import sys |
sys.path.append("../") |
from utils.fileIO import Codebook, read_table |
from utils.imgproc import warp_image,register_stack |
from utils.helper_functions import performDumbExtraction, findErrorBits |
from .BaseReport import BaseReport |
import numpy as np |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import matplotlib as mpl |
import scipy.ndimage as ndi |
import skimage |
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors |
mpl.rcParams["image.interpolation"] = "none" |
class DecodabilityReport(BaseReport): |
"""This report produces graphs and figures that provide insight into the decodeability of a dataset. |
Args: |
deconvolved_img_stack (str): The path to the img stack of deconvolved images |
coord_info (str): The path to the coordinate information file for the fov and z |
codebook_file (str): The path to the codebook csv file |
data_org_file (str): The path to the data organization file |
fov (str): The fov name that belongs to the image stack |
z (str): The z name that belongs to the image stack |
out_detection_stats (str): The path that the detection stats will be printed into |
Raises: |
AssertionError: If the number of wavelenghts is not 4 in the coordinate file, then the image warping in the data organization file wont work. |
""" |
def __init__( |
self, |
deconvolved_img_stack: str, |
coord_info: str, |
codebook_file: str, |
data_org_file: str, |
fov: int, |
z: int, |
out_detection_stats: str, |
): |
super().__init__(deconvolved_img_stack, coord_info) |
if not (len(self.coords["wvs"]) == 4): |
raise AssertionError("Image Stack must contain 4 channels") |
self.fov_name = fov |
self.z_name = z |
self.out_detection_stats = out_detection_stats |
self.codebook = Codebook(codebook_file) |
data_org = read_table(data_org_file).to_dict("records") |
self.registered_images = register_stack(self.imgstack) |
self.warped_imgs = warp_image(data_org, self.registered_images, 16) |
( |
self.filtered_warped_images, |
self.bright_pixel_count, |
self.bit_map, |
self.bit_vector_map, |
self.dist_map, |
self.barcode_map, |
self.error_bit_map, |
self.detection_number_map, |
self.codebook_bits, |
) = performDumbExtraction( |
self.warped_imgs, self.codebook, clip_thresh=98.5 |
) |
""" |
====MAKE REPORTS===== |
""" |
def make_bit_imgs(self): |
"""Generates the 3,4, and 5 bit detection images. |
These are bits that are within 1 manhattan distance |
to an entry in the codebook |
""" |
image_blank = np.zeros( |
(self.warped_imgs.shape[1], self.warped_imgs.shape[2]) |
) |
bc3_img = np.multiply( |
np.reshape(self.barcode_map[3], image_blank.shape) + 1, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[3] == 1, image_blank.shape), |
) |
bc4_img = np.multiply( |
np.reshape(self.barcode_map[4], image_blank.shape) + 1, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[4] == 0, image_blank.shape), |
) |
bc5_img = np.multiply( |
np.reshape(self.barcode_map[5], image_blank.shape) + 1, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[5] == 1, image_blank.shape), |
) |
bc3_img = np.where(bc3_img > 0, 1, 0) |
bc4_img = np.where(bc4_img > 0, 1, 0) |
bc5_img = np.where(bc5_img > 0, 1, 0) |
f, ax = plt.subplots( |
nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(3 * 10, 10) |
) |
ax[0].imshow( |
bc3_img, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation="none" |
) |
ax[1].imshow( |
bc4_img, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation="none" |
) |
ax[2].imshow( |
bc5_img, cmap="gray", vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation="none" |
) |
ax[0].set_title("Image of 3-bit Decodable barcodes") |
ax[1].set_title("Image of 4-bit Decodable barcodes") |
ax[2].set_title("Image of 5-bit Decodable barcodes") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
colour_img = np.zeros((bc5_img.shape[0], bc5_img.shape[1], 3)) |
colour_img[:, :, 0] = bc3_img |
colour_img[:, :, 1] = bc4_img |
colour_img[:, :, 2] = bc5_img |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(40, 40)) |
ax.imshow(colour_img, vmin=0, vmax=1, interpolation="none") |
plt.title("Red: 3-bit words; Green: 4-bit words; Blue: 5-bit words") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
f, axs = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(43, 43)) |
axs = axs.flatten() |
window_half_width = 50 |
while True: |
r, c = ( |
np.random.randint(0, bc3_img.shape[0]), |
np.random.randint(0, bc3_img.shape[1]), |
) |
tl = [int(r - window_half_width), int(c - window_half_width)] |
br = [int(r + window_half_width), int(c + window_half_width)] |
fwi = np.moveaxis(self.filtered_warped_images, 0, -1) |
wi = np.moveaxis(self.warped_imgs, 0, -1) |
masked3 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[3] == 1, image_blank.shape)[ |
..., None |
], |
) |
masked4 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[4] == 0, image_blank.shape)[ |
..., None |
], |
) |
masked5 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[5] == 1, image_blank.shape)[ |
..., None |
], |
) |
cropped_mask3 = masked3[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
cropped_mask4 = masked4[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
cropped_mask5 = masked5[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
if np.all(cropped_mask3 != 1) and np.all(cropped_mask5 != 1): |
pass |
else: |
break |
mpl.rcParams["image.interpolation"] = "none" |
for iax, ax in enumerate(axs): |
colour_image = np.stack( |
( |
cropped_mask3[:, :, iax], |
cropped_mask4[:, :, iax], |
cropped_mask5[:, :, iax], |
), |
axis=2, |
) |
ax.imshow(colour_image * 255, vmin=0, vmax=1) |
ax.set_title(f"Bit: {iax}") |
plt.suptitle( |
f"Red: 3-bit words; Green: 4-bit words; Blue: 5-bit words \n \ |
Row: {r}, Column {c}, CropSize {2*window_half_width+1}" |
) |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
f, axs = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(43, 43)) |
axs = axs.flatten() |
masked3 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[3] == 1, image_blank.shape)[..., None], |
) |
masked4 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[4] == 0, image_blank.shape)[..., None], |
) |
masked5 = np.multiply( |
fwi, |
np.reshape(self.dist_map[5] == 1, image_blank.shape)[..., None], |
) |
cropped_mask3 = masked3[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
cropped_mask4 = masked4[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
cropped_mask5 = masked5[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, :] |
row3, col3, z3 = np.where(cropped_mask3 == 1) |
row4, col4, z4 = np.where(cropped_mask4 == 1) |
row5, col5, z5 = np.where(cropped_mask5 == 1) |
for iax, ax in enumerate(axs): |
crop = wi[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, iax] |
crap_max = ndi.maximum_filter(crop, size=2, mode="constant") |
peak = skimage.feature.peak_local_max(crap_max, min_distance=2) |
ax.imshow(crop, cmap="gray") |
ax.scatter(col3, row3, s=15, color="red", marker="*") |
ax.scatter(col4, row4, s=15, color="green", marker="*") |
ax.scatter(col5, row5, s=15, color="blue", marker="*") |
ax.scatter( |
peak[:, 1], peak[:, 0], s=10, color="yellow", marker="*" |
) |
ax.set_title(f"Bit: {iax}") |
plt.suptitle( |
"Red: 3-bit words; Green: 4-bit words; Blue: 5-bit words\n \ |
Overlayed on smoothed deconvolved image" |
) |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
f, axs = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(40, 40)) |
axs = axs.flatten() |
for iax, ax in enumerate(axs): |
crop = fwi[tl[0]: br[0] + 1, tl[1]: br[1] + 1, iax] |
crap_max = ndi.maximum_filter(crop, size=2, mode="constant") |
peak = skimage.feature.peak_local_max(crap_max, min_distance=2) |
ax.imshow(crop, cmap="gray") |
ax.scatter(col3, row3, s=15, color="red", marker="*") |
ax.scatter(col4, row4, s=15, color="green", marker="*") |
ax.scatter(col5, row5, s=15, color="blue", marker="*") |
ax.scatter( |
peak[:, 1], peak[:, 0], s=10, color="yellow", marker="*" |
) |
ax.set_title(f"Bit: {iax}") |
plt.suptitle( |
"Red: 3-bit words; Green: 4-bit words; Blue: 5-bit words\n \ |
Overlayed thresholded deconvolved image" |
) |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
def make_decodability_hists(self): |
"""Make the histograms that for determining decoability based on |
thresholded pixels |
""" |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.hist( |
self.bright_pixel_count.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)], |
) |
ax.set_xlim([1, 17]) |
ax.set_ylim([0, 0.6e6]) |
ax.vlines(x=[3, 6], ymin=0, ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1], colors=["r", "r"]) |
ax.set_xticks( |
ticks=[i + 0.5 for i in range(17)], labels=[i for i in range(17)] |
) |
ax.set_title("Number of bright pixels stacked") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
codebook_bits = np.array(self.codebook.barcode_arrays) |
nbrs = NearestNeighbors( |
n_neighbors=1, algorithm="ball_tree", p=1 |
).fit(codebook_bits) |
bright_pix_3bcs = np.reshape(self.bit_map[3], (16, -1)).T |
bright_pix_4bcs = np.reshape(self.bit_map[4], (16, -1)).T |
bright_pix_5bcs = np.reshape(self.bit_map[5], (16, -1)).T |
bright_pix_3bcs = bright_pix_3bcs[bright_pix_3bcs.sum(axis=1) > 0, :] |
bright_pix_4bcs = bright_pix_4bcs[bright_pix_4bcs.sum(axis=1) > 0, :] |
bright_pix_5bcs = bright_pix_5bcs[bright_pix_5bcs.sum(axis=1) > 0, :] |
dist3, barcode3_ids = nbrs.kneighbors(bright_pix_3bcs) |
dist3_fraction = (dist3 == 1).sum() / (dist3 > 0).sum() |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.hist(dist3.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)]) |
plt.vlines(x=[1, 2], ymin=0, ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1], colors=["r", "r"]) |
ax.set_xticks( |
ticks=[i + 0.5 for i in range(17)], labels=[i for i in range(17)] |
) |
ax.set_xlabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Pixels") |
plt.title( |
"3 Bright Pixel Barcodes: Manhattan Distance \n Detection fraction: \ |
{:.02f}".format(dist3_fraction) |
) |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
dist4, barcode4_ids = nbrs.kneighbors(bright_pix_4bcs) |
dist4_fraction = (dist4 == 0).sum() / (dist4 > -1).sum() |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.hist(dist4.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)]) |
plt.vlines(x=[0, 1], ymin=0, ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1], colors=["r", "r"]) |
ax.set_xticks( |
ticks=[i + 0.5 for i in range(17)], labels=[i for i in range(17)] |
) |
ax.set_xlabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Pixels") |
plt.title( |
"4 Bright Pixel Barcodes: Manhattan Distance \n Detection fraction: \ |
{:.02f}".format(dist4_fraction) |
) |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
dist5, barcode5_ids = nbrs.kneighbors(bright_pix_5bcs) |
dist5_fraction = (dist5 == 1).sum() / (dist5 > -1).sum() |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.hist(dist5.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)]) |
plt.vlines(x=[1, 2], ymin=0, ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1], colors=["r", "r"]) |
ax.set_xticks( |
ticks=[i + 0.5 for i in range(17)], labels=[i for i in range(17)] |
) |
ax.set_xlabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Pixels") |
plt.title( |
"5 Bright Pixel Barcodes: Manhattan Distance \ |
\n Detection fraction: {:.02f}".format( |
dist5_fraction |
) |
) |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
""" |
Find out what is the bit distribution of the spots that had 3-5 bits, |
but didnt match the codebook |
""" |
unique_dist3 = np.unique(dist3) |
dist3_barcode_hist = np.zeros((16, 16)) |
for ud3 in unique_dist3: |
dist3_barcode_hist[int(ud3), :] = np.sum( |
bright_pix_3bcs[np.squeeze(dist3 == ud3), :], axis=0 |
) |
dist3_barcode_hist[int(ud3), :] = np.nan_to_num( |
dist3_barcode_hist[int(ud3), :] |
/ dist3_barcode_hist[int(ud3), :].sum() |
) |
unique_dist4 = np.unique(dist4) |
dist4_barcode_hist = np.zeros((16, 16)) |
for ud4 in unique_dist4: |
dist4_barcode_hist[int(ud4), :] = np.sum( |
bright_pix_4bcs[np.squeeze(dist4 == ud4), :], axis=0 |
) |
dist4_barcode_hist[int(ud4), :] = np.nan_to_num( |
dist4_barcode_hist[int(ud4), :] |
/ dist4_barcode_hist[int(ud4), :].sum() |
) |
unique_dist5 = np.unique(dist5) |
dist5_barcode_hist = np.zeros((16, 16)) |
for ud5 in unique_dist5: |
dist5_barcode_hist[int(ud5), :] = np.sum( |
bright_pix_5bcs[np.squeeze(dist5 == ud5), :], axis=0 |
) |
dist5_barcode_hist[int(ud5), :] = np.nan_to_num( |
dist5_barcode_hist[int(ud5), :] |
/ dist5_barcode_hist[int(ud5), :].sum() |
) |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.imshow(dist3_barcode_hist) |
for ud in range(dist3_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
for bp in range(dist3_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
_ = ax.text( |
bp, |
ud, |
f"{dist3_barcode_hist[ud, bp]*100:.2f}%", |
ha="center", |
va="center", |
color="w", |
) |
ax.set_ylabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_xlabel("Bit Number") |
plt.title("3 Bright Pixel bit distribution") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.imshow(dist4_barcode_hist) |
for ud in range(dist4_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
for bp in range(dist4_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
_ = ax.text( |
bp, |
ud, |
f"{dist4_barcode_hist[ud, bp]*100:.2f}%", |
ha="center", |
va="center", |
color="w", |
) |
ax.set_ylabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_xlabel("Bit Number") |
plt.title("4 Bright Pixel bit distribution") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) |
plt.imshow(dist5_barcode_hist) |
for ud in range(dist5_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
for bp in range(dist5_barcode_hist.shape[0]): |
_ = ax.text( |
bp, |
ud, |
f"{dist5_barcode_hist[ud, bp]*100:.2f}%", |
ha="center", |
va="center", |
color="w", |
) |
ax.set_ylabel("Manhattan Distance away from entry in codebook") |
ax.set_xlabel("Bit Number") |
plt.title("5 Bright Pixel bit distribution") |
plt.tight_layout() |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
errorBit3 = findErrorBits( |
bright_pix_3bcs, |
self.codebook_bits, |
dist3, |
barcode3_ids, |
filter_val=1, |
) |
errorBit4 = findErrorBits( |
bright_pix_4bcs, |
self.codebook_bits, |
dist4, |
barcode4_ids, |
filter_val=0, |
) |
errorBit5 = findErrorBits( |
bright_pix_5bcs, |
self.codebook_bits, |
dist5, |
barcode5_ids, |
filter_val=1, |
) |
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(3 * 10, 10)) |
ax[0].hist( |
errorBit3.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)], align="left" |
) |
ax[1].hist( |
errorBit4.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)], align="left" |
) |
ax[2].hist( |
errorBit5.ravel(), bins=[i for i in range(17)], align="left" |
) |
ax[0].set_title("Bits to correct for 3-bit detections") |
ax[1].set_title("Bits to correct for 4-bit detections") |
ax[2].set_title("Bits to correct for 5-bit detections") |
self.pdf.savefig() |
plt.close(f) |
number_report = [ |
f"Number of 3bit Detections: {dist3[dist3==1].sum()}\n", |
f"Number of 4bit Detections: {(1+dist4[dist4==0]).sum()}\n", |
f"Number of 5bit Detections: {dist5[dist5==1].sum()}", |
] |
with open(f"{self.out_detection_stats}", "w") as f: |
f.writelines(number_report) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
print("test") |