Upload NLP_project.ipynb
Browse files- NLP_project.ipynb +700 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
1 |
2 |
"cells": [
3 |
4 |
"cell_type": "code",
5 |
"execution_count": null,
6 |
"metadata": {
7 |
"id": "jZ0wVSoo_5yd"
8 |
9 |
"outputs": [],
10 |
"source": [
11 |
"%pip install gradio gensim sentence_transformers torch torchvision torchaudio -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu111/torch_stable.html"
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"cell_type": "code",
16 |
"execution_count": null,
17 |
"metadata": {
18 |
"colab": {
19 |
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
20 |
21 |
"id": "c7lAKXG_DTM_",
22 |
"outputId": "60bad5b5-83a2-4f21-fce3-8bda36b50c5a"
23 |
24 |
"outputs": [
25 |
26 |
"name": "stderr",
27 |
"output_type": "stream",
28 |
"text": [
29 |
"[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...\n",
30 |
"[nltk_data] Package punkt is already up-to-date!\n",
31 |
"[nltk_data] Downloading package averaged_perceptron_tagger to\n",
32 |
"[nltk_data] /root/nltk_data...\n",
33 |
"[nltk_data] Package averaged_perceptron_tagger is already up-to-\n",
34 |
"[nltk_data] date!\n",
35 |
"[nltk_data] Downloading package vader_lexicon to /root/nltk_data...\n",
36 |
"[nltk_data] Package vader_lexicon is already up-to-date!\n"
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
"source": [
41 |
"import pandas as pd\n",
42 |
"import networkx as nx\n",
43 |
"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer\n",
44 |
"from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel\n",
45 |
"from textblob import TextBlob\n",
46 |
"from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer\n",
47 |
"import nltk\n",
48 |
"from nltk import pos_tag\n",
49 |
"from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
50 |
"from gensim.models import Word2Vec\n",
51 |
"import spacy\n",
52 |
"from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util\n",
53 |
"import numpy as np\n",
54 |
"import torch\n",
55 |
"import gradio as gr\n",
56 |
"import os\n",
57 |
"import math\n",
58 |
"from datetime import datetime\n",
59 |
60 |
"# Use GPU\n",
61 |
"device = torch.device(\"cuda\" if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n",
62 |
63 |
"# Load a BERT model\n",
64 |
"bert_model = SentenceTransformer('paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2', device=device)\n",
65 |
66 |
"# Download NLTK resources (if not already downloaded)\n",
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
"# Load Spacy model for Named Entity Recognition (NER)\n",
72 |
"nlp = spacy.load(\"en_core_web_sm\")"
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
"cell_type": "code",
77 |
"execution_count": null,
78 |
"metadata": {
79 |
"id": "dG1jLPn5DXeb"
80 |
81 |
"outputs": [],
82 |
"source": [
83 |
"# Load Yelp dataset\n",
84 |
"yelp_data = pd.read_csv('restaurants.csv')\n",
85 |
86 |
"# Filter out relevant information (e.g., restaurant name, rating, location, categories, hours)\n",
87 |
"restaurants = yelp_data[['name', 'stars', 'city', 'categories', 'hours']]\n",
88 |
89 |
"comfort_food_terms = [\n",
90 |
" \"Home cooking\",\n",
91 |
" \"Soul food\",\n",
92 |
" \"Indulgent food\",\n",
93 |
" \"Feel-good food\",\n",
94 |
" \"Nostalgia food\",\n",
95 |
" \"Emotional food\",\n",
96 |
" \"Guilty pleasure\",\n",
97 |
" \"Indulgence\",\n",
98 |
" \"Treat\",\n",
99 |
" \"Culinary hug\",\n",
100 |
" \"Soul-soothing food\",\n",
101 |
" \"Heart-warming food\",\n",
102 |
103 |
104 |
"exciting_food_terms = [\n",
105 |
" \"Adventurous food\",\n",
106 |
" \"Exotic food\",\n",
107 |
" \"Culinary adventure\",\n",
108 |
" \"Sensual food\",\n",
109 |
" \"Tantalizing food\",\n",
110 |
" \"Mouthwatering food\",\n",
111 |
" \"Delectable food\",\n",
112 |
" \"Irresistible food\",\n",
113 |
" \"Tempting food\",\n",
114 |
" \"Gastronomical delight\",\n",
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
"cell_type": "code",
120 |
"execution_count": null,
121 |
"metadata": {
122 |
"id": "Z05Z7XmOW5xe"
123 |
124 |
"outputs": [],
125 |
"source": [
126 |
"# Create a TF-IDF vectorizer to convert restaurant categories into numerical features\n",
127 |
"tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', lowercase=True)\n",
128 |
"tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(restaurants['categories']+\", \"+restaurants['city'].fillna(''))\n",
129 |
130 |
"# Train Word2Vec model on restaurant names\n",
131 |
"restaurant_names = [word_tokenize(restaurant['categories'].lower()+restaurant['city'].lower()) for _, restaurant in restaurants.iterrows()]\n",
132 |
"word2vec_model = Word2Vec(sentences=restaurant_names, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)\n",
133 |
134 |
"if os.path.isfile(\"./bert_embeddings.npy\"):\n",
135 |
" restaurant_embeddings = np.load('bert_embeddings.npy')\n",
136 |
137 |
" # Precompute restaurant embeddings on the chosen device for both categories and cities\n",
138 |
" restaurant_embeddings = [bert_model.encode((restaurant['categories'].lower() + restaurant['city'].lower()), convert_to_tensor=True).detach().cpu().numpy()\n",
139 |
" for _, restaurant in restaurants.iterrows()]\n",
140 |
" np.save('bert_embeddings.npy', np.array(restaurant_embeddings))\n",
141 |
" restaurant_embeddings = np.load('bert_embeddings.npy')\n",
142 |
143 |
144 |
"# Build a knowledge graph\n",
145 |
"knowledge_graph = nx.Graph()\n",
146 |
147 |
"# Add restaurant nodes with attributes\n",
148 |
"for _, restaurant in restaurants.iterrows():\n",
149 |
" knowledge_graph.add_node(\n",
150 |
" restaurant['name'],\n",
151 |
" stars=restaurant['stars'],\n",
152 |
" city=restaurant['city'],\n",
153 |
" categories=restaurant['categories'],\n",
154 |
" hours=restaurant['hours']\n",
155 |
" )\n",
156 |
157 |
"# Function to extract named entities from user input using Spacy NER\n",
158 |
"def extract_named_entities(user_input):\n",
159 |
" doc = nlp(user_input)\n",
160 |
" named_entities = [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents]\n",
161 |
" return named_entities\n",
162 |
163 |
"# Function to perform sentiment analysis using VADER\n",
164 |
"def analyze_sentiment_vader(text):\n",
165 |
" sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()\n",
166 |
" compound_score = sid.polarity_scores(text)['compound']\n",
167 |
" return compound_score"
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
"cell_type": "code",
172 |
"execution_count": null,
173 |
"metadata": {
174 |
"id": "wtd56Af2EI7h"
175 |
176 |
"outputs": [],
177 |
"source": [
178 |
"# # Function to get restaurant recommendations based on graph similarity\n",
179 |
"# def get_graph_recommendations(user_nouns):\n",
180 |
"# # Use graph-based similarity to get similar restaurants from the knowledge graph\n",
181 |
"# # You can choose a graph similarity algorithm based on your requirements\n",
182 |
"# # For example, you can use Jaccard similarity or node2vec embeddings\n",
183 |
"# # For simplicity, let's use Jaccard similarity here\n",
184 |
"# user_nouns_set = set(user_nouns)\n",
185 |
"# graph_recommendations = set()\n",
186 |
187 |
"# # print(user_nouns_set)\n",
188 |
"# for restaurant in knowledge_graph.nodes():\n",
189 |
"# restaurant_nouns = set(pos_tag(word_tokenize(restaurant)))\n",
190 |
"# jaccard_similarity = len(user_nouns_set.intersection(restaurant_nouns)) / len(user_nouns_set.union(restaurant_nouns))\n",
191 |
192 |
"# # print(restaurant, restaurant_nouns, jaccard_similarity)\n",
193 |
"# # If Jaccard similarity is above a threshold, consider it a recommendation\n",
194 |
"# if jaccard_similarity > 0.1: # You can adjust the threshold\n",
195 |
"# graph_recommendations.add(restaurant)\n",
196 |
197 |
"# # print(graph_recommendations)\n",
198 |
"# return graph_recommendations\n",
199 |
200 |
"# Function to get restaurant recommendations based on Word Overlap\n",
201 |
"def get_overlap_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations):\n",
202 |
" overlap_scores = pd.DataFrame()\n",
203 |
" overlap_scores['combined_text'] = (restaurants['name'] + \", \" + restaurants['categories'] + \", \" + restaurants['city']).str.lower()\n",
204 |
" overlap_scores['overlap_score'] = overlap_scores['combined_text'].apply(lambda x: sum(word in user_input.lower() for word in x.replace(',', '').split()))\n",
205 |
" sorted_overlap_scores = overlap_scores.sort_values(by='overlap_score', ascending=False)\n",
206 |
" top_recommendations_indices = [idx for idx, _ in sorted_overlap_scores.head(num_recommendations).iterrows()]\n",
207 |
" return top_recommendations_indices\n",
208 |
209 |
210 |
"# Function to get restaurant recommendations based on Word Embeddings similarity\n",
211 |
"def get_embedding_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations):\n",
212 |
" tokens = word_tokenize(user_input.lower())\n",
213 |
" embedding_similarities = {}\n",
214 |
215 |
" for i, restaurant in restaurants.iterrows():\n",
216 |
" restaurant_tokens = word_tokenize(restaurant['categories'].lower() + restaurant['city'].lower())\n",
217 |
" similarity = word2vec_model.wv.n_similarity(tokens, restaurant_tokens)\n",
218 |
" embedding_similarities[i] = similarity\n",
219 |
220 |
" # Sort the dictionary by similarity scores and get top recommendations\n",
221 |
" sorted_similarities = sorted(embedding_similarities.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)\n",
222 |
" top_recommendations_indices = [idx for idx, _ in sorted_similarities[:num_recommendations]]\n",
223 |
224 |
" return top_recommendations_indices\n",
225 |
226 |
"# Function to get restaurant recommendations based on BERT embeddings similarity\n",
227 |
"def get_bert_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations):\n",
228 |
" user_embedding = bert_model.encode(user_input.lower(), convert_to_tensor=True).detach().cpu().numpy()\n",
229 |
" # user_embedding = np.mean(bert_model.encode(user_input.lower(), convert_to_tensor=True).detach().cpu().numpy(), axis=0)\n",
230 |
231 |
" bert_similarities = {}\n",
232 |
233 |
" for i, restaurant in restaurants.iterrows():\n",
234 |
" restaurant_embedding = restaurant_embeddings[i]\n",
235 |
" # print(restaurant_embedding, user_embedding)\n",
236 |
" # similarity = np.dot(user_embedding, restaurant_embedding) / (np.linalg.norm(user_embedding) * np.linalg.norm(restaurant_embedding))\n",
237 |
" similarity = util.cos_sim(user_embedding, restaurant_embedding)\n",
238 |
" bert_similarities[i] = similarity\n",
239 |
" # print(i, similarity)\n",
240 |
241 |
" # Sort the dictionary by similarity scores and get top recommendations\n",
242 |
" sorted_similarities = sorted(bert_similarities.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)\n",
243 |
" top_recommendations_indices = [idx for idx, _ in sorted_similarities[:num_recommendations]]\n",
244 |
245 |
" return top_recommendations_indices"
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
"cell_type": "code",
250 |
"execution_count": null,
251 |
"metadata": {
252 |
"id": "gU0JhAg0EB3b"
253 |
254 |
"outputs": [],
255 |
"source": [
256 |
"# Function to recommend restaurants based on user input, sentiment, availability, and knowledge graph\n",
257 |
"def recommend_restaurants(user_input, num_recommendations=5, sentiment_recursive_break=False):\n",
258 |
259 |
" sr = pd.DataFrame()\n",
260 |
261 |
" # Tokenize and perform POS tagging on the user input\n",
262 |
" tokens = word_tokenize(user_input)\n",
263 |
" pos_tags = pos_tag(tokens)\n",
264 |
265 |
" # Extract nouns and locations from POS tags\n",
266 |
" user_nouns = [word for word, pos in pos_tags if pos.startswith('N') or pos.startswith('J')]\n",
267 |
" user_locations = [word.lower().strip() for word, pos in pos_tags if pos.startswith('NNP')] # Assume proper nouns are locations\n",
268 |
" # print(user_input)\n",
269 |
270 |
" # Extract named entities from user input\n",
271 |
" named_entities = extract_named_entities(user_input)\n",
272 |
" # print(\"Named Entities:\", named_entities)\n",
273 |
274 |
" # Transform user input into a TF-IDF vector\n",
275 |
" user_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform([user_input])\n",
276 |
277 |
" # Compute the cosine similarity between the user input and restaurant categories\n",
278 |
" cosine_similarities = linear_kernel(user_tfidf, tfidf_matrix).flatten()\n",
279 |
280 |
" # Get recommended restaurants from simple word overlap\n",
281 |
" overlap_recommendations = get_overlap_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations)\n",
282 |
283 |
" # Get indices of restaurants with the highest similarity scores using TF-IDF\n",
284 |
" tfidf_recommendations = cosine_similarities.argsort()[:-num_recommendations-1:-1]\n",
285 |
286 |
" # Get recommendations using Word Embeddings\n",
287 |
" embedding_similarities = get_embedding_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations)\n",
288 |
289 |
" # Get recommendations using BERT\n",
290 |
" bert_recommendations_indices = get_bert_recommendations(user_input, num_recommendations)\n",
291 |
292 |
" # Combine recommendations from both approaches\n",
293 |
" combined_recommendations = set(overlap_recommendations) | set(tfidf_recommendations) | set(embedding_similarities) |set(bert_recommendations_indices)\n",
294 |
" combined_recommendations = set(embedding_similarities)\n",
295 |
" # print(\"TFIDF:\", tfidf_recommendations)\n",
296 |
" # print(\"overlap:\", overlap_recommendations)\n",
297 |
" # print(\"w2v:\", embedding_similarities)\n",
298 |
" # print(\"BERT:\", bert_recommendations_indices)\n",
299 |
300 |
" # Get details of recommended restaurants\n",
301 |
" recommended_restaurants = restaurants.iloc[list(combined_recommendations)]\n",
302 |
303 |
" # print(\"rec res:\", combined_recommendations)\n",
304 |
305 |
" # Refine recommendations based on extracted information, location, and named entities\n",
306 |
" for _, restaurant in recommended_restaurants.iterrows():\n",
307 |
" # if any(category in restaurant['categories'] for category in user_nouns) and any(location in restaurant['city'] for location in user_locations):\n",
308 |
" # if any(location in restaurant['city'].lower().strip() for location in user_locations):\n",
309 |
" print(f\"Recommendation: {restaurant['name'], restaurant['city'], restaurant['categories'], restaurant['stars']} \")\n",
310 |
311 |
" if not sentiment_recursive_break:\n",
312 |
" # Perform sentiment analysis using VADER\n",
313 |
" sentiment_score = analyze_sentiment_vader(user_input)\n",
314 |
315 |
" if sentiment_score < -0.2:\n",
316 |
" print(\"Considering your negative sentiment, you might prefer comforting places.\")\n",
317 |
" sr = recommend_restaurants(user_input=user_input + \", \" + \", \".join(comfort_food_terms), num_recommendations=num_recommendations, sentiment_recursive_break=True)\n",
318 |
" # comforting_places = restaurants[restaurants['categories'].str.contains('comfort food', case=False, na=False)]\n",
319 |
" # print(\"Comforting food places suggestions:\")\n",
320 |
" # print(comforting_places[['name', 'stars', 'city', 'categories']])\n",
321 |
" elif sentiment_score > 0.2:\n",
322 |
" print(\"Considering your positive sentiment, you might prefer something exciting.\")\n",
323 |
" sr = recommend_restaurants(user_input=user_input + \", \" + \", \".join(exciting_food_terms), num_recommendations=num_recommendations, sentiment_recursive_break=True)\n",
324 |
" # exciting_places = restaurants[restaurants['categories'].str.contains('nightlife|arts & entertainment|restaurants', case=False, na=False)]\n",
325 |
" # print(\"Exciting food places suggestions:\")\n",
326 |
" # print(exciting_places[['name', 'stars', 'city', 'categories']])\n",
327 |
" else:\n",
328 |
" print(\"neutral sentiment\")\n",
329 |
330 |
" # Rank the restaurants based on ratings in descending order\n",
331 |
" ranked_restaurants = recommended_restaurants.sort_values(by='stars', ascending=False).head(num_recommendations)\n",
332 |
333 |
" # return recommended restaurants for evaluation\n",
334 |
" return ranked_restaurants"
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
"cell_type": "code",
339 |
"execution_count": null,
340 |
"metadata": {
341 |
"id": "aDZYCDQxfMFH"
342 |
343 |
"outputs": [],
344 |
"source": [
345 |
"# Example prompt\n",
346 |
"user_prompt = input(\"Enter your restaurant preference (e.g., I want Chinese in Brooklyn): \")\n",
347 |
348 |
"# Get recommendations based on the user's input, sentiment, availability, and knowledge graph\n",
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 |
"cell_type": "code",
354 |
"execution_count": null,
355 |
"metadata": {
356 |
"id": "asj5AxXvDjrY"
357 |
358 |
"outputs": [],
359 |
"source": [
360 |
"def evaluate_recommendations(predicted_df, filtered_df, k):\n",
361 |
" \"\"\"\n",
362 |
" Evaluate predicted restaurant recommendations against the ground truth using precision@k, recall@k, and F1@k.\n",
363 |
364 |
" Parameters:\n",
365 |
" - predicted_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with predicted restaurant recommendations.\n",
366 |
" - filtered_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with ground truth or actual relevant restaurants.\n",
367 |
" - k (int): Value of k for top-k recommendations.\n",
368 |
369 |
" Returns:\n",
370 |
" - precision_at_k (float): Precision@k.\n",
371 |
" - recall_at_k (float): Recall@k.\n",
372 |
" - f1_at_k (float): F1@k.\n",
373 |
" \"\"\"\n",
374 |
375 |
" # Extract the top-k predicted restaurants\n",
376 |
" top_k_predicted = predicted_df.head(k)\n",
377 |
378 |
" # Evaluate precision@k, recall@k, and F1@k\n",
379 |
" intersection = pd.merge(top_k_predicted, filtered_df, on=['name', 'stars', 'city', 'categories', 'hours'], how='inner')\n",
380 |
381 |
" precision_at_k = len(intersection) / k\n",
382 |
" recall_at_k = len(intersection) / len(filtered_df)\n",
383 |
" f1_at_k = 2 * (precision_at_k * recall_at_k) / (precision_at_k + recall_at_k) if (precision_at_k + recall_at_k) > 0 else 0\n",
384 |
385 |
" return precision_at_k, recall_at_k, f1_at_k"
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
"cell_type": "code",
390 |
"execution_count": null,
391 |
"metadata": {
392 |
"id": "n1Xrcarvzw9P"
393 |
394 |
"outputs": [],
395 |
"source": [
396 |
"cajun_in_neworleans = restaurants[\n",
397 |
" (restaurants['city'] == 'New Orleans') &\n",
398 |
" (restaurants['categories'].str.contains('cajun', case=False))\n",
399 |
400 |
"steakhouses_in_indiana = restaurants[\n",
401 |
" (restaurants['city'] == 'Indianapolis') &\n",
402 |
" (restaurants['categories'].str.contains('steakhouse', case=False))\n",
403 |
404 |
"chinese_in_philadelphia = restaurants[\n",
405 |
" (restaurants['city'] == 'Philadelphia') &\n",
406 |
" (restaurants['categories'].str.contains('chinese', case=False))\n",
407 |
408 |
"seafood_in_tampa = restaurants[\n",
409 |
" (restaurants['city'] == 'Tampa') &\n",
410 |
" (restaurants['categories'].str.contains('seafood', case=False))\n",
411 |
412 |
"italian_in_stlouis = restaurants[\n",
413 |
" (restaurants['city'] == 'Saint Louis') &\n",
414 |
" (restaurants['categories'].str.contains('italian', case=False))\n",
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
"cell_type": "code",
420 |
"execution_count": null,
421 |
"metadata": {
422 |
"id": "XEG8Eyh55lV7"
423 |
424 |
"outputs": [],
425 |
"source": [
426 |
"cino = recommend_restaurants(input())"
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
"cell_type": "code",
431 |
"execution_count": null,
432 |
"metadata": {
433 |
"id": "Iarl1OLg6CW8"
434 |
435 |
"outputs": [],
436 |
"source": [
437 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(cino, cajun_in_neworleans, 1))\n",
438 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(cino, cajun_in_neworleans, 5))\n",
439 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(cino, cajun_in_neworleans, 10))"
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
"cell_type": "code",
444 |
"execution_count": null,
445 |
"metadata": {
446 |
"id": "jQI7iAQeEDGr"
447 |
448 |
"outputs": [],
449 |
"source": [
450 |
"sit = recommend_restaurants(input())"
451 |
452 |
453 |
454 |
"cell_type": "code",
455 |
"execution_count": null,
456 |
"metadata": {
457 |
"id": "G2QAD-o8E6HZ"
458 |
459 |
"outputs": [],
460 |
"source": [
461 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sit, seafood_in_tampa, 1))\n",
462 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sit, seafood_in_tampa, 5))\n",
463 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sit, seafood_in_tampa, 10))"
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
"cell_type": "code",
468 |
"execution_count": null,
469 |
"metadata": {
470 |
"id": "v7co493SGeWY"
471 |
472 |
"outputs": [],
473 |
"source": [
474 |
"sii = recommend_restaurants(input())"
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
"cell_type": "code",
479 |
"execution_count": null,
480 |
"metadata": {
481 |
"id": "Te-YQGBzGl70"
482 |
483 |
"outputs": [],
484 |
"source": [
485 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sii, steakhouses_in_indiana, 1))\n",
486 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sii, steakhouses_in_indiana, 5))\n",
487 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(sii, steakhouses_in_indiana, 10))"
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
"cell_type": "code",
492 |
"execution_count": null,
493 |
"metadata": {
494 |
"id": "ILgW8nsLHuwd"
495 |
496 |
"outputs": [],
497 |
"source": [
498 |
"iisl = recommend_restaurants(input())"
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
"cell_type": "code",
503 |
"execution_count": null,
504 |
"metadata": {
505 |
"id": "nGi-VJfcH3tH"
506 |
507 |
"outputs": [],
508 |
"source": [
509 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(iisl, italian_in_stlouis, 1))\n",
510 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(iisl, italian_in_stlouis, 5))\n",
511 |
"print(evaluate_recommendations(iisl, italian_in_stlouis, 10))"
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
"cell_type": "code",
516 |
"execution_count": null,
517 |
"metadata": {
518 |
"colab": {
519 |
"background_save": true,
520 |
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
521 |
"height": 830
522 |
523 |
"id": "MNM-MiKwhN2I",
524 |
"outputId": "31abcb6c-b9bc-4096-f012-bf12ee7a1e24"
525 |
526 |
"outputs": [
527 |
528 |
"name": "stdout",
529 |
"output_type": "stream",
530 |
"text": [
531 |
"Setting queue=True in a Colab notebook requires sharing enabled. Setting `share=True` (you can turn this off by setting `share=False` in `launch()` explicitly).\n",
532 |
533 |
"Colab notebook detected. This cell will run indefinitely so that you can see errors and logs. To turn off, set debug=False in launch().\n",
534 |
"Running on public URL: https://4a62505eb450484ce0.gradio.live\n",
535 |
536 |
"This share link expires in 72 hours. For free permanent hosting and GPU upgrades, run `gradio deploy` from Terminal to deploy to Spaces (https://huggingface.co/spaces)\n"
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
"data": {
541 |
"text/html": [
542 |
"<div><iframe src=\"https://4a62505eb450484ce0.gradio.live\" width=\"100%\" height=\"500\" allow=\"autoplay; camera; microphone; clipboard-read; clipboard-write;\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>"
543 |
544 |
"text/plain": [
545 |
"<IPython.core.display.HTML object>"
546 |
547 |
548 |
"metadata": {},
549 |
"output_type": "display_data"
550 |
551 |
552 |
"name": "stdout",
553 |
"output_type": "stream",
554 |
"text": [
555 |
"Recommendation: (\"Charlie Gitto's On the Hill\", 'St. Louis', 'Restaurants, Italian', 4.5) \n",
556 |
"Recommendation: (\"Pietro's\", 'St. Louis', 'Italian, Restaurants', 4.0) \n",
557 |
"Recommendation: ('Cluster Busters', 'St. Louis', 'Italian, Restaurants, Seafood', 4.0) \n",
558 |
"Recommendation: ('Cibare Italian Kitchen', 'St. Louis', 'Restaurants, Italian', 4.0) \n",
559 |
"Recommendation: ('Toscana Pizza, Pasta & More', 'St. Petersburg', 'Italian, Restaurants, Pizza', 4.0) \n",
560 |
"Recommendation: (\"Del Pietro's\", 'St. Louis', 'Italian, Restaurants', 4.0) \n",
561 |
"Recommendation: (\"Sophia's Cucina + Enoteca\", 'St. Petersburg', 'Italian, Restaurants', 4.0) \n",
562 |
"Recommendation: (\"Moscato's Bella Cucina\", 'St. Petersburg', 'Italian, Restaurants', 3.5) \n",
563 |
"Recommendation: ('Bici Trattoria', 'St. Petersburg', 'Italian, Restaurants', 4.0) \n",
564 |
"Recommendation: ('Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs', 'St. Louis', 'Restaurants, Sandwiches', 4.0) \n",
565 |
"neutral sentiment\n"
566 |
567 |
568 |
569 |
"source": [
570 |
"# rr = recommend_restaurants(prompt, number_of_recommendations = 5)\n",
571 |
572 |
"demo = gr.Interface(fn=recommend_restaurants, inputs=[\"text\", gr.Number(value=10, precision=0, minimum=1)], outputs=\"dataframe\")\n",
573 |
574 |
"if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n",
575 |
" demo.launch(show_api=False, debug=True)"
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
"cell_type": "code",
580 |
"execution_count": null,
581 |
"metadata": {
582 |
"id": "Dx0SmXB8qGln"
583 |
584 |
"outputs": [],
585 |
"source": [
586 |
"# import pandas as pd\n",
587 |
"# import networkx as nx\n",
588 |
"# from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer\n",
589 |
"# from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel\n",
590 |
"# import nltk\n",
591 |
"# from nltk import pos_tag\n",
592 |
"# from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
593 |
"# from datetime import datetime\n",
594 |
595 |
"# # Download NLTK resources (if not already downloaded)\n",
596 |
"# nltk.download('punkt')\n",
597 |
"# nltk.download('averaged_perceptron_tagger')\n",
598 |
599 |
"# # Load Yelp dataset (replace 'yelp_dataset.csv' with your actual dataset file)\n",
600 |
"# yelp_data = pd.read_csv('yelp_dataset.csv')\n",
601 |
602 |
"# # Load existing knowledge graph (replace 'knowledge_graph.gexf' with your actual graph file)\n",
603 |
"# knowledge_graph = nx.read_gexf('knowledge_graph.gexf')\n",
604 |
605 |
"# # Filter out relevant information (e.g., restaurant name, rating, location, categories, hours)\n",
606 |
"# restaurants = yelp_data[['name', 'stars', 'city', 'categories', 'hours']]\n",
607 |
608 |
"# # Create a TF-IDF vectorizer to convert restaurant categories into numerical features\n",
609 |
"# tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english', lowercase=True)\n",
610 |
"# tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(restaurants['categories'].fillna(''))\n",
611 |
612 |
"# # Function to check if a restaurant is open at the current time\n",
613 |
"# def is_restaurant_open(hours, current_time):\n",
614 |
"# for day, hours_range in hours.items():\n",
615 |
"# start_time, end_time = hours_range.split('-')\n",
616 |
"# if start_time <= current_time <= end_time:\n",
617 |
"# return True\n",
618 |
"# return False\n",
619 |
620 |
"# # Function to get similar foods from the knowledge graph\n",
621 |
"# def get_similar_foods(category, knowledge_graph):\n",
622 |
"# similar_foods = set()\n",
623 |
624 |
"# if category in knowledge_graph.nodes:\n",
625 |
"# neighbors = list(knowledge_graph.neighbors(category))\n",
626 |
"# similar_foods.update(neighbors)\n",
627 |
628 |
"# return similar_foods\n",
629 |
630 |
"# # Function to recommend restaurants based on content-based filtering and availability\n",
631 |
"# def recommend_restaurants(user_input, num_recommendations=5):\n",
632 |
"# # Tokenize and perform POS tagging on the user input\n",
633 |
"# tokens = word_tokenize(user_input)\n",
634 |
"# pos_tags = pos_tag(tokens)\n",
635 |
636 |
"# # Extract nouns and locations from POS tags\n",
637 |
"# user_nouns = [word for word, pos in pos_tags if pos.startswith('N') or pos.startswith('J')]\n",
638 |
"# user_locations = [word for word, pos in pos_tags if pos.startswith('NNP')] # Assume proper nouns are locations\n",
639 |
640 |
"# # Filter restaurants based on the user's location\n",
641 |
"# location_filtered_restaurants = restaurants[restaurants['city'].isin(user_locations)]\n",
642 |
643 |
"# # Transform user input into a TF-IDF vector\n",
644 |
"# user_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform([user_input])\n",
645 |
646 |
"# # Compute the cosine similarity between the user input and restaurant categories\n",
647 |
"# cosine_similarities = linear_kernel(user_tfidf, tfidf_matrix).flatten()\n",
648 |
649 |
"# # Get indices of restaurants with highest similarity scores\n",
650 |
"# restaurant_indices = cosine_similarities.argsort()[:-num_recommendations-1:-1]\n",
651 |
652 |
"# # Get recommended restaurants\n",
653 |
"# recommended_restaurants = restaurants.iloc[restaurant_indices]\n",
654 |
655 |
"# # Refine recommendations based on extracted information and location\n",
656 |
"# for _, restaurant in recommended_restaurants.iterrows():\n",
657 |
"# if any(category in restaurant['categories'] for category in user_nouns) and any(location in restaurant['city'] for location in user_locations):\n",
658 |
"# print(f\"Refined recommendation: {restaurant['name']} based on type of food and location.\")\n",
659 |
660 |
"# # Get similar foods from the knowledge graph\n",
661 |
"# additional_categories = set()\n",
662 |
"# for user_noun in user_nouns:\n",
663 |
"# similar_foods = get_similar_foods(user_noun, knowledge_graph)\n",
664 |
"# additional_categories.update(similar_foods)\n",
665 |
666 |
"# # Update the categories column with similar foods\n",
667 |
"# updated_categories = ', '.join(set(restaurant['categories'].split(', ') + list(additional_categories)))\n",
668 |
"# print(f\"Updated Categories: {updated_categories}\")\n",
669 |
670 |
"# # Check restaurant availability based on current time\n",
671 |
"# current_time = datetime.now().strftime(\"%H:%M\")\n",
672 |
"# if is_restaurant_open(restaurant['hours'], current_time):\n",
673 |
"# print(f\"{restaurant['name']} is open right now!\")\n",
674 |
"# else:\n",
675 |
"# print(f\"{restaurant['name']} is currently closed.\")\n",
676 |
677 |
"# # Example prompt\n",
678 |
"# user_prompt = input(\"Enter your restaurant preference (e.g., I want Chinese in Brooklyn): \")\n",
679 |
680 |
"# # Get recommendations based on the user's input and availability, prioritizing location\n",
681 |
"# recommend_restaurants(user_prompt)\n"
682 |
683 |
684 |
685 |
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686 |
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687 |
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688 |
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689 |
690 |
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691 |
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692 |
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693 |
694 |
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695 |
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696 |
697 |
698 |
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699 |
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700 |