,Name,college,review,rating 0,Aariz Amaan,IILM University,The faculty-student ratio is good none of the students go unnoticed if they participate well. Faculties are highly experienced and hold Ph.D. in their respective fields. Mid-sem and end-sem exams are not that tough if you have studied well before the exams.The campus is lush green and spacious classes are well equipped with Ac and labs are good too. Hostels are newly made. You can avail of all books from the library itself. Sports facilities are good too. There is a Haldiram outlet within the campus.,7 1,Saurabh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"There are many fests. In which the name of the annual fest is lpu fest that all are conducted in the month of December and January There is availability of all the books in the library that a student want. There are amenities in Every classroom. The best thing about the college is there are every sports activities faculty in college. There is a big playground. There are many clubs that everyone should be able to join on the basis of their interest.The fees students can give semester-wise or yearly and my fee is 14 lakhs for four years of btech . There is is scholarships for class 12 th based and if we study hard we can get 100% scholarships also, 98% of placement this year of the college.",10 2,Prasanna,Adithya Institute of Technology - [AIT],"I am B tech (IT) The desire is not only interest in computers but the purpose of joining this college is that this college has all kinds of facilities. Apart from that this college has hostels, food, sports ground, gymnasium, computer lab and so on library All facilities are available Apart from that, all the teachers in this college are graduates so the lessons are conducted in an understandable manner and the classes in this college are conducted according to the schedule. Apart from that, the examination is conducted in this college in the best manner so don't hesitate to join this college.80 percent of the students studying in this college get job opportunities under the college placement scheme in which the students who have done good research get jobs with higher salaries. Karinyar I will complete my college studies and get a good job opportunity under the placement scheme.",6.3 3,Darshan,Chandigarh University - [CU],"The campus life is very good. They conduct an annual fest and tech fest every month and it is awesome and good. The classroom is well maintained and also clean no dust. Sports are running very well many champions are elected from our college. Social groups, clubs or websites which are run by students are going very well.I took a computer science course. It is a good course. I have achieved a lot in this stream the faculty members support me very well. The best faculty ever. The exams are very easy and there is no need to panic about the exams. The projects can be done easily. The faculty teaching is good and excellent.",10 4,Sakshi Kishor Apsunde,Pune Vidyarthi Griha's College of Engineering & S.S. Dhamankar Institute of Management,"From the 3rd year and 1st semester of the 4th year, college provide campus placement, you need to score first class to fulfill the eligibility. IGT Solutions, JIO, Centralogic, Atos, TRINAMIX, and so on companies visited yet and they have provided good packages. Till now JIO has provided the highest package. 80% of students are placed to date for others they are still providing opportunities.The course is beneficial for future skill-ups. To improve your skillset and knowledge this will the best plateform where you can build you're career. This is the platform where you give your knowledge new wings. All the faculty members and respective coordinators are extremely helpful toward us. In terms of any technical support faculty is very supportive.",9 5,THAKARE ADITYA VISHNU,Pune Vidhyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and Technology - [PVGCOET],"This year in our college there is a Big annual fest ""CARNIVAL2k23' organized. In that there is very fun, gathering, Prize distribution for Student of the year and many more. We really enjoyed it very well. There is also a tech fest there ""IDEATHON"", ""Ureckon"" in that some project competitions, Mobile games competitions, and many more and in this techfest's students from outside colleges are also participated. in the library, there are many reference books related to our studies. There are 2 classrooms for each department and 3 - 4 practical labs for each department also. In our college there also sport events in a year and in that there is many Outdoor and Indoor games are organized. In our college there is ""The coding clan "" in the Information technology department. , some seniors take one session a week for giving and teaching the knowledge of Coding and programming languages. ""The Skiilup Club "" in the Computer Science department taking a session from Expertise from outside.I choose B.tech in that I choose Information Technology because I'm interested in coding, and learning different programming languages thas why I chose this course. In my college, there is an intake of 60 students and there are about 10 Professors for different subjects. All faculty members are well-educated and completed Master's courses In Computer Science. First, there is Insem Exam after 1 month of Sem starting and this exam is easy to pass but sometimes it's hard to score as well as to pass.",9.6 6,Jeya iswariya,Francis Xavier Engineering College,"There are many fests available in this college. They conduct many games and make students more active. There are sports fest, department fest, and college fest. The library is always kept clean and has an enormous number of books which is very helpful to the students. In classrooms, they give projectors to understand the concept through videos. There are many games like cricket, basketball, and gym also available.I am interested in working in the It field that's why I am choosing this course. Faculty members are 80-100. Students are 1800-2000 members. Faculty teaching is more professional and helps us to understand concepts very clearly. Their qualifications are Ph.D. graduates. They provide exams every week to know about the students. They help weaker students, particularly with coaching classes.",7.6 7,Ravi R,Madras Institute of Technology- [MIT],"You can enjoy your college life and improve your knowledge skills. And the faculty members also treated us friendly. If any doubt about the subject you can directly contact the faculty to clear the doubt. You have 2 assessments in one semester. This assessment is conducted to 50 marks. These marks are entered in your internal marks. One of the best things in this college is your semester papers are corrected by your class as per subject faculties. At the time of reopening, you can see your semester papers on clarification day.You can enjoy the college cultural fest named MITAFEST and this fest is conducted in April month. And also for the hostel students to celebrate the HOMEFEST in your hostel. You can perform your special skills in sports to join the NSO club in our college. Also YRC, NSS, photo society, MIT Athenaeum, MIT veraity team and etc. Clubs in our college.",9.4 8,yashswi,Chitkara University - [CU],"I choose it because the teachers here are too good, too supportive and the reputation of the college is so good you get a friendly environment here, friendly seniors, no ragging good infrastructure. student ratio is about 2000-3000 in btech cse so competition is high but just believe in yourself you get admission teaching method is so good, smartly way and teachers are so supportive and friendly here. exams are not that difficult but with minimal study, you passed them.many fests happen in Chtkara like freshers party, singers concert, film promotion, day scholars, angrez fest you will enjoy a lot there. The .main point I like about Chitkara is the library they provide free library access to students with a lot of books and air-conditioned very famous sporters are from Chitkara high availability for students to play free; various clubs are run by students there like the happiness club, acting club and many other",9.5 9,Ramkumar,"Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology, and Research","I choose this course , because the present era is of Engineers and it is also good career. The ratio of faculties and Students are 1:70 and each student will be assigned to a counseller . Every faculty in the university has done their Masters & Ph.D with respective career . They treat every student to be good in their professional life. The terms exams are in 2 months for a while. The terms exam papers are medium level , a little bit effort is enough to pass in exams.The Annual fest and Cultural fest are happend regularly in campus . In every month Tech fest are happening regularly is campus. Mostly every journals are available in Library . For each and every Extra curricular activies separate clubs are there. Here the life of a sports person are better , because they had best fun in their college life . ",8 10,Anmol suman,Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - [BVCOE],"Engineering is my only dream since childhood so I also want to learn app how app development is done, about ai so I choose this course. Here all the faculty members are very supportive and helpful. They help me with different projects at the national level also. I give 9/10 to them. In this college first 2 semesters are done very quickly in phases of 6-7 months. If you study one week from exams you can easily clear it.Life on campus is very chill. Here the fest is organized every year. The library contains a lot of books for students in different courses. There are many societies of Google development and intel also. Different societies for music, arts, and dance are many more. The infrastructure of the college is very good. Every room, and lab contains ac and good infra.",8.3 11,Hema,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"mlan Tarana Aaruush shuru is the name of the fest and some of the others. Thetes is a library and availability of books in many sectors. Their facilities for sports are tennis ball badminton volleyball yoga and various other sports. there are no such websites run by students and social group.mostly I choose this for low fees and another one would like to go for software developer. 1:20, Teaching was good qualification was ph.d with least 3 years of experience. We must get 50% and 4 months once exams have been conducted.",8.2 12,Chandini,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"First I wish to take a CSE course BUt later My well-wishers said that if you take ECE you will have software and hardware so I to decided to Take ECE. Every faculty is too good at Communication skills, Teaching skills, and everything. They Are very friendly With everyone. Each and Everything They Will Explain Very Briefly. The student ratio is also high. We are having 16 Sections in ECE 650 students. I hope this year They may increase more. And we are having Two midterms and one Semester exam. Per year we are having 2 Semesters. For one mid-term they will give paper from 2 units. They have perfect timing for everything.My life is good In Campus There are many clubs but we have only one annual fest in one year. but they Celebrate very grandly. There are sports and extracurricular activities too. They will run many social groups and clubs. Which gives us a lack of knowledge.",9.3 13,Mohammed Sahil,Khaja Bandanawaz University - [KBNU],"Mainly I was interested in this course and my parents were also suggesting me this course. The students are divided according to their batch and in batches according to their sections and teaching methods are such beautiful. The term exams were between the 5th and 6th month and were not much difficult to pass.I don't know the name of the fest, it is mainly the annual fest and they are celebrated in the month of June and the library is awesome, all books are there. Sports like cricket, football, volleyball, etc. There are many social groups on social media.",7 14,Manoj akki,SDM College of Engineering and Technology - [SDMCET],"Internships are increasingly being offered to selected students. In collaboration with CIII and departments, students are made to undergo training in different modules that are relevant to training and placement and are ingrained with adequate skills such as aptitude, and communication. These skills combined with students' technical knowledge gained in their engineering courses make them placement ready by the end of the VI semester.For the Computer science branch it's costly it will come to around 4 to 5 lakh per annum but if you get admission through KCET the fees will be upto 1lakh per annum Since it is higher studies we can get easily scholarships we have checked the daily website for scholarship According to college, the campus selection is 85 to 90? and the companies also are great",8.6 15,Suyash Mishra,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"It is a good course and especially it is my interest to pursue Artificial intelligence and machine learning. The teaching faculty is great teachers are very friendly and their method of teaching is really amazing. There are a total of 3 exams ST1 ST2 AND PUT, starting it was very tough to cope up but it went perfectly later on it was easy to score well in every subject.The campus is very nice and beautiful. Great infrastructure and especially the Engineering campus is great. There are interactive seniors and teachers in a friendly environment. Fests and freshers done by the college are superb. Lots of extracurricular activities happen in college and sports like football, cricket, badminton, etc are played in the college.",9.7 16,Jaison Immanuel,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],The fees are quite a medium ita not too expensive. Fees are considered equal to the teaching facility. The fees are quite worth it. Jobs will be hiring from Infosys. Webinar etc and many of us got placements in these top companies.Life on campus is amazing. The food is delicious. Books are plenty in libraries so we could refer to them. Faculties encourage sports and extracurricular activities. The health club is more famous in our Institute.,10 17,Yadnesh Patil,SVKM's Institute of Technology - [SVKM's-IOT],"By the end of 3rd semester, students become eligible for campus placements. Companies like Tcs, Gemini, Byjus, Infosys and etc. The average package is 3.6 LPA and the Highest Package is 6.5 LPA. Nearly 80% of students get placed. My plan after getting the degree get a high-paying job.There are many feasts in college every year. The library is big enough to contain all types of required books general etc. There are comfortable chairs in the classroom led screen etc. All sports and extracurricular activities take place on the college campus.",7.8 18,dipanshu rathor,Dayalbagh Educational Institute - [DEI],"the fee is very relevant and the college provides scholarships for needy students you also get a stipend if you achieve well in your academics the faculty members are very friendly in nature and they always try to solve the problems of their students.the faculty is very good and max students are always placed at very good companies, at very good packages the term exams are not so difficult if you prepare well in college you will also get a chance to participate in co-curricular activities",7.8 19,Raghav,Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [AITS],I took ECE Course based on my interest some of the faculty are very good. Mostly all the faculties are well qualified and some of them have very good teaching skills. Exams held as per the schedule given and question papers will be very tough and strictly evaluatedThere are different fees for different courses and we have to pay the fee in two instalments. The college provides good placements for jobs and they provide good training to achieve those jobs .they start the training in the middle of 2nd year.,7.3 20,SK MEHEDI HASAN,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Annual Fest-The fest name Youth Vibe is conducted for 5 days in the month of April & many other fest'Spectra science fest. Availability of all kinds of books study-related and many other more high-quality effective costly books are available for free its growth all-purpose. The amenities are in class room-projector, whiteboard, laptop ports,sound system,ac, Wi-fi, and Microphone. social life very enjoyful, unbelievable experienceThe students are as usual 4th Semester. The name of the Companies -Google, Microsoft, Amazon, TCS, WIPRO, Capgemini, L&T & other MNC. Google offered the highest package -67.72 Lakh Avg package-11.15 Lakh. The LPU Placement is 95% in computer science in 2022. My plan is after getting my degree go for a Job in MNC.",9.5 21,Manjeet Saini,Hindu College of Engineering - [HCE],"I choose this course because this is my interest based you opt for your interest-based don't go in deersteps. In my college 70 students and 1 teacher in a class have best teaching method, they have Students who study sincerely can pass the exams onlyThe major companies like Infosys Tesla etc sometimes Maruti also comes and in the beginning people also get internship programs also that build them for companies interview and they get help in making flexible work",6 22,Guda Paneendranath Reddy,Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College - [SVEC],"For every year there will be a mohan mantra consists of three days.There will be so many events we can enjoy and online games like pubg,free fire and day 2&3 will be a band. We have a Library consists of different subjects and puranas etc.. Beauty of Vidyanikethan insta page run by our student.From 4-1 sem the students eligible for campus placements. The companies visited our college are Accenture, cognizant and so many the no.of students in 2023 batch are around 70 % students. The highest package is around 30 lpa and average package is around 4lpa. ",8 23,Kartik Bhalla,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"This course is highly rated There are a good number of faculties for students and a number of batches of class Masters or PhD graduate faculties are teaching there The term exam is based on the concept which is taught by the faculties. So make sure to learn with them properly.The scholarship is based on 12th marks And also on the entrance exam Highly reputed companies are Alumni of the college The fee brochure is available on site There are different fees for different colleges. you can apply for guidance on the website",9.3 24,Mohit Kaintura,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],I chose this course because nowadays btech from computer science has good growth opportunities and the faculty is also experienced and good. Many faculties are from top iit's as well. Their teaching method was also great. They were also helpful and also advised us to clear our doubts outside the lecture hours as wellThe social life in our college besides studying is not that well. Anything besides study is considered a waste of time by many of our teachers but some of them also acknowledge extracurricular activities and support the students so it's a 50-50 situation there are many clubs and incubation cells as well,8.4 25,Kancharla sai nithin reddy,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"Placements are average I can say only a limited number of companies visit college like TCS Deloitte toshiba etc top tier companies won't even look here that doesn't mean you can't get placed in them you need to go off campus for itThe fee structure is simple you need to pay your early fees which is 1lakh if you have a scholarship you don't need to and per mid-exam, you need to pay 1350 to write the exam same for supply exams too very reasonable prices",10 26,B J HRUTIK,NMAM Institute of Technology - [NMAMIT],"Placement of our college is increasing year after year, in this academic year over 200 companies arrived at our college and over 1000 students were placed highest package was 52lpa in our college more than 10 students got above 40lpa package, the average package is about 5lpa, we should maintain good cgpa for that I am planning to get get in good company in my future hope that happens.As artificial intelligence and data science is a booming technology and booming subject in the future it has a lot of importance for future generations I choose this course because the teaching staff here are majorly done with their masters, and the majority of them have their Drs degree and the teaching method is awesome. When come to the NUCAT exam it was tough to get good marks.",8.7 27,Tanshu,Aligarh Muslim University - [AMU],"The total fees for B.Tech are 108000 and there are options for you named finance peer, so Finance Peer is like a loan with zero interest rate, finance peer gives your total fees per semester wise and you will pay fees to the finance peer in emi semester wise like 6 months and there also provide scholarship like e-Kalyan scholarship, minority, etc. This all about depends on the government but percentage-wise provided scholarships from the university according to your percentage, If you have got 80 or above percentage then you are eligible for this scholarship.The most popular annual fest is AGAZ, Agaz fest celebrates in the month of last April this is a very amazing fest where you can enjoy a lot. All Books are available in the library. There is AC In the classroom and more than 12 fans and overall good amenities in classrooms. and for sports, there is one fest within a year for sports students named run bhumi and all sports games are available under the University campus.",8.8 28,Himanshu dhall,Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology - [CIET],"after the 3rd year, one can start appearing in campus placements but you can do many internships even after the first year only. many top companies visit the campus like wipro, Amazon, Flipkart, etc most of the students get placed and the number of companies is also more than sufficient.there are many fests that take place in the college also the library is well equipped with books of different genres, all the classrooms are well equipped there are multiple grounds, a sports complex, and a gym. Also, tables for table tennis are present on each floor of the hostel.",8.6 29,Sachin Yadav,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA",The fees for one semester are 50000. Compared to other college fees of JC Bose University of Science and Technology is quite low. U will definitely get a scholarship if u are on the merit list and some teachers also helped students financially.I chose this course because it was my dream and it was my dream college. I get a computer Engineering and the placement process should be fair. The exam will be held in 6 months. faulty members are student-friendly.,7.7 30,Ansh Srivastava,GLA University,"A Fresher party is organised every year for students and many more other fests are also organised. There are libraries with a lot of books and there courses for students. There are many sports activities organised by the university for students. There are too many social groups and clubs for studentsI have chosen this course because I am interested in computer science. As a science student, I am interested in BTech. All faculties are well-educated and professionals. Maximum of faculties of GLA University done doctorate and PhD. Exams are a little bit moderate.",9.3 31,Animesh tripathi,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"It's a very huge campus with all the facilities, I love the campus, so much greenery and shady trees, the annual fest is being organized in which celebrity singers and other big people come to motivate and to entertain. Books and journals are available on the campus.Because there is a nice environment and it's in a peaceful place, all the facilities are available for children, the staff is highly educated and respectful and exams were conducted after every 2-3 months. Students respect their teachers, the faculties are helpful.",7 32,harshit gajjar,Symbiosis Institute of Technology - [SIT],"the cost of study here is minimal in comparison to all the private colleges out there 3 lahks per year is the normal college fee roi of the college is good you invest 12 lahks for four years and the average package of college is 10 lpa so good ROI. scholarships are available to the category students as I said.As I said average package is about 10 lakhs for this college so ROI is much greater than other private colleges out there so many FANG companies visited there so placement is huge with the highest package of 36 lpa but the average is good so best college.",8.4 33,Deva Prasanth,Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [Karunya Deemed University],"I have chosen Electronics and communication engineering because it has a high scope in the IT field. All the faculties are friendly with knowledge staff and there are more than 2000 students studying at Karunya University. All the teachers are about 5-10 years of work experience and their teaching methods are understandable for students. There are no term exams only three internals and one-semester exam for every semester. Question papers are easy to pass.Fees are really high for middle-class people. because of 4 lakhs per annum. There is one and only scholarship available in the University that is above 80% of marks scored in 12 and can give upto 40,000 per annum given by the university A loan option is also available at University so students can use their optional.",7.9 34,Ashish kumar sha,"Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and PG Courses, School of Engineering","Campus Life is awesome, social exposure and events are conducted on a regular basis, we have many different clubs my favourite club is the English club, and the library is equipped with pc and wifi. Books are well maintained and handled with care, events are organised on a regular basis to provide knowledge and grow our social community. Sports tournaments are conducted and the winners are provided with medals, price amounts and certificates. Classrooms are equipped with a projector, water facility, and attendance thumb scanner.There are many interships opportunities available in my college, many companies like google Amazon Microsoft offer students of 3 Rd year are provided with interships opportunities with a stipend. General some give the role of campus brand ambassador to promote their courses and products like Prepbytes edutech company, some hire front end and back end developera and many more",9.8 35,Pankaj Kumar mishra,"Sagar Institute of Science and Technology - [SISTec] - Sagar Group of Institutions",Students become eligible to sit on the campus drive at the start of the 7th semester. The highest package is 27lpa offered by value lab and Flipkart but a lot of packages are offered between 10lpa to 20 lpa.I choose this course because I am interested in computer science and technology. The ratio between faculty and students is 1:20 all faculties are highly qualified some of them have completed their PhDs.,10 36,Mayank,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"var allowPaste = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return true; }; document.addEventListener('paste', allowPaste, true); var allowPaste = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return true; }; document.addEventListener('paste', allowPaste, true);var allowPaste = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return true; }; document.addEventListener('paste', allowPaste, true); var allowPaste = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return true; }; document.addEventListener('paste', allowPaste, true);",6 37,krishna,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"The annual fest in our college is BITOTSAV. It generally happens in February month and is quite exciting. There are tons of books in the library but the only disadvantage is the library is open until 8 pm. We have a big sports complex which contains wodden badminton court, football ground, cricket pitch, basketball ground, gymnasium, multi gym, etc. We have quite big classrooms with fully central aitlr conditioners the seats are quite comfortable. There are lecture halls too. There are various types of clubs in our club which are managed by the students Srijan - the electric car-making team, participate in national-level competitions. PSOC- the official photographic Society of bit mesra, cover all the events on our campus. Aveon- formula one racing car maker IEEE - one of the best coding club We also have Eeesoc and Ecesoc, the club of the respective branches. We have a lot more cultural clubs Dhwani - singers club Leo club Acting clubs Dancing clubs and a lot more....The fee is quite more, 16 lakhs for 4 years course. The college provides GP Birla scholarship for a meritious student which is top 100 students get the scholarship. So you need to be in the creamy layer if you want to avail fees recession",7 38,Shreya,SASTRA University,The fee structure at Sastra University is reasonable and payable. More Mncs visiting Sastra University and giving them a decent package also. There is more availability of scholarships also. So students have many ways to develop their skills etc.The faculties of Sastra University were excellent. Every faculty was very friendly to their students. Their teaching method is also very friendly. Exams were very easy to clear. So no problems with their exams.,8.3 39,Rajat Kumar Debata,Silicon Institute of Technology - [SIT],The course curriculum is very good in means of quality and extensivity. The faculty members are so experienced that they help us in both academics and research field. There are some faculty members also who help students to find the desired job opportunities.The placement opportunity is very good. The college placement authority is so helpful that it provides opportunities according to your skill set. The college average placement is about 6 lpa. The college students also excelled in GATE and CAT-like exams.,9.5 40,Krishna,Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology - [BBDNIIT],"In this field, there are many career options like automobile and designing, nanotechnology, robotics, and who did this course also go in software engineering. There are many students who are pursuing engineering but mechanical engineering has only max 15 to 30 students. The teaching method is too good.The fees structure is 110000 and scholarship is only for who gives the exams and for direct admission there is no any scholarship and talking about campus so there is many companies come and for who want to pursue (ME),(CE),(and EC) in these courses 25% scholarship is applied.",8.7 41,Prabir Khanra,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],I chose this course because of placement in this stream .here the faculty and student ratio is good it was about 1:5. teachers are good and helpful to crack placement. exam difficulty level is medium .from qualified teachers you can learn many thingshere in jis college of Engineering per year fee hike level is medium. every year the fee hike is around forty thousand.in jis college of Engineering all goverment scholarships and loan are available like swami vivekananda merit cum scholarship,7.3 42,Eshan,Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology - [AIT],"The course and curriculum are good for CSE students. I chose CSE cause as we know the future bow depends on Computer science only you can choose the ISE course too that's the better option as placements are the same for it and the ISE department here is better than CSE's less crowded and easy course. The faculty-to-student ratio is 1:60 but the faculty is fine here and anyways in college, I need to do self-study. There are Ph.D. holder faculty here so it is nice and their teaching methods are also nice here.Students become eligible for placement at the end of the 6th sem. Here many companies came but most students went to TCS and Infosys placement is good here as almost every CSE and ISE student got a place with an average 6-7 LPA if you do hardwoods You can get placed upto nearly 20-25 Lakh package.",6.7 43,Mohammed Ismail Muazzam I,SRM Valliammai Engineering college -[VEC],"We have a placement from the 6th semester onwards and the eligibility criteria are 65 % or 6.5 CGPA. Many MNCs are for placement campus drives namely TCS, CTS, Wipro, Accenture, etc and startups also namely Accolite, cognizant, Lavasoft, etc. We provide a minimum of 90% placed in campus drive. Placement packages from 3.5 to 11 LPA. My plan after my Degree is to move towards the competitive examination.I am more interested in the Electrical field so I choose this course. Then the faculty-student relationship is good but in our department faculty and student ratio is 1:20. Many of the faculty are Ph.D. holders and well-experienced so the teaching methodology is good. In my college, we prepared a question Bank for the internal exam so it is easy to get more internal marks",7.3 44,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"IT is a flourishing sector so on-campus placement chances are higher for on-campus. Rest, coding is a vast line. many find their interest in it. The faculty is fine not too good not too bad except for a few. Exams occur twice per semester once for the midterm and the latter for the second termThe cost of the study is average. 8 lakh for 4 years, the rest depends on whether you got any scholarship or not. comparing to private colleges. the fees are good quite affordable. many govt scholarships are there for girl student",6.3 45,Shubham mishra,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"During your first year of college, you will be juggling many new experiences: new friends, new living situations, new activities, new classes and new teachers. While a lot of these new experiences are exciting, they can challenge your time-management skills and academic adjustmentThis course is very highly demanded in future and also it has good scope in future the faculty of this college is very good and the ratio of student is very good all the teachers of faculty have done phd in their respective areas",10 46,dusyant cheeta,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"I have not gotten a scholarship or any job as of now since I am in 1st year, my fees are paid by my parents and I'll be starting internships soon by the end of 1st year to build up my CV. student loans are given easily to the students of DTU since it's a well-established University.Freesources DTU is for all the notes and all the study references, many societies are run by students here at DTU, we have societies for everything, film soc, drone and aeronautics soc, super mileage vehicle soc, f1 soc, dance soc, painting soc. just name it, we have it",8.4 47,Aditya roy,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"It provides 100% placements but u can go off campus for better placements if not provided like LinkedIn, naukri.com and so on 3rd-semester students are eligible for campus placements proper classes are taken for how to crack interviews, one on one sessions are held, and many more to crack your dream package. more than 400 companies visit kiit University like Amazon, Accenture, hcl, Adani Willmar, etc. It provides 100% placement, and for 2023 average package was about 8.5 lakh, and the highest was 62 lakh per annum, my plan after getting a degree is to earn moneyThe cost to study for B.Tech in CSC in KIIT is around 18-20 lakhs for 4 years including hostel mess and other expenditures .our college provides many scholarships for students like the prime minister special scholarship scheme, e Kalyan scholarship of Jharkhand govt., Prerna scholarship, national scholarship portal, Rajiv Gandhi national fellowship for sc st, Ishan Uday special scholarship scheme, national fellowship for sc St, and many more. The financial assistance of 53000 can be availed by selected students through a kiitee admission scholarship.",8.8 48,Hitanshu Gupta,National Institute of Technology - [NITP],"Life in this college is quite good, the annual fest named Corona& Melange is organised in the month of January and February, in which many colleges participate and perform. In NIT PATNA we have a central library in which most of the books related to our study are provided and the Library also provides journals. The classroom is also well equipped with technology considering the smart board and TVs, air conditioning system in all the classrooms and a speaker system is also provided with seating arrangement in the bench form. The college organise Intermural which is an interdepartmental sports competition. The Student Activity Center is fulfilled with sports activities like the badminton court, table tennis, squash room, pool table, and separate gym for boys and girls. Many clubs are present in the NIT PATNA to make college life interesting and events are also organised to interact with everyone.The reason for selecting this course in civil engineering is because relatively NIT PATNA provide better opportunities in the field of civil engineering as compared to other colleges. The branch of civil engineering has an average of 130 students each year and the faculties are more than enough to manage all the curriculum in academic as well as extracurricular. Almost all the faculties who are there in the department of civil engineering have completed their PhD/Mtech and they have a good experience in teaching. The faculty are cooperative and are very supportive. In each semester we have 2 exams Mid-semester exam and an End Semester exam the semester is 6 months long, and we also have some class tests between these two examinations. The examination is medium level to pass.",7.5 49,Eden,SRM University,"The library is really good it's small but it's efficient. All the classrooms have smart boards and single-person chairs, all buildings have a good cafeteria. Sports here are good too. We got a well-maintained football basketball tennis badminton court.I don't know much about this But I have heard seniors doing paid internships in the second and third year of college and have also heard that some students have already started their own companies and are in the process of developing them.",6.2 50,Shubham kumar,Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management - [SKITM],"The campus is not So large as compared to other colleges but Social clubs are available Some clubs available like: 1) Sports Club 2)music club 3)Dance Club 4)cultural club and religious club 5)Painting and art club Annually some fest is organised by colleges around 4,5 fests are organised by colleges in a year the availability of book is much poor than in other colleges most of the books are not available in the library so you have to buy your own books, Most of the books are available in the library Semester books are available. Extracurricular activities are not available but held in less quantity Science exhibition is held 2,3 times a year and this best part of college.I choose this course only because in this course faculty and students are much better than in the other branch and only in this branch faculty can take proper classes labs of btech CS branch is much better than other So I choose this branch in this college. Faculty of CS only best and on other branches Faculties not taking classes in a week in one time. A 200:1 ratio is best for this college for per 200 students 1 teacher is only available and even faculties don't attend classes. faculties in this college are qualifications is high almost all the faculties doing Phd in their own subject. According to the Mdu curriculum semester-wise exam conducted means once a time in 6 months.",3.7 51,m s kisha,Madha Engineering College,"I choose the course B.E CSE(computer science engineering ) at Madha engineering college Chennai. the college architecture was very good and the value for money in this college is worth full. the major benefits are the fees, the fess is much lesser than in other colleges there is no other money asked by the college side. the study ratio is good the quality of teaching is good and very knowledgeable. the teacher clears doubts instantly. the ratio I just get good marks in 12th standard my status is middle of average. the more academic staff resource made available to students, such as teaching, supervision, curriculum development, and pastoral support, the better this experience ought to be. it is calculated by dividing the number of students validated by qs by the faculty figure validated by qs. qualified faculty members are identified primarily by academic credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to full-time equivalent.the college annual fees were expectable because compared to other colleges. The fee structure was so good the annual fees will be in 2022 the fees were 70000rs was and now will be changed to will 2 to 3 thousand will increase that will be reserved by the government the value of the money is effectively used in the college. The books will be distributed by the college from the beginning of the semester because they are good and study important to giving college. The library is so good the basic books are always has been stocked in the library we can use the books at any time by the token system way we can use the library effectively. The classrooms are clean and effective class and the projects and classes are taken online also the laboratories are also very good. Madha engineering college has all kinds of extracurricular activities on campus recently in 2023 having sports and culture the college give important to the other activities.",8.6 52,Charan,Vardhaman College of Engineering - [VCE],"The college campus life is very good, the infrastructure is also good the annual fest is good on a regular time period and the cultural events 'and social clubs are also pretty much encouraged and there is also an event named Routes which is conducted every year the event will be for two days first day will be a traditional day where everyone wears traditional and participates in the events and before the event every sport will be conducted and will be rewarded accordingly and the cricket finals match will be done on the day of the traditional day night it will be goodThe faculty members are highly qualified lecturers every lecturer has at least one PHD or master's in the respective subject. I chose the electronic and communication engineering I chose this course because I was really interested in electronics and wanted to learn it so I choose electronic and communication engineering and the relationship between the student and the faculty member is good as I know the teaching method depends on the respective faculty and some students might understand and some may not understand the way of teaching it basically depends on the faculty and student.",7.7 53,Vignesh,Madha Engineering College,I am studying in this college and I choose to BE .cse because in future technology is developed quickly so I select this course. the faculty-student college transport is available and helps teachers. The teaching is very clear and easily understandable and different types of methods to teaching and this type of teaching is very clear. Weekly one test is conducted and term exams are very easy and easy to pass all subjects because easy to learn the syllabus and easily understandable.If you study all semester exams for selecting campus interviews to place for companies because all courses are taught advanced technology and knowledge and update yearly once. We are visiting top companies and all companies are offering for our college students. The percentage of students getting placement for a minimum of 60% without harriers. My plan after getting the degree is to place in top companies.,9.9 54,Prashanth,Vardhaman College of Engineering - [VCE],"Ortus is the annual fest in Vardhaman College of Engineering, it will be held for 3 days, Many cultural, and technical events and sports tournaments are organized, and students can participate in that events. In the library, we can read books and the college infrastructure is pretty good.I am very enthusiastic about electronics and telecommunications so I choose the electronics and communication stream in B.Tech. There will be 10 faculty for every 60 students. The faculties are supportive and knowledgeable and ECE is a tough subject so it is difficult to pass the subjects.",10 55,Vikash singh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Here is an annual fest and tech fest like lpu fest lpuliv Education at LPU is a holistic one, aimed at developing the intellectual and personal strengths of students. The LPU experience takes place both within and outside the classroom, nurturing creativity and innovation through challenging project work and participative learning. As each individual is unique and approaches life in a different manner, so we allow them to choose their own placement pathways based on their interest. LPU has collaborated with top companies for providing its students with industry immersion. At LPU, we also provide opportunities to globally expose students through our study abroad programmes.From 6th semester students are eligible to get an internship or placements Google Microsoft Wipro TCS etc companies are there who can reach out to this college And select a student 3 cr highest package average package is 2700000 An 8.5 CGPA needs for a student to be eligible for placement Software Engineer",7.8 56,Madhumitha P R,Thiagarajar College of Engineering - [TCE],"HP Aruba with a stipend of 40000, AstraZeneca with a stipend of 18000. Fidelity investments with a stipend of 40000. A final year project has to be done over the course of 3 months in major areas like ML, AI, and Web development.I chose the course because I wanted to join in IT industry. The faculty-student ratio is 6:120. A maximum number of faculties will have a phd. There will be three internal exams. The difficulty is level-easy to medium.",8.2 57,Abinesh,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],The most important thing in the definitely we really talk about the infrastructure of the college just amazing if you walk inside the campus you may get doubt you walk in college or park not like normal infrastructure it's nature is beautiful in the campus 4years of campus life definitely enjoyThe courses curriculum is the best in this college faculty members are well PhDs course completed staffs nice infrastructure in this college faculty's way of teaching is easy to understand and fun method it improves the interest in study,9.7 58,Pavuluri Prasanth Reddy,GMR Institute of Technology - [GMRIT],"On this campus, we had to explore our talents and learn different things. A determined person can have a good opportunity in this college. Because this college had to conduct a national event called STEP ONE. In this event, we had to show our strengths and learn new things. One such good thing should be a good infrastructure of the Library. it can offer various resources like the digital library, a lot of old and new books and had a wide range of capacity for sitting of students. In addition to sports, master talent can be supported by this institute in different ways financially and socially. extra circular program should be less compared to other colleges. but most of the event should sone on the technical side only lastly we have different types of clubs like robot wars, ppt, UPSC and Codigoo etc.We know that every college has its own course circular differently. according to this college, first, all the different branch students sit together in 16 classes. per class 66 students should be present. 16 classes can be divided into two. so the first 8 should learn physics and another 8 classes should learn chemistry patterns. but both patterns should have common subjects psps and English. The mojority of the faculty should teach Excellently. Every faculty should take care of every student in the classroom.",8.5 59,Sreenu,PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science [PBR VITS],"The fee structure was so costly. I am not sure and I can't be sure for 100% that my college provided transparency in the fee structure. But one thing is for sure - the education that we have received over there is unpayable and we will always be debited for our college because that is the bonding that we share with our college. course and the exam structure is Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Anantapur, the course curriculum and the examination structure were as per the standards of the university. The curriculum was good enough to learn new things for the students. In the campus placements, we are very good. And many of my friends and the students of this college left the college with an offer letter from some of the top MNCs after their graduation. designed as per the JNTUA pattern. The kind of education that I have received from my college helped me a lot to pursue further certifications, thereby giving me a window of opportunity to go ahead in my professional life.I took AIML branch that course is nice if you like that CSE you must take this course Faculty: everyone is nice faculty then what they told you you do that work nicely in faculty point of view you are a good man you didn't do that work they will get some punishment like fail, fewer marks provide Faculty qualification: everyone is graduated they have a lot of experience in studies especially in my college The course is very good it is useful to both software and hardware companies, and the exam structure is very tough the subject of this course is very hard I took electronics and communication engineering so it very helps to my jobYes, our college have some placements and job opportunities firstly based on our past 2 years percentage they will divide some sections for that sections only they will provide this kind of opportunity they will teach us how to face the interviews and they will develop the communication skills in the final year they will allow to participate",8.8 60,abhinav kumar,IIMT University - [IIMTU],"Social Life: IIMT University has a vibrant social life with a variety of clubs and activities for students to participate in. There are clubs for sports, music, dance, drama, and other interests. The university also has a strong alumni network that helps students with their career development.I choose B. Tech because I wanted to be a software developer. The faculty is very much better than any other private college. Here the qualification of the faculty is Ph.D. The exam is tough but if you attend the classes perfectly you get all ok.",9 61,Vignesh,TKM College of Engineering - [TKMCE],"National techno fest and xextia fest in March are conducted and December. A lot of books are available in the library and journals. The classroom consists of a tv or projector and it's a hybrid classroom. Sports like football volleyball tennis etc, extracurricular activities like fests tours swimming and all, etc. SIP Students group.this is the field that I am interested in. the employee and student ratio is 64%: 34%. professor and Aast professor teachings are quite good they offer a good atmosphere. exams are conducted according to the team exams they were not hard to get passed and about 75% is the level of exams.",6.8 62,Fida hariz,Roorkee College of Engineering - [RCE],"I am pursuing civil engineering and I believe that it is a very hopeful profession and construction will continue until the world exists, teaching methods used by teachers are really helping to improve our studies and also campus atmosphere requirements are really satisfied, exams are conducted by 8 sem per year 2 sem exams will be conducted and not too difficult to studyPlacements are depended upon academic achievement and the big 4 companies are get placed if we are ready to study will placed in reputed companies with high salaries different types of scholarships are there for depends upon marks and caste",8.3 63,ABHINAV KUMAWAT,SRMIST Delhi NCR Campus,"All the classrooms, labs and library in our college are well equipped with essential facilities. The quality of food on campus, canteens, as well as hostel mess, was very good and with proper hygiene. The classrooms are note up to mark, and only the ground floor is well-furnished means have central A/C. etc. Our college conducts a fest rubaru every year. It conducts many extracurricular activities like dancing, drama, music, and fashion shows. Technical fest called hackathon gives us good knowledge. we have two volleyball courts outside as well as a cricket ground. there are many clubs like robotics club, dance club(Axions crew), music club(Magon),fashion club(gargoyles), technical society(ISTE), yoga club etc. Decent library, with a lot of books, and semester end question papers of the previous year are available. Every basic need is available.you have to pay 200000 rupees per annum. SRM offers several scholarships, fee waiver schemes, and teaching and research assistance to meritorious and deserving students. If you get above 9.5 cgpa in SRM or you are a top 1000 rank holder in srmjeee or you are a board topper, then you get a scholarship. If you are a non-scholarship candidate your 4years b.tech fees should be around 14 to 16 lacs. Those who aspire to be a part of srm can now avail themselves of full educational loans through selected banks. For placements, you have to go to the main campus. If you studied hard at college you can grab a good package. the average package is around 4.5 lacs",6.7 64,Praveen,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"For computer science with a major in artificial intelligence course, the curriculum is super but when it comes to faculty members it depends on a lot of factors. As in every institute, some of the faculties teach super and some will not. But overall maximum number of faculty members teach up to the level.Placement in the last three years is good because the highest placement for this institute is 55lpa in these years. Third-year students are eligible for internship and fourth-year students are eligible for placement. Companies like Amazon, tcs, kla, MathWorks, and zoom.",8 65,Siddhant Khandelwal,Poornima University - [PU],"I chose this Course because I have an interest in Computer and Programming Languages. Faculty to Student Ratio is good in this college. There are many Faculties and all of them are Highly Educated. Almost every Faculty are either PhD holder or M.Tech Graduate and they are from top colleges like NITs and IITs. The teaching method is also good faculties explain everything in brief with Practical Knowledge too.The Fees aren't High and the College personally can't increase the Fees because it's RTU Affiliated so they decide the Fees and that's not High. For my course the fee is apx. 85000/year. There is not as such Scholarship in the College but I think there are some exams for Scholarships.",8 66,Lokesh,Muthayammal Engineering College - [MEC],"In this Muthayammal Engineering College. Some fest is conducted like freshers day and sports day and department day ect Yearly once an annual day all so conducted in this college, the classroom is very dignity and give a space. In this college giving more precarity for sports 6 Aker of ground are available. Some events were conducted like English language labs.When a student completes 6th semester then he is eligible for placement. In this college, every company is coming like Tech Mahindra, hp, unforeseen, etc. A minimum of 30 companies are available. The average package is 8 lashes per year and the maximum package is 28 lashes per year. 80% percentage needed to attend the placement.",9.3 67,Pavithra,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"fee Structure is very reasonable in our college and also there are scholarships availble for the students. You just need to apply. 1st year - 2,50,000(tution fee)+29,500(hostelfee), 2nd year - 2,50,000(tution fee)+29,500(hostelfee), 3rd year -2,50,000(tuition fee)+29,500(hostel fee), 4th year-2,50,000(tuition fee)+29,500(hostel fee).Top MNC companies are hiring here. Companies like Accenture, Infosys, etc are hiring, the specialized training program will be conducted. The average pay is 10,00,000 per annum The highest pay is 1 crore. From 3rd year itself, students are eligible for placements.",9 68,Rita,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Life on campus is awesome. Worldwide exposure is there. Learning with projects and practicals is quite exhilarating. A huge library with hundreds of books from different streams is also available. The campus is full of greenery as it is a very nature-loving place. Sometimes love slacking off out in parks and studying there. As the fields are around the campus therefore the wind blowing is very refreshing.There any very much qualified teachers with high experience in the field. They give a very good explanation of every topic and help students to understand it in depth. There are many students in my class even international students are there. I got a type of international exposure here at lpu. even the infrastructure is just awesome.,8.3 69,Abinaya M,KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology - [KPRIET],In the future Biomedical engineering will be in a boom process coz the new development of medical techniques and in improving the quality of health care of people around the world. The faculties in this college will always try to give you detailed ideas about the placements and test your skills.Fees at KPR College are affordable. people coming under management quota will be paying a little more fee known as donations depending upon the course you took. People coming through counselling are really very lucky to have a such great college for less fee,9.6 70,AKASH,Karaikudi Institute of Technology and Management - [KIT & KIM],"The fess was CSE student 50000 but you have a first graduate reduced fees to 25000. The college administration or the financial aid office in the college would be the best source of information regarding the scholarships and job opportunities available to students. They can provide you with details about the specific scholarships, financial assistance programs, and on-campus jobs that may be available and the corresponding stipend amounts.I was interested in the computer engineering course. I am highly knowledgeable in the computer course. The student ratio in this whole college was 200 to 250, this is an underrated college. The teaching method is good and excellent in this college, and the teachers are well-knowledgeable and dedicated staff in the college. Term exams are easy to pass in this college.",6.8 71,V Arvind,Kuppam Engineering College - [KEC],Total fee contentment is about 80000 and they are also providing scholarships and internships from the college itself they are all conducting every year campus interview but the average salary is lower because companies hiring here are that much bigger only a few like Infosys and Wipro etc.The campus is all about pretty good nature and provided all the extracurricular activates it also has all the needy like libraries and labs required etc. In it and coming up to the society of the students is excellent and the students are really adaptable to u and your nature easily.,7.8 72,Suraj Kumar Singh,Poornima University - [PU],"B.Tech CSE is a highly paying course where we can see a lot of opportunities and I choose this course because I patinate to learn coding problem solving and my goal is to become a big software developer so then I choose this course. Good faculty: student ratio. I recently took admission in this university so I can't help to tell you about the teaching method of the faculty. Here exam is not conducted semester-wise, the exam is conducted year-wise.For placements students eligible in 3rd year approx. Recently for internships companies visited in campus Hyundai Motor, Ashok Leyland, Wipro, TCS, ICICI Bank, JCB India, swiggy, etc. Approx. 80% students can get a internship Program My plan after getting the degree is to be placed in on-campus companies and work with them",7.4 73,Naveensai,Parul University,"Social, Clubs & Infrastructure. Name the annual fest & tech fest and the month in which they are conducted Availability of books & journals in the library. Amenities in classrooms Brief of sports & extracurricular activities on the campus. Mention any social group or clubs.I have chosen CSE because it is always good in CSE I choose artificial intelligence because it is very good and the upcoming best technology is artificial intelligence so I take this because the teaching is very good qualified teachers will come.",10 74,ARUN VK,Amity University,Many top companies will come for placement interviews and more students will be selected the highest package is 55 lakhs to 65 lakhs once you have completed the degree you can join the company the top IT companies like Google Microsoft Amazon Zoho IBM will come for interviews and and students will be selected according to their skillThe fees are someone costly and the education is Golden no problem about the fees the education is very good for your future you have scholarships and financial assistance in the more Placement in college many companies from all over the world come for placement interviews with the placement 55 to 65 lakh.,7.2 75,Nanda Kishore,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"The infrastructure is too good and the garden also looks awesome. The classroom looks clean and neat. Overall college looks classic. Sports are also available if you submit your ID card then the volunteer gives you the item that you want to play. There are 2 libraries and provide lots of books.The actual college fee is 130000. And if you are eligible for less than 8lpa income of your father then the government will provide 35000 and the college fee becomes almost 95k. There will be a uniform fee, activity fee, and culture fee of around 40k. This should be paid only in the 1st year.",8.7 76,Sowmya Rajendran,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), has over the years built itself a reputation for delivering educational excellence through future ready programs and courses designed in consultation with experts from relevant industries. Given the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) times, this gives its students the much needed edge to face the future with confidence thus making SRMIST the destination of choice for students from all over the country and other countries as well.It’s our firm belief at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University), that to enhance the skills of our students, they must be provided with opportunities to explore their creativity. Cultural programs are Organized several times during the year to encourage creative pursuits and nurture talent. Students form teams and share responsibility for Organizing the events.",8.1 77,Jeevanathi,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],"B.tech full form is a bachelor of technology.it is one of the prestigious and most popular courses opted for by science students.It is a 4 year full time undergraduate course and is offered in various disciplines such as computer science, civil, mechanical, electronics and information technology. The faculty of my course is really nice and also qualified so much.Apart from that semester exam will be collected for each subject which will be 150 rupees. Placement takes place every year. Placement for IT jobs is very high but the placement for core company jobs is very less when compared to IT jobs. the average placement for each year is 120 students.",8.8 78,Aman Sandi,DY Patil College of Engineering and Technology - [DYPCET],"I want to go to the Gulf countries as a Petroleum Engineer and choosing Chemical Engineering is the best path for me to get into the best petroleum companies like Aramco and many more. The faculty: student ratio is 1: 10. All the faculties are helpful. And exams are on time.Campus Life is one of the best campus lives in western Maharashtra. The campus is located in Kolhapur City. Many celebrities come to the promotion of their movies in the college, and there are various technical and non-technical events organized for the students.",9 79,Piyush Shukla,Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - [NIET],"Campus life is good they have freshers' parties, do night also overalls the campus life is awesome. On our campus, they have a library and some other curriculum activities on the campus. Our campus building is old and they have some cafeteria seating.The curriculum of NIET greater noida is the best one. My course is cse and I choose it because I want to become a software engineer. In my cse branch approx there are 60 students in 1 section. Our teachers are so cooperative and very helpful.",8 80,Lata,Chandigarh University - [CU],"As per the situation of the new and modern world, there is a great demand for computers and in their development. Computer will be much necessary that's why I choose that. The teaching method of the teacher is too much better all teachers are of quite a natureThe total cost is about 6 lakh for the whole 4 years excluding the hostel. This price is affordable for all belonging to the middle or rich. Per year about 1.2 lac is not much as compared to other colleges Different exams are taken for scholarship",8.7 81,Surabhi,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"8th-semester students can avail of campus interviews, Amazon, Cisco, DBS, sap labs, HSBC, google, 7111, and more offered were provided there. 89.1 is the percentage of students getting placements I am planning for higher studies.Madras atomic power station, power government body, malar electronics octastyle power India Limited was offering internship opportunities here with stipends so many projects are included there and so many tasks also.",10 82,Student (Anonymous),Inderprastha Engineering College - [IPEC],"fee structure depends on in which year you are in but there is only a slight difference in fee structure. yes, they do provide you an opportunity for a scholarship in the early years. Campus placement is very good and also some of the very well-known companies came for recruitment.I'm from ece branch and I chose this branch to learn about both software and hardware. the faculty is very good and very supportive. their teaching method is very good and also provide notes on time. the ratio is very good",7 83,Sachin,Quantum University,"Because of the upcoming future of computers. The faculty was qualified and also really helpful. The total seats are 200 for this and the hostel is too better online and the offline teacher are available exam is based on the semester wise and the level is abnormal as compared to passing it.The cost to study in Roorkee is much more affordable and anyone belonging to the middle class can also join this university scholarship test is taken as per the college and different scholarship is given to different percentage holder.",7 84,sanjeev,Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute,"There are 230 lecture halls in total including engineering and technology Architecture, Health Sciences, humanities & science, Education& HMCT. 200 Indian print journals are available in the library, digital library, and internet facility open access for all students.The cost of pursuing an engineering course from a recognized college/university generally ranges from INR 8 lakh to INR 20 lakh. In government or private colleges, a majority of students find it difficult to meet the costly expenses of the course.",8.7 85,Atharva Wani,Technocrats Institute of Technology - [TIT] (Excellence),The course is very good that is computer science I choose this because it is a very good course for engineering and will help to get a good package and the faculty members who teach this course are very good and they are well qualified.The fee of this college is 75000 which is very less compared to other engineering colleges. we got scholarships from different sites like Bihar students to get a scholarship from DRCC and mp students get it from mptass and other sites.,6.8 86,Nithya,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"It's more affordable and students should utilize the course and they offered more scholarship. 75% SRM merit scholarship is given to those candidates who achieved SRMJEE rank between 501 to 1000. 50%srm merit scholarship is given to those candidates who achieved 1001to 2000 25% scholarship for rank between 2001 to 3000It offers an excellent social life, a plethora of extracurricular activities, clubs And opportunities for students to develop their skills And interests. With a state-of-the-art infrastructure, well-stocked library and world-class amenities",10 87,Austin Jeremia,VSB Engineering College - [VSBEC],"I choose because of passion in this course. The course curriculum at VSB Engineering College is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of their chosen engineering discipline. The faculty members at VSB Engineering College are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields. They hold advanced degrees such as master's or doctoral degrees and have a deep understanding of the subject matter. They will conduct term exams for 2 weeks once and it was moderate to get pass.VSB Engineering College is known for its strong emphasis on placements, and it strives to provide ample opportunities for students to secure employment. Students are encouraged to participate in internships, industrial training programs, and engage in project work to gain hands-on experience and industry exposure. Highest package is 12 lpa average package is 5lpa percentage of students getting placements :70% and above 70% My plans after getting the degree: Join the office to start work",7.7 88,David,Arunai Engineering College - [AEC],Because it's easy to handle the computer languages and learn much knowledge in this course and the faculty is helpable mind to the students and they are treated the students friendly the faculties are completed master's degree or higher education terms exam was easy to pass.7th-semester students are eligible for campus placement and offer the highest package for companies 125000 per annum and 70 and above students are eligible for campus placement yeah I am planning to learn new things and skills.,8 89,Feroz khan,"University College of Engineering Panruti, Anna University - [UCEP]","From The Seventh Semester itself, Students are eligible for campus interviews conducted in college according to their Required skills. I have visited only one company that is Royal Enfield and they provide many benefits and stipend offers. My colleague suggested me to Royal Enfield company and I got placed and I am satisfied with their salary package. Mostly above 75 % of students were getting placed in placement interviews. My aim is to develop any new thing in the electrical field and I will go through the way.I am interested in Electrical Field so I started my course with BE EEE department. The Faculties are Friendly with their Students and there are 60 members in each department. The Faculties are well qualified and experienced in each department. their teaching method is very nice and Easily Understand. Although the Faculties teaching method is very good and easy to understand so we can able to clear with a good percentage.",10 90,Shanthi,Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [Karunya Deemed University],"Per year fees are around 2.19 lakhs. And compulsory placement for all passed students. The placement company name is Accenture like many companies. Students must have passed the 90% mark in the final year, then only placement should be confirmed with the highest package.Conginazt company internship. Lots of online company internships. And a good salary. The task should be all practical. Projects in computer science botany physics nursing chemistry. Like that type of course, all projects have to do.",9.8 91,Suganthi,Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [Karunya Deemed University],"Fees semester wise 100000, per year 200000 rupees only, It is for 4yrs and has not changed. Minority affairs scholarship, SC/ST scholorships available. Financial assistance for poor and needy students are also available. That is DGS Dhinakaran scholarships and Gate Passed students scholarships for PG students, and Karunya short term research scholraships, women student scholarships also available.Mind Kraft, Evogen, Megaplay, Kala Fest, annual sports meet, technical expo, and various department events. More than one lakh books are available. A lot of journals also, Smart LED TV 350 inches smart tv with the latest tech. Annual sports meet, conferences seminars, workshops, and activity-based. 20 clubs like NCC NSS, Nature club, dance club, and sports club. media club, Foods Club.",9 92,Harshit sharma,Technocrats Institute of Technology - [TIT] (Excellence),"I choose btech cse just because I have i interest in technology and kinda computers that why I choose btech cse. The faculty-student ratio is balanced in my college, I don't know the qualification of my faculties but some of the faculty's teaching method is really good term exam is not too hard it's average.Annual fest and tech fest are too awesome events I ever see in my college, in our Library there is a wide range of books related to our course and self-development book, I m not in sports activities in college but I see there are so many students who play outdoor games for college teams.",6 93,Jayaram,Krishna Chaitanya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [KITS],"3-2 Sem students have been eligible for all interviews conducted in our college. Capgemini, TCS..soon. 10-50 students are placed every year. The highest package is 8 lakhs per year and 4 is the average package. As a developer and tester roles. 2-5% are being placed. I am planning to join MtechThe trending and most demanding course in future is artificial intelligence. I am also interested in computers. So I choose this branch of CSE-AL. 12. members of students are equal to 1 faculty, PhD and MTech Btech. It is too difficult to pass and exams are conducted at a time.",7.8 94,Ankit Raj,Chandigarh University - [CU],"You will get many service-based opportunities, also product based but for that you have to put effort a lot. Because very few companies came with a good offer, the maximum came with an average package. They will provide your job but not with the terms and conditions you expected.Placements records is that most students get an average package between 4-6 lakhs. Most service companies visit, and Amazon comes too but they took very few either 1-2 students. So for getting good placements you have to score a good GPA, and must have good skills.",4.6 95,Ankita,Chandigarh University - [CU],"There is nearly every book available in the library and there are many activities held on campus like football, and volleyball, there is also music at the annual fest when the semester is over social media groups of Chandigarh University are available on Instagram where photos and activities related about universities are posted.In the first semester, I needed 27500 Rs to study, according to the course you are studying the fees vary, you can find out about it nicely on their official website, I was doing a part-time job while studying there, actually, I didn't get any scholarship there but you can find the information on the official website.",8.7 96,BASANI DHANUNJAY,Vaagdevi College of Engineering - [VCOE],I choose this course because the future was with data and AI learning. Coming to faculty they were awesome teaching in all subjects and the student ratio is 95%. Qualified Teachers and well-trained professors were given by management. Sem-1 is than sem-2 but it was much more interesting in sem-2. Exams are very strictly conducted by Management.From all semesters students are eligible for Placements. But with o backlogs. So often last two years a person got 19lakhs per annum. 50% of people are participating in Placement. But 10% of student get Jobs with low salaries per annum. My plan after the batch is to complete my m.tec abroad.,6.8 97,Santhosh,Madha Engineering College,"I have studied ECE because I need to develop in that field and invent something new the students are very friendly and the environment is awesome the teaching method is very neat and nice the staffs are more interactive with studentsMany cultural events are conducted every year and many sports activities are also conducted the chief guest is decided by the students and is very friendly with the staff sports are kabaddi, football, cricket etc are given",10 98,Satvik,K L University - [KLU],Life in the university is very good but it is a strict university and the rules in the universe are that everyone should be formal and attendance is compulsory to write semester exams and the infrastructure is super in the university and there are so many clubs to joinThe curriculum in the university is super and the faculty here is helpful whenever you ask a doubt they will say and very qualified lectures are there in the university and once a month there will be activity in the university,9 99,J Sucharitha,Vaagdevi Engineering College - [VEC],"We have fewer internship opportunities available in our college, not Many companies we just have Infosys, and some other companies But they are also with fewer packages and this make us unhappy. As I was 2nd year still now working on the project.I chose this course for good placement in the company. The faculty members are well-experienced and knowledge .overall Three hundred members are there in the CSE branch faculties are well-experienced term exams are two times per sem.",7.1 100,AMIT KUMAR SINGH,ITM Vocational University - [ITMVU],"I choose this course because university fees are low. And they have nice facilities The facilities ratio is 6:10 Most of the facilities are PhD and master They guide every student at the time of the exam 1st term is easy but after 2 term study becomes difficultAfter completing 3rd-year university provide placement in 4th year. A lot of companies come like TCS, Infosys and etc. Around 96% let placement. The highest placement goes 12 LPS My plan after getting the degree is to get a nice salary package",7.6 101,Aman Srivastava,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"I was allowed B.Tech in CSE, my favorite branch of all core branches. Everyone would be surprised to know that you can get CSE in KIIT easily. You just need to score 80 percentile in KIITEE which is held twice a year.The campus life is amazing. The campus is large and beautiful enough to go for outings. Sports facilities are also there. There are many clubs and many other co-curricular activities which you should participate in.",8.7 102,Brijesh Gupta,Bennett University,"The annual cultural fest at Bennett University is called Waves and it usually takes place in Feb or March, the annual technical fest at Bennett University called tech vaganza typically takes place from Sep to October. Bennett has a well-stocked library that provides students with access to a wide range of books the library is spread over 7000 sq ft and is well equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities. bennett university provides well-equipped classrooms with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable and conducive learning Bennett has state of art sports facilities such as a basketball, cricket ground, football ground, lawn tennis court, badminton court, and swimming pool. cultural activities, clubs and societies, community service, entrepreneurship activitiesI choose computer science because I have an interest in coding, and learning a technical language The faculty to student ratio is 1:10, having a low faculty-to-student ratio can be beneficial for students as it allows for more personalised attention and more oppurtunities Bennett University has a highly qualified faculty with many members holding doctoral degrees from prestigious institutions in india and abroad the faculty member at the university has extensive experience in their field. they are not that hard to maintain goood cgpa if you study you can get, difficulty level is medium",8 103,Gr,Arya College of Engineering,"The course is structured according to the syllabus provided by rtu . The curriculum is outdated according to present scenario. On an average there is about one faculty on 50 students. Majority of the faculty are qualified enough to teach technical subjects . In a semester there are two theory exams mid terms and end terms . Mid terms are conducted by college and they are easier to pass than end termsPlacements starts in the beginning of sixth semester . Services based companies comes more in our college. They provide the average package of 3-4 lakh . They do not consider backlog. Last year tcs , infosys , capegemini came to our college around 700 students got placed . More than 90% students got placed. My plan is to take on campus placement ",5.5 104,Priyansh saxena,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"If we talk about placement then this is one of the best campuses this provides the best placement. The student from mainly 4 semesters is eligible for campus placement. The highest package provided by this college is 12 LPA and the average package is 3 to 6 LPA. The percentage of students getting placement is very good. approx 70 % of students get placement from campus. Companies like Amazon, synthesis or etc are coming to campus.I love to study this course, i have so much interest in it, I just want to make my future by this. If we talk about faculty there is very very very good faculty provided by this college, the faculty are very supportive they help us in everything. I love the way their faculty teach they are much more qualified and experienced. The process of the exam is very good, the exam is not much difficult.",9.8 105,Nithin Guntuku,Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management - [HITAM],"HITAM has a friendly campus with a beautiful environment. Every year, they have a big celebration called ELYSIAN that lasts for five days. During the fest, you can enjoy a wide range of activities like technical competitions, traditional events, fun non-technical activities, sports, and cultural performances. Additionally, there are many clubs you can join, including IEEE, EWB, Toastmasters, and various other clubs that cater to different interests.1) HITAM offers a comprehensive mechanical engineering program that includes mentoring, peer-to-peer learning, and practical exam preparation. 2) The college provides a well-rounded education, equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary for successful careers in the field.",9.7 106,Konangi Pushpa Latha,NRI Institute of Technology - [NRIIT],"In my four years of my BTech so many faculties I have been seeing and attending so many classes I got a lot of experience listening to their classes everyday session in my college and they teach very neatly and pleasantly in the classroom with the help of projects also. In my college, there are many numbers of people. we have around 40+ faculty. Each semester facility will be changing. we had very good interactions with the faculty. They helped us a lot in our career growth and when we make any mistakes they use to say to each and every student. Faculty should have good experience and some of the faculty has their PHD done. We have faculty with more than 25+ years of experience. They have very good knowledge of the subject. They help us to understand the subject very easily so that it will be easy for the students to understand and perform well in exams.The admission process is simple as you have to first appear for the eamcet entrance exam and score good marks in it and get a good rank. After that, we have to apply for a particular college and get a seat in it. I choose this course because I am interested in it. The faculty is very supportive and encourages students to learn new things. they clear all the doubts we have within no time. coming to exams if we study we will pass otherwise we will fail.",9 107,VISHWASELVAM V L,Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College,I have chosen this course because i have good knowledge of microprocessors and I have intrest in eletronics. The faculties are well trained to teach the students The faculties have qualification master's and PhD The teaching method is easier to learn and they attract all the students towards them When it comes to exam it is easier because of the teaching skills of the teacher and understanding of the conceptswe have an annual fest namely AAVISHKAR this cultural will happen every year we have the best availability of books and journals in the library we have a fine sports ground as extracurricular activities are NCC we have in our college we have many clubs in the college,9.2 108,Akhil,Amity University,"If presently, you are hunting for top-notch companies across the globe offering lucrative internship programs, then here we have jotted down the comprehensive list for you. These internships are mostly paid and may last from 3 months to 12 months. After the successful completion of these internships, you would avail great insights about your desired profession and the work culture.The fees Structure is So Simple Also We Have Reserved As the Government Provides the Necessary Funds To Study So the Fee is Affordable No Need To Worry About It Coming To Scholarships Government Provide JVD Amount To Us, Also Campus Interviews are conducted frequently",7.8 109,Kanna,Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology- [MIST],"Faculty Said that the college fee is 31000 but now they are collecting 35000 whenever we ask they said the government is improved college fees and they are Providing scholarships, the placements are also really nice, big companies visit and also in-house placements are also available.I want to do btech and my dream is software because I am taking this course my college faculty is somewhat Good and but not a problem with them and my faculty qualification is m.tech and in my college, they are conducting term exams in time only.",6.2 110,Bhavya garg,Inderprastha Engineering College - [IPEC],"The faculty and the staff members and the head members of the college are really cooperative and understanding. I choose this course as I was always interested in technology and science. The teachers are very experienced and knowledgeable.The infrastructure of the college is appreciable with a large auditorium and a ground. The annual fest of the college is named ""Udbhav"". Their is a large library with a lot of books available. Sports and other events are held frequently.",7 111,Priyanshu Mahajan,Teerthanker Mahaveer University - [TMU],"The college conducted Tech fest named Thomson in february. Annual fest independence day republic day And another festival like Holi Diwali etc are also celebrated at my college Availability of books in the library is more easy and simple 12000 books are stands in our library classroom atmosphere is too good The college organised every week a new sport and curricular activities.Because I want to become a successful engineer and achieve great opportunities in my life. The college's faculty is awesome is very helpful in every situation. My college's faculty is well-graduated and the terms exam time is 60 min. My class contained 50 students.",9 112,Nithya,Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering - [DACE],"Faculty members who are all working in DACE are very friendly manner and support students in their studies. Students always feel free to ask their doubts to faculties. All facilities are knowledgeable. Even there is a PETROLEUM, CSBS, AIDS, and ROBOTICS departments also available in DACE. The students also get the opportunity to study foreign languages like German & Japanese in DACE.Placements were too good in DACE. They also provide training for students who opt for higher studies or civil service exams. For higher studies, they give gate training. For the civil service exam, they give specific training for students to join government jobs. Other than this very good MNC companies with high packages will come to DACE for recruitment.",9.6 113,Anubha Rajput,Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University - [AKTU],"Our college life is not so good due to the pandemic. Every year we got two parties namely the fresher party and the farewell party and at the college campus, there is a library and there are many books available in it for many exam preparations. Every year we plan a sports day that is 3 days and there are many games that we play. and there are many social media groups of collage on LinkedIn, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook etcThe placement of our college is so good, a student in the 7th semester is eligible for campus drive. There are many companies that arrive at the college campus that are Pie Infocomm, host book etc. at the time I have 3 offer letters, the higher package is 5.5 Lpa, there is 70% of students get places on a college campus.",8.2 114,Hemant kushwah,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],Aavahan is the biggest college fest in which games are held in which every department has its teams they competed to win various trophies and medals. JLUG and C'CUBE are some social groups that are run by students and help poor people.Exams were gone very easily the level of the paper is moderate. The faculty: student ratio is 1:117. I choose this course according to the concerns of my family. The faculties are good and knowledgeable and quickly solve our doubts.,7.6 115,Student (Anonymous),"Raja College of Engineering and Technology, Veerapanjan","This is a very big college you can see how is the college in the pictures. All the facilities are available in this college. more club activities are also available and every student must join at least one club in this college. There are sports facilities also available in the college like badminton, volleyball, basket ball.This college fee is low which is the reason why I should want to join this college. and they provided more scholarships also I got 7k per Anam scholarship. the providing scholarships based on marks in some departments are free in this college if we have a first graduation certificate.",8.3 116,Vishwanath,Siddaganga Institute of Technology - [SIT],"In our college, there is a library and they will give one hour a week for the library and in a week conduct sports and are full of enjoyment and there is nothing social group but the study is superb and the classrooms also nice.The fees are twenty thousand and the scholarship is thirty-five thousand our senior said that how will study well and come to College regularly they will select for the campus placement and job so we are going to daily college.",10 117,Yatharth Barrendia,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"I think the LPU is more expensive than the average college but I also think that the lpu college provides students with the opportunity to get scholarships and lower the fees. The LPU also provides students with campus work where they can earn some stipends. so I think if one tries it can lower his/her fees.The life of campus is moderate. It's good not that bad, there are also many clubs that students can join and enjoy the thing that they think is for them. There are also many annual fest and many superstars, entrepreneur comes to the college.",7.8 118,Jasmitha R,Garden City University - [GCU],"Annual fests at Garden City University are conducted grandly. DJ remixes are also played at the end of the program. All books and journals are found essentially in the college library. Other activities like gym, sports, indoors and also been conducted.Talking about my course, I choose ""Bachelor of Technology - Artificial Intelligence and machine learning"", because I love it and want to know more about AI around the world. The teachers at the college are well-qualified and educated.",8 119,Kedarnath R,Garden City University - [GCU],"I choose Bachelor of Technology - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The faculty is very good and very friendly with every student. Out timely term is normal and went on very good. Some questions may be complicated but the logic is very easy.About the fee structure, per year, the payment is 2,16,000/- we can also pay in installments. There are two installments and it is of 1,08,000/- Scholarships like CET, COMED-K, JEE - MAIN, etc. At the final year, Jobs are conformed.",9 120,Surya Varma,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"I choose this course because I aspire to become a Government Job holder, there are many opportunities to become a government job holder. The faculty is awesome and they are very experienced mostly over 10 years. They are very respectful and friendly to the students. the exams are easy and we can pass mostly.There are many different fests which take place every 2 months, there are no illegal things like drugs going on in our college, the books are great and help us to become knowledgeable people. there are ACs available in every classroom. There are many clubs like Arts club, Robot club, etc.",8.3 121,ajjadasivasankar,Mohan Babu University - [MBU],"my college provides top companies for internships like IBM, sab and also provides the best salaries to students. Top companies like Google, Amazon, and Flipkart provide the best salaries to students. almost 70 percent students will place in my collegeTHIS college has the best infrastructure. it's like international standards. In this college, we must follow some rules. we don't have Carry mobile phones. we must follow the dress code. This college conducted events that time we will enjoy.",8.2 122,Nishesh Singh,Vikrant University,"There is number of books , journols , magazines and other important documents and notes available in well equipped library . Comfortable seats , projectors in class , energetic environment to increase the learning capacity There is no fee high policy , when student registered at particular fee structure than whole degree student paid same amount of fee . Government scholarship and Kisaan Quota Scholarship policies available in University ",9 123,Shiva,SR University - [SRU],"The campus has good infrastructure and labs. Every year we have a sparkle event that lasts for a week. And coming to clubs we have so many club opportunities like photography clubs, English literature clubs, Dance clubs, sports clubs, etc. There is a huge ground for sports and the college has a separate faculty for sports.My rank was 40000, so I decided to take ECE. The faculty are amazing, most of the faculty is from IITs. The faculty teaches well. We have a semester exam for every 3-4 months and mid-exams every month. It is not difficult to pass the exam the paper is moderate.",4.7 124,Kavya,Malla Reddy Engineering College - [MREC],"This college deserves the enjoyment zone literally in a week mostly it can be half of the programs like movie promotions and others etc. but hopefully, if you're studying for creating lots of memories you can easily choose.I feel like this institute has a very high fee because there are many people who are very poor but they are willing to do the courses at this college but it is difficult to do as in my view it is high for the course.",8.3 125,Anikesh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The fee structure is like 55000 per semester and if a boy or girl fails the exam for any reason he has to give 1000 rupees per subject. And there are many kinds of scholarships for students. When he got 90 percent. In the exam, he has a chance to reduce the fee. After completing the course college sends the placement to students.I choose this course because I want to become an engineer. The total numbers of students are about 50,000000/the total numbers of teachers is about 20,000000. Vere professional teacher with experience holder of 20 years. Our term exam was held after the month ended and was very difficult to pass.",10 126,Yuvraj Singh,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"The fees Are pretty high like it is almost 1600000. But the place they provide is fabulous so parents and students. Don't hesitate to take admitted to such a good college. After every a scholarship form is given if the student avails more than 8 cgpa they are provided with a scholarshipFrom the 5th semester, we are eligible for placement. Almost every big company come to our college for recruitment. The highest package of my mechanical college is 2800000 and the average package is 1200000. 98 Percent is the placement ratio after getting my degree I will pursue masters",9.4 127,Anushka Singh,Galgotias University - [GU],unifest is all north india biggest fest in all of north India and from time to time it conducts many events and calls many celebrities and all the books and journal available in the market .it has very big and has 2-3 library all type of sports facilities are available there and they conduct sports event time to time. there are more than 10 clubs you can join any club according to your skills and hobbybtech cse is currently high on its phase and for better placement offer I choose the case faculty is very cooperative and good .they are well qualified and as well as helpful nature all the faculty are iitian or highly qualified from a recognised university exam was very timely,8.3 128,Pushkar Kumar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"I have chosen this course because since my childhood I like computers so I always wanted to be a coder One faculty handle 74 students in a class Teachers are well-qualified and mature There are always some exam going on it is of medium levelA fees hike is not good but as time this college is getting better so there is a good reason to hike the fees I got lpunest scholarship and I got nothing financial loan or anything There are many jobs in lpu but I am not doing anything",7.5 129,Student (Anonymous),Mumbai University - [MU],the main reason to choose this course is it field has much of salary package as compared to other fields.the it staff is all well educated and has a knowledful information for the betterment of the student .the student ratio for every batch in the class is 1;20 each batch has almost 2o students which helps them to have attention on each of their students .the college has a medium level fee structure available for middle class people .and is even more affordable to students as compared to other board students.there are many scholarships helad for girls and boys as per thier parents income.,10 130,Yogita,Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - [GJUS&T],"Amazing campus life. The university is equipped with all the necessary equipment. the staff is very helpful. Overall experience was amazing. My campus life is great. I can take part in many activities held at University. I'm an NSS volunteer I take part in many nukad -natak, and I enjoy my campus life. All my mates and teachers are supportive. The location of the University is safe and secure. The faculty of the university handle all emergencies.Placements are fine. Some good companies come for recruitment but chances are less. I would suggest going with an off-campus placement if you get a good opportunity. Teachers and seniors are very supportiveIn media industry my university is a very reputed university. The rate of placement is good with a good amount of packages students are getting nowadays. The majority of BJMC students are placed in electronic media.",10 131,Chiluka Nithin Kumar,Vaagdevi Engineering College - [VEC],"The campus is very Good and Greenery everywhere. The students on the campus are very socially behaving, and we do have different clubs for different events. And the annual fest is conducted at National Level and we have good libraries and journals. The classrooms are clean and well-maintained. We have many indoor and outdoor games in college. We have social groups and many clubs that are run by studentsAs I'm a Computers in Data Science student, the course curriculum is Good and we have very good faculty members. I choose this course because Data science is booming nowadays. And we have a 50:2 faculty ratio. The faculty is qualified in bachelor's and master's (MTech). And their teaching method is unique. We have 2 mid exam in a semester as we have Good faculty we can easily pass the exam.",9 132,Rahul,Vaagdevi Engineering College - [VEC],"I Joined btech because I am interested in it. By joining Btech there are some career options we can choose. The faculty are very well experienced and we'll knowledge, they are very friendly with the students and explain very well but in my opinion, they have to increase their explanation method so students can understand them and the subject apart from that they are very good. there were 2 mid-term exams after every 1 and half months and after the final exams. the faculty will conduct some exams as per the subjects. It may be hard to pass the exams but by thoroughly studying it may become easy.Vaagdevi engineering college provides scholarships for students. There are scholarships for minorities, sc and st students. The government provides scholarships for students and there were scholarships for merit students who are well in their studies and for those who played games at the state level. The scholarship provides money so students can use them for education purposes.",8.3 133,Rahul Kumar Shaw,Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College - [JGEC],"I have completed my diploma in civil engineering and I need to graduate so I have chosen this course. The qualification of the faculty is a Master of Technology (M-Tech). The teaching method is so good that we don't need any private coaching center. Semester examination will be held every 6 months.Talentise global limited company was offered me the role of assistant engineer on the construction site and JD ramky offered me the role of site executive in their respected companies. They provide the first 6 months of training before joining any employee.",9 134,Hari Raghavendra,CMR College of Engineering & Technology - [CMRCET],"I choose civil in this college because of good faculty and equipment required for civil engineering is available.every 5 months term exams will be conducted.exams toughness is medium.You can pass easily if you study from one month before exams Huge library of two floors is there with availability of all types of books, magazines and novels to improve your knowledge. You can join in clubs and can perform in club activities. Some clubs are NCC,NSS,street cause etc",7.8 135,Mihir Ramteke,GH Raisoni College of Engineering - [GHRCE],The annual fest is Antaragni and the tech fest is techno which is both held in the month of February. All resources need for entrance and semester preparation are available in the library. Sports activities are named parakram for both inter and intra-college and are held throughout the year.I choose this course because of my interest in core machines and companies. The college has an amazing students faculty ratio. faculties are highly qualified up to Ph.D. level and more. Exams are conducted semester-wise and are not that difficult to pass.,8.7 136,Tarun Bhaskaranand Sagar,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"There are many groups associated with the college and there are many clubs like the Coding Club, Video Recording Club (Camerabuff), Catharsis Club, and many more. In sports, you will get basketball, volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Carrom and many more according to your choice.This is not the best course I would say but according to my rank, this was the best branch and the college is obviously very good. There is a 1:10 faculty member and faculty members are good. Exams are too frequent and there are 4 exams in 1 year i.e. 2 in every semester.",8.3 137,Shalini roy,VIT Bhopal University,"Campus life is all about spending your days with your friends studying and enjoying. They are the people who make your college life better. Though hostels are still in the making. There are 2 boys hostels and 1 girl hostel. More are in the process. Annual fests are held too. Recent ones are Vivaan and Aadvitya 2023. All the Tech fests, workshops, sports events, dancing, singing, and competitions are exciting. You can also find many Technical and Non- Technical clubs. Along with this, many social groups are also presently leading to many fun events. Libraries are provided with every book, whether it's a novel or a course book.Since I have an interest in Computer Science, I chose this course. Faculties here are amiable and are Btech, Mtech and graduates. Their teaching manner is so brilliant that they teach their students with zeal and enjoyment. A class is full of 120 students are concentrated. Also, semesters are held timely at an interval of 4-5 months.",8.8 138,M lakshmi vardhan reddy,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,"The course circular is quiet good and the faculty members all are maximum Ph.D. holders they will explain all topics very briefly with full of concepts. They will conduct discussion hours to interact with students.College life is good and full of clubs there are seven clubs like Naty Sudha, raghasudha, and financial literature clubs are very good to explore, etc. The infrastructure is good college clubs are very good.",7 139,Vipin rathor,Buddha Institute of Technology- [BIT],"The exams are successfully completed timely and due to the best teachers and great studies, we felt no difficulty to pass the exams. My placement occurs and many companies come to our college and visit and choose the best students by their job. Yes, my college provides internships in different courses. when the vacation is going on then our college provides internships and we get much knowledge from this. The faculty was good in my course time, like in mechanical engineering, faculties are well educated and helpful in nature except for some. It has big and airy rooms and separate washrooms too for each and every student. and the warden is also very good in nature and behaviour and well-minded .students feel safe there.Campus life is amazing for students. The gender ratio in my college is 7:1. In my Whole campus, no politics all students leave friendly on the campus. There are many cultural events like fresher party farewell and annual fest and in the annual fest, there are approx 20 events organized every year. ANOOGONJ is an annual festival of my college it is going on for three days.",10 140,Lakshya Gulati,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,"The teaching of the teaching is up to the mark. Every faculty member is too cooperative and helps students in every possible way. There are two exams that take place before the final exam which are MST1 and MST2 and according to this internals are given with marks of attendance.The placement of the college is best for 95% of the student in the college. The average package of the college is 4.5 lakh per year and the highest package is 50 lakh per year. Amazon, Infosys, Microsoft, and many more companies visit the college for placement.",9.2 141,Sai Neha,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"I have chosen this because I have been interested in this. The faculty is very good. The average faculty-student ratio is 60 per class and in laps, it is much lower than that like around 25 in labs and tutorials. The faculty is good. There are tutorial classes in which problems and solutions are taught. We have only one midsemester and an end semester.Aarohi is the annual fest and Axis is the technical fest conducted every year. The library is very big and you can find many books. Classrooms are digitalized. Prayas is a social club formed to help people you can learn many sports and participate in inter-NIT competition",8.3 142,Hanishka,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],It may cost around 1.89 lacs to take or opt for admission per year here in 1 year I was studying and in 3 years I got opportunities to have a placement job and do internships in various companies all you need good skills to communicate and handle the work .. academics matters but knowledge of conducting the work is utmost importantIn lpu the course is great and I choose tech cse because it provides mentorship and high placements qualification to have 75% and have good skills to do placements.. it provides good faculty and amazing staff .. it is like an opportunity for people to study in such a good university,8.7 143,Student (Anonymous),Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women - [MRECW],"Based upon the course you choose, the subjects differ. Course consists of subjects, labs, workshops, projects. Student to faculty ratio is so good. Also, faculty are highly qualified with great skill and knowledge. Exams are also conducted time to time to improve student performance College also provide internship opportunities to skilled students. Most of the students intern at corporate right from their 7th semester. Also projects are done under the guidance of faculty. Each and every corner of the project is explored greatly",10 144,Varnit agarwal,Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology - [MIET],"Because I am interested in Engineering, So, I choose this course. The faculty is very nice and in good quantity. All the faculty is very qualified some of them are from IITs. The term exams are of three hours and they are not so tough, they are easy to pass.There is a fixed fee of 125013, there are no hikes, and the cost of the study is normal. There is a scholarship name the state government scholarship. I didn't receive that scholarship. It is a very nice college. And very affordable fee.",10 145,Kartikey,Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology - [MIET],"Kolhaal is the annual fest which is conducted in the college every year and is the most enjoyable fest to which celebrities are invited. Previously aastha gill had made people dance in the college. Cricket and basketball and volleyball are the major games which students play here and the college has an average structure for them. VLSI CLUB AND ECE MIET ARE SOME OF THE CLUBS.Because all the facilities for this course are provided by the college The approx facilities-student ratio is 52 students per teacher. Good teachers are here who have minimum done mtech and there is a good teaching method. Exams are held almost every month and the difficult of the exam according to me is medium.",7.7 146,Chirag gupta,Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology - [MIET],"Life at the campus is very cool in our campus there is full take care of greenery, cleaning the classroom and health issues also the main things I like is the library in our college there is 4 library and there is a function kolhaal is conducted every year in which our college hire a celebrity to perform in this year aastha gill comes and rock. our college takes care of the participation of the students they encourage the students to participate in the competition, especially girls in sports and extracurricular activitiesThe fees structure of our college is that in the first year, you have to pay 1,25,000 rs and after the next three years you have to pay 1,06,513 there is no merit scholarship on our college but there is a government scholarship for which students apply for that family income is less than 3 lakh per anum. If you have some other scholarship you have to say the director about the problem of why you need a scholarship our director will help.",10 147,Shitanshu Shrivastava,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I choose this course because I want to pursue engineering in a core branch of a premium institute and as per my rank this was the best college I get. And after experiencing all the courses and curriculum here I can say that it is really nice. Faculty: student ratio is approx 1:7 Most of the professors are PhD And are selected through tough exams and interviews So their quality is outstanding but it depends on students how to grab the knowledge they are providing. In one year there will be two exams both along with practicals One is in mid sem and the other one is end of the semester Exams are not that difficult .you can easily get good marks but a decent amount of study is required because there will be relative grading.Annual fest Eclectica was conducted in Feb And one weak before it tech fest avartan is there. The campus has a central library where all books related to engineering and other different fields are available you can Any time go there and read them you need a library card to issue them. All types of sports and gym facilities are available An annual sports fest named sammar is also conducted by students. Many Instagram pages and websites of different clubs and communities are run by students.",7 148,Ujjwal Vij,GLA University,there are many fests happening in our college but I personally like the coding blocks one in which they organise an event full of coding games. there are many books available in the library. there is various type of sports in our college but I like football because I represented my school in zonal. there is a group called e-cell in our college which is run by my students they are the group that organises most of the eventsMost of the faculty is good. the ratio of faculty is low I think that they should have more teachers. Most of the faculty have good knowledge about the field in which they are teaching. Mostly all our faculties have 10 years+ experience. The exams in our college are decent like you can even study one night before the exam and can get good marks.,7.5 149,JAY A MAKWANA,Dr. S & S.S. Ghandhy Government Engineering College,"About the internship, I can say companies are started to give opportunities for internships plus jobs. Big companies like Reliance, Tata Consultancy, and many more local area companies of Surat are also available to have such a good opportunity to have such a good package of internship plus job.There are electrical, Electronic and communication, civil, Mechanical, Environment, and Pharmacy departments. And the faculty have so friendly nature. About teaching, they have a good explanation and labs for practicals. The exams have been done on time and also things are really good here.",7 150,Student (Anonymous),Dr. S & S.S. Ghandhy Government Engineering College,"MTech students get stipends as per govt rules. Other assistance is also there like no tuition fee for girls and EWS students. SSIP is also there for startup and patent application. moreover they hiked 500 for extracurricular activities during pandemic which is odd considering there were no such events done during online classes.Because ECE is an evergreen field. 1:50 faculties students ratio. The ratio is very bad this gives very less attention to students and loads on faculty. They should hire more dedicated faculty. Qualifications are only MTech, ME not even Ph.D. Exams are easy mostly depending on the faculty conducting exams.",5 151,Shvangi maurya,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],The fee is comparatively good compared to other colleges and the placement is also decent. If you are low on budget and want a good placement you can come to this college. The college does have various scholarships for students whose annual income is less.Summer internship usually starts in the month of June-July. You can do the campus internship department internship or can also go for internships from outside the college. The internships that are provided in the college are mostly unpaid.,8.7 152,Devika,SJB Institute of Technology - [SJBIT],Fees hike comparatively ok in my College compared to others giving more importance to showcasing talent rather than money-making we have been given all the access to innovate our thinking and given constant support for showcasing our talent.We have a good introduction in our college provide with good study environment we have many clubs to innovate ourself in the field which we are interested. Classrooms are accessed with apple tv and always worked on developing basic skills.,10 153,Ankit Pratap,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Faculty members are very supportive and the student ratio is 230:40(M: F). All the faculties have completed their studies at either IITs or NITs and there is no language barrier as well. due to covid in the last two sessions, the duration of our sessions is very short so there is a lot of pressure among students. We have 2 semesters(1st Year) in 6 months.In 2nd year u can apply for your internship. Many companies come here for internships. Mostly the CSE, ECE, and EE branch students are given opportunities because most companies are open only for these three branches and also ur cgpa should be more than 7.5",9.2 154,Rajnish Kumar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Many cultural program held on occasion. In library top and famous all book available in good prints . Classroom is clean and cctv For sport a trained and expert coach For students result and discuss about their future makes a group by collegeFees is not to much this is in every family budget and any poor students then sir help of them in fees There is many scholarship like as pm high school education, labour card scholarship, inteligent scholarship ",9 155,Saundarya Sargam,N.B. Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering,"College life is good if it only has studied, but it will be best if it includes the annual fest and competitions. Our college organizes an annual fest name 'Umang', the intercollege contests name 'Dista', intra college contest named 'TechSmith', and an annual project competition named 'Prayog'. Library facility is available and books also available. The annual sports are also organized by the college which include indoor and outdoor games and athletic games also.From the 6th semester i.e. Third year, second-semester students are eligible for college campus placements. There are more than 100 opportunities we have received from our college Central Placement Cell. 80+ students are already placed in our batch. The highest package of our college is 13 LPA and the average package is 3.5 LPA.",7.3 156,Sharadhi,Ramaiah Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Udbhav which is going to take place huge fest in Banglore. The library which lends books to students goes 14 days and again should be registered for continuing reading. Sports fest are held here, kabaddi tournament is also held. Around 20 clubs are present including theatre, dance, comedy, entrepreneur etc.As I was interested in this course I joined it. Faculty is around 100 and students around 180 therefore 1:1.8 ratio. Mtec, uphill they teach well. Exams were very tight, as they were very strict in evaluating it was very difficult.",10 157,Sanjana kumari,"Chaibasa Engineering College, Techno India Group","For payment seats, the fee is 67500 for 1st year and for else category the fee is respectively different according to their counselling results E - KALYAN IS THE SCHOLARSHIP introduced to the students who are looking for a scholarship or financial supportThis course has high value so I choose this course. The faculty are quite good and with 6years + of teaching experience The number of students in this course is high as compared to the other courses Exams were held on time and were easy to pass",5.3 158,Kashish Negi,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"Grafest is the annual fest and then small functions are conducted here for n while. Books and journals are available easily. The classrooms are pretty good also the labs are also nice. There are also many college groups that gave me many opportunities.Placements are pretty fine here, Students get placements in 3rd year onwards there are good on and off-campus internships get by students. An average of 4-5 LPA is average and the highest was like 54 LPA. So yes placements are pretty good here.",6.2 159,Harsha Vardhan,Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College - [SRKR ],"Because I have an interest in software so I tried for CSE but finally I got aiml Faculty and student ratio is about 1:30 Qualification of the faculty is mtech and some of them have ph.d 4 months for a semester and the difficulty level is mediumThe annual fest is conducted once a year and different tech fest are conducted every year Availability of books and journals in the library is common to all college so same level of book Sports and caa are Al so conducted",8.3 160,Anjali malothu,JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial - [JNTUHCEJ],My life is in campus is very good so I am very happy. this campus is conducted on an annual day and fest and available the library books and conducted extra classes on this campus are conducted by the sports and extracurricular activities on the campus and mention the social groups and clubs and websites.These college Placements are given in 4th year last semester students are eligible for placements of no of offers. the placement package is average packages in 3 to 4 lack packages placements eligible percentage is 80%to90% students or eligible,6.5 161,Amulya Koppula,JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial - [JNTUHCEJ],We celebrate fest every year. Present my fest name is crescence 2k23 it will be conducted on April month in the library we can get subject related books and singing clubs and dance clubs are provided for interested studentsFrom 3-2 semesters we are provided with the placements and we get the maximum package of 18LPA and a minimum package of 6LPA. companies hire fewer people in our college I want to be settled in on-campus placement.,8 162,Nikhil Mehlan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"In 3rd year you have to do a whole semester internship to get credit share which counts at the end of the year to get a degree so an internship is compulsory here and many good companies come here to take in terms of their company like Google Amazon Goldman Sachs Microsoft and many other good companies come and the step and his also like very good of 50-60000 which is more than you can ask You also get a lot of opportunities for projects and I have a good outcome in the projects given by your teachers and the faculty and many of your clubs teach you a lot of things which is very good and you learn about like everything finance management how to run a club and your robotics I would say the projects are very good hereThe annual fest is the Rivera which is the best you can get in the south very high person it is come to that fest and take a rest we have the gravitas which is also very good you have almost every activity in this first very good you mean like one of the best in the country and they are a lot of books and general you get almost every possible book that you want in the library it's a three pose very big classroom is that you get fan they are not the new buildings have AC facilities are good and sports are a lot means you Just can't get enough there like 120 gloves their many many clubs and many chapters that you can participate sports every sport is there in the college that very good",7.7 163,Anshul Soni,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],"Robotron (tech fest) is going on and there are many others almost after every 2 months. I love the library it's pretty big and a very good collection of books is there and also the environment is also very nice. Amenities in the class are good almost every important thing is available. There is almost a court for all basic sports and most cricket and football and badminton are the favs of most of the students here so for which competition is also held in the college.I choose this course bcz as we know there is a big boom in it sector and ec is a branch from where I can even go in it sector. The faculty is good and supportive very much and the student ratio in my branch is 50:50 almost it's pretty good. The teachers are very experienced and qualified and even I like their teaching methods. There are exams almost after every month and exams are moderate if u study you can pass them easily.",9.4 164,Anuj Chowdhury,Rungta College of Engineering and Technology - [RCET],"Students can become eligible for campus after the 6th semester. They can start internships in the 5th semester. There are over a hundred companies visiting the college and offering options each year. Some noteworthy mentions are Amazon, Accenture, Infosys, Paytm, Byjus, Tech Mahindra, Wipro, TCS, etc. The highest package last year was 40 lakh per annum from amazon. The placement percentage is 80-90% for CS and IT branches for others it's around 60-70%. My plan is to work at the company I get placed in and continue my own business.There's a new fest or program almost every week. Dance, singing, coding contests, movie day, and many more. Besides them, there are also annual fests and tech fests like IdeaFest and Vyom fest. The library is filled with books on any subject imaginable with each shelf covering the latest edition of the books. Each classroom has a wide blackboard/whiteboard and a projector. Computer rooms have enough systems for a class at a time. Free WIFI is available throughout the campus.",8 165,Aman Gupta,Institute of Technology & Management - [ITM],Campus life is very good. I enjoyed every day with my friends and faculty. They have a huge library with many different types of books. They have all types of labs. They also celebrate sports meets and they also participate in social groups.Fees for my course is 77 thousand per year and the total fee is 3.08 Lac. I got a placement in the Tata Consultancy Services at the Noida location. The fee hike is 10% for the new batch sometime it may be high or sometimes it may be low.,7 166,Neetesh sharma,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],"I conducted 2 tech fest and if I talk about the library it's very good like it's too big and has a good collection of books. Amenities in the classroom are good Nd as of now sports are promoted but I haven't seen any events yet hope to see them soon if I talk about campus it's beautiful and full of greenery.Because I want to be an electronic engineer. The ratio was 50:60 girls: boys The teachers are soo good and experienced. Exams were not so difficult if u study u can score a good CGPA but for that daily some hr u have to study.",9 167,Uday Harwani,Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology - [SVNIT],"I choose this course since this was the best college available at my rank... the teacher to student ratio is 1:52..the teachers have all done their phd and have great knowledge about their subject barring 1 or 2 teachers passing the term exams wasn't difficult at all and exams are conducted every 1/2 monthsThe tech fest here is called mindbending and it is conducted in march, the library has almost all types of books in it but they are very old and worn out, the classrooms are equipped with projectors and there are no AC's available",7 168,Gopal patel,AKS University - [AKSU],"The fees are good compared to other colleges. The fee of my course is 60000/ yr which can be more for lower class students but the college also provides scholarship benefits to all the students who have less income. Also college provides the govt post matric scholarship for the students of SC ST and OBC. Although the fees must be less as compared to the current fee structure. The overall fee structure is good for another course also.The overall campus life is good for students and faculty. Every year in April a cultural fest is done where different types of dance, sports activities etc are done. The classroom is well-equipped with lights and fans. There is also a library where all course books are available and also some story books are available. There are also many clubs such as sports, cultural, tech club",7 169,Sai Ram,Raghu Engineering College - [REC],"The fee for this college was 69700 rupees. And I am eligible for Jagan Anna Vidhya devana. The full fees were paid by the government. the placement is good on this campus. Raghu entering college is the first place in campus placementsActually, I was interested in artificial intelligence.so I choose this course. For 45 students three is one teacher. Teachers' qualification was BED, MBA. for 5 months a term exam and is neither easy nor difficult to pass",9.2 170,Yash choudhary,Medi-Caps University,"There is an annual fest known as moonstone and also they celebrate many fests such as science day, litophia, literary fest, etc. They have the biggest library in Indore with the best books. The classroom has projectors and comfortable seats. Almost every sport is there in this college. There are many groups for functions, and interview preparation on WhatsApp and Instagram.For better job opportunities and interest in programming, I have chosen B.Tech. The Faculty-student ratio is approx. 1:30 in this university. Faculties are very knowledgeable and have great teaching experience. As this university is autonomous the exams are on time. And they are according to our preparation.",7.6 171,Bhargav reddy,Raghu Engineering College - [REC],"The placement is good In our college in third-semester students are eligible for campus placements the companies are visited our college are amazon tech Mahindra Wipro Microsoft Infosys the highest package of Amazon 44 lakhs per annum the percentage of students is 80%Sree Bharathi annual fest in the month of January 2022 and sparks fest in the month of March 2023 In the library lot of books and journals in the library are better classrooms are good in the campus cricket selection",5.5 172,Likitha Dumpa,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Campus life is good in some aspects and we have to adjust in some aspects like the mess food is average, we have to adjust and the college environment is so peaceful we have sports facilities also and we can roam till 7 pm. The library on the campus is big and many books are available.Once guys can get an FFE scholarship depends on merit some people will get other scholarships also but as an OC candidate and as a kid of government employee, I won't get any scholarships. The placements are average, our college's highest package is 29 LPA, and the average is 8 LPA.",6 173,Shrishti Singh Purushottam Tomar,ITM SLS Baroda University,"• Recently we had Illuminati in which we had technical, cultural, sports, and many other events. • Many books are available in the library such as novels, books related to each subject, newspapers, magazines, etc. • In sports we play cricket, badminton, basketball, kabaddi, Kho Kho, and many other games. We also have dance class, singing class, photography, etc. • On Instagram itm university is the page of my university.• I choose it because I am interested in it and I came to know that there is more chance of getting government jobs. • Faculties are highly qualified and experienced. • Teaching is done in ABL and other teaching aids. All classrooms are wi-fi enabled. • we were given three hours to write the exam and for me, it was not difficult to pass the exam.",9.6 174,Kakadiya kunj,Indus University,"Internship opportunities are given by the college during in 2nd,4th, and 6th semesters. College approach good company in placement. The college's mechanical engineering placement is too high and good. In mechanical college can deal with international level company.You can pay fees of 52800 per sem it's included your exam fees and library fees also. Per year fees are 105600 INR. And some of your study materials and stationary you can buy yourself. College gives scholarships for only obc students.",6 175,Samipyasinh,Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"College life at this institution is full of excitement and opportunities for students to participate in various events. These events include technical and non-technical competitions, hackathons, and a wide range of sports even, the college organizes external workshops to provide students with exposure to industry professionals and the latest developments in their field of study. The college also encourages social activities such as NSS, NCC, and community service initiatives. The campus organizes activities throughout the year, including events such as Sports Week, Annual Day, Tech and Non-Tech Days, Traditional Day, and Bollywood Day.As a student of Aeronautical Engineering, I can confidently say that my college is the best GTU college for this course. The faculty members are knowledgeable and supportive, and they go above and beyond to help students understand the subject matter. Their approach to teaching makes the learning process enjoyable and interactive.",9.7 176,Sarthak Jain,ITM University,"70% placement Guarantee with an average package of 3.5 lakhs per annum. many giant companies like Wipro, infosys, and Dxc are coming for mass recruitment. students are eligible in the 6th semester to sit in placements the highest package is 27 lakhs per annum You can also do further study after the undergraduate degreeComputer Science Engineering and Information Technology are demanding courses worldwide/ there are 5 to 6 faculty over 60 students all the faculty members are qualified teachers by AICTE and have also done Phd in their majors exams are sorted for medium and easy to pass if you study well",7.7 177,Jenil kotadia,Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology - [VCET],"I was interested in coding so I choose this course. The faculty is very good, not only regarding studies they also help you in other co-curricular activities. The teaching method is the best because they also use recent technology like a projector, first, they explain the theory part then they carry out practicals. If you study on daily basis like in class then you will pass the exam easily otherwise exams are difficultThere are 2 major fest conducted in this college that is zeal and other is farewell .zeal is conducted in the month of Feb and farewell is in June If you do not want to buy books then books are available in the library During sports day many sports are conducted in our college and also there other curricular activities Ecell and student council are the two big clubs in our college",9.3 178,Arpita Maji,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"I choose this course because of its fame and opportunities, from SRM University I can build my career smoothly. For each department faculty -student ratio like 1:7. Faculties are experienced and well trained to guide you, there are n-number of professors over there who take care of your concern. As it is the most highly rated university so the Exams are like the standard for every genuine student. But You have to work hard for a better score.Here are the courses offered- BA, B.TECH, B.COM, BCA, and MBA. but for the Computer science department - 200000 / yr. The Electronic and communication Engineering - 175000 / Yr. For each department, there is a refundable registration amount. each student can get a stipend of Rs- 12400/month in MTech, and scholarships of 50000/yr for those students who have scored a 4.5 CGPA at least.",9 179,Swarnima,Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women -[IGDTUW],"The annual cultural fest is Taarangana. It is conducted in Feb. or April. Annual tech fest is innerved. It is conducted in the month of October. The classroom is not that good, the desks are old. Although they have projector facility. There is a sports society named Synergy. Which conducts an annual sports fest named Ignite. It has good volleyball, football, table tennis, and badminton, teams. There is a very good website named IGDTUW RESOURCES which is made by seniors and is very beneficial. The library is small in size.The college fee is around 120000, and the hostel charges including the mess are 125000. There is a fee exemption for the general EWS candidates who scored maximum in JEE mains in their respective branches. Also, the university provides many other scholarships. The college provides internship opportunities. A fee hike policy is also there.",7.7 180,Vishal Ramesh Mane,Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology - [VCET],"I chose computer engineering because, from my 10th std, I was familiar with coding. In 11/12th I studied computer science subject so I was having a basic idea of coding. VCET is having best faculties and course outcomes. They take care of each student and correct their doubts. Faculties help alot to connect with the subject with real lifeVCET is having best campus. Being part of the student council I can say that fests are conducted on a big scale. VCET provides all types of facilities from drinking water facilities to fire extinguishers, clean washrooms and a canteen.",8 181,venky,Vishnu Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Due to covid, fests were not conducted correctly. In the month of December, our college conducted the national level technical fest in which many students from different colleges came to participate in the events we have organised. All the types of books were available in our library. We have a big library, a digital library and many labs for the students to do their work. Projectors, fans, ACs etc were provided. We have good facilities in the view of classrooms and labs. Many clubs were organised by the students like the English club, dance club, etc.I have chosen computer science and engineering because I was interested in coding and I like to be a software engineer. Our teacher-student relationship is good. They will explain each topic until the students understand the concept. The course curriculum is maintained as per industry learning and students will gain experience. Semester exams were conducted every four months along with the mid-exams.",5.3 182,Shivam Nagar,Chitkara University,"Algo is the biggest fest of the university. It basically occurs in March-August. For a library, Anyone can issue a book and even all study material is available in the library, you just need to have your Id for it. Classrooms are well furnished with AC and WIFI facilities. There are many groups for co-curricular activities and even for coding.There is no hike policy in the college. For the first semester, we need to pay 80000 then the rest is 70000 semester and the hostel including the mess is about 35000 per semester for 4 seater boys. There is no such scholarship but even it provides loans for students who want to have one.",7.7 183,Amar pal,Techno Main Salt Lake,Campus placement is good at Techno main salt lake. After completing the 6th sem of the year. Students get a chance to seat at placement offers and get jobs. The average package is quite good. Till now I just have to listen to that the highest is 32lpa. And avg package is 5.5lpa. so it is value for money. Almost 80% of students got placed in secure jobs. My plan after my degree is to get a job by collage placement. And doing IT jobs.The fee of Techno main salt lake is 5.5lakhs on this year. No such scholarships are available for other state students. But for West Bengal students reservation is here. So they have a chance to grab it. Also the ROI of this college average I say. It is in the middle for core branch students. But for cse students full advantage for ROI. Many big companies are coming for campus selection.,6.8 184,Harikesh Tiwari,University of Lucknow - [LU],"There is no fee hike anytime till my whole course. There is no scholarship for general students but there are some scholarships for very low financial condition students. And there is a karma yogi yojana for students which helps them to work and earn.Faculty members are very helpful and I feel like they are well-qualified also. All the teachers and staffs are friendly to students. In my department, there are experienced as well as new teachers but there are very knowledgeable.",8.7 185,Mayur Chhalotre,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"I chose this course because I had a very keen interest in programming and in the technologies that we are using in the day-to-day world. Faculty members of Acropolis Institute are very helpful and so so cooperative in nature. they will help you if you have any ideas in mind to execute. The college also has an Entrepreneurship development cell which helps students to encourage their entrepreneurial skills and helps to develop their personalities for placement purposes. so coming to the academics part the college comes under the Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidhayalaya which is located in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. the exam pattern follows two mid-term examinations in each semester and internals and external examination are held at the last of the semester. The odd semester generally starts in august and ends in December and the even semester starts after 15 days of the odd semester after the completion of the even semester one month's break is provided. the main examination of the university areMany fests occur in the colleges but the biggest fest which occurs once in two years is ARDOR which has sports week, food stall day and many dance events and a concert. A big library is also in the college. Classrooms consist of big white and green boards and projectors are also available in the classrooms.",7 186,Varun Roy,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"I took this course because I have I interest in computer science. The faculty here is very good they are supportive and can help you with any problem in their stream. Some of the faculty are qualified for IIT Delhi and other big institutes. The term exam happens after every 6 months.Our college has an annual fest name, Utkarsh and some fests also like playing and others. Our college has a big library and it has all most all the books which are required for the classes. Our college has participated in many college events and all most all the sports are available",8.4 187,Deepanshu Saini,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,"The course is easy. I choose this course because it has a very good scope. faculty ratio is 60:1, All faculty has a post graduated in their filed. Exams are after 6 months but there is mid sem tests every 3 months later.The fee structure is 66000 per sem and the hostel's fee is 1 lakh per year. there are 1000 fees for the examination form. The scholarship is provided only for Punjab students who have Punjab resident certificates.",10 188,Vinayak Khandewl,Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],"AAROHAN is the annual fest of our college, AAROHAN is a 3 days fest in which many activities are conducted by the student's council like DJ Nights, Celebrity NIGHTS, and many more this fest is conducted in mid-march of every year. There is a central library where are around 10,000 books and approximately 2,000 journals available for students and staff members. The classroom is well-furnished and good for students. Many activities are conducted by the student's council from time to time. There are around sixteen clubs in college like Sports club, Udaan club which stands for aeromodelling, coding club, gravity which is a college band group, drama club, dance club, women club, helping hand club and so on. All the clubs are run by only students there are one captain and one vice captain available for every club and a student council organized every activity with the help of the HODs, the Registar, and the Principal of the college.After fourth-semester students become eligible for campus placements, There are so many companies visited in piet. About 750+ students of the 2022 batch have been placed in companies like Infosys, TCS, Adani Power, IBM, HCL Technologies, BORCH, Wipro, Cyntexa, Tata Power, and many more. The highest package last year has been about 42 LPA which is offered by Microsoft. The profile offered which mostly about software engineers, data scientists, consultants, etc. The average package is about 5-6 LPA. 90+ percent of students get placement. I will be looking to crack the interview of MNCs and won't get a high-salaried job in MNCs.",9.2 189,Kundan Kumar,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],Fees structure where affordable 81000 Rupees per year and 40500 per semester it is tution fees and 150 Rs semester registration charges and at first year 4000 rupees for college dress and 2000 rupees for library and we have Scholarship benifits also I am filling post matric scholarship of MP government Thir are many activities done in college we have tech fast at once in year and annual fest which are very very good . Their are all books related to your subjects are in library.Oriental football team are at top in Bhopal so I thik I have no need to explain on extra curricular activities.,8.3 190,Aditya Prajapati,Sagar Institute of Research and Technology - [SIRT],My course is b.tech with computer science and business system ( CSBS ). This course is launched by the company known as TCS. The teachers are very friendly and have great knowledge to share with the students. 1st semester held in around three months from starting of the collegeThe student awareness programs are held by the college for improving the student's behaviour and for giving them the right path to follow. The library is considered the most silent place in college. The availability of books in the college is very high,7.7 191,Sai charan,Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"The Campus is very small around 3-4 acers so don't expect much college life,The annual fest conducted is MALHAR ,In college there is library we can access it any time during working days,There are lots of Social groups and clubs in BPIT like Anveshan ,dristhi etcMerit cum Scholarship, GGSIPU scholarship , Scholarship for single parent students are provided and Merit cum Scholarship is availed for students who scored in a range of 85 percent to 50 percent and on their economical circumstances.",7.3 192,Desh Deepak Singh,Galgotias University - [GU],"The course is awesome and the faculty is often very awesome there is good communication between faculty and students all criteria are good and comfortable also. You can focus on your study very well and also many other areas where you can involve. The exams take place on time and also very strict checking is there.Fees are less as related to other universities and also there scholarship but only for U P students not for any other if you score good there are many other scholarships for in the university as well students can get many benefits from the university which can help to do better in future.",7.7 193,AANGEE ALPESH JAIN,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - [RGIT],"The course I choose is high in demand and its need is going to increase day by day the faculty is really good and connect and interacting with the students and the faculty pushed students to enhance their hobbies All the faculty have done master's in their respective subject with management term exams are held as per university guidelines mostly in 1month and next in another 1.5 months the exam prepares us well for the university paperThe tech fest held is recursion and mostly in the month of march april various feasts like icarus and zodiac are held in the month of march. the books in the library are always present but do not have the latest editions. Colleges have various committees and societies like cess and code cells.",7.7 194,Srinivas,VIT University - [VIT- AP],"I have chosen this course because of my passion on CSE. Faculty are pretty good and well trained. For every 20 members there will be one faculty mentor. All the faculty are PhD qualified. There will be 2 mid exams ane one sem exam in each sem along with quizzes, assignments, labs, language, and extra skill section. If you prepare before the exam for one or two days we can pass 40% is the pass percentageThe infrastructure is good. Even though not a vast campus. It is pretty good. Surrounded with greenery. Some events will be conducted every weekend, Sunday, and Monday holiday. Every year there will be a tech and cultural fest. The library is small, there will be all sports and coaches available. There will be many clubs and workshops run by students under faculty visionary.",5.7 195,SHANMUKH SAI,VIT University - [VIT- AP],"The social life is not so good on this campus. No good events are conducted as a btech student we expected so much from the university and that is not being fulfilled. What I like the most is about sports everyone plays at least one sport or If they don't know how to play they learn and play. Coming to the fests and events there are only two major 1. VITOPIA 2 VTAAP these two events are soo good and we Enjoyed a lot The college Library is very vast we can find almost every book which is professor refers to and even some other extra books too There is an app called VITAP available in Play Store which is built and run by the students and their team name is tech nextAs this is deemed to be a university the fees structure is also according to that only .here the fees structure is according to the category for category 1 the fee is 2 lakhs And for category 2 the fee is 3 lakhs and so on till category 5 but you don't need to worry in the university itself has an INDIAN BANK branch inside the university which has tied up with the university and provides educational loans to the students. Coming to the campus placement everything depends on your CGPA and placements are good enough",5.7 196,Tushar chahar,VIT Bhopal University,"# Campus is under construction and there is an almost daily event happening in college whether it be related to technical or nontechnical events. # VITarythi is the annual fest of vit Bhopal which is conducted in JAN month but it can vary. # Classrooms are topnotch quality and furniture is also good. # You can pursue can sport but the ground is not maintained. The basketball court is good and badminton also. # There are more than 40 clubs here you can join any club also ruined by students and you can become a core member of it by showing your work towards the club.# I chose this course because I want to pursue my B. Tech in CSE and there are better opportunities in CSE than in other engineering branches. There are 70 students in the class and one professor. You can choose your professor as per your wish and the timing of your class as per your wish, it is a pro of this university. # Teachers here are all PHD holders and are from good universities and they teach using PPTs #There are 2 exams mind term and End Term both are moderate to pass if you study well you can pass easily.",7.3 197,Ansh,Chitkara University - [CU],"The annual tech fest at chinkara happens in the month of September. All the books and journals are available in the library though some of them are not in a really good condition still usable. The classroom has tables, seats, lights, fans, smartboards, and blackboards. Chitkara has allowed a large area for sports and activities. The campus regularly keeps on hosting several sports competitions. There are many clubs at chikara like literally, panache, etc.Computer science is a very demanding course, one that everyone wants since our future is all science and technology. I may say that the faculty is really nice and the ratio of faculty to students is around 1:80. Highly qualified faculty members. Term exams happen every month and are to be given in a proper manner else you'll fail.",8.6 198,Krishna Rithwik,SR International Institute of Technology - [SRIIT],"We have an annual fest every year in the month of February or March. We have a central library with the Availability of different books and journals. We have a digital classroom with a projector. The college has ground for all sports and sports day and external tournaments for all sports.We have a social group with all students, have some clubs and a couple of websites by studentsThe fee structure is 180k per year. Actually integrated course tie-up with international Universities. Students go to the USA in 2nd or 3rd year of college and continue in foreign universities. All the students get jobs in the USA. Some students who don't have enough scores stay back in college and continue in INDIA",7 199,Alok Kumar Sah,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"College placements are given. Not extreme packages but pretty decent. One sister from Nepal just got a package of 15 lakhs INR. Also if you want placement, you can get it for around 6 lakhs minimum. If you work hard I heard one senior got 1.1 crores for Amazon. So, it's pretty decent for a computer science background. For others streams, it's not much.There are three exams CT1, CT2, and CT3 which contribute 60 marks for internals and 40 marks are contributed from the university exam which is converted from 75. As the higher marks are converted to lower marks and there are 4 exams in total; the chances of securing high marks are easy. CGPA over 8 is pretty easy to achieve.",7.5 200,Siddhant Singh,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"The fee structure is a bit of a pinch on the pocket considering this is a government college. Nonetheless, the facility and the networking opportunities in my opinion give you a bang for the buck you put on the line. College is as much a space to study but is also a hub of networking with people who even 5 or 6 years down the lane would help you out giving a push to your career in the right direction. Plus for many students who can't afford it right away, the college has provisions for many scholarships and schemes for relaxation and easy loan lending which is a great boon.Curriculum and Faculty here are a hit or miss. Some are way too good with students, others might have their walls up and be strict to the teeth with their methodology and teaching. But nonetheless, the faculty has always been made of qualified individuals with some of them being one of the best in their streams. Exams are straightforward if you're continuously revising and doing what the teachers are teaching.",8.6 201,ASHWIN HEBBAR P,Atria Institute of Technology,"The annual fest of our college is SAPTHARANG and the tech fest is HELLIOS these are generally conducted in the month of May and November. The books are available in the library. The sports and extra circular activities on the campus are good. Rotract atria is one the main social groups run by our college students and IEEE which is especially for electrical students.The fees structure is 1,00,060 rs and the scholarship are provided in our college there are no financial assistance or campus jobs There is no hike in the fee structure it same throughout the 4 years. The scholarship provided are mainly government based and few are for underprivileged students.",7.3 202,Prateek Singhal,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],"The annual fest is Vivacity held in the month of February every year. The tech fest is Plinth held in the month of January. The library here is amazing and provides books of all genres. The classroom is equipped with all basic facilities including a projector and ACs. Almost all different kinds of sports are played here like badminton, squash, table tennis, lawn tennis, cricket, and football.My course is computer and communications, as I have a keen interest in coding and in electronic devices. The ratio of faculty and student ratio is 15:600. All teachers are holding Ph.D. and most of them are from IITs. Here once a weekly quiz is conducted which helps in brushing up on the course.",7.5 203,Devis,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I chose this course for govt jobs as there are much more govt jobs in Chattisgarh so choose this course in though there are fewer placement opportunities in this course govt jobs are way much better than placement ones they may get good salaries but they spend a lot of time in the office and also job security is one the reason so govt job is much better. Only a few of the faculty are good most of them don't interact with students and have such weird attitudes toward the students. Most of the faculty are master's or Ph.D. graduate but few of them teach well not all some teacher is friends with the student want but they are few in number. The student ratio is not soo good as the girls-to-boys ratio in engineering sucks so but in our branch, it is good than most of the branches in our college. Exams are conducted timely after 3 months there is mid sem and again after 3 months there is an end-semester exam the difficulty of the exam is moderate most of the questions are asked from class notes/lectures.Fees structure for btech is around 1.5lakh and if you are from sc/ st or you have a family income less than 1 lakh so your total fees will be around 15-20k something as you may get full fees remission on tuition fees and as I belong to sc so it is affordable for me but I live outside pg so it cost around 1 lakh yearly so that not a good thing I cannot afford that much so we have taken a loan And most of the students don't get a hostel here as there are not sufficient hostels so they live in pgs. The hostel fees are around 45k yearly. And if you don't get a hostel so for a good pg its rent is around 3000 per month so around 36,000 yearly + mess charges will be also 36000 yearly so around 72000. I did god any kind of scholarship till now so I can't say anything about that.",5.7 204,Nipun Mehan,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],Placements at this college are among the best offered by private colleges in India. TPO cell is reputed across the country. Many companies come to our campus and offer great packages. We have an average package of 15 LPA and no companies offering below 8 LPA are allowed.There is a semester fee of 2.5 lacs including the hostel and mess. There are several assistantships available also mentioned on the website. You can even work as a TA in labs to earn a decent amount of money. Then you can avail of scholarships based on CGPA. Etc,8.2 205,Saransh Saxena,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],You get placement in the seventh semester. Mass recruitment is there in college but few great multinational companies also come. The highest package is 35 lakh and the average package is around seven lacs. Around 80 per cent of students are placed on campusThe fees of our college are one lakh fifteen thousand rupees. You can give it one time during the time of admission and you can even get scholarships on a merit basis but you have to continue it by getting good cgpa,8 206,Doranala Bhargava,Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology - [SIETK],"In our college Campus placements are provided at the time of the 6-semester companies are visited campus drive. Then in our college are highest package 40Lpa and the average package Is 7LPA then the percentage of the students eligible is 60% above all the semesters.In our college they are two types of fee structures provided by the college one is counseling seats like those who are eligible for the Entrance exam and another one is management seats the fee structure is 75000 starting based upon the qualifications.",7.8 207,Manojsai,SR University - [SRU],There are so many fest in sr University every month and we have a library which is very useful and amenities in classrooms an sports are very good in our college we have clubs for extracurricular activities classes are not that big shown in movies but sufficient to students and teachers are also freindly and good sports are also priority in our college and clubs are also very imporantFee structure is very easy in sr University which is very crucial in every college no hike of fee every year same fee every year and you have to pay for sem to sem and I got admission through eamcet with zero fee. if you are good i studies and participate in hacaktons you may get scholerships in the name of merit,8.1 208,GUNAREDDI,Raghu Engineering College - [REC],"Every month we have a fest like many as many of we want to participate we can, there are above 8000 books in the library anytime we can go there and read books to contains from subject to social economically and etc everything will be available, every the sport meet will be conducted campus is good with best infrastructure raguitems.There is no difficulty to pass because we know if we keep all options in the exam as same also we can pass but the matter is about competition in the applied seats. They also take directly by paying fees to the college. The faculty was really helpful and also qualified in their subjects.",6 209,ARJUN DONKADA,K L University - [KLU],"The SAMYAK fest .it was a national wide fest in the kluniversity it will be held in the month of October. Every month there will be branch fest or cultural fest will be held. The SURABHI fest will the second biggest fest in the kluniversity it was also a national wide fest. There were 7 floors of the central library you can find every genre of books in the library the classrooms are very spacious and every class has projectors and wifis. every outdoor game will be conducted and national-wide games are played by the university we have min 18 clubs and 2 social for social services.I choose CSE in that I take specialization (AI&DS) because AI has a great future some days so I choose this course and I love coding and artificial intelligence The faculty were highly profiled and everyone completed their pg and PhDs with high percentages the student ratio will be 15:1 PhD with more than 10 years of Academic experience along with sponsored research projects and with a good number of Scopus Every 2 months there will be Mid Exams and every six months there will be an SEM exam. The paper will be a moderate 80% chance to pass.",8.2 210,Ankit Yadav,Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management - [SRMCM],"Every year the college celebrates its annual cultural extravaganza Abhivyakti in February. Widely flaunted as one of its kind, the fest is a driving force for college students to establish their identity for a pride of place in a variety of fine cultural performances. It provides an opportunity for all students of the college to perform some role or the other in the fest. Gantavya is a festival for tech fest organized in November. It is an opportunity for the students to showcase their interests and knowledge in the field of technology. The a state-of-the-art fully Air-conditioned and Wi-Fi-enabled Library system of SRMCEM consists of a Central Library which collectively supports the teaching, research, and extension programs of the college. Spardha is organized every year for Students to their physical development. Euphony cell, Dracula cell, Step cell, Photography cell, and Robots clubs, are well flourished by the students to make the college proud.I am chosen this course because I am keenly interested in electronics and its applications. The Electronics department of this college is known for its well-skilled faculties. All the facilities are highly graduated and specialized in their domain. This college is also known for its tough academic curriculum because the quiz is organized twice every week. The Difficulty level is too high but this is very good for the students to score high in the end sem examination.",8.6 211,Nikhil,Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering - [BVCOE] Navi Mumbai,The college provides a scholarship for the top 4 candidates as tfws wherein all the tuition fees are waived off college also provides scholarships to the ebcs and other minorities so overall it's worth the value they provide. The Fee for my course is around 100000.Computer technology has high demand in the current sector so I opted for a computer course. overall faculty and teaching are okayish just like any other engineering college. study material is provided timely and exams are not that tough. it's quite easy.,6.7 212,LAKSHAY,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"As an effect of the corona lockdown, our first semester is of only 3.5 months every sem we have at least 2 ct, 1 mid sem,1 end sem, an internal practical exam, and a final practical exam. Teacher's are mostly teaching with pdf which is already shared in Google classroom, so no one shows interest in the class. Some teachers are cool, some are also very dedicated for study.We have one of the biggest fests in our college MOKSHA I can't brief much about it as I am fresher but as per our seniors it's totally worth it. People of college are very friendly and helpful but we have very pressure to study, assignments because the teachers are so strict.",9 213,Priyanshu Raj,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Fees are high to be honest, in a government college, we think to get world-class facilities at low fees but fees are high, but you have no need to worry, SBI gives special loans to nit students with a low rate of interest and some state governments also give loans to poor students. Fees hike policy is not good for us general middle-class students as we have to struggle to make ends meet and then we also got to have laptops and all which will cost you at least 40-50 thousand if you want to do Photoshop and editing on it but fee remission is there to protect us if your family income is less than 5 lakh rupees, you can avail the fee remission and if you belong to Scheduled castes or Scheduled tribes, you don't have to worry about fees, you are fully remitted of tuition fees. I personally belong to the general category and most of the scholarships are either given to the reserved category students or to the girl students so I personally feel bad due to the fee hike policy of the government.Our college is having many many fests like the annual fest named culfest and branch fets like technica, we have fests in 1-2 months regularly, our campus life is pretty chill, with the availability of ready-to-eat shops and nice sports facilities like volleyball, badminton, lawn tennis, table tennis, cricket, hockey, Javelin throw, chess, etc. You will never get bored here. Our classrooms are super modern with ultra-high facilities that even some IITs don't have. There are so many clubs like Daksh, raze, phoenix, phocus, beat breakers, Invicta, etc., and events are held on a regular basis. There are many clubs that are student run like the team INNOREVA. You will get clubs for everything you wanna do but what if you don't find any club that you are interested in, no worries, you can obviously make one for yourself, most of the clubs came into existence by this thought only, want a quizzing club, you got quite, want a photography club, you got phocus, want to act , you got aavahn club.",7.8 214,Yarllagadda Srinivas,Vignan's Lara Institute of Technology & Science - [VLITS],"It has good opportunities in the future so I took these courses. The faculty is good with teaching and enjoying sac activities the student ratio is also girls give first priority the girls are more than boys. They will complete their Ph.D. and drs and lack of years of experienced teachers. It will difficult but it will easily pass any subject for giving some hardworking nature.A maximum number of students are passed out in this college so it is good for placements and the percentage of the getting 85% of students placed in MNC and Wipro, cognizant, Infosys, etc all companies come to these colleges for good culture.",8 215,Harsha,Vignan's Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"The curriculum is good. Most experienced staff is there. Staff is studied in big universities and the experience is more than 20 years. We can understand easily. They tell the syllabus cleanly and completed the syllabus as earlier possible.The fee structure of the college is the same for all branches. There is no fees change through all branches is the same through only the counseling quota. But by joining the management quota the fees is high and different for branches.",9.3 216,Saurabh aglave,N.B. Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering,"3 years after you complete you are eligible for an internship for placement we do hard work only not for students but also for teachers give more support to give this. TCS and other big companies are visited, The highest package in college is 14.5 lakh, And the average package is 5 lakh. 96 Percentage students are placements. We support all as u like in your career.I chose this college because the college is very impressive and I also like software 8n this reason I chose college students ratio of the college is 10 of 10 teachers are very good I also like this teacher. 3 months of the term is no difficult any problem with the exam.",10 217,Harsh,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University - [JIIT],Students become campus placement eligible in last year itself that is from like 7 semesters so before that they were only allowed to do summer internships doing the Summer internship is mandatory you have to do or 2-month internship in any other company and provide the proof in the college that you have done that internship the company wasted were around 100 to 200 companies visited so that is good that is a good number and they like offered around 1000 to 2000. The highest salary package was 65 lakhs from Atlassian which was of campus offer but the college took the credit of the child the average package is 7.5 LPA which is quite good compared to other colleges in Noida students get a place this year and my plan is for after getting a degree is doing the job welding of my career and later I think about doing masters in MBA or Ms I think about that laterI choose this course because I had like interest in electronics and communication I want to work with transistors I want to learn about logic gates on alert about hardware design PCB design but nothing happened a lot of important courses work not mandatory and we have given the option so like I didn't study mobile communication because I take a hardware design I guess putting those to an important subject in options is pathetic for electronics perspective. The faculty-to-student ratio is good single faculty takes about 32 40 students. The termly exams happen in three phases the first exam is going to happen just after one and half months of commenting the semester and exam is going to happen after the month and the last exam is going to happen after that month and so you won't even realize that how your 6 months went to away the difficulty,5.6 218,Chetan talwar,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Fees are too much for the general category students. It is around 2,19,000 for all but other category students get a scholarship of 50% from the college side. There are various other scholarships provided by external firms and associations. For example:- Jio Foundation.I choose the information technology branch as I was really interested in artificial intelligence and courses related to computers. The faculty are really helpful to the students. Provide notes and are well qualified. First and second sem exams are a bit faster.",8.3 219,Student (Anonymous),Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placements of Nit Jalandhar are very good. Companies offer students right from the second year mainly for cse/ece branch and from the third year for other branches' internships and the majority get the PPO(Pre-Placement Offer). Right from before starting the 7th sem companies offer the job. For the mechanical branch, nit jalandhar is quite famous. Every batch gets 80%+ students placed and the rest do prepare for abroad mtech or other options. Till now in February, my car is placed 80%+ students. Companies like Honda 2 wheeler, honda cars, maruti suzuki, Suzuki motors, ashok leyland, Oceaneering, BPCL, Reliance, HMEL, Aarti, Ciarn Oil, BEL, Techniq, Flipkart, etc many more companies. The highest Package is 17.5Lpa by Bpcl and the Average is around 8 LPA. Many students plan to get a job for industry experience and then majorly prepare gate or go abroad for a master's.College is so good. Here all branches have their technical clubs. Students majorly join them to make projects and improve technical skills. Apart from that many dancing, singing etc groups are there. Nit Jalandhar has one of the biggest technical feet in north India techniti which has a technical exhibitions, robot war, drone challenges, etc in day and edm,dj nights fashion show, star night etc at night to enjoy and one cultural fest Utkansh which has all majorly singing dance skirts, drama etc to make student enjoy. The college has separate grounds for all sports and an indoor wooden floor for badminton. Books are available for students in the library and online portal for any time any place availability of books",8.2 220,Shanthamma,Anantha Lakshmi Institute of Technology and Sciences - [ALITS],"Annual day (or) anniversary is conducted by the college management every year. In that function, students perform extracurricular activities like cultural programs claiming awards and rewards for the efforts which are presented in the competitions.The cost of the course varies from management student and convener quota. The students who got passed in the Entrance are not needed to pay the college fee. There is releasing JVD scholarships every year, no need to worry about that.",9 221,MANDLUKOSE DINESH,PVKK Institute of Technology - [PVKKIT],"I Have Chosen The Electronics Course Because, By the end Of The Day, We Can Choose. Software Or Hardware Field. The Faculty In This College Is Good Their Teaching And Qualification Is PHD.Term Exams Are Somewhat Easy. Semester Exams Are DifficultWhen I Joined In This The Fee Was Affordable...By Now The Fee Has Increased Soo Much Which Middle-Class People Can't Afford it. But If You Get A Free Seat You Will Get Fee Reimbursement Called JVD And Scholarship Called Vasathi Deevana",7.3 222,Vraj vaghela,L.D. College of Engineering - [LDCE],"I have interest in circuits since childhood so I have chosen electronics and communication engineering in the best government engineering college in Gujarat, Lalbhai Dalpatbhai college of engineering so I get admission to my selected college.I got admission to the best colleges from all of Gujarat for engineering in government institute so I feel proud to get admission to LD collage of engineering. My selected course was electronics and communication engineering.",10 223,Ankush kumar,Barkatullah University Institute of Technology - [BUIT],"In our college mostly after 2nd-year students are eligible to seat in the campus placement mostly in 3rd you are allowed to seat in the campus placement. Here is the average campus placement annual package approx 500000. company visits in this college if you are a bright student you can get placement.The fees of our college are 48000, not so high because of the government, in Barkatullah there are facilities of scholarships if you are not able to pay a fee you can get a scholarship from the state government by applying on maptaasc, campus placement is average, not good.",6 224,Suhail Ahmad,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Want to pursue Btech from Lovely University due to its great placement and value in my career. The faculty is great and supportive. Teaching methods are more practical in nature and easy to understand. Exam pattern is quite tough to crack but this is necessary to establish knowledge and know-how on curriculum on time.Annual fest and Tech fest are being conducted in the month of Sep and Dec respectively. Books and Journals are easily available at the library. The campus is primarily focused on sports and extracurricular activities to create an energetic environment.,10 225,Harsh Sahu,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"The annual fest of the college and the university is conducted separately, the college annual fest is conducted after the end-term exams and the university fest is conducted in the month of March, this can be changed as well, classrooms are just normal, there opportunities of sports and extracurricular activities in the campus. There are many social groups which are run by students.I have done diploma in civil engineering and I have an interest in construction, design etc. That's why I chose civil engineering. All the teachers are well qualified and teach very well, you can clear doubts any time. End-term exams happened late in this sem. If you study well you can pass easily exams.",7 226,Tuppalwad vyankatesh,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University - [DBATU],"As I am so much interested in computers and I am also good at coding language so I am taking this course. there are more than 100+ faculty and the student 3000+ minimum qualification of faculty is MTech and any standard protection levelAs I know the fees for college are different as per his cast so my fee is 9380 for one year but the total fee is 91000. There are different scholarships are there so students can apply on that Mahadbt is one of that",7 227,Joel Santosh Pawar,Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering - [CRCE],"Faculty is very supportive and they support you in your every doubt. I chose Computer Engineering because it has a growing market and the college itself also has the highest average package and placement rate. Exams here are Organized by Mumbai University.Companies like Wipro, Morgan -Stanley, JP Morgan, Deloitte, Amazon, and many other techs - giants come to the college and offer placement. The average Placement in college is 6-9 lakhs and the TPO cell is very active. 90% of Students get placed every year.",8 228,Pratham Rathore,ABES Institute of Technology - [ABESIT],"The fee for college is 1.20 lakhs per year which is quite a high amount for a middle-class family. And the facilities that you can redeem with that much amount are Null. Plus if you are going for the hostel you have to pay an extra of 1.02 per year which includes mess and non-ac rooms. And for ac room, you have to pay 1.32 lakh per year. And with all that money you will get just nothing. And if I talk about the infrastructure. Then, To be honest I don't like the infrastructure of this college. But if you are the one who takes the admission just by looking at the infrastructure of the college then you should go for ABES EC instead of ABESIT. Yes, many students got confused between obesity and abesec as they look like one college if you see from a distance but the reality is they are not. And if you are thinking about taking the hostel then my friend please drop the idea for ABESIT hostel. You won't live in the hostel live here instead you will live the life of a prisoner.If you have a good understanding of power but are not a good learner you might have gone to ABESIT college. Here, the classes are big enough but it doesn't feel like you are in a technical University. It just feels like you are in a high-standard school classroom. Even their projectors won't work sometimes. If we talk about faculty members, some of them are so good at their work that it feels illegal for them to be par of such a college. If they would have tried they have got better opportunities in IITs and NITs. Some faculty members (especially if you are in the first year and of sec 8 ) will get a class mentor and he would be your maths prof also. Sometimes you guys also got confused that how he got this job. The ratio of prof to students is 1:60 approx. (this ratio changes as you go for different branches of b.tech. As per the college, you have to give 2 CTs(class test) and 2 STs ( semester test). And 3 assignments for each sub.",6 229,Uday Kumar,Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College,"Better salaries and job satisfaction due to the development of data science and artificial intelligence etc. The faculty are ok they tell good but can't they tell very well and many of students in this College are not coming for study they are coming to college only for enjoyment. The qualification is Ph.D. and for review, I will give it 7/10. Evey 6months sem exams will conduct in this College not really difficult to pass if we study we can pass.In January month they will conduct the annual Sankethika vidya Parishad engineering college and freshers they conduct on February month and coming to sports they conduct tournaments like cricket, badminton, volleyball, etc. There is no such type of website.",5.3 230,DHAIRYA BHUPESH SWAMI,Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda - [MSU],"I was fond of physics, so I opted for mechanical and being a reputed government college I chose it. The faculty-student ratio is about 0.5. Most of the professors have done mtech and Ph.D. from renowned institutes. Exams are quite difficult and so mostly grades are usually on the lower side. Basically, the university has a semester system wherein you will get the exams during November and April during an academic year.Fees are too low as it is a government University and there are many scholarship programs like DSW given to the EWS, OBC, SC, and ST. The placement committee works very hard to get companies on board and placements records are also good too.",9 231,Pranjal Pandey,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],My course is B.tech computer science and engineering. Some teachers are good and some are worst than in most colleges. The labs are good. External examinations which are conducted by Abdul Kalam Technical University is not so easy. There are enough facilities and exams are conducted frequentlyThe placement of the college is pretty decent. The average package for cs/it is around 6lpa and the highest goes around 41lpa. Many of the students take off-campus placements due to the location factor of the college.,8.4 232,Ramkumar Meenavalli,Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences - [ANITS],"The fees structure of the college in 2023 is72,500 which is high when compared to remaining colleges and the hostel fee is 90000 which is too high but the hostel is nice and most of here will get scholarships through jvdThe placements are good not that much worse, but all students never get the job. the average package was 4.5lpa and the highest is 30lpa think 60% of people get placed. I want to do a good job not more than that.",6 233,Charan Raj,Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science - [KITSW],"The most auspicious fest of our college is SUMSHODHINI which is celebrated every year as a real festival for students. This fest includes many events of categories: Education and Entertainment, The events are Power programming, Design labs, Games, and Stage performances like singing and dancing. The library of KITSW is a place where there is a huge availability of books for almost every category and most of the education. The library is a good place to study and it maintains a silent environment with timings suitable as per students' availability. Books in the library are freely available for any student for about 21 days. Amenities in classrooms are also useful for students in terms of development. Sports&Extra extracurricular activities include Co-co Cricket Football Volley Ball Basketball and consist of all indoor games by maintaining a timing session of around 4 Pm. to 6:30 Pm. In our college, there are some special categories of groups exist: Sports club, Dance club, Extracurricular activities club, NCC for enhancement.I've chosen my course COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING so that I can choose software as my career and basically I'm interested in computer-related stuff. As mentioned procured the faculty-student ratio is like 1:60. Most of our faculty are well educated and almost every faculty completed their PG and MTECH from well-reputed universities, Coming to the exam terms it has been scheduled perfectly and every student can able to cope with these exam terms. Passing these exams is easy and any student can easily able to get passed as the faculty is good at teaching well.",8 234,Sama Pradyuth Reddy,Anurag University,"Anurag University has a good placement opportunity with top campanies like Amazon, TCS and Infosys visiting the campus. Students are eligible from their 6th semester. The Highest package offered is around 33 LPA and the average package is of 4 LPA. Around 80% of the students got placed last time.ECE curriculum at Anurag University is comprehensive with experienced faculty using innovative teaching methods. The faculty and the student ratio is also good and the exams are timely, though challenging. I chose ECE for passion for electronics. Overall positive experience.",8.4 235,Daksh Kumar,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"Annual fest is moksha and tech fest is organised by nsut IEEE society which is NSUTTHON. And moksha is conducted in month of March and NSUTTHON in January. Books are available in nsut Library and journals are updated from time to time. Classrooms are good in nsut and new classrooms are being made for new students. Sports and extracurricular activities are excellent and sports week is also organized in which various branches participate and fight for victory. There are various social groups, clubs, and websites also run by students.Campus placements are excellent almost 80% of students got placed on campus. Students are eligible for placements in 8 semesters. Companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, etc visit the campus. The highest package on campus is 1.8cr and the average package is 16lacs. After getting my degree I would like to make changes in my life and conquer many things which I wanted to do but couldn't.",7.8 236,Bhavishya Gautam,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"Ece is somewhat easy for those who love circuits, diodes, and all which helps us to understand modern technology better. The same goes for me, that's why I chose this branch and course. Faculty to student ratio is quite nice here even in the first year. Our faculty is mostly Ph.D. and highly qualified. Term exams are held every mid of semester and at the end of the semester. Some class tests are also there. Exams are easy to pass even if you study a few days before but you have to study regularly to score well.Resonanz, moksha, innovision, etc are held every year in which students from different colleges take part. The library is quite good with the availability of mostly all types of books and journals. Classrooms are equipped with modern technologies, especially for the freshers. All types of sports and extracurricular activities are held inside the campus from time to time. There are many societies and clubs in every interest and field for the students that are being run by the students.",6.5 237,Nikita Prasad,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"The course curriculum is good, and the teachers here are Ph.D. holders, well-qualified and educated. Their nature is also good and kind towards the students. We have given our mid-semester exam now and the paper was okay, we were taught everything that was in the paper and it is not a big deal to pass such exams.Fees structure here is not that good but NSUT does provide an option for a loan that will help the child to pursue his/her B.Tech without any break. The campus provides you with many options for jobs and internships like many companies visit the main campus of NSUT in the second year itself for internships.",8.2 238,Atharv Pahuja,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"The gender ratio was good about 60:40 based on the ranking of students. There are no criteria for admission based on gender. There were various cultural and technical societies like dance, drama, singing, etc. Societies. Everyone is free to be a part of the societies. There is no discrimination based on caste, religion, or economic conditions of a student.Faculty was having proper knowledge of their fields. Most of the facility was experienced and permanent for around 27-40 years of age. Most of them were having post-graduation or masters. Daily there were around 5-6 lectures of 1 hour each. They used examples, PPT, and practical demonstrations for making things clear",10 239,Vidooshi Sharma,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"I chose this course in view that I would get to learn both about hardware and software. The course is good and I think I did a great job in choosing it because ultimately it is going to push me to heights to work harder on the course. In my course, the faculty-to-student ratio is about 10:60. Faculties are highly experienced and knowledgeable. They are really good in their subject and I am thankful for their support in course-related queries and everything. Term exams are held twice a semester. Between term exams, there are class tests that create a platform where we can keep up with the work. The exams were thorough. If one studied well, one can easily score good marks in it.Annual fests are lit. Tech fest is also really good and very informative. Books and journals in the library are up to date and we can always find good ones which help us with everything. Classrooms have a smart board that professors use. Faculty members encourage us to participate in sports and extracurricular activities. There are over 40 societies on campus where students can interact with seniors and learn new things.",8.7 240,Saad Jamal,Integral University,"I choose this course because it has vast opportunities in the field of software opportunities. all the faculty must have at least Ph.D. and doctorate degree. exams are here often done on timely however students are more than any other colleges.from 6th semester students are eligible for campus placements 80 percent of the students are placed every year companies like tcs Microsoft and all the big and small companies are also coming to the universities for placements.",9.3 241,Vedant barot,Universal College of Engineering,"I choose this course due to its high demand and growing sector also my interest in operating systems and other software. Every subject has 3 to 4 faculty members we have 4 classes and hence 1:60 is the common ratio. The professors are highly qualified with most of them doctorate degrees and 8 to 10 years of experience in teaching. The exams are above moderate level everything occurs timelyEach Classroom is provided with a projector and nice amenities which helps better understanding of the subject. These sports events and curricular activities are kept happening all throughout the year plenty of competitions and inter-college competitions take place. Social groups for the social group is NCC, for college different events there are sash, cesa, roctract etc",5 242,Md faiz Jamal,Integral University,"from the 5th semester, the students are eligible for the placements but if the student is talented then they may be placed before there are 150 to 200 companies came to campus but some of them are ionex, TCS, nucleus, dell, hp etc. the highest package is 1700000 and the lowest is 400000. 80% of students get placed every year. after getting a degree I may find a good salaryits fees are excellent according to its infrastructure and its quality. national scholarship and Uttar Pradesh scholarship are the main scholarships provided here. mainly all the students got placed every year in almost all courses",9.5 243,Katta pragna,Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women - [SVECW],"The fees will be at a medium level as I got a seat in cse through jvd(the government will pay the fee) it is ok but my friends who are in the college through management have to pay a lot like getting a seat and a college fee hostel fee. Hostel fee varies depending on the room structure. The basic starts from 85k But the good thing is that they will give us time to make all the payments.There are almost 30-40 clubs and student chapters like iste,ieee, and many more many people like our college because of its campus's cool and pleasant environment, and good infrastructure. There is even a gym and a big playground and many more things. If we join svecw we will get exposure to many skills like car driving swimming etc.",9.5 244,Shivam rai,Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University - [RMLAU],"Fees is very less as compared to any other college it is government college so there isn't much hike in fees its fees are 76850 I didn't get any scholarships yet I don't have any job also so at the moment my family is taking care of myself.I was passionate about mechanical engineering from childhood because some of my family members is mechanical engineer facility is great, they are highly skilled and qualified. And was not going on time because of the covid.",6.7 245,NAGABHUSHAN,Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,"Discussing life in college is very chilling and having a good friendly environment. We are having good social life clubs and infrastructure. We are having good cultural fests and technical activities included in our college schedule. we recently had an annual fest as cultural fest in January where we had sports dances singing and other cultural activities in it. We had a book library inside our college where we have a large availability of books and journals and old papers. We had good facilities in our classrooms with ACs and projectors and many benches. We had a sports activity every year which includes cricket, football, volleyball, etc competitions. We had many social groups like the Rotaract club,gdsc club, etc.I have chosen this course data science as it is a booming and a good course to learn new things and gain knowledge about data science where we are working with maths a lot and statistics. Our student ratio is around 70 in our college. Our college teachers have a qualification of Ph.D. teachers and have degrees in MTech for some teachers. The thing about term exams is good there are at times that have to cover the whole syllabus which is moderate to write.",8.3 246,Shivansh,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"The social life is good in college. There is an annual fest Bitotsav in which people come from many colleges to attend and many famous people come to perform. The name of the tech fest is pantheon which is the best in Jharkhand. There are a lot of books available in the library but the library is not open 24 hours a day. The classrooms are air-conditioned and many sports facilities are also available. The club culture in bit mesra is great there is a lot of competition for joining elite clubsStudents become eligible for placements in the 6th semester when the companies start coming. There are a lot of companies coming with overall 85-90% placement overall. In the mechanical department, the average package of 2023 placement in 9 lacs and the highest is in Oracle with 18 lac CTC. In mech, almost 90% of students got placed.",7 247,Kshitij,GLA University,"Some common reasons for choosing this field of study include: Passion for technology and problem-solving: I have a strong interest in technology and how it can be used to solve complex problems. Student: Teacher ratio is 3:7 Ratio Man! This college has the best seniors you will ever see! Seniors will be there for you whenever you need them. Even faculties here are supportive and friendly. sets of Exams are held within a semester. Basically, you will be giving a set of exams per month and each counts for the internal. Now Decide it yourself how is student life here.Fees have hiked to more than 2 lakhs at the present batch. The fees are really high and when I was in my first year then the fee was 1,46,650 rupees. I got a job at Robert Bosch as an associate engineer, with no scholarships and no internships.",5.7 248,Divya,CMR Technical Campus - [CMRTC],I have chosen the CSE department because it is quite good and easy to learn when you show interest. The faculty of the department are skilled. they teach us in an easy way to understand. the exams will be over a period of 5 to 6 months of joining the course.The fee for college is 100000 per year. We can be benefited from scholarships every year based on the categories we belong to. there will be exam fees which are similar to the other colleges. the internship programs will start in 3 rd year of the course.,8.6 249,Nishith reddy Adla,Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [VNR VJIET],"To be honest, I had zero knowledge literally zero knowledge about the course but the faculty of EIE department made me understand how the course gonna be and the role of instrumentation engineers in technology the challenges that they gonna face and all of which made me love The teaching faculty is around 30 not sure And non-teaching faculty is around 10 The maximum number of professors are done with PhD and their teaching is extremely good Term exams were actually easy but two sub-professors took revenge on people by giving them failing marks though the student wrote enough infoOnly one fest took place till now that was a tech fest named convergence, in the month of April we will have the Hyderabads biggest fest which is sintilashunzs. The library is huge undoubtedly, to be honest, I never visit the library so I don't know how many types of books are there. Amenities in the classroom are one projector with a blackboard Good sports facilities available in our college with one seperate sports complex There are many clubs in vnr like sintilate (photo club), vj Teatro (filming club), dramatrix( drama), NSS((working for cause) Many more",9.2 250,Anmol,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"The University students have been regular recipients of accolades at various International events and competitions. CANSAT – Team Kalpana-1, an undergraduate student’s team, reached the finals of the CANSAT Competition 2018 conducted by the American Astronautical Society (AAS) and NASA by securing a percentile rank of 7 out of 165 teams worldwide. A Delegation of students from NSUT was awarded the Outstanding Delegate accolade in World Health Organization and the Diplomatic Mention award in GA – SPECPOL at the 64th edition of Harvard National Model United Nations in 2018. The past performance of the outgoing batches has done us proud. In the past, eight students have been offered an annual package of Rs. 1.25 crores by Google. Apart from that, various companies like Goldman Sachs, Intuit, Microsoft, Amazon, Walmart, Linkedin, Tower Research, Adobe, Direct I among others have been visiting NSUT regularly for placements and a number of companies has been on the rise ever.Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi takes 210000 Rs from each Btech student. The past performance of the outgoing batches has done us proud. In the past, eight students have been offered an annual package of Rs. 1.25 crores by Google. Apart from that, various companies like Goldman Sachs, Intuit, Microsoft, Amazon, Walmart, Linkedin, Tower Research, Adobe, Direct I among others have been visiting NSUT regularly for placements and a number of companies have been on the rise ever since. A number of PSUs have also visited the University and have been recruiting regularly. NSUT has also witnessed its alumni become administrators by bagging Ranks 1 and 3 in the UPSC examinations.NSUT has introduced fee reimbursement for top-ranking students admitted to University and financial assistance for financially weaker students as per Chhatra Vittiya Sahayta Evam Protsahan Kosh (CVSPK) Scheme-2020. This Scheme also has the provision to give incentives for joining Defence",6 251,Suresh,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],Mechanical engineering is a common form for all types of activities. so my interest was in that terms of faculty all have good stuff to educate students. The teaching methodology is very good compared to other colleges. frequently every quarter exam conducted.The fees are a little too high because of the college's reputation and teaching facilities. but worth for study here. scholarship facilities are also available to encourage students to get affordable amounts. campus interview scheduled for every 4th-year end,9.7 252,VISHWAS M,East Point Group of Institutions - [EPGI],"CAMPUS!! The first thing and the best thing everybody loves in EPGI. The environment on the campus is good, but the surroundings of the campus are kind of average. Every block on the campus has its own separate libraries. The classrooms are OK. We have a wide range of options for sports and extracurricular activities. We have opportunities to participate in Intra-college and Inter-college events. We have various cultural clubs and events and a very supportive department for this.Campus placements in EPGI are GOOD. Students are offered internship opportunities from 1st sem as it is compulsory from the university. Students are eligible to get placed from the 3rd year more specifically during the 6th sem. We have decent hiring companies and only limited good companies. I am planning on getting into a better college for my Masters's degree as I am not satisfied with the placement opportunities.",8 253,Yeshwanth,NIT Warangal,"The campus life is fairly good with many clubs and associations. There are primarily 2 fests. Technician (Technical fest), Spring spree (cultural fest). The library is very good with many books however most of the books are only discipline related like relating to engineering stuff not many novels are found. The classrooms are very good, with good projectors, wi-fi facilities, and good seminar halls. There are many courts and grounds in the college. Sports events such as INter Nit, cpl and association sports events are conducted which have very good participation. Groups like to dance and dramatics, fitness, debating and literary, film committee etc.Nit W is known for its placements. 3RD YEAR STUDENTS SIT FOR INTERNS AND 4 TH YEARS FOR PLACEMENTS. Students from CSE, ECE, eee get to have a companies spree. like 100s of companies come and offer very good packages. However, core branches have also seen a rise in placements (in IT SECTOR). The main recruiter can be an oracle, Goldmann Sachs, ITC, or MASTER CARD WHICH VISIT REGULARLY BESIDES GIVING A GREAT POAY. The highest package is 89 lpa by thought spot and the average package can be near 15 lpa. Around 95 per cent of people get placed who sat for placement.",6.5 254,Abhosek Maiti,Future Institute of Engineering and Management - [FIEM],"CSE has always been my first preference and this college have the best faculty in all brunch but CSE have best faculty, and the HOD of this department is the best teacher, he always attends to each of the students that he has, and the student-faculty ratio is very good, there is 4 Continue Assessment and one semester (6months) total 4 years 8 semThere is 4 fest from different club Xplorica for tech Estrella for Film Culruv for cultural Sportivo for Sports Library book avaibility is decent some times if you want to access the pdf file of the uncommon book you can bring your storage like oendrive and librarian give it to you",9.5 255,mayank,KCC Institute of Technology and Management - [KCCITM],"it is a very affordable college that you can opt for. you will get up to 100% scholarship based on 12 mark sheet and jee mains you can take education loan for the study if you are suffering money problem. they will avail the all the facilities. you will get good campus placement on many campuses like google, Microsoft, TCS, Flipkart, Amazon, cognizant,wipro, Infosys, etc.I have an interest in technology so it is a better way to learn new technologies. there is a good student: teacher ratio for every 30 students 1 mentor is there. teachers are highly qualified and many of them had teaches iit and nits. if you will study normally, then you will pass the exam.",10 256,Ankit Kumar yadav,Mahakal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"I choose it because in 2019 jobs in computer science are available everywhere. The faculty is too good and the coordination between faculty members and students is good. Ncc B and C certificates are also available if anyone is interested in them. Every sports tournament is happening and college provides you a platform to play state-level tournamentCampus placement is too bad. Because the placement in charge is Anurag Bharatiya. and if we talk about the average package of 4 LPA .i advise if you want placement please do not join MIT only join on one condition when only you want a degree, not the placement",6.2 257,Rinku,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I choose this course because I want to be an electrical engineer The faculty is not so good some teachers are good and provide better lecture the number of boys are greater than girls The teaching method of professors is not so good and they will not provide proper education In one sem 2 exam conduct, one is mid-term and the second ends sem and both exam lever is toughAnnual fest of National Institute of technology hamirpur is hill fare and tech fest of this is nimbus nimbus is conducted at March end and hill fare conduct in November books provide by the library and the library and the infrastructure of the college is so good sports activities are very a good many clubs and society are there and they are very best in college",5.8 258,Swarna Sree Pechetti,CMR College of Engineering & Technology - [CMRCET],"The annual fest is Azura which is conducted in the month of April every year. Each and every book related to our subjects are available in the college Library and some journals are available. Classrooms are equipped with white board, projector, podium and stage. We have separate sports room in the campus which has indoor games available. Clubs conducted every week on Saturday.Because I have passionate in machanical engineering so I choose this. 10:2 is the faculty student ratio in the college. M.tech is the minimum qualification for the faculty and above like PG, PHD,etc. Some faculty teaches very well while others not. Term exams was for every 6 months and they are scheduled properly.",7.8 259,Kandregula Sri Ruthvik,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"I have some interest towards fluid mechanics and kinematics during my jee preparation and after getting selected at IIT Bombay in the mock round of counselling I was pretty sure that I would pursue my Btech here at IIT Bombay There are 220 students(including dual year students too) and there are around 40-50 professors in the Mechanical department of IIT Bombay but usually, in Btech course there would be sections divided of 70 per batch and one professor is allowed to each section for a theory course Most of the professors are experienced members and have vast knowledge of the subject you could say that almost every prof has completed his Mtech/PhD in a good reputation college like IITs, IISc, ..etc some did their PhD from foreign universities too If you attend classes regularly and have a healthy discussion with professors/TAs or even with your batchmates about the course would give you a better idea of it and you can easily ace the examsAnnual fests Mood Indigo - Asia's largest cultural fest (I guess that's enough description I will leave the remaining to your imagination It is mostly conducted in December Techfest, E-Summit, Abhyuday fest are some other fests too There is a central library inside the institute where you can go and study on your own or you can take some books and there is also a policy to take a few books with you to your hostels Classrooms are well equipped including good ventilation and ACs Throughout the semester and also in vacation time there are sports and extracurricular activities going on you will find it hard to attend every event There are so many clubs at IIT B Technical clubs - Aeromodelling, Energy, ERC, Team Shunya, UMIC, IIT Bombay Racing....etc there are so many clubs that I could write for an hour writing all of them Cultural Clubs - NSS, Vaani, Symphony, Pixel, Style club, Comedy Cons....etc",7.2 260,Syed Abubaker Bin Junaid,National Institute of Technology - [NITK],"The incident, the Annual cultural fest, is South India's largest student-organized fest. Engineer is the technical fest. The best infrastructure can be seen in the Libraries. It's a perfect place to study. There are a lot of clubs here. I've joined the Literary, Stage, and debating society as I love writing and public speaking.I chose this course out of my love for circuits and systems. Can't imagine a world full of intelligent devices without electronics, be it IOT or VLSI. The electronics and communication industry is very promising. The faculty-to-student ratio is great. Exams happen very regularly and were of moderate difficulty.",8.3 261,Varshitha,IIT Bhubaneswar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITBBS],The curriculum was fine and the teachers are well trained and have tons of experience and my course is computer science I m very much interested in coding stuff that's y I choose this branch and the student ratio may be 1:4 (females:males ) it is easy to get good marks if one pays attention from initial stage its not a big deal to pass in exams it depends on the individual and his capability and the exam schedule is there will 2 exams in a sem one is mid sem and the other is end sem actually a sem consists of 4 months after first 2 months there will be mid exams and then semester examinations. The quality of the teachers is excellentLife was good there will be 3 fests in a year Wissinaire E -summit and Alma fiesta. Sports and extracurricular activities are present there are lots of sports for the people and also kind of tournaments to improve their practice. And there are also lots of clubs for everyone. One can perfectly prove their talent by joining the club and there will be lots of fun for everyone after joining here and the classroom infrastructure was good Library will be in the administration block and there will be lots of books in that and new books will be continuously generating in this library k guess every book u wish will be available here.,7 262,Bhukya janani,IIT Bhubaneswar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITBBS],"Senior offered intentions and did many startups and Microsoft teams alumni cells and many are providing many internship opportunities. Many faces are there in the institute which provides internships of three-four years to students at IIT Bhubaneswar. People under the sponsor shifting courses to the companies and ask the company managers and directors to invest in their ideas. Many real-time projects will be doneThere are books available in the library, always every week new books arrive and it is really helpful for the students who are studying in this Institute and the facilities and classrooms are good, the amenities are good and the board is also visible to every student who is before and extracurricular activities too many games available here and the coaches are available for the people, there are two social clubs.",7.5 263,Souhbarnika,Kumaraguru College of Technology - [KCT],"Our fee structure is quite expensive and it is hiking through every semester. But on the other hand, it offers everything a student requires qualified food to great education and from an excellent way of teaching to great ambitious careers. The fee structure for us is totally feasible. We can either pay it for each semester or we can pay for a year. They also give us a lot of time to pay our fees. The college management provides scholarships to those students who excel in either academics or any other extracurricular activities in the name of Mahatma Gandhi.Sports will be given a high priority at our college. So that many students can benefit from scholarships and other benefits. The college has provided students with digital portals such as e-learning, digital board systems, symposiums, an amazing campus with a lovely atmosphere, and excellent parking facilities. Since we have a fantastic library structure, we never have trouble taking notes. We have two annual fests such as Jananam and YUGAM. Both are amazing.",9.3 264,Balaji,Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology - [MVIT],"The annual Fest will be conducted in February month at every academic year. There are many books related to studies for all department subjects and also novels. Classrooms are neat and clean with good infrastructure. Sports related things will be less in this college.Students are eligible at the 7th semesters for campus placements. TCS, HTC, CTS, Kaar, gavs, etc, I have made 3 offers. The highest package our college gave is 10 LPA. The percentage should be above 60 percent and without standing arrears.",9 265,Siva Srinivasan,Francis Xavier Engineering College,"Fees for all course is 84000 in the government quota and 1 lakh in the management quota. the first graduate is applicable for the government quota only.25000 was reduced. Other scholarships are lately announced by management and for a scholarship, there is a respected sir.There are more than 10+ clubs in the colleges they are fitness club, tourism, and wildlife, wildlife photography, indoor games, outdoor games, rotary club, women empowerment, and books reading clubs they are active in every week",8.8 266,MAHESH KUMAR,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Per different courses, the different fee structure is decided to avail and easily affordable fees are decided, the university organises lpunest scholarship for students to avail of fee waiver as per student capacityEvery program is held on the occasion like Sankranti, 26th Jan republic day and all national occasions, and sports facilities are also available, student can take part in their interested games which they like",9 267,Bhavya,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"The curriculum is okayish and same goes to faculty. I chose this cource because I was not getting anything better than this. Faculty to student ratio is not so good as compared to NITs and DTU. Faculties are from NIT and some have PhD and some have MSc degrees. The teaching method is not so much good it is like we are been taught in schools. There are mid semester exams in about 2-3 months and end sem exams 2-3 months after midsem and practical exams after 1 month of mid semester exams. It is quite easy to pass the exams. The annual fest is techsurge and mridang and it is held in the month of March and a coding fest impulse in the month of May. You can easily get books related to curriculum in library and. Classrooms don't have any such amenities like smartboard or projector just simple classrooms. There is a football ground, basketball court, vollyball area, cricket area. There are many clubs and societies like code block, atoms for robotics, arts society and singing society, you can also go for NCC.",8 268,Rahul Sharma,Raja Balwant Singh Engineering Technical Campus - [FETRBS],"The cost to study is medium not too high and not too low. I am in 2 years so I don't know anything about placement cells, scholarships, and financial assistance. As per my knowledge from last year this year, the rate of placement is incDifferent societies regularly organized many games and co-curricular activities Mention any social group, clubs, or website for students run by students. Brief of sports & extracurricular activities on the campus.",8.3 269,abhishek rathore,IIMT Group of Colleges,The course curriculum is very good. all the teachers have completed their master's. some teachers are Ph.D. holders. teachers are supportive and good but some teachers are not good.3 sessional exams are organized in a semester. if you study you can pass exams easily.the fee for college for one year is 120000 and if you take a hostel then you have to pay 88000 more. there are many scholarships for good students. placement from the campus is average. journal 3 to 4 lakhs package students got from the campus,7.7 270,aditya,IIMT Group of Colleges,one year college fee is 1lakh 20 thousand per year and the hostel fee is 88000 per year. the college also provides scholarships for good students. there is good campus placement. companies are coming in the college but not very good companies came. companies journal gave 3 to 4 lakhs packagethe placement scenario of our college is average. companies visit the campus but not too good companies came here for placement. the companies journal gave a 3 to 4 lakhs package. in CSE more the 80% of students get placement. but if you have skills you can take jobs the off-campus.,7.5 271,Student (Anonymous),Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - [RGPV],"VII th Semester students can be eligiblefor campus off as well as on campus. Tekin, Sigma InfoSolution, Gammastack, ConsultAdd Many fewer companies visited our college and the highest package is 6 LPA and the lowest is 1.8 LPA.It's a b.tech Course And Iam not much Interested but Kar Liya. Faculty1:60 B.tech, M.tech, PhD 1 to 1.5 months after the semester start. It's easy to pass exam questions that are asked from previous papers or imp questions.",6.3 272,kaushik shinde,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The faculties are better but we have a different curriculum than other colleges. faculties are better with students they will make us quite friendly. My Batch has 70 students. Exams are easy if you study hard every day.Yeah, it's a nice culture I am from Telangana and the campus is too nice. We are from far away and we have settled there without any disturbances we like the culture there and the social life is too better to know",7.4 273,Ankit Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NITP],"Life at the campus is so good. So interesting and knowledgeable. In nit Patna, there is Ganga ghat just beside them that make them more beautiful and student enjoy there and relax too. There are lots of books available in the library and also in online mode. Extra activities are always held here. And sports too. Intra-nit, inter-nit competition and many interesting functions Many groups that are run by students are Sankalp, robotics club, tesla, etc.For general students fee is not much higher as compared to other private engineering colleges. It's approx 1.8 lacs per year. And yes there are many scholarships for students according to their income. And many scholarships for girls And sc/st/ obc also get benefits from the scholarship. They also have their separate scholarship, Scholarships like NSP, BIHAR SCHOLARSHIP, AND STATE SCHOLARSHIP, NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP.",8 274,Student (Anonymous),Sri Sairam Engineering College,"There are many clubs in college where people can indulge and explore more. The college club includes NSS, NCC, UBA, and many other forums. Many faculties motivates students to participate students to indulge in many clubs and helps them to take part in many activities.The fee is around 1,50,000 for BE students who join via counseling and for the management students the fee is around 2,00,000 which is more kind off affordable and people from the middle class can afford to join in college.",8.7 275,Aravindh,"CVR College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam","The tech fests are conducted regularly. but all are not allowed to see the fest, especially the first years. And the annual fest is conducted grandly once in 2 years. College life will be very boring and they make us do works regularly and conducts slightest once a week. Our library has a vast collection of books and journals. Sports are extracurricular activities are ok. Some clubs are the street cause, literature, and debate club (ldc).From the 5th semester students are eligible for campus placement. The companies visited are Accenture Wipro Infosys hcl service now, The highest package is offered by Microsoft which is 48lakhs. 89 percent of students are getting placed. My plans after my degree are to do a job or to prepare for UPSC.",7.2 276,Snehalatha,GMR Institute of Technology - [GMRIT],"In my college fest is stepcone its a very big festival in gmrit college and is conducted in January month many books are available in college and it has a Good classroom and here conducted in many sports like Kho Kho, volleyball, etc and here conducted in ECCC activities like presentation, drawing and in the college website is www.gmrit.org.I'm interested in electrical and electronics of engineering so I opted for this course. and in gmrit college have good faulty and friendly nature and in my college faculty qualification have Ph.D. and m.tech. and here very difficult to pass means corrected strictly and mid was conducted in 3 months.",8.2 277,V Punitha,Madha Engineering College,"ABL student club is being initiated by students under the supervision of faculties to inaugarate events, special day celebrations and all. Department wise fests are celebrated. Also, tech fests are celebrated. We have our separete department library as well as common library with a ocean of books. Usually, we refer to our library books for the semesters. Classes are super ventilated with clean and hygienic surroundings. Also, the corridors are fixed with CCTV cameras all over the campus. We have a very vast basketball ground and shuttle court on our campus.From the 7th semester, students become eligible for campus interviews and internships. Some of the companies like Sutherland, Q-Spider, Pentagon Space, StarPac, HD Soft, etc. More than 20 students are placed in my department and some of them are selected for internships. The average highest package is approx. 1.5L per annum. Approx. 70% of students are getting placed in our college. I got an internship in Q-Spider, going to do my internship, and will try my best to place within a month.",9.5 278,Vinoth,AAA College of Engineering & Technology,"They provide good placements.and they are tyeup with more standard companies.they provide placements in top IT companies as well as core companies also.their fees structure was very low when compared to other engineering colleges they also provide scholarship for all the students They also provide 99 percent students placement. The top companiylike Zoho , Accenture,Google are visited this college.the average sallery package they provide is 400000 per annum.from 6th semester we are eligible for the placement drives .",9.6 279,Gudala collegedunia Srinivasu,Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College - [SRKR ],"After completing my intermediate I go through online resources to know about the courses and their details in engineering. Among all the courses, I am getting attracted to electronics and communication, and aerospace engineering. Based on location benefits I preferred ECE. Faculty to students ratio is about 1:50 Some of them are professors and their teaching methods were simply supper. On the other hand, some are junior lecturers and they give hope that even if they are surviving in the world, why can't we. 2 mids for one semester and the difficulty level is average, can pass with some hard work.The name of the college fest is NIPUNA. It's a technical fest and is organized in the month of March. And there will be an individual department fest every year and an annual day cultural too. There will be a central library and individual department libraries. The classroom ambiance is below average. Sports and extracurricular activities are very much encouraged in our college. Srkr iste, iete, csi, Are students bodies in college.",7.6 280,sammeta sai kishna,Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College - [VRSEC],"they are many fests planned in our college and they are many freshers' parties for different branches are available we have a very vast library in our college they are many journals published by our faculty, the classrooms have big projectors and good benches for seating and many sports events at our collegeit is a good environmental college mechanical engineering course and the system of education is very good and the ratio of the student to teacher is 1:35 maximum faculty in our college has MTech and Ph.D. qualification exams are in a pattern of assignments and sessionals and semester exams",8.2 281,Akshat Avasthi,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"I had an interest in Electrostatic and Electrostatic in my class 12th and I also wanted to explore instrumentation as a field. I choose B E. In electronic and instrumentation engineering. The faculty is very qualified and they are always willing to help one out with any queries about their course. The teaching method is old school, there are 40 lectures throughout the semester of a course. There are weekly tests and then Major evaluations are Mid-semester and end-semester exams. They are not very easy exams to pass because the competition is quite tough.The annual cultural fest of Bits Pilani is known as OASIS and the annual tech fest is known as APOGEE BITS has the largest library in the whole of Asia, which have every book available for one to study. The sports and extracurricular activities of the college are also very good. You have good quality courts for badminton squad tennis.",7.3 282,Karuna,Chitkara University - [CU],"Life on the campus is really beautiful and enjoyable.. because it is a fully furnished, green campus. There are so many clubs here.. everyone can join them. Books are available in the library which is open from 9:00 am to 8:00 p.m. daily except on weekends. Sports and curriculum activities are lots here.. separate moratorium has there which has indoor games. Clubs like bits and bytes and many more are here to join.I have an interest in BE so I choose this. Our university has faculty, deans, and heads for every department. And student ratio in each class has 70-80 students. The teaching method is better in the way of ppts and providing ppts and other material. Exams are helping time to time like FA'S, ST'S AND LAST END TERMS .out of st and fa best will choose and score will count..level is not so difficult",7.3 283,Sownddharya,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],From the third year student are capable of training and the college conducts some mock interviews for the student's training..many MNCs and IT companies are conducted campus interviews nearly 90%of students are placed. My plan after getting my degree I want to work in a good company.Electrical and electronics engineering have a good cope on future so I'm choosing this group and faculty are more friendly and having equal ratio for the students. I give 5 stars to the faculty. they are giving good coaching for exams and easily get more marks.,8.8 284,Seetha,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"The computer is important worldwide, it's essential knowledge for all people, All students are very interested to learn about computers, Good knowledge of faculty provide the students improve studies, 4-term exam contact, it's easy to help students to clear the subjects.Sports competitions, annual functions contacted, All computer Book availability and journal books are also available at our college, Sports of all availability, National service scheme The junior red cross, And social service of group available in our college.",8.6 285,PAVITHRA LAKSHMI G,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],Security and surveillance camera room. Separate ways for physically challenged people. biometric attendance for faculty.garden maintenance. prayer hall for all major religions. SRM university has also been placed in the reserved forest areaThe faculty members seemed to be experienced and the staff are very help fun in the manner one can be. the exams are pronounced and even teachers ensure that no students are by keeping an eye on every student particularly.,8 286,Rajapandi,Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology,"Nowadays our college follows students who are eligible to apply for their placement in the 7th semester and also the 8th semester. More than 10+ companies are visiting my college for placement The highest level package is my college provides 35,000 per month when I hear. The average package is my college provides 20,000 per month. The minimum package is my college provides 15000 per month. I want to do business because I learnt some business knowledge and business ethics from a digital marketing course and it will help me make new companies related to my core field.Of course why I chose this course because I love mechanical work that's why I asked my parents to join this course and more or less very few colleges have this course. Student ratios are slightly low but the environment and atmosphere of the college were awesome. Teaching methods and teaching styles are awesome and one more thing most experienced staff and more talented staffs are here literally Anna University rank holders and GATE scorer people are here. It's slightly difficult because of the full fun environment so no stress comes.",8 287,Logeshwaran Nagarajan,Karpagam Institute of Technology,"Many clubs and symposiums will be conducted during the college days and the students can get good technical knowledge and also they can refresh their minds with the clubs available there. These features are very useful to the students studying there.The fee structure is affordable when compared to other top-paid colleges and also they provide scholarship options every year which is very useful to students the campus jobs are also good, and many students are getting placed in reputed companies.",6.3 288,Sivadharani G,Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women - [VCTW],"The faculty of our college was friendly in nature, providing the best guidance for students. This college has the best faculty and its teachers are well-qualified and professional. This college offers very good placement programs. Each and every student is specially monitored by mentors. This college faculty teaching method was very unique.There are many different types of clubs and organizations including sports clubs available I our college campus. There are many number journals and subject books and others books available in the library. There is special care for sports and extracurricular activities",9.7 289,Premnath,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"There is a future development scope in the comp sector. In these colleges, there are good faculty and students also great. All the faculty have good qualifications. monthly this exam will be conducted and is a little bit difficult to pass.Final semester the placement will be there. Around ten top companies provide good salary packages and many offers. The max package one of my friends got was around seven lakhs per year. the percentage is 85%. Building the new house.",9.7 290,Surjin,DMI Engineering College,"they don't have any plans to build the collage because they will every department in a separate block so no touch with other no sports activities carried on there so if you are a sports person don't join there. it is far away from the main road so if you think to come home early it will not happenAbout the course it was good, they focus on studies only not the other things faculty was good for studies there will be daily exams which makes you study better no worry to pass on all the subjects they will finish all the subject soon as possible and gives you revision",6.7 291,Nagasudha,KSR College of Engineering,"Throttle 2k22 technical symposium, national conference on recent trends in information. all departments related books are available in the library. sports day is conducted every year .social grout, clubs, and websites for students run by studentsBe better at my job, and make more connections. the student-faculty ratio is the number of students .qualification of the faculties is doctorates and master's degrees. the exams were conducted 3 by semester and easy to attend",8 292,Harshit,ITS Engineering College,"There are different types of fest organized and you can make fun with a lot of them. The first is often conducted in months. The library is very big and full of books and journals. The classrooms are very big need and clean and have both white and blackboard with noise-cancellation walls. There are different types of sports and extracurricular activities on campus there are many grounds for outdoor Sports.I choose my course which is B.Tech CSE because I want to become a software engineer and make software related to Ai and make India better. There is a total number of 65 students in my class and the faculty is very helpful and have friendly nature. The teachers are well qualified and have done their Ph.D. Exams' difficulty depends on the studies done by the student all the exams or not very lengthy.",9.7 293,Student (Anonymous),Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"There are a total of 75 students in my course. Out of which 71 are boys and 4 girls. They conducted the mid-term and end-term earlier than we expected. The semester is over in just 5 months. Some of the teachers didn't even bother to complete the syllabus before the midterms and told us to do it by ourselves.There are a lot of clubs and student organisations. Clubs include dance, guitar, tabla, literature etc. The student organisations are also very good and organise a lot of events from time to time whether be technical, other seminars etc. Campus life is really good at lpu.",6 294,Student (Anonymous),Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University - [AKTU],"companies that visit the college for placement also provide internship and some companies also come for only internship but according to me internship opportunity is less in this college but if student is good in technical skill he/she can get good InternshipFor Placement this college is best as compared to it's nearby college average package is 6.5 LPA and highest package is 52 LPA . They provide best traning for placement and well Known company comes for campus drive like amazon, dunzo, zoom etc.",7.3 295,Aditya Sharma,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],I choose this course because I had a keen interest in Computer Science. The ranking of the college was also quite good and after coming to the college the faculty is also quite good and interactive. Each class is assigned a faculty coordinator which helps the student throughout the course curriculum.I interned at Siemens which was provided by the college. So internship opportunities are also quite commendable. With companies offering roles in Software as well as Hardware. Most of the companies provided stipends for around 30k per month.,8.3 296,Krishna Mohan Sai,Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology - [SICET] Ibrahimpatnam,"I choose cyber security because it is now booming in the Cse background there is a good ratio between students and faculty here senior faculty are doctorates and juniors are MTech minimum good teaching methods and well-equipped labs term exams are likely harder side but can be managed by professors.Many companies visit our college during placements. There will be a Placement cell for final-year students. 90% of the students will pace in Ina good company every year. After graduation, my goal is to get a good job where I can prove my skills.",9.5 297,Lohith,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"The college conducts fresher's day for juniors every year which will be a large celebration at the college ground in the evening time and also other cultural events takes place like singing, skits, etc. The library is available with almost every kind of book. There will be sports in the college like cricket, volleyball, kabaddi, etc. The social group run by students is the MSR club.I have chosen the course computer science and engineering because I am interested in the software industry and the faculties here are very friendly so that you can ask any doubt related to the subject and they can clarify and all the faculty qualification is PhD. Exams were easy you will guided by the faculty on how to prepare for exams.",7.5 298,Student (Anonymous),University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Perfect choice for every students, want to pursue engineering, good education system, lecturers are good and always their to solve your query. Our curriculum is very much updated and vast, so that students get much to learn from 1st year itself.Not that big campus, but you find everything you need, from stationary shop to clinic, canteen and everything one needed. Location is very much safe, 5 mins at the distance with Candor Gate-1, a very well maintained location.",9 299,Atul sharma,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"Most of the students from our course got placed, while placements are good in CSE and IT branches. Placements are decent in other fields also. The practice school programme provides internships for every student. Every student has to do internships two times, i.e. in the summer break after the second year for 2 months and in the fourth year for one semester duration. In civil engineering, core roles were offered in the field of design. Some students got pre-placement offers after their internship in the fourth yearThere are very qualified professors, and they are very much knowledgeable. Teachers were very helpful, and the course curriculum is well flexible. There is constant up-gradation of course curriculum according to the needs of the industry. Practice school is good for students to surely become industry-ready.",9 300,Vaibhav Gupta,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],The most amazing college infrastructure of uttar pradesh.college have separate buildings according to their courses and for different branches with outstanding laboratory and other facilities. The available nature around the college is very peacefulPlacements in psit are always remarkable.The stats are always amazing none other college in UP can match its Day 1 placement.Here the students from first year started getting training for their future placement thats why the records are so good.,9.7 301,Sarthak Singh,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Attractive infrastructure with all necessary facilities and equipments and updated as well. Faculty staff is very supportive here. The college is very neat and clean with hygienic food and water. There are all facilities for each and every sport like football, volleyball, badminton, tennis, basketball and many more.laboratories are very well managed by lab assistants with updated equipments. Classrooms are consits of smart boards and a big central library is there.As a student, I am experiencing here best quality of teaching by our respective faculties. They try to give their best and reach to each and every student. Yes I think my curriculum is updated and includes all the recent developments in the same. As I mentioned above the teachers are very supportive, I think whatever I am studying here makes me or every student 'job ready'.",8.7 302,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],This college is the oldest private Engineering Institute of West Bengal. All the classrooms are equipped with projectors and big black boards. The entire College campus is supported with high speed Wi-Fi facility. Laboratories are equipped with all types of experiments at ups and modern day high-end technologically advanced kits (3D printer). Inhouse canteen is present which variety of foods. There also dedicated labs for technical innovations directly funded by central government and e-cell.College is under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT). It follows the curriculum of the university hello with providing impetus to various topics for technological advancement. Most of the teachers are highly qualified and very helpful. The library is open 24x7 with huge variety of books.,8.7 303,Aishwarya Mishra,Ahmedabad University,"vents are held at the college level, university level, national and also international level. Extracurricular activities are a crucial part of our college, which allows us to meet other disciplinary students and have a broader idea of what is going in the world. Clubs are also available, which are helpful for students as they allow our unique skills to enrich in a very friendly environment where all kinds of people are available.Our college have 24 - 7 Wi-Fi access to every one inside the campus, and also have well maintained laws for each courses, and two library with great amount of books, and well maintained classrooms and a good canteen and there is a doctor also for medical issues of the students, and we have equipment's of many spots and big ground also.",9.3 304,Ayush Saraf,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"I'm an engineer student of 2nd year in engineering. The quality of teaching is good. Many training programs apart from our curriculum syllabus is taught so that our qualitative as well as quantitative approach increases.Placements are average here. The mass recruitment usually take place in infosys and tcs. Average package is around 3.5 lakh per annum. Highest package is of 8.5 lalh per annum that too by infosys, so its quite good.",9 305,Mahasweta Debnath,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"there is free wifi available. We have the largest sports Complex in Northeast which includes swimming pools, tennis court, basketball court, etc. We also have a gym full of equipment. There is a library building where almost all books are easily available. Labs are also superb.First thing I would like to say is there is 0 ragging. The seniors are way too friendly with us. we never faced any problem in anything, be it finding a building or some suggestions regarding studies. We also celebrate different events like dandiya nights, advaitam, Agomoni.",8.7 306,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,"Good environment with really helpful seniors and faculty. Down to earth students and friendly ambience. Great cultural fest and eastern india's secind largest tech fest. Clubs for recreation apart from studies. Inta competition for enhancing skills in robotics, codings, photography etc. Air conditioned computer labs, well furnished electrical and electronics lab and well equipped mechanical workshopThe major recruiter here is T.C.S. and the average package is 3.5 lakhs per year. There are other companies as well which offer higher salaries, so if you are talented then you are sure to get a good package. The placement record from I.T department is above 85% and the overall placement is about 62%.",8.3 307,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITM],"College has its own independent student body which is elected by the students known as Gymkhana council. They organise different competitions on a inter college level. Sports fest of IIT Guwahati sees the active participation of our college.The course is totally based on the demands of the industry in IT sector. Academic section of the college works phenomenal, they try to provide students with amount of knowledge which is more than enough for them to grab a industrial job.",7 308,Rohit Negi,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITM],"Collegeorganised beautiful events and I really appreciate them because I took part on them and I really enjoyed them and I remember when my freshers party was going I really forgot who am coz I was enjoying a lot and I just because of that I am the in that college. I really want to enjoy more. Everything was fantastic and my college is super duper greatI really appreciate my professors, All if them are really fantastic. Coz they wanna put on us everything they know and behind that, they try to learn many extra things for us. I can't really put any name of any one of them coz they are all great. I can't even judge their knowledge.",9 309,Monisha Devi,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The curriculum is well planned and even the faculties are fine enough.Though the teaching methodology need to be more active and innovative to bring in interest among the students.There are computer labs to accomodate huge number of students,so overall from teaching equipment side it is well though.The campus is big and green.Also the various clubs in the college function well and provide many opportunities to students.Also I heard before joining the college that an isro research club was going to get constructed here so that attracted me too.",8 310,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"First of all it's a national level college and it's NIRF ranking is good and Environment is so cool and faculties and placement are also good. In campus many IT and core company is also come.The NIT Agartala campus has all the facilities such as hostels, a cafeteria, a library, computer labs, and ATMs.Although there's not much of extracurricular activities happening, the campus is complete & quite beautiful. Good opportunities for sports. + improving placements. There are also some Cultural event where we enjoy a lot and there are Technical event also.",7.7 311,Ilma malik,Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology,"Campus life is like rollercoaster but I enjoying my college life. Scintilla is the annual cultural festival of our college. Beat n steps is a dance event which held once in a year. Sports competition are also oraganised once in a year. It gives festive vibe to us and a little break from boring study time table. It refresh our mind and give us lots of memory to remember. Other management festivals occurs accordingly schedule timing.Our campus area is about 155 acres. College has a library with 45000 books availability, international journals, magazines for increasing knowledge.Ground for conducting sports activity and games. Wi-fi connectivity only in computer labs sometime signals are poor. Equipment are available in labs for workshop.classroom are good with good furniture. AC campus building and seminar halls etc.",8.3 312,Student (Anonymous),Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology & Sports Complex - [SURTECH],There is many activities happen in our college one of them is our own tech fest and annual fest and also there is sports day happens. There are many student clubs also. The college is organised the cultural fests to provide the platform to us. Very cheerful atmosphere inside the campus.Faculties are very helpful and friendly.If you need any help they will always help you.The lab assistant are also very good.The course are well structured and well maintained.Our college is affilitiated by MAKAUT and the structure of the courses are very good.,8.3 313,Student (Anonymous),JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],"The Campus life is pretty good. All the teachers are really friendly and helpful and there isn't any issue of ragging as most of the seniors are very friendly and chilled. The college is located in a quiet and peaceful area and is well connected through railways to the city.There are around four to five stations in close proximity to the college campus. All the necessities are available in and around the campus.The college records show that the placement percentage is 100%. However, the reality is that most students get offered really average packages of around 3lpa. Also there is a strikingly low number of core companies that visit the campus for recruitment and mostly IT companies offer jobs. One positive aspect is that, this year more companies visited the campus if we compare it to the previous placement trends.",8.7 314,Shubham Choudhary,Chitkara University - [CU],"1.Campus life is really good - well you'll find unity and diversity in our campus i found no problem adjusting in this university though coming from area like chamba all students were really nice 2.our annual cultural fest Algorythm and other fest as well as inter college events and lohri celebration is really famousLike i said placement rate is close to 100 percent and guaranteed decent package of around 5-6lpa every year and some students also got 10 lpa or more as well moreover placement cell is really proactive and famous companies like ""IBM"", ""HCL"", INFOSYS "", NVIDIA"" are amongst the top recruiting companies",9 315,Ruchita Singh,"GB Pant Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University, Okhla-I Campus",Our technical event was named inceptum last year (2020 - feb). They does not organise the event on that big level as our college campus is not that big and also we don't have that good infrastructure in our college. But the students participate with all the cheer.Our syllabus is quite less compared yo other universities but it covers all the necessary topic which an engineering student should study. Our faculty is very very good. One of the good faculty member i've studied from is vishnu vats sir.,6.7 316,Student (Anonymous),"GB Pant Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University, Okhla-I Campus","The college has technical as well as cultural societies. For technical environment college has IEEE and E-CELL, it also has TEDxgbpec which hosts annual events. For cultural stuff college has BUNIYAAD the theatre society which is one of the most active society of GBPEC. Also there is ABHILASHA and SAMIDHA the art and social development societies.The faculty is nice but the infrastructure is not good. You can have a good environment to study and but other facilities like sports, labs etc. Are not upto the mark. The college follows the curriculum of IP University, and offer BTech course in 3 branches i.e. CSE, ECE and MAE.",7 317,Rishabh Raj,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],Placements in our college are awesome. Almost every student gets placed in popular company and i really hope that i would get placed too in one of the company. Opportunities are really great in our college and i really love my college.My college is really one of the most popular college in delhi and really known for it's placements and codings. Our college is really close to metro and malls. I love my college and would be getting placed in one of the top companies.,8.3 318,Harsha Vardhan,"Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, College of Management","It not so interesting but if your are a students doing study all the time then nothing will bore you. But in festivals Diwali, Independence Day, Republic Day all these celebrate. For maintains cleanliness in oue society college and student participate.Infrastructure is not so much hi tech but the building that students search for is this. so in infrastructure the college rank is 10 out of 6 points. Labs are equipped with instruments nanometer, Rotor, Motor.",8.7 319,Alice,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],My campus is really very nice it's well infrastructured and it's festival ground is like I never seen a garden like that before it helps every festive so well that every year I eagerly wait for the events and fest really my college fest and cultural events are well organised and wellanner.Syllabi is same as other colleges and yes I am with full support and facilities thank you teachers friends and family for always being so good.my teachers are really well qualified and experienced and they always support me grow thank you so much for always being there for me.,5.7 320,Student (Anonymous),Shershah College of Engineering - [SCE],"Because faculty is much more compair to other college.My younger brother also preparing in this college for B.Tech degree so, I will prefer to admit in this college. We also paid less amount for any fee compair to other universities.Course curriculum is much interesting for me specially because all things are including according to his branch.Yes, we provided enough industrial exposure. In my college I think PRANAV sir is good teacher according to me.",9.3 321,Isaiah Rufina,"Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, College of Management","Around 90% of the students from our college get placed. The highest salary package offered is 35 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered is around 3 LPA. Top recruiting companies for our course are TCS, Mahindra, Capegamini etc. Internships are also offered.I chose this college because this was the first college I got a response. I gave many entrance tests and actually scored really good in BEEE. Also the college was providing the scholarships. The college is also not so bad. So I made my decision to join it.",8 322,Sahastranshu Pathak,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],I have experienced a quite good campus life till now. Events are organised often in our campus. We were provided with sports competition every year with district and state level competitions. Cultural festivals are also organised every year.My course curriculum is good at it's level. It's course syllabus get regular updates so often. Till now I have not been provided any industrial exposure but it is assumed to be provided soon. All my faculty members are good and cooperative,9.3 323,Student (Anonymous),CMR Technical Campus - [CMRTC],"We will have the events once in a month. we have 9 clubs which are running successfully. we will have 1 major events per year.we have a sports period. we will be having a great opportunity to play with other teams under the college team. we will have the training sessions for that.First of all it is a best college. this college is situated in peaceful environment i.e away from the city. This college has great infrastructure. more over great libraries, reference halls are there. so that i've chose this college",8.7 324,Jaspreet Singh,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"My college is one of the best college of AKTU'S colleges. It is close to my home, malls and metro too. Popularity of this college in greater noida. I am really satisfied with my college and really great faculties and students.Yeah, campus life is really awesome in my college and i really enjoy to be in thid college. Events and extracurricular activities are also held in my college which i enjoy very much because there really exciting and energetic.",9 325,Student (Anonymous),Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"The course curriculum is as per the university and the faculty is good and educated enough one can learn many things from them. The college tries it's best to provide good exposure to it's students. Ms Deepika Sandil is a very good teacher and she has too much knowledge in her subject.For students who are from electronics and communication branch and electrical engineering branch it is a bit difficult to get placed in a good company. The average salary is around 5 LPA, and the highest salary is 18 LPA offered by amazon. Most of the jobs are in the IT industry.",9.3 326,PINKY KUMARI MUNDA,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"kind of updated syllabus but no so industrial exposure. Some of the faculties are good but there is lack of interaction with students,class seems to be monologues. Some of the lab assistants need to be polite and assist.the technical fest organized opens up a door to the technical field throws us to a competive world,literally awestruck,cultural events are good but need to work on the organization,there are a lot of haphazards",3.7 327,Anita,JECRC University - [JU],"Teachers were capable but did not have enough time or resources to share the knowledge and students were also not very responsive. Since, during 60 hour lecture, only 15 minutes studies was happening so no need to tell about the teaching quality as it was poor due to insufficient resources.Good internet connection is provided in labs and also library with good stuffs of books. If coming to hostel rooms. hostel rooms are very spacious with all facilities of hot water but food is not that much satisfying. All students are actively participating here.",8.3 328,Student (Anonymous),Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],The college has 2 really big fests one being pantheon which is in itself a celebration of engineering and the practicality of things and the other event is bitostav which leans on to the more social and cultural aspects of life. So in all a balance is held between practicality and socialism.Location campus and the quality if education provided in the institute made me choose the college moreover since the college was close to my home it would be easier for me to visit my house during the weekends or holidays,7.7 329,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college Infrastructure was wonderful. Our college NIRF rank is also below 200 because we have wonderful infrastructure. Mostly our college management encourages sports.like basketball, football,cricket. Mostly NCC Our library was a central library. Equipment in labs are goodThe infrastructure in our college was marvellous.mostly placements are wonderful in our university.Staff also very friendly nature.one of the best university in Chennai. we can learn many things in this university.college life is awesome.",9.7 330,Iswani Mallick,Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],Excellent. It is well planned college. The campus is just awesome. And the activities that takes place in my college is always in a systematic way. We love it a lot. There are many activities that takes place in my collegeExcellent. It is very good. There is everything which are needable. The library is just awesome. We love studying there. The surrounding of the library is just awesome. It gathers attention for us. It is totally silent,10 331,Student (Anonymous),MVPS's Karmaveer Adv. Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering,"Placement cell in this college is one of the best in Nashis. Every many MNC''s like Wipeout, TCS, Cognizant L&T, Mahindra and so on. College also provide internship to the students with paid and they provide very well stipend also.Because, when I was in 1st year I have done my internship from winjit.NDMVP KBTCOE this college is MVP sanstha college and this is a 2nd oldest sanstha in India. So this college is old and very experienced staffs they have that they provides there knowledge to students.Academics are good staff are good.",9.7 332,Aditya kumar vaish,ABES Engineering College,"Teachers in our college were good and knowledgeable about the subject. The teaching quality was also good, and they were qualified. Students gained almost 60% of industrial knowledge, and the curriculum was relevant. Every year, an internship programme and industrial visit symposium, cultural, and meeting with an industrial person were held.Around 70% of the students got placed in different companies. The highest salary offered was Rs. 45,000 per month and the lowest salary offered was Rs. 20,000 per month. Almost 95% of the students got internships in different companies like Wheels India, Brakes India, Tata Motors Service centre, and Maruti Suzuki.",9 333,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"Courses that are provided by the college is good. It has all such thing which will be needed to be an engineer.faculties are very helpful to students.if students need anything,the faculties are always available to help them.I opted for this College because it have good placements.there are lot of companies coming here for placement.students can get an average package of 300000 per month if they are eligible. Infrastructure is also gud.",6.7 334,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"The discipline of this college attracts me to take admission in this college. Also the supportive nature of the college that it supports in the field that the student is interested in. So this is the reason that inspired me to take admission in this college.Campus life is excellent, all the events that are organised in the college are at the best level also the extra curricular activities are the best in this college Iike NCC, etc. So campus life is the best in this college that I enjoyed.",9.3 335,Ansh Bhatia,BS Anangpuria Institute of Technology and Management,The campus life is good and so is the hostel life. College also organises various events regularly. Technical and Culture events are also held at the fest time.Other extracurricular activities like sports are also there.The reviews of this college were good and the infrastructure was also good. This place also suits me. I was also offered the desired course I wanted. Labs are also well maintained and the hostel is also meet and clean.,8.3 336,Aryan,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"faculty is dedicated they look after u. proper syallbus and guidance is provided, separate labs are there proper hostels are alloted to separate years, WiFi facilities are. College has a big library and auditorium. Sanitized mess is there. Also they have placements cell.Placement is good, faculty is dedicated, proper knowledge is provided, separate labs are there proper hostels are alloted to separate years, WiFi facilities are. College has a big library and auditorium. Sanitized mess is there.",9 337,Mansi Gupta,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"placements are quite hood. There are mostly bulk placements. Most importantly if you have zkills then you can be selected anywhere. So no problem of placement. Traning cell helps us be sharp with our skills and polishes our english. Cognizant, infosys,etc are xone bulk placement companies.No bunks, focused, no ragging,disciplined. In two years only a fest. Not much engaged in Extracurricular activities. The focussing is more on studies.And other the fest is for 3 days we can enjoy. There is a college uniform",7.3 338,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],Good infrastructure proper labs for different sections with assistant professor you can clear any doubts and Library has many books you can issue any book and even College provide the books for the semester so that you don't have to buy from outside.I think placement we're the main reason I came to college as in MP it's only the College with highest placements and that's quite amazing. Another I think was the brand value it's old college of MP so it has got good reputation.,7 339,Pranav Jha,Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College - [AKGEC],"Btech course in our college is really great and worth to do as there are good placements from our college i had to say, academics are also good in our college and faculties are really helping and friendly to us and really motivates us when we are low. So i love this college.Really my college is really is in well good location close to malls, close to my house. Really good academics, infrastructure of my college is. I am really glad to be in this college. Really great job placements from our college and it is popular college in ghaziabad.",8.7 340,Abhishek Baudh,ABES Engineering College,"The course curriculum is very thorough and well prepared in this college.Faculty members in our college are very well-versed in their topics of expertise. They create a very amicable environment for everyone in the class. The class strength is also very suitable to share, discuss ideas as well as to maintain the decorum Thats why I had chose this college and course.The campus life was overall good. They had a brilliant time, meeting new friends throughout my time here and growing as a person both academically and in my personal life. I have also gained knowledge, and my prospects for the future are looking good.The college holds events GENERO every year in college which was organised in very huge manner",10 341,Bhaskar Nath Pandey,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"In my opinion the faculties and the way of teaching is very good.In first year my Engineering Drawing Teacher Sandeep Mahore sir was very good at all and his way of teaching and handling any situation is way good.The placement of LNCT BHOPAL is good.Means,An average student can also easily crack placement here and the campus is also too good.I am from ECE Branch because i want to go for Public service and placement both.",8.7 342,Neha Baruah,Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],"We have two fests every year. One is a technical fest and other is a cultural fest. Seminars, games, competitions, ramp walk, dramas, dancing, singing, usually singers are invited to perform during the evening. We have music club, robotics club, fitness club, photography club. We can walk around in the campus in the evening to get fresh air, girls hostel have in-time (obviously), but boys don't.There is Lan in hostel rooms for every single student, but not every lan works, you have to file a complaint to fix it. Library is very good, lot of books are available and can be issued by the students and the teachers through their library cards. Labs are good, lot of equipments are available. Hostel is good but not hostel food (obviously). Overall college infrastructure is good.",4.7 343,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"The campus life is enjoyful. The college premises are very attractive having gardens and good infrastructure.The campus life is very great. Many cultural activities are performed by college aavery year. The college tech fest is one of the best festival including cultural, technical, business related activities. I always participate in them actively.It is updated but not so much.Yes we get enough Industrial exposure.Most of the faculties are very good but the most i like is Mr. Naveen Asati sir and Mr. Sachin Nigam sir. They both are very interective with students and provide us many information about other activities also.",7.7 344,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"There are many Hackathon contest that happens,the quiz based on coding is very frequently established event of our college.the college also focus on skill development than rote learning cultural activities are very excited and good andIn my home town makes more facilitates to travel and can be with parents also lnct is considered as one of the best colleges in every term.Also after not getting into Manit and found lnct the best colleges amongst all the options",8.7 345,Parmita Saikia,Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],"Technical fest are a super blast here. Two fest are held here every year under the guidance of some selected members in the college Committee. Guests from various states are invited, DJ nights are held where local ones and outside ones both performs very well. Apart from many sports and cultural events are held like quiz drama, folk dance, etc.The faculties of each department of our institute are very enthusiastic and helpful. Here the lab infrastructure including hostel management are very upto date. Class are held in regular basis and attendance of every student are mainly prioritised here. Lastly education demand here is very promising",8.7 346,Dolly Singh,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Well dtu is very popular college and it's coding campus is really exciting, good and really motivating. It's location is really good close to metro, mallls and all. Btech programs are really good in this college and i really like to be in this college.Campus life is really great in dtu as it's infrastructure is really big and really well maintained. Events in dtu are really big and exciting really energetic events take place in dtu and extracurricular activities are also there in out college.",9.3 347,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology - [IERT],"I took admission in Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology Prayagraj because It is 4th rank college of UPTU I was also interested in taking admission in Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology but my preffered branch is CSE and I was getting ECE so I didn't choose KNIT. Institute of Engineering and Technology is first college of UPTU so it would be great if i did get admission in that college but here also the main problem was branch and I was getting admission in Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology but area is very outInfrastructure is not good. Campus area is wide but buildings are old, new buildings are good. We have two library Brach library and central library. Brach libraries are open everyday and central library is open for one day for particular branch. We have rights to take two books for 6 months from central library. Wifi is available on campus",7 348,Sangani Siddhartha,Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET] Keesara,"The course curriculum was extremely good and all the courses provided by our college were extremely good and faculty members are more experienced in there subject field and they will make the students to think out of the box and all training program were conducted by the college to get placed in nice jobs.A very good looking atmosphere and it is filled with greenary everywhere, and a very good labs with all the proper needed materials. And college wifi will be provided in the college for free and we had a lrage ground for all type of sports and we will given chance to participate in different tournament.",10 349,Student (Anonymous),Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology,"The size of campus i 155 acre and there we have to large fields in boys hostel and 2 fields in near girls hostel the both girls and boys hostel have their own court like basketball court badminton court volleyball court and for mind freshing every hostel have our park that name allot by college is normal like aravali park but it is not sunds like excited its sounds like average but the boys chamge name and the new names is arawali ki godi,bawa ka adda, sutta ka adda that kind of name lools so good in hotels because this is a Tecnical college so every boy had a technical mimd and you easily saw this in this college in your whole life once if you free so visit itThe faculty's are good of this college and they are nest faculty's i meet my life they all are supporting amd helping the study amd explaining skills are so good and developed of all faculty all are not limited only to study after over the class they all behave as a friend amd ask questions and solve the problems of any type they are like a part of a family there u meet every day amd build a good bond so thats are my all faculty few are best in sports and few are good so few are best in technology and few are only good so the all facultys have our own talent not only study is one",8.7 350,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Confluence it is the biggest fest that is organised my NIT kurukshetra. There are many good clubs that a student can join here, Since I am member of Photography Club, I can assure that if you are part of a club or society you will learn a lot during the preparation and management of these fests Fests in NIT are enjoyable and star night and Dj nights are also there.I am in B.Tech 2nd year. About 80-90% of students in our course got placed. The highest salary package offered is 40.63 LPA, and the average salary package offered is 10 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered is 4 LPA. Companies like Amazon, Nestle, Bharat Petroleum, Flipkart and Microsoft visited our campus for placements.",9.7 351,Aparna,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University - [BVDU],"Many events are organised by the college and I also participate in many of them. I have won many prizes in Ramps,dance and many more things so I just love attending all the events whether it be inside or outside the college.This college is located in Pune and a love visiting Pune every time. During the weekends I often hangout at nearby places. This college has a very good record of placements and also the faculties are very good here.",10 352,Ajay,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],This college has a very good n i r f ranking and a very good infrastructure and also it provides Wi-Fi all over the campus. It also has an e library which is very attractive and I love going there. The loaction Bhubaneswar is also very attractive to me.The course curriculum gets updated every year according to the latest syllabus. Now this college is also focusing on artificial intelligence which is a very required thing for the students in future. This college has many of the teachers as PhD holder.,9 353,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"I took admission because of its good placement and the experienced faculty. Almost 70-80% students got placement in some big companies like Wipro,infosis. Even last to last year 1 student of this college got placed in Amazon with 28lpa package in some off campus placement. Average salary package is 7-8 lpa in computer science branch specifically and same in IT branch.Faculty: In my college almost all teachers are very friendly and highly qualified with PhD and M.Tech. They all have a very helpful nature. I am currently in 2nd year and Jasleen mam of our computer graphics subject is one of my favourite teacher she is very kind and understand everything from a student perspective.",9 354,Harshad,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University - [BVDU],The college organises many events wether it be in a small form a big form. we also go to different colleges to attend the fest and enjoy over there. The college is always suporting even when we go to attend fest anywhere.This college has a really well quality education and also very good infrastructure and also a very good environment to study and preserve one's future. Also this college provides many facilities to the students.,9 355,Ravindar,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],This college has a very good and irf ranking and also is the best college for Engineering in Bhubaneswar also in Odisha. Many of my relative have studied from this college and now they are well settled with a very good job.Not many events take place there but whichever takes place is organised in a big wave and many sponsors come to this event. We also go to different colleges to attend their fest and enjoy our time there.,10 356,Pooja,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],My college has a very good infrastructure and also it is located in Bhubaneswar. My relatives live there so I don't live in hostel and it is convenient for me to stay there and study and without facing much problem I can concentrate on my studies.The course curriculum is very up-to-date and the faculties are very helpful and also whatever their Teachers Day makes the concept clear because of which we do not as much problem during the exam and also we get our knowledge to the fullest.,10 357,Prayashi Goswami,Gauhati University - [GU],"Facilities and infrastructure available in our college are top-notch. The college provides facilities like digital classrooms and department as well as a central library. The campus is Wi-Fi enabled and has highly equipped labs. The hostel is good with mess and canteen facility. Our university also has a hospital with 24x7 facilities. All sports and games facilities are available for the students.About 80% of the students in our course got placed in various companies. The highest salary package offered was 6 LPA. Top recruiting companies like TCS, Wipro, BookMyShow, GSG, Probyto, etc. visited our campus for placements. Till now, top roles like data analyst, system engineering, etc. are offered to the students. Students did an internship in various institutions and organisations.",8.7 358,Student (Anonymous),Bengal College of Engineering and Technology - [BCET],"There are many factors. As I mentioned above that I got a scholarship but despite this the infrastructure of the college is quite good and teachers are qualified. Then main thing is that it's almost nearer to my location that's why I didn't have to pay hostel fees. Library of our college is so good and almost all books are there so you will not need to buy the books from outside if you just want to pass the semester exams. If we concern about laboratory then almost all equipments and technical stuffs are there. So you may gain some practical knowledge also. Behaviour of teachers are quite good and they give maximum marks to each and every students. So don't worry about marks just work as a student and try to be regular in the classes and in the exam also.Our course syllabus is updated regularly. All facilities are good and they provide good marks even to an average student but if you want to be topper then you will have to do work hard. But if you just need to pass the semester exams then try to be regular in the classes and in CA(Continuous Assessments) exams. In every semester you will get total four CA exams apart from semester exams. Our college also focuses on extra curriculum activities like sports, techfest events etc. like that. Teachers also say to enroll in moocs and mar courses for extra curriculum activities. Almost all things are good.",7.7 359,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"My ranking was not so good, so according to my rank I got this college and the nirf ranking of my college was 19 at the time of counselling. The placement of college is also good. I always wanted to do graduation in technical line.In Every semester, there is event on every weekend organized by different clubs of the college which is the stress buster for the students. And technical fests, sports events etc etc are the very helpful for the students",7 360,Student (Anonymous),Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology - [GCECT],"My aim is to be a ENGINEER. So, i give wbjee exam and choose this college because it has a good placement history and i heard about that teachers ar very helpful. In this college it and ct dept have 100% placement in previous 3 years.Technical festival held in every year, culture festival is also held in every year. Big auction like GAGRITI and KARMATECH. this is like really enjoyable festival in this college. Management festival is really good.",10 361,SAGNIK GHOSH,Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology - [GCECT],"Every year a bunch of students get placed in various MNCs(such as TCS, Wipro, Vedanta, Infosys, TRL Krosaki etc. ) as well as startups. It's true for all the three streams(Ceramic technology, Computer science and engineering, Information technology). The training and placement officer of the institution is very effective in his work and plays a vital role in making this happen.The college provide hostel facility with good internet speed. At my time the fee was just Rs 60 per month. Including electricity bill and bed cost. There was a caretaker. I would not say the facility was grand but was well enough to live. Considering the price to be paid it was cheaper than water supply. labs are well equipped with modern instruments.",9.3 362,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NITP],"The academics of this college is very well, teachers are very helpful and also This is one of the oldest college in engineering field And our chief minister Nitish Kumar is also graduated from here and this college is like our heritage and being from the same city I preferred this college and also the location of this college is awesome like the view of ganga ghat behind our college just increase the beauty of this college Also the placement of every branch in this college is good as compared to many collges that's why I choose this college.After getting bored in this lockdown I realised that my campus life was just awesome I can't express how beautiful it was, our technocultural fest is just great and also our sports activities is much better. Sports is in our syllabus and our sport's teacher completed it very well. All the extracurricular activities Are really appreciable.",8.7 363,Vikram,YMCA,"All are nice University faculties give us full support to get our future stand. And also at correct time our alumni visit the campus and give speach on there pasr experience during their degree course. Overall university make a great stand in their field.Due to the best placement in our university. I took the admission. J.c bose university of Science and Technology YMCA, fridabad Best university for mechanical, CS, IT and ECS 100% placement during online campus. Also a No. 1 university in haryana",9.7 364,Rohan Saxena,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"The course is updated recently 2k17 batch are pursuing Bachelor of engineering course and from the batch of 2k18 Bachelor of technology is provided. The grading system is not updated, BIT is following absolute grade instead of relative resulting into lower grades.National institute which is equivalent to NITs and even better than some of them. Not too expensive course, Great peer groups and a provides great opportunity for placements. An excellent campus with greenery and great sports facilities",8.7 365,Rahul Pramod,College of Engineering - [COEP],"Infrastructure is very very very. Good. I loved this college. Libraries include many books. Laboratory is big. and equipped. The chemistry lab in charge is very good in teaching Dr. Manisha Y.Khaladhar. She is very good teacher as I know her. She allow us and me personally to used equipment as flame photometer,colorimeter.Many events conducted in this college. Many national level exam conduct. The campus life is awesome. Many new friends I had made. They are very supportive. Regatta events conduct. In that programs as shell games, Punt formation.",9.7 366,Student (Anonymous),GH Raisoni College of Engineering - [GHRCE],I chose this college in the second cap round because of its reputation in my city. Also its one of the best engineering institutes of the city. I was looking for an autonomous college so i chose this college. The college also famous for its extra curricular activities which caught my eye. The colege fest antaraghini is a grand event with so many opportunities to showcase your talents. The celebrity night event is tge best.From what i have heard from the seniors placement and job opportunities are good same as the level of other top colleges of the city. The job opportunities for mechanical engineering students are comparatively less than other students.,9 367,Student (Anonymous),Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],"Campus area is situated in 16 acres. The college having limited seats. Digital libraries. Time table is scheduled on the notice board. Well developed campus and building labs is well developed. Equipment having emerson dcs, PLC.For getting admission in VJTI is very difficult because cutoff is too high. Advanced LCD projector classrooms. This the government college. In this conference room is in the college. Many activities performed by students.",9.7 368,Sayan Sircar,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"The campus life is really very good, and strict and discipline. The college timing must be obeyed by the students and otherwise the gatekeepers will not allow you to enter the college, you have to be in a proper uniform otherwise you'll not be allowed. Also the attendance for the students should be above 75% otherwise you'll not be get to sit the exams. Apart from that every year the college is providing the opportunity to showcase our talents through various fests like techno management fest and cultural fests.UEM, Kolkata is providing the highest placement opportunities all over the Kolkata and has won the award from the Times group for providing the 100% placement record over the last 5 odd years and constantly. From the placement point of view the college is the one stop place for the students. Also the college is providing facilities and faculties of high standard. The labs are also well equipped and as a result the college is providing good results in terms of jobs.",9.7 369,Dhananjay,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"College life life was brilliant till offline classes were running. Our cultural fest was also decent enough. Well known pop artists visited our campus to perform. Now talking about our tech fest, it was also good. There were lot of competitions where one could participate individually or in team.One may gain industrial experience by joining internships. Now talking about syllabus it??s not just my college every college has the same Old syllabus pattern which student have been studying from 15-20 years",8.7 370,Shikhar Tripathi,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],Curriculum is not up to date but that is the case with most of the reputed colleges in the country. Scoring marks is tough due to a lot of examinations happening round the year. Faculties are decent and more engaging after 1st year when you actually start studying in your department.Birla Institute of Technology is one of the oldest engineering colleges in India; established in 1955. This college has a great placements. It has a very large and lush green campus. It has numerous clubs which gives students a chance to explore themselves and find their interests.,8 371,Purnima Shirotriya,Banasthali Vidyapith,Hostels are good with the proper diet for the students.water for drinking which we recieve is also pure and the wardons are so caring and the love they show is more like the motherhood.no one can ever face any problem regarding itWe dont have much but yes one major one is the apaji mela which is being planned in november.the decoration of it is awesome and is so interesting that atleast once people should try it.it is being always open to all,9.7 372,Nilam Jyoti Sharma,Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],"There are one cultural festival named Techcracy and one cultural festival named Ecstasy. Both festivals are very nice. Our whole campus is very well. Playground available for sports. Basketball court, volleyball court available. Also available one park. There are many clubs like robotics club,Musical club etc.I think faculties of CIT are very good. Also the academic activities are very helpful for students. There are many clubs for upgrading student's extra curricular activities. During the festivals of CIT Kokrajhar,the organizers organize many study related activities which help students very much.",8 373,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"As I have already mention what features, facility, curriculum does it contain. I hereby, point out that College curriculum is so far so good as I expected before joining it. Academics session based on latest of new syllabus which gives student opportunity to update ownself with newly ideas. Faculties are too good. Highly educated, professnalist teacher used to visit here.Here some highly attractive things which drag my attention to get admitted in UCER. Library facility, separate lab are there regarding different subject, Highly organised, luxurious auditorium also there. Overall curriculum amaze someone easily.",8.7 374,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"Infrastructure is good, have a wonderful Library, aslo the faculty were awesome, have a ground to play cricket and also basketball court. A gym has there. Have canteen inside the campus. Bus transportation available and hostel also available inside the campus. Boys and girls have their separate hostels. Laundry available for everyone boys and girls. Mess is awesome. The quality of food is much more similar like home. In simple words awesome.My opinion on the course curriculum in my college is very good as they have proper way to teach have a good faculty to teach us in their proper time. They are available to solve our doubts in the meantime of college running and also some faculty are available also after the college ends. Academic performance is very good. Good quality teaching and friendly.",9.3 375,Student (Anonymous),GLA University,"It is one of the best colleges for b.tech. the college gives u the perfect balance of industrial exposure as well as academics. The laboratory and libraries are very well maintained. Faculty is preety friendly. Its replacement record is also extraordinary. Whole environment is friendy and the campus is quite big and well made. All these things attracted me towards this college.Placements: In GLA University, about 85-89% of the students from our course got placed, which is too good. The highest salary package offered is 32 LPA by Code Nation. The lowest salary package offered ranges from 3.3-3.5 LPA. The average salary package offered is 5.5 LPA.",9.3 376,Student (Anonymous),Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],The campus life in our institute is fun. We do many extracurricular activities time to time. We celebrate two festivals in our institute.One is Ecstasy (Cultural event). And the other is Techracy(Techno event). The festivals are full of fun and we do technical workshops and enjoy the cultural events.The Infrastructure of the institute is very nice.You compare it to NIT's or IIT's. As I am interested in engineering and I am getting seat in this Institute according to the entrance marks. So l took admission into the institute.,8.3 377,Student (Anonymous),Meerut Institute of Technology - [MIT],"My opinion is that my course is good and any one who opt that course they have to work on it properly. In academics, all students have to be serious about their studies for better future. Well faculties is so good all of them are serious about their duties and show their interests to become their students excellent in their field. Well not a single teacher who I am dislike, I like all the faculties of my college.It's a number 1 college of my city. All the faculties are well educated and excellent in their skills. My college campus is excellent and follow all the instructions for becoming a better Institute. My college faculty's focuses on each an every students, if someone is week they take an extra class of those students. Overall my college is best.",8.7 378,Rakesh Kushwah,Agra College,I want to do engineering and become a successful engineer. This college is nearest best college of engineering so I choose to get admission in this college and there are so good faculty and place of college. College is placed in purely city area. College building are too good. All these things I saw.Course is so good we learn many things. We learn not only technical things but also learn socially work and value of life and everything this course. Our College faculty are so good. Every time ready to solve our problems and academic results are also great every year.,6.3 379,Student (Anonymous),IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],Campus life has never been good to me as it is here. we can do whatever we want to you without much restriction and the college face that takes place are normally of 3 to 4 days in which all the students from different colleges comes to showcase their talent.If one get admission in this college then he/she can undoubtedly take admission here because of its quality and the facilities and the study that this college provide. I like the loaction in which this college is located.,10 380,Student (Anonymous),International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Almost 90 to 95% of the students from our course were placed. Top recruiting companies of our college are Dell, Infosys, Quantify, Tech Mahindra, Tiger analysts, IBM, McKinsey, etc. The highest salary package offered was around 12 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was around 3.6 LPA. The course provides the concept behind all the electronics devices.Our college provides Wi-Fi, air-conditioned labs, well-furnished classrooms, library, a reading room which provides the proper environment for group studies, a football ground, basketball court, fountain and shops which provide us with our essentials. It has a good mess and canteen facilities.",8.3 381,Student (Anonymous),International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"There are two types a hostels a boarder can opt for. There are shared and single room facilities. However, a boarder is only allowed to opt for a single room after he/she is done with their first year. The campus is compact if it were to be described in one word. The old hostel comes with a mess, operation hours vary. The new hostel has laundry facilities. The rooms are clean and are the hallways and other hostel premises are kept clean. There is no AC in the classrooms. All the computing labs are air conditioned. The library is accessible to students at any time between 9 am to 8 pm during weekdays and 5 pm on Saturdays. The library remains closed during any public holiday or Sundays.I joined because this is a gvot college.The most entertaining four days of the college are the ADVAITA days. The fest organised by the college is absolutely stunning. The techno-cult fest has everything starting from tech events, hackathons to fashion shows, dance offs, rap battles, eating challenges, you name it. Famous personalities like Gajendra Verma, Arjun Kanungo, The Local Train band and so many more have performed during the fest at Pronites. The extra curricular activities you can indulge in totally depends on your capacity.",8 382,Student (Anonymous),Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"WI-FI available in our college with high speed. Lab have all instrument which are required for student to use. The library has all the books which are required for your course. Classroom are good. The hostel of JEC manage to get good variety of food with good quality at minimal price.My College provides placement in many companies like, Reliance, Big Bazar, Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro, Infosis,Copila,Google and many more. My college placement rate is very high and and there are many good lawyers and judges graduated from my college",8.3 383,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus,"Campus Life- - The KTR campus is completely ragging-free - The seniors, staff and others are also really helpful in getting adjusted to the environment - We have multiple technical clubs like SRMkzilla, Project Team, Gen Y, etc about which we are told in the orientation and we are encouraged to join them Events- - Everyone really enjoys Aarush and Milan but they can sometimes be really wasteful as the tickets are very expensive and there are not many fun activities or even events that are worth watching. - This year in Milan a lot of students were injured due to some chaos that was created by some non-SRM students. Extracurricular Activities- - We have many quizzes, webinars, hackathons, etc. which are really informative - All the festivals are celebrated very wellCourse Curriculum & Academics- - Syllabus is according to 2018 UGC guidelines - Some of the subjects taught seem irrelevant but other than that the curriculum seems well-designed - First semester had no computer based subjects and all of a sudden we had so many subjects from 3rd semester that it is overwhelming Faculty- - Most of the faculty are graduates, very few are post graduates or have PHDs - Not very well-versed and sometimes it becomes difficult to understand them - Ms Helen was my English faculty in 1st semester and she was really good. She organized multiple GDs and quizzes in class which made it really fun and informative.",7 384,SHIVAM KUMAR,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"Course syllabus is updated from time to time for better results. Faculties are very knowledgeable in their field. The department envisions is to cope with the fast changing pragmatic needs of the technology throughout the globe by adopting suitable new courses and modernizing of labs along with commensurate faculty development through research activities.Campus life is very much satisfactory.There are many extra curricular activities and technical and cultural events like bitotsav, pantheon, dipoustav etc Bit Mesra is one of the beautiful campuses of the country.placements are good if you are from cse, electronics and communication,mca.for rest of the branches core companies are Average.",10 385,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus,"The campus life is the best part of the college. We have two major festivals Aarush and Milan but other than that also there are so many good celebrations throughout the year. We had an amazing cultural gathering on the occasion of Onam, Diwali, Navratri, Lohri and Holi. These events are very enjoyable and also are a great opportunity to relax and socialize. Almost all the students in the college participate in these events some attend the DJ Nites while others attend the technical workshops and webinars. It is a great engagement for 4 days and for these days almost all the students await throughout the year.The placements are claimed to be around 80% however this percentage is very low especially in Biotechnology. Most of the students opt for higher studies due to lack of good placement opportunities. In 2014-2018 batch only 32 students out of 288 got placed from Biotech department. Students were hired in Syngene international, Saksin Life science, Zifo Tech, Think and learn, etc. The package this department are also not that high compared to those for CSE deapartemnts.",6.3 386,Student (Anonymous),University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Due to good placement. Companies like TCS, cognizant, wipro visits our college. Also due to the efficiency of the faculty members. Due to curricular activities and different types of clubs such as quiz club, Pragya and many more. Inspite of this covid 19 situation our college is trying to do their best by taking classes in online mode and teachers are very much efficient in itEcstasia is our cultural fest. I had taken part in it like in photography contest, painting contest, dancing and in healthy bites. Ureckon is our technicial fest. Various types of events are there such as robo dangal and many more interesting events",10 387,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar University - [DSU],"I was very familiar about this college because one of my cousin also a part of that college so he recommended me to join this college. I have around 17k rank on comedk exam so during the counselling time I have option to choose this college and I have also heard that the campus and all are good, faculty members and all are goodI always think my branch which I have choosen is too good for me. Because all our faculty is too frndly and they are too much helpful, my academics are also good now I have entered into the branch soo I am not well aware abot it.",9 388,Student (Anonymous),Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Campus stands out in it with good facilities in the entire campus. Free Wifi is provided in the campus, even though its not speed enough but not bad either, laboratories with new equipment and sport center with almost all the necessary items and students shows great interest in accessing this facilities since this is really helpfull for them. would give 4 out of 5 for the food hygiene.Quality of placement is area of concern for all the students, with free training for the campus and almost 80% of the students will be placed in every batch, to be honest that shows the pride of our college. Average salary for all fresher would be 25k-30k, placement process i would say it is easy, the student who with bit of talent and hardwork can crack it easi",7.7 389,Karunesh,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"Our college is not less than any other universities. You have everything you want and also it's affordable to everyone.You have labs specifically dedicated to research works. There are special labs which are unique to this region. So the college is worth joining for.Faculties are best in the college. Every faculty is a PhD holder with great experience and immense knowledge. I feel the way the syllabus is framed, lacks the deeper understanding of intricacies involved. The research community should have to be still more active.",8.3 390,Ankit Mondal,Assam Engineering College - [AEC],"The college campus is good. But the government must take measures to control the monkeys,leopards,pythons,cows, which causes a lot of disturbances in classes, the leopards sometimes roams freely in the campus and sometimes cow dung is found in the classrooms. The students and the staff is average. It is located in a beautiful place covered with greenery. Yes,it can handle emergencies to some extent.Since Assam Engineering College is one of the oldest colleges in Assam, the infrastructure is poor. The buildings are old,the laboratory materials are not good, bathrooms are not well maintained and same goes for the hostels too,wi-fi doesn't work properly, sports materials are not good. And regarding hygienty in hostels, it is really poor.",8 391,Student (Anonymous),Krishna Engineering College - [KEC],"Good curriculum and academics are also good but the level of English of teacher is very low, Although teachers have good knowledge of their subject and faculties are good and humble. Clear your doubts jn every way possible.No events takes place here. Only some of them takes place and that too are not good.Extracurricular activities are below average and the college is more focused about academics. And very little apart from it takes place",8.3 392,Student (Anonymous),Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],The college infrastructure is simply amazing.The laboratories had been perfectly managed and cleaned.The libraries can be very useful for students to read and clarify doubts among teachers and students. They give equal importance to sports as much as studies.Campus life is simply amazing. There are many events and fests that takes place every month. It doesn't feel like being in college it is so beautiful as it is surrounded by lots of trees. I think there is no worst part in college in my point of view.,8.7 393,Subham Bhattacharyya,Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - [GITAM],"Gandhi institute of technology and management is one of the popular college. Infrastructure is good so fee structure is also affordable. WiFi facilities are also available.large library with wide range of book for all department is available, laboratory, classroom,lab, library, Play ground are we maintained and are very clean. basketball courts and facilities are also there.This college is well known for its placement. The quality of placements at our college is good. The percentage of placements in our college is above 80 percentage. The highest package offers is 39 lacks per annum and the course with get most placements are engineering and management department. The average salary offered is above 2.5 lacks per annum.",7.3 394,Swarnava Halder,Neotia Institute of Technology Management and Science - [NITMAS],"The college have an excellent infrastructure. I wil start from the campus.The campus is really something soothing to eyes because of its Greenery. There are number of plants and trees all over the campus which keeps blooming all the time. There are cricket,basketball,volleyball, football,badminton,etc game's grounds. There is a big swimming pool in the campus. the canteen are very well hygienic. The class rooms are very well modernized. The only drawback is there is no wifi available.The campus life in this college is the best part here. This college fulfill all the dreams which an individual can have for a campus. He can learn new games like cricket, volleyball,basketball,tennis,badminton,soccer,etc. They can also learn swimming. The campus have many clubs like technical,enterpreneur,social, literary,etc through which we can learn many things. Lastly the hostel life is worth living",8 395,Student (Anonymous),Rajasthan Technical University - [RTU],"First of all I want to take admission in college which is In my city, so whenever I read reviews about this college I was very impressed to this college and I applied for it through REAP. And hot admission in this college on the basis of my jee marks.Syllabus is not so much updated here, almost 10 years old syllabus is going on. Faculties are very good here, they always take care of our studies and even in this pandemic they fully support us,they provide us materials, teach us.",7.7 396,Student (Anonymous),Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"the course curriculum consists of all the important subjects that are necessary. the labs, internal assessments, assignments provide students more knowledge. all the students are encouraged with their projects and researches.the campus life is pleasant and calm. the students are encouraged to part in the cultural fests and events that are arranged by the college management every year. hence the students get to enjoy their campus life.",8 397,Student (Anonymous),Prestige Institute of Engineering Management and Research - [PIEMR],The campus is not too big in size as compares to other colleges of indore. But it's provide all the facilities at their level. The building environment is always neat and clean.Campus is medium and good in size.classrooms are big in size. But building always remain neat and clean. The building is also very beautiful. Library are also good in size. There are many books available in library. The labs have proper equipmentsThe course is good and therotical. The course material is good and full of knowledge. The course is updated yearly. The course is knowledge and good. It is updated yearly by university. They teaches very well and they are good in behaviour and nature.There are many webinars and workshops organised by the campus to gain industrial exposure.,8 398,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"Enigma fest quize many people of different college participate in the competition and the event is held on the large scale. Competition are like chess, volleyball, cricket and many more games and not only game other competition are also held.The college is very nice the environment of the college make it more interesting to study, Every facilities Available, like in library every type of books are available and also sport complex available. Teacher are very helpful.",6.7 399,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],If I talk about my campus infrastructure then I would say that it's really nice because the greeny their opens up & refreshes the minds of students. Even we are having just incredible library which is full of books & knowledge also laboratories & smart classes really hepl us to know the things practically.Placement is good even teaching in my institution is upto the mark. Even it's reliable for me because it's there in my city. Even infrastructure is also good. Faculty members are always ready to help the students & the co-curricular activities boost up the students & hepl them to sharp their minds.,9.7 400,Khushi Gupta,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],United is one of the best college of uttarpradesh. I choose this college because the college brush up my hidden qualities. Apart from studies there are many extra curricular activities which make my personality developed. Also the infrastructure of college is very good. There is big library and labs too. The placement of our college is very good. There are crt classes and other placement related activities.The infrastructure of our campus is designed by Mr Anil Gupta. He is one of the best architecture of allahabad. We r Wi-Fi facilities in hostel and library. There is abig Library with more than thousand books. There is big labs with all the equipments related to the lab.,9.7 401,Gourav Singh,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Many high level companies visit our college every year for placement, some of them are amazon, google, microsoft, deushet bank, infosys, tcs. Average package is quite high compared to other colleges. I am currently in second year so I dont know much about my placement cell, but looking at the constant increase in package, I am pretty sure they are doing there best.My university is ranked 8th in india. It has an amazing enviorment. Coming to my college, it is a college for only army wards. It was only option bcoz i was not able to score much marks in JEE and also it a good college.",8.3 402,Sreenanda Biswas,St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology - [STCET],Our college campus is big. It has 3 large playgrounds but students are allowed to play on one ground only. The canteen is also clean and foods are hygienic. Students can play some indoor games in common room and can play badminton in badminton yard. The location is quite safe. I personally feel campus could have been better. There is no sort of cultural fest or freshers is held. A technical fest is held for 1 day and a farewell for the seniors. Your talents are not fully cultivated in this college. Here we lack from most of the colleges. Even here we are not allowed to keep beards. We have kinda school uniform look alike uniform which we need to wear everyday.Our college has good and presentable infrastructure. it is clean and clear. we get the resources required for our studies and laboratories properly. Our college has a big library with reasonable stock of varieties of books including undergraduate and post graduate books. our laboratories are sufficient. we got three sport centers including 2 playing grounds and 2 common rooms for both boys and girls separately. The living space is clean and canteen food is hygienic.,8.3 403,Student (Anonymous),United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"location,and placement are the factor also infrastructure is the reason that made to chose this college location of the college is very good near market and railway station and also placement is damm good infosys,amazon likes companies recruited studentCourse curriculum is awesome and productive much time left for self exploration academics is quite interesting and subject are valuable faculties are very good always with student and always motivate students for perform well in any exam.",10 404,SOUGATA CHONDAR,"College of Engineering And Management, Kolaghat","At first I would like to say my college is my second home. It's total area around 32 acres,provided by the WBPDCL.Infrastructure of my college is really good. Faculties are also well experienced. My college have separate library and administrative building and also have separate boys and girls hostel.we have a good air conditioned library with a book bank facilities and seminar and workshops, labs, Cricket ground, basketball court,10Mbps internet connection with LAN/WiFi in hostel campus.Being a Electrical Engineering student i would highly recommend this college for the best faculties.Not only my dept but every dept faculties are good. In my college have a good bond between teachers and students.when talk about job purpose, then i would say to getting a job it's totally up to you but the college will provide all the facilities like practice of aptitude test, coding, improve your communication skills and all things.",8.7 405,Sunil. V,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"Placements in our college are good and for computer science its the best. The CSE department has the most placed percentage compared to other departments. The highest salary package offered was 6 LPA, and the average salary package offered was 2 LPA. All types of companies like top MNCs and startups, visit the campus to hire students.The campus is provided with hostel facilities, and mess facilities are also available for hostel students and day scholars as well. All the labs are well-equipped with modern technology devices. The campus building has good infrastructure, and the entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled. These factors made me want to join in this college.",9.3 406,Hemanth gupta,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Hostel facilities are good up to the mark with good and hygienic food, Wi-Fi facilities and 24/7 security. The campus is good and attractive which consists of smart classrooms and a big library located on the 2nd floor. The medical facilities, sports and games are very good at LPU.The teachers in LPU are well qualified with a minimum of 5 years of teaching experience. The facilities are there for your support both in academic and extracurricular activities or programs. The teaching methods are so engaging and interactive such as seminars, guest lectures etc.",8.3 407,Nishant Gupta,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Campus life in LPU is what one dreams for. Its huge campus size, own auditoriums ( where many big events are held), its different festivals like One World and One India makes it more enjoyable campus life. LPU also holds Coke Studio event and go -cart racing events.Couse curriculum is suitable for students, its not very broad which allows student to get extra time for their extra - curricular activities. Courses are up to the mark and any irrelevant subject is not included in the curriculum. Faculties are very helpful.",8.3 408,Student (Anonymous),Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - [NIET],"Well about my college syllabus,i can say it is updated but since study materials are provided by college library we face a lot of difficulty to catchup with updated syllabus as books and other study materials are outdated. And on talking about industrial exposure from our college i will say on basis of my experience a big 'NO'. And yes faculties are good they put there 100% effort to give us right way. But exception are everywhere few of them are also busy in flattering director by praising him in evry class every day. Afterall its a bit though to say whom i like most,but i can say Mrs.Preeti mam was a very good tutor for i think a below average student too.There are 2 separate campuses. One for 1st year btech students only. And other for rest students. 1st year campus have 2 hostels 1 main building i.e.academic block. And 1 small ground.there is no provision of girls hostel in 1st year campus girls have combined hostel only in main campus. 2nd year campus also have 2 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel. 3 academic block. 1 administrative block. And a small incamous ground.",7 409,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"The campus has good infrastructure and the spaces within the campus have been used nicely there is both greenery and big infrastructural buildings for the various courses streams and there are places at different parts of the campus for playing sports as well, the food services across the campus are good and the type of food being served is nice and comes with a good number of varieties as wellThe campus life is good and the hostellers are often found to be exploring the campus as their pastime people take part in extra-curricular activities of their interests and choice the various fests being organised also serve as both a learning and an experience for some students",8.3 410,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],We have the tech fest named aarush in the month of October where we have different webinars we have many workshop like automotive or related to artificial intelligence workshop then in the month of march we have Milan it's the cultural festThe course and curriculum is good enough the subject we study has very interesting topics till now I was in my first year so I didn't got much opportunity of industrial exposure till now the faculties are good lab faculty are also fine,7.3 411,Student (Anonymous),Central Institute of Technology - [CIT],"I Got it into Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar by CITDEE(Entrance exam to get admission in the BTech course) It feels great to experience multi culture in the institute.There are 3 boys hostel and 1 girls hostel inside the campus.The institute have bus facilities, Library facilities,Internet facilities and many more including Basketball court, Volleyball Ground, Badminton ground to play games and an open gym(kind of) to do excercise.Overall the infrastructure is excellent and Educational environment is goodThere are two festivals celebrated in our institute.One is Ecstasy (Cultural fest) which held for 2 - 3 days where Students take part in competition like dance,singing,open mic and enjoy the performance of the artists at night. And the other festival name is Techracy(Technical Fest) where Students do workshops and improve their technical skills",7 412,Chandrarit Mondal,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],One of the top college of Kolkata. Best facility available. It is under TECHNO india group.Most importantly it is affiliated to MAKAUT. College has wide range of courses available. It Bacheler dergree coursd along with Masters degree course. It has good placement record which is most important now a days.Our college has many courses of Bachelor degree as well as Masters Degree. Yes of course. Our college all facilities which are not available in other college.Our college has big campus.Big library. Ebooks are available to students. Most importantly outdoor sports facilities.,10 413,Student (Anonymous),University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Campus life is good. We organise a annual techfest where anyone can show their talent and win prizes. And our cultural fest is not very big but it is good. The students of our university get the maximum chance of participation and get a stage to show their talent.There are 3 big storyed buildings. A little bit congested due to lack of places. But library facility is very good,not evey places are Wi-Fi generated but the required places are. Lab equipment's are bit backdated. Most of them don't work properly but very good.",6.3 414,Student (Anonymous),Graphic Era University - [GEU],"Geu is the number one college in uttarakhand and their placement are very good. almost all the top almost all the top companies come here for placing student. Package of a student are good almost every student get in campus placement.In campus placement is here. many companies like byjus, Adobe, Microsoft are come here for placing the student.alumini sessions also here. For startup we make a papertech in which student make sattelite md small rocket with paper.",10 415,Student (Anonymous),Thakur College of Engineering and Technology - [TCET],There are alot of events thay took place where not only the student from our college but also th students from other college visits and took part. We have both technical and non technical event. Also there us a sports week. Also there are IV's.Yes the syllabus got recently updated in the year 2019 when I was in my FY. Talking about facutly so there are group pf faculty like some faculty are very good in terms of teaching while others don't. Mostly college hasve maharshtraian faculty,8.7 416,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The life is good but do not involve in a work with all your new friends. Ragging free campus is this but then also be safe. Don't put your nose. If you are come here from direct College then it's safe. do not refer any friends or senior for admission. In this college many activities are going on online and offline. Biher fest, Mathematics olympiad.I trust on this college and the faculties teaching is good as I experienced in first year. The college having many aircraft model. Big size labs. It's an autonomous University. This is AICTE approved college. In this college many students having good placement salary package.",9.3 417,Student (Anonymous),ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Because it is an Indian Institute of technology, it no doubt has so so many opportunities and offers from various companies world wide. They give you internship role also to just experience things and make yourself familiar to the environment. You earn money and learn life lessons. It's a turning point of your life ofcorse.curriculum is set accordingly. Course and syllabus is extremely vast. So tough competition prevail in academics. Some teachers make it a piece of cake whereas some give a heart attack recieting syllabus and the marking scheme they opt, the assignment where u learn absolutely nothing.",7 418,Akanksha Singh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"Campus life is good, at evening you can play games like volleyball, basketball etc there are lots of courts in our campus and there is also a restrictions for girls they provide all the safety to girls nd it's safe.I heard about this college very much that this college is very good in acdamics, facilities etc so i would like to choose this college instead of others. College campus is huge so at evening I can move all around.",7.7 419,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Inside the campus many facilities provided to the students wi-fi, two college canteens, big grounds for playing, One temple.Kabaddi, Cricket and many sports camps also available to get participate. Ebooks is having all the pdf books of all the branches and journals,magazine, story books.The Acedemics is good. Many academics department is available. The course notified us through website and app and many other sources during online classes. In lockdown also the college had done online classes very well. The faculties having experience and well educated.",8.7 420,Mohammad Mehndi Rizvi,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"Campus life is awesome because the campus is very big and we can enjoy and feel safe to do any technical work or practice of our competition which is very important. The volleyball court, tennis court, stadium etc are very huge.The college Dein is my uncle and he said that the college is very good in Accadamics and facilities. It's very near by my house so can normally go by my bike comfortably daily, that's why I choose this college.",6.7 421,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology - [MSIT],"Campus of our college is really large, well maintained, and clean and hygienic too.There are lot of events organized in our college, and people participates in them with full energy and excitement,i am also a society member in our college so i know who to handle these events and extracurricular activities are really good too.Placements in our colleges are really good and big companies used to come in our college, there is a very good job opportunity for those who are really good in their academics in our college throughout the whole course.I am also looking for a good placement in our college. There are many job opportunities in our college.",7.7 422,Student (Anonymous),Poornima College of Engineering,"Here are many companies visiting for Campus placement. Mainly most of placements depends upon students skill cse is most famous here. Almost 80 % students are placed on cse. Other branches students can also attend this interview section on the basis of their skill.All Type of fests are prevailed here with great pomp and show. Most of students participate here very actively, fests like dandiya, holi are celebrated on big platform. There are seniors who handle all management work.",8.3 423,Student (Anonymous),MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"Not at all maintained and very unhygienic. No cleanliness in lecture halls, labs, washroom. Bad infrastructure and no water facilities in washrooms. Wi-fi is moderate. Library is small and important and necessary books are mostly unavailable. Sports are only for boys. And the sports facilities are worse.Past result of the college in GATE, and Civil Services Exams was great. And that drove me to take admission in this college, I wanted to appear for BTech unfortunately there is no such course available in the college. Hence, I opted for BE in CSE.",3.3 424,Student (Anonymous),MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"The teachers in our college are from TEQIP. The course syllabus was not completely updated. It's a government college, so you couldn't expect much from the teachers but some of the teachers are doing a really appreciable job.Our college hosts a number of technical and cultural events and a good number of participation can be seen in all the events. These fests are mostly organised by the seniors and they are doing a lot for the students.",7 425,Steve Masih,Krishna Engineering College - [KEC],Average opportunities but the faculty is good and almost everyone gets placed in a company.Average opportunities but the faculty is good and almost everyone gets placed in a company.Average opportunities but the faculty is good and almost everyone gets placed in a companyVery good Academic curriculum and nice acdmenics. Faculties are very nice.Very good Academic curriculum and nice acdmenics. Faculties are very nice.Very good Academic curriculum and nice acdmenics. Faculties are very nice,7.3 426,Student (Anonymous),MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"Good placement and studies, government college and number one in rajasthan according to reap examination. Good infrastructure and hostal facilities. All compulsory facilities are provided here. Teachers are kind and help the students. Regular classes and laboratory practicals.There is good quality of teachers and other faculties that they try their best to provide us good education. Course syllabus is always updated important informations are delivered on time to time. Workshops are good there. Electrical and mathematics faculty are best.",5 427,Student (Anonymous),Inderprastha Engineering College - [IPEC],"Our college holds many technical events like hackathon, coding contest,etc. Sports festival is also organized in our college. Participation in these festivals and contests is good, any student of any year can participate.Infrastructure of our college is fine. Sports facilities are there like badminton court, basketball court, etc. No wi-fi facility for students. Library is good and well maintained. Lab equipments and facilities are good.",6.7 428,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"Constant use of target language and minimum use of English. The instructor was very knowledgeable, extremely helpful, clear, concise and descriptive. Interaction between the students helped with practicing. Realistic expectations. Very friendly atmosphere. Excellent pace helped digest the new information, without becoming any boringLiving with new people that have to share the same room, is full of responsibilities. Diplomacy, communication skills, organization and adaptation represents trumps to help you transfer campus life in the most beautiful period of your life",7.3 429,Bhakti,RMD Sinhgad School of Management Studies - [RMDSSOMS] Warje,"Savitri Bai Phule pune University then I see the institute i.e Sinhgad institute. I have done some mistakes during filling the form and hence then by luck by chance I got this college considering the extra ciriculum factor I took admission thereIt was good, bt some of the branches specially 1st year staff gets involved in students personal issues. Bt overall teaching is pretty good and Concentrate on extra curricular stuff too.special focus is done on case studies and extra knowledge",5.7 430,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Yes KIIT provides so many scholarships to there student. I am one of the students who is enjoying scholarship given by them.I have earned 869 ranking in KIITEE so KIIT provides me scholarship of 10000 every month.this scholarship can be availed by all the student who have secured under top 1000 ranking in KIITEE. And there are so many other scholarship which KIIT provides to international students and to kiitians during the course period.KIIT have very good infrastructure.It is providing free sports activities for there students,It promotes sports activities, you will have this idea after having knowledge about the 1st khelo india event organised by KIIT. KIIT's library has Verity of book in every domain,you can find any thing whatever you need. Labs are very advanced.",9.3 431,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],I took this college because I want to study more About computer and in this college I got Computer Science Engineering. I want to study Computer Science Engineering. This college provide me a chance to take admission in it.Course Curriculum is Out Dated. Course are fully based on rote learning expect providing technical knowledge. Faculties is supported. Academics is based on all round development of children. Teachers are supported.,7.3 432,Jaskirat Singh,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],The environment and Opportunities are great. You will get complete support from the teachers in all aspects of life. This course helps me change the world with a new technology syllabus. You will find the societies very helpful towards your creative career.The syllabus is outdated as the Indian Universities are facing this but the method of teaching is quite interesting. The curriculum should be updated in the entire nation. We are reading a material that does not help us through modern technologies.,9 433,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"My jee score let me to take admission here. College is near by and has good reputation. Along with the individually tailored research projects and the housing opportunity, there were seminars on public speakingNot good. No sports centre inside the college campus. Wifi only available in computer labs. Library is decent but needs to be properly maintained. Labs are pretty decent and have all equipment you may require.",7 434,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"1.Faculty is highly qualofied for every branch, they can sort every problem 2. Courses offeeed are Btech and polytechnic 3. It follows 2014-15 syllabus for examinations 4.There are labs for various branches to impart practical knowledge1. Low tuition fees is the main factor i chose this institute 2. Near to me as i can commute through metro 3. Qualified faculty in every stream 4. Near market so that if u r exhausted of classes u can go there for entertainment",7.3 435,Student (Anonymous),Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"Campus life is pretty good for me, as our college campus is really small but good too, hygienic and clean. In our college gates is our annual fest which is really exciting and energetic too, it is really the biggest fest of gtbit and there is lot of participation from students too.Placements in our college is good, really big companies also comes to our college, placement is the key factor too when searching for a college so yeah our college is really good for placement, infrastructure and all. Our average placements is really good.",7.7 436,Prachi Singh,Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology - [MMMUT],Peaceful environment to study with the best faculty and teaching staff.providing scholarship to all the individuals fulfilling the requirements of the guidelines as per suggested by govt.providing best security for girls in hostel and we'll designed laboratories for research workWe have green flourished environment with different buildings allocated to different sectors running with different courses.various playground for different games.we have well furnished labs alongwith well equipped instruments,8.3 437,Student (Anonymous),IIT Roorkee - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITR],"The campus pours calm evenings where one is sure to find a guitarist strumming his strings along with the college canteen bustling with engrossed couples despite terribly scarce female population. Speaking of associations, every freshman finds welcoming relations from his seniors. Events AVENIR is an annual event, where IITR aim for the students to thoroughly understand the global market and the challenges it presents. IITR also look forward to bring out the significance of the full understanding of the global business landscape and the localization needs of the markets in renewing and strengthening great businesses through good times and bad. CONFLUENCIA is the flagship event of the Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee. Initiated in 2008, it served as a knowledge-sharing platform for the head of various organizations to impart their insights to the budding managers of the country.The club's there was awesome The competitive academic environment and co-curricular activities on campus keep the students on their toes. But everyone needs some time off, to relax and recharge. Clubs at IIT-R are the best place for this. Hobbies Club Photography Electronics Fine Arts Gardening Model Section",9.3 438,Nidhi Gupta,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"The infrastructure of my campus is quite wonderful at the beginning of my campus is the temple of Lord Ganesha as we know that school /college is temple of education,we start our day to day life by visiting Lord Ganesha temple our campus also has stadium as well as fully air conditioning auditoriumAs my curriculum and syllabus was designed by AICTE is the best course design available to us as an engineering student.The faculties are best in my institution,they are ready to help you each and every time you are in need.They will definitely guide you to attend your height of success.",9.7 439,Lakshya Agarwal,R V College of Engineering - [RVCE],"70% of people were placed from Mechanical Engineering department. The highest package offered was around 10 LPA. Rolls Royce, ITC, Honda, Reliance industries ltd. were the top recruiters. 2% got internships. Design engineer, Graduate engineer trainee, Data analyst, Business development, Data scientist roles were offered.It is a good college with good campus crowd. Wi-Fi was not great but manageable. Library is not good as it does not open 24*7. Quality of food was below average. Extracurricular activity and social life is good as college conduct fest every year.",9.7 440,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The infrastructure is very good.Many big labs with all equipment is available. For each branch, stream particular building were constructed. They having one college canteen.Temple is also near the campus.Grounds are there for playing.The campus life is amazing.They conduct many festivals like Christmas.Last year one judge invited for speech as management function. The college helds math competition, English Speech, Career development program.",8 441,Ayush Singh,Rajkiya Engineering College - [REC],Various events are organised for exposure and enjoyment of students where we can do something different from our regular life. Students participate at high rate and compete with eath other with full dedicationThe course is well designed. Students don't have much burden so they can get exposure in other fields. Faculties are well trained and qualified and they have good knowledge in their respective subjects,9 442,Deepak Kumar,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"There are many course in our college.Science,Commerce, Arts many courses available in all this stream. I am CSE student so in Computer Science the professor is well educated,well experienced. They were updating our syllabus in lockdown or before lockdown on college my camu app,website,etc. Devia Maam is very good from my point of view.Niether all the professors are very good.The campus infrastructure is so Nice.The structure is simple but very beautiful. In college libraries is also there.Many books are available. All books are well maintained. They having laboratory and equipment for student.",7.7 443,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],"My course curriculam consists of all the trending jobs providing courses required to excel in my field, such as artificial intelligence, internet of things,big data and cryptocurrency. Many leading companies such as tcs and microsoft conducts workshops and provides knowledge to get through placements rounds. Few faculties are very good and few very annoying but you free to clear aal your doubts from anyone. Cse and ece faculties are quite good.Campus has basketball court, a volley ball court,kabaddi court,badminton court and few cricket practice pitches. Every hostel well equipped with wifi and indoor games (carrom,table tennis). Library is one of the biggest, fully air-conditioned with ample amount of space and books for everyone. A data centre full of computers with internet access for the students. Every labs fully furnished with latest equipment and well trained lab incharges.",7.3 444,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],"Infrastructure is fine but college management is improving it day by day.A new Sports Complex is under construction which will soon be completed, wifi is also good. Library is also good, where we can find many books of our interest and we are even equipped with e-libraries with e books etc. Well I have not visited all the labs of our college but in physics lab sone equipment are not up to the mark otherwise it's good.And we have a auditorium too.I was not able to qualify IIT JEE and I did not dropped my year for preparations.But I made it for UPSEE. As this was a good state government college and ranked first in UPSEE colleges and I got my favourite branch i.e. Electronics and Instrumentation which is a side branch of Electronics and Communication. And, this is a new branch which most of the colleges are not offering.",7.7 445,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],The college has 12 swimming pools including a huge one. The sports facilities are quite good each hostel area has a separate sports complex with trained staffs. The campus has a huge library with separate libraries for each of the departments.Campus life is restricted for Freshers. But from second year onwards campus life is quite good. The institution has various societies to help hone your skills and put your talent in proper use. Like dance society photography society etc.,8 446,Bikki kumar,Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences - [KIDS],"Course curriculum is above average because individual will not get practical knowledge of things here more of a book knowledge, focuses more on far different subjects than the branch subjects.Only individual has to think in practical way.Course faculties are mix of bags here in some subject individual will be fetched with best faculty and in some with the average faculty.No other options left at that particular time.Since I was waiting for the counselling of JEE mains and advance to get over fetching me into any college under it under the newly allocated EWS quota; But the reservation was too small that I was proudly rejected. Getting the desired branch is one of the possible reason for taking admission in KIIT.",7.7 447,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Campus life is good. 1st year we had restrictions. Intime was 6:30 pm. If you see, it was also necessary. From 2nd year, in time is 10 pm. KIIT organizes lots of cultural and management festivals. Lots of participation from different branch students as well.KIIT organizes a lot of extra curriculum activities. Every Saturday Sunday, it conducts a webinar. Academic and faculty wise, KIIT is good. It organizes many sports events as well. I am in my 2nd year, I didn't get any industrial exposure yet.",7.3 448,Student (Anonymous),G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"Library is Huge and collection of books is pretty impressive. Labs are well equipped and we'll maintained Sports facilities are available. Numerous sports are played including Football, basketball, Table tennis and many otherInformation technology is one of the best branches of the institute. it provides good placements. Students are Active. Seniors are extremely Helpful. Teachers are supportive. Full exposure is given. News ideas are welcomed",7.7 449,Shubham Kumar Sharma,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],The college is nice as it avail a good education to the students.the environment around the college is also good including the accomodation.it provides a great platform to learn and explore.it has highly eqquiped labs.The syllabus throughout the year is interesting including the experiments in the labs. Ther are lot to study in this syllabus.apart from the syllabus the college provide a good and healthy environment to learn,9.7 450,Student (Anonymous),G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology - [GCET],Good placement and experience faculties. The environment at the college must be good and i founded it very nice at my college. college infrastructure was also one of my choice. And the college is one of top in my engineering course.It was fantastic and i love celebrating festival at my college. College gives us many opportunities to enhance our extracurricular skills. Regularly activities are arranged which helps students to no only focus in studies,10 451,Aman Jha,Techno Main Salt Lake,"College is not fully transparent about placement records,companies and procedure. What I've heard from seniors arround 80% of the placement are done by mass recruitment in companies like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, COGNIZANT etc very few product based companies like Microsoft and Flipkart come for placement and recruite only a few students from CSE or IT. In my stream EE out of 150 students hardly 30 students get placed that too in IT Companies with average salary 9f 3Lac p.a. Placements for core branches is very tough here in ME and CI hardly anyone gets placed.There is no campus life as such, because there is none. There is no hostel students either live in small cramped PGs or take flat which costs way more than average hostel fee, however college hosts several events throughout the year which are somewhat better than most average B. Tech colleges and students from all over Kolkata participate in them. Speaking of extra curricular activities we have quite handful no. Of clubs which keeps us busy in extra curricular activities.",6 452,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,"The syllabus is upto date and coveres all the required topics. The faculty is nice, not all the teachers are great but some of them are too good. The labs are big enough and are done properly. Online classes are being conducted now in this pandemic situation, these classes are taken very wisely by a few faculty members.There are many opportunities provided. There are many clubs in the college and they encourage all the students to participate and learn many new things. There is technical club, cultural club, social club, literacy club and many more.",7 453,Chitvan Singhal,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"It is a college with Good placement,good technical equipments, good infrastructure and Is affiliated with the well-known University named Abdul Kalam technical university. That's all a btech student want as a decent college.The course gets updated every year as prescribed by Abdul Kalam technical University. Yes there was an industrial exposure. Faculty are very helpful and very knowledgeable. and the placements are also decent.",7.3 454,Ayush Mukesh Koli,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"Campus life is great. The college does conduct Dj parties on special occasions. Student's can engage in sports and extra curricular activities as well. All the students and seniors are really nice nd helpful. Location is safe. Market is nearby. In case of emergency, the student can be taken to hospital immediately.College Infrastructure. Pillai has a nice infrastructure and well maintained labs and lecture theatres. All the equipment needed in the labs are upto date and clean. Mess is clean and hygienic. Hostels are cleaned every day. There is also the availability of WiFi. Library is quite huge.",9.3 455,Student (Anonymous),Vidya Academy of Science and Technology - [VAST],"My course was up to date everytime. They used special classes to copup with the syllabus even under difficult conditions.They provided good facilities industrial exposure.Most faculties are good and friendly, but some were omly focused on teaching.I got admission to this college through KEAM. Since this college had good performance till then, i choosed to join. I opted B tech, because i had ambition to be a marine engineer. The main thing i liked here is their teaching system.",8.3 456,Student (Anonymous),Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology - [MBCET] Nalanchira,"Course syllabus is tough. But one can cope up with it if he or she is hard working enough. The faculties are really very helping and supportive. Especially, Dr Jisha John, Annie Dickson Miss of CS Department, Mr Deepak B and Remil George of Mechanical Department, Ms Sojy Rajan of Electronics and Electrical Department and Dr Savitha Nair(Maths), Ms Lakshmi J S(Physics), Ms Veena NairMost of the sports are played by students in the campus, under the best coaches. We have well trained teams which perform well and win in Inter College Sports meets also. The library is good, providing books on any educational topic. An e-library also functions there. Equipment used in the labs are of good quality and are well maintained",7.7 457,Sakamuri Pavankalyan,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The course and curriculum in the college is nice.All the mains and basics topics covered in five unit.On my camu app notifications sent by college,on college whatsapp group also inform us.All the faculties make sure to get available all the study material to students.The campus life is so exciting.Many friends are here many programs organized like english debate,speech,Programming etc.The college also organized cultural activities like singing,dancing etc.Most of the students participate.",9 458,Pradeep Reddy,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"So many companies are visiting such as amazon,Mahindra&Mahindra,Tata,Reliance,etc.92% placed in this college but if students will not study and wouldn't crack the interview then it is students fault.overall College is the best.Last year 27lac package given from amazon.The life of the campus is fine.I have many friends so it's not boring.But new students will also not get bored because the classes,exams,Assignment, practical,Competition,Activities many things were done in the college.So the time is just pass out.",8 459,Shresthy Gupta,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"There are not many extra cocurricular activities happening in our college. Infact there are no official clubs such as dance club or music club or other things. Although the fests do take place in the college but the students of 1st year are not allowed to participate in those events.Students get many opportunities in terms of placement. Many companies come in the campus for hiring and that's the advantage. Also, the college is NBA accredited so basically the degree would be valid internationally.",5.7 460,Siddhant Kumar,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"The main factors that I have looking for are : 1. Placement record : this university is providing 100% placement record. first of all I did not believe that and I thought it was fake one but when I came to the office of the university they have shown us the prove of the 100% placement record which is blew my mind. 2. Facilities and Faculties : the second thing which I have taking in care of is the facilities and faculties, whether they are providing enough facilities so that the labs are working correctly or not.The campus life was amazing and the main thing of the campus is the discipline system that is the most important thing for our campus. the main thing is also that the Attendance. the attendance is 75% for every student. apart from this the university is organising fests every year in which the tech fests are also happening there and also the cultural fests are also there.",8.7 461,Aryan,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"There are many societies that provide students of kiit to boost their confidence level and improve personality development. also, kiit provides opportunities to their students to show up their skills. and to do some innovativeBest infrastructure. Well located.kiit provide best sports facilities to their students and also provide the best opportunities for their students to get enrolled in National and international sports competition.",10 462,Juhi Ganvir,MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering for Women,"The Academics is very well updated. And it gets updated every year. If there is a level of difficulty in a certain topic which is faced by every student and everybody's scores were seriously low; then there will be an updatation and from next time it won't exist or part of it depending on the importance of it. Every week there are seminars and guest lectures from the startup companies and other CEOs of their respective fields. The faculties teach you very accurate and precisely.I chose cummins college because i was attracted towards the alumni,and was very well aware of the placements that were done to microsoft and goldman sachs,which were huge. The other colleges in Pune didn't offer such a good exposure. The most amazing thing was that it was autonomous, and student friendly.",9.3 463,Dilip Kumar Yadav,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is so amazing that we can't get it that the year pass and the next year came.Because they will conduct class,exams,programmes, events,speech etc.that we will not feel boring.For technical Science debate,Mathematics competition,Data programmes and so on competition organized.They used to open our skills and learn many more.The course curriculum is simple but difficult but our professor teach in fluently even we do not get the year pass and we will enter into the next year.The Academics having practical in lab and equipment provided to each and every student.The faculties is friendly with us.We can ask any doubt.",8 464,Nishant Meena,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Campus life is pretty good here we have various kind of events going on throughout the year by various clubs and also we have one cultural fest(i.e.Utkansh) and one technical fest(i.e. Techniti) along with this various social activities are going on throughout the year like prayas in which college students teaches needy students after their classesMy overall opinion is on positive side because NITJ applies the right approach to make the new students(i.e. 1st year students) familiar with the course as it is completely new to them. Faculties are also very supportive and you can ask your doubt freely.,8.3 465,Manush Shah,Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Infrastructure and work environment, teachers and other faculty members are all Phd holders. Nice Canteen and Plancement is good. Overall Development by extra curricular activities. GTU affliated college and AICTE approved.Course is as per GTU guidelines. Industrial exposure may be provided after 2nd year. Faculties are all Phd holders as mentioned and they are really good in teaching. Advance labs and equipment helps understanding better.",8 466,Nishant Narendra Gaikwad,Government College of Engineering - [GCOE],Sports facilities and Wi-Fi and size of library and equipments and lab show me the labs are there the physics lab chemistry lab and language lab and more practical are there done that lab and Wi-Fi study for Wi-Fi for using this for study purpose and size of library they are number of books and number of author books and other competitive exam books are available in that library and so very perfect and satisfied library sports facility in the there are so many women and men's game that are available in the sports or equipment in the college there are so many games and their various coaching are coach are available to teach the game properly and the sports are like a district level and national level or International level gives practice that coach. To motivate participate in the games.This is very updated course and syllabus so it provide in a industrial exposure in 4th year and it is in students in ITI syllabus is more practical as compared to engineer student just like like phase put in the switch and not a not well education as compared to engineer student in practical point of view and various facilities like thing very good and its curriculum and their academic technical events so will will important for after industrial explosions and personal development and other things like GD and P I will proof in industry explosion.,6.7 467,Siddharth Kumar Arya,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I got this college in the counselling. Actually I got it by mistake. I mistakenly add this college in my list if counselling and I got it in all the rounds. And I chose to take admission here bacause iI knew about this college from my friends who are studying in this college. They told me that there is no such issue of study,fun,facilities,etc. So, I got admission here.Actually, the faculties have no such things of providing notes. They just recommend us the books and told to find the topics and study. This us the worst part. We have no things to learn all the things and not enough time to study from YouTube. Although, the industrial exposure is enough for us. Faculties have both good and bad teachers.",6.3 468,Harshit sharma,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],My good jee rank and good reputation of institute was the main factor that i took this course and good place maent records of nit. Jalandhar was also very famous and is still one of the best nits and moreover it is in punjaab so i loved punjabVery nice good labs well equipped and english communication lab was so new and all the equipment were very new except the manufacturing lab which literally sucks vsry poor chemical lab old material and civil department is also poor,9.7 469,Nitish Gautam,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"Teachers in our college are highly qualified. They are one of the best professors from India. Most of them have worked at international level in the research field. The course curriculum is average for students. In first-year, students have the same course to study. But from the second-year students will study their respective branches.Placements in our college are very good. Most of the students get placements from campus. About 97% of the ECE students got placed in 2019. The average salary package offered for ECE was 12.32 LPA. The highest salary package offered was 36 LPA. Top recruiting companies are Goldman Sachs, Flipkart, Amazon and Adobe.",8.7 470,Kritika sharma,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Placement and job opportunities are good enough there is placement cell as well as entrepreneur cell they provide us opportunities to take part in different events right now I am working with e cell IIT Bombay so similarly if anyone has capabilities and then options are there person needs to be interested and hard-working to be updated with the current news of the college.The cousre syllabus is updated on website and faculties also provide information about them some good faculties are gr khan sir, Noor zaman, Abhijit dey they are from mechanical department. There are workshops and labs for knowing the things and a good exposure as it is situated in Srinagar Kashmir there are alot of different things to know and to explore.",7.3 471,Peddi bhargav,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The infrastructure of the college is very good.They had plants, tree because of that the air is very fresh blown in the campus.Big grounds,Department hostel etc. For sports having huge ground,Labs and equipment available and many things provided to the students.Yes the course curriculum is sent in my camu app the college app and even they share on whatsapp group.The college are having machines The some of the Aeronautical department faculty are HOD Dr.Sundarrajan.He is teaching Thermodynamics.",8.7 472,PALAK,Amity University,"The college faculty is good,and so is the curriculam of the college we have faculties from all subjects,any doubt can be cleared here in the cabin of hod,the updated course makes more easy to cope up with the advancing worldthe camps life of the college is too good,we always have some ind of seminars hoing on for the young minds of ours there are many clubs too,the fests are grand with the popular DJs and bollywood stars performing on the stage",7.7 473,SHIVAM,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The best thing of the college is the campus life which you would find good if you opt for this college, the cafeteria has the McDonalds here and many other good cafe for the students for their free time,also the fests are held 2 times a yearthere are many reasons for which I choose this college,such as big campus good academics and good placements also the placements here held are not bad, many mncs apporoach here for placements,students get placed at better jobs from here.",8.3 474,Hitesh,Gurugram University,It is quite good as i have noticed. College teacher are good they teach students everything and they are punctual with time. As i have seen in many colleges that teachers are not coming does not teaching but there is no issueThe main campus will be constructed at another place but at his temporary campus it has librabry which has many books of all kind. there is a big auditorium for the university fest many students can attent at same time,7.7 475,Anirudh Goyat,Gurugram University,New government university and it may provide good academic Btech was chosen by me because i love technology and i want to live with technology this is the basic reason for choosing this university moreover the staff is great and treat us in a good maner and i love the environment of my college it has a decent quality of infrastructure and have great academic skill. Also playground is good and have great sports facilitiesGreat teacher with excellent skills. Patient and have hood nature Many year of experience and have a separate doubt section. Connect with students and may provide you extra knowledge but strict also when it comes to academic,7.3 476,Apoorv Gupta,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"the campus has got a big area of acres which is helpfull to us in various ways,the labs are good,but the infrastructure of the college remains the same since the old times,wifi here has not got tha much speed we often can not open the web pages.The college is very good one but it also lacks at some places,academics are of curse good but the course is not that much updated like for example we still read from the old books of engineering,the facult is good.",9.7 477,VIVEK,DIT University - [DIT],"the overall college is good but the hostels here occupy so much space that there is a lack of transportation for the dayscholors,also the hostlers dont get enough much space for outdoor games,this lack of space also becomes a problem when fests are organised.the placements aquired here by the students is good here,the fact is that no college in India actually does spoon feeding for the students,its we who have to grab placements.The average placements gained by the students are 10-12 lacks.",8 478,Student (Anonymous),Sharda University - [SU],"Thhis is a private instituition and here whoever comes is the one who hasn't scored in the jee.the same goes for me.Even after studing hard for this i could not clear the exams also this college use to hold seminars at diffrent places through which I get to know about this college.though a good private college it lacks in this point of view the cources arent that much updated but still you can call it a good college for the sake of good faculties academics are also good,but it all depends on the students.",7.3 479,Student (Anonymous),ITM University,"the campus life is good, even the simplest worker here seems to be polite here you cam have the best cafeteria here big grounds with acres of land free for you to take a walk round the streets are some of the main aspescts of the campus life.there were many factors that led me to join the college, Earlier I had been preparing for jee mains and didn't apply for any college at first but later on I founnd this college to be one of the best private institutions MP.",8.3 480,ANKITA DAS,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"Yes, the course syllabus is up to date. Most of the faculty members are friendly & helpful also. There's no particular Faculty most of them are good.You can get any kind of help from them. And there are many seminars like mobile app development and robotics also. It helped us to make robots by our own.KRITANJ is the tech fest that occurs every year many students participate and many kinds of games are available to play. It's really enjoyable. Many many students participate in this fest. Some of them play games and others make robots etc.",8.3 481,Sanjay kumar modak,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The college provides air-conditioned classrooms, free Wi-Fi, excellent labs, air-conditioned hostel, international hostel, good quality food and free check-up in KIMS for KIIT students. Food courts are available on every campus, and KIIT stadium is available with every type of equipment.Basically for most of the colleges, CSE and IT department bags the most number of placements, and the same trend is also there in KIIT University. CSE is considered as one of the best branch but apart from CSE IT and ECE is equally good as far as placement is concerned",9.7 482,Student (Anonymous),Sphoorthy Engineering College - [SPHN],"Every student wish to have a infrastructure,best faculty,good academics and in last they should br able to get placed into good companies.if we they find all these into a college then they would definitely wish to get into that college.so we have all these facilities in our collegeInfrastructure of the college gives a quick opinion on that particular college.we have wonderful infrastructure as it attracts everyone. The surrounding has lot many trees so that we students are exposed to fresh air and have a peace mind all the time",10 483,Vimal Diwakar,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"College Placement and Academic opportunities they provide Their main focus on academic in first year,They also provide opportunities to develop our personality their is no other activities no fest and hardly teacher give permission to take part in activites if organised but it's rare condition College administration is very strict to attendance hardly you get permission for holiday. Our college campus is ragging free their is no bullying and teasing of student. If you are studiest student then this colllege is good if You are expecting fest,no 75% attendance and hardly to study,so My dear Friend This is not that college you are Searching for.They completed their syllabus on time and also get revision time. For university exam their is nothing to left and you can study from your notes that is sufficient for both internal and sessional exam. Some teachers are decent and some are strict they all the thing on time specialy assignment ",8.7 484,Naincy Pandey,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"Mainly due to the placements of the college in btech. The best part of the college are mainly the labs and also the faculty of the college is good especially the faculties of ece branch as they try their best to make decisions in our favour.Mainly the branches like CS, IT and ECE has the highest placement record in our college and the placement record of other branches are not as good as these three branches. Many companies ( like Byjus',Bosch, etc) visit college. ",7.7 485,Sarthak Gupta,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"Good, everything is fine.labs are also fine having every equipment for doing the experiment.Even the central library of our college is very big and have every types of books that is required. In our college also various sports activities are also organised.Placement good academics I opted the btech course because I was having the interest from my childhood This college have good discipline and focus is paid on academic due to which students from all branches get good placement in good companies",8 486,Harsh Srivastava,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"At campus student get 1 gb of wifi every day, library contain all types book whether you need course book or any interested book and there is ground and Futsal and badminton coat for sports. But college campus is not so big as within campus there is only boys hostel. This college is located in Greater Noida where their is hub of software comapany so I choose this college. And in college I got CSE easily and I heard of the placement of GL BAJAJ is good and there is full facility for student to develop their skill. ",8.7 487,Rishabh Agrahari,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"This college has a central library which had almost all of the books you required, this college has canteen, cafeteria,equipped with wifi. sports facility of this college is very awesome it has almost equipments of every game with court SHD auditorium is the largest in ncr with sitting of 500 students at a time.there is a lot of factor to take admission in this college : 1.Placement of this college is the best thing of this college. 2. Faculty of this college is so supportive and well qualified. 3.Infrastructure of this college is good. 4. College is located in Delhi NCR.",9 488,Nitin Kumar Maurya,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"I decided to do Engineering course B-Tech after that I was did the entrence exam (AKTU). I got Babu Banarasi Das Engineering college. I Choose this college because this college gives your more opportunity to placed in company as well as better infrastructure and best faculities ever. Babu Banarasi Das Engineering college (BBDEC) is also a best college in Lucknow.All types of extracurriculam activities in the field of Cultural, Technical, Management. Due to large campus all the events are held in our college and from almost all the college of AKTU came in our campus for participating in our college.",9 489,Harshal N Joshi,Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering - [YCCE],"Course syllabus was completely new and updated as per the guidelines issued by the Nagpur University. There were enough industrial visit throughout the year. Faculties were highly qualified and had good knowledge about their respective subjectsExperienced professors, peaceful study environment, decent job placement, good campus all around, nice canteens, proper and sufficient courses offers by the college. No extra burden carried by the students regarding studies",8 490,Aayushi Thakur,Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences - [SHUATS],"The course syllabus send on whatsapp group,email,gmail.They even take a introduction lecture of the Students. The course in this college is the best.As I am agriculture stream the teaching is very nice.They teach the subject practically.The curriculum is also given in small parts so the students do not suffer and can make interest in study.Academics is also very useful for us.In academics the study improve their skills.The faculties having more experience.Their teaching is very delightful.Many companies visited in our college i.e.Union bank of India,Hindustan Construction company, Escorts Tractors,Mahindra & Mahindra Limited,Parle,HCL,Infosys,Jain Irrigation and many more companies were visited.90% students get having placement process is for applying in company through college and interview round.As in my department amul, parle,jain irrigation are there having giving the package of 5 to 10 lac p.a.",9.3 491,Jaya gupta,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"One of the biggest challenge is getting place when it comes to engineering. I must say it totally depends on you that what are you going to do with your career. There are students in our college who have secured very good ranks in gate and got jobs in google and microsoft as well but they have all got it with their own merit. By campus placement i mean its TCS and Capgemini and other such companies as the mass recruiters.Great campus, Best faculty members and labs, Good environment for studying. The fest of this college is very attractive. Canteens are very hygienic and cheap. There are 3/4 canteens, Every other facilities are given in our college which is required in a good college and which makes our college number 1 private college in west bengal",9 492,Ankita Kanaw,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is the hallmark of the college. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and the placement percentage is almost 100% for CSE and IT branch. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Flipkart, Amazon, Honda, Paytm, Coca Cola etc visit the campus for recruitment. The alumni network is highly supportive and good in job referral.The course is very organized and divided into eight semesters with three examination in every semester. There is a lot to gain industrial exposure like interships, clubs and societies. The faculty members are highly qualified and trained. My favourite professor is Satish sir.",9.3 493,Supandeep Singh,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The course is of four years and well organised and structured. The curriculum is updated. We have three examination in each semester. Internship and industrial visits are adequate to get industrial exposure. The faculty members are expert and highly efficient in teaching. My favourite teacher is Indu mam.Companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Honda, Nestle, Bharat Petroleum, Paytm, Goldman Sachs etc visit the campus for recruitment. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum. There is T&P cell also. The alumni network is supportive and very well known personality.",9 494,Angadpreet singh,Shri Ram Group of Colleges - [SRGC],"I choose this course because i have a dream to become a good software engineer as i love programming and computers, i really like my course and also like my academics and faculities. We also done some curriculum activities in every Saturday like debate, poster making, drawing and many others activities.Its good, in our college there is a alot of curricular activities like debate, poster making and many more. For freshers a party is organized by senior students and in that party many games and actives are done, at the end a mr and mrs fresher are choosen and luckily i was a runner up.",6.3 495,Ishika Das,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Our course syllabus is updated according to the industry exposure.And you will find that the syllabus of our college is pretty much upgraded than any of the universities in our state which is really a good sign for us. About the faculties they are really good and helpful, they are trying at their level best in this pandemic situation to teach us. We should hats off their dedications.First and the foremost thing is the placement record and the only thing that i have looked for is placement before getting admission in this college after that I have looked into the matter of faculties and the labs. Because the labs are the best things to get to jnow about the infrastructure of the college.",10 496,Sanjana Roy,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],The main factor is the placement record. If you check out the university website you can find out that our college providing huge placement every year. thats the most important thing for me when I am choosing my college. After that I came to know about the faculties and that also looks good. So I have opted this college.About the course it's bit more difficult and lengthy. But you know to get better jobs and better things you have to study hard and from that scenario its quite good and industry oriented. In case of industrial exposure our college is providing the internship opportunities every year and awarded the top most students.,9.7 497,Rabina Khan,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],Quite amazing campus life feels like the second home and also we can feel that we have come to school again. the atmosphere is like a school which is really blessing for me. And also the college is pretty much enriched in the term of cultural and technical events.First I have seen the placement records as you know everyone is looking for good placement percentages of the college and I have also looked for that and after that I have came across the faculties and the facilities which also have impressed me.,9 498,Aman Chopra,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"They are very much peculiar about the discipline, study and also about their placements record ( Service based Companies ). They put lots of efforts for the overall development of their students like by organising workshops, seminars etc. The Campus is also RAGGING FREE also seniors are very much helpful. The Library is very awesome with 24*7 service, AC facility and online mode for reading ( i mean it ).Course curriculum is almost good enough to keep the student busy all day. Faculties are really awesome, they always try to help you out of your doubts. If you want any industrial exposure, faculties do help you but on most of the cases you have to do it by yourself.",8 499,Abhishek Sharma,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"The campus life is quite awesome and also it is a ragging free campus and also there are lots of clubs as drama clubs singing clubs music clubs and so on. From the cultural pint of view our college is very much enriched as well as from the technical point of view. every year we have organised the annual techno management fest in which various tech enthusiasts from various states and colleges came and participated in the event.About the course curriculam one thing I wanna say that the syllabus is quite huge but to cop up with the industrial exposure we have to learn arious things and that's why the faculties are providing extra classes on GATE, CAT and also the UPSC classes for Government Jobs.",9.3 500,Soumili Majumdar,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Placement is quite good in the college,basically in the cs department. Most of the students gets placed in on campus placement drive. Student also get assistance for clearing off campus interviews. And it certainly helps students to get internship where they can even get a ppo (pre placement offer)The infrastructure is pretty basic where everything is limited. But the lab facilities are good keeping in mind the compact space in which the institution is made. We have basketball court and a ground were the fests are conducted. AV hall is used for all the induction programs.",8.7 501,Rahul Dutta,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"Faculties are really very helpful. My course is of four years. Academic infrastructure is very good. Campus life is also pleasant. Ragging free campus. Faculties are student friendly also. AC campus, Gym available, full campus wifi facilityCampus life is awesome. Every year techfest and annual fest take place in campus.AC campus, Gym available, full campus wifi facility. Ragging free campus. Faculties are student friendly also.Academic infrastructure is very good.",8.7 502,Rohan N,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"csmpus life is too good, you will make friends easily. Hostel life will be one of the best experiences. the fests are popular throughout the india, especially the TECHTATVA(technical fest) which is held in the month of October. and REVELS is the cultural Festcourse curriculum is one of the best in india, best it is designed taking into consideration that students will opt to continue higher studies out of india. so to make it easier all the required courses are included.",9 503,Neeraj,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of CSE and IT department us almost 100% and for other branches it is good. The highest package has been 40 lakh per annum. Companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Flipkart, Hero, Honda etc visit the campus for recruitment of candidates. There is T&P cell in college. The alumni are famous and helpful to us.The curriculum is updated and designed in accordance with recent discoveries or invention. The entire course is of four years divided into eight semesters. We get industrial exposure by interships and industrial visits. The faculty members are highly educated and trained in teaching us. My favourite professor is Kulbeer Singh sir.",9.7 504,Shivansh yadav,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"All good.all rooms r highly ventilated. Infrastructures r quite good. We feel very much comfortable in that.sports facilities r also good.there is no wifi connection in bh1 hostel but rest hostels have wifi connection. Library is quite big and u will get evry book u needThere r many type of events r held in our college. Like cultural fest, technical fest and many more eventsfrom which every one gets extra exposure to something that can enhance us as a person. i also took part in cultural event.",9.3 505,Mohammad Mohsin Syed,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The course is well organised and has been divided into eight semesters in four years. The curriculum is latest and upgraded. There are enough opportunities for having industrial exposure. The faculty members are highly qualified professionals and teach us well. My favourite professor is Dr Kiran More mam.The placement is almost 100% for CSE and IT department. The highest package offered so far is 40 lakh per annum. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Flipkart, Samsung and many more visit the campus for recruitment. The alumni network is renowned and caring for ongoing college students.",10 506,Harsh Mathpal,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"This college is having a good infrastructure - including labs, proper workshops, departmental store is also available at our college. Canteen, cafeteria, mess facility is also provided to the students and food quality is too good. Teaching faculties are cooperative, supportive and most importantly plays a major role in establishing a good discipline. For the fee structure the EMI facility is provided so that everyone is able to submit their fees and is affordable, we even get scholarships based on our SGPA scored of our previous semesters. CoCurricular activities are also promoted by our college many clubs such as sports club, music club, science club, photography club are established to polish the passion and hobbies of the students.Every department is having their seperate building. 24/7 electricity is provided to the academic blocks as well as the hostels. WiFi facility is also provided by the college management to the students with their own respective Id's. Gymnasium is also built inside the college campus so that the students can take care of there physical fitness as well. Seperate hostels for boys and girls are provided to prevent any nuisance. A proper water supply is guaranteed by the college management for the hostils even with solar water heating technology to prevent the wastage of energy. An OAT i(Open Air Threatre) s also present at the heart of our college where all the cultural events take place.",8.7 507,Mridul Sarma,Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College - [JGEC],"Actually my college contains a huge number of clubs such as Edc,Jyoti,Writers club,coders club,sports club etc.Our hostel rooms are large enough and 3 students are alloted in each room.It consists of Lan connection with reasonable speed for each student.Our college provides facilities to develop your sports skills,musical skills, communication skills,helps in providing free education to children whose financial conditions are economically unstable.Our college consists of two fests,the technical fest,Sristi and the cultural fest,Jeclat.They take place every year in the end of February and March respectively.The students of 1st and 2nd year try to participate in them as these are conducted by 3rd and 4th years respectively.Students from many institutions participate in these fests.these fests consist of a number of events.",7.3 508,Aparna Kholia,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITD],"Since it is going to be a new campus, there is going to be everything, whole college, hostels, classes, labs, even the open areas will have WiFi connectivity. There are enough facilities for sports and a fitness centre. A library, labs, and even incubation centre for startups. Rooms provided for several clubs, and stages. Since the hostels are brand new, you don't need to worry about a lot of stuff. Until now, we were in a transit campus, but the college had provided everything there too. Both the college and hostels had Wi-Fi, facilities were provided for sports, for indoor games, the college itself had them, and they could be accessed by anyone at anytime. The library was decent sized, the lab equipment was also okay.The syllabus here is up to mark, since it is an Institute of Information Technology, the whole curriculum revolves around it. No extra subjects like chemistry and engineering drawing. Since the college has tie-ups with several companies present in Hubli itself, there is a lot of industrial exposure. Hackathons are organised by these companies and many students of our college keep winning prices in them. College encourages participation in these hackathons. The faculties are both good and average, there's always room for improvement. The help from seniors makes up for the couple of average faculties.",8.3 509,Subhangi Rakshit,DRIEMS Group of Institutions,"Not so good exposure, studies are mostly emphasised on book n copys only, some faculties are really good, but some are completely bull shit, don't really understand student's prblm, some don't make anything understand properly. Just here for there salaryBlocks are too far, there are many play ground in which you are not allowed to play, there is no wifi facility, your self internet works even slower when you enter this college, sufficient books are available for the students",3 510,A Spoorthi alva,PES University - [PESU],"The course curriculum is as per modern technological trends.over 50 clubs with wide opportunity is an add on feature.labs are not well equipped.activities of all sorts are encouraged.extra curriculum is also focused well enough.The college has WiFi but is very slow.the labs are not that well equipped.Libraries are spacious with lot of wide range of books.There are basket ball,football,throw ball,volleyball and badminton court,cricket court too.",9 511,Umang Chouhan,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The campus life is soo good, we have enjoyed soo much in the college and there is good wifi network s and good enough labs and libraries there is availability of all things which we need and all these are well maintained and equipmentsThe courses provided by our college is up to date and has good academics and also the teachers are well qualified, one of my favourite teacher is Dr. Amarpal Singh one of the best physics teacher and very supportive",8.3 512,Renu Kumari,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The college not much good on sports activities but they organized many other events like fresher's,Fest, coding contest etc and many students participated in them and enjoyed the events, everyone get chance to showcase their talents thereI choose this college because of it's fees and according to it's fees it has good academics and good enough labs and libraries and also there is very supportive management as well and the events organized by them is also good",8 513,Aishik Das,RCC Institute of Information Technology - [RCCIIT],"Placements actually vary from year to year. Average placement rate of RCCIIT is 65-75% in last couple of years. Companies like TCS, Infosys visit our college every year. Last year one student of ECE got placement in PWC. Alumni of our college are pretty good and some of them are in Facebook, isro etc.Campus life is good. Various events take place like technical quiz, fest, robotics events and sports also. These events are big enough and participation is not mandatory but to collect MAR points and for enjoyment students participate.",7.7 514,Vilal,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"I like this college because of it's good faculties and it have well maintained labs and libraries and also the management and teachers are very supportive they are always ready to help students and very calm environmentThe college is not much good in extra curricular activities like in sports, they do not support us but they freshers fest and some parties which are good and we enjoyed a lot, every student get chance to perform",8.7 515,Vishal Kumar,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The courses are updated always and teachers are well awared about the new concepts and things,overall good academics and also very supportive teachers, one of my favourite teacher is Dr.Vinish kumar, the best teacher for programming of c and c++The campus life is soo good, we have enjoyed soo much in the college and there is good wifi network s and good enough labs and libraries there is availability of all things which we need and all these are well maintained and equipments",8.3 516,Sarika Karimparambil,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"The campus life is pretty good. A good amount of events are conducted for students but they are considerably low for engineering students. Commerce/art students are the forefront of the extracurricular activities. Alegria, the college festival, is one of the best college festivals in Navi Mumbai and totally worth being a part of.I'm only a second year BE student so I haven't yet experienced the placement ordeal but from what I've heard, really good companies come to take in students. Almost all companies are IT based so no matter what your field is, you need to know basic programming languages.",8 517,Srishti Singh,Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women -[IGDTUW],"IGDTUW has good placements with companies like Accenture, Nestle, Uber, Tata Motors, TCS, Expedia, Dell, and Cisco visiting the campus. The placement records show that the institute is growing every year. In the year2019, the25companies visited the campus which recruited342students in including all the courses offered. The highest salary was recorded to be16 LPAin BTech and15 LPAin MTech.It is among the top 4 colleges of Delhi. It is a govt college. The on campus placemente are great, with an average package of 12 lacks. The faculty is great. The environment, u name the society we have it in our college, and all of them are well known and have performed really well.",9 518,Vrashank Dhar,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The courses are updated always and teachers are well awared about the new concepts and things,overall good academics and also very supportive teachers, one of my favourite teacher is Dr.Vinish kumar, the best teacher for programming of cThe campus infrastructure is soo good, we have enjoyed soo much in the college and there is good wifi network s and good enough labs and libraries there is availability of all things which we need and all these are well maintained",8.3 519,Yash Bansal,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Our Campus Life soo amazing and every student get chance to showcase their talents and each department organise their individual events and at the end the mega event is organised where all students of our college can participateThe courses provided by our college is up to date and has good academics and also the teachers are well qualified, one of my favourite teacher is Dr. Pradeep Kumar Tripathi is one of the best teacher for data Structures",8.7 520,Aakash Patil,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"Curriculum is the one made by Mumbai University, but college tries it's best to make the concepts easy by various lab sessions and activities. Apart from that several other activities are organised time to time. Faculties are experienced and educated.The campus is really good, there are proper lab facilities. It is a reputed institution. The faculties here are well educated and experienced. College also has hostel facilities. The college is situated in new Panvel and is near the railway station.",9.3 521,Vanshika Ujlayan,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],My college has a great faculty and time to time workshops are held so that freshers can begin with a great start and also gives a brief idea of the new skill that we want to begin with. The syllabus is very consized and crisp and clearMy college is an A grade college and it has great faculty and a has made me explore a lot of things which were beyond my knowledge and has made me a great personality not only in curriculum but also in co- curricular activities,9 522,Sahara,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"campus life is very nice because of many factors like there are many extracurricular activities which helps one to remain occupied when bored. Also a large number of fests in every field like technical, cultural and management are organizedThapar Institute of technology, pataila, punjab helps students to excel in studies along with keeping his or her passion or interest in some other field alive. Also faculty here is very experienced and cooperative.",9.3 523,Shubhangi Pandey,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"This college is near from my house and i heard about this college is good in placement.chose to go to a large university because I like being part of a diverse college body. The world is a big place, and I thought attending a big college would better prepare me for life in the real world.Campus life in BBD is a bit funny because campus is provided such as stadium, tennis court, food court and all other sports. The safety of student is also a major concern. the technical is very important they provide you all facilities.",7 524,Sayani Ghosh,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"Tech Fests are too good. There were lots of items like Hackathon etc. Culture fests are awesome. There were lots of fun activities. I have no idea about Management Festival. Fests were about 15 days long. I have not participated in fest till now. I have enjoyed it fully.Lots of companies visited our college. Most of students of 4th year have been placed. About 20 number of students got multiple offers. 1. Coding Round, 2. Interview round. Placemsnt department is too good for job referrals",6 525,KrishnaKant Dubey,GLA University,"The campus life as i mentioned earlier, is very good there are many cultural as well as technical events which the university holds is more enjoying and needs to improve our learning there are many extracurricular activities like sports competition for our overall developmentThe things i like most about this College Well known university for its placement and the environment in the university is much better than other university these were the only factors which drove me to take admission in this college",9.3 526,Avais Umri,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Our campus life is amazing and the best thing is that every student get a chance to showcase their talents, every department organise their individual events and at last a mega event is organised where all students can participateThe academics of the college is good but not best but the courses are up to date and some teachers are really very good like Dr.Vinish kumar, he is favourite teacher of many students because he is best programmer",8.3 527,Tanzila Maham,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"I don't think there's any college in India with a good updated syllabus. So talking of mine the syllabus is the same as prescribed by MAKAUT though Narula being an autonomous college follows it's own curriculum. There are training classes held in semester break which covers current topics not included in syllabus. The teachers are good and friendly, if you actually listen to thier lectures with attention you would understand concepts. We are constantly guided for achieving good placements.The college is a 20 min walk from my home which saves my time and energy. I wouldn't be able to handle the harrasment of travelling everyday by public transport. It saves my time a lot which I put to use for other important stuff. Another reason is that my brother is an ex student of this college and he suggested it.",8.3 528,saurabh labh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],good environment and great teaching staff with a very huge infrastructure the college environment is very good for students to study seniors are also very kind to their juniors teachers are also very good they will help you whenever u will need themthe course covering by the teaching staff is excellent the teaching faculties will help you whenever u need help from them and some teaching faculties are excellent in doing their job overall the academics are great here,7.7 529,Rajni agrawal,MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"It is very old campus infrastructure and not such renevuation held yet. Internet has poor connection,size of library is good enough and equipments are old type here. There is an electronic lab where good care of instruments and almost all needy tools are there.ICC (innovatio creative club) it is one of most thing i like in this college.in this there are 5 clubs -pratibimb,sargam,zenieth, kalakiriti,alankar seniors are very supportive and caring here. Through these clubs,we get exposure.",8.3 530,Sinjini Saha,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"First of all due of WBJEE, this college got selected in the counselling round. The ambience of the college attracted me a lot. The college provides well airy classrooms with proper equipped labs and a library with ample collection of books. The campus of the college is beautiful with a pond in the middle and it has a canteen where nutrious, not so good food are served. The facility is well and the faculties are quite cooperative.There are two big events Kritanj i.e the technical fest and Navodaya the cultural fest. Various colleges take part in these two fest. Besides the college celebrates Viswakarma puja and Saraswati Puja with pomp and gaiety. Other events celebrated are Republic day, independence day, diwali etc",9 531,P Lakshmi Narayana,Vasavi College of Engineering,"This is the only place our college lacks in, we have a pretty small campus across 13 acres I guess. And almost all of the area is either covered by buildings or walkways, so sports facilities are almost near to nill. Labs are well equipped. Library is big enough with lots of books and we also have access to many more e-journals. But we have no hostel facility and that is a back draw as we have no time to use all the other facilities during college hours. Wifi is available only in library.Firstly I wanted to get into IIT or an NIT but as I couldn't, I wanted to get into one of the premier institutes in Hyderabad. And VCE being one of the oldest colleges with very experienced professors was the best available choice. Also our college being autonomous was a big reason for my intrest, as the curriculum is developed independently with intakes from various IITs and NITs, the curriculum is relevant to new age technology unlike the curriculums of many universities.",8.3 532,tushar lalawat,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"there are many reasons to choose this college like there placements status,NIRF ranking etc. first time i read about this college on google and it totally impresses me.it has a 153 acers small campus but it's good. the environment of college and the nature totally won my heart. there are also many sports available like cricket, tennis, table tennis, badminton, football, athletics etc. badminton hall and the main ground are beautiful. it also has good infrastructure, and the classrooms of CS and IT students are amazing. this is my small experience about NIT jalandhar.it has a good infrastructure, good sports ground also.but the wi-fi speed is very slow in the campus. in first year hostels there are LANs for the internet use, and LANs really works good and gives you a good speed to download. now talk to sports the badminton hall is very good, tennis court is also impressive and the athletics ground is also quit good, the cricket ground and football ground is also there for students. Library is not as well as we want. it has a less no. of books available.",8.3 533,Abhay Pratap Singh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"Good infrastucture. Great camous with great canteen. Its good for the students not best. Campus doesn't have any wi fi access for the students. Classrooms are ok for the students not good. Classrooms need more attention. No a.c. in classrooms only fans. A.c. in offices only and even not for the teachersI applied for the upseee exam, after that i participated in counselling and i got the college through counselling, its a good college for engineering, good faculty, good studies led me to choose this college, and i choosen this college, and at last i took admission.",7.3 534,Vansh Agarwal,ABES Engineering College,"Placements are 100% guaranteed as the college has different Placement Cells organized like IIPC, SPC etc, here the faculty of the institute plays an important role so that the students could have a better future ahead. Besides the students are way to full of innovative and practical ideas. Companies like TCS, WIPRO, CAPEGEMINI, MAHINDRA, IBM, AMAZON, VIVO, OPPO etc visited hereClass timings are from 9 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. Weekly assignments and monthly tests are conducted. The amazing quality of teaching and through smart class they use to teach with the help of the projector or by led screen. The overall experience is good in method and way of teaching.",9 535,Kunal Saigal,Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology - [BBDIT],"Course curriculum is obviously well designed through the years by experienced faculty. The industrial exposure is not very good.the faculty consists of mixed mindsets, some are very helpful but on the other hand some are not that helpfulCampus life is refreshing, there are always people, group of friends in the campus so it doesn't feel empty, the cafeteria need to improve the quality of infrastructure and food. There is also a temple in the campus so that is nice.",6.7 536,Lave Kumar,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"During now extracurricular activities also going on like arts&crafts. In my college 3 buildings are on 4th one work is going on.A lots of faculties are there. For every department a HOD is there.The faculties are really good as they are ready to help us at any timeInfrastructure like wi-fi, library, equipment lin labs and sports facilities are really good. Every year there is a sports competition (not this time).There is special labs for every branch students. Wi-fi, size of library is enough for students.",8.7 537,Shailja Ghildiyal,Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology - [RKGIT],"RKGIT is actually one of the best things that happened to me. Though I don't want to come here for pursuing B.Tech but eventually I came to know that it's not the college that you choose for yourself but the environment you choose for studying. It consists of various clubs be it on dance, singing, ramp/fashion, dramatics (these were cultural) or mechanical, civil, electrical, electronics, computer science, literary (these were technical clubs). I am the miss fresher of my batch 2019-20 so I have a handful of memories and good times at this college.In 1st year you don't have many burdens. Like they actually brush up the content that you have learned in earlier divisions. But from the 2nd year you actually feel the pressure. The courses offered are good and the faculties are actually supportive and kind.",8.7 538,Ankit Mittal,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],I saw about this college on YouTube and college parvesh website and and I think Delhi environment good for study and other student activities and it is really good the coding environment of delhi is really good so I choose this collegeIf I truly said I didn't participate any event bcz half most time spend in Corona and half time spend to knowing each other Yaa some I meet some good friends and also enjoy some college time with them in bcr and playing chess.,8 539,Simran kumari,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"Course curriculum is well updated faculties are most helpful, friendly and are the best teachers they clarify our doubts and help us in our projects and are always ready to satisfy our queries, which is quite praiseworthyNirf ranking which was 161 at the time I joined, placement and campus were the reasons for me placing it on the top choices. The companies included tcs, accenture and capegemini which were eye-catching",7.7 540,Rimi Khandelwal,Mody University,Our college campus infrastructure is extraordinarily.Infrastructure is even best among the most top universities in India. Library size is so long and wifi is available in the college all the time. Our college on the basis of infrastructure should get 10/10 pointsCourses are very good they always follow the new education pattern and teaches us the most demanding language for coding. Each and every faculty is good. The faculty I like the mosy is Dr.VK jain (Dean of SET),8.7 541,Chandini Chentamara,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"Everything done is really good. Students here are satisfied with all the facilities provided. Tests and exams are conducted regularly which helps us in a better learning. Teachers are very co operative when it comes to teaching as well as clearing all our doubts. We've got special mentors in order to share our problems regarding academics.The campus, faculties and placement opportunities, facilities provided. Teachers are really interactive and friendly. Concepts taught are understood. Projects sessions are also conducted for a better understanding of the concepts. Other co curricular activities are also conducted for an active growth of students.",9.3 542,Aryan Agrawal,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"The college had amazing campus including various sports events, one of the best engineering fests in mumbai (ALEGRIA) and with many sports grounds for basketball, football and also had a gymkhana. I wanted to pursue engineering from some reputed college and wanted to become a software engineer at product based companies such as amazon, google, facebook etcThe campus life is superb. The technical team which is CSI PCE holds numerous workshops and seminars for students to get hands on experience and learn. ALEGRIA is one of the biggest festivals of mumbai in whic approx 2000-3000 students participate.",9 543,Vanshika Dadhich,Mody University,"We have a team of well orientated and determined people in our Career Development Cell which helps us from 3rd year through Third party training for placements.Companies like IBM, Honeywell,HP,Walmart labs came for placements this year. Over all approximately 100 companies visit the campus for recruitment.The course curriculum keeps on updating with time and need.The faculty and administration are good enough to teach topics from scratch and make you understand and grab things possibly. University consucts decent number of technical events for studnets to acquire knowledge on different domains",8 544,Avisha Dashora,Global Institute of Technology and Management - [GITM],"Tie ups are pretty good, placement percentage is very nice faculty is very good hostel facilities are good and well secured. the college is accredited by NAAC A, NBA and approved by UGC, AICTE.The college building is fully air conditioned All sort of events are organized and students from different colleges also take part in technical cultural sports event and many more so overall campus life is really good and security is kept in concern during all these events ",8 545,Anubhav Singh Chouhan,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Campus Life is soo amazing, our college organise many events and parties, every department organise their individual events and parties and at the last a mega event has organised, every student get chance to showcase their talentsI choose this college because of it's academics and good environment, this college has very calm and decent environment, very supportive management and teachers are there and also well maintained labs and library",9 546,Ankit Kumar,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Campus infrastructure is soo good and very large and beautiful, there is good availability of WiFi networks and large labs and libraries and there are well maintained as well, available all books there whatever we needCourses are up to date and the academics are good enough and the teachers are very supportive and well qualified, they are always ready to help us one of my favourite teacher is Dr.Vinish kumar, best programmer",8.7 547,Anjali Choudhary,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"All the courses are up to date and very well qualified faculties and they are very supportive in nature always ready to help and according to me one of my favourite teacher is Dr.Arun Kumar Pandey, best chemistry teacherCampus Life is so good we enjoyed a lot, our college organise many events like fest farewell freshers and we enjoyed a lot and every student get chance to showcase their talents and many students participated in events",8.7 548,Sls,PES University - [PESU],"Events are not very grand they're all at a mediocre level and most of them only take place in the main campus which you have tk travel to at ur own expense. They teach fine but burden you with a lot of work. Seldom contests like photography or quizzes take place only in the main campus.Course curriculum is fine, but the college is quite incompetent when it comes to admin related decisions, they seem to wanna have their way(sometimes regardless of or how many times students express their concerns) when it comes to taking decisions",5.7 549,Sanskriti Kushik,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],The faculty here is amazing. They are always ready to help in every way they can. The syllabus consists of a balance between soft and hard skills and is generally covered by the faculties on time. The course syllabus focuses on every part that makes you good by personality as well as skills.There are both technical and cultural fests organized. The best about all that is everything is arranged and monitored by the students itself which helps them improve the management skills. The footfall of our Annual fest is around 3000.,9.3 550,SHAMBHAVI GUPTA,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The faculties are not that upto the mark due to which most of the students study themselves only. The course curriculum is a bit old but it is fine. Academics is based on cgpa and it is based on relative grading. There are three branches only ie CSE,EEE and ECE.It is the capital state and people had also given good reviews about NIT Delhi. As I had one more option ie IIIT Una but it was in the hills and did not have proper infrastructure, I chose Nit Delhi. The earlier placements were not that good but they were fine.",7.3 551,Pallavi Maurya,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Course curriculum is good enough, all the courses are up to date and very well qualified faculties and also they are very supportive and one of the best teacher according to me is Dr.Vinish kumar, he is very good in programmingCampus Life is so amazing and the the parties and events organised by college is soo good, every department organise their individual events and parties, at last a mega event is organised where all students can participate",9 552,Akash,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The cousres in the college are up to date and the college is good in academics and well qualified teachers and supportive tooo and one of my favourite teacher is Mrs. Rupal Sharma, she is one of the best personality development teacherCampus life is soo amazing, the college organise many events and parties, every department organise their individual events and parties and at last mega event is organised where all students can showcase their talent",9 553,Suvra Shaw,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"Quordnet Academy, Trainee, Unpaid internship. Not literally an internship but working in the start-up of one of my college alumni. It's better to work in native ventures than foreign companies, here my seniors can guide me & extract the best out of me.Very good number of companies have Very great college with good curriculum and friendly faculties and also nice infrastructure.and also provides expert guidance regarding every doubts.industrial approach and they'll support u a lot.",9 554,Abhishek Tyagi,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The academics are good and the courses are up to date and also the very supportive teachers, one of my favourite teacher is Dr. Pradeep Kumar Tripathi sir, he is best data structures teacher, the way of teaching is soo goodThe college is so big and very large campus and beautiful also, there is good availability of wifi connection and the library is also very large, there is availability of all books and the labs are well maintained",8.3 555,Ankan acharya,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"It's really good, I liked a lot and especially the lab classes are good though during these tough times we are doing online classes but still it's good and everything is fine all okk, I liked it, mostly allAcademic schedule,subjects, faculties and overall architecture,study patern and lot. Basically it's seriously good and I totally liked it,the canteens the cafeteria the labs everything is fine and good",6.7 556,Abhishek Paras,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"I choose this college because this college has very supportive management and very eco friendly and attractive environment and the teachers are well qualified and ver large library and labs and also the college is good in placementsThe campus life events and parties are very amazing, everyone get chance to showcase there talent and every department organise their individual events and at the last mega event is organised for all departments students",8.7 557,Abdul Rahman,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"All courses are up to date and the way of teaching is soo good and the teachers are well qualified and supportive. One of my favourite teacher is Mr. Vikash Gupta, he is one of the best teacher according to me for dstlThe college is not good in sports activities but the events and parties organised in college is good, every department organise their individual events and everyone get the opportunity to perform in the events",9 558,Aadya Singh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"the campus life was really awesome.we become so used to it and it gives only positive vibes.the college organises a cultural fest 'Utkarsh' every year. there is also a technical fest organised where the traffic for it is just enormous. students dedicatedly take part into various competitions and win prizes and certies.because, the college provide study environment.They have good faculties and gives nice facilities. My college has a very strong school of sciences, and I wanted to study under the best minds.Also, this college is some what close to my house.",8.3 559,Ankit kumar Pal,Gyan Ganga College of Technology - [GGCT],"Our campus life is very much interesting, enjoyable. We do lot of interesting things together. College hold various events like Tech quiz, tech poster competition, debate competition,speech competition, essay writing competition and subject related quiz competition in which we had participate a lot to check our skills and knowledge.Almost 80% of the students were placed in our course. The highest salary package offered would be 13 LPA, the lowest salary package offered would be 3-4 LPA, and the average salary package offered would be 6-7 LPA. Only a few people got internships, but most of the people got placed from our department. This year placements are 85%",9 560,Vandini Tomar,ABES Engineering College,"The course is relevant and it makes the student to pursue what they are in need of and also let them know what they are in need off while they are pursuing their engineering degree. This makes them a complete individual where they get to know who they are. And what they will become in their future after their course is been finally done. The faculty are good and knowledgeable. The teaching quality in good as well.Placement records for various companies that allows the students to get placed on the top super dream, dream and mass recruiters like IBM, Wipro, Microsoft, dell, L&T, AWS, CTS, TCS, etc. The placement happens in two ways, either getting placed directly or getting internship offer and then getting placed into the company.",9 561,Smita Singh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"Our college held Annual fest name as Utkarsh every year. It has a duration of 3 days. In utkarsh more than 80 colleges participate and more than 200 events organized. And every student in class need to participate in the fest. In Utkarsh technical events like(Robo Racing, Robo Soccer) Cultural Event like(Dance,Singing,Dramatics), Sports Event like(Badminton, Cricket, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball) takes place every year.This college provides every facility to the student. It supports the student to follow their dream or to choose their own path. All the faculty members are very supportive. They provide best knowledge to the student. The main reason of mine to join this college is it is nearer to my home town.",8.7 562,Mukesh gupta,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],"The campus life is just awesome I mean you are so used to that environment that u start getting the positive vibes. the college organises the technical cultural fests annually and the traffic for it is just enormous. students put up their whole energy into it and take part in the fests.it organises several games, quizzes etc. for students interested in any of the fields can take part in it and win several prizes and certies.It was one of the best college of lucknow, also it focusses on overall development of the students. The various societies in the college are very much helpful to the students to help them in their own passion nd to reach certain heights.also the faculties are quite cooperative with the students.overall it is one of the college students out to see",7.3 563,Sakshi Singh,Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College - [BBDEC],Taking about campus life it's very good it has hostel itself seperately for both boys and girls.along with it the college also organisese a number of events for students so that students can participate in them and can boost their confidence.it also organisses various extra curricular activities both academica sports along with them also cultural then the official fest of BBD is utkarsh it's a large one.It offers a number of good n verified courses such as dental course commerce course such as bcom bba etc. It also offers technical courses such as BTech I am persuing BTech only. apart from that it has seperate building for different courses.it offers learning in good and efficient way has a good range of good n qualified teachers who serve their students very well.and also offers a lot of faculties,9 564,Rakesh G M,Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering - [MITE],"Course curriculum - The course curriculum is very effective and updated academics - College focuses on academics very strictly, it makes sure that every student passes with very good marks, tests are conducted time to time to check the performance of the student, teachers support the student throughout the course faculties - MITE has very good faculties whi have degrees from reputed colleges and most of them are Ph.D holders, they focus on students needs and help them to suceedI joined mite college of its placement and excellent infrastructure, MITE is as very well known college in Mangalore, and it hosts one of the best fests in the city. It has Very good faculty and college utilities.The college was nearer to my place and the campus is very good, came to know that faculties here are very cooperative and kind towards students.",9.3 565,Abdul rehman,Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering - [MITE],The quality education provided in this college is really very good.each and every faculty of this college are very well trained for their purpose. Every year the equipments are replaced by a new one. The surrounding of thr campus Is really beautiful with trees all around it which makes the campus cool and a good place to recieve education.Our syllabus was updated on the certain basis. We were provided with the study material for each and every subject. Yes we were provided with industrial exposures. Not to mention any particular faculty. In fact all the faculties were very good and very well trained for their purpose,9.7 566,Sulendra yadav,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],Campus is very well in campus lots of course are running link technical and business management courses and other professionals course curriculum are very nice it afflicted with AKTU University and arban campus by AICTE approve academic are very nice college are organised every session exam faculties are very well to solve doubt.Campus is clean green environment campus infrastructure like WiFi networks are available events are organised every year like enigma cellibreties are came in college to perform and entertain to students extracurricular activities like qiezes sports activities.,8.7 567,Nitish kumar Yadav,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"The events and extracurricular activities organised by college is fine, the college is not good in sports activities but the events and freshers party organised by college is good enough, every department organise their individual eventsCollege campus is soo large and beautiful and there is availablity of all books in library, the library is very large and the labs are well managed and the wifi connection is good but wifi available is only in few particular places",8.3 568,Dhruv Bhatia,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],Placement of this college is too good as avg is 11 lakh per annum so the college as the mass recruiters like infosis and amazon and flipkart and byjus come in our college to give job to our honourable students the avg income of mechanical student from mait is 20 lakh per annumThe faculties are the best here. Academics is also good. The food of hostel is too delicious. The jobs are very good as companies like amazon and flipkart comes in our college as mass recruiters. In sports our college is at first position,10 569,Yatharth Sharma,Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre,"For campus infrastructure I'll give 8 out of 10. Deduction of 2 because sports facilities are not that good. No maintenance of grounds at all. There are two libraries in the campus and size of both library is very good. Equipments in labs are also maintained and all the equipments are there.Campus Life is quite good. Infact any campus life is good with friends and that campus environment. Two to three technical events are organised in college and all the events are very good conducted. The annual fest ""Renaissance"" is very good and the best moment of our campus life.",8 570,Ankan Bhattacharjee,RCC Institute of Information Technology - [RCCIIT],"Good faculty, nice campusing, provides Job opportunities, semi government. Guides each and every student in a proper way so that they can excel in their future. Gives a pretty good practical knowledge on all subjects. Nice lab work. Teaches various coding languages.There are many extracurricular activities in our college many tech fest, coding competition, robots fight etc. TECHTRIX is the name of our tech fest which is quite famous, many other engineering colleges like IEM, Techno, Heritage etc. Participate in our tech fest",9.7 571,Bipul Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Companies like Google, Microsoft, Flipkart, Amazon, Pharmeasy, Airtel, Maruti Suzuki, Swiggy, Hero et cetra visit the campus of NIT for recruitment. The placement is awesome almost 100% for CSE and IT. The highest package last year was 40 lakh per annum approximately. The alumni are famous and excelled in lofe.The course here is of four years and divided into eight semesters. The curriculum is updated and has included the latest technologies and invention. There is Internship for gaining industrial exposure. The faculty members are caring and highly qualified. My favourite professor is Indu mam.",9 572,Aman kulshrestha,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"I like this college because of its academics and very beautiful campus also I like the labs and library of this college and the teachers are well qualified and the management is also good, and also according to budgetEvents and parties organised by college is amazing, every department organise their individual events and atlast whole college organise one event and the campus life is soo good and amazing I had experience there",9 573,Aakansha kansal,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Campus Life is too good, every department organise their individual events and at the end of year, all departments organise mega event for all interested students and we can participate in many events whatever we wantThe courses and syllabus are up to date, faculties are good enough and one of the best teacher in the college is Mr. Tribhuwan Sharma according to me best mathematics teacher I ever seen and good exposure to industry",9 574,Vinit Kumar Shah,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]",Course Curriculum is bad and not balanced. Academic schedule is bad as well it forces students on academics. Faculties are also not that good less experienced and low knowledge level. This college is pretty strict more like schools. College staff is also not supportive. No scholarships or anything for students. Extra curricular activities are not getting any importance here too.Infrastructure is Okay. Sports facilities are not that good. No wifi for day scholars. Library is okay. Labs are not that impressive they have low level equipments and bad staff. Support staff is rude to Students. College don't leave any chances to loot money from students.,4.3 575,Ashish,Central University of Haryana - [CUH],it's central government college. fess is much less. better than private colleges.environment is very friendly.if u did not get a goo nit then it's best for you.and faculty are PhD holders from reputed universitiescourse structure is good. students are friendly.for my department (PPT) placement is also good. not so sure about other courses.many of our faculty are exceptional level.u will get little exposure.,7 576,Piyush,Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College - [BBSBEC],The course curriculum is well planned and designed systematically. The university follows choice based credit system which is highly commendable and appreciable. The staff is also very supportive and all the faculty members are doctorates.The campus life is very interesting. Their are very much opportunities for a person in Co curriculum activities. The college always outshines in Youth Festivals. Their is no biased celebration. All festivals are celebrated.,10 577,Pavan saini,Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [LIET],"There a number of events in my college.techical events fresher party etc.A lot of students participate in all event.every event run atleast 3 to 5days.: In our college, there are lots of events organised regularly. Events like freshers' party, farewell, party, an annual function named Sangrams, and other sports activities are also organised here. Scholarships are also provided to the students.Digital library stocked with 70,000 text and reference books, journals, back volumes, project reports, CDs, video cassettes, etc. with intake capacity of more than 200 students.Separate, air-conditioned and deluxe 7 boys and 4 girls hostel with intake capacity of over 1000 boys and more than 300 girls.",9.7 578,Mitali Saxena,ABES Engineering College,"About 80% of the students get placed every year in our college. The highest salary package offered is 12 LPA, and the average salary package offered ranges between 5-6 LPA. The lowest salary package offered ranges between 3-4 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Wipro, Infosys, TCS, etc., visit our college for placements. About 40-50% of the students get an internship at our college. Roles are not offered to the students.Faculty members in our college are excellent. They are always ready to solve our doubts. Mostly all the teachers are PhD holders. This course will give the country a better society with great minds. If students hard work and take this course seriously, our country will definitely achieve great heights.",9.3 579,Amit Dubey,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"All facality members are very good and coperative and it will help you each and every time when needed and they give path to success life easilly and get job in 4th year. All faculty member are corperative. Campus Life: Labs and sports are very good infact Allahabad best library buit by the gulati sir full of computerised and biggest labrary in allahabad and it is very neet and clean and good reading possibilities to read the book, Electrical and exam will conduct very smoothly and no cheating allow and student will strictly follow the rule and regulation and regular class will conducted and computer schince,electrical,civil,electrical and electronics.Feasible fee structure and 2 smester in one year and 2 installment are required to fill the fees easilly,sports are also conducted in this college like basketball, football, bandminton, khokho, kabaddi, etc and it will very smooth and good campus good infrastructure.",8.3 580,Ritu kulshrestha,GLA University,"The campus infrastructure is really huge. It includes a huge central library, various labs in all the department. The campus has wifi all around. It has 2 canteens, 2 ATMs and grounds for volleyball basketball tennis and other sports.Good infrastructure,good placement offers,good academics, various other activities involving personality development classes to sports,from dancing to theatre. Wonderful hostel facilities and security.",9.7 581,Harsh kumar,Kalinga University,"Good college with big campus, and good hostel life. Faculty is good,though the environment may not be good for all students, we have a good Play ground with all types of games we have a gym in hostel, many fests are also organised hereThe campus Life iss all what an engineering student needs and here it is exactly what the students need, campus is very large. The hostels are neat and clean bt the students keep them dirty. The students are somewhat manner less",8.3 582,akash pal,"University School of Information, Communication and Technology - [USICT]","highest package is 28lpa in 2019 it incresing every year.Companies like Compro, Nagarro, Vinsol did offer placements around 5 lpa. Adobe came for testing profile at 9.3 lpa. Opera solution came at 6lpa Base. If you are in CS or IT then some might get offer greater than 5 lpa else most of the students are placed in TCS or Infosys. alumni help you if your are in contact.campus life is the coolest thing in this college because in the university their is student from all field like MBA,MCA,BA,LAW,BIO TECHNOLOGY etc so you have interaction with different student from different background. fest is awsome more 10000 student came in cultural fest anugoonj. and tech fest is infoxpression with lot of coding events.",8.3 583,Aman Shrivastav,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],Sports facilities are very good because every year some tournament are organised by college for students WiFi networks are available for every student to given chance to connect digitally library are much more good because in library are available different courses books labs are good.It is good college and given placement opportunities for students lots of ug and pg courses are running in this college this college are in my district campus are very good clean environment in this college any one direct admission with out in state labels entrance exam.,9.3 584,Arpit Anand,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"I think the overall curriculum is fine, though it is located on the outskirts of main city area, you will still be able to gain access to the important events through out the city. You will also have enough time to focus on 'your' passion.Affiliation to Techno India Group, nice environment, away from the hustle of the cities. Teachers I heard were very nice and helpful. The IT department(My department) had I heard the best faculty in the whole of bengal.",8 585,Izhan Khan,Medi-Caps University,"I am currently studying in 2nd year in Computer Science branch. I feel really great because here ""there is a blackboard teaching"" like schools and also as engineers ""smart boards"", we have many seminars to test the ability of the students improve them.The best thing over here there are group's which consists of 20 member one lecturer (teacher) as a mentor to train understand the problems and help them in all kind of ways to make them better in their academics.College campus is very good fully filled with greenery. There are different blocks for different department. Students can engage in all clubs present such as cultural club, sports club, photography club etc. Lectures are also very supportive and friendly, there is no communication gap between lectures and students.",8.7 586,Ishita Jain,Medi-Caps University,"Teaching quality is much better in which the faculties are very friendly with students and curriculum activities are updated. Internal assessments and assignments are maintained. Every student's care regarding studies like attendance, IA,etc. will be taken by assigning Faculties as their Mentors.The college has a yearly fest called MOONSTONE which is excellent. It has many clubs and societies where you can display your creativity and can be a part of it during the event. Clubs like cultural, photography etc. are very active in the college.",7.7 587,Raghav singh,Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [LIET],"First of all things, criteria of getting student admit in college. The way teachers treat with the students. The standard of College teaching staff. Atmosphere of the college make new entries feel free to explore their view and point of interest. They get here the change to reach their dreams.All type of practicing facilities are available in this College. Students have great place to take the theoretical view take into practice with the help of laboratories and practical rooms. All type of books are available in liberary.",9.3 588,Md Asad,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"One of my friend study in this college And he told me that education is good in this college campus selection is also good And I see the review in Google that is also moderate. The lab session are also good,the institute use latest technology.Extra Carriculum activities is really bad they focus only tranning placement education. They didn't focus on sports etc. There is only one held in a year some time may postponed due to exam.only they provide workshop",7 589,Raghav Garg,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"Campus infrastructure is really very good I loved that, there were flowers all around and greenery, very calming environment and the library is also very large availability of all books were there and equipments in labs are well maintainedThe cousres are up to date and the faculties are very supportive and they are always ready to help us also they have much experience and motivates us soo much Mr.Rajneesh Sharma is one of my favourite teacher very hardworking teacher",8.7 590,Viplov Singh,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Course Curriculum and Syllabus is the best part about our college and all IIITs for that matter. From the first year itself, we go into CS, ECE core unlike other colleges where they do useless topics like Chemistry, Physics in Computer Science. We also have Class Hackathons, Competitive Programming in class itself. Industrial Exposure was not given by college itself but being in an area where we have startups and companies all around, anyone who is driven will get all the opportunity he wants. Literally all seniors have internships from second year itself. In terms of faculties, Dr Uma was an excellent faculty. She taught us various ML concepts in our Data Structures class itself (2nd Sem). Our math teacher Dr Madhukanth taught us calculus well. Dr Akki taught us Digital Design and Dr Deepak taught us Microprocessors (I was in ECE in 1st year then changed branch). These above subjects were specifically taught very well.Really good college. In this answer i am writing only about the faculty and crowd. Faculty is really helpful and all the lab incharges are very kind. for example: if someone misplace or forget his/her belongings or even manuals they stay completely safe with the incharges and even for few weeks. There are many new places to enjoy and have societies for almost every interest. Teachers are really very humble and soft while talking, they clear every doubt and open for some personal problems. Crowd is overwhelming and personally the seniors are very cooperative and nothing to consider about ragging and all. Overall, this is really nice about the college, moreover these things can't be ignored.",9.3 591,Paras Verma,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"the course curriculum is good and although I liked it. After my expectations are much higher from this college, before taking admission and we didn't get any industrial exposure here. even students and even faculties do not take academics as a serious matter.My college do not sponser our fest, the whole fest is organized by seniors and they take help of juniors, which help them by bring sponserships for our fest. and even extracurricular activities are not of college level, its like i am living a school life",4 592,Madhura,MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering for Women,"The campus life is amazing. It being an all girls college, there are a very few restrictions. The annual technical fest named INNOVATION is an amazing opportunity for everyone to showcase their technical skills & learn some new ones. The annual cultural fest named GANDHAR is a joyous celebration with all types of performances imaginable. Every student participates enthusiastically in these events and they're a huge success every time. In addition to these, there are various other fests and events held by various student bodies from time to time.The campus size is not very big but sufficient for the amount of students present there at a time. There is an afternoon shift for two branches, Computer and EnTC,in order to avoid crowding. Sport facilities are ample and there's a huge playground at the Maharshi Karve Stri Shikshan Sanstha. Wi-fi is available for all the college PCs. The library is huge and new books are added every month. Digital library system is also available in-campus. The lab equipment is up-to-date.",8 593,Govind Tiwari,College of Engineering and Technology,"Wi-Fi, labs, classrooms, a library, sports facilities, and an auditorium hall are available on the campus. Our labs are updated and good. Our canteen is average, and the canteen manager is changed frequently. Hostel rooms were the worst, and they are very unclean. The college also has a lawn at the entrance which gives a great and positive vibe. There is an ample amount of parking space available here.The college offers placement opportunities in local companies or companies within Maharashtra but not MNCs. But the college posts the information on its notice board if there is an open pool placement drive. Campus drives are being organised in the colleges nearby. Overall, the placements are average, especially for our branch.",7.7 594,Arvind kori,St. Aloysius Institute of Technology - [SAIT],"The campus life we had a seen a second phase of our life. This life is very beautiful. We learned too much things here apart from studies. College conducted various festival like holi, Diwali fest, basant panchami, etc. Extracurricular activities involved girls Cricket, boys cricket, football, volleyball, chess, model making competition etc.Many companies visit college campus to recruit students for various jobs in their organisation. Mostly marketing and non core companies visit campus. These companies offer jobs like business development associate at a package of 3 LPA to 5 LPA. About 80% of students are placed this year from my branch. ",9.7 595,Arpita,Manipal Academy of Higher Education - [MAHE],Fests are great. Social gatherings makes one more open to the world and people in general. Many extra curricular activities leads to greater fitness and mental health as well. Plays and drama help in creative enhancement also serve the purpose of entertainment.Course is up to date with respect to the guidelines. Teachers are great faculty is helping and accommodating. Semester routine and exam schedule is well managed. Lab facilities are great giving practical experience.,8 596,Vansh Jain,Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre,"The campus life of Jaipur Engineering College and Resarch Centre,Jaipur is too good. The college has many fests including social,cultural and technical. The social fests are BLOOD DONATION CAMP, etc. The technical fest i J TECHTRIX etc. And the main fest of the college is RENAISSANCE in which all the clubs of college and students participates.The campus has all the sports facilities including Cricket, football, volley ball, badminton, table tennis, rugby etc Whole campus is wi fi connected. There are 4 libraries in whole campus, all are of same size and almost all type of books are available there. All the lab equipments are available including Lathe machine, welding and many more",10 597,Rajesh Devgirkar,St. Aloysius Institute of Technology - [SAIT],"This is excellent college. I had completed my school also from St. Aloysius. They always provide best facilities this is one the best top college jabalpur zone. I am interested in technology field so I had chosen this fieldThe college life is good. College holds so many events and we participate in it. We also get participation certificate and winners get prize too. Tech events like model competition, coding challenge are organised. ",9.3 598,Sumana Biswas,Rajkiya Engineering College [REC],"Our college provides very good facilities for placement and job opportunities. There is a separate cell here which is also called as Training and Placement Cell. In the training and placement cell we are taught and taught about networking so that we can call the company in our college. Many students and students of our college have also made efforts in startups. Our college has also been provided facility for internship. Students and students can also do this internship by going to different colleges, which the college pays for.I chose this institute as it is one of the best government institute for b.tech course. I liked the campus of this institute, there is an atmosphere of peace here, and all kinds of activities are done well in this institute. Many companies also provide jobs to students every year. The teachers here teach the students very well",8.3 599,Aditya,Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering - [MCOE],"The students are eligible for the campus placements to form 3rd year. Many companies offer placements and jobs in the college. Some of the esteemed companies are Persistent, Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Bitwise, Cognizant, LT&T, BYJU's and also Japanese companies 70% to 80% of the people get placed every year.The campus life isn't that good as college has less campus College holds festivals but not that good You can perform in them it's absolutely free for everyone But college participates in various events outside you can be a part of them",7.3 600,Aditya Nijave,Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering - [MCOE],It was great. It's Help to improve your decision abilities in little things which at one time our parent's are take for us. We meet new people and able to understand how to Wel communicate with them. How to be being friendly in nature. We try for us to able to accept from everyone and our work too.I'm had good communication skills and convincing skills. People like to communicate with me and they feel free to ask me their issues. I'm always looking new opportunities which help me to improve my skills and experience. I'm good in to handle people by their personality and attitude.,8.3 601,Dheeraj Sindel,Medi-Caps University,The infrastructure is on the whole a good one and it is having all the necessary facilities and equipments. There is not yet the smart board facility but still it fulfills all the necessary facilities. It is well maintained and used. The living spaces are clean and hygienic.A lot of well known companies come annually for placements and the job acceptance rate is always on the higher side every year. The college encourages everyone to sit for placements and gives prior training to every students to make them ready for the placements.,7.7 602,GAURAV SHRINGI,Medi-Caps University,The campus life is exciting as there are many events that keep on going on in the college throughout the year. Annual College sports are held. Teachers and support staffs are efficient. E-cell of the college conducts good seminars.Infrastructure is good. WiFi is available too. Separate boys and girls hostels are well-kept. Got to make friends from diverse educational and professional backgrounds.I felt the value for money for the cost was good.,7 603,DEVASHISH SHRIMALI,Medi-Caps University,"Placement process is average. Approx. 85% students have been placed by the end of the academic year. However, the process needs to be streamlined and more companies should be welcomed. Also, college must aim to increase packages for existing companies.College campus would get a 8 out of 10 from me. Students can engage in a lot of activities such as sports, societies, research and a lot more. Here the teachers and support staff are very friendly and always helping. This Area is quite Safe.",7.3 604,Devesh Rathore,Medi-Caps University,A huge large campus with all required facilities. The infrastructure is quite good and the classrooms are amazing. The library had enough storage of books that are required for my course. The laboratory and the laboratory staff are good enough to save some of your time during practical experiment.Staff is supportive. 75% attendance is compulsory. Teaching Faculty is well experienced. Most of staff faculty have PHD degrees in their respective streams. They always encourage to come forward and always ready to help.,7.3 605,Aman Ahirwar,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"1.Sports faculties are not up to the mark but clubs are there for each and every sport. 2.Wifi network is very weak. 3.Library is one of the finest libraries I have seen so far,each student have their own id cards through which they can avail there required books. 4.Lab equipments are sufficient and of good quality.Though I don't participate in most of the technical fests and festivals ,they were arranged pretty hugely .You can easily participate in them and perform in it.The crowd is amazing as well,You can have a pretty good and memorable college life in Jec.",6 606,Shruti Joshi,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"I am a second year student so dont know musch about. But as of the things ive heard many companies, ie, mnc's visit the campus. Placement staff is real good. Many of the jec allumini's are in constant touch with the current students. Like there is a group JECAA through which we can intract with aluminis easily.The College was established in 1947 so the infrastructure is old. Nevertheless sport grounds are spacious and well maintained. Yes there is wifi facility in the College. Library is really useful and great. Equipments are old most of then dont work or barely work",8 607,Ayush Sankrit,Aryabhatta Knowledge University - [AKU],"It my dream college.It is of the best colleges in bihar.It has a very good NAC ranking.It has a well equipped lab with proper management.It has a big playground with neat and clean floor.As no one can question over it,that it going to be NIT in upcoming days.Campus Life is awesome no any question over it.Here very well mannered seniors with proper set of guidelines and guidance.They are with very helping nature.They never want that my juniors feel loneliness in college. They are always on way to help us.",9.7 608,Priyanshi Jain,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],College organised fresher party for all fresher student separately for all branch and we enjoy alot provide very good extracurricular activities and they also organised a aurantation program for us and in which we interact with all facilities and all new classmateNear to my home town and very good college and faculty are too good over here and study is also good and environment is too good and I like to study over here and environment is soo calm and the students studying here are also good,8.7 609,Chirag Gautam,Sanskar Educational Group - [SEG],"College Infrastructure Our college is well equipped with all laboratory facilities, libraries and a common room for various indoor games and cultural activities. An auditorium for all events and workshops. Overall the college is well maintained and quite adequate. Academics I am currently pursuing Bsc in Environmental science honors and I am quite satisfied with the curriculum that we follow. The syllabus is updated and well constructed. We get opportunities to attend seminars which to a large extent helps us to comprehend our subjects better. Placements I have very little idea regarding the placement infrastructure so I better not remark about that. But what I do know is that many manyors does get jobs abroad and some crack the national level entrance examinations. Value-for-money Asutosh College being a government college is extremely affordable compared to other institutions. Our department fees is slightly higher than others because of the lab facilities but it's totally worth it. Campus Life It has the best campus life. There are various events which takes place in and out campus. The seniors are extremely supportive and is always ready to lend a helping hand in your need. The teachers are always ready to help you out in any difficulties. It has a healthy atmosphere overall. Asutosh college gives you a college life to cheer for your entire life. Anything Else Asutosh College is one the most reputed college in Kolkata. If you want to secure education in a culturally enriched place then this college is sure a winner.Placements I have very little idea regarding the placement infrastructure so I better not remark about that. But what I do know is that many manyors does get jobs abroad and some crack the national level entrance examinations. Value-for-money: Asutosh College being a government college is extremely affordable compared to other institutions. Our department fees is slightly higher than others because of the lab facilities but it's totally worth it.",7.3 610,Arpit Purohit,Medi-Caps University,"There are many extra curricular activities which help students to develop in all the aspects. Working or actively participation in such activities makes a student confident.The Fest is good. Teachers and support staff is very cooperative and caring.The quality of study that is done here is greatly appreciable, each and every teaching staff is talented enough to make the students understand each and every concept. Discussion is encouraged which made me critical and a thinking individual.",7.3 611,Aryan Raghuvanshi,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"KIIT deemed to be University is the best private University in India and which is well known in the globe, it is the university which is awarded as Institute of Eminence by Government of India,It is the University which provide lots of opportunities for students to build there career in field which they want to pursue.Best campus life. With lots of opportunities for students to join different societies and extracurricular activities whichever they want to pursue. Many sports events are organized by University at the National level which provides students to participate and to show their skills.",10 612,ARTHA POTDAR,Medi-Caps University,"The campus life is pretty good. There are many campus activities students can participate in.The college is located in a safe place and even medical facilities are available in 2-3 km radius of the college. The college is extremely great in all aspects. You can truly enjoy so called your Òcollege life Ò without putting your future in danger.The placement is pretty great in our college, 70-80 percent students get placed with a decent package. The placement process is quite easy and pleasant and the college supports you in a positive manner for your placements and thereby bright future.",8 613,DHANANJAY PORWAL,Medi-Caps University,It has different buildings for different streams with with well facilities of lift system. It has good and well maintained library with foreign author's & Indian author's. Computer labs and a computer resource center for better education for students.The college campus is good. Since it is a university with a lot number of courses so the number of students are also more. There are activities for student engagement specially sports activities. Different cultural and technical events are held.,7.7 614,Gourav Patidar,Medi-Caps University,This college have a wonderful campus structure. The classroom and course outcomes have their extra facilities like modern equipments and virtual methods. Libraries and hostel facilities are also there. Overall the campus is very neat and clean. Hostels and canteens are also praiseworthy.The campus life is exciting as there are many events that keep on going on in the college throughout the year. Our college also conducts different activities and events on different festivals and on other days. Teachers are mainly supporting students and motivating them for their works.,8 615,Apoorv Krishna Patidar,Medi-Caps University,The college has all the necessary facilities and equipments that are required for performing lab practicals and every classroom has a projector for e learning. The infrastructure of these college is very good. College library has most of the books that are needed for our academics. And the canteen food is also good and hygienic. All the college premises is well maintained.I choose this field because I like to work in technical field. And the curriculum is updated and it includes all the recent developments in my field. Our professors also shares the latest technologies and research with us.,7.7 616,Devansh Pandey,Medi-Caps University,"College infrastructure is very much good. College is having laboratories, library and hostels which are very much clean. Our college is having wi-fi, which is available for 24 hours. College provides all the facilities like fans, water, clean toilets.Quality of teaching is average. It depends on the student to further his learning through self-learning. Do not depend completely on what is taught in college. Curriculum is updated. Course needs to be reviewed and some serious changes are required.",7.7 617,Arpit Paliwal,Medi-Caps University,College is having huge infrastructure and all the facilities and equipments. And Other department like pharmacy and MBA are also situated in college infrastructure in our college. 1.2 lakh is fees for general category students per year and scholarship schemes they provide. And it's worth.Campus engages all the different activities and keeps environment friendly for students. I have had learned a lot and had happy experience while working with events. Technical fests organized by E-cell of the college are really very helpful.,7.3 618,Praveen Kumar,Roorkee College of Engineering - [RCE],"This is Good college and side of IIT Roorkee. This college is under taken by Uttrakhand technical University dehradun, this is Good university all over india and hard university. So this I join this university, and college review is Good then i join this college.Very Good. Campus life amazing very good, area is also Good. Campus life is Rceian is good, always any one activity is open, some time freshers party, some time event, some time sports, many time many functions avent always open.",8.7 619,Shreya Maheshwari,Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College - [AKGEC],Everything is good. I got some new friends. My college organises technical and cultural events too for students' enthusiasm. it's great being there. College also organises events during festivals like holi and diwali.Because this college is reputative and prestigious one in Delhi NCR. as it has great faculty so I don't face any issue with my academics and shouldn't worry about my exams as they cover up all the things with time.,9.3 620,Giraj Neema,Medi-Caps University,"The building is well constructed and has all necessary laboratories and a central library. The canteen has decent food and its well hygienic. The campus is cleaned and well maintained. The classrooms are spacious too. My course cost Rs 1.2 lacs per year and its totally worth it because of all good facilities offered.Campus life is outstanding, its best feature is you will find everything in campus. well maintained campus life. worst is campus area is not much larger like other private colleges.all teachers are supportive and it's in indore so fully safe place and also can handle emergencies.",8.3 621,Pawan Kumar,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],"Actually engineering is my dream from my childhood so I was searching for engineering colleges across India so I have gives WB jee exam than I gote that college and I was also know about that college. Here teaching style is too good and teachers is also good or placement is also better so I'm joining that college.Infrastructure of our college is good all types of sports are happen like cricket, football, basketball, running etc and competition are also held. Wife available in full campus size of library is also good and all labs are available in my college",9.3 622,Dhruv Narayan Gupta,Medi-Caps University,"The teachers are very much helpful and caring. They help us in every aspect, help us in doing projects, Guiding us for future. There teaching technique is awesome, every lesson is taught properly.There are more than 1 teacher for a single subject, so even one teacher gets absent, the class is taken by other teacher.Placements are Good, I mean the average salary is 4 lac which is acceptable for Software Engineers. The college do a very good part in training us for placement interviews. Almost 70% students get placed here if they have a 6.75 CGPA and above.",8 623,Gajalaxmi Khatua,College of Engineering and Technology - [CET],"Technical festival also do in our college. Cultural festival also do so many times. Management festivals also conducted in our campus college of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar. Big festival are also conducted.The infrastructure like sports facilities are available. WiFi speed also good. Library size also large. Equipment in labs also enough. So sports facilities, WiFi, size of library, equipment in labs all are best.",10 624,Prinshika,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"My JEE rank was not so good that i could be admitted to NIT. then By seeing ranking in Wbjee college list, I found an autonomous college with good reputation about placement, attendance ratio and there is no special uniform for collegeCourse syllabus is up to date according to the present scenario. Some faculties are good helpful and interactive but some teach really bad. You will most likely use books and online stuffs for studing the course",8 625,Mehak Kohli,Dronacharya College of Engineering - [DCE],"Faculty members are very knowledgeable and well qualified in DCE. Apart from academic, they taught students life lessons which I think necessary for every student, because no one can live their entire life on academic. They're brilliant in every field whether it's academic or life lessons. They shared their experience so that students can learn better from them.Facilities at Dronacharya are very good. It has good and learning environment for students. They have developed labs with knowledgeable Lab assistant who are ready to help any time. Student can easily use labs for their innovative ideas or projects to develop their product.",9.7 626,Kanika Bansal,Delhi University - [DU],"I chose this course because when it comes to computer Science there is a huge industry out there for it and there is a lot of scope in it right now. There are areas which have not been explored that much like artificial intelligence, machine learning and internet of things etc. So pretty much this sums up that computer Science is good career course which can offer you a lot of opportunities if you are good enough in whatever field you will chose.This is the only college I guess which gives you 100% placements. Our college has an amazing staff and amazing placement cell. I recommend this college to everyone who wants to be in a college where they can find everything. Computer science, in my opinion, is the best course as it has the best teachers and placements.",9.7 627,Sidharth,Manipal University - [MUJ],"The campus life is very fun sometime its too much, there are so many clubs for technical and cultural programmes or festivals, the clubs have become so big that they dominate the college's elections even preponing tests by a week so a fest can be organised efficiently, some clubs have even detached from college and function self sustained on their own funds, overall a lot of opportunities for students but takes a toll on studiesSyllabus lags behind a little with respect to time but practical learning is a appreciated here via experiencal learning, Industrial exposure is there internship is mandatory in last year, Faculty is not upto the mark of the university and doesn't justify the fees being taken, could be improved in student and teacher interaction, most of the professors here are not passionate for teaching syllabus is a priority here",7.3 628,Nitish jha Vats,Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - [GGU],"Campus life are just awesome. You will cherish whole life. Wide variety of clubs also here for improving soft skills and exposure. Here different type of fest organises every year cultural, technical, some occasional fest too. You can be a part of university magazine member too.Every facilities available some of them are wifi, gym, medical, library, modern labs, canteen, dedicated sports complex with different types of playground, one of the best hostel for fresher's etc. Overall you will find a awesome campus life.",8.7 629,Ayush Tiwari,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"It's limited to children of Army Personnel only, so an edge and moreover a better institute in comparison with other institutions in Pune and the nearby region. Placements are also decent. Topology and the staff is also nice and seniors are the best part of this institute.Campus Infrastructure is nice, compact but full of greenery. The high terrain topology makes it best and provides you an amazing view. Quite far from the main utilities of the Pune Cities, but still everything is accessible.",9 630,Sheer Raina,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"Campus life is good. We have different councils and they have their fests and other activities. These councils inbuilds leadership and management qualities in girls and almost all the girls participate in one or the athor activity.Some of the councils are: Student council, IEEE, CSI, sports council, ECell and may more.We have a college library which has a lot of books not only related to academics but for research as well, comp labs, sports room,wifi, science lab,mechnics lab, electronics lab and much more. But the college needs a brush up(like the authority should paint it to make it look beautiful )",8.3 631,Akshat Mishra,Medi-Caps University,"Faculties are highly qualified. There is a proper selection criteria for Faculties. They have proper knowledge by which they act as a guide to students. They are a good mentor. By their teaching they provide a environment which develops interest in students in understanding topics better.Considering marks I scored in exams, This was the best private college in MP. It's achievements in every field and campus placements are much better. Study environment is far better than other private colleges. It provides a lot of exposure to students organizing events which helps alot.",7.7 632,Nishant Pratap Singh,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"If you are in any computer stream branch like CSE, CO, IT,CSI then definitely you got placed but recently 2 years ago IT branch placement is little better than CSE but don't do if u get cse branch and then you changed don't do that. Capgemini and Tcs are two companies that take maximum number of students. If I talk about Ece branch it is also good.So keep hard work you definitely get success.If I talk about campus life then definitely you can not feel disappointed but one thing college is spread only in 25 acres only. So you can manage it. Students who are freshers they can celebrate a fresher party and also same year an EPOQUE festival is held but due to covid-19 we can miss them but I hope you will enjoyed.",9 633,Noman Khan,Galgotias University - [GU],The campus is great here. The faculty are very good. Campus placement is also decent here. Teachers are very supportive. Student clubs are very good here. Senior are very supportive in nature. There are almost 50+ student clubs through which you can explore yourself. A lot of hackathons are organised for coding students to develop there skills.Campus life very good except the attendance. You have to deal with attendance and rest everything is just too good. Technical clubs organises regular workshops for exposure to coding and all. Fests are organised regularly. Unifest is the biggest fest of the university.,8.7 634,Shadaan Hassan,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],"This college follows ABET Course Pattern which helps out in gaining practical knowledge too. They focus more on practical knowledge and took practical classes more. The faculties are helpful but sometimes you may get language barrier. Ms. Kanaklata Ojha Mam, Calculus professor always help students with her amazing knowledge.It's NIRF ranking in University category is 20th in year 2020. Many seniors of my school pursued their B.Tech here and gets placed in Renowned Companies with handsome package. I consulted with many people and checked it's review in CollegeDunia too. I found satisfactory remark so I took the admission here.",7 635,Ashkrit Mishra,Medi-Caps University,"College infrastructure is really good. All labs are really good and well equipped for core branches. College has badminton court, volleyball court, ground for football and a separate basketball court. College also wifi in the campus.College teachers are really good. Teachers are really helpful and you can ask any doubt any time in the college. College curriculum is really good. College has various engineering courses and courses for other subjects as well.",7.3 636,Bhupendra Maurya,Medi-Caps University,"Our college has almost all the necessary infrastructure,facilities and equipment those are needed for the academic years. We don't have smart boards in classrooms, library, sports centers or laboratories but they have few smart boards in some special classrooms and laboratories, they are used for taking special or important classes. They are well maintained and we have a free WiFi inside college campus.The college campus is very big and attractive. The student life is better. Student can participate in various clubs. Which includes sport, singing, etc. The teachers are very supportive and helpful for each activities. And various events and fest are held each year and student enjoy their life a lot in our college. Almost every festival is celebrated in the campus. The campus life is good enough.",7.7 637,ATHARVA MAHESHWARI,Medi-Caps University,"I have not yet gone for placements because I'm in 2nd year but as I have seen and heard from our seniors, the quality of placements are good enough and almost all the students were placed. I don't have the exact idea about the highest salary package. The average salary offered is about 4 lakh per annum maybe. College seems to be quite supportive but I don't have proper idea or experience.Our college has different buildings for different streams. There is a big indoor hall for all the events and fests. There are separate hostel for Boys and Girls. The hostel food is quite good. The best part is that the hostel is inside the college campus.",9 638,Vedant,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"I opted for IT branch because of interest and the package it provides. This college is the best private college in country and helps in complete growth of a student which includes technical and non technical stuff. Also it has really really good infrastructure and the quality of teachers is excellent. Apart from that the sports facilities and the platform it provides, mess and hostel facilities are the best in the countryInfrastructure is the best you could ask for like it has the most modern buildings, a full size cricket ground, full size football and hockey ground, handball ground, basketball court, gym facilities. All equipments in the lab are new and cleaned on a regular basis. The library is a 5-floor building full air conditioned. Wifi facilities aren't that good but still good enough",8 639,Devansh Lodhi,Medi-Caps University,"There is no fear of ragging because my college is anti ragging college. Location is reachable and it's safe. It costs _1,20,000 per year. Yes I am satisfied with the amount I am paying because I am getting each and every thing that every engineering students must get.The highest salary package gone is 7 LPA to the CSE. The average salary package is 3.5 LPA. Yes of course. Placement process is very easy and pleasant. My college tries to give every possible help to the students to sit in the interview confidently.",7.7 640,Ayush Jain,Medi-Caps University,Great College for learning. Properly maintained. Campus is safe and very well maintained. Great building infrastructure. The classrooms have projectors and labs are equipped with proper facility. The classroom management is very good and the library have well maintained area with silence to read books and study with concentration.I don't have much idea for placements but approximately 70 to 80% had their good package at top companies from college. College make us easy the placements and college is very supportive for all students who completed their degrees.,8 641,uduthasravya,Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science - [JITS],"""I chose this college because I wanted a well-rounded education with the opportunity to sample courses from many different departments before I found my calling. I believe that our college's background is an asset in today's diverse world."" ""I picked this college because I wanted and the chance to establish close relationships with other students and my professors. I thrive in a collaborative environment, and I relished the opportunity to engage with other students and work together to complete projects.""My opinion is,if you're taking this course by choice,you are curious about what makes you think, how stimuli to arrive at a decision about how to respond,how to feel or remember or experience things.My hope is that this course will provide you with some important insight into how all that works.",9.3 642,Aryaman Jain,Medi-Caps University,"The college is known for its strictness towards study. Although students may dislike the idea of regular tests, prelims, assignments and other exams, students will agree that better results are often produced than other colleges due to this form of continuous assessment. The teachers are very hard working and are ready for answering doubts and conducting tests and correcting them. Practicals are informative.Campus Life is very good. Many colleges are very lineant when it comes to campus life. But here, there is always some basic discipline to be maintained. But at the same time, the students are allowed and encouraged to do anything which they want to, provided that it does not make them compromise their academics. Annual fest MOONSTONE is celebrated enthusiastically.",8.3 643,Bhavya Shandilya,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"BITS has a very good infrastructure in terms of academic, housing and sports facilities. There are well equipped hostels and mess. Sports facilities includes Cricket, football and hockey grounds. Basketball, lawn tennis, badminton and squash Courts. Gymnasium, table tennis are present in hostels. And there is a large size swimming pool also. Labs and classrooms are well equipped with latest technologies.BITS Pilani is one of the best engineering universities in the Country comparable to old IITs. I was getting a desired branch here and it is one of the major factors. Other factors are graduation outcome, college culture, placements and alumni network.",9 644,Atharv Goel,Medi-Caps University,"The Faculty is very much experienced and with great knowledge, but their Teaching style is Pathetic like,they come, give the lecture and go. They don't even care weather the student understand or not. You have to study on your own to get good marks. Practicals are held very less.My course costs 1.25 lakhs per year. It is pretty reasonable as compared to other engineering colleges. Yes, it does feel like getting my money's worth. Facilities provided are used to their fullest and there are many skills that I am learning that will be helpful in future.",7 645,Ayush Garg,Medi-Caps University,"Overall placement rate is average. In my course, almost 95% students were placed last year. Some recruiters are TCS, infosys etc. The highest salary offered was 8-10 LPA and it went to B. Tech CSE course. The average salary offered is 3-4 LPA. Placement reviews from seniors were good and pleasant. Placement cell here is very supportive and helpful.I am pursuing B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I have main interest in this field. Quality of teaching is average. More practical oriented teaching is required. Curriculum was updated from 2018 batch onward and it includes new technologies and latest trends that are in the field. The subjects if studied well does make you job ready.",8.7 646,Ayush Gupta,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"Placements are strong and job opportunities in plenty. Every year the number of companies coming to college has been increasing and average packages have been rising consistently over the last 5 years. Alumni network is very strong. The incubation cell for startups has incubated dozens of start ups in the past few years and the startups are now thriving.Fests are held twice a year. One is the technical and the other one is cultural. Other than that, events are held by the various clubs of the college throughout the year and students are encouraged to participate in as much as possible. Participation is very high and the turnout os always greater than the previous year.",8 647,Devansh Gahoi,Medi-Caps University,"Quality of placement has improved over the past years.My seniors had the highest placement from my department. It was around 8-10 lakh per annum. Some people get placed in TCS, infosys etc. Majority offers are from IT or software sectors. Placement cell guides us with our doubts regarding recruitment. Interview related classes are also conducted.Being a general category student the course costs approx a lakh each semester including the hostel and mess fees but it is worth and this is the best private college in this cost. There are many extra co-curriculars activities engaging students.",9 648,Arihant Dev Jain,Medi-Caps University,"Placement in our college is like tree under home. They gives us training of how to attend an interview. Not exactly the percentage but 70 % students can be placed if we follow our college guidance. highest package of salary is 8-10 lakhs in the course cse. Average salary offered is 3-4 lakh.Yes placement process is easy and supportive.College is awesome, the best case is conducting different culture activities. Students engage in all cultures activities demos, interactive with teachers. Support of students and teachers is very strong relationship. location is safe and it some far of town but nothing to worry.",8 649,Dev Chaurasia,Medi-Caps University,"The campus Life is good as long as you find people who you identify with. The college has a whole plethora of committees, which you can be a part of. It also has active NCC, Nukkad clubs etc for the students. Apart from this, the annual cultural fest Moonstone is also something students look forward too. The campus is not very strict so hanging around with friends is also a good option.The only weak point of the college is their placement section. They do provide you placement opportunities but only a few students will get placed during the campus placement section. But still we have a very good opportunities in the market. The average salary package is around 3-4 lakhs per annul. But it depends on the capabilities of the student.",8 650,Nandini Maheshwari,MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"Campus life is beautiful, for first year hostel girls may be it isn't good because they are not allowed to step out of hostel after college time, but there are clubs for students and every student has freedom to opt their club according to their interest baseMost reputed government college of rajasthan, alumni base is very very strong, the branch i needed was available, good collection of students, you will be able to prepare for any kind of competition exam during degree if you want to",6 651,Faiz khan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"There many events, especially techno Vit and Vibrance then some events are technical based. We have an FFCS system here where we choose our own subjects and teachers and even timings also. We try to choose our classes with our friends and our floor mates. It really helps during assignments and projects.Very good College, top ranking in nirf, good environment, many clubs technical and non technical, robotics competition, best faculty, hostel services are good, good location, near to Chennai airport and competition is very good and most important is placement and placement are really good",9 652,JATIN SHUKLA,SR Institute Of Management and Technology - [SRIMT],"Sports facilities are good.wifi is not free for students.Library size is very good. Wi-Fi is used for on working projects.labs are connected with wi-fi. There are a annual sports program named Shaurya conducted once in year.Course curriculum is pretty good. B tech is 4 year course.the syllabus of course is corporate friendly. There are practical based learning.faculties are from Higher institutes like IIT Kanpur,IIT mumbai,IIT delhi.",9.3 653,nigam pratap singh rathore,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"As i am from Army background, so if any aspirant is from this background can easily grab a seat although he or she is having general rank in 60-80k second one is whichever college you are aiming must have good placements here this college is very promising we have microsoft, oracle,amazon alumni credit suisse etc alumni. campus is good, food quality is good and as it is situated in pune so it provides you the exposure of industries.the placements are very good on an average almost all the students get placed apart from those who opt for higher studies. the top recruiters are microsoft, amazon, Mtatva, zs associates, oracle, fmc, credit suisse, duetsche bank, icerts, goldmann sachs, dassault systems, upcurve limited, blue bricks, mu sigma, godrej, hashmaps etc. as we alumni in all these companies that's why no problems regarding referrals.",9.3 654,yash barman,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"first of all this college is ranked 2nd on state government level (mp). There are so many things to love about this college, firstly there is so much big campus around. It is so big that you need a vehicle to go from department to department. And the most appealing to see the green around the college. There are total 6 b-tech pursuing departments.There are several fests including technical, cultural, sports, and numerous art and social competitions. and some of them are inter college competition in which colleges from around participate. our college also host national and international conference. we have a developing research center.",8.3 655,Nayan Pandey,Gyan Ganga College of Technology - [GGCT],"Thier are many companies that visited our college:- Hexaware, Danik Bhaskar, Ifosis Tsystem President, Global logic. IBM. Jaro JIO. Indusind bank. Prism johanson. IBM(only girls). Yes technology. Cisco. e Clerk. Amazon. Wipro tech. Collabera. FIZROBOTICS. Infosis. Vinove.Tech E clinical. Vnurt Profinch Tech. Infocept. Race tech. JBS. Duration. GDK global. Artech. Cognizant. BITCS. HCL Byjus. KEC. Best peers. And many moreCampus life is also very good student enjoy in campus in their free time. Their are many extra Caricular activities held time to time like anual sports tech fest. Gyanotsav is our anual festival. In that festival student enjoy alot",10 656,Priyanka Kulkarni,Marathwada Mitramandal's College of Commerce - [MMCC],"The students at mmcoe are also very heplful and kind.It didn't take time to make friends worth a lifetime.Some of the events taking place are Dexterity,Ensemble, Chimera etc.Students participate in thousands to make events successful.Mmcoe is one of the renowned colleges in and around pune.the faculty is good and kind.also my brother studies in the same institute and hence we could live together.Also here femaly safety is given importance hence I chose mmcoe.",7 657,Atharv Misal,Marathwada Mitramandal's College of Commerce - [MMCC],"The syllabus followed by the college is given by Pune University itself.The faculty is very good and helping.I had joined college late due to some issues but the teachers helped me to cope up.Our maths professor MR.Mansuri were exceptional.Noone can teach maths like him.We have specific workshops in the college to thrive our knowledge.One the best event is Ensemble. During ensemble we have sports competitions,Annual Gathering,Annual championship and many more.Also academic prizes are given during the same.The whole college seem on fire suring events.Students participate in large nos.From fashion show to traditional day everything is worth it.",8 658,Ayush Tiwari,Medi-Caps University,"I can't say that students may get placements in their own core companies,but they are top companies like Infosys, TCS, wipro, cognizant etc which are going to hire students every year with minimum package of 3.5 to 4.0 lakh per annum. it's in students own hands to prepare well for entrance exam for placements as college also train students how to get in placements and also teaches computer languages for minimum software as it is our basic knowledge get placed in any companyEvery student has not only dream to get success in life he also wants to be in college with good atmosphere,it should not be like school feeding and treating students like kids or just giving them knowledge like classroom feeding. our college provide freedom or independent to learn something his own manner or from classroom also they will good support from from faculty always for all students.",8.7 659,Dev Raj Tomar,Medi-Caps University,Quality of placements is very good.Every year more than 15+ companies conducts on campus drives in college.More than 80% of students placed in campus drives but most of the students prefer higher education.Placement cell is very active.Conducts many career guidance classes & training from 5th semester onward.Of course it is value for money. It costs 1.2 lakh per annum and hostel fees also costs 75000 over all it comes like 2 lakh for me. Keeping in mind about all the academics infrastructure campus food hostel I feel like I'm getting my money's worth.,8.7 660,Prathamesh Chatla,Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Engineering - [MMCOE] Karvenagar,College faculty is good. The reason behind choosing this course is to learn new technology and new skills and trying to implement it in various things. Also want to gain more knowledge about trending technologies.The updated syllabus is very good. Updated syllabus is more practical oriented. Students can get the theory as well as practical knowledge also. Syllabus is very helpful to build the logic in different ways.,7.7 661,Sayali Padmawar,Marathwada Mitramandal's College of Commerce - [MMCC],"Library have all the books we need and we can lend the books Sport facilities are available and students are encouraged to participate in it. Labs are accquainted with all the facilities, wifi and everything There are also separate reading rooms for students to study.The faculties are very supportive, friendly they really work hard for us,.they also tell Teach all the syllabus properly.yes some more industrial curriculum can be included but as far first year it was enough and everything was taught properly on time",8.3 662,Shreya Tundalwar,Marathwada Mitramandal's College of Commerce - [MMCC],"Verified results and great teaching staff n their method.Trusted institute from last 12-14 years and reknown and suggested by friends and family too. The college environment is friendly, cooperative and comfortable. I was keen to study engineering and hence opted for it and decided to take a degree n opt for it.MMCOE is particularly known for it's small campus bt inside those walls there is numerous people working over range of different events or activities and other stuff. Many seminars and workshops are being conducted here which are really helpfull mostly. Technical event quiz and students chapter organize them.",8.7 663,Anurag Padiyar,Medi-Caps University,"my college have all the necessary infrastructure, facilities and many equipments. we have free WiFi in campus and in hostels,the class rooms are clean and monitored by the cameras and the laboratories have many equipments to study practically and theoretically, sports centers are more because we have some time to play. the living spaces are clean and good in hygienic.the quality of our college placements are good. seventy percentage of students were placed every year. the highest salary package offered is 8-10 lakhs per annum. the average salary offered per annum is 3-4 lakhs, the placement process is easy and pleasant for us, yes our college is supportive for every one.",8.3 664,Jitendra Bairwa,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is outstanding and almost 90% eligible candidates get placed last year. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Hero, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs, Airtel etc visit the campus for recruitment. The placement takes place through interview and written examination with the T&P cell. The alumni network is very goo.The campus life is interesting and full of enjoyment. Techspardha is its Technical fest and Confluence is its cultural fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction party etc celebrated here. They bring huge numbers of candidates from different colleges and universities.",9.3 665,Rajanyaa Chowdhury,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"It's the best among all the private engineering colleges in Kolkata. Also, it is the best among one or two of the colleges having the Department of Biotechnology in my city. Also I was not allowed by my parents to go and study outside my city. They wanted me to do my masters in any other city but not the under graduate one. Hence, this decision was taken.Library is very well maintained. That is one of the things I love about my college. Wifi is not available obviously. The labs are very well-equipped ( at least in the dept of biotechnology). Hopefully the other labs of the other departments also have labs which are very well-eqipped with all the necessary instruments.",8.3 666,Snehasis Sahoo,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Discipline and Quality of education here is awesome. Student body interaction here helps in overall development whether that is technical, social, mental. Hostels are awesome and food is awesome too. All the students are from army background, so there is something common between all of us.Curriculum is directly governed by SPPU. But college administration takes a very good care of the students by making them aware of the latest technology and the indistrial demands. Student body interaction also helps in nurturing those skills",9.7 667,Bhojraj Pathak,Medi-Caps University,"Overall it's good, Mostly the teachers are having PHD. And i guess every teacher is good in their subjects but exceptions are always there. They have good curriculum, somehow they lack in research field, overall it's good.As compared to other same range Colleges, our Medi-Caps University is best. Its fee is low and having good quality of education so I can clearly say that it have value of money and also give you new experience of study.",7.3 668,Ayush Mandloi,Medi-Caps University,"The course cost more than one lakh per year but the value for money is very good. It is very affordable. Some scholarship programs are also there to support underprivileged students. The college is very old and have traditions.The placements are very good, about 85-90% of students are getting placed every year. Highest package is around 8-9 lpa. A bit transparency in the placement process is required. The average salary offered is 3-4 lpa.",8.7 669,Manshi Sinha,Techno International New Town - [TINT],Campus life is good. There are a lot of programs held throughout the year. We enjoy a lot. Lots and lots of competition are held and we are eager to participate in such events. The snu building in our campus also organize such events and we are invited to participate.It's good overall. It really depends on your cgpa and how well you are performing to others and yes the placements are good. The companies that come in campusinh are great and offer high salary jobs. Thank you.,7.7 670,Abhinetra Pate;,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],The course curriculum is very well organized for the college students to understand the clear syllabus of their educational session. The faculty in the campus is very supportive with every efforts to make students understandable.The campus life at KIET Group of institution is very fun and energetic for the new students of first year as there can be free lectures for entertainment but final year students get busy for their placements.,8.3 671,Tejaswi Chaudhari,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"Our campus infrastructure is full with the serenity of Nature. We have 3 libraries in the campus of SNDT, Juhu of which 2 are in the building of Usha mittal institute of technology. Our labs are well equipped. We have a good Wi-Fi connection for workshops or computer labs. We have grounds for different sports like Basketball and badminton.Our college follows the renewed syllabus according to AICTE guidelines. We change our syllabus every 2-5 years to keep ourselves aware of new technologies amd education system. Our college provides us experienced and well versed faculties. We have a good exposure towards research as well after the post graduation.",9.7 672,Chandresh Singh,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"The college life is really full of many activities from technical fests to music nights. From cultural events to sports events everything is really grand. In the college you can learn any event you wish to as there's so much opportunity in the college.Academics are just okay and teachers always try to support students. However, seniors are super supportive and always tries to help Juniors as much as possible. Curriculum is also not too good but comfortable for an engineering institute.",8.7 673,Nishu rai,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],The sports facility is quite good and the sports club is also very active they conduct events frequently to keep the students fit.wi-fi I would rate 7 out of 10 as sometimes it doesn't work properly so students have to suffer because of that labs have a little less equipments but library has a wide range of books we also have e-library that is also very beneficialIt is optimum and just the perfect some new technologies can be included in the course but I think if foundation is strong you can built sky scraper on that with ease also there are club's which introduce us to the upcoming opportunities and technologies in the college so it's not much needed.,8.7 674,Nishu priya,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"We have basketball court,tennis court and has ground for other sports too and we have gym separate for girls and boys too and we have library and one refrence room where you can sit and study and we have different blocks for different departmentsFaculties are good and they teach very nicely. They starts from basic and teach you in detail.they are highly experienced and very friendly and they always try their best to solve our problems and they conduct regular tests and exams.",8.7 675,Harish Kumar Bajiya,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Placement are very good in our college. Loy of IT industries visit our college. While some students apply for off-campus placements and students from our college are placed in various big IT companies which includes Microsoft, Google, amazon, oracle, etc. But yes for good placement you need to work hard in ur college time.Campus life was good but was restricted. We had faced a lot of restrictions over everything during our first time. Events were excellent as only students have to manage all the events by themselves which teaches us the managing events by ourselves and making it successful.",7.3 676,Vijaya Govekar,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"The courses which I was personally interested were present in this institute. Also the faculty here is good and cooperative. The infrastructure is also quite good, including the labs. Even though being amidst the city boundaries, it is in an isolated environment, as the college is surrounded by trees.Usha Mittal Institute of Technology is one of the colleges which is visited by Barclays (A well-known MNC). Also the college has maintained its placement rate and also gradually increased. The college also encourages the students by having guidance sessions by the alumnae as well as others counselors.",9.3 677,Ayush Kumar,Medi-Caps University,"College campus is good. It involves all the facilities for students for personal needs as well as for academics need also sports, NSS, etc. Everything is included there in the campus. Students and staff is also supporting. Yes it is safe.Placement is an all around 70 percent for the college they give placement in all the department of the hotel or any sales in all QSR OR Any other Multi national companies that is very useful for students for work with them.",8.3 678,Yashwant Singh,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is outstanding and almost 90% eligible candidates get placed every year. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs, Airtel etc visit the campus for recruitment. The placement takes place through interview and written examination. Last year CSE and IT witness 100% placement.The campus life is marvelous and full of enjoyment. Techspardha is its Technical fest, Confluence is its cultural fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti etc celebrated here. They bring huge numbers of candidates from different colleges.",10 679,Mohit Singh Bisht,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Some of the leading companies that became a part of the placement process include Microsoft, Philips, HP, TCS and Bosch among many others. The highest placement percentage was offered in IT sector with 35% of the overall placement share.Be it the picturesque streets, the amazing facilities for sports, a stud library, research or places for hanging out with friends, VIT is a basket, where I found all. Make the most of it. The fest are great and i really enjoyed",8.3 680,Avinash Kumar,Medi-Caps University,I don't got any other colleges or NIT. And it is good private college near my hometown. And placement of this college is quite good. My some friends are also in these college so I decided to take this college.I don't think that they have updated syllabus. I don't know much about industrial exposure because I just completed my 1st year. Faculties are quite good in this college. PHK sir is the best faculty I know.,6 681,Ankit Abhishek,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"Placement is good. Faculty is co-operative. Nice environment. Best infrastructure best practical facility. Best naac rank. Best mess and hostel facilites. Faculty have well qualified.Many other activities were happening in the college. College has many club like art club, musical club, studio club, hack club etc where we can enhance our skillCollege will always conduct extracurricular facility were u can learn many things. Placement is good.Many other activities were happening in the college. College has many club like art club, musical club, studio club, hack club etc where we can enhance our skill.",8.3 682,T.S.L.Narasimha Reddy,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Our course syllabus was good and well updated. We have computer labs and drawing labs and we were provided with enough equipment to learn.Yes we were provided enough industrial exposure. The faculty are pretty good. My maths faculty was very good in terms of teaching.Overall the campus life is like stress free and we have many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. We have east India's second most largest techno management fest conducted once a year. We had freshers party at the end of first year.,8.3 683,Ashutosh Vyas,Medi-Caps University,"E-Summit, based on the theme ÒNetworkingÓ, is an event organised by Medi-Caps University, Indore, with ""Entrepreneurship"" at its core. This event is a window of opportunity for budding entrepreneurs/start-ups and people willing to broaden their entrepreneurial horizons.Faculty members are having good knowledge about the current scenario. What's happening in the world and how it is going to affect the economy. They are very qualified most of them has done Ph.D. in their fields. Courses are very relevant to the industry.",6.3 684,Prashansa Singh,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"Well reputed college. Has a great name for Btech. It provides good education and has certainly low fees as compared to other private colleges. It has a great faculty and it well equipped with all the apparatus that is necessary for a quality education. It jas a great name in the state and is ranked in top 200 engineering college so naturally it is a great institution.The college infrastructure is very advanced. It has all sports equipments be it badminton, cricket, volleyball, etc. every necessaty item is present. It also provides us with wi-fi connection. Has all the necessary items for reference in the library and all equipments up to date in labs.",10 685,Adhish Soni,Rajasthan Technical University - [RTU],"Every year,a new syllabus is updated,so that every new things can be known to every student as well as each topic is covered. Faculties are very cooperative and trying to clear all doubts.There is a proper lab equipped with new instruments.This college is the best college all over Rajasthan with best faculties,good labs as well as good infrastructure.The students are very helpful.There is lot of greenery here,which gives good oxygenated area.Faculties are very cooperative.",8 686,Vipul Agrahari,Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology - [SRIT],"It was absolutely trash and i would never recommend someone this college, campus life is next to none and there are only three events in this college in a year. Sports is good but it is too un-organised. most of the students are from villages and only a few come from good backgrounds.Course curriculum is basic and uninteresting, academics are good but job opportunities are bad and faculties are not good, management sucks and student life is really bad. if i had to give it a rating id give 1 out of 10",2 687,anushree garg,Medi-Caps University,I am studying mechanical engineering. Quality of teaching is really good. All the faculty members are higly dedicated. But yes college is very strict about academic then any other engineering college.It is a good course and aims at the basics of the branch. It is an interdisciplinary branch therefore a student studying this course can work in any desired industry. The teaching quality is good and is mainly set as a two-way teaching. Students are expected to lessen some things on their own and then have a discussion within the class or personally with respective teachers. Projects are given special importance and mentorship as per studentÕs interest of domain.Quality of placements is much better as compared to other engineering colleges in Navi Mumbai. Comps and IT have highest placement with better packages. Maximum package offered was 12.5 lacs. Quality is prefered over quantity,7.7 688,Sunny Raj,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],There were various events that keeps on going in this college but the best one is it's JIS Tech Fest which is such a great event that people from far location come to join this event. Also students gets Various opportunities to show their skills through hackthons competition that happens in this college.Fully wi-fi campus and we'll equipped flip classroom concept is their. Also their is a large playground and a library having a vast collection of books and also their is a digital studio where students those who are having passion in singing or acting can join that studio.,7 689,Kshitij jain,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],Teaching faculty is ok but industrial exposure is not enough. Faculties were not permanent they change after some time but teaching method is good. I don't remember any faculty name right now. Course syllabus was updated accordingly.Joining due to it's reputation in madhya pradesh and the thing I like most is the environment and the teaching faculty in college.I choose btech from It branch because of job security in technical branch of jec.,7.3 690,Ria Gangwar,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"Didn't get any better, Apart from the academic excellence the college provides, the college has a legacy linked with its name. It is because of the untiring efforts of the faculty,staff and the students that JEC has maintained a respectable rank and enjoys a position of Pride and Prestige.Very old, demotivating, sad, dangerous, wifi speed very slow, The infrastructure is the best, with good facilities and a good environment. All facilities are available and there is room for more in the coming future. Arts or sports opportunity is plenty. The food is the best",2.7 691,Shadaan,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],The placements of this college is far more better than many other colleges. It's placement and companies recruiting students from here is increasing year by year. In the year 2020 it bagged 93% students placed in top companies with average salary 6.5LPA*It's NIRF ranking is good and the placements provided by this college is far more better than many other colleges plus its campus lofe is also good. Review is also good in many portals so I chose this college,9 692,Ravi Raj Yadav,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],I would say Course curriculum is average.the college can improve course curriculum.academics of the college is good.it gives a good environment to focus on your projects and placements.the college tries it's best to prepare you for placements.the faculities are good.most of the proffessors are having phd in their specialized subjects and have good knowledge but the professors should improve their teaching quality a little bit.Sports facilities is excellent in the college.ITER library is probably one of the best college library in the state.the college wifi works properly at regular except sometimes while hostel wi-fi works only for laptops.it has excellent labs for all kinds of branches with good machines and it has decent classrooms too to study.it has a food court also where you can enjoy meals but with some great expense.,5.7 693,Shivansh Tripathi,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"It's a reputated college in MP and is not too good not too bad the infrastructure is very old as it was established in 1947. Faculties here are not bad infact average. Campus placement is possible if you've got some skills in programming, editing or similar things as companies like TCS,Wipro,Infosys hire some students from campus itself.Placements here are offered on campus from companies such as Tata consultancy services, Infosys, Wipro technologies these companies generally offer 2.5-3Lack package but not for all students as they take tests and the students who pass them/ have skills in programming editing type of work are able to grab the opportunity.",7 694,Abu Faiz,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],"Quite a reputable University around east india,has good track record in terms of placement,helps a student find their true potential by giving them ample amount of time to help them find what they want.Is quite good.have a basketball court as well as a cricket ground on campus.Extra activities include dance,singing,poetry,english cafe and each have a dedicted room.Sports happen all round the year.",8.7 695,avhinap,IES University,"The campus life is great. There are many place to hang out with your friends like Nescafe, MechC canteen, Mic Macs, the sports ground, etc. Most of the students are day scholars. It is located near the industrial area of Samaypur Badli. There is adequate access to public transport. There are a lot of PG accommodations right outside the campus. There are a few hospitals nearby.IES is one of the most reputed University in India. I believe that it has a great faculty and also has a beautiful campus. The college life is quite enjoyable as it has a blend of both informative lectures and the exciting college events. I personally have had some of the most treasured moments of my life at IES",8.7 696,Sanskriti Kushik,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],There are various technical events organised by various councils of the college. There is an Annual Cultural Fest organised by Student Council and is volunteered by many students of the college itself. The footfall of the annual fest is around 2500-3000.One can find well equipped labs here. There is a wonderful library where one can easily find the book required. The University consists of playgrounds where students can indulge in the sports on their choice.Thus the University focuses on sports too.,9 697,Ritika,Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - [BVCOE],"our college is good in Tech culture event but not that much but they are very much lacking in fests like dance, singing, edm nights and big events. No functions or occasion is celebrated. I have not seen any sports activities was conducted in our college may be I'll see in future.Syllabus is medium not that much hard or easy it depends upon each students everyone have different level. and faculty member is cooperative and they will help you if you're stuck in some situations. All over it is good",6.3 698,Shruti Rajput,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"I was allotted UMIT in the very first slot of CAP rounds. I filled very few colleges from Mumbai and UMIT was in top 6. It is the only girls Engineering college in Mumbai and comes under SNDT university. I read the reviews of the college students and i contacted few passout and senior year students. The reviews were very good. Teaching faculty, Academics were very well planned. So I decided not to wait for next CAP round and I froze my seat in UMIT. I think it was good decision. The teaching staff here is very supportive and always willing to guide students. Principal of the college, Mr. Pawar sir, is also supportive. The most important thing I liked about college is the academic curriculum. It ensures overall development of a student in particular branch. The college is in one of the main location of Mumbai i.e Juhu. It is cherry on cake for the college.Course syllabus is updated recently i.e 2020. The academic curriculum of college is overall very good. No sort of burden is experienced in curriculum. Curriculum ensures that the student gets all updated knowledge on specific subject. Faculties: Faculties are very supportive and always willing to guide us. Their teaching method and notes are very helpful and thus during exam there is minimal need to refer any outside book. Notes given by faculties are enough. But some of them are not that well but they try their best to teach students and ensure that student understands the concept.",8 699,Sripriya Mishra,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"My college follows the iit curriculum, and the faculties are very well updated. The unit tests as well as semester exams papers are also in house, ie, our university only sets it because we are autonomous, so get the benefit at the state level as well as have our own rules. We have represented our college at national level too. One gets extra credit on representing the college, be it a technical, sport, cultural competition. There is a proper balance one gets with academics and Co-curricular activities. All the faculties are extremely sweet and highly cooperative. One just needs to be regular with attendance (75%). We have become a family now because almost 8-9 hrs a student is in the college only.Firstly it's in my locality, although it's a full women's university (college) it has a very high placement rate as compared to other colleges ; the faculties are well updated and highly cooperative ; no ragging issues at all ;very nice alumni network; if one is regular in the lectures and labs there's no need to worry about exams or tests at all, cause the system is very flexible.",9.7 700,Samveg Shandilya,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"college includes lots of clubs which helps in improving talent to an individual and provides a stage to participate and compete with all national level Colleges there are mainly 3-4 fests in a year including cultural and technical festsCollege adopts the latest AICTE course which is designed by IIT faculties and with adopted iit curriculum, the academics include both practical as well as theory learning and the faculties are highly educated",7.3 701,Madhav Sood,Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - [BVCOE],"Campus life is great, lot's of places to visit nearby and the fest organized by ipu is excellent tech fests are organised by various societies and it's a learning curve for us students to and a way to interact with seniorsAccessibility to the campus,good placements,good crowd, btech was my passion since class 8th so I opted for this course, the college has a.good ground and a really good canteen with good faculty and lab facilities",9 702,Anonymous,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],Because it is one of the best colleges of west bengal and one of top private colleges of west bengal. It has very good infrastructure. Teaching faculties are also good. Good learning opportunities are provided here.Campus life is very good here. Students get a large number of opportunities. A large number of cultural events take place regularly here. Freshers and farewell takes place both. Many techfest are also organized.,10 703,Harshil Bhavsar,GSFC University,"It was a great everyone wants good college and yes I got the admission in the university where good facilities available, canteen facilities available and also girl friendly campus.It was such a best place for girl students.It is a awesome life. If you want a nice and fun,here is a best campus. All students want a amazing campus and a big campus so here their dreams comes true.Such a nice campus. I like this university campus.",9.3 704,Manali Chaudhari,Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - [UMIT],"There are various councils which organise technical as well as non-technical events like coding compititions, hackathons, industrial visits,etc. The cultural festival of college is really good and held on a large scale.UMIT focus on technical as well as non-technical skills with will help students to achieve success in the field of engineering. With academic it includes various councils. The faculties from UMIT are really good.",9.3 705,Upendra Yadav,Amity University,There are a good library and AV facilities for presentations. There are good hostel facilities etc. Wi-Fi facility is also provided. There are different events introduced so that the curriculum doesn't get monotonous. The management is always ready to help and solve any type of problems.As per me I was not a hosteler but many of my friends are so I always heard good stuff from them apparently it's a bit too expensive and kind of bit strict for the hostelers. But apart from that the food and stuff you would say you can find anything and everything in the campus.,8.3 706,ANKIT GIRI,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],Many events takes place here but none of them are from the college. campus life is also very boring and cultural festival takes place every time in the soa campus2 which is the medical college. many students participate in that also.All faculties are same except one or two which is good. The bad thing about the college is that nothing is systematized over here. and the students have to face a lot of difficulties because of this. The syllabus is easy.,8.3 707,Khelesh Bhalekar,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],"My opinion regarding course is that this course is very intresting for the students who take the maths stream and wanted to do Something in engineering field and course syllabus is so updated. We gave different types of workshops that are conducted every saturday in our colleges and other college also comes to take the part in it. The faculities are so friendly to tge students so that student can not hesitate to ask the problems, in my views Mr. P reedy sir is the best faculty.Our colleges infrastructure is so good Just outside the campous there is a very big ground also known as robertson lake us avalible sports facilities are so good, wifi is little bit slower but it works,the library is so excellent as all book is provided in it and the space of studies that will provide to the students,it attracts me alot,if it comes to lab then there is more then sufficient equipments and it helps us in practical knowledege alot.",8.7 708,Korravath Ramesh Naik,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is amazing. The last year highest package offered was 40 lakh per annum to a CSE student. For other branches also it is good. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Hero, Amazon, Flipkart, ONGC, BHEL, Indian oil, Swiggy, Zomato et cetra visit the campus for recruitment. The training and placement cell looks after placement scenario. Not much about alumni is know to me but they would be nice.For my branch the curriculum is updated and designed in such a way that a student finds ease in learning. The syllabus is divided into eight semesters and is completed on time before Examination. We ate provided interships to assemble industrial experience. The faculty members are expert and My favourite professor is Amit Goyal sir.",9.3 709,amritank gautam,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],My syllabus was updated and we are provided with enough practical knowledge and we have lab for everything.in the first year.the teacher here are good and will help you with your doubt everytime.The academic teaching is also good. lf you want to exel in coding you can even stay in the lab till 8 at the night and code and write programsThe placement of this college is very good.if you are in a good branch like cse or ise there is very high possibility that you will be placed by the end of your course.Mostly mass recruitment company come to our college so there is a high chance that even if you are ordinary you will get placed.Highest pacakge was 32 lacks last year.,9.3 710,Ayush Goyal,Medi-Caps University,"I choose this university because its curriculum structure is very good and teachers are passionate towards their teaching. It has a good and healthy environment. I opted this course because i want to go for further studies like M. Tech and this is the base for it.Placement & job opportunities are good in the college as companies like tata consultancy services (tcs), infosys are the top recruiters. Not every student gets placed but it still manages to have an average package of around 3.5 lakh and more than that.",6.3 711,Divyansh Modi,Medi-Caps University,"The curriculum is very old and somewhat like rgpv university only. The subjects and topics aren't updated. Yes in various programs and coding competition we somewhat get industrial exposure. Most faculties are good and have great knowledge of subjects. My favorite faculties from first year were Dr. P. Hari Krishnan from physics, Mr. Deepak jain fron civil and Mrs. Rimple chagga from computer scienceThere is a dedicated placement cell in the college. Company's like TCS are mass recruiting every year. Approximately 80% students get placed every year. There are different clubs which helps yoy bring confidence and subjects like communication skills which helps to improve our performance in GD.",6.3 712,Akash Mishra,Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology - [IERT],"Technical fest is held once a year in the month of february different types of competition like tekathon robo battle and codervation are held Campus life is also very good Cultural Fest is held in the month of October Fresher Party is also organised by our seniorsDifferent Courses are avaiable such as Diploma and B.Tech in different streams such as IPE,ICE,Civil,Mechanical,ECE,Electrical etc Syllabus is as per suggested by AICTE and UGC and thorougly followed Abdul Kalam Technical University",5 713,Parth Bhagdikar,Vidyalankar Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Just like all other colleges in Mumbai,even we have various committees which organize different cultural and social throughout the year. We have an annual event called as 'VERVE' in which we have all different types of competitions and cultural activities where in various colleges in and around Mumbai participate in. These 2-3 days are filled with full of fun and excitement for everyone.Amazing Infrastructure with excellent indoor and outdoor sports facilities and we have a good wifi system installed for easy access to Internet whenever required. We even have quite a large library which can accommodate atleast 150 students with comfort and complete convenience.",7 714,Priyanka,BGS Institute of Technology - [BGSIT],"Yes, value of scope is good, and usually technology applied courese so no need of worrying about fear of looseing jobs in future.help of applied skills survive on IT fields and we can provide jobs and training placement fr other unemployment educatedsCampus is very gud. infrastructure is in good looking management if campus is well.and many cultural activities go on.like sports day.and national festivals,kannada rajyotsava and many other events goes on",7.3 715,Raman,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"If you expect the so called 'coding environment' as something where people will be ready to help you in learning the same or maybe it will be easy to form a like minded group, then you are probably wrong. Interaction is not so great that you will feel properly guided or anything. Try to approach people, ask for there number. Nothing special, nothing fancy.Probably because its the best college for engineering in delhi after IIT delhi. College is outstanding in academics and extracurricular activities. And its not at all easy to get admission here. Also it has now been granted the status of a varsity.",7 716,AMAN MUDGAL,Poornima College of Engineering,"In my opinion, Poornima provides a world class academic background. Talking about course, so each and every subject is quiet intresting and innovative. Also, Poornima is the one which provides Industrial training for every student in every week, deciding on amr prior focus area(In my case, I've opted Data Science). Talking about Faculties, there are highly qualified and experienced faculties, mostly PHD's. One of my favourite faculty is Dr. Rekha Nair, Dean. Provided with subject material, she has answer to each and every queries of students and she's always ready to take personal care to every student she teaches.The first and foremost factor I've seen is the placement thing. In my opinion placement is one of the major search that every student is ought to search in a good College. Secondary thing is the quality of faculty, I must say, Poornima College of Engineering holds very much experienced and highly qualified professional faculties, mostly PHD's. Third and the foremost factor is the quality of education provided. I can't express in words that once the student entered in Poornima, I must say he/she will be refined within the 4 years of graduation.",10 717,Saif Mohammad Khan,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"It Has A Beautiful campus having all sports activities and a cafeteria a good place to study as all Students are devoted to study. Having good management and teachers with a good qualification Placement rate is 85% each year with upto 10 lacs per annum. Best College for a Student who is looking for all these featuresAlmost 80% of the students have been placed across India. Even many students got off-campus placements. The highest salary package offered was 10 LPA. Tata Steel, Byjus, TCS, Tech Mahindra, Capgemini, Wipro, Automotive Axles, Tata Motors and many more visited here for placements.",9.3 718,roopesh kumar,Saveetha Engineering College - [SEC],"My Opinion is Faculties are very nice they will be friendly with us, they will explain clearly about the course and they teach debt of the course. Academics are very nice, knowledge and skills students are expected to learn which includes learning Standards.So Good I have enjoyed a lot.Campus life is very nice, college Conducts so many events that helps us to improve ur Knowledge, extracurricular activities we can improve our leadership skills carry on our own project and doing Volunteer Works.",9 719,Ayush kumar,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],It is in my home town and i can travel by my own without affording hostel or anything. The best thing about this college is the nirf ranking and also companies that visit here for placement. It has the best campus.This time almost 90% of the students gor placed and every year the result is same. This time Microsoft gave the highest package and recruited 8 to 10 students. also many other companies recruited many students.,9.3 720,Somnath Malik,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Companies like Amazon, PSUs, Mahindra, Hero, Flipkart, Samsung, Airtel, Maruti Suzuki, Honda, Swiggy, Google, Microsoft etc come and do recruitment. The highest package offered last year was 40 lakh per annum and CSE and IT department had the best placement percentage. The T&P cell of the college do every bit to ensure that every student is placed. I don't know much about the alumni except that they are getting name and fame.They syllabus is well organised and has been divided into eight semesters. Besides putting emphasis on academics there is a sports class mandatory in first year to develop extracurricular activities. There are many internship for gaining industrial experience and exposure. The faculty members are highly educated and trained and they are skilled in teaching. Dr Kiran More mam is my favourite professor.",9 721,Riya Malik,Institute of Management Studies - [IMS],"Campus life is good, but not much excellent. Students can enjoy many facilities like canteen, sports etc.in the college campus area. Library and other facilities are also provided. College ground is one of the area where students can enjoy their leisure time.As everyone knows B.Tech.is a costly course. So every student can't afford its fees. Thus, various scholarships are provided to students who are good academic scorers. Facilities in the college are also good and qualified.",9 722,Ayush Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is awesome for CSE and IT while for my branch it is more than average. The highest package offered so far is 40 lakh per annum. The T&P cell is held responsible for placement of the college. Google, Samsung, Amazon, Hero, Flipkart like companies visit the campus for hiring candidates. Even some PSUs also come for recruitment. The alumni have shown their talen across India and are caring.The curriculum is updated and well divided into parts. The entire course is divided into eight semesters. Thus we get enough time to complete the whole syllabus. There is internship for the students. The faculty members are well trained and very skilled in teaching. My favourite professor is Dr JK Kapoor.",9.3 723,SATTWIK DAS,Techno Main Salt Lake,"Well there are various events organized in the college including various technical clubs organizing events that help students improve their learning experience and stay in college.There are also literary clubs, cultural clubs and social clubs organizing various fests & online + offline events throughout the yearWell the course and the syllabus is latest and up to date.The concepts & books suggested for the students is very good and easy for the students to understand.Regular monthly tests are conducted to keep a check on the students performance and how he /she is actually understanding the concepts in class.",8.7 724,Devyani,Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University - [GGSIPU],Enough industrial exposure was not provided. My college in particular really focused on academics. And I do think a lot of ipu colleges do. Exams abd such were really focused upon.the faculties for core subjects were good.I wanted to pursue the course. Ggsipu is a good reputed university with provides various programs and other facilities for its students to avail.it has a good on campus placement record. The location is also good.,6.3 725,Krishnam Goyal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Companies like Samsung, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Flipkart, Google, Hero, Mahindra etc visit the NIT for recruiting candidates. The training and placement cell is responsible for all placement activities. The highest package offered last year was 40 lakh per annum. Not much is known to me about the alumni but I have seen them often visiting the NIT campus.The campus life is enjoyable and learning if you like it. Otherwise it is going to be boring for you. Techspardha and Confluence are the largest fest of the NIt. Besides there are other celebrations also like Utkarsh, National days, convocation et cetra. This involves huge numbers of candidates in them.",9.3 726,Siddharth rai,Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology - [RKGIT],Campus life is good and female interaction is low but interesting events and seminars are held every now and then and the festivities are rather fun and must not to miss.they are quite big and the participation is medium crowd and college participate nearly.The college curriculum is fine most of the times it is according to aktu and stress free we have enough time for research and personal skills development teachers are good most of them tbh. Industrial exposure is just as any other ncr college.,7 727,Vishal Jain,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and the placement of CSE and IT branch is very high. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Maruti Suzuki, Swift, Amazon Flipkart etc visit the NIT Kurukshetra for recruitment of candidates. The alumni network is supportive and visit the NIT regularly.The campus life would be awesome if you have some best friends. Otherwise you will find yourself lonely in this huge campus. Techspardha and Confluence are the biggest fest celebrated here. Also Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day etc are celebrated. There is large participation of candidates.",9.3 728,Mahesani Chakraborty,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],I had opted for a degree outside kolkata for btech but then my parents said that now I should not stay here and study. So I started searching for colleges here. I came across a lot of new colleges. I was taking suggestions. Did not know which to choose.Our course curriculum has recently been updated. We were shared the details. The college aspires to provide all round development to the students so that students may shine in life. But the opinion of every student differs.,7.3 729,Mulpuru Mukesh Narayan,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of NIT Kurukshetra is awesome and is one of the best placement record like that of IITs. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum. Companies like Amazon PSUs Hero, Google Microsoft Facebook, Flipkart Samsung etc visit the campus and do mass recruitment of candidates. The alumni frequently visit the NIT and know what has changed over the years. Also they help us.The curriculum is well organised and updated. The entire course us of four years, divided into eight semesters with three Examinations -one external and two internals being present in each semester. There is internships required at any cost in sixth semester third year. The faculty members are really helpful and friendly. My favourite us Mr Kulbir sir.",9.3 730,Darasi Venkata Chaitanya,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Being an IT student here, I would say that the placement is outstanding in NIT Kurukshetra. The CSE and IT department have witnessed almost 100% placement last year and the placement of other branches i also good. Companies like Google Microsoft Facebook Airtel Hero Amazon Flipkart, ONGC, Indian oil, BHEL etc visit the NIT for recruiting candidates. The training and placement cell is very active and leaves no stone unturned to make students job ready and give them placement also.The course of Information Technology is arranged in a good way here and it has been separated into eight six months semesters. I am second year students right now. So I don't know much about internship but seniors tell that it is mandatory and everyone is given adequate industrial exposure and experience. The faculty members are very much dedicated towards teaching.",9.3 731,Anubhav Saini,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The placement track record of the college is extremely well. There is a training and placement cell to look after placement activities. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and for CSE and IT it was almost 100% last year. Companies like Google Microsoft Facebook Airtel Hero Amazon Flipkart etc visit the campus for recruitment. The alumni are invited and give cooperation.The campus life is good and I am enjoying and learning here in NIT Kurukshetra. Techspardha and Confluence are the biggest fest. They are technical and cultural fest of the college respectively. Besides there is Utkarsh Independence day Republic day Gandhi Jayanti Convocation etc celebrated here. There is huge participation of candidates in them.,9.3 732,Abhranil Misra,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],This college has got faculty and good infrastructure. Here one can freely enjoy their college life. Numerous clubs for extra-curricular activities along with Tech Clubs. Laboratory facilities are very good. This college is among the best private engineering colleges of West Bengal with an NIRF ranking of 150 as of 2019.The faculty members are extremely knowledgeable and approachable. You can mail them personally and almost every time they will revert back to you personally. The electives the course offer are extremely relevant and useful. The lab classes are very well conducted.,8.7 733,G.Sai sunandha,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"In our college they conduct so many cultural festivals,in that festivals the staff of our college will provide so many facilities.our campus seniors conduct many technical festivals for their juniors,and provide opportunities.In our campus there is a big football ground,cricket ground,badminton ground,bus ground e.t.c.There is a good wi-fi connection in our college.coming to the library it was so peaceful there are so many books in our library.",8 734,Sachin Solanki,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is something which like most about the NIT. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs, Hero, Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki etc visit the campus for recruitment and hiring. The highest package offered last year was 40 lakh per annum. The overall placement record of the college is excellent. The seniors and alumni are very supportive and help us.The campus life is good except being in the old hostel rooms. There are numerous fests and events celebrated here. Techspardha and Confluence are the biggest fest. Some other fests are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti, Convocation et cetra. They are celebrated with great enthusiasm and receive participants in large numbers.",9 735,Manish Vijay,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Course curriculum academic and faculty are good. They are supported they provide facilities to the students. They are always ready to help the students they help in developing their skills. There are lot of branches and Courses like Btech, Mba, Pharmacy providing to different students as per their interrest.I also applied for MNIT Jaipur but my percentage was looked so I was not selected in it and then I prefer SKIT college ranked no. 1 Bu RTU kota. It is good for Btech. I will prefer the students to take it as a option",8 736,Disha Tyagi,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"The infrastructure is new there and therefore, quite nice. All the buildings are provided with elevators and doors with sensors which open and close automatically. The sports facilities though are not very extensive, might I add. Wi-Fi facility is very poor and problematic and limited. The library is enormous with a huge number of books with diverse topics. Also the labs are well-eqipped, spacious and provide a very safe environment for work.The campus here is quite okay and good. The seniors are cooperatinv and supportive. The Cultural fest are held once a year and are huge with maximum participation and enthusiasm from the students. Then there is a sports fest, also held once a year, has lesser participation of students than other fests.",7 737,Shrishti,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"the Course Curriculum, Academics, Faculties everything is up to the mark. the faculties are well groomed teachers delivering the best of subject material. many interactive form of teaching is involved as well which makes learning engaging and meaningful. Curriculum is deigned and curated from the AKTU university which is followed by the college as well.there are a number of reasons to choose this college. firstly, that i scored the desired the branch. second reason is the college's location which is very close to my residence. third has to be its placement scenario which is pretty sound, giving its students of number of possibilities to explore and experience.",7.7 738,M.Rydhima,Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science - [HITS],"Infrastructure are too good like sports football,sheetle,tennis, volleyball, basketball,no wifi, biggest library, super working all equipments, physics, chemistry,ece,eee,mech, electric,civil, fashion design, computer labs, all type of labs are available and good.Course are updated time to time without backlog,they provide good industrial exposure,they are making us to learn by taking us to industrial visit.all the facilities are helpful.All the facilities are good in there part",8.3 739,Jagriti Saikia,NIT Silchar,"Campus Infrastructure is quite good but it can be made better to speak honestly. Sports facilities are quite average. Wi-fi facility is not that great. I myself face difficulties when opted to choose the wi-fi. The connection at some points and areas in it can be made better. Library is good but very very less number of books. Even it becomes difficult to get access to our course books regarding to the strength of the students in the campus. It should be highly paid attention. And equipments in some lab is average as against for some other as it utterly low grade especially ec lab.The campus life is quite interesting and a bit hectic as all our seniors and mentors are fully active and enthusiastic. Technoesis is our technical event and its extremely interesting as we the new ones get introduced to a lot of new stuffs from coding to management. Besides the college helds a lot other competitions. Cultural and management ground also grasps an amazing time. And the participation is quite remarkable be it from the enthusiastic seniors, teachers or classmates.",7.3 740,Subhojit ghosal,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],"It is a better & improvement college for all b- tech student. This college has a good degree around all over india. This college performs as makaut and this college also a autonomous institution. This college situated at kalyani, west Bengal. Most of common this college has an anti ragging community which provides a guide line for all students who are joining 1st year I. E new students.Every students get chance to join any cultural program or technical review. This college every year arrange a college festival and annual sports where each students can participate and also gets mar points which is basically needs for makautians.",9 741,Pulom Gupta,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],This was listed in top 5 in UP and my jee scores were not that good and This college is in the NCR region which is growing rapidly so in upcoming years there will be many job opportunities created in the same area. The college is consistent in placement and provides nearly 100% placement which was what I found good. The college has many opportunities also has many clubs and many more things and also provides space for competing on global level.Everything is good just attendance is somewhat a problem it's very very important to maintain attendance otherwise they don't allow you in exams. Course is also good they help us and practical learning is also brought into practice. Faculties are mostly awesome and way better they support you all the time and college also provides mentors to every student and with these mentors you can discuss any problems and career guidance too.,7.7 742,Prakhar Srivastava,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"Talking about sports facilities we have a football ground, a cricket ground, a badminton court, indoor badminton and a tennis court. Campus is fully equipped with wifi everywhere with greater speeds i got max upto 93 mbps. Library is divided into two sections one is common reading room and other is only reading room for borrowed books, library has large space and variety of books for each and every department. There are different labs, each department has it's own lab, which is a good thing to look as most of the colleges don't have single lab for department and they run a common lab for all like EEE and ECEAmazon,kronos, HSBC, TCS, infosys, byjus, indian navy, L & T, nokia, IBM, samsung, urbanclap, Reliance, ashok leyland, hero electric, hitachi, dabur and several many more company's are the recruiters of the college students. All the placement disciplines are under the placement cell of college and they have several criterias for the students to sit in the placement exams highest package this year(2019) was of 22lpa from Information technology and average lpa is 6 lacs",9.7 743,Arkadeep Kashyap,NIT Silchar,"Overall Good. Faculties are caring and aware with latest technologies. Labs are well equipped and administration is good. Regarding cons, infrastructure could be better considering an old NIT. And location is remote.It was my dream to do Engineering and Josaa Counseling dropped me in this college. Though I listed this college in my choice list because campus is okay and placement scenerio is decent. So It's okayish for me.",9.3 744,Sahitya,JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial - [JNTUHCEJ],There is a library and games are given equal importance and all the labs are well equipped. There are required number of books available in the library. Labs are also well assisted. Students interests in games are identified and encouraged.Campus Life is the best of all. Cultural events and technical events are held at the end of every academic year. Department wise fests and annual day are the best conducted. Good exposure to technical and cultural events.,9.3 745,Animesh Bansal,Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology - [RKGIT],"College life poses a lot of challenges in front of you. You are now in a place full of unfamiliar faces where you need to mingle in. It teaches us to socialize and form opinions of our own. In college, students learn their free will and they go on to become more confident and composed.every facility is provided from sports to library. Library has around 2000 books in which any one can sit and read from 7 am till 11pm. Lab is well equiped and there are assistants in each of them. Wifi is also being available for laptops and tablets",7.7 746,Shaik kousar,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],In Our institute placements takes place every year. Every final year student with 75% and above can actually get a chance for an interview. Through the skills and abilities one get selected by some companies. 80% of the students get placed every year in different cities of their respective decisions.Campus Life is great. Every year our college conducts programs and events where every student can participate and enjoy the experience in all cultural activities. There are also some technical summits where students can challenge themself at every step.,8.7 747,Yaman Saini,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement percentage of CSE and IT is matchless. For other branches ut is also good. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum. All major recruiting companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Hero, Amazon, Flipkart, ONGC, BHEL, Indian oil etc visit the campus for recruitment. The seniors are helpful and friendly. So are the alumni.The curriculum is well designed that a student enjoys his/her study. The entire course is divided into eight semesters. There are internships provided to the students to get industrial exposure and experience. The faculty members are highly qualified in their domain.",9.3 748,Jatin Singla,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The academic record of the college is good. The curriculum is updated and divided into eight semesters with three Examination being in each semester. T&P cell provides interships for industrial exposure. The faculty members have their own offices and are highly educated. My favourite professor is Naveen sir.The placement of NIT Kurukshetra is extraordinary. The training and placement cell looks after this. Every year almost 90% eligible candidates get placed. The highest package offered in the institute is 40 lakh per annum. For my branch PIE it is 21 lakh per annum. The seniors are very friendly and helpful.,9 749,Ishjot Singh,Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"Good infrastructure, some sports, bad wifi Great library, decent equipments in lab, and there's a lot of restrictions in using library and lab equipment and they always tell that there will be a fine if you break anything but the thing is even if you don't break anything there will be a fine on some students because they were late in class or had low attendanceI never got the chance to attend any events and activities cause of the corona situation if things got better i will tell you next year, until then I'll tell you what i heard from the seniors they said events are good but also some restrictions are there from the faculty side and mostly the event is only good at the main campus in this university.",4.7 750,Mukund Kumar Malviya,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"NIT Kurukshetra gives you ample amount of opportunities to build your career. The placement is very nice here. CSE and IT department have unmatchable placement record while placement for other branches is above average. Last year highest package of 40 lakh per annum surpassed previous year record of 39 lpa. The alumni of this college are renowned personalities of the nation.The campus life is outstanding and full of enjoyment. Techspardha, Confluence are the north India's biggest fest. Additionally there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction party etc celebrated here. Students participate in all these fests. They bring huge numbers of candidates from different backgrounds and college across India.",9 751,Priyam Thakuria,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus life is full of enjoyment and we have liberty of everything. Techspardha( Technical fest) and Confluence (cultural fest) are two of its biggest fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction party etc celebrated here. There are many events in then organised by college clubs and societies. They are extremely large.The placement of my branch ECE is good but not as much as CSE and IT. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum till now and the placement of other branches is also nice. There is training and placement cell to keep check on placement activities. The alumni and seniors are friendly and helpful.",10 752,Sandeep Mandal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement for CSE and IT branch is really out of expression. It was hundred percent last year with the highest package being 40 lakh per annum. Major recruiting companies visiting the campus are Facebook, Airtel, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, PSUs, Swiggy Flipkart, Samsung and others. The placement cell is active every time. The alumni have shown their extraordinary talent across the country and are nice.For Information Technology the curriculum is updated and arranged properly. We have eight semesters in four years to complete the entire course. Additionally in first year we have mandatory sports and yoga class once in a week. The faculty and professors of the Institutions are Highly educated and very brilliant in their respective subjects.",9.3 753,Mohit Meena,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus life is awesome especially for me who like enjoying. It is very big and has all the facilities. Techspardha and Confluence are its biggest fest which receives participants in huge numbers. Other than this NIT Kurukshetra also celebrates Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers party Convocation etc.Many big companies visit the campus and do mass recruitment. These companies include Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Hero, Amazon, Flipkart, Samsung et cetra. The placement department is active and leaves no opportunity to place students. The alumni are also assisting for getting students in their company.",9.3 754,Jayant arora,Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University - [GGSIPU],The course is outdated and no training is provided. One will not learn any skill from the college. The student has to hustle by himself/herself there may be some professors whom can guide a student. But students can't relay on the college to teach the skills to be industrial readyMostly campuses are small in ggsipu even hostle are not there. The college life is fun as there is not much strictness on attendance and any thing you will have a great time with your friends and have some best time of your life,3.3 755,Shende Sahil Avinash,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"For IT and CSE department the placement is very high. The highest package offered is as high as 40 lakh per annum. For other branches it is approximately 20 lakh per annum. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Hero, Amazon, Flipkart and others come to the campus with placement offers for candidates. The alumni are very friendly and supportive.Almost in every semester we have two fests. Techspardha and Confluence are two of its grand fest celebrated with great pomp and show. Besides we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti, Independence day, Utkarsh et cetra. There are many events and programs which are held during these fest. Very large number of students participate in it.",9.3 756,JugaI Patel,Nirma University - [NU],"Here everything is quite different from the general college.it change the syllabus and the subject as per the feedback of seniors and the industry demand.faculty are excellent many are doctor and out of which few are from IIT'also. Every course make the fundamentals very clear and try to involve new ideas in the class as per their knowledge.Because it is famous for its name, campus,placement,etc. Also Ahmedabad,Gujarat is a cool place to live and many of my relatives live there.it is also accredited by NAAC as A+ and there is a Audit every year by the team of professionals to Check the lab, teaching syllabus and interact with students.",8 757,Lakshay Bansal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is very high and nice here. For CSE and IT it is almost hundred percent. For other branches it is above average but high. Google ,Microsoft, Facebook, Airtel, Hero, various PSU Flipkart, Amazon are the major recruiting companies which visit the college. The NIT has T&P cell to look after placement. The alumni are invited at each fest and they support us.The course is designed such that it helps you in your all round development and progress. Apart from academics emphasis is laid on sports and extracurricular activities as well. Hence we have compulsory yoga and sports class. There are internship for industrial experience. The faculty members are excellent in teaching.",9.3 758,Arun Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The course of CSE is well organised and for ease learning it haa been divided into eight semesters. Each semester has three Examination. There is an internship compulsory in eight semester for getting industrial exposure. The faculty members are highly educated and trained. My favourite is Prof Kulbeer SinghI am from CSE branch and the placement of this branch is awesome. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and there is 100% placement for CSE and IT. The placement takes place with the aid of training and placement cell. The alumni of the college keep visiting the campus.,9.3 759,A Geethika,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],And now by talking about the infrastructure. It is very much good And there is WiFi facility in the college everywhere and in all blocks. The size of the library is also much which is contained of all required books with different authors. The equipment in the lab Is also very useful and we will have everything what we need.The campus life was very good.There will be many technical fest's which are also related to the academics which will be very useful.And also there will be many cultural fests. And activities related ,9.3 760,Kshitij Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The placement here is hundred percent for CSE and IT department. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum to a CSE student. The fourth year student are assisted by training and placement cell for placement. The passouts or alumini of this college are working in top companies on good posts.The course is good in both respects. It has wonderful teacher team and one sports class is compulsory once in a week for first year student. The college provides interships in third year. The teachers are highly educated and very much experienced. My favourite professor is Dr Lalit Thakur.,9 761,Ashish Barath,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus life is good and I enjoy very much here. There are cafeteria from place to place. So no need to worry for food. There are many fests in the college like Confluence, Gandhi Jayanti, Techspardha my favourite , Utkarsh nice but small. Every student participate in these and many events take place.Many very big and branded companies like Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, TCS, Google, Samsung, Airtel, Flipkart, Honda, Hero, Reliance ,Psu etc visit and do mass recruitment of candidates. The highest package offered so far is 40 lakh per annum and 100% placement is for CSE and IT department.",9.7 762,Shaik kousar,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"My course syllabus was well-equipped because of good faculties. Faculty members in our institute were good because, every faculty member in our institute has PhD. They have well-known experience in their respective fields. In my perspective, my english professor was very good at motivating students and pushing us beyond the limits to pursue our dreams.so, I consider him as my favourite till now.Campus Life was great. Every year our campus provides events where all of the students can bottle in. We enjoy a lot during those cultural activities. Many of the students participate in technical events which would be organised by our seniors. Our cultural events includes everything to bottle in. Many of the celebrities visit our institute as guests. So, it is a great experience to hold on.",9 763,Lakshay Sharma,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus life is awesome and full of enjoyment. Techspardha is its Technical fest and north India's biggest fest, Confluence is its cultural fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction party etc celebrated here. They bring huge numbers of candidates from different colleges.The placement record makes us happy and we get motivated to prepare well. Almost 80 to 90 percent students get placed in big companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, PSUs et cetra. The largest package offered so far has been 40 lakh per annum. The alumni network is cooperative and caring.",10 764,Nitesh,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is excellent and approximately 90% eligible candidates get placed every year. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs, Airtel etc visit the campus for recruitment. The placement takes place through interview and written examination conducted by TnP cell.The campus has compulsory sports class for first year student. There is yoga class included in it. There are many fests celebrated here like Techspardha Confluence Utkarsh Gandhi Jayanti Utkarsh Independence day Republic day etc. This get students from different backgrounds.",9 765,Veerendra Kumar Meena,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The course is very nicely designed for both academically improvement as well as co-curricular development. A sports class is compulsory for first year students. There is ample amount of opportunities for industrial experience. The faculty members are excellent in their respective domain.Companies like Amazon PSUs Hero Flipkart Samsung Airtel Google Microsoft Facebook Wipro Maruti Suzuki et cetra visit the campus for recruiting candidate. The placement begins as early as fourth year starts. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum to a CSE student.,9 766,Rajat Jangra,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is outstanding and almost 90% eligible candidates get placed every year. Companies like Google Microsoft Facebook Wipro Hero Flipkart Amazon PSUs Airtel etc visit the campus for recruitment. The placement takes place through interview and written examination. Last year CSE and IT witness 100% placement. The passouts are very friendly.The campus life is awesome and full of enjoyment. Techspardha is its Technical fest, Confluence is its cultural fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction party etc celebrated here. They bring huge numbers of candidates from different backgrounds.",9.3 767,Siddhartha Katara,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"festivals like cultural festivals,technical meetings and management festival are not celebrated In my college.there is a very few no of festival which are celebrated here.campus life is too good.friends are very good.I m not interested In festival like activitiesGood ranking in all uptu college,qualified teachers,good campus location,good placements,selection of students by merit in upsee so that intelligent students are selected in this college,nice hostel facilities",10 768,D. Saritha,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"Campus and hostel requirements is very nice and well and goodvery good in placements and good in faculty,transportation is good,college and hostel infrastructure is good.lab requirements are good. Our college has CCTV footage. Our college provides extra curricular activities also.Our college has large infrastructure which has located in 20 acres. And our college hostel infrastructure and requires are very good and developed. Our college has large ground, our stationary and library and also has cafteria",9.3 769,Gursanjam Singh,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"Lots of societies are present in the college and hence lots of events, webinars, workshops are regularly conducted. We also have a literary society, a theatre group which is famous in the entire delhi circle, a western dance group and a bhangra group which has even performed at various international events. One annual fest is also conducted.Course syllabus is up to date with focus on both theoretical and practical knowledge and hence equal weightage is given to both. Lots of webinars are frequently conducted by different societies of the college to help students get a deep learning of the concepts and get industry exposure. Outstanding faculty",7.7 770,Souvagya ranjan sethi,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"It's pretty good. There are enormous facilities about sport. Literally, every sport is taken good care of and students are given good training to excel in the sports. The WiFi is very good all over the campus with a speed of over 100mb/s. The library is large enough to make it a silent place to study.No, I didn't have any idea about what was going on inside the IIT's. Neither did I have any industrial exposure. Before I got into the IIT. Almost all faculties are good at teaching and moreover they are very concerned about your getting good grades.",10 771,Shivam Singh,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"In case of campus life our college is too good. It organises many technical events. In starting of collge there were op of many society of college in which I participate. I enjoyed that too much. That was a good moment for us.Because this college hold good rank among uptu colleges. It is located at noida which is also a good place nearby delhi region. This college runs under jss mahavidyapeetha, which has a good name among organizations.",5.3 772,Jaskirat Singh,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"One annual fest is celebrated and is known as GATES. This is one of the biggest fests around all the colleges of delhi. Famous Punjabi singers are invited to perform live in this fest. Some of the previous singers who have performed here are Gurdaas Maan, Diljit Dosanjh, Sharry Maan, Ninja, Guri. This fest has all kinds of events both technical and non-technical.College is near to my house and has good transportation connection. Lots of eateries around the campus. Excellent faculty members. Government recognised university and AICTE approved college Location of the campus is excellent. Lots of clubs near the campus.",7 773,Harmandeep Singh,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],Campus size is small with no playground but in terms of academics it has excellent infrastructure. No WiFi is available. Library is well maintained with all the latest books for all courses. Labs are well equipped with all the equipment and devices required for the course.Course syllabus is updated and meet the current level of education. Syllabus covers both theoretical and practical knowledge. Lots of presentation as well as assignments are given to help in learning. Outstanding faculty who are experts in their subjects.,8 774,Aman Verma,RV College of Architecture - [RVCA],"The college has multiple techno-cultural clubs which organizes multiple events almost every month. Few are technical events while some are cultural events for the students and teachers. The college fest 8th mile happened this year and it was really enjoyable. The college regularly conducts few events for the mood upliftment of both students and teachers.The Course is designed in a fashion that it would be beneficial for the students in the long term, it includes the real-time hand-on experience with really high-class labs. The faculties are really helpful and friendly towards the students, even lab faculties are really helpful, overall providing an environment for the growth of students.",8.7 775,DEEPAK KITE,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],Everything was fine but hostel fee was to high and the food is not so good. And the facility provided by hostel is not much good according to the outside like common bathroom and all but the climate around is good and all the fest all celebrated with enjoyment.Good placement and reputation of the college and beautiful place dehradun attracted. The climate was good enough. Upes campus also look quite interesting. And many specializations in course which give 100% placment in fse.,8 776,Jhalak Kumar,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Sports facilities is good,wifi only available in hostel,library is too good and labs are fully equipped.in my opinion, one seeing the college as a sports availer must join this college as there are many sports in college.My course syllabus is not updated.no, we are not provided with enough industrial exposure. The faculty is awesome.acc to me, Dr. VIPIN makhija is the best faculty.so I recommend not to take the curriculum too seriously.",8.3 777,Shubh Saxena,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"These words aspire to capture the soul and spirit of the three days that ADGITM has to offer! With a magnetic amalgamation of Words, Music, Drama, Dance, Art, Photography, Food, Commercial exhibitions, Discussions, and dialogues waiting to be lived in this massive extravaganza, INNOVIZ 2019 promises to establish an unparalleled rarity that echoes with passion, creativity and emotions.My college has average package for btech and decent placement but it has good staff and teachers that will give you the feel of college students. ADGITM is in sashtri park delhi actually it is in yamuna paar according to the location college has best campus and specially a good cafeteria hahah.",7.3 778,Mohan Kumar,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],Almost all the students get easily placed with avg packages and only a few manage to get good package. All the big companies do visit the campus but hire only a few depending upon the skills of the students. Highest package was 28lpa offered by Amazon to one of the students. Placement department is excellent and helps students in each and every step. The department is working really hard to attract companies. Entrepreneurship is promoted a lot in the campus.Campus buildings are very good and beautiful. We have a big fountain at the starting of the college campus. College doesnot have different grounds for different sports but we have a big sports complex adjacent to the campus were college students can play almost all types of sports. We have a very big library with a sitting capacity of around 150 at a time. Library has almost all the books one would require for the course. Labs are well equipped.,8.3 779,gurman deep,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"College is not that big but good infrastructure. There is no hostel available in college. PGs are available just near the college for both boys and girls at a cheap rate. The college has a canteen. Classrooms are good enough, Labs are well equipped and air-conditioned, the library is very well managed, there is also a book bank available from which you can rent books for free for a semester and after that, you can reissue them.Almost 75% of the students got placed from college. The highest salary package offered off-campus was around 12 LPA, and on-campus it was about 4 LPA - 5 LPA. Top companies like Wipro, Infosys, etc., visit the campus for recruitment. Most of the IT and CSE students acquire moderately good placements with ECE too. In EEE, placements are quite less. Workshops also avail better placements.",8.3 780,Taranpreet Singh,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],There is also extracurricular activitirs in which student can participapte and fullfil his dream in any sports and activity. There is also table tennis table is there. But i want to share something that plz solve the issue of markers and plz think about the walls of classroms.This institute belongs to sikh community.And specially the fear or ragging in our mind also on first day in college. But the students of this college are very good and belongs to sikh family so i think this college is best for other outsiders students who studied here.,8.3 781,Sayan Majumder,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],NIT Durgapur formerly known as REC Durgapur is a well reputed college of West Bengal with excellent faculties of well known IIT's and NIT's bakground. NIT Durgapur provides excellent research and carrier options regarding ever aspect. It has a well defined alumni network which helps the undergrad students to fight the immense condition of unemployment that the newly graduates are facing. With an excellent tie-up with CMERI-Durgapur our institute has the best research papers published. With a vast lush green campus students doesn't face any problem.The course is pretty good but needs to be more versatile and dynamic and needs to be more advanced regarding the current industrial demand. But the research facilities needs to be improved else it's a really nice environment for studies.,9.7 782,Palak,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"I got it through councelling, but certainly there are other better colleges so try to get into those colleges first, private universities have their own drawbacks so try to get into first tier colleges to get a good exposure. However the education system of our country is not at all good but we can't really help it, so just try to get into a course where you are willing to work all by yourself.Infrastructure is nice, library is also good, many times wifi will not work, cafeteria and other food corners inside the campus are great. You can also go out to nearby foodcorners to get yum food!! As thebfood there is awesome. There is nothing much to explore in the nearby area of the college, you have to take bus and then metro to go to delhi.",5.7 783,Rishav Thakur,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Syllabus is quite good,we are provided with many labs to do our industrial use and our college also collabs with many other industries for us so that we can preview our works, faculties were Soo good and the main reason I joined this college was faculties only they are very well qualified Kapil khatri of ECE branch I am in love with his teaching techniquesTechnical culture like -psit tech fest and many hackathon occurs every year Festival like:- ignite(college fest) is made up to raise all kind of events no matter cultural, technical or Management all will get equal opportunity to perform.they are state level competitions",8.7 784,Shanu kumar,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],Campus life is really good you join clubs to explore your talent there are events like Genesis which in an annual event and many other club events. Latest Mr. Amit shah visited our college for an event that was organized and even ISRO had an event in our college regarding there success in space researchers.Good environment good faculty good opportunity to explore better location and good facility faculties are helpful and good research work are done in our University the most attractive thing of this University is the library. It is very huge and you ll get Evey thing you desire to study in that library,8.7 785,PRATEEK SINGH CHAUHAN,RV College of Architecture - [RVCA],"RVCE has a well equipped library its has facility of books as well as e-books. If you want to sit in pin drop silence you will also find cabins in there. It has 2 football fields 1 cricket ground 1 indoor stadium for badminton, table teniss. It also has 2 gyms, 1 basketball court and finally a lawn tennis ground. Wifi works excellent in library and labs around 10 mb/s speed but works less in classes or canteen area. It is 70 year old college so don't confuse it with a antique place to visit. Civil department is the oldest department so its being renovated but other buildings are quite impressive.RVCE keeps on updating its syllabus according to recent requirement of skill set in students. Its a placement oriented college and the faculty also keeps the track of advancements in the course. You get to participate in numerous events organised by the HOD's of the respective departments which ensures you get enough exposure of the industrial work which you will pursue in coming times. Naming a few of them will be injustice to other professor's hardwork as all were knowlegable. Still, Sindhu rajendra of electronics department and kartik shastri of physics department were excellent teachers.",8.7 786,Anonymous Sen,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"Excellent faculty members, excellent infrastructure and good placement and it is in my city and there is only two college in my city which offers the course I am keen to take. Ragging free campus is also one of the reason to take admission in this collegeCurrently I am in 2nd year and due to this pandemic we have not got chance to of industrial exposure. The syllabus of curriculum was elaborately given for every semester at the beginning. The faculty were experienced and good.",8 787,ARUN TEWATIA,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA","The campus of the college is not very big.It has only two canteens, one football ground,one basketball court, two badminton courts and a kabaddi court. The library has a capacity of 100 students with fully Air conditioned. Classes do not have air conditioners. All the labs are good with almost every equipment. The size fo the classrooms is quite big and spacious with 5-6 fans in each classroomThe course syllabus is updated with reference to the latest policies of education ministry. All the facilities are good but a one or two will only teach with their heart and experience. You have to learn and explore on your own in college whether it is a state government college, NIT, IIT or a private college",6 788,Arpit Tyagi,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan provided full assistance in placements to the students. Companies like Infosys, Cognizant, Capegimini, Mahindra, Wipro and many others visit SKIT for campus placement. In the past few years, many new recruiters have started visiting the SKIT campus. Many students from SKIT have secured jobs in top firms. The average salary package offered to the students in B.Tech and MBA courses is Rs. 4 to 8 lakh annually. To provide its students with assistance in placement, SKIT has come up with the Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC). IIP Cell at SKIT acts as a platform to enhance interaction between the institute and industries. This provides students to explore relevant opportunities for themselves.Our college provides us more than 20 clubs through which we can improve our extra curricular activities and can improve our personalit by learning and performing our performance.They also provides us the platform to perform the activities through which we can gain something new.",8.3 789,Satvik Shukla,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, PSUs like BAARC, HOCL, SAIL etc, Mahindra, Hero, Flipkart, Samsung, Airtel and others come to the campus for taking placement. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and overall placement percentage is 80%. The placement takes place with the help of training and placement cell via interview. The alumni are working in top countries across the world.The course is of four years full time course. It has been divided into eight semesters with three Examination being conducted in each semester to keep students in touch with study. The college provides enough industrial visit and Internship. The faculty members are very trained and highly educated. My favourite professor is Mr Ashwini Kumar.",9 790,Vasu Singh,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus life is awesome and full of happiness. You will enjoy everything and everytime with your friends and seniors are very good. There are many fests like Techspardha Confluence Utkarsh Independence day Republic day Gandhi Jayanti Freshers induction party et. celebrated here. There is huge participation of candidates in them.Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs, Mahindra,Hero etc are the major recruiting companies visiting the campus for recruitment. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum in CSE department. For my department PIE the highest package offered is 21 lakh per annum. The alumni network is supportive.",9.3 791,Nikhil Kant,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of NIT Kurukshetra is very high and excellent. There is training and placement cell which makes candidate job ready and brings very lucrative jobs for them. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum last year. CSE and IT department witnessed almost 100% placement last year. My branch Electrical engineering has above average placement record. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, Honda, Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Amazon etc visit the campus for recruitment.The campus is very beautiful and vast, it covers 293 acres of land in area. It is full of enjoyment. Many fests and events celebrated here are Techspardha-a technical fest, Confluence- a cultural fest, Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti, Utkarsh et cetra. These are big and celebrated with great pomp and show. It also get participants in large numbers.",8.7 792,Ritik,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is because I chose this college. For CSE and IT departments the placement has been almost 100% and the highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum. For other branches also it is nice. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, PSUs, Mahindra, Nest, Flipkart et cetra visit the campus for recruitment. We have alumni which regularly visit the campus and not else is known to me about them.There are eight semesters in four years to complete the entire course. There is two internal examination followes by an external examination at the end of semester. Overall, the curriculum is organised. The students are provided enough industrial exposure and experience. The faculty members are ocean of knowledge. My favourite professor is Dr Rajesh Kumar.",9 793,Khushi jaiswal,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"The college is very good in terms of academics. In this pandemic situation, the course and the lectures on online video conferencing apps are very boring although. The college is asking for full fees even after knowing the conditions of every family. The faculty are mostly from Karnataka, so we have some language problems here.The Infrastructure is good overall, the campus size is also good, Wi-Fi facility is also provided, and the size of the library is decent. the equipments present in the lab are not updated although. The college should really invest some money on these equipments.",9 794,Rutwik Waghmare,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"The college is really dedicated towards studies so most of the times everybody feels they're back in school with really difficult course and class schedules. The curriculum is pretty outdated so most of the time we don't even know why we're studying.There aren't much events or good extracurricular activities in our college. Though sports activities are pretty good so if someone considers playing in college, this is the right choice. Don't expect anything fancy in the college.",7 795,Yash pandey,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],Overall the faculty was good and up to date. The labs aren't dat great still they aren't dat bad too. The EE / EI /CS /IT faculties are awesome and the chemistry department is shit. The professorsare cool and great but the HOD is shitty and arrogant as hell. Same goes for a professor A. Atulkar of mechanical department. Ranked 1 in MP and a well known institute with good academic capabilities to nourish the students towards a bttr future. I opted for Electrical engineering (B. tech) because i wanted to be an engineer. I wanted a noncore branch like CSE or IT but the cutoff was way too high so i settled with EE.,7 796,Sumit Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus is very green and beautiful. It is very much enjoyable and learning. Techspardha is a technical fest and Confluence is cultural fest celebrated here. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti and freshers induction party. It witness huge participation of candidates.The placement of NIt Kurukshetra is excellent. The placement percentage being approximately 100% for CSE and IT department last year. For my branch also it is good. There is a TNP(Training and placement cell) which takes care of placement and interships of students. The alumni association are also good.",9.3 797,Amit Mukhiya,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is outstanding. The placement percentage was almost 100% for CSE and IT department last year. There is a training and placement cell which looks after the placement and interships for the students. For other the placement percentage is average. The alumni network is strong and supportive.The campus is neat and clean and green. It is full of enjoyment and learnings. There are fests like Techspardha, Confluence, Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day et cetra celebrated here. This involves participants in large number from inside and outside of the college.",9 798,Abhishek Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is good here. The highest package offered is 40 lakh per annum and the placement percentage reaches almost 100% for CSE and IT graduates. For other branches it is above average. The training and placement cell keeps a check on training student for placement and interships. The alumni network always visit the campus.The campus life is great full of enjoyment and learnings. There is Techspardha, a technical fest and Confluence, a cultural fest. Besides there are Utkarsh, Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti, Freshers induction etc celebrated in NIT Kurukshetra. This all includes participants in very large number.",9 799,Vaibhav,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of NIT Kurukshetra is outstanding for CSE and IT. Other branches like ECE, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and PIE has above average placement. There is a training and placement cell which looks after the placement and interships for students. The alumni periodically visit the campus and supportive in nature.The campus life is enjoyable and learning. Some of the fests and events celebrated here are Techspardha, Confluence, Utkarsh, Gandhi Jayanti, Convocation, Freshers induction party etc. They are organised on a large scale and witness huge participation of candidates.",8.7 800,Prince Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement of the college is outstanding for CSE and IT department. For other branches it is above average. The highest package offered was 40 lakh per annum last year. The median salary is around 6 lakh per annum. Companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Wipro, Hero, PSUs, Mahindra etc visit the campus for recruitment. The alumni network is supportive.The syllabus for the academic is well organised and curriculum is updated. There is a training and placement cell which trains students for placement and provide adequate industrial exposure in terms of internships. The faculty members are expert and caring. Dr JK kapoor is my favourite professor.",8.7 801,Aditi Bangre,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"Almost every activity occurs whether it is related to technical knowledge, cultural event, various different workshops and seminars by many big and inspiring personalities are held. students have to compulsorily participate in all the event. it is not held on very big levelPlacements and job opportunities are very good. many company big or small come for interview or entrance test. there is no lack of job opportunity. Many alumni and senior come before placements for guidance. they guide for an interview and test.",8.3 802,Shivani sharma,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],"Placement is not that much good, it's like you have to work hard if you want the package above 300000, and average package is about 300000-400000 per year so it depends on your work and experience, college conducts CRT classes for personality developmentAllotted by college counselling and it is located in Bhopal, the thing i like the most is disciplined atmosphere, i have opted this college because this is the only course which can help me to achieve my goal and I'm interested in this course",7.3 803,Parteek,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Course syllabus is according to the cutting edge technology. Course related subjects are taught from the very first semester. Overall faculty is good. Some of the faculty have studied from world top universities and given lectures there too. Proff. J K Chabra and Neha Meglani from computer department are very good. They have core understanding of subjects and explain every concept in a very good way. They teach from basic to advance level.It has good infrastructure, near to capital city, teacher to student ratio is good, provide all the facilities. It has good learning environment. It's NIRF ranking us improving every year. It's average package is also pretty good. Many good companies visit here every year to recruit students. Recently it has collaborated with DRDO which is also an edge over other institutes.",8 804,Aditi Shukla,Jain University - [JU],"it was upto the mark, the course was headed by deepak jagannath sir. For various industrial visit various faculties were hired. Evey faculty supported the student's in all the ways possible. It was great going with themgood, there are many opportunities provided by the University to get a good placements tho even various training programs are also done for a great placement. getting a well ranked professional job is not a great deal.",8.7 805,Tushar Tiwari,Manipal University - [MUJ],"Course curriculum is fine and loopholes may be there but chances are less. Faculties except some are good. Course curriculum is outlined for better industrial readiness. Labs, workshops are good. Clubs are present as well which are very good in their own way.Can give the type of exposure which is needed in today's world. Diversity is present, you meet different people from different parts of the country which can enhance your communication skills. Placements are better than other private colleges except BITS.",8 806,Sri Vyshnavi,Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies -[RGUKT],"Teckzite, cygnus, zest these are the three main cultural s remaining all are conducted but most of the students will participate on those three fests especially teckzite it's technical fest conducted with applied and practical science.Nyc placement s maximum students are getting jobs especially ece and cse branches. different companies are coming forward to our campus and they conduct written tests and interview s and also interactions are done with students",8.3 807,Mohammed Sufiyan Qureshi,Shekhawati Group of Institutions,"The placement cell of Shekhawati Group of Institutions is well established, comprehensive & dynamic. It envisages arranging campus interviews with prestigious technology-driven companies. The Shekhawati Group of Institutions, maintain a record of its passed out candidates. These well-placed candidates not only help in better placements of present students but also visit the institutions frequently to highlight present trends of the corporate world. The aim of this cell is to bridge the gap between industry (manpower requirements) and students (job seekers) by providing a platform to meet out their requirements. The companies visited till date are genpact, godrej, half, infosys and many more.My course curriculum is well updated according to the current infrastructure scenario. Institute provides various industrial exposure on different categories according to the semester. The faculties here are well educated and have a decent command over their respective subjects.",6.3 808,Velaga Valentina,K L University - [KLU],"In our university 365 days we have something or the other which gives students an opportunity to show case their talents and arts and also healthy environment with many innovation cells and clubs drag people's attention and makes them enthusiastic to takea part of any kind of activities.Amazing. Mind-blowing, excellent and gives great opportunity to all the students irrespective to branch, degrees and courses. People have right choose their ways like being enterpenur or trying for CRT or for any competitive exams our university gives great support.",9.7 809,Prakhar Singh,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],"Some events are organised here in our college like Enigma which is a 2 day fest comprising of many cultural, tech and sports events. It is followed by DJ night or celebrity night. All these events are organised my the team consisting of students and faculty.There is a Placement cell in our college. The ratio of students getting placed is average. Students have to go through a placement exam conducted by the company and interview in order to get placement. There is an alumni network.",5.7 810,Chavva likhitha,Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology - [SRIT],The infrastructure of the college is nice and to the college day we are having some competition on games and sports wi-fi to the college is free and the 5 branches have separate wi-fi's. Staff have the separate wi-fi. The lab lab equipments are more in number so that the students can do their experiments by their ownThe academics are very nice and the faculty who comes to teach are doctorates or persuing doctorates the course syllabus will be updated by the college as per the running status of the society so that the students studying in the campus get good placements in any multinational companies,9.7 811,Renu Meshram,Government Engineering College,"There are job opportunities and placement opportunities in this college. Not that much big companies come here for placement but yes well reputed companies like TCS has visited the college for placement. Exact number of students placed are not known & confirmed.This college has a Good environment for studies, it is located in the lap of nature. For refreshment from the stress of studies their is waterfall, parks & greenery near college. Second thing is affordable fees & availability of hostel",4 812,Devaksh Narwara,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","there are no extra curricular activities going in the college. we have provided a month February only for the activities and there are no goods only two or three teams compete in the name of competitions and there are no coaches for any activities that to be played in the collage like basketball, football and cricket stadium. Seniors don't teach us how to play the games and all.The course of the college is quite good. The college provide extraordinary learning from the e-portal and face-to-face faculties. Regular regular classes are also helps students to achieve more. Till second year there are no any other industrial explosure going in the college, but as soon as the second year completed we have to go for physical internship programs and all that.",6.7 813,Devaksh Narwara,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","The course is quite good from the clg. but in the name of activities and fest only one month is provided that is of February. The clg give us very very strict environment. we can enter into clg at our own time but we can't leave by our choices. There are no activities in the clg, no games and all. Seniors are so underdeveloped that they don't give practice about sports and all. Only one month is given for enjoying whole year. and that is so sad !!!! Faculties are so strict about attendance. they torture us in the name of attendance. And one more important thing. our attendance is more important then our knowledge !!!!campus life and extra curricular activities are like there are no extra curricular activities before the month of February. February month is provided to all the things that you want to do in first year. there are no coaches or any seniors that teaches a lesson about how to play basketball and activities. Oval activities are not good at the campus.",6 814,Priyanka Roy,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],"I took admission in my college through WBJEE councelling. When I went to visit my college before admission I was surprised to see the college campus and the buildings. Beside this I heard from my elder brother that the faculties and laboratories are so good. Beside this the placement is overall good in my college which my elder brother told me. That's why I took admission in that college.The course syllabus is updated enough but I think many more should add in future. In my college faculties are enough friendly. They always gives us suggestions, new updates, industrial demand and other things. My mentor Prolay Ghosh sir is a very good faculty as well as my favourite. He always helps us in any problem.",7.7 815,Ankit Yadav,Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology - [MANIT],"Two of the big festivals are Technosearch in one sem and Maffick in the other. At these festivals, students visit our college from all parts of India. Every year, it is organised and it is very popular in our city. The placements are quite decent and better than some of the other NITs. Many company visits are campus during the placement. There are some faculties which are specially appointed to help students for placements.",7.7 816,Kamal Kishor Chaurasiya,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placement is outstanding for CSE and IT. For other branches it is average. Companies like Google, Airtel, Adobe, Facebook, Flipkart, Amazon, PSUs and others visit the campus for recruitment. There is a training and placement cell which looks after the placement and training of students. The alumni network is strong and helpful.There are numerous fests and events which take place in the campus premises. Techspardha is a technical fest which receives participants in huge numbers and is north India's biggest fest. Confluence is the Cultural fest which is celebrated with great pomp and show. Besides there is Utkarsh and Convocation too.",9 817,Rajesh Kumar,United College of Engineering & Research - [UCER],The course is 4 year program which is designed by Aktu and is followed by all the engineering colleges in Uttar Pradesh. I find the course little more theoretical and less of practical knowledge. The overall faculty of the college is excellent.The college was in my hometown and it was a good college in my city to persue btech. The quality of education is also good and all the reviews that I got about this college were satisfying enough to choose this college.,6 818,Srutee sen,University of Kalyani,"It's really a nice university to take any type of course. It is mainly sourounded by highly skilled and experienced and qualified faculties. All the teachers are so helpful. They are also very friendly.Very good, there is many events like freshers and also many extracurriculam activity like badmintons and many games feast etc. Taking all of this the campus environment is too good for study.",6.3 819,Bharat Choudhary,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Our college syllabus is rtu decided and which provides practical as well as theory content to us faculties are very good at our college they very helpful to us our college also provides us industrial training nd various programmes. Our college is one of most discipline.Many companies visit our college placement like IBM, Mahindra, byjus, lido, Infosys is one of famous who select most of students placement approximately 4- 12 lac in between these. Our college alumni also comes to college and guide us many programs are done.",8.7 820,Vandani,GLA University,Academics are very good than any other private college. Apart from academics here clubs are also very good. Teachers are very helpful they provide you with all support and knowledge. You can ask them for help and they will help you anyhow. For girls there are few restrictions like outing time are very very short. Sometimes academics become very hectic but once you learn how to deal with them you will enjoy studying here. Hostel facilities are quite average. Mess food is good not that good but it's decent you will not get homemade food offcourse anywhere apart from home.Campus life is not that much interesting. There are a lot of restrictions on girls. There are a lot of clubs you can join and they organize workshops and seminars on daily basis. College itself doesn't hold any cultural fest and if it does i don't know much about it. I think it's a backdrop.,6.7 821,Sumit bansal,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"I want to go in a deemed university so I found SGITS best suitable for me. because first off all it was well established college which had good alumini connectin and the most important it is a government autonomous college that had a good reputation in Madhya Pradesh as well as in india. it seems to be this college had a placement opportunity but it doesn't benifits me because after I get admitted I came to know that placement opportunity are good for cs and it branch but unfortunately I'm from mechanical branch.Sports facility are not up to the mark. No wifi is provided, Library are worse in SGITS, if I talk about library it is divided into two part one is for sc/st and another one is for general category, and at time of exam if you found a book in library then you are the luckiest person on the earth. Equipment are old in labs but are in good condition.",3.3 822,Shivam rakshit singh,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"Many companies arrives amazon , Flipkart, accenture, and many more , our college has good alumni networking, recruitment is always is at good numbersz u can also become entrepreneurs our college helps them to achieve thier goals as much they can u can place ur ideas and they will work on it and see its gona works out or not u are encourage to become a entrepreneur or what ever u want etc. When u will join u can see how helpful our college isIt has good infrastructure, size of library is good big enough , auditorium is every big it can hold 300 students at a tym , it has badminton court , it has cricket pratice ground , temple , big cafetaria, and lot more",9.7 823,Chirag,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Course syllabus is not so updated, I believe There are several steps that needs to be taken to improve syllabus, as I felt in first year Faculty here are also good But efforts have to be made on own to get equiped with knowledgeCampus placements are quite well College is well known College's degree can attract a handsome pay annually Alumini base here is also very good Most of the seniors got job last year Despite college's name, skills matter more",6.7 824,Avi Deswal,Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - [BVCOE],"Technical festival there are different types of robotic experiment. Robots races and robots are made by the students itself. Many types of fun games which are based on electronics Cultural festivals is made 2 times in college in cultural fest lot of events like dancing, singing, drama, commedy, dj night. sports month also celebrated in college campus sports is celebrated for 1 months proper tournament are held like athletic, badminton, basketball, cricket, carrom, chess, and many more games.campus life is very good campus is small but they are lot of fun in campus. Gender ratio depends upon the branch but the ratio of boys is more then the girls. Lot of extracurricular activities are done in the campus. All labs are fully furnished all machines and equipment are there for every student. competition are held time to time cultural as well as technical competition and fest are organised like robotic hackathon etc.",9 825,Sancharina Dey,Future Institute of Engineering and Management - [FIEM],Yes for me the fee structure is feasible. There are also others quotas for people who cannot afford the amount . Every semester we have to pay a certain amount . There are in total 8 semesters . If you want to take direct admission through management quota may be you have pay some additional amount . I don't have much idea about that because I have got admission through counselling from entrance examinatuon through my jee main rank .Everywhere there is a mixture of people belong to different levels . But in a nut shell faculty is quite good and they try to provide practical knowledge through lectures . As I am in first year industry experience has yet not started . So yes looking forward to it. I am satisfied with teaching of certain teachers and I have scored the highest in my department in first semester.,8.7 826,Shaily Bhaiya,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Campus infrastructure is nice and beautiful though not very huge campus still it's maintained properly, There are many sports available to compete and practice in there is a separate sports complex in the college campus,several sports ground ,labs are well equipped with all the necessary instruments required,The cherry on the top is the library of SGSITS which is biggest college library in central IndiaThe college assures every year to place each and every student, last year the company which gave highest package was Goldman Sachs which offered 22 lakhs but many more companies like GS offers good package ,the alumni network of SGSITS is quite strong, they are always in-touch of each other through various social media handles and are always available to help institution in any department ",7.3 827,Arsh Raj,Siddaganga Institute of Technology - [SIT],"Our college has not much great faculties but they are knowledgeable and experts in their own fields. Many are from IITs and NITs and some from foreign colleges. For extra subjects like English and placement related training our college has other group of professionals. Most of them are clear in their teachings. But most of them are very boring and deliver boring lectures. Lecturers are certified and very experienced. Most of them are aged. Campus Life is quite boring. There are very few places in city to enjoy. Population of girls in my branch is huge, almost 3:2 ratio of girls to that of boys. College has very disciplined environment. Sports facilities are good. There is enough population of North Indians. Administration is very strict. Labs are good. Workshops are regularly arranged by several clubs. Cultural activities are held. ",7.2 828,Archit j. Paneliya,Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College - [BVM],"Our college conducts many festival, seminars, events. We conduct many technical events in which we invite guest in individual field. We organise many cultural programmes. Our biggest event is udaan. Udaan is very especially for our college. Students from different colleges, industrial experts, businessmen, engineers all came to this event.Yes, Our syllabus is up to dated. We often go to the industrial exposures. Our all faculties are good and well experienced. And they have good knowledge in their field. In our college all the facilities are good but mechanical faculties are best and that's one of reason why our college is well-known.",8 829,Ria jham,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Not all sports facilities are available,, fine wifi , labs are great well equipped Library has enough books and material College needs more focus on co curricular activity and sports facilities. some sports like volleyball, table tennis , badminton , basketball are availableNo major festival is there. low on extra curricular activity small cultural festival are there,organised by art club and music clubs are actively there. we also have skill development and personality development clubs and classes",6.7 830,Abhinav Shandilya,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Our infrastructure is better then any government college in the country, the sports facilities are highly equipped with latest technology and students are provided with a lot of oppurtunities to showcase their sporting talents. Wifi in our colleges is always looked after for a better experience and never lets us down in need. The library is extremely well placed and has a tremendous space and ventilation and is a perfect place for students. The labs are well equipped with all the latest tools and technologies along with the proffesional technicians.Course syllabus was defined systematically, and we were taken on a lot of industrial trips and had a great exposure. The faculties were brilliant and provided a atmosphere to study which each one of us cheered. The best faculty was Abhishek Dubey who taught me electrical engineering in the first semester",10 831,Tamal Bag,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"Because of Good Placement, easy communication, good faculties, good laboratory facilities, I like the faculties because they are so cooperative, placement is good, good companies come to this college for camusingEverything is good.all the faculties are good they are very helpful, our hod is really good, cooperative, online classes during the pandemic situation of corona was really great, every faculties gave their best",9.3 832,Janya Sharma,B. M. Institute of Engineering and Technology - [BMIET],"Curriculum, Academics and faculties are really really really too good. We don't have a lot of pressure on us. Every thing is divided into same proportions. Nothing goes too much any time whether it is about studies or and extra curricular activities.It's my second year here but i've explored many things. We have compititions, celebrations and many more interesting and cultural events here. We don't have many places to spend time. But still it never feels like it.",9.3 833,Raj Gangwal,IES University,Government aided college with a good reputation and also has it's own university. Students get good packages in this college and also the scenes in the college are quite good with a good infrastructure and best faculty. There are also very cultural activities too.We are having a large play area which is comfortable for playing every sport we are desired to we are having a library built on a 12000 sq feet plot which is having 4 stories. Full campus is wifi zone,8.7 834,SARTHAK BAKSHI,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"We have a, 6 a side football ground, 2 table tennis tables, 8 carrom boards and a basketball cum batminton court. Wifi have moderate speed for surfing. Library has book but not sufficient for all students. Our lab is one of the best equiped labs compared to other MAKAUT colleges.Our placement cell is great at their jobs. EDC also good and helds seminars for nourishment for students. This three hundred fifty to four hundred students were placed through campusing. Our college has a great bond with TCS where one hundred of students were placed.",9.3 835,Subhamay Barman,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"Every year our college has organised sports like football, cricket, volleyball, tug of war. And also tech fest like Avenir.sports facilities are very good. Wi-Fi system has every where in our campus( library, outdoor). I don't know the size of the library but it carries many books.lab equipments are also available in large of numbers.Reason for take admission this college 1- Sufficient faculty members 2- Wellness and clean Labs 3- one of the best college for engineering 4- I always want to be study under Techno. And this college is the best. 5- This college performed techfest. And also cultural fest.",9.3 836,Anant Mudgal,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],"BTech in Communication and Computer Engineering (CCE) will help me learn about computers and electronic devices that I am quite curious about. It will help me build my career in engineering field and as for placements, college provides assistance for competitive coding, machine learning, etc. The exam structure is relevant as the process is application based and adequate for the course. The college organises several events where trained professionals from several companies are invited for providing information as well as practical knowledge.Gender ratio is 3:1 Boys:Girls. The campus life is good as the college provides with several amenities to the students like canteen, gym, parks, etc. There are 12 clubs in our college including coding, acting, nukkad club, photography, art and craft, fashion, social club(sankalp), literature club and more. The students are well behaved and follow strict rules provided by college authorities. Several workshops are held by college and professionals from companies are invited to give speech and provide with practical knowledge to the students.",8.7 837,Nayan Kumar Robart,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],It will be quite interesting time. At the month of January to March all the extra curricular activities will take place in the college. Technical fest will be great one. Most of the competition will be there and lot new things will be there which will grab ones attention.Got selected due to my score in the entrance exam. Bit of interest in engineering. Also it is near from my home town. One of my family member got graduation degree from this college. Also heard lot that the college is good for my course,6.3 838,Sanidhay Grover,Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"Being a 1st year student I felt a little burdened regarding curriculum but this age is to survive pressure, faculty and teachers provide complete support. Ample facilities to perform well. We had 7 theory subjects and 6 practical in 1st Semester itself so managing all along with extra stuff was difficult.Placement record has been good and it's improving yearly. Companies like Amazon, TCS etc are visiting college for On Campus Placements and our Placement Department in co-ordination with our HODs are trying harder to get more and more companies On Campus.",8.3 839,Swatha Das,NIT Silchar,Excellent. The tech fest was too good But the cultural fest was average. The Dandiya Night was so good and enjoyable. We celebrated Diwali together. We celebrate all regional fest together we have posua where all the students of different communities of India unite together and celebrate it with great fun. Many students come and participate in our tech festBecause I got good reviews in internet about this college and got enough marks in JEE MAINS to get into the college and also it is under Central govt and also has national importance and we can engage in many co curriculum activities apart from studies. NITS got a very good environment.,7.3 840,Awantika Gupta,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Our college is best at placements in Indore companies like goldman Sachs, infosys,Mahindra,take part in placement. entrepreneurship cell of our college is preety cool and they frequently conduct events which are very interesting.Because it's government college and very respectfully & renowned too it's placement are good & one of most efficient college in Indore. I got a very new & interesting branch so I didn't think twice and just grab the opportunity.",7 841,Mayank sisodiya,Medi-Caps University,"In my course which is computer science branch there are seven teachers are there for seven different lecture. Average age of our teachers are around 33. They all are well qualified, before joining a college they had to give a test to subject HOD. All teachers are having more than 5 years of experience of teaching. If student have doubt some teacher are solve but some are not. I don't know about lecturer certification and all.The course curriculum is as defined by the UGC and the AICTE. The Exam structure is research driven as both theory and practical are of 100 marks and the final.It is somewhat relevant and fair. Attendance is very important in our college u have to maintain atleast 75 percentage. Institute is providing student a industry visits.",8.3 842,Kuldeep Patidar,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Many Comanies are visiting this year and they give good package also contact to training and placement cell of college for this query,And alumni are on great position,College is established in 1952 So alumni are in tonsSGSITS is termed as a best college for Engineering of M.P After NIT And IIT,Alumni Connections of this college is great,this college has good Placement Records,And the campus of college is in Heart Of indore City",9 843,Nitin Purohit,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],Good and Best in mp and have better teachers and material. Best placements and internship program. It is located in the centre of the city and near railway station. Some department are very neat and clean many clubs are also for every departmentGood Best in mp and have better teachers and material. Best placements and internship program. It is located in the centre of the city and near railway station. Some department are very neat and clean many clubs are also for every department,6 844,Nirmesh Rajput,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],The college is an autonomous body but is affiliated to DAVV and RGPV but has its own course structure which is updated every year and so it does pretty good in keeping up with whats new.The all time faculties are really good some junior professors who are on contract basis just dont do their work so well.There is an entire placements who looks into these matters and a lot of high ranking companies visit the campus every year the placements are high mostly due to mass recruitment many people also get high pay college placements in prestigious companies,8 845,Ayush Dubey,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"It has good reputation in our state. It has good Ranking in our state & country also, in recent our college get nirf ranking under 150. Placement of our college is really good this is also the reason to get admission in this college.It's good and it is very easy to get understand by our faculty. Our faculty are very hardworking so they do many things for us. They continus motivate us & always insure to get that we understand or not",8.3 846,Suryansh Sachan,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],"The course curriculum is quite thorough and very well structured to be honest In first year students are taught about all basic concepts of all branches of engineering. The marks are given on the basis of internal assessment and end semester examination.The campus life was pretty good and I had the best memorable moment of my life the college provides facility of wi-fi, library and sports ground on college campus. There are various event conducted by college premises by the faculty member and seniors.",10 847,Juhi,Cummins College Of Engineering For Women,"Indeed the best and the highest packages and internships made available to everyone. Google and Microsoft and gold man Sachs pays more attention to Cummins than most of the other college but exceptional students are a inclusive policy.Actually really cool but I can never say good about the cultural programs, though I would say very highly esteemed spirit is inculcated in each student of Cummins. I'm really glad I opt for it. Really a cool college.",9.3 848,Nibbritta Niloy Sarker Tanmoy,Sharda University - [SU],"it's good well deserve major companies comes for campusing. mass requirements happen every year. The Placements, each for ultimate jobs and Summer Internships is an necessary phase of any UniversityÕs annual calendar of activities. Sharda University has a properly laid-out systematic system of assembly college students profession aspirations and corporates expectations. The Placement branch feature as a bridge between the UniversityÕs Schools, Industries and Students. The Placement things to do are for the college students and by using the students. The manner is obvious and commences with the importing college students profiles on placement portal. Each college students, college coordinators and Training and Placement officers have excess to the portal.The route curriculum is very up to date and internationalized. The educational services are surely right as you are been given get entry to to the library, on line library, LMS, I cloud and many extra to fulfill the assets of knowledge. The colleges are regularly good. Yes, there can be probabilities that a positive college is now not accurate however you will continually have the choice of giving comments about a specific school very frequently which is effectively taken in context with the aid of the HR branch of the college",6.7 849,Student (Anonymous),Malnad College of Engineering - [MCE],It is one of the best Engineering university in Karnataka.It comes under top 10 universities.Infrastructure is very good.Placements are very good.It is not very from my native.Lecturers are also good. Teaching is very good.Overall I rate it 4 out of 5 in my opinion.Courses and curriculum is well planned. Faculties are also very good.There are different Laboratories for different courses as to understand the concept clearly.There are very good faculties who support innovative ideas and solutions.,6.3 850,Samriddhi,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],My course syllabus is too good. Proper exposure is there. The academics are just amazing. Teachers are so supportive and understanding. The syllabus is according to the aktu syllabus. The laboratories are amazing. They are so informative.I have spent an year in the college and I must say the life has been amazing. The events that take place are so fun and informative. There are regular events from various clubs. They include the whole college and are just fun.,9.3 851,Divyanshu,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],"I was late in choosing college and registration for most colleges were closed and then I find this college I got admission very easily The criteria for admission was very low 60% in 12 th pcm or 60 percentile in JEE mains I got admission in early Sept almost two and half months after the academic year had begun It was in my hometown and had a transport facilities upto my house so I can have comfort of my home It had good name in the market with respect to other colleges and heard good some good reviews from known ones and also on quora It shows 100% placement in computer science which I want to opt It had a lot of specialisations, specially in the Computer Science form quite before some of which were quite new and I thought it would be good to go with specialisation instead of plain computer science degree Campus was beautiful, surrounded by scerenic beauty of natureIt has some extra curricular activity on every Wednesday like some play dance open mic sesssion singing or celebrating any festival For fest last year we had Parmish Verma and before him Hardy Sandhu it was ok College also holds some technical events with students coming across the states like few days ago we had RC competition and drone making competition Campus life is good",7 852,Akarshit Kumar Verma,IIT Jodhpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITJ],"The course are being modified in accordance to the need of the industry and what industry requires from their employees and it is latest. From year 2019 onwards the branch change policy changed which now says anyone who will score above 9.0 CGPA will be eligible to change branch. Things like specialisation(disciplinary as well as inter-disciplinary), minors etc have been introduced, so basically a Bio engineering student also can opt for CSE,EE,ME courses after seventh semester as well as can go for minors in Entrepreneurship etc Facilities are overall good the hostel are like heaven place for students, dining facility is just like all other places.The peer you get is amazing, there is a great interaction between students of different years and they are jointly trying year by year to make it better. Lots of fest are being introduced and students work very hard to make it better than the previous years. IGNUS is the main cultural fest of the college, then there is Prometeo for technical, Spandan for college people, Framed for Design and Arts, Aaftab for literature, Ideaspark and Inicio for entrepreneurship etc. Almost all the festivals are managed and celebrated by students and these all are actually best parts of session.",9.7 853,Zaid,Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu Arabi-Farsi University,"The campus life is quite good. We have a college fest by the name of COSAC and we participate every year and showcase our talent. Students from different colleges, Universities and institutions participate in this cultural festival. We also have qawalli nights during the festivalThe course option for btech option is quite less. The course was provided online and notes were provided by the teachers through the lectures. The academics and faculties have been quite supportive and cooperative",7 854,Rahil zubair wahedna,M H Saboo Siddik College of Engineering - [MHSSCOE],Yeah the faculties and the course is good. I've heard many good things about our college and yeah those good things are actually true our college is really good at teaching and the teachers there are amazing also the canteen is good. And yeah the placements of our college is amazing too. They allow us to take part in different activities and it's just perfect.Because I've heard many good things about our college and yeah those good things are actually true our college is really good at teaching and the teachers there are amazing also the canteen is good. And yeah the placements of our college is amazing too. They allow us to take part in different activities and it's just perfect.,9 855,Love Sharma,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],Library is a two storeyed building with thousands of books a playground 11 buildings each building is devoted to a particular section or branch big classrooms giving a feel of auditorium a Mac building full campus is green and full of treesMany big companies visit our universities like amazon google Microsoft and many more. The alumni network is a good network at this organisation many a time the alumni be the biggest benefit for student and strength for the university,9.3 856,Deshendra Sihag,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"Well it's near my home town. Always heard about the placements, good peer, competitiveness among students. One of the top teir colleges right after the good IITs and NITs. Government colleges generally buy you a lot of time to explore your other interests. A couple of my acquaintances have passed out and thats something that has always made me wanna go there. Apparently they all have been placed really good and I hope the same for myself :)The college always tries for the students to be ahead of the curve and have a general idea of pretty much all the fields of engineering in the very first semester. The following semesters gradually highlight the respective streams that we took. Faculty is always there if you need them for anything. I'll be a sophomore in a month so there isnt much exposure talk that I could give.",8.7 857,Garv Garg,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"This college have one of the best coding culture in India and the placement stats are also awesome here. And also it is a government college. This is the college of national importance. Also many of my friends and colleagues and relatives suggested me for this college.Infrastructure is awesome but sports facilities are not up to tha mark, I never visited to library in my whole time and equipments in lab are so much old so they don't work properly. Even faculty doesn't know how to use the equipments.",7.3 858,Akula Supriya,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],"Nature of the college. It is a peaceful environment there. It is far from the city. So it will be so peaceful. so we can a fresh mood and we have completely concentrated on our studies. The faculty of the college is also good. The only problem is the food. hostlers suffer a lot. As I'm a hostler I can feel itThe most visited company at our college is Capgemini. Most of the students got placed in that company with a moderate package. I think the package should be raised as the cost of living nowadays is growing up. Recently in this pandemic situation, nearly some students got placed in Amazon with good package",3.7 859,Avinash Mittal,SR Group of Institutions - [SRGI],course is bit difficult and overall is good on the scale of 10 i will rate it 6 and faculties are good.yes mycourse is well updated and i was provied with industrial exposure and physics teacher was good as he supported me a lotcampus life is good but the problem is i am a day scholar so i face problem in joining.many clubs are there and they acheive a lot in various competitions and college fest is organized every year and its celebrated with full joy,7.7 860,Student (Anonymous),Walchand Institute of Technology - [WIT],"It's placement rate is Very Good for CSE AND IT, It provided special Quota for the admission i.e. Jain Quota nearly 50% seats are reserved for Jain Students, ever some faculty members also reached out my town for contacting Jain Students who completed HSC . Course is nearly updated But as of now we are getting BTECH degree instead of BE (i.e. College becoming Autonomous) the Course is still of the BE.Academics gains more attention than sport and other activities here . ",7.3 861,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],It is the no.1 ranked college under aktu and is present at good location i.e lko(up).and it is better than some new nits of East side and some more.so it's better to join IET lucknow for pursuing any course .It's infrastructure is also fyn.as it is a so called govt.college . and 75% attendance criteria is also not very strict and u will enjoy yr college life here.it has a huge campus full of greenery.hostels are not so good.but the food of mess is quiet good comparative to other colleges in that location . Campus is quiet big and is spread around 100 acres and library and equipments are also there .wifi is awesome but not much sports facilities are there .but some funds are recently passed.so in future u can expect good sports complex in this college.bingo,8 862,Student (Anonymous),Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College - [AKGEC],"Firstly this is one of the best private colleges in UP . From the very beginning I was sure that if I would not be able to make it to the top government colleges I would choose this college. The thing I like the most about this college is its obviously curriculum and academics. I would suggest any student who wants to persue UG and PG courses should review this college once . This college has indo-german architecture which I guess is not there in any college in UTTAR PRADESH and the college provides us with lot of facilities we have our own sports fest, wifi connectivity is in whole campus , we have a huge Central Library also which house thousands of books and the labs are very well equipped with all the necessary instruments.",7 863,Nagarjuna Devireddy,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"The gender ratio may be 3:7. More over there will no gender bias seen in the campus. In the campus you can find the students from every State in equal ratio which gives a world class experience.This is the best college in the aspect of technical clubs.you can find hundreds of clubs like Mars rover Manipal,Manas(A.I related club). formula manipal(racing club ) etc which helps to enhance your knowledge. You can also find 100 's of non technical clubs like Ada dramatics, Photography club of Manipal which helps you to learn skills like dance music, photography etc. Not only this you can also find sports clubs which conducts inter section, inter-college sports competitions.I have interacted with some of my seniors in the campus. They are very helpful to get familiar with college and curriculum. Also there will be a buddy program where you will get a senior as your buddy and help you in each and every aspect regarding college and hostels.Regarding alumni we will have frequent conference calls with the alumni all over the world where they guide us what to do on and after the graduation.",8.3 864,Shashwat Jaiswal,IIT Bhilai - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"It's an IIT. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai was established in the state of Chhattisgarh by Ministry of Human Resource and Development in the year 2016. IIT Bhilai is presently housed in its transit campus at Government Engineering College (GEC) Raipur, Chhattisgarh.Very nice. Despite being a new IIT, it had all that one can expect. Amazing student culture and lots of sports and cultural activities are organised regularly. Clubs for all types of arts and technologies are also there.",8 865,Student (Anonymous),BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"This is the top private college in karnataka for engineering. The campus is good and the faculty here are students friendly. The college offers a very good infrastructure and the library is very resourceful. This colleges also helps students in sports and cultural activities. Overall this is best college in alround way for students growth. The courses syllabus is upto date, and my college offers a best industrial exposure. The faculaties are very student friendly, our hod ma'am helps and suppers us a lot. Our hod Dakshayani ma'am provides a very good exposure and motivates us constantly. ",9 866,Vanshika Kapoor,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Placements here are not very good.Most companies visit here are mass recruiter.Infosys and Accenture are among them Apart from them a lot of companies visit and offered a package of 3-4 lakhs But if u are skilled then u can apply for off campus.Highest package offered off campus was 43 lakh per annum by Microsoft and after that 28 lakh and 25 people managed to crack packages of more than 10 lakhExposure of Delhi NCR 2nd best college of IP university Less Fees as compared to other colleges Good crowd Certain big companies are located in Delhi and. Gurgaon so u will easily get to know about them City life -If u want to enjoy your college life and city life,go for Mait Best thing is there is no attendance issue so you can hangout and easily your college life",6 867,Pratik Singh,IIT Bhubaneswar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITBBS],The course curriculum about the college is fine and it is nice when on coming to the first year you will be feel like 12 class as the study in the first year will be somewhat similar to the 12 class and slightly change and the syllabus will start differing from the second year/semester. The faculties are good and have much practical skills.The campus life is nice and much interesting that make you interactive in the learning. You will find all types of students from decent to the extreme level The only thing is that you have to make the environment for you to enjoy the college life Coming to the fest part yes it is nice and very much enjoyable and many big sponsors also come,9 868,Ahona saha,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Fests, many fests happen in vit here. They are huge and lasts for around a week. The tech fest is gravitas and cultural fest is riviera. Connectivity is good as it's close to chennai. The crowd is good. Overall the fest and clubs societies makes college more fun here.The placements rates are the best part of vit. The average package is around 6 lakhs and the highest is around 41 lakhs. The internship opportunities are readily available for students too. The top companies are Microsoft, amazon, TCS, Infosys.",9 869,Mohit Kumar Saini,"College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology - [CTAE]","College arrange every year tech fest.and cultural events celebrate in our college every yeat ctae college elect CP AND UP by elections . university President and college president are elect for solving problems.college have many skills developed course's and clubs.adventure club , photography club, robotics club etcMy admission into the college through the joint entrance exam jee main exam.i want to be a electric engineer so that i choose this course.aftet qualified the jee main exam i try to counseling for the colleges and filled up the councelling form.and after some days i got that college in 4th round of this college. ",7.3 870,Arman Mallik,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],"best part to join this college of its campus life,i joined my fav clubs and i am enjoying my life here and they organize timely activites.Different colleges too participate in this activites and fest is also amazing.Placement is not upto the mark and the average is 3 lakhs and min is 1 lakh which is not good for which we pay 2 lakh 35 thousand each year.The value is null and highest placement record was given to 8 cgpa above.",9.7 871,Vishank kishore Singh,SJB Institute of Technology - [SJBIT],"one of the biggest and beautiful campus in a bangalore city, nice enviornment and decent placement scenario almost all the mass recruiter companies come to our college and many dream companies also come. Our college is near to Global tech park so all the companies over there come to our college for placementMy college is VTU affliated college but they are saying soon we will become an autonomous institute under VTU which will be great but right now VTU syllabus is not so updated and faculties are fine few of them are good few of them are okay and few are worse",7.3 872,Sushmita Anand,Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology - [BBDNIIT],"The campus life is exceptionally good, the bachmates, faculties are very helpful. There are various events and extracurricular activities held for the overall personality development. There are also different clubs related to technical, cultural programs. There is a management festival held in our college which lasts for 3 days.1-As this college (Babu banarasi das northern India institute of technology)was the only college near my home. 2-UPSEE was the only entrance exam I had given. 3-I like the infrastructure the most of this college as compared to other colleges.",7.7 873,Srishti gupta,Amity University,Wifi is free without any limitation sports there is horse riding too library comprises of more than 6000 books and computers. Labs are highly equiped.There is badminton cricket football ground as well as basketball table tennis every game played.As fas as I know byju's has visited and offered 10 lakh minimum package for btech students and there are many other fields in which 90% placements are done with good package. This year 180+ companies visited our campus for placements.,9 874,Aman Singh,Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology - [RKGIT],"Through entrance exam, if u clear entrance exam then you are sitting on councelling and if u choose RKGIT then you got asmission the dates of exam is postponed due to corona pandemic but you can follow aktu for latest update. In rkgit you can do practicles and much more. The faculty member of our college is very nice they always helps us so we can not worried about exam or college pressure they help us in every situtioun, they always prefer to do practicles so we can learn or understand the topic very clearly and make good marks in exams",8.3 875,Sarvesh yadav,Krishna Engineering College - [KEC],In previous year TCS gave a package of 12.5 lac per annum. And ssb interviews are done for the military jobs. And the entrepreneurship Programe are connectedfrom the students to the 1st year onwards. If you have the idea the college take the responsibility of getting you funds for your projectsMany scholarships are given 1st is from college for their outstanding performence in the current year and 2nd the main scholarship for all students from their category and for general category students on their performence is given which is half of their fees,9.3 876,Prince Kuttan,Alliance School of Law,"campus life is amazing.t he campus is surrounded with greenery and the weather is amazing.The way our campus securities and the security systems works is just commendable and we so many extracurricular activities like campus contains table tennis, basketball, cricket as main sports included with the gym.one of the my best taken admission in same college so i know about how was the college and i know about college nirf ranking is good and alliance placement is good overall 93% student placed in varies companies that way i taken admission is alliance university",9 877,JITENDRA KUMAR,Techno Main Salt Lake,now I want to clear that in Kolkata this is very close and I want to kill you also that this is very close to technomancer like so we do not face any job profile related problem company automatically come in our college and take placement a lot of a student full stop in last number for student he takes at a good price approx 800000 for years. hi according very compulsory We can't survive without coding if you want to a good engineer then you have to coding without God in no work. the famous technology here is that machine learning so we get a golden opportunity to learn machine good coding machine learning in front of teknowmics of life.Actually my college campus was not good if we bore in some lecture then we can't get fresh. my college in under construction so I hope it will do best buy the college management. and finally I say that my campus is not good. the college authority have not a lot of space.,9 878,Pratik Raj,C. V. Raman Global University,"The college organises a lot many functions. They are good but they fail to meet student's expectations. We have a DJ night before diwali. Then we have a technological festival named VIDYANTRIK which comprises of a lot many activities and competitions. Also we have a cultural festival named CELEGANCE which also has many activities . All of these festivals are followed by a DJ night . Students from the college and from other colleges actively participate in these festivals and avail exciting prizes.Like all enginerring colleges there are less girls and thus the gender ratio is about 7:3 (boys:girls). Dorm parties are not prevalent because of the strict hostel management. The college is unbiased regarding gender , religion, ethnicity,race or economic background. We have a lot of centre of excellence and thus exposure to industry level experience is tremendously available. ",7.3 879,Shatrughan,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Placements: There would be 100% placement into the service-based industry but if you talk about the product based then it would be low. Many companies visit the college but the mass recruiters are Infosys, Cognizant and Capgemini and the average placement is 3.6 to 4.5 lac and the highest placement is 10 lac. Mostly CS-IT students got the placement in October of 3rd year of graduation.Yes some of them are helping nature but not all senior or alumni are helpful, Good alumni relationships bring many benefits to both the institution and the alumni. Here we speak to HE profeesionals who work in Alumni Relations about the benefits of maintaining an engaged alumni network and how the market is changing",7 880,Yaman Birla,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"Placement and job opportunities are very good here as I mention earlier due to it's vast alumini network students gets placed easily from cs, IT, ECE branch. But for students of EE, MEC, IP, AND CIVIL the job opportunities is quite rare because most of the students from this branch goes for GATE EXAM.Best government college in my state and due to it's Biggest Alumni Network we get better placement opportunity. It is one of the oldest college in MP and the faculty is very good. Also students are very brainy and nerdy here.",8.3 881,ADITYA,Government College,The course they taught us okay okay. They give us Industrial exposure .There are industrial trips and training in last sem so that students can get industrial exposure. I first sem they taught us Communication subject. Which I think helpful for our carrier. Faculty is good . Naresh sir and Pawan sir is my favouriteAs I am interested in Computer Science .And I am thinking to BTech Computer Science. As I am getting other stream in other colleges.So I choose this option.Also It is located near my home . So that why I choose this college.,8.7 882,Vasundhara Saraf,Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology - [VSSUT],Government University with strong aluminus. Good placement oppurtunities. It was also suggested by people i know and i got my prefered branch (mechanical engineering) in the college. Great campus and very old university. Faculties are from IITs. Various options available. Great fiversity and also many vlubs to explore ur choice of career.Companies like maruti and land t visit the college. More tha 60% get placed eith an average package of 5-6 lakhs. The alumini network of our college is very strong and large. The college has an entrepreneurship cell which encourages and helps the student to start new startupd and also funds thrir ideas,8.7 883,R.saiRoshini,Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology,All good course is fine and the way that faculty teaches is good disciplinary education and faculty was good academics are well and good. Curriculum was fine almostly and opinion on all these was good.campus life is good events and extracurricular activities are bit fine. having these in the college is nice and campus life totally good. Almost all these are good. Extracurricular activities are nice.,7.3 884,Sarthak Arora,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"Because it is best suited to me, close to my residence, best faculty, offers placement to very esteemed organizations such as TCS, Infosys, etc. Good infrastructure, offers all round growth of students in all fields such as field jobs, sports, etc.Our college holds one cultural event that is held in the month of march other the cultural festival the event of societies are held all over the year. The cultural festival is organized at a large scale and also holds a celebrity night.",9.3 885,Nerella Pavithra,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - [VJIT],"All are very good. Sports fest is conducted. We go to other campuses for sports fest also. Library is big and very neat. So many important books are available in library. Good magazines are also available. Equipments also very good in labs.Campus life is very good. Events also conducted like freshers, sports fest. They conducted college fest separately for every branch. Science fair, language fair etc are also conducted in my college. Cultural activities also conducted.",8 886,Diya Singh,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Talking about campus life, one cannot bunk lectures and cannot go to cafeteria to chill out. One can only roam in the campus in the recess or in the break. IGNITIA, a two day event organised by PSIT in the month of February or March in which DJ night is there where celebrities are invited and exhibitions are also there. The preparations of IGNITIA begin from the month of November and a day is fixed which is called IGNITIA Launch. For freshers, an event is organised called WAVES, introduction of senior students with a new batch. For extracurricular activities, clubs are there which includes Toastmasters, dance, music, NCC etc.The whole campus is centrally air-conditioned. There are 2 playgrounds, 2 basketball court, 2 badminton court and a central ground for sport activities. There is centrally air-conditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of 1300, a conference hall which provides facility of conducting webinars, laboratories, workshops, club, centrally air-conditioned library. The campus also has solar-powered hot water plant which provides 24_7 hot water and a centralised RO water plant with a capacity of 10000 litres/hour. A 24_7 infirmary is also available.",10 887,Mitali Chaurasiya,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Ignitia: The Techno Cultural Fest held in Feb month for 2 days, Waves: The Fresher Party, Alumni meet, Accolade: The sports Meet, Smartest Mind: PSIT organises competitions as a part of its drive to identify sharp and smart minds for the students of the intermediate category. The students are administered tests of Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Science, and English. The winners are awarded cash prizes to the tune of Rs. 2 Lakhs. SAMANBHAV :We at PSIT, make efforts for our helping hands, such as peons, drivers, gardeners and other staff. They showcase their talent at a platform, we organize workshops on etiquettes, games, question answers rounds etc. to bring the slightest change possible in the lives of our helping hands.Faculties are good and they are very technically sound also. There concepts and theories are very clear. They deliver high quality of knowledge to their students and always helps their students as they are very supportive in nature. The faculty are highly trained and skilled, with most of them having specialization in their domain. Around 480 lectures per subject are delivered in every semester, along with lab sessions and hands-on experiences. The minimum qualification of faculty is M. Tech, and most of them having PhD and published several research papers in respective domains.",10 888,Karan,Rajkiya Engineering College - [REC],Cultural events are good and they occur at their fixed time and event is not very but also not very small and there is full of fun and enjoyment in happening event and management systems of the festival are also good and they are doing great.l am newer not know detailed about placement but got news from senior that are suffering to get placement from the college. And they are saying that in future companies will come placement process for the final year students will improve.,8 889,Sakshi Jaiswal,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],"As it is one of the best college among private colleges and also affiliated to AKTU. Faculty, infrastructure and other technical support are best among other private colleges. Lab have limited objects but they manage to provide us all. Library is quite good and spacious and number of books related to our course are also available in numbers.Many companies visit for placement like Amazon, Wipro, Samsung, Infosys, Cognizant, Tech Mahindra, Zycus, etc. 4-5 students are placed in Amazon, rest are also placed in other companies. Process for placement is through interview and coding and all. I think according to other private colleges Galgotias College have the best placement record.",10 890,Harsh Gupta,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"GEU is full of fun and extracurricular activities. Their are almost of every type of clubs in the college which you can join and can enjoy. Respected President Sir of GEU is very humble and cares every student. He ensures that every religion's festival should be enjoyed in college so that none of the students feel lonely or separated. Also the college organises a huge GRAFEST every year. It is a very big event in which bollywood artists such as Arijit Singh, Honey Singh, Amaan malik, Niti Mohan, and even international artist such as Zaeden come every year.The couse of th GEU is the best as it includes the important points and topics that are important in engineering. Curriculum also includes carrer skills, communication skills and many more which makes us perfect in life also. Every faculty is best and very helpful in the GEU.Everyone will help you in your tough times. But, Mr. Pradeep Kumar, is our class coordinator is the best faculty that I had seen. He is very helpful and has a very friendly nature with the students.",10 891,Student (Anonymous),Buddha Institute of Technology- [BIT],Awesome everything related to this question is best. Sports facility is good but sports teacher is not good because he is not fit for sports. Wifi facility is best and size of library is good and labs are also good they provide equipments whenever we ask about them. So nearly everything is good. But hostle food is very bad i m saying this from friends experince.Good Campus Placement and i didnt choose any other college because i cant change my city due to family reason i have to take care of my mom. So i decided to take college in my city and i found that there are two best private colleges one Buddha Institute Gida and another is Itm gida. So i feed in my form these two colleges and i got Buddha Institute at last.,8.3 892,Saumya jain,Anand International College of Engineering,Rajasthan Technical university has a very updated syllabus it changes every year according to the needs of the industry . Also there are workshops conducted for more knowledge in depth of concepts. Every faculty was very good but Anubhav Saxena sir and Sanjog arora sir are best in my department.Anand international college of engineering has a very significant and very clean infrastructure. The faculty members are very good and supportive also there are less number of students so proper care of students is taken. Also the college provide Global Exposure to the students.,9.7 893,Abhishek Singh,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"They were some qualified and some are not. There is lagging of practical exposure to what they taught us. Much more. Concentration on exams and attendance present. There was a huge gap between college courses and corporate Sectors curriculum. Cause syllabus was 10 years outdated. Modern software, presentations were not there. There were problems in proper counseling of course.The College lab is Wi-Fi but the whole college is not Wi-Fi connected. There was lagging in software used practically as per modern trends. Sports games were good. Canteen facilities include foods more oils and take high charge including hostel fee. Medical facilities cost is born by you. Social life is not so good.",5.3 894,ABHISHEK JAGAN ARU,Walchand College of Engineering - [WCE],"Much expensive as compared to other government and semi government colleges. College provide transperancy. In 2019 fees is 85, 000 per year. For obc 44485. For ST 44485. For sc 4000 only but 2019 government passed gr the government not pay schlorship or any freeship to vjnt, obc, st they had to pay other fees. Through the cap round on the basis of merit list of mhtcet. Maharastra state exam conducted on 3 of may to 10 of may. There would 50 mathematics problem and 50 physics and 50 chemistry. After declaration of merit by dte Maharastra you had to collect alll the document and verified by setu suvidha center. ",9.7 895,G SHARATH CHANDRA REDDY,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"Feasible. My program fee is approx. 1, 10, 000. On basis of merit there are scholarship available. And I got 75000 scholarship per sem. Mode of fee payment is online as well as offline. For admission 5000/- is the overall payment. Yeah, they provide transparency in the fee-breakdown. And they give evey fee detail for our payment. I opted this course on my interest. My institute is a deemed university. After 12th result I directly gone to university to take admission. For admission we need the following documents. 12th Memo 10 th Memo Aadhar card 12th Transfer Certificate Migration certificate (if there is change of state). ",9.7 896,Biswajit giri,Manipal University - [MUJ],"yes faculty are highly qualified . each and every faculty are very helpful. they are always ready to help in your study as well as in your life. 1 faculty is aloted per 40 student in a subject. every faculty are phd holder. for any doubt you directly message and talk to them. its a completely ragging free campus. 0 ragging. each and every seniors are like your childhood friend. you this college charges a huge amount of fees . they charge almost 300000 per study and 200000 for hostell and mess . you can pay the by DD, check, neft, RTGS. no there are no such type of extra fees to get into the college. yes they provide trasparency in the fee breaje down. you can get scolership according to you merit list.",8.7 897,Sakshi methani,Amity University,The college fest we organize are on quite high level many celebrities were part of it. Recently we organized our college fest odyssey in which punjabi songs sensation guri was there for the performance. And the participation is huge with very high competition. Our university almost has every club including horse riding and golf. The staff working in amity university has a vast epitome of knowledge and excellence they are so good to students and their teaching methods are amazing including this we enjoy various activities including horse riding golf and many other clubs.with an amazing infrastructure ,9.3 898,s.hyndhavi,Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology,Yeah the faculty is good not bad.they always try to do thier best and i think they should provide excellent faculty for core subjects(coding) acadamics are good They have to minimize the syllabus they should give more importance to only the core subjects which are useful in futureYeah now a days its good. good companies are coming and may members are placed in campus interviews and also they have to bring good campanies also like amazon accenture etc. They have a give a perfect training to face the interview infact they will give,7.3 899,Vansh Jain,Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre,"I got the admission in this college through the REAP FORM (Rajasthan Engineering Admission Process). This form is eligible for all RTU and BTU AFFILIATED COLLEGES. The Form fees of this form is 700 Rs. . In this form, we have to choose colleges by preference in which we want admission and also branch too. Then a merit list of Reap gets published and and by that merit list , we have alloted a college by our rank and on a given date we have to do counselling there.The eventa celebrated in my college are following: 1. Renaissance:- This is the main fest of college which is celebrated in month of march or april. It is celebrated from 3 to 5 days. 2. J-Techtrix:- This is the one any only Technical event of college which lasts for 2 days. 3. Athlon:- This is the sports event which lasts for a monts or more. All the sports are played in this event. There are many more events of my college but I can't Mention all.of them .",9.7 900,Sunny,Chandigarh University - [CU],Syllabus updates through the online system website. Its been updates. Assignment and assessment and others project. Date sheets are available and everything regarding attendance and leaves session as available here Its no.1 fastest growing in asia. And package is too high.and no ragging. Education system and solutions be solved by the staff. As soon as possible. Its been giid for the students atmosphere and the patents.,8.3 901,Jaideep khichar,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],The fee payment is to be made online on college website with net banking or the other means the fee is bit expensive but college provides full transparency in fee structure and helps to students by clearance of all there doubts about fee structure and this way makes it so easy for usGender ratio in most of colleges is very high but here I saw comparatively its low and there is lots of diversity there I got know students from each part of the country everyone is polite and cooperative this makes the environment so friendly and taught to respect everyone,8.3 902,Akhil bisen,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science - [LNCTS]," I think that their is equal ratio for boys and girls i.e. 50:50 . Labs are not modified . Forget about sports if you are lnctian . In lakshmi naraian College their is no discrimination on race, religion, caste. Workshops are regularly held but their is no use to workshop because it is very boringAh ! Lakshmi naraian is the most expensive College in Madhya Pradesh ( central India ) . I am student of electronic and communication branch so I used to pay 117000 per annum . This is only academic fees . Hostel fees mess fees are excluded . I used to pay 5000 per month for hostel and mess",4.7 903,Manish,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"The academic fee or tution fee is 1,95,000. There will rooms outside the college for stays or the college provide hostels for students which costs according to the room facilities like ac , non AC, six bedded,four bedded, 3 bedded,2 bedded and even 1 bedded. There are no additional charges are collected.There will number of companies which are going to place the students. International, national companies will hire the students from our college. There will be internships provided either online or offline. In the last semester, majority of students are going for internships",10 904,Anirudh kuruva,"Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam IIIT Ongole Campus - [RGUKT]","There you will thought for 6 years .puc1 and puc2 CGPA is taken to select candidats B-tech course .There are ECE ,CSE,MECHANICAL,METALARGY,CHEMICAL branchs in option to your UG .The exam pattren is normal pattren as iit's the total marks for 100 in which 60 marks for external college examination and 40 marks for internals which are conducted mid od the months .Additionally you have to pass in lab Examination to promote up coming classes.Our college is a iiit institution which is established by AP government .This college idea was boon for the rural people like me .I got 10 CGPA in my 10 standerd ,i applied for this college on may 10 of 2017 as our's is integrated course college PUC(2years)+bachelor degree(4 yers) . By gods grace i am selected in that college .you have to apply it when the administration relese notification online.",8.7 905,Akhil bisen,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science - [LNCTS],You can search to number of lnct College in Google. Agar vo free honge to phone to utha hi lenge nhi to baad me bhi kr skte tu call . Are tension ki to baat hi nhi hai yaar vo khud paise ke bhuke hai tumhara phone utha hi lenge . So don't worry are tum log bhi to hosiyaar ho kahina kahise no nikal hi loge.Expensive lakshmi naraian College of technology is very expensive . If you belongs to cs or it branch.fees of Cs or it branch is above 140000 rupey per annum this is only College fees . You have extra expenses for your livelihood. Bahut mhengai hai bhai kya kr skte hai . ,4.3 906,Nirupam Sarkar,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"I study in this University. It's got a good curriculum and a good syllabus, preparing students for all the top job and research exams in India. It's got a strict no hazing policy and is filled with discipline and manners. Almost everyday a lot of workshops are happening focusing on different aspects and giving every student opportunity to showcase their talents, passion, determination, hardwork. The faculties here are very helpful and they make sure to clear all doubts of each & every student thus creating a knowledgeable and fun atmosphere. Overall it's a good institute where we can improve ourselves and also have fun while learning.Some of the Ex-students are working as Director/Manager: Business Intelligence / SAP Crystal Reports Developer at AVCO Consulting, Inc, Lansing, Michigan Program Manager at SLK, Bengaluru Area, India Project Leader at Oracle, Hyderabad Area, India Staff Engineer at Juniper, Bengaluru, Karnataka Area, India Research Lead at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Kolkata Area, India Co-founder at vCreatek Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. Pune Area, India DBA at IBM,Kolkata Area, India Data Center Operations Project Manager at Facebook, San Francisco, California",10 907,Student (Anonymous),Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"We have regular syllabus which generally most engineering colleges prefer like dtu. We have good facilities for teaching and faculties are too good, supporting and punctual. They deny your questions like if it’s from syllabus or from any other book related to there subject and of-course if it is not in your mind then how can they answer but if they don’t know it they suggest you the right teacher for the related subject question.There are plenty of placements and job opportunities in my college. Many big MNC’s like Amazon, Infosys, Samsung and many more visits the college to hire the students. My college is on grade A in the whole Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha university in placements and opportunities.",8.5 908,Student (Anonymous),VIT Bhopal University,"Infrastructure is great we have 1 boys hostel, 1 girls hostel, 1 academic block( In academic block we have visa mart, administration office, an atm and a branch of idbi bank,3 computer, 1 electrical, 1 mechanical, 1 English studios, faculties cabin, control of examination office, music room, auditorium, 2 storied library,and of course classes), multi purpose hall(In multipurpose hall we have chemistry lab, server room, basket ball court and a couple of other labs), underbelly and a lot more is coming shortly as they are upgrading very fastly.Based on viteee if you are a state or a board topper along with a good rank in viteee you will be a star stream student and you will get denouncement in fees and hostel charges.Also you will be given privilege in first year FFCS conducted in every semester to choose faculty and time table for the upcoming semester. Also many international relations with university provides scholarship from 3rd year. Such as student exchange program with other university. Through this you will get scholarship in that college abroad.",8.5 909,Student (Anonymous),College of Engineering and Management - [CEM] Punnapara,"The teachers are quite good and they are well qualified. They use to help students who needs attention also, they help to score good marks. They teach well and are excellent in their subjects. Most of the teachers are friendly with students. The curriculum is student-centric which mainly focus on the development of the students.The placement is not so high. Very few companies visit with few job offers. No. of students apply for jobs and get placed. Others opt for higher studies or apply for off-campus placements. The placement cell is being created few years back only.",8 910,Student (Anonymous),BP Mandal College of Engineering,"I have come through JEE which is a BIHAR Government Institute.This is a government college which is the choice of all students to get admission. Earlier before 2019 BCECEC Conducted separate exam to get admission in it.All JEE main aspirants can applying for the admission after which there will be merit list,if thier name will be published then they can get admission in itAs it is government college Student credit card facilities are offered to students which is given through Bihar government.Fitst you have to take admission in it then you can apply for fee structure in the college after it you can apply for student credit card",8.7 911,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"I am very satisfied with the teachers. They are highly qualified with great teaching techniques. We have an online cloud-based website which allows us to upload our assignments, projects, check our marks, grades, exam schedules, make payments etc. The course offers us to choose the subjects as per our convenience which makes us feel no stress because everything is controlled by us.The placement is decent acc to being a private college. The average package is between 35,000-40,000 and the dream package is around 90,000-1,00,000. The highest package in start of 2020 was around 41.5 lac. Mostly average package givers are mass recruiter companies like infosys, cognisant, Accenture etc.",8.8 912,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I could say that the faculty members in our college are the most experienced ones. The college has about 100+ teachers with more than eight years of experience. For me, it was quite good, and I was interested in their lectures. From their lectures, we can be confident enough to have a good career ahead. Learning is the other most important aspect of this college.Bharath Campus has all the necessary infrastructure, facilities and equipments needed for practical and application based approach learning for all branches like computer science, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical etc. Many classrooms have smart boards. Laboratories and libraries have centralized air conditioned and free wifi.",8 913,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Yes, my college has all the necessary infrastructure, facilities and equipment. the classroom has proper infrastructure and is specious. the labs have the required equipment in good condition. There are good sports facilities. The hostels are also good with good mess facilities. Everything is well maintained. The food is also very hygienic and good.The campus life is pretty booming with a lot of clubs and chapters doing something g or the other, due to the size, you rend to get to know a lot of people. However, there is certain strictness with the dress code and being a college with more traditional values, girls and guys are usually kept segregated.",8.2 914,Ashu jain,Government Engineering College - [ECB],"Our campus life is very good our college sports era is also superb Labs of our college are very good condition and very good condition to teach us. There is no gender descriminations in our college and also no caste system. So my college is technically department so there is no politics in our college.In our college the 75% is compulsory so we go college daily and take class. Our college teacher very graduate thier are very in their profession. They teachers are very well qualified they teach us very well. Faculty member of our college very helpful in doing our college related work.",8.3 915,Student (Anonymous),Silicon Institute of Technology - [SIT],"It has clubs to keep you entertained throughout your college life and to be a member of a club you need to pay as stated by the club secretary. Annual functions conducted each year are NOESIS and ZYGON (TECH FEST) and the students' council conducts different functions, competitions, matches to keep the students entertained throughout the year.Yes, It's mandatory for us to nearly do 3 internships in this 4 years and for the first year we were asked to do the internship from college as they'd guide us properly. But you can also do that from any othe source where you want to. I opted ""python for beginners"" from syllogisteksystems by paying 5000/- for a 20 days course.",7.5 916,Student (Anonymous),Aryabhatta Knowledge University - [AKU],"It has the latest syllabus. It also provided the industrial exposure like going to NTPC. Here all faculties are excellent and knowledgeable in his own subjects. All faculties are best in my view. All faculties are very supportive for your upcoming future life or career.It organises welcome party, technical fest, sports competition or fests. In this college festival is also celebrated like saraswati puja, vishwakarma puja. Many students participate in various programmes like in Republic day or in independence day of India.",9.7 917,Kaushik Nayak,Christ University,"Our campus is of 92 acres. More than 1000+ species of trees are planted in our campus. It is very clean, green and we'll maintained campus. The infrastructure is very nice. We have a field for different sports activities. We have 2 basket ball courts, 1 lawn tennis court, cricket and football grounds, volley ball court, handball court etc. Our entire campus including hostel is well connected with fast and 24x7 wifi. Our library is one of the biggest library in Bangalore. The labs are govt funded. They have all the modern facilities in it.We are regularly updated regarding our course syllabus by our faculties. Yes we were provided with enough industrial exposure. Many people came from different industries for talk shows in our university. The faculties are very supportive, kind, helpful nature. They always teach in simple manner and they always clear our doubts without any hesitation. Almost all the facilities are good.",9.2 918,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The academics is tough and curriculum is harsh in our college every thing is controlled by VTU because our college is not autonomous and not getting any opportunities to become independent. The teachers are very strict and tough. They are experienced but not worth. Their work is only to complete the syllabus otherwise, they are nothing.The campus is small and not good. The fests and events are only one or two happened inside the campus which is quite not great. There is a tech fest and college fest which is organized by our college but it has no quality. All the spendings are wasted by the college in the name of fests.",9.5 919,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],As far as placement goes.its really good as all the placement activities are held in the main campus so its one of the few perks of this college.so no problems with that thing.also as the location of the college is also very primeNo the course is not well updated and we have to deal with all those old fashioned crap.for which we can't do anything so we have to live with that.also talking about the CSE course it can be said that its somewhat average,7.2 920,Aryan Bhardwaj,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],The placement of this college is very much better in the central region. In the year 2020 COGNIZANT company has in taken more than 550 students and gave them placement. Also highest package of the year 2029 is 19 Lakh Rs per annum.The most attractive thing for this college is placement. The placement of this college can be said as the best in central region. The faculty of this college is also much more knowledgeable in their specific subjecs.,8 921,Sahithi,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"I am a day scholar thus, dosen't spend much time inside college. But according to my friends there are very less fests organized by our college. But when a fest is organized, there is a great decoration on the campus with different lightings. The tech fest and industry level exposure is provided by the college to make some physical knowledge into students. The participation is in good quantity.The curriculum is set by VTU and good, something tough also. Because our college is not autonomous thus, we have to rely on VTU for examinations and instructions. The academics is strictly followed with attendence in our college. There are nice and well-knowledged faculties in our college. They are helpful and supporting. Physics department is very nice.",8.7 922,Student (Anonymous),Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College - [MVSREC],"The College has made unprecedented attempts to make the College campus differently-abled friendly. Ramps and elevators facilitate the movement of differently abled people within the college building. The College also has washrooms for differently abled students. There is a unique Resource Center for Visually Impaired Students (RCVC) developed under the SRCC Enabling Unit. The resource center has a variety of assistive technology tools, hardware equipment and software, like JAWS and Supernova, the screen-reading softwares; Kurzweil, the OCR; Clear Reader, the instant-reading hardware equipment; clear-view the magnifier attached with LCD; DUXBURY Braille translator; scanning and embossed printing devices; etc. to facilitate students with different degrees of visual impairment.New Skills Academy offers more than 200 online courses. The courses are aimed at growing professional or personal skills. Through the academy, students can take courses to earn certifications that can translate to new jobs or new careers. Courses range from half-hour long tutorials on decorating cupcakes to in-depth courses on foreign languages, digital marketing and child psychology",10 923,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,The college faculties are having a lot of knowledge. Some of them are into research fields.The course structure is excellent. To develop the students every area of knowledge is what Gujarat Technological University aims at. The quality education is provided at it's best. The collection hosts many sessions to give 1 to 1 councelling in order to boost up the academic part of students. The faculties are continually jn touch with each and every student. The class strength is restricted to a certain no. to enable the coordinator faculties to better connect with all the students. The course followed is as prescribed by Gujarat Technological University.There are excellent placements every year in our college. Around hundred companies come to hore the students every year in our department. Even in the COVID pandemic our college had online placements and many students grabbed their packages this year as well. 8 lacs being the highest of this year in our department. The placement cell of our college has been very proactive throughout this pandemic and worked hard day and nights to get the students their placements. There is no strong alumni network of our college. This year TCS and Larsen and Turbo has been successfully hiring a large share of students of our IT department.,9.5 924,Rohit kamalaya,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The curriculum is nice and course. Every thing is based on VTU and our college is not affiliated through VTU. There are many reasons. The academics is good but frustrating but due to faculties all task becomes very easy. The ISE teachers are experianced and their teaching quality is best.The placements of our college is good and quite amazing. Companies like Accenture, Amazon, cognizant, oracle, TCS visits the campus with different other companies. The alumnis are very friendly and supportive too. There many internships provided by them to pre-final year students.",9.3 925,Vishal krishna,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job assistance and placement are vvery nice if you have got average marks. The companies like Amazon, oracle, cognizant, TCS, wipro and many more I don't know the name but total 60+ companies visits the campus for the placement of around 3000+ students. The alumnis are also very friendly and they gave tips regularly to the students and help them by providing internship opportunities.The college I am getting on my rank and when visited the campus then liked the infrastructure, warden and faculties. The college provides great opportunities for internships and placements to the students. The college also give different reviews on students performance to parents per sem or per test. Thus, I liked all the qualities.",7.7 926,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"There are very good placement opportunities in our department. Last year 97 companies visited our college and almost 90 of them hired the students. The placements offered are very good when we compare them to other tier 3 colleges. Many of the companies coming for placements are based in Gujarat state itself. Infosys has been actively hiring our department students. The minimum criteria to sit in the placement in 7 CPI. There are many practice interviews as well by the college TandP cell to prepare us better. There is no such thing like job referal in this college selection is purely on basis of talent of the candidate. The placement department has been very active since past few years.We have 2 festivals in our college one is the inter departmental fest called Vision where students from our college participate in various games, workshops and competitions and the winners get recognition and rewards and we a national technical fest 'Prakarsh' in the month of February or march just after the completion of end semester examinations. Here there are many technical events and students from all over the nation come and participate. Additionally we celebrate each and every festival of India like Ganesh Chaturthi and Garba. We have special 7 days dedicated of different traditional activities like mismatch day, traditional day, garba day, signature day and many more.",8.8 927,Rohan P,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"If you have a gpa of 7.5 and above then you will get a good placement in mass hiring companies like Accenture, cognizant, TCS and wipro. There are other companies like tech mehendra, dellote, amazon, byju's, etc comes for campus placement. The alumni has a good network with the college, they provide internships and exposure to final year students and guide them the way to get job.The college has good placement and i am getting on the basis of my performance in the exams. The college has green campus of about 10 acers. It is outside of the city thus, air is fresh and study environment is very good. The college has great infrastructure with respect to its size. The faculties are also engaging. So, I selected this college.",8.3 928,Sahil,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Amazon, Accenture, cognizant, oracle, byju's and many companies visits the campus for placement activities. There are several help we get from our alumnis because they have their own startups thus, help in internships projects and different trainings. The overall placements is centralized but if you want you can get additional help to prepare for off campus.This college has centralized placement with different activities involving in whole four years. The infrastructure is the second most good in whole engineering colleges of Bangalore. The overall performance of the college is also very nice which include the environment also. Thus, encouraged me to join here.",9 929,Student (Anonymous),Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology - [SMIT],Campus Life is extraordinary as compared to the silent and serenity of the state and place in which the college is located. Each and every department has its own fest and they organise it with great pomp and show. Annual cultural fest - KAALRAV is one of the largest college fests in the north east state of India.Campus infrastructure has international standards. Hostels are earthquake resistant and are equipped with solar heating system to conserve energy. Marena - the sports facility of our college comes with well equipped gym as well as facilities for numerous other sports.,9.7 930,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"There are very good placement opportunities in our college. The average students too can easily grab a placement and all this is because of the continued efforts of our training and placement cell. We are trained for Group discuss, debates, real time interviews and also the way we should respond in the HR rounds. There is not not alumni association. The old students may be connected to their faculties personally. The Mindree has been coming and actively hiring ojr college students every year with very good packages like 6lacs per annum. The E-cell is not very active in our college but every year we have atleast 3-4 events for entrepreneurship development.We have 3 campus fests one of the best of them is our National festival Prakarsh. We have successfully celebrated this fest for past 16 years. Many students from the state come and enthusiastically participate in the events. There another fest called Vision which is our college festival restricted to only our college students. There is a lot of celebration and events in this fest. Then we have our college annual day called Malhar where there are principal speech, cultural events and award ceremony as well. Our college was established 21 years ago and is a semi government college.",9.2 931,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,The campus has excellent campus life. The day starts with prayer session at 9:45 am and finishes by 4:30 pm. We have many fests throughout the year. We have spandan at first which is basically a series of competions on various extracurricular activities. Then we have Vision our Inter department fest with various techical and non technical activities. Then we have our annual day Malhar for cultural activities and award distribution ceremony of the year. And the biggest of all is out college National technical fest Prakash. Here many students from all over the country come to our college and participate in different events.The courses are very well structured and are prescribed by Gujarat Technological University. The academic plan of college is quite impressive with all the necessary programs scheduled throughout the 4 years. The Computer department faculties start teaching from the second year and are very encouraging. The first year faculties are from Applied science and humanity department. They are quite strict about the attendance of students through the semester. The HOD of computer department Neha Ma'am is very much supportive to her students.,8.3 932,Payal,Alliance University,"Because I liked the lifestyle here and the campus is really nice. And living here in the hostel has been a nice experience. The professors are also nice. Overall placement depends upon the students. If the students are studios, they will have a nice future. If they get distracted, then it's upon them. There is a few drama going on here but the students don't get affected because of that.the company visited, profile offered along with the number of students placed, how is the placement process and your feedback about your placement department How good is alumni networking for job referrals, any notable alumni are not that good.",6.8 933,Hritika,Alliance University,"The library is a state of arts facility. It has every book a person can possibly read. It has audio recordings of books, computers and a beautiful reading hall. Our college has an enormous football ground, basketball court, badminton court. It also has a separate building for all the indoor sports such as table tennis, carom, chess etc. The gym is full equipped with world class amenities and the coach is best we can get. The food court has such amazing food that we dont miss our mom's handmade food. Hostels are neat and spacious. And the entire college is green and luscious which makes our minds fresh whenever we go around.Every other day programmes are held. Competitions, debates, fests. tournaments like basketball etc. Its the best opportunity to show case talent. a variety of people from all over india come here. thus a huge amount of diversity of talent is seen which gives a level of competitiveness among the participants",7.7 934,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The academics and curriculum is very nice and going well. All the things are set by VTU because our college is affiliated by VTU not an autonomous college. But the faculties are providing quality of education here to achieve good marks. Thus, all the concepts will be in the class itself. The academics is similar to other colleges.Placement and job opportunities are very nice in this college. Companies like amazon, Accenture, oracle, tech mehendra, TCS, wipro, Manhatten, L&T, Adobe and many more visits the campus for centralized placements. The alumni also provides jobs and internships to the students who are in pre-final year.",9.8 935,Saicharan,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job opportunities are very nice and pleasurable. If you have descent marks then you are able to get placement in any company. Amazon, Accenture, cognizant, Oracle and many co.panies visits the campus. It is held at main branched with centralized system. The support of alumni who own their startups provide us internships in pre-final year.This the best college nearer to my location. The transport facility is very good. This college has own BMTC bus stop. The infrastructure and teaching of the college is very nice. The academics in this college is most focused than others. You will get a good education.",9.7 936,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job and placement opportunities are very well and above 3000 students got placement in different companies at good packages. The alumni support is there for internships and other guidance stuffs. The companies like Accenture, TCS, Cognizant, IBM, Zscaler, Byju's visits the campus for placement.The extra activities are not on the main consideration of the college. The cultural fest is celebrated with craze and haze. All the possible decorations are made. The technical fest is organized very well with active participation of students.",9.7 937,Mallikarjun,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The course is similar as other colleges and curriculum is on the basis of affiliated colleges. The academics is very good and found it more in this college because no extra activities are happened here. The faculties are friendly and experienced. The ISE department teachers are very nice.Job and placement opportunities in our college is very good, companies like Amazon, Accenture, cognizant and oracle with different more companies visits the campus for placements. The alumni is good but not so much seen their support for the college.",8.8 938,Student (Anonymous),College of Engineering and Technology - [CET],Campus life is great. We also so many events which include technical fest like perception were we get introduced to many different technical minds were we complete with each other and share knowledge and have a lot of fun.Also we get an interaction to different personalities and different minds. In cultural fest xtasy we enjoy a lot by participating in different events with makes us relax and stress free.Yes we get updated in case of our course and syllabus through different media platforms Yes we are provided with industrial exposure Through different platforms Faculties are very good and they are helpful at times of need Curriculum is mixture of many subjects which enhances our technical base knowledge and other skills like communication and presentation skills,8.3 939,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Almost 98% of the students successfully completed engineering, while about 90% of the students got placed in topmost companies like Cognizant, TCS, Accenture, etc. Courses like Java, Oracle, Dot Net are mostly ongoing platforms. The highest salary offered was 15 LPA and the average salary offered is 2.7 LPA. Even internships were given to many students.Faculty members of our college are great, and they will make the course easy to get all the course outcomes. Lab faculty members are good, and also they are nearly 30 years experienced faculty members. They will teach practical classes, and also they speak fluent English. They give their best to students to get a perfect outcome.",7.8 940,Hari Om Yadav,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"I am a student in IIIT Ranchi and it is in a PPP(Public-Private-Partnership) which which it has 50% share of Central Government, 35% of State Government and 15% of private company / industry. So, most of ours curriculum is designed in such a way that it targets the demands of the industry in future. And in our college there has been many events organised for making students aware of the skills that the industry require and this year there was a Institute Industry Interaction organised on month of February 2020 where Industrialists from major companies like Deloitte, Walmart, Samsung came. And they shared their experiences and their wisdom and allowed the students to ask questions to them to get more familiar with the industries. And I think this is a great initiative to make students industry ready. The gender ratio in the college is not fairly great in my batch we have 100boys and 14 girls but more to note is the culture is fairly diversed as we have students from all over the INDIA from Telangana, South India, Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Mumbai, West Bengal, Assam and many more and it is a pleasant experience to learn about others culture. And the sports in out college is really good as INTER IIIT COMPETITION which is organised every year in which all IIITs across India participate we secured a rank of SECOND RUNNER UP this year. And there are no cases of any discrimation on basis of religion caste gender race or what so ever everyone is just playful and lives harmoniously. ",8.2 941,Shan Nehemiah Samuel MS,East West College of Engineering - [EWCE],"Annual day Fest Exhibition Teacher's day Ethnic day Sports day Children's day And many more cultural activities go on every single week and we get to go to different colleges to participate in different activities like their College fest we also celebrated engineer's day which is birthday of Sir M visvesvaraya and we even celebrated Independence Day by gathering and hosting the flagEducation with tours and co curricular activities we get to roam around different colleges attend workshops attend exhibition from our college to get to know different people and their way of learning interacting with different people we get to know how the real life works and this will help us in our placement interviews",8.2 942,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The course is structured in a way we are exposed to core papers right away from the first semester which is very useful. And we also have options to choose elective papers. The curriculum is updated to keep up with the industry, they do it by involving people from the industry while preparing the syllabus. Teachers do not spoon-feed to students they give overall guidance, show how to approach the paper and clear doubts. Students need to explore and refer to multiple sources to learn.Through campus recruitment, nearly 90%+ of the students got placed with a salary ranging from 3.6 LPA to 15 LPA. The top recruiting companies of this institution include Amazon, HCL, Wipro, TAFE, Capgemini etc. Nearly 320+ of the students got internships. This course offers an opportunity for its students to do their internship in abroad universities where they are indulged in research projects promoting pavement for higher studies.",7.7 943,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Almost 93% of students got placed through campus drives. The highest salary package offered in our course was 15 LPA, and the average salary package offered was 3.5 LPA. Some top recruiting companies like Amazon, TCS, HCL, Tafe, etc visited our campus for placements. Roles like software engineers, data analyst and many more are offered to the students. Many students got an internship, and mostly all students got an internship with full-time offers.The department is provided with support for two computer labs. Wi-Fi facility is also available. Multiple hostels are available to accommodate students. Hostels have Wi-Fi access. The mess provides average-quality food with options for South Indian as well as North Indian cuisine. Basketball, Cricket, and other sporting fields are available within the campus.",7.3 944,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"1. 93% of the students got placed. 2. The highest package is 15 Lacs per annum and the average would be 3.5 Lacs per annum. 3. Amazon, TCS, aspire system, Zoho, Oracle were top recruiters. 4. Developer, testing support roles were offered. 300+ students got internships. I hope the placement will be good for me also.Teachers are helpful and well qualified. They have good knowledge and help students. Their teaching quality is also good. The course curriculum is relevant, and it makes the students industry-ready. The course curriculum is perfectly made so that the students could get knowledge in all required areas.",7.2 945,Navjot Singh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"It has one of the best infrastructure in India. The classrooms are equipped with ACs. All courses have different library. Unfortunately the number of books present in the library are less because of huge student population issuing them. A huge ground in present inside the campus for all kinds of sports. College and Hostels have fast Wi-fi facilities.The placements offers(almost 80%) which is provided by LPU attracted me the most. Apart from that, it is one of the best infrastructures in India. The education provided here is of world class level. Discipline is the valued most and an anti-ragging environment is made for all students.",7.7 946,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"For promoting extracurricular activities the college has dedicated 2 days in a small fest called spandan where there are various competitions organized like essay writing, poetry, debate, dancing, mimicry, tug of war and many other sports activities. We have sports week every year where various sporting competition are organised. The most interesting being cricket where different departments fight to win the trophy of winning department. We have our college annual day Malhar. There is also one inter-departmental technical and non technical fest called Vision and also a National technical fest Prakash is organised by our college.The course and curriculum is same as other colleges which comes under the Gujarat Technological University. The course was last updated in the year 2017. They are updated quite frequently as per the requirements. All the faculties in the aeronautical department hve minimum experience of 5 years in their respective fields. Especially the HOD of our department who is also the dean of our college Ramana sir is very supportive and encourages thinking out of the box and making innovative ideas.",7.3 947,Student (Anonymous),Alliance University,"Bengaluru makes a big difference as a spot for engineering. At times you have workshops accessible to yourself and I think that's a perk. So, if you're not getting your preferred branch in a Government College of something like BITS, go for the city. Also, self development is always the only thing.Pretty good companies visit the college, not the tech giants though. If you're okay with TATA and Infosys and all, that's upto you. The perk of being in Bengaluru is there are off-campus opportunities and fairs where if you're skilled, you'll probably thrive well.",7.2 948,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"There are 4 fest in our college.The first is spandan to promote the co curricular activities such as singing, dancing, essay writing, sports and etc. The second in Vision in September month. It is inter department fest with technical and non technical events. The third one is Malhar our college annual day for prize distribution and cultural programs. The fourth is Prakarsh our college National technical fest. Students from different States come and participate here.The placement are offered in last year. There are several practice group discussions and pre placement Interviews orgainised by training and placement cell of college. The companies coming for placements are mostly from Gujarat itself. Many placements are offered by TCS gandhinagar branch and larsen and turbo. Infosys is also actively hiring the students of our college. No strong alumni network. One student of computer branch secured placement in Google in 2015.",8.7 949,Student (Anonymous),Silicon Institute of Technology - [SIT],"My parents were not willing to send me out of the city. And I wanted to pursue my course in Computer Science and Engineering. My percentile was too low for me to secure seat in government colleges. And between private colleges, SIT was told to be the best . So I chose this college, along with CSE branch and even got selected in the first round itself. I like how everyone is dedicated to impart training to the students for a better experience in the field of technology and help us in envisioning a bright future. I opted the course of btech because I always loved coding, and btech provides a wide range of possibilities for career goals.Companies like TCS, Infosys, mind tree etc. Are the frequently visiting ones. We have an amazing batch of alumni who have made the college proud. ""Biggies Burger"" is a famous startup from an alumni of our college. The Entrepreneur Cell is very active and keeps conducting programs to enhance the skills of those who are interested in entrepreneurship.",7 950,Deepesh Rathi,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"Every year the Freshers event SWAGAT, Techfest AVISHKAR, Cultural fest CULRAV are organized. Al the commitees participate in swagat which is conducted by for 1st year performed by 1st year with the guidance of seniors. Culrav jave a cut throat competition amongst the opponents and practices are carried out around 3 months prior.In first year everyone's syllabus is same. Basic physics chemistry and maths and other engineering basic subjects are taught. Students are divided into groups. Around 10 groups and first five group have different subjects in a sem and other 5 groups the other subjects ans in 2nd sem subjects are switched.",7.5 951,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Companies like Amazon, Accenture, cognizant, oracle, Mindtree, Byju's and many more visits the campus for placements. The alumni provides internships to final year students to build their resume and they have a permanent touch with the campus.The course is similar to other colleges and curriculum is set by VTU. There is only problem to write assignments monthly for getting marks but the college is well performer in academics because of the helpful and experienced faculties.",9 952,Kshitij,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Almost each and every company visits our college for placements and only 2 or 3 of them are mass hiring companies. Amazon, TCS, Manhatten, wipro, Accenture, etc are some companies. There are many internships also provided by our college and passed out alumnis organizes. Which builts the perfect resume for students.The campus has different sports and cultural events happen and the participation is very huge with lot of audiences from other colleges too. The college fest was destroyed due to Covid-19 but it has a great beauty. There are some regional and other events are organized too with full of team work.",9.3 953,Prasad Hegde,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"There are different events held at college campus. The hostel students enjoy very much because they can be part of that. As a day scholar, I liked the land utilized in the campus and during events a flash-mob is the wonderful part of that. The fests and events of our college is known and participation happens from other colleges too.The curriculum is not tough but there is rich syllabus that we have to study. We have maintain good marks through internal tests for which we have go write assignments every month. The academics is the main thing in the college. However, the ISE department faculties are helpful and experienced.",9.5 954,MOHIT,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Many companies like Accenture, Amazon, oracle, cognizant and many more which i even don't know the names. And the vest part is that there are only 5 to 6 companies which are mass hiring. The alumni, i haven't heard about them that our college have. But some local startups provides internships to the pre-final year students.The campus life is all set and bright. Small have has an advantage that you will get many friends. The events, fests are organized with a great manner and with beautiful decorations. There are songs, lightenings every where. The technical fests have competitive participations.",8.5 955,Student (Anonymous),Silicon Institute of Technology - [SIT],"It's my first year so till now everything is going good. The facilities provided in labs and classes are good,not so great but good, and faculties are good. Manoranjan behera sir is HOD-BSH is one of the best faculty of our college. He is very student friendly and also his intelligence is mind blowing.Infosys, tcs, mind tree and many other companies offers jobs to students with good salary packages. Padmini rout one of the best chess player, Sabyasachi mishra odia actor, and also one dsp are passed out from our college. Lecture notes is a start up done by our seniors.",6 956,Student (Anonymous),Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],"Our course is very unique,it makes sure that to prepare us as perfect engineer usually we were taken to industries and factories to visualise our application skills and improve them.our faculty was really good they always strive to remove hidden fear in a student to make us shine in our future academically.Our campus is a 286acre eco friendly campus.labs are completely equipped with modern utilities.library is full of 45,000 books and journals helping students to improve their knowledge.Library not only provides books but also it helps in developing our area of interests.",8.8 957,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"Job opportunities are abundant and internal cells also promote start ups. Training provided by college is very advanced and precise. Every student is placed on special focus and gets a program to improve his grade and skillActivities are organized and managed by students themselves in coordination with staff members which helps improves their managing and working skills, it also helps in developing personality and communicative skills.",8.5 958,Gautam Jha,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],"I got admission through JEE ADVANCED 2017. I opted for electronics because it is a growing and challenging field with advanced applications of physics in this jew digital world. This institute is the oldest IIT Of our country with very advanced alumni reach and academic faculty. It has a very sound base of research scholars with huge contributions to researching field and a very promising world rank. The steps are first giving JEE MAIN during April 2017, once we qualify in jee main then top 2. 5L (in 2017) students were declared to be eligible to appear for JEE ADVANCED 2017. This exam was held at various centres all over india involving moderate to high difficulty of questions. Finally after exam, the rank list of all students is declared 1 month after jee advanced exams. This rank list is used for admission to IITs all over india. The process of admission to IITs, NITs, GFTIs, IIITs is done by JoSAA. Students need to register on the JosAA portal and create a priority list of department and institutes of their choice. After selecting and locking the priority list, JoSAA releases the allotted colleges in the first round of counselling, students reach respective counselling centres close to their home towns for registering their choice, after several rounds of counselling process, final list of allotted institutres is declared for all students and respective dates of start of academic process is declared. Campus life is very vibrant and diverse with ample opportunities to explore and grow into any field on one’s choice be it sports, cultural, management, software or industry related fields. There are many societies in the campus run by students for almost all possible fields: business, quiz, dramatics, math, physics, entrepreneurship, dance, music and many others. All societies are really good with scientific mehodolgy in their practise and are extremely competetive at national levels securing medals in many events from time to time. Gender ratio is little poor 10 to 1 for boys. Students regularly organise parties themselves in food stalls, canteens or their own hostel rooms. Cultural societies regularly conduct workshops to educate people about their culture and practices. Students come from extremely divers and political backgrounds and have a very healthy discussion time to time with others. There are societies for supporting LGBTQ groups and people are educated time to time by their workshops. ",8.7 959,Karthikeyan,NPR College of Engineering and Technology,"Yeah! Well. Mostly all are Friendly staffs. If we have any doubt they're always ready to clear that. yes This college provides industrial knowledge also by industrial visit program. Also they provides placement training classes for the student's career development. Yes they provide industrial visits also for all the students. Students also can suggest some industries to the respected in charge. I Like Mechanical Engineering. Nearest best college from my home for middle class families. Transportation is available. Admission procedure: Just Go to the admin office. There are totally three Official admin offices. One is at Near Dindigul Busstand and another one is at Mellur, Madurai District. The Last one is in our college Natham, Dindigul district. ",8.5 960,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"It is an institute OF national importance with a great track record of placements with best of faculty mainly PHD. The teaching methodology is great and the course selection is also fantastic. It is great to have well educated experts to teach us the subject which are extremely importance towards overall understanding of our Undergraduate degreeThey are quite great and all have PHD's within their respectable fields, they teach with precision to what has to be known with the subject matter for the knowledge from the respectable class, It is quite fortunate for us to have some of the faculties from IIT's and some even with experience abroad.",8 961,Student (Anonymous),Silicon Institute of Technology - [SIT],"Infrastructure is good except the paths within the campus. Sports facilities are also good, there is volleyball court, basketball court, football ground. No wifi is available in the hostel. Liberary is very good. And equipments in all the labs are very well maintained.Our college holds fest for 3 days annually in the month of February. The whole college takes part actively in it. Lots of fun and adventures activities are done. Then there is Silicon Cup in which students from other colleges take part. It's a sports event.",7.8 962,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The jobs and placements are very nice because they all held at centralized at the main branch of our college where 3000+ students get placements. The alumni is the supportive but i have only heard about it that they provide internships when we pay them the correct fees. The companies like Accenture, adobe, cognizant, oracle, tech mehendra and more visits the campus.The campus life is very well set by the management. There are different fests which are organized in the college. There are three different types of fests organised per year with many small technical events through the semester. But the study is always be the fkrst priority.",9.8 963,Student (Anonymous),Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],It is full of events.Its very good Teacher are helpful and caring and have a good knowledge of their subjects. Various activities and a good curriculum and open course system. Students can change thier major and also if they want can learn things of other courses as CCC.Its very good Teacher are helpful and caring and have a good knowledge of their subjects. Various activities and a good curriculum and open course system. Students can change thier major and also if they want can learn things of other courses as CCC.,8.5 964,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The curriculum is good but the checking held at university level final exams is very tough. The academics is most concerned in our college with different assignments we have to write every month for internal evaluation. The exposure in only academic field is very nice. The faculties is supportive and helpful. Some are good some are a bit strict.The job and placement assistance of our college is nice and many students got placed. The alumni also provide internships and placements in our college in their startups and firms. Companies like HCL, Byju's, Accenture, cognizant, etc visits the campus yearly.",8.8 965,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job and placement opportunities of our college is good with the support of many companies and our alumni. They provide pre-placement offer with different internships in the selective fields of work. Companies like both mass and single selection comes for placement. Wipro, cognizant, accenture, amazon, Microsoft, dellote, byju's are some known companies.The college is suitable as per my performance and ranking of the exam. The campus is small but good and suitable for academic environment. I have cholswn this because of its peaceful environment and it is outer from the city which provides great freshness to our minds. Thus, i liked the college.",10 966,RISHU RAJ,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Placements are vey nice in our college with differnet internships too. The alumni are supportive and helpful with providing different opportunities in their own startups. The differnet companies like TCS, Accenture, cognizant, L&T, Mangatten, etc companies visits the campus for centralized placement.The college is best under my rank in comedk and the college is also good at placements and hostel rooms. There is a small campus but less no of enrollment in the courses that provide placement to everyone at almost figure. The infrastructure of the college is very nice. Thus, made to join here.",9.2 967,Rohan,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job opportunities are very vast with different internships provided by college to the students for their resume. The alumni supports the college students and provide internships to the students in their own startups and companies. Many companies visits the campus. They are cognizant, amazon, Accenture, oracle, mehendra, benz, and many more.The campus life is very amusing and due to it's small size. Everyone knows each other very well. There are less extracurricular activities organized in our college because there are internal exams in every month out of whole semester. The college holds different fests and technical events at every intetval of 2 months.",8.3 968,Arnav parmar,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],All thing is good ACCORDING to me at the time of covoid pandemic semester exam should be skip so that no tension for the student for studies. This will help students to do other part time activities which help to make their skill Stronger in the very field they want to pursue after engg. On the basis of jee rank. My childhood dream to became an engineer and develop some technologies. So I choose computer science and in this college there are many helpful lab like apple ios lab and technomax lab which is connected with US. And I think I will be very bright in future.,8.3 969,Himanshu Goyal,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"I have cleared the jee mains and on the basis of it I have chosen mechanical engineering in mnnit, I was always fasciated by machines and always wants to do mechanical engineering, so after 10th I started coaching in a local institute and after two years I have jee main and jee advance.I have to attend 7 lectures in a day, but the professor doesn't reach very good. I know they are highly qualified but the problem is their lack of interaction but they do go in depth of a topic and always help in doubts. The lecture helps in understanding the conceptual learning.",6.7 970,Varun Sehrawat,Presidency University,"There are many companies visiting the campus placements first of all majority of students are hired by Tata consultancy services, Wipro, TVS, Air India, etc. For the top tier companies to interview you, you need at least 8.5 overall GPA. The percentage of students getting placed in the companies are around 70 percent. There is a placement cell in the university that moulds the students to be fit for the interview.The course curriculum this college follows is as same as BITS Pilani. The course is not too easy and not too hard but scoring can be a little bit difficult. You have confidence building classes. I liked the English speaking classes more than the writing part. For campus placements you need at least 7.5 GPA overall. The main Industries that visit the campus are Tata, wipro,etc",8 971,Prashant Agarwal,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University - [JIIT],"Eligibility criteria for admission in jaypee university of information technology is based on your 10+2 marks ie 75%+ or you can also be admitted on the basis of your jee mains rank. This is the best private university in HP and was awarded for the same. Also situated in mountains with cool surroundings make it a better choice.Jaypee university of information technology cost you around 3lakh per year included hostel. Although the fee structure is expensive but it all provides the necessities needed for a student to study as well as for a hosteller to live. Due to cool weather ' garam paani ' is provided for bathing.",8.7 972,Prince kumar,Acharya Institute of Technology - [AIT],"It's around 70-80 with average age 40 and mosttly PhD holders. The faculty is not so good here. Mostly worried of examinations and forget to provide essential knowledge which may not be important from exam point of view. Atleast they are very much interactive. Yes the some of the lecturers hold relevant indistry-experience or certifications.This college gives a very good campus life which comprises a whole lot of trees inside campus which sounds environmentally good. Gender ratio is about 30% girls and rest boys. Very few workshops, no student parties. Maintains culture and diversity. It has disciplinary committee for any ragging and indisciplined matters.",4.7 973,ABHINANDAN PATRA,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],That's a good question in Vellore Institute of Technology we are having two programs the first one is techno VIT and the second one is vibrance. In techno VIT we celebrate as a engineering festival like we do many programs related to our studies and some sports programs live cricket football and some other stuffs. Coming to vibrance yeah it is the greatest festival in our college. And you can say this is the annual day of our college because all type of activities are done for 3 days and yeah some celebrities and singers used to come on the three days. Students are totally engrossed in that three days and they used to celebrate as for extend.in a college like Vellore Institute of Technology placement is 100% and surely you will get a chance to get a job and talking about internships ya you will get internships after second near and you have to do that Indus internship program within your summer holidays. And last you have to submit your reports and certificates to the college for the assessment and further proceedings,7 974,Student (Anonymous),Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],"Students at SNU are really lucky to have such a wonderful campus life, many events were held by different clubs and societies. By which students will have many memories. Management of these events are conducted and managed well, no matter how big it is.Many placements are done in the campus, there are countless number of best companies recruited this year. University really helps students to get their job and place, and they follow up and keep on uploading about the companies visiting the campus.",9 975,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Placements and job assistance is provided by the college with huge no of opportunities. There are companies like amazon, Accenture, cognizant, bosh, oracle and etc. Visits the campus for hiring over 3000 students from different branches. The alumni are also supportive because they provide students different internships in their startups.The curriculum is tough and we have to struggle a lot for getting marks because all the things are tough by VTU. The academics is tough and all setted by, the college also pays very much attention on the academics. The faculties are helpful and good.",9.5 976,Student (Anonymous),Anurag University,"The best infrastructure I witnessed ever, fourth best infrastructure in TELANGANA. Includes highly furniture auditoriums. Well equipped labs and class rooms. Best libraries includes one central and one separate library for juniors. Digital library. Ted talks hall.State scholarship for minorities including SC, ST, CHRISTIAIN, MUSLIM. National scholarship for all merit students. Merit scholarship for eamcet below 10K students Fee reimbursement for BC students. Fee reimbursement for Economical backward OC students",8.5 977,Student (Anonymous),BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"I’m still in the first year, I don’t think I’ll be able to put it into words how the Course Curriculum, Academics, Faculties works and how nice it is. But as far in my first year the teachers are very good. The syllabus is obviously very updated. Monisha ma’am from CSEOne full floor of library with integrated digital library, has campus wifi, all the best till date lab equipments are available, almost all the outdoor as well as indoor sports are facilitated. Coaches too are good",9 978,MONTU,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job opportunities are very nice because it is centralized and alumni are also in good position. Even some of the alumni visits our college for hiring in their own companies or startups. The best thing is the huge no companies that visit campus like amazon, oracle, TCS and Accenture like companies with many more. The selection process and exposure is very high.The campus life of the college is great and adorable. Campus has big library with wi-fi abeled campus. Indoor and outdoor sports availble. One good gym and wooden badminton court is also well maintained. The fests and management of event takes place vary smooth and nicely. The participation is also huge in every event.",9.3 979,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"Laxmi Narain College of Technology is the best private college in Madhya Pradesh and central India. It's placement is promising and good. I opted for computer science because of my interest in coding as well as the demand of candidates of the candidates qualified in this course.The course is not updated at all. We are studying very out-dated things. We get limited exposure through practicals. I would like to study an updated course. The faculties are good. Dr. Shubha Agrawal, BCE faculty is a good teacher.",5.7 980,Sagar,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The placement cell provides you training, internships and many more benefits. Our dean mam, is so encouraging and she tries to push the numbers of placed students by her hardwork and quality suggestions. There are many companies like amazon, Accenture, oracle, mindtree, and many more comes for placement activity. I haven't meet any alumni from the college.The campus life is very amazing because all the students are friendly. Since, the campus and intake is small thus, everyone knows each other. Due to this, we really enjoy each and every fest. There is a good coordination between teachers and students. Thus, every event becomes successful.",9.3 981,Student (Anonymous),Anna University - [AU],"The campus life is good, there are plenty of cultural fests which take place in the even semester, which u can take part in as well as enjoy. There is an entrepreneurship festival with 8000+ footfall. One of the biggest in south IndiaCause as per NIRF 2019 ranking it’s ranked the number 9th best college in India. If a student is thinking about post grad, this college is really good as it provides really good recommendation letters from one of the best teachers",7.3 982,N. Pravalika,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The job opportunities and placements are nice and increasing year by year. Companies like Accenture, cognizent, wipro, zscaler, amazon and many more visits main campus for centralized placements. The alumni is interactive and supportive too. There are some known startups from the main campus which also provide internships to students.The campus life is peaceful and trueely small because it is only 10 acers of well-utilized campus. But the management of the college is good and maintained infrastructure is there. Massive lightening in all trees you will find. The different fests are known very well in other colleges too.",8.7 983,Student (Anonymous),Vivekananda Institute of Technology - [VIT],"The teachers in the college are very good. They guide the students in every problem that they encounter. The course curriculum is updated and enough to prepare students to work in the industry. It covers all the aspects of the course while maintaining coherency with each other.It has world-class infrastructure with all facilities and amenities to comfort the student's life. The labs are well equipped, the library is quite full of desired books even some journals are also there to access. smart classes are there and all facilities are too good.",8.5 984,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The faculty is helpful and strict regarding studies and we get lot of assignments per month. The syllabus is updated and based on VTU. Since, our college is affiliated to VTU, not an autonomous college. The curriculum is same as kf other engineering colleges and academics are more focused in our college.The job and placement approach is good because they are centralized and have different opportunities if you have descent SGPA of 7. Different companies like TCS, amazon, tech mehendra, L&T and many more companies. The rate of alumni is not so much good because college is just started from 2011.",7.8 985,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"Course is pretty more focused to theory and not practicals but the college follows the curriculum as prescribed under GTU. The course was last modified 2 years back. Industrial exposure is not required in computer departments and in core branched like mechanical, enough industrial exposure is provided. Industrial trips are organised at free of cost along with the transport facility by the college itself. Many faculties are actively motivating the students to take part in various hackathons and they guide them throughout. Especially the first year faculties are very much friendly and supportive.Library is of 2 floors and is pretty sufficient to accomodate the needs of around 4000 students. Wifi facility is provided but you can connect to it only with PC/Laptops and no smartphones. Additionally, the network strength is very low. Computer labs are very well equipped and have ACs but other labs like mechanical have old equipments. Sports is very much encouraged in our college. Many students are actively indulged into sports. College infastructure is good and spreads over more than 20 acres in the natural beauty of Vasad city.",8.3 986,Harshit Gupta,Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],"The campus is the best part about my college. Around 300 acres of land with up to the mark sports facilities like indoor sports complex with fullu functional courts and equipments. Football, basketball, volleyball, badminton you name it we have the court. Library is the state of art. With books from around the globe available for you to read, fully Air conditioned and very spacious, rooms for group discussion also available.University with mass number of courses and exposure with good alumni and experienced professors. Great infrastructure and labs with modern equipments for every course. Student to proff ratio very good. Easy acces to admins office for any issue, very supportive staff, hostel and mess really good.",9.7 987,Student (Anonymous),XIM University,"The fact it's located in the outskirts of the city provides a surreal and peaceful environment whose ambience is kind of calm and helps the students to concentrate on their health in accordance with their studies. The course curriculum provided is better in one's perspective than other colleges and moreover the student to the teacher tattoo is quite driving as any student can anytime personally consult the faculty over the topics related to their issues.I don't have any idea about our placements and job opportunities as the final year students of our batch have not yet completed their undergraduate degree. Once they are able to do so, the idea and the image towards the placement cell and placements with jobs and all will be clear. Until then, there is no way to explain or help someone understand about the placements.",8.2 988,Student (Anonymous),CMR University - [CMRU],"Shopify. Cool Name Ideas. Name Mesh. Wordlab. Freshbooks. Getsocio. Brand Root. Amazon.com Seattle, Washington, United States 1994 Online Retailer, Web Services http://www.amazon.com/ Capgemini Paris, France 1967 IT, business consulting and outsourcing services http://www.capgemini.com/ CMC Limited New Delhi, India 1975 IT, business consulting and outsourcing services http://www.cmcltd.com/ Citrix Systems Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States 1989 Application Delivery Industry, Virtualization software http://www.citrix.com/ Cognizant Teaneck, New Jersey, United States 1994 IT, business consulting and outsourcing services http://www.cognizant.com/ CA Technologies Islandia, New York, U.S 1975 Software, IT, Applications http://www.ca.com/ Computer Sciences Corporation Falls Church, Virginia, United States 1959 IT, business consulting and outsourcing services http://www.csc.com/ Cybage Pune, India 1995 Profuct engineering, IT Services http://www.cybage.com/ Deloitte 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, New York, U. S. 1845 Assurance, Tax Advisory, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Enterprise Risk http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_GX/global/index.htm D. E. Shaw ResearchThe best part of this college is they update their syllabus every semester ( and also every year for the new students). This helps us to be up to date with new topics in the respective fields. Faculty is top notch, the best part is their explanation is usually from the basic in the start and never hesitate for n number of repeated lectures and doubts to be asked.",8.8 989,p.jaswanth,Raghu Engineering College - [REC],Most experienced faculty and it is the antonyms college and best college in vishakapatnam in the all type of sports are encouraged and send them to state level games and the college so many campus interviews and campus placement also so I this college for my better futureCampus Life is very important and happy they conduct the extra curricular activities and encourage the taleneted persons our college conduct so many programs which is help full students our college students can do techical problems,9.3 990,Ritambhar Saha,Academy of Technology - [AOT],"Our college provides the most useful curriculum tu the students to make them have the greatest opportunity to meet their dreams. A highly organized and thoroughly researched structure makes the preparation very much better to grow up as a successful engineer college provides us tcs, tech companies, useful seminars to prepare ourselves for the interview college exceptionaly strengthens the communication skills required for industrial versatility. Our college provides us with the gem of the teachers in my course we have about 30 lecturers with an average age of 35 to 40. They all have MSC and most of them have completed their PhD. Above all they all have the utmost grip on their subjects and able to clarify every single topic of every chapter. with the great dedicated faculties the students enjoys one of the most popular technical support of engineering. ",10 991,Mayank raj,Bengal College of Engineering and Technology - [BCET],"There are approx 400 lecture in my course and faculty is very good in these faculty average age is approx 35 and qualifications is Mtech. yes lecturers holds induatry experience with certification. All teachers are very good in nature and helping very much in our project and very helpful in studing.Campus life is really very good. Gender ratio is approx 70% boys and 30 %girls. There are all labs that we need and all the sports facilities are in there. There are many clubs in college like robotics, technika etc. And college also cunduct debates. Overall my college is very good in these things.",7.7 992,MITISHA AGARWAL,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],The gender ratio is not quite good during the past two years it has rise to a great extent but this that is the case for almost all the engineering colleges in India. There are loads of extra curricular activities which are held in the college. There are various societies like that of fine arts music literature drama and so on there are technical societies event for coding as well as for electronic enthusiast. Students are quite active in the societies during the fest time. where is workshops are held from time to time by the societies for the benefit of students. the student diversity is quite great here. There are various students coming from all over the country as well as there are students from some other countries even like that of Maldives Australia etc. the students are there from quite different between grounds like that of economic as well as political as well as religion. There are many students of almost all the religions. Every student respect the other students no matter which country which state which religion which rays they belong to.There are two fests which are held by my college. One is technical and other is cultural. The technical technical fest is a aproksha which is held in march. In this test various competitions which are technical like robo war coding competition ethical hacking competitions are held. She hack is hackathon for girls which is largest country is held during this fest only. Large number of people from all over the country participate in the various competitions held during the technical fest. we see a large amount of participation every year in both the fests. Cultural fest various activities various cultural activities are held like painting competitions dance competitions maybe solo singing competitions etc. are held. various groups from all over the country can participate on the third day that is the last day of the first celebrity comes. During the first we have comedy Nights DJ Nights in which students participate enthusiastically.,9.8 993,Arshad Iqbal,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Several companies come for placements but mostly large number of students gets placed in mass recuriter companies only like TCS, Infosys, etc. Compnies put GPA as their first criteria then number of tests and interview rounds are there. According to college they provide 100% placement but in my view almost 80% students gets placed mostly from CSE branch. College prepare the students for placements from 1st semester only by including courses like english, STS, humanities, etc. Faculties here are nice and helpful except few who are very strict. All of them are hioghly qualified and teaches nicely. Some teachers give their very best but usind nice slides and video lectures to make students take lectures with good intrest. Many teacher take students for industrial visits also and show them the practical use of the course which he/she is teaching. ",7.3 994,Aryan Jeetendra Vaidya,Terna Engineering College Navi Mumbai,"We have events like named as avalon, sportec, tarang. Avalon is the technical fest, sportec is the sports event and tarang is the cultural events. The team puts a lot of efforts for this event and is sponsored by great companies. Let's talk about the event 1 by 1. Sportec:- you have to fill a form with your intrested sports and on the given dates there will be selection for your registered sports and you have to play for your branch. The branch jerseys are provided and has a great craze. Avalon:-Avalon is the technical fest. Their are various competition /games held. For example we had a game where we have to finish pani puris in 1min the one who eats maximum wins such entertaining events are held. Tarang:-Tarang is the cultural event. Here there are dances club who performs on the day and their dj night held in college.One of the best college in Navi mumbai. It has a really good campus and has a studious environment. Terna college is the first college to have Mac labs. It's also the first college in mumbai to keep mechatronics engineering course. The staff and faculty is also supportive. The college provides a spacious AC reading room with library having wide variety to explore. Terna not only concentrates on academics but also concentrates on overall development of the students. Terna provides us a turf for outdoor sports and has a gymkhana for indoor sports. Terna always encourages us by inviting us for such activities.",7.8 995,Rishabh,Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences- [SUAS],"Gender ratio is quite good in college compare to other colleges. The students are from various other states but half of are from indore or nearer from indore. The labs are very good and equipped. The labs have all modern tools. All such events conduct in college and certain interval of time. Mostly on saturdays seminar or workshops are conducting. Robotics events are conduct ie line follower and etc. Their is no such politics in college. College is good and all facilities are good and cultural events conduct yearly called fest and some small events like retail mela, further competition.As their is no placement conduct bcoz the first batch of engineering is pass in 2020. But the internship scenario is good. The student after 3 year are all doing internship in companies. The first year student are going for e- internship which is provided by college and after 2 year 2 konth of internship which is conpulsory. College is always involve in providing internship.",7.7 996,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"We have the cultural fest, technical fest and also cultural activites on some festivals and national holidays. The cultural fest of IIITV is Kreiva. It is organised by the cultural commitee and has a huge number of competitions and fun activities.The Technical fest of IIITV is Cerebro and is orgainsed by the technical commitee. It is the best and most valuable event of a technical institute. We have Art Club, Drama Club, Music Club, Sports Club, Coding Club, Design Club, Gaming Club, Dance Club, Literature Club. So, all of this take cares of your social and extra curricular activities. Also, this clubs organise activities and competion in the Cultural and Technical fest.It is an institute of national importance and also a IIIT. And i didn't choose it specifically, i just got it on basis of my rank. But it also has some good points i would like to mention. It is a good institute to join for a career in CSE if you have a decent rank in JEE Mains, far better than joining any other private colleges where peer group is not good because of direct admission available by paying a big amount. Also, the coding culture is far better than other new IIITs. It has been independently functioning without much help from it's mentor institute (DAIICT). Also, the fee structure is quite lower than many other IIITs.",6.7 997,Akash Tiwari,Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],"There are various options available after graduation some of these are higher education, entrepreneurship, community service and defense services. CDC prepares students across all streams for these outcomes. Since its first batch graduated in 2015, SNU has continued to be a preferred hiring choice for both Indian and international organizations ranging from Multi-Disciplinary Employers, Consulting companies, Engineering and Manufacturing companies, Startups, Think Tanks, Financial institutions, Academic institutions, NGO’s and Social establishments etc. It has been successful in its placement strategies till now.There were many factors some of which are : 1. The campus area is huge which gives students freedom. 2. After applying I went for a campus tour and it overwhelmed me. 3. The building structure, the response from faculty and the overall aesthetics were very appealing. 4. The average package is also pretty good which made my parents agree to my demand of joining this college. 5. Overall it was a smooth experience from applying to getting the campus tour and finally confirming my seat.",8.7 998,Akash verma,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Hostel life is good full of fun we used to do always some activities in the hostel and if i talk about management systems so its very well they managed everything so nicely and some times I wonder how can they managed that coz here are more 30000 student so u can about itIn our curriculum there should be more practical's so that we can understand the things easily and I think we need to work on a practical knowledge not only focus on theoretical part and yeah they provide good industrial exposures for students.,7 999,shashi Shekhar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Campus of Lovely professional university is amazing. Sex ratio is good as compared to another college university. Lovely professional university has good placement records. If you are serious in your carrier then college will definitely support you but if you are not serious, no one is there to take you out of your safe zone. Talking about the college life, its really awesome, college has everything you need for entertainment, daily some programs are going on in college.Course syllabus gets updated every year. yes, we were provided enough industrial experience. Nahita mam, cse faculty is an amazing teacher, she really explains the concept very well. She supports the students very much.",6.3 1000,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],Campus life is quite good. There are many clubs in the institute which will help you to explore your inside. Many technical events and well as cultural events organised according to its schedule are which are quite engaging. belief those activities will remove the inferiority of not having its own campus from your mind.Job opportunities they get are quite good some of them employed as SDE. some of them also employed as buisness administrator(because of their extra skill developed by clubs). also one of our batch student started startup know and Hpramp which recently funded by Anand mahindra by investing Rs Approx 7.5 crore,7.2 1001,Akshay harishchandra aglawe,Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering - [MCOE],"In my class 25% students were girls which is quite normal for electrical engineering branch in our country. but 80% of our Lecturers were female. almost 95 % classmates were Maharashtrian. A small village guy coming into metro city like Pune I was bit afraid of ragging culture like they show in movies but it was completely opposite here I hardly faced any discrimination due to my dark skin or my cast. and here girls were less in number but they were treated equally most of girls would mix with boys and participate in every activity with High enthusiasm. ethnicity, race, gender, economical status, politics were secondary things. Yeah but there was never discussion on sexual orientation which shows total ignorance towards LGBT community there need to more awareness about this topic so our youth can openly discuss such things. During my time not even single core electrical company visited our college. as I remember only 2 IT companies(1)TCS 2) NTT DATA) visited our campus with placement of only 2 students from whole class!! (but now I hear good things from my juniors that many core companies along with IT companies are visiting our college campus and which have led to significant rise in placements). Steps for recruitment were usual. criteria to be eligible for drives was to have aggregate of 60%. and then you will have face to aptitude test then interview. Till our batch placement percentage was very low (just 5 to 8%). there was hardly any guidance related to placement to students. But now things have changed placement Percentage increased significantly to 40%.",3.8 1002,Amritanshu,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"There are almost 500+ companies coming for placement for various program such as b.tech,m.tech,mba.The major companies coming for placement are amazon, flipkart, Adobe. In advance The placement team teaches students how to prepare for placement. the placement round is of two technical round and one HS round. The average package is of 4.5 lac and almost 80% student almost get placed.The college infrastructure is of world class moreover the ranking of NIRF is in top 100 it has best teacher who are ready to help anytime. They help us in all round development rather than focusing just on academic level.the course has the best faculty in it. Moreover there is Google lab which have all the Apple laptop in it which is provided to the student if it is needed.",8.3 1003,Shikha Singh,Chandigarh University - [CU],"It was a memorable experience here, with young and energetic faculty, who had an amazing rapport with us students. The faculty here not only taught us the curricula, but also taught us the things that go beyond studies, they helped us shape as who we are today. The faculty of Chandigarh University encourages both studies and extra-curricular activities, which go hand-in-hand towards getting top placement offers, because the companied demand not only the theoretical knowledge, but also other skills, which students can learn through participation in extra-curriculars. A lot of teaching, a little bit of research, hands-on experiences and lots of extra-curriculars to help you develop as an all-rounder. The little fun activities and technical events in the department as well as outside CU campus, help take the minds off from the studies and refreshes you.Placement is best here.acedmics is also good and hostel food and rooms are suitable for the students.you are someone ambitious trying to push your limits by having a good environment around you, this university is simply place to be. Their advertisements regarding a conducive international environment is misleading at best, because of the xenophobic (more so racial) attitude that its inhabitants promote. Do not believe in any of their advertisements as they resort to boast irrationally to capitalize on its students’ misfortune. Some other important points Its not in Chandigarh! Rather thrown on the outskirts in the midst of green fields. Forget a good social life around the campus. Though the campus itself is big enough and has a lot of eateries",6.8 1004,M ANVITHA,Anurag University,"Many companies visited including tcs, infosys, Amazon, Accenture, cognizant, tech mahindra, just dial etc. Good numbers of Information Technology and Core Engineering companies visit Anurag to evaluate and recruit students. The Training and Placement division ensure to provide comprehensive training to all students in-line with the company requirements.Anurag is equipped with vast play fields for all outdoor sports and Indoor stadium with wooden flooring to facilitate all Indoor games. Anurag has a significant library infrastructure spread over 3 floors including the digital library.",8.2 1005,Arshpreet Saini,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Course curriculum is okay but old. Needs to be updated and unnecessary subjects removed. Since I'm a first year student, I can't say for sure about the industrial exposure but I've not heard my seniors complain about it. I've been provided with numerous opportunities to attend internships, both paid and unpaid. The faculty in my first semester was good but in the second semester it was quite poor.Very Close to home. The college is known for Good quality placements in the North region. The college has a large campus with availability for numerous sports and everyday events for students to attend. I opted the course because I like working with computers. I'm a dropper so it was the only choice for me.",8 1006,Student (Anonymous),Raghu Engineering College - [REC],"Anna University affiliated and it is very well known.teachers are friendly.they teach very well.i love computer scienxw and engineering.so i choose that coarse. Because the facilities here for my subject are second to none” – this shows that your subject has been at the forefront of your mind when making a sensible choice of university, again demonstrating your level of commitment to it. You can mention specific facilities to show that you’ve read into it thoroughly. “Because I liked the approach this university takes to my course” – even within the same subject, every university takes a slightly different approach to the way it’s taught and structured.It's is excellent so many fest's are being conducted every year each year they try to bring out new personalities and developments in every student by giving away prices for some science competitions and encourage practical knowledge",10 1007,J S N A RAM VINAY KUMAR,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],"We do have MIcrosoft Innovations centres and ATL, (Associative Technology Labs ), and there are no gender ratio. Students on the debate team are more likely to be engaged in the issues of today, able to think critically on their feet and are not afraid to speak out – all qualities that colleges look for in prospective students. Also, students that participate on debate teams are often outspoken within class, leading classmates into thoughtful discussions. We have sports competitions like football, basketball, cricket in the memory of our founder B V Raju. There are many top Multi National Companies come for recruiting the students like TCS, Tech Mahindra, Capgemini, Wipro, Service Now, Open Text, Verizon, IBM, and the list goes on. The percentage of students placed is 90% every year from our campus. We have placement and cell team which continously coordinate with students regarding the campus hiring process. ",10 1008,Niranjan,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,College faculty have many numbers of lectures and the teachings where is so good they provide good faculty to students and they have good and well educated lectures with degree holders with work experience of probably 10-15 years most of lectures are well educated about subjects.Im studying in computer science department so its is good In curriculum it covers many usefull things about my system so that my curriculum covers what we need in our jobs so that our lectures teach accordingly tonthe syllabus day by day to make the students feel better.,8.7 1009,Ajit Kumar Singh,"GB Pant Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University, Okhla-I Campus","Our College is Enginnering College so Most of the Students are Boys but there are also too many girls in our College. In our College all the Labs required for B. tech are present and they have all the required equipments and machinery. And College have also sports, competition & debates. They are also happen in a good level. Course Curriculum gives you industry specific knowledge and it really helps you for placement. And Education System of this College is good as compared to other colleges. Admission procedure is quite easy and all things are Transperent. This course is really helpful in your personal and professional life. ",8.3 1010,Suraj Laxman Chaudhari,Trinity College of Engineering and Research,"I likes Computer and want to make my own softwares, games, application, etc. But I score less in MHTCET so I decided this college. My friends brother is in the college. He is last year student. So I call him, He told me that, ""No. of students in each class are upto 40 to 50 so it is easy to get teachers attention"". Fees of this college is normal. Our collge participate in robotics and also many students of Mechanics and others joins SUPRA. In SUPRA a group of students make racing buggy car to participate in SUPRA tournament. There is annual parties and DJ nights in the college also there is freshers party for new students. ",6.8 1011,Bhisetti Hari Venkata Prasad,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The course curriculum is relevant and students will be industry ready. The labs here are well equipped. They will help you in gaing industry knowledge. The exam structure will be 25 marks for mid semester exams and 60 marks for end semester exams and 15 marks based on your performance and assignments submissions. There will be some clubs inside college where we can get paid industrial visits. Yes, there is scholarships facility for that we need to register in NSP website and then submit some documents and fill up the credentials in the form in website and take out the print and need to submit in college office. The officials will check everything out there and will decide to which student scholarships should be availed. ",8.8 1012,Chandu kumar,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],Yes course curriculum was good and the infrastructure was also beautiful when the companies came for the campus drive before we appear for the placements the give placement cell training for each and every student and In the they tell us about how to talk and behave in interviews and sports curriculum activities was good.Campus life was good and friendly atmosphere every day there is even small programs conducts In our college and every student can participate in that there is no politics and economic status in the college every year the management did lavaza program so many actos and singers are invited and they celebrate very grandly.,7.5 1013,Akkineni Uday Naga Sai,VIT University - [VIT- AP],"As VIT is one of prestigious institution in India I was delighted to choose this for my graduation. The admission process starts by attending the entrance exam VITEEE. After the results are declared, the dates for the college counselling are declared. We have to visit the nearest campus for attending the counselling. As per the ranks aquired the process will start with the lowest to highest. We can choose the required group and the branch as per the availability. After the counselling we have to choose the stay option of either hostel or day scholar. If hostel is chosen we have to pay an advance and reserve the room. This way the entire process is completed. All the details of the college starting and the required information is sent to mail.The course curriculum is credit based. All the the compulsory courses and the credits are displayed and shown to the students The system is fully flexible credit system. The average credits required for the course completion is 160. We can whichever course is required after the completion of the compulsory courses. The mentors would guide us through all the possibilities and would make us select the best and required course. This way all the done courses would help us in the overall personality development.",8.8 1014,Batchu.Mahesh babu,VIT University - [VIT- AP],"For getting admission in Vit, one need to write an entrance exam i. e. VITEEE. After getting the results, one need attend the counselling held at 4 campuses of VIT. There we need to choose the course and campus that we need to enroll in and then we will get admitted in the campus. There is no other option than writing the entrance exam and get admission in the Institute. I had made my choice as computer science engineering because the college is best known for its teaching and education, This college offers well trained teachers ( most of them are doctorates from institutions like IIT and MIT's). So I had choosen this. They are available for us 24/7 in campus or in social media we can directly contact them through phone and they are friendly with the students, not only teachers our dean himself will directly interact with the students and asks for new ideas and outcomes. They are available for us in our need and help us like a children's. They offer courses and certificates which helps in boosing our career and helps in interviews that we are going to attend. ",9.2 1015,Argha Chakraborty,Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology - [GCECT],"Ceramic technology is one of the most sophisticated streams of Engineering which basically deals with inorganic chemistry. Personally I like inorganic chemistry a lot so I chose this stream after seeing the details. And my college is the one out of very less government aided college that provides you the opportunity to take this B-Tech course. I sat for WBJEE in 2019, I secured a rank 5211 and then in the first round of online counselling I got the chance to take admission here. Next after two weeks I physically reported in my institution and they provided us a stipulated date to join the college.Very less in fact since it is a state government aided college we also catagorise students as TFW, and other reservation qoutas. For Ceramic Technology -6000/year. For Computer Science and Engineering-12000/year. For Information Technology-19000/year. The college accepts a bank receipt every year and also provides the complete fee-breakdown and is fully transparent.",9.3 1016,Saurabh Kushwaha,Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology - [BIET],"The placement record in our college is not so good but it is fine as compared to other private colleges. The place ment of computer science student are about 80 percentage and throw this the information technology students also possess a good placement. Then the electronic and communication students. There are a lots of evets in our college like freshers party called abhinandan, a techincal class organised by our senior called forum of electronic engineering. This provide us a great detail for our greater future and we also get instructions and instruments from seniors to perform experiment. ",5.7 1017,Ankit Kumar Singh,Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SLIET],"I got this college via jee main entrances exam. I opt this college because at my rank it is the better option that I can get. the admission process is so simple just got this college in jossa counseling and went there and got admitted. you have to go there with all required documents such as class 10, 12 marksheet as well as jossa call letter. Three major events celebrated in our college like madhuram a social fest that is a national fest. many participants cames from different colleges. a technical fest is also celebrated there. with lot of participants. in techfest we used to see a lot of innovation. like robotics and much more.",8.2 1018,Aswin P,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"I'm a student in mechanical engineering so in my class there is only five girls and the rest is boys but in other departments I don't think they have this huge difference in number of students. GECT is well known for student parties, actually they are helpfull for us they fight for us they rise their voice for us and so on. Our college has been conducting workshops also there are many cultural societies or clubs and they are doing well. For my best knowledge I haven't seen any problems regarding gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, politics and economic status although they happen sometimes and we solve it with peace. My college is a place where we live like a family.Dyuthi is a main event in government engineering College Thrissur it is a technical and cultural program that is held year by year and so many people come to participate in dyuthi. Thrissur motor show is a 4 day program conducted by mechanical department of college. Concerto is a technical and cultural program conducted by civil department and so on.",8.2 1019,Swapnil,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"Admission is done by UPSEE exam conducted during April each year. Now a days computer science is the most developing branch in engineering. I am also fond of computers. Scored full marks in computer in boards. I started competitive coding from early age. And my college is in Noida. Very close to Delhi which is a hun of technology in India. Though it is a private institution and has quite high fee, but I have received scholarship due to performing well in entrance exam. It is the best engineering college in UP after IITs and NITs. The steps followed are very simple. 1-You should have completed 12th std with atleast 60% for general and OBC, 50% for SC and ST. 2- you must qualify the cutoff of UPSEE and must be in merit list for the desired branch. 3- you must have studied physics, maths in 12 th to study engineering.It is a private college, so we can say that it is well maintained. There are some flaws in the hostels buildings being old and poor quality furniture. Some of The faculties of first year students are not well experienced, but most of them are great and make learning quite exciting. The curriculum is well groomed to provide industry specific knowlege. But the placements are not very good. We have quite genius seniors in our college which have great talent but receive very less placements. On campus placements are rarely good. Most of the placements are off campus. I have been here since one year and no industrial visits have been made for the students.",6.8 1020,Rushikesh Ganpati Lokare,Walchand College of Engineering - [WCE],Each subject has department. With least 2 PhD holding professor. And depending upon various disciplines there are assistant professors. College provide a specific time for specific subject within a week. Suppose you opted for chemistry then you will have to attend the classes for 4 time in week. Or if a subject with physical work will take 2 classes a week. Or for example considere mathematics it takes 5 class a week.College avails their placement information on there site. Average placement ratio of college is about 75%. Means 75% of any decipline candidate will get a placement. College has maximum placement ratio for computer science engineering. And average placement among core branches like civil engineering electrical engineering and mechanical Engineering.,8.3 1021,Anirban Deb,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Most of the students are from Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal. And of them, half are from different coaching centers. Overall, 2. 5/5 rating for academic and placements. College Life is good. Male to female ratio is highest, 1. 5:1. There are many societies for modeling, sports, photography, technology, coding, singing, dancing, etc.Very expensive. 18-20 lacs for 4 year BTech is not a logical option. Though I am in this college. Hostel and mess fees are high too. Per semester, hostel and mess fees are 36000 and 18000. The academic fee is 225000 per semester. Not at all a good college unless you are from a rich family.",5.7 1022,Chaitanya,NIT Trichy,"Yes it's fair. We have exams and assignments on specific topics so that we can learn from them fullfledgedly. In my perspective professors are making us think about the subject in deeper. We were provided with facilities like 24/7 computers and wifi services. On campus placements are actually core and non core. Core in the sense going to a field related to our branch. Non core in the sense going to a field other than our branch. It can be anything software or civils ar MBA anything. Industrial visits were organised for students in a particular semester.Campus life is divine. We have a sports Centre and 4 minor grounds and 1 major ground. We have gym. And we have swimming pool and we have all sports equipment. We have many sports competition during fests. Workshops will be conducted on different aspects like AI, Robotics etc. Gender ratio for our batch was 10:3, We haveany cultural clubs as well as educational clubs through which we can get in contact with everyone. Religion, race doesnt matter among us. Ethnicity is quite normal. There is no sexual harassment and even no ragging.",9.2 1023,E RAMSANJAY,University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering - [UVCE],"The only way to get seat in this college is through Karnataka common entrance test(KCET). This is a government college. Admission procedure is very simple first of all you need to get this college through KCET allotment and get allotment letter and bring documents submitted during KCET documents verification. Once u report to college u need to pay University fees and fill the application and suit documents and you are done.It's based on CBCS system and have semester of 6 months the exams are well planed and the yearly time table is given in the starting of the year itslef. There are six subjects and two labs in each sem. And each subject will have 2 internals for 50 each and 1 external for 100 and the sgpa and cgpa are calculated accordingly. You can even opt for online classes and get credit for that.",8.7 1024,Abdullah Khan,Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],The placement of a institution is quite decent as it provides campus placements two most of the students as per their likes as well as knowledge. The college provides you with internship even if you are in first year though it is not compulsory. Thanks tution is also affiliated with internshala which provides internship all over the country to the students with experience. Always helps every student should get a better job.I got invited by the college as I saw it over a website. As a went their I took a tour of the campus then I was told to submit my information related to my academic life. All this resulted in my registration in the college. The reasons why I have chosen this institution is because of the facilities it provides. I opted my this course because I like coding and I would love to work in an IT company.,7.5 1025,Soham Paul,University of Calcutta,"Academics is the main focus, the campus is not that large hence lacks proper outdoor sports facilities. Gym and indoor sports facilities with large auditoriums are there. Since the institution is mostly for masters and phd students there are great modern labs and equipments. But in general they are not available to the btech students. Although special permissions can be taken.In the month of june admission takes place admission is done through wbjee, there is also an admission process in which bsc students from other colleges get in the btech program from the second year that is the third semester. This was the prevalent way of admission untill 4 years back when the first batch through wbjee took admission.",6.7 1026,Student (Anonymous),Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management - [RCOEM],College conducts various cultural and technical events that help students to improve themselves in every area of life. Sports events are also conducted and students are also encouraged to take part in events.For more details please check the college website -www.rknec.eduWe are taught latest course syllabus that is approved by AICTE. Also we get industrial exposure through a workshop that is situated in the college campus itself. The faculties are also very well updated with the current syllabus and have deep knowledge of their subject.,10 1027,Student (Anonymous),Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - [RGPV],"Here there are not many companies which pays a visit to college so most probably we need to relay on opan campus but few companies do come like wipro, hcl, infosys, indian, infotech, though it was said there is nearly 80% of students gets placed but i dont know muchbecause it near to my residence, and beacuse if the teaching faculty Also there are only 60 seats for each and every branch which means not too many students in a class tgat help us a lot to be more intractive with teachers and easy to have doubt sessions",6 1028,Hari om,Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"As it is the institute of national importance and it's placement is very good and it has only two course CSE and IT so the coding infrastructure is good. Moreover the faculty here are highly qualified and experienced. The environment here provides an ample opportunity to excel in study as well as develop an all round personality. Moreover the students here are very co-operative.we get to know many things about what is going on in the today competitive market and how to learn new things and from where we can learn it.There are many extra curricular activities which are being organised in our institute. Some of them are Kreiva; Nabhyan and there are other technical contest and fest which are organised in our institute like coding contest, hackathon etc. A large number of students from all over India participate in these contest and fest. Apart from this a number of seminar and workshops are also organised to acquaint the students with current and future prospect in the field of IT.",7.8 1029,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],Our College organises many events so students can explore in their field.Cultural fest organises in this so many events like dancing singing quiz debate competition ar Robotics etc in this large no students takes part in this they explore and enjoy a lotThere is good placement ratios in lnct bhopal.Big MNCs company are come in the institution to recruite the students.College having very good Training and placement department so they properly guide their students to get better placement.,6.7 1030,Divyanshu Patil,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"The campus life is good. The campur is not very big but it is sufficient for anyone. Don't expect lots of events from this College. But their are few events which will make your mind refresh.For extracurricular activities their are many clubs in which you csn participate according to your HobbiesTheir are lots of companies come here for placements. Most of the companies are mass recruiter companies. The placement scenario varies from branch to branch. If you are in CS, IT, ec branch than your chances of getting placed is very high. Almost all the students of these branch got placed.",7.7 1031,Aryan Bhardwaj,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],The placement of this college is very much better in the central region. In the year 2020 COGNIZANT company has in taken more than 550 students and gave them placement. Also highest package of the year 2029 is 19 Lakh Rs per annum.The most attractive thing for this college is placement. The placement of this college can be said as the best in central region. The faculty of this college is also much more knowledgeable in their specific subjecs.,8 1032,Udyan Ojha,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Campus infrastructure taking consideration of small built area is good. MATES i.e. Maharaja Agrasen Technical Education Society managed to build Departments for Law, Management Studies along with Engineering efficiently. We have an amphitheatre which is hotspot for small gathering with Dance Society, Drama Society etc practicing new moves. Adjacent to it we have a decent sized ground for football, Vollyball and Basket ball court respectively. And a Seperate infrastructure for Badminton players. Not to forget places are Boys and Girls common room and in middle of them Nescafe for chilled iced tea and Hot masala noodles.Good companies with package Ranging from 3.5L to 20+L visit our campus but due to Covid I am not sure is it's valid at the moment. However we had massive placement offers from companies like Microsoft l, Samsung provided to students but I believe they were off campus. Mait is a budding place for entrepreneurs as we have our society ED Cell i.e. Entrepreneurship and Development Cell and we are consistent with our webinars are discussions with the college students hence producing more and more opportunities for developing ideas. But all this is very fresh and we are still in budding stage with big aspirations.",7 1033,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"1. There is no stipend amount. 2. Operation 3. I didn't get the job right now, I'm still studying 4. An alumni association is an association of graduates or, more broadly, of former students. In the United Kingdom and the United States, alumni of universities, colleges, schools, fraternities, and sororities often form groups with alumni from the same organization.The fee structure of our University is not so high but including the hostel and buses fare the amount goes much higher, that can be difficult for some parent to afford it. But the study fee is good and some how it is fair also for all the student. The fee is decreased on bases of merit and jee marks.",6.2 1034,riya chaurasiya,University of Lucknow - [LU],"University event professionals produce events that run the gamut. Everything from scientific symposiums and art exhibitions to debates and visits by prospective students: academic event professionals do it all. Regardless of event type, each one requires a similar event management process.The faculty of our college is good and honest and sincere and dedicated to there work. The give us inspiration about how to tackle the problem that arises in day to day live. There way to teach us is very good that they teach us what would be good for us in future.",6 1035,nidhirajput,University of Lucknow - [LU],"There were labs for physics, chemistry, microprocessor where we could do assembly language programming and other related experiments. Apart from that, all the classrooms were equipped with projector, whiteboard, adequate number of chairs etc. Even some of the classrooms have speaker as well. In hostel, quality of food was good. There used to be variety of options available for us.our college celebrated lots of events and festivals like holi, diwali, different types of poojas like krishna janmashtami etc. so one of the event of my college is anubhuti. it is of 3 days many of the programs are happens in these 3 days and lots of event takes place. events like fashion show, gaming, singing, etc.",6.7 1036,Gunjan kumari,University of Lucknow - [LU],"Freshman year of college means moving to a strange environment where you don’t know many people—if any at all. You have to juggle roommates, new friends, and clubs, not to mention getting to class on time and making the passing grade. Try as hard as you might, problems are bound to occur, so you have to be prepared to deal with them as they arise. Campus life can be a blast, but there are a few common issues that most freshmen have to addressI chose this course for no reason but as suggested by my parents. I would say there are few things which can be improved in my course curriculum and that is including more the latest programming languages or the latest technology being used in IT companies and should encourage everyone to create a small project using those because I feel it will ultimately bring confidence in students and make them ready for industry.",6.8 1037,Shikhar mishra,University of Lucknow - [LU],"Teachers are very helpful and well qualified from IIT and NIT, they are very knowledgeable, and teaching quality is very good there is a particular app by which you can get assignments and notes any time and you can ask questions from the teachers at any time. Course curriculum is very relevant and advanced.A lot of companies are planning for campus placement. A vast majority of the eligible students were placed, roughly around 90 percent of the students. The highest package of around 12 Lacks and the lowest of 2 Lacs per annum. Average of 3 Lacs per annum. Many MNCs came for recruitment.",6.5 1038,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"There were a huge opportunity for those who looks for extra curricular activities. We have a separate building for these stuffs. There are huge number of clubs driven and organised by students for different purpose. For ex- singing, dancing ( classical, western), drama, astronomy, physics, social services etc. Those clubs organise fest and events including Science, gocart, sports etc. Even other colleges also participate in those.Scholarships are provided by the college about different courses and schemes.They vary with different courses and performance of the student.If a student scores above 90% or 9.0 CGPA then he/she gets 100% concession on the fees except the Hostel fees.Similarly college also provides all the State and Central Scholarships.",6.2 1039,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"The classes are not so hectic.The courses offered by the University are quite good in my opinion.Almost every course is offered from Graduation to Phd.Exam structure is same like any other college except there are multiple University Tests conducted each month before the final End Semester Exams.Quality of teaching is as good as the reputation of the institution. Also, professors are helpful when you approach them outside the class.There are several events and extracurricular activities performed by our college to give students much needed break from their busy schedules and studies.There is an annual fest every year called Anubhuti.There are also many workshops, Technical Events organized by our college time to time.",6.3 1040,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"The students get a chance to actively participate and learn from the internships which helps them in future. All the companies including Amazon, IT, Mahindra, Tata, Manufacturing Finance, Marketing, Sales, etc hire the students from the campus itself after they have completed their graduation.Teachers are well trained and professional in their subjects and many of them are Ph.D. holders. My college is not limited up to acadeMics areal but is also specialized in other co-circular activities like dance, singing, photography, mimes, sports etc.",6.2 1041,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"The daily routine is well managed, monthly exams are held here and assignments are given for every subject. There are good teachers available.9 am to 4 am is the college timing and Saturdays are off for final year students. There are 40 marks of internal which includes 4 unit tests of 5 marks each and 5 surprise tests and 4 problem sets for each subject and 60 marks are for external.Yes, there are various clubs related to different activities like beat the beats is for dance and singing and golden pen for writing and math club for comparing etc and there are various committees as well for anti-ragging, discipline, sports, etc.",6.5 1042,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],Societies of the university is good as the faculty members in a club always think of students to make them stand by themselves in future without facing many problems.The academics level of this university is very impressive so a student it doesn't get the government college then he should join here by which he attains a chance to stand in competitive exams after graduationA daily timetable is Planned with a great skill. A very hassle-free and well-structured schedule. Regular breaks and Labs are included. Excellent Quality and Method of teaching. Spacious classrooms.There are a lot of assignments and exams. We have 4 assignment with 1 Teacher assessment in each subject,6.3 1043,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"The students get a chance to actively participate and learn from the internships which helps them in future. All the companies including Amazon, IT, Mahindra, Tata, Manufacturing Finance, Marketing, Sales, etc hire the students from the campus itself after they have completed their graduation. All batches get the chance of placement provided that the student must be passed with a good or average percentile at leastThese clubs provide the opportunity to design, create, paint, develop, dance, speak and other such opportunities to all the students. They are responsible to organize various events taking place in the campus and hence give the chance to every student to do what they find themselves good at.",6.7 1044,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Decent Placement. Mostly software companies visit campus. Very less Core Companies. 80% get placements because mass of mass recruiting companies. Average placement offered is arround 4-5 lakhs. But the placement is improving every year.Good Infrastructure & well maintained in a small campus. Decent library & all Classes are air conditioned except classes for 1st year. Total 9 blocks, separate block for separate branch of engineering & Management.",7.2 1045,A vipul,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Campus Life was too good there is no force from the authority to study study and all. the university helps you in the overall development not only in the academic part but also in the sports. And there are labs which gives us the practical knowledge and the hands on experience and even the student organizations like SAE and all helps you in the overall development.The faculty really helps you out in making you a professional the best infrastructure and the best faculty ever who were so friendly to you. The examination structure is same as the other competitive exams with the negative marking and all here we come to know that while giving an exam we have to be fully prepared for it.,9.3 1046,Rohan Sinha,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"In my opinion the placement trend and job opportunities are excellent of my college. Approx. 20-30 companies visits my college for placements and mostly students get placed from one batch.My college has a training and placement cell which takes care of placements and job opportunities.Also the alumni network is also good because few of them visited college for seminars who today works at good post in organization. One startup from my batch is that my friend makes a app and launches it on play store app store.According to my jee rank,in counselling I choose this college.This college comes under INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY. When I applied for admission,during counselling process the server automatically sets a college according to my rank.Also this college comes at2nd place in IP university.Its placement are good.Faculties are good.That's why I choose this college.",10 1047,Rahul,Institute of Engineering & Technology - GLA University,"The admission process starts in June till August online offline both of the platforms available for online you should go www. gla. ac. in and for offline visited GLA campus in Mathura and go nearly GLA branch/office in your area. I choose the B.Tech CS branch in GLA and I choose GLA because it's nearly my home and in a UP best private college. College placement is also pretty good. In GLA every Saturday Sunday events going on because in GLA to much clubs they are doing activities every Saturday Sunday in a month 1 fest and everyone joins in that club and participate in events tech and non-tech both events have and also fun activities every Saturday.",6.7 1048,Abhishek Praful Jha,Government College of Engineering - [GCEK],As it is a Government college the fees over here is really less as compared to other technical colleges in the state. It is quite affordable for any middle class family to send there child to this college for schooling and if you are among OBC or SC ST category then it's a cherry on the cake you have pay just have the amount or even less than that and the rest of the amount will be paid by the Government itself. The only thing is that you have pay for the whole academic year at once it would be quite convinient if it would have been semester wiseThe eligibility criteria for getting admission in our college is one should have completed his/her High School with at least 50% marks in PCM and must have appeared in MH-CET examination of the year of admission. Once the student give the exam of MH-CET he has to fill an online form generated by Maharashtra government where he has to fill the college names according to his/her preference and he gets the admission through the merit,8.3 1049,Harshit Jindal,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"I want to do btech in IT from beginning. So, i choose this course. According to the list of colleges, i got this institution. College campus is good. College fee is in my range and distance of college from my home is not far. So, time saving. Last year I got the admission in college. Firstly I fill the ipu exam in march then in may they produce first cut off, then second and then third and in third I got this college. Then they take 40k from online and when I visit the college I complete the details of form, they take affidavit of anti -ragging and take the 10th and 12th marksheet original and transfer certificate, migration certificateGender ratio is 7:3, 7 men and 3 women. There are different types of societies in our college. Some are related to technical, some are related to management, some are related to art & craft, acting, dancing and debates. So, all types are society in my college and in sports badminton, basketball, football, cricket, chess, table tennis teams are available. There are no discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, economic status but politics is everywhere. ",7.3 1050,Roshan Balasubramanian,College of Engineering,"The fee structure is average. Some are expected to pay high. And some are expected to pay low. The fee structure starts from 15k INR which are mainly for the students who score high marks and ranks in entrance exams. Then it almost goes upto 90k INR depending on the type of admission the student. If the student hasn't opted this college during the entrance but who ended up in this college without opting it is used to pay this amount.Our college supports the value of each and every events and we almost celebrate the whole events in our own unique way College Day. Arts Day. Union Day. Environment Day. Women's day. College Festival (which is usually 3-4 days) Teacher's Day And many more Our college celebrates literally almost every festivals that are vastly celebrated around the globe.",7.7 1051,RACHIT SONTHALIA,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Campus Life is amazing here. A life which I thought of. Gender ratio is also decent here. 3:1 that is three boys for every one girl. Students from all part of india studies here. So it is quite diverse institute. We have labs of every possible subject which requires it. We have gym. college has various sports teams who participat in inter IIIT sports meet. We have many extracurricular activities to do. Every festival is celebrated here. There are various clubs/societies here like robotics, coding, debating, dance, music, writing and many other things. Various competition are organised by the institute. clubs are really good. Sports facility is very nice. Workshop are also arranged from time to time. There is startup incubator program going on in our college. College also promotes entrepreneurship among students. College is very unbiased. Any student, teacher, staff of any race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, politics and economic status are treated equally. Talent is the only key here. Everyone is equal and given equal opportunity in every level.My core subjects are about computer science although I have many other subjects apart from my core subjects which helps me a lot. The course is especially designed to provide industry specific knowledge and groom the inner innovator in all of us. College focus on research and innovation. There are three written exams of each subject every semester apart from lab exams. All of these are very helpful in securing a campus placement. Yes there were industrial visit organised for us. All of these together helps me lot to in various aspects like personality development, time management, smart work, work management which all together build a better professional in me.",9.8 1052,Tushar agarwal,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Well if we talk about mechanical engineering its a bit oudated curriculum but improvements are being made, exam structure is good better and stricter than most iits, but you can do anything you want for being an machine learning scientist to research in mechanical engineering.The annual technical management fest technex, very big various technical competition happen every year, on last night we also had jubin nautiyal's concert, annual cultural fest is kashiyaatra trust me best experience, various events were held from stunt show to salim sulaiman.",7.3 1053,Aayush Kumar,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],"Admission process is very very simple, all you need to do is give SAAT exam, or else you can also show your JEE rank sheet, accordingly you will get yoy branch. If you bring all the necessary documents then the process is very very simple for you else they will keep an original documents from you till you bring the missing documents.I dont have any idea about internship as I haven't seen anyone doing internship from our college. College placement is not so good, the average placement is 3. 5L/annum, which is very very low. But if you are from codding background then you can get package of around 7Lac/annum and you can too apply for off campus.",6.7 1054,Aditya Yendralwar,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"As in the first year the number of courses/subjects are same for all branches. I had about 5 to 6 subjects in the first year. In the 1st sem I had m1, python basics, electrical, physics, same. In the 2nd sem I had m2, electronic s, graphics, chemistry. As we enters the 2nd year the subject are different for different branches.I have got the admission on the basis of marks obtained in MHTCET exam. It also takes admissions on the basis of JEE marks. The admission process starts once the results are declared of all the entrance exams. The allotment of the seats is done through cap rounds and there are few seats which can be obtained through donation.",7.8 1055,Gunti.Harshini,Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women - [MRECW],"Our faculty are always ready to help us in all aspects by clarifing our doubts and ready to any kind of help to students in all the time. Almost all the lectures have completed their Ph. D and post graduation. The average tentative number of lectures in our course, along with the age and qualification, as per the hierarchy is good. the expertise held by them in providing the clarity about the subject is very good. Yes the lectures hold the relevent certificates.There is no gender ratio's since it is an womens college. We have many extracurricular activities, labs, competitions and we also have many events, activities, hackthons, certification cources. All these type of activities will enchanve our thinking power, learning skills and also helps to gain knowledge. participation in all the events will give us lot experience and make us to learn about the time management and behaviour skills.",10 1056,Kuldeep vaishnav,Poornima College of Engineering,My campus is quite nice and built in good place with good infrastructure and I enjoy my campus life nicely and the gender ratio is equal for men and women and our college held many extra cocurricular activities and many labs many functions held fairs held and many sports and competitions were organised. In my college there are 2 fests organised every year fairs and technical fests were organised for the students like AADHAR and AAROHAN and many other students of other college participate in the fests and we all enjoyed it a lot. And college make all the facilities available to us.Fee structure is also feasible not expensive It costs around 80000 for a 1 year and in 2 insttallments we have to pay in first we pay 38000 and in other 38000 remaining is quotient money and uniform and books amount taken by the college its not soo expensive and quite easily approachable for everyone.,10 1057,Anurag Modi,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"It is a good private college after Bits and Thapar. Placements are also good. I also had an option of vit and my rank was approx 11k so I would get ecs so I opted for kiit and here I got CSSE. First, you have to give entrance, and then on a merit basis, you will be given a date for counseling where you can choose the branch you want on the basis of availability.A huge campus of approx 850 acres. I m a first-year student and I have not explored the campus yet. The kiit campus also has a cricket stadium, football ground, and synthetic hockey stadium. You also find many sports center here where TT, badminton, gym, snooker, squash, and many more. Here volleyball and synthetic lawn tennis court are also available.",8.2 1058,Sarveshwar Mahapatro,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"I joined the college by giving bitsat. Though I knew about it, but I was determined to get into IIT, I never thought of going into BITS. But, after the results I got a better branch at BITS which I was not getting in top IITS. So finally I decided I have to go to BITS. Although, the fee is high, it is worth the value. It gives everything which a top institute can give. But what makes it better than IITS, in my view is, its freedom we get to try out everything, to take risks and get better in our lives. What I would now say is that it's better than most of the IITSTechnical fests-quark It involves technical stuff like robowars, roborance, drone fight etc which reflects the technical culture of the campus. Cultural fests- waves It is one of the best fests in the country. It can be said better than rendezvous or mood indigo in many aspects. Students from many colleges come to see waves in bits goa. Sports fest- spree Different teams come to participate in spree from many colleges. Apart from that, many events are being conducted weekly twice or thrice or even more than that.",10 1059,Mathesh,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],"Timetable of every course has a p. t hour and labs for 2 to 3 courses per sem which may consist of 6 to 7 lab hours per week. In my course our class contain 47 males and 3 females. Our course specially has a lab which works for 24/7 the competitive vehicles like kart racing, quad racing are built and repaired in the particular lab.I came in with a govt quota though I tried to make thru in sports quota I ve changed it to general quota due to the unavailability of the required college. Though I came thru by govt quota ive paid an fee amount of 75000 including the books and other stuffs. Ive paid the fee on july and the college started at August.",7.8 1060,Pokuri Praveen Reddy,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"There are many technical event like code vita which run on many online platforms. The festivals held are very huge with huge no. Of students participating in it they are one India is the biggest one among all the other festivals this is held for 4 days in the university with many celebrities coming for this festival.I got admission to this college through jee marks or percential in it. We need to fill a form and submit it with all details of you, mother, father and pay some intial money of around 5000 through online mode by finalising the scholarship and go to college on the given date by the university.",9.3 1061,Abhiyanshu Sahu,PES College of Engineering - [PESCE],"There many faculties in college campus. But you can easily get facility in the department you can easily get department because at every palace have indicated board so you follow the bord to reach the faculty department. Also have many shortcut you can easily excess the facility.Yes, it is autonomous College so you note have to occur defaculties so you can easily clear the exam or semester exams. The professor are not good but you can solve the previous year question papers you easily solve the 90% of paper because it repeat same question every year.",6.8 1062,himanshu,IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK],"Course structure here is perfect and at the same time a bit difficult too. Only students who study properly can get decent grades.To clear advanced, you have first to make the JEE Mains. It is assumed that jee main is a bit easier than jee advanced exam as its syllabus is fixed and level of difficulty that students face in advance is far more than that in mains. It is a prestigious exam in the whole country, and only intelligent students crack the exam. In order to crack the exam and get into this college, one has to study very hard and regularly, so do I. One has to go to coachings for getting precise knowledge about the curriculum and fundamentals and has to give a series of test tests and exams in those coachings. The prime focus here is on the learning and also tp promote research opportunities.Here we have lectures five days a week, and we have holidays at the weekends. To clear advanced, you have first to make the JEE Mains. It is assumed that jee main is a bit easier than jee advanced exam as its syllabus is fixed and level of difficulty that students face in advance is far more than that in mains. It is a prestigious exam in the whole country, and only intelligent students crack the exam. In order to crack the exam and get into this college, one has to study very hard and regularly, so do I. One has to go to coachings for getting precise knowledge about the curriculum and fundamentals and has to give a series of test tests and exams in those coachings. Here there is no such pressure or burden on students as it is assumed.",8.5 1063,Sreenath,Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Sciences - [SITS],"It is very much expensive and many fees are taken with different names and many times in the past year and in the last few months we have been paying for the institute University of Leeds college and the fees are always increased year to year Exam fee special andmany other fees are takenI got admissions by councelling and management quota and i and I have been working on the same since I am working ? with and since I am working ? and working on ? I for work in the UK and I have been working with the company for the last few years and I have been working with",6.3 1064,Prabhu vudi,"University College of Engineering, JNTUK","The are good and experienced but think before joining the college because It was a government University and atonomus so the correction of exam papers and offering of marks for assignments are based on your impression at that particular staff member if you think you are obedient student then you can join this college this is 100% fair answer of mineI'm studying mechanical engineering in this college our workshops are very highly equipped and our staff are also very experienced and good at teaching But campus placements for mechanical engineering is very low not only at our college Campus placements for mechanical engineering is very less in every college",6.2 1065,krishnava,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"Both technical as well as cutural fests are organised annually. Technical background is also provided by other competitions as well organized by different societies. For tech fest different events as well as collaboration events with start-ups provide exposure.Uptill now no exposure had been provided. However, I am only in first year right now so it could be considered acceptable. However, according to peers no such exposure is provided. Most of the exposure requires is has to be acquired through external training.",6.5 1066,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],According to the rank I got in the entrance exam this seemed a better option to me. It is also near to my home town. And my friends also joined this college so I decided to join this college. Some of my seniors from school also took admission in this college so I asked them about this college and they also recommended to come here as the students here are from all around India and the faculty here is also good and has some of the best infrastructure.The course syllabus is good. It covers all the important topics of the course. It provides all the basic knowledge in the first 2 years and give full core knowledge int rest 2 years. Moreover the faculty is also very good they have thorough knowledge of the subject they are teaching and very friendly.,7.8 1067,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],Campus life was not what i expected but now i am accustomed to it. I really enjoy my campus more than being at home now in this pandemic events were good could have been better tho. Extracurricular activities were also fineI don't know much about entrepreneur cell but placement cell was good before i came into the college now i have heard rumours that Microsoft wont come anymore for placement that's a bummer anyways its is satisfactory,7.8 1068,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,"This is a very good question.The best faculty is available for streams- EE, ECE, CSE, ME Whereas as far as i have known from my friends of Civil and EIE deptt, their faculty strength is not so strong, in Civil they didn’t have any HOD for some years too(recently they have got it). Then there is IT. As you know this is the era of information technology so almost every college can provide you good faculty. AT last there is FT deptt. I don’t know much about them but their placement news is quite satisfactory i have heard.A lot of companies came to recruit for 2017 batch in Techno India group so including pool campus more than 70 companies came. But the placements were not good overall. No any mass recruiting companies came.companies which recruited 20 students on average were Capgemini, mindtree, Cgi, IBM, Cts(support).rest were just for name sake.",7.8 1069,Student (Anonymous),MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"Currently, the infrastructure in the Institute is under renovation which is very promising. The last few months of stay in the hostel has led me to observe all the developments. The are quite a number of playgrounds.Our Institute has one of the largest sports community and is currently in the top 5 in Athletics among NITs. The library is one of the largest building in the campus with almost access to every resource. There is also an optional book bank system to help the students in academics.The Institute allocates great importance to extracurricular activities. So there is a fest in every month.All the coordination and supervision is wholly under the students paving the way for self motivation and development. All the fests receive great attention from other colleges too resulting in overwhelming participation from outside the Institute.",8.3 1070,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"It is a good Engineering College and my senior from School suggested and he is also studying there. I have not prepared for JEE Advance and due to that I can't get a IIT. This College is better than many NIT's. Thats why I choose Thapar.Sports Faculties are real good, we have synthetic athletic court, 5-6 Football fields and Basketball Courts. Wi-fi is all over the campus with speed of 120-150mbps. Library is really huge with 4 floors and a book contains 100 copies.",9.8 1071,Ravi Singh,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Honestly,this was my last choice and since my jee maine score was not good,i had no other option but to join this college. This doesn't mean that Thapar is not good, it is one of the best private universities and that shows in the facilities provided here.Placements are up to par as what you would expect from a private college, if you have good grades and good grasp of your stream then you are very likely to get placement. Placement process is simple, that is what it looks from the outside",7.8 1072,Sahil,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The placement is centralized in the main campus which is DSCE. As the top most engineering college of Bangalore. Many companies used to visits the campus. I think approx 60+. The alumni are not notable but some are in south indian films and famous actors or villians.The campus life is cute, since the campus is very small. Approx 10 acers of land is there. But every land utilized is with great quality. There are several fests organized by the college and the whole fest remains boring. Due to covid our fest got cancelled.",9.2 1073,Mitanshu Gupta,IIT Roorkee - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITR],"No I haven't availed any intern yet. I'm a first year student. But according to last year data told to me in my orientation program, more than 96% students were placed in so many companies. Yes, they are some steps taken by department's HRs to prepare their students for the placement season. Companies like Google microsoft, intel. They recruit students on so many criterias such as their cgpa, based on their academic excellence during four years, on some types of exams taken by them, interviews.5:1 around is the gender ratio So many events are organised for IIT students. In those events different types of workshops are set, so that students can participate in them and improve their skills in their area of interest. There is no discrimination followed in our college on basis of gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, politics and economic status. Students from foreign countries also study in IIT Roorkee. All religions are equally respected here.",8.8 1074,Nitin Bansal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Our Campus is India's second most beautiful campus lush green campus with good gender ratio people from all over country are present here but being at a remote area it is not that much connected to bigger cities which is a big drawback for us. Technical institute remains away from politics in india because of fear of placement.Hillfair is our cultural fest(November) it is one of biggest fest in northern india and many popular personality came to this fest every year. Nimbus is our technical fest(march) which is not that big but also not very bad. Students from different college takes part in it and win good amount of money.",5.7 1075,Aman Sah,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Concetto is the annual technomanagemental festival of IIT ISM Dhanbad. It is Eastern India's Largest Technical fest organized by the student body of the college. The activities culminate in a grand three-day festival event in the IIT (ISM) campus which attracts people from all over the country, including students, academia, corporates, and the general public as well. Srijan is the annual cultural festival of IIT ISM Dhanbad. It is the largest cultural festival of Eastern India which provides a unique platform to the young brains of India to showcase their talent and an opportunity to learn through participation. It has been a combination of cultural extravaganza and social empowerment since its inception in 1977.IIT ISM Dhanbad has a campus area of 398acers wide it was build in 1926. The campus is blissed with greenry. Gender ratio is 18:100 (girls:boys) There is Student Activity Center where there is a swimming pool, gym, snooker room, music room, boxing, weight lifting, etc. There are 2 huge sports arena where you can play football, hockey, criket, etc. There are lot of cultural socities for each extra curricular activities like Lightscameraism for cinematography, Manthan for music, fotofreaks for photography, Chayanika for writing, ADC for dramatics, WTC and LITM for dance, etc.",8.3 1076,Sachin Kumar,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Placements and internships both are really good in this college.in second and third year you get a lot of opportunities for internships in many industries as well as colleges. Talking about placements, average package for this year was around 8 lacs per annum and highest package 43 lacs per annum. Average package for computer science engineering is nearly 15 lacs per annum.so in terms of placements and internships IIT Dhanbad provides really decent and a lot of opportunitiesFirst you need to attempt JEE mains which is held twice in a year, January and April and if you clear that, you attempt for JEE advanced and based on your rank and college cut off you can check if you qualify for which branch in IIT Dhanbad. admission process is really transparent.you will need to go to counselling centre, get your documents for conifirmed seat in IIT DHANBAD. Pay your fees and then get admission in the college.",8.7 1077,Aditya Garg,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"There is annual sports fest held in our college called 'Spardha'. Its India's largest sports fest. There is a cultural fest called Kashiyatra, in which there are participants from all over the country. And then there is our techno-management fest called Technex which is Asia's third largest techno-management fest. Apart from this there are some other small fests also like FMC weekend, Vista, Cult weekend, etc. Apart from this small inter hostel sports matches are held. The faculty of our college is also good. All the professors are P. hd from one or the other universities including some renowned Universities of USA, UK and Germany. They teach very well. They are resarch oriented. They have very good industry experience and also aim to make their students expert in their fields. They work on projects with the students. The projects are based on the real life industry problems. It gives exposure to students. ",8.5 1078,Archit Gupta,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Campus life is pretty fun. Chill. Jokes. Play. Fun. Around 2:1, boys:girls ratio. Yes there are various clubs which forms the part of extracurricular activities, and they are mostly build by student teams themselves. That's a new and good experience. Clubs on English speaking, coding, drama acting, etc. Compititions are as such not much formalised, so everyone take them lightly.There are 4 sems. GPA is calculated per semester wise and then cumulated. The course is not relevant as per me. Obsolete studies. Pathetic curriculum - wasting students time in useless cramming, and stupid projects. Teachers are illiterate. To be a better professional no student should leave their life on college, learn from online MOOCs instead.",6.2 1079,Jeeva,Adhiyamaan College of Engineering,"Maximum IT companies will visit the campus. Students from Computer science, information technology, communications have excellent placement records. They have MOU with MNC's like cognizant, TCS, Wipro, Infosys etc. But from Mechanical background the placement is quite poor. Only pool drive is conducted, that time students from around 10 colleges will visit our campus and only 4 or 5 students will be recruited from the company. Mechanical, Electronics, civil, Mechatronics students sometimes have off campus on other colleges. For civil they want to find their own job.Gender Ratio for boys to girls is 7.3. Students from Tamil Nadu and Kerala are major and few students are also from northern parts of India Laboratory are well equipped with advanced and modern equipments. Sports meet are conducted for every year. Dress coding is very strict there are separate uniform for every departments. Racism is followed within the campus. Religion equality is strictly followed. But there is no strict rules in college.",7.3 1080,Suyash Mohan,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Gender is is quite balanced here as compared to other engineering colleges where there are less girls. Extra curricular activities are also good. Labs are well maintained and equipped will all the instruments. Sports facilities are equally well provided. Student diversity is evident here. Students from various states of the country stay and study here.It is quite expensive. Various modes of fee payment are available like online payment which includes cheques, demand drafts, net banking, Debit or Credit cards, online wallets like PayTM, but no cash payment of fees. Yes the college provides transparency in fee breakdown. Anyone can know the break up of fee amount from the office.",7.5 1081,Jami Yashwanth,Vignan's Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"First of all I've written ap-eamcet, then I've secured 15555 rank in eamcet, I've qualified and based on rank I've selected favourable options of colleges near to me and I love cse.that is the reason why I've taken cse. First we went to college on particular date mentioned by college and provided all the certification what I've secured till now.after seeing and correcting the certificates they have given the seat in vignan's institute of information technology Duvvada.this is how I've secured the seat in viit110000 is our college fee. I have fee reembrassment so for students who have white card are quite happy for the government. We pay around 11k.7850 is built fee and 1500 for one semester and some personal fees for labs,books. The student who don't have white card must pay 110000 and I think it's huge amount for one year. The bus fees are also bit high",7.8 1082,Koushik,VIT University - [VIT- AP],"Our program is 3. 5 lakhs and only demand draft and online payments are accepted. There will be counselling according to the rank of entrance exam and based on ranks we wilp be called and asked to choose our choice of bramch and we have to pay 50, 000 dd and after admission before joining college we need to clear balance fee.Exam pattern is standard which makes us think and answer in our own way as the question are very much practical. we have digital pads for examination which enable us to write without any difficulties and no need to carry stationery. Time will be running and once time get finished automatically answer sheet is submitted.",9.3 1083,Ravi Singh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],The campus is wonderful and amazing to spend the college life. Full security is provided for the students and all facilities are available inside the campus. Only non- veg and cigarette are not not allowed in the campus. A student need to go go outside the campus for this stuffs. Otherwise all activities including sports and fun can be done within here.Faculty of the college are full supportive and impart a good sort of knowledge to us. Most of the facility here are of younger age who can easily interact with the students and help us with our problems. There are also some highly experienced teachers. Lecture are taken by the professor. For different course code we have different numbers of lectures.,8 1084,Suraj Shinde,Zeal Education Society's Zeal College of Engineering and Research - [ZCOER],"I got admission in this college for B.E. civil through enterance exam i.e. CET. I scored good marks in that exam and appeared for this college.Addmission process is very easy and the staff of the college is very helpful.All teachers of admission section are very kind and care taking.It is very expensive.Because of private college we have to pay more fees than that of government college.I have paid 94000 for 1 year.For whole degree,we require lacks of rupee to pay college.poor student are in trouble.but maharatra Government is helping by giving varous schemes.",6.2 1085,Priyank Singhal,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"The sports fest known as BOSM is full of energy and provides opportunities to all colleges to compete and showcase their talent in the field. The cultural fest known as OASIS is the second largest cultural fest of India. Students wait whole year just for this 5 day event which runs continuous for 96 hours and that makes it an unique event itself. The technical fest is called APOGEE and is held in the month of march which tests the technical skills of students and capabilities of various clubs of the college.There is a mandatory session known as PS-1 which students experience for 2 months after 2nd year which provides an industry experience. At the end of 3rd year, many students grabs the opportunity of paid internships, but this is not a necessary step recommend by college. At the end of last year there is PS-2 for 6 months and this really helps in the placement procedure. More than 300 companies visits campus every year including Google, Microsoft, Goldman sachs, etc.",8.5 1086,Potta Lokesh,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Placements are good enough for core branches like Cs Ec Mech Ice and for other branches it's ok core branches like Cs ECE are having avg pkg greater than 10lpa.Microsoft, amazon, Adobe,infosis.are some of the companies that visit our college and 80 %students are getting placed every year as and institution takes special steps for the placement seasonI got the admission through the jee mains exam which was conducted by NTA.The seats given on the basis of cutoff of the institution and our rank and category.I was interested in ECE and for my rank of 14000 in general category I got ECE at Nit Jalandhar.Also the placements for ECE Branch are good.",9.3 1087,Gurumanjunath K S,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"Course curriculum is very good in our college Ya it is so relevant and also fair There will be industrial visits in each academic year It really gives the opportunity of learning more about practical things Campus is maintained as good as someone can There is about 90 percentage placements in the previous yearFaculty is really balance to say Because Not only we have young and energetic lecturers but also we have experienced ones in the college which makes difference They make a impact that they are really looking forward for a good society, Then they are very dedicated to the courses.",9.3 1088,Amish Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Nor feasible nor expensive since college provides fee breakdown for the students whose family income is belove 5 lakhs per annum for example 100 percents fee relief for students whose family income is below 1 lakh per annum and 2/3 rd of the institution's fee for those whose family income is below 5 lakhs per annum.By clearing JEE main with good ranks.I opted for this course because i am interested in this subject and i wants to do some good works in this field. The best part of this course is it provides lots of jobs opportunities.i had secured 22000 ranks in jee main to avail this course.,7.2 1089,Md. Zeeshan Equbal Ansari,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"I got admission in this college on the basis of my JEE Mains rank, and OBC Home-state quota. Electrical was the best branch I could get on the basis of my rank. I joined this college on 26th July. This Institute was also very close to my hometown Jamshedpur, which was one of the factors which led me to choose this college. Also, being a deemed university it has excellent placement record.Fee structure is a bit high, but there are several scholarship programs which lighten the burden of fees a little. The payment mode is online or cheque mode. The fee-breakdown is well structured and transparent. There are NO additional fees/charges that had to be paid in order to secure an admission to your course.",8.3 1090,Ravivarma Poloju,SVS Group of Institutions,It is good for me.the exam pattern is divided into three parts mid-1.mid-2 mid-3. It is good exam pattern then classes are runned by time table.labs also runned as timetable.in this course there are four subjects then that of english.mathematics chemistry physics bee.this are of two semesters. Then there is a good faculty it is better to study there was no campus placement in college.In my college there is a good faculty at the subject can grab easily by students.there were 50 members.per subject and all lab faculty.so in my colege all courses are available.each lecturer as 10 to 12 years experience. Yes.our lectures are prepared industrial experience that of Soler e bike.by final year students.,7.7 1091,Lakshman akepati,Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology - [SIETK],"My option is ece, It is good In hardware, And software so My option is Electrical communication engineering In future Our Job will be hardware Or software So I taken, Electrical communication engineering It's most secured Campus, I joined And I'm most happy About that college.It is to good in campus life the gender ratio is 2000 to 3000 boys 1000 to 2000 girls the diversity is to good the extracurricular also good the labs is most eccupied equipments we have our college is conducting games per month one time the competition is good in our college",9.8 1092,Chinmoy Biswas,Siliguri Institute of Technology - [SIT],"Approximately 4 lakhs for the course. You can give it to the college by installment. It is like other engineering colleges. It is very much less for the tfw category student. In the corona situation, the college is asking for the fee. I think they should consider the fee for some time in the pandemic situation.In CSE the gender ratio is 3:2. But in other streams the number of girls are less as compared to boy. We have art and craft society and photography society. I am a member of photography society. Ragging is banned in our campus. There is a antiragging society in our college.",7.5 1093,Deepak,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Around 90% of students receive good placement in final year. Among these 90%, 10% students are those who had already received pre placement offer(ppo). Almost every company vistis during placement, Some of these include google, Microsoft, Goldman's sacs, intel,etc. Placment procedure includes exams and personal interviews. For placements of students, their is seperate cell established in IIT delhi name Office of career services which organises the placement procedure. Most of the students do internships in reputed companies during summer break of third year.The best part of IIT Delhi is its campus life. The campus of IIT Delhi is very beautiful and every student enjoys his campus life. However the gender ratio is quite low, for every one girl their are five boys which is disappointing. Every student is engaged with a lot of extracurricular activities including sports, drama, dance, fine arts, debating,etc. IIT Delhi has facilities for almost every sports. Apart from their are a lot of clubs in whic a student is engaged into.",9.5 1094,KOMATI DINESH,Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],"First we need to complete our intermediate and then write a entrance exam which is name as emacet. In that we should get qualified then some colleges may take over the admission and give a seat. I joined in college in September in the year of 2019.Moving to the choosing of institution is such a brilliant thing. Sreyas is a very good college.which is located in a good atmosphere.My college fee is 86,000 per annum. And the mode of payment by cheques, bank transfer, money payment. yes additional fees\charges may applicable that lead to be pay in order. We can allot the seat by paying the money in management cota. And that had to be paid in order to secure an admission to your course. No,the college will not provide transparency in the fee breakdown.",8.5 1095,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],Thapar is a well known private college and one of the best private engineering college in north india. It has a good NIRF ranking. The best thing about thapar is the liberty it offers the students to explore various fields other than academics. It has well established societies in every field that have their own culture and function in their own manner. I opted for this course because of personal interest mainly.I am a first year student. So cannot say much about the placements and job opportunities. From what i have heard the placements are fine. The entrepreneur cell is quite active in the college hosting events offering internships to the freshers. The entrepreneur cell has hosted many events to develop the skills other than the academics of the students.,9.2 1096,NAVEEN J,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Because of centralized placement and different internship opportunities. The placements are very nice in our college. Several companies like oracle, cognizant, Accenture, amazon, Manhatten, Mindtree visits the campus. The alumni network is not so strong because there is no known famous startups are there, still growing. But every institution member is supportive in nature.The campus life is very good, as a day scholar i liked the infrastructure and well-equipped and spaced labs. All the items are very nice and most attractive part is the college's glass building. There are several fests and events happen and participation is very tough. There was a huge crowd that maked event tougher and interesting.",10 1097,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The placement happens with the main campus of dayanandasagar that is the kumaraswamy campus. And till now the placements for cse and ise qre very good. Electrical placements are moderate and the civil and mechanical branch students don’t get good placements.Placement, institution and location drove me towards this college. The environment i good but the cultural life is not as per my expectations overall all the factors have been fulfilled. ISE is the best department of the college",6.3 1098,NITIN,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Since, a first year student don't know much but the job opportunities are very nice. Even if you know average level of programming then you will be placed. There are many opportunities provided by companies like amazon, cognizant, Accenture, TCS, zscaler, L&T, Oracle, Adobe, etc. And some alumni startups like ghack, juntrax, etc. All are supportive and trained you for placements.The faculties are nice and supportive. All the doubts are cleared within the class. Academics is not so much tough but decided by the VTU because our college is autonomous. The curriculum is very learning and supportive, rich in knowledge. However, it is not much tough to score marks. You will study in the class regularly then able to achieve good marks of above 9.5 GPA.",8.3 1099,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Thapar students have managed to bag amazing packages in some of the dream companies such a s Microsoft, Adobe etc. Hance, it is known to provide good placement and job opportunities to its students but there is always a good competition because in computer engineering you will have to compete with more than 1300 people for the same job.The course syllabus is not much uodated yet. We are still taught some of the topics that are currently irrelevant and were taught years ago in the university. The facilities are moderately good. Some teachers are exceptionally good and are like friends to the students.",7.7 1100,Saritri Das,Techno India University,"The most beautiful and essential part of this college is the faculty members. They are more friendly and help students even after they pass out. The faculty members help students anytime and support them in what they want to achieve. At the time of the project, they become the crucial members of the team. Our college follows the MAKAUT (WBUT) syllabus and rules.The infrastructure of the college was not big. Many buildings were under construction after 1-2 years it will be completed. Classrooms were not good in the new building, and it's quite good in the main building. The library was big and newly made, labs were good and clean, and lab teachers were very helpful.",8.7 1101,Trisa rany routh,Techno India University,"Each classroom has the capacity to accommodate 60 to 70 students. Projectors are available to facilitate digital learning. A whiteboard and black, blue and red markers are also available. The laboratory has 30-40 computers. There are 2 laboratories. Computers have 4 GB RAM, Windows 10 OS. The canteen is awesome. Bengali and Chinese dishes are available. There are a football ground and a cricket ground. The annual sports are conducted every year. Free Wi-Fi service is available. You can get the password from faculty members. The college has a library with lots of books. The fine of Rs. 1 per day is given for the late deposit of book, and after 1 month, it would be Rs. 5 per day. Many magazines and dailies are also available.Biswa Bangla Sarani connects to the airport road which is also connected to Belgharia expressway. So, people from Barrackpore, Belgharia come to the college within 30 minutes if there is no traffic jam. People from Ranaghat, Naihati can get down at Bidhannagar railway station. Students from East Kolkata and Saltlake can also catch the buses like K1, KB16, KB22, Newtown-Dankuni and step down in front of the college. The south Kolkatans can connect with EM Bypass, Chingrihata- Saltlake, Newtown.",8.2 1102,Rajdeep Chattaraj,Techno India University,"The college infrastructure is pretty good. There are good laboratories, maintained well. There are cons too, but seeing, overall, it's fine. You will get a Library with seriously a good variety of books to study for your technical degree, but you'll have to search for the useful ones yourself. The faculty members only prefer or recommend basic books, which are sufficient but not fully equipped with what you want. The hostels are the worst. Please don't prefer hostels.Some of the faculty members here are really helpful, and some are not from the computer science department. Some of the teachers are highly qualified but even if they are qualified they lack in English language in which most of the outside students face a severe problem, but some faculty are really knowledgeable. The course curriculum is very relevant, and it makes the student sharp and ready in the field of computer science.",9 1103,Animesh Banerjee,Techno India University,"Facilities they provide. 1. NO Wi-Fi 2. CANTEEN DOESNT HAVE GOOD FOOD 3. LABS ARE NOT well-equipped BUT STILL, I GUESS IF GET YOUR TURN YOU WILL GET CHANCE 4. CLASSROOMS ""sorry even my school had better class from this college and even the campus"" 5. Some faculty members are damn good but some even doesn't know how to speak proper English NO MEDICAL FACILITIES NO HOSTEL they say they have equipped a apartment, and that's a boys hostel for them and having the worst food and most of the time boys are fighting between hostel boys and non-hostel boys. No such games till I was in the college sports equip. They provide is just football and badminton.I had chosen this course because I like programming when I was in my higher secondary. CSE is on-demand as IT sector of India is booming, so there are high chances of getting a job. The cultural environment of college is also good. The college organises freshers day. Every year cultural and tech fests are organised, and it also organises departmental fests. There are a sports club, music club and dance club where u can pursue your other passion too.",8.2 1104,Amit kumar Shukla,Techno India University,"Techno India University has specified AC lab for each subject and it is equipped with all the required instruments. It has a central library from where the subjects as well as extra reference book can be issued for whole semester. It has both boys and girls hostel, college bus facilities is available, 2 canteens are there one for snacks and tea and the other is for lunch. This college has a basketball court, cricket cum football ground, volleyball court and also a common area for both boys and girls where table tennis and carrom is there. The classroom is well ventilated and well-equipped for teaching. Free Wi-Fi is available in the campus. Our college have different clubs like for dance, drama, photography, drawing etc.Techno India University has one of the best teaching faculty members in Kolkata. Each subject has its specific professor and each lab has is specific professor + lab assistant. The professors are friendly in nature and very cooperative. This college has a specific workshop for mechanical students and a specific instrumentation workshop for AEIE students. The faculty members are very helpful during placements and keep the students updated with different on campus as well as off campus opportunity.",8.8 1105,Rashad Mallick,Techno India University,"I have chosen this course because I had an interest in computer from my childhood. The best part of the course is you will get a degree and nothing else like skills. You have to work hard on your own. Courses should be updated, and subjects like physics, chemistry, mechanics, electrical and electronics are of no use to a computer engineer. Subjects which are taught later should be included earlier so that students will get enough time to prepare themselves for the placement drives. University should provide extra encouragement for activities like fests, college events, etc. Academically good students should be provided with scholarships, and the campus should be checked for hygiene standards.Facilities provided here are average, and the infrastructure is good in comparison to other colleges. Wi-Fi is provided, but it is not used by the students regularly. The library has good books. Classrooms are average, and there is no air-conditioner. Laboratories have air-conditioners. Hostel services are not good, especially the food department as they don't care about the student's safety. The college canteen is average. Nowadays, sports and games are being supported by faculty members.",8.5 1106,Suman Pradhan,Techno India University,"The library is not up to the mark, but the labs are pretty good. Classrooms are moderate, and the Wi-Fi facility is very poor. Sports and games are considered disgraceful in our college, and they won't let us play. There was ground in our college, which is now converted as a flower garden by the authority. That garden is also not allowed to play games and sports.The teachers of this college are very good. Teachers here are very helpful, qualified and very knowledgeable. They treat students as their own children, and they help us in whatever ways they can. But the course curriculum can be updated. Our mechanical workshop is not ready for all the experiments. If students want to do research, they can not do it here.",8.3 1107,Sunando Halder,Techno India University,"My college has 4 floors with 72 rooms including faculty rooms of all department and lab. There is one library with decent collections of books. College does not provide Wi-Fi. My college does not have hostel facility. The food quality is average (not so good), provided by the canteen. My college organises sports in every year but there are no cricket or football ground and also college authority do not provide bat, ball, football.Around 60% students were placed. The highest package offered was 10LPA whereas the lowest offered was in the range of 2.2 LPA. The average package offered in the course was around 3.4LPA. TCS and Capgemini were the top recruiting companies. Around 30% of the students got internships based of personal connections in varied companies.",8.3 1108,Sourav,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],Infrastructure of college is very nice their is one library that is very big and their are all sports are available either indoor or outdoor and their is very nice wi-fi speed and they gave us 10gb per day for use.and their are for each and every branch their are their own labs.Because this is one of the best technology institue in India as well as in world ranking of college is very good and their are so many facilities in the college their is so many workshops for students and so many clubs to learn the students new things.,9.8 1109,Student (Anonymous),Bannari Amman Institute of Technology - [BIT],My campus life is really good and we have all types of extracurricular activities here. We have only two festivals in our college. That is pongal celebration and hostellers day celebration. Anyway we have many culturals department wise and we have many programs department wise in our college.They gave scholarship and loan facility.They opened an account for every student on KVB bank(Sathyamangalam branch)for scholarship purpose. They arranged loan facility in SBI bank on Sathyamangalam branch. They asked to bring required formalities for that and completed successfully.,10 1110,Rohan Bishwas,Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology - [SMIT],"SMIT is the right place that helps us to get our dream job. Almost all the good companies come for placements here and provide placements with better incentives. The best Salary package was 22 lacs PA given to a student from CSE by Microsoft. SMIT claims to give 90% placement for which the training and placement cell and AIC is very dedicated.The events in SMIT are of so fun. I had got an opportunity to work with the Tedx-SMIT team, all the students are very dedicated to the events being organised. There are multiple events that happens in SMIT that have a wide participation like Kaalrav, Ankurit, Adhristha, SMITMUN conference, IC3 and many more.",8.8 1111,SOUNDARA RAJAN S,Mahendra Engineering College,"Every year nearly 80 to 120 companies will arrive for the placement and the students will be trained from first year itself for the placement. we will have training according to the company which will be arriving for the placement mostly IT sector company will arrive for placement in our college like Kaar technologies, Mphone, Amazon, ILM Bangalore, global info solutions. I got admission through management qouta and scholarship which was provided by state government there is no Tuition fees, hostel fees and bus fees for specific students I choose B. Tech IT because It was popular course and I love to code. I choose this institution because it was best college for middle class students and my brother was also studying in this college ",7.2 1112,Kotha prashanth Kumar,Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology - [KMIT],"On-campus events play an important role in shaping the social and intellectual fabric of your university’s campus. But if you want to draw a crowd, you’ll need to look beyond the standard fare. Lectures, study groups, and job fairs all have their place, but college students, especially freshman, are looking for new and authentic ways to connect.Another great way to get evaluations of professors is to ask other students. Remember that you have a whole alumni network and student body with knowledge of professors. Make sure to ask around if you are really interested in finding great professors. Remember to be a part of helping teachers improve.",9 1113,Abhinav Ronge,Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering - [MCOE],"Campus Life is very precious and excellent. Everyone is treated very lineantly and kindly. So every student is happy about the weather maintained in the campus. The sexual ration in college is about 5:4 in college and 10:3 in my branch. All the departments of robotics and Baja are awesome.There are a lot of events celebrated like Mesa day, NSS day, Maharashtra Day, Traditional Day, Group day. No teaching day and different types of all celebrations. So everyone is cheerful on the day days celebrated in the college. College avails different types of celebrations.",8.7 1114,Rohan Roy Chowdhury,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],The gender ratio is good at 6:4 and extracurricular activities are there. there is KSAC and there are societies for everyone and everything. The society organizes workshops every weekend. People are from all over India some are from the north too. International students are also there. They are staying in international hostels. People are generally rich here. There is no ragging policy as the freshers are totally isolated from the rest of the years. They are given separate hostels too.I chose information technology because I was always interested in programming and my elder sister also did ger B.Tech in IT so I could get some help from her. I chose this institution because it was the best I could get and it has nice placements too. I gave the entrance exam. then I got the rank and attend the counseling and then attended the hostel allotment.,9.7 1115,ASHOK BAIRWA,Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre,"Male ratio 7. 9 And female ratio 3. 8 Reletion between very good My college not allowed politics and raging No race My college becomes achievement s My college celebrate fastival and organised rtu events and technical events Free participation and paid participantion My college festival comes between March and April.My total fees 38500 per semester include 27000 tution fees. And 11500 development fees. Fees paid any mod like bank transfer, upi through and cash. Payment order secure No college provide transparency in the fee-breakdown My college not allowed politics and raging No race My college becomes achievement.",8.8 1116,Smitesh Bhagwat Patil,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University - [DBATU],"Ohh I don't have words to express campus life, it's just amazing. We don't know the word diversity. There's no doubt in gender equality.there are so much activities so that students learn new things in different ways.labs : nice but old labs with new technologies and free talking teachers.every single needed thing is available.You need not to worry about palcement every year huge number of students are selected in different companies like tcs, Infosys, Capgemini, byju's, etc. There is special team called CDC(career development centre) which teaches students well about interviews and aptitude tests and every single thing which helps you.",8.7 1117,Anshuman Singh,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"There are about 50 lecturers in my course with average age of about 40-50 years and mostly are Ph. D qualified. They are well versed in their subject and makes the concepts very simple and to the point to every student. Ya, every year a Symphosym is organised with in the department where intern returned students share their industry experience and have a talk over it.Curriculum is based on practical implication of the knowledge got from books in various labs. Yes, curriculum is well maintained and its specifically designed to give industry based knowledge. Yes occasionally such visits are organised recently there was ordinance factory visit organised.",9 1118,Prangon,AP Goyal Shimla University,"Every event is celebrated largly in our campus or in our auditorium hall. Like Diwali, Eid, Holi,International mother language day, indipendence day, Ramjan.In our University there are many internation students. For this our University also organize many foreign occasion, which is also a great thing.Its totally raging free.There are no gender inequalities. Our University says that every one have education right. Many international girls and boys came hare to study for ragging free campus. The girls are also independent as much as a boy. In the eye of ous university every one is same.",8.7 1119,Vishal Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Campus Life at Nit Durgapur is really awesome.in our campus there are canteens(chandu,wonders,techno) and two restaurants(chaynika and Roy),which provide good type of food.nd the campus is totally green.at each place you can see the trees.The nature is just peaceful.there is a pond in our college called duck pond.there are various clubs in college (Robotics club,math n tech club, recursion,Glug,debating society and many others).gender ratio is good enough.The sports at our college is of great aspect.you can play each and every sport which u want.nd for each sport there is a coach too.For first years course curriculum is same for all students irrespective of any branch which he/she choose.from 2nd year onwards the course is divided and every individual follow its own branch curriculum.The exam structure is same for all the years.There is mid term examination which is of 25 marks,15 marks of self assessment which is done on the basis of either through class test,viva or Quizzes,it's depending upon prof.to prof.and at last there is end term examination of 60 marks.the curriculum is very relevant.",9.7 1120,V Jithendra,Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science -[MITS],"I have returned the entrance exam that is EAMCET and based on the rank your branch will given. Each branch have a rank limit. Dates will be followed by orders given by ap government.A student to step in a four-year degree course in Engineering except NRI quota must qualify in “Engineering, Agricultural Sciences And Medical Common Entrance Test” (EAMCET), a State-Level Entrance Test conducted by the Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh. Students who qualify in EAMCET entrance test will be admitted strictly on merit bases.Ashv it is most important event we will celebrate it in 3 days. Some other event like freedom fighters and scientists in their memories.etc. There are many events celebrated in our college the main event is ASHV this event will be in 2nd semester in all years it is a two day fest we can enjoy a lot college management invites celebraty on this event to attract more. And many more events like freshers days for freshers, department fests and annual day.",9.3 1121,Shrey Pandit,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"The admission is through BITSAT which is exam conducted by bits every year to take in students They take in students through the exam by merit There is no reservation in this exam. The paper is of 3 hours and consisted of maths physics chemistry English and mathematical reasoning. The marking scheme is+4-1 so there is very less scope of guessing the answer. The exam is of jee main level just you need to be fast, pretty fast. There are even bonus questions if you completed all the questions before the time frame. They are 15 question in all covering all the section.The course curriculum is fantastic in bits students from all stream study the same courses in the first year and they are courses from all stream. Eee physics chemistry thermodynamics computer engineering graphics chem lab physics lab computer lab biology lab biology lecture. Linear algebra matrices complex numbers prob stats. The things are taught nicely and the video are recoreded so that students can refer it later. The overall curriculum believes in the deliveries of promising student, in overall development of student.",10 1122,Rajendra,KLE Technological University,"Campus is super filled with trees and garden Fountain is there with songs and cool air Labs are good with everything Sports is special cricket badminton tennis table tennis volley ball everything is done There is robot competition held every yearThere are so many courses which are not present in other colleges Extracocirricular activities Exploration Social innovation Touch with electronic partsCet The best college isn North Karnataka The trend and ruling department is electronics and communication so I chose it. Simple steps for admission online option entry will be given then verification of documents then u will get admission There are so many courses which are not present in other colleges Extracocirricular activities Exploration Social innovation Touch with electronic parts",9 1123,Anamika Saha,JIS College of Engineering - [JISCE],Every year industrial visits are held and the curriculum of JIS is really good to secure placement in lab also we perform different experiments which area really helpful for us and different seminar and workshops are held in college Even the students participate in different projects like integrated Hackathon etc.For every semester minimum five subjects we go through teachers use both traditional as well as digital platform to teach us in additional classes teachers provide us information and in digital classes they give us a particular topic and tell us to find information and convey information to all,6.7 1124,JAMI CHARAN VIVEK SAI,Aditya Institute of Technology and Management -[AITAM],Gender ration is males is 1000 females is 750.in college so many parties.so many actives we participated in college.in college conducting so many workshops.students diversity is very good we will learn so many things by using internet.we have lot of experiences in workshops.In my college 300 lectures are there are well experiences.so many lectures have good experiences in big colleges.and non teaching staff Also very experienced.so many teachers completed post graduate.all teachers interact with the students very well,5.8 1125,Sarthak Ghorai,New Horizon College of Engineering - [NHCE],The campus is small and artificial.The football ground is not a football a football ground it is like a stone and sand road. But the campus is quite gorgeous and well maintained. There are so many facilities for sports such as basketball table tennis body building. But i am a football player and its frustrating that there is no good infrastructure for football so for my case i am not happy with the sports facility. But the extracurricular activities like music dance drama etc are very good.Course curriculum is good.and there are 3 internals and 1 external in one semester. so every time you have to keep in touch of study.And the labs are very good.If you want to study you can do it without any problems. So now i am in 1st year so i am doing the combine course.From 2nd year we will enter the main stream. I will say the course curriculum is good as my experience.,7.5 1126,Aditya vatsa,SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus,"The course curriculum is pretty relevant to the course. So in the first year everyone have to study almost the same syllabus but in second year everything gets more course related subjects and hence it helps you to be a good professional. You need to follow up the syllabus to score good in exam as it helps you in you further studies.The placement of SRM is very good that's why many people choose this. Their placement cell is very active and can help you to prepare more and get knowledge of modern day skills like programing, reasoning solving skills, professional attitude. Internship is also available if you just work hard you can get it.",7.8 1127,R VIGNESH,Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute,"I mostly like the infrastructure of the my college and also There are thousands of excellent colleges out there looking for students like you. When you incorporate self-discovery and awareness into your admissions journey, you’ll realize how capable and full of potential you truly are. You can focus your attention away from rankings and toward enjoying the college admissions experience.Holly,depavali,pongal,yeaster day, mechanical day, civilian day,csc day,eee day,yanthram,bio tech, short film festival,sports day, annual meeting day, annual report day, annual organization day,simposium, medical event,partispating event,gaming event,racing event,drama event",8.5 1128,Prashant,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The course is per my interest and the curriculum is very easy. Anyone can score good marks here with a great help of college tasks. My maths teacher helped me a lot in achieving good marks. The faculty of mathematics is very friendly and caring. The academics is also very nice and if you focus for at least 1 hour, then it will be good show from your side.Students get more opportunities in the college in studying. Field of sports have no meaning in this college. Even there is huge time table for students to maintain thus, job assistance is good, placement assistance is also very nice but the overall development of the person is not there.",8.2 1129,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The curriculum is hectic and i used to study at least 4 hours daily to manage my studies. The syllabus is given by VTU and affiliated colleges have to follow these syllabus. The department of physics are the best because they will help you through the sem aand provide you nice marks. The academics is the main concern of our college.The campus life is quite descent, as a day scholar, i used to attend classes and return home after completing college. But the college campus is very small. Thus, no one enjoys much. There are no extracurricular activities happen in our college only study is focused. There are some fests which is celebrated in most colleges.",8.3 1130,Aditya agrawal,Global Institute of Technology - [GIT],THER ARE NO EVENTS CELEBRATED IN OUR COLLEGE THE MANAGEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITS SUCH ACTIVITIES THERE ARE ONLY EVENTS FOR NBA ACCREDITATION AND DUE TO WHICH STUDENTS CAN'T. SHOWCASE THEIR TALENT. ALSO THE COLLEGE DON'T ALLOW ACTIVE PARTICIPATION ID THERE IS ONE. THE FUND IS NOT GIVEN THE MANAGEMENT SUCKSTHE EXAM PATTERN IS THAT OF SIMILAR TO RTU AND IT IS AFFILIATED TO IT ONLY. SO THERE IS IMMENSE NEED OF DOING SO. THE EXAMS PATTERN IS OK OKAY. AND IT IS NOT RELEVANT ENOUGH FOR ME. AS THE EXAMS ARE BIASED AND ATTENDENCE CRITERIA ID HIGH. ALSO TEACHERS DON'T CHECK COPIES SIMILAR TO MARKING SCHEME,6.2 1131,Animesh Banerjee,Techno India University,"I choose this course firstly because WBJEE offered me this course and CSE department has now increased in demand now days. Now I have no knowledge that which things would be better or improved about my course. There are much more events and activities held in my college time to time, approximately 6-7 events in a year. But there is not any facility available for Scholarship, because it's a private college which takes admission under makaut, WBJEE.Wi-Fi is available but speed is too low, Class room is good but without AC labs is also average and library is absolutely rubbish, I'm very dissatisfied with my library. My college has don't has it's own hostel so without hostel no matter of talking about mess/ canteen. A play ground is available but in rainy season it is full of rain water.",9 1132,Shakib Afridi,Techno India University,"Only a few students got placed. The salary offered is Rs. 10,000-40,000 per month. ABP Ananda, Radio Mirchi, Aaj Tak, etc, are the top recruiters here. Roles of an editor, photographer, digital marketing, etc, are offered. The salary offered in our course is Rs. 10,000 per month. About 40% of the students got placed in Byju's. They were into the company as digital marketing head or sales executive. Every individual whoever got placed in this amazing company were to cover the internship within 3 months.qThe facaulties of this college are very good. The faculty/ teachers were well educated & very much helpful. They guide us in our academics and also during our internship programme. The teaching quality is also very nice with lots of practical training. The course curriculum is very much relevant with industry programs & makes you ready for industry.",9.2 1133,Priyanshu Singh,Techno India University,"Upon my rank in WBJEE I got CSE in Techno india university. I'll feel free to say that my dept is one of the best dept in the whole college and our departmental faculty members were always eager to help us and our respected coordinated Left no stone unturned to build us up, make us conform to the rules and regulations, come to class everyday, participate in inter and intra college competitions and she ensured that we get the best placement opportunities.First of all, if u get into a department, you'll find a mixture of experienced and young bloods. Many faculty members even hold Ph.D. degree and they have profound knowledge on the subject. Some have good knowledge but can't teach that good. So it's on you. And coming to the course curriculum, it is obsolete and you've to study a lot of subjects in 4 years which u don't need at all. Be prepared for that.",8.7 1134,Jay Budhadev,Techno India University,"Almost 75% of the students get placement. I don't know about the salary offered. I am still studying, but for a BCA graduate, the lowest salary offered would be Rs. 10,000 per month. TCS, Wipro, are the main recruiters and also other companies offer placements. A lot of projects and co-curricular activities and lots of side course with a certificate are offered. I am still studying so I don't know actually. However, the lowest salary package offered is 2 LPA. I have no idea about it.I am personally a computer enthusiast, and since childhood, I like doing lots of stuff on the computer. So CSE is technically combo of coding and a variety of subject is offered with basics of knowledge. Events and fests are very common and fantastic. The campus crowd is more than expected. Extracurricular activities offered here is well enough. We have separate clubs of cricket, football, short film making, photography, and a lot more.",8.7 1135,Poulomi Mukherjee,Techno India University,"I wanted to pursue computer, so I opted this stream in my counselling after my WBJEE results were out. In my opinion, some theory subjects were boring and had to be mugged up, which was not that much related to the course curriculum. The college organises 4 huge fests around the year, i.e, technical, cultural, NSS and literary. One can get really good exposure through these platforms. There are also student chapters like SPIE, IET, Samarth, etc, where students can even get international recognition if they work efficiently with dedication.About 60 students in our course got placed. The highest salary offered is Rs. 60,000 per month and the lowest salary offered is Rs. 25,000 per month. The average salary offered is Rs. 30,000 per month. Top recruiting companies like TCS, CTS, Amazon, Vedantu, etc, visit our campus for placements. Top roles like associate, IT consultant, assistant software engineer, area manager, business analyst, etc, offered to the students. About 15-18 students from our course got an internship.",8.7 1136,Pushpita Mukherjee,Techno India University,"I choose the course because this college has great infrastructure and placement are also good. Even it gives a good environment to study. The college organises technical fest and cultural fests throughout the year. Department fest and farewell ceremony are also held. There is a good crowd on the campus. You get all the buses for a nearby area where you live. There are no scholarships provided by the college, but you can get government scholarships.Up to now, about 40% of the students got placed, and the placement process is still going on. Top recruiting companies like TCS, etc, visit our college for placements. Top roles, like software and app developer, are offered to the students. Good companies visit our college for placements, and it selects great students from the college.",8.5 1137,Rehan Gupta,Techno India University,"About 75-80% of the students from the CSE course got placed. The highest salary offered is Rs. 65,000 per month and the lowest salary offered is Rs. 25,000 per month. Top recruiting companies like TCS, Wipro and Infosys visit our campus for placements. The highest salary package offered in our course is 8 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered is 3 LPA. About 50% of the students from our course got an internship.I have chosen this course because I like computer science and engineering. The college should add some new innovation and technology. A lot of events are organised in our college like Anakhronos, Edge, Filanthrophia, TPl, Tickets and departmental fests. Many activities are also conducted here. Scholarships are only available for financially weak students of Bengal.",9 1138,Student (Anonymous),Alliance University,"so many companies come in our college to give job to students. most of the students gor selected with good amount of annual package. teacher support students to prepare for it. no intership is given to the students by the college.Its so awsome well scheduled,proper labs with proper instructor. well facaluty treats students very well.there are proper equipmemts there for teaching. well maintained schedule is there. All proff. support all students.",7.5 1139,Student (Anonymous),Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Excellence - [LNCTE],"LNCT GROUP OF COLLEGES is one the best college in MP as compare to other private colleges it is affiliated with RGPV . In this college fee is much less than other colleges, in less amount we can gain much more , teachers are amazing good infrastructure and one of the most important thing good placement as compare to other colleges of MP.The college is affiliated with RGPV University so the syllabus is according to the university but the faculty of college is very good there teaching way is awesome everyone is always ready to solve your problems regarding your study or personal all are very helpful.",8.8 1140,Student (Anonymous),Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"The Electronics and communication engineering Department is the best department in our college and the ECE department of our college is one of the best department among various other colleges in kolkata which offers a course in electronics and communication engineering.Our college has 20 clubs like singing club called the resonance club, entrepreneurship club where you are taught new ideas to start your own business, science club dealing with various science topics,gaming club known as DSC among various others.",7.3 1141,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The placements are average for other branches apart from branches like Computer Science, mechanical, etc. It gives a good percentage of placements recently. The highest placement is 27 lacs offered goes to Computer Science. The average salary offered is 3 lacs. The College is very supportive towards the student's placements to make the process easy for students.The College Campus has its own pros and cons. The college organises several events which can enchance ones knowledge like conferences, debates and workshops. But there are no cultural or technical fests conducted. Even no sports events conducted.",8 1142,Karan Ranjit Jagdale,Alliance University,"The curriculum is updated every six months to be compliant or at par the industry standards. The faculty is very understanding and has a very vast experience in teaching and has deep knowledge of the subject. One of the best faculty members are Dr.Reeba Korah, Dr.H.Aswathaman, Dr.Vipin Prasad. Prof.Priyaranjani Rao.Many technical, cultural events take place at the campus every now and then. Almost all the students from all the streams take part in such activities. The students also arrange for such activities and make sure the college life is rewarding.",10 1143,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"College campus is good and beautiful, maintenance and regulations are good. There are various activities and disciplines including Tamil clubs, Hands Together club, Bharath Times club, etc. No Events and festivals are organised. Safety and security is very well managed for girls.As of last few years placements have been good for the students. The good companies like Amazon, TCS, etc came and pick the best candidates from the final year with a great package of min. 3 lakhs per annum and maximum going upto 27 lakhs per annum.",7.7 1144,Sanchari Chakraborty,Alliance University,"I have filled many entrance exam forms for a college. I appeared in some as well, but in some of them my desired branch is not in there. Therefore when I was able to get aerospace branch in alliance university. I thought that this is the best option for me. And I also checked the placement ratio of the college and it's quite convencing. And the course is not very expensive either, so it seems this was the right decision for me.The campus infrastructure is quite well. There is greenery every where. The main library is very well contained. We can easily find all the necessary information and books in there. And if we talk about the classrooms it's very spacious and we are taught with the help of projectors as well as blackboards. The hostel rooms are a little small but it's adjustable. So overall we can say that it feels good to be there.",5.3 1145,Student (Anonymous),Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"Campus life is great. It's a lush green campus with, different types of building, it has a hospital inside the campus and it provides free consultation to college students. Students can engage in various clubs like technical and non-technical. There is an enjoyable fest organised by our college every year. They also organised various co-curricular activities from time to time.I applied for many college on REAP but this was the best option I had. The college is situated in a beautiful city Udaipur. I onced visited the college in my 12th class for a competition. I really loved the place and wanted to join and luckily I got in the same.",8.5 1146,Gopal Asolkar,K. C. College of Engineering And Management Studies And Research,"The facilities college provide are incredible,great infrastructure to learn, wifi enabled campus, e-learning embedded digital classroom, The most important thing for me to take addmission in thecollege is travelling accommodation. Choosing extc was a decision made to do masters in it.The entrepreneurship cell in my college is working very hard to maintain a good amount of placements done. As well they are ensuring and developing skills in students. For newer students they opted for many interships programs.",8.3 1147,Student (Anonymous),Presidency University,"Well it was a emerging glorious institution, so I chose it. Also it has good facilities with good experience of atleast 10 years in the field of education. The infrastructure of my university is excellent. It has all the facilities needed for the overall development of a student. Although it us situated little of the city, it is totally worth the travel.The course curriculum is very student friendly. It keeps our mind busy the entire semester. Also helps us travel out of the books and courses so that we can develop into excellent students having not only bookish knowledge but also practical knowledge and the required skills.",7.8 1148,Soundarya,NRI Institute of Technology - [NRIIT],"Security is an important part of business in high-rise office buildings, manufacturing facilities, campus settings, and facilities of all sizes. This includes the development of an intelligent security network that provides for secure, automatic access security policies and seeks to provide actionable data related to the comings and goings of regular employees.Mental health and well-being of students during and after COVID-19 Size: 470 KB mental health and well-being of students during and after COVID-19. You can take a view by clicking of following links Practical tips to care of your mental health during the stay in minding our minds during the covid-19 various health experts on.",7.2 1149,Student (Anonymous),ABES Engineering College,"Everything is good but the teachers force for everything especially attendance.we are supposed to take holidays when parents take permission from teachers.we are taught very well, teachers take initiative to help weak students.Campus Life is exciting.we can easily chill after college with our friends.events take place once a year or sometimes not at all.but small events take place regularly organized by the clubs like coding, singing and many more.",7.2 1150,Student (Anonymous),Bennett University,"The highest salary package was Rs 44 LPA and the average salary package was Rs 5.50 LPA If we compare, the highest salary package offered to MBA students in 2019 saw a dip at Rs 7.5 LPA compared to Rs 8.25 LPA in 2018. Some of the key recruiting companies were Capgemini, Cognizant, TATA Consultancy Services, Microsoft, BYJU’S, Hitachi Consulting, Cvent, GeeksforGeeks, Goldman Sachs, Wipro, Xebia, Justdial, JUSPAY and NIIT technologies among othersProximity near House. Top Notch Faculty. Good Infrastructure. Disciplined and well maintained. Great Disciples. More attention towards Enterpreneur ship Foundation. Great Services. Transport available from Campus. Air Conditioned and we'll maintained Hostel. Staff available on time of demand. Great Sport facilities. All traditional festivals are celebrated.",8.5 1151,Raaj Chaudhary,Invertis University,The gender ratio is pretty healthy to be honest. The have a lot of extracurricular activities. The have separate clubs that look over these matters and even have events such as open mics and debates. But truth be told no event could make a shy guy come up to stage if he doesn't want to and the faculties aren't interested in doing that either.Invertis university is big on events and are the only thing you might enjoy if you have never been to a party in your life. They have events which would make school fests like international concerts. They barely can accommodate any one and the auditorium chairs are always broken so you have to sit on chairs with shards coming out of them.,4.3 1152,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],The academics at Bharath are one of the most finest we get nowadays like in any other college.it also provides us with many internships for the students who are in need.The curriculum is updated frequently according to current industrial needs which make easier to get placed through campusEvery year we have a very good round off of comapnies offering placements and the students getting the opportunity to be a part of it. As I have not yet reached that phase can't say much about how all it works. But if the placement depends on the company it depends more on the student,7.7 1153,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],I'm talking specifically about the current campus situation which is being modified and new building are getting constructed as medical branch will also be there. Each department has a different building. The college campus does not provide wifi to the students but it has WiFi connected to the computer systems which can be used by the students.Campus life is pretty much strict including the hostel life. It is a no ragging zone campus. The students and teachers can engage with each other easily as the teachers don't hesitate to share their phone numbers. There are no events conducted where actually students can interact each other.,7.8 1154,Vinod Kumar,Siddhartha Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],"I cleared eamcet entrance exam and got admission through the counseling from Andhra Pradesh government and I opted for computer science engineering course and college location is near to me which is one of the reasons to choose this institution and the lab equipment in this institution is excellent and college atmosphere is quite impressive. Teaching is very good and college is certified by deemed University. Institution is co-education and there is gender equality. Every year they conduct cultural activities and sports events. Every week they provide communication skill classes which are helpful in beating debates, jams, group discussion. In every communication skills class students learn very important lecturers from the professional lecturers. ",9.3 1155,Student (Anonymous),ABES Engineering College,One of the best college of aktu and have very impressive placements Also no. 1 in discipline and other curricular activities Every equipments related to courses and other activities are easily available The GENRO fest is the one of the most famous technical fest nearby all collegesBest I have ever seen All books are provided by the college library Computer labs with more than 1000 of computers are available Projectors for the help of e- classes Speakers and video cameras are in each and every class for security concern,10 1156,Abhishek Kumar Jha,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"I think the course run as most of the other colleges affiliated to Aktu, The only difference between other colleges of NCR region and this college is that it provides you ample opportunity through industrial meets and it is having an efficient training and placement department. As I am a first year student, I was supported a lot by the faculties during my first semester especially Dr Pooja Rani who had also motivated me to carry research works on applied PhysicsI wanted to pursue Engineering from childhood.An absolute amazing placement record along with the methods used for teaching and the kind of platform I was in search of after not getting success in Jee Mains, everything was available here. I had heard about the academics and Placement of the college through my seniors therefore I joined this college.",8.7 1157,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The sports faculty is very good. The college volleyball team represents India. So it's the national team. Other sports like badminton, tennis, football, and athletics are also taken care of. We are also provided with the wifi. The college library is very big.The college conducts a fest every year in which students from various colleges participate. There are various competitions including sports, painting, dance, music, coding, etc. There is also a concert in which a famous personality is invited.",8 1158,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Approximately, 90 % of the students get hired in the recruitment drive held by the college. The placement drive is held in the most efficient manner. The average package is around 3 lpa which is a good kick start for any student in their respective fields. The college has a placement cell which is responsible for inviting firms to the college and guiding the fellow mates in getting placed, hence making the college supportive. The placements must be inclusive of all the courses, which is a demerit.Yes most of the teachers are very good at teaching. They provide everything including proper notes, question bank etc and conduct tests on weekly basis. Very few teachers couldn't teach well and students lost their interest in that particular subject.",7.8 1159,Student (Anonymous),Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],College is not that good. Students looking for social life I won't recommend this college. There's nothing other than academics in this college. Not even sports related stuffs. There's no play ground in this college too. So students who love to play will have a tough time here. I choose this college because this was the best that I could get according to my rank. My rank was 17k.Course is really good for students interested in topics related to computers and coding. Curriculum is also good. Academics is the only thing that's good in this college. Faculties are good too but biased. Like they'll prefer kannada students over non Kannada.,5.8 1160,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The teachers are helpful in certain fields, and their quality of teaching is almost okay. They provide us with the required notes as well as the knowledge that we need. They are well mannered and behave very well. They focus on improving students skills and helping the students in the way they can.All the facilities are provided including classrooms, and the libraries are huge and contain numerous books. Canteen provides decent food at a decent cost. They are mostly well-maintained and tidy. The campus has open Wi-Fi services in case of urgent need, etc.",7.5 1161,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Bharath Institute has good faculty. They teach us in a practical method. So, it is easier to understand the concepts. Every faculty is PhD qualified. The college has highly experienced staff and management. The faculty interact with students in a friendly manner. They solve our doubts with patience. I think Bharath has one of the best faculty.The placements are around 93%. They promote their placements and tie-ups with several multinational and reputed companies. The college tries to place maximum students in those companies. The highest salary package offered was 27LPA.",7.8 1162,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college has a very good placements. Every year around 100+ companies from all over India of all the departments visit our campus for campus recruitment. The top companies such as Amazon, TechMahindra, Capgemini, etc. Visits the campus. Campus recruitments are being equally happened to all the engineering and management departments. 90% of the students are recruited by the campus placements. We have a placement cell which emphasizes the students ability to get a job.Faculty are very friendly, They guide us. As usual Senior faculty members are experienced and are experts in their subjects. Coming to junior faculty some are good while others are still learning. Some faculty uses the Smart classes and give some practical knowledge, industrial exposure sometimes. Course curriculum is useful.",7.8 1163,Rahul,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Talking about my admission, I gave JEE entrance exam in year 2019 and I got more than 91 percentile in the same. After this I applied for JOSAA counselling and i got seat in textile discipline. There's also a requirement of 75% in CBSE board exams. I chose this college because first of all it is in my home state PUNJAB moreover it is a institute of national importance under MHRD, India. This college offers a great platform to enhance your academics as well as skills too and help you to become a great professional.Our Campus life is very good. Students get to interact with seniors and faculty after college time for discussion of future activities which help students. There are various workshops organized 2 per week in our college and student from every branch can be part of these. There are various dance,sports,debate,cultural,personality development clubs and many more in our college which helps all around development of student.",9 1164,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I don't know much about other branches. As I am from aeronautical, I can assure that you can get a better quality of education. The faculty members of our college are pursuing PhDs in various fields, and the curriculum is updated time to time in notice board and also forwarded to students. The laboratory has new and up to date equipment and you can better use them for your projects.Campus is Wi-Fi enabled with considerate speed. Classrooms are well-equipped with good furniture and good lighting. Library here can be termed best because of its collection of great volumes and is always maintained at its best. All the other buildings are well maintained and kept clean. Canteen is kept in good quality and serves good nutritious food.",8.5 1165,ANKIT KUMAR,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"Course is all decided by VTU. Our college is affiliated thus, follows all the rules and regulations of university. The academics is the main point of our college and strongly recommended by our teachers. All the faculties are average but supportive. The quality of education they provide is also good to say.The campus life is not so much nice because of small in size of at most 10 acers. However, there are many many events related to social and cultural events with different rules and regulations. There are many activities but as i told, study and academics are strongly supported.",8.7 1166,Student (Anonymous),Moradabad Institute of Technology - [MIT],"In my college, many MNCs have visited and they offered big packages to Students who are capable of solving realtime problem faced in daily life. MIT is a place where you can find an amalgamation of learning, fun, culture, lore, literature and many such life preaching activities. I am thankful to Training & Placement cell, MIT for providing a platform to enhance my skills and an opportunity to showcase them.""As I am pursuing B.Tech CSE , so there is a good faculties for every problem faced by students, Every lab is equipped with latest Computer Systems with Internet services. Labs are equipped with AC and there is assistant to help students.",7.3 1167,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college invites many companies to the campus for placements. My seniors are getting placed with high packages. The college provides 93% placements. The aversage salary package offered was 4 LPA. Many multinational companies offer the role of a software engineer. The placement cell also gives traning to students.I joined this college on the reference of my elder brother. The college has aeronautical course at a very average range of fees. The aeronautical faculty in Bharath has a very good student review. As stated by admission officer, the placements in college is also very good.",7.5 1168,Regunath,DMI College of Engineering - [DMICE],"2:1. 5 ratio of boys and girls. most of the girls friends with the most of the boys and some of the students is no ask with the girls because she make over seen and makeup it's has most of the boys dislike the that girls friendship, some gang has is mind set has we are terror gang but no one in the gang is know that people are dummy.No one staffs know the subject concept, they are also known from students and other guest lecturer staffs note has also copied in another college staff notes and studying in staffs class after teach them in my college they have no experience in teaching recently completed PG students are work as staffs.",2.2 1169,ABHINAV ADITYA,University of Lucknow - [LU],"The college is known for its placements. All the branches of college are trained via placement training cells prior to placement opportunities. They are trained in subjects such as aptitude, public speaking, personal interview, CV making etc. The campus is visited by many major players of the market and take deserving candidates.There are mass recruiters too.everyone is made really accessible and help can be seeked at any time. The student community is really tight and everyone knows everyone. Senior students are always happy to help and answer questions. It is a lot of work but you can feel yourself improving every day. I love the combination between theory and practicals.",7.8 1170,SHIVAM VERMA,University of Lucknow - [LU],"I have really enjoyed attending the university, i have found the course is very interesting and informative. The staff are very helpful and support the students to achieve there full potential.Lovely friendly staff that are always on hand to help if you have any problems. Staff are more than qualified to teach lessonsour seniors got any placement. They should try hard to bring placement as being a Central institute. Never saw any effort from the placement team so we are struggling now.NEXT YEAR the first batch from where the placement cell team was built so I don't have much idea about placement",6.3 1171,PRAVEEN,University of Lucknow - [LU],"Lucknow University offers a wide range of courses. From 2017 onwards it has started offering new one i.e. B.tech Since it is a new course, therefore nothing can be said about placements**, obviously no alumni network**, new teaching staff and professors, you will have to work harder than your friends in other reputed colleges etc etc.As we know, college plays a great role in providing placements and providing you a safe career.The quality of teaching is excellent. Teachers are well responsible, helpful band friendly. And they all are very supportive. For academics to extra curricular and projects. They all are well qualified. The curriculum is updated and has includes all updated materials IN UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW",7.8 1172,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The campus is huge, intra campus transportation is also available. Campus is Green and has good flora and fauna. Infrastructure is at par with industrial standards. All sport facilities are available and will be expanded after completion of the ongoing construction of new multipurpose building. Library has enough books for all. All books are latest editions.We have all the fests. We received huge fundings to conduct such fest. The annual cultural fest The Engifest received footfall numbers in lakhs. We also have technical fests and participants come from all over the country. We also have a sports fest which also receives participation in high numbers",8.3 1173,Student (Anonymous),University of Lucknow - [LU],"It is the best anyone can ever be in. Every opportunity is given for the student to raise above his standards and make himself engaged in every activity he/she can.The faculty had a very strong educational with professional skills,the minimum lecturers for every student is 6, every in 1hr the lecturers classes is over,our college sets a very great environment for studying and it is the best of the professors who teach is to be more broad minded and every teaching phenomenon is supplemented with a research experience. Industrial visits are held for students but internships are more favourable in the institute.",6.8 1174,Student (Anonymous),Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],Good placements.Good infrastructure.Nice teaching techniques.Good teaching staffs.Nice big playgrounds.Celebrities visits the campus time to time.They have good transportation facilities for day boarders.Hostels are very nice and big.The rooms are very spacy and cozy.Campus Life is not as good as it should be.Exposure is less.Not many events or concerts are held here.College life is quite boring here.The sports exposure is also less.Educational societies are worth joining here.,7.8 1175,Student (Anonymous),Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Placements were very good and student who maintains the minimum CGPA criteria can get the placement in a decent manner. A seprate placement cell is tere in the university looking for the ease of placement and will always be there for the students.Our campus is like a mammoth in terms of infrastructure and buildings were very good and well maintained. Students can find well maintained campus and parks there. There's an environment of study there. People would love the campus.,10 1176,Manish,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Because of huge diversity in our campus almost daily there is new event meeting new people daily is not less than an event in our campus cultural events happens time to time in our university with a crowed of thousands any student can participate in them university provides every possibility to boost up the qualities of student in academics, cultural and as well as in sportsThe college is best in its region and gives opportunity to low level student. I likes the diversity of my college in my college the students are from all over India and also from foreign countries and the reaching environment is best. Here your future will be bright whatever be your past. It's infrastructure is best all over northern region of india",7.7 1177,Priyanshu Gupta,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT] East Campus,College lacks many aspects of a technical college. Placements are poor so you are on your own. Acedmics is same as other ipu colleges. Seniors are helpful. No attendance criteria. Acedmics in first year contain many science subjects and is same for all branches from second year specialised subjects are introduced all teachers are highly educated and phd holders but I would not suggest you to join if you get mait at that rank as it is much better in every aspect.No. Of events happen during year and many technical and cultral events happened but were not that good and just time pass. Fests are also not something to tell about as are just formalities and events are very low budget only some useful workshops happened the auditorium and population is less and none shows any intrest exept few students.,3.2 1178,Student (Anonymous),G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"The Curriculum, Academics, Faculties are good. Sallybus is change according to University and teachers are very helpful. The campus is not very large, it is almost 8. But infrastructure is very good. library, labs etc are well maintained. Full time wifi access.The campus is not very large, it is almost 8. But infrastructure is very good. library, labs etc are well maintained. Full time wifi access. The Curriculum, Academics, Faculties are good. Sallybus is change according to University and teachers are very helpful.",9.5 1179,Manoj kumar k,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],Yes. It is so excellent. Placement was amazing different types of company come in my college. Many students placed multiple companies and highest salary packages around 70000 and above. Really amazing the placement process was easy to placement big companies.Ms Shanthi is one of the faculty teacher who is amazing. Infrastructure is so good. All facilities available by the college are good. There is a course structure of 4 years followed and the pattern is very simple to understand.,9.3 1180,KRITI VAJPAYEE,University of Lucknow - [LU],"I choose this UNIVERSITY for the facilities it provides to my course.The course curriculum has been really,made some amazing friends and the best part is the environment to grow and develop yourselves. The exam structure is pretty good, regular assessment exams for self assessment.The UNIVERSITY is full of hustle and bustle all around the year.There are cultural fests,tecnical fests,debates,and many other entertaining events.Many social awareness programs are also organised to create awareness among the society",7.5 1181,KRITI VAJPAYEE,University of Lucknow - [LU],We have no alumni till now as the FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY is setup in year of 2017. So we don't have any idea what kind of companies will approach in our UNIVERSITY in 4 th year but according to the tpc cell we are hoping that UNIVERSITY comes with good network of companies.Because its one of the oldest UNIVERSITY in UTTAR PRADESH and it explore many horizons in my course at it have some experience professional projects done previously by their student under guidance of the professor and it have diversity in the origin of its student.,5.3 1182,Student (Anonymous),Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science - [KITSW],"Infrastructure of my college sports faculties are very interactive and they focus on weak as well as strong students, wifi is all around the colleges and they created some hotspots and provides restricted data, My college spend more on lab equipments for the better student understanding levels on subject.I visited the company TCS (tata consultancy and services), I offered along with 75 students,The placement process is quite good they choose the students based on their requirement by testing through several rounds,Many aluminis from our college support us how to tackle the best interviews",9 1183,Student (Anonymous),KSR College of Engineering,I think the based on comparing to other colleges our college has good curriculum and our most of the faculties are completed their PhD in the fields and has a good academic schedules and the way of teaching is approch us learn easilyDue to its campus infrastructure and the way of teaching and placements and the eco system of the college and it's located near by my my native location and the training in the college are most welcomed me to choose this college,10 1184,Shubham jain,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"My course is INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, which gives me an idea of how industries basically works and the management course can help to plan a future MBA course. Exam structure is simple as we have 3 internals and best of 2 will be considered and at last a semester end exam is conducted and between this some quiz and lab exam is conducted. There are many knowledable fest on every occasion are celebrated here. many cultural and traditional programare are also celebrated. Few Dj parties are also organised, which is the best part of my College. Over all good quality and knowledgeable programs are celebrated here",7.7 1185,Gunashekara.K,KVG College of Engineering - [KVGCE],"The college takes a note of serious misbehabiour, insubordination, habitual tardiness, irregular work habbits and obscenity and is punishable by fine, suspension or dismissal. The college has banned the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking and instructed the students to donat use them. Each studeny shall conduct herself orhimself both within and outside the campus of the institute in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious institute. Each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the management, teachers, administartors, staff of the institute. ",7.2 1186,Shaik Mohammed Aquib,PES University - [PESU],"The gender ratio was not approximately equal but the campus life was good as far as im concerned. Ya there were debates which were related to many programs and there was a great sport facility and there were lots of hackathons and competitions and the labs, library were absolutely good. There was no gender inequality. everyone are treating same and for the students who cant afford to pay the fees they cant study here. and there was no discrimination of any religion. I got my admission through Karnataka Comman Entrance Test which is a govt exam conducted every year. And when I got the admission ticket I had to pay Rs 62573 and when I joined the college the college administrators said to pay Rs 48000 which is considered to be college fee they said its a seperate fee of college. After that I showed all my documents and proofs then I got admission into the college. ",7.8 1187,Mayur Babasaheb Gadhave,MIT Academy of Engineering - [MITAOE],"The course curriculum and exam structure is very good. The college is mostly focusing on learning from doing, I think which is very good also the college mostly suggest student to go for internship every year which is also good idea. They focus on the logical as well as technical development of students. The fee structure of MIT Academy of engineering is little bit expensive but as compared to quality of education it is not too much expensive. The annual fees for open class student is Rs 155000 in which government gives around 60000 EBC scholarship for some students depending on their family income. ",8.7 1188,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Alumnae of this college are spread across the world. This college provides excellent education along with industrial exposure with a very good placement percentage and also has a good scope for research, which specifically drove me to get admitted to this college. Apart from education, one will absolutely love the scenic beauty if this college.Our course and curriculum is well updated. There are various educational societies that look after the respective fields. Competitions, Seminars and various other events are organized throughout the year. The faculty is well reachable as they are always available to cater to the students, help resolve doubts and problems.",8 1189,Student (Anonymous),Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering - [KMSME],"Many lecturers are experienced and I think all are post-graduated. They all have the industrial experience as all of them are either previous marine engineers or other engineers before they got into this field. They are experts in teaching and they have been showing us that. The syllabus has lots of topics related to marine.This is the nearest marine college to my hometown. This college has the course which I had an interest in. The fees are a bit high but still, they were providing the educational loans. The student reviews about this college are also good.",7.8 1190,Student (Anonymous),Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Campus Life is so good that in these quarantine days I am missing my classes, my friends and my teachers. I have gone through all the functions and activities held in our college. Whenever if there is any issue regarding anything then the faculties and staff members are always there to help us. Electricity supply and sports facilities are too good.We have an app named LPU touch and UMS so the course syllabus is uploaded there only. Facilities are excellent like we have the library, we have seminars to attend. Conditioning facilities are good. The lift is also there and the study room is also available in our hostel which helps to provide environment for study at night.",8.2 1191,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],Because Delhi Technological University is one of the most renowned college in this country. The course is also great and futuristic. The placement scenario is also good. The teachers and professors are great. We have a lot of opportunities.It is pretty much updated. Their are a lot of great courses included in the curriculum. Mine is a specialization course so a lot of futuristic things are included in my course. Faculty is great. Teacher know what they are teaching.,8 1192,Student (Anonymous),Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering - [KMSME],Marine engineering is in demand. Every year several students get placed in marine companies whereas many students opt for Master's and then apply for off campus jobs in companies. The college provides internships in the end of first year or second year.The academics from my perspective are good. The professors of our department are really good at their subjects of expertise. The syllabus needs to be designed in such a way that it is more valuable from industry demand point of view.,7.8 1193,Student (Anonymous),College of Engineering and Management - [CEM] Punnapara,"The college conducts a wide variety of activities for the students. There are various clubs here which conduct many workshops and contests for the students to engage in. The teachers provide their full support to the students and motivate them to participate. The location of the college is safe. Incase of emergencies, hospital is nearby.There are many opportunities, like for example, the college provides training once we reach 3rd year for placements and internships through placement training and placement centred workshops. The college is able to provide more than 75% placement.",8.5 1194,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Actually I wanted to join bharath for many reasons like, my elder brother was already here, I love Chennai city, the college fees was affordable. The college is a reputed college in Chennai. Also it was very eaasy to reach the college as it is near bus as well as railway station.The infrastructure of the college is somewhat good. We have WiFi all over the campus. Living spaces and the food, though, are satisfactory and could be better. The campus is not so big. Our Computer lab is one of the biggest computer lab in Chennai.",7.8 1195,Sukant Dwivedi,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Jhanjeri,To Education To knowlage of the students for future.to improve they skills and talent. Develop good behavior and helping sences it is using all for future generations And to get more money even those happiness never come to again. To show themCorporate economic is the most important of the lesson it much grow the economy development.skilS And know abt the business how to get money and economy decision making and to show them to convey.details,7 1196,Student (Anonymous),JB Institute of Technology - [JBIT],"The college have good infrastructure, library is fullfilled by so many books. The seminar hall is well equipped with all technological equipment and Classrooms are also clean and hygienic.college is very much clean.we have 24 hrs good WiFi connection available to every student.Dur high education facility and beautiful nature of dehradun. I am very happy to get admission here. I love nature that's why I choose this beautiful city. Our faculty are highly educated and they support us at every movement",8.5 1197,Student (Anonymous),Galgotias University - [GU],"Management of our university is average,not that much good, extracurricular activites are are generally being held.Festivals are celebrated at a bigger level, mostly Holi and Diwali. Clubs of the university take the whole responsibility of the events taken.Infrastructure of our university is very well developed. It has 5 buildings, 52 acre campus, 3 libraries bigger in size. Many sports clubs are there. Like horse riding, football, basketball, cricket.I have also taken part in cricket and horse riding.",8.5 1198,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus,"SRM is distinctly known for its placement opportunities it gives. It houses a Limca book of records for the placement. Many tech giants like Google, Adobe and others are known to recruit. The average salary package was 3.6 LPA and has a highest placement of 42 LPA.Ramapuram campus is mainly for academics. Teachers are tamilians only and you basically have to study from pdf before exam. Internals and semester exams are held on time. The faculty is upoorting but some teachers are very rude.",8.8 1199,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"In this era, Campus placement holds great importance for students and institutes. It helps a great foundation for students as well for professors. The average salary package offered is 3 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Infosys, TCS and many more visit our campus for placements. The major role offered to the students is a developer. The highest salary package offered is 27 LPA.Our college has many opportunities to develop students career and our foundation. We can develop on-site programs. The college provides a separate mess and hostels for both boys and girls. The infrastructure is too small, but it has everything in it. Quality of the food served in the hostel is average.",8 1200,Deven Budhaji Ghadigaonkar,Finolex Academy of Management and Technology - [FAMT],"UTOPIA is annual event here, and besides it carries freshers party, they have so many events here like sports technical and many more. they are held by college management which is carried by students. Everything is managed by last year students. The events are so much fun and big that students from all over ratnagiri come over to participate. It is a 4 year course with 8 semesters. it is relevant and I think I'll be learning so much about mechanics. it gives practical knowledge based on your job. placement percentage is about 85%. Industrial visits are held so that students will be able to get knowledge about how they are going to work. ",8.5 1201,Karan Aditya Singh Bishnoi,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,The technical fest is technex in the month of February which is a very big event in this event teams from all IITs come to compete and the participation is very huge. The cultural fest is kashiyatra which in in the month of January its the month of winter so its fun in the event teams come from all iits and many more college's to complete in different cultures. I opted this course because I like to be an engineer there are many factors that influence my insight to take this course but the major is I like the engineering. I had to clear JEE mains and advance to be in IIT we had a JEE main in January and second in April whoever passed it can give paper of jee advance which is in month of May. ,8.5 1202,Gourav Kargwal,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],I got admission throught JEE Mains. Based on my rank I was eligible for chemical engineering. I was familiar with Jaipur and is near to my hometown. It was safe and a smart City. After exam we have to fill a counselling form. There were 7 rounds. I got this branch in 2 round. After 7 round we were called for verification and for payment of fees and hostel allotment. Our college started from 1 August. Admission process was 1 month long. It started on 19 June. There are four lectures and a lab class in one day. There are 10 lecturers. Lab lecturer are of age around 32 and class lecturer are of age around 40+. All lecturer are PHD or PHD scholar. We are not told about industry experience or certification. Teachers taught there subject well and never told about there qualifications. In computer lab we are taught by Mtech scholar. ,7.2 1203,Student (Anonymous),Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramoday Vishwavidyalaya- [MGCGV],The course is Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural engineering and now a demanding job in both sectors. The course is good but truly the facility and faculty both are not upto the mark and genuinely university is good but not the faculty. There is no industrial exposure and also no market and no city type area. I can't take the name of faculty but the bachelor of science in agriculture is best in my university and rare chanches of admission too.the students were also not so good and professors too.The infrastructure was good for a government college but not like a good private University and that is a weak point also there is sports facilities and not all games included.there is only cricket and kabbadi.There is no wifi in college and no network is working.equipments in labs are just like wastes or can be said as a showpieces and nothing else. All things I have written are with my true knowledge and experience both.library is good but only course books there is no literature.,3.2 1204,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Placements is the best part of Bharath. The college has maintained a high placement rate over the years. Almost 90% of the students are placed in various companies. The average salary offered is around 4LPA. The placement process is a well oiled machine and is smooth.I chose this college because of its location. The college is well connected to the public transport. College has good placement records, so there are high chances of getting placed in companies. The fees is low and can be paid in installments too.",8 1205,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Im pursuing a B. Tech.ering with a specialization in instrumentation engineering.The quality of teaching is good and the faculty have enough experience and are approachable.The curriculum is good and was recently updated. New specializations are being added time to time.The placements always depend on the student's talents. However, the college takes steps in enhancing the students' interview skills. The college is trying to bring to bring more companies. They are improving from last year. We can expect good results by two years.",7.3 1206,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],Teachers are helpful and are good at teaching. It is nice and food good. We are happy. Oppurtunities look. Bettter than many state colleges. Teachers are helpful and are good at teaching. It is nice and food good. We are happy. Oppurtunities look. Bettter than many state colleges.Teachers are helpful and are good at teaching. It is nice and food good. We are happy. Oppurtunities look. Bettter than many state colleges.Teachers are helpful and are good at teaching. It is nice and food good. We are happy. Oppurtunities look. Bettter than many state colleges.,4.3 1207,Swapnil,Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,I could interact with sports faculty but I guess they were average taking about infrastructure it's good as we also spending hell lot of money. Wi-Fi is awesome could find any fault in this. Library is one the best place of this institution with amazing no. Of books and seating capacity full on ac 24/7 available. Equipment and labs were quite good but not that awesomeCampus life is excellent u can have a great fun out there from oat to cross to Backgate excluding out studies there is everything u could have fun with. don't have any technical culture experiece as I avoided going there. Festivals I have attended they were good participation is usually huge as this can be expected because we have of population of 8000,7.5 1208,Sai Ganesh,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,The placements in the campus are really good. Core companies will have direct campus placements on each courses. 80 to 90 percentage of students get placed in any of these core companies. Campus also provide higher education in foreign colleges who they have tie up on different research purposes. One of the main example is Arizona university and Buffalo university. There is a different section called campus and industrial relations which will help the students to prepare fore placements and company interviews. The course curriculum is well set up and is mostly research-based. On each semester there will be an end semester exam and two written exams called periodical test. The internals constitute of project work and different set of assignments regarding each subject. Amrita university bags 4th rank in NIRF 2020 rankings. Campus placements are available for mostly every department. Each workshops and labs provide hand on experience on all instruments and procedures. ,8.3 1209,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The placements are good. Companies like PayTm,Deloitte,Maruti Suzuki,Honda,Adobe visit every year. The placement process comprises of different round like group discussion,personal interviews, tests and some more. One of the notable alumni is the founder of PayTm. The Entrepreneur Cell here is one of the best socities that one can join and it helps in personal development.The course curriculum for the first year contains subjects from all the courses(like Computers, Electrical,Electronics,Mechanical etc.). The practical knowledge provided is also of good quality. The faculty is really helpful.",10 1210,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Many companies offer jobs to the quality students of our college. The placement drives have three to four rounds for students to get placed in good companies. Almost 90% of the students get placed in good companies. A technical test will in be conducted to test the technical knowledge of the students.The college has good surroundings, and the college's structure is unique, unlike the other colleges. The college is surrounded by trees. Many safety precautions are taken in the college, and sports are not given much importance. Sports quota admissions are also available in the department.",7.5 1211,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The placements of my senior batch are very good. Around 84% of them got placed in the campus placements. The highest salary offered by Treacle International Company Pvt Ltd was 15 lacs per annum previous year, and the lowest salary offered was 2.7 lacs per annum. Many companies like Tata, Tech Mahindra, and Reliance visit the college for placements.College need to improve its first year faculties attitude. They are good teacher but sometimes they just read what they have in their old notes. The teachers teach us the important things and they leave the unnecessary part or extra part. They teach us to pass the exam.",7.5 1212,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],Course curriculum is a little outdated. All engineering colleges in India have outdated syllabus especially for first-year student. Academics is okay. Some faculties are very nice. They teach very well and all concepts are cleared. Some are okay.The festivals are very nice in our college. I am a committee member for the technical fest. The whole team works very hard to make the fests memorable. The guests called for all our fests are very very nice. They are all famous personalities.,8.3 1213,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"We have very good labs and classrooms which are neat. It is a Wi-Fi enabled campus, and the medical facilities are also provided. There are thousands of books in the library related not only to subjects but also other books like Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. There are two canteens in the campus, and the food served is hygienic.There no technical, cultural or mangement festials celebrated in the college campus. The management is least interested in the development of the student skills. Even if we go in other colleges to represent college, they do not provide anything.",7.2 1214,sparsh jain,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Each year good companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Microsoft recruit students with super dream packages, and other companies are also there that offer dream packages to students. Some companies recruit students on stipend which are later converted to packages after the training period is over.All teaching facility is expert tutors and well-equipped labs, the course is completed well before exams and internal exams are held timely, with assessments and quizzes. Classes are equipped worth projectors that make studying smart.",10 1215,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],I'm pursuing B. Tech in computer science and engineering.The quality of teachers is good but you can't rely entirely on teachers.You have to work hard because teachers will not do everything.The curriculum is updated and new developments are being added from time to time.The placements are good and they make sure a lot of companies come for recruitment.The college has a high placement record.The placement process is smoothly conducted.The average salary offered is around 4.5LPA.The college helps students prepare for placements.,8.8 1216,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],The placement and jobs opportunities are in basis of students capability. How they come up with the things. Almost every students get the placement except those who have back log in their subjects. The minimum package are of 500000 and the average package is 1400000. And one person from college gets 4000000 package.We have lots of events and extra curricular activities in our college. We have fest aarush which science and technology fest another fest we have is milan which is a cultural fest. And in between we keep coming up wid some more activities to indulge ourselves.,8 1217,Mohit sahni,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],Sports facilities are great here including tennis court grounds and badminton court in front of every hostel. Wifi is installed in each floor in every hostel and classrooms. Library is 3 floored in which every floor is divided into each section of books interestEvery big company visits the campus. The campus placement cell is very good which offers you the appropriate jobs with various big companies like AMAZON. Mass recruiting companies like vipro also offers good packages for students here.,7.7 1218,Student (Anonymous),Sri Sairam College of Engineering,"Faculties aren't updated. They do give importance to academics and support students in every aspect they can. They provide every opportunity for the student to improve and get placed. Most of the students in my college are not that good in academics. So, i don't really have a competition even though the teachers try to improve. Few students don't even try.I was always interested in computer science engineering. My college was the only college closer to my house and affordable that's the reason i I chose my college. I didn't really like my college because of the poor infrastructure and faculties but I didn't have a choice.",6.8 1219,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college has a good infrastructure. There are facilities like a library, computing lab with the highest number of computers. Bharath Hospital is available inside campus. One football court, basketball court and a small playground is available in campus.Professors in our college are helpful, qualified and knowledgeable. The teaching quality is good. The course curriculum is relevant but students also want some more practical knowledge. Our course has the best professors with good teaching quality.",7.7 1220,Rohith R V,Rathinam Technical Campus - [RTC],"Yes I got the admission. I have already decided to join Rathinam coz of its infrastructures. The faculties are good enough to teach something new. To join in Rathinam Technical Campus you have to score minimum 70% in your Higher secondary. Then contact the college through their websites. Its good. The college follows anna university syllabus, which is being followed all over the Tamilnadu. The college has it's own AIC (Atal Incubation Center), which supports the students to bring their innovative ideas to the society. The college has organized many industrial visits. ",8.5 1221,Chinna Sama Praneeth Reddy,GITAM,"Our college fees was expensive as compared to the other college in our state, we can pay the fee through neft, there were no additional fees like exam fed etc and to write supplementary exams there will be fee payment additional. There won’t provide any transparency in the fee breakdown.There were different faculty for the different subjects and they will teach each and every topic related to the subject and they will clarify the doubts in we can’t able to understand the subject. They will move friendly will the students. They will help to do the programmes. ",9.5 1222,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"There is this stunning Techno-Management Aaruush, organised my the students which is an amazing fest to attend to. There's all sorts of people and celebrities coming with their own innovations. There is another cultural fest too called Milan. Other than that there are more than 50 clubs which can keep any student busy if he has free time and that is a good thing.I don't have much idea, but major companies like Amazon, TCS, Microsoft come for placements every year. Moreover Indian startups such as Udaan come too. The university helps the students out immensely which is a good thing, there's a whole department alloted for placements training by the University which is a good thing.",7 1223,Harsh Gupta,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"Honestly I never knew about this university, but through JAC Delhi i got a better branch in NSUT than I was getting in DTU so i had to take it. I am studying in Mechanical Engineering so it's not very bad. I researched a little bit and came to know that it was closer to home than DTU, plus i had a chance to get a room in hostels. College is in walking distance from metro and the locality i.e. Dwarka is very good. Lots of malls and restaurants plus metro so you can go anywhere anytime. That's what made my decision final.It depends on your branch. NSUT is known for its Coding based branches so if you are in a branch which promotes coding, you're set. So for CSE to MAC to ECE, you're settled since course, academics and faculties are too good. But for newer branches, (4 yr old ME) teachers do not know much plus the labs are not very much developed. Sometimes there are some experiments whose apparatus is not there. So there is a lot of work you have to do on your own.",7.7 1224,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"The best company which comes here are Bijus and TCS.One of the most visited Company is TCS,it is visites every year and take minimum 30 to 40 students, college having placement department around 5 to 6 faculty are there for placement support,Many local companies are visiting every year most of them are from Vadodara witj requirements in Civil, computer,IT, Instruments and Electronics.When I joined college the first event was VISION conducted by the college. So there were technical and non technical and sports included in it. Then festival like Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri were celebrated. Then there was event called PRAKARSH at university level in which other college students can also take part.",5.8 1225,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"As I have heard there is good placement for computer related fields else other branaches does not have as good placement comparatively but they are also exceptionally good as in core the initial salary is expected to be low hence it is fine to fo with thatCan't say much as we even don't know about what future hold for us or what industrial exposure it is like,as knowledge is sea and 4 years is like bucket so you can't even complain and to be honest I'm not exposed to any industry so i don't know actually",8.8 1226,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Fests are amazing, nominal entry fees. Great event planning, campus life is also great, just one problem that the campus is quite far from city Fests are amazing, nominal entry fees. Great event planning, campus life is also great, just one problem that the campus is quite far from cityCurriculum is readily updated with the latest trends and requirements, there's good lab sessions aswell to gain nice practical knowledge also.Curriculum is readily updated with the latest trends and requirements, there's good lab sessions aswell to gain nice practical knowledge also.",8 1227,PARMAR DARSHAN,Marwadi University - [MU],"The first batch is yet to pass out since the course started in 2017, but they are already getting offers for internship and are continuously interacting with the industry experts. I am currently in the 2nd batch, and we also have an offer for an internship after the 4th semester. It proves that the department is working very hard to get students towards their goals. As a part of annual activity, FCA Alumni Association organizes FCA Alumnight every year. This year it was decided on 11-May-2019 from 5:30 pm onwards at Auditorium of MU. Faculty of Computer Application (FoCA) - Marwadi University has been organized in every semester IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial Online Exam for BCA, MCA and Integrated MCA Students. ",9.5 1228,Soumyadeep Dutta,Future Institute of Engineering and Management - [FIEM],We have good placement cell in our college. Many companies are invited to interact with us. A large number of students are placed every year thanks to our college. Alumni networking in not that good as they don't interact with us much but some do come to our festsThe faculty is very efficient and er have online classes almost everyday during this pandemic. We are getting assignments every week and have to complete many courses. I love how our teachers are working hard to provide us our courses,7.3 1229,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],It has a good curriculum as mentioned above.apart from this the course syllabus is also up to date.some faculties are really good.but some aren't.actually the thing is some faculties have knowledge but they are not able to impart it.Because I wanted computer science and was not getting it in any other college.even it has a nice curriculum. The thing which I like the most about this college is its curriculum. Other than this it has a beautiful campus.,9 1230,Student (Anonymous),St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology - [STCET],"This college provides great care to extra curricular activities and makes sure maximum students participate in sports like football, cricket, badminton, chess, table tennis, and many more. The Library has a huge variety of books relevant to the curriculum, and also has a great collection of English fiction books. Other than that, the library has a book bank that provides books prescribed for the syllabus to every student, and also has a digital library used for online research. Despite being a WiFi campus, free WiFi is only provided to students for research and studies in digital library and laboratories. The labs are not very big in size, but is well equipped with all required instruments.Unlike most colleges, St. Thomas' college of engineering and technology doesn't host cultural fests, and neither welcomes freshmen with freshers' welcome party. But it does have a three-week-long induction phase for freshies to get adjusted with the members and environment of the college through different extracurricular activities. A series of inter and intra college sports events is held every year with very enthusiastic participation of students. An annual tech fest is also held which is completely managed by students and has shown great participation over the years.",8.3 1231,Student (Anonymous),St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology - [STCET],We have only one tech fest once a year. Other than that we have sports day and we have inter department badminton football cricket table tennis for girls as well as boys. Our tech fest has the name SREY. Though as a first year student i have not yet saw that i heard that its pretty good.Our course is of MAKAUT. One of the best teachers we have is our english teachers as well as our director. We get industrial training only for electrical and electronics dept in the 3rd year. The cse and it dept has something of their own for training purpose,8.7 1232,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"Our college became autonomous from my year, even though 2nd to 4th year is under MAKAUT. The first year syllabus was changed, we didn’t follow the exact makaut syllabus. Along with that, our college teaches other subjects and labs along with the basic subjects, such as finance And Chinese, which do not really help us being future engineers. Secondly, our college is way too strict about mere matters, which becomes unbearable at times. The one time when people enjoy really much,i.e the college fest, not much effort goes into it. The faculty is good barring some. No industry visit happened till now. During quarantine, even though the AICTE asked not to charge fees, our college charged fees. There’s Many cons of this institution.The college provides students with numerous opportunities including seminars, webinars, internships etc. The reason for joining this college is mostly because it has a good placement record. The college has uniform which is something most do not like, but it gives a corporate feel. The faculty is average. I’ve chosen my course( ie ECE) Because the faculty is really good and the placement records are top notch. The college faculty is really strict.",5.8 1233,Vineet Kumar Sharma,Chandigarh University - [CU],"About 80% of the students in our course got placed. The highest salary package offered in the previous year is 31.77 LPA. This year a third year student cracked Google internship with a salary package of 45 LPA or more. The lowest salary package offered is 2 LPA, and the average salary package offered is 3.7 LPA. Top recruiting companies like TCS, Infosys, Microsoft, Wipro, Google, IBM, and almost every company visit our campus for placements. Students did an internship in companies like TCS, Wipro, IBM, etc.I have chosen this course because coding is my passion and CU is very good for pursuing the CSE course. Major companies recruit students from the CSE course.Placement is about 80% and also the teachers are quite supportive. The campus is pollution-free and nature-friendly. Events and fests are regularly organised on the campus. Also competitions are always arranged here.",8.2 1234,Student (Anonymous),Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"The sports facilities are average. There is one sports room for all indoor games and physical education classes. The library, though slightly cramped, is well equipped with books and computers. Labs are moderately well supplied and maintained. Campus wi-fi is quite fast variable, rather weak in classrooms, where is needed the most, but strongest in the library.I was unable to score high enough on the All India JEE Mains and Advanced Examination, and based on my state rankings, I got admission in the college. It's reputation, placement opportunities, and good opportunities for external exposure like internships, workshops, international industry tours sets it apart.",6.7 1235,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Placements are good, the highest package was about 27 Lacs per annum and the lowest is about 1.5L to 2L per annum. Top companies which were visited our college were Amazon, Conizant, Cisco and top MNC companies. Average percentage is about 60% from all branches were placed in campus drive.No Extra curricular activities, no sports events, no cultural events, no freshers party, no hostel day and no enterntainment events at all. Only Debates, Conferences, international meetings, workshops are conducted in civil smart classroom. The campus life is waste her.",7.2 1236,Harshil Gupta,Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],There are a lot of companies that visit the campus and mostly all of them provide a decent pay to the students. Many of the alumni have been placed in reputable firms and organisations and therefore job referrals are also easily given to the deserving students by them.One of the best technical colleges of the country. This college has a great alumni and the placement records were also the best in Delhi after IIT Delhi. I opted this course as the course had flexibility for me to switch into different fields if I ever want to.,6.8 1237,Student (Anonymous),JIS University,"The course is good, teachers are helpful, they support us when we need and in this pandemic situation also we are being helped by our teachers. Industrial exposure due to covid is stopped so we are having WEBINARSI chose this as it was close to my local guardian. And as i will be going into a new place I being a girl needed some support as well as this college has one of the best placement among private colleges, in WB.",7.8 1238,Ananshi Arora,Alliance University,"Reasons for me to join this university was its good ranking position in India and the location etc. It is located in Bangalore which is one of the best places in India. Placement rate of the university was quite good that is 93%. Infrastructure of the university is awesome and I think most of the students would have joined just by seeing the infrastructure. According to me its infrastructure is better than most of the universities that I have seen. The library covers a large area and there are all kinds of books available in the library. Also the faculty of the university is amazing and they interact with students easily. I think if anyone will join this university no one will complain about the faculty or the teaching staff. We can reach out to them whenever we want and they help us in every way they can.According to me, if I am asked about my field that is Aerospace engineering, I would say that its excellent and talking about curriculum activities related to my specialization they take us to star gazing, camping, also recent batches were taken to ISRO to see the launch of Chandrayaan 2. There are many groups like the astronomy club from which we get the information that is useful for us. Related to academics, faculty teaches all the minute details related to the subject and also most if the time finish all the work in classroom so that students can rest and indulge themselves with other curricular activities.",8.2 1239,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"There are multiple technical societies and events are there throughout the year here many cultural socieities are present which have colorful events throughout the year we have a 2 fests one of them is a food fest tff and the other is main fest saturnalia which is a technical culutural fest, equipments for many sports are present here which can be accessed using ur id card.There are hostels similar to 5 star hotels, boys hostels are spread throughout the campus and girls hostels are clamped together, academic block and cs block are clubbed with library and the library js huge hostels are good to stay but yes wifi sucks, really slow and blocked so many social media sites like telegram, rest is good.",7.8 1240,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Thapar Univeristy has a very good NIRF Ranking. Thapar also has a very good placement record, especially for Computer Engineering Students. Our University has a very big exposure to every kind of events from Technical to Cultural Fests, primarily due to such diversity of students. All my well wishers wanted me to get into this University.Everything was great. Jagrata, Cultural Fests, mudra nite, Nox, hostel parties and the list goes on. Everything is just fantastic. Environment is too good. Active participation from students. Saturnalia is the biggest fest of North India.",10 1241,Mohammad Anas,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"The college has a world class infrastructure and provides all the necessary facilities which a student needs in the college. All the classrooms, labs and workshops are fully air conditioned and have all the necessary equipments required for the students' course curriculum. The library is also a sizeable one, although there are restrictions on the timings and is open only till 8:00 p. m. There are many sports grounds for football, basketball and volleyball. The college has two canteens and a nescafe which are well maintained and hygienic with almost all the necessary foods and snacks. Wi-fi facility is not provided to whole college and is limited only for the hostels.Campus life was not that good because the clubs were closed this year and so the students had no exposure and interaction with the seniors. There was a fresher's event named WAVES which was good and and enjoyable but apart from that there were no technical or cultural events. The college fest named IGNITIA sadly got cancelled this year due the Corona pandemic although I have heard about it that it is a really good, informative and enjoyable one.",8.3 1242,Madasu Vineeth rao,Malla Reddy College of Engineering - [MRCE],"Our college has own building for placements, who the students score about 70% they will placed 100% and the remaining students will be selected according to their performance and skills, and our college has good placement block tie up with many companies.Extracurricular activities like sports will be conducted in our college, we have special sports room and sports hall, for the students who really interested in sports, events like fest will conducted in our college.",9.3 1243,Student (Anonymous),Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"The campus infrastructure is where PSIT stands out. The classroom furniture is top notch, the dining hall, classrooms, library, canteen, labs, etc. almost every part of the college is centrally air-conditioned. The college boasts of a football field, cricket field, various volleyball grounds, basketball courts, badminton courts, etc. The labs are also very well equipped with all the latest and best quality equipment and machines. The mechanical workshop has everything a mechanical engineer would require. the library is also quite good though the timings are very short and one can get only 2 hours of quality self study time there as it shuts at 8 pm.The course syllabus is quite up to date and very aware of the latest trends and changes in the technical sector. Being a computer science student I'm pretty satisfied with the technical know-how of the professors who teach us. A training program was conducted for the first year students that spread across the first 2 semesters for hands on learning experience of the programming languages we were being taught.",7.7 1244,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,"As I am in 1st year so I can tell what I heard about placements. Once a students came in our class to meet our teacher for blessings that he going in an interview offered by college. That company was byju's. And as my flatmate told (they are also in same college and in last year) that there are many companies came in our college for placements as tcs wipro sony samsung ibm etc. Obviously package offered is not like iits or nits. Yeah but as your rank it's good.Infrastructure of this college is good. I'm in mechanical branch and the lab and it's equipment are decent good and all things are well mentained. And other labs are also good in manner of equipments. And sports are all good, sports group provides everything and organise almost every spprts event as cricket, football, badminton etc.",8 1245,Anmol Gupta,Shiv Nadar University - [SNU],"Unique course structure and world class research facilities along with innovative and modern day approach to learning and the infrastructure probably one of the best in the country. The university has almost all the teachers as Phd holders and has an extremely huge campus and provides the best facilities by far as compared to the other colleges. Boys and girls both are totally free to do whatever they want with no curfew timings or dress codes. The university is heavily focused on research and has a invested more than 300 crores in the last 5 years. Opened in 2011 it is the youngest university by far in the top 50 nirf ranking making it the only university to be so. And moreover the most important thing is that unlike any other universities this university has no reservation critieria whatsoever because the university is established by the philanthropist Mr. Shiv Nadar with an aim to create it an Ivy league college of Indian and spends more than rs 200 crores annually out of which only around 20% fund comes from the fees so the institute doesn't need anyone's money. None of the above mentioned figures and numbers are inflated and all can be checked online.Technical fests are quite small and the annual cultural fest is called breeze and is a decent one. Apart from that intra fests are amazing with prom date nights, regular dj nights happening. also the colleg truly has a diverse population with people coming from all around the country and around 40% of the students are from south India, thus you get to experience all the cultures of India genuinely and get to know people from all background.",8.7 1246,Jaya chandra R,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"There is equal no. of gender ratio. there will be no student parties. There are so many labs in college. There is student incubation centre where students can improvise there ideas. The college will not support any kind of activities like Religion, sexual orientation, politics and economic status. I am chemical engineer. My tuition fees per year is 170000. There will be online payment service. There will be no additional cost/charges. Yes if we want an admission we have to pay the minimum amount after our payment the fees that you paid will be added in your college fees.",8.8 1247,Shivam Singh,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"The campus life is great as there is a whole city of Varanasi to explore with its mix of old and new. It is considered one of the oldest cities in the world and it has a lot to offer. Extracurriculars are run by the students and professors are involved if required. There are ample opportunities for one to pursue his hobbies. The labs are a bit old but that does not come much in the way of things. The fee for the program is about 1lac rupees per semester which is feasible by indian standards. The amount is roughly 1400 USD for each semester. The college is transparent in its fee payments and each of the costs are shown when the fees is to be paid. And being a institute operated by the government, everything is clear and no extra charges have to be paid to secure admission. ",8.7 1248,Student (Anonymous),Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology - [SVIT] Vasad,"The syllabus is quite updated.we follow syllabus prescribed by gtu and thus the faculties provide ample knowledge about the subject.The fees is quite economical and can be affordable.Faculty is quite good and are helpful to solve ones doubts regarding to the subject.Campus life is quite good,there are different competition held at regular intervals.Yearly we have 2 national level tech-fests where students from different colleges come to our college and take part in different activities.",6.8 1249,Student (Anonymous),Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Bengaluru Campus,Well the extra curricular activities are really good in the college I would say one of the best when compared to other college be it technical or non technical. Out college helps all the students to actively participate in all the events and support them in all sports with really good coaches for sports.Our college is really updated in terms of the syllabus and the methodology. It is updated with the latest syllabus and also the teachers are equally updated with them. It also has many lab equipment by which they can give us real time examples,8.7 1250,Jay kumar,Techno Main Salt Lake,"Techno Main Campus is the 2nd best private college in west bengal. This college provides every facility and help students towards their brighter future. There are different clubs as per the interest of students, the professors are well qualified and are very helpful. Companies like Microsoft, Adobe, Byjus recruit students from here on yearly basis.if a student has the calibre, he/she can have a very bright future ahead passing from this college. There are some many pros but cons as well.like the playground is smaller in size, the library is also not large and spacious as well but overall one can get a really good college life with less restrictions and end up with good profound knowledge and good placement.Campus life here is the best you can experience compared to tge other colleges in kolkata.there are many fests organised here.like EDGE( which one of the largest technical fest in east india, if you dont believe just google it.), GEEKONIX and many small fests are organized by different clubs. there are many deptartmental fests as well like IT has InspirIT.and anyone can participate in them and showcase their talent, the seniors are always ready to help and guide.",8 1251,Student (Anonymous),Gujarat Technological University - [GTU],India has lot of new generation but the numbe of jobs are less.so college doesnt have any setting for the graduates to be placed.so after graduation they become unemployed and finally persude their fathers bussiness.so fromgtu there is 1%chances of getting placedBecause it is located in gujrat.it is one of best university and affiliated to NAARC. many big company come here for hiring students.the pay scale is between1-2 lalh per year.it has good experience teachers and fa ulty.it has good labs for doing practical,1.7 1252,Somanyu,Trident Academy of Technology,"There are little less girls compare to boys. There are many cultural society like art, dance, music, guitar, etc. There are clubs where students from different branches can enter and participate. There are frequent workshop which we have to attend. There is proper gender equality and everyone respect each other community, race and religion. There are students from different part of the societies and everyone are here mingled with each other without any problem.We have sports events, tech fest, Tri fest, Trithon which is type of Hackathon, we have small writing competition, inter college sports competition, dance competition, singing competition, robotics, inter department sports, basketball tournament, football tournament, cricket tournament, badminton tournament, inter club tournament, drone competition, coding competition, etc",10 1253,Himani Chaudhary,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The subjects are standard, the curriculum makes sure that we have knowledge about all the basic concepts of coding, design and mechanics. We have a total of three CAs and hence during the final semester we do not need to take much pressure with the preparation, the marks of the CAs are also included in the evaluation of final exam.Like everyone else, I had to attend the LPUNEST exam, an exclusive entrance exam for LPU. After getting a good score in it I got a call letter for counselling, where I selected this course of Aerospace engineering, the one I wanted. Candidates who get better scores in LPUNEST are eligible for a scholarship by the college.",9.2 1254,Ritesh Sahu,Rashtriya Raksha University - [RRU],"The fee for B.Tech per year is Rs. 40,200 for the first year, and Rs. 40,000 for the following three years, a total of Rs. 1.62 Lakhs for the whole course of four years, the fee is not at all costly and is much lower than the fee collected by other well-known engineering colleges. There are schemes like the PM scholarship also for those who find it difficult to pay this amount.For admissions in Gujarat you have to clear the GUJCET entrance examination, the greater the score the greater the list of eligible colleges, it is similar to the JEE mains that we generally write for engineering courses. After applying for the college a merit list was released and I was called for counselling, I chose CSE as my department.",9 1255,Ashok Verma,Shri Sapthagiri Institute of Technology - [SSIT],"The course curriculum of Engineering gives knowledge to apply appropriate tools to investigate, analyze, design, simulate and develop systems related to power system networks and power electronics. With such knowledge we can assess the feasibility, applicability, optimality and future scope of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical power.In my 12th board exams, I scored 89% marks in PCM. After that, I applied to this college for the course of BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I choose this course so that I can apply the acquired knowledge in identifying, formulating, and solving practical problems in all aspects of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.",9.7 1256,Atulya Kumar,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],The first event when you get into the college is Swagat. It is basically for the first years and is the fresher party of the college. Mr. anf miss freshers are selected on the day of swagat. Several students join different commitees to perform on the day of swagat. The most exciting fest is cultural fest called Culrav. There are two techno-management fest called Avishkar and ProSangAdmission process includes getting a good rank in entrance exam called JEE-MAIN and further counselling through JoSAA. One needs to get good rank in JEE with minimum within top 20 percentile in respective boards in 12th boards. Good efforts with sound knowledge of concept can help you clear exam.,7.8 1257,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,Btech ( preparation for gate exam and ready for the sarkari exam mechanical engineering offer wide bouquet of job option to students who looking for stable and stimulating career in government sector mechanical engineering can provide their knowledge to various governmentMechanical engineering in good life and comfort after five years experience what is important is you should enjoy work in addition to pay what you get than only life in satisfying let me say there are many ares where one can prey,8.5 1258,Student (Anonymous),Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women -[IGDTUW],"The university has updated it's curriculum since the academic year 2019. It has not implemented CBCS which is Choice Based Credit System where the students can choose some of the subjects they want to opt for, simultaneously they have introduced the credits for each course. Overall the new system has a more well structured syllabus that focuses more on practical and hands-on experience. Also the coding environment here is quite flourishing. The seniors are sweet and helpful in guiding their juniors. The focus of the university is primarily on providing an environment where the students can learn and inculcate skills, as well as giving them exposure and making them ready to enter the corporate world.The infrastructure of the campus is quite satisfactory. On comparison to the other colleges in JAC like DTU and IIITD, the campus is not at par as the other colleges have recently built structures whereas our college hasn't been able to expand it's campus due to lack of space. Being situated in the Kashmere Gate region of old Delhi, the area is quite conjusted. But overall the university is equiped with all necessary facilities. Wifi is available to all the students. The library has all the resources and books that a student needs. The labs are well maintained and equiped.",8.5 1259,Tanay Grover,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"The curriculum and syllabus are fantastic and the facilities for labs are really good. Although the teaching staff isn't too good for a few subjects. Some teachers are excellent. Opinion is based on one year of experience so shouldn't be generalized. The best part is that start-ups are really promoted and for students who wish to study further, subjects are accordingly taughtA lot of well known companies visit the college. Cannot talk a lot about the placement process as I'm still in the first year. Start-ups and entrepreneurship is really promoted in the college. Lot of support us also offered from the college regarding the same. The college helps in everyway possible with technical, mechanical and monetary support",8 1260,Student (Anonymous),Sinhgad College of Engineering - [SCOE] Vadgaon Ambegaon,"The placement is good.The faculty members are well educated and they coordinate the students.The college focuses on academics as well as other activities.It also provides guidance to students who are preparing for higher studies.The faculty members are quite motivating and inspiring.The college infrastructure is also well.They prepare students very well.Various technical events are organised so that students gain more technical knowledge.Techfests are arranged.We also have Sinhgad karandak,the biggest college fest in Pune city. Lots of students From various schools and colleges participate in it.",8 1261,Student (Anonymous),Netaji Subhas University of Technology - [NSUT],"It wasn't preplanned actually. My big brother got into DTU so my parents wanted to make a change and got myself admitted in NSUT. I personally didn't find any 'better' between these two. But trust me, student life or basically college life is slightly better in DTU :) Infrastructure is also better in DTU. The thing is DTU has been an university for a long time and NSUT just became university in late 2018. Mine is the first batch of 'NSUT'. My all seniors belong to 'NSIT'. I personally don't find anything too amusing inside the campus but I do like table tennis and also peri peri fries from McCain's canteen XD I opted the course because that's what I prepared for since class 11th.I have no complaints. Infrastructure is alright. Library is big enough (3 storeyed), various sports can be played, be it cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton and tennis maybe (which no one plays the) BUT NO SQUASH (I personally miss this because I used to love squash while I was in school). Labs are somewhat on the lower side. Especially computer labs Xd they run windows xp in 2020 but once you opt a course like mine, laptop is something which is kind of necessary. So are the equipments of electronics lab. Most of them are working but IT IS WHAT IT IS.",8.2 1262,Student (Anonymous),Darbhanga College of Engineering - [DCE],"First it is a Government Engineering College which comes under Bihar Government and is Funded by World Bank under TEQIP-III scheme. Many Courses and Internships are organized by Bihar Government to develop skills in students. And the Fee of the college is very less. At the time of admission you will be charged Rs.2500 by the college and in 2nd, 3rd and 4th sem college will charge Rs 120 only for showing in Government Records and the University will charge you first time Registration Fee of Rs 2100 and Rs 6400 as Exam Fee every year for 4 years by the time you complete your Degree. So total fee college will cost you Rs.26080 in 4 years. A medium class family like my can afford the Fee of this college. If you can't afford the Fee you can get a loan from Bihar government under Bihar student Credit card scheme for Under Graduate students after getting admission, under this scheme you will get money for College Fee as well as Hostel Fee and money for buying books and for buying laptop under very low Rate of Interest. Many Students of my college have taken this loan.Darbhanga College of Engineering infrastructure is very good there is a big Football ground in which you may play football or cricket. It has library with lots of books for academic studies. Big Laboratories with lots of equipments are available here. And the main thing is the wifi which is very good in terms of speed and coverage. Our college has two wifi with different ISP one is Airtel's wifi with unlimited data access one can use it and it doesn't discriminate either you are a Airtel user or not one can use it very easily. And other is JIO Net wifi for which you will get ID and password from college with a data cap of 1gb per day and if you consumed your data you can't access wifi unless you have a Jio sim with a active pack in it because it charges from your normal recharged pack and speed is not good.",9.3 1263,Student (Anonymous),Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"The campus life is mostly boring. Not much extracurricular activities. The only regular thing are tests. They take at least 4 tests a month, which eat the most chunk of student's time. No time for sports or other activities. If u indulge in club activities then you have to do it at the expense of your studies.Mass recruiter is Infosys. Capegemini and TCS are also frequently visiting the college. All 4th year students have mock interview and tests all the time. They are made prepared in every way possible so that they could crack the interview without any difficulty.",7.5 1264,Ayush Kumar,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"The campus is huge, and the hostels are all well maintained. The hostel rooms are of decent size. All kinds of sports facilities are available from swimming to hockey. A 24x7 wifi is available for all with high data speed. The labs are well equipped with all the standard level equipments.The campus life is quite epic with all kinds of friends you can make. The whole year is filled with fests be it cultural, technical or sports fest. All the fests are large scaled with students participating in huge numbers, and the competition is a delight to watch and participate in.",10 1265,Umang Khaitan,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Campus infrastructure is very well maintained and cleaned. Facilities like sports, transport, parking, equipments in lab all are very nicely maintained. the size of library is huge and had very well collection of resources books. WiFi connectivity is also very much good.Curriculum is good and light. Faculties of all courses are also good. Some are PHD graduates. yes it provides a good industrial exposure. Syllabus is well organised and structured. Mine programming faculty was not so good.",8.3 1266,Awanish Mishra,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University - [JIIT],"More than 130 companies visit the campus every year, giving great placement offers. The highest offer in CSE goes around 40 lpa every year. Big names such as Amazon, Microsoft, Ola, Deloitte also comes fir recruitment. This year, Amazon took 26 students, giving placement of 28lpa to everyone.I got a low rank in JEE Main 2019. So this was the best college available at that rank, the placement record for CSE students were good. In addition to this the campus is spectacular. I chose CSE because JIIT is good for CSE and I've a keen interest in computers.",7.8 1267,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Staff members in our department are very good, and their behaviour with students is very good. Faculty members are very good at teaching. They use PPTs to teach us. In our department, there are good instruments, labs, etc. We learn many things in our department.The college has low fees as compare to other aeronautical colleges. Also I find this college as a platform where I can work on my skills and start doing something out of box. The palcement records of this college is really good.",7.8 1268,Student (Anonymous),SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],The facilities provided are amazing. The student body interaction is good and one has immense chances to shape themselves with a lot of exposure. The teachers are great. Fests and other extra curricular activities are like a cherry in the top. It not only helps students by giving them options but also helps thm kn making them. Teachers are supportive and the environment is very vibrant.One could say the fests are the heart of the college. They are beautiful and very engaging. A student would make brilliant memories and have the time of their lives. Milan gets a little problematic at times but it's nothing one can't handle.,8.5 1269,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Teachers in the college are good, helpful, friendly, and kind to students. Their way of teaching is also good. Mainly aeronautical faculty is well experienced. Their way of teaching quality is awesome. Lab faculty is also good and all our experiments are conducted nicely.Events like conferences, Debates, Meetings and the International meetings are organised in the college. The campus surroundings are good. Scholarships are provided to eligible students. Few extracurricular activities are also conducted for students in a small classroom.",7.8 1270,Harsh Pratik,Techno Main Salt Lake,"TCS, WIPRO and Cognizant are the major companies who visit the college. Most of the students get placed here. Apart from them, many other companies such as BYJUs also visit the campus. They also recruit some students. Some marketing companies also visit the campus. Last year 3 students also got placed in Microsoft through off campus placement.Since I am in first year so I haven't done much industrial tour, or met all faculty yet. But the faculty till now we're good. Also you will get to do many courses alongwith your syllabus which are organised by many clubs in college and you will get to learn many things. The course syllabus for 1st year was fine. It is under MAKAUT.",8 1271,Sachin kumar,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science - [LNCTS],I heard about more placement is took place in our college and best guidance and proffesor help us.This is best and cheap that i afford to get easily admission in my college.My college is one of the best college in bhopalThey provide us best material and many which being helped us.I think my college help us alot to get placement easily.If you get easily placement in low graduation fee then go for my college Best colleges in bhopal.,10 1272,Ainesh Sannidhi,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Most of the faculty are heavily involved with research aspects of their field of study. Hence they do have a good expertise of their fields. For our course we have had around 6 professors for each semester. Their average age I would say is around 45-50. They are all extremely qualified with many of them holding a doctorate or post doctorate at globally renowned institutes. Most professors are helpful and do provide good clarity for doubts but some are a bit headstrong and get annoyed by ‘silly doubts’. Many of the lecturers have a good amount of industry experience and do tell us about their experience and how certain things that we have been taught are useful and applied in the real world. I have learnt a lot of skills which I believe are necessary for computer science graduates and will be important to both get a job and work in the industry, such as via learning different programming languages. Various professors did expand on the industry application of the subject. As far placements are concerned our data structures and algorithms course will be very helpful for that. So far we haven’t had any industrial visits but I have interacted with both alumni and other people working at various organizations via events conducted by our college. ",8 1273,Student (Anonymous),Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology - [DCRUST],"Canpus size is about 220 acres. And have no of sports facilities. Have dedicated sports arena for each sports which is quite well maintained. Wifi is not available throughout the campus. Library is huge is size and have over 10,000 of books. Labs are quite well equipped with the equipment required.It has one of the best campus and placement cell in all of Haryana's college. The best thing about this university is that you get a proper college experience in terms of education, cultural activities. I opted for the course because I have great interest in Electrical.",8.7 1274,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"I haven't applied any scholarship. Because most of the scholarships are provided by the government. And they are not meant for the children whose parents are working for government. As my father is a government servent working in teaching sector, most of the scholarship offers are not available for me. And for those which are for all students, my academic performance is not enough to get those scholarships.There are no sports facilities in our college unless we go to a local college nearby for sports. There is a decent WI-FI facility. Our library contains vast type of books but all books limited a lesser no.nof copies. All of our laboratories are well equipped.",2.8 1275,Soumyajyoti Kar,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],There are many opportunities for exposing myself. a lots of workshops & lots of special meetings with great personalities has helped me grown up my mind for a best engineer. We have some Industrial visits as we are in 1st yr. Our college has modern and modified laboratories which helps us in applied studies. There are total 40 professors and lecturers in our Electrical Engineering department. Some of them are very very experienced and aged. also some of them are young and highly qualified professionals. The faculties are very friendly and helpful. they have the potentialliti to make a good engineer. ,8.8 1276,Akeek Goyal,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],You'll get to see a girl in every 3 boys. The crowd is strange only for those who are introverts. You need to better be good company else you'll end up wasting these years. The workshops are held and even there are many technical clubs but when they have their own selection procedure.I got admission through mhtcet and they do even consider Jee mains marks for admission. Generally admission process occurs in the month of June. And mostly your college will start around in the money of July but see you will not have worked summer or winter break.,4.8 1277,Student (Anonymous),Chitkara University - [CU],"Everything is industry based, real time knowledge requirements are taken into consideration for better understanding and approaches towards the learning. Every section and subgroup is given mentors who work effortlessly to help mentees in need.It is in my hometown, and out of all the institute's i found it to be the best under industrial training. More focus is given to real time situation and agendas of the industries along with organized study material.",8 1278,Ankit Dash,Techno Main Salt Lake,"Through state entrance examination wbjee,got selected from state councelling after getting the results after that i had to visit the college for further admission process where i was given some forms to be taken to the court for stamp and afidevit after that i gave a amount if 80000 to the college for admission which also included the first sem fee with students uniform and essentials(no laptop). Techno has the name of campassing of students for good jobs thats i why i preffer this collecge with a ranking of 14k in wbjee for mechanical stream.There are 4 theoritical subjects and 3 practicals most of the teachers have doen phd,or masters on particular subjects. The practicals are handled professionaly but the theory class are not the maths teacher didnt even attended one class in last sem(male) in electrical also teachers give threat of throwing out copies and assignment if not behaved properly or not doing the exercises properly",6.2 1279,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Placements in our college are very good. Most of our seniors got placed during the 7th and 8th semesters. About 93% of the students got placed. Some of the companies which visited our college are TCS, IBM, Amazon, Google, Tech Mahindra, etc. The highest package offered to our seniors is about 27 LPA.The college campus is enabled with free Wi-Fi. It's a tobacco-free campus. It has various labs regarding various departments. The classrooms are well-furnished with good chairs and tables. The food in the canteen is good. There are no issues regarding infrastructure in our college.",7.5 1280,Student (Anonymous),Vishwakarma University - [VU],"The college doesn't provide Wi-Fi facility. Labs are available, and classrooms are huge. The library is available for students with numerous books. Canteen food is very nice, and the area is a little unhygienic. There are very few sports and games facilities. Hostel facilities are also available.It is a new university, so there are no lot of placements. However, if you are a scholar like if you get 10 or 9 CGPA and smart, then you can get placed in Nvidia, Amazon, etc. There are centralised placements, but the competition is high. Dream companies visit here to offer placements.",7.8 1281,Debashree Sharma,Assam Engineering College - [AEC],"Yes most of the course curriculum is relevant and is enough to make us a better professional. Our curriculum also gives a fair chance to everyone irrespective of any objection. We get regular Assignments, homeworks to revise the taught topics. Also we have regular class test organised. The courses are very much industry Specific so we have a good time understanding the machines. Also we have Workshops which teach us to use commom machines and things like welding, grinding, Lathe machine, Drilling etc. I applied for CEE entrance examination and got a respectable rank which allowed me to get a seat in this prestigious college of Assam. We were called for counseling round where we had chosen our desired branch. It was 1st organised at AIE, Guwahati where we finalised our College and Branch. There are mainly 4 colleges under CEE exam. On 18th of July,2019 we went to our chosen college where we took our last step of admission, paying all our fees and finalising our seat. ",7.5 1282,Ainesh Sannidhi,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Most of the faculty are heavily involved with research aspects of their field of study. Hence they do have a good expertise of their fields. For our course we have had around 6 professors for each semester. Their average age I would say is around 45-50. They are all extremely qualified with many of them holding a doctorate or post doctorate at globally renowned institutes. Most professors are helpful and do provide good clarity for doubts but some are a bit headstrong and get annoyed by ‘silly doubts’. Many of the lecturers have a good amount of industry experience and do tell us about their experience and how certain things that we have been taught are useful and applied in the real world. I have learnt a lot of skills which I believe are necessary for computer science graduates and will be important to both get a job and work in the industry, such as via learning different programming languages. Various professors did expand on the industry application of the subject. As far placements are concerned our data structures and algorithms course will be very helpful for that. So far we haven’t had any industrial visits but I have interacted with both alumni and other people working at various organizations via events conducted by our college. ",8 1283,Rakshit kaushik,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"1. Graphic Era Deemed to be University is one of the reputable University accredited as ""A"" grade by NAAC and has recently achieved AIR 89th rank for engineering category and 97th Rank for University category in the NIRF rating 2020. With this the University has been accorded as the Highest ranked engineering university in Uttarakhand after IIT Roorkee and the highest ranked among all government and private universities in the state. This is what which made me to chose this university and persue engineering. 2. The campus infrastructure is also good and fascinating to attract masses. 3. I chose engineering as a carrer option as I love coding and decoding.1. B-tech is a 4 year programme and subjects are changed every semester. In 1 year subjects are to provide basic knowledge to students regarding every subject not particularly CS. Theoretical and practical classes are held for each subject. 2. Seminars and workshops are held to give additional and practical knowledge to students. An industrial visit is held every semester. 3. Faculty is quite cooperative and supportive and assist students whenever they are in a fix. 4. Mentor:- Ms. Parul Madan",8.3 1284,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The placement cell of the college i.e. career counselling and placement cell is really good. About every student get placed with an average salary of about 4-5 LPA. Many companies like amazon, TCS, Infosys and many more visit the college to hire students.The campus life is not so amazing as I thought it would be. The college. management is very dull. No actions are taken on time. Everything is delayed. No one follows the heirarchy. Also there are no extra events for students to check their skills.",7.5 1285,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Honestly my first sem got so many ups and downs in academics and personally too. I chose some wrong choices but I made some very good friend which all are sort of family now. But there's a thing they say wrong choices gives you the best experience to go on in your life and now I'm doing my best in my second sem.So the answer is my college is being a College Quite a rollercoaster ride which I'm lovingI'll have many reasons to choose the university but some of them are like faculties, place, environment, studies and infrastructure. Also the reputation of the college is really great. It's nirf rank was 24th in whole india when I joined last year",7.3 1286,Aishwarya Prakash,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],The hostel and campus life is actually nice and the technical fest aarohan is a nice one like a lot of enjoyment we have the dj night the night outs at that time virasat of the spic macay society really enthusiasing that promotes indian culture. Also we have Nityamini previously known as Recstacy which is one of the best fest of the yearWell as heard by the seniors we have good companies coming inn like reliance and even the internships are also wort taking part in. The seminars regarding that are also good. Companies like Microsoft Amazon do enter during the placement but it is for the lucky ones who grab it due to their talent.,7.7 1287,INDRA KUMAR SAHU,International Maritime Institute - [IMI],The course curriculum is according to Indian Maritime University under the action of DG SHIPPING GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. It's exam is conducted by IMU by DG SHIPPING GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. It is relevant for all which helps a cadet to get globalised .we get a chance to become global citizenship. This is how it is to relevant for all. Sir one have to pass the imu cet exam which takes place all over India to get the admission One must be in a merit list of that is to be generated by INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY Under the dghipping government of India. So to get admission. I got admission because I rank in this exam and my rank is 5642 all over India. ,9.5 1288,Abhishek Kumar,"Sagar Institute of Science and Technology - [SISTec] - Sagar Group of Institutions","I think my college fee structure is expensive in some way but feasible in other way. My overall fee structure is about 1. 5 lakhs for one year but for whole four years during B. Tech the fees for second, third and fourth years will be much more expensive. In start of the admission there is 5000 rupees deposited as a security money. Transparency in fee- breakdown is nominal. In context of gender ratio, I think there is nothing like that. Everyone is same, no any such things happened. As we all know that college life is always give us enjoying moments, in my college also life in campus is good and a very pleasant moments happen with the friends. And there is also extracurricular activities always happen in our college from time to time. ",9 1289,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Teachers in our college are very supportive to students. They are highly qualified and are good at teaching. They are knowledgeable, and they try to make every student understand the concept clearly. We have special seminar classes and clubs to increase the interaction and communication skills of students.The whole campus is Wi-Fi enabled. Spacious classrooms, a central library with a huge collection of books, well-equipped labs, and computer labs with 1,000 computers are available in the college. The greenery on the campus is well-maintained. Quality of food served in the canteen is good.",7.5 1290,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"There is 93% placement in our college, and the highest salary package offered was 27 LPA. Last year, one of our senior got a job at Amazon. Most of the students got selected in campus placements only. A lot of students were also offered internships. Most of the students show interest in doing internships and extracurricular activities.The campus life is not much enthusiastic. There are very rare events organised that also in a small classroom. There are no big events where actually students can enjoy. there are several restrictions on both boys and girls in the college premise.",7.5 1291,Student (Anonymous),Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College - [MVSREC],"Our course syllabus was updated one . Campus provide somewhat exposure to industrial exposure.Faculties are kind and they tell any number of times you ask till you understand but some faculty don't even answer any questionsIt is located in village so good atmosphere, good number of placements for cse and it.good experienced faculty .play ground is big enough to play.physical fitness will be there.all most all games are there in campus",5.8 1292,SUNBAR ALI,Scholar's Institute of Technology and Management - [SITM],"They have freshers party and sports week and a cultural fest called estatico every year. So they brings some local singers or local dj and celebrates one day in year. The sport week remains for one whole week. Like football vollyball. Running, high jump long jump etc etc happens. The also takes the students to the annual university comepetions.One can find lots of tribal girls in this college. Since its a engineering college so number of boys is higher than girls. They have a cultural fest called estatico every year. They regularly updates about the placement in the noticepboard. One can find less pressure of assignment here. ",6.3 1293,Soumyadip Mondal,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"A lot of alumni networks are almost as old as their alma maters. At the start, most of these associations were entirely voluntary, supported solely by individual alumni. Volunteers maintained mailing lists, collected dues to support activities, produced publications, organized events, and annual meetings. The world of Alumni Relations has come a long way since its inception in the early eighteenth-century. They became a vital part of most of the educational institutions now thanks to the efforts of many outstanding professionals in Alumni Relations. A good alumni network benefits the institution, current students, and as well as its Alumni. It is a win-win situation for everyone. I would like to conclude by saying that they are genuinely very helpful.Maintaining a positive relationship among students, teachers and the administrators creates a harmonious learning environment. When students are nurtured in such surroundings, they are likely to increase their intellectual accomplishments and learn more effectively. Cooperative engagement: Encourage cooperation and mutual support by getting learners to study collaboratively. When learners study in a group, they share their ideas and knowledge to complete an assignment. Support from the peer group also helps to boost learners’ confidence. Unlike learning in isolation where discouragement or a sense of hopelessness may set in, learning becomes more enjoyable when friends are able to help or motivate one another.",10 1294,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placements are pretty good considering students from Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. For branches like BT, CH, MME, CE the placement rates are relatively low.Many events take place throughout the year. The annual fest - Nityamini where reknowned artists, singers and comedians come. The two annual tech events namely Aarohan and Aavishkar. Further E Summit held by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell.",7.7 1295,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITD],"This is a institute of National Importance and much better than other private institutes. Quality of education and Chances of getting packages is higher as compared to other private colleges. As it is IIIT faculty is also high level and there is always chance of meeting greater personalities to meet & hear about their experiences and way to success.Now we are getting a new campus it is supposed to be fully high tech campus you will be connected to the internet at each & every corner of the campus , there will be ground to play the desired games and there will be large collection of books in libraries along with this it will also have health and fitness center.",7.7 1296,Student (Anonymous),Siddaganga Institute of Technology - [SIT],"It is above average i personally say, the course of curriculum is almost followed up to date but some lagging will be common ryt so its acceptable. The syllabus is not so updated but it is sufficient to survive in current industries. Faculties teaching is also good as they focus more on outcome based learning and concepts and they are also concerned about students they spend quality time in clearing doubts of students and help them in all ways related to the subject.It is very good i say with my personal experience, it is very fresh to roam around the campus with friends and peers. Coming to the fests and cultural activities they conduct every even sem without fail which will be wonderful to participate and enjoy. All actievely participate in such activities and the administration also support to arrange these activities in all ways.",8.7 1297,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"They are quite big and in this college surpasses many premier institutes such as IIT it organises almost all kind of cultural fest, diwali fete, E-Cell, Yuvaan, Engifest, Abhivyakti, Aahvan, Freshers Week, are events till now i experienced in first year and there are more to go such as robotics and machinery fest.High speed wifi, lushgreen 164 acres campus, great college life with hygenic canteen and cafe opened till 2 am at night there is total cleanliness and you will find a peace atmosphere, maintained sports complex also they are building new academics block, new hostels, B. DESdepartment, New SPS blocks",7.7 1298,Rudra Patel,Parul University,"Fees are quite expensive for my family as our family income to spend ratio is more so its quite more but overall its fine and also transportations and other fees are charged other than university and tution fees so its around 100-130k per year included transports.Campus life is amazing as the campus is one of the best campus in gujarat our campus has swimming pool, a auditorium, grounds, also university is forcing on entrepreneur cell to develope new ideas and new innovations also university is supportive towards students.",8.3 1299,Raman,Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - [GJUS&T],"Campus life is awesome. Gender ratio Is good compared to oyher engineering colleges. Crowd is good and mainly from Haryana state, so many students speak haryanvi language. Mainly Hindu religion can be seen here. University has gym, stadium, tennis court, volleyball court and basket ball court for sports. University has its library, auditorium, incubation center, cafeteria, shopping complex. Students can form groups in which they are interested such as coding, robotics, painting, dancing etc. Abvp and inso are the political parties here. Course is curriculum is good but not practical oriented. University is less ahead in research work. Exam structure is like two minors, practicals, and major exams for each semester. Student have to gain industrial knowledge themselves. Students do not depend on faculty here. University has its training and placement cell, it helps the student to get good placement in campus drive and even in off campus. No industrial visits are organized for the students. ",6.7 1300,Alan Reji,Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology - [VJCET],"Our college staff structure consist of approximately 300. Our new pricipal is a former isro scientist who hold a PHD. And also most of the department heads also hold phds in their current subjects. There are former employes in industries related to fibre optics etc. Most of the lectures have a good clarity on their subjects and can give us ideas on their subjects and also the future. The exam structure and curriculam is not much relevant. But it convey many of the subjects with is relevant and which is useful to the students. Our university is the kerala technological university and it is one of the best in kerala. Although the course carriculam is helpful in attaining campus placemnt. Yes, there are industrial visits which are organized by the college. ",7.2 1301,Sita Ram Shivam,Sagar Institute of Research and Technology - [SIRT],"Placement is quite above the average. But college make good and extra efforts during the placement every year. Also a level of companies visit like wipro, TCS, tech mahindra, indian navy, etc. Students of all branches get good placements upto 12 lacs. Average placement amount is around 3-5 lacs. And that's very impressive. For civil engineers there is a bonus point that they are placed the most. And talking about the efforts of college on students, which is very good. Regular activities of T&P cell are taken to check and improve the level of students. Also to work as an employ college invites company from 1st year to give experience to their students. For this work students are appreciated and provided a certificate to add it to their resume.I got admission in my college by interview and according to my 10th and 12th percentage. That was a good experience to be a part of such a good institute. I have persued IT BRANCH and that was my choice also. So I'm all happy. Also other branches are fabulous. The college infrastructure is awesome and environment is helpful. All my admission procedure gone through a safe and easy process. Also a fresher's seminar was conducted after that. This point was very well. Infact all the process was well coordinated.",8.2 1302,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The placements in our college are excellent. Almost 93% of the students got placed in the previous years. The maximum package offered was 27 lacs per annum. Companies like Amazon, Verlit, Infotech, etc, visit the college to offer placements. Many students got internships from college. Rs. 35,000 is the stipend offered during the internship. The college has excellent placement officers. They are very helpful to us in improving our skills.The infrastructure of our college is very good. Labs have all the instruments without fail. The library is the best place to study because of its cleanliness, and it has the best books. Medical facilities available in the college, and the hostels are very good. Wi-Fi facility is available in the college and hostel.I didn't face any difficulty with the college infrastructure and facilities.",7.7 1303,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college placements is very good. In our senior batch so many people were placed with the highest packages. Our senior batch were placed with a the highest package 27lakhs per annum. So many students were placed with 10lakhs per annum. Average salary offered in our college is 4lakhs per annum and the lowest salary is 2.5lakhs per annum. So many companies visited our campus such as Amazon, Google, cognizent, infosys, wipro ect.Faculty available in our college is highly qualified and very helpful to gain knowledge. Our teaching faculty gives us knowledge. They used to explain everything and clears all our doubts regarding the subject. The student teacher ratio is 20:1. our college faculty communication skills are extremely superb.",7.7 1304,Student (Anonymous),G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"Sport facilities are very good in my college. There is separate ground for each sport. There is a number of sports in my college like vollyball, cricket, football,footshell, badminton, basketball and there are also indoor games like chess, carom board etc. Wifi speed is good but it's range is less,there are 4 router at each floor.There have 100mbsp plans but they give almost 10mbsp speed if your stand in front of the router. Library of our college is too good,wild range of books of different courses. Equipments in labs are good and proper working. Labs are also big in size.Well maintainedI think aktu syllabus of b.tech is bit older than the today's skills which are required for this compitative world.It can be change.Many subject are irrelevant to the students who have already choosen a branch.Aktu should update their syllabus.No,we have not provided enough industrial exposure. Faculties are very good in their jobs.They help us a lot.",7.5 1305,Student (Anonymous),Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I chose this college because It was the last option I was left with because I wanted to go Rajasthan for my studies. The college has good student reviews on different educational platforms. The college is well connected to public transport, so it was easy to reach college.Placements record is very good. Last year a package of 16 lacks is offered to a computer science student and average is around 6-7 lacks. College also provided internship for the students of pre final year. And college is very supportive in the whole placement process.",7.8 1306,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Placements in college are good. The college takes care of each and every student until the student gets placed in top MNCs. They train every student to get placed and there is a separate team for placements which helps us to get jobs in an easy way. They show their hard work and presence.Infrastructure is average because this area comes under air force so they can not build more than 4 floors. Wi-Fi is available, labs are under construction & library is average, have more than 6 hostels, no proper sports ground is there. The classrooms are average in condition.",7.3 1307,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The management does not organise events for students. No festival is celebrated inside campus. There are several college club which try to organise but it is denied by the higher authorities. Only Conferences, Debtaes and workshops are organised in a small classroom.While checking for colleges on sites, I found about Bharath University. It has the course I wanted to opt for, also the fees was low as compare to other colleges. The placement were advertised as 93% in top companies. So I decided to go to this college.",7.3 1308,Sravan,Presidency University,Monthly thers is one event in my college maximum the will celebrate they celebrate the college ethanic day culturl activites are some popular celebrity has come to my college more the th will celebrate good with dj music and dance persoming they modify with good lights to celebrate the functionsWork shop and culture activites maximum will do in our college there nobteligion all are equal in my college there is no sexual orientation politics and In our college all are equal student diversity there is no race held in our college in our college it is in quality and Standerds,8.5 1309,RONIT SINGH CHOUDHARY,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"We have a great campus life in the day time as we get a lot of time to explore but it doesn't have a much worthy night life in our college there are many clubs organising many events like model club organises every robotics related events we have our arts club and sports club apart from that our college have its own annual magazine srijan. Our college lacturers took at least 200 lecture for each subject along with this we also need to take the practical knowledge and we were also taught the use of AUTOCAD, NX GRAPHICS etc. Many technical specification lactures are also organised in the college so that we can get the technical knowledge too. And become market worthy. ",8.5 1310,Piyush kumar,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"College has very big campus of about 700 acres. And the bonding between students are so good. As it is an engineering college so it has slightly low sex ratio. The college provide the one of the finest incubation centre of jharkhand where a student can furnish his brain about startups and all. It also has more than 30 workshops but some of them are not functioning properly due to lack of maintenance. Bit Sindri organises Cultural event called BIT sharad utsav in which so many cultural activities like drama, dance, songs are performed by students of our college. Our college also organises event for social cause like ERC organised by Rotary Dhanbad in association with Rotary Sindri. It also organises technical fest called Shandhan, Triveni by technical clubs of college. ",8 1311,Student (Anonymous),Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"Placement of this college is good in various branch and medium in some brunch. CSE, ECE and IT are placed in various it sector with good lpa but in core branch like CE,ME and EE are placed in some core company or IT company by medium lpa. Most of students placed in various company. 80% of students got placement. And our alumni are so helpful and helpings students in job refferal. Some company like TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, Godrej,Biju, Amazon etc are visited our college and gave job opportunity with good lpa.The campus infrastructure is very good there has three play ground and many clubs in the college. The labs are most beautiful and filled with sufficient equipments.The building was awesome and the environment is healthy. College provided free wifi. And it has central library that was very big and collection of every type of book.",9.2 1312,Student (Anonymous),Jadavpur University - [JU],"One of the best in the country. The professors are really qualified and all of them teach reall well. The curriculum is not that well updated, but its still relevant. Since most of the students are the CREAM of the state, so academics is bound to be good. Maximum students either bag high salary jobs during placements, or they go for higher education to premier institutes of the country and abroad.The placements are great. All the big core companies hire students from jadavpur university. Around 80% students get placed and the the alumni network is really great. Jenusndks usndudnsis ushjsusisis hsjnsusodhiebs heinsiskwb.shysbsue usbusbsos hns sisngs.hushe8sbs niskbsis.dngshisbdid.bue d jsidbisbfosbdusms. Husheudnfosnjs",8.3 1313,Aman Kumar,Parul University,My college is feasible and fee is less as compared to other colleges in country. Tution fee for 4 years is around 5 lakh and one can read 4 years in 9 lakh including all the charges like hostel and books etc Fees can be paid online on their website or one can pay it from challan in the branch of bank located inside campus. Fee Structure and all charges including GST are fairly shown in website o college if student can login using their ID.Each year has 2 semester and classes are continued for six months and ar the end of semester exams are followed and project reports need to be submitted lectures are good one should join all lectures they are very benifit or you need to join tution. Do online courses during studies to get more experience it will benifit a lot. there are lot of drives are arranged by college one should join it as they are very beneficial.,7.8 1314,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"There are no types of entertainment in campus. No freshers party, No culturals fests, No hostel day, No celebration of festivals. I mean, nothing in name of entertainment. Only Conferences, Debates and workshops are conducted that also for toppers who actually want to know.I joined Bharath University at the last moment, i mean in the end of july. Actually, I applied for many places but all were having high fees due to which my father was not allowing. Then I chose Bharath because fees was also feasable and also has good placement records.",7.3 1315,Tejeswar,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],Only a few cultural programms only celebrate in the college and the college doesnot show much interest on the festivals and others regarding functions. only they celebarte 1 festivals in a whole year. And 1 cultural programm in the year. While doing any functions all the students combine and celebrate it. The course curriculum is good and the exam structure is depends on the student talents and college faculty had must complete their syllabus portion on the time and they give a correct and gives as much as knowledge to students. They had been encourage the students in all social activities. ,7.3 1316,Student (Anonymous),CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"Our college life good, every day I am going to learn new things everyday I am going to participate in every sports Challenge games and every Saturday our college going to participates quizzes and and our college going to encourage every student to do anything that there more interestedI had interest to join in this college,and in this college I get more opportunities to get job.By joying in this college we can improve future bright.And the passion we had to learn in this types of colleges. The teachers are more interested to teach the students",10 1317,Student (Anonymous),Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences - [ANITS],"I would rate the placements in my college 7 out 10 which is quite good. Most the students get placed in software companies except for a few who who choose sales and marketing oriented jobs. The highest package was 25lpa which was offered by amazon and only 2 students from CSE got recruited. The placement process is very hectic and stress full to almost all the students.My college have all the basic equipment whether it may be classrooms, laboratories, sport center, gym and hostel. Wifi is not available for students but available for Faculty. All the living spaces are clean and are taken care with everyday cleaning. Renovation of the college is taking place these days. The college is going to be with its new look after its renovation.",8.3 1318,Sanjay kareer,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"Through JEE advanced I got admission to IIT Bombay. My course consists of 8 semesters each of which consists full of academic and so much extra curriculum like sports, cults, etc. I chose this institute because I had a nice rank in JEE advanced and it's ranking. Once you qualify for your examination you will have to report to your nearest IIT for document verification. After completing the fee payment you just finally have to report in your chosen IIT.Campus life is awesome as every facility is provided by IIT. I agree IIT has less gender ratio of 1 is to 5 than girls is to boys. We get a lot of extracurricular time with respect to the time we used to prepare for jee advanced. We enjoy all of our activities. Seniors organize sports, technical and many competitions like inter hostel, inter-college.",9.2 1319,Sajith NF,Panimalar Engineering College,"Good placement and strict college, college has a good campus, good hostel, good food quality, neat campus, college will give good placement, college recruited tonnes of experienced teachers, loving, good character, care taker, moderate fees structure,Our campus was literally so big, eco friendly, water recycling and green campus,we have a large campus we play and rome a lot in a campus with my friends, our friends used to spend lot of time in the campus because the campus is big and eco friendly.",9.2 1320,Aalok Nautiyal,Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],"The course of this college is framed by AICTE. Cousre is updated every year or two to provide latest curriculum. Faculty here is very supportive. They help students to prepare for not only university exams but to be good humans. Some best professors are-Dr Desh Deepak Tripathi(Applied Science), Dr SN Mishra (applied science Mathematics), Dr SK Singh(Applied Science Chemistry)Campus life is good in campus. Senior junior relation is best here. College holds departmental as well as college level fests time to time with ENCORE,the annual fest with determination. Level of the programs organised are quite of good level. Participants from other colleges also showcase their talent.",9 1321,Student (Anonymous),RISE Krishna Sai Gandhi Group of Institutions,Our college is going with good exclusively infrastructure like full of greenery and The college blocks are providing with good projector classes.The college is being done the exposure like enhance the corporate exposure by visiting the industries.The course syllabus is worth it. It is very well explained by the teachers who are very well experienced in their field of interest. Some of the faculty members have an experience of more than 10 years. The academics is awesome.,8.5 1322,Student (Anonymous),College of Engineering,"Infrastructure is so nice,i think the college spreads over 120 archers of land.The govt as well as the alumini organisation gives much support for the college financialy.so the college always keeps developing.For every dept. There is wifi facility.and there is well known physical dept. In the college,college have best team in every sport.There is a lot of clubs are also working here.The library contains a huge collection of books.The main events in the college are 3D,s.Disha Dwani Drishti. Disha is for freshers,it is an cultural event,an interdepartment competition is helps the freshers to make bonds with their seniors and to increase the unity Dwani is the main event in our college it is also an cultural event,this is an big budget event.this year we lost arman malik's show because of the corona and Lock down. Drishti is technical fest.",7.7 1323,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The placements are average. The placement of senior batch was also average except for one student who got placed at amazon with a salary package of 27 Lacs. Amazon, American express, HCl, Byjus, Hexaware, LTI, value labs, Kumaran system, Jaro education, indigo, IndusInd bank, royal Enfield & many more comapnies visited previous year as mentioned by the admission officer.The Faculty in our department are good, knowledge and well qualified. They will give their ideas about which company wants which domain and shares their thoughts with us. They are very friendly with the students. The course curriculum is revised every year.",7.5 1324,Prateek Bansal,Samrat Ashok Technological Institute - [S.A.T.I],"Scholarship are only given to obc and sc st students. The general people have to face problems here. You have to pay college fees and exam fees only by union bank, I don't know there is a commission given by union bank to director of this college or not but, you have only one option of union bank. Because of this almost every student has to face issues. Campus is very bad, the water drainage system of this college is very bad. At the time of monsoon the whole college campus becomes a lake. Orientation programme is good, not excellent. Sports are good in this college, there is NCC for interested students but every year there is a great competition for going in NCC. ",3.5 1325,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Placement is very good,once you come to Delhi technological University then do not think much about placement just focus on studies because college placement department work very hard for placement of its students and you will definitely get good Placement here if you have talent.Our course curriculum is very good not many college courses are updated as ours. Faculties are also very good and they are very good at teaching and explaining but at last all depends on you how careful are you about your study. Labs are enough good,very well equipped.",9.2 1326,Shlok,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"Each year the number of subjects in each semester are six to seven. In our college, daily six lectures are scheduled. The faculty members of the respective subjects are very good and have a lot of experience in the teaching field. The faculty members of the respective subjects also have industrial experience. Curriculum is based on Savitribai Phule University Pune. The mode of exam is written and includes internal accessment. According to the changed format (2019 Course), there are two semesters in a year, each comprising of In-Sem and End-Sem exams which are of 30 marks and 70 marks respectively. ",7.7 1327,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Many companies visit our college every year,last year approx 200+ companies visited our campus.Our placement department work really very hard for placement of its students.some of the big companies visited our college last year was Honda,Hundai, Suzuki,etc I am talking about these companies because I am in mechanical engineering department.Because It's mechanical engineering is best in Asia,It has good Placement record approx 95% of total students get placed every year,here about 200 companies visit our campus every year in which many come recruitment of Mechanical engineers. College is situated in big city so we get many benefits of this also.",8.5 1328,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastucture is somewhat good. Our classroom are not so spacious and not Air conditioned, no proper drinking water is available. The block has no CCTV for security purposes. The laboratories are currently closed due to construction. There are only few classes with smart boards. The canteens are not so clean and hygienic.The campus life is really boring with no entertainment. There is no proper place to sit with friends. The college does not organise any fest or cultural functions for students. We didn't even had any freshers party for new batches. The canteen is small which is always crowded by staffs and students.",7.7 1329,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I don't know much about the placements, but the college is advertising with 93% of placements. The highest salary package offered was 27 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 12,000 per month. Amazon was the top recruiting company visited in our placements. Top roles offered were a software developer and testing.The infrastructure in our department is pretty good. The classrooms are peaceful, there is Wi-Fi, but students won't access that and library is available with thousands of volumes of books, and it is a great place to sit there and study. I don't know about hostels because I used to stay in the outside room.",7.7 1330,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I dont have much idea but yes, we have good placements. We have placement training classes from second year by different institutes where we can learn more skills like communication skills and apptitude also. We have a supportive atmosphere from placement cell of our college.Teachers here in Bharath are well qualified and some of them have more than 25+ experience. They are apt for teaching, and they may help the university students to learn by providing all facilities and by teaching practically. The curriculum is updated.",7.8 1331,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],The syllabus was basic engineering syllabus for freshers. In the upcoming years you get the syllabus related to your course which was selected. The faculties are quite good and explain everything without hesitation. They have extra language as japanese the faculty of japanese was Geetha Srinivasan.Not yet received any company affiliations but they said they will get us to good companies for placements and other progress regarding our academic performance and our curriculum activities. Hope they prefer a good job referrals for the upcoming years.,6.8 1332,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Because I have very much interest in Automotive Engineering, and Delhi technological University is well known for its mechanical engineering. It has very good placement records. Delhi technological University also provide good exposure and opportunities to those who are interested in Automotive Engineering because it has many societys for mechanical engineering. Best thing is that it good Placement records.Our campus life is amazing specially if you are hostler you are going to love DTU campus life. Our college fests are literally very amazing infact it is one of the best fests of North India. Our college and societys organise many fests every year. Extracurricular activities are also very good we get very much exposure here.",8.3 1333,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Being in first year, I don't know that much but I have heard from my seniors that the course curriculum is outdated. Many of the faculty members are not as good. However, few of them are quite good. Most of what you learn here is from your friends and classmates. Its not academically very rigorous, which gives students time to pursue their interests and see which field suits you the most. Our college also gives a great industry exposure. Many alumni of our college are working in top MNCs like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. Some of our alumni are now IAS, IPS. Some are doing MBA from from IIMs. Some doing research(number of these are few). Founder of Paytm is an alumni of DTU.You can easily get a loan. There is an SBI Bank inside the campus, making it more easier for you. Also there is a need based scholarship, that you can apply in first and third year. But this scholarship cover only your tuition fees. It will not cover the hostel fees as well as the maintenance fees(not sure about maintenance fees). Also there are few other merit based scholarship, but generally the amount that one gets of such scholarships is low.",8 1334,Sundeep Chand,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The curriculum & faculties are okayish. Cannot be considered at par with IIITs, but still you get a lot of free time here which you can utilize to learn the things you need on your own. The coding environment here is superb. Most of the students here are involved in coding, be it competitive or development. As well as the campus placement scenario is good here.The placement here are good. If you have decent coding skills, then you can very easily grab an offer from some tech company. You may also get international offers, but that's very rare and largely depends on your skills. Several non-tech companies also come here. So if you are not interested in core engineering, you may opt for them.",9 1335,Kamalesh,Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,"I got seat in this college because of merit list. I got 5050 rank in ap eamcet and I got seat, this is one of the best institution in andhrapradesh, this is autonomous college. I am selected the electronics course in b. tech. Because I am intrested in electronics and I want to build a own project. I submitted the applications of tenth, inter and t. c for the admission in college and I paid 5000 for admission fee. Every year our college celebrates farewell, freshers and teacher day. and some inspiring events by professionals Recentky our college arranges a 3-days festival that is satkarya. on that festival students participate in dance, singing, drama and many other cultural activities. And a speech by our college topper and a famous person attended the festival. ",7.3 1336,Student (Anonymous),Haldia Institute of Technology - [HIT],"More than 90% of the students of CSE department are placed annually with a the highest placement of 14 Lpa and average of 4 LPA. The mass recruiting companies for CSE are INFOSYS, WIPRO, IBM. Other companies also provide jobs to CSE students as every technology company can hire a CSE graduate. The future of students from this college is set for life.The fees structure is totally feasible. It is moderate and affordable. The hostel fees is moderate. The college also provides scholarship for challenged students and also for other fields. I opted this college because of its excellent placement history and it's atmosphere.",8.5 1337,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"With the campus life out there in the college,I have friends across India and the institution is Very friendly in deed and provides us with immense dedication towards academics. Events are very rare in our college. Also events are organised in a small smart classroom where only participants allowed and no audience.In the CSE department, facilities are very good, like smart classrooms, Wi-Fi. There are well-equipped labs for separate subjects and 1,000 computer in a computer lab for CSE student. The quality of the food in our hostel mess is average. The medical facilities are good. There is a separate coach for each game.",8 1338,Student (Anonymous),AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,"The university syllabus was recently updated and now credit system is followed by the university. Yes, the college organizes an industrial visit in every semester for one or two times for exposure to industrial work. The faculty provides a lot of support to the students in their academics as well as for future.There are lots of facilities in the campus. There are various sports played in our campus including cricket, basketball, football, kabaddi, and many more. The labs and library are very well disciplined and clean. There is also a gym for the students and teachers in the campus.",8.8 1339,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"College and hostel infrastructure is very good, and a lot of facilities like Wi-Fi, hostel and canteen are available. College infrastructure is good, but the campus area is very less. Classrooms are okay and library facilities are good. Labs facilities are better, and they don't provide sports and games facilities.We have good placements. we have placement training classes from second year by different institutes where we can learn more skills like communication skills and apptitude also. We have a supportive atmosphere from placement cell of our college. Previous year around 93% students got placed.",7.8 1340,Student (Anonymous),AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,"The placement opportunities are quite good and companies such as amazon visitour college and even there is quite good placement cell which will keep you updated about the ongoings in the college, maximum placement are for computer, it, E&TcThe updated course syllabus is really good even better from the previous one and it also includes better knowledge of all the streams it also includes induction program and therefore it was the part which provides the moat benefits",8.7 1341,Student (Anonymous),"Cochin University of Science and Technology, School of Engineering -[SOE] Thrikkakara","I am student of B.Tech program in the departments of computer science. My curriculum is updated and includes all recent developments in my field of computer science. Quality of teaching is standard, teachers are good in their subject. What i am studying and also some extra curriculum makes me job ready.The total campus area is 180 acre and it's full of greenness that is the best part here. There is no separate ground for cricket and football however you can enjoy badminton court here. The college held many fest like tech fest,cultural fest and a large no of student participate in it.",8.7 1342,Student (Anonymous),AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,The placements are great compared to many colleges in the city or under the university.Tough they are not the best.The placement cell is working on the increment of the placement. The college provides for various activities for development of a student for placementWe had many industrial visits in very first year of our course.We had subjects like workshop which help in learning things other than academics. Subjects taught are very convenient and the teachers help students in understanding them.,8 1343,Student (Anonymous),Rewa Engineering College - [REC],"The course is affiliated with RGPV. The course is well updated and designed nicely. The syllabus gives knowledge and prepare student of overall development. The syllabus gives practical knowledge rather than theoritical knowledge. As I am in 1st year I haven't visit or heard about any industrial exposure. But there might be industrial exposure for higher semester. The faculty are one of the finest and well qualified and expert in their subject. They take regularly theory and practical classes. They interact with students in quite friendly nature. Upto now I only able to meet with junior professors and liked his teaching techniques ""Mr.Jayprakash"".The college has campus size of 250 acres. Though it has biggest campus size and not well maintained. There is greenery in campus but not well maintained. The college has three - four wifi setup. The WiFi is available in college campus with unlimited data usage. The college has two types of library that is online and simple library. The library size is good but the books are not updated with the time. The labs are well maintained and clean with regular practice.",4.7 1344,Student (Anonymous),Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"My per semester fees is Rs. 98000,and on the basis of my matriculation marksheet I got a scholarship of 40% and after educement of amount I only have to pay Rs. 58800 per semester. My family financial situation is not good so I decided to take a education loan and all it's necessities were provided by the college to me in a quick basis. Scholarships can also be gained from LPUNEST, sports background any national achievement etc as well.Simply I can compare it with mammoth. I mean huge and well maintained campus with all the basic facilities available. All the buildings were well maintained and there's an hygienic arrangements of water coolers, washrooms were hygienic and all the necessities were there I mean the tuck shop where one get all the essential items of their studies and also accompanied labs were there with all the systems and equipment's well working.",8.3 1345,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"1) 80% placement. 2)the highest package: -27lakhs per annum from Amazon ; the lowest:-2,5 lakhs per annum; Average:-4-5lakhs 3) Amazon, Infosys, L&T, Tech Mahindra, TCS are top recruiters. 4)The top roles offered in course were some highly responsible positions mainly from Amazon Nearly 60% of the students got internship from Zomato, TCS.Teachers here are well qualified, and there is good communication between students and teachers. Teachers can interact with students while solving problems, etc, and their teaching is good. On every special day, our college conducts programs like dance, songs, sports and games, which can make students ready for any kind of industry.",7.5 1346,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"In this era, campus placement holds great importance for students and institutes. It helps a great foundation for students as well for professors. The average salary package offered is 3 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Infosys and TCS visit our campus for placements. The major role offered to the students is a developer. The highest salary package offered is 27 LPA.Wi-Fi is the best here. Labs are good. Classrooms are good and air-conditioned. There is a well-equipped library, and it is good and always offers a peaceful environment. In the hostel, the food served is good, and the weekly twice non-vegetarian dish is served. They are giving and allotting food with calories. Canteen is the best.",7.8 1347,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Facilities and infrastructure available for our course are very good, but they are not high class. Labs are equipped with fast Wi-Fi facility, and the classrooms are also very good. In the hostel, the facilities are superb, and the food served is somewhat good. The entire campus is enabled with free Wi-Fi facility.Teachers here are very good, very helpful and very friendly. They are well qualified and knowledgeable, and they help us a lot in our studies. The course curriculum is also updated, and it surely makes students industry-ready. The course curriculum doesn't put much pressure on the students.",7.7 1348,Shivshankar,JSS Science and Technology University -[JSSSTU],"There are lot of events which ic take place in our college. 1. Tuxedo : it's conducted by IEEE club. It's one of the best and awesome event of our college 2. JAYCIANA: it is popularly known as mini dasara of Mysuru, it is the annual cultural festival of our college, which is entirely organised by the students, spearheaded by elected student representatives. JAYACIANA churns a buzz of activity in the final weeks of the term, driving students crazy to exhibit their hidden talents. And many more events.Course curriculum is fine. As it's an autonomous college, it has well defined and structured courses curriculum, which is easy to adopt. Talking about exam structure, there will be 3 Written Internals in one semester and also 2 events in one semester. The written internals will be of 20 marks.",8.7 1349,Student (Anonymous),UV Patel College of Engineering - [UVPCE],"According to new research from Prospects 26% of final year students have lost their internships as a result of the pandemic. In the survey of nearly 5,000 students and graduates, almost two-thirds of final year students feel negative about their future careers, while the majority reported that they are lacking in motivation (83%) and feel disconnected from employers (82%). Their biggest concerns are that there will be fewer jobs, internships or apprenticeship opportunities in their chosen industries. It's hard to see the positives at the moment, especially if you've lost out on an internship, work placement or work shadowing opportunity but there are a number of things you can do to build your skills and gain experience during lockdown.terms of infrastructure, SRCC is one of the best colleges in the country matching international standards. It is one of the few colleges in the University of Delhi which has upgraded its classrooms to facilitate teaching through modern tools and techniques. The College has centrally air conditioned classrooms with Wi-Fi enabled LCD projectors, tutorial rooms, library, a state-of-the-art seminar room and a fully equipped auditorium with seating capacity of over 750 persons. The College takes pride in being a differently-abled friendly campus with new ramps, lifts and special washrooms added to the building. Also, the College has various facilities to address the reading, hearing and understanding requirements of various students.",6.7 1350,Student (Anonymous),Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology - [RAIT],The extra curricular activities are equally active in the college. Many competitions and events are regularly organised by the students for promoting the extra curricular activities. Anyone who wishes to explore themselves should consider going to RAIT.Good placement are offered where students can learn and excel in the field. Teachers keep track of the students progress and whereabouts at the placements. We are also marked fairly for the job done. And also tpc helps to build our job profile.,8.5 1351,Md Zeeshan Ali,Government Engineering College - [GEC],"Due to lesser amount of fees and it is a government college of Bihar state government,it is new college and it's faculty members are very good in nature they are always supportive,I opted for civil engineering because I like this type of courses which includes environment roads, Bridges,dams, barrage, building,etc.Ultratech Cement,DRDO visited my college and offered placements for 3rd and 4th year students,only 2 or 3 students got placed in Ultratech and 1 student in DRDO.Placement is not good in my college, placement process is call in interview.Not good alumni networking for job referrals",7.7 1352,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Our college infrastructure is really very good.Here labs are good,A big library which open till 9 pm,Large sports complex which includes badminton courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, cricket ground,etc.Our college has really good infrastructure you can search it on googlePlacement of our college students are really good our college have set many records in term of placement.Large number of companies visit here,last year approx 200 companies visited our college so you need not to worry about placement.",8.3 1353,Student (Anonymous),Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],Good books and syllabus is followed with detailed information about the subject. GP sir is my personal favourite teacher with a good experience in his subject and he always motivated students. The college is away from market expendituresIt’s because its near my house with a good faculty and best college in Udaipur with all co-curricular activities. Also it has a good hostel facilities and high placement with low tution fees. They also provide scholarships,9.3 1354,Student (Anonymous),SNJB's College of Engineering Chandwad,"It has the great infrastructure and the campus I ever seen. It has biggest sports ground and all the sports facilities are available. There is the wifi facility is available in campus for students and staff. Seriously, It has the biggest library in which the all necessary books are available. Nearly the 220 to 240 students can seat at a time. It has saperately department wise Labs. and has best canteen.It's seems that all the Curriculum, Academics and faculties are best. SNJB has all the updated syllabus which must have. Recently In computer branch the PYTHON is newly updated. Now, the SNJB got the permission to start Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from 2020-21.",9.7 1355,Shine Barbhuiya,Barak Valley Engineering College - [BVEC],The course is not super smooth but that's the traditional way of learning. I am not a fan of Indian courses as they don't provide a logical curriculum. Learning 2-3 languages per semester is not required for real. The way these courses are layout is not cool. There should be a change in the approache towards making the course.No official support for sports yet. Most of us play by ourselves without official equipments. The college is lagging in this regards. The labs are not completed yet but we do the lab work without any lack of materials. They have all the necessary items stored in the lab.,4.2 1356,Supraja pachava,"Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam IIIT Ongole Campus - [RGUKT]","Every year there will be a cultural fest. Which includes technical, cultural events, fun games, xplode, flashmob, treasure hunt, pre events before the fest. This will be of three days. In middle for every festival there will be small fests which includes fun games, spot painting, rangoli, Technova, quiz competitions etc.There are good placements in our campus. As a cse student I can say about my branch. Famous companies like infosys, TCS, Intell, Google, Microsoft etc comes for campus placements . My university doesn't provide any internships. Students have to move to other place for the better training.",6.7 1357,Student (Anonymous),Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College - [PSVPEC],"We are taught the syllabus that is prescribed to us from the Anna University. But our staff take extra effots in teaching the concepts in-depth and avail us with exta information. We are given good exposure to the industrial side of our course as we are allowed to participate in hell a lot of inter-collegiates and our college itself conducts various technical events and competitions often. All our staff are equally good and am really confused as to whom I should speak of and whom to leave as all our staff are proficient and skillful in the field for a long time.I just loved to the moon and back.this form isnt enough to speak of it. Our college is a good place to nurture your extra curricular and technical skills at the same time. Even during this lockdown we are given oppurtunities to take up aptitude tests, coding tests, etc. We are also given lifetime subscription to Udemy and are taught various coures through an international firm for courses called Coursera.",9.5 1358,Atul,Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences - [Karunya Deemed University],"The job opportunity in our college is good it almost has 95% job placement and if u have no arrears in ur final year u can make it to the placement in our college,there are many companies like tcs, amazon, ibm,nestle giving job opportunity in our college.According to me course curriculum is a bit not upto the standards,the teaching and the staff members are good,but the facilities and labs are exceptionally good, The staff members are very friendly and kind always good and explains our doubts anytime.",8.3 1359,Student (Anonymous),VIT University - [VIT- AP],Curriculum is very good and gets updated accordingly industrial requirements and our teachers are well trained to give us what we need the most. They encourage us to learn by ourselves so that we can understand the concept in a better way.The oppurtunities are very good as many companies visit our college for placements and when u attend ur placements u will be well trained to attend the placements if u are very good at academics u will get an offer above 6lk per annum,8 1360,Student (Anonymous),BMS Institute of Technology and Management - [BMSIT],"Placements are good many companies visited the campus like amazon, sap labs etc and they take students who are really intelligent and give good salaries too, they have a cutoff for cgpa so if you have good cgpa you can sit in the placementSports facility is not that good, wifi is everywhere, library is good enough and lab are good too, there are 2 physics lab and 2 chemistry labs, 2 computer labs in every branch and campus is full of trees but college canteen is not good",7.7 1361,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Our college has set a record of 100 percent placement but generally our Placement record is approx 95 percent.Aproxx 200 companies visit our college every year.Some big companies are Google,Facebook,apple, Amazon,etc.Our placement department is very good they work hard for placement of students.We have a very wonderful alumani networkCampus life is extremely good (amazing),Our college event is one of the best event in North India.Our main fests are Engifest, Literature fest.YUVAN, sports fest.AVAAN.Extracurricular activities are very good you will get very much exposure here.",8.3 1362,Student (Anonymous),Government College of Engineering - [GCOEA],"Faculty is good. But i think the syllabus need to be updated. Being Autonomous college it has enough Industrial exposure. But its not that much. The curriculum include sports like cricket etc. The students arrange two annual festivals, a technical festival call Prajwalan and a cultural festival called Zenith. Syllabus need to be updated.The students arrange two annual festivals, a technical festival call Prajwalan and a cultural festival called Zenith. Those programs are arranged by students. They are pretty good. But like other college they are not big There is JYOT foundation which is organization of student. This is social organization. Helping needy.",8.2 1363,Student (Anonymous),Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University - [DBATU],Campus life is too good. I am having my best time here.Also we have the event like Cynosure and Indradhanushya in which student can potray thire skills. It's fully technical event. It's amazing and outstanding to be the part of event. Even sports event are there and University sports are also held. Yes it's safe.The quality of placement is average as our college is out of city so not many companies visit.The highest package is about 5-7 lacks for computer student.and College is very supportive. If you didn't gets placed then some teachers will recommend other placements opportunities.,8.2 1364,Student (Anonymous),Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"If you are expecting a great campus life,then NSEC is not a place.College annual sports is not up to the mark,nost of the times it doesnt even happen. College give freshers welcome to students with a limited budget, there is a annual cultural fest - MESMERIZER and different other departmental allumni meets. But, the largest one is out tech fest - Avenir, in which there is a huge participation from different colleges and is quite popular.Many companies including the biggies like microsoft and amazon visits our college but mass recruitment takes place either in TCS or CTS.Alumni network is good for CSE,IT and ECE.The college has an active entrepreneur cell which aids students interested in startups.",6.2 1365,A.Neha Reddy,K L University - [KLU],"There is a fibre speed wifi which is useful for downloading the softwares.library has seven floors with reference books and top authors bestselling novels and some books in department wise.sports such as cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, throwball, tennis,cartons,chess,taekwendo and gym facility for girls and boys seperately with good equipment.Each year they update the course syllabus and once you get into the respective department you'll be free and they are ncc,nss,dance,music,acting and extensional activities club.sports such as cricket, football, basketball,throwball, volleyball,tennis, badminton,taekwendo,chess,carrrom board etc",9.8 1366,Rohan Sharma,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],An awesome place to build an awesome you. The environment here is full of new experiences. You will get to face a whole new lot of things that will lead you to a path of something great. In this college you're on perfect path to success.You get a whole lot of activities here. You can actually extract the best out of you just by moving into various clubs and groups. They are well designed to pull out all your hesitation and polish yourself into an awesome personality.,8.2 1367,Amaljith Gireesh C P,"Cochin University of Science and Technology, School of Engineering -[SOE] Thrikkakara","For the first year students and In many departments, Lack ofpermanent faculty is seen.For First year students it is quite Disappointing With Low Quality of Lecturing.Course Curriculum Is strict With Academic Brilliance and Attendance. Exam structure is With 8 Sem examination and Internal Examinations. Internal Examinations Questions are made by subject teachers.Freshers Day, Kerla's Bigggest Onam Celebration, TedX Cusat, Vipanjika, Tech Fest, Etc. Among Engineering Colleges in Kerala And All over India. CUSAT has their own place in rate of Placement As reported by many News channels. There was a 50% Placement Hike last year reported in IT department with a Highest per annum income of 18lakh.",8.3 1368,Vishesh gupta,NRI Institute of Information Science and Technology - [NIIST],"There are many events are celebrating in a campus like holi, lohri, annual function, sports meets, or meny event or program are organising in college campus. Hare sometimes technically, cultural, management festivals are also will be held and lot of entertainment or enjoyment are going on in a campus.Its so simple, first u fill the form and submit in there office.and causing by any advices with teachers or students in their college. And knowing about that college. It wiil good for you ou not. Or luring time, facilities, classes, events, projects all about the college.",5.7 1369,Student (Anonymous),Siddaganga Institute of Technology - [SIT],"Well its absolutely green and has a peaceful environment,which has a wifi connection which has approximately 5mbps speed which is more than enough for student as well as office needs,it has a well curated books in library and has a wide space for reading, college is also facilitated with well equiped equipments in labs and has around 130 computers in labs for higher sems(for CSE students)Well it is the exciting part for me and one of the reason for my joining to this institute recently our seniors 5 of them got placed in CISCO company which offered them 29Lpa. Some of the reputed companies which visits our institution are Amazon,Target,IBM,VMware,Accenture,Siemens,Bosch,Redbus,Byjus,MiQ Digital,Nuclie,Shell etc.",9.3 1370,Student (Anonymous),Arya College of Engineering and IT - [ACEIT],"Infrastructure is not good as other private colleges of Rajasthan have their well developed and maintained infra.Hostel facilities are not so well and mess food is worst thing.There are 3 boys hostel,2are in campus and 1 is outside the campus.Hostels are expensive also,One should prefer PG over hostel.All the mandatory equipments are present in library,Water suppy is regular in mess and digital library is also present in our college.Placements are good in our college.Training and placement cell is doing great work in improving the percentage of no of students placed.Vocabulary and communication skills training session are held so student can also make command on communication which is very important part of interview.Many companies visit the campus and student are placed at an average package of 4-4.5 lakh which is good figure in engineering.",8.5 1371,Student (Anonymous),Techno India University,Campus life is pretty go easy and fun in TIU. You can have a happy go like life and live smoothly. The college treats you as an adult and gives you the freedom of choosing your own life. You will make friends and some will remain with you forever.Only for computer science and engineering branch placement with average pacakage of 6 LPA is there. And for other branches no core company come here for placements. So if you will want to go for this college you should opt for computer science.,8.5 1372,Student (Anonymous),Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya - [BPSMV],"I choose this university because it is government approved and the environment is good for girls as it is the first north india university for girls which is providing nursery to PHD. Teachers are very supportive and encourage girls towards better future and become self independent.Yes, financial aid is also available and loan facility is so easy without any long procedure. If you had good score in your boards you will get the scholarship apart from these if you are doing well in semester exams you will got the scholarship.",7.7 1373,Student (Anonymous),College of Engineering - [COEP],"The course curriculum is pretty hard and intense compared to the other universities. Since ours is an Autonomous Institution, the syllabus and the question paper is pretty tough. The faculties are of great help when approached with doubts. They always have a welcoming face towards the students.Our campus has wifi facility all around the campus. The library has over 1500 books and students are expected to have a library card to borrow books. We have a badminton court on the other side of the campus.",7.5 1374,Student (Anonymous),"University College of Engineering and Technology, Vinoba Bhave University - [UCET]","Yes, there are all the facilities, infrastructure, and equipment are available in my college. And yes we have a wifi connection in our classroom, lab, libraries, sports centre and hostel too. And they all are well maintained.and at last our whole campus is clean and good food hygienic.My college campus is quite good.it have a big playground and lovly and preety greenry in nature. Students walk in the campus in evening. And so more.yes our whole member of college faculties and staff too are so supportive.and it is at the safest place and near my college",7 1375,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Students should have 65% overall in university exams to attend placements. The highest salary package was offered by Amazon, and it was 27 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 3 LPA. A good percentage of students got internships from our course in many MNCs. Many courses are offered in our university and many MNCs visit here for placements.The college life in Bharath is very boring. No entertainment and not a single event where we can enjoy. The management is not organising a single event for students. They only organise conferences, seminars, debates in a small classroom where only few are allowed. There is no sports events.",7.3 1376,Student (Anonymous),"College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology",Its good to have a curriculum like this cause they gave us a balanced schedule for our life and our acadmics so that we can easily understand the things related to our topics and las we have provided with our advisors who act as a gaurdian in college so that students can discuss their problems related to any matterclose to my hometown and also a reputed college in my state so as a domicle of Uttarakhand i prefer this college for opting my graduation.As i am Science stream student and having a intrest in technoloy related things i opted for B.Tech in Industrial and production Engineering,6.7 1377,Tuhin Halder,Techno India University,"Teachers in our college were amazing. I was in the IT department. Some teachers were well-knowledgeable, but some were not so good. They tried to give their best, but it's up to you whether you want to learn things or not. The course curriculum is very easy to pass exams. Our HOD Piyal Sen was very kind to all and was an amazing teacher as well.The infrastructure is very nice with lots of facilities available like A/C rooms, smart classroom, library, Audio room, studios & various other labs. The college doesn't have their own hostel facility but are tied with some private PG's and the food varies from PG to PG. The college has a canteen where the food quality is very nice.",8.5 1378,Debodeep Ghoshal,Techno India University,"Only a few students got placed. The salary offered is Rs. 10,000-40,000 per month. ABP Ananda, Radio Mirchi, Aaj Tak, etc, are the top recruiters here. Roles of an editor, photographer, digital marketing, etc, are offered. The salary offered in our course is Rs. 10,000 per month. About 40% of the students got placed in Byju's. They were into the company as digital marketing head or sales executive. Every individual whoever got placed in this amazing company were to cover the internship within 3 months.I have chosen computer science and engineering because it is more relevant to the industry. The best thing about our course is it is the most demanding course in the market. Everything is better in our course until now. Our college organises many fests like tech fest named EDGE, cultural fest named Anakhronos and conducts many sports tournaments.",9 1379,Priyanshu Sharma,Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology - [ZHCET],"Since it is 1200 acres we have plenty of sports facilities. Wifi is free and unlimited for students. Our library i.e Maulana Azad library Is the largest university library in asia. We have all the equipments in our labs. We have 2 swimming pools,one of them is olympic size. We have horse riding and many more things.Always wanted to be an engineer. Since its rank is good in India, it is very affordable, close to my home, placement is also decent. These are some reasons why i opted for this college. There are no reservation in this college. Branches are purely based on rank. It takes its own entrance exam i.e AMUEEE",8.3 1380,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Teachers here were helpful and well qualified. They teach every topic of the syllabus and provide us with assignments and presentations on certain topics. They check our knowledge on those topics. The course curriculum is relevant. Our course covers all topics related to it, and labs are also available for those course-related topics.It has a large and vast library was situated, but the library is shifted due to the hospital set up at that place. So the new library is also good, but it is very small compared to the previous one. Classrooms are average, and it has infrastructure like school. It is the worst colleges in India. It is in the NIRF list.",7.3 1381,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Facilities and infrastructure available for our course are very good, but they are not high class. Labs are equipped with fast Wi-Fi facility, and the classrooms are also very good. In the hostel, the facilities are superb, and the food served is also very good. The entire campus is enabled with free Wi-Fi facility.Teachers here are very good, very helpful and very friendly. They are well qualified and knowledgeable, and they help us a lot in our studies. The course curriculum is also very good, and it surely makes students industry-ready. The course curriculum doesn't put much pressure on the students.",7.8 1382,Student (Anonymous),Jaipur National University - [JNU],"My college use to organize the activities time to time. Like related to craft, technical events,etc. There is a very big event which is conducted every year named technoraz. This is a 3 days event. In this event there are many technical activities and many extra curricular activities. It's celebrated like Diwali in the college.The facilities of the college are too good as we are having so many different labs according to the subjects. Proper equipments are present. We are having 1-1 love in each of our campuses with a wide collection of books. WiFi facilities are also proper. In short I am happy to have this college.",10 1383,Anuradha Mukherjee,Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology - [MSIT],"I dont know personally becoz i am a first year student still now. So i dont have any idea about it. But yes we have few alumnis u are supportive enouh like arijit bandhopadhyay and shaqioub who help us young engineers to prosper and our entrepreneur cell in college is also well active and arranges mamy seminars for usThe fest and freshers party are two grand events which i personally like,many college participates in it. Moreover our college hosts a technical fest too,which is well popular in our city. Our college also provides us scope to participate in entrepreuner ship workshops",6 1384,Omkar Ashok Pabe,KJ Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology - [KJSIEIT],As this is my first year in college technical second but that's is why I don't have much Idea about it but they claim they have 100% placement and I have seen and heard from my senior friend that for placement only students are short listed in college and even few people I know got selected for company and make companies come to take the interview of studentsTotal 2 fest in a year as per semester 1 students get to manage those festivals they both are 3to4 days long and carry out many activities and competitions games and seminars as I am mostly a introvert person I like to send time alone so I don't take part in such activities,5.8 1385,Student (Anonymous),Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology- [MIST],Faculty is good and supprotive the one who is in need. Laboratories are also good. the lab faculty will guide all things. They always encourage the students to study well and do a good job.The college follows the curriculum as set by JNTU. It is students centric which mainly focuses on the development of the students.The college does not organise any type of event for students. Extracurricular activities are held once in two years like traditional day. The management is strict against ragging and drugging.The college crowd is awesome as students from all the parts of India come here to study.,7.7 1386,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Almost 80-85% of the students gets placed every year. The highest salary package offered was 27 LPA, the lowest salary package offered was 2.8 LPA and the average salary package offered is 5-6 LPA. Top recruiting companies of our college are Amazon, HTC, Infosys, etc. Top roles offered to the students are designing, etc. Many of the students got an internship.Campus life in Bharath university is somewhat good. The seniors are really good and supportive. The management is really strict against ragging and drugs inside the college. Many students are from Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and other parts of India. The law school students are really good in nature and helpful.",7.7 1387,Gurpreet Moudgill,Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College - [BBSBEC],Near to my city and Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College has lot of fame in their academic records as well as in technological innovations. So I chose Btech cse stream in this College to become a successful engineer. As I have lot of interest in computing programs and I want to make something new in computers field.My college has lot of facilities. First of all my college provide lot of facilities for sports and and professor are lenient to everyone. My college has huge WiFi campus and there are not speed issues. My college's library is very large with two sections. One for SC and other for GC.,8.8 1388,Student (Anonymous),NIT Trichy,"I chose this clg.because it is the best CLG for studying engineering.We get scholarships,internships in this college.And many students are placed from our college in multinational companies with the best package.And lecturers are doctorates who teach us in an efficient wayWifi is available from 6am to 1am.We have Gym, All sports courts, grounds etc. Library is a four storied building. Labs equipments were also good.We used to have tournaments also.Inter NIT tournaments for which we also have teams for each sports.",9 1389,Student (Anonymous),Rajasthan Technical University - [RTU],"My preference was to get a government college because of two reasons, first I belong to a middle class family so my family can't afford a expense of 3 to 4 lakhs per year as it is the case in many private colleges like thapar, manipal, etc and in government colleges the yearly fee is around 1.5 lakh (including tution fee, mess charges and hostel fee), second reason is that a degree from a government college has more value than from a private college ( here I am excluding some private colleges like BITS, LMNIIT, etc) for example a degree from my college has greater value then a degree from poornima or arya college, which are private colleges, in same course.To be honest in my college we have a good number of faculties as compared to other government colleges like MBM jodhpur, etc. Faculties are very supportive and will help you in any situation, if you will demand, like I tell you, I remember in January 2020 I had my first semester end terms paper and on 22 January I had my mathematics paper and on 21 night contacted my maths teacher for some doubts and she didn't said no and helped me out till late night.",6.7 1390,Student (Anonymous),Ajeenkya DY Patil University - [ADYPU],"Because this college has Data Science course and many colleges doesn’t provide that. This college has a lot of extracurricular activities and it organizes a lot of events too. This college has a practical way of learning rather than the bookish system. It makes you ready for the industry.There are 2 libraries in the campus one for engineering students and one for designing students. It has 4-5 computer labs and sports arena with a football court, basketball court, volleyball court and tennis court. It also has table tennis and basketball court.",7.8 1391,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life in bharth university is quite exciting where you meet students from all over India. Major students are from Tamil nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chattisgarh and many other states of India. The campus is WiFi enabled and neat. The management does not organise any type of events in the college premises.The infrastructure of Bharath University is very good. Wi-Fi lab classrooms are good. The library is very spacious once they are allotted a floor dedicated to the library. They also all the latest and on-demand books for the students and professors. We have two canteens and 3 stalls around the college campus.",7.7 1392,Sonali sah,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Good placements, nice campus and faculty. It is near to my city and one of the best colleges in West Bengal. It has hostel facility. My branch is very good for Research work and placements. The college is situated in the heart of city and reaching there is easy.The course that I opted for is my favorite. I want to pursue further for this course and it has a well organised curriculum. Faculties are excellent. They even provided us free courses on coursera and Mathworks so thay we can learn and grow.",9.2 1393,Student (Anonymous),Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"Oldest IIIT, all IITian faculty, autonomous institute, good placement record, nice campus. A good coding culture. The Course and exams are structured like that of IITs. Comfortable study environment. Supportive administration in the area of providing funding to attend competitions and travelWe had a huge cultural fest- Aurora sponsored by coca cola which hosted thousands of students from all over the country. We also had sunburst campus be the evening atttactions. We also had a inter house sports tournament and frequent informal competitions like debates, quizzes, charades etc.",7.3 1394,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Around 40% of the students were placed. The highest salary package offered is 25 LPA. The lowest salary package offered is around 3 LPA. Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Tata Motors, etc. As an engineer, we are offered a salary package of 3.5-20 LPA. Every year, almost 60% of the students get their internships and companies like Wipro, Infosys.Teachers here were helpful and well qualified. They teach every topic of the syllabus and provide us with assignments and presentations on certain topics. They check our knowledge on those topics. The course curriculum is relevant. Our course covers all topics related to it, and labs are also available for those course-related topics.",7.3 1395,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Students should have 65% overall in university exams to attend placements. The highest salary package was offered by Amazon, and it was 17 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 3 LPA. A good percentage of students got internships from our course in many MNCs. Many courses are offered in our university and many MNCs visit here for placements.There is a lot of infrastructure in our college. Labs and smart classrooms are available, which make students feel good to listen to lectures. The food served in the hostel has a good taste to eat, also in the and canteen. Games will also be conducted at the state level. The medical facility is also provided, which is free of cost.",7.7 1396,Sachin yadav,Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],Because this college was close to my city it take me 4 hours to reach my hometown and i also dobt have much money to study any best private college that the reason i chose this college and also i dont want to take any further burden of study on myselfI can say its average i have much better expectation while going to college that i can do everything but that not case as this college was so much crowd. Their is lack of equipment for every student and also i see no future in curricullum activities,3.5 1397,Student (Anonymous),East West Institute of Technology - [EWIT],"I liked the College atmosphere and compared to other collegs its quite near from my home and my parents also told me to join this college.and many of my seniors told me that this college has very good teaching and even i liked this college.teachers are very friendly with students they help us in different ways.In our campus they conduct huge eventss like fest,ethnic day,sports day and studentz come in huge no and enjoy the programs and also they conduct freshers party every year and branch fest etc many number of students participate in many events and they get different prizeses",10 1398,Student (Anonymous),Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya - [GKV],"This college is one of the reputed college in uttarakhand.Faculties are so much supportive always there to help students. It gives equal importance to cultural as well as tradition subjects. There is no co-education system in this college. This college is strictly following the disciplines of arya samaj and follower of dayanand saraswati. There is merit base hostel system, for hostel you have score good marks in 2,3 and 4 year. College campus is 5-6 kilometers from hostel campus. There is no bus service for 2,3 and 4 year students. You have to travel with public transport to reach college campus. Food quality is not upto the mark. Non-veg foods is not allowed in the campus.Campus is every eco-friendly. It is located in outskirts of the city. Labs are well equipped, there are enough items for each student. Campus library is not that big but you get what you want if you reached there in time. There is no wifi in the college campus. There is basketball court, lawn tennis court, badminton court and a ground for games like cricket, football, etc.",5.8 1399,Nikita Vijay Bhalerao,SSBT's College of Engineering and Technology,"Placements in our college are good. Companies like AGS TTL, Dhoot Transmission, Hadwise Technology and Eratronics visited our college for placements. A maximum number of students get placed every year. Placements for CS and IT students are good. The average salary package offered is 5 LPA by companies like Paramatrix and Aurus INC. Almost 80-90% of the students are placed from chemical and biotechnology branches. The previous year, almost 90 students out of 120 got placed from E&TC, and the remaining students opted for higher studies.The college campus is just awesome. The college holds every year lots of events which includes Ganesh utsav, Shivjayanti and it also conducts the state level event ""milestone"". This event includes lots of games, competition and quiz competitions also. Most of the students take part in this events.",7.8 1400,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The cultural fests were good, and there is a lot of talent in our college wandering about on the corridors and the campus premises which come out on the day of the cultural festival. We are very much glad to watch the awstrucking performancesBecause it is one of the best Institutes, and the placement is very good and the surrounding and environment around the college is so marvellous, it can't be expressed in words, the faculty here believe in practical approach",9.5 1401,Avinash Parashar,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"I am a first year student. So, I study Physics, Chemistry,Maths, Engineering Drawings, Computer Programming. I have not yet been introduced to my course. From 2nd year forward,I have to study ECE. Hence, no idea about modernity of syllabus. But the subjects I had studied, Physics was best taught. Every professor of physics is best there. Problem there is with mathematics.My rank allowed me to choose among NIT's. My priority was to get in a good college with a good course. First choice was to choose CSE and second was ECE. Only these. I apply preferentially top 5 nits for CSE and then top 5 nits for ECE. And I got into ECE program of MNNIT.",8 1402,Smita,MIT Academy of Engineering - [MITAOE],All the events in college are awesome till now. The annual fest nakashtara was the great event of 6 days. Every day had different themes. Thera was also DJ night arranged for the students. In the nakashtara students get opportunities to show case there talent in various activities. They are also rewarded on this day.Fee structure is expensive. But their are also scholarship available on the fee structure on the basis of caste and marks.there are additional fees of exams and re-examination. Re examination cost alot. They take 5000 per subject. I f the student is fail in 3 he or she needs to pay 15000 rs for appearing in the exam.,7.3 1403,Student (Anonymous),Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University,"I choose this university because it is a central university which has more value than state university or government or any other private institutions.All the facilities like playground, labs, canteen,Jim, hostel,good professor is in this university.I opted btech in Computer science engineering because now a days there is so many scope in this field. Mostly the software designing,hacking, artificial intelligence is covered in this course.and so many option for the job is opened after doing graduation from this course.My course gave me a lot of experience by practical as well as theory. My college faculties gave a more contribution to develop our knowledge. In my department all our faculties are well knowledged and kind hearted staffs, we cannot separate them. Our staff names are 1. Dr. Jobe Prabakar, 2. Dr. Gene George 3. Dr. Joseph Vedhagiri 4. Dr. Johnson jeyakumar 5. Dr. Katharinaal Punithavathy and more.",7 1404,Avani Mahadik,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],"Holds one of the biggest technical and cultural festivals for engineering colleges in India. Hackathons, robotics association, debate association, sports, cultural. - it revels in everything. Campus life is very pleasant at VJTI. You can enjoy and collect some of the best memories of your life with great people of VJTI. You can always hangout at VJTI canteen when you're not supposed to be in the classroom. Gender ratio is balanced here at VJTI. People from different parts of the country come and study at VJTI. I have a few friends from different states. Extracurricular activities are a completely different experience at VJTI. You will enjoy to the fullest in here because of all the events organised by students with students for students. VJTI is not just a college it is a community.Average faculty with an average age of 30 with the qualification of PhDs and MTech from IITs and degrees from good USA colleges. They're well equipped with industry knowledge having themselves worked in various fields prior to pursuing teaching as a profession. Faculty members in this college are good as it is a top college. They are high-class and knowledgeable. They are more interactive and helpful to students, and they are well qualified. Most of the teaching is provided through PPTs. Senior faculty members are qualified and know everything. They are always available for you at any time.",8.7 1405,Student (Anonymous),BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),Facilities are quite good and have experience of over 20+ years and are themselves graduated from MIT's and Stanford.they are also known for their research.there is no communication gap between us.they are always ready to help us be it career guidance or academic stuff.Campus is renown for its cultural fest and extra curricular activities. It's one of the college known for its start-ups.you stand a chance to experience an all-rounder kind of feeling. makes us to develop our third party skills.and what else you can expect,9.8 1406,Neelabhro Saha,Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering - [BVUCOE],"A total of 130 companies visited the campus like TCS, BYJU'S, MERCHANT NAVY, GE Digital etc. out of which highest package was given by JP Morgan which was around 13 LPA. The average salary package stood at 18.5 LPA and median salary was 4.8 LPA. The eligibility criteria for sitting at on-campus placements is to have a minimum avg. of 60% throughout the course. The recruitment process began with a written test in most cases and followed by an interview or in some cases only with an interview. Last year around 86.53% ( around 578) of the students were placed through campus. Yes the university gave some tips and tricks and internships with companies like Google, Amazon etc. which helped in cracking the interview.Our entire course is completed in 8 semesters( 4 years) comprising of credit based assessment. The internal assessment comprised of 40 marks( 20 marks unit tests + 10 marks attendance + 10 marks assignments). Semester Examinations comprised of 60 marks in each subject with passing marks around 40%. Also, there is a practical term work of around 25 marks. Till now (2nd semester), there has been no industrial visits from our department. Although we have a subject known as Professional Skill Development(PSD) which helps the students to gain practical knowledge and excel in professional life.",5 1407,Sampurna Roy,Bengal Institute of Technology - [BIT],"The syllabus is pretty updated with latest information about discoveries and case studies. Yes industrial exposure is also provided via workshops seminars and webinars and also tech fests. The faculties were overall good, Dr Medha Bhattacharya, Dr Banani Roy Choudhury etc being some of the bestThe college is old and is maintaining a good record since 2001. Student teacher relation is good. Teachers are attentive and helps the student with proper guidance. The course I waswilling to study was their in the college. With the best faculty. The college is close to my house.",8.8 1408,Bavanesshvar,PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,There is cultural program and more and more events in our college the first day of the college welcoming the first year students is celebratd as inaugural function and there is hostel day which will be celebrated by our hostellers and hostel Warden and culturals for students every year is conducted and encourage us to participate in all events like dance music and etc.yes the college provide learning imparted as part of curriculum the curriculum groomed to provide industry specific knowledge to students that is very helpful to college placements and many companies had visited our college for placements there is more than hundred companies visiting our college for placements,8.7 1409,Student (Anonymous),Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],"The campus is great, especially for us students to hang out during our free time. The festivals are managed nicely by the student committees and they are supported by our college fully. Students participate in festivals whole heartedly.The course syllabus is updated. It can be made better though. My teacher for the first year electrical course - Ms. Sunita is one of the best teachers I have come across in this college. There are other teachers who are good too.",8 1410,Vaibhav Nagargoje,Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SLIET],"We have stadium in which we can conduct day night matches, basketball court, tennis court, football ground, badminton court and many more. Campus provides us with gym facilities, swimming pool. Central library which consists of more than 3 lakh books. central library is provided with facilities like digital library in which we can search for any book that is unavailable. Study rooms are well maintained.wi-fi connectivity is provided in all campus. computer labs and experimental labs are well equipped with all necessary equipment. Campus has seperate block for seperate courses like chemical block, mechanical block etc.Infrastructure is best campus is lush green, central government college established by government of India,very well experienced faculty members, college is equipped with well maintained library, computer and experimental labs are provided with all the required facilities, national level social, cultural and technical fest are arranged from time to time,play grounds are maintained very well,alumni network is too strong which helps students providing jobs and intrenship.course curriculum is good.hostel infrastructure is quite good.",9.2 1411,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college has a wide number of placements and more than 75 percent of college students get placed into top MNCs in this world. Recently our college student got placed into Google with the highest package of 50 lack. 15 lack per annum is the average salary package. The placement process is easy and our college supports us to get into top companies with highest package.The campus life is good. The seniors are supportive and friendly in nature. The college is free from ragging. There are no fests organized in campus. There is no orientation in the college for new students. They only organise seminars, debates and conferences. The campus locality is safe. There is a hospital inside campus for emergency.",7.3 1412,Srestha Chatterjee,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Infrastructure wise it is a great institution. Library is pretty big and resourceful. Quality of canteen and mess is also upto the mark. In terms medical facilities SRM has its own hospital. In sports also it has quite a good reputation. SRM posses its own Hotel as well where family can stay.The classroom is good and also have a good Wi-Fi connection, a library with plenty of books. In the hostel, food is okay. But hostel Life is really good at srm, fests are really good. Labs are huge and with every equipment and coursers like ECE, CSE, it and mech are good.",8.5 1413,Siddhartha Mondal,Techno India University,"All the facilities that are required are provided by the college, including printing, scanning facilities and laser cutter for making models. Department has cad labs with enough number of desktops. Studio facility with an adjustable table set up according to the height of a person. The 5th-year studio is air-conditioned, and soon other studies will be. Hostel, canteen and medical facilities all are available. There is no such drawback regarding facilities.Almost 92% of the students from our course got placed. The average salary offered to the students ranges between Rs. 20,000-30,000 per month. Top roles, like an architect, civil engineer, drafter, etc, are offered in our course. Some top recruiting companies like Tata and Hindustan Construction Company visited our college for our course placements. About 78% of the students form our course got an internship in Hindustan Construction Company.",8.8 1414,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Almost 80-85% of the students got placed. In our course, the highest salary package offered is 20 LPA, the lowest salary package offered is 7 LPA and the average salary package offered is 15 LPA. Top recruiting companies of our college are Amazon, HTC, Infosys, etc. Top roles offered to the students are designing, etc. Almost 80-85% of the students got an internship.Teachers were helpful, qualified, and knowledgeable. The teaching quality, I would say good rather than best. Because most of the students learnt from online than from teachers. We don't think if we had just followed our teachers we would make good score in exams. Course curriculum is relevant but it doesn't make students industry ready.",8.3 1415,Aman Sah,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"IIT Dhanbad's technomanagemental festival is Concetto. It is the biggest largest technical fest where a particulars from other colleges participate also. IIT Dhanbad's cultural festival is Srijan. It is the largest cultural festival of Eastern India which provides a unique platform to the young brains of India to showcase their talent and an opportunity to learn through participation. Participations are also from other colleges and universities.IIT ISM Dhanbad is spread over 398 acers has 2 huge sports arena where you can play cricket, hockey, football, etc. and a separate basketball ground and an exclusive volley ball ground too. You can practice tennis, boxing, karate, Table tennis, bedminton, swimming etc too. IIT ISM Dhanbad's library is the Asia's 2nd largest technological library. Lab equipment are in excellent condition with updated equipments",8.3 1416,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"About 35% of the students from our course got placed, but students did not get call letters until now. The highest salary package offered was 9 LPA, and the average salary package offered was 3.2 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 1.8 LPA. Some off-campus companies offered a salary package below 1.8 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Amazon, LTI and Hexaware visit our campus for placements.I choose this college because it has a good name and is also known for its good education. It is near from my city as compared to the other colleges. The fees is also affordable by my parents. Many of my friend took admission in this so i also went in this.",7.8 1417,Student (Anonymous),Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - [GITAM],"The infrastructure is excellent and also all facilities provided. The campus is surrounded by Wi-Fi and also the labs contain good equipment, the classrooms with projector and air conditioner, the library has a separate building with a digital library and also 5 Lacs plus books. The hostel is good and also the food is above average. The medical facilities are provided by the GITAM medical hospital. Two big grounds are available for games and tournaments are conducted.There are pretty good companies/recruiters that visit the campus during the time of placements, although the package is totally dependent on the student's skills gitam Hyderabad has the highest package of around 20Lpa. There are more than 20 companies like Google, Amazon IBM. Etc. Visit the college for recruitment.",9 1418,Student (Anonymous),Techno India University,I always wanted to study from my home that why I searched every college criteria and quality. Then I got to know about TIU. I came across it. I had all the facilities and a good placement rate. Moreover its the oldest privet University of Kolkata.A number of faculties are there for each and every topic of a subject. All are very helpful. They even help for topics which are not covered in college. They even help over phone and always provides notes.,8.2 1419,Student (Anonymous),NBKR Institute of Science and Technology Vidyanagar - [NBKRIST],"More than 905 of the students got placed from our college. Our college provides good placements. The best salary package offered was of 1.5 crores per annum. Our course is one of the best course offered at our college. Best companies are visiting our college for placements.In our college, there were some good and experienced faculty members. The course curriculum is revised every year and is updated as per the need of students. In our Nellore district, the college is a good one compared to other colleges but they charge high fees.",7.8 1420,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The facilities provided by the college are average. There is no Wi-Fi facility on the campus. Classrooms are spacious and good. The library has awesome books and magazines which you will like, but you will not be allowed to take books home. Sports are conducted on the campus regularly. Labs are good to conduct experiments and learn.The main strength of our institution is faculty members because they all are post-graduated from a reputed institution. Their teaching methods and fluency in communication are also good. They all are friendly with the students. The course curriculum is good, and it makes the students be good in their industry exposure.",7.8 1421,Student (Anonymous),Government Engineering College - [GECSKP] Sreekrishnapuram ,"GEC palakkad is a superb institution well known for its wonderful structure and for the records of the engineers who are pursued from this college.Also the college has a wide area of infrastructure.With the well built structure and the facilities provided, there is another much good college in this areaThere are so many Job opportunities here, thus the trainings for the interviews, self startups and innovations are helped with here. The opportunities are vast, with the coding skills and the communication skills are developed with the help of the placement preperation team.",9 1422,Ananya Basu,BP Poddar Institute of Management and Technology,Our college possesses one of the best infrastructure available in Kolkata. It has the best-designed classrooms with projectors attached to the mainboard. The library is outstanding in terms of its collection of books. Games arena is marvellous with several indoor games kept all together at one place. The campus is fully Wi-Fi connected and well-protected.The college has one of the best faculty members in Kolkata. Each student finds them readily whenever they require. They are very helpful. Each teacher excels at what they do. They are always ready to accept the change with each generation of students. They help them grow in a way in which they understand better.,8.7 1423,Student (Anonymous),Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering,"All departments arrange the extra activity for students. And every year college arrange the National Level Competition for college students and other colleges students. Teacher's also arrange the department level events for students. In that event students represent our Personal Skills, Idea's, New Projects, and also represent the innovative projects ideas.SIT engineering college is very best College. Environment of college very fresh and amazing. Bus facility is available for students. Per semester students create innovative and amazing Projects. And it is help to increase students knowledge and personal skills. Therefore I choose this College.",10 1424,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is qute good. It does not have a very big campus. It does not have a big ground where students can play. It has a small ground in the centre which has a basket ball ground, cricket net and many others. The campus is WiFi enabled. Right now, due to construction of new buildings, it's mess at many spots in campus. The laboratories are quite good with all the required equipments. The college has no poper drainage system and its full of water during monsoonCampus life is good and mesmerizing. Some of the seniors are supportive and friendly. The campus is strict for ragging cases. It is not at all bearable by the college dignities. Even if any teacher is found in wrong doing, proper action is taken against them. It is near to Chennai Airport and near to Tambaram station. The locality is safe. The college has its own hospital in case of emergency.",7.8 1425,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The infrastructure of the college is good. There are two canteens. The campus is clean and hygienic. Dustbins are placed everywhere in the campus. The university has its own hospital for emergencies. The classrooms are quite good. Currently there are few smart classrooms but they are working on it. The campus is wifi enabled but when u enter in classes, there will be no net, as to stop the use of mobile in classes. There are libraries for different departments. There are 2 big hostels in campus.The campus life is amazing and exciting because in this college, you will meet students from Tamil Nadu, Andhra pradesh(majority), West Bengal, Telangana, chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Nagaland, Assam and almost all the states of India. It is green campus. Right now due to construction, it's not that much but soon it will be again as green as it used to be. The college has a playing ground also.",7.8 1426,Mone Sandeep kumar,Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - [JNTU],"Campus is not bad,girls and boys are almost equal in strength, extracurricular activities also better,labs are good, sports are encouraging in our college, competition,etc college is allowing us for extracurricular activities, workshop is good,iam satisfied with labs, workshop in our college,but campus placements are not goodBy attending and getting eligible Rank in EAMCET examination conducted by Andhra Pradesh government, EAMCET means engineering and medical comman entrance test, iam intrested In civil engineering, iam intrested In construction field,I struggled in intermediate to get admission in to th college",8.3 1427,Student (Anonymous),Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Discipline is good, Can get your favourite branch easily, Atmosphere is Awesome, Placement is good, Competitive Atmosphere, NIRF Ranking is 109, Year ( 2020 ), All facilities available, Different kinds of activities are performed regularly including sports, cultural, Outside trips and tour, regular workshop, and competitions which gives a wide variety of opportunity to know and enhance your skills. Even a lot of scholarships are available time to time.Various Sports are available for practice like Cricket, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Squash, Long Tennis, etc. WiFi is also okay, speed upto 1MB/per second to a person is available, Library is good more than 500 students can accommodate it in once. Labs are also well equipped with instruments and equipments. Gym and cycling facilities are also available.",7.7 1428,Pranav Patil,DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute - [DKTE],"Campus life is good and ""Rajwada"" (Ancient time building) explores the beauty of our institution. For Gudipadawa festival, our college arranges big event which consist of DJ, light show and fun activities in our campus. Many societies of every department conducts technical and non-technical events every year.DKTE is autonomous college. Course curriculum is designed in most efficient way which will be useful for students skills grow up. Institute has designed one month internship starting from First year to last year students. Faculties of DKTE Society are well qualified and few one have completed their PhD.",8.5 1429,Abhijit Dhan,Techno India University,"In our college, the best part was that it was a beautiful campus in Kolkata. The faculty members were well qualified and had a decent experience with them. In civil engineering, we got a chance to set some of our laboratory instruments and by this, we got an amazing chance to learn directly. Our faculty members and management were very much friendly with us. In our college most of the place was Wi-Fi and the library was also a good place. In our hostel, very friendly and helpful members were available who guided us very well and our canteen was very beautiful and good. There was a medical room in our college and besides that sports and games were an integrated part of all of us.Since my childhood, I had an interest in doing a computer science and engineering job. The best thing of computer science engineering is that you can relate all the studied things with the practical. I would like to improve the practical knowledge to be more to achieve the best. Every year we have various events, and two fests one cultural and one technical fest held. Besides, those extracurricular activities like debate and all were organised. Our college was in the main place called Salt lake surrounded by various many companies. So that was a beautiful experience ta be apart of our Techno India university.",8.2 1430,Sunondo Halder,Techno India University,"Since childhood, computer was one of my favourite subjects and it's a general notion that engineering is a good option for quick settlement. By the influence of these two impacts, I took food technology. The course pattern could have been designed better. The tech fest (named EDGE) of our college is the second the largest in Eastern India and the cultural fest also holds a paramount position in Kolkata.Teachers are deep down helpful and amiable enough. They work for their students dedicated and passionately. They always emphasize on practical more than theory which ought to be done in a technology based course. The course curriculum is pretty apt. It helps the students to get much knowledge about industry before joining.",9 1431,Rajnandini Gupta,Techno India University,"Placements in our college are good. The average salary package offered was 3.5-4.5 LPA. The highest salary package offered was 15 LPA. Lots of multinational companies like Microsoft, TCS, etc, visit the campus for placements. There is good placement infrastructure for students. Moreover, a lot of training programme is conducted for students.I heard before that the facaulties are very good. Yes the teachers are well qualified and helpful. Yes it makes the students industry ready. Yes the curriculum is relevant it teaches the students with the help of current technologies. The college tries to keep the students updated. The college also provides foreign language classes.",9 1432,Student (Anonymous),Techno International New Town - [TINT],Computer Science department has a good placement facility. Even big MNC's visit our campus to recruit cse and IT students. Other streams have an average placement record of 60%. One of our seniors named Chandrakant Prasad has his own starup company named besmater which trains students for placement and to crack technical interviews.Updated and well balanced syllabus. Faculties are awesome. CSE BSH and AEIE faculties are the best. Professors are helpful. Overall everything is well organized and balanced. Syllabus is competed on time. Professors are always available for doubt clearing sessions.,7.8 1433,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],Library is not that big but enough for 600 students.Wi-fi service is good.Labs are held in batches as they do not have big rooms and that much equipments for a batch of 220.We have several clubs for sports which organise tournaments and matches for students.Also students from our institutes takes part in various sports tournaments outside the institute.There are lot of extracurricular activities in the institute.We have our cultural fest every year and technical fest after every two years.We do not have our own campus but the one in we are staying is also good enough.Entertainment depends upon with whom you are friends with if they only study whole day then there will be no fun.,7.5 1434,Aditya Mitra,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"We have a very good campus life. Our college has 5 big festivals in total. Aarohan- The 2nd largest Techno-Management fest in Eastern India. Recstacy, The Annual Cultural fest organised by the college Gymkhana. Verve, another cultural fest organised by The Literary Circle. Virasat, another classical cultural festival organised by Spic Macay Chapter, NIT Durgapur. Also, there's an E-Summit organised by the Entrepreneurship Cell, NIT Durgapur. Also, our college has 18 clubs which organise various events and we can be a part of the clubs. Moreover, students in their first year have sports activities, 2 days in a week, in the morning from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM.Yes, I think that our course curriculum is pretty well updated, as I had a talk to my friends in IIT Kharagpur, and IIT Dhanbad and their syllabus matches a lot to the syllabus in my college. Teachers in my college give much emphasis on academics and try to answer most of the doubts we have in our class. The theory classes don't have much industrial exposure, but the practical classes surely do. All Professors are very well qualified. Also, most of the faculty in our college is good in explaining the subjects to us. Moreover, even in this pandemic, we're having a lot of onlone classes on Google Meet and Zoom to help complete the syllabus.",8.5 1435,Student (Anonymous),Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering - [BVUCOE],"Infrastructure is very good, campus is very nice, college building is also very good campus is quite big and peaceful It's a university so there are other colleges also which makes it way big sports facilities are poot for btechPlacement offers are ok ok University has a lot of tie ups So alot of companies come for placements Packages are also ok ok Like the average package is 4L per annum Which is ok but the facilities in the college are poor",5.5 1436,Pushpita Das,Techno India University,"Faculty is fabulously.Some teachers are helpful, all are well qualified and most of them are qualified from Jadhavpur University, some are well knowledgeable and some will come with a pdf or handwritten notes and simply copy it and paste on the whiteboard. Teachers of CSE department are good and helpful, so you can say that only for CSE department it is productive.Almost 90% of the students from the CSE branch got placed. The highest salary package offered is 12 LPA. Top recruiting companies of our college are Microsoft, TCS, Mindtree, Hexaware, Infinite, Cognizant, etc. The top role offered to the students is a software developer. Around 90% of the students from the 2019-2020 batch got placed.",7.8 1437,Arka Biswas,Techno India University,"I have chosen this course because I want to do something creative. The best thing in this course is that creativity which you could elaborate every moment. I wish that the course should be changed to partwise so that every student could go through easily as it is very vast. The college organises many events. Fest is also conducted here. Our college surroundings are also good. Scholarships are provided in our college. Many extracurricular activities also conducted here.The infrastructure of our college was good enough. The college provides a library, common room, and computer lab in the commerce department. Other departments have their own infrastructure. Classrooms were good enough and in a few classrooms projector are available. The air-conditioned facility does not work in most of the classrooms. The infrastructure of our college was average.",8.5 1438,Bires Dey,Techno India University,"I have chosen this course because I was interested in biology in high school. I want to know about the human body to gain knowledge.my interest that it would help me to know about human beings that attracts me towards my subjects physiology, college campus was small, they organized lots of event like cultural, social and sports.Teacher was very helpful in our dept, you just need to co operate with them they would help you unconditionally there was a retired teacher who shared his career experience and deliberate his valuable class once in a week. They are very strict in their practical field, they would not provide extra time to finish.",8.8 1439,Student (Anonymous),Vishwakarma Government Engineering College - [VGEC],"I chose this college because it is a reputed government engineering college in the entire city. The college is near to my home. The college is just amazing. One of my father's friend is faculty in this college, so he also recommended me to join the college for bright future.Not have more idea. But as per the opinion of seniors. There is good opportunity for campus placement. But you have suffient skills for that so you need to develop such good skills and take guidence from faculties and you will definetly get job.",9.5 1440,Supratim Halder,Techno India University,"All possible events one can think of take place in the college like coding challenges, quizzes, brainstorming, etc. Every year, the college organises 3 fests such as sports, technical, and cultural fests. The campus crowd is average. Usually, the college campus is filled with students. As the campus is in Salt Lake city, reaching the college from every part of Kolkata is easy. Bus facilities, autos and rickshaws are usually used to reach the campus. Our campus is surrounded by MNCs and various other official buildings. The scholarship is provided very rarely.In my final year of MBA, a very few companies visited the campus to offer placements. Placements were not much good that year. Companies like HDFC, CESC, TCS, BOI, Tata Motors, etc, visited our college conduct drives. Nearly 50% of the students got placed. There were a lot of issues regarding placements during that particular academic year. The highest package offered was 15 LPA, and the lowest package was 6 LPA.",9.2 1441,Debosmita Pariksha,Techno India University,"I heard the faculties are very good. Faculty members in our college are helpful and friendly. They help us in solving our problems related to the course curriculum and also beyond the syllabus. E-learning is used for better leaning nowadays, and only paperless methods are used. The course curriculum is referred by IITs but has only one midterm exam.Faculty members in our college are helpful and friendly. They help us in solving our problems related to the course curriculum and also beyond the syllabus. E-learning is used for better leaning nowadays, and only paperless methods are used. The course curriculum is referred by IITs but has only one midterm exam.",9.2 1442,Aditi Bose,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of the college is average. But if you think the college has a wide campus with garden, canteen, walkways, and a field, then you have to compromise because the college has nothing called as a college campus. It just has two buildings in which classes and labs are held. The college has a swimming pool which has mud water literally, and students throw beer and whiskey bottles into it. Apart from this, the college has a very big ground, as big as a lawn tennis court, where sports activities, fest, and freshers' party are conducted.The college life is full of events. There is some event or the other going on most of the times on the campus. The college conducts a cultural fest, but participation from other colleges is very less. There are two fields on the campus, but the same campus has Techno India College, Salt Lake and Techno India School also. Scholarships are provided to the meritorious economically backward students, and the college is very well-connected by public transport.",8.8 1443,Azizur Rehman,Techno India University,"Industry exposure provided by the college is very limited. Faculty members of the college are good, knowledgeable, and extremely cooperative. Both manual and digital learning methods are followed. The quality of teaching is fair enough. Assignments are given for every subject and viva is conducted. Students can approach the teachers personally or via Whatsapp group if they are facing any difficulties regarding the subjects or any other matter.The infrastructure of our college was very good. We got all the facilities like library, medical facilities, sports, game, lab, etc. Quality of the labs was good, and the quality of our classrooms was very good. Labs and classrooms were fully air-conditioned. The quality of food available in the canteen was good. We didn't face any infrastructure related issues during our course.",9 1444,Sanchari saha,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of the college is average. The campus is small and has no facilities like garden, canteen, etc. It just has 2 buildings in which classes and labs are held. The college has a swimming pool which has mud water. Students throw beer and whiskey bottle into it. Apart from this, the college has a huge ground as huge as a lawn tennis court, where sports activities, fest, and freshers party are conducted.Placements in the college were good for B.Tech students. The average salary package offered was 3.5 LPA. Top recruiters are TCS, Infosys, and IBM. Many other companies also visit the campus for recruitment. Placements are usually not good for BBA students. Usually, the placement rate for B.Tech students is 100%.",8.3 1445,Nilanjan Das,Techno India University,"Overall the infrastructure is good. The college has a central AC facility, and there are smart classrooms. You will have a good environment to study here. There are 4 high-speed lifts and lavish cafeteria with many dishes, which always attracts you. Professors are from different IITs, NITs and central university, so you will get enough knowledge.Placements in our college are good. The average salary package offered was 3.5-4.5 LPA. The highest salary package offered was 15 LPA. Lots of multinational companies like Microsoft, TCS, etc, visit the campus for placements. There is good placement infrastructure for students. Moreover, a lot of training programme is conducted for students.",9.3 1446,Nilanjit Chakrobarty,Techno India University,"The best thing about the course is that the most part is practical and not just theory-based, which gives you an idea of how things work even before you step into the corporate world. There is a lot of scope of improvement in the management of the college. There is a fair amount of extracurricular activities, not just cultural but also field related fests.Technically all the students get placed off-campus if not on campus. The salary package varies from 2.5 to 5 LPA. Mostly, banks and finance companies come to recruit students. Everybody gets an internship. Companies like Kotak Mahendra and aviation companies like indigo recruit students.",9 1447,Aritra Kundu,Techno India University,"Almost 90% of the students from the CSE branch got placed. The highest salary package offered is 12 LPA. Top recruiting companies of our college are Microsoft, TCS, Mindtree, Hexaware, Infinite, Cognizant, etc. The top role offered to the students is a software developer. Around 90% of the students from the 2019-2020 batch got placed.There is no Wi-Fi on the campus. The library is very small. Classrooms are fine. Computer labs are good. You will get an air-conditioner in the classrooms. The infrastructure is very bad. There is no canteen and hostel facility. You will get rooms in rent 5 km far from the college. There are no banks and ATM facilities.",9.3 1448,Student (Anonymous),Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"You can get good quality of people here at BPIT as it is in delhi, you can see crowd from delhi NCR and harayana but some far off student also come here from bihar kanpur jammu and kerela, lots of active societies are present for one to showcase there talents, we have dance society, music society, dramatic club, arts club, we have lots of fest all round year which includes Annual cultural techno fest corona, literary fest eloquence and management fest VIBEPlacement is good in BPIT but only for CSE and IT student as lot of big tech gaints come here for hiring, talking about placement of other branches so it is not that good as less number of core companies visit our campus but they can get out campus placement other student crack very competitive exam like GATE and CAT, ESE highest package in 2019 is 28 LPA offered by amazon to a ECE guy, overall average package is 3.5-4.5 LPA",9.2 1449,Student (Anonymous),Mother Teresa Institute of Science and Technology,"The faculties are experienced and friendly in nature. The academics is superb as it is student centric which mainly focuses on the development of student. Our college comes under the JNTU board (Jawaharlal Nehru Technolodical University). So the curriculum is planned by JNTU.The college management organises many culture and technical activities. the main motive of thus is to identify the hidden talent in students. Many events are held in college like games, drawing, writing skills, interview skills a lot of programs. The campus life is awesome.",8 1450,Megha Malakar,Amity University,"The campus is completely raging free. No gang behavior is tolerated. The atmosphere is very sophisticated. Fashion shows and runaways are held weekly. The photography and the fashion clubs are very active. Besides their is creative writing club and artificial intelligence club. Amiphoria is a three day event which is organized every year which is the main dynamic of all festivals held at amity.Wipro, Tata, etc visits our college as far as I heard. I am still in 2nd year and our placements procedure haven't started yet so I have not much idea. Most students dont opt for job offers just after their btech, most student wanna further degree like mtech, MBA, PhD and then worry about job and placements.",10 1451,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Campus life in Bharath university is really good. As here you will come across various students. The seniors are really good and supportive. The management is really strift against ragging. Many students are from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Even from rest part of India, students come to study here in this college. The law school students are really good in nature and helpful.It's a vast course which consists of technology. Our institution has tie-up with lots of MNCs such us Sutherland, Google, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, etc. Our college also provides internships for third-year students and provide career development and research development for all the students. The starting salary package offered by companies ranges from 1.5 LPA to 10 LPA.",7.8 1452,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The faculty in college is good and supportive in nature. Many teachers have an experience of over 20+ years in teaching which make them stand outside the crowd. All the faculties are friendly in nature and are updated with the curriculum. As it is deemed university, the subjects they have selected makes the students job ready and develop him/her academically and mentally.As stated by admission officer, every year around 60-70 companies visit the campus with job offers for students. Nearly, 60%-70% students are being placed every year. Previous year a CS student was being offered the highest package of around 27LPA in Amazon. The average salary previous year was 6L-7L. The college was supportive to all students",7.8 1453,Arkadip Ghosh,Techno India University,technical cultural fest are contucted in annual basis in which participation is done in a free and fair manner moreover they are done well spacious auditorium so no problem with sitting arrangements this year we got an opportunity to see sophia the humanoid robot which was organised by our collegethis i have chosen beacuse its was refered by my cousin sister and also we have seen good reviws moreover good placement more or less and also heard about good faculty members there are also social and environmental skills development courses are offered which often help in long run,8.5 1454,Student (Anonymous),Techno India University,"This is Asia's best university.According to google's review I heard that here's faculty structure. This campus is very well maintained with air conditioner.I'm happy to be a student in this University. And I believe that every College/Institute/University are good if you are study hard then every place is best for you.According to Google's review it's quite good. Now I'm in 1st year so I don't know many things about it. I think it's good, but I want that it should be better than this time's structure. If those things will be fine then it should be more popular and good for all students.",6.7 1455,Student (Anonymous),Techno Main Salt Lake,Placement opportunities are amost for tecnical branch students i e cse and ece.other core branch placement s are not good enough.most of the placement tajes through technical branches only.so even core students prepare them selves with technical knowledge.Moderate sports facilies wifi is present all throughout the campus though limited net per student.library is not good enough. Books content is really low.lab equipments are up to the mark with proper maintenance.,7.7 1456,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is not well maintained and is in not good condition. There are several departmental buildings inside the campus. There are two canteens and two hostels for both boys and girls. The buildings have no CCTV. Only on the main gate and main building,CCTV is installed. The campus is somewhat clean. No proper drainage.The campus life in bharath University is not too good and not too bad, its average. The campus is wifi enabled. Some seniors are of good nature. There is no freshers party for new year students. There are no fests, no functions in college. They have seminars, conferences, debates only. They have no auditorium to organize functions.",7.7 1457,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"On the scale of 10, I would like to rate placement cell around 8.0. As stated by my teachers, many companies visit college with job offers. The college is supportive while placements. Jobs are available both on-campus and off-campus. Mostly students here pursue for higher studies and then apply for off-campus jobs. The placement cell is trying their best to improve the placement records.The college had some strict rules for students which makes students perfect citizen. The college has a dress code (Formals). ID card is mandatory. There are different libraries for different departments. The management of college is not good. They show least interest in fests, functions and cultural activities. They only organise seminars, debates and conferences for study purpose only.",7.7 1458,Student (Anonymous),Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science - [AITS],"Almost 40% of the students were placed previous year. The highest salary package offered was 2.5 LPA. The lowest salary package offered was 1.2 LPA. TCS, Tech Mahindra, etc, are the top recruiters. Roles of a site manager, assistant engineer, etc, are offered. Many students got internships for construction sites.Our college has Wi-Fi, and good facilities of labs, clean and neat classrooms and also a huge library, etc. There is a neat hostel with good facilities, and the mess was neat and clean. There are good canteen facilities and also a huge ground. There are also different types of games conducted.",8.7 1459,Student (Anonymous),CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"The placements are going perfectly in our college. The job opportunities are avaliable for every person and who is capable for that job then the job will be given and the faculty will support the the students who were with nervous and they will be encouraged.C programming couching is avaliable, academics are OK, faculty are teaching perfectly. Our c language faculty, maths faculty and EG faculty are good at teaching and explaining without any faculty we can't do that subjects well in examinations.",8.8 1460,Patel Heminkumar Manishbhai,Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],"Because i like computer study. The placements of this university is best.there is much valuable company are come for campus interview of students.The courese structure is Good for students. Facultys are very good. And faculty are from iit and nit. Steps for admission is for management quata go to pu office in near city branch and fill up form.Projections- annual technical fest. Gujarat largest technical fest. Dhoom- annual culture festival Dhoom - sports events In projection there are many events Like, technical,nontechnical,games,sports game, edm etc. In projections there is also a workshop on many technical subject of every fields.",8.5 1461,Manan Sehgal,"University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University - [UIET]","I got admission through jee mains exam score. on the basis of that score, online counseling is done and students get admission through that counseling.after getting selected in online counseling, student needs to go and submit his 10th and 12th marksheet along with medical certificate.and then submit the fees.In comparison with the other government colleges, the fees here is somewhat on the expensive side. You can pay fees through demand draft in axis Bank and Punjab national Bank. no there are no other additional charges to be paid for admission, and the College provides transparency in the fee-breakdown.",8 1462,Vikas singh,IIT Bhubaneswar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITBBS],"U have to crack jee advance exam with approx rank of 2k to get in the college Admission process in through jossa councelling process where seats are allocated to you according to ur rank,after the councilling process you have to choose a near by iit for your documents varificationIt feasible, academic fee's is about 180000 The fee can be submitted through e banking, through sbi bank,the there are other things like library charges, medical charges and ect which maki the fee total of 200000,mess and hostle fee is about 28000 so the total fee is 230000",8.5 1463,Student (Anonymous),CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],College infrastructure is too good and coming to study and placements it is providing max. As of now I am 1st year only. But in coming days I am waiting for my best experience. And speaking about CMR ENGINEERING COLLEGE it is above average college.I am pursuing cse in btech under jntuh university.And the syllabus does not provide enough industrail exposure. My faculty was good enough. But the syllabus is outdated. So in coming years they need to change syllabus.,8.7 1464,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is not well maintained and is in not good condition. There are several departmental buildings inside the campus. There are two canteens and two hostels for both boys and girls. The buildings have no CCTV. Only on the main gate and main building,CCTV is installed. The hostel is not so good. The laboratories are in good condition and some of the laboratories are in good condition and some of them are well maintained. The campus is somewhat clean. No proper drainage.The campus life in bharath University is not too good and not too bad, its average. The campus is wifi enabled. Some seniors are of good nature. There is no freshers party for new year students. There are no fests, no functions in college. They have seminars, conferences, debates only. They have no auditorium to organize functions.",8.3 1465,Student (Anonymous),Centurion University of Technology and Management - [CUTM],"Course syllabus feel pretty good as for agriculture course, i'll say practical on labs are okay, I've choosed other side course in intend to learn and develop my skills but, they didn't register cuz I'm an agriculture student, some faculty are so dramatic and I've found lots are like crabs if any student wanna develop some technical stuff and project they just don't give a try(this is what happened to me)they can't fool me with making excuses, there were some good facilities who left college during my 1st year and even Dean of our department is coward to take step to start a project he depends on other faculty responses.Usually orchestral functions were grandly celebrated just limited upto university and they organise cultural programs and evens only on occasions, I'll say I'm much into technology related stuffs and i planned actuall projects but now i feel like I'm in the wrong place cuz they don't wanna give u a try so,well some faculty appricated my projects and plans but likewise no way to implement em, and kind of impossible to get any fundings",5.8 1466,Student (Anonymous),CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"Electronic and communication is a very tough.In our campus faculty for ece department is above average. The core subject for our electronics and communication engineering course is basic electrical engineering and it seems to be very tough.And the faculty associated with the subject is not so goodBest placements, good academic standards,nearer, reasonable fee, equipped infrastructure,sports, encourage all co curricular activities, vaste campus, necessary lab equipments,well designed auditoriums and placement cells, bus facilities for all the students and faculty",5.8 1467,Student (Anonymous),Sreenivasa Institute of Technology & Management Studies - [SITAMS],"Around 90% of the students got placed. The highest salary package offered was 4 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 2 LPA, and the average salary package offered was 3 LPA. Top recruiting companies for our course are CTS, Infosys and Wipro. About 40% of the students got internships, and Shiash company offered internships in which many students got placed.The reason I chose this college was that it is near to my home and the college has van facility. So It is easy to reach college in morning. the college is far better than other colleges in chittoor. Many of my friends have took admission in this college only. SO we enjoy a lot in college.",8 1468,Student (Anonymous),Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science - [AITS],It's very good And has all necessary infrastructure. Libararies are big and have all the essential books for each department. Also Encourages students for making good projects. College managemnet gives importance to the ideas of the students and encourages new talentsThey provide Good quality of education. Assignments are also given to test the capability of a student. Sometimes in the form of slip test and other time in the form of quiz. Each department have their own way to encourage to be active in their subject.,7.7 1469,Student (Anonymous),Nirma University - [NU],"The campus infrastructure contain sports grounds for cricket, football, tennis, table tennis and many more. The campus has the Wifi only for laptop users. It didn't give access to students for more than a day. The library is not much bigger as they had split it according to the branches of universities. The equipments are modern and not much usable or we can say up to date equipments.The course has been approved by AICTE and every year its course are changing minorly by the NBA and university have its own laboratory and all for CSE students and all faculties to whom I had faced till now are very good in sense of teaching and interacting with us.",10 1470,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],I am doing Bachelors degree. The college is trying their best to improve the quality of academics. The faculty is supportive and friendly in nature for all the students. The syllabus contains all the essential topics for the development of students. An international language is also added as a subject in the syllabus. The faculty is awesome in their field of interest.The college building is not in good condition. Our classroom is in first year block where classes are not at all good. They are not so spacious and not Air conditioned. The entire first year block has no CCTV for security purposes. The laboratories are currently closed. There are only few classes with smart boards. The canteen are not so clean and hygienic.,7.7 1471,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The teaching quality in college is average, but they are trying to improve the quality. They also have introduced a new language in syllabus for students. They also have introduced many other subjects in 2nd and 3rd year which will develop us academically and professionally. The curriculum keeps on updating every semester. At the end, it all depends on talent and skills of student.There was no freshers party for first year student. The college does not organise any type of cultural fest, no functions, only seminars and conferences are organised. There is no auditorium inside campus. There are many restrictions inside campus. The teachers are supportive. There is no playing ground and show least interest in sending teams for competitions.",7.7 1472,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"As stated by seniors and teachers, the college has an average record in placement. They are doing everything to improve the placement in the college. They conduct events, seminars and workshops for students. Mostly CS and Civil students get placement. Many go for higher studies and the apply for off-campus jobs. In upcoming years, the records will improve a lot.I am pursuing B.tech. The experienced faculty is supportive and friendly in nature. Many have an experience of more than 25 years. They are trying their best to improve the way of their teaching. We also have Japanese language in syllabus of first year. The curriculum keeps on updating time to time.",7.7 1473,Rima Das,Techno India University,"Top multinationals companies visited our college for recruitment, and only the best are selected. The placements depend upon the student's academic performance and interview. Well, you will be trained for the interview by professionals. Last year, a student of B.Tech, CSE got salary package of 22 LPA.When compared to the neighbouring colleges, this college is fine. But, the college still has a lot to improve. We are not at all happy with the level of infrastructure that the college has and the promises it gives to the students who are taking part in the selection processes in these years.",9 1474,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],The quality of education in Bharath is average in college. The teachers are not taking classes properly. The college is improving their academics. They have also introduced Japanese as international language in our syllabus. The curriculum is updated amd revised every year. The syllabus is not lengthy but includes all the subject.The placement in our college is not impressing. Many companies visit campus with job offers for students. Around 60%-70% students gets placed every year. Many students go for higher studies and apply for off-campus jobs. The college organize many seminars and workshops for students. The college is supportive during placement.,7.7 1475,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is pleasant. There are no extra curricular activities organised by college authorities. The college does not organise cultural fests, freshers party, hostel day, science day, I mean nothing for entertaining purpose. There is no auditorium. The sports faculty shows least interest in sending teams for representing college in competition. The location is campus is safe for girls and there is a hospital for emergencies.The academics is somewhat good.In the beginning, we were given a brief of the syllabus and softwares which will be taught us in the upcoming years. Currently, the classes are being conducted in a smooth and good way. The faculty members are good and supportive. The curriculum is updated. The quality of education is good and makes us job ready.",7.7 1476,Student (Anonymous),"College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology","This university is good in Both education and other extra Co curricular activities. This university not only provides with good quality education but also with a better future aspects. With comprised of so many societies to be a part of one can easily join their field Intrested society for gaining more knowledge in that field. Also there are too many events to be a part of.Yes curriculum is updated with regular inspections being carried out. From academics point of view, studies are not too easy. Also with 50 percent passing criteria it makes it more tough. Industrial visits are also organised by different societies.",7.8 1477,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],This college one of the best college in Delhi after IIT Delhi. It has one of the best and beautiful campus. Good placement The placement records of this college are excellent as confirmed by the seniors. Good infrastructure This college has got best faculty members and staff who work in the well being of the students. Good alumni network This alumni network of this college is very good. They pay frequent visits to the college and guide the students.This college hosts one of the biggest fest in North India Engifest. This year more than 1 lakh footsteps were counted in the fest. On the OEM night international DJ MAG no 27 in the world was invited. There are sports fest also like avhaan,8.5 1478,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is good here. The seniors are supportive and friendly in nature. The college is free from ragging amd strict actions are taken against it. There are no fests organized in campus. They only organise seminars, debates and conferences in a small classsrom as no auditorium is there. The campus locality is safe. There is a hospital inside campus for emergency.Our college has a wide number of placements and more than 75 percent of college students get placed into top companies. Recently our college student got placed into amazon with the highest package of 27 LPA. The placement process is easy and our college supports us to get into top companies with highest package.",7.8 1479,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college structure is not up to mark. There are many essential elements missing like a proper playground, auditorium, proper WiFi, proper canteen. Classes are not so spacious and has no CCTV for secutrity reasons. The campus is somewhat green but many trees are cut down during this construction. Laboratories are well maintained and has all the equipments.The placement are good for some branches whereas many of the students opt for higher studies in abroad and apply for off-campus jobs and placement offers. Previous Year the average salary offered to stduents was 5LPA - 6 LPA. The college supports students in the placement process and make it simple process",7.3 1480,Sudipta Roy,Techno India University,"Classes are generally LT halls with central AC facility. Infrastructure is no doubt nice as compared to other TECHNO colleges reason being the high semester fees. Two floors comprises of computer labs for all streams and years, 2 floors dedicated to LT halls. There is a floor which was comprising of library and common rooms now turned classrooms. Playing ground comprises of a football ground and nothing more. Also there's a swimming pool. Manufacturing, electrical, electronics labs are also present with sufficient rooms.The college has an awesome infrastructure. The campus has a huge building. Different laptop setups are available with the latest technology. There is a seminar hall to conduct all the programmes, and a 31 gaming room is present in Techno India University. The whole campus is well-maintained and furnished. Wi-Fi facility is available on the campus. The campus is huge and has a well-equipped library.",9.3 1481,Rima Dutta,Techno India University,"Students are offered data of 34 Mb through Jionet every day. The entire building is centrally air-conditioned. Even the labs and classrooms are also air-conditioned. Equipment in the lab is also very well-maintained. The library is huge and occupies one entire floor. It is very efficient and completely air-conditioned. A sports and games room is also available and usually remains dirty. However, games facilities are in good condition. Classrooms and labs are neat and clean. Hostel rooms are located behind the college campus, and the hostel condition is average. Canteen is one of the favourite places of the students. The quality and quantity of food are fantastic. Most of the items are cheap and readily available. The problem with the infrastructure is that there are no places for students to hang out except for the canteen.I took admission because all possible events one can think of take place in the college like coding challenges, quizzes, brainstorming, etc. Every year, the college organises 3 fests such as sports, technical, and cultural fests. The campus crowd is average. Usually, the college campus is filled with students. As the campus is in Salt Lake city, reaching the college from every part of Kolkata is easy. Bus facilities, autos and rickshaws are usually used to reach the campus. Our campus is surrounded by MNCs and various other official buildings. The scholarship is provided very rarely.",9 1482,Shirish Singh,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of our university is one of the best. All the classrooms are centrally air-conditioned. There are 2-3 lifts in the building. The campus is huge. Classrooms have good lighting facilities. Sports and games tournaments are organised regularly. The library is quite okay. The canteen is air-conditioned, and the food served was good. I have never been to the hostel, so I have no idea about it.A few companies visited the college to conduct campus drives. Most of the companies were related to IT branches. There was very less scope for core streams such as for civil and mechanical. Companies visit the campus, but they don't recruit the students. Only mass recruiters like TCS visit the campus and recruits students for BPO roles.",9.2 1483,Rashmita Debnath,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of the college is average. But if you think the college has a wide campus with garden, canteen, walkways, and a field, then you have to compromise because the college has nothing called as a college campus. It just has two buildings in which classes and labs are held. The college has a swimming pool which has mud water literally, and students throw beer and whiskey bottles into it. Apart from this, the college has a very big ground, as big as a lawn tennis court, where sports activities, fest, and freshers' party are conducted.The college life is full of events. There is some event or the other going on most of the times on the campus. The college conducts a cultural fest, but participation from other colleges is very less. There are two fields on the campus, but the same campus has Techno India College, Salt Lake and Techno India School also. Scholarships are provided to the meritorious economically backward students, and the college is very well-connected by public transport.",8.2 1484,Anupurba Mondal,Techno India University,"Iam a techie person from my childhood, so I choose this course. Everything is great in our college. I chose this course because I like coding and developing new software. The best thing about my course is that you get a broad field to work on as nowadays every company relies on computer software and hence being a software engineer is auspicious here.Placements are good in our college. The college also provides internships to students. The salary packages start from 3 LPA are offered. The highest salary package offered is around 6 LPA. Companies like PepsiCo, Tata Consultancy Service, Wipro, Cognizant and few more companies visit the campus for placements.",9.2 1485,Pratyusha Goswami,Techno India University,"Placements are good here, and overall, 99% of students got placed. The salary offered was above Rs.10,000 per month. The average salary offered is Rs. 80,000 to 90,000 per month in some companies, and it varies from students. Our college recruiters are like Wipro, TCS, Microsoft, Google, etc, and they offered designation like a junior engineer to students.Teachers in our college are good, not the best or helpful as they provide very less information. The quality of the teaching is not up to the mark, especially the module, which is the online database of our university is outdated and doesn't work most of the times. The course curriculum is relevant, but it doesn't make any student industry-ready.",9.3 1486,Anupama Dey,Techno India University,"The best thing about the course is that the most part is practical and not just theory-based, which gives you an idea of how things work even before you step into the corporate world. There is a lot of scope of improvement in the management of the college. There is a fair amount of extracurricular activities, not just cultural but also field related fests.Faculty members are really helpful, and the college is also more or less well equipped, although there is no Wi-Fi for the students the classrooms have projectors, air-conditioning etc. As I don't live in the hostel, I can't say anything about the hostels, but the canteen is really good.",8.3 1487,Ritam Sarkar,Techno India University,There are highly professional teachers with best teaching methods. They give their best to teach us. There are no boring classes. Every faculty have good and unique teaching methods. The teachers are very good and kind in nature. Yes this course curriculum is relevant. Yes it make the students industry ready.There are very good facilities and infrastructure available for our course and department. The college management is very helpful. If a problem occurs to a student there is a student Coordinator cell which is very helpful. I didn't live in hostel so I can't tell anything about hostel facilities.,9.5 1488,Shibashis Dey,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Almost 40% of the students got placed. The highest salary package offered was 5.5 LPA, and the lowest salary package offered was 2.5 LPA. The campus placement team came during October 2016, and the categories of companies for the work of BPO are accounting work, bookkeeping, etc. The top recruiting company was IBM Pvt Ltd.Teachers here were very helpful and knowledgeable. They had a very different way of teaching. The course curriculum was relevant and up to the mark, and it helped students to come forward to look in a different world that is the corporate world which demands a very high calibre.",9.2 1489,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Hostel bed and lightnings are good. Warden is a bit on the strict side. There are restrictions inside the hostel. But, overall it is good. Food quality not that great, but there are a lot of street foods which are amazing. All sports fitness and wellness centres are available.Teachers are knowledgeable but they can be better. The study is more bookish rather than industry oriented. Lab teachers are really not that helpful. But one with the will to learn can get upskilled by showing more interest. Not at par with other colleges in the same rank.",9.8 1490,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"I am doing b.tech and my branch is CSE. Curriculum can be updated,teachers are experienced and helpful.Seniors also help in studies,they provide notes.Teachers are supportive, they help us in clearing our doubts. The faculty members are also very good, they have industry experience and they share their experiences well with us.The infrastructure and facilities are awesome. We have all the equipments and machines that are required for the practicals and gives us a hint of machineries being used in factories. The food quality is also very good and all the vegetables are available in the mess which makes us healthy.",10 1491,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The faculty members are also very good, they have industry experience and they share their experiences well with us. Some of them are also having a Ph.D. degree in a particular subject which helps them to comprehend better and explain it to the students. The course curriculum is very much relevant and it makes everyone industry-ready.The infrastructure and facilities are awesome. We have all the equipments and machines that are required for the practicals and gives us a hint of machineries being used in factories. The food quality is also very good and all the vegetables are available in the mess which makes us healthy.",10 1492,Student (Anonymous),Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"It's amazing trust me.Seniors are friendly and supportive,college celebrates every festival and hosts grand fests every year in which it invites celebrities.Its location is completely safe and it handles all the emergency situations wisely.There are many societies like dance,music,drama,robotics,NSS etc in which you will get to learn new things.Campus is eco- friendly and beautiful.KIIT is famous for its infrastructure,it provides world class facilities.It provides free WiFi connectivity to its students,classrooms have smart boards and white boards too.Hostels are clean and food provided by the hostel is also hygienic.Whole campus is green and clean.Labs are well maintained and they have all the required equipment. it has many food courts and beautiful parks.",9.8 1493,Sarjan Patel,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"Bits takes its own entrance exam called Bitsat. Well this college stands on 6th possition after 5 iits in india for engineering. the information related to registration is given after qualifying the exam. the admission process is straight forward we have to set the preference order of the courses we would like to opt for once. and there are only two rounds.its a very nice college but the fee structure is too high.apogee is a tech fest held in april,this fest is really good for knowing new stuff and start ups,there are many other events also.oasis is a cultural fest held in october,we have dj,singers, comedians to entertain people,and bosm is sports fest held in december",9 1494,Rumi Das,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of our college was very good. We got all the facilities like library, medical facilities, sports, game, lab, etc. Quality of the labs was good, and the quality of our classrooms was very good. Labs and classrooms were fully air-conditioned. The quality of food available in the canteen was good. We didn't face any infrastructure related issues during our coursePlacements in our college are up to the mark. At least, 80% of students get placed in tech giants like TCS, Cognizant, Tech Mahindra and many more. Last year, almost two students got placed in Intel with an annual salary package of 7.2 LPA. Students get extra training facility for the preparation of GATE in our college.",9.8 1495,Dinesh Kumar Bagla,Techno India University,"The infrastructure of the college is average. The campus is small and has no facilities like garden, canteen, etc. It just has 2 buildings in which classes and labs are held. The college has a swimming pool which has mud water. Students throw beer and whiskey bottle into it. Apart from this, the college has a huge ground as huge as a lawn tennis court, where sports activities, fest, and freshers party are conducted.Placements in the college were good for B.Tech students. The average salary package offered was 3.5 LPA. Top recruiters are TCS, Infosys, and IBM. Many other companies also visit the campus for recruitment. Placements are usually not good for BBA students. Usually, the placement rate for B.Tech students is 100%.",9.7 1496,Subhrojyoti Halder,Techno India University,"Placements are good in our college. The college also provides internships to students. The salary packages start from 3 LPA are offered. The highest salary package offered is around 6 LPA. Companies like PepsiCo, Tata Consultancy Service, Wipro, Cognizant and few more companies visit the campus for placements.The college conducts many fests like Techno Vivarta for technical lovers, Shot Sava for cultural lovers and also they conduct foreign projects in Europe. I suggest that things which can be done better are the college should provide a campus where every student can interact with each other.",8.8 1497,Student (Anonymous),Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology - [DCRUST],"Because I like the campus and the placement history. Also I like the Culture of the University and I was getting the Course I needed. Far from City life and great campus drove me to this university. Also I like the hostel life here which is quite unique o its ownUniversity is visited by many companies. But the most placement are taken in TCS. Alumni network is quite good and are in connection. That really makes it a very good college. If you need a college with good placements, this is the kneifor your.",7.3 1498,Student (Anonymous),Government Engineering College - [GECSKP] Sreekrishnapuram ,"We have a placement cell which offers us to take practise on placements in the top companies like TCS, Infosys and much more, the latest placement rate of my department is much low, but the CSE and IT has a great scope when compared to us,as they beat us with their coding skills, for the EEE, the seniors will arrange the placement companies with the help of the placements for making the task easier.The outstanding view and the cool climate like a forest area made me so curious about the education at here, Eventhough there are some transportationall difficulties, i am able to study in this college in my own way, No disturbance, no troubles.",9.2 1499,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Byjus, adani gas, adani Power plant,and many other companies have visited.In the placement process we have give the exam fir entrance in the interview round. After that we are supposed to go for interviews with various companies there is a good thing and that is the Adani companies come here first for placement.There are many startups going on like inoventox, academic, etcNot good at all. Leaving some of them. The facilities here have PhD but it is of no ise cuz you won't understand a word they explain leaving some of them. There is a mam tanvi she is worst maths teacher i have ever came across i hope she leaves the college as soon as possible",4.2 1500,ANANTH R,Bannari Amman Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I got admission through TNEA 2019.I chose this course as my course(CSBS) is designed by TCS and it's a brand new course and only some (top) colleges in INDIA have this course. REASON FOR CHOSING: The college has nearly 25 special labs(Artificial intelligence, cloud lab, Cyber security, data science)in which students can be a active member irrespective of departments and they can work irrespective of time(24 hrs). They are also providing night time skill classes(20skills) which are offered by the seniors of the same colleges we can choose what skill we like and with which senior we want to learn. And there are also faculty selection program for us. The PLACEMENT is very GOOD (98%) in computer related courses and( 80%) for other courses. They are also offering TOEFEL, UPSC, TNPSC, PSRB, RRB,SSC, GATE classes inside campus (100%) free. Next. Coming to Campus life(100% awesome green infrastructure). The college is AUTONOMOUS affliated to ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI ADMISSION PROCEDURE: 1.TNEA(12th class cutoff based on department we are choosing in college) 2.MANAGEMENT QUOTA:They ask nearly 4 -5 lakhs for computer related courses and for other courses nearly 1-2 lakhs as donation. 3.ENTRANCE TEST: JEE aspirants also can enter based on their subject wise score in JEE mains.There are 30 clubs for all students(Lithub, Music, Dance.) and also there is COLLEGE RADIO program run by students. EQUAL (MEN-WOMEN)RATIO. They ued to conduct Workshops for every departments. There is no restrictions to COMMUNICATE with OPPOSITE GENDER. Ethnicity: The semester exams and other college exams will be MCQs. There are no PARAGRAPHING qns. Most of the students are from MIDDLE CLASS family There is a CAFE inside the campus and we can also ORDER FOODS from outside campus. Three will be 3 days outing in a week for hostel students",9.5 1501,Gulshan Patidar,Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"campus life is not of the type which permanent campuses have but still it have all the extra curriculum activities club here which are very much active, campus life is very good since it is engineering life that is never be different than any other engineering college.first of all it is a national level institute which is continuously growing. it is situated in gujarat, that is also a big reason to join this institute. it's placement statistics are growing every year. Coding culture of this institute is awesome.",9.7 1502,Sanu Kumar,Techno Main Salt Lake,"I got into this college by getting a good rank which is the eligibility criteria of different branches in this college. I gave WEBJEE ( West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam) in year 2019 by the month april. We got our results after a month and the counselling criteria started in which one has to secure a good rank to get theri required stream. My rank was under 5k for which I got a seat in IT stream and I locked the seat during counseling, and finally got this college.The college doesn't mark a good impact over the students as the Curriculum is not that great which can help to secure a good placement. The Exams are conducted under MAKAUT University as this college is affiliated toh this university. The semester exams are not that though. The college wouldn't help someone to get a good placement rather teachers can help you for Off-Campus placements.",5.7 1503,Student (Anonymous),Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"The subjects and syllabus is just wonderfully designed,3 rd sem onwards. The faculties use one of the most advance technologies to make us understand the concept.Every faculty our staff Member is always available for us. In fact i once mailed my problem to my Sir at 12:30 am.and he answered me back at 1am.Even all faculty members support us for sports as well as for cultural activities.And every professor welcomes every student whether he is weak or strong in studies to keep his point or idea for good of the institute.Our campus is temporary. But here we are provided with all the fascilities. We have one volleyball ground, football ground and one cricket ground in our present campus. We have really good library with all kind of books.Also indoor sports room where we play Table tennis, carrom, chess.etc. We also enjoy playing intra institute gaming competitions and also sports competitions. Wifi is good, you can watch an HD movie without buffering.Gym is also good.",8.8 1504,Krishna Rathore,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"you can enjoy your campus life to its fullest if you are coming to mnit. It is located at the heart of the city. WTP and GT(malls) are walking distance.aftersomtime you'll feel like ghar to wtp and gt. lots of clubs and cafes are locates at vicinity of college. Now talking about events in MNIT, they never stop,one after other they never seem to cease,Blitz is a cultural fest,where many big stars like armaan malik,Ankit Tiwari had come. sphinx(tech fest) where innovations are welcomedIt has asia's largest lecture theatrical complex.sports facilities are also good and easily accessible. Gym facilities are also open to everyone. Library is big with lots of books but it needs to be updated in terms of infrastructure. wifi speed is okayish but in girls hostel you need to connect LAN.Labs equipment,though working properly but needs to be updated.Ambience of mechanical workshop absolutely gives an feeling of a garage.",7 1505,Student (Anonymous),K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering - [KJSCE],"Bcoz this was the best college according to the Mark's scored and also for the course I wanted to do and they also provide variety of opportunities to improve our skills. It has the best campus in mumbai,and probably the best hostel life also the food in the mess in very good. Infrastructure is good and the connectivity is good from all three railway lines.and not to forget the it has got a very good faculty that is always concerned about the overall development of students.Curriculum it advanced and focuses on new developments.Also special course of IAP Is there in the second sem to get the students acquainted with industry exposure. Academics of the ppl studying in this college are good and has healthy competition among the students. I think this college has the best faculty and is concerned about the overall development of students.",9.3 1506,Sarvagya Verma,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],They are very well as almost 200 to 250 companies come to DTU every year. Now if you are up to mark you can make it easily and being upto the mark does not require so much. If you are a Good Manager you can do well if you are a good coder you can do well but still each and everything requires Hardwork andddd Consistency.The Department of Bio Technology has one of the most up to date curriculum in DTU. This also the reason why I chose Biotech in DTU and not in any other college. However There are some exceptionally well teachers who are very Friendly and Cooperative whilst there are some others who are not helpful at all.,6.7 1507,Student (Anonymous),Centurion University of Technology and Management - [CUTM],"The placement in our college is no doubt good. Each and every year renowned companies are hiring students with a good package which is quite appreciable for the starting of one's life. The students are getting placed at the best locations around India where they can establish themselves.According to me, the course is gonna be extremely useful for my future, as it deals with the learning and implementation of modern technologies that are in huge demand for Agricultural sector. Not only basics but it too deals with advanced methodologies of modern agricultural implements.",8.8 1508,Student (Anonymous),Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Merit and merit cum need scholarship. You can get scholarship on the basis of your cg and scholarship are given on tution fees and after every semester. Ranging from 25 % to 80 %. Merit scholarship are given to top cg holders Ranging from 40% to 100 %Best multi national and best national companies come from placement. Placement unit are organised by student council and Google, microsoft,Oracle and every company come and offer great to students. Placement are done after calculating final cg",10 1509,Student (Anonymous),Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Great placements are there. the job opportunities are great. Teaching facilities share their experiences.Placement and job opportunities are good. Training and placement cell adheres many companies every year. There is a vast exposure of companies here. In interviews takes place inside the college campus. Companies are directly invited by training and placement cell of collegeWell I am new to this college but can still say Campus life is great. collaborative groups in the college. Events took place every year.many learned faculitues and alumuni join the events. College students also participate in it.there are technical,cultural every kind of events",8.2 1510,Student (Anonymous),Jadavpur University - [JU],Because I had a dream to pursue Engineering as undergrad studies and JU is one of the best colleges in the country in terms of academic and placements.so far as the campus environment it is beautiful there are a lot of clubs I'm myself a member of JUSC (Jadavpur University Science Club).two fests are held one is the Cult fest Sanskriti and tech fest SrijanYes as I'm a first yr student so we have a common syllabus like all the Engineering colleges in the country. in the first sem we had physics chemistry maths1 engineering mechanical humanities socio and in this sem 2 we have Cpnm(computer programming numerical method) electrical engineering basic electronics and Mathematics 2,9 1511,Student (Anonymous),Centurion University of Technology and Management - [CUTM],"All the faculties are very good in my college they makes us learn very easily and happily they always try to make students Happy they are doing very hard work to make us good and well educated person. One of my favourite teacher is Hemant nayak. He was my teacher who teaches us the subject Workshop because of him i like that subject.My college is based on a private university who's name is Centurion University of technology and management. so in my college many companies where visiting like TCS. Dassault system, tech Mahindra, Ashok Leyland, Eicher and many more good companies which makes us proud to our College. This company offers students a very good jobs.",6.8 1512,Khan Suhailahmed Mujeebullah,Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering,"I am chose the electronics and telecommunication course this is my favorite and my inspiration. It's the college are from the another colleges and this college campus are very helpful for me for my carrier. This college is very displaying correctly for students training.first log in the day protocol for maharashtra government and then submit the form then merit list are declare then choose the college respectively.In my college course program fee and payment accept by the cash and check and online transaction by the college, for the same. Are there any additional fee are not giving the college but those student are in management cota for admission to give additional charges. Those students are financial week those students college provide the scholarship application.",10 1513,Himanshu Mishra,Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"The institute commenced its operation in the year 2013, and there have been 3 placement rounds upto date. There have been lots of changes in the placement activities now, because now we have a dedicated Training and Placements Officer, who looks after all the placement activities, and even helps in giving internships to students. 2020 batch placement - List of Recruiters: 30+ companies Batch Size: 74, Students placed: 74 (100%) Highest Package: 36 LPA Average Package: 11 LPA Placement is improving year by year. There were eight International Offers based in Japan, Germany, and Malaysia. Top Recruiters: Amazon, Mathworks, Adobe, Quikr, Siemens, Sigmoid, ICICI Bank, International Firms.IIIT Vadodara is an ‘Institute of National Importance’. This is a tag for which I had compromise certain facilities and take admission here. This Institute is specialized in Information Technology so coding culture is awesome. Its placement is awesome and much better than many NITs (Highest Package - 36LPA, Average Package - 11LPA & Lowest Package - 6LPA with 100% placement). Many big companies like Amazon, Adobe, Mathswork etc. visited here. It offers only CSE & IT courses so it was a good choice for me because I aspire for computer branch.",8.2 1514,Student (Anonymous),St Peter's College of Engineering and Technology - [SPCET],"Previous year, about 60% of students get placed in MNCs, and most of them attend interviews in various reputed companies.I don't know the prior information about, but there are various leading MNCs recruit people from our department. All of them enter as trainee's since they have no prior field experience.Faculty members of the college are friendly. Many of the faculty are doctorates, and some of them have multiple doctorates in their fields. The course curriculum is updated. We spend a lot of time on practical knowledge to make students ready to face the industrial challenge.",7.7 1515,Student (Anonymous),K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering - [KJSCE],"Events were great, the student council here at the college is very nice and helpful regarding all the problems faced by students, seniors are helpfull too, after all it's a chill environment, and it doesn't affect our studies, there are many Events and activities conducted tooBecause it was providing me many facilities which others weren't. Like hostel close location, public transportation nearby, big campus area,etc. And hostel was pretty good too, and for my marks in mhtcet I was getting this college.",8.3 1516,Student (Anonymous),ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Alumini network here in my program is great.In mining engineering almost 100% students get placement in different multinational company every year. Maximum salary offered by coal india, caterpillar and many more which is 15- 20 Lacs per annum. Atleast 50-60 % students get internship offer from different companies.Top recruiting companies were Indian Oil, Coal India Limited, Vedanta, Ambuja Cement and Aditya Birla Group. Process for placements are- a)student will have to give his/her preference before start of a hiring process3 if he/she is appearing for hiring process of more than one company on a given day. (b) The first choice of the student will be final if the student is selected by multiple companies. 4. Any student who denies a full time offer after selection will be debarred from all the subsequent hiring process. 5. Any student who denies an Internship offer after selection will be debarred from all the subsequent intern hiring process. 6. Any final year student who has accepted Pre Placement Offer4 (PPO) during/after internship cannot appear in any subsequent placement process conducted through CDC. 7. Any student who has accepted an internship offer through Online Contests facilitated/assisted by IIT(ISM) will be considered as on-campus internship offer and point 2 shall come into force. 8. Any final year student who has accepted a PPO by company through Online Contests facilitated/assisted by IIT(ISM) will not be allowed to appear in any placement process conducted through CDC in his/her final year. 9. A pre-final year student (of all programs) who has accepted a PPO by company through campus hiring or Online Contests facilitated/assisted by IIT(ISM) can appear for intern hiring process only in the pre-final year. However, the student cannot appear for PPO process of the company in which he/she is doing/undergoing the internship. (This is the case of B. Tech/ Integrated student who does internship after his/her second year and subsequently gets a PPO) 10. Any pre-final year student who has accepted Returning Internship5 offer cannot appear for the intern hiring process of any other company. (This is also the case of B. Tech/ Integrated student who does internship after his/her second year and subsequently gets a returning internship offer).The campus infrasture would be rated as good not excellent.They have beautiful old buildings that are painted in red and white.The library here is known to the Asia second largest library.The labs are good with all required equipments available.The hostels have free wifi facility giving a limit of 1 gb per day.The sports facilities are available but some of sports like kabaddi,kho kho remains absent here other than that it has all types of sports facility available in sports complex and student activity center.But it doesn't have a indoor complex for basketball. It has 3 grounds namely lower ground used mostly for cricket,upper ground which is common for all sports and a sports complex for basketball.",8.3 1517,Saran Rakshit,Techno India University,":1) Infrastructure of our college is good.There is a library which contains so many varities of book.2) Labs are well equiped. So many apparatus are there3) Faculties are really good. So many teachers are there to teach us.Disadvantages of the college:1) There is no play ground in our college for out door games. No facility to play indoor games2) 5 storage building, but no lift is there.Admistration of this college is terribly poor.a year ago A very good college many faciliyies are also there. We can easily find buses for howrah, newtown, Ruby, Garia, Jadavpur, Chingrighata, Ultadanga, Sealdah. It is near college more beside Haldia patrochemicals building. It is consist of two campuses one is university building and the other is Techno Main salt lake building.",9.3 1518,Bhavya Adhiya Jitendrabhai,Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"MYSY- MUKHYAMANTRI YUVA SWAMLAMBAN YOJANA this is scholarship provided by government of Gujarat, College does not provide any scholarship or loan scheme as per my knowledge and if you want to apply for this MYSY scholarship, you must have scored more than 80 or in your respective class 12th boardThis college come under the GTU so syllabus is same as that of any GTU college but when we talk about industrial exposure this College always on top across all over Colleges of Gujarat because institute have direct connection with industry because of brand Adani",8.2 1519,Student (Anonymous),"Andhra University, College of Engineering - [AUCE]","I chose this college because it is near to my home. I am only child in my house. My parents were not allowing me to go outstation for higherb studies. So I selected this college. The college is under College of Andhra University. The college has good reviews on internet.The college has the best infrastructure. It have all necessary facilities.There are well-equipped laboratories, sports centers and well facilitated hostels and all of them are well maintained and the living spaces are clean and food is hygienic.",7.7 1520,Student (Anonymous),Jadavpur University - [JU],"The syllabus was up to date. Yes, we were providing industrial experience. I am in now 1st year so i don't have the full knowledge about that the college was providing industrial knowledge or not but from the seniors and the alumnis tha the college provide enough knowledge regarding industrial experience. Facilities are good. If you follow the professor of our college you will succed. There are so many faculties in every semester. As i was in 1st year so nothing special or favourite faculties whic i have seen through.Be a student of 1st year. don't know about the companies visted. I think the placement was good. the placement in cs department is 100%. and the other department's placement was very good.yeah some department's placement was low. but i think that will recover very soon. i am reapeating once again that I don't know very about the placement campusing and all. you can go through google and past year placement and company reviews so that yo configure out the idea of the job and placement.",9 1521,Supranayan Dutta,Jadavpur University - [JU],"Jadavpur University has a year long festival season. At first we get the departmental freshers and everyone could take part and enjoy them regardless their departments. Next is the collective freshers known as U-Turn which is huge and participants come from all the faculties. U-Turn hosts several cultural and sports activites with lots of interaction among the students. Next there are fests of all the faculties (arts, science and engineering). Arts and science faculty fests are pretty big and everyone from the college are welcome. But then comes the technical fest of the engineering faculty, Srijan, mainly held in the Salt Lake campus, and it has lots of exposures to technology and companies of the respective fields. But the biggest one is the culural fest of engineering faculty, Sanskriti, particpants come from all the colleges in Kolkata. This fest is huge and all of us use to keenly wait for this one.Finest engineering workshops and facilities in Kolkata, with a great placement record. Being a tire 1 college it has its own perks. The core sectors get decent placements. The professors are well experienced and helps in hands on practicals. Workshops have enough number of machineries to suffice each and every student. This a nice green campus with lots of extra curricular activites to do. The college is situated in South Kolkata, one of the busiest and easily accessible places in the city. There are several clubs to keep you engaged all the time. Clubs could be technical like motorsports club, coding club or may be non technical like photography club or mountaineering club. This place has all the components to make you fall in love with it.",7.2 1522,Student (Anonymous),Viva Institute of Technology - [VIOT],I wanted to get a big experience in huge college and my friend were also going to the same college an which happened to have the the cours I want take for my career and as it was a new colleges it was man City and were close to railway station Which mad my travel easy and I had heard from my friend that the college where good and he loved it a lotIt's real a great experience we have free wifi for students which super slow and we can't download anything there no network in certain parts of college which super annoying but it works enoug and college alos has a canteen which offers different types of breakfast but most of time it's cold so I don't like it,6.5 1523,D NagaPavan,Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology Nandyal - [RGMCET],Campus is very gud with the environment having a very good labs with the central Ac every week there is sports for 2 hrs which we can have physical health body many competitions like coding drawing photography editing etc in our college having big garden in the front of college vth a peace environmentThere are more than20 lectures completed ther higher studies most of the sir experience is 18 years of the experience having a gud clarity about the subject many are now new to the college most of the sir are super seniors having a 1lakh of the salary to the sir or madam,7.8 1524,kuldeep vaishnav,Poornima College of Engineering,My campus is quite nice and built in good place with good infrastructure and I enjoy my campus life nicely and the gender ratio is equal for men and women and our college held many extra cocurricular activities and many labs many functions held fairs held and many sports and competitions were organisedFee structure is also feasible not expensive It costs around 80000 for a 1 year and in 2 insttallments we have to pay in first we pay 38000 and in other 38000 remaining is quotient money and uniform and books amount taken by the college its not soo expensive and quite easily approachable for everyone.,10 1525,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Telling about the infrastructure its too good and and sport facility is good enough,as we got every sport material in college just by using your IDs,and there we have many playground and also separate playground for most of the sport and everything is provided by the college. The library which have almost every book which we need and of good size and on wifi it's dead most of the time except in library our hoslte WiFi is almost dead. In lab we have almost all the equipment but it is not advanced and now also they are using the old equipment,new and advanced is available in market but still they are using the old one.Campus life really enjoying a lot,it's too good and feeling like we are in heaven except when we get the assignment which we get almost daily but live there really great till now only one technical fest organised in college and it really good and about cultural it's about to start but college closed due to covid-19 and not being open till now. The participation in them is really easy the student from other college can also participate and this year also many students form other college participated",8.2 1526,Student (Anonymous),K L University - [KLU],"The infrastructure of the college is quite good. The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled. The canteen on campus serves good food at reasonable prices. We have a ground for cricket, tennis and handball. We also have an indoor stadium for table tennis and shuttle. Overall The college has al the essential elements for the students.The present faculty members are PhD holders. They deliver excellent content of topics to us. Our college has a facility with advanced technology for learning through the online library for students. the curriculum is updated as there are several colleges under this university.",9.2 1527,Srinjan Bagchi,Jadavpur University - [JU],"My University is one of the best in state and probably one of top tier as per the NIRF rankings. I choosed this university solely on two factors. First, it's cheap, as coming from a poor background coping up with fees at IIT or NIT was difficult. Second, the culture, Being a state run university the culture is not that mixed so I have very less problems mixing with teachers and other students. Job and career wasn't a criteria when I took it, if it was I would've taken IEE at JU which had a better placement scenario but is in Saltlake campus.We have a big field and some smaller fields which I personally like playing on, apart from leisure players, there are serious national level players practicing on our grounds. The Saltlake campus have a good cricket pitch. Fast Wifi is free and it is all over available over 58 acres bug campus Hostel is neat, libraries are good and labs are overpowered Apart from all this the campus was quite green (before amphan hit) and there are 5 canteens all over the campus and numerous outside so food isn't a problem here.",8.8 1528,Tamanna,University Institute of Engineering and Technology -[UIET],"Infrastructure is not that good. Classrooms are not that satisfactory and also no ACs in classrooms. Wifi has a good range here. Library is fine, as per the requirement, it's appropriate according to the no. of UIET students. Labs are also satisfactory, you won't face any issues there.Course is well updated. Faculty here is very friendly. They help alot, not only in academics but also in other issues. 90% of the teachers I've met till now are awesome. Miss Sunaina, was our CSE faculty in 1st semester, she is one of the best teachers here.",8.2 1529,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"The placements opportunies are good. Different companies such as microsoft, amazon, jp morgan visit the campus for placements every year. There are different startups started by the college students such as myherupa which provide you with all academic details.The college is loacted at a good location. It has a good record of good placements. The college has a good infrastructure. The hostel food is good. I opted for the course because it provides education about both electronics and computers also.",7.8 1530,Student (Anonymous),National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The college provides for excellent placement opportunities including internships from product based companies like AMAZON, MICROSOFT, SAMSUNG, TATA STEEL and even 200+ companies for final placement. Students appear for the companies and are selected on the basis of several interview rounds.The college organizes various tests distinguishes as the technical and cultural ones. We have three major fests as AAROHAN, VIRASAT and NITYAMINI. Apart from them, the QUIZZICH CUP, RUNIT are the various quizzing and environmental activities organized the various clubs.",7.7 1531,Student (Anonymous),"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Campus life in SKIT is really awesome. There are many tea spots inside campus, where we sit with friends and discuss the entire day. Several functions like freshers, cultural fests, farewell are being organised in the campus. There are many hospitals near campus for emergencies. The campus is safe for girls too.College Infrastructure is good. It is Wi-Fi enabled campus. the campus is neat and clean. The classrooms are clean and CCTV enabled. There are many classes embedded with smart boards for students. The laboratories are well maintained by bthe lab staff and all the equipment are in working condition.",8.3 1532,TANYA,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Great placements and nice exposure,The college has a great infrastructure and faculties.The ffcs system of the college is also very good.Students from all over the country come here and it provides a great exposure.The technical fest are also awesomeVery nice and great placements and the placement cell makes sure that everyone gets good package and land into dream companies and it core companies.many of them even lend in super dream companies and get high package.The highest package is 42 lalhs",9.7 1533,Student (Anonymous),Siddhartha Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],"The quality of placement at our college is very nice. Around, 75 percentage of students gets the job after graduation. The highest salary package was 10 LPA whereas average salary offered was 5 LPA. The placement process is easy and pleasent (stated by placement cell).The curriculum is updated and includes all the recent developments in the feild does what you study makes you job ready definitely. The faculty is experienced and wonders in their field of interest. The academics of this college is really awesome.",8.5 1534,RAHUL HALDER,Jadavpur University - [JU],"Main factors to join jadavpur university 1) best university in westbengal 2) mechanical department is best and has the oldest labs and biggest workshop in asia 3) avarage package is also good for core company and many research opportunity because of inter-department research placement for it companies is great with avarage package of 19 lakhs 4)fees just 10,000 for 4 year 5) faculty is good 6) in my home state 7) best college i can persue mechanical engineering 8) free campus 10) easily involve yourself in many co-carricular activities 11) our college has both arts science and engineering faculty which helps fot inter-deceplanary research 12) we have 2 campus with all modern equipment presentOur university is old s much i know 1965 it was named jadavpur university and before called bengal college from 1906 so it has many oldest infrastructure including modern buildings will all amenities and we have a drdo building inside the campus and a world view named building from where whole kolkata can be seen its great. Our college comprises over a 1000 trees so its greenery we have 2-3 grounds including volleyball court, basketball court, and badminton court and many more our campus have many lakes too which enrich beauty of campus. And now we have and other new campus with all modern facility and finally open air theater where all event take place only i can say it is a piece of art.",9.2 1535,Student (Anonymous),PVKK Institute of Technology - [PVKKIT],"In my view curriculum syllabus is advanced little bit only.College providing necessary industrial exposure.Faculty are awesome,Even they are strict in class,they care about us very much&gives suggestions to career,Doubts clarification way is very good.Very faculty is good particular. Ms.Rubiya M.tech Associate Prof. in CSE is fabulous faculty in our departmentLovely campus infrastructure,very pleasant&hygienic,but security system is very high.Enough sports grounds &equipment in sports club.Wifi facility is available but only for hostel students because phones not allowed in campus.Library is good with plenty of advanced books&place for reading.Computer lab with 500+ systems & strong broadband connection.",10 1536,Student (Anonymous),G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,The course curriculum is designed in highly comprehensive manner and also well designed. Teachers are also supportive and friendly. The teachers are also highly skilled. The entire semester consist of 2 sessional and 1 put followed by university exams.There are many fest in particular branches. Many fruitful workshops are also being organised and many company visit are also there. Every branch holds its annual fest. The fest are of around 1 weeks. But all these are organised from 2nd year onwards.,8.3 1537,Student (Anonymous),Saveetha Engineering College - [SEC],"The placement records are really good in this college. Faculty takes most care in placement cell. We are also trained for soft skills and communication which will be used during placements interview. Aptitude is also taught as two courses which are mandatory for each students.The campus life is the best part in this college. The management leave no loopholes for the entertainment of the students in their college life. Several Functions like freshers party, cultural fests, farewells, hostel party are conducted here. The sport centers are very good.",9 1538,Nisha soni,Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"If you want a big campus please never come here. This college has only one building which has canteen area and near canteen area there is a triangle shaped garden, a reception, an auditorium. it has 5 floors and double basement but 2 are for mba students and faculties. It has two libraries. The one for MBA students has ac but the one for engineering students do not have ac. Other than that all classrooms and laboratories are well equipped and has ac. They do have wifi which has okayish speed. Both the libraries are really big and very well equipped with all the books. The auditorium is also nice. As for sports facilities it is below average. It has one ground which has basketball court, volleyball ground and cricket ground. They have table tennis tables arranged in basement and also there is badminton court in basement. In short of you want a good college life and a nice campus to be in I would say go for pdpu if your Marks are okayish like mine and if you have the money to pay for.I'm right now in first year so I can't say muh about industrial exposure but yes there are a few industrial trips arranged in course of 4 years but I think they are not enough. I do not want to go in technical field after completing my graduation so it's not a problem for me. The college not provide any internships as such if you want to do any internship you are on your own. The faculties are good here and very helpful when it comes to studies. They are few experienced faculties but not much. It is a gtu affiliated college",7.2 1539,Student (Anonymous),P.S.G College of Technology - [PSGCT],My college has very big and wonderful infrastructure especially famous for the sky walk.which connects the hostel and college.All facilities are available for all course students.All experienced staff.Overall this college is a package to learn more things which very helpful in future than other college do.I ve choosen IT which was very valuable course in future.There is very good industrial exposure in our college.and very experienced and industrious faculties.There is many computer lab to work out programming skills.Facuty are vwry helpful and patience to teach students.,9.8 1540,Student (Anonymous),Manipal University - [MUJ],"All the events my college holds are on big levels. Famous people like Jubin Nautial, The Local Train, Carryminati and otherss have come here to perform and most of the time we not only get huge inhouse participation but also people from other colleges. We also hold conferences like MUN, TedX and others.Companies like Google, Dell and others come here for placements. Placement process has three rounds which is very standard. The entrepreneurship cell also helps by allowing people to incubate their ideas before sitting for placements, throughout their college life.",9 1541,Student (Anonymous),Aravali College of Engineering and Management - [ACEM],"My college is not very big but it has good number of class room, separate labs, a big ground for sport's a hostel at the back so that students in hostels do not get any difficult to reach college. It is inside the college. A medium sized canteen with a huge verities of foods. Including desi food like rajma chaval, chole chaval, etc to Chinese food like manchurian, chilli paneer, chilli potato etc and light food like sandwich, burgers etc. It also have tea and coffee to recover ourselves from the tiredness of whole day. Our college has wifi but only for faculties to use and because of my college is in remote area so network connection is also very poor even some time it shows emergency call only that is the only problem i have to my college. Library of my college is very big in which 200 student can easily sit at once. In the library there are minimum 50 books for every subjects for every course. Labs has each type of equipments that is required means for titration it has 1 biurate for 2 students and that is fine for every one.Because of corona viruse my college is closed temporarily,and as per government guidelines class is continued online by Microsoft team app or zoom app. That help students a lot and syllabus is also completed by the facilities. Our college also take us for the industry visit so that we can learn more and more by going there and getting information about machines, operating systems, how to work and how to do everything there. College students are also very excited for that as i am fresher and i have not gone for any industry visit before. That experience was very grate. In my college each faculties are giving there best for teaching us in lockdown also every one is only conserned about how to complete the syllabus. Every tracher is good but i think my chemestry professor (BHAVESH SIR)is the best of all. His style of teaching us and explaining each topic so that there is no doubt is left. But every teacher is giving there best in my college",9.2 1542,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The infrastructure of college is not up to the mark. Many important elements are missing in this college like a playing ground, an auditorium and many more. The classrooms are also not so good in condition. There are no CCTV in the entire First year block. The physics and chemistry lab are well maintained by the lab authorities. The electronics lab is very worst with no proper equipment. There are two canteens in campus.The placement cell recorded 60%-70% of students got placed in top companies like infosys, hyundai, etc with an average salary package of 4-6 LPA. The placement cell is organising many seminars and workshops for students to improve the number of placements. As stated by the teachers that the placement process is not so typical, but the one who deserves gets the job easily.",7.7 1543,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is average. the classrooms are not well maintained by the college. During rainy days, its full of water inside college. The laboratories are closed. The workshop buildings is currently under renovation. The libraries are not big, even the books are not new. There are two canteens which are good and hygienic food is being provided.The placement in Bharath College has good records in placements. Every year several companies visit campus to hire students. Previous year around 70% students got placed with an average salary package of 5 LPA. in fact, college also supports students. From first year itself, the workshops and seminars are conducted regarding placements skills and guidance.",7.3 1544,Shubhangi Mahato,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I'm at first year so i can't inform much about internships but as much as i know there come some good companys but most of the company says the these college students are not emplayable enough. The students who are employable didn't get good placement as not famous company take part in placement so most of students prefer futher study.The fee structure is feasible. Compare to other college it is veru cheap. You can pay your fees from cheques, online banking or even cash. It tottaly depends on you how you want to pay it. yes the college provide transparency in the fee-breakdown. Thereis no addition fees that had to be paid for secure admission.",3.7 1545,Student (Anonymous),Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - [IIITD],"The tech fest and the cultural fest experience a greater footfall every year. They started recently but are growing at a good rate. Extracurricular activities are present like dance, music, sports but less active as compared to other colleges because of the lack of time due to rigorous college studiesCompanies like Google, Amazon, facebook, IBM, Infosys, Microsoft have been the past recruiters. The entrepreneurship cell is very active and some college students have collaborated with people outside and released apps like Delhi Corona with Arvind Kejriwal",7.7 1546,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is very boring. If any teacher found a girl and a boy sit together, they will scold. A proper dress code is followed inside campus. The teachers are not supportive. No entertainment like freshers party, no cultural fests, no hostel parties inside campus. I did a big mistake by getting admission in this college.The infrastructure of college is not good. The classes are not spacious. There is no CCTV in the entire First Year block. The college have no playground and no auditorium. The chemistry and physics labs are closed due to construction. There are two canteens. The campus is not so clean due to construction.",7 1547,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I am first year student. We were given details of various software which will be taught in upcoming years. The faculty is awesome and supportive. The syllabus is short and contains very few topics. They have also included international language (Japanese) in the syllabus. Assessments are conducted after every 2-3 weeks. Many faculties have an experience of more than 25 years. and these are great.The college is improving their placement records of all the branches. Last year around 60%-70% got placed in different companies with an average salary package of 4-5 LPA. Many students opt for higher studies and apply for off-campus placements. The college supports the students. in upcoming years, they will definitely improve their placement percentages.",7 1548,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is average. There is no proper playground for students, no big hall for functions. The classrooms are small with leakages and no proper lighting. There is no CCTV in first year block. Few classes have smart boards. The workshop is under construction. The chemistry and physics lab are converted in class for medical students, so right now there is no lab for practicals. The canteen is good and spacious.The college does not have a good record in placements. Students here, opt for higher studies and apply for off-campus jobs. Previous year the average salary offered was 4-5 LPA to CD branches. A CS student was offered 27LPA by amazon previous year. The college is doing their best to improve the records of placement.",7.5 1549,Bijjam Greeshma Sri,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Our campus gives us a haven like feeling. We enjoy our campus every single moment. We are explained every details in the lab very clearly. Even we have a mac lab at our university to give an idea to the students about iOS and OS. And every year we have many competitions on robotics and etc.I got into Lpu by attempting an entrance exam on 5th of April 2019. I've known about this college by promotions and advertisements. I have learnt that it has a very good infrastructure and a very good security.If any one asks me about my college I would definitely refer them to join.,7.3 1550,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is not so good in Bharath university. It is not so enjoying and enthusiastic. There are no entertainment functions or fests organised by college. In fact, no freshers party for first year students. The college only conduct seminars, conferences, workshops and debates of national and international levels. They show least interest in sending teams for sports at different level competitions. The campus is located in Tambaram. It is near to airport and railway station.The college lacks in basic elements which are must, like a playground for students, an auditorium and many other things. Our classrooms are not so good. There is no CCTV in the entire first year block for security purpose. The laboratories are currently closed due to construction. The canteen are not so clean. Currently due to construction, it is messy everywhere inside the college campus.",7.5 1551,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I am doing B.tech. The teaching quality in college is average, but they are trying to improve the quality. They also have introduced a new language in syllabus for students. They also have introduced many other subjects in 2nd and 3rd year which will develop us academically and professionally. The curriculum keeps on updating every semester. At the end, it all depends on talent and skills of student.The campus life is boring. There was no freshers party for first year student. The college does not organise any type of cultural fest, no functions, only seminars and conferences are organised. There is no auditorium inside campus. There are many restrictions inside campus. There is no playing ground and show least interest in sending teams for competitions.",7.7 1552,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life in Bharath is not so good. There are many rules which are strictly followed in college. The boys have to wear formals and girls have to wear kurti with dupatta. The ID cards are must. The campus is WiFi enables but they don't share password. there are no network inside classroom. No fests and functions are being organised in the college. The college shows least interest in sports.I am doing Bachelors degree. The college is trying to improve the quality of academics. The faculty is supportive and friendly in nature. The syllabus contains all then essential topics. An international language is also added as a subject in the syllabus. For first year, they are teaching Japanese. The faculty is awesome in their field of interest.",7.5 1553,Student (Anonymous),Government Engineering College,Campus life is a very enjoyable our college celebrate most of festivals like navratri and all this management done by our senior also college celebrate the sports week and most enjoyable and knowledgeable festival Tech-fest is every year celebrated by our college and we find there technical knowledge of our college studentMy course sllybus recently updated in 2019 and my college is under GTU. College faculties are so good and very friendly and they very well teach each subject and they also guide for research and startup and they provide a all information that help me in this,8.5 1554,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],The infrastructure of the coillege is weak. Our classroom is in first year block where classes are not at all good. They are not so spacious and not Air conditioned. The entire first year block has no CCTV for security purposes. The laboratories are currently closed due to construction. There are only few classes with smart boards. The canteen are not so clean and hygienic.The college building is not in good condition. Our classroom is in first year block where classes are not at all good. They are not so spacious and not Air conditioned. The entire first year block has no CCTV for security purposes. The laboratories are currently closed. There are only few classes with smart boards. The canteen are not so clean and hygienic.,7.5 1555,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is really bad. There is no proper place to sit with friends. The college does not organise any fest or cultural functions. We didn't even had any freshers party. The canteen is small which is always crowded. The campus is located in Tambaram which is near to railway station, bus stand and around 20 km from Chennai Airport. There is a hospital inside campus but is waste.The academics are not so good. Though the faculties are good and supportive but their way of teaching is not at all good. For them attendance matters, not class. Many are good, few of them are least interested in extra activities and events. The syllabus is not so lengthy but contain essential topics. They also have introduced the international language from this year.",7.8 1556,Tausif jamal,Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology - [ZHCET],girls are very friendly and nature are also good clean all and there are many trees. there are no touchability on the basis of caste or gender. and every year in my university they held student election.and if you are a person who loved to study as well as fun then it is good.its easy to pay nottoo much there are many mode of payments you can pay it online or make drafts from banks and subbmit it to the college office or to the controller office and if you are not able to pay your fees then talk to the proffesor of you branch they help you.,9 1557,Jagadesh Kumar,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],There are many technical events were celebrated and one of the biggest technical event was promithen and large no of atudent will participate and form the other college were also participated and cultural events biggest one was zeolots annual day carnival memorial Day hostel day traditional day food Fest and etcIt's is one of top colleges in Telangana and it's is greenery college and eco friendly college and the placement were really attractive so I had chosen the college for my better future I wrote my emcet exam in may 4 2019 and in the June end I kept the bvrit college and got the admission and I joined in August 1,9.2 1558,Ayush Tiwary,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"There are 2 events, Technical (Gravitas) and nontechnical (Riviera), These two events are also a great source for the college to generate revenue, they charge for every event from the students and even the club's if they want to organize an event. The events are held on a very large scale and for days together, they are really fun but at the same time really heavy on the pockets too.The academic point of view, the course curriculum, the exams, and all are just fine, there aren't any major issues with the academics part but a handful of the faculty aren't really qualified enough. The course curriculum is through and planned. The exams are scheduled but there's a lot of pressure on the students throughout the year.",6 1559,Student (Anonymous),BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"campus life is cool,if u r extrovert.technical events are held on day called phaseshift.where all colleges are invited.cultural events happen on utsava for 4 days.festivals i have not seen,coz i go to my place.all events happen very grandly.neighbouring colleges too get jnvitedsports -small ground.due to too much of building ground size,garden were all reduced. wifi-not available for all.only for staff and lab uses. size of library-tooo big.best library in karnataka. labs-damn cool.few are old school.others modern.just as required.",9.3 1560,Student (Anonymous),Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology - [RIET] Attinga,To take aeronautical engineering as my future job. I love planes and so i choose to an aeronautical engineering. In kerala there are only 5 colleges for aeronautical engineering and i choose my college for this course and i got the admission by entrace.Our overall infrastructure is good. It is a wonderful college to see. We can go to any place from different places.all the places are connected so that we can go easily to ant places with less time there is also a lift but will be stoped many times,5.8 1561,Student (Anonymous),JECRC University - [JU],"Although the infrastructure is good but all the facilities and equipment are not available. Ducting system never works and we have to sit in heat only and the walls are not painted as well. The food quality is not good but we have no restriction on the amount. Spoons need to be cleaned and care by ourselves and if lost then ?50 will pe charged. Library has only books of syllabus. The hostel are well made but are rarely cleaned and drinking water has a high TDS count.The campus in JECRC is joyous. It has various clubs but they are not supported with high grade equipment which again leads to problems. I'm in the music club and over there I need to have my own amplifier because I have electric guitar and the funds are not provided and neither the economic requirements are fulfilled leading to many difficulties like not have proper drums, sound system, cables, etc.",8 1562,Student (Anonymous),JECRC University - [JU],"The placements are huge in number from my college. This year the university has given the highest number of placements in jaipur. 85% of the students got placed this year with good roles. The highest salary package was 45lakhs by the engineering department students. The average salary package is 7-8 lakhs. The process is quite easy as the university prepares students through campus recruitment training program. The university is very much supportive for the placements and to the students.Yes, my college has all the necessary infrastructure. There are many labs, design rooms, test rooms, etc. The classrooms are well designed and comfortable with proper lights. The library has all the reading material available and peaceful. Hostels are clean and well maintained and gym facility is also available in the hostel. The food is good in taste and hygiene is taken care well. The eating space is very spacious and divided in two sections, one is a mess and one is cafeteria.",8.7 1563,Dipali,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Mechanical branch of DTU is well known. Also the avg package of DTU is pretty good. This college is one of the top Technical college. Provides you with wide scope of personality development. Endless active societies to join. The college fest - YUVAAN and ENGIFEST- is so lit. The students and faculty here are very friendly.You are guaranteed to have placement if you are in DTU provided you don't have any backs. Many big companies come at placement giving packages in crores. Average package although depends on the branch COE going for crores, but taking an average it's 10L. You'll be provided with on campus internship too.",8.3 1564,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering offers infrastructure focused engineering degrees. It has three specializations, namely in Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Information & Communication Technology. It is part of the Adani Group. The teaching faculties are very well graduated from top institutes like IIT, NIT.All sports facilities are provided here, the different ground is provided for different sports like cricket, basketball, volleyball and sports equipment are also provided by the college. The library contains all book related to courses and is very well managed.",9 1565,Student (Anonymous),JECRC University - [JU],"College campus was great as it has grounds and having various activities day to day. Various clubs for students are there to develop like photography club, event club, social help club etc. Teachers are very good and supporting and helps students to grow and do something productive. The location was good enough surrounded by greenery. Yes it is safe place for students. yes it can handle emergency and having 2-3 hospitals nearby.Placemennt was fantastic especially this year more than 80%+ students placed in big cooperate houses and companies that are very reputed. We have skill development and technical upgradation classes. Average package was around 5-6 lac in good companies and in average company it is around 4-5 lac. The company includes tata, accenture, capgemini, general electric etc.",8.2 1566,Student (Anonymous),Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],Our college is in huge space but has less number of trees. The staff is supportive in development activities. It is a safe place to girls to stay. it has also hostel facility.If you can make Friends and enjoy your B.tech life. It is excellent but don't expect too much like happy days. You have different clubs which makes your college life better.I am now pursing my b.tech 1st year in Information Technology. We have very good teachers who helps in many ways to develop our career in the future. Every teacher encourage us to innovate new things. We get the syllabus from the JNTU. Every year syllabus is being updated.,8.5 1567,Pushkar Taro,Matsyodari Shikshan Sanstha's College of Engineering and Technology,"Freshera party arranged by second years student,annual program held in college ground this program arranged by management and senior students, annual day is very big program, in this program all students participate s in different cultures or sports activity, and different technical programs like essay writing,speech etc was held in this collegeCampus life is average. approximately gender ratio is 100:80. No tolerance with regards to gender, ethnicity,race,religion, or anything like this.ragging is banned in this college.gender equality is main good thing about this college. The college is strict for ragging and sexual abuse.",6.8 1568,Chandan suthar,Vishwakarma University - [VU],"Ratio of boys w.r.t girls is quite high. Maybe girls may not seem to be interested in this course. College has annual functions, competitions, and extracurricular activities. They're good enough to get a fresh mind out of studies. We have unity classes which are out of syllabus but good for game development.Seems to be expensive if compared with other Vishwakarma institutions. VIIT has annual fee of 102000. And Vishwakarma university has 250000. But seems worth sometime if you see for IBM tracks. If you do IBM course externally it would cost somewhat same. Within university they provide good staff, utilities.",7.5 1569,Student (Anonymous),Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"There was tution fee waiver for the students of low annul income ie.full tution fee remission for income less than 100k. And 2/3 remission for income less than 800k.also the college help students of poor income background in education loan.this facilities given in college campus itself.There are many extracurricular activities going on in the college over the year.We have Departmental gathering, Institutional gathering, Freshers, many different sports competition, dance competition, singing competition etc.We have different technical workshops also for one day.",8.5 1570,Student (Anonymous),Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science - [AITS],"Our college is life is good and student has got the opportunities to engage with sports and innovations ideas they got etc.and faculties are very supportive encouraging through that streams.enjoyed well in campus and faculty are almost supportive and good. They encouraged well for our future works and takes motivational classes here and after for to inspire us to move in a good way and it is good memories.Actually I applied for many colleges in EAM-CET. When I went for counselling in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. I got this college on the basis of my rank. The college is awesome, also I read many positive reviews about this college on internet by students who were already studying in this college.",8 1571,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is not at all good. The classrooms in first year block is not in good condition. They are not spacious, no CCTV in the entire block for security purpose, no proper drinking water, dirty washrooms. The laboratories are currently close due to construction. The hostels are not good. There is no locker, no laundry, no proper food. The canteen is not clean and a stinky smell is always there inside. The campus is messy everywhere due to construction.The campus life is really bad. There is no proper place to sit with friends. The college does not organise any fest or cultural functions. We didn't even had any freshers party. The canteen is small which is always crowded. The campus is located in Tambaram which is near to railway station, bus stand and around 20 km from Chennai Airport. There is a hospital inside campus but is waste.",8 1572,Student (Anonymous),Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology - [NSIT],"The course curriculum is well designed by aku university. The academics is well good. The faculties are well qualified and have friendly behavior towards each student, faculties are supportive enough what the students needs.As it is best private college in bihar others than iit and nit patna and it is affiliated from aku university and have aicte approved college, also this college provides raging free campus and have disciplined environment.",8.2 1573,Student (Anonymous),Sreenivasa Institute of Technology & Management Studies - [SITAMS],"A lot of students got placed this year from our college, i.e, nearly 100 students from our department of electronics and communication engineering. The lowest salary offered is Rs. 20,000 per month, while the highest salary offered is Rs. 1 lac per month in our department. Top recruiting companies for our college are Infosys, Cognizant Technologies, Accenture, Wipro and many more companies. We got internships through Bolt IoT with work from home facility, and some other internships offered here are either work from home internships or have to do at companies.Our college provides us with good teaching, practical examples, real-time examples with good laboratory facilities, smart classes, good presentations, valuable courses and all other activities are being conducted. The academics is superb. the curriculum is revised every year.",8.3 1574,Student (Anonymous),A. D. Patel Institute of Technology - [ADIT],"Infrastructure is outstanding. Lab facilities are excellent. Faculties are very cooperative and prudent(Specifically talking about EC department, I graduated in EC so I do not know about other departments much).A.D.I.T has a very big campus and good infrastructure of technical knowledge purpose. the college has a big library, technical and theory lab, natural environment and sports is good.Faculties are good in teaching but majority of profesors are not good at teaching and also some professors who had done PhD from IIT do not care about teaching,they do know about subject very well but will not care about teaching, There are some good faculties also who teaches subject very well and they treat you very well. Education is average.",7.5 1575,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"When talking about academics in Bharath university, they do their best to provide the best quality education to the students. I am pursuing B.Tech in aerospace engineering. The faculty member are really good in their field of interest. Recently they have also introduced international language in the syllabus. The syllabus is not so lengthy and also covers all the essential topics required. the curriculum keeps on updating in every semester.The campus life is really hectic. Lots of disciplines to be followed inside campus. In hostel also, there are many restrictions. the canteen closes at 6 in evening itself. Girls are not allowed outside hostel after 5:30 PM and boys after 8:00 PM. Right now due to construction, its messy everywhere. The campus is located in Tambaram area. it is near to railway station, bus stand and airport",7.5 1576,Student (Anonymous),Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology - [SMIT],"If students score a minimum of 70% in academics, then they can attend the placement process in almost all the companies. Apart from that, another mandate is you have to undergo a pre-placement training classes which are provided by the college, and you have to have a minimum of 95% attendance. Several companies like TCS, Wipro, Capgemini, Microsoft, etc, visit our college for placements.Our course contains tests in the form of quizzes, sessional and semester. There is a test of each subject for every 4 weeks approximately. These regular tests help the students to prepare well. Our college also conducts practical exams. To perform well in the exams, all you have to do is concentrate in class. Teachers in our college are well-qualified and knowledgeable.",9 1577,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life in Bharath University is not so good. There are less trees, as all were cut down in construction. There is no playing ground for students. The college shows least interest in sports. The campus location is good. It is situated in Selaiyur, Tambaram. It is near to Tamabarm Station and around 19 km from Chennai airport. There is hospital inside college.When it comes to placement, Bharath university has good placement records for CS and few more branches. They are doing their best to increase the placement percentage every year by organising seminars and workshops on it. Usually, students go for further studies and opt for off-campus placement. Previous year, a CS student got 27 LPA package from Amazon.",7.8 1578,ATUL YADAV,Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering - [LTCE],"The faculties are very much experienced.Lecturrs scheduled commence on time.The average age of faculties ranging 30-45 years with great experience in these field.The teachers are cooperative even they give their mobile numbers so that you can contact them if you have any difficulties.The fees structure is easily explained by faculties.Thr college accepts payments by cash, Demand Draft,NEFT etc.College also has installment criteria if you want to pay in installments then you have to write an application to principal.after that you can pay fee in installments.",7.3 1579,Aniket Ankle,KLS Gogte Institute of Technology - [KLS GIT],"With 88 percentage placements in 2019, it has more then 70+ companies that take thier pledge to recruit the students from GIT, the institution takes a good initiative to teach it's students even for the interview. It takes effort and gives a call for many companies like TCS,MAHINDRA,TATA,INFOSYS, MERCEDES,etc. Making it one of the good institution on the cityAs the institution is autonomous, it specifically depends upon the latest syllabus, it has a good curriculum and even has good examination process with teaching. It takes the advice from the industrial expertise and sets the present ongoing syllabus. It makes it's students ready for the present industry requirement",8.3 1580,Pavan areti,NIT Silchar,"Our college have excellent fests,we have both technical and cultural fests namely tecnoesis for technical events and incandescence for cultural events,in technical we will events like robosoccer,robowars,robobuild, and other robotics events and also coding competitions and one spark night and in cultural completely entertaining event s will be thereThe placement of the college is good but still needs to be improved,nearly 70% getting placed and remaining wants to pursue furthur education,the major companies are amazon,relaince,quicr,jio,goldmansachs,arcesium etc.they generally follow common method in placements as other colleges,exam and then group discussion and then interview",8.3 1581,Akhilesh Kuriyal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"As i opted for Civil engineering as my couse in my college & still in the first year its tough for me for judging my college as its too early for me. But form my experience of Six month in my college i can say that the curriculum is pretty good & there are smart classes that we use to attend there are many clubs to for gaining experience like my favourite robotics club Thus form all my experience up until now i can say mu college is not only providing us education but also giving us in field experience through various clubsFirst i have to give jee mains exam. i clear it and got chance to give jee advance but was unable to clear it. Counselling of the engineering student happens through Jossa so i also took part in it. As i obtained 95 percentile in my jee mains exam i was among the top 5% engineering students in india i was in upper side of the curve for getting a good college in it. but still due to so much competition i was only able to get NIT NAGALAND that to in the 7th round of jossa counselling",7 1582,Rehan I Baig,KLE Technological University,"Campus is good. Infrastructure is really nice. We have labs for 1st year we have chemistry and physics seprate lab. We hav labs in our branches. We have all kind of sports like cricket, football, table tennis, basketball, chess, badminton, throw ball, net ball, volleyball, Kabaddi, etcI got admission through kcet (merit seat) i didn't wanted to leave my town so i selected this college. When i got my seat through kcet, I contacted college to avail my seat, the college said me to bring my 10th marks card and 12th marks card for submission and got my seat.",6.7 1583,Kiran,SDM College of Engineering and Technology - [SDMCET],"Yes there are many events happened in our college. starting. College freshers event was there.and vtu college fest was conducted in which allover Karnataka engineering students participated in that event and nityotsava was happedGender ratio don't know. extracurricular activities are good. Our college is very supportive to sports and other extracurricular activities.good in sports.nice ground is their and gives very much support for sports students.",8.7 1584,Student (Anonymous),Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"The sports facilities are okay in our institute and the wifi is also available but has some daily limit of using it. The library is one of the best undoubtedly, has a huge collection of books over 1 lakh. The labs are well maintained and have every required things you need to gain practical knowledge.Our syllabus is updated as it's an Autonomous college under MAKAUT, Till now no industrial exposures are not done, but seniors report that it happens in the final 2 years. The faculty is quite good and the CSE, IT, ECE, CIVIL, ELECTRICAL and MECHANICAL, are the reputed in our institute.",7.8 1585,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is bit weak as they have constructed new 4-storey buildings in just 4-5 months. They have also creates medical block on playground, now there is no place to play. In rainy season, the drainage system get worse. It's all water inside campus. The laboratories are not well maintained. Only CS lab is in good condition. There is only one classroom with smart board. There is no auditorium in college. Due to construction it's messy everywhere inside campus and very less treesI am doing 4 year B.tech program in CSE. The curriculum of CS is revised every year and updated accordingly. The syllabus is not lengthy but quality wise is good. The faculty is also good. Some are really good as they have experience more than 20 years. The faculty is supportive and friendly in nature. They provides all the notes for exam. We just have to study them and go for exams.",7.7 1586,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Campus life in bharath is satisfactorily good. There is no playing ground. They have constructed medical buildings in ground. We use to go out daily for a walk. There is a lake behind college. The drainage system is not at all good of college. In rainy seasons, it's full of water in campus. The campus is located in Tambaram area. It is around 4 km from Tamabaram railway station. It is around 18km from Chennai airport. There is a hospital inside campus for emergencies.The placement in college is good. As told by admission officer that, many students have being placed in MNCs with average salary package of 4-5LPA. One CS student got placed in Amazon, it was usually off-campus placement. Most of the students opt for further studies and then apply for jobs. The college also supports students in this by organising several workshops and events.",8.3 1587,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Our campus having their own fest, event's like navratri celebration and sports events every year. and also monthly seminars of some high profile people.and also have a club named Adani institute of innovation hub.I chose this college because its provide us information and communication technology course with reliable fees with good facilities, infrastructure, teaching facilities and many more that we want in our college.",7.5 1588,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"On the scale of 10, I would like to rate placement cell around 7.9. As stated by my teachers, many companies visit college with job offers. The college is supportive while placements. Jobs are available both on-campus and off-campus. Mostly students here pursue for higher studies and then apply for off-campus jobs.I am pursuing B.tech in Civil Engineering. Most of the faculties are PhD holders and graduates. Many of them have an experience of more than 25 years. They are really supportive and friendly. They provide notes for chapters and also update us regarding the moderations and new researches.",7.8 1589,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"I am pursuing computer science in this college. Its my first year. I found that, some teachers are really good and very friendly whereas some just come to do their duty and show least interest in students. The curriculum keeps on updating every semester. Exams are held after every 3-4 weeks. The physical teachers shows least interest in sports. The academics is average.The campus life in Bharath University is not too good and not too bad, its average. The campus is wi-fi enabled. Some seniors are of good nature. There is no freshers party for new year students. There are no fests, no functions in college. They have seminars, conferences, debates only. They have no auditorium to organize functions.",7.8 1590,Rahul,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Amazon, Ebay, microsoft,saicad.wtc etc.where the students are placed in many various companies of the great companies.They opt to get a minimum wage to satisfy their hunger.The students work tiresome for securing a good placement.As it is far from my city, good for my entertainment, with the course I have chose for.easy for my traveling, along the sea shore so that I can walk when l not in a good mood or so. Good equipment filled with in the campus.",9.3 1591,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The buildings of the college are not good. There are different buildings in the college for different departments of engineering, management, architectute and law. From upcoming year, the college have also started admissions for medical college. The laboratories are well maintained and many instruments are in working condition. There is a boy and a girl hostel inside campus for first year only. Currently,one more boys hostel is under construction inside campus. The campus is somewhat clean and hygienic. The canteen is good.I am pursuing B.tech in Aerospace engineering. The faculty in college is good and supportive in nature. Many teachers have an experience of over 20+ years in teaching which make them stand outside the crowd. All the faculties are friendly in nature and are updated with the curriculum. As it is deemed university, the subjects they have selected makes the students job ready and develop him/her academically and mentally.",8 1592,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The campus is big and it has good infrastructure.Facilities and equipment for almost all kinds of sports like football, cricket,badminton,lawn tennis, kabaddi etc are available.The hostel rooms are well connected by LAN and WIFI and almost every building of the college is well connected by wifi with good speed.It is amongst the best engineering institutes in India and it is located in the capital, So one has access to the best coaching institutes in the country for the preparation of various government exams and other exams.This adds on to the reason i chose DTU",8.8 1593,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],Our campus is well builted infrastructure.sports is there.wifi connection in hostel.wifi connection in all over the campus. various books are available in library.computer system is maintained well also chemistry lab and physics lab maintained wellPlacement and job opportunities is good They send some pdf to study.they tauch many things for the placement.so many companies are came here for the placement.teachers also teach thing for placement.some companies conduct program for placement.,7.8 1594,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The structure of the buildings in University is good and well Maintained. Currently, many new buildings are being constructed inside campus. There are several laboratories which are well maintained and many equipments are in working condition. There are few classes which are embedded with smart boards. The campus is WiFi enabled and is clean.The campus is near Tambaram station and about 20 km from Chennai airport. It is easily reachable via local bus and local trains. There are students from all the parts of India. The campus life is good and many seniors are friendly in nature. They are strictly against ragging in and outside campus.",7.8 1595,Samiksha Sanjay Patil,DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute - [DKTE],"It is an autonomous institute. Good placement companies and other facilities. Well qualified teaching and non teaching staff. Well developed classrooms and laboratories. Superior college campus and canteen. Maintained trees and cleanliness. Essential visits are being provided. Other courses like painting, sketching and many more are also given priorities. Various events are being arranged by students and faculty members.Campus is as big as required and clean place for students and staff members. Canteen has a healthy and clean food and environment as well. Library has all types of books required for students. Also two separate sections are arranged for students to study individually or in a group.",9.5 1596,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"All extra activites and festivals are good in this college.Seniors conduct all feativals in campus very well.There is one hub called adani institue of innovatiob hub were you expressed your idea and you learn something new and very interesting about robotics etc.By seeing the adani brand,and also this is gtu affilicated college,so its reputation os more.Adani college is private college so all profesaor are good and cover whole syallabus by time and conduct all lectures regularly.",8.7 1597,Omdevsinh Zala,LDRP Institute of Technology and Research - [LDRPITR],"Campus life is cool. As i said, we have nice, supportive and cooperative faculties. Apart from that, the campus itself is big for enjoying and celebrating various festivals. Recently we celebrated our tech-fest which was XENESIS based on a theme of universe which was a success. There are extracurricular activities like NSS, NCC, etc. in our college but i have not experienced them much and i would like to know about them but you know there's pandemic out there now.My course is computer engineering and I'm in 1st year so I don't know much about upcoming course curriculum but what i know is that in 1st year there are only 2 subjects of my course out of 10 or more subjects. That's where I'm disappointed. Not only in my college but it's in every other colleges too. Faculties are also nice and cooperative of both class and lab. They're very helpful for study purpose and other co- curricular activities.",7.8 1598,Vaishnavi Jha,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"DTU has a brand name, I want to pursue research work and I am very keen to discover the vaccines or methodology to treat diseases to do so I had to pursue BT from a world recognized university and here DTU comes into picture. Also if in future I don't want to pursue this I could definitely to do coding side wise and secure a place in any non tech jobs. Also seeing the current situation we would soon need a good amount of biotechnocians or research to cure the upcoming disease. And pharmaceutical i.e biotech industry is the growing industry.They provide loans on the basis of income of your there is a certain limit also on the basis of your academics. And if you belong to SC St and minority than you get a good amount of concession like mu friend got around more than here half of the money back You get different scholarships if you set into the scholarship criteria you will definitely get five scholarships.",9 1599,Student (Anonymous),DIT University - [DIT],"DIT University has always been the foreground for the all-time dream companies like Google, Amazon, Directi Goldman Sachs, Oracle, IBM, Adobe Labs and ThoughtWorks. Google offered a package of 50 LPA to the students of LPA in 2019. Some of the top recruiters of the season in terms of offers and packages provided were Reliance Industries, Nestle, Ashok Leyland, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant and Yamaha.If you want to be in a college where there is good faculty, where there is great opportunities for you, where there is a very safe environment for studies and a good placement record and especially a beautiful location then dit is the right choice.I did choose it because of the same reasons",8.5 1600,Student (Anonymous),Siddhartha Institute of Science & Technology - [SISTK],We have nice academic faculties our curriculum also updated includes all the recent developments in the field does what you study makes you job ready definitely I think curriculum was updated and includes all the requirements students need here they will give good training for the students what they need what they want to get the job we study here makes you job ready we are studying the quality of teaching by professors That is quality of teaching nothing else college has nice academic recordYes our college has all the necessary infrastructure which students needs And also have all facilities like transport labs cafeteria and play ground. In our classroom we have projectors black board and benches nice ambience good labs with high end features we also have a nice sports center which has all the kits to play any sport. We also have a good hostel with nice infrastructure we also have wifi smart boards all the amenities are well maintained our college premises are well hygienic.,9 1601,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The campus life is not so good. As everywhere it is mess due to construction. There are less trees under which we can sit. They do not organise any fest or functions for entertainment. They only organise seminars, debates and conferences. No party for new year students. The sports faculty is least interested in sending teams to competition. The campus is situated in Tambaram which is near to railway station and 18km to Chennai airport. There is a lake behind college. There is a hospital inside.The college buildings are good. Recently, they have constructed new buildings in just 6 months. The campus has a aeroplane hangar, canteens, basket ball ground, volleyball net in hostel. There is no CCTV in campus, no playing ground and no proper spots where we can gather with our squad. The laboratories are well maintained. The classrooms are neat but have no AC and no CCTV. Only one class has smart board. The CS lab is big and Air-conditioned. Due to construction, it's all messy everywhere.",7.7 1602,Student (Anonymous),Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],"Most of the faculties are only 3-4 years(excluding some professors) teaching experience after B.Tech, so basically they feed their notes from Local publisher. They provide good academic as well as extra knowledge which is beneficial for a student.The institution is serious towards the academic performance and soft skills of it's students. It has a number of faculties with high domain knowledge in there respective subjects.The curriculum is updated.The college organises many events including curricular and extracurricular. sports events are also organised here Faculty is also good. Corporate interfaces help us to interact with the corporate people and learn from their experience. Also, the industrial visits help us to understand how a company works and helps to understand how and what are the procedure that happens during the production.",7.8 1603,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college infrastructure is bit weak as they have constructed new 4-storey buildings in just 4-5 months. They have also creates medical block on playground, now there is no place to play. In rainy season, the drainage system get worse. It's all water inside campus. The laboratories are not well maintained. Only CS lab is in good condition. There is only one classroom with smart board. There is no auditorium in college. Due to construction it's messy everywhere inside campus and very less trees.The campus life in Bharath is worst. The canteen stinks all the time. There are no proper lights in night. There was no freshers party, no cultural fests and function in college. They only conduct conference, seminars and debates. The seniors are egoistic. The campus is situated in Tambaram area. It is near to Tambaram station and around 20 km from Chennai airport. The locality around campus is good. There is a hospital inside campus for emergency.",7.8 1604,Chandu patla sai charan,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],Coming to gender ratio it is 1:1. Student parties are very good. Extracurricular activities are provided in a good way the college provides good lab equipment. When coming to sports competitions sreenidhi encourages all of the competitions. Debates are conducted.All the faculty members are PhD holder's their are very experienced.they are improving the knowledge of students in many different ways.the are providing an happy environment to the students. faculty are very possessive and they are very helpful to the students.,7.8 1605,Alan Antony Roy,Govt. Model Engineering College - [MEC] Thrikkakara,"The teaching process is very much similar to that in the high school and higher secondary sections. We are almost spoon fed. Moreover the government provides heavy study time and tight schedules. This schedule is so unscientific that the only motto of the teachers and college is to finish all the syllabus as fast as they can and thereby save themselves. It is we the students who are the victims of all these activities that only the brilliant students understand whatvthe teachers taught and all othees couldn't even understand anything they are teaching without any difference in the subject whether it be mathematics or professional skills. The exams are conducted only to prove that it is done by the college to the government authorities. They don't even want to know about the problems of the students.Our college owns a very small ground area and so there is only a few programs held here EXCEL is the tech fest held in our college. The financilal supports are very poor from the college they always ask the students to spend their own money without any hesitation. The other main events are the arts and sports which is held after the classes are over that is from 4:30 pm and extra 2 days are given forthe same. We host several talk shows and hackathons but they are not so popular or user friendly and for this reason the number of participations are a very few. The seniors always compel the juniors to attend the same to show the guests that they have some masses infront of them.",2.7 1606,Sarvesh gupta,GLA University,I opted Btech because I just wanted to do this. First I tried for mains which I couldn't clear it and since I don't want to wait much. I decided to go to private college only. As this college has the best average placement records in terms of a private institute. And present in my state only so I decided to go there only. There is one entrance exam conducted by them only as a individual university so there I gave that exam and taken admission in it by completing the other formalities.We have a huge strength of faculty in each branch. Stream Pecifically in cse branch almost we have 80-100 faculties (not precisely) Most of them are highly qualified like phd holders in their respective subjects. Some are retired iit professor. So we have a good collection of faculties in our campus. Main advantage of our college is that we have a moto of -first student and then faculty. So we are always taken on a preference than faculties.,8.8 1607,SAURABH SAHAY,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITL],"Campus is still under construction but even that everyone enjoys a lot. There is 5:1 boys girls ratio. In this college they have table tennis team. Badminton is popular among all the students. Competitions are held at regular intervals like debates on various issues, coding challenge, etc.Course curriculum is one of the best in the country. Totally based on what market needs and what IT proffessionals required. No extra subject just to show off. Students are excellent in coding. They always use their free time in learning some new skills for industries.",6.8 1608,Mucheti joshi,Aditya Institute of Technology and Management -[AITAM],There is so many technical fests are happen in our college and there is so many workshop are happen in our college to increase our knowledge and for every year there is so many cultrual fests are happen in our college and there is around 4000 people are appaers and the surrounding colleges are participates in our college technical and cultural festsThere are sufficient no of lectures are according to strength of students and there average age is 35 and their qualification is some of are post graduates and some are doctrates and they provide clarity about subject. And they give their knowledge to the students and all having industry experience and they teach about how the industries works,8.3 1609,Mohammed zaid,C Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology - [CAHCET],Ya i opted for scholarship the college staff said me to apply for scholarship which will be helpful to you our govt will give some money through which you can use for college fees and also we have opted for loan also we didn't have that much of money to pay we have bought some loans to pay college fee and loaner have been given us enough of loans for usOur college faculty are very high professional teacher they teach us in very grand manner with decipline we used to give respect to teachers they have well trained faculty in our college with many awards in our college there are many staffs who have won talent awards by participating in govt workshop it is very great achievement for our college,9.8 1610,Nikhil Raj,Sambhram Institute of Technology - [SAIT],"About 60-75% of the students from our course got placed. The highest salary package offered in our course is 22 LPA, and the average salary package offered is 3 LPA. Top recruiting company of our course is Amazon, and it offered a salary package of 7 LPA for students. All students got an internship from second year only.All faculty members in our college are good. They are helpful. They conduct extra classes for the students who come late and for the students who didn't understand the topic. They also give extra classes for the students who didn't understand in class. Our course curriculum is the best.",8.3 1611,Akarapunivasreddy,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"With inter ipe marks I got admission into the college.so I joined in integrated Mtech -software engineering. we gonna get a seat with our merit. we can apply for admission in May month. It is India's private best College in engineering. For admission open, the official website then opens pg courses admission, in that select integrated Mtech applications. Then start filling your application.The course curriculum is very good and planned. we have many slots. there is no exam fee. coming to the course curriculum we can select our desire faculty from the 2nd semester. and with the desired slots which we get comfortable with. the course which has credits with minimum 18.maximum 27.",9.3 1612,Piyush Rawat,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT] Naya Raipur,"The course curriculum is one of the best curriculum i had ever witnessed.It mainly focus on practical knowledge and making students self capable from the very first semester. Our college is well equipped with all the necessary equipments which are required for a bachelor's degree (such as 3D printer). The placement cell here is active throughout the year so that students can het best placement opportunities. Many industrial visits are organised here to encourage students for their future.First of all this was the best college for me according to the JEE rank i got. After clearing the JEE exam i filled the Josaa councelling in which a list of desired college is to be given so that shuffling on the base of JEE rank can be done. I was allotted this college in councelling and then the next day i booked a flight and went to Chattisgarh from delhi with required documents and there i got my addmission letter.",9.3 1613,Payal Parshive,Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering - [BVCOE] Lavale,"College except the fee in all mode. No need to pay extra fees in the college to secure the admission. No type of black marketing is done in college. And the people who are doing this the strict action is taken against them. Yes, the college provide transparency in the fee break down.Girls are less in college. College always focus on extra circular activities which are conducted during time to time. Many more teams are created by college. No discrimination is done in college. People of all class, cred religion live together and come together in all event.",9 1614,Student (Anonymous),Graphic Era University - [GEU],"We have been provided everything from wifi to library.Library is open for the whole day so that hostel students can study.wifi is available for 24 hours.Labs are interactive and lab assistant are with us for guiding us.Placement,Environment,Best faculties,One will learn to explore new things and have confidence.Also the reviews of passes out students were really very good.This is the best institution in my state with best placement.",9.8 1615,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology - [MSIT],"Since i have no experience i won't be able to tell much. But yes, there are quite a few successful alumni with startups and placements. The alumni network is not weak. As heard from seniors, the placement agency is quite active. Will update when i complete the degree.It was nearby to my house. And the rank required to enter into it was similar to what i obtained. I took computer science because it seemed fun. The academics of the college are good. Co curricular activities are not supported much though.",7.5 1616,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Recently events were organized for women's day, BUT no Freshers' Day or Celebrations. Campus life is just there, nothing much. Events: some japanese movie event was there selected students were taken to PVR to watch a Japanese movie, debates and speeches are held on regular basis even in their local languages regarding dance or singing events, not much there for the student's enjoymentWell, I'm only a first year so I do not have that deep of a knowledge regarding placement but from my observations and research its very good, placement cell staffs are very active and keep us informed on a regular basis with whatever changes or opportunities might arrive",5.8 1617,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The whole campus of dtu is spread in 164 acres of land.The campus is full of trees and greenery.The whole campus is equipped with wifi facilities. We have a sports complex in which indoor and outdoor games facilities both are available.There is a gymnasium in the sporys complex which is open for 24 hours a day.we have a very big library equipped with variety of books.The whole library is air conditioned and lift facilities are also available. Now coming to labs,with my one year of experience i can say that the faculties took lab activities very seriously. We have all the experiments of our syllabus and the eqipments are brand newIt is one of the best universities in delhi.its nirf ranking of 2k19 is 34.placement wise it is as good as iit delhi,nsit,iiit delhi.The campus of dtu is very relaxed and lots of plantations are done.overall the campus is lish green.On saturday,sunday we get off days.One of the best things about dtu is u get time do whatever u want.either its competitive coding,some development works etcc",9.3 1618,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"More than 200 reputed companies visit the campus every year and offer roles in IT, non tech and core domains. COE has the best placement and most of the companies are IT based and has an average of around 10LPA and more than 90% students are placed. Around 30 core companies visit to recruit students from Mechanical Department. The average(MED) is around 7 LPA with around 80% students placed every year. Placement opportunities are low for students pursuing civil and Chemical engg.The infrastructure of the university is great and it should be because they are charging very high fees. The classrooms and labs are well equipped and modern. The newly built lecture hall complex looks futuristic and has a touch of TCD. The wifi in the lecture complex is great and not so good in the hostels. Library is well equipped and newly built. Sports ground and equipment is also great.",8 1619,Navneet mishra,Netaji Subhash Engineering College - [NSEC],"I had got 12000 rank in wb-jee 2019 and according to that i get selected for IT stream in Netaji subash engineering college, kolkata. As I belong to a middle class family the tution fee the offer was affordable and thats the reason why I opted for this course in the following college. I then took a survey about the following college it was fine in every field. The faculty members are gr8. They always support us in every case.The offered loans and scholarship for the bengali students like if any 1 clear the scholarship will have to pay only 80k tution fees instead of 394000. It is jst a gr8 step bt in another way it is nt good at all coz any student from other states should not get the chance to take the scholarship.",7.7 1620,KHUMAN SINGH BHADORIYA,Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Sports facilities are provided within. college and most of games are available in with outdoor ground include cricket, volleyball, and football ground and many indoor games are available too.wifi facilities are available around campus building and library include both academic book and self help books,lab equipment are very latest and up to requirements to coursesCurriculum of college is self designed and academic is based on syllabus based on GTU recommendations and faculties are well qualified and have great experience level in teaching and tutor are more students supportive and ready to help students anytime",7.7 1621,Shivam Sachdeva,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Excellent. This is the only word i want to say.Firstly it is a NIT that is a govt institute so the infrastructure contains a fully green environment,building are very well ventilated,also security system is also more than required to cope up with tge emergency situationsCourse is very good infact faculty helps in the everyone situation on at time needed.Faculty also have query section in which if any student have any problem with the faculty member can change them with the mass voting by the class",8.7 1622,Tharun,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],In this university we get all the practice and theoretical knowledge with our well graduated lecturer's and the infrastructure of the college is also very good with all facilities. And for the course aerospace engineering this is the best college in Chennai.we have well equiped library and labs and for our course we have a airplane hanger with a small plane inside and bigger one outside. And we have different blocks for different courses and hostels are also very good with all facilities.,8.5 1623,Janki Maradia,Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Course is ideal and is directly related to the industrial requirements, faculties, curriculum and academics are major of practical knowledge. Information and communication technology is the hybrid course from 2 major branches of engineering those are information technology and electronics and communication.All Festivals are celebrated with joy and enthusiasm, campus life is soo good, we have annual fests where we invite students from different colleges. Our college also conducts workshops on different technologies and run a incubation hub in collaboration with e yantra iit Bombay.",9.3 1624,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],Better placement opportunities and the amenities inside the college I liked the campus environment and I interacted with the faculty before joining they were so informative and now they are helping us in many ways in our academic progress.There are many clubs and each and every club has it's own activities and there are nearly 20 different clubs. We can also participate in sports. All sports equipment is provided. Management conducts fests every year and it will be nice.,9.7 1625,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"There no other word to describe about our college infrastructure. We have all the sports and facilities of sports. Library is awesome. We can find many books.all type of books.our total campus is WiFi enabled campus and pollution free we find greenary every where which provides us fresh environment.Many companies have visited our university and provides many jobs for our university students, the highest salary package in last year was ?2700000 and the median package is 600000.Biher witnessed TCL, amazon, wipro, capgemini, Infosys, cognizant, and many other companies",7.2 1626,Student (Anonymous),Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology Nandyal - [RGMCET],"There are many companies that which are visited my college but there are some like Alibaba company they offered 40000 thousand for month the placement process will be like an interview and the other companys like wipro, and etcThere are more games in my college, Like vollyboll, throwball, football, shettle, and ect, There are more wifi connections in my college, In my college we have big library, More than 10000 volume books And online library",7.3 1627,Student (Anonymous),Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology Nandyal - [RGMCET],"sports were good,library is also spacious with a large quantity ofbooks where we spend a lot of time by reading with our subjects books and also other books, all equipments are available in labs so that there might no technical issues to be faced by us in future.wi-fi connection also good for us so that we could attend the lab programms with out any interruption.So excited by our campus life,the events and participation in those activities give a lot of entertainment and joyness,extracurricular activities like games,sports,debates are much excited to us.we play and participate in those activities and many of our seniors won prizes in such activities.",9.5 1628,Shaik salma,Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering - [RGCE],"1.I like the way they teach the seniors suggested me. 2.The college placements took me more interest about it. 3.I am very much passionate about electrical and I got a free seat to go to the college,and I like the atmosphere of college and the library for reading and the course the way they teachRecently the company visited in our college is TCS with 85 people offered and 60 students are placed the placement training program is good and the alumni of our college is recently my professors in Bangalore some are well settled in abords and some are working as software engineering students",9.5 1629,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"The college is good. Our classroom is in main building. There is no CCTV in class. In first year block, there is no proper drinking water facilities, no CCTV facilities. The campus is WiFi enabled. The laboratories are well maintained and have faculties with proper knowledge. Till now, I have seen only one smart class room. There is no auditorium in college. No proper playing ground. The CS lab is very big and well air-conditioned. The campus is clean and the food in canteen is hygienic.The campus life is really good in bharath university. Me and my friends use to sit in canteen daily. There is no playground where we can play. In fact, the college is least interested in sports. They neither organise any cultural fest nor any function. They only organise debates, seminars, etc. The campus is situated in Tambaram. Many buses and trains are available from here. Even airport is not much far. There is a hospital inside college only.",7.7 1630,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"When talking about academics in Bharath university, they do their best to provide the best quality education to the students. I am pursuing B.Tech in aeronautical engineering. The faculty member are really good in their field of interest. Recently they have also introduced international language in the syllabus. The syllabus is not so lengthy and also covers all the essential topics required. the curriculum keeps on updating in every semester.The college buildings are not so good. There is no playing ground for students, no auditorium and many essential. The classrooms are not at all good. No CCTV is installed in the entire first-year block. The canteen is not so clean and hygienic. There are different libraries for different departments in campus. The laboratories are currently close due to construction. There is a lake behind the college.",7.7 1631,Viraj Suraj Bichkar,Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering,"In our SITCOE, well equipped gym is available for students to gain their body. Also, we received best physical educator Prof. Havale mam as our Sports teacher. All the labs are well equipped from first year labs to final year which includes chemistry lab, automobile lab, computer department has many labs etc. Yes, WiFI is available on our campus. But, we are unable to use mobile in campus due to restrictions by management.Best course curriculum designed by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological university, Lonere. There is combine passing method for students which will be beneficial for us. As compared to SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY our DBATU syllabus is easily understandable along with extra co-curricular activities like industrial visit, internship etc.",10 1632,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Sports facilities are good but not best.campus is fully wifi zone but network issue is in peak level in bharath.library is good and around 4000 books are there but there is only one library for all departments and there is no seperate library for distinct department.computer lab is quite better and it has all essential facilities.Labs are ok ok type,not good not bad,few equipments are there but not all essential equipments in bharath's laboratory.In bharath institute of higher education and research there is a lot of courses available and because of availability of aerospace engineering I am in this College.Connection between BIHER and abroad is good and they provides opportunities to 5 students per year for international projects and these opportunities is my one of the main reason behind choosing Bharath.",6.2 1633,ANKUSH SHARMA,"PDM University, Bahadurgarh",Our campus have well maintained structure from both looks( inner and outer) which is look very attractive for everyone. Our university have separate library and labs for different branches. And have the proper connection of wifi network in whole universityOur college updates the syllabus in timely in their official site. Our college is only the branch of PDM UNIVERSITY which is in haryana region. Our university have highly qualified teachers and faculty who have the good experience of the teaching.,9.3 1634,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"enough industrial exposure is provided buy the university, the faculties in the university are highly educated and every faculty has its own merits but being highly educated and having an expertise in there subjects the faculty also shares there personal experiences and personal projects to the students for there better learningover 300 companies come to the campus selection an amount of 90+ % students get placement from the university and the rest either go for higher studies or prepare for competitive exams or some take outside the university placement, the alumni network is very good and get to meet a lot of new people with diverse concept",8.8 1635,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"In our university 100% Placement and also medical facilities available 24/7. Good Environment. More Trees and healthy environment. We have library it consists of lack of books.In our university 27 branch's or available. Degree course also available like b.sc,BBA, Hotel management, b.com ect. There are total 4 hostels one from north 2 for South and one for girls PGs are okay Not as delicious as for our expectations.They cost hostel fee nearly 75000 per year at Bharath University.Quality of class is okay even labs are just okay library is good dining halls are very poor Wi-Fi and other infrastructures are just fine.Punjab national bank provides the ATM and banking at the respective campuses for the need of the students and faculty.All visiting parents and guests can stay in the fully furnished air-conditioned guesthouse in the respective campuses.More than 100 guests can stay at the same time. Apart from security being the top priority, health is also one of the main priorities that the institute concerns about.One international hostel under construction 4 boys hostel 1 girls hostel.The classrooms in Bharath University are nice.The quality of our PGs is better than the other options outside the college. There is accommodation for 1000 students which includes separate hostels for men and women. There are single, double and triple bedrooms.The mess offers serve nutritious vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.The hostel Campus is enabled with Wi-Fi facility, cable TVs, telephone facilities.Postgraduates students can live in a separate block of a hostel. Each block has a separate gym, library, laundry facilities, and internet centre which helps the students.Security is the main concern and the hostel campus ensures it as a priority.",9.3 1636,Student (Anonymous),ACE Engineering College - [ACEEC],Best college providing extra classes for campus placement and also provide gate coaching Useful for gate exams Providing soft skills for improvement in English Faculty expiation is not only subjects They explain entrance examinations questions also Good for gate aspirants Good for IES ASPIRANTS GOOD FOR PSU ASPIRANTS GOOD FOR CAMPUS PLACEMENTSThe faculty are very qualified and experienced in subjects and also for labs where they give excellent instruments and also very useful in extra circular activities the best college which provides which have best labs Sports event is conducted every year. Size of library is medium.,8.5 1637,Nikhil,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"The fee structure is expensive but if the student is good in studies then the college will provide scholarships to them. College accepts payment through net banking, actually, I don't know about the offline payment method. Fees structure is divided into two parts : 1) tuition fee and examination fees. 2) hostel and mess fees.For taking admission into the IITB first we have to give jee mains exam which is held for 12th science student after qualifying to jee main students are eligible for jee advanced and based on that ranking will decide. And based on the ranks Jose which is a council for the IIT admissions will allot the IIT over the 19 IITs.",9 1638,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Infrastructure is average. Not too god not too bad. They are improving every year. Library is very fine, you can rely on library. Laboratory are also average. Sports is not much supported here, specially girls are not given much chance in sports or extra curricular activities.Festivals are celebrated but not on a large scale. For most of the festivals they give leave and even if they celebrate it is low profile. Not much participation is done by the students as the management won't ask for their participation.",6.5 1639,Student (Anonymous),New Horizon College of Engineering - [NHCE],"My brother's already graduated from this college. He already knew everything about this college like about the Hostel mess, security in hostel gates and many other things. Second reason why I am here is because of donation, Ya actually this is the main reason because I took admission in the July before this I was thinking that I could clear the IIT JEE.Placement activities for the first batch in September 2003. Since then leading IT companies have been visiting NHCE on a regular basis. Some of the industry’s giants such as TCS, Wipro, IBM, Accenture, Cognizant Technology, Infosys, Tech Mahindra Ltd and various other companies have visited the institute at a regular interval.",9.7 1640,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Our college has good infrastructure,well developed facilities and good equipment. Our college has clean neat and tidy classrooms. Our college laboratory has good equipment. And when coming to library, it has a wide number of books with good explanation which helps us to gain good concept on the subject. We are surrounded with a good internet facility all over our campus. All the facilities are well maintained and the college surroundings are Very neat with good, neat and hygenic food.I am studying Aeronautical engineering because it's my passion and also I love the subject. Our quality of teaching is good. Yes I think our curriculum is updated and includes all the recent developments in the field. The quality of education is good. The college is trying to improve the education for students.",8.3 1641,Aman Kumar,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],The college has all facilities required in engineering college. It is a reputed college of delhi with good academics performance. It's fest is one of the best fest in delhi. A lot of space is available in college wich makes it looks beautiful.all types of fest are being organised in the college. engifest which is the cultural fest of dtu is one of the biggest fest in india. with footfall of around 40k.,8.2 1642,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The infrastructure is okay and well maintained. There are gyms in the hostel, although the equipments don't work. The sports complex is huge and offers all sports facilities. There is a separate court for every sport. The library is huge and has a lot of books with a lot of copies so they never run out of the book that you need. The labs although are not well maintained. Most of the apparatus are not working. The WiFi works well in the whole of campus.DTU hosts one of the largest college fest in the while of North India, that is, ENGIFEST. You can see crowd from a lot of colleges (even outside Delhi) during this fest. There a lot of other fests too held by DTU that are a great success. There are various societies (technical and non-technical) in DTU that offer various opportunities to the students.",8.3 1643,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],The syllabus in our university is very useful and it enhance more idea and new thoughts to the students. It gives more important to all the mechanisms and techniques.we really love our syllabus and it is also easy to understand.we students enjoy our syllabus.there is no toughness to study.and it also enhances more and more creativity among the studentsOur university has more sports like cricket etc.it also have NCC to make the students healthier and more obedient. Our university has free wifi facilities.and the library of our campus has more than thousands of books which are very helpful to make the students syllabus much more easier.the labs are very effective and more accessible.,7.5 1644,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"It is very good,till now I haven't entered into my branch,the syllabus given is very easy and good, syllabus in my branch I knew that it is near to our present mechanism,upto now I met a sir (Arun) our engineering graphics,he taught about the subject as well as the information about what to do in futureuniversity gave me a scholarship based on my inter marks,with that my fee reduced a lot,it helps me to do my Course in this university, Bharath gives scholarship for the students who wrote entrance exam conducted by them",8.7 1645,Student (Anonymous),Alliance University,"One of my relatives are working there, from them I came to know that this college was good. That's y I have joined. In other words as I am studying there I have no problems. I opted CSE because we would get a job a bit easier compared to other coursesMy opinion on faculty and curriculum and academics are: all are good till now. Let's hope further for any problems that are going to be faced in the further years of college experience. Facilities are teaching awesome.",8.5 1646,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Campus Infrastructure has 5 floors where Management and Engineering students study. It has library on every floor and is well equipped. Every library has sitting places, etc and maintains a pieceful environment. Equipments labs and everything is very well equiped and up-to-dated as well. We can connect to College WiFi when inside Library and cannot access it when in classroom as range issue occursAfter JEE, this institute was on my top 3 as it is an reputed and well known college with the one of only colleges that provide ICT course. ICT is an course where student has flexibility over which way a student want to focus more on (Communication, Programming, Cyber Security, etc).",6.3 1647,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"enough industrial exposure is provided buy the university, the faculties in the university are highly educated and every faculty has its own merits but being highly educated and having an expertise in there subjects the faculty also shares there personal experiences and personal projects to the students for there better learningover 300 companies come to the campus selection an amount of 90+ % students get placement from the university and the rest either go for higher studies or prepare for competitive exams or some take outside the university placement, the alumni network is very good and get to meet a lot of new people with diverse concept",8.8 1648,Lokesh Kandukuri,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"Includes a lot of clubs in techincal mathematical and based on communication and lot of events take place on these mostly instersing and suportive contest are also there here.Also conduts various programes to support and augment an organized University- wide environment of research excellence where faculty are inspired and challenged to drive the boundaries of knowledge foundation. To be the voice of the research community at BIHER and in all ways, ensure the optimal and effective use of intellectual, financial and physical resources to foster an environment of research excellence throughout the UniversityOur full campus is lush green campus covered with grass and trees everywhere. The labs were equipped and libraries were fully furnished and books were quite to provide knowledge. The library is well sized to have adequate strength to study at a time. The hostels were fully ranged in wifi and quite good area for a student to study",8.5 1649,Devansh,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],It is one of the most prestigious engineering college in india providing world class education as well as it provides state of the art facilities for education. IIT delhi is also known for its awesome track record of placement and hence a secured future.IIT delhi is known for its placement guarantee as it is one the best engineering college in the world and hence it name only works a lot while appearing for all these activities. Both domestic and international placements are there from my college,9.2 1650,Student (Anonymous),Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"For aerospace students this college is very famous and popular, i like this college because the faculty members are too good and they provide every help that we need this college has an aircraft parked in the ground which drove me to take up an admission in this college.My aerospace engineering course has highly professionalized professors our H.O.D sundarajan sir is the most best teacher he care about the students future he will develop the skills of the students they will conduct practical examinations and test our skills.",9.8 1651,Student (Anonymous),Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering - [AIIE],"Adani is known for its infrastructure. So our campus has good infrastructure. It has good Wi-Fi connectivity, sports facility is good their are grounds for cricket, basketball, volleyball, kabadi, football. Our library is big and fully air conditioning and it has all kinds of book and ebooks too. Equipment in labs are good and updated.Campus life is awesome here, and friends are easy to make and are good. And environment is good here. Our college keeps a lot of events like ASPIRE, Intra sports week, Traditional day and all, Workshops, Field visits and many activities. Play sports and photography, AIIH club.",7.3 1652,Shubhangi Mahato,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I have taken CSE branch because I'm really interested in coding. This institution os know as one of the best central indiacollege. To get in thiscollege either you have clear jee mains or its entrance exam know as cgpet. After that you can contact the college for futher queries.It is feasible, mode of payment can be cash, check or online banking.No additional fees / charges is to be paid. It totaly depends on you how you want to pay. They offer you all option. In compare to othercollege its fees is low. Evencollege is famous and i still don't know why.",4.3 1653,Student (Anonymous),ABES Institute of Technology - [ABESIT],"College infrastructure is good and campus is very hygenic. Teaching faculty is excellent with respect to other aktu colleges. Campus is fully air-conditioned including library, classrooms and hostels. The only drawback one may find is you may not be allowed to be outside campus after 9 pm for boys and after 6pm for girls(for hostellers)Many companies visit campus every year like Amazon, byjus,TCS etc etc. Faculty make sure to make every possible way to make one placed. As far as placement department they are very efficient. But in the end placement is always in one's hand, their skills, spoken English and capability.",7.2 1654,Student (Anonymous),Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology - [KNIT],"campus is about 100 acre. fully green and well established.it have every sports court and many sports club incliding badminton court,vollyball court,cricket ground,tennis court and CSA hall for indore games. every hostel are connected through wifi.library are fully digital including lacs of books.every branch have their own fully equiped lab.faculties are too good specially in my branch i.e computer science.every teacher are well educated. mr. h.k. mishra is one of the my favorite teacher who had done 6 yrs. reasearch in japan.mr. rafeeq sir who is graduated from AMU is assistence professor of computer science engineering is also too good.",8.7 1655,Student (Anonymous),Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"It's really fun to be a part of any event at Thapar. all the events are held in a very organised manner. there are lots of technicals events where a student can really improve his/her skills and learn a lot new things. these events also provide the students a platform where they can show their talent and explore themselves. their is really something which is meant to be leant from every event.infrastructure is really good. it provides all the necessary facilities to the players. wifi has a great speed at hostels, library and the library of the institute is one of the best known libraries in India,the atmosphere at library is really commendable.",9.8 1656,Shailesh Kumar,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],Our college has a wide number of placements and more than 75 percent of college students get placed into top MNCs in this world. Recently our college student got placed into Google with the highest package of 50 lack. 15 lack per annum is the average salary package. The placement process is easy and our college supports us to get into top companies with highest package.The campus life is way too boring. There are no extra curricular activities organised. The is a strict rule for dress code and punctuality. There is gender discrimination in campus. There is no ground where we can go and play any sports. The campus is safe and free from ragging. Strict action is taken against drugs and ragging inside campus.,7.8 1657,Sathi Banerjee,Techno India University,"Some one suggested To me as this is a good college and the placement is good and after not getting a good marks in WBJEE this was my only option to opt and take up the course. The placmemet is good overall, they have entreprenurship cell helping students with new ideas and sponsoring them, that is itOur college foundation encourages the alumni to actively enroll and participate in the social and educational activities and organised guest lectures,",6.2 1658,Student (Anonymous),Jaypee University of Information Technology - [JUIT],"Technical events are being held after every two months that makes a child exposed to such technical environment. Diwali, holi, dussehra, friendship Day and all festivals are a type of relaxation to the students from studies. I myself participated in Master chef and was awarded second.Jaypee university is situated among the mountains surrounded with green environment and pleasant weather which make it suitable for focusing on our studies. Apart teachers are very supportive and so are seniors. Interested in computer science and thus opted the course.",8.3 1659,Student (Anonymous),Techno India University,A number of events take place which will help students in their carries. Number of seminars and webinars take place. We have a number of groups which will conduct the event which will help in all the sectors.It is the oldest private university in West Bengal and I was getting my desired course here. While admission I got to know many big Companies come for placement. The course curriculum is very good.,10 1660,Deepak Pradhan,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"University's campus is very big. It has a sports complex where there are various indoor games. It has a swimming pool. It has a big playground where many outdoor games can be played. It also has stadium. It has a 3-storey full air conditioning library where there many books and seating facility. It has all types of equipment in different labs for students with experienced faculties. Whole campus has access to WiFi. For more visit Lpu.inWell there are many cultural festival happening in each month. University has separate cell for these all activities. As I said before it gives each student equal opportunities to explore themselves. So whatever talent student may have. It gives full chance to explore that. There are big participation in cultural events like youthvibe, one India, one world. For more visit lpu.in",9 1661,Devansh Dixit,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Gender ratio is 13:1. A lot less number of girls here. There are a lot of clubs here where and they showcase they have their own nights and events. I am a part of the DRAMA club myself and we have our DRAMA night. We also have our own LGBTQ community and every person's feeling is respected here. Gender discrimination is there, to be honest as seniors try to impress junior girls and provide all the help to them XD. Jokes apart there's no problem and the best part is no one judges for who you are and how you live here. The clubs are quite active here and the coding and technical culture is great.As of now in my first year we had general and similar courses for every first yearite. Even tough I was in CS, I had a course from each branch and these are compulsory for everyone for eg: Thermodynamics (by chemical branch professors), Electical Science (by electrical branch professors), Computer programming (by cs profs) etc. Some courses like Probability and Statistics was really practical and we could apply and simulate real-life situations. As we proceeded with each course the level of toughness increased. Yeah we do get great on-campus placements with FAANG companies placing our seniors.",7.8 1662,Anurag singh,Sambhram Institute of Technology - [SAIT],"The teachers here aren't super talented or anything like that. But they make do. You'll have to work extra hard if you really wanna learn because as an student who's not from around here, you'll find some communication barriers and such. These things can heavily impact many other aspects. The faculty does provide some help and clarification on the subjects but in my opinion, if you really wanna learn something and get the most out of them, you'll have to work for it.My cousin had already studied here so he recommended me this college as it's like average. Not super expensive or anything. It's one of the cheapest out there if you want a VTU degree. The faculty here is like not good or particularly bad. We have some ground for activities and such. The auditorium isn't that bad either although it's kinda small. So these are the factors which helped me chose this college.",6.2 1663,Shubham Kumar Singh,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University - [BVDU],"Our College is in University Campus at Katraj which is a Suburban Area in Pune, It has 20+ other colleges of various Niches in the Campus, Sports are not popular among students but there are tournaments that go one regularly. Students participate in various Events, Workshops,Parties organised around the campus, participation of students is high in extracurriculars but not many events are organised. Campus and college is culturally, religiously, Ethically balanced. Gender Ratio is around 2:1.Overall Faculty is good, but some faculty staffs are lazy, some are very good. Average Age of faculty would be around 50-55. Minimum Qualification is to have MSC or Higher to be a Junior/ Assistant Professor. And One must have a PHD or equivalent to be a Professor. Some teachers have also been Industry Employees and have left the Corporate to teach. Majority of the teachers are hard working and knowledgeable, but some are just annoying and ignorant.",8.5 1664,Abhishek Kumar,Gaya College of Engineering,"Many people believe that they, but that's not true. There actually are simple steps to dramatically reduce online tracking. Step 1. Download DuckDuckGo on all your devices With just one download you'll get tracker blocking, private searching, increased encrypting, and privacy grading on all of your browsing. Our mobile app for / (DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser) and browser extensions for, and (DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials) has all of this in one seamless package. Step 2. Update your software Your device operating systems get out-of-date over time, and old software can contain security bugs or settings that leak personal data. Set your devices (and the apps on them) them to update automatically. That way you'll always have the latest, safest versions. Step 3. Update your privacy settings Make sure your devices are using the best privacy settings. Especially make sure you adjust per-app location settings, so that your location history isn’t leaking where it shouldn’t. For extra bonus points, review the apps you have installed. If there are any you haven't used for a while, remove them to reduce the chance of your personal data being shared in the background. Step 4. Use a password manager Privacy and security are, but if your accounts are not secured, your privacy is at risk. Have you ever used the same password on more than one website? If the answer's yes, then your privacy may be. The fix is easy: start creating unique passwords for every website you use. That may sound like a lot of work, but it’s not when you use a password manager. Password managers generate and store secure passwords for you automatically. Many browsers now have them built-in, or you can use a tool like, or that work across multiple browsers. Step 5. Set up two-factor authentication Two-factor authentication (also known as multi-step login) is where you use a code to log in to websites in addition to your password. You should set up two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible, and certainly on your major accounts (email, financial, etc. ). You can check if major sites have it available, which also links directly to the right documentation pages. And that’s it. Doing the above five steps makes a huge impact on your privacy online, from stopping Big Tech from sucking up all your browsing data to adding extra protection to your passwords and email. And, once set up, it doesn’t take much effort to maintain. So, let’s make 2020 the year we all take back our online privacy. Please to let your friends and loved ones know that they too can easily protect their privacy online. And if you want to stay informed on privacy news and tips throughout the year, check out our, or follow us on. is very very difficult and differentWe celebrate annual sports in which all the students participate and learn about the sports man spirit in which all the type of game happens indoor outdoor and athletic Also we celebrate Tech fest in which all the technical competition happens such as hackhaton, workshop, coding, ping round, web development etc. In this fest students of different colleges take part And enjoy the learning. We also distribute prizes to the winner and certificate to them",7.3 1665,Dhananjay Singh,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],It's relevant because in the modern time what we need is to do provide the students with the basic needs of infrastructure and intuitive course which will intern help them in their future to acquire good jobs and start startups.Truly speaking the course which we are offered are of less importance when it comes to placements to get a good on campus placement we must ensure other skills that we must accquire apart from the curriculum.I got admission through Jee mains and since I want CSE it was my best college option just after my counciling round was over got in at 1/8/2019 and with in natter of minutes i was given my seat.i choosed this course due to my job preference and which will inturn help me make into a good professional by the means of the curriculum that yhey provide which is a little outdated but when it comes to coding it all round up.,7.7 1666,Shubham Goel,Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management - [ADGITM],"Dont know about education level of all teachers. But some teachers here have Phd in their subjects. Some teachers are too good in their subjects but some are too bad too. Like there is a diversity. Some teachers are soo good that students even come to college to attend first lecture too but some are so bad that students try their best to bunk their lectures.The first year here is just waste of time. In first year they teach us syllabus of every course which is not of any use to us in future. All the things that we learn in first year are total waste and i dont know why they teach us this crap. Exams here are okayish and their structure too seems fine.",7.8 1667,Rohit More,Rajarambapu Institute of Technology - [RIT],"I got admitted by the merit list from entrance exam MHT-CET. Admitted on 7th of August 2019. As I didn't get enough marks to be opted for my favourite course Computer Science and Engineering, I opted the second favourite course Mechanical Engineering. Admission process is very complicated as we need to submit large number of documents about our academic excellence, our valiance of caste and various certificates. Submission of list of choices of colleges and desired courses is too be submitted to the state education council and then according to their list the college and branch. We got 3 chances for this process and compulsorily take the last college after final round. Then need to submit our documents to the college we got and submit the admission fees to get the final Identity Card of College.Yes, the college has really good for course curriculum and is fairly changed according to the industrial needs.The syllabus is really research driven and it although helps to be better professional. But college is continuously failing to place the students in industry. Though placement drives arranged for students,really rare chances of students, especially from Mechanical Engineering, getting placed in the industries.",5.3 1668,Adarsh Saxena,Medi-Caps University,"It is updated as right now teaching about the present scenarios industrial knowledge very low practical knowledge but maximum theories only. Courses we opted are tough but teaching according to the courses is very bad and needs to be improved. Most of the faculties are just there for there job not want students to actually study but only do there works. Academics of the college if u ask a student of it he will say its all for show but nothing real academic knowledge is provided.Library is very big having around 1 lakh books and e-library also i can say the best thing and also which attracts students to take admission in it is the library only. Labs are good having many equipments also wi-fi is good outside the buildings not in classes, sports facilities are so many and can say good enough facilities if someone is interested to play.",4.5 1669,B SHANKAR NARAYANAN,"Cochin University of Science and Technology, School of Engineering -[SOE] Thrikkakara","School of engineering (SOE) is a reputed educational institution which is affiliated to Cochin University of science and technology. CUSAT is one of the top universities in the country and leads the list even all over the world. Since it is a government funded institution, Campus provides students great freedom and almost all faculties are highly qualified.The extra curricular student activities in the campus increases student's management skills and help them gain confidence by being part of everything themselves. Great atmosphere and infrastructure and facilities.All student amenities are provided in the campus at reasonable cost. The university has great popularity among people and has good placement records in past years. These factors made me to prefer CUSAT for my studies.The course curriculum and syllabus is entirely different for CUSAT when compared to KTU. The course curriculum is moderately designed and just got revised in 2019. The college has good concern for academics and conducts 2 internal exams and an ende sem exam in each semester for bith theiry and practical papers. Apart from these assignment tests and vivas are also conducted. The college has a very promising circle of faculties. All are well qualified and conduct classes with full dedication. Most of the teachers also prepare power point presentations in addition to lectures and are shown in the class.",8.8 1670,Student (Anonymous),M H Saboo Siddik College of Engineering - [MHSSCOE],"Our college had different clubs and societies like the CSI, EDC and many more and these clubs used to conduct a lot of seminars and activities based on their subject of concern and they always did a lot of advertisement to really get children into the clubs and the fee was minimal and the benefits were infiniteThere are many sources of loans available from the government itself if you get good marks in MHTCET you will be recognized in the category of TFWS and you will have to pay only 20% of the actual fee which in our college the TFWS only have to pay 17k per year whereas other students have to pay 146000",6.7 1671,Student (Anonymous),GIET University - [GIET],"Both indoor and outdoor sports are there with separate playing fields. All types of playing equipments are also provided by university sports department. Wi-fi is provided all over the campus. A big central Library is inside the campus which consist of a huge number of books according to all the departments. All the labs have their respective equipments as per the labs needs.University conducts many events technical, cultural throughout the year. Technical events are conducted by respective departments of university. Cutural events are conducted in every festival. The events are glorious and well done by students. To participate in the events a student has give auditions.",9.8 1672,Saumyajit Chowdhury,NIT Silchar,"The campus is of 625 acres and is lush and green. It gives us time to relax in the evening. Gender ratio is 1 girl in 10 boys as the best case. There are many extra curriculur events that take place. Sports culture is good with big cricket and football fields, lawn tennis court and Student Activity Centre for indoor sports. Other facilites include gym, wooden court, sports and yoga complex. We have Asia's second largest digital library. There are clubs in diverse fields such as literary, drama, dance, music and photography. Technical clubs like coding, robotics and machine learning club. Students come from all parts of India but there is 50% reservation for home state Assam. All live in harmony though. There is a elected student union body called Gymkhana.The placement for the course is really good with figures rising vastly with every passing year. We have hosted companies like Amazon, Quikr, Arcesium, Goibibo, SAP Labs, Samsung, Goldman Sachs and Amdocs. About 100% students with CGPA above 6 get placed. The recruitment procedure has a coding round followed by technical and hr rounds. Yes, the Training and Placement Cell of the institute played a great role in achieving such feats.",7.8 1673,Suhan Patel,Malnad College of Engineering - [MCE],The seniors in the college are best helps the juniors to understand the worst rules that are changed each every year. the supplymentary fees is so high that one subject failed each subject must be paid 1000? for retaking exam on supplymentary basis and this is the worst part. No we hvnt interacted with any alumni yetIt is quite expensive in this college where payment seat costs you around 4-5 lakhs with donation and yearly fees will be 1. 50 lakhs and everything isn’t that worth in this college the infrastructure isn’t that good for that money but lecturers are good in teaching,8 1674,hridanshu,D. Y. Patil College of Engineering,"Our placement cell is work in hard. to get students an opportunity and. intershala is providing students to intern at companies. and our college supports it. I had too applied for internship in urban clap company. under edc cell of our college. which. had a great experience. I too enjoyed the internship. as I was the first year student I wasn't ready to work for stipend. due to insufficient experience. and I enjoyed internship. thanks to dy patil college for organizing such events in our collegeTheir is an ENTRANCE EXAM known- (MHT -CET). Which is an state level entrance exam to get admission into engineering colleges. On the basis of college Cut-Off and reservation criteria, I had applied for I. T stream for Dy patil COE, akurdi through CAP Rounds. Then induction was kept for our warm welcome. and we continued our college",10 1675,Student (Anonymous),Chennai Institute of Technology - [CIT],"The campus had academic block with three storeys and another building that includes hostel,mess,ILP's.Another one that has canteen which includes Cafe coffee Day,meat and eat and another cafe and a stationery shop.The campus life is very good if you have friends around you as always.And extra curricular activities that happen in our college is the one where every student of our college enjoys and waits for.That Cultural festival is called Takshashila.It happens for 2-3 days where they conduct various events that includes musical and choreo night and students from various colleges participate in it.They put big stages,DJ lights and decorations and many more more like a grand event.And for this the total planning and work is done by the students themselves which gives them more exposure and also a chance to showcase the talent.And more over our college supports talents and always motivates students to participate in everything but for that you have to show a decent academic performance.We have one big cricket ground,one basket ball field and another for volley ball and also one gym for boys and girls to workout.We had one sports/library period alternatively scheduled in a week.The library is little big but one could find only books and magazines related to academics and technologies I mean nothing related to entertainment.We have Labs called ILPS were there are separate labs for each field like pega,kuka and many more specialising each field and this is more special in our college.The labs are well equipped as well.",8.5 1676,D.Parthasarathy,Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute,I took bio medical. because I want to work in medical field.and I like this course which is very interesting and I would like to invent new machines and instruments which is very useful to our modern medical conditions and choose this college and I went to buy ah form.and they interview meCulturals are the most fun-filled thing tha happen in the college every year some depy won the overall trophy students from other colleges have participated in many events and they won some prizes.and we met a lot of friends some events like pongal celebration are really good,7.7 1677,GANESH FOUJDAR,Rustamji Institute of Technology - [RJIT],"In our college all the facilities are provided to us . The course Curriculum is quiet good enough we can't say it is best but it is good to work. Our college is linked by RGPV University (BHOPAL) and the exam pattern is also good . In the exams there are mainly brief questions. It helps the students in future .The gender ratio of our college is quiet not good. Because it is an Engineering college and only the few girls are interested in Engineering . Diversity of our college is good . Extracurricular, Labs, Sports, Competitions such as Robotics, Debates are organised in our college time to time by many Clubs .",8.5 1678,vijay kumar,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Group - A - Civil , Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Fashion Technology Group - B - Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Computer Science and Engineering with specialisation in Cyber Physical Systems, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Automation Tuition Fees (Per Annum) INR 1,73,000 Caution Deposit (Refundable) (One time payment) INR 3,000 Total fees to be paid for the first year INR 1,76,000 Group - B Tuition Fees (Per Annum) INR 1,95,000 Caution Deposit (Refundable) (One time payment) INR 3,000 Total fees to be paid for the first year INR 1,98,000Students have to qualify in VITEEE conducted by VIT to get admission in B.Tech program. BA-LL.B and BBA-LL.B admission is offered on the basis of a valid score in LSAT or CLAT or any other national level entrance test followed by GD and PI. For M.Tech, MCA and M.Tech by Research courses, a valid score in VITMEE is mandatory. Final admission is based on interview. CAT/ MAT/XAT/GMAT/ CMAT or NMAT qualified candidates are eligible to apply for MBA program. Students looking for admission in M.Phil & Ph.D. courses need to appear for VITREE followed by an interview. Those students who have already qualified in CSIR NET or UGC NET or any other national level entrance test will get a direct call for interview from the respective department of the university.",6 1679,Milan George Thomas,TKM College of Engineering - [TKMCE],"The college focuses on an overall development of a student. Hence they pay much respect to extra curriculars. Sports, technicals and various other events are conducted with much importance each year. They also conduct orientation programmes to help students get more exposed to things they arent. Politics is also an important part of college life. We have a union that runs the college that aims for the welfare and the benefits of its studentsTheres different sets of fee structure for different students. For students who got in via Merit, they'll only have to pay a very small amount. Also people who belong to the reservation community have very less to pay too. Theres also an NRI and Management Quota were you'll have to pay a donation.",8.2 1680,Pratyush das,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],Cse is considered as the most reputable and superior branch compared to all other branches. And this branch has the most no. of students. We have a university approved and strictly followed curriculum. This branch of b.tech can enhance the computer mind in you and can also college provide sufficient placement for this branch. College tries its best to help the students gets placed but its also depend upon the desire and determination of the student.Campus life in ITER is 9/10. Students from all over the globe can be found here. you can see students chilling and relaxing in evenings in the college laws enjoying views this is quiet fascinating to see. we have all kind of sports courts and also indoor stadiums. Gender ratio is 5:1. Various clubs and social activities going around the college throughout the year will keep you alway busy and you never miss home.,8.3 1681,Chinmay Tiwari,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science - [LNCTS],"We have our College fest in every 2 year where our seniors will conduct fun and educational and sports activities. Fun activities include Dance, Music, Poetry, Singing, Cooking, eSports, Snake and Ladder, Ludo. In Sports we have Cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, NCC Training, Athletics. Educational have Quizzes, Workshop, Coding Fest etc. Large amount of population comes in our college fest from all around Bhopal. Where each activity entrance fees is 50? only. We is affordable. Our entire campus is filled with thousands of people. It's a cheerful event to participate in. And every month we have a seminar regarding technology like Deep Learning, Artificial intelligence, coding etc which gives us idea about different fields to work in.Fee Structure is quite feasible as compare to other colleges in Bhopal(Private). We have 3 college in our Campus which are LNCT, LNCT-S, LNCT-E where the fee structure is like for LNCT it is 1.5 Lakhs per year, 1.2 Lakhs for LNCTS and 1 Lakhs per year for LNCTE which is the college fees and additional fee is there is you opt for busses and hostel. Mode of payment are through Cheque, Demand Draft, Credit/Debit Card. Additional fees are of Bus and hostel which is in our Campus. Hostel and Bus fees is not compulsory to pay if yoi don't want the service. There is pure transparency in the Fees-breakdown, no any kind of hidden fee is there.",8.7 1682,Himanshu ghatoe,St Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology -[SVPCET],Its very good affordable to allA fee structure is a chart or list highlighting the rates on various business services or activities. A fee structure lets customers or clients know what to expect when working with a particular business. Potential customers should always examine a company's fee structure to make sure they find it satisfactory before deciding to do business with them.When i was in 12 th standard the admission was according to the mhtcet exam then i get prepare for exam and then i gave it then i scored well in it but due to my low score i didnt selected but then thee colleges open the cast seat then i get the minority seat,9.5 1683,Nishant Mourya,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT-K],"Two most important events which are celebrated in college are: KHEL An intra college sports tournament Flair Fiesta:The Annual Techno Cultural fest of college. Also students get chance to celebrate MNIT jaipur's fests as the IIIT KOTA college is in MNIT JAIPUR itself because it does not have its own Campus. And also IIITK Students get chance to celebrate fests of NITUK as it is also going on MNIT JAIPUR.Therefore a huge gathering can be seen in the fests.I prepared for JEE nad through my JEE MAINS Score I got admission into this college.I thought to choose CS branch in college but because of my JEE mains score didn't get it and I got the second branch of this college i.e. ECE. Admission Criteria is that you have to fitst give JEE Mains exam and then you have to sit in JOSAA Counselling then according to the choices you have filled in the Counselling you get admission.",9.2 1684,Aman,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"In this college there are 4 CA in a semester which consists of 25-30 marks and then mid term which consists of 20-30 marks and then end term exam consist of 50 marks. In our college there are soft skills classes in which we learnt about the dressing sense, talking sense,and how to face an interview and many other things the college also give us chance to give mock interviews in the first semester alsoo which is very helpful to us for cracking interviews.The faculty of our college is good there average age is of 30-50 they all are good experienced teachers. Teachers are studied MS also PhD candidate also So faculty are good in our college. In my course ( Btech cse) there are almost 30-35 classes in a week. In one day there are 5-6 or 7 classes. There are 2 labs also of 2 hrs respectively. Both labs are done in different days.",8.3 1685,Harshavardhan v,University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering - [UVCE],"I had a scholarsgip of 19090 rupees which is given by government. Even I had applied and scholarship application was accepted but there was a condition where we were supposed to link our aadar card with bank account and I informed the bank to do that. but they didn't do it in a given time and npci is also not showin me the status even after approaching bank many times. so now I don't have any scholarships.The faculties are well experienced and friendly. They are always ready to teach even after college hrs. All The faculties have minimal 5 years of experience in their subjects I had scored pretty good marks in My Gujarat boards examination and my ACPC merit rank was 7636. And I was on the merit.",7.8 1686,Anwar Faris A K,Calicut University Institute of Engineering Technology - [CUIET],"Many companies are here to provide placement for young and bright students for their future development. There are 5 course branches in college. one of them is printing technology which is a rarest course in india, each and every year companies pick students from printing technology. Mechanical engineers are placed mostly by middle east Companies. Electrical and Electronics students placed in Bosch and etc.As we know mechanical engineering has it's royalty, college provides best infrastructure and facilities in order to keep its royality. There will be 3 labs weekly and there won't be lab period in consecutive days. It's really enjoyable. Exams will be conducted with in scheduled period with study leave.",10 1687,Sarvesh Shankar,Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science - [HITS],"Best college all over India, it has best faculties and it is one of the best college for aerospace engineering and aeronautics engineering, I will suggest ever space lover student to take admission in this college.it rank 2nd in india in the field if aerospaceVery good teacher and courses is based on 2018 caricullam.it has very big library and infrastructure is very good but hostel is very bad specially Warden of galaxy hostel is worst so I will not suggest to take galaxy hostel",8.3 1688,Student (Anonymous),Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"I am in first year and in this college first year syllabus is average and it is same for all the branches in BTech. First year syllabus is nearly same as we studied in class 11th and 12th but the difference is it is of vey high and deep level. So first year syllabus is overall good but it is more focused on the theoretical knowledge rather than the practicals that we do in real world. But we also have practicals for each subject. Faculties are also good and helpful but only some of the professors are helpful others are just teach as their duty.My college infrastructure is not so up to the mark, it is just fine. Playground is not so big, but it has volley ball, basketball and tennis court. There are some rooms for indoor games also like carrom, table tennis etc. There is no wifi facility for the students. Library is of medium size and it has 4 floors but it small and congested from inside. There are multiple labs like physics, chemistry, mechanics, engineering drawing. And all labs are large in size and all the equipment works fine.",7.2 1689,Student (Anonymous),Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Good Placements. Green Environment. Close to my house. Good faculties. Great alumni. The environment at DTU is quite amazing. Seniors are excellent, you can go to them and ask any query. Even the fest's at DTU are amazing with over 90,000+ footfall in 3 days. At DTU academics is not the only priority, you can try your luck at different societies, clubs etc.Well DTU's location is quite good and is surrounded by trees all around.Sports facilities are awesome. DTU has a complete cricket ground with a pitch which is maintained, 3 badminton courts and 4 lawn tennis courts.Kabbadi ground and basketball field too and an INDOOR sports ground consisting of pool, badminton, table tennis. Library at dtu is quite big.",8.8 1690,PRIYAN SOOD,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Our course curriculum is decided by national level experts and is followed by all the NITs all over India. Every semester there are almost 10 subjects which cover overall development odlf students apart from technical knowledge. There are lectures organized by industry experts in our Institute too.There more than 300 professors in our institute and for our course there are almost 10 subjects in a semester and hence 10 professors for each semester. They all hold PHD degrees from reputed colleges. Soke of them also have industry experience and are really good and expert at there subjects.,8 1691,Dhananjay Singh,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],It's relevant because in the modern time what we need is to do provide the students with the basic needs of infrastructure and intuitive course which will intern help them in their future to acquire good jobs and start startups.Truly speaking the course which we are offered are of less importance when it comes to placements to get a good on campus placement we must ensure other skills that we must accquire apart from the curriculum.I got admission through Jee mains and since I want CSE it was my best college option just after my counciling round was over got in at 1/8/2019 and with in natter of minutes i was given my seat.i choosed this course due to my job preference and which will inturn help me make into a good professional by the means of the curriculum that yhey provide which is a little outdated but when it comes to coding it all round up.,7.7 1692,Shreya Gupta,Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University - [BVDU],"Campus life is good the seniors take care that the juniors enjoy the college life and there is zero ragging. Gender ratio is comparatively high as compared to other engineering colleges and students from all around India can be seen. There are different clubs of any domain you can mention managed by seniors and many completions are conducted.Faculty is easy to access and friendly to us. They provide us with all the study materials required and assist us to the right method of learning. They take care to be updated with technology and make sure that the syllabus moves on regardless of the hurdles. They also take care that each one of us studies and maintain a 75% attendance.",8.7 1693,Yash Jain,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Placement stats are on of the best in India. Various companies come for the recruitment some of them are P&G, ITC, HUL, Dr. Reddy in our department. First of all we have to create a CV and upload it on the training and placement portal. After applying for a company they shortlist students on the basis of CV after that there are some tests which are for further shortlisting students and after that there are interviews conducted in starting of December where the students are finally placed. 70-80% students get a On campus placement. Yes, there are some workshops before the interviews so that the student get a better grasp on the interview and get a job. Same method is also followed for the internships.One of the best faculty all over India in all the department. The tentative number of lecture in a course depends on the credit of a course. If a course is of 4 credits then we have 3 lecture per week of 1 hr each and also a tutorial of 1 hr. The average age of professors is quite high indicating that they are very experienced. Most of them are graduated in one of the IITS and then further a post graduation in a foreign University. One professor take 3-4 courses and they are perfect in that. They are either researching on that particular topic or they had done their post graduation in that topic. So they teach quite well and clear every doubt we have.",8.7 1694,Nikit Gaikwad,KDK College of Engineering,"CAP Round.I took admission going to college myself and completed all the process what is required.Then in final round.I filled up final application form and take a signature of principal on it.The candidate should have passed in first class with English medium, diploma course in Engineering / Technology of the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) or autonomous institution to which autonomy has been granted by the State of Maharashtra or diploma recognized as equivalent to the diploma awarded by MSBTE for seeking direct admission to second year B.E. (3 rd semester) in corresponding degree courses as approved By the MSBTE.Great campus Ground available Sports happens frequently otherwise you can play Stadium inside campus good sex ratio girls top of the line boys decent parking available inside the college, great campus lovely weather atmosphere inside the campus.Best teaching staff available Practical knowledge by practicals in labs Projector teaching for a difficult subject Two sessional/unit test in one semester Internal exams before the semester Interest PUT for practice before the semester An internship program is boosted by a principal",8.2 1695,Shivam Patel,National Dairy Research Institute - [NDRI],"The course curriculum is very good.Some changes are made every year to make the curriculum better.We study on projector and many times on board.The library of my college is very good as it provides a large no.of books and enough space to study.Laboratories in my college are well equipped and teachers tell us every minute thing and concept.Campus life is very peaceful.Out college campus is of 1300 acres with about 1000 students and 200 faculties.Extracurricular activities like debate,litrary activities, sports activities are organised time to time.For new admitted students many activities are organised in 1st sem to increase there capabilities.",9.5 1696,Reeya Hazarika,NIT Silchar,"NITs are one of the most reputed colleges in India just behind IITs, some NITs even at par with IITs. Being an engineering aspirant and getting into this institute is almost a dream come true. The process of admission in quite simple - as it has been metioned. An entrance examination called the JEE Mains which tests our knowledge in PCM(Phy,Chem,Maths) is conducted for all of students at 10+2 level of the country (The foreign admission process is different and I don't have much idea about it). On the basis of our ranks (now, the rank was earlier given on the basis of marks but from last year onwards that is 2019 it is percentile based) we get into different NITs into different branches. CSE (Computer Science) being the most sought after branch is always filled in by the top rankers. On the basis of placements, infrastructure and other attributes all the NITs are ranked and some branches in some specific NITs are most sough after in India. (JEE Main score is also checked for some other colleges and there's a minimum percentile in JEE Main which is required to be qualified for appearing in JEE Advanced. The rank in JEE Adv is used for admission into IITs and some more colleges in India. JEE Adv is a must for all Indians and foreigners to get admitted into IIT). Having given all the general information, I will go specific for my college NIT Silchar or NITS. NITS offer 6 courses in BTech. It takes in 50% students from Home State and 50% from other states with horizontal reservation for different categories and within that another horizontal reservation for girls and PWD candidates. After the results of JEE Mains is out, we need to wait for the JoSsa online counseling that allocates seat on the basis of our ranks and our preferred choices taking into consideration all the reservations. It has 7 rounds of seat allocation (with 2 mock rounds) where our choice might improve in the further rounds. There's an entire process of float,slide and freeze. Anyways, after getting the 1st seat in any of the rounds, for instance I was allocated CSE in NITS in the 1st round itself we have to report physically at one of the listed reporting centers and float, slide or freeze our choice. In any case, if and when our final college is allocated at the end of the 7th round we have to physically take admission after paying the requisite fee for hostel and tuition thereby occupying our seat. The dates for allocation are around mid June and the admission dates for different colleges vary as for NITS, it lies in the end July. Last year it lasted from 19th july to 24th. The factors that made me choose this curriculum are the popularity of course, my ambition of following engineering, the placement scenario and the overall development of personality the collegee offers.There are various events being celebrated in our college. Almost everyday, there are different activities ranging from quizzes, jams, sports activities, literary activities, eco club activities, coding classes etc. going on (which naturally clash with each other all the time) but these aside there are 2 most grand events in the college, one being Tecnoesis, the techno-management fest and other the cultural fest, Incandescence. Generally the Tecnoesis is held at the year end in the odd semester and Incand in the even semester. There were some changes last year and both Tecno Incand were held at a closer interval. Tecnoesis has much activites to offer ranging from hackathons, coding contest participated by students from around the world; there are workshops; other robotic events; events under ASME and the guest lecture module. It finally ends with the Spark Night which can be said to be the closing ceremony. Tecnoesis being such hectic, Incandescence on the other hand is relaxing. All we have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy all the events going on. It is the grandest fest in the entire Northeastern India. Many celebrated guests, artists, rappers, metal bands, indie bands are a part of this event. It varies each year but Glitterati, Thundermarch and Carpe Diem are the most prominent events within Incandescence. It also offers prom nights for couples, is the stage for acoustic jam, voice of incand and many more. Apart from these, there is another event called Posua celebrated as a pre-Bihu event. It can be said to be the Spring fest of NIT Silchar. A one day full packed event showcasing talents from nooks and corners of Assam.",6.8 1697,Aswin satheeesh,Rathinam Technical Campus - [RTC],"Iam doing my graduation by education loan, First i enquiry about the loan in my bank that how are available this education loan.then I ask my college to how to get this loan then they give me some fee structure of relative certificate and extra that I have given to my bank then my bank give me loan. The procedure every semester need to to submit my semester exam result then only my bank give me loan amount.RTC CAMPUS really helps students to get better placement. I choose this BE CSE in RTC because its affiliated with NBA. Here the course curriculum & Exam structure is relevant. They are conducting 2 model exam plus one model exam that really hels students to increase there confidential level. The teacher s are highly experienced. College provides extra coaching for students to make an entrepreneur.",5 1698,hritik Maurya,Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology - [DYPIT] Pimpri,"Good Teachers there Curriculum is the best because it is sppu All faculty is post graduated If you get admission here you will lucky about teacher They are always there to help you They provide study material as well The expertise held by them is provide clarity about subject Yes of course you can get admission hereFees here is 1 lakh approx Payment modes here like cards Cheque, DD, etc Fees for OBC is 55 thousand SC and ST the fees is 11 thousand The fees structure is like 2 instalment If you come to get admission here they ask you to pay full fees But if you're not able to give ask them they always help",8.5 1699,SIKKALWAR SHIVA KUMAR,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"I got this college as I was in a merit list of JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, As here the placement is very high compare to other NITs to this course I selected this as my life choice. The college is pretty good in atmosphere and a lot here is coding so I have placed this as my upper choiceThe positive remarks is about the culture we have here the students from all over India study here there a lot exposure here, and coming to the negative the infrastructure is so bad even though it is developing now a lot, one more thing is we have a super computer here",6.5 1700,Rishikesh Gade,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"The extracurricular activities here are very good, there are clubs for evey interest of a student, no matter what you like, there's a club for you, and all of them are pretty good. The sports facilities provided are exceptional for badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, kabaddi and kho kho, other sports facilities are also very good. Being an engineer college, the gender ratio here of girls to boys is not very good, there is 1 girl in every 7 students, cultural and religious diversity here is vast and all students mix well inspite of this. There are also students from other nations, mostly gulf countries, they too don't face any special problems.BHU Varanasi has been consistent with the placement record of more than 90% of students placed every year. Last year (2018), more than 95% of student got job offers from top recruiters. Top companies that visited the campus for placements include Microsoft, Google, Flipkart, Uber, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Visa and Adobe. Top job profiles offered to Management students were Risk Analyst, Consultant, Business Analyst, Investment Banking, Sales & Marketing, hr and Operations.",8.3 1701,Pradyumna Narendra Joshi,R V College of Engineering - [RVCE],"There are lot of extracurricular activities in the RVCE. Lots of clubs are there which arrange many activities fo the students. Some of the technical clubs like Ashwa racing and Team Helious racing arranges the racing events in the college. Talking about the workshops, there will be lot of workshops based on the technical events happens in the college. Students here come from all over the India. So we can see the various culture and languages. The ethnic day, matri bhasha divas (Mother tongue day) and maany more such events unite them. Various religions are there and everyone celebrates each festival with the RVCE. Talking about politics, There will not be any elections and so, that point is worthless. Economic status of the college is good sience it is the private college and also Thales the students from the Management Quota.Sience I am not a 4th year student, I can't tell about the internship but from my hearings and also I have seen some posters and I have talked to my seniors, I can tell that they provide you the internship and the stipend in the mechanical department was some 12000 rs. Talking about the placements, the placements goes highest in the CS and ECE. The last time one CS sudent got some 64 LPA. And average package there is also good i. e. around some 10 to 12 LPA Talking about the other branches, The placement is fair only. In the mechanical branch it is about some 5 to 6 LPA average. Other branches have also some 3 to 4 lpa avg. package.",8 1702,Patel Maulik,Parul Institute of Technology - [PIT],"There are lot of festivals held in university and each and every department held their own respective programs like Holi celebrations, lohri celebrations, DJ parties and sports events like Sports day. and for performances like speeches, debates bhagra gidha, their is an event called Jashan.There are so many scholarships for students but for general cast the mysy and cmss is available. And for st, SC, obc there are many scholarships are available and Parul also provide loans facilities for those students who are not able to pay fees in one time.",7.3 1703,Nithin reddy,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],"I always had a passion for writing entrance exams and the way how I wrote this accidentally and since it's a central government college and my father was comfortable with this I went into this. The 1st step is to write the NCHMCT entrance exam and after clearing that you will be going through counseling in the colleges you prefer then at the end of 3rd counseling the final set of reporting and fees payment happens.As it is the top college in Telangana state we can get loans from different banks easily and as in the case we are talented, we will get scholarships as well no other college gets it has very great communication with banks so we can get loans very easily.",9.7 1704,Ashirbad Rout,Jagannath Institute of Engineering and Technology - [JIET],Not much to say. But I really need our college to develop and provide much options for us the students. Always wanted to be a software engineer. So I chose the course of CSE engineering in this college. I gave the entrance exam of Joint Entrance Examination and got a good percentile. Then I chose this college for graduation.Always wanted to be a software engineer. So I chose the course of CSE engineering in this college. I gave the entrance exam of Joint Entrance Examination and got a good percentile. Then I chose this college for graduation. But their are not very options for internships and placement. Thats what worries me about my future.,4 1705,Kishan Singh Bagga,GH Raisoni College of Engineering - [GHRCE],"College takes admission through jee mains entrance exam, mhtcet entrance exam and also management quota. Igot admission through jee mains on the basis of my marks. I got 90.6 percentile in jee mains and the cutoff for jee mains for the college was around 87 percentile for cs branch so I easily got admission in cs branch for engineering.The gender ratio is somewhere around 6:10 on boys side. In case of extracurricular activities our college is at its level best. We have good labs for gaining practical knowledge and also good indoor sports facilities for some games like table tennis, carrom, pool and many more to name.",8.8 1706,NANDANURU Deekshith reddy,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"The fees in VIT is pretty expensive in the day of counseling we will get to know the fee structure of the VIT. In this year for first category fee is around 200000 and second category fee is around 3, 00, 000 and for the third category, it is around 4, 00, 000 and for fourth, it is around 4, 50, 000 and for fifth, it is 5, 00, 000.In vit course curriculum, everything will be different from other colleges. It will be very interesting in VIT in morning sessions we will have labs and in afternoon sessions we will have classes (it is our wish to decide whether we need morning labs or not vise versa to classes. In 1st semester you write exams in Digi pads.",8.5 1707,Samarth Tyagi,Symbiosis Institute of Technology - [SIT],"Btech is tough, as said. So our college made a time table which is chill in the starting of the semester and gets hectic in the end of the semester. It also becomes hectic as son as you join clubs or participate college fests. Exam (end semester)happens in november and April, with countinous internal exams (date decided by teachers).Yes they were stipend but some companies which come for picking students for internship doesn't provide money for intern students. But maximum packages goes to 18 lakes and min to 3-4 lakes. Some students don't get jobs too. Some companies are- Microsoft, mahindra, google etc.",6.8 1708,Basavaraj,HKBK Group of Institutions,It has good placement record in Bangalore and it is affiliated to VISHWESHWARAIYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY which has a very good name in Karnataka actually i want to study in Bangalore because i want to learn english and i want to be placed in campus selection with decent packageWe are under the 2018 acheme i think the syllabus is still need to be updated and the faculty has good teaching experience as well i am average in my academics with 9 gpa in 1st sem. In our college there will be many curriculum activities like coding havkathon and many more.,7.7 1709,Student (Anonymous),Sri Indu Institute of Engineering & Technology - [SIIET],Their is technical fests and traditional fests. In technical fest they give us a chance to show some creativity and earn money on that and any one can participate on that. And in traditional day people wear traditional dresses and meet new people.Infrastructure of our college is good. But need to be improved. For WiFi their is a limit like 25 mb only per day. Library is quiet good which have books which are very useful of my course. Equipment’s in lab are also advanced.,7 1710,yash katara,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],"the course is quite different from any other Indian university here. the course is fairly research-driven here as there is an R&D center which provides a familiar environment for the students to research on a topic in each field of engineering also beside this there are several schools here like the school of design, school of business, school of computer science,school of engineering and school of home science offering relevant resources of research.college has also its own biogas pant in its campus. a number pf best faculties build engineers here.i have been studying in this college for 1 year. I am an engineering student of computer science pursuing a specialization in cybersecurity and digital forensics. and in this one year, I have experienced a lot of technical and non -technical events here like technical one (IGNITE) which happens once in every year and the famous one non technical (UURJA).there are a number of chapters in our college that continuously establish events whether it is technical or nontechnical.like the uurja and the ignite.some of the chapters are Microsoft technical community, UPES ACM and many more arranging a number of events every year and even on the weekly basis too.the faculty here provides the best environment to provide the best environment for these students to check in their respective field",9.2 1711,S OMPRAKASH,Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [VNR VJIET],Our course is mostly practical and research. We have 6 months semester system every semester we will have money 4 to 5 labs and 4 to 5 written subject and 1 workshop or design sensitization and we other course called conduria online which is very useful full for placements. So many industries visit our college in 2019 1200 got placed. This college has 109 rank in NIRF ranking in overall IndiaWe have one techinal fest called convergence and one sports festival and one cultural fest called sintillashunz. In the beginning we have convergence all the colleges are invited with there projects and in the second semester of the year we have sports fest and cultral fest all the colleges students are invited with pass,9.5 1712,Rani Kapoor,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA","For Undergraduate Courses (B.Tech/BBA/BCA/B.Sc (Hons)/B.Sc) For B.Tech, candidates should qualify Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main). Admission will be given to the candidates with valid JEE Main score. Further if seats remain vacant, admission will be done on the basis of merit of HSTES. Selected candidates have to appear for the counselling process. For B.Sc, B.Sc (Hons), BBA, BCA admission will be based on the merit of qualifying exam (10+2/equivalent examination). For Postgraduate Courses (M.Tech/MBA/M.Sc/MCA/MA): For M.Tech, candidates should have a valid Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Admission will be given to candidates who have a valid GATE score. Further if seats remain vacant, admission will be based on the merit of qualifying examination. For MBA, M.Sc, MCA, admission will be based on the merit of the entrance exam conducted by YMCA University. For MA, admission will be based on the merit of the qualifying examination For Doctoral Courses (Ph.D): The candidates should qualify Ph.D Entrance Test (PET) for admission to the College. GATE/UGC/NET/CSIR (JRF)/SLET/M.Phil qualified candidates are exempted from the entrance exam and have to appear for interview only. Shortlisted candidates have to appear for seminar/presentation/ interview.The course curriculum is very good. Teachers are nice. The labs and exams left me chilled. The examination system which is followed is semester system. Sessionals and End semester exams occurs and each subject is divided in particular credits.The labs are well equipped. There are many sports societies and students can indulge themselves in sports and extra curricular activities. Along with it there are many technical and cultural societies.",6.7 1713,Kamakshi prasad panda,Centurion University of Technology and Management - [CUTM],"Yeah football playground is available and gym,volleyball,tennis,cricket ground,basketball court,are available.and work shop also going on and the couch will tech us how to play and every year there will be annual sports and inter college matches kabaddi and volleyball and Cricket and for girls there is throw ballFeasible because we have to pay in two instalment for 1st instalment thirty five thousand and for second instalment thirty five thousand it it well but the administration won't allow to semester if the due is there it is the main problem because the middle class or poor people can't afford that much of money",8 1714,Swati Gupta,Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology - [BPIT],"The college conducts the National students community meet with the name GEC FEST. It includes various Technical, Cultural, Sport events in which the participants will be from various colleges in the State. The FEST usually held for Three days which includes food and accommodation facilities to outside students who com to participate in the events.Not all of the faculty is good bt ya some of them makes their effort to give us knowledge and specially in physics.There are almost 6 to 7 lectures a day.Many of the teachers are good bt some of them are not able to explain us what they want to say.there is no such industry experience or certifications till now.",6.7 1715,Pratyush Pandey,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The course curriculum is different from other colleges. In my first year i have to read all subjects including the core subjects, like mechanical, electrical, programming, civil, etc. One semester is of 4 month and 8 days. It comprise of mid terms and CAs which contain 50% of the total marks and at the end of semester end term exam takes place which contains another 50% weightage. CGPA above 7 is necessary for sitting in placement drive and it is compulsory to learn programming as more technical company visit this college.Speaking honestly, it is average and it totally depends on your luck. As some faculty are extremely good at their teaching but some are worst at their place, overall it is average, but the main thing is that all faculty will help you whenever you want their help. And the strictness is on its level best as 75% attendance is compulsory for sitting in exam.",8 1716,Sanjit Das,Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology - [AIET],"60,000 per year, without hostel which is really easy to our pockets, and the college accepts fees via both online and offline transactions. Additional fees sometimes includes for internships which is again beneficial to the students. And there are no additional charges taken by the college for admission as it allows only the students who deserve, I mean those who have a will to study and become something in the near future.First I cleared my 12th science exam.After that 2 to 3 months later One entrance exam will be conducted for the national level there was NEET (UG). After that there will be declared result and merit list.After that we start the admission process for college selection and there after two-three rounds of merit there will be fix our college and give the fees to the bank and college was started after these process",8.3 1717,Vikas,Gurugram University,I got the admission through merit list the admission process was online I had to fill a form using University official website and the forms were out just after the result in June and the college started from the addmission form fee was 500 that time after that I got a message from the college that I was in the merit list so I had to submit my documents and I had to visit to the college there I submitted my documents and there was an option for payments I choose that I will pay after reaching home through college portal40 girls pe 100 boys I guess this was the ratio for my while University but as per my stream the ratio is like 8 girls and 52 boys the College environment is good there no student parties yet in our college there were mostly students from hindu community but it doesn't mean that Muslims are not welcomed they are also welcome there there is no partiality on the basis of gender or religion,8.2 1718,ASHUTOSH TRIPATHI,ABES Engineering College,"Placement of my college is 100 % in cse,it and ece but in core subject s only 60 % student gets placed. Average placement this year is 5 lakh per annum in cse but around 3.8 lakh in core sub. Funds are provided to student to do entrepreneur ship if their project is excelent. Various labs of iot machine learning in my college which provide knowledge that help to get good packageAs my course curriculum is simple. It takes 4 year to complete b.tech degree with cse. My college provide various seminar of various industrialist and entrepreneurs. It also organised various industry visit to get industry knowledge. In other word the curriculum of my corse make us complete in term of technical as well industrial purpose.",8.5 1719,Raj Kumar,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],I am in firsr year I hadn't went for any placements but there are teams and groups in college which help to participate in inrerenship fair.and.enjoy the benefits and college placement is in main campus kathankulathur and.there is 100% placement in our collegeThere are.classes from 8am to 5 evening and we access through class meet and online meet. and 5days classes are there. After that 2days holidays and there are.experienced faculties who are.having doctorate degree.and they interacted easily with students.,9 1720,Rakesh,Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology - [MGIT],"Mahatma Gandhi intitute of technology is one of the best college in Hyderabad.MGIT is having good placements.thats the reason I have chosen this college.it is best college and having good faculty. Good college one of the best college in society.this college is one of the useful college.MGIT COLLEGE good faculty and infrastructure is goodYaa it's feasible,that very middle class or low class people can afford the fee of there child.ya it's not expensive,it's good.the fee for parents I snot more than 1 fifty thousand,so that's the reason they can pay were easily.for low caste people government is barring the fee.",8.7 1721,ChrIS K.V,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITL],"The campus life in this college is not that much diverse because the campus is shifted to Lucknow this year only and it is in the developing phase.the gender ratio shoes a very much gap.Workshops are regular in this college, some are taken by seniors and some by faculties and guest lecturers.cultural society also do a great work in this college despite having limited resources.The politics in this college is very little the the faculty does not support any kind of politics in the college.The economic status of the college is good and we are developing in every aspect.The placement of IIIT lucknow is pretty good.last year the average package was 18.42 LPA.the highest package was 48 LPA. 100% students were placed.the companies which were there to recruit students wre mostly consultancy companies.othere companies were also there like core it,analytics,travel network etc.yes, the institute does take necessary steps to help students prepare for placements season by providing them extra classes, organising dummy interview session etc.",6.8 1722,Ajay Bejjaniwar,Priyadarshini College of Engineering - [PCE],"The campus of the college is very big and beautiful.we will see greenery all over the college a pleasant atmosphere for study.the college have all types of labs in the college. The college organisms so many extracurricular activities for the student such as sports,quizzes, debate competitions for the all over development of their studentsThe fee structure of the college is very good for every student.the fees of the college is decided according to the branch you have selected. The fees structure is different for different branches.the fees of the college are not so expensive any student can be able to study here. So is feasible fee structure.",8.2 1723,Akash Aarush,Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura - [MITT],"i just applied for the cet exam and I got some ranking on that exam so I want to select some engineering colleges so that I selected many colleges, actually i like civil engineering so much so that I select mit for civil for the first round I got some other college but in second round I got selected for mitt.Well our teaching and non teaching staff of our college is very nice actually we are luckey to have them as our faculty members,teaching staff of our college is just wonderful and being a student there is my luck,and so that teaching facility in our college is better than other college as I think so.",9.3 1724,BHUPATHI MANISH,Anurag University,I got admission through ts eamcet concelling and went after second councelling on july 31st and i took admission and i joined college in August 5 and the administration is very helful in solving and clearing the solutions this helps us a lot in clearing the doubts in our minds about collegeIt is feasible the fee is feasible as there is library for studying and sports for playing lime cricket and indoor stadium for chess carrom and badminton with many computer labs and this fees is feasible comparing to the other engineering colleges so the fee is feasible,10 1725,Nikhil Bhushan,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Every year we celebrate a great function named ""guru pooja"" hosted my devotees from other branches of our institution.where they provide free food for people from the rice that has been collected as donation and also various other programs will be conducted and places would be alloted for stalls for small traders, petty shops and to the department who requests for stalls. This is a grand function that would be conducted throughout the day.There are 8 semester for a B.Tech student only there is no backlog in their semesters. There are well equipped labs for approx every subject and it develops knowledge of practical work and also professional work. Lots of Companies come here for internship which increases and gives professional knowledge to students. Also different competitions are held to know new ideas and they also gets supported by college in their research.",8.5 1726,Pallevada Yuva teja,Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College - [VRSEC],"We have a fest named AFOSEC after that we have annual day we are having so many stalls and we are enjoying a lot we have flashmob we njoy a lot and we celevrate the days of organization of the branches we have EIE, CSE, CIVIL, MECH, IT branches, 4th years people will celebrate their anual day and at starting fest also.I got admission through eamcet, after writing exam after the reaults there will be a section to select colleges I selected my college in the 1st councelling and I got the call letter so I went I got admission and I got free admission in the college and we gave them all certificates like inter tenth memos.",10 1727,Nabin sapkota,East West Institute of Technology - [EWIT],Here we got all the cast rage and of color. Form karnataka to each and every place from the country and not only from county we got student from nepal and i am also a nepali we got from Africa too UAE bhutan afganistan sirlanka bangadesh as well with all rage and hindi muslim islam buddist i feel goodI dont know about the other field of our college but in our mechanical we got professional teachers and can make us understand there is no lazyness by the teacher where it need 2 classes to make us understand one question or its a one full board picture to draw i am satisfied,5.2 1728,Vijay P,St.Joseph's Institute of Technology - [SJIT],More than 70 Avg age: 30 Teachings will be very good and they will allow us to study before the day of exam in college itself. they will return the answer sheets with in 2 days by explaining the mistake done and what should be avoided. And they also give guidelines for writing Anna University exam.All are good. There will be 2 tests in a month alteast or one. Model exam will also be conducted including practicals. The teachers will teach for 35 minutes and give us break for 5 min each period is of 40 minutes. each. Then untill next staff comes the previous staff will retain in class.,9.3 1729,Govind singh,Jamia Millia Islamia University-[JMI],"Yes scholarship facility is good. Every year students get scholarship and the students get scholarship on their bank accounts. But also many students don't get scholarship due to official failures. Office staffs are not supportive to students. I'm also an unlucky student that in three years I didn't get a single rupee from the scholarship facility. I don't know what is happening in the college office and Gauhati University didn't pay much attention to those things.No I didn't think so. In my time there was nothing like internship programs were done in the college. In our college there is no direct job courses. Basically the three years degree course. The bachelor of arts, science and commerce are available to learn in our college. Students have to find job themselves. activities were done like environment friendly programs, social health awareness programs, cultural programs too.",9.7 1730,Ayush patel,Galgotias University - [GU],"Yes, our seniors are very good. they are very helpfull. they help you at any time anywhere and in any field. they help you in study as well. I am in actor's hub, and mainly of the members were seniors even hub head is also senior and aftrer spending time with them I feel like family (brother and sister), they are really well.Placements here are very well. the exact thing is this collegeis mainly famous for its placements in north india and NCR region. many big companies came here like cognigent, wipro, amazon, buyjus, extramarks, ticso, mahindra etc. 95% students got placed well here with average package of 3. 5 lakh anually.",8.8 1731,Sayed Muneeb,Amity University,I got admission in this college by my marks in biology and that of by sending them a video introducing myself and why I want to study in the college and why would I want to study biotechnology. I had to send a video to them of this and they then let me know if I got in.The college faculty is good but some teachers are there who just try and bully their students very badly and even make them cry by attacking their personal life. Which for them is just a way to rag those students and make the students feel very bad about themselves.,7.3 1732,Aditya Marathe,Rajarambapu Institute of Technology - [RIT],"100 percent placement. We get packages from 7 lakhs to 10 lakhs. Last year one of the student from IT department got package of 17 lakhs. Our college provides various kind of internships. I am in 1 year so I don't know much about stipend, but can assure you that college some part time jobs and gives some penny for daily living (for poor students).I have taken the ece(Electronic and communication engineering)course in my btech course. Because ece have more opportunities then other branches. There are more than 40 subjects in this course. The labs facilities are very good and you have to go through 3 labs per week. Examination are done every 6 months.",9 1733,Ujjwal Verma,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],I wanted to study computer engineering and this college gave me admission on the basis of my cbse boards result and I got computer engineering course. At first I filled its admission form giving all the details and choosing my preference order for the branches. Afterwards its online and offline counseling happened and I appeared in the offline counseling and got selected in reserved catagory.There are good placements opportunities as they invite many multinational companies to their campus and all these companies are happy to take students from this university as they not 9nly have good employment skills but also are good to other prospects as in this University we have a great diversity which help us keep connected threw out the world,7 1734,Varun Dinesh,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],We celebrate a huge fest called UTSAV in our college. it is famous for technical and cultural events. there will be students from many colleges participating in this fest. alteast there will be one or the other event every month. they also conduct a event called Phase shift for technical competitionOur college is known for the placements in Bangalore. most of the top companies prefer our college students because we are well trained practically. job opportunities are very high in our college. and mainly our college provides so many internships to students. stiffened will be pretty worthy,10 1735,Shivansh,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],Expensive but worth. Actually it's fee is around 175000 per semester which is actually a kuch for a middle classed family but if you study in better way you can easily get job worth lakhs per year as your placement ? as there top job offers goes up to approx 3000000 i. e 30 lakhs which is muchThis college is famous for it's event conducting strength. Now a days this college is conducting KHELO INDIA in which approx 5000 players are taking part across India which indirectly proves that this college has ability to conduct huge events involving large no of people.,9 1736,Jason H,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,"Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS) / Saveetha University was established in 2005. It is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The institute has been recognized by UGC and accredited by NAAC. Saveetha University is a deemed to be university. Saveetha University offers various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses in various disciplines like Medicine, Dental Surgery, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Law and Management. Admissions at Saveetha University to these courses are conducted every year. The admissions are conducted through various Departments at Saveetha University. The leadership position of the University in its motherland is reaffirmed through its programmes, infrastructure, partnerships and accreditations. Saveetha University places utmost value to the freedom to conduct academic activities which helps in the academic and personal development of the students.Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences is a Private university located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It has eight disciplines of studies: Dental College, School of Management, School of Law, School of Engineering, School of Physiotherapy, School of Nursing and Medical College.[1] The first three disciplines are in Poonamalle while the rest are in Thandalam. Saveetha Engineering College is an Anna University-affiliated institution. Admissions are done through Class 12th Indian board examinations.",8.8 1737,Sanskar Tayal,G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management,"Vidhyashri govt scholarshipI'm have to work in software field so I have chosen the course so I have chosen the course I'm have to work in software field so I have chosen the course so I have chosen the courseI'm have to work in software field so I have chosen the course so I have chosen the course I'm have to work in software field so I have chosen the course so I have chosen the courseThe course is good. The content of first year is same for all students irrespective of their branch. The labs are frequent and well equipped. The exams are not a piece of cake. Exams are very frequent including 2 unit tests, 2 sessional, 1 P. U. T AND then final University exam every semester. The students get a lot of Assignment work.",6.3 1738,Rithwik Jagtap,Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering - [RSCOE] Tathawade,"Very nice college The past two years or so have produced perhaps the most rapid changes ever seen in higher education. The “completion agenda” set forth by President Obama and the Lumina Foundation has enabled institutions to focus on the graduation of all students, rather than only those who enter as part of a specific first-time full-time freshman cohort. Concurrently, the introduction of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has generated a substantially increased focus on the potential for degree completion through an online environment. These changes have also generated a significant amount of competitive recruiting, marketing and advertising in efforts to enroll mostly non-traditional (older, returning adult) students, the consumers of higher education.Just consulted thr admission office in the college. They will do the remaining process. The University is situated in banglore so the stream of computer science is more suitable and even my. The course offered by our college universitie is great very particular and narrow which helps us in understanding and learn better We have practical based on theory which helps us a lot The exams are end of each portions And pretty well balanced for all types of students.",8.2 1739,Aquib Javed T,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Each branch has its own way of study and research. Here students are their own teacher means students have so interest that they do reasearch of their own and when there is any problem they consult their respective profeesors. Labs are very frequent but that doesn't make us tired. After completing college hrs students directly go to their respective clubs for their research work. We have midesm exam of 20 marks and endsem exam of 70 marks and 10 marks are given by teacher to each individual based on their performance and attendancePositive- There are many positive sides for choosing this college. Some of them includes teaching style and frankness. Negative- If one is looking for trouble, theres always trouble. troubles are like evening snacks in this college. so dont go deep into negativity. Always stay positive. If you choose negative way, make sure you make it more negative because two negatives make a positive.",8.2 1740,Adarsh Shrivastava,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"The college is a bit isolated hence it is not easy to reach out to markets, although there are college busses which go to market every week day. It is on a hill top so the view is amazing and it's always windy up here. It is still in development phase so as of now there are many issues which are slowly getting resolved with time and in coming 5 years it'll be a very nice institute.The gender ratio is same as in other enginnering colleges and labs are nice with many equipments and the teachers are quite enthusiastic so they keep on making us do experiments. We don't have sports ground of our own as we are on hill top but there are bus facilities for those who are interested to play on behalf of college",7 1741,Durga Prasad Maddala,Malla Reddy Institute of Technology and Science - [MRITS],"There are several events like freshers at the beginning of college life, there are several national events like furcatez which consist of many events. There are many student chapters like Computer Society of India(CSI), forum of literature (FOL), street cause mrits, iste, IEEE, iete and many more. And a grand events are graduation day and annual day.Every year there is a campus recuritement drive and there are many companies like amazon, IBM, tech mahendra, etc And our college providing many internships for students and several industries like penna industries are placements.",8 1742,Ravi Chopra,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"I got admitted into this college through JEE-Mains 2019. I got 10265 CRL rank in this entrance exam and got a seat here. I chose BTech course over Integrated PG courses due to more scope in former. This course was launched here in the year 2017. To get here one also has to get a minimum of 75% marks in CBSE class 12th or equivalent in other boards. I got above 99 percentile in both of the JEE mains exams. in January and April. First I got a seat in Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh but I didn't like the course that I got. So I went into spot rounds and got into this college.Gender ratio is poor in my college but that is the case with every engineering college. We have many parties organized on a regular basis. For instance a new year party was celebrated. We also played Holi on Ganesh Chaturthi last year. Our college is a branch of IEEE and hence many workshops are organised in the college. We have an E-cell that organizes technical workshops and talks on regular basis. We have many clubs like Manchtantra, Utthan, AASF, Student Gyan Movement, E-cell, Robotics.",7.3 1743,Keshav kumar,Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology - [ACET],"Placement for same college student are good mostly student of same college are selected in same year of placement job fair. This college not provide job opportunity for only yours student but it provide this opportunity for overall student even who do not qualified to this college.Fee vary according to the course choosed by the student For btech student Civil-65000 EC-65000 EN-65000 IT-65000 CS-85000 I only know about my courses fee structure For fee structure of other courses in this college you can log on to www. acet/aktu109. in",6.7 1744,Manan hingrajiya,"Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University - [FET JU]",college is above average overall. Academics vise it is good accommodation vice it is great mess food is very very bad campus is green and very big also infrastructure is good contains a ground for almost all sports. college is out of city so it consumes a lot of time for day scholars and though transportation is provided it is too expensive and also fees and accommodation is quite expensiveOur college is known for extra curricular activities especially sports and specifically cricket.many international players like kl rahul studied in our college also labs and all is excellent workshops are also conducted on regular basis our college is diverse as students come from different states and there are also many international students,6.8 1745,Om Ratna Saxena,Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology - [BIET],"Positive:- 1 You can prepare any other exams at the time of graduation because you have very much time. 2 Some faculty are very good. 3 we have very large greenish campus. 4 placement is very good for CS/IT stream. Negative:- 1 placement for core branch is not so good. 2 college infrastructure are not renovated but some changes are in progress.Our college has many extracurricular activities like sports, cultural, technical and many more. Some labs are good. Sports facilities are also good. We have wooden court for basketball matches. But we don't have different ground for football and cricket match.",8.3 1746,Sanjeev,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"Placement Cell provides assistance for the overall development of our student’s personality and thus makes them ready for placement activities. the department organizes on and off campus as well as pooled campus recruitments and pre-placement training programmes through aptitude tests, group discussions, interviews and presentation skills. the training programs offered enables students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and select the strategies for improvement. besides, we extend intensive support for their career development The best of the companies today are looking for candidates who possess not only the technical knowledge but also communication skills. The Placement Cell ensures that the students of SSET imbibe the right attitudes to make them invaluable in a corporate environment. it is geared up to ensure the most opportune placement for all the students who have cleared all courses, have good marks, are active in extra-curricular activities and have attended personality development and aptitude training programmes.There are pros and cons in every college so here also everyone is going to face both. The first and foremost positive thing about this college that you'll be paying very less fee as compared to other colleges because it is a government based college. Teaching and education is well and good. Everything is good except the infrastructure and placement scenarios which is under developing condition right now.",8 1747,KUNAL KAUSHIK GORLE,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Courses are perfectly designed, labs are well established but exams are tough. Few courses are compulsory for students in their respective department and others are of choice. But there's a limit of credits(which we get by completing a course) we have to complete around 150 credits for B-Tech. Here education is based on semester system. Labs are well equipped and you're accessible to them at any time with proper requirement. Exams aren't easy but not too hard to pass if you study even some basics.JEE Advanced known to be the toughest exam for entrance in engineering this has to be qualified to even attend this you have to compete with lakhs of students inorder to clear the JEE Mains. It's not that easy to clear this exam due to heavy competition and toughness. It requires a well strategical preparation for two or more years. To get CSE in my institute, the closing rank is around AIR95 in jee advanced which is not at all easy.",8.3 1748,Madhavan S,SASTRA University,"Our college holds the Annual Inter college Sports fest called Colosseum in which students from various colleges and universities actively participate and have a good time playing in these games. Our College also Holds Annual Inter College Tech fest called Daksh in which students from various Colleges and universities actively participate in workshops conducted and have a good time learning something new. Our College also conducts Annual Inter College Cultural Fest Called Kuruksastra in which students from various Colleges and Universities actively showcase their various Cultural talents.The Fee Structure in our College is very much feasible for the students as well as parents. In our college they create each and every student a CUB Account to pay their Fees. Per Semester Fees-65000 Hostel Room Rent (per annum) - 11000 Hostel Mess Fees (per Month) - Varies from 2500 - 3500 Miscellaneous Fees - 17000 ( during Admission)",8.5 1749,Sanskar Prasad,Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology - [DYPIT] Pimpri,"DPU is delighted to have enjoyed the assistance and support of its alumni, parents, and friends throughout its distinguished history. Our alumni is a crucial part of our college community, and our alumni continues to stay connected with us. Being a part of our alumni is an important way our students become involved and stay involved with our faculty as well as current students. We are proud to have a strong alumni of students that work across various industries and with leading companies and multi-national corporates with promising careers.Faculties in our college are good and knowledgeable. But sometimes they speak marathi which becomes difficult for the students like me to understand as I belong to outside Maharashtra state. Teachers here are qualified and they are very dedicated towards their work. The teaching methods used by the teachers are very efficient.",8.7 1750,Sahil Angural,Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],"Our college provide a great no. Of placements with hefty packages to the students. Many companies visit the campus for placements like amazon, infosys, honda, pinaacle, and many more companies that you can see on the college website.The structure of Course in our college is simplified and is in detail with every peak point. Each subject has its practical labs. Labs are fun with performing of experiments and practicals. Moreover exams are also on regular dates.",8.8 1751,Student (Anonymous),RMD Engineering College,The college was too strict and no black shirts must be worn to the college while taking class no one should talk daily homework os given conducting online classes during this quarantine already conducted 4 exam through onlineSports is good but only those students who get good marks are allowed to go to ground with permission others are not allowed.Library was shown to me when i joined the college after that they didn't allowed me,6.8 1752,Vedashri Rajendra Waman,Amrutvahini College of Engineering - [AVCOE],"Campus life is quite enjoyable over here. Lot many extracurricular activities (like debate competitions, poetry, skits, singing, dancing, instrument playing, spot painting, anchoring, rangoli making, origami, fashion shows, speech competition etc) are conducted every year in which students can participate according to their respective interests. Many competitions (like robotics, coding, instrumentations, model making, theme based innovations, etc) are conducted on basis of AICTE criteria. Gender ratio is almost 1:1 and there are no gender based or religion based discriminations. All are treated to be equal. Workshops consists of all well maintained machines as per university requirements. Parties like Fresher's Parties for FE students and Farewell Parties for BE students are arranged every year by SE & TE students respectively.Fee structure is absolutely feasible as compared to other colleges. The college provides transparency regarding fees and does not charge any extra fees out of university requirements. All modes of payments are accepted by the college. The annual fee is Rs. 86,565, but it depends upon which category the student belongs to. If a student is from Open Category she/he will have to pay full fees i.e Rs. 86,565. If the student belongs to OBC category then she/he requires to pay 49,000. Likewise the fee structure depends upon the category of the student. Additional fees like University Exam Fees Rs. 1000 is to be paid in each semester while filling the exam form.",9.5 1753,Ahmed Bilal Ziya,Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus - [AIKTC],"As compared to other colleges in that locality our college have feasible rate for the fee. Fees -No fee structure is completely feasible because our college provides low cost studies to the students and you can also pay the fee in two instalments fee is not an issue with our college if someone was not able to pay fee due to some reasons or due to wealthy problem so scholarships are there for them you can.Bonhomie is the event of 4 to 5 days where all events like cultural, sports, technical takes place. Event Organisers are responsible for planning and co-ordinating events. Depending upon the company or organisation, the type and size of an event can vary dramatically. You may be involved with a large annual event such as, the Chelsea Flower Show or you may organise smaller events within a museum.",8.2 1754,Kartik kumar,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"The course curriculum is very good because if you got admission in vit in any branch, let's say chemical engineering then you don't have just to study chemical engineering core subject but you also have to study some cse course to such as python, object-oriented programming and Java etc. The laboratory is superb. Every faculty in our college is engaged in research. Lab faculty is chilled sometimes but at last you have to study to pass the FAT exam (Final Assessment Test).Some faculty is really good and ready to teach you anything. But some of them are not. Almost 90% of the faculty are Ph.D. holders from IIT or Isc Bangalore. they are good at research all of them are doing research in their own field. They are from various parts of the world. They will motivate us and they will encourage us to do research.",7.3 1755,Ashutosh Pati,College of Engineering and Technology - [CET],"Fees structure is feasible.32,000 per annum is the fees for two semesters.There are also other skims for below proverty line students called TFW (Tuition Fees Waiver).There is no additional fees for development or library or culture fest.As it is a government college it gives also other scholarship or loan skim for students.As I have mentioned above,the campus is also large and other curriculum is fabulous in our college than other colleges.Labs are also filled with much instruments which are necessary for our education.There are also certain clubs under the college which gives us the idea about the professional life and many projects.",8 1756,Pranjal Raj,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"The Gender ratio here in VIT is very good as compared to different colleges. M:F ratio is around 4:1. There are students who come from all across the country and from abroad too. The student diversity is huge, they belong to different places and speak different languages. This college is very conservative college and is intolerant with regards to gender. The main gate in-time and hostel in-time for girls is earlier than that of boys. For the first 4 months after joining the college, the authorities don't allow the students to leave the college campus. If they want to leave for some reason they will have to take permission from their proctor, get him the affirmation of parents to approve the request and then get the permission from the warden of hostel. The college and hostel authorities are weird and strict. The college allow the girls to go out on weekends only for 4 hrs a day and that too with permission of the girls' warden/proctor. The entry and exit from the main gate is biometric based, and many a times they may stop out biometrics and detain us within the campus. It's like house arrest. The freedom given to the students is 0. The college conducts no official student/dorm parties. Even during the Riviera cultural fest concerts, there are barricades which separate boys and girls so that they couldn't dance and enjoy together. There was a Silent disco conducted by a club and in that too the boys and girls were separated in the hall by a barricade and a security guard kept a watch on everyone. There are overly strict anti-PDA rules in the college. There are Red-tag security guards installed in the college whose duty is to be a vigilante over the students. Even if a couple is walking together, that security guard may get pissed and whistle at them, humiliate them and snatch their ID cards. The college has no student council and anyone who dares to raise his voice against the strict college rules are condemned and punished by suspending and rusticating. They justify this by saying that any kind of defamation to the college will not be tolerated. The students are afraid even to write their views openly on quora, so if they ever write anything against unjust college rules they do it anonymouslyThe placement record is very impressive of VIT. Almost all of the students get placed in the end. Placement is 100%. There are over 500-700 which come to the college to offer placements. Those companies are categorised as Super Dream companies and Dream Companies. Super Dream are those which offer a very high package (10+ lakh per annum). For example, Amazon, Google, Directi, Adobe, Microsoft, etc. Then there are Dream companies which offer 6-10 lakh package. Apart from these there are Mass Recruiting Companies (such as TCS, Accenture, Cognizant, Wipro, Infosys) which come to the campus and recruit the students in bulk. They offer a package of around 4-6 lakh per annum. The highest salary package goes upto 40 lakh per annum. The average is around 6 lakh per annum. The college also encourage and provide for Summer and Winter Internships. The placement cell of the college is very active for offering internships. The E-Cell (entrepreneurship cell) also conducts various events such as E-Summit where recruiters and officials from various companies visit the college and interact with the students and offer them internships. Internships could be with or without stipend based on the merit and profile of the student.",7.5 1757,Akshad Garje,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"As if I am in mechanical engineering, the placements for mechanical are not upto that level. A few core companies come, but their expectations are quite high, if you score well throughout your course, there is a chance you will be placed in core, otherwise you have to opt for TCS and IT companies. CSE, IT, ETX have a moderate placement record. The college will try to show you 100 % record but it is not correct. you can assume not more than 50% placements from overall branches.Mostly all the festivals are celebrated here. Festivals like Diwali, Christmas, etc. which are celebrated here with full enthusiasm. VIT is also known for its tech fest, Gravitas, which is conducted in month of October, and cultural fest, Riviera, which is generally conducted in February. There is large amount of participation that can be observed.",8.3 1758,Ravindranath Sawane,G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology - [GHRIET],anant Ragini faced is the biggest festival of the cultural in the college ladies also take current or technical events happening here all of the events are conducted by the college and their answer departmental activities are connected by the college every department has there on activity like a electric department head hurts artificial department has Artificial Intelligence and engineering students association that they can conduct a lot of activities in Instagram antaragni is the biggest festantaragni is the biggest fest in the college so there are a lot of cultural activities workshops at get why the college for the students for the extra curriculum development and their good knowledge about the culture on the extra curricular activities are really helpful for the students to get knowledge about the industries industrial visit conducted by the college for the students that they can understand the how industry is going,8.3 1759,Hardhik Pinjala,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"Gender ratio is a tad bit off, it's 200girls in a batch of 1000 students. There's hostel nights as such where you can gather and have fun like BBQ night where the hostel budget pays for your BBQ. There's a lot of clubs like chess club, drama club, elecfest club etc. There's groupism based off of the region you are from, owing to the language similarity but no discrimination as such. We are inclusive of all views and opinions and choices.The course curriculum for a freshie is rather uninteresting but the courses from the sophomore years onwards that are offered by said department are very heavy and useful if you're into research. Labs now are all introductory to the department, so, pretty simple. Once we start conducting experiments on some of the most expensive equipment in the country, I'm sure it will get more hectic.",8.7 1760,Sarthak deore,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Sports, art, and other facilities are of class 1 category. Gender ratio is quite imbalanced. And the college is full of Bengalis you don't see much diversity. Some of the faculties are partial to the students from other region. Though cultural activities are very good.Placement here is really good but only for CSE and IT other than these it is quite disappointing as the package may be low or will be recruited in mass recruiting. Though college provides ample amount of opportunities for internship and foreign internships.",8.8 1761,PRANJAL TIWARI,VIT Bhopal University,"The course I chise is very good according to me as we have great teachers with great knowledge our max facultues are Phd's from IIT and NIT. Since they have great knowledge about this field it attracts me more and makes me more enthusiast for this course. The exam criteria is very simple if we understand it the first exam we give is CAT-1 that us continuous assessment test 1 and then similarly is CAT-2 and then the final exam TEE that is term end examination. It is important to scire above 20 marks out off 50 in both the CAT examination and above 40 in term end out off 100. Since the teachers are great and they teach with such a interest that exams don't seem ti be that difficult as we thought it would be.Our college organizes many events such as techfest, international conferences, etc it is very interesting I attended certain seminars and workshops it is so useful as it tell us about new technologies and all things. Their are certain management programs also held in our college like one was being done by IIT-Bombay it was so good. Our college organises a annual fest called ADVITYA which us so awesome we use to call some celebrity and it also involves certain sport tournament which is inter college tournaments. This fest is a very nice fest we enjoy a lot in it.",8.8 1762,Anshu Raj,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],College provide scholarship on the basis of CGPA of student. I think over 8 CGPA they give scholarship. According to CGPA they provide discount in the fee structure. Loan is provided by mesra sbi bank. I too has taken loan over hereThere is big sports Complex. There is a gym which costs 2 crore. All types of games is played over here. They organised vajra fest in which many nit colleges used to take part. Volleyball game. Cricket. Football. Badminton. Etc,8.2 1763,Sheshasena Reddy,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"Also I mention below lots of event are celebrating in our college 1.projection 2.natal 3.christmas 4.DHOOM 5.tech expo. 6.farmafest 7.physiofest 8.navratri 9.ganesh visarjan Like that lots of event are going on in our university Also students 1.signature day 2.cultural day 3.tapori day like type day we are celebrate. In projection technical and non tech events are there in that lots of students participate as well as other college students aslo come in our college and participate in events.Gender ratio would be around 70:30, Labs are good and the there is bo encouragement un sports, only Badminton, Basketball have proper grounds and facilities, Cricket grond is not maintained and neglected. The college has no rules that one should bow talk to opposite gender, everything is ok to do but management and teaching faculty maintains the distance from the NON Tamil speaking students. Religion, Caste and everything is ignored and nobody cares about that.",7.3 1764,Prashant mishra,TKM College of Engineering - [TKMCE],"The college also provides good scholarships. Most of the poor students appyy for the scholarship every year. They get scholarships from central government and also from state government. the college takes much responsibility to inform the students about the scholarship at the right time.All the extra curricular activities are good enough in my college. The annual athletic meet is conducted at a very high level as we have so many students from sports quota and all. Then sports like football, cricket, basketball, badminton, tennis etc are running good in my college.",8 1765,George K Gimmy,Muthoot Institute of Technology & Science - [MITS],"Candidates can get admission on the basis of any one of the entrance exams. The various entrance exams through which candidates can get admission in B. Tech (4-year) are the JEE Main 2020 (national level), KEAM 2020 (state level) and CUSAT 2020 and AEEE (university level). Candidates have to fill the application form of the respective entrance exam and appear in the exam on the prescribed schedule. After 12th I had appeared for kerala entrance exam(KEAM). I secured a score of 334 out of 600 and a rank of 11378. Thus I got admission in the college. I had chosen the civil engineering field.The college faculties and management provides us with great opportunities to showcase our skills. Also they provides us with great support and guidelines to explore various fields in which we can excel. The major recruiters are: Wipro, IBM, IBS, UST global, NeST, Tech Mahindra, Tata consultancy etc.",8.8 1766,Musmade Akshay,Walchand College of Engineering - [WCE],"Fee structure is much expensive for ordinary people. There is large fees for the students. For every academic year the fee structure is 86, 000 per student. The development fee is extremely high which has no need to be. Due to development fees the fee structure is getting very expensive for many students.Good college. We have got very nice seniors also. They help us in every up and down situation. Also the college campus placement rate is also very good. College environment is also very cool and chill hence it is very good for mentality of all students pursuing degree here.",8.5 1767,Aayush,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"I gave the entrance exam called viteee for getting admission into vit. Besides this, I gave jee mains and jee advance. I had 96. 38 percentile in jee mains and qualified for jee advance. But I didn't get a seat in BTech Cs or IT program at my current merit. I may get some other branches like mechanical or civil. But since my interest was in cs I looked for other options than IIT or nits. This first name after iits and nits is bits Pilani but then it's exam had a different pattern than regular jee. So same for bits didn't score well enough to get cs. Now comes viteee. It had a similar pattern with jee but had some twist in its questions. I mean some types of questions were different than those in jee syllabus and also it contains 15 English questions. Vitesse contains 30 Physics 30 chemistry 40 maths and 15 English questions of each 1 mark and I have to complete them in 3 hrs. There was no negative marking as time was less. Out of 115 marks score, around 90 may secure a seat of Cs or IT in vit Vellore campus. So I got a rank of around 7000 out of around 1. 25 lakh students who gave the exam and got admission into IT branch for Btech in vit Vellore.There are a lot of extracurricular activities held throughout the year. Workshops will there at any time you say at any day as there are hundreds of clubs and chapters in our college. But the thing is sine them recruitment the students who already know something. So there is a lot of competition in those clubs and chapters. Also, many people sometimes force you to join a club or attend any workshop just to say that they convinced these many people to attend their workshop. On gender(girl/boy ratio) ratio I will say as it is engineering college it is less but it's okayish. Also, vit has offered some kind of schemes like a scholarship or something like that for girls to increase the ratio. But there are many restrictions on girls like their time of college is 2 hrs earlier than that of boys. Also, there are red tag annas (gourds) who watch for PDAs and take action s against it. So I will say this section has a lot more to improve in our college.",7.2 1768,Nuthin,Malla Reddy College of Engineering - [MRCE],"Feasible Total it costs 12, 000 for college individually in that includes Library fee of 5000 we can take any Book and Must renevelled if we want more days or then it must be returned And college fee comes to be 60, 000 by the means of scholarships we get 35000Chose to pay a certain amount of capitation fee that facilitated my entry into the college as I did not have enough marks to get in through counseling or merit. The mechanical engineering course offered has the most number of staff and the best curriculum.",8.7 1769,Prateek Bansal,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"I gave this exam called JEE. Then after securing rank of 24k, after the counselling I got the desired stream in the college Firstly the counselling was done online, on their webkiiosk platform. The students who didn't get desired branch in the online mode, had to go for offline counselling.The placement of the college are great. The students here go for both off campus and on campus placement. The Computer science engineering department sees the best placements and has the highest package offered. The placement department works hard to get every deserved candidate get placed",8.3 1770,Hardik,Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management - [RCOEM],The college Shri Ramdev baba college of Engineering and Management consist of linguistic minority quota in which other than marathi speaking people gets the reservation also the st and sc category people also gets the reservation.Events celebrated and college are conducting very well mannered by our seniors. events which are conducted are aarouni for freshers and further they conduct pratishruti which consist of cultural night and many other things.,7.2 1771,Raman,Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - [GJUS&T],"Labs are good. Sports facility is awesome. Freshers parties held every year. Workshop are less. There social society of student named nss. Majority students are from haryana. Few students are from other than haryana. There are two political party abvp and inso. 3:1 boys : girls. Economic status of university is well maintained.Admission in this university is on the basis of JEE MAIN rank. High rankers can easily get admission in this university. Good infastructure made me choose this university in this course. This government university. Fee is not very high. Students get hostel facility, library, sports ground, informatic center etc.",5.7 1772,hridanshu,Jain University - [JU],"There are so many events celebrated in college, there are tech events like hackathon.And there are many cultural events like Parivartan(annual fest), Dj nights, coke studio, Lohri, baiskahi, Holi, Diwali. And every year college organize sports week where almost every one takes part. Celebrities come for promotions here so there are many different events celebrated in college.Yes I did, I took admission in this college as it has a wonderful teaching staff for my particular post, the student to teacher ratio is just right too. The student crowd is an international one, so you get exposure to other cultures as well There's no such interview, there's an entrance test, known as Jain Entrance Test, that happens every year",9.2 1773,Vivek Chandrashekhar,Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering - [VVCE],Overall it’s a good college with ambient facilities and practical exposure. It offers good quality education and also and vast infrastructure for good study atmosphere. Also our college supporters is widely to participate in various competitions to get wide exposure.Placements are 100 percent in our college. Placement training starts as early as from 4th sem. Mechanical core companies consist of three Japanese companies and one Chinese company. Rest consist of IT companies and other major industries like Infosys TCS Wipro LNT,9 1774,Dhruv,Nirma University - [NU],"Nirma University is top ranking college of Gujarat as well as India. Another thing is that it has computer science and engineering course, which I wants to acquire. And computer science and engineering course in Nirma University rank 1st in Gujarat, as other college has only computer engineering not computer science and engineering. And infrastructure and faculties members are well trained and experience in each of the field.Course curriculum is the best thing which I like in Nirma University because in first year it contains subjects such as critical thinking and design thinking. More over syllabus of critical thinking is some what boring due to theory but it makes to learn a lot in pratical studies. It contains every subject in first year.",9.5 1775,Surya. K,Kongu Engineering College - [KEC],"I am merit student. I got admission in this college through counseling process. Anna University under the Tamilnadu government conduct the counseling process.First everyone apply for admission through particular website given by Anna university.I think no negative remarks about our college.Because of our college give all specialities for every student including transport facilities, lab facilities, faculty members, greeny environment, Enough department have enough non teaching staff.",10 1776,Sourabh S Yelluru,BITS Pilani (Pilani Campus),"BITS gives a lot of internship opportunities. A good student will have at least 3 opportunities for interning in various companies all over India. BITS is known for its special ""Practice School"" (PS). There are two of them. PS 1 happens right after the sophomore year. While the other happens just before the graduation. There is also an internship we can get in the penultimate year.There are 3 tests - BOSM (BITS Open Sports Meet) Oasis ( Cultural fest ) Apogee ( Tech fest ) Oasis is the second most biggest college fest in India. It has a very high footfall. Happens over a span of 4 days in October. Colleges from all over India participate in all the 3 fests. Apogee also happens over a span of 4 days.",8.3 1777,Sarthak Khali,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"The course curriculum is excellent as it covers all the essential aspects and parts that are required to gain the knowledge in engineering. College also focuses a lot on research and students are given information to proceed in this field and a special motivation classes are also held for those who want to get ahead in research purposes. Exams are held after every 2.5 to 3 months. There are two exams namely mid-sem and end-sem exams in a semester. Each lab is held once in a week and there is no hectic for a student to attend these labs. Although it ain't chilled too.Admission was done on the merit basis of the 12th class marks or the jee mains mark I case of B.Tech. Firstly a duley form is to be filled that consists of various information requiring questions. Than there is another round in which your documents are verified and if everything goes well you are asked to pay the respected fees and you get registered as the student of the college. I particulary chose B.Tech because of my interest and also the high package that B.Tech C.S.E students get.",8.8 1778,Anuj Singh Rajawat,"University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - [UIT- RGPV]","By writing entrance exam. I got thirty thousand rank and it is eligible to get a good seat in our college. After completing the entrance exam we have to go through the certificate verification process. After the certificate verification is done we will get an admission in our college.1. INDUCTION (it is organised at admission time for welcoming and guiding freshers) 2. Mahasangram (sports event around diwali) 3. Insync auditions (for students who writes, sings, dances, do dramas to join society) 4. Nirmaan (by technophilic society a true event for civil engineers)",6.2 1779,Karthik Shetty,NMAM Institute of Technology - [NMAMIT],"In my college we celebrate the Engineers day, at the time we celebrate and dance much as much, ethnic Day, Ayudhapooja, College Day, And the Sports event in this event we organizing the cricket, volleyball, Badminton, Throwball, Chess, Carrom and also these sports for girlsPlacements are pretty good but not excellent, college has to work well in these departments and have to provide opportunities for non technical students as well. Internship is not provided by college and one must do it on His/Her own by external sources.",6.3 1780,Rishi Garg,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"College has a very big name, but corruption is there which is breaking its roots and its infrastructure is the most negative poiny it has, as a nit it has all equipments but due to lack of funds or corruption they are not able to implement it properly and not use new technologiesSports are organised by senior students and there are proper teams which keep themselves indulged and updated with practises for various events like inter NIT and many sports event going in college. Labs are there which have equipments but they are old.",6.8 1781,Ayush Pandey,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT-K],"Every faculty has done PHD in his/her desired field. As of me few teachers are very good and some are not good. Many of the teachers are young and are not as experienced as we may feel. In the end we have to study on our own and work very hard if we wish to gain some practical knowledge. their are very few core teachers who have been teaching for the past few years in IIIT. Some of them have to teachers have to teach the subject which they themselves gone for first time in their lives. Every year guest faculty comes to teach us any subject.It awesome, the lap facilities were wondering one after i enter the department. The syllabus were made by Pondicherry University. This college is afflicated to Pondicherry University while i am joined. But now its become a deammed University.i a semester if the conduct internal exam 1, 2 and 3. Then their will a pre model exam then a model exam after then only the main semester exam will come so it will become very easier to clear and got through with good marks with excellent grades.",7.8 1782,Shubham Sharma,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Every year we celebrate a great function named ""guru pooja"" hosted my devotees from other branches of our institution.where they provide free food for people from the rice that has been collected as donation and also various other programs will be conducted and places would be alloted for stalls for small traders, petty shops and to the department who requests for stalls. This is a grand function that would be conducted throughout the day.The curriculum has no focus on research. Just cramming based curriculum. The course curriculum is too outdated and and the labs are also not updated. There must be more focus on field work. Course curriculum should be updated",7 1783,Mohammad Saneen,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],I got admission through interview it is my pre decide to choose this subject. The interview process is same as others college done the interview. Interview process is : 1) sending resume and 12th marksheet 2) screening 3) recieve a call for interview and entrance exam 4) restul got through email 5) fee structure 6) selectionThe are various sports and cultural programs and various techfests and workshops to enhance the academic and Co curriculum conditions of the students and there are batch days that help in the unification of students of different branches,7.8 1784,Siddharth,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"They firstly take CA and then practical then end term exam. In this way it makes Is it relevant, research-driven and fair Mention its role in making you a better. They firstly, take our minors and on the basis of that they give us marks. Then in the end before final exams, they take our practical's and after completing our practical's, then after that we give our final exams and after that we got results on the basis of all these there.Fee structure is highly in private college their placement drive also charges and but many students are scholarship students. But hostel fees and mess fees is very expansive. Normal students cant afford hostel fees because outside the college PG fees are feasible. But hostel are very safe in Punjab region. We secure in hostel.",10 1785,Tanmay Jadhav,Sinhgad College of Engineering - [SCOE] Vadgaon Ambegaon,"I had my place secured through MHT CET. Once you get good percentile you have to register on an online portal. Then you need to select for your desired colleges. If you meet the selection criteria accordimg to your results then you get a message on website that you have admission alloted. Next process you have to do by visiting the college. Almost 6 lists are put up in every college.Well its a bit expensive if you fall under the open category. But if you are eligible for a scholarship its okay to bear it. Well, the fees is accepted by dd demand darft. But in case some situations arise like holidays in a row then cash payment is accepted. I dont think of any additional fees required for admission. All you get is through mht cet and other quotas.",6.7 1786,Sanskar Vyas,IIT Ropar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITR],"IIT Ropar has a football ground, cricket ground, basketball, badminton courts, table tennis tables, volleyball court, tennis courts, etc. Facilities for sports with all equipment. There way more than boys than girls but everyone lives with harmony and there is no kind of discrimination of any kind in the college.IIT Ropar is a centrally funded college. Tuition fees is around 2 lakh per annum for a general category student with parental income above 5 lakh per annum. 1/3 of fees for students with parental income less than 5 lakh and no fees for less than 1 lakh of income.",9 1787,Janmansh Agarwal,National Institute of Technology - [NITK],"I gave my entrance Exam Jee Main which is an all India examination in which over a million students appear in total. I got a percentile of 99. 8615403 and an All India Rank of 1730. After the results the merit list was announced in which I got admission into this prestigious Institution. The admission process is really convinient and the faculty is really helpful. I chose Computer Science because of my interest in problem solving.I'm still a first year so I haven't received an internship outside campus, but our institution provides internship and mentorshipp programs in college based start ups. After 3rd year official internships and placements starts. In which companies like Google, Microsoft, Adobe and Amazon has recruited.",9.3 1788,Shreyansh Soni,Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus Manjeri,"The faculties are not very bad. good faculties in lab oru teaching staffs, but the main issue is they were not getting much wages which should a teacher needs. the teachers in an engineering college should be an engineer, but the college are not considering them or respecting them, this should be needed to avoid. most of the faculties are qualified the engineering, some are qualofied mtech.They are very friendly and helping in academically and in festes etc. They vere helping in varies wase. Alot of experiences are there. One of the experience, the helped me when I am playing kabadi for interzone for KTU, I cant hurts they hold me and takes to hospital. Whole the medical fund is taken by themself.",6.2 1789,Monishkumar K M,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Yes obviously our college holds the very good in placement section because every year students used get placed in variety of company. with a very good reputation. and company that visited our college are Mercedes, seimens, Bosch, etc.It's very happy to say about the celebration that occur in our college it's fabulous to enjoy in our college fest their is a unique opportunity for every people to participate in the event and even they enjoy a lot in the event.",8.8 1790,Achyuth A R,KLE Technological University,"On the basis of entrance test score, I have applied for B.tech(mechanical engineering) in the P.E.S. College of engineering and I got selected.65% admission by Central Allotment Process (CAP) of Government of Maharashtra through CET MAIN 2018-19. 15%admission by Central Allotment Process (CAP) of Government ofMaharashtra through JEE/CET MAIN 2017-18 for MS/OMS candidate. 20% admission for institute level quota. Candidate should have passed HSC (Std. XII) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Mathematics are compulsary and optional subjects are Chemistry / Biology / Biotechnology & Technical Vocational. Choose any one from optional subjectand secured a minimum of 50% marks (45% in case of Backward Class candidates). For Biotechnology course, Biology is essential. For Maharashtra State seats through CAP, a ranking in JEE MAIN as declared by the government is essential. Institution level quota seats are filled up by due counseling as per merit basis. GOI nominee and J & K migrant have a quota of one seat in each department. They have to apply to Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State for release of seats.Many huge events are arranged in our college. There is a seperate team of students to arrange events in our colege. All kinds of events are arranged in our college including fun, sports, educational, cultural etc. They involve students to make up learn team work, management etc.",9.3 1791,Mahavir Goyal,Punjab Engineering College University of Technology - [PEC],College is pretty good for civil engineering branch and fairly good for other streams too. Staff is overall good. One can opt for various courses and get involved in various cultural and technical events which are held throughout the year.Scholarship to rank openers and who had income less than 2. 5 lakh per year get up to 90 percent scholarship. The top 3 girls also get scholarship of 99 percent in tution fees. The only one boy who get scholarship if he is rank opener.,8.3 1792,Kevanna Mutha,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"There credit based curriculum. There are two exams per semester. Mid semester and end semester. The mid semester exam is of 30 marks each subject. And the questions are asked from the first two units. The endsem is for 50 marks and questions from all 4 units are asked.It is feasible for people of all backgrounds. There are various subsidys for the students who belong to scheduled casts, scheduled tribes or other backward classes and physically handicap students. Also there is a provision for economically backward students.",8.2 1793,SHUBHANKAR RANA,University Institute of Engineering and Technology -[UIET],"Well it was pre decided by my side to opt for engineering in computer science or information technology. After my JEE MAINS I was left with some options to go with in North India including some private institutions and some good colleges like Thapar but at last I came across a government funded institute UIET with branding of Panjab University. Admission is purely on the basis of JEE MAINS rank and you get reservation if you fall in any of the reservation criteria of the college.To be honest the college doesn't provide internships but you can do projects in summer as well as winter vacations. When it comes to placements companies like Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Infosys, Wipro, Yamaha visit the college but then also the average package goes around 5. 5 lakh p. a. Of campus placements depends upon the calibre of the students, 2 students grabbed jobs in Microsoft with packages of 38 and 45 lakh p. a. respectively.",6.5 1794,Dweep vaibhav kale,"RH Sapat College of Engineering, Management Studies and Research","After scoring eligible marks in jee mains and board exam for college first caprounds were taken for colleges and I got my current college. First I visit my fc center to freezed my admission then I went to college which was alloted to me. Fill admission form done all college procedure.Best faculty every single teacher gave his/her attention towards every student, solve their doubts. No one says no to doubt solving. They motivate us for everything. Many extra curricular activities are taken so they would get to know in which field the person is interested.",7.5 1795,Tarun Yadav,University Institute of Engineering and Technology - [UIET],"All the courses offered are mostly based on research and the exams conducted are used to know about the student's gaining of knowledge in the particular field.Three exams are conducted per semester(assesment test 1, 2 and exd semester)which enables the students to gain more and more knowledge about the subjectsDifferent workshops are held monthly. Labs are held weekly. Fests and sports meet are held annualy. There is diversity of students. Students from other countries like Afghanistan are studying in my college. We have an anti-ragging cell in college. My college campus is 100 percent ragging free.",6.8 1796,Deepesh Gupta,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"Scholarship are provided by the college on the basis of your 12 marks and percentage and that should also be maintained on a yearly basis throughout the course for to be eligible for scholarship. I don't know about the Loan facilities but some students have opted for that but not sure about if it was provided be the college or to private means.The fees structure is devided on yearly basis. And to be deposited in stipulated time period failing to that fine will be charged on a daily basis. It includes tution fee, exam fees and library charges and sports, the gym is excluded from the fees structure which has to paid separately for every three months.",7.8 1797,Tanmay Sharma,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Our college is among top in terms of job packages and internships. Big MNCs come in campus to recruit students and pay heavy amount. According to some sources, last year highest package offered was ?1. 5 crores per annum. Average package revolves around ?20 to 28 lakhs pa. Internships in electrical are nice. Last year minimum pay was ?20k per month and highest was ?2lakh per month. Average internship pay was around ?1lakh per month.Labs are excellent. Classrooms don't have ACs but teaching hrs and flexible so your energy can be focused on self study and other stuffs of your interest. Course curriculum is a little bit out dated for electrical but more than enough to land you in a high paying job. There are two types of exams each semester along with quizzes and assignments. One is mid semester exam and other is end semester.",8.2 1798,Sajal kaushal,Galgotias University - [GU],"The facility is very good and have good nature. This college has an excellent teaching faculty with highly qualified and well experienced staff. The teacher student ratio is maintained at 1:10. All teachers are full time and the students are given special attention in their studies. The excellent results in the university examination is due to dedicated, constant effort by staff. The teaching aids used by the staff are modern and helps the students to learn the subject thoroughly.Event thing have is prons and the cons there are many positive part like infrastructure, student, placement, cultural society, fest which is the biggest fest in Delhi NCR, and workshop, but the negative part is the transport facilities the galgotias university is near Yamuna expressway.",8.5 1799,A Mohamad Yunus,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"No two students are exactly alike, and no two schools are exactly alike. What are the features of your best fit college ? Conversations with your college counselor about what’s important to you in terms of academics, campus culture, and financial aid will help guide your overall college search. Research is a must. Attend college fairs, consult our college profiles, and visit campuses to find and compare potential schools. Check out majors, dorms, clubs, career services, and other key features. You’ll end up with a list of dream, match, and safety schools —any of which I s a great fit for your specific personality and interests. How many colleges do students apply to? According to our 2018 College Hopes & Worries Survey, 40% of students plan to apply to 5-8 schools, while 30% will apply to 9 or more colleges. Read More: Browse College Profiles 3. College Applications When it comes time to apply, you’ll have some decisions to make. Will you apply early? Many colleges allow applicants to submit their materials for an early deadline (sometime in the fall) that falls before the regular deadline (usually sometime in January or February). Learn about early action vs early decision. The key components of the college application are your transcript, score reports, letters of recommendation, and application essay. Colleges will also ask you to list your extracurricular activities. Learn everything you need to know about college application. Always check admissions requirements with each individual school. Schools may have different requirements regarding number of SAT Subject Tests or whether they require you to take the SAT or ACT essay. The Common Application makes it easy to apply to multiple schools, but schools will typically have different supplemental essay topics or test score requirements. You may decide to interview with an admissions representative or college alumni member to learn more about schools—and to help schools learn more about you. Read More: 24-hr College Essay Review 4. Applying for Financial Aid Debt has been the biggest concern among respondents to our College Hopes & Worries survey for the past three years. Educate yourself on how financial aid works, so you can make the right choices for you and your family. Schools usually have their own net-price calculators so that families can get a sense of what their out-of-pocket costs would look like. Check out each prospective school's financial aid website as you research your college list. Be aware that applying to college and applying for financial aid are two separate processes. You’ll start with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ), which as of October 2016 will be released on October 1 of every year. The form asks for information about your income and the size of your household to determine your expected family contribution (EFC) toward your college tuition. Schools may also use their own forms, or use the CSS Profile for non-federal aid. Your financial aid package is intended to meet your need and will consist of grants and scholarships federal work-study student loans Plenty of outside organizations offer scholarships tailored to academic interests, talents, extracurricular activities, career goals, geographic location, and many more factors. Keep an eye on deadlines which could fall as early as the summer before senior year. Read More: FAFSA Deadlines, Dates, and FAQs 5. Choosing Your School Once the notifications start rolling in, celebrate your acceptances with your college counselor, and make your final decision (typically by May 1, “Decision Day”). How to decide? 42% of respondents told us they’d choose the college that's the ""best for their career interests"" and another 40% said they'd choose the college that’s the ""best overall fit. "" Get excited about the schools that accepted you by talking to real students on campus, learning more about key programs and on-campus activities, and touring dorms and other facilities. Compare financial aid packages to determine which one makes the most financial sense for you. If your dream college waitlisted you, don’t despair. You could still be accepted from the waitlist, as students notify the college whether they accept or decline. Check out our college waitlist strategies. Students may be deferred (their application held to be evaluated at another time) if a college decides they need more information (like senior year grades or test scores) before making their decision. You may also decide to defer your acceptance for a year to work, travel, or volunteer. Learn more about taking a gap year. Test Your College Knowledge How well do you understand the college admissions process? Find out with our quiz. Rob Franek headshot ABOUT ROB FRANEK Rob Franek, Editor-in-Chief at The Princeton Review, is the company's primary authority on higher education. Over his 24-year career, he has served as a college admissions administrator, test prep teacher, author, publisher, and lecturer. Read more and follow Rob on Twitter: @RobFranek Conects mobile application advertisement College Counseling Student studying in chair Get 1:1 help from former Ivy League and top tier admission officers. Our College Counselors will help you find, apply and get accepted to your dream school.balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being, as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large”. Mostly when talk about extra-curricular, what came out from our minds are activities that related to the extra-curricular that we had been forced to join during our primary, secondary school such as Cadet Police, Puteri Islam and others. Unforgettable during our university life, we have been provided with one day which was named as extra-curricular day. At that day, all activities such as hockey club, swimming club, equestrian club and many more are been carried out. But, we have to realize, because extra-curricular is not limited to the activities that are only related only to clubs and uniformed bodies. Societies such Students Representative Council, Committee of College Students and so on are also categorized as extra-curricular. Even when you are active in certain particular clubs under college you are involve in extra-curricular. Actually there are three main types of co curriculum, first is society. Society can be classified as an organization or club for students who have specifically interest",8.3 1800,Subin Ninan,Amal Jyothi College of Engineering - [AJCE],"B.Tech CSE is a 4-year undergraduate engineering course on practical and theoretical knowledge of computer hardware and software. The minimum eligibility for this course requires passing class 12th/ Higher Secondary Examination in Physics, Mathematics, and English with a minimum of 50% marks. Top Institutes offering this course are: IIT, Delhi The Neotia College, Kolkata Chandigarh University IIT, Kanpur BITS Hyderabad The average tuition fee for this course ranges from INR 2 to 10 Lacs. B.Tech CSE course is also often pitted against Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA). The mode of admission is through State/ National/ University Joint Entrance Examination. B.Tech CSE graduates can find employment in academic institutions, IT software companies, journalism, sales, and marketing. The job profiles for graduates of this course can be a lecturer, technical editor, content developer, Software engineer, software developer, programmer analyst, test engineer etc.Boys and girls ratio is around 2:1, college has good lab facilities and good trainers sports and students have good discipline also towards other gender. No such kind of sexual orientation or race like that all are one here. No politics is here",8.7 1801,Sunilkumar am Patil,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"There are main branches like CSE, ISE, MECH, ECE, CIVIL, EIE, EEE. Along with this MBA and MCA are also present. For higher studies there is a research lab. Labs are well equipped but without uniform and ID card there will be no entry in the labs. There will be 3 internals, 1 lab internal and external, and 1 sem exam in each semesters.I got admission through KCET by merit list. This college is in top 5 engineering colleges in Bengaluru. So this made me to put this college in top in choice selection of KCET option entry. After selection of college we have to report to college in the given time.",7 1802,Arpit Kogta,PES University - [PESU],"I came to know about this college from my known relatives in Bengaluru. There are two methods of admission to this college-KCET AND PESSAT. KCET is primarily for those who have lived in Karnataka for atleast 7 years whereas PESSAT is an entrance exam open to all across India. Since I belonged outside Karnataka, so I wrote PESSAT and got a seat in the Electronic City campus in the counselling process.Being a student in Coimbatore Institute of Technology, everyone will get placed in one of the companies. They'll invite more and more company for both internships and jobs. Company like De shaw, Bosch, Through goods are coming every year for placement with high salery. The stipend ranges from 3 Lpa to 40Lpa based on the companies.",8 1803,Gurpreet Singh Sethi,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"through eamcet exam merit A college (Latin: collegium) is an educational institution or a constituent part of one. A college may be a degree-awarding tertiary educational institution, a part of a collegiate or federal university, an institution offering vocational education, or a secondary school. In the United States, ""college"" may refer to a constituent part of a university or to a degree-awarding tertiary educational institution, but generally ""college"" and ""university"" are used interchangeably, [1] whereas in the United Kingdom, Oceania, South Asia, Southern Africa, most of Europe and Africa, and Canada, ""college"" may refer to a secondary or high school, a college of further education, a training institution that awards trade qualifications, a higher education provider that does not have university status (often without its own degree-awarding powers), or a constituent part of a university (See this comparison of British and American English educational terminology for further information). Etymology Edit The word ""college"" is from the Latin verb Lego, leggero, legit, tectum, ""to collect, gather together, pick"", plus the preposition cum, ""with"", [2] thus meaning ""selected together"". Thus ""colleagues"" are literally ""persons who have been selected to work together"". In ancient Rome a collegium was a ""body, guild, corporation united in colleagueship; of magistrates, praetors, tribunes, priests, augurs; a political club or trade guild"".[3] Thus a college was a form of corporation or corporate body, an artificial legal person (body/corpus) with its own legal personality, with the capacity to enter into legal contracts, to sue and be sued. In mediaeval England there were colleges of priests, for example in chantry chapels; modern survivals include the Royal College of Surgeons in England (originally the Guild of Surgeons Within the City of London), the College of Arms in London (a body of heralds enforcing heraldic law), an electoral college (to elect representatives), etc. all groups of persons ""selected in common"" to perform a specified function and appointed by a monarch, founder or other person in authority. As for the modern ""college of education"", it was a body created for that purpose, for example Eton College was founded in 1440 by letters patent of King Henry VI for the constitution of a college of Fellows, priests, clerks, choristers, poor scholars, and old poor men, with one master or goMy course is quite different from that of others as in India in the upcoming years the need for Artificial Intelligence, Hacking, Programming will be more as compared to the other streams of B. tech No, it is quite chilled, the exams are quite obvious to happen and it is good that after every Unit a test is conducted so we get prepared with that one.",9.7 1804,Sumukha B G,REVA University,Gender ratios are good of 2:1 (male:female) Student parties are too frequent and we see them almost daily. There is no such thing called as politics and discrimination in my University and all the facilities provided by the University can be used by all. The labs are all well equipped. We have sports ground for all sports.The placements and Job opportunities are too good. Every day one or the other company comes to my college and placement drives are so frequently conducted here. Yes my college provides internship. I haven't been into an internship yet because I am still in 2nd semester and don't have any particular skills.,9.8 1805,Sanal Kumar,MIT World Peace University - [MIT-WPU],"Our college offers MhrD scholarship. The Ministry of Human Resource Development plays a significant role in the education sector of the nation. Contributing effectively to the socio-economic development of the country, the ministry functions through its two distinctive departments namely, the Department of School Education & Literacy and the Department of Higher Education. Our college gives some other scholarship also.The course is good it's divided into three semesters with each semester looking to develop your overall skillset and also this college happens to have refreshing periods like yoga every Thursday. The research atmosphere basically begins from the second year and the lab is as good also there are tutorials every week and exams also here and there.",9.2 1806,Rushil patel,R.N.G. Patel Institute of Technology - [RNGPIT],I have written entrance test of MCA that is ICET which is conducted by A. P government. I got good enough rank to get a seat in this college. I have gone through many options but I found it very reasonable as a computer student.My course is degree in computer science and engineering. The labs are just perfect. There are different computer labs for learning different computer languages. Also there are good labs for different departments.,9 1807,Palla Naveen kumar,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - [VJIT],Yes they are helpful to us they Wii guide us how to read and how to success in life and also they will say us to improve our communication skills and also they guide us and teach us you have to read like these and they will say you will be successful if you read loke theseWe have lab sessions and we have a ground and we will participate regularly and the college team is very good in cricket volleyball kabaddi etc so many students are involving in games as extra circular activities and we will have debates language skills activities and etc,8.8 1808,Krushal joshi,Shree Swaminarayan Institute of Technology- [SSIT],"I always had a passion towards writing entrance exams and the way how I wrote this accidentally and since it's a central government college and my father was comfortable with this I went into this. The 1st step is to write NCHMCT entrance exam and after clearing that you will be going through a counselling in the colleges you prefer then at the end of 3rd counselling the final set of reporting and fees payment happensSince it is a central government college all the festivals are celebrated with full enthusiasm. Like pongal, diwali, onam, holi, ganesha chathurthi, mahasivarathri etc. Other events like kalakriti, culturals, and competitiveness is celebrated",6 1809,Himanchal Warde,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"For general category students, the semester fee is rupees to ?26300 and the total hostel fees is ?23300 per semester at the time of admission the total fee including the hostel will be ?49600 and for the subsequent semesters the total fees will be ?41890. For SC/ST, the tuition fees is waived.For the first year, the course revises all the basics necessary. However I personally feel that the extra curricular activities i.e. BAJA SAE is more important than the course study because it is giving me practical insights into my field. We have a total of 8 semesters.",6 1810,Shiv Shikhar Sinha,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Every Student gets ample amount of opportunities and time to explore themselves and find more about their interests. The Course Structure allows you to do research in your respective fields. Students aren't bothered by any means. Labs were frequent but I think it is for a good cause.Various types of Technical, Cultural, Management Festivals are held every year, and we, the students, take active participation in each and every festival on a very large scale. Many celebrities and renowned personalities visit our college to encourage and entertain us.",8.3 1811,Souparno Dey,Kalyani Government Engineering College - [KGEC],"Plexus-- it is the freshers event for 1st year students. In this event 1st year students becomes true kgecans by heart. They are acknowledged about the college and its traditions. Espectro--- it is the flagship event which is organised by students. Very famous artists are invited. Alumnis also attend this fest. Many big companies promotes this fest showcases their products or encourages to work for them. Swaraswati puja Hall days of hostels and many moreAll the labs are very well occupied. Lab heads are very strict and students must attend labs. college has a sports club which organises inter college and inter departmental events. Many students from our college has shown exceptional talent in national and state events. College has dance, literature, art and singing clubs. Every students joins clubs according to his choices.",7 1812,Tejas Baliga,NMAM Institute of Technology - [NMAMIT],"The labs and other sports facilities are upto the mark. A lot of extracurricular activities are focused too, apart from academics. There is equality and a sense of fraternity among students. The seniors are friendly and co-opertive. No signs of ragging or harrassment. The college is slightly dominant to the Hindu religion. But nothing that of is imposed on the students. Everyone is equally treated and respected.Faculty is amazing. Placements are nice. Industry knowledge is great. Mess food is average. Hostel infrastructure is amazing have individual washrooms in each room. Rooms are on sharing basis. Admin department is bery helpful. Student mentors are assigned. One thing that is lacking is core economics. Only MSc economics have core economics others have finance trade and agriculture as their core.",7.8 1813,Atishay Jain,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"The gender ratio is quite poor around 1:20. Cultural activities, clubs, fest etc are abundant and top notch. Rendezvous is the annual college fest which is huge. The students are quite liberal and tolerant about gender, sexual orientation, political views etc. There are societies and clubs for all kinds of extracurricular activities like dance, drama singing, robotics, entrepreneurship etc.Internships are initiated from the 2nd or 3rd year, I have not done any internships as it is my first year. The internship opportunities are plenty here. Placements in iit delhi are one of the highest in the country with average package around 10 lakhs rs. Per annum. Highest package reaches well over rs. 1 crore.",8 1814,Shivam Patidar,IIT Ropar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITR],three major fest are held in our college every year the sports fest culture fest and the technical fest named as aarohan advitiya and zeitheist these are very big events and big celebrities come to our college every year for example this time in the cultural fest Diljit Dosanjh and Zakir Khan and many more celebrities came to our college and the fest are held at the large level and the colleges nearby and far also take part in various events.In our college the government is promoting sports very much and also it is investing a lot and promoting students to take part in sports actively. Our college is going to organise its sports fest named aarohan in the next month of March in which many colleges will take part and complete. there is no such partiality in in fest all are given equal chances irrespective of religion gender politics.,8.3 1815,Harsh Jalan,Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management - [IITRAM],No our college not provided any type of scholarships and loan facility. I thought they should be started this service for economically weak students because they can not effort fees. Some students leave also college because they can not pay fees.The course curriculum is fantastic. College is follow the IIT gandhinagar college. Course curriculum was designed according to the students. We can say they do very hard work on this. But I thought math credit is too much high.,8 1816,Tatvavid Tripathi,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"Placement and job opportunities are very great because VIT is one of the top colleges in country. Only thing is that the competition level is slightly higher than other colleges due to large number of students. Internships are provided for second year and third year students with stipend ranging from 5000 to 25000 per month given by companies like JP Morgan, Microsoft and Amazon.The curriculum is designed as such to prepare the students for technologies and methods being used in industry presently which gives an edge over other students. Research is always promoted. Labs and exams are all part of day to day life and students have enough leisure time to themselves along with much time to work on any skills they want.",8.7 1817,Aneesh Berde,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],The faculty is well educated and nice but they are of Orthodox thinking. They don't adapt to new methods and techniques. They are always hammering us with the attendance fear and internal marks gradation. Viva are not taken as per the requirement. Definitions are asked instead of asking a practical question or numerical.I got admission in this college through MHT-CET exam. First students have to give cet exam then after the exam merit list comes of students who appeard for exam as per their percentile marks. Then respecting colleges put on their cutoff lists for different branches. And then you have to opt for your course.,8 1818,Gokul soni,Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management - [RCOEM],"1.Prerna-This event takes place in January and is run by Nss students. 2.Pratishruti-This is the biggest event. It is for a complete week many games. Eacb day something good at night. This time they called THE YELLOW DIARY, ANSHU MOR, LOST STORwIES. 3.Aruni-This event is just for the 1st years.College provides all the scholarships provided by government. I have undertooked Ebc scholarship provided by technical department of government. And for hostel punjabrao scheme for students. And inside the college their are various scholarships on criteria if you request.",9.7 1819,Mudit Sharma,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],Extra curricular activities like lab and sports are pretty well because in my experience the labs are full of equipments with our knowledge and with our use and the lab assistant are also very helpful so we can say that loves like chemistry lab physics lab lab high voltage slab and all these labs are good for students and talking about sports shoes sports is also good at some point and bad at some point because there are some politics in some sports live cricket and they are very good position of our college in some sports like badminton and basketball as well or basketball team mainly wins when goes apart for competitions.see the scholarship is not provided by our college but is provided by State and Central government and the scholarship are very good for example tuition fee waiver and medhavi chhatra scholarship for example in medhavi chhatra we have more than 85 percentile in JEE and less than 150000 rank in JEE main then we can get medhavi scholarship under which we will be we will get repaired the power 20 cashback like a cashback of 90% of our each and entry tuition fee waiver we will have to only pay tuition we have you have to only pay fees other than tuition fees.,7 1820,Dhruval dhobi,VIT Bhopal University,"Course is good, Excellent for coders. Exam are average we have to go lab once in a week. this course allow you to learn prograaming and a have very good scope in future. In this branch you have many chances that you will get placed in good companyThere is scholarship provided to good rankers student who get good rank in viteee exam they have provisions if anyone score under 500 in viteee exam they will get 100% fee waiver in vit. there is star ranking holder system is also there",7 1821,Surya S,Sona College of Technology,"1. Ifest(Tech fest) :- i. Fest is one of the most anticipated and acknowledged technical fest all over Gujarat. It is lauded for its versatile and wide ranging technical, social and non-technical events. i. Fest provides an outstanding platform for students to showcase, inculcate the valuable skill of innovation and simultaneously compete with their technical and non-technical skills and win huge amount of cash prizes. Last year, we witnessed over 2000 participants in this 3-day techno-social events. 2. Synapse(Cultural fest) :- Synapse is a celebration - a celebration of culture, technology and life. It is about realising the underlying inherent junction of the three in an electrifying atmosphere. One of the most prominent college fests of Gujarat, it is a spectacle of our talent, aspirations, creativity and vision. Come 2020, we promise a bigger and better Synapse. 3. The events like kite fling, dushera etc. festivals are also celebrates.I personally don't like the way India's education system, it does not teach you to socialize. the main purpose of the life is how you fight through all the problems in your life and stand above all fears but it was other way around all day you have to listen to lectuers and come tired. There will be internals every month, prepare for that, at the time you think let me take some time for yourself practical exams arrive and then sem-end exams arrive.",8.8 1822,Supriya,Lakshmi Narain College of Technology - [LNCT],"Seats Availability 60 seats 9 STREAMS View All Mechanical Engineering | Civil Engineering | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Chemical Engineering | Computer Science And Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Information Technology | Electrical And Electronics Engineering | Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 ? 1, 17, 000 ? 1, 17, 000 ? 1, 17, 000 Year 4 ? 1, 17, 000 Total ? 468, 000Planet engineering is going to be organize in the college with in few days, their many types of competition will be held. Many students from outher college will also participate in this function. and many other programs is organized in every month",9.2 1823,Lokesh,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],"The teachers are always busy encouraging and uplifting the students. The college also provides and number of opportunities for the students to grow. the negatives about the college would be we do not have much area apart from the college buildings to hang around. Plus they keep finding reasons to collect money from the students every now and then but then again this could be found in other colleges as well. St. Teresa’s College being a womens college all the students would equally say that the bathroom facility the college offers for about 2000 students is like 15-20 bathrooms which is horrible and very unhygenic with broken taps and pipes.I got admission in this college through TNEA counselling. It is a chain process. If you pass in 12th std with minimum pass marks, you need to apply for the counselling in online. Then you need to fill the choicelist. There will be 3 to 4 rounds of counselling. After the counselling is over you will come to know which college you are going to join.",7.2 1824,Dhairya patel,Charotar University of Science and Technology - [CHARUSAT],"Events celebrate in our university is oike cogniznace which is one of the tech feast of our university where student of our university as well as students of different university visit our university and take part in different technical feast as well as work shop and allFaculty are very young as well as interactive, thry resolve our problem of studies as well as personal they are just like friends, so we like to attend lecture and sit with them a while, while all faculty members are persuing there PHD degree.",9.7 1825,Sharath Chandra Reddy V,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"Elements such as Gender Ratios, Student/Dorm Parties, Workshops, Cultural Societies Or Student Diversity And Tolerance With Regards To Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Politics And Economic Status are given the right place they deserve. All are treated equally with respect with no discrimination on any basisPretty decent course structure which focuses on research and skill development. Labs and exams are cool unless we become absent for the lab. Also people who get absent are provided a second chance to perform their duties. All labs are highly equipped with great lab instructors",8.2 1826,Aditi Patial,Sharda University - [SU],"University provides variety of courses like engineering, MBBS, nursing etc. I'm an engineering student and the faculty that teaches me is great. I have been learning a new programming language each semester. To make us get a better insight, we are also taken to industrial visits to MNCs nearby.I have got 40% scholarship in the whole fees because of my rank in JEE Mains. The college provides scholarship on the basis of rank in the entrance exam JEE Mains. The college also provide student loan for the fees if students are unable to pay it.",8 1827,Aarzoo,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],"Campus life is awesome and gender ratio is approx. 1:5 as it is a Engineering College and students came from different states.Their are labs for every practical work and a different organization is there for sports under which many different sport club is there including badminton, table tennis, kabaddi, chess, volleyball, football, cricket, basketball, Boxing,etc. and many more. Fir Robotics there is a different Club is there to work on robotics life and for debates as well a different organization is there, fir entrepreneurs also a different organization is there along with a big incubation centre.I got admission through my rank of JEE Mains Entrance Exam. According to cutoff of marks i got Computer Science over here otherwise its difficult to take this course here as the cutoff goes high. The most important thing is in our college there is no reservations for SC, ST and OBC. I got enrolled through online counseling that is different from JEE councelling for our college",7.5 1828,Student (Anonymous),Malnad College of Engineering - [MCE],Vidya siri scholarship which is also known as fee consession scholarship provided by the government itself they refund your government fee to the students account back which is very useful only for the obcs whose income is less than 11kVery nice and entertaining our college has many clubs which conduct many events which conduct in such a way we feel very happy we are part of it.it helps us to think in a creative way and to support our college days better,6.2 1829,Student (Anonymous),"Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University","I want to build my career in the field of computer science. So i have to take CSE branch. With my rank i am unable to take admission in other top IITs like Bombay, kanpur, delhi, kgp etc. I read about IIT BHU CSE on Google and also take help of mentor provided by Dakshana coaching foundation. Then i took this branch.Our course syllabus is latest and updated. We have some workshop course for industrial exposure. Also there are lab experiment and exam weightage in most of the courses. Maximum faculties are good there like our department faculties are also good. They have done research in their fields.",8.3 1830,Vinay rasal,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"I get admission in this college by my MHT CET score and i chose this because this is one of the best college in Maharashtra generally admission process of my college is start in month of July - August and merit list publish by MHT CET score my college name is vishwakarma Institute of technology is located at bibwewadi pune MaharashtraIn my college their is many events comparative other colleges the biggest festival of my college is vishwakarma it is annual event run in my college then their is many more events like millange, vishwautsaw in all this function thier is many croud in my college campus and big celebrity also come",8.7 1831,M Prakhar Uraon,Govt Engineering College,Because after counselling i got this College the factor are.i choose electrical branch in my college this is core branch so It would benefy me a lot also education is very upto date the teachers are very familiar with the students there are many faculties who are always there to help supportWhen i got admission in this college first 10 days there was induction program in which all the 1 year student got interact with each other and also we learn many things in that program also many program are held like sport and robot fighting flashmob techfest and many things,8.7 1832,Hardik Pachouri,A. D. Patel Institute of Technology - [ADIT],My course fees is 106000 and it's a little bit expensive maybe it's due to the wonderful infrastructure of my college and but again it's for other people I have taken scholarship so I don't need to pay them my fees but for my friends it's a little bit high by adding others expenses also.I got my admission through the ACPC committee I did take part in that counselling and after the process of verification and all I got here admission. For my scholarship also I did all the verification process which was needed. After that for practice we had a mock round.,7.2 1833,Saksham Dabas,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Campus life is as amazing as it can be. The gender ratio is pretty bad 10:1 ratio on average. (Only drawback of this college). Plenty of sports to offer. We have our own sports complex in campus. Cricket field, football field, indoor badminton, table tennis, kabaddi, you name it, we have it. A ton of extracurricular activites are there as well, a number of societies, tech-teams for robotics, we build our race cars, offroad buggies,etc here. You can find people from all over the world here. Fair Elections happen every year.Yes the college provides a transparent fee breakdown. The fee is about 1.8 lakh p.a which increases about 5-10% every year. So the overall fee is feasible. Hostels are provided to outside delhi students and their fee is minimal. There are no additional charges that should be paid to get in any course. Admission is strictly on the basis of JEE MAINS in btech course. Other courses provided by the college are BDes. Phd, Mtech.",8.2 1834,Anand Khanna,HMR Institute of Technology & Management - [HMRITM],It is relevant and the tests are easy scoring it provides deep learning and conceptual learning It has industry specific things only which is required by the students to get an on-campus job Industrial visits are organised for 2nd and 3rd year students The college has different teams for different sports and they are allowed to compete everywhere We are not funded by the college but they give us attendance for playing and represent the collegeGender ratio - 1:2 (girls:boys) Workshops are conducted on a regular basis Societies are there for students with different interests No racism is seen in the college as college has taken strict actions for anything like this if it occurs College has a separate group of teachers just to take care of matters like this If anything happens we can always report to our proctors and they help us out with snd and everything,8 1835,Shiv Kakkar,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"People- the diversity is something to behold. You're gonna learn so much from students from different states that its beautiful. Everyone has their own take on life and as a multi diverse college you're sure to interact with a lot of people. Many of my friends have grown more confident as the years have progressed. The freedom this place has to offer is unmatched. But not worth paying 20 lakhs. Sports- The sports scene is quite interesting, we have two semi professional leagues in cricket and football (MIT Cricket league and MIT football league). I was a part of the latter. But there's high competition even here. So you have plenty of time to up your game CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS 10/10 There are more than 150+ student clubs in MIT manipal which include non technical clubs like dramatics, dance, music, arts, debate etc, techincal clubs like IECSE, IEEE, AISTE, AIESEC etc and student projects like Formula manipal, MRM, TMR which are all renowned in their fields. Students are free to join as many clubs each of which helps in their personal growth. Most of these clubs have events of their own like the plays put on by the dramatics clubs or acoustic nights by MAFIA. Other than these the two main college fests are Tech Tatva and Revels where colleges from all over india come to participate in various events. The college celebrates all major festivals by making arrangements in the hockey/football ground and all students and faculty are invited. A sight to behold is the diwali celebration where instead of lighting firecrackers everyone releases fire lanterns into the sky and the entire night sky is filled with lanterns drifting away. The college life is energizing and fun and teaches us how to be independent.College helds one tech fest and one cultural fest every year along with tons of events are being held each and every day in the every range from sports to enertainment and along with tons of hackathons and one of a kind sports fest. Every Festival is celerated and I stress on every because each and every religion festival is given equal importance and you get to enjoy cultural diversity here. College attracts various other colleges ranging from IITs to IIMs to participate in the events and you just have to buy one delegate event for every event held so all in all there's always something or another happening in this college.",8.3 1836,Chidvi,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"The reasons why I chose this college are The reputation of the college. Infrastructure Facilities Campus placements. There is an entrance exam called VITEEE. It's an online-based exam. And after the exam, there will 3 sessions of counseling. If we do our best in the exam we will get to be placed in the college.Yeah. though the fee is high. the college infrastructure and college campus placements history made me choose the college.so I had to pay that fee. The hostel fee and also the college fee is also higher. There are no additional charges. Yeah, the college is very transparent in the fee.",9 1837,Sudhanshu Kashyap,ABES Engineering College,"There are many types of events are celebrated in my college like technical cultural and one of the most important event is genro in this fest almost all types of events are done like robo war,coding etc and other events also are celebrated like singing dancing, samvaad theater etcCollege faculty of my college is very good They always stand with students in any difficult situation And my college faculty is very kind nature They always treat positive to students And they are understand our problems and give a easy way to face tha problem.",8.3 1838,Tushar Tripathi,ABES Engineering College,"There are many clubs,or you can say clubs for everything are here be it acting,dancing,fashion, competitive programming,debate,Poetry,Litrary, club for placement skill enhancing, Genero is the main annual fest here with all sports and cultural competions Intra and Inter College may participate in it,with games like treasure hunt makes this awesome, AKTU conducts annual cultural event which was hosted by our college this year it was great experience since I participated in nukkad and the experience of practice after lecture was mesmerising from 4:30pm to 7:30pm and the best part is that every other event was directly under 3rd year seniors so there wasn't that level of strictness and we enjoyed with them while practicingScholarship is offered by government of UP and you've to pay 40000? only after that for economically weak persons this is totally based on your academic and family background initially you have to pay whole fees then there is this Scheme by Government of Up, Also there is a fW category while filling you UPTU form,fill FW category,in this you are given scholarship only if your name is in FeeWaves category of merit list (i.e after exam merit list announced)for that you have to be in top 4-5 ranks of every course for a particular college, Loans are totally based on how good the bank is convinced by you paying back the loan you've to visit the branch show them your Academics.",8 1839,Tarang Gupta,"Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya University - [IET -DAVV]","Mainly two big events are held in this college i.e. Aakshank Central India's Largest Cultural fest and Invento the technical fest. College also conducts many workshops by many national societies like ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heat Refrigration and Engineering) and BAJA.Most of the faculty is not very good and most of them do not show a lot of interest in teaching but a few professors are very good and highly qualified with a very good background in R&D. Many faculty members are also available for the help to students.",4.2 1840,Dhivya Dhivya,Arifa Institute of Technology - [AIT],"The alumni network and the senior students are very helpful and active. I even joined the college by getting to know about the college through one of my seniors.During the internship process we met our seniors and learnt on how to get good project ideas and on how to select a company during placement drives, what are the precautions to be taken and how to present in final project reviews and so on. They are always good mentors.Curriculum is related to current industry standards that makes you best professional. Faculty members are well experienced and trained us in all areas. We had club activities to improve our technical skills. Association activities are awesome which is the right technology platform for us. We visited 2 industries per semester. Seniors conducted technical activities for juniors.",8.7 1841,Sai Madhan Sai Madhan,Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SJIET],"TNEA is the entrance exam which you will have to go through if you want to get admission in this college. The procedure to get admission in this college is very easy. You just have to visit the campus of the college and then ask for the admission form from the office. You can fill the admission form then and there and submit it back with your documents.I really appreciate the course curriculum of the college which is well equipped with practical sessions. I think the practical sessions are very necessary if you want to get perfect knowledge of the subject. Also, there are many of the streams available if you want to do engineering in any other stream.",9.7 1842,Mothkur suprathika,BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women - [BVRITH],"The course was going quite well. As our day filled with any one of the lab make ous free from stress because we are exploring not only theoretically but also pratically. Though our labs syllabus is of theoretically syllabus we enjoying by doing pratically.Many technical, cultural, management festivals are celebrated by our college. Technical event like hackathons, alumini meet,etc.Cultural events like medhanvesh, dhaan ustav etc. Many programs from NSS candidates are conducted to bring awareness.",9.3 1843,ANKIT KUMAR,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Faculties of mechanical engineering department are good and above average,and are helpful and are far better than other branches such as meta and all but some of them really sucks but others are good indeed some of them with pretty good qualificationCultfest- cultural fest,urja-annual sports fest,ojass - technomanagement fest student activities held here are quite good seniors here are actively involved in organizing activities it is the result that students get a lot of exposure here",7.8 1844,suman oraon,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"institute provides lots of placements opportunities with over 140 companies visiting the campus though quality is not that good but generally everybody get placed leaving internship is provided in 3 year by TATA and other companiesit is quite good with avg course structure but some of the content is not up to the mark,exam structure is also good with exams being conducted 2 in a semester known as mid and end sem also 20marks is for internal assesment",7.5 1845,Mugdha labhade,Sanjivani College of Engineering Kopargaon,"Being a first year student I have not availed any internships or placement but following is the information according to my knowledge Batch 2020 sathi 1.TCS(3.6 LPA for General & 3.8 LPA for SAP student), 2.Cognizant(4LPA) 3.Sanmar(4.45LPA) 4.Infosys(3.5 LPA) 5Armstrong(2.4 to 3.2 LPA) 6TE Connectivity(2.68 LPA) 7.Ubisoft(2.4 LPA) 8.Hexaware(2 LPA) 9.Just Dial (2.4 LPA) Many students with less aggregate like less than 55 are also selected with monthly salary of 10K to 12K in company like Dhut transmission,Agni metals,Resistotech etc. For batch 2019,along with these some MNC like Bridgestone,Porite,Escort & sterling and Wilson also visited with average package ranging from 2.5 to 3.8 LPA These company doesn't visit in 2020.But may visit in 2021The reason for opting this institution is that it is an autonomous institution. The practical based education given here is more effective and can be helpful for my understanding. The admission process for getting into this institution is through an entrance exam . There are several rounds which are conducted on the basis of this merit lists which are important for deciding course . Every course has a merit and cutt off . The cutt off varies for every course in every round .",8.5 1846,Gauresh Kundlik Ghuge,College of Agricultural Biotechnology,"Our college is organized all types of activities in college. All students are very excited for participate in all activities. In Sports : college organized all games like = cricket, volleyball,kabaddi,kho-kho, badminton,table tanies, etc games Cultural activities : Traditional Day, face painting, miss match day, debate competition, etc cultural activities. Labs : our college labs are very well and good quality. For all courses separate labs are available.In my college faculty is very well qualified.well knowledgeable.all faculty members are qualify thire MSC and some are Qualified in Ph.D For all courses separate faculty is available. For PTC Prof gadhe mam For molecular biology Prof chandre sir For PB Dr prof adsul sir For BOT Prof savant sir For Micro Prof nalage sir For NSS and STAT Prof gaikar sir For Horti prof ghadage mam",9.3 1847,Mayur subhash Chaudhari,College of Agricultural Biotechnology,"Lab structure is better. And in lab environment is suitable for health. All departments labs are separate. All course are give from clg. And exams are divide in term wise. first exam is midterm arrange in college and second one is annual exam. Exam arrangement is good.Im first year student i dont know in details about placement and job in our college. But seniors tells best placement and job in college. Yes, college provides a internship it’s a very useful for students for earn extra practical knowledge and earn some pocket money.",8.3 1848,M Vishal,Vignan Institute of Technology And Management,"Yes, our college is in top 5 in the state. Our college offers one of the best companies every year.The aluminis of our college are at good places and well settled in there life.Our college also provides placement in abroad also.Everything is running fine good and on time. Internal examination are held for each subjects and each chaptera you study. It has the best part that everyone in the course field holds a masters degree or had done PHD.",8 1849,Varun Tiwari,ABES Engineering College,"Every year, college celebrates a Techfest known as Genero, which happens on a very big level. In year 2019, jassi gill's and Babbal Rai's performance became unforgettable. Not only this, this Techfest lasts for 3 days and those 3 days become memorable days of your complete year. Different technical activities, fun filled activities are organised, which entertain you very well. Not only this, a 21 induction program is organised for fresher students, which helps them in adjusting them in new environment very well. Besides this, there are many clubs for different purposes, run by our seniors and those clubs organize different activities.Course curriculum in this college is affiliated to UPTU as this college is its part. Since, I am in first year, so can give my reviews only about it. In first year, course curriculum is very simple and with the help of supporting faculty members, you can achieve best knowledge as well as marks. For your proper preparation, faculty members frequently take your assessment test that comprises last year's questions, which help you in your preparation. Labs are too frequent here and sometimes days become hectic but that helps you in time period before your semester exams as you get more time for your theory as your labs get over.",8.8 1850,Mohammad Bilal Ansari,Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management - [SRMCM],My college is famous for technical fest and curriculum activities.The first fest in my college is Fresher's in which all the freshers are given a huge party for their first year in class and treated with dance and technical event in which everybody can participate to show his/her tallent.The winner are Ms fresher and Mr fresher.The next event is Gantavya in which there is international conference is held in my college and it is also a technical event in which you can see celebration in my college.The next and final event is Abhivyakti that is annual function of our college it is held for three days.The biggest celebration is at night in college event in dj night.About the placement the rank of our college is no 4 in aktu.The placement for EC and CS is 99% in my college.Top companies from the global world like Amazon come in my college and and average package is 25lac p.a for CS department and minimum package is 4lac p.a.Yes obviously my college is providing internship program.There they would teach us how to be socially responsible in your life and personality development in your life.The basic moto of this program is to develop a respect for others which is found very less in today's youth.I am in first year but excited for internship program that would be held in second year.,8.7 1851,Sanjita Sahoo,KIIT School of Biotechnology - [KSBT],"There are societies for some of the extracurricular activities like the Dance society, drama and photo society. Then there is the NSS for interested candidates, a certificated from the NSS would really look good on the resume. Then there are many sports played here like cricket, football and basketball.The KIIT cultural festival is a grand event which has all kinds of fun events like dance, music and dramas. There are cash prizes for those who win in cultural events like this and sports events. There is another event called the KIIT Mun which is an intercollege event.",9.3 1852,Manish Sharma,Kanad Institute of Engineering and Management - [KIEM],"An entrance exam is held to select the students in the BTech course from this college. You have to apply yourself for the entrance examination in the month of September or October then the entrance examination is held in February and March. You will have to apply for the college in the month of April and then visit the college to continue the other procedures.I really like the course curriculum of the college first of all many of the streams are available in the bachelors of technology course. You can select from the wide range of streams including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer Science and technology. All of the streams are highly researched.",9.3 1853,Saranya Jayaram,Sri Jayaram Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SJIET],"The faculty here are well qualified, experienced faculties, they motivate us in all the ways possible. As agriculture students we gain as much as practical on-the-field knowledge when compared to other streams of engineering. They motivate us into doing research and publish journals and articles relating to the same.The college is an Anna university affliated college hence, needless tp say the syllabus is also the standard well-known anna university syllabus. There is a perfect balance between the theory and practical. Regular classes are very informative.",8.7 1854,Abhinandan Kumar,Indo Global College of Engineering,"Lectures are quite good,as far I know there are only few professor are there who is teaching well and we'll qualified.yes the lecturers hold relevant industry -experience. workshop are also quite well because of every teacher are certificated by some industry. teacher are teaches well in class you have a problem then you rights to rise your hands and ask your doubt. teacher will clear your all doubt related to that topics.Currently I am in 1st year student, so I can describe pretty well because of I have had give first semester exam. Exam structure: There is two sessional are there in a month.After the completing of course University are taking their own exam that exam is called semester exam,which is happened in 6 month & the second semester is left because of covid-19.",6.8 1855,V.Sai Nikhil,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],"Our course curriculum is quite good.We have CBCS(choice based credit system). We can also study few other Branch subjects for which we will be given credits.Each subject carries 100 marks - 70 external(Semester exam) and 30 internal(Mids, Assignment, and Attendance). For one semester and for all the subjects including labs we will have 24 credits. In a year, we totally have 48 credits. To move to the next academic year you need to get a minimum of 24 credits.Our chairman sir and the placement cell does no wrong in getting the best companies to our college. Different training programs go on every day in different departments. The faculty supports and have a friendly nature to each and every student and help in their training programs.COVIAm,TCS,DBS BANK ,JOHN DEERE,OPENTEXT ,AIR-WORLDWIDE are some of the companies",8.8 1856,Radhika Aggarwal,Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women -[IGDTUW],"There are both technical and non technical events conducted in our college. This year in tarangana darshan rawal was called. Societies handle events very well Many events took place such as innerve, tarangana and many morePlacements and job opportunities are really very good. Our college also provide internships. Many reputed companies come for placements such as Microsoft and many other companies There are 90 percent placements",7.5 1857,Vaishnavi Dixit,Banasthali Vidyapith,"Facility is really worthy and truthful they do sometimes provides extra lectures and out efforts for students so the students can perform better and they are always ready to help students in both academic and personal issue also. They are well maintained and professional.First, of all, I filled the firm of banasthali and they appear for the entrance examination and then after clearing the cut off of getting my rank, I got selected for the field of electronics and finally, I got call from banasthali and filled all other formalities.",8.7 1858,Radha kalyani,BVRIT Hyderabad College of Engineering for Women - [BVRITH],"It is a bit expensive.but we can apply for the scholarships which are really helpful.when we are learning things,we shouldn't really think about money.we can expect a better income in future only when we learn perfectly.so,I think the amount we pay is reasonable as we are getting better education and enjoyment as well.All the faculty members are well experienced to teach the topics effectively.in 50 minutes of class,they won't only teach the topic related to subject,they also sometimes crack the jokes in order to make the class more effective.they also tell us the way we should behave and survive in our society.",9.2 1859,GORREPOTU NAGENDRA SAI,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The placements were good last year.Futuresfirst was a company which offered highest package for our course students.Yes,,the college offers internship and many students have taken them.The overall placement scenario was good last yearThe branch is very good.The exams are not hectic.The labs are going on well.Classes are conducted well however some classes are cancelled unnecessarily.The timetable planned was very good with no pressure on the student.",7.7 1860,Sejal Sharma,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The placement record of the college is pretty good but at the same time very random. As a insider I can tell many things about the placement as it is witnessed by all students here. Yes there are mass recruiters that come and provide package to about 30 percent of all the students in the range of 3-5 Lacs for IT and CSE streams. The best placement record is of IT AND CSE which goes upto 39 Lacs but only for 5-6 students. There are many students in the range of 7-15 Lacs package if their academic and skills record is good. For other branches placements are fine but they generally opt for higher studies like MBA, M.Tech or Civil Services.Yes, the teachers are very helpful. They are all well qualified. Most of them are from IITs and other respectable universities. Except some most of them are very knowledgeable. The teaching quality is good. The course curriculum is very relevant and suitable. It is easy to score in KIIT. The course curriculum is very student friendly and it makes the students industry ready.",7.3 1861,Pushkar Choudhary,Marine Engineering And Research Institute - [MERI],"The exams here are semester wise, which means we have a total of 8 semesters on a whole. The evaluation is percentage basis, securing 70% is a decent score. In the syllabus, we have prototype workshops, two months of IND training, ship visit and, swimming and fire fighting classes.Yes, scholarship facilities are available as this is a central government college. Students with good educational records are awarded up to 3 thousand per semester, The other scholarship schemes by the government are also available which will be notified when necessary.",9.5 1862,Supriya Hebbar,Government Engineering College - [GEC],"Our faculty group is very good, highly qualified ser of professionals. They have great exposure to the field. We can grasp well what they teach, it is very easy to understand. No spoon-feeding is done but each student is given equal importance. Along with the core faculty, we also have two guest faculties.To get into GEC one has to clear KCET, the engineering entrance exam in Karnataka. I got 60% in my boards, the minimum is 45%. I applied for the college in person, after submitting the form I was shortlisted based on both of the scores and was called for course selection.",9 1863,Jo Jothi,John Bosco Engineering College - [JBEC],First of all you have to visit the campus and learn about the entrance exam which is conducted to give the admission in this college. I have also given an entrance exam to take to get the admission. The entrance exam is fairly very easy if you have good command on the subjects like maths and Science then you will be able to crack the examination very easily.Extra activities are certainly very good because there are a bunch of social activities present for the students. The social activities help the students to gain a personal experience on certain topics which are essential to know. The college also have very good labs and infrastructure,10 1864,Plaash Chhokra,Chitkara University - [CU],"Now talking about the course there course is good and teachers are also hard working there. But still the worse this is the attendance criteria i.e 75% if your attendance is less than this you'll be not allowed to sit in the exams and at last you have to pay1500rupee as your supplementry exam fee for per subject. And one more thing theother worst thing are the EXAMS there are almost 2exams in every month like school system Fa's and then ST'S the students doesn't get free due to this shit. in my words for the hostellers This college is a ""BOARDING SCHOOL"" at the time of admissions they the College is 5day working but actually alomost every Saturday the college is open. Here students cannot focus on their extra curricular activities but only they can do is acedamics. due to the college's shitty acedemic system wich is not like other engineering colleges in India.My jee rank was very low still they gave me admission and the funny part was that there were almost 1700students who were pursuing CSE from there. Just because of college's good placements.course starts in august month. The administration take almost 3500rupees for just as councelling fee and on the councelling day the do just nothing and give you streams of your choice and just recheck your grades which you have submitted in the form.and for this thing they charge 3500as councelling fee.",5.5 1865,Student (Anonymous),Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"The primary reason for me was affordability. This is one of the more affordable colleges out there. The infrastructure is very good,on par with any other good private college. Another reason why I chose this college over others was because of how good the college's computer science department is. The highest placement easily goes north of 45 lpa each year. Not only that, multiple students acquire packages above 20 lpa. So yes, as far as exposure is concerned,it definitely stands out from others.The infrastructure is decent. What the college lacks in sports facilities and wifi is more than made up for in the size of the library and lab equipment. The college campus has a small soccer field which also serves as the lawn area of the college where students normally hangout. Apart from that it had a basketball and volleyball court. The facilities are there,but their quality is questionable. The wifi network is so weak that it's almost non-existent.",6.7 1866,Manu VS,Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"I wrote IMU-CET, an entrance exam exclusive for marine engineering. Also, I score 70% in my boards the minimum is only 60%. After the entrance exam, the merit list is announced, and you are called for counselling. There is a medical approval needed regarding your fitness, which is also done in the college itself.The boys and girls ratio is about 6:1. There are some great workshops to improve our skills, they are free as well as paid. There are many sports and cultural activities that happen often in this college, the college gives these activities equal importance as much as they give to academics.",9.3 1867,Muskan Murria,Anand College of Engineering and Management - [ACEM],"We take examinations 3 times in a semester. The Course curriculum is quite hectic because in B.tech we have numerous exams and practicals, assignments, projects, research papers and many more things. But these things keeps us busy throughout our semester and makes the studies more interesting.TATA Consultancy, Autodesk, Allsoft, Hero are few amongst the many companies that visit our campus. The good placement record of this college motivated me to take an admission here. Various workshops are also organized to train students to prepare them for the industry.",7.8 1868,Aishwarya Mohan,Annai College of Engineering and Technology - [ACET],I got admission in the college on merit basis. I filled out a required form released by the college for my course of B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering and submitted it along with the required documents to the admission office. Few of the students were interviewed before being granted admission. A minimum of 45% aggregate is required in 12th class to pursue this course.Multiple placement opportunities are provided to the final year students. The placement cell invites multiple organizations for the recruitment process. Campus interviews are set up by the cell which provides full support and training to the students. Training programmes and certifies coursed are conducted to prepare the students for industry.,7.8 1869,Arul Kumar,Roever Engineering College-[REC],"Roever has achieved significant Campus Placements in the current year. Roever graduates have been recruited by several well-known business organizations. Course materials are put on web and used extensively by the students' community. Campus Connect Programme at Roever, which was inaugurated in February 2008, has introduced its own courseware within the existing curriculum, a 16 week capsule helping fresh recruits to be 'industry ready'. Ensure that even the non-IT students completing the capsule are eligible for IT jobs.We were celebrate each and every festival like diwali, holi, teachers day,new year, lohri. We are thankful to college administration, which supported us to organised annual function."""" Everyone was happy that good times are back in college campus. The function also witnessed spectacular rock show, a dance presentation and a flute and mimicry programme that brought back lost smiles on faces of students of the college. actually it was like a refreshment. and those were the good times.",7.3 1870,Kavitha Dhayalan,RVS Padhmavathy College of Engineering and Technology,#NAME?,7.3 1871,Rùshîkêsh Pîsê,Neil Gogte Institute of Technology - [NGIT],"Appearing in the entrance examination is a must for taking admission to our college. I cleared JEE-Mains and got this college for pursuing B.E in Electrical engineering courses. As a private college other admission process is easy.The job opportunities are almost certain for the students. All the students are able to get high qualified jobs from campus recruitment. Our college also provides internships for us. During internships, students get stipends also.",7.8 1872,Imran Pathan,P. V. Narsimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University Rajendra Nagar,"The admission in the college is granted on the score which you will achieve in the engineering, agriculture and medical common entrance test which is conducted by the Telangana government authorities. You will have to submit the application form for the college by visiting the campus of the college.The fee structure of the college is also very simple and I do not have faced any problem in submitting my fees because the fees is not too much and I can submit it at any given point of time. All of the other colleges charge a very large amount of fees but in this college, the fees is very less.",9.5 1873,Palak Dwivedi,"Bundelkhand University, Institute of Engineering and Technology","The admission in the institution is based on an entrance examination which is held by the concerned University. You can fill up the application form of the admission by visiting the college campus. Also, you must have at least score 45% marks in your class 12th examination for selecting in the institution.In my opinion the faculty of the college is very well experience. The behaviour of the teaching facilities in our college is very good in terms with the students of the college. All of the teachers have an experience of about two to three years in the field that they are teaching the students.",9.5 1874,Narmada,PSN Institute of Technology and Science - [PSNITS],Alumni and seniors are all very much helpful. Alumni often support our college and actively participate in all the cultural activities. They try to attend all the activities whole-heartedly. Sometimes they also provide financial support.The course curriculum is good and very interesting. I never find it difficult. Our teachers from the very first day gave us a glimpse of our course curriculum. Sessional exams are conducted very frequently but final exams held annually.,8.2 1875,Shubhra Banerjee,"University College of Engineering, Anna University - [AUPKT]","I cleared the TNEA entrance test and got this college for pursuing the B.E course. You have to appear in the entrance test before you get admission. And all the students must have to get a minimum of 50% of marks for appearing in the entrance exam.The course curriculum is designed for 4 years. The theory and practical papers both are included in the course curriculum. Till now, I find my course easy and so so hard. All the final exams are conducted once in a year.",8.2 1876,ManiKandan MK,Mahendra Institute of Technology - [MIT],"Our labs are really excellent. I never see such well-organized labs in other colleges. Very neat and clean and well maintained. We often spent good times in our college labs and find it very comfortable staying time at college labs.The course curriculum is very nice. Also our teachers help us lot for pursuing our course. We have both theory and practical papers. In our last year, we also have to submit one dissertation paper related to our department subject.",7.8 1877,Student (Anonymous),Government Engineering College - [GEC],"First of all a college list is provided by the BCECE according to my ability and then I choose this college because of the teaching pattern, the administration system, the service provided by it. Most of the students enrolled by the basis of their JEE Mains exam result and according to that the college is provided to them. The most important is the anti-ragging cell of the college is such helpful that their is no case of any ragging in the college.Ooo the campus life is wonderful or you can say that the beat four years of your life that you will remember after that period, the events are also organized by the college have a extra shine in itself, extracurricular activities like games or other are also going to give you a extra memory to you in future.",8.3 1878,Student (Anonymous),Chandigarh University - [CU],"Since it has Highest Placement and recognized by AICTE with NAAC A+ also the Fees was affordable with just a sum of 80000 per semester.University also provides links to International Colleges and Universities and offer students with excellent grades to study abroad which I thought was a great opportunity for me who want to be at best institute after completion of my Degree.Chandigarh University also provides affordable hostel facility with just a fees of 86000 per year and that is a good amount for an average earning family like mine.Chandigarh University has strengths , opportunities and attraction for great intellectuals who want to change this world with their own ideas. CU has a widespread campus and is divided into North and South Campus. It has 18 Blocks all with well maintained classrooms , projects and laboratories of specified subjects and big seminar halls for organizing debates , talks etc.CU within campus has HDFC bank , cafeteria and study zone for its students ease.There are libraries in all blocks and also they allow E-library giving access of books online.CU campus area is completely 24 x 7 WiFI and best security services.Sports complex of its own makes it a assets for sportsperson in campus and give a helping hand in sports like Cricket, Football, Volleyball , Badminton and much more. ",8.8 1879,Naatesh,Amrita School of Engineering - [ASE],"Gokulaashtami,yugam,cultural fest,anoka,siva rathiri,independence day,republic day,diwali,pongal,navaratri,science fest,the events are open to all and we had been seperated to 4 teams and we fight each other in healthy manner to take a lead and the we students can also lead an even to all students and it would be entertainingI was ranked to my entrance exam and i was slotted to chennai campus and i got ECE in Chennai campus and i was admitted during 27th july and on my entrance result i got civil,mechanical,electrical enginnering in coimbatore campus but i need ECE so i was slotted in chennei campus and this made me to admit in Amrita",9.7 1880,Sapna Yadav,Starex University,"No event is a stranger to Starex University every year there is a gala event happening for the students and staffs as well. We have events lie sketching, dancing, theatre, seminars etc. Shaheed Divas is an event celebrated in order to respect the freedom fighters and martyrs. We also celebrate Sarvdhram pooja which, being a secular Indian, is about celebrating all the multicultural religions.The course curriculum is very interactive and is rarely hectic or boring. Our syllabus is part theory and part practical. The management here believes that the students must be trained practically even better to face the industries tomorrow in his/her future, which is very helpful and promising.",8.7 1881,Rani Chandrakr,Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Institute of Technology,"The placement cell at this institute has a strong base and does a very good job of training us in the placement time. Factors like personality development and fear during the interview are very well managed after undergoing pre-placement training. Some good service-based companies visit the college, they either select the students for full-time jobs or give them internship opportunities.Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Group of Institutions (SRI) gives a scholarship to students who have secured ranks in the CG PET programme. This scholarship is for the engineering students. Educational loans, like any other institute, is accepted in here as well.",8.7 1882,SHUBHANSHU KUMAR SINGH,BK Birla Institute of Engineering and Technology [BKBIET],"My college infrastructure is very good because of large campus view. So many sports are played in my college just like as volleyball, cricket and basketball and so on. Wifi facilities are also present in hostel as well as campus at good speed. Library facilities available in college and also neat and clean labs.College is located in pilani comes from birla society. It have good infrastructure and very low fee structure for the given course at low fee structure we have good environment for study because of good faculty in this college. Also good placement and valuable for money",7.7 1883,Afnan Mahmood,Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],"I have seen IET bringing in a lot of companies both service and product-based for placements ensuring us a maximum placement record. As candidates, we are trained over a period of time in soft skills as well as technically. Students with difficulties in speaking out because of certain complexities are trained well to come out off their shells by trained professionals.ENCORE, being the main event at the campus is a most wanted festival that happens in the month of March, it is a technical and cultural fest. SHAURYOTSAVA is another equally anticipated event for the sports freaks. Both of these are inter-college fests making it even better as we get to interact with our peers from other colleges in and around Lucknow.",8.8 1884,Shubham kumar,Government Engineering College,"The college provides sports facilities for many games like football and cricket along with their competitions. There are also technical and cultural fests for the students to participate in. The college has domain specific 10-12 labs for various specializations.The course fee is 1,02,000 for all 3 years through the degree, costing a total expenditure of 3,06,000 for B.Tech which is quite feasible and reasonable as compared to other competing colleges and facilities provided.",6.8 1885,Rohit Paswan,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"The faculty members of college is very good. Some of them have master degree and some of them are doctorate. Qulity of education is very good. They are very friendly to students. They start from basic so the students don't face any problem while learning new topics. Overall college having experienced faculties.Campus of our college is very good. There are many sports facilities available like football, cricket, table tanis and volleyball etc. There is no discrimination on the basis of gender, religion and others. Various type of debate, poster competition and workshops conducted by our college.",8.5 1886,Soham Roy,Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management - [GKCEM],At first the fees of the course in this college is very low compare to the other enginerring college and they also provide bus service for the students in this course fee which other colleges don't. I came to know about this college from one of my relatives and he suggests me this college. Also having a very low fee structure the college did not compromise in the quality of the infrastructure or teaching quality.The total fee structure is very low compare to other engineering colleges. But Having this low fee structure they do not compare with the quality of the infrastructure or teaching quality. Fees are also payable online or by hand to hand. You will be given a fee structure of the whole course at the time of your admission.,9.8 1887,Monisha.N,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I am interested in maths so I selected this course .well coaching, placements, job opportunities, improving our knowledge and gaining more information daily, maintenance of the college, food facilities are good. First I applied the supplementary counselling but I can't able get in that so I had come in the Management quota seat.Learning is best in this college and the staffs gave more information about those topics it is easy and very helpful to study and go through it. It will help due to the industrial visit. It may take I think so due to the involvement. Due to the visiting industry, we can gain more information.",10 1888,Yazhini.A,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"There were more than 20 faculties for our course only. All are well qualified. Faculties are audibly spoken. Mostly they were refer many books to teach us. Most of the faculties are well experienced and good in teaching. Smart classes also conducted for all subjects.most of the lecturers are between the age of 35 to 50. They all have individual certificates in their departments.The curriculum and exam structure provided our industry-specific knowledge to us and helpful in securing on campus. The environment was very nice. The exam was conducted and corrected by well-qualified faculties. And the marks we got will be noticed on the notice board. As a part of internals, assignments were given, based on the assignment marks internal marks will differ.",3.2 1889,Vipin Kumar,Shanti Institute of Technology - [SIT],"The course structure is very well-built, it focuses on the technicality of the subject which helps us in crucial times like placements. The timetable is well balanced, it gives adequate time for us to relax and do our other co-curricular activities.SIT has a well-constructed placement cell with trained professionals to give us training in areas which we lack, like some lack in technical aspects and some need personality development, we all are trained alike. HCL is one of our top recruiters.",8.8 1890,Aadarsh Songara,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Campus life is awesome. We love to go to college. Many extracurricular activities are held, many labs to perform the experiments, workshops to learn, and sports are unlimited. Debates are also organised on various topics. A great stage for the students to learn. Sports events to show their sporting skills. They are excellentThe faculties are well educated, having great teaching Some of them are experienced and some of them are new in the field of teaching but, they have a lot of knowledge about their subject and some extra knowledge about how to build personality to become successful. Visiters are also there to understand the subject in deep.",10 1891,Rubika Rajavel,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I liked in my college because many engineering students are join in international companies. My dream is an engineer so I will choose this course. The admission procedure is first go to admission office and after management suggest a counseling to join this college. We also counseling the college because fee concession.In college, many events are celebrated like Abdul kalam and leaders birthday. Many festivals are celebrate in my college. Pongal celebration is one of the most wonderful festival in my college. Cultural festival is celebrated on 6 days. In each and every day we very enjoy to celebrate on cultural.",10 1892,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"In our college the courses were relevant to all professional regarding engineering, it just an amazing one that we have all professional engineering courses in the same college. And in our, there are many campus placements were available in every year. So we had to get a job at the pursuing of final year. And industrial visits were organized to each department twice in a year.I m choosing EEE engineering because of interest to study about power and I am very interested to know about the power transmission while mechanics were doing their job. Then I decided to join EEE engineering and choose this college because of cousin sister who was studying in arts as a senior. Then I will apply supplementary counselling and I had chosen vcew and studying now.",8 1893,Swetha M,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],Such a very good infrastructured college. Full of women and have a very good teaching staff of men and women. The acedamic give very good support for extracurricular activities. Lab facilities are very good and provide things with safety precautions. Many competitions and activities are conducting to motivate students.I got admission for this college is through the government counselling.based on the cut off mark of 12th standard we have choose our department and alloted seat for us.for admission procedure we have to come and visit our institution for a thorough knowledge about the college.,8.7 1894,SOURIS DATTA,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"I got admission in this college through ampai. The main reason for me getting admitted to this college was my elder brother who had recommended this college for my studies. The admission process was very simple. They called us on the day of counselling and allotted the seats according to their course seat availability. I got Computer Science and Engineering as it was my first choice. The infrastructure of this college is very good. It also has a ragging free campus.The course curriculum is very useful and our college faculty has organized it efficiently to enable the students to cope up with the syllabus easier. Also, our college is very helpful as they have arranged for online classes during the lockdown period for us to finish the syllabus and get ready for the semester exam. The exam structure is also very good.",9.8 1895,Dwaipayan Mitra,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"The campus life is very exciting as there is no gender discriminatrion and the seniors are cool as frank as they help juniors on their problems related to studies as well as college matters. There are many extracurricular activites like cricket football volleyball badminton basketball etc. The labs are well equipped with modern-day technologies which help us to learn the latest technologies in use.I got into this college after taking the CEE-AMPAI exam. The admission process was hassle free and the staff of the college helped if any problem arised. After the declaration of results, the counselling dates were given very soon I got there in the first round of counselling. I opted for this course as it was a practical course where I can learn about various indetails of Engineering.",8.8 1896,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Our college celebrates many events, functions. That will help the student to improve our knowledge skills. They invite many achievers to celebrate that functions or event. They give a motivational speech. That will help the student. They gave their life story too to achieve something like them.In our college, they give many scholarships. They reduce the fees according to their cut-off marks that will help the student family. Then they give fund through the parentless child. They gave free of study through community wise also. These are very helpful to those student and their family.",10 1897,SOURADEEP NANDY,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"After getting my WBJEE rank card I opted for Online Counselling for getting admission in the colleges. As the counselling commenced from 1st round to 2nd I waited for my turn to get admission in the college. When the result of the 2nd counselling was released I checked that I have got my seat in this college in my preferred stream.There are large number of events celebrated in this college,where any student can participate. No such discrimination is allowed in the participation of the events, it's open for all. Events include tech fest like TESSERACT, cultural fest like ZYZZVA, inter institutional cultural competition like EUPHONIUS and mamy more.",8.3 1898,Student (Anonymous),Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"I opted for civil engineering. As I had no interest in computers. I heard that the college has the best faculty in the field of civil engineering. I researched and found information about the college. The college had all facilities that satisfied me along with academics and placements. Talking about the college, it has a cricket ground, a football ground, a basketball court and canteen of course.The course is outcome-based. In our first semester, we learned many things which are useful in practical life. The curriculum was groomed to provide industry-specific knowledge. We also had industrial visits being a civil student we visited steel sites, goyal infrastructure and pipe company all in our first semester.",9 1899,Amit Prasad,Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering - [YCCE],"Campus life of this College is Too encouraging. Gender equality is also damn good in this college.There are many number of workshops organized by different departments,There is no caste discrimination in this college on the basis of race,religion,ethnicity.There is anti-ragging committee in the college which Helps the students if someone is in problem and strict action is taken against him/her.Many number of workshops and labs are also there in college campus only which gives students an immense Industrial experience.many Competitions are also there in college Such as ""Wordwiz""By language lab.Debate competitions are also held.The college have well and experienced faculties who have experience of more than 20+ years.They help the Students a lot to enforce the Career and Future of Candidates.The faculties Share their experiences with the Students.There are approx 30 lecturers in my course and mostly they are in range of 30-50 yrs and they have qualifications in B.E,M.E,M.Sc,P.hd etc.",9.2 1900,Mansi Niranjan,"Bundelkhand University, Institute of Engineering and Technology","There are over seven disciplines in the B.Tech department at BIETS, over four specializations in M.Tech and MBA course with a state-of-art infrastructure and curriculum. The staffs are very approachable and well-experienced. My overall experience here so far has been very satisfactory.Placements at BIET are remarkable, we are trained enough to attend the interview in our final year. Some of the top visiting companies are TCS, Wipro, Byjus. The average salary is 7 LPA. About 70 to 80 % of the students are placed by the end semester.",9.2 1901,Jo Ramya,V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology -[VRSCET],You will certainly get jobs in the end of your last year. Almost 80% of our college students get jobs after pursuing an engineering degree.And the main thing is that students are satisfied with their jobs. Our college does not provide internships.Each and every one of our college faculties are talented and very good in nature. They provide us good study material and take every class very seriously. Their teaching skills are highly commendable. Every student respect each teacher.,7.5 1902,Vasanth Sekar,Parisutham Institute of Technology and Science - [PITS],Total course fees in my course is around 4 lakhs. It is the reasonable course fees for pursuing B.tech course in any engineering college.I think the fees are not expensive.It is reasonable. Our college also offers educational loans.Sports activity is my favorite extracurricular activity.I love to play badminton and other group activities organized in our college during the annual sports day.I also took part in many sports competitions held in other colleges.,7.7 1903,Niraj Singh,Shanti Institute of Technology - [SIT],Students who are willing to pay their fees through educational loans are very well allowed to do so. Scholarship details given by the college to meritorious students are mentioned on the official website. We have photocopiers and other stores inside the hostel itself.I got mechanical engineering in my counselling. UPSEE score and a minimum of 50% in the boards is required to get into SITS. Even lateral entries are taken based on their diploma scores. The institute's official website has other admission-related FAQs.,8.8 1904,Lavanya Chowdary,"GIET Engineering College, Rajahmundhry",Labs are good sports fields are there and once a week we have the opportunity to play and workshops are conducted culturals societies and student are there gender and sexual and political status are there all are the same on having their friends groups so no discrimination will be there and is it good the environment is good of the college lots of space a lot of treesCourse Structure is well maintained and we'll executed by the college faculties and it is pretty fun not so bored . Labs are frequent and exams are also frequent and studying in this college is like other college have same study structure but this college have some different curriculum that makes it different and good,7.2 1905,Student (Anonymous),Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management - [GKCEM],"I am getting all kinds of help from my teacher in terms of learning. This initiative of the college to bring the greater Kolkata college from Baruipur station to, greater Kolkata college very helpful. Food is available in the canteen of greater Kolkata college so it's very cheap.Greater Kolkata college campus life is beautiful and joyful. The facilities lab and campus life that I take in a very nice way. And to see the competition that was between each other in the cricket competition. And watching the competition that took place between each other.",9.2 1906,Sambhav Bhandari,Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies -[NMIMS Deemed to be University],"Yes, there are many extracurricular activities which helps in developing personality. There are many societies like MUN and debate society. Musical instruments are provided by the college. We are provided with sports facilities including a pool table, TT table, cricket and football equipment, and many more. There are many clubs like ICARUS, Alphalete, Turing, literature club, Marketing and PR.Since no batch has passed from this campus I can't say much about placements but the placements from the management department are very good till now. There are compulsory internship programs during summer break after 3rd and 4th year. And you can also opt for internships after 1st and 2nd year according to your wish. Our seniors had a great experience during internship program.",9.2 1907,Mohanish nayak,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Its a place for holistic education. The campus has a good and positive vibe all the time. If you love football, basketball, badminton or table tennis then this is the place you wanna be in while pursuing a degree. The students can engage in a lot of sports and cultural activities alongside academic stuff which is within the campus. The teachers and the support staff and the management treat every student equal and like family.Entrance Exams Accepted by Madhya Pradesh Engineering Colleges 2020. DTE Madhya Pradesh does not conduct a state-level entrance exam for B.E admission. All engineering/B.E colleges in MP accept JEE Main score for B.E admissions. The applicants must have a valid JEE Main score in order to secure admission.dates are in may and college is from august.",10 1908,SandiPan Bera,Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management - [GKCEM],"The college infrastructure is very good. classroom, labs seminar hall is well decorated. The college has a lot of equipment for practical labs. Our college organizes technical fest and cultural fest. Students are given a participating certificate for taking part in infest and sports.Course curriculum and exam structure are quite good. As this college affiliated to makaut University and approved by AICTE.A total number of the semester is 8. Every semester has 6 months time. College follow the makaut University all rule. Makaut University is also good.",9 1909,Shikhar Rathore,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],Faculties are really good. They have great teaching skills and they are also very experienced which makes our work really easy. Every faculty are good and they do a lot of hard work on their students which is really a good thing for us because our future really depends on them.Through jee main I got this college and later than through Madhya Pradesh counselling I took admission in this college. I give all the documents which were required and then I got the admission in computer science branch and I am trying my hard to get the best knowledge.,7.7 1910,IKBAL HOSSAIN GAZI,Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management - [GKCEM],"Our college organised so many cultural and technical programs like fresher's welcome, teachers day, international women's day, technical fests like online coding contest, PubG and pes tournament. Our college also celebrates Biswa Korma Puja, Saraswati puja, cricket tournament, double badminton, football tournament, etc.The college infrastructure is very very good, classrooms, labs, seminar hall all are well decorated. The college has a lot of equipment for practical labs. Our college organizes technical and cultural fest every year. Students are given a participation certificate for taking part in infest, sports.",9.7 1911,Shubham verma,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"In our college, there is a BMW and eicher engine in which we study deeply about how the engine works. The college also organizes many industrial visits. recently we visit two industries.which is Indore tools limited in which we saw the manufacturing of tools and machines.they help much more in placements.The campus life of college is very good .the girls' and boys' ratio is 50-50 percent .there is one canteen and one cafe in college. the environment of college is very good. there is five playgrounds in which we play many games.and one sports room for students.",10 1912,Mohit Kumar Sinha,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"I got admission in this institution through WBJEE-2019. I opted for this college in WBJEE Counselling in accordance with my rank and luckily i was allotted Computer Science which i always wanted. After giving many examinations like COMEDK, MHT-CET, and other states CET and even attending their respective counsellings, i didn't like the teaching-learning process very much. Almost every private universities emphasize mainly on fees and infrastructure kinda stuffs but in our College, the faculties put major stress on the overall development of students which is appreciable.The faculties are really very qualified and knowledgeable. But most importantly, they teach very well keeping in mind the level of students and the difficulties we could face in the topics. They try their best to make the concepts clear to each and every student. They interact with each and every student in the classroom and are well familiar with their performance. Our faculties possess many qualifications like Ph.D., M.Tech, etc from prestigious institutions.",8.2 1913,Pragati Shukla,Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],"No international festivals are spared here at IET every festival is equally celebrated as the other. There is no limit for fun here at IET, there are respective clubs for every activity namely the literary club, sports club, environment club, social activities Club, science and technology club. ENCORE is the most anticipated festival celebrated at IET. Whereas sports enthusiasts wait for SHAURYOTSAVA to happen.The candidate is expected to clear the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) and secure a minimum of 50% in their boards, like in any other institute, to get admission into the Institute of Engineering and Technology Sitapur, this UPSEE is a Common Entrance Test by the UPSEE Counselling under the Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.",8.5 1914,Velu Vvit,Varuvan Vadivelan Institute of Technology - [VVIT],"I cleared JEE and got this college for pursuing Engineering. Scoring a good mark in the entrance test is one of the main criteria for pursuing this course. However, my score in 10+2 Science is 87% and my subject combination was Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.College labs are very neat and clean with all the available equipment.It is the best lab for our practicals. We spent a lot of time together with our friends in the college labs. Our college canteen is also the best place for us to gossiping.",8.3 1915,Nithin S Kumar,Co-operative Institute of Technology - [CITV],"The extra curricular activities in this college are really great. There are labs for each and every practical subject where students can work on their projects if needed. Every year college fest is conducted in our college which is organised solely by the students of the college. There are various stalls for games, food, technical quizzes, etc. Overall it's really fun and enthusiastic.The admission process for this college depends on the cut-off list of the Common Entrance Exam conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE) Kerala every year. The eligibility criteria is you must have score more than 50% in 10+2 exam. B.Tech Lateral is done through Lateral Entry Entrance Test (LET) conducted by Govt. of Kerala.",7.2 1916,Deepan Maitra,IIT Ropar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITR],"The college is a very nice campus and infrastructure. The college has an area of 500 acres and is full of on campus facilities including a very good library, sports grounds, hostels for both boys and girls etc. Also the college organize fests annually.The fee structure is a bit expensive but when compared to the facilities, infrastructure and also the placement of the college, the fee is not much. The fee is 2,00,000 INR per annum making it 8,00,000 INR for the entire course.",9.2 1917,Sukhmeet,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Samsung, Motorola, Ericsson, Intel and many more, VLSI wireless, antenna, microprocessor, microcontroller, digital signal processing, image processing, embedded system, electronics circuits, sessional exams in a semester preparation for placement started from 1st year.Many punjabi singers came in the university many Bollywood playback singers came in the university. Many Bollywood celebrities came in college and perform their act on the stage. Many restaurants like Dominos pizza, coffee cafiteria is also in the university.",10 1918,Student (Anonymous),Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"""Acropolis institute of technology and research"" is one of the best engineering colleges of Madhya Pradesh the collage has very good facilities and good maintenance all the classes are fitted with electric projectors and well designed the library is very large and all the books are available in the library.Getting admission in ""Acropolis institute of technology and research"" is based on the JEE performance and board exams, Both criteria are implemented to get admission in this college, I got the admission on the bases of my JEE performance and board examination result with the help of central counseling.",10 1919,Student (Anonymous),Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Acropolis institution come under the Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (rgvp) BHOPAL university this university take 2 semester in per year each semester having 5 subjects + other government approval subject each subject having 5 units + 5 practical. This university take 2 MST in per semester and take vivo of each subjects practical.First, my sir suggested that you will take admission in acropolis institution of technology and research because that institution provides knowledge + practical experience. After this, I was visiting college campus than I admitted in the college by the JEE counselling. AITR allotted me in counselling.",10 1920,Basil Baby,JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus- [JEMTEC],Being a student of 1st year BTech I experienced faculty members are cooperative and having expertise in their domains. The internal assessment had various projects to imbibe practical application. College provides 100% satisfactory opportunities to participate in various acts such as Inter & Intra college competitions. So it provides a platform for holistic development for the students.The institute provides us with one of the best faculties for the respective courses. All the faculty members are well versed with the subject and are highly qualified in their respective fields. They teach us with their full zest & zeal and cover every bit of the prescribed syllabus. They always welcome doubts and clarifications required by the student and never adopt a let-go attitude.,10 1921,Student (Anonymous),Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Every year various events are organised in the campus related to technical, cultural, management fields. Some of the events are armageddon tech fest, Ardor annual function, E Hunger games based on entrepreneurship, Sports Event, fashion show, treasures hunt games, art and craft, dancing, singing and many more.I choose this college because the college is very good in most of the sector whether it is academic, personality development, entrepreneurship, etc. Cousin I got admitted through counseling and on the basis of my result. Getting admission in this college is very easy. For this you need to have good mark.",8.3 1922,Devendra sanjay sutar,Zeal Education Society's Zeal College of Engineering and Research - [ZCOER],"Teachers in our collage are very experienced, highly qualified, knowledgeable and helpful. During the lecture's, teacher provide individual attention and ensure good learning of the concept. The teacher uses various advance teaching technique like ppt, video, animations colourful model for Engineering graphics.The course curriculum of our collage is set by SPPU Pune. It is updated time to time according to industry standard and market by SPPU Pune. Faculty teach us course syllabus defined by university as well as practice application, real-life example on various topic of syllabus.",8 1923,Amol Paliwal,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Yes, the College provides many scholarships for students. There is a scholarship for meritious students which is provided in the form of a cheque. My friend have received a sum of rupees 8000. The college provides a scholarship for even having good attendance (greater than 90%). It is 20000 for students having more than 98% attendance. Also, there is a scholar library which provides course subject books to economically weaker students free of cost for a full semester.There are many events celebrated in college every year. Technical events- workshop of Microsoft, Aws, Unity, Google, Coding competition etc. Cultural events- There is a club named Yavnika Hobby Club in the college which organizes various cultural events and competition. There is also fiesta organized by the college which includes many events like singing, dancing, sports, art & craft, fashion show etc. Such festivals are very big includes a huge no.of participation.",8 1924,Student (Anonymous),Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"I had appeared for jee mains and using jee mains marks I applied to MP DTE counselling. So I have got admission in AITR by MPDTE counselling process. Once the counselling result was announced, I contacted the college and got admitted in BTech course. In BTech, there were many option in computer science and then I opted for computer engineering(CO) course.AITR organises many cultural events, sports events and technical fests every year. The main events noted are ARGAMEDDON, ARDOR and the sports week. ARDOR is our biggest fest and in which every student takes part positively. Recently there was an event in which Ami Mishra has performed on stage in the campus.",9.3 1925,Mohit saini,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"In scholarship, the rule of college is only one scholarship we can take at a time and something we have to suffer a lot because they provide us more time to submit all the documents so this results in long queue in scholarship counter and all of the students were not able to full fill their form easily.A fee of the college is about one lakh to one lakh fifty thousand for one year and for four-year engineering they have to give four lakh fifty thousand fees, there is minor changes in fees for different branches of engineering, as compared to college infrastructure and faculty the fees are good.",5 1926,Student (Anonymous),Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"The academic building has well equipped classes with smart board and computer. Workshop is the largest in Asia and has all machineries like engines, boiler etc. Electrical and Electronics lab give us good practical knowledge. Swimming pool is of olympic size, designed to train us for every situation at sea being a marine engineer. Hostels' rooms are well ventilated especially first year hostels, with a good speed Wifi connection. New academic building is in progress with better labs. Sports facilities are there and the expenditures are sanctioned for every sports the cadets of institution are interested in.The course curriculum is well designed to be skilled and knowledgeable enough to work on ships or any other offshore structures alike. The faculties are extremely qualified. Academics is well balanced with practical hands on experience at the college workshop which is the largest workshop in India. Faculties are always open for discussions. Many research projects by us and our seniors have been carried in their course internationally under the faculties' guidance. ",8.8 1927,Ayush Kulhade,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Fees for B.Tech first year is around 1 lac per year including bus fees and then from 2nd year onwards, it's around 83 thousand per year. The college accepts several payment options like Cash, Cheque and online payment mode is also there Student should submit their fees at the end of the semester.The Syllabus is fully based on RGPV. There are almost every facility is provided by the institution the labs are good. The classroom is well and Big enough It's a very peaceful place. There are also some industrial visit Conduct from time to time for proper knowledge",7 1928,Abhijeet Mishra,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"The college AITR (Acropolis institute of technology and research) maintains a very good, helpful and well-disciplined course curriculum and exam structure, it also helps students in every possible way. The exam structure is designed as it doesn't give any student trouble it is made putting eyes of every student.The events in Acropolis college are just mind-blowing and celebrated in a very proper way and too scheduled for its student's convenience, the events are celebrated timely so that its students don't get bored of one thing. They are just made according to each and every student's interest.",8 1929,Arf Amim Hussain,Dibrugarh University,"We can assess to them on free periods or with call their numbers are included on college website. There are 6 classes held every day . And GATE couching classes are held on Saturday to the higher semester students Most of the teaching stuff are Master degree holders from IIT or other reputed universitys and the have a teaching experience of min 5 years.The campus is full of greenary and is 5 km away from the city , There are two major fest ( Auxesis and Varsity week) held every year , Labs are new and with are equipped with up-to-date instruments , There is full provision for indoor and outdoor games of all kinds and for gymnasium too , Tech competition like robotics and debates occur every semester. ",8 1930,Aryan Dame,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"I opted for this course as it was my passion for developing software since I was in middle school. When I was searching for colleges after my 12th, Acropolis caught my attention as it was the only college in central India which offers the best placement opportunities. Personally, I always wanted to do higher studies and this was the perfect college for preparing. The admission process was by the JEE scores.The placement has been the best in central India. Many MNCs including but not limited to WIPRO, TCS, Capgemini, Cognizant visit for recruitment and are satisfied with the quality. The placement percentage is 100%. Institute also conducts several training sessions to ensure that the students are well prepared for facing the recruitment process.",9.2 1931,Ayush upadhyay,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"The college has been everything I could have wanted. It taught me a lot of things and turned me from a boy to a man.. I'm glad to be a part of this institution along with very admirable teachers, seniors, and fellow students. Campus life is an enjoyable moment that I have found. Every student loves it. Seniors and teachers are supportive.I got admission here through the MP BE counselling. Its first priority is based on your JEE Main rank and then 12th percentage. For the engineering course, you have to pass your high school in PCM subject with a minimum of 75% in 12th board examination and score a good percentile in jee mains also.",9.8 1932,PURVI TIWARI,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"College is really good at management. As currently we are facing COVID 19 problem but this stage too our college management is much good as they providing us online lectures they didn't want to take any risk with our future. They are organising online training. Session and certification so that we utilise the time.Campus life is awesome. Labs are really good. For sports, there is a big ground and well-organised spaces for an individual game. They started a new initiative for girls cricket. Many competitions are organised for cultural, technical and management basis. There is a tinkering lab.",9 1933,Bishal Chaurasiya,KNS Institute of Technology - [KNSIT],"I am taken direct admission. If you want to take admission then come to college and take direct admission .or else you can also meet with college department HOD and take admission. If you have given any competitive exam like jee and mains then you get a scholarship through such bases.Each semester of each faculty is 6 months in 1 semester there will be 3 internal exams of college and 1 preparatory exam then final exam of VTU then 20 days holiday. And next semester start. The same procedure is followed in every semester and in every semester fresher day program.",9.3 1934,Student (Anonymous),KNS Institute of Technology - [KNSIT],"Numbers of events were conducted in the college and all the staff were encouraged to attend the event and participation the event such as workshops, annual day function, project experience, Fest cultural events and many more events are celebrated I have never seen this before anywhere.The course curriculum is very good and exam structure is also good for us and these exams pattern and syllabus made us gain more knowledge about the subject and exams conducted by the college is very strict and the subjects are very helpful for us to the project in the future.",8.3 1935,bhargav,KNS Institute of Technology - [KNSIT],"My brother told me about this college. So I select this college in KCET option entry and I got admission. Things that made me to choose this institute is, good infrastructure, well campus, well knowledged teaching staff. I really feel happy about this college, when I stepped in to college, staff received me with respect. When it comes to admission procedure.When you join this college, then you are lucky .you get well education at low cost. Mine is CET admission I have just paid 20000 for one year, exam fees are separate it is off within 1500. College only provides all records in that fees only. You have library facility there u get books. I assure that no other institute will give better education at low cost.",9 1936,Palak jain,Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies -[NMIMS Deemed to be University],Campus life is really good. It has proper labs and sports event takes place. Many quizes are given to the students so that they get good competition rather than competing in exams. The different competition also take place according to the subject of the student which helps them to be active all the time.Course curriculum and exam structure in all over NMIMS is same for each branch and each subject opted by the students. The way exams take place in here really helps us to keep in mind the things we learned whole year. It also helps us in our future as we really learn things and apply them practically.,9 1937,Sudhanshu Srivastava,CIPET- Institute Of Plastics Technology - [IPT],"I opted for this college because I'm an average student and this college seemed an ideal college for me. Factors: stream I chose was slightly unique and has low competition and a high chance of placement or to start a business/startup in the related field. Placement is average but the course curriculum is good, faculty is cooperative. And if you want to study further then you should know that most of the students crack GATE as an academic result is good.There are two courses taught here 1. Plastic Engineering (PE) 2. Manufacturing technology (MT) in which MT is a harder but better chance of getting a decent job than PE. As per the curriculum, it is good as faculty really is serious and strict besides one or two and looks forward to your academic growth. The course is structured by AKTU for BTech so it has to be a bit messed up but you will not face any difficulty.",7.2 1938,Student (Anonymous),Budge Budge Institute of Technology - [BBIT],We do have two kinds of technical fest which is also called tech medha and also we do have sports meets and also we do have fest which is our main event and we do celebrate our fest as very grandly. As our fest is one of best fest.So all of my teachers are very helpful and they are always ready to help us. No matter what is the time and also they are very very educated and they are extremely talented and immensely responsible. They always try to teach us.,10 1939,Arpan Manna,Techno Main Salt Lake,"I have secured 11,555 state rank and got admitted in this college in 15th June 2019.top rank holders of prestigious exam like wbjee, jee main will get direct admission in it.By virtue of healthy relationships of Techno Main Salt Lake with renowned recruiting companies and academic institutes, our students get the marvelous opportunity to appear for various recruitment interviews where majority of them make us tremendously proud as they get selected to pursue their dreams of working in the corporate industry.This college strives for excellence by virtue of the high quality education imparted to the students, state-of-the-art research infrastructure, modern technology enabled teaching-learning tools, vigorous industry driven curricula, exceptional laboratory facilities and other ample amenities. It is situated in the middle of India's one of the best it hubs in Newtown.",8 1940,KUNSH MANGHWANI,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"I am a resident of Kanpur so I have always heard about psit from my childhood. I Was excited to study computer science engineering from here. AS Well it was very much affordable and has a wonderful campus and was one of the best colleges in academics. I have also seen that it has one of the best faculty teachers and professional trainers.The course curriculum and exam structure is amazing. We have 4 assessment test and 2 class tests and are university examinations. At the end of every semester, there is a semester-end examination held by aktu in different colleges and there are also practicals held in every semester to give us an outlook of the outer world.",9.7 1941,Student (Anonymous),Budge Budge Institute of Technology - [BBIT],"I have got admission by direct showing the mark sheet Wbjee, 12th mark sheet. I have got good marks in 12th and I attend the Wbjee also. It is nearby to my house and has transport facilities also at this college. On 6th July 2019, I went to college for the detail information to admit the Btech course, then taken admission form and fill-up the form and deposit the amount of Rs 45300.00 for admition.Course fees Rs.45300.00 for each semester and mode of payment is in cash/ cheque/ Gpay. Rs750.00 for each semester and mode of payment is in cash/cheque/Gpay. No there are no additional charges to secure an admission. College are very much transparent in the fee breakdown. Only additional charges for transportation according to the distance between a student's house and college.",9.2 1942,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],I have an interest in research so I choose this course. My sister advice to choose this college. l get admission by staff reference. They call me and go to admission office they completed admission process. Then they talk about fee structure. my friend also came they do not have a place to admission to this college. They said valid of students are filled. So she so sad not to join in this college.Now I'm the first year I don't know briefly about that. In the first year not provide industrial visits. Seniors are said to have many industrial visits. It was very interesting to visit. We know how to do in a practical manner.we have many placement training to place in interviews. Surely 100% placement in my knowledge.,2.2 1943,KOMATI DINESH,Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],The mode of payments accepted by the college is either cheques or bank transfer or hand cash. To secure the admission we need to pay fee in advance. No fee break down provided by the college. Yes additional fees are charged to secure the admission. If we not get in counseling. We can get seat by paying the money in management.The course I choosen was depends on construction and survey. Yes my college provide indrustial visits and specific knowledge to the students. This may helpful in securing placements was little bit. Yeah my college provide indrustial visits organized for the students. To improve and to known the practical knowledge.,8.5 1944,Podila anvesh,Vaagdevi College of Engineering - [VCOE],In my college labs are good I mostly like my bee lab it is very interesting to me so my favorite lab in my college is bee and come to sports I play volleyball my favorite game to me I will play in my college all sports are available in my college seperate period also there for gamesFee is very bad they took fee 48000 for year without exam and they also take fee for id card and uniform saparetly and exam fee 5000 and condonation fee for attandence this type of fees are taken in my colleges not only exam any functions are conducted they will take 1000 rs fee,8.5 1945,Vineet kumar,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"By getting rank in kiitee exam held by the kiit Institute. Councilling date were released after announcement of result. The councilling is taken in ofline mode. There is no any online councilling. The councilling process takes place in its office along with certain documents like rank card 12th, 10th results Tc, character certificate etc. My rank air rank was 5122 and I get cse (it) as a branchExpansive as it provide facilities like iits including ac classroom, ac labs, great infrastructure only 1 lakh more than iit present iit fees are 2.4 lakhs course fee anually and hostel and mess about 1 lakh yearly while in kiit hostel charges are nearly equal but tution fee is annually 3.5 lakhs yearly.",9 1946,Bhumika sisodiya,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"As the college is associated with RGPV Bhopal, so the same format is practiced. The exam pattern is also the same. We have to give two mid-semester exams, practical exams along with semester exams. Even semester exam is held in the month of June July and odd semester exams are held in the month of November December.I filled the form for the general counselling process. Then according to my 12th percentage and jee mains percentile I was allowed acropolis college and cs branch. So I took admission here. And I am glad to be here as a technical student. For the admission process you can visit the portal.",8.8 1947,Udita Roy,Budge Budge Institute of Technology - [BBIT],"Recently my college is doing well in the placement field than previous years by calling good companies like TCS, CTS, and byjus etc and training its students for getting into the company. More than 80% of students of all subjects are placed widely in different good companies. And I eventually hope that in my campusing time I too get visited by much better companies.My college is excellent in conducting several technical events thus up brings one's social and as well as academic behaviour. Gender equality is well maintained in the college and even the college owns a place of worship for all religions attached side by side. And the college is full of both female and male genders equally.",9 1948,Rahul Mahawar,Poornima College of Engineering,Our faculties try to more sllabus before 1st midterm which held in 30 September. After they try their best for giving their knowledge to students. When RTU's exam date comes near our faculties finish our sllabus and give extra knowledge. The exam structure is that 1st midterm held on 30 September. 2nd midterm is held in December and the RTU exam held in March. When the students clear 4th year they can give GATE exam for get directly government job.Yes our college provide internship and placement. After 3rd or 4th year companies come and see the talent of students. Companies give opportunities to them for show their experience in their company. They take their interview. They see that what is the interest of students. Mostly infocis and zaro companies are coming still in our college and give attractive packages in their company.,8.3 1949,Shubham Rajput,Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology - [SCET],There are many different good scholarship plans available and provided by gujarat state government and national goverment for the betterment of students . Scholarships such as MYSY (Mukhyamantri yuva swawlamban yojana)And NSP(national scholarship portal ) are one of the best scholarships available.The college is really good and has spread it's feathers throughout the 25 years but yet it hasn't yet make that remark. Which is questionable and we should think about it.As far as I have observed it has great opportunities and can provide great chances to students anytime.,7.5 1950,Student (Anonymous),NIT Silchar,"The course structure is latest and is same as that of IITs. The syllabus is little bit tough as compared to other engineering colleges as there are a few extra subjects in the first year. Yoga is mandatory and non-evaluatory but passing is mandatory. NSS/NCC is available and it is compulsory to choose any one between NSS and NCC. In terms of labs, almost all labs are having great infrastructures but some are in maintenance phase like first year EC Labs. Library is well equipped with 10-20 MBps Wi-Fi speed. The online resource hub is some of the biggest in the world. Industrial Exposure in NITS start from first year itself in which you might be taken to a few industrial sites nearby like we were taken to a nearby Tea Factory just after a month of joining the institute. The training and placement cell here is most active and at par with standards. They hold sessions where seniors and alumni share their interview and industry experience to the juniors. Also training sessions are there for that. Seniors also hold classes for juniors where they teach coding, electronics and they also host workshops. Faculties here are great, they are so punctual that you will never see them late. They are like trains of japan, not even 15 seconds late. Some teachers are strict but the strict ones give more marks in exam. Some faculties are so cool that you will start having friendship with them. Faculties are from all over India. There are foreign faculties also in CSE department. Anyone will definitely fall in love with the Maths faculty here as they are gods. CSE, ECE, Mathematics, ME, EE are among best faculties in the institute. CSE prof Dalton M. Sir, ECE prof Anupal Deka sir, are great professors according to me and there are many more.The infrastructure of NITS is second best in whole north-east after IIT Guwahati. The academic building is state of the art architectural building. Its APJ Abdul Kalam digital Library is largest in entire Asia. Library's wi-fi speed is easily 10-20 MBPS. There are enough books to be lend by 4000 students easily. E-resources are also great which is accessed by Library's wi-fi. Sports complex is big enough to host a event with 7,000 peoples. There are two proper stadiums - football and cricket. Apart from that, tennis court, volleyball, basketball courts are well maintained. There is also a student activity center where all indoor games and badminton is played. Skating club is also present. There are no swimming pools. NIT silchar is famous for its lab. There are more labs than classes. They have numerous of labs in a department and all are well equipped and maintained. A few labs like first year ECE lab currently has problem of defective instruments but they are frequently replaced by new ones.",7.8 1951,Vembudharsini v,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I am interested in this college, I am very eager to join in this college, I choose this institution because this college is one of the safest colleges for women, I am really happy to be a part of this college. Here a lot of scholarships are available like arivuthiran exam etc.I am very happy to have my college staffs because they are very caring persons. They give full support to students. If we have any doubts they clarify many times. In my college, more than 200 staff are working. They are good staffs. All staffs have experienced above 5years",10 1952,Megavarshini G,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"It is a safe institution in our current situation especially for women and it is the number one autonomous college in our TamilNadu. I chose this course because I am interested in communication and I like physics and maths subject very much to get admission you can refer the college staff and students.It is the best institution according to me because the learning method is good in this institution. Not only studies but also other extracurricular activities. This college has a good placement. So we can get placement in good companies, assure you that this is the best college for women.",10 1953,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"According to me, the fees structure inexpensive because donation fees are a little bit high. Till now there is no additional fees or charges that had to be paid by us. Yes, sometimes the college provides transparency in the fees breaks down according to me fees is not feasible.I choose this through sports counselling. Because this college is suggested by my uncle.my father is Working as a commercial inspector (CI) in TNEB. So I choose Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) in this college. The admission process is a little bit longer.",6.5 1954,R.keerthana,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],I am studying in Vivekananda college of engineering for women. Teaching is very very good at our college. before the semester exams they conducting three internal exams and model exams for students.it is very helpful for the students. this college has many cocurricular and extra curricular activities.Our college is a very good college for girls. faculties are very good in teaching. facilities are experienced for more than ten years. They are also very helpful for the online courses for the certification.they are very experienced. our staffs are very good .they clear the doubts frequently.,10 1955,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Cultural, many motivational classes, so much of clubs, workshop, annual day, celebrations, many programs are arranging. students are more interested to join the functions, we are more interesting to participate in some more functions. chairman sir giving good relief from the study.I am studying, B.tech( biotechnology), this course is very rare course, only 60 sites available in our college, this course is very interesting to read, this will helps to learn more, lab is more helps to do some projects. we presenting many new inventions college will help us.",6.7 1956,Juraidha rumman,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"In our college they celebrate all festivals like deepavali, ramzaan etc. They conduct conference through all over the state. They conduct arivuthiran exams for newly joined students and they will give fees concession. They conduct freshers day, candlelight dinner etc.They are maintaining their course curriculum with students is very well with a lot of efforts to do good with students life. Yes, in our college we visit yearly twice to industrial visit and they are offering us to for the tour also. So it is very comfortable for us.",9.8 1957,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Good teaching, well-equipped labs, wifi internet facility in hostel, hygiene foods, and canteen. Sports includes both indoor and outdoor games, and it is well maintained also. Various competitions is also held in college. Both inside and outside.weekly once MAMESHA club organized bt English department staffs etc.Course curriculum is good and updated one. Exam structure is also good. As teachers teaches us the updated technology it is better for our future to be placed in any mnc companies. They give us enough time to revise the portion for the exam. They conduct three internal exam per semesters.",10 1958,GANESH FOUJDAR,Rustamji Institute of Technology - [RJIT],"In our college all the facilities are provided to us . The course Curriculum is quiet good enough we can't say it is best but it is good to work. Our college is linked by RGPV University (BHOPAL) and the exam pattern is also good . In the exams there are mainly brief questions. It helps the students in future . The gender ratio of our college is quiet not good. Because it is an Engineering college and only the few girls are interested in Engineering . Diversity of our college is good . Extracurricular, Labs, Sports, Competitions such as Robotics, Debates are organised in our college time to time by many Clubs .",8.8 1959,N R shunmathi,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],The course curriculum is so different so many courses are available in our college students chose their course and exam structure us also same not different because they conduct three internal tests and the semester's exam will come yes the relevant exam structure is useful for us.There are more number of staff or faculty in our college and have more staff in the same course yes the faculty provides clear descriptions about the subjects to the student's and faculty clear all the doubts which is asked by students. The teachers hold any relevant industry.,8.5 1960,Student (Anonymous),Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology - [VCET],"Firstly I will pay an admission fee for starting the only fee is ten thousand rupees only. I will take ECE group because I like this group. I choose this college because of this college is Asia's number one college that's why I will choose this college. Most of the colleges compare to this college is different.If the course is very tough. And exam structure also that like only. I don't know it is useful to research drive and fair. Yes, it is a better professional. For us. Yes is it there for industrial visit organisation for the student. In the college campus placements also there.",7.7 1961,Aakriti Modi,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"It's feasible for B.Tech in the first year, it's around 1 lac per year including bus fees and then from 2nd year onwards, it's around 83 thousand per year something. College accepts cash, cheque and also an online mode of payment of fees. Students have to submit fees semester wise.All subjects lectures are held time to time. It's necessary to attend every lecture and one have to maintain 75% attendance to appear in semester examinations. Their teaching method is really good. And faculty is really hardworking. Teachers are always ready to help students.",9.8 1962,POLAVARAPU LAKSHMI HARICHARAN,K L University - [KLU],"yes good scholarships are provide in my college and also loans also provide. If any one got nine cgpa for ten college will give codolation us fifty thousand, if any one one got above 8.5 college will give twnty five thousand, if any one got above 8.0 to 8.5 then college will give ten thousand.extracurricular activities are doing. labs are good they are doing lab work and giving some work etc sports also provided.""interested students cabln join in sports. sports like cricket,volly ball, foot ball, hockey, kabadi etc. sports are conducted not only for boys for girls also.",7.5 1963,Muhammed Haseeb PK,MEA Engineering College- [MEAEC],Our colleges management fee structure is affordable one. But the fee for NRI quota is much expensive one. But the interesting fact is that our college itself provides certain scholarships such as the fees is reduced by 25% for students who scored 80%and above in plus two and 50% for who got 90% marks and free for the students who scored 95% above in plus two examination.Our college have one of best and active placement cell. They have set a CGPA that each students should achieve for their placement. One who achieves it will surely qualify for placement. Yes definetly our college provides internships. I have attended one internship which is under work from home category.Ihave successfully completed it and got 500 as stipend.,9.2 1964,Priyanka Pandey,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],I got admission in this college thourough entrance exam.JEE mains and JEE advanced are the entrance gate of getting admission into IIT's and NIT's. That's why we have this exam and according to our rank college were distributed among all.There were limited seats in ever college so it was a tough competition.For me it's expensive because financial condition of our family is not that good and for other general category people also it's a bit expensive.They have to opt for an education loan for this thing.Otherwise they have to face a lot.Every six months we need to pay almost 70000 for new semester.,6.7 1965,Utsav patel,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,Actually we have 100+ clubs in our College. The vishwakarma institute of technology pune is ancourge to take part other activities than studies also we are very luck that this institute is our country there are many boys and girls who work on the events planning btw we have event planning team of our college and these also compete with other college's alsoActually I have applied for education loan from SBI we have to give documents required and and every year what ever the fee is there of College the bank we give direct Demand draft of that money on College name and after the graduation of student if the job is allocated to him then after one year of job he has to pay interest every month best system,10 1966,Mohanish nayak,Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research - [AITR],"Feasible. Value-for-money The course cost approx 3.5 Lakhs per year. This is very much costly. Yes, this money is worths as the college provides us with great knowledge with good placement. Value-for-money Course cost approx 3.5 Lakhs per year. This is very much costly. Yes, this money is worths as the college provides us with great knowledge with good placement.I can say that I made the right choice 3 years back by being a Jim site. I am proud of my choice. they are proving a wonderful campus life along with the great events and pop star nights. the placement opportunities for working with a global brand are wonderful. the faculty and institute of JIMSis terrific. overall all this is making me more confident and satisfied.",10 1967,Faraaz Usmani,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"I took the UPSEE exam and secured a rank of around 20000. They also have a 15% reservation for students wanting to take the college's own entrance test. I took that and got admitted to the CSE branch. Their examination was divided into two sections, the first, the quantitative aptitude, reasoning, and English in which we have to score more than 60% to advance. If you want the CS branch then you have to clear the second round of the entrance test which is the coding test. 60% is the cutoff criteria.A large number of companies visit the college every year and Infosys, TCS, Capgemini being the top recruiters. These are responsible for the record number of placements on the very first day of the placement drives. Other companies like Tech Mahindra, Wipro, IBM, Dell, etc. also recruit students. Few students also managed to grab a placement from Amazon with a package as high as 26 LPA.",7.8 1968,Kriti Mishra,Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],"I opted this course because I wanna complete graduation and move for further achievements. But the best thing for me is that I got more than my expectations for this large family. My admission was in very hurry burry because in counseling I got government college or Sagar but due to some personal issues I could not go there. But when I visited this college I was sure that I wanted admission in this only so I came to college for CLC round on 9th of August 2019 and this is the reason that I got late admission. But due to my Jee mains performance, I got a seat secured in this college. Really really thankful to the Indore institute of Science and technology.A beautiful campus and large space and greenery all around the college campus which innates a new and fresh feeling among all the individuals residing there. All extracurricular activities are also kept in mind along with academics. Labs are well maintained for students. Sports competitions are held smoothly in which active participation takes place of the students of every year. Robotics, Debates are very good at providing a good experience for students.",9.3 1969,M.GOPIKA,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Through staff reference And due to women's college. Admission is done by paying fees and giving the certificate. Fees concession and for women's safety. Well, teaching staff and well clean infrastructure. Fator for choosing this college is 1. Women's college 2.well teaching and placement training 3. Free buses 4.well teaching staffsMore kind and care. Well, teaching. They are helping for the slow learners Giving more live examples More motivative Giving more information and More helpful. Arranging more extra classes and Placement training. Placements are more helpful for the students from the first years onwards.",4.5 1970,Student (Anonymous),Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology - [VCET],"It's an women's college so no gents students. Labs, sports, competition such as robotics, debates etc... Are well conducted in our college. They all conducted frequently in our college to express our skills and talents. That is why we are very blessed to be in the Vivekananda college of engineering for women.IBM, Infotech, etc... Were visited the campus for their placement drives. The recruitment drive as they take is written exams, communication skills and interviews.95 % of students placed every year from our college. yes, the institution takes special steps to prepare the students for the placement season.",10 1971,V.nehaa,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"My sister studied in visas. she told me about this institution through her reference I came to this college..teachers are in a friendly manner. they guided me very well though it's a women's institution it's very safe to me. There are more experienced faculties in our college.Feasible. Fees for both hostels and day scholars is ok, transport facilities are given free today scholars but hostellers pay fees while going to their respective home towns during monthly holidays, no extra money is taken from the students apart from fees",4.5 1972,Student (Anonymous),Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology - [VSSUT],"Its really awesome. Every field and branch has their respective and best faculties. You get interns as well. And the campus selection starts from the 3rd year itself. Industrial visits are a must since its a government college no doubt. Usual fests are also organised which are really useful.Campus life is just awesome. No Ragging. No such kind of issues that might make you feel odd in the campus. Don't worry its absolutely safe. No gender differences, what matters is just your knowledge and qualifications that's it. There is nothing more to describe here.",10 1973,Harini,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I chose this college in counselling. My parents recommend this college for my good future. This college has been Asia's largest women college. So I'm proud to say I am studying in college. In my college, all facilities are available to us and my thanks to our academic.In our college, many events are celebrated for example women's day celebration and cultural celebration and sports events and annual celebration and college day and graduation day celebration and prizes distribution and Pongal events celebration and DIWALI festival.",10 1974,S. Shanmuga valli,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"No additional fees. It is feasible and the college helps the poor student. Our college management help for the students. No additional fees are paid in the college. The mode of fees like term wise only. It is term wise so helpful. Term wise fees is helpful. They will give the end date we will pay the feesFestivals are nice at our college. In our college, it is celebrated like a big one. We enjoy a lot. In our college, any other events conduct it is very useful and more enjoyable. And then the student's involvement is good. They will coordinate each other. It will conduct very important things",9.3 1975,Sristi Kundu,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"The companies that visit are Mahinda, Cognizant, Capgemini, TCS etc. Every year there is almost 80 - 85% of students get placed through campusing. Internships are also provided to students in Capgemini, TCS, Infotech. Yes, these institutions take many steps to prepare the students for compassing. They encourage the students to learn aptitude, reasoning and other topics and they help us lot to have a wonderful life ahead with great future. If we know these languages then only we can sit for it and to get a job in it.Firstly we want to pass in technical round.Many events are celebrated in our college. Many competitions and hackathons are organized very frequently for the students to participate in. Along with the cultural fest, Teachfest is also organized which consists of a coding competition, quiz, model making etc. Many students participate in this grand event every year.",7.3 1976,R.Harini,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"In the course curriculum and exam, the structure is very useful for students. Exam schedule properly announced for the institution. Mention its role in making a better professional. The exam contains properly in our college students, mention its role in making you a better professionalIn our Campus very good for labs, sports and workshops are very good and clean. Lab things and appearances it was useful for students. Ground and ect..workshops are provided with the management it is very useful for students to grow their knowledge. Campus good and clean",6.3 1977,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"They do well support for sports and other activities. Workshops are conducted. They did many programs for the welfare of students. There is a strict action in our college (ie)no ragging act. Our college is a good discipline in all the ways and the respectful in all the waysCollege fees, hostel fees, books fees. No there is no extra fees till now. I think not so whether our college providing transparency in the fees break down. According to me fees structure in our college is expensive. Separate fees may be collected in our college",7 1978,Sidhant Sujoy Mukerji,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"Our college charges about 70 thousand per semester and hostel fees is paid extra which is about 32 thousand, our whole fees is totally transparent and no cash is accepted to ensure transparency, our college comes directly under MHRD as it is an Institution of national importance. The fee breakdown is available in the challan generated on our ERP. All our faculty members are very well qualified, and hold higher degrees from foreign colleges and IITs and NITs and our humanities department has members from Christ college and other prestigious colleges. They all are very helpful and very balanced humans. We have around 30 people in our department. Their average age would be around 49 years. ",8.5 1979,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"While I joined in college for one month they did a orientation program to make students participate in the activities, games etc. They did a cultural fest, farewell fest and freshers day etc. This programs happens in auditorium only. Even for independence day and republic day also college celebrates in a very good manner.I got the admission by leelavathi trust. Actually it is women's college. My parents chose this college because of safety. And college is suggested by my friend and we all together joined in that college. I am Andhra Pradesh student . I joined in Tamilnadu state. So the joining process is different for us.",10 1980,Varun sai,Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College - [SRKR ],"The course is very interactive with students. Exam structure is the best in this college. There will be 2 semesters per year and 4 mid exams. This college concentrates on students and provide best. There are many placements in the college. Approximately 75% of the students get jobs and others study beyond engineering. I got into this college by EAMCET 2019 exam. I personally like electrical and electronics engineering among the others, it is more like a feild job and core engineering. The admission process is so simple. All you have to do is perform well in EAMCET exam or can join directly by consulting the principal of the college.",9.3 1981,Nuthin,Malla Reddy Engineering College - [MREC],When I passed out 12th with 96 % government conduct an entrance examination for all students over the state and after evaluation All students are ranked accordingly to their performance in exam then the students are allowed to enroll their names in the counselling on the contrary of their like wise colleges Yeah it is relevant our college management will take care every branch student they also conduct weekly tests and also Mids monthly to make us getting better grip on the subject They also give assignments to prepare and later they conduct test on the same assignments to check whether we are perfect or not ,8 1982,Student (Anonymous),Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"The degree in this engineering course opens up a wide range of exciting career opportunities. After giving my board exam and entrance exams I was a little bit confused to choose a good engineering college. Then this college's reviews help me to choose this college. After going through few reviews I came to know that this is one of the best engineering colleges. The placement is good. The faculties are well experienced and this college has a good infrastructure, I got admission through entrance exam. But there are also facilities for getting admission directly.The campus life in this college is amazing with a huge campus around us. One of the best things about this college is it's a ragging free campus. The classroom and lab classes are well organized. And in the view of CCTV cameras. They are many instruments for any lab projects. Also, we have a smart classroom as well. Every year GNIT arranges sports competitions also.",9.3 1983,Mohan S,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"Students take part in NCC & NSS Activities Students and faculty voluntarily donate blood in the donation camp held in the campus yearly once. Students and faculty actively take part in Co and Extra Curricular Activities like participating in departmental events like VIDYUTH and in many inter college sports events. Students and faculty organize curricular and co-curricular activities through the departmental club, ELEKTRONAll the graduated students will be the members of the association. Database of Alumni with continuous interaction, will be created with on-line registration and interaction. Getting assistance from Alumni for Placement activities. Making prominent Alumni as members of various college bodies including Governing Council, for suggestion and guidance. Starting of Alumni initiated and managed Library section.",10 1984,Rajdeep tiwari,Sagar Institute of Research and Technology - [SIRT],"As I lection form my seniors the highest package is of 27 lakhs so the place ment is good and other thing depend on the students also if they will oot performed in compass selection so college can not do anything but our college always says study hard so they you can break that record of 27 lacks.Best college, all the motivation to student I got best faculty those are teaching me they are not a teachers they teach us like a friend we can ask any thing at uncountable times. They will always tell about that topic they make out class like a family.",10 1985,Prashanth,Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technological Sciences,"Course have 2 ways to get jod. Exam structure is there is a two semesters per 1year, with internals and external lab and branch is ECE (electronics and communication engineering) is a branch that study both electronics and software and hardware.I am selected entrance exam in engineering that is EAMCET rank. I got best rank in the Eamcet I selected the college In 2 way of Counciling 1- documentation verification and 2- selecting the college luckyly I have selected in first counciling.",8.7 1986,Akash,Institute of Aeronautical Engineering - [IARE],"there are many events celebrated at institute of aeronautical engineering college starting from freshers to dj nights and many more. freshers is the first event, then technical fest for three days and traditional day, sports week, anual day and dj nights. no festivals are celebrated except independence day and republic day.the college has some good curriculum compared to many other colleges and previous years. also the course structure is good enough for an student to perform well, it has two mids and one internal and one external for every semester and there are many labs for different needs and different subjects",7.8 1987,G. Nikhil,Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus - [GNITC],"Good and really feeling good in the campus. Good faculty they take care us and giving a good explanation in easy manner. Gender ratio 47boys and 12girls we are treat everyone equally No, war between us. And we are in unity. And the circular were greenery and they Are 2pps labs contains 30systems in each lab.Tentative number of lectures in the courses are nearly 8 lecturers and avg age nearly 40 and their qualifications are PhD faculty and good explanation giving clarity about the subjects, to the students. Lectures hold many years of experience and great level of qualifications and certificates.",8 1988,UJJWAL KUMAR,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Seats are allocated on the basis of merit of the candidate as determined by their performance in the relevant entrance examination (JEE / GATE / JAM). Refer NIT Jamshedpur Cut off Candidates must have passed at the 10+2 level in the Science stream to apply. Reservation is in accordance with the regulations of the Government of India, with certain number of seats reserved for these categories. Candidates must be at least 17 years of age to apply. Selection is based on merit, depending on marks secured in JEE examination. Out of a total of 602 seats, 301 are freezed for State Quota and 301 are for All India Quota, This is decided by MhourD, Government of India and collectively done by JoSSA Once the All India Rank is declared, candidates must apply thourough JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority), choosing NIT Jamshedpur as their preference. Various rounds of online seat allocation is conducted by JoSAA, followed by counseling at the institute. Once alloted, candidate must repprt to the institute within the given schedule in order to complete verification of the documentsBeing one of NITs, NIT Jamshedpur has a rich heritage which has been nurtured and preserved over the years. There are a plethora of varied activities which will help you to develop necessary skills and ultimately bring out the best in you. You will get to know some of the best technical professionals in the country and learn from them. You will get to tap in the benefits of an accomplished alumni network across the globe. You will meet some great people, make some splendid friends and most of all you will get an amazing opportunity to fulfill your dream. There are so many extra curricular activities so many competions held in campus level and nit level where various nit colleges participates robotica are the major one.",6.5 1989,Pushpam Kumar,Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences - [SHUATS],"course curriculum is reviewed by ICAR.Whole syllabus is defined by ICAR. Exam structure is half yearly based, categoried into semesters.My course have total eight semesters, which would take generally 4 years.In case any crises happens,it may further delayed.This course would make me a professional in the field of Dairy,which has a lot of opportunities in India as well as in other countries.Campus life is little sweet,little salty means full of joy. There is a mix culture in campus as students are from different states of India.On extra curricular note Annual sports meet and other functions are being organised in campus by differnent organizers.On gender equality note, campus is full with almost equal numbers of boys and girls.",7 1990,Akshat Kumar,PES College of Engineering - [PESCE],"This college take admission thourough KCET,COMEDK,other schlorship criteria like PMSS or thourough direct management quota.Since I was looking to pursue my engineering in Computer science field.South of India is considered to be the best place having good numbers of engineering college with decent reputation and talented faculty.Firstly the COMEDK exam which is for the students outside the Karnataka who wants to take admission in college situated in Karnataka. After that a counselling process was there in Karnataka(mainly Banglore) where I got this college based on my rank. From there I got a allotment letter. I paid Rs 50,000 at the counselling center which later got included at my fees that is to be paid at college.Then I went to the college on the date mentioned on the allotment letter. There I filled the admission form,attached my allotment letter and other documents and paid the remaining fees and hence I got admitted.The duration of course of B.E is of 4 years having 8 semesters. In each semester there is two internal exams (CIE) and one external exams (SEE). The internal exams help in providing a real guide of knowledge to the subjects we are pursuing. The SEE is the final exam which we have to pass to get promoted to next semester.The average of both the CIE's are included in the 50% of SEE result.The marks are calculated on the basis of CGPA and SGPA.For the 3rd and 4th year students there are industrial visit to the companies of there respective domains.Also there are placement classes held from the very first year which includes aptitude, reasoning, english grammar, speaking skill and personality development. These classes from 1st year are very helpful and benefitial for getting placed in reputed companies.",8.3 1991,Ankit sahu,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],"Ojas event which is celebrated annually where we celebrate and enjoy.It held every year which makes students very interesting.There so much functions are held like dancing,racing,gaming, drawing,robo fight,and so many things held. And also so many cash rewards are there for the winnersI got the admission thourough CGPET-2019 And I secured a good rank that's why I choose EEE I have also qualified for jee mains but I didn't got admission due to my rank so I decided to enter in bit college so I have given the exam such as cgpet. There I got a good rank.",7.2 1992,Harsh Anand,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"The placement this year has been very impressive with an average package of 8.25lpa and minimum package of 4.5lpa and maximum of 16lpa. All of this data is just about on campus and off campus are yet to be done. Moreover now since we have full 6th semester internships, we have a better chance of having great PPOs.Most of the faculty are well versed in their fields and are very cooperative (except some) which is very impressive and moreover they give their best performance since they are not permanent right now. Most of them have their PHDs completed from named institutions like IITs and have a profound name.",7.5 1993,Ashish singh,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"In a year it completes two semester.in every 4 weeks during semester it conduct a test it also called cat and also give assignments and give projects and all their marks are added to final exam.after that it conduct the final exam and it gives sufficient time for each subject.it also added subject on humanity and environment like ethics and values and environmental scienceTechnovit for technical,vibrance for fest.all these technical,cultural and management festival are celebrated up to maximum thouree days.different experts and celebrity comes all these festival and share their experiences and enjoyed the students.different competition are held in these festival",8.7 1994,Mangesh Rajendra Dhavale,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],I have given JEE mains exam and CET exam also I got 91.16 percentile in JEE mains exam and got 90. 45 percentile in CET exam and by this marks I have got admission in this college. Then by Central Government and state government process I have got admission in this college and there are so many types of entries you can get admission thourough them like spot round and management quota but I have got admission thourough cap round.Our college faculty is very good but sometimes college faculty are unable to solve our problems and then by time and then that time we have to solve our problems by our own only our college faculties very experienced. Sometimes you can't get depended on the college faculty to do self study and that's more important.,8.2 1995,G m ROHIT,New Horizon College of Engineering - [NHCE],"I got admission in this college thourough kcet IOP for computer science because I like computer science and I like in doing programs and coding so I opt for this course I wrote KCet and came to this college thourough merit list. Took almost two months to submit the documents and enter the collegeVery high fees structure.difficurt for me to pay. 250000per year is a lupsum amount which I can't afford to pay. So it becomes me and forcing me to take loan thourough banks, college does not provide any transparency receipt, it's a scam, they ake money.of 60000 in 0 receipt.",6.8 1996,Aihab Umair,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Technex is our annual technical fest in which many other colleges including most of the IITs and NITs participate. We also have few other technical events conducted by our electrical, electronics and computer science departments. Spardha is our annual sports fest in which many institutes including IITs and NITs participate. E-Summits are conducted from time to time taking enterpreneurship and business to next level. Besides this we have other less-budget fests including Vista (Conducted by photography club), Aagman (Conducted by Film and Media Council), Aakriti (Conducted by Social Service Club) etc.Campus life is really cool. We don't have ragging here which is absolutely cool. Gender ratio is still less, around 0.2-0.3. We have beautiful campus and greenery all around. We have many grounds for different sports. Labs are old, not maintained frequently. Extracurriculars are in immense number. We have so many workshops, from singing, intrumentals to robotics and debates. We have different societies, literature clubs, arts club, film and media council, athletics club, robotics club, social service club etc. which conduct workshops and events in great number and we see lot of participation too.",8.5 1997,Gopikrishnan g,College of Engineering Perumon,"I got admission by writing the entrancecexamination from childhood onwards it was my dream to become an engineer so after plus two i went for one month crash course in a near by entrance coaching institute and wrote the exam and i got good marks and i appeared for repeated counselling and in the second round of counselling i got admission hereFirst month was boring,then the teachers take as to the workshop for cutting,welding,soldring and chiseling, the some of us go to the kozhikodu engineering college for attending a workshop baised on the topic artificial intelligence and robotics.That days super and unforgettable,the college days was awsome.",8.3 1998,Afthab usman np,PA College of Engineering - [PACE],The main first of the college is PA fest its a 5day program all the students participate in it. We the first years perfrom a group dance and participated in many offstage events. And another programe is PA premier league a football tournament in college it is a big programme.I choose this college because many of my friends and cousins graduated from here. I chose civil engineering because l like construction and regarding work and its said that it has more scope. My brother also tell me to opt this course.,8.3 1999,Shreyashree Sarkar,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"Students from different colleges do participate in our Annual Tech Fest TESSERACT in March of Every year. Annual 2 day Cultural Fest Euphonious and Zyzzva are organized in large scale in February. Many National, International Conferences and Seminars are arranged throughout the year. Many Coding Competitions, Hackathons and Model Display Projects are arranged regularly.The college has maximum facilities for a student to be around. Based on the gender ratio it can be clearly based on 1:4 ratio. The college has equal opportunities for all kinds of students irrespective of gender and never differentiates in field of activities like spirts, debates and many more. I believe inequality and the college agree with mine.",9.8 2000,DharaniSelvan,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Vivekananda institution for women celebrates cultural day celebration in their branches every year. It is a great refreshment for students. The women day celebration is very grand for a full day and they invite superpower women and successful women to the function.I'm studying the Vivekananda college of engineering for women. In this institution, many curriculum activities are done by facility and management. This is very helpful for students to improve their knowledge. Many source activities are available in the college.",9.2 2001,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],The campus is very nice. In our college give more importance to extracurricular activities. In labs also properly going. In lab have all facilities and experiment materials. The staffs are properly explained properly about the experiment. The competition also conducts.The course curriculum is easy to study. The exam structure is easy to us. The student are very easy to study the subject. That wise only the exam structure is produced. The staffs very encourage the student to study the subject. They give materials also.,8.2 2002,K.S. dhivya,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I am studying in Vivekananda college of engineering for women. It's the best place to study engineering. They are organizing many curricular activities, conducting a seminar for students development, making new club activities, teachers are helping to do many online courses for certification. They explain lectures briefly relating to it based works and industries.Vivekananda college of engineering for women provides a very low cost for engineering. This college also provides fees concession for arivu thiran exams, students who got more cut off marks. Vivekananda institution gives free education for poor people. They didn't buy any additional fees for this course.",9.7 2003,N.Priyadharshini,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Fresher's day, women's day, women's labour day, Independence day, Republic day, Lot of Motivational programs motivation speech by Lakshmi mam.program connected by our faculty members. Inauguration by our senior sister's program with placement director.lot if club activities. Infotainment club, kamesha club and lot.Extracurricular, labs, sports, competitions like robotics, detabes etc. They are good. They providing robotics class for students. Sports are conducted by our physical director. They were improving for co-curriculum activities. Our college send students to zoon level, state level, national level also.",9.8 2004,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"In our college, the chairman sir give more importance to extracurricular activities. In the labs have all equipment to do the experiment easily. The lab staffs the properly explain about the exprement. We also attend the workshop the staffs and hod sir are also supported us.My two sisters are studying in this college only so that I join in this college. My sisters say about the college the safety. And also she said about the placement. So that the parents are convenient to join the daughter easily. And also the parents are not afraid of us.",8.7 2005,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"My two sisters are studying in this college only so that I join in this college. My sisters say about the college the safety. And also she said about the placement. So that the parents are convenient to join the daughter easily. And also the parents are not afraid of us.In our college, the chairman sir give more importance to extracurricular activities. In the labs have all equipment to do the experiment easily. The lab staffs the properly explain the experiment. We also attend the workshop the staffs and hod sir are also supported us.",8.5 2006,Divyachinnasamy,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Every they conduct the cultural program. They will conduct 1 week from this program. They conduct sports day celebrations, women's day celebrations, annual day celebrations, dance, singing, like, etc. They are celebrating get_to_gether function every year. They conduct department function and chief guest and they provide refreshments. In every year the conduct moonlight dinner. In night we are enjoying a lot of fun. They provide unlimited foodFirst I join the college from the staff reference. Then I go the college put the admission for the admission office. when I enter the admission office I consult engineering staff. Which course is best. After consulting the staff I choose my best course of the future valued settled courses. And then I have joined the college",10 2007,Dharani venkatachalam,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Every year they have conducted the cultural program. They will conduct one week from this program. They conduct sports day celebrations, women's day celebrations, annual day celebrations, dance, singing,..etc.They are celebrating get-together functions every year. And they are conducting the department functions. and invite a chief guest. and they provide refreshments. In every year they contact moonlight dinner. In the night we are enjoying a lot of fun. They provide unlimited food.First I join the college from the staff reference. Then I go to the college to put the admission for the admission office. When I enter the admission office I consult engineering staff. Which course is best. After consulting the staff I choose my best course of the future valued settled course. And then I am joining college.",10 2008,S Rajalakshmi,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"My dream is to work at IBM.So I took this course and I like more to create different programs. The factors that made me choose this Institute is 1.I want to see the outside world and I need to see more people in my life 2.It is an autonomous Institution and faculties were more helpful to students. Then the admission process is easy and First I applied for counselling and I got this College.Mobile app development, Seminars, Science Expo, and many technical events. English club, Mobile app Club and cultural events like a farewell, freshers day etc..we celebrate Pongal festival, Diwali, Ayuda Pooja in a big manner. And Andal thirukalayanam is one of the famous events in our college.",9.2 2009,Harshita Chhabra,JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus- [JEMTEC],"The faculty staff is huge in JEMTEC and everyone is friendly and knowledgable. The teachers provide the best notes and clarity of the subject so that the students can learn the subject easily. They also have experience in workshops and industries. Moreover, all the faculty are PhD holders,i.e, they know everything about their subjects.There are different well-maintained labs for different subjects. The campus is equipped with two cafeterias, separate common rooms for boys and girls, playgrounds for sports, room for indoor games, auditoriums, and boys hostel. The girl's hostel is nearby only. The college also provides different clubs and societies to the students.",10 2010,V. Sabari shree,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"It's a very good course and scope so we choose this college to study. It's a very good college and free bus facilities so this institution. We came to this college by some known person and it is very good facilities these are the steps followed as part of the admission procedure for the institutionIt's very useful to us and very good in learning yeah the curriculum proved industry-specific knowledge to the student that be helpful in securing on-campus placement.no there is any industrial visits are not organised for the student these are the learning imparted as a part of our college.",8.7 2011,Student (Anonymous),Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"I m pursuing BE in electronics engineering. It is a course of 4 yrs. There are several numbers of branches which comprises all the engineering aspects. There are 8 semesters. You have to give an exam every semester ends. The course curriculum is well implemented. A lot of extra courses are provided to develop good communication skills among the students. The exam structure is quite ok. Internals are held at the proper time. The semester is also conducted with proper way under CCTV cameras. The overall exam structure is well.My course faculty is good. They attend every class and teach well with both notes and online videos. Notes are also uploaded online at the given website. Teachers are always available for help, giving their extra time for solving students problems. Faculty in every course might not be the same or can even be better.",7.8 2012,Rasika karuppanan,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"Our facilities are well talented. They always motivate the students as best.they all have good qualifications.the They give such wonderful lectures and also we have smart classrooms for making our studies good.we have technical learning classes. our faculties do all the things best for us.We have celebrated Pongal, annual day celebration, cultural days celebration, technical lab celebration, Teachers day celebration, sports day celebration, independence day celebration, women's Day celebration, Republic Day celebration some management important days celebrations.",10 2013,K.v.Rekha,Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women - [VCEW],"The companies of Infosys, Wipro, Microsoft are visiting our college. The steps in the placement are they are asking to say the self-intro and they will ask aptitude question and then they ask a question related to our department. the percentage of the students to place in the placement is more than 85%.Our institution taking steps to give coaching to the students on how to place in the placement.I want to be a software engineer so I selected IT.i to suggest this from my school staff then i join with the help of my dad's friend's daughter.I came to admission in April month and they collected the respective certificates. In Our college, there is a placement center to place the students. The students are getting coaching by the placement director.",8.2 2014,Student (Anonymous),IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,Many tech and non tech companies come for placement. There are two placement session of 7-12 days. Profile available are mostly for software development. Placement for my brach i.e. mechanical is also good but exact details are unknow to meCampus Life is good. College fest with somewhere not managed properly. .,6.2 2015,Tarushi,JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus- [JEMTEC],"By counselling process with the proper channel, I got admission in this college. I opted this college as it is the best BTech college in greater Noida. Due to its hardworking and supportive faculty and its affiliation with IPU made me chose this college. before counselling a few of the colleges even I visited Jims also. I met the admission block ahead. They guided me in a positive way.If it is a time to give grades to the teachers then I will give A++ to all the teachers. They are really very hard-working, qualified and clear in each and every concept. So I am lucky to be a part of this college. In a very short duration of the timings, we visited a good renown company COCA-COLA factory with my batch mates and there was some future plan also after the final exams.",9.5 2016,Student (Anonymous),Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],Because it provides good Placement and I honestly didn't had any choice at the time of admission. I scored good marks in boards but I was not able to crack JEE Mains that is why I found this college on the basis of UPSEE exam and now I am stuck in this college Each type of companies visit my college at the time of placements and they provide good salary. Every year almost eighty percent students get employment with in campus placements only and they do not have to do that much struggle to find their first job.,7.3 2017,Pranshu Kashyap,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"IIT(BHU) provides fee remission to students having a low family income. 100% Tuition Fee Waiver to ST/SC/PWD Students. Full Remission on Tuition Fees to General/OBC Students whose Family Income is Below 1 Lacs per Annum. Remission of 2/3rd of Tuition Fees to General/OBC Students whose Family Income is between 1-5 Lacs Per Annum. Besides Fee Remission IIT (BHU) Varanasi also offers scholarships for the benefit of the students. There is a Merit-cum-Means scholarship which is offered to 25% of undergraduate students. Apart from this, there are several endowment scholarships including Benco-64, IIT(BHU)-76 Batch Alumni Scholarships, MEC-97, Jag Mohan and Manju Bansal Scholarships, etc. which are offered by the Institute for the students. All the students (non-sponsored) admitted to M.Tech./M.Pharm programs are provided financial Assistance equivalent to the Junior Research Fellowships. For undergraduate students, some other facilities are also provided like free studentship, scholarship, reimbursement of mess charges, and pocket allowances to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students. For the students admitted to Ph.D. programs, for them, the institute offers a large number of Junior/Senior Research Fellowships. The course structure is designed in such a way that if anyone loves research he will enjoy and if someone wants to develop another skills out of the box he will also get enough time to develop those. Thus students from this college do great in their life. Their are 5 Working Days a Week including Theory and Labs. B.Tech Students are required to do Internship during 3rd Year and IDD have choice of doing it in both 3rd as well as 4th Year, which provides relevant Industrial Skills. Besides Interships college organises regular Seminars and Workshops for Students to make learn required Industrial skills.",8.8 2018,Souvik Mondal,Haldia Institute of Technology - [HIT],"The college have basketball court, volleyball court,gym,and many more things. Every department have their own sports team in every sports, The labs are avarage,not bad bt not too highly good. Cultural fest is held in our college in this you can show your own extea talents like singing, dancing.The college has very good campus. The faculty is also good. but the labs are not sufficient. To stay in this college someone have to adopt things like buying the drinking water cause it's normal water is salty.But in other way the college is good for it's price and what it's offer.",6.8 2019,Chandra,Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - [JNAFAU],I got the admission through the eamcet exam in the jnafau University.We should apply for the counseling in ts eamcet website then the ts eamcet realse the seat allotment list if our name is there in that then we should go for certificate verification for confirmationThere is good faculty in this college they clarify doubt to everyone in the class but we should have full attendees because if we lose the class then the faculty won't reapt the class some times the faculty doesn't come to the class also,5.2 2020,Narendra Kumar,Sri Vasavi Engineering College - [SVEC],Nice they have done phd mphill and very good english staff are the beat of all in my opinion. Everyone are very helpful they are calm and encouraging if you are rude to them then they react to it they are very strict. Most of the teachers cares for you they will ask if you have any problem.No the college is not that expensive if you compare with other colleges as the college is in AP. In ap there is no need to pay fee if you are qualified in AP EAMCET. Government provides the money needed. In order to get fee reimbursement you need to get the seat in college.,6.8 2021,Puppala satya Sai yashwanth kumar,Aditya College Of Engineering and Technology - [ACET],"The list of the companies that visited the campus for their placement drives are TCS,WIPRO,TECH MAHINDRA, DELOITTE, COGNIZANT,L&T. and alsoo many more. mainly they will be asking you the topics related to your preferred course and firstly they will be conducting test amd filter the students amd then they will be conducting group discussions and interviews and finally they made the selection. Approximately around 75-80% students got placed every year.And our institution take care of this by conducting group discussions and online exams for students for better experience.and in our college we also have technical hub which is very useful for the students to improve technical skillsYeah. coming to curriculum and exam structure.Its really a great curriculum and exam structure bcz the whole syllabus i s divided into 2 half parts.After completion of first half they will be conducting a exam which will be called as MID 1 and after completion of second half of the syllabus they will be conducting another exam which is called as MID 2.and after this they will be conducting a final exam on whole syllabus that is called as semester exam. and this will definately groom the students to provide industry specific knowledge and that'll be helpful in securing on campus placements also. There'll be conducting industrial visits also.",7.3 2022,Navneet Das,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Yes the Course and Curriculum is knowledgeable and efficient according to the present needs of the modern industries. It is actually excellent for on campus placements. Yes they were organized. The industry visit to a company called Barclays was organized. The course also helps students gain different skills outside field too.The fests organized here are big and festive. Thouree fests are organized i.e. Technical, Sports and Cultural. All of them experience a football of more than 4000. Many competition are organized like debates, street play, robotics, coding and sports competition are organized for a students' healthy competitive life.",9.3 2023,Prateek Jangle,National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management - [NIFTEM],"Edesia, food festival, cultural events talking about food fest this year this food fest is the largest food festival in the Asia. Many events related to business management and entrepreneurs E Summit also conducted their. Many famous singers and successful personality come here to motivate students.I am highly interested in the food industry. So kipping in mind that I prefer that course. Admission process is not so easy their are limited seats in the college you have to clear jee exam with good score and rank to get admission in that college. Admission is done by the jossa councling.",9.5 2024,Shadman Ashiq,Aliah University,The University campus is very beautiful and student friendly. There is a air conditioned library in the campus. Also there is a canteen where lunch and tiffin available. The lunch quality is very good. The University building is a 8 storied building. And the Newtown Campus is only for Science and Technology.The faculty members of our Department is very good. There are two semester exam in a year. Many IT companies came to our college for placement. Aliah University follows AICTE rules and regulations. Aliah university also provide a scope for research. Many students are pursuing their P.hd degree from here.,7.5 2025,sahil kumar mishoura,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"as I have selected this course because of my interest in this field and about the admission process that was a little tough one firstly entrance exam has to be given and then acc to your rank there will be an admission process taken on in that you have to select the course and category and in which state are you going to take admission that's ityeah the teachers are very good and of course, the course is also well defined and also they provide some basic knowledge for an interview and all so overall there is a quite possible future campus placement. and also yeah there are extra courses also which can be taken by the students for their better development",7 2026,Nived Damodaran,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"The campus life is amazing with 0% attendance policy. There are workshops conducted almost every day, a talk by a reputed person of their respective field is usually done every day. There are a lot of parties and events conducted for the students,including movie screening every Saturday. The gender ratio would be about 9 boys for every girl,maybe a bit worrying but that's the case in most too engineering colleges. There is absolutely no bias or intolerance towards any religion or caste.The placements are great. I haven't availed internships yet. Internships are after 2nd and in 4 th year. I am currently in my 2nd year. As far as I have heard,all the big companies come for placements include Microsoft,Nutanix,Intel,Qualcomm,GE,Goldman Sachs, etc. Almost every 1 gets placed, some opt for higher studies obviously. There is a Placement Division which trains the students regarding interviews,CV,etc.",9.5 2027,Krushn Gandhi,Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda - [MSU],"I have completed my Diploma from MSU Baroda only so I have selected this college for part time degree course. 1) Process starts in the month of June 2) aspirants have to take hardcopy of admission form from PTD Dept. From faculty 3) submit the filled form along with photocopy of required documents like Marksheets of Diploma, dillploma certificate, 10th Marksheets 4) in August University publishes the list of short listed candidates 5) then candidates have to go though interview along and original documents verification process 6) after that final list of seleced students gets announced. 7) after that student has to pay fees and submit the fee slip along with thalassemia test report for getting admitted to college and start study which cumins from Dec or Jan every year1) Syllabus is quite satisfactory but there is lack of modernization practical laboratories. 2) Laboratories are not functioning well, equipments are not functioning properly or are out of order as not maintained well 3) Yes industrial visits, tech events are done 4) placement is quite good compared to other colleges of engineering 1)",8.8 2028,Raj khunt,Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel Global University,It is very expensive. Our program fee is accpted by our administration. Our orograms fee payment has many methode like you will pay with check oryou will pay with demand draft or you will pay online or you will pay directly to the on hand money. There are no any additional fees or charges applied that had to be paid in order to secure an admission.Faculty members are supperb in teaching and extra activities.There are some faculties are so good in teacing. In ouelr college there are 6 lactures in a day and two breaks. In six lactures there will be a one or two labs and 4 lactures. Toal working ours of our college is 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m.,8.7 2029,Satla Nikhil,Malla Reddy Institute of Technology - [MRIT],My friend suggested me.iam interested in electronics.being a electronics student we can learn alot.in this we get both side education.we can do government jobs too.this is the good way to do.so we can have private jobs and government jobs too.Good.the exams are very very good manner.we can learn how to write extra answers.this teaches us alot for everything.exams written is our college are very very strict.we cant copy anything.by this way my college exam centre is very very good,8 2030,Harshal Chavhan,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"Placements in college are very good. Many companies like Goldman Sachs, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Gojek, etc. visit our campus regularly. There are various rounds like coding round, personal interview, etc. depending upon company policies. Each year nearly 100% students are placed. There is placement cell which prepares students for interview.College fee structure is feasible for students. There is no college fees for SC and ST category students. While the college fees for General and OBC category students is 80000 in each semester. You can pay the fees only thourough online mode. College has separate portal for fees payment. College provides transparency in the fee breakdown.",8 2031,Hemant,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"First I passed a exam named jee main and then I got rank and after few weeks admission process began. There were seven round in admission. Students filled their own choice of college and branch and according to our rank we were alloted relevant branch and college and finally after last round physical reporting had been done. After that we got branch in that particular college.Our college fee structure is quite simple and quite good. There are online payment mode and DD challan in fee deposition. WiFi, len, sports facilities, library, security charges are taken by college and included in fee structure with tution fee. College does not provide any transparency in fee breakdown. Students have to pay in single deposition.",7.5 2032,Bhagat Kamra,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Though the first year is a bit too much for the students as it is a complete change of the scenery and also the fact that there are a lot of unwanted and unrelated topics that are tiaght but apart from that yes the courses offered are on point. The syllabus covered is exhaustive. It isnt research driven but emphasis is given on practical working and hands on experiences. There are endless workshops that are conducted thouroughout the year for qstudents of every domain. Industrial visits are plenty but start only in the third year. The exam pattern is not good, we have over 50 papers, assignments, exams, practicals, projects etc that have to be submitted every semester. This is taken care by 3 cycle tests and a final University examination.Campus Life is excellent apart from the fact that the hostel intime is too early. Specially for girls who have to be inside their respective hostels by 7:30. The campus is very vast and one has to do over there. We have 3 full sized ground for cricket football etc, apart from tha we have tennis courts, basketball courts, table tennis, and hundreds of other sports Being a college that has a majority of engineering students the girl to boy ratio would be around 1:4. We have 150 student bodies that organise different events every day in the campus, from RC racing to robotics, to drones, etc. Our SRMMUN is India's largest such competition with over a 1000 competing participants.",8.2 2033,Pranjay Malhotra,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Gender ratio and 2 boy:1 girls in college but it is also depended on brach for example mechanical students class has 50 boys :2 girls and fashion designer students have 10 boys :20 girls,also 2% students of University are foreigners who have joined University for a semester as semester exchange programm of college labs are decent they have almost all the equipment required for performing experiment and they have workshop with proper high duty equipments. University has sports teams but the sport complex is outside the University (500 meters outside). Also it has robotics lab, and microsoft lab, etc.The fee structure is very feasible as compared to many other private colleges and universities,it's 1,60,000 rs per year ie- simmilar to that of nits, also one can pay fees online,using credit and debit cards and can also pay using cash.yes one has to pay ?10000 to reserve their seat but after addmission it is managed in the anual fees,one can also pay fees 80000 per semester.",7.8 2034,Raj vardhan,Cochin University of Science and Technology - [CUSAT],"Technical fest - Dhishna Cultural fest - sargam And also some marine and university fests are organised. Dhishna is organised be CUSAT engineering department which is four days program. First thouree days are for tech program and fourth day DJ night is held in which artist like Dhwani bhanusali, Nakas aziz came. Sargam is organised by university as art fest.Campus life are good but not best. There is total 3 parties in college SFI, ABVP, KSU. Gender ratios are same. There is always coding competition are held in college. Worshops are good there are many machines are provided in the workshop. Total campus is about 180 acres in which 100 acres are forest. Many tech programs are held in regular months.",7.8 2035,Pothulasriraamreddy,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITM],"As compared to other college our college does not have that much of facilities for fests as we are in manipur state. Basically we enjoy daily in our hostels by watching TV in the mess while eating. We have only dj night on diwali, freshers. And we participate in some sport events like spirit at IIT Guwahati, inter iiit.As Manipur is very far from many popular cities like delhi,kolkata, Hyderabad, etc. Journey is too hard this is the main reason for less girl students in our college. Many workshops have been conducted here in our college, like, Iot(artificial intelligence), spoken tutorial, game jam, vlsi, etc.",4.7 2036,Tarun jaiswal,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],By entrance exam jee mains And by the choice filling of college list i get iiitn according to my jee main percentile counseling is very tranasparent process to only get this college. After you clear intrance exam 7 round jossa counslling is there and after 7 round to fiil vacant seat of college 2 special round are also heldSame schedule not followed by daily but minimum 4 lectures and 1 lab and satarday and sunday these two days are holidays and every festival is not celebrating in my college because of the short campus but this year in 2020 our new campus is ready to run so hope that we enjoy more in our new campus,6.2 2037,Rushikesh Jadhav,GS Mandal's Marathwada Institute of Technology - [MIT],This College is Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technologycal University lonere Raigad. The Exam structure of this University is 60 marks in End sem. And 20 marks from Internal assessment and 20 marks from mid sem. The Separat passing criteria followed by this University which means to clear subject student get 20 in ESE out of 60 and 10 marks in MSE out of 20.This college provide the experienced Faculty to The course. The faculty of this college is well prepared to study the topic. One of our college professor is 38 yeras of teaching experience. And he is Started his teaching in this in 1979. Our college cunduct lecture for one subject is in 3 hours per week.,8.8 2038,soma bharath,Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology - [VBIT],"Well-designed sports event management curriculum, Guest sessions by industry experts Apply. Sports Event Management Course to prepare you for managing the sports event.it is a world full it is VIBHA in the collegeObjective of Cultural Committee: To promote and arrange extracurricular activities to bring out the hidden talents of students & to motivate them for participating in these activities which includes cultural & social activities for the overall development of the students. The Cultural Activities Committee proactively organises and executes all these events in College.In my college the exam facility is very strict in the class with the 24 students in the class for the exams.It is an autonomous campus it will correct the papers in my college only the cse is very good source itThe term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a general sense in schools.",9 2039,Rohit Chaudhari,Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - [GGU],The curriculum of course is decided by university itself.The university has a board itself to decide curriculum and it is decided by the HOD's of all departments.In the current curriculum there were two class test exam of 15 marks and a end semester exam of 70 marks in one semester.The subject in each semester where different and already decided by board earlier.The labs where quit good and Easy and all the instruments are in good condition.The labs where chilled and the lab assistant and teacher where always present in lab.In first year of b.tech the main faculty teacher didn't teach you.You where taught by teacher of different departments and the has master or PhD in that subject.From second year and onward the best faculty teacher teach you who where PhD holder from iit's or nit's.Over all the teaching is good.,6.7 2040,Sarthak Roy,College of Engineering and Technology - [CET],"with all with all the academic world such as exams faced always going on in the college like a technical fest which has been done in also in the cell called perception and cultural fest which is known as ecstasy and this year it is also done in going to be done in 12 13 14 of March and in this all lock and in this all means what events a student came from also other colleges batsman in various activities such as robot dangal war the electric quizzes and various other things and DJ nightthe academic section of the college is not well organised it doesn't do all the stuffs perfectly as it is autonomous college it is unable to handle it job as an autonomous college. the exam schedule is also not consistent it when any changes for the as in the first semester it was the tenant it would occur in december 18 but it was started from January 8 that is not perfect schedule of holidays they prepare PPT some most of the times but not all the times and that's all",4.2 2041,Sreesankar B,Toc H Institute of Science and Technology - [TIST],"I've gone through a few best colleges. But when I saw the campus of TIST, it attracted me through its professional atmosphere. I came to know there are 8 B.Tech courses and one course has just started, that was B.Tech RA, the very 1st course in Kerala since 2019. So I met with the admission cell and was excited to take admission in this branch.The faculties of TIST are having very excellent techniques to make every student learn by professionalism. Hands-on experienced learning creates professionals with here in TIST rather than just being course reader. The dedication of faculties are more to be pointed out, they bring out effective methods for conveying the difficult topics.",10 2042,Viswanath R,Toc H Institute of Science and Technology - [TIST],"Faculties have excellent skills in teaching and have a very good experience, they are supportive and helpful and they are able to help every student in the class and also able to teach according to each and every students study skills. Every faculty are very helpful and supportive in other activities tooSince for 1st year every one have same subjects engineering just starts from 2nd year onwards, By using lab we can have a good skill in engineering activities, IV for 2nd 3rd 4th year have been conducted. We are having a new revised syllabus of 5 modules since it is easy according to the last year.",10 2043,Nitin kumar,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"Information technology according to me was the best branch. The course being of 4 years is divided into 8 semesters. In the first year all students are taught the same subjects, specializations are then taken by us in the 2nd year & we are into it for all the remaining time in the college. last year of our course was specially reserved for the practical training including our internships. Electives available in this college are Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE), Instrumentation. & Control Engineering (ICE), Civil Engineering (CE), Information Technology (IT), Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME).Placment of our college was good for cs, it branch. Because noida is it city. Other branch like ece, ee, mech, civil placment average. Recruitment done by many step first check performance till 4 year and then they allow to seat in recruitment. Aprrox 80 percent student hire by company. Tcs, wipro, bosch, Amazon, adobe, visit our campus, in 2020 highest package offer by adobe was 40lakh per annum.but highest package offer by off campus drive and avg package is 5-6LPA.Institute and many society in our college help Student in placment.",8.2 2044,Mirridodhi Nikhil,Narsimha Reddy Engineering College - [NRCM],"Fee is very Low because of government providing the half of money as scholarship basements and also very glad to get to get seat in this College which contain best infrastructure nad also with good climate and very big playground with all types of played by all of us by our sports lecturer and we also are alloted to play and also get included in staymte and national level sports and also given uniform for every ymtype of sports provided by our institutionThere are many types of events organised and produced in our college like Ethnic day, Traditional day,Annual day etc.And we also enjoy them very enthuastially and also many types of dances, Knowledgeable programmes,songs,speeches,etc are been conducted in our institution and also we enjoy with our friends and our seniors give a big base support to us so I believe this institution may give me bright future to me",8.7 2045,Goutham,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],There are many technical and cultural events conducted by the college management the events like SREEVISION and RIGOLADE are the biggest fests conducted each and every year.The technical fests like HACKATHON are also conducted and the workshops are also conducted and sporting events are also conducted.Yes.The college plans many field trips and industrial tours which help us in cracking the campus interview and college also provide us many opportunities regarding the internships in the second and third year of our courses.management also conducts many lectures to train how to crack placement.,8.8 2046,Atul Thakur,University Institute of Engineering and Technology -[UIET],"After giving jee mains examination admissions are done thourough jac Chandigarh Students have to register on jac Chandigarh online portal with their jee main roll no are then there will be thouree rounds of seat allotment and if you are able to secure a seat in the online seat allotment you have to report at the institute according to the instructions givenYes the curriculum is groomed to provide industry specific knowledge to the students and also the campus placements are very good. This year we have a average Placement package of more then 6.5 lpa students from our college were placed into top notch companies like Amazon google Microsoft Yamaha Airtel delloite etc",8.5 2047,FAIZAN AHMED,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Gender ratio is 10:5 in M:F. Parties are organized by student in various occasions. there are many workshops organized by MNC or senior Students or various topic like hacking and robotics. You can enjoy the cultural activities which every thing like bhangra to kathak and many more, Students are from africa, nigeria, mexico.perfect example of Unity in Diversity. student are of different religion. there is no politics in campus. economic status is average ie. student from middle class can afford this university.My course fee is 80000. and it depend upon your board percentage. there is no additional fee/charge. Yes, college provide transparency in the fee-breakdown. There is Cash system as well as Card systems and Online mode of payment is also acceptable for the fee payment. Course fee is depend upon scholarship percentage. program fee is depend upon Program type. College provide free study to SC/ST for which Punjab government pays his/her fee to University in name of scholarship.",8.3 2048,Dhanasiva P,Karpagam Institute of Technology,"I choose this course because everyone says B.Tech IT is the easiest money earning department than other courses. I choose this institution because it is in Coimbatore and my friend suggested that. To admit in this college, there are only a few steps 1:go to the college 2:tell them that you want to join this institution 3:fill out the profile and forms 4:pay the admission fee.Varnam,asthoura, rivals, hostel day,onam celebrations. In varnam event playback singer Nithya shouree, cook with komali pugal,kalakapovadhu yaaru T Saravana Kumar has come as chief guest. Asthoura event is for freshers in our college. Onam celebration goes crazy on our campus with Kerala drums and dance. Rivals event is for mechanical students.",5 2049,Sahil Ali,Aliah University,"Although its a minority college but it is provided for all religions.Campus life is not so interesting.Girls are very less may be 1:6 ratio.We have a big ground and college organises football vollyball and Cricket day night tournaments.the labs and the equipments are really to be appreciated nice and well maintained.Also college organises workshops and also send for workshops to different colleges like IIT NITS.there is also different clubs in our college also a Robotics club is there.I cane to know about an admission test AUAT(Aliah University Admission Test).I applied for that and i got selected.I opted this course because i like Robotics and radar system and the processors working method,U wanted to know deeply about it so I chose. For the admission procedure you have to apply for AUAT or you must have a good rank under 7000 in WBJEE then you would be selected.",8.7 2050,Alex Joby,National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management - [NIFTEM],"Food technology is a course that deals with subjects of food chemistry, nutrition, preservation etc basically. since it is a national institute syllabus is little tough compared to other university.But still it is easy for an average student to pass thourough.subjects are different in each semester and there are theory and practical classes,5 days Ina week. Which follow a regular btech exam pattern.The campus life is super With a very good Eco friendly atmosphere. There is no special reservation for girls and boys,I meant based on gender.it depends upon the rank. In our batch its 35 girls and 114 boys. But it varies from batch to batch. And there is reservation based on Care religion etc in the admission process since its a govt institute.And there is no such discrimination BTW girls and boys.",8 2051,Amit kumar,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Tect.event, robotic club, Hackerthon event, coding club,LLB club and From music, dance, theatre to literature and fine arts, Chandigarh University encourages its students to actively engage in countless of cultural events whether taking place on or off campus. To purposely engage the students in meaningful activities, Chandigarh University boasts various cultural clubs and committees. These clubs and committees regularly arrange national level and inter-university competitions for the students that lets them nurture their instinctive talents and serves as platform to them.Average fee structure is 200000/year and fee accepted by online, cash and challen method University of Chandigarh is providing scholarship facility to the candidates on the basis of various criteria. The scholarship is a finance type of aid, offered to candidates who wish to study. Candidates whose parents’ annual salary is not good for universities that offer scholarships.",7 2052,Rajesh Reddy,Guru Nanak College of Engineering & Management - [GNCEM],"Labs are very good and good encouragement from faculty in sports. Girls and boys are same.there is no discrimination between girls and boys. Faculty treat us like their sons and daughters. Coming to workshops the good faculty are there in workshops. They will explain each and every thingVery well course.exams structure is very good. Our faculty is in friendly nature.good labaratory, good weather of college, nice faculty, many people came from this college are now are well settled.our course is for hardware but our faculty making students good in software also.",10 2053,Ujjwal,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"The main period of the arrangement season at IIT Delhi started on December 1, 2019 and endured till December 13, 2019. The establishment got more than 960 offers, including 187 PPOs. 400 or more associations visited the grounds that extended more than 600 employment opportunity profiles. This year, the establishment saw a climb of around 10 percent in the all out number of employment bids got and 8 percent in the pre-arrangement offers when contrasted with a year ago. Microsoft gave the most extreme number of arrangement offers to 30 undergraduate, including two worldwide offers, trailed by Intel which made 27 local ideas to IIT Delhi undergraduate. As per an announcement from the Organization, IIT Delhi recorded the most elevated numbers as far as determination of understudies and crossed all benchmarks of the earlier years. The second period of the situation season will start in the second seven day stretch of January 2020 and will range till May 2020.Gender ratio is pretty much screwed 18% female Only. We do have parties in hostel and they're lot of fun but alcohol is not allowed in parties and sometimes some students resist parties because of loud noises. We have a lot of student diversity students come from every part of India, everyone is quite open minded here. We do have a lot of extra curricular activities students have the opportunity to try everything and are pushed by the IIT to try it you have every activity club just name it and you'll find it here and they're quite good.",8.8 2054,Debarun Maity,Haldia Institute of Technology - [HIT],"Learning is pretty good. Here the students organise many workshops and events to showcase talents of the students. Yes. Industrial visits ar organized. Curriculum helps a lot in making students professional. My first year experience was very good. The lectures were professionally driven.I opted in for BTech in information technology because I want to be a web developer. This college is good with good reputation and placement. I went with my rank card and the documents required on a given date and the admission was done. The date on which classes would start was given.",7.3 2055,KUNAL GOYAL,Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology - [Sir MVIT],"I got a rank of 4234 in COMED-K exams so i got into this college with ise branch as i had interests in the field, other better colleges were available to me,but i chose branch over college,other options for getting in here is thourough kcet exam and thourough management qouta they have reserved seats.VERVE(CULTURAL FEST),KALANJALI(INTER COLLEGE FEST),sports events,hackathon and many other gaming events, we have different clubs such as GAP, PIRATES,RIPOSTE, amd a ngo too i.e. ABHIKALPANA which helps the needy children to get right education which is provided to them by students on every sunday.",8.2 2056,Sumit Kumar,Maharana Pratap Engineering College - [MPEC],"Gender ratio is 3:2, students dorms are great, parties like dj nights are frequent, workshop class is scheduled once a week of 4 hours, here people are nice and helpful and there's no discrimination among any students, culture is helpful. Extra curricular activities are few, sports is valuable here, don't know about robotics but debates are frequent between students with guidelines of teacherPlacement of my college is excellent so many national and multinational national company visits in months like huawei, Infosys, Tata, wipro, hcl etc. General steps for recruitment is competitive test and interview and gpa also matters, avg 80% students placed, yeah institutions runs training classes to prepare for placement session",8 2057,Abdul Ghani Siddiqui,Bangalore Institute of Technology - [BIT],"In ny first sem i had physics cycle where we were taught mostly part of our 12th class, there was one new subject of computer aided engineering graphics where we were taught of representing 3-D objects on 2-D, rest of the things were quite familiar to us, the labs were ok but it didn't gave us industry specific knowledge, exams are conducted by vtu so the structure was alright but till now i have only got theoretical knowledge which is in no way connected to the actual knowledge i should get to groom my skillsThe fees here for non-karnataka students is very expensive it is around 1.5 lacs per year, the college approves payment only thourough cash and draft, while admission also we have to give 50k for counseling which i think is very expensive, the fee structure has to be made flexible so that all can study without worrying for the fees",7.3 2058,Aryaman Singh,National Fire Service College - [NFSC],"The course teaches us about fire engineering. with high discipline and hard work we are transformed from a normal trainee to an officer. We work on ourselves from morning 6 to evening 6.The faculty of college and fire staff are quite qualified and experienced. And they help us quite much in every way possible. Yes industrial visits are organised regulary,there we are given projects.Campus Life is quite good. And interesting boys to girls ratio is 10:1. Quite less because you know it's fire service requires muscles. Campus Life is a little different than other colleges. Extracurricular like machine designing. Every type of lab is provided to us. Like chemistry physics, electrical, mechanics,paramadics, workshop, computer lab,and many more",9 2059,Pratap simha,Global Academy of Technology - [GAT],"The campus is just amazing and peaceful as it is filled with lush greens. The campus also has a mini forest and benches within the forests. These are beautiful and pollution free. The labs here are updated as the components there are of the recent kinds. The labs are clean and first aid kits are provided in each and every labs. The sports department takes huge responsibilities as many inter college events like Kabbadi, Cricket and Football takes place here. There is one cricket ground, a football ground and even a basketba court. Indoor games consists of table tennis, carom and chess. Debates and quizzes also takes place in the college where cash prizes and medals are awarded.Thour Course, i.e, Computer Engineering, is just amazing and i am completely enjoying it. The course curriculum of this college is well sophisticated and very advantageous to the students. The syllabus is completed on time or even before. Few classes are kept for practice and revision. There are thouree Internals, one each month, and one external in a semester ( one semester is 6 months). The externals also include lab exams. The externals are conducted in the college. The quality of the eduction, or the syllabus, is first grade as it benefits the students ans helps in further and upcoming interviews and job placements. Field trips were orfanised for 2nd year B.E.",8.2 2060,Aman Pandey,Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology - [MMMUT],The professor are usually young and supportive here. They attend their lectures well and are active in classes. Different professor has different style and approach but all are good in their field. They try hold the students with their data and sense of humor. Overall they develop our knowledgeI am attracted towards car designing and hence chooses to take ME and MMMUT is the best college in my native town gorakhpur hence gave MET and thourough general counselling got admission. Counselling involved a series of process but was smooth all the staff and seniors were helpful,8.2 2061,Anshul Chaudhary,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"Engifest is the annual cultural festival of Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering).Usually held in the month of February, it is a thouree-day-long event.The print media partner of Engifest is Hindustan Times whereas its prominent digital media partners include All India Radio, 9x Jalwa including Students from different colleges took part in this fest and in those 3 days there is a big gathering in the college.Students presented with vast amounts of content knowledge that is not organized into meaningful patterns are likely to forget what they have learned and to be unable to apply the knowledge.Curriculum for understanding provides ample opportunity for students to apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts and conditions. This helps them transfer their learning to new situations and better prepares them for future learning.",8.5 2062,Sameer Gupta,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],For middle class family it is some what expensive.you have to pay around 4 lakh yearly. Moreover every year their is the 10% increment in fees structures. College privide scholarship for their student.For scholarships you have to be 9.0 plus GPA holder or if there is bread earner lost in your family than you have to score 6.5 plus GPA and then you have do work for 12 hour in a week.Faculty are serious abouts your study. If any class is missed by holidays or by any circumstances they will take the extra classes on odd time so that your study will not harm by any chance.well the teachers are not that good as you are expecting as they not consider you a kind any more. So you may not understand or make coordination with them.,9.8 2063,Jayanth,JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial - [JNTUHCEJ],"According to me course curriculum and exams structure is fair and it is running according to schedule periods and they conducting exams with in time. And they encourage very student for better academics. The exams are conducted by main branch of our college not by our faculty and they are very help for our final exams.The campus has an approximately equal ratio of girls and boys and readily build accommodation to them by our college. Our faculty is also encourages in extracurricular activities,and labs,sports and competitions,etc. Recently we had many workshops on robotic science and 3d printing, etc.",7.7 2064,Vedant Kadhane,Sardar Patel Institute of Technology - [SPIT],1)Marathon 2)annual techno cultural fest oculus 3)tech race and sports events4) women's week 5) workshops and trainings6) traditional and cultural days. So to begin with our very own annual techno cultural fest oculus it's fun event where there's a good mixture of technical and cultural stuff.there are event like ipl auction.codatron.capture the flag.carnival hogathon.workshops and much more.the college takes a good initiative in organizing various activities which keeps students active.The placements are quite good many big companies come here to offer jobs to tech wizards and especially the comp wizards.but yes the other department students also get a good package due to best training provide to them.our college has made the last semester compulsory as an semester long internship one as students are given marks on the basis of their performance in the company.and it's compulsory for everyone to attend it.,8 2065,Digha Jain,Symbiosis Institute of Technology - [SIT],"The events are not celebrated well, religious events celebrated are Holi, Lori, navratri, Ganesh utsav. The cultural event is not much good, on a 10 scale point I would give it 6 points, while technical event is really disappointing, I will give it 1 mark only. College doesn't provides support or much budget to it. It doesn't gives heed to co curricular activities.I would suggest mid term exams to be held too. The rest of the exam dates are well planned and taken, I would suggest to add mechanical and civil studies to be included in first year course of CS, IT AND ENTC. Also I would like to suggest to make one sports compulsory for first years.",6.7 2066,Komati Dinesh,Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],"I got admission by writing emacet exam. I joined in college July 19,2019. This college have a pleasant atmosphere and near to the nature. And education specification is more in my college. And admission process is simple after completion of intermediate, write emacet exam.if you qualify in that based on your rank college and course is allotedMy campus is very pleasant and located in good nature. No more pollution. In my college girls strength is more. 60%girls 40%boys. We have labs in good condition. But in sports my college is little bit poor. We invent robots in mechanical labs. And display it in my college. Also faculty conduct debates between students.",8.3 2067,Gaurav Dhakad,Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology - [MANIT],"Yes, my college give scholarship to students. Generally we got mmvy scholarship for which various documents are required like aadhar card, income certificate, mp domicile etc. The eligibility criteria for these is you should have 85% in 12th class and under 100000 rank in jee mains exam. Procedure is firstly we have to fill a form on mmvy portal and then we have to submit various documents in college. Except mess fees, we got all other fees.Manit bhopal is spread in 650 acre. The campus life is good and enjoyful. The strength of my college is 5000. The labs of my college are well and helpful, other activities like sports are also good. For sports we have sports complex in which various games are played like table tennis, chess, carrom, kabaddi, badminton. Yes, we also have various societies in which competition exams are held. These societies are very helpful to students.",8.7 2068,Anirudh Jindal,DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute - [DKTE],Exams are conducted frequently and college is autonomous due to which pattern is totally designed by college. Before final exams two preparatory exams are conducted which is of 25 marks and you have to score 20 more than 20 marks in these 2 exams combinly if you can't score that much then it is difficult to pass final exams. Mainly they give you many opportunities to research and also many competitions organized where you can show your talent. And many industrial tours organized so that student can gather knowledge how industries work.6 courses are there for every branch. Maximum all the faculties are Phd or pursuing their PhD. Maximum are passed from this college and all are middle aged. Their way of teaching is awesome and you can understand easily. Beside this practical is conducted every day for 2-3 hours. Each class is devided into 2 or 3 batches according to strength of class so that every student can easily understand.,8.2 2069,Shoeb Patel,RC Patel Institute of Technology - [RCPIT],"If you wish to take in this college so you must fulfil the criteria of college University by qualifying the entrance exams such as mht-cet or jee then apply for admission online. Keep your name is is in merit list then you can easily take the admission in this college you have to select the debate to University then you have to select a are c Patel institute of technology and in this way you can apply for admission online.Fee structure is for direct admission there is a 1.1 lakh, for the students who has OBC or OBC category has 60000 fees for one year and for SC ST there is 10000 fees for one year there is also a tfws seat allotted for thouree students behind the 60 students they also has 10000 fees this is the the approximate fee structure in short.",6.7 2070,Sumalya Dey,Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"It's a very unique course and most of common Indians don't want to follow this course. If you want to join this institution you've to keep in mind that this is no normal engineering college. This is one of those paramilitary colleges. You've to wake up at 5 am go for PT classes, attend fall ins (musters) daily. You've to go to classes, maintain a 85% attendance which is the requisite percentage for appearing in semester exams and if your attendance is more than 90% you get more internal marks as there are 10 marks allocated to attendance.Yes, my university does provide placements and job opportunities. Every year atleast 120 out of 220 cadets (we call ourself as cadets which means officers under training) gets placed. We get generally 2 chances to appear for placement and if you fail then we can go to Mumbai and appear for off campus placements. And no my college doesn't provide internship as all the job is off shore type.",7.5 2071,Bhavith,Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science - [HITS],"Every college has good and bad aspects. Our college too. As far my experience I would say you guys to prefer this college because here you can focus on many things other than studies.more precisely I would say you that you will get time to learn out different things and you can spend time by joining so courses Faculties have a good knowledge but they lack in communication. They are so friendly, but for the people's who are in search of friends dont join this collegeYes our seniors are very helpful. We have also very good alumni. Alumni representatives are members of Departments' Boardof Studies. Alumni provide advice for enhancing the curriculum and forupgrading the laboratories with latest developments as per the current trends in the Industry. Alumni take part in the Hindustan Technology Business Incubation (HTBI) and Hindustan Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre (HEIC), for mentoring and inspiring student entrepreneurs",7.5 2072,Shlok Jha,KLE Technological University,"There are mainly 3 annual events of our college: Spectrum - is held round January enging, its a casual intra college, inter-department event consisting of various competition like- Dance, art, coding, murals, debate, role playing, singing etc. Pleaides- the main annual college fest, which is generally state or sometimes national level, it comprises of both cultural and tech events, spaning over3 days in the month of march or April, it's mainly famous among Karnataka college students.participation in this is highest like thousands of students. Sparsh- college/state level cultural event that happens during September, reprinsing of EDM nights, and various other artist performance, most famous after Pleaides, and participation is in hundreds.Gender ratio here is quite balanced as per my raw observation, moreover equal opportunity are there for both the genders. There is as such no dorm system/party, just normal junior and senior girls/boys hostel for accommodation. Student diversity is quite high, almost all states of India are represented on campus, although not with same frequency. On a regular intervals one can observe loads of workshops regarding different fields being held in different auditorium or seminar halls of the college. Cultural society is quite active in view of a college present in a tier-2 city of india. People with all sorts of economic and religiousbackground are present in the campus. Also racial, religious, gender and political tolerance is high.",7.3 2073,KORAT KELVIN,Government Engineering College -[GEC],"Days celebration: 1) Ganesh chaturthi 2) navratri 3) Signature day 4) Independence day 5) Republic day Sports week : kabbadi, volleyball, chess, badminton Quench: This is our Tech-Fest and a lot of events are included in it every year like Gaming, Treasure hunt, Racing, slow cycling.Yeah, Labs and lectures are more hectic one but we know that our course curriculum is not focused on research work. Our curriculum is of GTU ( Gujarat Technological University). This curriculum is not going to give any kind of knowledge which is needed today.",4.3 2074,Shaik Sana,JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial - [JNTUHCEJ],"The actual fee of the student who studies here is 18, 000. But For the sc, st, minority students and candidates who got below 10, 000 EAMCET rank should not have to pay even a rupee for college fee. The oc, OBC students and students whose parents are govt officers must pay that 18, 000 for college which I feel is not that much expensive.I wrote TS EAMCET and I got a better rank. So I kept this college in my councelling and I got seat in the first attempt only. Even after second councelling I got the same college. first of all they intimate us to join on a certain day for orientation and after they give another date to join in college",9.3 2075,Vigneshwaran S,Institute of Road and Transport Technology - [IRTTECH],"I'm interested in mechanical engineering from childhood so I chose this course after my 12th standard higher education. But since I had got 169 cut off marks I thought I will not get higher standard institutions . But to my luck all over the Tamil Nadu the situation was sane and I got mechanical engineering seat in the institute of road transport and technology in the general category itself. The admission process was very easier. As soon as I got my allotment order from DOTE, I was given a date to confirm my seat. I went with all relevant certificates and photos and completed my admission process very easily .There are twelve staffs in the mechanical engineering department. Some of the senior staffs are dr.s.tharves Mohideen.M.E.Ph D-HOD Dr.selvi M E, Ph D Dr k Bala Murugan, M E, Ph D Dr.R.Senthilraja, M E, Ph D Mr n s Nandakumar, M E, Mr k kumara raja, Mr p Karthikeyan, Mr G kulaindaivelu .IRTT is famous for the most experienced professors than most of the reputed government institutions. All the staffs are experienced more than ten years and maximum .they are not only experienced in the subject but also well in practical and industrial exposure too. Most of them have submitted thesis, journals and written books",8.5 2076,ADDALA SANJEEVNAIDU,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I first cleared JEE Mains entrance exam and got 32180 All India rank and then on applying in JOSAA seat allocation authority, I was allotted Btech in Mechanical Engineering at NIT GOA. I gave the JEE exam in the months of JANUARY and APRIL. The results were announced within one weak as this was an online exam. The JOSAA Seat Allocation began from July. Then from August the rounds of allocation began. It lasted for approximately one month. Then we were supposed to report at the college for admission process. After all this, I got admission in NIT GOA in the department of Mechanical Engineering. I opted Mechanical because I'm interested in robotics and also i thought that being in a core branch could help me get placed in an IT company if I know coding along with my mechanical syllabus. The reason why i chose NIT GOA are: •It's NIRF ranking was 87 in 2019 •Goa was nearer to my hometown Silvassa So these are the reasons why i chose Mechanical Engineering in NIT GOA.Gender ratio is 5:1 So the campus life is awesome. It's so cool that in the first year itself i got my girlfriend. There are a lot of workshops conducted: •Mechanical •Coding •Hackathon •Arduino Sports are conducted annually. Debate competitions are conducted for various languages. There are various students with different religion, caste, mother tongue, economic status but we all stay in harmony and we all are one family which makes us United.",8.5 2077,Anindya Sundar Saikia,NIT Silchar,"The gender ratio is quite low with girl to boy ratio as 1:10. The campus life is quite exciting. Birthdays in the hostels are quite a celebration. There is always the excitement to wish their friend in their special day. Irrespective of ethnicity, race, religion, everyone come forward and give birthday bumps. A variety of workshops are organised by the institute as well as the student union body for the students. The Literary, Publication,Fine Arts Society of the institute is quite active and organizes various events an competitions thouroughout the academic year. This includes Quizzes, Debates, Creative Writing, etc. The institution also pays attention towards the physical development of the students and is equipped with a cricket field, football field, indoor stadium for various games, a student activity center. Students are encouraged and regularly sent to inter NIT competitions and other college competitions.A variety of events are organised by the institute for the overall development of the students. The techno-management festival of the institute is Tecnoesis. It is the second largest techno-management festival in the entire region after IIT's TechNiche. A variety of events including RoboWars, SumoWars, RoboSoccer, etc. are organised during this event. There are also tech expo and Car expo. Pitching and other management events are organised during this days. The cultural fiesta of the college is the Incandescence. Celebrated for 4 days, this event showcases the vibrant colors of the India culture as well as the western culture. There are ramp walks, bands, bolloywood singers, dance competitions, cooking competitions held during these days. The spring fest of the college is the Posua which showcases the regional culture in front of everyone.",8 2078,SARAL JAIN,Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering - [BVUCOE],Well i got the admission in bharati Vidyapeeth pune for computer engineering by giving bvpcet examination on 16 june 2019 then results were declared on 24 june 2019 and then my merit no. was 331 i got in the interview round in which seat allotment is done on the basis of merit i took admission in computer engineeringCampus life is good it has a very big campus approx 80 - 85 acres has a huge ground all the games are available in the campus there are many colleges in the same campus so there is diversity on types of people labs are average competitions are there for every thing gender ratio is not so good but it's not worse,6.7 2079,Divish Jindal,Punjab Engineering College University of Technology - [PEC],Campus has a lot of diversity regarding boys and girls know the gender ratio is quite high by the lot of more than the girls but all are treated equally all have self respect among each other and and college has the major role in playing part in it. We all are are enjoying a lot in extra curricular activities and Labs.the course curriculum is old as In all the indian engineering colleges but the teachers are very kind we have a regular exams like mid semester examination and and semester examination thourough which develop our skills. we are making our world a better world by learning thourough our college.,7 2080,Mihir,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"Maharashtra government offers various scholarship schemes to the backward social and economic classes of society. For any pupil of Scheduled Class, Scheduled Tribes, there is no eligibility criteria for availing scholarship. For Other Backward Classes, Socially and Economically Backward Classes and any other categories eligible for benefits, have to submit a non creamy layer certificate issued by competent authority. College provides free education to one pupil with low family income and with excellent academic history. Various Banks provide education loan in India and one can check that with respective bank.I wanted to become an engineer specifically a computer engineer. However I got Information Technology branch. For taking admission into this college, one requires a very good score in MHT CET examination. A score above 160 is considered respectable for CS branch here. If calculated in percentile, above 98.80 percentile are required in average for admission. College admits pupils thourough the same centralised process by all colleges of Maharashtra. Even score in JEE Main can be considered for admission. Though the score must be high enough.",7.7 2081,Kondabathula gowri shank5,"University College of Engineering, JNTUK","Fee is not expensive there is no fee to the categories of bc, sc, st and who are having ration card no tution fee for those students otherwise 10000 is the tution fee for the students per year, this is government college so the tution fee is also so low as compared to the other private universities.Mainly exams are conducted by the college it self because it is autonomous college so. Every paper must prepared in the campus it self and 2 mid exams and internals and externals and then semester this pattern we can see in our college. Semester question paper is of 75 marks.",7.8 2082,Himanshu Shukla,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family. Quite Expensive for middle class family.For petroleum engineering. The admission dates were at last after all the entrance exams of various colleges. For petroleum engineering. The admission dates were at last after all the entrance exams of various colleges. For petroleum engineering. The admission dates were at last after all the entrance exams of various colleges. For petroleum engineering. The admission dates were at last after all the entrance exams of various colleges.,8.3 2083,Jayesh Anilkumar Mishoura,Pune Vidhyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and Technology - [PVGCOET],"Campus life is very enthusiastic with an supportive environment provided by college authority and various other students organisation such as ABVP has been raising the students problems. Gender ratio is very good with great interactions with opposite gender students. Students do not feel any type of discriminatory issue while experiencing the campus life they are free to express there political or religious views. Various students organised workshops such as SUPRA, BAHA, ART'S CIRCLE is been runned by students with great results.The syllabus for current program has been reviewed and updated this year, it has been more interesting and it gives the positive perspective over the industry based learning. Various other practical learning programs has been provided by the college. Various meets seminars has been done regarding practical based learning which would help for campus placement and self development.",8.2 2084,Aditya Patidar,Chandigarh University - [CU],"I'm pursuing Computer Science and Engineering in Chandigarh University.From the childhood i want to do engineering in the field of computers and also it is the demanding course of today's time. I had chosen this course because the college has NAAC A+ accredition and also the ranking of this college is good in every field than other colleges. I had got my admission on the basis of 10th and 12th score.The admission team will explain you each and every things related to admission process and also their is a counselling process face to face with their experts which helps you to choose the write course and branch.Their are many events which are celebrated in the university. Some of them are: 1.CU fest: It is been held between the different university 2.Tech Invento: It is also inter university event 3.Pratibha Talent hunt: In this event all the cultural and non-cultural event are been held 4.Folk Fore: It is an international event held in university. Student from different university outside the world came here. And many more events are held.",9.2 2085,Akash gauda,Smt. Indira Gandhi College of Engineering - [SIGCE],College had a huge campus the girl ratio is about 30 percent the students are able to celebrate their friends birthday in college there are and number of workshop the college also gives an opportunity for senior to display their project as a workshop so the junior could learn extra soft skills even language and communication skills workshop are heldAfter 12th and my JEE entrance exam I had applied for online cap round process by cet cell and after 3 cap round I got allotment to this college and after allotment I freeze my cap status and visited the college personally and saw the college campus took the brochure of college and filled the online application of admission on college website,8.2 2086,Aman Sharma,Amity University,"Yes the course is research driven and fair the curriculum is very carefully curated for giving industry specific knowledge. Subjects like technical communication and evs helps in the grooming of every individual, a foreign business language is also compulsory for every student which increases the candidates value during placements.The faculty are highly experienced and qualified professionals of average age around 40. Everyday we have 6-7 lectures of 1 hour each Excepting some of the teachers others had relevant industry experience and certifications. They try their best to share their knowledge and experience with the students.",8.3 2087,Mridul,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA",The college gives admission to the students on the basis of enterance examination which is jee mains. The admission takes place thourough state authorities thourough the HSTES site. Thouree rounds are conducted for admission and if the student is eligibe for admission he has to go to college for getting his documents checked and paying the admission fee.The college provide with the cirrculum of every semester in the starting of the semester. There are thouree examinations held in each semester which include two sessional examinations and the final examination including the practicals. The sessionals are of 15 marks each and finals are of 75 marks.,8.3 2088,Arnav Shindolkar,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITG],"Campus life is where the college lacks badly. Although the college is close to airport there's nothing in the proximity of the college. The sports ground is being constructed so you get to play in a small place In front of the hostel. Gender ratio is poor as well (1 girl per 40 boys). As the college accepts students via national entrance. People from nearly every state are present here. Labs are fairly good. Debates are hed quite frequently on varied topics. Robotics club conducts various events teaching students about robots, etc.Placements is one of the aspects where the college beats many of the other colleges of the same background. People get hired for domestic as international jobs here. Companies like Amazon, IBM, Microsoft and many more have hired students from the college. Around 85-90 % of the batch got placed last year with the highest package being 56 lpa (int). The placement cell conducts and invites the companies to the campus and also prepares the students for the placement process very well",6.5 2089,Shubham syal,Chitkara University - [CU],Our exams held very frequently we have thouree types of exams first of 10 marks (fa) second 40 marks(st) and third 50 marks(mst).it is hard for us to give exams this frequently but it is okay it is only for aur benefits so that we can get knowledge and get to know things which will be useful in upcoming yearsThe are Most of them are very friendly in nature and helpful. whenever we are in trouble the help us out as a good faculty.they teach us in very good way so that every student can get good knowledge about everything and the help us in clearing our doubts evemy when they are off duty,9.3 2090,Shubham Datta Gaikwad,Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering & Technology - [ADCET],"Given mh cet exam by govt. Of Maharashtra India then after that admission procedure started thourough round 1,2,3. I got admission to annasaheb dange college of engineering and technology for computer science and engineering in second round then after that for admission to college on given date i submitted my all original documents with college and hostel fees.The college celebrates number of events every year in which cultural programs arranged for 4 days this is the Sneha event. Robotic is the event in which robo racing and number of technical events are arranged. Tech tok is the event in which the technical talk of new technologies is arranged and group discussion is also taken.",7.7 2091,R. hourithik,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"There's counselling conducted. According to your rank determined by the entrance exam, you'll be called for admission and and by then you can opt for the available courses. There are limited amount of seats available for a particular course, so the less Ranking you get the more chance you get to opt for your desired course.The curriculum is perfect as you get time for your works and it helps you learn more. Exam curriculum is good. The college follows the FFCS system which helps you in choosing your faculty and subjects. The curriculum is really helpful that it allows you to do other important work also.",9.2 2092,Avinash vishwakarma,IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK],"The campus life at IIT KANPUR is among the one that one can ask for there are a large number of cultural competitions such as dance singing etc and there are clubs for cultural activities as well also regular wirkshops are organised as well and there are a large number of sports events as well one can pursue any sport that he/she wants to play as the campus provides opportunities to pursue any sports as well these are open to all. The technical thing is the speciality of the institute the clubs include electronics robotics programming and many more which hold workshops for various skills regularly as well as seniors are very helpful and various projects are also offered in order to help more in learning. The gender ratio of the girls:boys is 1:5 but there is no racism in the college based on gender and or any sort of religion. The students come from every corner of the country and are of various religion and speak various languages still live together in the campus very peacefully and there is a very healthy environment in the campus.The college celebrates a large number of events and festivals round the years some of the biggest of them are. The cultural fest ""Antaragini"": one of the biggest cultural fest in the country as well in the entire asia and is very famous for its grand events. The sports fest ""udghosh"": The biggest sports festival in the entire region and a large number of teams participate in the fest in order to win the exciting trophies and prizes and as well as show their skills and enjoy the fest. The technical fest ""Techkriti"": Biggest technical fest in the north India and one of the biggest in entire asia famous for having various coding competitions various workshops as well as exciting events like robowars and other technical stuffs and allows participants from various regions to show their skills and win the exciting prizes if they have the skills to.",9.5 2093,Pranav Vasantrao Pawar,College of Engineering - [COEP],"The college is divided into thouree parts north campus, south campus and hostel campus, but this in not the fault of college. But it's fun. We students spent our time in library, labs, boat club canteen and electrical department garden and do many things. Gender ratio is surely greater than that prescribed by government. Our college has cultural team which has won many competitions such as Firodiya Karandak and Purushottam karandak.Our college sports teams has won various competitions by participating in other colleges fests and in our college sports fest 'Zest'. There is no tolerance and ragging practiced in our college. Students from all over the world study with harmony. We surely follow ""Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam""I don't have any bad remarks for my college. My college has already started to give me so much which I might haven't got from other colleges even this being my very first year. I am totally impressed by college management, it's history, it's unique facts and it's achievements. Despite being a State Engineering college, CoEP has same values like an IIT. Also the college is situated in the heart of the pune city in shivaji nagar. Overall this is a very good college to pursue graduation from.Here one gets a very good experience of college life and academics.The environment here is very competitive and nurturing for individual development.",8.7 2094,Spadeo black,Anna University of Technology,"Too horrible, State the tentative number of lecturers in your course, along with the average age and **qualification**, as per the hierarchy. Comment on the expertise held by them in providing clarity about the subject, to the students. Did the lecturers hold any relevant industry-experience.Various scholarship we're available for students. Which were offered by TN government to student for there welfare. Yes, monthly income less than 20000rs was the eligibility criteria and procedure to apply for the same. 60000 was the average sum for which the scholarship was provided.",4.8 2095,Saurabh masalkar,GH Raisoni College of Engineering - [GHRCE],"Thourough MH-CET percentile, which is held in the month of April every year. The admission process is done after that when you get the result of you MH-CET exam. The admission process is not according to your score. Then you have to enroll for the admission process for G. H. Raisoni & after that admission rounds take place. If you get selected in G. H. Raisoni, then vist the college & take admission. This all happens ever year in june-july period.Ther is a good gender ratio. About 60:40 boys to girls. There are various workshops arranged thouroughout the year on various topics. There are many foreign students studing in the college so you come to know about various different cultures. Huge events take place in the college which are very awesome.",8 2096,Mohammad Asad Akhlaaq,Sharda University - [SU],The exam structure is fair. We have continuous assesments then have mid term exams then we have end term exams for every subject. Mostly we have to give regular exams muggin the answers before one night and giving the exams next morning the terms are short and compared the exams are more. The concepts taught are to be memorised and then written in the exams the curriculum is based on mugging the concept and passing the exams. We have very few faculty that talks about research and development. In rest we are taught by ppts and then we have to study on our own and pass the exams.There are many faculty who are average and very few which are good and very rare who are actually really good. There are on an average 5 to 6 lectures per day. The average age of faculty will be around 30 years and mostly all have done masters and phds. But very few know how to teach. They just open their laptops project the ppts and read outthe ppts and there job is done. Some facilities are nice too they have different way of teaching and also help in placement driven learning and further they help in projects and extra doubts if we have.,8.2 2097,S.Shyam Srinivas,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Firstly, I written the jee mains exams which is the entrance test for enginneing colleges like national institute of technology. So when one score more percentile then he is capable of getting admission in this college national institute of technology. The admission process and getting of seat is a very big process. Every year jossa takes this job. Jossa consists of seven rounds so first we have to choose some colleges in which we like to get admission then after all rounds you may or may not get the seat in your prescribed branch. Finally I dot a seat in nit Durgapur.Our college national institute of technology Durgapur will conduct a total two mid semester exams and two semester exams in a year. The marks pattern is different in our college national institute of technology Durgapur when compared to other national institute of technologies. We have to attempt a mid semester for 25 marks and a semester for 60 marks and the remaining 15 marks by assignments. so a total 100 marks for each subject. The placement in our college is good but not as good as we expected.",7.3 2098,Bhanu prakash reddy Benjaram,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Our faculty was so good in my branch(course) there are 12 to 15 lecturers in this some are at a age of 23 to 28 years old and some arw at a age of above 30 years,all of they are completed their graduation in good colleges.Almost all of them have some industry experience.Course curriculum and exam structure was very nice,the lecturers are briefly explaining about the topic for easily understandable.it will be very useful in future like in job opportunities,in project explanation and for many presentations which will be held in colleges",8.7 2099,Kushagr Nandan,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"The study material and course structure is quite good actually. The concepts are easily understandable and can be connected from one topic to another. With the course running theoretically, we are doing practicals to gain the practical knowledge simultaneously. And about research, we are getting proper exposure to look over the topic and to research on it.There are lot of events that are conducted in the college, all types of events are conducted with an enthusiastic number of students participatit in it. We have a big annual festival called grafest which helds in the month of april-may is the biggest fest with the latgest number of participation",9.8 2100,Gayatri Rekala,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"Yeah. My college faculty are very familiar how to deal with the students. they say us the topic several times so that even the dull could understand it with ease. they conduct exams in weekly and topic based and they correct it immediately after submission and they say what mistakes we made and they help us in rectifying them. so that in this way we won't make mistakes during the final exam, and coming to labs we have labs for every course. not like other colleges. who pay special interest only in theory exams. my college is different they give equal importance to both and they let us understand every single topic practically cause when something is done practically it has more relevance and can be remembered easily compared to studying. And the exams they conduct during college timings don't make a hectic phase, they don't give us a lot at once to read. they give us single topic which we are already familiar during the classes. so these exams turn out to be a zeal for us to complete writing.So far we had few events in our college. the list are. We had science expo where we prepared few science models poster presentation creative writing and that was a huge success we had a good competition among ourselves. I personally secured 1st position in poster presentation. I was literally very happy for that. We had women's day celebration. where they potrayed how a woman is to be respected. We even had many other techinal and cultural events in our college. We had even traditional day in our college. we really had a good time there.all of us were traditionally dressed. And these events help us get refreshed.",10 2101,Anil Kethepalli,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"First we had written the jee mains exam and. After that we had a counselling and in that counselling based on our ranks like some students have their caste based ranks and some students come. With general category in that we can get our seat in our collegeCourse curriculum is very good and they have planned a very good systematic point of. View and coming to the point of exams. In every college exams are common and in our college exams in every semester thouree times namely quiz 1, 2 and end semester",10 2102,Mirridodhi Nikhil,Narsimha Reddy Engineering College - [NRCM],"My institution faculty are well educated sudy wise and as well as in moral values they behave with us as our own family and friends and made us study in every situation they try to encourage us and make us participate in every knowledgable activities and also they try to let us in sports also they try to explain every topic deeply and make us understand everything easily and effectivelyIn our institution many events are been celebrated anually for example events like Traditionaa very good and hyl day, Annual day,Ethnic day.and so on Etc. And we enjoy a lot in every event within the campus and also every pupil in the campus enjoy a lot by participating inspeeches,dances,singing etc. And also mid day meals are been provided in those times with good and hygiene food",8.8 2103,Aditi Narware,Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],"There are 6 lecturers who take our theory classes and when we go to laboratories there are other faculties too who help us in our lab work and experiments. Most of them are p.hd and some of them are m.tech qualified. Their age is between 30 to 50 approx. Our lecturers help us to clarify all the doubts regarding their subject. They give wings to our innovative ideas and helps us in exploring the world. *They tell us about the industries and their industry visit experience.This institution helps students a lot so that they can improve themselves. A lot of activities are organized here for students' overall development. Yes, the curriculum provides industry-specific knowledge to students. Yess industrial visits are organised at least twice in a year. You might not get a chance to visit industry in 1st year, but as you enter in your department, your visit starts.",9 2104,Sahil saurabh,Warner College of Dairy Technology - [WCDT],"137000 per year tutions fee. 25000per year Hostel fee+ security money 5000. Mess fee 3000 per month+2000security money. Yes,Its expensive. Its not easy to take addmission. Ya it provide transparency in the fee Breakdown. Their will be also scolership for bonifide students.Its environment are too good. The lab are also very good. The sports Ground are also big and well Organised way. Their will be a also training dairy for students. Also have a ccrf for Agriculture students. Many workshops on treanding ideas. Also held many conference.",8.8 2105,Joel Gregory Rajan,Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology - [MBCET] Nalanchira,I got admission for mar Baselios college of engineering and technology by the method of management seat where the applications were selected on the basis on their 12th marks and all Kerala entrance rank.As I had secured an above average marks in my 12th I had secured a seat for computer science and as the college was in Trivandrum I opted for itIt is quite relevant and fair as all the courses at Mar Baselios college of engineering and technology and vast and quite helpful and friendly for the students. I believe that after my graduation it will have made a huge impact on making me a better professional in my field of studies,7.2 2106,M M Tripurashouree,JSS Science and Technology University -[JSSSTU],The gender ratio is pretty good in our college. The girl to boy ratio is 3:4. There is not much diversity in religion as such. We can observe a diversity in race and political and economical statuses. The student union of the college is very active and has high competition among the candidates. The labs are well equipped especially the computer labs. Sports teams of the college are fairly good. A lot of technical workshops and activities including debates are held by clubs occasionally.The college is in karnataka. So to get the admission you have to write kcet entrance exam or comedk. I got admitted by writing kcet entrance exam. The entrance exams are usually conducted around April end or may. The results are announced online in a month and later the seat allotment process continues.,8 2107,Harikrishnan R,Rajalakshmi Engineering College - [REC],"Sports are supported less.the support they give is OD.Every athlete should practice with their own interests. There is no coach for any game.there will be no financial support for bus fares and accommodation fares and food. Labs are pretty good in Rec. There's a club called debating union which will make students to participate in debate competitionsExams are conducted only for marks not to check our knowledge or to improve our industry-specific knowledge.Our college is so keen about the mark percentage everything will be provided if you have more marks like leave,OD's and etc. scoring low Mark will make you to attend classes after 3pm or on Mondays.",8.2 2108,ABDUL HASEEB PM,Government Engineering College - [GECSKP] Sreekrishnapuram ,"All workshops and good in condition,there are many extra curricular activities,The Government Engineering College Palakkad is a technical education institute established in 1999 in the Palakkad district of Kerala, India. The college is owned by the Government of Kerala and is governed by the Directorate of Technical Education, Kerala. The college is affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and follow its curriculum and syllabi.The fee structure of college is very low because government take the most expenses only around 10000 per year is paid by student as tha all fee.no other fees are there.it is too feasible for students. But its only get in merit list of government.for some categories there is no fees.",8.8 2109,Aditi Patial,Sharda University - [SU],"Various events are held at the college. hecathon, global hecathon, sports meet, interactions with motivational speakers and industrialists are also held. Festivals lyk diwali, holi, basant panchmi, etc are also celebrated with prosperous. An annual event named chorus is also held in which various celebrities come and perform. Students take part in various activities.There are more than 20000 students in the university as the university offers various courses lyk BTech in various streams lyk civil, computer science, electronics, electrical, mechanical etc. Therefore the college has a large no. of students. There are students from the outer countries as well.",8.3 2110,Priya Pal,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Mang events like Punjab fest and sports events also were held here. Recently a big event was happened here i. e. Punjab fest where the cm of Punjab was also camed to visit here and many more other students of schools and colleges were came here and do participate in various program.Yes, we have provided industry specific knowledge that had be helpful in our placement and we have also provided industry visit facility and provide great knowledge about industries which is very important to known for every student because in future we all have do work there.",9.2 2111,Nauman Jakir Zari,Sinhgad Institute of Technology - [SIT] Lonavala,"After 12 th I had to appear for entrance exams JEE and CET. As soon as results were out addmission process began. When it comes to choosing a college I prefer academically as well as extracurricular activities. SINHGAD Institute of Technology is one of its mad has a great campus. After choosing SIT the merit was declared and further process for confirming my addmission began. In the given period of 5 days I had to go and submit the documents required and confirm my addmission. Sinhgad Institute is affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University which have an excellent teaching plan.Computer Engineering is one of the best field. A unique curriculum has been implemented and programing subject has been included right from first year. It includes Python programming language which is easy to learn and grow, it is one of the most demanded language. Each semester is divided into two parts i, e 30 insem and 70 endsem which makes students easier to grab knowledge and apply them in exams. There is even term work and regular practical as well theoretical lectures. Project based learning and Accredited course make engineers capable of placing into the industry.",8.7 2112,Srujan kumar,IIT Jodhpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITJ],"100% Placement has been achieved in B. Tech(Computer Science and Engineering) for the year 2019-20. Career Planning Session organized by the Seniors on Call, focusing on Importance of Career Planning, SWOT Analysis, Know your IKIGAI & Career Interests. Placement Statistics: Overall B. Tech. placement percentage: 84% Overall B. Tech. average salary 14. 33 Lakhs Read More. IITJ has signed a MoU with NAIST, JAPAN to facilitate academic exchanges, student exchanges, higher studies and internship opportunities. Congratulations to outgoing students placed in prestigious companies. Conducted Soft Skill Training session by Mr. Ranjan Kumar Majumder and Dr. Konica Paul Chakraborty. Conducted Learning by Sharing Session to be taken by those who have been placed this year in reputed companies or selected in top Universities for higher studies. CDC conducted Career Planning session by Prof. Kaushtabh Mohanty (Previous Placement Chairman at IITG and AIPC Convener) and Prof Debasis Deb (Previous Placement Chairman at IIT KGP).Gender ratio is 4:1 for a boy to girl and campus life would be one of the best part of anyone's life. To provide a platform to students to get real-life experiences and to improve quality of holistic life of students on campus, the Campus Life Society was formed. Also, Students Gymkhana and Students Regatta of IIT Jodhpur actively help in providing the needed interactions and experiences to be able to make considered decision to choose and prepare for a career after graduating from the Institute. The Student Campus Life Society actively works with the Office of Students of the Institute.",7.2 2113,Gaurav Sharma,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]","Training and Placement Cell, we foster a climate where collaboration with industry thourives, generating breakthourough discoveries that can support continuous innovation and growth. With a perfect track record of very productive relationships with organisations of all sizes, from startups, growth stage to successful enterprises, our institutions provide the students perfect blend of technical education, soft skills development, and entrepreneurial mindset to make them industry ready. Total Successful Placements :518The daily routine at SKIT is very well organised and arranged. The tests and exams are always taken regularly. Syllabus is always completed in time. Teachers are very informative and are always keen to share extra information. The college is very punctual. There are 2 shifts in the college. There are assignments and tests after completion of every unit. The teachers are very responsible. Most of the teachers are well experienced and are always available for help",6.3 2114,Rohan Agrawal,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"There are ten branches in college Computer Engineering Information Technology Electrical Engineering Electronics and telecommunication engineering ELECTRONICS and instrumentation engineering Industrial and production Engineering Biomedical engineering Bachelor of pharmacy Civil engineering Mechanical engineering Their is two mid sem test before end sem.Here you get opportunity to score in mst-2 if you get less marks in mst-1,as best of one or average marking is concerned.total 8 semester,16 mid semester.Yes, Seniors are very helpful and supports us at various workshop held in college.One thing I want to mantion is that their is many things which was given by our alumni like cafe 91,gym,Dining Hall,vrindavan and many more.So from this you are able to understand how much supportive they are.",8.3 2115,Vishal Laxman waghmare,Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering - [PGMCOE],The course structure in my college is quite good but I think it was developed much more than it if they provide some external cariculam activities then it is too much good and if they go thourough there hundred percent potential then it's awesomeActually i got scholarship because I am from backwards cast and I got small amount of fees according to my sight the feds structure is feasible for me because it too much less compare to my friend's my fess of hole year is only 5000?,6.7 2116,Saini karthik,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"My course is IT the exam cp structure is verey well labs are excellent and the lab maintenance and system working verey well. The research I find is from the college the good faculty with great experience and the placements cell gives a verey good training.Traditional day, freshers day, on the freshers day we enjoyed well and all the students participate well and all sirs enjoy by doing dance and all the festival are done they at last they kept dj for students for they excitement and gifted awards.",9.5 2117,Nandik Devbhuti,Academy of Technology - [AOT],"I am pursuing B.Tech in Information Technology and engineering from this college. If you don't get a seat in IIT's and NIT's, then you can take admission in this college. This college will give you a platform to enhance yourself. From the past two years, the placements of this college are excellent. Almost 90% of the students got placed from this college, and many students got placed in more than one company. The average salary package offered in this college is around 4. 2 LPA. In our course, the lowest salary package offered is 3 LPA, the average salary package offered is around 4. 2 LPA and the highest salary package offered is 6 LPA or more. Many companies visit our college like TCS, Wipro, Infosys, IBS Software, etc. Most of the students got an internship in those companies.Exam is taken almost after every 2 months along with several class assesments and practical tests. The course structure to be precise is laborious and requires daily update of day to day study. The college is under the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University (MAKAUT) and follows their exam pattern. There are 2 internal tests that are being conducted which comprises of 40% of the total marks and the semester (final) exam holds the weightage of the rest 60%. Also 1 Practical internal is conducted in the college which contributes 40% of the total marks and the final semester practical exam holds rest of the 60%. Also in between Term paper assignments and daily update of Lab work needs to be maintained.",8 2118,Sarthak Lonkar,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"Fees for open category is 1, 36, 000/- for one year without including hostel facilities. For OBC/EWS category fee is 78, 000/- for one year if they apply for a scholarship. SC/ST has a very minimal fees maximum up to 10, 000/- for a year. Also talking about the private scholarship, I don't have any idea about that.Overall college is good and quite fun loving surroundings. Small garden in front of every building is good to sit and relax. Best college in the city like Pune campus is also a good one. Just the campus lacks in sports ground and privacy as locals keep passing thourough the college campus always.",7.2 2119,Ashouray Raina,G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology - [GCET],"The course curriculum is arranged fairly well. There were 5 subjects in the 1st semester and again 5 subjects in the 2nd semester as well. There will be only 3 subjects in the 3rd semesters. In total there will be 4 semesters. There are internal and external exams. Internal exams are conducted by the college itself and external exams by the university i. e. GTU.There were many cultural and educational events in our college. Some of the events were robotics gala, innovations fest, modern engineering event, annual function of college, etc. These events are organized every year and any student can participate in them except the masters students due to their rigorous schedule",6.5 2120,Deepak Singh,Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology - [JUET],"There is separate hostels for boys and girls with also separate mess. There is ground for Cricket, football, basketball, badminton and so on with all equipments. there is society which conducts events is JYC. Gender ratio is around 8:35. Cultural nights is organised to enhance the integrity in the college.The main objective of the college is to increase academics and they sometimes neglects sports activities. Also I felt that college focuses on only Computer Science branch more than other branches such as ECE, mechanical engineering and civil engineering and chemical engineering.",9.2 2121,Praneeth Varma,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"Positive : 1) Every student and lectures are friendly. 2) The campus really looks cool enough and neat with green tress. 3) Securities are strict to restrict students who are not eligible. Negative: 1) The co-ordinators of the class should be more strict if a student is absent to college. ( They are already good but, need more concentration). 2) Some students(not tee-totallers) aren't at all good to listen classes and do some worst businesses in college. 3) The crowds of the students will be elsewhere around the college all the time. (Class bunkers)The course is really with good lectures and everyone is friendly and with good knowledge. Focusing on research, I will give 3/5 ranking in my college. It's not too bad. It goes good with mechanical guys and CSE students. They'll conduct computer based language learning programs, many contests and all. Coming to the exams, yes they'll conduct labs sufficiently but not too frequent. They'll be chilling all the day. Even, sometimes, students will get targeted by lectures. They'll torture those particular students and they may end their day hectically.",8.7 2122,M Santhosh kumar,Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology - [MGIT],For EEE our college is the best one in jntuh affiliated colleges and faculty in our college is experienced about their subject and also our college maintenance well equipments in labs also has lab incharge who are well trained and knowledgeable persons who provides intrest in labs to know more information about the equipment and also take care of any damages to ousYou will be greatly pleasure with out college and there will be two exams conducted by our college they are mid1 and mid 2 also lab internals and lab external will be conducted in our college the mid exams will consist of 25marks and labs 75 marks,6.7 2123,Kushal jain,SRMIST Delhi NCR Campus,"Our college provide scholarship to those students who have scored a rank of within 100 in their exam, or to those students who are state toppers or board toppers or district toppers. Other than that if any student do well in a year of any course they also provide scholarship to that student.Various extracurricular activities akes place in our college, all the time something or another is happening at one place of the college or another, various workshops takes place like machine, tedx and etc. various societies are also their like fashion, poetry, cultural etc.",8.5 2124,Sanjith V. Sanil,Canara Engineering College - [CEC],"The college has certain marks requirement for admission. As i had the requirements i was admitted to the computer science course, as per my request. The admission process to the college had just started so i had no problems in seeking admission to the college.Aakrithi, an intercollegiate tecno fest is conducted in the college. Students from various and our college participate in it. Which is like a booster to students. It well planned and conducted by the seniors and management. It was hell of a blast.",7.3 2125,Kishor ck,Tolani Maritime Institute - [TMI],"The college is good at it's infrastructure, faculty, sports facility,workshop facility,modular facility, training ship facility and also having a great library but the negative part is that the placement percentage for marine engineering is decrecing even after it is the only college which is providing good placementThe college is having the best sports infrastructure truthfully it was the thing which attracted me the most it is having facilities like 3 basketball courts,4 indoor shuttle court and squash quart,box cricket pitch and open cricket pitch,football ground,table tennis court,athletic track and so on",9.5 2126,Dixitha,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - [RGIT],"We celebrate each function and fest in very unique way. We celebrate kannada rajosthava, ayudha pooja which is very special and we celebrate mother tongue fest, and cultural events we even do celebrate sports day. Each and every events are interesting and its too goodOur college as good faculty ohh. The teachers are too good they teach us in very easy way that we can't even expect. The teachers are too good they teach us in very easy way that we can't even expect and my personal experience our chemistry sir was excellent",8.3 2127,Hemanth Krishna,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"You will have to write the VITEEE(Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam) to get admission into VIT after your 12th-grade board exams. Once the results are out, you will get your rank. Then there will be a counseling session conducted where VIT will call candidates rank by rank to admit them into college. You will have to be physically present in any one branch of VIT to get admitted to the college during the counseling process. Live Seats available per course will be displayed in the counseling hall. There is no interview as such. But you will be divided into two phases of counseling depending on your rank.VIT has its Technical Fest named Gravitas, where various colleges come and participate. And it also has its best and biggest Cultural fest named Rivera which is the 5th biggest Cultural Fest hosted by any Indian College. Various Celebrities visit our college and perform and students from various countries also come together to participate in the fest. It celebrated grandly with almost One week rest to academics. The technical fest also has various technical competitions to participate and battle",7.5 2128,Musaib,PDA College of Engineering,"I took admission from KCET. After i choosed this college in kcet i took the admit order and went to the college for document verification, i verified the documents. Then they asked to fill the admission form and sign on the bond paper containing information that i can leave yhe college in between only if i pay all 4 year fee.Feasible. Fee is just fine but they also take extra 18000 donation even after the kcet mentioned that they shouldn't. Sports club is there if any body wants to play. There is fee for everything. Even if a student wants bond certificate he needs to pay 100 rupee challan.",8.3 2129,Aryan garg,Punjab Engineering College University of Technology - [PEC],"The course is well structured as it is not very old as one assumes it to be before joining the course, a good amount of practical workshops are available for hands on experience towards the work though the instructors might be sometimes a bit rude but are the master of their respective shops. Newly formed siemens labs are a step forward towards the latest technology including cnc's, virtual prototyping and 3-d printers. One major drawback of the course is the lack of research work and opportunities available in the field and a very hectic schedule due to frequent number of lengthy labs.The admission to the college takes place thourough the prestigious JEE (MAINS). 50% of the seats in the college are reserved for home state quota (Chandigarh) but the downside is that home state quota students didnt get hostels this year. Being from a business family, I chose production engineering branch. The lowest in terms of cutt off in general category is for materials and metallurgy (about 60000 rank for general).",8.5 2130,JOYAL JOSHI,"Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University - [FET JU]","This college provide a best experience on sports. This college provide opportunity to most of the sports like football, cricket, basket ball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, hockey, frizby, and many more.at present there is no racism or any kind of discrimination experienced by the students, and parties and politics are not supported by the college.JET entrance exam helped me to get admission to this college, which was a merit seat. Merit seat have less fee compared to other admission gateways. The course which I opted have a lot of job opportunities thourough college. The practical lab facilities are really good in this college as compared to others.",6.2 2131,Ritik Bansal,IIT Indore - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITI],The college seniors are very helpful and friendly and help in whatever way they can. The campus is absolutely ragging free with zero tolerance on any sort of violence be it physical or mental. The alumni base of the college is also very good with students placed all over the world.Yes the college does offers many scholarships for meretitious students and the students whose annual family income is less than 5 lakhs a reimmsion of one- third turion fees and for families with annual family income less than 1 lakh a full grant on turion fees is provided.,8.5 2132,DENO C VARGHESE,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - [RIT],"The seniors are very creative and work sincerely for the college's welfare, which helps in conducting more extracurricular activities in our college. There is no gender inequalities or diversity based on races, religion s etc., the students are conducting the programs and all students can participate. Sports are well supported in our college mainly football. Most of the extra curricular activities Will be conducted by the college union which is selected on the basis of party. Labs are average with equipments.Fees structure is feasible since it is a government college. We are only paying the fees which comes under government quota which is the least compared to that of private. In fees structure there is good difference for reservation category. In total we are paying 15000/- for a year which includes 8700/- as tuition fee and admission fee. Rest comes under the PTA, development fee, placement cell fee etc.",7.3 2133,KARTHIK DURGAVAJJALA,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Gravitas is the technical fest held on the campus. Here, there are many workshops, events, etc. that make children well equipped with knowledge related to technical things. It provides a lot of exposure to students and encourages students to have healthy interactions with their juniors and seniors and share brilliant ideas. Also, Riviera is a great cultural event celebrated with zeal and zest. Various artists that include great singers and comedians make the event a memorable one.The placement opportunities are nice. The average package last year was 6.05 lakhs which is quite decent. Here, we have super dream packages which are above 10 lakhs per annum, dream packages which are above 5.5 lakhs per annum, and regular packages which are around 3-4 lakhs per annum. There has been a considerable rise each year of students getting super dream package. The college also provides good internships.",7.5 2134,Jay kumar,Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],Apart from studies our college organises cultural programs on different occasions to give an individual sound and smart personality. It also organises tech fests annualy to provide a technical mind to students. It also allows or college students to participate in various comoetitions organised in different colleges.Apart from studies our college organise interdepartmental sports championship annually to provide a chance to students to excel in games and sports. There are in number of students from my college who represented state as well as country in varios games and sports. There is gender equality in college.,9.3 2135,Utkarsh Dewan,JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus- [JEMTEC],"The campus life is actually great here. The corridors and college campus are always echoing the voices of students talking. The gender ratio is also quite good is you consider it's an engineering college. The labs are really really good with all the devices working. As for extracurricular activities, they are also very good and encourage students to really show their talents and try something new.I got admission in this institution on the basis of jee mains exam. The admission process was quite tedious as you would expect. There were a lot of documents to fill and a lot of documents and certificates that you needed to submit. But the respective faculty members of the course you were opting for were sitting there and they helped me through each.",9.7 2136,Nikhitha Anush,Government Engineering College - [GECI],"Our tech-fest named ADVAYA was held few weeks before. I have never seen such an interesting event ever. The whole 3 days we experienced a lot. As it is a Government college, we, the students of our college conduct our fests. At the end of the whole thouree days our faces were lit up to see that our team work has become successful. Students from another colleges were also very intrested and gave positive comments on our tech-fest. As part of our tech fest we usually conduct social events. Apart from last years ""lightning the village from solar"" and ""giving meals all over the state"", this year we were able to give scholarships to young students which may boost up their minds to score more. A detailed view of our tech-fest and our activities can be viewed in ""advayaofficial"" page and ""trollgeci"" page on instagram.I am a 1st year student. So I haven't attended any internship programs. Its expected to come in the upcoming years. Our college have an active placement cell which ensures every worthy student to get placed at the right position. Our seniors are placed at TCS, INFOSYS etc.",10 2137,MUKESH KUMAR SINGH,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Maximum faculties qualification is P. hd. and M. Tech. This research group is created with an intention of making an interaction among the research scholars, professors, scientists, engineers & technologists working in the field of Engineering, so that today’s novel ideas can become reality of tomorrow and these all can be implemented in a more constructive manner for the welfare of whole mankind.To take a break from their academic engagements, students can enjoy bowling, air hockey and many more games with their friends at the campus “Super bowl” alley. Category:Sports and Athletics. Release Date: 2 Mar 2020. LPU Students made Kapurthala District Handball Team win State Championship Trophy Gold. Gender ratio 30:15 No politics in the college.",8.5 2138,Mahesh Jarhad,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"As I currently studying in 1 year, In course curriculum contains courses from all other Engineering branch like mechanical, civil, Electrical, Computer science, etc. In 1 semester total 5 courses are there for duration 6 months and there are total 2 semester in one academic year of Engineering. This structure helps to get basic knowledge of all other engg. branch There are total 2 university and 2 internal exam in each semester. sometimes labs are very hectic but we had learned to chill with that. PICT college is under one of the Prestigious Savitribai Phule Pune University.Thourough Jee mains I get selected for NIT Surathkal, but I preferred branch/course over college so I choose PICT college over NIT Surathakal which is quite odd as to get admission in IIT and NIT is very difficult over state level Top college. finally thourough CET- Maharshtra I get admission in PICT college.",8.8 2139,Rohit goud,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"Our college conducts annual cultural program every year. it just gives the best opportunity to train ourself on a big platform, every student can benefit from this program. all our professors and honoured chief guests occupies the dias which makes us feel complete. our college also honors the students with awards and medals who brought laurels to our college by participating in various types of competitions.Yes, there various types of activities. there are clubs for every field possible. cmr along with academics, also has an eye for sports. many inter competitions were held in our college, which gives the best opportunity to compete and excel in various fields. There is an NSS club in our college which is the best among all the clubs. many excellent things were done by the nss club members.",9.5 2140,Joy Banerjee,Techno International New Town - [TINT],"The Course Curriculum is common for all students in the first year and it is mostly centred upon Physics, Chemistry and Maths. Next Year starts with our chosen Program and further accounts for the next 6 semesters. The Computer Lab is well kept with fine equipments and Optimal Programs uploaded. Exams had quite an impact on students as the questions mostly asked were offbeat or sometimes out of syllabus to encourage students creativity and research ability.Gender Ratio is mostly 4:1 in classes. The Extra curricular activities in the college is next to null. I don't have any ideas of student parties. Problems regarding Gender, Ethnicity, etc. does not exist in this college and there is no discrimination against genders. Political views are sidelined and are not very important in the college.",5.3 2141,Sankalp Mishoura,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Gender ratios is 1:2 here their are more male as compared to females. Life in SRM is good until unless you didn't do drugs or drinking. Drinking and smoking inside campus is not permitted and if you caught doing drugs then you are expelled from college. Their is huge student diversity such as you can find north indian, middle indian, student from all states, Tamil people, telugu people and also you can find NRI student from different countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, south africa, etc.Their are 2 main fest- AARUSH and MILAN. AARUSH is a technical fest where as MILAN is cultural fest. AARUSH is biggest technical fest related to science and technology in India, in which many celebrities and stand up comedian came. On the other hand MILAN is cultural fest related to fashion, art and dance. During the events many workshop and competition are organised related to coding, dance and gaming, etc. Also their are many other small events that are celebrated.",7.2 2142,houritik Bohoura,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"Every fest either it is cultural or it is technical it will be celebrated with great interest. We celebrate Holi, Diwali, Shaastra, Saarang. By the way shashtra and saarang are our college fests. Shaashtra is tech fest and Saarang is cultural fest. All are celebrated with joy and many competitions also held.Yeah there are many placements opportunities. Many companies come from different branches. And students can participate on their eligibility criteria. Any student can participate in placements. There are internships also and stipend is on the basis of type of internship.",8.3 2143,Nived and S,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Their are tons of extracurricular activities in our college. All the amenities and equipments required for all kinds of extracurricular activities are provided by the institution. Various tournaments of all kinds of sports are conducted inside the college, many other competitons including hackathons, gaming competitions, cultural competitions etc are also conducted over here. The participation and competitive spirit in these competitions are wonderful. The gender ratio is balanced over here and their are numerous students from different countries and almost all the states of India studying over here in peace and harmony.The placement and job opportunities are the best and highest in SRM compared to other private universities. SRM has tie ups with various MNC's NGO's and other famous institutions both in India and abroad and that is an added advantage to us students as it provides more and better opportunities for us. It is mandatory in our college to have completed atleast two internships before we reach our 5th semester and our college gives us the opportunity for that. Super dream companies starting from Microsoft to Amazon have come for recruitment here with a highest package of 48 lakh per nanum.",9.8 2144,Swaroop B Deshpande,PES University - [PESU],"The main reason people come here is because of placement opportunities. The college offers really amazing placement opportunities for all the branches am it's for sure that we get over in an company offering us average of 9lakhs. We get to have our placement tests and all. We get companie like Amazon, tcs, Microsoft, ibm, Facebook, l and t etc.Gender ratio is 70:30 boys to girls. Everyone gets equal opportunity. There are many clubs and groups which conduct activites regarding the social, economic and other aspects. We get to see people from all the religion and from all states. We usually get to attend many workshops in the campus and outside the campus.",8.8 2145,Sanjay,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],If think placement think cmr. this our college caption this caption is only enough to say how my college is good at placements. From the the first year onwards my college is providing a grt and CTC classes which helps students to get a knowledge about the interview and we get any companies to placements and every year many students get placed in many companies with good packages.My college I very good at acedamics and the faculty is well qualified and very kind towards students and the college environment is very good and the infrastructure of the college is good and the placement in the college are good. The placement training NGS session in the college are very good and going very well and l am glad to have this wonderful college,10 2146,Nihal najeeb,ACE Engineering College - [ACEEC],There is an annual sports day conducted for 3 days there are various workshops for each department which othere students can also attend there is an college festival which is really Grand and awesome apart from all this there are literary courses for extra attention and literary contest like debate essay writing etcThe seniors are really friendly and the campus is really raging free which makes each junior to know their seniors really well and the college keeps a program which enables all the students to meet thier seniors and interact with them it's is called the alumni meet which is helped every year,7.8 2147,Madhire Venkata Saritha,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],"In our college there is no gender bias and it depends on talent and self confidence and we have labs with a good incharages and they guiding proper way how to remember and how to solve the errors in program. And are participating in many games like coco,kabbadi,cricket etc. And there is gender bias in our college.Comparitvely fee was feasible compare to other colleges and it is reasonable for our college and we have good infrastructure and water facility and they they teaching C language, java, python etc. with free of cost outside they charges more fee and we are satisfied with my fee structure of cmr.",7.7 2148,Haritha Rao,CMR Engineering College - [CMREC],I have written my entrance exam but I didn't get this college in fact I got very low colleges.I heard a lot of things about this college and this made me get up to a decision that if I'm doing engineering then in this college.I've come here by managementIt is feasible when compared to other colleges because we can afford the fee and we also have installment for paying the fee.And the fee for the counseling students and the management is almost same so there is no expensive fee in our college,10 2149,K Hemanth Krishna,K L University - [KLU],"About the course.the faculty are simply superb.they are well experienced so pantual about the syllabus and timing. Examinations are held very strictly.my course is CSE-Computer science and engineering. about differet typer of programming languages.I learnt c, phyton and Java in the very easy manner and by application orientated and participation in online coding computations will be held every monthIn my opinion the fees is feasible.it costs 2.24 per annum.where there is an option that he/she can pay the fee in two instalments i.e. for each semester we can pay of rupees 1.12 lakes.so it is very easy to pay than to pay total amount at a time.in any other University or college they demand to pay all the fee before the administration time only",10 2150,Shyjith S,Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology-[ACET],Good infrastructure but bad timings.The college timings are not very good.we are not getting a long lunch break and sometimes the staff comes to the class before the bell is going to ring.After ever period the staff comes to the class and teaches us without giving any kind of short break.Most of them are not giving proper lectures and sometimes skips the topics.Many of the alumni students are helpful.They share their college life and also they tell us how to study for the exams without getting any arrears.seniors are very helpful and they share thier views about each and every college officials The alumni students often gives us more suggestions about exams and they also tell us how to apply for jobs.,7.2 2151,Mandar Gade,NIT Warangal,"It's one of the oldest engineering college in India due to which it has a very strong network of alumni. They are very helpful. They provide lot of various opportunities for the college students. 62 batches have passed out of the college. Different alumni does different contributions towards the betterment of the college. Seniors are quite helpful. There are batches where some ragging is done(joining these is completely out choice).There are various events celebrated in the college like technical fest(Technozion), cultural fest(Springspree), TedxNITW and many more. These fests are one of the biggest in the south india. Even the outside people can participate in the competitions held in various places. But the performances are done by the college students(Club members).",8.2 2152,Shourya Shourivastava,Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology - [RAIT],We have two theory and 4 internal examination in a year. It is good because you can give the exam again the next semester if didn't do well before. This is arranged by the University of Mumbai and personally the submission of exam forms and revaluation still are done in papers and can take alot of your timeOfcourse there can be alot of improvements starting with the submission of forms and submission of internal projects and majority of the time is in papers and limits some learning potential. Other than that i have been having fun overall so you won't regret it. :),8.5 2153,Abhishek Kirar,RKDF University,I don't know too much our placement and job opportunities as a fresher but I college so that there is too much opportunities and placement by companies but I think there is no that much placementbut there is very small placement in our most every colleges so there is also some placementsIf you talk about extra curricular activities there is no too much but little bit. There are many labs what veg lays are in use there is a large ground what there is not accessories for playing only students break their accessories to play,6.2 2154,Patel Pranav Girishbhai,"Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, School of Technology - [PDPU SOT]",Yes they provide a great information about everything talking from studies as well as for exam point of view this is possible as they have gone thourough the period of four crucial years of their life in this college so i jst wanted to say they provide great knowledge as well guidanceAs a coin have two outcomes the same is with everything no matter there are some negative feedback of our college but the most are the positive side and i am very thankful and think a lucky one to got addmission in this wonderful place and i am really enjoying this place,9 2155,Sanjay and P,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Placements are comparably low with other branches. Though our branch students get placed they will be offered with less package. With regard to companies, a huge MNC and others visit and do take from our college like Google, Mercedes Benz, L&T, Accenture etc.We have many legendary alumnus, which will be more inspiring to ou to achieve our dreams and become alumni like them. Seniors are friendly and no ragging is allowed inside the college as a result we have pleasant relationship with seniors.",7.8 2156,ShourEYASH SRIVASTAVA,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"To get admission in this college in BE course there is two options available it depends on whether you're a resident of Karnataka or outside Karnataka. If you're from Karnataka then you to give an examination called KCET thourough which on the basis of merit list you can get admitted in this college. And if you're from states other than Karnataka then you have to give an examination called COMEDK thourough which based on merit list or rank you will get admission in this college. Fees are higher for non-karnataka students.The placements in the college starts from the 6th semester. This college is the part of the DAYANANDA SAGAR INSTITUTIONS. The placements happens under one roof of the main college DAYANAND SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. So every student gets equal chance to showcase their talents. This college is established in 2011, it's pretty new. Currently it isn't providing any internships but in the upcoming year it may be provide internships.",5.8 2157,Aditya Kangune,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"I got selected by the MHTCET exam.The merit list is released and then according to it we get the cutoff marks to get into a particular college. My marks got me to this college.And there are rounds for us to join a particular college.Sports is not good to be honest.Gender ratio is not good in any engineering colleges in India.And according to me there's no problem related to caste, race, discrimination and all.So the students don't differentiate wet caste and all",7.5 2158,Dhayanithi G V E,Nandha Engineering College - [NEC],"I chose Agriculture Engineering because I'm from an agricultural base family but unlike others I joined as a lateral entry student after completing a diploma in mechanical engineering. The course is interesting but feels more like mechanical engineering not a bad thing though. The problem with the course structure is the math and problematic subjects they are too complicated to be understood and some are way too overrated. For instance I don't understand where in my life as an agriculture engineer I'm gonna use Fourier series and Partial Differential equations. Such things are very frustrating about the course. Most of the labs are very relevant and understandable.We have a technical symposium and non technical cultural events. Each department have their own technical symposium. Non technical events like sports day and hostel day are common for all. And the most important of all and the very useful event is the Innovation Day. It's a common event for all the students of the institution unlike other exhibitions, here the exhibited projects are identified for the best and made into a commercial product so that the students of the project crew can be benefited from it.",4.5 2159,PRANJALI AGRAWAL,Amity University,"I am pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, as coding fascinates me. And if anything attracts you, then you should do everything for this.and the first step in moving towards your goal is choosing the best college and for this amity is the best choice. The admission process is simple. It is one of the best private universities in Madhya Pradesh.This college has its own way of everything which is at best. It supports its students to take part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. One can get good industry exposure by working in so many projects offered to the students. The things are not only in theory but with practicals. I love the combination of theory and practicals.",10 2160,Rohit bheron,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],We have very good alumni network in our college. We have Facebook group of AIT alumni group in which if any one have any problem related to any particular company than that can be solved. Alumnus are present all over the world in different countries and if anyone goes to any other country than alumni helps for staying and accommodation. Senior students are very helpful for eg. they started teaches us coding language c++ from first year onwards as officially in first year there is no subject of coding. As I m in computers so they told to start hackerrank (a coding platform). A very good trend and senior junior bond is that seniors pass all their books to their juniors as my first year is almost completed bit I got all textbooks from senior only.Seniors are very helpful. Ragging is nil. Food is not that much good. Atmosphere is best as it is on the hills. Some first year teachers are not good but senior teachers for 2nd 3rd and 4th year students are good. Shopping complex is present in college. Most of sports are available. 4 branches in college out of which computers and IT have very good placements but entc and mechanical placements are not that much good. Highest package 39 lakh per annum by microsoft. Director and joint director of college are from army back ground (retired army officers). Parents of all students are from army and that is compulsory for students to take admission in AIT.,7 2161,Vishal Mishoura,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"KIIT University is a world class educational hub which not only has students from the corners of our country but also around the globe international students. It is headed by a visionary founder who is very kind hearted, efficient yet extremely simple, Dr Achyuta Samanta. I personally was inclined towards this college because of its world wide reputation, state of the art infrastructure and never the less it's placement senario also because of Dr.Samanta.It's diversified culture results in all round development of the students. First I registered thourough its website for the KIITEE exam. Gave the entrance test on the asked date. It was not very difficult and mostly focused on aptitude based questions. Then I received a mail to come for counseling. On the counseling day I was given branch based upon my rank in KIITEE.No college can beat KIIT in terms of holding events. Every week there would be atleast 2 big events apart from the flashmobs organised by students. Apart from the main KIIT fest there are multiple Technical, Cultural and Management Festivals every month. All schools conduct their own fest. Due to Dr Achyuta Samanta many international level competitions and conferences also happens. Like example Khelo India University Games and Computer Society of India Conference, both this year's just first half.",9.5 2162,Anmol agrawal,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],"There are many extra curricular activites like sports,dance,singing,hacking, peotry,acting and many more in which there are seniors to guide stidents to improve there skills there occur many inter college competition from which best students are selected to represent college in various competitions.Yes there is internship students can do from second year and very good placement if you are eligible for it.many good companies like infosys, tcs,byju etc give placement in this college.only thing required to be eligible for placement is 75% attendence and more then 70% in the end semester exams.",7.7 2163,Yash Dhivhare,Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],There is no sports complex. It is building and it will build in a year or two. It is a government college and the professor take it for granted. And they think that the salary is gonna come what's the problem take rest. And we suffer. So we should be independent by studying on our own and not depending on professor for teaching us.The Course Structure is Just OK. They focus less on Practical knowledge and more on attendence and other stuff. The worst thing is attendence. Your attendance should be minimum 75 percentage otherwise you cannot give the exam. The Exam was quite of a good level. The Questions in the exam were mostly of moderate level.,6.5 2164,Kuldeep prajapati,Samrat Ashok Technological Institute - [S.A.T.I],"Many activities are in this college like clubs, sports club, etc Well maintained Cricket, Football & Hockey Grounds A well maintained Racing Track Two Tennis Courts A concrete Basket Ball Court and Skating Ring. Two Indoor Wooden Badminton Court. Indoor Games Hall for miscellaneous indoor games like Table Tennis, Carom Board, Chess etc. Well equipped gymnasium Admission NRI - Seat Academic Calendar Tender Hostel Facility Fees Right to informationAlumni Transit Home has been constructed in front of Director’s Bungalow with the partial contribution by the Alumni. It has the facility for comfortable stay. Alumni & parents of regular students of this institute are permitted to stay here on nominal charges as per norms with the permission of Director.",7.5 2165,Tarun Yadav,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"1-tantra fiesta(tecnical fest) It is the only technical fest in our college.they are pretty big.many technical competetions takes place, such as electrogiest for electronics students, coding competition, robotics, and many technical events.there were a total of 17 competitions.participants were from all over india(coding competetion) and all others were from nagpur itself. 2-abhivyakti(cultural fest) It happens in big scale.cultural competetions will be held.participants came from outside of our college.Labs are not that good. electeonics lab contains faulty equipment.but computer lab is good but it doesn't have an ac.coming to sports we hve got a worst sports trainer, he doesn't know how to play any sport.a roumer is sprwad that his job is recommended by our director.we have teams and any one facluty will be heads of the teams such as sexual organisation and greviance committe.etc",5.7 2166,Balla Goutham,Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,"I wrote Ap eamcet exam and got admitted in this college, this college has best placements than any other college in andhoura Pradesh.This helped me to get a clear idea in joining in this college.the campus area is quite small but the teaching department is good.Gender ratios are very less, they give equal important to both men and women, cultural activities are conducted, no religion politics and no discrimination with is a very plus point in this college, workshops are also conducted in their respective branches",7.5 2167,Y. Sathish,QIS Institute of Technology - [QISIT],"Because i wanted to invent a machine by taking the ECE group.it heps to know about all circuits and theories. If i won't get a job in electronics there will be a chance for me to search for software jobs. I can also try in getting governement jobs. So by taking ece branch anyone can get job in any way.when my interviewer asked me that what made me to chose the course over other if any options i had then isaid above things and finally igot admission in this collegeWe celebrated freshers day, fest, department functions, and also we have celebrated many cultural programmes. We enjoyed a lot in our college programmes and also participated in many programmes. Seniours conducted games day before the progamme happened and gave the prizes to the winners during the programme was happening.",8 2168,Prerna Gupta,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"Being a 1st year student I haven't had an internship yet, but seeing the seniors we know that some tech Giants come to the college for internships and overall placement rate is pretty good. Though most of the companies are tech based so it's mostly beneficial for the electrical departments, but you should know one thing that this is the 2nd best college in India for civil engineer after IIT kgp.The faculty is pretty good with a sufficient student to professor ratio. Most of the professors hold a PhD degree and many research scholar work under them. Though not excellent but the faculty is getting better with the passing time provided that the college has been recently given the status of an INI, it's getting better day by day.",7.2 2169,Vaghasiya Neel Rameshbhai,L.D. College of Engineering - [LDCE],There are two exams in every semester. One mid sem exam and other is university exam. There is little strassful during exam.Placement of my collegee is very high. Around 110 students out of 120 placed is different companies every year.,9.5 2170,Rohan SHARMA,Viva Institute of Technology - [VIOT],"There is one good thing. If you get selected from the online procedure you will get your half fees money back into your bank account, you just have to fill one EBC form i.e economically backward class and have to show the income certificate to college and as soon as it approved by the University, you will get your half amount of fees back.Hitaishi is the biggest cultural event happens in this college. Things are managed by the student council. In that every department is participating including architecture and pharmacy. There are several events like dancing competition, singing competition, acting, skit, street play, sports and mamy other things. You will have great fun.",7.2 2171,Saptarshi Mondal,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],There are a lot of arrogant and oversmart professors who are not at all lenient and don't want to admit their mistakes. But there are always few who are better than the rest and I love those professors. I think they should join as a teacher in better collegesThe college provides tuition fee waiver scheme for the persons with low family income. It's really well for them. I have availed for that facility and it really helps me out to manage my expenses since I wouldn't have been able to pay for it otherwise,3 2172,Chandu,Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering and Technology - [VVIET],"Our college has many faculties and ther is many departments chemistry, physics, CSE, ISE, ECE, EEE, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL departments evey department has well qualified lecturers there are many lecturers has many years experience.Many scholarships are available to the students based on their parents income and cast they can get scholarships of 19000 and more they can also get a monthly scholarship for hostel food fees and for their basic needs.",8 2173,Hamna k,KMEA Engineering College - [KMEA EC],"Yes. Most of our seniors used to visit us to explain and rell us about their college life period. Seniors who are well placed also usedto come and say us about how they were trained to be placed.they says that every single teacher here helped them very well.Its feasible. Merit seats have fees from 10000 to 50000 for a whole year. While NRI seats are very expensive which is from 75000 to 1, 25, 000 for a year. Those who studies well without any back papper are provided with scholarships from the college itself.",9 2174,SUSHANT SHASHIKANT DESHMUKH,Government College of Engineering and Research,"I have acquired EBC scholarship provided by the maharashtra state government under this scheme I will get half of the amount of tuition fees back to my bank account.Also I have applied for the tata samarth scholarship but not yet received it hopefully I will get the scholarship which provides 3000 rs per month till completion of course.There are many extra curricular activities carried out in our college which includes technical events like go-cart, roboconand cultural activities like resonance. singing etc.Also sports activities are the activities in which students take lot interest.Besides this Nss provides students with various social activities.",6.5 2175,Nihal Barudwale,Sinhgad College of Engineering - [SCOE] Vadgaon Ambegaon,"Fees are different for different categories of students because they have some reservations in fees, cast reservations, income reservation. For general category student fees are 134000, for OBC 78000, for SC 28000 etc for other category students. You can apply for loan by taking application form from college which includes all fees details that you can give to bank.Senior students are very helpful. They always guide you what to do, how to do, how to manage, organize an event, plan an event, execute it with discipline. They will guide you about studies, what extra skills you have to develop for placements. Teachers are very helpful.You can do your research freely and teachers support you.",8.3 2176,Greek sachdeva,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],"If a student scores above 9.0 cgpa it recives scholarship for that semester. Student also receive scholarship if they have performed excellently well in the entrance exam that is jee mains. They alao receive scholarahip if they have under 12000 rank in jee advanceOverall it is not that bad college basically if you can manage your studies and other activities then you will have no problem in your 4 years of college life. If you think that you will not have to study after coming in college then you are wrong",8.2 2177,Ashish k s,BMS Institute of Technology and Management - [BMSIT],The faculty of my college are really good with students and I have just completed the 1st semester with colourful results. The teachers are really friendly with students both in campus and out too. I have been a favorite student for my maths faculty and I do get great help during the exams time and internal assessment too.My college is associated with Allahabad Bank which do provides a scholarship and lones for students who comes from backwards class so the scholarship amount is decided by the college and is associated with government so that the students may have a little financial help for their education purpose.,9 2178,Aniket Raut,D. Y. Patil College of Engineering,Placements and job opportunities are best in Dr.D.Y.PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. In my field last year approximately near about 200 students 186 students were get nice placements and jobs and package price of these students starts from 2.5lakhsper year and the highest package was 45 lakhs per year. Yes there is internship in our college but the feild which I have choose the internship is not there. But these placements and job opportunities is best compare to other colleges.Dr.D.Y.PATIL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING senior students are more helpful than the other colleges. The main issues of college is ragging but in our college the seniors are so friendly to Juniors and helps in one or another work. Seniors don't make any issues which will cause war to the college.,10 2179,Anurag kumar,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],"The gender ratio is as same as any other engineering college. The labs are also good, well maintained, and all possible tools, chemicals and instruments are available. If you talk of sports then there is different space for almost every sports from table tennis to athletics. There is also gym in our sports complex as well as in the hostels.Ya a first year fresher always needs a support from the experienced one (the senior) which is always provided in our college. In fact we all are friends. From giving us the campus tour to helping us in the exams they are always available for us.",8.8 2180,Vishwatej Harer,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"Sports Event- Elevate. It is a sport event where many colleges participate. Games played are Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball etc. Cultural event- Addiction. This event takes place in January month. Various cultural activities are held like dances, dramas, Dressing competition etc. Technical events- Pulzion, Credenz.Seniors in this college are very supportive. They interact with the juniors very well and conduct various coding seminars. Alumni network of the college is quite strong. Alumni are placed in good companies in India and abroad. Recently, Silver Jubliee Reunion of the alumni was held in our college.",9 2181,Tanuj,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"The course I opted for is basically all about fundamentals of computer system and programming, web development and other IT related stuf.But in the first year that is for the first 2 semester all branch students have to study some common subjects together in mixed batches.Those subjects are BME, Maths1, Maths2, chemistry, physics, electrical, electronics, technical communication, computer aided engineering drawing, economics, c programming, enivironmetal studies and ecology.Well all this subjects are good but you actually dont need to study them cause most of this doesnt help you in future course (in your core subjects) like for students of CSE (computer science and engineering) we dont need to study chemistry, bme exectra.The practical approach is the minimal here there are lots of labs for different subjects here but students are mostly pressurised on the theory of the experiment rather then the practical approach.There is only one Sports ground for all type of sports which I feel is not upto the mark.The ground is used for football, Cricket, athletics, running exectra at the same time.We have sports complex also for badminton and courts for tennis and basketball.Almost we have courts and playing arena for all sports but they arent upto the mark also their are no coaches available for any sports which is quite disappointing.",6 2182,Pathan ateeq khan,MIC College of Technology,Campus life is very beautiful and there is no gender ratio everyone are treated equally and the labs are also good they take to lab sessions 2 to 3 times a week and sports are also played and many competitions are conducted around the students and debates are also conductedThrough my merit list i got admitted into this college as it was approved by ap eamcet department through that i got admission into this college and through that by also my interest and i choose this college and by submitting my details and certificates i got admission,7.8 2183,Nethizo Nyekha,Marathwada Institute of Technology - [MIT],"It's not even been a year since I joined but the course is pretty good. The staffs and teaching skills are way too good. The equipments for the practicals are not that good. The college is affiliated to BATU University so it's semi - autonomous. The assignments, projects and surveys are taken up in a very good manner where one can get lots of experience and knowledge. The college purely focuses on grooming the students to a bright future. So, it does not encourage extra co curricular activities which is a negative point from my point of view. The placements done by the college is quite good as over the past years, more than 100 students have got the placements in lots of fields. Most of the students were from Computer Science branch. The college also organizes industrial visits, power plants, etc. Overall, this can help me out to groom my future.There are about 12 lecturers in my course. The average age would be around 30. Most of them have completed their M. Tech while some of them have completed their Diploma course. Two of them have completed Ph.D. Four of the teachers have worked in industries with an average of two years experience. The teaching skills and techniques are way too good which enables the students to grasp the topic and carry out the rest of the parts by themselves. The study materials are also provided by the teachers from different sources which are quite helpful during the exams to score more marks.",5.8 2184,Abhijeet Mahajan,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"The course structure is quite good and decent,it contains the whole subject which is very helpful in further applications of the course. The labs and exams are somewhat frequent so it is quite hard to survive all of those as in one semester college take 4 exams. In that 4, 2 are insem exams and 2 are endsem exams.The alumni network is best here,they usually help us regarding our future studies or placements. I personally met some of the alumni and they gave me some good suggestions about the placement.They are always helpful,they guide us about the exams like GATE and other exams.",8.7 2185,K.P.sri Abirami,Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women - [VCTW],I am k.p.sri abirami..studing 1st year BE EEE in Vivekananda College of Technology for women in tiruchencode. I choose this course because electricity is the power of the world. now electricity is main in all feild so i prefer this course ..my father refers to this college because this is the biggest women institution in India more safe and useful to the future.In Vivekananda college many fees concession is available.. the person who has good marks get concession that helps us very much at the time we pay only exam fees .then we pay for industrial visit fees..tour fees and some other fees only .no transport fees for students transport fees is free for all student and staff.,10 2186,Naman mehta,Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],"My college is a rgpv based and we had very systematic exam modules for all particular semesters i.e.from base 1st sem to 8th sem.RGPV has all the essential and updated modules to cope with the leading time and technological development. But it could be best if much practical knowledge was given too. As the course curriculum is the main part of any education system.In IIST all the faculties are very well experienced and so much dedicated and motivating. They gives the best guidance to each and every student.As my steam is core branch in field on engineering thus making it most difficult in engineering but with the help of resources provided by faculty and staff of college,one doesnt faces the complications.",8 2187,Priyal Bansal,Amity University,"College events- University always keeps in mind the entertainment status of students and never fails to refresh their minds as they used to amity- Sangathan which is held during out odd semester, where we have opportunity to participate in many sports activities. The biggest event of amity is ami-chroma which is held in the month of February which is a 2 days fest for the entertainment of students.Entrance preview:- Admission at this University is based on your 10+2 result. If you avail a good score in your 10+2 than University will surely provide you scholarship on your semester's fees. To get admission in Engineering streams you have to secure 60% or more in your 10+2 especially in maths which is the main eligibility criteria.",10 2188,Himanshi Rawat,JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus- [JEMTEC],"The knowledge park imparted is in accordance with the course curriculum set by IP University. The time table is organised in a way to sync in the theory lessons with the practical lab sessions for better understanding of concepts.Mid-semesters and End-semesters exams are conducted to check the progress of the student. Industrial visits are part of learning and discovering new aspects, and our college is very well-acknowledged by this fact and yes industrial visits are organised.The campus life of our institution is laudable, cheerful and positive. Well, I must say that JEMTEC consists of an equal proportion of the boys and girls on the campus. Our institution strictly prohibits gender discrimination, sexual orientation and our college policy states that if anyone is found guilty regarding discrimination he/she would be rusticated from the college with a good amount of fine.",9.3 2189,Chandu kumar,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],"Labs are good and faculty and equipment are good every year we have sports conduction and every one can participate in that and show your talent in that based on that the prizes are given the main games are cricket, kabaddi, volley ball, shuttle, chess, thourow ballI selected computer science engineering and in the college we had good classrooms and faculty avalible for each subject and if we had any doubts we can ask them and clarify at any time, we have physics and chemistry labs the infrastructure is good in labs",7.7 2190,Anurag bharti,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],I don't know cause I am in first year. But I do know that our college provides internship. Placements are quite good in our college as it is one of the finest in our country. Also the PPO you get after internship is quite high. So all in all you are going to get placed one way or the other.Yeah. our college is always ready to help the one in need. So the students whose family income is very low are given financial aid. But I don't think you get any scholarship just because you are good in acads. You yeah if you are in need this college will surely support you financially.,9.2 2191,Nisarg Shah,Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology - [SVNIT],I am quiet not into research. Yes but we have class test (2 in one sem) one mid sem and one end sem. Practical exams are taken during end sem exams. 2 semester in. One year. Also its quite hectic when classes are from 8am -6 pm. That happens 2-3 days a week and rest is normal days till 12:30the faculties are having minimum of PHD degree from nit/iit and usually gold medal or toppers from best colleges in India. We don't have foreign teachers. We are proud to say that we have best teachers from best IITS in India. They teach with full dedication and entutisashm,8.5 2192,Savita Nandan,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Triquesta is our cultural fest.It is a thouree days festival that includes several competition and on the last day prizes are given.We participate in high numbers and make it grand. The events in triquesta can be broadly classified into four sections: Literary events Literary events usually include quizzes, word games, creative writing and some form of public speaking or debate. Cultural events These include such competitions as music, dance, fine arts and drama. Professional events One or more professionally staged entertainment programs may be scheduled. Gaming events Video games and board games may be played.The course is well designed in order to meet the demands of industries and public sector.Since its inception, the department has always been recognized all over the country for its excellence. The Department has consistently produced quality professionals in the field of Computer Science & Engineering and strived for excellence in research and development.Its main vision is producing high quality industry ready Computer engineers to cater to the needs of the society.",7.7 2193,Satwik Jain,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"The college seniors are friendly and are ready to help if asked. They are the ones who taught us a lot of hacks to live in hostels. The alumni network is also solid in our college. Many alumnus have given scholarships to needy students and help in uplifting teaching standard in the college.I got admitted in this college after rigourous learning and cracking jee mains and advance. I had coaching for 2 years after which i was able to give the exam and cleared it in first attempt. I got AIR 86 in jee advance which made me eligible for getting computer Science as the course.",7.7 2194,Akshay nagamalla,Sree Dattha Institute of Engineering and Science - [SDES],Expensive the money we pay is not eligible for this college because we can't feel that much of way of living in this college I feel it is too expensive for me because many other colleges are having less fee and more way of living way in the collegeThere is a good relation between the juniors and seniors and they advice all students to have a course which is needed for the software company any many others will be friendly with every one. And there is no ragging,3.7 2195,Debarshi Pan,SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus,"There are many clubs technical and non technical alike you Can choose according to you. Every weekend some events are held by those clubs. The student diversity is high. The college have high influx of students from Northern parts of India. Tolerance is low there is always a visible difference between north Indians and south IndiansTuition fees is 250000 inr and 25000 is for career development fees they teach us Javascript html etc also another 5000 for books and stuffs. In my opinion it's bit high comparing to other college The high fees is justified foe main Campus But other campus it's bit high comparing the facilities we get",6.3 2196,Gopichand Yerramshetty,Malla Reddy Institute of Engineering and Technology- [MRIET],"In our college they many fest were held and also we enjoyed in the celebrations.in the TRADITIONAL DAYwe and our senior all are came to our college in a better traditional dressed all. And some cultural had made by some students of seniors. TECHNICAL FEST had held for 2days and I had enjoyed a lot by the stalls kept by our seniors in all stalls the food are got more profit, and also some gaming stalls are also got good profits and the highlight of this stall is The TREASURE HUNT full of joy and superb experience of it. And in few days the annual day function will also be going to do in our college.I am curious to see it.Basically Nowadays most people are taking the CSE as their course. So we can easily conclude that CSE has many ways to learn and get settled. while coming to exams it is too easy for the students who read properly.n the process of examination is firstly they will conduct the lab internal-1, assignment-1, mid-1 for 1/2syllabus and they will same exams for another 1/2syllabus and finally they will conclude by the external labs in the same college and the semester examination out of the college as per their center the students have to go and attempt the exam.",7.5 2197,Prajjval Raj,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"We have a exclusively technical fest called Adastra which is for thouree days hosted by IEEE snist.we also have exclusively cultural fest called Rigolade hosted by Arts club snist.We also have the longest fest of South India Sreevison which is a combination of cultural and technical events.Then we also have events like dandiya night, traditional day, annual day and etcThe faculty is pretty qualified.we have really good teachers in the first semester.but I'm not satisfied with the present teachers.overalll I would give a 7.5/10.The labs are well equipped.the only problem is the there not enough encouragement for sports and other extracurricular activities",8.2 2198,Sayan Santra,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The Labs are clean and there is good amount of Apparatus available in the Lab. You can perform your experiments peacefully and each Lab has it's own Lab assistant who will help you if you face any Problem there. Coming to the Sports department - we have a lot of Sports culture here in Lpu, you can participate in Inter-Hostel championship. You can play cricket, football, basketball and many other games, the field is very Large and there are separated sections for all kind of Games, there's aslo an Indoor Stadium to play Badminton and also there is a swimming pool available in our collegeThere are a lot of events celebrated in Lpu. One World - where you can see the culture and heritage of all the International students that study in our college. One India - In this event you will see the culture and various things about different states in India. Other than this, many singers come to Lpu to promote their songs also their are various concerts and EDM nights.",7.7 2199,Rajkamal Yadav,Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology - [GCET],"Positive remark is that the location and environment. Well you will get the best area of whole greater Noida where the college is located so, you will definitely get the best facility by area wise. Infrastructure, students and environment of college is full of joyful and memorable. And thing is good that you will get all the facility within the campus. That's really good thing.If we are talking about the extracurricular activities then there is a lots of extra activities held in the college of can join them without any charge. Lab are well maintain and well function as well. Sports facility are also available in the college you can join in which you have intrest.",7.3 2200,Ritik Sahu,Inderprastha Engineering College - [IPEC],It's nearly equal to the fees charged by the other private engineering college but the university to which it is affiliated provides with the scholarship to the meritorious students who have taken admission thourough counseling thourough the universityIt's a good college which aims at overall development of the students but the college focuses more upon the academic results rather than more skillful approach to make students skillful but if you are hardworking than it's a proper place for you,7.5 2201,Omkar satose,Datta Meghe College of Engineering Airoli,Tution fee waiver scheme. To get admission thourough this category your family income is not more than 3 lakhs. Then only you will get admission thourough this category. And your score also good enough because only 5-6 seats are available for them.There are various well equipped laboratories where students can get exact knowledge of education of what they are learning. And another reason is the laboratory were maintained good. And for extra curricular activities there are few clubs.,9.8 2202,Robin gangil,"Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya University - [IET -DAVV]","Aakshank is the very famous cultural event of central India that held in our college every year more than 2 to 3 celebrities came in our college for this event it is a four day event, along with aakshank eday is also a very big event in which our college band goonj performs liveSeniors are helpful along with alumni we had a platform and sites available to contact our alumni, seniors do also provide resources if necessary if you are living in hostel then they will also be teaching you many things to improve your lifestyle",9 2203,Harshit Vishwakarma,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"The college provides very attractive scholarship for meritorious students. I have also been granted a scholarship of 318000. The College Fees have been waived of only the Hostel Expenses are to be paid. This scholarship was granted upon the following grounds, more than 95% in PCM in Boards, top 20 Students from the Total Intake. There are several Other internships too.Since Thapar has become a private College after 2016, The fee Structure is quite expensive. Tuition Fee - 101000 Development Fee - 59000 Per sem. Although Thapar do provide huge amount of scholarship for meritorious students as well as those who are in need.",9 2204,Abhishek Singhal Gupta,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing - [IIITDM],College offers scholarship to Reserved Classes in which their tuition fee is waived off. We can avail other forms of scholarship on the basis of our GPA and the family annual income in which tuition fee along with hostel fee is waived off.Alumni network is improving as batches are passing and will get strong in coming 7-8 years. Some seniors here are really good and are ready to help juniors any time. We had a conference with one of our Alumunus which was really helpful.,7.5 2205,Nabeel,Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering - [MSAJCE],"At first i applied for B. tech IT in this college thourough anna university counselling. After applying my father spoked to the college management. The college management told not to apply counselling. I did not understand why they told like this.Then they told that they will give admission thourough management quota with fees less than that pf counselling fees. So we happily accepted the offer and joined in this college. The admission staffs were very kind and one of the best. At first i wanted to take computer science engineering. Later i took Information technology because i liked it much better. The admission process was very simple and easy. I recommend this college to anyone.Our college has great placements because our college is situated in the middle of an IT park. Our college is surrounded by many IT companies such as infosys, Tata consultancy, cognizant, syntel etc. All of these companies come to our college for recruitment. This year many students got good placements in these companies. Yes our college provides many internships from first year to final year. They have partnership with internshala a platform for students to obtain internships across the nation. Many companies have connection with internshala and can get internships easily with good stipend.",7 2206,Lalith datta,National Institute of Technology - [NIT] Meghalaya,Electronics and communication course is well a good and interesting course most of the people are interested of taking computer science engineering but electronics is also helps to know what's happening around us. There will be 8 semesters in btech each semester containing one mid term exam and two class tests and two assignments and one end term examThourough JEE main exam you can join in this college you can apply for this college in JOSAA if you have qualified in JEE MAIN you must qualify JEE main in order to take admission in any NIT after allotment of seat in JOSAA you must report to the respective college for document verification,7.5 2207,Meenal Namdev,GL Bajaj Group of Institutions - [GLBGI],Need to improve so that students can enjoy college life not the strict school life.The teachers need to be a little soft towards the students and college should focus on the overall development of students by conducting various fests. And several societies should be formed which will help the students to develop themselves. Apart from academics there os an urgent need to focus on student's overall development.I am a first year student. The course structure is good enough but sessional tests after every two weeks are qiute stressful and at the same time irritating. Labs are good and provide exposure to students to learn new things. Labs are useful and also interesting as students can interact with practical world taking themselves out of the textbooks.,5.8 2208,Ashutosh Kumar Singh,Arya College of Engineering,"A lot of companies are came in this college for recruitment of civil, marchanical, information technology, computer science, electrical and electronics engineering student at very high package.Companies like google, wipro, Infosys also came for recruits.Our seniors ere very helpful for us they always provide us study material and way of study.Time to time they organise game and coding competition in our college campus and outside from campus.We we need to study mote they also teaches us.",9.2 2209,Ansh Budhlakoti,DIT University - [DIT],"The course curriculum is very easy, just be continuous with your studies and you can achieve a great cgpa. Moreover there are only 4 classes on a regular day (3days a week) whereas we have 5 classes on the other 2 days, so we get enough time with our studies and other hobbies.Yes. Our college provides us internships, even students from the 1st year get many chances to do internships during holidays. Moreover our college has a separate placement cell which provides internships as well as placements in very reputated companies.",9 2210,Shaik jaheer hussain,Siddhartha Institute of Technology and Sciences - [SITS],"If the student were of convener we will have total fee rembersment or scholarship of 35, 000 per annum. Our college also have loan facilities. I got rembersment in this college I don't have to pay any fee to college.I got this in eamcet counseling. At the time of counseling I selected this college in options and I got this college with rembersment. Then I reached this college and I joined. It was good to study in this college",8.2 2211,Mohammed Roshan,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology - [RIT],"The college has various clubs as in music, dance, cinema, quiz, astronomy etc. We are also in the top 5 IEEE Student Branch in Asia Pacific Region. The labs here are well equipped. There is no discrimination here on any basis, which is one of the best qualities of this institution.Even though I've only been here for 5 months, I'm truly in love with this wonderful institution. With an excellent faculty, basic amenities, top notch campus placements and wonderful seniors who have always got our back, the college life here is something I would regret if missed.",7.8 2212,Guru Sharan Kumawat,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]",I can get the admission thourough Rajasthan Education Admission Processes REAP. In this process student fill the form and choose the college he/she want and fill with the criteria that they want or they also fill the choice of branch also. In this there are many steps to join the college. There are upward movement also i. e. If student want any other branch in alloted college Or any other if the student fill in the form. There is internal sliding also. In this only college level can change the branch.I Take the Electrical Engineering in the SKIT college. So the exam pattern is based on the Rajasthan Technical Unit and there is also practical is held in the college Or paper outside the college. University paper is held on the centre is alloted by the RTU and the practical is held in the college which is taken by the externals which is come from the other college.,8.3 2213,Harshit Arora,Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus - [GNDU],"The Course Curriculum of Guru Nanak Dev University is good. The syllabus is satisfactory and labs are also at plus point. The Exams pattern is very nice. There are total 8 questions in total of 4 sections each consisting of two questions and we have to attempt only 5 questions and atleast one question from each section.The extracurricular activities are good in this college. There is a basketball ground, volleyball ground, Badminton Ground, a good Cricket pitch. Most students participate in the games. Labs are also good and you can practice freely in the lab if you are free.",8 2214,Rishabh Raghuvanshi,Thadomal Shahani Engineering College - [TSEC],"No campus but very strong in extra curricular activities. Good seniors and good surrounding to have fun.The environment of this college is so good. All the classrooms are big enough, classes are clean. The library of this college is one of the best part of this college, it is so large and full of books. The laboratories are well maintained and every library have all the needed equipment.Core companies visiting campus are very less.About 80% of the current batch got placed bagging highest package of around 42 LPA by CSE branch studentsthe lowest package stands around 3 lacs per annum grabbed by student of civil engineering branch thus average salary for our college stands around 8 lacs.",6.7 2215,Ritik tomar,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"The best thing about the course curriculum is that most of the non-core subjects are taught only in the first semester. From the second semester onwards almost all the subjects are core subjects besides one or two non-core subjects. The subjects in the curriculum are quite relevant though you can't depend on the faculty to teach you everything. You have to study yourself. Each semester has 2 minor exams during the semester and one major exam at the end of the semester. There is also 1 lab minor exam and 1 lab major exam.The Institute promotes active collaboration with the industry and therefore students are required to undertake industry oriented projects during the advanced stage of program. By undertaking such projects the students gain exposure to real life industrial problems in the working environments of organizations and demonstrate various aspects of testing, quality and commissioning.",7.8 2216,Sai teja,Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [VNR VJIET],The opinion was this course was excellent and we can study this course joyfully but we should have intrest the exam structure is per year 2 semesters and the exam will conducted at the end of the semester and we should study this course for 4 years labs and exams are counducted seriously.The placements percentage is 97% and job opportunities are more in my college and college will provide internships but not for all members only one who are really interested and doing very well in studies stipend depends on the place the student do the internship.,9.8 2217,Lingala Sai Chaitanya,K L University - [KLU],I got an admission in this college by 12 th CGPA.Which also provided a 30 % SCHOLARSHIP. Two of my seniors recommended me this college which made me join.They called me for councelling process in which they check our past CGPA and allot a seat accordingly.It a one day process.Its mainly focused on what really matters the most like some colleges provide chemistry and high level physics to computer science student which is not required in my point of view>But in this college we only have a little bit of them and mainly focused on Coding and stuff.,4.8 2218,Mayank Chaudhari,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering - [SKNCOE] Vadgaon,"If you are study oriented one then you are gone really enjoy this college. Here study is considered as first priority they won't allow you to be absent (attendance is mandatory factor) If student's found having mass bunk then your parents are called. Though this may not be good for some, but may be good for some students. This college not only focuses on study and attendance but also have good ranking in result in university exam (ranking good in university and first in sinhgad institute). This college also come with someone Every year with decent rank in university.Already mentioned SKNCOE is one of the strict college regarding its exam, result and attendance. For this SKNCOE comes with good teachers ( being in FE knows only about FE). I personally found all faculties qualified in their field and helpful too. ( giving you guarantee for getting success, at least in engineering). Being engineer you should be self depended not on teachers, because when you enter in engineering college, then you come with lot of thought to do, which in reality students complete. So teachers doesn't matters. It's you what matters.",8.3 2219,Nagarjun,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"I GOT ADMISSION ThourOUGH MANAGEMENT QUOTA WHICH THEY CHARGED ME 3. 5LAKHS PER ANNUM. If you join thourough CET or COMEDK it would be less in Fees. I've choose Electronics Communication as my subject. There will be vary id price on different Branches.I'm in first year we have 5-6 labs. Like English, physics, chem, electricals, mechanicals, cprogramming etc. There are more Males compared to Female with ratio of 2:3 At least once in a week there'll be some other compitations, Fests, fungames etc",8.5 2220,Samrat Rohit,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Firstly, I gave jee main in the year 2019 then the result came and I got not muchh marks.my OBC NCL rank was 13k and CRL was 50k. I was feeling bad but after that I decided to take admission in IIIT SURAT.my family was there. Now I m elaborating the full admission process -> appeared jee main -> got result and the rank was 50k -> JOSAA counselling starts, consisting of 7 rounds. -> as I want college in the same year 2019 so I fill the total of 107 Colleges in the counselling according to the Ranking of colleges. -> round 1 came and I got NIFFT Ranchi.after that we have to go to the nearest nit for document verification where we have to submit the duplicate ones and show them our original necessary documents.and we have to choose options freeze float and slide there to continue the counselling.I chose float because I want the best college out of my rank -> round 2,3,4,5,6,7 all come.at last in the 7th round, I got IIEST Shibpur metallurgy.the college was good but branch was not satisfactory so after that I applied for CSAB round (special) consisting of two rounds -> In the first round I got IIIT SURAT ECE.my first 5 choice was SVNIT surat and 6th was IIIT SURAT ECE. -> In the second CSAB round I got same.then I took admission there and paid the admission fee as given.Faculties are good and since IIIT SURAT is new and presently operating in SVNIT SURAT so in our first semester every faculties were of NIT SURAT and their experience was very good.almost everyone are from Gujarat their age was 40 and some were only 30 +-. But in the next semester facilities are not much good because they are new.and I think they don't have that muchh experience.we attend our lectures to cooperate with them.at last I want to say everything is fine there and labs and classes both are learnable.",6.8 2221,Susmitha,Visvodaya Engineering College,There is no. Fee in my college who got seat in the college they only pay the building fees and transport fee the students who didn't get the seat they want to pay the total fee of the college 150000 and they also provide the scholarship to merit studentsCollege is very nice and no remarks and the Main thing in my college is the environment* Nature is very nice and good looking with new pants and workers also maintain them neatly with daily cleaning and so many worker are working only for cleaning,8.8 2222,Reshma Raj D,"University College of Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University - [UCE]","Our college fee is 35000 per year.And payement is directly.Exam fees of 1700 have to be paid in each sem.And have to register oneline.No transparency is provided from the college in fees.Some of the students are free from paying fees as they had scholarships in accordance with their caste.Sports,women cell,tech fest.Teachers conduct sports day according to the curiculum.of the university and mange it very well.And also provides certificates and points for the students.Tech fest are conducted to improve the working skill and thinking skills of students.",8.8 2223,dipesh narkar,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University - [DBATU],In my opinion institute Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar technological University lonere campus is to good it is to closed to nature campus is to big. Gender ratio in my college is near about same while in some department girls ratio is more than boys in our college sports I'd a main factor sport is main thin that I like mostMy institute name is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar technological University lonere abd I am studying electrical engineering in that university I think my department is quite good than others department.that you fell in my college exam structure is good but we can't get relative grading and combine passing,7 2224,Puli Masthan,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],"In this college during the first semester time they will not teach related to your course. I mean if you take computer science course they will teach you related to other branches like mechanical, electrical etc. After that from the second semester they will teach related to your course.It is based on the inter results. If you got above 95% then the fee will be 50000 for two semester. If you got 90- 94. 9% then the fee will be 60000. If you got 70-89% then the fees will be 80000. plus 15000 for carer development fees for all students.",6.7 2225,Student (Anonymous),Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],"There various events and celebrations such as holy, tech fest, annual fest dj night and many more things are made to be done.college has been conducted sports event which will help you for physically fit.college has also organized inter-branch and inter-college sports meet in which the other college's students have participated.In this college, every department has brilliant faculty so you can feel like a home. they always help us in any field. They always encourage us. They teach us very nicely. They always support us in any situation and take immediate action. also, they help the doubts if any, and where there were with us during practicals.",9.7 2226,Siddharth,"Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology - [RCERT]","Frequently speaking, the course curriculum is average, not very well maintained labs, nor the teaching staff have much knowledge of their subject (except few). In a week you have 4 practical labs, but doesn't make any difference, because at the your syllabus will remain incomplete and moveover, the students lack interest due to poor teching methods and just attend classes for attendence.Placement of college is average. Placement is mainly in CS, mining, electrical branches only. In Cs branch the number of student placed is more but highest package is less. But in case of mining branch the senerio is completely opposite the number of students placed is less but they get decent packages.",6.7 2227,Abhilash p,College of Engineering Muttathara,Its a gov established college more over its a new one and the result is too so good and its good atmosphere for all students to study There are many scholarship and other other reduction are there for the students who got higher rank in entrance and both in +2 and other course and the college is also offers some other discount forvthe children who are note ablevto pay rhe mone due to the others problemsWe don't have any alumini and the senors are good and helpful in all the activities. There are many scholarship and other other reduction are there for the students who got higher rank in entrance and both in +2 and other course and the college is also offers some other discount forvthe children who are note ablevto pay rhe mone due to the others problems,8 2228,Ansh Budhlakoti,DIT University - [DIT],"The course curriculum is very easy, just be continuous with your studies and you can achieve a great cgpa. Moreover there are only 4 classes on a regular day (3days a week) whereas we have 5 classes on the other 2 days, so we get enough time with our studies and other hobbies.Yes. Our college provides us internships, even students from the 1st year get many chances to do internships during holidays. Moreover our college has a separate placement cell which provides internships as well as placements in very reputated companies.",9 2229,Neeraj Kumar,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA","Caution Money (One Time, Refundable) ?7, 000 One Time Fees ?2, 665 Tuition Fee (per Semester) ?27, 895 Other Fees (per Semester) ?6, 000 Annual Fees ?3, 070 Total ?46, 630 Fee is approximately about 47k per semester so you can imagine how good it is as you will get your degree and placement at negligible cost.you will never regret after joining this College. Score better rank in jee and enjoy collegeIt's Campus Size is not so big. The infrastructure of the college is bit old but now it is getting renovated and new buildings are coming into existence. The classes are large and they have all the necessities like smartboards, projectors. The laboratories are also clean and hygienic with all the modern equipment. Overall the experience is good.",8.2 2230,Gursimran Singh,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"I got admission into this college on the basis of jee mains marks, The first thouree rounds of admission process happen online and then there is an in-person counseling for which you need to come to the college. In the in person counselling, they make you sit in descending order of your rank and call a group of children at a time and that's about it. I chose ECE because of my interest in physics amd specifically electronics and the course has a good demand in the industry.Yeah, the college has quite a few good companies coming for placements and internships. Last year the highest package bagged was 39 lacs per annum given my Microsoft. This year I think it's 43 lacs I'm in first year so I have yet to sit for placements For internship mechanics and civil go in 6th semester while ece and computer go in 8th",9 2231,P.sai Kiran,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Nice placement s opportunities According to the placement cell officials of the VIT University, the placement record of the university has been the highest in all the programs in recent years. Some of the corporates such as Ericsson India Global Services Pvt. Ltd. General Electric, Renault, Oracle, Volvo, Hexagon, Qualcomm to name a few visit the VIT University to render placements to all the graduates. The article on VIT University placement 2020 carries all the official records of placement in the previous years.VIT as the name suggests is an expensive private college with various branches in Vellore, Chennai, and many more cities. It is a good college to get in if your father has enough money in their banks. The academic programs here, are well distributed for the students to gain enough knowledge and experience in their 4 years of college life. The first year all are planned to study the same, 2nd year and thereafter, all the branches divide and spread its hands.",7.3 2232,Kunal,Dronacharya College of Engineering - [DCE],The college offers scholarship. At the time of entrance they see the 12th percentage. If the percentage is above 85% they offer 25% scholarship. For above 75% they offer 15% scholarship. The students who have direct relation to ex college student gets 25% scholarship for the whole courseThe college is very good. The campus is comparatively large with 10 acres area. It also has a cafe coffe day and a good canteen which provides quality food. The classrooms are spacy and properly ventilated. The college promotes us to achieve our day to day goals.,8.3 2233,Sayantani Dutta,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITG],As our college has started in 2013 the placement conditions are not upto that mark. Another reason is the less no of students. But from this year we are having a very good number of atudents and as a result of which many more companies will come. For the time being the highest package goes up to around 16LPA the avergae being around 7LPA and the lowest being 2-3 LPA. Yes our college provides internship. Still in first year so cant describe my experience.The course curriculum is well structured and updated. It follows the curriculum of iiit hyderabad. Each semester two exams are conducted and at the end we get out cgpa based on that. It depends on the instructor whether he will keep absolute grading or relative. If you complete day to days work then the amount of study you do bwfore the exams is not that much.,7.7 2234,Aryan Guleria,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,College senior are good and interactive with nice personality. More of knowledge giver and also bit humorous. Their alumni network is nice but not more interacted with them as some of them I have not met.And some are introverts as they do not talk much because they are in their own ways.Activites like workshops are there on different themes and socially activeness in youth is also there. Cultural societies are not there Gender ratios are 6:4 and religion are mostly hindu Muslim and chouristianity. Politics doesn't play a role here.,6.7 2235,Gautam Poddar,Chandigarh University - [CU],Seniors are very humble always looking to helping. No ragging of any kind whatsoever. Lots of opportunities provided by college to boost one's career and create a strong resume. Alumni network helps in placements and often visits to share their work experience in their respective fields.Sports events organised regularly with maximum participation appreciated. Workshops are held regularly. No sort of indiscipline is tolerated of any kind and strict action taken against those who break the protocol. No indifference on the bases of caste creed or colour.,8.7 2236,Gaurav Yelluru,R V College of Engineering - [RVCE],"I study in the state Karnataka which has a Common Entrance Exam (CET) held all across the state thourough which we can get admitted to various engineering colleges under VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University). After the merit list is announced there will an online portal thourough which we can opt 3 courses in any of the college present in the list. After this there will be 3 rounds of admission process where the ranks will be called according to the merit list and we get our preferred college (of the 3 options selected online) based on availability. If we are not satisfied with the college/course that has been alloted then we can opt to keep the obtained seat as ""HOLD"" and try for better options in the following rounds of admission.The gender ratios are not balanced. The number of boys exceed the number of girls by ratio 2:1. There are several technical clubs which participate in various activities all over the world which help us gain some on field experience. The sports and cultural activities in the college are also splendid and the college provides ample opportunities to showcase ones talents. The college strictly bans any form of ragging/harrasment and takes strict action of expelling the student in such cases. Students from all parts of the country come and share their culture with others and also learn various other cultures thereby having a healthy scenario in the college. Students from every religion, caste, gender, race are welcomed and treated equally.",8.5 2237,Tej pratap,ABES Engineering College,"Our college celebrates many culture as well as technical events. Biggest one is genero it is a 3 day event in which there is all type of event included, cultural as well as technical. There is also a celebrity night in which any famous actor or singer will come and do the performance. And in small scale many types of events like freshers party, and club event is also celebrated.For the first year the schedule is hectic you have to attain at least 90 percent attendance, forget the idea of mass bunk they are very strict, course curriculum is nicely optimized, they will teach you with full attention, labs are very well in fact the infrastructure of this college is excellent. But you have to follow very strict guidelines in labs.",8.2 2238,Uttam Rao,DIT University - [DIT],"By entrace exam I got here. I was interested in tech and computer things and little bit of coding and programming So I choose CS as my course. And Everything is going fine in campus and guy the first order and I was wondering what the status of my order is not even a single.Moderate fees Structure here. If you got scholarship then Hip hip hurray. There are many ways to scholarship here first entrance exam and scoring good marks alll things. For Foreigners it also feasible to take study from here.",9.5 2239,Piyush Vishwakarma,Shri Ram Institute of Technology - [SRIT],"Taking about event we have all india sports event for sports activities. For tech we have our technical event called for which is tech fest. In month if October we have the best garba night programme of the city and yes the bigest garba night of the city.last but not least we have Dj nigth for student to party and dance and enjoy the night. NCC is also available for student to give a disciplinary atmosphere.Admission in this college is as per the jee main percentile which managed me enter in this collegee. The admission process was simple, the good percentile you have, the best branch you can get like in my case I want computer science engineering branch so it's the top mist branch in college so I need good percentile.",7.8 2240,Avanish Yadav,G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology - [GCET],In Gujarat we should apply for merit list named ACPC. ACPC booklet can be bought from a bank (name of a bank came to know). From that we get merit list and according to that you can select your branch and College. Information of previous rank of branches wrt to college will will provided in that booklet.Computer related branch have great placements around 4lakhs of average. Infosys is one of recruiter. Other branch don't have great placement. Around 60% get placement while other don't. It is also because Gujarati medium Student faces difficulties in communication in Eng so this could be possibility.,6.7 2241,Sahib singh kapoor,Graphic Era University - [GEU],Positive would be the labs the faculty. No ragging found. Found a good amount of clubs that provide various opportunities to the students. Negative would be the attitude of some teachers that I found are on a high level as they think they are the boss. The infrastructure of some classrooms do suck although we are in a private institutions.The labs are definitely good and the number of labs of cs found is very high as well as the lab assistant are very good and helpful the practicals conducted are good. Sports is all rounder because there is a room from where you can issue differnt gaming equipment by submitting your id card and there is ample amount of sports area too,8.8 2242,SANAGAPATI SAI TARUN,Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City - [IIIT],"I am fond of computers from my childhood, so I chose this course. According to my rank in JEE Mains exam I got this college so I joined in it. By the process of JOSAA the admission process happened. There will be two rounds for the examination one in January and another one in April. Best of two will be taken into consideration for the rank declaration (which is based on percentile ).There is an institute fest called Abhisarga which is organised very well by the students. The college involvment in this event is very little. Every thing is almost done by the students. And there are good number of other events such as technical events, cultural events like Ethnic day. Almost every important festival is celebrated in the college.",6.3 2243,Chirantan Chakraborty,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],"I opted for this course at it provided me with the most career options, also backing it has IEM's stellar placement records. You are very likely to get placed in a good enough job because of their outstanding tie-ups with most major MNCs. The admission process is very easy here. You can get in based on your JEE-MAINS rank which is also very lenient or you can sit for their entrance exams which is also very easy. So getting in isn't very hard.Course curriculum is vast too much in fact. You'll be learning coding this class economics the next. College provides you with more than enough classes and the worst part is you have to attend all of the classes you don't have a choice. This is sort of counterintuitive as students who don't have interest in a specific class should be able to opt out of it.",5 2244,Chirag Somani,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],"There many clubs in the college which conduct several events from time to time. There are also some department specific clubs so events are conducted with variety. Many technical events are conducted by club that belongs to cs and it department. Cultural events are also hosted by different clubs. There are about 10-13 clubs which conduct events and activities which helps in development of several minds.Counseling was conducted by the DTE and merit list was prepared on tha basis of JEE Mains marks/percentile. After the preparation of merit list, choices were to be filled by the student for the college and branch selection. I opt for this course bcoz this can give me social status and money in the society also i can donate in the development of the nation.",6.3 2245,Chetan Waghmare,Government College of Engineering - [GCEK],"The campus of college is spread upto 40 acres. Including Central library, sports ground, hostels and etc. I think the gender ratio is approximately 1:2. Also there are different clubs in college such as robo club, dais club, cultural committee, nature club, tracking club, coding club etc. there are about 17 clubs in college,but the leading clubs are robo club, dais club, coding club. There are various sports played in college like basketball, voleyball, handball, cricket there are separate grounds for these different games or sports. In indoor games table tennis, carrom and chess are leading sports in college. College arranges sports matches in December- January for each sport.Also there is SAE club which is one of the best club in college it ranks 8th in BAJA in overall India this year, also the robo club participates in different competitions, recently in robocon it is selected for second stage of robocon gaining good rank. There are various labs are there like physics lab, chemistry lab, nano technology lab, mechatronics lab which are always open for students.Firstly the college is government autonomous college hence the exams are conducted by college itself not by the University.Exam structure of the college is best. There are two class tests (CT's) conducted by college on behalf of the syllabus taught. Each class test is of 30 marks of each subject which then are converted into 15 marks therefore for two CT's, for each subject total is 30. At last end semester exams are conducted which are of 60 marks each subject and 10 marks for teacher assessment in this way total is 100 including 2 CT's,end semester exam and teacher assessment. Passing marks are 40 out of 100. Hence you can get passing marks on 2 CT'S and teacher assessment only. You can get distinction if you do your well for end semester examination.Hence you can score good if you do your studies regularly.",7.2 2246,Talreja Govinda,MIT World Peace University - [MIT-WPU],"Positives: The infrastructure is the best as each department has its own building with a number of labs.There are parks, gardens, grounds, basketball and volleyball courts and there are gaming rooms and Gyms.The placements are good and the teaching is decent. Negatives: The Trimester pattern keeps the students working everyday with very less free time for personal activities and recreation.The Gender Ratio is around 1:3 Girls to Boys and there are a number of clubs and workshops to join.There is a high diversity of students as they are from all the parts of the county and some even abroad. The college is famous for its Political Event called The BCS which is the Bhartiya Chattra Sansad which is a speech cum debate show",8.7 2247,Anand kumar,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT],Excellent. Yes if you interact with the seniors for sure they are going to help you. But if you will not interact with your seniors how can they help you. So try to interact as much as you can. And you will get benefitted.Best faculty. The faculties are very good here. Be it any branch you can consider eee ece mechanical civil. Cs/it.all facilities are well qualifies. As bit mesra Ranchi hires the faculties. And they are qualified enough.,8.8 2248,Premnath,KCG College Of technology,"From my childhood I want to be an aerospace engineering thats why I choose this field of engineering. The reason for choosing this college is, this is the best college among other aerospace engineering course providing college with good infrastructure and lab facilityThere are so many extra curricular activities for the students and so many workshops, sports, horse riding,gymnasium both males and females can be take part in the extracurricular activities they are conducting automobile workshop for boys",8.2 2249,SANDYAGU R,College of Engineering,"As inhave explained earlier the placement cell of this college is working active in bringing top companies to our college for placements.we can see wide range of companies that take part in our placement rounds.ABB, Amadeus, analog devices, Apolo munich, byjus, Amazon, Bosch, Infosys, ibm, wipro, siemens, cognizant, oracle, lt&s, keltron, kseb, tcs.etc are some common recruiters.as our college and Bosch is having close tie-ups they come to our college every year.most of the modern tools in our college labs is provided by Bosch.After the completion of higher secondary education (+2) we have to undergo an entrance examination known as Kerala Engineering And Medical entrance examination (KEAM).As this college is the top ranked engineering college in Kerala ranks should be higher to get admission here.My entrance rank was 2475 and I got admission only during spot allotment. Here all the engineering streams are having high demand among students and also among recruiters.primary reason for taking admission in this college is placement.",8.2 2250,SAHAS JAIN,Jai Narain College of Technology - [JNCT],"Yes i have comments, from my college every year 5 to 6 student cleared gate examination, 1-2 cleared upsc civil examination, 1-3 student cleared cat examination. Record of alumini from my college is very good. One of the student named shirsti desmukh she got air 5 in upsc civil examination.Tution fee - 55, 000 mislenous fee - 5, 000 got admission in my college through dte counselling of mp technical education. And i have choose this college beacuse placement is very good accross the madhaya pradesh. My college gives highest package 28 lakh in amazon india.",7.3 2251,K. Naveen,BV Raju Institute of Technology - [BVRIT],"Fee is somewhat high. The fee we are paying is for tution, studies, library and exam fee we are not satisfied to pay that much money so we are facing a problem by that and a benefit that we had is government paying some amount of money from our fee.The placements of my college is so good college provides a satisfying placements to the students and with a better package and the student places in a good company. Iam not experienced but iam here to experience those in future",9 2252,Ankit sharma,Maharshi Dayanand University - [MDU],"They are very good they try their best to give knowledge to students and explain their particular topic till all students understand and also do some fun with students to live friendly with us and they are available for their students doubtsSports activities, and all other functions on their festivals and and some inspiring functions helping other people camps, blood donation camp, and there's also big function on big festivals like Holi, Diwali, independence day",9.5 2253,Mohammed shimnaz e k,Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering - [MITE],"The main fest's celebrated at MITE are onam, freshers day, graduationday and annual day or sentia. The main event is Sentia it is mostly for 4 days and it is one of the biggest tech fest held in manglore district. freshers day is known as melange and graduation known as veloma and the onam is celebrated and coordinated by mostly only mallusSince it is engineering college boys are more than the girls here. There are no parties or anything here but there are clubs like music dance photographers cinema and many others.labs and all are well designed and the equipments are all of high quality",8.7 2254,Yashraj Singh Rathore,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITG],"I wanted to pursue b.tech. CSE, placements were good are some of the factors and honestly with my rank there were limited choices.Clear jee mains and get a good rank in it at least in for 40 k for general quota based student.As you clear jee mains you have to seat in the counselling for jee where you have to fill the list accordin to your priorities and you will be given institute according to your rank on first come first serve basisYa it's really somewhat research based curriculum. industrial visit are organised in my institution but there still a lot needs to be done because there are not too big alumni batch in our college so experience is where it lacks a bit. But mentored by IIT guwahati and director is the ex director of IIT guwahati giving it a edge over other institutions",7 2255,Sreekar Bheemshetty,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Some of the professors are excellent professors, some of them have a great knowledge though there explanation skills are not that great and other professors are good professors. Many are student friendly, quite interactive with us. I think all of the professors have great qualifications (like PhD) our physics sir used to do experiments in classes, weekly we will have around 25 lectures. Average age might be around 40-45.We do have 3 fests a year one cultural fest called waves, one technical fest called quark, one sports fest called spree. All these fests happen in large scale on average footcount during our fest is 6000 many great artists like amit trivedi, good bands like local train will be coming during our fest. The most important thing is that all our fests are student controlled.",8.2 2256,Deepak Pathania,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],So about the curriculum it just changed in 2019 batch and a small amount of knowledge is given about each and every branch so one may be easy with the every field then after one year you enter into the core of your branch and yes there is an industrial exposure but that only depends on student. Also the curriculum is fair and research driven and it helps us to become a better professional and helps us to be placed after 4 years course.The fee structure is according to your category and annual income. So sadly being a general and my family income just 20 k above 5 lac per annum which was just above threshhold I have to pay full fees amonut. Which becomes quite expensive if your brother or sister studies in same college as you 2 will have to pay 4 lacs and money left for your parents will be jus 1 lac per annum that's too low for survival.,7.8 2257,PATEL BRIJKUMAR KANUBHAI,Government Engineering College - [GEC],"I opted this course Because i am interested in computer.This is the best college for IT & CE and also Faculty are of the colleges are best so I chosen this college. The admission procedure of the college is ONLINE ACPC WEBSITE. First Enter all detail on Acpc website after the merit rank has been declared by acpc and at last college selection by me. If your Rank is accepted by your selected any college you will be got admission on this college. so This type admission procedure.The Course Curriculum & Exam structure is relevant and research is fair.My curriculum is important part of my life because My all Subject are logical and on this field you Must be logical. The course curriculum & Exam structure of my college are The mid exam & The GTU exam per semester will be taken.The Course Curriculum gives Knowledge to the student about 60 % not fully prepared 100 % Logical.Yes industrial visits organized for the students by GECM every Year.",6.8 2258,Sumanth p,Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering - [SJCE],Basically admission done after getting selected from kea according to your KCET marks this process is pure confidential and unpredictable and it is done in several rounds and and once you get selected they will resign a date to get admission and person must bring suitable documents and according to procedure the management will verify the documents and admission is completedAbsolutely the course structure is mainly focused on research and knowledge enrichment and exams and labs frequent according to calendar of events there will be two parts namely CIE and SEE and in CIE it consists of 5 events 3internals and 2events see is the final sem exam,7.7 2259,Student (Anonymous),Indore Institute of Science and Technology - [IIST],"Our Course Curriculum and Exam structure are followed by the biggest University of Madhya Pradesh which is RGPV University Bhopal. Our college has specific labs for different Field which gives me industry-specific knowledge that is also helpful for securing good skills for placements. We also went for Village Visit for some praticals.I opt for this course because I have a huge interest in Computer Science. I think My College is the best college in Indore. Our College has all the latest technology and has SIGs for different Fields I took Admission through DTE Counselling and got admission in the second round.",10 2260,Prashant Kumar Rawat,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"Since it's a NIT College,As per guidelines by higher authorities Admission is done through an ENTRANCE EXAM named as JEE-MAINS which is conducted twice every year by NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY (NTA). First JEE main is conducted in month of January and Second is conducted in month of April.I passed the entrance exam with an excellent rank and went through the counselling process conducted by JOSAA where after verification of our documents we are given the College and the Course.I was given the MNIT COLLEGE and Computer Science and Engineering branch seeing my priority in the list filled for colleges and Rank in entrance exam. I opted for Computer Science and Engineering course because of the interest in computers and programming from my school days.One more reason for choosing this course was that No other course offer better placements as offered in this course.If you need excellent placements, then our course is at the top.Also nowadays it's a technology era,so computer engineering is in demand so it's a straightforward choice. Steps followed as a part of the admission procedure for the institution were that firstly we have to report in Institute on the date given by the officials,then get our documents re-verified,pay our fees and then Classes start for the fresh students.Students of my College grab excellent placements in the reputed Companies.In my Course, Almost 98% Students got placed in different companies last year.The highest package offered was Rs.37 Lakhs and average package in my course was around 13 lakhs. 85% to 95% of total students are placed every year from the campus.Total number of companies that visited the campus counts to 167.Total Number of Internships Offered to UG and PG counts to152. Top companies for our course are Amazon, Walmart, TCS, etc.",8.2 2261,Shaikh Furqan Mujahed,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"There was a exam process called CAP. In this rounds held on the basis of entrance exam merit. When results declares after some days the entrance exam cell notifies you about further steps. After that the rounds held and you have choose the top colleges of your choices. If you qualify for that college you have to go there and take admission.My fees is 92000 with scholarship. The college is expensive a little bit. No additional fees is required only tution fees, exam fees and development fees required. There is transparency in the fee-breakdown. There are many methods of payment available in the college like cash, DD, net banking etc.",8.8 2262,Ashish kumar,Kothiwal Institute of Technology and Professional Studies - [KITPS],"35000 per semester for the student of parents income is below 2 lakh or 10000 (approx)for reserve category student, for normal student give 85000 for normal student fill the scholarship form by the college, library security fees 1500 rs one time, transportation fees (for the distance).Sports game, Republic day, Independence day, Teachers day celebrated, All the faculty and student should come for celebrate the days, some faculty and some student arrange the all equipment and meals for celebrate and enjoyment, All are happy and enjoyfull classes.",8.5 2263,Abhishek das,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],Because it is one of the core branch of engineering. In the world we can get a job in anywhere in the field of mechanical branch. First we have to apply in the entrance test of kittee. Then after counseling we can our branch. First of all i have choose this college because i am a resident of Odisha and it is very much near to much house. It is only 600 km away from my house.Yes our college provides us scholarship for meritorious students who have got good marks in the semester exam. Whose father income is less than 5 lakh they can aplly for stipend money. For Scholarship anyone can apply. If you are good in sports and you have represented your college in the sports then also there are some scholarship.,9.5 2264,Ganesh S,"Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, Anna University - [AUBIT]","The campus consists of four blocks A,B,C,D and it is a peaceful environment there is no diversity of girls and boys the environment will be most adoptable you will be offered by a canteen facilities and you will have xerox facilities there so you won't go to the outside of the college you are availed with all facilities in the college.In the even semester the culturals and sports fest are celebrated every year they are very interesting and every student will take part in it so you can enjoy the semester the semester us very short semester and only the sports and cultural meets are happen frequently so you can make Your talents established.",8.5 2265,Dipankar Gogoi,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,"The course curriculum is prepared by Punjab Technical University.It emphasizes techinical education and providing industry specific knowledge to students.But the Course sometimes contains irrelevant subjects such as humanities and environmental science which is really not needed in streams such as computer Science,Electronics and communication,Mechanical and Information Technology.The college does a fantastic job in providing students with industry specific education.The TPP cell grooms the students well in a industry oriented manner which really helps the students in securing jobs. Industrial visits are regularly organized in each semesters which helps the students to gain industty insight and knowledge.Placements are the biggest strength of this college.It is very good for Cse,IT and Ece streams.But not that great for other streams.The average package was Rs 7 lakhs in 2019.The placement drive is held jointly with the students of sister colleges Cgc jhanjheri and Chandigarh University.Last year atleast 2500 students got placed with highest package of 33 lakhs.Top MNC's like amazon, microsoft,wipro,tcs,infosys,goldman schs regularly visit the campus to recruit students.last year 15 students were recruited by amazon.The college Placement cell is one of the best and puts best efforts to bring recruiters.Also it trains the students in an industry oriented way which helps the students to get a job.",6.3 2266,Shoeb Patel,RC Patel Institute of Technology - [RCPIT],"Course curriculum is very good the timing of the college is from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. there are 6 lectures daily in which 2 hours are for practicals they also conduct the the session which has start from 44 p.m. to 6 p.m. it is 3 days in week. The exam structure is in such a way that there are two unit test, one midterm exam and at the last of the the term there is term end exam which is our final exam.If you wish to take admission in the RC Patel Institute of technology in you must have to qualify the mht CET and JEE entrance exam. If you are qualified those exams then you can apply for admission online. If you want to take admission then apply online first select d Batu University e then search RC Patel Institute of technology Shirpur and then apply for the branch which you wish to take admission.",7 2267,Sadeep Nanda,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Firstly one need to appear in JEE mains entrance exam.it's not necessary for someone to qualify the exam.After the entrance exams are over the seat distribution is done by josaa. One needs to fill the application for josaa which isn't a difficult task at all. However it is the job of a student to select the colleges of his choice from the list provided in the descending precedence of the branch and college of their choice. Based on the availability of one's ranks the seat availability for his her choice of branch is done. The applicant is notified after allocation of a seat. The applicant is expected to report at the nearest reporting centre of josaa and wait for the subsequent rounds at the end of all rounds the final choice is locked and students are expected to register at the college where a seat is offered to them. There is special following the josaa counselling conducted by csab in the same manner as josaa which is responsible for the leftover seat distribution of NITs and other prescribed colleges.I am in 1st year. Joined in 2019. The year is divided into two semesters. The classes are hectic in either of the semesters. Maths and physics are common for each sem. The first sem has maths1 and physics1 and 2nd sem has physics 2 and maths 2. Half of the students go for basic electronics, environmental and safety engineering, English, biology in the first sem and rest of them go for basic electrical, mechanics and chemistry. And yes people from every stream have the same curriculum for the 1st year. Both the sems have their own hardships and depends on the students how they cope up with them. After the 1st sem subjects are interchanged.",8.3 2268,Sunny kumar,Dr. C.V. Raman University - [CVRU],"College is more like a school. You need to wear uniform anyhow,teachers are not friendly, more than technical the aproach here is academical,there is most chances that you will be debarred if you fail 75 attendace in each subject which means you will have to attend almost 95 percent to college working days. If you want to enjoy dont come here. This is very strict college. It takes fine for everything and will not allow you out of hostel after 6:30 leaving food time.There are lots of events conducted here like the first month the freshers are being conducted by each individual brach seniors then comes the radio mirchi, lots of seminars and nukkad are conducted. After this comes technical fest were lots of technical events are conducted named as bidyaantrik and then at final the comes cultural fest that is named celegance.",7.5 2269,ABHINANDAN KUMAR,Saharsa College of Engineering - [SCE],"In my college firstly the which batch comes first time in college our seniors provide him a grand welcome party. And from college a annual program is conduct and all the students are too much enjoyed in program. And also we celebrate sarswati puja and sport fest and etc. And after first year the fresher party given by second year studentMy college is saharsa college of engineering which is very good and also a good infrastructure and teachers are also good and anytime teachers are present and labs are also good and library is also available and sports material is also available so overall my college is very nice.",8.3 2270,Subimal Das,Tripura Institute of Technology,"I have choosen this course and college because we are living in the 21st century, and in this digital world, we need to accomplish with the growing technology. I am very much attracted to computers. I wish the college should provide more practical knowledge in the syllabus to make us more knowledgeable about the betterment of the country. Every year our seniors always organise an engineering fest named as ishania at our college, which is one of the biggest engineering fests in the stateAbout 65% of our previous batch students got placed in different fields. The highest salary package offered in our course is 6.5 LPA. The lowest salary package offered is 2.5 LPA, and the average salary package offered is 4.5 LPA. Top recruiting companies like Wipro and TCS visit our campus for placements. All the students must need to do an internship in a 4-year course in different fields.",8 2271,Samarth Rajesh Athani,REVA University,"I'm currently a B. Tech student of mechanical engineering. According to my suggestion, the course is good, very good and and I think which every course you choose, it should be depended on, nor any third person, so that you like the course. And the exams are based on digital bases, here we write our exams, on tabs. Some wat good, for reducing paper waste. And protection of tress.I got my admission through my merit list, from K. Cet and that there was concelling round, where I had pick some colleges. And after a search of colleges all over this was best for me according to my rank. And with that I had come to college for my admission process and after that I got. Seatvhere and admitted.",8.7 2272,Md shadab Khurshid,Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology - [ZHCET],"My course is btech in computer engineering.it is divided in two semester.each semester has two exams one mid sem and end sem.timing of college is usually from eight to twelve in the morning, and labs are from two to four in the afternoon.each classes are Divided in slots of fifty minutes which are chill and labs are very engaging.For training and placement we have training and placement cell which helps not only in getting placed in companies across the world but also help in interview preparation and personality development.companies like chegg provide internship for third and fourth year students with average package of fifteen thousand per month.",9 2273,Darsh Shiroya,"Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, School of Technology - [PDPU SOT]","PDPU has a excellent place mental record in all the department. In our electrical department many company will come on every year and give average 6.50 lac per year package. A company like Torrent, DGVCL and other many company will ceCourse curriculum is very excellent and faculty of our department also good and every faculty done PHD in subject and exam structure divide in two part MId and END sem. Upon that we get marks out of 100 and our grade will decide",7.8 2274,KM UDHITH RAJU,Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology - [Sir MVIT],"I got into this college by writing the common entrance exam which if kcet which was held in the month of may, I secured 14000 rank in the entrance and applied for this course and got the seat in the 2nd round. I opted this course because I love this field it's more like into both hardware and software. This institurmte has many good faculties,the infrastructure is good placements etc that is why I choose this institution.So academic wise this is the best curriculum that is run by vtu belgavi which is a university which maintains all the academic curriculum. Yes the curriculum groomed to provide industry specific knowledge to the students that would be helpful in securing on campus acemwnts, yes there were industrial visits such as Infosys CEO had visited and addressed the students and staff members.",9.3 2275,MYAKALA SHEKAR,Malla Reddy Engineering College - [MREC],"Yes, I got a scholarship of fees reimbursement of total college fees of 105000Rs as I am a SC category,for BC,OC students will get 35000 Rs from government more 70000Rs should be paid by you only.for this process there will a notification for apply for SCHLORSHIP from government our college will send you a circular that contains all the students must apply schlorship.we go to our near by meesava/net center to apply scholrship. we must carry all the original documents with us to take more Xerox copies as their we need to submit 4 copies of all our documents to our college.after applying we need to give our thumb impression in the month February. As I am merit student I also got a NATIONAL MERIT SCHLORSHIP of 10000Rs from Telangana BoardI option for this course to invent a new electrical equipment's and the factors to choose our college are -1,excellent experienced faculty, 2 -Good infrastructure 3-good environment to study 4-excellent professor's 5-good lab equipment s 6-digital class rooms The following steps are required to take admission in our college are 1-Write the entrace exam like emcet,ecet 2-after getting the results based on rank you need to verify yours documents,after that a specific date is provided to keep the web options of different colleges in that keep MREC(A) other facility is also available that is incase if you not selected in emcet or ecet Directly visit our college and get admission in management.",10 2276,T.R. Vijay Srivatsan,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"In SRM they try to teach you a wide knowledge of the course you've chosen even if it's not required for your course, example in first year for CSE group you will be learning Civil mechanics for 1 semester which will be fun, Exam structure is kinda hard since you will have texts per 2 months which will be added to your final year cgpa.So basically there will be a entrance exams where SRM themself will officially conduct and depending on how high your ranked by getting high marks you will be able to select a course of your choice, for CSE group you will have to get atleast 20000 above which is easy after the exam you will be placed to your choice of group.",8.8 2277,Hariharapranav,Bannari Amman Institute of Technology - [BIT],"Example of our alumni is hiphop thamizha. We had an interaction section for one of the club named muthamil mandram ,there our senior alumni came and interact with us and said about the good things to join in that club. It was very useful.There are 31 specialized labs like uv lab, open source lab , data science lab , cloud management lab , chrome lab , there are lot of labs there to increase our knowledge. And also there are many labs for physics, chemistry etc.",9.7 2278,NILESH KHIMANI,Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology - [DA-IICT],"Yes, we have very good alumnus network in our college. They often come to campus and talk with students. They guide the students. They are very helpful to us. Our seniors are helpful too. They also guide us. How to prepare for different subjects and how to do our best in any subject? We can get aby knowledge. We also have a huge library.Extracurricular activities are too good. We have a huge play ground. Where all the sports are available. We have a all coaches in our campus, who teaches the students about the sports. Labs are also good. There are many TAs in labs. They always help us in our work. We have 0% ragging in our campus.",8.8 2279,Pankaj Talesara,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"By appearing in VITEE 2019 Exam and Securing an 8739 Rank I got admission to VIT Vellore. I prepared Hard to get admission in college with good rank and I am settled with civil engineering. We paid a fee of 1350/- for the application form to secure a seat in VITEE 2019. we were called for counseling with a Demand Draft of 2,10,000 from which 2,00,000 was refundable.Faculties are a mix of good and bad in terms of teaching experience for me. Some teachers are brilliant while some teachers don't show interest in teaching. The Head of the department is working better for our Seniors to get placed in MNC with decent packages and start their life with a boost. I am quite satisfied with our faculties.",8 2280,Suvojit Dhara,Haldia Institute of Technology - [HIT],"Through West Bengal joint entrance examination rank conducted by the West Bengal joint examination bord, nd my rank is 7778,i am studying electrical engineering in haldia Institute of Technology.B tech is my course, and i am studying b tech in electrical engineering. according to me B tech is the best techy field for tech enthusiastic people,",9.2 2281,Shareethkumar GM,JEPPIAAR SRR Engineering college,"Few college-bound students have the financial resources to pay for their post-secondary education entirely out of pocket. Even students with substantial college savings plans typically find that they are left with sizable amounts of unmet need. The average total cost of attending a public four-year college is more than $20,000 per academic year. Students planning to attend a private college or university can expect to spend more than $30,000 per academic year. A college education is a costly proposition, and all indications are that those costs are only going to increase.When you are entering college life after your high school, it means you are entering in a new world. It’s also a first step towards the future, career and upcoming opportunities. College life means new friends, attending lectures and making lots of memories. Sometimes, people mass bunk classes to participate in a movie or to hang out with friends",4.2 2282,Kailash Kumar,IIT Mandi- Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],Alumni network is not strong yet as it is a new college and only 5 batches have passed out. But all the alumnis are very helpful. Seniors too are very helpful. There is no sign of ragging. They talk very respectfully and are always ready to help juniors.Course curriculum is very flexible. One can opt for courses of his choice. There are free elective courses also which allows to choose courses from other branches also. Two quizzes and one end sem exam are conducted each semester.,8.3 2283,Kikani nemish,Shantilal Shah Engineering College - [SSEC],"It is a good college and this is a second largest college of Gujarat. It also good staff in this college. And I have like this college. It's provide a big campus in the college and also big college. I have a admission in this college through the maritlist.Our college is celebrated technical event, nss event and more. Our college is celebrated 15th agust and 26 January and tree day, save the water, animal day and more. In the college student are celebrated more than events. And more celebrates other activity",7.3 2284,Anumanthula ravi,Guru Nanak Institute of Technology - [GNIT],"I got admission in gurunanak institutions (gnitc) through eamcet counsling I opt this college in counseling process And i chose ece course because i like electronics and communication course And i got seat in gurunanak institutions after eamcet during counselluing i opted this college along with this collegeAs our college is affliated to jntu couse structure is followed as per jntu and Jntu course structure has Two semester every Each semester consit of four subjects and three labs each sem and we recieve certificate for every semester from jntu And credits were given for every subject",8.5 2285,Anurag sathyan,Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology - [IIST],Yes this campus is mainly space oriented. They always tries to bring a touch with space science in all the courses provided by them.Mainly there are btech mtech PhD programs. In many topics. Just provides three branches in btech ie btech Aerospace engineering btech electronics and communication engineering and finally dual degree in engineering physics.Admission procedure is done through online mode in there official website iist.ac.in after the declaration of jee advanced rank list they will call through webpage as well as through newspaper advertisement. They will make one rank list based on our marks in the iit jee advanced exam.There will be almost 7 rounds of seat allocation.,8.8 2286,Joel Paul P,College of Engineering - [CEC] Chengannur,College does not provide internships.We have to actually find and join an internship program.College will backup you and do the necessary assistance for the same. Placements are very good here. Some satrtups from the College have been turned into big companies.Many got placed in high payment jobs.Last year over 290 students got placedOverall the College is okay. The College has good teachers and awesome students some very ambitious and have high thoughts.College programs are conducted by the students itself only the fund is provided and always there is freshness to the programs.Seniors and colleagues are so helpful,6.3 2287,Aman Gupta,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],Very Good atmosphere in terms of hostel.But academic is not so good.People are mostly from Punjab due to reservation.So competition here is not so very high.The best thing about Thapar is society.Due to society the interaction with seniors increases which is very helpful.On basis of JEE main rank.My rank was 66163. On the basis of merit list I got ECE branch.The CSE cut off was 98 percentile for students of outside Punjab and for COE cutoff was 95 percentile.So it gives you great opportunity for those who does not perform well in mains.,5.7 2288,POTTA LOKESH,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The course curriculum was nice and was changed once for every four years based on the review of our seniors on how far the course was useful to the students so that they get some knowledge.The campus focus on reaserch also and the was an institute incubation center if any comes with a new idea or start up the fund and suppoy would be given to them.There are two minor exams before end sem and baesd on monthly basis.Minors each of 20 marks and end sem of 50 marks.and 10 marks based on performance.The institute also gives good importance for extracurricular activities with good play grounds and facilities and also conducts athletic fest.Also useful workshop s for students recently Google crowd source came here for a workshop on AI,ML.There is no ragging at all here in our college rather seniors are friendly with their juniors.There are no any political status over here.",9.5 2289,Student (Anonymous),Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"Faculties take regular feedback and test of all the students. And the test paper was conduct as in the form of main semester exam. Then in every two months, the midterm exam has also been conducted for more practice. Yes, the curriculum groomed to provide industry-specific knowledge for the students as the test and practical have been also conducted. That practical experience helps students to secure on-campus placement. • yes many industrial visit have been organised by the college for students .I opt for this course because of my interest in computer. This institution os the best in my city and all facilities give their best to make a bright future of the student. Steps followed as a part of the admission procedure for the institution are my mark sheet of 10th and 12th is been verified for greater or more than 45% I have verified that step. Then my JEE main result has been verified for REAP entrance in the college. After I clear all the steps I got admission in the college.",7.2 2290,Gajpal singh Rathore,Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"Debates, innovation program, painting, singing, sports, group discussion, etc are fantastic. Spots competition, labs and debates are more in the College it helps the student to actively participate in the sports, labs and as well as debates. Debates help the student to improve their skills and also language skill helps them to improve speaking skills and also they can overcome fear.Feasible, mode of payment depends on you either cash or online. There are no additional fees/charges that had to be paid in order to secure admission to your course. There is some cutoff in fees on the basis of scholarship. The college does not provide any transparency in the fees breakdown. But only in some charity cases.",8.7 2291,Mudita vyas,Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"In all the branches of engineering, I have an interest in electrical only. So I chose electrical engineering. I got to know about Geetanjali and its healthy environment so I chose this institution. Admission procedure was on the basis of 12th and JEE main marks. I got allotted Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Dabok, Udaipur, Rajasthan through REAP.The seniors are so helpful and friendly. They provide us with information regarding various competition and college co-curriculum activities and encourage us to part in it enthusiastically. It was very easy to get comfortable with the new college environment and this was possible only because of our seniors.",9.2 2292,Radhika Borana,Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],The seniors are so good and helpful. They are friendly. They provide us with information regarding various competition and college co-curriculum activities and encourage us to take part in it enthusiastically. It was very easy to get comfortable with the college environment and this was possible only because of our seniors.The total number of lectures is 6 per day. The teachers are very hardworking and helpful. And we can even contact our teacher after college hours to clear our doubts related to our subjects. The teachers are helpful. They are working hard by providing us notes even in this quarantine.,9.2 2293,Student (Anonymous),Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"I always want to be an engineer so after 10th boards I choose science maths and passed out from 12th boards and then I got a call from college's admission department, they introduced me to the college, experienced faculties and all facilities. My parents and I visited the college and take admission there.Campus life is great and awesome with our new friends. Boys are quite large in number according to girls but we all are equal not partiality in girls and boys. Extracurricular activities and labs, sports weak and competitive exams and quiz they all are done by our faculties and we get a great experience.",9.7 2294,Khushi lodha,Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],"I gave the JEE Mains 2019. Then I went to the RTU site and applied for the colleges that come under the rajasthan technical university (RTU). I selected computer science engineering and electrical engineering as my first two choices respectively, followed by other choices of colleges. Then I got selected for my first choice which was computer science engineering in GITS.In the first year, we the students are provided with the knowledge of all the courses in engineering like mechanical, civil, electrical etc which undoubtedly helps to gain more knowledge of everything. We are been conducted with various experiments and surveys regarding our subjects. No, there were no industrial visits organized for the students.",6.3 2295,Student (Anonymous),Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies - [GITS],I had an interest in Computer Science and I loved to make a new programme and I wanted to learn them properly so I opted for this course. This is the very best institution in Rajasthan and this factor made me to choose this institution. Steps for admissions were very easy I hadn't faced any difficulty.It's as usual as happens in every college there are many more debates competition and sports we labs are very good we are excited every time to visit lab as we learn new things everytime. But the gender ratio is not proper. And there is nothing like gender discrimination or anything in my college.,8.8 2296,Kushal Manoj Sarda,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],"Cultural event in our college is named as pratibimb lasts up to 4 days Technical event in our college is named as Technovanza (one of the largest event in India) 3 day event Sports event is ethusia this event is of 14 days Rangawardhan is also one of the known event of our college 3 day event Almost 1 lakh people comes in our college for watching and participation purposes in Technovanza event E-cell is the entrepreneur event of our collegeCourse curriculum is good in this college we can get intern in many companies according to our skills in third year 1 mid semester exam is conducted and later end semester exam is conducted remaining marks is with professor mst is of 40 marks then it is converted into 20marks and ESE is of 100 marks which is converted into 60 marks total now is 80(60+20) remaining marks are with professor i.e. 20 marks.",8.2 2297,Nauman Jakir Zari,Sinhgad Institute of Technology - [SIT] Lonavala,"After 12 th I had to appear for entrance exams JEE and CET. As soon as results were out addmission process began. When it comes to choosing a college I prefer academically as well as extracurricular activities. SINHGAD Institute of Technology is one of its mad has a great campus. After choosing SIT the merit was declared and further process for confirming my addmission began. In the given period of 5 days I had to go and submit the documents required and confirm my addmission. Sinhgad Institute is affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University which have an excellent teaching plan. Computer engineering is a field which includes programing, coding,web design,app development and many more interesting things to learn. Further special topics Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be pursued after Computer Engineering. It's a great field to explore technology.Computer Engineering is one of the best field. A unique curriculum has been implemented and programing subject has been included right from first year. It includes Python programming language which is easy to learn and grow, it is one of the most demanded language. Each semester is divided into two parts i,e 30 insem and 70 endsem which makes students easier to grab knowledge and apply them in exams. There is even term work and regular practical as well theoretical lectures. Project based learning and Accredited course make engineers capable of placing into the industry.",8.7 2298,Rahul,Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology - [HICET],Everything is fine but too bored to stay in a circle.there are many programs and culturals in our college so we can get many OD and leaves during those function time and attendance is the most important one in our college.Yes i have applied for a educational loan it will be helpfull for me to paying fees in time and later on after getting a job i will repay it on my own earning,8.2 2299,DEENADHAYALAN R,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],"Yearly the college conducting many events. In that "" DHRUVA ""is Inter College function in this function there 50+Workshop and 100+technical events and 2 championship and there are many Fun zone and game zone. And ""KALAM""is a intra and inter College function is one is exclusively for first year student of engineering,Arts and Science StudentsScholarship is provided by the college for only the students who got admission through government councling.The scholarship amounts are separated by the caste and through the caste the aligible student's family income must be in the fixed range Then only the students can apply for the scholarship.",8.5 2300,Chetan Jain,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"A great number of events are celebrated in vit. Starting from Vishwakarandak where there were food stalls, sports, technical events, debates, etc. Then comes melange where similar events events occur. There are some social events too like Atmabodh,Blood donation camp, etc.Yes, our college provides internship for like 6 months, I think. I haven't done it yet so I can't describe much but I hear it's pretty good. Placements are great because vit is first of all private and foreign companies visit us too. Like Amazon, nvidia and all.",7.7 2301,hritik singh,C. V. Raman Global University,The jagamara hostel is the negative point of this college. The hostel is hell its a problem. The students have to wake up at 5 o'clock then they had to catch the bus as the hostel is out of campus and when you have to wait till 2:30 pm for bus timing to back to hostel but your class will get over at 12:50 pm. Its a waste of timing.The scholarship is provided to the localites and state toppers and they provide the loan facilities. They will give you the bonafied letter and fee structure at the students counter which you will need you for processing loan. The college has a good naac ranking so you will get your loan approval easily.,9.3 2302,G N Kushal Kumar,PES Institute of Technology and Management - [PESITM],There is no remarks about college because in our college all is good there is no thing against to students teachers and facilitys and everything is fine there is no word to complain the college but one thing college is very strict with respect to all thingsNoo there is no bad comments with regarding to college given by college seniors because in college there are all facultys are good and there is no problem with college that's why college seniors will have good opinion. there is no other opinions,8.3 2303,Thayaramma Naveen,Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering - [DCE],"The events celebrated in our college is like national level technical events like symposium in which all the students and people who are interested they can participate in that event s which is technical and also another event like open house project program even school students can participate in itIn our almost all the extra curricular activities are provided in labs all the labs are in avilabel even research development lab is to provided with good guidence workshops are regularly conducted,gender ratio is almost all equal,other activities like NCC, NSS are also provided",7.5 2304,Kailash Kumar,IIT Mandi- Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],Fee is expensive. The tution fee is 1 lakh per semester for UG. other fees add up to Rs 40000 per semester. But fee waiver are also offered on tution fees. Those whose family income is below 1lakh per annum gets 100 percent waiver on tution fee.Faculty are very good and teaches very well. Faculties are on time and very friendly. Most of the faculties are young with a few very old faculties. Most of them are assistant professor. They mostly depend on slide presentation for teaching.,7.7 2305,Ajay kumar,Saranathan College of Engineering - [SCE],"50:50 gender ratio. they give equal importance to everyone. there Is no parties. many workshop in our college. cultural society are good. there is no partiality among everyone. there is more Labs on available courses. they conducting all sport event and all games.they also conducting inter college as well as intra college competitions. In our college there is car making in mechanical, electronic and solar.companies visited for the placement are Infosys, CTS,TCS, MRF, infoview, mindtree,Federal Bank,city Union Bank,so on. companies recruit students with no history of arrears. there are 75-80 % of students placed every year from our compus. yes, definitely institution take special steps to prepare the students for the placement season.",8.7 2306,Rohith,Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology - [SKCET],Male and female ratio will be 7:3 and there are many lab like robotics lab and many other it is awesome nature feels like home here is no any strict rules you can feel free inside the college among your friends and even with opposite sexualities but here there are some politicsFeasible the amount must be played in the bank the fee is feasible only but the thing is for the fee if they conduct still some more programs like in other colleges it will be really very useful and that time this fee will be feasible but now if they ask we can tell expensive,8 2307,kunani sai surya vamsi,Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies - [MRIIRS],"iam very interested in gaming. i always looked forward to create new games and computer games i really love them.so i heard of this gaming course in the college. so i wrote the entrance test and cleared the test and joined in the college. this course is purely different and unique. i like doing unique things.there are very good number of lecturers and the average age is between 45 to 55.they are highly qualified lecturers.they give there best to clarify our doubts in the class itself. they have relevant industry experience.they are very good they are friendly and they give us through practical kbowledge even",7.7 2308,Bhagirath Talaviya,Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology - [DA-IICT],"There is two scholarship provided by college. Merit cum mean and one another. Total tuition fees will be provided by college. Loan facilities are not available college. But easily proviaded by nearby SBI bank without guarantee required.Extracurricular activities are there in large extend. Sport ground and equipment are provided by institute. There are around 30 clubes and 6 committees. All of them will have introductory sessions within couple of weeks after admission.",9.2 2309,Pawan Kumar,Chandigarh University - [CU],"University started in 2012 and getting garde of A+ by NAAC in such a short span of 7 years is the biggest achievement. It is continuously working towards making better future of students. Placements are good here as compared to other private universities such as LPU, Chitkara or any other colleges. The average package offered 2 years ago was 3.75 LPA but after improving it's placements this year it has grown to 6 LPA and most importantly Google has also recruited students this year from our university with an whooping package of 45 LPA along with Microsoft, Deloitte, Nutanix and several other companies also offering a good package.Course Structure is good with reference to the current scenario of CSE and it changes as per the needs. If there feels a need to change the course structure then University does it according to the need of today's world. In one semester we have two MST exams and one semester final exam along with theory and practical paper of all the subjects. Exam comes within a short span of a month but once we get used to it, then there's no worry. If feels hectic only in first and second semester but afterwards everything becomes normal.",8.5 2310,Rishabh Keshan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"We had a freshers party when we came to College. The facilities available are very good. We have a huge library with more than 1 lakh books. The sports facilities are good with three gyms on our campus. We also have a big stadium where students play. We also have facilities like squash, tennis, badminton.We have Riviera a cultural fest that had 45000 participants in 2020. It is South India's one of the biggest cultural fests. We also have a technical fest Gravitas held around October. We have various hackathons from different clubs and chapters throughout the year.",8.3 2311,Sm ruhaan,Academy of Maritime Education and Training University - [AMET],"The fee structure is bit expensive as per this course demands such fee and in this amount they are providing many facilities so it doesn't look expensive it can be said feasible and we dont have to worry about the fee because placement is good.The College adequate amount of place for sport activities like football, cricket and there is a huge swimming pool in the campus and there is gymnasium also located with good infrastructure and we can enjoy both outdoor and indoor sports.",9.7 2312,Abhi Tiwari,Oriental College of Technology - [OCT],Firstly you should attend the JEE exams and the when the RGPV counselling process is start then you will have to fill that form on the priority of your College and course. After the results of counselling you get the College or if you not get that then you need to fill upgradation form. If you get the College then you go to that College and take directly admission in it and show your counselling RGPV result.The course (BE/Btech) is not tough but you need to focus on it time to time because if you not pay attention on it then it will effect on your results. The exams structure is based om semester wise each year has 2 semester overall BTech course is a 4 years course.,6.3 2313,Apoorv,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University - [JIIT],"The course is quite lengthy. We are taught many subjects like Engineering mathematics and physics, Software Development and Fundamentals (SDF), Humanities, Engineering drawing and Workshop, Electrical sciences and practical in physics and electrical sciences. The major portion isn't of much benefit for the students but the main part SDF is a boon for the students of Jiit. Quite an amount of focus is paid towards proliferation of knowledge of students in this subject in particular. The questions asked in the exam in this subject are really tough. Yeah knowledge gained in this particular subject will help in working in the industry.The placements are fine. The college provides full support to the students going for placements. The companies visiting the campus for recruitment annually are Amazon, Amazon Web Services, Snapdeal, Deloitte, Infosys, Ericsson, Morgan Stanley, Adobe etc. The percent of students placed every year are nearly 90-95. Yeah various coding rounds are conducted by the institution in the preplacement days.",7.3 2314,Jishnu sankar k,Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering - [KMSME],"I got the admission through cat exam held for cusat aspirants i Choose this college bcoz its the only one cllg for marine engg in kerala I needed this course to travel across the world The steps are 1 entrance exam 2 giving option for the course 3 allotment 4 if you are alloted you get through a doc verification and fee payment thats allFee is a bit expensive but the benifits are there. For a normal student without any reservation the total fee is about 12 lakhs its transparent For the reseved students such as sc st they have a fee of rs 12000 per sem and thats refundable There is no aditional fees exept hoatel fee which is 20k per sem",7.8 2315,Ayush Dhoundiyal,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"Exam is based on 11 and 12 class subjects of physics, chemistry and mathematics. paper solving is a very important aspect in this exam and you need to prepare for a year or two years too. This exam checks up your smart work capabilities with your hard work and the away yoh solve a question.We do have a technical fest ime. Sphinx where we do have all the events related to technology and pro nights too. College is off this e days. We do also have a cultural fest ime. BLITZSCHLAG where there are many cultures event's and participate.",7.5 2316,Aniket narangkar,Shivajirao S. Jondhle College of Engineering and Technology,"Our college is full of labs. we have labs for each and every subject. and the part of attraction is that we have gym in our campus. there is no discrimination for caste. special team have been setup in college for caste students. teachers encourage students to take part in sports.Yes, there are many scholarship available. like I have availed Government of India freeship. I get whole fee back including exam fees. so I it's best scholarship for people belonging to sc caste. other castes also get 50% fees back. and other scholarship are available.",7.7 2317,Hrisheekesh Singh,Government Engineering College - [ECB],"As I am new here, our first Tech Fest did not happen due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I have seen fest videos and they were great, participation was not full but the participants have performed very well. Cultural fests and festivals are celebrated peacefully and an event is always there for a festival celebration. Otherwise, our student activity keeps organizing important events for students.Fees are feasible and moderate here, not so much and not much less. The payment of fee is done online only with the help of Bill Desk. At the time of admission, I have paid regular semester fee and INR 2000 - 3000 as a security deposit. Some more fees are like exam fee, college fee that is taken by the university. Yes, there is full transparency in the fee-breakdown.",6.7 2318,Anurag Khanna,Government Engineering College - [ECB],If you are only degree centric and you have enough talent to develop the professional behaviour on your own than you should opt this college. The syllabus is updated recently according to the guidelines of AICTE. Curriculum is useful for GATE or IES exams not for on-campus placements in private companies. Sometimes they organize industrial visit for students of first year and final year.I got admission in this college through Rajasthan state counselling named as REAP (Rajasthan Engineering Admission Process). Admission is taken on the basis of 12th score as well as the score of JEE-Main. You have to apply for REAP after getting JEE-Main result. My first priority was to get the government college so I joined this college.,7.3 2319,Sai Satwik Kokanti,Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City - [IIIT],"Yes, they are really helpful. They help us from getting good placements, interns. They make really good projects. They make good startups that help us a lot. Our college Alumni will help us a lot. We have really very good seniors. Finally, I can say that its the best college to join.They have very well knowledge of courses and they always try to make the student understand the subject in depth. They always encourage us to study. They teach the course very interestingly. They are friendly with us. they make really very interesting projects.",6.3 2320,Sudhir Kumar,Integral University,Yes seniors were friendly to us and they were really helpful and they not make ragging to us also it's a tagging free campus so it's very peaceful environment here. My friends here are also good we are always available to help each other.Every thing is okay here. But it's a big campus that's why i feel to allow use of small public transport will make it very easy for students to reach there respective campus most students are like me whom do not have personal transport.,9 2321,Hansil jasoliya,"Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, School of Technology - [PDPU SOT]",There are many different types of club so one can join it and can explore the knowledge and many events are organised so one can get experence in management. The sports facilities are great with huge grounds and there are many sports competition which also includes petrocup which is the annual sports competition in which students od different University participates. Many internatinal students are also there in our college also students from various parts of India.in our college the funding towards research and different events are good enough1st year is basic of all engineering field and than from 2 nd year the course structure of respective field starts.The University provides and encourages research. The shedule and exam are chilled.The exams are held on alternative days which helps student to perform better and also to prepare better.,8.7 2322,C.BISHMA VENKATESH,Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - [JNTU],There will be no gender discrimination the students can play the sport what they want.the party culture is not encouraged in the college there is no tolerance will be there for the student the principal of the college is taking the measure to control that and she is very strict and wont encourage this type of tolerance in the college also sports will be conducted on the freshers day and also for the annual day prize distribution will also be there and also there is a big ground in our collegeCollege need to be developed in regarding to the gym facility and also canteen the maintanace should be proper in the college most of the classes are left over they can add some more branches and can utilize the other classrooms also the bank is very faraways to our college it will be difficult to pay the challans given by the college so it needs to be nearer to us it will be helpful,6.8 2323,M.Rakesh,Sri Indu Institute of Engineering & Technology - [SIIET],"As per fee base,our college principle can understand poor people problems and selected fee provide for students based on their family financial type.In placement purpose,our college provide many companies, Per year some of the students getting jobs. Finally our college is nice.",8.5 2324,M.vinay,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],In my college of Lovely senior will help to us very much and they will give the guidelines to us and whenever we are facing problem in that time they will solve and regarding to studies any they will help us a very lot and I thank full to themIn the college of lovely study place the huge role but as well as the same as sports and co curriculum was a very good in my college and in one week by events will conduct and sports will develop and college will take and go to national level,7.7 2325,Sairam,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"The fee structure is 1,30,000 for one year and those who came under conviner quota and under 10000 rank they got free admission and other caste students also got some fee consession but for a management student rhe student has to pay 1lakh every year.Labs are well equipped and good teaching staff is provided for labs so labs are good at my college and coming to extracurricular activities many sports are there my college and many grounds like cricket volleyball basketball tennis and football etc.",8.2 2326,Rakshit Jain,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT Mesra],"the faculty is very good. the older teachers are very experienced, the i average age of faculty here, i think is around 38-45. all the professors have Phd degrees and many have done a great work in research feilds. we are trained for everything in what is latest in industries, we are proud that we have a great infrastructure. there are 4 lectures per week for evet subject. in which 1 is for tutorial/ numerical problemsplacements are excellent for this college. the average placement is about 10 lakhs, and highest is 40 lakhs pa. the highest placement is for computer science engineering students as usual. in our branch, mechanical engineering, aproximately 75-80% are placed, with an average package for 6-7 lakhs, highest is 18 lakhs.internships are also very nice here.",6.8 2327,Kritesh Sharma,Chandigarh University - [CU],"I was interested in ai and ml so i wamted to join this university. I opted for this course because in upcoming 5 years ai and ml will used everywhere and ai is future. I choose Chandigarh University as of affordable fee structure and a clean and good infrastructure. Admission is on the basis of merit and as in my course minimum percentage required was 80%. I was a bit late in admitting myself so i have to submit full fee but i if you have registered earlier so you can get admission on half fees. University has a verf fast process of admission. They allot you a counselor and then they check your certificates register you and take fee and you good to go.University trains you in every aspect. They teach you every minor and major things. Curriculum is actually vey good. You got tutorial in which you can have your doubts cleared and get practice questions and then you have a lab on daily basis and a lot of lectures. One thing you should keep in your mind 75% attendance is must. 75% or no exams except exceptional cases. Your ID card is mandatory your id card means you cn live here or else pay fine i.e. 500 rs.",7.5 2328,Saileshpatra,National Institute of Science and Technology - [NIST],"1. Surrounding, being green campus the climate for studying is totally fantasy 2. Calmness is the second best thing of this institution 3. Study is the topmost priority of this college 4. Teachers being highly educated and of good nature helps to maintain a study mind all the time 5. Compare to other colleges this college mess is some-what better Mechanical is my passion so that it made me choose my course in that directionLearning in this institute is top most priority, It's the primary thing focused and tried to achieve. Practical knowledge is the main thing, always this institute tries to give it to students. As well as industry-specific knowledge is also provided by performing several workshops and attending different seminars, which truly helps in placement. Visitors from ISRO, Infosys visit this institute.",8.2 2329,Akshat Saxena,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"There are so many events conducted by our college but two main fests are Technovit and Vibrance,all the events are managed by EMC, event manager club which decides everything thing about the events and fests. participation is very easy any body can participate in the event you have to just registere yourself in the event and have to pay some participation fees which is very minimalI got admission by passing the entrance exam of Vit i.e, VITEEE it was conducted by it across the country,the admission process is very simple exam also don't have negative marking which makes paper more scoring and after passing exam rank and slot is given for counselling where you can choose the course,branch and campus according to your rank and availability",8.8 2330,Pranay Akula,Vaagdevi College of Engineering - [VCOE],You have a many college events In our college which includes both technical events and cultural events technical events are mostly conducted in our college many technical related events are going on in our college from in from the starting times.Cultural events include dance singing and We have fests every year conducted in our collegeB tech is of four years course and each year contains 2 semesters which means all over we have eight semesters.First year all the students of B tech have same subjects. From the second year we are taught with core subjects. 3rd year we are made sure that we do mini projects and 4th year with major project,8.3 2331,Devapati Maniprasad,Andhra University - [AU],I have bppI the email from the last email and the email from the bank to me is fine and thanks for letting me help 3 appreciate it and if you could please help me in the world which offer it to me and I will gladly accept it as soon as he is back with a full circle for her and she was not a problem in the world which offer a good rank and I will also beI have attached my resume for your reference and hope to hear from you soon as I am currently working on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972 and I have been working on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972 and I have been working on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972 for the last 6 months and I have been working on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972,3.7 2332,HARSHIT KUMAR,Galgotias University - [GU],"The Campus is pretty good but great though because it lacks in so many things such as Better infrastructure. Most of the time lift don't work properly. Gender Ratio is not also that much good. Male to Female ratio is around 6:1 which is not a good number. But for now there are so many clubs to join for extracurricular activities. Some of them are:- Techno Jam for technical stuff. GMT for Management Note Veda for music etc. The labs for Every subject is Present here and are in pretty good condition. Sports clubs are also Present here and they participate in many tournament also. There are most the sport team present here. So, many competition are also organized here like recently a Hackathon was organised.B.tech is of 4 years each divided in 2 Semester. The class are 5 days in a week and 2 day off. Exams are divided in 2 for each Semester. Mid term exam are in the mid of each semester and End term are in the End and after the E.T. exams new semester registration starts. It is not much research driven.But sine students are Research thing. And the curriculum is groomed to provide industry specific Knowledge",6.5 2333,Niranjan Saha,NIT Silchar,"Yes very much helpful. Yes very much helpful. Yes very much helpful and very much helpful and very much helpful and very much helpful and very much helpful and very much helpful and very much helpful today and very much helpful college and very much helpful college and very much helpful college and very much helpful college and very much helpful college and very much helpful college and very much helpfulYes the course is really good, as a technical College you will really get to learn practical day to day use technologies.Academics is shit don't expect anything from the professor do it your self. you will get the support you want in the collegee, there is really a good unity among the clubs.",8.2 2334,Rahul,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],"Sports, labs and many other things are provided for our college. In our university doing project is encouraged by all the people. Our university is leading in project presention. In our university cricket tournament, kabaddi, vollyball, football, etc all the tournaments are conducted.In our university placements are good for computer science students.In our university top companies Like Amazon, TCS, Tata mahendra, many top companies are coming for us. Highest package is 24lakhs. And average package is 8-12lakhs",8 2335,Aravindhan p,Bannari Amman Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I had difficulty with this. Lot of confusions.finnaly i searched inside me as "" who's this?"" Then after a long time i realized that it was me ,""a software developer "" i read lot of paper then i finalized it. Then i selected bannari Amman institute of technology ,a great College. Admission process was very easy. Contact them they will help you in very polite manner.They framed a very good syllabi. They are up to date.and the exams are not like other Colleges.the exams are application questions only. We need to apply the concepts in real life. So this will help us to have a great comparative mind for over future",8 2336,Kanishq Khandelwal,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"In my class 12 I join fiitjee where I prepared for bitsat in bitsat I scored 376 marks I could have got any branch at any campus except bits pilani cse, so now I had two options either EEE at pilani campus which is near my house or CSE at goa campus.as obvious choice I chose goa campus because of its nice culture and high packages.Course structure is quite good but grading system is worst. At average marks you get C Grade which is equivalent to 6 cgpa.The course structure is same for all first year students and from second year ownward you study for respective branch course.",8.8 2337,Adarsh I V,College of Engineering - [CEM] Munnar,"The College function under the Kalam Technical University (KTU). The course has been revised in 2019 and the current curriculum is more student friendly and have loosened unwanted burden from the students. It has become more easy and yet effective. You may have 8 semesters in a course. 2 semesters in an academic year. So 4 years to finish your course. Each semester also has internal marks for which series exams,assignments, projects, labs, and attendence are considered. At the end of the semester an university exam is also conducted. Your final mark is calculated based on your internal marks as well as university exam marks for each semester. Attendence can easily give you internal marks. So its a good thing to haveThere are 3 types of seats in my College. 1) You can write KEAM entrance examination and get merit listed into this College my keeping it in your preference list 2)Similarly a much bigger list for management seats are also provided for students who did not perform well in KEAM. Students who did not get seats in merit list can apply for management seats. It is a bit more expensivein terms of fees. 3) There are NRI seats too which can be availed directly by contacting the College authorities. Fees in this is higher compared to the rest. I got into this institution after writing the KEAM entrance examination and got shortlisted in the merit list.",8.2 2338,Tabrezahamed s,MVJ College of Engineering - [MVJCE],Our College is very good in infrastructure and have good faculty some of them are not good and they make more fest and workshop which are very helpful to us we can increase our techniqal knowledge but they are very strict in attendance that is not good they not allow non veg inside the College that is badIn our College some what fee is more when compare to other Colleges. When we write entrance exam if we get seat in our College after paying kea fees we have to pay College fees in our College is take some more fees when compare to other Colleges,8 2339,Adarsh singh sengar,JK Lakshmipat University - [JKLU],"The course is based on project based learning ehich make this College different from any other engineering College.Exam structure is somewhat based on projects and little bit based on theory parts. Totally project based learning is a new innovation which was taken from foreign university and it really works good.College organise most of the extraçurricular activities such as sports, sceience week ,cultural fest ,in which student involves as a volunteer,coordinator and also as core member of the program. It organise every month a. Programe related to different function, workshops etc.",7.3 2340,Shubham Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Placement of the college is really very attracting. Jamshedpur is a industrial city which reflects in our placements. College start to train students for placement from the very 1st year through various workshops, presentations and lectures. Overal placement percentage of the college is approx 90%. And in our branch it is slight low, lying between 75-80%. For placement, first a medical test is done, then academic qualifications are checked according to requirements of the applied company. Then a general aptitude test, group discussion and interview is conducted for selection process. For CIVIL ENGINEERING Dept., compamies which visited are:- L&T, TATA STEEL, INFOSYS, BHARAT PETROLEUM, JOHN DERRE FIITJEE, etc.Yes,course curriculum and exam structure are very relevant and knowledge based. As there are 2 written exams taken in a semester so that students don't get much load of paper. Labs are conducted almost everyday of different subjects. Then practical exams are also conducted to increase our real life skills. We have to present ppt. on various topics of the chapter in different subjects so that we should also able to elaborate our knowledge. And in every semester college also conduct local industries visit according to branch of the students. So, overall all these enhance our skills and chance of placement.",8.5 2341,Yash Jain,A. P. Shah Institute of Technology - [APSIT],Faculties are very much co-operative and they teach so well also their notes are uploaded time to time on our moodle server. From where we study our syllabus without needing any reference books. The Faculty are ready to help if you ask for them. They even reach your parents if needed. They help you through messages too on Whatsapp leaving some Maths teachers.The college has many industrial Collaboration which helps us take part in various courses and achieve are skills which will help is in facing problems in idustries after we are placed. Its like being more of practical. The labs are best in infrastructure and each students gets one PC to perform every task.,8.5 2342,MOHAMMED MUJTABA KHAN,Methodist College of Engineering & Technology - [MCET],NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP for this scholarship we had to register on nsp official website the mee seva person does the needful.and hands us a paper charging a certain fee.then along with the required documents submit in the college for verification and the process begins.Its quiet hectic. Very frequent exams and labs. We have a lab each day like one month after the semester starts we have 1st internals and another month from there we have 2nd internals.there is no time to concentrate on extracurriculars.,6.7 2343,Dhruv Kabariya,Ahmedabad University,"The merit list declared on website on basis of 60 % of total of physics, maths and chemistry mark average and other 40 % are based on entrance exam., After we get our merit number we can see previous year rank list and choose college. Then in online round we set college rank wise where there is chance of getting admission. TheIgot selected for this college which is good at project based work.The faculty are all qualified from bigger institution like iit, Stanford and they are doing great research in various fields which is inspection for many students and this type of culture e courage and give opportunity to students to work and see how research is done and research paper is get published, also they get experience a lot which is more important.",9.7 2344,Phani,Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET] Rajahmundry,"Low range of infrastructure it will be more good if the lab materials are good it makes students to be comfort,no sports activities to perform student and make their ability strong in sports to,the library contains not sufficient number of books for tge students for their studies.Sometimes there will be some activities but not atall the time there is a pt sir for the students but tere are no activities will be done which he have to do for the students actually even i don't no the name of the pt sir of mines because I didn't saw him till now",7.8 2345,Bhuvan chandra,Lendi Institute of Engineering and Technology,our college is the best college in studies but in some other situations like sports and games and extra co-curricular activities our college is not that much good and also some timings are not good in our college and sometimes they will stress the students and holidays are less in our college sometimes they will also keep extra classes for the students and in that time the students are be stressedAll type of extru curricular activities are held in our college there are so many games and sports are held in our college and also participations and programs are being held in our college there is no gender bias and sexual orientation and religional and political and economic status diversity tolerance this type of restrictions are not there in our college,8.7 2346,Abha Jha,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Campus life is fun once you make friends. There isn't a lot to explore but we can always find something to do here. Gender ratio is quite poor. Only 12 girls in a class of 100. Sports is mandatory in first year and is part of our curriculum. Labs are in working condition but the infrastructure is way too old. Competitions are great as there are students excelling in different fields. There is a lot of acceptance in this campus. Students and teachers alike accept the diversity. As this is a college of national importance, we have students from all over the country and we all live together in harmony. There is no discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, etc.The admission was held through a national level exam called JEE. Those who qualify are eligible to apply to this college. The admission process was onlime based on ranks earned in the entrance exam and university preferences of students. There were several rounds and after each round out tentative institution was displayed until the final round in which we got out final college and branch. Each round was at a gap of 2 days. After the final round we had to report to the institution for further admission procedure(payment of fee, booking hostel rooms, etc). I opted for this course because it is my area of interest.",5.3 2347,Vaibhav Singh Tanwar,"University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Maharshi Dayanand University - [UIET]","Feasible Btech fees for general category is 34,000 per semester Only dd or check payment is allowed cash is not allowed First uh have to generate an challan then from the office then get it submitted in the bank along with the fees and all done No additional fees is required to secure the admission Yes there is transparency in the fee breakdownThree lectures are fixed in a week of each major subject. Light subject may be of one or two lecture only Faculty age on an average is about 35-45. Like more uh have to do by yourself only not here only but specially in BTEch teachers will only guide uh show the past rest all is your hardwork.",8 2348,B.Sadhana,Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [VNR VJIET],Our college celebrates two fests over through year one is technical and other is non technical. In technical we celebrate the open ideas inventions and also includes sports fest and is called convergence and other is non technical where 24 clubs of our college perform their activities also we invite the guests and this is called sintillatunzz.Meanwhile uor college is top 5th college and the placements are plenty enough with many big packages and also people here workout their open ideas through this students directly tie up with the industries and get placements and in many courses they also give internships with good packages.,9.7 2349,Om sangle,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"Girls and boys can freely move in the campun but only in other than college timing. In college timing we have to attend all the lectures compulsorily.gender ration is nearly equal.workshops are also there of different teams created by students of all years. Like for racing teams are team red barom, team kratos, team solarium, team automatons for robotics.It's nearly about 1, 30, 000 fee of the college.college provides transperacy in fee breakdown. No additional fee are charged for any thing. Campus is clean and green.payment is taken by cheque, DD, CASH, NET BANKING. Intitute level admission can be also taken by giving donation.",9.7 2350,Vignesh MJ,Rajalakshmi Engineering College - [REC],You must need to apply counseling for Anna university.I get suitable mark for the college you will be allotted for this college by Anna university.or else I need to join the college by management quota by paying donation fees which is higher when compared to coming through counsellingThe college accepts only cash payment.yes additional charges are applied to secure an admission to your course.no the college does not provide transparency in fees breakdown.the fees for the course is 130000 including transport excluding note fees and practical fees,8.3 2351,Varun,Rajarambapu Institute of Technology - [RIT],The fee structure it quite feasible.it providers with all facilities a students need like the library the playground the gym etc.gym is provided with the every sports equipment you need for doing for doing bodybuilding also the playground is created with the concrete cricket pitch which is high quality and also goal postThere are a lot of events in a college like the treasure Hunt the hackett lawn the coding section the German day the Japanese day the English day. I have participated in the German day where I prepared various German food products. Also the events provide a cash prize for students holding first second and third rank,8.2 2352,Ashutosh Gupta,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],"As now I am in first year I don't know much about industry specific knowledge, but they take us to a crime branch in Dehradun. So that was a practical knowledge and there are many workshop and challenges which give us practical knowledge. As cirrculum is same as in other colleges only subjects are shifted. They submit assignment in online mode and check whether student is cheating or not. College is having app for learning and teachers upload assignment and tutorials and lectures on that app.As in a day on an average there are about 3-4 lectures. This semester I am having 5 subject and 1 online subject. There is one big digital and normal library. There are many labs of different subjects. And in the lab desktop are having very good configuration and best processors. And college is having separate IT department for IT issues and having projector in every class.",8 2353,V udit Narayan,Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering,"There are events organised in our college Like blood donation camps, nss camps, Sports meet, oldage people organisation i.e ( meeting oldage people and giving a hope to them ), like these many more organized in our collegeThey had explained how to study and live in college and experience the real time in college and Don't attract to bad things and many more and a good question and am a under graduate student still studying in the college",7.8 2354,Divyansh kumar,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],The total fees of 4 years BTech is approx 410000 and for the first semester we need to pay 81000 and after the first semester the if the fees is approx 45000 and many other courses except BTech so you need to contact the college for different fees structureThey are lots of events in our college but the two main events are navoday and kritanj. Kritan is the technical fest and Navodya is the cultural fest these two events are organised on a large scale and most of the colleges in kolkata participate in events,7 2355,Thurpati Rithvik,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],I got a good rank in jee mains and opted for counseling in josaa. Josaa was a authority which will provide seats in IIT and NIT s. It has 7 rounds out which you can participate any number of rounds. You should 'freeze' your seat if wanted to confirm or 'float ' if wanted to upgrade it. NIT s also provide two additional special rounds for remaining vacant seats.Schlorship is available to only selected candidates and only for reservation candidates. It will be given at the end of the academic year. But one can avail study loans on the name of our college which can be easily approved. Total fees can be sanctioned as loan which we should be repay after 4 years.,8.8 2356,Dibyanshu Kumar,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,"Chandigarh University admission staff, came to my school and explained about their college.When I started searching more information about the college, I knew about the Chandigarh group of colleges, After that I knew that the chairman of both the colleges are same.The course curriculum is updated.The labs are filled with good and complete infrastructure.And the course curriculum is very good. The way of explaing the staff is good. The staff conduct the labs frequently.",8.2 2357,Vineet kumar chaudhary,Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology - [MANIT],"Banking Facilities in MANIT is extended by SBI Bank through its MANIT Campus, Bhopal Branch that is located in the MANIT premises. (SBI Scholar Loan for MANIT Students) MANIT Campus Branch, Bhopal IFSC Code: SBIN0001608 Branch Code: 01608 MICR Code: 462002014 Email: sbi.01608[at]sbi[dot]co[dot]in Contact : +91-7898566541, Vinay Madhok (C.R.O.) Timings: 10.30 am - 4.30 pm (Monday - Friday) 10.30 am - 1.30 pm (Saturday)Fee structure is according to the annual salary of the parents of the students and is divided into various categories like less than 1 lakh oer annum, between 1 lakh and 5 lakh per annum and above 5 lakh per annum According to the salary the relief in the fee is given to the students which makes it neither expensive nor easily feasible",8.7 2358,Aleti Jaya Krishna Chaitanya,IIT Goa - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"In IIT's, people are admitted through an entrance exam. I've written JEE Advanced for it. Actually, to be eligible for Advanced exam, we have to qualify JEE Mains before that. The JEE Mains Score can get you into some top NIT's, IIIT's, GFTI's. But to get into IIT's, as an undergraduate, you have to give JEE Advanced exam. After qualifying in the JEE Advanced, you will be asked to fill some choices of the college and branch that you wish to pursue. Initially, they will conduct two mock rounds, so that the aspirant gets an idea of how the counseling process will be done. While the mock rounds are in process, you can change your choices. But, if once the deadline of choice filling is over, you'll not be able to change them throughout the whole process. There will be 7 rounds of counseling. The counseling process is being done by the JOSAA( Joint Seat Allocation Authority). After these 7 rounds of counseling, we have another 2 special rounds of counseling which will be done for allocating the vacant seats in NIT's, IIIT's and GFTI's. The first 7 rounds are final for the admission into an IIT. After the counseling process, you will be asked to come to a nearby Document verification centre for verification. Then, at the end you will be given a letter of admission approval which you have to produce at the institute when you go for admission. A similar process will be done at the institute at the time of admission. I've chosen Mathematics and Computing branch in IIT Goa. I'm extremely interested in Mathematics and I love to code. I wanna go further in Mathematical studies. It's by pure virtue of myself.Our Course Curriculum is well structured and covers the topics which are of more demand now in the world. In the beginning of the semester (An year contains two semesters), after 2-3 weeks, we usually have quizzes(exams) and then we have Mid-Semester exams. After these, we have quizzes again after a month. In the end we have End-Semester exams (Final exams). In the beginning, the exams and labs would not be frequent and we would get some free time. But as the days pass, the schedule's intensity increases and that's not monotonous, we get usual breaks for relaxation. Whenever we feel tired or broken, we play sports outdoor or have dinner in a peaceful restaurant.",7.8 2359,Marmik Mundada,National Institute of Technology - [NITK],"ENGINEER(Tech fest) - ENGINEER is the annual technical festival of National Institute of technology Karnataka.Due to the constant efforts of the team ENGINEER have begun largest technical festival of Karnataka and progressing continuously to go on the top in south india. INCIDENT(Cultural fest) - Incident brings together the perfect amalgam of brilliance, class and madness to mesmerize your senses. Dance, Music , Literature, Fashion, Sport- name it, there's an event for all! And to top it all there are beach events too.Placements in NITK are very good. We have a separate training and placement cell which is now called CDC (career development centre). More than 300 companies visit the campus every year. The average package offered is around 7.2 lacs per annum. The placement percentage of our College is up to 92%. Nitk offers a summer internship and selections are based on academic performance. The interns are given a stipend of Rs. 200 per day.",9 2360,Akhil,PES University Electronic City Campus,"Some of the faculty carry pretty high qualification and were actively part of the industry and hence provide insight on how the industry works in their respective fields. But the ratio of good professors is pretty low, especially in the first 2 semesters. Hence, the majority of the subjects in the first year feels lackluster since not only are they forced upon you but most of the professors are not upto the mark.There are 2 major scholarships based on the cgpa secured by student in their first year which cuts off a percentage on their total fee for that academic year. The first one is awarded to the top 10% of the students and the fee is waived by 25% The second one is awarded to all students who have secured and upwards of 8.2 cgpa and above a fee waiver of 15% along with certificate is awarded.",6.5 2361,Ankit Kumar Meena,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Here there are two banks(SBI and Canara) available which provide cheap student loan if you want and there are many scholarships.for sc-st students there is complete tution fee waiver and if their income is below 450000 then there is also free. Messing and for others there are many other scholarships like MCM etc.I got admission through JEE-advanced.first you need to clear jee-mains and then score high marks in jee- advanced for admission,after result you have to come for counselling through josaa in any of the iit and lock your choice which you have to select just after result in given time frame.",8.8 2362,Prince makavana,Government Engineering College - [GEC],"Our course curriculum is baseed on all engineering department for 1st year and after the 1st year we all learn all departments basic course.and all exam is sem wise in the exam structure is 30 marks based on perctical and 70 marks based on theory.The scholarship is given by our College is Tablet shccem And National scholarship portal. in this , they give 10,000pre year for three years.and the lone also provide by the our College for the spical projects which is helpful to the society.",7.7 2363,Jignesh Shah,K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering - [KJSCE],"1) Abhiyantriki :- Technical 2) Skream. :- Sports 3) Symphony :- Cultural As this year in Abhiyantriki Indian Navy comes and many events and games was played during this event. And the Skream is also a Sports Event that was played in Inter College and say that it is a National level Competition and The prize money is also given to a winning team. Symphony is the best event of the College. This year Benny Dayal, the Yellow Diary , Anubhav Singh Bassi , Progressive Brothers , Projec91 comes this year for the event.Fees is 1,85,762 per year. It is some high but Our College is an Autonomous College i.e. affiliated with Mumbai University , and their is similar fees in other Autonomous Colleges in Mumbai. And our College is the One of the three College of Mumbai that have Autonomous.",9.2 2364,Anand Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"College has it's annual technical fest 'Nimbus' and cultural fest 'Hillffair'. Hillffair is organized annually in the month of October which sees the presence of various singer, musical bands, comedians, EDM night and other famous personalities. It is a 3 night and 2 day event. 'Nimbus' is organized annually in the month of March which sees College various technical clubs making various projects to win the best club award and 'Nimbus' also sees a large participation of students from all around Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and other Colleges who participate in Nimbus to show their projects.Fee Structure depends on family income of the students. If the family income is less than Rs 1,00,000 per annum then tuition fees is around Rs 9,000 per semester. If the family income is in between than Rs 1,00,000 and Rs 5,00,000 per annum then tuition fees is around Rs 30,000 per semester. For rest of the students fees is around Rs 73,000 per semester. The hostel and mess fees is same for all students that is around Rs 20,000 per semester.",8 2365,Subhash Patel,Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science -[SITS] Narhe,"As it the one of the best College in pune.it is under the pune university.and the overall performance is better. And good environment.and many sports and other circular activist also performed well.everyone have same value regarding study and ragging free College.Here i chosen the course IT which is one of the best course.and it is the trending course.here many latest and fully technical labs like physic, computer, electrical, mechanical.etc many labs are there where everyone can learn and groe",8.7 2366,Manthan Kuber,Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering - [MCOE],"We had two criterias for getting admission in the College CET score or JEE score. I got the admission in College through my JEE score. I didn't want to choose any other branch except computer engineering so all the choices I had put were for different Colleges but only for computer engineering branch. My score was eligible for getting admission in this College even though I preferred getting admission in COEP,VIT and NITs.The exam structure was comprised of both theory and Practical exams. The labs were pretty good and we were encouraged to participate in National events like Hackathon,and for doing research on branch related topics whether its in the syllabus or out of the syllabus. Talking about the work load, yeah there was a good amount of work load on us,some weeks were very hectic.",7.7 2367,Tejas Patil,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering celebrate many events throughout the year. Though you can't get the 'College' feel in whole College due to strict rules and discipline. But big events like Swartarang and many technical events like Spectrum and other branchwise events and conductedCollege is overall god level if you want to learn something but if you want College life much, this isn't the right place to join. For academic and placement you can get whatever you want and if you are not so good in academic then also you will be placed in good company",8.2 2368,Swastik Sagar,Chandigarh University - [CU],There is not much fees for my courses it is worth of it but for secure your admission you have to give 10 thousand rupees to confirm your seat booking and it will be less on the admission charges. If you have the scholarship than there will be much transparency on your feesThere is no age and qualifications needed in this courses there is no age limits for the courses they provide full clarity for your future and the expertise you what you want to be in your life they will give you full accompany for it. The lectures have full certificate,8.2 2369,Tushar Choudhary,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Course curriculum is very well planned by the experts. They don't only teach us the things of electrical engineering. They also gives us knowledge of different branches which will help us in real life industry problems. They made us explore different branches by which we can decide, in which branch our real interest lies. So that we can work on our interests. Our one year is divided into two semesters which have mid semester exams and end semester exams to regularly check on our knowledge. As many students in engineering colleges are inclined towards competitive programming, they teach programming languages to every branch. so students can give a start to their interestsGender ratio is really very poor in engineering colleges. In my batch there are 22 girls on 112 boys. There are many clubs in my college for extracurricular activities. If anybody want to learn something new they are always welcome there. One can always learn in these clubs. Many competitions are held in fests of these clubs to encourage the interest in activites. And almost all the festivals of every religion are celebrated there very well. Regular workshops of every clubs are being organised and club members always kept threwing parties for refreshment of juniors.",8.8 2370,Ajay yadav,Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology & Management - [BBDITM],I have taken computer science it is one of the best of all the streams in my college the exam consists of programming and theory my college provides best course i love to study in this college frequent labs class are taken to increase our knowledge.The extracurricular activities was quite impressive. The college has a huge stadium for playing prospective and auditorium where student can learn literature and perform activities as per preference. There are good opportunities to everyone.,7.3 2371,Rohit Kumar,THDC Institute of Hydro Power Engineering and Technology,Faculty of thdc-ihet is highly qualified. All of my teachers hold master degree in technical field or whichever taught.firstly they verify the qualification of the faculties then they take the faculties exam in which they have to score good merit on basis of that they become the faculty personal interview process is taken the standard of teaching is very high.For take admission in this college you have to score 60% aggregate in your intermediate in best of four subject. then you have to clear the exam conducted by jee mains and you have to obtain good merit in that exam then only you will get admission in this college.,6.7 2372,David Garg,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,Gender ratio is not so good in this college but it is improving year by year. Parties happen in the college among friends regularly. This college have students from all over the country from every religion state. Extracurricular activities are one of the great aspects of this college.Overall this college is one of the dream college of every student in india. I am very lucky that I study in this coleege this college as indias largest alumunI network spreaded all over the world. The senior students of the college are also very good.,8.3 2373,Parth Bhardwaj,Galgotias University - [GU],"The University had designed a beautiful Curriculum for all types of courses they are offering. Being an engineer I do know about the engineering background only but I have some knowledge about the other courses too. The courses are goal, objective and knowledge oriented. You would love to study. Although you would need to work hard to be in the competition. Furthermore the course are flexible so as the students do not get the overburden of their study.There are vast modes of admission process in the Galgotias University. You can either go for the entrance examination or you can go for the direct admission. But for the direct admission process there are some kind of criterias that should be followed and the criteria is regarding your marks or percentage in the 12the board examinations.",8.3 2374,S M Wali Haider Zaidi,REVA University,"I choose this perticular University because it is not affiliated with any other institutes also the environment is very nice both in terms of greenery and knowledge. Faculties are exceptionally good, mostly all are Phd's and have great teaching experience. Talking about placements, Reva University had average package ok 7lpa and highest of 26lpa.University have a fee structure of 400000 for computer science and 300000 for information technology, 300000 for mechanical and 250000 for civil engineering, 375000 for electrical and electronics 225000 for electrical and Computer (all excluding scholarships).",9.3 2375,Fahad Maheshwari,IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK],"Its a really good thing to say that all kinds of extracurricular activities are performed here. All kinds od activities including labs, sports, etc. are here. There is no oonds of discrimination in the campus. Everyone is equally promoted for these activities. The opportunities here are same for everyoneI got admitted here through an entrance exam in India known as IITJEE. It has got two parts which you have to qualify in order to get good college. Its jas two parts MAINS and ADVANCE. Through mains you get various good NITs and through ADVANCE you get various good IITs",8.5 2376,Taniya harchandani,College of Dairy and Food Science Technology - [CDFST],Every month they organize compétition and sports is compulsory ER have an NSS subject through which we serve thé society and we are taken to the rural area once in a Week and there we Lear about thé or lives and their problèmes and Try to solve Them thé boys are more in number than girls.I got thé entry through my friend I admitted on 7/8/2019 its à différent degree than usual in engineering field which impressed and attracted me moreover my collège that is collège of Dairy science and food technology collège is in my City Raipur which made it easy to pursue,7.8 2377,Student (Anonymous),MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering for Women,"We have excellent sports club and grounds to play our team reaches to a good rank . We have a huge library and digital library also many journal and book are available opam services and nptel are also available.there are all essential equipment in library. Wi-fi are only for student working on projects for clubs and faculty not for all students. Gandhar our cultural event and innovation technical event. A huge crowd participate in them all the events and competitions are organised by students. Robo marvel,fentronics,hackathon etc are technical events.dances,singing,standup comedy etc are arranged in cultural event.many clubs for technical and cultural events are made.",7.8 2378,Naveen Kumar Yadav,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"I saw no other option than persuing this College,else i would have stood no where.I think this College was good enough to give me time to full fill my dreams. The first day i entered the College i thought that this platform can bring miracles to me if i try my best. The College had this team called ""Frosh"" for the freshers.If they had any doubt the Frosh team was rrsdy for helping us.The College had asked for ""Anti Ragging and Anti Drug&Alcohol Affidavit"" with 10+2 and 10th marksheet and mugration certificate with a checklist of all the certificates being mentioned clearly.After submitting and attesting the Thapar authorized signature,it was time to pay the fees after paying the hostel and mess fee,we shifted to collect our receipt and the Admission Letter At last we were allotted our Hostel rooms which finally confirmed my admission to TIET.Thapar mainly focuses on the Health and skills of a student. Regarding the course structure, it focuses well on every department,mainly the core branches and also provide a lot of facilities to the students in their respective branches.They are trying to add new features to Thapar and also making an Eco-friendly system within the campus, Exams and labs are conducted in a well manner.In case of some bad weather the Labs and Exams are postponed but rescheduling is done in a very good manner.Overall the Exam Structure here is very good",6.7 2379,Dheer Saxena,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The faculties here are not at all bad. They are good, but only some of them. Either they are so good or pretty casual and bad as in they have knowledge but don't know how to teach and make it understandable for the students but literally some are just so nice that can teach you Einstein level of physics. For computer programming and science only one or two teachers are good rest are pretty ordinary so you do have to pursue online courses or youtube tutorials for skilled level of programming that will get you good placements. Coming to the curriculum and the syllabus , It is pretty varied you have study everything of a stepped up level from 12th in first year, even biology for engineers for 6 months to strengthen your basics for every aspect of education.The subjects also includes professional communication and EVS. Maths , physics , chemistry are obviously there. From the second year the course varies according to the branch you have chosen but for CSE and IT ,it is generally coding and stuff related to computers. Though you can always pursue your interests at the College due to the diversity of oppurtunities here.The course is pretty well structured and good. I chose IT field because it was the course that I could get in my rank that matches my interests and also it includes many things in my interest like microcontrollers, coding, etc.I think they to get inspired from foreign universities and their online courses and include such things so students don't need to mess up with internet always for education.They also have biology for engineers which is a good thing to be a overall good engineer. They also have good amount of mathematics , physics and chemistry for the first year and then computer related topics like data structures , algorithms. python languages, microcontrollers, etc for the ahead years , which makes it a pretty good overall course.",8 2380,Subba Reddy pallerla,Aditya College Of Engineering and Technology - [ACET],Through searching. The Colleges in top most. I have to come that Aditya is one of the top most engineering College in Andhra Pradesh and only this College is available for extra internships and helping the students to get a good placement at end of graduationMy course that I am pursuing is computer science and engineering I am taking this course for good technical skills and to get a good knowledge for my future.by taking my course I have a chance of getting some basic information about my future jobs,8.7 2381,TENKAYALA BHUVAN,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Extracurricular activities and labs and sports it can be given a 4-star rating out of 5 there are so many clubs which is based on the extracurricular activities there is a big ground which we can play cricket football volleyball etc we can play more games as much we can play and there is a gym also and indoor games are also there.It is good, it was chilled The exam pattern here is three types We have two cat exams. Cat exams are also called mid exams it will be as unit test cat1 Is closed book and cat2 is an open book which we need to write in our book by seeing book we can write and main is fat it is the main semester",9.3 2382,Gaurav,Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College - [SAKEC],The College has more boys population as it is a engineering College. The College has many fun event and parties too for the students to enjoy. if the students are active in the College they will definitely enjoy the academic year. There are many labs in the College and all are functional.The seniors are very helpful and friendly and there is no case of Ragging in the College. The seniors guide the students about the curriculum and also enjoy with junior in the various events. I think that new students should always interact with the seniors.,7.2 2383,Aryan,Poornima College of Engineering,"We have many events and events celebrated all over the year. There is a technical event for first year called Aadhar. In this the students make working science models. After this we have debate competitions and an Annual fest. This year in January we had enjoyed a lot in the Annual fest of our College. Many celebrities like DJ Nina Suerte, King Rocco etc were main attractions in our fest.The fee structure of all the RTU affiliated Colleges is same all over Rajasthan. The fees structure is most feasible than any other private College or NIT's or IIT's. You can get extra scholarship benefits too of you are eligible. Normally the fees is about 48000 per semester and after the TFWS scholarship it is about 13000 per semester.",7.8 2384,Ch Gopi Vasanth,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"There are many possibilities for a student studying here to excel in, other than academics. There are outdoor grounds for all sports and a well built indoor stadium. There are student clubs both cultural and technical in which interested can participate. There are many informal events for students to interact within and sometimes outside the institute too.Our College is one of a kind. It is a newly started institution and is currently in the stage of development. But the faculty and board strives to make it worth joining. It provides all the facilities a student needs to pursue engineering with added knowledge in Design and Manufacturing.",6.7 2385,Pratham Pratap Singh Rathour,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"You can apply in this College through jee mains which a national level examination,but from this year 30% of seats are reserved for students applying through boards marks. Process contains filling forms ,attending counseling, selecting branch and finally getting the admission letter. The process is smooth and simple , need not to worry.My current branch is electronics and computer engineering very few Colleges in india have this branch. Its basically combination of two branches electronics engineering and computer engineering. The lab here are good , equipments are new , since the College is autonomous curriculum is great.",7.8 2386,Aman Ranjan Kumar Jha,Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology - [MIT],We are improving a lot as a College a rapid rate. Would love to have more companies coming. As the College has a rich history once one of the best College in nation to falling down is shame. But we are now improving and will love to have support and the support that alumni are providing is amazing.Well the job opportunities for government jobs are very good especially GATE and IES. Also the College is working on improving in coming of the companies as the College was at it's peak in 70s but then it fell but now it's improving at amazing pace. College is providing internships too.,8.5 2387,Rishi,Ramaiah Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Udbhav is the annual cultural extravaganza of MSRIT. Its size and magnitude has earned it a spot among the ten best College fests in Karnataka, according to a survey by Deccan Herald. With a footfall of approximately 15,000 people and participants from over 35 Colleges across Karnataka, Udbhav is a melting pot of culture. It draws talented youth from across the state to display their colossal talents. Spanning over 3 days, this fest provides a platform to its own students as well as to various young aspirants across the state. The events are categorized into intercollegiate and intra-College to create an atmosphere of maximum exposure to the students. Each year, we host 27 intra-Colleges and 30 intercollegiate events, which enable students to showcase their talents in the fields of art, music, literature, dance and theatre, amongst many others. This fest has created a niche for itself in the hearts of the students, and we hope that it continues to do so along with the ever enduring support from the College managementA candidate who has passed 10 + 2 pattern of examination (equivalent to the two year Pre University in Karnataka) with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/ Computer Science/ Electronics as optional subjects in the qualifying examination is eligible to pursue an undergraduate degree in engineering at MSRIT. The eligibility for admission is 45% in case of General Category and 40% marks in the qualifying examination in case of SC/ST, Category-1 and OBC Category candidates. The marks obtained by the candidate in Biotechnology/ Biology/ Computer Science/ Electronics in the qualifying examination will be considered in the place of Chemistry in case the marks obtained in Chemistry is less for the required aggregate percentage for the purpose of determination of eligibility (and not for the purpose of determination of rank, in respect of engineering/technology courses). Entrance Exam: KEA / COMEDK",10 2388,Pavan Karri,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"Curriculum is good to keep you going and the exams are the most challenging. The methods used here are not for teaching but for showing us the path to learning.The course is designed to develop your overall understanding of the stream of engineering. Sometimes you find the days too hectic in case there are certain activities you have elsa in hand.Great placements and accessories. Admission to my College is through the JEE mains for Indian students and it has an another process for people of different nation. Once you are in the eligibility criteria, you can opt for a branch with respect to the rank secured.",7.8 2389,PARICHITH VINAYAKA NANDAKUMAR,"University BDT College of Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University - [UBDTCE]","Karnataka CET is the entrance for any engineering College in Karnataka. After the option entry I got the College in 3rd round and got a conformation page and after paying the fees I got the reporting letter, went to the College and my choice was Computer Science and engineering, because of my interest towards the subject and I got it.There is campus selection in our College, but we can get placements through off campus method and also there are not many very good tier 1 companies that come to our city. No, there is no internship in our College, but they do encourage us by providing the places where we can.",6.5 2390,Shashank Yaduvanshi,DIT University - [DIT],"I had made up my mind to pursue engineering. So first of all I went to the website of DIT UNIVERSITY and filled the online application form. In the online application form they ask you about your basic details, 10th,12th marks and percentage, JEE Main score and the branch you wish to select. Then I went to the University for three counseling process. In the counseling process the College gives a briefing of the various courses and branches offered by College and counsels about the branch and course that would be perfect for you. Then I selected B.Tech CSE course. Then I had to pay the fees and that's it, admission done. There is no such interviewing process involved in the engineering courses but I don't know about other courses. I had made up my mind to pursue engineering after class 12th so that made me choose B.Tech course. The branch you choose in B.Tech course is very crucial. I had previously made a mistake taking up the wrong branch(CIVIL ENGINEERING) in GBPUAT,Pantnagar which was not in my interest and was not meant for me and because of which I ended up wasting my 1 year. Then I left GBPUAT and then took admission in DIT UNIVERSITY. So this time while taking admission in DIT UNIVERSITY I took the branch of my interest which was Computer Science and Technology.The placements and job opportunities in the University are getting better year by year. The highest package is 25LPA and 4.5LPA average package. Over 300 recruiters visit the College each year. Students have been placed in international composites like Google, Amazon, SAP, Adobe, IBM,etc. During the progression of the curse each year the University organises the following trainings and internships:- 1 Year - Special Soft Skill Trainings are arranged to enhance the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, interpersonal skills, etc. that characterize relationships with other people. 2 Year - 40 Hours of Value Added Training, related to special software for enhancing technical skills of the students. 3 Year - 80 hours of rigorous Aptitude Training for enhancing the aptitude (numerical, verbal, reasoning, analytical skills) of the students. Since this is considered as the initial level of screening in any placement process, special care is taken for the aptitude training.",8.8 2391,Diethosielie Suokhrie,Coimbatore Institute of Technology - [CIT],"According to different department there is also changes in the fee structure as for us it was about 90 thousand to 1 lakh for the admission of the College and the hostel fees were about 40 thousand for the year and monthly mess fees are about 3 thousand.Yes, placement and jobs opportunities are very limited and that those who has high CGPA and good communication skills gets the better placement than the other students in the placement exam and the exam is mostly how we communicate",4.7 2392,SHREYA TEWARI,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"Our College holds many festivals like tech tatva, utsav, revels, Innovation fest,food fest etc Among these tech tatva our technical fest and revels pur cultural fest are the biggest and grand. Tech tatva holds multiple technical competition ranging from robo wars, app development, Hackathons etc. Many technical events are held with price amount ranging from 5000 to 75000 approximately.there is also business development competition where many start ups and their ideas are pitched in and the potential one are chosen to be invested by angel investors. Revels is pur cultural fest which starts with many pre revels workshop and follwed by different cultural competitions and concerts by famous songers and band performers. Many events are conducted where many outstation teams take part in. These fests turn out quite well.There is continous evaluation process followed here, with 4 assignment weeks, 2 mid terms and one final end semester exams in one semester. The course structure is very application oriented and not on the lines of mugging up and plain theory. The College is trying its best to incorporate research driven academic courses in its syllabus. There are good number of labs conducted per week, approx 3 labs per week fo.3 hours each apart from the normal tutorial classes and lecture classes. There are frequent seminars and workshops conducted for the same. The days are normally not that hectic if therecis no assignment week. The College promotes extensive research work by encouraging students to collaborate woth the teachers over different research topics.",8.3 2393,Nitish Supe,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"Fees structure for our College is feasible. It is much less than most of the private Colleges. The fees structure depends on the caste of students as scholarships are offered to students by government depending on their castes. For Open category students: Tuition fees: Rs 110914 Development fees: Rs 14086 University fees: Rs 790 Students activity fees: Rs 1000 Eligibility exam fees (Maharashtra state Students): Rs 1550 Eligibility exam fees (Other state students): Rs 2050 Amartya Shiksha Yojana Insurance: Rs 701 Total fees for Maharashtra state students: Rs 129041 Total fees for other state students: Rs 129541 I belong to OBC category and live in Maharashtra state. So my total annual fees is Rs 73584.Traditional days are celebrated in our College. Cultural fest is also celebrated in our College. The participation in these is limited to College students only. Sports days are also celebrated in our College. Inter-College championship also takes place. Spectrum is a technical event exclusively for first year students. Participation in spectrum is high. Other College students also take part in Spectrum. Around 1000 students gather for this event.",9.2 2394,Harsh sinha,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"I gave jee main 1st the qualify for her advanced ND after getting good rank I got admission in IIT guwahati. During addmission it was wonderful experience from choosing college, branch. During addmission in IIT guwahati it was smooth process. No problem face except finding place as it's very big ND places are far apart. But this campus is so beautiful so u don't bother for moving far apart.According to my branch(IIT guwahati is only provide this branch as far as I know) it's reaserch based. As present m in 1st yr ND all branch student have to study same so can't explain much about my branch bt as talked to senior this is cool branch. we have our labs properly ND exams. Each lab have marks. All labs are so cool as instructor are always there to help.",10 2395,Nilesh Gupta,National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management - [NIFTEM],Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.Here the teachers are differentiated and every subject and lab have their own faculty.,7.8 2396,Khutheibam Faraz Khan,North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology - [NERIST],"General Fresher Meet is an event which is for welcoming the juniors entering each year, in these there is an competition on state by state cultural, it is only for one day. Sonabys is a non technical festival which last for 3/4 days. There is a competition of blockwise in dancing, singing,etc SHRISTI it is a festival of Technical and it last for about a week, there is a competition of Robot fighting and other related to technical. Annual sport it happen once a year for about 3/4 days and there is competition among blockwise.There is an event named SHRISTI, in this event there is an robowar, many students grouped of 3 students made their own robot and fight. Even i participate once but knock out in first round, that was actually when i m in 1st year so lack of money and insufficient time we could not able to made a perfect big hard robot & robot made by senior are big and hard so we could not able to face their robot. This time we will try to make a perfect one and someday we can win ?.",7 2397,Puppala pranay,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"I cleared the jee mains examination and got 99.51 percentile in mains.I got qualified for the jee advanced examination.I appeared to jee advanced examination and secured an all India rank of 4012. Then I registered for JOSAA counselling where seats for IIT and NIT and some other prestigious institutions were allotted. There were 7 rounds of counselling. I filled my choice list in the priority order. I finally was alloted with IIT dhanbad ECE stream. My first choice was CSE stream. But I couldn't get that. so I Choose ECE stream as this is an old engineering branch and a stable was with good placement opportunities and further studies opportunities.There are both positive and negative remarks on college. positive: the infrastructure being old college is quite good. being an IIT the academics are also good. the alumni network Is very strong. the culture and relationship among the students is unique. the placements are growing rapidly. Negative: it is so called IIT but I believe it didn't get the complete IIT status both from the government and public. it is not completely being noticed as IIT. the location of the college is also a drawback. it is not situated in some good city unlike that if other iits. this restricts its development.",8.2 2398,Yash Jain,A. P. Shah Institute of Technology - [APSIT],"Faculties are very much co-operative and they teach so well also their notes are uploaded time to time on our moodle server. From where we study our syllabus without needing any reference books. The Faculty are ready to help if you ask for them.Negative remarks are only that the college doesn't have its own hostel and students need to accomodate in PG near the college. And all other points like Academics, Infrastructure and Placement are quite positive and very impressive.",8.5 2399,Manish Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"They are very helpful. Seniors are the pillers of the college. They are the one who guide their juniors and prepare them for internships. In the Training and Placement Cell run by 4th year senior 3rd years are taught the ins and outs of corporate world.Course curriculum is fantastic. I got to learn advanced electronics including IoT, Microprocessor, VLSI, Coding etc. The course is structured very well,in first year the syllabus of all branches is common but from further dedicated subjects are taught.",8.5 2400,Uday,Chandigarh University - [CU],displacement is very good is called the minimum package is around 3 lacs and the highest mileage is Adam sucht waiting around got from the Amazon and placement drives are very good in this college we have internships in every from the 2nd year and without stifan from around 10000 to 20000 and the student internship experience tab good placement in their lifethe main events in our college the chief guest come from various like it the chief supreme Court justice came to our college for event call the largest days and the Chief Chief Minister of the Punjab has came to our college for the Punjab youth festival so there events are very good in our college likes you face will be conducted for every 6 months,9.2 2401,Anish Anand,IIT Jodhpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITJ],"Inter college tech fest- prometeo largest in northwest India. Inter college cultural fest- ignus largest in northwest India. Inter college sports fest- varchas largest in northwest India. Inter college literature fest- aaftab. Inter college e-cell fest- inicio. Intra college cultural fest- spandan. Intra college sports fest- kridansh. Intra college literature fest- goonj. Inter college art fest- framed.Each of the faculty members is a Ph. D. holder and the are expert in there fields. They have a very good research background. If anyone is interested in research, then they can take full advantage. The student to faculty ratio is also less than 10 and one of the best in the country.",9.5 2402,Abcd,Ramkrishna Mahato Government Engineering College,The senior are very helpful to the junior in the college and they are ready to help you in each and every activity and they also helps you to solve your problems and they are ready to help you in each and every step. The extra curricular activities are very well organized and students participate in each and every activity of the college it also organise the ramp walk in cultural festival and Also organizes the quiz competition and many more.I got admission in this college by clearing the wbjee entrance exam which is conducted by the West Bengal joint entrance board I got a general merit rank of 13701 and currently I am in the department of the electronic and communication engineering.,9.7 2403,KOMATI DINESH,Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],"To my course college fee is 86,000 per annum. And the mode of payment is by cash or cheques. We should pay it for every year. No additional charges for college fee. But we have to pay semester exam fee as administration declares. If the admission taken by management. We should pay some charges to secure an admission. My college does not provide transparency in the fee breakdown.I got admission by writing emacet exam. I joined in college July 19,2019. This college have a pleasant atmosphere and near to the nature. And education specification is more in my college. And admission process is simple after completion of intermediate, write emacet exam.if you qualify in that based on your rank college and course is alloted.",8.7 2404,Ashish Sinha,Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology - [JUET],"I got admission in college on basis of 10+2 result.You need to just come to our college and faculty will help in process of admission.Our college provide admission on basis of jee main also and after the admission procedure faculty will make parent visit to dean,registrar and vice chancellor of the college.I choose CSE because I was having interest in computer science and placement is amazing in my college.The course curriculum is good and we are not given knowledge about coding only.We got knowledge about every branch and we are given projects.The course is not hard.One semester consist of 3 paper of 15,25 and 35 Mark.The paper level is moderate.Passing criteria is also easy.Our college is equipped with so many labs.",8.2 2405,Ekant Sukheja,Thadomal Shahani Engineering College - [TSEC],"Faculty in our college is very from reputed background, every teacher is well experienced in their fields. Some of our teachers (also principal) have published books and research papers. But like most of the colleges teachers have little to no interest in teaching. There are few good teachers but the majority of the teachers doesn’t show interest.Tuition fees is actually a little expensive, for the first year it’s around 170k which is normal compared to other colleges under Mumbai University. That’s why students from not that well off backgrounds might not be able to afford the fees. But students can apply for tfws(tuition fee waiver scheme) provided by the government based on merit.",7.2 2406,Pratham Kalra,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"Not much interaction is there between students and seniors or alumni because these things the society have to take care. We have different societies, a society for alumni and student interaction, and the only interaction with seniors is the societies. Once you some seniors they surely help and guide but the main problem is to get to know them.There are a lot of events that take place in the college, in November the biggest festival happens by the name of Saturnalia under it there a lot of other events whether it is cultural, technical, etc. Technical and cultural events happen besides this festival and are organised by the societies in the college.",6.3 2407,Sulagna Dasgupta,KIIT School of Biotechnology - [KSBT],"The curriculum here gives a very holistic approach to the subject. Besides absolutely biological subjects, subjects like computer applications, electrical and electronics engineering etc are also a part of the curriculum and that broadens the horizon of the students. Besides, the well planned curriculum the faculty members here are highly experienced and have worked in the industry themselves before they turned professors. The entire course is designed so beautifully, that people seeking a career in either industry or academia can thrive well. Exams here are not at all hectic. It's pretty easy, especially after you've appeared for boards. We have one mid semester exam (30 marks) followed by an end semester exam (50 marks). The remaining 20 marks are internal which is awarded either by conducting internal class tests or assignments. Lab classes here are paid much attention to. We do have extensive lab classes. However, they aren't hectic because we can take small breaks in between.KIIT SCHOOL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY is a big name when it comes to studying biotechnology in eastern India. Besides the updated laboratories and accomplished faculty, KIIT TBI (Technology and Business Incubator),the largest business incubator in East India, is also located in the same campus that not only broadens our perspective towards the field but also provides us with the platform and support for opening our own start up. The process of admission remains quite unchanged from the conventional. An online form filling procedure is succeeded by an online entrance examination at some centre which the candidate can select as per their convenience. Post the examination, the results are declared and if you qualify, they call you for a round of counselling where you finally get confirmation and you officially become a part of KSBT.",8.3 2408,Rudra Pratap Singh,Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - [GJUS&T],"Many cultural, sports and technical events run around whole year. Competion is help between neighbouring colleges, talent hunt program is organized every year. Events are nice and enjoyable, anyone interested can participate by giving the trial on the basis of which students are selected.To be frank college placements are very bad. The max which you can aspect is 5 lakh ctc. Only service based companies visit the campus like infosis, wipro. The percentage of students placed is around 30 percent. Their is no chance of internship, for that you have to try off campus.",5.3 2409,Mukhrit Gupta,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"If you want to focus on your career and academics, this college is a sure shot go, but I wouldn't misguide you by saying that it would provide you the so called dreams of college life as portrayed in Bollywood films. This is an institute of national importance committed to meet the challenges faces by the IT industry by producing well versed and skilled engineers.Well we have quite a lot of different types of fests and events organized at our college. We have eklavya as the Sports fest which is celebrated in a magnificent way, the technical fest I- Conclave with various technical and non technical events throughout the college, we even celebrate the traditional day which is one hell of an event I assure you.",7.2 2410,KHAN ZAID,Xavier Institute of Engineering - [XIE],Staff is very good and helpful. The main negative thing is that ther vicinity is very poorly managed we dont have that many shops near by as it is situated in mahim. Canteen needs improvement. Canteen is shitty in our college we dont have space to sit outside seatings are not clean and food is not that good.Firstly FE is moderated by mumbai university and mumbai university is way too tough sylllabus of 1st year is old and not revelent to jobs at all. As far as college goes college gives its 100 percent to make sure students stay out of trouble.,6.2 2411,Kartik zawar,SSBT's College of Engineering and Technology,The events here are very great they have a annual fest and they even have a sports meet where all the students from their classes compete with each other in the event with other branch students to. The sports like football and basketball have been the most liked games hereThe admission process is a very easy process here. If you go through the entrance examination and crack it you may get a direct seat in the interesting course but if you choose the interview process this may be a chance for you to get in or get other options.,9.3 2412,Rishabh Raj,Anand Engineering College - [AEC],"Many companies visit our college, this until now 113 companies visited including TCS, IBM, DWAO, Extra Marks etc. Highest package offered this year until now is 12. 60 lakhs per Annum by Extra marks. We have T&P department (Training and Placement Department) which trains every batch on every Saturday by organizing PDP (Personality Development Program) classes, which helps every student to grow up their Personalities which helps them to crack placement drives.We have several workshops to work in and to learn. Our college organizes ""cerebrum"" Every year as annual fest, which invites every student with their unique ideas. This function is two day function organized fully by students and funded by college. Since gender ratio is also good, so we're provided high security and girls are kept secured though the environment is fully safe.",9.7 2413,gautam bhadoria,IIMT College of Engineering,"the campus is not so bright it has 4 or 5 canteens and a small ground may smaller than ur childhood street cricket area, it has g for hostler and mainly most of the facilities are only offered to the hoteliers it has good workshop like real one and maybe there is no cultural society there is a name no club like things here. Mainly this college is old fashioned so this college mainly doesnt tolerate boy girl roaming together or even in the parties.As far as I know about study stuff this is is the only thing that this institution is good and placement stuff it may change bcz our institution recently accredited by NBA so there may be a chance that company will start coming but otherwise this college didn't offer much placement regarding my course but if u opt computer science than u r good to go.",4.8 2414,Thejaswini.p,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Yes, it was helpful to us in learning the things apart from the books and to know about the revolutions that are taking place in the industries as well. To KMF at the time of induction program as a industrial visit. The information provided by the faculties is helpful for us to choose the right company.Through Cet, March 7th, I wanted to get into Itbt Good college with, fully equipped campus And faculties and labs and classes Instructions by the facilities, about the college filling of the admission form payment of college fee and instructions about the college Wes given to the parents as well us.",9.3 2415,SUDEEP GOWDA M,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Cambridge faculties are well graduated. The electrical department consists around 10-15 faculty, in which some are completed there PhDs, well-versed faculty group is provided to the respective departments. And about teaching experience, every lecture is having minimum years of teaching experience. Every lecture is doing classes very well with a good accent of English. They are conducting seminars, assignments, improving students capabilities.As becoming a Cambrian I got lots of experience learning from the beginning. In the starting days, we were having an induction programme and an industrial visit. Which impacted on the students. The smart classes and seminars held by the students were very intellectual. Placement program is done very well. Students are treated in a good manner by making rules regulations and also providing classrooms, lab area, sports, cultural activities.",9.5 2416,Rosali,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],Being in 1st year we have 1faculty member for each subject. The faculty members are very well educated and have a good experience. We can ask our doubt to any faculty as per our convenience. More than a teacher they are friend to us. They can contact them through text or call at any timeCampus Life is really good. Boys ratios are more than girls. Campus is not too big but it's average. The labs are very good regularly conducted. The equipment are new and very well functions. Regular sports get conducted. The facilities take care of personality development also.,8.7 2417,Srikanth,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"I chose the course of BE in Computer Science department my dream is to become a developer so I chose that because I choose this college as it has good faculties and good placement cell in the college. Actually I got admission through management because I am from other states it is not that much easy to get a seat in the college so I got through the management seat but I got some concession due to my talent.All the faculties are too good and have relevant experience in the subject also which makes every student understand the subject makes us a sustainable engineer in the society and also they teach us all useful knowledge and about the subject, they give detail information also and there is the big library which contains sustainable books which help us to acquire knowledge the most.",8 2418,CHAITANYA CHAWLA,Delhi Technical Campus - [DTC],"The quality of teaching is Good.Teachers are really punctual and knowledgeable.College administration keep a check on teachers. Some teachers are really good and caring while few are strict.We are asked frequently to fill a feedback form and give rating of our teachers. Well My college is affiliated to GGSIPU and I believe whole university curriculum should be updated.I don't think what we study in IP makes us job ready but one can surely take different courses through online resources anytime. The percentage of exam is divided into two parts- 75% for external exams (University based) and 25% for internal exams (College based). Campus life is really good one because we do have many cultural activities, fests, seminars , workshops, industry visits etc.We also have societies and clubs like Cesta (Computer club), Awaaz (publishing), Avansh (Dramatics), Artistia (Art) and so on. The annual cultural and technical fest of college is Vikiran and of University is Anugoonj. We also have Diwali Mela for celebrating Diwali, and sport meet. There are some technical events too like Quiz, Hackathons etc. which are held atleast once a semester. Lots of students participate in these events. ",8.3 2419,Saicharan,Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College - [MVSREC],"The IT course curriculam(OU) is perfectly designed by experts.There will be two semester each year.The first year is awesome year.The maths faulty is superb. They train the students to get high paid jobs in campus placements. Coming to the exam structure. They keep exams twice a year for all students.Meanwhile they keep 2 internal exams twice a semester.maximum marks foe internal exam is 20.Next 5 marks are considered for Assaingments.5 marks for project.In this way they keep exams.and train you for semester exam.This is saicharan from IT(1/4).I got 11109 rank in TS eamcet 2019. I got the admission through TS eamcet 2019. The course IT is better than any other courses.MVSR is the only college in Hyderabad which have more freedom to students than any other colleges. Faculty is much supportive. I searched many newspapers,articles,quora related answers,asked seniors about our college MVSR. I give 100% sure that you enjoy and at the same time learn much of you wish to wanted to join.",8.3 2420,Sai Prashanth Peri,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"Campus life is awesome one can enjoy many places over here and gender ratio is almost 5:1 I can say.There are many fest every year and they are atr their best.We cannot speak anything about this as it can only be experienced in college in person.That is person.That the only way tou can talk about collegeDuring the odd sem we have TECHNICAL FEST known as techtatva.it is for 4 days and we enjoy a lot in this fest You get to see a lot of TECHNICAL minds of college In even sem we have cultural fest called REVELS and all cultural activities are held For most of events we have cash prizes.",9.3 2421,Srajan Nairy,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],Gender ratio is 100:90 workshops aree conducted in mass and student of all race religeon and economic status we be admitted to our college.we have many north indians in our college admitted through COMED-K and management quota.they feel uncomfotable in hostels.so my class mates communicate with them in their regional languagesThey explain the sylabbus and we perform same things in the labs.we had many industrial visits in this academic year.we also invited industrialist to talk in our college.many of them liked our college and invited us to their industry.And our college keeps conducting many workshops which benifits us a lot,9.2 2422,Bivab sahoo,Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Technology - [VESIT],There are so many labs in the college with around 115 terminals. The Library is well-stocked and fully-computerized. It has around 50k books covering almost all aspects of Commerce & Humanities. The entire college campus is Wi-Fi enabled.It extends its current awareness services by providing newspapers in the Staff Room and the Students’ Common room. Exams are best if you can enjoy it. Nothing to tell much about this. CGPA system is there. Generally above 7 is considered as good.Score good mark in Jee or CET Entrance exam. Select the branch you Love. Start your carrer. Procedure: Take your Entrance exam mark sheet. Get verify from Mumbai University agents. This will be arranged in different colleges. Not to worry. Then fill your choice in a shortlist manner. Which you want 1st its in top and so on. At the end of cap round you will get your college.,8.7 2423,Harshit sharma,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"There are many practical labs and in the sports there are cricket most lovable, table tennis badminton basket ball football etc. There are many practical labs and in the sports there are cricket most lovable, table tennis badminton basket ball football etc. There are many practical labs and in the sports there are cricket most lovable, table tennis badminton basket ball football etc. There are many practical labs and in the sports there are cricket most lovable, table tennis badminton basket ball football etc.There are many tech, culutural and many other events like sports and other activities are held, There are many tech, culutural and many other events like sports and other activities are held, There are many tech, culutural and many other events like sports and other activities are held, There are many tech, culutural and many other events like sports and other activities are held",8.2 2424,Velimineti udaykiran reddy,Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology - [SICET] Ibrahimpatnam,"They is not intership was provided by college we have to complete the full coures here then based on our interest we have go for further higher education. Placements in our college is good.Very big companies comes to our college for placements so many students in our college selected for higher jobs about 20 lakhs package1:1 gender ratio.They conducts cultural fests and traditional fests.The college management dont encourage unwanted stuff in the college. They maintain our culture,tradition's etc.The labs.workshops in our college was highly infrastructured.the college management conducts debates on things which are useful to us",9.5 2425,Sanjith kumar,Don Bosco Institute of Technology - [DBIT],"In common entrance test, I got good rank and got merit seat, date 23/05/19, 1.once college was got us we have to pay cet fees around 65k through DD bank trancstion after successful translation in kcet website they give 3 admission tickets printout 1student copy, college copy, college copy must be submit to the collegeIn our college we have celebrating Karnataka Rajoystava every year successfuly and cultural management is good and they are very helpful for us and another fest we have celebrate vismay in this fest our college was celebrate grandly every year there are good guests are attend this fest",9.5 2426,Manav Modi,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"The curriculum very best suits my stream. The college has FFCS which means students get to choose what they study and under whom. Students get to choose how many credits they want in particular SEM and in what slots do they want their classes. The curriculum is very well groomed to help student secure best in class on campus placements. The industrial visits are aptly designed to provide a fun learning experience. Being in a city like Chennai the opportunities are endless.Vibrance the cultural event and technovit the technical fest. Fund infusion of about 2 core was made for cultural fest to invite artists for Pro shows like DJ night, North night and South night. The students were allowed to enterpreneurs for 3 day fest and there were many more competition like singing drama dance where all copies colleges from South participated with a footfall of more than 10000",7.8 2427,DUPPALA GOWTHAM,Raghu Engineering College - [REC],"yes everything is fair in our college. the exams are strictly conducted in presence of the faculty. and students are not allowed to copy in the xams. the faculty will guide us a industry ready person through labs, workshops etc. yes the faculty is very useful, helpful, and friendly. all the faculty of our college is graduated from top instutions and good knowledge persons. and make every student a industry ready persons through labs, work shops, etc. they guide every student in proper way. which makes us a industry ready persons.i got 30000 rank in ap eamcet. i wanted to do cse in this range of rank the best option for cse is raghu. due to the placements. there is a high percent of placements from our college. it's about 55% of students placed from our branch and the hiehest package of placed seniors is 12lakhs per annum. and the least package of placement is about 2.5 lakh per annum. the companies are amazon, infosis, call test, zesspay, tech mahindra, etc. all the positions under hrs. it's 30%of students placed for internships from our college",7 2428,Saurabh Singh,VIT Bhopal University,"Labs are modern.Every Wednesday there is a fix slot which is reserved for extra curricular activities. There are many clubs like technical, cultural, sports that ensures participation of students in various events. Intramurals are organized every year for different games. Gender Ratio is comparable. Workshops are organized every week for students.Senior students are very supportive, they guide us, inspires us to achieve goal in our life. They provide us new idea for the projects and also describe the whole process to get dream projects, they're always in touch to us. They are our mentors. They help us by organizing seminar, workshops for us.",8.7 2429,Sanjay NP,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"My course is civil engineering, so in this we will not be placed with high package if in case we are placed. The course outcome is just to become a good civil engineer for this developing country. Exam is the worst thing in engineering as it won't decide our engineering ability.As our college is aided college we will receive fee concession from the government of Karnataka. As a result the fee is affordable to everyone in the college which is reasonable. We will be refunded with the same fee that we pay as scholarship.",8.2 2430,Soumyadeep Biswas,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"Our college holds a good placement and internship record also. This year, till now highest package has been above 40 LPA by Google. Google has hired 3 students. Other than Google, students are placed in Microsoft, Oracle, L&T, Amazon, Flipkart, Facebook, CESC, Directi, IBM, Infosys and many more. In terms of internship, our students have been taken by Microsoft, L&T, CESC and so on.The course structure of IIEST is well focused. In first year, students of all branches have the same syllabus. Because there is a option for branch change after first year on the basis of first year result. From second year onwards, students study in their own field only. In each year 4 exams are conducted including 2 endsems and 2 midsems.",7.8 2431,Aniwesh Kumar Tiwari,Gaya College of Engineering,"Well, After my matriculation exam, I started preparing for engineering entrance exams. After my jee exam I appeared in several counselling of engineering colleges. BCECE is one of them. BCECE counselling is held for the students of bihar to give them admission in engineering colleges of bihar. After counselling my seat was allotted in gaya engineering college and finally I got admission here.Festivals like ‘graviton’ tools place within our college. Many activities such as workshops, seminars, debate competition, quiz competition took place. The workshop provides a new idea to the students of the college. Our colleges also host a hackathon where students of our state (Bihar) participate. Beside it sports, cultural festa, took place.",6.5 2432,Mohd. Asfaq,Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - [GGU],"Our college celebrates many events but for B. Techthere is our techfest called equilibrio. In this equilibrio there are many games, technical events, quiz, dj night, fun zone. AAlso this year robo sapiens team who take workshop at national level and also in iit DelhI came to my college for two days workshop and we learned a lot from this workshop about robots. Many events are there in equibrio and also many students from other colleges participate into this and win the prizes. There are cash prizes, gifts and vouchers. Total strength in dj night is almost 1500 students.There are many extracurricular activities available in my college like the equilibrio is managed by the seniors in which they get the idea of leadership and how to manage a program. Also in January there are many sports going on like cricket league, and also hostel day, our freshers from the seniors etc. Sports are good and there is good participation of students from rach department in the sports. In lab equipments are very old specially in physics lab while doing experiments we get 80 or sometimes 90 percent error.",6 2433,Abhay Kumar Verma,Delhi Technical Campus - [DTC],There are generally no loan available. But our university ggsipu provide scholarship facilities. I can't avail it but it's gud for those who don't have money. The university give 2 type of scholarship. First merit based and other for EWS groups. There is enough knowledge at official website.Laps are just normal as any other college have. Sports held her are good. There are inter College tournament one can participate. So overall they are just upto the mark. Gender ratio is too low there are not equal girl. There is no gender or caste or race dispute. There is little politics.,8.7 2434,Anushka verma,Amity University,"Good about this college is that You can participate in the events held in the college which helps you in getting good exposure and experience. You can have canteens in every block of the college. You can pick your favorite among them. During placements in the final year of btech, there will be large number of companies visiting mostly every month and you will graduate with few placement offers in hand.There is an entrance test and also a minimum eligibility criteria based on 12th percentage. I choose btech biotech as I found it to be a blend of biomedical sciences and engineering. Direct admission process: student securing 80%+ agg in Class XII (CBSE/ISC/State - Boards of 2019/2020) are exempted from selection process. Selection will be only on the basis of Amity application form.",7.3 2435,Krishanamoorthi,KS Rangasamy College of Technology,It is a good structure for college. Placement are good in the college.There are lot of software companies are entering the campus to get brilliant employees for their company.some of the core companies also had came to the campus interview in search of skilled students.Some of the Senior students will help the Junior students.Most of the senior students have no time to help the juniors.They are busy about their works.Some people will make their time to help.They are good to juniors.Cse My opinion about the faculty in the college is quite good.The faculty are very friendly and taking concern about the students.Their technical knowledge helps the students to know new things and find out some related technical topical.They have teach the students social responsibilities also.,10 2436,Fahis,Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Engineering and Technology - [DSCET],The main reason is because it's a rare course which is not commonly used to take by any one and the scope of this course is very much higher compare to other btech courses and any other engineering course compare to any other course the starting salary is high compare to other btech or engineering courses and in the changing day to day life people prefer food more than any thing and they need variety of foods that's also the one of the reason for me to choose it. This is the reason why am mention the scope of itIt's a 4 year course and as usual the first two semester are the basics of engineering and the remaining 6 semester we are going to the respective subjects in the case of exam its nearly 2 internal and a model exam per semester and an university examination and moving on to the labs schedule its nearly 5 to 6 hours per week for lab alone and a model exam and a semester exam and the lab section was quiet chill,8.8 2437,Rithwik reddy,Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus - [GNITC],"Cse is better in our campus and labs are good and so many labs are their and for first year is seperate campus and 2,3,4 year students get seperate lab and first year students will seperate campus and autonomous students will write exam in our collegeIn our college lab are good and in our college MBA and pharmacy course are also their and. In our college their bus transport also their and so many completion are conducting every year And every year some members selected for Austria tour",7.3 2438,D. Lokesh kumar reddy,SASTRA University,"The bio Engineering course is very good in my aspect because of we are going to create a new generation. The bio Engineering course is nothing but a applying new innovation ideas to the nature life. The exam process is the college conducts 3cias like mid terms. They will give best out of two marks and these two cias marks entered to the semester at the endThe placements at sastra university was raining and the companies coming to this college was very most top most notch companies. Yes, sastra university was providing internship to many students. No I never went to internship so I can't describe how the internship happens",8.7 2439,Student (Anonymous),IIMT College of Engineering,"There are 7 lectures daily with a perfect timetable and easy workload. Faculties are very punctual and cooperative. Faculties are always available for students problem. They are available on phone calls and social media platforms, Google classes etc. Classes run on timing and 75% attendance is a must.College celebrates different festivals on the college campus. Dandia nights, Holi, Diwali, fest, sports function, Urja and many more functions are there for students. College gives proper entertainment to students along with good studies. College authorities make good arrangements for these programs.",8.8 2440,Aman Singh,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"I wanted to do engineering in Mechanical engineering which is an evergreen branch then I was in search of good college to pursue my degree, I visited the campus and found everything suitable for me. then, I decided to take admission here. I was also eligible to take admission as I got good marks in my std 12th.The course in which I am enrolled is designed as per Uttarakhand Technical University which matches and compete with other institutes. We have regular workshops in college and also get the chance to attend many seminars in this course which definitely help us to become better professional.",10 2441,Prateek Singh,Punjab Engineering College University of Technology - [PEC],"The course curriculum is up to date meeting the requirements of today's world. The days are not so hectic and exams are taken on a regular basis as quizzes mid semester exams and end semester exams. The course structure is not mainly research oriented as I study computer science and engineering we learn about computers and programming languages as some main subjects and some daily life oriented, ethical subjects are also there to make us a good human being.My college has the biggest fests in north india which continues for 3 days both cultural and technical. They are really good providing a lot of opportunities. There are a lot of events too to take part in and win. It is real fun and entertaining. And also the cultural nights are arranged every semester twice",7.3 2442,Himanshu Agarwal,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The fee structure is according to the KCET standards for me and so it comes up to Rs. 75,000 a year. There are many additional fees they collect during exams. The college does keep transparency about the fess. The fees are feasible and not expensive depending on the mode of admission.Since i am in the first year I am still learning in the science department and have very little knowledge about the main course teachers but the review from the seniors says that the teachers in the main core syllabus are also very good and very helpful with all the subjects.",8 2443,Tushar Yadav,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The reason for me to choose the Cambridge Institute of Technology is because of its one of the top colleges in Bangalore. The fee structure is good. The campus is very neat and clean. For the admission, you have to pass the exams KCET AND COMEDK, etc and then the other documents work starts. The placements of our college is very good.Lectures that took place in our course are like 7 lectures per day. The faculty are very qualified and motivating. They always make us understand all the subjects clearly and we can ask our doubts as many times as we want till then the doubt is not cleared. They also use projectors and technology.",9.3 2444,A Rimshiya Tarheen,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Our college timings are from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Everyday we have six sessions and after every two sessions, we have a break. Every month we have an internal test and teachers also conduct a small class test after completion of every topic.I think learning is the gift for and every individual in this world and yes our Cambrian teachers strive hard and work meticulously to teach us so that we gain industry knowledge and it also helps the student to face the placements courageously. During the beginning of our first semester, we had visited KMF and this visit was a motivational one.Firstly I would like to tell that this course motivates me a lot to gain my knowledge and inspires me to do new innovations.I had chosen this esteemed institute because the Cambridge institute of technology is the best college in Bangalore were teachers put lots of effort. Prior to the process of admission, we were taken to the campus and labs an explained how does it function and we were also shown the facilities available in the college.",9.7 2445,Student (Anonymous),Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"1. I opted this course only because I'm very much interested in learning about technology 2. Distance comfort, best placements, communication 3. Entrance exam if got selected then a free seat that has to pay government fees if not selected then go through payment seat that also can be paid through scholarshipsIt is feasible Like everyone has to pay 35000 that is over government fee but the rest of that can also be paid as our government provides many scholarships No there are no other additional fee charges to secure admission Yes the college provides transparency transparency in the fee breakdown",9.8 2446,Student (Anonymous),Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The lectures are very considerate when it comes to teaching since we are new to this field. The information given is apt and not stressful. We never got to go for industrial visits but I'm sure we'll get to do it in the future. We are given various examples when a topic is taught which makes it easier for us to understand.Our institution is against ragging and other offensive issues. Students are usually really friendly, supportive without any racial or regional discriminations. We've got clean labs, the lab instructors good too. Our institution gives importance to sports and other extracurricular activities like debates, social talks, etc.",7.3 2447,Pranav Chavan,Pune Vidhyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and Technology - [PVGCOET],"Recently we gone through PBL which Means project based learning.They are focusing on skill development program.as I am the 1 at year engineering student authorities told us to we are focusing on Electrical vehicles and renewable energy development.College also look up to improves communication skills,gives knowledge to Japanese and jerman language.Most of Japanese companies visiting college for Electronic engineering.The gender ratio is about 3/workshop program was started from 1st year onwards from this year.its for all the branches I colleg.actually this is Pune university rule.there is a orphanage for old people in campus so it's environment is always great.there is no any gender differences all have equal opportunity.there is no any difference s in faculty or students about there sociality.",7.8 2448,Student (Anonymous),IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"My college is over 100 years of old now.Its infrastructure sets the example of traditional India. As It is in Varanasi, It is like old culture type and whole college is well maintained. Sports facilities is top class, we have three huge grounds and many more stuffs. WI-FI has also very good speed and we have very big Library which covers all types of book necessary for students and E-books too are accessible.Labs are also well established and are helpfull for students who wants to do research.IIT- Dream of every Engineering aspiring students, I have worked so hard for this and cracked this exam with decent score and got admission.The course structure is very chilled out here. It gives a very nice opportunity for the students to explore new things and learn something out of the box. the exams are also very easy and hence consume a very less time of the semester to get prepared and the focus is majorly on the practical part. ",8.8 2449,Ajay Kumar,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Cambridge institute of technology is at its peak during the month of their intra college event ""chiguru"". A time when students get bonded in very special ways and the true essence of being a Cambrian comes into form. The true need for conducting chiguru is that it acts as a stairway to humanity. This makes every Cambrian feel a part of something bigger.The college has a decent campus with good faculty's, infrastructure is great, campus life and the crowd is good at 62 sectors. Placements are really good. Placement would be the main reason to join this college. The institute is worth the money and has a good cafeteria, library, labs for practical knowledge.",9.2 2450,Diksha singh,IIMT College of Engineering,"Companies like Wipro, Microsoft, etc have visited in our campus for providing placement to the students. Firstly the minimum requirement is 70% cut off, then u have to give an exam for the internship then technical interview and lastly the main interview if u clear all the steps you got selected. 80% of students are placed every year.I opt for this course because i want to do btech in the best college. The study material, faculty, the campus is very good. Firstly online admission form is filled and then after offline all the necessary documents are submitted into the college, then admission fees is paid and then all the procedure are completed.",10 2451,Parth,AISSMS Institute of Information Technology,I opted for the course because it was my interest. I chose this institution because the teachers are very helpful and encourage students to build up themselves in all aspect. Admission procedure includes giving of entrance examination and then there is a counselling session in which colleges are alloted along with the verification of documents.Yes it is relevant and fair. It helps us to develop our mind so that we can appear for any examination in our future. Yes the curriculum groomed to provide industry specific knowledge to students which helps students to get campus placements.industrial visits are also organized to various industries for the practical knowledge of students.,6.7 2452,Student (Anonymous),Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"The fee is 14000 for boys for general category per year and for the reserved category it is very less about 2000 per year excluding the hostel and mess fee. For girls of all categories, the fee is only 32 rupees per year excluding hostel and mess and which is least in the country.Exams are distributed in 8 semester as all the collages. In each sems two mid sems are conducted which is of 20 marks and best of two is considered. Sem is of 70 marks conducted by the university and rests 10 marks are given through assignments and attendance.",9 2453,Devansh Pandey,Barkatullah University - [BU],"In order to be eligible for the admission process you need to have a valid JEE main score.Now, once the MP counselling forms are out you need to select this college as a choice, and also the students need to choose their branches in a perticular order with the most preferred choice at the top.Then, once the counselling gets over and the college declares that you've got admission in a perticular department chosen, you need to go to the college and pay your semester fee.And finally, when your documents are verified by the college, you get admission in the college with your preferred branch.All those who belong to minority communities get a fee waiver and they do not have to pay any academic fees. But they have to pay the hostel fee. But in order to avail this scholarship the students need to maintain atleast 75 percent attendance otherwise they are not eligible for this scholarship.",2.5 2454,Anuj Singh Rajawat,"University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya - [UIT- RGPV]","1 INDUCTION (Event to welcome freshies and guiding them to the whole process of engineering) 2 MAHASANGRAM (sports event) 3 ?????? (event dedicated for development of Hindi) 4 INSYNC AUDITIONS (auditions to select students for cultural activities) 5 Nirmaan (event by technophilic club for civil engineers)Gender ratio is like all other engineering colleges around 40/100, extracurricular of the college is not that good and also events celebrated are not on that big scale, students of all ages, Caste, religion, races and economic conditions study here and all are treated equally",6.3 2455,Karthik Shetty,NMAM Institute of Technology - [NMAMIT],"Course curriculum is interesting and we'll balanced. We have continuous evaluation system Two mid sem exam is conducted for 25 marks each and (total 50) and send exam is conducted for 100 marks which is then converted to 50. So exams structure is quite simple (50 marks from 2 mid sem exams and 50 marks sem exam).College helps in providing various scholarship but there is no special scholarship provided by the college separately. List of Scholarship I have applied but didn't receive it yet hoping it will reach soon MHRD Scholarship Arivu Loan Scholarship (re payment after graduation)",7.5 2456,Nikhil mathur,Tula's Institute,"Janmastmi, valentine, navratri, new year, Holi, diwali every event is celebrated peacefully and happily you will definitely enjoy every event because there are many shows done on the event and you are given information about the when and the children perform place and all to elucidate the event all in one we celebrate all events with full enthusiasm.The fee structure is like minimal not to very high, yeah but it could be expensive if you take the hostel and but the hostel fees also minimum All-in-One you will have to just give 200000 Rupees 1 lakh for hostel 1 lakh for academic it's not very high basically if you study from a government college you also have to pay this.",10 2457,Student (Anonymous),Velammal College of Engineering and Technology - [VCET],My College is anna university affiliated college the topics are based on Anna University syllabus. The exam questions are prepared by Anna University. My College faculty provide a lot of opportunities to give information about content beyond syllabus also I love my faculty teaching style they provide good learning with bright listening in class. My institution is urged to provide industrial visit and lot.The environment of college is clean and neat boys ratio is high compared to girls. The lab facilities and sports are well. There is no raging in our college they are very strict at discipline and activities of students they will guide a student to good manners and develop their discipline skills.,8.5 2458,Vishal Soni,"College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology - [CTAE]","Course curriculum is same as RTU only a very slight variation of topics occur. This college has strict checkings and marks are not alloted very easily u have to practice more to get more. Exams here are relevant about what they teach in the class. The plus point of this college is there you get regular classes to be arranged and the teachers are willing to teach students. Even strict rules for who don't come to class.Campus life is energetic. All the classes here start from 9 AM and on a gull day, it covers up to 5 PM. The gender ratio is in a balanced form. There are many extracurricular activities being organised for u where u can show or improve your skills developed. Yes, there are competitions like robotics, debates, etc, Special clubs have been made for these activities to be conducted on a regular basis.",7.8 2459,Muhammed Rinshad C P,HKBK Group of Institutions,"Exam should be moderated. And curriculum should be focused on what students abilities. Workshops. Labs. Football ground. Cricket ground. Basketball court. Cricket net. Volleyball court. Badminton court. Table tennis. Carrom chess. Many indoor games as well as outdoor games too. Sports day are there.Tech event. Sports day. College day. Onam celebrations. Karanataka celebrations. Etc Calypso. Induction program. Nss ncc. Many indoor games as well as outdoor games too. Sports day are there. Many indoor games as well as outdoor games too. Sports day are there.",8.3 2460,Basawantappa Kalshetty,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Civil is an evergreen branch where I like to make planning &structure of buildings so my brother & my friends said about this collage so I'm here etc well through online I have taken more information about the college and finally decided to get admission in this college.The good campus has maintained well clean h every facility accurate gender even the strength of the college well-maintained labs with good &supportive attendees even good at sports activities like both indoor and outdoor we have tables tennis, chees., carrom & cricket,",7.7 2461,Kabir Pandey,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"The faculty is renowned and dedicated to imparting knowledge. They are well communicated with the students. They help the students in each and every aspect be it Projects, Fests, Internships, Academics and Placements. Lectures and purely based on Learning and Practical knowledge. Fee structure for Comedk students is 2 lakh per annum and for KCET student it is 80k per annum. There is also hostel fees and mess fees if you opt for it. The fees is comparatively feasible when we talk about tier 1 private colleges. Facility provided can be made better. ",8 2462,Chandrakiran,Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology - [CBIT],"Fee structure is somewhat expensive for managment people l.bt there is no fee for students who joined in the college based on eamcet rank and there is also another category that is based on jee mains marks.they have to pay 1 lakh per annumOur college is famous for extracuricullar activities like sports(cricket, football, volleyball, kabbadi etc).regular workshops also takes place in our college, no politics, no gender ratios and women's cricket tournament also takeeplace.",8.3 2463,Maulik Patel,Parul Institute of Technology - [PIT],There are many events celebrating in our college like in starting BBA celebrating there Pratibha mahotsav after that MBA celebrating there events but the large events are come February projections and dhoom. Projections is technical and non technical and dhoom is cultural.In Parul you can apply any types of scholarships like I am applied mysy scholarships like that there are many types of scholarships. In mysy I received 54000 per year. Parul also provide loan facility for those who cannot give money in one time.,7.7 2464,Shivshankar Patil,Bharath University - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - [BIHER],There is a best labs there is a physics is nice lab in my university there are boys in girls ratio more my college resident in Tamil Nadu there big festival is dassera the in timing of dassere eight to ten days celebrate the festivalMy senior is best they helped me in any my mistake. Elderly care simple elder is a fulfill ment or a special need or requirements that are unique to senior this board term encompass such service as assisted living.,8 2465,Hitesh Kumar Sahu,Government College of Engineering,"The placement and job opportunity in this college is like search diamond in sea. Many companies are don't want to come here. Here except Minning branch, other beach are like son without parents. Hope these problem will solve in future.Computer science and engineering is one of the best branch. But in this college there is nothing productive. This college is surrounding by nature but the communication is very poor therefore companies are not want to comes here.",5.8 2466,JIJO PONNACHAN,National Institute of Technology - [NITC],"The admission process to National institutes of technology in India is through the joint entrance examination organized by National testing agency. Over 12 lakh students participate in this exam. After the entrance exam result came,we submit our desired options. After that JOSSA will allot seat according to our rank in the exam. After the allotment they called us for the verification of certificates and after that they allow seats according to our preference I choose this course because I love engineering as my career. Also civil engineering is my favourite branch. I am interested in making plans of buildings and making them real.The National Institute of Technology Calicut host one of the most popular and massive technical and cultural fest in India The technical fest is called as Tathva.Students from almost all parts of South India came here for attending the workshops, events and lecture.The college provide participation certificates to them. The cultural fest is named as Ragam held in January for three days which is one of the most biggest fest in South It is mainly started in the name of a student who studied in this college and killed by the police during the national emergency in India. These two fests are popular in whole India.",8.2 2467,Karan Singh Rautela,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Talking about faculties in the college, my views vary from faculty to faculty but the general view is they all are very helpful and are well experienced and are highly qualified from various reputed colleges and universities. They use various techniques to teach like using ppts, presentations, workshops, boards, etc.The fee structure is feasible and is very much satisfactory as compared to various other technical private institutes. our college fees include all other expenses like admission fees, tuition fees, library fees, etc. But sometimes students have to pay fine if they violate college rules.",10 2468,Shwet kamal,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],The criteria of placements here is great. The college holds a success rate of 75% placements. The highest package offered till now has been 31.77 lpa and was offered to a student of our department only. The average salary offered is 4-5 lpa. Good packages are offered to many students. The college hires professionals to train us for interviews and placements. College very supports throughout the placements.Fee structure is average for Karnataka students and expensive for other states students. It takes 90k for home states and its double 180k for other states students per year. If you want to stay in hostel then it charges 100k per year at last it is very expensive for other state students. Its total fees is 700k for whole 4 years of study without hostel for other state students.,8.3 2469,Student (Anonymous),Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SGGSIE&T],"In college many labs computer labs, innovation labs like many labs. Every department has a computer lab some computer lab is open for 24 hr. In college, a cricket ground is available so many competitions took by the college. Professional communication lab also available there debates and other related activities take by faculty.For year 86,000 rupees for open cast and for obc is 46,000 rupees for sc/st 5,000 rupees. The scholarship also for lower cast students and also for the opencast. And 30,000 rupees fees for College hostel including mess. The hostel is good from the second year, first year hostel also good but not good that of the second year.",6 2470,Manosmita Aran,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"Cambridge Institute Of Technology is a very good college. It has a high standard of education. The environment is so good that you will feel enthusiastic and joyful. Faculties are highly educated and experienced. And you can be placed in a very good company. Mainly they focus on your soft skills which help the students communicate with the people really well and your language skills can be improved to a high level.Here the campus life is truly amazing. The campus is environmentally friendly and is very spacious. There is gender equality between the people over here. Many students come from different states to study here. Library is huge and spacious. The college has well-equipped labs and seminar halls. In the canteen, you get delicious foods at a reasonable price. There are two huge playgrounds inside the campus.",8.3 2471,SRI MOHNISH,Chennai Institute of Technology - [CIT],"There is a sufficient amount of students in both males and females, with a diverse culture and mentality. There would be some workshops happening every week, students are allowed to take part in various cultural activities, every year national level symposium and cultural event will be held in an exciting manner, sports good and creates lots of chances to get to the next level.Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary course that offers plenty of opportunities for those who pursue it, this institution provides quality education with a good reputation. There are various options to join the college like, 1. Through anna university counseling. 2.Management quota. They provide a detailed overview of the college and tour you before joining.",8.3 2472,SHIVAM,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],The course curriculum is fully research-driven and fair. The course is designed in a way that it will definitely help students to solve real-life problems. VIT implemented FFCS (Fully flexible credit system) that means you can choose any faculty for any subject from whom you want to study and you can choose timings of lecture according to yourself that means if you are a night owl and don't want to attend morning lectures then you can choose the afternoon slots or evening slots for that same lecture from that same facultyYou have to give the VITEEE exam to get into VIT. To get the computer science branch you need to secure ranking above 5000. My counseling experience was so good the counseling process was easy plus perfectly managed everything was crystal clear mentioned and was hassle-free. And believe you will get to know how prestigious is VIT during the counseling process there are literally thousands of student who wants to get admission in VIT.,9.8 2473,Sai teja,Anurag University,The placements are very good in our college. The highest package is 42 lakhs per annum. And more than fifty percent of the students scored jobs. The average package of our college is 4 lakhs per annum. The cse group has an average of 7 lakh per annum.Our feevper annum is onenlakh twenty two thousands per annum. It is so heavy for middle class and poor families to afford and we have about ten thousand per annum for library and other fees. And we need to pay extra for examinations.,9.8 2474,Chirag Amar Bhandari,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],"The newly constructed labs are very good. But the old one are very bad in which half of the instuments or computers doesnt work. There is a big cricket ground, a football ground, a basketball court, a tennis court which have been made as dump area currently. There is also a small room for indoors sports called gymkhana.The students are very more active than the college administration. The college is not concerned about the condition of the college building and the hostels in which the students are living. The college life is anyhow good as the students make there own way to enjoy in college irrespective of the facilii given.",7.2 2475,Vangara Gowtham Arya,Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science - [AITS],"They celebrate Fresher's party, Traditional day and Annual day.They taking money from the students because doesn't has any money They charges every student.This is the big problems for a student.But college doesn't celebrate as we pay the amount not equal.Their is no scholarship/loan for me because I am the management they charges me 35000 only other then we not paid Nothing's other then I don't know if you have any questions or need anything else you need to be a good time to explore new ways of learning",7.5 2476,Ajay Thomson,Muthoot Institute of Technology & Science - [MITS],"This college has only limited fest some of them are Tech fest, onam, arts, sports, ethnic day. Tech fest is conducted in the month March. Sports is only held for a day. Onam celebration are really good. Arts fest ofstage items are held during working days. This college is improving year by year.I have not yet met any alumni from this college. This college is just started. So the alumni network would mainly arise some years later.we have oppurtunities to have interaction with the seniors, and they will share their opinions and advices which will be helpfull for us in the coming years.",8 2477,Akshat Jain,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],Placement are too good. There are lot companies from windows to Amazon. It varies with branch also but most core companies come here for sure. Process for internship is quite simple and getting one is moderately tough. Foreign internship in some branches like chemical engineering is too common while for other branches there are options of getting one in India or outside too. Cgpa and POR matter alot for thatSports is too good here. There are ground for almost all kind of sports from squash to cricket. Gender ratio is less for girls but not low almost 2 boys to 1 girl. There is complete freedom here and no discrimination on basis of gender. Girls are also free to get out of hostel and get in at anytime. No one opposes aggressively to someone for sexual orientation religion or different political beliefs.,8.5 2478,Harsh Mohane,Institute of Chemical Technology - [ICT],"1)MHTCET Entrance Test 2)Secure good Rank (less than 1000) 3)Then go through MHCET Cap process 4) After securing seat then Confirm Or freeze at nearest ARC Center 5) Within 4-5 Days go to the college along with the DD whatever your fees is 6) Pay the DD and confirm your admission or seatThere are many scholarship which are provided by the college ather than Maharashtra government scholarship. But there is no loan facility available for the students. There are scholarship such as scholarship provide by Asian paints which is approximately fortqy four thousand.",9.7 2479,Sanjay Giri Karthikeyan,VSB Engineering College - [VSBEC],"They are all like my another parents. Sometimes they scold me. That is very crucious. In all situations they help me in subjects and also other issues. My college faculties are very knowledgable person. The projects of my college students are always remarkable, because of our valuable teachers.Thats very good. My college always conduct several cycle tests. That will be very useful for the semester exams. Next thing is the lab facility of my college is very good. In this college, Students have the platform to express their talents to the world.",8.2 2480,Hardik Sharma,Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya - [SVVV],"Basically i am not from the same town in which the college is but my relatives suggest me for the college so i reviewed the college and i fond the collaboration and MOU of the college for technical experience was good which attract me for the college so I choose BTech-CSE (specialisation in information and cyber security) for which the college hai MOU with NCSSS for the course and it will provide the specialisation certificate after the completions of course by the NCSSS (national cyber safety and security standard )Spandan techno fest The biggest event of svvv is spandan techno fest its a 3 day event under which so many competition goes on and has dj night and dhol night as well many games are also organize such as treasure hunt, gully cricket and many more",6.3 2481,Yash B. Savani,Nirma University - [NU],"Fee structure of this college is very expressive. Our tution fee of every Semester is 90, 500/- rs. which is very high but college provide facility according to the fee. My family face some problem for fee related but after 4th year everything will be done through college placement which I believe.According to my opinion, in this college course curriculum is very best in all India Private University. Also it's exam structure is very difficult to understand. In this college exam structure, it has 3 components. First is C. E, second is L. P. W. and third is S. E. E.",9.7 2482,Rajeev kumar,BP Mandal College of Engineering,"I got admission in this college through jee main. I have qualified jee main with53 percentile. on the basis of this merit list is prepared by bceceboard patna my rank is 702 in general catogary. two days offline counseling had been done and then my admission letter is issued and within one week i got admitted in this collegeI am pursuing b tech from only two months ago, so I have no much knowledge about the functions celebrated in this college. wherever i heared from our seniors functions like sports meet, annual function, allumni meet, science and technology fare etc are celebrated",4.7 2483,Anmol,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The faculty is well experienced and friendly. The teachers often make class learning interactive and innovative by making the best use of technology. The faculty is always supportive and easy to approach. They motivate students to take up mini projects to enhance their practical thinking.Our college conducts various fests like technical fests where students can take part in a hackathon, debates, etc. There is an annual fest, chiguru, which is a well known cultural fest. Our college also conducts intuit fest which displays various projects made by the students.",9.5 2484,Shuchirath Gowda R,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The placements at our college are good. An efficient recruitment process is an organization-specific sourcing model that aims to find the right fit for the right job at the right time. It is a step-by-step approach to bringing in talented people who can help the company grow. An all-inclusive recruitment process has 5 key phases but it may vary from company to company depending on the business vertical, organizational structure, size of the company, nature of operations, existing recruitment workflow and selection process.Learning is fine when compared to the surrounding college, we have been thought with a foreign language and lots of skills. Industrial visits are for final year students. According to me, subject knowledge is very much important in general, but when it comes to a matter of Campus Placement in IT Industries, it has the least importance (until you are in Computer Science or IT Branch) because rarely any IT companies require our Subjective knowledge.",7.2 2485,Sarvagya kumari v,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The course curriculum is very good it's actually very relevant and the tests are conducted monthly and exams are also given. Tests help us in scoring valuable marks in exams. The college curriculum groomed to provide industry-specific knowledge to the students. We have gone to an industrial visit- Kolar-chikkaballapur district milk union(KOMUL). Dakshina Kashi kshetra Antargange.I have an aim for the scientist or to be a pilot and this course will be very helpful to achieve my goal in both the fields. College environment. The reviews about college helped me lot to choose this college. Campus is good, cafeteria, library is good and there is no ragging in the college. Placements record was very good which made me choose this college.",8.8 2486,J trupthi,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"We celebrate chiguru the annual fest celebrated at the time of march every year we also celebrate an ethnic day where we can come in our desired traditional barriers and we also celebrate inauguration for the Freshers so that they have a great start medals to the toppers are given and yeah graduation day for the final years Onam fest organised by mallu students Kannada rajotsava which was the till now best celebration Ganesh chaturthi with night DJ, Holi and lots more.I opted this course because I had seen my family members well settled with secure jobs and financially stable I reading n for me to choose this college is the atmosphere it provides the perfect environment for the students we enjoy the perfect college life even regarding the academic wise we are getting nice quality education we got into college easily first I got selected through CET and I had to submit my documents I filled my application and yes I was in.",9.7 2487,Vaishnavi B,M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences - [MSRUAS],"Our college people celebrate lots of technical, cultural and management festivals. when it come to technical they keep free workshops and recently they celebrate aadhya fest in which it was a inter college competition and cultural like dance, singing, band set, games and lots of stuffs. Entrance exam- CET. My aim was to become an engineer but because of patents force I studied biology in my 11 th and 12th class. But later I choose My decision and I applied to the top colleges. Through cet exam I was alloted to this college because of good ranking in the engineering. ",8 2488,Rishik Paul,Chandigarh University - [CU],"I got my admission based on merit list and first choose to persue aerospace engneering but then choose cse as i had good coding brain. first, i gave cuset as i aspired for scholarships to study, as i belong to a poor family, i also got a scholarship of 20% on qualification. the fee structure is also convenient for everyone to achieve their dreams.scholarship and loan facility both are available and scholarship depends on the merit result and entrance test results, also has a criteria for board percentage. scholarship is also available for sports quota persons and give 10% to 100% SCHOLARSHIPS IN SEMESTER FEES.",9.5 2489,M.Santosh kumar,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Our seniors whom i know are very helpful they used to help me in my acadamics and every time they fills inspiration in my heart to overcome my problems.I used to play with my seniors they are very careful about me they help me in every possibilities if used to stand beside me when ever i was scared or afraid of someone's or some thingThere are many big companies coming to our college like Amazon, Mercedes, Google bhej rahe the student performance he was placed into to the respective companies where he was apt to do internships are like is the student well good in studies then by seeing his academic perfomance college management will decide whether to give or not.",8 2490,Dhruvin Patel,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,The course structure is very chilled out here. It gives a very nice opportunity for the students to explore new things and learn something out of the box. the exams are also very easy and hence consume a very less time of the semester to get prepared and the focus is majorly on the practical part.IITs have the most qualified faculties around the country. IIT BHU especially have more experienced faculties because the college has completed 100 years ( although became IIT in 2012). Faculties are very keen to teach the course but students here are more interested to learn by themselves.,8.7 2491,Arpit Kogta,PES University Electronic City Campus,The college is generally less focussed on extracocurricular but yeah encourages students to do things out of the college course.Many workshops are conducted.Gender ratio is pretty healthy at 2:1.Although the no of college societies are a bit less.There are various scholarships provided by the college for the students who acheive merit in college semester exams.for exam top 20 percent students from each sem are given a fee waiver of 25 percent from the total fees of the semester.,8.2 2492,Fayas Ahammad,TKM College of Engineering - [TKMCE],"The mostly celebrated event is the national level techno-cultural fest conducted by TKMCE named Hestia. Later it was known as conjura. Also various other programmes like TRIKA, astra, steps etc are conducted in our college. The participation in all these events are also good enough.The college provides better placements all over India and also in some other countries too. Mostly 200-250 students get placed each and every year based on their performances in interview and CGPA. The companies like MRF types, nissan etc come here for providing placements.",8.2 2493,Kumar Arman sikriwal,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The university is very strict towards any type of ragging or racial discrimination and the gender ratio varies from course to courses some courses have more girls than boys and the engineering branch has a sex ratio of about 1:8 so theirs a girl from every 8 boys, lpu has 3 big grounds and many sports are played from cricket, volleyball, basketball, tennis, badminton, swimming to skating. The culture of lpu is very diverse there are students from across the globe.Lpu conducts many events and the biggest one over here is the youth vibe. It even conducts many technical events like hackathon and many celebrities visit over here for promotion and stuff, there are many student organization over here like 250+ and they conduct events almost everyday and we even have our own roadies and splits villa conducted by the student organization.",8.2 2494,Subin Ninan,Amal Jyothi College of Engineering - [AJCE],"Boys and girls ratio is around 2:1, college has good lab facilities and good trainers sports and students have good discipline also towards other gender. No such kind of sexual orientation or race like that all are one here. No politics is hereAlumni and seniors are very friendly the will provide very much help and become our part of our life. If there is any problems they will come and help us to get back. Overall everything is good and we can have good interaction.",8.2 2495,Asif baba,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"There are many events are held in our college like sreevision adsthra cultural fest etc. In sreevision event there are many participations on technical gadgets and many more had happened. Every time celebrities will come and participate in the eventsOur college will provide loans to those who can't pay the expensive fee. Then the loan is cleared by the loan taken individual.For students our college will provide student scholarship which is useful to students for the smaller needs",7.7 2496,Kanishka Dhada,Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology - [VSSUT],"The placement and job opportunities are average. But if you are a student pursuing BTech in Information Technology or Computer science and engineering then you will be definitely get placed by companies like Infosys, Delloite, Tata consultancy and IBM etc. Delloite offers more compared to other companies. About internship, VSSUT does provide internship. All you have to do as a student is to fill an internship from provided by the college and submit it in both online and offline way.There are different clubs and sports in VSSUT for extracurricular activities. Students with interest in Technology stuffs can attend technical clubs like ROBOTICS, E-CELL, IIC, AVC, PIXELS and students with interest in cultural events can attend cultural clubs like SOULS, VIBRANZ, EMOTICA etc. We have four primary sports in our college. They are BASKETBALL, CRICKET, FOOTBALL, VOLLEYBALL, etc.",7 2497,Praful Kudachikar,SG Balekundri Institute of Technology - [SGBIT],"In our college the placements opportunities are good, yearly 20-35 companies visit and meet students for placement selection. Our seniors tell about this placement & job Apportunities. My many senior friends are selected for placements. I don't know all company names but some are Infosys, Aqwas.Our college is good they provide good water to drink, and college have their own gym, and as long have auditorium for playing indoor games and for transportation bus also provided. And the cultural, extracurricular activities also provide. Our college is the best college in Belgaum city.",9 2498,Akshay kokadwar,VIT Bhopal University,"VITEEE exam required to get admission any campus of VIT University, VITeee is the national level exam it's for all states student in India, foreign students can also can apply for VITEEE. VITEEE is the jee level exam, the syllabus is 11and12. Eligibility criteria : the students who get 60% in pcm and VITEEE rank is under 1. 5lakh that only eligible to take admission in VIT campus, depending on your VITEER you will get admission in one of the campus among Vellore, Chennai, Bhopal, Amravti. After qualifing in VITEEE University will call for counseling for one of the campus it is depending on your VITEEE rank. VIT University is famous for cse branch therefore cut off cse branch is high. From 1to 25000 rank students are eligible for Vellore campus, 25000to 50000 students are eligible for Chennai campus 50000to 1. 5lakh are eligible for Bhopal and Amravti campus. When you reach for admission there is seat for all branches and fourcategory for all branches first category fees 198000 second category fees 298000 third category 498000 after completing all admission process you get admission in vitGender ratio in VIT Bhopal is 10:6 means per 10boys 6girls. here students from different State s in India that's why here different club for all students like Marathi club, Telgu club, Bengali clubetc and these club arrange the fest and every festival of all clubs celebrated with all students and faculties. it's is a 100%ragging free campuse. The rule in this college is same for all. Here one of famous thing about vit is here PDA is the concept means public displays of affection, if any students can Do in campus they are punishes from University. All sports activities facility are available here if the students want to participate in activities they can be participate, separate gym",9.7 2499,Phani,GIET University - [GIET],"Sime times there will be conducte sports, labs are not that much of maintaining with good infrastructure the labs materials are look like very old one for the professional students they required to need good infrastructure which not there at presentOur principal celebrate eaxh and everything in college like festivals and official one too and also there are some events they done in periodically in grand manner not telugu festival celebrations but also other region festivas are celebrated",7.5 2500,Rishav Kumar Rajak,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Placements are pretty well in my college with around 900+ placements per year. Similarly, many students get internships too. Yes, our college provides internships in various fields. Our college organizes an internship process similar to the placements process were companies like Samsung, P&G, etc. comes and take the eligible students with different pay packages like 50000- 150000 INR per month.Cultural Event: Rendezvous (North India's Largest Cultural Fest) with a footfall of 80000 where students from different colleges participate. Technical Event: Tryst, Technical fest of IIT Delhi where students from different colleges from India participate in the events like Robowars, etc Sports: Sportech, Sports fest of IIT Delhi.",8.8 2501,Samyak Jain,Malaviya National Institute of Technology - [MNIT],"We have Sphinx as our technical fest, Blitzschalg as cultural and couple of other literary and sports fest. Don't expect much from Sphinx but blitz is good and is worth attending. This year's artist lineup for blitz was shah rule, bassi, stebin ben and Ankit tiwari.Yes, but you need to be very respectful towards them. We need to greet our seniors as boss. But eventually you will have a way with them. Alumni network is strong and college was formed in 1963. Recently one of our alumni represented republic day parade.",6.2 2502,Vatsal Nagelia,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],Atmos : The tech fest where various technical workshops and talks take place. It is a place of innovation. It’s one of the biggest tech fests of south india. Arena: The sports fest where people from different colleges come to compete with us in different sports. It’s a pretty big event. Pearl: The cultural fest which displays the campus culture by conducting various pro shows and competitions for the students and invites highly skilled people to teach us about their life experiences. It’s one the best fests in India.The is a lot of scope for extracurricular activity as there are highly skilled individuals in our campus who really lift up the game to the next level. The gender ratio is a bit low but so is the case with almost all engineering colleges its about 9:1(male:female). There are extensive workshops to teach us things out of the course. There are various cultural societies and each of them respect each other and help each other during the festivals. There is no discrimination with regard to anything.,8.8 2503,Student (Anonymous),Tula's Institute,"The learning as well as my curriculum going well. Yes, time to time college updated, to provide industry-specific knowledge to the students, that'd be helpful in securing an on-campus placement. Yes, different industrial visits on-campus from time to time. For the betterment of students, college is provided different types of programs related to career Improvement.Digital payment accepted by the college, for the same.No, any additional fee /charges that had to be paid in order to secure admission to your course. Yes, the college provides transparency in the fee breakdown. The fee is Regneble to all. Good college for investment. I hope you get to know about the fee.",10 2504,bhanu prasad,Balaji Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"the curriculum was able to groom the students in a way that to perform tasks after graduation and the syllabus included in the curriculum will be tought by the faculty. reading excess was reduced in a shotter format by following the curriculum we are able to attempt better in the examsinfo tech,tech Mahendra etc were the companies came for placement drive.as the drive includes some steps in recruiting the students such as interview (round-1,2,3) some of our students were placed in the companies toooo,the institution also took some inetatives to compeet the drive",5.3 2505,Vishal Kumar,Gaya College of Engineering,"The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) conducts the entrance test in two stages. The first stage is the screening test. The screened candidates appear in the mains Examination (second stage). Based on the Merit List of the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (2nd stage), successful candidates have to go through counseling (third stage). For lateral entry in the second year, one must have passed Diploma in Engineering/B. Sc. and should be in the merit list of BCECE(LE).All senior are very helpful. They also encourage to participate in workshop and auto Cade program. They also suggested how to read and understand the syllabus. Gaya College Of Engineering Alumni association. Community College in Gaya, India. GCE MERI JAAN. Government Organization. Training and Placement Cell, GCE Gaya. G. C. E GAYA 2K16 BATCH. Philanthropy GCEians. Graviton, GCE Gaya. Purnia engineering college Purnia bihar. Gaya College of Engineering - GCE.",7 2506,Sumit Kumar Singh,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"The faculty of IITs are well known by everybody and are quite educated to a great level but most of them are much focused towards their research and other stuff and that's why they make the lecture part quite boring but some of them are good at teaching and makes lecture very interesting. In my course, I found have met till date only 2 professors to be having teaching attitude. Overall The faculties are well educated and are able to handle all workload of academics and are well enthusiastic for the research part which is quite necessary for our nation.In my college, Admission is through JEE - ADVANCED examination conducted by different IITs under JEE council board. There were two steps both having merit list, first one was JEE MAIN conducted by MHRD, NTA then comes JEE_ADVANCED and those students who qualified in a specific range of ranks are proceeded further for admission in IITs through JoSSA counselling and various steps including document Verification and ordering of your preferences of IITs, and finally authorised letter by JoSSA that is required during admission process in IIT.",8.3 2507,Sahil Chauhan,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"After 7 sem interview are there. IIT delhi average pakage for Btech is 13 lac for dual degree it is 15 lac highly paid companies like amazon, google etc ar ethere for interview internship not provided but we can do research under professor after research professor give desidn credits.Two exam are there JEE Main and JEE Advanced. If you qualified in jee main then you are eligible for JEE Advanced. After cracking jee advanced we are eligible to take admission in IIT. Then there is counselling for variois iits and branchs.",8.8 2508,Preetham Gowda MR,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"There is well maintained library, as it was the second engineering college established in Karnataka in 1948. It is well maintained, with very famous alumni like INFOSYS FOUNDER- NARAYAN MOORTHI AND ADI CHUNCHUNGIRI SWAMIJI AND MANY MORE POPULAR PEOPLE Gender ratio is almost equal (even in mech) There is no thing like college president, and elections for students. For sports it is dedicated with a separate complex named diamond jubilee complex where equipments are available. It is more like a indoor stadium, But there is no big ground for sports like cricket, football. etc There is no such things like sexual orientation.I wrote KCET (anybody can join if they qualify KCET, JEE), I got good Ranking in the entrance exam, though I waited for third round allotment in kcet to get admission to this College. I was interested in civil engineering, But The national institute of engineering (NIE) is famous for Departments like Mechanical, CS, civil, electronics and communication, I joined in an aided seat. Admission process is simple as we have to produce documents with 4 copies.",8.3 2509,Salman Suhail,Allenhouse Institute of Technology,"The year starts with the freshers party (Reeth) which is quite good followed by the celebration of Gandhi Jayanti, dandia night, department events are also organised in the end of the semester and various literary fest and cultural fest are conducted throughout the year, then their comes a event named Synergy for school students and The largest fest is ExuberanceScholarship schmes from central and state government is very much encouraged by college management and they itself help students in filling up the application forms and getting registered in scholarship portal. Discount is also offered by college at the time of admission on the basis of merit in intermediate",7.5 2510,Vikas Gupta,Delhi Technological University - [DTU],I got admission in DTU through Jee main examination in 2019 by spot round. ECE seat remain only for me at last stage at my rank 33k so that i got admission in DTU with ECE branch. I feel good and thanks to God for fullfill my life. ThanksNo. Our college is good no negative renark about my college. I enjoy college life which I dreamed. so i not give neative remark about my college. thanks for my college which provide such type of life for all the student.,10 2511,Mithlesh kumar singh,Centurion University of Technology and Management - [CUTM],Yes here are seniors students are helpful for everyone they help every time senior students say always that anyone have any problems then call us talk to us we can solve your problem. Yes there was a alumni meet in every semester end program lot's of senior students came to tell about there experience and tell about how they become achievable in our ages. They also reference some students to their respective companiesPlacement and job opportunities are quite good. Many bigs companies came here and provide job opportunities. for senior i came to know that this year the higest package was 10 Lpa and the lost was 3. 3 Lpa. And the average salery is around 3. 5 lakh. You can get a job in this college but just getting cgpa 8 above.,8 2512,Mayank,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"The placement of this college is splendid ranking in placement is 1 among all nits of India. It's provide a very good placement with good average package. Our college provide internship in internship we go to various companies for at least one month internship is also helpful to achieve pre placement offer.Yes, our college students get various scholarship amount from various agencies like up government, mp government and also o p Jindal scholarship, Samsung star scholarship to Navodaya students. Samsung star scholarship are given to top 150 students who are studying in IIT and NIT only.",8.7 2513,Ankush Kumar,Acharya Institute of Technology - [AIT],"I got the admission through comedk exam. We have to first fill the form for comedk which costs around Rs 1500. The exam ibs conducted in the month of may. It is an online exam. There will be 180 questions , 60 each from physics , chemistry and maths. The total time alloted is 180min. There is no negative marking. After the exam counselling is done in Bangalore and college is alloted according to the rank obtained by the student.Course is well taught in class. There are three internals conducted every semester of fifty marks. The average of the three is taken. Three assignments are also given of ten marks each. The internal marks are converted into 30. The internal assessment is of 40 marks, 30 from internals and 10 from assignment. The university exams are of 100 marks. 85% attendance is mandatory.",8.3 2514,Nikhil Saini,IIMT College of Engineering,"I want to make a future in tech field so that's why I took admission in IIMT College of engineering greater Noida basically in IIMT College of engineering they provide deep knowledge for their subjects and lots of regions I have. If you want to take admission in IIMT then you should give the fist AKTU entrance exam.In IIMT College of engineering greater Noida, they provide a lot of events like technical round and some of them is like this, coding round, robotics, etc. And IIMT College of engineering greater y also holds other events like cultural events and also conducts management events.",7.3 2515,Himanshu Jaiswal,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"The average package offered by the companies is 5 LPA, minimum being 3 LPA and highest is about 12-14 LPA. BIT Sindri offers the best return ratio of money, as you completing your graduation in around 2 lac. Companies like TATA steel, SAMSUNG, Wipro, TCS, etc had come this time.The Course Curriculum is Moderate, the exams are conducted by Jharkhand University of Technology, and they have tried to cover all required topics in respective branches and courses, labs are conducted on a regular basis to enhance skills.",6.8 2516,ALOK KUMAR,College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,"There is an elected Students' Council constituted with sub-committees like Cultural, Academic, Magazine, Games and Sports & various Clubs to encourage and organize various co-curricular activities. The Annual Cultural Festival and Annual Technical Fest are organised with much fanfare and enthusiasm.College Does not offer any loan facility to anyone but definately Most of the Bank will to offer loan facility. College will offer Good scholarship to only student how can show family salary less than 1lakh per annual, he will definately got admission free of cost throught the course completion.",7.5 2517,Gaurav Shejwal,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"For extra curricular activities VIT is one of the best college in India. There are more than 30 clubs in college for different activities like Social work, Poetry, Aesthetics, trekking, NSS, ABVP, Robotics, App development, Entrepreneurs, Startup. etc There is no difficulties faced by anyone based on gender, economic status and so on. The best thing of our activities is our auditorium events. They are best and versitil.I got 91% in CET exam, and i wish to get admission in top 5 engineering collegees in Maharashtra, so i selected COEP, VJTI, ICT, VITand SGGS, First of all there is ARC process of admission in 3 rounds i get VIT, Then after college confirmation i visited VIT and complete last step of admission including registration, fees paid, etc,",9.3 2518,Shubham daphal,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"Fee structure as category wise: For general-1, 60 lakh per annum For SEBC- 92734 per annum For OBC- 92734 per annum For SC, ST - 4000 per annum And college provides scholarship for those students who have income less than 8 lakh per annum, they will get 50% scholarshipGender ratio if college is well maintained but still boys are in higher proportion. There are extracurricular activities like dancing acting sport like cricket, kabaddi, student diversity is good there are different student from too many region",8.3 2519,Aswardha,NIT Silchar,"There is almost every sport here. Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Kho kho, Badminton, Tennis, Skating has their own grounds to play with. And the roads inside the college are good for cycling. As the nature is good you will love to cycle here. There are clubs like Dance, Drama, Trekking, Music which are quite good. The labs are not too good. You can go to the Computer lab directly and can code at any time in a day. The Chemistry lab is as bad as everywhere. Not too bad it is but boring until you are given SULPHURIC ACID to use. In the Electronics lab, nothing will work there. And in Mechanical lab, you will have nothing to do, but just listen to the teacher, but at the end you are asked to do a job, that's it.JEE MAINS is the entrance exam for the college. The required documents will be posted by NTA in their website. Those documents should be submitted here at the college at the time of councelling. The admission process is quite easy for everyone. There will be nearly 8-10 steps in which documents should will be verified through steps. The income certificate that you should submit should be a FAMILY INCOME CERTIFICATE, this is must.",7.5 2520,Shashank Yaduvanshi,DIT University - [DIT],"I had made up my mind to pursue engineering. So first of all I went to the website of DIT UNIVERSITY and filled the online application form. In the online application form they ask you about your basic details, 10th,12th marks and percentage, JEE Main score and the branch you wish to select. Then I went to the University for three counseling process. In the counseling process the college gives a briefing of the various courses and branches offered by college and counsels about the branch and course that would be perfect for you. Then I selected B.Tech CSE course. Then I had to pay the fees and that's it, admission done. There is no such interviewing process involved in the engineering courses but I don't know about other courses.There are many extracurricular activities available in the University like sports, workshops, etc. There is a club called API which stands for Activities, Programming and Internships. The club provides a platform for technical as well as Non-Technical Activities, for overall development of a student. The motto is to bring out Leadership skills in the individual so that he can face any situation in the future. They believe in preparing, grooming and growing with the 'Leaders for Tomorrow', in every domain. There is student diversity as the University reserves 10% seats for foreign students. People from all over the country, from all states come to study here so there is student diversity.",8.8 2521,Prateek Dubey,Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology - [GZSCCET],I got admission by checking the best government college according to my merit and it was this college with respect to my branch i. e civil engineering. The college is local to my residence so it was at my first preference. The admission process was very simple just show your merit proof and you will be registeredYes a large number of scholarship schemes are active in my college. I've also opted a scholarship and ive successfully registered under it which was fee waiver and i have got 80% rebate on the actual fees of my whole degree that is of 8 semesters and 4 years.,7.7 2522,Nayan Shukla,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],Faculties of this is very very good. Like every teacher who is teaching me right now or my previous teachers all very minded and friendly nature. I like to study from them and they teaches us in each and every possible way by which the student can understand the topic completely.I haven't taken any kind of load in thjs college so i personally don't know enough about this but ya i can say that loans and all are so difficult here every work can be done with ease and without any trouble. My friend uses load facilities and all so he told me about this.,7.2 2523,Gopal Chandra Jana,"College of Engineering And Management, Kolaghat","My college placement is best. More than 85% students got placement with a huge salary package. In this year (2019) Computer science and engineering (CSE) students were 99% placed,IT students were 72. 34% placed,ECE(Electronics and Communication Engineering) students were 50. 45%placed,AEIE(Applied Electric and Instructions Technology )students were 37% placed and ME(Mechanical engineering ) students were 36% placed and EE(Electrical Engineering) students were14. 58% students were placed. In the previous years 2018,CSE department students were 98. 50%placed,IT students70. 69% placed and ECE 72. 73%,AEIE 66. 67% and ME 54. 90% and EE 51. 2 percent students are placed. In 2017,94 percent students got good job opportunity in Wipro, Accenture,Tech Mahindra,TCS,Infosys company.My college fees for 2019 1st years admitted students is ?86300 for first semester with hostel fees. and for second semester ?59300. For third semester ?61200 and for fourth semester ?60200,for fifth semester ?62200 and sixth semester ?61200,for seventh semester ?63200 and for last semester i. e 8^th semester ?62200. This is total fees structure for 1^st to 4^th year including cotion money ?20000 and hostel fees.",8.7 2524,Surajit Mondal,"University Institute of Technology, University Of Burdwan - [UIT]","Labs are good and well equipped, workshops are being organised by authority and students. Gender ratio is 1girl: 6boys. There are so many clubs to join both technical-educational and cultural. Student society is so much diverse, students from many states and even from foreign come to this college. Students from every ethnicity, every religion and race come and study peacefully. There is zero politics in our college.Course curriculum is good, every course has labs, and good infrastructure. Exam structure is also good, moreover we don't have to go anywhere other than our college for exam.",7.7 2525,Ganesh Indroba Giram,Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology - [SYCET],"ports activities are promoted and motivated to a large extend. Result shows that Shreeyash students achieve high in sports at University Level. The central library is located centrally in the campus. The library maintains more than 20000 Volumes and 3300 Titles. Every year library added more volumes in collection. Apart from the central library all department maintain their own libraries. During the preparatory period library is open for 24 hours. SC/ST students are provided with a set of books as per the syllabus totally free of cost. The college subscribes to most major technical journals.Besides inviting various companies for campus recruitment, the T & P Cell aspires to: Arrange guest lecture of industrial experts to update and upgrade learners with hands on experience in the wake of ever changing dimensions of professionalism. Arrange guest lecture of alumni who are placed in reputed industries to inspire and motivate the aspiring learners. Arrange lectures on diverse career paths such as Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, ONGC, NTPCL, UPSC, GATE and TOFEL etc. Make concerted and consistent efforts to enhance employ ability through campus placements.",7.5 2526,Ajit Hegde,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"Negetive remark of this college is. it is far away from the city. But the environment and college campus is good. Beside there is Indian Airforce training camp. College is about 6 kms away from Yelahanka city, Bangalore. Thats the negetive remark. Other than that college is very niceYes. Senior students are helpfull. They provided usefull info about college at thr beginning. They even told us how the exams are held. and how we need to study. Because in engineering studying is quite defferent. And they also told us info about courses that college offers.",8.5 2527,Harish,Madras Institute of Technology- [MIT],"I choose B. tech IT in MIT. one of the valuable course in all over the world. Because nowadays everything done in online. so IT companies gets profits and jobs are easily available. Exam structure is very important for the studies, internals and semester95% of the students getting jobs due to the placements. Internships are also available for many students. Many students got jobs in Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Flipkart etc. The students are eligible to attend the interview, who have CGPA above 8.",8.8 2528,jay patel,Government Engineering College,We have to give gseb board examination and also give gujcet exam. In the merit list 60% of board and 40% of gujcet marks are considered and the merit list for college drop on Internet. then we have to submit certain documents and take admission in college.The course curriculum is 1 book for one seem and there are mid exam and the end seem is taken by gtu(Gujarat technological University). There are two mid which are the best of two the students get more marks in all to mid.,5.8 2529,Subhojit Kumar Patar,Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - [GGU],There are various scholarship provided by the university. There are merit as well as need based scholarship available. BPL category students tuition fee is reimbursed provided that the student has 75% attendance and 6. 0 SGPA in a semester. Besides there are merit based scholarship too and the Blind students hostel mess fee is reimbursed.Positive - Fees is low as compared to what is provided in terms of education. Negative- There is no Social life in the Campus and no placement. The college is situated in rural area so there is no proper hang out place outside the campus. It's very hard to improve one's personality.,2.5 2530,Divesh Singh,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"I got the addmission on the basis of my 12th percentage, I'm pursuing BTech from CSE branch. You have to get at least 60% in 12 to get CS branch. You'll also get scholarship on basis of that percentage. They take admission on basis of JEE mains entrance exam result also. For more addmission related details i can help you out, so you can contact me anytime.Course of BTech has several branches such as computer science, mechanical, electrical, electronics, civil, IT. In first year of BTech you'll study each and every sub of engineering. There are mainly two exams that held on a regular interval. Mid sem exams between the semester. End sem exams after the semester ends.",7.7 2531,Harshith Gowda C V,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Yes they provide scholarships for topper of the branch and college. Also government provides the scholarship. Many scholarships are there foe inventions, toppers, sports persons, good presentation and inventing something and which is useful for collegeOur college has more positive than negative. Staffs are Fully professional and especially mech staffs are mostly from IIT and they have there own authorised books which the students across country read it for exams. Best college in MYSURU",9.3 2532,Sayandeep Ghosh,Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management - [RCOEM],"In SRCOEM a aspirer can get admission through mhtcet cap round or through management rounds conducted by the college in which the students are selected on the merit basis, based on their jee or mhtcet score card. 20% seats are reserved for management quota out of which some seats are reserved for jee aspirants and remaining for mh cet students. Different merit lists are made on the basis of jee ranking and mh cet ranking. The students are supposed to be present during the management rounds, the are called as per the merit list and seats are alloted on first come first serve basis.Course curriculum is quite good of the college along with some benefits of being an autonomous college, but if you get a seat in nit, iit, vit or bits in reputed branches then please don't come to this college. Overall the curriculum is good but you are not as independent as a vit student who can choose his/her subjects as per his topics related to his of each semester. Whereas from 3rd sem onwards you can choose one of your subject.",6.5 2533,Prathmesh kharade,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"To get admission in IIT you need to clear Jee mains which is 360 marks mcq test containing physics, chemistry and mathematics. If you are above cutoff the you are eligible for Jee advanced which contains the same syllabus but the pattern of paper isn't the same and it varies. If you secure a good rank then you can get into good IIT.Placement in iits offer a lot to students with highest salary in crores to good mean salary. Many companies come to recruit brightest brains of country. Institute also offers internship which is compulsory in final year and stipend depends on where you are for internship. The average stipend is 20000 rs per month.",8.5 2534,Varshith Reddy,ACE Engineering College - [ACEEC],I had written an entrance exam conducted by telangana government which is conducted all over telangana in that I have been qualified in exam that I appeared then after there was a counselling by ts govt then I selected some of the college's in my web options I have got a seat according to my rank.My course Electronics and communication engineering in which I need to a lot of things I got excited everytime when I started learning a new thing and the labs were also so excellent so that I can practically know how it works and how to operate the instrument exams were also tough little bit.,10 2535,Ketan Nalwaya,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],If you're good in any of the above field then you will have great opportunities to perform in that field. Gender ratio is like 40(for girls) :60 (for boys) as per my knowledge. My college is best for cultural events as recently we had one world in which students represented different country's culture and in the coming month we are having one India in which different students will represent different states of India.My college is great for technical events as well as cultural events. Participations are at very high rate due to more number of students. My college is best for cultural events as recently we had one world in which students represented different country's culture and in the coming month we are having one India in which different students will represent different states of India.,8.8 2536,Bhavesh dixit,GLA University,"Course structure is good,university keeps sylaabi and studying pattern updated Course Curriculum Overview I course I am doing is quite good and it has a bright future in my opinion. As I am doing btech with Data Analyst Specialization which has a great advantage seeing as a future career. It also has extra subject which some time you see is similar to normal vs student subject but you get learn that in advanceFaculty is above average and some teachers are quite good always ready to help you whenever you need them but there are some teachers who constantly demotivate some of the students but this type of teachers are quite less. Overall you can see that the teachers are supportive and while guide you to become a good person and successful one.",8 2537,Sanketh R,Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology- [AIT],I got management seat because I want to achieve in computer science field. I wrote an exam called cet (common entrance test) because of lack of coaching I didn't secure good ranking so I came to adichunchanagiri institute of technology and got an management seat in engineering (branch:Cs)We are having technical programs every week and every students perform in that program and they are giving best student award every week we celebrate hostel day and we celebrate every festival we celebrate fest every even sem and many sports also conducted,10 2538,ABHINAND K M,Cochin University of Science and Technology - [CUSAT],I got admission in soe cusat by scoring a good rank in cat entrance examination conducted by cusat. Due to high placement and good department i choose mechanical engineering. And it is not easy to get admission in a reputed college like cusat. So i don't want to think again choose this college.Placement offered in cusat is very high. Ship technology holds about hundred percentage placement. And placement rates were quite good in cusat. The placement cell is working effectively. The number of companies who reach cusat is increased in recent years.,8.8 2539,Sanju sushar,Vimal Jyothi Engineering College - [VJEC],"College does not provide any loan facility. We have to make that our own. Scholarships are available but its mostly for catholic students. Since its a christian institution, which seem totally unfair. Lower cast students dont have to pay anh fees, which is also kinda unfair for normal caste people.Btech course in india,especially KTU university is pretty tougher than any other. My college promotes spoon feeding type style of teaching. I mean those who are really great at byhearting/swallowing what's given to them by the faculties and vomiting it on an exam booklet. They can easily survive.",6.3 2540,Aman,Vignan's Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"Our institute has a lot of clubs like cultural board, sports club, programming club, robotics club etc. Cultural board handel all the cultural related clubs. Every year our institute organise a annual techno- cultural fest YUVAAN. Its a 3 day fest and the biggest fest of IIITGuwahatiIt was my dream to do B. Tech but Want to do from a reputated college so I came to INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI, which is an institute of National Importance. My Institute give admission on the basis of JEE main score via centralized counseling named JOSAA.",9.2 2541,V.Ganesh,Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College - [SVEC],Mohana mantra. it is one of the biggest event in our college. It is a techno-cultural fest of 3 days. There are lot of activities conducted in mohana mantra. i have worked as volunteer in registration for that mohana mantra. And the second thing is annual day. it will be celebrated on mohan babu sir Birthday.It is a good course named Computer science and systems engineering. The exam structure is of 2 semesters and there are 2 internal exams with internal lab exams. and then external lab exams and external exams. The lnternal and external exams were conducted very strictly.,9.3 2542,HEMAL SEBASTIAN,Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology - [RSET],"The college didn’t offer any scholarship for me. But for schedueled tribes the college offer various scholarships and loans even for buying laptop they have a scholarship of 30000. They have scholarship for those students whose ranks are under 3000 for KEAMBoys and girls get equal opportunity for each and every activities in the college. College has facilities for football, basketball, cricket, badminton, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, chess. They also have various arts and cultural activities.",8.3 2543,SAHIL SANJAY SURYAWANSHI,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,"Placement cell is best. You got training by 2nd year of your college. They teach you how to pass aptitude test how to perform in interviews and how to change your personality is nice person. Companies like TCS, reliance, L&T are come in campus and place students with high package. Ues there is internship provided by college it is only for your experience.The exam structure is by university of mumbai and there is 2 unit tests/sem and they calculate the average of 2 unit test for internal marks minimum marks for internal is 8 out of 20 and 80 marks or 60 marks theory paper by university and passing marks is 32 if paper was 80 Marks and 24 if paper was 60 marks.",10 2544,Monish R,Chennai Institute of Technology - [CIT],"The takshashila cultural is the biggest fest where it's conducted for 3days overnight and day with dance, music, art, talent and with some technical events. Career compass is the event in which the high-level peoples and celebrates explain about the current uptrends and career future on their view. Fungenia is the 15 days special event for the newcomers for the engineering field, giving a clear view of all engineering departments and fields and letting them to decide their future.For this level of academics and COE facilities, these fees are a bit high but the quality is not compromised. The training fees are included in this (25000) which is for these facilities like labs and COE's and also this is for the industrial visits. You have to pre-book your seat by reserving it with a part of this total fees. Pre-booking also helps in an availing concession in total fees.",8.3 2545,Chaitanya jitendra uttarwar,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"First of all i got admission in computer science engineering in this college through Maharashtra state entrance exam known as 'MHT-CET'. On that percentile basis the students get admission in this college. The cutoff of computer engineering goes to 99.55 for general category and for information technology 98.99,and for electronics and telecommunications engineering the cutoff goes to 98 for open category. There are only three branches in this college. The college address is near trimurti chowk dhankawadi puneWhen i got admission in this college from that year only our syllabus was changed. Earlier it was online exam was being held and that was objective type but from my admission year onwards syllabus was changed to subjective and is offline. So this is the difference and this college comes under savitribai phule university(SPPU).",9.5 2546,Abhishek Pawar,MIT World Peace University - [MIT-WPU],"As I said this is probably one of the best colleges for extracurricular opportunities. There are tournaments for as small as carrom to something like rowing. The Summit is the sports event that takes place every year which has prize ranges from 10k to 2 lakhs. The labs are also in a very good condition with all equipments present.The college is best in every aspect however is also highly priced which is probably unaffordable by a common man. The total fee of one year is 295000 for a year which is divided in installments of 1 lakh, 1lakh and 95 thousand. The college also has exam fees every semester.",7.5 2547,Ujala Varshney,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],"The Course Curriculum is well designed. We have 5 subjects in each semester i. e 1,2,3,4 upto 2 years Then in third year it gets reduced to 4 and in fourth year it is reduced to 3 which is fair enough as students have to prepare for several other exams. Exams are scheduled in 2 ways i. e. Mid Semester which is done 2 times per semester out of which the best score is counted in your final report card and the final exam of 70 marks per semester. Otherwise regular tests are organised by the teachers of 10 marks each. Labs are really good, the faculty is very punctual and helpful to us.Yes our college provides internship for students of first year. And also gives permission to senior students of third and fourth year to pursue internship outside the college as well. I mean help in terms of attendence. In my branch CSE, placement is really good. Almost 90% students gets placed the average package of students is about 5-6 lacs per year. The max. Package was around 17 lacs last year.",7.3 2548,Sumit Kumar Singh,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"The faculty of IITs are well known by everybody and are quite educated to a great level but most of them are much focused towards their research and other stuff and that's why they make the lecture part quite boring but some of them are good at teaching and makes lecture very interesting. In my course, I found have met till date only 2 professors to be having teaching attitude. Overall The faculties are well educated and are able to handle all workload of academics and are well enthusiastic for the research part which is quite necessary for our nation.In my college, Admission is through JEE - ADVANCED examination conducted by different IITs under JEE council board. There were two steps both having merit list, first one was JEE MAIN conducted by MHRD, NTA then comes JEE_ADVANCED and those students who qualified in a specific range of ranks are proceeded further for admission in IITs through JoSSA counselling and various steps including document Verification and ordering of your preferences of IITs, and finally authorised letter by JoSSA that is required during admission process in IIT.",8 2549,Sharad sharma,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],"My college is affilated by RGPV University then college follows the exam pattern of RGPV UNIVERSITY, The teachers teach us to the pattern given by RGPV, In my examination there are 5 question be asked and each question contain 14 marks then after calculation the theory part was finding to be of 70 marks and 30 marks contain external practicals. But in my view RGPV patterm be so simple for engineering.My college different departments have different labs for 1st semester the dipartemt is basic science department then it contains basic labs, in my college specially CAD lab be present, worksop lab chemistry lab mechanical lab, civil department have its own lab amd each deparment have its own head so, labs equipment properly managed by each departememt managent is good.",7.2 2550,Viswanath R,Toc H Institute of Science and Technology - [TIST],"Nothing has celebrated yet, maybe will be in future. Advay 2020 is happening my college which is a grant feet for our college, in which all students can participate,DJ,arts categories, everything can be performed. Advay is celebrated every year in my college since with my knowledge, I heard about like that.Yes, my college provide internship and many campus interview are provided by the collegw authorities and have toe up with so many MNC companies. Federal bank, TCS, Sutherland,Infosys aew the main recruiters if our college. Faculties are more helpfull by providing courage to attend interview easily.",6.8 2551,"My College is good in terms of its education and infrastructure, but the only patch in the canvas is",Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],"The scholarship facility in this College is the worst. In 12th board, percentage is calculated on the basis of the best 5 scoring subjects. But in this College they take your 12th marks on the basis of all 6 subjects so that your percentage falls and they would give you less scholarship.Our College is not so good in celebrating festivals, just like in end of december we have a program know as genesis chakrayu but it was not so big. Apart from that there are many clubs which on regular intervals will organise many competitions to show case your talent.",6 2552,Banoth pavan,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Chandigarh university encourages sports students most. If you are a sports student then many inter collge events are regularly happens here. And they provides special diet for sports students. There is no gender discrimination in sports, in fact I have more girls in sports Complex than boys. About labs there will be so many labs related to your subjects. And many workshops held hear which helps in getting knowledgeChandigarh university university is known for its placements with average package around 3. 5 lacks. Yes it do provides internship, but for better experience choose your own. Amazon recruited a student with 31 lpa, Microsoft recruited 7 students, in this year Google recruited a student",7.2 2553,M.Sreevarsha,Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Technology & Management - [MLRITM],"Our college is best for education, disciple, sports, enjoyment and we can learn a lot from our college apart from education and it is a place to meet good friends as well but the negative impact is that transportation fee is Same for everyone even for long and short distancesFeasible, it is 75,000 rs for our batch who joined through convenor quota that to for bc caste it was 35,000 rs and for reserved candids 0 fee structure while coming to management it is about 2 lakhs that totally depends according to department we choose",7.3 2554,Venkata Lokesh Guttula,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],College is very good for studies. But sports and games are less comparing with other colleges. If you want to study its a good option and also if you want to enjoy it is the best place. The only problem is it is under constructionI wrote the entrance exam in Visakhapatnam. Later when the results are announced I was noticed that I got a concussion in the second category. The first category means maximum concussion. Third means minimum.,7.8 2555,Jagrat Dehury,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Yes,Internships are provided to the students. It actually depends on the students he can also take internships in 2nd year if he wish to. Placenta are good. ofcourse the highest goes in the Computer Science branch. this year highest being 42 lpa(till now. placements are still going) And an average of about 6-7 lpa of all the branches.Fee Structure is provided in the Official website- nitrkl. ac. in. Also we have fee waivers for people with financial problems(For ST category people Tution fee is remitted and for the people with parents having an annual income of 1-5 lacks have to give only 1/3 rd of the tution fee(about 21000))",9.5 2556,kishan Srivastava,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Yes seniors are very helpfull. They conduct seminars every Wednesday for particular topics which help understanding things apart from course. Alumni network is not that great now because it is a new NIT but it is in Delhi so location is very huge plus point here.College fees is already very less. Apart from that scholarships are provided from different banks and other agencies also provide scholarships. Also government scholarships are provided. Also for children of government officials special scholarships are provided,8.7 2557,Shubham Ubarhande,College of Engineering and Technology,"The Computer labs has a great structure but some of the computers in the lab are not working and the Sports department is also good but there in not enough ground to play all the gender ratio according to first year is aroun 2:3 (Boys:Girls), the workshop is good in condition and the staff is also good there.Scholarships are given according to the Cast base. Like the total 1year fee around 1Lakh and the OPEN category students have to pay total 1 lakh there is no scholarship for them and for OBC category students the have to pay around 58000Rs and other Cast categories have to pay less than 5to10 thousands.",4.7 2558,Tarun Gaur,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"The course curriculum is well structured with focus on delicacies of the subject as well as exposure to practical component helpful in industries. Researches in relevant fields are also encouraged. Just a day or two,we have hectic schedule,other days we got ample amount of time for other activities. Every semester there are 2 minor & 1 major exam,with quizzes in between.There are scholarships funded by the institute & alumnis,like one of our 2002 alumni provides an scholarship of ?1 lac to a UG girl every year. Similarly there are other. Scholarships too like MCM in which students get ?1000/month & are exempted from tuition fee. SBI IIT Delhi provides loan at low interest rates(0% too),which students pay after completing their studies.",9.3 2559,Ajinkya Rahane,Aditya College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,"The college arrange cultural,technical and sports event. 1)Cultural event:- The cultural event arranged by the college is of 12-15days this event include dancing, singing, drama, fashion show etc. 2)Technical event :- Technical event include projects regarding to the course. Selected project are send to the university for approval. 3)Sports :- There are arrangement of sports events like kho-kho,kabaddi,vollyball,handball and cricket. Winning team are send to the state level matches.Workshop is not devloped techniques used in workshop are old. Library is well devloped it has sufficient books needed to the course. There is students of all Relegions they have good communication with each other. Political and economical status of college is very good.",7.7 2560,dushyant kumar upadhyay,Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University - [GGSIPU],"Campus life is very cool of this college campus.College is very big and have many parks and grounds in the college and college's design and infrastructure is very beautiful and have all the facilities inside it.There are many clubs in our college and they organises many events and you have very high scope opportunities if you are a opportunist.Labs are very well equiped and maintained very well.We have almost all the sports facilities in our college,we also do have swimming pool in our college campus.In our class there are 70 students and in them there are only 9 girls but in law block and biotech block ratio is around 50-50.We do have placement cell and our college's placement cell is very active and they also call companies for placement but there are very few core companies of chemical technology so very few companies come to our college for placement of chemical technology and bio chemical technology.Placement senerio is not so good of our college but few students gets placement from campus but most of the students clears GATE exam or gets off campus placement and Aluminies are on height serving in many countries in very big chemical industries.",8.2 2561,Arjun kanna,P.B. College of Engineering - [PBCE],Gender ratio is based on department wise. But boys are majority. Overall only 80 to 90 students are there on first year.lab facilities are good. Other than that there is nothing. No workshop no symposium no exibition no functions no entertainment other than education duties there is nothing. It gives stress and tension for 4 years. No entertainment.Average age with PG qualification. Facilities are really good and they are spending time for us to clarify doubts. But the management not sheduled proper time management. Overall only 40 minutes are there for both interval and lunch.,5.5 2562,Pulkit gehlot,"Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University - [FET JU]","Best placement vise college in Bangalore as i think. Many companies came every year and max company are come in jain university. Japanese companies visit every year and gave highest salary to students. And college also provide internship and also started preparing for placement from first yearBest faculty and best college. college providing best course to everyone students and give specialised course in many courses like. Computer science, electronic engineering, biotechnology. College also giving best placement. One negative point is college is 40 km far from Bangalore city",9.5 2563,Kadam tandel,L.D. College of Engineering - [LDCE],"Yeah our seniors are good, they helping us in every direction, they help us for study,for treatment and another thing which they have experienced is their privious life. They are teaching us how to be in a part of good placements and etcLalbhai dalpat bhai college of engineering is. Government College so fees are minor rather than other college such like private colleges. i have payed only 1500 rupees for both semester fees means for the 1st year of my engeeneering",10 2564,Ashish,"University Institute of Engineering, Chandigarh University - [UIE]","Some are good some partially good because some teachers are biased. When comes to marks teachers provide good marks to those student those are good in front of them it's not in only our college I am sure this problem is in every college as I listen to my other friendsI visited to college and follow the process of documents verification ex. Marksheet of 10th and 12th, character certificate, migration certificate by faculties and then they processed my admission and then I submit my fee for semester it's to simple",5.8 2565,ANKUR GUPTA,Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology - [RKGIT],"I got admission through uptu entrance exam which is conducted by aktu. Many good college are also there based on your ranking you will get college. Direct admission is also allow in my college only for those student who score good in 12th.My course is bachelor of technology and my branch is computer science. Good course and good branch. College conduct 5 unit test,2 exam and one put internally and one exam is conducted externally conducted by aktu in one semester.",6.8 2566,Ankush Kumar,Gyan Ganga College of Technology - [GGCT],"Yes. College placement are most important for every College he try to give best placement. In Gyan Ganga College of technology placement are not poor and not a good but that year give a best placement in Madhya Pradesh Highest package gone to 19 lacks by Amazon company and 10 students gone in cisco network on 13 lakhs.In this college exam structure are follow R. G. P. V Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. First year for all students commen All Subject are same for all branch. Odd semester examination held in November and December and even semester examination held in May and June",5.8 2567,Sankhadeep Ghosh,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Course structure is quite well balanced. Sometimes, one or two days a week becomes hectic because of the lab consecutive lab classes. Otherwise it's pretty good. The exams are also properly scheduled. First mid semester exams then at the end, End sems. Talking about research we get to have good opportunities from our professors as they provide us with better materials and also good communication.Some of our faculties are really excellent as they have teaching experience of over decades. They have their own prepared slides which really makes our study load less. Sometimes they also teach us things outside our course which make us more interested about the subject. And obviously there are some who definitely knows many thing but the way of teaching is not that good.",6.8 2568,Adwaith Pillai N,"University of Kerala, University College Of Engineering Kariavattom",Nice college with a good ambience and a lot of space around it. Every extra carricular sports are offered by the college. Sports such as football volleyball and cricket are provided to us. It offers a wiide range of festive seasons on which one can enjoy it really well that too in a good way. Each and every celebration are velebrated throughout the year and all are allowed to participate in them.The interaction with seniors is good. They mainly offer Every extra carricular sports. Sports such as football volleyball and cricket are provided to us. It offers a wiide range of festive seasons on which one can enjoy it really well that too in a good way. Each and every celebration are velebrated throughout the year and all are allowed to participate in them.,8.2 2569,NORANJAN M,Karpagam Academy of Higher Education - [KAHE],Were we had mostly PhD staffs but some most were not PhD staffs any way it doesn't makes so trouble everyone is good at their reach. and kind in their teaching and good by knowing students psychology. rather than that nothing is to say.Yaa that's great here to be a student. here I got perfect exams practice and I had an excellent lab facilities here to encourage my career. they made a perfect platform for career and research and encouraging abilities are really good.,8 2570,Shashank Upadhyay,GLA University,"The placement cell of GLA is so good almost 300 company comes here to offer job and many big company like vipro Infosys code nation microsoft also comes her to hire students and the highest package of 2019 in 32 lpa and avg package of 2019 is 5. 35lpa. Yes they also provide intership they have a seperated team for that and course name DCS where we all learn about A. i and Machine learning and data analysis from the first semester itselfYes, there are so many clubs organized by GLA like ninad natraj and so many others for dancing painting singing and also for sports you can take part in any sport in which you are intrusted there are so many others clubs also like drishti for photography and there are some technical clubs also like abcus e-cell and so maany others who helps us to improve our personality and our self confidence and our knowledge.",8.2 2571,Sagar Aanjna,Mahakal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"Every year in the starting of new sem. From january after exam in nov. -dec. Sports and cultural programs organised in college. many types of sports in which we can participate and play. In which first year to 4th year students participate and form a team of every branch. gender ratio is arround 60% boys and 40% girls. no politics in collegeAfter my schooling, i have to go to a good college and mit is the best the best college in ujjain. Because of campus drive and high placements its popular. And about my course, i took ec cause i am interested in electronics work and ece is a great branch for placement perspective.",8.7 2572,Harsha Pathuri,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"CSE. The CSE curriculum is tough and research based with continuous evaluation pattern by which we have exams every month. In first and third months we have quizz and in second we have a mid and in last we have end examination. The labs are very frequent and we have a hectic schedule when there are more assignments.Major fests are felicity and felicity buzz, also there are more technical fests like vacation, hactober fest, codecraft, capture the flag and there are events for school children, generalist and for others which will be held every year during summer and winter holidays",9 2573,Hitesh malik,Indraprastha Institute of Technology and Management - [IITM],"The course curriculum and exam structure are fair.In our course, personality development class are they which are really helpful in terms of gaining confidence. our college organized industrial visit at many industries like mother dairy ,yakult . We get knowledge from these which help in securing an on-campus placement.This course makes me near my future goals. college is a really good infrastructure, facilities and staff students are really helpful. For details of the admission procedure, you can come to our college which is in Janakpuri d29 or d51 . For further details, you can check our college website.",8.7 2574,Anish Dasgupta,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"I had to write an entrance examination which consisted of questions based on physics, chemistry, maths and English at the grade 11 and 12 level. The test was in an MCQ format and had both positive and negative marks. The paper had to be completed within a limited time and a maximum of 2 attempts could be afforded. Thereafter, based on the rank ( which was based on the total score ), we were alloted seats in streams of our choice.The course provides ample opportunity to explore our own stream as wel as coordinate with peers of other courses to collaborate on projects. It's a bit marks oriented aand the compulsory attendance of 75% is a bit disappointing. The routine in general is hectic and the exams do cause stress. But trhis can be perceived as a training mechanism for the corporate world.",8.3 2575,Nithish JP,Amrita School of Engineering - [ASE],The fee is quite high unless there is a scolorship availed by you. Hostel fee is a high as there is no proper food facility and no nonveg in the hostel mess. There is no included dhobi and room cleaning service. But the charge is comparitively high compared to other colleges.Exam structures and course curriculum is really good. The subjects contain the latest requirements for a student and the exam structures help the students study constantly. The students' marks are not decided by a single exam but a continuous assessment method,8.7 2576,Natwar Nanda,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Faculty member are quiet good and helpfull. They are all educated from reputed universities like IIT and NiT's but most of them are local i. e. , from Odisha only and some are from west bengal too. Some exceptional faculty are there who always threatens you regarding internal marks.Yes, here they provide internship and they show 100% placement on their official webpage. Yes it is quiet true that most of the student's here gets placed but the average package is that licrative. That lies around 3-4 lakhs. The highest package last year was 39 lakh per annum.",8.2 2577,Mohit Prajapat,Chartered Institute of Technology- [CIT],"There are many courses but i will choose cs because of my interest. entrance process is similar to other engineering colleges. Direct entrance process for students with good marks and cgpa in board examination. Admission by JEE mains/advance scorecard, and reap merit.Qualified faculty with about atleast 5 years of experience in same college. Seperate department teachers. Many faculties are IITian and NITia. PhD in many subjects ie. Communication skills, programming, mechanical, electrical, physics, chemistry, management.",8.5 2578,Vibhash gothalia,State Institute Of Engineering & Technology,"Positive things about my college is that its near grand trunk road so travelling is very easy, but area is not safe even for boys, outside college boys openly pass comments on girls, it's a headache talking a bus from bus stand as there are squids they honk for girls, and pass comments. College is not at all good they have just good building, except that everything is below par, teachers are not helpful some teachers arr very arrogant, toilets are also non functional, hostel facility is absolutely poor no rule and regulations,rooms walls are infected with fungus, almiras are too small and there are 4 students packed in one room, girls hostel are very good they are modern rooms and facilities, this type of discrimination should not happen,but we can't do anything. Food quality is pathetic i cordially invite (anyone whose reading) just come and taste the food then only you'll get to know the condition. Lunch is good but breakfast and dinner is pathetic, sometimes they dont even give food and say that there's no gas,then we have to manage ourselves, toilets are broken,water is not good(pimples appeared on my whole body) everyone is suffering from oily skin and face marksEverything is based on theoretical learning and exams, they don't give a damn about students, practical should performed more often than theoretical work but here is everything opposite, marking scheme is also poor, i cun understand if some students fail, that's okay but whole sections got re examination than there's something to do with the marking scheme and checking standards.",3.2 2579,Baijnath,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Lots of exposure you will get here. Academic as well as other stuff. good environment. i couldn't crank jee main. thats why I chose lpu. First u have to register yourself with a fee of 10000. which will be manage with tuition fee at the time of admission. U can get admission via scholarship test. 3 stage of test. where u can get 30 40 50% scholarship.Course structure is very good. labs won't be a burden to u. My class timing is 9am to 5pm. 1 hr break for lunch. 2-3pm. teachers are very much cooperative. For each branch. block are devided. Apart from this. there is mid term test and end term test at the end of semester.,8.7 2580,Yerramsetti Venkatesh,Matrusri Engineering College,"Yes I get 35000 reimbursement from Telangana epass rest of the ount I have to pay. Our college is not provide any loans. My family annual income is around 1 lakh. My both parents do work. This year fees structure is so high. So a common student can't study. The govt is providing free seats for rich students. It is not correct.Our college don't have big ground. We have indoor games like basket ball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, carroms, chess etc. We used to go another college to play cricket of our matrusri educational academy. All are equal in terms of gender religion etc.",8.8 2581,Arnav gupta,Chandigarh University - [CU],The faculty of the college is not that good. Some are good but many aren't that good. They dont know much of their subjects. The university needs to change the entire faculty. And bring some who is more knowledgeable and innovative. Many have done m. tech and came here to teach us. But they don't really know how to teach. There is a need of improvement in the faculty.The course curriculum is good. Syllabus is quite good. But the content they are teaching us not below expectations. We need more good content of the syllabus. The content doesn't focuses on research. The labs are fine. There is not such problems in the lab. But there is s chance of improvement.,6.3 2582,Saran T,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,There are total of 2 semesters for each year of course. Each semester has its two mid exams of each 50 marks which later converted into 20 marks that contributes 40 marks with 10 marks for attendance and assignments. Atlast 40+10 total 50 internal marks and the semester exam conducted for 100 marks contributes 50 marks. Therefore 50 internals +50 semester gives 100 marks.The most attractive is all about anti- ragging cell maintained by the college to avoid ragging and to built up a good relationship among seniors and juniors. This made the junior senior interation friendly which inturns seniors gives motivational session periodically to boost up the the juniors in their studies.,8.3 2583,Preethi,Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GRIET],"By attending entrance exam and even can buy the seats The entrance exms are EAMCET ani ECET. EAMCET can be written by intermediate students whereas ECET is written by diploma students. where diploma students are directly joined in 2nd yearFee Structure is also feasable and also provide reimbursements for backward students who can't afford the college fee the college fee is 95k, many students can get free seats based on ranks and performance in intermediate.",9.7 2584,Prakrit Raj,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"First thing is that you have to clear the Entrance exam called VITEE. If not so you have a management quota. After that you will be called for your counselling based on your rank in the examination. There are no fixed seats or limited seats. These are decided into categories and depending on it your fees will be decided. Higher category, higher fees per year. Do check the website for all the documents required at the time of counselling, specially the demand draft. After that you will be instructed on how to present the documents on the day of admission, booking of hostels and messes, buses for day scholars.The college has its own cultural events and fests. If you are in the organising comitee, it is very good or else try to enjoy the festivals and events. There are a lot of restrictions in celebration of festivals and concerts. Barricades are there between boys and girls. Crackers are restricted. Basically it is on the Northside festivals such as Holi, Diwali and all. Dahi chewda is not there on Makar Sankranti.",6.5 2585,solo_backpacker,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"For extra curricular activities VIT is one of the best college in India. There are more than 30 clubs in college for different activities like Social work, Poetry, Aesthetics, trekking, NSS, ABVP, Robotics, App development, Entrepreneurs, Startup etc. There is no difficulties faced by anyone based on gender, economic status and so on. The best thing of our activities is our auditorium events. They are best and versitil.I got 91% in CET exam and I wish to get admission in top 5 engineering collegees in Maharashtra so I selected COEP, VJTI, ICT, VITand SGGS. First of all there is ARC process of admission in 3 rounds I get VIT. Then after college confirmation I visited VIT and complete last step of admission including registration, fees paid etc.",9.3 2586,Rushikesh Badgujar,Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering - [SRCOE],"Now there is a lot to talk but I would mention here in short. 1. CAMPUS- the campus is not a square field area, it's a straight road to which one side is a whole college building and the road is of a compound wall with trees plants to the whole route. its good, campus includes garden which is jot maintained well also there is two separate hostels for students along will mess and the bad thing is there is no stationary store in the college campus or nearby. every time we have to run to the BJS road to get such help. The campus is not that big but the huge road will complete your wish to walk. 2. EXTRACURRICULAR- no comments. 3. GENDER RATIO- fewer girls more boys. 4. LABS- Labs are not fully equipped though we feel less satisfied with the availability of all the equipment on time on place. But when it comes to particular syllabus practicals that have all the equipment mention therein. More after we have very good availability of internet connection and WiFi connection in the computer lab. 5. ROBOTICS- I would laugh at this. See its not like I don't like my college, I do. Bjt there is a lot to improve and develop as college is not that old and has to develop from all edges.I have no idea about placements but looking to other students opinion and seniors I can guess the placement cell is not enough strong. And overall after completing a full course when the student comes out with the skills are not enough for the market looks. Hence seems like fewer placements done. Rest, as I said very few companies do come here. Afterwards, it's up to the students how better he is with his skills and qualities. But still, college doesn't play a great role to make one so as *This is all the truth I m talking about. *completely my own sight or opinion About internships and have never heard talking about here. In spite, we have done my internship personally in Army base Workshop for which college really supported me and allowed me to do it for 1 month so thumbs up for the support.",4.3 2587,Nandish M,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],"First-year 1,50,000. (Hostel fees 72,500. Books fee 7500. Tuition fees 30,000. Placement training 34,000. Medical checkup 500.) Second year 1,36,000 Third year1,36,000 Final year 1,36,000. Apart from this, we need to pay the exam fee separately. Only lecture takes 500 and lab paper takes 1000First of all, I like to say it is a very easy and valuable course in the market. There will be five courses for each s with different credits we have to complete 160 credits before the final year then only B.E certificate will be given in our college If you fail. you can write an exam in next sem.",10 2588,Ram prakash,Nowgong Engineering College,"The second best thing is college environment, and this is the biggest college of mp,200 acres,it is just wow, surrounded by hills and River, and the best environment to study, in civil 15 girls and 45 boys, in mechanical 10 girls, and 50 boys, one best point is a hostel , am 100% sure u will not going to get this in iit. also good and new labs are here to do practicalsUnexpected, fab mind-blowing teaching Skil faculties are here, all are from IIT and nit, also they have qualified, four-time three-time gate exam, best faculty is here, am 100%sure no one going to these faculty anywhere in mp, IIT Bombay, IIT Patna, IIT bhu, IIT Roorkee nit Bhopal, many faculties also cleared IES and IAS from here",9.8 2589,Rudrangshu Chatterjee,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],"The labs are great and about 20 types of labs are available for all streams with good teachers and assistants. The Gender ratio is decent but Obviously depends upon stream. But the campus id very friendly and safe. Freshers and parties do happen on ocassions. It is a very secular campus. With not even politics being allowed. Many extra curricular activities take place here and you can surely apply for them.The placement for CSE here is 100%. The rest as we know it, due to it being in a C grade college list. mostly IT companies and mass recuriters will come here with an approx 3. 5 LPA package. But it does provide you a job after 4 years if your sincere and have worked on yourself. There are also big packages(10LPA+) for the real hardworkers.",7.2 2590,Pawan Kumar Rai,NIT Silchar,"The most positive thing you can get in the college is the environment of the college. It is completely natural environment surrounded by trees and lakes and different types of flowers. The academic section is not far from the hostel. So its good to not miss the classes because you're late. There are two buses that runs at the time of classes to pick IP the students to their classes. Here various type of festival of college is celebrates like Tecnoisis(technical fest), Incandescence (cultural fest). Students from different parts of the country come to participate here. The negative thing is the location of the college. It is located in a hilly area. The train here runs at an average speed of 27-30 km/h. So you have to wait a lot to reach there while in the train.There are 8 semesters(4 years) for the B. Tech course. Everyone has to pass the each semester for the degree. In each semester(6 months), a student has to appear major exams, one after 2 or 3 months, and other after the end of 6 months. In between the two exams, there is a minor test which each student must appear. The grading system here is absolute not relative. So every student must perform of their own. In the first year of the course, every study are taught the subjects of all disciplines so that if required they can make use of the the same in their own course.",7.5 2591,Tirthoraj Majumdar,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"Positive remark is, this is quite a old college and have seen lots of improvement, after I got admitted, I saw many changes, like the buildings are being modified and new digital boards are being attached in most of the classrooms. Negetive part is that it is no ac college, only some labs including Computer have ac.I sat for a exam called Wbjee. I got ranked there in the 3rd round in this college, however there is another exam called AMPAI, specially for JIS group, I sat there and cracked it at 160th rank and choose CSE. Then With a small interview, you will be admitted.",7.8 2592,R JAGANMAYAN SHARMA,Indira Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IIET],"The fees over here is low. For first year students, the fees is as follows: Yearly fees - Rs. 5000 to 12500(depended on stream chosen) Special Fees - Rs. 10000 Caution Deposit - Rs. 5000 Exam Fees - Rs. 1500 And for consecutive years, the fees is as follows: Yearly fees - Rs. 5000 to 12500(depended on stream chosen) Caution Deposit - Rs. 5000 Exam Fees - Rs. 1500 The fees structure is not that feasible as the college is not providing us enough facilities.I wrote Kerala Engineering Entrance Exam and got admission in this College through allotment. The yearly fees is as low as 12k. But the college isn't even worth that. The officials and faculties behaved very friendly during the admission process, but once the classes started, their whole attitude changed and started behaving so rudely and irresponsibly.",3.3 2593,Swagata laxmi Sengupta,NIT Warangal,"Around more than 15% students are female. There are many students clubs under different bodies like cultural, technical, non technical,and entrepreneural. These clubs organise various events and workshops. Workshops and seminars are also organised by the college itself on various topics. All cultures of India is represented in the students community. There's a 50% seat for west bengal students And rest for outside state students.The fee structure is as follows - for 2nd semester students. As a part of the semester registration fee. ( Mess / canteen fee taken seperately) Family income above 5 lakhs per annum General - ? 69100 Family income between 1lakh to 5 lakh per annum Genral -?27434 Family income below 1 lakh per annum General -? 6600 Sc/St/ Pwd- ? 6600 Per semester",7.7 2594,Anurag Prasad,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"Basically the course duration is 4 years. In the first year basic engineering courses are taught. in the second year, the depth knowledge is given to you with coming 2 years to learn more about it. Exams are held on a regular basis. 1 external exam and 2 internal exams per semester. Internal Exams are held after a couple of months and External at the final end of one semester. Classes becomes hectic as it starts from 8 Am till 3 pm and it makes you tired after such classes each consisting of one hour each with a tea beak and lunch break of 15 and 45 minutes respectively. Rest everything depend upon you how you cover your syllabus.Almost all the teachers are well qualified with either a Post Doctorate degree or Masters degree. Talking about the Interest that teachers gives to student in the class is well defined by the way of teaching. Smart way of teaching helps students to grasp more about the concept and everything is taught in english only avoiding their local language. But I dont like the attitude of some teachers in the college who do whatever they like to. they dont teach properly either by not making us understand or just by opening ppt slides in the classrooms and telling to copy the notes.",8.2 2595,Salman Suhail,Allenhouse Institute of Technology,"Being a hosteler it is a very nice bond of respect between seniors and juniors, students learn to respect their elder ones and elder ones are always there in need to guide and help the growing younger ones, It is very helpful and necessary for a Professional field to maintain good relations with seniors which is throughout mainted in the boundaries of Hostel, In college we take help in Worksop and to learn for projects! The overall average interaction is very fruitful.The year starts with Freshers party (Reeth) followed by Gandhi Jayanti, and inter branch events with fun games in it, Then comes Synergy a festival for school which involve literary. , cultural and techinal competition in it. The biggest event is Exuberance, it includes all the competition cultural and technical! Throughout the year there are several other speech, essay and artistic competition held.",7 2596,Rohan shimpi,DN Patel College of Engineering - [DNPCE],"The course curriculum was very easy and understandable, there is 5 subjects related to my stream and other activities like communication skill, management, etc. The exam structure was very simple, in exam there is 60 marks written test taken, and 40 marks practical exam taken, out of these two exam student has to score minimum 40 marks to pass any subject.Yep some negative remarks are there is no transportation service provide by college, the canteen is not clean yet, and food was not healthy, there are some guards which behaves very rudely with students, Positive points are there is very clean campus area, filter water availability, and all staffs are freindly.",6.5 2597,Dhruba Jyoti Chakraborty,Gandhi Institute for Technology - [GIFT],"The placement of our college is very good. The CSE branch usually gets the most of opportunities but that opportunity is open for all the branches as well. The best placement figure comes from the ECE DEPARTMENT where last year all the students were placed in reputed companies. Mechanical students also get a descent placement in this college. CSE BRANCH has the highest placement which is around 12 lakhs per annum And the avg package offered is around 4-5 lakhs per annum Thus if youre a hard working individual then you surely have a lot of opportunities to grab on to.The campus life is good. The students come from all over the country giving a versatile component of the crowd. I myself come from Assam with my roommate being from Jammu & Kashmir. So basically you will have a diversified culture here. Students and seniors are very friendly. Gender ratio of male-female is of 4:1. Extra curricular activities is where the college excells once again. Well equipped labs, numerous sporting events, Robotics club , literary club band house and many others to promote the soft skills of an individual are available in GIFT-Bhubaneswar",8 2598,AARYA SHARMA,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Most of the students get internships and then get hired for full time and some get placed in placement recruitments and some even goes for entrepreneurship. So placements in RIT are good as compared to other private institutions. Many companies like byjus, rubico, tcs, IBM etc visit the campus for recruitment.When I visited the college with my documents and admission cell of college checked my marks in pcm which were above 60% then I was eligible for admission then I went through an interview by an expert in college and I got selected to take admission and then I paid my fees and finally now I am part of RIT",10 2599,Nitin Jaiswal,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The course curriculum is pretty Good. In First semester, you have 7-8 subjects and in 2nd sem, yuu have 8-9. The Labs are well equipped. However the projectors quality is pretty bad. many times, it doesn't open and it always go over the white boardThe college provide scholarship and loan faculty for the poor students and they also provide free education to 40 disabled students every year. The college give you scholarship based on your marks in your 12th acaedmics or LPUNEST exam",7 2600,Driptobrato Roy Bhowmik,Techno Main Salt Lake,"Our college offered many physical activity events. In our college,a small playground situated there and many sports held in there like cricket, football, volleyball, bad Milton, etc. In our college many workshops are held like technology based, social awareness based. Student and teacher relation is pretty nice and good.college not offered any scholarships because my college is totally private. I earn a scholarship form west Bengal government. That is SVMCMS,this scholarship is very helpful to me and my career. I have any information about loan facility by college.",8.3 2601,Gyanaranjan Panda,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"Fee structure is different for different people(per year) 1. For students with less than 1 lakh per annum It is 92000 for hostelers and 38000 for day scholars 2. For students with less than 5 lakh per annum It is 133666 for hostelers and 79666 for day scholars 3. For students with more than 5 lakh per annum It is 217000 for hostelers and 163000 for day scholars1. Freshers(Swagat)- is the freshers program for 1st yr students, many dance and cultural events are conducted 2. Aviskar(tech fest)- every branch conduct number of events and at night enjoyment is being done by DJ night or other programs. 3. Culruv (cultural fest)- Best among all with bike shows cultural nights and many more.",7.7 2602,Shiva Reddy,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"The new sports complex is well equipment with modern sports facilities like a indoor batminton courts, table tennis halls, yoga hall, chess hall, caroms hall and outdoor facilities are basketball, volleyball, kabaddi, cricket, football, Futsal, Tennis, handball grounds.The best college of Central India. It is allrounder as it balances students life between fests, sports, academics and fun. The fee is quite low and has the brand of National Institute of Technology and being centrally located. Has good environment.",7.8 2603,Niyam muliya,Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology - [CSPIT],"Our college fee is 128000 and I know it is much higher but our college provide that kind of facility to us. we are satisfied from this facility. our building structure is very nice and faculty are also good and many companies are come for job and placement here. I feel lucky to be a part of my college.Our college provide many extra curricular activities, sports, seminar and workshops. Our college faculty partner of CSI program and our college arrange many seminar related to motivation and study. And college also organised some workshop related our studies and extra courses.",8.8 2604,AKHIL JOSE,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],"I wrote an entrance exam named KEAM. The authorities of CEE-Commissioner for Entrance Examinations equalised the scores in the entrance examination and the 12th marks and added and based on the marks a rank list will be published. Admission to the college is based on the rank list;those who have lower ranks will have higher priority. I could have chose Computer Science and Engineering which has more demand, but I chose Mechanical Engineering because I wanted to a mechanical engineer.In Mechanical Engineering the boys-girls ratio is 59:4. Its common in Mechanical Engineering. In other regards students has a variety of categories of people. And yes there are many workshops conducted in the college. There are many sports activities conducted here. Both intercollegiate and intracollegiate matches of football, cricket, basketball, etc are conducted. And there is an annual sports meet also. The labs are awesome. They're in good conditions.",8 2605,Safin Fazleraheman Tamboli,G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management - [GHRCEM],"It's better college to make future in engineering. I took admission in that college to make my future bright,it's a good college which supports student by giving many opportunities like internship. Not only college but also teachers are very co operative.I gave the Mh CET exam on his basis, I got admission here. It's very hard to be ranked in CET or JEE examination,I got admission through the merit of my CET score. Admission process is online through my CET web page,hence I got admission in that college.",8.2 2606,Srivatsa B,Global Academy of Technology - [GAT],I got admission via common entrance test which allows one to Get the colleges according to his rank I'm interested in programming and i like studying about computers and I'm a pc builder and a gamer The college is very good it's a vast campus and the lecturers here are well educatedThere are many events which were celebrated Cultural events and festival events such as ganesha habba everyone participate in the events which are organized by our college They celebrate annual programme yearly once it consists of singing dancing and drama,9 2607,Muhammed musthafa,Thangal Kunju Musaliar Institute of Technology - [TKM],Yaa college have placements cell. If a student shows a great performance and pass all the subject he have the placement. And have many job opportunities in future. The scope is increasing day by day for this courseThe management fee is expensive all cannot afford the fees. When you get the merit swet have low fees compared to the management fees because the college is self financing college. So it's have its own expense,6.7 2608,Tejas Suresh Shetty,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"We will have many events such as fests we have it in a good number but not as many as other colleges in the city but it has enough numbers coz we have to concentrate on our studies also so we are having good events taking place every sem and our college takes care of usFees structure is 27860 for year It is affordable We have to pay it and can be paid even after our admission There is no worry about the fees we are happy about the fees structure so plzz keep it up.the college is the best place to study so there is no worry about it",6.7 2609,Kumar Abhinav,Indraprastha Institute of Technology and Management - [IITM],"I wanted to be a programmer so I opt for B.tech Computer science. Many of my friends, relatives, and knowns are in this college, they asked me to take admission in this college because it is the best platform for a student to enhance his/her academic and educational skills both. The factors that made me choose this college is : 1.Highly qualified Faculty 2.Infrastructure 3.Atmosphere and locality 4.Placement Ya, Placement is the biggest factor which made me for choosing this college because it has 90 to 95% placement record and many big MNCs like: 1.IBM 2.INFOSYS 3.WIPRO 4.MAHINDRA 5.GENPACT 6.AMAZON 7.DELOITTE 8.TATA and many more. For Admission procedure, we have to give an entrance exam and then we also have some group discussion and personal interview rounds, in the group discussion round we are given some topics related to current affairs so that they can examine our communicating skills with anyone, general knowledge and our basic knowledge.Our Course curriculum and exam structure are very fair. We have a very highly qualified faculty, we got the best professors who are very kind, frank, friendly with us and a bit strict too. They are always available for us we can contact them through call and WhatsApp if we have any problem, they have suggested to us the best book and there is no burden of studies and assignments on us, everything is done very smoothly and calmly.",8.2 2610,Navjot Kaur hanspal,Indraprastha Institute of Technology and Management - [IITM],"Job and placement are key to our institute. Companies like BT, Infosys, Amazon many more prestigious companies visit our campus. last year a BCA student get packed of 5 lakh. For btech students package are more but depends on skills. And our institute provides pd classes n do much more so that we can get good placement. Institute also provides internship.but for that u have to participate in internship fair where prestigious company visit.Faculties are very helpful they are your mentor who shows path so that we can become better .All the faculties are well qualified from the best university. lectures are very interesting you can stop yourself from attending n take knowledge. The assignment are given by faculty which u have to submit on before the last date.",9 2611,Srivatsan.b,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Extracurricular activities include club activities sports etc. The labs are quite advanced than many premier institutes of the country. Many sports competitions are conducted on a regular basis these include many sports. Besides the gender ratio, the institute has a good NRI and local ratio.This year the highest package is 41. 2LPA And the average package is 7. 1LPA for BTech students. There is a good scope for higher studies, 2+2 programs, internships, and many more. The placement is good compared to other colleges. The students get paid during their internships.",9.2 2612,Santhosh,BML Munjal University - [BMU],"Yes, they are indeed very helpful I saw my seniors who are extremely talented in their respective areas of interest and great leaders in them. Some of the seniors here do not like the college because of some of the rules that are kept to maintain the college in a organised manner and some of them does not like it because as the college is in its beginning stage you are not given much funds for any events to be conducted which at last to be comprised at some places and need to be conducted.College conducts a fest which is called as 67th milestone and hero's challenge. Many people comes for this fest because of the wide range of technical events conducted by Robotics and SATA clubs on the college for cultural they have different events like battle of bands,star nights etc management events basically have various MUN'S etc. Apart from the fest small small inter college events are always on in the college.",6.8 2613,Kamal Barman,Assam Engineering College - [AEC],"Yes, technical and cultural events are organised in our college. We have an annual event named PYROKINES. Its one of the biggest institutional event of Assam. A lot of students and people gather for the event. Well known band and singers are also invited for performance.The faculty is OK. Some of them are Alumni of our own college, ASSAM ENGINEERING COLLEGE, and some are from other colleges. They are not much interactive with the students but still they teach well. Some teachers are a bit boring but still it happens everywhere.",6.5 2614,UDIT NARAYAN PANDEY,IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK],"IITK is well known for it's rigorous academic structure. The institute has quite much focus on academic excellence. As this is my first year, the courses for all the freshmen are same. As we are undergraduates and this was my first semester there was no such research orientation, we just studied our compulsory institutions courses. The course curriculum is well structured. There are two instructors for the course one for the first half of the semester and one for other half. In an usual course(it is professor dependent actually) there are 2 quizzes, 1 mid sem exam and 1 end semester exam.Gender ratio in IIts is skewed. We are (this year) approximately 900+ boys to less than 200 girls. But there is a lot of interaction with students, we enjoy, party. We are allowed entry to opposite gender hostel till 12am. There is no discrimination by the administration or the student family against anyone on the basis if sex, religion, polical orientation or economic status. About workshops I would like to say that we have a number of S&T and Cultural clubs which organise workshops for the student community, mostly organised by 2nd year and 3rd year seniors.",9.5 2615,Parthik Sojitra,Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology - [SVNIT],"Through All india rank in JEE Main entrance exam. In India JEE mains and JEE advance is conducted for students having mathematics or the students going to be an engineer. Based on the merit(rank) admissions are given to National Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Technology. For admission in NITs JEE mains exam rank is considered and admission given according to it.There are number of events celebrated. Programs are organised by different committees of college. 30+ student committees work for different aspects related to harmony, social development, technical skills etc. Yearly Techfest is organised which is annual fest of the college.",8.5 2616,Bharath Kumar valusa,BML Munjal University - [BMU],I don't know much about them. ( Thanks for the update and for the record I have a micro SD card and the gift card and the gift card and the gift card and the gift card and the gift card and the gift card ) for kind information i am from 1st year.No much negativity to take apart from the food they provide. from professor to workers every one are friendly and good. they provide excellent placements. In fact the university encourage highly to participate in sports.,8 2617,Harsh Patel,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"You have to clear one the most difficult exam of India - JEE Mains to get here. Not a very high rank is needed to get into. But ya, it depends on the Other State/Home state quota rank. Also you must clear your Higher Secondary School Certificate/Pre University/10+2, whatever you say.Like other Nit system, we have the ""Full tution fees waiver scheme"" for the ones whose parent's income is less than 1 lacs per annum. Also we have the ""2/3 tution fee waiver scheme"" for the ones whose parent's income is less than 5 lacs per annum.",8.7 2618,Chandra obula reddy,Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - [JNAFAU],The college is good and the faculty is not good and not bad some lectures are very helpful to the student and the give notes from the Library and they will say for 3to4 times and some lectures do not say anything we should learn from library and internet and from YouTube classIt is government college scholarships is available from the ts government so the college fee is 50000 and the scholarship is 35000 to the student and reaming fee 15000 should paid by the student it feasible fee to the student in nowadays comparing to the other colleges,7.3 2619,Rishav Kumar Rajak,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Course curriculum is slightly tougher than other colleges since it is one of the best colleges in the country.Our course has a wider area of research purposes.In each semester there are three exams and the course load is slightly higher because of the exams, assignments, lab, projects, etcThere is a 100 percent fee waiver for SC/ST/PWD candidates.Scholarships are also provided on merit purposes like if a student is department rank 1 of that year then he will be given around 20000 INR for that semester.There are many more scholarships given on merit and family income basis.",8.8 2620,Saket Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"By qualifying JEE Main. I admitted through HS quota. Counselling is done by jossaa. Approx 10 lakh students participate in jee every year. Admission are done through rank one get in jee. Then for registration process, we need to go to the reporting center.There are many events in our College. Our technical fest Ojass is one of the largest Techno fest in Eastern India. Fests like Urja, Culfest, etc. also happens in very huge cause. Almost all Indian sports tournaments are organised here.",6.2 2621,Amrit Mohapatra,C. V. Raman Global University,"An all India examination is conducted twice every year i. e JEE Examination for the students who have passed their higher secondary. This exam is of 360 Marks & subsequent marking system is done for different categories. Whoever qualifies this exam is allowed to enter any Engineering college according to its merit. I got admitted here in CSE Branch due to my required percentile i achieved and got placed here.Placements are quite good here as students from basically from CS&IT Department got placed in different IT Companies. Yes, They provide us internship through 3rd Year at most. These quite help a bit to know about the different prospectus of companies & it helps student to prepare themselves to grab a better job. Stipend is given to those students who either qualifies in any scholarships.",8.3 2622,Amandeep Singh,JSS Academy of Technical Education - [JSSATE],"Zealicon is the annual techno-cultural festival of JSSATE, Noida. Dedicated to the celebration of creativity and science, it is a stimulating event brimming with youthful dynamism. It transforms the campus into a veritable kaleidoscope of people. Involving multifarious exciting events from technical scratch to cultural zeal. A platform for all the creative minds to express their ideas in the form of events including band performances, discussions, film screenings that are spread over four days. Apart from the exuberant cultural events, Zealicon is also known for its mind boggling technical events that creates an ambience for the technocrats. Zealicon 2019 will cover the aspects of hysterical face of literature along with popular arts, science and technology. This edition of Zealicon promises all the trademarks of the earlier versions. A plethora of events where academicians will vouch out their intellect and artists will showcase the best of art. Projecting the fictitious gesture onto the real world, Zealicon will act as a connecting link between the fantasy and reality. Creating an aura of avidity and togetherness, We hope that Zealicon 2019 will turn out to be a memorable experience for you !Placement for core branch is negligible First of all the gender ratio is 99:1 of my class because very less girls a intrested in mechanical. The laboratory of college is good well equipped and the helping staff is also of good nature and about the activities there are not so many but only one fest which will be held in March",8 2623,Asif Baba,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],In our college we celebrate many events. For every event we invite a special guest. Sreevision event held in recent time some film actors like tharun and gomatam made there presence. Dandiya night also headed. Hebah Patel was one of the chief guest for one event.The seniors of our college are somewhat harsh and they ragged in the earlier stages. Gradually they became like friends. They help in the every aspect. They explain about there experiences. They tell us what to do and what not to do by there experiences.,8 2624,Pushpak Dande,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],The college lacks the speed of development which should be optimal at current time considering it to be one of the prestigious college in India. There should be developed infrastructure and feedbacks should be implemented. College should have a bigger enough gymkahan with proper facility of Ventilation and Lights and Boards for playing. College needs to increase it's strength of Hostel students it's very low presently as low as 100 students for first year and that makes students from different cities worried about the stay and have to search for P. G or flats.Faculty is Okay not best at par regarding all the subject some of them are good some of them are excellent and rest are those who just read the slides and ain't making the concept interesting. There is option to give grievance about any faculty you have problem with but they won't change it unless they have any available substitute for that course. Faculty could be better it needs improvement at present level but all of them are excellent in their degrees but not in their teachings.,8.3 2625,Yash Raj Goel,Manipal University - [MUJ],"The labs are one of the best in the country I suppose like the instruments are up to date and there is nothing that can be complained about. There is again ample amount of attention given to sports,just yesterday an international meeting of sports was held in the college. The gender ratio is 1:2 Which is better than most of the collges. There is student diversity and there are students from all over India, east west south north, everywhere and the economic status of students here are quite good and the tolerance with regards to all the topics mentioned are quite high.The placement and job opportunities are great, it is a young university of just 8 years old and still placements go as high as 27 28 lakhs which I don't think is a small amount in the current market and job scenario. The coding culture is good and in the final year,most of the students get jobs and everyone is provided with an internship in the 8th semester arranged by the college if we aren't able to do so by ourselves. The college takes a lot of trouble to truly make the students job ready.",8.5 2626,Prathamesh Rathi,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],The normal class consists of 53 boys and 20 girls with overall strength of 73.The labs here are well equipped with all the essential instruments.We also have a gym facility.We do have a sports room.We have a basketball court and table tennis room.Based on the percentile scored in mhtcet.I secured 98.97 percentile in mhtcet and based on the rank I secured I got admission into the college through centralised cap rounds.The placements here for the branch I chose are awesome.,8.2 2627,Zeel Gondaliya,Dharmsinh Desai University - [DDU],There is no extra curricular activities conducted by college except convectional program.There is no sports facilities for indoor or outdoor activities.Labs are available for all academic courses.Some extra curricular activities are conducted by senior studentsThere is no loan facility available by College but we can manage it by ourself.But there is scholarship is available for only those students who get 80+PR in 12th standard.eligible students can get 50% scholarship of fees upto 50000?.,7.8 2628,Satya Prakash,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"It has everything positive. It is full of enthusiastic and competitive students in the lavish green and big and old college. College is always supportive and helpful in anything. It has also student well being council which takes care of students academically and emotionally.There is an entrance exam called JEE mains and advanced.You have to crack both exams to get admissions.After qualifying JEE main you are able to give JEE advance, when you qualify that exam then you are able to take admission in the college.",9.3 2629,Shubham,Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology - [PVPIT],A good College in our as compare to other private Colleges. All admission process were easy and supportive staff for the admission process. A good teacher and experience senior staff is provided. As per student recommendation subject teacher is selected.Extra curriculum activities are provided such as other languages and computer courses also provides. Aptitude preparation also done for Manc companies. Exam structure is easy as compare to other universities. For preparation of exam we get enough time.,6.7 2630,Sagar jain,College of Engineering - [COER],"The course curriculum of college comes from Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun. Exam Structure is relevant for students and Exams are not so much tough. They also organized Industrial Visits for Students. They also organized many Workshops or learning programmes for student to develop students skill. Faculties also motivate students to learn something thing and develop skills that help to secure placements. They also prepare students for placement Interviews by organizing group discussion or debate programs and interview programs.Campus life is so much good, many fests organized by different clubs or committees which make the college environment very fun. There are many extracurricular activities is organize by faculties to develop the skills of the student and learn something different from others. There are many sports programs also organize in different fields. Two Technical committees Disha and TRAIC they teach about robotics, machine learning, programming, etc. And also participates in technical fests in IITs.",10 2631,Ajeeb nazer,Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology,"Extra curriculur activities are important for students itis just not only for time pass it helps us to find our talent.students who participate in such activities have a great time management skill.our college provide almost all extracurriculur activitiesthey encourage us for the participation.there is no discrimination regarding gender race or relegionWell it is not a mammoth price it is an affordable one for merit list the fees is very less For management quota students are not sucked by management it is also adecent price NRI quota has a high rate but comparing to other colleges it is a decent one.",8.2 2632,Chirag jaiswal,Jadavpur University - [JU],There are 7 Fest in the jadavpur University whose names are 1.CIIPPUS 2.U Turn 3.Sanskriti 4.Arena 5.Srijan 6.Chayanat and forget the name of the 7 th one in all of these Srijan is the biggest fest which happens through a week in which all sports cultural and tech fest happens and in the final night there is band appointed.Very low fee structure.As i belonges to faculty of engineering and technology in the engineering the fee of the wole 4 year is 12000 except information technology department.Though The fee of information technology is very low compared to the other college which is 30000 per year.,9.3 2633,Shubham Daphal,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"There are too much extra curricular activities are being conducted in my college, there are sport rooms available for playing sport like carom, table tennis, badminton weight lifting, etc there are also workshop are conducted, for practical knowledgeScholarship provided by college or government is EBC which claim to give your half fees by government, just you should be applicable for that scheme then after couple of months your scholarship will get credited to your bank account",8.7 2634,Navin Bhandari,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"Definitely engineering college you won't good gender ratio.But though compared its good.very few people are active about politics.From every religion students are here.As its technical college very few cultural societies are active but they are strong enough.like TEDX, art circle,DebSoc,MUN.Faculties are good.Many of them are PhD from IITs.They are well experienced.Some of them have more than 20 years experience.They always guide you in your tasks.Also help in getting internships.One of my friend did his internship in IIT Bombay on special recommendation by one of the faculty.",7.3 2635,Charukesh,KCG College Of technology,"They are always be joyful with everyone they will communicate with everyone who needs an help.They will teach whenever you want to clarify your doubts and making the students cheering and helping them to interfere on additional aactivityThe government is gaved by counseling by the 12th mark and there cut-off by the physics, chemistry and by the maths marks which is added and division by the some of the regular categories then it is based by caste it is alloted",8.7 2636,S.Venkatasubramanian,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,They arrange meeting with alumni students who have passed out and share their feelings during placements and senior students are very helpful.If you face any problem we can express to them their so friendly.We interact with them more of we join in any clubs conducted in the college.This college offers scholarship for students who perform good in their entrance examinations.They have like open category and state quota.Even Loan facility is offered by our college.If you get the best rank you get scholarships like 50/75/90%.,9.7 2637,Satwik Gunaga,Alva's Institute of Engineering and Technology,Mainly our College concentrateson cultural activities and hence it is known for cultural.in technical there is no much events.there is a cultural team named dollu for which our college holds first prize in VTU & also there is technical clubs like autoclubs etc.One can apply for many scholarships such as for obc e pass and scst and for minorities many scholarship options available as I have applied for epass as said by senior students we will get around 40 thousand.For obc and for SC and st may get even more,8.2 2638,Eswar,SASTRA University,"Faculty are extremely very talented.They are very good in teaching too.They will be very friendly with students.They will help a lot to build our academics.Each professors will have a minimum of 10 year experience.So no need to worry about faculty.Even though as it is a graduation course we have to study by our selves too.There will be an even named theta which will be held on even semisters(2, 4,6,8) every year in the month of February.It is such a huge programme conducted by college for 3 days.Many of the cultural talent in the college show case their talent on their interested activities.Sports are also conducted in February for 3 days",9.2 2639,HARISANKAR.S,Mar Athanasius College of Engineering - [MACE],"Our college host 2 fest a year. Technical fest TAKSHAK it is national level technical fest and cultural fest sanskriti.Our technical fest is famous across the state it has most number if visitor.Last year we got a helicopter rider our TECHFEST TAKSHAK IS FOR 2 DAYS AND ARTFEST SANSKRITI IS FOR 3 DAYSThere 1 lab exam and one end semester exam 2 internal exam every semester.The exams are of high standard.Our college is under KERALA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (KTU).The end semester exam are inviligilated under CCTV camera.The sylabus is so designed that it helps us for higher studies",9.5 2640,GaneshanM,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,"It completely depends technical and non technical clubs Technical clubs : It depends on the stream you are studying for computer science-foss icpc,cyber security For Ece-hut labs, robotics for mechanical- Baja, Supra, Robotics Non technical clubs : It completely depends on your interest For singing : samskriti For dance : college team For Service : ABC, Ayudh You may get a question' why you should join them' The nature of amrita university student is not only studies, its a mix of studies, service your skillsThe curriculum is outdated.They ore not updated.But still,many courses are useless and time wasting.The college should start updating the courses and mainly start teaching new programming languages like python,Ruby,Rust etc.Exams are with two periodical test of 50 marks each and quiz are three with 10 marks each totally accounting for 50 marks as well as a final exam for 100 marks which gets reduced to 50 marks totalling for 100 marks their is also internal as well as external assesment for lab",7 2641,Dharnesh raja,Adhiyamaan College of Engineering,In my college hostel day it has more entertaining programmes and many of the students were dancing in my life this my most inspired experience in college life.They provide certificates to sportsmen.The cheif guest speech was more inspire to students to acheive more our life The sports facilities and grounds for all sports like cricket;foot ball ; atletics ;hockey ; basket ball etc; In my college staffs are more friendly with students The hostel has more capacity for students mess In my college besties my room matesThey provide certificates to sportsmen.The cheif guest speech was more inspire to students to acheive more our life The sports facilities and grounds for all sports like cricket;foot ball ; atletics ;hockey ; basket ball etc; In my college staffs are more friendly with students The hostel has more capacity for students mess In my college besties my room mates,8.5 2642,Jitendra Bhat,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Positive remarks - Along with good guidelines and good education they also focus on non hectic schedule for students, so that one who are really interested in engineering would utilize their free time for working on their own abilities and one fine day they may get a huge success in finding something innovative Negative- College is at slight distance from the city area. So reaching our college for a new comers would be quite difficult.Till so far there's nothing i can find wrong about the curriculum. I liked it and seems to enjoy it in the future too. Exam structures are quite student friendly. They conduct 3 internals of marks 25 each and consider best 2 exam marks. That's the 50 marks in which student has to score 25 out of 50 to get qualified for sem exam. Final exam will be conducted for 100 and reduced to 50. Then it will be added with 50 marks from 2 tests.",8.5 2643,ALOK KUMAR,Chandigarh University - [CU],"As i am an engineering student so i have to pay 80, 000/- per semester and 86, 000/- per year for hostel fee. this fee structure is around feasible for all thr students because this College gives us al lots of opportunities also like summer exchange program etc.I have to choose my carrer with computer science and engineering. After declaration of the 10+2 result. I have prepared for a lot of entrance exam but all those Colleges that i deserving are not having any seat of CSE so i have choosed this College.",8.3 2644,Pragya Gupta,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Yes, college is giving its best for making our study best by each passing day, faculties are also very friendly even if we have doubts after class they never deny us for clearing that. Even sometimes we go to there cabin for clearing our doubts. And examination system is also very good it not only test our theoretical knowledge but also makes us think practically on some of the revelant topics.Yes, the faculty are highly qualified and have depth knowledge of their subject and have good teaching skills. Many of the faculties have more than 15 years experience in there subject. Some faculties get into there subject so much that sometimes we have to tell them that the bell has rung joke apart all faculties are the best.",10 2645,karthik,University college of Engineering,"There are more than 600 students studying in this college. More students are from nearby places. There is no space fo ragging, the seniors in this college are very friendly, they teach us all the sports in the college. they take us for every games tournament in the area. The college has a green environment.This college teaches students all sorts of engineering, the college has a good infrastructure. The curriculum adopted in this college is just awesome. Students are taken for regular industrial visits, they will be taken to different and new companies.there is no fees for industrial visits.",8 2646,Kalyani Nath,Technology Education and Research Integrated Institute - [TERII],"The campus is really beautiful. Surrounding is good and it has a pleasant nature. The campus is surrounded by trees which are really good for our health. Campus environment is pollution-free. There are playing ground for students, the lab is present. The college campus has a dynamic diversity.I got a call over the phone from Terii. Then I collect data regarding the college. I found it is a good college so I came for my graduation in B.tech. It is really a good college. I took admission through online payments for the first time then at Month of August I joined as a student.",9.3 2647,Student (Anonymous),Technology Education and Research Integrated Institute - [TERII],"There is equality in gender ratio in almost all streams except on computer science and Mechanical, wherein CSE girls are more in number and in mechanical boys are more. If I talk about diversity students belong to various countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, and Afganistan as well as the various region of the country like Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland etc.Technology Education & Research Institute is one of the best institutes in the North region. All students from various countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Afganistan are living together without any dispute and boundary. Institute provides us the opportunity to celebrate our local and national festivals in good spirits. Faculty and management both are helpful to us.",9 2648,Ravi sharma,College of Engineering - [COER],I took the admission in this college at management seat. Admission process in this college is done through AIEEE entrance examination and for direct admission at management seats after filling the college admission form. I chose this college to become COER college is famous for discipline and better placement.Approximately eighteen hundred lectures are delivered in our course average 17 to 18 years old students starts the BTech courses. My expertise on the subject fluid mechanics. Fluid mechanics and concert engineering subjects are very important subjects in civil engineering.,10 2649,Student (Anonymous),Technology Education and Research Integrated Institute - [TERII],"Here nearly 800 students stay in hostelers any many more students are day schoolers come to study in this college. Hera students for the study comes to many more state such as Jammu, Bihar, Jharkhand, Nagaland, Assam, West Bengal. The student also comes from different countries like Bangladesh Nepal, Afghanistan. Here many more diversity but we all are living in a family.Many types of cultural programs such as Holi, Diwali, Navratri, Durga puja, Krishna Janmashtami, Shivratri, independence day, republic day. Technical education programs such as quiz, paper presentation debates, group discussion. These types of programs celebrate very well. We also celebrate other countries in cultural programs.",6.8 2650,Upendra reddy,CMR College of Engineering & Technology - [CMRCET],"Yes our college provides placements and in our college we have a placement cell and they train us in summer for interviews and our college get good companies like Amazon, wipro, capgemini, genpact.Our college provide internships in third yearIn our college we have different clubs like sports, dance, singing, coding, literacy club and we have to participate in it and we get certificate for future use.And in first semester we have five labs which are very useful to us",8.2 2651,Joyel Dsilva,St Joseph Engineering College - [SJEC],"Alumni network of our college is good Sometimes some alumni visits our college and explains how to do best in our career How to be ready for a job How to crack interviews. They also help us on how to take decision when opting for a job,based on their experienceMilan:celebration of nativity of mother Mary,mosaru kodika,dum mutthu Tiara and other tech fest are also there which helps students to showcase their talents There is also hostel day Sports competition are there,which are good And college day is also good",9.5 2652,Harshit Singh,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],First we have to give the entrance exam which is completely free.Then based on our result and rank we are called for counseling.During counseling we select the course we want to be inducted in.It is completely on the basis of rank though donation also works here.Then after that we are given all information about fees and all.The counseling is done in may and then about 15 days before the college starts we are sent a mail regarding start of college.Some faculty members are good some are bad.It's a mixed faculty so it's just ok however teachers do try and studies do happen in classroom it's not like there is deficiency of teachers in any way.In first year most faculty are average however from next year better faculty is available,7.5 2653,SUMIT KUMAR SINGH,"Cochin University of Science and Technology, School of Engineering -[SOE] Thrikkakara","here seniors are very co operative.they always help in every aspect whether it is about exam,doubt solving,internal matters of coSchool of Engineering Alumni Association (SEAA) is a non-profit organization which aims to to provide a platform through which the alumni, staff, faculty, and students of SOE can interact with each other for mutual benefit.The SOE Alumni Association, it was initiated in April 2009.SEAA facilitates and inspire alumni to contribute towards improvements in the status of SOE in academics, infrastructure, industry interactions.It promotes social interactions among alumni for mutual benefit in academic and/or business areas. The objectives of the organization are to •To promote social and professional relationships among its members and other alumni of the University. • To support and promote the educational objectives of the University and the School of Engineering in order to assist in the continued development of the institution and its programs. • To foster student /alumni welfare at the School of Engineering. • To provide a medium through which the members can participate along with the other university, education, and community organizations in supporting and promoting projects of worth to the community, particularly those of concern to the engineering profession. • To assist School of Engineering in achieving the objectives for which the school was set up and strive to mobilize the necessary professional expertise and other resources.llege,external matters of college.Since my branch is CSE.so i will only focus on it.Bascially course curriculum is focused on GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering).it's vision is to produce Highly competent Computer Engineering professionals with sound basic concepts, by imparting quality training with the help of recent tools and technologies.basically EXAM are counducted in semester wise.one semester is from july to november and another is from december to april.CUSAT has it's body for conducting examination.CUSAT examination wing conduct whole exam process.Basically course is focused on GATE as well as research.Labs are well epuiped with modern computer and technologies.it is also focusing on artifical intelligince.it's mission is to become a centre of excellence in computer education and research and adapt itself to the rapid advancements in the specialized field.To inculcate professional behavior, strong ethical values, innovative research capabilities and leadership abilities in the young minds so as to work with a commitment to the progress of the nation. Labs are well euiped and few of professor are quite very much co-operative.",8.8 2654,Lokesh,Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering - [SCCE],Good job opportunities in govt sector my father motivated me to go for it.He said about the job security in it.My father work as a driver in karimnagar tsnpdl.i also love the job.ours is a poor family so for better job opportunities I joined in that Course.my admission was done by counselling in tseamcet.my father could not afford fee in Hyderabad.so he said to study in my hometown.We celebrated very few programs in our college.we recently celebrated our fresher's party.few months back our college celebrated the isro programme.many chief guests came there.recently our college put an awareness camp about women safety.many police participated in that program.,6.7 2655,Aman patidar,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],The fees of college is feasible the fees is low the fees is 22500 per year only for general category and for other backward classes the fees is free because of scholarship and for sc it is same and for st is also sameThere is good scholarship given by college but only for obc and only for sc and only for st scholarship availed by college is good and also reliable and also excellent but for general there is no scholarship given,6.2 2656,Ashish Kumar,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"First of all, I have to give an entrance exam known as viteee pronounced as (witty) then we have to carry DD(Demand deposit) of some amount depends on your rank then you have to visit any four campuses of vit (Bhopal Amravati Chennai Vellore) any one of them then you have to go to counseling then they will call your name according to your rank in viteee then you have to select the preference of your branch availability of branch seat is displayed on the screen if the seat is vacant in your selected branch then you end up with taking admission in vit.I am quite interested in chemical engineering so I choose this branch because of my interest.The course curriculum is very good because if you got admission in vit in any branch, let's say chemical engineering then you don't have just to study chemical engineering core subject but you also have to study some CSE course to such as python, object-oriented programming and Java, etc. The laboratory is superb. Every faculty in our college is engaged in research. Lab faculty is chilled sometimes but at last, you have to study to pass the FAT exam (Final Assessment Test).",8.5 2657,S.Aftab Siddiqi,G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology - [GPCET],"Most of lectures are not good, their way of talking hurts students a lot. They speak like they are fed up. And there are many rules and regulations that mismatch the student's thoughts and ideas like, Avoiding us to enter the Library in free time, avoiding us to enter in Laboratories in our free time, no enjoyment during fests, farewells, ignites etc.No.Our college doesn't offers any scholarships and this might be the weak point of the college.They just be in touch with the Janma Bhumi, in order to provide scholarships to the children.Jhanma Bhumi is a very good organisation that gives scholarships to students.",5 2658,Divanshu Mehta,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,"Placements are the reason why most of the students come to CGC.Placements are excellent as compared to other private universities or colleges.Almost everyone gets a placement in engineering as well as other branches also have nice placement stats.College does not provide internships but you can grab the placements without that there are classes every weekend to prepare students for placements.Grabing a offer of 6lakhs or more one has to work hard and be in the cream layer of the batch.Student have to make his coding stronger.This college is way more better than VIT or manipa and chitkara.Their fee structure and placements are very much better than themCourse structure is satisfactory.It is not much great.That's similar to other universities or colleges. Talking about the exam structure.That's horrible, the mid sem exam structure is ok ok but talking about the semester exams that's horrible.This college is affiliated to PTU( Punjab technical University) and hence semester exams are also conducted under ptu I didn't like their examination structure.Many times mass supplies are there which creates a problem.",8 2659,Atishna Samantaray,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"We have our technical fest, Instruo the second largest in West Bengal and largest in Kolkata Our cultural fest REBECA, the four nights have plenty of unforgettable memories Our Drama fest ANURANAN,4 days, different production,home production and obviously theatre productions by famous theater groups and also inagurated by a really famous personality. Our music fest Oikotaan Every department has its own fest like Initium for mining, Vaidyutak for Electronics, Udbhabani for Civil.The gender ratio has increased after the 14 percente reservation for girls.We have workshops of web development, robotics, app development, etc etc.We have different cultural societies like Robodarshan for robotics, Les Thespians for drama, Uphony for music, reflexobeta for dance.",8.7 2660,Ajmal v,TKM College of Engineering - [TKMCE],"One of major advantage of thangal kunju musliar college of engineering is they are ready to celebrate all events.At academic first time they conduct 'arambham' to ingurate college union And there was film festival conducted by film and dram club, there is inaguration each and department with wondefull cultural programme and each department have tech fest including with cultural fest, and college have entire college tech fest and cutural fest called 'hestia ' at early it is called 'congura' Students will celebrate onam, Xmas, holly.In my college there is equal for extracurricular activities and academic activities In my college clums like NSS, ASAP, steps, IEDC, film and drama club, dance and singer club. And we have very good platform for sports our college football team is the best team our university and also there were cricket, bolly boll, badminton.",7.3 2661,JUSTIN GEORGE,Vimal Jyothi Engineering College - [VJEC],"I got admission in my college as an NRI quota srudent. Firstly I forward an application to my college for my seat. After few days, the college office contacted me for my seat conformation and instructed me that I need to come to the college for seat and take admission when they called. And finally last June second week, the office contact me for the admission. Then I went to the college and payed the required feea to the college office and got admission in the college as an engineering student.I am under the Kerala Technological University named as APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. It have a nice curriculum that subjects tht we needed in the semester wise. In order to that it has an extra subject in each semester for the better performance in our professional life. It's exam structure is nice and simple that exam is standard and with giod economy with the students. Only an exam in a day.",9 2662,Harshith Kotha,MLR Institute of Technology - [MLRIT],hello sar cal ticket given to the students according to their performance in exams and many companies are there to give scholarships for this college if performance scholarship will be given by the many companies which are in dealership with this college and their very cooperative so that we can get the scholarship is in a simple waycollege is mainly focuses studies is sports the focus is sports on very great man is having the ground and different internal stadiums positive people on the extra curricular activities like cricket table tennis they will give many opportunities for those who are having the talent,8.8 2663,Shubham bhayani,Laxminarayan Institute of Technology - [LIT],"Alumni are very good and they are the only one who helps in every infrastructural work and various activities in which funds are needed and they are because of which today also placement is very good in our college.Seniors are also helpful and there are no ragging takens nothing happens and they are friendlyVarious companies come to our college including BPCL, Reliance,Honeywell,etc.that placement is very good and almost all students those who apply for placements get it.If not from college then from off campus they get as LIT name itself is more than sufficient.All core companies come here.",7.8 2664,Student (Anonymous),Technology Education and Research Integrated Institute - [TERII],"There are Soo many events which are celebrated in our college like technical, cultural, management festivals and some sports events also Almost all the students participate in those events. Many students participate in that event according to their interest in games and it's almost 3to 4 days long. Students will participate in this event and many more events like cultural. All types of cultural events participate in our college.There are almost 10 lectures in our course and they all are about 35 to 40 years and they all are well qualified they teach us in a good manner and clear our doubts. They are with us when we need them. They teach us so good and their behaviour is so good. They also hold industry experience.",8.2 2665,Amol sahane,MIT Academy of Engineering - [MITAOE],By jee mains in the month of August by cap round. I took admission here because the institute is autonomous and affiliated with Savitri bai Phule University Pune. The placement in this college is mind-blowing and the teachers are very good here and the environment is very good for learning new thingsAs the institute is autonomous so exams are done itself by the college paper are set by the teachers itself and checking is done by the college teacher itself. After semester finished students get the chance for reexamining it is very good benefits that students get here due to autonomous.,8.3 2666,Ashutosh Vaish,College of Engineering - [COER],"Placement of the college is good with the highest placement for CS-IT branches. Companies like TCS, TechMahindra, Wipro, Infosys, IBM regularly visit the college. As the college os near to industrial area Sidcul(Haridwar) so core branches also get placed. One senior grabbed internship in Mercede with huge stripped and one student is placed with the highest package of 39.5 lakhs per annum.Admission is done on the basis of Uttarakhand counselling. One has to appear in the counselling in order to get a seat in this college. One can also visit the admission department present in the college itself to get further assistance in the admission procedure. The factor that encouraged me to join the college is its alumni base.",9.3 2667,Surbhi,College of Engineering - [COER],"Campus Life of the college of engineering Roorkee is awesome. I enjoyed a lot. The college has very good infrastructure like classrooms, labs, seminar halls etc. The gender ratio is always varied. All the extracurricular activities have organised from time to time. All the students of the college of engineering Roorkee are learning by day to day activities of the college.The faculties of the college of engineering Roorkee are highly qualified and experienced. In this college, lectures are delivered by using a projector which is very interesting and motivative. Numbers of lectures are appropriate and vary from time to time. Lectures are held to relevant industry experience.",9.5 2668,KALYAN SUNDAR PAUL,Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College - [BCREC],"I am very much positive to my college. Because college provide me so many platform to perform. The teachers are very good. the college campus is nice and big. i can express myself. the students can observe everything. So i am very much proud to my college.I àm doing b tech in computer science.many courses including bca, bba bhm etc are also the courses of my college.Even students are doing m tech, mba from our college.Exam held after 6 month and internel slso have been taken.",8.3 2669,Vimalesh Kumar,Ballari Institute of Technology and Management - [BITM],The extracurricular are good but not that good sports is available but very less is provided by the college and if you go for them you have to deal with teachers at your own risks and labs are very all the instrument is available and they are also very high five and thus are very goodThe seniors are very helpful as they provide notes and helps to deal with the ongoing process of college and are very helpful during tests as they teach us the alumni is also very good as they come in here very often and tell us about the exciting that we can avail after passing out,7 2670,Shiv Kumar,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],"As there are many rules, some of which i find that those are good for students but some rules are like burden and pressurise the students. I would like to list one rule for example : No one can laugh in the class , there shouldn't be a smile on your face otherwise you will be out of the class and can't attend the class anymore.It seems like laughing is a crime. Sometimes i personally feel that i am not in a college it is just a jail and we are treated as we are kids. This college is somewhat like a school where we have to gather in the morning everyday for morning prayer and national anthem. I feel that I have again joined a school which is even smaller than thw school from where i have passed CBSE 10th board.Since 5th standard I decided to be a software developer and so chose to preapre for IIT but I disqualified and came to IEM after qualifying WBJEE exam. I had no option instead of choosing IEM college for my further studies so I had do this. For admission I registered for counselling and got CSE in the very first round. I took admission and looked for a lodging and fooding for my next 4 years.",7.2 2671,Sandesh Gavit,Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute - [VJTI],First I got production engineering but in Third round I got my desired stream electronics engineering. It's a very long admissions process. First you need to verify all the documents from the ARC centre. Then after two days you have to submit all the original documents as well as fees to the college.Technical festival - Technovanza is the best event of the Vjti over lakh of people visit this festival various exhibition are held. Cultural festival PRATIBIMB is also there many colleges participate in various competitions.the intra college competition is also held.,8.3 2672,Bikash Gorai,Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College - [JGEC],"Being a Government College, it is one of the best choices for West Bengal students in engineering. It's odd location is the problem. Besides it, it is the best college In West Bengal. You never feel any homesick ness after entering JOLU.After cracking WBJEE, we have to go through it's councelling process. Through councelling, we opted out for engineering Colleges. After the allotment of the college, we have to admit in the college in the given time duration.",7.7 2673,Praveenraj.B,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],The placements and job opportunities in this college is very good because more companies are coming for recruitment in this college and the college having separate block called placement cell. Many international companies are also companies also coming for recruitment in this college.I got admission in this college by writing entrance examination and after completion of my exam within few days the exam results were announced by the college and I get scholarship of 30 % and then I came to see it is infrastructure and it is good and I placed my admission,8 2674,Sathwik,CMR Institute of Technology - [CMRIT],"We have different clubs like sports club, photography club,music club, drawing club, literature club, fashion club and Manny more club that students will participate with the own talent in their interested clubs and they can learn more and more from the teachers who were their to guide them in a successful way to reach their goals.Yes the course structure is very good and awesome that every student can research on any that they find new and faculty were always with you to guide you and helps in your research and the exams will be held on the basis of the management that they had previously prepared all the exams will be conducted on time",9.2 2675,Dhruvil Singh,MNNIT Allahabad - Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology - [MNNIT],"As the College was built in 1961 some part of the infrastructure is very old and outdated but don't worry beacuse the College is investing a lot on the infrastructure at the moment and some buildings are already completed and in some the work is in Progress and may get over in 3 to 4 years. Even though the first year hostels are great and the auditorium and administrative building are very well built and also new hostels are being built. The first year hostel rooms are much bigger than in any other NIT. The placements of this College is very great and it ranks second amongst all NITs in terms of placements. The College participates in many inter NIT competitions and fests and most of the times it is the overall winner at the event. The College is holding the first rank in Inter NIT and IIT sports meet spardha at IIT BHU since last 6 years. The coding culture is great at MNNIT Allahabad. The campus is ragging free and extremely safe for girls because of the women grievance cell active in the College.The gender ratio is 4:1 i.e. for boys:girls. There are many workshops and clubs in the College which are active throughout the year. Like the robotics, aerospace etc. And there are 14 different committees in the College for cultural namely garba, western, arts, bengali, bhangra, south folk, Marathi, music, rajasthani, Oration etc. And you can participate in any of them by giving the auditions. The College is not reported with any ragging case since 2009 and the campus is ragging free. The campus is extremely safe for girls because of the women grievance cell active in the College.",8.2 2676,Ayush Kumar A,NIT Trichy,"In our Institute, the seniors are very helping and there is negligible ragging. The alumni base is strongest and all the alumni have been tracked down. They have even funded our College to support quality research and development. Our Alumni are very famous and are CEOs and founders of world class MNCs. They regularly visit us and we interact with them.The fees structure is feasible with high grants coming from the central government as this is an Institution of National Importance. We have to pay approx. 8 lacs for 4 years including hostel fees and those with family income less than 1 lac get full waiver.",9.5 2677,Parth Pidadi,Modern Education Society's College of Engineering - [MESCOE],"As a computer student you are having many placement opportunities. Many recruiter come and recruties a lot of students. But for fitting placement criteria your passing percentage should be more than 60%in every semester The do provide internship on average stipend of almost 5000 per monthThe faculty is highly educated. They are highly qualified and technically strong. Most of the faculty tries to be friendly with you which is a very good aspect for a teacher They don't pressurise students but when it is necessary to be strict then they will take strict actions",7.5 2678,Sourabh kumar singh,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"If we talk about course curriculum i will only say its best. Our course curriculum is made seeing the requirements in the near future. Some best institute of india also have the same curriculum. And coming to the exam structure there is credit point system. Where each subject and lab has given some credit point by which our CG is calculated. For basic idea i will add to your knowledge that there's a 30 marks mid-semester test and then 50 marks end-semester test and rest 20 marks are for lab. And which ever subjects don't have lab, in tht subject 20 marks marks are given on the basis of assignments. Regarding labs its average, can't say its hectic as for now there's only two day lab one for ece and one for cs, each of two hours lab.First of all my College is IIITR, which is INI status College so for getting admission in this College i have given JEE MAINS exam. And on the basis of AIR rank i got the seats in here. Regarding admission process details i have registered in jossa counselling from where all the JEE qualified students get there seats in the College according to there rank. During jossa counselling i got ECE of IIITR, where i took admission. I took ECE course cause i wa always been interested in this one, and also according to present and upcoming days, demand of ECE students will be more for the society development.",7.5 2679,Prithwish Manna,Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology - [GCETT],"Saraswati pujo-dance, recitation, singing,play etc. Celebration of National Republic day-Flag hoisting, singing, recitation etc. Celebration of birthdays of great people of India. Celebration of Independence day- Flag hoisting, recitation. Tech festival,Alfresco.It is very good.The responsible sir bring very good amount of job opportunities for us.After that it is our responsibility to make it happen.They help us how to behave and talk with the interviewer.Last year a senior got a whopping package 22 lacs.",7.3 2680,G.Maneesh,CMR College of Engineering & Technology - [CMRCET],"There are less number of fests and technical and non technical programs available because our college is very strict in studies even though We have 5 different colleges around us those are CMRcet, cmrit cmrec, cmrtc si different colleges will have different events but every student can participate in any college event sFee Structure is one lakh for councelling students and telangana government will give reambarcement our government will give 35000 rupees for councelling students and about management students our college will collect huge amount for joining cse they will take 10 to 12 lakh rupees easily",6.5 2681,Mayur Dongre,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Yes my College is good. They have Research club and many other clubs. Talking about exams there are two semester exam and two sessionals in each semester. So we have to manage time.Our schedule is sometimes hectic but we have our solutions to face it.Placements are not Excellent because our College is new just one batch has passed out. So not many MNC comes but local companies gives us importance. Scenario will soon change is said by our seniors as they got internship abroad as Japan, Paris, etc",7.7 2682,Dinesh Kundu,Kalyani Government Engineering College - [KGEC],"The sport's club of our College is named as sportrix. Many events happen under this club throughout the year. Enough equipments are present here to play table tennis, cricket, football, badminton and other sports. Labs are also cleaned, air-conditioned and well-facilated. Here the number of boy students is much larger than the number of girl students as many other engineering Colleges.I sit in WBJEE exam and secured a rank 1609. Then I took part in online councelling process. CSE stream in this College was one of my choices. Finally I was alloted my preferred branch in this College. As the placement record of this College in cse branch is very good so I did not miss the opportunity and take admission in this College in cse branch.",5.3 2683,Balashivateja,Parul University,"All types of games are available for everyone. But here they show region feelings more in sports. It hurts every south Indian students. But no-one can do anything. In games all the boy & girls are participating avaliable. I was being good for attedance. they make daily attendance for the sports qualified person.Yes seniors are very helpful to us for learning other languages They told many things to us. Around 60-65% of the total number of passing students every year gets the placement for the particular course according to the average package. In 2018, the highest offered salary was around Rs. 1, 16, 000 per month.",7.8 2684,Thayananthan,Rajalakshmi Engineering College - [REC],Couse option in this College is lot. In this College there is 12 courses 9 courses in B. E and 3 courses in B. Tech and about the exam structure is simple. There is 3 CAT exams that is nothing that internal exams and 1 End semester exam 50 marks from CAT exams and 50 marks from End semester exam totally 100 and the lab facilities are excellent in this CollegeThere is lot of clubs in this College and the student must hold minimum 4 clubs and the club attendance is must for each semester and culturals are very nice in this College and there is symposiums in each department in each year and there lot of technical and non-technical events,9.2 2685,Ranjan B,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Nice covering of all curriculum better experience of labs Exams are conducted very strictly monthly exam are taken called as internals Three internals are held To qualify for semester end exam need to score minimum 25 marks by 2 internalsAll the faculty are graduated faculty the way they do lessons are good and understandable Some faculties are give notes at the classs And some other give at seller shop All the faculties are have good relationships with students",8.7 2686,Purab Sharma,Government Engineering College,"Fees In our College is Feasible & very easy to pay. Our College also provides scholarship to weak students which help them to study very easily. Per Year an Amount of 22, 850 Rs Is to be paid which is very Much low as compared to other College. Tution Fees is 16, 000 Rs & Other Fees are 3, 850, Alumni association Fees is 1000 Rs.First I Appeared For PET Examination. Then As with Entrance exam results a Merit list was prepared. And According to it I got admission in Government Engineering College, Jagdalpur. I Choosed Mechanical Engineering Branch, because there were many Regular faculties in this Branch.",7 2687,Aryan Raj,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],I got admission through JEE mains rank.The course I have choosen is metallurgy and materials engineering.I have choosen this course because the placements are good and it is one of the oldest branches of this college from 1960 when this college was established as RIT Jamshedpur.We have NML and TATA STEEL that are pioneers in metallurgy.There are almost all the games here.There is no swimming pool.there are no parties but there is a mess party for every semester.For every four boys there is one girl.college is very tolerant regarding to gender ethnicity race religion sexual orientation politics and economics status.,9 2688,Ankit kumar,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Curriculum is good. I am in 1st year.as of now every thing is getting done in a chilled manner.Till now everything which had been taught to us was very relatable to my choosen course. The day to day routine of ours os quite hectic as every day you have to attend classes till evening.apart from that everything is normal and could be sustained very easily by an engineering student.First of all we have to register for the course online by filling up the necessary details. Then it will get verified and merit list will come and thus u may get the admission. Here the placement was better than the other options which I was having that is why I preferred this college over other.colleges in India.",6.7 2689,Abhiram Lenkalapally,SASTRA University,Sastra is one of the deemed university in tamilnadu it purely take students on the basis of merit. There are two types of streams in the counselling one is through JEE mains and 12th percentage and the other is only based on 12th percentage. Tamil Nadu people have special quota and the trichy thanjavur natives have additional 10% special quota.The course has a special focus on research half of the subjects are semi lab and semi theory it will be amazing working in the lab learning the theory lessons practically. The end semester exams reflects 50% of the GPA and yadav is of internal assessments and lab practicals.,7.3 2690,Anthagoudolla venkatesh goud,Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College - [MVSREC],"There are many technical events are held in our college to improve our communication skills ,negotiation skills and they arrange conference with the foriegn deligates and cultural events are also held in our college, many festivals are held in our college such as holi,sankranthi etc.The placements and job oppurtunities are very well in our college ,many of the engineers are getting into the multinational companies from our college.Yes our college provide us internship and infosis ,cognizant and many other multinational companies offer jobs in our college",8.3 2691,A.N.SOMANNA,New Horizon College of Engineering - [NHCE],"College provides information about most of the scholarship program s of the college and as well the government and private sector. They provide us with the documents required for application of the scholarship. I don't think there is any facility of loan in out college.As i said earlier there are a lot if extra caricullar activities tht takes place on weekly basis. Importance is given to sport's as well, we are allowed to play after the regular college hours. Labs are good, and has a lot of space there's no problem with equipment s.",8.7 2692,ABHIJIT BISWAS,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The fee structure is somewhat expensive if you don't give LPUNEST. It's 90000per semester, but if you give LPUNEST exam held by it then you can apply for scholarship upto 50%. If your parents are from defense then or sports Kota is also there to get scholarshipFirst give LPUNEST then accordinly get an admission in LPU. Otherwise you can get in through her main rank, or board marks if it is Soo good then only otherwise the best way to get into LPU is to give LPUNEST which is an online exam and is held thrice a year.",9.7 2693,Shashank Mishra,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"Like every other college, this college also organizes techno-cultural fest known as PROVINANACE in the month of March. In this event, any student from any school/college can take part in events. This event consists of many activities related to science and technology like robotics, computer coding, bug hunters for cultural events like dancing, singing, fashion show any many more activities.Campus life is very good. All the students are looking familiar with their batchmates and seniors. The main thing of college it is fully raging free and free from any kind of political activities. Now talking about gender ratios it 5:1 boy: girls. Seniors are very cooperative and always ready for any kind of support.",9.8 2694,Bishnu Kumar mahato,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"I choose computer science and engineering because I want to learn something related to computer-oriented programming that's why I choose this branch. I choose that particular institution because I am belonging from Jharkhand and I don't want to go to another States. When I search in Google I found that this is the best private institutions in Bihar and Jharkhand so I think I should take admission at this particular college. As you get good marks in your jee mains then you take your counselling and choose that college otherwise your 12th board's marks help you to take admission directly so don't worry if you will not get good marks in your jee paper.The first event I saw in my college is that FROLIC which contains some sports activities like football, cricket, basketball, badminton, computer games and volleyball.this games plays between different branches of our college. which is very exciting and entertainment us.Another event which is provenance 3.0(cultural fest)which is organised in every year. There are many big celebrities are came and entertain us.",7.8 2695,SAI TEJA Sunkari,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Great space, good infrastructure, close to nature, technically well-developed teacher. college is the place to play and place to grow and a place to learn. here we could improve good communication skills and knowledge and also interact with others.The fee is expensive. fees depend on which category u selected the branch. Category 1is of 2lakhs then 2nd category is of 3 lakhs, 3 Rd category is of 4 lakhs, and 4 the category is of 4. 5 lakhs and then the last category is of 5 lakhs.",10 2696,Ashish Ranjan,Neotia Institute of Technology Management and Science - [NITMAS],"See, this is a college where many courses are available like Computer science and engineering, electronics and communication, agriculture, physiotherapy, robotics engineering, hospitality and hospital management, law, marine engineering, nautical science etc.As far as it is the matter of gender ratio, agriculture comes with a very nice gender ratio of 1:2.When it comes to CSE,ECE gender ratio is little poor.While there are only boys in marine engineering and nautical science. Coming to sports facilities, this is good enough.Basketball, volleyball and cricket are those outdoor games which can be your best sports here.Several basketball courts are there and also a big cricket ground with a nice pitch.Badminton courts are also available outside each hostel. Labs are also in very good condition.Specially computer labs are well equipped with new computer systems and all security majors.Well defined and separate labs are also available for different subjects in agriculture.Physics, electrical and chemistry labs are also well maintained and contains all the required apparatus in excellent working conditions.Scholarships are available in our college for the students based on their 12th marks and family income.This is a very good thing.You can search on uts official website (nitmas.edu) and find our that how much a student can get scholarship based on his/her 12th marks and family income.Likewise I am getting 25% scholarship on my tution fees here because of my family income which is less than 2.5 lakhs per annum and 12 marks.Note one thing that if you get a scholarship here then you also have to maintain a minimum of 6.5 sgpa in each semester otherwise you will lose it forever at the time when you scored less.",5.8 2697,Somesh Singh,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"college so many events.It has akrities which is inter branch competition.We have technical akriti cultural akriti and sports akriti.We also have our fests in the mont of feb.We have technical fest called solutions, cultural fest -amethyst and sports fest - pace which is one the best days for collegeI got this college on the basis of jee mains rank i chose this college because of Its coding culture and senior junior interaction.Here seniors are so helpful and supportive.In this college you get the exposure form very first year.Its well sorted college which is missing in any other college",7.5 2698,Aaryan raj,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"In my branch(EE) about 60% placement with an average package of 4.5 lakhs and the max.placement is given by tata steel 10.1 lakhs.Most of the student study for gate exam.In other branches also the average package is nearly 4 lakhs.The non core departments doesnt have a good placement records.Feasible 14000 college fees each year 4000 examination fees each year 3000 mess fees per month 5000 hostel maintenance charge each year 2000 electricity fees each year Since it is not in the main city of dhanbad your extra expenses is very less <2000.",6.8 2699,Prabhat Agarwal,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"A lot of events are celebrated in our colleges by different clubs individually and all togather also organized by the institute as ALUMNI MEET, SHARDOTSAV,SANDHAAN, SPARDHA, RAP CONTEST,MUSIC CONTEST, DANCE CONTEST, PAINTING CONTEST.Almost all student of the college visits at these celebrations.The Alumni network of the college is greatly helpful.It regularly funds the college.In the Alumni meet that takes place every year in the college a lot of respected Aluminis arrives the college and gives a wide interaction to final year students and also for students of other years.",6 2700,Yashraj Tanaji Salunkhe,Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology - [RAIT],Mh-Cet or jee main cut off for the college is generally high and for the computer branches it's very high you need atleast 130 for mh - cet and through jee you need atleast above 80 percentile mainly it through mh cet as most of the seats are for Maharashtra candidate and no other entrance exam are requiredFaculty for fresher are excellent they help whenever you need help the are always available for extra teaching the keep extra class for students who are not able to under stand in class they interact with students and help them get comfortable in class room,8.8 2701,ARYAN,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA",The fee structure is feasible. Being a government university their fee structure is very much affordable. At the time of admission you have to pay around 43K and the fee of even semester is around 33K and of odd semester is 40K. Altogether a fee of 2-3L is charged for a 4 year Btech Degree.Firstly you have to appear for JEE mains exam and secure a good rank. Electronics branch is in Trend these days and it is expected to get a boom in near future. Once you secure a good rank in entrance exam then you have to appear for counselling done by HSTES.,9.2 2702,Sourabh agarwal,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"mainly all engenering courses are available in this college like computer science, electronics, mechanical, civil, chemical, metallurgy etc.About exams there are two midterm tests as cat 1 and cat2 of 50 marks and then three digital assignment of each 10 marks and then external test final assesment test of marks 100 marksFee structure of vellore institute of technology is very unique because it all depend on your perfomance in the viteee entrance papper and then in counciling ther are five category of fee structure.first two are very feasible and other three category are expensive.",9.5 2703,Karan Panchal,Government Engineering College - [GEC],Fee structure is feasible. Each year it has 1500 fees for college expenses. Each semester examination requires some fees about 150 per subject and some extra charges. It is feasible fees structure but examination fees are somewhat feels like extra fees.Currently there are no events which are celebrated in college. no arrangement of tech fests. We have to go to different college for celebrating tech fests. Students are not able to enjoy the fests. College personnel should try to organise fests.,7 2704,Ravinshu Makkar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],I availed lpunest scholarship that was about 40 percent. So ya that was great but still it is expensive. But if you choose lpu earlier you can get 50 percent in April. 40 in may and 30 in June by getting 50 percent marks in nest. And also by jee main you can get 20 percent. So you can go with one by jee or nest.Labs are ok ok but the sports ground is very large and there are many grounds such as bh56 and bh4 ground. Bh1 ground is also good. There are food court near every hostel so that will not be a problem to you. If you want a good social life come to lpu and roam out to get a great life.,8.5 2705,Pawan hansda,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"There are two major events which are being celebrated in our college. The first one is FROLIC. It is the sports meet of the college in which there are various sports being played department wise and anyone department get the Crown of overall champion of the event. Some of the games which are played in the event are volleyball, football, basketball, cricket, badminton, chess, rangoli making, face painting, collage making and many more. And the second event is PROVENANCE. It is the techno-cultural fest of the college in which various technical and cultural activities are arranged for our college and other colleges also. Events in this techno-cultural fest are blind coding, bot soccer, line follower robot, DJ night, singers star night etc.Good management. It sort of helpful in every manner. A positive remark of the college is that almost every student studying here get placement within there course time. All faculty support in each case. While looking on negative remarks i would mention only one thing that this College is located at the outer area of the city about 10 km from the city.",9.3 2706,Rittika Singha,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"I got to know about the college from one if my mentor. He is alumni of the college form the mechanical department. Then I got the contact number through Goggle. I contacted to Sakshi office and they called me to took the form and get my self registered. The admission process was easy I only visited the office twice and it was done. Everything from fee payment to hostel allotment to admission everything was done at sakchi office itself. I don't have to rush here and there.There are basically two events college conducted 1. Frolic is a sports event conducted in December. It's a competition between the branches and on the third day , the last the overall champion is declared. 2. Provenance is a techno-cultural fest conducted in the month of march april . Other than this event like engineering day , science day , etc are conducted.",5 2707,Ankit Ranjan,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"Every year at the end of every odd semester a Yearly Inter Branch Sports fest Frolic is Organised where teams of Different Branch compete to be the Champion. There is also a Techno Cultural fest ie Provenance Organised every year with more than 150+ events. There is an ample amount of opportunities to showcase your talent you will get.The gender ratio is about 70:30. The campus life is Interesting and full of fun. If you belong to any sports background then this is the place you wanna be. Labs are well equipped and fully functional. Sports are given very value here weather its field or PC. Extracurricular and debates are organized every now and then.",7.2 2708,Smruti Ranjan Nayak,Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology - [VSSUT],"I don't know much about the alumni network but i can talk about seniors.Most of the seniors are not cooperative they always need an opportunity to pull your leg and use vulgar words against us.There is a mandatory thing to wear formals for 1st year students i don't know why because this rule is made by the seniors and not by the collegeFirst i got into an entrance exam named JEE.I qualified the entrance exam and applied for counseling in OJEE which can be done using JEE rank.Then I selected the collges as per my will.Then i got an invitation from PMEC, Berhampur and i accepted the invitation and got admission there.Then I got into VSSUT,Burla by spot admission.",7.7 2709,Prathamesh,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"college has various cultural societies like literary society, dance society, music society, fine arts society. Also many technical societies. We celebrate each and every festival. Labs are good. We also have good sporting facilities for track and field events. Also have a swimming poolStrong alumni network in tech cities across India. Seniors are always ready to help and guide in every situation. They help in studies and also guide in career related stuff. Almost all activities related to open source, competitive programming are conducted by seniors.",8.5 2710,M Akash Karthik,SASTRA University,"The events like daksh, kuruksastra, and colloseum takes place in our college. These events are quite big and are organized completely by students once a year. Colloseum is the sports event. And daksh and kuruksastra are the cultural and technical events occuring in the months of Feb and mar.The faculty are qualified enough to teach us. Some faculty pour their soul into teaching and helping students, while others are doing stuffs for name sake. And there are some who give marks for students based on their personal appearance, which should be definitely discouraged.",7.5 2711,Ronanki sai kumar,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology - [SVCET],I have selected civil engineering which is playing a vital role in the present generation.which is used in development and construction purposes this helps in building a great heights a head in future.we have 2sems per year which is cinducted for every six months.Our college does not provide any scholarships to the students who are taking their higher studies in the college and consessions are also not given by the college. According to my knowledge no student have availed loans/scholarships from the college.,4 2712,Abhijeet Ashok gindodiya,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"Best faculty I have already told that this college is best for academic so definitely here best teachers available. Specially first year department. Some are phd some are persuing phd.so in teacher point of view it is best college for engineering. We not compare iit and nit colleges only for private colleges.I am firstly told there is no extra curricular activities here. From second year some teams are divided in fesa like team ""nashrons ""ets for participate in making car etc. Here labs are in good condition.in Library many books are available novels for extra knowledge.",7.5 2713,Shayaan Hussain,SR University - [SRU],"Never interacted with them but as far as i know, civil and computer science people are in a building and the remaining three branches are in another building. Thought they do interact with each other. They meet and discuss projects in campus as well.College does provide internships but since im in 1st year, i have not been to one so can not describe. Placements are well above average. Many people give online interviews and get selected and remaining attend campus interviews.",8.3 2714,Vignesh,Sai Vidya Institute of Technology - [SVIT],"Firstly they do a freshers party for the fresh batch of sourcefull mind of young engineers. Followed by sammelana great which is a the day fest includes dj nights. Lots of cultural activities. They nurture our young minds. Here independence day is celebrated in a totally rightful manner. This includes military marchfast. Followed by flag hoist and inviting a celebrity. Every year. We are very honoured to have these facilites in our college.Positive remarks are that academics plays a excellent role in this college. Has a huge multipurpose ground where we can play or wishful sport Has a campus of 12 acres Negative i would like to tell improve the quality of food in college canteen",7.5 2715,Saravan shibu,St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology- [STC],"The lab is fine with almost all essential equipments and requirements and is also accompanied by qualified and experienced staffs. There is a good sized ground for playing football, cricket, volleyball, basketball , badminton and there are no gender classification for any of these and those who have the talent can join in themSome of the seniors are not that friendly while some acts like a friend or so. There have been some sort of minor raggings from senior students but not that much severe. They do not intend to hurt us physically but some cases occurs to have mental hurting and they don't even have a reason to do such things",8.3 2716,Jatin Jaiswal,BMS Institute of Technology and Management - [BMSIT],"Because i was not selected for IIT-JEE. So i had to choos3 this college over other goverment colleges. I got in through comedk counselling. I had to appear gor comedk online entrance exam. For non karnataka students, they should do online counselling instead of stupid offline physical counselling.It is a good college but i had more expectations from my College. It lacks in a lot of features. But I'm making some good friends here. Infrastucture is very very very very poor. No playgrounds to play. Even my 10th school had very much larger campus area than this college.",2.7 2717,Sujan kumar,K L University - [KLU],"It has an excellent plan. the way they execute the course is excellent. every day there will be lab sothat what we have learnt in the class we can execute them and acqure better clarity. and even we have a chance of self learning courses which we can learn ourself or in online.There will be cultural fests twice in the year which will be celebrated grantly. and in addition to that we will be having branch wise fests, in which cultural and non cultural work shops are included. At the time of fests there will be no problem with discipline commitie",8.7 2718,Gautam sharma,Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering - [DITE],"No high fee Tution fee 56000 University fees 12000 Security deposits 5000 For first year student Tution fee 54000 University fees 12000 Security deposits 0000 For second year Tution fee 56000 University fees 12000 Security deposits 0000 For third year Tution fee 56000 University fees 12000 Security deposits 0000 For fourth yearThere is need to complete three internship For placement first internship provide by college and second and third apporoved by college and recommend company like maruti Minda and some others and the highest package is given by maruti i. e 8lac p/a and the lowest is 2. 5 lac p/a placement is 100% for tool engineering student",7.5 2719,SANTOSH SAGAR ASHISH,Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology - [SVNIT],"Our college has given relaxations for reservation categories To : Schedule tribe/caste (SC/ST) Other backward castes (OBC) Minorities Economically Backward class(EWS) Physically Disabled(pWD) Open category(OC) And the fee for SC/ST is 10, 000 And for all other reservations it is 65, 000 per semister and 1, 30, 000 per year. And there is a fee remission which can be claimed by students who has their family anual income less than 1 lakh. I can say that its more feasible than any other collegeIn the 5th semister we have a 3 level of job internships 1. Normal Company 2. Dream Company 3. Super Dream Company The Internship depends on the cgpa of the respective Candidate. The stifund depends upon the company chosen and mostly we get placed in the internship company. Im satisfied that the Job and Internship placements are upto the mark",8 2720,Sai Siddharth Duvvada,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],Positives are academics and encouraging students to take up research. Negatives are hectic academic schedule and often stressful situations regarding academics. Students get less time to indulge themselves in the other activities when compared to the other colleges.There is alumni fund that can availed by students with low income. There is sbi student loan program. Since the fee structure is different for different programs. It should be noted that the scholar ships and financial aid services are updated now and then.,8.5 2721,Sarthak Gupta,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The course curriculum is very much similar to what other colleges have with minor ups and downs. The semester has two set of exams one is mid sem exams and the other is end sem exams, so basically 30 marks out of 100 are your mid sem + 20 marks are for your internals + 50 marks for the endsem, the aggregate of these decide your final pointer in the subject.There are many departmental and independent clubs in the college, which has a good amount of members, who take part in organizing their respective events. There are two main events organised throughout the year. One is hillfair and the other is Nimbus, where different clubs come together to mark the success of the event.",8.5 2722,Shreya,Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College - [GBPEC],"about the events celebrated in our college, they were very nice. Actually till yet i have watched only one grand event that is our sports one called JOSH. It was very overwhelming and interesting to watch all of the games. All the matches were very competitive. Besides this, there happens society events of respective branches which is a very good initiative!Management system is not so good. Faculty depends upon the branch you have chosen. there happens society events of respective branches which is a very good thing for introverts. The fee structure is nice neither too high nor too low. Its moderative and affordable. At last, you should choose your college watching previous placement records.",6.5 2723,Adarsh Poddar,Nirma University - [NU],"By giving jee mains or gujcet and clearing the bench mark for each branch. CS being the most difficult to get admission into. Every branch contains atleast 150+ seats except for chemical and ic having only about 70-80 seats.Class test,sesional,sem end,lpw. clearing the bench mark for each branch. CS being the most difficult to get admission into. you have pass in sem end and lpw with minimum score of 40 in each subject to get promoted.",9.7 2724,Akshat Sharma,R V College of Engineering - [RVCE],"It is good We have to complete 8 semesters to get our degree a total of 175 credits Labs are decent Inclination towards research is a bit less The entrance exam is not that tough I gave COMEDK to enter here This college runs from 9 morning to evening 5 which make the day quite a hectic one But as we say No pain no gainThis was the most important point for me while choosing this college Placement statistics of this college is very good Being in Bangalore helps this college to attract many popular companies Companies like Microsoft Goldman Sachs Amazon Flipkart Directi and even many consult and management companies come here.",7.2 2725,Syed Amer,Muffakham Jah College of Engineering & Technology - [MJCET],"The exams and labs are good. It was chilled. the faculty is great, all are well qualified and experienced. I don't have fear of exam. How can someone be afraid of exams with this great faculty. Every week two test are conducted.Scholarships facility is offered by the college. We should submit the required documents. To the college and the college provide scholarships from the government. so we can pursue our education. Best college in Hyderabad",8.5 2726,Aravind Harinarayanan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],Very few faculties teach with good experience and professionalism and some teachers just the mere things mentioned in some web page or presentations. Some faculties have good experience and interest in providing advice to students regarding placement and job opportunities.Events are GRAVITAS and RIVIERA which are the best college fests in India. The technical fest is GRAVITAS and offers a lot of opportunities for research and study. The cultural fest is RIVIERA which provides an event to showcase our talents in arts and sports.,7.8 2727,Sai Satwik Kokanti,Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City - [IIIT],"Yes, they are really helpful. They help us from getting good placements, interns. They make really good projects. They make good startups that help us a lot. Our college Alumni will help us a lot. We have really very good seniors. Finally, I can say that its the best college to join.They have very well knowledge of courses and they always try to make the student understand the subject in depth. They always encourage us to study. They teach the course very interestingly. They are friendly with us. they make really very interesting projects.",6.7 2728,Dev Mittal,ITM Group of Institutions,"I submitted the online form and I give many college names in form. So after 1 months the college phone comes then he tells my admission is not there. Because in that process my name is not comes for any college. So after 2 days again phone comes by college and he tells my admission was there in college. So i was very happy to become admission in ITM GOI.In this college nearly every students got placed in many companies. I check the 10 year record of this college. I see every students got placed. In this college many big companies were comes like INFOSYS, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE and many more which we want to go in companies.",8.3 2729,S.vijay,Government College of Technology - [GCT],Our college fees are very low compared to the other college but we have to pay expensive fees for hostel so it is the only disadvantage but overall the feds is feasible and they are arranging the scholarship for that fees so there's no problem about FeesThey give more important for the sports and also provide the material needed for the students sports and they give proper training to them for the competition and there are many students have been selected to state level by our college training,8 2730,Sai Murali boddani,Vishnu Institute of Technology - [VIT],Our college conducts fest every year and also conducts cultural programs for festivals and in this events every student is participating and makes every event joyful and successful and management also takes special care for conducting eventsThere is no loan facility in our college and also there is no scholarships provided in our college but government provides scholarship for poor students and also provides bank loan for students who are interested in higher studies,9.3 2731,A.keerthi chandana,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - [VJIT],Technical fest will be conducted by core branches which are very interesting. cultural fest will be conducted during any festivals or during some occasions. Fest will be there for promoting any natural resources. And annual day will be celebrated by inviting guest and dj nights with band and with high security will be done.Yes they are helpful and they will be in contact in LinkedIn. and some other social media sites they will give some useful information about career and opportunities problems and what is right. and their experiences some suggests will be given by them.,8.5 2732,Akil S,SASTRA University,"Kuruksastra and Carpedium - Cultural fest Colosseum and Fuera - Inter college sport fest Daksh and Utsav - Tech fest All the events are filled and knowledgeable. Can have a great time during the events and Kuruksastra is one of the best culturals ever and daksh is know as one of the biggest tech fest in south IndiaAdmission is based purely on merit. Rank list is prepared using Jee mains marks + board exam marks and rank sheet is prepared. Then seat allocations are made by using the rankings. There are two streams in which yhe first stream considers 70 percent of Jee marks and 2nd stram considers only board exam marks",7.2 2733,SURESH S,VIT Bhopal University,"All the faculty members of VIT Bhopal are either doctorates or post-doctorates. Hence, in addition to providing excellent teaching, the faculty members provide great research ambience in the schools. Research activities during the summer and winter vacations augment the students yearning for learningThere is Indian bank inside our campus, they provide loans for students who need. Then there is a scheme called STARS Scheme by which every district topper of the state board can join our college and study freely without paying any fees.",10 2734,Prathamesh Vishwas,AISSMS College of Engineering - [AISSMSCOE],Our college faculty is well educated and Also supportive to student. maximum college faculty are high educated and Ph. d holder. they know well the difficulties which students faced daily. College also divide students into two categories slow learner and advanced learnerAll the labs in college are well furnished and looks attractive. Also it have all the equipment which needs for student syllabus required. Senior students arrange party for junior students. obviously this is an engineering college so gender ratio is not good.,7.7 2735,Jagadesh kamireddy,Pragati Engineering College,"Placements are very more a student who acquires more knowledge and active in all programs and having good speaking skills and good companies like TCS and capegemini,Wipro etc offers jobs to the students in this college.yes our college provides internship but iam a fresher so I have to know more about itAcquiring good EAMCET rank that is nearly below 20k for open catagery students and then by EAMCET counselling in the official website given by the jntuk and after the counselling results and after going to Pragati college in surampalem and giving our joining report to the officials there",6.2 2736,Ch pradeep reddy,Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology- [MRCET],"I've got a seat in this college through an entrance exam i. e., eamcet by my rank the government of telangana alloted me this college on through counselling on the merit basis. The process is completely done through online except certificates verificationThe Seniors of our college are soo friendly and they are not feeling so much difference among us and the senior- junior feeling is not at all observed among us l'm very thankful to the management for transforming them and us like this",6.2 2737,Sri Ram,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Yes.i am having a scholarship of 50 percent that means forty five thousand per semester and based on his merit one can achieve a scholarship max upto 100 percent in certain branches like ones of my friend played nationals in foot ball and he got a free seat in physical education department.The placement here is actually good. highest package till known is 42 lac per anum for a student who got placed in microsoft.as i am a first year student i haven't done any internships but many seniors do their internships in their second and third year.,9 2738,Glsrinivas,SASTRA University,"Simply super. The professor's will take up the class at correct time without missing. Daily they shall musterup our confidence and make us to listen to the class with atmost interest. They shall deal up the class in applicative way which would be more useful in our labs. Exams are conducted in a well manner. The pattern of the questioning is not in a direct way. We have to approach the question and then solve out it.There is a fest that is held in the month of february named 'THEETA' in which various number of workshops, science fairs, programms, etc., are conducted. This fest occurs in a three successive days. Cultural programs are also conducted at the end of the three days. Many students shall show intrest in participating in those activities that are conducted during these three days.",9.2 2739,Manjre Bapu Rao,Matrusri Engineering College,"I have got my admission in matrusri engineering college through entrance examination named ts eamcet. Secured a decent rank of 16312 and merit listed in councelling. No interviews were taken. Since i am doing computer science engineering a lot of techie knowledge is needed so a more focus on programming is provided by available faculty. Available faculty is best of all no exemptions in assignment greater care is taken so as to avoid bad assistance on placements.Placements are to peaks. a 60 Percentage success rate in previous and hoped a well placements cell in the future. various experienced guides giving different sessions on placements guidance. Various companies like amazon, Deloitte, cognizant etc. are the arriving companies for recruitment",9.7 2740,Krupesh shah,UPL University of Sustainable Technology,"In my college many event celebrated like tecnovetion, grenovetion and also reva anual function fest and we are also participate in all this type of amazing event and full enjoy in this event and also we can monitor this all event.1 year fees is 100000 it is little high for poor or other family but educational system and technology very high and also provide some scolership and help rotary to poor child and other help like stationery and other.",8.7 2741,H S John Kamalakar,Neil Gogte Institute of Technology - [NGIT],By TS EAMCET I attended the entrance exam held by Telangana State. By the rank which I was scored. The seat was given to me. As convenor quota. Which the Convenor selects the college. First we have to visit the college. And submit the required Certificates. And pay the fee which was made by government.The faculty was highly trained and have good experience in teaching. The Programming prof. Was very good. And he is the founder of the college. And he owns a software company called Genesis. And he is the main memeber in Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology.,7.7 2742,P.Vinoth Sankar,Thiagarajar College of Engineering - [TCE],I like my college very much and they provide anytime free supply off Wi-Fi and any time we can use the mobile inside outside the classroom they have a very good atmosphere for the students to studyI like my college very much and I prefer to choose this college for many reasonsextra curricular activities is very well developed in this college because they have a discipline lab faculty and the sports is very much interested sports which is held in the thiagarajar college mainly gives importance to the sports 24 hours they are practicing like a king,10 2743,M.vineeth rao,Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology- [MRCET],"Our college offers labs and sports, we have best labs with good infrastructure especially the lab technician are best of all and the labs are very clean and we have equipment with all the labs are perfect and the sports is also available to playTo get admission in our college you should must passed out from 10 th with above 75% and they should passed out 10+2th with 60% and they are now eligible for the eamcet exam then they should give the exam then you will get admission",7.7 2744,A.N.SOMANNA,New Horizon College of Engineering - [NHCE],"College provides information about most of the scholarship program s of the college and as well the government and private sector. They provide us with the documents required for application of the scholarship. I don't think there is any facility of loan in out college.As i said earlier there are a lot if extra caricullar activities tht takes place on weekly basis. Importance is given to sport's as well, we are allowed to play after the regular college hours. Labs are good, and has a lot of space there's no problem with equipment s.",8.7 2745,Krupesh shah,UPL University of Sustainable Technology,"In my college many event celebrated like tecnovetion, grenovetion and also reva anual function fest and we are also participate in all this type of amazing event and full enjoy in this event and also we can monitor this all event.1 year fees is 100000 it is little high for poor or other family but educational system and technology very high and also provide some scolership and help rotary to poor child and other help like stationery and other.",8.7 2746,gowtham,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"yes as told above they are ?. Maths teachers are coming up from iit institutions and well developed knowledge of the subjects, only phd holders are allowed further years professors doing research will be given to take classes. its nice they will not do anything like scholding u but they will keep their hands in attendance sheets to bring fear in you to control you that's for fearing you only they will give surelyyes this college is named for giving good placements. many companies come here and exams, gd interviews happens and student gets selected. Around 98 percent of placement will be taken from our college and the average package will be around 5 lack per annum and the highest pade is around 38 lack per annum and that t to for ece student.",8.7 2747,Shivam,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],By passing JEE main exam the students who have applied for the college form where consider for the college and according to it the top rankers who have filled the form are selected to the college. There are many more process after that you have to visit the college and give the required documents which college have asked for you also have to pay the fees which college ask for deposition and securing your seat.The senior students are quite friendly with the junior students they help them in every prospect which they want they care as a small brother to them they help them in studies and other curriculum activities by which the junior students can learn easily.,8.7 2748,Nakul S,Bangalore Institute of Technology - [BIT],"In my college each and every festival is celebrated. When it comes to social events we have many clubs for that. We had a walk for road safety cause, we had Swacch Bharat campaign, Women safety program, Education for girls program and many more. Our college is great supporters of sports Conducts many sports like cricket, kabadi, chess, carrom, football and many more.The placements in our college is 100 %. High profiled companies step into our college to recruit great talents from our college. Companies like Google, Cisco, Amazon, Oracle and many more highly reputed companies recruit students. Our college provides internship to students. Stipend cannot be revealed.",8.5 2749,Rana Ravirajsinh Mayursinh,Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College - [BVM],"They are little less for our college. In our field very few placement because the civil related companies not interested in our college. No, our college don't provide internship. Our college don't provide internship directly but indirectly our college provode internship.In our college zest, amul volcano, Next, Civil world Infrastructure 2025, Udaan, etc. In udaan we have many activities like games, rangoli, science fair, engineering projects and many more activities in our college in Udaan, we have organised musical night in Udaan.",6.7 2750,Ashok Kumar P,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],"Karpagam college of engineering has amazing placement and intenship offers. in the year 2019, our highest placement offer is 14 lahks per annum. maximum students are placed and got internship in 3 year it self. every year around 500 to 600 student got placement in day zero and day one companies. hence, we don't worry about out future. even google conduct a camp in our college which is startup a company in 48 hrs.Faculty are well experienced. Karpagam college have very strict faculty selection. faculty said that, ""you need to study to solve the problem faced by the current world"". they are not only teaching the syllabus they teach a industrial culture. they trained a normal student and make the student an good engineer who has attitude, problem solving ability and programming knowledge.",8.7 2751,Anubhav kulshrestha,KIET Group of Institutions - [KIET],"KIET Alumni Engagement Cell (AEC) in association with Sports Committee organized Alumni v/s Students Cricket match on 3rd November 2019 to promote and foster interaction amongst Alumni and inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship. All the participants were awarded mementos. Winning team along with Runner up team & man of the match was felicitated with trophies by KIET Director Dr. (Col) A. Garg and Head AEC- Dr. Binkey Srivastava.KIET Scholarship Program Offered by AKTU Abdul Kalam Azad Technical University releases the UPTU AKTU Scholarship every year to provide education to those candidates who belong to SC/ST/OBC category and those students who are eligible but not able to Complete their studies due to their Financial Crises.",9.5 2752,MD RIZWAN,Motihari College of Engineering - [MCE],B. tech computer science and engineering firm jee mains enterence exam and I got 3 lakh rank in the entrance exam and. I will go to Bihar councelling centre whose stable. In Patna and take to this college and get computer science and engineering branch.It's fee structure is very minimum because it is a government college it's 1 year charge is only 10000 only in this college the schoolership to return your money to direct to your bank account so in this college no charge to reading.,7.7 2753,GURU SHARAN KUMAWAT,"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramothan - [SKIT]",I can get the admission through Rajasthan Education Admission Processes REAP. In this process student fill the form and choose the college he/she want and fill with the criteria that they want or they also fill the choice of branch also. In this there are many steps to join the college. There are upward movement also i. e. If student want any other branch in alloted college Or any other if the student fill in the form. There is internal sliding also. In this only college level can change the branch.I Take the Electrical Engineering in the SKIT college. So the exam pattern is based on the Rajasthan Technical Unit and there is also practical is held in the college Or paper outside the college. University paper is held on the centre is alloted by the RTU and the practical is held in the college which is taken by the externals which is come from the other college.,8.8 2754,Shubham Ade,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering - [SKNCOE] Vadgaon,"I got admission to the college by CAP rounds. I got admission through MHTCET exam merit. You can also get admission through JEE mains score rank also. Firstly you have to varify all original documents from the ARC. Then requires to submit them to the college office. Those original documents will be returned after a semister. You have to fill all the necessary documents for admission. You need to pay fees of the college at last. After paying the fee, an admission confirmation letter will be given to you. Now the admission process gets complicated.1.SINHGAD KARANDAK: It is a great programme under which a lot of activities is taken for the entertainment. Whole Sinhgad colleges participate in the programme. Many games ,many activities, many shows are arranged under this programme. 2.SINHGAD CARNIVAL: It is a two day programme in which tug of war , singing dancing drama and other activities are taken. It is taken before 3-4 months of SINHGAD KARANDAK. Also, many times ""Students Activity Center"" takes programme for entertainment and practice purpose.",9.3 2755,R Aravind,Matrusri Engineering College,I got this admission through telangana ts eamcet entrance exam. The exam is online exam mode was conducted in may. The result was announced in July ending. And I was admitted in my college in August.Its good process to enter the collegeMy college is conducting freshers every year that is based on seniors plan.In freashers we are enjoying well. And the food is good provided by seniors. And at last festivals also celebrating. Diwali was conducted in my college.,7.5 2756,Venu gopal rao,TKR College of Engineering and Technology - [TKRCET],"The college admits undergraduates and postgraduates. Undergraduate students are admitted through the statewide EAMCET examination for intermediate students and diploma students through TS ECET. Postgraduate students through GATE and ICET, which are conducted every year. Apart from EAMCET, TSECET, GATE, and ICET exams, students are also admitted through B-Category (selection based on JEE (Mains), EAMCET ranks and NRI quota.The institute offers engineering degree programs with the approval of the government of India and with affiliation to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. All B.Tech programs are NBA accredited. Programs offered are: Undergraduate courses Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering",8.5 2757,Ayush tiwari,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"Course curriculum is good and designed according to the needs of IT industry.it is designed to train the students according to market.We dont need to study subjects like chemistry or engineering science in our first year which is not usefull for it graduate. We study core subjects from starting onwards. We have continuous assessment structure for examination.In each tutorial class of each subject we have to give assessments.this is a bit hectic but it is for our own good as during midsema nd endsem we dont feel much pressure.also we are in touch with studies regularly.and also if someone screw their end or mid sem they get pass if they did well in tutorial assessments.we have credit based system.There are many events celebrated in my college.there is cultural fest call EFFERVESENCE which has 150+ events in it.many colleges participate in it.many celebs along with music bands edm were called. There is also a technical fest called APROKSHA it is a grand fest and has many technical events such as coding contests ,hackathons, ctf etc. There is also a sports meet.wher many colleges participate. My college organises hack in the north hackathon which is one of the biggest hackathon in north. Also most of the festivals are celebrated in college.",9 2758,JASWANTH,SSN College of Engineering - [SSNCE],"Im pursuing BE in electronics and communication engineering.course curriculum is absolutely fine in ssn.Not only ECE but also every department's curriculum is superb.Like labs,etc everything is fine.For every department in first semester all the subjects are same and also classes are combined for all the students.Positive things in ssn are less strength and quality education is provided.And now from 2018 it has become autonomous and before that it has been affiliated to anna university.Now many things like curriculum and etc are changed.One and only negative thing is some minute lack of infrastructure",9.5 2759,Parag Bhausaheb Mahale,Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Centre - [MCOERC] Eklahare,"College has the best faculty for computer engineering in nashik our college is very far away from main highways so one can face problem of travelling so long from mainstream of nashik. if you have weaker economic background and want to pursue engineering you should consider getting into collegeCollege conducts great events in college such as matoshri karandak and annual cultural fest held in January there are also various tech events all around The year held in college. Dehradun various sports events during matoshri karandak and which are very much exciting",7.8 2760,Ashind C,Cochin University of Science and Technology - [CUSAT],"Nothing much.But University must give us free fests.We have to pay for each and every fest here.My suggestion is that it must be free for all.And based on cast,the fee structure is bad.because i am higher caste,i have to pay like 25 times more than other lower caste peopleThe fee structure is much higher than i expected from other government colleges.I have to pay ?50,000 per year and hostel fee ?5300 per month.Actually this is too much for me and my family.I wanted to get some scholarship but i am a higher caste student.",7.2 2761,Shreyas s,Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology - [AIT],They are very good opportunities for extra curricular activities for students who joined this college. There is sports club called DR AIT SPORTS there are very good trainers for physical department the trainers well qualified well experienced we have a huge cricket ground which is equivalent to one and half acre there is a football ground and a basketball ground and there is also a shuttle badminton court there are causes for Kabaddi and kho kho there are some national players in our college team and we get a huge respect participating in it.They are very good opportunities for extra curricular activities for students who joined this college. There is sports club called DR AIT SPORTS there are very good trainers for physical department the trainers well qualified well experienced we have a huge cricket ground which is equivalent to one and half acre there is a football ground and a basketball ground and there is also a shuttle badminton court there are causes for Kabaddi and kho kho there are some national players in our college team and we get a huge respect participating in it.,9.3 2762,arpit kalwar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],My elder cousin brother suggested me this college. Firstly I fill the entrance exam form and after giving exam I get qualified and eligible to take admission in college. Then me and my family visit the college and for admission also. After going there I get admission.No. Of of placement of this college is very good because every year many companies are come in campus and hire many of student for the job at very good package. Recently I seen a very popular company name Microsoft come and hire a girl with package 41lakh per annum,9 2763,Hemant patil,KLS Gogte Institute of Technology - [KLS GIT],It is the best course curriculum and the exam Pattern is that they counted two internal exams and a sem exam at the end along with lab.The internals exams are conducted for 30 marks and external exams ( seem end ) are conducted for 100 marks which are further reduced for CGPA calculationIn my views I have a positive remark because as per my knowledge this is the best college in North karnatak a with majority of placements for various companies so it will be better for us because of many more opportunity we can get for it dream job,8.5 2764,RICHA SINGH,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],Our college celebrates one-week-long sports week in October every year in which many inter and inta college sports events are conducted and students participate very enthusiastically in different competitions. our college has different well-maintained labs for students of different branches.I cleared jee mains and based on my std 12th marks I was qualified to take admission in college and then I visited the campus with all my documents and I found all the things best suited for me then I deposited my admission fee and first-semester fee and finally got the admission.,10 2765,Robin,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"I came to know about the college from one of my friends and I visited the college website, later I called up to get more details and visited the campus. I found it up to the mark and started the admission procedure by submitting the necessary documents and registration fee and got registered. Then, later I got an email for successful admission.Course curriculum meets the industry set standards, and while the theoretical knowledge is provided in the class, we are directed to test the same in the field to grab the overall knowledge about the same. Exams are conducted thrice in a semester including two mid-semester test and then finals are approached.",10 2766,Student (Anonymous),Excel Engineering College,"In excel institutes in every year there are many more students are come to join this institutes. The Excel Engineering college is Affiliated by Anna University Chennai. The college is established in 2007. The lab and infrastructure of the Engineering college are huge. Here the gender ratio is about 60: 40 female and male respectively.Aerospace Engineering is one of the primary fields of engineering with the development of the aircraft, aeroplanes and spacecraft. Aerospace engineering has two major and overlapping branches ie. Aeronautical Engineering and astronautical engineering. I choose Aeronautical because always I want to be an Aeronautical Engineer.",10 2767,Diksha kumari,Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences - [SHUATS],"Our campus life is just awesome like the scenario, and environment, I just love and gender ratio on an average is just same or you can say 1 or 2 % difference on boys and girls ratio. Race, marathon everything happens and they used to give certificates, medal, prize. There are all the labs like physics, chemistry, civil engineering labs and many more.There are so many events are to held in our colleges like freshers, fest, evening party, annual function and many more and anyone can participate and winner gets title, prize and there is sometime dress code and sometimes whatever you want. These event are so big like in the stage some many person can dance and in the event.",8.5 2768,Muddasu Jonathan,Saveetha School of Engineering - [SSE],"Many workshops and cultural festivals are conducted in our college in order to gain exposure from the outside world and also to study practical they are conducting hands-on free program so that we can gain more knowledge in practical sessions. The department of physical education is there to guide you in sports and extracurricular activities the faculties are encouraging us to take part in the competition.In our college, they are conducting more conference and seminars to the students in order to gain knowledge about the subjects from experts.The expert from international are coming and taking seminars about the subject related topics and giving an idea about higher studies in abroad",9.7 2769,Sajal ghosh,Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology - [GCETT],"Our fees is very low. Because it is a govt engineering colleges. In computer science and engineering branch fees is 6000 per semester, information technology branch fees is 12000 pe semester, textile engineering branch fees 3000 per semester, appeal production management branch fees 3000 per semesterIt is a basically textile technology college. So here 15- 20 textile related company visits every year. And 4 -5 technology company visits every year. But textile branch student placement is 100 percentage and technology branch student placement is 80 percentage",7.2 2770,Nirmal,JK Lakshmipat University - [JKLU],"from 1st year batch 5 student got 100 percent scholarship and many are there who got 75 and 25 percent, criteria for the same is simple, student scoring above 90 percent in 12th will get 100 percent scholarship whereas between 90to 80 would be 75 percent and between 80 to 75 would be 25 percent.JKLU have cultural fest named Sabrang this is university's national fest and for sports there is Spardha, which is very much popular among many university's. in spardha cricket and football is very famous last time there were 32 teams to play football whereas 16 teams to play cricket.",10 2771,Student (Anonymous),I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University - [IKG-PTU],"Teaching faculty are good here. All the professor are highly qualified. Good enivornment to study. A central library is here where you can find your resources book that you want. Apart from this 24 hour opening study room is present in campus that is the best part of this university.All the professors are highly qualified. They are graduated from IIT, NIT. Lectures timing start from 9 am and end at 5 pm in the first semester all subject are same as +2 level, after first-semester main engineering course start. All the subjects are designated on the gate basis.",7.8 2772,ABHIJITH S,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,"college is great except for food.Placements are really great. And there is exactly 100 % placements for those who prepare for placement.fees structure is feasible. For merit seat itbis like 3,00,000-no schorlaship 1,50,000-50% scholarship 30,00-75%scholarship. And for managemnet seat the fees is 4,00,000and for nri it is 7k us dollarsFacultys are realy friendly and helpful except for a few who have what is called as head weight. Some teachers are so intelligent and expert in their field and there teaching will be in that high level soo students are unable to catch them. Expect for these few facultys all others are expecpitionly great",5.7 2773,Zeel Patel,Bennett University,"Uphoria: It's our fest, cultural and technical and it's a three day fest which has very wide range of attractions and activities including well-known artists coming and performing in the University. Fresher's: Our fresher's party is also a very gloomy night with the taste of DJ. Halloween, entrepreneurship carnival etc. are the name of just a few events that clubs at our college organize.Yes, placements are good; one of the students just got placed in Microsoft and many other big companies that are giant. Yes, we're given internship benefits as well since we have collaboration on NVIDA on a project which accelerates AI and a venture of our own college, leadingindia.ai which gives us internship opportunities as well.",9.7 2774,Bharath abhi ram,Sri Venkateswara University - [SVU],"The college is named for fests and events. There will be talents day for first-year students and rhapsody which is three days and I bet you will enjoy a lot. And for each branch, there will be fest which conducted grandly for all. Note that if you want to enjoy and it make known of every senior at least your branch.I got admission into college through ap EAMCET exam. I reached Tirupati. Went to auto stand there told the SV administrative building. There to I went to the main building there some room allotted for each branch. There presented my certificates xeroxes note don't give them your original certificates in any case.",8 2775,Rishika,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Fee Structure of our college is fine and is genuine as compared to other engineering colleges. Our annual fee is Rs. 100,900 for first year which includes all the fees like admission fees, examination fees our uniform charges, tuition fees etc from secind year onwards our fee becomes Rs. 94000.I learned about this college from one of my senior and then I planned to visit the college and talked to a counsellor and he cleared all my doubt and RIT was fulfilling all my demands then I went through a college entrance followed by a general interview in this way I got admission in RIT.",10 2776,Samarth Sinha,Chandigarh Group of Colleges - [CGC] Landran,The college has some positive and negative remarks. If you are thinking about the nirf ranking and nacc approval then oy one college is nacc approved it's a little bit confusing. Let me explain in detail Chandigarh group of college is actually group of college in which there are many college under Chandigarh group of college like each branch has its own college and they are under CGC Landran.Yes the senior are really helpful they help when you face any type of problem in your study and any thing else. Of you have doubt about ragging then bro there is no ragging in this college this college has an anti ragging team and I can say that there will be no ragging at all even a single bit. They will say you to sign on of anti ragging paper by court. It's 100 percent safe bro,7.7 2777,Sumit Kumar Singh,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"The faculty of IITs are well known by everybody and are quite educated to a great level but most of them are much focused towards their research and other stuff and that's why they make the lecture part quite boring but some of them are good at teaching and makes lecture very interesting. In my course, I found have met till date only 2 professors to be having teaching attitude. Overall The faculties are well educated and are able to handle all workload of academics and are well enthusiastic for the research part which is quite necessary for our nation.In my college, Admission is through JEE - ADVANCED examination conducted by different IITs under JEE council board. There were two steps both having merit list, first one was JEE MAIN conducted by MHRD, NTA then comes JEE_ADVANCED and those students who qualified in a specific range of ranks are proceeded further for admission in IITs through JoSSA counselling and various steps including document Verification and ordering of your preferences of IITs, and finally authorised letter by JoSSA that is required during admission process in IIT.",7.7 2778,Jayprakash Gautam,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Nit Raipur is a no ragging campus. Seniors are very interactive with juniors. They guide us for projects, interview and placement s. NIT RAIPUR has huge alumni network all over the world. The CEO of WIPRO is from NIT Raipur and the director is also passout of Nit Raipur only. Alumni are building a incubation centre by raising funds in college campus for startups and skill development.I am unaware about the scholarship scheme at NIT Raipur but as NIT is a government institute government sanction loan for studies. During admission time needy students filled the form form for loan. There is no scholarship scheme in our college. But students can fill scholarship forms of government and private institutions.",8 2779,Aditya kumar,Heritage Institute of Technology - [HIT],College is over all good college and has a reputation in West Bengal in engineering but has Saturn negative remarks as well. Besides being such a reputed college the college lacks its expected placementand the second point is the college does not have a student council in its administrative department because of this the student have not given full freedom and a restricted to many certain things which is important for a student for his overall development. Ignoring other few of negative remarks the college on an overall all is good and I will rate the college 8 out of 10.I secured a rank of 2137 in Wbjee Examination and applied for wbjee counselling through which i got CSE branch(Btech) in Heritage Institute of Technology. In the first round of council itself I got computer science engineering branch in Heritage Institute of Technology and I locked my choice they only because of the reputation of this Institute and generally all the students of my class have came through the same process but few of them are from management quota as well.,7.7 2780,Siddharth gadewal,IPS Academy,B.tech is a very vast course and I have a particular branch in it that is computer science and information technology (CSIT). CSIT being a new branch provides promising results to students. As all the students seek great future through their branch CSIT branch will help their expectations. IES IPS Academy being a RGPV affiliated college have exam patterns provided by the university.Not that have I had a interview or a placement yet but being a college originated in indore IES IPS Academy provides a good result in getting their students better placements then they deserve. All of the students in India seeks a college that provides a vast choice of placements and jobs.,9 2781,Alok Kumar,College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,"College Does not offer any loan facility to anyone but definately Most of the Bank will to offer loan facility. College will offer Good scholarship to only student how can show family salary less than 1lakh per annual, he will definately got admission free of cost throught the course completion.In our college the all alumni have very good qualification, Indian Institutes of Technology nd government college so all have huge knowlege so everyone is ready to help each and students. Not only that most of the senior student is always ready to help their juniors in every fields.",7.3 2782,MOHAMMED ASLAM S,College of Engineering,"Our college is known for its events every now and then there will be something going on. Although out flagships are the Three D's ,Disha , Dhristi , Dhwani Disha being the interdepartmental fest exclusive for freshies organized by the 2nd years is a great way to break the Ice and sprout the underlying talents and bring unity among peers. Dhristi being the Techfest. We have students from all over kerala participating for the tech fest of the first engineering college in Kerala. Dhwani, the Big D ,it is the cultural fest ,in March. You have to ask a CETian and see his eyes for knowing about Dhwani.I have got alloted her in the 3rd allotment process. So I brought TC from the other college and came here first we had to fill a form and wait in the hall for a long time since there was a lot of students my token number was 142 then I had to get my documents verified and to talk with the PTA board and then I had to pay the fees then apply for Hostel then atlast to meet the Principal and HOD",8.3 2783,Ravi Kumar,Coochbehar Government Engineering College,"Got admitted through WBJEE 2019. I did applied for counseling and got this college. There there is no other way to get admission in this college other than WBJEE. To get admitted in the first year the student need to apply for WBJEE. Students can get admission in 2nd year through lateral entry. For admission to Little entry the student must have done a diploma course.The course curriculum of 1st year is quite easy. We do both theory and practicals while the teachers are very supportive. Exams are done as according to MAKAUT. Exams are conducted every 6 months after the end of each semester. Under normal circumstances a student is supposed to attend 8 semesters. This implies that the course is a 4 years.",8 2784,Khushalkothari,Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering - [MPSTME],"Placements are the best in this college so as i heard from placement cell last year the highest package was around 33 lpa and average was 14lpa which is quite good at beginning Yes college provide tip i.e technical internship at the end of 3year and mip i.e management intenship at the end of 5 year. College has good connection with industry and Nmims is the brand for students as well as companiesMy course is mbatech IT which is tailor made course comprising of btech and mba we are being both technical and managerial skills.This is the best course according to me. We have 50internal and 50 external. So for tee i.e term end exam we have 100 marks paper which is scaled to 50. For clearing subject one has to bring 50% in both internal and external",9.5 2785,Sajal ghosh,Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology - [GCETT],"Our fees is very low. Because it is a govt engineering colleges. In computer science and engineering branch fees is 6000 per semester, information technology branch fees is 12000 pe semester, textile engineering branch fees 3000 per semester, appeal production management branch fees 3000 per semesterIt is a basically textile technology college. So here 15- 20 textile related company visits every year. And 4 -5 technology company visits every year. But textile branch student placement is 100 percentage and technology branch student placement is 80 percentage",7.2 2786,Titas Mandal,Jadavpur University - [JU],"Instrumentation and electronics engineering is a very unique branch. Not all colleges have this branch, except a few iits and private college.In jadavpur university this branch was introduced about 25 years ago.this branch is having many white color and sofisticated jobs. One also have lots of chance to be placed abroad.Jadavpur University also does campain in various parts on India to help the backward classes. Apart from this the university provides quality education in such a subsidised rate. It is one of the best universities in India. Recently it came among top 10 universities of India",9.2 2787,Arju,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Lpu is famous for its events it organizes almost every event and also host most of the events they also provide many competition for the students to explore and get to know about their capabilities Hackathon and other competitors are held on monthly basisLpu has vast syllabus the main of lpu is to improve their academic performance and achieve in academics as much as they can I have 6 subjects in my first year btech CSE branch which includes ece , mec, pes, CSE, maths,chemistry.",7.8 2788,Shubham garg,Chandigarh University - [CU],"Very good there are two mst's and a final paper and for second semester two mst's and a final paper the internal is of forty marks and the external is of sixty marks. I think it is a good exam structure in my opinionI think I can not answer these questions because I can not get opportunity for placement as I am first year student but there are many opportunities for jobs placements are good and yes, college give internship also.",9.3 2789,Arpit Khandelwal,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"There are two major events, graVITas, a technical event, and Rivera, a cultural one. graVITas helps the students explore their creativity and a large number of activities and games make us learn new things every day. It is a 3-day event with over 150 activities Rivera invites major celebrities to our college and the students show off their dance moves and their talents on a university level stageAfter giving VITEEE, I was messaged the time and venue for counseling. I reached the place and waited for my turn. After about 4 hours, I was called and was shown the seats available for all the courses. After choosing my stream, I chose my preferred hostel and mess and after giving the payments by DD, I received my provisional admission letter",9.2 2790,ANUBHAV SHUKLA,Kanpur Institute of Technology - [KIT],"In my course there are three major subjects which is Physics , Electrical Engineering , Mathematics and two extra subjects which is Skill development and electrical graphics and the structure of exam is very good there are semester type examination held in exam center also held some practicals by Examiner.Faculty of college is very good there are all type faculty which students should needed like there are digital library , GYM , All the society related? to respective branches , all the commities related to all the types of problems , Knowledgeable Teacher , Bus services , good transportation system",7.8 2791,Aman kumar,Asansol Engineering College - [AEC],Alumni network is somewhat weak there doesn't exists any unless you know someone personally. If you're in hostel maybe there are chances of that being 10% better but if you don't there's nothing ad such in the name of alumni network. It's all upon you and how are your connections with the seniors.Extra Curricular activities are somewhat less but the labs are highly optimized. Mechanical workshop of pur college is 2nd biggest workshop in entire West bengal the only college having bigger workshop is IIT KHARAGPUR. Computer labs are all well maintained and Upto the standards.,6.5 2792,Rajesh Rabindra Muni,Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Technology - [VESIT],"Yes, the senior students are very helpful every now & then they conduct workshop on Technical fields related to programming language, electronics, projects, etc. The alumni network is also very good most of them have started their startup. Frequently the alumni are invited to college to give their experience & guidance to us.The curriculum is to the point means it covers all the aspects related to Engineering & it's related topics. It covers everything that the aspiring student should know. The exam structure consists of 2 semester exams each year of the 4 year course. The syllabus changes & subject changes after every semester exam.",9.2 2793,Rahul Kumar jha,Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology - [RGIPT],"Their is all the sports facility available basketball, volleyball, cricket, football, tabletennis,lawn tennis and many more. Many clubs such as singing clubs dram club dancing club are opening this year only. Labs are very good they are equipped with all the modern machines and facilities needed to do research. The lab instructors are just awesome.Postive- all the faculty even director are very active they are always eager to help us. They always try to bring things which make college more interesting. Seniors always try to teach something new. Negative- its location and placement in some year goes very high and sometimes very moderate. But the placement cell is trying to make it right.",9.3 2794,AYUSH CHOUDHURY,Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College - [JGEC],"Got admission through WBJEE 2019. It requires you to have a certain rank to get admission in the college in your desired stream. After WBJEE 2019 there is an online counselling conducted where you get an allotment letter. Even after the primary admission process gets over, there are chances of getting in the college through de-centrallized counselling conducted every year.2 fests take place each year JECLAT. The annual fest of the college. It takes place generally at the end of February. It includes programs of dance, music, drama, cultural activities. It continues for about 3-4 days SRISTI. The tech fest of the college. Generally conducted at the end of March.",6.5 2795,Deekshith Reddy,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],The course curriculum will depend on you from the second semester. There will be 2 cats (continuous assessment test) exams for 15 marks weightage each and quiz and da will be conducted by your faculty. And final exam of the semester is conducted on sem ending and it is called fat (formative assessment test)Firstly we need to register for viteee (Vellore Institute of technology engineering entrance exam) online. Then we need to attend the exam. After getting the results of the exam we will get the counseling date. On counseling day we can decide our course and fee and we can join in the college.,8 2796,Vikash Kumar,Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology - [MIT],College has not a good facility for sports. No canteen. No swimming pool and not facilities for consult. But has positive benefits is our principle he is the very sincere for college and environment. Before 2 year here senior students meet a junior student he slap and talk here tagging was as.Here faculty are best. They are very helpful to all students they helps us in all situations related to education here avinash sir is my best teacher his teaching methodology are exceptional. And ashish sir also he is teach us /learn us programming,6.7 2797,Dhanush,KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology - [KPRIET],This institution mainly focus on our skill development and also giving special placement training to get placed in good company and they are having well qualified staffs in each subject and they are conducting 3 ciat before final examination to improve the ability of the student A continuous evolution of student is takenOur institution having well equipped lab facilities and having labs like material science laboratory and they also encouraging the students to participate in the international and national level matches and Al'so they are giving special coaching and time to develop their skills,9.8 2798,Sushith Reddy,NIT Warangal,"We have one of the Best curriculum in tah country We have common course in the first year in which we have subjects from all branches so that we can get idea of all b.tech /Engineering branches Our exam structure has 2- minor examinations,1-mid semester examination and oone end semester examination having 10marks for minors,30 marks for mid semester examination and 50 marks for end semester examinationWe have the Best placement record National Institute of Technology Warangal is the best college in the state of Telangana in terms of placement record National Institute of Technology Warangal has the Best placement record among all National Institute of Technology colleges in India Highest placement is 47LPA Yes this college provide internship program",9.7 2799,saiyam jain,Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology - [MSIT],"This college comes under IPU and till previous year IPU conducted its entrance test for admissions into affiliated colleges of IPU. But from this year (2019) onwards admissions were on the basis of JEE Mains rank. first we had to online fill up the form for registration into cutoff list for admission and do choice filling. Around one month later cutoff lists were displayed and allotment letter was issued on website itself. we had to take its printout to the college and get our admission done.In our college many events are celebrated by each society of college. the main events are ENVA it the annual fest of MSIT organized by PRAKRITI MSIT. this fest consists of many activities like dancing ,gaming ,singing,eating challenge ,talent show and much more. A technical fest is also organized in our college by IEEE MSIT and this event consists of many competitions like coding,gaming ,robowar and much more.",7 2800,Ritik gupta,Jabalpur Engineering College - [JEC],This is the government college so the fee expanses is very much less so the college fees is 25000 per year it is not much more fess for engineering college so the student of mp prefer this college so the college is best.Placement in this college is good not bad in this college the computer science and engineering branch companies company come in this college and other branch company is also been come that the present snerio is good.,7 2801,Palash Pratim Deka,NIT Silchar,"I want to explain both the good and bad sides of the course. We've got an environment of exploring us, in the field of our talent, after coming here. But keeping this apart in case of academic, we've given 5subjects for study in one semester (some semester has 6 also). As being an CSE student, I have to cover 5subjects in 1st semester (CS, EVS,EC,MATH,CHEM) Ya, it is good that studying more will enhance our knowledge more, though I think if we're given to focus on our branch's core sub(CS and MATH), then it would be better for us. As then we could give more time to those than now we're giving, which might be more helpful. Because the other branch's subjects is not gonna help me in future I think.Ohh, this may be a never ending paragraph if I go to write about the events properly. I just want to explain in short about these. Our college is providing us regular events since we have joined here. It included many competitional events, many cultural events, DJ nights and many more. Main thing is time sucks very much, so everyone don't get able to join each and every event if they want to do too. Sometimes times also overlap. But overall feedback I'll say this is very very very good.",8.5 2802,Erapani Vinay Kumar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"There will be many events in our university.almost there will be any event in every angle day.as we are 40 k students from different states and countries with many student organisations.they really helpful to enhance the talents.university will encourage every talented student by providing outside campus oppurtunities.oneworld,glow run,fashionshows,marathons,hackathon,blogothon,gaming events,voice out etc many many events,dance concerts,musical nights,sports competitions.It was very good curriculum as we get Saturday holyday.so there will be no work pressure.and every subject will have 3 CA theory.25 percent of best two will be added to end term.and midterm will also be there for every subject for 40 marks mcqs.20 percent will be added to endterm.and above 90 percent attendance will get 5 marks so 5 percent also added to endterm.finally in end term 50 percent will be considered.so total 100 percent completed.",8.8 2803,Vora Yash,Vishwakarma Government Engineering College - [VGEC],"I got admission by offline acpc round. First i register from acpc website online then i filled my choices of colleges. Then I got admition in vishwakarma government engineering college in Information technology branch then i got admition in computer branch via offline round.There are 8 semesters in four year. The course of college decide the gtu.there are 50 marks which take by assignment, behavior,practical.It takes two exams in each semester.first is midsem and second is gtu exam.Midsem gives out of 20 marks.gtu exam gives out of 70 marks.",8.3 2804,Shahzad Shaheer,Presidency University,I got admitted through interview and because of my 10th marks and my 12th marks too helped me. I had to go the university and attend an interview and the result will come within a week. then you have to pay the fees and your admission is sorted.they’re helpful. but students tend not to mingle with them. i personally have a lot of senior friends and they’re very helpful. they give you a taste of how college actually is. they don’t have that feeling like we’re their junior.,8.8 2805,Akshat Lohiya,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"My college offers one of the best placements offer all across India and even compete with the top colleges across the world. The package that was usually offered to IIT delhi students are very high and beyond expectations. In 2nd and 3rd year, it also provide opportunities for internship in India and even out of India in many multinational companies. Placements offer in my college includes all the multinational known companies which are, I wonder, dream companies for an engineering aspirant.Exam was quite tough. It includes three subjects namely physics, chemistry and maths. Syllabus was predefined and paper is strictly bounded within it. According to syllabus we generally start our preparation along with 11th and 12th class so as to save time and money of course. Coaching centre make us prepare for both, our dream exam and for school exans and boards.",9.5 2806,Gowtham,NIT Warangal,Through joint entrance examination main and counseling through joint seat allocatolion authority of india where they verified my documents like secondary school certificates and tweleveth class examination pass certificatesYes they are of lot of importance where we got to know about the experience which was described by the students of alumni that is the previous students who studied earlier here in this college and got wonderful placements,6.7 2807,Karan Boonlia,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],"The fee structure is very affordable.the fee structure is around 1.2 to 1.3 lakhs for general,for OBC it's around 56 but first they have pay full amount of 1.2 or 1.3 and they get scholarship of about 46k after filling the form and if they are eligible. For S.C students it's around 3k and for S.T it's around 12 k.I am myself exploring the college and feel that the college is pretty good( if u leave out the fact that profs are strict with attendance and submissions). The students are all good and develop healthy competition, which is main reason behind whatever fame and reputation PICT.",7.3 2808,Aihab Umair,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Course is very diverse and covers lots of topics from class 11th and 12th both. Some questions are conceptual and require good solving skills whereas some questions require mugging up. The Exam (JEE Advanced) has multiple choice type, decimal integer type, matrix type questions. College course is useless as of now as it doesn't allow us to expand our skill base. Skills are to be developed alongside the course by ourselves.College provides lots of scholarship and gives out forms to fill. I have available my state government scholarship: Madhya Pradesh Medhavi Chhatra Yojna, many state scholarships (UP, Maharashtra etc) are also available along with some other scholarships which the college provides. (College is government funded so scholarships are from the government itself, not the institute)",8.3 2809,Karthik sk,Jain College of Engineering - [JCE],I din't heard about the college was faciliting scholarship. We know only that government scholarshipa what we had applied and all students had applied for that but may be there is no scholarship facilited by college.In our Jain college of engineering.we had good placements and about 13 lack per annum the last year's highest placements and average about that's 4.5 lack per annum then it is good in placements.,6.3 2810,Nandakishore,Pragati Engineering College,"There many events are talking place like cultural events,technical fests and lot more.Yeah I choose computer science engineering which is very familier to all. I choose it as my first preference and selected for it in my college and after that I did a survey and doing great in my studiesAll are fine but there is no sports period or sport events for 1st year students and Yeah I choose computer science engineering which is very familier to all. I choose it as my first preference and selected for it in my college and after that I did a survey and doing great in my studies",8.2 2811,Jeremiya Mathew,Government Engineering College - [GECT],After plus two I went for one year entrance coaching at PC Thomas classes Thrissur.Then in May 2019 I wrote kerala Engineering exam. I got rank 2704 in that exam. Then by the centralised allotment process I gave option for admission.By considering the rank I got allotment at GEC Thrissur in state merit category.My college is a government college all the faculties here are government staffs they came to this positions by writing some exams the have a standard knowledge. They are caring and ready to answer any doubts at any time. Many of them are graduated from many prestigious instructions like IITs and NITs.,9.3 2812,ritik meshram,Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science -[SITS] Narhe,"yaa it is a good everything is good in every aspects. our university exam pattern is in first semister there are two exams first exam name INSEM EXAM is conducted for 30 marks out of this 12 marks is passing and after that there is ENDSEM EXAM which is of 70 marks out of this 28 marks is passing the criteria for not getting any backlog is out of hundred atlest your score should be 40 or 40 plus and atlest 28 marks in ENDSEM EXAMi got addmision through cap round, firstly i appeared for mhtcet exam then after result i fill the form for cap round in i got this college in cap round 2 in first round i got sknsits college in IT branch but i kept it in waiting and and fill form for 2nd round there i got computer branch and i took that college",8.3 2813,Arif Jeelani,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"Achiever function - In this function students who selected for higher studies and got placed in companies are invited with their parents. Freshers function - In this function newly admitted students are invited. Project expo- Science exhibition. Celebrity night- Famous celebrity came and perform in college. Ignitia- Annual Function.I opted for Btech mechanical engineering. In near future lots of opportunity for available for mechanical engineer.There are total 8 semester of 6 6 months each.Every semester has 3 Assignment test,2Class test,1 Pre University exam, and 1Final University exam.",8.2 2814,Ayush Misra,Institute of Engineering and Technology - [IET],"Now this is something my college has opened for about a decade or so. There are literally about 10 to 13 rests held every year just for the Ietians. And believe me fortnight or so there is some cultural or technical workshop being organized by the sophomores of out college in which their serious truly coordinate the whole event.Course curriculum is followed here is strictly based on the AKTU(DR. APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY) syllabus. But it is way behind what is expected from an institute of such meticulous gam fame. Exam structure is same as AKTU. Class test if 30 marks and after that end semester exams.",6.2 2815,Anvesh,IIT Hyderabad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITH],"Here there is no cheating for these activities. You can easily make what is in your mind. Our campus provide all the materials req to implement your plan and make a project if you are interested. And coming to the sports presently the ground was not yet ready as the construction work is going on but temporary ground is there.Yes, I want to suggest the upcoming batches to make good friends. In IITs, there is a more tendency to tempt for the addictions like cigarette, alcohol and drugs. Many friends of mine spoiled their life just in the beginning of the semester by addicting to those be careful.",9.3 2816,Sekhar madha,Aditya Engineering College - [AEC],I got my admission in college by qualifying in eamcet examination. They have taken all my marks memos and proofs as I was qualified in eamcet examination my government is providing me fee reembensment for students who were not qualified are joined through paid seats.I like my college. I have best teacher who are good at teaching and supporting me in my career. I have two semister exam pattern that means I have to write two semister per year. In each semistor again I have to write two sessional examinations.,9 2817,Kiran raj,Velammal College of Engineering and Technology - [VCET],The college infrastructure is not good. They are maintained. But the hostel food and rooms are not upto the level. Many become sick because of hostel foods. The hostel is situated near a big garbage. Where the mosquitoes are in large number. It is not healthyCulturals is conducted where all our students cn exhibit our talents. Symposium is the main event. Where other college students can participate in the competion which is held by our college students. Departmental symposium also is been conducted,6 2818,Shubham Madihalli,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],First I have the entrance test. After the result I there was counseling for the branches then I visited the college and completed the formalities.I reached the University I saw it was huge then saw the hostel rooms and the students. The study environment was also goodIt's tough but okay can manage with it needs to be more focused on the core subjects so that students develop interest and do not have to waste time on other stuff like being in cse but I have to study ece. Physics and many such subjects. That needs to be stopped,8.2 2819,Prateek nanda,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Compared to other private colleges of the country this does burn a little smaller hole in the pocket of the students since it does provide with a lot of scholarship programs where students can get up to 50 % scholarship. However when you compare this to other colleges around the area this might sou d a little expensive. But needless to say since it is a private university it has a lot of other expenses other than your main tuition fees and accommodations. So for value for money in terms of fees structure it will be a 6 on 10 score not very good not very bad either.This is one of the major attractions out here.there are a lot of events going on constantly throughout the year. Within 5 months of me joining I got into shows of GURU Randhawa and then recently Coke studio organized a Live concert where AMIT TRIVEDI performed. Other than this there are numerous regional movie stars who keep on coming here every now and then for promotional events. Also we have had 3 EDM nights multiple festival celebrations and lot of other things going around here.,6.3 2820,Shibam Seal,Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"The placement is really good compared to the other marine colleges in India. The only competitor of this college is tolani ,whose semester fees is twice than this college. No the college doesn't provide internship but the students normally get placed in the 5 or 6 sem provided the student does not have any supplementThe college boosts with fire lab, mechanical, electrical, engine simulator and has different kinds of sports from hockey to table tennis, the college also has a gym And a swimming pool for the student the workshop is the biggest workshop in India with propulsion engine to turbine",8.7 2821,Lehan Fayaz,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,Computer labs are excellent in the campus with the latest softwares available for every system helping the students to be upto date with all. Sports are really important in the campus and there college teams here for basketball which has won championships for many years.There are lots of scholarship opportunities available for the students who are interested in applying for them. And there is another scholarship opportunity which is to top the exams for which a significant tuition fee waver will be there for them.,7 2822,Akash R,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Good faculties are present who cares not only to care for marks in exams but also to succeed in life and get a good job finally. They guide us by telling us all that we must do to secure a good job and good placements. Many teach very well in class and listening in class is only needed. But most of the faculties present just only teaches in class and not help students in other areas like mentioned above and also there are some blacklist teachers that the student classified because they deliberately fail students in exams because they give fewer marks and conduct strict evaluations and is not lenient.The course curriculum is sufficient to engage in future jobs and is not stressful if we study a little daily. Also, you have to study on your own some extra courses to get a good job. The exam structure is there are 2 CAT exams of 50 marks each for each subject and is converted to out of 15 marks. And a final test FAT out of 100 for each subject, finally converted into out of 40.rest 30 marks is for digital assignments, projects and lab exams. CAT 1-15%,CAT2-15%,FAT-40%,REST-30%.",7 2823,harsha vardhan kandimalla,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"After attempting college entrance exam LPUNEST. Based on qualify criteria they allowed to choose 4 interested courses. After they declare our seat in which branch we got. Next we need to pay a sum of Rs. 10000/- to confirm our admission. After that they a reporting schedule date and on that date we need to go to college and verify our documents and we need to pay fees. They upload the scholarship details of us based 12 th class marks.The fee structure is based on scholarship on behalf of how much marks we got in 12th class. It offers scholarship ranges about 25%-75% Firstly the semester fees ranges form 90000-110000. Based on our scholarship it will be adjusted in our account. Same the hostel fees varies from the room seater. It has 1,2,3,4,6,8- seater and a dormitory (16members). These seater also vary in AC and non-AC",9.3 2824,Sumanth Chowdary,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology - [SVCET],The course curriculum is ok but not too good.there are two exams in the year called semisters it is for 60 marks.before semister exam there is midterm exam it is for 40 marks.in semister we have to get 21 to pass and in midterm we have to secure at least 19 marks.for total 100 marks we have to get 40 marks to get pass in the exam.First I written ap eamcet exam and get qualified in that exam.then I appear for eamcet councing.there I selected this college.according to my eamcet rank I got seat in this college.then I got allotment letter then I went to college along with allotment letter went to office room I took admission the I joined in the college,6.7 2825,Heetak Shah,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"The placement and job opportunities in our college are the best in INDIA and among the best in the world. The placement occurs during the semester and really good companies come for placements. I am not eligible for an internship as of now. But yes my college provides internships and the striped is really good.The course curriculum as a whole is planned very well in IIT Bombay. But, there are some courses whose curriculum is bad. The exam structure varies from course to course. For a typical course, there is marking taken from shirt quizzes (or sometimes attendance), quizzes, midterms, and endsems.",8.5 2826,Venu gopal rao,TKR College of Engineering and Technology - [TKRCET],"Due to the recent accreditation, it seems as if the opportunities are going to be surplus. The visiting companies aren't many, but they are considerable and come up with good vacancies making us gain interest in the CRT training sessions. I am still studying 2nd year. So, as the campus has recently converted to autonomous, many companies might turn up when I reach my final year. As far as I know, one must be talented enough to be able to get into.College is having freshers party, farewell party and annual day celebration. Also fests are celebrated where we can have much celebration.When it comes to events and fests our college tops.we have every year events like Shiney party which is the biggest event in our college.every time one guest will be invited to our college.last time I enjoyed a lot with my friends.DJ nights and also traditional day are some of other events.",7.7 2827,Prathamesh kadappa,DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute - [DKTE],"As mentioned above our college has best academic record, extra curriculum activities, sports and the good placement. The negative remarks is only one that our college is situated in Rajwada which is situated at centre of city hence there is an parking problem due to lack of area.As our college is reputed in maharashtra the placement record is exellent. The both MNC and local companies are come in our campus and recruit almost all the student who wants job. The package offered per annum is good for all courses.",8.8 2828,Rohit Malangi,Tula's Institute,The course of btech is best and I want to came cse branch and I got the seat. The exam structure is good. The student who read the book then he done the exam in time. In college 2 internal exam and I external exam is done in one semester.Basis of jee main score in ukcounciling then I got a fee waiver seat in cse branch. So I came to college for view and get detail for college and than my father an me came to college for admission. So common admission process is started.,6.8 2829,Prashant Thakur,University of Calcutta,"The college do not require and sochlarship or loan because the college in very cheap 4 years of stay cost around 12k for studies and accomodation. So there are no requirement for any kind of loan. And if you want to save that money also you can participate in college fests to earn.College faculty is very good, they have in dept knowledge of the subject they teach. They can speak various languages but they generally emphasize on Bengali as primary communication methods. So if Bengali is not ones primary language it can be hard sometimes.",8.5 2830,Satvik gupta,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT],"First of all u have to fill viteee form which is available both online and offline,then u have to appear for the exams on the date allotted to you,then u have to give exams, question will be generally asked from 10+2 syllabus and there is no negative marking.Somewhere seniors are helpful like giving books or helping in studies but at the some point they are not very helpful. Most of them help juniors in telling them about which faculty u should take in ur next semester and how's the study pattern etc.",9.5 2831,Aman panchal,Rai University - [RU],The students are not so helpful but they can help in our extracurricular activities. They have lot of experience in the knowledge regarding university. The senior students are also sharp minded too. Ragging in the hostel or university is not at all.Infrastructure is poor. university should know about the infrastructure of university because the university is infrastructure is not so well. It is made up of freaks online of plaster is done over the wall and this makes the rooms more heated.,6.7 2832,Yash santoki,Pacific School of Engineering - [PSE],Placement are good in our college.they request to lots of companys to came for placement their students.they also arrange a company which gives knowledge nd internship to students. They deal with many companies to provide a job to students.Our college has three buildings esch has his own wifi for students to study and check online course which helpful for their study. Our senior student are very sharp. They also help in our query and give a proper solution.,6.5 2833,Vishwa Patel,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],"The college environment is really student friendly. Not only that, but it is also a zero-waste campus and the initiative to make it was from the students. The education is really a quality education and real life based so that we can be updated on what exactly is the scenario of the current demand of industries and technologies.The course curriculum is practical and can be applied to real-life situations very easily. I find it very much research-driven and fair. I have been able to relate and apply it in real life which is good. The exam structure is also very student-friendly and there is enough time for students to learn the topics thoroughly.",8.7 2834,Manav kj,Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies - [KUFOS] Panangad,"The exam structure is very good nobody can malpractices in the exam hall even in series exam. The exam criteria is there will be two 2 internals before a sem exam and there will be 8 subjects in all semester except the seventh and eight, on this sem there will be no theoretical exams only projects and internships.Our college has celebrated the onam fest the Christmas and all and in between this we conducts fresher's day ,the arts day and also sports day the fresher's day will be a memorable day for first years firstly they will refuse to whatever seniors say apparently then they will listen to seniors.",8.3 2835,Varun Suvarna,Manipal Academy of Higher Education - [MAHE],"It is pretty good and covers important topics. The first year covers the topics for all the streams and is common to everyone. This is done to ensure that you can change streams after first year if required Exams are conducted on an E-Pad which is pretty advanced and writing on it feels like writing on paper to an extent. There are 6 internals which include 4 assignments of 5 marks each and 2 sessionals of 15 marks and then an End semester exam of 50 marks.Everything is pretty good about the college and my friends and I have had a great experience here. All events that occur in an academic year are planned at the beginning of the year and doesn't change much. The only problem we've had was that they never give holidays for heavy rains and stuff even if there's a red alert. That has caused a lot of inconvenience when commuting to college.",8.7 2836,Koushik,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Fresher's day: it was a great and memorable experience for me. Their are many programmes like rampwalk, dancing competition conducted that day. Art's day: the celebration took part on the arts day. Many students in the college participated. They are given chance to show their talent.100% of fee scholarship for international students 50% scholarship for North Indian students.their are many merit based scholarships. Their are many educational loans available for this college at low rate of interest.private organizations give loan after verifying the documents.",7.7 2837,VISHWAJEET Bai,Chameli Devi Group of Institution,"As i choose the department of information technology i think the course curriculum was good. First year of every branch is common, that was a good idea because every engineer should know the basic of all engineering degrees. The exam structure was also good, nor too tough neither too easy, that was good.Our college have a good point in technical activities such as efficycle, citrinics, industrial drive,etc. Our college also supports for students having a sports skill. My college focuses 60% on open campus of other colleges and remaining on closed campus. My college didn't celebrates any festival event.",7 2838,Karthik Natarajan,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"The course is relatively new in this college which, by the way, is one of the oldest colleges in India. The course started here in early 2010s and still doesn't have much support from the college itself. There are very less labs for Aerospace Engineering here, we don't even have an airstrip here. The teachers aren't much enthusiastic in their teaching. But as Aerospace Engineering in India has a long way to go so I won't complain much.The positive things about the college is that even if the college is so old the employees here are pretty open minded and don't mind seeing couples. The negatives are that the infrastructure and hostels are too old and everything is cramped up. We don't even have a proper auditorium. All the departments are cramped up in 2 four-storey buildings.",5.2 2839,Rishik TS,National Institute of Technology - [NITK],"Course curriculum varies from course to course, in some course we’ll he having labs nd theory both and in some courses we’ll be having only theory classes depending on credits allotted to that course, Exam structure depends upon course to courseThere are many extracurricular activities like football, basketball, volleyball courts in our college, Carroms, Tennis, badminton are also available in college which will be played by most of students during freshers cup.",9.7 2840,Gattam Manoj Kumar Reddy,SASTRA University,"Extracurricular activities will be happening in our college frequently but it will be based on students interest to go and join in that type of activities.If student has got a good interest,they can go and join and they can perform in extracurricular activities.labs also very good that they work all the time and the lab faculty also is very good.sports are also very good and u can go and join in any game. On ur interest.There are a lot of scholarship's provided in our college.But the scholarship's provided only based on merit.There will be hostel scholarship's which is given based on your Merit.they also will be provided course wise scholarship's based on merit.They also provide loan for which they have banks in the college itself.You can take loan and u can continue your studies there.",9.3 2841,Jashwanth Kondamuri,ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education - [IFHE],"There are wide range of lab activities included in the curriculum and also there are many sports activities and sports events. The maintenance of ground and equipment is not very good. There are two volleyball courts two lawn tennis courts, two grounds for cricket and football two basketball courts and indoor stadium for badminton under swimming pool and also a gymnasiumOverall the college is very good it follows the curriculum of MIT, but not all the faculty are good at motivating and teaching. The campus placements also not very good when compared to other universities. Infrastructure of the college is very good the campus is built in an area of 94 acres",8.2 2842,Gautam sharma,Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering - [DITE],Ennoggy one of the best function in my college there under so many function conduct like Riddeles solving dite got talent gk quiz Friends on question amd so on event conduct by college this event running time is 2 days but next yr the running time is increase and it will be 3 days 2 days for event and days for industrial visit.Labs was good Sports faculty is not good there is so many extracurricular activities like debate dance singing poster making and so many eca but in sports faculty not too good if you want to play then play not an issue but if you need any sport college is not ready for that this is the biggest issue in my college,6.8 2843,Rik Bhattacharjee,M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences - [MSRUAS],The positive thing is its well maintained by the workers. No issies with hygiene and cleanliness. Every possible things are mainted by the college. The only negative thing is our campus is not in main branch. It is situated in an industrial area. Which makes us bery uncomfortable with the environment.The labs of our college is well maintained and every instrument is in good condition. Still some instruments are not so good in performance. But in average no student will have any issues regarding to there experiment. They also have a nominal fine for the instruments which is destroyed by students.,8.5 2844,Shoham Das,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Kalinga institute of industrial technology is a place of opportunities not only for acedemics or placements but also sports and extra curricular activities as development in multiple fields are often what makes a institute great.The labs are one of the plus points of the institute as they are equipped with the most mordern machineries required to prepare students for the industriesYou have to give kiitee (kiit entrance exam ) to get into the college, a minimum of 60% is needed to sit for the exam. Age Must be not less than 17 and more than 20 for admission. First process is to give the test. Second process is to turn up for counseling. Third process is to take admission",9 2845,Manish Pradeep Potdar,Sinhgad College of Engineering - [SCOE] Vadgaon Ambegaon,I cant define my college as good or bad but its result can define it. And it is seen that there are always students are there in top 10 university rankers from our college. Now talking about its infrastructures and faculties these things are really very good. Placements and etc. I will suggest my college for a person looking for enginnering colleges.There are so many events in a year that are celebrated in the college. There is a sinhagad carnival named event which helds in September month of every year also there is a event named sinhgad karandak which helds in january or February of every year. These events are the greast events in the whole city.,8.2 2846,TUSHAR,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],"At first I filled up the form for JEE MAINS and gave its exam. After that I filled up the form for Thapar University which was available on their website. After that on the basis of the JEE MAINS the Thapar University provide admissions to the students. All the documents are varied on the day that they have decided. Later, our admission was confirmed and we are allocated a seat in that.The faculty is mostly having PhD degree. The teaching is not up to the mark, they are also providing students with online lectures which are recorded directly from the classrooms. But still all the teachers are not teaching well. Many teachers are also teaching good. And they all are available for any doubts after the class also.",7.8 2847,KUNDLA AMAR NATH REDDY,Prathyusha Engineering College - [PEC],"The Gender ratio, approximately for every class of 50 students there are 30 boys and 20 girls. Most students, that is 60% come from Andhra Pradesh and other states, only 40-45% students are the native residents, so there's a lot of diversity in culture, language, etc . The labs are pretty good, clean and have nearly all the latest machines, electronic devices. Sports are considered seriously by the college management. Participation in tournaments and other college events are encouraged.My brother is also studying in this college.Because of my brother, I started knowing of this college.So with the help of my brother, I got admission in the college.After that, I search in google about this college and finally with the help of my brother I joined in this college",7.3 2848,Parshant khichi,Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology - [GZSCCET],"I was stressed about my admission in that college because i got 61% but i got it. Even if you got 50% u will still get admission. First of all i registered my self to the mrsptu site and paid 5000 rupees as registration fee. If unfortunately u don't get selected from counseling which you surely would (99% chances are of selection) your 3000 will be given back to you. Then i reached the college with my sister for admission and found my certificates incomplete so i then completed my certificates and then went to college again and completed my incomplete file and got admitted. I was very confused about what to choose but everyone saying CSE is not a good option for you but I chose it.The teachers are really great and supportive. Yesterday i was waiting for auto standing at the gate of the college when a teacher was passing from there on his bike he asked me to where to go and then he gave me a lift to the Bus stand. You just have to give that respect they deserve. Just don't participate in the rubbish your friends make on teachers while they free.",7.7 2849,Kaushal pandit,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"The following criteria for admission in engineering/pharmacy colleges in West bengal are: 1.Online registration of WBJEE Entrance examination which releases in the month of january-february. 2.Give written examination for this(paper consists of total 200 marks physics and chemistry=100 marks and maths=100 marks). 3.After giving the exam wait for the result. 4.After result see your rank and according to that rank see the cut-off of different top colleges in WB. 5.Register for counselling for after a right decision which college do you give 1st 2nd 3rd or going(make sure you choose that college which take the students in particular stream is near to your rank and also you have choosen the stream.) The rank details are provided on WBJEE official website-https://wbjeeb.nic.in/WBJEEBCMS/public/home.aspx 6.On a particular date WBJEE board will announce your allotment of college which you opted and ask for document verification(Must carry all the documents which is mentioned in the website otherwise will be disqualified for counselling). 7.Get your allotment letter and go for admission on the date where your college is allotted. 8.Then you are all set have fun.Ya this place is just awesome. I'm studying studying this college and there's no fun couldn't be possible. This place organiSes different types of event which is very very less to say in words. One of few I want to mention ie., Fresher's party (welcome party for juniors) Teacher's day grand celebration Kritanj(the most important technical fest in our campus) Book fair Exhibition for different technical models and creative things And many more. It gives me goosebumps when I remember all those memories and staggered through a strong feeling and makes me emotional.",6 2850,Sai Tarun,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],"Yes, All have scholarshipAll are feasible only For all persons it has 2.5 lakhs Based on merit list we get scholarship will have for all persons Whose students got above 90% in gpa They get 100% scholarship. Whose students get above 80% They get 50% scholarship.First i go to the college and consult the faculty what is the process to join here. good collebrations are there are not? And i ask infrastructure after he ask my 10 th and intermediate marks list after he said that you got seat by merit list.",8.8 2851,Rishi Deo Rai,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"Positive Remarks are that there is no big issue related to attendance teachers are not also that much strict if you want to prepare exams like Gate or Gre and other gov. Exams you can prepare for that and cons are there is no good fest and no good technical societies happen ad no star night no edm night, nothing related to that and their is no senior junior interaction, no induction programs also not their.From this year all mba ,btech , medical courses are given on the rank of national level exams and other professional and managaement courses are given on the basis of common entrance test, previous year these courses are also given by cet by from now you have to write national level exams.",7.7 2852,Aljo AJ,Calicut University Institute of Engineering Technology - [CUIET],"The the senior students are very helpful ,they are the people who who junior like me has a good relation there no raging. But they find time to.talk with us a give the idea of their experiences of facing the exams. Most books are give by our seniors and they help to solve problem ,if the case of any personal problemsThe main problem is there is no WiFi but it will be solved ,there is no permeant staff and there is lot of teaching vecancy ,there no exact closed are because of the road passing through college campus our college is under Calicut University so development are slow",5.3 2853,Aryan,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"I just sat in jee mains exam and I got my percentile they gave me scholarship and entrance to this university Joint Entrance Examination it is basically a common entrance exam to enter into the any engineering college in IndiaCourse couriculam is not upto the mark May be it is because I am in first year and we have common subjects Few courses in LPU doesn't have recognition from government. Academics and Curriculum: They have World class faculty",7.3 2854,Aljo AJ,Calicut University Institute of Engineering Technology - [CUIET],"The the senior students are very helpful ,they are the people who who junior like me has a good relation there no raging. But they find time to.talk with us a give the idea of their experiences of facing the exams. Most books are give by our seniors and they help to solve problem ,if the case of any personal problemsThe main problem is there is no WiFi but it will be solved ,there is no permeant staff and there is lot of teaching vecancy ,there no exact closed are because of the road passing through college campus our college is under Calicut University so development are slow",5.3 2855,Shivam Tyagi,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],First of all I have filled the online form after that I was received admit card the exam date was given in it I attempted the exam on the given date approximately 15 days later I have got my results and after that I have taken admission in this universityLpu is the University in which maximum number of events takes place recently guru randhawa performed in our campus one India one world is the famous cultural fest of lpu It is the only private university which has hosted pm narendra modi,8.7 2856,Aryan Sachdeva,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"I gave the exam called LPUNEST on the basis of that I got admission and also scholarship. After that we have all the required documents, submitted the fees of the college and the hostel.there are various types of hostels here , we took 4 seater AC room and paid hostel fees.Faculties are highly qualified! The mode of communication in the classes is only English. they explain everything to the core that is required in the field, they have a in depth knowledge of their own subjects that gives inner satisfaction to the students",9.3 2857,BANTUPALLI GUNA SUNDAR,Academy of Maritime Education and Training University - [AMET],"Yes college has a good relationship with banking related issues, they provide bank loan with certain bank.they also provide us Bonafide certificate so that we can access bank loan in other bank other their banks which are linked with them.I have got admission through entrance exam.i also enquired many to take admission in this particular college because only placements are there then only we can say that this college is good.",7.8 2858,Vijay Potekar,D. Y. Patil College of Engineering,"Yes there are many government scholarship for student and college doesn't help any poor student. College only take fees without consession.even if student is not able to admission in college,also one thing is that they didn't have installment schemeI'm studying Mechanical engineering and also we need a new revolution in studying like practicals , experiments,needs some kind of new improvement for education system like teachers will have to create interest of the student in that subject",5.5 2859,Jayant,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"I had to go first give and qualify for the viteee exam, then according to my rank, it was decided whether I will be getting the course that I wanted to choose. According to your rank, you are given a date on which you can come and choose the course you want. The less your rank, the more choices you have, as the people with less rank get to choose first i.e a person with rank 10 gets to choose before a person with rank 20.There are a number of extracurricular activities here. We have approx more than 150 clubs, which is more than almost any institute in this country. You can apply and get into them. Here there are sports facilities for various sports such as badminton, soccer, swimming, cricket, athletics, etc. Labs are also available for every subject that it is necessary for.",8.8 2860,Supragya Vikram Singh,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],Seniors are extremely polite and helpful to the Juniors and help us in their free time. Our Alumni organize various seminars and talk sessions from time to time.The campus is known to be very safe with wide interaction between juniors and seniors irrespective of their courses. The seniors actually organize many events and generally the Juniors do all the work with the organizing committee composed mostly of Juniors with seniors occupying only the head positions.The course curriculum is one of a kind which was designed by the University itself. It entails courses with credits. Each semester has 4 exam sessions where the total marks of a student for the semester are calculated based upon the credit for the subject. This gives the grade category of the subject. The Course Curriculum is really varied and difficult to understand but it's doable.,7.5 2861,Kalyan Chakravarthi Ganji,Prathyusha Engineering College - [PEC],"Everything will be fine here. All are at affordable prices according to anna university rules and regulations. Yes, it is prevalent to the research-driven and fairly mentioned. It is better professional. also.we can join through TNEA also. It is a counselling process. Where students of Tamil Nadu can participate in it. Direct admission for other states and Tamil nadu also. I joined in this college through direct admission.They are very student-friendly. All are certified, degree holders. Some of them persued their phd too Still some are in the process of achieving. There will be staff who took care of each and every student. Especially they give every time motivation about the current scenario about the world engineering trend. Technical staffs are good at knowledge.",9 2862,Sk Irfan hussen,Prathyusha Engineering College - [PEC],"The Gender ratio, approximately for every class of 50 students there are 30 boys and 20 girls. Most students, that is 60% come from Andhra Pradesh and other states , only 40-45% students are the native residents, so there's a lot of diversity in culture , language, etc . The labs are pretty good , clean and have nearly all latest machines, electronic devices. Sports are considered seriously by the college management. Participation in tournaments, other college events are encouraged.Generally, the basic events, which happen in the college every year are Symposium, cultural, Sports day and etc. In symposium, there are lot of technical, non-technical events with seminars and webinars at reasonable entry fees. The way the event to conducted should develop a bit , to make it more popular among other colleges and students.",8 2863,Shreshth Jaiswal,VIT Bhopal University,"I gave the entrance exam of VIT known as VITEEE in 2019. After the results were declared, we were called in the preferred campus for the counseling process of VIT. They only provided the dates for a certain range of rank holders. The process was done calmly and I chose the Bhopal campus of VIT.AdVITya, a technology and cultural fest is held in our own college campus in the months of February and sometimes in March. Many colleges from different states also participate in this event. Some other events are also there.",5.2 2864,Chandra Prakash Brijwasi,"College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology","Yes the class timing schedule is hectic and tiring. OTHER thing is that lab is not upto to required level or we can say that not meeting up the standards of the prescribed syllabus in course. the negative thing about the college is also that the attendance should be above 85ercentage. vaccination of 10 percentage in attendance can be given but in extreme severe cases that will be given by the dean of the college of technology Pantnagar but in other cases the student has to repeat the course if sales in maintaining the attendance to 85 percentage. The other thing is that the timing of the lab is also not suitable and the equipments is provided in the lab also not up to the mark. food provided in the message not up to the quality as the payment has been given by the students their should get a proper quality food in the proper time with a balanced portion of nutrientsI have given joint entrance examination that is known JEE main for bachelor of engineering or bachelor of architecture examination.After the result is announced a counselling is been scheduled for the branch that is to be taken admission in.After the counselling has been done the student has to report itself in the college with the necessary required documents and the fees has to be submitted in the form of the demand draft within the time frame that has been scheduled.and after that the student got a letter that states that you have been admitted in the course in the college of technology Pantnagar",6.8 2865,Prakhar Narayan,University of Engineering and Management - [UEM],Fee structure of this colleges very visible you cannot find this type of fees structure in any other college many colleges are there but all are very good City costly in terms of fee structure we have seen in this college fees structure is half of fee structure of any other collegeI think that the college is very good the type of examination which are held are of very much significant to the students exams are dear dear here in such a way that every students calibre is fully developed so that your she can go to any company,7.8 2866,TEJA SAI GOVIND,Global Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIT],After writing intermediate education on the basis of inter I wrote ts eamcet examination. On this exam I got 6036 rank. On the basis of this after completion of certificate verification of SSC and intermediate by the eamcet conviner I got registration on option entry for engineering college.after option entry of many engineering colleges and many branch (department). in the 2nd counseling I got admission in this college Thai is global college of engineering and technology.Fee structure is not at all expensive it is very low and have quantity education Teaching is very good in this college all are well experienced faculty and advanced knowledge is prepared. Encourage in all the aspects of teaching and other environmental and physical education is also given to the children.,7.5 2867,Ravivarma Poloju,SVS Group of Institutions,At first I written eamcet in Hyderabad of CMR college. Then after result came I chooosen to take B. Tech admission then I choosen a sir in svs institutions then I given my certificate to that sir and then he kept my web options. Then in it I got seat in Svs college then I came into college and joined by paying admission fee. So I am continuing my studies in Svs Institute hanamkondaMy opinion was CSE is it is a good branch to get easily job and then I choosen this branch and this is very easy and we can get easily job so I have choosen this branch. This branch the exam structure is so good and very easy. In this branch subjects are easy,2.5 2868,Shubham Bansal,University Institute of Engineering and Technology - [UIET],"Through jee rank,i got admission by applying for haryana state technical counselling hstes.org, in 2nd counselling i got admission and i also applied for physical counselling to shift the stream but couldnt happen.Labs are also very good many appratus are there and many new appratus have also came.workshops are held for engineering students in which they can learn some extra skills except from their syllabus and many more.",7.2 2869,Alan Varughese Abraham,College of Engineering and Management - [CEM] Punnapara,Labs has a really good set of faculty members.It has really good infrastructure and has everything needed for the experiments.Eventhough we don't have a college ground of our own we have seeked permission of other college to give the ground.The college a good set of teams for cricket football and volleyball.Once we about to win trophy at Ktu level.35000 per year it is feasible since my family background is not that good.First i got seat in a private college where the fee was a mamooth total of 100000 per year.we where about to take loan from bank but with gods grace got admission to this college.(govt. Controlled self financing college),9.2 2870,Bandari Sandeep,Vaagdevi Engineering College - [VEC],"The admission will be given on the basis of marks obtained in EAMCET examination which is conducted by the JNTU under the influence of Telangana State. This college has its own cutoff marks , the person who secure the college cutoff marks will get admission.The code curriculum was quite enough and the examination Is classified into internal and external exams, internal exam includes lab and Assignments and it is for 25 marks where and external exam is for 75 marks , over the examination is for 100 marks.",8 2871,Priyanshu saxena,Vivekananda Institute of Technology,"The placement and job opportunities are good. Many companies come to the college such as infosys, Microsoft. Our college provides internship too by internshala. We can take internship from our college as well as outside too. The teachers keeps sending us different internships to give us more opportunities. So internship facilities are good.The college celebrates the freshers party very well. Orientation for the new admissions is really fun and good so that they could make themselves comfortable. The biggest event of our college is panache in which there is edm night as well as celebrity night. Panache also have many sports to perform.",7.7 2872,Chaitanya Sanmotra,"J.C. Bose University Of Science And Technology, YMCA","I got admission in this college after clearing the JEE mains test and after that through a centralised counselling.You have to clear the jee mains and then you have to join the counselling and then you have to set your college preference and then after the seat availability in the college and the rank you secure in the JEE mains you get the admissionLabs are good but the sports activities are not that promoted.we have only one group and everything is messed there.football, cricket, volleyball is played only on that single ground and the students are more prone to get injured while playing too many things on a single ground",6.8 2873,omkar,Sinhgad College of Engineering - [SCOE] Vadgaon Ambegaon,"1.sinhgad carnival 2.Sinhgad carndak 3.sinhgad dandiya night sinhgad carndak is one of the best event celebrate in our college because in this event many subevent are arrange i.e fashion show ,singing, etc.and last day of carandak is name is DJ Night which is very popular.extracurricular activities are labs.,central library ,Gym , swimming pool,cricket ground , hospital ,many facilities are given by college. library are very big thereare 5 floor in our library student are use this.they are in very good condition.clean and without noise.",6.7 2874,Vijay,Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology - [AIT],"In my college fee structure is feasible but kea fee structure is very expensive so applying educational loan it gives very feasible for us and also fee structure of any programs and building fee structure is very expensiveEletrotech fest , freshs party are conducted in electrotech there are many events and games it was very amazing and very successfully celebrated in my college and freshers party also very good and excellent function",9 2875,Mahendrakar saikumar,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],We are not interaction with them so i don't have any idea about that may be in future it will help why means they will tell which courses we want to take and they will tell which country is best for particular course yes somewhat they will helpFeasible only for me why because i joined with 75 scholarship that's why feasible for me fee structure is two ways one is for college one is for hostel we have to pay fee in two steps half fee in 1 sem another half is in next sem,7.7 2876,Pradyumna Gayake,MIT Academy of Engineering - [MITAOE],"Our college too good Positive effects are he/she gets a degree, makes new friends, becomes more diverse, most likely gets a good job after graduating, and helps he/she to become more independant and grow as an individual. Our college in rural area Huge fee structureIn our students gets scholarship for tuition fee And hostel maintains It is very important support of government, that student get scholarship I am thankful for government of Maharashtra Scholarship - 1.Rajarshi that maharaj scholarship 2.dr Panjabrao deshmukh",6.8 2877,Hemang Kinra,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"There is credit base course system in which we earn credits for every 1hr class lecture and 2 credits for each 3hr lab class. We have a total of 8 semester of 4 months each which are as follows 1. Odd semester - (aug-nov) After that we have 1 month winter break. 2. Even semester - (jan-apr) After that we have 1 month winter break. Course Curriculum is good as we have subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics, material sciences, mechanics, CS in first year to make students know branch is for their betterment. We can also upgrade our branch (based on seat availability and your CGPA). From 2nd year onwards they only study branch specific subjects. EXAM PATTERN: There 3 minor exams and 2 major exam(Mid-sem and End-sem) Best thing is that we have relative grading. This grading depends upon Topper's marks and not on Maximum marksFee structure is as follows For general and OBC category - around 2lacs (1 year) For ST, SC and PWD around 80k (1 year) There is also a scheme for ST and SC category students in which the government provide full fee redemption plus extra money for laptop and books top 10 students of respective category. As I am a general category student I feel that the fees for general category students is a bit on a expensive side and there is no scholarship facility to meritorious students.",6.7 2878,Muhammad saleeth,MES College of Engineering - [MESCE] Kuttippuram,"I get admission in management quota through jee main entrance exam. There are 3 type of admission can be taken one is merit that is through entrance by online seat allocation, 2nd one is through management quota that is through we should have any of entrance exam be passed. And the third is by nri seat whose parents are working abroadThe fees structure is feasible for normal people in Kerala most of the college are having same fees structure. The fees varies in each quota.in merit it is less, for management it is some what more and for nri seat it is expensive, nri seat are mostly for nri students and student not having entrance",8.5 2879,Pk.balaji,SASTRA University,In our university there many events takes place all around the year bit mainly two events are more special in our university they are cultural event kuruksastra and a technical event called dhaks.apart from this more sports and other events will also happens.Overall i like my college and it ia good platform for showcase your talent and to suceed in the life.but they hardly give holidays it makes us irritating during the exam times and during cia exams they conduct two exams in one day it is little bit difficult.,8 2880,Akash Wilson,National Institute of Technology - [NITC],"Ther are sports like cricket, football, tennis, badminton etc. However they provide importance to mime, street play, dance and other cultural activities too. Ther is a cricket team, football team, etc along with a spoof team, mime team and other cultural teams along with the sports team.- Tech fest Tatva. This is the techno-management fest with various workshops motor shows, robo fights, mud race etc - Cultural fest Ragam. This is the cultural fest which is known to be the largest in South India. It has lots of cultural competitions, and other small events.",8.7 2881,Abeedar M A,Sreepathy Institute of Management and Technology - [SIMAT] Vavannor,"My college provide placements in every end of the years. My college itself have a placement cell, where every final year students can visit and seek help regarding placement and job. My college also providing internship in several streams. I applied to two internships, but I was unlucky, I didn't selected.I am studying B Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It is of four years, consists of total 8 semesters. Each semester contains 6 academic months including vacation. Exam conducts in the last week of all semesters. Totally 8 sem exams. Also 2 series exams are also conducted in every semesters.",9 2882,Pratyush Saurabh,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"As far as loan is concerned I have not applied for it as the fees is not that much high and could be affordable but basically I have not seen any kiosk of bank or something like any other college during counseling which offer loan but their is portal of Vidya Lakshmi which help students to avail loan which can be find in the college website i.e mait.ac.inFor scholarship, yes I do have applied for the same as this college comes under the state government so the student welfare scheme i.e Merit-cum-means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme launched byt the Delhi government back in 2017 is applicable for only delhi state government colleges and so for this college. It can be applied through delhi edistrict portal i.e edistrict.delhigovt.nic.in and after submitting the required documents online we have to submit one set of copy to the college also.For a student having total family income less than 1 lakh per year their is 100% scholarship on tution fees.For student having total family income between 1 lakh to 2.5 lakhs their is a scholarship of 50% and the main slab in which most of the middle income category student fall is for the students having total famoly income between 2.5 lakhs to 6 lakhs per annum, 25% scholarship on the tution fees is being provided.Also here like any other college it is not like that tution fees have shown less due to which their will not be much benefit of the scholarship but here out of 1.25 lakhs the total tution fees is 1.12 lakhs which is almost the total fees.Apart from the category a student fall in, an additional Rs. 5k is being given in this given to a student annually.Also a student must scored a 60% in previous academic year to avail this scholarship. For SC/ST 55%.This college has a decent course curriculum according to me.As the exam structure is basically divided into two sections in a semester i.e Internals and Externals which are also called as Mid-Term and End-Term Examination. As the college is affiliated to the IP University thus the End-Term Examination is held and conducted by the University itself.The Internals are also divided into two part 1st sessional amd 2nd sessional.1st sessional is of 25 marks which afterwards gets normalized to 15 marks to the total and the 2nd sessional is of 15 marks which then normalized into 5 marks to the total.Thus from these two sessionals a total of 20 marks is added to the total and the rest of 5 marks is upto the college i.e for attendance, assignments, behavior, discipline et.Therefore from 100, 25 marks is givem by the college itslef and for the rest 75 marks End Term Examination is being conducted by the university.",8.7 2883,Jitika gupta,Shoolini University,"Induction programs for new comer , introduction of themselves as well teacher senior everyone get to know each other and show there talent . Then we have sprints in we get to know about struggles challenges we are going to get in future , in this programs many influencers comes .then we have moksh which lasts for 3 days their dance programs food art section many more fun things.Yes, there are many extracurricular activities cricket cooking yoga badminton basketball art dance etc. We get extra subject with our core subject which compulsory to take in which many things are included eg robotics,nanotechnology, yoga, local, banking, marketing, AI, computer clouding, food and nutrition, value and ethic, grooming hospitality, german, Chinese etc..",8 2884,Subhransu Kumar das,National Institute of Science and Technology - [NIST],"There are 2 events held in our college. The first one is waves which is thra campus competition among students of nist helping variety of things starting from qizes, games, entertainment, competition and prize of cash. The second one is sankalp the official tech fest of nist institution which is held every year in month of January or February. It's an inter scale competition where students from any college can come and participate in any of the competition and receive moments, certificate, exciting cash prizesThe course curriculum is very approachable and easily understandable. That is previously it was under bput rules and regulations but now it has been an autonomous institution so therefore it follows an autonomous or own way or own style of teaching, exms in such a way that students get motivation. For a semester there is one midsem held of 100 marks and at last the final semester is done. Both the marks are considered for final results that will be published by bput but corrections will never done by college",9 2885,Thatigutla chalukya reddy,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],"Jee mains 1, Jee mains 2, Jee advanced, Now a days they are conducting two jee mains and one have to qualify in one of these exams to write jee advanced. Jee mains will be conducted on fours days with two sessions morning and afternoon and for every session they will give cummulative percentile and selection will be based on thier merit. In jee advanced one have to get a rank below 1500 to get seat in iit guwahati ece branch.In 1 st year for one division there will a total students of 250 members and classes will be held in lecture halls so they cannot concentrate on us. Tutorials will be there in morning 8 am to 9 am in that phd scholars will teach the problems given by the faculty and for that only 40 students will be there at max so we can ask doubts there. They are also good but not best but professor will teach in a very good manner.",9.5 2886,Prathamesh Ingulkar,Zeal Education Society's Zeal College of Engineering and Research - [ZCOER],"I cleared my diploma in computers and got myself a seat for engineering in this College,I filled the online Admission form and got the seat through the merit list.We have to pass the diploma,then we have to apply on the website,and we get the college according to our preference list and marksThe course curriculum is very interesting,It provides a challenging aspect to the studies,but it isn't that hard.the curriculum is designed according to the necessities of today's world.we have online exams and theory written exams and submissions.",9.7 2887,Chandan sahu,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],It is feasible like we have to pay 2 lakh per annum but we do have scholarship facilities like if parents income is less than 1 lakh then we have to pay 75 thousand a year and if income is less than 5 lakh per annum then we have to pay 1lakh 25 thousand and it is a good concept needy people also gets loan from the bankWe have technical fest named innovision where people all over the India comes to learn and participate in the technical competition this time famous singer Gajendra Verma came here in the technical fest we have garden feast few days before we also have cultural fest where students perform and it is attended by many,8.8 2888,Vipul Nandwana,Amity University,"Students scoring above 80% in boards are given 25% scholarship. While students with percentage above 85 are given 50% scholarship. Students with percentage above 90 get 75% scholarship and students scoring above 95% have 100 % scholarshipAmity University Kolkata hosts many events like sports events, talent shows and many more. Durga Puja is celebrated every year in a grand way and there are a lot of events to participate in. Freshers party is celebrated every year",8.2 2889,Paghdal Abhishek NARENDRABHAI,"Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda",My college have a number of faculties with their PhD degrees and there is number of faculty members come to teach us they all are regular and very very knowledgeable persons they all know how to teach students in easy ways they all are warmly teach us at any kinds of queries about any topics at anywhere and anytime.The scholarship I will get MYSY stands for MUKHYAMANTRI YUVA SWAVLAMBAN YOJNA.And any other scholarships I will not apear because the government has rule that student get any one scholarship So I am appear for only one scholarship and I am not taking loan from bank at this time,8.2 2890,Prathamesh Bhoir,A. C. Patil College of Engineering - [ACPCE],Job opportunities are given more importance in this institute. Placement cell manages the placement work. Students are offered job opportunities through the college itself. Placement drives are held not only for the own college students but also for the other students.Extracurricular activities are also a major part of the daily schedule. Various labs are available for different subjects so that students can study the particular topic. All kind of indoor and outdoor sports are held in the college campus.,8.7 2891,Akshat Jain,"Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya University - [IET -DAVV]",Placement and job opportunities in IT related branches like CSE IT AND Electronic in very good higher packages approach around 20-25 LPA average package for these branches is around 4.5 LPA and many job opportunities for these students who are having technical feilds but for CIVIL AND MECHANICAL you've to sit into these IT job opportunities for your job as well if you're good in communication and other skills you might end up with a package of more than 10 LPA.try to maintain a good Gpa around 8 -9.There are mainly 2 events which are major one is the technical fastival named INVENTO and other is cultural festival named AAKSHANK which is like the biggest cultural fest of central india many celebrities come for fests and students get a lot of opportunities for participating in these various competitions and programs. Also EDAY and induction ceremony and held quite nicely in the college.,7 2892,NAMAN KUMAR VARSHNEY,Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - [NIET],"Our college NIET alumni network is good. Seniors are always there for help in every way including studies, enjoyment , sports. There is no bad behaviour from seniors side. As first year campus is different from others 2nd 3rd and 4th year students then also you can visit there campus in 5 min walking distance. At the end I have to say that college is very good in this area as compared to other colleges.There are some activities held by college every year. Also there are so many innovation labs held by college free of cost for students like AI, robotics etc. These labs are very good and you get to know something extra which makes a differnece in you and your friend at the time of placement but if you are absent on one day due to any reason , a fine of Rs 500 is charged on you. So best of luck.",7.8 2893,Ayushman Pandey,Amity University,There are extra curricular activities which are arranged to get the students busy and be the labs are also there which depends on the credit score. The students can go anytime and do practicals if the want. The sports period is not there as the students can themselves give time to that.The overall placement is good and maximum students get placed in the 4 year starting. A placement drive is done for the students. A lot of companies visit the college for placement. Mimimum of 6 cgpa is required. The college provide placement but u can also opt for outside internship.,8 2894,Deep Thakkar,Devang Patel Institute of Advance Technology and Research - [DEPSTAR],There are scholarship facility available to our college students. There are many different scholarship available to us. The students who have secured more than 80% in the board examinations and are meritorious are given scholarship. Another is mysy which is a government scholarship given to students with less than 6lacs annual income and more than 80 percentile in the board examinations.First of all you have to pass the 12 gujarat board examination and then gujcet exam and apply in ACPC. Then you get admission through your acpc rank and choice filling. Then if you get admission in any round then take the admission slip and go to the college for verification and fees payment,8.3 2895,S Gurusaran,SASTRA University,This college provides equal importance to each and every field. They provide lots and lots of opportunities for the students to showcase their talents in various different fields. Only disappointment is that the day scholars find it difficult to come. The college buses go very slow so it takes time to reach homeThe fees is very less compared to many other good instituitions. I have heard from my friends and their parents studying in other universities complaining about the fees they pay there. This top university makes sure everyone can pay the fees without any struggle,8 2896,Amar,KLE Technological University,There are negligible negative remarks about this college. But i already mentioned all the positive remarks about the college. The best part is that the college is autonomous university so they have everything under their control and maintain good results and placementsThey conduct many extracurricular activities recently we had sports day in which we played all sorts of sports and even we have every sport in gymkhana which is free for every student and even labs have good equipments and there is free WiFi for us to work in campus.,8.7 2897,G D Hrithik,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Overall this college seems good, it has a very good reputation in our state, it has a great alumni like N R NARAYANAMURTY, only negative remark is campus is small, its not a problem anymore as this college is going to become an University, the campus is going to be changed in near future.If your rank in KCET is less than 7000, u will get fee waiver(I'm not sure about it), I'm sorry I really don't know any, there are some scholarships and reservations for SC,ST,OBC people. You don't need any loan as the fee is not that high when compared to other deemed universites.",9 2898,Kartik baldaniya,Dr. S & S.S. Ghandhy Government Engineering College,My corse is civil engineering and my college exam sedule has 6 months University exam and after three month we get Mid semester exam and my course curriculum is total 8th semester of my branch and currently I studied in 3rd semesterHmm very hard celebration in our college as start first year so last year student give freses party of first year student and they give lot of fun moment and after we celebrate navratri and also celebrate all national festival,5.8 2899,Hamaz Hashim V P,Amal Jyothi College of Engineering - [AJCE],"Merit list. I have written KEAM entrance test and i have qualified the test. I was having a rank of nearly some 32000. I was asked to give my priority list of colleges and courses. I have kept Amal Jyothi College as the 1st option. And in the 2nd allotment i have got allotment in a college named Toms College Of Engineering. From there i have got 3rd allotment in Amal Jyothi College Of Engineering, and currently i am studying here as a first year stident.Many companies are recruiting many students from out college. Our college is having a TBI(technology business incubator) , that is a place where you can do your projects and get internships. Its a place where you can start a startup company and everything like that. Every year many of our students are recruited. I dont have experienced it since i am a first year student, joined the college this year.",8.3 2900,Siddharth Kamboj,JB Institute of Technology - [JBIT],"University offers scholarships (known as TFW scheme) to students from the state of Uttrakhand whose family's annual income is less than ?3lac (for which you have to show Income Certificate issued by state government). For that you should have your score card of JEE Main and income certificate. Then you have to enroll in online counselling in University website through which they merit students and provides scholarship (in which you don't have to pay ""tuition fees"" in alloted college).As college is affiliated to UTU (which is a state government University) so all the curriculum is made there. From a couple of years University is changing syllabus every year, even subjects are increasing - decreasing and they are trying to upgrade but not like other good universities here. And now (2019) they are far behind the mark to be one of the good(i would say average) University in India.",5.5 2901,Sudev k,Sreepathy Institute of Management and Technology - [SIMAT] Vavannor,"I got admission through management.I got rank in jee so I got my seat fastly with less fees.first of all they we goes to college administrator he collected introduced sreepathi college to me and said about their placement and teaching.Then finally he introduced me to our honourable principal who asked me about my abitions and why you choose this stream and he gave me more power to go forwardLabs are well maintained that we can use it very easily college also provide a lab assistant who is cauches us well that when we have any doubt we can call him any time,we have a playground that we can use by permission. There is a sport sir who is very energetic that he select the students and help them to grow",9 2902,Pulkit Soni,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],"The course curriculum was very much structured. They try to make the students industry ready. Not just theoretical knowledge is imparted apart from that students are given practical knowledge about the same. The exam structure is like there are 8 semesters for btech out of which each semester has a mid sem exam which comprises of 20% of total score of the semester and then end semester exams which contributes to 50% of overall score and rest 30% is for internal assessment.Coming to the placement part, the college tries to place each and every student but don't compensate for the heavy amount of fee paid by the students. The placement scenario is a bit dicey. Some can get a job of 20 lacs or more and some can get only 3-4 lacs per annum. So the average placement could be around 4.5-5 lacs per annum. Yes internships are provided by the college as well and the faculty also helps the students to get internships.",9 2903,Goutham S,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"The placement in IITs is the best when compared to any other college in the country. Moreover the mechanical branch of IIT Madras is ranked no. 1 in the country. Our college provides internship from the first year onwards and most of these internships are paid ones. In the first year, the average stipend is around 20000 inr while in the final year it can vary from 50000 to few lakhs, if you are working with international companies. The placement scenes are also very encouraging because the percent of students who get placed is around 85 percent. The average salary mostly depends on the branch that we have studied.In the first year, the curriculum is the same for all the students. Generally speaking, the course is not a piece of cake. We would have to study regularly in order to follow the next day's class, else we won't be able to keep up with the pace of professors. The teachers teach in such a manner that we students already know most of the things that he is going to teach. In one semester we have two quizzes and one end semester exam. Between these, there would be minitest to make sure we study well. All these marks are used to calculate our grades at the end of each semester.",8.2 2904,Medhavi Srivastava,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],The best thing about the course curriculum is that most of the non-core subjects are taught only in the first semester. From the second semester onwards almost all the subjects are core subjects besides one or two non-core subjects. The subjects in the curriculum are quite relevant though you can't depend on the faculty to teach you everything. You have to study yourself. Each semester has 2 minor exams during the semester and one major exam at the end of the semester. There is also 1 lab minor exam and 1 lab major exam.It is very important for you to have good relations with your seniors here. Seniors are quite helpful in helping you with academics as well as in helping you to explore and learn various kinds of software and hardware development and coding. The alumi network is good. It is important to connect with them through LinkedIn. They help out by providing referrals.,6.2 2905,Imtiaz Abdul Gafur,National Institute of Technology - [NITK],"This place has its own private beach, swimming pool, all the major sports facilities, student environment in general is great here and this place is regarded as best NIT for life in campus. The food here can be improved alot. Apart from other things and the facilities available in the hostel should be available always.There's always something to do in campus at NITk, the two main flagship events are Engineer and Incident, first one being technical and second one is the cultural fest of the college. But apart from this there are always some or the other thing to do here.",7.5 2906,Kshitij Singh Bhadoria,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"The college helds many events from small to big, so I will be writing about the best events of college There are 3 main college events here 1. Atmos - The technical fest, this is a 3 day event where many workshops are held and several competitions are held where students from all over the country participate 2. Arena - The sports fest, students from across the country come and take part in several sports contest and compete to win 3. Pearl- The cultural fest, this is a 3 days event where many workshops related to music, dance and art are held and competitions also take place, this is the biggest fest for college since celebrities like Vishal Dadlani,Amit Trivedi etc. have come to perform here and the vibe is the most positive one would have ever seenThere is an entrance exam just like JEE Mains known as BITSAT where there are 150 questions with a time limit of 3 hours. Each student has to solve these questions and then gets marks after submitting the answers. Based on these marks students are ranked and then given preference for filling up their desired branch during admission process. The admission process goes up to 5 iterations where chances of getting a better preference is there. After 4th round all the students who want to take admission in college are called at the specific college and are asked to verify their submitted details physically to ensure no wrong information is provided and after a day of registration the students are admitted into the college.",9.3 2907,Surakshith,Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management - [DSATM],"The placements are pretty good in this college. This college has almost 90% placement percentage. It even provides opportunities for internship. The pay depends on the internship you select. I have not yet got any internship as I am a first year studentThe lab are amazing and no encouragement for physical activities, physical activities you need to take care of that.It has a huge library which has all the books and facilities of a good library it has seminar halls and student activitie center",7.8 2908,Rathod Ritesh,GIDC Degree Engineering College,"1.technical fastival 2. project fair 3.utkranri fastival 4.sport week. the technical festival one of best festival that many game and technical item in campus.the game for programer this go find error on give program and write full problem without Star monitor. in sports week one of best boy festival.many sport can play kabady, cricket,fatminton etci admission through diploma to degree so that admission was always late.so we can but our admission book of ACPD and register our student id.after that we verify our documents near help center and wait for choice filling date.at that day we can get our marit list and through that list we can select college.",7.7 2909,Shardul Kulkarni,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"I had applied for JEE - MAINS 2019 in 2018 by paying a sum of Rs.900 for January attempt and Rs. 500 for April attempt. Then by clearing the cutoff percentile in JEE-MAINS 2019 I got qualified to write JEE-ADVANCED 2019 in May. I filled out the application form for JEE ADVANCED 2019 by paying a sum of Rs.2600. Then I wrote JEE-ADVANCED 2019 on 27th May 2019 and the results were announced for JEE ADVANCED 2019 on June 14th 2019. Then I applied for JOSAA counseling and gave my preference list of NIT/IIT/IIIT/GFTI. There were 7 rounds of counseling and I had reported to IIT Bombay as a part of formal process after round 1. And after all the rounds were over I reported to IIT BHU as I had been allotted Pharmaceutical engineering program here. Then I submitted the college fees as I came here.I am a general category male student and government doesn't provide scholarship to us cause we have committed crime being born as a general student and government automatically considers us as rich. I have an ultra rich class mate who uses apple products, travels by flights and is in no need of reservation nor scholarship but is getting both. And then there are countess general students who are struggling to pay the institute fee itself and are devoid of any scholarships. All I have to say is scholarships and reservations based on caste are useless and of no good! I would rate this section 0/10.",8 2910,Sagar Neupane,University Institute of Engineering and Technology -[UIET],"The course is divided into 8 semesters.In the first two semesters there are 6 subjects and after that 4 subjects in each semester.Subjects in first semester the subjects are Physics of waves oscillation and optics,Electronics And communication,Ethics amd self awareness,Introduction to IT,Mathematics,Programming in C.I got Admission in this college through JEE Mains Exam.I got 96.5 percentile and my All India Rank was 40224 So i got IT branch in this college.I registred in JAC chandigarh and in first round I got Electronics and communication branch then my branch got upgraded to IT in second round of counselling.",6.5 2911,Satyam Kumar,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"1) Fill the form of Kiitee which is absolutely free of cost. 2) Take the entrance test and you will be giving rank according to the marks secured. 3) You will be provided with the dates of counselling according to your rank. 4) Then after coming to the college on given date, you will have to go through the process of verification, counselling fees deposition of 11000 INR, 65000 INR one time which is mandatory to attend the counselling where Students will be called one by one on stage according to their rank and will be offered branches according to availability.In case if you don't take admission 65000 INR is refundable. 4) After taking the seats, you will be given an allotment letyer with all fee details and mess and room charges according to rooms selected. 5) After few days of counselling yoy will be mailed the reporting dates according to branches and you will be given the rooms and ID cards after submitting the fee receipts which can be deposited in various ways like RTGS OR NEFT.Course curriculum is very good. First year is provided with every subject even biology, actually it lets us choose our field of interest according to which we can pursue of career further in respective branches.Like i am am IT student, we are even taught biology so that interests students can work on programming softwares and devices used in Medical engineering. Exams are helding twice a semester. Mid semester exam is of 20 marks theory and rest marks depends on the attendance, presentations,class tests, viva, curiousity, Topic interest and many more. End semester exams consist of 50 marks which is theory and practical subject have not got anything to do with theory the exams pf practical papers are completely practical.",9.3 2912,Aayush jain,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],"extracurricular activities are at their best at MITS ,Annual event like mitswah,syahi, and various technical , festive , social , academic , skill development events are held in college , in addition to never ending events organized by various clubs(photography,music,dance,art,sports etc) and societies (iete,iste,tec etc) of college. Labs are equipped with average equipment and machines. And each department have ther separate well equipped labs. Sports are moment of joy as Annual cricket ,footsal,football, badminton , chess , athletics ets are held in and out of college with state level competition.MITS has a great placement and training cell which prepares student for professional interview and task.Around 30+ companies recruit students of all branches. MITS has average 70% placement with average package of 350,000 INR p/a. Placements of CSE/IT branch are 85% with average of 400,000 INR p/a. Yes , colledge do provide internships with average stipend of 5000 INR per month.I m a first year student so no internship offers are offered for freshers.",7.2 2913,Saurav S. Shakhawar,Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology - [VNIT],"See the fee structure depends on the capability of Student to pay for it. U can get the fee structure if you google it. I you are unable to pay the fees then you can even apply for education Loan and if your family income is less or your family is financially weak then the Institute also refunds some amount of fees based on your annual income.Our college is Central Government Funded College, Its a National Institute with a High Reputation. So obviously many companies come here to hire the brilliant brains of the Country. Also there are internships from 3rd Year itself for those who are interested. Also the PH.d Scholars are given Stipend.",8.3 2914,Kali saikiran,Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology - [VBIT],"There is an good placement record in our college Very good and many numbers of placements are being obtained to the students in various number of companies like Google,Wipro,Cisco lmt and many different companies for different branches like cse,ece ,IT,etc. Yeah our college made a compulsory to do internships to the students and they give permissions to do the required internships in various companies and different industries in various places around the city and state.It's very good since every year and very good and equipped labs are available in the branch. according to all the requirements of the students and the faculty members of the college who are interested in the lab or required.The exam structure is nothing but like the jntuh because untill now out college is a jntuh affiliated.But from this year we are proud to say that our college has gained an autonomous status by an NBA accreditation.",8.7 2915,Ankur gupta,University of Petroleum and Energy Studies - [UPES],"My opinion about my course was a brilliant one. My course helps students to understand how cloud computing works. It also helps to study how technology company operates their infrastructure or how they work on servers. My exams conducted in 2 way one is mid semester examination and the other one is end semester examination.Placement and job opportunity are good our college ensure a 100% placement opportunity. Yes, my college provides internship with a minimum package of 10000/month. Our college have a collaboration with some multinational company this help them to easily intern their students so that they can't face any problem.",8.3 2916,KSHIRSAGAR BALASAI,Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology - [BIET] Ibrahimpatnam,"The college provide good placements especially for CSE and ECE students every year. Many companies like Infosys,Amazon,Wipro,Cognizant,Tech mahindra,capgemini,flipkart,heritage,qualcomm,cocubes,Tata,TCS and nearly 40-50 MNC's will recruit many students from our college. They also provide internship in summer and we can do by INTERNSHALA, as i am a first year student i didn't availed any internship.We have many Professors and Assistant Professor and also Associate Professors. Many had their ph.d's degree and some are pursuing their ph.d... Some are M-Tech qualified.They are friendly with students and helpful in every problem. We had approximately 224 faculty not including non staff like lab inchargers, discipline incharges etc....",8.3 2917,Soodit Kumar,Delhi Technical Campus - [DTC],"Placements and Job Opportunities is the Place where it lags behind, They Need to Upgrade Their Placement Cell, as Only Service Oriented Companies came and the Stipend or Package they provide isn't Worthy. Internships are not a Issue as Students Get Internships Through The Help of Seniors, But Yes, The College Lags Behind here as well.Alumni Network isn't that Great, Students Placed in Private Sector are Going for Higher Degrees in Other Respected Universities,and Others are Going For Job in Government Sector, But the Seniors are Helpful and Trustworthy, They Help the Students Without Hesitating, And Came Forward with New Ideas and Ways to Make Study Enjoyable.",5.8 2918,Sanskar kulwal,Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya - [SVVV],Placement are good there means 95 percent got Placement nd college also provide internship to few children not all but thats a nice thing. According my my experience the pakage in college is low means some got nive placemet 10 out to 100Faculty are friendly nd help us in teaching. All faculty have a good degree nd teaching is good if u waana learn new something. They give attendence to almost all student nd do not detain student. Nd college lyf is best in svvv indore,8 2919,Kushagra,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"There are 3 big fests celebrated in the college- Waves which s the cultural fest held annually in the month of November, spree which is the largest sports fest held annually and quark is the tech fest held in our college every year. Other than this various other events also occur throughout the year.The alumni network is really well amd widespread. The BITS alumni network is one of the largest in the country. The seniors in the college are really good, helpful and cheerful. There is no form of ragging whatsoever in the campus and juniors usually hangout with their seniors.",8 2920,Shashank,Ramaiah Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Labs are very well maintained,there are apparatus for each individual,we don't have to do the experiment in groups,each person has to do it individually. Extra curricular activities like dance,singing,adventure activities,theatrics,etc keeps happening all the time. Sports activities are also there but not very often(except basketball)This college has one of the greatest cultural fest in the state. It celebrates each and every festival , sports events like athletics and field events are also conducted. Apart from these there are many events which go on throughout the course like clubs for entrepreneurship,dance,music,theatre, adventure,etc.",9.2 2921,Varun Vinay,L.B.S. College of Engineering - [LBSCEK],"The various events held annually in my college are 1. Rhythm- the techno cultural fest of our college is an intercollege event on a national level. The event usually lasts about 4-5 days and includes various programs and provides a lot of opportunities. 2. Beatz- college union inauguration and celebration 3. Sports meet 4. Individual fests of each department, for computer science, it is Teranis, the CS fest.Write the Kerala engineering entrance, KEAM and score well. Then after the rank list is prepared, there is allotment by Commisioner of Entrance Examination, CEE. This is a 3 phase allotment system where we place our required colleges in the prefered order. I was alloted a seat to this college through this system. Also, spot admission facility is available.",8.2 2922,Harsh Ranpariya,L.D. College of Engineering - [LDCE],"By scoring good marks in board exam as well as GUJCET, I got rank 576 and so I easily got admitted to LD college of engineering. SO after the rank is announced on the basis of marks of Board and GUJCET, You have to appear for nomination in ACPC so they would provide the online assistance in admission.I dont like the course curriculum at my college. Because the main focus on my branch that is Information Technology gets diviated because of unwanted subject and unwanted activities conducted in our college. And the exam structure is extremely weak beacause the papers are not being checked properly.",3.3 2923,Ganesh Shetty,Alva's Institute of Engineering and Technology,"Placement and job opportunity is very very more in our college. OUR college also provides more internships. College also gives information about placement. College gives information about job. College provides info about internships.In our college so many events are celebrated alvas virasath , alvas nudisiri , alvas Karnataka rajyothsava , alvas deepavali, alvas thulu sanga , alvas sports club , alvas janapada , alvas nudisiri alvas",9 2924,manvendra bhardwaj,Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering - [DSCE],"Vibrations:- college very own fest, where there is more then 50+ events and 8000+ students take part. And in the culture evening there are many celebrities coming here like this year we witnessed very great raghu dixit and his younger brother too. Furore:- its also a fest but a intra college fest, where the other two college of DSI students can also take part in this, so in short we can concluded that its bigger then vibrationsIn this college you will get all the options for you to excel in your field. Talking about the activities there is always something going on in the campus as there are College teams in different fields wher u can be part of the excle.like there a team for HPVC compition, motersport, cricket team, football team, etc. There is also a TT and tennis courts and many more.",8.7 2925,Prateek Patel,International Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"We dont have a lot of events here as it is a seriously academics Oriented college. But whichever we do, we put in a lot of effort and celebrate our heart out. Main events- Felicity(college fest) Indian festivals (major) Felicity buzz Halloween Club eventsFee is a bit expensive as compared to other colleges but is still feasible. It's costs around 4 lakh a year covering all our hostel, mess, tuition and other expenses. For NRIs it is a bit more expensive costing them around 8lakh a year",7.8 2926,V. Jayakumar,Sri Ramanujar Engineering College - [SREC],"By friend, he told about sri ramanujar engineering college. I saw the infrastructure of this college. So i like to join admission process was going on very smoothly. my friends asked me about the admission of this college. I explained it. Some relatives of mine also asked me about the college for the admissionOur campus life is so nice. I enjoy the life. Faculties are lavable and they clear our doubts. The ratio of students is 50:50, Nss members they do social work every week they used to go to social work i different parts in chennai like road safety program the members make awareness program...",10 2927,Vishva,Sri Ramanujar Engineering College - [SREC],"Our college celibrate annual sporrs and annual function every year. They r pretty good. As i told early that our college hoat annual sports every year and the students of our college can join them. Also the prizes of the sports is also good. Every department have a lad if they need.Pongal celebration is one of the major event celebrated in our college campus in the name of 'samathuva pongal'. We are asked to come in traditional costume. All together we celebrated our pongal' festival by conducting traditional Tamil games like singing, dance etc.",8 2928,Gaurav Rasal,Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering - [PCCOE],"The college has fully equipped and specialized labs for each subject. As well as each year department has seperate labs. All types of necessary facilities are provided in the labs. Also their is a special department for the sports. The students had achieved various awards on national as well as all levels of the competitions.I've got admission through the merit list based on mht-cet exam. I've filled the option form in which I've provided the sequencial names of colleges in which I wished to be admitted.Then allotment was given to me. There were total 3 rounds. And 1 extra spot round for the remaining admissions of the colleges.",9.3 2929,Prateek Singh,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Placement is awesome, for BTech cse graduates they offer 100% placement and same goes with every other branches and opportunities what can i say about that, everyday you see a new opportunity coming to you. They update you with everything, what is happening, what market needs the most and all. Being a fresher currently i haven't experienced internship.I first gave a online exam, in which i got selected and received a call from them. Then they reached out for me, contacted me told me everything about lovely professional University and an online admission procedure took place. Than I reached in university and completed the remaining process which hardly took 30 minutes.",8 2930,KARANBIR SINGH CHHABRA,Chitkara University - [CU],"Basically placement time comes in 3rd year when the child is no more a child now.the students come up with their projects and all. My college has a very good placement criteria and it Assures that each and every student gets placed.the companies that come also provide internship with average stipend around 20,000?.They have made the curriculum easy but there are alots of exams According to me the course curriculum is okay, exams in my college happen twice a year.whatever the teachers teach in class is sufficient to prepare for the exam.also they are ready to help us with our doubts.",7.3 2931,Saiel Gaonkar,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"There are many clubs in our college and they do lots of activities and we also have all kinds of labs we also have Indoor and outdoor grounds to play games and garden and dance club., music club etc and also they help us participate in all kinds of intra and inter college competitionsThere are many events celebrated in our college there are many different types of clubs and every year ANADYANTA our college feat is done which last for three days other than that under25 summit,Freshers day,chaturthi,durgapooja, music ,and many more",9.3 2932,Shivam Shrivastava,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],"I got admission through entrance exam of CGPET. Difficulty level of exam is very easy fully based on NCERT BOOK. I got 638 rank and I got etc branch i.e electronic and telecommunication engineering.Engineering and MBA course along with Mtech course are available in this college. Talking about exam structure, two CTs are taken and an end semester exam is taken in the last of semester.",5.8 2933,Yash Garg,ITS Engineering College,"BTech fees at ITSE Greater Noida, for 1st Year Student, Fee- INR1,30,000 per year & For 2nd To 4th-year student Fee-INR 1,24,000 per year UPTU Scholarship is available For students. 80% of students got scholarship last year. you can get loans from Any bank ⁢ is acceptable but The College has sync to syndicate bank it is may be easier if you Take a loan from that bank.Too Expensive as compared to other colleges. They just promised its for forst year and for other year it will be less and reduced and have reduced the fee in upcominv years and in first year took 10k security and haven't refunded that too just said it wasn't taken.",7.7 2934,Bhavesh Kumar,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Faculties in the college are very helpful and dedicated towards their goals and they take every step and pain to teach us in more innovative ways. they help us in studies, project work and aware us about different internship programs that takes place in different parts of the country.Course curriculum is according to uttarakhand technical university and exam structure is according to college schedule with two mid semester exams and end semester exam. Other than this regular presentations, group discussions, projects help us in making us better professional.",10 2935,Kamal Singh,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"Since every type of course is offered by the college as their is b.tech,d.pharma,b.pharma,hotel management,bsc agriculture,mba,bba,b.com,and many other courses are offered by college .College is fair towards his works as teacher always thought every basic thing needed for develop good learning and commmunication skills.i got admission through my teacher request to the college staff .since my admission was on july 2019 and my teacher help me to much she told that their is a scholorship prize for student and fees will also be less as she helped me to to submit my fee before my college start as my college start from 19 august 2019.",5.7 2936,Pulkit Sharma,The Northcap University - [NCU],"Campus life is pretty calm and peaceful. The students are well mannered and discipline is strictly followed even without the presence of hefty restrictions. There are many different societies in which college keep organising many different kinds of workshops, competitions, games, etc. related to technical and non-technical topics so that there is something for everyone.For BTech CSE, during the first year, the fees for each semester is 1,23,000 as of 2019 that adds up to about 2.5 lakhs for the first year. Other expenses may include transportation. The college doesn't provide transport facility but there are a lot of cab services available and can not only be availed for almost any part of the city but also from Faridabad.",8.3 2937,Yukta Yadav,The Northcap University - [NCU],The admission process was based on 12th and JEE mains result combined. The admission process was simple and students find it very helpful regarding this admission process provided by the University.The college has an annual 3-day fest in the college in which very high profile singers and DJs are invited. Other than this the college keeps having seasonal interactive events for the students.,9.5 2938,Anshika sharma,The Northcap University - [NCU],"The campus life is fantastic, fun-loving and friendly. There are a lot of co-curriculum activities carried out by different clubs and societies. The gender ratio is perfect 50-50. There are a lot of healthy competitions held within and outside the campus for keeping the students motivated and entertainment with some learning and knowledge.For BTech courses, both JEE (mains) and CBSE marks are taken into consideration 60-40 percentage respectively. Then a merit list is prepared by the college the students qualifying the merit list get admission then according to the Haryana domicile another merit list is prepared for scholarships.",9 2939,Sai Ganesh,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,I got admission through their entrance exam called AEEE. They will put a rank list and then the allotment starts. The admission procedure is not quite so complicated. They will put the allotment list and we lock the stream which we want to and then we pay a partial fee amount which is refundable to lock whether we continue or not. There is registration fees and not refundable if you get any allotment. There will be five allotments and you will have to pay the 1st term fees if you are interested to join.The college overall is the most rated among the private universities and it also has an impressive infrastructure and facilities. You will also love the campus and the students are friendly. The cons are the rules are strict and maintains a school like life. But it is necessary to devote to your studies and aim for a brighter future. ,8.7 2940,Adarsh,Bennett University,Course curriculum is really nice . Those people will set certain guidelines what we need to do and study and also provide guidelines to faculty members what to teach and how.and coming to exam structure it was nice because once upon a Time if you have knowledge of 50 percent of syllabus you can get good marks But now the situation changed if you want to get good marks you need to have nearly 85 percentage of knowledge which is required for the good engineerThat's pretty interesting to discuss Every year we have fests and cultural programs and annual day which are mostly celebrated in open auditorium which is really nice..and we mostly celebrate January 12 national youth day..and engineers day kind that those are really inspiring because various IPS and other delegates come to inspire you to better yourself as a good engineer,9.5 2941,Neel Madhab Roy,"University Institute of Engineering, Chandigarh University - [UIE]","My course Artificial intelligence and machine learning is the newest course at Chandigarh University, I am in the second batch for this course. So there is too demanding artificial intelligence and machine learning skill from the good multinational companies which provide more than 20 lakh package per annum. The exam structure is also very good and only one this you have to maintain is that your attendance if your attendance goes below 75% then you are not eligible for the exam in any case. You want good marks or CGPA, you don't need to study too much just concentrate in class and it's better if you make notes you will get more than 8 SCGPA in every semester.There is so many events are held in Chandigarh University. In every moth, one or two celebrity come here. The biggest event is the CU FEST which starts from 14 Feb to 20 Feb in this event all the foreign students are come here and celebrate and too many celebrity are come here, recently #khiladi_of_bollywood Akshay Kumar is come here to promote his new movie GOOD NEWS.",8 2942,Udit Raj,GLA University,"The events in the college are just a source of making money for seniors. We do celebrate festivals and have events but you have to pay in order to be a part of the event happening in your college. WOW! Just typical engineering college things. The only event I attended was a seminar which had Adarsh Tiwari, a great singer and Aman Dhattarwal. Paid 100 bucks to watch him and the only thing I don't mind paying for. Also, on teachers day we paid 50 bucks each to get a cake for our teachers but only a few of our teachers came and not everyone could eat the cake as my classmates were busy playing with it.The fee structure is as follows : Since most of you might want to go for B.Tech (CS), here's the fee structure - BRANCH: Data Analytics, Cloud computing, Cyber Security & Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 1st Year : 1,93,000/- 2nd Year : 1,96,000/- 3rd Year : 1,99,000/- 4th Year : 2,02,000/- (This is only the academic fee & if you are looking for hostel, you have to pay 32000/- for mess and around 60000/- for accommodation per year. Security charges is 10000/- which is refundable once you graduate.)",4.8 2943,Neeraj Nautiyal,Graphic Era Hill University - [GEHU],"The admission process is quite easy, Admissions for Btech in Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is based on merits of 10+2 in PCM and JEE Mains. You can book your seat for 1200/- INR and further filling admission form confirms your seat in the university. You can also take counselling regarding the course and take a tour of the university.The complete fees for B-Tech are 10 Lacs. Graphic era hill university students get a concession of 25% on fees. Merit-based scholarships are given along with a +10% concession is given for the girl students. While sibling discount is also given(Discount is given if your elder brother is studying in Graphic Era Hill University).",9.3 2944,Shourya Saxena,Roorkee Institute of Technology - [RIT],"The placement record of my college is increasing year after year as more and more good reputed companies come for recruitment and the best part is college takes every measure so that student of every course gets a placement. College provides internships facilities too, some of my colleagues also got selected for a summer internship in Apple iOS and time to time college takes us for industrial visits.The course curriculum is according to university and is good but sometimes so much of syllabus creates problems of time management. The course focuses more on projects and therefore from the first year itself, we are prepared to do projects and write papers which will definitely help us in becoming better professionals.",10 2945,Hameer Mahajani,MIT-WPU Faculty of Engineering,college faculty is a great but some staff is not so good in teaching or sometimes their attitude is like we are slaves of them but some teachers are very gentle in nature and some teachers have their teaching skill very far than average but overall it's OKYes there are lots of placement opportunities in our college out college does not provide internship you can apply for internship after your college ends or during placement interviews but there are lot of companies that are available to our college,7.5 2946,Aman Pandey,SR Institute Of Management and Technology - [SRIMT],"Merit base admission. Actually i was preparation for IIT jee in kota rajsthan pervious year and i was disqualified so i decided that, i have to complete my btech form private college. So i got admission in this college because it is a best college for study.Freshers party Gandesh chaturthi Navratri,Basehra Independent day Vishwkarma pooja Freshers party was really amazing and fully enjoying. Gandesh chaturthi was also really good. We celebrate Navratri and dasehra with full enjoyment",8.7 2947,Amit,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],The college has good placements but the thing is college is too strict. The attendance is so compulsory that we get tired sometimes to maintain this 75% attendance. But the also troubles the students between 75 to 80 attendance student.Our college has syllabus of savitribai phule pune university. The curriculum was nice overall. There are college exams also before university exams. Overall the curriculum is mostly nice and giving basics of all branches.,9 2948,Amit Kumar Mohanty,Parala Maharaja Engineering College - [PMEC],"Like other engineering colleges, Parala Maharaja Engineering College also conducts a lots of activities for both students and faculties involvement. There are some smart labs for M.Tech students and for students of B.Tech courses there are different labs for different branches and subjects. And all type of sports club are there including all outdoor and indoor games and robotics and photography clubs. They are a lots of facility for the development of soft skills in this college. This college is very good at it.Yes, Parala Maharaja Engineering College provides a good amount of job opportunities to its graduates but these on-campus placements are not satisfying the expectations of the students. Being a government college it has a good on-campus placement record in comparison to other private and some government college of Odisha also. However I found best part about internships is that, students of this college are getting more and good internships than some popular colleges and at zero cost.",7.3 2949,Jitendra Bhat,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Positive remarks - Along with good guidelines and good education they also focus on non hectic schedule for students, so that one who are really interested in engineering would utilize their free time for working on their own abilities and one fine day they may get a huge success in finding something innovative Negative- College is at slight distance from the city area .So reaching our college for a new comers would be quite difficult.Till so far there's nothing i can find wrong about the curriculum. I liked it and seems to enjoy it in the future too. Exam structures are quite student friendly. They conduct 3 internals of marks 25 each and consider best 2 exam marks. That's the 50 marks in which student has to score 25 out of 50 to get qualified for sem exam. Final exam will be conducted for 100 and reduced to 50. Then it will be added with 50 marks from 2 tests.",8.3 2950,Akash gautam,Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University - [MJPRU],"In extracurricular activities it is great . There are various labs like physics lab , manufacturing lab , basic electronics lab , chemistry lab etc and for sports there are various events there is cricket ground , volleyball court , badminton court , basketball court , table tennis table , and also boxing courts which all are in good conditionIn this way MJPRU is good and bad . Like some of seniors are rude in first meet but slowly they also get linent and we also get likely to them and most of seniors are helpful and ready to help there Juniors and also provide notes , lab manual for easy understanding",6.5 2951,Vamsi,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Ya they are so helpful for us. Example is my brother's friend he is senior to me and he would like to clear my doubts. And helpful in my studies. He helps in any aspect also. Lpu is free ragging zone. Up to now I haven't seen any type of ragging by seniors.The placements in lpu are so good. And we have an online web site by wish we get to know which company is coming to hire students and we can know how much package it is giving for students. So in this way they help us in times of placement.,8 2952,Abhishek malviya,Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science- [SGSITS],This is my first year in this college but heard from others that if you belongs to sc and st category you get the full fees that you paid and also you get many other scholarships in general category if you are medhavi students you get scholarshipI got admission in this college through jee mains entrance exam I got 60 percentile in jee mains exam I am started studying in this college this year it's very good and perfect college for those students who unable to get iits or nits,5.2 2953,Sarthak Zende,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering - [SKNCOE] Vadgaon,"Best campus life as there are many colleges so a lot of students vibrant atmosphere gender ratio is like 60-40 male to a female there is lot of diversity as people from all over India also from foreign countries come here to study. the competition takes place regularly like debates robotics Competitive Coding etc.Yes, our curriculum is updated and practically useful we have been introduced to Python in the first year as it is a prominent language in Industry. SKNCOE has a great faculty for computer engineering. Attendance compulsory up to 75% mandatory building is close to SCOE so good crowd and activities.",9.2 2954,Gaurav bhavsar,Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya - [SVVV],"I got admission through svvv entrance exam the college also take admission also as per your jee marks and merit student of that state after giving svvv entrance college take my documents copies like Aadhar card, 12th marksheet, transfer certificate and registration fee 1000 rs.The college faculty is very good. College provides best education to every children college takes feedback from every student before exam to get an admission card student should fill that feedback form. Faculty serve high class education to all their respective children.",9.5 2955,Harsh mishra,DRIEMS Group of Institutions,"The College carries out a process of admission in which you can either apply through your OJEE(ODISHA JOINT ENTRANCE EXAM) or JEE MAINS score. One has to apply to the collge through the OJEE counseling, and choose the branch in accordance to your interest. After filling the form you need to wait for three consecutive rounds of counselling and see whether your seat has been confirmed in a single round or not. If your seat has been confirmed you need to report to the reporting centre for verification, after which you need to report directly to the college.The campus has a plethora of extra curricular activities built around an area of 167 acres the college packs in various sports facilities, such as a volleyball court, two well maintained basketball courts, tennis court and indoor badminton stadium, gym and a swimming pool. The labs of the college are very well maintained and being looked after well by the lab assistants.",7.7 2956,SHYAM PRAVEEN SINGH,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],"I am from Electronics and Communication Engineering branch. We have a good balance between practical and theory training for our core subjects and other engineering subjects. Our exam structure includes both internals as well as external exams for theory and practical.The placement cell our college makes sure at least everyone gets placed. But there comes a problem with the individual skills, an individual in order to be placed in a decent company must have the required skill set. No, our college does not provide any internship.",7.5 2957,Abhijeet Singh,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"There are several fests orgamised in our college. The techincal fest Abhikalpan, The sports fest Gusto, Inter IIIT sports fest. Cultural fest Tarang We have a lot of clubs like Jazbaat the dramatics society and Saaz the music club We also have several robothon organised in our college along with college level competitions.We have 24x7 Open computer center and library. 24x7 available indoor badminton court. We have 105 security guards providing complete security and we have VLSI lab in our college and various other labs which are open along with DST sponsored research center. Business Incubation Center and Primary Healthcare center also.",9.2 2958,apurva das,KCC Institute of Technology and Management - [KCCITM],"I have got direct admission in this college without any counselling. I saw about the college on a site, I like the profile and decided to take a view of the college. When I visited the college I like its campus facilities and course curriculum so I take admission. Check Course Curriculum and Fee Details Of KCC Institute of Technology and Management - [KCCITM], Greater Noida Check Placement and Company visited in KCC Institute of Technology and Management - [KCCITM], Greater Noida 2020 - 2021teachers here are also very supportive and highly qualified. All the professors are graduates from well-known colleges or universities and are a high degree holder. Their teaching methods are really convenient for all types of students. They are always ready to solve the doubts of their students.",9.5 2959,Rajesh Fulzele,Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management Studies - [DIEMS],"A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid by the student. It is available for most of the students.On-campus events play an important role in shaping the social and intellectual fabric of your university’s campus. . Lectures, study groups, and job fairs all have their place, but college students, especially freshman, are looking for new and authentic ways to connect.",8 2960,Jitendra Bhat,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Positive remarks - Along with good guidelines and good education they also focus on non hectic schedule for students, so that one who are really interested in engineering would utilize their free time for working on their own abilities and one fine day they may get a huge success in finding something innovative Negative- College is at slight distance from the city area .So reaching our college for a new comers would be quite difficult.Till so far there's nothing i can find wrong about the curriculum. I liked it and seems to enjoy it in the future too. Exam structures are quite student friendly. They conduct 3 internals of marks 25 each and consider best 2 exam marks. That's the 50 marks in which student has to score 25 out of 50 to get qualified for sem exam. Final exam will be conducted for 100 and reduced to 50. Then it will be added with 50 marks from 2 tests.",8.3 2961,Aman Gohel,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"Job opportunities is quite good.The placements in CSE,IT, civil is good.The average package for CSE department is 15lacs and for Civil department is 10 lacs.Our college provide inter ship opportunities and has a union named EDC(entrepreneurship development cell) which provide guidance for entrepreneur.I have a tuition fee waiver.It is for those who has tuition fee waiver less than 5 lacs.However you can take a loan from bank in our college if you require.The fees is moderate and feasible.Our college provide full remission in tuition fees for ST and SC students.",8.5 2962,Durga prasad,Pragati Engineering College,"There are so many sports events are conducted by our college And every year there is big sports event is conducted by jntu(kakinada) in which all colleges which are under jntu will be participated and this is the right platform to excel in sports and apart from tha our college also conducts sports in our college.Yes our college give merit scholarship for students who got good rank in eamcet exam The scholarship details are: 35000 - (0 - 5,000 rank holders) 25000 - (5001 - 10000 rank holders) 15000 - (10001 - 15000 rank holders) 10000 - (15001 - 20000 rank holders)",9.2 2963,Dhyey Vaghani,Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology - [DA-IICT],"One of the positive remarks is there was no first year common so it os great. Placement is what our college known for. The negative remarks is fee structure which is very expensive for middle class family. Seniors are very good they make committes. They are our first friend on campus.There was many events in our college like raaga and rhyme, i.fest, synapse, tarang, concours, maniere, Halloween day celebration, etc. I.fest, synapse, tarang, concours are 4 major festival of my college. I.fest is technical fest, tarang is navaratri, concours is sports fest.",8 2964,Anshu Kumar Sharma,Government Engineering College,"There is a very very good scholarship whis is Simese scholarship and yashad sumedha scholarship which is provided in only b.tech 1st year in 1st semester. In this scholarship they ask to fill the application form afer that they call for interview and exam only those candidate who are shortlisted for this scholarship then final result is made behalf of their parfomance and finally selected candidates got scholarship.There is various types of course available in this college such as computer science engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electronics and instrument engineering,M.TECH ,MBA. There is tree steps for semester complision which contains 1st mid term exam then 2nd mid term exam then practical and after all that University exam to pass the exam.",8.5 2965,Sandipan Ghosh,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"the best part is its Alumni Network! Just google it yourself you will know how many great people this college has given to not just the country but also to the world! names of BEC / BESU / IIEST Shibpur Alumni: 1. Dr. T. Mukherjee National Metallurgist CMD Tata Metallics Dy.MD TISCO, Director Tata Group Director Chorus Steel UK. 2. Dr. Tapas Som Distinguished Engineer IBM USA 3. Amitabha Bhattacharya IAS Chief Advisor Planning Commission New Delhi 4. R.N. Sen Chairman & Managing Director DVC (Damodar Valley Corporation) 5. Amrit Das Founder & CEO Net Guru Inc. & Research Engineers Inc. California USA Inventor of World's Leading Structural Engineering Software STAAD III USAThe college offered scholarships facilities for the students who were unable to bear the fees. The scholarship were also given by state government to the students based on their financial status, then to those belonging to the reservation caste based students. The student need to fill the form and get it approved by the HOD of their respective departments and then forward it to the finance department of the college where further steps were taken to the scholarship for the students.",7.5 2966,Amartya Pedge,Pune Institute of Computer Technology- [PICT],If you want a chill life don't think of this college at all.But if you want placements n all then this is the right place but you have to study all of the time here and do numerous assignments on time .I suggest you not to take admission in this college.This is very strict college.You have to wear identity card to enter the college.Extra curricular activities are there such as robotics other clubs such as art circle and much more.Sports are there but ground is not there only basketball court is there .Intercollege matches are also there .Various programs are also there for art circle and other tech fests n all,8.3 2967,mayank soni,IPS Academy,"Department of Fire Technology & Safety Engineering was established in the year 1999. The Department became the first AICTE Approved Engineering Department for providing four years Bachelor degree of Engineering in Fire Technology & Safety Engineering.placement, ips is famous for placement in fire tech means it all the students placed in somr companies its MP's top private college for placement . it also provide internship . till now i m not internd becoz i m in 1st year",7.2 2968,Badhepudi Madhu,Prathyusha Engineering College - [PEC],I got admission through my intermediate marks. I am selected through merit list and our college call to me. We got a admission my college and visit a college in a week. I visited College at that time I don't know rules and regulations of college.Every our college providing merit scholarship for merit students. Who are getting above 8.5 our providing scholarship for their students. The loan faculty will be available. Our college offering scholarship and loan facilities for all students,7.8 2969,Jeevan bs,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"Yes our college as placements and In engineeringcourse from our college, around 85% were placed last year, and the placements are increasing year by year. Last year the highest package was 11 Lacs p. a. and the average package was around 4.5 Lacs p. a. KPMG, ICICI, HFFC, State Street, Thompson Reuters etc. Are the major Recruiters of our college. Some of the job roles where our seniors GOT placed as Associate, Relationship Manager, tax associate, Analyst etc. Infrastructure : The infrastructure is very good and there are many departments in our college. There is a big gallery were you can sit and enjoy with your friends and there is a huge ground with full of grass, but they don't allow you to play. There are WI-FI in our campus but unfortunately it's restricted from students to use. The class are very good and in every class there is a projector. There is Library Where you can sit and read books related to your course. The canteen facility in our college is very good and the prices are very reasonable also. There are sports teams go for the VTU competition Like FootballThey are very good opportunities for extra curricular activities for students who joined this college. There is sports club called RNS IT SPORTS there are very good trainers for physical department the trainers well qualified well experienced we have a huge cricket ground which is equivalent to one and half acre there is a football ground and a basketball ground and there is also a shuttle badminton court there are causes for Kabaddi and kho kho there are some national players in our college team and we get a huge respect participating in it",8.3 2970,Muhammed Nisam A,Sreenivasa Institute of Technology & Management Studies - [SITAMS],"It is a wonderful college. There are somany extra curricular activities takes place. In the field of moral activity, somany activities are takes place. ""PATHEYAM"" is the one of the best extra activity, which gives the food for poor peoples only by studentsThis collge is very good college. I am very happy to studying in this college. This college is not only for study. The college gives us somany things. They give human relationship, responsibilities, moral values, considerational mind etc.",9.8 2971,Akhil Mohan,Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology - [KCAET] Tavanur,Egrantz scholarship is available for students belongs to sc. Central cector scholarship available for students under 200000 income. Merit cum means scholarship is available for students belongs to minoruty community. Education loan is availableIt is related to mechanization of agriculture. It includes soil water engineering also. Exam includes both theory and practical . Irrigation and drainage engineering includes in the curriculam. Otherthan this basic engineering course available,7.8 2972,Ashish Jain,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"There are two major events: Tech Tatva and Revels. Tech Tatva is basically a technical fest where all the technical clubs come with different events like the robo wars held this year where different colleges were completing or like the code marathon and several other events and some fun technical games. Coming to Revels it is a cultural fest where different colleges compete in different events such as drama, singing, costume designing, public speaking and many more.Placement and job opportunities are provided to everyone but we get it or not practically depends on us. The number of companies coming every year are huge in numbers. So getting placed is not a deal until and unless you aren't capable of getting a job. Yes the college has a number of clubs whose tag line is to provide internship in any part of the country. As i am a first year student so I can't explain the overall experience and stipend.",8.2 2973,Renisa,KCC Institute of Technology and Management - [KCCITM],"Placements and job opportunities are very good. Mostly branch students get the job which they wish for and all students are placed before the company. Yes, the college does provide internship opportunities to every student second year onwards. Since, currently, I am in the first year, so I have no experience related to internship and placements.Events are regularly celebrated in the college. DJ Nights, Events related to Technical and non-technical events are regularly held in the college. Also, the sports meet is regularly held in the college. A fest of 5 days is organized once a year. students perform and win trophies for their department and themselves.",9.5 2974,Rohit Niravkumar Shivubhai,Navrachana University - [NUV],"I have tried with acpc then i hot chance but i fail to give money in bank soo then i have thought that i will it in next round but i fail to entre into the next round soo then i have go to college n ask for admission then they told me that on the basis of jee main you can get admissionYour seniors are good at all but they are not given us fresher party till. Our 1st semester is going to end but fresher are not organized, Soo we are not happy with oyr seniors. This should not happen because every field seniors has given fresher instead of my course seniors",10 2975,Obillaneni rohith Krishna sai,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"Srmjee entrance exam According to you rank You have to attend counseling conducted by srm Seats are made according to your ranks So I preferred automobile engineering For my 55000 srmjee rank If seats are available only it will be allotedAarush a national level techno management fest conducted in 3 rd week of September It is all about technically Milan a national level techno management fest conducted in the month of march And some small events conducted every month",7.8 2976,Eguru Vamsi krishna,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,Labs give a good oppertunity for practical learning.our institute has very well equipped labs.faculty in the labs.if we come to sports IIT BHU is one of the college's with best sport support.Almost all the games are available to learn and that for free.First one should qualify in the jee main which is qualification exam for jee advanced and one should get minimum marks in each of the subjects.After qualifying they will send a rank list according to which we can choose our required college and cource,7.2 2977,Ashish sharma,Nowgong Engineering College,"The faculty is best, that I have ever met, KP sir -IIT Patna, BSR sir -IIT Bombay, Rahul Sigh sir -nit Bhopal, Madhusudan sir -IIT Roorkee, SK sir IIT Roorkee , Mayank sir -IIT BHU etc, the main thing is that they share their experience, and always give suggestions what to do to crack any exam, in a real sense they are the best faculty, their teaching method is quite different, they mainly focused on basic concept.Course curriculum is best ,i think, because,they prefer both theoretical and practical knowledge,in each semester they a project course ,in which, student have to made any innovative machines.subjects are teach in very depth by the faculty,also this college is government autonomous,it will start making paper by it self",9.2 2978,Murali manohar,Gudlavalleru Engineering College - [GEC],"Our college shows good intrest in sports too. Our college team participates in district and states also. Our college will be good choice to the good players to grow. They select the team transparently without any partiality. They give chances to all whobpaly well, either they are juniors or seniors.We get admissions to B. Tech by eamcet counselling. In A. P three are three rounds of eamcet counselling. Before we apply to counselling we have to verify our certificates at verification centre. If are eligible to fees reimbursement we get total fee as scholarship.",9.7 2979,BASIL JIJO,Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Science - [MBITS],"I had chosen Mechanical engineering.The exam starts on last week of november.In University exam we should have mark of 75 in every 5 subjects.Internal exams are also there, Internal exams consists of assignment and tutorials.we should have 75% attendence to appear for exam.FEASIBLE ,sidvdjd djd did ddjd dhd ddjd did ddiDjd fjdd djd djd f if ddjddnf djd dhd ddhduf djf djd dfjdbdid did did fdid did did djd did djd djd did dduff ddid did djd djd djd djd dfjdbdid did did djd djd djd djd djd djd dhd dhd djd dfjdbdid did fnkd d",7.8 2980,Vishwas rao,Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management (SCEM),"Three internal one external per semester .Based on VTU belgum total of four years and 8 semesters also have a nice aplitude exams.Our examinations are combination of two parts. Internals and externals. We will have to attempt 3 internal examinations, out of which best 2 will be selected and taken average of as our internal marks. Internal exam papers will be set by college lecturers and also corrected by them. But external exam papers are set by our board and also corrected by them. And we will be given only 1 chance to attempt it.They all completed their MSC.degrees in their cources some of them has PHD's in their subjects.Few lecturers are extremely enthusiastic to share their knowledge to us with the knowledge of books . They guide us well for our projects and help in our research work. They also help us in getting internship work in our vacation. And few lecturers are just an average lecturers who teach only the knowledge of books.",8.5 2981,K.thilageswaran,SASTRA University,"The are three major events in our college . 1.Kurkhsastra 2.Daksh 3.Colleosum These three occurs in the even semester and the model of this was conducted in the odd semester, 1 is based on cultural. 2 is based on the technology.It is a technical fest.3 is sports activities.Positive-Good infrastructure Positive staffs Friendly senior The curriculum was semi theory and semi lab and there are five free periods per week in 1 st year.and 11 from 2 nd year. Negative- Out of the city No hostel provided for students from 70 km radius",7.2 2982,Vishnu,College of Engineering - [CEC] Chengannur,I've got admission in CEC via entrance exam conducted by government. The exam was conducted on 2nd and 3rd of may 2019. Higher secondary marks of repective subjects were submitted to the office of commissioner for entrance examination kerala state education board thorough online method via candidate portal. After the announcement rank list option registration for different colleges and courses were subbmited.Placements in the college are comparable to to many other top rated colleges in the state. 2015- 2019 batch students had a wonderful placement. Last year 42 different companies from different branches opted 175 of over students from 189 job oppurtunity.,9.3 2983,Viraj Madke,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],"First I cleared JEE MAINS (joint entrance exam) which is the eligibility criteria for getting admission in NIT, IIIT , STATE COLLEGES AND MANY PRIVATE COLLEGES and which also is the eligibility criteria to appear for JEE ADVANCED. Students who get a rank under 10k are eligible to get admissions in IIT's . They can choose their field of interest based on their ranks. I qualified JEE ADVANCED AND GOT INTO IIT KGPFor EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES students are divided into three divisions - NSO , NSS, NCC and every student here is in any one of it. Nso looks after sports. NCC is national cadet corps which gives basic military training to students. NSS is a social service programme. In NSS students reach out to schools in the villages near kharagpur and teach them basic stuffs.",7.5 2984,Sandeep Singh,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"I got easily admission in this college. Taking admission in this college is simple. In this college, every branch has a different section. For taking admission in this college there is no test is required and not any JEE rank is required. We can get admission just by submitting some of our documents along with photographs. My First semester was started on 19 August 2019.In my opinion, the faculty members are too good. They teach us very well. once if they have taught we will never forget and for remembering only once we have to read it. The teachers also take the weekly test in the class and the marks are also sent to our home and they also give punishment if we do not get good marks",9.5 2985,Sahil,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"by listing friends and other people. taking admission in a college is simple. If u have above 60% then you have to eligible to take the admission .so basically the process is very simple there is no requirement of the IIT JEE exam. so we can get admission just filling a simple form and requirement of other documents like 12 mark sheet,10 mark sheet, and other documents. the date when you can fill the form in the month of June or July.the fees structure is also good 1-year students in the mechanical course are around 75000 per year if the student passes out 12 with the % of 60 to 70% than the discount of rs 15000 is less if above 70-80% than 20000 discount the deposition of the fee is semester wise. the fee structure is good than other colleges.",7.7 2986,Shiv Kumar,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"I was in 12th grade when i heard about this college, thats when i thought about pursuing my college life in this college. Though my 12th marks were not so good due to some reason, But i managed to get admission in this college. I visited this college several times and found it very decent according to my prefernces i.e placements, education,transportation, campus envoirment and infa structure. So i chose it and finally took admission on 12th july, 2019.The campus is disciplined but is sad to see a wide gap in gender ratio. there are more boys than girls (approximately 1:2). Multiple workshops are held regularly. there is not too much of politics which is a good thing as students can focus more on their education and can work more on making themselves professional and worth living a good life.",8.8 2987,Tripti,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"It is one of the best emerging engineering colleges in Sonipat with good infrastructure and management. Has a cafeteria for students and faculties separately maintaining professionalism. Well qualified and experienced faculties having great knowledge about their respective subject. College is located on the highway itself making student convenient for travelling. The fee structure is also appropriate. The college has 20+ industrial collaboration giving students certification courses for free of cost. Facilities like e-Library, project-based learning, foreign languages are provided to the students for free of cost. Well equipped labs for mechanical, civil and extc department and computer labs having Linux, ubuntu installed in every pc. Mechanical and civil dept conduct Industrial Visit for the students which help students to gain more practical knowledge. EXALT is the technical fest where students are given the platform to present their projects and the best project is felicitated. OJUS is the cultural fest where students have the opportunity to show their sports, cultural and creative skills. Good campus placement, companies like LTI, Capgemini have recruited students. Students aspiring for engineering, APSIT is a perfect platform for them.A very good Management by providing the scholarship to students like Single parent, No parent and Allrounder Performer scholarships and honouring students for their achievements in all activities by providing All Rounder Performer Award for all Year and Best Outgoing Student for Final Year. On a Whole, good land to start your carrier especially for girls schemes like Beti bachao is also there to secure there future.",8.5 2988,SHUBHAM CHAUHAN,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"The faculty member of our college is good, they are advanced in teaching and I guarantee that you will not see better teachers than our teachers in any college. Our teachers are advanced in teaching and they all have a master's degree in their subject which they are teaching and they have very kind behaviour with students, helps them to solve the problem and clear their doubts.Engineer i is my dream, So I had searched for the best engineering college on google so I see GIET in it then I contact with college faculty member then I think to see the collEGE and when I see college building, classroom, seminar hall and the way of teaching is very good after seeing all these I take admission in this college.",10 2989,Fanishwar Nath,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],the faculty is very good and they are very cooperative with the students if you have any doubts regarding any subjects they are always ready to help and also clear the doubts and also they mentoring the students which are passing from the personal problems and also skill development classes is also taken by the teachers to make the student smart.The exam circular is very fair and nice no one can cheat in the examination and the rules are strictly followed in the examination hall and a fair examination is held in our college and also before the semester exam two sessionaL ARE HELD which are very helpful for the sem. exam.as it helps us to make more concentrate on studies.,10 2990,Pankaj,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"The course curriculum for every BTech specialization is different. It will take four years for the candidates to be Graduate in the field. They need to choose the area of specialization like electrical, electronics, mechanical, etc. each year there will be two semesters. The schedule of the B.Tech Exam is normally held at the end of the semester. There is a gap of normally 6 months between each exam. An academic system is divided into two terms called semesters.The fee structure of the B. Tech Course of all the branches is Rs.80000/- per annum. Year-1 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-2 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-3 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-4 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Total fees for the B.Tech Course is Rs.320000/-. There is a fee concession for students on their percentage they scored.",7.7 2991,Punit,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],The fee structure of the B. Tech Course of all the branches is Rs.80000/- per annum. Year-1 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-2 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-3 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Year-4 fees for all branches are Rs.80000/-. Total fees for the B.Tech Course is Rs.320000/-. There is a fee concession for students on their percentage they scored.I get to know about this college by a contest held by Gateway college in Bulbul Restaurant Sonipat and also I belong to Sonipat and I get to know Gateway College is A Graded College Affiliated by Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University Of Science And Technology. As Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University Of Science And Technology is a Government University in Sonipat.,9.7 2992,Nishant,Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GIET],"I had visited the site collegedunia.com and searched for the engineering colleges and I searched for this college and fill my details like name, email-id, mobile no. and after some days I received a call to take admission in this college. When I got my 12th class result I decided to take admission here and in the month of June 2019 I had got admission to this fabulous college.Our college has many types of events that are celebrated every year. Like first is Fresher's Party for the new students that have started their journey towards their future. Then the Teacher's Day Celebration was wonderful and enjoyable. Then the CORONA Fest in which lots of activities are there, after that a Star Night where a famous personality came between students.",10 2993,Banda adithya,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"I applied to the college entrance exam,and i appeared to exam soon they released the results and i had qualified,i attended the college counseling and we paid advance and we booked the seat.later thay send the opening date of college i joinedIf you got the top 25 ranks in the college entrance exam we get the free seat ,if you got the top rank in the class test then you will be getting scholarship student loan is available in our college so students can apply for student lones",8.8 2994,Deepak Khatri,Government Engineering College,In this college we are selected on merit list. This merit list comes from the marks of our 12th standard and a entrance exam called GUJCET which is only applicable for Gujarat students this whole process is under the GTU (Gujarat technical University)Actually we get scholarship from digital Gujarat and MYSY which are included in our college this helps people who get good marks in previous any exam and who are economically weak and our college also includes SSIP start up scholarship programs,7.7 2995,Sri Suraj S R,Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology - [RIT],"After completing my 12 th and with my 12 th results I applied counselling where the government offered some college based on my cut off and I selected this college from the list offered.The Single Window Admissions System is used in Anna University for TNEA ( Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission ). It is popularly known as Anna University Counselling. A process through which students completing 12th Std (2 Years in Kindergarten + 5 years in Primary School + 5 years in Secondary school + 2 years in High school) apply and gain admission to Engineering Colleges that are located within Tamil Nadu, India. The important strategy is that counselling will be conducted based on rank list, if a student is present for counselling then without allocating college and course for that student next rank cannot be allocated with a seat. So it ensure all the students are allocated based on rank.Feasible,it is quite large amount for a middle class family but there education system is good. its around 1l including transportation transport is quite good but the timings is not affordable.Also Fee Structure And Facilities The fee structure depends whether you joined by counseling (merit list) or management suppose if you joined by the merit list I paid as per anna university norms but if you joined by management fees totally relies upon the college.",6.7 2996,Sanjiv Mohanty,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"We have gravitas as our technical event, where every year a new concept is brought up and big tech giants used to sponsor it and a lot of amazing events take place for 3 continuous days. Then, we have Riviera as our cultural fest, that is just amazing. 3 days full of joy of dance music art theatre and a complete joy ride of vit. Big bollywood superstar have a concert nightQuite strict towards rules and policies. And separation between boys and girls. In-time system. There is a curdew timing i.e. students by that timd have to be inside the hostel block else they will be getting charged by a fine. And every mischief is charged by fine here and some has a big amt of fine",9 2997,Nilanjit Chakraborty,Techno India University,"very well designed and student friendly .practical .well planned and updated this will help u to study better,smarter .it makes the whole process more interesting & also placement friendly.I will say its the best what u wantI admitted here through entrace exam's merit list, entrance exam is called wbjee,no doubt tough exam it is, my rank was 3672 for that reason I got chance in this college,our college has many branches over the west bengal",10 2998,Amit Swami,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"As it is four years couse it would take around twelve lakhs for four years . It includes all the things i.e. class fees , mess charges, hospitality charges , hostel charges. Students have to pay around 120000 per semester. I cannot say feasible or expensive.Course is designed by college itself. Two exams per semester . One at middle of the semester called as mid-sem exams and other is end-sem. Papers are checked by class respective faculties. I think course and paper pattern is designed well",5.2 2999,Pesala naveen,"Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree and PG Courses, School of Engineering","First ofall we have celebrated frshers day Then inspection day Sports day Teachers day Gandhi jayanti Vinayaka chawithi And many more ecents have in alour college. This is just in first year sudents and many more events will be in next year.Its is one of the best exam for the sundents who what to study engineering course, its having 160MCQ, and no negitive marks, if we get 40 its just pass mark, more than that marks u willaget good rank by taking average from intermediate",9.3 3000,Mohammed zaiyan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],VIT is among the college which has a very good sports reputation. There are separate fuels and courts for every sport but everything has to be paid extra and the ones in the hostels are less maintained. Labs are equipped with state of the art facilities. There are also various extracurricular activities in the college.All the faculty in VIT are among the best and highly qualified though some are less experienced in teaching but have very high qualifications. Every faculty member has their own influence among the academic point of view where they can help you get internships and extra curricular studying from other institutes.,6.8 3001,Mayank Pathak,VIT Bhopal University,"I filled entrance exam form for vieee . And then I appeared for the same . And later on I qualified and take the counselling session and got selected into college. Admission process in vit is pretty simple . They will divide students on the basis of rank to come to the college and attend the counselling .For eg 5000–10000 rank students may be called one day one session and attend the counselling . In counselling they will give some intro about college and start the process1. Best seniors ever got. 2. Many teachers have reported that he/she has been extremely disruptive in their classes. Not only is this a sign of immaturity, it is also a show of defiance and disrespect. He/she needs to improve or face administrative disciplinary action. 3. He/she is a model student and I am so glad that he/she is in my class! 4. He/she is an asset to the school and a perfect ambassador for the incoming freshman. Keep up the good work!",9.7 3002,Dipesh vadhwani,Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College - [BVM],"Experienced and highly talented few teacher uses projectors and ppt for teaching while few uses board compulsory it is easy for us to make notes and they even help in query or difficulty solving. According to me We should even be give the choices of teachers soo that it is comfortable for us in learning.Being a fresher i havent experienced about this but according to the sources I contacted my college gives various placement and internship opportunities. Every year data of students placed are uploaded and even Average package for a fresher is shown as 3.6 lakhs which is pretty good.",8.5 3003,Alphin Davis Pomy,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"Labs are well maintained and excellent, separate labs are there for undergraduates and postgraduates, coaching is given for each and every sport to discover the talent inside students, equipments for every sport is easily available for studentsAll the faculty are real experts in their subjects. Any doubt asked to them will be cleared at the moment itself, also teaching assistants(PhD students) have been appointed for each subject to clear the doubts in absence of teacher.",8.7 3004,Akash Barman,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"In my first semester i am having E.Mechanics, B.Electrical, E.Mathematics, E.Physics, E.Chemistry, Language as my theory subjects and B.Electrical lab, Chemistry lab and Workshop as my lab subjects. E.Mechanics, B.Electrical and Language consists of one faculty only and E.Physics and E.Chemistry consists of 3 faculties and E.Mathematics consists 2 faculties. The faculty of E.Mechanics, B.Electrical and Language are very good. Their teaching styles are awesome. Whereas the faculty of E.Mathematics and E.Chemistry are very good as well but one of the three faculties of E.Physics is the worst. He don't have any concept of physics just makes us write big big paragraph which he wrote on the blackboard by looking at a reference book. Nobody even attends his classes. Chemistry lab and B.Electrical lab faculties are very professional and makes the complex experiments very simple. We have 6 shops in the workshop i.e Machine shop, Carpentry shop, Fitting Shop, Smithy Shop, Welding Shop and Sheet Metal shop. All the faculties of workshop are very well trained and helps us a lot but the faculty of Carpentry shop is unable to communicate properly as neither his english nor hindi is fluent.I had dream of making smartphones from my childhood only, i had designed the pop up camera concept when i wass in 8th standard, but the A4 paper in which i have drawn was lost and i still regret about that. So the craze of smartphones made me choose Electronics and Communication Engineering. And after interacting with seniors i got to know ECE branch of this college is the best. Even better than CSE, and that made me happy. There are 8 semesters and each semester contains 2 major exams that is mid term and end term. Maximun marks of mid term is 50 which is converted to 30% for calculation of CGPA and maximum marks of End Term is 100 which is converted into 50% and the rest 20% is internal marking such as Tests, Assignments, Attendance etc.",8.8 3005,Dheeraj bari,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],I have got admission through jee main exam in which I had scored 56 percentile .the cut off for the Oriental institute of science and technology college is 50 percentile so I easily got admission in oriental institute of science and technologyThe fee structure is feasible and no expensive we can afford this much fees as they are giving us scholarship also so we can handle this much fees and can study hard in this college for better future and better well being of our parents,7 3006,Medam venkata siva sai prathap reddy,G D Goenka University - [GDGU],"Yes,for every new batch they conducted a welcome party on the first day of our college. After like around 15 days they conducted a program called REVA basically fresher's party. They do with very pride. After that we they conduct tournaments for very sport happens in the university. They make selection and they select the best players out there and make them play in the tournament. There is a inter university tournament happens among the universities around the india and it is a very prestigious tournament for very university in india.I opted bachelor in computer science engineering. They have better faculty and better computer system ever i see. Here in my university the faculty are studied forom highly recognised colleges from india like IIT,IIM,etc. They split the overall semester in internals and written test. Internals are totally based on the class performance,assignments,praticals. They conduct examination very strictly. They are fair enough in marks and in attendance.",8.8 3007,Tushar,Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology - [MAIT],"I am a first-year student. So I am not the correct person to say about the placement opportunities. But from what we know, since our college is in Delhi, some big firms do come to our college. Samsung R&D, Amazon have been to our college in the past. This year they didn't came. Although some of our students selected in Microsoft and Amazon like companies off campus. 13 students were selected in the Google's Gsoc this year as well. Other than this, there's no internship opportunity provided by the college. One has to apply off campus most of the timesLabs are good. They are equipped with AC and are generally clean. Internet works smooth in computer labs. Chemicals are provided in chemistry labs. Instrument works properly in other labs. Extracurricular activities keep on running through the year. Students prepare themselves for competitions which are held in other colleges. They sing, dance, capture photos. There is one badminton club which is just awesome and that is the only good sport related thing in our college. For other sports, neither there is a good ground nor the equipments",5.7 3008,Shreyansh Mishra,Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara - [IIIT-V],"The placement records of our institute are rising up with supersonic speed, last year the avg package was about 6.4 lpa with the highest being 15lpa, with many students acquiring off campus jobs which paid 20lpa+, this year our a erage package has risen upto 10.8 lpa with the highest being 36 lpa, the growth is tremendous and placements will again be better the next year.There is no scholarship offered to us by the institute itself, but there are scholarship provided by the respective state governments, one such is MMVY Scholarship by MP government, which states that if your family income is less than 6lpa and you have secured more than 85 percent in class 12 CBSE, Then the govt will pay all your fee, except the mess fees.",8.2 3009,Nishant Kumar,Rabindranath Tagore University - [RNTU],"If you are studying in 1st year than the course curriculum may be headaches of your mind but from next year everything will be fine. The exam structure is quite hurtful you are not going to score maximum marks if you are not getting the help of external affairs, the examiner is so lazy. But semester wise exam is examined very carefully even any students are not allowed to utter a single word.Campus Life is soo good even it may better than other top colleges. Every new Student will try to make you comfortable when they start the conversation with you. You are going to be a part of the friend zone if you are studying in the college especially if you are part of the hostel. The gender ratio is quite a problem for Students but Don't worry you are living in Bhopal.",8 3010,Chayan Ghosh,Asansol Engineering College - [AEC],"The college itself does not provide any scholarships. But students have the scope to avail loans from other organisations. Students also have scope to avail scholarship from government. Loan facility: I have no idea about any loan facility provided by the college.Senior students are not so helpful honestly. They remain busy showing the power of a senior. If you are related to them from beforehand then you can expect some help from them. But few senoirs loves to strech their helping hands to juniors.",8.8 3011,Gopichandu,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology - [Vel Tech],"It's. A. Data technology. i have interest in. Web designing. And hacking.next generation. Based on this technology . There are. 2 units. And. 2 midterm. In between. Semester .They asked. For 10 marks. For unit exam . And.They asked.20 marks for mid term. in Semester they asked 60 marks. And. 40 marks for internalsI attended. Entrance. Exam. And i got. Good rank in the exam after I joined with merit scholarship my rank is. Six thousand (6000)around.i Have interest in university.so. I prefered This university. In university exam they.have exam like Jee main. Pattern",9 3012,JAGADESH S,St Joseph College of Engineering,"I get through college with the help of agni siragugal trust. If you enter through this trust, you can have low fee structure.There is no academic fee for 1st graduation student. For MBC candidate they only ask 3k per month for mess fee and hostel fee is free. For sc candidate everything is free.No ragging, senior are good and some of them help the juniors. Seniors are decent and won't disturb the juniors. They are used to handle the function when conducted in our college. Senior and junior not mingled together. Only playing sports and in hostel they are mingled.",6.2 3013,Jigar Patel,Government Engineering College - [GEC],"As our college is Government institute so there fees are 1500 only and fees for girls are 0 , so it is very feasible all can afford this much fees for annual basis. In comparison to other privates college the fees are nearly 10000 in some of private colleges and in our government engineering college fees are 1500 only.In Government engineering college rajkot every year 2 events are organised which are 1. BRIZINGR and 2.EUPHORIA. There are cultural activities as well aa technical and non technical events are also organised. These events can improve our technical knowledge also.",8.5 3014,Ankit Kumar Gahlawat,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"First i appeared for the jee mains exam .Then students were expected to apply separately for the admission procedure on the official website of ait. Only student having a defense background that is if their father or mother is serving in defense forces of india were eligible to apply for the admission. Then the college prepared a merit list of 900 applicants based on their all india rank in jee mains in general category. Then top 700 students were called for physical verification of documents which included report card of jee mains , 12 th class certificates issued by cbse and some documents related to defense. If documents found in order students were given admission to their desired stream but that too on the basis of merit . Then the fees and hostel formalities were taken care by the collegeThe college come under the Savitribhai phule University pune , and it's curriculum is followed in the college . In the first year the curriculum of applied science and general engineering is taught and from the next years the curriculum gets specific to the stream. The curriculum is based on 30 -70 pattern . 30 % for in sem and 70% for end sem . In each subject again 30% is the weightage of practicals, assignments and tutorials and the remaining 70% is for the written exam . One needs to score 33% minimum to pass in practical and theories separately, otherwise he /she have to give supplymentaries or in worse cases year drop",7.8 3015,Naman Dhanotia,The LNM Institute of Information Technology - [LNMIIT],"There are three major event in this college Cultural fest(Vivacity) , sports fest (Desportivos), technical fest (plinth) . There are events like Tedx, lnmhacks, MUN. Apart from these there are so many culbs like dance, drama, music, robotics, sports including basketball, volleyball, chess, table tennis, badminton, squash, football, cricket, boxing, and many more.Overall this is a good college if you doesn't get top iits and nits then it is best to pick this college apart having any other private college expect top ones like bits pilani or vit Vellore One great thing is that there are no reservation at all in any aspect so only deserving candidates can come and only limited seats around 500-600 are there.",7.7 3016,Rishwith Reddy,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"There are two courses that are offered in Bits Pilani. Single degree and Dual degree. Single Degree refers to B.E and Dual Degree refers to B.E+M.Sc for five years. The entrance exam BITSAT consists of 150 questions of 3 marks each from Maths,physics,Chemistry,English and Logical ReasoningI would say that BITS has one of the best facilities for sports and extracurricular activities. There are several clubs and assocs where you can learn and explore several types of art forms and interests. There are grounds for almost all sports and a swimming pool is getting constructed.",8.2 3017,Bipin Pathak,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"The course curriculum here is very specific. You get to learn core subjects from your first year only, unlike IIT and NIT where in first year everyone is taught the same subjects irrespective of your branch. Apart from this the institute is also committed towards keeping the curriculum consistent with the corporate world. So the curriculum is revised whenever necessary to meet the needs of industry and to keep up with modern world. The Exam structure here is same as of any IIT and NIT. Each semester is of six months each and in each semester we have 2 Minor exams which have approximately 40% weightage and at the end of semester we have a Major which accounts for the rest of 60%. Every subject has credits alloted to it and for the calculation of CGPA their weighted mean is taken.This is the most exciting part of our college. There are a lot of student clubs which are active in many domains. Apart from these the institute also organises many events throughout the academic year. And at least once a year we have a large fest. In 2019 the institute organised Infotsav which was a Techo-Mangerial fest and then in 2020 we are having Aurora which is a Cultural fest. There are also various sports competitions held throughout the year.",7.8 3018,Rishabh Kumar,Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science -[SITS] Narhe,"Course curriculum is very bad in our education system of india. The subjects which we are being taught is useless for our future according to our course. My branch is IT then also I have to study Mechanical and Electronics. Exam structure is very good as My college is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. We have In-Sem exam of first 2 units after 5 weeks of class beginning and after that we have End-Sem exam of last 4 units after 2 months of In-Sem exam.First I have the JEE Main exam and did the counseling of JEE but could not get any best college. Then I registered for dte maharashtra in which they are giving the admissions in engineering colleges of Maharashtra only. So I attended the councelling and in the second CAP round I got this college.",7.5 3019,Krishnam raju,Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology - [CBIT],Some are good and some are worst.Our Engineering mechanics subject lecturer teaches us so well that we need not prepare for exam for scoring minimum marks and our bee lecturer is soo worst that we even feel difficult to get 5 marks in midsVery good.but lot of records and assignments which are useless.We have mids .sliptests and assignments for internal marks and then 70 marks as semester end examination.And we have to score atleast 12/30 in mids .Or else we get detained,7.8 3020,Prince,GSFC University,"There is a dizzying array of scholarships available for different types of people – for athletes, scholars, scholar-athletes, mothers, . There are opportunities for people who want to study engineering, humanities, health sciences, and everything in between. Sometimes alumni of a particular school will pool their resources to create a specialized scholarship for a student just like themselves.Considering the overall college, we have different set of cultural events for college day celebrations annually. We also have different sports events in sports day celebrations. Where which the cultural thoughts, real sports faith will be exposed by students all over the college. Each fest will be honored by experienced professionals from various fields of expertise.",7 3021,Mohit Mayank,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Through JEE MAINS, I got rank and then the cutoff was released by JOSAA and then I had to fill my choices of colleges and branches. After that I had to submit a seat registeration fee which locked my seat in that college. Then after came the process of verification and admission which was done by the respected college and not by JOSAA. Thereafter we were assigned our hostel rooms and I'd cards.OJASS- It is a techno management fest with number of competition and prize money. Students from different colleges participate in it. URJA- It is a sporting event with matches held between branches and carried out with a lot of zeal and vigour. CULFEST- Cultural fest with celibrities as the guest performers. Cultural and Dramatics Society (CDS) looks after it's management and participation.",5.3 3022,Ankit Kumar Gahlawat,Army Institute of Technology - [AIT],"First i appeared for the jee mains exam . Then students were expected to apply separately for the admission procedure on the official website of ait. Only student having a defense background that is if their father or mother is serving in defense forces of india were eligible to apply for the admission. Then the college prepared a merit list of 900 applicants based on their all india rank in jee mains in general category. Then top 700 students were called for physical verification of documents which included report card of jee mains , 12 th class certificates issued by cbse and some documents related to defense. If documents found in order students were given admission to their desired stream but that too on the basis of merit . Then the fees and hostel formalities were taken care by the collegeThe college come under the Savitribhai phule University pune , and it's curriculum is followed in the college . In the first year the curriculum of applied science and general engineering is taught and from the next years the curriculum gets specific to the stream. The curriculum is based on 30 -70 pattern . 30 % for in sem and 70% for end sem . In each subject again 30% is the weightage of practicals, assignments and tutorials and the remaining 70% is for the written exam . One needs to score 33% minimum to pass in practical and theories separately, otherwise he /she have to give supplymentaries or in worse cases year drop",7.8 3023,JUVAID T K,MEA Engineering College- [MEAEC],So many events are celebrated in our college. Many cultural programmes and other programmes there .mechaf is our college arts programme that's a huge programme and sports also conducting . IEEE club conducted many programmes and workshops mechanium conducted mechanical departmentExtra curricular activities are good labs are well developed especially mechanical lab every department have their own labs . Sports are good many sports activities are there many games courts are there and gymnasium for boys and girls are there,7.7 3024,Shabeeb Rasheed,Vidya Academy of Science and Technology - [VAST],"I wrote the KEAM Entrance examination to get into the college. But i already booked seat for management in the college before the KEAM results. When the results came. I got into government seat. The admission process was kinda Ok. I had to visit the college for submitting documents for like 3 to 4 times. But the faculty was good. And they supported as much as they can. First they called to sumbit the admission fees and some documents. Next time i went to register my application online to their lab. The faculty helped me to compelte the process. Next time after the KEAM results I had to visit the collegeLabs are pretty good. As i am first time in a college. I feel like the school lab was nothing. They have everything which is required for the students to do their experiments. Its pretty big to be honest. They have separate labs for Physics, Computer, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics and many more sub labs. The sports is not that bad at all. They have a basketball court, Football ground etc. Our college is under a huge radius so it is really big college to be honest.",7.3 3025,ASMIT VIMAL,National Institute of Technology - [NITP],"There is plenty of job opportunities in NIT Patna. The last year highest package was of 39.2 lakh. College also provides internship to the student to help them in shaping their future. As I am in first year I don't have much knowledge regarding placement and internships.There are plenty of Events organised in NIT Patna. Approximately 1-2 events per week. I got a nice experience in them. It provides opportunities to show off our hidden talents in other field. Recently, Eccentrica 3.0 was organised and CSE department was the winner.",7.8 3026,Bilin biju,Christ College of Engineering - [CCEIJK] Irinjalakuda,Course curriculum is good.there are 3 sereis test and then there is semester exam.there will be 2 semester exam in 1 st year.sereis tets is internal exam.there should be a minimum mark in sereis to be eligible to write sem exam.There are many positive remarks.but there is some negative also.but overall it is good.gradual class tets and series test help students to achieve good marks in the university exam.teachers and other college faculity are good,6.8 3027,PURVESH MOHOD,Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering - [YCCE],I got admission on the basis of my MHTCET score (my score was 87 percentile in MHTCET) and many of my friends get admission on the basis of JEE entrance exam but you should get above 75 percentile.And if other state students then you should apply from jee or MHTCET (by applying for MHTCET).I got admission on the basis of my MHTCET score (my score was 87 percentile in MHTCET) and many of my friends get admission on the basis of JEE entrance exam but you should get above 75 percentile.And if other state students then you should apply from jee or MHTCET (by applying for MHTCET).,6.7 3028,abhinav jain,Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - [Thapar University],They are quite serious about their subject. They are very friendly and helpful. Since there is a large number of students in a single class so sometimes it becomes difficult for them to manage class. They are also available after their contact hours either by WhatsApp or a specific time allotted. Still if we have any doubt so tutorials have being set up for clearing all our doubts.Thapar is the best in terms of placement and internship. It has almost a record of 95% placement. It guarantees opportunity to all. I am in first year still the major companies like Microsoft has set up a society here to teach and provide internships for undergraduate. It is the best in overall placement statistics till now.,8.3 3029,Easha Karmankar,NIT Warangal,"One need to clear Jee Mains exam with a good percentile score to get into this college with a good branch. You'll get All India Rank which will determine your college and branch Jossa will conduct counciling which have 2 mock rounds and 7 main rounds , in that you have to fill the colleges as per your desire and ur desired branches. You will get some branch and college according to the rank ND percentile score you got. Reservation for SC ST PWD candidates is also there. After that you have to accept the seat you got and verify your documents and identity in suggested colleges Finally there is admission process.It is a all India online Exam which is conducted by NTA, and it have questions based on 11th and 12th CBSE syllabus. NTA changes pattern and exam method last year and doing some modifications this year too. It is a 3hr exam with 3 subjects i.e. physics chemistry and maths each having 1hr time . From this year 25 questions will be there in exam of which 20 will be multiple choice questions and 5 will be integer type. Exam is conducted online in two shifts per day which is held for 5 to 6 days .",9 3030,Ajith A,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"Alumni network spread across different branches works well in the college. They brought about different changes in college like auditorium, placement cells, seminar halls etc. Special note to Chemical Alumni association for their splendid support towards placements and infrastructure.Placement and job opportunities are vast compared to some other government colleges and some private colleges. The highest package offered was 40 Lpa if the information is right. Core placement is of average (only few get in) but IT company's bag a lot.",8.3 3031,Jyothis Raj,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The course curriculum is great and easy to complete if we do the correct work. Coming to exam structure, there there group of exams. Class assessments or CAs which have a weightage of 25 , Mid term examination or MTE which has a weightage of 20, and End term examination which has a weightage of 50. All together 95 plus 5 marks weightage of attendance. But this may vary with different subjects accordingly.I qualified JEE main 2019 with a percentile score of 92.7. With that score I registered at the official website of lovely professional University. They contacted me and provided the course details and advantages of the University. Then I took an online provisional admission and later I visited the campus and completed the admission formalities",8.5 3032,M.Kiran Gowtham,Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology - [RSET],Rajagiri has good quality teaching staffs. They are qualified and are really good at English which makes the learning process much easier. The faculty are not much aged. They are usually young who can understand the students and help them to improve in curricular and co curricular areas.Rajagiri is one of the best institutes in the country. Good quality education is provided with lab facilities and sports facilities is little bit strict as the college is controlled by CMI province. It's also head world class infrastructure. The College has anti ragging association.,8.8 3033,Priyajith ps,Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology - [SIET],Average college with minimalistic facilities good for average students. Internships and direct placements are available. Most students are from tamil nadu some from kerala. Facilities good for averageinternships and direct placements are available.Its good as compared to other Colleges have good lab facilities. Food technologist have a lot of demands all over the world so it will be some thing you can get benifits personally. Ushually 3 exams are conducted 2internals and semester exam.,5.7 3034,Midhun M,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],"I wrote the keam exam,which is the kerala engineering entrance and secured a good rank. I applied for various colleges through the keam admission portal.I had the cut off mark for getting the desired programme in government College of Engineering Kannur.I put the government college of engineering kannur as the first option in keam allotment after applying,I directly got admission there in the first allotment itself.The alumini network is helpful.They organise many events,workshops and talks in the college and is also in getting good companies for campus interview.The college has produced many notable alumini the most notable of them being Mr Byju of byju's app",7.3 3035,Bodhi Satwa Mishra,KLE Technological University,"Through counseling of COMEDK. We get college and courses according to the rank we got in entrance test of COMEDK. There are 2 round of counseling. In 1st round if you got seat of your choice then directly you get seat otherwise if you want,, you surrender your taken seat and attend in round 2 for your choice of seat in college &course.Course curriculum is Very good and it is according to market/industry requirements. In 1st year the curriculum is same for all branches of btech, but from second year it is different for different branch. In cse branch we got specialization in cloud computing, AI, IoT.",7.2 3036,Prajwal Nakade,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"They have everything in campus. Whatever you want is there. You just need to decide what you want exactly. We have 2 grounds. One for cricket one for football. We have basketball court where various inter dept inter hostel matches are played and so do we have good amount of sports facility. Coming to labs they are updated and air-conditioned. Lab quality is nice.As its Institute of national important companies do visit our college. On an average for every branch, average placement vary from 6 to 12-13 LPA. For this year placement is again higher than previous years. For CS/IT Average placement goes till 12-13 LPA and highest goes around 40 LPA. Core placement are good here too.",9 3037,Rohan S B,NIE Institute of Technology - [NIEIT],"Vidyasiri,a well known scholarship scheme from the state government which is very useful for students to get economically good during college days.it helps for those who couldn't afford fees.it has different scheme for differnt religious people.College day,musical day, republic day, independence day,onam,kannada rajyotsava,gaandhi jayanti, college fest,holi ,Chitrakala,nie institutions sports,anthyakshaari,ignieit,techworld. Cricket tournament, volleyball tournament etc.",8 3038,Ridhin P,Government Engineering College - [GECT],First I got good rank in keam entrance exam I came to Thrissur enggineering College and sfi students help me in the admission process.I get ccf and register my bio data in there.I paid the pta and ktu fees.then I got here admissionWe have lot of events eg: bhoomika is one of that it is a Union inagration function actor Tovino come as cheaf gust and Thrissur Motor Show is the south India's beat motor show conducted by our college mechanical branch,7.3 3039,Raghav Dhir,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Our college has a tie-up with SBI and we have SBI bank branch opened in our campus. Anyone who has been admitted to the college easily get loans and the total fees of 20 lakhs is easily covered. The college provides two kind of scholarships - merit and merit cum need (for families have total income less than 10 lakhs).I attempted the BITSAT exam and the screen showed the score. Later online iterations were held and we were informed about the campus ( Pilani, Goa or Hyderabad) and the course alloted to us. At the fourth iteration we had to report to the campus and then the formalities were completed and admission was granted.",9.3 3040,HARSH SINHA,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,In college my branch is pretty much a mix of mathematics courses along with computer science courses with a bit inclination towards the mathematics part. The course curriculum itself is nice but the maths part is sometimes difficult to understand as it's quite abstract unlike maths at school level. It is hard but rewarding at the same time. Usually every course has a convener who distributes 100 marks into midsem endsem and assignment quiz etc the exams itself are not that hard as mostly they ask what's already taught with a little twist sometimes.There are 3 events majorly. Spardha - sports event it sees massive participation and eminent celebrities across India. Kashiyatra - cultural festival it has some of the best pro nights with amazing people coming in from all cultural backgrounds music standups dance and whatnot. Technex - technical festival if technology is what excites you then this is the place from various companies visiting to amazing pro nights to see what people can do with small bits of tech it's just incredible.,7.2 3041,Safwan,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Placement in here are the best. Various companies come they take as many as they could. our university also got the limkha award for placing most student in last year. If go for internship that is also good they provide internship or various student organization provides internship. Right now am in first year so am bot eligible. but many of my seniors are doing it and they earn much.When looking for other private colleges our college fees is little bit less and they also provide many kind of scholarship and everyone is eligible for getting that. according to the entrance exam mark you will be provided with scholarship. I have already got 30% of scholarship. my roommate got 40% and other one got 50% scholarship from the college itself.,8.5 3042,Pannaga Holla,The National Institute of Engineering - [NIE],"Our college being a reputed, offers many facilities and financial benefits. The college enables us to apply for many scholarships. This helps many of them in many ways. Everyone is able to get this benefit and everyone affords it. This enables students to enjoy the education facilities in a better way. This create hope and college supports all kind of increment of the students. Thus loan and financial help is also offered.There are 3 kind of admission for Karnataka state they can enter though KCET or COMEDK or Management quota North Indian students can enter either though the management quota or COMEDK Karnataka student should submit 2nd PU marks card and CET rank list or COMEDK rank list",8.5 3043,Mohamed sidan,National Institute of Technology - [NITC],"Campus life is wonderful. It is a picturesque campus with lot of greenery and fresh air. The gender ratio is around 4:1 for boys to girls. Opportunities for extra curricular activities are provided by clubs are sports teams. Clubs like Literary and Debating Club, Industrial and Planning Forum, etc has good programmes and conduct events. Basketball, Cricket, Football, etc. go for Inter NIT competitions and has many wins.The college has a batch of 1000 so there are around 5000 students in the campus. this itself gives a lot of colour to the two main inter college fests, Tatva-The technical Fest and Ragam ,The cultural fest. The fests see participation from across south India and has some of the best pro shows like Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Shaan, Etc.",7.8 3044,Bandela abhinav reddy,Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College - [MVSREC],"It is expensive ,1.25 lakhs as it is changed this is because of they got the permission to change their fees, And the fees should be paid at one time before the starting of college every year And the merit students who get rank below 10 thousand get a free seat1.freshers party 2.dandiya fest 3.farewell 4.uebehehe Ujebeie Jhbeuejej Ijhruebru Ijrheineue8e Iieneuisjeneid Ijrjrirbrueneieje Kneeiheeurheurbhdie Jjjiiiibbduejeudjdid Jjdjdjeiejeuejejejdjdjurhjoejruej I don't know as I'm a fresher in that college",7.7 3045,DIVYANSHU TIWARI,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Most of the Faculty of lpu are very but some are very worst. But you will enjoy while learning. Means some of the teachers are very attentive towards studied. They really wants to build students future but some of the Faculty just come their because of their jobs.You can get scholarship by getting good marks in Entrance exam test, maximum scholarship they offer is 40%, you can easily pay rest of fee. Lpu also provide loan acceptance facility as you can apply for loan to any of the bank to get loan for studies.",7.2 3046,Sahir muzaffar,Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering - [SJCE],"As it became autonomous in 2014, it has its own curriculum, it is easy to score good cgpa here if u r here to study. 3 internals and 2 events(projects, assignments) in a semester. And it will continue for the remaining semesters too. 20 marks internals and 100 marks semester end examinations.If u r from Karnataka, u can give the cet entrance else u can give the comedk exam then u have to sit for the counseling process in bangalore. Then a college will be alloted to u as per ur rank. If u come through cet, ur tution fees is going to less than thrice as compared to that of comedk.",8.2 3047,NISHCHAY KOTHARI,Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],With the help of mh cet then with the help of allotment letter we can apply their bt visiting college with all required docu and fees applicable to you according to your category You can also get admission through Management Quota.Vishwakarndak is the main function in our college with the annual Gandharva festival. To increase the entrepreneur there is the cell called EDC which organises many festivals likely to compare and connect students to outer world.,7.3 3048,Pratik Wadekar,Rajarambapu Institute of Technology - [RIT],"There are many faculties. There is branches of diploma, engineering, management. Higher education is also available here. All staff is good. My branch is Computer science and engineering. Mechanical, civil, electrical these branches are also available.There are many evaents in our college. Gathering, Ganapati festival etc. E cell organize some events. Various department conducts various activities. That events are helpful and joyful for me. There are all indian festivals are celebrated.",7.7 3049,Abhishek,KMEA Engineering College - [KMEA EC],"I hadn't attended the entrance exam conducted by the entrance commission. So i decided to take admission in NRI seat in this college. For my admission certain documents are needed to submit, they are Passport copy, +2 original certificate, 10 th original certificate, TC, conduct certificate etc.The college has a good atmosphere for students to improve their studies and along with their skills, there many clubs in our college to promote the talents and skills of our students. The college had a good campus. And have much facilities for the academic improvement.",7.8 3050,ASHOK KUMAR MEENA,IIT Guwahati - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITG],there are many events celebrated in our college like techniche which is largest festival in North East India and second largest in India technical fest around 15000 to 20000 student visited in our college and to show their technical projects like robots and all that and second festival is a spirit which is largest sports festival in North East India in this college and schools come IIT guwahati for playtheir different type of activities held within the campus like we have different type of clubs slabs and sports and mostly all the students in evening play sports and some of the student goes to club means coding club robotics astronomy club different type of clubs in our campus so these are the extra curricular activities for enjoyment and entertainment and feeling relaxed,7.8 3051,Abisheak hemarengan,Bannari Amman Institute of Technology - [BIT],By the counseling done by the government of Tamil Nadu so i chose this college for studying the college is good for students who have a great mind and tries to give their new ideas when you're chose the college through counseling within ine week you have to come to the college and with the counseling admit sheet and other important documents ànd the fees amount ask the college for fee information they will take your documents both Xerox and original for verification they will give your original certificates after joining the collegeThe curriculum is good and there will be 5 unit test and an end semester exam The unit test are conducted by regular intervals after the completion of each unit and by the side you have to add your reward points to attain certain marks the unit and reward points are converted into internal marks,9 3052,Pranit rane,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"Through mhtcet exam. First I have to give the entrance exam. Then I have to fill the form for colleges through mhtcet site. I have to fill the choice form priority list wise. On the base of merit list I got this college.Yes, they provide tgose things.sports is not much goodno staf look after that just senior students do that stuff no good selection process for sports randomly they pick some one lab activities are also notmuch good.",5.2 3053,Pradhumna,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,Lab facilities are very good. Extracurricular activities are also good and are open to all the students. Sports facilities are wide and vast. Labs are big and spacious and the faculties there are very nice and help in all kind of ways. Sports facilities looks into the fitness of each and every student.Alumni network and senior students are very good and friendly. Senior students are like our mentors and help us any kind of way. They guide us what to and what not to do in the campus. Alumni network is vast and is helpful to all the students who use it.,8.7 3054,Eswar sai,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering - [SVCE],I got admitted into college by writing our common entrance exam called Eamcet. I got good percentage as well. So I can easily got seat in my counselling.i went to college and the staff received us and treated with good manner. I gave my certificates and admitted into college.In any college the fee structure may varies.According to the caste the fees of the students are decided by the management.they have pay their fee before every term.they made a good decision to pay the fees by step wise. I appreciate the decision of our college.,7.7 3055,Ashish Raj,Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"Admission in this college is based on the exam called Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test in which student have to score a good marks and get a good rank in the test, under 700 rank general category student got selected and under 2000 rank OBC student got selected in this college.Scholarship facility is there in my college which is based upon the marks of semester exam, every year cadets got scholarship based upon their talent. Loan facility is also available in the college almost all the banks come in the campuses and offers loan to the cadets.",9.5 3056,Ankit Kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"1) Jee mains entrance exam 2) If eligible for councelling then fill the form of Jossa. 3) once you get the college in jossa you have to pay seat acceptance fee of 35,000 which will be transferred to college after admission. 4)Then report at the reporting centre and get the seat float/slide/freeze 5) Finally report at the allocated instituteFeasible. Because tution fee though 70,000 per semester but depending upon your annual income fee is charged. If annual income is Less than 1lac no tution fee will be taken If annual income is 1 lack to 8 lac you have to pay 1/3 of the total fee If annual income is above 8 lack then you need to pay entire fee of the college",8.7 3057,Rohit Pandey,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Then course curriculum for the 1st year students is same for all departments i.e, CSE, ECE, ME, EE, CE, CH etc. department students are studying same thing for entire 1st year. From 2nd year onwards department divided and then you study to your respective department. So basically in 1st year they give a basic knowledge about all departments. In your 1st year they teach basic electrical, basic ECE, basic programming, engineering drawings etc.First of all you have to take JEE mains examination and if you qualify jee mains then you are eligible for jee advanced, after the declaration of results if you not perform enough in jee advanced to get into an IIT then you can choose NIT Agartala if your rank is around 15k to 40k for general category in jee mains. After getting mains rank card you have to do a online councling which is done by JOSSA and then by CSAB.",7.8 3058,Chirag jain,JECRC University - [JU],The faculty of the College is ok but not up to the mark there are some of the faculty which supports the students but only some not all you are here to prepare yourself so you cannt be dependent on the faculty of the College at last I want to say that yeh the faculty is helpful but not up to the level.Yes of course there is an option to the provide scholarship to the talented students who score marks in class 12 th as per i know i have score 85.6% in class 12th and was rewarded with 35% scholarship in class 12th. And i think the student with 90% marks will be rewarded with 50% scholarship.,7.8 3059,Rajneesh,Galgotias University - [GU],Expensive as the fee for 1 year is 159000 for cse(examination fee included). But when compared to other colleges it doesn't seem that expensive. The college fee should pe paid in one time either through DD or by cash at the time of admissions.The alumni network is not that good or simply non existential. Don't know if they are helpful or not as this is quite new university. In future when more students pass out from the university then maybe there will be a proper alumni network.,7.5 3060,Shubham Kumar Vaish,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],"No, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, formerly known as Madhav Engineering College and commonly referred to as MITS Gwalior, is a government-aided autonomous institute founded in 1957 and located in Gwalior in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The institute is operated by the Scindia Engineering College Society. The institute offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in engineering along with Bachelor in Architecture and Master in Computer Application.College provide facility of education loan from bank for poor students. It also provide scholarships for SC, ST and OBC students. The rental facilities are provided by 33% upto 27000 from the college to SC, ST students and even the fees is about half for them. For students who have taken admission through TFW (Tuition Fee Waiver) their tuition fees amount is zero and thus there fees is upto only upto 10,000.",8.7 3061,Mohammad zaid khan,Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology - [GJUS&T],"The faculty of our college is helpful and they clear our doubt by taking extra class.Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a ""good teacher."" A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with their teaching styles. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is difficult to keep the attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten. Faculty is good.Average placement and also provide internship as i am 1st year student so i don't know much about it.This really doesn't matter from which college you are, If you have potential you have ways. You can always try off campus placements if your college fails to provide it in campus. All the people we hear about like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs all are college dropouts, they all even don't have their college degrees. They got talent hence they fly their own way. So my friend focus on skill development, if you are in good university with high placements then its good but if not then don't look at ground because you can fly your own way. Coming back to question, placements in GJU is average. You cannot expect high package from on campus placements. For that you have to try off campus opportunities. Yeah we get averge placement.",8.8 3062,MOHAMMED SAHEEL K,MES College of Engineering - [MESCE] Kuttippuram,"The events celebrated in mes is freeze, insepira, mechfest, etc. All program are very good and less cost. The events contected all vacation times, no class mixed. The all events participate the celebrities like film stars.All faculty is good and good teaching.All douts are cleared and contected exam etc. The faculty also supported all extracurricular activities. All faculty is very good teaching. All faculty support well studying process.",9.8 3063,Vishal Pandey,NIT Silchar,"NIT Silchar conducts various events comes under technical fest and cultural fest and administration provides a huge amount of fund for these fests. 1. Incandescence:- this is a technical fest in which various projects are organised and students came to learn various subjects. Different workshops are organised. 2. Technoesis:- it is also a technical fest and almost same things are organised as they were in incandescence. 3. Poshua:- this is a cultural fest which is organised during bihu( cultural festival of assam) dance, music and various activities are organised. All events are awesome and students of other colleges, scientists, artists, entrepreneur are invited.Fee structure depends upon your caste and your economic condition. SC ST students have to pay less money compared to general students. And in general category there are 3 divisions. 1:- annual income less than 1 lac. 2. Annual income less than 5lacand more than 1 lac. 3. Annual income more than 5 lac. Every year fee structure changes so you should visit college website for fee structure. But it is affordable for every section of society.",7.7 3064,Rahul Awasthi,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],"1. I participated in UPSEE exam conducted by AKTU every year. 2. In result I got more than cut off marks. 3. In counselling I registered by giving 1000 rs. and I fill the college choices according to my rank preference. 4. After the counselling result I booked my seat by giving 20000 rs. online. 5. And finally I went to college to submit my fees of a year and submitting all documents.Yes college provide placements in a huge manner. If you have the ability then you get a handsome amount of salary after spending four years in this college. Infosys, TCS, Wipro and Capgemini are the companies which comes in the campus every year for the recruitment. Infosys is the day 1 company which comes in the campus for recruitment.",8 3065,vivek kumar,Indian Maritime University - [IMU],"The placements are not so good, here last year only 17 shipping companies visited us and next year we are expecti g almost 56 companies to pay us a visit to recruit the cadets of IMU, the shipping industry of india is at downfall, but still Dmet (IMU - KOLKATA) stands strong all alone, and gives the best placements in india. It has also held an international ranking of 2 for a couple of years as the best international marine college.The shipping industry of india is at downfall, but still Dmet (IMU - KOLKATA) stands strong all alone, and gives the best placements in india. It has also held an international ranking of 2 for a couple of years as the best international marine college, the college, hosts regular events which includes, tempest, lit - o sphere, Kolkata got talent, several campaigns on time to time basis, because it is a central government college.",7.7 3066,Aman Kumar Jethani,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"There is a scholarship MCM provided by our college to only selected student who have a best rank in JEE-MAINS and their family annual income is less than Rs 4,50,000. And our college is also accept the scholarship of MADHYA PRADRSH provided by the MADHYA PRADRSH government and student who have done 12th from MADHYA PRADRSH can apply for it if their marks are greater tha 425many opportunities in sports also we have a great Sports Complex with most of the sports and a Cricket,Football,Basketball Ground also consisting a lawn tennis court and all are maintained very well. Labs are very clean and the teacher of the each lab knows the exact knowledge of the equipment and the procedure",7.7 3067,Shivraj Nath,Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering - [SJCE],"As I am currently in the 1st semester, I cannot make a thorough comment on the course curriculum. The curriculum right now is same for all branches. It is comparatively easy and not too hectic, the practical portion of the curriculum could do with a bit of improvement though. The exam structure is based on CO's or Course Outcomes. It focuses on the practical outcomes of whatever theory is taught. The mark distribution is clean and effective.Extra-curriculars are the biggest asset of this college. There are numerous student run technical clubs of the college, which organise a lot of workshops and informative classes and events which cater to the choices of students in a broad manner. Technical trips are also planned to other institutes or other industrial visits. Labs are average. Sports require a lot of self effort, since there's not a major backing by the college.",8.5 3068,Noyal Thomas Manjooran,Federal Institute of Science and Technology - [FISAT],The college provide a lot of placements and job opportunities. FISAT is famous for its high placement rates for B.Tech students. College also has an incubation centre for the students to begin a startup. FISAT provides a lot of job opportunities also. The college doesn't provide internships but the students can participate in the internships externally. The stapent depends on various internships.Faculty of FISAT is excellent. The teaching faculty is qualified as well as having a lot of experience in teaching. The lectures are great and they also provide additional information and also provide doubt clearance sections instantly. The college faculty is dedicated as well as provide care for the students.,8.8 3069,SHASHI KIRAN,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"The course curriculum is well updated and modernised. Although we are taught C in first year in computer programming, which is outdated, but that helps us understand programming and how it works. Exams are pen and paper based. There are two main exams in a semester and various internals, the two main exams are mid semester exams and end semester exams. There are no mcqs in examinations. Correction is done online, and marks are also sent to the respective students to their respective emails, given by the authorities.Extracurriculars are also very good in KIIT. They provide with ample opportunities to prove yourself. Various activities are conducted in the campus almost everyday, in the evenings and the campus is very lively due to it. Sports are not free, you need to pay for them, but you get a very good coach, and also all the facilities for the respective sport. Labs are also very clean, but cannot be accessed whenever we want to, we need to take permission and use only during clads hours.",8.3 3070,Ankush Kumar Bar,Coochbehar Government Engineering College,First you have to get through an entrance exam WBJEEB then you will secure a GMR(General Merit Rank) then councilling process starts its completely online where you will log in then fill your cources of respective colleges then the first list will be announced and you will have the choice to stay with the college you have or you can upgrade now you can go to RC (reporting center) after paying seat acceptance fee of ?5000 online then in RC every document will be verified then you can visit your college and have the admission.Extracurricular activities starts from the induction program to the farewell every thing is celebrated and every festival is celebrated. Football and volleyball is mostly played cricket is also played by students but not much prefferd. Labs are equipped for engineering but not completely but you can do very much with all these equipments and sufficient no of equipment are present.,8.7 3071,Shashank Pal,Harcourt Butler Technological University - [HBTU],Through the qualify the jee mains exam and i passed the exam then i register for this college and i got admission i exaplain in deep there is a long process of admission after cracking the exam you should got admission and remember you will got admission by rank wise only.There are placements sell is so good many company come here add all the student selected from here previous year there is student in computer science department he was placed at microsoft with 14 lackh anum pakage and many companies offer for itner ship also.,7.7 3072,Anik Saha,Jadavpur University - [JU],"We have 8 semester in our 4 year course. Each semester consists two series of class test and a final semester exam. Our teachers sets tha question paper as our college is autonomous. Question paper is so hard.I had given a exam called WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination). I got 101 marks out of 200. The exam consist of physics, chemistry and maths questions. I got 802 rank in that exam and got admitted.",7.8 3073,Ankit Raj Biswal,Institute of Technical Education and Research - [ITER],"All subject related labs are there and are well equipped and maintained. Regarding sports facilities badminton, basketball, volleyball and other indoor sports facilities are available in the college but for other sports students use to visit Campus 2 that comes under the same university.There are various remarks regarding college : 1 The college has a well built library with many good books. 2.social life is also good. 3. infrastructure is of top notch quality. 4.Healty campus lots of trees are planted. Negative : 1. Rash driving of students in campus area.",9.7 3074,Nikhil,Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College - [AKGEC],My course is b tech and branch is Information technology.and exams are done in 4 times in this college.first is sessional 1 then sessional 2 then internal and then external.thats the only one semester.and In every one year.2 year.and my course duration 4 year.I got my college by the process of counselling by uptu exam.they do not do fee consession.so i had to give whole amount of fee in one time.and i also had not take admission in hostel because hostel charges are very high.,7.7 3075,Subhojit Kumar Patar,Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya - [GGU],"The University is good for courses other than B.tech , especially Pharmacy and Physical education departments are quite famous and has good scope after graduation.For B.tech it's below average and provide less opportunities in terms of internship and placement. College life is not good as it lacks in creating such environment as most of the students are day scholar.Through Joint seat allocation authority (JoSAA) or Central Seat Allocation Body(CSAB) on the basis of rank in Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main.Guru Ghasidas University is a central university so the university has to accept the rules and regulations for admission set by Central Government (MHRD)",4.2 3076,Yash Bohra,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Entrance through BITSAT which is an online test(MCQ Based). Marks obtained in the test are displayed as soon as the test ends. Then the student has to choose the branches according to his preferences available across the three campuses and submit the list online. Then as their are successive rounds there is a possibility that a student's branch can be upgraded. Finally after the 4th round the student has to report to his allowed campus along with his documents. It happens in August.The placement and job opportunities are very good. BITS has a really good placement record and several MNCs offer good packages. The average package is also quite high as compared to other colleges. BITS has mandatory internships programmes known as Practice School 1 and Practice School 2. Also students are also offered internships by the companies in their 3rd year. They give very good stipend.",8.7 3077,Kalyan Reddy,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The fees structure in the first phase per sum 95to 100 percent-45000 rupees per sum 90 to 95 percent -53000 rupees per sum 80 to 90 percent-63000 rupees per sum The fees structure in the second phase per sum 95 to 100 percent-53000 rupees per sum 90 to 95 percent-63000 rupees per sem 80 to 90 percent -72000 rupees per semThe faculty for us is very good they explain in a easy manner in which we can understand and perform better in the examinations. They support us and help us if we have any problems. Our Hod always ask students any problem there come to me I will help you.",9.3 3078,Divyanshu Tiwari,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Course curriculum is just upto the mark one can only study what is minimal requirement for becoming a Engineer but extra workshops and hackathon will help you improve as well. The exam structures is very easy. Every course or subject will have 2 or 3 or 4 Continuous assessments which will be conducted during lectures a Mid term examination (MCQ or subjective in some subjects) and a End term examination (subjective or only a few will be MCQ). The percent weightage of each exam is CA-25 MTE -20 ETE- 50 Attendance-5College provides both loans as well as scholarships. Scholarship maximum from college side is 150000 per year if you have rank among top 10% + you can apply for other scholarships provided from various government schemes.Loans are only accepted from banks that are associated with LPU Note there are more than 15 banks associated with LPU.",9.3 3079,Anshul Mehta,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"1. Give an exam called BITSAT that comes usually around month of May. 2. Fill up admission form and give your priority of branch you want. The priority can be from different campuses under ""BITS Pilani"". 3.On the basis of the marks we get the branch.The college has an SBI branch in the campus itself. At the start of the year we got an offer from SBI to avail loan for the college fees at an interest rate of 5% p.a. Also a scholarship is provided to top 9 in end sem scores",9.5 3080,Shubham Gupta,Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology - [BIET],This course is four years course based on semester system. In btech information technology there are 5 to 6 subjects and 2 or 3 labs in each semester. This course is about the functionality of computer and its programming. There are two sessional exams as class tests and a final exam as semester exam which is compulsory to everyone.In my opinion this college is better than many other colleges. The placements are good. You can do preparation of gate and many other competitive exams better than this college. And the other big reason of chosing this college is this is a government college.,8.2 3081,Darshan,East West Institute of Technology - [EWIT],I got here by attending cet exams in the first round of allotment. After allotment i paid the prescribed fee in bank. Then got my allotment letter which i have to submit on college. After there was a provision of college fee payment which paid while submitting allotment letterHow to get rid of the the old one and put the heating in the morning and get it to the kitchen before we get the rest of the course work so we can get it back to the office for you to use it for you to get rid of line of work,7 3082,Ajith P,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"The college's largest event is DYUTHI.Which is conducted nearly every year. Then there is Thrissur Motor Show(TMS) which is organised by mechanical department. It is one of the best motor show in South India and the best in India conducted by college student.The college stands out in all these. The college has an IEEE chapter ,SAE chapter etc for technical support. Ideator is the college innovation club which can help you technically and financially.There are also cultural clubs like SPICMACAY, GRAFFITI etc",7.3 3083,Ajith P,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"The college's largest event is DYUTHI.Which is conducted nearly every year. Then there is Thrissur Motor Show(TMS) which is organised by mechanical department. It is one of the best motor show in South India and the best in India conducted by college student.The college stands out in all these. The college has an IEEE chapter ,SAE chapter etc for technical support. Ideator is the college innovation club which can help you technically and financially.There are also cultural clubs like SPICMACAY, GRAFFITI etc",7.3 3084,Ajith P,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"The college's largest event is DYUTHI.Which is conducted nearly every year. Then there is Thrissur Motor Show(TMS) which is organised by mechanical department. It is one of the best motor show in South India and the best in India conducted by college student.The college stands out in all these. The college has an IEEE chapter ,SAE chapter etc for technical support. Ideator is the college innovation club which can help you technically and financially.There are also cultural clubs like SPICMACAY, GRAFFITI etc",7.3 3085,Chandrahaas Vakkalagadda,IIT Hyderabad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITH],"Elan nvision, Grand masthi, Elan belongs technical fest where we organise several work shops and nvision is cultural part and speciality it is completely organised by the students and we gain skill when we go for publicity and sponsorships and we do security also.We get intern ship offers from shirucafe internshala and few other thinks and campus sort out few internships in linkindin and send to students so they can easily apporch them without surfing job and we will get them from our alumni.",9.3 3086,Nikhil kumar,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"The placement of my college is excellent every year a lot of companies come to recruit the students my college starts to provide internship from 3rd year which helps to make great engineers and a person great at their works from 1st year only we are provided with developing skill classes which helps us a lot.First, I filled the form of lpunest which is the internal test of my college then after few days I got my result. There were three cutoff above 200 Mark's 50 percent scholarship above 180, 40 percent scholarship. I got above 180 and 40 percent Scholarship then I came to college and took admission.",9.3 3087,Salman pasha,Academy for Technical and Management Excellence - [ATME],positive number college only the nature of our college and negative is all the things there is no good placement no in shape no good facilities in our college do not provide any type of events from other college aur colleges face in events providing placement and helping nature dilwale need money not any scope for the collegesenior student not interface engineer lives and providing good helpful and help in education how to get pass how to clear all the subjects and their thinking brother and sister for us senior are good in all the things sports lab education is better in seniors,4.2 3088,Harikrishnan B,College of Engineering - [CEC] Chengannur,Last year itself the college got placed with 201 students to various companies all over the India. About 41 companies visited the last batch in our college. also we have various forms in our college to enrich the students participate participation in various fields. It includes coding practical skill and other various activities.The college has a very good in which various peoples working all over India and Kerala meetup in the college itself they are very helpful for college.aluminium members often visit college in order to motivate the students of their who wish to get success in their life.,8.5 3089,Aswin,College of Engineering and Management - [CEM] Punnapara,"Academics is very good but should improve the visual language. The most focused thing i found here is the lab. There is no stadium sadly and the ground is filled with grass. Overall an average college comparing both infrastructure and academics. There is a large library with greayer number of books.Teaching faculty and workshop infrastructure is great. 2nd largest civil and mech workshop in kerala. A single lab consist of more then 20 equipments and each students can work individually and about teaching, teachers are from well reputed colleges around India.",7.8 3090,SANJAY BANGARESHWAR HEGDE,Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology - [SSIT],Comes to placement our college have average placements out of 600 students nearly 250-300 get placements many it cimapanies comes here also some of the good companies come here. When come to internship our college does not provide any internships.Fee structure of this college is little bit expensive for some students for 1st year be students college fee and tution fee is about 93000 and they will take 3800 as exam fees and hostel fees of this college is 70000 per annum.,7.8 3091,Rajarshi Sengupta,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Yes, companies like Amazon, Reliance at about ?30000 ppo etc. do visit in 3rd year to offer internships but only to select students. Rest need to get internships from outside or do paid internship. The placement is overall good. Many companies like Adobe, Directi, Samsung R&D, Delloitte, High Radius, TCS, Wipro, Accenture, Infosys l, IBM etc visit the college every year. The average package of the whole B.Tech was around 4.5 lpa where as for CSE it was around 5.5-6 lpa. The highest package offered was 39 lpa.There are all sorts of extra curricular activities available here. In fact our college is famous for nurturing many sportspersons and it highly supports extra curricular activities. There are seperate football and cricket stadiums, gyms, basketball courts, tennis courts etc. They have one of the best sports and extra curricular facilities among all the colleges available in all over India.",8.3 3092,Varun Gupta,Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology - [SMIT],"I had appeared for an entrance exam which is conducted in different parts of India specifically by this college for admission in this college. I secured 33rd Rank in all India. Thereafter I received an email which had the various information which I needed in order to continue with the admission process. I arranged all my documents and travelled to the college from my place on the day of the counselling. Thereafter the college authorities guided me through the admission process , got all my paperwork done and finally told me my reporting date.The placements are a major problem here in SMIT. The companies which come for the campus recruitment drive are generally mediocre and the packages offered by them is also average. Yes the college does provide internship. I haven't done a single internship provided by the college till date so I really can't answer this one.",6.5 3093,Sachin Hissal,Sinhgad Institute of Technology - [SIT] Lonavala,Surbhai and karandak the college is situated on a hil station and for it sports is the first thing if you are a sporty guy you would definitely love this college. It has got all the grounds and the biggest sport fest is there every year.Sports a big sport complex is available and a swimming pool too two badminton courts all labs a re available not with the latest technology but they are managed according to the guidelines of sppu you won't face any problem in any lab.,8.5 3094,Mayank Mohak,GIET University - [GIET],"If you really want to study more apart from the course then this college is best for you. College professors help and assist in getting many other online course certificates according to the student's desires. This college has a center for the NPTEL course and has conducted may workshop of many IITs and this could be done with some best professors.Events conducted after I have joined till now: IIT Bombay workshop of solar ed light making projects. IRCTCIB Seminar only held in our college in Odisha this year and many students from it's coming and also from different colleges. Seminar of SBI, and different clubs of robotics, and of Blood donation camp and many NSS trips for social welfare.",8.3 3095,Favas kp,Government Engineering College - [GECSKP] Sreekrishnapuram ,"This curruculum is so nice,the exams can pass easly for an average students eventhough they have to study very broad and should refer so many huge books.the core subjects of the curriculum is mathematics and physics. The mathematics are very modern type and very hard to know the content. The subject engineering graphics is very difficult without a visualisation capacity and critical thinking.Many students in my college got placed in various companies and industries. There is a placement wing in my collges doing placement related issues and career guidence. The placement mainly for IT and CSE departments. The placement for mechanical and electrical branches are very rare. I think my college doest give interships and I dont know exactly I am a first year student.",9.3 3096,ABHINAND A S,National Institute of Technology - [NITC],"The course are outcome oriented and the curriculum is independent to the college as it is a deemed University. Exam systems are descriptive in nature and are focused on skillsets and knowledge on the core concepts.thos is what I know from my seniors as i am yet to appear for my semester exams.Our college proudly conducts the biggest technical and management fest in south india ""tathva"".students from hundreds of colleges and schools participate in it from all our the country. There is also a cultural fest RAGAM. All major events are celebrated in the campus.",8.3 3097,Arvind Boominathan,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"It is a general CSE curriculum and the exam structure has two Continuous assessment tests and one final assessment test. The continuous assessment tests are for 50 marks each while the final assessment tests are for 100 marks and there are assignments that add up to the same to calculate the final grade.There are all kinds of sports equipment available on the campus you can play any sport where you want in your free time so that's not an issue. Labs are quite good and have the necessary materials you need, all the essentials are present. There are workshops all time to keep you engaged.",8.2 3098,Rohan Dhatrak,Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College - [SAKEC],"College is Good. Only one Negative thing is No Extra Campus for students. Ground Floor is the only place where students can sit and chill. No other Place. Also canteen is a Little Small and common for the Polytechnic, Management and Engineering Students. But the Food there is Awesome.Yeah, many Students who passed out from our College are now doing MS or have completed MS and are now Earning good. Also many students have their Own Startups and pursue Entrepreneurship. Also many Students who got Job from the College Placements are doing that.",9.2 3099,Jagadish,NS Raju Institute of Technology - [NSRIT],"Fest on different cultural activities, environmental development programs and other technical activities such as project designing, technology development programs, environmental development process such as rallies, planting tress and many other activities.About fee structure it's 50k for year but if you get admission through counseling they you will get fees reimbursement by the government and government will pay your fees and if you not got admission through counseling you Need to pay full fees.",8 3100,Umesh Harchandani,K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering - [KJSCE],"The curriculum of the college is decided by our own college because it being an autonomous college has rights to set own curriculum also with that it focuses on extracurricular and co-curricular activities.The exam structure of our college is continuous assessment the students are continuously assessed during the course of time.Yes, very helpful my college has a students council , the council is ready to help us 24/7 also they organize various workshops for us to learn new things and develop ideas. The students council is the best part of our college as it helps us to interact with seniors and also learn from them.",9.3 3101,Pokala varshith,TKR College of Engineering and Technology - [TKRCET],This college provides all the government scholarships and management scholarships and the students who are having Economically Backward Classes students they are going to get Good scholarships and this college does not provide any Study loan facility to the students.This college consists of Placement cell and According to the Students CGPA the companies will provide placements in the college and also this college provides Excellent Internship to the Students who are having good Percentage in the academics.,9.2 3102,Alex J Kalathil,Saintgits College of Engineering,"Admissions can be alloted here under management quota, NRI quota as well as Government State Merit Quota. There are many ways in which one can avail scholarship. A student with great grades in 12th grade as well as in entrance can get an admission here for way too less fees.The admission process is completely based on one's grades he or she achieved in 12th grade as well as in entrance exam. There's also an option for students to get an admission under NRI quota too. There's also many scholarship for bright students.",8.7 3103,HITESH,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"Yes, there are various types of internships are present. Every student get a chance to do a internship. Generally, internships are provided from the 2nd year, students can do before that also but that would be not provided by the college. Placements are also good. Almost every student get selected in campus selection.Extracurricular activities are also good here. They have separate swimming pools for 1st year students and for the 2-3-4 yr students. There is a big hockey stadium, 3-4 basketball court, a big cricket ground and there is a kalinga stadium near KIIT which is open for all.",7.8 3104,Dhairyasheel Patil,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering - [SKNCOE] Vadgaon,Anyone just don't get into these because there is no buffer time allowed by college to do any extracurricular activities. They just ask to complete those assignments and focus on marks which they eventually cut carelessly. otherwise there's everything to do.The fee structure is ok type for what they offer. The only positive thing is the infrastructure is decent. The grounds are in good condition. The classroom are big well. There are many wifi but not a single one with good speed.,6.3 3105,Anant Saxena,Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology - [NMIT],"Since NMIT is an autonomous institution, The curriculum is much better than other affiliated colleges but it can be further upgraded and refined. There are 3 Internal mid-semester exams (of 30 marks usually)out of which average of best 2 is considered and then at last 1 external/university exam(of 50 marks) is conducted, remaining 20 marks are taken from assignments.The Job opportunities in NMIT are very good and vast, they do everything to provide you with exposure and opportunities so that it can help you develop and finally be helpful in your placement. The college also helps in getting Internships, although I have not applied for one, I m in 1st year.",7.8 3106,Shubham bhayani,Laxminarayan Institute of Technology - [LIT],"All the focus of a college is on placements.Placement of college is very good when we asked from our ceniors and teachers and we have seen that.The average package is of about 4 -5 lakhs per annum but the highest packages is of 12lakh provided by BPCL.Also other companies like Honeywell ,Reliance provide good packages.Internship is provided by the college only.Our ceniors said that it is good.We have to go for internship in third year.The degree you get here is Bachelor if technology.The syllabus taught here is good.Though the syllabus is very old but it is said it will be changed in coming years.The exam structure is complicated.Every subject lecturer has to take two test classes.Also after there are sessional.In December odd SEM are held.",6.8 3107,Abhishek Kumar,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"Yes, there is so many scholarship. For scholarship one have to go to the site and first check for availability and then apply form and attached the required documents and submit it to the administraition block. Once it's verified once get the scholarship.There are total 5 fest in my college name as srijan, Concetto, Basant, Pritibimb, Prakram. Srijan is the cultural fest, Concetto in technical fest, Pratibimb is inter departmental competition fest , Parakram is sports fest and Basant is alumni meet fest.",8 3108,P Nithesh Goud,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - [VJIT],"I got admitted through emcet exam.through the fees reambersiment iam getting advantage of 35 thousand paid of by the govenment. I got admission on my second councilling. Even the fees structure is very high govt is providing reambersiment.Great learning experiance through Good and skill full ,talented faculty Exams were conducted in our own college as it is a autonoumous campus and the management were very strict regarding exams By the very first year we can improve a lot.",7.3 3109,ASHWINI KUMAR SAINI,Jamia Millia Islamia University-[JMI],My opinion about the course curriculum to pass any of the exam with high scoring grades exam structure is so easy there is 3 exams for a semester 2 small parts like sessionals and a big part of overall curriculum of the semester will be execute in major examsPlacement and job cells are active properly the stream computer science has 100%placement record for other branches also many of the companies are available to provide jobs it's can be said that this is contains good placement record for each Field,8.7 3110,Sai Sidhardha Grandhi,IIT Hyderabad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITH],"Firstly we have to write jee mains, qualify in it, then write jee advanced, you should get a good rank in it. You should take coaching or join in any college such as Allen, Fitjee, Sri chaitanya, Narayana, etc. or you should be highly intelligent.It is still a developing one. IITH started in 2008 and the few buildings are in construction. The only problem one can face is the college is very far from other part of the hyderabad city and there is no proper transport available",9.2 3111,Josephkutty Sony,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],In order to write the entrance test one must sign up in the SRM website and the pay up some fees.I wrote the entrance exam then i had a rank of 43000. If your rank is less than 75000 you can attend the counselling and if you have the course available then You can take up that courseThere is so many scholarships awarded by my college. The ones who get very good ranks will get good scholarship. If you have a rank of 1-100 they will give you a 75% waiver of fees. Many scholarships are also given if you gain any marks and so.,9.2 3112,Vikrant Rangnekar,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"IIT BOMBAY offers a great variety of extracurriculars. If you are interested in any sport like cricket football basketball badminton squash table tennis lawn tennis hockey n many more, you get all the facilities needed to excel in them. We even have an Olympic size swimming pool. Similar opportunities are available in many other fields like culture ( singing-dancing dramatics). We have many labs with state of the art technology.Senior students are really helpful. They have been through the same experiences so they guide us as to how to go about it. Each student gets a mentor in their first year for any trouble they may face. Our alumni are well established in every part of the world. From CEOs to Politicians, we have them all. They come back to their alma mater several times to guide youngsters.",8.3 3113,Rajat Ranjan,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"1. Phaseshift This is a technical festival which comes with different innovative theme every year and a bunch of events comprising of every activity an engineer would desire to participate in. 2. Utsav Well this is a cultural fest of college which mainly focuses on other extra curricular activities' skills development and soft skills development of the student. There are many attractive events which happen in a fruitful way.Course curriculum is quite student friendly and accepts any suggestions or reforms articulated by faculties and students. It's a semester based curriculum which comprises of 8 semesters for 4 years. Exam structure is also fair. We have 3 internal examinations(CIE) out of which best 2 are considered for evaluation and a final semester end examination (SEE).",8.7 3114,Yash kotadiya,Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology - [PIET],"There are all type of fee structure are available. I am in computer engineering. So, my fee is 86k but final fee is 108k. I got admission in TFWs qoeta so my fee is13k. There are different fees for different courses. So, i can't tell you about all course fees structure.There are ragging is not available. So, it is good for all students. There are seniors are good they can help us in everything.when we will come in 1st year seniors are also helpful for all of us. There are all alumni networks are good.",9.2 3115,Yash bhosale,Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering - [RSCOE] Tathawade,"As my college is autonomous, my college selected the syllabus which is design by TCS company. So we have different syllabus than other colleges. I am learning 5 subjects now probability &statistics, discrete mathematics, physics, fundamentals of computer programming and basic electrical engineering. Our colleage conducting 3 exams in each semester , insem ,midsem and endsem.MHT CET is the criteria for get admission in my college. Government of maharashtra took the 3 cap round for it. I have had selected in 3rd round.on selected day I arrived at college with my documents which was given on website of MHT CET. I took admission in my college, for that I have to submitted fees and some college requirements like filling my information, photos.",8.2 3116,Sukanta Das,Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology - [MSIT],"In my college everything is very good. All the teachers, all the faculties are very good.They do everything what we need for our own betterment.Beside this the extracurricular activities are also good.So many extracurricular activities are there in my college. Beside study the teachers also help us in our extracurricular activities. They help us to learn the new lessons. And the main thing is there is no sign of ragging in this college.This is totally a ragging free campus. But the thing that is bad in my college is that there is no play ground in this collegethere are so many Extracurricular activities.and each and every activities are unique and meaningful.And about the lab all the basic Electrical, chemistry lab, engineering drawing class is also good.Sports are also held here.Every year tech fest is organized by the seniors and the college faculties.they are very good.",9.2 3117,Gaurav Yadav,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIIT],"They are quite good. No. of sports facilities are here including basketball, cricket, football, volleyball, swimming and indoor sports are available too. The labs have finely working instruments and are in enough numbers for everyone to be used by. The computer labs are excellent with access to everyone throughout the day.Various events are celebrated here, including Foundation day, Cultural, Technical and Sports fests along with the national holidays. The preparation is completely student driven and upto the marks.With complete participation of both the administration and students they are always a success",8.3 3118,Balaji Thadve,Babasaheb Naik College of Engineering - [BNCOE],"I have search on college site. The staff are experienced and we'll educated. After completing my diploma in civil engineering someone give me advice to take the admission for bachelor of engineering at Babasaheb Naik College of engineering, Pusad. The education facilities are good.The exam of bachelor of engineering conduct ubder the Shri Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University. The exam are semester pattern. Exam pattern is good as compared to other universities. This university gives the well syllabus for study.",7.3 3119,Rithk Sarab,K L University - [KLU],"I applied for the entrance exam later i had written it and got qualified in the exam and they called me for the counselling later according to the rank they said to opt the course according ,my rank i have possibility of getting a chance to opt CSE so i opted CSE later they gave me a admission letter and i got seat in koneru laksmaih educational foundation (deemed to be university).As i opted CSE every branch has different curriculum in our college we have 3 labs cum theory subject in 1 semester and 2 theory subjects in the semester the process of the subject in L.T.P.S(LECTURE,TUTORIAL,PRACTICALS,SKILLING)by the end of 3rd year we will complete all the core subjects later in the final year we will go with projects and internships.",8.8 3120,Yaswanth reddy,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"There are many events taking place in our college. Events like samar, aavartan, sruthi, Halloween day, sanskruti etc are liked by many people across India. These events have huge following in social media networks like Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.I got admission in the branch of electrical engineering. I loved the branch so much that it is so fascinating branch and subjects are very challenging to students and we would have two exams per semester one is mid semester and other is end semester.",8.8 3121,Sudhanshu,Gautam Buddha University - [GBU],"I gave entrance exam of this college gbu, and I got 576 rank so I got ECE branch you can also get csevin this rank. Candidates can apply for various PG programs such as MBA, M.Sc. and M.A. that are available at GBU. For the M.Sc. and M.A. courses, admission will be direct, based on merit. To apply for the MBA courses candidates will have to appear for an entrance test.I think it is best,as exam structure is not mchh tough it is according to the students. Course curriculum of the university is good. Exam held once in a semester and we got the marks in a Cgpa and 2 times in a year and also some test are taken after completing every chapter in each subject.",7.8 3122,Vishnu kumar javvaji,Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology - [VJIT],In my college there are fourty faculty members are there.And all of them are graduated in there chosen course and they all have PhD. They treat the students like there children and they teach like they are experts in their subjects.In my college the student fee was approximately eighty thousand rupees only but it was un barable. But the government of Telangana are providing fee reimbursement of rupees thirty five thousand and remaining fee will be paid by us.,7.2 3123,Sasi Praneeth Reddy Sadhu,Krishna University - [KU],"If we have income certificate of father with less than 50000INR and if we got regular admission through EAMCET there will be no tuition fee bus University will take rs 5,500 which is refundable and we have to pay examination fee which roundly costs maximum ?1500 it is refundable for regular admissions but for management quota students thay have to pay ?40000+?5000+exam fee yearly.Here the Computer science engineering is good with all facilities and practical work they will learn us all levels of computer programming and whatever a computer science Engineer needs step by step and they will also focus on our communication skills in English for our future the college life is good.",8.8 3124,Raja mohan reddy,Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology - [DIET],"It was a very good and excellent curriculum the course which i choose is a very good one. In this college this course is very excellent. The course curriculum is very very good and excellent. The college provides very good curriculum to the students.No, any extra commenta needed to the alumini. But they provides the jobs to the students but some of them are getting very low packages. And all the students will get the job have no doubt about it. The college provides such types of aluminies.",8.5 3125,V Roshan Kumar Patro,National Institute of Science and Technology - [NIST],"There are 2 events held in our college. The first one is waves which is thra campus competition among students of nist helping variety of things starting from qizes, games, entertainment, competition and prize of cash. The second one is sankalp the official tech fest of nist institution which is held every year in month of January or February. It's an inter scale competition where students from any college can come and participate in any of the competition and receive moments, certificate, exciting cash prizes.The course curriculum is very approachable and easily understandable. That is previously it was under bput rules and regulations but now it has been an autonomous institution so therefore it follows an autonomous or own way or own style of teaching, exms in such a way that students get motivation. For a semester there is one midsem held of 100 marks and at last the final semester is done. Both the marks are considered for final results that will be published by bput but corrections will never done by college.",7.7 3126,S L S Sai Rishyendra,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],"We have enough facilities for playing all our intrested game any time.I can also learn swimming. Our college conducts sports meet every year and we can participate in them. Our lab infrastructure is upto the mark and every student in our will have one extra curricular activity's like NSS, NCC, NSO.I had qualified Jee Advance exam in2019 and I admitted on the basis of rank,I had got in that exam.Through few rounds in jossa counselling I had got admission in this college and based on my rank I had enrolled in the particular branch.",9 3127,NAMAN KUMAR VARSHNEY,Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - [NIET],"Our college NIET alumni network is good. Seniors are always there for help in every way including studies, enjoyment, sports. There is no bad behaviour from seniors side. As first year campus is different from others 2nd 3rd and 4th year students then also you can visit there campus in 5 min walking distance. At the end I have to say that college is very good in this area as compared to other colleges.There are some activities held by college every year. Also there are so many innovation labs held by college free of cost for students like AI, robotics etc. These labs are very good and you get to know something extra which makes a differnece in you and your friend at the time of placement but if you are absent on one day due to any reason, a fine of Rs 500 is charged on you. So best of luck.",8.2 3128,Sandipan Ghosh,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,I got addmission on the basis of my JEE main rank under josaa online counselling system. My jee main rank was 34k and i got admission on civil branch. Josaa counselling has 7 rounds in total. Different rounds are held on diffrrent days. Once we get a seat we have to appoint to that particular college for futher options.The course curriculum is good. Although it depends on teacher on how much assingment they give us. Altogether course curriculum is good. There are two main exams in a year and two mid term exams. Also class tests appear in every month for different subjects.,6.5 3129,Meejuru Eswar,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Various clubs like Western / Indian Music Club, Cine Club, Literary Club etc function at full potential within the Gymkhana. Spacious grounds and fields provide voluptuous opportunities for sports like Cricket & Football. Other sports like Badminton, Tennis are played with equal participation and enthusiasm. Besides, the institute has a well furnished Technology Business Incubator for budding entrepreneurs within the institute. IIT (BHU) students can boast of one of the best campus life one can ever get in an Indian university.The only remark is the infrastructure because it was an 100 year old institution,Banaras Hindu University and we are the part of it.I am not happy with hostel facility. B.Tech people are provide in sharing basis of 3 in a room. The room are very small. Once you keep three bed and two table there is no place to stand in the room. M.Tech and PhD have to share two in a room. The mess quality is very poor.",8.5 3130,Aravind,GMR Institute of Technology - [GMRIT],"Fee structure is very expensive in this college and also all are also so cost in this college mostly all are of dependent on money every thing is so costly and expensive as like feee structure even they didnt give second chance to pay the feee we must pay the pay in a single attempt.Yaaaaa, they are so help full in our college amd seniors helps us in some issues and sometimes ragging also happens in our college too but they helps in purpose of studying we ask them all doubts in studies and also in other activities also.",6.3 3131,kurukuri sai shankar,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,"Good course curriculum. Good examination process. Full fledged explanation for each and every topic. Good faculty more than 2 faculty for a 60 members for a subject but they should improve somewhat the curriculum with the current syllabus.well. There are good scholar ships provided by oir college.but i don,t no the exact details of each of that but it may available in the website itself. I know the first scholarship details.which offers scholarship for top scored students",7.5 3132,Venkatasaikiran,Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology - [SNIST],"Positive-social awareness ,conducting regulr programms,forming the groups for participation in debate ,and also very intrested in playing in college ground ,negative-strict following uniform,some rules namely collecting fines ,attendenceYes ,we have scholar ship but notgiven by college ,this scholarship from government side,but we have loan applying schmes to get loans with eglible intrest rate,so inthis way os helping the students to continue their education",8.2 3133,Satyendra kumar meena,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"Senior students here are very helpful for a student to start his completely new life. Here at IIT Bombay, there is a zero-tolerance policy for ragging. So there is no ragging to the most extent. And also we have a great alumni network at IIT Bombay.The positive point is a huge no. Of opportunities are provided to a student. A student is allowed to choose his courses by himself even after the 2nd year. The academics here are superb. One negative point I think is about hostel conditions.",8.7 3134,GANDLA TEJA BABU,CMR Technical Campus - [CMRTC],I got the admission by attending the telangana eamcet test be conducted so I written well and got rank and I got the admission into such a good college and good environment.And I have taken Allotment order and rank and submitted my details into college and I payed the fess.The faculty was good because the they are teachers to teach us they are being knowledgeable factor they are made to teach us.coming to the college in my college we have a good faculty among all classes they teach us in friendly and experienced personalities.,9.2 3135,Sai Kumar,CMR College of Engineering & Technology - [CMRCET],"Exam forms are printed on regular paper, no need to purchase special answer sheets recognizes marks from pens, pencils, crayons, and markers completed exams can be scanned to the remark grading software from your department copy machine can process multiple answer keys questions can be weighted can process extra credit questions produces advanced reports.The course fee is around INR 45000 per year. They also provide many scholarship. There's no limit on number students eligible for the scholarship. The college has fee reimbursement and scholarship facilities for convenor students where as there will be no scholarship or fee reimbursement for management students But they can pay there fee in installments.",8.8 3136,Gaurav Anand,Indian Institute of Information Technology - [IIITK],"The college is yet under development and the only negative thing is that we as students do not enjoy the college life very much because our campus is still under construction and we have to live in civilian population. Apart from this our college always keeps the idea of hard work ahead of anything and this is reflected in the fact that it has established a positive impact in the society even when it is completely new and evolving.Our college has recently setup its Gymkhana which is responsible to organising various student related activities in the college. Our college has Udaan-the literary club, Symphony-the music and dance club and Fosc for technical activities. Our college recently hosted an event for hactoberfest which was highly appreciated.",7.3 3137,Janmejaya Parida,College of Engineering and Technology - [CET],"Scholarships is very few which is not very good it should be more and for students it should be energetic and private sector should come to our college for give scholarships and our college should have own respect and not hear about loan.Yes, senior are helpful and alumni also who are in different places college network is quite big. It can be helpful in future and all the seniors should be more friendly and always there is ego problem and I also seen in my college also.",7.2 3138,subham kumar,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"the course curriculum consists of 11th and 12th subjects and chapters.first of all you are required to give entrance exam called JEE mains exam through which you have to secure a good rank and you are given the college through your rank. the entrance exam is conducted by NTA. the seat allocation process is conducted by josaa.there are various events celebrated in our college which are conducted by the respective teams of our college. there are various technical educational cultural and quiz fests. for example ojas is our technical fest. culfest is our cultural fest. there are various cultural clubs like rooh Invicta beat breakers.",8.7 3139,Rahul agarwal,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The general fee structure is as follows- For odd semester the fee is 76k. For even semester, the fee is 73k. But if we provide the income certificate to the college signed by the tehsildar their is much relief i fee. For income below one lac the fees is under 12k.and below 5 lac the fees is under 45k. And 10k is also taken at the time of admission as for sequrity.Well campus life is good. The students are mainly from haryana state. So they speak in hindi.gender ratio approximetly 4:1.the labs are good. Their is a big sports complex in our college where we can find our desired equipment for our desired sport.their two two debating club in our college which take participate in various debaring activities.",8.7 3140,Praneeth,Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology - [SIETK],"Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Puttur offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma Programs in the fields of Management, Engineering, and Computer Applications. The fee structure for the major courses is mentioned below: The course fee for all the specializations or branches of B.Tech is INR 72,700 per annum at Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Puttur. MBA and M.Tech have course fee of INR 29,000 per annum and INR 34,400 per annum respectively. M.Tech course fee at Siddharth Institute of Engineering & Technology, Puttur is INR 57,000 per annum.In our college annual on-campus drive would take place around the year and in the month of December, January, February in particular. The companies like INFOSYS, TCS, CTS, WIPRO, TECH MAHINDRA, AMAZON INDIA, AMBUJA, ITC, TATA MOTORS, ASHOK LEYLAND etc. The average salary package would be 3 lakhs per annum and 85% of the people who faced interview got placed. We have a quite good number of alumni who succeeded in finance, startups etc.",7.7 3141,BUSA SATHEESH REDDY,Andhra University - [AU],"Good college.I never see this type of college with full facilities like wonderful teaching,extra curricular activities and etc.They provide me hostel also.The food is so excellent.In my college a big library is there where we can find so many useful books and we used them a lot.I studied intermediate in Narayana junior college and well prepared for ap EAMCET examination.Finally I got a good rank and in college allotmentation I got this college.Icame to this with required documents and submit them. Finally I joined in this college.",9 3142,Pranshul Bhatnagar,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"Labs are of world class quality, we have plenty of different labs. Almost all kind of sports are played in SAC (Students Activity Centre).whole of the year is equipped with extracurricular activities.Alll festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm. We have three fests across the year. 1. ATMOS. 2. PEARL 3. ARENA.",9.5 3143,Nihal muhammad m v,"Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University - [FET JU]","Our college is the only college with golf court. a swimming pool is also availabe in our college. but certificate is needed to swim. there are every splrts ground ( cricket , football,tennis , indoor badminn and basketball , outdoot badminton and basket ball , volleyball court , and one seperate ground which studemts can play anythingAs iam a firsr yer student in jain university so I dont know a lot about placements and stuffs but from seniors i came to know that last year there where 100 % placement from computer sciemce department, last year the highest package was 24 lakhs per annum by an multinational company",9 3144,Nitesh. G,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],We have many events in our college. Like phase shift. Utsav. And many more. The phase sift and utsav are the biggest events in Bangalore. Our college is famous for the utsav fest. And it is conducted in a large amount.many other colleges also participate in this fest.I opted the course in civil engineering.i have 3 internals and one semester end exam. The internals will be in best of 3. So two internals in which i have scored good marks will be selected. And if i have less than 75 percent of attendence i will not get exam.,9 3145,Dhairya patel,Charotar University of Science and Technology - [CHARUSAT],"Yes our university provide scholarship ,and i am also under scholarship pogramm if student perform well in his/her class our university provide scholarship. Gujarat government also provide 100 percent scholarship tothe students what done well is his /her higher secondary school examinationsYeah course is much better here as it is a deemed university so we do not have any worry abot the course of the gtu university. Teachers are much linient and we get good quality of education,exam stucture is like this we have 2 internal of 30 marks per semester and one external of 70 marks.",10 3146,Nimish bajaj,Indian Institute of Information Technology -[IIIT],"For admission in IIIT you have to give an entrance exam known as jee main in which you have to qualify. Then apply for counseling which is been conducted by josaaa. Follow the methods told during your counseling process then in choice filling option select your college and preferred branch. After some time result of counselling will be declared, check whether what college you got. If you have decent rank you can get in this college.The course is quite updated as it is a new college. It follows the academics structure of IIIT hydrabad. There is mainly 3 exams in each semester 1 st is mini test of 10 marks 2nd mid term of 20 marks 3 rd end term which consist of practical and theory. This is the exam curriculum.",8.8 3147,Vansh khandelwal,IIT Jodhpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITJ],"There are many events celebrated in our college every festival every event we celebrate recently we have celebrated janamasthmi, ganesh chaturthi, diwali and dj night is also there in the celebration some of our upcoming and most eve are comingFirst I clear JEE MAINS exam and after that on next level I cleared JEE ADVANCE and after that counselling is done in counselling there are 7 rounds different cutoff list are released in all 7 different round in counselling i get IIT JODHPUR",10 3148,Shubham Ade,Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering - [SKNCOE] Vadgaon,"I got admission to the college by CAP rounds. I got admission through MHTCET exam merit. You can also get admission through JEE mains score rank also. Firstly you have to varify all original documents from the ARC. Then requires to submit them to the college office. Those original documents will be returned after a semester. You have to fill all the necessary documents for admission. You need to pay fees of the college at last. After paying the fee, an admission confirmation letter will be given to you. Now the admission process gets complicated.1.SINHGAD KARANDAK: It is a great programme under which a lot of activities is taken for the entertainment. Whole Sinhgad colleges participate in the programme. Many games ,many activities, many shows are arranged under this programme. 2.SINHGAD CARNIVAL: It is a two day programme in which tug of war , singing dancing drama and other activities are taken. It is taken before 3-4 months of SINHGAD KARANDAK. Also, many times ""Students Activity Center"" takes programme for entertainment and practice purpose.",9.3 3149,Bhanu,Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology - [VBIT],On giving options for the colleges in online and selecting interested course I have got this college and I was satisfied with this college. After getting allotment order paying fee in online and giving our certificates in college.And about the course it is just gud machanical engineering is the one the best in my opinion because we can do both software and hardware and mechanical is gud in europion countries do I have a thought of going Germany.,8.2 3150,Sri ram,Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences - [SIMATS],Ece is a good branch and it is very important to all the students we will get many opportunities by this ece branch and in our college the exam structure is nice it is very easy and many students can easily get pass in the examsThe extracurricular activities in our college are very extraordinary because they conduct all types of sports and lab facilities and they are also very good they take more care on students and they conduct many programmes,7.7 3151,Aman Rawat,Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology - [PSIT],For First Year student College arranges a Freshers Party called Waves. In which all the First year student are Invited and the Programmes are conduted like Song Dance and many more.The main event of the college is IGNITIA fest which is conduted once in a year in this Celebrities are invited and it is conduct at very high level this is very famous college fest.Here the Placement are very good. Even this college is known for its placement.College Invites more and more companies every year and the placement graph rises every year. In third year starting some of the company give internship to the students according to their knowledge.,9 3152,Anirudh.M,Government Engineering College - [GECT],"After writing the plus two board exam student must write keam entrance exam, according to the rank in keam exam seat get, after that go and take admission in the college. So I'm telling the process ones more first complete the board exam then write keam and pass it.Gec Thrissur have wonderful faculty and professional teachers and best labs. The faculty advisers are very kind and always helping the student to reach there the potential. The alumini association is very strong and always trying to help and improving the college.",9.3 3153,Abhinav Singh,Oriental Institute of Science and Technology - [OIST],"Faculty here is just bothered about attendance and mostly want us to get placed in TCS at a low package.There ultimate goal is a placement not bothered about getting a good one into a MNC.If you want to prepare for some exams like GATE, CAT, GRE ,GMAT,etc you actually don't get enough time to prepare.I would totally recommend if you want to get placed in TCS then only join this college. Faculty is poorly knowledgeable except some of them. Most of them are just focused to give notes and think they have explained well and expect good grades from us. Most of them don't know how to speak English fluently and also can't even pronounce words correctly.Some of them also don't know to speak Hindi also correctly.If I have to rate my faculty out of 10 I would rate them 6Course curriculum is not at all good , as i think it is not oriented to placement. students are taught subjects that are mostly of no use in a placement.The exam structure is indeed very hectic because there are exams almost every week.Students are not able to focus on programming languages. Faculty here is just bothered about attendance and mostly want us to get placed in TCS at a low package.There ultimate goal is a placement not bothered about getting a good one into a MNC.If you want to prepare for some exams like GATE, CAT, GRE ,GMAT,etc you actually don't get enough time to prepare.I would totally recommend if you want to get placed in TCS then only join this college.",5 3154,Satya Akash,IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM],"We have various types of sports.Vert well trained sports teachers are available for us to teach various types of sports and there are as many as labs sufficient for all students at a time and there will be weekly once life skills class in which there will be many extra curricular activities.Course is the best course you ever listened and if get admission into this it will be a great opportunity if you join here and the exam structure of the entrance exam will be very practical and very nice questions and it will be very nice if you join in it,it is superb.",6 3155,Sanu Chand,"Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain University - [FET JU]","Extra curricular Activities in Top Engineering Colleges The students of Jain University (JU-SET) come from all around the world and thus, bring a wide range of viewpoints and experiences. The students perform various and within and outside the campus, so multifaceted learning among the students makes the life rich, energetic and engaging. Within the campus, students get involved in different activities to develop and demonstrate various skills and interests, and this helps them to groom themselves on various parameters. In JU-SET, not only students opt for different courses of etc. but also they evolve as new groomed personalities through these activities.We are getting good education in b.tech in automobile engineering with min cost as compared to other college in balore. faculties are so good. it is extremly gives an exited typhical favour in the manner of study all thing. you can get all state student such as from kanyakumari to kashmir along with foriegn students.it will afliet with various culture.",7.5 3156,Karthikeyan,Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology - [SKCET],Course curriculum of our college combines the curriculum of IIT's and NIT'S and taught in the best way and about exam.we have semester exam cycle tests and etc like all other colleges since our college is autonomous questions are prepared by our own college and corrected by our college faculties internals are equally important in our college and laboratories are at world class levels.Faculties are like next parents never hesitates to teach our doubts and behave as friendly as they could best faculties are found in oru college. They support us all endeavours and motivate us in all ways such as exams projects and etc.,8.8 3157,Sathwik Reddy,SR University - [SRU],The college does not provide scholarship for the students.as it is the private management college the college management does not provide any kind of scholarship or loan facility to the students.but the banks can provide students loan for the sake of study's.The college management refers the highest and top companies for the sake of placements.The placements take place in a peace manner without any partial differences between the students. They are selected by the merit and skills of the students.,10 3158,Muyeen Baig,Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering - [VVCE],"The course curriculum is good. The exam structure is 60+40 scheme that is 60marks is semester (see) end exam and 40 is continues internal exam that is (cie). The SEE is for 100 marks and later it will be convert to 60.The college events are college sports,where most of the students participate and win prizes. The college organized vidyuth that is a good event in our college many students participate and perform cultural program.",9.5 3159,Chidananda k,Siddaganga Institute of Technology - [SIT],"The scholarship is given to those who scored inboard in the Karnataka board they are given well scholarship to.The most obvious benefit of scholarships is that they make college more affordable. Scholarships can give students the financial bump needed to take a leap and enroll in a degree, as well as a boost to morale and a student's confidence in their ability to work toward a better future.A full fledged Alumni Networking & Engagement platform for all your alumni needs. Organize Alumni Reunions. Raise Alumni funds. Engage Alumni. Build Alumni Database.Creating an engaged, supportive alumni network is crucial to an of our graduates, by offering their support to our students.",9.3 3160,Rajdeep tiwari,Sagar Institute of Research and Technology - [SIRT],"As I lection form my seniors the highest package is of 27 lakhs so the place ment is good and other thing depend on the students also if they will oot performed in compass selection so college can not do anything but our college always says study hard so they you can break that record of 27 lacks.Best college, all the motivation to student I got best faculty those are teaching me they are not a teachers they teach us like a friend we can ask any thing at uncountable times. They will always tell about that topic they make out class like a family.",10 3161,POLAVARAPU LAKSHMI HARICHARAN,K L University - [KLU],"yes good scholarships are provide in my college and also loans also provide. If any one got nine cgpa for ten college will give codolation us fifty thousand, if any one one got above 8.5 college will give twnty five thousand, if any one got above 8.0 to 8.5 then college will give ten thousand.extracurricular activities are doing. labs are good they are doing lab work and giving some work etc sports also provided.""interested students cabln join in sports. sports like cricket,volly ball, foot ball, hockey, kabadi etc. sports are conducted not only for boys for girls also.",7.5 3162,Vineet kumar,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"By getting rank in kiitee exam held by the kiit Institute. Councilling date were released after announcement of result. The councilling is taken in ofline mode. There is no any online councilling. The councilling process takes place in its office along with certain documents like rank card 12th, 10th results Tc, character certificate etc. My rank air rank was 5122 and I get cse (it) as a branchExpansive as it provide facilities like iits including ac classroom, ac labs, great infrastructure only 1 lakh more than iit present iit fees are 2.4 lakhs course fee anually and hostel and mess about 1 lakh yearly while in kiit hostel charges are nearly equal but tution fee is annually 3.5 lakhs yearly.",9 3163,Addhyan,Gautam Buddha University - [GBU],"There are many events celebrated in the college, in which main is Abhivyanjana which is basically a cultural fest and it's the major fest being celebrated at the university then there is Dawat-e-GBU which is food Fest which is celebrated twice a year. Many stars came up for Abhivyanjana and students enjoy that.Placement and job opportunities are quite good there and college also provides quality internships as our seniors have done internships at AIIMS, IIT, IISc, Ivy League Universities, etc. Placements provided by the university is also good as they also provide government jobs at their placement cell.",7.3 3164,Mohan S,RNS Institute of Technology - [RNSIT],"Students take part in NCC & NSS Activities Students and faculty voluntarily donate blood in the donation camp held in the campus yearly once. Students and faculty actively take part in Co and Extra Curricular Activities like participating in departmental events like VIDYUTH and in many inter college sports events. Students and faculty organize curricular and co-curricular activities through the departmental club, ELEKTRONAll the graduated students will be the members of the association. Database of Alumni with continuous interaction, will be created with on-line registration and interaction. Getting assistance from Alumni for Placement activities. Making prominent Alumni as members of various college bodies including Governing Council, for suggestion and guidance. Starting of Alumni initiated and managed Library section.",10 3165,Prashanth,Sree Chaitanya Institute of Technological Sciences,"Course have 2 ways to get jod. Exam structure is there is a two semesters per 1year, with internals and external lab and branch is ECE (electronics and communication engineering) is a branch that study both electronics and software and hardware.I am selected entrance exam in engineering that is EAMCET rank. I got best rank in the Eamcet I selected the college In 2 way of Counciling 1- documentation verification and 2- selecting the college luckyly I have selected in first counciling.",8.7 3166,Chandra,Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - [JNAFAU],I got the admission through the eamcet exam in the jnafau University.We should apply for the counseling in ts eamcet website then the ts eamcet realse the seat allotment list if our name is there in that then we should go for certificate verification for confirmationThere is good faculty in this college they clarify doubt to everyone in the class but we should have full attendees because if we lose the class then the faculty won't reapt the class some times the faculty doesn't come to the class also,5.2 3167,Ankita Mandal,Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - [KIIT],"At first we have to go through an entrance exam then shortlisted candidates are called for counselling, then the course to be opted is described with details to us and then admission procedure starts. We have to pay the counselling fees as well as the admission fees for this purpose.Extracurricular activities are there such as dancing, drama, music, fashion designing, painting, craft work, etc. Labs are quite well maintained and are good. Sports activities are there like cricket, football, basketball, swimming, indoor games, etc.",7.3 3168,MADDELA SRAVAN,Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies Basar- [RGUKT],"I have secured good CGPA in 10th class. Based on that they have been selected merit candidate. And after all the merit list is announced I felt great for getting selected in university. They conducted 2 phase counseling. And by verifying all the details of the student. The declared the date for coming.Yes, many of the students in our university are well playing sports. They have played many state games too. Our college has good equipment for sports as well as labs. The labs are very good compared to other colleges. The activities conducted by university are interested one.",9.3 3169,nitin.s,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],If student comes general counselling fees is 75000. If the student comes to management fees is 90000 and if you first-degree holder id 25000 less. fess in practical students are and semester exam fees are 2450 only for 1 year. every department different fees and fees are less compare to other colleges.Sports are very important for students. Basketball zonal level winner and football also every sports practice are every day has students. There provide the ball to play for students. It is very usefully to play and have a particular couch for all sports and also morning practice.,8.5 3170,Mogit,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],"Neat ambiance and marvelous campus. Best infrastructure classroom with smart class facilities. Brainstorming room, labs and guest lecturer hall. Extracurricular activities are motivated more than the academic part where each student to get good practical knowledge and learn some informative things. A neat lawn with shades and chairs.I have joined in this college by counseling. So I have paid 75000 and an extra amount of nearly 2500 for each semester as an exam fee. Other expenses are you're personal like xeroxing the manuals, study materials, record, notebooks, etc based on you. Other than this there are no expenses.",8 3171,PRADEEP,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],"Our college has a very pleasant environment with all laboratory testing Equipment, provided that SNSCT has chalk and board as well as smart classroom facilities in each and every classroom. We also have good hostel facilities .talking about our sports achievements we had won many places in the state, zonal, district, etc of various games.SNSCT has a different curriculum ie DT (Design thinking). The methodology of DT is awesome has its focus on every student to build their skills in their own Core fields. SNSCT is the first college to have a Design Thinking curriculum in India. It is based on an industrial concept which enhances us to place in the well-reputed industry.",9.3 3172,Mohamed Thariq P,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],"100000 per annum. Tuition fees books and notes are included in the fee structure. The tuition cost is so high. Then the exam fee is normal to compare than other colleges. The Semester fees come around 3000 per semester. There is also a separate fee structure for transport and food. Students have to pay fees for the exam and there is a fee structure for separate subjects for the semester.In our college, there is more opportunity for placements. Many more companies are willing to recruit our students because of their extraordinary talents. The previous year's placements show the quality of the college. Companies like Mahindra, Amazon, etc, visit our college because of the talent of the students.",8.3 3173,Souvik Mondal,Haldia Institute of Technology - [HIT],"The college have basketball court, volleyball court,gym,and many more things. Every department have their own sports team in every sports, The labs are avarage,not bad bt not too highly good. Cultural fest is held in our college in this you can show your own extea talents like singing, dancing.The college has very good campus. The faculty is also good. but the labs are not sufficient. To stay in this college someone have to adopt things like buying the drinking water cause it's normal water is salty.But in other way the college is good for it's price and what it's offer.",6.8 3174,Chandra,Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - [JNAFAU],I got the admission through the eamcet exam in the jnafau University.We should apply for the counseling in ts eamcet website then the ts eamcet realse the seat allotment list if our name is there in that then we should go for certificate verification for confirmation.There is good faculty in this college they clarify doubt to everyone in the class but we should have full attendees because if we lose the class then the faculty won't reapt the class some times the faculty doesn't come to the class also.,5.2 3175,GOPAL,IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK],IIT Kanpur alumni have made remarkable contributions in various fields across the globe taking entrepreneurship ahead Serves as the Alumni Gateway to the Institution. Access to the University Leadership. An Effective Alumni Board. A Business-Focused Approach. A Robust and Engaged Alumni Network. Purposeful Programming. A Centralized Approach to Alumni Relationship.First of all we have to crack jee main after qualifications next level exam goes that is jee advance and it's pretty tough to crack after entering into college they send a email at this date you have to come to college and take admission counseling is healed first before taking the admission three rounds are conducted by the board.,8.2 3176,Hirpara jay,Pandit Deendayal Energy University - [PDEU],No I have not any negative remarks for my college. I love my college. The placement is good and very high packages. In petroleum engineering one of us get package of 20.4 lakhs from ONGC. It is my dream to get job in ONGC with highest package. I will get this it my confidence.I have got admission threw acpc.my rank was 945. I registered threw ACPC and have got admission in this college.I got admission in petroleum engineering.it is good as well as good package giving.i got 92 percentage in 12th Gujarat board,9.5 3177,Chandra,Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University - [JNAFAU],I got the admission through the eamcet exam in the jnafau University.We should apply for the counseling in ts eamcet website then the ts eamcet realse the seat allotment list if our name is there in that then we should go for certificate verification for confirmationThere is good faculty in this college they clarify doubt to everyone in the class but we should have full attendees because if we lose the class then the faculty won't reapt the class some times the faculty doesn't come to the class also,5.2 3178,Rahul Mahawar,Poornima College of Engineering,Our faculties try to more sllabus before 1st midterm which held in 30 September. After they try their best for giving their knowledge to students. When RTU's exam date comes near our faculties finish our sllabus and give extra knowledge. The exam structure is that 1st midterm held on 30 September. 2nd midterm is held in December and the RTU exam held in March. When the students clear 4th year they can give GATE exam for get directly government job.Yes our college provide internship and placement. After 3rd or 4th year companies come and see the talent of students. Companies give opportunities to them for show their experience in their company. They take their interview. They see that what is the interest of students. Mostly infocis and zaro companies are coming still in our college and give attractive packages in their company.,8.3 3179,AJITH KRISHNA C,Sreepathy Institute of Management and Technology - [SIMAT] Vavannor,"The placement department at simat is guided by a team of talented faculty members regularly conducts placement programs for the students so that they become suitable for any employment. The placement programs are Mandatory and cover entire students from the college. College has associated with reputed institution like FACE Coimbatore,Craft Success Infinity Solutions etcNo negative remarks about the college.College is providing a platform to promote quality higher education and research in proffesional disciplines like technical and engineering subjects.College is located on a beautiful lush green hillock.",10 3180,Somesh Dalai,Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology - [AIET],In my circle I seen almost 10 College but I prefer Aryan institute of engineering and technology because it is have a good campus and good faculty and good staff they asist me to take admission in aietB-tech cse is best because the course have a good prestige and in college the cse facility is best and the job campus is verry good and the exam structure is good.,8.7 3181,Harsh Bansal,Rajasthan Technical University - [RTU],"The campus area consists of a 350-acre area lush green campus on the bank of Chambal river, it is highly diverse and has naturality and beautiful views. It has several clubs like robotics and technique, which provides technical education, the sports facilities are very good, it has a playing area like a badminton hall, football ground, cricket ground, basketball court, gymnasium, volleyball courts, etc.This college contains a very much experienced and qualitative faculty but due to the system, the students are not able to get the complete benefits. The faculty is very much knowledgeable but it doesn't take it more seriously, although the faculty teaches and at the time of teaching they provide a well known and world-class education.",6.3 3182,SANTHOSH KUMAR V,SNS College of Technology - [SNSCT],"The course curriculum is good and well prepared, the exam structure includes 'multiple-choice questions', then '2 mark questions', and '14 mark questions'. This is the exam structure. They include'7 marks questions' during internal exams. It's relevant, research-driven and fair. Everything will be so useful for us to get to know about the course and also the process of each thing and it makes a man professional and gives him all the knowledge that he needs to implement it in practice.It is an autonomous institution located in Coimbatore. It has been approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, accredited by NBA and NAAC with ‘A’ grade. The courses have been specifically designed in accordance with industry requirements to make the students job-ready. The college offers 14 Under Graduate Programmes and 10 Post-Graduate Programmes in the leading fields of Engineering and Technology.",6.7 3183,Prakash Patro,Vignan's Institute of Information Technology - [VIIT],"Placements are very good in our college, almost 80% of the students get placed every year be it in productive companies or service companies. College provides internship opportunities in partnership with internshala app. All the internships which are available there can be done by the students and a preference is given to vignan studentsThe Curriculum seems fine to me, but only a little studious. And working hours are long when compared to any other government colleges, there is one semister exam at the end of every six months and 2 mid exams in between every 2 semisters. The semister exam is for 60 marks and internals are for 40 marks and attendance carries 2 marks",7.8 3184,AJITH KRISHNA C,Sreepathy Institute of Management and Technology - [SIMAT] Vavannor,Around 50 companies visited the campus for placement. Placement training were given in all semesters. Also empower programs were conducted periodically. Add on courses were really good for those who wish to work in core companies. Add on courses are 200 hour training programs in the respective fields by different companies.Internship is provided for toppers in the college itself. Others will be given training programmes under reputed companies. Stipend is not provided for training programs.Curriculum provided by calicut university. In depth syllabus and very useful for research purpose. Importance is given for practicals and core topics. Consist of 8 semesters with combined 1 and 2 semester. Two projects related to core should be carried out.Semester end exams will be conducted every six months except for 1 and 2 semesters. Internal exams will be conducted every 2 months. Lab exams were usually conducted at the end of every semester.,10 3185,AYUSH SINGH,University Institute of Engineering and Technology - [UIET],Ya seniors are very helpful here.here a good network and open surrounding exist between senior and juinor. when you come in first year you have a great fear from ragging.but when you intract with them you will be not even feel that you are ragged only introduction and chit chat are done with them to open their mind in college. senior are very helpful in acdmicsBy qualifying uptu examination mostly students doing prepration of jee mains also interested in uptu and also there are some of average University and engineering college in uptu may be 10 in count.so go for it.it's a better safe plan if you not get so lucky to have a seat in IIT or NITs,6.8 3186,M PRAVEEN KUMAR,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"This is a thing where Nit jamshedpur stands out.it has brilliant record of placements.in NITs it stands 9th in terms of placement.this year 2 students placed in Microsoft for 43 lakh package.amazon recruits 10-15 students for 27 lakhs package for the last 3 years.My college provides internships. Since I am from 1st year,I don't know much about internships.since the innstitue is situated where tata has its large base.this makes placement even one notch higher.This is major part of nit.it has a impeccable record in sports.it has been athletics champion in inter nit competition several times.we have a good bunch of teams here which make us learn new things and this is very important in shaping our career.new acaeemt6 building is just going to be finalised.after that we will be altogether to new level.",8.8 3187,MODEPALLI VENKATA CHANDU,National Institute of Technology - [NITC],I had took jee coaching in narayana academy for 2 years in inter then I attempted jee mains and jee advanced. Luckily I qualified both xams and using jee mains rank I got a seat in nit calicut. I got production branch unfortunately. I am happy with what I got. My nit is top 5 nits in India. So my parents also agreed to come to nit calicutMy career in nit calicut started just 3 months back. My production engineering is not a good branch as compared to cs but my college is top most so I am very happy. Course curriculum is a bit tough in nit calicut. Grading system is also very tough. Getting 8 cgpa is considered as distinction.,9.5 3188,Adithya Shetty,Adichunchanagiri University - [ACU],"Faculty in our college is great and some of the best teachers are employed here. Our lecturers have master degrees and PhDs in their respective fields. They try their best in explaining a topic. They are very flexible in terms of checking and marking in the exams, especially for the sincere students. Laboratories are well-equipped, and practical subjects are also taught very well.Our college has a marvellous infrastructure, with well-equipped laboratories and sophisticated classrooms. We also have a huge auditorium where different kinds of training sessions are conducted and cultural activities take place. Our college is located near the main road which connects Hassan to Bangalore.",7.7 3189,Rajaram Shankarrao Magar,Government College of Engineering - [GCE],"By my opinion Engineering is best for ever because it's not only course it's the starting of one well known scientist for world. MHTCET exam structure is divided in 3 parts for PCM students 1st physics, 2nd chemistry and 3rd mathematics. For PCB students is also in 3 part 1st physics, 2nd chemistry and 3rd biology. And for PCMB is in 4 parts 1st physics, 2nd chemistry, 3rd mathematics and 4th biology. for Engineering students PCM or PCMB stream is applicable.No there is fees structure is very low not expensive. for open category it is only 25,000 rupees, for SEBC and OBC category it is 6,751 rupees. for SC, ST category it is 2,000 rupees only. So in compair to other engineering colleges it's fees structure is very low.",9.3 3190,AMAN BHARTI,Birla Institute of Technology - [BIT],"There is a college cultural committee, CSI committee, technical committee and a sports committee. contributing all of them organise and conduct various events for the students of bit Jaipur. Various types of Fest are also counducted.Fee structure is not so worthy because neither the provide hostel facility nor the fooding facility and very important campus is very small. Classes have three to four air conditioners and seats and garden are also well maintained.",7.3 3191,SANDEEP KUMAR,IES College of Technology - [ICOT],"There is no fixed fee structure of this college it is totally based on the demand of the branch. If the demand for any particular branch is high then it will take more fee and if the demand is less than they even give you free admission for the first year. Normally the average fee is about 40 to 50 thousand per year and other hidden charges.In this college, anyone can get admission very easily without giving any entrance exam. You only have to complete your 10+2 and you can easily take admission into it. Its admission process starts during the month of May. So if you want to take admission into this college you have contact college in the month of May or June.",2 3192,Zeeshan Hanif Mawani,G D Goenka University - [GDGU],"positives include a huge campus which is fully enabled with WIFI and has greenery all around, good faculty who are helpful. some negatives are that the college is far from the city which means that transport is always required and this can be an issue for the hostel students if they want to go out to the city. the good thing is that there is an ST bus stop right outside the campus that takes route directly into the city so that is not a huge problem. everything else is quite good about the college.extracurricular activities include talk clubs, sports clubs, many competitions taking place and much more. we have a huge campus which has more than 5 chemistry and physics laboratories and a huge pitch for playing sports like football and cricket. According to me, everything is pretty good for the price paid.",7.7 3193,Amaan Ullah,Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology & Management - [BBDITM],"Extracurricular activities are available here in abundant amount moreover you get the help of your teachers. For eg:-if sometimes you have to leave your class for some kind of activity, the teacher understands it and gives student permission to attend it.Many side activities are always going here and people live there life to the fullest. Labs are available here in abundance too. Each and every machinery is operating. There are no faulty machines here.The teachers are even there to help us with those machines.Here you will get cricket stadium, volleyball court, badminton, table tennis court football field and basketball field separately. Indoor games like Chess and carrom also get equal importance here. So there is not a chance of you getting dull here.Firstly my marks was good in 10+2.So I haven't bargained any thing about donation.So after few enquiries I got admitted into one of the most prestigious college of Lucknow.At the time of admission my 10+2 result was submitted into the institute.Adding:- my Transfer certificate,my gap certificate,my character certificate and bonafide certificate and every sheet was original not photocopied one.I was alloted a class and was told to look after the syllabus of A.K.T.U. and the ma'am who was interviewing me told me that she would be teaching me in the second year(Finger's crossed).So that's all about my initial admission process in detail.Hope it prove fruitful to you ?",9.2 3194,Sanskar,IIT Dharwad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITD],"Yes, the seniors are good. Their hostels are 1.5 kilometres long, so there is no chance of ragging and all. But yeah, they are very helpful as we meet in the academic building and we can sort out any problem with them. Also they have made student mentore to our seniors, so that we can solve small problems on our own.Yes, there are labs like hands on engineering, chemistry labs, and engineering graphicslabs. Literally, all the labs are boring and the worst is the engineering graphics. They have all the required instruments in the good form and they are quite expensive also. But all in all, they are best.",8 3195,Laila,Ramaiah Institute of Technology - [RIT],"I got admission through Kcet 2019 Msrit was my first preference since it is the best college for chemical engineering in Karnataka. So firstly I had arrange the documents which was required for my Kcet verification but obviously before that you have register for Kcet and den get your hall ticket go to respective Centre were your exams going to be conducted and den after writing the exam wait for about a month or 15 days for your result, get your rank, go to the respective Centre for your document verification and then sit for the semi AR before you get your documents verified in the seminar they give you a brief explanation about the choice locking then after getting your after getting your documents verified wait for 2 days and then open your KCet account again, and begin with the choice locking once you are sure with your choices that is your college lock the choice,first you have first your practice result which is your college that you are expected to get and after a few days they announce the actual results that is the college in which you have got a seat in then with your details go to the respective college that you got the seat in in and get your documents verified and go back to the Kcet portal and the tell the k e a that your documents have been verified in the respective college.Yes there are a lot of extra curricular activities in my college various clubs and organizations to showcase your talent and improve your personality some of that are the national service scheme, entrepreneurship development cell the theatrix club quiz club dance fashion music nature debate Ted Talk comedy etc apart from that sports related our college has taken part in everything both boys and girls",9 3196,Vinaykoppula,Parul University,I got admission through 12 percentage. Their will call you for admission. It varies as per the 12 result and it varies for state to state from AP and Telangana who got 85% above is 100000 and who ever got 90% above will be 90000 and for Maharashtra students it will be only 60000rs for CSE engineeringParul university conducts number of events even in exam times so many events will be their in which we can develop our ability and we can free to participate in each and every events but some of events has to be paid but it's just cost 50 to 600 rs,9 3197,Sachin Subhash Shinde Mali,Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,"There are with many events performed in the Institute. Events like freshers party, vishwakarwndak for sports and various clubs conducts their different events as per their moto and subjects. As I have joined mirrage club which for movie lovers, they show us different western as well as Indian movies and we discuss about the movies for its pro's and con's.The scholarships are provided by government of Maharashtra and Central Government. For hostel and tution fees and exam fees are pretty paid by government if and only if you fill the scholarship form provided by government. And submit the required documents in due date.",8.3 3198,Kritik Garg,ISM Dhanbad - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITISM],"By clearing JEE Main and Advanced. The seats are allotted through Josaa counselling. After the announcement of the JEE Advanced result & JEE Main (AIR), the JoSAA 2017 counselling is started. Only those candidates are able to participate in the counselling process who have secured rank in the rank list. Registration, filling & locking choices, seat acceptance fee payment process is done via online mode. Document verification and other reporting process is conducted through offline mode.Students are needed to appear at the reporting centre for document verification process. Candidates have to report to the centre at the prescribed date & time. The list of document verification centre will be published through the website. Don’t forget to bring the required original documents along with the photocopies. In case of candidate fails to produce the documents, the allotted seat will be cancelled. In case candidates have selected the float option and they have allotted a better seat in the further counselling rounds, then the candidates are needed to report again for document verification and seat acceptance. After completing the seat allocation, seat acceptance and document verification process, candidates are required to report to the allotted college or university. After reporting, students have to complete further admission formalities to confirm admission.Placement scenario in branches like computer science, mathematics and computing, petroleum and mining is outstanding. Multinational companies like Adobe, Microsoft, amazon, Goldman Sachs, Schlumberger, Samsung are campus visitors. They offer internships too in the pre final year. The placement packages range from 8 lac- 40 lac CTC in computer related branches, 6-30lac CTC in mining and petroleum related branches. The scenario of mechanical and civil is relatively less.",8.3 3199,Rounak Dwary,Birsa Institute of Technology - [BIT] Sindri,"The faculties are very experienced and knowledgeable but most of them are very egoistic and proud of their knowledge they are not interested in teaching. They are too busy in their own thesis for doctorate degree and have no time for students Jee mains is the entrance exam. After that apply in jceceb counselling which prepares state wise rank list. Then students are called for documents verification. The whole process is a bit tedious and time taking. ",6.3 3200,SAKET SHARMA,"JECRC University, School of Engineering",I have attached my document with all the information which college needs and I was wondering if they could help me to get the admission in their college and I have got the admission at 26th July 2019.I have been accepted by the college and I have been waiting for the same.The placement of my college is going to be the first time in this year that approx 3000 placements with girls specially had been placed in their life and working with the team of different groups and people who are working already very hard to give their best.,10 3201,Ankit Aadarsh,IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB],"IITB has certainly lived to its reputation I believed when I started pursuing this career. the college is much better than what I imagined it to be its been quite an adventure spending a year here. the fest's the opportunities everything about the college is quite satisfying. The only thing that I could think of that could be changed is the workload over us, students, because we are always between assignments and exams.The scholarships are merit-based and caste-based students showing good academic results get concession over their tuition fees. candidates which are SC/ST/PWD gets scholarship based on their annual income. The college cares about all the students and I never heard anyone getting expelled due to fee issues. so it explains that the college has certainly lived up to its name in this too.",9.7 3202,Chekkirala Rohith,Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology - [GRIET],Excellent curriculum. Exam can be conducted by college only. There are 8 semesters from 4 years. If we perform well in exams they will give medals.we get a good marks from exams. So every student have to score minimum 75% marks in their semestersBy EAMCET exam I got a seat in this college. So I felt very happy to join this college.There are many experimental labs and a student can expect a latest technology through this college. And it is top 10 engineering college in telengana,10 3203,AJAY Baniya,Rajasthan Technical University - [RTU],"I got addmition in rtu via jee mains merit list and based on 12th Marks. After that rtu again took exam of reap and in this exam I got 2454 general rank and 45 in sc category rank. After that admission process started and I got this college. College gave Placement and jobs opportunities to all students. Yes, our college provides internships. In this college company provides Internships programs for interested students and I think overall internships experience is quite good.",6.2 3204,RAYIDI SAI SIDDARTHA,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"This year a total of 63 students are allowed to sit in placement cell out of 79 students and 58 students are placed and 3 students got double job offers the max package is around 7.95 Lacs per annum and an average of 5.70 Lacs per annum. The placement percentage is around 92.06% and the top recruiting company is Vedanta group.We have two big events celebrated in the college namely techniti and uttkansh in which we held competitions, debates, seminars and each branch has many events conducted by them in which colleges all over India come and participate in this event and at the end of the day we have DJ nights as closing for that day.",7.8 3205,Piyush Chetwani,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management - [ABVIIITM],"I got admission through my JEE MAINS result. To get into this college one had to adopt science maths in their 11th class as a core subject then they have to prepare for JEE MAINS exam in their 11th and 12th. In JEE MAINS there are 90 MCQs out of which 30 are there for physics, chemistry and maths each and the course for this exam is of 11th and 12th class science and maths. Students have to prepare all three subjects of 11th and 12th and then they can give JEE MAINS. The result of this exam will tell you that whether you are eligible for the college or not. Then 7 rounds of counselling would be held in which you would be allotted a college as per your rank and also you can apply for 3 special rounds if you don't get your desired college or seat. Course Curriculum is really nice. They are teaching different and important subjects and skills every semester. Course curriculum is well built and operated. They know when to teach which subjects to the students and likewise have prepared a very good curriculum. Exam structure is one the best thing I like in the college. In a semester 2 minors and 1 major are held which thoroughly build the theoretical concepts of every subjects in the students. Not only this lab are also held and practicals are also taken so that practical concepts are also well developed.",7.8 3206,Sai kondareddy,Vishnu Institute of Technology - [VIT],"In college we celebrated freshers day and the day was good and very entertaining and celebrated teachers day.here during joining day it was very good to welcome by college and good speech was by given by principal sir and one-day interaction with chairman sir was also goodIn college, the fees are 90,000 rupees and for hostel 80,000 rupees and for the semester we need to pay 1500 rupees and the percentage of attendance should be at least 75 percent and for books need pay 10,000 rupees and for labs and using the library. We have a digital library also.",8.7 3207,MALLARAPU NAGA NIRUPAM,Vishnu Institute of Technology - [VIT],"The campus life is very pleasant and good atmosphere is provided for students to excel in studies. There is no gender ratio and diversity in the college. There are many extracurricular activities like seminars, debates, etc to improve the communication skills of the students and there are many sports clubs. These are very helpful for students to be successful in their life.The syllabus is excellently framed and executed. The concepts mentioned in the syllabus are designed to tackle the present competitive world.Yes,it is relevant and research driven because the concepts create the new ideas and thoughts for us.From the first year curriculum itself iI can understand that I am going to be a better professional in the future.",8.8 3208,Y Akash Reddy,Birla Institute of Technology and Science - [BITS],"There is an event every day at BITS Pilani Goa campus, students get to participate and also organise various events giving you enough soft skills and ability to manage things. Waves is the most famous event here , it is for 4 days wherein a few celebraties come and perform. We also invite other college students here. U can say it is festival of Goa.There is an event every day at BITS Pilani Goa campus, students get to participate and also organise various events giving you enough soft skills and ability to manage things. We have many many labs, Each hostel has a common room where u have board games and there is a student activity center with gym and all sports facilities.",9.2 3209,Vimal K Thomas,Christ College of Engineering - [CCEIJK] Irinjalakuda,"Placements are very much in this field.They are based on mark and our skills.We want atleast 8 CGPA to get job in recruited company.Also we want atleast good communication skill to pass the qualification on the interviewer. Yes, Overall experience is the placement cell on our college working hardly to attain 100% placement.Expensive, About 50,000? per semester Overall around 4½? lakhs will be charged for the academics. Also they collecting about 1 lakh ? as quotient deposit. Also about 50,000? will be charged for other activities. There also many scholarships available to reduce the fees.",8.2 3210,Muhammed shadi,MEA Engineering College- [MEAEC],"I got admission in this college by my JEE main rank. The admission process was very simple and anyone can do it. Just keep copy of your 12th marks, entrance exam marks, birth certificate etc. All these documents is to be submitted at the office.The fees in this college are much affordable to the middle class students. They also provide some schlorship exams and gives financial assistance to the best working students. The fee mainly depends on which quota you joined the college.",8.8 3211,E.Arunkumar,Nandha Engineering College - [NEC],"It's moderate it's include three internal assessment exams and for each subjects and total 6 subjects and 2 laboratory subjects internal marks (40) and external marks (100 converted into 60) total 100 marks. Assignment includes 3 for each subjects. Also Attendence must be more than or equal to 75 percent if it is not then must pay condonation or for less than 40 percent Attendence should be debard.The placement is just had the student is eligible for only without arrear and no history of arrears the all department Students are only placed in IT companies. The stifund is 4000 per year only for government quota and also for hostel students it must be 7000 rupees. The internship is having in Malaysia free for 10 students every year in college but must be have more CGPA.",5.5 3212,Parth Sachdeva,Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology - [GTBIT],"I got admission through JEE Main examination. After the score card is released, we have to register on IPU website for taking admissions (?1000 form charges) After a few months the schedule is released by University regarding procedure and college choice filling, following that we get admission in the colleges. My score was very average so got admitted into GTBIT.In my opinion if you can get better college like Maharaja Agrasen then go for that. Else nothing is too bad to criticize. The college is sikh minority so you might have some problems if you don't understand punjabi, I understand a bit so pretty much comfortable.",6.7 3213,Midde Jaheer,SASTRA University,"The three prestigious events of SASTRA are Daksh, Colosseum and Kuruksastra, Daksh is a technical fest, Colosseum is a sports event, Kuruksastra is the Colors event, Our college students will demonstrate the highest technical events happening around the world, Almost other branded colleges and NITs will come to SASTRA.The faculty of SASTRA are very good, They are very humble and helpful, Each section will have different faculty, There are numerous blocks for different branches of SASTRA, Each block have faculties, Faculties are divided as AP1, AP2, AP3, SAP, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE DEAN and DEAN.",5.8 3214,Kp venkatesh,Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology - [AIT],"Talking about the fees structure of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, as I have come through kcet ,I had to pay 19,090 rs for kcet and for college I had to pay 26,690(approx), and I stay in pg nearby college which costs 6000 RS per month for me, and money for chem lab manual will be charged by the college, and even we need to bear the expenses of Xerox notes, blue book, lab record and many more.Talking about campus life,gender ratio,and diversity and labs,sports , competition such as robotics,debates,etc in Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology,we have a very good spacious campus ,the gender ratio is maintained good ,we have people from different states and well as country to name like nepal,we have good fests where we do compete with seniors try to increase our knowledge",8.7 3215,Yash Choudhary,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"The extracurricular activities, labs, sports etc are very active and good. There are several sports competitions. As well as many technical fests. We also have several hackathons. We also have sports events called as Kreedotsav. Apart from these, we have several workshopsI really am happy to get into this college. Hope this college fulfills my dreams. The campus is excellent Add to to that a typical Bangalore weather, and we have the best campus in Bangalore. Also, this the second ranked college after RVCE in Bangalore. ",9 3216,Yash Choudhary,BMS College of Engineering - [BMSCE],"The extracurricular activities, labs, sports etc are very active and good. There are several sports competitions. As well as many technical fests. We also have several hackathons. We also have sports events called as Kreedotsav. Apart from these, we have several workshopsI really am happy to get into this college. Hope this college fulfills my dreams. The campus is excellent Add to to that a typical Bangalore weather, and we have the best campus in Bangalore. Also, this the second ranked college after RVCE in Bangalore. ",9 3217,B ROHAN PRABHAKAR,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],Course curriculum is very relevant to the industrial needs. Equal emphasis is laid on both theory and practicals. The course is designed is such a way to provide all round development for the student. Also the exam pattern is broken into regular tests to decrease the pressure of just one final exams. Lovely Professional University is great place for students seeking admissions in private college in India. The university provides all kind of opportunities and support. The campus life is also very lit and the extra curriclars provide a bit of relaxation to students. ,8 3218,Ritik kumar,Motihari College of Engineering - [MCE],The fee structure is very low as it is a government college and you will have to pay only 14k for a year for your academic and other expenses like hostel charge and mess charge will cost around 40k in a year. So it is not a big amount as in one year including all expenses the total expense is around 60kFor admission in this college one should qualify jee mains with good score....then fill the form of ugeac that is followed by counselling. In the counseling you have to fill your choices and after that you will be getting college according to your marks in jee mains.,7.3 3219,Ansh Agrawal,NIT Trichy,Through JEE Main examination. One of the toughest examination of India or Globe. It is done through jossa counseling which is an online process. One has to report at centre for document verification and then at alloted centre for final registration. Students whose family income are less than 5 lakhs get 66 percentage of scholarships and whose family income is less than a lakh gets full fee wavier in tution fee. Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe students get full fee wavier in tution fee. ,8.3 3220,Shivam Kumar Pandey,IIT Bhubaneswar - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITBBS],"Faculties are very friendly and we can ask them any doubt. They wouldn't judge us for that. They are highly qualified and experienced, and knows very well to teach us awesome stuff in a very effective manner. Specially for mechanical, we have most of the faculties directly from our father institute IIT Kharagpur.Average placement scenario in 2017-18 was, highest from my branch was 31 lakhs and the average was 10.5 lakhs per annum. And yes our college specially for mechanical provides a special internship program at the end of our third year. Stipend, I don't know, but we have summer training program.",6 3221,Naga Sai hemanth V,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"Good. we have an FFCS system to set our own timetable and choose any faculty. We basically have 2 CAT exams that fall under the category of internal exams, one final exam which we call FAT. Each course or subject has its own components like lab, project, only theory. In addition to CAT exams and FAT exams we even have Digital assignments and quiz.Admission is based on our 12th marks. The ranking system is purely based on the marks scored in Physics, Maths, and chemistry in intermediate board exams. In addition to this, our college has a unique system under which we have 3 categories. Based on our marks we will be offered a seat in one of these categories.",7.8 3222,Vikash Mishra,C. V. Raman Global University,"Campus a really big and spacious. Classes are well maintained provided with projectors. The college is on the outskirts of the city so there is no noise and pollution. It gives a great emphasis on extracurricular activities like photography, swimming, Japanese calligraphy, German calligraphy and all types of sports. Different clubs you can join according to your wishes like robotics club, drone club and training regarding Cyber Security, welding, app development and many more. Plenty of labs are present well equipped so that you can avail it anytime.The selection procedure is mainly from the JEE or the OJEE exam. You have to fill the OJEE college preference form and give first preference to CV RAMAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING with your favorable trade. Then you have to come to the college and fill an admission form filling all your details and marks. Then if you are eligible for the admission in that particular trade, you will be called for seat booking or that can be done through the OJEE process also as document verification. Then on the given admission date, you have to come.",7.3 3223,Jishnu,PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,"The college has a massive campus all the area are maintained neatly by workers, food in the hostel is amazing, the environment is good, there is dustbin for every ten meters, there is RO water plant for the overall campus the staffs are friendly, there are many trees.I get admission in this college through Tamilnadu counselling based on the cutoff. Its one of the good institute in Tamil Nadu located in a rural area, the admission process is very easy, here also management sears it's given based on marks obtained by the students.",9.3 3224,Shriyansh Singh,KJ Institute of Engineering and Technology - [KJIT],"KJIT TALENTS is a group in our college which organize all type of celebration in our college. We have a group of approx 600 students who take responsibility for any type of function. We have now done the times of India show, Garba competition, cafes than-only for you, and many shows. In upcoming days we are organizing the GTU games competition in our college in march in which we invite all college in our games.Campus life is fully positive seniors helps us in our every condition. There is approx 3:2 ratio of boy and girl in our KJIT but we have mix no one talk like she is a girl or a boy we are a friend. We have 4-4 labs for every practice and have a huge workshop and our sports team are the best team in our 4th corner of GTU games. We have an intelligence department which goes on work on robotics.",8.5 3225,Debdoot Roy Chowdhury,Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology - [GCECT],"It's the best choice for WBJEE after Jadavpur University. The teachers and staffs are excellent. No ragging happens in campus as well as in hostel. The only negative thing about this college the campus is quite small.The placements are between 3.5 LPA to 9 LPA. The main recruiters are being tcs, wipro, cognizant, Microsoft, Amazon, mahindra etc. Internships are provided by tcs and they'll give you 16000 per month.",8.2 3226,Jigar patel,Government Engineering College - [GEC],Nowadays our government engineering college are compared to IIT many job opportunities came at our colleges which are equally compared to getting jobs in IITs and NITs our college also provides internship program as well they gives very good amount of styphend Yes many scholarship facilities are also provided by our government engineering colleges nearly two years ago bjp government gave many scholarship to the meritorious students which are actually capable for getting this benefit,10 3227,Suraj prasad Chaudhary,Sambhram Institute of Technology - [SAIT],"I heard about this college in web. then i research about it. I get the link of this college then i visit the courses, reviews,faculty,staff,labs.Then i asked some of my friends whether they know about this college. after that i know its VTU affiliated college.Finally i visited there and know in deep about all the things about admission,course and others things.At last I get admission there in management quota.Its better.The exam held every semester there are eight semesters and in every semester there is three internals. Out of hundred total forty mark taken from attedance and internal performance.Three internals equivalent to 30 marks and 10 marks for attedence.Seventyfive percentage required for 10 full marks. ",7.5 3228,MOHAMED FAVAS,PA College of Engineering - [PACE],The college mainly provide placements in all branches but it occur mostly in the it fields. Students from all branches will get placements on it field of they want they can attend by others basically job opportunities are less in or college. Internship is not providing by or collegeThe fees structure is feasible compared to other colleges in the Karnataka state because ore college is providing less fees and good education opportunitiestudents who have scored above 95 percentage has no fees and who score above 85 percentage has scholarship too,8.5 3229,Avanish Deshmukh,Bhilai Institute of Technology - [BIT],This college take admission in engineering from state level Engineering entrance exam that is CG PET then according to ranks the counselling process occurred and college allotted with branch . The examination type multiple choice question that contain 150 questions in 3 hour after the result declared we have to register ourselves in the website of directorate of Technical Education Chhattisgarh then we have to to go for document verification in the college that are decided by DTE Raipur after that we have to fill choices then our college along with branch allottedSo many alumni from where basically the CEO of Panasonic India is passed out from the bit Durg and there are there are opportunities are work in the Indian Space Research Organisation DRDO ONGC HPCL BPCL and many more PSU and this college is very famous for the great experience those who wants to clear the one of the prestigious exams like get which college gives best opportunity the environment of this college create awareness to the student to crack such a big exam,7.8 3230,Supratik,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],"All of the national events , special days. Camps , internship etc are done here. These events benefits the students in a great way. The feel very confident and matured after attending such events. Entertainment programs are also a part to relive the joy that fades due to the regular studyThe college has taken special care about non academics. They have great playground , park , canteens , sports equipments for daily exercise. The labs have all kinds of modern equipments for experiments and they have small theatres for movies too",8.3 3231,Avishek Kumar,Institute of Engineering and Management - [IEM],Alumni are well settled as they come regularly to our college and gave us inspirational speech to motivate us with their views and experience that they have gained and senior are very helping in nature as they always try to motivate us with new kind of ideasPlacement is very good and large variety of jobs are given to us also internship is also provided to us after 3rd year so that we can gain some experience and we have also placement regarding counseling so that we can chose perfect job,8.5 3232,Rohan somadder,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology - [IIEST] Shibpur,"In terms of placements it is good , the cst and it department leads the way but departments like aerospace,civil, mechanical, electric, electronic, metallurgy are also par with that. Microsoft,cognizant,Amazon ,Tata Steel, tcs,Tata are some of its recruitersThere are many cultural as well as social and educational events organised here INSTRUO,REBECCA etc. There are many clubs like coding club, literacy club,club for helping poor,etc. And most of the students are engaged here from any club.",8.8 3233,Rupinder goyal,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],The college is rich of the extra curricular activities. Apart from the academics it helps us to develop the overall personality of the student. It also provide us labs sessions to enrich the knowledge of the students and to make them more pratical in life. The college arranges sport events time to time to keep students physically fit.Alumni network of the IIT kharagpur is very strong. They also donated various things to the institute so that students don't face much problems. Seniors are very helpful in the college. They do not only properly guide us but also solve our day to day life problems by sparing out some time from their much important part of the life.,7.2 3234,Gundeti Avinash,St. Mary’s Group of Institutions,Our college is good not the best but satisfies the need of education in all aspects and it can grow higher if it continues its glory in this way and the college is had good atmosphere being out of city environment and being attached by nature gives pleasent feelTelangana state government will be providing the amount of 35000 as the reimbursement and that will taken by college and the 5000 will be given to us as scholarships per year when u promote and the college provide loan facility too,6 3235,Suprotik Poddar,Techno Main Salt Lake,"Techno Main is mostly famous for its events and fests. We organise EDGE, the second largest technical fest in Eastern India after IIT Kharagpur. We have an official budget of more than 30 lakhs sponsored by industry giants like Alienware, Msi, Nvidia, etc. Then comes our cultural fest ANAKRONOS, the second largest cultural fest in Kolkata after Xavotsav. We also organise literary fest and many NSS events for the unprivileged society members.The sports activities allowed in our college are football, cricket, chess, swimming, table tennis, kabaddi, kho-kho. We have two ground in our college campus but sports day and most events are held in other grounds in salt lake. Our labs are excellent with all modern amenities that can be included. Extra to our course labs we have additional robotics lab, hacking labs, and many more.",9 3236,Aditya Vashishth,Graphic Era University - [GEU],"The admission process is quite simple. You need to bring your 10th and 12th marksheet along with some other documents like transfer certificate, character certificate, etc. You also need to bring some aadhar card or any other thing. And you are good to go.The fee structure of the college is not so expensive but yeah it takes money from your account. But if you able to land a scholarship then your fee got reduced which makes it very feasible for you to carry on your studies.",8.3 3237,SREEJIN G,"University College of Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University - [UCE]","I thought it was good and scope in future hope our course EEE have so many job opportunities inside India and abroad there are many opportunities in govt and central govt of India many as in the ktu 100 for each paper the pass mark is over 40% many internal exams are the guidance mark to get our internal markEvery month we have a celebration in our college. We have Valentine's week Union celebration Union inauguration Sports meet up Cricket and football tournaments College day Onam celebration Farewell day Fresher's day women's cell inauguration Arts day Supply exam celebration",9 3238,Krishna,Chennai Institute of Technology - [CIT],"In our college many events are conducted every year, these events include both technical and cultural events, the technical events such as symposiums, CITCOS a science exhibition, career compass, etc, as for cultural events Takshashila a grand inter-college techno-cultural event conducted every year, sports day, annual day, etc are also conducted.The course curriculum and Exam structure based on the Anna University guidelines. Other than academics we are given the training to get placed in highly reputed MNC companies and to become a good professional to work with industries. And the faculty also teach us apart from the syllabus to improve our knowledge as a professional.",10 3239,Aryan Gupta,Chitkara University,"After scoring less than expected in JEE Mains, I filled counselling form for Chitkara University. On the day of Counselling, my name was called on in the second list of students, who were being selected for admission. In the room, I was asked for the documents, and after verification, I was sent in one another room, where after paying fees of 1st sem, I was admitted in my preferred branch and campus. And hence I became a student of Chitkara University. The course curriculum is same as that of other private Universities and is well suited for development of skills of students enrolled. The exam structure contains ST's(Sessional Tests), FA's and ETE's(End term Examinations), the weightage of exams different courses vary, but the bottomline is that there will be an exam for a whole week every upcoming month. ",7.3 3240,Biswajit Giri,Manipal University - [MUJ],"I am taking my btech degree in computer and communication branch.in this college basically the computer department is quite good.it has basically three computer branch that is computer science engineering, information technology, computer and communication.as you know it is a 4 year course,so you have to appear at least 8 exam for getting a btech degree.Pretty nice.all are helpful for students.as IAM a first year student pursuing btech degree from muj I have no experience of too much classes.as I observed from my past two classes and listen from the senior they are quite help full For students.they can help you in both academic career as well as real life also.",8.3 3241,Hari Charan,Chennai Institute of Technology - [CIT],"First-year:-50,000/- for term fee. The hostel fee is said to paid separately. If day scholar they have to pay separately for transport and labcoats. Hostellers will be given lab coats and record books fee in the annual fee itself. You will also be asked for an extra fee if you choose language training like Japan language or German language.Faculty is really good, they always support students regarding their studies and also helps to show up their talents. They always work with students, never stays calm if it is good from students, they encourage more. we always are free to talk to faculty, because they never been as a teacher, but faculties are our parents kind.",9.8 3242,Gowtham c,Cambridge Institute of Technology - [CiTech],My course is mechanical engineering it's evergreen in our country and other countries in the exam no one can copy in classes will be cc tv camera invigilate also very strong they won't leave to copy good college good faculty good campus if I complete my course in Cambridge I will get good placement.I passed my pu college after I'm searching in Google for the best college to near my home than I got Cambridge institute of technology college my display awesome placements also better not bad sports also very good others activities also good overall Cambridge institute of technology college is good,7.8 3243,Abhay soni,Madhav Institute of Technology and Science - [MITS],"College consist of a big sports ground.many sports are played here just outdoor and indoor. Here you can get clubs of many sports games. Lab- here mits Gwalior consists of best labs almost every department have labs with highly skilled faculty. So you can get regular classes for lab. So honestly it have best lab among government funding college in mpMITS consists of huge reputation of placing students on good companies. I personally took admission on mits as it consists of high placement record. Here regular company visits with high offering. On 2018 it offered highest package of 13 lakhs. Here average package offered is 3.4 lakhs. So one should take admission on only core branch.",7.7 3244,Parag Jain,Shri Ram Institute of Technology - [SRIT],"Firstly, you should know in which college you wanna study. Then make a list of preferred colleges and arrange them in order of high to low. Now visit to mpdte counseling site & register yourself. When done with it proceed to choice filling in order of your list. Wait for merit list based on JEE mains and get the allotment letter of college. You can further apply for upgradation of unhappy with your allotment or branch. Then visit college & confirm your admission.Campus is very close to the city, some people may find it difficult to reach but it isn't so there are 2 ways to enter college either by straight way which restricts direct entry of any vehicle due to security reasons other is round one which is fit for everyone. Our college is only college in our state who signed MOU with PayTM.",8.5 3245,Yogesh Kumar Rewala,National Institute of Technology - [NITP],"The gender ratio is not proper not even in my college it is about all technical college. Yes, there is an event organised by Robotics Club NITP known as SMDC for robotics. Art and Drama club organises all these cm literature events. CESC-Civil engineering student club of NITP which provides a workshop on Autocad and other software to the students of mechanical, civil and architecture.About placements, college gives average placements. Last year about 40 lac was the highest package from CSE and average of 7 lac. About the internship this year is something new, this internship is introduced for first-year students also to develop their technical skills. Usually, internship starts in last of 5th semester.",7.7 3246,Sayan Saha,Camellia Institute of Technology - [CIT],"We are following the MAKAUT syllabus and exam is conducted by the university. The exam pattern is quite good consisting of both short and long questions. The syllabus is more or less easy and we can finish it before time. The exam is fair and it helps us to test our knowledge and skills. As a result, we will come to know about our strengths and can also compete with the students of other colleges under MAKAUT.The campus life is very nice. The atmosphere is almost like a school. The labs are well maintained with modern equipment. The gender ratio of boys to girl is 1:0.6. Extracurricular activities like yoga, gym and many more are arranged to enhance students. Model exhibition and debate competition, robotics, annual programme etc. are arranged once per year.",6 3247,Uzair ahmad,Amity Institute of Biotechnology - [AIB],"I applied for the course online later i got a entrance date in which the authorities test my english grammer, physics and chemistry , this varies according to the course applied. One of the major thing in this college is it also has interview in which three faculties sit and ask different types of question, which the candidate is supposed to answer if he is not good in fluency and he fall back in conveying his thoughts then my dear its a bit tough to take admission in this prestigious university.The faculty of my college is one of the best faculties i have ever been taught by cause the most important fact is they are pretty knowledgeable and they ask the students to understand and slowly make them understand that their knowlege is valuable and every student has a right to take that information ",7.8 3248,ANURAG MOHANTY,IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP],"Pre final years are provided internship by the college by conducting tests and interviews. And placement take place in great enthusiasm. Lots of companies take lots of students. Hence job opportunities are lot given that one perform as per the required standards. Stipends vary from 2-3 lakhs a year to 60-70 lakhs a year. Sometimes even 1Cr. a year.Course is designed to provide students knowledge and skills that will be required in either taking a job in that sector or taking up higher studies. Various subjects, electives are offered. The course being rigid at beginning becomes quite flexible according to one's interest at the end.",8.3 3249,SAGAR NATHANI,"University Institute of Engineering, Chandigarh University - [UIE]","The fashion show, dance shows, stage shows etc. I also participate in the fashion show and get the prize. I also participate in the dance competition. They give me lessons of dance and help me to get top prize in activities. All the teachers are very helpful forgiven there best.Semester wise system, there are 8 semisters in 4 years. The first year is having 2 semesters of 6 months each and second year is having two semesters & the third year is having 2 semesters and fourth year is having two semisters for 6 months each there is no problem.",8.2 3250,Guddal sharma,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"Through JEE. I prepared for two years in kota for jee and gave the exam. After that seat is allotted on the basis of your rank. You are required to grasp knowledge on different subject for the exam. After clearing jee, you need to do some online procedure after which you are allotted a seat.Course curriculum is designed on the basis of your department. In the fresher year you are required to study course of all the disciplines. In the next following years, you need the study specific course of your department. Exams are held thrice a semester, two minors and one major.",9 3251,SATYAKI DAS,Narula Institute of Technology - [NIT Agarpara],"The total fee structure of our college is 4 lakh 10 thousand or B.tech. And at admission time our college accepts 80000 fees as admission charges and 1st-semester fees and fees of tuition, and fees of examination and fees of id card, etc. And our college accepts cheque and credit card or debit cards also for taking admission fees at the time of admission.I get admission through wbjee counseling and I get my seat in 1st counseling result. After getting a good score in wbjee I am sure that I can get chance of studying in NIT and also I give NIT as a first priority. And when I get a chance I call NIT admission cell and they give me full guidance about my admission process. They are very helpful.",6.7 3252,Dhilip Kumar D,Panimalar Engineering College,"Extracurricular activities like NSS, JRC, SCOUT, etc are conducted by our college. Students from our college are participating in Swattch Bharath Initiative conducted by Government of India. Each Department have their own lab block. Labs are fully Air-conditioned and necessary requirements for doing lab exercises are there. Our College students are participating in national level sports events and they have won many prizes.Courses Offered are very good. End of each semester exams are conducted. Question Paper Pattern is 10 2marks, 5 13marks and 1 15mark totally for 100 marks exam is conducted. The marks for all calculated on the basis of 80% of Semester Exam Mark + 20% of Internal Marks. The Result is declared on the basis of GPA (Grade Point Average). Average of 8 semester's GPA is CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).",10 3253,Shivam Gaur,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"Kashiyatra is celebrated every year. Event of 4-5 days where Big celebrities come for stage performances. It also includes Ramp walk, Fashion shows, Dance and all. Recently, Amit trivedi and KK visited here in this. Technex is famous where students show their creativity in front of everyone. They create great machineries. The best is awarded at the end by Director and Registrar.I have to clear two exam on national level. First is JEE Mains (Joint Entrance Exam) and Second is, after clearing that, JEE Advanced (For entering to IIT) Where my AIR was 6052. Then after several rounds of counseling will take place wherein we have to select the colleges and the courses. I opted for Electrical Engineering in IIT BHU. ",8.8 3254,Vishal singh,Ramaiah Institute of Technology - [RIT],"Through comedk exam I get the seat here. In this college the mode of admission are three first is through comedk exam ,second is through kcet and the third one management qouta. Their is a fees diff all three modes. In mangement qouta you have pay lots of fees, Then comedk and least for karnataka students who take admisson through kcet.Basically btech is of 4 years , In which each year is divided into 2 semestets and various projects assignments, basically 1st 2 semesters are same for all btech students and in next 3 years they have to study their own field of engineering, From 3rd year students got internships and in 4th year they got placements",7.8 3255,Vyshak,Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College - [DrNGPASC],For me the cs lab is very good and they have lot of good computers and they are connected to the very good secured server. And about other labs I don't have a clear idea but my friends said it's good. Spots are very good they give importance to every sports and they take all the sports for inter school. Yeah my course is very good. It based on the modern life computer programs so that i may have great future ahead. And about my exams they are probably tough ande they help me to study more and understand my mistakes. So that i can correct it again. And never do those mistakes again. ,7.7 3256,Harshraj Chauhan,Parul University,"Petroleum industry has always enjoyed a powerful status in shaping societies in the past and is expected to do so in foreseeable future. The history behind goes back to more than one-and-half century. In Titusville, Pennsylvania, using the same technology as they used to drill for water, producers excavated the first successful oil well on August 27, 1859 at sixty-nine feet below the surface of the earth. Nowadays, oil wells are drilled several miles beneath the earth surface. Horizontal well technology has advanced to the level that we could aim formation within a couple of feet located at a distance a couple of miles away from the point of penetration. This makes it technically and economically feasible to exploit deep off-shore reservoirs.Placements : Many reputed companies visit the campus for placements. Especially for CSE department, there are 100% placements for the last 5 years. Other departments also get placements up to 80%. Career Development Cell in the college prepares students for interviews, GD round etc. Infrastructure : The infrastructure of our college is perfect. Classrooms are well-ventilated. The whole campus is Wi-Fi enabled. There are well-equipped labs. A library is available with almost al.",8.8 3257,Hindol Paul,Techno International New Town - [TINT],you have mini labs which are all well preserved and well condition and all labs are AC computer labs are great we have microprocessor mu processor lab robotics lab chemistry lab physics lab all around we have a basketball court and tennis court also our college participates in various cricket and football tournaments and basketball tournaments.the course curriculum is based on WBUT. the college is affiliated with AICTE .it follows the West Bengal board of universities curriculum for engineering the first year colleg curriculum is all the same for all branches and from third semester the syllabus gate divided. the exam structures are also followed by West Bengal engineering board.,6.3 3258,Suvidhi Mehta,IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD],"The labs, classrooms and library are the best things about the college, they are very well furnished and have centralised cooling systems. All labs provide immense facilities will all safety precautions. Sports in our college include almost every sport ranging right from swimming, basketball, badminton, football, squash, gym and what not. Regular tournaments are also held with other colleges to boast up the student's confidence. The Course curriculum is superb, almost all of the engg courses are offered in our college including textile branch which being a unique branch only present at IIT Delhi, whereas no other IIT in India claim to provide this course.The prof for each course is specialised in his or her own subject and students can even receive personal guidance from professors ",9.2 3259,Yogeshwaran b,"Alagappa College of Technology, Anna University - [ACT]","Campus life at Anna university is a very good life. You have a lot of places in colleges to spent your time and talk to your friends both girls and boys are studying in our college. Both can talk to each other. Our college is not strict. It is very liberal. There are four organizations in our college namely NSS, NCC, YRC and NSO. You can join any of these organizations to do extracurricular activities.Before the end semester, we have two internal exams named assessment from which 50 percentage taken for end semester exam. Marks taken in end semester examination is converted into 50. Finally, we get a total of 100 marks on adding internals and end semester marks. Since Anna university is an autonomous university, the syllabus is made by our own faculties which is very useful.",7.7 3260,SAGAR BARMAN,NIT Warangal,"Labs are in great conditions, the labs are like IITs. All labs have everything that are indeed We have INTER NIT SPORTS MEET every year So, there's so many opportunities in sports field. There are music room, computer lab, phy/chem labs, and a big but beautiful AUDITORIUM.Honestly saying the Alumini network of NIT WARANGAL is so big and helping. The coding culture of NIT WARANGAL is well known to everyone. Seniors are very helping, kind and carrying. NIT WARANGAL CAMPUS have a great environment of STUDIES and OTHER STUFFs too.",9.2 3261,SHIVAM SETIA,Baba Farid College of Engineering and Technology - [BFCET],There are sports and and la. And other stage activites avaliable every one gets a chance to participate according to their wish. Stage activities are done and avaliable for all the students on the funtions and festivals. All kind of sports facilities are avaliable and its student wish which they wanna joinOn the basis of the merit list .ur 12th marks and 10th marks are taken and councling is also done. Great college i m happy to be a part of it. Jeemains exams can also give u scolarships. Great college. Good infrastructure ,9.2 3262,Nandish M,Karpagam College of Engineering - [KCE],"We filled all application form &took all original copies & paid fees after that we saw all the campus of college and hostel and we refer few seniors about college. They said college rules and regulations of our college. They said fees should be cleared before classes going to start said no changes in fees after fixing.Good, there are six subjects in my course. They are PLD (programming logic and development), Matrix, physics, fundamental of information technology Technical English, EPCS (engineering practices of computer science) which is lab course no theory we have 2unit test &3 CIA, per semester.",9.3 3263,Rashi,MIT World Peace University - [MIT-WPU],"Filled out admission form, attended the admission round and secured a seat. A lot of students filled out the form on the basis of their JEE NTA percentile scores, and students were ranked according to their percentile and asked to choose from the 9 available branches of engineering available.Yes, our college believes in all round development of students and organised yoga, and other things that will keep peace of minds of students and allow them to focus on their studies. Every time we participate in them, we feel nice.",8.5 3264,faiyzulla,RVR and JC College of Engineering,"yes asking a out my extra curricular activities labs sports etc, they are fine and our college has a very good and a big playground to enjoy and relax ourselves due work pressure and academic phase we have through our the year many games are conducted and I participate in each and every game that my batch plays as far as I am concerned labs are well equipped with latest technology and good quality products the fee structure is feasible but not too high being selected through counseling i got concession and I was selected through merit list so the fee is normal but the hostel food is horrible I can't say much a lot about that so it's frustrating to eat same hostel food everyday and I should take a break now",7.5 3265,T.saiprem,SRM Institute of Science and Technology - [SRMIST],"There are so many club which I had never think also there will be nearly 50 clubs in that 50 clubs also each club is there are so many sub categories also which we call as domain all labs are very nice but there are no nice facilities of sports means it is there but for 3000 people only 10 batminton 2 lawn tennis etc.There are so many events in srm main campus there are freshers, technical fest, cultural fest, sports meet, allumini connection in August 17 we have shuru 2K19 which 8 is the name of freshers party then in Sept we have aarush which is very nicely conducted in srm.",8.7 3266,Mohammed Shahzaad,Cochin University of Science and Technology - [CUSAT],"My course is naval architecture and its curriculum is really good and upto date with the standards of all approval bodies. The college has got accreditation from various national and international bodies. The exam structure consists of internal exams and semester end exams, both of which consists of theory and practical exams.All the other activities in the college are really good. The college provides opportunities for students with talents to pursue their areas of interest. The college conducts competitions for sports, arts, etc. where students can further pursue their talents in extracurricular activities.",10 3267,Shubham maheshwari,Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre,49 thousand for the first semester for ECE and ME branch and 46 thousand for rest of the branches for the first-semester n after that per semester fee 40 thousand approx and same for the all branches from the second semester that 40 thousand tuition fee.Gender ratio of girl is almost equal in Cs it ECE branches but civil and electrical and zero in mechanical.participation of girls in sports are equally in volleyball badminton football cricket. There are many social clubs which have majority girls.,3.8 3268,Yadav Amarnath,Parul University,"After completing my JEE Mains I was waiting for the counselling process but like I was afraid of thing is I will get admission or not so I directly contacted to college for admission. On-call they said that I can wait for counselling as well I can directly get there with my documents for admission. So packed up reached Parul University. So I got admission directly by my mark sheet. Anyone can get admission here with just a good score in 12th and competitive exam.Generally, you can start repaying the education loan after 1 year of your graduation or 6 months after getting the job, whichever is early. The procedure of loan repayment: There is nothing much to worry about repayment. Bank manager will take your account detail and will put it on auto deduction on a particular date. I have not chosen for the loan but you can get all info in the student corner.",9.2 3269,Shobhit Agarwal,GLA University,The college faculty is very friendly with every student at the college. Our teachers are topmost graduates and explain the problems very well. They always support us with their good knowledge of the subject. Every student is very thankful and blissfull to have teachers like us.Our colleges have various events especially the DJ night by the great artist from all over India. We in GLA university celebrate every festival of India with joy and happiness. We always thank our seniors to organise such good events. They manage every event very successfully.,9.7 3270,Amit Jana,Bengal College of Engineering and Technology - [BCET],"My college campus is very big. It has many branches for different types of course like pharmacy, bachelor of computer application etc. Student gets a job at many companies by college campusing. Here boys and girls students study more comfortably. Our college gave us different types of opportunities to participate in the competition such as robotics, debates etc. College laboratory is very good.Time of admission course fees is 65000, it is for the first semester. And for the second semester it is near 45000, And then for third-semester college fees for this course is 42500 and then for the fifth semester is 42500. For seventh semester fees are 43000 and eight semesters it Will be 43000. Total fees will near 366000 rupees. And hostel fees per year 54000.",7.2 3271,Disha Bhamre,Vishwakarma Government Engineering College - [VGEC],"We do organise GTU Central tech-fest for students to explore and show their ideas and participate. There is various type of events, but the major focus is on the technical ones. There is also NSS and NCC on the campus. College campus is arranging too many functions and events in a year. In that Garba night in Navratri and DJ night also getting arranged with that Tech-Fest. TCS Codevita, Machine learning seminar, Government exams, Placements, Cultural festival, Rose day, Chocolate day, Auditions, Robotics seminar, Women empowerment program, Football tournament, Cricket, Ganpati Bapa Visarjan.Activities like advance instrumentation workbench, central library, magazines, Wi-Fi, smart classrooms, online library, etc., are available in our college. Digital library is also available for students. The quality of the food served is good. The medical facility is average. Sports and games facility is excellent. Teachers in our college are helpful, qualified and knowledgeable.",8.3 3272,Aravind reddy,Lovely Professional University - [LPU],"Many fests are being conducted over here in LPU, many workshops and events are conducted by student welfare department in LPU. Many actors come over here for as a part of their promotions and also many movies shooting takes place here. I can surely say that LPU is the best place to develop skills by participating in events fests conducted over here.It is irrelevant and not at all up to the mark. The faculty here are not professors most of them who teach first-year students is an assistant professor. Most of the faculty members don't even know how to speak proper English. They mix their Hindi slang in their explanation.",7.7 3273,NAGENDRA JHA,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I work really hard and then give an entrance test and get into this Nit Jalandhar. the admission in this institute is done by the jee mains rank and category reservation was well followed in the admission process. After Jossa counseling I got a seat in this college after the seventh round. the process was started by filling one application form then after paying the admission fees of the institute the document verification is done then I was allotted hostel, the first-year curriculum is varying semester wise in the first semester we study six subject and there are two groupsThe main scenario of the excellence of the institute is the placement scenario the institute every year invites many companies even companies Microsoft and google come here to hire the students the location of the institute favor the placement scenario. In textile TRIDENT GROUP, VARDHMAN etc company are visited here.",9.7 3274,Sudhanshu Ranjan,Ramgarh Engineering College - [REC],"This college (which is established by govt.) and runned by the techno India group under PPP partnership. It is affiliated by JUT (Jharkhand university of technology). Exams are updated and no delay in exams. 2 mid sems. were taken by the college of 20marks (from 2 mid sems. the one will be selected which is better from both) and 10 marks is academic performance and 70 marks of the exam are taken by JUT, not in-home center.College timing is 9:00am to 4:40pm and lunchtime is 12:20pm to 1:20pm. Labs are conducting after lunchtime only lab practical not classes. Classes are conducting in 1st half only. Sports are conducting like basketball, badminton, cricket, etc for interested students in holidays and after 4:40 pm when classes are over.",7.5 3275,Geetika Aggarwal,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],Campus life is amazing. The campus is full of greenery. Students who are very good at sports and had played on a certain level in their school or who want to play any game for the coach is also available. Intercollege tournaments are also organized in which teams from various colleges participate.The fee structure includes the semester fee and hostel fee and electricity bill included. The mess fee is 25000 rupees. The semester course was 70000 rupees. The other expenses included the amenities of the hostel room and books. 10000 rupees was taken as security of mess,10 3276,Narendra bissu,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"the admission in this institute is done by the jee mains rank and category reservation was well followed in the admission process. After Jossa counseling I got a seat in this college after seventh round. the process was started by filling one application form then after paying the admission fees of the institute the document verification is done then I was allotted hostel, the first-year curriculum is varying semester wise in the first semester we study six subject and there are two groupsThe fee structure of the institute is well balanced there is the provision of fee waivers and the students who belong to a poor family or of the sc st category they don't have to pay tuition fees. They have to pay the institute fees and hostel fees also there is the provision of day scholar.",10 3277,YASH GUPTA,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I got admission to this college after clearing the JEE main. It was such a tough exam.After taking coaching from an institution. In the initial days, my experience was phenomenal.The admission process is simple and straight. You have to clear JEE Main and then refer to the JOSAA website for further details. After clearing JEE, you have to regularly check JOSAA to remain updated.There are two Fests organized on megascale in this college. One is the tech fest called TechNITi.The cultural fest is known by the name Utkansh. One fest is organised in each semester. In each of these events, nearly Ten thousand persons take part. The vibes during this time are extremely good.",9.7 3278,Kawal Jeet,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Well, It's good. All subjects are divided perfectly for 1st and 2nd semesters. Subjects are English, Mathematics, Basic Electronics, Computer Programming, Management, Chemistry, Physics. So these subjects are taught in one class. Then there is a tutorial class for doubts. And Labs to do practicals. It is all relevant, research-driven and fair. All subject teachers select the questions for exams and exam sheets are checked by class subject teachers only. So, Overall it's good.Campus life is awesome and the campus is lush green. There are students who came from all over India there is also a temple hostel life is awesome gender ratio is about 17 percent ICE branch has robotics artificial intelligence etc which I would study in my future semesters there are a great completions among students on study coding so all-over it's a great and wonderful 4 year life.",10 3279,Himanshu Shekhar,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Techinti.it is the technical fest of the NIT j. It happens in the odd semester every year. It's one of the biggest technical fests of north India and also a great opportunity for outsiders to explore themselves in this institution. CULTURAL FEST.UTKANSH. IT IS CULTURAL fest organize in even semester and shows good cultural skillsIt's simplified here. Course: clear cut knowledge is provided according to ur branch Curriculum: Very good technical fest is organized and the cultural fest is organized here. Research: the teacher will motivate you and help you with New research. R and D club. Here this club provide a great opportunity.",9.5 3280,Tarun Kumar Sharma,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],I joined this college by the jee main examination. I feel happy to come here. It gives the opportunity to show our relent in front of people and the environment of collage is too good. The teacher promotes the student.The course curriculum is good. It covers all the good topics which are useful for us in the future. It's not difficult but interesting to study. All work also understand by practical after the class.,10 3281,Vikash Kumar,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I have got this college in csab round. For this, you have to qualify the examination of jee mains which are held in January and April. After the result of jee main in the month of June, Jossa counseling will be held for the admission in Various IIT's NIT's and other GFTI's. If any student will not able to take college in Jossa round then special round will be held for the last chance of admission. In college, the admission process is very simple. All of the staff are supportive of nature. If you have not any certificate then he will give you some extra time. In case of if you are not able to deposit your fee on time then institute will give you some extra time.The course is the same as in various IIT's NIT's and other GFTI's. The course curriculum is very helpful for students. The class will be held from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The first half of the class is held from 8:30 to 12:30. After that, there is a lunch break of an hour up to 1:30. In the lab period, there is some relaxation time for students.",10 3282,Prashant rastogi,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Campus life is best. campus is lush green, the college also conducts the extracurricular activity. Labs are very good and sports and competition are conduct in a very well manner and different prizes are given to the students according to positions and certificates is given to each participant.The course curriculum is best and cover up all of the syllabi it is research-driven and exam are conducted in a very well manner in each semester there conduct 2 minor exams of 20 marks each and in end semester there is one major exam of 50 marks and in last we get our grade point.",10 3283,Shiva khanna,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Campus life is cool. There are many canteens over there to chill around. There are many simultaneous events going around on the campus from singing activities to technical fests, cultural events, and some robo_tech activities. There are gymnasium Hall and table tennis rooms with adequate space. Afterall life is good over thereFaculties are lenient but strict where needed. All the faculties are doctorates. They have excellent knowledge about their respective subjects and apart from that, they know about the subjects other at a very good level. They have a practical approach towards life and to every technical aspect.",9.8 3284,Shiv kumar,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"In 1st year as we all know we have to study some subject which r generally not interest but r most import in social life as environmental studies, from 2nd year we get to study mainly the subjects which r related to our branch, the exam does not pressure us, it's quite easy to pass. Many students also join the research field.There used to be regular works at the lab. We have a different technical lab, such as team Daksh and many r their coding clubs r there, most important of them all is prayass which use to provide education for underprivileged students of our society free of cost.",10 3285,Aditya Prakash Padhi,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"I gave the examination Jee Mains. It was my first attempt and as this year jee mains occurred 2 times per year, I gave both the exams. I was provided a percentile (best out of two exams) during my jee mains result with ranking provided to me. In the month of June, JOSAA counseling started where I was asked to add my preferred college names under JOSAA. 7 rounds where there which showed for which college I was eligible in each round. During this process, I got admission into NIT Jalandhar. I got admission on 2 August 2019.Each faculty has its own office where students can go. Every teacher is highly specialized in his/ her field and is Ph.D. qualified. Recently many research is being carried out and ISRO labs are provided to help research students. Tech fest are carried out which included many completion and research projects.",10 3286,Nitesh Yadav,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"There are two events organized in the college, first is techniti which is a technical fest and another one is Utkansh which is a cultural festival. In techniti various competitions are organized and students from various colleges visit here to participate. Utkansh is cult fest so it is all about to enjoy and refresh yourself.The course is as same as followed by all the NITs and IITs.The syllabus is not huge it is compact and sufficient and to the point. Exams are classified in Minors and Mid Sem. Institute gives opportunities for researches as various research papers are published by the professors and students here.",8.7 3287,Manisha sawlani,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"To pass out jee main examination of 2019 and had participate in Jossa counseling till 1to 7 round and I got instrumentations and production engineering branch in nit Jalandhar Punjab and I had to apply another branch of nit Jalandhar then in 2 round i got instrumentations and control engineering branch of nit j then and I got this branch till 7 round then I had to apply for spot round of csab / Jossa then I got again same branch ice and then I got admission in this college.There are many events occur when I had come here the first event was Orientation programs for the first-year students then fresher, rockesta, innovesta, Bharat dwani, a drama based on woman, cultural program, Mr.and.miss fresher event, drama , singing, dancing audition, and big event is techniti ,utkanah, etc",6.8 3288,Harnoor Singh Sandhu,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The college placement is unbelievable. Last year the placement statistics reached 100% for some of the branches. A lot of companies are coming into the placement. The placement for a particular company is not branching specific but each and every person is given a chance to sit in placement of a particular company. For example, even mechanical engineering students can sit in the placement of Microsoft. The companies give hefty packages to the students. A great chance to come In the race of hefty packages along with a great deal of knowledge. The institute is regularly visited by Indian and foreign Multinational corporations for offering jobs to final-year B.Tech and M.Tech students. The ratio of the number of students placed to the total number is nearly 1:1, with a number of students receiving multiple job offers. Campus Interviews are arranged for the final year B.Tech/ M.Tech/ M.Sc. students. A large number of reputed Industrial houses in the country visit the Institution and select the final year students as Engineers/ Management Trainees. Some of the Companies invite the students to their Corporate Offices for the interviews.Major companies like Amazon, Infosys, Reliance Petrochemicals Limited, Hero Motor corp.There are many events celebrated in the college eg Utkansh, badlaav. In badlaav event, a person is allowed to speak on any social or political issue pestering him/her along with hefty cash prizes. A person gets lots of chances to express his/her talents. Not only this a person is allowed to show his technical knowhow. A person requires the only talent to show. TechNITi: A techno-management fest that is conducted during the odd semester in mid-September. Participants from all over the country converge for this three-day event, which is usually the highlight of student life on campus. The fest involves events from all the departments, including from robotics, workshops, guest lectures, and informal. Utkansh: A cultural fest that is conducted during the even semester, which aims at drawing out the creative side of the techies on campus. The event is usually a four-day affair that occurs during the end of March. Each day usually has theme-based events; previous themes have included folk, rock, Kavi Sammelan (poets meet), comedy, theater, fusion etc.",10 3289,Shweta gaur,Raja Balwant Singh Engineering Technical Campus - [FETRBS],This course is 4 years and 8 semesters first semester subject is physics maths computer workshop and there are two minors and 1 pre University test and last is final exam thereafter second semester subject is chemistry maths and graphics and English then after same process and final exam we will give then after the third semester and there is also the same process.Campus life is very good my friend is very good I have many friends and they are helping him all my friends my uniform is good as compared to a school white shirt and blue jeans. My college labs are very good and all the chemicals are present in labs. And completion in my college is available and debate is also celebrated in my college.,9.5 3290,Jeetesh kumar,Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology - [NIET],"BTech(Computer Science) is a 4 years full-time bachelor degree program that can be pursued after 10+2 in PCM subjects. The course taught about both the aspects of Hardware and Software aspects in detail. The course curriculum provides the ability to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems or applications to meet the desired needs using modern tools and methodologies.Through counseling, I got this college in 1st round and I got a fee waiver seat in this college because my rank is too good. My rank is 13655. And in the fee waiver scheme, you should pay 1/3rd of the college whichever is a normal fee.",10 3291,ANKUSH CHOWDHURY,Regent Education and Research Foundation - [RERF],The college admission process is very good and it does not take longer time. first we have to visit the college to confirm it and after confirming it we have to register for us and pay the minimum amount of fees for admission. Then we got admission by going through various process and it will be completed.The course structures are very attractive for all students it is very advance for better learning and the exams are very attractive for our educational purpose. And everything is very well although. we got better disciplines from the college and the courses we got are very we in my words.,9.2 3292,Kp venkatesh,Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology - [AIT],"The faculty of the college is very helpful and cooperative, resourceful faculty, very very good helpful and caring teachers even the nin teaching faculty are also good, there is good maintenance of the college the overall response about the faculty and the staff and the principal and the dean and the nonteacher and staff is goodThe admission process went on through kcet counseling, after that, I reported to the college with necessary documents and after that the actual admission began, the documents submitted were verified thoroughly and then the temporary i-card was given.i had am amazing experience here in the college, it was good",8.7 3293,Atharva Singh,Dhole Patil College of Engineering - [DPCOE],"College campus has a great view around the area including Eon It Park, World Trade Center and various housing/apartment buildings.College has a good cricket, football and a basketball field for the students interested in sports and outdoor activities,it also has many indoor activities such as table tennis, badminton, chess, etc. It also includes great library which includes all the Lastest and best reference books, it also has an e-library for outer referencing materials. Various activities are also held such as DPARTS to help students engage in competitive debate, lectures and many more social events. The overall college has a very good environment which helps boast students' morale, confidence and attitude becoming a great engineers.Various events are done in the college-Induction program, Field/Science park visit, Freshers party, Ganpati Jayanti-Visarjan, Science exhibition, Internships program, etc. The most informative and initiative program was the induction in which we learned a lot of college and college life,it also made us communicative with the faculty members. Especially the teaching, we also learned a lot about the engineering industry and its works especially about the challenges that we face in the coming future. What are our opportunities and mostly what are our risks as well, Overall it was great learning about it.",8.7 3294,Rishav Verma,Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology - [SMIT],Our college has the best view you will not get this type of view at any other colleges of India at morning you will see the sunshine colleges situated in valleys so the clouds covering mountains looks amazing our food is very good comparatively then other hostels what is ragging free if you caught in any ragging act you will be behind the passThere are many extra curricular activities held in our college we have special last for every field 1 physics lab 1 chemistry lab 1 Engineering Graphics lab one basic workshop 1 advanced workshop one basic computer glam and one advanced computing lab we have sports team for every sport and tournaments are held regularly,9.3 3295,Moses Chandramouli T,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],I prepared for a competitive exam called JEE. If you get a good rank in JEE mains you'll get seat in NITs and other colleges. If you clear JEE advanced with good rank you will get seat in IITs and other colleges. I did well in mains but got out in advanced. After exam counselling started in Josaa website. I got NIT PY in round 2. Went there to report. Few weeks later admission got over. It's an hassle free process.There is a placement cell in our college and they take care of everything. The CSE department placements are really good. The median package is 5-6 LPA. Our college also helps in internships. If you maintain good GPA you can easily get internships.,6.2 3296,Harshit Sharma,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University - [JIIT],"I got admission in this college through my JEE Mains score. My rank was 1,72,000. According to this Rank I got admission in 5 year integrated ECE Mtech course. Though you can also get admission in 4 year course too According to this Rank but I wanted to be in the 5 year course. First of all the counseling takes place on the basis of JEE Mains rank and you have to submit the Registration fees in form of DD/Card. I suggest you fill your choice very wisely. When you go to counseling, don't think that you cannot get into the desired course because of less seats , just fill up the choices and you can get the desired course after some time due to upgradation policy as some students leave the college.Course curriculum is according to the AICTE. Course is well structured.but it's not according to the developmens happening in the world , you cannot blame the college for this because it is designed by Central Organisation. Exam structure is bit different from the other colleges. Two mid term exam takes place and one end term. So you are always surrounded by exams but it also helps as you have to study less syllabus. Overall it's good.",7.3 3297,Ravi,Sal Engineering and Technical Institute - [SETI],"It follows GTU and the course curriculum is diverse and covers all the major subjects and extracurricular subjects. Exam structure is first we have to give mid sem exam in our college and then the university exam which are held once in every six months. We have to get 22 out of 70 marks in the written exam and also have to pass internal exams like viva, submission, attendance.We have attendance rule which is very hard to cope up with. We compulsorily have to attend every lecture and because of which we cant pay much attention to extracurricular activities or self study. We also have a very long timing our whole day is occupied here in college and we come home very tired",5.8 3298,Nandan kumar,National Fire Service College - [NFSC],"The course here is fire. fire we all know has a great scope in India because all the time we can see fire around us also now government has introduced a fire officer in every building regarding private or govt.also it is relevant research-driven and fair because there is still a lot need to tell the cause of fire .we simple to know there was fire but we do not know the cause of it.so India and the world want some professional. the placement here is also good with 100 percent So I would surely say to come hereYou can see the collage ad on the official nfsc site. the form will come in may and it will be up to last of may.the seats are sixty so they will shortlist the limited number of students. the shortlisted candidate will be called up for medical.here full-body medical will be taken and only fit students will be selected. all medical standards you can read on its official site. now they will select 66 students as 6 ews category. reservation as per government norms",9 3299,Gyanendra Tripathi,Rajkiya Engineering College - [RECK],"The college has internship provision but it depends on you if you want to do it or not because if you do the internship then you will learn new things. During the BTech program, there is a mandatory internship in which a student has to make an assignment on the work done in the internship.I am pursuing a degree course which is known as BTech in computer science. It is a 4 years course in which there 8 semesters. The first 2 semesters are the same for all the branches where it is mechanical, civil or electrical or any other branch.",7.7 3300,Sumit kumar,Kruti Institute of Technology and Engineering - [KITE],"I got admission in this college by institute level quota.but the admission is direct and also from the entrance exam which is given as jee or pet exam which is held in Chhattisgarh. the admission is progressing till August 15 as per my knowledge.later on anyone can take admission as per vacancyThe college provides various fees structure for the different student under quota..for some it's below 40k per year for some it's above as per caste and out Sider for Chattisgarh local it might be less but for outside people, it might be more so it depends on the category of people",8.7 3301,Suparno Banerjee,University of Calcutta,"The course I am in is mainly research oriented and CU is known for its quality research. CU is one of very few institutes in India that promotes UG research. The course is well up to date and the last revision of the syllabus was on 2018. They'll also provide ample scope for doing internships. Our course structure have credits too for this, ex- doing internships in IIA(Indian Institute of Astrophysics). The course also includes electives to let the student choose which subjects to take and which not. Now getting high cgpa in CU will be very difficult but if u attend all classes and stay fully focused u'll get something in the range 7-8cgpa. Failing here is common.The faculties are just awesome. I bet u'll find a better quality of faculties than most NITs, IITs and JU even.. just for instance in my dept. 1 faculty is an ex-isro scientist who has contributions to major isro projects(like in chandrayaan), all of them were gold medalists throughout in their academics having PhDs from the University of Luxembourg, London, Edinburgh, and IIT Kgp. They also have multiple patents and 100s of publications in reputed journals. In-dept. like IT u'll even find fellows from Princeton and other ivey leagues. So yeah faculty quality is world class and one of the reasons for such good national/international rankings.",8 3302,Akash kumar singh,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University - [SOA],"All the faculties here give true efforts Faculty members in our college are mostly IITians and holding masters and PhD degree. All teachers focus on a particular student. If you have any doubts, then you can meet them in their chamber, and they will help you to solve it easily. Every year has two-semester, and each semester has five subjects to study, and ITER runs on ABED America study pattern. So overall, it is good.Every year, the college organizes 3-4 events like SOA MUN, annual function, and other singing or dancing performance. Every year, approximately 3000 students take admission here, which shows how good the college is. Students who scored above 70% in 12th and 10th are awarded a scholarship amount of around Rs.10,000-20,000, which is awesome.",8.8 3303,RAHUL CHOUDHARY,Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"The campus is good well situated. The campus has a 20% gender ratio almost. In the students, most are from Punjab and Rajasthan. Here are available other activities like sports, labs, etc. There are faculty available for these activities. Institute has many technical projects and programs like robotics etc.The course is pre-planed including labs, theory lectures. This is good for our bright future and making a knowledgeable person. We have daily bases classes in various subjects on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It contains English communication lab manufacturing labs etc.",5.7 3304,Jenith Parmar,Pandit Deendayal Energy University - [PDEU],"In PDPU admission is based on gujcet and Jee both. Though it is an international college. If you want to take admission through gujcet you will have to apply in ACPC. 60% of seats are filled with gujcet. And 35% are filled with Jee. If you want to apply with Jee. You will have to fill the form on the college's own website. The selection is based on the score obtained in Jee. And you need at least 45% marks in your 12th board. The cutoff for CSE here is about 50000. If you have good Jee score then you will definitely get admission . Because very good jee rank students goes for DAIICT or Nirma university. But PDPU in just 13 years is now running parallel to Nirma university. To get admission in PDPU you will have to fill the form online on PDPU'S official website. There are 3 online admission round. After that 2 or maybe 3 offline round(on campus admission round) will conducted. After payment of fees you will be called in college for document verification. Now your admission is done.The gender ratio is 5:1. And campus life is very good. College is spread in 120 acres lush green. College is located in the middle of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar. That cities are the heart of gujarat. But the college is situated in a village. Here you will find lots of different clubs. Like avionics(robotic club), Encode(coding club), Brahmand(Astronomy club), Step up( dance club), raiders club, debate club. And lots of. That are active. You will never find yourself free here.",9.5 3305,Vaideesh Ragavan S,Saveetha Engineering College - [SEC],I Came here through Anna university so I had Got admission here Easily. The admission process in saveetha is through online as well as direct admission. the college has a very good campus. The faculties are very friendly. We have more chance to improve our knowledge.They give a mobile app and The gives the permission etc to us through the mobile app. They achieve there Best to improve our knowledge. we have both practical and theory classes. The course structure is Good. we have very good atmosphere Here. It was chilled.,8 3306,Hameer Mahajani,MIT-WPU Faculty of Engineering,"The course curriculum is too good, it facilitates all the things which is indeed a need for this era in technical education. The exam structure is We have to give to the internal exam in every semester after than viva is conducted.then finally we give the exam of the university (BPUT)FACULTY in my college is too cooperative, intellectual and well mannered they teach us in a very good way and maintain a core of conduct in classes. even time by time they make us aware of what is running in the current scenario and how to establish your self in this corporate sector.",6.7 3307,Gagandeep Singh Bhambrah,GIET University - [GIET],"The course curriculum is now said by the officials of GIET itself, as it has now gained the status of a University. Previously it was under BPUT, but now it has gained the autonomous status. The course curriculum is designed on how to make the engineers more prepared for the upcoming market and focuses on their skill development. Exams are conducted twice in a year after each semester, there are 2 mid sem exams in each semester, and vst's every week.There was an office of this college in Rourkela, I went there in early June and presented my request to join this college. The official confirms my marks and filled the form for the college. Counseling dates were given to me and the counseling fees of rupees 10,000 was taken. Presented myself in the college on the given date. On 29th July my admission was confirmed and my hostel was allotted.",7.8 3308,aditya,Shree LR Tiwari College of Engineering - [SLRTCE],the events celebrated in our colleges are. sports in which each can participate in various sports like cricket football etc and next us the fest of our college in this fest dance singing and all such events are held and celebrities are also calledthe fee structure of our college is expensive as i am a engineering student so the engineering fess is expensive as all konw and it also takes donation of very high rate. so. according to mee. the. fee structure is expensive in my college,6.8 3309,YOGESH KUMAR GURJAR,MBM Engineering College - [MBM],"Internships are provided for 2nd and 3rd year students. Placements are done in 3rd year and 4th year for different branches. The packages per annum fluctuates mostly somewhere btw 3.5 Lacs PA to 11 Lacs PA. And some exceptional students grabs upto 22-25 lacs. 25 Lacs is the record placement of MBM. Every year MBM students are selected I.E.S. Exam and recently MBM Students secured AIR-2 ,AIR-11 and AIR-89 in I.E.S. exam.The course of exam is long for first year students but this course binds the students to study and gain maximum knowledge. Other government colleges have a course which is comparatively shorter in length but our detailed course is something that differentiates MBM Students from others. Semester exams are organised in every 6 months term and internal exams done year long as per requirement by the teachers.",8.7 3310,Harshini,Manipal Institute of Technology - [MIT],"The Institute conducts an entrance exam called MU OET for the students and considers admissions only through this exam and there are no management seats available in the college. The students can attempt this exam three times and the results are announced about one month after the test. The first round of counseling is offline where the students have to go to the designated venues and submit the required documents and choose the branches available on different campuses. The next rounds are online where the students can upgrade their branches and apply for admissions in the main campus. The offline round of counseling is conducted in the last week of May and the first week of June.The course curriculum is mostly application-based and not based on rote learning. The students are provided with a formula book during the exam so that they don't waste time in memorizing the formulas and focus on learning the concept. The test is also conducted on e-pads and not on papers to conserve trees. The teaching is application based and practical. The lectures are also recorded so that the students can access the lectures back in their hostel rooms.",7.7 3311,Dharmendra parmar,Pillai College of Engineering - [PCE] Navi Mumbai,The campus is too good for students. It provides many facilities for the student . The college provides well condition labs for students. The college has big ground for the student to play any games. Many competition is also happening in college and also many debatesFees structure is a little bit high. First-year fees are about 125000. But we can get a scholarship through college for concession in fees. The middle class can get admission through scholarship .also college provides different scholarship for students,8 3312,Sanket vaghani,Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology - [ASOIT],"Yes.in our college,there is facility of placement cell and money help for internship too.there is section called IGNITE in which,they boost our ideas and give opportunity and money help to develop our ideas.many companies visited our college for campus placement.Fees are fair.there is no expensive education.their fees is around 60,000 per year.so it is fair to pay that much fee for good private collage.a student can pay their fee by cash or check.there is online payment options is also available. ",8.3 3313,Arnab Dey,Kalyani Government Engineering College - [KGEC],"The admission process is smooth and easy after allotment through wbjee counseling. The faculty members are very cooperative and helpful. Also, it is of utmost astonishment that a B.Tech course in computer science engineering is of mere fees of grand total Rupees Fifty Thousand only (excluding hostel charges). the college has a very calm and serene surrounding which makes it perfect for an ambitious student to study, and also prepare for future studies. Being situated amidst vast areas of greenery it also provides a nice opportunity to free the mind of pressure and worries. Most importantly, ragging is absolutely impossible as 1st-year students have a completely separate hostel building and college staff is present always in your requirements.There are several extracurricular clubs in the college such as dance, music, astronomy, gaming, etc. One can join in any of the clubs and participate in the programs. And one doesn't need to reach far to get involved in cultural programs, as the college is situated in Bengal one can easily understand that festive mood are always appreciated.",8.5 3314,Ashtavinayak Bali,Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College - [JNEC],Taken in our college as we are BTech students that is technological students the power more focus is on practicals there are very cool if you believe in our colleges also sports ground like badminton tennis cricket ground Holly ball ground baseball ground all rounds are there like swimming pool also is there shooting is also there and various fatless sports facilities are given us like gym and everything is provided by collegethere are various scholarship given to students by college and also from the government there are various categories like OBC open are given 16 ship and so students of category of tfws have very very very low fees for college and they can afford because the students are poor of tfws getting in our college is also good in scholarship programs,10 3315,Harshit kamboj,IIT BHU - Indian Institute of Technology,"There are many events celebrated in our college. It's hard to find a month when preparations for a certain event is not going on. Events are as follows: 1. Aagman :- This event is for fresher's & only fresher's participate in this in different arts like dance, drama, music, Quizzes etc. 2. Spardha:- This is the annual .sports fest of our college and one of the Asia's largest sports festival. In this teams of different sports came from all ovdr the India to participate & win in this prestigious sports fest. 3. FMC Weekend:- This is the annual Digital Arts Festival of IIT BHU for photographers, cinematographers, writers & many more who are involved or interested in digital arts. In this many creative competitions & workshops of Different genres are organised. Overall this is the best annual fest of IIT BHU.I am 1st year student so as of now I don't have any internship experience. But placements here are exceptional, I myself experienced that because this year's placements which occur in December 2018 many companies came like Google, Microsoft, Uber, ola, Goldman Sachs, intel and many more and highest package of this year's was 1.52 crore. Also there's 100% placement from circuital branches. My college(IIT BHU) was in news for good placements & no. Of students placed. Yes, our college provide internships from 2nd year onwards.",7.7 3316,Anuhas,Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing - [IIITDM],"Yes.The college provides scholarship and loan facility to the students who are studying in our college.The college provides a scholarship for the students who will achieve a CGPA above 8 in their examinations.And the college will provide study loans for the students.Apart from studies,extra curricular activities are awesome in our college.We have football, basketball,cricket, badminton,tennis,tabletennis and many other courts in our college.We have a big gym too.And the labs and it's equipments are very nice in our college.",9.5 3317,Swapnil jadhav,Late GN Sapkal College of Engineering,All government scholarship are provided. For open category students tfws is very good only they should aply it at the time of submission of online cap round registration and cap rounds . Other scholarship like ebc and punjabrao Deshmukh scholarship are well option.Cource is very good . The exam is based on sppu boards exam having insem ( online for 1st and 2nd year and offline for 3rd &4th year ) and end sem of 50 mark (theory). The passing criteria is minimum 20 in theory and 40 both including theory and insem .,8.8 3318,ASHU SHARMA,Hindu College of Engineering - [HCE],"In the case of labs, college is good because all the instruments are available. In the sports region, college is also so good. In the sports region especially teachers support or gives a perfect knowledge about sports and other extra activities are also organized by college like quiz contents.In the case of a placement, college is top. Because of management behavior and college culture is the main part to impress the companies. Tops companies visit in college for the organization of placement. In the case of the internship is so good as compares to other colleges.",5.7 3319,Bhavya,HKBK Group of Institutions,"I was searching for the top college of Engineering in Bangalore on google and then contacted the college for admission. Since I secured 89% in CBSE Exam and JEE with 91 percentile, I got admission with scholarship. I have registered college by paying Rs.25000 online. Then went to Bangalore after 1 month for a visit. I was happy with the infrastructure and Add on training they are providing. Students have given good feedback about placements and training. The college has improvised its placement from 3 years.The exam structure is very good it provides a good experience of taking the exam the syllabus is what is helpful to real life and startup also because it provides manage their things and achieves the best results. The college gives five to six extra add on training on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,5G, Robotics, etc..",9.2 3320,Nikhil rasal,JSPM Narhe Technical Campus - [JSPM NTC] Narhe,"seniors are too much helping to our all activities and also study materials providing and there are some events like go-kart and some bike show which differences bike are invited to show how the bike looks like and all are conducted by senior and the fresher party also.In our college, there are too many faculties given by the student and it's awesome there is a lab and in the lab, there is to much equipment ti experience actual practical knowledge given by the student and the teaching staff is also Ph.D. and dr level.",9.3 3321,Vikram Ambatkar,JD College of Engineering and Management,"Yes college provide internship it having different for all branches Like software & hardware ... The internship is started when 2 years summer Holidays The placement record is amazing My senior Pratik Patil selected in Byjus & the package is 10LPA ... The college giving equal platform ...The negative point is only one that is college is not in the city so its difficult to go. But the bus facility is also available for everyone. Positive is a lot we can't count it The placement record is very best 90-95% student can get placement in core companies",9 3322,Kunal amol kohad,Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science -[SITS] Narhe,"Pune university is considered as the best university in maharastra so exam of this university is quiet difficult in which semister pattern is there and there are 2 online exams and one offline exam. If got failed in online exam then no problem but you have to definitely pass in offline exam if you get failed in offline then you are failed in that subject.Senior students are also well placed in Infosys, amazon web services, and many other companies. And they are earning a lot of money in terms of packages and companies also offer them a good salary. So our college alumni are quite strong and they are very supportive they come to our college and guide us.",8.3 3323,Ajay,Vellore Institute of Technology - [VIT University],"There are many occasional programs taken every year in VIT, REVERA is the best part here. the celebrities from all over India are invited to entertain the students before the huge burden of CAT. many workshops are held in between the session. It will give you a decent opportunity to show your talent here.The exam name is VITEEE, the form is filled online. The cost for examination is around 1500Rs only. The exam taken doesn't have any negative marking. The total number of questions is 150, with very easy questions from class 11the and 12th. There were some general questions as well.",8 3324,Anand Sharma,Global Institute of Technology - [GIT],Faculties of my colleagues are good all my teachers are the mastermind. They all are well educated and know better about their subjects what they are going to teach I got one of the best teachers to teach me. I hope I will become like one of them.In my college all types of courses are available. And the exam structure is the same as of other colleges there are two semesters in a year. Paper is good Enough and a bit hard too to be solved by students. But hard work makes everything possible.,9.3 3325,Lama stewence newton,PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences,"I have qualified in the entrance and they call me for counseling. And I went there and they checked my certificates and paid entrance or college fee 2250 rupees only. And after that, they gave me a date to join the college and went there and fill the application form and then they allot me a room.It is an intermediate college with beautiful nature and spacious campus full of trees. Nearly forty acres of college And then coming to course very good faculty with experienced lecturers. And then exams it has one society called Andhra Pradesh residential welfare society.",9.3 3326,Uddeshya,Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology - [DCRUST],"The alumni network is not that good as we have not seen many alumni to guide freshers. But seniors are really helpful and there is no misbehavior by them. There are few alumni meets held by the college but new students are not present in most of them.College is really very good to achieve dreams and aspirations. Educations quality is really good and teacher-student interaction is awesome. The food in the canteen, mess and other shops is brilliant and best as compared to any other university.",9 3327,Anas shaik,Shadan College of Engineering & Technology - [SCET],"Yes, They help juniors to get them good marks. They sell their old textbooks at a cheap rate for the students who can't afford to buy them. They also share their old class notes for juniors to understand them. They also help juniors in other curriculum activities.The government provides scholarships if we cannot pay for the expenses of college and fees. they also provide money for students for their expenses like bus transportation fees and hostel fees. At the end of the year, the scholarship is transferred to the college.",6.2 3328,Mahesh,Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology - [SICET] Ibrahimpatnam,"FeasiblePlacements are very less for civil in our college. Many students do not in our course but try to get in other courses. we have good placements in Computer Science engineering and electrical and computer engineering its good to join in CSE or ECE in our college. Infrastructure: We have very spacious college and have good greenery neat classes with 50 members in each class. we Wi-Fi in our college with normal labs and basic requirements of lab sports are given.The scholarship is financial help (money) given to someone who wants to study. Scholarships can be given by schools or by universities or colleges or any other institution where people can study or where research needs to be done. It is similar to bursas. There are very many kinds of scholarships. Some scholarships will cover all the tuition fees (money that the student needs to pay to study), others may just help towards the tuition fees.",6.7 3329,magar pallavi abasaheb,Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering - [PGMCOE],"I was searching for an institute to fit into my requirements and searched for reviews.. then found this college. I got admission in this institute through MH-CET, after that the counseling process was also hassle-free. The admission Process was quite simple and the staff did support in any case of ambiguity. the most important thing to mention about the admission process here is that the college had provided me with the list of all necessary documents required for admission when I contacted after CET which gave me enough time to keep the documents ready for admission.Fresher's party was organized wherein the head of the department with lots of enthusiasm made us understand the significance of computer science engineering and encouraged us to dedicate much of our time to learn and get the most out engineering and serve the society. we also celebrated: Tarang Fest, Independence day and Republic day.",6.5 3330,Rahul Raj,RVS College of Engineering and Technology - [RVSCET],"Faculty are so supportive, always they tried to help students Lots of faculty are so Genius, always they come classes in regular time, Bunking of classes by the teacher is almost negligible. Our branch God's are also too good always they tried to help students to another branch too and that's the beauty of RVSCET. I am really happy with the faculty too most of faculty also possess M Tech degree from a reputed institutionI got a scholarship from college, I pay almost 23000 (Tuition fee only) I don't know much about fee structure Yeah too many scholarships are provided to the meritorious students based on the behalf of their performance previously in their exams. Fee structure also depends on the performance of students it means the performance of a guy helps it to minimize the fee in next semester.",8.5 3331,Maloth Srinivas,Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College - [NMREC],"campus life is very good and has a peaceful life, it has good infrastructure, good atmosphere. well, there is a lot of joyful of learning, and around with beautifully planted trees ..that make more pleasant. coming to gender wise its like equality and justice is given to every student of my college .labs, sports are weekly twice.where as weekend they conducted the debate on the Artifical Intelligence, technologies and current issues.well coming to faculty wise... it's like blessed to have such professors in my college and they have well experienced in teaching field because if we need to get professional at course then experience should be must, well we have such experience and research professors in my college. that's how the student of my college passed out with a very good percentage and got campus placements ..with high packages.",9.5 3332,Shivani,National Institute of Technology - [NIT],"Admission Fee(one time) – Rs 1000. Tuition Fee(annual) – Rs 12000 for B.Tech, Rs 7500 for M.Tech/M.Sc, Rs 50000 for MCA and Rs 5000 for PhD. Other Fee (including lab and examination fees) – Rs 4000 for all. Institute Development Fee(annual) – Rs 10000 for B.Tech, Rs 5000 for M.Tech/M.Sc, Alumni Fee(paid in final semester) – Rs 500. Souvenir Fee(in pre final semester) – Rs 500.Innovision: this is the technical fest of our college where colleges from all over India visit. Cosmopolitan: this is the multi-ethnic fest. Vridhi: sports fest of our college. Nitrutsav: its one of a kind. Our technocultural fest. Independence day republic day is celebrated in our college by NCC parades and hall day garden fest are also there which are celebrated by hostellers.",7.2 3333,LakshmiPrasad,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering - [SVCE],"No, I didn't opt for any scholarship or any education loan so I don't know anything about it. College management will tell you everything about it while taking admission so You don't need to worry about it. If in case they forget to tell you the details, ask them about everything like fee structure, bus annual fee, scholarship details and education loan details they'll tell you everything clearly.It depends on the rank you got.....I came from Bangalore so got to take management seat 85k as 1st-year fee and don't take my words please do visit the campus and talk with the management people and they'll give you the clear data. I paid 85k for my branch but fee structure differs for every branch I guess. Please do visit the campus and talk with management people.",9 3334,Dharma teja velpula,Gandhiji Institute of Science and Technology - [GIST],I doubt it as I don't know well about the internship as I am still yet to be complete my graduation. So I think maybe they provide internship although they were providing a lot to us. So I think so they could provide well as per my research this college was at the of placements and opportunities as well. Although the faculty and management are connected and interlinked with many companies so far as their reputation and awareness.The course curriculum was pretty good by the way. Which I never expected of such kind of curriculum from this college. I felt like it was my pleasure to choose this college and especially this course by the way. The exam structure is so simple as they follow Jawaharlal Nehru technologies university Kakinada in short JNTUK. Which is followed by almost all nearby colleges as it this the one of the most believed board,7.8 3335,Farhaz khan,Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies -[RGUKT],"The curriculum here in this RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGIES is far better than other universities because it provides International standards as it is named as INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY. This college course is divided into two. PUC And Engineering. 2 years for puc and 4 years for BTECH. Here we have four semesters per year. 2 End semester for 3 months each and winter semester and summer semester for 1month each. It gives more and more opportunities to pass in examinations by providing Remedial examinations. Here they use a relative grading system for gradingThis college is a prestigious university for the upbringing of rural students across Andhra Pradesh which is run by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. In RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITIES OF KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGIES, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY students won't have to pay any fees but only they have to pay RS: 4000 per year which is also subsidized by giving scholarships. students whose parents are government employees have to pay the fee.",9.2 3336,Narla Preetham,Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - [JNTUH],"It is a wonderful college and spacious with maintaining standards to secure a student life into a right path Here there are 4 types of courses 1 -Regular 2-IDP 3 -IDDMP 4-IIDDMP. Regular category comes with 4 years of B.Tech in Jntuh and 2nd IDP comes with 4 years course with B.Tech and M.Tech Degree in Jntuh and the Third is IDDMP in this type, of course, students Totally study 5 years of which B.Tech in 3 1/2. Years and remaining M.Tech 1 1/2 year in Sweden (Blekingé Tekniska Hogskola) and the 4th is IIDDMP it is same as IDDMP but here the students goes to Bangkok (Asian Institute of Technology).Jntu notifies about the admission of IDDMP and IIDDMP we have to wait for the notification and apply for this course by paying the bank challan of sum of rupees 2000 and submitting the copies requires the admission are taken as per the rank we secure in JEE MAINS and TS EAMCET 50% seats for jee mains category and 50% seats for Ts eamcet category",10 3337,Anil marada,Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences - [ANITS],"Because anits good college and it has more and highly qualified facility there and they teaches different way and in this college more job opportunities are there some companies are visited to my college and it has big libreri and also digital library also available , sports ground also available so I opt this college.You are all know engineering course is very difficult and higher course so anits prepare circulam is very effective manner . College timing are very good student have a time to study and give to preference for sports and other cultural activities so they management provide special hours for sports and library.",10 3338,Rahul Kumar,Amity School of Engineering & Technology - [ASET],"Placement in the college is pretty much fine. Many companies visit us for placement. Mass recruiters including TCS, Infosys, HCl offer a average package of around 3-4 lakhs The highest package witnessed here is about 8 lakhs. Most recruitment are with the technical fieldsCourse curriculum is fine. Each thing is depicted well and the course is adequate for providing all round development. The curriculum includes personality development, speaking in public Also spoken tutorial classes do take place There is enough good curriculum",6.2 3339,Tejas Karwa,R V College of Engineering - [RVCE],Alumni network of RV is pretty good and seniors are helpful. Seniors are really good and they help in how to prepare for your internals and external. Seniors are really good and they help in how to prepare for your internals and external.Faculty of the college is average as in all other college including IITs. Teachers are not cooperative and student friendly. Most of the teachers are south Indian and u might have a problem of understanding due to pronunciation.,7.7