import json |
import os |
import numpy as np |
from utils import fileIO,imgproc |
import reports |
import makereports |
from pathlib import Path |
import time |
import re |
coord_file = "config.json" |
a_file = open(coord_file, "r") |
config = json.load(a_file) |
fov = '001' |
z='02' |
def download_azure(): |
if config["isRemote"]=="N" or os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['results_path'],'data')): |
return None |
os.system(config["azure_command"].format(config["raw_data_path"],os.path.join(config['results_path'],'data'))) |
return None |
def check_params(): |
b_findz = len(config['z'])==0 |
b_findfov = len(config['fov'])==0 |
b_findir = len(config['ir'])==0 |
b_findwv = len(config['channel'])==0 |
if config["isRemote"] == "Y": |
files = Path(os.path.join(config['results_path'],'data')).rglob('*.TIFF') |
else: |
files = Path(config['raw_data_path']).rglob('*.TIFF') |
files = list(map(str,files)) |
re_filter = r"(.*)(\d{3})(?=nm).*(\B\d{2})\D(\B\d{3})\D(\B\d{2}\b)" |
param_filter = re.compile(re_filter) |
results = list(map(param_filter.search,files)) |
results =list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x,re.Match), results)) |
if b_findz: |
zs = list(map(lambda x: x.group(5),results)) |
else: |
zs = config['z'] |
if b_findir: |
irs = list(map(lambda x: x.group(3),results)) |
else: |
irs = config['ir'] |
if b_findfov: |
fovs = list(map(lambda x: x.group(4),results)) |
else: |
fovs = config['fov'] |
if b_findwv: |
wvs = list(map(lambda x: x.group(2),results)) |
else: |
wvs = config['channel'] |
if isinstance(results,list) and len(results)>0: |
full_raw_path = results[0].group(1) |
else: |
full_raw_path='' |
return sorted(list(set(zs)),key=int),sorted(list(set(fovs)),key=int),sorted(list(set(irs)),key=int),sorted(list(set(wvs)),key=int),full_raw_path |
def check_dirs(files): |
"""Checks to see if the directories for the files in the list exist. If they dont, then make those directories |
Args: |
files (list[str]): the list of files whose directory paths to create. Needs to be the full, not relative paths |
""" |
if not type(files) == list: |
d = os.path.dirname(files) |
if not os.path.isdir(d): |
os.makedirs(d) |
else: |
for f in files: |
d = os.path.dirname(f) |
if d != "" and not os.path.isdir(d): |
os.makedirs(d) |
download_azure() |
zs,fovs,irs,wvs,full_raw_path = check_params() |
def create_image_stack(): |
out_file = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'imgstack_{fov}_{z}.npy') |
coord_file = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'coord_{fov}_{z}.json') |
check_dirs(out_file) |
fileIO.create_image_stack(os.path.join(full_raw_path,config['raw_image_format']),fov,z,irs,wvs,out_file,coord_file) |
def create_deconvolved_images(): |
in_file = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'imgstack_{fov}_{z}.npy') |
out_file = os.path.join(config['results_path'],'deconvolved',f'deconvolved_{fov}_{z}.npy') |
check_dirs(out_file) |
imgproc._deconvolute(in_file,out_file) |
def create_brightness_report(): |
img_stack = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'imgstack_{fov}_{z}.npy') |
coord_file = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'coord_{fov}_{z}.json') |
out=os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'brightness_report_{fov}_{z}.pdf') |
check_dirs(out) |
makereports.brightness_worker(img_stack,coord_file,out,fov,z) |
def create_focus_report(): |
img_stack = [os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'imgstack_{fov}_{z}.npy')] |
coord_file = [os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'coord_{fov}_{z}.json')] |
out=os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'focus_report_{fov}.pdf') |
out_csv = os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'focus_report_{fov}.csv') |
check_dirs(out) |
makereports.focus_worker(img_stack,coord_file,out,out_csv,fov) |
def compile_focus_reports(): |
in_files = [os.path.join(config['results_path'],f'focus_report_{fov}.csv')] |
output = 'full_report_debug.csv' |
makereports.compile_focus_report(in_files,output=output,irs=irs,wvs=wvs) |
if __name__=='__main__': |
start_time = time.time() |
sub_start_time = time.time() |
create_image_stack() |
sub_end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Image Stack: {sub_end_time-sub_start_time}') |
sub_start_time = time.time() |
create_deconvolved_images() |
sub_end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Deconvolved Stack: {sub_end_time-sub_start_time}') |
sub_start_time = time.time() |
create_brightness_report() |
sub_end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Brightness Report: {sub_end_time-sub_start_time}') |
sub_start_time = time.time() |
create_focus_report() |
sub_end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Focus Report: {sub_end_time-sub_start_time}') |
sub_start_time = time.time() |
compile_focus_reports() |
sub_end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Compiled Focus Report: {sub_end_time-sub_start_time}') |
end_time = time.time() |
print(f'Total Time: {end_time-start_time}') |