from .BaseReport import BaseReport import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.ndimage as ndi class FocusReport(BaseReport): def __init__(self,imgstack_files,coord_infos,fov,out_csv): super().__init__(imgstack_files,coord_infos) self.fov_name = fov self.imgstack = self.imgstack #(y,x,wvs,irs,zs) self.peak_idx = np.zeros((self.imgstack.shape[2],self.imgstack.shape[3])) self.out_csv = out_csv def f_measure(self,img): filter = np.array([ [1], [0], [-1], [0], [0]]) res = ndi.convolve(img,filter,mode='reflect') res = np.power(res,2) return res.sum() #Reports----- def f_measure_report(self): #create an empty matrix with dimensions of ir x wv x z (rows v cols v depth) #Populate the matrix in the loop #Then imshow and add text focus_matrix = np.zeros((len(self.coords['irs']), len(self.coords['wvs']), len(self.coords['zs'])) ) for iir,ir in enumerate(self.coords['irs']): for iwv,wv in enumerate(self.coords['wvs']): for iz,z in enumerate(self.coords['zs']): focus_matrix[iir,iwv,iz] = self.f_measure(self.imgstack[:,:,iwv,iir,iz]) viz_focus_matrix = np.argmax(focus_matrix,axis=2) f, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(viz_focus_matrix) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(self.coords['wvs'])), self.coords['wvs']) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(self.coords['irs'])), self.coords['irs']) ax.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)") ax.set_ylabel("Imaging Round") plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") for iir in range(len(self.coords['irs'])): for iwv in range(len(self.coords['wvs'])): text = ax.text(iwv, iir, viz_focus_matrix[iir, iwv], ha="center", va="center", color="w") plt.tight_layout() self.pdf.savefig() plt.close(f) #Save the pk idx to a csv information for each imaging round df = pd.DataFrame() for iwv,wv in enumerate(self.coords['wvs']): df[str(wv)] = viz_focus_matrix[:,iwv] # each imaging round is a row df["FOV"] = len(viz_focus_matrix[:,0])*[self.fov_name] df["IR"] = self.coords['irs'] df.to_csv(self.out_csv)