stringlengths 2
| af
stringlengths 2
abortion | aborsie |
accused | beskuldigde |
alcohol | dop |
alcoholism | alkoholisme |
Allergy. | Allergie. |
ammunition | ammunisie |
amnesty | amnestie |
amputation | amputasie |
anaconda | anakonda |
ancient | antiek |
and | en |
animal | dier |
archeology | argeologie |
army | leër |
arsonist | brandstigter |
asshole | doos |
barbarians | barbare |
barbecue | braai |
battle | veldslag |
bear | beer |
Beaver | Bewer |
bird | voël |
blackmail | afpersing |
bleeding | bloeding |
bombing | bombardement |
bro | bru |
bronchitis | bronchitis |
burial | begrafnis |
Byzantine | Bisantyns |
camel | kameel |
can | kan |
Catholic | Katoliek |
cave | grot |
chameleon | verkleurmannetjie |
child | kind |
cigarettes | mmchakawally |
cinema | bioscope |
colonel | kolonel |
combat | geveg |
computer | rekenaar |
Congratulations! | Baie geluk! |
conqueror | veroweraar |
cool | bakgat |
cough | hoes |
court | geregshof |
crazy | bossies |
crime | misdaad |
criminal | misdadiger |
dad | pa |
damn | blerrie |
danger | gevaar |
death | dood |
defendant | beklaagde |
Defense | Verdediging |
dentist | tandarts |
detective | speurder |
diabetes | suikersiekte |
diagnosis | diagnose |
disco | chrisco |
dislocation | ontwrigting |
division | divisie |
do | doen |
doctor | dokter |
dude | bra |
duke | hertog |
each | elke |
eight | agt |
elephant | olifant |
e-mail | e-pos |
emergency | noodgeval |
emperor | keiser |
enemy | vyand |
epilepsy | epilepsie |
Era. | Era. |
evolution | evolusie |
exciting | befok |
explosion | ontploffing |
feudal | feodaal |
fever. | koors. |
fine | boete |
five | vyf |
four | vier |
fox | vos |
front | front |
goat | bok |
Goodbye | Totsiens |
guilty | skuldig |
handcuffs | handboeie |
headquarters | hoofkwartier |
Health | Gesondheid |
hello | heita |
Help! | Help! |
hero | held |
Hi | Haai |
horse | perd |
Hostage | Gyselaar |
hotel | hotel |
Subsets and Splits