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42,769 | 1,007 | 25 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | namibia was hailed as a model of democracy when it broke away from south africa . |
42,770 | 1,007 | 26 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | but now the semi-arid country of 1.6 million people is edging toward one-party rule by the south west africa people 's organization -lrb- swapo -rrb- that waged the bush war against south africa . |
42,771 | 1,007 | 27 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | french president jacques chirac set foot for the first time in southern africa on thursday , establishing an economic and political beachhead that is key to france 's new african policy . |
42,772 | 1,007 | 28 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | chirac told reporters at statehouse , where he conferred with nujoma , historically french involvement in africa was centered on its former colonies . |
42,773 | 1,007 | 29 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | nujoma was elected in namibia 's first democratic elections in 1989 . |
42,774 | 1,007 | 30 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | before that , nujoma was in exile for 30 years when south africa ruled the territory that is larger than texas and louisiana combined , or one and a half times the size of france . |
42,775 | 1,007 | 31 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | chirac then reviewed a 200 -member south african defense force honor guard and a military band played the french national anthem . |
42,776 | 1,007 | 32 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | south africa is the key stop on chirac 's six-day tour of southern afrian countries that is meant to encourage new relationships that will bring closer political and economic ties . |
42,777 | 1,007 | 33 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | less than a year ago , franch launched major changes in its africa policies away from involvement in her former west african colonies . |
42,778 | 1,007 | 34 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the new french policy recognizes that south africa since 1994 's first all-race elections has become the anchor for new investment and economic growth in the region . |
42,779 | 1,007 | 35 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | chirac arrived in south africa from namibia , where on thursday that the new policy was an attempt by france to counterbalance increasing u.s. influence in africa . |
42,780 | 1,007 | 36 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | `` contrary to the polemics i 'm hearing , there is no competition between the united states and and france in africa . |
42,781 | 1,007 | 37 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | chirac and namibian president sam nujoma signed agreements on health care assistance , a 35 million french francs -lrb- dlrs 6 million -rrb- loan to nampower , the power utility , and transportation development . |
42,782 | 1,007 | 38 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the trip marks the first time a french president is visiting namibia , mozambique and angola . |
42,783 | 1,007 | 39 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | chirac arrived in south africa from namibia , where on thursday he denied that the new policy was an attempt by france to counterbalance increasing u.s. influence in africa . |
42,784 | 1,007 | 40 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | _heads of state are gathering in south africa to consider final recommendations on issues from the global economic crisis to regional conflicts . |
42,785 | 1,007 | 41 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | fallout from recent u.s. attacks on suspected terrorist targets in sudan and afghanistan and a growing conflict in africa 's great lakes region have dominated discussions so far . |
42,786 | 1,007 | 42 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | south african deputy president thabo mbeki , welcoming foreign ministers , said the nonaligned movement should advance the cause of the poor . |
42,787 | 1,007 | 43 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | other summit topics include the war in congo , whose government alleges that rebels supported by rwanda and uganda are trying to unseat president laurent kabila 's year-old government . |
42,788 | 1,007 | 44 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | kabila has received military support from angola , zimbabwe and namibia , despite efforts led by south africa to negotiate a settlement . |
42,789 | 1,007 | 45 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | south africa 's 25 million eligible voters will have only three days to register for next year 's elections , the independent electoral commission announced on wednesday . |
42,790 | 1,007 | 46 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | voting stations will be open for registration from nov. 27 through nov. 29 , iec president johann kriegler told reporters . |
42,791 | 1,007 | 47 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | a date for south africa 's second all-race elections has not been set yet , but it is expected to be held around the middle of next year . |
42,792 | 1,007 | 48 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | deputy president thabo mbeki is widely expected to succeed him . |
42,793 | 1,007 | 49 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | an opposition party on sunday criticized a plan to allow only three days for voter registation for the 1999 elections , saying it would `` undermine democracy. '' |
42,794 | 1,007 | 50 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the independent electoral commission announced wednesday that south africa 's 25 million eligible voters would have only from nov. 27 through nov. 29 to register for the elections . |
42,795 | 1,007 | 51 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | it will result in barring many potential voters from voting , especially in the rural areas , '' said pac deputy president motsoko pheko . |
42,796 | 1,007 | 52 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | at the center of koto bolofo 's quietly moving documentary , `` the land is white , the seed is black , '' stands the filmmaker 's father , a black south african teacher who tells a familiar story of persecution under apartheid followed by exile in england where he lived with his family for 24 years . |
42,797 | 1,007 | 53 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | double-billed with this short black-and-white movie , which opens wednesday in new york city , is `` african violet , '' a short , more elliptical and elegant color film by the same director that evokes the pressures and fantasies surrounding apartheid as experienced through the eyes of five -lrb- mostly white -rrb- south african women during the 1960s . |
42,798 | 1,007 | 54 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | although both films use overlapping voices , dissolving images and still photographs , `` african violet '' is a full-blown cinematic collage in which excerpts from george orwell 's `` 1984 , '' read aloud , take on an ugly new resonance when juxtaposed with pictures of an icy white south african matron preparing a formal tea party or with the fantasy of a woman confessing her sadistic feelings toward a servant whom she admits she increasingly enjoys hurting and humiliating . |
42,799 | 1,007 | 55 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | fleeing to his homeland in the british colony of basutoland -lrb- which is now lesotho -rrb- , he found himself still pursued by racist agents of the south african government , and his house was literally burned down around him . |
42,800 | 1,007 | 56 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | even after being welcomed in zambia , he was hounded out of the african continent by the same white south african agents . |
42,801 | 1,007 | 57 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | while the filmmaker 's father talks about his lifelong struggle to combat the systematic `` mental starvation '' of black south africans , many of these images illustrate the struggle to avoid physical starvation . |
42,802 | 1,007 | 58 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the films will be shown at the film forum , 209 houston street , south village . |
42,803 | 1,007 | 59 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | new york _ in 1953 , athol fugard quit the university of cape town and hitchhiked up through africa to port sudan . |
42,804 | 1,007 | 60 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | returning to south africa , he began his writing career . |
42,805 | 1,007 | 61 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | through the years of apartheid , as south africa 's foremost playwright , his voice rang out clearly against racism , oppression and censorship . |
42,806 | 1,007 | 62 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | `` south africa , '' he said , `` had to do a complete 180 -degree turn in terms of the political miracle of the 20th century for me to realize that somebody had pulled the plug , in a sense , on what was one source of energy in my work _ my feeling of outrage and anger . |
42,807 | 1,007 | 63 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | i felt there were no roads from fiji to south africa . |
42,808 | 1,007 | 64 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | in the intervening time , he endured the hardships of a tumultuous political period _ including having his passport taken away by the south african government in 1967 _ and he confronted his own alcoholism . |
42,809 | 1,007 | 65 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | he emerged in 1990 after 27 years in an apartheid prison to oversee a peaceful transfer of power from south africa 's white-minority regime . |
42,810 | 1,007 | 66 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | `` this is truly a signal event for rice and for houston , '' said rice president malcolm gillis . |
42,811 | 1,007 | 67 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | he was released from jail in february 1990 , to a hero 's welcome , was elected president of the republic of south africa in 1994 and went on to win the nobel peace prize . |
42,812 | 1,007 | 68 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | `` as far as becoming the first black to be elected president of south africa , it never occurred to me that one day i would have that position . |
42,813 | 1,007 | 69 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | it had no significance to us who held a particular position because we were placed there by a team of men and women who , under very difficult circumstances , had triumphed to become a pathfinder in a new south africa . |
42,814 | 1,007 | 70 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | it is a process no country can avoid , because today the things that take place in the people 's republic of china immediately have an effect on south africa , morocco , seattle , and in other parts of the world . |
42,815 | 1,007 | 71 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | `` the enemies of the united states are not our enemies , and if the united states thinks they can dictate to south africa , they are living in dreamland . |
42,816 | 1,007 | 72 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | johannesburg , south africa _ chief justice ismail mahomed , a lifelong champion of the fight against white rule and the first person of color to preside over south africa 's highest common-law court , died here on saturday night . |
42,817 | 1,007 | 73 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the chief justice was buried sunday in the capital , pretoria , after a funeral service that was attended by president thabo mbeki and members of the cabinet . |
42,818 | 1,007 | 74 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | over the years , in spite of everything that stood in the way of his success , he became known as one of the bar 's sharpest minds and engaging orators , not only in south africa but across the region as well . |
42,819 | 1,007 | 75 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | after winning independence from south africa , neighboring namibia called on him to help draft its constitution and selected him to be the country 's chief justice . |
42,820 | 1,007 | 76 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | when south africa began to take its first steps toward change in the early 1990s , mahomed was appointed a judge , the first nonwhite to sit on the bench in south africa 's history . |
42,821 | 1,007 | 77 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | according to a statement issued by the british embassy in the capital pretoria today , aid has been provided in south africa 's law enforcement , and the customs and drugs controls . |
42,822 | 1,007 | 78 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the law enforcement support was focused on community policing in south africa 's provinces of western cape , eastern cape , the free state and north west where crimes are going rampant . |
42,823 | 1,007 | 79 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the british government also funded a national re -orientation training program for the south african police , providing training to the police officers around the country . |
42,824 | 1,007 | 80 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | and a major customs enforcement project was set up in south africa , allowing 11 british customs officers to help the south african revenue service improve revenue collection and border controls . |
42,825 | 1,007 | 81 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | tehran , november 1 -lrb- xinhua -rrb- -- iranian foreign minister kamal kharrazi will start a three-day official visit to south africa tuesday to foster bilateral ties , local english-language daily iran news reported today . |
42,826 | 1,007 | 82 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | it is believed that the main objective of kharrazi 's visit to south africa is to boost the bilateral cooperation , particularly in oil field . |
42,827 | 1,007 | 83 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | iran and south africa reached agreement on a project of storing 15 million barrels of iranian oil in south africa , but the two sides did not finalize the contract over the project which was strongly attacked by the united states . |
42,828 | 1,007 | 84 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | former iranian president akbar hashemi rafsanjani visited pretoria in september last year . |
42,829 | 1,007 | 85 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | addis ababa , june 14 -lrb- xinhua -rrb- -- secretary general of the organization of african unity -lrb- oau -rrb- salim ahmed salim left here on monday for south africa to attend the swearing-in-ceremony of elected president thabo mbeki in pretoria . |
42,830 | 1,007 | 86 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | mbeki was chosen by the african national congress -lrb- anc -rrb- as president of south africa after the anc 's landslide victory in the june 2 national elections . |
42,831 | 1,007 | 87 | 0 | who was elected president of south africa in 1994 ? | the swearing-in-ceremony of south african president will take place on june 16 . |
42,832 | 1,008 | 0 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | south african surgeon christiaan n. barnard , who performed the first human heart transplant in 1967 , relied on demikhov 's research and experience , itar-tass said . |
42,833 | 1,008 | 1 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | 1967 - louis washkansky , first man to undergo heart transplant , dies in cape town , south africa , 18 days after surgery . |
42,834 | 1,008 | 2 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei wrote more than 700 clinical publications and trained more than 1,000 cardiac surgeons , including dr. christiaan barnard , who performed the first human heart transplant in 1967 , and other pioneers in heart transplantation . |
42,835 | 1,008 | 3 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | his pupil barnard gained worldwide fame when he performed the first human heart transplant in 1967 , in south africa . |
42,836 | 1,008 | 4 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | `` and after they did their laboratory work , that geared everybody up to performing heart transplants in humans , '' franco went on , and `` christiaan barnard was the first surgeon to do a human heart transplant , '' in south africa in 1967 . |
42,837 | 1,008 | 5 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | among his students at minnesota were dr. christiaan n. barnard , the south african who in 1967 performed history 's first heart transplant , and dr. norman e. shumway , who devised the technique for such transplants . |
42,838 | 1,008 | 6 | 1 | when was the first heart transplant ? | his work is causing excitement in south african medical circles , with one scientist at the uct describing it as the most important development since the world 's first heart transplant by a south african doctor , chris barnard , in 1967 . |
42,839 | 1,008 | 7 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | vladimir demikhov , a russian surgeon who conducted the world 's first animal heart and lung transplants , has died at the age of 82 , a news agency reported monday . |
42,840 | 1,008 | 8 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | a pioneer in transplants and artificial organs , demikhov was the first to transplant a heart in a dog , in 1946 . |
42,841 | 1,008 | 9 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | the dog , which kept both the old heart and the new one , lived for five months after the surgery . |
42,842 | 1,008 | 10 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | dr. c. walton lillehei , a pioneer who created many innovative open heart surgery techniques during the 1950s , died monday of cancer . |
42,843 | 1,008 | 11 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | in 1955 , lillehei led university researchers in developing a machine to oxygenate blood and pump it through the patient 's body , making open-heart and ultimately heart transplant surgery possible . |
42,844 | 1,008 | 12 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei worked with medtronic inc. cofounder earl bakken in 1957 to develop the first wearable pacemaker for the successful treatment of patients with chronic complete heart block . |
42,845 | 1,008 | 13 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | he also contributed to the design of four prosthetic heart valves , including the widely-used st. jude medical mechanical heart valve . |
42,846 | 1,008 | 14 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | dr. c. walton lillehei , who was regarded as the father of open heart surgery and trained hundreds of other surgeons including dr. christiaan barnard , has died of cancer . |
42,847 | 1,008 | 15 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei , who died monday , created many innovative heart surgery techniques during the 1950s while a surgery professor at the university of minnesota . |
42,848 | 1,008 | 16 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | on sept. 2 , 1952 , lillehei and 5-year-old jackie johnson , who suffered from a life-threatening heart defect , made medical history when the little girl became the first person to successfully undergo open-heart surgery . |
42,849 | 1,008 | 17 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | in 1957 , lillehei worked with medtronic inc. cofounder earl bakken to develop the first wearable pacemaker for patients with chronic complete heart block . |
42,850 | 1,008 | 18 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | he also contributed to the design of four artificial heart valves , including the widely used st. jude medical mechanical heart valve . |
42,851 | 1,008 | 19 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | he turned to writing and administration , continuing to lecture on open heart surgery . |
42,852 | 1,008 | 20 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | itar- tass also said that demikhov was the first to perform a heart transplant on a dog , in 1946 . |
42,853 | 1,008 | 21 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | the agency reported that the dog , which kept its old heart and the new one , survived for five months after the surgery . |
42,854 | 1,008 | 22 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | dr. john conte , the director of heart and lung transplantation at the johns hopkins hospital in baltimore , said tuesday : `` in the history of heart and lung transplantation he 's very well known ; he did some of the seminal work. '' |
42,855 | 1,008 | 23 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | he added , `` everybody who performs heart and lung transplantations is to a certain extent '' indebted to demikhov . |
42,856 | 1,008 | 24 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | conte , who has performed about about 200 heart and lung transplantations on humans , said that , after dr. alexis carrel , an american surgeon and experimental biologist who won a 1912 nobel prize for his work in organ transplantation and in other fields , demikhov `` probably had the biggest early impact on the field of heart and lung transplantation , because during the '40s and '50s he did hundreds and hundreds of experiments on dogs that showed different techniques of how to actually do heart and lung transplants . |
42,857 | 1,008 | 25 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | indeed , franco said , dr. norman shumway of stanford university and dr. richard lower of the medical college of virginia `` did a lot of heart transplants in dogs in the late '50s and early '60s . '' |
42,858 | 1,008 | 26 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | `` so now , '' franco continued , `` once we had that drug , then people began to look at transplanting the heart and the lungs in humans , and dr. bruce reitz and dr. shumway performed the first human heart-lung transplant , at stanford '' in the early 1980s . |
42,859 | 1,008 | 27 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | among his peers , lillehei -lrb- pronounced lily -high -rrb- was often referred to as the `` father of open heart surgery , '' responsible for many implements used in the operation . |
42,860 | 1,008 | 28 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | at the university of minnesota , where he was a medical school professor , he was a leader in developing techniques that first made surgery within the human heart possible . |
42,861 | 1,008 | 29 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | his work was instrumental in making almost commonplace critical operations on the heart that had been considered impossible . |
42,862 | 1,008 | 30 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | heart surgery was thus limited to disorders that could be remedied without entering the heart itself . |
42,863 | 1,008 | 31 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei played a prominent role in other breakthroughs that made treatments of once-fatal heart conditions possible . |
42,864 | 1,008 | 32 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | once such condition is known as heart block , in which the body fails to produce the small electrical signals that regulate the heartbeat . |
42,865 | 1,008 | 33 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei introduced it at a conference on cardiovascular surgery , sponsored by the new york heart association , the following january . |
42,866 | 1,008 | 34 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | the device , the size of a pack of cigarettes , proved effective not merely as a temporary aid after surgery , but also for long-term maintenance of nonsurgical heart patients . |
42,867 | 1,008 | 35 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei and his associates contributed to the design of four prosthetic heart valves , including the widely used st. jude medical mechanical heart valve . |
42,868 | 1,008 | 36 | 0 | when was the first heart transplant ? | lillehei , as chief surgeon at new york hospital in 1969 , led the team that did the first transplant of the heart and both lungs to be performed there . |
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