Text Classification
1K - 10K
{"id":"1d3rblp","text":"Spaghetti bolognaise - $6ish for 500g of mince, $2-3 for a jar of sauce, 50c worth of pasta, serves 4 people ($2,50 per serving). If you buy more mince in bulk and more pasta in bulk and make your own sauce it can be as little as $1 per serving. \n\nBuy cheap cuts of meat, cut it up yourself, fry it up with some soy sauce, onions, garlic, a few handfuls of cooked rice, some chopped carrots and beans, crack an egg in towards the end, you've got yourself a quick and easy fried-rice analogue with some more protein and decent flavour, should cost around $2 per person.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cxs4er","text":"Australia is in a tough spot with inflation lingering, so what Governments ( all 3 levels) do in terms of expenditure have a sharp edge.\n\nThe lifters generate the wealth.\n\nWe leaners need to be careful with demands for more, because borrowings need to be repaid, before the interest cost comes down - its costing $millions every day in Victoria.\n\nSure we can play 'my mobs trriffik (sic)', 'the other mobs hopeless'.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1ctbnbr","text":"Giving the already wealthy a $300 energy rebate because they are also struggling with cost of living and the mechanism of delivery can't be fine tuned is patently absurd.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3k6b7","text":"Add another 100km and drive up to Port Douglas, it\u2019s worth it. The town itself is nicer than Cairns (at least in my opinion) and the drive up there is beautiful.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4qq3b","text":"A Tory is a member of the British Conservative Party, and by extension Australian 'Liberals'\/right-wingers.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5mgp1","text":"Mona is hardly a museum except in name.. It's an art gallery in an amazing location.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d0v37a","text":"That is not an aussie humor thing, that is a red flag thing. She doesnt trust you","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d58r9b","text":"Labor Right and not doing Neo-Liberalism, always an impossible challenge. \n\n>If passed in its current form, the Bill will create a horrific maze of red tape, extreme administrative burden, and excessive checks and balances for people with disability, with no rights to targeted review of decisions.\u201d\n\nThe callous neglect that society has for us is always on display and always sickens me.\n\nThere's no national debate on mining subsidies. There's hardly any national debate on the projected 7.7 billion that CGT will cost the budget, the 8 or so billion annually on negative gearing, about 12 billion a year on childcare subsidies, 9 billion for AUKUS, 4 billion on new missile facilities.\n\nI could go on and on and on.\n\nBut sure, making it so those of us born with disabilities HAVE TO PROVE OUR WORTHINESS TO EXIST is the right thing to do.\n\nDisgoosten.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d31bfw","text":"\nI have no doubt that libs will chart housing starts and show their time in office where they grew to levels never seen during covid then showing under labor that they have reduced. Ie building volumes are reducing under labor. At the same time as massive population growth.\n\nThe reasons for the collapse are higher costs of construction and liberals new home grant at the tail end of their time in office but labor have done nothing material to change this. \n\nIe we are starting less homes when we have a government that tells us they are addressing supply. \n\nSo labor talk about supply more than liberals but the results are shit. Maybe not their fault but they certainly could do things that address this. Things they are not doing. \n\nSure they can promise after their first term they will eventually reach their 1.2million homes but this will fall flat when for the entirity of their term demand has exceeded supply and rents have spiked. Ie 3 years should be long enough to have some influence on building volumes rather than a negative result...\n\nI dont think its a sure thing all renters will swing labor \/ greens way.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0met9","text":"We had guy Sebastian at a private Telstra function 10 years ago. Most of the 200 odd people just treated him like background music and were just conversing over canapes etc.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d276je","text":"This is good advice. Even if they have a general chat and they seem OK etc, I always follow up with something in the vein of, 'I know this is an uncomfortable question, but are you considering harming yourself in any way? I would hate to not ask and you really need help'.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5810g","text":"I use the ClearScore app still, caught up now in the hack and it let me lock my credit file for all 3 providers until mid next month. It also pushes out monthly reports for free. The downside is the credit card and loan offers it also pushes out, but that\u2019s a small price for piece of mind\u2026","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1ct84j8","text":"I think they've also had genuinely very impressive climate policies (except the gas thing). 82% renewables, capacity investment scheme and now Future Made In Australia. This is good stuff.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3kikl","text":"For once, I kind of agree with the North Shore NIMBYs. Sydney has enough people. We're already packed like sardines, schools are overflowing and traffic is fucked. I understand the desire to build closer to the city, but people need to suck it up and go further west. And I say this as a person who lives out west. There's plenty of space out here. As long as they build the infrastructure to accommodate the extra people, I'm happy. \n\nBut the idea of a few extra thousand people commuting over the Spit Bridge every morning is terrifying.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2wtp5","text":"There\u2019s a variant I haven\u2019t heard yet! So many of us played games based on number plates!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1ct33jg","text":"Saying it again doesn\u2019t make it so.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3s3ut","text":"The feedback I\u2019m getting from hiring managers in my org is they get around 200 applications per advertisement and 150 of them are total shit, but then you\u2019re still in a pile of 49 competitors.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cp0296","text":"Imagine still standing with Dan when even Adelaide is taking the piss. Next it will be Tassie ","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2y3ra","text":"Gembrook is a long way from anywhere.... and this is coming from someone who grew up in Emerald.... which itself is a long way from anywhere.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3w71e","text":"If Andrew Giles ends up resigning over this, he'll be the first minister for immigration to ever resign because of a portfolio-related scandal. Previous ministers include people like Philip Ruddock, Amanda Vanstone, Kevin Andrews, Scott Morrison, Alex Hawke, and *Peter Dutton*, all of whom helped to create this cruel & broken immigration system that Giles is hopelessly drowning in right now. Many of these former ministers are bleating in the papers about Giles' failures - but none of them will ever take ownership for the policy failures under their watch that led to this point.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2isfz","text":"So are they allowed to oppose government policy if they believe it is in the best interests of their electorate and Australia?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d58r9b","text":"Get ready for a monster fight. \n\nLabor created this absolute abomination and now tens of thousands are suckling on the tax payer tit. You will hear all sorts of horror stories from ken and Barbie on how this will make getting iPads, luxury cars and holidays from the tax payer much harder.\n\nThe NDIS is the worst scheme any government has made the past 50 years. Absolutely lovely on the surface, but has created an absolute money black hole for tax payers money. \n\nProjected to cost over 124 billion a year (way more than medicare) in just 10 years.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d36qs2","text":"Already looked extensively. I was hoping someone knew of something word of mouth wise","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d2gwqz","text":"Hell yeah warm horlicks before bedtime ","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4k42f","text":"Back in my day, cars didn't need babysitting with red arrows of delayed greens to let pedestrians start.\n\nYou just made a consious choice not to run people over.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cyhh7e","text":"Oh, fresh account, lacking any nuance and with a libertarian slant. Could it be a certain Conservative Victorian that may have been recently banned? Who knows?\n\n\nSpeaking of cognitive decline Gramps, you can't vote for Donald or Joe in Australian elections. You can get back to your meals on wheels now.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d07pjk","text":"It's not immigration. It's multiple property owners.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3n0qc","text":"There are idiots everywhere.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d06cd8","text":"Flannies and crocs mate you'll be fine","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4ml23","text":"I would not date someone that didn't know Sydney was our biggest city because i'd think they are an idiot or ignorant. Either way undateable","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cpvmsp","text":"I think it's important to mention that voting is compulsory. Therefore, the two major parties tend to fight for the centre. The coalition former government's last budget was branded by some as a \"Labor budget\", and Labor are mostly in line with the coalition on immigration issues.\n\nThe Greens are trying to position themselves as the party of renters, with the two majors tending to be on the side of investors.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3k6b7","text":"Very possible, it\u2019s a very long drive but plenty to see on the way, once you get to Rockhampton and depending on the weather can get a bit more tricky. Had a very strong wet season and some roads have been closed at times because of it, there is a website that will tell you road conditions (sorry don\u2019t know it if the top of my head) and if you stick to the m1 the whole way you should be fine and see plenty of beaches along the way and some pretty cool places. Some you would need to turn off for but it\u2019s never far away from the main road","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d60aw0","text":"J&Co ! Love their stuff.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d34yf6","text":"Yes. I leave home early, beat traffic, go to the gym in the neighbourhood and then shower in the \u201cend of trip\u201d facilities in the work building, then head to my desk","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3stts","text":"Joking joking. Should have said that.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cpr67f","text":"ITT: entitled AF inner city midwits shout for another thing to be banned that has zero effect on their quality of life but will likely have untold consequences for some farmers\n\nyou guys certainly love being virtuous when it costs you nothing and someone else everything","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0wuye","text":"This article spends way too much time discussing permanent migration, which doesn\u2019t fluctuate much over decades, and not enough time discussing temporary residents. When it does get there, it mentions that temporary residents don\u2019t buy houses. Who cares? We have a rental crisis like we\u2019ve never seen before - the net 300,000 extras last year still need somewhere to live.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d24wtj","text":"Less \u201ccrashes\u201d more \u201crammed\u201d","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cu3fbw","text":"It was never intended to win over experts. It was intended to win over Australia's least intelligent voters.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2flpg","text":"Urgent care clinics might be your next best option: \nIt emergency but for non life threatening issues, anything life threatening I\u2019d be calling an ambulance.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cwrdmn","text":"What would it mean to reject something not based on cold hard facts? What would cold hard facts look like and how would one determine that?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d10055","text":"Def recommend seeing a GP then therapist. I have complex PTSD and I lose interest on things I used to do as well. Therapist told me I might have developed ADHD from complex PTSD. I hope you could find out asap as mental health issues gets worse when you get older without treatment","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d0ny0b","text":"> Where is that assumption in the Gencost report?\n\nHey dude. You can find the GenCost report here: \n\nAt the topic of page 32, the first sentence on the page, it says this:\n\n> **Our approach is to include a large\u2010scale nuclear cost that represents the cost associated with a continuous building program.** Costs from new or sporadic national building programs are at risk of incurring FOAK premiums. While we recognise the likely occurrence of a FOAK premium, where possible, GenCost does not include them for other technologies not yet deployed in Australia and so does not intend to do so for large\u2010scale nuclear. South Korea was identified as the best representation of a continuous building program.\n\nThe cost is literally based on South Korea which has been building reactors since 1970. That figure is WAY undercooked and its still fucking ridiculous. \n\nNuclear is massive distraction in this country.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5hevi","text":"I got a titanium one off Etsy that cost $9 plus shipping. Given that it's one of the toughest and lighest metals around, shipping was negligible also. \n\nSpend money on good times, not a thing that will instantly drop in value once it leaves the seller.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d2z0b3","text":"Doctors can and do accept gifts. Bottles of wine or a cake are commonplace.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1czkzax","text":"I\u2019m single, so I\u2019m big on meal prep. I find it the easiest way to eat fresh and healthy foods without spoilage. It also helps me avoid takeaway or fast foods when I\u2019m feeling lazy after a long day. \n\nThere\u2019s only two meals I make regularly. Each fortnight, I cook a 1kg beef eye fillet roast with roast potato, sweet potato, pumpkin and broccolini.\n\nMy other fortnightly dish is beef stroganoff with scotch fillet steak. Like the roast, it makes four solid meals and never gets old.\n\nI have about 30 dishes that I can readily whip up, but I\u2019ve usually got a mix of 15 frozen meals comprising 3-4 recipes tucked away in my freezer.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cxtves","text":"Ros Bates's statement adds important context to this story. \n\n>Labor is now resorting to baseless misrepresentation in a desperate attempt to distract from their shocking maternity failures. \n\n>Today, the Health Minister was caught covering- up the frequent bypass-closures of maternity services at multiple Queensland hospitals, including major service downgrades at one of the State's biggest hospitals on the Gold Coast.\n\n>In Question Time the Opposition asked across the Chamber, surely the Government isn't asking nothers to delay having their babies, while they're transferred to other hospitals due to maternity closures? \n\n>With Labor suggesting women could just bypass their local hospital to go to another hospital to give birth, I could not believe Labor was telling mothers to \"cross your legs\" while in labour.\n\n>This is the comment I made. \n\n>We have had women give birth on the side of the road in Queensland due to maternity services being closed in regional areas and this is what we were demanding the Health Minister answer for today.\n\n>The comment was clearly not about the Health Minister, it was about the alarming Queensland Maternity Crisis, which continues to worsen on her watch and is putting women and children at risk. \n\n>Shannon Fentiman is aware I am a victim of domestic violence. She is also aware I am a mother. For her to mischaracterise my words for her own political gain and attempt to portray me as a misogynist is deeply offensive. \n\n>Labor has become so desperate due to their health failures that they will do and say anything to cling to power. \n\n>When Labor is backed into a corner, their true colours shine through. As the Health Minister and Minister for Women, Shannon Fentiman should be ashamed of herself.\n\n>I am demanding the Health Minister apologise and admit she deliberately misrepresented Parliament.\n\nWhatever views you may hold on the story now, at least it will be more informed.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cqpxa5","text":"can't believe jacqui lambie is talking shit about asbestos best building material ever made. Too bad it is toxic","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d680t4","text":"Not from this state, its broke.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d10055","text":">Not mentally ill\n\nLook, you're probably right, but I encourage you not to dismiss the possibility. \n\n>burned out from work yet when I look into other industries\/courses\/jobs nothing really appeals to me. \n\nOther industries probably don't appeal to you because of the burn out. Burn out is, in my experience, very similar to depression, but short term and more situational. But it might help to look at it in a similar way, IE, there's not likely going to be a quick fix, a psychologist might be able to help, see if you can get support from loved ones, try to find time for rest\/self care.\n\nHonestly, it's a societal issue that we aren't going to be much help with","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cxipkg","text":"As a Victorian sure we don't like Labor but the Liberals are a mess and would be even worse","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4qm6t","text":"Go for it! I have a friend in one and he loves it. The apartment is lovely and the neighbours are great.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4pmlp","text":"Do what I do and press 2 to get Chinese then launch into a lecture on the Tiananmen Square massacre or the ongoing human rights violations in Hong Kong or Xinjiang. \n\nFor some reason they seem to quickly hang up and remove me from their lists and with luck they will loose social credit.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cszxwq","text":"Kos is one of the few prominent voices in the media today who has a lived experience of poverty. To say that all he cares about is Labor winning the election is nonsense and fundamentally misunderstands the man. He\u2019s a good person and I wish we had more people in Labor and the media like him.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1j8n7","text":"Apathy. People should give a shit about issues that don\u2019t just affect them directly.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2ztl3","text":"Squeeze lever.\n\nPut the threaded section of the fuel cap into the nice big gap you now have in the handle.\n\nRelease lever.\n\nFuel cap holds lever open.\n\nStill clicks off. As intended. There is no difference with the cap in there compared to your hand holding the lever.\n\nHands free fuelling! Just stay there next to it, don\u2019t walk away leaving it unattended.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3rdud","text":"That's a funny response to dark mofo's Inverted cross theming. Good moral though","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cye52b","text":">Does the AFR know its actually not illegal for private enterprise to consider and cost nuclear?\n\nA proper feasibility study costs seven or eight figures, and that is difficult to justify when the biggest risk - or issue - is that the technology is illegal.\n\nCorporates price risk in their economic models, and the premium required to justify investigating a technology that is currently not legal is just too high.\n\nPlus most suppliers won't quote on equipment to be used in nuclear programs that are not explicitly sanctioned.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2fobc","text":"If you're looking to buy a big appliance I highly recommend a Choice membership. They've tested so many products and give you excellent ratings, pros and cons. The $25 you pay is worth it for what you end up saving in time spent researching! [","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cqmy49","text":"leftist shill i see","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cxwbp1","text":">meaningfully engaged in this debate and we can expect a much argued and defensible policy that has had plenty of darts thrown towards it internally\n\nThe LNP want to save housing, but also they want to push Super for Homes policy aka subsidising demand via people's super (where young folks need it the most and also have the least), so I'm gonna doubt just where they sit on the \"genuinelt care\" scale.\n\n>Immigration keeps us from entering a technical recession while reducing our security of shelter by decades. I\u2019ve not lived under a government that has taken us so far back.\n\nYes, housing was famously cheap before 2022, net immigration was famously not averaging 250k under the LNP pre-covid, and the LNP had absolutely no hand in the current inflation that had been the core economic issue since late 2021 \/s. \n\nI do agree Labor has left to much heavy lifting to the RBA RE addressing inflation, and that housing is bad (but not because of immigration, but because we favour it as an investment absurdly), but the alternative had a huge role in getting us here too, lol.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5jl7e","text":"And if they dont comply? Can I use that as evidence to file a civil lawsuit suit?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3m34g","text":"Community safety literally was a \"primary\" concern with direction 99.\n\nMaybe get a clue, rather than going on a misinform divisive right-wing immigrant bashing rant.\n\n> Under the rules in ministerial direction 99 before cancelling a visa, the decision-maker must consider the strength, nature and duration of the non-citizen\u2019s ties to Australia alongside four other \u201cprimary considerations\u201d. These include protecting the community and \u201cwhether the conduct engaged in constituted family violence\u201d.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cwtko0","text":"I think it would be a big mistake to call the election early as voters would see it as a cynical move on behalf of the government. IMHO a fixed-term parliament would be beneficial to the workings of government. More time doing what they\u2019re supposed to do and less time campaigning for the next election.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3bok9","text":"Plus aged care have had two pay rises in about 12 month. Still not great pay but better than it was and we have an aging population. Plus older folks absolutely suffer poor mental health.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d06ulj","text":"I work in finance and our bare minimum for entry level is pr. Other companies even set it to citizens only \n\nYou can joke but even that is an expensive and long process given how many people treated it as a backdoor visa. Prepare to have your life and relationship probed to find any disingenuous actions to deny the visa","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3iwgi","text":"Brunswick hasn't been run down or crime ridden in many years, has pretty much followed the same trajectory as Fitzroy. Both fit the criteria you're looking for, I would recommend Brunswick over Fitzroy as it's a bit more residential and less dense, plus better proximity and accessibility to Parkville and Footscray. Brunswick East is good too, a bit quieter and closer to Merri Creek parkland. Pretty much anywhere between Brunswick and Footscray would be a good choice, places like Ascot Vale, Moonee Ponds, Kensington, North Melbourne etc. \n\nKeep in mind that all of these places are dense and right next to each other so I wouldn't say there are any real major differences. Brunswick and Fitzroy have more nightlife if you're looking for that, but all of these places are relatively close so you wouldn't need to be traveling far if you wanted to go out anyway.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d52gio","text":"Tweed heads, Kingscliff, Byron bay will all have great beaches and a short flight to cities. If you plan for when Jetstar have their sales you can fly to another city for $200.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cwz4zo","text":"Should ban parents that can't seem to be bothered teaching their kids basic restraint.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1rxsp","text":"Possum piss","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4po9g","text":"You got a car with your house equity? That's not a good financial decision. You are now paying off that car for the term of your loan (30 years presumably) or until you refinance again, in which case you will pay it for whatever term you refinance under, likely another 30 years...","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cvi72m","text":"They present *opinion* from those sources. But of course, opinion that aligns with one's ideology is *analysis* \n\nAs you said, you shouldn't give credit to the news source for referring to *analysis* of others. \n\nGlad we agree those two measures quoted by The Spectator and The Guardian are inflationary (or at least I think we agreed, you haven't moved past the whole media watch thing yet).","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d40hsg","text":"The issues with rugby in Australia go far deeper than juat the rebels being shut down. A lot of it stems from the fact that rugby is very NSW centric. The minute anyone proposes any decent change, the Shute shield clubs throw a fit. \n\nIt also doesn't help that basic tickets to a test match are $100 minimum for decent seats. Myself and a mate of mine went to the England midyear test here in Sydney a few years back, and the tickets were 160ish a person. \n\nIt's also the fact that rugby is not on free to air. There is almost no advertising for it. If you were to be asked who the wallabies are playing coming up, would you be able to answer. \n\nThere is also almost no support for grassroots rugby. The number of smaller clubs that either fold or are forced to amalgamate just to be able to play is also a sad indication of where rugby is at.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d66324","text":"At the Woolies I work at I always pack bags unless :\n\n- the customer does not have their own bags and does not wish to buy a bag\n\n- the customer has their own bags but has said they would like to pack it themselves. Or they ignored me asking if they would like me to pack their bags and are still holding them, then I assume they intend to pack it themselves \n\n- the customer has a really big shop and is still loading the belt and hasn\u2019t given me the bags yet, in this case I will start scanning some stuff through to make more room on the belt for them and then bag the items I\u2019ve scanned once they give me their bags\n\nI\u2019m assuming this is the same for Cole\u2019s to, but unless you have told them otherwise an employee should be packing your bags when you go through a manned register","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5q1gh","text":"We're an island surrounded by sea. Pick a direction on the map, once you hit the water follow it around and look at the names of the cities along the coast. The east coast of Australia is where most of the population live, but climate wise you're possibly wanting something warm so state wise up in Queensland or something?","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1czdtt4","text":"There's a much cooler tax than a Vacant Residential Land Tax which is the much more universal [Land Value Tax]( often described as \"the perfect tax\":\n\n> As the supply of land is fixed, the burden of the tax falls entirely on the landowner. There is no change in the rental price and quantity transacted, and no deadweight loss.\n\nIt would tax all land, regardless of its vacancy status. Less loopholes, simpler to implement, bigger tax base. Great to see a VRLT, but we can do better!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d46vgm","text":"The drive itself is interesting if you like long stretches of driving. \n\nHowever, I\u2019m not sure it\u2019d be enjoyable or interesting at a slower pace. \n\nAlso there are few to zero interesting towns between Ceduna and Norseman, so that will be a long slog. \n\nYou will also have trucks, road trains and caravaners overtaking you probably too close. Those bigger vehicles push a lot of air when they pass, and you feel it in vehicles like a dual cab, I\u2019d hate to be on something like a postie bike.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d2d1bi","text":"Can we all grasp that the grim reaper of News Corp was flown into town last week to take heads? Rebekah Brooks - lady of the phone hack - has already sacked the head of\n\nEditors across the country are trying to save their hides by being the most hysterical about a single sentence by one journalist - who happens to be employed by the Murdoch generational nemesis.\n\nMaybe everyone needs some critical understanding of our media landscape here","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cxv5kt","text":"Angus Taylor's National Press Club performance was shockingly bad today. \n\nIt's like he's not even in the Shadow Cabinet meetings despite being Shadow Treasurer. He couldn't provide any details of any policies, and his premeditated lines completely contradicted Dutton's Budget Reply speech last week. Especially on Immigration and Nuclear where the Liberal's numbers are all over the shop.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1yfiq","text":"Start as a labourer. Hit up some temp hire places get a feel for the trades and what you think you'll be into. Labouring is the most physical demanding part of the job. Any potential employers will look favourably at the fact you've already done some hard work. \n\nPlenty of work going. Come join us on site.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d276je","text":">how seriously would you take the threat\n\nThat's a tough one. It's incredibly difficult to judge how strong someone is, mentally. And I'm not a psychiatrist, so there's no fucking way I'm going to trust my own judgement.\n\nMy advice is that \u2014\u00a0don't rely on your own judgement. Because this is too important to get wrong.\n\nIt's also hard to know if you should have a word with his superiors or not \u2014\u00a0your colleague would have done that themselves if they wanted to.\n\nHaving said that, as someone who is a manager, I would absolutely want to know that one of my employees is working too much. I don't really know how hard someone is working unless I'm closely supervising them... and frankly I don't have time to do that. I've got too many people under me. I rely on people telling me if they need to be given a lighter workload.\n\nThe analogy I'd use is looking at someone carrying a cardboard box. What's in the box? It could be an empty box or full of lead weights. How could I ever know? You need to tell me. I sure as heck don't want the person carrying the box to hurt themselves and need back surgery. But I'm also not likely to interrupt their work and check how heavy the box is, unless they're a new employee still being trained.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d367a1","text":"If only rent housing and cost of living could go back to 2010.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1crpjgi","text":"No mention that Australia's current birthrate doesn't allow for a sustainable country without immigration?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d37g9y","text":"How Amazing is our Medicare system! ","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3t3d0","text":"Thank you! You know exactly where we come from. So this is super helpful.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3m34g","text":"Bit late for the kids that got attacked. Albo bumbling around and letting kids get assaulted to please the PC crowd, nothing new in that.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3rblp","text":"I am eating well (figuratively and literally) seeing all these ideas for meals, this is fantastic","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4qq3b","text":"Fair enough.\n\nI have written to other MPs before and always had follow-up by them or their office. Even if it was a BS response, there was a follow-up. \n\nDr. Anada-Rajah just simply brushed me off...","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d25xi7","text":"No its actual populism, like comparing a wealth fund, the kind Bandt has advocated for in Parliament himself, gambling.\n\nOr calling on the Federal government to override the RBA and lower rates (with inflation STILL sticky im very glad we didnt listen to Landlord McKim!).\n\nOr saying that supply has no impact on prices but only the tax settings do.\n\nSome of the Greens ideas are good, like a commonwealth builder, but they also have some rank populist lines being trod out very often.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cvi72m","text":">It's just the content is so shit, it doesn't inspire anyone to write much other than \"Wow this is shit!\"\n\nHmmm if only there were some guidelines and activity to filter out low effort comments and low effort complaining about sources they disagree with. Maybe, just maybe, space would be created for the adults. \n\nIf only we could reach the lofty ideals of people either address(ing) the post in question, or ignore(ing) it. But maybe [the observations]( of others are closer to reality than I want to admit.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4k6zi","text":"Did he lose access to medical cannabis?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3stts","text":"What's not to understand?\n\nDo you want to pay $600 out of pocket? No? Neither do they.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cpc5wo","text":"I wonder if the year 7's are taught that had they been living a traditional aboriginal life, the girls would by now be partnered off to an older man and he would be having sex with them.\n\nI doubt it.\n\n​\n\nsource for the above, \n\n\n\n​\n\n>The age of marriage was very different for men and women, and differed \nalso as between various parts of Australia. Usually, a girl would marry \nat or about the age of puberty;\\[15\\] a man not until later (in his late twenties or even later).\\[16\\] \n Among some Aboriginal groups, at least, marriages were often polygynous \n (with a husband having two or more wives): a wife, on the other hand, \nwould have only one husband at a time, although usually she would be \nmarried to several husbands in succession, as the former husband died or \n the marriage broke up.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2tszn","text":"Thank you!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5z5pc","text":"Yet if a Liberal did this, you'd love it. I'm pretty sure there are Sane Voice comments praising Morrison standing up to China, over Covid, for example. \n\nPlease have some integrity in the criticisms. A user's already pointed out how China folded like an accordion and saved face by not publicly admitting they'd folded, reaccepting our food and energy exports as quickly as they announced they were done with them.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2emnt","text":"Rough day buddy?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4z202","text":"Since when do the LNP want competent people running departments and portfolios?\n\nGiles staying where he is makes opposition leader and previously immigration minister Dutton look worse. Weird.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0p5nx","text":"Universities aren\u2019t \u201ccaught\u201d in a war on migration, they\u2019re active participants in it, advocating on behalf of near-unrestricted mass migration.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1yfiq","text":"that\u2019s cool to hear how you got into civil engineering. if you dont mind me asking, how satisfied are you with your job and what about your job makes you satisfied about it? personally i think i was born for labour haha but warehousing wasn\u2019t as fulfilling for me which made me looking into trades\/labour.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cyripc","text":"No. In fact it could help hide a default","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d305e2","text":"Only two of them? I didn't think they were that brave.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cq4slp","text":"sure there is plenty of evidence that lifestyle including physical health bears strongly on one's mental health, that is not in dispute\n\nwhat is in dispute is the purely medicalist way psychiatrists will often diagnose and medicate for mental health conditions without any regard for the psychosocial factors present, often on the basis of a 15 minute consultation, and then dig in despite evidence that contradicts their god-like opinion\n\nshow the biomarkers for bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD and psychiatry might regain some credibility","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0xz4e","text":"If those resources were extracted by public enterprise, 100% of that profit would be available to the people of Australia as public revenue, not less than 50% and government would not need to plead to reserve enough strategic resources for Australians or pay international prices to buy back their own resources.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d6a115","text":"Broken Hill as others have said is fascinating. Really like it. Camped at the race course, and then Lake Mungo. \n\nSomething different - Take the Castlereagh Highway to Lightning Ridge\/Grawin for Opal, visit the Brewarrina Fish Traps. Time your trip for the October Long weekend, and go to the Let's Dance Carinda David Bowie festival. I've been three times from Canberra.\nCoonabarabran has a really good optical telescope, with fun educational Solar System markers en route, where the \"Sun\" is the telescope. The Narrabri Radio Telescope is not as iconic as Parkes, but it is it enormous, with six full sized dishes on railway tracks. Also look for some Artesian baths on whatever route you take up that way.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3p306","text":"Small city back in the day when those style of subways were built. \nAnd to build now is $$$$ as per the metro tunnel cost. \n\nHowever, would be interesting to see we could do a Brussels style tram where they put the trams under the existing road. Would be a great solution for bridge\/swan\/fitzroy Sts and the city \n\nExample \n\n","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d52gio","text":"They'll be quiet in Melbourne because it will probably be 15 degrees and not many go to the beach in that weather. The water will be around 12 degrees in the bay and around 14 in the ocean, so very few swim.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3qf6v","text":"We have put it up on the website as well. there are still spots available and we want to spread the word so as many blind and visually impaired people can take advantage as possible","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4kc9e","text":"Your last quote is absolutely on the money. Anyone who joins a cause just because they feel \u201ca pull\u201d should be rightly criticised. The man is a journalist, I mean Jesus Christ at least use your phone to do 30 seconds of research. For all the open mindedness it really goes to waste","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3s3ut","text":"IT job industry is def pretty hard ATM !","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cz2fx4","text":"They are also likely to be homophobic and sexist, compared to the general population.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0xz4e","text":"Makes a mockery of Adam Bandts claim as recently as today when he claims these miners are exporting thier products tax free.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cwv29h","text":"It's way more politically charged in the US.\u00a0\n\n\nAs far as I can tell, most Australians whether they reckon he did the right thing or not (and I suspect most think he did not) think he should be granted a degree of clemency.\n\n\nIn the US the Democrat establishment thinks he helped Trump at the behest of Putin and hates him with a passion. Along with that right wing hawks also hate him for undermining America.\u00a0A lot of Americans chime in on any thread about him on top level subs to repeat how they only see him as a Russian agent. I think most Americans would be happy for him to be executed or die in prison.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cqmy49","text":"my apologies i didnt know this was a private sub reddit","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1atru","text":"That's why we have the concept of net zero: industries that can't produce without emissions are offset by other industries that absorb the emissions. This could even work globally with a re-greening of the Amazon offsetting emissions from essential industry elsewhere for example that doesn't have an alternative.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cufk6t","text":"Ah yes, reduce international students, who live in student accommodation.. and this will relieve residential housing how exactly?\n\nDutton is a con.\n\nE: the minority of international students who do live in residential housing, still only live in the university suburbs. So this really is a 'do nothing' idea, aimed to indirectly de-fund Universities.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d41a1q","text":"Businesses can and do put their bank fees as tax deductible\u2026 they write off their income with the fees. So why charge a surcharge when bank charges are tax deductible? I\u2019m in business and I get charged bank fees but don\u2019t pass on any to the customer. In my MYOB account I just put those fees down as expenses to lower my income\u2026 it\u2019s all part of doing business and the customer shouldn\u2019t have to pay\/deal with these fees.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3rdud","text":"The colours of the Palestinian flag would have been more appropriate.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cw99d1","text":">However, no such limits on general project expenditures when agency temps are involved.\n\nIt's not much of a stretch to say that for a \"short term one-off\" project you don't want to add public servant FTEs that then need to be served a redundancy when the project completes.\n\n \nIt's a lot harder to justify when you have:\n\n\\* project teams that move directly to the next project in the queue when their current one winds up\n\n\\* long term rollover contracts for ongoing service provision\n\n \nThe argument I do see that is hard to counter (currently) is high-demand contributor skills where the PS position is not paid that well, as the higher pay grades are for managers and directors+, so the only way to get those people are to offer high-paying contracts. \n\n \nIf there was an individual contributor paygrade that went higher that might counter that issue.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d44q9g","text":"How\u2019s your hay fever? I stopped taking my antihistamines a couple of days ago and my allergies came back. I\u2019m usually fine between May and September, so I dunno what\u2019s changed this year. Anyone else feeling it?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1eojd","text":"Maybe not housework related but when you buy a house in America it comes with the existing fridge but in Australia and buying a house it never comes with a fridge\u2026you bring your own fridge and take it with you when you sell","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cwyvpm","text":"Because it was a literal conspiracy theory:\n\n>\u201cThey are using the \"VOICE\" to change our lawful CONSTITUTION to change everything we own over to NATIVE TITLE under the current Aboriginal Native Titles Act.\n\n>\u201cUnder that NATIVE TITLE, NO ONE will have any ownership rights whatsoever under NATIVE TITLE,\u201d then adding that\u00a0 \u201cTHE WEF\/NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BECOME OUR GLOBAL LANDLORD.\u201d\u00a0\n\nMeanwhile the [factcheck]( stated:\n\n>Dr Galloway said any grant of freehold title (private property) in Australia permanently extinguishes native title.\u00a0 \u201cOnce \u2018private land\u2019 exists, there is no native title,\u201d she said. \u201cSo the proposition simply cannot be true.\"\n\n>[Associate Professor Harry Hobbs]( an expert in constitutional law and Indigenous treaty at\u00a0 the University of Technology Sydney, echoed Dr Galloway\u2019s comments, dismissing the claims in the Facebook post as \u201cludicrous\u201d.\n\n>\u201cPrivate land cannot be transferred to native title,\u201d Dr Hobbs told FactLab in an email.\n\n>\u201cIt \\[native title\\] is only available where traditional owners can prove a continuing connection to their traditional lands and waters,\u201d he said. \u201cIt is no longer available on lands that are owned privately.\u201d\n\nSo at worst we're looking at compulsory acquisition under existing law, which has absolutely nothing to do with the Voice. But if we look at the article what is it actually saying? On designated seats in parliament: \u201cThat has not been an expressed desire that has been put to me by First Nations people.\" On the compulsory acquisition of property: nothing. You're all getting mad about things that haven't been proposed except by the opponents of treaty...","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5ime1","text":"Tell me you\u2019ve never been anywhere with actual bad public transport, without sayin it\u2026.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3m34g","text":"So we should deport Australian criminals as well then?\n\nNot sure how the safety argument applies. If they have been sentenced they are in prison. If they've served their sentence, then we don't have an issue (unless you think the sentence is less than it should be, in which case this also applies to Australian criminals).\n\nDeportation, if you think it's a safety issue, just puts the problem on another country's hands. It's called bad behaviour if you shove your own problems onto others.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d417qg","text":"Flinders Lane barbers was cheap and good.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1culs44","text":"With gas there is no future for the planet, all because your grifter mates had to have another jet ski","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cuq695","text":"I wonder what questions they asked. If they just asked \"is housing affordability and issue\" then of course they are going to get results that suggest that it is. Not saying it isn't an issue, but, conveniently, it isn't an issue that can be easily fixed without alienating some part of the voting public, although it would be easy for an opposition to promise to fix it and then deliver nothing - much like the previous mob did.\n\nThis is a slow drip feed of unresolvable issues e.g. immigration, university funding, NDIS, etc which the libs will take to the next election and try to BS their way back in again to shift the rorts back in their favour. \n\nAlso margin of error was 3.4% which means not much has changed since the last poll when you look at the previous results.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4ml23","text":"Heres a few words you may have trouble with. Copy and paste into Google if needed....\n\nGo to the library and have a look for an atlas or an encyclopaedia.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2dkfl","text":"I dropped out of my science degree, so I'm personally a bad example LOL. But because I was part of a Science cohort, and now work at the uni I dropped out of, I happen to have a lot of Science uni friends. \n\nI will say no one is making the big bucks. Don't know anyone doing astrophysics though, only know of a handful of PhD students in that field, all were from relatively prestigious universities in their undergraduate, or participated in some institutional research projects prior to their PhD. \n\nSome anecdotal stories about my friends who are science grads.\n\nMy best friend did a double degree in Chemistry and Commerce, has always been smart and hardworking, now works for Sydney Water with a salary of $109K. \n\nMy partner is a Forensic Science major, with skills leaning towards chemistry. I told him on our first year of dating (when we were 19 years old) that he wasn't going to find a job in that field - it's an impossible field of science to get into unless you want to get into the mess of joining the police and getting transferred. He's had science roles since then, one at the university, and now at a pathology lab. Pay is pretty bad though - just under $70K for working night shifts. But the job is not that stressful, and he's not career ambitious. \n\nA handful of friends work as lab and research assistants for a full time equivelent salary of about $80K, but most of them have not been able to get full time or ongoing employment. Some are ok with this, because they are doing their research masters (and thinking about PhD).","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d64uxd","text":"Well politely you would say \u201coiiiiiii c**t stop chuffing on the f*gs and your f***ing work\u201d","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2cfsd","text":"I give a salary range where I know I'm happy to meet in the middle if need be.\n\nSo for example, If asked that. I would give a range of $80-90,000 knowing that I would happy with an offer of $85,000 plus super of course. I personally try to avoid having the salary include super.\n\nAfter 3 years of getting a nice say 2% pay increase which kicks in before the new financial year for my take home to drop by 0.5% due to the super increase. Honestly it's a kick in the balls.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4y1lu","text":"How many days until GTA 6 is released.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3nlyx","text":"Not been on one yet. They look super cute.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d36p3n","text":"I did mine at Heatherton. Mostly industrial and a bit of highway and residential. Very easy. As others mentioned do it outside of school hours. \n\nI bought my wife some RACV driving school lessons and she also passed hers at Heatherton. I recommend RACV instructors in the area as they\u2019re usually friends with the VicRoads examiners so it makes it more relaxed during test, also they know the routes very well","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1cwy1","text":"I mean, just yesterday I drove a $120,000 medium rigid truck - 20 tons, 10 wheels, WITH L PLATES ON!!!\n\nI didn't own the truck obviously. I'm just a guy working towards my truck license. I'm also not a youngster - just decided I'd like to have a truck license since occasionally I've wished I had one.\n\nHonestly, I'd expect someone young to be the most likely to actually have a use for a big truck. They almost certainly don't have enough disposable income have a vehicle like that just because it looks cool. Some people do put cargo in the back of their truck regularly. And those big RAMS can carry a lot more weight than a 2WD Hilux.\n\nI've driven a 2WD hilux fully loaded with a trailer... it was not fun. I had the accelerator pedal on the floor for about an hour and even down hill it only reached 90km\/h - the wind resistance alone was more than the tiny motor could handle, let alone the weight \u2014\u00a0which would've been about half a ton in the tray and another ton on the trailer. It was safe, the suspension and brakes could totally handle the weight. But the motor? Fuck me that thing wasn't good enough. Also that one hour drive used half a tank of petrol \u2014 motors are only efficient when they're not working too hard. If you do move heavy \/ large things regularly, you want a large motor.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d28erd","text":"Drive on the left side of the road.\n\nI live near the great ocean road. Nearly been wiped out twice by people driving on the wrong side.\n\nOh, and don't complain the we drive on the left, your the visiter","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cye52b","text":"Obviously everyone knows that the government has to do all the actual hard work of spending taxpayer money & acquiring land & developing a greenfield site before any private developers will come in & reap the profits. That's capitalism!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d67ahs","text":"I volunteer for other things.\n\nPlus, a lot of the activities take place when I'm unavailable.\n\nI used to do bushcare at my old place but all the shifts were early morning. I would've loved an evening 'water the community garden' type shift.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3eybn","text":"How do you think citizenship works?\u00a0","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5gnp3","text":"Gerry Harvey is a scumbag and I'd rather have no furniture than buy from him.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5z5pc","text":"We could, but the extra 10% or so it would cost would screw the economy.\n\nPlus, while relatively small amounts might be undetected, the larger quantities we'd need are easier to detect and stop. So that 10% would be an absolute minimum. \n\nAs for food, China itself cut off food from Australia. They weren't worried. Our good friends in America fell over themselves to supply whatever the Chinese wanted.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d680x4","text":"Victoria\u2019s debt?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1ct40gb","text":"It's been a hell of a day on progressive twitter. Last week they were pissed he was a landlord, now they're pissed he is selling.\n\nI guarantee you no normal person in Australia cares about this.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cxtves","text":"She said \"close your legs\", it's pretty obvious from the audio, the health ministers immediate response, and how quickly she withdrew it with her tail between her legs.\n \nRegardless of if she was trying to make a point about maternity wards or not, she still used a very well-worn sexist phrase to shock the minister.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d36ejb","text":"Right? What the absolute fuck?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5qq1n","text":"Yes","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4msni","text":"My only close experience of this was when a gang attacked a couple of young blokes in our local area, they killed one and the other was badly injured. Knives, machetes, hammers, something like 12 onto the 2 unarmed guys. Everyone had a chop at them. So, in the end only 2 were charged, the two youngest involved who I believe were about 14. They got 4 years in youth detention and nobody else got anything. Standard way these shit heads operate is get the youngest to cop the charges. They do it too because they are then legends and have earned a good place in the crew. This was a good few years back so things might have changed somewhat.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d36iyr","text":"No","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5vino","text":">Howard was seeking to allay concerns from a wary Coalition party room and assured Dutton and other MPs at the time that Australia\u2019s sovereignty was not under threat.\n\nThis is the key quote. Australia should never engage in any agreement that conflicts with our ability to exercise full sovereignty; no nation should. \n\nI didn't know we had a ministerial trigger provision, and as much as I generally detest delegated powers to ministers, when it relates to enabling international provisions, I am more comfortable.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cv8lu9","text":"I\u2019m sure that\u2019s exactly what he had in mind.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d267b2","text":"There's also the time spent coming up with the questions. But maybe they were done by chatgpt or similiar.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2awds","text":"Was run down the day it opened.\n\nThat particular state government wasn't great with builds (see also: Footscray Rail Bridge opened with a roof that let the rain through intentionally).","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0bo37","text":"Mostly Banter. Occassional real, but mild, annoyance, like my sibling being annoyed that Victoria paid to prevent a musical from touring in Sydney.\n\nBut I'd be more concerned about sports teams in the same city, than interstate bickering. (And that's more about people off their face looking for an excuse to start something, and anything is going to be an excuse.)","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1qksq","text":"Bizzare? How else do you funnell money into your mates pockets at the top level, ban it, force a blackmarket, regulate it, funnell money into pharmacy guild and big tabacco are best mates with Greg Hunt and he got out as soon he got rich.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d6csbj","text":"Some universities accept the STAT exam in lieu of year 12. You pay to take it and the benefit is that it takes 4 hours rather than a year or so.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1ngrk","text":"It is always better to go for a job when you are working, now here is the catch 22 I realize. I used to manage an op-shop and there are a number of times I have given a reference for a volunteer, they always got the job. My suggestion is to volunteer at an op-shop, work hard when you are on shift and then ask the manager after you have been there for a while for a reference when you apply for retail positions. Added benefit, it can be fun volunteering especially at op-shops and they are always needing volunteers.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1kgz4","text":"I've never heard of those brands?","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d0p5nx","text":"How so? Are the degrees fake, too? Or is this just elitism?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5kce4","text":">\u00a0\u00a0It can't be that much different from sitting in a fluorescently lit office all day though and not getting any daylight except 10 minutes during lunch.\u00a0\n\n\nAre you speaking from experience? Because if you aren't - imagine piercing light(s) you can't switch off, on camera, migraines, blurred vision, loss of equilibrium and balance. It fucks with your senses and feels invasive. An assault on your senses.\u00a0","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2do69","text":"The shitty paint scribbles just look messy to me give me battleship grey anyday","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4o079","text":"The physical coal is mostly all locked up in supply contracts, its not like going down to the market for it. What isnt would need to be shipped over there through an active warzone and Australia has no merchant marine - a lot of the $20m would go into transport and insurance. For only $20m, it makes much more sense to just give them the cash.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d263x7","text":"The link looks legit. Next time try to redact the bit after the very last \"\/\" in the link (AY4FH1ene...) because it's usually a unique code for you and if you don't want to dox yourself.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4m7aw","text":"Putting the emotive language aside, Townsville is a big military town, with army and airforce bases. Sucker some of those voters with false claims of service and you're a step closer to winning office.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4y0co","text":"They're all the same. They don't do shit. They just resell power and skim off the top. OVO gave me $50\/momth for my business power and don't skim as much so they're the best. At the moment.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1atru","text":"How about Australian Govt prioritising Energy stability before they committ us to unrealistic emission targets.\n\nHow about domestic gas reservation for power generation and without profiteering by Energy companies?\n\nOnce these are stabilised, maybe then, people will get behind emission reduction because at the moment, its the furthest priority amongst this massive corporate profiteering.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2dqiz","text":"I'm thinking of calling them up to negotiate on the price. What's the best way to go on about this? And how much of 12k are they adding as margin?","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1yfiq","text":"that\u2019s scary with taking the labouring pathway as it doesn\u2019t sound as you\u2019ll be doing work that\u2019s as satisfying. from what you\u2019re saying the apprentice route is a lot more appealing. thanks!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d41a1q","text":"Cash is King.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d2gnlt","text":"This is pretty fucked. I remember my first job at a cafe, we charged 50c for a glass of tap water. Yes, as in table water. We charged for it. I have literally never encountered this again since. When I hear about dumb shit like this, the tap water fiasco is what I think of.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2z0b3","text":"Ex-chef here\u2026 I very rarely tip these days as I don\u2019t go out anywhere near as much as I did and it\u2019s only in exceptional circumstances that I will. \n\nIt doesn\u2019t matter what type of place it is, either. \n\nIt could be a shitty little el cheapo breakfast place that serves bacon, eggs, and grilled tomato with supermarket white toast, that has been halved into triangles to fill the Kmart plates it\u2019s served on\u2026 and the server, waiter or whatever is the perfect example of what hospitality service should be\u2026 I\u2019ve been known to leave a $20 under the dirty plate and leaving before they clear the table, being sure to say thanks to them for breakfast on my way out. Make me feel like I\u2019m a part of your local community, or an old friend\u2026 not just a customer.\n\nI\u2019ve worked in kitchens at some reasonably top shelf places, and have never recieved any cut of the tips. Depending on the clientele, it wasn\u2019t unusual for $2k in tips to be left. Which would only ever go straight into the waiter\u2019s pocket. Apparently, only the service was good and the food must have been shit\u2026 I don\u2019t tip in those places. I\u2019m already paying out the arse for the meals and drinks, and I\u2019m not overly fond of adding to what is probably already a decent pot for the evening. \n\nI more likely to approach the pass and thank the chefs, slide a $50 for a round of after work drinks to one of them, while ensuring a couple of the others know as well. Chefs can be dodgy as fuck!\n\n\nAgain\u2026 I rarely go out these days. Above refers to 2000- 2016, before I relocated to the Top End.\n\nAlso, fuck places that have tipping as an opt-out in their POS systems. And those filthy QR code ME&U things, as well.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1cqon","text":"I hate it, should be minimum a 4 year term. Albo hasn\u2019t had the proper chance to demonstrate meaningful change after 10 years of Coalition rot. He\u2019s barely been elected","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4qm6t","text":"How insulated are they? I'm over paper thin walls.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d237qo","text":"*Yo-ho blow the man down*\nExcuse me\u2026\n*Yarr, shiver me timbers*\nAhem\u2026\n*avast ye, landlubber*","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5klqx","text":"Saw their first game ever, that was the last game I went to, which was one more than most.\n\nI kind of like Rugby Union, I kind of like a lot of sports, but only willing to regularly spend money on a few of them.\n\nNot sad to see them go, Melbourne is a bit of a saturated sports market, the Rebels just didn't capture the imagination.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d39lty","text":"[good times]( is the best studio in the area. They do a $59 4 pack starter package.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5ldv0","text":"There\u2019s literally a police station 20m away from this spot in Flinders Street Station. Could have knocked on the window and pointed, and they\u2019d have come out (maybe )","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cyj589","text":"Typical for these debates. You're handed all the information on a plate and you can only come up with a snarky quip. Do you have anything to contribute beyond regurgitating conservative nonsense?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5m3af","text":"Seeing no love for the Monash!\n\nSo here goes! \n\n1 the legitimate M1\/A1 that is Australias highway! \n\n2 doesn\u2019t dump you on to to a regular road at the city end \n\n3 goes more places! West gate\/tulla freeways\/ City through to lakes entrance! \n\n4 only so busy because it\u2019s so useful! \n\n5 (a stretch here) my experience is that the connecting roads are worse on the eastern at peak times . Alex parade is a car park, hoddle st is hoddle st, chandler highway to kew jnc is a nightmare, chandler north used to be the biggest bottleneck in the state (now fixed)\u2026 Tran rd Doncaster road, bulleen rd all problematic! \n\n6 will be just as busy as the Monash when the north east link opens! \n\n\nPS in reality I do have many complaints about the Monash, mostly the people on it!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0gvmr","text":"This is a highly subjective and broad question. Ask more specifically as wherever you live is either great or awful per your perspective. I\u2019ve lived all over the world and people ask me what\u2019s the best place? I usually say Australia","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3om48","text":"That requires a brains trust in government. Don't think I can see that happening after the libs obliterated CSIRO.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d20ln6","text":"How do you define a \"cold country\"? We are talking San Francisco weather.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4r1os","text":"That\u2019s Ringwood for ya, unfortunately","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d38xk0","text":"Nice pic","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cqqah0","text":"Oh thanks. Our net debt is higher than Qlds Gross debt and expected to rise like crazy in the next few years.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cz7h14","text":"Using optical division to denounce decision. This is why Albo will be losing the next election","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1czgx88","text":"I\u2019m not sure i see the point.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1csuhhz","text":"Armed servicemen were put at risk twice and Albo sweeps it under the diplomatic carpet. Sending any representative is not a coup and is standard. Albo sends a low level Senator. Morrison called out China over Covid , admittedly we paid a price but the alternative is the weak Albo way. Albo needed to raise it directly with his new bestie.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d02u3e","text":"You think the boomers or Gen X give a flying f*ck about the future generations though? \n\nCmon. Let's get real. They would rather absolutely f*ck the future generations if it means they don't have to pay an extra $200 a year on taxes. \n\nNeoliberal hyper-individualism has completely wrecked this world and until all the selfish oldies die out. There's not much that can be done. Raising taxes is political suicide, advocating for the youth is political suicide. The Boomers and Gen Xers would rather live as luxurious as possible knowing they will die before suffering the concequences of their greed.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d0w729","text":"Wrong. If it\u2019s credit it will apply a surcharge","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d23xgh","text":"I think these polls just highlight how stupid the average person is. You have a guy who has no business being prime minister selling a bunch of policies that don\u2019t make any sense and allegedly more than half the people questioned were like \u201cyes please.\u201d","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d36otr","text":"I\u2019d counter this by saying if you can\u2019t afford the rent without being in arrears, you should find a cheaper place. A contract is a contract. It\u2019s being breached.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d44q9g","text":"Hey guys, can we have a brief heart to heart about sappy shit?\n\nHow many here have dreams and goals, whether its a dream career you've tried to chase or a goal that seems pretty damn evasive... How many of you peeps worked insanely hard to try and achieve it and fell flat?\n\nIf you have, how do you get over the feeling of failure without failing? Like, the whole \"what's the point\" kind of thing. I am having some struggles, although its not at that point yet, but its just feeling like i'm not going to achieve my goals any time soon and its been negatively affecting my mind a bit.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1czcbpf","text":"we missed the boat and paid for it with incredibly high energy prices every step of the way cause we're fucking stupid.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5galx","text":"Precinct used to have a decent cover band that would fill the dance floor, perseverance was good for late 90s early 00s hits - depends on if you like yah yahs for a boogie or more just a general vibe","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d36uru","text":"They are scraping it but it\u2019s replacement, which is underway, takes time.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d2wtp5","text":"We used to play \u201cthe first person to see a windmill gets a kiss\u201d when we were little in the 1960s","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d40ulz","text":"you cant work out why the real estate industry is a rort?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cpvmsp","text":"Honestly just read the wiki on how our voting system works, pay attention to the news (lots of sources, not a couple) and if youre really interest read some biographies of former PMs. Thatll cover most of it.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d1s8rm","text":"Carbon credits - taxpayer $ -> corporations, setup as a rort to replace the carbon 'tax' - corporate $ -> taxpayers.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2hg8b","text":"Australia is a big beautiful country. I\u2019d probably take the approach that we are talking about a country that is known for having red deserts and white sandy beaches. Cairns will tick off the reef and the white sandy beach part, plus the rainforest and crocodiles and some rare wildlife then Ulu\u1e5fu will tick off the red desert part and you\u2019ll see hopefully some big red kangaroos and emus! If it\u2019s the end of August you may even see baby emus! \n\nUlu\u1e5fu you can ride camels and take a tour around the big rock, the Olgas and learn about the amazing 85,000 yr old culture of our First Nations people.\u00a0\n\nYou probably want 3-4 days in Ulu\u1e5fu. 3-4 days in Cairns, and the rest can be spent on Sydney, Melbourne , Darwin or wherever you want!\u00a0\n\nI\u2019d probably pick Sydney just because of temperature and it\u2019s iconic. Melbournes coffee and restaurant scene is unparalleled but can be confusing if you don\u2019t have an idea or guide to show you down the rough looking alleyway to get to the places that make Melbourne, Melbourne.\u00a0","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d0p5nx","text":"Do the people wanting to slash immigration and blaming universities actually want the government to cover the additional billions of dollars universities will lose? They need that money from somewhere.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cvgxg1","text":"Well they are completely right. \n\n \nThe budget was a little bit here and there for everyone, instead of any kind of structural change. The reality is Labor is a status quo party. Not really interested in any real significant change, just fiddle around the edges and hope those whose lives will be worse off than their parents don't notice.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2y8wr","text":"Thank you LNP for cutting TAFE and slashing apprenticeships for the decade you were in power. \nWe literally couldn't be in this position without you!","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d1kgz4","text":"Well, your life is more strong tasting foods, smells, being near people, yelling at clouds and cats, peeing 15 times a night, 3 ups and downs before you get up, then make a groaning noise when you get up, cold when it's 35 degrees and hot when it's 10 degrees, more bumps and scrapes on your car, drive with your indicator on, always asking people \"here, what does that say, I can't read it,\"\nWalk around looking for your glasses, even though you are wearing them, take a long time to bend over and pick things up, walk side to side up the aisles at the shop, fart when you walk along and not realise you are, talk loud because you can't hear....","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1crcyya","text":"Dunno how sourcing = astroturfing. It's not difficult to google people.\n\nThe first person interviewed was a literal financial scammer. Seriously don't know how that isn't cause for questioning the narrative.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2y6sl","text":"Would this one do? It\u2019s in Safety Beach.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\nEdit: Or this one near Melbourne Zoo (and there may be some other options along this bus route through Royal Park\/Parkville). ","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d10055","text":"Travel\u2026\u2026going overseas really puts things into perspective is an amazing experience","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d5gxw1","text":"So cute, I want to give them a cuddle.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d64r0w","text":"If there's no strict dress code. Dress codes in aus are very relaxed. If you're wearing work slacks and a button shirt, you'll be more stressed up then half the people there.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2dqiz","text":"I was really happy with them","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d25xi7","text":"Only if the Australian will back Labor for the next few elections, otherwise that\u2019s just a trap to get the Liberals back in, which is what \u2018The Australian\u2019 journalists want.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5jc09","text":"There was a firie who lived across the street from me who *never* wore long pants. He could be in a beanie and puffer jacket but always shorts. Maybe it was because his work gear was heavy and restrictive? No idea.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4vktg","text":"I'll ask a friend who works at IGEA for the best contact\/resource for you. If it's ok with you, I'll message you with their reply next week.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3w71e","text":"clearly you don't have Australia as your best interest","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5wft9","text":"i was at flinders st yesterday and the amount of people just open-mouthed coughing made me want to take a bath in rubbing alcohol","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4qq3b","text":"She only has nine investment properties. Is something concerned for her cost of living.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3kikl","text":"Why should only parts of Sydney take on the brunt of density? It\u2019s utter stupidity to waste the space. \n\nAnd I\u2019m sorry but we aren\u2019t \u201cfull\u201d, we just have shitty zoning and not enough infrastructure but that doesn\u2019t have to always remain the case.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1cqv2nx","text":"32.58% was enough in 2022.\n\nIt really depends how the teal seats and the greens primary vote all goes as to whether this will get the job done again.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5ddnc","text":"The Exford is one of the greatest dive bars in the world and it's on Russell st","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d05ofu","text":"AAT senior member Chris Furnell said the man\u2019s case was finely balanced between protecting the Australian community against other considerations including his ties to Australia. Mr Furnell ultimately opted to cancel the revocation of the man\u2019s visa.\nThe fallout from Direction 99 comes amid ongoing scrutiny of Mr Giles and the Albanese \u00adgovernment\u2019s handling of the 152 people released from indefinite detention following a High Court decision late last year. Several of those individuals have since been arrested on fresh offences.\n\nOpposition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan said it was clear that Direction 99 was having an impact on community safety.\n\u201cAndrew Giles needs to explain why he won\u2019t change this direction and why he won\u2019t change it immediately,\u201d Mr Tehan said.\n\u201cWhat this clearly shows is that your ties to Australia are given primacy over everything else. No matter how Andrew Giles tries to spin it, he is endangering the Australian community through the changes he made. Once again, this is a complete mess of the minister\u2019s own making.\u201d\n\nMr Giles said this week he was seeking urgent advice in relation to Saki, and criticised the AAT\u2019s decision to reinstate Saki\u2019s visa as \u201cinconsistent\u201d with Direction 99.\n\nAsked on Friday about the number of visa reinstatements that had relied on Direction 99, a spokesman for Mr Giles said the direction placed a \u201csignificant \u00ademphasis on serious offending and family violence \u2013 which need to be considered in all matters\u201d.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d27csq","text":"Biscuits.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d63pw0","text":"This happened often in my company - even in Singapore.The application is usually done by yourself, with a full letter of support from your company stating your position, salary and conditions and they would be responsible for your return to Australia. You shouldn't have any problems at all if you give full details. Good luck with landing the job.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d3louj","text":"Dr Chou @ Mount Waverley Orthodontics. She did my braces for my biting issue & was smooth experience.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d63w7o","text":"My school, just Japanese. Did it all the way through","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1czv2em","text":"Bring lotsa cash cos our dollar rate sux and everything is OVERPRICED. Good luck.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4yx58","text":"A long article that merely states the obvious. Giles will be removed in a reshuffle so Albo can falsely claim he hasn't been sacked. No doubt Albo will \" wish him well . \"","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3j26m","text":"Thanks for the article, which at least provides enough quotes and context behind the entirely reasonable arguments being made by the IPA, despite the hyperventilating rhetoric surrounding it to try and make it seem unhinged.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1cyhh7e","text":"I wonder if Australians currently doing their military duty in Israel will get a military pension from the Israeli govt?","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1csw003","text":"I don't think the rich and powerful would approve of you defaming them like that.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d6aucv","text":"They are here to stay but if they are left in the middle of a footpath or obstruct an entrance then I will report them, it takes a minute to do especially as they are block wheelchair access. If everyone reported those situations then maybe some change might come from providers and the users will be more considerate where they leave them.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d4r3ap","text":"Cathedral Ranges. Take the Black Spur from Melbourne and stop in Marysville.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4lcsf","text":"The seat boundaries are about as ugly as the name. It\u2019s a hodgepodge of the eastern suburbs of Perth and adjacent wheatbelt areas. I don\u2019t blame the AEC though it\u2019s difficult to draw boundaries when the population is so heavily concentrated to the extent that Perth is entitled to about 12.5 seats and the rest of WA just 3.5 seats. They have to create a Frankenstein urban\/rural seat somewhere with those numbers.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d3vthe","text":"Because it literally is Australia's fox news...","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2oook","text":"I had done that in detail. But the course seem to be a bit basic.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d2g5iz","text":"Anything is worth a try, but I hope they realise the Andrew Tate\u2019s of the world often fill a void that comes from the absence of good role models and positivity.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d44q9g","text":"Tested positive for COVID today - first time ever. A tiny part of me was honestly believing I could dodge that bullet forever...","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1ct8xos","text":"Only a people with 'persecutorial delusions' think the freedom of someone else is a call for their own extermination.\n\nDutton is obviously the closest thing to a terrorist in parliament, not someone condemning genocide and supporting protesters.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d27csq","text":"I have done a lot of research on finding the best cookie and they aren't quite in the city. And it does depend on what sort of cookie you like, I don't really like the levain giant soft cookies so these are my recommendations which are more crispy \n \nThe best cookie can be found at the bread club they have two locations and we go to the albert park one. Their toffee chocolate cookie is to die for\n\nThen these guys are a hidden secret. They specialise in bite size crispy cookie. If I let myself I'd eat a whole packet on my own \n\n","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d27182","text":"I am surprised to see this from Ed Husic. It isn't the transformational tax changes that many have been calling for of late, but it's good to see this get raised by the ALP as it'll probably be the first properly bipartisan policy in a while if they are serious about it. \n\nOur Company Income Tax rate is higher than the average rate in all regions (with the average in our region being 19.8%) and if we are truly concerned with productivity, this is where we start. \n\nBut, whilst the highest marginal tax rate is 45%, a reduction in the corporate rate encourages further tax rate arbitrage, particularly in personal services income fields. \n\nHad we proceeded with S3TC as we should have, lowering the top rates and pushing 30% out to 2x average would have removed this incentive totally and would have allowed us to lower company tax rates to attract investment and unlock productivity. \n\nShame.","sentiment_label":0} | |
{"id":"1d5fwz9","text":"I drive past it every day. All I gotta do is stop for a couple of minutes lol!","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d4j6sl","text":"I've been crazy late in the past and never had interest charged or late payment fees.","sentiment_label":1} | |
{"id":"1d0p5nx","text":"The exchange of goods and services for currency is a scam now?","sentiment_label":0} | |