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source,author,question,optionA,optionB,optionC,optionD,letter_answer,kelsie_cain,"A young patient (5yrs) presents for the first time to a new dentist with crowded teeth, making them very hard to clean. In further exploration of the issue, she learns that the child had delayed eruption of his teeth. The patient's mother also relays that her pediatrician has several times noted how prominent the veins of his scalp are and his short stature. However, she thinks that this is just part of the spectrum seen in their family given that she herself is quite short and has fair skin, making it easier to see her veins. You speak with the dentist who isn't sure whether or not to refer the family. You are most concerned about what mutation:",LMNA G1138A,LMNA G608G,FGFR3 Exon 11 deletion,FGFR3 G608G,B,kelsie_cain,Which of the following scenarios would MTHFR testing be appropriate?,Recurrent pregnancy loss,"Thrombophilia, in the presence of negative primary thrombophilia testing",Patients about to start a methotrexate chemotherapy regimen,None of the above,D,kelsie_cain,Genetic drift is an exception of which of the following assumptions of Hardy Weinberg:,No mutation,No migration,Population is infinitely large,Random mating,C,kelsie_cain,For which indication would telehealth service delivery model be inappropriate?,Breast cancer,Marfan Syndrome,Carrier screening,Cascade testing,B,kelsie_cain,"A couple is seen for preconception counseling. The woman's brother has Gaucher disease, and she has Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (Gaucher disease incidence of 1 in 1,000). Before doing any genetic testing, which of the following is closest to the risk of the couple having an affected child?",1/50,1/100,1/150,1/200,B,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting a 3 year old little boy in the pediatric genetics clinic. His parents were referred to the clinic by his astute dentist who mentioned he did not have as many teeth as expected. On meeting the boy, you also note he has sparse hair. His parents also tell you he tends to get overheated when he plays outside. Based on these findings, what is the most likely genetic cause of his signs and symptoms?",Missense mutation in IKBKG,Deletion in OCA2,Missense mutation in EDA1,Translocation interrupting SPRED1,C,kelsie_cain,"A genetic counselor in the ophthalmology clinic is meeting with a family who have a 12 year old son recently diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa. Throughout the appointment, the patient's father makes disparaging remarks about blindness and his son being handicapped. The genetic counselor finds herself to be annoyed and angry with the father. The genetic counselor has a good friend with RP and she can't help but think about him as she talks with the family. What best describes the behavior and feelings of the genetic counselor?",Transference,Countertransference,Resistance,Resentment,B,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a 30 year old woman to discuss a family history of reported Alport syndrome. She is hoping to start a family in the near future and wishes to know her risk to have a child with the condition. After taking the family history, you notice that only males are affected and there is no male-male transmission. The patient's maternal uncle is affected. Based on this family history, what is the highest recurrence risk you would quote for this patient to have a child with Alport syndrome?",50%,25%,12.5%,Less than 1%,C,kelsie_cain,A 12 year old female is referred to genetics after her PCP finds 5 café au lait spots on a physical exam. She also has freckling in her armpits. Which of the following clinical findings would be most helpful for diagnosing her?,Learning disability,Lisch nodules,ADHD,Polydactyly,B,kelsie_cain,A 15 year old female is referred to genetics for ataxia. Which of the following clinical findings would be most helpful for diagnosing her?,Oculomotor apraxia,If she currently uses a wheelchair,If she has ocular telangiectasias,When her ataxia began,C,kelsie_cain,"A 1 year old girl is referred to a pediatrics clinic due to a skin rash that began as many blisters and slowly changed. It not appears as hypopigmentation that follows Blaschko's lines. After taking the family history, you find that she has an 11 year old paternal half sister who presented with the same symptoms as an infant. She currently has hypo and hyperpigmented skin, problems with her eyes and a learning disability. What is the most likely pattern of inheritance in this family?",Autosomal Recessive,X linked dominant,X linked recessive,Germline mosaicism,D,kelsie_cain,"You are seeing a 25-year-old pregnant patient whose partner has renal disease, anterior lenticonus, and a COL4A5 pathogenic variant. They want to know about the risks to their children. Which of the following is a true statement:",All of their sons will be unaffected,All of their daughters will be unaffected carriers,Each of their children has a ½ chance of inheriting the mutation,Any sons and daughters will be unaffected,A,kelsie_cain,"In certain X-linked conditions, 1/3 of isolated males (i.e., no family history) are de novo, while 2/3 have mothers who are unaffected carriers. Which of the following conditions does this NOT apply to?",DMD,Lesch-Nyhan syndrome,Fabry,Menkes,C,kelsie_cain,You are seeing a couple for preconception counseling and the family history is remarkable for consanguinity. They are aware of the potential increased risks for autosomal recessive conditions and birth defects and have done additional reading on the topic to prepare their questions for this visit. They want to know (a) how closely they are related and (b) the probability that their offspring will inherit two copies of an allele that are the same (IBD). They are half-first cousins.,6.25%; 3.125%,3.125%; 1.5625%,12.5%; 6.25%,3.125%; 6.25%,A,kelsie_cain,"You are seeing Susie and her partner for a prenatal genetic counseling appointment. Susie and her partner are overall feeling low stress about the pregnancy but want to learn more about their risks because of Susie's family history of DMD. Susie had an uncle who passed from DMD and has no other maternal aunts or uncles. Susie has three unaffected sons and is currently pregnant with a boy. Susie said her mother never had genetic testing, but Susie did and is a carrier of DMD. What is the chance that this pregnancy will have DMD?",1/17,1/34,1/68,½,D,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a patient who has a family history of a hemoglobinopathy. In gathering the family history, you learn that the patient is a poor historian and communication in the family hasn't been great. However, the patient tells you that her sister's baby was affected during pregnancy with ultrasound findings that prompted the initial testing. The most likely diagnosis is:",Beta-Thalassemia Major,Hb-Bart Syndrome,Beta-Thalassemia Minor,Sickle Cell Anemia,B,kelsie_cain,"You previously (3 yrs ago) saw a patient whose father and maternal grandmother had HD. After counseling your patient decided that he did not want to go through with predictive testing. Since switching practice areas in your hospital, you are now scheduled to see a patient this afternoon who is 10 weeks pregnant and would like to discuss with you her husband's family history of HD. You tried to reach her earlier in the week to get more information, but were unsuccessful. When she arrives you notice she is alone and throughout the session you learn that her husband was previously your patient. The mother of the baby is now concerned about the pregnancy and would like to have prenatal testing, citing that her husband has given her written permission to have the test, but can't take off work for any appointments. Concerned about acting ethically, which of the following proceedings would be best supported by NSGC Code of Ethics:","As long as you don't disclose that you know of her husband, there is no conflict of interest so you may proceed with no additional consults","Telling your prenatal patient that you are uncomfortable proceeding and refer her on to your colleague, helping to establish the relationship",Order the testing for your prenatal patient given that you no longer has a care-giving relationship with the father of the baby and thus have,no responsibility,B,kelsie_cain,Fidelity and veracity are principles that most directly support:,Justice and fairness,Beneficence,Nonmaleficence,Autonomy,D,kelsie_cain,Individuals in which ancestral group have the highest risk to have a child with HB Bart?,African American,Mediterranean,Caucasian,Southeast Asian,D,kelsie_cain,"A 7 year old female patient is referred to a genetics clinic due to short stature. You discuss genetic testing with the family, the benefits, limitations and risks. When you describe how they do the test (a blood draw) the patient starts sobbing uncontrollably. The parents tell you that she is terrified of needles and has recently started therapy due to this fear and the psychological impact of having blood draws and shots at the doctor's office. You and the family decide together to delay the testing until such a time when she is more emotionally prepared. What ethical principle does this decision represent?",Beneficence,Non maleficence,Autonomy,Justice,B,kelsie_cain,A 32 year old woman who is 15 weeks pregnant comes to clinic with her partner for carrier screening. Which of the following testing options do you do?,"Carrier screening for the women first, then if positive her partner gets testing",Carrier screening for the women and her partner simultaneously,"Do not do carrier screening, just test the pregnancy",Only offer screening based on the family history,B,kelsie_cain,"An infant presents to clinic with anemia, mild jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly. This child did not have newborn screening. What test do you order first and what is the most likely result?",Genetic testing-loss of all 4 HBA1 and HBA2 alleles,Blood test-low MCV and normal HbA2 and HbF,Genetic testing-loss of 3 out of 4 HBA1 and HBA2 alleles,Blood test -low MCV and low HbA2 and HbF,B,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a 38 year old woman for disclosure of a recently identified cancer predisposition syndrome. At the return visit to discuss the results, the woman is deeply concerned about what the results mean for her children, who are now 6, 10, and 12 years old. A pathogenic mutation in which of the following genes would not be recommended to test in her children?",MEN1,SDHB,MUTYH,FH,C,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a 25 year old woman and her parents in the cardio genetics clinic. The patient was seen at an outside institute and had genetic testing related to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Unfortunately, genetic testing did not find the cause of her heart condition. Now, the family is coming to you to discuss enrolling in a cardiovascular genetics research study that aims to find new genes for HCM. During the course of the session, you begin to suspect the patient may have a degree of intellectual disability. Once you have taken a family and medical history, you ask the patient, ""Susan, when you need to make choices about your health, like starting a new medication, do you make those choices? Or do your parents make those choices with you?"" The patient answers that she makes the choices but her parents help her. Her mother helps clarify that they are not medical decision makers for Susan. With that detail, you start to go through the informed consent for the project with Susan and her parents, stopping frequently to gauge Susan's understanding and answer any questions she or her parents have. What is the primary ethical principle you are upholding in this encounter?",Non-maleficence,Beneficence,Autonomy,Justice,C,kelsie_cain,You are meeting for a preconception counseling appointment with a couple who are both of Indian descent. The female partner has a sister who passed away shortly after birth of hydrops fetalis. The male partner has no history of thalassemia in his family. The couple is concerned about the possibility of hemoglobinopathies in a future pregnancy. What is the test you will recommend?,Blood cell counts on the female partner only,Blood cell counts on both partners,Blood cell counts and hemoglobin electrophoresis on the female partner first,Blood cell counts and hemoglobin electrophoresis on both partners,D,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a 40 year old male patient who was recently diagnosed with HFE related hemochromatosis after experiencing extreme pain and fatigue for about 10 years. He has a daughter who is 16 years old. After learning the condition is inherited, he wants to know what the chances are his daughter will have the condition. What is the best response to give to this father?","""This is difficult to determine without some more information. A key piece of information is if her mother is a carrier for the condition. Perhaps it would be helpful to talk about how this condition is passed in families.""","""Even if she has the genes for hemochromatosis, it is unlikely she will get the condition""","""This condition is considered adult onset, so we wouldn't be able to test your daughter now for the condition.""","""This condition is usually less severe for females who are menstruating""",A,kelsie_cain,"You are a new genetic counselor working in a cancer genetics center and starting to get referrals from oncologists at your institution. One day, a breast cancer oncologist calls you to say she is referring a patient to you ""Her sister just saw you and was positive for a breast cancer gene. Can you look up what gene it was in and tell me if it impacts my patient?"" The provider tells you the patient's name, and it matches the last name of a woman who you met two weeks ago for a positive genetic test result. The woman you saw specifically stated she did not want her results shared with anyone and declined signing a release of information document. You call the referring provider back to let him know ""I can't disclose what gene change was seen in her sister."" The referring provider becomes irate and starts to yell at you over the phone. ""But you saw the sister! You can at least tell me if this impacts her sister!"" What is a good first response to this physician?","""I understand you're upset but I must respect the privacy of patients""","""Can I meet with your patient to do genetic testing?""","""Your patient can try to discuss the results with her sister. I am happy to talk with your patient to help her write a letter to her sister explaining the importance of the information for her sister's health.""","""I suppose there's no harm in telling you the results of the sister's genetic test.""",A,kelsie_cain,A 25 year old woman has been referred to genetics by her doctor after multiple episodes of unexplained intense abdominal pain followed by vomiting. What would be the best first test based on your differential?,Urine analysis for iron,Stomach biopsy,Urine analysis for porphobilinogen,Sequencing of HMBS,C,kelsie_cain,"You are seeing a couple for preconception counseling. They mention that in their previous pregnancy, they underwent hemoglobin electrophoresis which revealed they are both Hb C/",Their offspring each have a 25% chance for sickle cell disease,Their offspring are most likely not at risk for sickle cell disease,Their offspring may be at risk for mild anemia,"Their offspring are most likely not at risk for sickle cell disease, but may be at risk for mild anemia",D,kelsie_cain,"A 38-year-old woman is diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome and the woman has an 11-year-old daughter, Karen. The geneticist recommends that the child be tested for the Li-Fraumeni genetic variant. The mother is concerned about the impact of testing and diagnosis on Karen's psychological well-being. She describes Karen as ""highly strung"" and as ""a worrier."" The child has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and is managed by a psychologist for counseling. The child is otherwise well. The mother requests that testing be done without disclosing it to the child by adding the test onto routine blood work done for another reason and requests that the results only be revealed if they are positive. What is the appropriate course of action?",Defer testing or discussion until the child is 18 and can legally make decisions for herself,Engage the mother in an ongoing discussion about the benefits and harms of nondisclosure and her daughter's interest in the information,"Test the child secretly, and only tell her if the result is positive for the genetic syndrome","If the mother refuses testing or disclosure, seek a court order",B,kelsie_cain,You have recently accepted a position as a genetic counselor for a research project that investigates the underlying etiology of rare genetic disorders. Enrollment in the study requires patients to come to your site 2 times a year for sample collection and relevant tests. You are located in a major metropolitan area. You are currently working on securing funding for travel assistance for participants. The ethical principle you are most concerned about here is:,Beneficence,Autonomy,Veracity,Justice,D,kelsie_cain,A genetic counselor is designing a retrospective study to clarify the number of patients referred to connective tissue clinic that had a clinical aortopathy panel ordered and a positive result. The information will be de-identified prior to analysis. Which of the following actions is needed before this information can be queried in the electronic medical record system?,Contact each patient and complete informed consent over the phone,Provide informed consent at each patient's next follow-up appointment,Submit an IRB proposal and request a waiver of consent,Contact Epic support to complete the query and de-identify the data securely,C,kelsie_cain,"A genetic counselor is working in the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic. The first patient of the day, with homozygous F508del mutations, reports improved symptoms since starting Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor. The genetic counselor is concerned because the second patient of the day, who also has homozygous F508del mutations, is not doing well and shares that he decided not to fill the prescription of Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor because it would be too expensive. The counselor shares that she is going to work with him and the Financial Assistant Team at the hospital to work on coverage for the medication. Under what Code of Ethics principle is the genetic counselor acting?",Autonomy,Beneficence,Nonmaleficence,Justice,D,kelsie_cain,"A genetic counselor is the research coordinator of a clinical trial for an oral enzyme replacement product as an alternative to the current standard of care, infusion, in Fabry Disease. A 15 year old boy is diagnosed with Fabry Disease and referred to the genetic counselor to discuss being a part of the clinical trial. The patient and his mother are very engaged during the session and both ask appropriate questions. The patient's mother is very enthusiastic and shares that she thinks this would be less burdensome than coming to the hospital regularly for infusions. The patient expresses that this feels like more work for him to remember on his own and does not want to do it. What is the BEST action for the genetic counselor to take next?",Respect the patient's desire and do not enroll him in the trial without his assent,Respect mom's decision to provide consent for the patient and enroll him in the trial,Consult with the Ethics Review Board to get their input on if you should respect the patient's or mom's request,Go through the informed consent again to make sure the patient understands the difference between oral and infused enzyme replacement,A,kelsie_cain,Which of the following study designs does not require participants to sign an informed consent document?,A prospective trial of MYH mutation positive individuals to evaluate the efficacy of increasing frequency of echocardiograms,An online survey using a Likert scale emailed to patients asking about their experience with family variant group counseling sessions.,A study to determine the impact of educational outcomes for adult patients with Charcot Marie Tooth who are referred to Genetics after confirmatory molecular testing is completed by Neurology.,A study assessing the clinical utility of a neonatal panel compared to whole exome sequencing for infants admitted to the hospital after birth with concern for a genetic condition,B,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting a family in the pediatrics developmental clinic for evaluation of their 3 year old daughter. The daughter's medical history was noted for a normal birth and first year of life, however, her parents noted she had delayed walking and at 3 years old, she is nonverbal. You notice that when she walks, she looks unbalanced and her legs have a tremor to them. Despite these challenges, her parents report she is incredibly happy and laughs all the time. Based on these findings, which condition and etiology is highest on your differential?",Angelman syndrome; paternal deletion of 15q12,Angelman syndrome; maternal deletion of 15q12,"Smith Magenis syndrome, 17p deletion","Smith Magenis syndrome, 17p duplication",B,kelsie_cain,You are meeting with a couple for preconception counseling. They have a 6 year old son with Prader-Willi syndrome. They have waited to have more children because they have been anxious about recurrence risks for Prader-Willi. What is the most likely recurrence for Prader-Willi?,Less than 1%,10-15%,25%,50%,A,kelsie_cain,You are seeing a 23 year old pregnant female in the genetics clinic. The patient has sensorineural hearing loss diagnosed in early childhood. She also has a preauricular pit. She was referred to the genetics clinic after her 20 week ultrasound revealed unilateral renal agenesis in her pregnancy. Mutations in which of the following gene could explain her findings and possibly those of her pregnancy?,TCOF1 (Treacher Collins),EYA1 (Brachootorenal syndrome),CHD7 (CHARGE),COL2A1 (Stickler),B,kelsie_cain,"A 2 month old baby girl was referred to the genetics clinic for polydactyly and abnormal facial features. Unfortunately, not much else was noted on the referral to the clinic. Based on these features, which of the following conditions would not be on your differential?",Russel Silver syndrome,Bardet-Beidl syndrome,Greig cephalopolysyndactyly,Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome,A,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a couple to discuss the positive results of their NIPT screening. After describing the results and possible options, the couple is in conflict on whether or not to have an amniocentesis. You tell the couple, ""I would encourage you to continue this conversation at home, look at both of your opinions about this, and take some time to reach a decision."" Your statement can be best described as:",Non directive counseling,Self disclosure,Giving advice,Directive counseling,C,kelsie_cain,An 18 year old male comes presents in clinic with difficulty moving his eyes and night blindness. Further lab testing indicates that he has a CSF level of 200mg/dl. What is the most likely diagnosis?,Kearns Sayre Syndrome,Pearson Syndrome,Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy,MELAS,A,kelsie_cain,"A 5 year old patient comes to a clinic with failure to thrive, hypotonia and developmental delays. While taking a medical history, which of the following symptoms would make you most suspicious of a mitochondrial disorder?",Genitourinary anomalies,Ophthalmoplegia,Retinitis pigmentosa,Elevated oratic acid,B,kelsie_cain,A 10 year old patient presents to clinic with obesity. Which of the following is NOT on your differential list?,Chromosome 15 maternal uniparental disomy,Mutations in the BBS1 gene,1p36 deletion syndrome,RAI1 mutation,D,kelsie_cain,A 12 year old female presents to clinic with ataxia. After taking the medical history you learn she had hypotonia as an infant. The physical exam reveals oculomotor apraxia and rapid breathing. Which of following would be LEAST important to discuss with the family?,Has the patient ever had a brain MRI,Genetic testing for a panel of genes related to her symptoms,How was her development? Did she walk and talk on time?,Has she had imaging of her heart or any heart defects,D,kelsie_cain,A patient presents to clinic with a hypothalamic hamartoma. Which genetic test results are most likely?,GLI3 point mutation,FGD1 deletion,GLI3 frame shift mutation,POR point mutation,C,kelsie_cain,Which of the following is not a gene that is associated with sexual determination?,SRY,SF1,CYP21A2,MAP3K1,C,kelsie_cain,The chance that trisomy rescue will not result in UPD is,⅓,⅔,¼,0,B,kelsie_cain,"A newborn's karyotype results revealed 46,XY,der(14;21)(q10;q10),+21. What can you tell the parents about their recurrence risk?",There is a 5-15% risk for Down syndrome in future pregnancies,There is a 40% chance one of them is a carrier of a balanced translocation,Having another child with Down syndrome is rare,Parental karyotypes will be able to offer more information about the recurrence risk,D,kelsie_cain,Which of the following is NOT TRUE about CFTR 5T allele?,Heterozygotes for 5T may have male infertility,Compound heterozygotes that have one allele with 5T and one with a severe mutation may have symptoms,An allele that has 5T as well as a mild mutation may function as a severe mutation,About 10% of the population carries a 5T allele,A,kelsie_cain,You are seeing a couple for prenatal genetic counseling. The couple has a daughter with McCune Albright syndrome. What is the recurrence risk for McCune Albright in their current pregnancy?,"General population risk, <1%",25%,50%,50% if the pregnancy is male,A,kelsie_cain,Which of the following is not supported by the National Society of Genetic Counselors?,Human cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer for reproductive purposes,Stem cells in research and clinical applications,Newborn blood spot storage for research and quality control testing,"Return of incidental findings in genetic testing for conditions which have a serious, well-defined medical risk and have implications for clinical management",A,kelsie_cain,All of the following are examples of trinucleotide repeat disorders EXCEPT?,Fragile X,Duchenne muscular dystrophy,Myotonic dystrophy,SCA1,B,kelsie_cain,All of the following are inherited exclusively in an X-linked recessive manner except:,Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS),Adrenal Hypoplasia Congenita,Kallmann Syndrome,FANC-B,C,kelsie_cain,"Unconditional positive regard, empathy and counselor genuineness are three key tenets of counselor attitudes in which of the following models of genetic counseling:","Person-oriented Counseling (Kessler, 1979)","Family Systems Counseling (Weil, 2000)","Person-centered Counseling (Rogers, 1992)","Intersystems Counseling (Eunpu, 1997)",C,kelsie_cain,Which of the following tests has the lowest average depth coverage and thus the lowest analytical sensitivity?,Targeted Panel,Single Gene Sequencing,WES,WGS,D,kelsie_cain,Which interviewing technique involves repeating the last phrase a client says as a question?,Questioning,Reflecting,Rephrasing,Redirecting,B,kelsie_cain,Which individual has the lowest risk of having a child with a cleft lip and palate?,Male with bilateral cleft lip and palate,Male with unilateral cleft lip,Female with bilateral cleft lip and palate,Female with unilateral cleft lip,B,kelsie_cain,What percent of cases with a negative CMA result would be expected to have a balanced rearrangement that would be detected by a karyotype?,10%,3.5%,0.8%,<0.1%,C,kelsie_cain,Which of the following is NOT a major criteria of Marfan syndrome?,Pneumothorax,Pectus carinatum,Aortic dissection,High palate,A,kelsie_cain,Which types of OI are reliably detected on prenatal ultrasound?,"Types II, III","Types II, IV","Types III, V","Types IV, V",A,kelsie_cain,Which of the following chromosome abnormalities could be detected by chromosome microarray?,"46, XX, inv(4)(p14q21.3)","46,XX, t(13; 14)(13q14q)","46, XX, del(5)(q33q34)","46, XY, t(3;5)(p21;q31)",C,kelsie_cain,You are seeing a 5yo male with a recent diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. He has no other known health problems or congenital anomalies and has not had any previous genetic testing. His parents are interested in pursuing genetic testing to determine the etiology of his autism spectrum diagnosis. What is the most appropriate test to offer?,Karyotype,Chromosome microarray,Whole exome sequencing,Multi-gene panel of autism spectrum disorder genes,B,kelsie_cain,"You are reviewing testing results for whole exome sequencing of a patient you saw in the pediatrics genetics clinic. When evaluating possible variants for pathogenicity, which of the following evidence alone would offer the strongest support for a pathogenic variant?",A nonsense mutation in a gene where a loss of function is a known mechanism of the disease,A de novo mutation confirmed with trio testing with no family history of the disease,In vivo functional studies supporting damage to the protein product,The variant is within a known mutational hotspot of the gene,A,kelsie_cain,"A 3-year-old male with speech delay presents to the pediatric genetics clinic. He began walking at 11mo and has had multiple fractures between now and then, all healing normal. What do you tell the family is the most likely inheritance?","AD, pathogenic variant passed down from mother","AD, pathogenic variant passed down from father","AR, both parents are obligate carriers of a pathogenic variant","AD, de novo pathogenic variant",D,kelsie_cain,A 28-year-old female is referred to a prenatal genetics clinic because her husband has a clinical diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta. She is 10 weeks pregnant and would like to screen her pregnancy for OI. What plan should you recommend to the patient?,COL1A1 and COL1A2 sequencing analysis of father then return to discuss prenatal testing once familial variant has been identified,Wait until ~15 weeks to complete amniocentesis for COL1A1 and COL1A2 sequencing analysis of the pregnancy,Chorionic villus sampling to complete biochemical analysis of type 1 collagen,Serial ultrasounds starting at 18 weeks to look for diagnostic skeletal deformities,C,kelsie_cain,"A 4-year-old female comes to genetics clinic with her foster mother for follow up of global developmental delays. The genetics team had previously evaluated the patient shortly after birth during in-patient consults due to bicuspid aortic valve and dysmorphic facial features. Until now, she was lost to care and no genetic testing had been ordered. She was also recently seen by Developmental Pediatrics and diagnosed with autism. What is the best genetic testing plan to discuss with the family?",FMR1 with reflex to microarray,Chromosome Analysis with reflex to microarray,Microarray with reflex to FMR1,MECP2 with reflex to microarray,C,kelsie_cain,"A 16-year-old male comes to genetics clinic with his mother due to presentation of pectus carinatum. His surgical history is significant for pneumothorax repair. He is following Ophthalmology for high myopia. Physical exam is notable for pes planus, reduced elbow extension, and scoliosis. Recent echo report notes dilated aortic root. What is the best genetic test to counsel the family on?",Chromosome analysis,FBN1 deletion/duplication analysis,COL3A1 sequencing,FBN1 sequencing,D,kelsie_cain,"Orofacial clefts are often multifactorial in nature and attributing causal factors and risk can be challenging due to their complex inheritance. However, several risk factors have been identified, the most significant factor of which is:",Maternal cigarette smoking,Mutations in MSX1,Mutations in IRF6,Mutations in FGF genes,C,kelsie_cain,Upslanting and downslanting palpebral fissures are measured clinically by drawing a line connecting the __ and determining whether this line intersects the inner and outer eye.,Pupils,Internal canthi,External canthi,Midpoint of the inner sclera,A,kelsie_cain,You are asked to see an infant (10 months) whose pediatrician is concerned about his abnormally large fontanels that have not fused and some dysmorphic feature including tapering fingers and shoulders that appear to face towards the midline. Upon further questioning your team identifies that the patient's mother had limited access to prenatal care. Which test is most important as your team considers testing options?,RUNX2 sequencing analysis,RUNX2 del/dup analysis,FGFR3 targeted mutation analysis,TWIST1 sequencing,A,kelsie_cain,FGFR3 exhibits phenotypic or clinical heterogeneity in that mutations in FGFR3 can cause all of the following conditions except:,Hypochondroplasia,Thanatophoric dysplasia,Pfieffer Syndrome,Muenke Syndrome,C,kelsie_cain,"A 3 year old male presents to pediatric genetics clinic for developmental delay. Surgical history is significant for repair of coarctation found on echo to evaluate a heart murmur. He has a g-tube for supplemental feeds due to failure to thrive. Clinical evaluation notes short fifth fingers and persistent fetal fingertip pads, long palpebral fissures, and arched eyebrows. The family is interested in pursuing genetic testing to clarify a diagnosis and inform family planning. You discuss the following:","Sequencing of KMT2D (also known as MLL2); if positive, up to 25% chance of having another affected child","Deletion/duplication of KMT2D; if positive, up to a 25% chance of having another affected child","Sequencing of KMT2D; if positive, up to a 50% chance of having another affected child",Deletion/duplication of KMT2D; if positive up to a 50% chance of having another affected child,C,kelsie_cain,"A 4yo female is referred to pediatric genetics for presentation of poor growth, recurrent upper respiratory infections, and abnormal sweat chloride test. You obtain a family history and family reports that their ethnicity is Hispanic. You recommend the following testing:",Targeted F508 testing with reflex to full gene sequencing of CFTR,ACOG 23 mutation panel with reflex to full gene sequencing of CFTR,Genzyme 97 mutation panel with reflex to full gene sequencing of CFTR,Full gene sequencing of CFTR,D,kelsie_cain,"A 12yo male is referred to connective tissue clinic by pediatric surgery due to pectus carinatum and kyphosis. His history is significant for gross and fine motor delays. Mother reports that the delays were suspected to be caused by joint stiffness in knees, hips, and thumbs which improved with physical therapy. On physical exam, it is noted that his ears have a ""crumpled"" appearance. Family history is remarkable for father with similar delays and marfanoid habitus. You recommend the following:",FBN2 gene analysis; echocardiogram,FBN1 gene analysis; renal ultrasound,FBN2 gene analysis; renal ultrasound,Microarray,A,kelsie_cain,"A 28yo woman presents to genetics clinic due to difficulty becoming pregnant. She reports irregular menstrual cycles. Family history is remarkable for maternal grandfather with Parkinson-like presentation. FMR1 testing results with a trinucleotide repeat size of 150 confirming that she is a premutation carrier. She expresses, ""I thought my irregular periods were just because I ran long distances but you are telling me it is because of this Fragile X condition."" The counselor replies, ""You are surprised that this genetic test result is explaining your cycles rather than lifestyle."" Which of the following techniques BEST describes this response?",Summarizing,Feeling Reflection,Content and Feeling Reflection,Paraphrasing,C,kelsie_cain,"A 36-year-old African American woman who is 14w1d is seeing you to discuss her options for prenatal testing. The pregnancy has been unremarkable except for some morning sickness. She wants to know as much information as she can. Her family history is positive for a first cousin with autism spectrum disorder. In addition to her testing options for chromosomal abnormalities, you discuss carrier screening. What would be the most appropriate test to order for CF carrier screening?",Standard CF panel,Expanded mutation panel,CFTR sequencing,None. Testing is not indicated,B,kelsie_cain,"A couple is seeing you for preconception counseling. A few years ago, their 10 month old son died from complications of Zellweger syndrome. They want to know their chance of having another affected child.",1-2%,25%,50% if it is a male,You do not have enough information to answer this,B,kelsie_cain,"Chad is a two-year-old boy who has come in for a genetics evaluation. At Chad's last well child visit, at 15 months of age, the history and physical examination were normal, but he was not talking. Chad still has no expressive language. He appears to hear normally and follows simple commands. His gross and fine motor development appear normal for his age. He is described as shy. Parents note that he is not communicative with other children or adults and consistently avoids eye contact. He is frequently irritable and hyperactive at home. Neonatal history was unremarkable except for hypotonia. Before even completing a physical exam, which of the following would NOT be on your differential?",Fragile X Syndrome,Prader-Willi Syndrome,Angelman Syndrome,Rett Syndrome,D,kelsie_cain,Which of the following genetic conditions is not the result of a collagen defect?,"Osteogenesis imperfecta, Type II",Congenital contractural arachnodactyly,"Ehlers Danlos, classic type",Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia,B,kelsie_cain,"You are meeting with a 10 year old male with intellectual disability and a history of developmental delay who has had a normal karyotype analysis and chromosome microarray. In taking the medical and family history, which of the following is the least important question to ask the parents?",How old were his parents at the time of his conception?,"Were there any prenatal exposures to medications, alcohol, or recreational drugs?",Is there any family history of intellectual disability or developmental delay?,Were there any complications with his birth or immediately following birth?,A,kelsie_cain,You are meeting with a woman who is 20 weeks pregnant with her second child. The ultrasound technician noted supravalvular aortic stenosis and the patient was referred to genetics for a genetic counseling appointment. What condition will you likely discuss with the pregnant woman?,Alagille syndrome,Costello syndrome,Noonan syndrome,Williams syndrome,D,kelsie_cain,You are meeting an 8-month-old boy and his parents. The boy was recently diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome after his pediatrician sent for genetic testing. Which of the following signs is least likely to have prompted the pediatrician to consider 22q11.2 deletion syndrome?,Ventricular septal defect,Submucosal cleft palate,Frequent infections,Umbilical hernia,D,kelsie_cain,You are meeting with a couple of Northern-European ancestry who are expecting their first child. You discuss carrier screening for cystic fibrosis using a panel of common mutations. What is the most important information the couple should know about carrier screening for cystic fibrosis?,There are over 2000 known mutations in the CFTR gene that cause cystic fibrosis,The carrier screening panel for cystic fibrosis has a high detection rate,"If the couple both test negative with the carrier panel, there is a residual risk for cystic fibrosis in their current pregnancy",Being a cystic fibrosis carrier is common for those of Northern-European ancestry,C,kelsie_cain,A woman who was evaluated and diagnosed 5 years ago with limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D comes for genetic counseling with her new husband. The couple is considering starting a family in the near future. Which of the following should the counselor do FIRST?,Request a consultation with perinatology and cardiology.,Check creatine kinase levels and offer genetic testing for the patient.,Ensure genetic testing for the patient and her husband.,Refer the couple to a fertility group for preimplantation genetic diagnosis.,C,kelsie_cain,A couple who are first cousins inquire about the chance of having a child affected with a genetic disorder. Their common maternal uncle has galactosemia. The chance that they will have child with galactosemia is,1/8.,1/16,1/36.,1/64.,C,kelsie_cain,A 40-year-old pregnant woman comes for genetic counseling. She tells the genetic counselor that she has been taking paroxetine for an anxiety disorder and is concerned about the effects of this drug on the fetus. Which of the following resources is BEST to determine the risk to the fetus?,GeneTests,OMIM,March of Dimes,OTIS,D