Text Classification
1K - 10K
{"id":"1cpkok5","text":"it was so pretty!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1c5a4oh","text":"This man is a fuxking hero","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1bj8f3p","text":"I see the plan to destroy the NHS is still on schedule ...","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d38fpx","text":"They are both truly awful, James Whale likes to shout people down ,and never listens .\nHis sidekick job as far as I can see is to fawn over every word James says.\nA paid sychophant who contributes nothing to the world.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b2xlw6","text":"I really wish the British Empire was better taught in schools. I cringe when I see other British people express pride about our colonialism","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cj657s","text":"Utter prick","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5l0pg","text":"Ok.\n\n\nSo we now live in a world where Michael Heseltine is the most sane politician I have encountered in years.\n\n\nFucking wake me from this nightmare.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1ryc4","text":"Even if it does. They go in as non combatant officers. Or almost directly fast tracked to admiral and crash a 4billion quid ship sorry sorry \u201cmechanical fault\u201d","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cy31p5","text":"6 weeks of BS ahead","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1chz835","text":"Countryside is beautiful, city is vibrant and diverse. There is obviously some crime, wouldn't know specific areas.\n\nWe live around 30 mins away from the county and it has always been a nice day out.\n\nNational space centre is cool, Bradgate Park (big country park) is fabulous. \n\nWell worth a few visits to check out for yourself.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1byqmvn","text":"The media and the army of reddit posters will find a way to \"whatabout\" this and slide it under the carpet.\n\nAlways happens when something like this is reported.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cede54","text":"If he gets kicked out you reckon his moral mission bollocks will go with him? As in the whole benefits reform","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cb3vk3","text":"Femi is a grade A knob and articles like this wont help it. We are always quick in this country to put ourselves down, its built into our culture unfortunely however the Welsh and Scottish still celebrate their cultures yet we let daft stuff get in the way of celebrating ours.\n\nWe are at the point where many English young people believe we don't have a culture which is a big issue IMO and most of us are too lazy to celebrate our culture without being a knob about it. I am noticing more and more people identifying as being from another nation when they were born here this isn't good for the country and isn't good for assimilating IMO. \n\nWe have a brilliant culture of around the arts, food and sports which can and should be celebrated. This SHOULD be done as a bank holiday more should be done by Government with celebrations. When you look around the world I doubt you would find a culture that hates itself as much as the English. More people go out for St Patrick's day than St Georges which is disappointing. I can only hope things change in the future but I don't think it will unfortunely.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bfc92u","text":"Mistaking?? I call bollocks.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5mbpl","text":"So let's get rid of elite schools for elite minds which are likely to raise bar of average nationwide and dumb the population down to where they can more easily be controlled by dogma. If it were not so stupidly myopic it would be comical.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5o3mj","text":"This is **absolutely** on the past 14 years of tory policies.\n\nThere ***is*** central funding to support the hiring on physician associates and other \"not doctor\" roles the government has created and shovelled money into, there ***isn't*** money available for the hiring of actual doctors.\n\nGenuinely shocking, but hey, some Tory donor is getting rich off it.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3gxc7","text":"Wait and they\u2019re fat? No way. Never would\u2019ve thought that.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3wfv4","text":">>A man who says he falsely confessed to stealing money from his mother's Post Office to protect her from going to prison is waiting to find out whether his conviction will be quashed.\n>\n>If this country wants to lead the way in being just and fair, his conviction should be quashed. This story is absolutely harrowing.\n\nIsn't that the problem? One should never confessed to something one did not do. Justice does not care. It is blind.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cb0zq6","text":"By design and it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse.\n\nBig corporations and banks will be adding to their portfolio and in the 10 - 20 years only the rich will be homeowners whereas the peasants will be renting forever.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b9xbmo","text":"Why do they never say \u2018given as evidence\u2019 properly? It comes out as \u2018given an evidence\u2019 every time I hear them say it in videos I swear","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bcb34h","text":"LMAO ","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cbea55","text":"Absolutely inhumane and nonsensical. No part of this bill makes any sense at all and won't stop people drowning in the channel. What you need is expanded safe routes for asylum seekers to enter the UK or to process asylum claims in France. The Tories blatantly don't give two fucks about human life.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bvmp13","text":"My comments usually get shadow banned on Sky News UK. \n\nThey should be charged with complicity to war crimes. You can see on the reporters faces they know what they are saying are lies.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d41uik","text":"I mean when you demonize anyone who cares about Immigration as a racist,bigot etc.. You create gaps for the far right to grow.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1czorb4","text":"WHEYYYY STOP THE BOATS IIIIIIRROOOONS","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bmzlp9","text":"Looks like we got a genius over here","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bjj7td","text":"Hard working and gym freaks. Can come across quite blunt and cold but think that's just a culture\/upbringing thing. Eastern Europeans have helped this country a lot in the last couple decades and it's a shame so much of this country is anti-immigration.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d38fpx","text":"On what ground did he call himself a super brain, looking like Krang?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bfcsgr","text":"UK politics is rotten to the core. Our country is lost.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d60q17","text":"Jesus Christ six boys now arrested? Girls have always had it shit in school, but I would dread to have a daughter when boys are running to dickheads like Andrew Tate as role models.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1baofai","text":"I mean there's more than one English accent \n\nYou can be posh British, chavvy British, North British or scouse ","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d431mo","text":"Reads like an American style drive by shooting. Incredibly sad for the child and her family.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4s065","text":"It is pretty funny that the minute he announced he was standing, the video of him fighting a pensioner went viral again.\u00a0\n\nI think he might have realised he\u2019s too much of a sensitive flower for this politics lark.\u00a0","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1covsn0","text":"I hate it! But I'm getting served faster than ever for ignoring them","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d64og0","text":"Nah, having intelligent and reasonable standards and protection in appropriate professional roles is fine. \n\nBecoming the Americans whining about \"freedom\" and all the rest of that kind of bs is what we don't want.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c5re71","text":"Suddenly, Farage is not in favour of sovereignty and countries being able to make and enforce their own rules.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bn6qcr","text":"Nike will bring all the lawyers from the seven levels of hell down on you if you mess with the swoosh by even a milimetre.\n\nLet's see them 'playfully update' it to like, a square for all their future products\/marketing and see how important they think a symbol matching what its supposed to represent is then.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5my33","text":"These days....","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1btwk24","text":"People in the UK are afraid to criticise the NHS, it's garbage and that is because it has been underfunded and also because it is badly run. \n\nIt really worries me as I get older having to rely on the NHS. The staff are not all angels, like any organisation you have many who cannot do their jobs and are lazy.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cbea55","text":"As i understand it, our courts have ruled the scheme illegal because of Rwandas proven dodgy record on human rights.\n\nThe plan itself, to send them to another country for processing isn't actually illegal so they should be able to find a safe country to do this.\n\nSimply declaring Rwanda officially safe is insane, particularly as there are Rwandan refugees fleeing from Rwanda who have applied for asylum in the UK.\n\nThe Home office won't talk about this, but i suspect that the finances won't stand up for scrutiny and i suspect that the UK taxpayer has financed those Rwandan homes their government is currently selling off that Cruella Slaverman admired so much.\n\nRwanda is yet another black hole for taxpayer's money and the National Debt is about to hit \u00a33 trillion. (\u00a33,000,000,000,000).\nIt was about \u00a31.1 trillion in 2010 when they took over.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf anyone is interested, i am setting up a petition to deport the Conservative party to Rwanda, it probably won't happen, but it will give the civil service a laugh.\n\n\nDear David K*****,\n\nYou\u2019re not done yet!\n\nForward the email below to your potential supporters.\n\n5 people need to click the link and confirm their support for us to check your petition.\n\nOnce you\u2019ve gained the required number of supporters, we\u2019ll check your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we\u2019ll publish it. We have a very large number of petitions to check at the moment so it may take us longer than usual to check your petition. Thank you for your patience.\n\nOnce your petition has 21 signatures it won\u2019t be able to add more until it\u2019s been checked by the petitions team. So, please wait until it\u2019s been checked and published before sharing it more widely.\n\nThanks,\nThe Petitions team\nUK Government and Parliament\n\nI\u2019ve made a petition \u2013\u00a0will you sign it?\n\nClick this link to sign the petition:\n\n\nMy petition:\n\nDeport the entire Conservative party to Rwanda.\n\nSend the Conservative party to Rwanda to enjoy their new life in the sun. If this isn't feasible, i would settle for just the Cabinet and Parliamentary Conservative party.\n\nThey are utterly useless.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d646l7","text":"I truly worry about the state of politics and society. It\u2019s hard to see how things might be turned around.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5jgvb","text":"This won't do anything besides Thames Water shoving the cost onto their customers.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1buzybn","text":"Votes at the cost of business owners. Not a bad thing for most people but it\u2019s not motivated by good intentions.\n\nAlso more tax revenue which no doubt won\u2019t be funnelled back into infrastructure, education, healthcare\u2026..","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cq5za5","text":"Why isn\u2019t bro voting for his own country anyway? Grifting shitstain fr\n\nEDIT: mb, I meant why cant he root for his country","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b2xlw6","text":"Missionaries- whether religious or not- are the scum of the earth. Why they have to \u201csave\u201d the rest of the world is beyond me. **Leave peoples\u2019 cultures alone.** Help them, feed them, teach them skills, medicate and educate by all means, but ffs let them be themselves. Missionaries are nothing more than homophobes and scumbags actively trying to destroy as many cultures as they can. They bring viruses and germs to untouched societies that haven\u2019t built up any immunity to those kinds of diseases, and they\u2019ll cross entire oceans just to try and erase the customs of exotic cultures from the pages of history. Just one example, and before you give me any of that \u201cbut they do so much good\u201d horseshit, stop. I know people who WORKED with one of these organisations in Zimbabwe, and they were instructed not to feed\/give water to anyone who didn\u2019t take part in morning prayer. In this day and age! Fuck missionaries and the church\/empire they rode in on.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bzfyt3","text":"Can't believe Elizabeth Warren is to the left of Bernie and AOC on this\n\nUnless they've said something recently I'm not aware of, both have avoided using the word \"genocide\"","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5ls0c","text":"\u201cOkay guys so we don\u2019t give a shit about the poor people enough to actually sort the country out so any ideas?\u201d\n\n\u201cWE BLIND THEM WITH FREE FOOTBALL\u201d\n\nThis country is so ridiculous.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1be2oo2","text":"Fish and chips used to be a cheap meal wrapped in newspaper. Now it costs a fortune, fried chicken is more affordable for most people.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5tdx5","text":"My grandad worked in the vicitnity him at the Torygraph and thought he was an absolute waste of skin (and Johnson still owes him a couple quid he lent him for a sandwich)","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1ck9dc8","text":"Tough vote there .. I think we need an English government that know what they talking about and start putting us British people that born here first .. stop putting thoses that come here illegally first and us British born people second \u2026 it\u2019s a disgrace..","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4yf7o","text":"the problem is the airlines monitor activity at the check in gates and if what they deem not enough addons have been sold they will call the gate and ask for reasons why they didn't sell x amount of extra baggage etc.\n\nsurely they will sell the amount which is neccesary?...... but no they are incentivised to try and sell more than they should since pressure is being applied to them from above. There's a deliberate attempt to sell people a product\/service they don't need","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d41uik","text":"Genuinely frightened some conservative voters will vote reform. It\u2019s a poisonous and evil party that praises upon fear and hatred run by opportunist who sees success from peoples very real problems. Political snake oil men","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1blwc70","text":"A dedication to the 66 kit? That's nice.\n\nFucking boomer twats who profess to love their team but jump onto any Internet cry baby culture war shit & don't even bother to look at the ACTUAL reasons for the colour change & yet had nothing to say about previous designs. AND are probably out there hanging the union flag upside down outside their houses.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c5a4oh","text":"Back in the good old days of common sense.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cvwflz","text":"Agreed. I love this beautiful country. You can walk through nature and farmland for hours without having to encounter anyone.\n\nJust surrounded by birds, butterflies and bees, with the occasional squirrel and frog.\n\nI look forward to the long, warm days every summer when I can put on a podcast and go for a walk. It\u2019s blissful.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5osrx","text":"That's just shit. Even by empty promises standards.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1csifgb","text":"HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c9w6um","text":"Yeah. She did loads of opening train stations and reciting the government\u2019s words on Christmas Day. Loved by who? What a load of tripe","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d559xo","text":"Gotta say, I think BP's loyalty system is the best at the moment. Discounts on M&S products, and they dont fuck you over (currently) with the points. Easy to redeem too","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1c25yp4","text":"Check out fancy pants (Opens 15p soup and can of Tennants)","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bxot1n","text":"Calling themselves Labour nowadays is a joke, Diet Tories more like","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c2qi7x","text":"Beans 'and' toast WTF?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cyw4yh","text":"I\u2019ll be glad to forget about him","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cxvqxm","text":"Brexshit","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3x6ti","text":"I've worked for the both the NHS and now for one of their software providers. I said a month ago we'd be in the papers soon for a patient death. We've laid off nearly all the devs who know how the software works. We have scores out outages a year, sometimes lasting days because the last remaining Dev's are all overworked on new products to sell to new customers. \n\nEverything is driven by the bottom line.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bokom5","text":"Don't think this is appropriate at all.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b4lm23","text":"Sir Kid Starver finds this completely acceptable. Zionists do have right to commit war crimes and humiliate Palestinians.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5tdx5","text":"The problem with Boris is that he has always engaged in the persona of, cheat, repeat until caught, then lie.\n\nThis kind of person should have never had the opportunity to run for higher office. Unfortunately as he's a good liar, people thought he'd be a laugh because he's like them.\n\nHe's just a complete mess and has never ever had to face the consequences of his actions, so he continues to behave like a twat and always will do.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3xp0l","text":"Quickest way to increase corporate profits with zero benefit to any normal person in Britain","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b93zrm","text":"Look how they treat their own Jewish people. Why can't they leave them alone? \nThey've done nothing wrong.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cqs8pn","text":"Welcome to western values. The scales are sliding and based solely upon who pays more to whom.\n\nIf you're the designated bad guy, then you are responsible for every single bad thing that happens. Been like this for a good 40 years or so for me.\n\nFor the record, I loved doctor who until Russel T Davis got his hands on it.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d49haf","text":"Awful ","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bqqrsv","text":"UK gov..\n\n \"cannabis has no medicinal uses\"... \"illegal drugs are the cause of crime\"... \n\n\nFormer pms husbands (and others in gov)investment company, the biggest investor in sativex\/medicinal cannabis.\n\n\nConflicts of interests?\n\nRaw cannabis Is evil and wrong.. \nBut medical cannabis (that 'we' have a financial stake in is good... \n\nHypocritical cunts..","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cji78e","text":"Ban dual-nationals from holding any elected\/unelected political office! \n\nIf you want to serve this country, you should renounce any and all other allegiances. That way, there is no option but for you to do your absolute best.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c69m96","text":"Why the hell ls Liz Truss back in the news cycle. I thought she fucked off!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3xp0l","text":"Where's the cut to VAT on energy like we were promised by the Brexiters? Including Sunak.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c4ltiv","text":"As an ex west Cumbrian I looked at this and thought - yep this pleases me","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d42rxt","text":"He literally recorded himself raping her on his phone, and still has the audacity to try and act like it wasn't him?\n\nBold move cotton","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0fla3","text":"Since when has it been acceptable to rip clothing off of any woman\u2026 someone punch the cunt in the face and see if he does this shit again","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d38vhm","text":"They want more money... Yeah, so do most people.\nCost of living hit everyone.\nAn FY2 doctor can earn decent money tbh. Learning how to budget and plan will help.\nIt's pathetic and selfish.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3e02g","text":"r\/Scotland is apoplectic over the fact he's not spending a year eating the queen's porridge","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0wr7i","text":"Brilliant ","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1by8lcq","text":"One of the issues with this is that the sort of poeple who would attack you are now going to up their game knowing that you could potentially harm them.\n\nInstead of a mugging by threat where you get away unharmed, they'll just wallop you from behind, or just straight up stab you for your stuff.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c3uw8v","text":"It's wild to me that you typed this out","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cgvkaj","text":"I\u2019ve heard Ukrainian property is cheap these days\u2026","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cyq5o9","text":"Well i cant say im not suprised. Why would anybody take the risk? Ive seen people walking those beasts and they have primary school age kids with them and it makes me feel sick thinking that those parents are clearly putting them at risk of a horrific life altering attack, and thats if theyre lucky enough to survive. The law should go further than just banning them and muzzling them, it should be a criminal offence carrying a prison sentance to allow one to be in the prescence of children. I have no sympathy for adults like the lady in the OP's article, if youre stupid enough to own one then that is entirely on you, but if you are bringing one into your home and you have kids, you clearly arent bothered about the welfare of children in your care.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4e1pp","text":"Piss off with the false equivalences. The Tories have been an absolute incompetent corrupted disaster for this country.\n\n Starmer may not set the world alight but he' and Labour are like emerging after a 14 year.train wreck to have to sit in a rather boring doctors waiting room a bit longer to give everyone time to work out what to do","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cb3vk3","text":"I get the Independent but have recently decided to change to a different paper; it\u2019s not very absorbent you see. Oh, I forgot to mention, I only buy it for my dogs kennels for them to piss on. To be fair, it\u2019s not even good enough for that\u2026.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3i3mt","text":"I'm not surprised that when the cons treasury chap spoke to SkyNews about it and asked if they would apologise, he goes on to make excuses that she should have just published her taxes there and then and avoid all the media and talk.\n\nHow about you don't request an investigation and then not be happy with the results, like you brought this on yourself but want her to do what they think is the right thing to do. \n\nNo, you want to throw mud at her in any shape and form, I feel if that's a political group's objective they clearly are the wrong party.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bzv2q8","text":"What a rag","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bb8c3o","text":"Surprisingly good film","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cgyub0","text":"#Welcome to r\/Britain! \n\nThis subreddit welcomes political and non-political discussions about Britain and beyond. It is moderated by socialists with a low tolerance for bigotry, calls for violence, and harmful misinformation. If you can't verify the source of your claim, please reconsider submitting it. \n\nPlease read and follow our [6 common-sense subreddit rules]( and [Reddit's Content Policy]( Failure to respect these rules may result in a ban from the subreddit and possibly all of Reddit.\n\nWe stand with Palestine. Making light of this genocide or denying Israeli war crimes will lead to permanent bans. If you are apathetic to genocide, don't want to hear about it, or want to dispute it is happening, please consider reading South Africa's exhaustive argument first: \n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/Britain) if you have any questions or concerns.*","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d60q17","text":"This generation of boys is a lost cause. It's time we start urging our girls to completely distance themselves from them. \n\nJust to top it off, watch them get away with a tepid punishment for this.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4ph5t","text":"Friend of mine had it published she was shagging another bloke when her ex rolled up and beat him to death and her half to death. \n\nShe certainly wasn't shagging him but because the killer said that was his motivation once they ran eith it ever since. Fuck the media","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3xp0l","text":"The magic money tree seems to be giving a bumper crop","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5kmp9","text":"A culture of service is a good thing for our country' as he sneaks out the door.\n\nWhat a shit.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1awow3r","text":"To warn others who has information about wrong doings of powerful nations and thinking of publishing it. \nIf it is Russia they would have poisoned him.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d569vw","text":"Culture clash its going to become more common sadly","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d35f32","text":"Parasites. I hope they are all fucked as they predict.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5or7g","text":"Fuck a doodle doo, I thought I was going mental for a moment there when I saw Mark Steel on the line up, had to rewind and saw it's Mark Steele with an e, who according to Google is some ex-con 5g consipironutter.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d67ul5","text":"Euro Garages will have training in advanced shelf stacking, on top of their existing Customer Services apprenticeships if it means they can get more money","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0hcxd","text":"Okay cool thanks for explaining!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1b12yux","text":"The diaper force uniform IS the nazi uniform","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bwgrlq","text":"But let\u2019s all focus on what really matters. Stopping the boats. \/s","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cbgc15","text":"Honestly, not really. I love England, I quite like the English generally but I'm notnat all bothered about an 'England day'","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1covsn0","text":"Had this happen the other day when I was in Tiptree spoons and a series of tuts and eye rolls when I walked up to the bar.\n\nLike... its a fucking bar?? Why are you queuing like its poxy post office","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cmz7tp","text":"If people are talking about a post-state global community with no borders, then we are talking about communism. Communism drives towards a classless and moneyless society with the abolishment of the nation-state system. People who claim to be socialists and advocate for open borders are possibly communists.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3mdfk","text":"> hateful platform\n\nThey prefer to call it \"Conservative Party HQ\".","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1b592bs","text":"Past generations died for our freedom and we can\u2019t even stop drinking Pepsi\u2026","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cyok46","text":"He just ends up looking like a wet rat","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c69m96","text":"Surely Ex-Public servants shouldn't be able to make a profit on books based on their time 'serving the country'?\n\nI know this bitch fucked it, and IDK how you'd police it, but it just seems wrong.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bkki2y","text":"American company, what a shock. \n\nIf you did the same to their colours there would be hell on. \n\nAmericanisation is the process of obliterating European ideology and culture and substituting it with Recreational McUSA Bullshit","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4q7bh","text":"> The water can still be used to wash or flush the toilet, the firm added.\n\nOh thank goodness, it\u2019s clean enough to flush a toilet","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cdfbzq","text":"If it makes you feel better this isn't exclusive to Britain. BMWs just attract assholes","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d601rh","text":"In the US Alexandria Ocasia Cortez got a few million in grass roots donations.\n\nRight wing (and some left) were loosing their shit saying things like \"She's now answerable to a small minority of activists\". The (purposeful) irony.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5h1jm","text":"As someone who drives both a \u201cHuge\u201d Discovery and a \u201ctiny\u201d Audi A2 it\u2019s right to say that small cars are just easier to drive in towns. The little Audi is so easy to park, nippy down the back roads and uses a fraction of the fuel of the Discovey, but today I had a welding table to collect in the Discovey and it tows like a beast. \n\nSmall cars are great though.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1bx8eu0","text":"Yes you could, I would worry about it happening again though elsewhere if I'm honest though","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5o3mj","text":"There are 2 doctors in my surgery to cover over 8000 people and I feel that this understaffing played a part in my mum's death. \nMy mum wasn't a well woman, she had MS and was bed bound, had carers coming in to see her 4 times a day and after my dad passed in November the rest of the time it was just me to take care of her and I failed her. For the last few months of her life she had constant UTI's and was in a constant state of confusion with them. No doctor came out to see her despite my having to phone the practice every other week and a couple of times an advanced nurse practitioner came out. One morning I had to phone 999 as I couldn't get her to wake and ended up having to perform chest compressions on her. Long story short I had to leave her after a few hours as my sister was taken into hospital that same day and almost passed that night due to sepsis. I thought I was leaving her in good hands and I needed to help my brother in law with my nephews. Anyhoo 6 hours after being taken she was discharged. A subsequent conversation with the advanced nurse practitioner as my mum was found eating tissue paper I mentioned she had just been in hospital and this practitioner said she wouldn't have been discharged if there was anything wrong and asked me if I wanted her in hospital. I said I just wanted what was best for my mum. She gave my mum a once over and said she could only treat what was in front of her despite me saying that my mum wasn't one to be snacking on fucking tissue paper. Anyway another antibiotic was prescribed as it was probably just another UTI. Five days later my mum passed due to sepsis.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3i3mt","text":"Lost count of the number of times i've said how the Tories control so much media at the moment, this total non story was across and media as if she was a master criminal serial killer for DAYS AND DAYS and yet here we are, not a mention of this anywhere on the Mails website NOTHING. SCUM can't wait to be rid of them.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d177uh","text":"Just jail the racist cunt","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0wr7i","text":"Our survey said\n\n\"Fuck off you entitled tory cunt\"","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1ybzr","text":"[honestly, seeing this in Afghanistan would be rather humorous ](","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d69hhx","text":"I've seen them go from \u00a31 to \u00a32.50 in the space of two years. The amount of stuff that has tripled in price for no other reason than \"Well we can get away with it since everyone else is doing it\" is insane.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cy7isi","text":"I said world......did I say brown? There are plenty of people with white skin who aren't English or British in London (and other parts of the UK but especially London). So the fact that you jumped straight to skin colour says a lot about who actually has an issue with it. Plenty of people with brown skin have an English accent .....over half of my family for a start including me. Oh and you mis-gendered me as well as I am a woman","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5o3mj","text":"Thank you for taking the time to write this. My wife is a GP partner and she is so pissed about the push for centralisation and the issues with these new roles. Just train and pay more doctors ffs.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cqs8pn","text":"Imagine the idea that the english scifi tv show, that was historicly was watched by mostly straight white man, is somehow not realy made for its main target group. \n\nThis is exactly how the \"diversity\" pandering fails everything it touches.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bifwdp","text":"Baffles my brain.\n\nWe have to MOT our cars to ensure roadworthyness, yet the roads themselves are the danger? Especially for anything with two wheels.\n\nThen compound the fact that motorists pay road tax, IPT on car insurance, fuel duty, VAT on fuel, council tax. When we break the rules, we pay for speeding, bus lane violations, parking violations, etc.\n\nHow the fuck is there no money to look after the roads? There's so many cash revenues from motorists.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1be2oo2","text":"Due to price fish and chips is now expensive.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1c9p8uw","text":"West Lancashire is not South Lancashire if you want to piss off more people next time call Merseyside South Lanc\u2019s because that\u2019s what it was before Merseyside BS boundaries where created. All in all you should have just gone outside and cut your lawn, or one of the other many jobs that need doing around the house fella! Pointless exercise!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5vktv","text":"Anyone who believes this is living in cloud cuckoo land","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bc6b1x","text":"Just saw this and it\u2019s 15 hours in. 4 comments and one is a haiku bot. \n\nWe are fucked.\n\nFor what it\u2019s worth, this is just another step towards the authoritarian control the Tories are desperate for.\n\nBut based on response to this thread, no one gives a shit anyway.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cb3wu7","text":"War brings in lots of money and the beneficiaries are not going to give it away, are they. Once the war ends they get money for redevelopment of the country they sold the arms to fight the war. \nOnly losers are the tax payers. We don\u2019t have money to support the poor and needy, we don\u2019t have money to support the NHS and we don\u2019t have money to fight the crime in our own fking land but have plenty to help everyone else out there. \n\nMy rant over ","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1bdocva","text":"Taking care of business\u2026 nope, taking care of the rich.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1ay1do5","text":"I'd be very surprised if I could say something that the other person doesn't already know but chooses to ignore or reinterpret. If the Israeli government officials can say things like they are to treat the Palestinians like 'Amalek' while calling them human animals, and that they are going to turn Gaza into a wasteland while the IDF does exactly those things, you have to be insane or evil not to be against Israel. Why bother debating insane or evil people","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cdfbzq","text":"Did not expect to see a bottom meme here ! Pleasantly surprised ;)","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1crxfdx","text":"There\u2019s obviously no political repression, deep social inequality or honour killings in either of the countries you have cited\u2026","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5x2ir","text":"This was because parents were doing their normal shop and then offering the vouchers at the end once everything had been scanned. It was just a reminder because people forgot and it was causing problems. In no way was it put up because people went in with vouchers and spent it all on alcohol. \n\nIn any case this was a covid measure and only lasted a year, so it\u2019s way old news. Meal vouchers to spend in supermarkets don\u2019t exist any more. \n\nThis is daily mail level manipulation and anyone falling for it needs to give their head a wobble. OP has an agenda which is hateful and doesn\u2019t reflect reality at all. \n\nQuite a few schools pooled the meals vouchers and bought in bulk to make up food packages, so that parents got more stuff than they would have got individually. \n\nPersonally I think it\u2019s disgraceful that schools are practically the only safety net that kids have regarding nutrition, domestic violence and mental health.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1ca0v08","text":"I think some people are missing the broader points here of course through our situations such as football matches where fans are separated and it makes sense there is a larger issue here The larger issue is that these protests are portrayed as pure pro Palestinian peace protests and if that were true there would be no issue with someone who is openly Jewish walking amongst these protesters but the moment we see someone who is Jewish is targeted because they are Jewish it exposes the real agenda of some of the protesters and therefore and that is the issue here.","sentiment_label":0} | |