TPOAb levels in Se-non-deficient AIT patients, if it is so, Se therapy may becomes the solely treatment modality which can suppress the autoimmunity in more than 400 million AIT patients. Because there've been no way to suppress autoimmune war and replacement of LT4 had been the only treatment modality for palliation. An other independent part of the study is to test the effect of Se in adolescent AIT patients. |
NCT00360074 | The purpose of this study is to determine whether a body weight adjusted dose of thyroxin is superior to treatment guided by laboratory results of thyroxin hormones in patients with central hypothyroidism. Moreover beneficial effects of triiodthyronine supplementation are investigated. Backround: A normal thyroid function is critical for metabolism, well-being and cognitive function. It is now well accepted that primary subclinical hypothyroidism, characterized by normal circulating thyroid hormones (fT3 and fT4) and elevated TSH, should be treated to improve reduced quality of life and abnormalities of lipid metabolism. In central hypothyroidism (CH) the dose of replacement therapy aims to achieve normal thyroxin (T4) concentrations as defined by appropriate reference populations. Adequate thyroxin treatment is especially challenging, as T4 cannot be titrated according to endogenous TSH levels because of the impaired hypothalamic-pituitary unit. The majority of untreated CH patients show normal (40 %) or elevated TSH levels (35 %) while only a minority has reduced concentrations (25 %) {Faglia, 1979 #1}. These findings are explained by the lack of pulsatile secretion and nocturnal TSH surge, which has been attributed to impaired thyrotroph function in CH patients {Caron, 1986 #2}. Moreover, impaired biological activity of TSH itself due to reduced glycosylation has been described in secondary hypothyroidism. In a cross sectional study performed in patients with central hypothyroidism, we found elevated cholesterol levels and increased ankle reflex time suggesting subtle hypothyroidism, though fT3 and fT4 serum concentrations were within the normal range. |
NCT00497575 | Long term follow-up of the patients with delayed TSH elevation or subclinical hypothyroidism has been seldom reported. The purpose of this study was to explore the diagnostic criteria for subclinical hypothyroidism and the initial dosage of L-thyroxine through long-term follow up for infants with subclinical hypothyroidism ,and evaluate the curative effect. Long term follow-up of the patients with delayed TSH elevation or subclinical hypothyroidism has been seldom reported. The purpose of this study was to explore the diagnostic criteria for subclinical hypothyroidism and the initial dosage of L-thyroxine through long-term follow up for infants with hyperthyrotropinemia,and evaluate the curative effect.All live-born neonates in province took part in the screening program from October, 1999 to September ,2006. Laboratory tests are performed as a time resolved fluoro-immunoassay (TRFIA). TSH is measured with a cut-off > 9 mU/L. The diagnostic standard for subclinical hypothyroidism was: TSH ≥ 20 mU/L, T3 and T4 normal or low-normal ,or TSH > 5.6 mU/L and < 20 mU/L on initial determination and on follow-up or TSH levels increase on follow-up and/or gradually declining T4 levels.L-Thyroxine was administered for substitution therapy. After 2 years therapy,allround evaluation was performed. Compare the correlation to effects with different level of TSH、starting time of therapy and environment. Compare the effects between subclinical、temporary and permanent hypothyroidism. |
NCT00565890 | In order to determine the efficacy and safety of thyroxine replacement, a randomized clinical trial of thyroxine supplementation for VLBW infant with hypothyroxinemia during the first month of age is conducted. A prospective randomized unmasked controlled trial is conducted. Newborn infants with birth weight less than 1500g are randomized into thyroxine treatment or un-treatment group. |
NCT00593736 | The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of ramelteon, once daily (QD), to advance the timing of sleep in individuals with delayed sleep phase syndrome. Delayed sleep phase syndrome is the most common circadian disorder in adolescents and most adults with the condition report onset of symptoms during childhood or adolescence. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome involves a chronic mismatch between the usual daily schedule required by the individual's environment and his or her circadian sleep wake pattern. Individuals suffering from delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome experience great difficulty when attempting to fall asleep before 1-2 am, if not later, as well as rising at acceptable hours of the morning despite having completely normal sleep architecture and sleep duration. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is a sleep disorder that results from a dysregulation of the circadian sleep-wake rhythm. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is often the cause of severe insomnia and is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, major depressive disorder and severe disruption of education, work and social functioning. Its major symptom is extreme difficulty initiating sleep at a conventional hour and waking on time in the morning for school or work. Ramelteon is a selective melatonin type 1 (MT1) and type 2 (MT2) receptor agonist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of ramelteon to advance the timing of sleep in individuals with delayed sleep phase syndrome. |
NCT00606840 | The specific aim of the proposed project is to test two separate self-regulation interventions to prevent weight gain in young adults, one based on making sustained small changes in behavior to prevent weight gain and the other on making periodic larger behavior changes resulting in weight loss. |
NCT00646451 | Pregabalin is approved for the treatment of nerve pain as well as an additional therapy in the treatment of seizures. In December 2004, Pfizer gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for use of pregabalin in nerve pain associated with diabetes and shingles; making it the first FDA-approved treatment for both of these nerve pain states. Tremor is uncontrolled trembling in part of the body. Essential tremor (ET) is associated with purposeful movement(e.g., holding a glass to drink, shaving, writing and buttoning a shirt). It occurs most often in the hands and head and also may affect the arms, voice box (larynx), trunk, and legs. ET is caused by abnormalities in areas of the brain that control movement. It usually does not result in serious complications. ET affects approximately 5 million people in the United States. Incidence is highest in people over the age of 60. ET usually develops gradually during middle age or later in life. Symptoms may remain mild or become more severe over time. Stress, fatigue, anxiety, and hot or cold weather can worsen the disorder. Severe tremor may cause difficulty doing activities of daily living, such as: - Brushing hair and teeth - Holding a glass without spilling - Performing self-care (e.g., getting dressed, shaving, putting on makeup) - Using eating utensils - Writing and drawing The purpose of this study is to examine the tolerability and efficacy of Pregabalin in patients with ET . |
NCT00686426 | The goal of the current study is to determine the role of dairy in similarly preventing weight and fat re-gain in obese adults who have successfully completed a weight loss diet program.240 obese subjects will undergo a meal-replacement-based weight loss plan designed to produce a 10 kg weight loss in 8-12 weeks. Upon achieving the weight loss goal, subjects will be randomly assigned to either a low-dairy or high-dairy eucaloric weight maintenance diet for two years. Macronutrient distribution will be maintained constant and set at approximately the U.S. average. Primary outcomes include changes in body weight, body fat and anatomical distribution of fat (via dual x-ray absorptiometry) and resting metabolic rate and substrate oxidation (via respiratory calorimetry); Secondary outcomes include blood pressure, circulating glucose, insulin, lipids and calcitrophic hormones. on prevention of weight regain in humans has not yet been assessed in clinical trials. Dietary calcium plays a pivotal role in the regulation of energy metabolism, as we have found high calcium diets to attenuate adipocyte lipid accretion and weight gain during periods of over-consumption of an energy-dense diet and to increase lipolysis and preserve thermogenesis during caloric restriction, thereby markedly accelerating weight loss. Our studies of the agouti gene demonstrate a key role for intracellular Ca2+ in regulating adipocyte lipid metabolism and triglyceride storage, with increased intracellular Ca2+ resulting in stimulation of lipogenic gene expression and lipogenesis and suppression of lipolysis, resulting in adipocyte lipid filling and increased adiposity. |
NCT00715572 | The objective of this study was to analyze the features of monotherapy with L-T4 in comparison with combined therapy with L-T4 and L-T3 in patients with primary hypothyroidism. We conducted a randomized controlled study with a crossover design in 36 premenopausal women with overt primary hypothyroidism (reduced T4 concentration accompanied by increased TSH concentration at the time of initial diagnosis) who did not receive thyroid hormones. All patients were divided into two groups: patients from Group A (n=20) were randomized to L-T4 in dose of 1,6 μg per kg, followed by combined L-T4 and L-T3; and 16 women from Group B received the combination of L-T4+L-T3 (the dose of L-T4 was reduced by 25 μg and replaced with 12,5 μg of L-T3), followed by monotherapy with L-T4. The treatment periods lasted for 6 months. Patients were examined at baseline and at the end of each treatment period.Blood samples were obtained to measure serum TSH, free T4, free T3, lipid profile, osteocalcin. Urine samples were collected to measure urinary deoxypyridinoline / creatinine ratio. 24-hour ECG-monitoring, osteodensitometry and psychological testing were also performed at baseline and at the end of each treatment period. |
NCT00759993 | A majority of patients who suffer from mental illness are treated with serotonin regulating FDA approved medications. Some of these medications also block histamine transmission, increase blood prolactin levels, induce insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, and promote sedation. All of which lead to weight gain and obesity. Many of these drugs are generally safe and effective but do carry the risk of a long term side effect in that acute and gradual weight gain of 10-30 pounds over a few months to a year of treatment. The detrimental gain of 7% of pre-drug weight is reported with many antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and some antidepressants. This weight gain may subsequently add to medical co-morbidity ( ie diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, coronary artery diseasem, hyperlipidemia… ) This therapeutic manipulation of brain serotonin functioning may be associated with abnormal increases in carbohydrate cravings, consumption and weight gain. It is possible that insulin resistance occurs as a direct effect or as an indirect effect of weight gain, particularly in patients prone to weight gain or diabetes due to genetic loading. Leptin, a chemical associated with feedback signaling that reduces appetite and adipose tissue growth may also become insensitive. These multiple insults may lead to the worst weight gain in patients taking clozapine, olanzapine, and mirtazapine. Diet and exercise and lifestyle modification are the usual initial interventions, though being depressed, anxious, bipolar, or schizophrenic often interferes with the ability to make these changes. |
NCT00812162 | The purpose of this study is to identify how adult men respond to a weight loss diet that includes pork and eggs and increasing the number of meals consumed throughout the day. This is a 13-week study (12-weeks of weight loss and 1-week of baseline measurement). |
NCT00819624 | The study has two goals. The first goal of the study is to compare two methods of administering questions about pain and sleep interference. The two methods being compared are a telephone based system and an electronic hand held diary. The second goal of the study is to evaluate a daily diary to evaluate fatigue symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia. |
NCT00915642 | The objectives of the present study are: 1. to evaluate if overnight weight loss is dependent on sleep structure assessed by polysomnography; 2. to compare weight loss rate during sleep and awake rest; 3. to compare night weight loss profile of normal and obese volunteers. Weight loss can be caused by loss of body mass due to metabolism and by water loss as insensible water loss, sweating, or excretion in feces and urine. Eighty-three percent of the total weight loss is due to insensible water loss from airways and skin. Water loss rate varies according to changes in activity and ambient temperature and humidity. Although weight loss during sleep is a well-known phenomenon, there are no studies relating it to sleep structure or any other functions during the distinct sleep stages, particularly SWS and REM sleep. There is evidence suggesting a homeostatic mechanism for weight control in animal models and humans. This mechanism is thought to be dependent on energy intake, energy expenditure, and environmental conditions. The literature suggests that sleep is important for weight homeostasis on a long term since sleep shortage is associated with overweight status, but overnight weight variation had not yet been studied. Considering these facts, we hypothesized that the overnight weight loss rate is not uniform throughout the sleep period. We also intend to compare weight loss rate during sleep and awake rest. Intervention: Normal and obese volunteers will undergo whole night polysomnography with continuous body weight and temperature register after an adaptation night. |
NCT00948610 | More than half of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients complain of sleep disturbance and this cardinal complaint is associated with fatigue, pain, and depressed mood in patient with chronic inflammatory disorder. Despite the frequency of this complain, there is limited efforts to evaluate sleep or the abnormal increases in the expression of proinflamatory cytokines play a key role in the progression of RA, we hypothesize that the cytokine network is one physiological system that is associated with sleep disturbances in RA patients. Proinflamatory cytokines signal the central nervous system and are associated with increased symptoms of pain, fatigue, and depressed mood in rheumatic patients. Moreover, sleep loss is coincident with alterations in sympathetic tone, which is thought to contribute to increases of proinflammatory cytokine activity. The specific aims of the study are to examine the contribution of cytokines on sleep by administering a TNF antagonist vs. placebo to probe the action of proinflammatory cytokines on sleep in RA Patients. Examination of sleep and its consequences for autonomic functioning and proinflamatory cytokine activity within the framework of an observational and experimental research design will have implications for understanding the psycho-biological mechanisms that link sleep and the clinical manifestations of RA. Results from this study will guide the developments of interventions that target disordered sleep with potential effects on disability in RA. Abnormal sleep is reported by more than half of rheumatoid arthritis patients, in addition to the traditional symptoms associated with the disease, such as morning stiffness, pain, and functional debility. |
NCT01041261 | We propose to compare the standard of care with the use of a novel medical food in 6 bariatric surgery patients by measuring outcomes of body composition, quality of life, hair loss, muscle strength, resting energy expenditure, and biochemical parameters. STUDY SUMMARY The purpose of this pilot study is to compare a medical food intervention with the dietary standard of care at Boston Medical Center, in obese women subjects undergoing Roux-en Y gastric bypass surgery. Commercially available nutritional supplements will also be provided as part of the study's protocol. Subjects will be selected from surgical candidates of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center who meet the study criteria. Subjects will be randomly assigned to one of the 2 groups (treatment and control). Subjects will be seen at the study site 2 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months after surgery (for a total of 5 visits). Data recorded during the study visits will be used to assess post-operative progress and will include: body composition, resting energy expenditure, muscle strength, quality of life questionnaires, hair loss, and blood markers for insulin resistance, nutritional state, organ function, lipid profile and inflammation. Safety indicators and compliance will also be monitored. |
NCT01131429 | Objective: the objective of this study in china is to clarify, whether the overall survival is different between previously untreated stage IIIB/IV lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutations receiving first-line erlotinib plus second-line docetaxel/cisplatin and those receiving first-line docetaxel/cisplatin plus second-line erlotinib . |
NCT01197183 | This observational survey with prospective and/or retrospective follow-up is designed to study practices for the initial treatment of hypothyroidism in France without modifying subject treatment. Thyroid disorder can be central, caused by a deficiency in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) production; or peripheral, caused by the decrease in the plasma concentration of thyroid hormones, more specifically of free thyroxine (free T4). Peripheral hypothyroidism is caused by the decrease in the production capacities of the thyroid gland. The treatment of hypothyroidism is based on the restoration and maintenance of biological (judged on the basis of the standardised TSH and T4 values) and clinical euthyroidism. A number of forms of thyroid hormones are available in the French market (Euthyral®, Cynomel®, L-thyroxine drops®), of which, Levothyrox® is the most frequently prescribed drug in this category. The treatment of peripheral hypothyroidism, in particular, is well codified and almost consensual. In France, there is no published observational study, based on which one can document the manner in which subjects are treated. This observational study is set up to document these practices. OBJECTIVES The principal objectives of this survey is to to get information on the use of Levothyrox in France - Circumstances of diagnosis - Record realised - Terms and conditions of treatment by the general practitioner and/or the endocrinologist The secondary objective is to evaluate the inclusion criteria for levothyroxine treatment. |
NCT01221935 | The goal of this observational study is to learn about how Pristiq is currently being used in general practice and how psychiatrists and primary care physicians currently perceive Pristiq in terms of efficacy, tolerability, and adherence compared to other treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD). It is retrospective patient chart study among psychiatrists and primary care physicians (PCPs) treating patients suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD). Physicians will be asked general medical questions in order to quantify their prescribing behavior and their perception of treatment performance. A retrospective patient chart review will then be performed and patient data will be collected to document patient characteristics and actual treatment outcomes. Upon qualification, specific instructions for chart review will be provided. Once the identified charts are pulled, the physicians are instructed to continue with the on-line survey. In total, there will be approximately 450 psychiatrists and 450 primary care physicians participating in this trial. |
NCT01260532 | Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common organ-specific autoimmune disease. AITD include Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Although the pathogenesis of AITD remains unclear, it is generally thought that the mechanisms of the disease is a complex disease in which susceptibility genes and environmental triggers act in concert to initiate the autoimmune response to the thyroid. The initial step of thyroid autoimmunity is the activation of T cells. The activation of T cell requires two signals: firstly, thyroid follicular cells or antigen presenting cells binds to T cell receptor through antigenic HLA complex. Secondly, the activation of T cells is also required the interaction of costimulatory molecules between thyroid follicular cells and immune cells, including CTLA-4, CD 40, CD28, ICOS. PPAR- is a kind of intranuclear transcription factor, associated with adipogenesis and inflammation. Some reports showed that PPAR- polymorphism may have a protective effect from Graves' ophthalmopathy. The goal of the study is to investigate the relationship among SNP and mRNA of costimulatory molecules and PPAR- , serum cytokine including TNF- and sIL-2R, and clinical characteristics in AITD patients. From the study, we hope to clarify the role of costimulatory molecules and PPAR- polymorphism in AITD. Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common organ-specific autoimmune disease. AITD include Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Although the pathogenesis of AITD remains unclear, it is generally thought that the mechanisms of the disease is a complex disease in which susceptibility genes and environmental triggers act in concert to initiate the autoimmune response to the thyroid. |
NCT01280292 | Medical management of central hypothyroidism is controversial due to lack of reference for evaluation of pituitary negative feedback. Therefore, titration of medical treatment is based on T4 levels, measured with variable laboratory methods. Patients who have central hypothyroidism usually have concomitant deficiencies in other pituitary hormones for which they need replacement therapy such as steroids, testosterone and growth hormone. This combined hormone deficiency makes clinical and laboratory evaluation challenging among these patients. Symptomatically, central hypothyroidism is relatively mild and lack non-specific and it might be overlooked due to other hormonal deficiencies. Replacement therapy for central hypothyroidism is titrated by arbitrary target free T4 levels of above 50th percentile of normal. The goal of our study is to compare the standard results from well known measure methods to a new method for measuring Ft4 using Liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry. |
NCT01307618 | This randomized phase II trial is studying how well giving vaccine therapy together with or without recombinant interleukin-12 followed by daclizumab works in treating patients with melanoma that has spread to other places in the body. Vaccines made from peptides or antigens may help the body build an effective immune response to kill tumor cells. Recombinant interleukin-12 may kill tumor cells by stopping blood flow to the tumor and by stimulating white blood cells to kill melanoma cells. Monoclonal antibodies, such as daclizumab, may decrease the number of regulatory T cells (T cells that suppress the activation of the immmune system) and may lead to a better immune response against melanoma. It is not yet known whether vaccine therapy is more effective with interleukin-12 and daclizumab in treating melanoma. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To determine if admixture of IL-12 (recombinant interleukin-12) with vaccine emulsion will increase the frequency of vaccine-induced cluster of differentiation (CD)8+ T cells in the blood. II. To determine if administration of daclizumab will deplete CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells from the peripheral and potentiate specific immune responses induced by vaccination. III. To determine if vaccination +/- daclizumab will be safe in this patient population. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To determine if vaccination +/- daclizumab will have clinical activity in patients with advanced melanoma. II. To determine if clinical response may be associated with particular gene expression profiles in the tumor microenvironment. |
NCT01319370 | The current study aims to show efficacy of twice daily application of 5% Minoxidil Topical Foam (MTF) formulation compared to placebo in the temple region of male patients with androgenetic alopecia after 24 weeks as well as to gain long-term data on the efficacy and safety of 5% MTF in male subjects with AGA in temple and vertex region, over a period of 2 years. Objective and subjective efficacy measures will be compared to baseline. Moreover, all patients will get the equal treatment and measurements in the vertex region to enable comparison of the efficacy of 5% Minoxidil Topical Foam in the temples not only to baseline but also to vertex region. Additionally safety assessments will be performed throughout the whole study. |
NCT01551498 | This is a study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and potential effects of Anatabloc dietary supplementation on antithyroid autoantibodies, thyroid structure, and thyroid function in subjects with autoimmune thyroiditis. This is a 5-visit, 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study. |
NCT01574859 | Retrospective trial of 300 patients with pituitary insufficiency treated in Department of Medica Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University concerning levothyroxine (T4) replacement and cardiovascular risk factors. The hypothesis is that subtle central hypothyroidism is associated with adverse cardiac risk factors, such as body composition and serum lipids, and that improved T4 replacement will eliminate this increased risk, independently of other pituitary hormone replacements. Retrospective trial of 300 patients with pituitary insufficiency treated in Department of Medical Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University concerning levothyroxine (T4) replacement and cardiovascular risk profile. The patient files are recruited among hypopituitary patients treated with growth hormone from the period 1993 to 2008. The trial is a retrospective assessment of data already collected for routine purposes and thus an audit of daily clinical practice. All information on the patients is obtained from the paper and electronic files existing in the department and no new measurements are foreseen. |
NCT01576705 | Evaluation of the following in very young children with Down syndrome: - the efficacy of systematic treatment with L-thyroxine at controlled doses (clinically and by ultrasensitive thyreostimulating hormone (TSH) assay), - the efficacy of systematic folinic acid treatment at a dose of 1 mg/kg/o.i.d, - any interaction between these two treatments. |
NCT01739972 | Our hypothesis is that hypothyroid patients on DTE may have a decrease in symptoms, an improvement of cognitive function, and an increase in sense of well-being/ quality of life equivalently compared with L-T4. |
NCT01835236 | In HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, trastuzumab based treatment is the standard of care as long as there are no contraindications to trastuzumab. Frequently, trastuzumab is being combined with taxanes in the first-line setting. However, since therapy with trastuzumab is active even in the absence of chemotherapy in HER2-positive MBC, the optimal treatment strategy either in combination or in sequence with chemotherapy is still under debate. This randomized phase II trial is studying a new strategy for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer with HER2-positive. First-line treatment consists of trastuzumab and pertuzumab, a treatment without chemotherapy. In case of disease progression, chemotherapy with T-DM1 is then performed as second-line treatment. Third-line and further line therapies are performed according to the physician's discretion. If this new therapeutic strategy is as effective and better tolerated than the conventional strategy, this would mean a serious breakthrough in the treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. OBJECTIVES: Primary -To evaluate the efficacy in terms of overall survival (OS) at 24 months of a chemotherapy-free dual HER2-inhibition with trastuzumab and pertuzumab (first-line) followed by T-DM1 (second-line) and of a chemotherapy-containing dual HER2-inhibition with trastuzumab and pertuzumab (first-line) followed by T-DM1 (second-line) in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Secondary - To evaluate other efficacy parameter - To evaluate the safety and tolerability profile of the two treatment strategies - To evaluate the Quality of Life (QoL) - To learn how patients are treated after trial treatment OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study. |
NCT01840332 | The treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DCT) includes surgery followed by radioiodine treatment. In the follow-up of patients it is necessary to induce TSH elevation to test for cancer recurrence. One of the options is to stop L-thyroxin replacement for several weeks. Current pilot study aims to induce the necessary TSH elevation by decreasing the L-thyroxin dose. The main hypothesis is that necessary TSH stimulation will be achieved during 4-6 weeks in majority of patients. The treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DCT) includes surgery followed by radioiodine treatment. In the follow-up of patients it is necessary to induce TSH elevation for the measurement of thyreoglobulin and/or total body scanning. There are two principal methods to obtain TSH elevation: 1) injection of recombinant human TSH , and 2) to stop L-thyroxin replacement for several (3-4) weeks. As use of recombinant TSH is rather expensive, this method is not feasible in many countries. The problem with stopping L-thyroxin is development of severe hypothyroidism for several weeks with concomitant symptoms and signs. Current pilot study aims to induce the necessary TSH elevation by decreasing the L-thyroxin dose. The main hypothesis is that necessary TSH stimulation will be achieved during 4-6 weeks in majority of patients with fixed dose of L-thyroxin. Concomitantly, blood tests and symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism will be obtained to get information about possible deviations during treatment with low dose of thyroxin. |
NCT01848171 | Hypothyroidism is a common clinical entity which is often complicated by dyslipidemia. It is also reported increased risk for incidence of atherosclerosis and resulting coronary heart disease(CHD), heart failure(HF) and cardiovascular(CV) death. The effect of L-thyroxine replacement treatment on serum lipid and atherosclerosis is controversial in hypothyroid patients, especially in those with mild or moderate subclinical hypothyroidism. The present study was designed to investigate whether L-thyroxine replacement was effective in improving serum lipid profiles and retarding atherosclerosis progress. |
NCT01874704 | A stressful state can lead to symptoms of mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, medical errors, and also increase coronary heart disease. Emergency physicians subjectively complain of stress related to changes in work shifts. Several potential biomarkers of stress have been described, but never investigated in emergency physician, who may represent a good model of stress due to the complex interplay between stress (life-and-death emergencies, which is the defining characteristic of their job), lack of sleep and fatigue due to repeated changes in shifts.The aim of this study was to compare biomarkers in emergency physicians working a 24-hour shift (24hS) or a 14-hour night shift (14hS), and in those working a control day (clerical work on return from leave). We also followed these markers three days following each shift (D3/24hS and D3/14hS). A stressful state can lead to symptoms of mental exhaustion and physical fatigue, detachment from work, and feelings of diminished competence. One of the health consequences of chronic stress at work is an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Emergency physicians subjectively complain of stress related to changes in work shifts. In occupational medicine, no marker of stress or fatigue has achieved consensus. Several potential biomarkers of stress have been described, but never investigated in emergency physician, who may represent a good model of stress due to the complex interplay between stress (life-and-death emergencies, which is the defining characteristic of their job), lack of sleep and fatigue due to repeated changes in shifts.The aim of this study was to compare HRV in emergency physicians working a 24-hour shift (24hS) or a 14-hour night shift (14hS), and in those working a control day (clerical work on return from leave). |
NCT01986140 | Determine that the Orbis Paxman Hair Loss Prevention System is safe and effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced alopecia in woman with breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy. Cooling the scalp during chemotherapy may help reduce the chances of losing hair during treatment. The investigators are hoping that using the PAXMAN Orbis Scalp Cooling Device may stop patients who are undergoing chemotherapy from losing their hair. |
NCT02015936 | The purpose of this study is to understand if a home-based physical activity program can improve symptoms and physical function among patients with advanced stage cancer. This program includes use of the Nintendo Wii Fit™Plus (Wii Fit) and home visits by a nurse. The same nurse will attend all of the visits. |
NCT02027077 | Obesity is a major risk factor for disease and a public health problem. Recent information suggests that while it is possible for most overweight adults to lose a substantial amount of weight, maintaining the weight loss for any extended time (2 to 3 years) is very difficult. This is because trying to maintain big changes in exercise and/or eating behaviour is very difficult in today's environment that makes sustain big changes in behaviour (Example: eat allot less or exercise allot more) very hard. In fact at this time health professionals are unsure of how best to help overweight adults maintain big behavioral changes for long periods of time. In response, we propose that making smaller changes in eating and exercise habits every day may be possible in today's environment and if so, small weight changes may be possible to maintain for long periods of time. This study is designed to assess whether making small changes in eating and exercise behavior will be associated with sustained weight loss over three (3) years. The results of the study may have important implications for development of public health messages and clinical guidelines for prevention and treatment of obesity through small changes in both exercise and eating habits. The prevalence of obesity and associated morbidity among Canadian adults is already high and increasing. Prevalence estimates for overweight determined from measured height and weight now exceeds 62 % in Canadian adults1; approximately 15.5 million Canadian adults are now overweight and obese1. |
NCT02086799 | This study will explore whether supplementation with thyroid hormones in the set-up of asthma exacerbation could improve the clinical outcomes. The study will include adults admitted to Rambam health care campus for moderate to severe Asthma exacerbation. The study is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial. Patients will be randomized on admission to receive treatment with intra-venous thyroxine (100mcg once on admission and additional 100mcg after 12 hours) or placebo. The study treatment will be given only after the initial bronchodilator therapy, oxygen and informed consent are given. The primary endpoint is the time to return of the peak expiratory flow (PEF) rate to normal values or personal base line. Study population: The study will include adults admitted to Internal Medicine B (IMB) department, Internal Medicine H (IMH) department or medical intensive care unit (MICU) in Rambam-Health Care Campus for moderate to severe Asthma exacerbation. The severity of the exacerbation will be based on several acceptable clinical and laboratory criteria, including breathless, alertness, pulse rate, respiratory rate, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2), oxygen saturation, peak expiratory flow (PEF). Study protocol: The study is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial. Patients will be randomized on admission to receive treatment with intra-venous thyroxine (100mcg once on admission and additional 100mcg after 12 hours) or placebo. |
NCT02094079 | The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical control program in patients with hypothyroidism during pregnancy (suggested in resent guidelines). Is it possible by monitoring the patients every 4. week during pregnancy to keep the thyroid function parameters within the recommended range? A retrospective study of consecutive pregnant women with hypothyroidism followed at the outpatient clinic at the Endocrinology Unit, Herlev Hospital, Denmark during 2012. Patients selected through electronic medical system. Blood tests for the The hormone levels drawn from the laboratory of Clinical Biochemical Department, Herlev Hospital |
NCT02126683 | Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is a common form of autoimmune thyroid disease, which affects up to 2% of general population. The annual incidence of HT worldwide is estimated to be 0.8 - 3.5 cases per 1000 persons. The thyroid gland attacked by a variety of cell- and antibody-mediated immune processes. Various auto-antibodies may be present against TPO and Tg, and ADCC is a substantial factor behind the apoptotic fall-out of HT. Activation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes in response to cell-mediated immune response affected by helper T-cells is central to thyrocyte destruction. Recent studies showed higher pro-inflammatory cytokines in serum of patients with HT, and suggested HT is associated with regulatory T-cells dysfunction, imbalance of ratio of Th1 cell and Th2 cell, overexpression of Th17 cells. Several studies suggested that pregnant women with HT, even at euthyroid state had higher risk of spontaneous miscarriage, more frequent post-partum depression and higher depressive, anger, and total mood disturbance risk compared to those without HT. Presence of thyroid auto-antibodies is also associated with negative pregnant outcomes including gestational hypertension, late abortion, fetal death, premature delivery and neonatal respiratory distress. Neonates from mothers with ATD have higher rate of transient hypothyroidism. Children of mothers with ATD had higher risk of positive serum thyroid auto-antibodies and development of goiter and thyroid dysfunction. However, there is no suggested treatment for subjects with HT who have normal thyroid function. |
NCT02190214 | This will be a population based study looking at the prevalence of thyroid disorders in Malaysia (including hypo- and hyperthyroidism, subclinical hypo- or hyperthyroidism) and its association with different ethnicity and iodine status. The study will also look at genetic susceptibility for autoimmune thyroid disorders in the Malaysian population General hypotheses: The prevalence of thyroid disorders in Malaysia is 10% for hypothyroidism and 2% for hyperthyroidism Hypo- and hyperthyroidism is associated with iodine status in our population There are different susceptibility gene for autoimmune thyroid disorder in different ethnicity in our population This will be a cross-sectional population based study involving Malaysian adults (aged 18 year old and above). Cluster sampling will be used to select respondents that will be representative of the Malaysian population. Selected respondent will be interviewed, anthropometric measurement taken, blood and urine sample taken. Blood will be analyzed for thyroid function (thyroxine, triiodothyronine and thyroid stimulating hormone), autoantibodies (anti-thyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin). Urine will be analyzed for urinary iodine. Those diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disorders with strong family history of thyroid disorders (multiplex multi-generation family involvement) will have their blood sent for whole exome sequencing and linkage analysis done to identify possible susceptible gene for autoimmune thyroid disorders Respondents detected to have hypo- or hyper- and subclinical hypo- or hyperthyroidism will be referred to their nearest health centre for further evaluation and treatment appropriate for their condition. |
NCT02201069 | The "My Health Coach Study" seeks to determine if health coaching by a medical assistant can help patients have better sleep, a better diet, be more physically active or lose weight, according to the recommendation of their health care provider. The aim of the study is to determine whether medical assistants (MAs) can assist primary care providers to achieve healthier lifestyles via better sleep, food choices, weight loss and/or increased physical activity in their patients. The hypothesis driving this research is that health coaching can be done by existing medical support staff to facilitate healthy lifestyles in a primary care setting. Coaching can maximize the health of the patient population in a cost-effective way if the coaching service is integrated into primary care clinics with minimal capital investment at the outset. A major focus will be on behaviors associated with weight management since this is the most common health issue in the U.S. today. This method, if successful, should be easily adaptable to other health behaviors and in most any medical practice that seeks to improve the health of its patient base in a cost-effective way. In order to achieve a change in health behaviors, and especially weight loss, regular follow-up contacts are needed. Previous research has shown health coaching to be effective, but this has utilized programs that "add on" to the existing clinic structure. This type of coaching model is difficult to sustain. |
NCT02290405 | The purpose of this study is to learn more about people with insomnia disorder and cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment is difficulty with mental abilities such as thinking, knowing and remembering. Primary insomnia (PI) sufferers typically complain of such daytime impairments as reduced attention, concentration, memory and global mental acuity. Moreover, epidemiological studies have shown PI contributes to reduced productivity, work and traffic accidents, and serious falls among the elderly. Despite such findings, laboratory-based efforts to corroborate the cognitive complaints of PI sufferers have produced mixed results. Indeed, many studies comparing PI sufferers with non-complaining normal sleepers across a range of neuropsychological tests have failed to show any relative deficits among the PI group. Such findings, in turn, has led to the impression that PI patients cognitive complaints may be over-stated and result from their attentional bias toward minor cognitive errors, dysfunctional beliefs about the impact of insomnia on functioning or excessive self focus rather than to any measurable daytime impairment. However, many previous such studies were underpowered due to small sample sizes and employed neuropsychological tests designed for detecting impairment resulting from brain disease/damage rather than the more subtle albeit significant impairments of which PI patients complain. In recent research, we and others have shown that PI sufferers do, indeed, show greater deficits (slower and more variable reaction times) particularly on complex switching attention tasks. |
NCT02316418 | The aim of the study is to assess the safety (by side effects) and efficacy (holding the hair extensions and subjects and operator satisfaction) of the Hairstetics' Anchoring System in subjects affected with hair loss presents with hair thinning, that are to be treated by hair extensions. STUDY DESIGN - This is a prospective, single-arm, multi-center, international, open-label, non-randomized, two-stage clinical study. First stage will enroll 6 subjects (at any site) that will be followed-up for 3 months post implantation of the anchoring system, which was already used in other clinical studies for other indication. These 6 subjects will serve for product registration in Israel and/or CE mark. The second stage will starts upon the completion of successful first stage, and will include additional up to 20 subjects that will be followed again for 3 months. For this second stage, subjects who wish to continue the follow-up voluntarily may do so up to one year with optional visits at 6 months and 12 months. At any point, the study will convert to a post marketing study once a CE mark is obtained. ENDPOINTS - Primary Endpoint - Safety: Acceptable number, duration and severity of Expected Adverse Device/Procedure Effects during 3 months following the implantation of the anchoring system. Once the study will convert to a post marketing one, this primary end point will become a secondary safety endpoint. |
NCT02379728 | Every day in Ghana, 47 babies are stillborn (SB) and 232 babies are born with low birth-weight (LBW) - many of whom will die in infancy or suffer lifelong consequences. Sleeping on the back during pregnancy has recently emerged in scientific literature as a potential risk factor for SB and LBW. In fact, one of the earliest studies to demonstrate this link was conducted in Ghana by investigators on this protocol. When a woman in mid-to-late-pregnancy lies on her back, her large uterus compresses one of the major veins that delivers blood back to her heart and may completely obstruct it. This may result in less blood being returned to her heart and less blood being pumped to her developing fetus. Such changes may negatively impact the growth of her fetus and, along with some other risk factors, may contribute to the death of her baby. The investigators have developed a device, 'PrenaBelt', to significantly reduce the amount of time a pregnant woman spends sleeping on her back. The PrenaBelt functions via a simple, safe, effective, and well-established modality called positional therapy. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the PrenaBelt on birth-weight and assess the feasibility of introducing it to Ghanaian third-trimester pregnant women in their home setting via an antenatal care clinic and local health-care staff. Data from this study will be used in effect size calculations for the design of a large-scale, epidemiological study targeted at reducing LBW and SB in Ghana and globally. |
NCT02399423 | South Asians have a much higher risk of diabetes compared to Europeans and investigators don't know why this is. Investigators think that South Asians' capacity to store fat safely under the skin is lower than Europeans, so they start to store fat around internal organs and in liver and muscle, and at lower body weights than Europeans. These increased levels of internal fat storage are thought to increase risk of diabetes. The purpose of the study therefore is to investigate whether there are differences with weight gain and weight loss in fat storage, fat cell function and metabolic risk factors, in South Asians compared with Europeans. Investigators will compare South Asian and European men at the start of the study, after they have gained about 7% body weight, and again after they have lost 7-15% body weight (from peak weight) to see how gaining and losing weight affects fat storage within the body and the function of fat cells. Investigators will also assess the effect of weight gain and weight loss on metabolism, fitness and risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. South Asians have about five times the risk of adult onset diabetes (high blood sugar) than Europeans and nearly one in five South Asian men in the United Kingdom have the disease. Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to a number of adverse health consequences including heart disease, kidney disease and blindness and accounts for about 10% of all healthcare costs in the UK. |
NCT02491567 | Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) and Graves Disease (GD) are known to be caused by abnormal immune response against self cells and tissues. Epigenetics is a novel field of biology studying the mechanisms by which the environment interacts with the genotype to produce a variety of phenotypes through modifications to chromatin that do not directly alter the DNA sequence. A very limited number of epigenetic studies have been published in patients with HT and GD so far. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze DNA methylation status in White Blood Cells (WBCs) within the promoter regions of genomic sites that have been previously identified as susceptibility loci or sites for autoimmune thyroid disease, such as the CD40, FOXP3, CTLA4, PTPN22, CD25, and TPO genes. Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) and Graves Disease (GD) are known to be caused by abnormal immune response against self cells and tissues. HT involves a cell-mediated autoimmune destruction of the thyroid leading to hypothyroidism. GD is caused by a process in which immune cells make stimulating antibodies against the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor on the thyroid gland, thus leading to hyperthyroidism. Although there is substantial evidence that genetic factors increase the risk for developing autoimmune diseases, monozygotic twins still remain discordant for disease (disease concordance is never 100%), thus suggesting a role for environmental factors and epigenetics. |
NCT02548715 | Patients that require treatment for cancers of the head and neck often require a combination of surgery and/or radiation and chemotherapy. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common complications, and has been associated with post-operative complications such as wound healing problems, fistula formation, and decreased quality of life and survival. Several studies have examined hypothyroidism after radiation to the head and neck, but few have examined this after non-thyroid head and neck surgery. Head and neck resection is theorized to devascularize the thyroid, thus resulting in post-operative hypothyroidism. Synthroid is a synthetic thyroid hormone often used in cases of patients with proven hypothyroidism and after surgical thyroid removal. It's use has been in effect and studied for over fifty years. Treatment algorithms for hypothyroidism are well published. However, treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism (elevated TSH with normal or near-normal T3/T4) is controversial. The rate of subclinical hypothyroidism after non-thyroid head and neck surgery is high (up to 20%), and is associated with post-operative complications as noted above. Therefore the investigators propose a double blinded randomized controlled trial comparing outcomes of patients that develop subclinical hypothyroidism after head and neck surgery, who are given a standardized dose of synthroid treatment versus those treated with placebo. The main outcomes to be examined are post-operative complications (wound healing issues, fistula formation), survival, and quality of life measures. |
NCT02575001 | The aims of this study are two fold: To show whether there is an increased environmental or genetic susceptibility to stress in patients with T1D and whether it influences diabetes management. And to develop a strategy for the assessment and treatment of patients with T1D and an increased risk for development of psychopathology under stress. Lately, a marked increase in the incidence and earlier age of onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) has been noted. These observations could also be connected to an increased prevalence of stressful experiences and a lowered stress tolerance in some children. The way a person responds to stress is determined by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental experiences at specific times of development have been shown to shape individual's hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) stress response. It is known, that early development of central nervous system is critically dependent on child's interaction with the environment (experience dependent maturation), especially to the attachment to caregivers (most often the mother). Appropriate caregiving is connected to lower basal cortisol levels in children and a more stable HPA axis response after the exposure to stress. Any circumstances that disturbed the formation of the attachment to the primary caregiver (e.g. complications at delivery, psychosocial stressors affecting the mother or mother's postpartum depression) resulted in higher HPA axis responsiveness to stress in the affected children. |
NCT02597582 | There were totally 41 patients enrolled in the end of the study. The study group consisted of 20 patients while the control group had 21 patients. The operation duration was shorter (97.1 versus 116.3 minutes, P = 0.022) and the average amount of injected analgesics was lower (8.8 versus 17.7 ampules, P = 0.037) in the study group. No significant differences were noted between the two groups in demographic variables, primary tumor site, clinical N stage, levels of neck dissection, intraoperative bleeding, postoperative drainage amount/duration, and subjective postoperative pain status. We compared the differences in perioperative and postoperative variables between LigaSure Small Jaw®-assisted and conventional neck dissection in head and neck cancer patients. Patients who were scheduled to undergo neck dissection due to head and neck cancer were eligible for this study. After receiving a detailed explanation, all patients signed an informed consent form before randomization. The study group were treated using the LigaSure vessel sealing system (Small Jaw®; Covidien, Colorado, USA) for dissection and hemostasis throughout the whole procedures during neck dissection. Relevant data included tumor-related variables, perioperative parameters, postoperative drainage status, postoperative subjective pain, and analgesic consumption amount were recorded and analyzed. |
NCT02627937 | The purpose of this study is to develop adequate and satisfactory tools using reliable clinical and physical factors in predicting pediatric obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and allow greater access to appropriate therapy in children. The prevalence of OSAHS is estimated to be about 1% to 4% in children, however, it is frequently underdiagnosed because of the difficulties for evaluation.Current diagnostic approaches are based on the patient's history, clinical presentation and physical examination, endoscopy, and radiological imaging examinations, and confirmation is made by the current gold standard of full-night polysomnography (PSG). Previous studies have reported the use of a clinical history, physical examination and questionnaires for predicting pediatric OSAHS but there were lacking of adequate and satisfactory results. Despite the potential diagnostic benefits, PSG for pediatric patients are not routinely used in clinical practice. Therefore, to obtain a reliable, valid, and easily-performed diagnostic or screening tool for the clinical assessment of pediatric OSAHS is essential for the cost-effective care of these patients. |
NCT00067691 | The purpose of this study is to determine whether acupuncture is effective in relieving shortness of breath among breast and lung cancer patients. |
NCT00163709 | A trial to examine whether a new heart failure blood test can improve the outcome of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath. We hypothesise that a BNP test performed in real-time in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath will help identify additional patients with CHF and consequently to change practice and allow more patients to recieve correct treatment earlier. In recent years new tests to diagnose heart failure have become available. We are evaluating a new test called B-type natriuretic peptide(BNP)in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath. Patients are randomised into whether they will receive the new test or not. In the patient group where the test is positive, standardised approach that will optimise heart failure treatment will be introduced. We hypothesise that with this approach we will improve the clinical care of patients who present to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath. Measures of outcomes will be the accuracy of diagnosis 2 hours after presentation, 30 day mortality, hospital and ICU admission rates and quality of life at 30days. We plan to investigate 600 consecutive patient presenting to the to the Emergency Department with shortness of breath that are over 40 years old and present with an emergency department triage category of 3 or higher. Patients presenting with a traumatic cause of dyspnea, patients with severe renal disease, patients with cardiogenic shock and patients who have early transfer to another hospital(within 24 hrs) will be excluded. |
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