1 value
In year 2015, month 04 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 427.109985 Adj close is 421.779999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 421.779999, high value is 431.75, low value is 419.23999 and volume is 3647900
In year 2015, month 05 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 423.820007 Adj close is 422.869995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 422.869995, high value is 425.640015, low value is 416.0 and volume is 3565800
In year 2015, month 05 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 424.799988 Adj close is 423.040009. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 423.040009, high value is 429.769989, low value is 422.420013 and volume is 2270400
In year 2015, month 05 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 422.850006 Adj close is 421.190002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 421.190002, high value is 427.51001, low value is 421.019989 and volume is 2856400
In year 2015, month 05 and 06th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 421.429993 Adj close is 419.100006. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 419.100006, high value is 422.720001, low value is 414.549988 and volume is 2552500
In year 2015, month 05 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 424.149994 Adj close is 426.880005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 426.880005, high value is 428.5, low value is 422.850006 and volume is 2766100
In year 2015, month 05 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 430.75 Adj close is 433.690002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 433.690002, high value is 435.200012, low value is 430.170013 and volume is 2908800
In year 2015, month 05 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 432.51001 Adj close is 432.850006. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 432.850006, high value is 439.0, low value is 431.369995 and volume is 2393700
In year 2015, month 05 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 431.079987 Adj close is 431.019989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 431.019989, high value is 433.25, low value is 426.709991 and volume is 1947800
In year 2015, month 05 and 13th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 429.980011 Adj close is 426.869995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 426.869995, high value is 433.529999, low value is 425.799988 and volume is 1996300
In year 2015, month 05 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 429.450012 Adj close is 432.279999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 432.279999, high value is 433.0, low value is 427.01001 and volume is 1888500
In year 2015, month 05 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 428.0 Adj close is 426.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 426.0, high value is 430.399994, low value is 424.299988 and volume is 4240300
In year 2015, month 05 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 426.0 Adj close is 425.23999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 425.23999, high value is 427.269989, low value is 421.459991 and volume is 2390200
In year 2015, month 05 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 424.869995 Adj close is 421.709991. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 421.709991, high value is 428.23999, low value is 420.630005 and volume is 2464200
In year 2015, month 05 and 20th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 420.600006 Adj close is 423.859985. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 423.859985, high value is 427.100006, low value is 418.359985 and volume is 2196200
In year 2015, month 05 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 428.0 Adj close is 431.630005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 431.630005, high value is 436.899994, low value is 428.0 and volume is 4121400
In year 2015, month 05 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 431.549988 Adj close is 427.630005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 427.630005, high value is 432.440002, low value is 427.609985 and volume is 2020600
In year 2015, month 05 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 426.200012 Adj close is 425.470001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 425.470001, high value is 427.0, low value is 422.0 and volume is 2244200
In year 2015, month 05 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 427.450012 Adj close is 431.420013. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 431.420013, high value is 431.850006, low value is 425.01001 and volume is 2231100
In year 2015, month 05 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 429.709991 Adj close is 426.570007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 426.570007, high value is 431.350006, low value is 425.470001 and volume is 1912400
In year 2015, month 05 and 29th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 427.230011 Adj close is 429.230011. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 429.230011, high value is 432.5, low value is 427.230011 and volume is 3016100
In year 2015, month 06 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 430.399994 Adj close is 430.920013. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 430.920013, high value is 433.160004, low value is 426.200012 and volume is 2253300
In year 2015, month 06 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 430.070007 Adj close is 430.98999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 430.98999, high value is 433.230011, low value is 426.25 and volume is 1668900
In year 2015, month 06 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.399994 Adj close is 436.589996. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 436.589996, high value is 438.390015, low value is 432.75 and volume is 2720800
In year 2015, month 06 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.399994 Adj close is 430.779999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 430.779999, high value is 436.76001, low value is 429.26001 and volume is 2510800
In year 2015, month 06 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 429.660004 Adj close is 426.950012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 426.950012, high value is 430.799988, low value is 426.5 and volume is 1907900
In year 2015, month 06 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 425.619995 Adj close is 423.5. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 423.5, high value is 426.799988, low value is 421.429993 and volume is 2172500
In year 2015, month 06 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 422.959991 Adj close is 425.480011. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 425.480011, high value is 427.48999, low value is 419.140015 and volume is 2288700
In year 2015, month 06 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 426.459991 Adj close is 430.769989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 430.769989, high value is 432.200012, low value is 425.660004 and volume is 2172300
In year 2015, month 06 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 432.290009 Adj close is 432.970001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 432.970001, high value is 438.890015, low value is 431.470001 and volume is 2922500
In year 2015, month 06 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 431.25 Adj close is 429.920013. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 429.920013, high value is 432.359985, low value is 428.26001 and volume is 2054400
In year 2015, month 06 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 427.660004 Adj close is 423.670013. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 423.670013, high value is 428.049988, low value is 422.640015 and volume is 2051000
In year 2015, month 06 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 424.149994 Adj close is 427.26001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 427.26001, high value is 427.970001, low value is 422.670013 and volume is 2296400
In year 2015, month 06 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 428.359985 Adj close is 427.809998. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 427.809998, high value is 431.350006, low value is 424.75 and volume is 2185900
In year 2015, month 06 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 430.299988 Adj close is 439.390015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 439.390015, high value is 439.730011, low value is 429.410004 and volume is 3378400
In year 2015, month 06 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 440.26001 Adj close is 434.920013. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 434.920013, high value is 444.98999, low value is 433.23999 and volume is 4495100
In year 2015, month 06 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 437.0 Adj close is 436.290009. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 436.290009, high value is 439.23999, low value is 434.179993 and volume is 1823600
In year 2015, month 06 and 23th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 435.589996 Adj close is 445.98999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 445.98999, high value is 447.040009, low value is 433.690002 and volume is 3245000
In year 2015, month 06 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 444.970001 Adj close is 440.839996. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 440.839996, high value is 446.470001, low value is 440.230011 and volume is 2620800
In year 2015, month 06 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 438.070007 Adj close is 440.100006. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 440.100006, high value is 443.470001, low value is 436.390015 and volume is 2237500
In year 2015, month 06 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 441.76001 Adj close is 438.100006. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 438.100006, high value is 443.48999, low value is 435.059998 and volume is 2624500
In year 2015, month 06 and 29th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.980011 Adj close is 429.859985. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 429.859985, high value is 437.0, low value is 429.0 and volume is 2753200
In year 2015, month 06 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.200012 Adj close is 434.089996. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 434.089996, high value is 435.570007, low value is 430.459991 and volume is 2596900
In year 2015, month 07 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 439.350006 Adj close is 437.390015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 437.390015, high value is 440.0, low value is 435.579987 and volume is 1987100
In year 2015, month 07 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 437.0 Adj close is 437.709991. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 437.709991, high value is 438.200012, low value is 433.480011 and volume is 1343400
In year 2015, month 07 and 06th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 435.230011 Adj close is 436.040009. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 436.040009, high value is 439.730011, low value is 433.519989 and volume is 1903200
In year 2015, month 07 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 435.679993 Adj close is 436.720001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 436.720001, high value is 437.730011, low value is 425.570007 and volume is 3454200
In year 2015, month 07 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.350006 Adj close is 429.700012. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 429.700012, high value is 435.98999, low value is 428.829987 and volume is 2383100
In year 2015, month 07 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 434.899994 Adj close is 434.390015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 434.390015, high value is 438.720001, low value is 434.149994 and volume is 2262900
In year 2015, month 07 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 440.48999 Adj close is 443.51001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 443.51001, high value is 444.720001, low value is 439.0 and volume is 2401000
In year 2015, month 07 and 13th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 448.290009 Adj close is 455.570007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 455.570007, high value is 457.869995, low value is 447.540009 and volume is 3956800
In year 2015, month 07 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 462.320007 Adj close is 465.570007. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 465.570007, high value is 469.600006, low value is 458.160004 and volume is 4736200
In year 2015, month 07 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 463.040009 Adj close is 461.190002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 461.190002, high value is 464.700012, low value is 460.200012 and volume is 2987400
In year 2015, month 07 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 465.5 Adj close is 475.480011. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 475.480011, high value is 475.880005, low value is 464.799988 and volume is 4095600
In year 2015, month 07 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 477.700012 Adj close is 483.01001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 483.01001, high value is 485.420013, low value is 477.25 and volume is 4932200
In year 2015, month 07 and 20th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 492.570007 Adj close is 488.100006. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 488.100006, high value is 493.200012, low value is 485.399994 and volume is 4752500
In year 2015, month 07 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 487.899994 Adj close is 488.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 488.0, high value is 488.880005, low value is 482.549988 and volume is 3181800
In year 2015, month 07 and 22th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 485.98999 Adj close is 488.269989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 488.269989, high value is 492.5, low value is 484.899994 and volume is 3114900
In year 2015, month 07 and 23th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 491.660004 Adj close is 482.179993. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 482.179993, high value is 491.660004, low value is 475.700012 and volume is 9374400
In year 2015, month 07 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 578.98999 Adj close is 529.419983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 529.419983, high value is 580.570007, low value is 529.349976 and volume is 21909400
In year 2015, month 07 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 527.75 Adj close is 531.409973. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 531.409973, high value is 544.950012, low value is 526.599976 and volume is 7491000
In year 2015, month 07 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 536.0 Adj close is 526.030029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 526.030029, high value is 536.390015, low value is 523.119995 and volume is 5273100
In year 2015, month 07 and 29th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 530.919983 Adj close is 529.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 529.0, high value is 532.969971, low value is 525.02002 and volume is 3752600
In year 2015, month 07 and 30th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 527.650024 Adj close is 536.76001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 536.76001, high value is 539.200012, low value is 524.289978 and volume is 3743100
In year 2015, month 07 and 31th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 539.090027 Adj close is 536.150024. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 536.150024, high value is 542.840027, low value is 534.52002 and volume is 3025600
In year 2015, month 08 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 537.450012 Adj close is 535.030029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 535.030029, high value is 540.440002, low value is 529.359985 and volume is 3014200
In year 2015, month 08 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 529.690002 Adj close is 531.900024. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 531.900024, high value is 536.950012, low value is 529.159973 and volume is 2934600
In year 2015, month 08 and 05th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 538.799988 Adj close is 537.01001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 537.01001, high value is 539.140015, low value is 534.119995 and volume is 2889400
In year 2015, month 08 and 06th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 539.299988 Adj close is 529.460022. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 529.460022, high value is 542.73999, low value is 527.52002 and volume is 3820500
In year 2015, month 08 and 07th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 529.159973 Adj close is 522.619995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 522.619995, high value is 529.460022, low value is 518.210022 and volume is 3969200
In year 2015, month 08 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 528.52002 Adj close is 524.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 524.0, high value is 532.280029, low value is 523.0 and volume is 2615900
In year 2015, month 08 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 523.650024 Adj close is 527.460022. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 527.460022, high value is 528.97998, low value is 522.0 and volume is 2676600
In year 2015, month 08 and 12th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 523.75 Adj close is 525.909973. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 525.909973, high value is 527.5, low value is 513.059998 and volume is 3962300
In year 2015, month 08 and 13th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 527.369995 Adj close is 529.659973. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 529.659973, high value is 534.659973, low value is 525.48999 and volume is 2895200
In year 2015, month 08 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 528.25 Adj close is 531.52002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 531.52002, high value is 534.109985, low value is 528.25 and volume is 1994800
In year 2015, month 08 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 531.289978 Adj close is 535.219971. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 535.219971, high value is 538.73999, low value is 527.119995 and volume is 2581700
In year 2015, month 08 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 535.039978 Adj close is 535.02002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 535.02002, high value is 539.48999, low value is 533.0 and volume is 2071300
In year 2015, month 08 and 19th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 533.73999 Adj close is 532.919983. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 532.919983, high value is 537.25, low value is 529.0 and volume is 2313500
In year 2015, month 08 and 20th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 530.390015 Adj close is 515.780029. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 515.780029, high value is 533.25, low value is 515.77002 and volume is 4408000
In year 2015, month 08 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 507.359985 Adj close is 494.470001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 494.470001, high value is 512.330017, low value is 494.470001 and volume is 6706500
In year 2015, month 08 and 24th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 463.579987 Adj close is 463.369995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 463.369995, high value is 476.579987, low value is 451.0 and volume is 10097600
In year 2015, month 08 and 25th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 487.48999 Adj close is 466.369995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 466.369995, high value is 489.440002, low value is 466.25 and volume is 5679300
In year 2015, month 08 and 26th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 484.019989 Adj close is 500.769989. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 500.769989, high value is 503.720001, low value is 478.76001 and volume is 6358600
In year 2015, month 08 and 27th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 513.710022 Adj close is 518.369995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 518.369995, high value is 522.690002, low value is 507.26001 and volume is 6114500
In year 2015, month 08 and 28th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 517.5 Adj close is 518.01001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 518.01001, high value is 521.5, low value is 513.039978 and volume is 2746700
In year 2015, month 08 and 31th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 516.440002 Adj close is 512.890015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 512.890015, high value is 519.409973, low value is 509.070007 and volume is 3002300
In year 2015, month 09 and 01th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 499.140015 Adj close is 496.540009. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 496.540009, high value is 510.0, low value is 493.429993 and volume is 3864500
In year 2015, month 09 and 02th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 505.089996 Adj close is 510.549988. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 510.549988, high value is 510.859985, low value is 497.720001 and volume is 3707100
In year 2015, month 09 and 03th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 514.5 Adj close is 504.720001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 504.720001, high value is 515.840027, low value is 502.570007 and volume is 3149700
In year 2015, month 09 and 04th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 497.649994 Adj close is 499.0. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 499.0, high value is 502.850006, low value is 495.640015 and volume is 2692500
In year 2015, month 09 and 08th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 508.690002 Adj close is 517.539978. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 517.539978, high value is 518.349976, low value is 508.51001 and volume is 3810700
In year 2015, month 09 and 09th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 524.0 Adj close is 516.890015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 516.890015, high value is 529.950012, low value is 515.059998 and volume is 4370700
In year 2015, month 09 and 10th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 515.150024 Adj close is 522.23999. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 522.23999, high value is 526.130005, low value is 514.780029 and volume is 2576000
In year 2015, month 09 and 11th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 521.070007 Adj close is 529.440002. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 529.440002, high value is 529.440002, low value is 520.609985 and volume is 3227900
In year 2015, month 09 and 14th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 529.440002 Adj close is 521.380005. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 521.380005, high value is 532.450012, low value is 518.580017 and volume is 3130200
In year 2015, month 09 and 15th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 523.25 Adj close is 522.369995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 522.369995, high value is 527.919983, low value is 517.200012 and volume is 2865900
In year 2015, month 09 and 16th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 521.97998 Adj close is 527.390015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 527.390015, high value is 528.299988, low value is 518.52002 and volume is 2252800
In year 2015, month 09 and 17th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 526.97998 Adj close is 538.869995. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 538.869995, high value is 546.969971, low value is 526.570007 and volume is 4169500
In year 2015, month 09 and 18th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 534.619995 Adj close is 540.26001. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 540.26001, high value is 546.23999, low value is 531.349976 and volume is 6160100
In year 2015, month 09 and 21th for company AMZN, the stock value is open in 544.330017 Adj close is 548.390015. What is your expected close, high, low and volume?
With this information close value is 548.390015, high value is 549.780029, low value is 539.590027 and volume is 3283300